HomeMy WebLinkAbout1924 ProceedingsProceedings BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 0 TOMPKINS COUNTY NEW YORK 1924 O E. MORGAN ST. JOHN, Chairman Ithaca, N. Y. FRED L. CLOCK, Clerk Ithaca, N. Y. a O Proceedings BOARD, OF SUPERVISORS TOMPKINS COUNTY NEW YORK 1924 E. MORGAN ST. JOHN, Chairman Ithaca, N. Y. FRED L. CLOCK, Clerk Ithaca, N. Y. GRACE PRINTING COMPANY ITHACA. NEW YORK 1025 ,Quarterly Session Monday, February 11, 1924 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present. The Clerk read a number of claims which, on motion, were reeeivcd and referred to the several proper committees. The Clerk read a communication from the State Board of Health, which was filed. The Clerk read a communication from the State Bureau of I-Iighways, relative to the abolition of certain offices in that de- partment and the transfer of the duties thereof to other branches of the department, which was filed. Moved by Mr. Smiley, that the Chairman appoint a committee of three, including himself, which with the Attorney for ,the Board, are authorized and directed to act for and on behalf of the Board in any highway 'natters that may arise in which the State Bureau of Highways and Tompkins County are mutually concerned. Seconded by Mr. Miller. Carried. The Chairman announced as the other members of such com- mittee, Messrs. Smiley and Pierce. Mr. Patterson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That we, the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, hereby approve the highway map, so Tar as the same applies to' Tompkins County, as set forth in Assembly Bill No. 450, Int. No. 448, introduced by Mr. Cross, and request that the representative from this county in the State Assembly use his best efforts to procure its enactment into Iaw, with such ad- ditions or changes as may be approved by the State Bureau of Highways, and be it further Resolved—That the Clerk be directed to forward a certified 4 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF 'SUPERVISORS copy of this resolution to the Hon. Janes R. Robinson, Asseinbly- man from Tompkins County, to Hon. G. T. Cross and to the, State Bureau of Highways. Seconded by Mr. George. Carried. Sheriff Chas. Green appeared before the Board relative to the employment of an extra turnkey at the jail for night duty, which was referred to the Committee on Correction and Reformation to investigate and report. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll . call. All members present. The Clerk read the petition of the Town' Board of the 'Town of Ulysses to borrow money on the faith and credit of the town, to help pay the town's share of the cost of construction of high- ways constructed in that town under the County and 'Town Sys- tem of Roads in the year 1924. Mr. Townsend offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That the petition of the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses, this day filed, be granted and that the town be authorized to borrow the stun of $5,000.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to pay the town's share of the cost of im- provement of highways, pursuant to §320-A, of the I-Tighway Law. Seconded by Mr. Patterson. Carried. 'l'he Clerk read the petition of the Town Boafd of the Town of Caroline, asking leave to borrow money to pay the town's share of the cost of improvement of highways, under the provisions of §320-A, of the Highway Law. Mr. Whittaker offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: - Resolved—That the petition of the Town Board of Caroline, this day filed, be granted and that the town be authorized to borrow the sum of $4,000.00, or so much thereof as may be neces- sary, to pay the town's share of the cost of improvement of high- ways, pursuant to §320-A, of the Highway Law. OF TOM1'KINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 5 Seconded by 1Ir. Smiley. Carried. The following designations of highways, from the additional mileage allotted to the several towns pursuant to a resolution of this Board adopted August 13, 1923, were made by the super- visors of the following towns: DRYrDEN The highway commencing at West, Dryden, at the terminus of designation No. 8, thence west and northwest to the Lansing Town Line, to meet the road leading east from Asbury, a dis- tance of about 2.4 miles. ENF.I.ELD 1.. The highway commencing at Whipple's Corners and. run- ning thence westerly, a distance of 0.7 mites. 2. .The highway commencing at the corner near Nathan Rum- sey's woods and running thence in a northwesterly direction, a distance of 1.1 miles. 3. The highway commencing at Arthur Bossard's Corners and running thence westerly to Brown's Corners, a distance of 1.0 miles. GROTON The highway commencing at Groton City, at the terminus of designation No. 4-, thence northwest and north to the Cayuga County Line, a distance of about 0.8 miles. :I'1'N.ACA The highway commencing at the western terminus of designa- tion No. 0, and running thence westerly to the Enfield Town Line, a distance of 0.20 miles. ULYSSES 1. The highway commencing at the White Schoolhouse and running thence southerly to -Willow Creek Bridge, a distance of 0.65 _miles. 2. The highway commencing at Steven's Corners, on the County House Road, and running thence southerly to Drum's Corners, a distance of 0.78. miles. 6 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 3. The highway commencing at Fundis' Corners on the Ithaca- Trumansburg Road, and running thence westerly to Michael Terrell's Corners, a distance of 1.75 miles. Mr. Patterson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That the foregoing designations of highways- be accepted and approved and that the same be placed on the county map under the County and Town System of Roads. Seconded by Mr. George. Carried. The several supervisors presented the following list of high- ways for construction in their respective towns under the County and Town System of Roads, for the year 1924: HIGHWAYS FOR CONSTRUCTION IN 1924 County and Town System CAROLINE 1. The top course of crushed stone, etc. of the highway known as the '76 Road, commencing at the terminus of the 1923 con- struction and extending southerly toward Speedsville, a distance of 1.28 miles, being the completion of the 1923 construction. 2. Commencing at the southern terminus of designation No. 1, and extending southerly toward Speedsville, a distance of 0.64 miles. DANBY 1. The top course of crushed stone, etc. of the highway known as the Coddington Road, commencing at the terminus of the 1923 construction and extending southerly along said road, a distance of 1.17 miles. 2. The sub -base of the highway known as the Coddington Road commencing at the southern terminus of designation No. 1, and extending southerly along said road a distance of 1.17 miles. DRYDEN The highway commencing at the western terminus of the 1923 construction and running thence westerly toward the Lansing Town Line, to meet the highway leading east from Asbury, a distance of 2.23 miles: OI' TO:IIPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 7 ENFIELD The highway commencing at the southern terminus.of the 1922 construction and running thence southerly, easterly to Burr Ramsey's Corners, thence southerly toward the Newfield Town Line, a distance of 0.93 miles. GROTON The highway commencing on the State Road leading from Groton to Cortland, northeast of Lafayette's Corners, thence northerly to Groton City, thence northwesterly toward the Cayuga County Line, a distance of 1.59 miles. ITHACA The highway commencing at the western terminus of the 1923 construction, thence running Westerly to the Enfield Town Line, a distance of 1.20 miles. . • LANSING No designation. NEWFIELD The highway commencing at the north terminus of the 1923 construction on the road leading from Newfield to Trumbuli's Corners running thence northerly to the Enfield Town Line, a 'distance of about 0.7 miles. The remaining mileage to be designated later. ULYSSES The highway commencing at Hadley's Corners and running thence easterly toward the White Schoolhouse, a distance of 1.19 miles. - Moved by Mr. Patterson, that, the foregoing designations of highways, as submitted by the several supervisors. of the towns of the county, be approved by this Board as the highways desig gated for improvement -under the .County and Town System of Roads,for the year 1924. Seconded by Mr.. -Tones. Carried, Mr. Patterson offered the following resolution and. moved its adoption: Resolved—That the apportionment of highway moneys to the 8 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF STJPERV,'SORS towns of the county for construction under the County and Town System of Roads for the year 1924, and the grouping of the towns, shall be the same as for the year 1923, and be it further Resolved—That the work of construction shall be under the same direction and the manner of payments znade thereon in the same manner as in 1923, and be it further Resolved—That for highway construction under the County and Town System of Roads in Tompkins County, for the year 1924,.there is hereby appropriated and made immediately avail- able to the several towns of the county, the sums set opposite the names of those towns respectively, as follows: Town State Aid County Aid- Total Caroline $ 3,552.78 $ 6,047.22 $ 9,600.00 Danby 3,247.47 -5,527.53 8,775.00 Dryden 5,776.96 9,833.04 1.5,610.00 Enfield 2,581.32 4,393,68 6,975.00 Groton 3,824.79 6,510.21 10,335.00 Ithaca. 3,108.69 -5,291.31 8,400.00 Lansing 4,222.63 7,187.37 11,410.00 Newfield 3,552.78 6,047.22 9,600.00 Ulysses 2,862.58 4,872.42 7,735.00 $32,730.00 $55,710.00 $88,440.00 Seconded by Mr. Dassance. Ayes -1a. 'Noes—O. Carried. - The Clerk read the following claims for audit, as recommended by the several committees to which they had been referred: T-1, Norton Printing Co., Printing, Sheriff Skilling $ 31.50 2, F. M. Wooley, Fumigating Sheriff's Residence 18.00 3, P. M. Donohue, Plumbing & Repairs, Sheriff's Resi- dence 47.30 4, P. M. Donohue, Plumbing & Repairs, County Jail41.07 5, J. H. Hailey Garage Co., Auto hire, Children's Court 20.15 6, Chas. Green, Sheriff's Expenses 74.49 7, John S. Fonda, Chem. Expert, Dist. Atty - 36.00 8, G. M. Downing, Paper Hanging, Sheriff's Residence 42.35 9, N. Y. State Gas & Elec. Corp., Rental Gas Heaters1.0.00 10, C. J. Rumsey & Co., Oil & Rental of Heaters 5.60 11, Norton Printing Co., Printing, .Dist. Atty 4.50 12, Clinton House,ideals Jurors, Co. Ct. Crim 28.00 , 13, Atkinson Press, Printing, Co. Clerk 6.00 OF TOY PKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 9 14, Norton Printing Co., Enrollment Books, Cour. of. Elections 400.00 15, Atkinson Press, Printing, Surrogate 13.50 16, Atkinson Press, Court Calendars, Co. Clerk 90.00 17, sawyers' Co -Op. Pub. Co., i1 cKinney's Amendments 30.00 18, Jesse R. Keeler, .Elec. Repairs, Co. Clerk 17.07 19, H. J. Bool Co., Repair Furniture, Go. • Clerk 1.25 20, Andrus & Church, Printing Vouchers, Supervisors12.00 21., Andrus & Church. Tax Receipt Books 61_.30 22, Andrus & Church, Town Order Books 8.25 23, Barr Bros. & Co., Supplies, Court House .50 24, Burroughs Adding Machine Co., Maintenance Machines 7/1/24 10.22 25, P. M. Donohue, Plumbing Repairs, Court House43.66 26, P. M. Donohue, installing New Heater, Court Rouse 3,528.22 27, Town of Caroline, County Line Bridge 467.52 28, 2. C. Evans, Expenses, Supt. Highways 318.89 29, T. C. Miller & Sons, Supplies, Supt. Ilighways 5.90 30, A. J. Conlon, Justice, Fees in Felony 27.90 31, John E. Shea, Burial Orlin Wright, Pensioner 75.00 32, Baldwin & Davis, Burial Edward Rose, Pensioner75.00 33, Atkinson Press, Supplies, Co. Treas 28.75 34, Underwood Typewriter Co., Repairs Machine, Co. Treas. 12.50 35, E. M. Perkins, Burial Sylvester Foster, Pensioner75.00 36, P. W. Wood & Son, insurance, Court House & Jail36.00 37, J. II. Bailey Garage Co., Auto hire, Supervisors 40.30 38, J. C. Lason, Constable, Fees in I)oe Cases 26.90 39, J. C. Lason, Gonstable,XFees in Dob Cases 42.85 $5,813.44 Claim No. 1-27, of the Town of Caroline, having been recom- mended by the committee as being audited at a sum less than the amount claimed, moved by Mr. Patterson, that Claim No. 1-27, be audited by the Board at the sura of $467.52, tlia.t being the amount recommended by the committee. Seconded by Mr. Pierce. Ayes -11.. Noes ---0. Carried. Mr. Howell offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That the foregoing bills, amounting to $5,813.44, be audited at the amounts recommended by the committees to which they were referred, and that the County Treasurer be directed 10 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS to pay the same out of any available funds in his hands, and if he has not sufficient funds in his hands with which to pay said amount, he he and hereby is authorized to borrow said amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and to pledge the faith and credit of the county for the payment thereof, in anticipation of taxes to be levied, and that these claims .he certified to .the County 'Treasurer by the Clerk of this Board, for and on behalf of the Board, and be it further Resolved—That the County 'Treasurer be directed to pay Claims Nos. I-38 and 1-39 out of the moneys in his hands in the Dog Fund; and that of Claim No. 1.-5, being expenses of .Children's Court, the sum of $17.50 thereof be charged to the City of Ithaca - and the sum of $2.65 -thereof be charged to the Town of Ithaca; that of Claim No. 1-6, the sum of $5.00 thereof, being Sheriff's Expenses, be charged to the City of Ithaca and the sum of $4.83 thereof, being expenses of Children's Court, be charged to the Town of Newfield, said amounts so charged being properly chargeable to said towns and city, and that the amounts so charged be placed in the budgets of the respective towns and city to which charged, to be collected at the next ensuing tax levy, to reimburse the county. Seconded by Mr. George. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. Minutes of the day's proceedings were read and approved. On motion, adjourned. OF T0MPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 11 To Fred L. Clock, Clerk, . Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County, N. Y. We, the undersigned members of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, N. Y., hereby request you to call a special session of said Board, to be held at the Supervisors' Rooms, in the City of Ithaca, N. Y., on .Friday, April 18, 1924, at 10.30 A. M., to take action on highway matters and to transact any other business that may properly come before said meeting. Dated, April 8, 1924. J. M. TOWNSEND, W. F. GEORGE, ALBERT DASSANCE, LESLIE R..FIERCE, IL A. WII1Ti'AKER, OLEN A. KING, A. S. MILLER, F. D. VAN ORDER, JR., J. W. JONES, W. 0. SMILEY, L. E. PA`I" rERSON, W. J. SIIAVER, S. L. HOWELL, E. MORGAN ST. JOHN. Special Session Friday; April 18, 1924. Roll call. All members present. The Clerk read the call for the special meeting. Mr. George offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: .resolved—That designation No. 1, of highways to be con- structed under the County and Town System of Roads for the Town of Lansing, adopted by this Board April 2, 1921, be hereby rescinded and that said highway be stricken from the Bounty map. Seconded by Mr. Patterson. Carried. Mr. Shaver offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: 12 PROCEEDINGS Or THE BOARD OEC ST FERV[SORS Resolved ---That flee State Commission of Farm and Markets be requested to place a night quarantine on the dogs of Tompkins County during the inoniths of April, May, June, .Tuly, August, September, October and November, from an. hour before sunset to an hour after sunrise, during said period, and be' it further Resolved—That the Clerk forward a certified copy of this resolution to the State Commissioner of Farms and Markets. Seconded by Mr. George. Carried. Air. Patterson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $11,011.11, purchase price of the new steel filing vaults in the County Clerk's and Surrogate's offices, and the further sum of $675.00 for superintending the installation of the saute and altera- tions in building, making a total of $11,686.11, and the Clerk is hereby- directed to issue orders for the payment of said amounts to the parties entitled thereto, upon the written order of the committee having the matter in charge, and the County Treas- urer is hereby directed to pay said orders out of any available funds in his hands, and, if he has not sufficient funds in his hands with whieh to pay said amounts he is hereby authorized and directed to borrow said amotmt, or so much thereof as may be necessary, on the credit of the county and to pledge the. full faith and credit of 'Tompkins County for the payment thereof. Seconded by i\ir. Jones. Ayes -13. Noes --0. Carried. Mr. Patterson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That the resolution of this Board, adopted February 11, 1924,' appropriating, state and county aid to towns for the construction of highways for the year 1924, under the County and Town System of Roads, be hereby rescinded. Seconded by Mr. 'hittaker. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried, Mr. Patterson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: 1WIIER.Eas—The cost of improvement of highways has become so excessive that it is placing too great a burden upon the tax- payers of this country and this Board believes that the construe- OP TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 13 tion' of highways under the County and Town System of Roads should be curtailed, so far as practicable, until such a time as the _cost of labor and materials are materially reduced, therefore be it Rea°luetl—Tat the number of miles of road to be constructed in the towns of Tompkins County for the year 1924, under said system, be reduced from the 12.50 miles as heretofore allotted, to 9.25 miles, proportionately apportioned among the respective towns as follows: "Caroline 095 miles Danby 0 86 miles Dryden. 165 miles Enfield 0 69 miles Groton 1.18 miles Ithaca 0 89 miles Lansing 120 miles Newfield 0 95 miles Ulysses 0 88 miles and be it further Resolr;erl—That the groi.aping of the town shall be the same as heretofore and the apportionment of the highway moneys for the construction of the reduced mileage shall •be on the sante basis as in the year 1923, and be it further I Usol.Uerl—.That the work of construction shall be under the sante direction and payments made thereon in the same manner as in the year 1923, and be it further 1icsola;ed-That for highway construction in Tompkins County for 1924, under the County and 'Town Systema of Roads, there be and hereby is appropriated and made immediately available to the several towns of the county, the sums set opposite the names of those towns respectively, as follows: Town State Aid County Aid Total Caroline $ 3,562.50 $ 3,562.50 $ 7,125.00 Danby ... 3,225.00 3,225.00 6,450.00 Dryden 5,777.50 5,777.50 11,555.00 En Field 2,587.50 2,587.50 5,175.00 Groton ' 3,835.00 3,835.00 • 7,670.00 1.thaea 3,117.50 3, 6,235.00 Lansing . 4,2.02.50 4,202.50 8,405.00 Newfield" .. 3,562.50 3,562.50 7,125.00 Ulysses ... . 2,860.00 2,860.00 5,720.00 $32,730.00 $32,730.00 $65,460.00 14 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Seconded by Mr. Smiley. Ayes -8. Noes ---5. Carried. , Mr. Patterson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That the designations of highways for construction in 1924, under the County and Town System of. Roads, as made by the Supervisors of the respective towns on February 11, 1924, be •hereby amended to read as follows: CAROLINE 1. The top course of bituminous macadam on the highway known as the '76 road, commencing at Station 67 + 50, and ex- tending southerly toward Speedsville, a distance of 4,900 feet, being the completion of 1923 construction: 2. Commencing at the southern terminus of designation No. 1, and extending southerly toward Speedsville, a distance of 2,566 feet. -DANBY 1. The top course of bituminous macadam, commencing at Station 37 =, 00, on the Coddington Road, and extending southerly toward the Caroline Town Line, a distance of 7,706 feet, being the completion of 1923 construction. 2. The sub -base for a bituminous top, commencing at Station 114 + 06, on the Coddington Road and extending southerly toward the Caroline Town Line, a distance of 1,375.60 feet. DRYDEN 1. The highway commencing at Station . 50 + 50, on the Freeville-West Dryden Road, and leading toward West Dryden, a distance of 8,712 feet. ENFIELD 1. The top course of bituminous macadam, commencing, at Station 52 + 80, on the Wallenbeck's Corners -Newfield Town Line Road and leading toward the Newfield Town Line, a dis- tance of 2,275 feet, being the completion of 1922 construction.. 2. The highway commencing at Station 75 + 55, on the high- way designated in No. 1, and extending toward the Newfield Town Line, a distance of 2,505 feet. O1° TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 15 0-ROTON 1. The highway commencing on the State Road leading from Groton to Cortland, northeast of Lafayette Schoolhouse and leading toward Groton City, a distance of 6,230 feet. ITIIACA 1. The top course of bituminous macadam on the highway commencing at Tourtellott's Corners, on the Humboldt Street extension and leading toward the Enfield Town Line, a distance of 8,350 feet, being the completion of 1923 construction. 2. The highway commencing at Station 83 + 50, on the high- way designated in No. 1, and extending toward the Enfield Town Line, a distance of 524 feet. LANSING 1. The highway commencing at Station 140 + 19, on the highway leading north from Lansingville Corners, thence north toward Drake's Corners, a distance of 5,280 feet. 2. The highway commencing at the hamlet of Lake Ridge on State Route No. 11, thence leading toward Lake Ridge Station, a distance of 1,056 feet. NEWFIELD 1. The top course of bituminous macadam of the highway commencing at Station 53 -j- 50 on the Newfield-T'rumbull's Corners highway and leading toward the Enfield Town Line, a distance of 4,150 feet, being the completion o1'. 1923 construction. 2. The highway commencing at Station 95 + 00, on the- New- field-Trumbull's Corners highway and leading to the Enfield Town Line, a distance of 960 feet. 3.. The highway commencing at Station 52 + 80, on the New- field Station -Newfield Village highway and leading toward New- field Village, a distance of .1,981 feet. ULYSSES 1. The highway commencing at Hadley's Corners and leading toward the White Schoolhouse, a distance of 4,646 feet. Seconded by Mr. King. Carried. The Clerk read the petition of the Town Board of the Town 16 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS of I ansing, asking authority to borrow money to aid the town in paying its share of the cost of improvement of highways under the. County and Town System of Roads. ?Jr. George offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That the petition of the Town Board of the TOW11 of .Lansing be granted and that the town be authorized to borrow, on the faith and credit of the town, the suin of :10,000.00, or so much' thereof as may be necessary, to pa.y the town's. share of. the cost of improvement of County and Town Roads pursuant to §320-A, of the Highway Law-, in accordance with the petition of the Tow=n Board of said town, this day filed. Seconded by \'Ir. Rowell. Carried. Moved by \Ir. Dassanee, that when the present policies of insurance on the motor trucks allotted to the towns expire, such insurance, both fire and liability, shall be effected and carried by the respective towns. Seconded by Mr. Patterson. Carried. ;Ur. Patterson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:. Resolved --That the resolution adopted by this Board on April 2, 1921, relative to the manner and conditions under which high- ways may he constructed in the towns of the county, and state .and county aid paid thereon, under the County and Town System of Roads, is hereby amended as follows: 1. No town shall improve more mileage than allotted to it - in any one year and receive_eounty aid thereon that year: 2. In the event of any town refusing or failing to accept the whole, or any part, of the highway moneys appropriated to it in any one year as State and County Aid, and to provide for the payment of its share of the cost of construction, then the moneys so refused, or not accepted, shall be re -appropriated to the General Construction Fund under the County and Town System of Roads, and be re -apportioned among the several towns of the county for construction the following year, under said system. 3. All crushed stone used -in construction, re -construction, re - topping, re -surfacing, or maintenance, shall be hard stone, free from dust, dirt or shale. OI' TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 17 4. All binder, or soft binder, used in construction, re-construc- tion, re-topping, re-surfacing or maintenance, shall be asphalt. 5. In all construction, re-construction or re-topping, not to exceed 21/2 gallons of asphalt shall be applied per square yard. 6. In all re-surfacing or maintenance,. not to exceed 1/2 gallon of asphalt shall be applied per square yard. 7. All binder shall be applied at a minimum temperature of 300°F, and all soft binder shall be applied at a minimum tempera- ture of 270°F, per square yard. Seconded by 11'1_r. Pierce. Carried. Minutes of the clay's proceedings were read a.ncl approved. 'there being no further business to come before the Board, on motion, adjourned. 18 PROCEEDINGS OF TIIE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Quarterly Session Monday, May 12, 1924 MORNING SESSION • Roll call. All members present, except M. Van Order. The Cleric read a number of claims, which were received and referred to the proper committees. The Clerk read a petition of the Town Board. of the Town of Ulysses, asking leave to construct 52/100 miles of highway, in addition to the amount already allotted to that town for con- struction in 1924, which was received and referred to_ the Com- mittce on Highways, to report forthwith. Mr. Patterson, Chairman of the Committee on Highways, to which was referred the petition of the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses, offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: - Resolved—That in the event that any town shall build in any one year .and at its own expense, additional mileage of highways, such highways, so constructed at .the sole expense of the town, shall be accepted by the county and maintained in the same man- ner as all roads built under the County and Town System of Roads, provided that said highways were constructed under the supervision of the County Superintendent of Highways and in a.ceordance with the rules, regulations and specifications govern- ing the construction of highways under said system, but under no circumstancs, shall any allowance be made to any town for any cost of construction of any such highway and be it further Resolved—That no maintenance moneys shall be paid • on any such highway until there is filed with this Board, and accepted.by it, the certificate of the County Superintendent of Highways, that said highway was constructed under his supervision and in ac- cordance with the rules, regulations and specifications governing the construction of highways under the County and Town System of Roads. Seconded by Mr. Townsend. Carried. OF TOM:PKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 19 . Mr. Pierce offered the following resolution and moved its. adoption Resolved—That the Sheriff:•be authorized to appoint an assistant turnkey for the jail and that his salary be fixed at the sum of $500.00 per annum, payable monthly, and be it further Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated, as of January 1, .1924, the sum of $500.00 to meet such payments for the year 1924. Seconded by Mr. George. Ayes -12. Noes -0. Carried. Representatives of the Village of Newfield appeared before the_ Board and requested county aid in the construction, within the corporate limits of that village, of the highway leading westerly from Newfield Station to its intersection with State highway No. 5214. On motion, the matter was referred to the Committee on Iligh- ways to investigate and report. Messrs. A. F. Armstrong, of the Atlantic Refining Co. and Wm. Sliter, of the -Standard Oil Co., discussed the use of asphalt in the construction and maintenance of highways. The Clerk read. a communication from the .Department of Farms and Markets, relative to the quarantine of dogs, which was filed. AFTERNOON SESSION Roil call. All members present, 11Ir. Patterson offered the following resolution- and moved its adoption : • Resolved—That there be constructed or improved, under the provisions of §320-E, of the Highway Law, that portion or section within the incorporated Village of Newfield,. of 'the County and Town highway leading from Newfield Station, westerly, to its intersection with State Highway No. 5214, at the joint expense of the county and village. That the portion of the cost of con- struction or improvement to be borne by the county shall he 70% 20 PROCEEDINGS OF TIIE BOAR[) OF SUPERVISORS and that the portion of the cost to be borne by the, village shall be 30%, but the total cost to be borne by the country shall not exceed at the total rate of.$1,0,000.00 per mile, all cost in excess of the rate of $10,00O.00rper mile to be borne by the village, and be it further Resolved—That the construction or improvement of said high- way and the manner of payments thereon, shall he governed by the same rules, regulations and specifications as govern the con- struction and payments of highways built under the County and Town. System of Roads, and be it further Resolved—'That there be and hereby is appropriated and made immediately available 70% of the cost of construction or im- provement of said highway, as hereinabove specified, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay said amount from county funds, at the time and in the same manner as moneys are paid to towns for the construction or improvement of highways under the County and Town System of Roads, except that the moneys shall be paid to the Village of Newfield instead of to the supervisor of the town, upon the compliance by the Village of Newfield with the provisions of said §320-.E, of the highway Law, and he it further Resolved—That in the event the County Treasurer has not sufficient funds in his hands available to pay the county's share of the cost of construction of said highway, he be and hereby is authorized and directed to borrow said amount, .or so much thereof as may be necessary, and to pledge the faith and credit of the county for the payment of moneys so borrowed, in anticipa- tion of taxes to be levied and collected. Seconded by Mr. George. Ayes -12. Noes -0. .Carried. Mi'. Patterson offered the following resolution and nroveal its adoption: Resolved That for highway maintenance under the County and Town System or Roads •for the year 1924, there is hereby appropriated and made immediately available from the motor vehicle funds and .from the moneys appropriated for the. main- tenance of ]-iighways constructed under the County and Town System of Roads, now in the hands of. the County Treasurer, to the following towns of .the county, the stuns set opposite the -Aames of. those towns respectively, or.so much thereof as may be necessary, as follows: OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 21 Caroline $ 3,21.9.70 Dandy . 6,000.00 Dryden 6,000.00 Enfield 7,120.00 Groton 6,353.20 Ithaca 900.00 Lansing 2,000.00 Ulysses 6,000.00 $37,592.90 and be it further Resolves—That the sums so appropriated, or so much thereof as may be necessary, shall constitute the entire cost of main- tenance in each town to which appropriated, and be it further Resolved—That of the moneys so appropriated, the same shall be expended in the several towns of the county, as follows: CAROLINE 1. For surface treatment of :1.690 feet on Harford Roacl $ 219.70 2. For resurfacing 0.50 miles on the '76 Road leading south from Caroline Center• 3,000.00 $3,219.70 DANBY 1. For resurfacing 1.00 mile on the Highway leading southwest from the hamlet of Danby $6,000.00 DRYDEN 1. For resurfacing 1.00 mile on the highway leading south from McLean $6,000.00 ENFIELD 1. For resurfacing 1.00 anile on the highway from Rollison's Corners to Aiken's Corners $6,000.00 2. For resurfacing 1,000 feet on the Trumbull's Corners road 1,120.00 $7,120.00 22 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS GROTON 1. For resurfacing 1.00 mile of the highway leading north from McLean $6,000.00 2. For surface treatment of 0.50 miles on the high • - way leading from State Highway No. 926, easterly past Peruton 353.20 $6,353.20 ITHACA 1. For surface treatment of 1.00 mile on the Lodding- ton Road $ 900.00 LANSING For resurfacing 2.50 miles of the highway leading east from North Lansing toward Locke $2,000.00 ULYSSES For resurfacing 0.75 miles of the highway leading from Trumansburg toward Waterburg ' $4,500.00 . For resurfacing 0.25 miles of the highway .leading from Jacksonville toward Mekeel's Corners1,500.00 $6,000.00 and be it further Resolved—That all cost of maintenance in the several towns, over and above the amounts hereinabove specified and appro- priated, shall be borne by the respective towns, and be it further Resolved—That of the moneys so appropriated, the same shall be controlled and expended pursuant to the resolutions, rules and regulations adopted by this Board, and be it further Resolved—That the County Treasurer is Hereby authorized and directed to pay to the Supervisors of the towns entitled .thereto, the moneys hereinabove appropriated, or so much thereof as may be necessary, in the same manner as moneys are paid to .the towns for the improvement of highways constructed under the County and Town System of Roads, as provided by a resolu- tion of this Board adopted February 11, 1924. O1 TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK Seconded by Mr. Whittaker.' Ayes -12. Noes 0. Carried. 23 The Clerk read the following claims for audit, as recommended by the several committees to which they had been referred: I-40, Stover Printing Co., Printing, Co. 'Teas $ 22.25 41, Rothschild Bros., Supplies,, Co. Treas .68 42, Cornell Publication Co., Printing, Supt. Highways 3.25 43, Barr Bros. Co., Wire fencing, Highways, Rights of way • .60.00 44, P. W. 'Wood & Son, Fire Insurance, Motor trucks165.38 45, Stover Printing Co., Printing, Supt. Highways6.25 46, F. C. Evans, Expenses, Supt. Highways 207.50 47, J. "W. Judd, Services, Jail Physician 80.00 48, Irene M. Doyle, Expenses, Dist. Atty 14.15 49, F. M. Jenks,.Extracting teeth, Jail inmate 3.00 50, Stover Printing Co., Letterheads, Dist. Atty 26.50 51, A. C. Goff, Auto hire (1.924) Sheriff 60.00 52, Treman, King & Co., Motor, Co. Jail 15.00 53, Treman, King & Co., Repairing range, Co. Jail1.50 54, P. W. Wood & Son, Insurance, Co. Jail 60.00 55, F. W. Phillips, Insurance, Co. Jail 30.00 56, Barr Bros. Co., Materials, Co. Jail .32 57, Driscoll Bros. Co., Window screens, Co. Jail 16.70 58, Louise H. Williams, Copying, Dist. Atty 5.00 59, Davis -Brown Co., Elec. repairs, Co.,Jail 4.90 60, Clinton House, Board jurors, Co. Ct. Crim 63.25 61, J.H. Bailey Garage Co., Auto hire (1924) Sherif23.05 62, J. H. Bailey Garage Co., Auto hire (1924) Sheriff86.12' 63, J. 11. Bailey Garage Co., Auto hire (1924) Sheriff190.15 64, J. H. Bailey Garage Co., Auto hire (1924) Sheriff82.30 65, J. 11. Bailey Garage Co., Auto hire, Dist.. Atty 42.80 66, Chas. Green, Expenses, Sheriff 154.14 67, E. P. Bouton, Insurance, County •home 159.25 68, J. B. Lang Co., Materials, Co. Home ' 22.49 69, Robinson & Carpenter, Materials, Co. Horne 308.22 70, Davis -Brown Co., Elec. repairs & materials, Co. Home 543.30 71, J. B. Lang Co., Labor & materials, Go. Home 25.92 72, E. J. Carpenter, Labor, Co. Home 389.10 73, N. Y. State Geis & Elec. Corp., Elec. Motors, Co. Home - 311.00 74, J. B. Lang Co:, Labor, ' Co. Home 31.92 75, E. M. Ru.msey & Son, Sand & gravel, Co. Home21.00 24 PROCEEDINGS OF TfiE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 76, J. B. Lang Co., Materials,' Co. Horne 20.00 77, Barr Bros. Co., Materials, Co. Horne 11.26 78, E. A. Snow, Labor & materials, Co. Home 20.77 79, Treman, King Co., Sash for• barn, Co. J]ome 20.10 80, F. S. Bower, Insurance, Co. Home 142.50 81,. J. W. Judd, Ex. in lunacy 10.00 82, F. D. Gilbert, Burial Fred. A: Terwilliger 75.00 83, F. D. Gilbert, Burial Edward Burch 75.00 84, Andrus & Church, Record book, Surrogate 36.00 85, Barr Bros. Co., Materials, Surrogate's office 7.09 86, Barr Bros. Co., Materials, Co. Clerk's office 18.40 87, D. N. Van Hosen, Insurance, Co. Clerk's building15.00 88, H. A. St. John, Insurance, Co. Clerk's building20.00 89, H. J. Grant, Insurance, Co. Clerk's building • 20.00 90, C. B. Stanion & Son, Insurance, Co. Clerk's building 20.00 91, J. C. Grim, Board jurors, Sup. Ct. Civil 119.75 92, F. H. Higgins, Material & labor, Co. Clerk's • building 62.95 93, Reynolds & Drake. Labor, Co. Clerk's building.... 4.30 94, Tremae, King & Co., Labor, Co. Clerk's building.. 8.50 95, Reynolds & Drake, Labor, Surrogate's office 6.00 96, T. G. Miller & Sons, Election supplies 1.4.81 97, Brandow Printing Co., Election supplies 50.30 98, Milo Ribbon & Carbon Co., Election supplies 3.75 99, T. J. Crowley, Election Printing 10.00 100, Norton Printing Co., Election Printing 403.50 101, Ithaca. Journal -News, Election Notices 6.09 102, Stover Printing Co., Printing blanks, Co. Clerk56.00 103, Atkinson Press, Printing blanks, Surrogate 25.00 104, Atkinson Press, Court Calendars, Co. Clerk 98.00 105, Jamieson -McKinney Co., Plurebing, Co. Clerk 's building 12.90 . 106, Chas. N. Smart, Supplies, Co. Clerk 8.00 107, A. N. Bennett, Ass'd Wm. H. Baker, Repairing flag pole, Co. Clerk 22.50 108, C. B. Clark, Trucking safes 117.20 109, Davis -Brown Co., Elec. wiring, Court House 16.70 110, W. 0. Smiley, Expenses & disbursements 29.24 111, Forest City Plumbing Co., Plumbing repairs, Court House 8.90 112, Leroy P. Burnham, Percentage, Soldier's Memorial 715.00 113, Stover Printing Co., Printing, etc., Supervisors... 169.95 114, H. A. Carey Co., Insurance, Court House 60.00 115, Ithaca Realty Co., Insurance, Court House 24.00 116, Squire & Squire, Insurance, Court House 15.00 117, T. H. Davenport, Insurance, Court house , 30.00 118, Leslie R. Pierce, Expenses & disbursements 32.69 .119, Barr Bros. Co., Supplies, Court House 5.40 120, Davis -Brown Co., Elec. supplies, Court House 1.62 O.F TOMI'KINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 25 121, W. L. Jenks & Son, Repairs, Court House 7.03 :1.22, Max Kluebert, Repairing furniture, Court House49.25 123, R. C. Osborne & Co., Supervisors' supplies, 1923109.19 1.24, Davis -Brown Co., Elec. supplies, Court Rouse34.50 125, Davis Brown Co., Elec. supplies, Court House 2.00 126, Davis -Brown Co., Elec. repairs, Court House 10.00 127, J. II. Bailey Garage Co., Auto hire, Supervisors9.85 128, The Corner Bookstores, Supplies, Supervisors3.00 129, Fred L. Clock, Expenses & disbursements 66.34 130, M. N. Cleveland, Labor, etc., Co. Clerk's building, 351.61 131, E. M. Perkins, Burial John V. McIntyre 75.00 132, E. T. Stewart & Son, Burial Martha E. Weeks75.00 133, 1'. W. Wood & Son, insurance, Auto liability 287.50 134, A. C. -Goff, Auto hire, Sheriff 90.80 $7,056.63 Mir. Howell offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That the foregoing claims, amounting to the sum of $7,056.63, be audited by this Board at the several amounts recom- mended by the committees to which referred, and that the County Treasurer be directed to pay the same out of any available funds in his hands, and if he has not sufficient funds in his hands with which to pay the same, he be and hereby is authorized to borrow said amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and to pledge the faith and credit of the county for the payment of the amount so borrowed, in anticipation of taxes to be levied, and that these claims be certified to the County Treasurer by the Clerk of. this Board, for and on behalf of the Board, and be it further Resolved—That the County Treasurer be directed to pay Claiin No. I-43, amounting to $60.00 out of the moneys appropriated for securing rights of way. That of Claims Nos. 1-44, I-133, there be charged to the several towns the amount of premiums for insurance on the motor trucks allotted to those towns respec- tively. That Claim No. 1-81, amounting to $10.00, be charged to the City of Ithaca. That of Claim No. 1-51, there be charged to the Town of Newfield the sum of $6.60 and to the City of Ithaca, the sum of $12.80. That of Claim No. 1-62, there be charged to the Town of Caroline the sura of $16.50. That of Claim NO. 1-63, there be charged to the Town of Caroline the sum of $6.75; to the Town of Dryden the sum of $9.50; to the Town of Enfield the sum of $17.05; to the Town of .Ithaca the sum of $23.10; to the Town of Lansing the sum of $19.10; to the Town of Newfield the sum of. $2.35; to the Town of Ulysses the sum of $20.75 and to the City of Ithaca the sum of $7.00. That 26 PROCEEDINGS OF 'ME BOARD OF SIIPERVISOR:S .of Claim No. I-64, there be charged to the Town of Caroline:the 'stun of $5.50; to the Town of Lansing the smn• of. $13.70 and to ..the City of Ithaca the sum of $0.65. That of Claim No. 1-65; _there be charged to the 'Town of Groton the sum of $8.60 and to : the Town of Lansing the sum of $4.00. That of Claim No: 1-66, there be charged •to the 'Town of Dryden the sum of $8.05;`.to the Town of Groton the sum of $2.30; to the Town- of Ithaca the sum of $4.1.0; to the Town'of Lansing the sum of $14.25 and to the City of Ithaca the sum of $60.00. That of Claim No. 1-134, _there he charged to the Town of. Dryden the sum of $15.00; to the Town of Enfield the sura of $2.40; to tlie•Town of Ithaca the stem of $2.40-; to the Town of Lansing the. sum of $21.00; to the Town of Newfield the sum of $0.90 and to the Town of Ulysses •the sum of $4.90. Said amounts as herein charged being properly . chargeable to said towns and city respectively, and that said amounts, so charged, be placed in the budgets of the respective towns and city, to be collected at the next ensuing tax levy to reimburse the county for moneys expended for and on behalf of said towns and city. Seconded by Mr. Smiley. Awes ---13. Noes -0: Carried. 'Minutes of the day's proceedings were read and approved. There being no further business to conte before. the meeting, On Motion, adjourned. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 27 Quarterly Session Monday, August 11, 1924 MORNING SESSION Roll Ball. All members present, except Mr. Miller. The Clerk read- a number of claims which, on motion, were received and referred to the proper committees. The Clerk read the petition of the Town 'Board of the Town of Groton to borrow money to help pay the town's share -of the cost of construction of County and Town Highways, under the pro- visions .of §320-A, of the Highway Law. 142r. Jones offered the following resolution and moved its ad option Resolved—That the petition of the 'Town Board of the 'Town of Groton, this day filed, be granted and that the town be au- thorized to borrow, on the faith and credit of the town, the sum of $5,000.00, or so iiiueh thereof as niay be necessary, to pay the town's share of the cost of improvement of County and Town Highways and to issue certificates of indebtedness therefor, pur- suant to §320A, of the Highway Law. - Seconded by Mr. George. Carried. The Clerk read the petition of the Town Board of the. Town of Lansing to borrow money to help pay for the cost of construc- tion of bridges in said town. 11Ir. George offered the- following resolution and moved. its adoption: Resolved—That the petition of the Town Board of the Town of Lansing be granted and that the town be authorized to borrow, on the faith and credit of the town, the sum of $4,138.78, to help pay •for the cost of construction of bridges in said town, in ac- cordance with a petition of said town board this- day filed. Seconded by Mr. Smiley. Carried. 28 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS The Clerk read the petition of the Town Board of the Toto of Danby to borrow money to help pay the town's share of the cost of construction of County and 'Town Highways, under the provisions of §220-A, of the highway Law. Idir. Smiley offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That the petition of the Town Board of the 'Town of Danby be granted and that the town be authorized to borrow, on the faith and credit of the. town, the sutra of $2,000.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to pay the town's share of the cost of improvement of County and Town Highways and to issue certificates of indebtedness therefor, pursuant to 1320-A, of the Highway Law. Seconded by Mr. George. Carried. Mr. Dassatrce offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: AN ACT authorizing the Town of Newfield, in the County of Tompkins, State of New York, to borrow money and issue its bonds therefor, for the purpose of paying the cost of construction of a bridge in such town on State Highway No. 5214, where it crosses the West Branch of the Cayuga. Inlet in the Village of Newfield. Passed on the 11th. day of August, .1924, two-thirds of all the supervisors elected to the Board of Supervisors of such county voting in favor thereof. The Board of. Supervisors of the County of Tompkins. New York, in pursuance of the authority conferred by Section 97 of the Highway Law, and the acts amendatory thereof, and in pur- suance of the provisions of Sections 12 and 1.4 of the County Law, and of Sections 6, 7, 8,.9 and 10 of the General Municipal Law, and in pursuance of the provisions of the Town Law and Flection Law applicable thereto, do enact as follows: WIIEttEAS--The town bridge in the Town of Newfield, Tomp- kins County, New York, on State Highway No. 5214, where it crosses the West Branch of Cayuga Inlet in the Village of New- field, has heretofore been condemned by the State highway Bureau as being unsafe, and notices thereof were duly given to all the proper officers, as provided by §22 of the .Highway Law; and OI` TOMFP.KINS COTJNTY, NEW YORK 29 W1LE1 Ens—The amount necessary to be expended for the con- struction. of a new bridge was in excess of. $6,000.00, to -wit: the sum of $8,000.{)0, and being in excess of the amount allowed by law for a town. board to expend in .the construction of bridges, unless authorized by a vote of a town meeting; and l\T .J RIAS Upon the written application of the Town Super- intendent of Highways, duly filed with the Town Clerk of said Town of Newfield, and pursuant to statute, a special town meet- ing of the qualified electors of the said. Town of Newfield was drily called for the purpose of voting on the question or proposi- tion "Shall the Town of Newfield,'Tompkins County, New York, borrow on the faith and credit of the town, the sum of Eight Thousand Dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the construction of a netiv bridge on State Highway No. 52]4, where it crosses the West Branch of the Cayuga Inlet in the Village of. Newfield,' and to issue town bonds for the payment of said amonnt so borrowed, said bonds conditioned for the pay- ment of $2,000.00 of principal, witli interest in the year 1925, and 42,0{10.00 of principal, with interest, each succeeding year thereafter nnt,il the whole amount, both principal and interest, is paid, and that there shall he raised by the levy of .a tax upon the taxable property of said town in each year while said bonds, lar any of them, are outstanding and unpaid, a sum sufficient to pay the interest on said bonds as it becomes due and payable and also sufficient to pay the respective installments of principal of said bonds as the same become due and payable, which said surras shall be assesed, levied arid collected upon the taxable property in said town at the same time and in the same manner as other taxes are, assessed, levied and collected", and said special town meeting was duly held in said Town of Newfield on July 25, 1924; and %'Vrr> REAS—At said special town meeting, so held, the whole number of votes cast were twenty-four, of which twenty votes were in the affirmative and four votes were in the negative, and it appearing that the result of said election was thereafter ap- proved, ratified and confirmed by the Town Board of said 'Town of Newfield; and \VitEREns-111 acts, conditions and things required to exist, to happen and to be performed precedent to and in the holding of said special town meeting, have existed, have happened and have been performed in due time, form and manner as required by law; and VVr1ERRns—'The Town. Board of said Town of Newfield has made application to this Board for authority to borrow money in r 30 PROCEEDINGS Ok` TIIE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS the sum of Eight Thousand Dollars upon the credit of said town and to issue town bonds therefor, for the purpose of paying the cost of constructing a bridge iu such town on State Highway No. 5214, where it crosses the West Branch of the Cayuga Inlet in the Village of Newfield; and l\TFEEREAs—There accompanied said application a. statement, signed by a majority of the members of the Town Board of said town, and certified by the Town Clerk of said town, containing a copy of the proposition submitted, the vote for and against the same, and specifying the amount which it is estimated will be. required to be expended ,pursuant to such proposition,, which amount is the sum of. Eight Thousand Dollars, pursuant to the . provisions of Section 97 of the Highway Law; and WHER .s ----The assessed valuation of the real estate of the said Town of Newfield, Tompkins County, New York, as it appears on the last assessment rolls thereof, is the sum of $835,282.00, and the amount of bonds thereof or other indebtedness, issued and outstanding under any previous or other authority than this - Board, amounts to nothing; now therefore, be it Resolved --That the Town of Newfield, in the County of Tomp- kins and State of New York, be and is hereby authorized and empowered to issue its bonds upon the credit of such town to an amount not to exceed the sum of Eight Thousand Dollars, and' to sell or cause the same to be sold at not less than their par value to the highest bidder at. a rate not to exceed five (5) per. cent per annum, for the purpose of paying the cost and expenses' of the construction of such bridge; and be it further Resolved—That said bonds shall be of the denomination of $1,000.00 each, to be numbered consecutively from one to eight and to be dated September 15, 1924. Bonds Nos. 1 and 2 to become due and payable on September 15, 1925 and $2,000.00 of said bonds to become due and payable in numerical order on September 15th, of each and every year thereafter until all are. paid. All of said bonds to bear interest at a rate not to exceed 5 per cent per annum, payable semi-annually .on the 15th days of March and September of each year. That said bonds be coupon bonds, with the privilege of registration; and that said bonds, both principal and interest thereon, be made payable in gold coin of the United States of America of the present standard weight and fineness or its equivalent in lawful money of the United States, at the Tompkins County National Bank, at Ithaca, New York, in New York exchange, or at the Chase National Bank, in the City and State of New York, at the option of the holder; and be it further or TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 31. Resolved` That such bonds shall be signed by the Supervisor of the Town and sealed Tand signed by the Town Clerk of said Town of Newfield and the interest coupons attached thereto shall be signed by the said Supervisor and said Town Clerk, .and that " the Supervisor of such town shall negotiate such bonds according to law and as herein provided, and that he shall apply the pro- ceeds of the sale thereof to the payment of the cost and expense . of such construction. That the said Supervisor before issuing or negotiating any of said bonds shall make and execute in behalf of and for the benefit of .such town, a good and sufficient bond or obligation in the penal sum of Eight Thousand Dollars, conditioned for the faithful performance of his duties in issuing such bonds and the lawful application of the funds which may be realized by ,the sale thereof, and of the funds that may be - raised by tax or otherwise for the payment of .the bonds issued in pursuance of this act, and the interest thereon, which ma.y come into his hands. Such bond or obligation :so rn.ade by the said Supervisor, shall be approved by the town board of such_ town and filed in the office of the Town Clerk; and be it futile/. Resolved—That before any of the bonds authorized -by this act shall be issued, the Supervisor of the Town of Newfield shall advertise for sealed proposals for the amount of said bonds so authorized to be issued, such advertisement to be published for two consecutive weeks prior to such issue in the two official news- papers published in the County of Tompkins, New York, desig- nated by this Board to publish election notices, etc.; and be it further Resolved—That there shall be raised by the levy of a tax upon the taxable property of the said Town of Newfield in each year while said bonds, or any of them, are outstanding and unpaid, a sum sufficient to pay the interest on said bonds as it becomes due and payable and also sufficient to pay the respective install- ments of principal of said bonds as the same become due and payable, which .said sums shall be assessed, levied and collected upon the taxable property in said town at the same time a.nd in the same manner as other town taxes are assessed, levied and collected; and be it further Resolved—That said bonds and the coupons attached. thereto shall be substantially in the following form, to -wit: 32. PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF ,SUPERVISORS No. UNITEI) STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF TOIIIPKINS TOWN OF NEWFIELD BRI.DGE BOND $1,{IUU.0U KNOW ALL MEN BV TI -HESE PRESENTS. That the Towit of Newfield, a municipal corporation, in the County of Tompkins and State of New York, for value received, hereby acknowledges itself indebted and hereby promises to par to bearer, or if. this bond is registered, to the registered holder thereof, the principal sum of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($1,000.00) on the 1.5th clay of September, 19...., with interest thereon at the rate of per centum per annum, payable semi-annually on the 15th days of March a.nd September each year on presentation and surrender of the respective interest coupons hereto attached; both principal and interest being payable in gold coin of the United States of America of the present standard weight and fineness or its equivalent in lawful money of the United States, at the Tompkins County National Bank, at Ithaca, New York, in New York Es - change, or at the Chase National Bank, in the City and State of New York, at the option of the holder. . This bond is one of a series of bonds of like date, tenor and amount, but maturing serially in the order of their numbers, aggregating the sum of Eight Thousand Dollars, and is issued for the purpose of paying the cost and expenses of constructing a bridge in said Town of Newfield on State Highway No. 5214, where it crosses the vest, Branch of the Cayuga Inlet in the Village of Newfield, and in pursuance of and in strict conformity with the Constitution and statutes of the State of New York, including Section 97 of the Highway Law, the provisions of the County Law, the General Municipal Law, the .Town Law and the Election Law applicable thereto, and pursuant to acts of the 'Town Board and Town Officials of the Town of Newfield, and pursuant to acts and resolutions of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, Nev York, passed on the lith clay of August, 1924, by a two-thirds vote of all the supervisors elected to the Board of Supervisors of said county. This bond may be converted into a registered bond in accord- ance with the pro -visions of the Generalllunieipal Law. It is hereby certified, recited and declared that all acts, con- • OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 33 ditions and things required to exist, to happen and to be per- formed precedent to and in the. issuance of this .bond, have' existed, have happened and have been performed in due time, form and manner as required by law; that the amount of this bond, together with all other indebtedness of said Town, does not exceed any limit prescribed by the, Constitution or statutes of the State of New York; that provision has been duly made for the levy and collection of an. annual tax sufficient to pay the principal and interest of this bond as they respectfully become due and payable, and that the full faith, credit and resources of the Town of - Newfield, Tompkins County, New, York, are hereby irrevocably pledged for the punctual payment of the principal and interest of this bond. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said 'Town of Newfield has caused this bona to be signed by its Supervisor and signed and scaled by the Town Clerk, and the coupons hereto attached to be signed by the lithographed fac-simile signatures of said Super= visor and said Town Clerk, and this bond to be dated the 15th day of September, 1924. TOWN OF NEWFIELD, TOIIP.KTNS COUNTY, N. Y., By Supervisor Town Clerk (Form of Coupon) No. The Town of Newfield, in the County of Tompkins, N.. Y., will pay to the bearer on the day of '.9 , in gold coin of the United States of America of the present standard weight and fineness, or its equivalent in lawful money of the United States, at the Tompkins County National Bank, at 'Ithaca, New York, in New York Exchange, or at the Chase National Bank, in the City and State of New York, at the option of the holder, being six months interest then due 'on its Bridge Bond No. , dated.September 15, 1924: TOWN OF NEWFIELID, TOMPKINS COUNTY, N. Y., By Supervisor Town Clerk 34 PROCEEDINGS OF TIIE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS There shall be printed on the back of each bond a conversion certificate and form of registration as follows, to -wit : (Form of Conversion Certificate) Upon presentation of the within bond with the written request of the owner thereof for its conversion into a registered bond, we have this day cut off and destroyed coupons attached to said bond, numbered from to , of the amount of $ each, and the interest at the rate of per centum per annum, payable semi-annually on the 15th days of March and September of each year, as was provided by the coupons, as well as the principal is to be paid to , legal representatives, successors or assigns, at the Tomp- kins County National Bank, at Ithaca, New York, or at the Chase National Bank, in the City and State of New York, at the option of the holder. Dated, , 19.. Town Supervisor of the Town of Newfield, Tompkins County, New York. Town Clerk of the Town of Newfield, Tompkins County, New York. (Provision for Registration) No writing below except by the Town Clerk of the Town of Newfield. Date of Name of Signature of Registry Registered Owner Town Clerk Seconded by Mr. George. Ayes -12. Noes—O. Carried. The Clerk read a communication from the State Board of. Health which, on motion, was laid on the table until the next annual session of this Board'. OJf TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK . 35• Superintendent of the Poor, William D. Baldwin, appeared before the Board relative to a new silo at the County Home. County Clerk, Win. H. Baker, appeared before the Board rela- tive to quarters for the motor license clerk. Moved by Mr. Patterson, •that, the matter of providing other quarters for the motor license clerk be left to the Committee on County Officers and Compensations. Seconded by Mr. Shaver. Moved by Mr. George, as a substitute, that the matter be re- ferred to the Committee on County Officers and Compensations to investigate and report to this Board at its next annual session, and that the matter of any necessary temporary quarters be referred to the regular standing committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses. Substitute seconded by Mr. Dassance. Substitute motion carried. The Clerk read the petition of Nellie L. Kirk, for a refund of taxes paid through error in assessment. Mr. Townsend offered t.lie following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That the petition of Nellie L. Kirk be granted and that the Clerk is directed to draw an order, payable to Nellie L. Kirk, for the sun of $1.3.58, for state and county taxes of 1922, erroneously paid to the- Town of Ithaca, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay the sauce out of any available funds in his hands, and that the amount of $13.58 so paid, be charged to the Town of Ithaca, to be placed in the budget of said town. for the next ensuing tax levy, to reimburse the county. Seconded by Mr. George. Carried. The Clerk read the following claims for audit, as recommended by the several committees to which they had been referred: I-135, P. C. Evans, Expenses, Supt. of highways $ 485.86 136, A. C. Goff, Auto hire, Highway Committee63.60 137, J. II. Bailey Garage Co., Auto hire, Highway Committee 74.00 138, H. J. Bool Co., Supplies, Supt. of Highways 4.50 139, Spellman -Oliver Co., Fencing right of way 140.95 36 PROCEEDINGS OP THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 140, Barr Bros. Co., Fencing right of way 71.00 141, C. G. Barber, Highway signs 22.50 142, Town of U1;; sses, Town and county line bridge965.00 143, A. C. Goff, Auto hire, Coroner 43.40. 144, Andrus & Church, Printing, Com. of Elections26.00 145, Frank W. Higgins, Plumbing repairs, Co. Clerk's building 8.40 146, Barr Bros. Co., Supplies, Co. Clerk 2.25 147, Isaac Coan, Labor, Co. Clerk's building 2.00 148, Atkinson Press, Blanks, Surrogate 28.00 149, Atkinson Press, Blanks, Co. Judge 4.50 150, Atkinson Press, Envelopes, Co. Clerk 7.50 151, Rothschild Bros., Shades, etc., Co. Clerk's Bldg38.55 152, T..G. Miller's Sons, Supplies, Surrogate 30.70 153, T. G. Miller's Sons, .Paper, Co. Clerk 21.50 154, Empire Junk Co., Iron pipe, Court House 12.00 155, Andrus & Church, Book, Supervisors 3.50 156, R.. C. Osborn & Co., Supplies, Supervisors 101.25 157, C. A. Ives, Insurance, Court House 28.60 158, C. G. Barber, Lettering, Supervisors' rooms 3.50 159, T. G. Miller's Sons, Supplies, Supervisors 5.58 160, 5.. R. Tisdel Co., Lock and keys, Court House1.80 161, Grace Printing Co., Envelopes, Co. 'Teas 2.75 162, Barr Bros. Co., Supplies, Co. Treas 2.70 163, T. G. Miller's Sons, Supplies, Co. Treas 35.65 164, T. 0. Miller's Sons, Supplies, Dist. Atty 7.95 165, T. G-. Miller's Sons, Supplies, Sheriff 126.33 166, J. H. Bailey Garage Co., Auto hire, Dist. Atty.38.00 167, J. H. Bailey Garage Co., Auto hire, Sheriff 46.60 168, J. H. Bailey Garage Co., Auto hire, Sheriff, (1923) 288.80 169, J. H. Bailey Garage Co.. Auto hire, Sheriff (1.923) 155.00 170, J. H. Bailey Garage Co., Auto hire Sheriff 14.70 171, Chas. Green, Sheriff's expenses 88.80 172, Ithaca City Hospital, Services, Dist. Atty 3.00 173, Arthur G. Adams, Expenses, Dist. Atty 44.20 174, Dr. W. G. Fish, Examination, Dist. Atty 5.00 175, Loren. E. Green, Auto hire, Sheriff 142.40 176, Carl Crandall, Surveying, Dist. Atty 50.00 177, Barr Bros. Co., Material & labor, County Jail... 25.85 178, A. C. Goff, Auto hire, Sheriff • 471.65 179, F. M. Jenks, Extracting teeth, Jail inmate 3.00 180, C. J. Gibbs, Auto hire, Sheriff 17.00 181., G. M. Downing, Paper hanging, etc., Sheriff's residence 37.50 182, John S. Fonda, Chem. analysis, Dist. Atty 34.00 183, Chas. A. Lawrence, As'd J. B. Lang Engine & Garage Co., Auto. hire, Sheriff31.50 184, Howard E. Phillips, Auto hire, Sheriff 8.05 185, Howard E. Phillips, Auto hire, Dist. Atty 2.00 OF TOMP1 INS COUNTY, NEW YORK 37 186, Dr. J. W. Judd, Services, jail physician 38.00 1.87, Dr. J. W. Judd, Exam. in lunacy • 10.00 188, Dr. H. H. Crum, Exam. in lunacy 10.00 189, Hall & McChesney, Record books, Co. Clerk 96.00 190, Hall & McChesney, Record books, Co. Clerk 236.(0) 191, F. D. Gilbert, Burial Louisa Cook, Pensioner 75.00 192, A. L. -Van De Bogart, Right of. way 20.20 $4,363.87 Mr. Howell offered the following' resolution and moved .its_ adoption : nesotved—That the foregoing claims, .amounting to $4,363.87 be audited by this Board at the full amounts as recommended by the several committees to which they were referred,•and that the County Treasurer be directed to pay the same out of any funds in his hands available therefor, and that these claims be certified to the County Treasurer by the Clerk of the Board for and on the behalf of the Board, and if the County Terasurer has not sufficient funds in his hands to pay said claims, or any part thereof, he is hereby authorized and directed to borrow said amount, or so much thereof -as may be necessary, for and on ,belialf of the county, and to pledge the faith and credit of the county for the payment thereof ; and be it further Resolved—That the County Treasurer be .directed to pay Claims Nos. 1-139, 140 and 192, amounting to $232.15, out of the moneys appropriated for the securing of rights of way. That of Claims Nos. I-175 and 178, being expenses of Children's Court, there be charged to the City of Ithaca the sum of $106.55. That of Claim No. I-168, there be charged to the Town of Caroline the sum of $28.05, to the Town, of Danby, the sum of $13.50, to the Town of Dryden the sum of $11.55, to the Town of Enfield the sum of $1.80, to the Town of Ithaca the, sum of $7.80, to the Town of Lansing the sum of $35.00, to the Town of Newfield the sum of $9.65, to the Town of Ulysses the sum of $5.50 and to the City of Ithaca the sum of $5.45. That of Claim No. 1-169, there be charged to the Town of Lansing the sum of $38.90 and to the City of Ithaca the spam of $21.00. That of Claim No. 1-1.71, there be charged to the Town of Caroline the sum of $1.80, to the Town of Dryden the sum of $3.35, to the Town -of Groton the sum of $1.50 and to the City of Ithaca the sum of $27.60. That of Claim No. I--175, there be charged to the Town of Dryden the, sum of $6.40, to the Town of Enfield the sum of $7.00, to the Town of Ithaca the sum of $5.20, to the Town of Lansing the sum of $9.80, to the Town of Newfield the sum of $5.80, and to the City of Ithaca the sum of $55.80. That of Claim No. I-178, there be charged to the Town of Caroline the gum of $18.90, to the Town 38 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS of Danby the sum of $14.70, to the Town of Dryden the sum, of $21.70, to the Town of Enfield the sum of $11.80, to the Town of Groton the sum of $6{1.00, to the Town of .Ethaca. the sum of $7.60, to the Town of Lansing the sun of $21.70, to the Town of New- field the sum of $47.70, to the Town of Ulysses the sum of $21.10 and to the City of Ithaca the sum of $28.20. That of Claim No. 1-180, there be charged to the 'town of Groton the sum of $11?0 and to the Town of Lansing the sum of $5.80. That. of Claim No. 1-183, there be charged to the. City of Ithaca the sum of $22.40. Said sums as herein charged being properly chargeable to said towns and city respectively, and that said amounts so charged be placed in the budgets of the respective towns and _city to be levied and collected from the taxable property ,of said towns and city at the next ensuing tax levy, to reimburse the county for moneys expended for and on behalf of said towns and city. Seconded by Mr. King. Ayes -12. Noes -0. Carried. Minutes of the day's proceedings were read and approved. There being no further business to come before the Board, on motion, adjourned. • OP TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 39 • Quarterly Session Monday, November 10, 1924 Roll call. All members present. The Clerk read several claims which', on motion, were referred to the proper committees. Mr. Miller presented the petition of the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca, asking for leave to borrow money pursua.nt to §320-A, of the ll.ighway Law. -1r. Miller offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That the petition of the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca, this day filed, be granted and that the town be au- thorized to borrow the sum of $5,000.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to help pay the town's share of the cost of im- provement of highways, pursuant to §320-A, of the Ilighway Law. Seconded by -Mr. Patterson. Carried. The Clerk read the following claim, as recommended for audit by the several committees to which they had been referred: I-192, F. C. Evans, Expenses, Supt. of highways $ 532.66 193, Cleveland & Sons Co., Extra work, right of way 36.25 194 Treman, King & Co., Wire fencing, right of way22.50 195, Dana Bennett, Ass'd to C. J. R,umsey & Co., Re- pair. Jail 40,00 196, Floyd N. Potter, Auto hire, Dist. Atty 4.00 197, Yellow Cab Co., Auto hire, Dist. Atty 5.30 198, James E. Matthews, Auto hire, Sheriff • 9.30 199, C. J. Gibbs, Auto hire, Sheriff 71.00 200, Davis -Brown Co., Elec. light, Jail 21.51 201, P. M. Donohue, Plumbing, Jail 64.25 202, Treman, King & Co., Paint, etc., Jail 159.06 203, T. 0. -Miller's Sons, Supplies, Sup. Gt. Civil 1.75 204, EJnderwood Typewriter Co., Repair. machine, Surrogate 2.65 205, Atkinson Press, Blanks, Surrogate 6.50 206, Andrus & Church, .Maps, etc., Co. Clerk 14.00 207, C. B. Clark, Repair. sidewalk, Co. Clerk's Bldg59.60 208, Jesse R. Keeler, Elec. work, Co. Clerk's Bldg5.00 40 -PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS - 209, Norton Printing Co., Court Calendars, etc., Co. Clerk 100.75 210, T. -G. Miller's Sons, Supplies, Co. Clerk 5.55 211, Atkinson Press, Blanks, Surrogate 13.75 212, J. B. Herson, Meals, Jurors, Sup. Ct. Civil 7.00 213, T. J. Crowley, Election Printing, Com. Election47.50 214, A. B. Brooks & Sou, Supplies, Court House 2.03 215, Davis -Brown Co., Elec. repairs & materials, Court House 37.31 216, Trenton, King & Co., Roof, repair. & supplies, Court House 621.95 217, C. A. Ives, Bal. on insurance, Court blouse 2.40 218, Robinson & Carpenter,. Materials, Court House1.75 219, H. J. Bool Co., Furniture, Court House 251.00 220, Burroughs Add. Machine Co., Maintenance to 12/15/24 9.45 221, P. M. Donohue, Plumbing, Court House 55.30 222, A. B. Oltz, Labor, etc., Maintenance 99.75 223, L. P. Burnham, Bal. due on fees & expenses, Soldiers' Mein. 592.20 224, A. Le Poidevin & Co., Inc., Soldiers' Mein. less 10% 13,455.00 225, Fred 1). Gilbert, Burial Susan A. Conger, Pen- sioner 75.00 226, M. D. Martindale, Burial Jennie Coe, Pensioner75.00 227, J. W. Judd, Ex. in lunacy, Geo. Gomeus 10.00 228, M. A. Duanond, Ex. in lunacy, Geo. Comens 10.00 229, Chas. R. Shaw, Repair. boiler, County home' 392.89 230, Andrus & Church, Receipt book, Co. Treas 11.07 231, C. J. Gibbs, Auto hire, Coroner 5.00 239, Rothschild Bros., Rugs & curtains, Court House, Jude 147.78 233, Solberg & A.nderson, Planting shrubbery, Sol- diers' Mem. 150.00 234, Robinson & Carpenter, Labor on silo, Co. home24.60 235, E. J. Carpenter, Labor on silo, County home 72.30 236, A. H. McPherson, Labor & materials, Soldiers' Mem. 1,047.00 • $18,378.66 Mr. Howell offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That- 1.he foregoing bills, amounting to $18,378.66 be audited at the amounts recommended by the several com- mittees to which they were referred, and that the County .Treasurer be directed to pay the same out of any available funds in his bands, and if he has not sufficient funds in his hands to OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 41 pay said claims, or any part thereof, he is hereby authorized and directed to borrow said amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for and on behalf of the county, and to pledge the full faith and credit thereof for the payment therefor, and that these claims be certified to the County 'Treasurer by the Clerk of the Board, for and on behalf of the Board, and be it further Resolved—That of Clain. No. 1-199, the suns of $1.20 thereof be charged to the Town of Danby, the sum of $.1..80 thereof be charged to the Town of Ithaca, the sum of $1.20 thereof be charged to the Town of Ulysses and the sutra of $7.20 thereof be charged to the City of Ithaca, said claim being for Sheriff's Ex- penses. That Claims Nos. 1-227 and 228, for examinations in -lunacy, be, charged to the Town of Ithaca, all of said amounts so charged being properly chargeable to said towns and city respectively, and that said amounts so charged. be placed in the budgets of the respective towns and city, to be collected at the next ensuing tax levy, to reimburse the county, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay Claims Nos. I-193 and. 194, out of the moneys appropriated by this Board for securing rights of way, aitd he is further directed to pay Claims Nos, 1-223, 224, 233 and 236, out of the moneys appropriated by this Board for the erection of a Soldiers' Memorial. Seconded by Mr. Patterson. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. Minutes of the day's proceedings were read and approved. There being no further business to come before the Board, on motion, adjourned. 42 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Annual Session FIRST DAY Thursday, November 13, 1924 The Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County met in annual session in the Supervisors' Rooms at the Court House in the City of Ithaca, on Thursday, November 13, 1924, at 10.30 A. M., and was called to order by Fred L. Clock, Clerk for the previous .Tear. Upon the call of the roll by towns, the several supervisors responded to their names, with post office addresses, as follows: Caroline—N. A. Whittaker, Brockton, R. D. No. 21. Danby—Wm. 0. Smiley, Ithaca, R. D. No. 8. Dryden—Wm. J. Shaver, Freeville. Enfield—Olen A. King, Ithaca, R. D. No. 5. Groton—John W. Jones, Groton. Ithaca Town—A. 5: Miller, Ithaca, R.. D. No. 3. Ithaca City— First Ward—F. D. Van Order, Jr., 511 W. Seneca St, Second Wand—L. E. Patterson, 115 E. State St. Third Ward—E. Morgan St. John, Savings Bank Bldg. Fourth Ward—Sidney L. Ilowell, 202 E. State St. _ Fifth Ward—Leslie R. Pierce, 107 W. Yates St. Lansing—Wm. F. George, Ln[llowville, R. D. No. 9. Newfield—Albert Dassance, Newfield, R. D. No. 26. Ulysses—John M. Townsend, Tru nansburg. On motion of tMlr. Patterson, lir. Dassanee was elected Tem- porary Chairman. Moved by Mr. George, that the Board proceed by informal . ballot in the selection of a Permanent Chairman. Seconded by Mr. Howell. Carried. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 43 The Temporary Chairman appointed Messrs. Smiley and Pierce as tellers. The informal ballot resulted as follows: Whole -number of votes cast were 14, of which Mr. St. John received 14. On.motion of Mr. George, seconded by Mr. Shaver, the informal ballot was declared formal, and the tellers were directed to cast one ballot for Mr. St. John .as Permanent Chairman. The tellers cast one ballot for Mr. St.. John and the Temporary Chairman declared Mr. St. John duly elected Permanent Chair- man of the Board for the ensuing year and Mr. St. John took the chair. Moved by .1r. George, • that the Board proceed by informal ballot in the selection of a Clerk for the ensuing year. Seconded by Mr. Patterson. Carried. The Chairman appointed Messrs. Smiley and Pierce as tellers. The informal ballot resulted as follows; Whole number of votes cast were 14, of which Fred L. Clock received 9. Chas. P. Coffey received 2. Blank received 3. On motion of Mr, George, seconded by Mr. Smiley, the informal ballot was declared formal, and the Chairman was directed to east one ballot for Fred L. Clock, as Clerk for the ensuing year. The Chairman cast one ballot for Fred -L. Clock as CIerk, and declared Mr. Clock duly elected Clerk of the Board for the ensuing year. Moved by Mr. Dassance, that when this Board adjourns, it be to meet again on Thursday, November 20, 1924, at 10.30 A. M. Seconded by Mr. Smiley. Carried. Moved. by Mir. George, that the Clerk be authorized to purchase the necessary supplies for the Board. Seconded by Mr. Patterson. Carried. 44 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Mr. Simson, of Iltatthew Bender & Co., appeared before the Board relative to the purchase of Bender's Manual for the several, towns of the county. On motion, adjourned. SECOND DAY Thursday, November 20, 1924 MORNING SESSION Roll call . All members present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. The Chairman announced the following Standing and Special Committees of the Board for the year 1924-1925: RULES AND 'LEGISLATION The Chairman, Messrs. Shaver and Pierce FORMS, FOOTING ASSESSMENT ROLLS, EQUALIZATION, RATIO AND APPORTIONMENT Messrs. Dassance, Patterson, Shaver, Jones, Miller, King and Townsend TOWN AND COUNTY ACCOUNTS Messrs. King; George and Van Order TOWN EXPENSES, ETC. Messrs. George, 1liller and Whittaker RETURNED HIGHWAY AND SCHOOL TAXES Messrs. Van Order, George and Miller COUNTY OFFICERS 'AND COMPENSATION Messrs. Smiley, Rowell and Dassanee COUNTY TREASURER'S ACCOUNTS Messrs. Townsend, Whittaker and Rowell CORONER, JUSTICES, ETC. Messrs. Whittaker, Van Order and George CORRECTION AND REFORMATION Messrs. Pierce, King and Whittaker COUNTY CLERK AND ELECTION EXPENSES Messrs. Miller, Whittaker and Pierce OF TOMPKINS COUNT',. NEW YO1tMI 45 CHARITIES Messrs. Shaver, Jones and Howell SOLDIERS' RELIEF, ETC. Messrs. Pierce, Dassance and Van Order HIGHWAYS Messrs. Patterson, Smiley, Townsend, Jones and Dassance FINANCE Messrs. Howell,. Jones and Townsend CONTRACT SUPPLIES . Messrs. Howell, Smiley and Patterson JAIL SUPPLIES Messrs. Jones, Pierce and King AUDITING ACCOUNTS OF THE TUBERCULOSIS HOSPITAL Messrs. Townsend, Van Order and Dassance HIGHWAY OFFICIALS Messrs. Shaver, Patterson and Smiley TO SELL LANDS ACQUIRED BY COUNTY AT TAX SALE Mr. Smiley Moved by Mr. Shaver, that the committee appointments, as announced by the Chairman,,be approved by the Board. Seconded by Mr. Patterson, Carried. The CIerk read the following, communication from the State • - Comptroller, relative to the amounts to be raised by the county for state tax, iue?uding armory and stenographers' tax, for the fiscal year Comptroller's Office, Albany, N. Y. September 22, 1924. Dear Sir : The Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins is hereby required to raise by taxation for fiscal year beginning July 1, 1924, the suer of $74,64.1.03 for the following purposes: Direct State Tax on an equalized valuation of $.41,796,8.49. State Debt Services mill rate .8736 $ 36,513.73 Support of. Common Schools, Teachers, etc. ... mill rate .6264 26,181.54 Total Direct State Tax ..mill rate 1.50 $ 62,695.27 46 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Armory Purposes 8,670.82 Court and Stenographers' expenses on an assessed valuation of $34,780,924 • 3,275.84 Total $14;641.93 The direct state tax is levied pursuant to Chapter 310. Laws of 1924. Armory purpose tax is levied pursuant to the Military Law as amended; Court.and Stenographers' expenses pursuant to the Judiciary Law as amended, Chapters 140, 384, 386 and 653, Laws of 1924, and Article 6, Section 12 of the State Constitution. Respectfully- yours, J. W. FLEMING, Comptroller By B. M. PATTEN, • Deputy Comptroler. Referred to the Committee on Finance. The Clerk read a communication from the State Bureau of Highways, relative to the number of miles of state and county highways in the several towns of the county and the amount each town will be required to pay for the maintenance thereof during the year 1925, as follows: Town No. of miles Amount to be raised Caroline 11.26 Danby 9.95 Dryden 25.34 Enfield 12.18 Groton 9.68 Ithaca 21.92 Lansing 7.55 Newfield 13.02 Ulysses 8.87 $ 550.00 . 500.00 1,250.00 600.00 500.00 '1,100.00 400.00 650.00 450.00 119.77 . $6,000.00 Referred to the Committee on Town and County Accounts. The Clerk read a communication from the State Tax Depart- ment, showing the rate of assessment of real property, as deter- mined by the State Tax Commission for the year 1924, in the different tax districts in the county to be as follows: OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 47 Caroline 66% Danby 72% Dryden 75% Enfield 64% Groton 64% Ithaca Town 65% Ithaca City 75% Lansing 52% Newfield 77% Ulysses 53% Referred to the Committee on Equlization. The Clerk read a communication from the Comptroller, show- ing the amounts to be raised by the county and the several towns, for sinking fund and interest on bonds'issued for the construction of state and county highways, as follows County Town Sinking Sinking Road Town Fund Int. Fund Int. Total 606 Ithaca 163.20 326.40 57.60 115.2.0 662.40 616 Ulysses 706.20 1412.40 216.85 433.69 'Ithaca 75.77 151.54 2996.45 681 Dryden 396.96 793.92 81.03 162.08 Ithaca 42.85 85.72 1562.56 682 Dryden 305.03 610.05 89.71 179.42 1184.21 683 Dryden 315.16 630.34 92.69 185.40 1223.59 7629.21 Referred to the Committee on Town and County Accounts. The Clerk read a communication from the State Commission of Prisons, relative to an inspection of the county jail, which was filed. The Clerk read a communication from the State Board of Charities, relative to an inspection of the county }tome, which was filed. On motion, adjourned. 48 PROCEET)INGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present.. Claims Nos. 1 to 71, inclusive, were read by the Clerk and referred to the _proper committees. A report of the Bonded Indebtedness of the City of Ithaca, was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses. Reports of Chas. H. Newman, Elmer Allen, AV. .l. Smith and James A. Bush, of the Town of Ithaca; Chas. M. Jones, Chas. Thomas, Augustus id.iddaugh and P. .Alfred Bunch; of the Town of Caroline; Geo. E. Underwood, Paul Ewers, Fred Parker, J. D. Ross and Jas: 0. Robertson, of the Town of. Dryden, Justices of the Peace of those towns, were received and referred to the Com- mittee on Coroner, _Justices, Etc. Accounts. ?Jr. Shaver presented a list of the Special Franchises of the Town of Dryden, which was received and referred to the Com- mittee on Town Expenses. Mr. Shaver presented a report of the Bonded Indebtedness in the 'Town of Dryden, which was received .and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses. Mr. Shaver presented a report, showing that the Tax Rate of the Village of Dryden was $10.00 on each $1,000.00 of valuation. A statement of the Tompkins County National Bank was re- ceived and referred to the Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts. On motion, adjourned. THIRD DAY Friday, November 21, 1924 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. Mr. Shaver presented a report, showing that the Sehool Tax Rate of the Village of Dryden was $17.60 on each $1,000.00 of valuation. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 49 Mr. \Ym. H. Baker, County Clerk, appeared before the Board and presented his annual report of the receipts and disbursements of his office, which was received and, referred to the Committee on .County Clerk and Election Expenses. .?f.r. Baker also presented his annual report of the receipts and disbursements of his office under the provisions of the Mortgage Tax Law, which was received and referred to the Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts. On motion, Friday, December 12th was designated as the date on which the Board would make its annual inspection of the Tuberculosis Hospital and the County Home. Mr. George presented a report of the Bonded lndebtedness of . the Town of Lansing, which was received and referred to the, Committee on Town Expenses, Etc. On motion, adjourned to Monday, November 24, 1924, at 10.30 A.M. FOURTH DAY Monday, November 24, 1924 MORNING' SESSION Roll call. All members present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. Claims Nos. 72 to 104 inclusive, were read by the Clerk and referred to the proper committees. • Mr. Pierce offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: WuEREAS--The janitor service at the Court Hduse, outside of the Supervisors' Rooms, the County Treasurer's Office and the Judges' Chambers, is one of the duties to be performed by the Sheriff, therefore be it Resolved—That the Sheriff is hereby directed to keep those parts of the Court House for which he is responsible, including the court room, halls, rooms and toilets, in a more cleanly and • sanitary condition and to maintain them in such condition here- after, and be it further 50 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Resolved—That the Sheriff is hereby directed to remove the fire menace in the jail Yard and to obliterate the defacement on the south wall thereof. Seconded by Mr. Miller. Carried. The Clerk read the annual report of the County Treasurer, which was received and referred to the Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts. Mr. Miller presented a list of the Special. Franchises of the Town of Ithaca, which was received and referred to the Com- mittee on Town Expenses. The Clerk read the report of the County Treasurer, relative to the, moneys now in his hands in the Dog Fund, apportioned 'and ready for distribution, which was received and referred to the Committee on Town and County Accounts. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll ca]1. All members present, except 'Messrs. 1Vhittaker and Townsend. The Clerk read the report of the Surrogate's Clerk, relative to the receipts and disbursements of that office, also of the moneys received for pistol permits during the year, which was received and referred to the Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses. The Clerk read the report of the Superintendent of the Poor, which was received and referred to the Committee on Charities. Mr. Arthur G. Adams appeared before• the Board and pre- sented his report as District Attorney, which was received and referred to the Committee on Correction and Reformation. Coroner William A. Smith appeared before the Board and presented his annual report, which was received and referred to the Committee on Coroner, Justices, Etc. Accounts. Mn Townsend presented a list of the Special Franchises of the Town of Ulysses, which was received and referred to the Com- mittee on Town Expenses. A statement of the First National Bank of T'rumansburg was received and referred to the Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts. On motion, adjourned. OF TOMPK+INS COUNTY, NEW YORK FIFTH DAY Tuesday, November 25, 1924 MORNING SESSION 51' Roll call. All members present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. • Mr. George presented a Iist of the Corporations of the Town of Lansing, which was received -and filed. Mr. Howell presented the several claims audited by the Com- mittee en Contract Supplies for the year eliding October 31, 1924, which were received and filed. 11%r. Fiowell offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That the several claims against the county audited by the Committee on Contract Supplies for the year ending October 31, 1924, this day filed, be audited by this Board at the amounts recommended and audited by the committee. Seconded by Mr. Patterson. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried, Mr. Townsend presented a list of the Corporations of the Town of Ulysses, which was received and filed. - Mr. Tones presented the several claims audited by the Com- mittee on Jail Supplies for the year ending October 31, 1924, which were received and filed. Mr. Joins offered. the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the several claims against the county audited by the Committee on Jail Supplies for the year ending October 31, 1924, this day filed, be audited by this Board at the several amounts recommended and audited by the committee. Seconded by Mr. Miller. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. Lists of Corporations of the Towns of Caroline and Newfield, 52. PROCEEDINGS. OF TIIE BOARD OF STJPERVISORS presented by the Supervisors of those towns respectively, were received and filed. The Clerk read the report of the Clerk of! the Children's Court, which was received and referred to the Committee on Correction and Reformation. Sheriff Charles Green appeared before the Board in explana- tion of the conditions prevailing at the Court House. On motion of Mr. Miller, the committee was authorized to• procure sufficient paint to properly paint the halls, rooms and toilets on the first floor of the Court House and to provide for a proper flooring for the halls. Mr. Townsend presented the several claims. audited by the Committee on Auditing Accounts of the Tuberculosis Hospital for the year ending October 31, 1924, which were received and filed. Mr. Townsend offered the .following resolution and moved its adoption Resolzed—That the several claims against the county audited by the Committee on Auditing Accounts of the Tuberculosis Hospital for the year ending October 31, 1924, this day filed, be -audited by this Board at the amounts recommended and audited by the committee. Seconded by Mr. Dassance. Ayes -13. i\Tocs--0. Carried. On motion, adjourned to Monday, December .1, 1924, at 10.30 A. M. SIXTH DAY Monday, December 1, 1924 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present. - Minutes of preceding day read and approved. Mr. Miller presented a list of the Town Audits of the Town O] TOMPKINS 'COUNTY, NEW YORK 53 of Ithaca, which were received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses. The Clerk react the annual report of the County Probation Officer, which was received and referred to the Committee on Cor- rection and Reformation. I1r. Whittaker presented a petition of the Assessors of the Town of Caroline, asking to correct the assessment against the property of L. J. Hollister for the year 1924, and to add to the -assessment roll of the town for 1924 the property belonging to Jerome Fiddler, the same having been omitted therefrom by mistake. On motion of Mr. Shaver, the petition was granted and the assessors of the town were directed to correct the assessment roll 'and to add thereto the property described in the petition. Mr. Patterson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That the selection of all officers to be elected by this Board, be made a special order •of business for Thursday, De- cember 18, 1924, at 2.00 P. M. A list of the Returned School Taxes of the Town of Caroline was received and referred to the Committee on Returned High- way and School Taxes. Mr. George pTesented the reports of LaMotte Smith and Walter M. Bristol, Justices of the Peace of the Town of Lansing, which were received and referred to the Committee on Coroner, Justices, Etc., Accounts. The Clerk read the annual report of the Sheriff, which was received and referred to the Committee on Correction and Reformation. Mr. George presented a list of the Returized School Taxes of the Town of Lansing, which was received and referred to the Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes. Mr. Miller presented a list of the Returned School Taxes of the Town of Ithaca, which was received and referred to the Committee on Returned Highway.and School Taxes. 54 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present. Mr. Court Bellis appeared before the Board and rendered his annual report as County Sealer of Weights and Measures, which was received and filed. • Mr. King presented a list of the Special Franchises of the Town of Enfield, which was received and referred to the Com- mittee on Town Expenses. Mr. St. John presented a list of Grand Jurors for the Third \\'ard of the City of Ithaca, which was received and referred to the Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes. Mr. Miller presented a List of the Corporations of the Town of Ithaca, which was received and filed. Mr. Whittaker presented a list of Grand Jurors for the Town of Caroline, which was received and referred to the Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes. Mr. Jones presented a list of the Town Audits of the Town of Groton, which was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses. Mr. Jones. presented the reports of R. R. Chatterton, Geo. B. Siekmon, B. L. Buck and E. F. Tallmadge, Justices of the Peace of the Town of Groton, which were received and referred to the Committee on Coroner, Justices, Etc, Accounts. Mr. Townsend presented the following report of the Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts, relative to the report of the County CIerk on Mortgage Tax Moneys received by him: Your Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts renders the following report, relative to the report of the County Clerk on Mortgage Tax moneys received by him: Or. TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 55. Amt. Pd. Amt. Pd. Amount Amount Name of County County Due Due Town Clerk Exp. Treas. Town, Etc. State Caroline $ 76.69 $ 1.99 $ 74.70 $ 37.35 $ 37.35 Danby' 95.50 2.12 93.38 46.69 46.69 Dryden 552.30 12.42 539.88 269.94 269.94 Enfield 67.56 1.52 66,04 33.02 33.02 Groton 292.37 6.56 285.81 142.90 142.91 Ithaca 1,699.82 38.30 1,661.52 830.76 830.76 Lansing 175.71 3.93 171.78 85.89 85.89 Newfield 106.50 2.37 104.13 52.07 52.06 Ulysses 255.94 5.75 250.19 125.09 125:10 Ithaca City7,560.55 170.47 7,390.08 3,695.04 3,695.04 $10,882.94 $245.43 $10,637.51 $5,318.75 $5,318.76 RECAPITULATION Received by County Clerk and Apportioned $10,882.94 Received by County Clerk and held for Appor- tionment -- Tompkins and Otsego Counties 12.50 Tompkins and Seneca Counties 10.00 Tompkins, Cortland, Chenango, Otsego, Delaware and Seneca. Counties - 6,463,50 Tompkins, Cortland, Chenango, Cayuga, Madison, Broome, Orange, Otsego, Dela- ware, Seneca, Oneida, Herkimer, Sullivan, Ulster, Schoharie Counties 9,203.00 15,689.00 Received by County Clerk and held by County Treasurer for Apportionment - Lansing --Town of Ithaca 10.00 Enfield -Ulysses 10.00 Ithaca Town -Ithaca City 50.00 Caroline -Danby 2.50 72.50 Total Amount Received by Cowry Clerk on Mortgage Tax- $26,644.44 Dated, December 1, 1924. J. M. TOWNSEND, SIDNEY L. HOWELL, H. A. WHI.TTAKER, Committee. Mr. Townsend offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: 56 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Resolved—That the foregoing report of the Cothiiiittee Count Treasurer's Accounts, relative to the Mortgage Tax moneys received by the County Clerk, be accepted and adopted, and that - this Board_ issue its warrant to the County Treasurer for the distribution of the amount in his hands, .as therein set forth, to the several tax districts of the county entitled thereto. • Seconded by Mr. Shaver. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. On motion, adjourned. 011 SEVENTH DAY Tuesday, December 2, 1924 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present. Minutes -of preceding clay react and approved. The Clerk read claims Nos. 105 to 127 inclusive, received and referred to the proper committees. The Clerk read the report of the Commissioners and the apportionment of election expenses among tax districts of the county, which was received and the Committee on County Clerk and Election Expens which were of Election the several referred to es. Mr. Dassance offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That in all cases where local assessors attend a tax conference as provided by §171-C, of the Tax Law any claims for expenses for such attendance shall be charged back to the towns which such assessors represented. Seconded by Mr. Shaver. Carried. Mr. George offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved ---That the amount of bond of the County Treasurer - elect, be fixed by this Board at the sum of $200,000.00. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 57 Seconded by 'Mr. Pierce. Carried. Mr. Townsend presented a list of Grand Jurors for the. Town of Ulysses, which was received and referred to the Committee on Returned Ilighway and School Taxes. . iVlr. Howell offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That the amount of the bond of the County Clerk - elect, be fixed by this Board in -Che sum of $20,000.00. Seconded by Mr. George. Carried: Mr. Dassance presented a list of the 'Town- Audits of the 'Town of Newfield, which was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses. Mr. Townsend presented the reports of Howard K. Aiken, Fred N. Smith, Henry Williams and Arthur Agard, Justices of the Peace of the Town of Ulysses, which were received and re- ferred to the Committee on Coroner, Justices, Etc. Accounts. Mr. Patterson offered the- following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That the amount of the bond of the Superintendent of Ilighways to be elected, be fixed by this Board at the sum of $1,000.00. Seconded by Mr. Whittaker. Carried: - Mr. Dassance presented a list of the Special Franchises of the Town of Newfield, which was received and referred to the Com- mittee on Town Expenses. Mr. Miller presented a list of the Grand Jurors for the Town of ]Ithaca, which was received and referred to the Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes. Mr. -Whittaker presented a list of the Special Franchises of the Town of Caroline, which was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses. 11Tr. Dassance offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That the amount of the bond of the District At- torney -elect, be fixed by this Board at the sum of $1,000.00. 58 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Seconded by Mr. Miller. Carried. Mr. Townsend presented a list of the Returned School Taxes of the Town of Ulysses, which was received and referred to the Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes. Mr. Dassance presented the report of Arthur Decker, a Justice of the Peace of the Town of Newfield, which was received. and referred to the Committee on. Coroner, Justices, Ete. Accounts. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present. Representatives of the Farm Bureau Association, the Home Bureau Association and the Junior Project Work of the Farm Bureau Association, appeared before the Board .and rendered the reports of those organizations, which were received and re- ferred to the Committee• on Soldiers' Relief, Etc. A delegation, representing those interested in the eradication of tuberculosis in the cattle of Tompkins County, appeared before the Board relative to the necessary action to be taken to ac- complish that result. Dr. Falder of the State Department of Farms and Markets, Dr. Genung and Messrs. Moot, Miller, Tailby, Blatchlev, Buck, Knapp, Loomis and Hillard addressed the Board on the subject and requested an adequate appropriation to carry on the work of exterminating bovine tuberculosis. On motion, the matter was referred to the Committee on Sol- diers' Relief, Etc. On motion, adjourned.- • EIGHTH DAY Wednesday, December 3, 1924 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 59 The Clerk read the petition of Mary C. Brass, for a refund of taxes paid on property in the Town of Dryden, the same having been exempt by reason of the petitioner being the widow of a minister of the gospel, which was filed. Mr. Shaver offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That the petition of Mary C. Brass be granted and that the Clerk is hereby directed to draw an order, payable to Mary C. Brass, for the sum 'of $66.42 for state and county taxes paid in the years 1922 and 1.924 to the collector of the Town of Dryden, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay the same out of any available funds in his hands, and that the amount of $66.42 so paid, be charged to the Town of Dryden, to be placed in the budget of said town for the next ensuing tax levy, to reimburse the county. Seconded by Mr. Howell. Carried. Mr. King presented a list of the Returned School Taxes of the Town of Enfield, which was received and referred to the Com- mittee on Returned IIighway and School Taxes. Mr. bran Order presented a list of the Grand Jurors for the First Ward of the City of Ithaca, which was received and referred to the Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes. Mr. George presented the report of A. J. Conlon, a Justice of the Peace of the Town of Lansing, which was received and re- ferred to the Committee on Coroner, Justices, Etc. Accounts. Mr. Jones presented a list of the Grand Jurors for the Town of Groton, which was received and referred to the Cornrnittee on Returned Highway and.School Taxes. Mr. George presented a report of the Special Franchises of the Town of Lansing, which was received and referred to the Com- mittee on Town Expenses. • Mr. Jones presented a list of the Returned School Ta.xes of the Town of Groton, which was received and referred to the Com- mittee on Returned highway and School Taxes. 60 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members. present.. _Members of. the Child Welfare Board appeared before the Board and presented a report of the work accomplished by the organization during the year and of the needs of that organiza- tion to carry on its work during the year 1925. On motion; the report was received and referred to the Com- mittee on Soldiers' Relief, Etc. On mot ion, the Board adjourned to inspect the work on ex- hibition of the members of the Junior Project. Work of. the Farm Bureau Association. NINTH DAY Thursday, December 4, 1924 MORNING SESSION 'Roll call. All members present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. Mr. Smiley presented a list of Audits of the Town of Danby, which was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses. . Mr. Smiley presented a list of the Grand Jurors for the Town of. Danby, which was received and referred to the Cominittee on Returned Highway and School Taxes. Mr. Townsend presented a list of the Town Audits of the Town of Ulysses, which was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses. Mr. Smiley presented a list of the Corporations of the Town of .Danby,. which was received and filed. Mr. Townsend presented the Town Budget of the Town of Ulysses, which was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses. Mr. Smiley offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: .OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK • 61 Resolved—That there be levied and collected from the taxable property of Tompkins County the sure of $225.00 for postage and incidental expenses of the County Clerk, the sum of $125.00' for postage for the County Treasurer and the sum of $50.00 for postage for the Clerk of the Board. • Seconded by -Mr. George. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. •Dassance offered the folowing resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That there be levied and collected from the taxable property of Tompkins County the sum of $1,000.00 for clerk hire, postage and incidental expenses of the Commissioners of Election. Seconded by 111r. Patterson. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. 11'1r. Pierce offered the following resolution and moved its adoption': Resolved—That the County Treasurer be allowed the sum of $300.00 for clerk hire for the ensuing year. Seconded by Mr. Miller.- Ayes-13. iller.-Ayes-13. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Miller offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That the County Treasurer be authorized to pay to the severaltowns and city of the county, any balances in his hands standing to the credit of the respective towns and city. Seconded by 111r. Patterson. Carried. Mr. Patterson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That the County Treasurer be directed to pay the salaries of all county officials and employees monthly, except as otherwise directed by a resolution of this Board. Seconded by Mr. Miller. Carried. 62 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Mr. George offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved ---That the Clerk of the Board issue an order on the County 'Treasurer for tl►c payment of each claim audited by this Board, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay the same out of moneys in his hands appropriated for that purpose.. Seconded by Mr. Smiley. Carried. Mr. Jones offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That all moneys now in the hands of the County Treasurer, either in the general or highway fund, and not ap- propriated for any specific purpose by this Board, be hereby re -appropriated to the general or highway fund respectively. Seconded by Mr. Patterson. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members -present. The Board of Managers of the Tuberculosis Hospital appeared before the Board and rendered its annual report; which was received and referred to the Committee on Charities. On motion; adjourned. • TENTH DAY Friday, December 5, 1924 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. Mr. Smiley offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That fifteen (15) copies of the financial report and OF TOMPKI S COUNTY., NEW YORK . 63 appropriation asked, by the Farm Bureau, Home Bureau, Junior Project Work of. the Farm Bureau, Child Welfare Board, Board of Managers of the Tuberculosis Hospital, Southern Tier Associa- tion for the Blind, Red Cross Society, or any other organization for which appropriations may- be hereafter asked, shall be in the hands of the Clerk of this Board at least four days before any hearing is had thereon by this Board. Seconded by Mr. Shaver. Carried. Mr. George addressed the Board relative to an investigation and report of the advisibility of erecting a new county building or repairing the present Court Hoge, and to secure estimates of cost and plans for each in detail. After a discussion by the members, the matter• of necessary repairs to the Court House was referred to the Committee on County Officers and Compensation to investigate and report to this Board. Mr. Howell offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—'That the Clerk be authorized to correct any mani- fest. errors occuring in the minutes .or in the report of any committee. Seconded by Mr. George. Carried. Mr. -Jones presented a list of the Special Franchises of the Town of Groton, which was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses. - Mr. Smiley pre"rented the reports of B. J. Jennings, Eugene Dorn, Fred E. Dorn and Roger Todd, Justices of the Peace of the Town of Danhy, which were received and referred to the Committee on Coroner, Justices, Etc. Accounts. Mr. Dassa.ncc presented the list of Grand Jurors for the Town of Newfield, which was received and referred to the Committee en Returned Highway and School Taxes. illr. hiller offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved ---That the Clerk of the Board be authorized to make the necessary contract for the care and maintenance of prisoners to be sent from this county. 64 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Seconded by Mr. Patterson. Carried. Mr. Patterson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That. the Committee on Highways be authorized to purchase the lands necessary to be acquired for rights of way, and other necessary purposes connected therewith, for the con- struction and improvement of State and State and County Highways. Seconded by Mr. Dassanee. Carried. Mr. Smiley offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved ---That the Clerk of the Board be authorized and em- powered to secure bids for and make a contract for the printing of the Proceedings of the ;Board for 1924. Seconded by Mr. Miller. Carried. Mr. Smiley presented a list of the Returned School Taxes of the Town of. Danby, which was received and referred to the Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes. On /notion, adjourned to Monday, December 8, 1924, at 10.30 A. M. ELEVENTH DAY Monday, December 8, 1924 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. The Clerk read a communication from the State Tax Depart- ment, relative to form of assessment rolls, which was filed. Mr. Miller offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved–,That the Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses be ' authorized to /nape the necessary repairs at the O1' TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 65 County Clerk's building, in order to complete the work already commenced. Seconded by Mr. Ding. Carried. Mr. George presented a list of the Grand Jurors for the Town of Lansing, which was received., and referred to the Committee on Returned highway and School `faxes. . The Sheriff 'presented his report of moneys received by him and the disposition made of the same, which was received and referred to the Committee on Correction and Reformation. Mr. Shaver presented a list of the Town Audits o3' the Town of Dryden, which was received and referred to the Committee on 'Town Expenses. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present. Mr. Dassance, presented a list or the Returned School Taxes of the Town of Newfield, which was received and referred to the Committee on Returned Highway and School Tuxes. Mr. Smiley presented a list of the Special Franchises of the . Town. of Danby, which was received and referred to the Com- mittee on Town Expenses. Mr. Shaver presented a list of the Grand Jurors for the Town of Dryden, which was received and referred to the Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes. 1'Cr. Dassanee presented the reports of Edwin S. Van Kirk, J. DeWitt Payne and A. G. Straight, Justices of the Peace of the Town of Newfield, which were received and referred to the Com- mittee on Coroner, Justices, Ete. Accounts. On motion, adjourned. 66 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ]3O J D OF SUP.EVISORS TWELFTH DAY Tuesday, December 9, 1924 MORNING SESSION Roll call All members present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. • The Clerk read a communication from the State Department of Farms and Markets, relative to aii inspection of the Tompkins County Farm, which was received and filed. Mr. Shaver presented a list of the Returned School Taxes of the Town of Dryden, which was received and referred to the Committee on Returned Il.ighway and School Taxes. Mr. Jones presented a report of the Bonded Indebtedness of the Village of Groton, which was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses. Mr. Pierce presented 'a list of the Grand Jurors for the Fifth Ward of the City of Ithaca, which was received and referred to the Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes. Mr. George presented a list of the Town Audits of the Town of Lansing, which was received and referral to the Committee on Town Expenses. Mr. Dassance presented a report of the Bonded Indebtedness of the Town of Newfield, which was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses. Mr. King presented a list of Grand Jurors for the Town of Enfield, which was received and referred to the Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes. Mr. George presented the Town Budget of the Towri of Lansing, which was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses. Mr. Howell presented a list of Grand Jurors for the Fourth -Ward of the City of Ithaca, which was received and referred to the Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes. The Democratic Members of the Board designated the Groton Journal -Courier as the official paper of that party to publish the Concurrent Resolutions of the Legislature, Election Notices OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 67 and other legal notices required to be published during the year 1925. The Republican Members of the Board designated the Ithaca Journal -News as the official paper of that party to publish the Concurrent Resolutions of the Legislature, Election Notices and other legal notices required to be published during the year 1925. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present. Mr. Dassande, Chairman of the Committee on Footing Assess- ment Rolls, Etc., presented the following Regular and Supple- mental Reports of that committee, which was laid on the table one day, under the rule. REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON FOOTING ASSESSMENT ROLLS To the Honorable Board of Supervisors o'f the County of Tomp- kins, N. Y.: Gentlemen: Your Committee on the Footing of Assessment Rolls reports that it has verified and corrected the footings of the Assessment Rolls referred" to it, as made by the Assessors and Supervisors of each tax district, and that the following is a correct statement of such footings: Towns 9) U Total real except franchises and in- cluding Pensions Total franchises Total personal except bank stock Grand total of roll except bank stock Caroline 34,747 $ 864,470 $ 6,798 $ 4,400 $ 875,668 Danby 33,286 787;010 4,536 791,546 Dryden 58,286 2,694,770 52,536 46,100 2,793,406 Enfield 22,207 596,141 7,168 603,309 Groton 30,725 2,363,100 21,472 16,000 2,400,572 Ithaca City 2,940 20,912,248 912,412 21,824,660 ltliaca Town 16,293 3,652,920 49,270 3,702,190 Lansing 37,789 1,957,955 15,236 6,100 1,979,291 Newfield 36,997 899,365 13,013 3,300 915,678 Ulysses 19,818 1,492,850 23,770 8,050' 1,524,670 Totals 292,748 $36,220,829 $1,106,211 $83,950 $37,410,990 68 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS REPORT OF CO1fMPTTEE ON. FOOTING ASSESSMENT ROLLS (Continued) Towns Real property subject tai !lonernt tax not including franchises nor pension property nor other ex- empt real Pension property marked "exempt" Yropert y witTiita incorpo- rated villages maintain- jog separate road dis- tricts inclusive of pension property marked ''ex• empt', Property within iucorpo- rnt.cd villages maintain- ing separate boards of health exclusive of pen- sion property marked exempt" Caroline Danby .$ 862,750 777,460 $ 1,720 9,550 Dryden 2,680,540 14,230 $ 703,204 $ 697,444 Enfield 593,557 2,584 Groton 2,349,844 13,260 1,310,020 1 303;360 Ithaca City 20,836,108 76,140 `1 •'li;i Ithaca Town 3,650,920 2,000 1,342,555 1,342,355 Lansing 1,956,655 1.300 ..^. Newfield 891,865 7,500 135,881 133,331 Ulysses 1,48.4,700 -8,150 502,1.61 501,661 Totals $36,084,395 $136,414[ $3,993,621 $3,97?3,151 Towns Caroline Danby Dryden Enfield Groton Ithaca City Ithaca Town Lansing Newfield Ulysses $ 873,948 781,996 2,779,176 600,725 2,387,312 21,748,520 3,700,190 1,977,991 908,178 1,51-6,5.0 $2,090,202 1,090,552 2,359,835 779,797 1,022,509 $2,081,732 1,083,952 2,357,835 774,847 1,014,859 Totals $37,274,556 $7,342,895 $7,3.13,225 ALBERT DASSANCE, Chairman, J. M. T O W N S.E N I.) , W. J. SHAVER, J. W. JONES. L. E. PAT PERSON, A. S. MILLER, OLEN A. KING. Committee. • OF T03SYKI S -COUNTY, NEW STORK 69 SUPPLE:1'IENT'AL REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON FOOTING OF ASSESSMENT ROLLS Gentlemen: Your committee }could further report that the following is the assessed value of the property within and without incorporated villages in those towns having such Villages: . Towns ac c .E...2- _,a r 0 :w• c . O 11rydeu Village ' $ 441,130 $18,950 $ 8,400 $ 468,480 $ 1,800 Frcevillo 207,070 16,500 11,154 234,724 3,960 Inside Corporations $ 648,200 $35,400 $19,554 $ 703,204 * 5,760 Outside Corporations 2,046,570 10,650 32,982 2,090,202 8,470 TotvIs $2,694,770 $46,100 $52,536 $2,793,406 $1.4.234 Groton Village $1,291,020 $ 8,600 $10,400 $1,310,020 $ 6,660 Outside Corporations .. 1,072,080 7,400 11,072 1,090, 5,52 6,600 Totals $2,363,100 $16,000 $21,472 *2,400,572 313,260 Cayuga heights Village $1,323,7655 . - $18,590$1,342,355 . Outside Corporation 2,329,105 . 30,680 , 2,359,835 $ 2,000 Totals...................*3,652,920 . 349,270 $3,702,190 $ 2,000 Newfield Village $ 132,195 $ 2,300 $ 1,386 $ 135,883 $ 2,550 Outside Corporations 767,170 1,000 11,627 779,797 4,950 Totals $ 899,365 $ 3,300 $1:1,013 $ 915,678 $ 7,500 Trumansburg $ 484,500 $ 7,750 $ 9,911 $ 502,161 ,$ 500 Outside Corporations 1,008,350 300 13,859 1,022,509 7,650 Totals 1$1,492,8504 8,050 $23,770 $1,524,670 $ 8,1550 ALBERT DASSA.NCE, Chairman, J. M. TOWNSEND, W. J. SHAVER, J. W. JONES, L. .E. PATTERSON, A. S. MILLER, OLEN A. :KING. Committee. On motion, adjourned. THIRTEENTH DAY Wednesday, December 10, 1924 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. 70 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS DIr. Dassance called from the table the Regular and Supple- mental Reports of the Committee on Footing Assessment Rolls, laid over from December 9. ;11:r. Dassance offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That the reports of the. Committee on Footing Assessment Rolls, Etc., be accepted and adopted and that the figures therein be used as a basis for taxation for the several tax districts of the county. Seconded by Mr. Shaver. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Patterson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: W ii:REAs—The town- superintendents of the several towns of Tompkins County have made an estimate of the amount of money necessary to be raised by tax for the improvement of the high- ways and bridges and other miscellaneous highway purposes of their respective towns, as provided by section 90 of the Highway Law, and WHEREAS—The respective . town boards have approved or changed said estimates, as provided by section 91 of the Highway Law, therefore be it - Resolved—That the said estimates as approved by the town boards be received and,the sum sot opposite the name of the respective towns in the column which bears the heading, "Amount of 1st =Item" (which is the amount of the First :Item in said estimates), be assessed, levied and collected upon the taxable property of the respective towns, exclusive of the prop- erty within the limits of the incorporated village or villages of their respective towns which maintain their street and highways as a separate road district, and he it further Resolved—That the sum set opposite the names of the respec- tive towns, in the columns which bear the Beading, "Amount of 2nd Item" "Amount of 3rd Item" and "Amount of 4th Item" (which is the amount of the Second, Third and Fourth Items of said estimates as approved by the various town boards), be assessed, levied and collected upon the entire taxable property OE TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 71 of the various towns of Tompkins County, as follows, that is to say: Name of Town Amount of Amount of Amount of Amount of ]first Item Second Item Third Item Fourth Item Caroline $2250.00 $ 500.00 $ 500.00 $ 150.00 Danhy 3500.00 2000,00 1200.00 1500.00 Dryden 8000.00 4000.00 3000.00 4200.00 Enfield 2822.00 500.00 1000.00 1000.00 Groton 5000.00 1500.00 3000.00 1900.00 Ithaca 4660.00 2000.00 3000.00 2500.00 Lansing 7100.00 3000.00 2000.00 1000.00 Newfield 3917.00 3000.00 1500.00 2000.00 Ulysses 4200.00 1000.00 1500.00 1000.00 And that the several amounts when collected shall be paid to the supervisors of the respective towns, to be paid'out by them as provided by law. Seconded by Mr. Shaver. Ayes -13. Noes -O. Carried. Mr. Patterson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: WIi1 RiAs-The Supervisors and Town Clerks of the towns mentioned below have certified to this Board statements of ,the expenses incurred by the town superintendents of said towns with the consent of the Town Boards, pursuant to Section 93 of the Highway Law, and audited and allowed by said Town Board or Town Boards, together with the principal and interest, therefore be it Resolved -That the amounts set opposite the name of each town be assessed, levied and collected upon the taxable property of that town, exclusive of the corporate limits of any village or villages which maintain the highways therein as a separate high- way district, and that the same when collected be paid to the Supervisor of the town to be applied in the cancelling df the certificates of indebtedness and the interest accruing on the same which were issued- in payment of the above mentioned accounts. 72 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Name of Town Amount•of Principal Amount of .interest to be Levied to be Levied Caroline $ 3,880.88 $147.65 - Danby 1,000.00 Dryden 3,000.00 Enfield 000.00 Groton 11,500.00 Ithaca 4,000.00 60.00 Lansing 14,138.78 51.5.47 \ewfield 2,000.00 30.00 Ulysses 13;800.00 Seconded by Mr. Whittaker. Ayes -13.. Noes- --0. Carried. County Superintendent of Highways Evans appeared before the Board and presented his annual report, which was filed. Statements of the First National Bank of Ithaca and the First National Ba.nk of Dryden, were received and referred to the Com- mittee on County Treasurer's Accounts. Mr. Patterson presented a list of Grand Jurors for the Second Ward of the City of Ithaca, which was received and referred to the Committee on Returned Highway and School 'faxes. Mr. Whittaker presented a list of the Returned School Taxes • of the Town of Caroline, which was received and referred to the Committee on Returned Ilighway and School Taxes. Mr. Jones presented a statement of the First National Bank of Groton, which was received and referred to the Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present.. Miss Helen P. Sawyer, Executive Secretary of the Southern Tier Association for the Blind, appeared before the Board and rendered the initial report of that organization, which was re- ceived and referred to the Committee on Soldiers' Relief, Etc. On motion, adjourned. OF TO_MPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 73 FOURTEENTH DAY Thursday, December 11, 1924 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All membiers present.. :Minutes of preceding day read and approved. i{r. King presented a list of the Corporations of the Town of Enfield, Ivhich was received and filed. Ni. Shaver presented the Town Budget of the Town of Dryden, which was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses. Air. George presented the report of 11[iles D. Lane, a Justice of the Peace of the Town of Lansing, which was received and referred to the Committee on Coroner, Justices, Etc. Accounts. Air. Shaver presented a list of Corporations of the Town of Dryden, which was received and filed. AFTERNOON SESSION Rol[ call. All members present. The members of the Board were engaged in committee work and in discussions of county affairs during the afternoon session. On motion, the Board adjourned to meet as a committee of the whole on Friday, December 12, for an inspection of the Tuberculosis Hospital and the County Home. • FIFTEENTH DAY Monday, December 15, 1924 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present. Minutes of_ :December 11, read and approved. Air. Van Order, Chairman of the Committee on Returned High- 74 PROCEEDINGS OI' THE BOARD 01f SUPERVISORS way and School Taxes, presented the following report of that committee relative to the _Hist of Grand Jurors for the year 1925 : Your Committee on Returned .Highway and School Taxes, to which was referred the preparation of a list of Grand Jurors, having prepared such list from the nan►cs selected by the several supervisors of the respective towns and wards of the city, and Bled the same with the Clerk of this Board, hereby recommends that the list so prepared, with the occupation, post office addresses, etc., be adopted as the. true Grand Jury List of 'Tompkins County for the year 1925. FR.EI) D. VAN ORDER, JR., A. S: _l1I LLER, W. F. GEORGE, Committee. Moved by Mr. Van Order, that the report of the committee be accepted and adopted. Seconded by Mr. Whittaker. Carried. Mr. King presented a list of the. Town Audits •of the Town of Enfield, which was received and referred to the Committee on Returned Highway and School 'faxes. Mr.'St. John presented a list of the Returned School Taxes of the City of Ithaca, which was received and referred to the Committee on Returned .Highway and School Taxes. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present. On motion of Mr. George. the Board went into executive session. The Board arose from executive session and proceeded in the transaction of regular business. On motion, adjourned. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK SIXTEENTH DAY Tuesday, December 16, 1924 MORNING SESSION Roll Call. All members present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. Mr. King presented the report of J. C. Weatherby, a Justice of the Peace of the Town of Enfield, which was received and referred to the Committee on. Coroner, Justices, Etc., Accounts. 75 On motion of Mr. George, the Board went into executive session. The Board arose from executive session and proceeded with the transaction of routine business. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present, except Mr. Whittaker. The officers of the Tompkins County Chapter of the American Red Cross Society, appeared before the Board and rendered the report of that organization of the health work accomplished in the county during the past year. On motion, adjourned. SEVENTEENTH DAY Wednesday, December 17, 1924 MORNING SESSION Roll Call. AIL members present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. Mr. Miller offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: 76 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF' SUPERVISORS Resolved—That no county official, or organization to which this Board appropriates moneys, except the County Sheriff, shall be allowed to exceed fifteen (15) cents per mile for the use of their automobile while engaged on county business. Seconded by Mr. Shaver. Carried. The Clerk read the petition of John Flinn, for a refund of taxes erroneously paid in the Town of Ithaca. hlr. hiller offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resol:eed--That the petition of John Flinn be granted and that t -he Clerk is hereby directed to draw an order, payable to John Flinn, for the sunt of $16.70, for state and county taxes of 1923, erranneously paid to the Town of Ithaca, and the County Treas- urer is hereby- directed to pay the same out of any available funds in his hands, and that the amount of $16.70 so paid, he charged to the Town of Ithaca, to be placed in the budget of said town for the next ensuing tax levy, to reimburse the county. Seconded by Illy. Shaver. Carried. 11r. Townsend, Chairman of the Committee on County Treas- urer's Accounts, presented the following report of that com- mittee, relative to the Bank Tax to be levied, for the year 1924: Your Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts renders the following report of the banks in Tompkins County, liable to taxation on its capital stock, surplus and undivided profits, as follows: CITY OF ITH ACA FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Capital Stock $250,000.00 Surplus 150,000.00 Undivided Profits 75,105.73 $475,105.73 No. of shares of stock -2,500. Par Value of Each Share $ 100.00 Value of Each Share for.Taxation 190.04 Amount of Tax --$4,751.06 OP TOM:1I'KIN S COUNTY, NEW YORK 77 TOMPKINS COUNTY NATIONAL }SANK Capital Stock $200,000.00 Surplus 150,{100.00 Undivided Profits 39,852.72 $389,852.72 No. of shares of stock -2,000. Par Value of Each Share $ 100.00 Value of Each Share for Taxation 194.92 Amount of Tax—$3,898.53 TOWN 'OF DRYDEN FIRST NATIONAL BANK Capital Stock $ 25,000.00 Surplus 25,000.00 Undivided Profits 7,082.49 • $57,082.49 No. of shares. of. stock -250. Par Value of Each Share $ 100.00 Value of Each Share for Taxation 228.33 Amount of Tax—$570.82 TOWN 0.8' GROTON FIRST NATIONAL BANK Capital Stock Surplus Undivided Profits $100,000.00 40,000.00 52,378.79 $192,378.79 No. of shares of stock -1,000. Par Value of Each Share $ 100.00 Value of Each Share of Taxation 192.38 Amount of Tax—$1,923.79 TOWN OF ULYSSES FIRST NATIONAL BANK Capital Stock. $ '50,000.00 Surplus 25,000.00 Undivided Profits 20,548.85 $ 95,548.85: 78 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS No. of shares of stock -500. Par Value of Each Share $ 100.00 Value of Each Share for Taxation 191.09 Amount of Tax—$955.49 Your committee would therefore recommend the adoption of the following resolution: Resolved—That a tax of 1% upon the value of shares of bank stock, as above set forth, be assessed, levied and collected, and that the Clerk of this Board forthwith email to the President or Cashier of each bank, or banking association, a statement setting forth the amount of its capital stock, surplus and undivided profits, the number of outstanding shares thereof, the value of each share of stock, taxable as hereinabove ascertained, and the aggregate amount of tax to be collected and paid by such bank or banking association, as provided by Section 24 of the Tax Law. J. M. TOWNSEND, II. A. WHP TAKER., S. L. HOWELL, Committee. Moved by Mr. Townsend, that the report of the Committee be accepted and the resolution adopted. Seconded by Mr. Smiley. Ayes -12. Noes—O. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION .Roll Call. All members present. On motion, the Board went into executive session. The Board arose from executive session and proceeded in the transaction of routine business. Mr. Smiley, Chairman of the Committee on County Officers and Compensation, presented the following report .of that com- mittee relative to salaries of county officers and employees: Your Committee on County Officers and Compensation reports that, in its opinion, the salaries of county officials and regular OF TOMPKI\S COUNTY, NEW YORK 79 employees in the various county offices and departments of county government should be fixed. as follows: . County Judge and Surrogate $ 3,500.00 Judge of Children's Court 500.00 Special County Judge 600.00 County Clerk 2,600.00. County 'Treasurer 1,000.00 District Attorney 1,600.00 Sheriff • 2,400.00 Superintendent of the Poor 1,500.00 Coroner 300.00 Superintendent of Highways 2,200.00 Deputy County Clerk 1,200.00 .County Sealer of Weights and Measures 500.00 Two Commissioners of Election at $600.00 each 1,200.00 Clerk of Board 1,500.00 Attorney for Board 300.00 Jail Matron 100.00 Surrogate 's Clerk 1,500.00 County Court and Surrogate's Stenographer 1,200.00 Clerk of Children's Court 800.00 Probation Officer 1,200.00 Motor Vehicle Clerk, County Clerk 1,200.00 Assisstants in County Clerk's Office 4,400.00 tinder Sheriff 400.00 Deputy Sheriff and Turnkey 900.00 Janitor at County Clerk's' Building 480.00 Keeper at County Horne 1,200.00 • Total for Officers and Employees $34,280.00 Your committee recommends that the salaries of the county officers and employees be fixed by this Board at the amounts stated, and your committee would. further recommend _that the amount paid the Motor Vehicle Clerk in the County Clerk's Office be in full for any notarial fees or other, services in con- nection with the duties of his office, that the County Sealer of Weights and Measures be allowed a sum, not to exceed $400.00, -for expenses while performing the duties of his office, that the County Superintendent of Highways be allowed a sum, not to exceed $1,000.00, for expenses while performing the duties of his office and that the Coroner be allowed a sum, not to exceed $100.00, for expenses while performing the duties of his office, said expenses to be audited by this Board at the annual session or at any quarterly session, and that the District Attorney be SO PROCEEDINGS OE THE BOARD OE SUPERVISORS allowed the sum of $300.00 for office expenses, to be paid to hien monthly. w, 0. SivLILEY, S. L. HO -WELL, AI.J13ERT DASSA\CE, Committee. Droved by ?lr. Smiley, that the report of. the Committee on County Officers and Compensation be accepted and adopted.- Seconded dopted.- Seconded by l l.r, Pierce. Ayes --13. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Shaver offered the following resolution and moved .its adoption: Resolved—That no county official, organization or association to which this Board appropriates moneys, shall exceed in their expenditures the amounts appropriated to them, eit.lrer for salaries or e3i penses, and be it further Resolved—That the County- Treasurer is hereby forbidden to pay out any moneys to, or on the order of, any such official, or- ganization or association, in excess of the amounts appropriated by this Board for such purposes, except on a certified copy of a resolution of this Board directing him so to do. Seconded by Mr. Pierce. Carried. Mr. Smiley offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That the sums of $1,500.00 and $300.00, heretofore appropriated as salaries to the Clerk and Attorney for this Board, be in full payment of services as Clerk and Attorney for the Board from November 13, 1924, to the annual session in 1925, unless otherwise ordered by a resolution. Saicl sums to be paid as follows: $400.00 forthwith, $100.00 on January 15, 1925, and the balance in ten monthly payments of $100.00 per month, the first monthly payment being February 1, 1925. The County Treasurer is hereby authorized to make the first two payments out of any moneys unappropriated in his hands, and if he has not sufficient funds with which to pay the same, he is authorized_ and directed to_borrow the same off} the credit of the county. Seconded by Mr. Patterson. Carried. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK t�1 Mr. Howell. offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That A. B. Oltz he employed to care for and look after necessary repairs in the judges' Chambers, the Supervisors' Rooms, the offices of the County •Treasurer, and have complete charge of: the heating plant at the Court House for the year 1925, and that he be paid the salary of $650.00 a year for performing such services, payable monthly. Seconded by Mr. Miller. Carried. Mr. Miller offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That there be hereby appropriated the sum of $300.00 to the Cornell Library Association for the rental of offices for the Motor Vehicle Clerk for the year ].925, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay such amount to the Treasurer of said association in quarterly payments. Seconded by Mr. Pierce. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. The Clerk read Claims Nos. 128 to 174 inclusive, which, on motion were received and referred to the proper committees. On motion, adjourned. EIGHTEENTH DAY Thursday, December 18, 1924 . MORNING SESSION Roll Call: All members present. Minutes of preceding day. read and approved. Mr. Whittaker presented a list of the Town Audits:of the Town of Caroline, which was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses. Mr. Van Order, Chairman of the Committee on Returned High- 82 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS . way and School Taxes, rendered the following report, relative to the Returned School Taxes of the county for the year 1924: Your Committee on' Returned Highway and School Taxes finds by the certificates signed by the County Treasurer, sup- ported by the affidavits of the proper officers of the Tollowing school districts of the different towns of the county and the City of Ithaca, submitted to this Board by the County Treasurer, that the following school taxes have not been paid, after diligent efforts have been made to enforce collection, your committee therefore recommends that the following sums be levied upon and collected from, the lands or property upon which the same were imposed, with 7% in addition thereto: CAROLINE Dist. No. 4 -- John Lee, 100 acres $ 11.20 Dist. No. 6-- L. J. Hollister, 65 acres 12.62 Joseph Maynard, 11/2 acres 1.48 Joseph Maynard, 18 acres 2.23 Win. Ozer, 82 acres 14.85 Edward Maynard, 69 acres 13.36 Dist. No. 9— Chas. Tallmadge, 50 acres 4.69 Dist. No. 11— J. C. Lattimer, 46 acres 5.00 Dist. No. 13— E. Crispell, 8 acres 4.00 . E. Crispell, 1/2 acre .32 Jay Ballard,.Aclm. for H. Chambers, 8 acres 5.85 P . D. Roe, 37 acres 9.10 Dist. No. 20 (Candor)— Mrs. Mary Brown, 114 acres 5.00 ✓ ineenio Degracia, 50 acres 6.50 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 83 Dist. No. ,21— Jay Ballard, 12 acres 5.10 Jay .Ballard, 102 acres 15.30 • Rachel Bailor, 1 acre 8.50 1)ANBY .Dist. No. 5— Eugene Strain $125.10 $ 12.50 Dist. No. 6— Edgar Scl7oneman, 10 acres 2.20 . Dist. No. 7--- Sarn'l Swansbrough, 100 acres 6.60 Danby Telephone Co., 43 poles .66 Dist. No. 8— Grover Eggleston, 2 acres 15.40 Sidney Hillick,1 acre 8.80 Ella Slocum Est., 74 acres 33.00 Ray Slocum Est., 20 acres 2.20 Clarence Swartwood, 15 acres 13.20 Harvey Updike, 74 acres 39.60 Aaron Walker, 1/2 acre 6.60 Collis Compton, 108 acres 52.80 Dist. No. 13— Reuben Dworsky 30.80 Elmer Fitch 28.60 Martha Grant 8.80 Chas. Johansen 26.40 Orrie Ostrander 22.00 Dist. No. 14— Bert Heffron, 16 acres 1.28 Wm. Liddington, 144 acres 25.50 Ella Snyder, 50 acres 12.75 Robt. Ryerson, 86 acres 20.40 Dist. No. 15— Mehan 4 Lang, 100 acres 9.00 84 PROCEEDINGS 01' TBIE BOARD OP SUPERVISORS Dist. No. 16— Rolla. Finn, 59 acres 9.60 A. J. Platt, 151 acres 13.20 Joseph Ridgway, 25 acres 1.80 Harry Slaight, 214 acres 1.80 Mable Vandemark, 10 acres 1.20 Danby Telephone Co., 18 poles 1.92 DRYDEN .Dist. No. 2— $408.61 - John Flynn 17.50 Dist. No. 2 (Caroline & Dryden)— Isaac Baker, 61 acres 5.85 H. S. Finch Est., 50 acres 4.05 Fred Hunt, 51 acres 5.10 Mrs. Stella Oakes, 76 acres 15.30 Warren Smith, 7 acres . 4.50 Warren Smith, 5 acres .75 Dist. No. 10— Agnes Jursie, 151/2 acres, Lot 84 9.14 Oscar Stevens, 60 acres, Lot 75 7.00 O. & 1I. Stevens, 40 acres, Lot 75 8.50 Chas. McGill, 81/2 acres, Lot 84 7.30 Caroline Telephone Co. '2.38 Dist. No. 11— M. M. Palmer, 19 acres 3.89 Dist, No, 13— F. E. Darling 38.25 Dist. No. 15— Wm. A. Dickens, 123 acres, Lot 12 23.80 Jesse Newton, 21 acres, Lot 12 3.43 C. J. Race, 80 acres, Lot 32 17.36. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 85 Dist. No. 21 ---- Franklin Douglas, 27 acres, Lot 32 5,35 Henry 1Tasman, 50 acres, Lot 12 9,5.7 Ernest Teeter, 10 acres, Lot 21 2.56 E. E. Cheeley, 100 acres, Lot 21 28.48 Dist. No. 26— Z. B. Loromer, 93 acres .24.71 Dist. No. 7— Thos. Barrett, 170 acres .92 ENFIELD Dist. No. 6— $246.25 Orin Austin, 1 acre $ 1.20 G. P. Alperts, 1/2 acre, Lot 52 2.31 Fred hIerholdt, 69 acres, Lot 53 12.94 Dist. No. 7— Joseph Butler, 7 acres ' 2.55 Wm. Miller, 89 acres 24.24 Cilias. Rursey, 125 acres 36.55 Elmer Runisey, 80 acres • 12.12 Geo. Seeley, 10 acres 2.55 Estos Taylor, 61/, acres 1.30 Dist. No. 9— A. A. Bannister, 5 acres, Lot 55 Frances Hunter, 3 acres, Lot 55 1.98 .99 Dist. No. 11— Henry Graham Estate, 10 acres 1.32 Harold Kresga, 1/2 acre .80• Fred Kresga, 21/2 acres 2.56 Wm. Parker Est., 1/, acre 1.32 .Fred Bowers, 11/2 acres 1.32 Dist. No. 14 -- Orville Van Ostrand, 97 acres 15.00 Jennie Van Ostrand, 50 acres 7.00 $128.05 86 PROCEEDJINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS GROTON Dist. No. 5 - Harold L. King, 40 acres, Lot 59 $17.10 Dist. No. 10- J. B. Brooks, 1 acre, Lot 95 2.80 • Dist. No. 13 - Stewart LaMont 39.44 . $59:34 ITHACA Dist N. 6- S. Edwin Banks, Parkway & Upland Road $15.00 James Clark, Lake Road, Perry Est. ' 12.00 Consumers Service Station 15.00 C. L. Durham, 1-lanshaw Road 50.00 Ball Const. Co., Lot, Cayuga Heights Road 37.50 L. D. Fuller & wife, Oak Hill 15.00 Mabel L. G-riswold, Heights 10.00 0. T. Inman, Lake Road 5.00 L. Knudson, Lot -Parkway 10.00 Elmer S. Savage, Hanshaw Road 20.00 Elmer Savage 4.00 Elmer Savage 5.00 .Fred Stevens, Corner of Lake 6.00 Emily Sheldon, Cayuga Heights 18.00 Theta Chi, Highland Road 35.00 Francis Sharp & wife, Highland Road 30.00 Prof. 11. P. Weld, South half of C. V. P. Young 50.00 Dist. No. 7 - Frank Bennett, 1 acre $ 9.35 Eclna Bennett, 1 acre .44 P. D. Conley, 10 acres 8.50 Geo. B. Davis, Lot 229 .43 L. A. Dickinson, Lot 174 ,51 Tony DeAngelis, Lot 98 1.28 F. R. Fillman, Lot 269 .34 J. L. Goldsmith, Lot 234 .51 Smith Hull, Lot 117 .60 Henry Joyce 13.60 Richard Liddington 17.00 Mrs. H. B. Liddington .85 James A. Miller 11.05 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 87 • Jerome Richardson .43 Michael Sheridan " .34 A. T. Swan .60 James Turner .43 E. J. Turner 1.28 \\ W Vose 76.50 Dist. No. 8-- P. T. Kelly, 100 acres P. T. Kelly, 66 acres P. T. Kelly, 156 acres 102.90 J. J. Fried & J. Hoefer 3.50 Thos. G. Miller 3.15 Dist. No. 2 (Dryden & Ithaca)— John J. Flynn 22.12 $662.21 LANSING Dist. No. 2 --- Central N. Y. S. R. R. $ 18.27 Dist. No. 3— Tracy Buchanan, 80 acres 18.20 Dist. No. 5— Grace Golden 12.50 Patrick Egan .63 :Ithaca -Auburn Short Line 45.44 .Dist. No. 7— Elmer Arnold, 12.7 acres 28.80 J., C. Crooker, 8 acres 1.60 Henry Page, 2 acres 1.20 Dist. No. 9— Sherman Collins 90.48 Sherman Collins 8.70 Sherman Collins 8.70 Sherman Collins 10.44 Sherman Collins 10.44 Sherman Collins - 3.48 Belle Cantlin .87 Mrs. P. II. Baker .87 88 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS - Joe Krish 2.61 R,obt. & Mary Mackcreth 20.88 Mrs. Abram Wetz .10.44 Dist. No. 10— Jas. Miller 3.24 Agnes Townley, 135 acres 25.20 0. J. Snyder, 214 acres 30.96 Dist. No. 13— Clark Blakeley, 96 acres 12.29 Mrs. Johanna Golden, 12 acres 3.08 Dist. No. 15— W. 11. Barrington Est. 40.40 Dist. No. 16— C. Saunders _ 8.00 Fred McGraw 14.00 John Knettles 7.00 Dist. No. 22— Nath. Inman, 2 acres - 3.45 $442.17 NEWFIELD Dist. No. 1— Richard Cox, 45 acres $ 3.56 Putman Teeter, 35 acres - 2.96 Dist. No. 2— Clayton F. Harding, Rouse & Lot- 12.00 Walter Kendall, 30 acres 10.50 May Russell, 7 acres •75 Dist. No. 5— Bertha Allinson, 54 acres 2.80 Dist. No. 8— Leon DeGraw, 106 acres 17.10 Daniel Georgia, 106 acres " 14.25 Daniel Georgia, 8 acres • .95 Frank iliefale, 8 acres .95 • OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 89 Frank ;VIeliale, 60 acres 5.70 Frank Northrup, 37 acres 3.80 Ernest Reynolds, 75 acres 6.84 James L. Baker, .40 acres 1.90 Dist. No. 9— Bertha Munson - 1.67 • Dist. No. 11— Peter Teeter, 53 acres 1.70 Fremont Brown, 10 acres • .30 Fred Henning, 218 acres 9.75 Stephen Oltz, 120 acres 5.05 Olive Rockwell, 10 acres 1.00 Dist. No. 12— Vera Leonard, 100 acres 17.07 Chas. Leonard, 30 acres 3.79 Dist. No. 13— Wagner Cox, 64 acres 6.00 Dist. No. 14— G. M. Baumbach, 76 acres 9.75 Frank L. Cox, 85 acres 9.75 Frank•L. Cox, 20 acres 2.25 Fred Moot, 214 acres " 24.75 Dist. No. 18 — Burton Baker, 75 acres Jno. Fechna, 66 acres Putman 'Teeter, 96 acres 9.84 5.74 6.56 Dist. No. 20 -- Myrtle Bailey, 10 acres 1.20 Fremont Brown Gertrude Brown 20 acres 1.20 Olive Rockwell .May Russell, 27 acres 2.40 Dist..No. -21--- Chas. E. Freese, 16 acres . .70 Chas. E. Freese, 12 acres .53 Chas. E. Freese, 5 acres .35 90 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD .OF SUPERVISORS Chas. E. Freese. 30 acres 1.75 Chas. E. Freese. 12 acres .53 Putman Teeter, 33 acres 2.10 Putman Teeter, 120 acres 3.50 Peter Teeter, 134 acres 4.55 Peter Teeter, 80 acres 4.55 - $222.39 ULYSSES Dist.. No. 1 - Edward Arden $ 29.13 F. C. Biggs 118.10 Martin Breen 2.46 J. C. Crocker 9.45 Maude 1)..Chipp 24.81 Addie Emmons 15.38 Easling 6.82 Geo. Ehle 11.85 E. Steamburg Tel. Co. .84 Hagen Fish 8.28 Hartley Silk Mills 330.75 Ilorothy Longnecker 14.20 Ella Moore 17.74 Frank Morse 10.68 Sarah Noble 1.23 Harry Pratt 26.00 Chas. Rightmirc 18.40 John Rvan 13.03 Dress Factory (1st National Bank) 70.90 Frank Strong 5.93 Emory Spicer 8.28 Peter Tunison 31.93 Dist. No. 5- E. M. Kirkmuanck (Fruit Evaporator) . 12.50 Dist. No. 6 - Heirs of Albert Clark, 9 acres 1,75 .Dist. No. 11 - John Fowler Est. .60 Stanley Girvin, 50 acres 7.02 Mrs. Susan King .90 L. H. Gutsell 1.80 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 91 Dist. No. 12- H. & A. Albertson. .40 Wm. Grant Egbert 24.80 Alonzo Glanister 14.40 Stanley Girvan 27.60 Mlles Kinney Heirs 2.80 Sam'I Taylor 12.00 Henry 13. V rooman 4.80 Dist. No. 13-- . Samuel Taylor, 1 acre, Lot 1.8 2.10 $889.66 CITY OF ITHACA W. & Kate Acton, -109 Parker St. $ 47.12 L. S. Bagley Est., 706 Caseadilla St. 2.48 Geo. & Emma Bailey, 107 S. Plain St. 19.84 F. A..& Mary Bangs, 526 W. Buffalo St. 22.32 S. E. Banks, 240 Linden Ave. 34.72 (M. Llop pays tax)• E. J. Bentley Est., Lot 1.90, Ithaca Land Co. .93 Win. & Arlie Brooks, 21.9 W. Lincoln St. 34.72 Wm. & Arlie Brooks, Lot, Short: St. 2.48 Lucy P. Brown, 401 Lake St. 12.40 Lucy P. Brown, Mill, 301 Lake St. 86.80 Mary R. Casey, 307 S. Plain St. 14.88 Uri Clark Est., 154 E. State St. 187.24 Jas. Cole, 119 College Ave. 66.96 Bridget Coleman Est., 136 Fayette St. 18.60 Bridget Coleman Est., 408 W. Clinton St. 19.84 Corcoran & Noonan, Lot No. 13, E. State St. 1.55 Nina Cornelius, 11.3 Cobb St. 17.36 C. W. Dade, 210 Cleveland Ave, 13.64 HI. & J. Daniels, 812 W. Green St. 3.72 ( Joe Renkash pays tax) Antonio DeAngeles, 508-508 -Madison St. 16.12 C. E. Dunkle, Lot No. 37, Maple Ave. 1.86 Madge Fenner, 316 Park Place 16.1.2 Bessie Fish, 214 Humboldt St. 12.40 Bessie Fish, 21.6 Humboldt St. 12.40 Frank Fisli, Lot No. 2, Humboldt St. 1.86 A. T. Fisher, -Jot No. 45, Giles St. .93 John Flinn, 112 W. Seneca. St. 68.20 Clarence & Bertha French, 41.4 S. Geneva St. 17.36 M. & Jane Geary, 320 N. Meadow St. 1.9.84 Edw. Gibbons Est., 127-129 Cleveland Ave. 34.72 A. C. Goff, 305 W. Green St., Barn & Garage 117.80 92 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS H. Goldenlierg, 317-321 Eddy St. 186.00 Chas. Green, 206 Lake Ave. 39.68 W. R: & R. Grieshaber, 215 Mitchell St. 52.08 0. M. Hagen, 314 E. Falls St. 9.92 C. C. & Geo. E. Houghton, 109 Farm St. 24.80 Geo. E. Iloiighton, Lot, Caseadilla Ave. 4.34 Ithaca Improvement & Operating Co., 412-414 Mitchell St. 37.20 SC. H. Jones, 327 S. Titus Ave. 21.08 J. P. & L. Jones, 602 Madison St. 92.32 A. B. & Nellie Kennedy, 208-210 Prospect St. :35.16 Theresa Lal3ar, 108 Franklin St. 14.88 Thos. Lewis, Sr. & Jr., 423 .First 9.92 Manuel Llop, 209-211 Dryden Roacl 80.60 Manuel L1op, 904 Hector St, 83.08 Horace J. Lucas, Jr., 407 E. Tompkins St. 14.88 Mason & Jackson, 502 S. Plain St. 24.80 J. B. McAllister, 418-422 Eddy St. 322.40 Preston Melton, 425 W. Seneca St. 21.08 Preston Melton, 223 S. Plain St. 14.88 Lena. C. Miller, 412 Elni St. 3924 S. Mollela, 12 Garages, Fourth & Madison Sts. 14.88 A. M. O'Daniels Est., Lot No. 11, Giles St. . .93 W. E. Pearson, 404-406 University Ave. 99.20 M. E. Poole, 119-121- E. State St. 291.40 R. J. & Mary Powers, 410 S. Aurora St. 32.24 A. J. Quick, 414 Madison St. (,S. Molella pays tax) John Quigley Est., 207 Williams St. 43.40 Anna Reidy, Lot 623 Dryden Road 6.20 John Reidy Est., 104 Maple Ave. 21.08 John Reidy Est., 121 Maple Ave. 58.28 John Reidy Est., Lot, Maple Ave. 16.12 Jesse L. Rohrer, Storehouse, Foot of Third St. 8.68 Catherine M. Scout, 511.5. Tioga St. :32.24 Ethel J. Seeley, 32]. S. Titus Ave. 19.84 F. H. & Mary Shevalier, 717 N. Aurora Si. .24.80 A. G. Sincebaugh, 339 Elm St. 43.40 Glenn Smith, 416 Hudson St. 31.00 Space Bros., 616 W. Buffalo St. 3720 Space Bros., Garage, Rear 616 W. Buffalo St. 14.88 H. W. & Elizabeth Strong, 608 S. Plain St. 19.84 Fred D. Van Order, 511 W. Seneca St. ' 50.84 Fred 1). Van Order, 514-516 W. State St. 68.20 Mary E. 1'an Order, 356 Humboldt St. & Lot . 89.90 Jesse S. Vaughn, Lot No. 28, Treva Ave. 1..24 Ward -Kurz Co., 113 Brandon Pl.. 49.60 (G. C. Begent pays tax) E. L. & M. Welch, 132-134 Linn St. 32.24 •22.32 OF TOMI'KINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 93 Jeremiah Welch, 'Icehouse, Westport St. 4.96 Jeremiah Welch, 206 College Ave. 79,36 1). M. White, Lot, 117 Dover's Lane .93 ..Frank Whitmore Est.; Lot 324 Linn St. 4.34 C. H.-Wilcox,209 Auburn St. 19.84 W yman, Lot No. 23, 'Trevi Ave. .93 $3,218.86 F. 1). VAN ORDER, JR., Wi11. F. GEORGE, A. S. M1LLER, Committee. Mr. Van Order offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That the foregoing report of the Committee on Re- turned highway and School Taxes be accepted and that the sums therein mentioned be levied and collected from the lands or property upon which the same were imposed with 7% in addition thereto. Seconded by Mr, Patterson. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. The report of Daniel Mitchell, a Justice .of the Peace of the Town of Enfield, was received and referred to the Committee on Coroner, Justices, Etc. Accounts. Mr. Shaver presented the following report of the Committee on Charities, relative to the report of the Superintendent of the Poor: Your Committee on Charities, having compared the bills for the maintenance and care of the county poor with the County Superintendents ledger, footing items and checking up the re- ceipts, find to the best of our belief that the report is correct, and your committee recommends the adoption of the following resolutions: Resolved—That for the maintenance of the poor having settle- ment in Tompkins County, there be levied and collected from the taxable property of the .several towns. and the City of Ithaca, to reunburse-the county .for moneys expended for the maintenance of the poor of the various towns and the City of Ithaca, during the year ending November 15, 1924, the following sums, viz.: 94 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OP SUPERVISORS Caroline . $ 218.38 Danby 95.88 Dryden 383.77 Enfield 225.62 Groton 743.23 Ithaca 104.93 Lansing 193.05 Newfield 103.63 Ulysses 247.84 City of Ithaca 2,463.27 County 504.19 $5,283.79 • and be it further Resolved—'That there be levied and collected from the taxable property of Tompkins County, the sum of $12,300.00 apportioned as follows: County and Town Poor to be supported at the County Home for the ensuing year $ 5,500.00 Outdoor Relief and County Home Maintenance 5,500.00 Superintendent of Poor Expenses 400.00 Transportation 400.00 Physician arid Chaplain at County Ilorne 500.00 Total $12,300.00 W. J. SHAVER., J. W. JONES, S. L. HOWELL, Coinmittee. Moved by Mir. Shaver that the report of the committee be-ac- cepted e•ac- cepted and the resolutions adopted. Seconded by Mr. King. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. The Clerk read the following report of the Committee on Town and County Accounts, relative to the moneys in the hands of the County Treasurer in the Dog Fund: Your Committee on 'Town and County Accounts reports that it has examined the figures submitted by the County Treasurer, relative to the receipts and disbursements of moneys constituting the dog license moneys and believes them correct. • OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 95 We find that there was contributed by the towns of the county and the City of Ithaca, to June 30, 1924, the following sums: Caroline, $ 487.00 Danby 235.00 Dryden 742.90 Enfield 226.00 Groton 797.80 Ithaca Town 592.55 Ithaca City 2,0$9.50 Lansing 860.80 Newfield 367.00 Ulysses 41.0.00 $6,808.55 We find that there was paid for assessors' fees, claims and eNpenses, the sum of $3,458.32 and paid to the State the sum of $654.49, making the total sum disbursed $6,336.87 and leaving a balance in the hands of the County Treasurer of $2,765.14, of which 75%, or the sum of $2,073.86, is to be apportioned among the several towns and city of the county, and your committee finds that the several towns and city are entitled to the following amounts as such apportionment: Caroline ..... $ 148.28 Danby 71.55 Dryden 228.12 Enfield 68.86 Groton. 243.26 Ithaca Town 181.05 Ithaca City 634.60 Lansing 261.30 Newfield 111.99 Ulysses 124.85 $2,073.86 and your committee therefore recommends the adoption of the following resolution: Resolved—That the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay .to the several towns of tlie. county and the City of Ithaca, the Foregoing amounts as apportioned to them out of the surplus moneys in his hands in the Dog License Fund on June 30, 1924. OLEN A. KING, FRED D. VAN ORDER, JR., W. F. GEORGE, Committee 96 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS -Moved by Mr. King, that the report of the committee be ac- cepted and the resolution adopted. Seconded by Mr. Dassanee. Carried. Mr. Shaver, Chairman of the Committee on Charities, pre- sented the following report of that committee, which was lair) on the table two days under the rule: Your Committee on Charities reports that the several claims listed below are in all respects iri proper form for audit and allowance by this Board, that each of the said claims in the opinion of your committee is a just and legal charge against the County of Tompkins, to the amount indicated in the column headed "Allowed",• and your committee therefore recommends that each o4' said claims be audited at the amount so indicated. . - Claimant Account to which chargeable Nature o£ expense - " - — Z C7 Q 128 Ithaca Realty Co.... Tuber. Hos- pital Insurance . $ 37.23 $ 37.23 140 Southern Tier Dependent llainten- Orphan , Home....... Childen auce .... 240.00 240.00 $277.23 $277.23 Respectfully submitted this 18th day of December, 1924. W. J. SHAVER, J. W. JONES, S. L. HOWELL, Committee. Moved by Mr. Shaver, that the report be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr. . King. By unanimous consent the report was taken from the table. Mr. Shaver offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved ----That the report of the Committee on Charities be accepted and that the bills and accounts therein listed be audited OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 97 and allowed at the amounts recommended by the committee, and be it further Resolved—That Claim No. 1.40, amounting to $240.00, be charged to the City of Ithaca, and placed in the tax budget of that city. Seconded by 1'l.r. George. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll Gall. All members present. The selection of officers and representatives to be elected by this Board, having been made a special order of brisiness for this time, that matter was taken up. Mr. Sharer placed in nomination the name of Wm. 0. Smiley as a Director of the Farm Bureau Association. il'Ir. Smiley's nomination was seconded by Mr. Pierce. There being no further nominations, on motion, the Clerk was directed to cast one ballot for Wm. 0. Smiley. The Clerk cast one ballot for Wm. O. Smiley, and the Chairman declared Mr. Smiley duly elected a Director of the Farm Bureau Association, as the representative of the Board of Supervisors. Mr. George placed in nomination the name of Sidney L. Howell, as the representative of the Board in the Junior Project Exten- sion Work. Mr. Howell's nomination Was seconded by Mr. Smiley. There being no .further nominations, on motion, the Clerk was directed to cast one ballot for Sidney L. Howell. The Clerk cast one ballot for Sidney L. Howell and the Chair- man declared Mr. Howell duly elected as the representative of this Board in the Junior Project Extension Work of the Farm Bureau. - Mr. George placed in nomination the name of Mrs. Eugene 98 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Baker, as a Member of the Board of Managers of the Tubercu- losis Hospital. • Mrs. Baker's nomination was seconded by \tr. Patterson. There being no further nominations, on notion, the Clerk was directed to cast one ballot for Mrs. Eugene Baker. The. Clerk cast one ballot for Mrs. Eugene Baker and the Chair- man declared Mrs. Baker duly elected a Member of the Board of Managers of the Tuberculosis Hospital, to succeed herself, for a term of five years, beginning January 1, 1925. Mr. Patterson placed in nomination the name of Fred C: Evans, as County Superintendent of Highways. Mr. Evans' nomination was seconded by Mr. Shaver. There being no further nominations, on motion, the Clerk was directed to cast one ballot for Fred C. Evans. The Clerk cast one ballot for Fred G. Evans and the Chairman declared Mr. Evans duly elected County Superintendent of.High- ways for the term of four years. Mr. Patterson placed in nomination the name of Dr. J. W. Judd, as Jail Physician. ' Dr. Judd's nomination was seconded. by Mr. Shaver. There being no further nominations, on motion, the Clerk was directed to cast one ballot for Dr. J. W. Judd. The Clerk cast one ballot for Dr. J. W. Judd and the Chair- . man declared Dr. Judd duly elected Jail Physician for the ensu- ing year. Mr. Whittaker placed -in nomination the name of Mrs. Amy Green, as Jail Matron for the ensuing year. Mrs. Green's nomination was seconded- by Mr. Smiley. There being no further nominations, on motion, the Clerk was directed to cast one ballot for Mrs. Amy Green. The Clerk cast one ballot for Mrs. Amy Green and the Chair- man declared Mrs. Green duly elected Jail Matron for the en- suing year. OP TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 99 Mr. Patterson presented the following report of the Committee; on Ilighways which was laid on the table two days under the rule: Your Committee on Highways reports that the several claims listed below are in all respects in proper form for audit and allowance by this Board, that each of the said claims in the opinion of your committee is a just and. legal charge against the County of Tompkins, to the .amount indicated in the column headed "Allowed", and your committee therefore recommends that each of said claims be audited at .the amount so indicated. No. of claim Claimant Account to which chargeable Nature of expense ro -74 71 Ithaca journal -News 1 High. Supt.. Print. notices .. 72 Delos Weed Right of way Auto hire.. 73 American Surety Co. High. Bonds Premium .. 123 ;Stover Printing CoCo. Supt. ... Printing .. 124 Lang Eng. & Gar. Co. High. Com.. Auto hire.. 151 A. C. Goff High. Com. Auto hire.. $ 3.91 $ 3.91 6.00 6.00 192.97 192.97 9.00 9.00 21.00 21.00 211.75. 211.75 $444.63 $444.63. Respectfully submitted this 18th day of. December, 1924.. L. E. PATTERSON, W. 0. SMILEY, ALBERT DASSANCII1, J. W. JONES, - J. M. TOWNSEND, Committee. Moved by Mr. Patterson, that the report be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr. Van Order. By unanimous consent, the report was taken from the table. Mr. Patterson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That the report of the Committee on Highways be accepted and that the bills and accounts -therein listed be audited IOU PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS and allowed at the amounts recommended by the committee. Seconded by IIIc. Whittaker. Ayes -13. Noes -0.' Carried. NINETEENTH DAY Friday, December 19, 1924 MORNING SESSION Roll Call. All members present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. At The Clerk read the bond of the County Treasurer -elect, which was received and referred to the Committee on County Treas-, urer's Accounts. Mr. Patterson offered the following resolution and moved its adoFition : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated from the Motor Vehicle Funds now in the hands of the County Treasurer, the sum of $4,000.00, to the Highway Construction Fund under the County System of Roads. Seconded by Mr. George. Ayes -13. Noes ---0. Carried. • .Mr. Patterson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That there be levied and collected from the taxable property of Tompkins County, the sum of $30,730.00 for the construction and improvement of highways for the year 1925, under the provisions of Section 320-A, of the Highway Law, said sum of :30,730.00 to be duplicated by a like amount by the State of New York, under the provisions of Section 320-B, of the Highway Law. Seconded by Mr. George. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. OIC' TONPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 161 Mr. .Patterson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : .Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $8,400.00 for the maintenance of highways for the year 1925, under the County and 'Town System of Roads. Seconded by Tir. 3)assaucc. Ayes -18. Noes -0. Carried. llr. Shaver, Chairman of the Committee on Charities, rendered the following, report of that committee, relative to the report of the Board of Managers of the Tuberculosis Hospital: Your Committee on Charities reports that it .has examined the report of the Board of. Managers of the Tuberculosis hospital and believes the figures and items therein set forth were correct at the time the report vvas made. Frons the report it appears to you committee that an amount equal to that appropriated in 1923 will be necessary to maintain the institution for the year 1925, and your committee therefore recommends the adoption of the following resolution: Resolved—That there be levied and collected from the taxable property of Tompkins County the sum of $19,872.22 for main- . tenance of the Tompkins County Tuberculosis hospital_ for the year 1925, and the sum of $1,000.00 for the employment of an educational and. vocational nurse at that institution for the year 1925. W. J. SHAVER, J. W. JONES, S. L. HOWELL, Committee. Moved by I\{r. Shaver, that the report of the committee be accepted 'anc1 the resolution adopted. Seconded by Mr. Van Order. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Pierce, Chairman of the Committee on Soldiers' Relief, Etc., to which had been referred the reports of various' organiza-. tions, and asking for the appropriation of moneys, rendered the following repor of that committee: Your Committee on Soldiers' Relief, Ete. ,to which was re- 102 PROCEEDINGS -OF THE BOARD OF SUJPERVISORS -ferred the' reports of various organizations and associations to which this Board appropriates moneys, would recommend the adoption of the following resolution: - Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated to the Tompkins County Farm Bureau the sum of $2,500.00, to the Tompkins County home Bureau the suns of $3,000.00 and to the Tompkins County Farm Bureau for Junior Project Extension Work the sum of $2,700.00; to the Child Welfare Board the sum of $3,000.00; to the Tompkins County Chapter of the- American Red Cross Society for a Public Health Nurse the sum of $1,200.00 'and -to the Southern 'Tier Association for the Blind the sum of $600.00 for carrying on the work of those organizations and associations for -the year 1925, and be it further Resolved—That the County Treasurer' is hereby directed to pay to the Treasurer of the Farm Bureau Association and Rome Bureau Association the amounts herein appropriated to them in four quarterly payments on the 15th days of February, May, August and November, upon the filing with him of a certified 'copy of this resolution,that he is hereby directed to pay to the 'Treasurer of the Tompkins County Chapter of the American Red 'Cross Society in four quarterly payments on the 1st days of January, April, July and October, upon the filing with him of a certified copy of this resolution and to the Treasurer of the Southern Tier Association for the Blind in payments of $300.00 each on June 1, and December 1, 1925, and be it further Resolved ---.That the sum of $1,200.00 standing to the credit of the Red Cross Society; now in the hands of the County Treasurer and unexpended, be and the same is hereby reappropriated to the said society for carrying on its work for the year 1925. LESLIE R. PIERCE, FRED D. VAN ORDER, JR., ALBERT DASSANCE, Committee. Moved by Mr. Pierce, that the report of the committee be ac- cepted and the resolutions adopted. Seconded by Mr. Whittaker. Ayes -13. Noes -0.- Carried. The Clerk read the following report of the Committee -on County Clerk and Election Expenses, relative to the report of the Commissioners of Election : • OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 103 Your Committee on County Clerk and. Election Expenses re- ports that it has examined the report of the Commissioners of Election and believes it to be correct, and your committee there- fore recommends that the apportionment of election expenses; as made by said Commissioners, be accepted and adopted by this Board, and that the various sums charged to the political sub- divisions of the county, be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the several towns of the county, the City of Ithaca and the County of Tompkins, as follows: Town of Caroline $ 216.67 Town of Danby 178,76 Town of Dryden 514.60 Town of Enfield 148.96 Town of Groton 520.02 Town of Ithaca 243.76 Town of Lansing 346.68 Town of Newfield 170.63 Town of Ulysses 368.34 City of Ithaca 858.09 County of Tompkins 2,944.10 $6,510.61 A. S. MILLER, LESLIE R. PIERCE, 1-1. A. WIIITTAKER, Committee. • Mr. Miller offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved ---That the report of the Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses be accepted and that the various sums therein mentioned be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the several towns of the county, the City of Ithaca and the County of Tompkins, as therein set forth. Seconded by Mr. Smiley. Ayes -13. Noes -M. Carried. The Clerk read the following report of the Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses, relative to the reports of the County Clerk and the Surrogate's Clerk, on the receipts and disbursements of their offices: Your Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses re- ports that it has examined the reports submitted by the County' 104 • PROCEEDINGS OF TITE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Clerk and Surrogate's Clerk respectively and believes that the facts set forth therein are correct. To the best of your committee's judgment, the receipts of the County Clerk belonging to the county, have been paid to the County Treasurer, and that the sum of $237.26, being the balance in the hands of the Surrogate's Clerk, after paying the running expenses of her office, has been received and ready to be applied to the credit -of the county. A. S. MILLER, LESLIE R. PIERCE, H. A. - HITTAKER, Committee. Moved by Mr. Miller, that the report of the committee be accepted. Seconded by Mr. Shaver. Carried. Mr. Townsend, Chairman of the Committee on County Treas- urer's Accounts, reported favorably on the bond of the County Treasurer -elect and moved that said bond be approved by this Board, both as to form, manner of execution and the sufficiency of the surety. Seconded by, Mr. Jones. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. The Clerk read the following report of the Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts, which was laid on the table two days under the rule: Your Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts reports that the several claims listed below are in all respects in proper form for audit and allowance by this Board, that each of the said claims in the opinion of your committee is a just and legal charge against the County of Tompkins to the amount indicated in the column headed "Allowed" and your committee therefore recom- mends that each 'of said claims be audited at the amount so indicated. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 105 c Claimant Account to which chargeable Nature of expense ro 69 70 100 111 147 148 149 150 Groton Journal -Cour. Ithaca journal -News T, 0, Miller Sons... - S'tover Printing Co.. Ithaca' Realty Co... Underwood Type- writer Co P. H. Bloom Burroughs Add. Mach. Co Tax salej Redem. $ 432.90 $ 432.90 Tax sale notice .. 465.60 465.60 Co. TreasI-3tatiouery 3.75 3.75 Co. TreasPrinting .. 5.50 5.50 Co. TreasBond Premium 675.00 675.00 Co. 'TeasTypewriter 72.50 72.50 Co. TreasTodd Pro- tecto. ... 65.00 65.00 Co. TreasRibbon ... .75 .75 $1721,00 $1721.00 " Respectfully submitted this 1Sth day of December, 1924. J. M. TOWN'SEND, H. A. WHITTAKER, S. L. HOWELL, Committee. Moved by Mr. Townsend, that the report be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by 11Ir. George. By unanimous consent the report was taken from the table. Mr. Townsend offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That the report of the Committee on County Treas- urer's Accounts be accepted and that the bills and accounts therein listed by audited- and allowed at the amounts recom- mended by the committee. Seconded by i\Ir. Dassance. • Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. The Clerk read the ,following report of the Committee on County `Officers and Compensation, which was laid on the table two days under the rule: Your Committee on County Officers and Compensation reports that the several claims listed below are in all respects in proper 106 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD .01,' SUPERVISORS forin--for -aiidit and -allowance by this Board,, that each of the sa.id claims in the opinion of your committee is a just and legal charge against the County of 'Tompkins, to the amount indicated in the column headed "Allowed'', and your committee therefore recommends that each of said claims be audited at the amount se indicated. v • w 00 o Claimant Account to which chargeable, Nature of expense m 1 Hartford Steam I County Boiler'" Co . -Buildings ... 2 T. G. Miller Sons.. Supervisors . 3 Ithaca Journal -News Supervisors 4 5 Ithaca Journal -News Groton Journal -Cour. 6 Matthew Bender Co. 7 J. F. Dorsey 8 Archie Gillen 9 Asa Cummings 10 T. J. Baker 11 11. Adams 12 H. C. Sheldon 13 Olin Miller 14 H, Z. Thayer 15 16 17 18 Supervisors Supervisors . Supervisors . Court Rouse Assessor .... Assessor Assessor • Assessor Assessor Assessor Assessor T. R. Hopkins Assessor .. Frank .SincebangltAssessor Donald Cutter Assessor Frank Cronk Assessor . Baker...:. Assessor .. C. B. Snyder Assessor Archie Gillen Assessor W. H. BulkIev Assessor H. B. Stevens Assessor D. B. Bull Assessor Assessor Assessor 19 Andrew 20 21 22 23 24 25 € Ray Fanning 26 Sam 'I Fane...... Boiler in... $ 227.25 Supplies . . 11.70 Notice, 1 Claims .. 6.11 Notice, Contract 3.74 Notice, Contract 3.06 -Manuals .. 95.00 Clean. lane 14.18 Tax Confer. 2L1.6 Tax Confer. 24.24 Tax Confer. 36.24 Tax Confer. 36.24 Tax Confer. 36.24 Tax Confer. 26.64 Tax Com. Meet. 5.04 Tax Com. Meet. 5.44 Tax Com. Meet. 4.64 Tax Com. Meet.. 5.28 Tax Com. Meet. 5.76 Tax Com. Heel. -... 5.60 Tax Com. Meet. 5.92 Tax Com. Meet. ... 7.68 Tax Coin. Meet:. ... 7.36 Tax Com. Meet. . 6.88 Tax Com. - Meet. 5.12 Tax Com. Meet. ... 5.28 Tax Com. Meet. 5.92 $ 227.25 11.70 6.11 3.74 3.06 95.00 14.18 2116 24.24 "24.24 24.24 24.24 26.64 5.04 5.44 4.64 5.28 5.76 5.60 5.92 7.68 7.36 6.88 5.12 5.28 5.92 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK . 107 8 • Claimant Account to which chargeable Nature of expense m Ts 0 27 W .W. Conrad 28 Oiin Miller 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 E. S. Holmes G. B. Daharsh Asa Cummings T. J. Baker H. Adams Wm, IL Lane Theodore Eighmy. F. L. Reeves 37. Chas. Terpening.... 38 75 76 77 - 78 H. C. • Sheldon T. G. Miller Sons... T. G. Miller Sons... Court Bellis Court Bellis 129 T. R. llokins 130 R. C. Osborn & Co 131 Stover Printing Co 127 IT. Z. Thayer Assessor Assessor Assessor Assessor Assessor Assessor Assessor Assessor Assessor Assessor Assessor Assessor Supervisors . Supervisors . Co. Sealer,.. Co. Sealer... Assessor .... Supervisors Supervisors Assessor .... Tax Com. Meet. . Tax Com. Meet. . Tax Corn. Meet. . Tax Com. Meet. . Tax Com. Meet. . Tax Com. Meet.. ... Ta,x Com. Meet. ... Tax Com. Meet. ... Tax Com. Meet. ... Tax Com. Meet. ... Tax Com. Meet. ... Tax Com. Meet. ... Supplies .. Supplies .. Expenses . Disburse- ments Tax Confer. Supplies .. Printing Tax Confer. 5.44 5.44 5.28 5.12 5.44 4.00 4.00 6.56 6.72 5.76 5.28 4.32 23.75 6.00 507.13 10.80 23.74 107.33 4.50 27.00 5.44 5.44 5.28 5.12 5.44 4.00 4.00 6.56 6.72 5.76 5.28 4.32 23.75 6.00 400.00 10.80 23.74 107.33 4.50 27.00 $1391.33 $1248.20 Respectfully submitted this 18th day of December, 1924. W. O. SMILEY, S. L. HOWELL, ALBERT DASSANCE, Committee. Moved by MJ. Smiley, that the report be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr. Van Order. By unanimous consent the -report was taken from the table. 108 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OE' SUPERVISORS Claims Nos. 10, 11, 12 and 77, having been recommended by the committee as allowed for amounts less than the amounts claimed, a vote was first taken on those claims. Moved by lir. Smiley, that Claim No. 10, of T. j. .Baker, be audited by this Board at $24.24; that Claim No. 11, of Harrison Adams, be audited by this Board at $24.24; that Claim No. 12, of H. C. Sheldon, be audited by this Board at $24.24 and that Claim No. 77, of Court Bellis be audited by this Board at $400.00, those being the several amounts recommended by the committee. Seconded by Mr. Jones. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Ca cried. \fr.' Smiley offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That the report of the Committee on County Officers and Compensation be accepted and that the bills and accounts therein listed be audited and allowed at the amounts recom- mended by the committee, and be it further Resolved ---That of Claim No. 6, of Matthew Bender & Co., there be charged the sum of. $10.00 thereof to each of the 'Towns of Caroline, Danby, Dryden, Enfield, Ithaca, Lansing, Newfield and Ulysses, and to the Town of Groton the sum of $5.00 thereof, said amounts being properly chargeable to those towns respec- tively, and that said amounts so charged be placed in the tax ,budgets of said towns and levied and collected on the property - thereof, to reimburse the county. Seconded by Mr. Patterson. Ayes ---18. Noes 0. Carried. Mr. 1r. Dassanee, Chairman of the Committee on Equalization, Etc., rendered the following report of the committee, relative to ' ratios and percentages which was laid on the table one day, under the rule. Your Committee oii Equalization, Etc., would report that it has determined, upon examination, the ratio which the assessed valuation of real property in. each tax district bears to its full value and would recommend, that based upon such determina- tions, the Board establish such ratios as the true ratios, as follows: OF TO_MPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 109 Caroline 75% Danby 81% Dryden 85% Enfield 73% Groton 73% Ithaca City 866/0 Ithaca Town 99% Lansing 65% Newfield 89% Ulysses 63% All of which is respectfully submitted. ALBERT DASSANCE, Chairman, L. E. YATTERSON, W., J. SllAVER, A: S. MILLER., Committee. Moved by Mr. Dassance, that the report be taken from the table and adopted at this time. Seconded by Mr. Townsend. By unanimous consent the report was taken from the table. Moved by 1\Ir. Dassance, that the report of the committee be accepted and adopted. Seconded by Mr. Shaver. Ayes -13, Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Nowell, Chairman of the Committee on Contract Supplies, rendered the following report of that committee: Your Committee on Contract Supplies reports that claims amounting to $4,238.02, as listed below, have been presented to it and audited from Nov. 1, 1923, to Oct. 31, 1924, and orders have been issued on the County Treasurer for the payment of the same, as follows: 110 ' PROCEEDINGS- OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Light . Heat Telephone Court House $1,803.16 $ 265.70 $ 78.44 Supervisors .108.88 Jail 513.35 County Clerk's .Bldg. . 258.25 160.20 64.62 Highway Superintendent 93.27 County Treasurer • 57.12 Sheriff 143.55 233.88 Co. Judge & Surrogate.. 184.24 County home 69.97 Commissioners of Election 25.76 71.75 Tuberculosis Hospital ... 105.88 $2,061.41 $1,108.56 $1,068.05 Appropriation for 1924: Heat and Light $2,500.00 Telephones 1,000.00 $3,500.00 Disbursements: Light $1,108.56 Heat 2,061.41 Telephones 1,068.05 4,238.02 Overdraft • $ 738.02 . Respectfully submitted this 19th day of December, 1924. S. L. HOWELL, L. E. PATTERSON, • W. 0. SMILEY, Committee. On motion of Mr: Howell, the report of the committee was accepted. Mr. Howell offered -the following resolution and moved its adoption Resolved—That there be levied and collected from the taxable property of Tompkins County the sum of $4,000.00, for the fol- lowing purposes for the ensuing year: OF TOMPKINS COUNTY', NEW .YORK 111 For Fuel and Light for County Buildings in the City.of Ithaca -$3,000.00 Telephone Service for County Officers 1,000.00 $4,000.00 Seconded by Mr. Patterson. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. King presented the reports of Bert Kirby and Albert Colegrove, Justices of the Peace of the Town of Enfield, which were received and referred to the Committee on Coroner, Jus- tices, Etc. Accounts. Mr. Smiley offered the following resolution -and moved its adoption r - Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $800.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, as and for a partial payment for' the Printed Proceedings of the Board of Supervisors for the year 1924, the order therefor to be drawn by the Clerk of the Board upon the County Treasurer, upon delivery to and acceptance by the Clerk of such Proceedings. Seconded by Mr. Miller. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Patterson presented a report showing that the City Tax Rate of the City of Ithaca was $14.40, and the School Tax Rate of said city was $12.80 on each $1,000.00 of valuation. Mr. Miller offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved --That the collectors of the several towns of the county and the chamberlain of the City of Ithaca be instructed to pay over and settle all tax indebtedness with the several officers' of the towns and the County Treasurer, on. or before May 1, 1925, and to pay over to the Supervisors of the towns all moneys in their hands belonging to their towns, on the first day of each month. Seconded by Mr. Dassanee. Carried. Mr. Whittaker offered the .following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved ---That after the tax rates are ascertained for the 112 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF •SIIPERVISOR.S various towns and the City of Ithaca, the Clerk be directed to - print such rates in the Proceedings of the Board, following the budgets of the several towns and city. Seconded by Mr. Smiley. Carried. The Clerk read the following report of the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc., relative to the Special Franchises in Tomp- kins County: Your Committee on Town Expenses, to which was referred the reports of the Special Franchises in the several towns of the county, outside of the City of Ithaca, reports that the following is a tabulation oi' all the Special Franchises of the various cor- porations in the several towns of the county outside of the City of Ithaca, as reliorted to your committee by the several town clerks of the respective towns: SPECIAL FRANCHISES FOR TOMP,KINS COUNTY -1924 O{` TOMPK.1NS' COUNTY, NEW YORK 113 -03 1[(11.1.13/ DI Ao!i,a i'S:11.BaA C Du '00 01101.1d0ja,L a_ti>II:U.101.10-03 sahf-1 L.. 00 0o ID 0- '1)3 anugdo]oJ I1.U0I-1 `1.Inl.1B rI I:II111.I LI, 00 -C' 6V CA c0 CA 1 080, 1 c0 W r✓ CI -00 000ij(l) J, €l01J1 ii.10,11j.I0< r 01 m cel f '0�) al1O)[lla[af 5�.10� .1531 "i'CI I. OI;,, CI CA 1n I.^_y1 O CO 00 _,:-.^ S' Ir'' C. 1- KM 1~ r+'� if] r-1 O ' 00 CI ,,; 1l1 l' p - 0.- O ,0 C C^. !--I 1n cr, � � r. I ; yr:. rl ti N 0 � r '.O [- M O `y' uot40.u)daup aGa [.1•ol'{ pill; sBD a11:') )1.10.A. A%al 0 r^ O 00 0 10 0.0 Ira 0 0 N 0 -11 co ti .. 0 0- o 0 ,..0 I ^. <)1 .—i r -I cc C1 C .r '3 "F -i -A c0 CI 1:0 =": I^ cC co :i1 'v I^ OD a u0Ip l) 0t -L 117:37.1{V o x ='7; 1 arc r y ..(:),3.il:_ulrr:g i'ol[1'A Ilt�rtlarl o Y C-1 t 0D Imo.] [11:n )Iao c _uati put: g ilga] 0 Y- cC7 ,..,1� l CC ~ i . TIOr41:.10({.10) 4)li 111) [J.1 1:;) r: 11 )1 F� Di 1r, _-1- W I '00 0uogdami, 01110.11 cr( GO '}' r 0 -,J+ t.-- 'op •o�7 a110IIda[a,L 0I[TTA. 1}U1? 111.111 1 o i- co cl cc. .D oc '03 311U1Id0lOJ1 f.[rig ull:alg '151: i` ti '03 allogdo1aj, '� F.' '.6.-; ,D N c^ m 00 '0 7 D1100010]; AI1111:(1 .-",?...A L- _ 00 1, 07 aualpIoia,t, G r0�003 '.1 ', na ' r L4 -P co m =^ O C1 0- 0 E '00 aUUlldoiiij,i a ITAT:11 .4,7t:� in r r 'op ot101{11)1=3,I, (.1 Uni.11:;i a11110.ru;�' c7 G -03 gdt:.l�aloj, pull au0gdaloZ ur.-.)1.1aury 0 cco 1n c: o m ca c.1 [– 00 - C1 O .- r-1 Caroline Danby Dryden Dryden Village Freevil]e Enfield Groton Groton Village Ithaca Cayuga Heights Lansing . Newfield 'Newfield Village Ulysses Trumanshurg 114 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Moved by Mr. George, that the ,report of the committee be accepted. Seconded by Mr. Townsend. Carried. The Clerk read the following report of the Committee on Sol- diers' Relief, Etc., which was laid on the table two days under the rule: Your Committee on Soldiers' Relief, Etc., reports that the several claims listed below are in all respects in proper form for audit and allowance by this Board, that each of the said claims in the opinion of your committee is a just and legal charge against the County of Tompkins to the •amount indicated in the column headed "Allowed" and your committee therefore recommends that each of.said claims be audited at the amount so indicated. 5 2 o o C. Claimant Account to which chargeable Nature of expense •2 C) ro g o di 65 .Ithaca Journal -News Educational Pub. State Schol. . $ 7.82 $ 7.82 66 L. T. Genung Pub. Health. Laboratory Service . 107.03 107.03 67 Craig Colony Epileptics .. Clothing, etc. ..... 73.91 73.91 68 Central N. Y. Insti. Mainte- tor Deaf -Mutes Deaf -Mutes • nancc . 52.19 52.19 74 J. W. Burton Feeble Exannina- Minded .. tion .... 15.00 10.00 125 Syracuse State Feeble School Minded . Clothing 103.00 103.00 126 11. S. Beardsley & Soldiers' Gilbert 5011 Burial .... Bloom 75.00 75.00 137 Dr. H. Il. Crum Insane - Ex. in lunacy 30.00 30.00 138 Dr. J. W. Judd Insane Ex. in lunacy .. 20.00 20.00 139 E. T. Stewart & Son Soldiers' Burial Itosine Fish 75.00 75.00 $558.95 $553.95 Respectfully submitted this l9tli day of December, 1924. LESLIE R. PIERCE, ALBERT DASSANCE, FILED D. VAN ORDER, JR., Committee. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 115 Moved by Mr. Pierce, that the report; be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr. Jones. By unanimous consent the report was taken from the table. Claim No. 74, of Dr. J. W. Burton, having been recommended by the committee as allowed for anamount less than the amount claimed, a vote was taken on that claim. Moved by Mr. Pierce, that Claim No. 74, of Dr. J. W. Burton, be audited by this Board at the sum of $10.00, that being the amount recommended by the committee. Seconded by Mr. Van Order. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. M1. Pierce offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Besotted -..That the report of the Committee on Soldiers' Re- lief, Etc., be accepted and that the bills and accounts therein listed be audited and allowed at the amounts recommended by the committee, and be it further Ilesoly(3d---.That Claim No. 68, amounting to $52.19, be charged to the City of Ithaca; that Claim No. 74, amounting to $10.00, be charged to the Town of Enfield; that of Claim No..125, the sum of $40.00 thereof be charged to the Town of Dryden, the sum of $43.33 thereof be charged to the Town of Ithaca and the sum of $20.00 thereof be charged to the Town of Lansing; that of Claim No. 137, the sum of $10.00 thereof be charged to the Town of Danby, the sum of $10.00 thereof be charged to the Town of Lansing and the sum of $70.00 thereof be charged to the Town of Newfield; that of Claim No. 138, the sum of $10.00 thereof be charged to the Town of Danby and the sum of $10.00 thereof be charged to the Town of Lansing, said amounts being properly chargeable to those towns and city respectively, and that said amounts so charged be placed in the tax budgets of said towns and city and Levied and_ collected from the taxable property thereof, to rcimbur.se the county. Seconded by Mr. Whittaker. .Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. Moved by Mr. Smiley, that the amount paid to the Jail Physi- cian for the year 1925, be $2.00 per visit, the same as paid heretofore: Seconded by Mr. Van Order. Carried. 176 PROCEx:T)INGS OF THF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TWENTIETH DAY Tuesday, December 23, 1924 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present, except Mr. Shaver. ;Minutes of preceding day read and approved. llr. .Jones presented .a report, showing that the School Tax Rate of Groton Village was $25.50 on each $1,000.00 of valuation. The Clerk read the bond of the County Clerk -elect, which was received and referred to the Cornrnmittee on County Clerk and Election Expenses. • Messrs. Townsend, Jones and King asked permission to with- draw their names from the report of the •Committee -on Equaliza- tion, Etc., relative to ratios arid -percentages. There being no objection, so ordered. iir. hiller, having been absent at the time the report ,was signed by the members of the committee,. asked for permission to sign the report at this time. There being no objection, so -ordered. iM'lr. Pierce offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: ResoluedThat there be appointed• by this Board a committee consisting of five members for the eradication of bovine tuber- culosis, and that such committee shall consist of the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors and Arthur S. Miller, as the repre- sentatives of this Board, and Messrs. Dr. Homer Genung of Dry- den, Albert I1. Stone of Ithaca and E. N..Moot of Ithaca, whose terms of office shall be one year,. and be it further Resolved—That all investigations and Work Performed in the eradication of bovine tuberculosis in Tompkins County, including the hiring and discharging of all employees, shall be in charge of said committee, and be it further • •- Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $4,000.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the pur- •OF' TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW .YORK 317 pose of carrying on the work 'of said committee' during- the' year 1925, and the County 'Treasurer is hereby directed to pay;', out said moneys on the written order of such committee, signed by the representatives from this Board. Seconded by llr. Patterson. Ayes --12. Noes -O. Carried. The Clerk read the following report of the Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses, which was laid on the table two :lays,' -under the rule: Your Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses, re- ports that the several claims listed below are.in all respects in proper form for audit and allowance• by this Board, that each of the said claims in the opinion or your committee is a just and legal charge against the County of Tompkins to the amount-in- dicat:ed- in the colunin headed "Allow'ed", and, your coinmittee therefore recommends that each of saki claims be audited at. the amount so indicated. . .N o Account to Nature wClaimant 0 which chargeable of expense °J - o- . • 39 Davis -Brown Cu Co. Clk. Bldg. Elm._ rep'rs $ 18.5:i $ 18.55 . 40 W. L. 'Jenks . Co. Clk. Bldg. Repairs .. 9.88 9.88 41 Groton Journlil-Cour. Co. Judge... Terms, of Court ... 10.26 10.26 42 Rita ea Journal -New Co. Clerk.... Printing ... 10.00 10.00 43 Ithaca Journal -News Co. Clerk.... Printing ... 29.24 . 29.24 44 J. B, Lyon Co. Co. Judge... Law books. 49.00 . 49.00 - 45 Williamson Law Bk. Co. . Co. Clerk.... Supplies .. .1.0.00 10.00 46 Louise J. Sprague Est. Com. of Elec. Rent 50.00 50.00 47 J. B. Lynn Co. Court 1 30r'v Session Laws, Etc. 98.0(1 98:00 79 Norton Printing Co.. Co. Clerk.... Stationery . 30.75 . 30.75 80 T. G. Miller Sons... Co. Clerk.... Supplies ... 5.95 5.95 • 81 Atkinson Press ..... Co. Clerk.... Court Calendars _ 43.50 43.50 83 Corner Bookstores... Co. Judge... Stationery . j 42.15 -' 42.15 84 T. G. Miller Sons... Corn. of Elec. Supplies ... { 76.79 76.79 83 T. J. Crowley Corn. of Elec. Printing ... 23.00 23.00 86 T. G. Miller Sons Com. of Elec. Supplies '... 95.08 95.08 87 Brandnw Printing • Co., Assd. 1st. Nat. Bank . Com. of Elec. Printing . .. 505.75 505.75 88 T. G. Miller Sons Co. Clerk.... Supplies . .. 1.1.50 11.50 (Continued on page 118) 118 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Claimant Account to which chargeable Nature of. expense 89 T. G. Miller Sons... • 91 Banks Law. Pub. Co. 92 T. G. Miller Sons... 93 Banks Law. Pub. Co. 94 West. Pub. Co. . 95 Matthew Bender Co. 96 T. G. _hiller Sons... 112 Stover Printing Co.. 113 Ithaca Journal -News 114 Groton Journal -Cour. 315 Norton Printing Co.. 116 J. E. Van Natta.... 152 Norton Printing Co.. ]53 Clinton House 15554 Lawyers' Co -Op. Pub. Co. 155 F. M. Wooley 156 Cornell Library Ass 157 H. A. Whittaker 158 W. O. Smiley 159 Wm. J. Shaver 160 Olen A. King 161 J. W. Jones 162 A. 5: Miller 163 W. F. George 364 Albert Dassance..... 165 J. M. Townsend. ,166 F. D. Van Order, Jr. 167 L. E. Patterson..... 168 E. Morgan St. John. 169 Sidney L. Howell... 170 Leslie R. Pierce• 171 Underwood Type. Co. 173 J. B. Lang Eng: Co. 174 Jesse R. Keeler 175 Wm. H. Baker 176 All Steel Equip. Co 177 178 Jesse R. Keeler American Surety Co. Co. Clerk....1 Supplies... 86.40 86.40 Co. Clerk.... Law books. 41.00 41.00 Co. Judge... Supplies ... 2.50 2.50 Co. Judge... Law books. 58.50 58.50 Co. Judge... Law hooks. 4.00 4.00 Co. Judge... Law books. 20.75 20.75 Surrogate .. Supplies ... 8.90 8.90 Co. Clerk..:. Cards ..... 4.10 4.19 Com. of Elec. Printing ... 158.56 158.56 Com. of Elec. Printing ... 98.06 98.06 Com. of Elec. Printing ... 2898.26 2898.26 Co. Clerk.... Typewriter 121.00 121.00 Co. Clerk.... Court Calendars 76.50 76.50 Go. Ct. Civil Meals, jurors ... 14.00 14.00 Co. Judge... Lan books. 30.00 30.00 Co. Clk. Bldg. Services 70.00 70.00 Motor Clerk, Rent 106.00 106.00 Elections .. Canvass Bd• 13.92 13.92 Elections Canvass Bd• 13.12 13.12 Elections Canvass Bd. 13.76 13.76 Elections Canvass Bd. 13.44 13.44 Elections Canvass Bd. 14.72 14.72 Elections Canvass Bd. 12.00 12.00 Elections Canvass Bd. 14.40 14.40 ElectionsCanvass Bd. 13.76 13.76 Elections Canvass Bd_ 13.92 13.92 Elections Canvass Bd• 12.00 12.00 Elections Canvass Bd• 12.00 12.00 Elections Canvass Bd. 12.00 12.00 Elections Canvass Bd. 12.00 12.00 Elections ... Canvass Bd. 12,00 12.00 Co. Clerk.... Rep. mach15.00 15.00 Co. Clk. Bldg. Labor . 2.88 2.88 Co. Clk. Bldg. Elec. rep'rs 21.2.74 212.74 Co. Clerk.... Disburse'ts 250.57 250.57 Co. Clk. BIdg. Steel lockers 77.00 77.00 Co. Clk. Bldg. Elec. rep'rs 5.49 5.49 Bond .prem. 60.00 60.00 Co. Clerk.... $5735.40 $5735.40 Respectfully submitted this 23rd day of December, 1924. A. S. MILLER, H. A. WHITTAKER, LESLIE R. PIERCE, Committee. OP TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 119 Moved by Mr. Miller, that the report be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by IVIr. Whittaker. By unanimous consent, the report was taken from the table. Mr. Miller offered the following resolution and moved its adoption 1i esQf ue(I--That the report of the Committee on County Clerk and ElectionExpenses be accepted. and that the bills and ac- counts therein listed be audited and allowed at the amounts recommended by the committee. Seconded by Mr. Van Order. Ayes—I.2.. Noes—O. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION . Roll call. All members present, except Mr. Shaver. Moved by Mr. George, that the Chairman appoint a committee of three, including himself, which, with -the Attorney for the Board, are authorized and directed to act for and on behalf of the Board in any highway matter that may arise in which the state and county are mutually interested, and that if the Chair- man is unable to attend to such matters he be authorized to designate some other member of the Board to act in his place. Seconded by Mr. Tones. Carried. The Chairman designated Messrs. George and Smiley as the other mernbers of the committee. Mr. Miller, Chairman of the Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses, reported favorably on the bond presented by the County Cleric -elect and moved that said bond be approved by this Board, both as to form, manner of execution and the sufficiency or the surety. Seconded by Mr. Smiley. Carried. The Clerk read the following report of the Committee on Town and County Accounts, relative to the amounts to be raised for sinking fund and interest on bonds issued for the construction 120 PROCEEDINGS OF 'TIE BOARD OF SUPERVJSORS of state and county highways and the amounts .necessary to be raised for the maintenance thereof. Your Committee on Town and County Accounts, having ex- amined the figures submitted by the State Comptroller of the amounts necessary to be raised by the several towns of the county for sinking fund and interest, on bonds issued for the construction of state. and state. and county highways, and the figures sub- mitted by the State Bureau of I-Jighways of the amounts neces- sary to be raised for the maintenance of such highways by the several towns, reports the following amounts to be levied and collected from the various towns of the county for such highway maintenance, and also the amounts to be levied. and 'collected for sinking fund and interest on bonds issued for the construc- tion of state and state and county highways, due from Tompkins County and the several towns therein, as follows: Towns County Interest Town .interest Road Sinking on Sinking on Maintenance Fund sante Fund same Caroline $ 550.00 Danby 500.00 Dryden 1250.00 $1017.15 $2034.31 $263.43 $526.90 Enfield • 600.00 Groton 500.00 Ithaca 1100.00 339.42 678.86 • Lansing 400.00 Newfield 650.00 Ulysses 450.00 706.20 1412.40 216.85 433.69 $6000.00 $2062.77 $4125.57 $480.28 $960.59 OLEN A. KING, W. F. GEORGE, FRED D. VAN ORDER, JR., Committee. Mr. King offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: - • Resolved—That the report of the Committee on Town and County Accounts be accepted and that the amounts therein mentioned be levied and collected from the various towns of the county for road maintenance, and also that the amounts be levied and collected for sinking fund and interest on bonds issued for the construction of state and state and county high- ways, due from the County of Tompkins and the several towns thereof. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 121 Seconded by Mr. Smiley. Ayes -12, Noes -O. Carried. The Clerk read the folowing report. of the Committee on Cor- rection and Reformation, which was laid on the table two days, under the rule: - Your Committee on Correction and Reformation reports that the several claims listed below are in all respects in. Proper form for audit and allowance by this Board, that each of the said claims in the opinion of Four committee is a just and legal charge against, the County of Tompkins to the amount indicated in the column headed "Allowed", and your committee therefore recom- mends that each of said claims be audited at the amount so indicated. ' c w o O Claimant Account to which chargeable Nature of expense E e m E o -i; 56 W. E. € rost Sheriff .... " Auto hire . $ 36.80 $ 36.80 57 E. P. Slaight Sheriff Auto hire . 29.50 19.50 58 Loren Green Sheriff Auto hire . 21.20 21.20 59 E. 'D.Slaight, Assd. to A. C. Goff Sheriff Auto hire . 104.80 99.80 60 R. M. Vose Dist. Atty. .. Autopsy .. 100.00 100.00 62 J. C. Crim Co. Ct. Grim. Meals, ' 63 Dana Bennett, Assd. jurors . .. 10.50 10.50 C. J. Rumsey & Co. Jail . Repairing chimney 50.00 50.00 64 Onondaga Co. Pen... Penal Inst. . 13d.. prisn's. 526.82 526.8.2 97 T. G. Miller Sons.... Sheriff Supplies .. 18.00 18.00 98 T. G. Miller Sons.... hist. Atty. Supplies .. 8.45 8.45 99 Matthew Bender Co. Dist. Atty. haw books. 15.00 15.00 1.17 Stover Printing Co... Dist. Atty. Print., etc. ' 41.50 41.50 118 i'Carl. ,Crandall . Dist. Atty. .. Services ... 8.00 8.00 119 Arthur G. Adams Dist. Atty. .. Dishurse'ts 42.64 42.64 120 Williamson Law - Book Co. list. Atty. .. Coile 20.30 20.50 121 Ithaca Engray. Co... Sheriff Halftones . 15.95 15.95 122 Davis -Brown Co. ... .Tail Elec. rep... 2.75 2.75 132 J. W. Judd Jail' Physic'n Services ... 66.00 66.00 133 Chas. Green Sheriff Expenses .. 77.90 77.90 134 Ithaca Eng -ray. Co... Dist. Atty. Halftones . 10.50 - 10.50 135 A. C. Goff Sheriff Auto hire . 1020.20 1020.20 136 Ithaca City hospital Jail inmates. Blood tests 4.00 4.00 172 C. J. 01 bbs, Assd. . Fall Creek Mill Co. Sheriff Auto Dire . 51.80 51.80 ]80 Monroe Co. °Pen..... Penal Inst. . Bd. prisn's. 256.84 256.84 ]8€. T. G. Miller Sons.... Sheriff Supplies .. 25.00 25.00 $2564.65 $2549.65 122 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 'Respectfully submitted this 23rd day of December, 1924. • LESLIE R. PIERCE, OLEN A. KING, II. A. WIIITTAKER, Committee. Moved by Mr. Pierce, that the report be taken from the table and passed. at this time. Seconded by Mr. Jones. By unanimous consent the report was taken from the table. Claims Nos, 57 and 59, having been recommended by the com- mittee as allowed for amounts less than the amounts claimed, a vote was first taken on those claims. Moved by Mr. Pierce that Claim No. 57, of E. F. Slaight, be audited by this Board at $19.50, and that•Claim No. 59, of E. F. Slaight, Assigned to A. C: Goff, be audited by this Board at $99.80, those being the respective amounts recommended by the committee. Seconded by Mr. Patterson. Ayes -12. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Pierce offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: h'esoived ..That the report of the Committee on Correction and Reformation be accepted and that the bills and accounts therein listed be audited and allowed at the amounts recommended by the committee, and be it further Resolved—That of Claim No. 57, there be charged to the Town of Caroline, the sum of -.$8.00, to the Town of Dryden the sum of $2.40, to the Town of =.Ithaca, the sum of $1.20, to the Town of Lansing the sum of $3.20, to the Town of Newfield the sum of $2.00 and to the City of Ithaca the sum of $1.20. That of Claim No. 59, there be charged to the, Town of Dryden the sutra of $2.00, to the Town of Enfield the sum of $2.00, to the Town of Ithaca the sum or. $3.20, to the Town of Lansing the sum of $14.00, to the Town of Newfield the sum of $6.40, to the Town of Ulysses the surra of $1.80 and to the City of Ithaca the sum of $3.60. That of Claim No. 133, there be charged to the City of Ithaca the sum of $34.30. That of Claim No. 135, there be charged to the Town of Caroline the sum of $16.80, to the Town of Danby the sum (:)];;TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 123 of $34.00, to the Town of Dryden the sum of $32.00, to the Town of Enfield the sum of $5.80, to the Towyn of Groton the sum of $81.60, to the Town of Ithaca the sum of $34.80, to the Town of Lansing the sum of $71.80, to the Town of Newfield the sum of $40.20, to the Town of Ulysses the sum of $124.60 and to the City of Ithaca the sum of $91.80. That of Claim No. 172, there be charged to the Town of Danby the sum of $0.60 and to the Town of Lansing the sum of $17.40, said amounts being properly chargeable to those towns and city respectively, and that said amounts so charged be placed in the tax budgets of said towns and city for the next ensuing tax levy, and levied and collected en the property thereof, to reimburse the county. • Seconded by Mr. Van Order. Ayes -12. Noes -0. Carried. . The Clerk read the following' report of the Committee on Coroner, Justices, Etc: Accounts, which was laid on the table two days, under the rule: Your Committee on Coroner, Justices, Etc. Accounts, reports that the several claims listed below are in all respects in proper form for audit and allowance by this Board, that each of the said claims in the opinion of your committee is a just and legal charge against the County of Tompkins to the amount indicated in the column headed "Allowed", and your committee therefore recommends that each of said claims be audited at the amount so indicated. 124 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS is ea • Account to Naturem w Claimant which of Ocllargt'ahle. expense -r. _O O J , X 48 Milton Ailing Constable ... Fees iu 1 felony .. $ 7.10 $ 7.10 49 I G-eo. Sickmon . Justice Fees in felony .. 5.50 5.50 50 James Cook Constable ... Fees in dog cases 5.00 55.00 51 Chas. Thomas Justice Fees in dog cases 1.50 1.50 52 Jay Snyder Constable ... Fees in dog cases ... 8.00 8.00 53 ]Fred Van Etten Constable ... Fees in clog cases ... 5.00 5.00 54 James A. Bush Justice Fees in felony .. 16.50 16.50 55 Dr. T. M. Unger.... Coroner Autopsy .. 100.00 100.00 •101 R. R. Chatterton.... Justice Fees in dog cases 12.30 12.30 102 Paul Ewers Justice Fees in dog cases . 34.10 34.10 103 Julius Lason Constable ... fees in dog cases ... 59.20 59.20 104 G. E. Underwood Justice Fees in felony , . 7.20 7.20 105 Paul Ewers Justice • Fees in felony .. 7.95 7.95 106 A. J. Metzger Justice Fees in felony . 7.25 7.25 107 Wm. A. Smith Coroner .... Disburse'ts 75.40 75.40 108 Earl J. Moe Constable ... Pees in dog cases . . 8.40 8.40 109 R. H. Taylor . Constable ... Fees in dog eases . 4.90 4.90 110 Daniel :Mitchell Justice Fees in dog cases ... 1.50 1.50 141 A. C. Goff Coroner .... Auto hire . 10.20 10.20 142 A. J. Conlon Justice Fees in felony 23.10 23.10 143 James A. Bush Justice Fees in dog cases ... 15.20 15.20 144 Miles Lane Justice Fees in clog cases ... 8.75 8.75 145 Chas. Hagin Constable ... Fees in dog cases 32.40 '32.40 146 Earl Crauce Constable ... Fees in dog felony ..• 3.00 3.00 179 Cit} of Ithaca City Court .. Fees in felony .. 41.05 41.05 $500.50 $500.50 • 'OF. TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 125 Respectfully ,submitted this 23rd day of December, 1924. H. A. WFIITTAKER, FRED D. VAN ORDER, JR., F. GEORGE, Committee. Plioved by Mr. Whittaker, that. the report be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr. Pierce. By unanimous consent, the report was taken from the table. Mr. -Whittaker offered the .following resolution and moved •its adoption: Resolved -That the report of the Committee on Coroner„Jus- flees, Etc. Accounts, be accepted and that the bills and a.ceounts therein listed be audited and allowed at the amounts recom- mended by the committee, and be it. farther • ne.soload----That the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay • Claims Nos, 50, 51, 52, 53, 101, 102, 103, 108, 109, 110, 143, 144, 145 and 146, out of the moneys in his hands in the dog fund. Seconded by Mr; Patterson. Ayes -12. Noes -0. Carried. The Clerk read the following report of the Committee on County Officers and Compensation, which was laid on the table two days under the rule: Four Committee on County Officers and Compensation reports that the several .claims listed below are in all respects in proper form for audit and allowance by this Board, that each of the said claims in the opinion. of your committee is a just and legal charge against the County of Tompkins to the amount indicated in the column headed "Allowed", and your committee therefore recommends that each of said claims be audited at the amount so indicated. 126 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 6 U w Z Claimant Account to which chargeable Nature of expense .- e 5 b g o 7; 182 H. A. Whittaker Supervisor Tax Com. Meet. $ 5.92 $ 5.92 183 1T. A. Whittaker Supervisor Extend. Tax... 16.00 16.00 184 11. A. Whittaker Supervisor Com. work.... 16.30 16.30 185 H. A. Whittaker Supervisor Quart. & Spee.. 39.60 39.60 186 H. A. Whittaker Supervisor Annual Sess... 141.84 141.84 187 W. O. Smiley Supervisor Tax Com. Meet. 5.12 5.12 388 W. O. Smiley Supervisor Extend. Tax... 20.40 20.40 189 W. O. Smiley Supervisor Corn. work.... 259.70 259,70 190 W. O. Smiley Supervisor Quart. & Spec.. 35.60 35.60 191 W. O. Smiley Supervisor Annual Sess... 133.12 133.12 192 Wm. J. Shaver Supervisor Tax Com. Meet. 5.76 5.76 193 Wm. J. Shaver Supervisor Extend. Tax... 26.93 26.93 394 Wm. J. Shaver Supervisor Com. work.... 104.15 104.15 195 Wm. J. Shaver Supervisor Quart. & Spec.. 38.80 38.80 196 Wm. J. Shaver Supervisor { Annual Sess... 135.52 135.52 197 Olen A. King Supervisor Tax Com. Meet. 5.44 5.44 198 Olen A. King Supervisor Extend. Tax... 18.76 18.76 199 Olen A. King Supervisor Corn. work.... 189.96 189.96 200 Olen A. Ring Supervisor Quart. & Spec.. 32.88 32.88 201 Olen A. King Supervisor Annual Sess... 133.44 133.44 202 J. W. Jones Supervisor Tax Corn. Meet. 6.72 6.72 203 J. W. Jones Supervisor Extend. Tax... 44.75 44.75 204 J. W. Jones Supervisor Corn. work.... 141.48 141.48 205 J. W. Jones Supervisor Quart. & Spec.. 43.60 43.60 206 J. W. Jones Supervisor Annual Sess... 1.43.44 143.44 207 A. S. Miller Supervisor Tax Com. Meet. 4.00 4.00 208 A. S. Miller Supervisor Extend. Tax... 35.00 35.00 209 A. S. Miller Supervisor Corn. work.. - . 97.40 97.40 210 A. S. Miller Supervisor Quart. & Spee.. 30.00 30.00 211 A. S. Miller Supervisor Annual Sess... 132.00 132.00 212 Wrn. .F. George . Supervisor Tax Com. Meet. 6.40 6.40 213 Wm. P. George Supervisor Extend. Tax... 21.50 21.50 214 Wrn. F. George Supervisor Com. work.... 8.40 8.40 215 Wm. F. George Supervisor Quart. & Spec.. 33.60 33.60 2.16 Wru. F. George Supervisor Annual Sess... 134.40 134.40 217 Albert Dassanee .... Supervisor Tax Com. Meet. 5.76 5.76 218 Albert Dassance .... Supervisor Extend. Tax... .17.34 17.34 219 Albert Dassance Supervisor Corn. work.... 98.00 98.00 220 Albert Dassance Supervisor Quart. & Spec.. 38.80 33.80 221 Albert Dassance Supervisor Annual Sess... 135.52 135.52 222 J. M. Townsend, Supervisor Tax Corn. Meet. 5.92 5.92 223 J. M. Townsend..... Supervisor Extend. Tax... 29.50 29.50 224 J. M. Townsend Supervisor Com. work.... 97.00 97.00 225 J. M. Townsend ..... Supervisor Quart. & Spec.. 39.60 39.60 226 J. M. Townsend Supervisor Annual Sess... 1 133.92 133.92 227 F. D. Van Order, Jr. Supervisor Tax Com. Meet. 4.00 4.00 228 F. D. Van Order, Jr. Supervisor Com. work.... 51.00 51.00 229 F. D. Van Order, Jr. Supervisor Quart. & Spec.. . 30.00 30.00 230 F. D. Van Order, Jr. Supervisor Annual Sess... 138.00 138.00 231 L. E. Patterson Supervisor Tax Com. Meet. 4.00 4.00 232 L. E. Patterson Supervisor Extend. Tax... 53.64 53.64 233 L. E. Patterson Supervisor 1 Com. work.... 217.85 217.85 (Continued on page 127) - O1' TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 127 No, of claim CIaimant Account to which chargeable Nature of expense b 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 L. E. Patterson L. E. Patterson E. Morgan St. John E. Morgan St. John E. Morga.n St. John E. Morgan St. John •Sidney L. Howell. Sidney L. Howell.. Sidney L. Howell.. Sidney L. Howell.. Leslie R. Pierce Leslie R. Pierce Leslie R. Pierce Leslie R. Pierce Leslie R. Pierce Supervisor Supervisor Supervisor Supervisor Supervisor Supervisor Supervisor . Supervisor • Supervisor . Supervisor . Supervisor . Supervisor Supervisor . Supervisor . Supervisor Quart. & Spec.. Annual Sess., . Tax Com. Meet. Corn. work.... Quart. & Spee.. Annual Sess... Tax Com. Meet. _ Com. work.... Quart. & Spec.. Annual Sess... Tax Com. Meet. Extend. Tax... Coin. work.... Quart. & Spec.. Annual Sess... 30.00 132.00 4.00 276.00 30.00 132.00 4.00 186.30 30.00 132.00 4.00 53.64 93.35 30.00 138.00 30.00 132.00 4.00 276.00 30.00 132.00 4.00 186.30 30.00 132.00 4.00 53.64 93.35 30.00 138.00 $4623:07 $4623.07 Respectfully submitted this 23rd day of December, 1924. W. O. SMILEY, S. L. HOWELL, ALBERT DASSANCE, Committee. Moved by Mr. Smiley, that the report be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr. fierce. By unanimous consent the report was taken from the table. Mr. Smiley offered the following resolution and moved its adoption Resolved -That the report of the Committee. on County Officers and Compensation be accepted and that the bills and accounts therein listed be audited and allowed at the amounts recom- mended by the committee. Seconded by Mr. Whittaker. Ayes -12. Noes -O. Carried. Mr: George presented the petition of day. Mack, for the refund 12S PROCEEDINGS OF TIME BOARD OF STUPERVISORS of taxes erroneously paid in the Town of Lansing for the year 1923. Mr. George offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: IGesolied—That the petition of Jay rack be granted and that the Clerk is hereby directed to draw an order,- payable to Jay Mack, for the sura of $12.75, for state and county taxes of 1923, erroneously paid to the Town of Lansing, and the County Treas- urer is hereby directed to pay said order out of any available funds in his hands, and that. the anionnt of $12.75 so paid, be charged to the Town of Lansing, to be placed in the budget of that town for the ensuing tax levy, to reimburse the county. Seconded by Mr. Dassanec. Carried. 11Ir. Townsend, Chairman of the Committee on County Treits- urer's Accounts rendered the following report of that committee, relative to the report of. the County Treasurer: Your Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts, after ex- amining the report of the County Treasurer and comparing. the figures therein submitted with the books and vouchers of the County Treasurer and ascertaining that the bank balances are correct, believes that the said report is a true and complete financial statement of the business of. the county passing through the office of. the County- Treasurer for the year, and your com- mittee desires to commend the care and diligence displayed by those having the details of the office in charge,. Dated, December 23, 1924. I. M. TOWNSEND, S. L. HOWELL, Committee. Moved by AIr. Townsend, that the report of the conrmit.tee.be accepted. Seconded by Air. Smiley. Carried. Mr. Patterson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: \Vri1ErzEAs—The county, during the 'past year has paid for in- surance on motor trucks allotted to the several towns, the sura of $452.88, therefore be it OF- TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 129 Resolved—That there be levied and collected from the taxable property of the several towns of the county, the surns set opposite the names of those towns, to reimburse the county for moneys expended for and on behalf of said towns for insurance on motor trucks, as follows: Caroline $ 26.64 Danby - 26.64 Dryden 133.20 Enfield 26.64 - Groton 79.92 Ithaca 53.28 Lansing 53.28 Newfield 26.64 Ulysses 26.64 $452.88 Seconded by Mr. Howell. -• Ayes -12. Noes -0. Carried. TWENTY-FIRST DAY Wednesday, December 31, 1924 MORNING SESSION Roll Call. A11 members present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. Mr. Jones presented a List -of Corporations of the Town of Groton, which was filed. Mr. Jones presented a report showing -.that the Village Tax Rate of the Village of Groton was $14.40 on each $1,000.00 of valuation. Mr. Patterson presented a List of Corporations of the City of Ithaca, which was received and filed. On motion of Mr. Smiley, the Board proceeded in the election of a Republican Commissioner of Election for the term of two years. 130 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD Off' SUPERVISORS The name of Bert T. Baker was presented by Mr. Rodney G. Robinson, Chairman of the' Republican County Committee. There being no other nominations, on motion of -Mr. Shaver,. the Clerk was directed to cast one ballot for Bert T. Baker, as the choice of the Board for Republican Commissioner of Election. The Clerk cast one ballot for Bert T. Baker, and the Chairman declared Mr. Baker elected Commissioner of Election for the term of two years, beginning January 1, 1925. Air- Pierce offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That the Committee on Correction and, Reformation be authorized to purchase and install a proper washing machine in the donnty jail. ,Seconded by Mr. Miller. Carried.. The Clerk read the following report of the Committee on Finance, which was laid on the table two days under the rule: Your Committee on Finance respectfully reports that, in its opinion, the following apropriations will be necessary to meet the expenditures of the county for the ensuing fiscal year, viz.: APPROPRIATIONS FROM THE GENERAL FUND Contributions: State Tax—General Purposes Armory Purposes ...... - Stenographers, Etc. $62,695.27 8,670.82 3,275.84 $ 74,641.93 Tax Expenses, Refunds, Etc.: Expenses Refunds Legislative: Supervisors—Compensation . Expenses Clerk—Salary Postage Attorney—Salary Janitor $ 1,233.28 95.87 $ 1,329.15 $ 4,539.07 246.03 1,500.00 50.00 300,00: 650.00 $ 7,285.10 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 131 • Administrative Officers: Commissioners of Election— Salaries $ 1,200.00 Expenses 150.00 Postage, Clerk hire, Etc. 1,000.00 Rent 50.00 $ 2,400.00 Elections—County Canvass $ 183.04 Election Expenses 1,000.00 $ 1,183.04 County Treasurer: Salary $ 1,000.00 Postage 125.00 Clerk Hire 300.00 Bond . 675.00 Expenses 458.57 $ 2,558.57 Administrative Buildings: County Clerk's Building—Janitor $ 480.00 Expenses .. 1,961.14 $ 2,441.14 Court I-Iouse—Expenses $ 2,742.75 Boiler Insurance 227.25 Insurance 2.40 $ 2,972.40 Contract Supplies: Heat and Light $_ 3,000.00 Telephones• 1,000,00 $ 4,000.00 Judicial : County Judge—Salary $ 3,500.00 Special County Judge --Salary 600.00 Assistants 2,700.00 Expenses 500.00 $ 7,300.00 Children's Court Judge—Salary $- 500.00 Clerk—Salary 800.00 - Expenses 250.00 Southern Tier Orphan Home 240.00 $ 1,790.00 132 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Civil Courts: Supreme Court $ 3,000.00 County Court 2,000.00 $ 5,000.00~ Court Library Expenses $ 98.00 County CIerk:_ Salary $ 2,600.00 Deputy Clerk—Salary 1,200.00 Motor Vehicle Clerk—Salary ... 1,200.00 Assistants 4,400.00 Postage, Ete. 225.00 Rent 300.00 Expenses 1,505.82 $ 11,430.82 Regulative Officers: Sealer of -Weights and Measures— Salary $ 500.00 Ex houses 400.00 Disbursements 10.80 $ 910.80 Educational: Educational Notices $ 7.82 Farin Bureau' 2,500.00 Home Bureau 3,000.00 Junior Project 2,700.00 Feeble Minded 103.33 Deaf Mutes 52.19 $ 8,363.34 County Publications: Printed Proceedings $ :800.00 Other Publications 239.66 $ 1,039.66 Public Health County Laboratory $ 107.03 County Public Health Nurse Under Aus- pices of. Tompkins Co. Chap. Amer. Red Cross . 1,200.00 Eradication of Bovine Tuberculosis 4,000.00 $ 5,307.03 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 133 Corrective Officers : District Attorney— Salary $ 1,600.00 Office Expenses 300.00 Other Expenses - 255.89 $ 2,155.89 Sheriff— Salary . $ 2,400.00 Under Sheriff --Salary 400.00 Deputy Sheriff and Turnkey 900.00 Jail Matron 100.00 Expenses 2,966.45 Probation Officer -- Salary Coroner $ 6,766.45 $ 1,200.00 Salary $ 300.00 Expenses 190.60 $ 490.60 Justices and Constables: Fees $ 100.00 Criminal Courts: Supreme Court .... $ 4,500.00 County Court 1,000.00 $ 5,500.00 Punishment: Jail Inmates $ 4,000.00 Jail Physician 266.00 $ 4,266.00 Jail Maintenance $ 800.00 Monroe County Penitentiary $ 256.84 Onondaga County Penitentiary 526.82 $ 783.66 Total Appropriations $162,113.58 131 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Less: Estimated Receipts Applicable to the General Fund— Levy on Towns for State Tax $74,641.93 Levy on Towns for Election Expenses 3,566.51 Levy on Towns to Reimburse County for Deai'. Mutes 52.19- , Feeble 2.19- Feeble Minded 103.33 Sheriff's Expenses 1,246.40 Refund Taxes 95.87 Expenses of Children's Court 346.55 Manuals 85.00 Erroneous School Tax 7.10 . Fees of County Clerk 10,612.02 Fees of Surrogate's Clerk 237.26 $ 90,994.16 Net Amount Required for Gen'l Fund Appropriations $ 71,119.42 APPROPRIATIONS FROMVI THE POOR FUND Charitable, Improvident Poor: Superintendent of the Poor— Salary $ 1,500.00 Expenses ...... 400.00 Almshouse Inmates 5,500.00 Outdoor Relief 5,500.00 Transportation 400.00 Physician and Chaplain 500.00 Keeper at County Home .. 1,200.00 Insurance 381.35 Almshouse Audits 489.79 $ 15,871.14 Charitable, Tuberculosis: Tuberculosis Hospital— Maintenance $19,872.22 Educational and Vocational Nurse 1,000,00 Insurance 305.33 $ 21,177.60 Mental Diseases: Epileptics Insane $ 73.91 80.00 $ 153.91 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 135 Dependent. Children: Child Welfare Board • $ 3,000.00 Soldier's Burial: Appropriation $ 1,000.00 Blind : Southern Tier Association .... $ 600.00 Total Appropriations $ 41,802.65 Less: Estimated Receipts Applicable to the Poor Fund— Levy on Towns to Reimburse County for Support. of Poor at County Home $ 4,779.60 Examinations in lunacy 80.00 $ 4,859.60 Net Amount Required for Poor Fund Appropriations $ 36,943.05 APPROPRIATIONS FROM THE IIIGHWAY FUND Maintenance of Highways: Supt. of Highways—Salary $ 2,200.00 Expenses 1,000.00 Audits . 545.57 $ 3,745.57 Construction: Sinking Fund on Bonds—Principal .... $ 2,543.05 Interest ..... 5,086.16 • $ 7,629.21 County System of Roads: Appropriation Under .§320-A $30,730.00 Maintenance Under §320-A 8,400.00 Expenses 232.75 $ 39,362.75 County Treasurer's Highway Bond Premium $ 192.97 Motor Truck Insurance $ 422.88 Rights of Way $ 64.75 County Highway Indebtedness: County Highway Bonds—Principal .... $14,000.00 Interest ..... 10,145.00 $ 24,145.00. Total Appropriations $ 75,593.13 136 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD O,L' SUPERVISORS Less : Estimated Receipts Applicable to Highway Fund Levy on Towns to Reimburse Couny for Sinking Fund and Interest on • Bonds $ 1,440.87 Insurance on Motor Trucks 452.88 $ 1,893.75 Net Amt. Required for Highway Fund Appropriations $ 73,699.38 Your committee recommends that there be assessed, levied and collected from the taxable property of Tompkins County, liable therefor, the following sums for the following purposes: . For General Fund $71,119.42 For Poor Fund 36,943.05 $108,062.47 For Highway Fund $ 73,699.38 Total Tax Levy for County, Exclusive of State Tax $181,761.85 Your committee further reports that the foregoing appropria- tions will be necessary to meet the expenditures of the county, for the next ensuing fiscal year, in payment of 1. Contributions pursuant to Chapter 310, Laws of 1924, Armory Purpose Tax is levied pursuant to the Military Law, as amended; Court and Stenographers' Expenses pursuant to the Judiciary Law, as amended, Chapters 140, 384, 386 and 653, Laws of 1924, and Article 6, Section 12, of the State Constitution. 2. Salaries of officers and employees heretofore authorized by this Board. 3. CIaims audited and allowed by this Board. 4. Claims to be audited at special or quarterly sessions of this Board, claims to be audited by the Superintendent of the Poor, duly authorized certificates and other expenses to be paid prior to the next ensuing tax levy. 5. Amounts to become due under contract. 6. The amount to be paid for Sinking Fund and Interest on State Ilighway Bonds. 7. County indebtedness and interest thereon. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 137 8. Appropriations by this Board for other specific purposes, and estimated amounts required for unforseen contingencies. Your committee further reports, that from the report of the County Treasurer, the receipts of the previous year and ,other information available, it is estimated that the amounts indicated will be available from the various sources specified, to the ex- penditures for the above purposes, and such amounts are de- ducted from the estimated amounts required, in fixing the amounts to be raised by tax levy. Respectfully submitted, this 31.st day of December, 1924. SIDNEY L. HOWELL, J. W. JONES, J. M. TOWNSEND, Committee. Moved by Mr. Howell, that the report of the committee be taken from the table and passed. at this time. Seconded by Mr. George. By unanimous consent the report was taken from the table. Mr. Howell offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: I?esol ved----That the report of the Committee on Finance be ac- cepted and that the several amounts therein specified be acid• hereby are appropriated from the funds indicated, to and for the purposes enumerated, and be it further Resolved—That all moneys received by the County Treasurer, the disposition of which is not specifically provided for by law, or act of this Board, be credited by him to the general, poor or highway fund, in accord with the nature of such receipt, and be it further Resolved—That in ease of a deficicn.ey in any appropriation, the County Treasurer is hereby authorized to transfer, from the general fund, poor fi.rncl or highway fund respectively, for the purpose of meeting any payment ordered by this Board, or re- quired by law, which amounts are hereby appropriated for such purposes, but in no case is the County Treasurer authorized to transfer from the general fund or poor fund to any other fund, without a resolution of this Board specifically authorizing him so to do, and be it further Resolved—That there be assessed upon, levied against and collected from the taxable property of Tompkins County, liable therefor, 138 PROCEEDINGS 01' TIIE BOARD OE SUPERVISORS i For State Tai j 74,641.93 For General Funcl and Poor Fund Tax 108,062.47 For Highway Fund Tax 73,699.38 Seconded by Mr. George. .ices --13. Noes -0. Carried. - VLi' Dassanee, Chairman of the Committee on Equalization, Etc., rendered the following majority reports of that committee for the purposes of General Tax Levy arid highway Tax Levy, which was received and laid an the table one day, under the rule: REPORT NO. 1 OF EQUALIZATION COMMITTEE FOR. APPORTIONMENT OF GENERAL TAX LEVY FOR THE YEAR. 1.924 To the Honorable the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins, N. Y.: rn 0 Caroline $ 862,750 $ 6,798 Danby 777,460 4,536 Dryden 2,680,540 52,52(1 Enfield 593,557 7,1.08 Groton 2,349,840 21,472 Ithaca City 207836,108 912,412 Ithaca Toa -11 3,650,920 49,270 Lansing 1,956,6 55 15,236 Newfield 891,865 13,013 Ulysses 1,484.700 23,770 c cc 3 n 0 0 $ 869,548 781,996 2,733,07 i 600,725 2.371,312 21,748,520 3,700,1190 1,971,891 904,878 1,508,470 .75 81 .85 .73 .73 .86 .99 .65 .89 .63 U 9 $ 1,159,397 965,427 3,215,056 822,911 3,248,372 25,288,976 3,737,565 3,033,678 1,016,717 2,394,397 Totals 830,084,395 $1,106,211 $37,190,606 • $44,883,096 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORI139 N i=1 0 O Pc: -1 Caroline Danby Dryden Enfield Groton Ithaca City Ithoica Town Lansing Newfield Ulysses $ 960,690 799,965 2,664,527 681,875 2,691,636 20,954,701 3,096,986 2,513,738 842,464 ].,984,024 91,142 17,969 81,150 320,324 541,847 475,554 Total $37 190,606 $1,527,986$1,527,986 $83,950 $ 68,549 793,819 603,204 62,414 $ 4,400 46,100 16,000 6,100 3,300 8,050 $ 965,090 799,965 2,710,027 681,875 2,707,636 20,954,701 3,096,986 2,519,838 845,764 1,992,074 $37,274,556 Your Committee on Equalization reports that they have ex= amined the assessinent rolls of the several tax districts in the County of Tompkins, for the purpose of ascertaining whether the valuation in one tax district bears a just relation to the valua- tions in ail tax districts in the county; that in the opinion of the members of the committee such valuations do not bear such just relations to the valuations in all the tax districts of the county, and your committee would recommend that the valuations of the several tax districts, in order that they may bear such just rela- tions be increased or diminished according to the following state- ments so as to make. the aggregate equalized valuations as in- dicated in the tabular statement above. And your committee would 3.150 report that they have de- termined upon proper inquiry and investigation the ratio or Percentage which the assessed value of the real property in each such tax district bears—to its full value and would recommend that, based upon such determination of your committee that the board establish such ratios or percentages which are determined and in the opinion of your committee are as follows: Caroline 75 Per Cent Danby .8.1 Per Cent Dryden 85 1'er Cent Enfield 73 Per Cent Groton 73 Per Cent Ithaca City .86 Per Cent Ithaca Town 99 Per Cent Lansing 65 Per Cent Newfield 89 Per Cent Ulysses 63 Per Cent 140 PROCEEDINGS OF. THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS That your committee have, in accord with such percentage compiled, and that the foregoing tables shows the aggregate valuations of each tax district, as determined from the actual values of property fixed according to the above ratios or per- centages and the average rate of assessment of real property in the county Which your committee have determined according to the rules laid down by Statute, to be .82861+ and that the table shows by such valuations the several and aggregate Valuations upon which the taxes for the county, including the state taxes, should be apportioned between the •several tax- districts of the county. All of which is respectfully submitted. ALBERT DASSANCE, Chairman, L. E. PATTERSON, A. S. MILLER, W. J. SHAVER, Committee. REPORT NO. 2 OF EQUALIZATION COMMITTEE FOR APPORTIONMENT OF HIGHWAY TAX LEVY FOR THE YEAR 1924 To the Honorable the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins, N. Y. Your committee further reports that it has in accordance with the percentages fixed and established by this Board, determined the equalized value of the real property- of the several tax dis- tricts of this county, liable to the general levy of taxes, for highway purposes, as shown by the subjoined tabular.state- ment; that the average rate of assessment as determined by such percentages is .828582+, O1' TOIIPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 141 Towns Real, inclusive of pen- sions and excluding franchises Speciai franchise 1Total real as assessed 0 b m En v, m True value $ 962,559 En. s � O y 0 Ei 0 +4 . 7 v Caroline ... $ 864,470 $ • 6,798 $ 871,268 .75 $ 1,161,691 Danhy 787,010 4,536 791,54f .81 977,217 Dryden 2,694,770 52,536 2,747,306 .85 3,232,124 Enfield 596,141 7,168 693,309 .73 826,451 Groton 2,363,1.00 23.,472 2,384,572 .73 3,266,537 Ithaca City 20,912,248 '912,412 21,824,660 .86 25,377,512 Ithaca Town .... 3,652,920 49,270 3,702,190 .99 3,739,586 1.41 using 1,957,955 15,236 1,973,191 .65 3,035,678 Newfield 899,365 13,013 912,378 .89 1,025,144 Ulysses 1,492,850 23,770 1,516,620 .63 , 2,407,333 Totals 1$36,220,829 :$1,106,211$37,327,040 .. $45,049,273 Towns Equalized value Assessed value increased Assessed value diminished 7i 0 N 4 Total equalized real and franchises inclu- sive of pensions 'marked exempt with personal added Caroline $ 962,559 $ 91,291 $ 4,400 $ 966,959 Danby - 809,707 18,161809,707 Dryden 2,678,082 $ 69,224 46,100 2,724,182 Enfield 684,785 81,476 684,785 Groton 2,706,596 322,024 16,000 2,722,596 Ithaaea City 21,027,352 797,308 • . 21,027,352 Ithaca, Town 3,098,556 '603,634 . _ 3,098,556 Lansing 2,515,310 542,119 6,100 2,521,410 Newfield 849,418 62,960 3,300 852,718 Ulysses . 1,994,675' 478,055 8,050 2,002,725 Totals $37,327,040 $1,533,126 $1,533,126 $83,950 $37,410,990 Average per cent .828582+. ALBERT DASSA.NCE, Chairman, L. E. PATTERSON, A. S. MILLER, W. J. SHAVER., Committee. 142 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ' Moved by Mr. Dassance, that the reports be taken front the table and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr. Miller. By unanimous consent the reports were taken from the table. Mr. Townsend offered the following minority reports of the Committee on Equalization, Etc., for the purposes of General Tax Levy and Highway Tax Levy, as amendments to the majority reports, and asked their substitution therefor. REPORT NO. 1 OP EQUALIZATION COMMITTEE FOR APPORTIONMENT OF GENERAL TAX LEVY FOR TILE YEAR 1924 rro the Honorable the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins, N. Y.: Real exclusive of Pen- sions and franchtises Special franchise c. 0 0 0 C 4'. ' Towns U '-..- _ w 0 - 0 41 ctgi J ?' }" U Caroline $ 862,750 $ 6,798 $ 869,548 .96 $ 905,779 Danby 777,460 4,536 781,996 .97 806,182 Dryden 2,680,540 52,536 2,733,076 .98 2,788,853 Enfield 593,557 7,168 600,725 .96 625,755 Groton 2,349,840. 21,472 2,371,312 .96 2,470,116 Ithaca City 20,836,108 912,412 21,748,520 .95 22,893,179 Rim ea Town 3,650,920 49,270 3,700,190 1.00 3,700,190 Lansing 1,956,655 15,237 1,971,891 .91 2,166,913 Newfield " 891,865 13,013. '904,878 .98 923.345 Ulysses 1,484,700 23,770 1,508,470 .91 1,657,660 Totals 1 $36,084,395 $1,106,211 $37,190,606 $38,937,972 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 143 Towns Equalized value y m 0 N m ., Assessed value diminished ? c� -,,,..= .r v F m m 0 '� Total equalized real and franchises exclusive of pensions marked exempt with personal added Caroline Danby Dryden ........... Enfield Groton 11hacn City. Ithaca Town Lansing Newfield Ulysses .... Tota -Is $ 865,131 770,004 2,663,700 597,673 2,359,267 2.1,865,825 3,534,140 2,069,670 88.1,909 1,583,287 . $117,305 . 97,779 74,817 $ 4,417 11,992 69,376 3,052 12,045 166,050 22,969 $289,903.1$1.36,434 $ 1,720 9,550 14,230 2,584 13,260 76,140 2,000 1,300 7,500 8,150 $ 4,400 $ 869,531 770,004 46,100 2,709,800 597,673 16,000. 2,375,267 . 21,865,825 3,534,140 6,100 2,075,770 3,300 885,209 8,050 1,591,337 $17,190,6061$289;901 $83,950 $37,274,556 Your Committee on Equalization reports that they have ex- amined the assessment rolls of the several tax districts in the County of Tompkins, for the purpose of ascertaining whether the valuation in one tax district bears a jest relation to the valua- tions in all the tax districts in the county; that in the opinion of the members of the committee such valuations do not bear such just relations to the valuations in all the tax districts of the county, and your committee would recommend that the valua- tions of the -several tax districts, in order that they may bear such just relations, be increased or diminished according to the follow- ing statements so as to make the. aggregate equalized valuations as indicated in the tabular statement above. And your committee would also report that they have de- termined upon proper inquiry and investigation the ratio or percenta.ge which the assessed value of the real property in each such tax district bears to its full value and would recommend that, based upon such determination of your committee that the board establish such ratios or percentages which are -determined and in the opinion of your committee are as follows: 144 PROCEEDIINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Caroline 96 Per Cent Danby 97 Per Cent Dryden 98 Per Cent Enfield 96 .Per Cent Groton ... .96 Per Cent Ithaca City 95 Per Cent Ithaca Town 1.00 Per Cent Lansing 91 Per Cent Newfield .98 Per Cent Ulysses 91 Per Cent That your committee have in accord with such percentage compiled, and that the foregoing tables shows the aggregate valuations of each tax district, as determined from the actual values of property fixed according to the above ratios or per- centages and the average rate of asessment, of real property in the 'county which your committee have determined according to the rules laid down by Statute, to be .95509573+ and that the table shows by such valuations the several and aggregate valua- tions upon which. the taxes for the county, _ including the state taxes, should be apportioned between the several tax districts of the county. Ail of which is respectfully submitted. - J. M. TOWNSEND, J. W. JONES, OLEN A. KING, Committee. .REPORT NO. 2 OF EQUALIZATION. COMMITTEE FOR APPORTIONMENT OF GENERAL TAX LEVY FOR IIIGHWiWAY PURPOSES FOR THE YEAR 1924 To the Honorable the Board of Supervisors of the _County of Tompkins, N. Y.: Your committee further report that it has in accordance with the percentages fixed and established by this Board, determined the equalized value of the real property of the several tax dis- tricts of this county, liable to the general levy of taxes, for high- way purposes, as shown by the subjoined tabular statement; that the average rate of assessment as determined by such percentage is .9551246+. 04 TOMPK1:�S COUNTY, NEW YORK 145 Towns ,Real, exclusive of fran- chise and including pension Special franchise Total real, inclusive of franchises and pen- sions marked "ex- empt" Percentage of assessed value to true value True value Caroline I$ 864,470 $ 6,798 $ ' 87.1,268 .96 $ 907,708 D,tnnhy 787,010, 4,536 791,546 .97 817,058 Dryden. 2,694,770 52,536 2,747,306 .98 2,803,373 Enfield 596,14.1 7,168 603,309 .96 628,447 Groton 2,363,100 21,472 2,384,572 .96 2,483,929 It..hata City 20,912,248 912,412 21,824,660 .95 22,973,326 Ithaca Town 3,652,920 49,270 3,702,190 1.00 3,702,190 Lansinig 1,957,955 15,236 1,973,191 .91 2,168,342 Newfield 899,365 13,0.43 912,378 .98 930,999 Ulysses 1,492,850 23,770 1,51.6,620 .91 1,666,616 Totals $36 220,8291$1,106,211 $37,327,040 $39,081,988 Tow its m ? • C co 00 m r Caroline $ 866,9521 1$ 4,316 $ 1,720 Danby 780,3721. 11,174 9,550 Drydein 2,677, X12 69,794 1.4,230 Enfield 600,230 3,079 2,584 Groton. 2,372,400. 12,172 13,260 Ithaca City . 21,941,724 $117,064. 76,140 Ttl,flea Town 3,515,884 166,306 2,000 Lansing 2,070,984 97,793 1,300 Newfield 1 889,1971 23,1811 7,500 Ulysses 1,591,785 ' 75,165 . 8,150 Totals 11 $17,327,04011$290,022 $290,022 $136,434 $ 4,400 46,100 16,000 6,100 3,300 8,050 $ 871,352 780,372 2,723,612 600,230 2,388,400 21,941,724 3,535,884 2,077,084 • 892;497 1,599,835 $83,950 $37,410,990 J. M. TOWNSENI), J. W. JONES, OLEN A. KING, Committee. 146 PROCEEDINGS OP THE BOARD OP SUPERVISORS Amendments seconded by Mr. George. A vote being taken on the amendments and _their substitution for the majority reports resulted as follows: Ayes—Messrs. Whittaker, King, Jones, George, Townsend -5. Noes—Messrs. Smiley, Shaver, Miller, Van Order, Patterson, Howell, Pierce, Dassanee-8. . Amendments declared lost, Mr. Dassance offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That report No. 1, of the Committee on Equalization, Etc., be accepted and adopted and the valuation of real property for the purposes of the General Tax Levy, against the several tax districts of the county, be equalized and determined as there- in set forth, as the .basis of the apportionment of such taxes for the ensuing year. Seconded by I1Ir. Miller. Ayes—Messrs. Smiley, Shaver, Miller, Van Order, Patterson, Howell, Pierce, Dassance-8. Noes --Messrs. Whittaker, King, Jones, George, Townsend --5. Carried. Mr. Dassance offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That report No. 2, of the_Committee on Equalization, Etc., for Highway Purposes, be accepted and adopted and the valuation of the real property for the purpose of Highway Levy against the several tax districts of the county, be equalized and determined as therein set forth, as the basis of the apportion- ment of such taxes for the ensuing year. Seconded by Mr. Miller. Ayes—Messrs. Smiley, Shaver, Miller,. bran Order, Patterson, Rowell, Pierce, Dassance-8. Noes—Messrs. Whittaker, KinO7 ,Jones, George, Townsend --5. Carried. OP TO:MMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 147 AFTERNOON SESSION Roll CaJl. All members present. On motion of Mr. Whittaker, the Board proceeded in the elec- tion of a Democratic Commissioner of Election for the term of two years. The name of John P. Kelly was placed in nomination by Mr. B. F. Lent, Chairman of the Democratic County Committee. There being 110 further nominations, on motion of Mr. Whit- taker, the Clerk was directed to cast one ballot for John P. Kelly, as the choice of the Board for Democratic Commissioner of Elections. The Clerk cast one ballot for John P. Kelly, and the Chairman declared Mr. Kelly elected Commissioner of Elections for the term of two years, beginning January 1, 1925. - The Clerk read the following report of the Committee on Equalization, Etc., on Apportionment, which was laid on the table two days under the- rule: Your Committee bn Equalization, Etc., whose duty it is to ap- portion the various taxes among the several towns of the county and the City of Ithaca, respectfully reports that the following amounts shall be paid by the several towns and the City of Ithaca for State Tax for General Purposes, State Tax for Armories, State Tax for Stenographers, Etc., County Tax for General and Poor Purposes and County Tax for Highway Purposes, as follows: Towns Caroline Danby Dryden Enfield Groton Ithaca City Ithaca Town Lansing Newfield Ulysses Totals $ 965.090 799,965 2,710,627 681,875 2,707,636 20,954,701 ' 3,096,986 2,519,838 845,764 1,992,074 837,274,556 k ci $ 1,932.59 1,60.1.92 5,428.00 1,365.45 5,422.01 41,961.57 6,201.69 5,045.96 1,693.64 3,989.10 $ 2,798.77 2,319.90 7,860.82 1,977.43 7,852.14 60,768.63 8,981.26 7,307.53 2,452.71 5,777.02 $74,641.93 $108,096.21 148 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Towns Caroline Danby Dryden Enfield Groton Ithaca City. Ithaca Town Lansing Newficirl Ulysses Totals $ 966,959 809,707 2,724,182 684,785 2,722,596 21,027,8552 3,098, 556 2,521,410 852,718 2,002,725 $37,410,990 $ 1,914.58 $ 6,645.94 1,603.22 5,525.04 5,393.88 18,682.70 1,355.87 4,698.75 5,390.74 18,664.89 41,634.16 144,364.36 6,135.14 21,318.09 4,992.39 17,345.88 1,688.38 5,834.73 3,965.40 13,731.52 $74,073.76 - $256,811.90 'Rate for State Tax $2.00 + per $1,000 Rate for General and Poor 2.90 per 1,000 Rate for County Highway Purposes 1.98 per 1,000 ALBERT DASSANC.E, Chairman, W. J. SHAVER, L. E. PATTERSON, A. S. MILLER, Committee. Moved by Mr. Dassance, that the report of the committee be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr. Patterson. By unanimous consent the report was taken from the table. Mr. Dassance offered the following resolution and moved its adoption Resolved—That -the report of the Committee on Equalization, Etc., on Apportionment, be accepted and adopted and that the several amounts therein listed for state taxi, county tax and county highway tax against the several towns and city of the county, be assessed, levied and collected from the taxable prop- erty of the several towns and city, liable therefor. Seconded by Mr. Patterson. Ayes—Messrs. Smiley, Shaver, Miller, Van Order, Patterson, Howell, Pierce, Dassance-8. OA' TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW' YORK 149 Noes—Messrs. Whittaker, King, Jones, George, Townsend -5. Carried. The Clerk read the following report of the •Committee on Finance, wliieli was laid on the table two days under the rule: Your ,Committee on Finance reports that the following tabu- lated statements show the appropriations which will be necessary to meet the expenditures of the various towns of the county and the City of Ithaca, for the ensuing fiscal year, as set forth in the following budgets: 150 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TOWN OF CAROLINE To be Paid the County Treasurer: State Tax $ 1,932.59 County Tax 2,798.77 County Highway Tax 1,914.58 Maintenance of State and County Highways 550.00 Election Expenses 216.67 Support of Poor at County Home 218.38 Insurance on Motor Trucks - 26.64 Due County 28.75 Sheriff's Expenses 73.55 Manual 10.00 RETURNED SCHOOL TAXES $133.91 To be Paid the Supervisor: Town Audits $ 3,477.78 Highways 2,250.00 Bridges - 500.00 Machinery 500.00 Miscellaneous 150.00 Cert. of Indebtedness-Prin. 3,880.88 Int. 147.65 Town Poor 200.00 $ 7,769.93 $ 11,106.31 TOTAL BUDGET $ 19,010.15 TAX RATES— General ... .0108 Highway .0114 Total .0222 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 151 TOWN OF DANBY To be Paid the County Treasurer: State Tax $ 1,601.92 County Tax 2,319.90 County Highway Tax 1,603.22 Maintenance of State and County Highways 500.00 Election Expenses 178.76 Support of Poor at County Home 95.88 Insurance on Motor Trucks 26.64 Due County 34.85 Sheriff's Expenses 64.05 Manual 10.00 Examinations in lunacy 20.00 • RETURNED SCHOOL TAXES $437.21 To be Paid the Supervisor: Town Audits $ 1,305.54 Highways - . 3,500.00 Bridge 2,000.00 Machinery 1,200.00 Miscellaneous 1,500.00 Town Poor 100.00 Certificate of Indebtedness 1,000.00 Payment on Machinery 1,000.00 $ 6,455.22 $ 11,605.54 TOTAL BUDGET $ 18,497.97 s TAX RATES -.- General .00762 Highway .01570 Total .02332 152 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TOWN OF DRYDEN To be Paid the County Treasurer: State Tax .$ 5,428.00 County Tax 7,860.82 County Highway Tax 5,393.88 Sinking Fund and Interest, Road No. 681 243.11 Sinking Fund and Interest, Road No. 682 269.13 Sinking Fund and Interest, Road No. 683 278.09 Maintenance of State and County Highways 1,250.00 Election Expenses 514.60 Support of Poor at County Home 383.77 Insurance on Motor Trucks 133.20 Feeble Minded Children 40.00 Sheriff's Expenses 79.40 Refund Tax, Mary G. Brass 66.42 Manual 10.00 $ 21,950.42 RETURNED SCHOOL TAXES $263.49 To be Paid the Supervisor: Town Audits ... $ 3,447.26 Highways 8,000.00 Bridges 4,000.00 Machinery 3,000.00 Miscellaneous 3,200.00 Snow 1,000.00 Town Poor 300.00 Vote of Town for Highways 5,000.00 Certificate of Indebtedness 3,000.00. Southworth Library 200.00 Memorial Day 50.00 Brush Tax 8.80 $ 31,206.06 TOTAL BUDGET $ 53,419.97 r TAX RATES— Inside Corporation— Outside Corporation -- General - .0066 Highway .0097 Total .0163 Pensions (Gen'l Hwy.) .0097 General .0066 Tlighway .0097 Primary Highway . .0037 Total .0200 Pensions Pensions (Gen'l Hwy.) .0097 (Primary Hwy.) . .0037 Pension Total .0134 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 153 TOWN OF ENFIELD To be Paid the County Treasurer: State Tax $ 1,365.45 County Tax 1,977.43 County Highway Tax 1,355.87 Maintenance of State and County Highways 600.00. Election Expenses 148.69 Support of Poor at County Home 225.62 Insurance on Motor Trucks 26.64 Due County 29.45 Sheriff's Expenses 28.40 Manual 10.00 Examination in lunacy 10.00 RETURNED SCHOOL TAXES $137.57 To be Paid the Supervisor: Town Audits $ 2,021.83 Highways . 2,822.00 Bridges 500.00 Machinery 1,000.00 Miscellaneous 1,000.00 $ 5,777.55 $ 7,343.83 TOTAL BUDGET $ 13,258.95 TAX RATES— General .00969 Highways .01211 Total .02180 154 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TOWN OF GROTON To be Paid the County Treasurer: - State Tax $ 5,422.01 County Tax - 7,852.14 County Highway Tax 5,390.74 Maintenance of State and County Highways 500.00 Election Expenses520.02 Support of Poor at County Home 743.23 Insurance on Mortor Trucks 79.92 Due County 10.90 Sheriff's Expenses 154.30 Manual 5.00 $ 20,678.26 •- RETURNED SCHOOL TAXES $63.50 To be -Paid the Supervisor: Town Audits $ 4,188.99 Highways . 5,000.00 Bridges 1,500.00 Machinery 3,000.00 Miscellaneous 1,900.00 Memorial Day 75.00 Voted by Town for Highways 5,000.00 Certificate of Indebtedness 6,500.00 $ 27,163,99 TOTAL BUDGET $ 47,905.75 TAX RATES— Inside General .008 Corporation— Highway 01 Outside Corporation Total .018 General .008 • Highway .01 Primary .0046 Health .0004 Total ... ' .023 Or' TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 155 TOWN, OF ITHACA To be Paid the County Treasurer: State Tax $ 6,201.69 County Tax \ 8,981.26 County Highway Tax 6,135.14 Maintenance of State and County Highways 1,100.00 Election Expenses 243.76 Support of Poor at County Home 104.93 Feeble Minded Childen 43.33 Insurance on Motor Trucks 53.28 Due Couzity 215.51 Sheriff's Expenses 61.60 Refund Taxes, John Flinn 16.70 Manual 10.00 Examinations in lunacy 20.00 RETURNED SCHOOL TAXES $708.64 To be Paid the Supervisor: Town Audits $ 1,967.63 Highways 4,660.00 Bridges 2,000.00 Machinery 3,000.00 Miscellaneous 2,500.00 Cert. of Indebtedness—Prin. 4,000.00 Int. 60.00 Bond ancl.Interest 657.50 $ 23,187.20 $ 18,845.13 TOTAL BUDGET $ 42,740.97 TAX FOR LIGHTING DISTRICT $450.00 TAX RATES --- Inside General .0042 Corporation— Highway .0043 Total .0085 Outside General .0042 Corporation -Highway .0063 Total .0105 Lighting District .0041 156 PROOEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS CITY OF ITHHACA To be Paid the County Treasurer: State Tax $ 41,961.57 County Tax' 60,768.63 County Highway Tax 41,634.16 . Election Expenses .858.09 Support of Poor at County Home 2,463.27 Deaf -Mutes 52.19 Sheriff's Expenses 298.55 Due County 377.27 Expenses of Children's Court 346:55 TOTAL BUDGET $148,760.28 RETURNED SCHOOL TAXES $3,444.18 (To be paid by the School/District of the City of Ithaca and not a part of the City Budget, for which the tax is levied.) TAX RATES— General .00497 Highway .. .00193 Total .0069 - OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 157 TOWN OF LANSING To be Paid the County Treasurer: State Tax $ 5,045.96 County Tax 7,307.53 County Highway Tax 4,992.39 Maintenance of State and County Highways 400.00 Election Expenses 346.68 Support of Poor at County Home 193.05 Feeble Minded Children 20.00 insurance on Motor Trucks 53.28 Due County 246.99 Sheriff's Expenses 217.00 Refund Tax, Jay Mack 12.75 Manual 10.00 Examinations in lunacy 20.00 $ 18,865.63 RETURNED SCHOOL TAXES $473.12 '1'o be Paid the Supervisor: Town Audits $ 3,733.89 Highways .. 7,100.00 Bridges 3,000.00 Machinery ' 2,000.00 Miscellaneous 1,000.00. Bond and interest 3,800.00 Cert. of Indebtedness—Prin. 14,138.78 Int. 515.47 $ 35,288.14 TOTAL BUDGET $ 54,626.89 TAX RATES— General .00935 IIighway ... .0201 Total .02945 158 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS • -TOWN OF NEWFIELD To be Paid the County Treasurer: State Tax $ 1,693,64 County Tax 2,452.71 County Highway Tax 1,688.38 Maintenance of State and County Highways 650.00 Election Expenses 170.63 Support of Poor at County Horne 103.63 Insurance on Motor Trucks 26.64 Due County 49.30 Sheriff's Expenses 111.75 Manual 10.00 Examination in lunacy 10.00 $ 6,966.68 RETURNED SCHOOL TAXES $237.97 . To be Paid. the Supervisor: Town Audits $ 5,147.14 Highways 3,917.00 Bridges 3,000.00 Machinery 1,500.00 Miscellaneous 2,000.00 Poor Fund 200.00 Memorial Day 50.00 Town Library 100.00 Compensation Insurance 500.00 Bond and Interest 2,400.00 Certificate of Indebtedness and Interest 2,030.00 Brush Tax 48.82 $ 20,892.96 TOTAL BUDGET . $ 28,097.61 TAX RATES— Inside - General .0085. •Corporation— Highway .0176 Outside Corporation— Total .0261 General .0085 Highway .0176 Primary .005 Health .0002 Total .0313 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 159 TOWN OF ULYSSES To be Paid the County Treasurer: State Tax $ 3,989.10 County Tax 5,777.02 County Highway Tax 3,965.40 Sinking Fund and Interest, Road No. 616 650.54 Maintenance of State and County Highways 450.00 Election Expenses 368.34 Support of Poor at County Home 247.84 Insurance on Motor Trucks 26.64 Due County 88.28. Sheriff's Expenses 157.20. Manual. 10.00 RETURNED SCHOOL TAXES $952.09 To be Paid the Supervisor: Town Audits $ 2,852.46 highways 4,200.00 Bridges 1,000.00 Machinery 1,500.00 Miscellaneous 500.00 Snow 500.00 Cert. of Indebtedness—Bridge 2,000.00 Machinery 700.00 llighway, 320-A 8,000.00 Miscellaneous 3,100.00 General Fund 2,000.00 Bonded Indebtedness—Priv. 2,000.00 Int. 105.00 Memorial Day 75.00 Poor Fund 400.00 $ 15,730.36 $ 28,932.46 TOTAL BUDGET $ 45,614.91 •TAX RATES— Gen'l and Poor Purposes . .01183 Inside General Highway .01135 Corporation--; Total •... .02318 Pension (Gen'l Hwy.) ... .01135 Gen'l and Poor Purposes .. .01183 General Highway _.01135 Outside Health Board Expenses .00013 Corporation --- Total .02331 Pension (Gen'l Hwy.) .01135 Pension( Spec. Hwy.) .00910 Special Highway .00910 160 PROCEEDINGS 0:I0 THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Moved by lir. Howell, that the report of the committee be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr. Shaver. By unanimous consent the report was taken from the table. Mir. Howell offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That in accordance with resolutions adopted by the several town boards of Tompkins County, now on file with the Clerk of this Board, resolutions of this Board and the laws of the state, and in accordance with the foregoing report and recom- mendations of the Committee on Finance, that there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the respective towns of the county and the City of Ithaca, the foregoing sums for the purposes therein named. Seconded by Mr. Shaver. Ayes -13. Noes 0. Carried. TWENTY-SECOND DAY Monday, January 19, 1925 MORNING SESSION Roll Call. All members present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. The Clerk read the bond of the County Treasurer for highway moneys, which was received and referred to the Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts. Messrs. R. H. Treman and Carl Crandall appeared before the Board, relative to the transfer to the State of New York of a por- tion of the property of the county connected with the Tuberculosis Hospital site, -the same to be acquired for State Park purposes, and submitted a map of the property so desired. Mr. Howell offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That the Chairman and Clerk of this Board be OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 161 authorized to execute and deliver to the State of New York, for and on behalf of Tompkins County, a proper deed of con- veyance of the property described on the map submitted, and, so far as possible, obtain from the State the right to the county to the use of the spring from which water is now obtained for the use of the Tuberculosis Hospital, so long as .said property, or any portion thereof, is owned by 'Tompkins County. Seconded by Mr. Patterson. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. P. W. Wood appeared before the Board, relative to the insurance on motor trucks. The Clerh..read the supplemental report of the County Treas- urer, relative to the conduct of the affairs of his office from November 1, 1924 to January 1, 1925, which was received and referred to the Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts. The Clerk read the following bids for printing 1,000 copies of the Proceedings of the Board for the year 1924: Grace Printing Co. $2.64 per page The Atkinson Press 2.65 per page Norton Printing Co. 2.68 per page Moved by Mr. Shaver, that, the bid of the Grace Printing Co., for printing the Proceedings of the Board for the year 1924, be accepted and that the contract therefor be awarded to ;aid company. Seconded by Mr. Patterson. Carried. 11r. Shaver offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: WHEREAS—At is 'apparent to the members of this Board that the only fair basis of assessment on.assessable property is, as hear as possible, on the true value as represented by sale price, and EREAS—The rate of assessment of the towns, as made by the State 'fax Department, is based on such valuations, with proper modifications, and V'VnI.:aEAs—The assessors of some of the political sub -divisions of the county have seen fit to assess the property of their sub- divisions at a valuation greatly below the true value, thus work- ing an injustice, not only on their own municipalities, but on the 162 PROCEEDINGS OF TICE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS other municipalities of the county, as well as on the county at large, therefore be it Resolved—That it is the sense of this Board, tliat the figures submitted by the State Tax Department are the correct figures on which -ratios and percentages should be based and, in the opinion of this Board, should be followed as near as possible in the future, and be it further Resolved—That the Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to forward a certified copy of this resolution to the State 'Tax De- partment and to the chairman of each board of local assessors in the county. Seconded by lir. Patterson. Carried. iIr. Pierce offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $112.50 in payment to the J. B. Lang Engine and Garage Co., for the new washing machine installed in the county jail, and that the Clerk is hereby directed to draw an order at this time for said amount and the County Treasurer is directed to pay the same out of any available funds in her hands. Seconded by lir. Whittaker. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. The Clerk read a communication from the Counts Superin- tendent of Highways, relative to a. bridge which has been con- demned in the Town of Danby. ii\[r. Patterson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That the bridge in the Town of Danby, mentioned in the communication of the County Superintendent of High- ways, be constructed at the joint expense of the county incl town, and that 1.% of the cost thereof be borne by the county and 99% of the cost thereof be borne by the Town of Danby, under the provisions of the Highway Law. Seconded by lir. Shaver. On motion of Mr. Smiley, the resolution was laid on the table until the February meeting of the Board. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 163 'Mr. Whittaker offered the following -resolution and moved its adoption: Wrrr:REas—Tire Board of Supervisors of Tioga County has adopted a resolution, asking the State Highway Bureau for. the construction of the Caroline-Richford, Part 2, Ilighway in the County of Tioga, but without cost to said county; and WnEREAs---A portion of said highway is in Tompkins County and of equal importance to that in Tioga County and should be constructed at the sane time; therefore be it Resolved—That we, the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, do hereby petition the State highway Department for the construction of said highway in Tompkins County, at the same time, in the manner and under like conditions as said high- way is constructed in Toga County; and be it further Resolved—That the Clerk of this Board be_directed to forward a certified copy of this resolution to the State Bureau of High- ways, and to the representatives of this county in both branches of. the State Legislature. Seconded by Mr. Patterson. Carried. Tdr. Shaver offered the following resolution and moved. its adoption: WHEREAS --It appears to the members of this Board that is is necessary to provide some adequate means of relieving the state and the counties thereof of the great burden imposed for the construction and maintenance of highways, and Wur,REAs---It is apparent that the only just and equitable way to provide such additional revenue is by the imposition of a tax on gasoline, therefore be it Resolved ---That this Board requests the enactment into law of a proper tax on gasoline, such tax to be paid by the corpora- tion, association, company or persons wholesaling the same, and that the said tax be paid into the State Treasury, and be it further Resolved—That of the tax so paid, a proper amount be retained by the state,for collecting the .sarne, and that the balance be dis- tributed among the counties of the state on a just and equitable basis, and be it further Resolved—That the Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to • 1454 PROCEEDINGS OF TEE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS forward a certified copy of this resolution to the Governor of the State, to the State Superintendent of Public Works, to the n1a jority and minority leaders of the State Senate and State Assembly, and to the representatives of this county in both branches of the State Legislature. Seconded by Mr. Smiley. Carried. On motion, adjourned to Monday, January 26, at 10.30 A. M., for the purpose of examining and comparing assessment rolls and executing and attaching the collectors' warrants thereto. TWENTY-THIRD DAY Monday, January 26, 1925 Boll Call. All members present. Minutes of. preceding day read and approved. Mr. Dassance, Chairman of the Committee on _Equalization, Etc., reported that the committee had examined the assessment rolls of the several towns of the county, and the City ofIthaca with the amount of tax to be levied, and had compared the same with the budgets of: the several towns and the city and the war- rants of the collectors and found the same correct, and that the collectors' warrants were properly made out and ready for the signatures of the Chairman and Clerk of the Board. Moved by ler. Miller, that the report of the committees be ac- cepted and that the Chairman and Clerk of the Board.be directed to sign the collectors' warrants, as attached to the several assess- ment rolls of the towns and city. Seconded by Mr. George. Ayes -13. Noes ----0. Carried. The minutes of the day's proceedings were read and approved. . There being no further business to eome before the Board, on motion of Mr. George, this annual"session of the year 1924, was adjourned without date. FRED L. CLOCK, • Clerk. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 165 COUNTY AUDITS for 1924 TOMPKINS COUNTY N0. NA :OE . SERVICES CLAIMED ALLOWED 1 Hartford Steam Boiler Co.Boiler his. $ 227.25 $ 227.25 2 T. G. MMiller Sons Supplies 11.70 11.70 3 Ithaca :Journal -News ...Notices 6.11 6.11 4 :I:thaca. journal -News ... Contract Notices 3.74 3.74 5 Groton Journal -Courier .Contract Notices 3.06 3.06 6 'Matthew Bender Co. .... Manuals 95.00 95.00 7 3. F. Dorsey Trucking 14.18 14.118 8 Archie R. Gillen Tnx Conference 21.16 21.16 9 Asa Cummings Tax- Con feroute .. 24.24 24.24 70 T. J. Bilker Tax Conference 36.24 24.24 11 11, Adams Tax Conference 36.24 24.24 12 14. C. Sheldon Fax Conference 36.21 24.24 -13 Olin Miller .............Tax Conference 26.64 26.64 14 11. Z. Thayer Tax Meeting 5.04 5.04 15 T. R. Hopkins Tax Meeting 5.44 5.44 16 .Frank Sincebaugh ...... Tax Meeting 4.6.4 4.64 17 Donald Cutter Tax Meeting 5.28 5.28 18 'Crank Croak Tax Meeting 5.76 5.76 19 Andrew Baker Tax Meeting 5.60 5.60 20 CrB. Snyder Tax -Meeting 5.92 5.92 21 Archie Gillen Tax Heeling 7.68 7.68 22 W. 11. Bulkley T rx Meeting 7.36 7.36 23 11. B. Stevens Tax _Meeting 6.88 6.89 24 I). B. Ball 'Pax Meeting 5.12 5.12 25 .Ray Lanning Tax Meeting 5.28 5.28 26 Sarn'l Lane Tax Meeting 5.92 5.92 27 W. W. Conrad Tax Meeting, 5.44 5.44 28 Olin Miller T•rx Meeting 5.44 5.44 29 E. S. Holmes Tax Meeting 5.28 5.28 30 G. 13. T3aharsh Tax Meeting 5.12 5.12 31 Asa Cummings ......... Tax Meeting '5.44 5.44 32 T. J. Baker - Tax Meeting 4.00 4.00 33 Morrison Adams Tax Meeting . 4.00 4.00 34 Wm. H. Lane Tax :Meeting 6.56 6.56 35 Theodore Eighmey Tax Meeting 6.72 6.72 36 F. T. Reeves Tax Mfeet.ing 5.76 5.76 37 Chas. Terpening TiaMeeting 5.28 5.28 38 H. C. Sheldon T Meeting 4.32 4.32 39 Davis -Brown Co. Elec. Repairs, Surro. , . 18.55 18.55 40 W. L. Jenks & Son Repairs, Co. Clk. 9.88 9.88 41 Groton Journal -Courier .. Terrns of court 10.26 10.26 42 Ithaca Journal -News ....Jury Drawing 10.00 10.00 43 Itliece Journal -News ....Terms of court 29.24 29.24 44 J. 13. Lyon Co. iBooks, Co. Judge 49.00 49.00 45 Williamson Caw Book Co.Supplies, Co. Clk. 10.50 10150 46 Estate L. J. Sprague ... Coin. Elec. Rent 50.00 50.00 47 J. 13. Lyon Co. Books, Ct. Library 98.00 99.00 48 Milton Ailing Pees, Constable 7.10 7.10 49 Geo. B. Sickmon bees, .justice 5,50 5.50 50 James C. Cook Dog fees, Constable 5.10 5.10 • 166 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF STJPERVISORS No. NAME SERVICES CLAI3IED ALLOWED 51 Chas. 'Phomas Dog fees, Justice 1.50 1.50 52 Jay Snyder nog fees, Constable-.... 8.00 8.00 5:3 1'. B. Van Etten Dog fees, Consul>]e .... 5.00 5.00 54 James A. Bush b'ces, Justice 16.50 16.50 55 Dr. I. M, Unger Coroner's Expens. 100.00 100.00 56 W. E. Frost Auto hire, Sheriff 36.80 36.80 57 E. F. Slaight Auto hire, Sheriff 29.50 19.50 58 Loren E. Green Auto hire, Sheriff 21.20 21.20 59 E. F. Siaight, Ass'd A. C.Auto hire, Sheriff 104.80 99.80 Goff 60 Dr. H. M. Arose Autopsy, Dist. Atty. ... 100.00 100.00 61 Duplicate 62 J. C. Grim BO. jurors, Go. Ct. Grim. 10.50 10.50 63 Dana Bennett Ass'd G. J. Rurnsey & Go. Repairs, Co. Jail 50.00 50.00 64 Onondaga Co. Pen.Board prisoners 526.82 526.82 65 Ithaca Journal -News ...Pub. Scholarships 7.82 7.82 6& L. T. Genung Cust.od's. expenses 107.03 107.03 (37 Craig •Cdlony Clothing, Epileptics 73.91 73.91 68 Cent. N. Y. Inst. for Deaf Mutes Clothing, Deaf -Mutes -.. 52.19 52.19 69 Groton Journal -Courier Notices Tux Sale 432.90 432.90 70 Ithaca Journal -News ....Notices.Tax Sale 465.60 465.60 71 Ithaca Journal -News -Notice Highway Meeting 3.91 ' 3.91 72 Delos Weed Auto hire, right of way 6.00 6.00 73 Ilowell & Howell, Agt. Amer. Sur. Go. 74 Dr. 4. W. Burton 75 T. G. _Miller Sons 76 T. G. Miller Sons 77 Court Bellis 78 Court I3eIlis 79 Norton Printing Co. Envelopes, Co. Clerk .. 80 T. G. Miller Sons • Supplies, Co. Clerk .... 81 Atkinson Press Blinks, Co. Clerk 82 Duplicate 83 Corner Bookstores - Supplies, Surrogate .... 84 T. G. _Miller Sons Supplies, Cor. of Elec. 85 T. J. Crowley Printing, Com. of Elee. . 86 T. G. Miller Sons Supplies, Coin. of Elec. . 87 Bradou' Printing Co. Ass'd .1st. Nat. Bank - of Albany Suliplies, Com, of Elec. . SS T. G. Miller Sons Supplies, Go. Clerk .... 89 T. G. Miller Sons Supplies, Co. Clerk .... 90 Wit lid rown 91 Banks Lav I'ub. Co. Law Books, Go. Clerk .. 92 T. G. Miller Sons Supplies, Co. Judge .... 93 Banks Law Pub. Go. Lays hooks, Co. Judge .. 94 West. Pub. Co. Law books, Co. Judge .. 95 Matthew Bender Co. Law hooks, Co. Judge .. 96 T. G. Miller Sons Supplies, Surrognte .... 97 T. G. Miller Sons Supplies, Sheriff 98 T. G. Miller Sons Supplies, .Dist, Atty. ... 99 Matthew Bender Co. Jaw books, Dist. Atty. . 100 T. G. Miller Sons Supplies, Go. Treas. , .. . 101 R. R. Chatterton Dog fees, Justice 102 Paul Ewers Dog fees, Justice Hwy. Bond, Co. Treas. . Exam. Defective Supplies, Supervisors ,. Supplies, Supervisors Epenses, Co. Sealer Dishurse'ts, Co. Sealer . 192.97 15.00 23.75 6.00 507.13 10.80 30.75 5.95 43.50 42.15 76.79 23.00 95.08 505.75 11.50 86.40 41.00 2.50 08.50 4.00 20.75 8.90 18.00 8.45 15.00 3,75 .12.30 34.10 192.97 10.00 23.75 6.00 400.00 10.80 30.75 5.95 43.50 42.15 76.79 23.00 95.08 505.75 11.50 86.40 41.00 2.50 58.50 4.00 20.75 8.90 18.00 8.45 15.00 3.75 12.30 34.10 OF TOMPILINS COUNTY NEW YORK 167 No. 1 AN E SERVICES CLAIMED ALLOWED 103 J. C. Tmson Tang foes, Constable .... 59.20 59.20 104 G. E. Underwood Telony fees, Justice .... 8.40 8.40 105 Paul Ewers Felony fees, Justice .... 7.95 7.95 106 A. .T. Metzgar Felony fees, Constable 7.25 7.25 1.07 Wm. A. Smith Expenses, coroner 75.40 75.40 108 Earl T. Moe Dog fees, Constable ... 8.40 8.40 109 R. H. Taylor Dog fees, Constable ... - 4.90 4.90 110 Daniel Mitchell hog fees, Justice 1.50 1.50 111 Stover Printing Co. -Envelopes, Co. Tress. 5.50 5.50 112 ,Stover Printing Co. Girds, Co. Clerk 4.10 4.10 ' 113 Ithaca .Journal -News ....Printing, Com. of Elec. 158.56 158.56 11.4 Groton Journal -Courier .. Priut.iug, Coro. of Elec. 98,06 98.06 115 Norton Printing Co. ....Printing, Com. of Elec. 2898.26 2898.26 116 .T. E. VuiiNatta Typewriter, Co. Clerk .. 121.00 121.00 117 Stover Printing Co. Paper, etc., Dist. Atty. . 41.50 41.50 118 Carl Cr uudab , , Services, Dist. Atty. ... 8.00 8.00 119 Arthur G. Adams Disburse'ts, Dist. Atty. . 42.64 42.64 120 Williamson Law Book Co -Codes, Dist, Atty. 20.50 20.50 121 Ithnea Engraving Co. ...Photographs, Sheriff :15.95 15.95 122 Davis -Brown Co. ........Flee,. work, Sheriff's Res. 2.75 2.73 127 Stover Printing Co. Highway Notices 9.00 9.00 124 .T. R. Long Co. Auto hire, Hwy. Officials 21.00 21.00 125 Syracuse State School Clothing, t"eeble-Minded 1.03.33 103.33 126 IT. S. Beardsley & Son Burial, Gilbert Growst .. 75.00 75.00 127 Harrison Z. Thayer Tay Com. Conferejee .. 27.00 27.00 128 Ithae,u Realty Co. Insuranee, Tuber. Hosp- 37.23 - 37.23 129 T. R. Hopkins Tay Conference, Assessor 23.74 23.74 130 R. C. Osborn & Co. Supplies, Supervisors .. 107.33 107.33 131 Stover Printing Co. Printing, Supervisors .. 4.50 4.50 132 Dr. .1. W. Judd Services. Jo11 Physician 66.00 66.00 1.73 Clurs. Green Expenses, Sheriff 77.90 77.90 134 Tthoro Engraving Co.. .. Engraving, .Dist. Atty. . 10.50 10.50 135 A. C. Goff ' Auto hire, Sheriff 1020.20 1020.20 :136 'Ithaca City Hospital ....Wasserman test, ,rail In, 4.00 4.00 137 Dr. H. 11. Crum Fs. in lmracy 70.00 30.00 178 1)r..7. W. Judrl Fs. iu lunacy 20.00 20.00 139 E. T. Stewart & Son ....Burial Rosine Fish ... 75.00 7:.00' 140 South. Tier. Orph. Home. Dependent Children 240.00 240.00 141. A. C. Goff Moto h i re, Coroner .... 10.20 10.20 1.42 A. 7. Conlon Felony fees. Justice ... 23.10 23.10 143 James A. Rush Dog fees, Justice ...... - 15.20 15.20 144 Miles D. Lane Deg fees, Justice 8.75 8.75 .145 Chas, E. Regia Dog fees, Constable ... 32.40 32.40 146 Earl CrnDce Dog fees, Constable 3.00 7.00 147 Wm en :Realty Co. Premium, Co. Trees. Timid 675.00 675.00 148 Underwood Typewr'r Co.Typeivritei, Co. Treas. , 72.50 72.50 149 F. 11, Bloom . Proteetograph, Co. Treas, 65.00 05.00 150 Burroughs Add. Mach. Co.Ri]hon, Co. Treas. .75 .75 15.1 A. C. Goff Auto hire, Highways . 211.75 211.75 1112 Norton Printing Go. Court Calendars, Co. Clk. 70.50 76.50 153 Clinton -louse • Meals., jurors, Co. Ct. Civil 14.00 14.00 154 Lawyers' Co -Op. Pub. Co.Law books, Co. Judge 30.00 30.00 155 F. M. Wooley l'xtra work, Go. elk Bldg. 70.00 70.00 156 Cornell Library Assn. ... Rent, Co. Clerk 1.06.00 106.00 157 11. A. Whittaker Board of Canvass .13.92 13.92 158 Win. O. ,Smiley Board of Canvass :13.12 13.12 168 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS NO. NAME SERVICES CLAIM ED ALLOWED 159 Wm. J. Shaver Board of CIL tuv ss 13.76 13.76 160 Olen A. Ring .Board of Canvass 13.44 13.44 1.61 J. W. Jones Board of Canvass 14.72 14.72 162 A. S. Miller Board of Canvass ...... 12.00 12.00 163 W, F. George Board of Canvass 14.40 14.40 164 Albert Dassanee Board of Canvass 13.76 13.76 165 J. M. Townsend ........ Board of Canvass 13.92 13.92 166 i'red D. Van Order, Jr. .. Board of Canvass 12.00 12.00 167 L. E. Patterson ........Board of Canvass 12.00 12.00 168 E. Morgan St. John Board of Canvass 12,00 12.00 169 Sidney L. Howell Board of Canvass ...... 12.00 12.00 170 Leslie R. Pierce Board of Canvass 12.00 12.00 171. Uaderwood Typewr'r Co.Repairs nutelt., Co. Clk. 15.00 15.00 172 C. J. Gibbs, Ass'd Fall Creek Milling Co. .uto hire, Sheriff 51.80 51.80 173 J. B. Lang Eng. & Gar. Co.Laltor, Co. elk. Bldg. 2.88 2.88 174 Jesse R. Keeler Elec. wiring, Go. Clic. Bldg. 212.74 212.74 175 Wm. II. Baker 17isbursc'ts, Co. .Clerk . 250.57 250.57 ]76 All Steel Equip. Co. Wardrobes, Co. Clerk Bldg. 77.00 . 77.00 177 Jesse R. Keeler Elec. wiring, Co. Clk. 131dg. 5.49 5.49 178 Amer. Surety Co. HowellPremium on bond, Co & Howell, Agts. elk. 60.00 60.00 179 City of Ithaca E'elonv fees, City Court 41.05 41.05 180 Monroe Co. Penitentiary, Board prisoners 256.84 256.84 181 T. G. \filler Sons ....... Paper. etc., Sheriff 25.00 25.00 182 H. A. Whittaker '1' Ie Com. Meet 5.92 5.92 183 II. A. Whittaker .. . Extend. Tax 16.00 16.00 184 H. A. Whittaker Committees 16.30 16.30 185 1.1. A. Whittaker Quar. Sessions 39.60 39.60 186 If. A. Whittaker Annual Session ........ "141.84 141.84 187 W. 0. Smiley Mx Meeting ..... ,,,.. 5.12 5.12 188 W. 0. Smiley Extend. Tax .......... 20.40 20.40 189 W. 0. Smiley Committees ........... 259.70 259.70 .190 W. 0. Smiley Quar. Sessions 35.60 35.60 191 W. 0. Smiley Annual. Session 133.12 133.12 192 Wm. J. Shaver Tax 'Meeting 5.76 5.76 193 Win. J. Shaver Extend. Ta. 26.93 26.93 194 Wm. J. Shaver Commit loos 104.15 104.15 195 Wm. J. Shaver Qua r. Sessions ......... 38.80 38.80 196 Wm. J. Shaver 4nnual Session 135.52 135.52 197 Olen A. Ding Tax. \Teeting 5.44 5.44 198 Olen A, Ring Extend. Tax 18.76 18.76 199 Olen A. Ring Committees 189.96 189.96 200 Olen A. Ring Quar. Sessions 32.88 32.88 20.1 Olen A, King '1 uncurl Session ...... 133.44 133.44_ 202 J. W, Jones 'Prix ;lleetin,g 6.72 6.72 203 J. W. Jones Extend. Tax 44.75 44.75 204 J. W. Jones Commit tees 141.48 141.48 205 J. W. Jones Quar. Sessions 43.60 43.60 206 J. W. Jones s,tin nal Session 143.44 143.44 207 A. 5. Miller Tax Meeting 4.00 4.00 208 A. S. Miller Extend. Tax 35.00 35.00 209 A. S. Miller Committees ... 97.40 97.40 210 A. S. Miller Quar. Sessions 30.00 30.00 211 A. 5.. Miller \nnual Session ........ 13.2.00 132.00 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 169 No. \.ltirE SERVICES CL.uSIED ALLOWED 2.12 Wm. F. George T•ix Meeting 6.40 6.40 21.3 Wiu. ] . George Extend. Tax 21.50 21.50 214 Win. T. George Committees 8.40 8.40 215 Wm. P. George Qua r. Sessions 33.60 33.60 2711 Win. E. George ......... Annual Session ..... 134.40 134.40 217 Albert Dassance T'i x ,1eetirig 5.76 5.76 218 Albert. 1)assanee . _ ..... Extend. Tax 17.34 17.34 219 Albert Dassance ....... Comm 'Ones 98.00 98.00 220 Albert Dossance .......Quay. Sessions 38.80 38.80 221 Albert. Passau co ....... Annul 1 Session 135.52 135.52 222 J. M. Townsend ....... '1'isx Meeting. 5.92 5.92 223 S. M. Townsend l"xt.end Tax 29.50 29.50 224 J. M. Townsend _ ....... Conimii.tees 97.00 97.00 225 J. M. Townsend Quo r. So sion9 39.60 39.60 226 3) M. Townsend ........ A tui ua I Session 133.92 133.92 227 F. 1). Van Order, Jr. .... Tax Meeting ........... 4.00 4.00 228 F. D. Van Order, Jr. Couunittees 51.00 51.00 229 ] . 11, drain Order Jr. ....Qua Y. Sessions 30.00 30.00 230 7'..0. Von Order, Jr. -....Annual Session ........ 138.00 138.00 221 L. E. Patterson Tax Meetiu.g 4:00 4.00 222 L. E. Patterson ........:Extend, Tax53.64 5;3.64 233 L. E. Patterson Committees 217.85 217.85 234 L. E. Patterson Quay. Sessions30.00 30.00 235 L. E. Patterson •Vanua] Session 132.00 132.00 236 E. Morgan St. John .... Tax Meeting 4.00 4.00 .237 1;. _Morgan S. John .... Coin mittees ....... 276.00 2706.00 238 E. Morgan St. John .... Quar. Sessions 30.00 30.00 239 1:. _Morgan St. John •.... Annual Session 132.00 132.00 240 Sidney L. Howell Tax Meeting 4.00 4.00 241 Sidney L. Howell Committees 186.30 186.30 242 Sidney L. Howell Quor. Sessions .........30.00 30.00 243 Sidney L, IIowell 'innwil Session 13.00 132.00 244 Leslie R. Pierce -Tax fleeting 4.00 4.00 245 Leslie R. Pierce Extend. Tax 53.64 53.64 246 Leslie R. Pierce Committees93.35 93.35 247 Leslie R. Pierce Qua r. Sessions30.00 30.00 248 Leslie R. Pierce 1u1111,11 Session 138.00 138.00 Tolals ....... ...: $1.7,778.14 $17,630.01 State of New York, Comity of Tompkins, ss. Board of Supervisors. I, Fred L. Clock, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Tomp- kins County, N. Y., DO 1-IEREBY CERTIFY, that the foregoing - is a correct list of the accounts audited by the Board of Super- visors of said county, at its annual session in the year 1924, with the amounts claimed and the amounts allowed. .11\ WITNESS WI.IEREOF, I have hereunto set [L. S.] my hand and caused the official seal of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, N. Y., to be hereto affixed, this 27th day of January, 1925. FRED L. CLOCK, Clerk Board of Supersvisors, Tompkins County, N. Y. 170 PROCEEDINGS O1' THE BOARD OF SITPERVISO1BS TOWN AUDITS TOWN OF CAROLINE ABSTRACT OP TOWN AUDITS, 1924 Of the names of all persons who presented account$ to be audited by the Board of Town Auditors of the Town of. Caroline, N. Y., on the 6th day of November, 1924, with the amounts claimed, together with the amounts allowed. No. NAME SERVICES CiJAIMED ALLOWED 1. Charles Thomas Bond & Supplies `b 5.75 $ 5.75 2 Jay Phillips Wood for Clerk's Office . 15.00 15.00 3 P. Alfred Munch .Services, Town Board, J. F. 40.00 40.00 4 Charles M. Jones Services. Town Board, .I. P. 32.00 32.00 5 Bessie Lynch .Clerk. Elect. Dist. No. 1 .. 8.00 8.00 6 Ransom Mich •Clerk, Elect.. Dist. No. 1 .. 8.00 8.00 7 Joseph McGrath Inspector, Elec. Dist. No. 1 20.00 20.00 8 Chauncey Goodrich Inspector, 'Elect. Dist. No. 1 24.00 24.00 9 Lamont 'Snow ...... ... Inspector, Elee. Dist. No. 1 16.00 10.00 10 Mary E. Westfall [inspector, Elec. Dist. No. 1 4.00 4.00 11 Frances Snow Inspector, Elec. Dist. No. 1 8.00 8.00 12 Annie Yaple Inspector & Messenger, Elec. Dist. No. 1 • 40.30 42.46 13 P. Alfred Munch, Treas., Caroline Center M. E. Church •]louse for Elec. & Storing Booths 20.00 20.00 14 H. A. Whittaker Board -Meeting, Postage Stamps 40.24 40.24 15 Augustus Middaugh Service, Board _Meeting .. 40.00 40.00 16 Charles Thomas .Inspector Sc. Messenger, Elec. Dist. No. 2 46.92 40.92 17 James A. Davis, Treas., ,.,Polling 1'Tco & Storing Slat.eryille M. E. Church. Booths 20.00 20.00 18 A. G. Watkins Vital Statistics .. 1.25 1.25 19 Chas. _Mtinsoah Inspector & _Messenger, ' Elec. Dist. No. 3 40.68 40.68 20 Charles C. Graves Moving Elect. Booths, Dist. No. 3 2.00 2.00 21 Dessie Osman General Clerk, Elec. Dist. No, 3 8.00 8.00 22 John B. Middaugh J. P., Criminal Account .. 2.95 2.95 23 John B. 3,1iddaugll I P., Criminal Account .. 2.95 2.95 24 John 13. Middaugh ... . .,1. P.. Criminal Account . 2.95 2.95 25 R. L. Speed General Clerk. Elec. Dist.. No. 10.00 8.00 26 Thomas C. Burnes Inspector, Elec. Dist. No. 2 30.00 24.00 27 Ira Yaple Inspector, Alec. Dist. No. 2 30.00 24.00 28 James C. Cook .laspector, Elec. Dist. No. 2 30.00 24.00 29 Charles Thomas Service, Jdeet. Town Board 16.00 16.00 30 D. B. 131111 ,' ssessor Service 64.00 64.00 31 'Theodore Eighmey .Assessor Service 52:00 52.00 32 Wallace W. Conrad Assessor 64.00 64.00 33 Wallace W. Conrad Copying Assessment Roll . 16.00 16.00 01' TO_1SPKK I NS COIUNTY, NEW YORK 171 No. NAME SERVICES CLAIsIEI Au ow n 34 14. A. Whittaker 1.% General fund 42.41 42.41 35 H. A. Whittaker highway Salary 200.00 200.00 36 11. A. Whittaker . , .......1 % School Money 81.13 81.13 37 B. P. Lockwood Health Officer 167.74 367.74 38 Jay Phillips Vital St,atisties• .... . •... 42.60 42.60 39 Charles Thomas J. P., Criminal 3.85 3.85 40 Charles Thomas J. P., Criminal 3.85 3.85 41 Charles Thomas f. P., Criminal 3.85 3.85 42 Augustus Middaugh .4. P Criminal 2.85 2.85 43 Augustus Middaugh J. 1:'., Criminal 2.85 2.85 41 Augustus Middaugh .T P., Criminal 3.00 3.00 45 Charles M. Jones T. 1'., Criminal 3.85 3.85 46 Charles 1T. Jones .T. 1'., Criminal 1.10 1.10 47 Charles 41. Jones .f, P., Criminal 3.85 3.85 48 Charles M. Jones 4 P., Criminal 3.85 3.85 49 Charles M. Jones 1. P., Criminal .. 3.85 3.85 50 Charles M. Jones J. P., Criminal 2.75 2.75 51 1. 11. Cary Co. Justice & Constable Bond 10.00 10.00 52 A. If. Cary Co. Constable Bond, J. Cook - 5.00 5.00 53 A. H. Carr Co. J. P. Bond, A, Middaught 5.00 5.00 54 A. E. Cart/ Co. H. A. Whittaker, Bond .. 111,00 13.00 b5 A. H. Cary Co. H. A. Whittaker,- Bond .. 40.00 40.00 56 A. H. Cary Co. 3 Bowls, James L. Tryson, J. :Phillips, C. Munson . 22.50 22.50 57 A. H. Cary Co. 14. A. Wlhitlnker, Bond, . 15.89 15.89 58 A. H. Cary Co. Town of Caroline, Work- man's Compensation Ms. 210.42 210.42 59 James L. Tryon Serriee, Overseer Poor 128,83 120.33 60 Eula .Lupton General Clerk, Elec. Dist. No, 3 8.00 8.00 61 Angelo Tovelle Stone 28.00 28.00 62 Martina Slaughter Rent, hall for J. 1', 5.00 '5.00 63 Dr. Luzerne Covilie Exam., 14fental Defective . :1.0.00 10.00 64 Prue Ridgeway Inspector, Elec. Dist. No. 3 24.00 24.00 65 Joy Phillips .Town Clerk, 'Service 154.31 154.31. 66 Charles C. Graves, Trustee Rent for i lec. & Storing Booth, Dist. No. 3 20.00 20.00 67 11 arra• Crispell General Clerk, Elec,. Dist. No. 2 1.0.00 8.00 (18 Charles Munson Si.In rt/, Supt. Hwys. 1255.00 1255.00 69 Bertha Beard .Truant. Officer 50.00 50.00 70 Carl Dennis Inspector, Elec. Dist. No. 3 24.00 24.00 71 Ben Van .De Mark Inspector, .lee. Dist. No. 3 24.00 24.00 72 Orson Snow Constable 9.80 9.80 73 Sarah Johnson .IIall Tient 5.00 5.00 Total ............... $3,412.12 $3,377.78 I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of accounts audited by the Town Board, now on file in my office. November 19, 1924. JAY PI-I.I.I,LIPS, Town Clerk. 172 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF •SUPERVISORS TOWN OF DANBY ABSTRACT OF TOWN AUDITS, 1924 We, the undersigned,- the Board of Town Auditors of said town, do hereby certify that the following is an abstract of the names of all persons who have presented to said Board accounts to be audited, the amounts Claimed by each of said persons, and the amount finally audited to then) respectively, to wit: NO. NAME SERVICES CLAIM Ell :ALLOWED 1.C]yde L. Chase Inspector & .Messenger, Dist.. No. 1 $ 37.44 $ 37.44 2 Ernest Sincebaugh Inspector, Dist. No. 1 25.00 17.00 3 'Harm- Bruce Inspector. Dist. No. 1 .... 20.00 13.00 4 C. F. Manley Inspector, 1)ist. No. 1 10.00 8.00 5 David Congdon Inspector, Dist. No. 1 .: . 10.00 5.00 6 S. A. Fische] Genera Clerk, Dist. No. 1 5.00 5.00 7 Benjamin Tobey ... _ .metal Clerk, Dist.- No, 1 10.00 5.00 8 Abhie Bierce .Inspector, Dist. No. 1 . • .. 4.00 4.00 9 Mrs. A. 1V. Beardsley i'rirtaarc Elec. Dist. No. 1 8.00 8.00 10 W. S. .Turlson Inspector, list. No. 1 .... 10.00 8.00 11 R. W. Longhouse Inspector & Messenger, Dist. 1,.,:o..9 33.40 38.40 12 Chas, E. Cole ,inspee1or, Dist. N o. 2 .... 21.00 21.00 13 George 0. Sears Inspector, Dist. No. 2 .... 21.00 21.00 14 Robert Hutchings Inspector, Dist. No. 2 .... 21.00 21.00 15 Roscoe Hutchings Ceneral Clerk, Dist. No. 2 5.00 5.00 16 Everett Loomis General Clerk, Dist. No. 2 5.00 5.00 17 Ernest Hill • ]'nspector & Messenger, • Dist. No, 3 40.20 40.20 18 Fred Ti. Tones .......... Inspector, Dist. No. 3 21.00 21.00 19 Roger C. Larue . rnspeetor, Dist. No. 3 .... 2.1.00 21.00 20 L. E. Cummings inspector, Dist. Nu. 3 .. 21..00 21.00 21.1Tarry S.laight General Clerk, Dist. No, 3 5.00 5.00 22 Fred Larne General Clerk, Dist. No. 3 5.00 5.00 23 Fred Hill Hall Rent, Dist. Nn. 3 10.00 10.00 24 Tlariette Snyder Ball Rent, Dist. No. 2 , ... 10.00 10.00 25 Andrus & Church Assessment Rolls 10.00 10.00 26 Mrs. A. W. Beardsley . Garage Rent . 24.00 24.00 27 Norman Conklin Gore in lunacy, Assigned to A. J. Tubbs ... 3.00 3.00 28 0. IT. Landon Care in. lunacy 1100 11.00 29 Edward 11. Dorn Care in lunacy 11.00 11.00 30 Chas. E. lloughtaling .13i]l Heals 5.15 5.15 31 W. g. Judson .Work on guard rail 3.00 3.00 32 Prank Siucebaugl► Assessor 84.00 84.00 33 Harrison Thayer .Assessor 84.00 84.00 34. George Button Assessor 73.50 73.50 35 Mrs. Lois Sineebaugh . Copying Assessment Rolls 16.00 16.00 36 Frank Eastman ......... Supt. of Poor 70.50 70.50 37 Wm. E. Logan Truant. Officer 18.80 18.80 38 J. Frank W. Allen Health Officer .. 146.55 146.55 39 J. Frank W. Allen Expense Account 73.63 73.63 40 J. Frank W. Allen Registering Vital Statistics 39.75 39.75 41. W. 0. Smiley Town Business 35.00 35.00 42 Fred E. Dorn Services on Town Board .. 24.30 24.50 OC TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 173 No. NAME SERvrc&S CCLAIyCED Ar,r.owEn 43 Roger F. Todd .Services on Town Board .. 17.50 17.50 44 Eugene Dorn Services on Town Board .. 24.50 24.50 45 B. J. Jennings Services on Town Board .. 14.00 14.00 46 L. E. Cummings Justice Service 3.50 3.50 47 Eugene Dorn .Criminal Service 10.20 10.20 48 B. J. Jennings .Criminal Service 6.00 6.00 49 A. J. Tubbs Town Clerk 136.42 136.42 50 Dr. H, C. Thatcher Vital Statistics 5.00 5.00 Totals $1,334.54 $1,305.54 1'['e, the undersigned members, comprising the Town Board of the Town of Danby, do hereby certify that we have this day completed the auditing of the above. accounts and that this is a correct abstract of the sante as filed in the Town Clerk's Office in the Town of Danby. Dated this 6th day of November, 1924. Signed, W. 0. SMILEY, Supervisor. A. J. TUBBS, Town Cierk. EUGENE DORN, Justice. ROGER TODD, Justice FRET) E. DORN, Justice. 174 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TOWN OF DRi DEN ABSTRACT OF TOWN AUDT.TS, 1924 To the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins. The following abstract of the names of all persons who have presented to the Board of Town Auditors of the Town of Dryden in said County, accounts to be credited during the year 1924. The amounts claimed by each of such persons and the amounts finally audited by said Board of Town Auditors, is herewith submitted, pursuant to Statute, to wit: No. " :NAME SERVICES CL AIMED ALLOWED 1 IM. E. Cnitts 'House, Elec. Dist. No. 1 .. $ 35.00 $ 35.00 2 Arthur Genung • Inspector Si Messenger, Elec. Dist. No. 1 48.64 48.64 3 Leslie Bonfield ........ ."Inspector, Dec. Dist. \o1 3.1.00 3L00 4 Roy Hungerford Inspector, -Elec. Dist. No. 1 31.00 31.00 3 Robert Monasters Inspector, Elec. Dist. No. 1 14.00 14.00 6 Ralph McArthur . .Inspector, Elec. Dist. No. 1 17.00 17.00 7 Tra W. Reed .Clerk, Elec. Dist. No. 1 .. 7.00 7.00 8 G. K. Mineah Clerk, Elec. Dist. No: 1 .. 7.00 7.00 9 Community Club House House, Elec. Dist. No. 2 .. 40.00 40.00 10 Tferhert Dart . Inspector, Elec. Dist. No. 2 31.00 31.00 11 E. R. Gaston Inspector, :Elec. Dist. No. 2 31.00 31.00 12 Geo. Warner Inspector & Messenger, Elec. ]list. No. 2 48.70 48.70 13 }Fred Williams Inspector, Elec. Dist, No. 2 31.00 31.00 14 Nelson Mount Clerk, F.Iee. Dist. No. 2 .. 7.00 7.00 15 Will Lumbard Clerk, Eicc. Dist. No. 2 .. 7.00 7.00 16 Geo. Sutfin FIouse, Elec. Dist. No. 3 .. 35.00 35.00 17 D. W. Hari; Inspect or, Elec. Dist. No. 3 31.00 31.00 18 C. E. Green ,Inspector Si Messenger, Elec. hist. No. 3 49.42 49.42 -19 C. F. Pratt Inspector. Elec. Dist. No. 3 31.00 31.00 20 C. B. Snyder Inspector, Elec. Dist. No. 3 31.00 31.00 21 D. S. Fellows Clerk, Elee. Dist. No. 3 .. 7.00 7.00 22 Minnie Myers Clerk, Elee. Dist. No. 3 .. 7.00 7.00 23 Andrew Raker•,blouse, Elec. Dist. No. 4 .. 35.00 35.00 .24 Geo. Rankin inspector. Special Elec., 1922 Elec. Dist. No. 4 .. 5.00 5.00 25 girl Rankin •Inspector, Special Elec., 1922 Elec. Dist. No. 4 .. 7.00 7.00 26 G. C. Sutliff Inspector Si. Messenger, Elec. Dist.. No. 4 - 49.12 49.12 27 Perry Howe Inspector, Elec. Dist. No. 4 31.00 31.00 28 Nellie Fulkerson Inspector, Elec. Dist. No. 4 24.00 24.00 29 Victor Fulkerson Inspector & Clerk, Elec. Dist. No. 4 14.00 14.00 20 Louise Card Inspector; Elec. Dist. No. 4 24.00 24.00' 31 E. E. Card Inspector, Elec. Dist. No. 4 7.00 7.00 22 I:. 13. Sutliff Clerk, Elec. Dist. No. 4 7.00 7.00 33 ;T. D. Ross Inspector, Elec. Dist. No. 5 31.00 31.00 34 J. J. Tripp .Inspector, Elec. Dist. No. 5 31.00 31.00 35 G. E. Goodrich •Inspector, Elec. Dist. No. 5 31.00 31.00 OF TOMIKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK - 175 No. ' -N ni.: SERVICES CLAIMED ALLOWED 36 Orin Hiles Inspector & Messenger, Elec. Dist. No. 5 49.36 49.36 37 Mary Lormor Clerk, Elec. Dist. No. 5 .. 7.00 7.00 38 Rose Ellis .01erk, Elee. Dist. No. 5 .. 7.00 7.00 39 Minnie 1 -yens .House, Elec. Dist. No. 5 . 35.00 35.00 40 W. J.•Shaver House, Elec. Dist. No. 6 . 35.00 35.00 41. l'red Parker Inspector & Messenger, Elec. Dist. No. 6 48.88 48.88 42 Chas. E. Sager .Inspector, Elec. Dist. No. 6 31.00 31.00 43 }lorry Tucker Inspector, Elec. Dist. No. 6 31.00 3.1.00 44 John J: Cole .Inspector, Elec. Diet. No. 6 31.00 31.00 45 W. J. Shaver Clerk, Fare. Dist. No. 6 .. 7.00 7.00 46 W. F. Moore .Clerk, Elec. Dist. No. 6 .. 7.00 7.00 47 Grace Willard .House, .Plc.. Dist. No. 7 . 35.00 35.00 48 .Idra. Stowe Clerk, Elee. Dist. No, 7 .. 7.00 7.00 49 Ruth Lane Clerk, Elec. Dist. No, 7 .. 7.00 7.00 50 Arthur Hammond Inspector, Elec. Dist. No. 7 31.00 31.00 51 Frank Thomas inspector, Elee, Dist. No. 7 31.00 31.00 52 John Joiner Inspector, Elec. Dist. No. 7 31.00 31.00 53 Bert Lane Inspector & Messenger, Elec. Dist. No. 7 49.96 49.96 54 Prank Johnson Overseer Poor ... • ....... 21.85 21.85 55 E. S. Burr .Overseer Poor 22.16 22.16 56 C. B. Snyder .Assessor 229.75 229.75 57 Andrew Baker .Assessor 150.75 150.75 58 E. T. Reeves .Assessor • 145.75 145.75 59 .lir. H. Genung 'Health Officer, Contract Statistics 453.13 453,13 00 G. L. Rood Contract Vital Statistics 41.25 41.25 61. Dr. Geo. Allison .Contract Vital Statistics 30.75 30.75 62 D. M. Ryan Contract. Statistics 81.00 81.00 63 Cogswell Bros. Rent, Storage 5.00 5.00 64 Ithaca City Hospital Ockev Conn. 66.00 66.00 65 Ithaca City Hospital Cuflfnaan 41.50 41.50 66 J. O. Robertson Tusliee, Service Bill 35.00 35.00 67 Fred Parker .Justice, Service Bill 48.00 48.00 68 G. E. Underwood Tnstic.e, Service 33111 48.00 48.00 69 Paul Ewers .Justice, Service Bill 59.00 59.00 70 J. D. Ross .Justice, Service Bill 81.00 81.00 71 W. J. Shaver .Supervisor 47.60 47.50 72 Ed. S. Hill Ex -Supervisor 11:00 11.00 73 Fred Parker .justice, Criminal Bill 9.80 9.80 74 J. D. Roes Tuslice, Criminal Tall 19.05 19.05 75 G. E. Underwood .Justice, Criminal Bill 5.00 5.00 76 Paul Ewers Justice, Criminal Bill 45.75 45.75 77 Wm. Banning C,onslable , 3.00 3.00 78 G. C. Sutliff Ex -Justice 14.00 14.00 79 Alfred Myers .Constable 3.00 3.00 80 J. C. Lason' .Constable 5.70 5.70 81 E. E. Ryan Vital Statistics 2.00 2.00 82 J. C. Lason Coast able 2.80 2.80 83 J. C. Lason Attendance Officer 43.90 43.90 84 W. J. Shaver Hall for Assessors 5.00 5.00 85 F. E. Darling Town Clerk, Assigned to 11. B. Darling 168.67 168.67 86 F. E. Darling Town Clerk 103.42 103.42 87 Williamson Law Book Co.. 17.50 17.50 88 John Munsey Inspector, Elec. Dist. No. 5 7.00 7.00 176 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS No. NAME SERVICES CLAIMED ' ALLOWED 89 E. L. Stanton Board of Ilealth 6.00 6.00 90 G. W. Ellis Collector 25.68 12.20 Total $'3,460.24 $0,4-46.76 I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true abstract of all of the accounts presented to be audited in the Town of Dryden for 1924. Dated, November 7, 1924. F. E. DARLING, Town. Clerh. W. J. SHAVER, Supervisor F. E. DARLING, Town Clerk J. D. ROSS, Justice G. E. UNI)ERWOOD, Justice PAUL EWERS, Justice FRET) PARKER, Justice J. 0. ROBERTSON, Justice OP TOM l'.KINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 177 TOWN OF ENFIELD ABSTRACT 01' TOWN AUDITS, 1924 No. NAME StoivicEs CLAIMED ALLOWED 1 Wm. Palmer Inspector $ 36.00 $ 36.00 2 Hugh Curry Inspector 56.00 36.00 inspector 52.92 52.92 Irispector 53,40 53.40 Inspector 36.00 36.00 Poll Clerk 10.00 10.00 Lisped- or 36.00 36.00 .Jnspector .. 36.00 36.00 .Poll Clerk 10.00 10.00 Poll ,Clerk 10.00 1.0.00 Inspec.tor 36.00 36.00 .PolI Clerk 10.00 10.00 Assessor 70.00 70.00 Assessor 66.00 66.00 Assessor 57.00 57.00 Frank 0. Rothe mild; .... Supt. of 11wys,, .Expense • Account 17 frank 0. Rot.henuick .... Salam 18 Berl, 1(iriry Tustice, Services ......... 19 J. C. Wetherby Justice, Services 20 Daniel Mitchell .........Justice, Services 21 :1 l ert, Colegrove .Justice, Services 22 1)r. J. W. Burton .Hen11.]] Officer 23 .John T1aa1l Town Clerk Services ..... 24 John 1'ha11 Road Allowance 25 C. C. Vitzpat,rick Ball Rent 26 'James Parker Service Bill, Overseer ... . 27 Jon Thaill .}Thal Statistics .......... 28 James i- 'airker Services rendered 29 Andrus & Church kssessive.o.t, Rolls 30 If. A. Carey Co. insurance 3.1 W. H. Jones, Jr. Burin I, Mrs. Joseph Butler 32 Geo. Tubbs Truant Officer 33 Olen A. Ring Supr. Services 34 Williamson Law Book Co.. Justice Dockets 3 Nathan Rumsey 4 Fred Crissey 5 kustiss Legge 6 Ray Stamp 7 W. El. Jones, Jr 8 Everel] Church 9 D. L. Ross 10 John J. Johnson 11 Luther Teeter 1 2 C. C. Fitzpatrick 13 Ray Lancing 14 Asa Cummings 15 G. 13. Daharsh 16 45.00 45.00 600.00 600.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 33.00 33.00 152.95 :152.95 95.51 95.51 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 20.00 20.00 29.50 29.50 4.00 4.00 11.70 11.70 163.73 163.73 75.00 75.00 20.00 20.00 45.00 45.00 13.12 13.12 • Total $2,021.83 $2,021.83 OLEIN A. KING, Supervisor JOHN MALL, Town Clerk DANIEL MITCHELL, Justice BERT KIRBY, Justice ALBERT COLGROVE, Justice J. C. WEATHERBY, Justice ]78 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TOWN OF CGROTON ABSTRACT OF TOWN AUDITS, 1924 No. NA3IE SERVICES CLAIMED ALLOWED 1 John W. Jones Commissions & Service . - 2 Hiram G. Moe Vital Statistics 3 IIiram G.- floe Services 4 Hiram G. Moe Services 5 Hiram G. Moe 5crrices and Supplies ... 6 John II. ]Hoff Est. Justice of the Peace ... . 7 John H. Hoff Est. Justice Fees 8 Rexford R. Chatterton .. Servi.ces 9 Rexford R. Chatterton .. Justice Fees ........... 10 George B. Siekmon Services 11. George B. Siekmon Justice Fees 12 George 13. Siekmon Vital Statistics 73 Edgar F. Talimadge ....Services 14 Edgar F. Tallutadge _ . - .Justice Fees 15 B. Lavern (suck Services 16 'William 14. Bulklcy Assessor 17 ]Holbrook B. Stevens ....assessor 7S Archie R. Gillen Assessor 19 James H: Waterman ....Town Supt. of Poor 20 A. J. Metzgar Constable fees 21 J. H. Van Harter, M. D.Health Officer and Vital Statisties 22 R. C. Tarbcll, M. D. .... Contract Med. Services and Vital Statistics 23 George E. Albon, M. D. .Medical Services and Vital Statistics 24 F. E. Ryan, M. D. Medical Services (Ralph Covert) & Vital Statistics 25 G. M. Gilchrist, M. D. -Vital Statistics 26 Rexford .R. Chatterton _Bond Pre712!UM 27 Retford R. Chatterton ..Road Premiums 28 Aetna Casualty & Sur- Co.Bond. Preniinms 29 TI. G. floe Bond Premiums 30 H. B. Stevens Tnspector Premium 31 W. C. Allen Hent Polling Place, Dist. No. 1 32 Corona Typewriter Co. -Rent Rent Polling Place, Dist. No. 33 Square Deal Garage .....Rent Polling Place, Dist. No. 3 and Livery 34 Village of Groton .Rent Polling Place, Dist. No. 4 and rand 35 Corona 131dg. & Imp. 'Co. Inc. .Rent Polling Place, Dist. No. 5 36 Archie R. Gillen, Tr. ...Rent Folling Place, Dist. .No. 6 and Storage 37 McLean Grange - Rent Polling Place, Dist. No. 7 38 Gwilym Griffiths Inspector & Mess., Dist. No. 1 39 Allena B. Swartwout ....Inspector, Dist. No. 1 . 40 Nelson Metzgar Inspector & Mess., Dist. $ 283.39 $ 283.39 51.22 51.22 44.00 44.00 60.00 60.00 52.59 52.59 16.00 16.00 6.00 6.00 44.00 44.00 19.00 19.00 40.00 40.00 2.50 2.50 1.00 - 1.00 40.00 40.00 2.75 2.75 24.00 24.00 137.00 137.00 178.25. 178.25 152.00 152.00 63.50 63.50 19.00 19.00 387.75 387.75 51.25 51.25 17.50 17.50 165.75 8.00 90.69 10.00 64.15 7.50 5.00 165.75 8.00 90.69 10.00 64.15 7.50 5.00 30.00 30.00. 40.00 40.00 98.00 98.00 100.00 100.00 40.00 40.00 27.00 27.00 30.00 30.00 45.20 45.20 30.00 30.00 No. - OP TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 179 NAME 41 Flora T. Allen 42 Alonzo 1I- •Swartwout 43 Grace' B. Metzgar 44 :sella L. .zones SERVICES CLAMED ALLOWED No. t Inspector, Dist. No. 1 .... General Clerk, Dist. No. 1 General Clerk, Dist. No. 1 Inspector & Mess., Dist. No. 2 Inspector•, Dist. No. 2 .... Inspector, Dist. No. 2 ... .Inspector, Dist. No. 2 ... .General Clerk, Dist. No. 2 General Clerk, Dist. No. 2 Inspector, Dist. No. 3 .... Inspector, Dist. No. 3 .... rnspec.tor, Dist. No. 3 .... ,Tasepetor, Dist. No. 3 . Inspector & Mess., Dist. No. 3 Inspector, Dist. No. 3 ... General Clerk, Dist. No. 3 General Clerk, Dist. No. 3 Inspector & 3ACess., Dist. No. 4 Inspector & Aless., Dist No. 4 Inspector, Dist. No. 4 Inspector, Dist. No. 4 .... Inspector, Dist. No. 4 .... Inspector, Dist, No. 4 .... 40.60 30.00 8.00 8.00 40.60 30.00 8.00 8.00 49.32 49.32 45 Mary Etta Tarbell 30.00 30.00 46 Libbie llyde 30.00 30.00 47 Della R. Holladay 30.00 30.00 48 Dora R. Green 8.00 8.00 49 Etta Sobers 8.00 8.00 50 Mary L. Montfort 22.00 22.00 51 Olive M. Holladay 8.00 8.00 52 Mary R. Long 25.00 25.00 33 C. Burr Tarbe11 5.00 5.00 54 William J. Feeley 49.32 49.32 55 .Mary E. Feeley 30.00 30.00 56 Mary H. Dicker 8.00 8.00 57 George Stark 8.00 8.00 59 Charles H. Moe 60 Arthur R. Leach 34.92 34.92 31.44 31..44 61 M. L. Ford 8.00 8.00 62 M. C. Howe 20.00 20.00 63 Kenneth M. Baldwin 20.00 20.00 64 Rosine Trolly Paul 6.00 6.00 6a I. A. Begent Inspector, Dist. No. 4 5.00 5.00 66 R. R. Chatterton Inspector, Dist. No. 4 .... 5.00 5.00 67 Alex. McKinney .Inspector, Dist. No. 4 5.00 5.00 68 Benson Stevens General Clerk, Dist. No. 4 8.00 8.00 69 'Hosea B. Curtice General Clerk, Dist. No. 4 8.00 8.00 70 George Culver Inspector & Mess., Dist. No, 5 49.32 49.32 7.1 _Mary J. McGrail .Trtspector, Dist. No. 5 .... 30.00 30.00 72 Lillian M. McMahon •.inspector, Dist. No. 5 .... 30.00 30.00 73 _Mary M. Clark Inspector, Dist. No. 5 .... 30.00 30.00 74 Nina Culver .General Clerk, Dist. No. 5 8.00 8.00 75 Nellie C. Ilannmill General Clerk, Dist. No. 5 8.00 3.00 76 Barry J. Hall Inspector & Mess. Dist. 50.32 50.32 No. 6 77 Nellie L. Spaulding .....Inspector Lc: .'less. Dist No. 6' 78 Estella T. Youngs .Inspector & Mess. Dist. No. 6 79 Mary A. Austin Inspector & Mess. Dist. No. 6 80 W. Merton Congdon .....General Clerk, Dist. No. 6 81 Frank L. Ogden General Clerk, Dist. No. 6 82 Charles M. Dutcher, Jr. Inspector & _Bess. 'Dist. No. 7 83 Ray C. StilweIl Inspector & Mess. Dist. No. 7 84 Sohn 13. Mart .Inspector, Dist. No. 7 .... 85 Idrys 11. Powell Inspector & Mess. Dist. No. 7 86 Jerome C. Fitts Inspector, Dist. No. 7 ... 32.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 50.84 48.84 34.00 32.00 32.00 30.00 29.00 27.00 5.00. 5.00 180 PROCEEDINGS O1' TIIE BOARD 01' STIPE.RVISORS No. NAME SERVICES CLS TM Ell A LLOWED 87 Harry 11. Howe General Clerk, Dist. No. 7 8.00 8.00 88 Max C. Donly General Clerk, Dist. No. 7 8.00 8.00 89 Williamson Law Book Co.Dockets & Manuals . 58.50 58.50 90 Groton Bridge Co. Runt 1.80.00 :180.00 91 Ernest G. Renitf Storage and Erection of booths E. A. Landon Supplies for poor I'. E. & C. H. CummingsSupplies for poor Market Brisket Store ....Supplies for poor Ben Wager .Livery :incl Carting Archie R. Gillen Erecting Booths Alvin Booth Co. Burial Edna Bowersox ... W. C. Allen I'recting booths Journal & Courier Printing and Notices 1.hiniel L. Br,tdle t Ballot Boxes & Mill Work Andrus & Church Assessment bolls 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 15.00 15.00 7.75 7.75 34.04 34.04 18.02 18.02 51.50 51.50 10.00 10.00 85.38 85.38 10.00 10.00 59.35 59.35 37.90 37.90 18.50 18.50 Ithaca City Hospital ....Services, etc., (Edna Botiversos) 36.50 36.50 303 L. D. Packer Truant Officer 50.00 50.00 104 P. E. Pierson Supplies for Poor 4.68 4.68 105 A. .H. 'Webster Shelves for Booths 2.60 2.60 Tota l $4,196.99 $4,158.90 I hereby certify that the foregoing. is a correct list of the Town Audits of the 'Town of Groton, N. Y. as made by the Town Board of said Town at a meeting held for that purpose on the 6th day of November, 1924. Dated, November 7th, 1924. H. Cr. MOE. Town Clerk. OF TOMPK1NS COUNTY, NEW YORK 181 TOWN OF ITIIACA ABSTRACT OF TOWN AUDITS, 1.924 No. NAMF SERVICES C[.Ai3rEn •ALLOW -RD 1 .f. W. Tnurtellot Inspector, Dist. No. 1 .... $ 63.30 $ 58.30 2 }reel D. Pearson Inspector, list. No. 1 ... 45.00 40.00 3 Rexford Smith Inspector, Dist. No. 1 .... . 45.00 40.00 4 Chas. Teeter Inspector, 1923 and 1924, .Dist. No. 1 70.00 62.50 5 Arthur Teeter .General Clerk, Dist. No. 1 10.00 10.00 6 Fred Marshall .Genenil Clerk, Dist. No.. 1 10.00 10.00 7 Chas. Morris .Inspector and Messenger, Dist.. No. 2 55.00 52.20 8 Jake W0]c0s Inspector, Dist. No. 2 .... 40.00 40.00 9 Wm. F. Bead .Inspector, Dist. No. 2 .... 40.00 40.00 10 Concha Northrop Inspector and Chairman, Dist. No. 2 47.50 46.10 11 Clifford Kightlinger General Clerk, Dist. No. 2 10.00 10.00 12 hath G. Reynolds General Clerk, Dist. No. 1 10.00 10.00 13 Jeanie Updike .inspector and Messenger, Dist. No. 3 57.50 57.50 14 Jesse W. Ross inspector, Dist.. No. 3 .... 40.00 40.00 15 Ora Romsey . i))spector, T)ist. No. 3 .... 40.00 40.00 16 Florence Myers .inspector, Dist. No. 3 .. " 40.00 40.00 17 Percy Dunn ..General Clerk, Dist. No. 3 10.00 10.00 18 It E. ROSS .General Clerk, Dist. No. 3 10.00 10.00 19 Theo .T. Biker ........ ..Assessor 193,75 193.75 20 -Harrison Adams .Assessor 212.00 212.00 21 James A. Bush Sopplies, Voting Place, Dist. No. 2 1.94 1.94 22 James A. Bush Tustice Fees 18.50 18.50 23 James A. Bush .. .Justice. Fees 18.00 18.00 24 .lames A. Bush Tustice Fees 7.50 7.50 25 Jaynes A. Bush. Tow', Board 48.00 48.00 26 Chas. Newman Justice fees 4.713 4.75 27 Clies. Newmnan Town Board 44.00 44.00 28 W. T. Smith Town Board 48.00 48.00 29 Elmer Allen .Town Board .. 12.00 1.2.00 30 Emmett Gillow .Town Supt. of Poor 39.00 39.00 31 Emmett Gillow Town Supt.. of Poor ...... 51.00 51.00 32 W. J. Bells .Attendauee Officer 54.00 54.00 33 Andrus & Church &ssessuient Rolls 11.70 11.70 34 Andrus & Church Stationary .............. 9.15 9.15 35 1)1.. -Wilbur G. Fish .FieaItli Officer ........... 147.51 147.51 36 '`rank Cornell ............Coal 8.90 ' 8.90 37 Arthur S. Miller '('own Board 52.00 52.00 38 Arthur S. Miller 1 % General Fund 106.66 106.66 39 C. J. Updik.c ............ Disbursements 21.60 21.60 40 C. .1. Updike Town Service Bill 158.66 158.66 41 C. J. Updike Vital Statistics 54.41 54.41 42 C. J. Updike Office Rent 28.00 28.00 Total $2,090.43 $1,967.63 We, the undersigned members comprising the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca, do certify that we have this day completed the auditing of the above accounts and that this is a correct 182 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS abstract of the same as filed in the Town Clerks Office in the Town of Ithaca. Dated, November 6, 1924. ARTHUR S. MILLER, Supervisor CLINTON J. TUPDIKE', Town Clerk JAMES A. BUSH, Justice of Peace CHAS. NEWMAN, Justice of Peace AV: I. SMITH, Justice of Peace ELMER ALLEN, Justice of Peace • OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NF W YORK 183 TOWN OF LANSING ABSTRACT OF TOWN AUDITS, 1924 No. KATIE SERVICES ALLOWED 10 Williamson Law Book Co. 11 H. if, Crum, M. D. 12. IT. A. Carey Co. Insurance and Bonds 13 Cormier Co. Town Books 14 R, .1. Drake Constable 15 Martin Farrell .Inspector 16 Howard Howland Poll Clerk 17 Fred Burt Inspector 18 Adrian Personeous Inspector 19 C;tirl 1Tailiday ;Inspector and Messenger 20 John Farrell .Inspector 21 Thad Brown .Inspector 22 John Clinton Inspector 23 Jessie Bush Inspector L4 .Inspector 25 Clerk 26 Clerk 27 P. B. Jefferson Clerk 28 J. B. Bowers Clerk 29 O. M. Holden Inspector and Messenger 30 Clayton Bower Inspector 31 H. D. Alexander Inspector 32 Leon Sweazy .Clerk 33 F. N. Howell Inspector 34 Everett Nobles Inspector - 35 Samuel D. Lane Assessor 36 C. A. Terpening Assessor 37 Jay Morey, .Supt.. of Highways 38 Melvin Bush Rent of Polling Place 39 Joseph. McGill Service Bill 40 Joseph McGill Expenses 41 Joseph McGill Election Supplies 42 W. F. George Supervisor, Services 42 W..1'. George Highway Salary 45 W. F. George 1% of School Money 46 A. J. Conlon Rent, Polling Place 47 Senora Stedman .Town Clerk 48 W. 14L Bristol Justice, Service 49 A. J. Conlon Tustice, Service 50 Lamont Smith 51 Orin English .Overseer of Poor 52 A. J. Conlon Justice, Criminal Bill 54 Wm. H. Lane Assessor 55 Kirby Sharpstein ........Inspector 56 Howard A. Tarbell Inspector 57 Wm. DcCamp P C. 58 13ert Ross - Inspector and Messenger 59 North Lansing Grange -Rent, Polling Place 60 Fred Sharpntein Inspector 61 Jason Newman Clerk Isla M, Smith Dewight Vaness Orin Drake $ 31.18 10.00 228.01 15.00 17.20 10.00 10.00 45.40 48.80 53.60 47.80 42.00 42.00 3.00 3.00 13.00 61.84 45.00 6.00 69.40 42.00 42.00 10.00 16.00 36.00 1.02.00 100.50 1248.00 35.00 33.00 5.49 28.00 39.00 421.00 106.00 35.00 7.08 42.00 30.00 44.00 42.00 74.00 102.00 42.00 42.00 10.00 60.84 35.00 42.00 10.00 184 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS \Q. NAM SERVICES CL_LT\IED ALLOWED 62 Senora Stedman Register, Vital Statistics - 21.75 63 Joseph licGill Register, Vital Statistics 98.00 Total $3,733.89 hereby certify that the above list is a true copy of. the Town Audits of Lansing. JOSEPH INIetILL, Ton•u Clerk, OT` TOM1'.[iI\S COUNTY, NEW YORK 185 TOWN OF NEWFIELD ABSTRACT OF TOWN AUDJTS, 1924 Abstract of names of all persons who presented accounts to be audited by the Board of Town Audits of the Town.of Newfield on the 6th of November, 1924 with the zunount claimed, together \vith the amount allowed : No. SERVICES CLAIMED A ',LOWED 1 A. R. �11Ien .Inspector, Dist. No. .1 22.00 $ 22.00 2 L. S. Tabor Inspector, Dist. No. 1 39,64 39.64 3 Hturry Horton Inspector, .Dist. No, 1 45.28 45.28 -1 J. .D, Ern ay ........ Inst>ector, Dist.. :\o. 1 22.00 22.00 5 W. E. Kush Inspector, Dist. No..1 12.00 12.00 6 A. E. 11sukiuson Inspector, Dist. No. 1 18.00 18.00 7 Cl. 13. lloir.e Clerk, Dist. 1'o. 1 10.00 10.00 8 Arthur Decker Clerk, Dist.. No. 1 10.00 10.00 9 G. II. Noble .Inspector, Dist. No. 2 .... 39.64 39.64 10 C. Lee Brainard Inspector, Dist. No. i' 39.64 39.64 11 N. J. Payne Inspector, Dist. No. 2 .... 39.64 39,64 12 Prank G. Snyder inspector, Dist. No. 2 28.00 28.00 13 Fred W. i'ayne Inspector, Dist. No. 2 .... 6.00 6.0(1 14 Charles Limning Clerk, Dist. No. `2 :10.00 10.00 15 Wen. Ellison .Uierk, Dist. No. 2 10.00 10.00 16 Newfield Supply Co., (_1-1. A. God ley, Manager) ... Supplies 5.14 5.14 17 J. E. 'Dorn Overseer of Poor, Service Bill & Mileage 31.00 31.00 18 John henry &ttendance Officer, Service Bill & Mileage 36.90 36.90 19 Norton Printing Co. Printing 8.00 8.00 20 R.. C. Albright Ex -Supervisor Service Bill 8.00 8.00 21 W. J. Suuderlin Service & Supplies 20.40 20.40 22 A. R. Allen Insurance & Town Officers .Bonds 23 Cornell Publishing Co. .. Printing ' 24 Fred Clock Legal Services & Postage . 25 Ithaca City Hospital Gene Carpenter 26 Win. TVeatherell Enrol intent Boxes ....... 27 11 S. Holmes 26 Donald Cutter Assessor kssessor 29 Raymond Gregoire Assessar 30 Charles C. Dickson .......Vita] Statistics 31 Andrus & Church Assessment Rolls :32 M. V, Atwood, Groton .... Printing ]Bill 33 Ithaen Journal -News T'rinting 34 .Dr. W. A. Smith Health Officer 35 10'. W. A. Smith Vital Statistics 36 Dr. W. A. Smith .Vaccite tion Bill 37 -V. L. _Messenger .Ton n Clerk Services 38 F. 1). Johnson Bent, Polling Place, .Dist. No. I 10.00 10.00 39 .11. C. Thatcher, M. D. .... Vital Statistics 2.50 2.50 40 Arthur Decker .Tustice, Criminal 19.50 19.50 41 Eugene h', Van Nance ....Machinery 2320.00 2320.00 42 Albert Straight .Justice, Service 60.00 60.00 124.80 124.80 41.00 30.00 50.78 50.78 286.90 286.90 8.00 8.00 84.00 84.00 138.00 138.00 1.69.00 169.00 33.00 33.00 11.70 11.70 :16.58 16.58 19.82 19.82 150.00 150.00 5.00 5.00 20.00 20.00 12.00 12.00 180 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS N O. NAME SERVICES CLAIMED ALLOWED 43 .T. D. Payne Justice, Scrviee 52.00 52.00 44 Arthro• Decker Labor & Telephone 6.60 6.60 45 Arthur Decker .Justice. Service 60.00 60.00 46 Edwin S. Van Kirk Justice, Service 60.00 60.00 47 Albert Dassanee Supervisor, Service 72.00 72.00 48 Carrie M. Peck Filing Marriage Licenses 2.00 2.00 49 Carrie M. Peek Services & Supplies 36.00 36.00 50 Carrie M. Peek ' Town Clerk, Service 44.00 44.00 51. R. M. Vose, M. D. Poor Service ............ 70.00 70.00 52 G. W. Peck Store Poor Supplies 236.68 236.68 53 W. A. Smith, M. D. .Small -pox Services 400.00 400.00 54 A. R. Allen Funeral Director 75.00 75.00 Tota $3,158.14 $5,147.14 ALBERT DASSANCE, Supervisor CARRIE M. PECK, Town Clerk • E. S. VAN KIRK, J. DEWITT PAYNE, ARTIIUR DECKER, A. G. STRAIGHT, Justices. I, hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct'copy of accounts audited by the Town Board now on file in the Town Clerk's Office. Dated November 8, 1924. CARRIE M. PECK, Town. Clerk. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 187 TOWN OF ULYSSES ABSTRACT OF TOWN AUDITS, 1924 Statement of bills audited by the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses for claims against said Town, said claims having been audited at the meetings held by the Board for that purpose on February 5, May 5, May 16, August 4, and November 6, 7, and 15, 1924. Statement shows the names of claimants, the nature of the service and the amount claimed and the amount allowed. No. NAME SERVICES CLAIMED ALLOWED I E. F. Bouton Prem. Super'visor's Bond . 2 E. P. Bouton Prem. Collector's Bond .. 11. K. Aiken .Service Bill 4 F. N. Smith Service Bill 5 Henry Williams Service Bill ............. (i A. C. Agurd Service Bill 7 Mande S. Tompkins Service Bill 8 L. J. Wheeler Attorney- 9 ttorney9 Aetna Cas. S. Surety CoPrem. on 10 Keith Sears Serviee 1.1 Charles F. Smith ...... Atlends rice 12 1)r. Hazen Fish, Assigned to C. A. Rightmire Inspector 13 Henry Williams Inspector 14 Henry Williams Justice 15 E. E. Brown Inspector. 16 II. K. Aiken Inspector 17 _Mamie S. Tompkins ..... Service 18 F. B. Aiken Fuel 19 Aetna Cas. & Surety Co... Prem. on Roil 20 Mande S. 'Tompkins Service 21 C. O. ("arnran luspector 22 Vivian Bower, Assigned to First Nat'l Bank Clerk 10.00 10.00 23 L. S. Robinson Inspectr 32.00 32.00 24 Hazen Fish, Assigned. to C. A. Rightaiire Inspector ... 10.00 10.00. 25 Hazen Fish, Assigned to C. A. Rightmire Inspector 6.00 6.00 26 }iazen Nish, Assigned to Chas. Hoffmirc Inspector 6.00 6.00 27 Hazen Fist, Assigned to Chas. IIolTrnire rnspectnr 10.00 10.00 28 Arsula B. Ililliard0lcrk 10.00 10.00 29 Pere} L. BilliardI Inspector 42.00 42.00 30 H. K. Aiken Inspector &. Messenger ... 44.40 44.40 31 Walker Smith Inspector 42.00 42.00 32 John .1. Chase , Inspector 42.00 42.00 33 John Young Inspector 42.00 42.00 34 Leroy 1). Walden Clerk 10.00 10.00 35 Earl Boyd .Clerk 10.00 10.00 36 Edwin S. Johnson Inspector 6.0© 6.00 37 Henry Williams Inspector & Messenger ... 41.28 41.28 38 Erwin L. Horton .Clerk 10.00 10.00 39 Charles S. Allen Clerk 10.00 10.00 $ 22.00 $ 22.00 90.00 90.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 28.00 28.00 24.00 24.00 29.64 29.61 15.00 15.00 Bond ... 34.00 34.00 14.48 14.48 Officer 8.00 8.00 10.00 10.00 17.64 17.64 12.00 12.00 10.00 10.00 16.00 '16.00 12.00 12.00 7.25 7.25 24.00 24.00 28.00 28.00 10.00 10.00 188 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS NO. NAME SERVICES CLAIMED ALLOW ED 40 Henry C. McLallen .Inspector 4.2.00 42.00 41 Berry B. Pearsall ..Inspector 42.00 42.00 42 T. J. Kellogg lnspertor 42.00 42.00 43 M. V. Dickens Clerk 10.00 .10.00 44 R:Iymond Baty 'Inspector & Messenger ... 49.96 49.96 43 C, Owen Carman Inspector & Messenger ... 47.76 47.76 46 Raymond L. Bower Inspector 42.00 42.00 47 Michael Terrell I'nspee•tor 42.00 42.00 18 Edna C. Craig Clerk 10.00 10.00 49 Stephen H. Craig Inspector & Messenger 60.00 60.00 50 [Iessie 11. Frazier Clerk 10.00 10.00 31 :Nit's. 'Mary Mahoney Hent & Erecting Booths .. 46.00 46.00 32 1'. N. Smith, Trustee Rent, Wat.erhurg Mail .... 30.00 30.00 53 0. D. Creque Rent, Band Room 30.00 30.00 54 0. D. Creque Putting up hootlis 16.00 16.00 35 Fred Pinckney Rent of Hall 30.00 30.00 56 Samuel Frazier Putting up booths 16.00 16.00 57 Stephen IT. Craig \uto hire 10.00 10.00 58 Free Press & Sentinel, ....Printing 6.87 6.87 C. 0. Caravan, Mgr. 39 A. F. Allen Printing & Notices 33.26 33.26 60 Williamson Law Book Co.. Supplies 38.1.1. 38.11 61 .1. E. Lovell, 51. D. :Lunacy . 20.00 20.00 62 J. B. Davenport & Son ...Penne for hooths 3.550 55.550 63 Andrus & Church .... ...Assessment Rolls 15.50 1x.50 64 Henry Williams Criminal Bill 34.55 34.55 65 E. A. Snow Service, Overseer Poor ... 30.32 36.33 06 Prank Cronk Assessor 116.00 1176.00 67 Dr. l' eith Sears /Iealtlr Officer117.87 117.87 68 A. C. Stewart knto Hire 5.00 5.00 69 Arthur L. Bower Putting up booths 12.00 12.00 70 Arthur L. Bower, Col. ...Postage & Printing 4.56 4.30 71 Arthur L. Bower Inspector 10.00 10.00 72 Harry Bortz .Iuspeetor 32.00 32.00 73 Clint Mimick 'knto hire 5.00 5.00 74 C. S. Clapp Inspector &Messenger 60.00 -- 60.00 75 Earl Campbell Inspector 32.00 32.00 76 Adrian 0. Pearsall Inspector 42.00 42,00 77 L. S. Robinson, Assigned to First. Nat '1 Bank inspector ... 10.00 10.00 78 T. R. Hopkins Assessor 122.00 122.00 79 Olin Miller Assessor 109.73 109.75 80 II. K. Aiken Servir'.e 40.00 40.00 81 J. M. Townsend, SupervT'ereentage 331.90 331.90 82 J. M. Townsend, M. D. ...Lunacy 23.00 23.00 83 Maude S. Tompkins Registrar Fees 50.30 50.30 84 .Hoiton's Pharmacy ...... Lamps 2.60 2.60 83 H. K. Aikenauto hire 5.00 1.00 86 Earl Campbell .Inspect -or 10.00 10.00 87 Lloyd N. Potter Tari Hire 4.00 4.00 88 I[, K. Aiken .Criminal I3ill 38.61 38.65 89 Fred N. Smith Service 36.00 36.00 90 Henry kVilliarns Service 58.00 58.00 91. W. I. Sherwood .Surviee, Overseer Poor ... 31-.00 31.00 92 W. A. Beardslee Rent, I. 0. 0. F, Hall .... 38.00 38.00 93 Maude S. Tompkins Service 36.00 56.00 94 Maude S. Tompkins Expense Aeet. 10.312 10.31. 95 Arthur Agard .Service 48.00 48.00 OP TOM PKTNS COTIN TY, NEW YORK 189 No. NAmE SERVICES CLADIED ALLOWED 90 W. P. Biggs Recital of. Rooms 40.00 40.00 97 .1. M. Townsend • Service & Expense 212.00 212.00 Total $3,322.47 $3,322.47 1 hereby certify that the foregoing is a true abstract of all of the '.town Audits as audited by the Town Auditors, the above dates. MAUD S. TOMPKINS, Town Clerk. SUPERVISORS' ACCOUNTS IIIS ODIAS 11 OI XLG NN ,TTI 00 CO f,70 0700^ +r3O C).4 00O W OMOS C]t 4 o 4O cO Ci G ri64 W O V7 CG N G1 C: r-1 ri O ri m d'tC] LO [`7 CI yl r a; CC m Cl m CC CA TV V0700 99 xuJI b'uipna7xrLri OOM CG Ir CD o Tel CD '-r O•r}I T.t ID.. OLT: m 10 f. f6 O 'D W 4 1;7 --1 -ti C1 CV r!d+='S CI ri C.1 L'• N3 LO L. 5007;Iluulo3 IE:IaadS uo sasuadx� Cup .iad 00'9$ 78 saa7TI1 m° IrPatis alilu gad os 7r alrailrc. Grp aad 00'9$ 71; uop esuaduwo suoissas 1epads pull S1la;.I1!11j . aims .lad 'as 7L' a�ra1T l� OO 10 f0 CO 000001.^. CT H C d• dl d. 0 0 0 00 rl M. CD ri ri 01 L- O O O O p 0 0 0 0 0 CDCDO O CD O CD 00 0 0 0000 000 C1 O O 6 11 6 10 df W 00 O CO O 6 „-al 1,7o01 00C,TV itim: Cl ri ri • CA C7 rr- 0 000000 'Ooo J 00 CID c,D OD 07 G� C.4 Ci 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O P O O O O p 0 0 00 0 0 0 4 d' O6 0 0 0 C O r. '= 0: c cc CC CA m 0 r L1.-..-.- 10 L; L.^,. 1:7 L= L= d' CA C7 -M ,y., 1; -dam ,_ 077 1-4 L= Sup lad 00'9$ 7'e UogxsuadCUoD ' OCA C7 d1 C: Ci m 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ZD P 0 0 0 CR0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cl Ci Cl c,3 Cd Cl Ci Ca 00 Ci 01 C.7 a0 f_ CD C1 CS O CD1- 10 uo?ssas tummy siflkI OS CA Cl CA_0 CA C7 Ci C1 c^ C7 r..1 CA -0 CA C.7 C7 CV CA CV CA Cµ C7 N C7 17.1 01 CA oiuu :rad ag 7r aSuaI?7C CA CA OD 0) :O CO C1 -4 r. ,-4 ri Ci • cl r -i r-! Sup. aad 00'9$ 7r uoc71;suadulo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CO Ci ca Cl o -i ea c1 C1 :7 Ci cl -y Di Cl —. rH ri r r r-, rr rr ri r, rri rn ssu.uurrj SluuoO s:fr•u Cd C] CA Cl 01 01 el C1 C7 CA 'a C1 C7 Cd aillu tad 0s 7r aaralu: C1 C] CO 4 C] ' CD C] -i Ner 'dl t- CO. rn ---riri Ci •Ci rim 2ill7aajv 51lauoissfunuUD X1.1 '0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CD O O :S 0 O O O O O O O O. D O P O O O d1 d1 `3+dl 4444 4d, 4444 •1' CD ]0 rr f. CD .74 dD 0 0 01 :� a� tD A,1 C:7 r m . A J ink^� C., r G: 0 Y C ..1 �• -' r. r �r a. f 1•• y C ar4 =moo - - �amr 01 ti O a `.G w t3 r� Z a o yard Yrz �V ~ O U Y 1 U i A Y w 0 s] o xi aw ^— C C4 d Y Y g e •- F O o ro w CIA � � r E cl C w y P 0 o r� Y Y n � - -Ur U n w a O 0 • O 0 M- •-• -' U U GA . 11 o g m Y 1 J? 0 O C] W J O✓7 +-� C.1 O )1 O 01 �" y CD V dA !V V UF•.l 'o' �C7r _ -4 1-� 0') /1 0 ; . EiOC 7c f U= OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 191 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE TREASURER OF TOMPKINS COUNTY Year ending October 31, 1924 To the Board of Supervisors, County of Tompkins: Gentlemen: a respectfully submit the following, statement of the accounts of the County Treasurer's office for the fiscal year ended October 31, 1924. LEIGII M. CHAMPAIGN, County Treasurer. DETAILED STATEMENT OP RECE.IPTS Taxes Received: Received from corporations $ 50,695.04 Received from collectors 68,242.57 Received from City of Ithaca 160,122.04 Returned taxes collected 20,633.23 Tax sale proceeds 2,647.15 Sale of tax certificates owned by county 992.33 Sale of property deeded to. county on account of purchase at tax sale 540.05 Redemption advertising 78.80 Returned school taxes 1,834.08 Fines Interest: On general fund On highway fund Gifts: _ . Frotn State for county highways From State for county nurse 1,025.00 658,56 4,987.50 32,730.00 1,200.00 192 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OP SUPERVISORS Departmental Earnings: Court and trust fund fees 110.17 County Clerk court. fees 161.7.1 County Clerk registration fees 10,276.03 Surrogate's fees 339.04 Sherif 37.59 Almshouse farm 2,562.77 Tuberculosis :Hospital 2..014.77 Sale of Property: At jail • =12.50 5.00 Desk at County Treasurer's office Refunds: Furniture at County Clerks building 68.99 Board of prisoners at jail 104.36 RRight. of Way (Chas. Osniun) 65.71 On account, of error on eoe.u't order 2.60 Fees on deeds 4.00 Prom Lang Garage on account of almshouse22.49 Insurance Recovery: Boiler at court house 2,000.00 Town of Dryden: `1'o be paid to the State 339.11 SPECIAL TRUST ACCOUNT From State: Pablic School money $J29,001.09 IIighwa3 Aid 27,604.70 Franchise Tax. 27,45724 Motor Vehicle fees 27,470.91 Income Tax 35,964.03 Special Taxes: Mortgage Tax 10,635.19 Mortgage Tax interest 125.23 Inheritance Tax 23,279.2-3 Bank Taxes . 7,260.75 - Dog Taxes 6,893.30 OF TO_AIPKINS COUNT]", NEW YORIi 133 From Individuals: Tax redemptions 213.34 Cash Bail (deposits in lieu of bail) 2,000.00 $662,447.43 DETAILED STATEMENT OF PAYMENTS Legislative: Supervisors' compensation • $ 4,789.02 Supervisors' expenses 3,335.94 County publication 785.50 General Executive: To sales expanse 22.00 Tax sale Mdyertising 450.38 Eedemption advertising 108.04. 'Commissioners. or Election. 2,366.03 Election 4,090.61. Count- Treasurer 2,699.36 Court House 6,926.81 County Clerk 's building . 13,501.,52. Expense of bond issue 7.1.67 Judicial: County Judge and Surrogate 6,970.83 District Attorney 2,388.93 Sheriff 7,177.14 County Clerk _ 10,477.75 Children's Court 1,573.02 Supreme Court Civil 2,412.64 Supreme Court Criminal 4,139.55 County Court Civil 1,292.90 County Court Criminal 1,328.58 Justices of Peace 88.20 Coroners 210.02 Protection: County Sealer 953.58 Conservation of Health: County laboratory 97.668 Superintendent of turberculosis hospital 1,800.00 Tuberculosis hospital 22,551.49 County nurse 1,800.00. 194 I'ROCEEDINGS- 01' TIME BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Charities : Superintendent of Poor 1,621.71 Almshouse ' 15,765.50 Outside relief 1,868.51 Insane commitments 165.00 Epileptics 68.58 Feeble-minded 100.00 Child welfare 3,1.87.50 Correction : Jail 1,531.06 J ail inmates 4,481.79 Penal Institutions 567.49 Probation officer 1,200.00 Education Educational notices 10.50 Farm and Home Bureau and Junior Project 9,050.00 Deaf 838.01 Blind 550.00 Soldiers' Relief : Burials .. 916.00 Highways : Superintendent 3,878.25 County line bridges 1,439.52 Maintenance of county roads 10,092.91 Insurance on motor trucks 840.58 Rights of way . 662.15 County highway construction 75,989.45 State and county highway construction 92,949.07 Interest: On highway bonds 11,000.00 Bonds: Highway 15,000.00 Sinking Fund State 7,629.21 Returned School Taxes 8,036.27 OI• TOAIPKINS COUNTY., NEW YORK Miscellaneous: . 195 Doctor's fee in suicide attempt 20.00 City directories 56M0 Safe deposit box for County Treasurer 5.00 Felony fees—city court 105.55 Signs ,for highways 24.25 State—for Town of Dryden 339.11 Soldiers' memorial 1,076.25 Town of Ithaca—surplus 011 tax roll 441.68 Town of Caroline—surplus on tax roll 505.03 Town -of Dryden—surplus on tax roll 29.90 Tax refund 13.58 Town of Lansing—surplus on tax roll 123.93 SPECIAL TRUST ACCOUNTS To State for Taxes: • Stenographers' tax 3,357.12 Armory tax 8,681.43 State tax 79,489.55 Inheritance taxes 23,433.18 Mortgage taxes • 5.370.04 Dog taxes 579.72 To Towns and Cities: State highway aid 27,604.70 Bank taxes 3,977.48 Mortgage taxes 4;108.54 Income taxes 32,189.68 Franchise taxes 26,068.64 Motor vehicle fees 32,493.75 Dog taxes 2,446.77 To Villages: Bank taxes 81.6.57 Mortgage taxes 177.78 Franchise taxes 1,388.60 Income taxes 3,774.35 To School Districts: Public school money 129,001.09 Bank taxes 2,876.46 - 196 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS To Individuals : Tax redemptions 207.90 Cash bail --refund 2,250.00 Dog taxes 5,609.56 Fees : • Inheritance taxes 1,212.98 _ Bank taxes 70.75 Miscellaneous: Premium on mortgage tax bond for County Treasurer 5.00 For maintenance of state highways in ton -ns ... 5,850.00 $779,573.15 SUMMARY OF GASH Balance on hand November 1, 1923 $291,494.44 Total receipts to October 31, 1924 662,447.43 Total payments to October 31. 1924 $779,573.15 On hand October 31, 1924— General fund 97,036.00 Highway bond issue 16,095.50 " investment 33,416.69 County- highway fund 3,685.00 Mortgage tax 4,916.76 Motor Vehicle money 10,053.53 Special trust funds— Dog licenses 6,151.37 Inheritance tax - 1,013.87 Cash Bail - 2,000.00 $953,941.87 $953,941.87 OI'` TOlMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 197 DISTRIBUTION OF SPECIAL TAXES TO TOWNS AND \TILLAGES Towns Franchise Income Dog Mortgage Taxes Taxes Taxes Taxes Caroline .. $ 895.12 $175.93 $ 35.93 _ .Danby 780.97 105.66 75.36 I)ryde1l $ 19.47 2;136.49 300.93 208.35 Enfield 711.89 94.75- 20.16 Groton 1,181.67 1,146.13 299.45 148.46 ,Ithaca 2,080.40 200.49 490.11 Lansing ....... 3,983.22 1,779.71 287.34 1.22.22 Newfield 769.81 136.54 38.40 Ulysses 44.34 968.17 147.11 81.54 .Ithaca City 20,839.94 20,920.99 700.57 2,887.99 Villages • Newfield 125.31 2.89 Trt3nnansburg 21.84 455.60 15.83 Dryden .88 483.24 19.60 Freeville .85 227.81 9.12 Groton 1,365.03 1,345.46 55.58 Cayuga Heights1,136.93 74.76 Towns $27,457.24 $35,964.03 $2,446.77 $4,286.32 BANK TAX Dryden $ 120.79 Groton 512.66 Ulysses 260.83 Ithaca City ... 3,083.20 Villages Dryden 48.45 Groton 514.83 '1'runtazasbur, 253.29 $4,704.05 19S PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS DISTRIBUTION OF HIGHWAY MONEYS TO TOWNS Construction Maintenance State Aid Motor Vehicle Caroline $11,399.74 $ 2,857.08 $ 3,100.00 $ 3,526.60 Danby .. 5,684.50 3,125.00 7,500.00 Dryden . 11,555.00 1,500.00 4,800.00 4,500.00 Enfield . 5,835.30 2,185.83 1,975.00 , 6,763.95 Groton .. 9,333.59 2,700.00 4,853.20 Ithaca .. 7,219.20 50.00 2,329.70 850.00 Lansing . 10,068.59 1,000.00 3,550.00 1,000.00 Newfield 8,835.00 3,525.00 Ulysses . 6,058.53 2,500.00 2,500.00 3,500.00 $75,989.45 • $10,092.91 $27,604.70 $32,493.75 DISTRIBUTION OF PUBLIC SCHOOL MONEY Caroline $ 8,113.25 Danby 8,529.31. Dryden 17,633.67 Enfield 5,967.50 Groton 12,876.11 Ithaca 3,495.77 Lansing 10,324.57 Newfield 9,531.16 Ulysses 8,452.75 Ithaca City 44,077.00 $129,001.09 TOWN. ACCOUNTS Caroline Due county November 1, 1923 $ 2.64 Sheriff and district attorney expense 64.95 Erroneous school taxes • Mary Genung 4.60 John Lee 7.40 J. Van Sickle 2.25 Truck Insurance 36.35 Surplus on 1923 tax roll Paid to supervisor 505.03 $623.22 Paid county, per 1923 budget $ 89.44 Surplus on 1923 tax roll 505.03 $594.47 Due county $ 28.75 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 199 Danby Due county November 1, 1923 $ 10.84 Truck Insurance 36.35 - Cliarge-per resolution December 20, 1923 39.00 Unpaid 1923 state and county tax 34.85 $121.04 Paid county, per 1923 budget 86.19 Due county $ 34.85 Dryden Due town November 1, 1923 $ 29.90 Paid county for State account 339.11 71 " per 1923 budget 225.27 Surplus on 1923 tax roll 133.78 $728.06 Paid supervisor, Deeeniber'2, 1923 $.29.90 " state for town 339.11 Charge -per resolution December 20, 1923 22.65 May 12, 1924 32.55 Truck Insurance 181.70 $605.91 Due town $122.15 Enfield Due county November 1, 1923 $ 3.70 Charge -resolution December 20, 1923 19.45 May 12, 1924 12.60 Truck Insurance 36.35 • Unpaid 1.923 state and county tax 10.00 $ 82.10 Paid county, per 1923 budget 52.65 Due county $ 29.45 Groton Dice county November 1, 1923 $ 15.22 Charge -resolution December 20, 1923 44.40 May 12, 1924 10.90 • Truck- Insurance 1.09.00 $179.52 Paid county, per 1923 budget 168.62 Due county 10.90 200 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOAR[) OF SUPERVISORS Ithaca Due county November 1, 1923 $378.62 Children's court expense 2.65 Charge -resolution December 20, 1923 41.53 May 12, 1924 29.60 Truck Insurance 72.70 Refund of Kirk tax 13.58 Unpaid 1923 state and county tax 169.68 Paid supervisor surplus on 1923 tax roll . 441.68 $1150.04 Paid county, Per 1923 budget $492.85 Surplus on 1923 tax roll 441.68 $934.53 Due county x;215.51 Lansing Truck Insurance $ 72.71 Charge -resolution December 20, 1923 142.45 " May 12, 1924 72.05 Unpaid 1923 state and county tax 174.94 Paid supervisor 123.€93 • $586.07 Due town November -1, 1923 $102.45 Paid county, per 1923 budget 236.63 - ` $339.08 Due county $246 99 Newfield Due county November 1, 1.923 $ 72.57 Erroneous school tax (Marion) 4.80 Children's court expense . _ . • 4.83 Charge -resolution December 20, 1923 50.15 May 12, 1924 18.85 Truck Insurance 36.35 Unpaid 1923 state and county tax 25.62 $213.17 Paid county, per 1923 budget $163.87 Due county $ 49.80 OF TOMPhINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 201 Ulysses Due count- November 1, 1923 $187.01 Erroneous school tax (Frear) 3.00 Charge—resolution December 20, 1923 47.95 , May 12, 1024 25.65 Truck Insurance 36.35 '1'homa's property sold 'at tax sale, Oct. 1923—sale cancelled because of improper description given 26.50 Unpaid 1.923 state and ecu ty tax 41.24 • $367.70 Paid county, per 1923 budget ' 257.54 McGee 1.922 tax paid to treasurer 10.70 Surplus on 1923 tax roll 18.28 $286.52 Dut county $ 81.18 City of Ithaca Dae county November 1, 1923 $173.24 Children's court. expense 17.50 Sheriff expense ' 5.00 Charge—resolution December 20, 1923 254.28 May 12, 1924 90.45 Unpaid 1923 state and Bounty •tax 264.32 $804.74 Paid count-, per 1923 budget .427.47 Due county $377.27 Statement showing the condition of various accounts for which appropriations were made for 1924 Supervisors Compensation: Available for 1924 $ 4,873.02 Expended 4,789.02 Balance $ 84.00 Supervisors Expense: Available for 1924 $ 2,262.16 • Expended 3,227.06 Overdrawn $ 964.90 202 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OE' SUPERVISORS County Publications: Available for 1924 $ 856.00 Expended 785.50 Balance $ 70.50 Commissioners of Election: Available for 1924 * 2,562.59 Expended ..... 2,268.52 Balance $ 294.07 Elections: .Available for 1924 $ 7,509.21 Expended 4,090.61 Balance $ 3,418.60 County Treasurer: Available for 1924 $ 3,008.49 Expended 2,642.24 Balance $ 366.25 Court House: Available for 1924 $ 841.30 Expended ... 4;778.51 Overdrawn $ ' 3,938.21 County Clerk's Building : Available for 1924 $ 2,770.17 Expended '13,018.45 Overdrawn $ 10,248.28 County Judge and Surrogate: Available for 1924 $ 6,843.75 Expended 6,786.59 Balance $ 57.16 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 203 District Attorney: Available for 1924 • $ 3,237.05 Expended • 2,338.93 Balance $ 898.12 Sheriff: Available for 1924 $ 8,583.82 Expended 6,799.71 Balance $ 1,784.11 County Clerk: Available for 1924 $ 9,425.00 Expended 10,477.75 Overdrawn $ 1,052.75 Supreme Court Civil: Available for 1924 .$ 2,500.00 Expended 2,412.64 Balance $ 87.36 Supreme Court Criminal: Available for 1924 $ 4,500.00 . Expended 4,139.55 Balance $ 360.45 County Court Civil: Available for ].924 Expended $ 424.87 1,292.90 Overdrawn $ 868.03 • County Court Criminal: Available for 1924 $ 2,832.92 Expended 1,328.58 Balance $ 1,504.34 204 PROCEEDI\GS OF THE BOARD O1 'SUPERVISORS Justices and Constables: Available for 1924 $ 866.70 . Expended 88.20 Balance $ • 278.50 Coroners: Available for 1994 $ 265.20 Expended 910.09 Balance $ 55.18 County Sealer: Available for 1924 $ 954.60 Expended 953.58 Balance $ 1.02 Regulative Associations: Available for 1924 $ 153.05 No expenditures County Nurse: Appropriation for 1.924 $ 2,400.00 Received from state 1,200.00 Total amount available $ 3,600.00 Expended 1,800.00 Balance $ 1,800.00 Tuberculosis Hospital: 1924 appropriation for maintenance $ 19,872.22 1924 appropriation for vocational nurse 1,000.00 1924 appropriation for insurance 57.50 1924 appropriation for heater 980.00 Income 2,014.77 Total amount available $ 23,924.49 Expended for building and equipment $ 7,646.14 _ Inmates 16,599.47 $ 24,245.61 Overdrawn $ 321.12 OF TOA1PKINS COHNTY, NEW YORK 205 • Poor Accounts : Balance November 1, 1923 $ 1,522.62 1924 appropriation for— Outside relief $ 5,500.00 Inmates 5,500.00 Transportation 400.00 Physician & Chaplain 500.00 .Keeper 1,200.00 .insurance 295.50 Audits by suhrevisors 405.31 Motors and barn 1,500.00 Refund on l Jang bill 22.49 Superintendent 1,900.00 Income 2,562.77 $ 19,786.07 $ 21,308.69 Expended for inmates $10,600.08 Outside relief. 1,868.51 Superintendent 1,621.71 Buildings 5,095.45 0 . $ 19,1.85.75 Balance $ 2,122.94 Insane Commitments: Available for 1924 Expended $ 60.00 165.00 Overdrawn $ 105.00 Child Welfare: ► Available for 1924 Expended • Jail: Available for 1924 Expended $ 4,015.88 3,187.50 Balance $ 828.38 $ 1,651.99 1,017.71 Jail Inmates: Available for 1924 Expended Balance $ 634.28 $ 3,204.36 4,481.79 Balance $ 1,277.43 206 PROCEEDINGS OF TIIE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Probation Officer: Available for 1924 Expended .. Soldiers' Burials: Balance $ 1,454.28 1,200.00 $ 254:28 Available for 1924 $ 1,277.87 Expended 916.00 Balance $ 361.87 Superintendent of .Highways:. Available for 1924 $ 3,974.55 Expended _ 3,784.98 Balance $ 189.57 County Maintenance of Highways: _ Available for 1924 $ 11,466.61 Expended 10,092.91 - Balance $ 1,373.70 Contract Supplies: Available for 1924 $ 3,500.00 Expended for Light - $1,108.56 ' Heat 2,061.41 Telephone 1,068.05 $ 4,238.02 Overdrawn $ 738.02 Children's Court : Available for 1924 $ 1,716.02 -Expended 1,573.02 • Balance $ 143.00 Levy of General Property Taxes: For state and county purposes $302,603.37 For town purposes - 201,450.22 U1' T0JIPK1\S COUNTY, NEW YORK 207 Collectors' Settlement : Paid to town officials $201,450.22 Paid to County Treasurer: By collectors 228,364.61 By corporations 50,695.04 By errors on roils 261.96 Uncollected taxes returned 23,281.76 $504,053.59 $504,053.59 County. Indebtedness : Highway bonds—Issue of 1913 $ 30,000.00 1915 24,000.00 1923 190,000.00 County of Tompkins, State of New York. ss. f�eigh 1U. Champaign, being sworn, says that he is the Treasurer of Tompkins County and that the foregoing report is a true statement of the financial transactions of said county for the fiscal year ended October 31, 1924, except those funds over which the county has no control. LEIGH M. CHAMPAIGN. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 20th day of November, 1924. Charlotte V. Bush, Notary Public. SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT OF COUNTY TREASURER To the Honorable Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County. - Gentlemen:— Following is a report of all transactions by me as County Treasurer, from November 1, 1924, to the expiration of my term of office, December 31, 1924. Receipts : Taxes $ 34.80 Tax sale certificates 27.70 Redemption 'advertising 10.20 Real Estates License fees 5.00 Court and Trust fund fee 3.74 208 PROCEEDINGS OE' THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS County Clerk Fees: Court fees 24.31 Other 1,708.89 Surrogate's fees 113.00 Almshouse farm produce 222.75 Sale of door at County Clerk's Building 5.00 Insurance recovery 15.00 From Sheriff Board and Transportation 81.56 Returned school taxes 276.86 Deed fees 1.50 Motor Vehicle fees 3,100.94 interest: On mortgage tax account 1:3.96 .Special Taxes: Inheritance taxes 2,071.42 Bank taxes 4,751.06 Dog taxes , 313.70 Mortgage taxes. 1,881.73 Tax redemption 273.25 Total $ 14,939.37 Payments: Supervisors' compensation ' $ 314.99 expenses 463.06 Tax Commissioners' meetin, 4.00 Commissioners of Election 388_46 Elections 59.50 County Treasurer 261.94. Court House 3,313.74 County Clerk's Building 173.82 County Judge and Surrogate 1,110.96 District At€orney 326.00 Sheriff 661.85 County Clerk. 1,S02.95 Supreme Court—Civil 1,198.60 Criminal 902.01 County Court—Civil 50.00 Criminal " 7.,031.30 Children's Court 257.39 Coroner . 120..18 County Sealer 83.40 Tuberculosis Hospital 4,309.17 Superintendent of Highways 911.75 " of Poor 301.88 Almshouse 3,948.29 Outside Relief .481.83 Jail 568.35 OF TOMP]KTNS COUNTY, NEW YORK 209 Jail Inmates 662.90 Probation. Officer 200.00 Child Welfare .566.96 Farm Bureau, etc. 2,275,00 Soldiers' Burials 150.00 County Highways: Danby 1,171.26 Ithaca 1,535.00 State ancI County Highway Construction 500.00 Rights of Way 58.75 Taxes refunded 66.42 Returned school taxes 4,378.33 Safe deposit box rent 2.00 Soldiers' Memorial • 15,244.00 SPEC[AL TRUST FUND TRANSACTIONS To State: Inheritance Taxes 2,317.85 Dog Taxes 16.90 To Towns and City: Mortgage Taxes 5,070.86 - Dog Taxes 2,070.86 To Villages: Mortgage Taxes 247.89 To :Individuals: Tax redemptions $ 278.69 Dog Taxes, claims, etc. 851.50 Fees: Inheritance taxes 121.99 Total $ 60,835.57 SUMMARY Cash on Hand November 1, 1924 $174,368.72 Received from November 1, 1924 to December 31, 1924 14,939.37 Payments from November 1, 1924 to December 31, 1924 $ 60,835.57 - Cash on hands and turned over to my successor: General Fund 52,89310 Highway Bond issue 15,595.50 Invest tnent 33,416.69 - 210 PROCEEDINGS OF THE EO ARI hOF SUPERVISORS Mortgage '1'ax - 1,493.70 County Highway Fund • 978.74 Motor Vehicle Fund 13,154.47 Special Trust Fund 10,919.32 In Safe 21.00 $189,305.09 $189.308.09 Leigh M. Champaign, being sworn, says that the foregoing report is a true and correct statement of the financial transac tions of the County of Tompkins for the months of November and December, 1924, as shown - by the official records of said county. LEIGH M. C1-1AMPAIGN. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 6th day of January, 1925. Charlotte V. Bush, Notary Public. OF TOMT1' IN,S COUNTY, NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK'S REPORT 211 A statement of all moneys received for the County of Tomp- kins by \Villiarn H. Baker, Clerk of Tompkins County from November ast, 1923 to October 31st, 1924, or by his assistants for fees, perquisites and emoluments, for all services rendered by him or said assistants in their official capacity, from November lst, 1923 to October 31st, 1924. Recording Deeds $ 1.,248.08 Recording Mortgages 909.53 Recording other Documents 923.23 Pertaining to Judgments 158.77 Copes 112.74 Searches 3,95,3.70 Filing Papers and other Services 1,780.12 Motor Vehicle Fees 1,300.85 Clerk Mire Audited and •Allowed by State Tax Department 225.00 $10,61.2.02 Mortgage Tax $26,644.44 Notary Fees $ 396.50 Less Fees allowed the County included in filing papers .... 77.50 319.00 hunting License due the State after deduct- ing fees and discounts allowed the County included in the above for filing papers, ete $1.38 52 $ 3,324.48. Paid County Treasurer Office Fees $10,612.02 Paid County Treasurer State Mortgage Tax ..... $10,695.01 Order from State Board 15.00 Paid Seneca County Clerk $6.56 Paid 13ond Audited by State E'ax Commission 5.00 Clerk Hire Allowed by State Tax Commission 225.00 Postage Allowed by State Tax Commission 12.00 J. B. Lyon—Tax Books 3.43 Amount held for Apportionment 1.5,689.00 $26,644.44 N 212 PROCEEDINGS OP THE BOARD O5' SUPERVISORS State Treasurer --Notary Pees State Conservation Commission, Hunters' Licenses 319.00 3,324.48 $40,899.94 $40,899.94 State of \e -r York, County of Tompkins, Ss. -William H. Baker, being duly sworn, says, that he is Clerk of the County_ of Tompkins, that the foregoing is in all respects a full and true statement as required by Chapter 298, Laws of 1909. 'WNI. H. BAKER. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 19th clay of November, 1924. L. L. Earl, Notary Public. a Off' TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORI{ 213 Report of County Superintendent of the Poor To the Honorable, the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins, State of New York. Gentlemen: The Superintendent of the Poor of Tompkins cordancc with law, herewith submits his annual year ending November 1Sth, 1924. The Superintendent of the Poor of 'Tompkins count with the poor funds of the county: County, in ac - report for the County in ae- Amount of appropriation of 1923 For keeper's salary Balance on county treasurer's hands from 1923 To sales from county farm for current year Received from board in county home .Balance due county treasurer $12,300.00 1,200.00 252.83 1,944.45 5.28 272.75 $15,975.31 By amounts paid by orders on the county treasurer following purposes: for the $ 2,266.91 1,832.07 2,361.01 311.28 386.74 790.10 646.72 3,280.24 1,671..46 175.33 143.95 922.72 62.31 88.04 900.76 61.41 74.26 Food supplies and tobacco Almshouse employees Fuel Light and power Clothing and footwear Repairs, furniture and bedding Chaplain, physician and drugs Farm superintendent and farm labor Farm stock and maintenance Seeds, fertilizers and tile Farm tools and equipment Transportation ai d services of. overseers Freight, postage and miscellaneous Disinfectants and soap Outside relief Superintendent's postage, telephone and printing Superintendent's personal expenses $16,975.31 214 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS INMATES DAYS County 1,951 $ 504.19 Ithaca City 9,532 2,463.27 Ithaca Town 406 104.93 Caroline 845 218.38 Danby 371 95.88 Dryden 1,485 383.77 Enfield 873 225.62 Gt oton 2.876 743.23 Lansing 747 193.05 Newfield 401 103.63 Ulysses 959 247.84 20,446 $5,283.79 The cash cost assessed to the county and several towns of the county in excess of the proceeds of the farm for the support of the poor at the county home being 00.25842+. Census of Inmates: Number in the county home November 15, 1923 57 Admitted during the year 20 Births during the year 00 Discharged during the year 6 Died during the year 13 Number in county home November 15, 1924 58 The following products were raised on the county farm during the year ending November 15, 1924: Wheat, 233 bushels $ 360.00 Barlett-. 54 bushels 49.00 Oats, 476 bushels • 238.00 Hay, 65 tons 780.00 Alfalfa, 8 tons 144.00 Straw, 18 tons 180.00 Ensilage; 70 tons 500.00 Beans, 50 bushels 175.00 Potatoes, 748 bushels 375.00 Apples, 260 bushes 260.00 Plums, 14 bushels 20.00 Cherries, 5 bushels 15.00 Peas, 15 bushels .... 30.00 String beans, 10 bushels 15.00 Tomatoes, 40 bushels 40.00 Onions, 10 bushels 15.00 Onion sets,1 Y2 bushels 3.00 OF TO_MPK1NS COUNTY, NEW YORK 215 Beets, 30 bushels 30.00 Carrots, 15 bushels 12.00 Parsnips, 12 bushels 1.5.00 Cucumbers, 8 bushels 12.00 Radishes - 5.00 Lettuce _ 5.00 Aspa ragus 15.00 Swiss Chard 10.00 Hubbardsquash 16.00 Turnips, .14 bushels 10.00 Berries, black 8.00 Berries, red 38.00 Sweet corn 25.00 Canned fruit, 483 cans 175.00 ls;llies 18.00 Dried corn 5.00 Milk, 84,1.46 lbs. Butter, 2,98!) lbs. 1,404.83 Skimmed milk and buttermilk used in home and sold 941.00 Cream used in home 273.75 Eggs, 700 dozen 280.00 Pork killed 757-56 Beef killed 78.40 $ 7,613.54 Sales from county farm from November 15, 1923 to November 15, 1924: 1 -lav, 43 tons $ 493.90 Wheat, 154 bushels 179.15 Butter, 1,554 lbs. 728.85 Veais 236.92 Pigs 83.50 Mea t, 54.04 Lard 5.78 Clover seed - 96.00 Elides and miscellaneous 21.25 Eggs 7.56 _Apples 37.50 $ 1,944.45 Cash expenditures by county superintendent including salaries of keeper, physician, chaplain and superintendent's expenditures, but, not including outside relief x;15,074.55 Value of products of farm Used at home 5,669.09 Total cost of maintenance of county home $20,744.64 216. PROCEEDINGS OI` THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Making a per diem of $1.00. Inventory of stock on county farm: 2 llorse.s $ 250.00 11 Milk cows 900.00 2 Two-year-old heifers 80.00 1 One -year-old heifer 25.00 2 Heifer calves 40.00 1 Bull ..... 80.00 1. Bull calf -registered 100:00 3 Dry cows ... 200.00 2 Brood sows 70.00 1 Boar 10.00 20 teat hogs 1;000.00 75 'Yearling. hens 125.00 150 Spring chickens 200.00 $ 3,080.00 Inventory of tools and equipment on county farm: 1 11lanure spreader $ 140.00 2 Lumber wagons 100.00 Sets bob sleds 100.00 1. :lav tedder 55.00 1 Crain binder 200.00 :1 band roller (new) 50.00 1 Crain drill 30.00 1 Carden drill combined 10.00 1. Ensilage cutter and belts 2:30.00 '1'wo-1iorse cultivator :_;0.00 1 One-horse cultivator 7.00 1 ]Harrow, spring. tooth 15.00 1 Flarrow, peg tooth 15.00 2 l.Iay riggings 30.00 2 ]Horse forks, ropes and pulleys 25.00 2 Wheel barrows 5.00 1 Crass seeder 12.00 1 Corn speller 15.00 1 'Fanning mill 20.00 2 Lawn mowers 20.00 2 Plows 40.00 1 Set heavy harness 20.00 1 Set scales 50.00 150 Potato crates 35.00 45 Grans bags 20.00 1 half bushel measure 3.00 Forks, shovels and picks 15.00 Log chains and crowbars 10.00 OF TOMPKI S COUNTY, NEW YORK 217 1 Creamery refrigerator 450.00 1 Milk cart 12.00 3 Milk cans 15.00- 1.0 Milk pails 10.00 1 Set milk scales 3.50 1. Set, butter scales 15.00 1 Milk separator 100.00 1 Butter churn and worker 50.00 2 Washing mach ines 600.00 1 Laundry extractor 150.00 8 Laundry tubs 200.00 1 Six -horse power engine 40.00 1 One and one-half horse power engine 20.00 2 .Electric motors 311.00 1 Feed cooker 40.00 1 Litter carrier 40.00 2 Gas tanks 50.00 3 Compression tanks 1,300.00 $ 4.708.00 In compliance with See. 11 of the Poor Law of the State of. New York, I respectfully report that .1. estimate the expense for the town and county poor to be supported at the county home for the ensuing year and for all purposes shall be For county $ 5,500.00 For outside relief and almshouse maintenance 5,500.00 Superintendent of Poor expenses 400.00 For tran.shortation 400.00 For salaries of physician and uh,iplain 500.00 $12,300.00 TIie following repairs have been arcade at the county home during the fiscal year: Repairs have been made on the large barn to the amount of $800,00. These repairs have put this barn in much better con- dition than it was even when built, and when the remaining sides are recovered the barn will be in good shape. The boiler o.f: the heating plant has been repaired at a cost of about $400.00. This boiler is the only means for heating the house. We have no reserve. As this boiler has been in use from eight to ten years, its life must be nearly gone. if a .uetw boiler is installed, provision should be made for two, units for heat. .1S PROCEEDI\GS OF THE BOARD OP STJPERVISORS The two electric motors installed during the year have proved their value both as a relief from fire hazard and for economy in power, Eighty rods of new fencing have been built. A Christmas- Fund : Small stuns of money, that they have received perhaps" as gifts or that they have earned, frequently remain after the death of inmates of the Home. Years ago no record of this money was made. ender the present administration, however, these sums, -varying from a few cents to one or two dollars, have been credited to a fund which has been called the Christmas Fund, and to it have been added certain other small sums, such as the receipts from the sale of old papers sent to inmates by their friends in the county, and money from the sale of junk. This fund ltas been aceurnulating for several years, so that during the past summer there was available from $60 to $70. With this money silver knives and forks have been provided for the in- mates of the Home and there was also enough to buy them a clock. The purchase of these things has helped to make the living of the inmates of the Home more homelike and cheerful. To give relief to the poor is one of the duties of the Superin- tendent of the Poor. To provide free food and lodging to all who may apply is easy; but there is no more difficult task than to give relief. The word relief is used by many people in a personal sense to mean supplying the immediate needs of an individual from public funds. This is a. narrow but obvious interpretation. The real and constructive meaning of the word demands that society and the taxpayers shall be relieved, as well as the individual. To feed and house, at the expense of the tax- payers, a person who consumes his time and money in debauchery is not rendering relief to him or to the public. To care for a feeble minded woman during confinement and then turn her out in the world again to become -the prey of the unscrupulous is not giving relief to her or her offspring, or the world at large. It a man with only one leg comes under our charge, is it not better to spend fifty or sixty dollars for an artificial leg so that he may support himself, rather than to give him a few dollars a week for his maintenance as a cripple. This represents one important phase of the work of a Superintendent of the Poor; it. is Constructive and helpful, though its value cannot he estimated in dollars'and cents. There is another important phase of the Work, important especially. in Tompkins County. That is our urgent need of a County Hospital wherein can be provided the proper care for OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 219 residents of the County Home, who need hospital attention. As Superintendent of the Poor .1 cannot give proper relief to those unfortunate persons in our County Home with our present hos- pital facilities. Most of yon are aware that during my seventeen years in this office 1. have continually urged that adequate pro- vision be made for a building to afford hospital care. The be- ginning of the project has been made already, as the plans and specifications hanging on the walls of your room go to show. Money enough to secure suitable plans has been spent already, but, nothing has been accomplished. A large majority of the persons in the .Hoene at the present time are old and need hos- pital care. The present facilities are entirely inadequate to pro- vide the care they need. .1. therefore respectfully urge, as the State also demands, that you take definite action for a County Ilospital on the County Farm without further delay. WM. D. BALDWiN, Superintendent of Poor, Tompkins County. State of New York, County of Tompkins, ss' Wm. D. Baldwin, being duly sworn, says that he is Superin- tendent of the Poor of the County of Tompkins, that the fore- going statement is in all respects a true and full statement of receipts and expenditures audited by him during the year 1923- 1924 as such superintendent. ll'i1I. D. BALDW1N. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 24th day .of November, 1924. Charlotte V. Bush, Notary Public. 220 . PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD O1'' SUPERI"ISORS Report of the Board of Managers of the Tuberculosis Hospital '1'o the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: Honorable Sirs: Again we come before you in compliance Ivith the law to -Hake our annual report of the Tuberculosis hospital for the past year. The accomplishments have been satisfactory from several view- points. '.There htit e been no re -admissions to the hospital of those patients discharged as recovered last year, and from the reports from these patients they are all at work. Our admissions for the year have been patients in Nrhom the disease was discovered earlier and therefore they have a better chance to recover. The chilies held about the county have been productive of good both in finding cases and in teaching contact cases how to care for themselves so as to prevent the disease. In this con- nection we would like to mention the spread of information re- garding the clanger of giving children milk from cows not free from tuberculosis. One of the most satisfactory things from the view -point of our board is the increasing interests shown by the residents of the county. Many local organizations and individuals hare volun- tarily signified their desire to be of assistance to the hospital and many have donated canned fruit; jellies and magazines and one room was also redecorated and furnished. This is as it should be, not interest because of expense to the county but be- cause of the benefit the county derives from such an institution. Some patients are returned to their work as useful productive citizens ancl all the while they arc at the hospital they lessen the danger of infection not only to their own families but to others as well. The superintendent and nurses are encouraged by this increased interest from the outside and hope it will con- tinue. The addition of a teacher to our staff has been of material assistance to the patients as they are all more contented having something to do to occupy their time. An exhibit of the work done by the patients was made at the Trumansburg and T.onip- OF TW,IPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 22.1 kins County .Fairs and attracted considerable interest. Improvements: The north end of the men's porch was enclosed, thus' adding to their comfort on stormy clays. The new furnace installed last fall Bras satisfactory. Movement of Patients : During the year there were admitted 20 men, 16 women, and 2 children; discharged -12 men, 12 women and 2 children; died - 3 men and 3 women. of those discharged five were arrested cases, seven improved, ter, unimproved and two not tuberculosis. Our total days treatment was 6206 and our actual maintenance expense $18,897.48 thus making our per capita cost $3.05. In conclusion we again urge you to provide a better plant "for our work. We have certain patients from our county who are dissatisfied with the hospital accommodations and especially those who have been in other county hospitals where patients have the privacy of a room in which to dress and undress. At our hospital there is the one room for ten women to come from the porehes and get ready for breakfast. and sometimes it is necessary to bring nearly all of the beds to this room when a number of the patients are unable to go to the dining room. We as a Board are unanimous in this request for a new hospital. Requests for the Coming Year; .WNwe shall need a new kitchen range at once, this will cost about $300.00. The corning summer it will be necessary to repaint the hospital. New linoleum is needed for the dining room and men's room. As prices of supplies and wages do not decline, we see no way and every year there are repairs to be to decrease our expenses made which are costly. We therefore request of you an appropriation of the same amount as last year. Financial Statement: Appropriations by the Board $21,909.72 .Income from the Patients 2,014.77 Total Income '23,924.49 222 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD' OF SUPERVISORS Expenses : Salaries and `rages $ 8,518.78 Foods 5,309.53 Ice and !Water 214.61 Fuel and Light 141.5.20 Medical and Surgical 284.78 Office Expenses 190.36 Household Supplies . 1,199.51 .insurance 57.50 Repairs 1,526.1.7 .Farin and Grounds 354.08 Laundry 1.310.92 Improvements 1,463.74 Occupational Therapy 1,040.37 County Nurse 1,317.85 !Miscellaneous 42.21 TOTAL EXPENSE $24,245.61 Overdraft $ 321.12. Respecfully submitted, . DR. II. GENUNG, President, G. M. GILGIIRIST, M. D., C. B. BOICE, FIRS. EUGENE BAITER, EDIMA M. KNETTLES, Board of Managers. OP TO3JFKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 223 Reports of the Justices of the Peace CAROLINE Chas. 11.I. Jones reported $5.00 received. Augustus Middaugh reported $6.30 received. P. Alfred Munch reported no moneys received. Chas. Thomas reported $43.00 received. DANB Y Eugene Dorn reported no moneys received. Fred E. Dorn reported no moneys received. B. J. Jennings reported $20.00 received. Roger Todd reported no moneys received. DRYDEN Paul Ewers reported $33.00 received. Fred Parker reported no moneys received. Jas. 0. Robertson reported no moneys received. J. 1). Ross reported $10.00 received. Geo. E. Underwood reported 310 moneys received. :ENFIELD A]bcrt Colegrove reported no moneys received. .Bert Kirby reported no moneys r9ceived. Daniel Mitchell reported $6.40 received. J. C. Wetherby reported no moneys received. GROTON B. L. Buck reported no moneys received. R. R. Chatterton reported $240M0 received. Geo. 13. Sickmon reported $50.00 received. E. F. Tallmadge reporter] no moneys received. 1'I' FIA CA Elmer Allen reported no moneys received. Jaynes A. Bush reported $3.33.00 received. Chas. H. Newman reported $25M0 received. W. Smith reported no moneys received. 224 PROCEEDINGS OF 1'IIE 73OARD OF SUPERVISORS LANSING Walter l I. Bristol reported no moneys received. A. J. Conlon reported $125.00 received. Miles D. Lane reported $20.00 received. LaMotte Smith reported no moneys received. NEWFIELD Arthur Decker reported $68.00 received. J. DeWitt Payne reported no moneys received. A. G. Straight reported no moneys receival. Edwin S. Van Kirk reported no moneys received. ULYSSES Arthur Agard reported no moneys received. Howard K. Aiken reported $30.00 received. Fred N., Smith reported no moneys received. Henry Williams reported $40.00 received. F: J 0 4,4 ao OP TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 225 1.:11.1}sl{]i [0o1[0S 01. 11014.10(l0.Cc[ a21:111,‘ AO :C1.1.p 04 11011..10111)1d u.150j, 04 11014.10110.2 cl pa_[n11i.14 4I a([ 04 4101010v ti -j- 1r, r.o 1 0 10 :V y' M 1 saa,,[ •sifa.z,T .i411110_l ?I I:y �0}IltlO lll,: enlcA 'NS N_ 60 01 1;7 r 10 01 if - c [-- 00 3> w 11 O M 401.14sIO 100110! 1- 0 0 10 4-2 10 c 09011TA xn 410 7+1 a .A 111Jop pilo a}t;}S 10 0 00 71 L 40 c 01 01 0,1 ;. 42 0 E-1 01 c 0 O 226 PROCEEDINGS OP THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 'MORTGAGE TAX STATEMENT The following statement shows the assessed valuation of each town arid incorporated village or city therein, the amount of mortgage tax to be distributed therein, and the amounts thereof to be paid to the ,several towns, incorporated villages and city therein for the year 1.924. x Towns, Villages and City 0 0 to ad . ezO y ti a.= Caroline Danby ..... Dryden ... Dryden Village Freeville Enfield Groton Groton Village Ithaca City ..... ca Town Cayuga Heights Lansing Newfield Newfield Village Ulysses Truma.nsburg $ 875,6681$ 791,5461 2,793,406 468,408 234.724 603,309 33.02 2,400,572 142.90 :1,310,020 21,824,660 3,695.04 3,702,190 830.76 1,342,355 1,979,291 85.89 915,678 52.07 135,881 1,524,670 125.09 502,161 37.35$ 46.691 269.94 • 37.35 46.69 235.97 33.02 103.92 680.23 85.89 48.21 104.54 $ 22,63 11.34 38.98 3,695.04 150.53 3.86 $ 37.3a 46,69 269.94 33.0 142.90 3,695.04 830.76 85.89 52.07 20.55 125.09 Total $5,318.75 $1,375,82 $3,942.93 $5,318.75 Dated ,January 23, 1925. FRED L. CLOCK, . Clerk Board of Supervisors. 00 ijJOIS Iliniq 3 0 aul1:A passasst p:loL Y o0 -r CC i 06 oo 0 n 0 M 0 t.� c- c-. 00 - 06 o = lnhd•ca pa.fauoor HIE 3pols Truot fill -pniaxa &i.[ado,[d leuus [ad O aRlE:t L)a56aS -sv put: .0 .tad0ad nap F j I j 0uit:n pazi11mb0 ll:;o,l; ? o 0o i _ ti :'7 �� ;a cI .:-.:2, n'' t-• ::'-''n -a' t `� Oo 11 fc1 t -0r -i 1cz O 4 c1 oo C7 01 0: 01 = x 1- _ 1--• o 0 oo c� c� m GI ca ;,, 01 : o c O O -r ti n yu ulna paSanom put 3iao;s 3ittUq Jutpnl.t. -xa `nlaad0,[d pinnts.iad ;o af[L.l pas SOSSU 17:40J o 0 o a o '* e- r m o -t- -1- v ..:: w ..,p. r-- 0 '•^ r° aas710111,!.1J lt:[aaITS pu suoi 'Eaod.ioa U C � ;� BITasB i0J.i ‘..3:4.I0(1.0.[ (I a'L'ili:l niplliau[ 141:450 lCap so attli A paziit;ub�l n :1 .^ r,7 a0 c 00 .0 �n O W i r;* r7 t�O ti�;� ri:7 c�d�tr.;:,- aa- of c co �+ cO ti .,-r,-on' 'C = N W o 01ri `3' Cu 0 x00 00 10 0 .,c=3 10 x 01 ci"- co o1 .-- O 8 O 10 '-'c; 01 00 �I-" f . NI' .61:al x0'} 0ii4 so pu 'saaS aapun +nlssas11 041;4 -SO Pa.i ��alz4LOnba in •dns so -pa Sc( paldoiil: nor}eztit;Rba 3o al i; d _—.0_,rt0c ^o0: x x r~ ti m 0 '.- m` 'SOS!Ii; TLl j 16[a0tla p7LS�IU p2'0l.10a • Jo al:ls0 pupa 'Sl.[ado.id aT:[[i:), ,utpnau; al04sa 1L'aa 30 anit:a paSaass\- $ 871,268 791,546 2,747,30(i 603,309 2,384,572 21,824,660 3,702,190 1,973,191 912,378 1,516,,620 437,327,040 _7 111E` la S I;) - N00ccti 1. 0 c0 c:tix x O 01 x 0 0V 00 a: C9 O: 00 -t- W CC.' Ge Ci O 011 1,-:' <5. Cr:01 ' - M !^ Cl m r- 00 00 a: a o _ _ hr v Co y sr - F 4- w o- ,3 y 0) c ca 0 •rl 0 o :a :L x• C 0 • Trj c a y • 0 E 2 E o 01 o owo o n % GI c? q m c 0) 0 0) w x - i'• y J G a J U " eTh r" 1 :ti D28 I'I?.00EEDI\GS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS STATEMENT OF TAXES LEVIED Statement of the amount of Taxes and Tax rates for the seyer;il cities and Towns in the County of Tompkins as levied by the Board of Supervisors at their Annual Meeting in the year one thousand nine hundred twenty- four together with the receipts of moneys from the sources as indicated in columns 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and the amount of bonded indebtedness of the County and of each Tax District therein except cities. 1 2 3 , 4 5 6 - 7 Cities and Towns Caroline $ 1.708.091 Danln- I 1,415.85 Dryden 1 4,797.,18( Enfield I 1,206.831 Groton 1 4,792.181 Ithaca City 37 087.101 I Ithaca '['oxen 5.481.28 Lansing 4,459.80.1 Newfield 1,496.901 Iilysses• 3,525.60 Cayuga Height Dryden Village Freevi1le Groton Village Newfield .Village Trumansburg Sch. Dis. 8, Dryden Sch. Dis. 8, Groton . Sch. Dis. 1, Ithaca City SCh. Dis. 1, -Ulysses 0 0 $ 224.50 186.07 630.52 158.62 629.83 1,874.47 720.4.1 586.16 196.74 463.50 $ 4,713,35 3,9 23.12 13,254.70 3,333.30 13.242.88 102,402,79 15,116.40 12,299.92 4,141.09 9,742.42 $ 12,364.21 12,9 72.93 34, 737.27, 8,560.20 29,240.86 City Tax 4,395.92 21,872.88 37,281.01 22,262.88 31,883.39 $ 3,526.60 7,500.00 4,500.00 6,763.95 4,853.20 850.00 1,000.00 3,500.00 Total 1$655,971.11 $8,670.821$1.82,169.97 $215,571.555 $32,493.75 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 229 STATEMENT OF TAXES LEVIED --Continued 8 9 1.0 11 12 13 'i 13o:tsded indebtedness of County $244,000. I, Fred L. Clock, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins, do hereby certify that the preceding is a true statement of the Taxes levied against the taxable property in the several Tax Districts in said County, by the Boon" of • Sitpervisors, at their Annual Meeting in the year 1924. FRED L. CLOCK, Clerk, P. O. Address, Ithaca, N. Y. -Receipts from Mortgage Tax Receipts from Tax on Hank Stock Received from Co. Trea.S. ptarsuFanrt to the provisions of Art. 9-A of the tax. (Franchise tax on busi- ness corporations.) Receipts from Co. Treas. pursuant to the provisions of the Personal Income Tax Law , o Z un Cities and Townsbn 0 ,, y i 4 Caroline $ 37.35 $ 835.12 $22.20 Danby 46.09 780.37 23.32 Drvde n ............. • ... Grotond.. } 133. 235.9! 02 �2U9.82 562.90 .$ 19.47 1,181.67 2,136.49 711.89 1,14613 20.00 21.80 23.00 1t.haea City 1• 3,695.04 5348.80 20,839.94 20,920.99 6.90.$1,586,500 Ithaca. Town 680.23 2,080.40 10.50 3,500 Lansing 85.84 3,983.22 1,779.71 29.45 20,205 Newfield 48.2 _ 769.81' 3.1.30 8,000 Ulysses...., 104.54 291.66 44.34 968.17 32.41 . 4,000 Cayuga Heights ....... � 150.53 1,136.93 Dryden Village 22.63 128.72 .88 483.24 Free vine 11.34 4:50.:34 .851 227.81 Groton. Village 38.98 1,365.03 1,345.46 l\eivfield Village ... 5.86 125.31 Tramansburg 20.55 308.27 21.84 455.60 Sell. Dis. 8, Dryden . 226.57 Sell. 1)is. 8, Groton ... 891.31 Seh. Dis. 1., Ithaca City 3,214.30 Sch. Dis. 1, Ulysses 346.01 Total $5,318.73 $11,978.70 $27,407.24 $35,904.03 .$1,622,205 'i 13o:tsded indebtedness of County $244,000. I, Fred L. Clock, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins, do hereby certify that the preceding is a true statement of the Taxes levied against the taxable property in the several Tax Districts in said County, by the Boon" of • Sitpervisors, at their Annual Meeting in the year 1924. FRED L. CLOCK, Clerk, P. O. Address, Ithaca, N. Y. 230 PROCEEDINGS 01' THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS HIGHWAYS—MONEY SYSTEM To the Comptroller of the State of New York: The following is a Statement pursuant to Section 100 of the Highw-av Law, of the several towns in the County of Tompkins, and of the, amount of money tax levied therein, for the repair of highways, by the Board of Supervisors of said County at their annual session in the month of December, 1924, viz.: Name of Town Assessed Val. of Real Est. in the whole town, incl. all incor. villages which maintain their highways as separate road districts Equalized Val. of Real Est. in the svho]e town, incl. all incorporated villages which maintain their highways as separate road dist. Assessed Valuation of Real Estate exclusive of all 1nenrporate1 vil- lages which maintain their high- ways as separate road districts. Assessed Val. of. Per. Prop. excl. of all incur. vill. which maintain their highways as separate road districts Highway Tax, Section 110, Highway Law, Tt.em 1. Extraordinary repairs pursuant • to Section 9:1, highway Law Total Tax Caroline .. $ 871,268 $ 962,539 $ 871,268 $ 4,400 $2,250 $ 4,028.53 $ 6,278.53 Danby ... 791,546 809,707 791,546 3,500 1,000.00 4,500.00 Dryden ... 2,747,306 2,678,082 2,079.597 10,650 8,000 3,000.00 11,000.00 Enfield ... 603,309 684,785 603,309 2,822 2,822.00 Groton ... 2,384,572 2,706,596 1,083,152 7,400 5,000 11,500.00 16,500.00 Ithaca ... 3,702,190 3,098,556 2,359,835 4,660 4,060.00 8,720.00 Lansing .. 1,973.191 2,515,310 1,973,191 6,100 7,100 14,654.25 21,754.25 "Newfie1d . 912,378 849,418 778,797 1,000 3,917 2,030.00 5,947.00 Ulysses ... 1,516,620 1,994,675 1,022,209 300 4,200 13,800.00 18,000.00 E. -MORGAN ST. JOHN, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors. 1 certify that the preceding statement is correct. FRED L. CLOCK, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors. State of New York, County of Tompkins, S ss. E. Morgan St. John, being duly sworn, says that he is the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County; that he has read the preceding statement and knows the same to be true. E. MORGAN ST. JOHN. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 23rd day of January, 1925. - Fred L. Clock, Notary Public. z w o H F 00 z - El o a ` 0 E1 0 w cS 0 l'-'' 0 a O 0 O�..{ g. 4 0 0 A s x Fi Fr W 0 G Gr ',-, t, V 4 0 0 El LD 0 n J F1 - H O g L V El P 0 u - 0 `-. C r.T.l o ti 0 0 42. 01d) O 7 C..7 Y V • W 0 U' :s W o y s. O y P. 0 0 E.' G N o i': r F n I b.0 C C. JV ".i J J ° r �^ . rno 1 ^J W Y 0.DC0 G Y r4 F G c� i e-, FV+ V _ W 2 Y Z 1.--1 o C) g FRED L. CLOCK, 01 Cl 0 0 ;n P; a x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000000000100.00 ci 0 0 0 g >; c 0 5 G G CD 0 o p 0 0 0 0, 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O 0 0 10 O G 0010000 CD .p,m 10N O ci01 ri010101 m ri 0 Y G E - w 0o Inoo 0 coo 00o Ira co Io CV O O 0 u o'4 o '•Y 0.1 0 01 ,-I 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 0 OO Olin 04 OOOO d O C,10 10 01 CV • ¢D GO d� r -i W 1 tae 0 CC ry r -I 1_ 3 O Q 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 co 0 0 0 '0 C V o 0 0 0 1.--1 n 01 O 7 M dL 10 Otl010 r1100..10[� 'd' 0 01 L`_riOIC al rN 10 Ir. 10 Mm J1 '1101© 0 0 0 0 0.000 tOY� Y += O . O C C U • ,-` V V 0 V 0 u o 0 •O 000 p g •tp to q CDOU� a oaa�-H r V w Vl• F, ¢. J � .D-. ❑ 0 0 - . . . . . . x .x- Cq bGr0 0 0 0 0 o C4 C. C4 c3 C q W Y Y Y YY c o © 0 © y.�L3C}SCSC3CJ EEE 0r H 1 w www w `+- 0 C o 0 0 c o o C W •SCD �, 0 0 V Vcu ✓ 0 C:373 O O D 0- O 0 0... gEEE�E"4e�r`}i%r1i 10 C - G G G 0 7.1-- z7 g G r ca .. .. H -. -_ 0000 0000 00 O O O O O CV 0 0 0 "'-?1=701^ O CA O O 0 citi��'1kroco,-''-'Yr.�, J y C .^-^ . -. .^ ,G, G G p y OCCCGG - F.a r •'3''.C. t+aC x N t --t-- ;10 0 ti O p 0 d1 T N r,1 Cl 'l 1 -1. O `. :-.: O 1C.1 O C: C., C. C.0. .—, Under What Ra.tenf Bonded Net I Total taw rnt. I ileht. llelt I Debt O OO 0 0 O 0 0 o H+ 1.^CD o C. �:d t- aC r r 1r O �0 Z N a4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 1q .11 0 0 1; O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1' 0 0 0 1(j c11 ' - t- O O O O O O 1r. 0^ ,-H -r O O CO- n] -:,-:-.-.,T O 'C . -I x C1 e3' CC 0 0 1^ 1-- 0,.; r r. 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H. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e: r g , 0 4 c :: c: 0 c :: c v 0 I) U e) -- u c w-,, - .- +a — •- ,:, ao �. ca c c a., 0 w W W g-4- 4. V-. W W W Y-, W 41 4- 4, 4_ W ;^ t4 tt 772UU 7_:,UCJCl_7J_'U_'cf C0 1Z.:,.......�.; UU�::.� UJ OF TOM[ KiNS COUNTY, 1.,E\V YORK 233 IIIGHAV.A.V, BRRItDGE, _MACHINERY AND 11LISCELLANEOUS REPORTS 111(1E1 -WAY- .FU \ D—RECEIPTS, Towns c: 9 61 c Caroline Danby Dryden Enfield Groton. Ithaca Lansing Newfield Ulysses $ 15.41$2,200.00 •$3,100.00 .02I 3,500.00 3,125.00 135.65 8,000.001 4,800.00 2,822.00 1,970.00 104.02f 4,500.00 2,700.00 530 39 4,660.00 7,100.00 • 3,9.17.00 .1 148.55 4,200.00 2,3 29.70 3,000,00 3,525.00 2,500.00 $13,344.70 $18,660.11 13,124.54 19,749.56 22,903.34[ 35,898.99 12,295.00 17,092.00 22,58 L.51. 29,946.03 12,318.45 19,838.54 22,535.68 33,135.68 10,904.77 18,396.77 21,269.69 28,118.24 HIGHWAY P UN D—EXRE NDITURES General Repairs, including primary work Special improve- ment s as shown by agreements and miscellaneous 0) On hand, Dec. 31, 1924 To R'.. 0) o cu L Caroline $3,708.10 $14,816.23 $18,574.33 $ 85.78 Dandy 9,601.38 1.0,134.68 19,736.06 13.50 Dryden 7,752.77 23,0.49.74 31,302.51 4,596.48 Lnleld 6,385.17 ,10,084.80 16,469.97 622.03 Groton 7,076,41 2;459.43 29,535.84 410.19 Ithaca 7,484.85 12,353.69 19,838.69 Lansing 9,644.53 23,325,51 32,970.04 .165.64 Newfield 7,374,24 11,022.53 1.8,396.7 7 Ulysses 6,915.91 20,300.87 27,216.78 901.46 - 234 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS HIGHWAY, BRII)G.E, MACH1NER. ANI) \IISCEL1 ANEOUS REPORTS BRIDGE FUND RECEIPTS FRIDGE FEND—EXPENDITURES Towns w c t c i riTg V 'C 5 V Caroline $ 508.45 $620.54 $2,012.58$ 200.00 Danby 134.87 971.89 893.24 Dryden 12.00 429.89 6,444.95 Enfield 349.50 Croton 168.35 41.9.14 2,0.12.13 Ithaea 306.80 216.89 1,727.49 1,973.32 Lansing 404.301 568.29 5,415.08 Newfield ...j 2,040.001 420.171 9,338.03., 2,000.00 Ulysses 1 306.401 603.491 3,045.17 11.18 $ 3,341.57 2,000.00 6,886.84 349.50 2,599.62 4,224.50 6,387.67 13,798.20 3,966.24 $ 141.17 150.50 1,583.48 6.58 Balinces from prcviol8 Year' T •:1! Frorn other sources Total Receipts Towns k ., Caroline ... $ 500.00 $2,982.74 $ 3,482.74 Darty 2,000.00 2,000.00 Dryden 5,000.00 1,886.84 6,886.84 Enfield 500.00 500.00 Groton .... 1,000.00 $1,599.62 2,599.62 Ithaca $1,307.98 4,500.00 5,807.98 Lansing 424.50 3,500.00 2,000.00 463.17 6,387.67 \ew6e1d ... 1 2,040.001 1,500.00 2.,000.00 8,258.20 13,798.20 Ulysses 1 1,000.00 2,000.00. 972.82 3,972.82 FRIDGE FEND—EXPENDITURES Towns w c t c i riTg V 'C 5 V Caroline $ 508.45 $620.54 $2,012.58$ 200.00 Danby 134.87 971.89 893.24 Dryden 12.00 429.89 6,444.95 Enfield 349.50 Croton 168.35 41.9.14 2,0.12.13 Ithaea 306.80 216.89 1,727.49 1,973.32 Lansing 404.301 568.29 5,415.08 Newfield ...j 2,040.001 420.171 9,338.03., 2,000.00 Ulysses 1 306.401 603.491 3,045.17 11.18 $ 3,341.57 2,000.00 6,886.84 349.50 2,599.62 4,224.50 6,387.67 13,798.20 3,966.24 $ 141.17 150.50 1,583.48 6.58 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 235 HIGHWAY, BRIDGE, MACHINERY AND ;MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS _MACHINERY FUND --RECEIPTS Towns Balances from previous year Received from collector Received from certificates of indebtedness " o ei E ao - • m d. m Ei Caroline I$ 500.00 $.1,080.88 $ 250.00 $1,830.88 Banby 950.00 1,200.00 123.15 1,323.15 Dryden 467.78 1.,500.00 •726.30 1,323.15 2,226.30 Enfield 1,406,65 500.00 $ 89.86 2,226.30 500.00 Groton 195.31 2,000.00 3,714.93 235.31 5,714.93 Ithaca 3,000.00 3,782.39 3,745.81 6,745.81 Lansing 1 2,000.00 182.70 624.34 2,182.70 Newfield $32.50 3,000.00 729.1:1 3,032.50 Ulysses 1 1.92 1.,500.00 700.00 198.05 2,399.97 _MACHINERY I•'UN1)—EXPENDITURES . ' Towns Purchase of tools and machinery Repair of tools and machinery Other expenditures r o ti i On hand, Dec. 31, 1924 r3 ko a' E Caroline I$ 950.00 $ 871.43 $1,821.43 $ 9.45 Danby 467.78 855.37 1,323.15 Dryden 1,406,65 729.79 $ 89.86 2,226.30 ' Enfield .... 195.31 40.00 235.31 264.69 Groton 1,932.54 3,782.39 5,714.93 Ithaca 3,386.14 2,380.49 624.34 6,390.97 354.84 Lansing 1,453.59 729.1:1 2,182.70 Newfield-' 645.32 1,210.90 1,176.28 3,032.50 Ulysses 643.29 1,715.73 30.00 2,389,02 10.95 236 PROCEEDINGS 01' TUE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS HIGHWAY, BRIDGE, M AGII ENERY AND -MISCELLANEOUS REPOR'T'S • MISCELLANEOUS AND SNOW FUND -RECEIPTS MISCELLANEOUS AND SNOW FUN Towns O Caroline $ 47.01 $36.00 $ 73.30 $ 156.31 $13.69 Dani)' 1101.14 21.00 1,501.89 1,624.03 Dryden 1 295.38 39.00 3,873.62 4,208.00 Enfield 170.22 21.00 1,002.63 1,193.85 Groton 23.25 30.00 2,946.75 3,000.00 Itbaea 6.90 18.00 4,075.10 4,100.00 Lansing 24.00 976.00 1,000.00 Newfield 236.28 2,239.72 2,476.00 59.44 Ulysses 159.85 9.00 4,162.07 4,330.92 Ralnnue front previous VCnr Received from collo for w - -r. 4-. c = Town,- r • c Caroline 1$ 200.00 $ 200.00 Danby 1,500.00 $124.03 1,624.03 Dryden $ 8.00 4;200.00 4,208.00 Enfield 1,000.00 193.85 1,193.85 Groton 3,000.00 3,000.00 Ithaca 4,100.00 4,100.00 Lansing 1,000.00 1,000.00 Newfield 35.44 2,000.00 500.00 2,535.44 Ulysses • i 189.74 1,000,00 3,100.00 41.18 4,330.92 MISCELLANEOUS AND SNOW FUN Towns O Caroline $ 47.01 $36.00 $ 73.30 $ 156.31 $13.69 Dani)' 1101.14 21.00 1,501.89 1,624.03 Dryden 1 295.38 39.00 3,873.62 4,208.00 Enfield 170.22 21.00 1,002.63 1,193.85 Groton 23.25 30.00 2,946.75 3,000.00 Itbaea 6.90 18.00 4,075.10 4,100.00 Lansing 24.00 976.00 1,000.00 Newfield 236.28 2,239.72 2,476.00 59.44 Ulysses 159.85 9.00 4,162.07 4,330.92 OF TOM1'KTNS CO[JNTY, NEW YORK 237 Clerk's Certificate State of New York,, County of Tompkins, ss. Board of Supervisors. I, Fred L. Clock, Clerk of the _Board of Supervisors of Tomp- kins County, New York, DO HEREBY- CERTIFY, that I have compared the foregoing Journal of the Proceedings of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, N. Y., with the original record thereof, that the same is a full and coreet transcript of the transactions of said Board, at the special, quarterly and annual sessions thereof, held during the year 1924, also of the reports of the several county officers submitted to said Board of Supervisors and published herein. IN WITNESS \Y1 -HEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the official seal of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, N. Y'., to be hereto affixed, this 27th day of January, 1925. (L. S.) FRED L. CLOCK, Clerk Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County, N. Y. 238 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Political Directory AND GTJ[DE TO TOWN OFFICERS General Election—First Tuesday after the First Monday of November. Town Boards to designate polling- plaees—First Tuesday in September. Town Board to Meet regularly 011 the first Thursday after general election to audit accounts, and on the 28th day of De- cember of each year. The Supervisor, Town Clerk and Assessors of each Town must sleet on the first Monday of July, 1878, and in each third year thereafter, at a place within the town appointed by the Super- visor; or, in case of his absence, or of vacancy in his office, by the Town Clerk; for the purpose of making a list of persons to serve as trial jurors for the then ensuing three years. .If they. fail- to meet on the day specified in this section, they must meet- as soon thereafter as practical. (Judiciary Law, Sect. 500.) At the meeting specified in the last section, the officers must select from the last assessment roll of the town and nla.ke a list of the names of all persons whom they believe to be qualified to serve as trial jurors as prescribed by law. (Judiciary La.w, Sect. 501.) Town fleeting, biennial—First Tuesday after First Monday in November in odd numbered years. Annual meeting of Supervisors as a Board of Canvassers—First Tuesday succeeding general election. Annual sleeting of the Board of Supervisors—Second Thursday after general election: Regular quarterly sessions of the Board of Supervisors—Second Monday of February, May, August •and November.- All county officers receiving or authorized to receive moneys in which the county or any subdivision thereof shall have an interest, OP TO_MPKINS COUNTY, NEW YOEK 239 shall annually, on November ist of each year, make a written verified report of all moneys received, from. whom, on what ac- count and the disposition made thereof, and file the same with the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors on or before November 5th. (County Law, Sect. 243.) All bills and elairirs against the county must be presented to the Cleric of the Board on or before the third day- of Annual Session of the Board of Supervisors, and at least three days before any quarterly session. All bills for supplies furnished to Superintendent of the Poor must be presented to said Superintendent for audit on or before November Ist., of. each year. • All bills presented to the Board of Supervisors must be itemized and verified by the oath of claimants. No bills for law books will be audited unless purchased under resolution of the Board of Supervisors. All bills for repairs to or improvements of county buildings must have endorsed thereon the approval of. the committee on such buildings. No bills for supplies for county- officers will be audited unless the same were purchased by the Committee of the Board of Super- visors having charge of such matters. The Tax Collector or• Receiver shall, within eight, days after receiving notice of the amount of taxes to be collected by, him, execute an undertaking with two or• more sureties, to be approved by the Supervisor of the town, and deliver• said undertaking to hurt. The Supervisor shall, within six days thereafter, file the said undertaking with his approval, in the office of the County Clerk of this County. The Assessors of a town must complete the Assessment Roll on or before the first day of August -and leave a copy thereof with one of their number and immediately thereafter cause notice thereof to be posted in three or more public places in the tax district, stating that. said assessment roll has been completed and where such copy may be seen until the 'Third 'Tuesday in August. Real property shall be assessed in the tax district in which situated. Property divided by town line shall be assessed in both towns. 7 240 PROCEEDINGS 01' THE BOARD OF StiPERVISORS The Assessors of a town shall meet on the third Tuesday in August., to review their assessments and hear the complaint of any person conceiving to be aggrieved. The Assessors of towns must file a certified copy- of the completed Assessment Roll with the 'Town Clerk on or before the fifteenth day of September, and it shall there remain until delivered to the Supervisor. - The Assessors shall forthwith give public notice by posting the same in at least three of the most public places in the tax district and to be published in one or more newspapers published in the town that such Assessment Roll has been finally completed, and stating that such certified copy has been filed. -When the Assessors, or a 'majority .of then, shall have com- pleted their roll, they shall severally appear before any officer of the County authorized by law to administer oaths, and shall severally nuke and subscribe before such officers, an oath in the form prescribed by law, which oath shall be written or printed on said roll, signed by the Assessors, and certified by the officer. (Tax Law, Sect. 38, as amended.) For Village Assessment (see Chap. 93, Laws of 1919, as amended). The Supervisors must report to the district Superintendent of Schools on the first Tuesday in February, the amount of school moneys remaining in his hands. Each Justice of the Peace must execute a bond with two sureties condition for the payment on demand to the proper officer of all moneys received by the Justice, by virtue of his office, which bond must be approved by the Supervisor of the Town; and filed in the 'l'o«•n Clerk's office. Each Justice of the Peace shall pay to the Supervisor of his respective town on the first Monday- in each month all fines and penalties imposed and received by hint, and ,,hall also make a verified report of: all fines and penalties collected by him to the Board of 'Town Auditors of his respective town on Tuesday pre- ceding the annual Town -Meeting. (Counts- Law, Sect. 12, sub - div. 21.) Overseers of the Poor cannot furnish supplies -to a county pauper to exceed the swill of ten dollars without an order from the County Superintendent authorizing disbursements for such purpose, The Clerk of every town, incorporate village and city in the County shall report. to the Clerk of the -Board of Supervisors on OF TO11MPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 241 • or before November 1st of each year all indebtedness of such town, vilhnge or city, specifying Tor what purpose created, undo what, low, rate of interest and when payable. (County Law, Sect. 52.) Tlie Trustees or the person or persons having charge of the issue of bonds or payment of samne...of any school district shall transmit a statement thereof to the Clerk of the Board of Super- visors annuaIly 011 or before the first day of November. (County Law, Sect. 52.) The 'Board of Assessors of the several towns of the County and the .Assessors of the City of Ithaca shall furnish to the Cleric of the Board of Supervisors on or before the first day of September in each year a full and complete list and statement of all property within their respective districts exempt from. taxation under the laws of this state. (Tax Law,. Sect. 15, as amended. Chapt, 323, Law's 1916.) 242 PROCEEDINGS OF TIIE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Official Tabulation and Statement of Votes Cast in Tompkins County at the General Election Held November 4, 1924 I For Presidential Electors, The Ticket Headed by +I ^� w w c o i-- L< 0 C `-dy G r, p r Y n �? r� "±. � L% 1a a.o x F• M r @ G p C-, -. 1-4 Comptroller 4317ldanres W. Fleming Democrat 103451Vinceut 13. llurphy Republican 230ITheresa B. Wiley Socialist 3111A4)raham Epstein -Workers 221Leo Hofbam Workers s-, `4 gi • ca 0,2 4101;IGeorge R. Shuler Democrat Governor 4327 Alfred E. Smith Democrat 10948ILewis .11. Pounds Republican 2091John H. Vanden Bosch Socialist 116161 Theodore, Roosevelt Republican 111Juhu Do Lee lai Labor 1861Nol num i'iI0L.:is Socialist 101l:tlo and Lindgren. \\ orkers 91.1'rank .h- Passonno Social Labor 20IJnues P. Cannon -Workers 41G91George R. Lunn Democrat 112011 Seymour Lowman Republican 1821Charles Solomaa Sociiilist 1913,1ilton Weinberger Social Labor 101Frank]in l'. Brill Workers 43431Jaaies A. Hamilton Democrat 108361N'lorence .I. S. Knapp 1 Republican 2001:Frank Crosswaitll Socialist .191Frank Gourey, Jr.' Social Labor 21ILillr Lore Workers I. Attorney General 40SSKCnr1 Shcrinaa Deinoerat Lieutenant Governor 1ossolAlbert Ottinger Republican 20:- Louis Waldman Socialist: 131Joseph Brandon Social Labor lolArthur R. Leeds Workers State Engineer and Surveyor 3S72[Dwight B. La Du Democrat Secretary of State 10573!Rov G. Finch Republican 4001 -Vladimir harapetoff Socialist 1:IISimeuu Biekwhoat Social Labor 20JRichard J. Verlutgen Workers ' (Continued on nest page) Of TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORI< 243 Official Tabulation and Statement of Votes Cast in Tompkins County at the General Election Held November 4, 1924 (Continued from preceding page) P. ca m 4. ao m 0 3-1 P, 0 449OICharl.es L. Durham Dernoarat ]O687IGale II. Stalker Republican 1)71 Daniel D. Ifuugerford Socialist • State Senator 39644iobert G. Frazier 1)enroe rat 10961lJnnres S. Truman Republican 2I9I4b'i lli,un .T. C. 11'isnrcr Socialist Member of Assembly 42 371Willi;nn E. George ' Democrat 10978i.1nnies R. Robinson Republican 209IAVI11iarn Mitchell Socialist Special County Judge 1jj23jS. Edwin Banks I)em. & Rep. x 0 m U U • 40GaEln•vn S. Slought,er Democrat . 11034IWillival 11. Baker Republican County Treasurer 1 5672iFrank lank 0-. :Freer Democrat 9538lCharlotte V. Bush Republican District II Attorney 4881ICharles P. Coffey Democrat 10-422lArthur G. Adams Republican ICoroner 4261 lAbranl Chase I)einoerat 106681 1Villiarn A. Smith Republienti 244 PROCr EDIN.GS OF THE BOAR]) OF SUPERYISORS ROSTER 1925 REPRESENTATIVE 1N CONGRESS Gale H. Stalker • (37th District) Elmira, N. Y. REPRESENTATIVE STATE SENATE James S. Truman (41st District-) Owego, N. Y REPRESENTATIVE 1N STATE ASSEMBLY James R. Robinson Ithaca N. Y. COUNTY O1+'FICLR,S County Juclge and Surrogate.. Willa 1 M. hent Ithaca, N. Y. Special County Judge .S. Edwin Bank' ..Ithaca, N, Y. Judge of Children's Court 'Willard \I. Kent 'Ithaca, N. Y. County Clerk William H. Baker Ithaca, N, Y. County 'Treasurer Charlotte V. Bush Ithaca, N. Y. District Attorney Arthur G. Adams Ithaca, N, Y. Sheriff' • .Charles Green Ithaca, N. Y. , Superintendent of Poor :Wm. I). Baldwin Groton, N. Y. Coroner .AVin. A. Smith Newfield, N. Y. Superintendent of Highways...Fred C. Evans Ithaca, N. Y. Sealer of Weights & Measures ..Court 13ellis Ithaca, N. Y. Clerk Board of Supervisors....Fred L. Clock Ithaca, N. Y. Commissioner of Election John P. Kelly Ithaca, N. Y. Commissioner of Election Bert T. Baker Ithaca, N. Y. Probation Officer 1- A. 'Hutchinson ... Ithaca, N. Y. Clerk of Surrogate's Court.... D. 1L- Gillespie Ithaca, N. Y. Clerk of Children's Court • R. A. Hutchinson ...Ithaca, N. Y. Deputy County Clerk L L.-EarlIthaca, N. Y. Tinder Sheriff. A. Cameron Goff Ithaca, N. Y. Dist. Supt. of Schools F A. Beardsley..-..Trumahshurg, R. 1}. Dist. Supt. of Schools -John D. Bigelow ....... ..1.thaca, N..Y. Dist. Supt. of School' Paul Munsen Groton, R._ D. 12 Keeper at County Ilome Philo .Smith Jacksonville, N. Y. O1 TOMPKINS COUNTY,..NEW YORK TOWN OFFICERS CAROLINE Supervisor H. A.. Whitaker: :...Brookton, R. D. 21 'Justice of the Peace P Alfred-Munch....-..Brookton, R. D. 22 Justice of the Peace Chas.: M. Jones Berkshire, R. D. 1 Justice of the Peace Augustus Aiiddaugh...Brookton, R. 24 Justice of the Peace Chas. Thomas Brookton Town Clerk Jay Phillips Slaterville Assessor 1). B. 13u11 ...........Brookton, R. D. 21 Assessor. \V W. Conrad Slaterville Assessor Theodore Eighu ey..Berkshire, R.. D. 21 Collector ..R. G. Fuller Slaterville Supt. of 1 -Highways Chas. Munson ......Brooktou �)ANB1 Supervisor 11'ni. 0. Smiley........ ,Ithaca, R. D. 8 Justice .of the Peace Eugene Dorn Ithaca, R. 1). 4 Justice of the Peace Roger F. Todd Test Danby, R. D. 25 Justice of the Peace Fred E. Dorn. ... ...Ithaca, R. D. 4 Justice -of the Peace B. J. Jennings \Vest Danby: Ton -n Clerk Arthur J. Tubbs Ithaca, R.. D. 8 Assessor Harrison 'Thayer Ithaca, R. D. 4 Assessor Frank Sineebaugh Ithaca., R. D. 4 Assessor Geo. Button., ........ .. \Vest Danby Collector .. Earl Crance \hest Danby Supt. of Highways John E. Miller Ithaca, R.. D. 8 24.,E DRY DEN Supervisor Win. J. Shaer Freeville Justice of the Peace Paul Ewers • • Etna Justice of the Peace •J 1) Ross Dryden Justice of the Peace Fred Parker Freeville, R. D. 16 Justice of the Peace Jas, Robins -on Ithaca. R. D. 2 Justice of the Peace Geo. E. Underwood Ithaca, R. D. 2 Town Clerk. A. J. Mines Dryden Assessor Frank T. Reeves .......Freeville Assessor C 13. Snyder Dryden Assessor Andrew Baker Freeville, R. D. 16 Collector G. Willett Ellis Dryden Supt. of Highways- Frank Ellis Freeville EN I'IELD Supervisor Olen A. King Justice of the Peace 0 J. Wetherby Justice of the Peace Albert Colegrove. Justice of the Peace Daniel Altehell.; . Justice of. the Peace Bert Kirby_ . Ithaca, R. D. 5 . r.uniansluurg, R. D. ..Ithaca, 1i,. D..7 ..Ithaca, R. D. 6 Tiuinansburg, R. D. 246 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Town Clerk John Thall Ithaca, R. D. 5 Assessor Ray Lanning Ithaca., R. D. 6 Assessor Budd Deharah Ithaca, R. D. 5 Assessor Asa Cummings ...... • ..Ithaca,- R. D. 5 Collector :. Leon Laughlin Ithaca, R.. D. 5 Supt. of Highways Frank Rothermick . _ ...Ithaca, R.. D. 6 GBOTO. Supervisor John W. Jones , ' Groton Justice of the Peace Geo. 13. Siekmon iilcLean Justice of the Peace Edgar Tallmadge .....Groton, R. D. 11 Justice of the Peace B L Buck Groton Justice of the Peace I3 R. Chatterton Groton. Town Clerk H. G. Moe Groton Assessor W. H. Bulkley Groton, R. D. 11 Assessor H. B. Stevens Groton Assessor Archie Gillen Groton, R. D. 15 Collector .. E. GI. Reniff - McLean Supt.. of Highways • Glenn Young Groton ITHAGA' CIT1 Mayor Will M. Sawdon City Hall, Itha.ea Supervisor, lst Ward Fred D. Van Order, Jr. Ithaca Supervisor, 2nd Ward L E. Patterson Ithaca Supervisor, 3rd Ward E. Morgan St. John Ithaca Supervisor, Jtli Ward .Sidney L. Howell :Ithaca Supervisor, 5th Ward .Leslie R. Pierce Ithaca City Judge Daniel Crowley Ithaca City Clerk .\V. O. Kerr Ithaca City Chamberlain Clarence A. Snyder Ithaca Assessor John D. Kinney 'Ithaca City Superintendent .Floyd U. Oakley Ithaca ITHACA Supervisor Arthur S. Miller Ithaca, R. D. 3 Justice of the Peace Wm. 1. Smith Ithaca, .R. D. 7 Justice of the Peace Elmer Allen Ithaca, R. D. 5 Justice of the .Peace Chas. H. Newman Ithaca, R.. D. 1 Justice of the Peace James A. Bush .........Ithaca, R. D. 2 Town Clerk Clinton J. Updike Ithaca; R.'D. 3 Assessor Harrison A. Adams ... ,Ithaca, R. D. 8 Assessor T J Baker .Ithaca, R. D. 6 Assessor H. C. Sheldon ..... Ithaca, R. D. I Collector . Oscar Hoyt Ithaca, R. D. 6 Supt. of Highways Frank McPherson ......Ithaca, R. D. 6 Or TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 247 LANS,1NG Supervisor Wm. F. George ...Ludlowville, R, I). 9 Justice of the Peace A. J. Conlon ...South Lansing Justice of the Peace Miles Lane Groton, R. D. 11 Justice of the Peace Walter Bristol ....Ludlowville, R, D. 9 Justice of the Peace Elmer Gallow .....Ludiowville, R. I). 9 Town Clerk Joseph McGill Lucllowville Assessor Chas. Tcrpeuing South Lansing Assessor Samuel Lane ....Ludlowville, R. 0. 10 Assessor Wm. Lane Ludlowville, R. D. 9 Coliector, . Lawrence Holden ..Groton, R..1). 12 Supt. of Ilighways Jay Morey Groton, R. 1). 12 _NE W FIE LD Supervisor Albert Dassance ....Newfield, R. D. 26 Justice of the Peace - Albert Straight .....Newfield, R. D. 28 Justice of the Peace E. S. Van Kirk .Newfield, R. D. 30 Justice of the Peace Arthur Decker Newfield, R. D. 28 Justice of the Peace DeWitt Payne NTewfielcl Town Clerk Carrie Peck Newfield Assessor•. Assessor Donald Cutter . Newfield Assessor Joseph Novak Newfield, R. D. 30 Collector . . Ralph 1' anRiper .... Newfield, R. 1)..27 Supt. of Highways Chas. H. Payne Newfield, R. I). 30 ULYSSES Supervisor J M. Townsend Trumansburg Justice of the Peace F N. Smith ....Trumansburg,, R. 11. 31 Justice of the Peace Henry Williams Jacksonville Justice of the Peace Iloward K. Aiken .......Trumansburg Justice of the Peace A. W. Agard ..Trumansburg, R. D. 33 Town Clerk Maude Tompkins .Trumansburg, Assessor •.Frank 13. Crank Trumansburg Assessor T R. Ilopkins, .. Trumansburg, R. D. 33 Assessor Olin Driller ...Jacksonville Collector .. Arthur L. Bower Trumansburg Supt. of Highways Bert 1. Vann Ithaca, R. D. 7 INDEX A Accounts of Supervisors 190 Additional _Mileage Allotted to Towns tinder County -'Sy -stem of Roads .Designation of 5 Rules Relative to Construction of 18 Aanount. of Cost of Construction to be Borne by Towns Under County System of ]loads 8, 13 Of- Maintenance to be Borne by Tonus Under County System of Roads Q2 Annual Session of Board of Supervisors 42 Audits at 165 Approval—Of Committee Designations 45 Of County Clerk's Bond 119 Of County Treasurer's Bond 104 Of State Highway Map 3 Armory T•t' 46, 130 Assessment—Rates as Tiled by State Tax Commission 47 " " " Board of Supervisors 108, 139 Resolution Relative to Rates in Future 161 Erroneous 35, 53, 59, 76, 128 Assessment Roils—Regular Report of Committee on Footing 67 Supplemental Report " " " " 69 Assessors of Toavns—Names and Addresses of 245, 246, 247 Petition of, to Correct Assessment Roll of Caroline 53 Exlienses of, to State Tax Conference to he .Charged to Towns56 Associations --Forbidden to Exceed Appropriations 80 • No Appropriations to he Made to Without a Financial Report front 62 Attorney for Board of Supervisors 43, 79, 80 Automobile Mire ---Allowance for 76 Audits—At Annual Session 165 At Quarterly- Sessions 8, 23, 35, 39 County 165 Town 170, 172, 174, 177, 178, 181, 183, 185, 187 Of Claims Audited by the Several Committees ,During the ]'ear 51, 52 Alilaortionment—Of State and County- Aid for Construction_ Under County System of Roads 8, 12, 13 Of Motor Vehicle Moneys .for Maintenance Under County System of Roads ?0• 11 Of Dog 'Fund 95 Of Bank Tax 76, 225 Of -Mortgage Tax 55, 226 Of Election Expenses 103 Of insurance on Motor Trucks 25, 129 , Of Support of Pour at County House 93 Of 1f1;_xes 147 Appropriation—For Sinking Fund :ind Interest on Bonds Issued for Construotion of State and County Highways -47, 120 For Maintenance of State and County Highways..46, 120 For Construction of Highways Under County System Of lion (Is • 8, 12, .13, 100 - 1'or Maintenance of Highways Under County System .of Wads 20, 10I Of Motor -Vehicle M •o.ieys to Construction Fund Under County SysteM of Roads 100 Of County Higlrway -Fund to Towns for Construction in 1924 Under County System of R.oads ' 8, 12, 13 Of State Aid to Towns for Construction in 1924 Under County System of Roads 8, 12, 13 For General and Poor Purposes 134, 135, 138 For Highway Purposes 136, 138 For Assistant. Turnkey at Comity Jail 19 Foy 14,711;3111.11g M7E1Chi Ile at County 162 For Janitor :11. Supervisors', Ete., Rooms 8.1 For Fuel, Light and Telephones 1.10 For Rental of Offices for Motor Vehicle Clerk 81 1'or Steel Filing Cases 111 County Clerk's 12 For Payment of Printed _Proceedings. 111 .For _Postage fur County Officials For .Ftiblic Elealth 101 Por Eradication. of 13o vi Le Tuhereulosis 116 For Support of Poor 93 TO Board. of Child Welfare 101 To 'Red Cross Society fur Public Health House 101_ To Southern Tier Association for the Blind '101 To Tompkins County Farm Bureau :Association 101 'To Tompkins County Farm Bureau. Association for Junior Project Work 101. To Tompkins County Home Bureau Association 10.1. To Tuberculosis Hospital 101 To IlighWay Fund tinder County System of }toads 100 To General Fund 134, 138 To Poor Fund • 135, 138 To General Highway Fund 136, 138 Financial Report. Itermired Before any Appropriation Shall Be Made to any Association or Organization 62 Re-Appropriatifm of the Iiiiloxpc,nded Balances 62 111 B Board of Supervisors—Names and Addresses of Members 42 Chairman of 43 Temporary Chairman of 43 Clerk of 43, 79, 80 Attorney for 43, 79, 80 Annual Session 42 Quarterly Sessions 3, 18, 27, 39 Special Session 11 Executive Sessions 74, 75, 78 Standing Committees of 44 Special Committees of ........... „.3, 44, 116, 119 Approval of Committee Designations 45 Supplies for 43 Accounts of 190 Printed Proceedings of—Contract for 64, 161 Payment for 111 Representative of—On Farm Bureau Associa-. tion 97 In Junior _Project Work „97 In Eradication of Bovine Tuberculosis 116 ..1-anitor for Rooms of 81 Balances in Hands of County Treasurer to be Paid to City and Town's 61 Bank Tax—R.eport of Committee on 76 Statement of 925 Blind—Southern Tier Association for—Report of 72 Appropri a t i oii to 101 Board of Child Weifare—Report of 60 Appropriation 10 101 Board of Managers of Tuberculosis Hospital—Beport of 62, 220 Election to 98 Appropriation to 101. Boud—Of County Clerk, Approval of 119 Of County Treasurer, Approval of 104 Bonds—Sinkiug Fund and Interest on Issued for the Construction of State and County Highways 47, 120 Authorizing Town of Newfield to Issue for Bridge Construction 28 Bonded _Indebtedness of County and Towns 231 Brass, Mary C --Refund of Taxes to 59 Bovine Tubereulosis—Relative to Eradication of 58, 116 Bridges—Relative to Construction by County in Town of Danby 162 Authorizing Town of Lansing to Borrow i.Money for Construe - tion of 27 Authorizing, Town of Newfield to Issue Ponds for COO StMe- t1011 of 28 Bridge Puna for Towns 71, 234 Budget—Couhty 130 Town 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159 IV C Tax .Rates to he Published with 111 Caro]ine Names and Addresses of Town Officers 245 Audits of 170 Budget of 1.50 Amount Due Town froru Dog Fund 95 Amount Due 'Town from Mortgage Tax 55, 226 Amount Charged to Town for Election Expenses 103 " " Incur. on Motor Trucks .25, 129 " Sheriff's Expenses 25, 26, 37, 122 '° " " " Supervisors' Manual 108 " " Support of Poor • 94 Returned School Taxes of 82, 150 Reduced Mileage Allotted to Town for Construction in 1924 13 Designation of .highway for Construction in 1924 Under County System of .Roads 6, 14 Designation of highways for Maintenance in 1924 i7uiler County System of Roads21 Appropriation to Town for Construction in :1924 Under County System of Roads 8, 12, 13 Appropriations to Town for lTaintenance in 1924 Under County System of Roads 21 Authorizing Town to Borrow Moneys Under §320-A 4 Tax for Maintenance of State and County Highways ....46, 120 Tax for Improvement of Highways and Bridges 71 Tax to Cancel Certificates of Indebtedness 72 Tax Rates of Town 150 Assessment Roll of Town, Relative to Correction of 53 Caroline-Richford, Part 2 Highway, Relative to Construction of 1.63 County Audits Annual Session 105 Quarterly- Sessions 8, 23, 35, 39 County Budget 130 Chairman of'Board Election of 43 Temporary 43 Directed to Sign Collectors' -Warrants 164 Clerk of Board—Election of 43 Salary of 79, 80 Attorney for Board 43, 79, 80 Postage for 61 Report of Comptroller 230 Certificate of 237 Autliorized to Correct Errors 63 Directed to Purchase Supplies 43 Directed to Issue County Orders 62 Directed to 1M a 0 o Contract with Onondaga. County Penitentiary 63 Directed to Make Contract for Printed Proceedings of Board 64, 161 Directed to Publish Tax Rates 111 Directed to Sign Collectors' Warrants 164 Committees of Board of Supervis6rs--Standing 44 Special—Relative to Highway \Matters 1, 119 " to Er:idleation of Bovine Tuberculosis 116 Claims Audited by During Year 51, 32 , Committee on County Officers and Compensation- - Report. of—On Audits 105, 125 Relative to Salaries of County Officers 73 Authorized to flake Improvements at Court. House 1122 Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses— Report of On Audits 117 Relative to Bond of County Clerk 119 " " Report of County Clerk 103 " " Report of Surrogate's Clerk 103 " " Apportionment of Election Expenses 103 Authorized to Complete Work at County Clerk's Building 64 Committee oil Charities— Report of On Audits 96 On County and Town Poor 93 Relative to Hcport of Board of Managers of Tubercu- losis Hospital 101 Relative to Report of Superintendent of the Poor :93 Committee on Coroner, Justices' and Constables' Accounts— Report of—011 Audits 123 Committee nu Correction and Reformation— Report of—Ow Audits 121 Authorized to Purchase Washing Machine fur County Jail 130 Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts— Report of—On ?audits 104 Relative to Burk Tax 76 Relative to Mortgage Tax a3o Relative to Bond' of County Treasurer 104 Relative to Report of County Treasurer 198 Committee on County and Town Accounts— Report of—Relative to Apportionment of Dog Fund 94 Relative to .Amounts to be Raised for Maintenance and Sinking Fund and me rest 011 Bonds _Issued for the Construction of State and County Highways 120 Committee on Equalization— Report of--On .Footing Assessment Rolls 67, 69 Majority Report on Ratios :oid Percentages 108, 139 Change in Report of 116 _Minority Report on Ratios and Percentages 144 Majority Report for General Tax Levy 138 Minority Report for General Tax Levv 442 Mtijorit.ir. Hcport for Highway Tax Levv 140 'Minorit.y\Repor't for highway Tax Levy 144 ,Report of---011 Apportionment of Tuxes 147 VI Comm itt on Finance- -Re/mt. iina n ..eReport af'---Relat,ive to County- Budget 130 R.elat.ive to Town .Budgets 149 • Committee on footing Assessment Rolls (See Committee on Equaliza- tion) Committee on 11ig]iways— Report of—On Audits 99 Relative to State and County Aid to he Paid to Towns for Con- struction of Ilighways lJndcs' County $ystcvo of Roads ..8, 12, 13 Relative to Motor Vehicle Moneys to he Paid to `)owns for Main- teuance of Highways Under County System of Roads 20 Relative to Construction of Highway -Within Newfield Village 111 Relative to Petition of Town Board of Ulysses to Construct Ad- ditional 1.iileuge in 1924 Under County System of Roads 18 Ant.horiZci1 to Secure Rights of Way 64 Committee on Returned Highway and School 'Iaxes— Ropurt. oh—Relative to Grand Jurors 74 Relative to Returned School Taxes 82 Committee on. Soldiers' Relief, Etc— Report of—On Audits 114 Relative to Child lVelfaare Board 101. " " Farmu Bureau Association - 191 " c " Home Bureau Association 101 c` Junior Project Work 101 " " Public health Nurse 101 - 'cc • " Southern Tier Association for the Blind 101 Committee on Town Expenses, Etc.— Report of On Indebtedness of County 0110 Towns 231 On Special Franchises 112 Committee 00 Auditing Accounts of Tuberculosis Hospittl— Claims .Audited by Committee During Year 52 Committee on Contract Supplies— Report of—On Fuel, Light and Telephones 109 • Claims Audited by Coammitte'e During Year 51 Committee an fail Supplies— Claims Audited by Committee During _'ear 51 Comity Officers ---Names and Addresses of 244 Salaries of 7`J Expenses of 61, 79 Postage for 61 Clerk Hire for fit A11owonce for Automobile hire 76 Relative to Not Exceeding Appropriation 80 County Judge and Surrogate— Report of—Relative to Childreits' Court 52 Relative to Receipts and Disbursements of Office ..50, 103 Sofeguarding Records itt Office of. 12 County Cleric— floiul of .....37, 116, 119 Report of --Relative to Receipts and Disbursements of Office 49, 103, 211 Relative to Mortgage Tax 49, 55 Postage for 61 Appropriation for Rental of Motor Vehicle Clerks Office 81 Relative to Completion of Work on Building -of 64 Relative to Offices for Motor License Clerk 35 Relative to Safeguarding Records in Office of 12 •Salary of Motor License Clerk in Full for all Services and ,Fees 79 County District Attorney— Bond of Iteport of 50 Allowance for Office Expenses 79 Expenses of Charged to Towns 96 County Probation Office-- Reporl. of 53 County Sealer of Weights and Measures— . Report of 5.1 Expenses of 79 County Sheriff— Report of 53, 65 Attention Called to Condition of Court House 49 - Authorized to Appoint Assistant Turnkey ldi Claims for Expenses Charged to Towns and City 10, 25, 26, 37, 38, 41, 122, 123 County- Superintendent of Highways Election of 98 Bond of 57 Report of 72 Expenses of 79 County- Superintendent of the Poor— Report 'of 50, 93, . 213 County Treasurer— Bond of—General 56, 100, 104 H ig lnea y 160 Report of—General 50, 191 Supplemental 160, 207 Clerk Hire for 61 Postage for 61 Authorized to Borrow 9, 12, 20, 25, 37, 40 Autliorized to P;ic• Balances to Tonus and City 61. Authorized to Transfer in Case of a Deficiency 137 I)ireated to Pay -Balance in Dug Fund to Towns and City- 95 Directed to Pay Certain Claims from Dog ]Wooed 10, 125 Directed to Pay Assistant Turnkey at County Jail 19 Directed to I'ay County- Orders 62 Directed to Pay for Printed Proceedings of Board 111 Directed to Fay Quarterly Session Audits J 25, 37, 40 Directed to Pay Salaries Monthly 61 Directed to Pay Slate ;ind County Aid to Towns for Construction ruder County Svstoni of Roads 8, 13 Directed to Pay Motor 'Vehicle Moneys to Towns for Maintenance Under County System of. Roads 22 Directed to Pay for Rights of ]Vay 25, 37, 41 Directed to Pay for Eradication of Bovine Tuberculosis 116 Directed to Priv Child Welfare 13oard .101. Directed to Pay harm nnil 1 -louse Bureau Association. 101 Directed to Pay- Lied Cross Society for Public Ilealth Nurse 1-01 Directed to Piny Sorgthorn Tier Association for the Blind 101 li'orl idhleu to I'ay More Than Appropriations 80 Ise -Appropriation of Unexpended linlances in I-i.uuis of 62 COMM iSSteierS of Election— Election. of 130, 147 Report of 56, 103 Postage for 61 • Clerk hire for 61 Coroner— Report of 50 Expenses of 79 Children's Court—Report of Clerk of 152 Relative to Expenses of 10, 37, 97 Child Welfare Board—Report of 60 Appropriation to 101 County _Budget 730 County—Amount to be ll;iiser.i for Sinking ]Fund and Interest un Burros Issued for Construction of State wind County Highways 47, 120 Bonded Indebtedness of 231. State Valuation of 45 Valuation ofb> Assessors 67, 09 Amount Charged to for Election Expenses 103 Amount Charged to for Support of Poor 94 13,eiative to Construction of Bridge is Town of Danby i)y 162 County Buildings Relative to New 63 County Clerk's Building—Committee Authorized to Complete Work on 64 County Houle—Inspection of 78 Relative to New Silo at County Jail 1Latron at, EIection of 98 Physician at, Election of 98 Compensation of 115 Relative to Turnkey at 4, 19 Committee Authorized to Purchase Washing Machine for 130 Payment of 162 Court House—Attention of Sheriff Called to Conditions at 49 Committee Authorized to Make Improvements at 52 Relative to New 63 County _dap—Change of Designation in Town of Lansing 11. Designationsof Additional Mileage Allotted to ,Turns 5 County Nurse—Appropriations for 101 1X County System of Roads (See Highways) County Tax--l'or Suite Purposes 45, 130,. 138 For General and Poor Purposes 134, :135, 138 For Highway Purpuses 130, 138 County Tax Rai es 148 County and Town Poor, Support of .93 Construction of Highways tinder County System of Roads—Rules and Specifications -Relative to 16 Court Expenses (See County Budget) Court and Stenographers' Tax 46, 130 Claims Audited by Several Committees During Year 51, 52 Claims For District Attorney's .Expenses Charged to Towns 26 For Sheriff's Expenses Charged to Towns and City 10, 25, 26, 37, 38, 41, I22, 123 For Expenses of Children's Court Charged to Towns turd City 10, 37, 97 For,Insaue Commitments Charged to Towns and City 25," 41, 115 Of lnstitutivas Charged to Towns and City 97, 115 Clerk Hire—For Coniinissioners of Election 61 For County Treasurer 61 Cc/et-tact—For Supplies for Boerd 43 For Printed Proceedings of Board • 64, 111, 161 With Onondaga County Penitentiary 63 Canvass, Official 242 Comptroller--Connnunicatioar f rorn Relative to State Tit 45 Relative to Sinking Fund rand interest 00,BondsIssued for.tlae Con etruetion of State marl County Highways 47 Report of Clerk of Board to 230 City of Ithaca (See Ithaca City) City Tax Rates --General 111 For Schools 111 Clerks of Town and City—Names and Addresses of 245, 21(], 247 Collectors of Towns --Names avail Addresses of 245, 246, 247 Time of Settlement of 111 Chairman .ncl Clerk Directed to Sign Warrants Of 161 Certificates of Indebtedness—Towns Authorized to Issue - - ..4, 16, 27,. 28 Tax to Cancel 72 D Danby—Names and Addresses of Town Officers 245 •_ Audits of • 172 Budget of 151 Amount Due Town from Dog 3'und 95 rr << ,z rr -Mortgage Tax 55, 226 Amount. Charged to Town for 'Election Expenses 103 .` Insane Commitments 115 ‘r < < Insurance on Motor Tracks 25. 129 '' _X " Sheriff's Expenses 37, 38, 41, 122, 123 ° a ' Supervisors' Manual 108 rr as rr Support of Pool' 94 Returned School Taxes of 83, 151 Returned Mileage Allotted to Town for Construction in 1024 Under the County System of Roads ' 13 Designation of Iighways for Construction in 1924 Under the County System of Roads 6, 14 Designation of Highways for Maintenance in 1924 Under the County System of Roads 21 Appropriation to Town for Construction in 1924 Under the County System of Roads 8, 12, 13 Appropriation to Town for Maintenance in 1924 Under the County System of Roods 21 Authorizing Town to Borrow Moneys Under X320 -A 28 Relative to Construction of Bridge by County 102 Tax for'Ma.inteeauee of State and County Highways 46, 120 Tax for Improvement of Highways and Bridges 71 Tax to Cancel Certificates of Indebtedness 72 Tux Rates of Town 151 'Dryden—Names xud Addresses of Town Officers 245 Audits of 174 Budget of - 152 Amount 1)ue 'Town from Dog Fun] 95 " " " Bank Tax 225 4 ‘," Mortgage Tax 55, 226 Aro omit Charged to Town for Claims of Institutions 115 " " " `r Election Expenses 103 " Insurance en 'Motor Trucks 25, 129 " Refund of Taxes 59 " " " Sheriff's Expenses 25, 20, 37, 38, 122, '123 " " Supervisors' Manual 108 ,' Support of Poor 94 Returned School Taxes of 84, 152 Designation of Additional Mileage Allotted to Town Under the County System of Roads 5 Reduced Mileage Allotted to Town. for Construction in 1924 Under the County System of Roads 13 Designation of Highways for Construction in 1924 Under the County System of Roads. 6, 14 Designation of Highways for Maintenance in 1924 Under the County System of Roads 21 Appropriation to Town for Construction in 1924 Under the County .System of Roads 8, 12, 13 Appropriation to Town for Maintenance in 1924 Under the the County System of Roads 21 Tax for Sinking Frond and Interest on Bonds Issued for Con- xr•. stituctioii of:State'and County llighwa-ys 47, 120 for Maintenance of State and County Ilighways 46, 120 Tax for Improvement'of Highways and Bridges 71 Tax to Cancel -Certificates of Indebtedness - 72 Tax Rates of Town 152 Assessed Valuation of Dryden Village G9 Assessed Valuation of Freet-ille 69 Tax Rate of _Dryden Village 43 School Tax Rate of Dryden Village 43 Designation—Of the Additional -Mileage Allotted to the Several Towns Under the County System of Roads o Change of, in Town of Lansing 11 Of Highways for Construction -in 1924 Under tl3e 'County - System of Roads • 6, 14 Of Highways for _Maintenance in 1924 Under the County System of Roads 21 . Of Newspapers to Publish Flection Notices, Etc. ...;66, 67 Deficiency—County Treasurer Authorized to .Borrow in Case of 137 Directory, Political 233 District Attorney (See County District Attorney) Dog Fund—Report of County Treasurer Relative to 50 Payment of Certain Claims from 10, 125 Apportionment of 95 Dogs—Relative to Quarantine on 12 E Enfield --Names and Addresses of Town Officers 245 Audits of 177 Budget of 153 Amount Dut Ton -11 from Dog Fund 95 rr rr rr " Mortgage Tax 55, 226 Amount Charged to Town for -:lection Expenses 103 r r (c r r Insane Commitments 115 e Insurance on Motor Trucks 25, 129 cc r Sheriff's Expenses 25, 26, 37, 38, 122, 123 CC c Supervisors' Manual 108 cc Support of Poor 94 Returned School Taxes of -$5, 153 Designation of Additional Mileage Allotted to Town Under County System of Roads 5 Redue.ed _Mileage Allotted to Town for Construction in 1924 Under County' System of Roads 13 Designation of Highways for . Construction in 1924 Under County System of .{owls 7, 14 Designation of lligltways for :Maintenance in 1.924 Under County System of Roads 21 Al propri,ttion to Town for Construction in 1924 Under County System of Roads • 3, 12, 13 XIV Appropriation to Tow for 'Maintenance in 1924 Tinder County System of Roads 21, Tax for Maintenance of State :and County Highways 46, 120 Tux for ,Improvement of Highways ,and Bridges . 71 Tax Rates of Town 153 Election—Of Chairman of Board 43 Of Clerk of Board 43: Of Representative to Farm Bureau Association. 97 Of Representative in .Tuuior Project Work 97 Of Commissioners of Election 130, 147 Of Coriaty Superintendent of Highways 98 Of Jail _Matron 98 Of Jail. Physician 98 To Bon rd of Malingers of, Tuberculosis hospital 98 Elections—Designation ofNewspapers to Publish Election _Notices, Etc, 60, 67 Elections, Cammissioners'of (See Commissioners of Election)..: Election Expenses—Apport1onrncnt of 1031 Equalized Value of County—I3y State 45 Fay Board of SSupervisor•s 138, 140 Equalization—Regular Report of Committee •on .footing ;Assessment Roils • - 67 Supplemental Report of Committee on Footing Assess- ment [tolls 69 Majority Report of Committee for General Tax Levy 138- liluority Report of Committee for General Tax Levy 142 ,Majority :Report of Committee for :highway Tax Levy- ',1410 Minority iicpevt of Committee for 1lig}away Tax Levy 144 Report, of Committee. on R.utios and Percentages, 108 Change in Report of Committee on 'Ratio and' Per- centages 116 Majority Report of Committee on Ratios and Per- centages 139 Minority :Report of Committee on Ratios and - Per- centages ..... 7.44 R-eport of Committee on ilpportionuient of Taxes ...... 147 Eradication of Bovine Tuberculosis --Relative to 58, 116 Errors in Maim os—Clerk Authorized to Correct 63 Expenses—Of Certain County Oftice.'s 61, • 79 Of Children's Court Charged to Towns and City ....JO, 37, 97 Of.District Attorney Charge to Too -ns 26 Of Flections Charged to Towns ,and City- 103 Of Insane Commitment CLarge to Towns and City 23, .41 Of Insurance on IMotor Trucks Charged to Towns 25, 129 Of Local Assessors , Attending Tax Conference to bo Charged to Towns 56 Of.Sheriff Chrrged to Towns and.City10,'25, 26, 37, 38, 41, 122, .L23 XIII F Farm Bureau—Report of 58 Appropriation to 101 Appropriation to for Junior Project Work 101 Election of Representative to 97 Election of Representative to for Junior Project \,cork 97 Finances Report of County Treasurer on 50 County Treasurer Authorized to Borrow .9, 12, 20, 25, 37, 40 . ` Pay Balances 61 to Transfer in Case of a Deficiency 137 County Treasurer Directed' to Pay Certain Claims from Dog Fund 10 Re -Appropriation of Unexpended Balances in the Hands_ of the County Treasurer 62 Bonded Indebtedness of County and Towns 231 Finance- Committee (See Committee on Finance) Financial Reports Required of Associations and Organizations 62 Flinn, John Refund of Taxes to, 76 Footing Assessment Rolls ,(See Committee on Equalization) Freeville--Assessed Valuation of 69 h'uci, Light and Telephones '110 CI Groton—Names and Addresses of Town Officers 246 Audits of 178 Budget of 154 Auiount•Due Town from Dog E'und - 95 <' ii " " Batik Tax 225 i t ; r c c " Mortgage Tax 55, 226 Amount Charged to Town for District Attorney's _Expenses .. 26 " " " " Election Expenses 103 " " • " :C Insu:a nre on Motor Trucks 25, 129 it Sheriff's Expenses 25, 26, 37, 38, ,123 " '` Supervisors' Manual 108 " " " Support of Poor 94 Returned School Taxes of 86, 154 Resignation of Additional Mileage Allotted to Town Linder Cciunty System of Roads 5 Reduced Mileage Allotted to Town for Construction in 1924 Ifnder County System of Roads 13 _Designation of Highways for Cinstruetion in 1924 Under County System of Roads 7, 15 Designation of Highways for Maintenance in 1924 Ruder • County System of Roads 22 Appropriation to Town for Construction in 1924 Under County System of Roads 8, 12, 13 A1V Appropriation to Town for 'Maintenance in 1924, Under County System .of Roads 21 Authorizing Town to 13orrow Moneys Under §320-A 27. Tax for Maintenance of State and County Highways 46, 1.20 Tax for Improvement of Highways and Bridges 71 Tax to Cancel Certificates of Indebtedness 72 Tax Rate of Groton Village 129 Tax Rate of School District No. 8 116 Tax Rates of Town 154 General Fund—Appropriation to • 134, 1.38 Re -Appropriation of Unexpended Balances to 62 General Tax—Apportionment of 147 General Tax Levy—Majority Report of Committee on Equalization f o'r 138 Minority Report of Committee on Equalization for 142 General and Poor Purposes ---Appropriation for 134,135, 138 Grand Jurors—Report of Committee on 74 Gasoline—Resolution Relative to Tax on 1.63 Health, Public—Appropriation for 101 Eradication of Bovine Tuberculosis 116 Home Bureau Association—Report of 58 Appropriation to 1.01 Highway and School Taxes—Returned 82 Highway, Bridge and Machinery Funds for Towns...71, 233, 234, 235, 236 Highway Fund—Appropriation to General 136, 138 Re -Appropriation of Unexpended Balances to 62 Highway; Funds for Towns 71, 233 Highway Tax—Appropriation for 136, 138 Apportionment of 148 Majority Report of Committee on Equalization for 138 Minority Heport of Committee on Equalization for 142. Tax for Sinking :Fund and 1aterest on Bonds Issued for Con- struction of State and County Highway 9 47, 1.20 Tax for Maintenance of State and County. Highways 46, 120 Tax for Improverneat of 11iglurays and Bridges 71 Tac to Cancel Certificates of Indebtedness 72 Highways, Superintendent of - (See County Superintendent of High- ways) Town Superintendents of—Nantes and Addresses of 245, 246, 247 - Approval of State Higlnvay Map 3 Money System -Report to Comptroller on 230 Motor Trucks—Insurance on Charged to Towns 25, 129 Motor Vehicle Clerk (See County Clerk) Relative to Construction by County of. Bridge in Town of .Dantby 162 R.eiative to Construction of Caroline-Rielaford, Part 2, Highway 163 Relative to Tax on Gasoline 163 Rights af.: Way— Committee Authorized to Secure 64 Payment for 223, 37, 41 Special Committee- to Confer With State Highcr-uy Eureaiu - 3 -Highways Under the Count- System of Roads— • • • Appropriation of Motor. Vehicle—.Moneys to 11ighway Construc- tion Fund - 100 Appropriation to }Iighway Fund 100 Change of Designation in Town of Lansing 11 Designation of Additional Mileage Allotted to Towns 5 Appropriation for _Maintenance in 1925 • 101 Designation for Construction in 1924. 6, 14 Appropriations to Towns ,for Construction in 1924 ' 8, 12, 13 Amount of Cost of -Construction to be Borne by Towns 8, 12; • 13 Manner of Payment to Town for Construction 8, 12, 13 Designations for N.aintenanee in :1924 21 Appropriations to Towns for _Maintenance in 19'4 21 Amount of Cost of Maintenance -to be Borne'hy Town. . 22 _Manner of Payment to Towns for Maintenance • 22 Authorizing Town of Caroline to Borrow Moneys Under ¢320-A'4 " Danby° r 28 Groton r! Groton 27 16 �r �r rc Lansing " " •, r r Ulysses 4 " " Lansing to Borrow Moneys for -Bridge Construction 27 " Newfield to Issue Bonds for Bridge Con- struction 28 Petition of Town Board of Ulysses to Construct Additional Mileage in 1924 18 Report of COmullittee on - 18 Petition of Village of Newfield for Construction Within Village Limits 19 Report of Committee on 19 Reduced _Mileage .Allotted to Towns for Constriction in 1924 13 Rules and Specitieations Relative to Construction of 16 Rules Relative -to Towns Constructing Additional Mileage 18 I Ithaca City—Names and Addresses O£ City Officers 246 Budget of 156 Amount Due City from Dog Fund 95 " " r ` - Bank Tax 225 " " Mortgage Tax 55, 226 Amount Charged to City for Claims of Lrstitutions 97, 115 r; r r r r Election Expenses 103 " rr " " Expenses of Children's Court 10, 37, 97 r - ,• r r r a r Insane Commitments 25 •r; << r. rc Sheriff's Expenses - 10, 25, 26, 37, 38, 41, 122, 123 " " " Support of Poor • t, 94 •YVI Returned School Taxes of 91 . 156 City Tax Rate 111 School Tax Rate 111 Tax Rates of City 156 Ithaca Town—Names and Addresses of Town Officers 246 Audits of 181 Budget of 155 Amount Due Town from Dog :Fund 95 e, << t1 rr Mortgage Tax 55, 226 Amount Charged to Town for Claims of [nstitxtions 115 " " Election Expenses 103 " ". Expenses of Children's Court 10 " Insane Commitments 41 " Insurance on Motor Trucks ....25, 129 " " " Refund of Taxes 35, 76 " Sheriff's Expenses - 25, 26, 37, 38, 41, 122, 123 " " " ' ` Supervisors' Manual 108• t_ " " " Support of Poor 94 Returned School Taxes of 86, 155 Designation of• Additional Mileage Allotted to Town Under County System of Roads 5 Reduced Mileage -Allotted to Town for Construction in 1924 Under County System of Bonds 13 Designation of highways for Construction in 1924 Under County .System of :Roads 7, 15 Designation of Highways for _Maintenance in :1924 Under County System of Roads 22 Appropriation to Tntrn for Construction in :1924 Under County System 'of Roads 8, 12, 13 Appropriation to Town for Maintenance in 1924 Under County System of Roads 21 Tax for Maintenance of State and County J-ligirways , , .......46, 120 Tax for Improvement of Highways and'Bridges 71 Tax to Cancel Certificates of Indebtedness 72 Tax Rates of Town 155 Indebtedness --County and Town 231 Insane Commitments Charged to Towns and City 25, 41, 115 Institutions, Claims of—Charged to Towns and City 97, 115 Inspection of County Mouse and Tuberculosis Hospital 73 Insurance on Motor Trucks (See highways) J. Judge, County (Sec County Judge and Surrogate) .fudge of Children's Court (See Children's Court) Junior Project ',York (See Farm Bureau •Assoeiatioa) Jail (Sce County .Jail) Jail Physician (See County Jail) XVII Janitor for Supervisors' Rooms 81 Justices of the Pewee—Names and Addresses of • 245, 246, 247 Reports of 223 Jail Matron (See County Jail) Kirk, Nellie B.—Refund of Taxes to 35 L Lansing --Names and Addresses of Town Officers 247 Audits of 183 Budget of 157 Amount Due Town from Dog Fund 9a cc '' "c ' Mortgage Tax 55, 226 Amount Charged to Town for Claims of Institutions 115 a c a s r r District Attorney's Expenses 26 g: " " " Election Expenses 10:3 " Insane Commitments 115 " as " Insurance on Motor Trucks ....25, 129 " " " Refund of Taxes 128 r r c a : Sheriff's Expenses -- 25, 26, 37, 38, 122, 123 " " " Supervisors' Manual 108 " " Support of Poor 94 Returned School Taxes of 87, 157 Reduced .:Mileage Allotted to Town for Construction in 1924 Tinder County System of Roads 13 Change of Designation of. Highways Under County System of Roads 11 M)esignation of Highways •for Construction in 19.24 Under County System of Roads 7, 15 Designation of Highways for Maintenance in 1924 Under County System of Roads 22 Appropriation to Town for Construction iii 1924 Under County System of Roads 8, 12, 13 Appropriation to Town for Maintenance in 1924 Under County • System of Roads 21. Authorizing Town to Borrow Moneys Under §320-A 16 Authorizing Town to Borrow Moneys for Bridge Construction27 Tax for Maintenance of State and County Highways 46, 120 Tax for Improvement of Highways and Bridges 71 Tax to Cancel Certificates of Indebtedness 72 Tax Rates of Town 157 Light, Fuel and Telephones 110 M Meetings of Board of Supervisors—Annual 42 Quarterly 3, 18, 27, 39 Special 11 X V 11.1 Machinery Fund for Towns 71, 235 Miscellaneous Fund for Towns 71, 236 Maintenance—Of County arid Town Poor 93, 135, 138 Of State and County Highways 46, 120 Of Highways Under County System of Roads....20, 21, 79 Managers of Tuberculosis hospital—Report of 62, 220 Election to 98 Appropriation to 101 /Manner of Payment or Highway Moneys to Towns for Construction -8, 13 Maurer of Payment of Highway Moneys to Towns for Maintenance. , - 22 Manuals—Amounts Charged to Towns for 108 Minutes of Board—Clerk Authorized to Correct Errors in 63 Mortgage Tax—Report of Committee. en . 55 Amount Due Towns and Citi front 55, 226 Motor Trucks (See Highways) • ,Motor Vehicle Clerk(See County Clerk) Motor Vehicle Moneys--Appropriut-ion of to Construction Fund tinder County- System of Roads 100 Apportionment of for Maintenance Under County System of Roads 20, 21, 22 Newfield—lames and Addresses of Towrt 0flieers 247 Audits of 185 Budget of . . 158 Amount 1)ue Town from Dog Fund 95 '4 r r c r r r Mortgage Tax 55, 226 Amount Charged to Town for Election Expenses 103 - c c / c c Expenses of Children's Court 10 (f115 c r r r r r Insane Commitments 1155 'c " " " Insurance on Motor Trucks 129 " " " " Sheriff's Expenses- - 25, 26, 37, 38, 122, 123 Supervisors' Manual 108 " '/ 0° '• Support of Poor 94 Returned School Taxes of 88, 158 Reduced 1lileage Allotted to Town for Construction in 1924 Under County- System of Roads 13 Designation of Highways for. Construction in 1924 Under County System of Roads 7, 15 - Appropriatiort to Town for 'Construction in 1924 Under County System of Roads n 8, 12, 13 Authorizing 'Town to Issue Bonds for Bridge Construction 28 Petition of Village of Newfield for Construction of Highway Un- der County System of Roads Within Village Limits 19 Report of Committee on 19 Tax for -Maintenance of State and County Highways .........46, 120 Tax for Improvement of Highways and Bridges ' 71. Tax to Cancel Certificates of Indebtedness 72 • XIX Tax Rates of Town 158 Names and Addresses -0f Supervisors - 42 Of County' and Town Officers 244, 245, 2.16, 247 Newspapers—Designation of to i'uhliSh.Election Notices, Etc. ....611, 67 Nurse, Public 1leall.h—Appropriation for 101 O Officers—County- and Town 244, 245, 246, 247 Oflioial Canvass 242 Designation of Newspapers to Publish 66, 67 0117., A. B.— Employment of 81 Onondaga County- Penitentiary --Contract with 63 Organizations—Nu Appropriations to Without a 1'inaaci;il Report 62 Not to Exceed Appropriations 80 P Payment to Towns for Construction of 1ligbway+ Under County Systema of Roads—\I•niner of 8, 12, 13 Pay-nicnt to Tonus for :\laintenance of Highways Uti<ler 'County System of Roads—Manner of J2 Personal Property in County ---Valuation of 67, 119, 227 Petition of Town Board of Caroline to Borrow Money's Under §320-A. 4 1 C I rr II D,itihy ,• <s r: c: �8 •r •• Groton °• •' if 27 •• Lansing . rr 16 ; .. •• •• Ulysses r• r: :r :r 4 Of Town Board of Lansing to Borrow _M'oney's for Bridge Con- struction 27 Of Town 13oard of Newfield to Issue .Bonds for Bridge Construc- tion 23 Of Town Board of Ulysses to Construct. Additional _Mileage 111 1924 Under- County System of Roads 18 Report of Committee on 18 Of Village of Newfield for Construction of Highway- Under the County- System of Roads Within the Village Limits 19 Report of Committee on 19 Of Assessors of Caroline to Correct Assessment Roll 53 Of Mary C. Brass for Refund of Taxes 59 rr John 'Flinn rr' - r` 76 rr Nellie L. Kirk " •r •• 35 r< Jay 'lack .. .• .: .. 128 Physician at County Jail—Election of 98 Compensation of ' 115 Political Directory 238 Poor—Appropriation for County and Town 93, 135, 138 rr Poor Purposes 93 135, 138 Superintendent of (See County Superintendent of the Poor) Poor Fund--Re-Appropriation of the Unexpended I1a1;1m:es to 62 -Postage for County Officers 61 XX Post Office Addresses= -O£ Supervisors 42 Of County and Town Officerso....244, 245, 246, 247 ]'rioted Proceedings of Hoo=d—Contract for 64, 161 Payment of - 111 Prisoners—Contract for Care and Maintenance of 63 Probation Officer (See County Probation Officer) Property—Valuation ation of by County 45 r r " " Assessors 67, GO, 227 Public Health—Appropriation for 101 , Eradication of Bovine Tuberculosis 58, 116 Q Quarterly Sessions of Board 3, 18, 27, 39 Audits at 8, 23, 35, 39 Quarantine on Togs—Relative to 12 Reports—Of County Officers (See Under Various County= Officers) Of -Committees (See Under Various Committees) Of Board of hl:uiagers of Tuhereulosis Hospital (See Boar of Managers of Tuberculosis Hospital) Of Bonded ludebteduess 231 Or Clerk of Board. to Comptroller 230 Of iliglwap, Bridge and Machinery Funds for Towns 233, 234, 235, 236 Of Justices of the Peace 223 Of Special Franchises 112 Of Valuations of Property- 227 Of Taxes Levied 228 Rates ---Tax for County 148 " " Towns • 150, 151, 152, 153, 154,155,156, .757 158 159 " " Dryden Village 48 " " for Schools 48 " " Groton Village 129 " " for Schools 116 " " Ithaca City 111 " " " " ' for Schools 111 " " Trnniansburg Village 225 " for Schools 225 Rates of Assessments in Towns as Fixed by State Ta, Commissioner 47 i( �r <'" Board of Supervisors139 " " in the Future 161 Ratios €nid Pereentages—Rquirt of Committee on 108 Change in Report of Committee 116 111ajority Report of Committee 139 Minority iteport of Committee 144 Real Property—Valuation-of by- State 45 " by Assessors 67, 69, 227 Re -Appropriation of Unexpended Balances 62 XXI Records in County Clerk's Building—Relative to Safeguarding 12 Red Cross Chapter—Appropriation to for Public Health Nurse 101 Refund of Taxes 9.5, 59, 76, 128 Returned Highway and School Taxes 82 Rights of Way (See Highways) Roads, County System of (See Highways) Roster 244 Rates and Specifications Relative to Construction of Highways Udder County System of Roads 16 Rules Relative to Towns Constructing Additional Mileage Under County System of Roads 18 Resolution—Relative to Approval of State Highway Map 3 Relative to Designation of Additional .Mileage Allotted -to Towns Under County System of Roads a Relative .fo Change of Designation in Town of Lansing Under County System of Roads 1l. Relative to Reduced Mileage Allotted to Towns for Con- struction in 1924 Under County System of Roads 13 Relative to Rules and Specifications for Construction. of Highways Under County System of Roads 16 Relative to Rules Governing the Construction of Addi- tional Mileage by Towns Under the County System of Roads 18 Relative to the Construction of Highways Within the -Village of Newfield Under the County System of Roads 19 Relative to Bond Issue for Construction of a Bridge in the Tov n of Newfield 28 Relative to the Construction of a Bridge in the Town of Danby- at the Joint Expense of County and Town 162 Relative to the Construction of Caroiue-l-ichford, Part 2, Highway 163 Relative to a Tax on Gasoline 163 Relative to Designation of Highways for Construction in 1924_ Under County System of Roads - 6, 14 Rttlat.ive to Appropriations to Towns for Construction in 1924 Under County System of Roads 8, 12, 13 Relative to Appropriations to Towns for Maintenance in 1924 Under County System of Roads .........2D, 21, 22 Relative to Quarantine on Dogs 12 Relative to Safeguarding -Records in County Clerk's Building • 12 Relative to Charging Expenses of Assessors to Tax Con- ference Back to Totiyus 56 Relative to Appropriations to Associations or Organiza - tions 62 Relative to Allowance to County Officials for Automobile Hire 76 Relative to Officials, Etc., Exceeding Appropriations 80 XXII Relative to Conveyance to State of a Portibu of the Tuberculosis Hospital Property for State' Park Pur- poses Relative to Rates of Assessment in the Future Calling Attention of Sheriff to Conditions at t,lhe Court Hoarse 160 161 49 Supervisors (See Board of Supervisors) Sessions of Board -Annual 42 A.uthts at 165 Quarterly 3, 18, 27, 39 Audits at 8, 23, 35, 39 Special 1l. :Executive 74, 75, 78 Sealer of Weights ui5 dIeasures (See County Sealer of Weights and Measures) Sherif+' (Sec County Sheriff) Superintendent of Highways (See County Superintendent of Highways) Superintendent of the Pour (See County Superintendent of the Poor) Surrogate (See Comity Judge and Surrogate) Salaries of County Officers 79 County Tre.aturer Directed to Pay _Monthly 61 School Districts -Amounts Due from Banti Tax 225 School Tax Hates -Of Dryden Village 48 Of Groton Village 116 Of Ithaca City _ 111. Of Trumansbu rg Vill.rge 225 School Taxes -Returned ..82, :150, 151, 152, 153,.154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159 Settlement by Collectors -Time of 111 Sinking Fund tad Interest .on Bonds Issued for the Construction of State aridCounty Highways 47, 120 Snow and. uMiscellaneous Funds for Towns 71, 236 Southern Tier Association for the -Blind-Report of 72 Appropriation to 101 Special Franchises -He -port on 312 Specifications and Rules Relative to the Construction of Highways Linder County, System of Roale 16 Statement -Of Bank T,i i 70, 225 Of Mortgage Tax 55, 226 Of Bonded Indebtedness of County aiad Towns 231 Of Money Tax Levied for Repairs of .highways 230 Of Taxes Levied 228 Of Tax Rates Of Towns 150, 151, 152, 1.53, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159 Of Valuations of Heal and Personal Property 227 State Aid to Towns tinder County System of Roads 8, 12, 13 'State ]'ark -Relative to 160 State Tax 45, 130, 138 XXIII State Tax Commission -Rates of Assessment as Fixed by ............ 47 Stenographers', Etc., Tax .46, 130 Supervisors' Rooms -Janitor at 81 T Tax, State -For Armories 46, 130 For General Purposes 45, 130 For Court and Stenographers 46, 130 County For General and Poor Purposes 134, 135,- 138 For .Highway Purposes - 13(1, -138 For Sicking Fund :Ind Interest on 13ciads-Issued for the Construction .of State and County :Highways ....47, 120 For _Maintenance of State and County 'Highways ....46, 120 :For Improvement of Ilighways and Bridges 71 To Cancel Certificates of Indebtedness73 `1'or Construction of Highways Gilder County' Sy_stem of Roads 100, 135 For Maintenance of Highways Urider County System - of. Roads 135 Relative to Tax on Gasoline 163 Statement of Ban k 76, 225 Mortgage 55, 726 Taxes -Apportionment of . 147 . Refund of 35, 59, 76, 128 Returned highway and School 82, 150. 151, :15.2, 153, 154, 155, 136, 157, 158, 159 Statement of Those Levied 228 Tax Rates -Clerk Directed to Publish 111 For County 143 For Towns 150, 151, 152, 153, 151; 155, 15(1 157, 158, 159 1 -'or City of Ithaca 111 - For Village of Dryden 43 :For Village of Groton 129 For Village of Trutnansburg 335 For Schools of City of Ithaca ... 1 i 1 For Schools of Dryden Village 48 For Schools of Groton Pillage 116 Tor Schools of Truniansburg illage 2 5 Telephones, Fuel and Light 110 - T'oivas-Names and _Addresses of Officers of - 245, 24.6, 247 Audits of 170. 172, 174, 177, 178, 18.1., 153, 18:5. 137 Budgets of 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159 Amounts Due from hog Fund 95 r r r r 4' bank Tax 76, 245 r r r r " _Mor'tgage Tax 55, 226 Amounts Charged to for Claims of Institutions 97, 115 rc District Attorney's Expenses 26 c: rr " it :Flection Expenses 103 " Expenses of Children's Court ]0, 37, 97 rr rc rr Insane Commitments 25, 41, .1.15 c c Insurattee on _Motor Trucks 25, 129 r r Refund of Taxes 35, 59, 76, 128 r< Sheriff's Expenses 10, 25, 26, 37, 38, 41, 122; 123 rr cc Supervisors' _Manuals .:108 rr rr cc rr Support of 'Poor 93 .Returned highway and School Taxes 'of 82, 100, 151, .152, .153, 154, 155, 106, 157, .158, 139 'Desi nation of Additional :Mileage Allotted 1.o, Under County System of Roads 5 Appropriation to. for Construction of Hightsuys in 1924 Under County System of Roads 8 1.2, 13 Amount of Cost of Construction of Highways to he Borne by ,8, 13 Appropriation to, for'Maintenance of 1lighways in 1924.Undor County System of. 'toads 20, 21, 22 Amount of Cost of Maintenance of Highways to be Borne by 22 Expenses of Assessors Attending '1'ax Conference to be Charged to 56 Antltorizitrg Lansing to Borrow Motleys for Bridge Construction 27 Authorizing Newfield to I.ssue Bonds for Bridge Construction 28 Insurance on _Motor Trucks to be Effect e l by and Charged to 25 Tax for Sinking I•'und and Interest on Bonds Issued for Con- struction of State and County 11 igil \v 8 vs 47, 120 Tax for Maintenance of State and County .I-Iighways '36, 120 Tax for Improvement of Highways and Bridges -71 Tax to Cancel Certificates of Indebtedness 72 Tax Hates of 100, 151, 102, 153, 154, .103, .156, 157, 158, 109 Collectors of -Tune of Settlement 111 .Bonded Indebtedness of 231 Ilighnay, Bridge and .1‘,luchinery Funds of 233, 234, 2115, 236 Payment, of Balances to, by County Treasurer 61 Rates of Assessments of, as Fixed by State Tax Commission 47 r r r r r r 4 r r; r r r r 13oard of Supervisors 139 Town .Board- Petition of 1..ausiag to Borrow- honeys for Bridge Construction 27 cc Ulysses to Construct Additional Mileage in 1924 Under County System of Roads 18 Report of Committee in 18 Town. and County 01lir,ers Nnwes anal AddrfrsseS of 244, 240, 24f1, 247 Town :Ind County Poor -Support of 93, 130,- 138 Town and Count} System of Roads (See Highways) Treasurer (See Ciunt:y Treasurer) Tuberculosis, Bovine -Relative lo 58, .116 Tuberculosis Hospital --Report of Board of ;Managers of 62, 220 Election to 98 Appropriation to 101 Inspection of 73 Relative to Sale of Portion of Property for State furl. Purposes160 XXV U Ulysses—:Names and Addresses of Town Officers 247 Audits of 187 Budget of 159 Amount Due Town from 1)og Fund 95 ,r re tt rr Bank Tax 775 tr rt Mortgage Tax - 55, 226 Amount Charged to Town for Election Expenses 103 'r rr " " " Insurance on Motor Trucks ....23, 129 t t " Sheriff's Expenses 25, 26, 38, 41, 122, 123 tt rt tt Supervisors' Manual 108 r r t et a s Support of Poor - 94 Returned School Taxes of 90, 159 Designation of Additional _Mileage Allotted to 'Town Under County System of ]bads 5 Reduced _Mileage Allotter] to Town for Construction in 1924 Under County System of Roads 13 Designation of Highways for Construction in 1924 Under County System of Roads 7 Designation of highways for _Maintenance in 1924 Under County •System of Roads 97 Appropriation to Town for Construction in 1924 Under County System of Roads 8, 12, 13 Appropriation to Town for Mainlenauce in 1924 Under County System of Roads 21 Authorizing Totvn to Borrow Moneys Under §330-A. 4 'lax for Sinking Fund and Interest. on Bonds Issued fur Con- struction of State and County highways 47, 120 Tax for llaiutenauee of State 0214 County highways 46, 120 Tax for improvement of highways and Bridges 73 Tax to Cancel Certificates of Indebtedness• 72 Tax Rate of Village of Trumansburg '-'9u Schon] Tax Rate of Village of Trumansburg 905 Tax Rates of own 1'1'•] 'T Petition of Town Board to Construct Additional Mileage in .1924 Under County System of Roads 18 Report of Committee on 18. 17nexpended Balances in Hands of County Treasurer—Re-Appropria- tion of 62 V 1'aiuntiois—Ot' County by State 41 " `t " Assessors 67, 69, 227 `r Dryden Village 69 tt Freeyille Village 69 Statement of 9997 Villages—Amounts Due from Bank Tax 995 XXVI " " " Mortgage Ta 226 Village Tax Rates—Dryden 4S Groton 129 Trumansburg 225 Totes—Qflieiai Canvass of 242 W Warrants of Collectors—Chairman and Clerk Directed to Sign 164 4 0 0 0 O • 0