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1923 Proceedings
Proceeding's BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TOMPKINS COUNTY NEW YORK 1923 E. MORGAN ST. JOHN, Chairman ; ' • Ithaca, N. Y. FRED: L. CLOCK, Clerk , Ithaca, N. Y. , Proceedings BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TOMPKINS COUNTY NEW YORK 1923 E. MORGAN ST. JOHN, Chairman Ithaca, N. Y. FRED L. CLOCK, Clerk Ithaca, N. Y. THE ATKINSON PRESS. ITHACA,EyN. Y. 1924 Quarterly Session Monday, February 12, 1923 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present. The Clerk read several claims which, on motion, were re- ceived and referred to the proper committees. William H. Baker, County Clerk, appeared before the Board, relative to the report of the Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses on the report of the County Clerk at the annual session in 1922. On motion of Mr. Miller, the Chairman of the Board was appointed a committee to investigate the matter. The Clerk read a report of the Hartford Steam Boiler Com- pany, relative to an inspection of the boiler at the Tubercu- losis Hospital, which was filed. The Clerk read a communication from the Grande Voiture, State of New York, La Societe des 40 Hommes et 8 Chevaux, which was filed. The Clerk read a communication from the Agent of the Ju- nior Extension Work in Tompkins County, relative to a repre- sentative from the Board of Supervisors, in the carrying on the work of the organization. On motion, the Board proceeded in the election of a repre- sentative of the Board of Supervisors in the Junior Extension Work in Tompkins County. Mr. Hill placed in nomination the name of Mr. Sidney L. Howell, as such representative. Mr. Howell's nomination was seconded by Mr. George. There being no other nominations, on motion of Mr. Hill, the Clerk was directed to cast one ballot for Sidney L. Howell, as the representative of the Board of Supervisors in the Junior Extension Work. 4 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS The Clerk cast one ballot for Sidney L. Howell and the Chair- man declared Mr. Howell duly elected the representative of the Board of Supervisors in the Junior Extension Work in Tomp- kins County. • The Clerk read a petition of the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses, asking authority to borrow money on the faith and credit of the town, to aid the town in paying its share of the cost of construction of County and Town Roads, under §320-A, of the Highway Law. Mr. Townsend offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolve 1—That the petition of the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses be granted and that the town be authorized to bor- row, on the faith and credit of the town, the sum of $15,000.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to pay the town's share of the cost of improvement of County and Town Roads, pursuant to Section 320-A of the Highway Law, in accordance with a petition of the Town Board of said town, this day filed. Second by Mr. Begent. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present. Mr. King offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That designation No. 4, for the County Map of the Town of Enfield, as .adopted April 2, 1921, be hereby amended to read as follows : 4. The highway commencing at Smith's Corner's, thence northerly toward the Ulysses Town Line, a distance of 0.50 miles, and be it further Resolved—That there be placed on the County Map of the Town of Enfield, the following : 7. The highway commencing at Wm. Wallenbeck's Corners on the State and County Highway leading from Ithaca to Meck- lenburg, thence southerly a distance of 0.50 miles. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 5 Seconded by Mr. Begent. Carried. Mr. George offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved That designation No. 5, for the County Map of the Town of Lansing, as adopted April 2, 1921, be hereby re- scinded, and be it further Resolved—That there be designated as No. 5. for the County Map of the Town of Lansing, the highway commencing at the hamlet of Lake Ridge, on the State Highway leading from Ithaca to Auburn, thence westerly to Lake Ridge Station on the Lehigh Valley Railroad, a distance of 1.00 mile. Seconded by Mr. Begent. Carried. The several Supervisors presented the following lists of highways for construction in their respective towns, under the County and Town System of Roads, for the year 1923, which was referred to the Committee on Highways : HIGHWAYS FOR CONSTRUCTION IN 1923 County and Town System CAROLINE 1. The top course of crushed stone, etc., of the highway known as the '76 Road, commencing at Wilson Westfall's and extending southerly toward Speedsville, a distance of 1.28 miles, being completion of 1922 construction. 2. The sub -base of the highway commencing at the southern terminus of designation No. 1, and extending southerly toward Speedsville, a distance •of 1.28 miles. DANBY 1. The top course of crushed stone, etc., of the highway known as the Coddington Road, commencing at the south line of the Town of Ithaca and extending southerly along said Lod- dington Road, a distance of 2,750 feet, being completion of 1922 construction. 2. The highway commencing at Station 27 + 50 on the Coddington Road and extending thence southerly along said road, a. distance of 4.803 feet. 6 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS DRYDEN 1. The highway commencing at Station 102 + 50 on the road leading from Ithaca to Ellis and extending thence easterly on said road to Ellis, a distance of nearly 2.23 miles. 2. Any of the balance allotted to the town for construction in 1923, over and above the mileage necessary to complete the highway to Ellis, to be placed on the highway commencing at the corner near the junction of C. H. No. 926 and C. H. 1002, northwest of the Village of Freeville, and thence westerly toward West Dryden. ENFIELD The top course of crushed stone, etc., of the highway com- mencing at Smith's Corners, thence easterly to Lanning's (Cowern's) Corners, thence northerly toward the Ulysses Town Line, a distance of 1.86 miles. GROTON 1. The top course of crushed stone, etc., of the highway known as the Town Line Road, between Groton and Dryden, commencing at Station 38 + 00, and extending easterly to Station 102 + 00, a distance of 6,400 feet, being the comple- tion of the 1922 construction. 2. The highway commencing at the hamlet of McLean, thence easterly toward the Cortland County Line, a distance of 5,195 feet. ITHACA 1. The top course of crushed stone, etc., of the highway commencing on the Mitchell Street Road, near the East Lawn Schoolhouse, thence northwesterly past East Lawn Cemetery to the road leading from Ithaca to Dryden, at Judd's Falls Bridge, thence westerly on said Dryden Road to the east city line of the City of Ithaca, a distance of 4,100 feet, being com- pletion of 1922 construction. 2. The highway commencing on Humboldt St., at the south city line of the City of Ithaca, thence southwesterly to Jerry Tourtellott's Corners, thence westerly toward the farm of Oscar Hoyt, a distance of 4,286 feet. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 7 LANSING 1. The top course of crushed stone, etc., of the highway commencing at Lansingville Corners on State Route No. 11, thence northerly toward the hamlet of Lansingville, a distance of 6,550 feet, being completion of 1922 construction. 2. The highway commencing at the hamlet of Lake Ridge and extending thence westerly to the Lake Ridge Station on the L. V. R. R., a distance of 5,331 feet. NEWFIELD 1. The top course of crushed stone, etc., of the highway leading from Newfield Village to Trumbull's Corners, com- mencing at Station 16 + 50, and extending toward Trumbull's Corners, a distance of 2,200 feet, being completion of 1922 con- struction. 2. The highway leading from Newfield Village to Trum- bull's Corners, commencing at Station 38 + 50, and extending toward Trumbull's Corners, a distance of 5,658 feet. • ULYSSES 1. The top course of crushed stone, etc., of the highway leading south from the hamlet of Jacksonville, commencing at McKeel's Corners and extending thence south to the Enfield Town Line at the Iredale Schoolhouse Corners, a distance of 8,017 feet, being completion of 1922 construction. 2. The highway commencing at the Taughannock Falls R. R. Station and extending easterly toward the Tuberculosis Hospital, a distance of 2,275 feet. 3. The highway commencing at Hadley's Corners and ex- tending easterly on the road leading to Schoolhouse No. 11, a distance of 1.00 mile. The Committee on Highways, having examined the designa- tions, as submitted for approval by the several supervisors of the towns of the county, on motion of Mr. Patterson, the same were approved as the highways designated for improvement in the several towns of the county under the County System of Roads during the year 1923. 8 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Mr. Patterson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the apportionment of highway 'moneys to the several towns of the county, for highway construction under the County and Town System of Roads, for the year 1923, be the same as adopted by this Board on February 23, 1922, for the construction for 1922, except that the towns com- prising Group A, shall receive 75% of the cost of construction of the entire mileage allotted to them for 1923, up to $10,000.00 per mile. That the towns comprising Group B, shall receive 70% of the cost of construction for the entire mileage allotted to them for 1923, up to $10,000.00 per mile. That the towns comprising Group C, shall receive 65% of the cost of construc- tion for the entire mileage allotted to them for 1923, up to $10,000.00 per mile. That all cost of construction in excess of $10,000.00 per mile shall be borne by the town, and be it further Resolved -That the towns comprising the several groups for the year 1923, shall be the same as for the year 1922, and be it further Resolved—That the work of construction shall be under the same direction and the manner of payment therefor to be the. same as for the year 1922, and be it further Resolved—That for highway construction under the County and Town System of Roads in Tompkins County, for the year 1923, there is hereby appropriated and made immediately available to the several towns of the county, the sums set op- posite the names of those towns respectively, as follows : Town State Aid County Aid Total Caroline $3,552.78 $6,047.22 $9,600.00 Danby 3,247.47 .5,527.53 8,775.00 Dryden 5,776.96 9,833.04 15,610.00 Enfield 2,581.32 4,393.68 6,975.00 Groton 3,824.79 6,510.21 10,335.00 Ithaca 3,108.69 5,291.31 8,400.00 Lansing 4,222.63 7,187.37 11,410.00 Newfield 3,552.78 6,047.22 9,600.00 Ulysses 2,862.58 4,872.42 7,735.00 $32,730.00 and be it further $55,710.00 $88,440.00 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 9 Resolved—That the County Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to pay to the Supervisors of the towns entitled thereto, the moneys out of the funds as hereinabove specified, as work on each of said road progresses, upon the certificate of the County Superintendent of Highways, countersigned by the Chairman of the Board, except that he shall not pay the last 25% of the state or county's share of the cost of construction until the entire road is completed and accepted, and such com- pletion and acceptance is certified to him by the Highway Offi- cials Committee. Seconded by Mr. Dassance. Moved by Mr. Begent, as an amendment, that the moneys al- lotted 'to each of the several towns of the county for 1923, as state and county aid under the County and Town System of Roads, be at the rate of 75% of the cost of construction up to $9,000.00 per mile for the mileage allotted to each town for construction in 1923, all cost of construction in excess of $9,000.00 per mile to be borne by the town. Amendment seconded by Mr. Hill. A vote being taken on the amendment resulted as follows : Ayes—Messrs. Hill, Begent, Miller, George and Town- send -5. Noes—Messrs. Wade, Smiley, King, Bishop, Patterson, How- ell, Roskelly and Dassance-8. Amendment lost. A vote being taken on the original resolution resulted as follows : Ayes—Messrs. Wade, Smiley, King, Bishop, Patterson, How- ell, Roskelly and Dassance-8. Noes --Messrs. Hill, Begent, Miller, George and Town- send -5. Resolution adopted. The Clerk read the following claims for audit, as recom- mended by the several committees, to which they had been referred : 10 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS H 1, F. C. Evans, Expense Supt. of Highways $285.03 11 2, Davis -Brown Co., Electric repairs, Supervisors 6.45 11 3, Davis -Brown Co., Electric lights, 1.16 H 4, J. Warren Georgia, Insurance, Co. Buildings 27.50 11 5, S. R. Tisdel, Key to safe, Supervisors • .75 H 6, J. H. Bailey Garage Co., Auto hire, Supervisors 21.75 H 7, Andrus & Church, Receipt books, Supervisors 55.00 H 8, City of Ithaca, Fees City Court 83.00 H 9, Norton Printing Co., Enrollment books, Elec- tions 375.00 1110, Atkinson Press, Court Calendars, County Clerk 83.00 1111, Atkinson Press, Blanks, Surrogate 45.00 1112, Atkinson Press, Printing, County Clerk 16.00 H13, Clinton House, Board jurors, Sup. Ct. Civ 34.25 H14, R. A. Hutchinson, Expenses, Probation Officer 20.20 1115, Davis -Brown Co., Elec, repairs, Jail 1.85 1116, Davis -Brown Co., Elec, repairs, Sheriff's office 2.10 1117, Carl Crandall, Map, Dist. Atty 35.00 H18, Edward J. Moore, Expert witness, Dist. Atty10.00 H19, W. R. Tompkins, Photographs, Dist. Atty 2.50 H20, Abe.Mahool, Interpreter, Dist. Atty 20.00 1121, Carl Crandall, Witness, Dist. Atty 5.00 H22, Clinton House, Board jurors, Co. Ct. Crim. 10.50 H23, J. H. Bailey Garage Co., Auto hire, Sheriff out of county 14.00 1124, J. H. Bailey Garage Co., Auto hire, Sheriff in county ' 219.85 H25, J. H. Bailey Garage Co., Auto hire, Dist. Atty 33.10 H26, Ithaca Realty Co., Insurance, County Buildings 27.50 1127, A. E. Brown, Repairs. etc., Co. Clk. Building 160.00 1128, W. H. Jones, Jr., Burial Geo. W. Briggs 75.00 1129, The Columbia Carbon Co., Carbon paper, Co. Clerk • 36.00 H30, Vernie Millage, Decorating, Co. Judge's office 60.00 $1,766.99 Mr. Howell offered the following resolution and moved its adoption Resolved—That the foregoing bills, amounting to $1,766.99, be audited at the full amounts as recommended by the several committees, and that the County Treasurer be directed to pay the same out of any unappropriated funds in his hands, and that these claims be certified to the County Treasurer, by the CIerk of the Board, for and on behalf of the Board, and be it further OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 11 Resolved—That of Claim No. 1124, the sum of $33.50 thereof be charged to the Town of Lansing, that $10.90 thereof be charged to the Town of Danby and that the sum of $2.05 there- of be charged to the Town of Ithaca ; and that of Claim No. 1125, the sum of $10.35 thereof be charged to the Town of Lansing, those amounts being properly chargeable to said towns, and that said amounts so charged be placed in the bud- gets -of those respective towns, to be collected at the next en- suing tax levy, to reimburse the county. Seconded by Mr. Townsend. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. On motion, adjourned. 12 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Quarterly Session Monday, May 14, 1923 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present. Minutes of preceding meeting read and approved. The Clerk read a number• of claims which, on motion, were received and referred to the proper committees. Mr. D. F. VanVleet appeared before the Board, relative to a claim of Halsey Donley, for right of way for the Dryden -Har- ford Highway. The Clerk read a communication from the State Comptroller, relative to the retirement of officers and employees, which was referred to the Committee on County Officers and Compensa- tion, with power. The Clerk read the petition of the Town Board of the Town of Lansing, asking authority to borrow money on the faith and credit of the town, to aid the town in paying its share of the cost of construction of County and Town Roads, under §320-A, of the Highway Law. Mr. George offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : • Resolved—That the petition of the Town Board of the Town of Lansing be granted and that the town be authorized to bor- row, on the faith and credit of the town, the sum of $10,000.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to pay the town's share of the cost of improvement of County and Town Roads, pursuant to §320-A, of the Highway Law, in accordance with the petition of the Town Board of said town, this day filed. Seconded by Mr. Wade. Carried. The Clerk read a communication from the State Prison Com- mission, relative to an inspection of the 'Tompkins County Jai], which was filed. - OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 13 Mr. Smiley offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the Chairman appoint a special committee of seven members, relative to the matter of a new county build- ing or court -house, said committee to consist of the standing committee of this Board on County Officers and Compensation, the Chairman of the Board, ex -officio, and three additional members to be designated by the Chairman. Seconded by Mr. King. Carried. The Chairman appointed as the three additional members of the foregoing committee, Messrs. Begent, .Wade and Hill. Mr. Hill offered the following resolution and moved its adop- tion : Resolved—That we, the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, hereby disapprove of Assembly Bill No. 2211, intro- duced by Mr. Farley, and it is our belief that the same should not become a law, and be it further Resolved That the Clerk of the Board be directed to trans- mit certified copies of this resolution to His Excellency, Gov- ernor Alfred E. Smith, and Hon. Frederick Stuart Greene, State Commissioner of Highways. Seconded by Mr. King. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present. County Treasurer Champaign appeared before the Board, relative to the appointment of a Deputy County Treasurer. Mr. Patterson, as Chairman of the Committee on Highways, offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resoloed—That designation No. 2, of the Town of Lansing, for highway construction in 1923, be amended as follows : 2. Commencing at Station No. 65 + 50, on the road com- mencing at Lansingville Corners on State Route No. 11 and leading through the hamlet of Lansingville, thence •northerly through Lansingville, a distance of one mile. 14 PROCEEDINGS OF .THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Seconded by Mr. Begent. Carried. Mr. W. C. Scott, President of the Tompkins County Sheep Growers Association and Mr. Donald E. Purdy, representing the Tompkins County Fish and Game Club, appeared before the Board, relative to the quarantine on dogs. Moved by Mr. Townsend, that the Chairman appoint a com- mittee of three, with power to appoint a proper enforcement agent and to make all necessary arrangements for the proper enforcement of the quarantine on dogs, Seconded by Mr. Wade. Carried. The Chairman appointed Messrs. Hill, George and Miller, as the members of such committee. The clerk read the following claims for audit, as reported by the several committees to which they had been referred : 1131, Carl Crandall, Survey & map, Dist. Atty $42.00 32, Carl Crandall, Expert witness, Dist. Atty 15.00 33, R. M. Vose, Expert witness & surgeon, Dist. Atty. 265.00 34, Norton Printing Co., Bench warrants, Dist Atty. 25.00 35, Atkinson Press, Printing briefs,, Dist. Atty 18.50 36, R. W. Moore, Chemical expert, Dist. Atty 66.00 37, J. H. Bailey Garage Co., Auto hire, Dist. Atty 4.10 38, T. G. Miller's Sons, Paper, etc., Dist. Atty 15.70 39, J. H. Bailey Garage Co., Auto hire, Sheriff in county 188.10 40, J. H. Bailey Garage Co., Auto hire, Sheriff out of county 45.20 41, Norton Printing Co., Printing, Sheriff 16.50 44, Davis -Brown Co., Elec. bulbs, Co. Jail 18.80 45, J. C. Crim, Meals jurors, Co. Ct. Crim 21.00 46, J. C. Crim, " 44444,52.50 47, John Gray, Wall paper, Sheriff's residence 2.25 48, E. A. Rogers, Paper hanging, Sheriffs residence 29.00 49, Atkinson Press, Printing, blanks, etc:, Co. Clerk 131.50 50, Atkinson Press, Blanks, Co. Clerk 22.50 51, W. L. Jenks & Son, Repairs, Co. Clk's Bldg 60.00 52, Hall & McChesney, Record books, Co. Clk 14.60 53, Hall & McChesney, " " " 364.00 54, T. G. Miller's Sons. Supplies, Co. Clerk 84.60 56, J. Will Tree, Binding books, Co. Clerk 77.50 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 15 57, Clinton House, Meals jurors, Sup. Ct. Civil 10.50 58, Atkinson Press, Blanks, Surrogate 9.50 59, E. Raymond Stanford, Elec. wiring, Surrogate's office 16.35 60, Davis -Brown Co., Elec. repairs, Surrogate's off 2.50 61, The Corner Bookstores, Stationery, Surrogate 21.00 62, T. G. Miller's Sons, Supplies, Surrogate 13.25 63, Atkinson Press, Blanks, Surrogate 19.00 64, T. J. Crowley, Election Printing, Com. of Elec48.00 65, Francis Hillick, Mason work, County Home 58.50 66, W. D. Stoughton, Sand, County Home 15.00 67, F. C. Evans, Expenses, Supt. of Highways 230.22 68, T. G. Miller's Sons, Filing case, Supt. of Highwy 72.00 69, Cornell Pub. Printing Co., Printing, Supt. of Highways 3.25 70, T. G. Miller's Sons, Envelopes, Supt. of Highwy 7.75 71, Stover Printing Co., Printing, Supt. of Highwy 9.00 72, J. H. Bailey Garage Co., Auto hire, Highway Com. 108.90 73, Estate Mary Lampkin, Right of way, Highways 25.00 74, E. T. Stewart & Son, Burial Adaline Hunter 75.00 75, E. T. Stewart & Son, Burial Robert Carman 75.00 76, Burroughs Adding Machine Co., Maintenance to July 1, 1923 5.25 77, T. G. Miller's Sons, Supplies, Supervisors 3.04 78, T. G. Miller's Sons, " " 4.15 79, Davis -Brown Co., Elec. bulbs, 6.48 80, W. L. Jenks & Son, Garage, Co. Jail 75.00 81, Stover Printing Co., Printing tax bills, Super- visors 57.80 82, S. R. Tisdell, Keys, Courthouse 0.80 83, Edith P. Tuthill, Books, Court Library 125.00 84, Stover Printing Co., Printing, Co. Treas 22.00 85, T. G. Miller's Sons, Supplies, " 1.62 86, Robinson & Carpenter, Material, County Home 77.89 87, C. N. Baldwin, Burial Jas. Ryerson 75.00 88, E. Morgan St. John, Expenses, Supervisors 30.03 89, Fred L. Clock, Expenses & disbursements, Su- pervisors 67.20 90, E. M. Rumsey & Son, Sand, County Home 7.50 91, Fred D. Gilbert, Burial Emma Crance 75.00 92, E. T. Stewart & Son, Burial Emerson Spicer 75.00 Total, $3,107.83 Mr. Howell offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : • 16 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Resolved—That the foregoing bills, amounting to $3,107.83, be audited at the full amounts, as recommended by the several committees, and that County Treasurer be directed to pay the same out of any funds in his hands available therefor, and that these claims be certified to the County Treasurer by the Clerk of the Board, for and on behalf of the Board, and if the County Treasurer has not sufficient funds in his hands to pay said claims, or any part thereof, he is hereby authorized and di- rected to borrow said amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for and on behalf of the county, and be it further Resolved—That of Claim No. 1137, the sum of $4.10 thereof be charged to the Town of Caroline ; that of Claim No. H39, the sum of $4.10 thereof be charged to the Town of Caroline; the sum of $3.60 thereof be charged to the Town of Danby ; the sum of $5.35 thereof be charged to the Town of Dryden ; the sum of $3.70 thereof be charged to the Town of Enfield ; the sum of $2.65 thereof be charged to the Town of Ithaca; the sum of $18.05 thereof be charged to the Town of Lansing and the sum of $0.40 thereof be charged to the City of Ithaca; that of Claim No. H40, the sum of $6.80 thereof be charged to the Town of Caroline, said amounts so charged being properly chargeable to said towns and city respectively, and that said amounts so charged be placed in the budgets of the respective towns and city, to be collected at the next ensuing tax levy, to reimburse the county, and the County Treasurer is hereby di- rected to pay claim No. H73, out of the moneys appropriated by this Board for securing rights of way. Seconded by Mr. Begent. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. There being no further business to come before the Board, on motion adjourned. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 17 To Fred L. Clock, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors : We, the undersigned members of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, N. Y., hereby request you to call a special session of the Board to beheld at the Supervisors' Rooms, in the City of Ithaca, N. Y., on the 4th day of June, 1923, at 10.30 A. M., to take action on highway matters and to transact any other business that may properly come before said meeting. Dated, May 28, 1923. E. MORGAN ST. JOHN, F. A. REGENT, WM. F. GEORGE, ALBERT DASSANCE, S. L. HOWELL, L. E. PATTERSON, W. 0. SMILEY, A. S: MILLER, OLEN A. KING, ARTHUR BISHOP, A. H. ROSKELLY. Special Session Monday, June 4, 1923 Roll call. All members present, except Mr. Townsend. The Clerk read the call for the special meeting. The Clerk read a communication from the State Commission of Highway, relative to the Spencer -West Danby Highways. Mr. Howell offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAS—Section 167-A of the Highway Law, authorizes a county to provide for the excess cost over the limit fixed by State and Federal statutes of constructing any State Highway with Federal_ Aid ; and 18 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS WHEREAS—The State Commission of Highways has caused plans, specifications and estimates of cost to be made for such construction or improvement of the Spencer -West Danby, Parts 1 and 2, a length of 5.12 miles, Tioga County ; 2.58 miles, Tompkins County, TOTAL LENGTH OF CONTRACT, 7.70 MILES, TOTAL ESTIMATED COST, $357,100.00, and has transmitted to this Board a resolution showing the total estimated cost in Tompkins County to be $146,400.00, the apportionment of which is as follows : U. S. Government pays $51,600.00 State of New York " 51,600.00 County of Tompkins 43,200.00 Resolved—That said plans and estimate of cost prepared for said work are hereby duly approved and adopted by this Board. Resolved—That there is hereby appropriated and made im- mediately available the sum of Forty -Three Thousand, Two Hundred and 00/100 Dollars, being an amount sufficient to pay the share of the county's cost of construction or improvement of such Federal Aid Highway, which is to be borne by said county as determined in accordance with the provisions of Section 167-A of the Highway Law: And the County Treasurer of said county is hereby authorized and directed to pay such proportion of the amount so appropriated as may be required to pay said share upon the requisition or draft of the State Commission of Highways; and if there are not sufficient funds in the county treasury with which to pay such requisition or draft, the County Treasurer of said county is hereby authorized and empowered, as provided by Section 142 of the Highway Law, to borrow all or part of said sum on the obligation of the said county, issued by him for, on behalf of and in the name of the said county and acting for and on behalf of said county. Resolved—That the Clerk of this Board is hereby directed t� forthwith, transmit a certified copy of the -foregoing resolution to the State Commission of Highways. Seconded by Mr. Wade. Ayes—Messrs. Wade; Smiley, Hill, King, Begent, Miller, George, Dassance, Bishop, Patterson, Howell, Roskelly-12. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 19 Noes -0. Carried. Harold E. Simpson, Esq., appeared before the Board and pre- sented the veried petition of the assessors of the Town of Dry- den, asking for the correction of the assessment roll of that town for the year 1922, relative to the property assessed to the Atlantic Woolen Mills Corporation, which petition was filed. Mr., Hill offered the following resolution and moved its, adoption : WHEREAS -It appearing from the verified petition of the as- sessors of the town of Dryden, this day filed, that an error was committed in the assessment roll of that town for the year 1922, in that certain property owned by Solomon and Louis Bernstein and the Atlantic Woolen Mills Corporation respec- tively, were. through error, both assessed to the Atlantic Wool- en Mills Corporation at the sum of $16,500.00, the belief of said assessors at that time being that the title to both pieces of property had merged in the latter corporation and were one piece or parcel of land, and WHEREAS -It appearing that such title did not merge and that said Solomon and Louis Bernstein and the Atlantic Woolen Mills Corporation were still the individual owners in 1922 of the property conveyed to them by deeds recorded in the Tomp- kins County Clerk's office in Libers 190 of Deeds, at page 553, and 191 of Deeds, at page 143 respectively, and the petition of said assessors further stating that the assessed value of each piece of property should be the sum of $8,250.00, and asking this Board to correct the assessment roll of said town for the year 1922 to that extent, therefore be it Resolved—That the relief asked for in the petition be grant- ed and that the assessment roll of said Town of Dryden for the year 1922, .be corrected as follows : That the lands assessed to the Atlantic Woolen Mills Corpo- ration be divided and assessed as follows : Owner—Atlantic Woolen Mills Corporation. Description of property—Bounded north by Main Street; East by lands of Solomon and Louis Bernstein; South (now or formerly) by lands of Monroe, Loromer and Clark; West by the cemetery. Assessed value—$5,250.00' and 20 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Owner—Solomon and Louis Bernstein. Description of property—Bounded north by Main Street; East (now or formerly) by English; South (now or formerly) by Loromer and Clark ; .West by Atlantic Woolen Mills Cor- poration. Assessed value—$$,250.00 and that said property be included in the assessment roll of said town for the current year at the valuation fixed and a tax imposed thereon at the rate per centurn of the preceding year, in addition to the assessed valuation and tax levied thereon for the current year. Seconded by Mr. George. Carried. Mr. Simpson also requested a refund to the Atlantic Woolen Mills Corporation of the taxes paid by said corporation on the entire property as formerly assessed, in excess of the valuation properly assessable to said corporation prior to the year 1922. Moved by Mr. Hill, that the request be denied. Seconded by Mr. Howell. Carried. • County Superintendent of Highways Evans appeared before the Board relative to what credit should be given to towns for highway construction on stone base for roads, entirely at town expense, and thereafter made a part of the County and Town System of Roads. On motion of Mr. George, the matter was referred to the Committee on Highways. Mr. Patterson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: - Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $152.25, to reimburse the State Highway Department for ex- penses incurred in connection with the last allotment of trucks to Tompkins County, and be it further Resolved That the Clerk be directed to draw an order, pay- able to. the State Commission of Highways for said amount, and that the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay the same out of any available funds in his hands. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 21 Seconded by Mr. Roskelly. Ayes -12. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Patterson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That for highway maintenance under the County and Town System of Roads for the year 1923, there is hereby .appropriated and made immediately available from the motor vehicle funds now in the hands of the County Treasurer, to the following towns, the sums set opposite the names of those towns respectively, or so much thereof as may be necessary, as follows: Caroline $4,806.90 Danby 213.00 Dryden 686.88 Enfield ._. 6,338.94 Groton 320.40 Ithaca 3,573.90 Newfield 6,325.32 Ulysses ._. 1,241.82 $23,507.16 and be it further Resolved—That the sums so appropriated, or so much there- of as may be necessary, shall constitute 60% of the entire cost of maintenance in each town to which appropriated, the other 40% of the cost of maintenance' to be borne by the town, and be it further • Resotved—That of the moneys so appropriated, the same shall be expended in the several towns of the county, as follows : CAROLINE 1. For surface treatment of 2,500 feet on the Caro- line Center Road, leading south $150.00 2. For surface treatment on the road leading from Boiceville to the State I-Iighway, a distance of 3,115 feet 186.90 3. For resurfacing the Lounsbury Road 3,390.00 4. For resurfacing 0.36 miles of the Brookton De- ' pot Road 1,080.00 $4,806.90 1 22 . PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS DANBY 1. For surface treatment of 3,550 feet on the Com- fort-Elyea Road DRYDEN $213.00 1. For surface treatment of 2,224 feet of the Gulf Hill Road $133.44 2. For surface treatment of 3,515 feet of the road leading from Wolcott's Corners to the gravel bank 210.90 3. For surface treatment of 2,800 feet of the road leading from Etna Mills to the State Highway leading to Dryden 168.00 • 4. For surface treatment of 2,909 feet of the Ellis Hollow Road 174.54 $686.88 ENFIELD 1. For surface treatment of 5,649 feet on the road leading from Aiken's Corners $338.94 2. For resurfacing the road leading from Miller's Corners to Christjohn's Corners 3,000.00 3. For resurfacing the road leading from Wallen - beck's Corners south 3,000.00 $6,338.94 GROTON 1. For surface treatment of 4,240 feet on the road leading to West Groton $254.40 2. For surface treatment of 1,100 feet on the road leading west from McLean' 66.00 $320.40 ITHACA 1. For surface treatment of 2,400 feet on the road leading west from Hayt's School -house $144.00 2. For surface treatment of 2,165 feet on the Cod- dington Road 129.90 3. For resurfacing one mile on the Coddington Road 3,300.00 $3,573.90 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 23 NEWFIELD 1. For surface treatment of 2,640 feet on the road leading from Newfield Depot toward Newfield Village $158.40 2. For surface treatment of 4,382 feet on the Cay- utaville Road 262.92 3. For resurfacing 1.64 miles on the Trumbull's Corners road 5,904.00 $6,325.32 ULYSSES 1. Surface treatment of 5,280 feet on the road lead- ing south from Bower's Corners $316.80 2. Surface treatment of 15,417 feet on the road leading east from the County House Corners and thence northerly 925.02 $1,241.82 and be it further Resolved --That of the moneys so appropriated, the same shall be controlled and expended pursuant to the resolutions, rules and regulations adopted by this Board, and be it further Resolved—That the County Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to pay to the Supervisors of the towns entitled thereto, the moneys hereinabove appropriated, or so much thereof as may be necessary, in the same manner as moneys are paid to the towns for improvement of highways constructed under the County and Town System of Roads, as provided by a resolution of this Board adopted February 12, 1923. Seconded by Mr. Dassance. Ayes -12. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Smiley offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: . Resolved—That we, the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, in view of the length of time it has been in use, its in- adequate construction for present-day traffic and its present deplorable condition, respectfully urge the State Highway Commission to commence the reconstruction of the State High- '24 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS way leading from the City of Ithaca through Danby to. the Tioga County line, at as early a date as possible, and be it further Resolved—That the Clerk of the Board is directed to for- ward a certified copy of this resolution to the State Commission of Highways. . Seconded by Mr. Patterson. Carried. Minutes of meeting were read and approved. There being no further business to come before the meeting, on motion adjourned. • OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 25 To Fred L. Clock, Clerk, Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County, N. Y. We, the undersigned members of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, N. Y., hereby request you to call a special meeting of said Board, to be held at the Supervisors' Rooms in the City of Ithaca, N. Y., on the 25th day of June, 1923, at 10.30 A. M., to take action on highway matters and to transact any other business that may properly come before said meet- ing. Dated, June 18, 1923. E. MORGAN ST. JOHN, A. H. ROSKELLY, L. E. PATTERSON, CARL R. WADE, W. 0. SMILEY, OLEN A. KING, SIDNEY L. HOWELL, F. A. BEGENT, ED S. HILL, ARTHUR BISHOP, ALBERT DASSANCE, A. S. MILLER. W. F. GEORGE. Special Session Monday, June 25, 1923 Roll call. All members present, except Mr. Howell. The Clerk read the call for the special meeting. The Clerk read the claim of Reynolds & Drake Garage Co., for repairs to the county tractor. Mr. Patterson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the claim of Reynolds & Drake Garage Co., amounting to $414.66, be audited by this Board at its full c 26 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS amount and that the Clerk be directed to issue an order for that amount and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay the same out of any available funds in his hands. Seconded by Mr. George. Ayes -12. Noes -0. Carried. The Clerk read the petition of the Town Board of the Town of Caroline to borrow money to help pay the town's share of the cost of construction of County and Town Highways, under the provisions of §320-A, of the Highway Law. Mr. Wade offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the petition of the Town Board of the Town. of Caroline, this day filed, be granted and that the town be authorized to borrow, on the faith and credit of the town, the sum of $4,000.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to pay the town's share of the cost of improvement of County and Town Highways and to issue certificates of indebtedness therefor, pursuant to §320-A, of the Highway Law. Seconded by Mr. Begent. Carried. Mr. Patterson, Chairman of the Committee on Highways, announced that all the necessary rights of way for the con- struction of the South Lansing -Genoa, Parts 1 and 2, County Highway had been secured. • Mr. Patterson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEiEAs—The representatives of this Board have secured the rights of way for the South Lansing -Genoa, Parts 1 and 2, County Highway, therefore be it Resolved—That the agreements and contracts made by said representatives be hereby ratified and confirmed, and be it further Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $800.00 for rights of way for said road, payable as follows Charles Terpening ......... . . ............................. $750.00 John P. Knettles 50.00 5800.00 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 27 and that the Clerk is hereby directed to draw orders for said amounts to the foregoing named persons, on the execution and delivery to him of proper deeds of conveyance of the lands in question and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay said orders out of the funds appropriated for securing rights of way. Seconded by Mr. Hill. Ayes -12. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Patterson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption 1. WHEREAS—Public interest demands the construction or improvement of the highway hereinafter described, as a Coun- ty Highway, therefore be it 2. Resolved—That this Board of Supervisors request that the following described highway be constructed or improved as a County Highway as provided in Article Six of the Highway Law, to wit : Beginning at State Highway No. 5627, at the north end of State Highway No. 5256, in the Hamlet of South Lansing, easterly to Terpening Corner, having a total length of 0.68 miles all in the Town of Lansing. 3. Resolved—That the Clerk of this Board is hereby di- rected to forthwith transmit a certified copy of the foregoing resolution to the State Commission of Highways. Seconded by Mr. George. Carried. Mr. Patterson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : 1. WHEREAS—At a meeting of this Board held on the 4th day of June, 1917, a resolution was adopted pursuant to Sec- tion 123 of the Highway Law requesting the construction or improvement in accordance with the provisions of Article Six of said law of that portion of a highway described as follows : From State Highway No. 5627, at the north end of State Highway No. 5256, in the Hamlet of South Lansing, easterly to Terpening Corner, thence northerly through Midway to North Lansing. 28 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Beginning at the north end of the present approved county system, at the East Lansing Road, northerly through the Ham- let of North Lansing to the Cayuga County line, at Wilcox Corners. 2. WHEREAS—The State Commission of Highways has ex- amined the highway above described and has determined that it is of sufficient public importance for construction or im- provement in accordance with the provisions of Article Six of the Highway Law and has certified its approval of the said resolution : and 3. WHEREAS—Said Commission has caused a section of said highway, which section is described as follows From State Highway No. 5627, at the north end of State Highway No. 5256 in the Hamlet of South Lansing, easterly to Terpening Corner, northerly through the Hamlets of Midway and North Lansing, northeasterly, northerly to the south end of County Highway No. 1566, at the Cayuga County line, a length of 6.78 miles in the Town of Lansing, Tompkins County, and known as the South Lansing -Genoa, Parts 1 and 2, County Highway, to be surveyed and mapped and has caused maps. plans, specifications and estimates of cost to be made for such construction or improvement and after examination thereof by the district or county superintendent has transmitted the same to this Board showing the total estimated cost of the work to be $279,000.00 of which the State, County, pay the following- proportions ollowingproportions : The State pays 65% — $181,350.00 The County of Tompkins pays 35% — 97,650.00 4. Resolved—That this Board request that the highway above described in paragraph one be constructed or improved. as a County Highway in that portion thereof above described in paragraph three in accordance with the maps, plans, speci- fications and estimates of cost prepared therefor by the State Commissio:i of Highways under the provisions of Article Six of the Highway Law; that said work be performed under the charge, care and superintendence of the State Commission of Highways, and that said maps, plans, specifications and esti- mates of cost prepared for said work, under the direction of said Commission as provided in Section 125 of the Highway Law, are hereby duly approved and adopted by this Board. 5. Resolved —That there is hereby appropriated and made immediately available, the sum of Ninety-seven.Thousand, Six Hundred, Fifty and 00/100 Dollars, being an amount sufficient OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 29 to pay the share of the cost of construction or improvement of such County Highway which is to be borne by the said county, as determined in accordance with the provisions of Section 121 of the Highway Law. And the County Treasurer of said county is hereby authorized and directed to pay such propor- tion of the amount so appropriated as may be required to pay said share, upon the requisition or draft of the State Commis- sion of Highways; and if there are not sufficient funds in the county treasury with which to pay such requisition or draft, the County Treasurer of said county is hereby authorized and empowered, as provided by Section 142 of the Highway Law, to borrow all or part of said sum on the obligation of the said county issued by him for, on behalf of and in the name of the said county, and acting for and on behalf of said county. 6. Resolved—That the Clerk of this Board is hereby di- rected to forthwith transmit a certified copy of the foregoing resolution to the State Commission of Highways. Seconded by Mr. George. Ayes -12. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Begent offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAS—At meetings of this Board, heretofore held, reso- lutions were duly adopted pursuant to Section 123 of the High- way Law of the State of New York, requesting the construction or improvement, in accordance with the provisions of Article 6 of said law, of those portions of the highways hereinafter de- scribed, and WHEREAS—The State Commission of Highways has exam- ined said highways hereinafter• described, and has determined that they are of sufficient public importance for construction or improvement in accordance with the provisions of Article 6 of the Highway Law, and has certified its approval of said resolutions, and has caused the sections of said highways here- inafter described to be surveyed and mapped and caused maps, plans, specifications and estimates of cost to he made for such construction or improvement, and after examination thereof by the district or county superintendent submitted the same to this Board, showing the total estimated cost to the county of the work to be done for the construction or improvement of said highways, to be $165,912.46, and WHEREAS—This Board has requested that the highways above referred to and hereinafter described be constructed or improved as county highways in those portions thereof here- 30 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF STUPERVISORS inafter described, in accordance with the maps, plans, specifi- cations and estimates of cost prepared therefor by the State Commission of Highways, under the provisions of Article 6 of the Highway Law ; that said. work be performed under the charge, care and superintendence of the State Commission of Highways, and .said maps, plans, specifications and estimates of cost prepared for said work under the direction of said Com- mission, as provided in Section 125 of the Highway Law, have been duly approved and adopted by this Board, and WHEREAS—The Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, on the following dates, duly provided by appropriate resolu- tions duly adopted, that certain highways within said Tomp- kins County, as follows : On February 23, 1922, the section of the highway described as follows : From the intersection of Elm, Humboldt and West State Streets, at State Highway No. 5190, northwesterly on Hector Street and new location: westerly, southwesterly to County Highway No. 1001, near the west corporation line, a length of 1.25 miles in the City of Ithaca, 0.03 miles in the Town of Ithaca, a total length of 1.28 miles, Tompkins County, and known as the Ithaca City -Hector Street County Highway, at an estimated cost to said county of $27,666.46. On March 24, 1922, the section of the highway described as follows : From the east end of County Highway No. , at the Schuyler County line, southeasterly, easterly to County Highway No. 1001, at Miller's Corners, a length of 3.07 miles in the Town of Enfield, Tompkins County, and known as the Mecklenburg -Ithaca, Part 2, County Highway, at an estimated cost to said county of $40,596.00. On June 25, 1923, the section of the highway described as follows : From State Highway No. 5627, at the north end of State Highway No. 5256 in the Hamlet of South Lansing, easterly to Terpening Corners, northerly through the Hamlets of Midway and North Lansing, northeasterly, northerly to the south end of County Highway No. 1566, at the Cayuga County line, a length of 6.78 miles in the Town of Lansing, Tompkins County, and known as the South Lansing -Genoa, Parts 1 and 2, County Highway, at an estimated cost to said county of $97,650.00, and that each of said highways, be improved as provided in Article 6 of the Highway Law, and have appropriated and made immediately available each of said amounts therefor and di- rected the County Treasurer of said County of Tompkins to OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 31 • pay said amounts so appropriated upon the requisition or draft of the State Commission of Highways, and the State Commis- sion of Highways thereafter ordered the construction or improvement of the said highways hereinabove described as County Highways, and WHEREAS—Section 167-A, of the Highway Law, authorizes a county to provide for the excess cost over the limit fixed by State and Federal statutes of constructing any State Highway with Federal Aid, and WHEREAS—The State Commission of Highways has caused surveys, plans, specifications and estimates of cost to be made for such construction or improvement of the highway known and described as the Spencer -West Danby, Parts 1 and 2, Fed- eral Aid Highway, a length of 2.58 miles in Tompkins County, and transmitted to this Board a resolution showing the total estimated cost in Tompkins County to be $146,400.00 and at an estimated cost to the county of $43,200.00 for the excess cost over the limit fixed by State and Federal statutes of construct- ing any State Highway with Federal Aid and being the total sum for the total mileage exceeding the amount available in Tompkins County for such construction to be provided by the State and Federal Governments, and WHEREAS—The Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County on June 4, 1923, by appropriate resolutions and by a majority vote of all the members of said Board, duly approved said plans and estimates of cost prepared for such construction or im- provement and thereafter and on that day provided that the county shall pay the amount of such excess by duly appropriat- ing and making immediately available the sum of <$43,200.00 to pay the county's share of the estimated cost of construction or improvement thereof, as determined in accordance with the provisions of Section 167-A, of the Highway Law, and di- rected the County Treasurer of said County of Tompkins to pay said amount so appropriated upon the requisition or draft of the State Commission of Highways, and the State Commis- sion of Highways thereafter, with the approval with the sec- retary of the United States department of agriculture, ordered the construction or improvement of the said Spencer -West Danby, Parts 1 and 2, Federal Aid Highway, and WHEREAS—Certified copies of all resolutions pertaining to and necessary for the proper construction or improvement of all of the foregoing highways and obligating the County of Tompkins for the payment of its share of the cost of construc- tion or improvement of each of said highways, have been trans- mitted by the clerk of this Board to the State Commission of Highways, and 32 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS WHEREAS—Ali of said highways hereinabove described are highways as defined in Sections 120 and 122 of the Highway Law, and WHEREAS—There are not sufficient funds in the County Treasury to pay any of the moneys so appropriated as herein- above set forth, on such requisitions or drafts of said State Commission of Highways, and WHEREAS—The assessed valuation of the real estate of the County of Tompkins, as it appears -on the Iast assessment rolls thereof, is the sum of $33,705,335.00, and the amount of bonds thereof or other indebtedness, issued and outstanding under any previous or other authority of the Board, amounts to the sum of $59,000.00, Now THEREFORE—For the purpose of paying the county's share of the cost of constructing or improving the above de- scribed highways and for the purpose of making effective the resolutions hereinabove referred to, it is hereby Resolved -That the sum of $200,000.00 be borrowed by the County of Tompkins, New York, from such corporation, per- son or persons as will loan the same, and as security for the payment thereof, that said County of Tompkins, New York, issue and deliver to such corporation, person or persons who is the highest bidder therefor, at not less than par value, its obligations in the form of two hundred bonds of the denomina- tion of $1,000.00 each, to be numbered consecutively from one to two hundred and to be dated August 1st, 1923. Bonds Nos. 1 to 10 inclusive, to become due and payable on August 1st, 1924, and $10,000.00 of said bonds to become clue and payable in numerical order on August lst of each and every year there- after until all are paid. All of said bonds to bear interest at a rate not to exceed 41/, per, cent per annum, payable semi-an- nually on the lst days of February and August of each year, that said bonds be coupon bonds, with .the privilege of regis- tration, and that said bonds, both principal and interest there- on, be made payable as hereinabove provided at the First Na- tional Bank of Ithaca, at Ithaca, New York, in New York ex- change ; and be it further Resolved—That such bonds shall be signed by the Chairman and Clerk of this Board and the County Treasurer of the Coun- ty of Tompkins, who shall also negotiate said bonds according to law and as above provided, and the interest coupons attached thereto shall be signed by the Chairman of this Board and, be- OF TOM•.PKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 33 fore any bonds authorized by 'this resolution shall be issued; they shall advertise for sealed proposals for the amount of said. bonds so authorized to be issued, such advertisement to be pub- lished once a week for two consecutive weeks prior to such issue in the two official newspapers published in the County of Tompkins, New York, designated -to publish election notices, etc., and in one financial newspaper published and circulating in New York City; and be it further Resolved—That the said Chairman and Clerk of this Board and the County Treasurer of. the County of Tompkins, be and they hereby are authorized and empowered to sell said bonds for, on behalf of and in the name of the said County of Tomp- kins, New York, and to do all things neecssary to be done for the proper and legal issuance thereof and to do all things neces- sary to make said bonds valid and subsisting obligations of said County of Tompkins, New York ; and be it further Resolved—That the proceeds of the sale of said bonds shall be paid by the corporation, person or persons purchasing the same to the County Treasurer of Tompkins County, to be ap- plied by him in payment of the requisitions or drafts of the State Commission of Highways, or its successor in office, to meet the county's share of the cost of construction or improve- ment of the highways hereinbefore described; and be it further Resolved That before the said County Treasurer of Tomp- kins County shall receive any of the proceeds from the sale of said bonds he shall execute to the county, and in its behalf and for its benefit, his bond or undertaking in the penal sum of $200,000.00, with good and sufficient sureties to be approved by this Board, conditioned for the faithful performance of his duties in the issuance thereof and the lawful application of the funds which may be realized by the sale of said bonds, -and of the funds that may be raised by tax or otherwise for the pay- ment of the bonds issued in pursuance of this act, and the in- terest thereon, which may come into his hands ; and be it fur- ther Resolved—That there shall be and there is hereby directed to be raised by the levy of a tax upon the taxable property of the said county in each year while said bonds, or any of them, are outstanding and unpaid, a sum sufficient to pay the in- terest on said bonds as it becomes due and payable and also sufficient to pay the respective installments of the principal of said bonds as the same become due and payable, which sums shall be assessed, levied and collected upon the taxable prop- erty in said county at the same time and in the same manner as 34 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS other county taxes are assessed, levied and collected and the levy and collection of said tax is hereby authorized and directed by this Board to be made without further action by it; and be it further • Resolved—That said bonds and the coupons attached thereto shall be in substantially the following form, to -wit: No $1,000. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF TOMPKINS HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT BOND. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That the County of Tompkins, in the State of New York, is justly indebted and, for value received, hereby promises to pay to bearer, or if this bond is registered, to the registered holder thereof, the prin- cipal sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00), on the 1st day of August, 19 , with interest thereon at the rate of • per centum per annum, payable semi-annually on the 1st days of February and August of each year on presentation and sur- render of the respective interest coupons hereto attached ; both principal and interest being payable at the First National Bank of Ithaca, at Ithaca, New York, in New York exchange. This bond is one of a series of bonds of like date, tenor and amount, but maturing serially in the order of their numbers, aggregating the sum of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars, and is issued for the purpose of paying the county's share of the cost of construction or improvement of State Highways Con- structed by Federal Aid, and of County Highways, constructed at,the joint expense of the state and county, all of said high- ways being in said county, and in pursuance of and in strict conformity with the Constitution and statutes of the State of New York, including Sections 142 and 167-A, of the Highway Law, the provisions of the County Law and the General Mu-' nicipal Law, and pursuant to the act§ and resolutions of the Board of Supervisors of the said County of Tompkins, New York, authorizing the issuance hereof, passed on the 25th day. of June, 1923, by a two-thirds vote of all'the members elected to said Board. This bond may be converted into a registered bond in ac- cordance with the provisions of the General Municipal Law. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 35 It is hereby certified, recited and declared that all acts, con- ditions and things required to exist, to happen and to be per- formed precedent to and in the issuance of this bond, have ex- isted, have happened and have been performed in due time, form and manner as required by law; that the amount of this bond, together with all other indebtedness of said county, does not exceed any limit prescribed by the Constitution or statutes of the State of New York; that provision has been duly made for the levy and collection of an annual tax sufficient to pay the principal and interest of this bond as they respectively become due and payable, and that the full faith, credit and resources of the County of Tompkins, New York, are hereby irrevocably pledged to the punctual payment of the principal and interest of this bond. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said Board of Supervisors of Tomp- kins County, New York, has caused this bond to be signed by its Chairman and Clerk and the County Treasurer of said county, and the corporate seal of said county to be hereto af- fixed, and has caused the coupons attached hereto to be signed with the lithographed fac-simile signature of said Chairman, and this bond to be dated the 1st day of August, 1923. THE COUNTY OF TOMPKINS, NEW YORK, By Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, Clerk: of the Board of Supervisors, County Treasurer of the County of Tompkins, New York (Form of Coupon) No The County of Tompkins, in the State of New York, will pay to the bearer on the day of 19 , the sum of dollars ($ ), at the First National Bank of Ithaca, at Ithaca. New York, in New York exchange, being six months' interest then due on its Highway .Improvement Bond, No. , dated August 1st, 1923. THE COUNTY OF TOMPKINS, By Chairman of the Board of Supervisors 36 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS (Provision for Registration) No writing below except by the County Treasurer of the County of Tompkins Upon the presentation of the within bond with the written request of the owner thereof for its conversion into a regis- tei.ed bond. I have this day cut off and destroyed coupons attached to said bond, numbered from to of the amount of $ each, and the interest at the rate of per centum per annum, payable semi-annually on the 1st days of February and August of each year, as was provided by the coupons, as well as the principal, is to be paid to , legal representa- tives, successors or assigns, at the First National Bank of Ithaca, at Ithaca, New York, in' New York exchange. Dated , 19 County Treasurer of the County of Tompkins, New York Date of Name of Signature of County Registry Registered Owner Treasurer and be it further Resolved—That any balance of said moneys so appropriated for the purposes hereinbefore stated, over and above the sum of $200,000.00 to be paid from the bond issue as herein pro- vided, shall be financed by being placed in the county budget and collected by tax levy for that year. Seconded by Mr. Patterson. Ayes -12. Noes—O. Carried. The minutes of the proceedings of the day were read and ap- proved. There being no other business to come before the Board, on motion adjourned. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 37 Quarterly Session Monday, August 13, 1923 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present, except Messrs. Wade and Bishop. The Clerk read several claims, which on motion, were re- ceived and referred to the proper committees. The Clerk read the petition of the Town Board of the Town of Groton, asking authority to borrow money on the faith and credit of the town, to aid the town in paying its share of the cost of construction of County and Town Roads, under the pro- visions of §320-A, of the Highway Law. Mr. Begent offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the petition of the Town Board of the Town of Groton be granted and that the town be authorized to bor- row, on the faith and credit of the town, the sum of $10,000.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to pay the town's share of the cost of improvement of County and Town Roads, pursuant to §320-A, of the Highway Law. Seconded by Mr. Miller. Carried. The Clerk read the petition of the Town Board of the Town of Danby,. asking authority to borrow money on the faith and credit of the town, to aid the town in paying its share of the cost of construction of County and Town Roads, under the pro- visions of §320-A, of the Highway Law. Mr. Smiley offered the following resolution, and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the petition of the Town Board of the Town of Danby be granted and that the town be authorized to bor- row, on the faith and credit of the town the sum of $2,000.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to pay the town's share of the cost of improvement of County and Town Roads, pursuant to §320-A, of the Highway Law, in accordance with a petition of the Town Board of said town, this day filed. 38 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Seconded by Mr. Begent. Carried. A report was rendered, relative to the claim of Halsey Don- ley for damages sustained by reason of the construction of the Dryden -Harford County Highway. Mr. Hill offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the claim of Halsey Donley for $1,000.00 as damages sustained by reason of the construction of the Dryden - Harford F. A. Highway, be allowed at that amount as recom- mended, and that the Clerk be directed to draw an order for the payment of the same, on the execution of a release from all claims by said Donley against the county by reason thereof, and the County Treasurer is herebydirected to pay the same out of the funds in his hands appropriated for securing rights of way. Seconded by Mr. Patterson. Ayes -11. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Howell offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the Clerk of the Board be directed to issue an order for the payment of any expense incurred for the is- suance of the $200,000.00 Highway Improvement Bonds, on the order of the Chairman of the Board, and the County Treas- urer is hereby directed to pay the same out of any available funds in his hands, said expense account to be audited by this Board. Seconded by Mr. George. Carried. Mr. Patterson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAS—The representatives of this Board have secured the necessary additional rights of way for State Highway No. 5474-A, therefore be it Resolved—That the agreements and contracts made by said representatives be hereby ratified and confirmed by this Board, and be it farther OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 39 Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $400.00 for said rights of way, payable as follows: Olive Rockwell $250.00 Anton Vyskocial 150.00 $400.00 and the Clerk is hereby directed to draw orders for said amounts, payable to the foregoing named persons, on the exe- cution and delivery to him of proper deeds of conveyance of the lands in question, and the County Treasurer is hereby di- rected to pay said orders out of the funds appropriated for securing rights of way. Seconded by Mr. George. Ayes -11. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Patterson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: WHEREAS—An agreement has been made. between the rep- resentatives of this Board and A. P. Hopper, as to the amount to be paid to the said Hopper for damages for rights of way for the Ithaca City -Hector Street Highway, whereby the rep- resentatives of this Board agreed, among other things, to pay said Hopper the sum of $400.00 for such damages, there- fore be it Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $400.00 to be paid to the said A. P. Hopper, and the Clerk is hereby directed to draw an order for said amount upon the receipt by him of a release from said Hopper for any other claims by reason thereof, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay the same out of the funds appro- priated for securing rights of way. Seconded by Mr. Dassance. Ayes -11. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Patterson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption_ : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $140.00 in payment of S. K. Johnson for work per- formed onrights of way for the Ithaca City -Hector Street Highway, and the Clerk is hereby directed to issue an order 40 PROCEEDINGS OF TIIE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS for said amount and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay the same out of the funds in his hands appropriated for securing rights of way. Seconded by Mr. King. Ayes -11. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Townsend offered the following resolution and moved its adoption WHEREAS—This Board has heretofore from time to time al- lotted mileage to the several towns of the county for the con- struction of highways under the County System of Roads, and WHEREAS—Several of the towns of the county have nearly completed the construction of the mileage so allotted to them, and WHEREAS—It would be unfair to those towns to deny them the right of further construction under said system after the completion of the mileage allotted to them, therefore be it Resolved—That there be allotted to each town of the county an additional mileage of .25% of the total mileage •already al- lotted to said town, the designation of such additional mileage to be made at a subsequent session of this Board and placed on the County Map for construction under the County System of Roads iii the same manner as the allotments heretofore made. Seconded by Mr. Patterson. Ayes -11. Noes—O. Carried. Dr. Sears, of the Tuberculosis Hospital appeared before the Board relative to a bequest to that institution by the•will of Olin L. Stewart, deceased. Mr. Howell offered the following resolution and moved. its adoption: WHEREAS—By the terms of the will of Olin L. Stewart, late of Ithaca, N. Y., there was bequeathed to the Tompkins Coun- ty Tuberculosis Hospital the sum of $1,000.00, and OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 41 WHEREAS -It is the sense of this Board that said sum so bequeathed should be kept intact until such time as the same can be properly expended as to show due appreciation of Mr. Stewart's benevolence, therefore be it Resolved—That the County Treasurer be and he hereby is directed to set aside and keep intact the sum of $1,000.00 so received from the estate of Mr. Stewart and not toexpend said sum so set aside for any purpose until expressly directed so to do by an order of this Board. Seconded by Mr. Patterson. Carried. The Clerk read the following claims for audit, as reported by the several committees to which they had been referred : H 93, Barr Bros. & Co., Repairs, County Jail $48.40 94, P. M. Donohue, Repairs, County Jail 85.85 95, A. B. Oltz, Window screens, County Jail._. 2.25 96, Davis -Brown Co., Electric repairs, County Jail 4.70 97, T. G. Miller's Sons, Supplies, County Treas2.40 98, Andrus & Church, Book, County Treas... 9.75 99, Andrus & Church, " , 10.75 100, Fred C. Evans, Expenses, Supt. Highways 554.37 101, Reynolds & Drake, Repairs, Motor trucks 49.68 102, Reynolds & Drake, 113.38 103, P. W. Wood & Son, Insurance, Motor trucks 230.15 104, Treman, King & Co., Materials, Co. Clerk Building 43.52 105, Banks Law Pub. Co., Law books, Court Lib. 92.75 106, Hall & McChesney, Record book, Co. Clerk 64.50 107, T. J. Crowley, Supplies, Com. of Election 25.00 108, Atkinson Press, Blanks, County Clerk 9.50 109, Atkinson Press, " County Judge __ 17.50 110, Atkinson Press, Envelopes, County Clerk 24.50 112, Atkinson Press, Blanks, County Judge... 35.00 113, P. M. Donohue, Plumbing, County Home 389.00 115, Fred D. Gilbert, Burial Matilda Dinehart, Pensioner . 75.00 116, E. M. Perkins, Burial Sarah A. Seekins, Pensioner 75.00 117, John E. Shea, Burial John G. Lafrance, Pensioner 75.00 118, R. C. Osborn & Co., Supplies -1922, Super- visors 117.24 119, Burroughs Adding Machine Co., Mainte- nance to January 1, 1924 - 4.99 42 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 120, Davis -Brown Co., Electric Supplies, Super- visors 121, Davis -Brown Co., Electric Supplies, Su- pervisors 122, P. M. Donohue, Repairs to heating plant, Courthouse 123, A. 13. Oltz, Repairs to Courthouse 124, Dryden Marble Co., Headstone 125, Atkinson Press, Supervisors' Proceedings —1922 126, Dryden Marble Co., Headstone Herman C. Emmons, Pensioner 1.65 50.35 45.05 12.63 25.00 868.95 25.00 $3,188.81 Mr. Howell offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the foregoing bills, amounting to $3,188.81, be audited at the amounts recommended by the several com- mittees to which they were referred, and that the County Treasurer be directed to pay the same out of any available funds in his hands, and if he has not sufficient funds in his hands with which to pay the same, he be and hereby is au- thorized to borrow said amount, or so much .thereof as may be necessary, and to pledge the faith and credit of the county for the payment thereof, in anticipation of taxes to be levied, and that these claims be certified -to the County Treasurer by the Clerk of this Board, for and on behalf of the Board, and be it further Resolved—That of claim No. H103, there be charged to the several towns the amount of the premium for insurance on i:he motor trucks allotted to those towns respectively, said sums being properly chargeable to said towns, and that the amounts so charged be placed in the budgets of the respective towns, to be collected at the next ensuing tax levy, to reimburse the county. Seconded by Mr. Begent. Ayes -11. Noes -0. Carried. Minutes of the day's proceedings were read and approved. There being no further business to come before the Board, on motion adjourned. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 43 To Fred L. Clock, Clerk Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County, N. Y. We, the undersigned members of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, N. Y., hereby request you to call a special meeting of said Board, to be held at the Supervisors' Rooms in the City of Ithaca, N. Y., on the 6th day of October, 1923, at 10.30 A. M., to take action on highway matters and to transact any other business that may properly come before said meet- ing. Dated, September 29, 1923. E. MORGAN ST. JOHN, A. H. ROSKELLY, L. E. PATTERSON, CARL R. WADE, W. O. SMILEY, SIDNEY L. HOWELL, OLEN A. KING, F. A. BEGENT, ED S. HILL, ARTHUR BISHOP, ALBERT DASSANCE, A. S. MILLER, WM. F. GEORGE. Special Session Saturday, October 6, 1923 Roll call, All members present, except Mr. Smiley. The Clerk read the call for the special session. Mr. Howell offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That the Committee on Charities be authorized to provide forthwith proper heating facilities at the Tuber- culosis Hospital, and be it further 44 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Resolved—That the Clerk be directed to draw an order for the payment of any expense incurred therefor in transporta- tion or installation on the order of the Chairman of said Com- mittee, and that the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay the same out of any available funds in his hands. Seconded by Mr. Patterson. Ayes -12. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Howell offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAS—An act was adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County on June 25,' 1923, authorizing the issu- ance of $200,000 Highway Improvement Bonds, therefore be it Resolved --That the special bond of the County Treasurer provided for in said act as heretofore made, executed and filed in the office of the Clerk of this Board, be and the same is hereby approved in all respects, and be it further Resolved—That said bonds and coupons shall be payable in gold coin of the United States of America of the present stand- ard weight and fineness or its equivalent in lawful money of the United States, at the First National Bank of Ithaca, Ithaca, New York, in New York exchange, or at the, Mechanics and Metals National Bank in the City and State of New York; at the option of the holder, and said bonds and coupons when is- sued shall so provide, and be it further Resolved—That the sale of said bonds bearing interest at the rate of four and one-quarter per centum per annum to Sherwood & MerrifieId, Inc., is hereby ratified and said bonds shall be delivered tothe purchaser upon the payment of the purchase price to the County Treasurer, and the receipt of the County Treasurer shall be a full acquittance to said purchaser, who shall not be obliged to see to the application of the pur- chase money. Seconded by Mr. Wade. Ayes—Messrs. Wade, Hill, King, Regent, Miller, Bishop, Patterson, Howell, Roskelly, George, Dassance and Townsend —12. Noes—O. Carried. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 45 Mr. Begent offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the special bond of the County Treasurer, with the American Surety Company as surety, for the faithful performance of his duties relative to the $200,000.00 Highway Improvement Bonds, dated August 1, 1923, be hereby approved by this Board, both as to form, manner of execution and suffi- ciency of the surety, and be it further Resolved—That the County Treasurer is hereby directed to deposit the moneys received from the sale of said bonds with the First National Bank of Ithaca, and be it further Resolved—That all checks drawn by the County Treasurer for the payment of any moneys out.of the funds so received from said sale, shall be approved by the Chairman of the Fi- nance Committee of this Board. Seconded by Mr. Hill. Ayes -12. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Hill offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved That the committee heretofore appointed by .this Board on July 18, 1922, for the purpose of safeguarding the records in the county clerk's building, be authorized to pur- chase and install proper and sufficient steel filing cases for the County Clerk's and Surrogate's offices to properly safeguard the records thereof. Seconded by Mr. Begent. Ayes -12. Noes—O. Carried. Minutes of the day's proceedings were read and approved. On motion, adjourned. 46 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Quarterly Session Monday, November 12, 1923 Roll call. All members present. The Clerk read several claims, which were received and re- ferred to the'proper committees. The Clerk read a communication from the State Comp- troller, relative to the laws prescribing the duties of certain town officials, which was filed. The Clerk read a communication from the State Board of Charities, relative to an inspection of the County Home, which was filed. The Clerk read the petition of the Town Board of the Town of Enfield, asking authority to borrow money on the faith and credit of the town, to aid the town in paying its share of the cost of construction of County and Town Roads, under the pro- visions of 5320-A, of the Highway Law. Mr. King offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: . Resolver—That the petition of the Town Board of the Town of Enfield be granted and that the town be authorized to bor- row, on the faith and credit of the town, the sum of $3,500.00, or so. much thereof as may be necessary, to pay the town's share of the cost of improvement of County and Town Roads, pursuant to §320-A, of the Highway Law, in accordance with the petition of the Town Board of said town, this day filed. Seconded by Mr. Wade. Carried. The Clerk read the following claims for audit, as reported by the several committees to which they had been referred: H114, P. M. Donohue. Repairs at County Home $300.85 127, Burroughs Adding Machine Co., Rolls for machine 2.1.5 128, H. L. O'Daniel. Supplies, Surrogate 4.45 129, F. M. Wooley, Fumigating County Jail._._ 22.00 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 47 130, F. C. Evans, Expenses as Supt. of Highways 544.87 131, Robinson & Carpenter, Materials for Coun- ty Home ........... 104.46 132, R. H. Beard & Sons, Burial of Elnora Brooks, Pensioner 75.00 $1,053.78 Mr. Howell offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved --That the foregoing bills, amounting to $1,053.78, be audited at the amounts recommended by the several com- mittees, and that the County Treasurer be directed to pay the ,same out of any available funds in his hands, and that these claims be certified to the County Treasurer by the CIerk of this Board, for and on behalf of the Board. Seconded by Mr. Hill. Ayes -11. Noes -0. Carried. Minutes of the day's proceedings were read and approved. On motion, adjourned. ti 48 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Annual Session First Day Thursday, November 15, 1923 The Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, met for the annual session thereof, in the Supervisors' Rooms, at the court- house in the City of Ithaca, N. Y., on Thursday, November 15, 1923, at 11 o'clock A. M., and was called to order by Fred L. Clock, Clerk for the previous year. Upon the call of the roll by towns, the several supervisors responded to their names, with post -office addresses as follows : Caroline—Carl R. Wade, Brookton, R. D. No. 22. Danby—Wm. 0. Smiley, Ithaca, R. D. No. 8. Dryden—Ed S. Hill, Freeville, R. D. No. 17. Enfield—Olen A. King, Ithaca, R. D. No. 5. Groton—Frank A. Begent, Groton, N. Y. Ithaca Town—Arthur S. Miller, Ithaca, R. D. No. 3. Ithaca City— First Ward—Arthur Bishop, 248 Humboldt St. Second Ward—L. E. Patterson, 115 E. State St. Third Ward—E. Morgan St.,John, 220 N. Tioga St. Fourth Ward—Sidney L. Howell, 202 E. State St. Fifth Ward—Albert H. Roskelly, 114 W. Neaga Ave. Lansing—Wm. F. George, Ludlowville, R. D. No. 9. Newfield—Albert Dassance, Newfield, R. D. No. 26. Ulysses—John M. Townsend, Trumansburg, N. Y. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 49 On motion of Mr. Wade, Mr. Smiley was elected Temporary Chairman. On motion, the Board proceeded by informal ballot in the election of a Permanent Chairman. The Temporary Chairman appointed Messrs. Howell and Hill as tellers. The informal ballot resulted as follows: Whole number of votes cast were 12, of which Mr. St. John received 10. Blank received 2. On motion of Mr. Hill, the informal ballot was declared for- mal, and the tellers were directed to cast one ballot for Mr. St. - John as Permanent Chairman. The tellers cast one ballot for Mr. St. John and the Tempo- rary Chairman declared Mr. St. John elected Permanent Chair- man for the ensuing year and Mr. St. John took the chair. On motion, the Board proceeded by informal ballot, in the election of a Clerk for the ensuing year. The informal ballot resulted as follows : Whole number of votes cast were 13, of which Fred •L. Clock received 13. On motion of Mr. Patterson, the informal ballot was de- clared formal and the tellers were directed to cast one ballot for Mr. Clock, as the Clerk of the Board. The' tellers cast one ballot for Fred L. Clock, as Clerk, and the Chairman declared Mr. Clock duly elected CIerk of. the Board for the ensuing year. The Clerk read the petition of the Town Board of the Town of Lansing, asking authority to borrow money on the faith and credit of the town, and to issue certificates of indebtedness 50 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS therefor, to aid the town in paying its share of the cost of con- struction of County and Town Roads, under the provisions of §320-A, of the Highway Law. Mr. George offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the petition of the Town Board of the Town of Lansing be granted and that the town be authorized to bor- row, on the faith and credit of the town, the sum of $6,000.00, •or so much thereof as may be necessary, to pay the town's share of the cost of improvement of County and Town High- ways, pursuant to §320-A, of the Highway Law, in accordance with a petition of the Town Board of said town, this day filed. Seconded by Mr. King, Carried. Mr. Howell offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the County Treasurer be authorized and di- rected to transfer from the General Fund to the Construction Fund of County and Town Roads, the sum of $2,673.67, to complete the 1923 construction under the County and Town System of Roads. Seconded by Mr. Patterson. Carried. Moved by Mr. Patterson, that the CIerk be authorized to purchase the necessary supplies for the Board. Seconded by Mr. Dassance. Carried. Moved by Mr. Begent, that when this Board adjourns, it be to Monday, November 19. Seconded by Mr. Bishop. Moved by Mr. Hill, as an amendment, that when this Board .adjourns, it be to Thursday, November 22. 'Amendment seconded by Mr. George. A vote being taken on the amendment was carried. Avote being taken on the original motion, as amended, was carried. Adjourned to Thursday, November 22, at 10 :30 A. M. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK Second Day Thursday, November 22, 1923 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. 51 The Chairman announced the following Standing and Special Committees of the Board for the year 1923-1924: RULES AND LEGISLATION The Chairman, Messrs. Hill and Roskelly FORMS, FOOTING ASSESSMENT ROLLS, EQUALIZATION, RATIO AND APPORTIONMENT Messrs. Dassance, Patterson, Hill, Begent, Miller, King, Townsend TOWN AND COUNTY ACCOUNTS Messrs. Patterson, George, Dassance TOWN EXPENSES, ETC. Messrs. George, Miller, Wade RETURNED HIGHWAY AND SCHOOL TAXES Messrs. Bishop, George, Miller COUNTY OFFICERS AND COMPENSATION " Messrs. Smiley, Howell, Townsend COUNTY TREASURER'S ACCOUNTS Messrs. Townsend, Begent, Howell CORONER, JUSTICES, ETC. Messrs. Wade,. Bishop, George CORRECTION AND REFORMATION Messrs. Roskelly, King, Wade COUNTY CLERK AND ELECTION EXPENSES Messrs. Miller, Wade, Roskelly 52 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS CHARITIES Messrs. Hill, Smiley, Howell SOLDIERS' RELIEF, ETC. Messrs. Roskelly, Dassance, Bishop HIGHWAYS Messrs. Patterson, Smiley, King, Begent, Bishop FINANCE Messrs. Howell, Begent, Townsend CONTRACT SUPPLIES Messrs. Howell, Smiley, Patterson JAIL SUPPLIES Messrs. Begent, Roskelly, King AUDITING ACCOUNTS OF THE TUBERCULOSIS HOSPITAL Messrs. Townsend, Miller, Dassance HIGHWAY OFFICIALS Messrs. King, Patterson, Hill TO SELL LANDS ACQUIRED BY COUNTY AT TAX SALE Mr. Smiley Moved by Mr. Begent, that the committee appointments, as announced by the Chairman, be approved by the Board. Seconded by Mr. Dassance. Carried. The Clerk read the following communication from the State Comptroller, relative to the amounts to be raised by the county -for general state tax, armory tax and stenographers', etc., tax, for the fiscal year: Comptroller's Office, Albany, September 4, 1923. DEAR SIR: The Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins is hereby required to raise by taxation for fiscal year beginning July 1, 1923, the sum of $91,528.10 for the following purposes • OF TOM'PKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 53 Direct State Tax on an equalized valuation of $39,744,777. State Debt Service mill rate .7105 $28,238.66 Support of Common Schools, Teachers, etc. 1.2895 51,250.89 Total Direct State Tax " 2.00 $79,489.55 Armory Purposes 8,681.43 Court and Stenographers' expenses on an as- sessed valuation of $33,759,585 3,357.12 Total $91,528.10 The direct state tax is levied pursuant to Chapter 546, Laws of 1923. Armory purpose tax is levied pursuant to the Mili- tary Law as amended ; Court and Stenographers' expenses pursuant to the Judiciary Law as amended, Chapters 225 and 741, Laws of 1923,, and Article 6, Section 12 of the State Constitution. J. W. FLEMING, Comptroller By B. M. PATTON, Deputy Comptroller Referred to the Committee on Finance. The Clerk read a communication from the State Commission of Highways, showing the number of miles of state and county highways in the several towns of the county and the amount each town will be required to pay for the maintenance thereof during the year 1924, as follows : µ Town No.of miles Amount to be raised Caroline 11.26 $550.00 Danby 9.95 500.00 Dryden 25.34 1,250.00 Enfield' 9.11 450.00 Groton 9.68 500.00 Ithaca 21.92 1,100.00 Lansing 7.55 400.00 Newfield 13.02 650.00 Ulysses 8.87 450.00 116.70 $5,850.00 54 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Referred to the Committee on County and Town Accounts. The Clerk read a communication from the Comptroller, showing the amounts to be raised by the county and the towns thereof, for sinking fund and interest on bonds issued for the construction of state and county highways as follows : County Town Sinking Sinking Road Town Year Fund Int. Fund Int. Total 606 Ithaca 1923 163.20 326.40 57.60 115.20 662.40 616 Ulysses 1923 706.20 1412.40 216.85 433.69 Ithaca 1923 75.77 151.54 2996.45 681 Dryden 1923 396.96 793.92 81.03 162.08 Ithaca 1923 42.85 85.72 1562.56 682 Dryden 1923 305,03 610.05 _ 89.71 179.42 1184.21 683 Dryden 1923 315.16 630.34 92.69 185.40 1223.59 7629.21 Referred to the Committee on County and Town Accounts. The Clerk read a communication from the State Tax Depart- ment, showing the rate of assessment of real property, as de- termined by the Commission for the year 1923, in the different tax districts of the county to be as follows' Caroline 66% Danby 72% Dryden 75% Enfield 64% Groton . 64% City of Ithaca 80% Ithaca 65% Lansing 52% Newfield 77% Ulysses 53% Referred to the Committee on Equalization. The Clerk read the report of the County Treasurer, relative to the moneys now in his hands in the Dog Fund, ready for distribution, which was received and referred to the Com- mittee on County and Town Accounts. The Clerk read the report of the County Treasurer, relative. to the moneys paid to the several towns from the Motor Ve- hicle Fund, which was received and referred to the Committee on Highways. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 55 The Clerk read the report of the Clerk of Surrogate's Court, relative to the receipts and disbursements of that office, which was received and referred to the Committee on County Clerk" and Election Expenses. The Clerk read the report of the County Probation Officer, which was received and referred to the Committee on Correc- tion and Reformation. Mr. Miller presented a list of the Special Franchises of the. Town of Ithaca, which was received and referred to the Com- mittee on Town Expenses. A report of the Bonded Indebtedness of the City of Ithaca. was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses. Statements of the First National Bank and the Tompkins County National Bank of the City of Ithaca, were received �:nd referred to the Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts. Reports of G. C. Sutliff, J. D. Ross, G. E. Underwood and Paul Ewers, of the Town of Dryden, J. Charles Wetherby, of the Town of Enfield, J. H. Hoff, R. R. Chatterton and Geo. B. Sickmon, of the Town of Groton, Wm. I. Smith, James A. Bush, Chas. H. Newman and Elmer Allen of the Town of Ithaca, Walter Bristol, J. B. Bower and Miles D. Lane of the Town of Lansing, Fred N. Smith, Arthur Agard and Henry Williams of the Town of Ulysses, Justices of the Peace of those respec= tive towns, were received and referred to the Committee on Coroner, Justices, etc., Accounts. Claims Nos. 1 to 46 inclusive, were read by the Clerk and referred to the proper committees. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present. The Clerk read the annual report of the County Treasurer, which was received and referred to the Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts, Wm. D. Baldwin, County Superintendent of the Poor, ap- peared before the Board and presented his annual report, which was received and referred to the Committee on Charities. 5G PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Court penis appeared before the Board and presented his annual report as .County Sealer of Weights and Measures, which was received and filed. . Mr. Begent presented a list of the Town Audits of the Town of Groton, which was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses. Dr. Wm.. A. Smith, Coroner, appeared before the Board and rendered his annual report, which was received and referred to the Committee on Coroner, Justices, etc., Accounts. On motion, adjourned. Third Day Friday, November 23, 1923 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. , Mr. Hill presented a Iist of the Special Franchises of the Town of Dryden, which was received and referred to the Com- mittee on Town Expenses. Mr. A. G. Sherman, representing the State Commission for the Blind, appeared before the Board relative to an appropria- tion for the care of the indigent blind of Tompkins County. On motion of Mr. Begent, the matter was referred to the Committee on Charities, to investigate and report. Mr. Hill, of the Committee on Charities, reported adversely to making any such appropriation - at this time; inasmuch as Tompkins County was already appropriating, moneys to the Southern Tier Association for the Blind to carry on its work along similar lines and the appropriation now asked for might tend to interfere with the work being performed by that asso- ciation, as well as being a duplication of the duties imposed on the County Superintendent of the Poor. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 57 Moved by Mr. Begent, that the report of the committee be accepted and adopted. Seconded by Mr. Smiley. Carried. On motion, adjourned to Monday, November 26, 1923, at 10.30 A. M. Fourth Day Monday, November 26, 1923 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. Mr. Townsend presented a list of the several claims audited by the Committee on Auditing Accounts of the Tuberculosis Hospital for the year ending October 31, 1923, which was re- ceived and filed. Mr. Townsend offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the several claims against the county au- dited by the Committee on Auditing Accounts of the Tubercu- losis Hospital for the year ending October 31, 1923, this day filed, be audited by the Board at the amounts recommended and audited by the committee. Seconded by Mr. Dassance. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. William H. Baker appeared before the Board and pre- sented his report as County Clerk of the receipts and disburse- ments of his office for the year, which was received and referred to the Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses. Mr. Baker presented his report as County Clerk of the re- ceipts and disbursements of his office of the Mortgage Tax 58 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Moneys and the disposition made of the same, which was received and referred to the Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts) Mr. Begent presented a statement of the First National Bank. of Groton, which was received and referred to the Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts. iVlr. Smiley presented the reports of L. E. Cummings, Eu- gene Dorn, Roger Todd and Fred Dorn, Justices of the Peace of the Town of Danby, which were received and referred to the Committee on Coroner, Justices', Etc., Accounts. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present. The Clerk read the report of the Committee on County and Town Accounts, relative to the moneys in the hands of the County Treasurer in the Dog Fund, as follows : Your Committee on Town and County Accounts reports that it has examined the figures submitted by the County Treasurer, relative to the receipts and disbursements of moneys constitut- ing the dig license moneys and believes them correct. We find that there was contributed by the towns of the coun- ty and the City of Ithaca, to June 30, 1923, the following sums : Caroline $428.00 Danby -- 260.00 Dryden 740.57 Enfield 233.15 Groton 736.90 Ithaca 493.37 Ithaca City 1,724.00 Lansing 707.10 Newfield 336.00 Ulysses 362.00 $6,021.09 We find that there was paid for assessors' fees, claims and expenses, the sum of $2,157.46 and paid to the State the sum of $601.27, making the total sum disbursed $2,758.73 and leav- OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 59 ing a balance in the hands of the County Treasurer of $3,262.36, of which 75%, or the sum of $2,446.77, is to be ap- portioned among the several towns and city of the county, and your committee finds that the several towns and city are en- titled to the following amounts as such apportionment : Caroline $173.93 Danby 105.66 Dryden 300.93 Enfield 94.75 Groton 299.45 Ithaca City 700.57 Ithaca 200.49 Lansing 287.34 Newfield 136.54 Ulysses 147.11 Total $2,446.77 and your committee therefore recommends the adoption of the following resolution : Resolved—That the County Treasurer is hereby directed to. pay to the several towns of the county and the City of Ithaca, the foregoing amounts as apportioned to them, out of the sur- plus moneys in his hands in the Dog License Fund on June 30, 1923. Dated, November 26, 1923. L. E. PATTERSON, WM. F. GEORGE, ALBERT DASSANCE, Committee. Moved by Mr. Patterson that the report of the committee be accepted and the resolution adopted. Seconded by Mr. Wade. Carried. Mr. King presented the report of Daniel Mitchell, a Justice of the Peace of the Town of Enfield, which was received and referred to the Committee on Coroner, Justices', Etc. Accounts. Mr. Townsend presented the statements of the First Nation- al Bank of Trumansburg and the State Bank of Trumansburg, which were received and referred to the Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts. On motion, adjourned to Monday, December 3, at 10.30 A. M. 60 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Fifth Day Monday, December 3, 1923 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present, except Mr. Wade. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. Mr. Hill presented a statement of the First National Bank of Dryden, which was received and referred to the Committee on County Treasurer's Account. Mr. Begent presented the report of E. F. Tallmadge, a Jus- tice of the Peace of the Town of Groton, which was received and referred to the Committee on Coroner, Justices', Etc., Accounts. Mr. Hill presented a list of the Town Audits of the Town of Dryden, which was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses. .The Clerk read a communication from the Monroe County Penitentiary, relative to an increase to be charged by that in- stitution for the board and care of prisoners sent to that in- stitution from Tompkins County. Moved by Mr. Begent, that the Clerk be authorized to nego- tiate with the authorities having charge of the Onondaga County Penitentiary for the care and maintenance of prison- ers to be sent from this county. Seconded by Mr. George. Carried. The Clerk read a communication froth the State Public Serv- ice Commission, relative to a .hearing on the alteration of a bridge in the Town of Dryden, across the tracks of the Lehigh Valley Railroad Co., which was filed. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present, except Mr. Wade. 61 . Mr. Patterson, Chairman of the Committee on County and Town Accounts, to which had been referred the communica- tions from the Comptroller and State Bureau of Highways, relative to sinking fund and interest on bonds issued for the improvement of state and state and county highways and the amounts to be raised for the maintenance thereof, rendered the following report : Your Committee on County and Town Accounts, having ex- amined the figures submitted by the State Comptroller of the amounts necessary to be raised by the several towns of the county for sinking fund and interest on bonds issued for the construction of state and county highways, and the figures sub- mitted by the State Bureau of Highways of the amounts neces- sary to be raised for the maintenance of state and state and county highways by the several towns, and believing the same to be correct, reports the following amounts to be levied and collected from the various towns of the county for such high- way maintenance, and also the amounts to be levied and col- lected for sinking fund and interest on bonds issued for the construction of state and county highways, due from Tompkins County and the several towns therein, as follows : Road County Interest . Town Interest Towns • Maintenance Sinking on Sinking on Fund same Fund same Caroline $550.00 Danby 500.00 Dryden 1,250.00 $1,017.15 $2,034.31 $263.43 $526.90 Enfield 450.00 Groton 500.00 Ithaca 1,100.00 339.42 678.86 Lansing __ 400.00 Newfield.._ 650.00 Ulysses 450,00 706.20 1,412.40 216.85 433.69 $5,850.00 $2,062.77 $4,125.57 $480.28 $960.59 L. E. PATTERSON, WM. F. GEORGE, ALBERT DASSANCE, Committee. 62 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Mr. Patterson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the report of the Committee on County and Town Accounts be accepted and that the amounts therein men- tioned be levied and collected from the various towns of the county for road maintenance, and also that the amounts be levied and collected for sinking fund and interest on bonds issued for the construction of state and county highways, due from the County of Tompkins and the several towns thereof, liable therefor. Seconded by Mr. Hill. Ayes -12. Noes -0. Carried. On motion, adjourned. Roll Sixth Day Tuesday, December 4, 1923 MORNING SESSION all. All members present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. Mr. Wade presented a list of the Special Franchises of the Town of Caroline, which was received and referred to the Com- mittee on Town Expense. Mr. Dassance presented a list of Grand Jurors for the Town of Newfield, which was received and referred to the Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes. Mr. Regent presented a list of the Corporations of the Town of Groton, which was received and filed. Mr. Wade presented a list of Grand Jurors for the Town of Caroline, which was received and referred to the Committee on Returned Highways and School Taxes. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 63 Mr. Smiley presented a list of the Corporations of the Town of Danby, which was received and filed. Mr. Begent presented a list of the Special Franchises of the Town of Groton, which was received and referred to the Com- mittee on Town Expenses. Mr. King presented a list of the Corporations of the Town of Enfield, which was received and filed. Mr. Miller presented a list of the Grand Jurors for the Town of Ithaca, which was received and referred to the Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes. Mr. Wade presented a Iist of the Corporations of the Town of Caroline, which was received and filed. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present. Mr. Miller presented a list of Corporations of the Town of Ithaca, which was received and filed. Mr. Townsend presented a list of the Corporations of the Town of Ulysses, which was received and filed. Mr. Townsend, Chairman of the Committee on County Treas- urer's Accounts, rendered the following report of the commit- tee, relative to Bank Taxes : Your Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts renders the :following report of the banks in Tompkins County, liable to taxation on its capital stock, surplus and undivided profits, as follows : CITY OF ITHACA FIRST NATIONAL BANK `Capital Stock .. $250,000.00 Surplus 150,000.00 Undivided Profits 65,072.90 $465,072.90 64 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS No. of shares of stock -2,500. Par Value of Each Share $100.00 Value of Each Share for Taxation 186.03 Amount of Tax—$4,650.73 TOMPKINS COUNTY NATIONAL BANK Capital Stock Surplus Undivided Profits $200,000.00 150,000.00 33,658.72 $383,658.72 No. of shares of stock -2,000. Par Value of Each Share $100.00 Value of Each Share for Taxation 191.83 Amount of Tax—$3,836.59 TOWN OF DRY -DEN FIRST NATIONAL BANK Capital Stock Surplus Undivided Profits No. of shares of stock -250. Par Value of Each Share Value of Each Share for Taxation Amount of Tax—$604.01 TOWN OF GROTON FIRST NATIONAL BANK Capital Stock Surplus Undivided Profits No. of shares of stock -1,000. $25,000.00 25,000.00 10,400.88 $60,400.88 $100.00 241.60 $100,000.00 40,000.00 45,988.85 $185,988.85 Par Value of Each Share $100.00 Value of Each Share for. Taxation 185.99 Amount of Tax—$1,859.89 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 65 TOWN OF ULYSSES FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF TRUMANSBURG Capital Stock $25,000.00 Surplus - 15,000.00 Undivided Profits 6,628.39 $46,628.39 No. of shares of stock -250. Par Value of Each Share $100.00 Value of Each Share for Taxation 186.51 Amount of Tax—$466.28 STATE BANK OF TRUMANSBURG Capital Stock $25,000.00 Surplus 25,000.00 Undivided Profits 4,371.55 No. of shares of stock -250. Par Value of Each Share Value of Each Share for Taxation Amount of Tax—$543.72 $54,371.55 $100.00 217.48 Your committee would further report, that by a decision of the Court of Appeals of this state, sustained by the United States Supreme Court on appeal therefrom, it was adjudged, among other things, that the former law imposing a tax on the banks and banking associations of this state, was illegal. Such being the case, the banks and banking associations so paying said tax would be entitled to a refund of the taxes so errone- ously paid, from the municipalities or tax districts having re- ceived the benefits of such payments, necessitating numerous court actions against the cities, towns, villages and school - districts of the county and entailing on the taxpayers of those municipalities the burden of additional taxes to pay for such refunds and the costs of said court proceedings. . Your committee finds, upon inquiry, that by agreement be- tween most of the interested banks or banking associations of the state and the municipalities or tax districts having received the benefits of. the moneys so erroneously paid, the National Banks have agreed to pay, without penalty or interest, fifty per cent of the taxes imposed on them for the years 1920, 1921 and 1922, and the State Banks have agreed to pay, without penalty 66 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS or interest. fifty per cent of the taxes imposed on them for the years 1920 and 1921, and of all taxes imposed on them for the year 1922, and that the municipalities refund to the paying banks or banking associations, any sum received by it in excess of such amount, without interest thereon, and all banks to pay the full tax of one per cent for the year 1923. This plan has been generally adopted throughout the State of New York and your committee believes it would be a wise policy if the same was adopted in Tompkins County. Your committee finds, upon investigation, that the amount of tax imposed on the several banks of Tompkins County for 'the years 1920, 1921 and 1922, to have been as follows : Name ;of Bank 1920 First National of Ithaca $4,208.25 Tompkins County National3,421.00 First.National of Dryden 676.75 First National of Groton 1,481.00 First Nat'l of Trumansburg 474.73 State Bank of Trumansburg . 437.30 1921 1922 Total $4,136.34 $4,306.23 $12,650.82 3,447.36 3,596.93 10;464.89 641.50 020.49 1,938.74 1,544.57 1,681.16 4,706.73 444.06 426.39 1,345.18 449.83 480.51 1,367.64 Your committee also finds, that none of the banks of Tomp- kins County paid the tax imposed on them for the year 1922, except the State Bank of Trumansburg, which paid its full fax of $480.51, which money is now in the hands of the County 'Treasurer, subject to distribution. If the policy generally adopted throughout the state, is adopted in Tompkins County, the following would be the amounts clue from the banks and banking associations for dis- tribution and the amounts due the banks or banking associa- tions as refund for the years in question : Name off Bank lst National, Ithaca__..50%0 of $12,650.82—$8,344.59, Tompkins I Co. Nat'I_.50% of 10,464.89 6,868.36, l.st National, Dryden 50% of 1,938.74— 1,318.25, 1st National, Groton 50% of 4,706.73— 3,025.57, 1st Nat:, Trumansh'g__50% of 1,345.18— 918.79, State Bank of Trumansburg__5o% of $887.13 ± 480.51— 480.51, due bank $2,019.18 1,635.91 348.88 672.21 246.20 4' 44 41 (1 443.57 Your committee would therefore recommend of the following resolutions : the adoption Resolved --That a tax of 1% .upon the value of shares of bank stock, as above set forth for the year 1923, be assessed, OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 67 levied and collected, and that the Clerk of this Board forthwith mail to the President or Cashier of each bank, or banking as- sociation,• a statement setting forth the amount of its capital stock, surplus and undivided profits, the number of outstanding shares thereof, the value of each share of stock, taxable as hereinabove ascertained,• and the aggregate amount of tax to be collected and paid by such bank or banking association, as provided by Section 24 of the Tax Law, and be it further Resolved—That of the moneys so paid by the First National Bank of Ithaca, the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay to said bank the sum of $2,019.18, being the amount of overpayment by said bank of bank tax for the years 1920, 1921 and 1922, leaving a balance for distribution to the several mu- nicipalities or tax districts entitled thereto of the sum of $2,631.55. That of the moneys so paid by the Tompkins County Na- • tional Bank, the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay to said bank the sum of $1,635.91, being the amount of over- payment by said bank of bank tax for the years 1920, 1921 and 1922, leaving a balance for distribution to the several munici- palities or tax districts entitled thereto of the sum of $2,200.68. That of the moneys so paid by the First National Bank of Dryden, the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay to said bank the sum of $348.88, being the amount of overpayment by said bank of bank tax for the years 1920,. 1921 and 1922, leav- ing a balance for distribution to the several municipalities or tax districts entitled thereto of the sum of $255.13. That of the moneys so paid by the First National Bank of Groton, the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay to said bank the sum of $672.21, being the amount of overpayment by said bankof bank tax for the years 1920, 1921 and 1922, leav- ing a balance for distribution to the several municipalities or tax districts entitled thereto of the sum of $1,187.68. That of the moneys so paid by the First National Bank of Trumansburg, the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay to said bank the sum of $246.20, being the amount of overpay- ment by said bank of bank tax for the years 1920,. 1921 and 1922; leaving a balance for distribution to the several munici- palities or tax districts entitled thereto of the sum of $220.08. That of the moneys so paid by the State Bank of Trumans- burg, the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay to said 68 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS bank, or its successor, the sum of $443.57, being the amount of overpayment by said bank of bank tax for the years 1920 and 1921, leaving a balance for distribution to the several munici- palities or tax districts entitled thereto of the sum of $100.15 for the year 1923 and of the sum of 480.71 for the year 1922, and be it further Resolved -That of the moneys so paid to said banks, the same shall be received in full settlement of all claims and de- mands that said bank or banking association, or either of them, may have against any municipality, tax district or officer there- of, by reason of the erroneous payment, collection or distribu- tion of the bank tax paid by said bank or banking association prior to the year 1923, and accepting its distributive share as herein set forth, and be it further Resolved—That this Board of Supervisors issue its warrant or order, signed by the Chairman and Clerk of this Board as provided by Section 24 of the Tax Law, for the distribution of the money's as hereinabove specified to the several municipali- ties or tax districts entitled thereto, the same to be paid to and received by such municipality or tax district in full settlement of all claims and demands that such municipality or tax dis- trict, or either of them, may have against any of the banks- or banking association herein named and paying the amounts herein specified, any municipality, tax district, body or officer thereof, for any tax levied against such bank or banking asso- ciation prior to the year 1924. J. M. TOWNSEND, F. A. BEGENT, S. L. HOWELL, Committee. Moved by Mr. Townsend, that the report of the committee be accepted and the resolutions adopted. Seconded by Mr. Hill. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Hill presented a list of the Corporations of the Town of Dryden, which was received and filed. Mr. King presented the report of Albert Colegrove, a Justice of the Peace of the Town of Enfield, which was received and referred to the Committee on Coroner, Justices', etc., Accounts. On motion, adjourned. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 69 Seventh Day Wednesday, December 5, 1923 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. Mr. Townsend presented a list of the Town Audits of the Town of Ulysses, which was received and referred to the Com- mittee on Town Expenses. Mr. Townsend presented the Town Budget of the Town of Ulysses, which was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses. Mr. St. John presented a list of Grand Jurors for the Third Ward of the City of Ithaca, which was received and referred to the Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes. Mr. Townsend presented a list of Grand Jurors for the Town of Ulysses, which was received and referred to the Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes. Mr. Begent presented a report of the Bonded Indebtedness of the Village of Groton and of the School District thereof, which was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses. Mr. Roskelly presented a list of Grand Jurors for the Fifth Ward of the City of Ithaca, which was received and referred to the Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes. Mr. Begent presented a list of the Returned School Taxes of the Town of Groton, which was received and referred to the Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes. Mr. Smiley presented a list of Grand Jurors for the Town of • Danby, which was received and referred to the Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes. 70 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call! All members present. Mr. Begent presented a list of Grand Jurors for the Town of Groton, which was received and referred to the Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes. Mrs. Helen P. Sawyer, Secretary of the Southern Tier As- sociation for the Blind, rendered the report of that organiza- tion of the (conduct of its work during the past year and asked that the amount appropriated by Tompkins County to the or- ganization iTor the year 1924, be $600.00. Referred to the Committee on Soldiers' Relief, etc. Members of the Child Welfare Board appeared before the Board and presented their report for the year 1923, which was received and referred to the Committee on Soldiers' Relief, etc. Mr. Bishop presented a list of Grand Jurors for the First Ward of the City of Ithaca, which was received and referred to the Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes. Mr. Patterson presented a list of Grand Jurors for the Sec- ond Ward 'of the City of Ithaca, which was received and re- ferred to the Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes. On motion, adjourned. Eighth Day Thursday, December 6, 1923 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present,. except Mr. George. On motion, the members of the Board, as a Committee of the Whole, were engaged in an inspection of the Tuberculosis Hospital and the County Home. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 71 Ninth Day Friday, December 7, 1923 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present. Minutes of two preceding days read and approved. Mr. Townsend presented a report of the Bonded Indebted- ness of the Town of Ulysses, which was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses. Mr. George presented a list of Corporations of the Town of Lansing, which was received and filed. Mr. Hill presented a list of Grand Jurors for the Town of Dryden, which was received and referred to the Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes. Mr. Townsend presented a report showing that the Tax Rate of the Village of Trumansburg was $22.50 on $1,000.00 valu- ation and the School Tax Rate for School District No. 1, of said town was $24.75 on each $1,000.00 valuation. Mr. George presented a list of the Returned School Taxes of the Town of Lansing, which was received and referred to the Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes. Mr. Townsend presented a list of the Returned School Taxes of the Town of Ulysses, which was received and referred to the Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes. Mr. George presented a list of the Special Franchises of the Town of Lansing, which was received and referred to the Com- mittee on Town Expenses. Mr. Townsend presented the report of Howard K. Aiken, a Justice of the Peace of the Town of Ulysses, which was re- ceived and referred to the Committee on Coroner, Justices', Etc., Accounts. Mr. George presented a list of Grand Jurors for the Town of Lansing, which was received and referrEd to the Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes..• 2 • PROCEEDINGS OF. THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present. On motion, the election of. all county officials, members of Boards and representatives, necessary to be elected by this Board, was made a special order of business for Monday, De- cember 10, at 2 P. M. Members of the Board of Managers of the Tuberculosis Hos- pital appeared before the Board and rendered their annual re- port, which was received and referred to the Committee on Charities. Mr. George offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the Chairman and Clerk of the Board be au- thorized and directed to enter into a contract with the authori- ties of the Onondaga County Penitentiary for the custody and maintenance of prisoners sent to that institution from Tomp- kins County, for the balance of the year 1923 and to January 1, 1925. Seconded by Mr. Begent. Carried. Mr. Roskelly, Chairman of the Committee -on Soldiers' Re- lief, Etc., rendered the following report of that committee, relative to an appropriation to the Child Welfare Board, which was laid on the table one day, under the rule : Your Committee on Soldiers' Relief, Etc., recommends that the sum of $3,000.00 be appropriated to the use of the Child Welfare Board for the carrying on the work of that organiza- tion for the ensuing year. We believe that the Board has shown by its report, careful and conservative management and is entitled to the commenda- tion of this Board of Supervisors, and for these reasons recom- mend the adoption of the following resolution : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated to the Child Welfare Board the sum of $3,000.00 for the year 1924, in addition to any balance that may be in the hands of the County Treasurer to the credit of said Board. ALBERT H. ROSKELLY, ALBERT DASSANCE, ARTHUR BISHOP, . Committee. Adjourned to Monday, December 10, 1923, at 10.30 A. M. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 73 Tenth Day Monday, December 10, 1923 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. Mr. Begent presented a report, showing that the Tax Rate of the Village of Groton was $16.60 and the School Tax Rate for District No. 8 was $26.24 on each $1,000.00 valuation. Mr. Townsend presented a list of the Special Franchises of the Town of Ulysses, which was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses. Mr. Smiley presented a list of the Returned School Taxes of the Town of Danby, which was received and referred to the Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes. Mr. Dassance presented a list of the Special Franchises of the Town of Newfield, which was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses. Mr. Hill presented a list of the Returned School Taxes of the Town of Dryden, which was received and referred to the Com- mittee on Returned Highway and School Taxes. Mr. Hill offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the Committee on Charities be authorized to install necessary electric motors for the operation of machinery at the County Home and to make any necessary alterations or repairs to the hoghouse and stock barn on the County Farm. Seconded by Mr. Begent. Carried. Mr. George presented a report of the Bonded Indebtedness of the. Town of Lansing, which was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses. Mr. Hill presented a report, showing that the Tax Rate for 74 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS the Village of Dryden was $10:00 and the School Tax Rate for said village was $17.20 on each $1,000.00 of valuation. Mr. Hill presented a report of the Bonded Indebtedness of the Village of Dryden, which was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present. Mr. Roskelly, Chairman of the Committee on Soldiers' Re- Iief, Etc. called from the table the report of that committee relative to an appropriation to the Child Welfare Board, laid over from December 7, and moved that the report be accepted and the resolution recommended therein be adopted. Seconded by Mr. Dassance. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. The election of county officials, members of boards and rep- resentaties necessary to be elected by this Board, having been made a special order of business for this time, that matter was taken up! Moved by Mr. Begent, that the Board proceed in the election of a Member of the Board of Managers of the Tuberculosis Hospital, to succeed Mr. Charles Boice, whose term of office expires. Seconded by Mr. King. Carried. Mr. Begent placed in nomination the name of Charles Boice, as a Member of the Board of Managers of the Tuberculosis Hospital, to succeed himself. Seconded by Mr. Dassance. There being no further nominations, on motion, the Clerk was directed to cast one ballot for Charles Boice. The Clerk cast one ballot for Charles Boice and the Chair- man declared Mr. Boice elected a Member of the Board of Managers of the Tuberculosis Hospital, to succeed himself, for the term of five years, from January 1, 1924. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 75 Moved by Mr. Hill, that the Board proceed in the election of a Jail Matron for the ensuing year. Seconded by Mr. Bishop. Carried. Mr. Begent placed in nomination the name of Amy L. Green, as Jail Matron. Seconded by Mr. George. There being no further nominations, on motion, the Clerk was directed to cast one ballot for Amy L. Green. The Clerk cast one ballot for Amy L. Green, and the Chair- man declared Mrs. Green duly elected Jail Matron for the en- suing year. Moved by Mr. Wade, that the Board proceed in the election of a Jail Physician for the ensuing year. Seconded by Mr. King. Mr. George placed in nomination the name of Dr. J. W. Judd, as Jail Physician. Seconded by Mr. Hill. There being no further nominations, on motion, the Clerk was directed to cast one ballot for Dr. J. W. Judd. The Clerk cast one ballot for Dr. J. W. Judd, and the Chair- man declared Dr. Judd duly elected Jail Physician for the en- suing year. Moved by Mr. Patterson, that the Board proceed in the elec- tion of a Director of the Tompkins County Farm Bureau Asso- ciation. Seconded by Mr. Bishop. Mr. Miller placed in nomination the name of William 0. Smiley, as a Director of the Tompkins County Farm Bureau Association. Seconded by Mr. Begent. 76 PROCEEDINGS OF TME BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ' There being no further nominations, on motion, the Clerk was directed to cast one ballot for William 0. Smiley. The Clerk cast one ballot for William 0. Smiley, and the Chairman declared Mr. Smiley elected a Director of the Tomp- kins County Farm Bureau Association, as the representative of the Board of Supervisors. Moved by Mr. Smiley, that the amount paid the Jail Physi- cian for the year 1924, be $2.00 per visit, the same as paid in 1923. Seconded by Mr. Begent. Carried. Arthur G. Adams appeared before the Board and presented his annual report as District Attorney, which was received and referred to the Committee on Correction and Reformation. Mr. Adams also requested an allowance for expenses for.the ensuing year, which was referred to the Committee on Cor- rection and Reformation to investigate and report. Mr. Dassance presented a List of Corporations of the Town of Newfield, which was received and filed. ' Mr. Howell presented a list of Grand Jurors for the Fourth Ward of the City. of Ithaca, which was received and referred to the Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes. Mr. Dassance presented a report of the Bonded Indebtedness of the Town of Newfield, which was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses. Mr. Roskelly, as Chairman of the Committee on Correction and Reformation, offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved --That the Sheriff benotified to file his report as Sheriff, of the conduct of his office for the year and of all moneys paid him, and the disposition thereof, not heretofore reported, pursuant to Section 243 of the County Law; with the Clerk of this Board, on or before Thursday, December 13th, and be it further Resolved—That the Clerk of the Board is hereby directed to deliver to the Sheriff, a certified copy of this resolution. Seconded by Mr. Bishop. Carried. On motion, adjourned. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 77 Eleventh Day Tuesday, December 11, 1923 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. Mr. Smiley presented the Town Budget of the Town of Danby, which was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses. Mr. Miller presented a list of the Town Audits of the Town of Ithaca, which was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses. The balance of the forenoon session was taken up with com- mittee work. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present. The reports of the Farm Bureau and Home Bureau Associa- tions and the Junior Project Work, having been made a special order of business for this time, that matter was taken up. Messrs. Norman and Hatfield rendered the reports of the Farm Bureau Association. Miss Chase and Mrs. Royce rendered the reports of the Horne Bureau Association. Messrs. Meal, Bigelow and Beardsley rendered the reports of the Junior Project Departments. On motion, all reports were referred to the Committee on Soldiers' Relief, Etc. On motion, adjourned. 78 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Twelfth Day Wednesday, December 12, 1923 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present. Minutes of preceding clay read and approved. Mr. Patterson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAS—The towns of Enfield, Groton, Lansing and. Ulysses have improved more mileage of highways under the County and Town System of Roads than that allotted to them for construction during the year 1923, and WHEREAS—By a resolution of this Board, no town is au- thorized to improve more mileage than that allotted to it in any one year, and receive county aid thereon that year, except where any town has failed to avail itself of the moneys appro- priated to it, such moneys may be reappropriated by a resolu- tion of this Board to the town or towns completing such addi- tional mileage, and WHEREAS—The following towns have failed to avail them- selves of the following amounts allotted to them for construc- tion during the year 1923: Caroline $1,325.26 Ithaca 110.75 Newfield 2,890.00 Total $4,326.01 therefore be it Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated out of said moneys above specified to the Town of Enfiold, the sum of $660.30 said amount being the county's share of the cost of construction of 465 feet of completed highway in said town in 1923, in addition to the mileage already allotted to it for con- struction in 1923. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 79 That there be and hereby is appropriated out of said moneys above specified, to the Town of Lansing, the sum of $1,663.59, said -amount being the county's share of the cost of construc- tion of 1,255 feet of completed highway in said town in 1923, in addition to the mileage already allotted to it for construction in 1923. That there be and hereby is appropriated, out of said moneys above specified, to the Town of Groton, the sum of $1,663.59, said amount being the county's share of the cost of construction of 1,351 feet of completed highway in said town in 1923, in ad- dition to the mileage already allotted to it for construction in 1923. That there be and hereby isappropriated, out of said moneys above specified, to the Town of Ulysses, the sum of $338.53, said amount being the county's share of the cost of construction of 275 feet of completed highway in said town in 1923, in ad- dition to the mileage already allotted to it for construction in 1923, and be it further Resolved—That the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay the above amounts to. the Supervisors of the Towns herein- above mentioned as entitled thereto, out of the moneys in her hands available therefor, upon the filing with her of a certified copy of this resolution. Seconded by Mr. Begent. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. The report of Fred C. Canfield, a Justice of the Peace of the Town of Newfield, was received and referred to the Committee on Coroner, Justices', Etc. Accounts. Mr. Hill offered the following resolution and moved its .adoption : Resolved -That there be and hereby is appropriated to Ruth E. Snyder, the sum of $100.00, said sum being in full settle- ment with her for damages caused by destruction of fruit trees in the construction of the West Danby -Spencer F. A. Highway, and be it further Resolved—That the Clerk be directed to issue an order for said amount and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay the same out of moneys in his hands appropriated for se- curing rights of way. 80 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Seconded by Mr. George. Ayes -13.. Noes --0. Carried. Mr. Townsend, of the Committee on County Treasurer's Ac- counts, to which was referred the report of the County Clerk, relative to Mortgage Tax, presented the following report of that committee: Your Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts renders the following report, relative to the report of the County Clerk on Mortgage Tax : Name of Town Amt. Pd. Amt. Pd. Amount Amount County County Due Due Clerk Exp. Treasurer Town, Etc. State Caroline $81.41 $2.31 $79.10 $39.55 $39.55 Danby 155.00 4.40 150.60 75.30 75.30 Dryden. 488.00 13.85 474.15 237.07 237.08 Enfield 41.50 1.18 40.32 20.16 20.16 Groton 420.00 11.92 408.08 204.04 204.04 Ithaca 1,141.00 32.38 1,108.62 554.31 554.31 Lansing 247.50 7.02 240.48 120.24 120.24 Newfield - 85.00 2.41 82.59 41.29 41.30 Ulysses 200.42 5;69 194.73 97.37 97.36 Ithaca City 5,943.88 168.67 5,775.21 2,887.61 2,887.60 $8,803.71 $249.83 $8,553.88 84,276.94 $4,276.94 Your committee finds that there was held by the County Clerk for apportionment in 1922, the sum of $1.50, which sum has since been apportioned and the sum of $1.41 is added to the Town of Caroline, of which $0.70 should be paid to said town and $0.71 should be paid to the state. Your committee further finds that there was held by the County Treasurer for apportionment in 1922, the several sums of $2.50, $8.50 and $15.00. Of the sum of $2.50, there has been apportioned'to the Town of Danby $0.12, of which $0.06 should be paid to said town and $0.06 should be paid to the state and $2.38 was apportioned to the Town of Ithaca, of which $1.19 should be paid to said town and $1.19 should be paid to the state. Of the sum of $8.50, there has been apportioned to the Town of Lansing the sum of $3.95, of which $1.98 should be paid to OF TOM.PKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 81 said town and $1.97 should be paid to the state, and $4.55 was apportioned to the Town of Ithaca, of which $2.27 should be paid to said town and $2.28 should be paid to the state. Of the sum of $15.00, there has been apportioned to the Town of Ithaca the sum of $1423, of which $7.12 should be paid to said town and $7.11 should be paid to the state, and $0.77 was apportioned to the City of Ithaca, of which $0.38 should be paid to said city and $0.39 should be paid to the state, making the total apportionment and amounts due ;he towns and city of the county and state, as follows : Name of Amount Due Amount Due Town Town, Etc. State Caroline $40.25 $40.26 Danby 75.36 75.36 Dryden 237.07 237.08 Enfield 20.16 20.16 Groton 204.04 204.04 Ithaca 564.89 564.89 Lansing 122.22 122.22 Newfield 41.29 41.30 Ulysses 97.37 97.36 Ithaca City 2,887.99 2,887.99 $4,290.64 $4,290.65 Your committee also finds that, through error, there was ap- portioned and paid to the Town of Caroline in 1920, the. sum of $4.32 and this amount should be deducted from the sum of $40.25 as due said town, making the amount now to be paid the Town of Caroline the sum of $35.93. RECAPITULATION Received by County Clerk and Apportioned $8,803.71 Received by County Clerk and Held for Appor- tionment—.Tompkins, Cortland, Chenango, Ot- sego, Delaware and Seneca Counties 16,206.09 Total Amount Received by County Clerk on Mort- gage Tax for Year Ending October 31, 1923 $25,009.80 Dated, December 12, 1923. J. M. TOWNSEND, F. A. REGENT, SIDNEY L. HOWELL, Cominittee. 82 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Mr. Townsend offered the following resolution and moved its adoption • Resoly Id—That the foregoing report of the Committee on County Treasurer's -Accounts,, relative to the Mortgage Tax, be accepted and adopted, and that.the Board issue its warrant to the County Treasurer for the distribution of the amount in his hands, as therein set' forth, to the several tax dis- tricts entitled thereto. Seconded by Mr. Regent. Ayes- -1-3. Noes—U. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present. The matter of the Children's Court. having been. made a special order of business for this time, that matter was taken up. Judge Kent, of the Children's Court appeared before the Board and spoke at length on the kind and manner of the work being carried on by the court and of the good results being accomplished thereby. On motion, adjourned. Thirteenth Day Thursday, December 13, 1923 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. Messrs. Wm. Driscoll. and W. G. Fish, representing the Ithaca Chamber of Commerce and the Tompkins County Auto- mobile Club respectively,. appeared before the Board, relative to the erection of snow fences along the highways of the cou nty. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 83 On motion, the matter was referred to the Committee on Highways. The Democratic members of the Board designated the Groton Journal -Courier as the official organ of that party to .publish the Concurrent Resolutions of the Legislature, Election Notices and other legal notices required by Iau, to be published, du:cing the year 1924. The Republican members of the Board designated the Ithaca Journal -News as the official organ of that party to publish the Concurrent Resolutions of the Legislature, EIection Notices and other legal notices required by law to be published, during the year 1924. On motion, the designations were confirmed. • Mr. Roskelly, Chairman of the Committee on Soldiers' Re- lief, Etc., presented the following report of that committee, relative to appropriations to the Tompkins County Farm Bu- reau Association, the Tompkins County Home Bureau Associa- tion and the Tompkins County Farm Bureau Association for Junior Project Work: Your committee, having carefully examined into the matter of appropriations to the Tompkins County Farm Bureau Asso- - ciation, to the Tompkins County Home Bureau Association and to the Tompkins County Farm Bureau Association for Junior Project Work, do hereby recommend that appropriations be made as follows : $2,500.00 to the Tompkins County Farm Bureau Association, $4,000.00 to the Tompkins County Home Bureau Association, and $2,600.00 to the Tompkins County Farm Bureau Association for Junior Project Work. A. H. ROSKELLY, ALBERT DASSANCE, ARTHUR BISHOP, Committee. Mr. Roskelly offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : 84 PROCEEDINGS OF .THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated to the 'Tompkins County Farm Bureau Association the . sum of $2,500.00, to the Tompkins County Home Bureau Association 'the sum of $4,000.00 and to the Tompkins County Farm Bu- reau Association for Junior Project Work the sum of $2,600, for the carrying on the work of those associations for the year 1924, and be it further Resolved—That the County Treasurer be directed to pay to the treasurer of each association the foregoing amounts so ap- 'propriated, in four quarterly payments on the 15th days of February, May, August and November, upon the filing with _him of a certified copy of this resolution. Seconded by Mr. George. Ayes 13. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Patterson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolvl ed—That we, the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, wishing to express our appreciation to the State High- way Commission for the unprecedented highway work, both in construction and re -construction, accomplished by the State Highway Department in this county during the year 1923, hereby take this means of expressing our thanks to Colonel Frederick Stuart Greene, Commissioner, to Major Wm. M. Acheson, Division Engineer, and to those serving under them, for their earnest efforts in our behalf to achieve these great results, and be.it further ResolvedThat the Clerk of this Board be directed to for- -ward a certified copy of this resolution to Colonel Greene and .Major Ac heson. Seconded by Mr. Begent. Carried. • Mr. Patterson offered the • following resolution and moved :its adoption : Resolved -That there be levied and collected from the tax- able property of Tompkins County, the sum of $32,730.00, for the construction and improvement of highways for the year 1924, under the provisions of Section 320-A of the Highway Law, said sum of $32,730.00 to be duplicated by a like amount OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 85 from the State of New York, under the provisions of Section 320-B of the Highway Law. Seconded by Mr. Begent. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Howell offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be levied and collected from the tax able property of Tompkins County, the sum of $225.00 for postage and incidental expenses of the County Clerk, the sum. of $125.00 for postage of the County Treasurer and the sum of $50.00 for postage of the Clerk of the Board for the en suing year. Seconded by Mr. Patterson. Ayes -13. Noes—O, Carried. Mr. Hill offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be levied and collected from the tax- able property of Tompkins County, the sum of $1,000.00 for clerk -hire, postage and incidental expenses of the Commis- sioners of Election for the ensuing year. Seconded by Mr. Patterson. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Begent offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the County Treasurer be allowed the sum of $300.00 for clerk -hire for the ensuing year. Seconded by Mr. Smiley. Ayes ---13. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Dassance offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : 86 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Resolved -That the County Treasurer be authorized to pay to the several towns and city of the county, any balances in his hands, standing to the credit of the respective towns .and city. Seconded by Mr. Miller. Carried. Mr. George offered the following resolution and moved its adoption Resolved—That the County Treasurer be directed to pay the salaries of all county officials and employees monthly, ex- cept as otherwise directed by a resolution of this Board. Seconded by Mr. Wade. Carried. Mr. Townsend offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That all moneys now in the hands of the County Treasurer either in the general or. highway fund, and not. ap- propriated for any specific purpose by this Board, be hereby re - appropriated to the general or highway fund respectively. Seconded by Mr. Begent. Carried. • Mr. Wade offered the following resolution and• moved its adoption : Resolve d—That the Clerk of the Board issue an order on the County Treasurer for the payment of each claim audited by this Board, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay the same out of the moneys in 'his hands appropriated for that purpose. Seconded by Mr. Miller. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION Roil call. All members present. Mr. Howell offered the following resolution and moved its adoption! Resolved—That the CoLnty Treasurer be authorized and di- rected to transfer from the General Fund to the Construction OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 87 Fund of County and Town Roads, the sum of $4,681.01, to pay for the additional- mileage constructed by -,the several towns •during 1923. Seconded by Mr. King. Carried. The Clerk read the report of the Commissioners of Election and the apportionment of election expenses to the county and the several towns and city therein, which was received and re- ferred to the Committee on County Clerk and Election Ex- penses: Mr. Smiley presented a list of the Special Franchises of the Town of ,Danby, which was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses. Mr. Dassance presented the report of Edwin S. VanKirk and Arthur Decker, Justices of the Peace of the Town of New- field, which was received and referred to the Committee on Coroner, Justices, Etc. Mr. Dassance presented a list of the Returned School Taxes of the Town of Newfield, which was received and referred to the Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes. Mr. Begent presented a list of Additional Returned School Taxes of the Town of Groton, which was received' and re- ferred to the Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes. The Clerk read the petition of Court Officers, asking for in- creased compensation, which was received and referred to the Committee on Correction and Reformation. Fourteenth Day Friday, December 14, 1923 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. On motion of Mr. Smiley, the Board went into executive session. The Board arose from executive session and proceeded in the transaction of routine business. 88 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS • AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present. Mr. Dassance presented a list of the Town Audits of the Town of Newfield, which was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses. Mr. Dassance, Chairman of the Committee on Equalization, Footing Assessment Rolls, Etc., presented the following regu- lar and supplemental reports of that committee, on Footing, which were laid on the table one day under the rule: REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON FOOTING ASSESSMENT ROLLS To the Honorable the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins, N. Y.: Gentlemen: Your Committee on the Footing of Assessment Rolls reports that it has verified and corrected the footings of the Assessment Rolls referred to it, as made by the Assessors and Supervisors of each tax district, and that the following is a correct statement of such footings: Towns . m w U Total real except franchises and in- cluding Pensions Total franchises • Total personal ex- cept bank stock Grand total of roll except bank stock Caroline 34,747 $865,050 • $6,963 $4,400 $876,413 Danhy 33,286 787,532 4,176 ... .... .--.-- 791,708 Dryden ____ 58,286 2,672,900 53,267 600 2,726,767 Enfield .. 22,207 596,391 7,488 603,879 Groton 30,725 2,372,910 21,856 19,050 2,413,316 Ithaca City 2,940 19,312,425 1,126,280 20,438,705 Ithaca Town 16,293 2,655,948 52,355 2,708,303 Lansing 37,789 1,817,835 13,260 1,831,095 Newfield 36,997 880,965 13,167 2,800 896,932 Ulysses . 1 19,818 1,464,190 20,166 9,450 1,493,806 Totals 292,748 $33,425,646($1,318,978 836,300 $34,780,924 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY; NEW YORK 89 REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON FOOTING ASSESSMENT ROLLS (Continued) Towns Caroline Danby Dryden Enfield Groton Ithaca City, Ithaca Town - Lansing Newfield Ulysses .............. Totals -- $863,330 777,832 2,657,670 593,587 2,358,300 19,221,865 2,653,538 1,8,17,335 872,115 1,456,340 $33,271,912 $1,720 0,700 15,230 2,804 14,110 90,560 2,410 500 8,850 7,850 1 $1.58,734 060,589 653,829 1,314,772 1,308,712 716,935 716,935 125,577 123,027 485,729 485,229 $3,303,602 $3,287,732 , Town F.; Gti Bank Stock Caroline _-• Danby Dryden ----.--- Enfield Groton ..__ Ithaca City Ithaca Town Lansing Newfield Ulysses Totals.... $874,093 782,008 2,711,537 601,075 2,390,206 20,348,145 2,705,893 1,830,595 888,082 1,485,956 $34,627,190 $2,066,178 1,098,544 1,991,368 $2,057,708. 1,090,494 1,988,958 $60,400.88 185,988.85 848,731.62 771,355 765,055 1,008,077 1,000,727 100,999.94 $6,935,522 $6,902,942 $1,196,121.29 ALBERT DASSANCE, Chairman, J. M. TOWNSEND, A. S. MILLER, OLEN A. KING, F. A. BEGENT, ED S. HILL, L. E. PATTERSON, Committee. 90 PROCEEDINGS .OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT OF THE , COMMITTEE ON FOOTING OF. ASSESSMENT ROLLS Gentlemen : Your Committee on Footing Assessment Rolls, would further report that the following is the assessed value of the property within and without incorporated villages : Towns I Real, including Pensions Personal Special Franchises Totals Pensions Dryden Village $442,650 $8,025 $450,675 $3,660 Freeville 1 198,590 600 10,724 209,914 3,100 Inside Corporations $641,240 $600 $18,749 $660,589 $6,760 Outside Corporations 2,031,660 34,518 2,066,1 78 8,470 Totals $2,672,900 $600 $53,267 $2,726,767 $15,230 Groton Village . $1,294,330 $9,050 $11,392 $1,314,772 $6,660 Outside Corporations 1,078,080 10,000 "10,464 1,098,544 8,050 • Tota1. $2,372,410 $19,050 $21,856 $2,413,346 $14,110 Ithaca Cayuga Heights $696,850 $20,085 $716,935 Outside Corporation_...1 1,959,008 32,270 1,991,368 2,410 Totals 1$2,655,948 _. $52,355 $2,708,303 $2,910 Newfield' Village $122,045 $2,300 $1,2321 $125,577 $2,550 Outside Corporations 758,920 500 11,935 771,355 6,800 Totals I 8880,065 $2,800 $13,167 $896,932 S8,850 Ulysses- 1 1 Trumansburg ________ $469,000 $9,150 $7,579 $485,729 $500 Outside Corporations,___ 005,190 300 12,587 1,008,077 7,350 Totals 1$1,464,190 $9,4501$20,166 $1,493,806 $7,850 ALBERT DASSANCE, Chairman, J. M. TOWNSEND, A. S. MILLER, OLEN A. KING, F. A. BEGENT, ED S. HILL, L. E. PATTERSON, Committee. Moved by Mr. Dassance, that the rule be suspended and that the reports be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr. George. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 91 By unanimous consent the reports were taken from the table. Mr. Dassance offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the reports of the Committee on Equaliza- tion, Footing Assessment Rolls, Etc., be accepted and adopted and that the figures therein be used as a basis for taxation for the several tax districts of the county., Seconded by Mr. Begent. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. 1-IoweIl offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAS --This Board, on December 22, 1922, appropriated the sum of $15,000.00 for the erection of a suitable memorial to the Veterans of the World War, and WHEREAS -It is found that said sum will not be sufficient to complete such a memorial, therefore be it Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated an ad- ditional sum of $5,000.00, or so much thereof as may be neces- sary, to complete the proposed memorial. Seconded by Mr. Roskelly. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. Fifteenth Day Monday, December 17, 1923 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. The Clerk read a communication from Frederick Stuart Greene, former State Commissioner of Highways, which was filed. 92 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Mr. Roskelly offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That an additional day's compensation shall be paid to .constables and court attendants while in attendance at evening or night sessions.of courts of record, or in charge of a jury during their night or evening deliberations, when the time required of them shall exceed eight hours in any one day. Seconded by Mr. Begent. Ayes -5. Noes -8. Resolution lost. Mr. King presented a list of the Town Audits of the Town of Enfield, which was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses. Mr. Hotivell offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the claims presented for expenses of the $200,000.00 Highway Bond Issue, amounting to $941.67, and ordered paid by the Chairman of this Board, pursuant to a . resolution of the Board adopted August 13, 1923, be audited by this Board •at the full amount and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to charge said amount to the General Highway Fund. Seconded by Mr. Wade. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Roskelly offered the following resolution and movedits adoption : Resolved—That all claims presented for expenses incurred for Children's Court, shall first be presented to the Children's Court for its approval and there shall also be indicated on said claim, by the Judge or Clerk of said Children's Court, the political sub -division of the county in which each case arose. Seconded by Mr. George. Carried. The Clerk read the annual report of the Sheriff, which was received and referred to the Committee on Correction and Reformation.. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK The Clerk read the annual report of the jail Matron, which was received and referred to the Committee on Correction and Reformation. The Clerk read a, communication from Alois Mazourek, a resident of the Town of Newfield, relative to construction of State Highway No. 5474A, past his lands, which was referred to Mr. Dahman, representative of the State Highway Depart- ment for Tompkins County. Mr. Miller presented a list of the Returned School Taxes of the Town of Ithaca, which was received and referred to the Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes. Mr. Robert A. Hutchinson, Clerk of the Children's Court, appeared before the Board and rendered a detailed statement of the expenses of Children's Court, which was received and referred to the Committee on Correction and Reformation. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present. The Clerk read the following report of the Committee on Charities, relative to the report of the County Superintendent of the Poor: Your Committee on Charities, having compared the bills on costs for the maintenance and care of the county poor, with the County Superintendent's ledger entries, footing items and totals and checking up the receipts, find to the best of our be- lief that the report is correct, and your committee recommends the adoption of the following resolutions : Resolved—That for the maintenance of the poor having set- tlement in Tompkins County, there be levied and collected from the taxable property of the several towns herein named and the City of Ithaca, to reimburse the county for moneys expended for the maintenance of the poor of the various towns and the City of Ithaca, during the year ending November 15, 1923, the following sums, viz.: 94 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Caroline $101.58 Danby 146.95 Dryden 352.34 Enfield 203.17 Groton 923.15 Ithaca 2.78 Lansing 296.68 Newfield 196.49 Ulysses 257.43 Ithaca City 2,347.81 County 611.16 $5,439.54 and be it further • Resolved—That there be levied•and collected from the tax- able property of Tompkins County, the sum of $12,300.00, ap- portioned as follows : County and Town Poor to be supported at the County Home for the ensuing year $5,500.00 Outdoor Relief and County Home Maintenance 5,500.00 Services of Overseers of Poor and Superinten- dent's Expenses 400.00 Transportation 400.00 Physician and Chaplain at County Home 500.00 Total $12,300.00 ED S.'HILL, W. O. SMILEY, S. L. HOWELL, Committee. Moved by Mr. Hill, that the report be accepted and the reso- lutions adopted. Seconded by Mr. Begent. Ayes 13. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Patterson offered the •following resolution and moved its adoption WHEREAS—The town superintendents ;of the several towns of Tompkins County, have made an estimate of the amount of OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 95 money necessary to be raised by tax for the improvement of the highways and bridges and other. miscellaneous highway purposes of their respective towns, as provided by Section 90 of the Highway Law, and WHEREAS—The respective town boards have approved or changed said estimates, as provided by Section 91 of the High- way Law, therefore be it Resolved—That the said estimates as approved by the said town boards be received and the sum set opposite the name of the respective towns in the column which bears the heading, "Amount of 1st Item" (which is the amount of the First Item in said estimates), be assessed, levied and collected upon the taxable property of the respective towns, exclusive of the prop- erty within the limits of the incorporated village or villages of their respective towns which maintain their streets and high- ways as a separate road district, and be it further ' Resolved—That the sum set opposite the names of the re- spectivetowns, in the columns which bear the heading, "Amount of 2nd Item", "Amount of 3rd Item" and "Amount Df 4th Item" (which is the amount of the Second, Third and Fourth Items of said estimates as approved by the various town boards), be assessed, levied and collected upon the en- tire taxable property of the various towns of Tompkins Coun- ty, as follows, that is to say : Name of Amount of Amount of Amount of Amount of Town First Itern Second Item Third Item Fourth Item Caroline $2,200.00 $500.00 $500.00 $200.00 Danby 3,500.00 2,000.00 1,200.00 1,500.00 Dryden 8,000.00 5,000.00 1,500.00 4,200.00 Enfield 2,822.00 500.00 500.00. 1,000.00 Groton 4,500.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 3,000.00 Ithaca 4,660.00 4,500.00 3,000.00 4,100.00 Lansing 7,100.00 3;500.00 . 2,000.00 1,000.00 Newfield 3,917.00 1,500.00 3,000.00 2,000.00 Ulysses 4,200.00 1,000.00 1,500.00 .1,000.00 And that the several amounts when collected shall be paid to the supervisors of the respective towns, to be paid out by them as provided by law. Seconded by Mr. Hill. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. 96 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Mr. Patterson presented a list of the Corporations of the City of Ithaca, which was filed. Mr. Wade presented a list of the Returned School Taxes of the Town of Caroline,. which was received and referred to the Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes. Mr. Patterson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAS --The Supervisors and Town Clerks of the towns mentioned below have certified to this Board statements of ex- penses incurred by the Town Superintendents of said towns with the consent of the Town Boards, pursuant to Section 93 of the Highway Law, and audited and allowed by said Town Board or Town Boards, together with the principal and inter- est, therefore be it Resolved --That the amounts set opposite the names of each town be.assessed, levied and collected upon the taxable prop- erty of that own, exclusive of the corporate limits of any village or villages which maintain the highways therein as a separate highway district, and that the same when collected be paid to the Supervisor of the town to be applied in the cancelling of the certificates of indebtedness and the interest accruing on the same which were issued in payment of the above mentioned accounts. Amount of Principal Amount of Interest Name of Town to be Levied to he Levied Caroline $9,000.00 $285.58 Danby 800.00 Dryden .7,500.00 Highways 3,500.00 Bridges Enfield 3,500.00 Groton 3,500.00 Lansing 14,691.67 Newfield , 2,040.00 Ulysses 15,700.00 Seconded by Mr. Miller. Ayes 13. Noes—O. Carried. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 97 Sixteenth Day Tuesday, December 18, 1923 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. Mr. King presented a list of the Returned School Taxes of the Town of' Enfield, which was received and referred to the Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes. Mr. George presented the report of A. J. Conlon, a Justice of the Peace of the Town of Lansing, which was received and re- ferred to the Committee on Coroner, Justices' Etc., Accounts. Mr. Fred C. Evans appeared before the Board and presented his annual report as County Superintendent of Highways, which was received and referred to the Committee on High- ways. Mr. King presented a list of the Grand Jurors for the Town of Enfield, which was received and referred to the Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes. Mr. St. John presented a list of the Returned School Taxes of the City of Ithaca, which .was received and referred to the Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes. Mr. King presented a report of the Bonded Indebtedness of the Town of Enfield, which was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses. -Mr. Patterson presented the claims audited by the Com- mittee on Contract Supplies during the year 1923, which were filed. Mr. Patterson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the several claims against the county and audited by the Committee on Contract Supplies during the year ending October 31, 1923, be audited by this Board at the amounts recommended and audited by the Committee. 98 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Seconded by Mr. King. Ayes --13. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. King presented a list of the Special Franchises of the Town of Enfield, which was received and referred to the Com- mittee on Town Expenses. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present. Mr. Hill, of the Committee on Charities reported that the Committee had obtained an estimate of the cost of .making the necessary ;repairs at the County Home and to install electric motors at ;the institution, and offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be hereby appropriated the sum of $1,500.00 to install electric motors and make the necessary re- pairs to the barn at the County Home. Seconded by Mr. Miller. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Bishop, Chairman of the Committee on Returned High- way and School Taxes, rendered the following report of the committee relative to the list of Grand Jurors for the year 1924: Your Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes, to which was referred the preparation of a list of Grand Jurors, having prepared such list from the names selected by the sev- eral supervisors of the towns of the county and the wards of the city, and filed the same with the Clerk of this Board, hereby recommends that the list so prepared, with the occupation, post -office' addresses, etc., be adopted as the true Grand Jury List of Tompkins County for the year 1924. ARTHUR BISHOP. WM. F. GEORGE, A. S. MILLER, Committee. OF'TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 99 Moved by Mr. Bishop, that the report of the committee be accepted and adopted. Seconded by Mr. Begent. Carried. Mr. Bishop, Chairman of the Committee on Returned High- way and School -Taxes, rendered the following report of the committee, relative to Returned School Taxes : Your Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes finds by the certificates signed by the County Treasurer, and supported by the affidavits of the following school districts of the different towns of the county and the City of Ithaca, sub- mitted to this Board by the County Treasurer, that the follow- ing school taxes have not been paid, after diligent efforts have been made to enforce collection, your committee therefore rec- ommends that the following sums be levied upon and collected from the Iands or property upon which the same were imposed, with 7% in addition thereto : CAROLINE Fred Bates Estate, Dist.,No. 2, 63 acres $4.50 John Lee, Dist. No. 4 13.50 Harry DeFrest, Dist. No. 6, 28 acres 2.50 Rose Ames, Dist: No. 7, 14 acre .60 J. C. Lattimer, Dist. No. 11, 46 acres 5.00 Alice Lee, Dist. No. 12, 1A, acre 12.60 Jay Ballard, Dist. No. 13, 8 acres 4.86 Vincinzi Degracia, Dist. No. 20, 50 acres 12.03 $55.59 DANBY Sarah Cooper, Dist. No. 2, 100 acres $15.40 Jacob Novidor, Dist. No. •2, 45 acres 6.60 Harry Swansbrough, Dist. No. 7, 100 acres 18.66 Danby Telephone Co., Dist. No. 7, 43 poles 1.86 F. Gunderman Est., Dist. No. 8, 15/16 of 7/s acre .69 Floyd Heath, Dist. No, 8, 120 acres 26.28 James McFall, Dist. No. 8, 124/2 acres 1.46 George Thomas, Dist. No. 9, 50 acres (1921) .80 George Thomas. Dist. No. 9, 50 acres (1922) .80 Elmer Fitch, Dist. No. 13, 50 acres ($600) Elmer Fitch, Dist. No. 13, 50 acres ($700) 30.16 Hart & Wells, Dist. No. 13, 50 acres 4.41 Bert Heffron, Dist. No. 14, 16 acres 1.55 W. Liddington, Dist. No. 14, 144 acres 31.00 N. Slinde, Dist. No. 15, 105 acres 15.00 $154.67 100 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS DRYDEN Isaac Baker, Lot No. 89, 61 acres $5.85 .H. S. Finch, Lot No. 88, 111 acres 4.05 Stella Oaks, Lot No. 90, 76 acres 15.30 R. H. Pratt, Dist. No. 7, Lots 36 and 37, 133' acres 33.32 Thos. Barrett, Dist. No. 7, Lot 36, 170 acres ' .92 F. S. Clark, Dist. No. 10, Lots 75 and 75, 80 acres 2.70 Myron Cornelius, Dist. No. 10, Lot 74, 134 acres 30.70 Harry Cornelius, Dist. No. 10, Lot 65, 32 acres 1.35 Priscilla Cornelius, Dist. No. 10, Lot 75, 28 acres 1.35 A. G. Gray Est., Dist. No. 10, Lot 84, 135 acres 9.00 Delphine Hazen, Dist. No. 10, Lot 83, 10 acres 1.11 Otis Mitchell, Dist. No. 10, Lots 74 and 68, 83 acres 13.20 Mary Bakko, Dist. No. 10, Lots 84 and 85, 190 acres 34.94 Magee, Dist. No. 10, Lots 75 and 85, 231/2 acres 5.98 Oscar Stevens, Dist. No. 10, Lot 75, 60 acres 7,25 0. & H. Sevens, Dist. No. 10, Lot 75, 40 acres 7.70 Phebe VanPelt, Dist. No. 10, Lot 73; 241/2 acres 2.34 Winona Palmer, Dist. No. 11, Lot 33, 15 acres 2.57 Geo. Warner, Dist. No. 11, Lot 44, 1/16 acres .85 Geo. Warner, Dist. No. 11, Lot 34, 5 acres 4.24 J. L. Baker, Dist. No. 13, Lots 16 and 26, 83 acres 13.43 Henry Corcoran, Dist. No. 13, Lot 26, /', acre .17 Olive Darling Est., Dist. No. 13, Lot 26, 1/4 acre 13.60 F. E. Darling, Dist. No. 13, Lot 26, 3/s acre 43.35 Chas. A. Schults, Dist. No. 13, Lots 25'& 26, 241 acres 127.50 Dale Wood, Dist. No. 13, Lot 36, 21 acres 18.70 Bethena Tripp, Dist. No. 14, 100 acres 21.70 Henry Haseman, Dist. No. 15, Lot 12, 50 acres 7.76 M. A. Teamey, Dist. No. 15, Lot 12, 26 acres 9.68 Dan'l Youngs, Dist. No. 15, Lot 23, 2 acres 2.88 Z. B. Loromer, Dist. No. 26, Lot 59, 93 acres 22.59 George Wolcott, Dist. No. 20, 6 acres' 27.00 $493.08 ENFIELD B. A. & Edith Fish, Lot No. 55 $4.00 Fred Herholdt, Dist. No. 6 15.40 Orin Austin, Dist. No. 6 1.92 Orra Wilson, Dist. No. 7, 30 acres 7.00 Estus Taylor, Dist. No. 7, 61/ acres 1.40 Chas. White, Dist. No. 7, 11/2 acres 1.40 Chas. Rumsey, Dist. No. 7, 125 acres 40.60 Elmer Rumsey, Dist. No. 7, 80 acres 21.00 Wm. Rolison, Dist. No. 9, 15 acres 4.02 Orville VanOstrand, Dist. No. 14, 79 acres (Newfield) 16.88 Jennie Van°strand, Dist. No. 14, 50 acres (Newfield) 7..88 $121.50 OP TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 101 GROTON Robert Griswold, Dist. No. 5, Lot 59, 11 V. acres $11.20 Dist. No. 8--- ' Dwight H. Allen, 109-111 Williams St. 262.40 Lucius C. Atwater, Lots Grandview Heights 45.92 Lucius C. Atwater, Lots Sunrise Ave. 6.56 Lucius C. Atwater, Lots Cayuga St 10.50 Edward Bennett, Lot Spring St 1.32 Edward E. Gates, Lots Barrows St. 7.87 G. W. Griffen, 412 W. Cortland St 5.25 Harry Hugunine, Lots W. Cortland St 5.25 Clarence L. Kinney, Lot Spring St 1.32 Herbert Moree, 305 W. Cortland St 5.25 Perry Payne, Lots Sunrise Ave 2.63 Willis Perkins, Lots W. Cortland St. 5.25 H. J. Richardson, 111-113 Cayuga St 65.60 H. J. Richardson, 117-119 Cayuga St 20.99 Randall Sage, Lots McKinley Ave 5.25 Mary Tvaroha, 306 N. Parkway 31.49 Lewis Wright, W. Cortland St 15.75 Dist. No. 20- Gelantine Shoals, 10 acres 45.00 Gelantine Shoals, 14 acre 15.00 Gelantine Shoals, 14 acre 1.50 Dist. No. 22- . Harrett Jager, Lot 82, 126 acres 20.40 $591.70 ITHACA Dist. No. 2 - Eva L. Miller $16.25 Dist. No. 6 - Michael Miller 3.90 Mrs. W. Morse 9.75 Mary Myers 1.63 M. H. Norton .33 Alvin Potter 2.60 Edw. Sanderson (Sigma Phi) 45.50 Claude H. Smith 71.50 102 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. Eunice T. Smith 11.7.0 Celia M. Smith .65 Irving Stout 1.30 R. E. Treman 162.50 S. Van Order .98 Hannah Waite . 3.25 C. H. Webster 13.00 C. V. P. Young 11.70 Mary Allen 3.25 J. Dail Const. Co. 24.38 Durham 32.50 E. H. Hespelt & Wife 8.13 Ray Korts .49 G. N. Lauman 9.75 Dist. No. 7- P. D. Conley 9.00 Geo. B. Davis, Lot 229, Ithaca Land Co .45 R. C. Edgecomb, Lots 125, 276, Ithaca Land Co. 1.44 J. C. Edgecomb, Lots 274, 285, " " " .63 F. R. Fillman, Lot 269, Li " if .36 J. L. Goldsmith, Lot 234, ii " .54 Smith Hall • .63 R. Liddington 18.00 Jas. 'A. Miller, Lots 235, 258, Ithaca Land Co 11.70 Jerome Richardson, Lot 256, " " " .45 Michael Sheridan, Lot 215. " .36 T. J: Swartout, l., Lot 76, "LC CC.90 A. T. Swan, Lots 17, 96, • 1.35 Dist. No. 8 - Thos. G. Miller, 18 acres 2.90 Dist. No. 9- , Sirepta Howser, 64 acres 42.40 Chas. A. Titus, 62 acres 80.00 P. T: Kelly, 322 acres. 90.40 Arthur Wright, 101 acres 33.07 $729.62 LANSING Dist. No. 5- W. Norton Est. . . $0.48 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, • NEW YORK 103 Dist. No. 7— J. C. Crooker, 8 acres 1.36 Almeda Knox Est., Lot L57 John H. Smith, 6 acres 1.27 Dist. No. 8— Ephraim Labar, Lot 67 1.00 Dist. No. 9— Mrs. P. H. Baker 1.24 Howard VanAuken 6.20 Dist. No. 10— Agnes Townley 34.65 Dist. No. 13— Clark Blakeley, 96 acres 14.36 Dist. No. 15— S. L. Swanstrom 40.40 Dist. No. 16— Fred R. McGraw John Knettles NEWFIELD 14.00 7.00 $123.53 Dist. No. 1 --- Clifford Wheatley, 80 acres $28.62 Clifford Wheatley, 50 acres - 3.82 Putnam Teeter, 35 acres 3.18 Dist. No. 2— Mrs. F. W. Moore, 7 acres .75 C. H. Bruster, 30 acres 10.50 Chauncey Freese 3.00 S. D. Cook (Library) 11.25 Dist. No. 7— Dewitt Marion, 41 acres 4.80 104 PROCEEDINGS OF -THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Dist. No. 8— Mrs. Frank McHale, 60 acres 2.83 Mrs. Frank McHale, 8 acres .48 Danl. Georgia, 106 acres . . . .... 7.07 Dan'1' Georgia, 8 acres .48 Ernest' Reynolds, 75 acres 3.39 Dist. No. 12— Vera Leonard, 100 acres 10.80 Dist. No. 14— G. N."Baumbach, 76 acres 9.75 Eugene Crozier, 164 acres 15.00 Persley Hannah, 32 acres 9.00 Huston' & Darling, 85 acres 9.75 Fred Moot, 214 acres 24.75 Margaret Merrick, 87 acres 9.75 Dist. No. 15— N. Slinde, 191 acres 48.00 N. Slinde, 120 acres 16.00 Dist. No. 18— Putnam Teeter, 96 acres 5.28 Dist. No. 20— Myrtle Bailey, 10 acres 1.20 Brown & Rockwell, 20 acres (Treman) L20 Wm.Horton, 77 acres 13.60 Alice.McGiven, 101 acres 21.60 Mrs. F. W. Moore, 27 acres 2.40 Fred !Wescott, 5 acres .40 Dist. No. 21— Putnam Teeter, 33 acres 5.10 Putnam Teeter, 120 acres 8.50 ULYSSES Dist. No. 1— Maude Chipp $24.83 Geo. Ehle 11.85 Hartley Silk Mills 330.75 $292.25 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 105 Emma Rappleye 15.38 Jno. E. Ryan 13.03 Carrie Sears 31.93 Roscoe D. Sears 47.25 Cyrus Tompkins 7.10 Dist. No. 6 - Albert Clark Est. 2.80 Fred Wilson 2.40 Dist. No. 11 - Grant Egbert, 3.20 Stanley Girvan 4.68 H. S. Gutsell 1.20 Dist. No. 12- H. & A. Albertson .30 Grant Egbert 18.60 Geo. Fowler .60 Stanley Girvan 20.70 Kinney Estate 2.10 Sam'1 Taylor 18.00 Wm. Vrooman 3.60 $560.30 CITY OF ITHACA W. & Kate Acton, 109 Parker St $41.80 S. E. Banks, 240 Linden Ave. (M. Llop pays) 30.80 Jacob Bates & Son Est. (D. F. VanVleet, Atty.) Bal- ance on 18 Assessments 223.80 Wm. & Arlie Brooks, 219 W. Neaga Ave. and Lot 33.00 Lucy P. Brown, 401 Lake St 11.00 301 Lake St. (Mill) 77.00 Henry Butler Est. (Dan'1 Crowley, Atty.) Lots 42-43 Giles St. 3.85 R. B. Cass, 211 Auburn St. 27.50 Uri Clark Est. (Leland Clark, Agent), 154 E. State St. Balance 116.10 J. W. Cole, 119 College Ave. 59.40 Nina Cornelius, 113 Cobb St. 1.5.40 Ted Cummings Est., 414 Utica St. 14.30 Chas. Dade, 210 Cleveland Ave. 12.10 Grace Dodge, 317 First 12.10 Bessie Fish, 214 Humboldt St. . 11.00 216 Humboldt St. 11.00 106 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS A. T. Fisher, Lot No. 45 Giles St .83 Harry Francis (W. R. Grieshaber, Owner), 215 Mitchell St. 33.00 Clarence French, 414 S. Geneva St. 15:90 Edw. Gibbons Est., 127-129 Cleveland Ave 30.80 A. C. Goff, 305 W. Green & Garage & Barn in rear 104.50 H. H. Goldenberg, 317-321 Eddy St 171.60 Chas. Green, 206 Lake Ave. 35.20 Franklin Hagin, 312 Lake Ave. 11.00 Chas. W. Hamilton Est., 306 E. Neaga Ave 22.00 Barn 307 E. Falls 8.80 Emily Hausner Est. (R. C. Westervelt pays) 223 Prospect St. 27.50 J. W. Hughes (W. H. Dobell, Owner), 232 S. Cayuga 49.50 Theresa A. LaBarr, 108 Franklin -St 13.20 E. M. Latta Est. (M. T. Banks, Agent) Lot 911 N Aurora St. 7.70 M. Llop,' 209-211 Dryden Roacl 71.50 904 Hector St. 73.70 H. Lucas, Jr., 407 E. Tompkins St 13.20 Mason & Jackson, 502 S. Plain St. 22.00 Bruna Mazza, 416-418 N. Meadow St. 22.00 Christina Mazza, 410 N. Meadow St. 8.80 412 N. Meadow St. 14.30 414 N. Meadow St. 13.20 524 N. Meadow St. 11.00 522 N. Meadow St. 11.00 Lots 70, 81, 82, 83, 84 Esty St 7.70 502 N. Meadow St. 38.50 214-216 N. Meadow St. 16.50 J. B. McAllister, 418-422 Eddy St. 286.00 Rush McDaniels, 114 Hyers St. 3.30 Preston Melton, 425 W. Seneca St. 18.70 223 S. Plain St. 13.20 Lena C. Miller, 412 Elm St. 28.60 A. M. O'Daniels Est., Lot No. 11 Giles St .83 Parker, Schurey Co., 720-722 W. Green St 49.50 716 W. Green St. 14.30 718 W. Green St 7.70 M. E. Poole, 119-121 E. State St 258.50 Nellie Quick (Mrs. Collins Supposed Owner), 401 S Cayuga St. 28.60 John Quigley Est., 207 Williams St. 38.50 Arthur Ranum (Mrs. E. L. K. Murry, Owner) , Lots 201-203 Elmwood Ave. 3.30 John Reidy Est., 114 Maple Ave. 18.70 121 Maple Ave. 18.70 Lot Maple Ave. 14.30 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 107 Ethel J. Seeley, 321 S. Titus Ave 17.60 F. H. Shevalier Est., 717 N. Aurora St 22.00 A. G. Sincebaugh, 339 Elm St. 38.50 Smith & Sharp, 124 Columbia St 16.50 Isabella- Snaith Est. (J. F. Nash, Atty. Onondaga Bank Bldg., Syracuse, N. Y.) , 123 N. Quarry St. 83.60 Mattie D. Snover, Lot No. 90 Giles St 1.10 H. W. Strong, 608 S. Plain St. 17.60 Wm. Taylor, 213.N. Corn St. 14.30 A. W. Thompson, Lot Glenwood Blvd. 1.38 F. D. VanOrder, 511 W. Seneca St. 45.10 514-516 W. State St 60.50 Mary E. VanOrder, 356 Humboldt St. and Lot 84.70 Jeremiah Welch, Iee House, Westport St 70.404 206 College Ave. . D. M. White (Mrs. Robt. Vanderhoef pays tax) .83 Lot 117 Lovers' Lane3 Wyman, Lot No. 23 Treva Ave $2,836.65 ARTHUR BISHOP, WM. F. GEORGE, A. S. MILLER, Committee. Mr. Bishop offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the foregoing report of the Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes be accepted and the sums herein mentioned be levied and collected from the lands or property upon which the same were imposed with 7% in addition thereto. Seconded by Mr. Townsend. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. George presented a list of the Town Audits of the Town of Lansing, which was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses. Mr. Wade presented a list of the Town Audits of the Town of Caroline, which was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses. 108 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Mr. Wade presented the Town Budget of the Town of Caroline, which was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses. . Mr. Townsend offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the CIerk be authorized to correct any mani- fest errors occurring in the minutes or in the report of any committee. Seconded by Mr. Miller. Carried. Mr. George offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : • Resolved—That all special committees be continued in power as to the matters referred to them, unless sooner discharged by a resolution of this Board. Seconded by Mr. Hill. Carried. - Mr. Roske]Iy offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the Committee on Highways be authorized to purchase the lands necessary to be acquired for rights of way, and other necessary purposes connected therewith; for the construction and improvement of State and State and County Highways. Seconded by Mr. Dassance. Carried. Mr. Dassance offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : ' Resolved—That A. B. Oltz be employed to care for and look after the necessary repairs in the Supervisors' Rooms and offices of the County Treasurer for the year. 1924, and that he be paid a salary of $20.00 a month for performing such services. Seconded by Mr. George. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 109 The Clerk read the following report of the Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses, which was laid on the table two days under the rule: Your Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses reports that the several claims listed below are in all respects in proper form for audit and allowance by this Board, that each of said claims, in the opinion of your committee, is a just and legal charge against the County of Tompkins to the amount indicated in the column headed "Allowed", and your committee therefore recommends that each of said claims be audited at the amount so indicated. No. of Account to Nature of Claim Claimant which chargeable expense Claimed Allowed 96 Carl R. Wade Elections Bd. of Canvass $16.16 97 Wm. 0. Smiley " " " 14.24 98 Ed S. Hill" " .8.24 99 Olen A. King 14.88 100 F. A. Regent 14.72 101 A. S. Miller 12.00 102 Wm. F. George if 16.80 103 Albert Dassance 13.76 104 J. M. Townsend 13.92 105 Arthur Bishop 12.00 106 L. E. Patterson 12.00 107 E. Morgan St. John " 12.00 108 Sidney L. Howell 12.00 109 Albert Roskelly 12.00 $16.16 14.24 8.24 14.88 14.72 12.00 16.80 13.76 13.92 12.00 12.00 12.00, 12.00 12.00 $184.10 $184.10 Respectfully submitted this 18th day of December, 1923. A. S. MILLER, CARL R. WADE, A. H. ROSKELLY, Committee. Moved by Mr. Miller, that the report be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr. King. By unanimous consent the report was taken from the table. Mr. Miller offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : 110 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Resolved—That the report of the Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses be accepted and that the bills and accounts therein listed be audited and allowed at the amounts recommended by the committee. Seconded by Mr. Patterson. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. On motion, adjourned. Seventeenth Day Wednesday, December 19, 1923 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. Mr. Patterson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the Clerk of this Board be and hereby is designated as the Attorney for the Board. Seconded by Mr. Hill. Carried. Mr. Bishop offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved.—That the Clerk of this Board be authorized and empowered to secure bids for and make a contract for the Printed Proceedings of the Board of 1923. Seconded by Mr. Patterson. Carried. Mr. Hill offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAS—From different experiences, this Board has come to the conclusion that the interests of the county would be con- served if the county has a purchasing agent, therefore be it OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 111 Resolved—That the Attorney for the Board be directed to draft a bill for enactment into law, providing for a purchasing agent for Tompkins County. Seconded by Mr. Howell. Carried. Mr. Smiley, of the Committee on County Officers and Com- pensation, presented a report of that committee relative to sal- aries of county officers and employees, which, on motion, was laid on the table and made a special order of business for Thursday, December 20, at 2.30 P. M. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present. Moved by Mr. Hill that the Board proceed to elect a repre- sentative of this Board to the Farm Bureau on Junior Project Work. Seconded by Mr. Wade. Carried. Mr. Hill placed in nomination the name of Sidney L. Howell. Mr. Howell's nomination was seconded by Mr. Miller. There being no other nominations, the Clerk was directed to cast one ballot for Sidney L. Howell. The Clerk cast one ballot for Sidney L. Howell and the Chairman declared Mr. Howell duly elected as the representa- tive of this Board on the Farm Bureau in Junior Project Work, Mr. Smiley called to the attention of the Board the matter of reforestation of abandoned lands, owned by the county. On motion, Mr. Smiley was directed to investigate the matter and to report to the Board. • The Clerk read the following report of the Committee en Correction and Reformation, relative to the report of the Dis- trict Attorney : 112 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD) OF SUPERVISORS Your Committee on Correction and Reformation respectfully submits the following report, relative to the report of the Dis- trict Attorney : In view of the fact that the appropriation of $500.00, placed at the disposal of the District Attorney for law enforcement, was primarily intended for the enforcement of the Mullen -Gage Act, and, since that act is repealed, your committee can see no reason why a new appropriation should be made for that pur- pose unless a new enabling act should be passed. In that event, your committee believes that this Board would appropriate whatever funds might be necessary for its enforcement and place it at the disposal of the District Attorney. Your committee wishes to express to the District Attorney the approval of this Board for the fearless and energetic man- ner in which he has conducted the affairs of his office during the past year and to assure him that this Board stands ready and willing to aid him in every way in the'proper conduct of his office in the future. ALBERT H. ROSKELLY, OLEN A. KING, CARL R. WADE, Committee. Moved by Mr. Roskelly, that the report of the Committee be accepted and adopted. Seconded by Mr. Patterson. Carried. Mr. Patterson, Chairman of the Committee on Contract Supplies for the year 1923, rendered the folloWing report of that committee : Your. Committee on Contract Supplies reports that claims amounting to $4,644.57, as listed below, have been presented to it and audited, from November 1, 1922, to October 31, 1923, and orders have been issued on the County Treasurer for the payment of the same, as follows : OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 113 Light Heat Telephone Court House $253.37 $2,102.50 $87.18 Supervisors 106.61 Jail 366.11 39.25 County Clerk Building126,60 382.88 52.66 Sup't of Highways 98.47 County Treasurer 59.73 Sheriff 139.32 133.85 Co. Judge & Surrogate129.55 Almshouse55.96 Commissioners of Elec29.57 69.08 Tuberculosis Hospital 322.51 89.37 $1,237.48 $2,524.63 $882.46 Appropriation for 1923: Light and Heat $2,500.00 Telephone 1,000.00 Balance in Appropriation, November 1, 1922 68.53 Refunded from Alms- • house for Tight ............... 118.56 $3,687.09 Disbursements : For Light $1,237.48 Heat 2,524.63 Telephone 882.46 4,644.57 Overdraft $957.48 Respectfully submitted. this 19th day of November, 1923. L. E. PATTERSON, ARTHUR BISHOP, ALBERT DASSANCE, Committee. On motion of Mr. Patterson, the report•of the committee was accepted and adopted. ] 14 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present. Mr. Wade presented the reports of P. Alfred Munch, Augus- tus Middaugh, Chas. M. Jones and John B. Middaugh, Justices of the Peace of the Town of Caroline, which were received and referred to the Committee on Coroner, Justices', Etc. Accounts. Mr. Bishop presented the several claims audited by the Com- mittee on Jail Supplies during the year 1923, which were filed. Mr. Bishop offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the several claims against the county and audited by the Committee on Jail Supplies, for the year ending October 31, 1923, be audited by this Board at the amounts rec- ommended by the committee. Seconded by Mr. Patterson. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. Eighteenth Day Thursday, December 20, 1923 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. Mr. Townsend presented the following report of the Com- mittee on County Treasurer's Accounts, which was laid on the table two days, under the rule : Your Committee on County Treasurer's accounts reports that the several claims listed below are in all respects in proper form for audit and allowance by this Board, that each of said claims in the opinion of your committee is a just and legal charge against the County of Tompkins, to the amount indi- OP TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 115 cated in the column headed "Allowed", and your committee therefore recommends that each of said claims be audited at the amount so indicated. 7.7 t.. ° Z Claimant ACCUUnt to which chargeable Nature of expenseE m v v o 40 Stover Printing Co Co. Treas Supplies $ 114.50 $114.50 41 Ithaca Journal -News " Tax Sale Ad 328.32 328.32 09 J. E. VanNatta Type. Desk.. 40.00 40.00 70 Groton Journal - Courier Tax Sale Ad 230.10 230.10 Premium on 82 Ithaca Realty Co.__ ._ " Bond 375.00 375.00 $1,087.92 $1,087.92 Respectfully submitted this 20th day of December, 1923. J. M. TOWNSEND, F. A. REGENT, S. L. HOWELL, Committee. Moved by Mr. Townsend that the report be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr. Wade. By unanimous consent, the report was taken from the table. Mr. Townsend offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the report of the Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts be accepted and that the bills and ac- counts therein listed be audited and allowed at the amounts recommended by the committee. Seconded by Mr: Patterson. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Hill presented the claims audited by the Committee on Dog Quarantine during the year, which were filed. 116 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Mr. Hill offered the following resolution and •moved its adoption : Resolved --That the several claims this day filed, audited by the Committee on Dog Quarantine, be audited by this Board at the amounts recommended by the committee. Seconded by Mr. Miller. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present. Mr. Smiley, Chairman of the Committee on County Officers and Compensation, called from the table, the following report of that committee, laid over from December 19, and made a special order of business for this time : Your Committee on County Officers and Compensation re- spectfully reports that, in its opinion, the salaries of county offi- cials and regular employees in the various offices and depart- ments of county government should be fixed as follows: County Judge and Surrogate $3,500.00 Judge of Children's Court 500.00 Special County Judge 600.00 County Clerk 2,600.00 County Treasurer 1,000.00 District Attorney 1,600.00 Sheriff 2,400.00 Superintendent of the Poor 1,500.00 Coroner 200.00 Superintendent of Highways 2,200.00 Deputy County Clerk 1,200.00 County Sealer of Weights and Measures 500.00 Two Commissioners of Election at $600 each 1,200.00 Clerk of Board 1,500.00 Attorney for Board 300.00 Jail Matron 100.00 Surrogate's Clerk 1,200.00 County Court & Surrogate's Stenographer 1,000.00 Clerk of Children's Court 800.00 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 117 County Probation Officer 1,200.00 Assistants in County Clerk's Office 4,400.00 Under Sheriff 400.00 Deputy Sheriff and Turnkey 900.00 Janitor at County Clerk's Building 480.00 Keeper at County Home 1,200.00 Total for Officers and Employees $32,480.00 Your committee recommends that the salaries of the county officers and regular employees be fixed by this Board at the amounts stated, and your committee would further recommend that the County Sealer of Weights and Measures be allowed a sum, not to exceed $400.00, for expenses while performing the duties of his office, that the County Superintendent of High- ways be allowed a sum, not to exceed $1,000.00, for expenses while performing the duties of his office and that the Coroner be allowed a sum, not to exceed $100.00, for expenses while performing the duties of his office, said expense accounts to be audited by this Board at the annual session or at any quarterly session, and that the District Attorney be allowed the sum of $300.00 for office expenses, to be paid to him monthly. W. 0. SMILEY, S. L. HOWELL, J. M. TOWNSEND, Committee. Moved by Mr. Smiley, that the report of the Committee on County Officers and Compensation, relative to salaries and expenses, be accepted and adopted. Seconded by Mr. Patterson. Mr. Begent asked that the question be divided as to expenses of the District Attorney and salary of Attorney for the Board. So ordered. The Chairman directed that action be'first taken on the al- lowance of the sum of $300.00 to the District Attorney for office expenses. Moved by Mr. Smiley, that the District Attorney be allowed the sum of $300.00 for office expenses, as recommended .by the committee. Seconded by Mr. Patterson. 118 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Ayes -10. Noes -3. Carried.. The Chairman directed that action be taken on the allow- ance of $300.00 as salary for the Attorney for the Board. Moved by Mr. Smiley, that the Attorney for the Board be al- lowed the sum .of $300.00, as salary, as recommended by the committee. Seconded by 11Ir. Patterson. Ayes -11. Noes -2. Carried. Moved by Mr` Smiley, that the report of the Committee on County Officers and Compensation be accepted and adopted. Seconded by Mr. Patterson. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Hill offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be'and hereby is appropriated the sum of $500.00 for safeguarding the records of the County Clerk's and Surrogate's offices by an hourly inspection of said offices by the police force of the City of Ithaca, under the same con- ditions and payment therefor to be made in the same manner, as in 1923. Seconded by Mr. Miller. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Smiley offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That the sums of $1,500.00 and $300.00, hereto- fore appropriated as salaries to the Clerk and Attorney for this Board, be in full payment of services as -Clerk and Attor- ney for the Board from November 15, 1923, to the annual ses- sion in 1924, unless otherwise ordered by a resolution. Said sums to be paid as follows : $400.00 forthwith, $400.00 on Jan- uary. 15, 1924. and the balance in 'ten monthly payments of $100.00 per month. the first monthly payment being February 1, 1924. The County Treasurer is hereby authorized to make OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 119 the first two payments out of any moneys unappropriated in his hands, and if he has not sufficient funds with which to pay the same he is authorized and directed to borrow the same on the credit of the county. Seconded by Mr. Patterson. Carried. The Clerk read the bond of Charles E. Green, Sheriff -elect, which, on motion of Mr. George, was approved, both as to form, manner of execution and the sufficiency of the surety. The Clerk read the following report of the Committee on Soldier's Relief, Etc., which was laid on the table two days under the rule : Your Committee on Soldiers' Relief, Etc., reports that the several claims listed below are in all respects in proper form for audit and allowance by this Board, that each of the said claims in the opinion of your committee is a just and legal charge against the County of Tompkins, to the amount indi- cated in the column headed "Allowed", and your committee therefore recommends that each of said claims be audited at the amount so indicated. �.. cchargeable z Claimant Account to which Nature6 of expense 'V .� y o 31 Craig Colony Epileptics Clothing $68.58 $68.58 32ISyracuse State School Feeble -Minded 100.00 100.00 33 Central N. Y. lust. A for Deaf -Mutes... Deaf -Mutes .. Maintenance 470.11 470.11 34 Rochester School for the Deaf 367.90 367.90 35 Dr. A. Chase Insane Ex in lunacy 14.00 10.00 36 Dr. A. Chase 10.00 10.00 37 Dr. J. W. Judd " 10.00 .10.00 38 Ithaca Journal -News Educational .. Pub. St. Sch 5.25 5.25 39 Dr. L. T. Genung Public Health Lab. sere"._. . 97.06 97.66 73 Allen Booth Co Soldier's Bur'l Glenn Smith 16.00 16.00 74 Clark Baldwin J. J. Hyatt 75.00 75.00 75 S. B. Rumsey Em. A. Bell 75.00 75.00 70 Dr. James P. Fahey__ Insane "".. Ex in lunacy 10.00 10.00 77 Dr. J. M. Townsend.. .___ ...._. " 10.00 1.0.00 78 Dr. J. M. Townsend.. 10.00 10.00 79 Groton Journal- Educational Courier "_ ._" " Pub. iSt. Sch 5.25 5.25 88 Dryden Granite & Marble Works Soldier's Hdst Chas. S. Kiff - 25.00 25.00 $1,369.75 $1,365.75 120 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Respectfully submitted this 19th day of December, 1923. A. H. ROSKELLY, ALBERT DASSANCE, ARTHUR BISHOP, Committee. Moved by Mr. Roskelly, that the report be taken froth the table and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr. Smiley. O By unanimous consent, the report was taken from the table. Claim No. 35, having been recommended by the committee as allowed for an amount less than the amount claimed, a vote was taken on that claim. Moved by Mr. Roskelly, that Claim No. 35, of Dr. A. Chase, be audited by this Board at the sum of $10.00, that being the amount recommended by the committee. Seconded by Mr. Bishop. • Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Roskelly offered the following resolution and. moved its adoption: Resolved—That the report of the Committee on Soldiers' Re- lief, Etc., be accepted and that the bills and accounts therein listed be audited and allowed at the amounts recommended by the committee, and be it further Resolved—That of Claim No. 32, the sum of $20.00 thereof be charged to the City of Ithaca, the sum of $40.00 thereof be charged to the Town of Dryden, the sum of $20.00 thereof be charged to the Town of Ithaca and the sum of $20.00 thereof be charged to the Town of Lansing; that Claim No. 33, be charged to the City of Ithaca; that Claim No. 34, be charged to the Town of Lansing ; that Claims Nos. 35, 37, 76 and 77, be charged to the City of Ithaca and that Claims Nos. 36 and 78 be charged to the Town of Ulysses, said amounts so charged be- ing properly chargeable to said towns and city, and that said amounts so charged be levied and collected from the taxable property of the respective towns and city to which charged to reimburse the _county for moneys expended by the county on behalf of said towns and city. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 121. Seconded by Mr. Wade. Ayes -13. Noes -O. Carried. The Clerk read the following report of the Committee on Correction and Reformation, which was 'laid on the table two clays, under the rule: Your Committee on Correction and Reformation, reports that the several claims listed below are in all respects in proper form for audit and allowance by this Board, that each of said claims in the opinion of your committee is a just and legal charge against the County of Tompkins to the amount indi- cated in the column headed "Allowed", and your committee therefore recommends that each of said claims be auditedA�at the amount so indicated : No. of claim Claimant Account to which chargeable • Nature of expense 8 C, 43 Reynolds & Drake 44 Stover Ptg. Co • 45 Dr. J. W. Judd._ Jail .. Dist. Atty__. Jail Inmates.. Supplies .-.. Printing -. Services at- tempt sui- cide $1.00 7.00 20.00 46 Dr. J. W. JuddC, -. Physician -. 136.00 47 Edw. J. Moore---.--- -. Dist. Atty Expert 1 10.00 48 T. G. Miller & Sons_ Supplies 33.75 49 J. C. Crim Co. Ct. Crim-- Bd. jurors.--. 21.00 50 Monroe Co. Penit'y-Punishment .. Bd. prison.. 567.49 83 Arthur G. Adams Dist. Atty- - -- Expenses .-_. 39.45 84 John S. Fonda Lf Expert 47.00 85 Frederick Pellerin---. Detective ..I 22.47LC 86 J. H. Bailey Gar. Co. Auto -hire .. 16.20 87 Davis -Brown Co Sheriff's Off -... El. repairs._ .90 112 J. H. Bailey Gar. CoChildren's Ct.. Auto -hire 13.85 113 John Dates Children's Ct . Auto -hire .... 6.00 170 H. A. Carey Co Sheriff ... Pr. on bond 75.00 171 Fay Skilling Expenses .._ 405.07 172 J. H. Bailey Gar. Co. " Auto -hire out of Co. 173 J. H. Bailey Gar. Co. " Auto -hire in County $1.00 7.00 20.00 136.00 10.00 33.75 21.00 567.49 39.45 4'7,00 22.47 16.20 .90 13.85 6.00 75.00 405.07 318.65 318.65 917.90 917.90 $2,658.73$2,658.73 Respectfully submitted this 20th day of December, 1923.. A. H. ROSKELLY, CARL R. WADE, 0 -LEN A. KING, Committee. 122 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Moved by Mr. Roskelly, that the report be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr. Howell. By unanimous consent, the report was taken from the table. Mr. Roskelly offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the report of the Committee on Correction and Reformation be accepted and that the bills and accounts therein listed be audited and allowed at the amounts recom- mended by the committee, and be it further Resolved—That Claim No. 86 be charged to the Town of Groton ; That of Claim No. 112, there be charged to the City of Ithaca the sum of $5.50, to the Town of Danby the sum of $7.15 and to the Town of Lansing the sum of $1.20; That Claim No. 113 be charged to the Town of Groton; That of CIaim No. 171, being expenses of ChiIdren's Court, there be charged to the City of Ithaca the sum of $36.30 and to the Town of Ithaca the sum of $12.28 ; That of Claim No. 171, there also be charged to the City of Ithaca the sum of $113.58 ; That of Claim No. 172, being expenses of Children's Court, there be charged to the City of Ithaca the sum of $75.40 and the Town of Danby the sum of $10.95; That of Claim No. 173. being expenses of Children's Court, there be charged to the City of Ithaca the sum of $12.35, to the Town of Danby the sum of $4.50, to the Town of Lansing, the sum of $24.60 and to the Town of Ulysses the sum of $0.80; That of Claim No. 173, there also be charged to the City of Ithaca the sum of $10.10, to.the Town of Caroline the sum of $25.30, to the Town of Danhy the sum of $16.40, to the Town of Dryden the sum of $22.65, to the Town of Enfield the sum of $12.60, to the Town of Groton the sum of $22.20, to the Town of Ithaca the sum of $29.25, to the Town of Lansing the sum of $116.85, to the Town of Newfield the sum of $50.15 and to the Town of Ulysses the sum of $47.15, said sums being properly chargeable to said towns and city respectively, and that the foregoing amounts so charged be placed in the budgets of said towns and city, and be levied and collected from the taxable property of said towns and city, at the next ensuing levy, to reimburse the county for moneys expended on behalf of said towns and city. Seconded by Mr. Howell. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 1'23 Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. The Clerk read the following report of the Committee on Charities, which was laid on the table two days under the rule : Your Committee on Charities, reports that the claim listed below is in all respects in proper form for audit and allowance by this Board, that said claim in the opinion of your committee is a just and legal charge against the County of Tompkins to the amount indicated in the column headed "Allowed", and your committee therefore recommends that said claim be au- dited at the amount indicated. vs " w o Claimant Account to which chargeable Nature of expense •� Allowed z 0 81 The Biggs Co 1Tuber. Hosp___. Heater $980.001 $980.00 Respectfully submitted this 20th day of December, 1923. ED S. HILL, W. 0. SMILEY, S. L. HOWELL, Committee. Moved by Mr. Hill, that the report be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr. Patterson. By unanimous consent the report was taken from the table. Mr. Hill offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved- That the report of the Committee on Charities be accepted and that the bill and account therein listed be audited and allowed at the amount recommended by the committee. Seconded by Mr. Miller. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Howell offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : 124 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Resolved—That there be levied and collected from the tax- able property of Tompkins County the sum of $3,500.00 for the following purposes for the ensuing year : Fuel and Light for 'County Buildings in the City of Ithaca $2,500.00 Telephone Service for County Officers 1,000.00 $3,500.00 Seconded by Mr. Bishop. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Roskelly offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved. --That there be and hereby is appropriated to the Southern Tier Association for the Blind, the sum of $600.00, said sum to be paid by the County Treasurer to the treasurer of said association in payments of $300.00 each on June 1, and December 1, 1924. Seconded by Mr. Hill. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Patterson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAS—The county, during the past year, has paid for insurance on the motor trucks allotted to the several towns of the county, the sum of $617.85, therefore be it Resolved—That there be levied and collected from the tax- able property of the several towns of the county, the sums set opposite the names of those towns, to reimburse the county for moneys expended for and on behalf of said towns for in- surance on motor trucks, as follows : Caroline $36.35 Danby 36.35 Dryden 181.70 Enfield 36.35 Groton 109.00 Ithaca 72.70 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 125 Lansing 72.70 Newfield 36.35 Ulysses 36.35 $617.85 Seconded by Mr. Bishop. Ayes -12. Noes -0. Carried. The Clerk read the following report of the Committee on Highways, which was laid on the table two days, under the rule: Your Committee on Highways reports that the several claims listed below are in all respects in proper form for audit and allowance by this Board, that each of said claims, in the opinion of your committee, is a just and legal charge against the County of Tompkins to the amount indicated in the column headed "Allowed", and your committee therefore recommends that each of said claims be audited at the amount so indicated. `� o z - Claimant Account to which chargeable Nature of expense .n m n 3 42 J. H. Bailey Gar. Co_...... ___.!Highway Com. Auto -hire $182.00 $182.00 71 Ithaca Journal -News Highway Sup. Notices _. 1.75 1.75 72 C. G. Barber __I Highways .- - Signs 5.50 5.50 90 E. P. Bouton Highway Sup. Bond 2.50 2.50 111 P. W. Wood & Son _ Motor Trucks. Insur 387.70 387.70 $579.45 $579.45 Respectfully submitted this 20th day of December, 1923. L. E. PATTERSON,' W. 0. SMILEY, OLEN A. KING, F. A. BEGENT, ARTHUR BISHOP, - Committee. Moved by Mr. Patterson, that the report be taken from the table and passed at this time. 126 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Seconded by Mr. George. By unanimous consent, the report was taken from the table. Mr. Patterson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the report of the Committee on Highways be accepted and that the bilis and accounts therein listed be audited and allowed at the amounts recommended by the Com- mittee. Seconded by Mr. Dassance. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Hill of the Committee on Charities rendered the follow- ing report of that committee, relative to the report of the Board of Managers of the Tuberculosis Hospital: Your Committee on Charities begs to report that it has ex- amined the report of the Board of Managers of the Tubercu- losis Hospital, and believes the figures submitted are correct. In view of the fact that there was a deficiency in the ac- counts of the institution during the past year, your committee believes that it will be necessary to make a larger appropria- tion for the coming year, in order to carry on the work prop- erly and therefore recommends the appropriation of $19,872.22 for the maintenance of the institution for the coming year. Your • committee believes it would be expedient to have an educational and vocational nurse at said institution for the education of the children being cared for and recommends the appropriation of $1,000.00 for that purpose. Your committee therefore recommends the adoption of the following resolution : Resolved—That there be levied and collected from the tax- able property of Tompkins County the sum of $19,572.22 for maintenance of the Tompkins County Tuberculosis Hospital for the year 1924, and the sum of $1,000.00 for the employ- ment of an educational and vocational nurse at that institution for the year 1924. ED S. HILL, W. O. SMILEY, S. L. HOWELL, - Committee. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 127 • Moved by Mr. Hill, that the report of the committee be ac- cepted and the resolution adopted. Seconded by Mr. Miller. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. The Clerk read the following report of the Committee on County Officers and Compensation, which was Iaid on the table two days, under the rule: Your Committee on County Officers and Compensation re- ports that the several claims listed below are in all respects in proper form for audit and allowance by this Board, that each of said claims, in the opinion of your committee is a just and legal charge against the County of Tompkins to the amount indicated in the column headed "Allowed", and your commit- tee therefore recommends that each of said claims be audited at the amount so indicated. ea r "Claimant c 7_. Account to which chargeable Nature of. expenseO 73 C. m o d 1 Court 13ellis Co. Sealer Disburse. $11.92 $11.92 2 Court Bellis Expenses 400.00 400.00 3 Stover Ptg. Co Supervisor _... Printing 42.50 42.50 4 Ithaca Journal -News __.. Notice .... 6.40 6.40 5 T. G. Miller & Sons .... Supplies 15.55 15.55 6 J. I I. Bailey Gar. Co .___ Auto -hire 82.46 82.45 7 H. A. Manning Co Co. Officers.... Director.. 56.00 56.00 51 Groton Journal -Courier Soldiers Mem__ Postals __ 3.75 3.75 52 L. P. Burnham .. ,, .. Arc. Ser. 357.50 357.50 89 C. J. Rumsey & Co Supervisors __.. Supplies.. 1.75 1.75 $077.82 $977.82 Respectfully submitted this 20th day of December, 1923. W. O. SMILEY, J. M. TOWNSEND, • S. L. HOWELL, Committee. Moved by Mr. Smiley, that the report of the committee be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr. Miller. By unanimous consent the report was taken from the table. Mr. Smiley offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : 128 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Resolved -That the report of the Committee on County Officers and Compensation be accepted and that the bilis and accounts therein listed be audited and allowed at the amounts recommended by the committee. Seconded by Mr. Wade. Ayes -13. Noes -O. Carried. Mr. King presented the report of Bert Kirby, a Justice of the Peace of the Town of Enfield, which was received and re- ferred to the Committee on Coroner, Justices', Etc., Accounts. The Clerk read the following report of the Committee on Coroner, Justices', Etc., Accounts, which was Iaid on the table two days under the rule: Your Committee on Coroner, Justices', Etc., Accounts, re ports that the several claims listed below are in all respects in proper form for audit and allowance by this Board, that each of the said claims in the opinion of your committee is a just and legal charge against the county of Tompkins to the amount indicated in the column headed "Allowed", and your committee therefore recommends that each of said claims be audited at the amount so indicated. No. of claim Claimant Account to which chargeable t Nature . .n of : w expense V ro cu 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 80 92 91 G. E. Underwood James A. Bush Henry Williams J. H. Hoff Miles D. Lane, Assd to Grace P. Lane • Paul Ewers James A. Bush Chas. E. Hagin Wm. A. Smith Paul Ewers Howard K. Aiken City of Ithaca 169 Eugene Dorn 174. Howard K. Aiken Justice 1 Fees in 1 felony I<< " - 1 Dog cases 1 I gi fi Constable Coroner (Expenses Justice (Fees in •i felony (Dog cases City Court (Fees in 1 fanny Justice (Dog cases I Fees in 1 felony 1 $4.00 $4.00 18.55 18.55 16.75 16.75 22.50 22.50 7.00 7.00 33.00 33.00 28.00 28.00 53.45 53.45 65.20 65.20 12.80 12.80 5.50 5.50 105.55 105.55 4,30 4.30 8.20 8.20 8384.80 $384.80•' OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 129 Respectfully submitted this 20th day of December, 1923. CARL R. WADE, ARTHUR BISHOP, W. F. GEORGE, Committee. Moved by Mr. Wade, that the report of the Committee be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr. Roskelly. By unanimous consent the report was taken from the table. Mr. Wade offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved That the report of the Committee on Coroner, Justices', Etc., Accounts, be accepted and that the bills and accounts therein listed be audited and allowed at the amounts recommended by the committee, and be it :further Resolved—That the County Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to pay Claims Nos. 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 92 and 169, amounting tothe sum of $153.75, out of the moneys in his hands in the Dog Fund. Seconded by Mr. Dassance. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. The Clerk read the following report of the Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses, which was laid on the table two days under the rule : Your Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses, re- ports that the several claims Listed below are in all respects in proper form for audit and allowance by this Board, that each of said claims in the opinion of your committee is a just and legal charge against the County of Tompkins to the amount indicated in the column headed "Allowed", and your commit- tee therefore recommends that each of said claims be audited at the amount so indicated. 130 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS • .; "Claimant o Z O Account to which chargeable • c m p y k z S a 8 Ithaca Journal -News Co. ' Clerk Jury draw $21.00 $21.00 9 Ithaca Journal -News ............ Sup. Ct, CivPub. Terns 6.80 6.80 10 Banks Law Pub. Co Ct. Library.___1Books 16.75 16.75 11 Lawyers' Co. Pub. Co . Co. Judge " 25.00 25.00 12 Baker, Voorhees & Co..__... " " 12.25 12.25 13 Baker, Voorhees & Co Co. Clerk " 12.25 12.25 14 Matthew Bender & Co Co. Judge ..._ . " 2.00 2.00 15 Matthew Bender & Co IC CC3.75 3.75 16 J. B. Lyon .& Co 49.00 49.00 17 R. C. Osborn & Co ._ Elections Supp. 69.44 69.44 18 Columbia Carbon Co . Co. Clerk Garb. pap., 30.00 30.00 19 Atkinson Press " Court _ Galen 94.00 94.00 20 Atkinson Press Co. Judge Bl'ks 36.00 36.00 21 J. C. Crim Sup. Ct, Civil Meals jurors 28.00 28.00 53 T. G, Miller Sons Co Co. Clerk ...... Supp. 3.00 3.00 54 Hall & McChesney 44 Rec bk 25.00 25.00 55 Corner Bookstores • " Type. desk._ 53.00 53.90 56 Ed. Thompson Co Co. Judge ' Books 7.501 7.50 57 T. G. Miller Sons Co Co. Clerk Supp. ' 30.051. '30.05 58 Norton Printing Co Elections P't'g ' supp. 2,204.44 2,204.44 59 Ithaca Journal -News LI _., P. P. not. 79.90 79.90 60 Groton Journal -Courier _, Co. Judge Pub. Terms Court 7.001 7.00 61 T. G. Miller Sons Co. Surrogate Supp. 31.901 31,90 62 Estate L. J. Sprague, Ithaca Trust Co., Trustee Elections _ Rent _. 50.00 50.00 63 Albany Eve, Journal • Co. Judge Pub. Terms . ' Court 10.16 10.16 64 Atkinson Press _______....... ___ ._B1'ks 9.50 9,50 65 Groton Journal -Courier Elections _. P't'g 68.64 68,69 66IHall Si McChesney Surrogate Rec'd 'Books 76.00 76.00 67 Brandow Printing Co. Assd. lst Nat, Bank of P't'g . Albany Elections & sup 557.46 557.46 68 Banks Law Pub. Co Co. Judge_.. __._Books 44.50 44.50 93 E. P. Bouton Co. Clerk Bd pr. 30,00 30.00 94 Groton Journal Elections P't'g 13.44 13.44 95 Ithaca Journal -News -..... .... 44 16.68 16.68 110IJ. C. Crim ._..... Sup. Ct, Civ.... Meals, • jurors) 20.25 20.25 $3,745.56 $3,745.56 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 131 Respectfully submitted this 20th day of December, 1923. A. S. MILLER, CARL R. WADE, A. H. ROSKELLY, Committee. Moved by Mr. Miller, that the report of the committee be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr. 'George. By unanimous consent, the report was taken from the table. Mr. Miller offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the report of the Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses be accepted and that the bills and accounts therein listed be audited at the respective amounts as recommended by the committee. Seconded by Mr. Smiley. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. The Clerk read the following report of the Committee on County Officers and Compensation, which was laid on the table two days under the rule : Your Committee on County Officers and Compensations, re- ports that the following claims are in all respects in proper form for audit and allowance by this Board, that each of said claims in the opinion of your committee is a just and legal charge against the County of Tompkins to the amount indicated in the column headed "Allowed", and your committee there- fore recommends that each of said claims be audited at the amount indicated. 132 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS No. of claim Claimant Account to which chargeable Nature of expense U 0 114 Carl R. Wade 115, Carl R. Wade 116 Carl R: Wade... 117 Carl R. Wade___ 118 W. 0. Smiley 119 W. 0. Smiley.. 120 W. 0. Smiley_._. 121 W. 0. Smiley 122 Ed S. Hill 123 Ed S. Hill 124 Ed S. Hill 125 Ed. S. Hill 126 Ed S. Hill 127 Olen A'. King. 128 Olen A. King _ __.. 129 Olen A. King. ...... 130 Olen A. King__..__.. 1.31 P. A. Begent 132 F. A. Begent___.__.. 1.33Y. A. Begent 134 F. A. Begent 1.35 A. S. Miller 136 A. S. Miller 137 A. S. Miller ...... 138 A. S. Miller 139 W. F. George_ 140 W. F. George 141 W. F. George 142 W. F. George 143 W. F. George_-- 1441Albert Dassance_.__ 1451 Albert Dassance..._ 146 Albert Dassance 147 Albert Dassance 148 J. M. Townsend 149 J. M. Townsend 150 J. M. Townsend.__. 151 J. M. Townsend____ 1.52 Arthur . Bishop..... 153 Arthur, Bishop 154 Arthur Bishop .155 L. E. Patterson 156 L. E. Patterson.... 157IL. E. Patterson.... 1.581E. M. St. John....I 1591E. M. St. John._ 160 E. M. St. John.... 161 E. M. St. John.... 162 Sidney L. Howell.. 163 Sidney L. Howell.. 164 Sidney L. Howell.. 165ISidney L. Howell 166 Albert 11. Roskelly 167 Albert H. Roskelly 168 Albert H. Roskelly Supervisor I Committee work.. !I.;xtending. tax f Quar. & Spec. Ses. IAnnual Session.__. 1Committee work___. Extending tax __._ Quar. & Spec. Ses. Annual Session Committee work__ LL d LL 44 LL 44 LL it It if 44 14 44 44 44 ff 44 44 L4 ft L4 L4 LL. it 44 44 cc 4L 44 it if 44 it L4 Extending tax __._ Quar. & Spc. Sess. Annual Session Committee work.. Extending tax - Quar. & Spc. Sess. Annual Session Committee work__ Extending tax Quar. & Spc. Sess. Annual Session.... ICimmitteu work____ Extending tax Quar. & Spc. Sess. Annual Session_.__ Committee work._ 4 44 Extending tax Quar. & Spc. Sess.l .Annual Session.__. Committee work E xtending; tax I Quar. & Spc. Sess Annual Session Committee work Extending tax Quar. & Spc. Sess. Annual Session Committee work Quar. & Spc. Sess.. Annual Session_._. Committee work__ Quar. & Spc. Sess. Annual Session..__ Committee Ivork____ Extending tax Quar. & Spc. Sess. Annual Session__ Committee work Extending tax Quar. & Spc. Sess. Annual Session____ Committee work Quar. & Spc. Sess Annual Session 1 $75.50 16.00 56.56 128.08 158.95 20.40 49.84 134.24 87.61 43.96 26.18 • 57.68 128.24 187.50 18.76 52.08 134.88 32.00 44.75 61.04 128.72 240.00 35.00 42.00 132.00 128.10 49.50 21.50 • 56.40 136.80 176.25 17.34 54.32 135.52 95.04 29.50 55.54 133.92 216.00 42.00 126.00 331.75 42.00 132.00 217.00 ' 63.24 42.00 132.00 82,20 39.24 38.10 132.00 103.50 42.00 126.00 875.50 16.00 56.56 128.08 158.95 20.40 49.84 1.34.24 87.61 13.96 26.18 57.68 1'28.24 187450 18.76 52.08 134.88 32.00 44.75 61.04 128.72 240.00 35.00 42.00 132.00 128.10 49.50 21.50 56.40 136.80 176.25 17.34 54.32 135.52 95.04 29.50 55.54 133.92 216.00 42.00 126.00 331.75 42.00 132.00 217.00 63.24 42.00 132.00 - 82.20 39.24 38.10 132.00 103.50 42.00 126.00 85.089.03 85.089.03 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 133 Respectfully submitted this 20th clay of December, 1923. W. O. SMILEY. J. M. TOWNSEND, S. L. HOWELL, Committee. Moved by Mr. Smiley, that the report of the committee be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr. Bishop. By unanimous consent, the report was taken from the table. Mr. Smiley offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the report of the Committee on County Officers and Compensation be accepted and that the bills and accounts therein listed be audited and allowed at the amounts recommended by the committee, and be it further. Resolved—That the County Treasurer be and hereby is di- rected to pay CIaims Nos. 122 and 139, amounting to the sum of $215.71, and the sum of $84.00 of Claim No. 135, out of the moneys in his hands in the Dog Fund, said sums being prop- erly chargeable to said fund. Seconded by Mr. Begent. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. On motion, adjourned. Nineteenth Day Friday, December 21, 1923 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. Mr. Hill presented the Town Budget of the Town of Dryden, which was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc. 134 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Mr. Wade offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $800.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, as and for a partial payment for the Printed Proceedings of the Board of Supervisors for 1923, the order therefor to be drawn by the Clerk of the Board upon the County Treasurer, upon the de- livery to and acceptance by the Clerk of such Proceedings. Seconded by Mr.. Patterson. Ayes -13. Noes ---.O. Carried. Mr. Begent presented the Town Budget of the Town of Groton, which was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc. Mr. Wm. Hazlitt Smith appeared before the Board and ren- dered the annual report of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, which was received and referred to the Committee on Correction and Reformation. Mr. Howell offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be' and hereby is appropriated to the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, the sum of $153.05, 'said amount to be paid to said society for the year 1924. Seconded by Mr. Miller. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Dassance, Chairman of the Committee on Equalization, Etc., rendered the following reports of that committee for the purposes of General Tax Levy and Highway Tax Levy, which was received and laid on the table one day, under the rule: OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 135 REPORT NO. 1 OF EQUALIZATION COMMITTEE FOR APPORTIONMENT OF GENERAL TAX LEVY FOR THE YEAR 1923 To the Honorable the Board of Supervisors of. the County of Tompkins, N. Y.: Tn1vns m • True value Caroline $863,3301 $6,963 Danby '7'77,832 4,176 Dryden 2,657,670 53,267 Enfield 593,587 7,488 Groton 2,358,300 21,856 Ithaca City 19,221,865 1,126,280 Ithaca Town 2,653,538 52,355 Lansing 1,817,335 13,260 Newfield 872,115 13,167 Ulysses ___ 1,456,340 20,166 Totals - ._:1$33,271,912I$1,318,978 $870,293 .96 $906,555 782,008 .98 . 797,967 2,710,037 .08 2,766,262 601,075 .96 626,120 2,380,156 .96 2,479,329 20,348,145 1.00 20,348,145 2,705,893 ,.98 2,761,115 1,830,595 .9,1 2,011,643 885,282 ,99 834,224 1,476,506 .91. 1,622,534 834,590,890 ___.__ $35,213,894 Towns 0 0 Ul 0 0 ro 9 •rn m +' 0 0 0 O 0 mts cC yi Q1$+oa 0 o'er E¢ Caroline 8800,516 $20,223 $4,400 $804,916 Danby 783,849 1,841 783,849 Dryden 2,717,321 6,384 600 2,717,921 Enfield 615,043 13,968 615,043 Groton 2,435,465 55,309 19,050 2,454,515 Ithaca City.... .._ _ , 19,988,146 359,999 _ 19,988,146 Ithaca Town 2,712,265 6,372 2,712,265 Lansing 1,976,053 145,458 1,976,053 Newfield 878,404 6,878 2,800 881,204 Ulysses 1,593,828 117,322 1 9,450 1,603,278 Totals 834,590,890 $366,877 $366,877 $36,300 $34,627,190 136 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Your Committee on Equalization reports that they have ex- amined the assessment rolls of the several tax districts in the County of Tompkins, for the purpose of ascertaining whether the .valuation in one tax district bears a just relation to the valuations in all the tax districts in the county; that in the opinion of the members of the committee such valuations do not bear such just relations to the valuations in all the tax districts of the county, and your committee would recommend that the valuations of the several tax districts, in order that they .may bear such just relations, be. increased or diminished according to the foregoing statements so as to make the aggregate equal- ized valuations as indicated in the tabular statement above. And your committee would also report that they have deter- mined upon proper inquiry and investigation the ratio or per- centage which the assessed value of the real property in each such tax district bears to its full value and would recommend that, basedupon such determination of your committee that the board establish such ratios or percentages which are deter- mined and in the opinion of your committee are as follows : Caroline .96 Per Cent Danby .98 " Dryden .98 " Enfield .96 " Groton .96 " Ithaca City 1.00 " " Ithaca Town .98 " " Lansing • .91 " Newfield .99 " Ulysses .91 " That your committee have, in accord with such percentage compiled; and that the foregoing tables shows the aggregate valuations of each tax district, as determined from the actual values of property fixed according to the above ratios or per- centages 'and the average rate of assessment of real property in the county which your committee have determined according to the rules, laid down by Statute, to be 0.982308+ and that the table shows by such valuations the several and aggregate valu- ations upon which the taxes for the county, including the taxes, should be apportioned between the several tax districts of the county. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 137 All of which is respectfully submitted. ALBERT DASSANCE, Chairman, L. E. PATTERSON, J. M. TOWNSEND, ED S. HILL, A. S. MILLER, F. A. BEGENT, OLEN A. KING, Co-mmitte e. REPORT NO. 2 OF EQUALIZATION COMMITTEE FOR APPORTIONMENT OF HIGHWAY TAX LEVY FOR THE YEAR 1923 To the Honorable the Board of Supervisors of ,the County of Tompkins, N. Y.: Gentlemen : Your committee further report that it has in accordance with the percentages fixed and established by this Board, de- termined the equalized value of the real property of the several tax districts of this county, liable to the general levy of taxes, for highway purposes, as shown by the subjoined tabular statement; that the average rate of assessment as determined by such percentages is 0.982322+. Towns m R. N 0 Caroline 1 $865,050 Danby _... '787,532 Dryden 2,672,900 Enfield 596,391 Groton 2,372,410 Ithaca City 19,312,425 Ithaca Town 2,655,948 Lansing 1,817,835 Newfield .... • 880,965 Ulysses Totals._ $6,963 $872,0131 .961. $908,347 4,176 791,708 .98 807,805 53,267 2,726,1671 .98 2,781,803 7,488 603,8791 .96 629,041. 21,859 2,394,266 .96 2,494,027 1,126,280 20,438,705 1.00 20,438,705 52,355 2,708,303 98 2,763,574 13,260 1,831,095 .91 2,012,192 13,167 894,132 .99 903,164 1,464,190 20,166 1,484,356 .91 1,631,160 1$33,425,6461$1,318,978 $34,744,624 $35,369,878 138 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Towns Equalized value Assessed value increased Assessed value diminished 73 0 F Fi P. Total equalized real and franchises inclu- sive of pensions marked exempt with personal added Caroline 1 $892,291 $20,278 $4,900 $896,691 I)anby • 793,585 1,877 793,585 Dryden 2,732,628 6,461 600 2,733,228 Enfield 617,922 14,043 617,922 Groton 2,449,939 55,673 19,050 2,468,989 Ithaca City.__. 20,077,391 361,314 20,077,391 Ithaca Town 2,714, 721 . 6,418 2,714,721 Lansing 1,976,622 145,527 1,976,622 Newfield 887,199 6,933 2,800 889,999 Ulysses 1,602,326 117,970 9,450 1,611,776 • $34,744,624 $368,247 $36,300,$34,780,929 Totals $368,247 verage per cent 0.982322+. ALBERT DASSANCE, Chairman, L. E. PATTERSON, J. M. TOWNSEND, ED S. HILL, A. S. MILLER, F. A. BEGENT, OLEN A. KING, • . Committee. Moved by Mr. Dassance, that the reports of the committee be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by. Mr. Roskelly. By unanimous consent, the reports were taken from the table. Mr. Dassance offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That report No. 1, of the Committee on Equaliza- tion, Etc., be accepted and adopted and the valuations of real property for the purposes of the General Tax Levy, against the several tax districts of the county, be equalized and deter- mined as therein set forth, as the basis of the apportionment of such taxes for the ensuing year. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 139 Seconded by Mr. Begent. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Dassance offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That report No. 2 of the Committee on Equaliza- tion, Etc., for Highway Purposes, be accepted and adopted and the valuation of the real property for the purposes of Highway Levy against the several tax districts of the county, be equal- ized and determined as therein set forth, as the basis of the apportionment of such taxes for the ensuing year. Seconded by Mr. Howell. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present. Prof. Geo. W. Cavanaugh, Mrs. E. L. Williams and Miss Eu- genia VanCleef, appeared before the Board, relative to an ap- propriation for a County Public Health Nurse, employed under the auspices of the local chapter of the American Red Cross Society. On motion, the matter was referred to the Committee on Charities, with instructions to report forthwith. Mr. Wm. Hazlitt Smith appeared before the Board relative to a petition on behalf of the Estate of Holmes Hollister for a transfer to said estate by the County Treasurer, of certain property now standing on the records of the County Clerk's office in the name of Tompkins County. • On motion, the matter was referred to the Committee to Sell Lands Acquired by the County at Tax Sale, to investigate and determine if the facts set forth in the petition are true and, if so, to instruct the County Treasurer to make the necessary transfer. The Committee on Charities, to which was referred the mat- ter of an appropriation for a County Public Health Nurse, 140 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS under the auspices of the focal chapter of the American Red Cross Society, reported favorably on such an appropriation and recommended the adoption of the following resolution : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $2,400.00 for public health work undertaken by the county, said sum to be paid to the Treasurer of the Tompkins County Chapter of the American Red Cross Society for a County Pub- lic Health Nurse, employed under the auspices of said Red Cross Chapter, under the provisions of the Public Health Law, and be it further Resolved—That the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay said amount in four quarterly payments on the lst days of January, April, July and October, upon the filing with him of a certified copy of this resolution. Moved by Mr. Hill, that the report of the Committee on Char- ities be accepted and the resolution adopted. Seconded by Mr. Howell. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Patterson, Chairman of the Committee on Highways, of- fered the following resolution and moved its adoption : WHEREAS—Some of the towns of the county have constructed so-called stone roads at the entire expense of the town, and WHEREAS—Some of said roads so constructed have since been taken over by the county and absorbed into the County System of Roads and the towns have not been given any mone- tary consideration for the construction so absorbed, therefore be it Resolved—That when a town has constructed town high- ways at the expense of the town and such highways have been of such construction as to meet the requirements and specifi- cations of this Board for highways under the County System of Roads) and the same have been taken over by the county and absorbed: into the county system, such towns shall receive the percentage to which it is entitled for construction under said system at the original cost thereof to said town, and be it further f OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 141 Resolved—That the original cost of construction to said town shall be determined by the Town Board and the Town Su- perintendent of the town and the Highway Committee of this Board, but all determinations shall be first approved by th s Board before any action shall betaken or any appropriation shall be made hereunder. Seconded by Mr. IIill. Carried. On motion, adjourned to Wednesday, December 26, at 10.30 A. M. Roll call. Twentieth Day Wednesday, December 26, 1923 MORNING SESSION All members present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. The Clerk read the following report of the Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses, relative to the report of the Commissioners of Election : Your Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses reports that it has examined the report of the Commissioners of Election and believes it to be correct, and your committee therefore recommends that the apportionment of election ex- penses, as made by said Commissioners, be accepted and adopted by this Board, and that the various sums charged to the political subdivisions of the county, be levied upon and col- lected from the taxable property of the several towns of the ' county, the City of Ithaca and the County of Tompkins, as follows : Town of Caroline $157.48 Town of Danby 141.27 Town of Dryden 393.47 Town of Enfield 97.94 Town of Groton 350.83 Town of Ithaca 149.16 142 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Town of Lansing 194.42 Town of Newfield 94.84 Town of Ulysses 252.65 City of Ithaca 814.13 County of Tompkins 3,116.86 Total $5,763.05 A. S. MILLER, CARL R. WADE, A. H. ROSKELLY, Committee. Mr. Miller offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the report of the Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses, relative to the apportionment of elec- tion expenses, be accepted and that the various sums therein mentioned be levied upon and collected from the taxable prop- erty of the several towns of the county, the City of Ithaca and the County of Tompkins, as therein set forth. Seconded by Mr. Begent. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. The Clerk read the following report of the Committee on Finance, which was laid on the table two days, under the rule: Your Committee on Finance respectfully reports that, in its opinion, the following appropriations will be necessary to meet the expenditures of this county for the ensuing fiscal year, viz.: APPROPRIATIONS FROM THE GENERAL FUND Contributions: State Tax—General Purposes $79,489.55 Armory Purposes 8,681.43 Stenographers, Etc. 3,357.12 $91.528.10 Tax Expenses, Advances and Refunds: Tax and Redemption Expenses $558.42 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 143 Legislative: Supervisors—Compensation $4,789.02 Expenses 148.65 Clerk 1,500.00 Attorney 300.00 Postage 50.00 Janitor 240.00 Printed Proceedings 800.00 Administrative Officers: Commissioners of Election— Salary $1,200.00 Expenses 69.44 Postage, etc. 1,000.00 Rent 50.00 County Canvass 184.10 Election Expenses 2,940.56 County Treasurer: Salary $1,000.00 Postage 125.00 Clerk Hire 300.00 Bond 375.00 Expenses 500.00 Administrative Buildings: County Clerk's Building—Expenses $1,000.00 Insurance 75.00 Watchman 500.00 Janitor 480.00 Court House—Insurance 386.25 Judicial: County Judge—Salary $3,500.00 Special County Judge—Salary 600.00 Assistants 2,200.00 Expenses 500.00 Children's Court--Judge—Salary $500.00 Clerk—Salary 800.00 Expenses 200.00 $7,827.67 $5,444.10 $2,300.00 $2,441.25 $6,800.00 $1,500.00 144 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OP SUPERVISORS Civil Courts: Supreme Court $2,500.00 Court Library $50.00 Country Clerk: Salary • $2,600.00 Deputy County Clerk—Salary 1,200.00 Assistants 4,400.00 Postage 225.00 Expenses 1,000.00 $9,425.00 Contract Supplies: Heat and Light $2,500.00 Telephones 1,000.00 $3,500.00 Regulative Officers: Sealer of Weights and Measures— Salary $500.00 Expenses 400.00 $900.00 Regulative Associations: Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals $153.05 Educational: Educational Notices $10.50 Farm Bureau 2,500.00 Farm Bureau for Junior Project Work 2,600.00 'Home Bureau 4,000.00 Feeble -Minded 100.00 Deaf -Mutes 838.01 $10,048.51 Soldiers' Burial: Appropriation • $1,250.00 Soldiers' Memorial: Appropriation $5,000.00 County Publications: Appropriation $56.00 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 145 Public Health: County Laboratory County Public Health Nurse Under Auspices of the Tompkins County Chapter of the American Red Cross Society • $97.66 2,400.00;, Corrective Officers: District Attorney— Salary $1,600.00 Office Expenses 300.00 Other Expenses 1,200.00 $3,100.00 Sheriff— Salary $2,400.00 Under Sheriff—Salary 400.00 Deputy Sheriff & Turnkey 900.00 Matron—Salary 100.00 • Expenses 2,000.00 $5,800.00 $2,497.66 Probation Officer— Salary $1,200.00 $1,200.00 $10,100.00 Coroner: Salary $200.00 Expenses 18.00 $218.00 Justices and Constables: Fees $200.0{) Criminal Courts: ; Supreme Court $4,500.00 Punishment: Jail Inmates $1,600.00 Insurance, Etc. 112.00 $1,712.00 Monroe County Penitentiary 567.49 $2,279.49 146 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Overdrafts—General Fund $3,845,12 'Total Appropriations $174,922.38 Less: Estimated Receipts Applicable to General Fund— Total Appropriations $174,922.38 Levy on Towns for State Tax $91,528.10 Levy on Towns for Election Ex- penses 2,646.19 Levy on Towns to Reimburse County for Deaf Mutes 838.10 Feeble Minded 100.00 Sheriff's Expenses 467.23 District Attorney's Expenses 16.20 County Clerk's Fees $9,873.30 Surrogate's Clerk Fees 201.04 Children's Court Expenses 196.83 $105,866.99 Net Am't Required for Gen'l Fund Appropriations $69,055.39 - APPROPRIATIONS FROM THE POOR FUND •Charitable, Improvident Poor: Superintendent of the Poor—Salary Almshouse Inmates Outdoor Relief Expenses of Superintendent Transportation Physician and Chaplain Keeper at County Home Insurance Almshouse Audits Appropriation for Motors and Repairs .on Barn $1,500.00 5,500.00 5,500.00 400.00 400.00 500.00 1,200.00 295.50 405.31 1,500.00 $17,200.81 Charitable, Tuberculosis: Tuberculosis Hospital— Maintenance $19,872.22 Educational and Vocational Nurse1,000.00 Insurance 57.50 • Expenses 980.00 $21,909.72 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK Mental Diseases: Epileptics $68.58 60.00 Insane 347 $128.58 Dependent Children: Child Welfare Board $3,000.00 Blind: Southern Tier Association $600.00 Overdraft—Tuberculosis Hospital $4,129.78 Total Appropriations $46,968.89 Less: Estimated Receipts Applicable to Poor Fund— Support of Town Poor at Coun- ty Home $4,828.38 Levy on Towns to Reimburse County for— Examinations in Lunacy 60.00 $4,888.38 Net Am't Required for Poor Fund Appropriation. $42,080.51 APPROPRIATION FROM THE HIGHWAY FUND Maintenance of Highways: Supt. of Highways—Salary $2,200.00 Expenses 1,000.00 Audits 579.45 • $3,779.45 Construction: Sinking Fund on Bonds—Principal $2,062.77 Interest 4,125.57 $6,188.34 County System of Roads: . Appropriation Under §320-A $32,730.00: Maintenance Under. §320-A 7,050.00 Expenses • 182.00 $39,962.00 148 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Motor Trucks: Insurance $387.70 County Highway Indebtedness: County Highway Bonds—Principal $15,000.00 Interest 10;787.50 $25,787.50 Expenses of Bond Sale $941.67 Total Appropriation for Highway Mod $77,046.66 Less: Estimated Receipts Applicable to Highway Fund— Premium on Highway Bonds $1,927.17 Levy. on Towns to Reimburse, County for Insurance on Motor Trucks. 617.85 $2,545.02 Net Am't Required for• Highway Fund Approp'n. $74,501.64 Your committee recommends that there be assessed, levied and collected from the taxable property of Tompkins County, liable therefor, the following sums for the following purposes: For General Fund - $69,055.39 For Poor Fund 42,080.51 $111,135.90 For the Highway Fund - 74,501.64 Total Tax Levy for County, Exclusive of State Tax $185,637.54 Your committee further reports, that the foregoing appro- priations will be necessary to meet the expenditures of the county, for the next ensuing fiscal year, in payment of 1. Contributions pursuant to Chapter 546, Laws of 1923, Chapters 225 and 741, Laws of 1923, Article 6, Section 12, of the State Constitution and the Judiciary and Military Laws, as amended. 2. Salaries of officers and employees heretofore authorized by this Board. . OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 149 3. Claims audited and allowed by this Board. 4. Claims to be audited at special or quarterly sessions of this Board, claims to be audited by the Superintendent of the Poor, duly authorized certificates and other expenses to be paid prior to the next ensuing tax levy. 5. Amounts to become due under contract. 6. The amount to be paid for sinking fund and interest on State Highway Bonds. 7. County indebtedness and interest thereon. 8. Appropriations by this Board for other specific purposes, - and estimated amounts required for unforeseen contingencies. Your committee further reports, that from the report of the County Treasurer, the receipts from the previous year and other information available, it is estimated that the amounts in- dicated will be available from the various sources specified, to the expenditures for the above purposes, and such amounts are deducted from the estimated amounts required, in fixing the amounts to be raised by tax levy. Respectfully submitted, this 26th day of December, 1923. SIDNEY L. HOWELL, FRANK A. BEGENT, J. M. TOWNSEND, Committee. Moved by Mr. Howell, that the report of the committee be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr. Patterson. By unanimous consent the report was taken from the table. Mr. Howell offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : ResolvecThat the report of the Committee on Finance be accepted and the several amounts therein specified be and here- by are appropriated from the funds indicated, to and for the purposes enumerated ; and be it further Resolved—That all moneys received by the County Treas- urer, the disposition of which is not specifically provided for by law, or aet of this Board, be credited by him to the general, ] 50 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS poor or highway fund, in accord with the nature of such re- ceipt; and be it further Resolved—That in case of a deficiency in any appropriation, the County Treasurer is hereby authorized to transfer, from the general fund, poor fund or highway fund respectively, for the purpose of meeting any payment ordered by this Board, or required by law, which amounts are hereby appropriated for such purposes, but in no case is the County Treasurer author- ized to transfer from the general fund or poor fund to any other fund, without a resolution of this Board specifically au- thorizing him so to do ; and be' it further Resolved—That there be assessed upon, levied against and collected from the taxable property of Tompkins County, liable therefor, For State Tax $91,528.10 For General and Poor Fund Tax 111,135.90 For Highway Fund Tax 74,501.64 Seconded by Mr. George. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Dassance presented the petitions of the Assessors of the Town of Newfield, to place property belonging to E. A. Brink and Presley T. Hannah, on the assessment roll of that town for the current year, they having been omitted therefrom through mistake. On motion of Mr. Roskelly, the petition was granted and the assessors of the town were directed to add to the assessment roll of the town the property described,in the petitions. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present. The Clerk read the following report of the Committee on Equalization, Etc., on Apportionment, which was laid on the table two days under the rule: Your Committee on Equalization, Etc., whose duty it is to apportion the various taxes among the several towns of the county and the City of Ithaca, respectfully reports that the fol- OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 151 lowing amounts shall be paid by the several towns and City of Ithaca for state tax for general purposes, state tax fpr ar- mories, state tax for stenographers, etc., county tax for gen- eral and poor purposes and county tax for highway purposes, as follows: Towns State Tax Caroline Danby Dryden Enfield Groton Ithaca City Ithaca Town Lansing Newfield Ulysses Totals $894,916 783,849 2,717,921 615,043 2,454,515 19,988,146 2,712,265 1,976,053 881,204 1,603,278 $34,627,190 $2,365.49 $2,872.68 2,0 71.91 2,516.15 7,184.13 8,724.53 1,625.72 1,974.29 6,487.88 7,878.99 52,833.48. 64,161.95 7,169.18 8,706.37 5,223.20 6,343.13 2,320.25 2,828.66 4,237.86 5,146.52 $91,528.10 $111,153.27 Towns Caroline Danby Dryden Enfield Groton ................ Ithaca City Ithaca Town Lansing Newfield Ulysses Totals $896,691 793,585 2,733,228 617,922 2,468,989 20,077,391 2,714,721 1,976,622 889,999 1,611, 776 $34,780,924 $1,927.88 1,706.20 5,876.44 1,328.53 5,308.33 43,166.39 5,836.65 4,249.74 1,913.50 3,465.32 $7,166.05 6,294.26 21,785.10 4,928.54 19,675.20 160,161.82 21,712.20 15,816.07 7,071.41 12,849.70 $74,778.98 $277.460.35 Rate for State Tax $2.64 + per $1,000 Rate for General and Poor 3.21 per 1,000 Rate for. County Highway Purposes 2.15 per 1,000 152 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ALBERT DASSANCE, Chairman, JOHN M. TOWNSEND. L. E. PATTERSON, . F. A. BEGENT, OLEN A. KING, A. S. MILLER, ED S. HILL, Committee. Moved by Mr. Dassance, that the report of the committee be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr . Miller. By unanimous consent, the report was taken from the table. Mr. Dassance offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the report of the Committee on Equaliza- tion, Etc., on Apportionment, be accepted and adopted and that the several amounts therein listed for state tax, county tax and county highway tax against the several towns and, city of the county, be assessed, levied and collected from the taxable prop- erty of the several towns and city, liable therefor. ' Seconded by Mr. Patterson.' Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. On motion, adjourned.. Twenty-first Day Thursday, December 27, 1923 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. The Clerk read the following report of the Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses, relative to the reports of OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 153 the County Clerk and the Surrogate's Clerk, on the receipts and disbursements of their offices: Your Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses re- ports that it has examined the reports submitted by the County Clerk and the Surrogate's Clerk and believes that the items and amounts therein set forth are correct. Your committee finds that the receipts of the County Clerk belonging to the county, have been paid to the County Treasurer, and that the sum of $201.04, being the balance in the hands of the Surrogate's Clerk, after paying the running expenses of her office, has been received and applied to the credit of the county. A. S. MILLER, C. R. WADE, A. H. ROSKELLY, Committee. Moved by Mr. Miller, that the report of the committee be accepted. Seconded by Mr. Smiley. Carried. The Clerk read the following report of the Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts : Your Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts, after ex- amining the report of the County Treasurer and comparing the figures therein submitted with the books and vouchers. of the County Treasurer and ascertaining that the bank balances are correct, believes that the said report is a true and complete financial statement of the business of the county passing through the office of the County Treasurer for the year, and your committee wishes to commend the care and diligence dis- played by those having the details of the work of that office in charge. J. M. TOWNSEND, F. A. BEGENT, SIDNEY L. HOWELL, Committee. Moved by Mr. Townsend, that the report of the committee be accepted. Seconded by Mr. Hill. Carried. 154 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS The Clerk read the following report of the Committee on Finance, which was laid on the table two days, under the rule : Your Committee on Finance reports that the following tabu- lated statements show the appropriations which will be neces- sary to meet the expenditures of the various towns of the county and the City of Ithaca, for the ensuing fiscal year, as set forth in the following budgets : TOWN OF CAROLINE To be Paid the County Treasurer : State Tax $2,365.49 County Tax 2.872.68 County Highway .Tax 1,927.88 Maintenance State and County Highways 550.00 Election Expenses 157.48 Support of Poor at County Home 101.58 Sheriff's Expenses ' - 25.30 Due County 27.79 Insurance on Motor Trucks 36.35 RETURNED SCHOOL TAXES To be Paid the Supervisor : Town Audits Highways Bridges Machinery Miscellaneous Cert. of Indebtedness—Prin. Int. Towri Poor $8,064.55 $59.49 $3,940.15 2,200.00 500.00 500.00 200.00 9,000.00 285.58 200.00 $16,825.73 TOTAL BUDGET TAX RATES—. General Highway Total 0115 .0175 .0290 $24,949.77 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 155 TOWN OF DANBY To be Paid County Treasurer : State Tax $2,071.91 County Tax 2,516.15 County Highway Tax 1,706.20 Maintenance of State and County Highways 500.00 Election Expenses 141.27 Support of Poor at County Home 146.95 Sheriff's Expenses 16.40 Expenses of Children's Court 22.60 Due County 10.84 Insurance on Motor Trucks 36.35 RETURNED SCHOOL TAXES To be Paid the Supervisor : Town Audits Highways Bridges Machinery Miscellaneous Certificate of Indebtedness Town Poor $7,168.67 $165.82 $1,362.65 3,500.00 2,000.00 1,200.00 1,500.00 800.00 100.00 $10,462.65 TOTAL BUDGET $17,797.14 TAX RATES— General Highway Total .00855 .01425 .02280 156 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TOWN OF DRYDEN To be Paid County Treasurer : State Tax $7,184.13 County Tax 8,724.53 County Highway Tax 5,876.44 Sinking Fund and Interest, Road No. 681 243.11 " " 682 269.13 " " 683 278.09 Maintenance of State and County Highways 1,250.00 Election Expenses 393.47 Support of Poor at County Home 352.34 Feeble Minded Children 40.00 Sheriff's Expenses 22.65 Insurance on Motor Trucks 181.70 RETURNED SCHOOL TAX $527.43 To be Paid the Supervisor :• Town Audits $2,925.25 Highways ._.. 8,000.00 Bridges 5,000.00 Machinery 1,500.00 Miscellaneous 3,200.00 Snow Fund ... 1,000.00 Town Poor 800.00 Vote of Town for Highways 5,000.00 Cert. of Indebtedness --Highways 5,000.00 ig " f f Bridges 1,000.00 Order of Town Board 1,500.00 Extraordinary Repairs 5,000.00 $24,815.59 $39,925.25 TOTAL BUDGET $65,268.27 TAX RATES— General .02113 Highway .0038 Total .02493 Pensions .01818 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 157 TOWN OF ENFIELD To be Paid County Treasurer : State Tax $1,625.72 County Tax 1,974.29 County Highway Tax 1,328.53 Maintenance of State and County Highways 450.00 Election Expenses 97.94 Support of Poor at County Home 203.17 Sheriff's Expenses 12.60 Due County 3.70 Insurance on Motor Trucks 36.35 RETURNED SCHOOL TAXES $130.25 To be Paid the Supervisor : Town Audits $2,120.15 Highways 2,822.00 Bridges 500.00 Machinery 500.00 Miscellaneous 1,000.00 Certificate of Indebtedness 3,500.00 Bond and Interest, Road No. 1001 313.50 $5,732.30 $10,755.66 TOTAL BUDGET ... $16,618.21 TAX RATES— General .0102 Highway .0174 Total .0276 158 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TOWN OF GROTON To be Paid County Treasurer: State Tax $6,487.88 County Tax 7,878.99 County Highway Tax 5,308.33 Maintenance of State and County Highways 500.00 Election Expenses 350.83 Support of Poor at County Home 923.15 District Attorney's Expenses 16.20 Sheriff's Expenses 22.20 Expenses of Children's Court 6.00 Due County 15.22 Insurance on Motor Trucks 109.00 RETURNED SCHOOL TAX _ $352.35 To be Paid the Supervisor : Town Audits $3,348.10 Highways 4,500.00 Bridges 1,000.00 Machinery 2,000.00 Miscellaneous 2,971.92 Memorial Day 75.00 Voted by Town 5,000.00 Cutting Brush - 38.00 Certificate of Indebtedness 3,500.00 $21;617.80 $22,433.02 TOTAL BUDGET $44,403.17 TAX RATES— General Highway .0085 General Fund .00787 Inside Corporation— Total .01637 (Pensions .0085 Health Rate .00032 Dirt Roads .00413 General Highway .0085 Outside Corporation— General Fund .00787 Total .02082 Pensions .01263 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 159 TOWN OF ITHACA To be Paid County Treasurer: State Tax $7,169.18 County Tax 8,706.37 County Highway Tax 5,836.65 Maintenance of State and County Highways 1,100.00 Election Expenses 149.16 Support of Poor at County Home 2.78 Feeble Minded 20.00 Sheriff's Expenses 29.25 Expenses of Children's Court 12.28 Due County 378.62 Insurance on Motor Trucks 72.70 RETURNED SCHOOL TAX $787.47 To be Paid the Supervisor : Town Audits $1,853.31' Highways 4,660.00 Bridges 4,500.00 Machinery 3,000.00 Miscellaneous 4,100.00 Bond and Interest 1,725.00 $23,476.99 $19,838.31 TOTAL BUDGET $44,102.77 TAX RATES— Inside Corporation— Outside Corporation— General .0068 Highway .0085 Total .0153 General .0069 1 Highway .0098 Total .0167 160 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS CITY OF ITHACA To be Paid the County Treasurer : State Tax. $52,833.48 County Tax 64,161.95 County Highway Tax 43,166.39 Election Expenses 814.13 Support of Poor at County Home 2,347.81 Feeble Minded 20.00 Deaf Mutes 470.11 Examination in Lunacy 40.00 Sheriff's Expenses 124.68 Expenses of Children's Court 129.55 Due County 173.24 TOTAL BUDGET $164,281.34 RETURNED SCHOOL TAX.-. $3,035.22 (To be paid by the School District of the City of Ithaca and not a part of the City Budget, for which the tax is levied.) TAX RATES— General .00596 • Highways .00212 Total .00808 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK TOWN OF LANSING To be Paid County Treasurer : 1.61 State Tax $5,223.20 County Tax 6,343.13 County Highway Tax 4,249.74 Maintenance of State and County Highways 400.00 Election Expenses 194.42 Support of Poor at County Home 296.68 Feeble Minded 20.00 Deaf Mutes 367.90 Sheriff's Expenses 116.85 Expense of Children's Court 25:60 Due County 21.48 Insurance on Motor Trucks 72.70 RETURNED SCHOOL TAX To be Paid the Supervisor : Town Audits Highways Bridges Machinery Miscellaneous Certificate of Indebtedness $17,331.70 $13218 $4,865.36 7,100.00 3,500.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 14,691.67 $33,157.03 TOTAL BUDGET $50,620.91 TAX RATES— General .00995 Highway .01805 Total .02800 162 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TOWN OF NEWFIELD To be Paid County Treasurer : State Tax $2,329.25 County Tax 2,828.66 County Highway Tax 1,913.50 Maintenance of State and County Highways 65,0.00 Election Expenses 94.84 Support of Poor at County Home 196.49 Sheriff's Expenses 50.15 Due County 77.37 Insurance on Motor Trucks 36.35• RETURNED SCHOOL TAXES $308.38 To be Paid the Supervisor: Town Audits Highways Bridges Machinery Miscellaneous Poor Fund Memorial Day Town Library Compensation Insurance Bond and Interest, Certificate of Indebtedness Supervisor's and Collector's Bond $8,176.61 $1,870.05 3,917.00 1,500.00 3,000.00 , 2,000.00 200.00 50.00 100.00 300.00 2,030.00 2,040.00 150.00 $17,157.05 TOTAL BUDGET $25,642.04 TAX RATES— Inside Corporation— Outside Corporation— General .0111 Highway .0128 Total .0239 Pensions • .0128 General .0111 Highway .0128 Primary .0051 Health .0002 Total .0292 Pensions .0179 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 163 TOWN OF ULYSSES -To be Paid County Treasurer : State Tax $4,237.86 County Tax 5,146.52 County Highway Tax 3,465.32 Sinking Fund and Interest, Road No 616 650.54 Maintenance of State and County Highways 450.00 Election Printing 252.65 Support of Poor at County Home 257.43 Examination in Lunacy 20.00 Sheriff's Expenses 47.15 Expenses of Children's Court .80 Due County 173.24 Insurance on Motor Trucks 36.35 RETURNED SCHOOL TAX To be Paid the Supervisor : Town Audits Highways Bridges Machinery Miscellaneous Snow Fund Certificate of Indebtedness, Machin'y << " Miscell 320-A " G'1 Fund Bonded Indebtedness, Principal Interest Memorial Day Poor Fund $599.60 $3,103.10 4,200.00 1,000.00 1,500.00 500.00 500.00 1,200.00 3,000.00 10,000.00 1,500.00 2,000.00 175.00 75.00 400.00 $14,737.86 $29,153.10 TOTAL BUDGET $44,490.56 TAX RATES -- Inside Corporation— Outside Corporation— Gen'l & Poor Purposes .01161 `! General Highway .01156 j1 Total .02317 Pension (Gen'l High'y) .01156 Gen'l & Poor Purposes General Highway Health .01161 .01156 .00017 Total .02334 Special Highway .00913 Pension (Gen'l High'y) .01156 Pension (Spec'l High'y) .00913 1C4 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Moved by Mr. Howell, that the report of the committee be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr. George. By unanimous consent, the report was taken from the table. Mr. Howell offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That in accordance with resolutions adopted by the several town boards of Tompkins County, now on file with the Clerk of this Board, resolutions of this Board and the laws of the state, and in accordance with the foregoing report and recommendations of the Committee on Finance, that there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the re- spective towns of the county and the City of Ithaca, the fore- going sums for the purposes therein named. Seconded by Mr. Patterson. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. Moved by Mr. Hill, that the Clerk of the Board be authorized to make a contract for automobile service for county officials for the ensuing year and arrange all necessary details of such service. Seconded by Mr. Miller. Carried. • The Clerk read the following report of the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc., relative to the Special Franchises in Tompkins County : Your Committee on Town Expenses, to which was referred the reports on Special Franchises in the several towns of the county,.outside of the City of Ithaca, reports that the following is a tabulation of all the Special Franchises of the various cor- porations in the several towns of the county outside the City of Ithaca, as reported to your committee by the several town clerks of the respective towns : SPECIAL FRANCHISES FOR TOMPKINS COUNTY -1923 •oo gdta2a[ay uuur fl uaalsoM co t- 7-., cc N t n L �. N N •o3 auogdaioy anil.taadp-03 sass,tin coo c "' C auogda[ay • rung 2,Ingsurtunay •'00 -.'c, •°o a[grpgcita�a[ay It4so�[ - •03 appai;[ p[no Uo[i.t.rodao3 DIa�oal:4 put sto al.tl6 VOA_ maN Mori •3 auotida[aycc t.3o!y uaagl.loN N -op auogdaiay }[.10 nlaN • N c`] In 000o co cc in 00 r:- GV '-I cn eo F. ea o ,.n 00 co a ,-o a r cn o c LL �C�c. O0 .-.>r0 0c ON GV c:7 c7 C: , -i in co .--I in r-1 qn C: r-1 0 -.1 O In -. ,e.-3 L10i40.IodaoO Ot.r laa[1 purl soo 0P1:4S .3.p 0A MON 00 c0 41,000�14 -I'O O 4 N 00 In O N J' 00 O in *-I co CO 1. c0 Ick in r -I co 00cvc r N -1. 00 - 'OD auogda[ay utalap[ '03 Ar.M[[L'Zi S°I[t:A t•PI-0'1 0 CO -- o 0000 0 0 I c0 r Totals 122384134091 4741 29814462 45081 791122641 4501598015564!4131 03 pi:0-1[i M MOA MON put: ri. 40'l 00 co N cc Uor .Ioda0o uopDB.,1y natgl [� uj ci Nr J - op auagda[ayco oI[inaa.rd a• -cr •o3 auotida[ay atiHA put: m.zt,ti L'J In c..o N c:J cl L, Ln .cO `c ccoo M •op auogda[ay Zangtui'ais 4sw cor -op aUogdaia,L uapti.r0 o 0.-o C cc 00 •oo aaogda[ay dgut�[ in .-I N .-DL eo '03 auogdatal s01M03 '•C[ 'd r-1 ,-a op ouoyda[ay a[[ine4nAup N n co rl •3 auogda[ay saauratJ au[ioat3 F4 M cc •oo gc[t:a2aiay put aUogdo[ay Lztataatuy in © a`"i co CO o cam„ 0D cQg N a'bA� y, Cd CC VACaACz.W i N d Elro p F. C. c. C i. UCi4-40.-I g cd 4-1 = 4- ;> bG x AM vi C a C. cG C rar+ ttf p. cd Cd GS a! .--. c. .ZE-1 166 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Moved by Mr. George, that the report of the committee be accepted. Seconded by Mr. Roskelly. Carried. Mr. Begent offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the collectors of the several towns of the county and the chamberlain of the City of Ithaca be instructed to pay over and settle all tax indebtedness with the several of- ficers of the towns and the County Treasurer. on or before May 1, 1924, and to pay over to the Supervisors of the towns all moneys in their hands, belonging to their towns, on the first day of each month. Seconded by Mr. Hill. Carried. Mr. Bishop offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved -That after the tax rates are ascertained for the various towns and the City of Ithaca, the Clerk be directed to print such rates in the Proceedings of the Board, following the budgets of the towns and city. Seconded by Mr. Miller. Carried. Mr. Howell presented a report showing that the City Tax Rate of the City of Ithaca was $14.40 and the School Tax Rate of said city was $12.40 on each $1,000.00 of valuation. Mr. Hill presented the petition of the Assessors of the Town of Dryden, to place property belonging to Fred E. VanLew on the assessment roll of that town for the current year, it having been omitted therefrom through error. On motion of Mr. Dassance, the ,petition was granted and - the assessors of that town were directed to add to the assess- ment roll of the current year the property described in the pe- tition at the valuation therein stated. On motion, adjourned to Monday, January 21, 1924, at 10.30 A. M. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 167 Twenty-second .Day Monday, January 21, 1924 MORNING SESSION Roll call. The following members answered to their names, with post - office addresses as follows : Caroline—H. A. Whittaker, Brookton, R. D. No. 21. Danby—William 0. Smiley, Ithaca, R. D. No. 8. Dryden—Wm. J. Shaver, Freeville. Enfield—Olen A. King, Ithaca, R. D. No. 5. Groton—John W. Jones, Groton. Ithaca—Arthur S. Miller, Ithaca, R. D. No. 3. Lansing—Wm. F. George, Ludlowville, R. D. No. 9. Newfield—Albert Dassance, Newfield, R. D. No. 26. Ulysses—John M. Townsend, Trumansburg. Ithaca City— First Ward—F. D. VanOrder, Jr.. 511 W. Seneca St. Second Ward—L. E. Patterson, 115 East State St. Third Ward—E. Morgan St. John, 220 No. Tioga St. Fourth Ward—Sidney L. Howell, 202 East State St. Fifth Ward—Leslie R. Pierce, 107 West Yates St. Minutes of preceding day, read and approved. Mr. Smiley offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $360.00, as salary for the present fireman in charge of the heating plant at the court -house, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay said amount in equal monthly payments, out of any funds in his hands available therefor, and if he has not sufficient funds in his hands with which to pay the same, he is hereby authorized and directed to borrow said amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and pledge the faith and credit of the county for the payment thereof. 168 - PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Seconded by Mr. Patterson. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Dassance, Chairman of the Committee on Equalization, Etc., reported that the committee had examined the assess- ment rolls of the several towns of the county, and the City of Ithaca, with the amount of tax to be levied, and had compared the same with the budgets of the several towns and city and the warrants of the collectors and found the same correct, and that the collectors' warrants were properly made out and ready for the signatures of the Chairman and Clerk of the Board. Moved by Mr. Howell, that the report of the committee be accepted and that the Chairman and Clerk of the Board be di- rected to sign the collectors' warrants, as attached to the sev- eral assessment rolls of the towns and city. Seconded by Mr. Miller. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. The minutes of the proceedings of the day, were read and approved. There being no other or further business to come before the Board, on motion of Mr. Smiley, the annual session of 1923, was adjourned without date. FRED L. CLOCK, Clerk. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 169 'COUNTY AUDITS for 1923 TOMPKINS COUNTY No. NAME SERVICES CLAIMED ALLowl.a 1 Court Bellis Disbursements, Sealer $11.92 $11.92 2 Court Bellis Expenses, Sealer ......__ 400.00 400.00 3 Stover Printing Co Printing, Supervisors 42.50 42.50 .4 Ithaca Journal-News._Notico for claims 6.40 6.40 5 T. G. Miller & Sons ..... ...Supplies, Supervisors 15.55 15.55 6 J. H. Bailey Garage Co..Auto-hire, Supervis82.45 82.45 7 II. A. Manning Co Directories, Co. Off.. 56.00 56.00 8 Ithaca Journal -News .__Jury drawing 21.00 21.00 9 Ithaca Journal -News .__.Terms of Court, Sup6.80 6.80 10 Banks Law Pub. Co Court Library _ 1(1.75 16.75 11 Lawyers' Co -Op. It. CoLaw books, Co. Judge 25.00 25.00 12 Baker, Voorhees & Co" " " 12.25 12.25 13 Baker, Voorhees & Co" " Clerk. 12.25 12.25 14 Matthew Bender & Co" " Judge__ 2.00 2.00 15 Matthew Bender & Co" 3.75 3.75 16 J. B. Lyon Co ft CI il fi49.00 49.00 17 R. C. Osborn & Co Election Supplies .__. 69.44 69.44 18 Columbia Carbon Go.__Supplies, Co. Clerk._.. 30.00 r 30.00 19 Atkinson Press Court Cal., Co. Clerk 94.00 94.00 20 Atkinson Press .. Blanks, Co. Judge.... 36.00 36.00 21 J. C. Crim Bd. jurors, Sup. Court 28.00 28.50 22 G. E. Underwood Justice fees, Felony 4.00 4:110 23 Janies A. Bush 18.55 18.55 24 Henry Williams 16.75 16.75 25 J. H. Hoff Dogs .. 22.50 22.50 26 Miles D. Lane, Ass'd, ii Grace P. Lane - 7.00 7.00 27 Paul Ewers " :33.00 33.00 28 James A. Bush 28.00 28.00 29 Chas. E. 1 -login Constable fees, dogs.. 53.45 53.45 30 Wm. A. Smith Expenses, Coroner .._. 65.20 65.20 31 Craig Colony Clothing, Epileptics.. 68.58 68.53 32 Syracuse State School" Feeble minded 100.00 100.00 33 Centra] N. Y. Inst. .DeafMaintenance 470.11 470.11 34 Rochester Sch. for Deaf.. .. 367.90 367.90 35 Abram Chase Ex. in lunacy 14.00 10.00 36 Abram Chase " " " 10.00 10.00 37 J. W. Judd " " " 10.00 10.00 38 Ithaca Journal -News Pub. Scholarships 5.25 5.25 39 L. T. Genung, Custodian.Co. Labratory .... 97.66 97.50 40 Stover Printing Co Printing, Co. Treas.. 114.50 114.50 41 Ithaca Journal-NewsTax sale, ." " .. 328.32 328.32 42 J. H. Bailey Garage CoAuto-hire, Highways 182.00 182.00 43 Reynolds & Drake Repairs, Sheriff Res. 1.00 1.00 44 Stover Printing Co Printing, Dist. Atly.. 7.00 7.00 45 J. W. Judd Prof. Set -v., Suicide . 20.00 20.00 46 J. W. Judd Jail Physician 136.00 136.00 47 Edward J. Moore Exp. wit. Dist. Atty. . 10.00 10.00 170 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS No. NAME SERVICES CLAIMED 48 T. G. Miller & Sons Supplies, Dist. Atty. 33.75 49 J. C. Grim Bd. jur., Co. Ct. Cr. 21.00 50 Monroe Co. l'enitent'yBd. prisoners 567.49 51 Groton Journal-Couric;r..Ptg., Soldiers Mem3.75 52 L. P. Burnham Art. Ser., Sold. Mem.. 357.50 53 T. G. Miller & Sons Supplies, Co. Clerk.... 3.00 54 Hall & McChesney ...... Record book, Co. C1'k 25.00 55 Corner Bookstores Type. desk, Co. Gl'k 53.90 56 Edward Thompson CoLaw books, Co. Judge 7.50 57 T. G. Miller & SonsSupplies, Co. Clerk.. 30.05 58 Norton Printing Co Election 'Printing 2,204.44 59 Ithaca Journal-News......Election notices 79.90 60 Groton Journal-Courier..Terms of court, Co7.00 61 T. G. Miller & Sons Supplies, Surrogate.. 31.90 62 Est. Louisa J. SpragueRent, Com. Election.. 50.00 63 Albany Even'g JournalTerms court, County ' 10.16 64 Atkinson Press Blanks, Co. Judge.... 9.50 65 Gr. ton Journal -CourierElection Notices 68.64 66 Hall & McChesney__ ......... Record book, Surrog76.00 67 Brandow Ptg. Co. Ass'd . 1st Nat. Bk. of Albany..__ Election printing - 557.46 68 Banks Law Pub. Go........Law books, Co. Judge 44.50 69 J. E. VanNatta Type. desk, Co. Treas. 40.00 70 Groton Journal -Courier Tax sale, Co. Treas._ 230.10 71 Ithaca Journal-NewsHighway notices 1.75 72 C. G. Barber . Highway signs 5.50 73 Alvin Booth Co Burial Glenn Smith.. . 16.00 74 Clark N. Baldwin Burial John J. Myatt 75.00 75 S. B. Rumscy Burial Emma A. Bell 75.00 76 James P. Fahey Ex. in lunacy 10.00 77 J. M. Townsend " " ii 10.00 78 J. M. Townsend " " LI 10.00 79 Groton Journal -Courier Pub. Scholarships .... 5.25 80 Paul Ewers .., Justice fees, Felony.. 12.80 81 The Biggs Co Heater, Tub. Hosp 080.00 82 Ithaca Realty Co Bond. Co. Treas . 375.00 83 Arthur .G. Adarnq Expenses, Dist. Atty39.45 84 John S. Fonda Chem. Anal. " 4 7.00 85 Frederick Pcllerin Detective " 22.47 86 J. H. Bailey Garage CoAuto-hire if AC 16.20 87• Davis -Brown Co Elec. repairs, Sheriff 0.90 88 Dryden Marble & Gran- ite Works Headstone, Chas. F. Kiff 89 C. J. Rumsey & Co Supplies, Supervisors 90 E. .P. Bouton Bond, Highway Supt. 91 City of Ithaca Fees. City Court 92 Howard K. Aiken Justice .fees. Dogs 93 E. P. Bouton Bond, Co. Clerk 94 Groton Journal-Courie...Ofcial Canvass .....___ 95 Ithaca Journal -News .......Election Printing 06 Carl R. Wade Bd. of Canvass 97 Wm. 0. Smiley 98 Ed S. Hill 99 Olen A. King 100 F. A. Begent 101 A. S. Miller 102 Wm. F. George 103 Albert Dassance If ' /1 If If if 4c if ff if if fL If cc if cc If If ff 25.00 1.75 2.50 105.55 5.50 30.00 13.44 16.68 16.16 14.24 8.24 14.88 14.72 12.00 16.80 13.76 A1,[.oweo 33.75 21.00 567.49 3.75 357.50 3.00 25.00 53.90 7.50 30.05 2,204.44 79.90 7.00 31.90 50.00 10.16 9.50 68.64 76.00 557.46 44.50 40.00 230.10 1.75 5.50 16.00 75.00 75.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 5.25 12.80 980.00 375.00 39.45 47.00 22.47 16.20 0.90 25.00 1.75 2.50 105.55 5.50 30.00 13.44 16.68 16.16 14.24 8.24 14.88 14.72 12.00 16.80 13..76 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 171 No. NAME SERVICES . CLAIMED Ana.owED 104 J. M. Townsend. Bd. of Canvass 13.92 13.92 105 Arthur B.4ishop " 12.00 12.00 106 L. E. Patterson " " 41 12.00 12.00 107 E. M. St. John . " " 41 12.00 12.00 108 Sidney L. Howell " " 41 12.00 12.00 109 Albert Roskelly " " 41 12.00 12.00 •110 J. C. Crim Bd. .jurors, Supreme 20.25 20.25 111 P. W. Wood & Son Ind. Ins., Mot. trucks 387.70 387.80 112 J. H. Bailey Gar. Co Auto-hire, Child. Ct. 13.85, 13.85 113 John D. Dates i If " 6.00 6.00 114 Carl R. Wade Committee work 75.50 75.50 115 Carl R. Wade Extending tax 16.00 16.00. 116 Carl R. Wade Quar. & Spec. Sess... 56.56 56.56 117 Carl R. .Wade Annual Session 1.28.08 128.08 118 W. 0. Smiley Committee work 158.95 158.95 119 W. 0. Smiley Extending tax 20.40 20.40 120 W. 0. Smiley Quar. & Spec. Sess. 49.84 49 84 121 W. 0. Smiley Annual •Session 134.24 134.24 122 Ed S. Hill Commit. work, Dogs 87.61 87.61 123 Ed •S. Hill .__.Committee work 43.96 43.96 124 Ed S. Hill Extending tax 26.18 26.18 125 Ed S. Hill Quar. ' & Spec. Sess... 57.68 57.68 • 120 Ed S. Hill Annual Session 128.24 128.24 127 Olen A. King Committee work 187.50 187.50 128 Olen A. King .........Extending tax _._ .... __ 18.76 18.76 129 Olen A: King. Quar. & Spec. Sess.._ 52.08 52.08 130 Olen A. King Annual Session 134.88 134.88 I31 F. A. Begent Committee work 32.00 32.00 132 F. A. Begent Extending tax 44.75 44.75 133 F. A. Begent Quar. & Spec. Sess... 61.04 61.04 134 F. A. Begent Annual Session 128.72 128.72 135 A. S. Miller Committee work 240.00 240.00 136 A. S. Miller Extending tax 35.00 35.00 137 A. S. Miller Quar. & Spec. Sess._. 42.00 42.00 138 A. S. Miller __Annual Session 132.00 132.00 139 Wm. F. George Commit. work, Dogs 128.10 128.10 140 Wm. F. George Committee work 49.50 49.50 141 Wm. F. George Extending tax 21.50 21.50 142 Wm. F. George Quar. & Spec. Sess._ 56.40 56.40 143 Wm. F. George Annual Session 136.80 130.80 144 Albert Dassance Committee work 176.25 176.25 145 Albert Dassance Extending tax 17.34 17.34 146 Albert Dassance Quar.• & Spec. Sess.,. 54.22 54.32 147 Albert Dassance Annual Session 135.52 135.52 148 J. M. Townsend Committee work 95.04 95.04 149 J. M. Towsnend Extending tax 29.50 29.50 150 3. M. Townsend Quar. & Spec. Sess... 55.54 55.54 151 J. M. Townsend Annual Session 123.92 133.92 152 Arthur Bishop Committee work 216.00 216.00 153 Arthur Bishop Quar. & Spec. Sess. 42.00 42.00 154 Arthur Bishop Annual Session 126.00 126.00 155 L. E. Patterson Committee work 331.75 331.75 156 L. E, Patterson Quar. & Spec. Sess. 42.00 42.00 157 L. E. Patterson Annual Session 132.00 132.00 158 E. M. St. John Committee work 217.00 217.00 159 E. M. St. John Extending tax 63.24 63.24 160 E. M. St. John Quar. & Spec. Sess... 42.00 42.00 161 E. M. St. John Annual Session 132.00 132.00 162 Sidney L. Howell Committee work 82.20 82.20 172 PROCEEDINGS OF THE HOARD OF SUPERVISORS 163 Sidney L. Howell Extending tax 39.24 39.24 164 Sidney L. Howell Quar. & Spec. Sess._. 38.10 38.10 165 Sidney L. Howell Annual Session 132.00 132.00 166 Albert H. Rasketly...... __..__Committee work 103.50 103.50 167 Albert •H. Roskelly Quar. & Spec. Sess... 42.00 42.00 168 Albert H. Roskelly Annual Session 126.00 1.26.00 169 Eugene Dorn , Justice fees, Dogs 4.30 4.30 170 H. A. Carey & Co Bond, Sheriff 75.00 75.00 171 Fay Skilling Expenses, Sheriff 405.07 405.07 172 J. H. Bailey Garage .Co__Autn-hire, Sheriff 318.65 318.65 173 J. H. ,Bailey Garage Co.. " " _.._ 917.90 917.90 174 Howard K. Aiken Justice fees, Felony.. 8.20 8.20 State of New York, County of Tompkins, Board of Supervisors. ss. Totals $17,057.68 $17,053.6.8 I, Fred L. Clock, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Tomp-. kins County, N. Y., DO HEREBY CERTIFY, that the fore- going is a correct list of ,the accounts audited by the Board of Supervisors of said county, at its annual session in the year 1923, with the amounts claimed and the amounts allowed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the official seal of the Board of Supervisors of Tomp- kins County, N. Y., to be hereto affixed, this 24th day of Janu- ary. 1924. [L. S.] FRED L. CLOCK, Tompkins County, N. Y. Clerk Board of Supervisors, OF TOMPICINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 173 TOWN AUDITS TOWN OF CAROLINE ABSTRACT OF TOWN AUDITS, 1923 Of the names of all persons who .presented accounts to be audited by the Board of Town Auditors of the town of Caro- line, N. Y., on the Sth day of November, 1923, with the amounts claimed, together with the. amounts allowed. No. NAME OF CLAIMANTS SERVICES a CLAIMED ALLOWED 1 Mary E. Westfall Clerk, Elect. Dist. No. 1 $10.00 $8.00 2 Bessie R. Lunch " " " " 1 10.00 8.00 3 Mabel C. Kendall Inspector, El. Dis. No. 1 25.00 20.00 4 Lamont C. Snow __________ __" " " 1 25.00. 20.00 5 Ransom Rich41 " - " 1 25.00 20.00 6 Anna N. Yaple 41 It 1 and Messenger 27.80 32.80 7 J. Howard Best Inspector, El. Dis. No. 2 and Messenger 41.20 31.92 8 Edward J. Phillips Inspector, El, Dis. No. 2 29.50 20.00 9 Mary E. Hull.... " " " 2 . 29.50 20.00 10 Leslie Crispell " " " " 2 29.50 20.00 11 Sue C. Earsley Clerk, Elec. Dist. No. 2 11.50 8.00 12 Harry A. Davis " " 2 11.50 8.00 13 Anna Caveney Inspector, El. Dis. No. 3 , 25.00 20.00 14 Frank English " " " " 3 25.00 20.00 15 Bertha Beard " 3 25.00 20.00 16 J. C. Bennett If " " 3 end Messenger 36.12 31.12 17 Edward C. Vorhis_... Gen'l Clerk, Dist. No. 3 10.00. 8.00 18 Archie Kenyon " " 3 10.00 8.00 19 Theodore Eighmey Assessor Service 48.00 48.00 20 B. F. Lockwood Health Officer 166.24 166.24 21 James L. Tryon Supt. Poor Service 76.30 76.30 22 Wallace W. Conrad Assessor Service 45.75 45.75 23 Charles Fox Truant Officer, 1922 50.00 50.00 24 Wilson Westfall Highway Service, 1922 68.00. 68.00 25 Charles Munson Highway Service 1,246.00 1,245.00 26 Augustus Middaugh Rent for Justice 5.00 5.00 27 Augustus Middaugh Service Bill 28.00 28.00 28 Jay Phillips Vital Statistics 40.96 40.96 29 Ray Griffin Constable Fees 19.50 10.50 30 James A. Davis ...Rent for Church, Elec- tion Dist. No. 2 20.00 ' 20.00 31 P. Alfred Munch Rent for Church, Elec- tion Dist. No. 1 20.00 20.00 22 Wallace W. Conrad Copying Assess -rift Roll 16.00 16 00 33 J. C. Bennett Rent & Storing Booth 20.00 20.00 34 P. Alfred Munch Justice Peace Service____ 32.00 32.00 35 J. B. Middaugh If " tt .._. 20.00 •20.00 36 Charles M. Jones " ‘, 32.00 32.00 37 Carl R. Wade Percentage on School Money ... ................. 83.65 83.65 174 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS No. NAME SERVICES CLAIMED ALLOWED 38 Carl R. Wade Expense 9.59 9.59 39 Carl R. Wade Highway Service 445.00 445.00 40 Carl R. Wade Percentage 105.15 105.15 41 Carl R. Wade Board Meetings 32.00 32.00 42 Bertha Beard Truant Officer, 1923 50.95 50.95 43 Williamson Law Book Co.Books and Supplies 58.07 58.67 44 Jay Phillips Flag for El. Dis. No. 2 " 5.00 5.00 45 Jay Phillips Service and Supplies.... 136.59 136.59 46 A. II. Carey Co Bonds Work'gs Comp'n 672.96 672.96 47 Jay Phillips Fuel for Clerk's Off 15.00 15.00 48 Jay Phillips Copying and Filing Jury List 49 .D. B. 13u11 Service as Assessor 8.00 8.00 40.00 40.00 $4,033.43 $3,940.15 I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct COPY of accounts audited by the Town Board,. now on file in my office.. November 16, 1923. JAY PHILLIPS, Town Clerk. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 175 TOWN OF DANBY ABSTRACT OF TOWN AUDITS, 1923 We, the undersigned, the Board of Town Auditors of said town, do hereby certify that the following is an abstract of the names of all persons who have presented to said Board accounts to be audited, the amounts claimed by each of said persons, and the amount finally audited to them respectively, to wit : No. NAME SERVICE CLAIMED ALLOWS) 1 Alice M. Tobey Inspector & Messenger Dist. No. 1 $28.12 $28.12 2 Justina Judson Inspector, Dist. No. 1 17.00 17.00 3 Harry A. Hatfield " " 1.... 12.00 12.00 4 Arthur W. Beardsleyt, 1.... 12.00 12.00 5 Jennie M. Beardsley •1.... 5.00 5.00 6 Clyde Chase ,,1.... 5.00 5.00 7 Benjamin Tobey Ballot Clerk, Dist. No. 1 5.00 5.00 8 John Kirkendall Clerk, Dist. No. 1 5.00 5.00 9 Rollo Longhouse Inspector & Messenger Dist. No. 2 30.20 30.20 10 Clifford Thatcher Inspector, Dist. No. 2___. 21.00 2100 11 Bosco J. Hutchings " 2.... 17.00 17.00 12 Chas. E. Cole • 2 .. 17.00 17.00 13 Louis J. Thatcher • Ballot Clerk, Dist. No. 2 5.00 5.00 14 H. C. Thatcher Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 2.. 5.00 5.00 15 A. J. Snyder Est Hall Rent, Dist. No. 2 10.00 10.00 16 Elbert B. Hill Inspector & Messenger, Dist. No. 3 30.52 30.52 17 1. P. Pollings Inspector, Dist. No. 3.._. 17.00 17.00 18 Lewis Cooper 44 " " 3.... 17.00 17.00 19 Fred B. Jones LI3.... 17.00 17.00 20 Robert J. Bowman Clerk, Dist. No. 3 5.00 5.00 21 Roger S. Larue " 41 " 3 5.00 5.00 22 Fred Hill Hall Rent, Dist. No. 3 10.00 10.00 23 H. C. Thatcher Vital Statistics 6.00 6.00 24 'Arthur Beardsley " 4.75 4.75 25 Jennie Beardsley Rent Shed for Town Truck 24.00 24.00 26 Frank Eastman Supt. of Poor 91.00 91.00 27 Williamson Law Book Co.Sales Book 9.00 9.00 28 Andrus & Church Assessment Roll 10.00 10.00 29 Harrison Thayer Assessor 76.00 63.00 30 Frank Sincehaugh 76.00 63.00 31 Geo. Button 63.00 63.00 32 Lois Sincehaugh Copying Assessmt Roll 16.00 16.00 33 Wm. E. Logan Truant Officer 46.80 46.80 34 Eugene Dorn Justice, Criminal 17.20 17.20 35 Eugene Dorn . Town Service ._ ......... 14.00 14.00 36 L. E. Cummings Justice, Criminal 7.10 7.10 37 L. E. Cummings Town Services 17.50 17.50 38 Roger F. Todd Justice, Criminal 1.10 1.10 30 Roger F. Todd Justice, Town Services 14.00 14.00 40 Fred E. Dorn .justice, Town Services 14.00 14.00 91 J. F. W. Allen, M. D Health Officer 168.30 168.30 176 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS No. NAME SERVICES CLAIMED ALI.owFD 42 J. F. W. Allen, M. 0 Expense Acct. 58.05 c 58.05 43 A. J. Tubbs Town Clerk 126.05 126.05 44 W. 0. Smiley Services 28.00 28.00 45 W. 0. Smiley Per. on Money nisb.__.. 204.06 204.96 Totals $1,378.65 $1,362.65 We, the undersigned members, comprising the Town Board ' of the Town of Danby, do hereby certify that we have this day completed the auditing of the above accounts and that this is a correct abstract of the same as filed in the Town Clerk's Office in the Town of Danby. • Dated, November 10, 1923. W. 0. SMILEY. Supervisor. A. J. TUBBS, Town Clerk. LEWIS CUMMINGS, Justice. EUGENE DORN, Justice. ROGER TODD, Justice. FRED E. DORN, Justice. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 177 TOWN OF DRYDEN ABSTRACT OF TOWN AUDITS, 1923 County of Tompkins, ) Ss Town of Dryden, LI The undersigned town board of said town, pursuant to Sec- tion 170 of the Town Law, hereby certify that the following is a correct abstract of the names of all persons who have pre- sented to said board accounts to . be audited, the amounts claimed by each of said persons and the amounts audited to them respectively : No. NAME SERVICE CLAIM EU ALLOWED 1 M. E. Crutts Hall for El. Dist. No. 1 $35.00 $35.00 2 Arthur Genung Inspector & Messenger for Election Dist. No. 1 35.76 35.76 3 Roy Hungerford Inspector, El, Dis. No. 1 24.00 24.00 4 Harold Sherwood " " " " 1 24.00 ' • 24.00 5 Fred J. Earl " " " 1 24.00 24.00 6 Ira W. Reed Clerk, Elec. Dist. No. 1 7.00 7.00 7 Kenneth English ,,44 if 44 1 7.00 7.00 8 Chas. Cogswill Hall for Election, Elec- tion Dist. No. 2 35.00 35.00 9 Fred A. Williams Inspector, El. Dis. No. 2 24.00 24.00 10 E. R. Gaston " " " 2 24.00 24.00 11 Herbert [)art 41 II f 4 2 24.00 24.00 12 Geo. F. Warner Inspector & Messenger, Election Dist. No. 2... ... .. 36.07 36.07 13 Nelson Mount Clerk, Elec. Dist. No. 2 7.00 7.00 14 Will Lumbard " " " 2 7.00 7.00 15 Geo. E. Sutfin House for Election s' District No. 3 35.00"~;35.100 16 Chas. E. Green Inspector & Messenger, 'IA,- , Elec. Dist. No. 3 36.24' ,36.24 17 1). W. Hart Inspector, El. Dis, No. 3 24.00 •24.00 18 C. B. Snyder " " " 3 24.00 24.00 10 C. F. Pratt " " " " 3 24.00 24.00 20 D. S. Fellows Clerk, Elec. Dist. No. 3 7.00 7.00 21 Minnie Myers " " 3 7.00 • 7.00 22 Victor Fulkerson Inspector, El. Itis. No. 4 35.44 35.44 23 Jessie Hart " " " 4 24.00 " 24.00 24 R. J. Sager " " " 4 24.00 -24.00 25 Elmer E. Card " " " " 4 19.00 - 19'.00 26 Elmer E. Cheeley Inspector & Messenger, Elec. Dist. No. 4 12.00 " 12.00 27 Percy Howe Clerk, Elec. Dist. No. 4.. 7.00 7.00 28 Andrew Baker Hall for Election Dis- trict No. 4 35.00 35:00 29 D. W. Hart Hall for Election Dis- trict No. 5 35.00 35.00 30 Geo. B. McKinney . . Clerk, Elec. Dist. No. 5 . 7.00 7.00 31 Rose Munsey " 5 7.00 ." 7.00 178 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS No. NAME SERVICES CLAIMED ALLOwE:l 32 Geo. E. Goodrich .-_Inspector, El. Dis. No. 5 33 Orrin Hill it it 5 34 John M. Ellis AI 44" " 5 35 J. D. Ross --.. Inspector & Messenger, Election Dist. No. 5 36 Fred Parker Inspector & Messenger, Election Dist. No. 6 37 Walter Kinch Inspector, El. Dis.,No. 6 38 C. Fitts Monroe 39 Harry Tucker it " " 6 .40 W. F. Moore Clerk, Elec. Dist. No. 6 41 W. F. Moore C1'k, 1922, El. Dis. No. 6 42 W. J. Shaver Clerk, Elec. Dist, No. 6 43 W. J. Shaver Hall for Election Dis- trict No. 6 44 Mrs. Frank Griswold Hall for. Election Dis- trict No. 7 45 Ida Stowe Clerk, Elec. Dist. No. 7 46 Frank Thomas Inspector, El. Dis. No. 7 47 Ruth Lane ... - Clerk, Elec. Dist. No. 7 48 Arthur Hammond Inspector, El. Dis. No. 7 49 John Joiner 4f 7 50 Bert Lane Inspector & Messenger, Elec. Dist. No. 7 51 J. C. Parsons Printing 52 Cornell Printing Co.-.. ...... ..Printing 53 F. E. Ryan Vital Statistics 54 Horner Genung Vital Statistics, Health Office Contract 55 F. E. Darling Town Clerk 56 D. M: Ryan Contract and Vital Sta- tistics 57 A. Myers Constable 58 Wm. Ranning Police 59 Chas. Pulleyn Constable 60 Williamson Law Book Co 61 G. E. Underwood Criminal bill ......... 62 Pa;0 Ewers " 63 t;:;::. Ross IC " 04 ; 'r 1Perkins Undertaking bill 65 a Lis C. Lason Attendance Officer. aw 1921 and 1922 23.61. 23.61. 66 Julius C. Lason Attendance Officer, 1922 and 1923 Board Health 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 36.40 36.40 36.12 24.00 24.00 24.08 7.00 7.00 7.00 35.00 35.00 7.00 24.00 7.00 24.00 24.00 36.48 7.00 5.00 1.25 399.93 238.70 36.12 24.00 24.00 24.08 7.00 7.60 7.00 35.00 35.00 7.00 24.00 7.00 24.00 24.00 36.48 7.00 5.00 1.25 399.93 238.70 81.50 81.50 11.16 11.1.6 26.86 26.86 4.05 4.05 4.25 4.25 3.50 3.50 37.90 37:90 53.30 53.30 75.00 75.00 67 Elroy Stanton 68 A. C. Scott 69 W. J. Shaver Hall for Caucuses 70 Andrew Baker Assessor 71 C. 13. Snyder 72 W. J. Shaver 73 E. S. Burr Overseer Poor 74 G. L. Rood Contract and Vital Statistics 75 L.- S. Crutts Rent Room, Storage 76 W. 13. Hartwell Auburn, Jones Family 77 Cortland Hospital --.. 78 Ed S. Hill.--- Supervisor 79 Pau! Ewers Service hill 80 J. D. Ross ,[ '4 20.00 3.00 3.00 5.00 133.75 149.75 168.50 31.50 41.25 5.00 33.00 46.50 35.00 36.50 37.20 20.00 3.00 3.00 5.00 133.75 149.75 168.50 31.50 41.25 . 5.00 33.00 46.50 35.00 36.50 37.20 • OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 179 No. NAME - SERVICE CLAIMED ALLOWED 81 G. E. Underwood -Service Bill 35.00 35.00 82 G. C. Sutliff 35.00 35.00 83 C. K. Reynolds I, " 3.00 3.00 84- John Tripp Overseer Poor .................... 12.30 12.30 85 Frank P. Butts Mrs. F. P. Butts 11.40 11.40 ED S. HILL, Supervisor. F. E. DARLING, Town Clerk. J. D. ROSS, PAUL EWERS, G. E. UNDERWOOD, G. C. SUTLIFF, Justices. x$2,925.25 I, F. E. Darling, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct abstract of the Town Audit for the year 1923. F. E. DARLING, Town Clerk. Q 7:80 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TOWN OF ENFIELD ABSTRACT OF TOWN AUDITS, 1923 No. NAME SERVICE CLAIMED ALLOWED 1 J. W. Burton Vital Statistics ') 2 Wm. Jones Inspector, El. Dis. No. 2 ,3 -Allen Rumsey Clerk, Elec. Dist. No. 1 4 -`Wm. Palmer Inspector, El. Dis. No. 1 5 Hugh S. Avery fi Ifii" 1 6 Grant Erway - Clerk, Elec. Dist. No. 1 7 Ray Stampdi If id 2 8 Fred B. Crissy 9 Austin Legge :10 11 12 13 1.4 15 .16 17 :18 19 '20 '21 '22 '23 24 Olin King '25 John Thall '26 Daniel Mitchell '27 Albert Colgrove 28 J. C. Wetherby 29 Bert Kirby 30 John Thall 31 Frank Rothermich '32 Frank Rothermich :33 John Thall Inspector, El. Dis. No. 2 1 If " 2 Nathan Rumsey " " " 1 A. D. Chrisjohn Clerk, Elec. Dist. No.2 Geo. W. Lane Inspector, El. Dis. No. 2 Luther Teeter " " " 1 John Johnson Clerk, Elec. Dist. No. 1 Ray Lanning Assessor James Parker Overseer of Poor . Clarence Fitchpatrick Rent, Polling Place Fred Emmons _.._ Workmen's Comp'n• Fred W. Smith Assessor G. Budd Daharsh Assessor Andrus & Church Assessment rolls Olin King Services Olin King Highway Allowance Expenses Vital Statistics Justice, Service Bill Ed 1" Road Allowance Supt. of Highway Fees Expense Account Services and Expenses State of New York, County of Tompkins, - ss. "Town of Enfield. $173.95 $173.95 29.00 •29.00 10.00 10.00 29.00 29.00 29.00 29.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 29.00 29.00 29.00 29.00 40.28 40.28 10.00 10.00 39.00 39.00 19.00 19.00 10.00 10.00 70.00 70.00 8.00 8.00 40.00 40.00 140.33 140.33 57.00 57.00 55.00 55.00 11.70 11.70 46.00 46.00 125.00 125.00 6.00 6.00 27.25 27.25 30.00 30.00 27.00 27.00 30.00 30.00 24.00 24.00 25.00 25.00 836.00 836.00 27.00 27.00 67.65 67.65 $2,120.16 $2,120.16 John E. Thall, being duly sworn, says he is the Town Clerk •of the Town of Enfield, Tompkins County, and that the fore- going is a true list of the claims presented for Audit by the 'Town Board of said town with the name of the claimant and 'the amount of each as claimed and allowed. JOHN THALL, Town Clerk. Sworn to before me this 9th day of November, 1923. • DANIEL MITCHELL, Justice of the Peace. a OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 181 TOWN OF GROTON ABSTRACT OF TOWN AUDITS, 1923 No. NAME SERVICE CLAIMED ALLOWED 1 F. A. Begent Percent. Town & Sch. $214.15 $214.15- 2 F. A. Begent Town Board 40.00 40.00, 3 H. G. Moe 4f li 32.00 32.00 Town Clerk & Supplies 40.43 40.43. Town Clerk 48.00 48.00, Registrar Vital Sta- tistics, Dist. No. 5454.. 7 II. G. Moe Rent, Carrie Colton .__. 8 J. H: Hoff Town Board 9 J. H. Hoff Justice Fees 10 J. H. Hoff " 11 J. H. Hoff " " 12 E. F. Tallmadge Town Board 13 G. 13. Sickmon Town B'd & Jus. Fees 14 R. R. Chatterton Town Board 15 R. R. Chatterton Legal Services & Fees 16 W. H. Bulkley Assessor 17 H. B. Stevens 18 Archie R. Gillen 19 James H. Waterman Overseer of the Poor.... 20 L. D. Packer Truant Officer- 21 fficer21 L. D. Packer Constable 22 L. D. Packer " 23 Milton Ailing " 24 Gwilym Griffiths Inspector & Messenger, Dist. No. 1 25 Evelyn M. Scott Inspector & Messenger, Dist. No. 1 26.00 26 Emily Metzger inspector & Messenger, Dist. No. 1 30.70 27 Fay Bush Inspector & Messenger, Dist. No. 1 30.70 28 Blanche Krum Gen'l Clerk, Dis. No. 1 8.00 29 Fred Bossard t, il " " 1 8.00 30 J. W. Jones Inspector & Messenger, Dist. No. 2 22.44 31 James B. Stilson Inspector, Dist. No. 2 8.00 32 Florence McClintock _Inspector, Dist. No. 2.... 24.00 33 Libbie Hyde Inspector, Dist. No. 2.... 24.00 34 Della R. Holladay Inspector, Dist. No. 2.... 24.00 35 Etta Sobers Gen'l Clerk, Dis. No. 2 8.00 36 Harry E. Clapp ' " " 2 14.44 37 C. Burr Tarbell Inspector & Messenger, •Dist. No. 3 30.75 38 Mary L. Montfort Inspector, Dist. No. 3.... 24.00 39 Mary E. Feeley Inspector, Dist. No. 3.... . 24.00 40 L. W. Hastings. Inspector, Dist. No. 3.... 24.00 41 Edith J. Green Gen'] Clerk, Dis. No. 3 8.00 42 George L. Stark " if 3 8.00 43 Charles H. Moe Inspector & Messenger, Dist. No. 4 36.90 44 Florence M. Baldwin ..... ...Inspector, Dist. No. 424.00 45 R. K. Bourne Inspector, Dist. No. 4.... 24.00 4 H. G. Moe 5 H. G. Moe 6 H. G. Moe 53.50 24.00 36.00 2.50 2.50 2.50 28.00 46.50' 32.00 30.70 112.00 147.25 137.00 92.50 50.00 4.40 0.00 6.40 26.00 53.501 24.001 36.00. 2.50 2.50 2.501 28.00. 46.501 32.00. 30.70. 112.00 147.25 137.00 92.r,0 50.00 4.40 0.00 6.40 26.00 26,00 30.70) 30.70 8.00 8.00 22.44 8.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 8.00 14.44 36.75 24.00 24.00 24.00 8.00 8.00 30.90 24.00 24.00 182 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS No. NAME SNEM GE CLAIMED ALLOWED 46 M. C. Howe Inspector, Dist. No. 4.... 19.00 1:9.00 47 R. R. Chatterton Inspector Dist. No. 4 ___ 5.00 5.00 48 E. E. Dye _..Gen'l Clerk, Dis. No. 4 8.00 8.00 49 Raymond A. Clapp " " " 4 8.00 8`.00 50 George Culver _________________Inspector & Messenger, Dist. No. 5 30.44 30.44 51 Mary J. McGrail Inspector, Dist. No. 5.... 24.00 24.00 52 Helen Corcoran .. Inspector, Dist. No. 5.... 24.00 24.00 53 Lillian M. McMahon Inspector, Dist. No. 5.... 19.00 19.00 54 Mary M. Clark Inspector and General Clerk, Dist. No. 5 18.00 18.00 55 Nina Culver Gen'I Clerk, Dis. No. 5 8.00 8.00 56 Harold L. King Inspector & Messenger, Dist. No. 6 37.68 37.68 57 Bertha L. Gillen Inspector, Dist. No. 6.... 24.00 24.00 58 Glayton H. Wilcox Inspector & Messenger, Dist. No. 6 26.00 26.00 59 Mary A. Austin Inspector & Messenger, Dist. No. 6 26.00 26.00 GO Harry J. Hall Gen'l Clerk, Dis. No. 6 8.00 8.00 61 Martin L. Brown fi ft if If 6 8.00 8.00 62 Charles M. Dutcher, Jr, .__Inspector & Messenger, Dist. No. 7 36.56 36.56 63 Eva B. Francis Inspector, Dist. No. 7.... 24.00 24.00 64 I. FI. Powell Inspector & Messenger, Dist. No. 7 65 B. L. Robinson Inspector, Dist. No. 7__ . 60 Lotta A. Dutcher Gen'1 Clerk, Dis. No. 7 67 Ruth M. Hol]enbeck 7 68 J. H. VanMarter M. 1) Health Officer 69 R. C. Tarbell 51. I) Services. Town Poor, V. S. &c. 65.50 65.50 70 F. E. Rvan M. 1) Medical Services, V. S. 7.75 7.75 71 G. M. Gilchrist M. 1) ..... ._Lunacy Exam. & V. S. 24.25 24.25 72 Emmett D. Metzger Surety Bond Premiums 37.80 37.80 73 R. R. Chatterton il II f, 132.40 132.40 74 H. G. Moe i4 li ir 5.00 5.00 75 West Groton Pub. HalfRent, Polling Place, Dist. No. 1 25.00 25.00 76 Corona Typewrit. Co., Inc.Rent, Polling Place, Dist. No. 2 32.00 32.00 77 J. D. Dates Livery & Rent, Polling Place, Dist. No. 3 74.00 74.00 78 Corona Bldg. & Improve- ment Co.. Inc Rent, Polling Place, Dist. No. 5 79 Archie R. Gillen, Treas_...Rent, Polling Place, . Dist. No. 6 . 80 McLean Grange No. 1075.Rent, Polling Place, Dist. No. 7 81 B. FI. Wager Livery and Trucking.... 82 Henry Walworth Livery 83 Ernest G. Reniff Erecting, Stor'g Booths, Dist. No. 7 84.W. C. Allen Erecting. Stor'g Booths, Dist. No. 1 85 Archie R. Gillen Erecting, Stor'g Booths, Dist. No. 6 28.25 28.25 24.00 24.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 374.70 374.70 32.00 32.00 22.00 22.00 .25.00 25.00 51.00 51.00 5.00 5.00 15.00 15.00 8.00 8.00 10.00 10.00 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 183 • No. NAME SERVICE CLAIMED AI,IowED 86 M. V. Atwood Publishing Notices 19.35 19.35 87 M. V. Atwood It cl .56 .50 88 Andrus & Church 2 Assessment Rolls 18.50 18.50 89 Williamson Law Book Co.Justice Docket 6.58 6.58 90 Groton Bridge Co Office Rent 180:00 180.00 91 A. H. Webster Coal for Poor 5.02 5.02 92 S. C. Gooding Co Coal for Poor 6.00 6.00 93 Ithaca .City Hospital.....--.Serv. Harry Edwards 12.50 12.50 94 Ithaca City Hospital Serv. Edna S. Bowerson 25.00 25.00 95 St. Anns l -lone for the Aged Board, Patrick Kane .... 54.00 54.00 Totals $3,348.10 $3,348.1.0 I certify that the foregoing is a correct list of Town Audits as made by the Town Board of the Town of Groton, N. Y., at the annual meeting held for that purpose November 8th, 1923. Dated, November 10th, 1923. H. G. MOE, Town Clerk. 184 PROCEEDINGS OF THE HOARD OF SUPERVISORS TOWN OF ITHACA ABSTRACT OF TOWN AUDITS, 1923 Abstract of names of all persons who presented accounts to be audited by the Board of Town Audits of the Town of Ithaca on the 8th day of November, 1923, with the amount claimed, together with the amount allowed: No. NAME OF CLAIMANT NATURE OF CLAIM CLAIMED ALLOWED 1 Wm. D. Updike Inspector, Dist. No. 3.... $32.50 2 Mildred Miller di " " 3.... 29.00 3 Clifford Augst .._- " 3.... 32.50 4 F. W. Adams' " " 3.... 39.00 5 Florence M. Myers Clerk, Dist. No. 3 10.00 6 Josephine Adams" 3 10.00 7 J. W. Tourtellot Inspector, Dist. No. 1:... 32.00 8 Rexford W. Smith Id " " 1.... 39.50 9 F. D. Pearson" " 1.... 25.00 if 10 Roger Eddy Clerk, Dist. No. 1 10.00 11 George I. Teeterif If 1 10.00 12 Samuel Newman fi if . " 1 10.00 13 W. F. Head Inspector, Dist. No. 2.... 32.50 14 Jake Willcox If " " 2.... 32.50 15 James A. Bush" " 2.... 40.00 16 Chas. Morris " 2.... 40.00 17 l.ouella Northrop Clerk, Dist. No. 2 10.00 18 Herbert Tilliston ff II 2 10.00 19 W. I. Smith Justice, Town Board 52.00 " fi52.00 Justice of Peace 1.50 171.12 52.00 72.71. 10.00 35.68 11.70 2.50 149.20 26.00 55.25 18.90 160.00 180.00 id 156.00 54.00 36.00 4.25 44.00 11.65 if 44 if 7.35 45.00 20 James A. Bush 21 W. I. Smith 22 Wilbur G. Fish, M.D..... ...Health Officer 23 A. S. Miller Supervisor 24 A. S. Miller 1% Money Ex. 25 C. M. Augst CIerk, Dist. No. 3 26 Elmer Allen Carp. Work, Dist. No. 1 27 Andrus & Church Assessment Rolls • 28 Chas. E. Houghtailing.....Franchise Blanks 30 C. J. Updike Town Clerk 31 C. J. Updike Office Rent 32 C. J. Updike Vital Statistics 33 C. J. Updike Disbursements 34 H. C. Shelton Assessor 35 Theo. J. Baker " 36 Harrison Adams 37 W. J. Bells Attendance Officer 38 Elmer Allen Justice, Town Board .. 39 Elmer Allen Justice of Peace ___..-...... 40 Chas. Newman ...Justice, Town Board _... 41 Chas. Newman Justice of Peace 42 Chas. Newman 43 Emmett Gillou __........._Supt. of Poor $32.50 29.00 32.50 39.00 10.00 10.00 32.00 39.50 25.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 32.50 32.50 40.00 40.00 10.00 10.00 52.00 52.00 1.50 171.12 52.00 72.71 10.00 35.68 11.70 2.50 149.20 26.00 55.25 18.90 160.00 180.00 156.00 54.00 36.00 4.25 44.00 11.65 7.35 45.00 Totals $1,858.81 $1,858.81 5.50 5.50 $1,853.31. $1,853.21 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 185 A. S. MILLER, Supervisor. CLINTON' J. UPDIKE, Town Clerk. JAMES A. BUSH, Justice of Peace. CHAS. NEWMAN, Justice of Peace. W. I. SMITH, Justice of Peace. ELMER ALLEN, Justice of Peace. I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of accounts audited by the Town Board now on file in Town Clerk's Office. November 8, 1923. CLINTON J. UPDIKE, Town Clerk. 186 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TOWN OF LANSING TOWN AUDITS, NOVEMBER 8, 1923 No. NAME OF CLAIMANT NATURE OF CLAIM CLAIMED ALLOWED 1. Charles Lobdell Clerk . $10.00 $10.00 2 Lawrence' Holden Inspector & Messenger ' 30.10 30.1.0 3 C. C. Tarbell Inspector 34.00 34.00 4 Frank Singer Inspector &' Messenger 40.50 40.50 5 William DeCamp Inspector 34.00 34.00 (3 Noble Keeney • 10.00 10.00 7 Howard Tarbell Clerk 10.00 10.00 8 Walter Sweazy Inspector & Messenger 49.60 49.60 9 0. 11. Holden .__Inspector 34.00 34.00 10 F. N. Howell 34.00 34.00 11 Clayton Bower Clerk 10.00 10.00 12 Stephen Snyder Inspector & Messenger 44.00 44.00 13 Harold Bush ' Clerk 10.00 10.00 14 Eugene B. Atwater ._._,. 10.00 10.00 15 Howard Howland Inspector 34.00 34.00 16 Martin Farrell 41 27.00 27.00 •17 John B. Farrell Inspector & Messenger 20.25 20.25 18 Percy Haring 36.50 36.50 19 Ella M. Smith Inspector .31.00 31.00 20 F. B. Jefferson 31.00 31.00 21 Dwight Van Nest 31.00 31.00 22 Orin Drake Clerk 10.00 10.00 23 Olive Van Nest 10.00 10.00 24 Jessie Bush Inspector & Messenger 44.60 44.60 25 Melvin Bush Use of Hall 35.00 35.00 26 Glen Bacon North Lansing Hall 35.00 35.00 27 Geo. Lanterman South Lansing Hall. 35.00 35.00 28 Samuel E. Lane Assessor's Bill 101.25 101.25 29 Chas. Terpening 99.00 99.00 30 W. FI. Lane 87.25 87.25 31 Miles D. Lane Justice, Service __...._ 57.00 57.00 32 A. J. Conlon " " 36.00 36.00 33 Walter Bristol " 52.00 52.00 34 J. B. Bower "i4 46.00 46.00 35 J. B. Bower Criminal Bill 19.40 19.40 36 Senora Stedman Service Bill 88.00 88.00 37 Senora Stedman Registrar 53.25 53.25 38 Senora Stedman Expense Bill 7.19 7.19 39 C. R. Mills Janitor Bill 11.50 11.50 40 J. W. Skinner Health Officer 238.40 238.40 41 Jay Morey . Supt. of Highways • 1,31.4.00 1,314.00 42 A. J. Conlon Criminal Bill 66.67 66.67 43 W. T. Bethel Service Bill 34.50 34.50 44 Ray J. Drake Service Bill 26.00 26.00 45 0. M. English Service Bill 48.00 48.00 46 Mrs. E. A. Hakes Care of Invalid 67.50 67.50 47 Herbert Alexander Inspector 34.00 34.00 48 J. W. Skinner, M.D Services to Poor 6.00 6.00 49 Andrus & Church ...Assessment Rolls 14.50 14.50 50 Wilbur G. Fish, M.D..... .__Vital Statistics 3.00 3.00 51 H. A. Carey Co Bond Fees 340.08 340.08 52 E. S. Preston & Son Compensation Ins. 650.54 650.54 53 Williamson Law Book Co.Supplies _ 44.12 • 44.12 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 187 No. NAME NATURE OF CLAIM CLAIMED ALLOWED 54 Treman, King & Co Furnace Bill 200.00 200.00 55 Sherman Peer Legal Advice, etc. 172.52 172.52 56 E. H. Bostwick Legal Advice 100.00 100.00 57 Chas. E. Hagin Service Bill 3.00 . 3.00 58 W. F. George 1% of School Money 104.14 104.14 Totals $4,865.36 $4,865.36 I hereby certify that the above is a true copy of the audits of the Town of Lansing as made November 8, 1923. SENORA STEDMAN, Town Clerk 188 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TOWN OF NEWFIELD ABSTRACT OF TOWN AUDITS, 1923 On November 9, 1923, Town Board met in Town and Village Hall to check and audit bills and other necessary business. The following bills were presented and audited, and we, the Town Board, do hereby certify that it is a complete Iist: No. NAME SERVICE ALLOWED 1 John Thompson Services, Election & Messenger.... $33.64 2 W. E. Bush Services, Election & Messenger 1.1.64 3 Harry Horton Services, Inspector Election 28.00 4 I. N. Van Ostrand Services, Inspector Election 22.00 5 James D. Erway _ Services, Inspector Election • 22.00 6 Arthur Decker Services, Election Clerk, Election 10.00 7 Lawrence S. Taber Services, Election Clerk, Election 10.00 8 Fred W. Payne -.---.- Services, Election & Messenger__-- 33.64 9 G. H. Noble ..................... ...Services, Inspector Election 28.00 10 Forrest J. Payne Services, Inspector & Mess., Elec. 33.64 11 C. J. Weed Services, Inspector Election 28.00 12 Chas. Lanning Services, Election Clerk 10.00 13 Wm, K. Ellison Services, Election Clerk 10.00 14 Fred D. Johnson Rent, Election Rooms 32.00 15 Raymond Gregorie Assessing and Auto hire 144.00 16 Donald S. Cutter. ... Assessing and Copying Roll 94.00 17 Joseph Novak Assessing 76.00 18 Andrus & Church Two Assessment Rolls 11.70 19 Chas. C. Dickson Town Clerk Services 42.10 20 Chas. C. Dickson Vital Statistics 30.50 21 Walter L. Messenger .Town Clerk Supplies 20.22 22 Walter L. Messenger Filing Marriage Licenses .25 23 Walter L. Messenger • Services as Town Clerk 8.00 24 Ithaca City Hospital . (Rachel Huhtanen) 87.00 25 Dr. W. A. Smith Health Officer 125.80 26 Dr. W. A. Smith Vital Statistics 2.25 27 Dr. H. C. Thatcher " 4.00 28 Dr. H. C. Thatcher. Medical Services 13.00 29 The G. W. Peck Store Poor Supplies 241.42 30 Archie Allen Funeral Director 75.00 31 Judd E. DornOverseer Poor, Service Bin 56.06 32 Dr. Martin Tinker Poor Service 40.00 33 Ithaca City Hospital Elias Huhtenan 20.00 34 Robert Packer Hospital ,Poor Services 100.00 35 John Henry ... Attendance Officer Allowed 43.20 36 John Henry Criminal Fees .. .. 10.00 37 Arthur Decker15.10 38 Archie R. Allen Premium on Bond 45.72 39 Albert Dassance Service Bill (Super.) 68.00 40 Mrs. M. A. Godley Supplies 2.35 41 James D. Erway Service Bill. Justice 44.00 42 Arthur Decker if if if 44.00 • " il if 44.00 " 28.00 Expense Account, Supervisor 21.82 43 Edwin S. Van Kirk 44 Fred C. Canfield 45 Albert Dassance Total $1,870.05 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 189 TOWN OF ULYSSES ABSTRACT OF TOWN AUDITS, 1923 Statement of bills audited by the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses for claims against said Town, said claims having been audited at the meetings held by the Board for that purpose on February 5, May 7, August 6 and, November 9, 10, 12 and 14, 1923. Statement shows the names of claimants, the nature of the service and the amount claimed and the amount allowed. NO. BILLS AUDITED SERVICES 1 Maude S. Tompkins Service Bill 2 Maude S. Tompkins Expense 3 Arthur Agard Service Bill 4 H. K. Aiken 5 henry Williams 6 Elmer Brown Inspector 7 Aetna Accident & Liability Co.. Premium on Bond 8 F. N. Smith Service Bill • 9 Maude S. Tompkins I/ 10 Frank S. Bower Ins. on Tractor 11 H. K. Aiken Service Bill 12 Henry Williams " 13 Maude S. Tompkins " ". 14 Dr. Keith Sears Expense 15 Andrus & Church Assessment Rolls 16 G. M. Newell Inspector 17 P. L. Hilliard 18 L. S. Robinson 19 Hazen Fish 20 Hazen Fish Assigned to Nat'l Bank.. 21 Hazen Fish ...................... ... Assigned to Nat'l Bank__ 22 H. K. Aiken " and Messenger 23 Arsula Hilliard Clerk 24 Vivian Bower 25 W. A. Beardslee' Rent, I. 0. 0. F. Hall.__. 26 Samuel Frazier Putting up booths 27 J. J. Chase Inspector 28 John Young 29 Howard Laughlin 30 E. S. Johnson 31 Henry Williams " and Messenger 32 William Donohue Clerk 33 Earl I3oyd 34 Fred Pinckney Rent of Town Hall 35 Enos Hardenbrook Putting Up Booths 36 Henry McLallen Inspector 37 H. B. Pearsall 38 Charles S'. Allen Clerk 39 .C. S. Clapp Inspector & Messenger 40 Julius J. Kellogg ... Inspector 41 A. C. Stewart 42 E. L. Horton Clerk 43 Trumansburg Band, Inc__Rent, Band Room 44 0. D. Creque Care of Booths II if ii id ii Ii 1i if CLAIMED ALLOWED $32.00 $32.00 10.33 10.33 20.00 20.00 28.00 28.00 28.00 28.00 22.00 22.00 120.00 120.00 24.00 24.00 12.00 12.90 26.25 26.25 31.00 31.00 32.00 32.00 24.00 24.00 52.57 52.57 15.50 15.50 22.00 22.00 32.00 32.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 12.00 12.00 44:00 49.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 32.00 32.00 12.00 12.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 26.00 26.00 6.00 6.00 97.28 47.28 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 27.00 27.00 6.00 6.00 32.00 . 32.00 22.00 22.00 10.00 10.00 44.00 44.00 32.00 32.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 24.00 24.00 12.00 ' 12.00 190 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS No. Bills AUDITED 45 Raymond Batty 46 Michael Terrell 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 Glenn Lanning 58 E. E. Brown 59 Dessie D. Frazier 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 Clarence J. Moore Arthur L. Bower C. 0. Carman SERVICE Inspector " and Messenger Clifford Warren Clerk M. V. Dickens F. N. Smith . _.Rent, Grange Hall Arthur L. Bower Putting Up Booths Edna Craig Clerk Francis J. Breen _-Inspector S. H. Craig Inspector & Messenger « Clerk W. S. Scott Inspector Mrs. Mary Mahoney Rent, Rooni E. R. Stilwell assessor Olin Miller '< T. R. Hopkins Sarah E. Van Order Rent, Hall Assess. Maude S. Tompkins Reg. Vital Stat. Maude S. 'Tompkins Town Clerk Exp. E. P. Bouton Reg. Vital Stat . .............. E. A. Snow Overseer Poor H. M. Carey Coll. Exp. Herman Atwater ..... Services Dr. J. E. Lovell Lunacy Bill D. H. Rightmyer School Director J. F. Kimple Constable J. F. Kimple ,, Henry Williams Criminal Bill E. P. Bouton Rent, Room Justice W. L Sherwood Overseer Poor F. B. Aiken Fuel J. F. Kimple Constable . A. F. Allen Printing H. K. Aiken Criminal Bill J. M. Townsend Percentage J. M. Townsend Service Sill Clint Dimick Election Exp. Dr. Keith Sears- .. Health Officer Cobb, Cobb & Heath Trial Expense J. M. Townsend Lunacy Bill F. N. Smith Service Bill Arthur Agard '< Henry Williams 44 Maude S. Tompkins <' `< H. K. Aiken <, Glenn Lanning Rent, Office CLAIM ED ALLOWED 32.00 40.08 40.08 10.00 22.00 10.00 10.00 24.00 8.00 20.00 - 10.00 44.00 10.00 32.00 32.00 12.00 36.00 120.75 106.00 110.00 - 2.00 20.06 5.93 27.90 54.85 9.39 3.00 30.00 18.00 • 12.00 8.20 17.15 15.00 57.00 6.90 4.80 56.59 2.85 343.16 181.50 13.00 115.63 500.00 30.00 48.00 52.00 52.00 48.00 28.00 15.00 Totals $3,580.75 32.00 40.08 40.08 10.00 22.00 10.00 10.00 24.00 8.00 20.00 1000 44.00 10.00 32 00 . 32.00 '12.00 36.00 120.75 106.00 110.00 2.00 20.06 5.93 27.90 54.35 9.39 3.00 30.00 18.00 12.00 8.20 17.15 15.00 57.00 6.90 4.80 56.59 2.85 343.16 181.50 13.00 115.63 500.00 30.00 48.00 . 52.00 52.00 48.00 28.00 15.00 $3,580.75 I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true Abstract of all of the Town Audits as audited by the Town Auditors, the above dates. MAUDE S. TOMPKINS, Town Clerk. SUPERVISORS' ACCOUNTS n C. x ro O cd O Hwy O O O TSN gR g c E'er O ca� V G w o y m W ._y O.0 tC N N 0 0giQ0 - gi • c C/7 z r, •. 0 -aa 3 a E •F m o ¢ C) O .0 rg 7:10 N S0 0 ✓ • O s`� 3 °� c • y V 0 G 0 • g ,C rn La 6) 't-17C1 C 0 • C) • L7.0 a O G +, 0 V 0 i o P C1 O. O r man Ln ▪ m v cc • m N N • • ro v.0 7. H • � tt o O /pacQc?c :37[A.la L'.0 S Imo", 0L.--10 c•OG.0C N 0 11 o -VO cio,--r-.c4oLNL,u� N1�.-i 00 ri , Ca N L ,..Ol�CO Mc,. 10 O co OOC:N c ri CV OM 01 M VD .d N 01 '0 M M M IO 0 M N 1.c 4 M e- N ,a . Xi?T .�U[pUU�x'� 00000lf:00'0o O,d'rI LL OI0C'•: If] ri COV COV ri CV ri Co.! '0cw NN e.0 CO✓] ' r, C: CCC; 5763441 CUU[0D I1'.1aad UO SOSl1UdX'13 o In N. 0 0 If'JCI 11': In O InOCON00 w CV N M CO. out. n. cO N O MOO O CV If: 0 0 0 N o CV 1n L ri ri Gv CO W 0) ,VP .ladd09 11! SaDvnu LUUD [moat's�}0 O O O O O o 0 0 0 0 o 0 O0 C. cd 4 6ci' . ..ri ,-. N o c o O 0 0 0 0 o6cO ic64 ',11 .•-I CV O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 N ro 6.D.6 o i O 0 O O N G0• c: r. 0' O r-1 G> O c CC Gre alttu.Fad •U8 VU o. naUIi co 'o GO 00'3' .nGGcoo cl. L•I000 r -I •r -I ,i r•i y} O N d• 'coir 4N crj r-1 ri O ri G1 :..:up.tad 00.9$ iu uopus•uaduxop O o 0 0 0 0 000cooc000000o '0'0 4444 0 0 0 0 4 4. 44 0 0 a, c 0 4 SUU[SSas. plaads pu} S1 Ol..It n L L L L N L m �G' d' 0O N ONNCON NNNLV L I-- L L O N 00ifC C^. -i N L L N $22.401 alcw .lad :IH 111 as`{uoII[+I nl:p .cad 00.9 • H UU[�P9 U0(.LU Ur� 000000c000coo oocoo000R00000R 2F; Cf.] N MN MNM MMGra N.,- r♦ .-I r• -i ,-i N N ,--, ri r -I .-i CO- co 0Jc0 CV .-i ,-i .-. 0'a .-a CO r. 0> UUISSas'' II?nuuy Sgui ri CV ri CV ri N N N GV ri N eq N C\F N CV N N N N N N N N ri CV N N al IIU .lid 0'8 q'' a,2ea1 W V' 1 'oco N r+ CV N W L N N N N 00001 GO ('-.C."; 4.......,-. N N c0 v0', O O m N O O O O O O O O G O O O O o OO OOG Op00o0000 NN C.. NCV NN NN CV NCV NN .-1.-1 .-I .- ri ,-.1 ....... 63 Au iad 009$ 'Il; uo��usuadMOD. SSTiAUG'� •00. S,Ct?Q NCV ri CV N CV CV CV N N N N CV N CR 0 W 0 0 Q V) 71 a En Caroline ICarl R. Wade_. Danby IW. O. Smiley._ Dryden I Ed S. Hill -Enfield 'Olen A. King.. Groton IF. A. Begent_. Tthaca IA. S. Miller_... Lansing I W. F. George__ Newfield I Al. Dassance.. Ulysses I J. M. Townsend Ithaca City, lst WdlArthur Bishop " " 2d " L.E.Pattersonl " " 3d " E. M. St. John " " 4th " S. L. Howell.. " " 5th " A. H. Roskelly 7 c• N'C 51 G a_ ▪ a H r O v°1 m . 1 !D. -c y O. 0 G]. O cd „3 O Fw R W O RQ O c• d a, N N N W c i▪ . O C) a CU ' 1P• X 0 0 N O '0 tc F a c -c m-c� �0o- a>y•0 0 • v� 7 _• c O 1 N ca •- N'O i. 4- U N • G s 0 y F C 11 • c3 'C cn c3 0' 1 :O U to W a7-0 Cl 0) c3 6.0' o• gy.0 0 ro • p” .0 uu g„ CO ▪ O O NN `x+� ✓ ▪ �,W ✓OP vuG zw� cu- 0. wowo• o �9�8g ~ qz - 745 ?A OO W F. y C/]O2 V 7 FRED L. CLOCK, Clerk. :9? PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ANNUAL REPORT OF THE TREASURER OF TOMPKINS COUNTY • Year ending October 31, 1923 To the Board of Supervisors, County of Tompkins.: Gentlemen : I respectfully submit the following statement of the accounts of the County Treasurer's office for the fiscal year ended October 31, 1923. LEIGH M. CHAMPAIGN, County Treasurer. DETAILED STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS General Property Taxes: Received from corporations $48,095.30 " collectors 61-,630.06 " City of Ithaca.-.-- 155,640.29 $264,735.59 Returned taxes collected 18,579.52 Taxes of prior years collected 309.67 Received at tax sale 655.37 " for tax deeds 380.23 Returned school taxes collected 2,157.83 Interest and penalties on taxes 755.37 Tax sale advertising 485.92 Interest on deposits : Motor Vehicle 544.80 Mortgage Taxes 44.12 Departmental Earnings: Court and Trust fund fees 127.17 County Clerk fees 9,778.09 Surrogate's fees 276.50 Tuberculosis Hospital 3,063.72. Almshouse 2,426.13' OF , TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 193 • Gifts: For Tuberculosis Hospital 1,000.00 " Highways 32,730.00 Sate of County Property: Oil stove at jail 3.00 Current Loans 25,000.00 Refunds: Town of Enfield --Highways 170.24 Home Defense Committee 129.93 Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children, 94.15 Motor Truck Insurance 30.00 Fines 3,024.00 Highway Bond Issue 200,000.00 Premium on Highway Bonds 1,927.17 Real Estate License Fees '5725 .Inheritan:ee Taxes 29,755.34 Mortgage Taxes 8,456.42 Income Taxes 38,433.06 Cash Bail 3,250.00 Motor Vehicle Fees 24,828.22 Public School Money 130,283.62 Dog Licenses 6,688.44 Bank Taxes 480.51 State Aid for Highways 27;514.99 Franchise Taxes ' ' 18,040.70 TOTAL RECEIPTS $856,217.07 DETAILED STATEMENT OF PAYMENTS State, Stenographer and Armory Taxes $59,454.18 Town Highway maintenance taxes '5,850.00 Returned school taxes 6,917.64 Advances—extra to E. Moran on highway work 100.00 Tax stamp 2.00 Manuals 47.50 City Court fees 83.00 Safe Deposit Box 5.00 Tax Sale advertising y 454.46 Printing Highway Bonds 275.00 194 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Administrative: Board of Supervisors 8,406.13 County Treasurer 1,950.12 Tax Blanks 55.00 Commissioners of Election 2;406.85 Elections 3,074.69 Tax Commissioners 148.28 Judicial: County Judge and Surrogate 7,005.63 District Attorney 4,239.94 Sheriff 4,216.79 County Clerk 11,764.50 Court House 1,027.94 Justice of Peace 33.30 Coroners 286.20 County Court 1,711.92 Children's Court 1,583.98 Supreme Court 6,792.96 Protection of Persons and Property County Sealer 870.26 Regulative Associations 373.10 Health and Sanitation: County laboratory - 52.71 Tuberculosis Hospital—Building 7,155.41 Patients 15,504.17 Charities and Corrections: Almshouse—administration 3,417.11 " buildings 4,216.56 " inmates 9,902.22 Child Welfare care 2,795.82 Feeble-minded 80.00 Epileptics 48.53 Insane S0.50 Soldiers' Burials 1,350.00 County Jail—Building 1,021.72 Inmates 2,853.45 Monroe County Penitentiary 324.24 Reform Schools 1,161.01 Probation Officer 1,241.47 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 195 Education: Educational Notices 5.25 Farm Bureau 2,500.00 Home Bureau 3,750.00 Junior Project 1,800.00 Deaf Mutes 1,149.15. Blind 250.00 Heat, Light and Telephones for county offices 4,644.57 Highways: Superintendent of 3,957.57 County road maintenance 5,199.94 Motor Trucks—expense 1,764.02 Rights of Way 2,736.00 State Construction 26,924.00 County 90,160.35 County Debt: Interest 4,064.71 Principal Current loans 31,976.49 Bonds 6,000.00 State Highway improvement sinking fund 7,629.21 Trust Accounts: Inheritance Taxes— To State 31,473.25 County Treasurer's fees 1,648.34 Refund 20.00 Mortgage Taxes 9,309.48 Income Taxes 38,433.06 Cash Bail 1,000.00 State Aid for Highways 27,514.99 Franchise Taxes 18,040.70 Motor Vehicle Fees 25,836.30 Dog Licenses 6,217.62. Public School Money 130,283.62 Real Estate License fees 101.75 TOTAL PAYMENTS $664,731.66 .196 PROCEEDINGS.OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS SUMMARY OF CASH Balance. November 1, 1922 $100,009.03 Total receipts 856,217.07 Total disbursements $664,731.66 On Hand October 31, 1923— General Fund 78,608.00 Highway Bond Issue 23,258.70 " Investment 150,868.47 County Highway Construction Fund 6,859.77 Mortgage Taxes 3,817.70 Motor Vehicle Fees 15,076.37 Special Trust— Dog Licenses 7,894.12 Inheritance Taxes 2,380.80 Cash Bail 2,250.00 Bank Taxes 480.51 $956,226.10 $956,226.10 DISTRIBUTION OF HIGHWAY MONEYS TO TOWNS County . County Road Road . Motor Constr'n Maintenance State Aid Vehicle Caroline $7,255.95 $3,100.00 $7,120.20 Danby 7,741.95 $74.00 3,200.00 213.00 Dryden 16,683.70 758.39. 4,800.00 686.88 Enfield 8,598.85 1,975.00 .5,694.99 Groton 13,060.68 1,411.88 2,700.00 .:1,670.40 Ithaca 6,601.45 1.,824.79 2,164.99 3,429.90 Lansing , 12,930.98 3,550.00 Newfield 3,000.00 3,525.00 5,679.24 Ulysses • 12,286.79 1,130.88 2,500.00 1,241.82 $88,160.35 $5,199.94 $27,514.99 $25,736.43 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 197 DISTRIBUTION OF SPECIAL TAXES TO TOWNS AND VILLAGES • Franchise Income • Dog Taxes Taxes Taxes • Caroline $0.30 $1,152.99 $129.59 Danby .13 768.67 - 70.08 Dryden 27.73 2,336.73 202.66 Enfield .06 ' 768.67 ' 58.25 Groton 680.52 1,237.55 205.69 Ithaca 2,305.96 95.56 Lansing 2,287.50 1,921.65 183.54 Newfield .17 991.57 88.28 Ulysses 325.02 L045.37 104.36 City of Ithaca 13,340.79 22,291.18 489.35 Groton Village 821.20 1,452.76 Trumansburg Village160.36 491.95 Dryden Village 1.83 491.95 Cayuga Heights Village 768.68 Freeville Village 245.96 Newfield Village 161.42 $17,645.61 $38,433.06 -81,627.36 DISTRIBUTION OF PUBLIC SCHOOL MONEY Caroline $8,365.20 Danby 8,161.90 Dryden 17,871.28 Enfield 5,475.64 Groton • 13,841.41 Ithaca 3,351.68 Lansing 10,415.60 Newfield 9,640.89 'Ulysses 7,741.96 City of Ithaca 45,418.06 $130,283.62 DISTRIBUTION OF MORTGAGE TAXES Caroline $111.62 Danby 92.26 Dryden - 145.63 Dryden Village 10.84 198 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Freeville Village 9.06 Enfield 89.29 Groton 277.49 Groton Village 103.68 Ithaca 304.95 Cayuga Heights Village 38.85 Lansing 118.44 Newfield 82.48 Newfield Village 6.06 Ulysses 152.71 Trumansburg Village 29.81 City of Ithaca 3,483.59 $5,056.76 Statement showing the condition of various accounts for which appropriations were made for 1923: Supervisors Compensation: Balance November 1, 1922 $21.13 1923 appropriation 4,855.46 $4,876.59 Disbursements 4,792.59 Balance $84.00 Supervisors' Expense: Balance November 1, 1922 $254.29 1923 appropriation— For supplies 723.81 Clerk 1,550.00 Janitor 240.00 $2,768.10 Disbursements 2,744.59 Balance $23,51 Tax Commissioners: 1923 appropriation $164.38 Disbursements 148.28 Balance $16.10 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 199 Commissioners of Election: 1923 appropriation— For salaries $1,200.00 General expenses 400.00 Office expense and clerk 1,000.00 Rent 50.00 $2,650.00 Disbursements 2,406.85 Balance $243.15 Elections: 1923 appropriation— By county $286.48 By towns 6,352.71 Balance November 1, 1922 820.05 $7,459.24 Disbursements 3,074.69 Balance $4,384.55 Court House: Balance November 1, 1922 $1,432.99 Disbursements 1,027.94 Balance $405.05 County Clerk's Building: 1923 appropriation— For general expense $1,072.75 Janitor 480.00 Insurance 25.00 Watchman 500.00 Disbursements— For Janitor $376.74 Watchman 125.00 Expenses 929.06 $2,077.75 1,430.80 Balance $646.95 200 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS County Treasurer: Balance November 1, 1922 $325.30 1923 appropriation— For salary 1,000.00 postage 125.00 clerk hire 300.00 bond premium 375.00 general expenses 533.31 $2,658.61 Disbursements 1,950.12 Balance $708.49 County Judge and Surrogate: Balance November 1, 1922 $313.92 1923 appropriation— For salary 3.500.00 special county judge 600.00 assistants 2,200.00 expenses 435.46 $7,049.38 Disbursements 7,005.63 Balance 43.75 District Attorney: Balance November 1, 1922 $1,076.99 1923 appropriation -- For Salary 1,600.00 Expenses 1,200.00 Law Enforcement 500.00 $4,376.99 Disbursements— For Salary $1,600.00 Law enforcement - 440.51 Expenses 2,199.43 4,239.94 Balance $137.05 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 201 Sherif: 1923 appropriation— For salary $2,400.00 under sheriff 400.00 expenses ......-.- 5,163.02 $7,963.02 Disbursements 4,21'6.79 Balance $3,746.23 Count?' Court Civil: - Balance November 1, 1922 $69.71 1923 appropriation. 400.00 $469.71 Disbursements 44.84 Balance $424.87 County Court Criminal: 1923 appropriation $4,500.00 Disbursements 1,667.08 Balance $2,832.92 Justices and Constables: 1923 appropriation $200.00 Disbursements 33.30 Balance $166.70 Coroners: Balance November 1, 1922 • $133.40 1923 appropriation—salary 200.00 $333.40 Disbursements 286.20 Balance $47.20 202 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS County Sealer: Balance November 1, 1922 $224.86 1923 appropriation— For salary 500.00 expenses 200.00 $924.86 Disbursements 870.26 Balance $54.60 Probation Officer: Balance November 1, 1922 95.75 1923 appropriation— For salary 1,200.00 expenses 200.00 $1,495.75 Disbursements 1,241.47 Balance $254.28 Children's Court: 1923 appropriation— For salaries $1,300.00 expenses 500.00 $1,800.00 Disbursements 1,583.98 Balance $216.02 Soldiers' Burials: Balance November 1, 1922 $377.87 1923 appropriation 1,000.00 $1,377.87 Disbursements 1,350.00 Balance $27.87 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 203 Superintendent of Highways: Balance November 1, 1923 $319.88 1923 appropriation -- For salary 2,200.00 expenses 1,632.79 $4,152.67 Disbursements 3,957.57 Balance $195.10 County Road Maintenance: Balance November 1, 1922 $3,834.55 1923 appropriation 5,500.00 Expense 100.00 $9,434.55 Disbursements 5,199.94 Balance $4,234.61 County Road Construction: Balance November 1, 1922 $31,389:88 1923 appropriation 32,730.00 Refund—Town of Enfield 17024 From State 32,730.00 $97,020.12 Paid to towns 90,160.35 Balance $6,859.77 Motor Trucks: Balance November 1, 1922 $18.11 1923 appropriated for insurance 2,060.64 Insurance refunded 30.00 " raised by towns 1,863.36 $3,972.11 Disbursements 1,764.02 Balance $2,208.09 0 204 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERtiISORS Poor Accounts: Balance November 1, 1922 $1,870.26 1923 appropriation -- For audits 1,500.00 Supt. of Poor 1,850.00 Physician and Chaplain 500.00 Keeper 1,200.00 Outside relief 5,400.00 Other expenses 4,430.68 Revenue from farm and•inmates 2,426.13 $19,177.07 Disbursements— Almshouse $4,510.12 Supt. of Poor 1,677.01 Almshouse Inmates 9,727.22 Outside relief 1,740.10 17.654.45 Balance $1,522/2 Child Welfare: Balance November 1, 1922 $811.70 1923 appropriation 3,000.00 $3,811.70 Disbursements 2,195.82 Jail: Balance $1,015.88 1923 appropriation $2.519.21 Disbursements 1,021.72 Balance $1,497.49 Jail Inmates: Disbursements $2,853.45 1923.appropriation— For Turnkey $900.00 Matron 100.00 Expenses 1,600.00 2,600.00 Overdraft $253.45 , OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 205 Contract Supplies: Disbursements= For light $1,237.48 .heat................................................................ 2,524.63 telephone 882.46 Balance November 1, 1922 $68.53 Refund from Poor Account 118.56 Appropriation— For Light and heat 2,500.00 Telephone 1,000.00 $4,644.57 3,687.09 Overdraft $957.48 Tuberculosis Hospital: Disbursements— For Building 7,155.4]. Inmates 15,504.17 $22,659.58 0. L. Stewart bequest set aside 1,000.00 $23,659.58 Balance November 1, 1922 $316.08 Received from patients 4,063.72 1923 appropriation . 15,150.00 19,529.80 Overdraft $4,129.78 County Publications: Disbursements $868.95 1923 appropriation 835.00 Overdraft $33.95 Supreme Court Civil: . Disbursements $2,274.96 Balance November 1, 1922 $1,310.56 1923 appropriation 900.00 2,210.56 Overdraft $64.40 203 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF' SUPERVISORS Supreme Court Crinzival: Disbursements $4,518.00 1923 appropriation 2,500.00 Overdraft • $2,018.00 County Clerk: Disbursements— For salaries $8,856.50 expenses 1,477.20 Balance November 1, 1922 $1,246.85 1923 appropriation— For salary ` 2,600.00 assistants 4,400.00 postage 225.00 other expense 300.00 $10,333.70 9,971.85 Overdraft $361.85 TOWN ACCOUNTS CAROLINE Due county November 1, 1922 $10.00 Sheriff expense 19.10 $29.10 Paid county, per 1922 budget • 26.46 Due county $2.64 DANBY Due county November 1, 1922 $68.59 District Attorney expense 8.50 Sheriff expense 14.50 Uncollected 1922 taxes .90 $92.49 Paid county, per 1922 budget 81.65 Due county $10.84 OP TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 207 DRYDEN Paid county, per 1922 budget Due county November 1, 1922 $90.74 Sheriff expense 20.50 Uncollected 1922 taxes 18.54 $159.68 129.78 Due Town $29.90 ENFIELD Due county November 1, 1922 $6,50 Sheriff expense 3.70 Paid county, per 1922 budget._ ............................... Due county GROTON $10.20 6.50 $3.70 Due county November 1, 1922 $67.60 District attorney expense 11.10 Rejected taxes 5.27 ,$83.97 Paid county, per 1922 budget 68.75 Due county $15.22 ITHACA Due county November 1, 1922 $103.71 Sheriff expense 12.20 Rejected taxes 330.54 $446.45 Paid county, per 1922 budget $69.60 Surplus on 1922 roll 25.83 67.83 Due county $378.62 LANSING Paid county, per 1922 budget $153.40 Surplus on 1922 roll 155.48 $308.88 208 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Due county November 1, 1922 $69.60 Sheriff expense 115.35 Rejected taxes 21.48 206.43 Due Town $102.45 NEWFIELD Due county November 1, 1922 $116.15 District attorney expense 6.75 Rejected taxes 16.82 $139.72 Paid county, per 1922.budget 67.15 Due county $72.57 ULYSSES Due county November 1, 1922 $187.11 Sheriff expense ' 18.50 Rejected taxes 58.40 $264.01 Paid county, per 1922 budget 77.00 Due county $1.87.01 CITY OF ITHACA Due county November 1, 1922 $218.42 Sheriff expense 3.85 Rejected taxes 174.08 $396.35 Paid county, per 1922 budget . $162.77 Appropriated for tax refund 60.34 223.11 Due county $173.24 Levy, of general property taxes: For state and county purposes $285,227.70 For town purposes 204,698.35 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK .209 Collectors' settlement of tax levy: Paid town officials $204,698.35 Paid county treasurer— By collectors 216,640.29 By corporations 48,095.30 Uncollected taxes returned (including fee) 20,492.11 $489,926.05 $489,926.05 County Indebtedness: Highway bonds of 1912. $1,000.00 " " 1913 32,000.00 << °` " 1915 26,000.00 " " 1923_ 200.000.00 Total bonded debt $259,000.00 County of Tompkins. SS State of New York, j Leigh M. Champaign, being sworn, says that he is the Treas- urer of Tompkins County, and that the foregoing report is a true statement of the financial transactions of said county for the fiscal year ended October 31, 1923, except those funds over which the county has no control, as shown by the official records of said county. LEIGH M. CHAMPAIGN. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 21st day of November, 1923. Charlotte V. 13ush, Notary Public. 210 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF' SUPERVISORS COUNTY CLERK'S REPORT A statement of all moneys received for the County of Tomp- kins by William H. Baker, Clerk of Tompkins County from No- vember 1st, 1922, to October 31st, 1923, or by his assistants for fees, perquisites and emoluments, for all services rendered by him or said assistants in their official capacity, -from November•lst, 1922, to October 31st, 1923. Recording Deeds $1,243.55 Recording Mortgages 919.56 Recording other Documents 866.85 Pertaining to Judgments 173.55 Copies 95.76 Searches 4,499.70 Filing papers and other services 1,849.33 Clerk hire, audited and allowed by State Tax Dept. 225.00 $9,873.30, Mortgage Tax 25,011.21 Notary Fees $392.50 Less Fees allowed the County included in filing papers, etc. 76.50 Hunting Licenses due the State after de- ducting fees and discounts allowed the County included in the above for filing papers, etc., amounting to $143.44.. Paid County Treasurer, office fees Paid County Treasurer, State Mortgage Tax $8,558,20 Paid Cortland County Clerk on Case No. 14061 9c.—out of moneys held over from last year. Premium on bond audited .by State Tax Commission 5,00 Clerk hire, audited and allowed by State Tax Commission 225,00 Postage audited and allowed by State Tax Commission 12.00 $9,873.30 316.00 3,442.56 $38,643.07 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 211 J. B. Lyon allowed by Tax Com- mission—Tax Books 3.51 Amount held for Apportion- ment 16,207.50 25,011.21 State Treasurer, Notary fees 316.00 State Conservation Commission, Hunt- ers' Licenses 3,442.56 $38,643.07 State of New York, County of Tompkins, SS. William H. Baker, being duly sworn, says, that he is Clerk of the County of Tompkins, that the foregoing is in all respects a full and true statement as required by Chapter 298, Laws of 1909. WM. H. BAKER. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 23rd day of November, 1923. Bernard F. Dunlavey, Notary Public. A STATEMENT Account of moneys expended by William H. Baker, for ex- penses of the County Clerk's Office from November 1st, 1922, to October 31st, 1923. Balance due me as per last report $5.23 1922 Nov. 2 Postage, etc. 6.14 2 Wooden Blocks_ 3.35 3 Pad and Ink .85 8 Repairing of chair 1.00 13 Cleaning of Adding Machine % 4.55 13 Repairing Underwood Typewriter .79 20 T. G. Miller—Carbon Paper .20 27 T. G. Miller—Paper 1.40 28 Mitchell -the -Mover .70 29 Postage, etc. 4.30 '212 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Dec. 2 Atkinson Press 14.50 4 T. G. Miller -Paper 2.60 5 Door Knob' .12 16 Grace Printing Co. 10.00 27 Express Charges on Hunting Licenses .94 27 Paper .15 27 Telephone .43 30 Postage, etc. 5.62 1923 Jan. 4 Atkinson Press -Envelopes 10.50 15 Order and Cash Book -J. Will Tree 18.00 16 T. G. Miller -Adding Machine paper .30 16 Barr Bros. -Mops 5.00 Feb. 1 Postage Stamps 5.35 7 Brush 30c., paper 21c .51 7 Electric Fixture, by Keeler 2.00 28 Postage 2.89 28 Thermometer .35 Mar. 1 Bottle of Paste .30 10 Notary Book -Foreign 5.00 12 Express Charges 1.87 14 Towels .20 15 Express 1.11 17 Brown cleaning 9.20 17 Nail puller and sponge .35 24 Express to Syracuse and mail 1.11 31 Postage 6.99 Apr. 3 Bill heads 4.50 3 Repairing Seal, etc. 6.00 7 Express 72c. and 73c. 1.45 7 T. G. Miller 28.98 11 T. G. Miller paper clips .75 17 T. G. Miller adding machine paper 1.80 18 Underwood Typewriter 9.50 23 Window brush and scraper 1.64 26 2 doz. erasers .84 May 1 Stamps . 5.51 28 Book rack 3.00 • June 1 Stamps 5.86 25 Castors .30 25 Fixing block 1.50 July 10 Stamps 2.56 10 Fans 27.93 23 .38 28 Cardboard .90 31 Stamps 3.32 Aug. 31 Postage 5.51 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 213 Sept. 11 Pencils .50 29 Envelopes 15.24 Oct. 2 Office expense 5.00 2 Rothschild Bros. 4.79 18 Blotters and pen holders 1.40 18 Window pull and cords 1.86 19 Brown, Little & Brown, criminal blanks 10.00 19 Office expenses 10.00 30 Postage 5.50 $300.42 Received from County Treasurer- Check $125.00 100.00 << 100.00 $325.00 300.42 Balance on hand, November 12 $24.58 County of Tompkins, State of New York, Sb. I, William H. Baker, County Clerk of Tompkins County, do hereby certify, that the above amount is correct as to the amount received and t;he amount expended for the year ending October 31, 1923. WM. H. BAKER, County Clerk. 214 PROCEEDINGS OF TI -IE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS x al ; -° Q d W h u/ q x y a 9 77l :s a .-LiU Ra UJ HD - E• 1922 $ $ $ $ • $ $ $ $ $ $ Nov. 100 74.50 ' 80 80 75 55 55 50 569.50 Dec. 100 32.00 80 - 80 75 GO 55 50 1923 532.00 Jan. 100 39.75 80 80 75 60 55 55 544.75 Feb. 100 80 80 75 60 55 55 505.00 Mar. 100 .. 80 80 75 60 30 • 55 40 520.00 w Apr. 100 80 80 75 65 55 80 535.00 May 100 80 80 75 65 a 55 80 535.00 ,Tune 100 80 80 75 65 E 55 85 - 540.00 July 100 80 80 "75 65 55 85 540.00 Aug. 100 80 80 75 65 55 85 540.00 I3 Sept. 100 20 - 75 75 80 85 435.00 Oct. 100 40 75 75 80 85 455.00 $1200 8146.25 $800 8860 $900 $770 $410 $540 $625 $6,251.25 From November 1st, 1922 to October 31st, 1923—Number of Pleasure Plates issued, 6,377; number of Commercial Plates issued, 814; omnibus 170; motorcycles 118; trailers 17. State of New York, County of Tompkins, `S. William H. Baker, being duly sworn, says that he is the Clerk of the County of Tompkins, that the foregoing statement is in all respects a full and true statement as required by Chapter 29; Laws of 1909. WM. H. BAKER. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 17th day of November, 1923. Bernard F. Dunlavey, Notary Public. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 215 Report of County Superintendent of the Poor To the Honorable, the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins, State of New York. Gentlemen : The Superintendent of the Poor of Tompkins County, in accordance with law, herewith submits his annual report for the year ending November 15th, 1923. The Superintendent of the Poor of Tompkins County in ac- count with the poor funds of the county : Amount of appropriation of 1922 $10,250.00 For keeper's salary 1,200.00 Balance in county treasurer's hands from 1922 2,441.06 To sales from county farm for current year 2,177.67 Received for board in County Home 558.00 $16,626.73 Balance in county treasurer's hands November 15th, 1923 252.83 $16,373.90 By amounts paid by orders on the county treasurer for the following purposes : Food supplies and tobacco $2,445.47 Almshouse employees 1,666.88 Fuel and Light 2,617.21 Clothing and footwear 468.13 Repairs, furniture and bedding 705.25 Chaplain, physician and drugs • 610.38 Farm superintendent and farm labor 3,104.70 Farm stock and maintenance 1,584.81 Seeds and fertilizers 310.26 Farm tools and equipment 484.27 Transportation and services of overseers 916.27 Disinfectants and soap 202.66 Freight, postage and miscellaneous 46.02 216 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Outside relief 1,105.04 Superintendent's Postage, telephone and printing . 43.65 Superintendent's personal expenses 62.20 $16,373.90 INMATES DAYS County 2,190 $611.16 Ithaca City - 8,436 2,347.81 Ithaca Town 10 2.78 Lansing 1,066 296.68 Groton 3,317 923.15 Dryden 1,266 352.34 Caroline 365 101.58 Danby 528 146.95 Newfield 706 196.49 Enfield 730 203.17 Ulysses 925 257.43 Tramp 6 19,545 $5,439.54 The cash cost assessed to the county and several towns of the county in excess of the proceeds of the farm for the support of the poor at the county home being 00.278+. There was received from Schuyler County for 558 days' board $558.00 Census of Inmates: Number in county home, November 15, 1922 52 Admitted during the year 35 Births during the year 00 Discharged during the year 24 Died during the year 6 Number in county home, November 15, 1923 57 The following products were raised on the county farm dur- ing the year ending November 15, 1923 : Wheat, 10 acres not threshed, estimated 250 bus $287.50 . Barley, 4 " " di " 125 " 100.00 Oats, 12 " 450 " 193.50 Buckwheat, 1 acre " 20 " 20.00 - Corn in ear, 350 bushels 175.00 • OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 217 Hay, 80 tons 1,120.00 Alfalfa, 10 tons __ 140.00 Straw, 18 tons 162.00 Ensilage, 60 tons 360.00 Corn fodder, 5 acres 100.00 Potatoes, 445 bushels 445.00 Apples, 186 bushels 186.00 Eggs, 900 dozen 315.00 Milk, 76,524 lbs. Butter, 2,787 lbs. 1,275.06 Cream used in home 219.00 Skimmed milk & buttermilk used in home, 7,550 lbs755.00 Pork killed, 6,517 lbs. at 14c 912.38 Clover seed, 17 bus. at $20 340.00 Beans, 20 bus. 84.00 Tomatoes, 16 bus. 24.00 Onions, 9 bus. ' 13.00 Cabbage 12.00 Sweet Corn 10.00 Peas 10.00 String beans 5.00 Asparagus 20.00 Swiss Chard 5.00 Canned fruit, 367 qts. __ 170.00 " corn, 58 qts. 23.00 Dried corn 3.00 Jelly, 115 tumblers 12.00 Total $7,396.44 Sales from county farm from November 15, 1922 to No- vember 15, 1923: Hay, 62,929 lbs. $416.69 Wheat, 18,612 lbs. 424.97 Butter, 1,347 lbs. 607.10 Meat 68.55 Veals, 10 249.50 Lard 17.02 Poultry 40.00 Potatoes 59.60 Pigs 143.00 Bull 90.00 Old iron 3.00 Miscellaneous 58.24 $2,177.67 218 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Cash expenditures by the county superintendent, including salaries of keeper, physician, chaplain and superintendent ex- penditures, but not including outside relief $15,268.86 Value of products of farm used at home 4,278.27 Total cost of maintenance of county home $19,547.13 Making a per diem of $1.00. Inventory of stock, tools and equipment at the county farm : 2 Horses $250.00 11 Cows 900.00 2 2 -year-old heifers . 80.00 2 One -year-old heifers 50.00 1 Heifer calf 20.00 1 Registered bull 150.00 1 Veal, three weeks old 15.00 1 Registered boar 30.00 2 Brood sows 60.00 21 Fat hogs 882.00 35 Fall pigs 130.00 50 Yearling hens 75.00 125 Spring chickens 125.00 1 Manure spreader 140.00 1 Set heavy harness 20.00 2 Lumber wagons 65.00 2 Sets bob sleighs 80.00 1 Two -horse cultivator 30.00 1 One-horse cultivator 7.00 1 Hay tedder 55.00 2 Hay riggins 30.00 1 Land roller 10.00 2 Plows 30.00 1 Spring tooth harrow 15.00 1 Pig tooth harrow 15.00 1 Grain binder 200.00 4, 1 Combination garden drill 10.00 1 Ensilage cutter and belt 230.00 1 Set platform scales 50.00 2 Wheel barrows 5.00 1 Corn sheller 15.00 1 Fanning mill 20.00 2 Lawn mowers 20.00 45 Grain bags 20.00 100 Potato crates 25.00 2 Horse forks, rope and pulleys 25.00 OF TO1'1PKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 219 1 One-half bushel measure 3.00 2 Gas tanks and pump 50..00 Forks, shovels and picks 15.00 Log chains and crow bars 10.00 1 Grass seeder 12.00 1 Creamery refrigerator 450.00 1 Milk separator 100.00 1 Butter churn 50.00 1 Butter scales 15.00 1 Milk car 12.00 2 Milk cans 10.00 12 Milk pails 12.00 1 Milk scales 3.50 1 Six horse engine 50.00 1 One and one-half horse engine 30.00 2 Washing machines 600.00 1 Laundry extractor 150.00 8 Laundry tubs 200.00 1 Feed cooker 40.00 1 Litter carrier 40.00 3 Compression tanks 1.350.00 Total .. -- $7,191.00 In compliance with Sec. 11 of Poor Law of the State of New York, I respectfully report that I estimate the expenses for the town and county poor to be supported at the county home for the ensuing year and for all purposes shall be For County $5,500.00 For outside relief and almshouse maintenance 5,500.00 Superintendent's expenses 400.00 For transportation 400.00 For salaries of physician and chaplain 500.00 $12,300.00 During ,the year the men's toilet and lavatory in the base- ment has been 'thoroughly remodelled, a new cement floor laid and new sanitary, modern plumbing installed, replacing the, old. The bath room in the hospital of the women's building has been repainted and entirely refitted with new sanitary, modern plumbing. The bath room in the administration building has been re- painted and a new steel ceiling laid. 220 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS The old bedsteads and springs are being replaced by new white sanitary furniture as fast as possible, without discarding and unnecessarily. The old long tables in both the woman's and men's dining room have been removed and replaced by small tables, each convenient for four people, thus giving the rooms a much more pleasant appearance and allowing the attendants to place the people together most congenial while at their meals. The small orchard of old apple trees west of the buildings has been cut and stumps removed' and the ground prepared for a new garden, thus greatly improving the appearance of the grounds. The two large compression tanks used for fire and domestic purposes, when first installed, were placed upon wooden blocks. These blocks decayed, allowing the tanks to settle so that it was impossible to get under them to perform the necessary opera- tions. These tanks have been raised and solid concrete piers built under them. For a number of years we have felt the want of some means for using the cistern or rain water through the water front of the kitchen range. The water of our well is so very full of lime that the lime quickly collected in the front and made necessary a new front as often as every two months, at an expense of about $8.00 for making each change. . In the hope of permanently reducing this repeated expendi- ture, the consent of your supervisors' committee was obtained to make use of a thousand gallon tank belonging to the county. After an examination by a competent boiler maker, who pro- nounced it all right, we have installed this as a compression tank, have attached it to the air pump already, in use, and are now able to use the soft cistern water. - As a result we now have a complete soft water system, which for the place and purpose is as good as new, with a sav- ing to the county of the cost of a $350.00 tank and transporta- tion charges of at least $75.00, making an asset to the County Home of an improvement of not less than $400.00, at an ex- pense of $4827, besides an annual saving in expense for soap and for repair of water fronts. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 221 In regard to the proposed hospital, I will refer you to the re- port of the state inspector dated September 19, 1923. 4.1 WM. D. BALDWIN, Superintendent of Poor, Tompkins County. State of New York, 1 County of Tompkins, Wm. D. Baldwin, being duly sworn, says he is Superinten- dent of the Poor of the County of Tompkins, that the foregoing statement is in all respects a true and full statement of receipts and expenditures audited by him during the year 1922-1923 as such superintendent. WM. D. BALDWIN. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 22nd day of November. 1923. Charlotte V. Bush, Notary Public. 222 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Report of Board of Managers of the Tuberculosis Hospital To the Honorable Board of Supervisors. Gentlemen : In presenting our annual report for the fiscal year ending October 31st, 1923, we wish first of all to signify, our apprecia- tion for the prompt action of your Board in the two instances, first when the roof blew off and again when the boiler was found to be unsafe. Such prompt action on your part saved further expense and discomfort. Inovercoming such unexpected difficulties it is certainly a pleasure to know we have your co-operation. During the year there were 56 patients under treatment, nine have been discharged as recovered. The change in population is as follows : 31 patients admitted 25 " discharged 9 recovered j 7 improved 9 unimproved. 10 died There is a satisfaction in the fact that nine have gone to their homes recovered, and also in the fact that our reports from those discharged last year as recovered indicate that none have had a relapse. The treatment of all bone cases of tuberculosis by sun rays or quartz lamp has been continued with gratifying results. The lamp purchased of Judge Frank Irvine has proven its worth and we thank you for it. The numerous improvements made during the past two years have added to the welfare of the hospital and- the comfort of the patients. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 223 The past summer has been unusually dry but we have had sufficient water for all needs. Our ice had kept well, and the windows added to the sleep- ing porches have added to the comfort of the patients. The new road from the depot to the hospital is indeed an acquisition. The patients, nurses, and relatives are all pleased and we express our appreciation to you and the Town of Ulysses for this improvement. During the year, two residents of the county have thought so kindly of our work that they have left by will money to us. Mr. Olin T. Stewart gave $1,000 and Mrs. Ellen S. Kimple of Groton left the use of $1,000. These sums will be used for a memorial in some suitable form.. Statement of Expenses Pay Roll $8,020.67 Foods 5,643.97 Household supplies 734.14 Freight and Postage 178.00 Fuel and Light 1,859.40 Laundry 1,244.80 Drugs 264.31 Farm and Grounds 340.94 Occupational 134.82 Insurance 150.00 Miscellaneous 30.24 TOTAL MAINTENANCE $18,601.29 The total number of days' treatment was 7,284, thus our daily cost was $2.54. Our further expenses were as follows : Improvements $1,600.72 Ice Mouse 1,062.22 County Nurse 1,395.35 TOTAL $4,05829 TOTAL MAINTENANCE 18,601.29 TOTAL EXPENSE $22,659.58 224 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD BALANCE ON HAND, Oct. 31, 1922 Received from pay patients Appropriated by County OF SUPERVISORS $316.08 3,063.72 15,150.00 18,529.80 Overdraft $4,129.78 During the coming year some repairs will be necessary. New linoleum for the dining room and new awning for men's porch will be needed. Also a new dish washer and sterilizer for mak- ing the dishes absolutely clean. Our completed improvements and those recommended will not make a new hospital and we do need one. None of our boundary counties have a hospital, and all teach- ing, local, state and national tends toward segregation of very ill and early hospitalization of the beginning case. These . boundary counties this year paid us over $3,000, enough to pay the interest on an investment of $50,000 and had we a better hospital this income could be increased. We earnestly request your consideration of the investment of $50,000 in this project, the interest to be paid not by taxa- tion but by our neighboring counties. For the coming year, we will need for maintenance as much as we used this year as none of the commodities necessary are lower in price and many are higher and also it is necessary to pay more for competent help. We, the Board of Managers, are giving their time and efforts willingly without compensation, believing that they are helping to sustain a worthy institution and we thank you for your friendly as well as official interest in the Tompkins County Tu- berculosis Hospital. Respectfully submitted, DR. H. GENUNG, President, C. B. BOICE, EMMA M. KNETTLES. MRS. EUGENE BAKER, Board of Managers. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 225 Report of the Justices of the Peace CAROLINE Chas. 1VI. Jones reported $25.00 received. Augusta Middaugh reported no moneys received. J. M. Middaugh reported $5.00 received. P. Alfred Munch reported $5.00 received. DANBY L. E. Cummings reported $15.00 received. Eugene Dorn reported $20.00 received. Fred Dorn reported no moneys received. Roger Todd reported no moneys received. DRYDEN Paul Ewers reported $161.00 received. J. D. Ross reported $54.00 received. G. C. Sutliff reported no moneys received. Geo. E. Underwood reported no moneys received. ENFIELD Albert Colegrove reported no moneys received. Bert Kirby reported no moneys received. Daniel Mtichell reported no moneys received. J. Chas. Wetherby reported no moneys received. GROTON R. R. Chatterton reported $95.00 received. J. H. Hoff reported $25.00 received. Geo. B. Siekmon reported $25.00 received. E. F. Tallmadge reported no moneys received. ITHACA Elmer Allen reported $5.00 received. James A. Bush reported no moneys received. Chas. H. Newman reported no moneys received. Wm. I. Smith reported $5.00 received. 226 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS LANSING J. B. Bower reported no moneys received. Walter Bristol reported no moneys received. A. J. Conlon• reported $1.14.00 received. Miles D. Lane reported $66.80 received. NEWFIELD Fred C. Canfield reported no moneys received. Arthur Decker reported no moneys received. Edwin S. Van Kirk reported no moneys received. ULYSSES Arthur Agard reported no moneys received. . Howard K. Aiken reported $20.00 received. Fred N. Smith reported no moneys received. Henry Williams reported $70.00. received. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 227 1.aial.si(.I I00gJs oa uopaodoad O ,-1 FF} .y, c+3 521.08 ,� 0q T '0 r C i el} c: t.c . co- o N co L M O 1r0 o o L. -- 69 1n r - O Li--- 10 q^.. in. t.. ,r CfJ CC L r.4 '0 01 6 02VIIIA .10 d413 of uoi.aodo.LCI 0 ci CMO o c V 6,3- ,n c c 09 ,-i i0 0 N C; m CO CV CC C: 01 r ci e7, w O 01 UMO j 01. u0i�.LOd0ad pawngi.igsm aq o,I, ,--I C ^: CO ti V' Cf} et} 00 u: Oi ,o cq ,--I 00 In N ,-i ,-1 CC L-- 0i m L- ,-I GO 1 _ L: ICJ r: .y, -'"".1 CI LV IL L"- v. M_ O ,,04,,„ s;)0,4 •suaaJ, 4un0'D cl -70 sD cv 69- O O 0V 01 tO IO ci N 00 ,-r 1-1 O N 01 0 0.1 c.6 ol CO CV ci !-,t.'-',' XEj, SiiOauO.Ia R 00 .--1 C: O 0)r, CO. 7.-1 C Cri ` 00 00 o6 ri O d, S *-i ca c• c_^, 0 0o c: 'Jo r -i xeW, Jo qunoiutr C+'] L O 4 C13 C% LC' O oi. • a ani assays A P d O C cel L- ' r� co y, C' LV G6 Lo c� c,.; DO C : d, 00 O O `" o" CO 1^Z 00 06 0o c ,o co r-1 0 M c0 LV ,c? ,� d' Trumansburg ....! 1 State 1 54,371.551 1 1$1,196,121.2D1 Name of Bank Ithaca City 1 First National Ithaca City (Tompkins Co. Nat'l__ Dryden 'First National Groton 1 First National Trumansburg ._..I First National m r..0 C1 .74J 14 0 PI 4a 0 Dated, January 24, 1924. FRED L. CLOCK, 4a!a3siQ IoogJS CV 0 a: N 10 O r4 Gni N ci O 10 04 a20IIEA -up 49 S unop pun- ams O Ga O GG 0 0 10 10 r.4 N CC rl 10 N cV O N m C,1 F 0 V 14 0 .0 14 14 1 228 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MORTGAGE TAX STATEMENT The following statement shows the assessed valuation ,of each town and incorporated village or city therein, the amount of mortgage tax to be distributed therein, and the amounts thereof to be paid to the several towns, incorporated villages and city therein for the year 1923. Towns, Villages and City t) a > Amount of Tax Amount Payable to Towns Amount ,Payable to City or Village • c. v: m U .) O d F Caroline $846,413 $35.93 $35.93 $35.93 Danby 791,708 75.36 75.36 75.36 Dryden 2,726,767 237.07 208.35 Dryden Village 450,675 19.60 Freeville 209,0141 9.12 237.07 Enfield 603,879 20.16 20.16 20.16 Groton 2,413,316 204.04 148.46 • Groton Village 1,314,772 55.58 204.01 Ithaca City 20,438,705 2,887.99 2,887.99 2,887.99 Ithaca Town 2,708,303 564.89 490.13 Cayuga Heights Village 716,935 • 74.76 564.89 Lansing 1,831,095 122.22 122.22 122.22 Newfield 896,932 41.29 38.40 Newfield Village 125,577 2.89 41.29 Ulysses 1,493,806 07.37 81.54 Trumanshurg 485,729 15.83 9 7.3 7 Total $4,286.321$1,220.55183,065.77 $4,286.32 Dated January 24, 1924. FRED L. CLOCK, Clerk Board of Supervisors. STATEMENT OF VALUATIONS OF PROPERTY vols )(awl so anp:A passasSL' IL O.L $892,291 1 $4,400 1 $896,691 1 793,585 1 793,585 2.732,628 600 1 2,733,228 1 $60,400.88 617,922 1 617,922 2,449,939 19,050 1 2,468,989 1 185,988.85 2,714, 721 1 2,714,721 20,0 77,391 20,077,391 1 848,731.62 1,976,622 1,976,622 1 887,199 2,800 1 889,999 1 1,602,326 9,450 1 1,611,776 1 100,999.94 LV GV C; .f3 c7 O M o co cl r:-- co !(cols )Iu1:q . U[pnia -xa Sqaadoad pruos.tad so anpn passassn put: ,ii..tado,l<i iron -° anIL'n pozliu 1ba inlo,t 31304s }iu1:q .`sulpnioxa `Sq.aado,Iti It:uos -.tad so anitl.\ pasosst: it:low sas!ip -uuaJ moods put: suOpa:.l -odaoa so meso pad `S.I.Io - -load a.91:Ilin 3uipniaul agt:q -SD IVaa JO 011111A paztlsnil:i 111:1 XEl. 0q1 JO o(: • aas .l apun mu ssassu a'}irjsa iva.l .iu[ztiunbO u[ -(Ins so -pa Rut pagdopF; uopnzIlsnba Jo a11'•2I Caroline 34,407 $872,013 1 .96 Danhy 33,286 791,708 .98 Dryden 58,286 ' 2,726,167 1 .98 Enfield 1 22,207 1 603,879 1 .96 Groton 30,725 I 2,394,266 1 .06 Ithaca 16,293 I 2,708,303 1 .98 Ithaca City 2,940 1 20,438,705 I 1.00 Lansing I 37,789 I 1,831,095 1 .91 Newfield 1 36,997 I 894,132 1 -.99 Ulysses j 19,818 I 1,484,356 1 .91 u ,r- d co a L.• ci a CV Er o sasiti3ulla) It:iaads putt uOIli.,Il1(iaOa so ai1:gsa III0.I `.1..tadO.ld a2eiicn .iu!pnlau! amsa Iran so ani1:.N passassV pul:ri }o sa.Iav COZ C.0 CZ C) U _E , J w �ti� Sv G t • O 1 w u C... C.) C. 5 G _7 G S^ a o a) U � M c1 4- C V ✓• C.. ,E I t+., cl P s n1 C G co 7 � "r o C C4 J U c H X U C S o G m G y CZ o � i"' W = n x o • (` w - c fS L Ina CA o O J - r Cd y 1,- u; G J z Cj U A G 0 Com} G 0 CA G 0 C� j 72 472 C r -Er, y O L' 0 0 FRED L. CLOCK, Clerk, P. 0. Address, Ithaca, N. Y. 230 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS STATEMENT OF TAXES LEVIED Statement of the amount of 'nixes and Tax rates for the several cities aria Towns in the County of Tompkins as levied by the Board of Supervisors at their An- nual Meeting in the year one thousand nine hundred twenty-three together with the receipts of moneys from the sources as indicated in columns 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and the amount of bonded indebtedness of the County and of each Tax District therein except cities. • 2 3 4 .5 7 Cities and Towns State Tax Tax for stenographer's and court expenses Armory Tax County Tax Town. Tux, incl. items 1, 2, 3, and 4 of highway tax; and fire, fire com- pany, garbage, Lamp or Iight sewer, sidewalk, water, and water supply district taxes Receipts from County Treasurer from license tax on Motor Vehicles Caroline $2,141.10 c. 1 $224.39 $4,800.56 $17,783.72 $7,120.20 Danby 1,875.45 z 136.46 4,222.35. 11,502.88 213.00 Dryden 6,502.71 E 681.42 14,600.97 43,483.17 686.38 Enfield1,471.56 - 154.16 3,302.82 11,689.67 5,694.99 Groton 5,8 72.50 �j 615.38 13,187.32 24,727.071 1,670.40 c City Tax Ithaca City 47,822.21 '"' 5,011.27 107,328.34 4,119.52 Ithaca Town 6,489.17 680.01 14,543.02 22,390.57 3,429.00 Lansing 4,727.78 "N 495.421 10,592.871 34,804.841 Newfield 2,108.30 v 220.95 4,742.16 18,570.63 5,679.24 Ulysses 3,835.89 .f. 401.97 8,611.84 31,640.86 1,241.82 Cayuga Heights Dryden Village Freeville Groton Village Newfield Village Trumansburg Sch. Dis. No. 8, Dryden . Sch. Dis. No. 8, Groton Sch. Dis. 1, City of Ithaca Sch. Dis. No. 1, Ulysses._ ?82,846.67 $8,681.43 $185,932.25 $220,713.83 $25,736.43 • OF • TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 231 STATEMENT OF TAXES LEVIED -Continued 8 9 10 11 12 13 Cities and Towns Receipts from Mortgage Tax Receipts from Tax on Bank Stock Received from Co. Treas. pursuant to the provisions of Art. 9-A of the tax. (Franchise tax on busi- ness corporations.) Receipts from Co. Treas. pursuant to the provisions of the Personal Income Tax Law Tax rate for State, County, Town purposes, including Highway Bonded Indebtedness (Towns only) Caroline Danby Dryden $35.93 75.36 208.35 120.79 $0.30 .13 27.73 $1,152.99 768.67 2,336.73 $29.00 22.80 24.93 Enfield 20.16 .06 768.67 27.60 300.00 Groton 148.46 325.08 680.52 1,237.55 20.82 Ithaca City 2,887.99 3,083.20 13,340.79 22,291.18 8.08 1,521,000.00 Ithaca Town 490.13 • 2,305.96 16.70 5,000.00 Lansing 122.22 2,287.50 1,921.65 28.00 23,205.00 Newfield 38.40 .17 991.57 29.20 2,000.00 Ulysses 81.54 260.83 325.02 1,045.37 32.47 6,000.00 Cayuga Heights 74.76 768.08 Dryden Village 19.60 48.45 1.83 491.95 Freeville 9.12 245.96 Groton Village 55.58 329.65 821.20 1,452.76 Newfield Village 2.89 161.42 Trumansburg 15.83 253.29 :1.60.36 491.95 Sch. Dis. No. 8, Dryden_. 83.34 Sch. Dis. No. 8, Groton__ 521.08 Sch. Dis. 1, City of Ithaca 1,700.71 Sch. Dis. No. 1, Ulysses_. 278.61 1$4,286.32 $7,005.03 $17,645.61 $38,433.06 tBonded indebtedness of County $259,000. I, Fred L. Clock, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins, do hereby certify that the preceding is a true statement of the Taxes levied against the taxable property in the several Tax Districts in said County, by the Board of Super- visors, at their Annual Meeting in the year 1923. FRED L. CLOCK, Clerk P. O. Address, Ithaca, N. Y. 232 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SU1'lJRVISORS HIGHWAYS—MONEY SYSTEM To the Comptroller of the State of New York : The following is a Statement, pursuant to Section 100 of the Highway Law, of the several towns in the County of Tompkins, and of the amount of money tax levied therein, for the repair of highways, by the Board of Supervisors of said County at their annual session in the month of December, 1923, viz.: Nance of Town Caroline Danby -.-- Dryden -- Enfield .. Groton -. Ithaca -. Lansing Newfield Ulysses .- • y0 .J� U +_ J Y Cv z C ^ = v Jam, :C m-7; N Nom- 872,013 791,708 2,726,767 603,879 2,394,266 2,708,303 1,831,095 894,132 1,484,356 &. G +' O • G n O 8 y ti + ^ t'. C V r i n O ,=:'51by W ' y 892,291 793,585 2,732,628 617,922 2,449,939 2,714,721 1,970,622 887,199 1,602,326 0 2,066,178 1,088,544 1,991,368 770,855 1,007,775 0 U 0.G O U CV W 7 F. o � m .rti N CC ~ • W C Q • 4,400 10,000 500 300 ri. 0 0 U Ll7 2,200 3,500 8,000 2,822 4,500 4,660 7,100 3,917 4,200 Cr s 0 a VD 3 'ice U V 9,28 55.00 800.00 11,000.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 14,691.07 2,040.00 15,700.00 $ 11,485.00 4,300.00 19,000.00 6,322.00 8,000.00 4,660.00 21,791.07 5,957.00 19,900.00 E. MORGAN ST. JOHN, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors. I certify that the preceding statement is correct. FRED L. CLOCK, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors. State of New' York, County of Tompkins, ss. E. Morgan St. John, being duly sworn, says that he is the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County; that he has read the preceding statement and knows the same to be true. E. MORGAN ST. JOHN. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 24th day of January, 1924. Fred L. Clock, Notary Public. DISTRICT ANI) UNION FREE SCHOOL DISTRICT indebtedness of the statement of all the 0 G: U 7 0. FRED L. CLOCK, Dated, January 24, 1924. When Payable 5 r C 0.. G�_ . ` 0g OV O C c3 CZ 0 r.' ct O O0 N'N 000 0 N.^0000 0110. oc 0. 00000 C 10 O OO OG) y'M If: CVO N CT N 0 '..I '~ �?: N. N ~ CI r -I 0 M Svc,. N Cor3 Total I)ebt 00 ^0 In 000 0 0O O 000u: 0 om o GNI. OO CV i L: C^ GN.S c; V in 01 O C1 r. y �- z^,- 0000000'^000000.000 0000000000 0 i:: 0 C) o o0 o00o:^O0Gv000cVOr10 100 ti " d —. N. V. 00 C1 0 N"N 1f0 -� r- e%..^]O _ Ov CI Political Division For What Purpose Under WhatRate of Bonded for which created I Created i Law Interest Debt 0 o 0000010 O G. O 00000 CSC 000000 CJ 00000000100 00001-0100100000,--i1OCAO 00)- 0"0iaN 0)0) 11010.-+100)10 :- C7 t_. tl' 0 r" C7 1n 11 N. OG CO. C1 0 NI N o -'r -C . -V,r,c:,cmMco cc -^'u:0 Highway Construction Good Roads Law Sec. 1:11, Highway Law__.. " Chap. 25, Consol. Laws " §142, 167-a. Hghwy. Lawsif " Sec. 142, Highway Law__..' " " " 142, « ' 142. " Bridge Construction i,97, ._..I Highw. & Bridge Construct'n " 97, " 'Aid P. & S. B. R. R Chap. 54, Laws 1887 << " << If Li if" 54, 1887 Gas Plant " 414, 1897 Electric Light • " 181, " 1875 " " 414, " 1897 Highway Improvement 1Sec. 129, Village Law 1 " y " 129, " IWater System .IVillage Law to = C V V .. WI-, w. U � M ,� o h0 0 S F 0" u V C' V4n›^ CC G^ , J z -,. i E4 ./> (Continued on page 234) (CONTINUED FROM PACE 233) � 1c. rI 11 a = Z V 0 CS 000000 000 o N GO cO L--- N IN ..O 0 00000 N O 00 V, V, N N N N N C O,p .2 00 a uc o u7000 o 0O]. co c1 C-Qs pt C: G7 o+2 a-,oin ci Lam- LI r•1 ISO O " N r-1 r-1 r-1 r'1 r1 ,--1 1 P. A.O C eiz.-1 .ti 030 0 ,- .4,Lo00 J p -- ._a +.,,4 C.'''' �C-I O 00 O O O 00 O O 1P try O .--! V, � CO ,-♦ N r-i 1 ri » 1a cc 00 ,--1 C] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.„1410 00..0 0 0 0 00.00.00 0 0..0 00 0 0 'V 0VC00000000ii- Ori 0000N`7'4 OL ri ,- Cz N VI 0 .--1 0 NCO 0.7 1--1 1-1 0 0 0,-1 N V `j .n C U p 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000000000000000000000N 7.4600 o 000001!] 0.-I 0V, 0000 t:..1 r O O C:,--1 N N 0 O V V, 0 •--1 `LJ N C:U CC,, I-II-10 C: 0 N V V Political Division Ji'or What Purpose Under What Rate oft for which created Created Law Interests, (Highway Improvement (Sec. 129, Village Law 3% 44 129, 4 8/101 1 Bridge 1 Chap. 660, Laws 1895 4 Sewer 162, 1895 4 Creek and Drainage 1 " 345, " 1906 4 School " 274, " 1895 31/4 School I 41,4 Improvement, Series "A" I Chap. 247, Laws 1913 41/. " " "B" 1 " 247, " 1913 5 Water, Series "A" 1 " . 181, " 1903 4 • « `l «B„ � " 181, " 1903 4 id l4 "C" " 181, " 1903 4 "E„ " 377, 1907 414• Ii If "G" " 377, 1907 4 " I, "H„ _ " 503, " 1908 4 " " . "J" � 503. " 1908 4 " Refunding " 503, " 1908 4 3/10 14 1S " 503, " 1908 4'/b I New Building Educational Law :33.A. id ii li a 5 Equipment • ft LL6 New Building 1 " " 6 di df 41 " 5 • ', N C. E"- V I-. y w_ ,+-I p O �V CG O/ "N .. . i ›, y v V q zI!'7�. I-� 0o 0000C: B: • y a= V V V rn OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 235 HIGHWAY, BRIDGE, MACHINERY AND MISCELLANEOUS FUNDS REPORTS HIGHWAY FUND—RECE1PTS Towns Caroline Danby Dryden Enfield Groton Ithaca Lansing .. Newfield - Ulysses $3,000.00` $3, 100.001$19,891.35 $25,99135 8195.961 3,500.001 3,200.00 11,556.48 18,452.44 8,000.00 4,800.00 27,055.27 39,855.27 756.1.7 2,822.00 1,975.00 19,376.28 24,929.65 2,734.96 4,500.00 2,700.00 22,410.22 32,345.18 145.26 4,330.00 2,164.99 16,246.39 22,886.64 373.001 7,100.00 3,550.00 34,339.39 45,362.39 3,917.00 3,525.00 15,407.05 22,849.95 1,137.26 4,200.00 2,500.00 21,996.36 29,833.62 HIGHWAY FUND—EXPENDITURES Towns Caroline Danby Dryden Enfield Groton Ithaca Lansing Newfield Ulysses $3,697.55 3,989.55 12,286.14 1,717.43 6,942.15 7,229.46 10,508.82 2,139.23 6,607.49 $22,279.49 $25,977.04 $14.31 14,462.67 18,452.22 0.22 27,410.98 39,703.12 152.15 23,212.22 24,929.65 25,876.32 32,318.47 26.71 15,126.79 22,356.25 530.39 34,853.57 45,362.39 20,710.72 22,849.95 23,077.58 29,685.07 148.55 236 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS HIGHWAY, BRIDGE, MACHINERY AND 'MISCELLANEOUS FUNDS REPORTS BRIDGE FUND -RECEIPTS Towns Caroline Danby Dryden Enfield Groton Ithaca Lansing Newfield Ulysses $119.99 5600.00 2,000.00 780.001 99.92 600.00 8.16 3,958.42 8,000.00 3,000.001 2,000.00 42.92 2,000.00 3,545.64 $5,000.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 $853.28 510.15 20,176.90 99.85 ifl 77- E - $6,573.27 2,000.00 - 8,800.00 699.92 4,470.73 8,000.00 26,722.54 4,000.00 2:142.77 BRIDGE FUND -EXPENDITURES . Fr Material for repairs Construction of new bridges Transferred to other funds r :J ; co H Towns z r.::V 4 cd -'- o F Caroline • $458.53 8652.12 $4,509.99 $952.63 $6,5 73.27 Danby ............ 63.50 7.50 1,359.57 569.43 2,000.00 Dryden 351.21 1,146.79 7,218.00 124.00 8,800.00 Enfield 81.00 .618.92 699.92 Groton 1 3,473.651 1,003.08 4,476.73 Ithaca 116.80 309.15 3,821.64 2,444.43 6,692.02 $1,307.98 Lansing 386.29 118.55 20,559.44 5,266.80 26,331.08 391.40 Newfield 81.75 2,621-.27 1,346.98 4,000.00 Ulysses 36.50 165.83 1,940.44 2,142.77 OIC TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 937 HIGHWAY, PRI.DGE, MACHINERY AND MISCELLANEOUS FUNDS REPORTS MACHINERY FUND—RECEIPTS . Balances from previous year E v EF, ^, c, V Total expenditures Total Receipts TownscJ cd m ci •tv g ,_. ,� 0 x x $1,009.161 $1,484.35 Caroline $3,163.55 $500.00 Danby $2,663.59 $3,163.59 Danby 1,200.00 1,200.00 Dryden 1,113.33 1,200.00 Dryden 2,740.83 1,500.00 - 1,240.83 2,740.83 Enfield $19.84 600.00 Groton 682.97 619.84 Groton 72.78 1,000.00 Ithaca .. 3,265.64 4,338.42 Ithaca 327.88 3,000.00 Lansing 2,444.43 5,772.31 Lansing• 1,951.12 1,000.00 Newfield 951.12 1,951.12 Newfield 32.50 3,000.00 Ulysses 653.32 3,685.82 Ulysses 2.956.08 1,500.00 I,450.00 8.00 2,958.00 MACHINERY FUND—EXPENDITURES .O:' O Repair of tools and machinery Other expenditures Total expenditures M CA C , Towns cd m ci •tv g '_- 0 7,1 ci u Caroline $1,009.161 $1,484.35 $770.08 $3,163.55 Danby 1211.06 929.30 144.04 1,200.00 Dryden 1,113.33 1,627.50 2,740.83 Enfield 587.68 32.16 619.84 Groton 682.97 3,642.14 13,31 4,338.42 Ithaca .. 3,253.38 2,518.93 5,772.31 Lansing 1,415.09 536.03 1,951.12 Newfield 2,429.79 1,210.36 1.3.17 3,658.32 32.50 Ulysses 40.24 2.815.99 99.85 2.956.08 1.92 238 PROCEEDINGS OF THE I3OP_RD OF SUPERVISORS HIGHWAY, BRIDGE, MACHINERY AND MISCELLANEOUS FUNDS REPORTS MISCELLANEOUS AND SNOW FUND -RECEIPTS Towns-IPi g i. n 61 C9 'Received from collector Received from certificates of indebtedness m other )urces vi . ,G..0. -- - C.) 4 A. 0 F M Caroline $82.82 $100.00 1 $2,582.63. $2,765.45 Danby ... 105.51 1,500.00 37.25 1,702.76 Dryden 58.91 3,090.00 5,409.51 8,558.42 Enfield 343.90 500.00 276.34 1,120.24 Groton 311.37 3,000.00 3,311.37 Ithaca 4,800.00 4,800.00 Lansing 322.72 500.00 822.72 Newfield 360.70 2,000.00 2,360.70 Ulysses 1,000.00 3,000.00 4,000.00 MISCELLANEOUS AND SNOW FUND -EXPENDITURES Towns 0 O 0.2. n 0 0 Caroline 1 $48.00 $2,717.451 $2,765.45 Danby $282.751 21.00 1,399.011 1,702.76 Dryden _ 1,310.03 33.00 7,20 7.39 8,550.42 Enfield 376.00 21.00 723.24 1,120.24 Groton 33.00 3,140.50 3,173.50 Ithaca. 152.95 4,647.05 4,800.00 Lansing 24.00 336.00 360.00 Newfield 272.42 2,052.84 2,325.26 Ulysses 393.62 9.001 3,407.64 3.810.26 $8.00 137.87 462.75 35.44 189.74 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 239 Clerk's Certificate State of New York, County of Tompkins, ss. Board of Supervisors. I, Fred L. Clock, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, New York, DO HEREBY CERTIFY, that I have compared the foregoing Journal of the Proceedings of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, N. Y., with the original record thereof, that the same is a full and correct transcript of the transactions of said Board, at the special, 'quarterly and annual sessions thereof, held during the year 1923, also of the reports of the several county officers sub- mitted to said Board of Supervisors and published herein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the official seal of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, N. Y.,- to be hereto affixed, this 30th day of January, 1924. (L. S.) FRED L. CLOCK, Clerk Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County, N. Y. 240 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Political Directory AND GUIDE TO TOWN OFFICERS General Election—First Tuesday after the First Monday of November. Town Boards to designate polling places—First Tuesday in September. Town Boards to meet regularly on the first Thursday after general election to audit accounts, and on the 28th day of December of each year. The Supervisor, Town Clerk and Assessors of each Town must meet on the first Monday of July, 1878, and in each third year thereafter, at a place within the town appointed by the Supervisor; or, in case of his absence, or of vacancy in his office, by the Town Clerk; for the purpose of making a list of persons to serve as trial jurors for the then .ensuing three years. If they fail to meet on the day specified in this section, they must meet as soon thereafter as practical. (Judiciary Law, Sect. 500.) At the meeting specified in the last section, the officers must select from the last assessment roll of the town and make a list of the names of all persons whom they believe to be qualified to serve as trial ,jurors as prescribed by law. (Ju- diciary Law, Sect. 501.) Town Meeting, biennial -First Tuesday after First Mon- day in November in odd numbered years. Annual meeting of Supervisors as a Board of Canvassers —First Tuesday succeeding general election. Annual •meeting of the .Board of Supervisors—Second Thursday after general election: Regular quarterly sessions of the Board of Supervisors— Second Monday of February, May, August and November. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 241 All county officers receiving or authorized to receive moneys in which the county or any subdivision thereof shall have an interest, 'shall annually, on November 1st of each year, make a written verified report of all moneys received, from whom, on what account and the disposition made thereof, and file the same with the Clerk of Board of Supervisors on or before No- vember 5th. (County Law, Sect. 243.) All bills and claims against the county must be presented to the Clerk of the Board on or before the third day of Annual Session of the Board of Supervisors. All bills for supplies furnished to Superintendent of the Poor must be presented to said Superintendent for audit on or before November 1st, of each year. All bills presented to the Board of Supervisors must be itemized and verified by the oath of claimants. No bills for law books will be audited unless purchased under resolution of the Board of Supervisors. All bills for repairs to or improvements.of county buildings must have endorsed thereon the approval of the committee on such buildings. No bills for supplies for county officers will be audited unless the same were purchased by the Committee of the Board of Supervisors having charge of such matters. The Tax Collector or Receiver shall, within eight days after receiving notice of the amount of taxes to be collected by him, execute an undertaking with two or more sureties, to be ap- proved by the Supervisor of the town, and deliver said under- taking to him. The Supervisor shall, within six days there- after, file the said undertaking with his approval, in the office of the County Clerk of this County. The Assessors of a town must complete the Assessment Roll on or before the first day of August and leave a copy thereof with one of their number and immediately thereafter cause notice thereof to be posted in three or more public places in the tax district, stating that said assessment roll has been com- pleted and where such copy may be seen until the Third Tues- day in August. '242 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Real property shall be assessed in the tax district in which situated. Property divided by town line shall be assessed in both towns. The Assessors of a town shall meet on the third Tuesday in August, to review their assessments and hear the complaint of any person conceiving to be aggrieved. The Assessors of towns must file a certified copy of the completed Assessment Roll with the Town Clerk on or before the fifteenth day of September, and it shall there remain until delivered to the Su- pervisor. The Assessors shall forthwith give public notice by posting the same in at least three of the most public places in the tax district and to be published in one or more newspapers published in the town that such Assessment Roll has been finally completed, and stating that such certified copy has been filed. When the Assessors, or a majority of them, shall, have com- pleted their roll, they shall severally appear before any officer of the County authorized by law to administer oaths, and shall severally make and subscribe before such officers, an oath in the form prescribed by law, which oath shall be written or printed on said roll, signed by the Assessors, and certified by the officer. (Tax Law, Sect. 38, as amended.) For Village Assessment (see Chap. 93, Laws of 1919, as amended) . The Supervisors must report to the district Superintendent of Schools on the first Tuesday in February, the amount of :school moneys remaining in his hands. Each Justice of the Peace must execute a bond with two .sureties condition for the payment on demand to the proper officer of all moneys received by the Justice, by virtue of his office, which bond must be approved by the Supervisor of the 'Town, and filed in the Town Clerk's office. Each Justice of the Peace shall pay to the Supervisor of his respective town on the first Monday in each month all fines .and penalties imposed and received by him, and shall also make a verified report of all fines and penalties collected by him to the Board of Town Auditors of his respective town on Tuesday preceding the annual Town Meeting. (County Law, Sect. 12, :sub'div. 21.) OF TOM1 KINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 24:3 Overseers of the Poor cannot furnish supplies to a county pauper to exceed the sum of ten dollars without an order from the County Superintendent authorizing disbursements for such purpose. The Clerk of every town, incorporate village and city in the County shall"report to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors on or before November lst of each year all indebtedness of such town village or city, specifying for what purpose created, under what law, rate of interest and when payable. (County Law, Sect. 52.) •The Trustees or the person or persons having charge of the issue of bonds or payment of same of any school district shall transmit a statement thereof to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors annually on or before the first day of November. (County Law, Sect. 52.) The Board of Assessors of the several towns of the County and the Assessors of the City of Ithaca shall- furnish to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors on or before the first day of September in each year a full and complete list and statement of all property within their respective districts exempt from taxation under the laws of this state. (Tax Law, Sect. 15 as amended. Chap. 323, Laws 1916.) Total Vote 17411 Yes 50241 No 62491 Blank as ro 0 3 • T 0 r* A; rt a o rt o rt ▪ c ,� 0 N 18931 Yes 36501 No 74711 Blank 0 0. 0 O "> 2".n3 o 0 o w 7 9 :8- e e O 0. a n m •0 t . t o0 0 41551 Yes 27151 No 61441 Blank 36901 Yes 32771 No 58471 Blank Total Vote 10G59JIrving Lehman 228JJacob Panken 21271l31ank and Scattering 41931CharIes A. Hitchcock 899G1Leon C. Rhodes 6330IJames P. Hill 6509J13lank and Scattering 'T1 0 a 0 0 art. m .j a ro 0 w a vriF O rt a m R7 w 0 a. 0 ro F T ra R m m 0 0 ro a 0 0 b 0 0 0 e 0 m • ro^ 0 ro 0 O 0 O 0 ro 0.. 0 0 m 0 0 0 -t 41461Charles Thompson 741G1James R. Robinson 1491Joseph G. Roth 13031B1ank and Scattering G83G1Charles Green 54421Leon F. Buck 736 Blank and Scattering 40171 Yes 44631 No 45341 Blank O 0 0 w rt � o'' O O A s. RIn9 0 is a o -e rt O .. o a o. e 00 32571 Yes 34491 No 63081 Blank OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 245 ROSTER 1924 REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS Gail H. Stalker (37th District) Elmira, N. Y. REPRESENTATIVE IN STATE SENATE Seymour Lowman (41st District) Elmira, N. Y. REPRESENTATIVE IN STATE ASSEMBLY James R. Robinson Ithaca. N. Y. COUNTY OFFICERS County Judge and Surrogate Special County Judge Judge of Children's Court County Clerk County Treasurer District Attorney Sheriff Superintendent of Poor Wm. D. Baldwin Coroner Wm. A. Smith Superintendent of Highways...Fred C. Evans Sealer of Weights & Measures.Court Bellis Clerk Board of. Supervisors Fred L. Clock Commissioner of Election John P. Kelly Commissioner of Election Bert T. Baker .Willard M. Kent Ithaca, N. Y. S. Edwin Banks Ithaca, N. Y. Willard M. Kent.._..._.............Ithaca, N: Y. William H. Baker Ithaca, N. Y. Leigh M. Champaign Ithaca, N. Y. Arthur G. Adams Ithaca, N. Y. Charles Green Ithaca, N. Y. Groton. N. Y. Newfield, N. Y. Ithaca, N. Y. Ithaca, N. Y. Ithaca, N. Y. Ithaca, N. Y. Ithaca, N. Y. Ithaca, N. Y. Ithaca, N. Y. Ithaca, N. Y. Ithaca, N. Y. Ithaca, N. Y. A. Cameron Goff Ithaca, N. Y. F. A. Beardsley Trumansburg R. D. John D. Bigelow Ithaca, N. Y. Paul Munsen Groton, R. D. 12 Philo Smith Jacksonville Probation Officer R. A. Hutchinson Clerk of Surrogate's Court D. M. Gillespie Clerk of Children's Court R. A. Hutchinson Deputy County Clerk L. L. Earl County Treasurer's Clerk C. V. Bush Under Sheriff Dist. Supt. of Schools Dist. Supt. of Schools Dist. Supt. of Schools Keeper at County Home 246 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TOWN OFFICERS CAROLINE Supervisor H. A. Whittaker Brookton, R. D. 21 Justice of the Peace P. Alfred Munch Brookton, R. D. 22 Justice of the Peace Chas. M. Jones Berkshire. R. D. 1 Justice of the Peace Augustus Middaugh__.Brookton, R. 24 Justice of the Peace John B. Middaugh • Slaterville Town Clerk Jay Phillips Slaterville Assessor D. B. Bull Brookton, R. D. 21 Assessor W. W. Conrad Slaterville Assessor• Theodore Eighmey_._Berkshire, R. D. 1 Collector R. G. Fuller Slaterville Supt. of Highways Chas. Munson Brookton DANBY Supervisor Wm. O. Smiley Ithaca, R. D. 8 Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Fred E. Dorn Justice of the Peace B. J. Jennings Town Clerk Arthur J. Tubbs Assessor Harrison Thayer Assessor Frank Sincebaugh Assessor Geo. Button Collector Earl Crance Supt. of Highways John E. Miller Eugene Dorn Ithaca. R. D. 4 Roger F. Todd... Vest Danby, R. D. 25 Ithaca. R. D. 4 West Danby Ithaca. R. D. 8 Ithaca, R. D. 4 Ithaca, R. D. 4 West Danby West Danby Ithaca, R. D. 8 Supervisor Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Town Clerk Fred E. Darling Assessor Frank T. Reeves Assessor C. B. Snyder Assessor Andrew Baker Collector G. Willett Ellis DRYDEN Wm. J. Shaver Freeville Paul Ewers Etna J. D. Ross Dryden Fred Parker Freeville, R. D. 16 Jas. Robinson Ithaca, R. D. 2 Freeville Freeville Dryden Supt. of Highways Frank Ellis ENFIELD Freeville R. D. 16 Dryden Freeville Supervisor Olen A. King Ithaca, R. D. 5 Justice of the Peace C. J. Wetherby Trumansburg, R. D. Justice of the Peace Albert Colegrove Ithaca, R. D. 7 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 247 Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Town Clerk Assessor Daniel Mitchell Ithaca, R. D. 6 Bert Kirby Trumansburg, R. D. John Thall Ithaca, R. D. 5 Ray Lanning Ithaca, R. D. 6 Assessor Budd Deharah Assessor Collector Supt. of Highways Supervisor Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Town Clerk Ithaca, R. D. 5 Asa Cummings Ithaca. R. D. 5 .Leon Laughlin Ithaca, R. D. 5 Frank Rothermick Ithaca, R. D. 6 GROTON John W. Jones Groton 11IcLean Groton, R. D. 11 Groton. R. R. Chatterton Groton. H. G. Moe Groton. Groton, R. D. 11 Groton Geo. B. Sickmon Edgar Tallmadge John H. Hoff Assessor W. H. Bulkley Assessor H. B. Stevens Assessor Archie Gillen Collector E. G. Reniff Supt. of Highways Glenn Young Groton, R. D. 15 McLean Groton ITIIACA CITY Mayor. Will M. Sawdon City Hall, Ithaca Supervisor, 1st .Ward Fred D. VanOrder, Jr Ithaca Supervisor, 2nd Ward L. E. Patterson Ithaca Supervisor, 3rd . Ward E. Morgan St. John Ithaca Supervisor, 4th Ward Sidney L. Howell Ithaca Supervisor, 5th Ward Leslie R. Pierce Ithaca City Judge Daniel Crowley Ithaca City Clerk W. 0. Kerr Ithaca. City Chamberlain Clarence A. Snyder Ithaca Assessor John D. Kinney Ithaca City Superintendent Floyd U. Oakley Ithaca, Supervisor Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace 'Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Town Clerk Assessor Assessor Assessor Collector Supt. of Highways ITHACA • Arthur S. Miller Ithaca, R. D. 3 Wm. T. Smith Ithaca, R. D. 7 Elmer Allen Ithaca, R. D. 5 Chas. H. Newman Ithaca, R. D. 1 James A. Bush Ithaca, R. D. 2 Clinton J. Updike Ithaca, R. D. 3 Harrison A. Adams _Ithaca, R. D. 8 T. J. Baker Ithaca, R. D. 6 H. C. Sheldon Ithaca, R. D. 1 .0scar Hoyt Ithaca, R. D. 6 Frank McPherson Ithaca, R. D. 6 248 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS LANSING Supervisor Wm. F. George Ludlowville, R. D. 9 A. J. Conlon South Lansing Miles Lane Groton, R. D. 11 Walter Bristol Ludlowville, R. D. 9 Elmer Gallow Ludlowville, R. D: 9 Joseph McGill Ludlowville Chas. Terpening South Lansing Samuel Lane Ludlowville, R. D. 10 Wm: Lane Ludlowville, R. D. 9 Lawrence Holden Groton, R. D. 12 Jay Morey Groton, R. D. 12 Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Town Clerk Assessor Assessor Assessor Collector Supt. of Highways NEW FIELD Supervisor Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Town Clerk - Albert Dassance Newfield, R. D. 26 Albert Straight Newfield, 'R. D. 28 E. S. Van Kirk Newfield, R. D. 30 Arthur Decker Newfield, R. D. 28 DeWitt Payne Newfield Carrie Peck Newfield Assessor Raymond Gragorie..-Newfield, R. D. 28 Assessor Donald Cutter Newfield Assessor Joseph Novak Newfield, R. D. 30 Collector Ralph VanRiper Newfield, R; D. 27 Supt. of Highways Chas. H. Payne Newfield, R. D. 30 ULYSSES Supervisor J. M. Townsend Trumansburg Justice of the Peace F. N. Smith_._Trumansburg, R. D. 31 Justice of the Peace Henry Williams - Jacksonville Justice of the Peace Howard K. Aiken Trumansburg Justice of the Peace A. W. Agard Trumansburg, R. D. 33 Town Clerk Maude Tompkins Trumansburg Assessor Frank B. Cronk Trumansburg Assessor T. R. Hopkins _Trumansburg, R. D. 33 Assessor Olin Miller Jacksonville Collector 4rthur L. Bower Trumansburg Supt. of Highways Bert I. Vann Ithaca, R. D. 7 INDEX A Abandoned Lands—Relative to Reforestation of 111. Accounts of Supervisors 191 Additional Mileage Allotted to Towns Under County System of Roads 40 Amount of Cost of Construction to be Borne by Towns Under County System of Roads 8 Amount of Cost of Maintenance to be Borne by Towns Under County System of Roads 21 Animals, Society for Prevention of Cruelty to—Report of 134 Appropriation to.. 134 Annual Session of Board of Supervisors 43 Audits of 169 Approval—Of Special Highway Bond of County Treasurer 4b Of Sheriff's Bond 119 Armory Tax 53, 142 Assessment—Rates of As Fixed by State Tax Commission 54 " " " Board of Supervisors 138 Erroneous 19, 150, 166 Assessment•Rolls—Regular Report of Committee on Footing 88 Supplemental Report of Committee on Footing 90 • Correction of 19, 150, 166 Assessors of "Towns—Names and Addresses of 246, 247, 248 Petition of to Correct Assessment Rolls --19, 150, 165 Atlantic Woolen Mills Corporation—Correction of Assessment of 19 Attorney for Board of Supervisors 110 Audits—At Annual Session 169 " Quarterly Sessions 10, 14, 41, 46 " Special Sessions 25 County 169 Town 173, 175, 177, 180, 181, 184, 186, 188, 189 Of Claims Audited by Several Committees During Year 57, 92, 97, 114, 116 Authorizing Special Committee on Safeguarding Records of County Clerk's and Surrogate's Offices to Install Steel Filing Cases 4v Automobile Hire --Contract for 161 1I Apportionment ---Of State and County Aid for Construction Under County System of Roads 8, 9, 78 Of Motor Vehicle Moneys for Maintenance Under County System of Roads 21 Of Dog Fund 59 Of Election Expenses 141 Of Bank Tax 63, 227 Of Mortgage Tax 80, 228 Of Insurance on Motor Trucks 121 Of Taxes 150 For Support of Poor at County Home 9.4 Appropriation—For Sinking Fund and Interest on Bonds Issued for Construction of State 8: Co. Highways..54, 61 For Maintenance of State and County High- ways 53, 6. For Construction of Spencer -West Danby Federal Aid Highway .18 For Construction of South Lansing -Genoa High- way 27 For Rights of Way 26, 38, 39, 79 To State Highway Department to Reimburse for Motor Truck Expenses 20 For Highway Purposes 148; 150 For Construction of Highways Under County Sys- tem of Roads 8, 9, 89 Additional to Certain Towns 78 For Maintenance of Highways Under County Sys- tem of Roads 21 'Of County Highway Fund to Towns for Construc- tion Under County System of Roads 8, 9, 78 Of State Aid to Towns for• Construction Under County System of Roads ' 8, 9, 78 For General and Poor Purposes 146, 147, 148, 150 For Postage for County Officers 85' For Support of Poor 94 For Fuel, Light and Telephones 1.24 For Installing Electric Motors and Repairing .Barn at County Home 98 For Public Health 140 For Safeguarding Records of County Clerk's and Surrogate's Offices 118 For Payment of Printed Proceedings 134 For Memorial to Veterans of World War 91 To Tompkins County Farm Bureau Association._.. 83 To Tompkins County Farm Bureau Association for Junior Project Work 83 To Tompkins County Home Bureau Association 43 To Child Welfare Board 72 III To Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals____ 134 To Southern Tier Association for the Blind 124 To Red Cross Society for Public Health Nurse 140 To Tuberculosis Hospital 126 To Highway Pund Under County System of Roads 84 To General Highway Fund 148, 150 To General Fund 146, 148, 150 To Poor Fund 147, 148, 150 For Fireman at Court House 167 Re -Appropriation of Unexpended Balances 86 B Board of Supervisors—Names and Addresses of Members 48, 167 Chairman of 49 Temporary Chairman of 49 Clerk of 49 Annual Session 48 Quarterly Sessions 3, 12, 37, 46 Special Sessions 17, 25, 43 Executive Sessions 87 Attorney for 110 Standing Committees of 51 Special Committees of 13, 14, 45 Rooms of 108 Supplies for 50 Accounts of 191 Printed Proceedings of—Contract for 110 Payment of 134 Representative of on Farm Bureau Asso- ciation 75 Representative of in Junior Project Work 3, 4, 11.1 Balances in hands of County Treasurer to be Paid to Towns and City 86 Bank Tax—Report of Committee on 63 Statement of 227 Bequest of Olin L. Stewart to Tuberculosis Hospital 40 Bernstein, Solomon and Lewis—Correction of Assessment of 19 Blind, Southern Tier Association for—Report of 70 Appropriation to 124 Relative to an Appropriation for Indigent Blind 56 Board of Child Welfare—Report of 70 Appropriation to 72 Board of Managers of Tuberculosis Hospital—Report of 72, 222 Election to 74 Appropriation to ____ 126 Bonded Indebtedness of County and Towns 233 IV Bond of County Treasurer, Special Highway—Approval of 45 Of Sheriff—Approval of • 111 . Bonds Issued for Construction of State and County Highways— Sinking Fund and Interest on 54, 61 Bonds Issued to Pay County Highway Indebtedness 29, 44 Expenses of 38, 92 Bridge Fund for Towns 236 Brink, E. A.—Placing Property on Assessment Roll of Newfield 150 Budget—County 142 Towns 154, 155, 156, I57, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163 C Caroline—Names and Addresses of Town Officers 246 Audits of - 173 Budget of 154 Amount Due Town from Dog Fund 5,+ Amount Due Town from Mortgage Tax 80, 228 Amount Charged to Town for Dist. Attorney's Expenses 16 " " " " Election Expenses 141 " " " Expenses of Child. Court 122 " " " " Insur. on Motor Trucks 124 " Sheriff's Expenses 16 " " Support of Poor 94 Returned School Taxes of 99, 154 Designation of Highways for Construction Under County System of Roads 5 Designation of Highways for Maintenance Under County System of Roads 21 Appropriation to Town for Construction of Highways Under County System of Roads 8, 9 Appropriation to Town for Maintenance of Highways Under County System of Roads 21 Authorizing Town to Borrow Under Sec. 320-A 26 Tax for Maintenance of State and County Highways.___53, 61 Tax for Improvement of Highways and Bridges 95 Tax to Cancel Certificates of Indebtedness 96 Tax Rates of Town 154 County Audits—Annual Session 109 Quarterly Sessions 10, 14, 41, 46 Special Sessions _- 25 County Budget 142 Chairman of Board—Election of 49 Temporary 49 Directed to Make Contract with Onondaga County Penitentiary 72 Clerk of Board—Election of 49 Salary of 116, 118 Attorney for Board 110 v Postage for 85 Report to Comptroller 232 Certificate of 239 Authorized to Correct Errors 108 Directed to Purchase Supplies 50 Directed to Issue County Orders 86 Directed to Make Contract with Onondaga County Peniten- tiary 60, 72 Directed to Make Contract for Printed Proceedings of Board.... 110 Directed to Make Contract for Automobile Hire 164 Committees of Board of Supervisors—Standing 51 Special—Relative to New County Building 13 Relative to Quarantine of Dogs 14 Claims Audited by 116 Relative to Safeguarding Records of County Clerk's and Surrogate's Offices 45 Special Committees Continued in Power 108 Committee on County Officers and Compensation— Report of—On Audits 127, 13 Relative to Salaries of County Officers 116 Relative to Expenses of Certain County Officers 117 Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses— Report of—On Audits 109, 129 Relative to Report of County Clerk 153 Relative to Report of Surrogate's Clerk 153 Relative to Apportionment of Election Expenses 141 Committee on Charities— Report of—On Audits 123 On County and Town Poor 94 Relative to Report of Board of Managers of Tuberculosis Hospital 126 Relative to Report of Superintendent of the Poor 94 Relative to an Appropriation for• the Indigent Blind 56 Relative to an Appropriation for a Public Health Nurse140 Authorized to Install New Heater at Tuberculosis Hospital 43 Authorized to Install Electric Motors and Repair Barn at County Home 73, 98 Committee on Coroner, Justices' and Constables' Accounts— Report of—On Audits 128 Committee on Correction and Reformation— Report of --On Audits 121 Relative .to Report of District Attorney 111 Relative to Petition of Court Officers for Increased Com- pensation • 92 Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts— Report of—On Audits 114 Relative to Bank Tax 63 Relative to Mortgage Tax 80 ti vl Relative to Report of County Treasurer 153 Committee on County and Town Accounts— Report of—Relative to Apportionment of Dog Fund 58 Relative to Amounts to .be Raised for Maintenance and Sinking Fund and Interest on Bonds Issued for the Construction of State and County Highways 61 Committee on Equalization— Report of—On Footing Assessment Rolls 88, '90 On Ratios and Percentages 136 For General Tax Levy 135 For Highway Tax Levy 187 On Apportionment of Taxes 150 Committee on Finance— Report of—Relative to County Budget 142 Relative to Town Budgets 15 Committee on Footing Assessment Rolls (See Committee on Equalization) Committee on Highways— Report of—On Audits 125 Relative to Rights of Way 26, 38, 39, 79 Relative to State and County Aid to be Paid to Towns for Construction of Highways Under County System of Roads 8, 9, 78 Relative to Motor Vehicle Moneys to be Paid to Towns for Maintenance of Highways Under County System of Roads 21 Relative to Allowance to Town for Sub -base Constructed at Expense of Towns 140 Authorized to Secure Rights of Way 108 Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes- Report of Relative to Grand Jurors 98 Relative to Returned School Taxes 99 Committee on Soldiers' Relief, Etc.— Report of—On Audits 119 Relative to Child Welfare Board 72 Relative to Farm Bureau Association $3 Relative to.Home Bureau Association 83 Relative to Junior Project Work 83 Committee on Town Expenses, Etc. Report of—On Indebtedness of County and Towns 233 On Special Franchises 164 Committee on Auditing Accounts of Tuberculosis Hospital— Claims Audited by Committee During Year 57 Committee on Contract Supplies --- Report of—Relative to Fuel, Light and Telephones 112 Claims Audited by Committee During Year 97 Committee on Jail Supplies— Claims Audited by Committee During Year 114 VII County Officers—Names and Addresses of 245 Salaries of 116 Expenses of 85, 117 Postage for 85 Clerk Hire for 85 County Judge and Surrogate— Report of, Relative to Receipts and Disbursements of Offlce__55, 153 Relative to Children's Court 82, 93 Safeguarding Records of Office 45, 118 County Clerk— Report of, Relative to Receipts and Disbursements of Office 57, 153, 210 Relative to Mortgage Tax 57, 80, 228 Postage for 85 Safeguarding Records of Office 45, 118 County District Attorney— Report of 76, 1.1.2 Office Expenses of 11,7 Expenses of Charged to Towns 11, 16, 122 County Probation Officer— Report of 55 County Sealer of Weights and Measures— Report of 56 Expenses of 117 County Sheriff— Notified to File His Report 76 Report of 92 Claims for Expenses Charged to Towns and City 11, 16 Bond of 119 County Superintendent of Highways -- Report of 97 Expenses of 117 County Superintendent of the Poor— Report of 55, 94, 21.5 County Treasurer— Reports of 54, 55, 153, 192 Clerk Hire for 85 Postage for 85 Authorized to Borrow 10, 18, 29, 42 Authorized to Pay Balances to Towns and City 86 Authorized to Transfer in Case of Deficiency 150 Directed to Pay Certain Claims from Dog Fund 129, 133 Directed to Pay Balance in Dog Fund to Towns and City 59 Directed to Pay Quarterly Session Audits 10, 15, 42, 47 Directed to Pay Salaries Monthly 80 Directed to Pay County Orders 86 Directed to Pay for Printed Proceedings of Board 134 Directed to Pay for Heater at Tuberculosis Hospital 44 VIII Directed to Pay Expenses of Highway Bond Issue 38, 92 Directed to Pay Child Welfare Board 72 Directed to Pay Farm and Home Bureau Associations 84 Directed to Pay Red Cross Society for Public Health Nurse 140 Directed to Pay Southern Tier Association for the Blind 124 Directed to Pay State and County Aid to Towns for Con- struction Under County System of Roads 9, 79 Directed to Pay Motor Vehicle Moneys to Towns for Mainte- nance Under County System of Roads 23 Directed to Pay State Highway Department for Construction of Highways 18, 29 Directed to Pay State Highway Department for Expenses In- curred on Motor Trucks 20 Directed to Pay for Rights of Way 16, 26, 38, 39, 40, 79 Directed to Transfer from General Fund to Construction Fund Under County System of Roads 50, 86 Directed to Set Aside Bequest of Olin L. Stewart to Tu- berculosis Hospital 41 Special Highway Bond of—Approval 45 Re -Appropriation of, Unexpended Balances in Hands of 80 Commissioners of Election— Report of 87, 141 Postage for $5 Clerk Hire for 85 Coroner— Report of 56 Expenses of 117 Canvass, Official 244 Certificates of Indebtedness—Towns Authorized to Issue 4, 12, 26, 37, 46, 49 Tax to Cancel 96 Children's Court— Report of Judge of 82 Report of Clerk of 93 Relative to Expenses of 92, 122 Child Welfare Board—Report of 70 Appropriation to 72 City of Ithaca—(See Ithaca) City Tax Rate—General 160, 166 For Schools 166 Claims Audited by Several Committees During Year..57, 92, 97, 114, 116 Claims—For District Attorney's Expenses Charged to Towns_.11, 16, 122 For Sheriff's Expenses Charged to Towns and City 11, 16 For Expenses of Children's Court Charged to Towns and City 122 For Insane Commitments Charged to Towns and City 120 Of Institutions Charged to Towns and City 120 Disallowed 120 IX Clerks of Towns—Names and Addresses of 246, 247, 248 Clerk Hire—For Commissioners of Election 85 For County Treasurer 85 Collectors of Towns—Names and Addresses of 246, 247, 248 Time of Settlement of 166 Chairman and Clerk Directed to Sign Warrants of 168 Compensation 'of Court Officers, Relative to 87, 92 Comptroller—Communication from Relative to State Tax 52 Report of Clerk of Board to 232 Contract—For Automobile Hire 164 For Printed Proceedings of Board 110 For Supplies for Board 50 With Onondaga County Penitentiary 60, 72 County—Amount to be Raised for Sinking Fund and Interest on Bonds Issued for Construction of State and County High- ways 54, 61 Bonded Indebtedness of 233 State Valuation of 53 Valuation of by Assessors 88 Amount Charged to for Support of Poor 94 County Building, New—Special Committee Relative to 13 County Clerk's Building --Safeguarding Records in 45, 118 County Court House—Fireman at 167 Janitor at 108 County Home—Committee on Charities Authorized to Install Elec- tric Motors and Repair Barn at 73, 98 Inspection of 70 County Jail, Matron at—Report of 93 Election of 75 Physician at—Election of 75 Compensation of 76 County Map—Change of Designation in Town of Enfield 4 Change of Designation in Town of Lansing 5 Additional Mileage Allotted to Towns 40 County Purchasing Agent—Relative to 110 County System of Roads (See Highways) County Tax—For State Purposes 150, 151 For General and Poor Purposes 148, 150, 151 For Highway Purposes 148, 150, 151 County Tax Rates 151 County and Town Poor—Support of ' 94 Court Expenses (See County Budget) Court and Stenographer's Tax 53 Court Officers, Petition of—Relative to Increased Compensation._87, 92 Cruelty to Animals (See Animals) X D Danhy—Names and Addresses of Town Officers 246 Audits of 175 Budget of 155 Amount Due Town from Dog Fund 59 " Mortgage Tax 80, 228 Amount Charged to Town for Election Expenses 141 " " " Expenses of Children's Court_122 " " Insurance on Motor Trucks 124 " " Sheriff's Expenses 11, 16 " " Support of Poor 94 Returned School Taxes of 99, 155 Designation of Highways for Construction- Under County Sys- tem of Roads ___..... 5 Designation of Highways for Maintenance Under County Sys- tem of Roads 22 Appropriation to Town for Construction Under County System of Roads 8, 9 Appropriation to Town for Maintenance Under County System of Roads 21, 22 Authorizing Town to Borrow Under §320-A 37 Tax for Maintenance of State and County Highways 53, 01 Tax for Improvement of Highways and Bridges 95 Tax to Cancel Certificates of Indebtedness 96 Tax Rates of Town 155 Dryden—Names and Addresses of Town Officers 246 Audits of 177 Budget of 156 Amount Due Town from Dog Pund 59 " ff " Bank Tax 64, 227 " " Mortgage Tax 80, 228 Amount Charged to Town for Claims of. Institutions 120 " " Election Expenses 1.41. " If " " Expenses of Children's Court_.._ .1.22 " Insurance on Motor Trucks 124 " " Sheriff's Expenses • 16 " " Support of Poor 94 Returned School Taxes of 100, 156 Designation of Highways for Construction Under County System of Roads 6 Designation of Highways' for Maintenance Under County Sys- tem of Roads • 22 Appropriation to Town for Construction of Highways Under. County System of. Roads 8, 9 Appropriation to Town for Maintenance of Highways Under County System of Roads 21, 22 X1 Tax for Sinking Fund and Interest on Bonds Issued for Con- struction of State and County Highways 54, 61 Tax for Maintenance of State and County Highways 53, 61 Tax for Improvement of highways and Bridges d 95 Tax to Cancel Certificates of Indebtedness 96 Correction of Assessment Roll of Town 19, 166 Assessed Valuation of Dryden Village 90 of Frecville " 90 Tax Rate of Dryden Village 74 School Tax Rate of Dryden Village 74 Tax Rates of Town 156 Designation—Of Highways Under County System of Roads— Change in Town of Enfield 4 " " " Lansing 5 For Construction in 1923 5 Amending Construction in Lansing for 1923 13 For Maintenance in 1923 21 • Of Newspapers to Publish Official Canvass, etc • 83 Deficiency—County Treasurer Authorized to Transfer in Case of150 Directory, Political 240 District Attorney (See County District Attorney) Dogs—Relative to Quarantine of l4 Dog Fund—Report of County Treasurer Relative to 54 Payment of Certain Claims from 129, i33 . • Apportionment of 59 Donley, Halsey—Right of Way of 12, 38 E Enfield—Names and Addresses of Town Officers 246 Audits of 180 Budget of 157 Amount Due Town from Dog Fund 59 " " Mortgage Tax 80, 228 Amount Charged to Town for Election Expenses 141 " Expenses of Children's Court____ 122 44. " " insurance on Motor Trucks124 " " Sheriff's Expenses 16 fi IC " " Support of Poor 94 Returned School Taxes of 100, 157 Change in Designation of Highways of Towns Under County • System of Roads 4 Designation of Highways for Construction Under County Sys- tem of Roads 6 Designation of Highways for Maintenance Tinder County Sys- tem of Roads 22 Appropriation to Town for Construction Under County System of Roads 8, 9 XII Additional Appropriation to Town for Construction 78 . Appropriation to Town for Maintenance Under County Sys- tem of Roads 21, 22 e Authorizing Town to Borrow Under §320-A 46 Tax for Maintenance of State and County Highways 53, 61 Tax for Improvement of Highways and Bridges 95 Tax to Cancel Certificates of Indebtedness 96 Tax Rates of Town 157 Election—Of Chairman of Board 49 Of Clerk of Board 49 " Representative to Farm Bureau Association 75 in Junior Project Work 3, 4, 111 " Jail Matron 75 " " Physician 75 To Board of Managers of Tuberculosis Hospital. 74. Designation of Newspapers to Publish Official Canvass, etc • 82 Official Canvass - 244 Election Commissioners (See Commissioners of Election) Election Expenses—Apportioninent of 141 Equalized Value of County—By State 53 By Board of Supervisors 135, 137 Equalization—Regular Report. of Committee on Footing Assess- ment Rolls Supplemental Report of Committee on Footing Assessment Rolls Report of Committee for General Tax Levy 44 C4 Lt f4 fl 44 " Highway Tax Levy on Ratios and Percentages " Apportionment of Taxes Errors in Minutes—Clerk Authorized to Correct Expenses—Of Certain County Officers S5, Of Children's Court Charged to Towns and City Of District Attorney Charged to Towns 11., 16, Of Elections Charged to Towns and City Of Sheriff Charged to Towns • 11, Relative to Those of Children's Court F 88 90 135 137 136 150 108 117 122 122 141 16 92 Farm Bureau—Report of 77 Appropriation to S3 Appropriation to for Junior Project Work 83 Election of Representative to 75 Election of Representative to for Junior Project Work 3, 4, 111 Finances—Report of County Treasurer on 192 Relative to Bond Issue for Highway Construction 29, 44 County Treasurer Authorized to Borrow 16; 18, 29, 42 County Treasurer Authorized to Pay Balances 86 XIII County Treasurer Authorized to Transfer in Case of a De- ficiency 150 County Treasurer Directed to Transfer, from General Fund to Construction Fund Under County System of Roads • 50, 86 Re -Appropriation of Unexpended Balances in Hands of County Treasurer 86 Finance Committee (See Committee on Finance) Footing Assessment Rolls (See Committee on Equalization) Freeville--Assessed Valuation of 90 Fuel, Light and Telephones 113, 124 G Groton—Names and Addresses of Town Officers 247, Audits of 181 Budget of 158 Amount Due Town from Dog Fund 59 " Bank Tax 63, 227 " Mortgage Tax .....80, 228 Amount Charged to Town for Election Expenses 141 if CI " " " District Attorney's Expenses.___ 122 « " " Expenses of Children's Court____ 122 " " Insurance on Motor Trucks 124 44 " " • " Support of Poor 94 Returned School Taxes of 101, 158 Designation of Highways for Construction Under County Sys- tem of Roads 6 Designation of Highways for Maintenance Under County Sys- tem of Roads 22 Appropriation to Town for Construction of Highways Under County System of Roads 8, 9 Additional Appropriation to Town for Construction 79 Appropriation to Town for Maintenance of Highways Under County System of Roads 21, 22 Authorizing Town to Borrow Under §320-A 37 Tax for Maintenance of State and County Highways 53, 61 Tax for Improvement of Highways and Bridges 95 Tax to Cancel Certificates of Indebtedness 96 Tax Rate of Groton Village 73 Tax Rate of School District No. 8 73 Tax Rates of Town 158 General Fund—Appropriation to 146, 148, 150 Re -Appropriation of Unexpended Balances 86 General Tax—Apportionment of 150 General Tax Levy—Report of Committee on Equalization for 135 General and Poor Purposes—Appropriation for 148, 150 Grand Jurors—Report of Committee on 98 XIV H Hannah, Presley T.—Placing Property of on Assessment Roll of Newfield 150 Health, Public—Appropriation for 140 Hollister, Estate of Holmes—Petition for Transfer of Lands to 139 Home Bureau Association—Report of 77 Appropriation to 83 Hopper, A. P.—Right of Way of 38 Highway and School Taxes, Returned.__.99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105 Highway, Bridge and Machinery Fund for Towns 235, 236, 237, 238 Highway Bonds—Relative to $200,000 Issue 29, 44 Expenses of 38, 92 Highway Fund—Appropriation to General 148, 150 Re -Appropriation of Unexpended Balances to 86 Highway Fund for Towns 235 Highway Tax, Appropriation for 148, 150 Apportionment of 150 Report.of Committee on Equalization for 137 Tax for Sinking Fund and Interest on Bonds Issued for Con- struction of State and County Highways 54, 61 Tax for Maintenance of State and County Highways 53, 61 Tax for Improvement of Highways and Bridges 95 Tax to Cancel Certificates of Indebtedness 96 Highways, Superintendent of (See County Superintendent of High- ways) . Town Superintendents of—Names and Addresses of....246, 247, 248 Motor Trucks—Appropriation to State Highway Department ,for Expenses on 20 Insurance on Charged to Towns 42, 124 Rights of Way—Committee Authorized to Secure 108 Of Halsey Donley 12, 38 " John P. Knettles 26 " Charles Terpening 25 Olive Rockwell 39 " Anton Vyskocial 39 " A. P. Hopper 39 " Ruth E. Snyder 79 Money System—Report to Comptroller on 232 Requesting Reconstruction of Ithaca -Danby Highway 23 Requesting Construction of South Lansing-Terpening's Cor- ners Highway 27 Requesting Construction of South Lansing -Genoa Highway 27 Appropriation for Spencer -West Danby F. A. Highway 18 Appropriation for South Lansing -Genoa Highway 27 State Highway Department -Resolution of Appreciation to 84 XV Highways Under County System of Roads— Change of Designation in Town of Enfield 4 `, " " << " " Lansing 5 Designation for Construction in 1923 a 5 Amending Designation for Construction in Lansing 13 Designation for Maintenance in 1923 21 Appropriation to Towns for Construction in 1923 8, 9 Additional Appropriation to Enfield, Groton, Lansing and Ulysses 78 Amount of Cost of Construction to he Borne by Towns 8 Manner of Payment to Towns for Construction 9 Appropriation to Towns for Maintenance in 1923 21 Amount of Cost of Maintenance to be Borne by Towns 21 Manner of Payment to Towns for Maintenance 23 Authorizing Town of Caroline to Borrow Money Under §320-A 26 " " Danby " it " 37 it " Enfield " 40 s` " Groton " `" 37 " " Lansing " ti " 12, 50 " -" Ulysses " '' ', 4 Change of County Map in Town of Enfield 4 ,, `, - " " ft. li " Lansing 5 Additional Mileage Allotted to Towns 40 Allowance to Towns for Sub -base Constructed at Town Expense 140 County Treasurer Directed to Transfer from General Fund to Construction Fund Under County System of Roads 50, 86 Appropriation to I-lighway Fund Under County System of Roads 84 Ithaca City—Names and Addresses of City Officers 247 Budget of 160 Amount Due City from Dog Fund 59 ,, " " Bank Tax 63, 227 " " Mortgage Tax 80, 228 Amount Charged to City for Claims of Institutions 120 ,, " " " Election Expenses - 141 {f " " " Expenses of Children's Court 122 " " " " Insane Commitments 120 " " Sheriff's Expenses 16 o - " Support of Poor 94 Returned School Taxes of 105, 160 City Tax Rate 166 School Tax Rate of 166 Tax Rates of City 160 Ithaca Town—Names and Addresse's of Town Officers 247 Audits of 184 Budget of 159 Amount Due Town from Dog Fund 59 " " " Mortgage Tax 80, 228 Amount Charged to Town for Claims of Institutions 120 " Election Expenses 141 " ' " " Expenses of Children's Court122 " " ", " Insurance on Motor Trucks 124 " Sheriff's Expenses 11, 16 " " Support of Poor 94 Returned School Taxes of 101, 159 Designation of Highways for Construction Under County Sys- tems of Roads 6 Designation of Highways for Maintenance Under County Sys- tem of Roads 22 Appropriation to Town for Construction of Highways Under County System of Roads 8, 9 Appropriation to Town for Maintenance of Ilighways Under County System of Roads 91, 22 Tax for Maintenance of State and County Highways 53, 61 Tax for Improvement of Highways and Bridges . 95 Tax Rates of Town 159 Indebtedness—County and Town 233 Insane Commitments Charged to Towns and City 120 Institutions, Claims of Charged to Towns and City 120 Inspection of County Home and Tuberculosis Hospital 70 Insurance on Motor Trucks (See Highways) J Judge, County (See County Judge and Surrogate) Judge of Children's Court (See Children's Court) Junior Project Work (See Farm Bureau Association) Jail (See County Jail) Jail Matron—Report of 93 Election of 75 Jail Physician—Election of 75 Compensation of 76 Janitor—For Supervisor's Rooms 108 Justices of the Peace—Names and. Addresses of 246, 247, 248 Reports of 225 K Knettles, John P.—Right of Way of 26 XVII L Lansing—Names and Addresses of Town Officers' 248 Audits of 186 Budget of 161 Amount Due Town from Dog Fund a9 " " Mortgage Tax 80, 228 Amount Charged to Town for Claims of Institutions 120 ', " " District Attorney's Expenses 11 " Election Expenses 341 C4 " ` " Expenses of Children's Court122 " " " Insurance on Motor Trucks ____121 ,, " Sheriff's Expenses 11, 16 " Support of Poor 94 Returned School Taxes of 102, 161 Change in Designation of Highways in Town Under County System of Roads 5 Designation of Ilighways for Construction Under County Sys- tem of Roads 7 Amending Designation for Construction in 1923 Under County System of Roads 13 Appropriation to Town for Construction Under County System of Roads 8, 9 Additional Appropriation to Town for Construction 78 Authorizing Town to Borrow Under §320-A 12, 50 Tax for Maintenance of State and County Highways 53, 01 Tax for Improvement of Highways and Bridges 95 Tax to Cancel Certificates of Indebtedness 96 Tax Rates of Town 161 Law Enforcement, Relative to 112 Light, Fuel and Telephones 113, 124 M Meetings of Board of Supervisors—Annual 48 Quarterly 3, 12, 37, 46 Special 17, 25, .43 Machinery Fund for Towns 237 Miscellaneous Fund•for Towns 235 Maintenance—Of County and Town Poor 94 Of State and County Highways 53, 61 Of Highways Under County System of Roads 21, 22, ' 23 Managers of Tuberculosis Hospital—Report of 72, 222 Election to 74 Appropriation to 126 Manner of Payment of Highway Moneys to Towns for Construction Under County System of Roads 9 Manner of Payment of Highway Moneys to Towns for Maintenance Under County System of Roads 23 XVIII Memorial to World" War Veterans—Appropriation for 91 Minutes of Board—Clerk Authorized to Correct Errors in 108 Mortgage Tax—Report of Committee on 80 Amounts Due Towns and City from 228 Motor Trucks—(See Highways) Motor Vehicle Moneys—Apportionment of , 21, 22, 23 N Newfield—Names and Addresses of Town Officers 248 Audits of 188 Budget of 162 Amount Due Town from Dog Fund 59 " Mortgage Tax 80, 228 Amount Charged to Town for Election Expenses 141 " " Expenses of Children's Court122 " " " Insurance on Motor Trucks 124 " Support of Poor 94 Returned School Taxes of 103, 162 Designation of Highways for Construction Under County Sys- tem of Roads 7 Designation of Highways for Maintenance Under County Sys- tem of Roads 23 Appropriation to Town for Construction of highways Under County System of Roads 8, 9 Appropriation to Town for Maintenance of Highways Under County System of Roads 21, 23 Tax for Maintenance of State and County Highways 53, 61 Tax for Improvement of Highways and Bridges 95 Tax to Cancel Certificates of Indebtedness 96 Correction of Assessment Roll of Town 150 Tax Rates of Town 162 Names and Addresses—Of Supervisors 48, 167, 24G, 247, 248 Of County and Town Officers 245, 246, 247, 248 New County Building—Special Committee Relative to 13 Newspapers—Designation of to Publish Official Canvass, Etc 83 Nurse, Public Health—Appropriation for 140 0 Officers—County and Town 945, 246, 247, 248 Official Canvass 244 Designation of Newspapers to Publish 83 Onondaga County Penitentiary, Contract with 60, 72 XIX Payment to Towns for Construction of Highways Under County System of Roads --Manner of 9 Payment to Towns for Maintenance of Highways Under County System of Roads—Manner of 23 Personal Property in"County—Valuation of 88, 90 Petition—Of Assessors of Dryden for Correction of Assessment Roll 19, 166 " Of Assessors of Newfield for Correction of Assessment Roll 150 Of Court Officers for Increased Compensation 87, 92 Of Estate of Holmes Hollister for Transfer of Lands 139 Of Town Board of Caroline to Borrow Money Under §320-A26 44 41 il Danby 37 64 " Enfield " " " if 46 << «" Groton " << a is q 37 {{ tt " Lansing " {f C412, 49 If as " Ulysses " 44 44 4 Physician at County Jail—Election of 75 Compensation of 70 Political Directory 240 Poor—Appropriation for County and Town 94 Appropriation for Poor Purposes 147, 148; 150 Superintendent of (See County Superintendent of the Poor) Postage for County Officers 85 Post. Office Addresses—Of Supervisors 48, 167, 246, 247, 248 Of County and Town Officers 245, 246, 247, 248 Printed Proceedings of Board—Contract for 110 Payment for 134 Probation Officer (See County Probation Officer) Property—Valuation of County by State 53 " by Assessors 88 Statement of 229 Public Health—Appropriation for 140 Purchasing Agent for County—Relative to 110 Q Quarterly Sessions of Board 3, 12, 37, 46 Audits at 10, 14, 41, 46 Quarantine on Dogs—Relative to 14 R Reports—Of County Officers (See Under Various County Officers) Of Committee (See Under Various Committees) Of Board of Managers of Tuberculosis Hospital (See Board of Managers of Tuberculosis Hospital) XX Of Bonded Indebtedness ' 233 Of Clerk of Board to Comptroller 232 Of Highway, Bridge and Machinery Funds for Towns 235, 236; 237, 238 Of Justices of- the Peace 225 Of Special 'Franchises 161 Of Valuations of Property 229 Of Taxes Levied 230 Rates—Tax for County 151 Tax for Towns 154,155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163 " Dryden Village 74 " " " " for Schools 74 " Groton Village 73 " for Schools 73 " Ithaca City 166 " " " for Schools 166 " " Trumansburg Village 71 for Schools 71 Rates—Of Assessments in Towns as Fixed by State Tax Commission 54 " Board of Supervisors 136 Ratios and Percentages—Report of Committee on 136 Real Property—Valuation of, by State 53 " County '88, -90 Re -Appropriation of Unexpended Balances 86 Records of County Clerk's and Surrogate's Officers—Safeguarding of 45, 118 Red Cross Chapter—Appropriation to for Public Health Nurse 140 Reforestation of Abandoned Lands—Matter of 111 Returned Highway and School Taxes.. -.99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105 Rights of Way (See Highways) Roads—County System of (See Highways) Rockwell, Olive—Right of Way of - 38 Roster 245 Resolution—Relative to State and County Aid to Towns for Con- struction of Highways Under County System of Roads 8 Relative to Additional Aid to Towns of Enfield, Groton, Lan- sing and Ulysses for Construction of Highways Under County System of Roads 78 Relative to Appropriation to Towns for Maintenance of High- ways Under County System of Roads 21 Making. Appropriation for Construction of Spencer -West Danby F. A. Highway 18 Requesting Reconstruction of Ithaca -Danby State Highway at Early Date 23 Requesting Construction of South Lansing-Terpenings Corners - Highway 27 Requesting Construction of South Lansing -Genoa Highway--_- 27 Relative to $200,000 Highway Bond Issue 99, 44 XXI Relative to Allotting 25% Additional 'Mileage to Towns Under County System of Roads 40 Relative to Allowance to Towns for Sub -base Constructed at Expense of Town 140 Relative to Right of Way of Ruth E. Snyder 79 Of Appreciation to State Highway Department 84 Directing County Treasurer to Transfer from General Fund to Construction Fund Under County System of Roads._50, 86 Relative to Correction of •Assessment Roll of Dryden on Prop- erty of Atlantic Woolen Mills Corporation and Solomon and Louis Bernstein 19 Relative to the Bequest of Olin L. Stewart to the Tuberculosis Hospital 40 Relative to Distribution of Bank Tax 63, 64, 65, 66, 07, 68 Relative to Report of Sheriff 76 Relative to Expenses of Children's Court 92 Relative to Report of Committee on Finance 149 Authorizing Special Committee to Install Steel Filing Cases in County Clerk's and Surrogate's Offices 45 S Supervisors (See Board of Supervisors) Sessions of Board—Annual 48 Audits at 169 . Quarterly 3, 12, 37, 46 Audits at 10, 14, 41, 46 Special 17, 25, 43 Audits at 25 Executive $7 Sealer of Weights and Measures (See County Sealer of Weights and Measures) Sheriff (See County Sheriff) Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (See Animals) Superintendent of Highways (See County Superintendent of High- • ways) Superintendent of the 'Poor (See County Superintendent of the Poor) Surrogate (See County Judge and Surrogate) Salaries of County Officers 116 County Treasurer Directed to Pay Monthly 86 School Tax Rates—Of Dryden 1ri11agc 74 Of Groton Village 73 Of Trumansburg Village 41 Of Ithaca City 166 School Taxes—Returned 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105 Settlement by. Collectors—Time of 166 Sinking Fund and Interest on Bonds Issued for the Construction of State and County Highways 54, 61 XXII Snow and Miscellaneous Fund for Towns 238 Snyder, Ruth E.—Right of Way of 79 Southern Tier Association for the Blind—Report of 70 Appropriation to 124 South Lansing—Terpening's Corners highway—Requesting Con- struction of 27 South Lansing -Genoa Highway—Requesting Construction of....26, 27 Spencer -West Danby F. A. Highway—Appropriation for 18 Special Committees of Board Continued in Power 108 Special Franchises—Report on 104 State Highway Department—Resolution of Appreciation to 84 Reimbursed for Expenses on Motor Trucks 20 Statement—Of Bank Tax 63, 227 Of Mortgage Tax 80, 228 " Bonded Indebtedness of County and Towns 233 " Money Tax Levied for Repairs of Highways 232 " Taxes Levied 230 " Tax Rates of Towns 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159,.160, 161, 162, 163 " Valuations of Real and Personal Property 229 State Tax Commission—Rates of Assessments in Towns as Fixed by 54 State Tax 52, 53 Stenographer's, Etc., Tax 53 Stewart, Olin L.—Bequest of to Tuberculosis Hospital 40 Supervisors' Rooms—Janitor at 108 T Tax—State, For Armories 53 For General and Poor Purposes 53 For Court and Stenographers 53 County, for General and Poor Purposes 148, 150, 151 For Highway Purposes 148, 150, 151 For Sinking Fund and Interest on Bonds Issued for the Con- struction of State and County Highways 54, 61 For Maintenance of State and County Highways 53, 61 For Improvement of Highways and Bridges 95 To Cancel Certificates of Indebtedness 96 . For Construction of Highways Under County System of Roads 84, 147 For Maintenance of Highways Under County System of Roads 147 Statement of Bank 63, 227 Statement of Mortgage 80, 228 Taxes—Apportionment of 150 Returned Highway and School 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105 Statement of Those Levied • 230 XXIII Tax Rates -For County 1.51. For Towns 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163 For Village of Dryden 74 ti " Groton 73 " " Trumansburg 71 " City of Ithaca 166 " Schools of Dryden Village 74 " Groton Village 73 " Trumansburg Village 71 " " City of Ithaca 166 Telephones, Fuel and Light 113, 124 Terpening, Chas. -Right of Way of 26 Towns -Names and Addresses of Officers of 246, 247, 248 Audits of 173, 175, .177, 180, 181, 184, 186, 188, 189 Budgets of 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 102, 163 Amounts Due from Dog Fund '59 " Bank Tax 63, 227 " " Mortgage Tax 80, 228 Amounts Charged to for Claims of Institutions 120 " " District Attorney's Expenses__11, 16, 122 " " Election Expenses 141 46 " Expenses of Children's Court 122 Amount Charged to for Insane Commitments 120 " " " Insurance on Motor Trucks 124 " " " Sheriff's Expenses 11, 16 " " " Support of. Poor 94 Returned Highway and School Taxes of 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105 Appropriation"to, for Construction of Highways Under County System of Roads 8, 9 Additional Appropriation for Construction 78 Appropriation to, for Maintenance of Highways Under County System of Roads 91, 22, 23 Tax" for Sinking Fund and Interest on Bonds Issued for Con- struction of State and County Highways 54, 61 Tax for Maintenance of State and County Highways 53, 61. Tax for Improvement of Highways and Bridges 95 Tax to Cancel Certificates of Indebtedness 96 Tax Rates of 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163 Amount of Cost of Construction or Highways to be Borne by Town 8 Manner of Payment to Town for Construction 9 Amount of Cost of Maintenance of Highways to be Borne by Town 21 Manner of Payment to Town for Maintenance 23 Additional Mileage Allotted to 40 Bonded Indebtedness of 233 Collectors of ----Time of Settlement 166 XXIV Highway, Bridge and Machinery Funds, Reports of • 235, 236, 237, 238 Payment of Balances to by County Treasurer - 86 Rates of Assessment as Fixed by State Tax Commission 54. Town and County Of%cers=Names and Addresses of__245, 246, 247, 248 Town and County Poor—Support of 94 Town and County System of Roads (See Highways) Treasurer (See County Treasurer) Tuberculosis Hospital—Report of Board of Managers of 72, 222 Election to 74 Appropriation to 126 Inspection of 70 Bequest of Olin L. Stewart to 40 New Heater at 43 U Ulysses—Names and Addresses of Town Officers 248 Audits of 189 Budget of 163 Amount Due Town from Dog Fund 59 " " Bank Tax 63, 227 « '° " Mortgage Tax 80, 228 Amount Charged to Town for Election Expenses 141 ° if " " Expenses of Children's Court122 " " Insane Commitments 120 " " " Insurance on Motor Trucks 124 " " Support of Poor 94 Returned School Taxes of 104, 163 Designation of Highways for Construction Under County Sys- tem of Roads 7 Designation of Highways for Maintenance Under County Sys- tem of Roads 23 Appropriation to Town for Construction of Highways Under County System of Roads 8, 9 Additional Appropriation to Town for Construction 78 Appropriation to Town for Maintenance of Highways Under County System of Roads 21, 23 Authorizing Town to Borrow Under §320-A 4 Tax for Sinking Fund and Interest on Bonds Issued for Con- struction of State and County Highways 54, 61 Tax for Maintenance of State and County Highways 53, 61 Tax for Improvement of Highways and Bridges 95 Tax to Cancel Certificates of Indebtedness 96 Tax Rate of Village of Trumansburg 71 School Tax Rate of Village of Trumansbiirg 71 Tax Rates of Town 163 Unexpended Balances—Re-Appropriation of 86 XXV V Valuations—Of County by State 53 Of County by Assessors 88 " Dryden Village 90 " Freeville Village 90 Statement of 229 Van Liew, Fred E.—Placing Property of on Dryden Assessment Roll 166 Village Tax Rates—Dryden 74 Groton 73 Trumansburg 71 Votes—Official Canvass of 244 Vysl{ocial, Anton—Right of Way of 38 W World War Veterans, Memorial to—Additional Appropriation for____ 91 Warrants of Collectors—Chairman and Clerk Directed to Sign 168