HomeMy WebLinkAbout1921 ProceedingsProceedings BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 1921 E. MORGAN ST. JOHN, Chairman Ithaca, N. Y. FRED L. CLOCK, Clerk Ithaca, N. Y. • u Proceedings BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 1921 E. MORGAN ST. JOHN, Chairman FRED L. CLOCK, Clerk Ithaca, N. Y. Ithaca, N. Y. GRACE PRINTING COMPANY {rORMERLY THE ITHACAN) ITHACA, N. Y. Quarterly Session Monday, February 14, 1921 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All mem hers present, except Nir. Hill. The Clerk read several claims which, on motion, were received and referred to the, proper committees. The Clerk read several communications, relative to the eco- nomic measures proposed by the Governor ani:l the Daylight Sav- ing Law, which were received and filed. The Clerk real a communication from the State Highway Corn - mission, relative to the acceptance of the Slaterville Springs- Caroline-13rookton-Speedsville County Highway No. 1431, which was filed. The Clerk read a petition of Edwin R. Sweetland, for a hearing on an appeal from the award of the assessors of the Town of Dryden for injuries to sheep, caused ;by dogs in that town. On motion of Pi.r. ]Robinson, the petition was received and ordered referred to a ,committee to he appointed to hear the evidence in the matter and report to this Board its findings. The Chairman appointed a such committee Messrs. Buck, Lounsbery and Albright. On motion of Mr. Wright, the committee designation was con- firmed. 11'toved by Mr: St. John, that the claims for auto hire for the Sheriff and .District,.Attorney he referred to those officials for their approval before being audited by this Board. Seconded by Mr. Patterson. Carried. Moved by \1.r. St. John, that the claim of the Sheriff for ex- penses be referred back to hire with the request that they be made more specific. 4 PROCEEDINGS OF TILE BOARD O] SUPERVISORS Seconded by 7Lr. Buck. Carried. On notion of Mr. St. John, the claim of John L. Stocuru, for the burial of Charles F. Gage, at the Soldiers and Sailors' Home at Bath, N. Y., was referred to the attorney of this Board to investigate as to its merits and report to the Board. The Clerk read the following report of the Committee on Charities, relative to a. hospital at the County Home : Your Committee on Charities respectfully reports that the Com- mittee hap, made a careful and thorough examination into the situation at the County Horne, with respect to hospital facilities th.erea.t and would report, that in its opinion and judgment, it is essential that proper hospital facilities be provided at that insti- tution and should be built as soon as the project can be properly financed, and with that end in view, your Committee respectfully recommends that it, together with the Chairman of the 13oard of Supervisors, be authorized to further investigate the question in order to determine the best method of construction and arrange- ment and to secure expert advice, plans, specifications, estimates, etc., and to report to this Board, so that final action may be taken at as early a date as possible. H. S. -WRIGHT, W. 0. SMILEY, E. M. ST. JOHN, W. G. FISH, Committee. 1'Joved by Mr. Leonard that the report of the Committee be accepted and the recommendations adopted. Seconded by Mr. Buck. Carried. Mr. Robinson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved --That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $100.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to pay for the services of the nurses having charge ;of Duryea, now confined in the County Jail, and the Clerk is hereby directed to issue an order on the County Treasurer 'for the payment of the same, upon the presentation to him of a properly verified claim therefor approved by the County Judge, and the County T'rea.s- urer is directed to pay said order out of any unappropriated funds in his hands. Seconded by Mr. Buck. Ayes -12. Noes 0. Carried. OF TObiP] .l\,S COUNTY, NEW 1OIR:K AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present, except :gr. Hill, 5 i\fr. Townsend offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That the County Treasurer be authorized to pro- cure two additional -sections of steel filing cases to correspond with those now in his office. Seconded by Mir. Robinson. Carried. Moved by llr. Brick, that the Committee having charge of the motor trucks, be authorized 'to place the two new motor trucks acquired from the State in proper condition for the best use of the county, and that this Board would reeotoitend that the larger truck befitted up to he used as an oiler a.nd the lighter one be equipped with a dump -body a.nd used as a, reserve track for the use of the county and the several towns. Seconded by i\Ir. Regent. Carried. Mr. Buck offered the following resolution and moved its adop- tion Resolved—That the following bills, amounting to $2,755.43, be audited at the full amounts, as recommended by the several com- mittees, and that the County Treasurer be directed to pay the same -out of any nna.ppropriated •funds in his hands, and if he has not sufficient funds with which to pay the same, he be directed to borrow, upon the faith and credit of the County, the sum of $2,755.43, or so much thereof as uiay be necessary, to pay the aggregate amount 'of the accounts so audited and allowed; and that these claims be certified to the County Treasurer, by the Clerk of the Board, for and on behalf of the Board: F ]. Thos. A. Verson, .Bd. witnesses, Co. Ct. Crim $ 8.25 F 2. H. J. I3ool -Co., Repair. Chair, Sheriff 2.60 Ill 3. Stover Printing Co., Printing, Dist. Atty. 14.10 F 6. E. P. Bouton, Agt., Premium, Sheriff's Bond 75.00 F 7. A. B. Oltz, Labor and Material, Jail 11.58 F 8. .Arthur G. A.danis, Dist. Atty. Bond 2.50 F 9. Stover Printing ,Co., Printing, Co. Treas.. ... 12.00 F:10. Andrus & Church, Franchise Tax Biks.,'Co. Treas... 19.75 P11. Stover Printing, Co., Printing, Supt. IIighways 14.50 F12. Finger Lakes Garage, Repairs, Itiotor Trucks 23.30 6 PROCEEDINGS OF TIDE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS F13. Atkinson .Press, Printing, Co. Clk. 35.50 F14. Mile & Daniels, Repair, Furniture, Co. Clk. 4.25 F15. Atkinson Press, Printing, Surrogate 47.50 F16. F. J. H.ausner, Repair. Clock, 'Co. Clk. 2.50 F17. Clinton I -louse, Bd. Jurors, Sup.. Ct. Civil 14.00 F18. Brandow Printing Co., Tally Sheets, Com. Elections 3.00 F19. Weekly Ithacan, Official Canvass, Core. Elections36.00 F20. Groton Journal -Courier, Off. Canvass, Gom. Elec36.00 F21. Hall & McChesney, Record Books, Co. Clk. 220.50 F22. P. M. Donolrue, Stearn Repairs, Gt. House 31.39 F23. P. M. Donohue, .Stearn Repairs, Jail 10.96 F24. P. M. Donohue, Stearn Repairs, Co. Cik. Bldg5.28 F25.:13ailey Garage Co., Auto Hire, Supervisors 1.6.0(1 F26. E. H. Holmes & Son, Repairs, Boiler, Co. Home107.32 F27. Clinton House, Bd. Jurors, Co. Ct. Crim. 14.00 F28 .F. M. Jenks, Extract Teeth, Jail Inmates 1.25 F32. F. 1). Gilbert, .Burial Amanda Mosher 75.00 F33. F. D. Gilbert, Burial Rachael J. Allen 75.00 F34. F. C. Evans, Expenses, Motor Trucks 113.71 F35. Bailey Garage Co., Auto Hire, Highway Core52.80 F36. Reynolds & Drake Garage Co., .Repairs, Motors 351.44 F37. Reynolds & Drake Garage Co., Repairs, Motors572.52 F38, Reynolds & Drake Garage Co., Repairs, Motors47.40 F39. Reynolds & Drake Garage Co., Repairs, Motors51.00 F40. Reynolds & Drake Garage Co., Repairs, Motors64.50 F41. Fred C. Evans, Expenses, Supt. highways 265.18 F42. Mile & Daniels, Repair. Furniture, Ct. House12.00 F44. J. 13. Storm, Assd.. w. G. Fish, Gavel Block, Super- visors 3.00 F45. Stover Printing Co., Printing, Probation Officer26.25' F46. Stover Printing Co., Printing, Supervisors 190.25 F47, Matthew Bender & Co., Manuel, Supervisors1;2.00 P48. Andrus & Church, Tax 1eceilit Books, Supervisors 67.00 F49. Burroughs Add. Mach. Co., Repairs, Machine...". 5.85 F50. Malone Transfer Co., Carting, Supervisors 1.50 $2,755.43 Seconded by Mr. Robinson. Ayes -11. Noes -0. Carried. On motion, adjourned. OF TOMTKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 7 To Fred L. Clock, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, N. Y.: We, ,the undersigned members of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, do hereby request yon to ca]1 a special meeting of the Hoard, to be held on April 2, 1921, at 11 a. m., to take action on Highway matters and to transact any other business that /nay properly corse before said meeting. Dated, March 28, 1921 WILBER G. FISII, ED S. HILL, W. 0. SMILEY, Wlll:. H. LEONARD, L. E. P.AT PERSON, OLEN A. KING, F. A. BEGENT, E. MORGAN ST. JOHN, J. M. TOWNSEND, R. C. _ALBRIGIIT. Special Session Saturday, April 2, 1921 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present. 1']re Clerk read the call for the special session. On motion, the reading of the minutes of the preceding meeting was dispensed with. Mr. Buck offered the following resolution and moved its adop- tion: WHEREAS—The State highway Commission several years ago established the Division lleadguarters for the 8th Division at Hornell, Steuben County, and WHEREAS—Such headquarters so established are the most inac- cessible and fartherest from the geographic center of said divi- sion of' any county therein and .bhis body believes it for the best interests of the counties in said 8th. Division that such Head- S PROOEEDII GS Or T}{E BOARD OF SUPERVISORS quarters be established in the City of Elmira, Chennung County, and be it further Resolved --That we, the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, respectfully petition the State Ilighway Commission to change the location of said Division Headquarters, as now estab- lished, and that such headquarters be established in the City of Elmira. Chetnung County, and be it further Resolved—That the Clerk of the Board be directed .to transmit a certified copy of this resoltition to the State Highway Com- mission at Albany. Seconded by Mr. St. John. Carried. Mr, King offered the following resolution and moved its adop- tion: Resolved—That claim F30, of the Bailey Garage Co., presented February 1.4, amounting to $230.65, be audited at the full amount and that the sum of $8.65 thereof be charged to the Town of Ulysses, that the sure of $12.35 thereof be charged to the Town of Ithaca, that the suns of $20.50 thereof be charged to the Town of Dryden and that the suns of $5.70 thereof be charged to the Town of Caroline, those amounts being properly chargeable to those towns, and that said amounts so charged .be placed in the town budgets of those towns, to be collected at the next ensuing tax levy, to reimburse the county. Resolved—That claim F29, of the Bailey Garage Co., presented February 14, amounting to $54.90 be audited at the full amount and that the sum of $9.00 thereof be charged to the '.Down of Ulysses, and that said amount so charged be placed in the town budget of that town, to be collected at the next ensuing tax levy, to reimburse the county. Resolved—That claire F42, of the•Bailey Garage Co., presented February 14, amounting to $45.50, be audited at full amount and that the sum of $5.30 thereof be charged to the City of Ithaca, and that said amount so charged be placed in the city budget, to be collected at the next ensuing tax levy to reianbnrse the county. Resolved—That claim F4, of Charles Green, presented Febru- ary 14. amounting to $46.84, be audited at the full amount and that the suns of $17.20 thereof be charged to .the City of Ithaca, and that said amount so charged be placed in the city budget, to be collected at the neat ensuing tax levy to reimburse the county. OF TO IricINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 9 Resolved—']`hat claim 1'5, of Charles Green, presented Febru- ary 14, amounting to $9.00, he.audited at the full amount and that the suns of $2..50 thereof be charged to the Town of Danby, and that said amount so charged be placed in the torn budget oyf that town to be collected at the next ensuing tax levy, to reini- bnrse the county, and be it .further Resolved—TThat the Clerk of the Board be directed to draw an order for the payment of said claims, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay the same out of any unappropriated moneys in his hands. Seconded by IIIc. IIill. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. The Clerk read a communication from Ilon. Seymour Lowman, which was filed. Mr, St. John offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That we, the .l3oa.rd of: Supervisors of Tompkins County, heartily- approve of the provisions of Assembly Bill No. 1071, introduced by Mr. Blakely, and trust that the same may be enacted into law, and be it further Resolved—That the Clerk of this Board be directed. to forward a certified copy of this resolution to our representatives in the State Legislature. Seconded by illr. Repent. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION Roil call. All members present, Representatives of the Cayuga Lake Cottagers' Association appeared before the Board relative to placing the highway known as the Lake Shore Boulevard in the 'towns of Ithaca. and Ulysses, extending from the city limits to '1'a.nghanuock Falls, on the map of those towns for improvement under the County and Town System. 11lessrs. F. M. Willis; Chas. 1T, Blood, John Reamer, A. II. 10 PROCEEDINGS 01' THE BOARD) OP SUPERVISORS Dobbs, Ross. Kellogg and Geo. S. '1'arbell spoke iii favor of the. project, and the representatives of the two 'towns agreed to do. all in their power to have the highway mentioned placed on the Maps of their respective towns, for improvement finder the sys- tem. Mr. Albright offered the following resolution and moved its. adoption: Resolved—That each of the several towns of: Tompkins County- be ountybe allowed to construct each year, under the County and Town System of Roads, as many miles of highway in the saute ratio. to the total number of miles to be constructed in. the County- that. year as the total number of tiles allotted to such towns, by- resolutions yresolutions of this Board, bears to the total mileage allotted to all the towns of the county, except the allotment made to several. towns on April 25, 1917. Seconded by Mr. Begent. Carried. i\Jr. Begent offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the several towns of Tompkins County be allowed to construct the following miles of highway under the. County and Town System. of Roads during the year 1921, said mileage being in the same ratio to the total number of miles to be constructed in the county- under said system during the year. 1921., as the total number of miles allotted to the various towns by resolutions of this Board, bears to the total mileage allotted to lilt the towns of the county, except the allotment made to. several towns on April 25, Caroline 1.28 miles Danby 1.17 miles Dryden 2.23 miles Enfield - .90 miles Groton 1 59 miles Ithaca. 1.20 miles Lansing 1 63 utiles Newfield 1.2S miles Ulysses 1.19 miles 1'ota.l 12.50 miles Seconded by Mir. Albright. Carried. 11Ir. Loauasbery offered the following resolution and moved adoption: OP 2'QtitPK LY.S COUNTY, NEW vox.: 1,F. Resolved— That the motor vehicle moneys of Tompkins County,. hereafter be apportioned .among the several towns of the county in the same ratio as the numlber of utiles to be constructed in each town during the year hears to the entire mileage to he con- structed in the county during the year under the County and Town System of Roads. Seconded by Nis. Buck. Carried. iivIr. Robinson offered the following resolution and moved its. adoption : Resolved—That the motor vehicle moneys of Tompkins County for the year 1921, be apportioned aniong the several towns, as. follows: Caroline :1.,280.00 Danby - 1,170.00 Dryden 2,230.00 Enfiel it 930.00 Groton 1,590.00 ith ti ea 1,200.00 lla.nsin g• 1,630.00 Newfield 1,280.00 Ulysses 1,190.00 112,500.00 and be it further Resolved—That the County Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to pay to each of the Supervisors of the several towns, the amounts of 'money as hereinabove set forth, out of, the {motor vehicle moneys that comes into his hands during the year 1921. Seconded by 111r. Patterson. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. 1VTr. Smiley offered the following resolution and removed its adoption: Resolved—That each year hereafter, State and County Aid each he apportioned among the. several towns of the counts in the same ratio as the number of miles to he construeted in each tovvrt during the year bears to the entire 'mileage to be con- structed in the county during the year under the County and Town System of Roads. 12 PROCE E IN GS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISO1.S Seconded by Mr. Hill. Carried. Mr. Smiley offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That for highway construction under the County and Town System of. Roads in Tompkins County for the year 1921, there is hereby appropriated and treacle immediately avail- able to the several towns of the county, the stuns set opposite the names of those towns respectively, as follows: Town State Aid County Aid Total Caroline $ 3,351.55. $ 3,351.55 $ 6,703.10 Danby 3,063.53 3,063.53 6,127.06 Dryden 5,839.03 5,839.03 11,678.06 Enfield 2,435.11 2,4.35.11 4,570.22 Groton 4,163.26 4,1.63.26 8,326.52 Ithaca 3,142.08 3,1.42.08 6,284.16 Lansing 4,267.99 4,267.99 8,535.98 Newfield 3,351.55 3,351.55 6,703.10 Ulysses. 3,115.90 3,115.90 6,231.80 $32, 730.00 and be it further $32,730.00 $65,460.00 Resolved—That the County 'Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to pay to the Supervisors of the towns entitled thereto the moneys as hereinabove specified as work on each of said roads progresses, upon the certificate of the County Superintendent of Highways, countersigned by the Chairman of the Board, except he shall not pay the last 25% of the county's share of the cost of construction until the entire road is completed and accepted .and such completion and acceptance is certified to hiin by the Highway Officials Committee. Seconded by Mr. St. John. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Smiley offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the unimproved portion of the highway in the Town of Danby leading from the State Road by way of Ben Jen- nings, consisting of .25 utiles 'and being a part of designation No. 5 o.f March 5, 1917, be stricken from the county crap of high- ways to be improved in that town under County and Town System of Roads. OF TO\IYK1_NS COUNTY, NEW YORK 13 Seconded by \Ir. St. John. Carried. i\ir. Patterson offered the following. resolution and moved its adoption: \r1.11 I:vs—.Aliotnients of mileage to the several towns of the county, having been made from time to time by this Board, under the County and Town System of Roads, and such mileage has been designated by said towns for eonstrnction and placed on the coml.*, map, with the approval or this Board, and WHEREAS—This Board finds that some towns have thus desig- nated more miles for construction than was allotted to them, and WHEREAS—Snell increased designation is unjust to the other towns of the county, and, on the other hand, it, would n•ork a hardship .to compel those towns iniaking sneh increased desig- nations to strike any of said highways frons the map at this time, and WHEREAS—The greatest increase of designation over allotment made by any one torn was 27.44%, therefore be it Resolved—Thad such increased designations li allowed to stand mud that eaelt of the towns of the county be allotted an additional mileage of 27.44% over the allotments: heretofore made to thorn, except the allotments made to several towns on A.pril 25, 1917, a.nd that the following additional allotments he made to the several towns of the county, as follows: Caroline 3.32 miles Danby :1.06 miles 1) vden 9 79 miles Enfield 2.41 miles Groton 414 miles Ithaca 313 miles Lansing 4 23 tulles Newfield 2.32 miles Ulysses ,-310 miles Total 22.50 miles Seconded by ,Mr. Begent. Carried. Mr. St. John offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: WHEREAS—'Phis .Hoard has heretofore adopted the County and Town System of Roads, and :14 PROCEEDINGS 01' THE BOARS) OF' SUP.E;RVISORS WHEREAS—Under the provisions of the ]-Highway l.Ja.w, the Board or Supervisors may aid a +town or towns in the construc- tion or improvement of a. highway or highways therein, and shall designate such highways for construction and the manner in which the same are to be constructed or improved by the aid of the county. and WHEREAS—This Board has this day by resolution determined the total number of miles to be allotted to each 'town of the country and ordered that such ,mileage be placed on the Bounty map for construction, therefore 'be it Resolved—That no highway shall be designated for improve- ment except as it Itas one terminus at least at an improved State or Stale :uicL County iffiglrwa.y, or a. highway designated for im- provement by Senate Bill Nos, 33, 207, passed by the State Legis- lature in 1.921 or a highway designated by, this Board March 5, '191.7, as amended and redesignated by this Board June 4, .191.7; September 5, 1917; February 11, 1.91S; February 10, 1919;lIay 10, 1920, and July 1.3, 1.920, respectively, and the construction thereof completed, or as may be hereafter amended and re- designated by this .I3oa.rd and the construction thereof completed. Resolved—That the construction or improvement under this system, of any highway in any town in the Bounty, shall be commenced at such improved State or State and County High- way, or a highway designated for improvement by Senate ]3i11 Nos. 33. 207, passed by the State Legislature in 1921, or a high- way designated by this Board 'March 5, 1917, as amended and re- designated by this il3oard June 4, 1917, September 5,; Feb- ruary 11, 1918; February 10, 1.919; May 10, 1920, and July 1.3, 1920, respectively, and the construction thereof completed, or as may be hereafter amended and redesignated by ;this Board and the construction thereof completed, and such highway shall be constructed from that point until that particular highway is completed. Resolved—That the construction of: said highways shall be under ,the direction of the Highway Officials of the County. Resolved—That no • construction shall be commenced on any highway in any torn until the County Superintendent has certi- fied tlia.t the town is equipped with sufficient machinery to prop- erly perform the work. Resolved—That all highways shall have a sub -base not less than telt feet wide rolled and shall be at least, ten incites thick 01' TQ11iPI<INS COUNTY, NEW 'YORK. 15 before rolling and that all highways. constructed shall .have a bituminous top. Resolved—That no moneys shall he allotted to any town as State or County Aid +for new construction, unless that, town com- pleted at 'cast Tri% of the improvement of the previous year. Resolved—That no new construction shall be commenced in any town until the designation of the previous year is completed. Resolved—That no town_ shall improve more mileage than .allotted to it in any one year, and receive county aid thereon that year, except Al -.here any town has failed to avail itself of the moneys appropriated to it, and smell money is t•calal:rropriatteil by a resolution of this Board to the town or towns completing such additional mileage, as hereinafter provided. Resolved—That; in the event of any town refusing• or failing to accept the whole of the highway moneys appropriated to it in any one year as State and County Aid and to provide for the payment of its share of the cost of construction, Hien the moneys so refused or not accepted, together with a proportionate amount to be deducted from the motor vehicle moneys appropriated to that town .for that year, shall he reapportioned by a resolution of this Board to any of the other towns of the county that wish to construct an additional niileage in those towns for that year, and no town, so refusing or failing to accept, shall be reim- bursed for the moneys Huts dost to it. .But nothing herein con tamed shall prevent a torn from accepting a smaller amount of State and. County An], with a proportionate less a,tuount of motor vehicle funds, and constructing a lesser amount of .high- way, under the same conditions as though it had accepted the :hill amount appropriated to it. Resolved—That the county, for its shame of the cost of im- provement of any highway, shall pay 77.96% up to a. total of $8,000.00 per mile, including the state contribution, the county contribution and the tn'otor vehicle moneys, and each town for its share, shall pay 22.04% tip to a total cost, of $8,000.0(1 per utile. All costs of improvement in excess of $8,000.00 per mile, shall be borne by the town. Resolved—That payments shall be _made by the County Treas- urer to the Supervisor of the town ;Tor the prosecution of the work in that town from time to time as work 00 said road prog- resses, upon the certificate of the County Superintendent, of High- ways, countersigned by the Chairman of the Board of Super- visors, but the last 25% of the county's share of the cost of 1G PROCEEDINGS 01' THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS construction shall not be paid until the entire road is completed and accepted and such 'completion and acceptance shall he certi- fied to him by the Highway Officials Committee. Seconded- by Mr. Begent. Carried. Moved :by Mr. Wright, that F. C. Evans, County Superin- tendent of Highways be delegated to attend the convention of the National Highway 'Association at Greenboro, N. C., and that his expenses therefor be paid by the county, said expense account to be audited by the proper committee of this Board. Seconded by Mr. St. John. Carried. The following designations of highways, from the additional mileage this day allotted- to the several towns, were made by the supervisors of the various towns: Caroline 1. The '76 Road from the southern terminus of the portion heretofore designated, thence southeasterly to Speedsville and thence southerly to the Candor (Tioga County) line, a distance of 2.60 miles. 2. The highway commencing at Slaterville Springs, thence northerly to the Dryden Town line, a distance of 1.50 wiles. 3. Commencing at a point in the highway leading from Brook - ton to White Church, where the highway leading east from Caro- line Depot intersects said road, thence southerly toward White Church, a distance of 0.62 miles. Danby 1. Commencing at the AVeste rn terminus of the highway lead- ing westerly from the State Road past Fred. Van Ellen's, here- tofore designated, thence westerly, a distance of 0.25 miles. 2. Commencing at the eastern terminus of the highway lead- ing easterly from the State Road past R. J. Gage's, heretofore designated, thence easterly, a distance ;of 0.04 miles. 3. Commencing at the eastern terminus of the highway lead- ing easterly from the State Road past the Bates' farm, here- tofore designated, thence easterly, a distance of 0.25 miles. 4. Commencing at the western terminus of the highway lead- ing westerly from the State Road past Frank Gunderman's, here- tofore designated, thence westerly to Palmer's Corners, a dis- tance of 1.00 mile. OP TCY.M.I.PRINS COUNTY, NEW YORE t7 • 5. Commencing ,at the Danby -Ithaca To\\rn line on the Cod- dingtoin Road, thence southeasterly aloin; said Coddington Road; a distance of 2.90 utiles. . 6. Commencing at the south terminus .of the highway leading westerly front the State Road past. Geo. .Comfort's, heretofore designated, thence southerly along the 'Taubman Road .to its in- tersection with No. 4, hereinabove desigua.ted, at the four corners where the schoolhouse stands, 'a distance of 1..20 utiles. 7. Commencing at Elyea's Corners on the Comfort Road, here- tofore designated, thence westerly, a distance of 0.11 miles. 8.. Commencing at DeWitt Sincebaugh's Corners on State Road No. 5567, thence westerly t.o the Newfiel�t Town line, a distance of 0.31. miles. Dryden 1- Conm encing on the State Road leading from Dryden to Cortland at the Dryden -Virgil Town line, thence southerly along said town line, a distance of 0.50 miles. 2. Comitaencing on the State Road leading from Etna to Free= ville at the Etna Mills, thence sorithea.sterly to its intersection with the State Road leading from Ithaca to :Dryden, a distance of 0.50 miles. 3. Commencing on the -State Road leading fan Ithaca to Dryden at Nolan King's Corners near the .Dryden Center ITouse, thence southerly to Knapp's schoolhouse, thence south through Ditsenbury Hollow to Steven's sawmill and thence southerly to- ward the Dryden -Caroline Town line, a. distance of` 3.74 codes. Enfield 1.. Commencing on the -11-leeklenburg Road at Itollison's Cor- ners, thence southerly, a distance of 1.91 miles. Groton 1.. Commencing at (West Croton, thence north to HaIsey's Cerners, thence west to Lansing Town line, thence north to Robertson's Corners, to connect with the road running east from North Lansing, '•a distance of 1.25. miles. 2. Counni:tieing on the improved high+r<t�' at. Steven's Corners north of McLean, thence northerly t.o the Croton -Cortland State Road'at Lafayette•Sehoollaonse, a distance 0.1! 2.20 miles. 18 PROCEEDINGS OF TICE BOARD OF SU1)ERV.l.SORS 3. Commencing on the Groton -Cortland .State Road at what is known as the "Salt Road," thence south along said "Salt Road" to Hart Fitts' Corners, a distance of 2.00 utiles. 4. Commencing on the Groton -Cortland State Road at Sickles' Corners, thence northerly on what is known as the "Salt .Road," a distance of 0.59 miles. Ithaca 1.. Conn:fencing at the Mecklenburg Road, thence south past the Titus .farm to the first four corners, a distance of 0.80 miles. 2. Commencing on the State Road leading from Ithaca to Tru- mansburg at Creager's Corners, thence westerly to the Enfield Town line, a distance of 2.18 miles. 3. Commencing on the State Road leading from Ithaca to Slaterville at Marion's Corners, thence northerly to the Mitchell Street Road, a distance of':1.00 mile. 4. Commencing at the north terminus of the Coddington Road already improved, thence Ivestcrly to the State .Road leading from Ithaca to :Danby, a distance of. 0.40 utiles.. 5. Commencing at the west terminus of the highway leading west front IIayt's schoolhouse heretofore designated, thence west- erly to the Enfield Town line, a distance of 0.60 miles. Lansing 1. Commencing at the east terminus of the highway leading east from the State Road at Lake Midge heretofore designated, thence easterly to Drake's Corners, a distance of 1.10 miles. 2. Commencing at the hamlet of Lansingville at the northern terminus of the highway heretofore designated, thence north to Drake's Corners, a distance of 0.80 miles. 3. Commencing on the State Road leading from South Lansing. to Myers at `t'eeter's Corners, thence southwesterly and southerly to Portland Point,'t distance of 1.90 miles. 4. Commencing on the improved road leading from Terpen- ing's Corners to Pernville at Perry Van Ostrancl's Corners, thence north to Leroy Buck's Corners, a distance of 1.40 miles. 5. Commencing on the State Road at South Lansing, thence OF TOMPKLN,S COUNTY, NEW YORK 19 north to Townley's Corners, a distance of 1..30 miles. 6. Commencing on the highway leading from North Lansing to Locke at john Buckley's Corners, thence east to the Groton town line, a distance of 0.90 miles. 7. Commencing a.t the north terminus of: the highway -here- tofore designated at Etna Grange .l:fall, thence northerly and westerly to George :LaBarre's Corners, a distance of 0.38 miles. Newfield 1. Commencing on the'State Road in Newfield and connecting with the Estabrook Road, as designated as No. 4, March 5, 1917, a distance of 0.50 miles. 2. Commencing on the State Road in Newfield and connecting with the Van Kirk Road, as 'designated as No. 5, .Mardi 5, 1917, a distance of 0.04 miles. 3. Commencing on the State Road in Newfield and connecting with the Trumbull's Corners load, as designated as No. 1, ,Tune 4, 1917, a distance of 0.13 miles. 4. Commencing a.t the south terminus of the Estabrook Road, as designated March 5, 1917, thence east to the Shaffer Road, a distance of 1.10 miles. 5. Commencing at the North .terminus of the highway lead- ing from. Newfield to Trumbull's Corners heretofore designated, thence northerly, northwesterly and northerly through Trum- bull's Corners to the Enfield town line, a distance of 1.55 miles. 6. Commencing at the south terminus of the Van Kirk Road, as designated March 5, 1917, thence southerly, a distance of 0.40 miles. Ulysses 1. Coannrcncing at the Wliit;e schoolhouse (School Dist. No. 11) on the highway leading east from Hadley's Corners, thence south- easterly toward Willow Creek R. R. Station, a distance of 0.14 tulles. -V'Ir. Buck offered the following resolution and moved its adop- tion: Resolved—That the foregoing designations of: highways he 20: PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOAB.D OE'- SUPERVISORS accepted and.approved and that the same be placed on the county map under the County and 'Town System of Roads. Seconded by Mr. Hill.. Carried. ?Jr. St. John offered the following resolution and moved its adoption :• • WHEREAS—The several towns of the county have, from time to time, been allotted mileage for the construction of highways under the County and Town System of Roads and the sante have been designated and placed on the county Map, and WHEREAS—Phe several towns have this day all completed the designation of the entire mileage allotted to theta for the' con- struction of highways in those towns under such County and Town System of Roads, and such designations have been accepted and approved by this Board and the same ordered placed on the dainty's map, therefore he it Resolved—That all highways improved under the County and Town System of Roads, or designated for improvement under said system and ordered placed on the county map, shall consti- tute the completed county map of Tompkins County, of highways so improved or to be improved under the County and Town Sys- tem of Roads, as follows: • COUNTY MAP OF TOMPKINS COUNTY Under the County and Town System of Roads as Approved April 2, 1921 Caroline 1. The highway commencing at the bridge in the hamlet of: 13rooktott and running westerly to the ltrookton Station, a dis- tance of 0.25 miles. - 2. The highway known as the Lounsbery Road, commencing at the bridge in the hamlet of 13rookton 'and running north- easterly to the State highway leading Froin Ithaca to Slaterville, a distance of 1..25 miles. - 3. The highway known as the Harford goad, covin enciug 011 the State Highway leading from Ithaca through Slaterville near James Crispell's and running easterly on the the Harford Road, a distance of 0.50 miles. OP TOlfl.'KINS; COUNTY, NEW YORK, 21 4. The .highway known as,the- '7(i Road,- commencing- al the southern terminus of C.: H. No: 1431 -leading, easterly and. south- erly from Brookton, thence southeasterly through Caroline Center to'Speedsvillc and t.hence.southerlyto the Candor (Tioga County) _town line, a distance of 7.60 miles. 5. The highway commencing in the harslet of Brookton, thence southerly on :the road leading toward White .Chnrch to the Caro- line Depot Road and thence westerly to Caroline Depot,, a distance of 1.20 miles. 6. •'fhc highway known as the Central Chapel ]toad, com- mencing at the southern terminus of C. II. No. 1431 leading east- erly and southerly from Brookton, thence southerly, a distance of 1.00 mile. 7. The highway known as the Level Green .Road, commencing ou the State Road leading from Ithaca through. Slaterville a.t Conrad's•Corners, thence southerly, a distance of.1.00 mile. 8. The highway commencing on the State Highway leading from Ithaca to Slaterville at Boiceville, thence southerly to C. H. No. 1431, at Boice's .Corners, a distance of 0.50, miles. 9. The highway commencing on the State Ilighway at Slater vilie, thence north to tlic Dryden Town line, a distance of 1.50 . miles. 10. The highway commencing at the intersection of the road leading east from Caroline Depot with the road leading southerly from 13rookton toward White Church, thence southerly toward • White Church, a distance of 0.62 miles. Total 1.5.42 miles. Danby 1.. The :highway known as the Geo. Comfort Road, commencing at the State Road leading from Ithaca to Danby, thence westerly and southerly on the Comfort Road and the Taubman Road to the four corners inhere the schoolhouse stands at its intersection with the highway leading westerly past Frank Gnnderman's, a distance of 3.20 miles. . 2. The, highway known as the Van Etten Road, commencing at the State Road leading from Ithaca to Danby, thence westerly past Fred Van Etten's to the highway hereinabove designated as No. '1., a distance of ]..00 mile. 3. The highway known as the Gage Road, commencing at the 22 PROCEEDINGS OE THE BORED OF SUPERVISORS State Road leading from Ithaca to Danby, thence easterly past R. J. Gage's, a distance of 0.54 miles. 4. The highway known as the Bates Road, commencing at the State Road leading from Ithaca to Danby, thence northeast- erly past the Bates farm, a distance of 1.00 mile. 5. The highway commencing at the State Road in Danby Village, thence southwesterly past Benj. Jenning's, a distance of 1.00 mile. 6. The' highway known as the Gunderman Road, commencing at the State Road leading from Ithaca to Danby, thence westerly past Frank Giindernan's to Palmer's Corners, a distance of 2.00 miles. 7. The highway known as the South Danby Road, commencing at the State Road leading from Ithaca through Danby Village, thence southerly through South Danby and past the M. E. Church, a• distance of 2.10 miles: 8. The highway known as the Coddington Road, commencing at the Danby -Ithaca Town. line, thence southeasterly along said Coddington Road to its intersection with the Steventown Hill Road, a distance of 2.90 miles. 9. The highway commencing at Elyea's. Corners on the Com- fort 'Road hereinabove designated as No. 1, thence westerly, a distance of 0.11 miles. • 10. The highway cotnmeircing on State Road No. 5567 leading to West Danby at Dewitt Siiicebangh's Corners, thence westerly to the Newfield Town line, a distance of 0.31 miles. Total 14.16 miles. Dryden 1. The highway commencing at the east corporation line of Dryden Village, thence easterly to the Virgil town line, a distance of 1.50 miles. 2. The highway commencing at the east line of the crushed stone road of the corporation of Freeville, thence northeasterly to Wolcott's Corners, a distance of 3.40 miles. 3. The highway commencing at the east town line of the Town of Ithaca on the Mitchell St. Road, thence easterly to Ellis Hollow, a distance of 3.60 miles. ' OF TOJEPKL\,S COUNTY, NEW YORK 23 4. The highway commencing at the Dryden -Lansing town line at the creamery on the highway leading east from Terpening's Corners in Lansing to Peruville, thence northeasterly to the .Dry- den -Groton town line, a distance of 1.40 miles, thence easterly along the Dryden -Groton town gine to Brown'sCorners, a dis- tance of 2.35 miles. • 5. The highway commencing at ;Wolcott's Corners on the Dryden -Groton town line, thence westerly along said Dryden - Groton town line, a distance of 0.75 miles. 6. The highway leading west from Etna, thence north, thence west to S. E. Metzgar's, thence south to B. Bright's, thence west and southwest to the Dryden -Ithaca town line, a distance of 4.80 miles. 7. The highway commencing at Decouder's Corners on the State Road leading from Dryden to Cortland, thence west a dis- tance of 0.75 miles. 8. The highway commencing at Freeville on the State Road leading from ]Freeville to Groton, thence westerly to West Dry- den, a distance of 3.00 miles. 9. The highway commencing at Fay Yaple's Corners on the highway leading from Decouder's Corners to McLean, thence northerly to W. Williams' culvert, a distance of 0.1.5 'miles. 10. The highway commencing at McLean Depot on the 'high- way leading from Decouder's Corners to \1cLean, thence south- erly to the bridge over Mud Creek, a distance of 0.45 miles. 11. The highway commencing on the State Road leading from Dryden to Cortland at the Dryden -Virgil (Cortland County) town line, thence south along said town line, a distance of 0.50 miles. 12. The highway commencing on the State Road leading from Etna to Freeville at the Etna Mills, thence southeasterly to its intersection with the State Road leading from Ithaca to Dryden, a distance of 0.50 miles. 13. The highway commencing on the State :Road leading from Ithaca to .Dryden at Nolan King's Corners near • the Dryden Center House, thence southerly to Knapp's schoolhouse, thence south through Dusenberry Hollow to Steven's saw mill and thence 24 PROCEEDINGS O1' 'TIF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS southerly toward .the Dryden -Caroline town line, a distance •of 3.74 miles. Total 26.89 miles. Enfield • 1. The highway commencing on the Mecklenburg Roacl at Mil- ler's Corners, thence north to Smith's Corners, thence east to Lansing's Corners (Cowen's) and thence north to the Ulysses town line, a distance of 3.00 miles. 2. The highway commencing, on State Highway No. 1.1.89 at Wallenbeck's Corners, thence southwesterly and southerly past J. D. Smith's Corners, thence easterly to the Three Corners and thence. southerly and southeasterly to -the Newfield town line, a distance of 2.20 miles. 3. The highway, commencing on the Enfield-Tthaca town line at liornbrook's Corners, thence westerly to the, first four corners, a distance of 1.10 miles. 4. The highway commencing at Smith's Corners, thence north to' the Ulysses town line, a distance of 1.:00 mile. 5. The highway commencing on the Mecklenburg Road at Rol- lison's Corners, thence north past Aiken's Corners to the Ulysses town line, a distance of 2.00 miles. • 6. • The highway commencing on the Mecklenburg Road at Rol- lison's Corners, thence southerly, a distance of 1.91 miles. Total 11.21 miles. Groton 1. The highway connnencing on the Groton -Dryden town line at the east terminus of designation No. 4 of •the Town of Dryden at Brown's Corners, thence northeasterly, easterly through I'eru- ville, southeasterly crossing. the State Road_ at ;1 e-ruville School- house in the Town of Groton and thence easterly along said town line past lrere1iant's Corner to the west terminus of desig- nation No. 5 or•the Town of Dryden, a distance of 4.25 miles. • • 2.• The•lriglrway commencing at the improved road in :McBean, thence southwesterly to Wolcott's Corners, a distance of 0.25 miles. F-3. The .highway commencing at the .State Road in the Village of :Groton, thence -northwesterly and westerly to. West Groton, a distance of 5.00 miles: • . OP T0i }. EINS COUNTY, NEW YORK ZS • 4. The highway ;commencing on the State Road leading from Groton to Cortland, northeast of La:fayette,'s .Corners, thence northerly to Groton City, a distance o1 1..20 miles. 5. The Irigli va.y commencing at the improved road in the ham- let of 'McLean, thence northerly past Steven's Corners to the Lafayette Schoolhouse Corners on the Groton -Cortland State Road, a distance of 3.20 miles. 6. The highway connnencixrg .at the improved road in the hamlet of McLean, thence northeasterly toward .the Cortland County line, a distance of 1.50 miles. - 7. The highway commenciny at West, Groton, thence north to Ilalsey's Corners, thence west to the Lansing town line, thence north along said Town line to Robertson's Cor'ners, to connect with the road running east frons North Lansing, a distance of 1.25 miles. 8. The highway commencing on the Groton -Cortland State Road at what is known as the "Salt .Road," thence south along said "Salt Road" to IIart 1?itt's Corners, a distance of 2.00 miles. • 9. The highway com,nencing on th.e Groton -Cortland State Roa.d.at Sickle's Corners, thence northerly on what is known as the "Salt Road," a distance of 0.59 miles. Total 1.9.24 miles. Ithaca 1. The 'highway commencing on the State Road leading from Ithaca to, Tru mansbr:rrg at .11ayt's Schoolhouse Corners, thence westerly to the Enfield town line, a distance of 1.60 miles. 2. The h.ighwa.y coinmencing on the State Road loading from Ithaca to 77rumansbnrg at L. B. I'rear's Corners, thence north- erly past the farms of iWin. Stehhins and N. R. Pranklin to the Ulysses town line, a distance of 0.60 miles. • 3. i'he highway commencing on the 'Mecklenburg Road at the west city lure of the City of Ithaca, thence southerly along said west city line to Etm. St., thence west to the first four corners, a distance of 1..20 miles. 4. The highway commencing on the State Road ra.t its east terminus at Eanslraw's Corners, thence easterly to the Dryden town line, a distance .of 0.80 miles. 5. The highway commencing on the State Road leading to Idainshaw's Corners east of Mandeville's Corners, thence south- 2G I'ROGEEDLNGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS erly along the highway leading past Pleasant Grove Cemetery, a distance of 0.50 miles'. 6. The highway commencing on. the State Road leading to 1lanshaw's Corners at lI.andeville's Corners, thence northerly to the Lansing Town line, a. distance of 0.50 miles. 7. The highway commencing on the State Road leading from Ithaca to Dryden at Forest Home, thence southerly including a spur in Forest IIome known as the McIntyre Road past the State Barns (so-called) to Dryden Road, thence westerly on Dryden Roacl to the east city line of the City of Ithaca, a. distance of 1.20 miles. 8. The highway commencing, on the Mitchell St. Road near the East Lawn Schoolhouse, thence northwesterly past the East Lawn Cemetery to the highway leading from Ithaca to Dryden at Judd's Palls Bridge, •a distance of 0.65 miles. 9. The highway commencing on Humboldt St. at the south city line of the City of. Ithaca, thence southwesterly to Jerry Tourtellott's Corners, thence westerly to .the farm. of. Oscar Floyt, a distance of 2.70 miles. 10. The. highway commencing on the State Road at its east terminus at Flanshaw's Corners, thence northerly toward the Lansing town line, a distance of 0.40 miles. 11.. The highway commencing on the State Road leading from Ithaca to Danby at a point sontli of the south city line of the City of 'Ithaca, thence northeasterly and easterly to the Coclding- ton Road, thence southeasterly along said Codlington Road to the Ithaca -Danby town line, a distance of 3.40 miles. 12. The highway commencing on the l[ecklenburg Road,. thence south past the Titus farm to the first four corners, a dis- tance of 0.80 miles. 13. Tlie highway commencing on the State Road leading from Ithaca to .Truuiansburg at iCreager's Corners, thence west to the Enfield town line, a distance of 2.18 miles. 14. The highway commencing on the State Road leading from Ithaca to-Slaterville at Marion's Corners,_ thence northerly to the Mitchell St. Road, a distance of 1.00 mile. Total 17.53 miles. O7' TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 27 Lansing 1. The highway commencing at North Lansing, thence easterly and northeasterly toward Locke to the Cayuga County line, a distance of 2.50 miles. 2. The highway commencing on the. State Road leading from South Lansing to Myers at its intersection with the highway lea.d- ing north to Ludlowville, thence north along said .highway to the hamlet of Ludlowvilie, a distance of 0.75 miles. 3. The highway commencing a.t Terpening's. Corners, thence east toward Peruville to the Dryden town line, a. distance of 2.10 miles. 4. Tlie highway .commencing on the State Road leading from Myers through Lake Ridge to the Cayuga County line, at the Lansingville Corners, thence northerly through the hamlet of Lansingville tcy Drake's Corners and thence west to said herein- before mentioned State Road leading through Lake Ridge, a distance of 6.80 miles. 5. The highway commencing on the highway leading north from IIansha.w's Corners in the Town of: Ithaca a.t the Lansing - Ithaca town line, thence northerly past the Etna Grange Hall (so-called) in the Town of Lansing and thence westerly to Geo. LaBarr's 'Corners, a distance of 1.98 miles. 6. The highway .commencing on the State Road leading from South Lansing to Myers at Teeter's Corners, thence southwest- erly and southerly to Portland Point, a distance of 1.90 miles. 7. The highway commencing on the improved road leading east from Terpening's Corners toward Peruville at Perry Van Ostrand's Corners, thence north to Leroy Buck's Corners, a dis- tance -of 1.40 miles. 8. The highway commencing. on the State Road at South Lansing, thence north to Townley's Corners, a distance of 1.30 miles. 9. The highway .cornniencing on the improved road leading from North Lansing toward Locke at John. Buckley's Corners, thence east to the Groton town line, a distance of 0.90 miles. Total 19.63 miles. Newfield 1. The highway known as the Deland-Caynta Road, com- mencing on State Road No. 5474A, thence southerly and south- westerly to the Schuyler County line, a distance of 1.00 mile. %28 YROCEEDIN OS OF THE BOARD. OF SUPERVISORS 2. The highway commencing on State Road No. 5214 in New- field, thence easterly past Newfield Station to State Road. No. 5379, a distance of 2.00 miles. 3. The highway commencing on State Road No. 5214 at Mil - lard's Corners, thence westerly to Truinbull's Corners, a dis- tance of 3.90 miles. 4. The highway commencing on State Road No: 5214 in New- field, thence south on the' Estabrook Road, a distance of 2.00 miles. 5. The highway commencing on State Road No. 5214 in New- field at Van Kirk's Corners, thence southerly, a distance of 1.94 miles. 6. The highway known as the Shafer Road, commencing on the improved road hereinabove designated as No. 2., thence south along said Shafer Road, a distance of 1.50 miles. 7. The highway commencing on State Road No. 5214 in New - 'field at the Trnrubull's Corners Road, thence westerly, northerly and northwesterly through '1'rumbull's Corners, thence, northerly to the Enfield town line, a distance of 3.98 miles. S. The highway commencing at the south terminus of the' Estabrook Road hereinabove designated as No. 4, thence easterly to the Shafer Road, a distance of 1.10 miles. Total 17.42 miles. Ulysses. 1. The highway commencing at the south" corporation line of the Village of Trumansburg, thence southerly, southwesterly through Podunk to WVaterburg, thence southerly past Bower's Corners to the Enfield town line, a distance of 4.21 miles. 2. The highway commencing at the Podunk Schoolhouse, thence southerly past School No. 1.5 to Abel's Corners, a distance of .3.30 miles. 3. The Highway commencing on State Road No. 5575 at Web- ster Jeffer's Corners, thence westerly to Seymour Bates' Corners on the Schuyler County line, a distance of 1.25 miles. 4. The highway.cmnmencing on the State Road leading from Ithaca to Trumansburg at the County IIouse Corners, thence east- OF TOMP I S COUNTY, NEW YOIIK Q9• erly to Steven's Corners, thence northerly to Willow Creek R. R. Station, a distance of 2.90 miles. 5. The highway commencing on the Ulysses -Ithaca town line at the northern terminus of designation No. 2 of the Town of Ithaca near ,J. C. Mott's Corners, thence northerly and north- westerly to its intersection with the highway leading norl.h. from Steven's Corners as herinabove designated as No. 4, a distance of 2.90 miles. 6. The highway commencing at. the south terminus .of the irn- proved road leading south from Jacksonville at llekeel's Cor- ners, thence southerly to the Enfield town line, 11 distance of 1.50 miles. 7. The highway commencing at the north terminus of the im- proved road leading' north from Jacksonville toward r1aughan- nock Falls R. R. Station, thence northeasterly to the Tompkins County Tuberculosis IIospital, adistance of 0.50 miles. S. The highway commencing. on the improved road leading north from Jacksonville toward '1`aughannock Falls R. R. Station at Hadley's Corners, thence easterly to the White Schoolhouse (School Dist. No, 11), thence southeasterly toward Willow Creek R. R. Station, a distance of 1.54 miles. Total 18.10 miles. Seconded by Mr. l3uck. .Carried. The several Supervisors presented the following list of high- ways for construction in their respective towns, under the County and Town System of Roads, for the year 1921: HIGHWAYS FOR CONSTRUCTION IN 1921 County and Town System Caroline 1. '.Phe highway commencing on the State Highway leading - from Ithaca to Slaterville a.t 13oiceville, thence southerly to C. H. No. 1431, at°Boiee's Corners, a distance of 0.50 iniles. 2. The highway commencing at the south terminus already im- proved on the '76 Road, thence southeasterly toward Speeds- villc, a distance of 0.78 miles. 30 PR.00EEDI\GS OF TIDE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Danby 1. The highway known as the Comfort Road, commencing at the State Road leading from Ithaca to Danby, thence westerly and southerly on the Comfort Road, a distance of 1.17 miles. Dryden 1. The highway commencing at Wolcott's Corners on the Dryden -Groton town line, thence westerly along said town line, a distance of 0.75 miles. 2. The highway commencing on the State Road leading from Dryden to Cortland at the Dryden -Virgil town line, thence south along said town line, a distance of 0.50 miles. 3. The highway commencing on the State Road leading from Etna to Freeville at the Etna Mills, thence southeasterly to its intersection with the State Road leading frons Ithaca to Dryden, a distance of 0.50 miles. 4. The highway commencing at the east town line of the Town of Ithaca on the Mitchell St. Road, thence easterly toward Ellis Hollow, a distance of 0.48 miles. Enfield 1. The highway commencing at Aiken's Corners on the road leading north from Rollison's Corners, thence north toward the Ulysses town line, a distance of 0.93 miles. Groton 1. The highway commencing at the west terminus already improved on the road leading from Groton Village to West Groton, thence westerly toward West Groton, a distance of 1.34 miles. 2. The highway commencing at the improved road in McLean, thence southwesterly to Wolcott's Corners, a distance of 0.25 miles. Ithaca 1. The highway commencing on the State Road leading from Ithaca to Danby at a point south of the south city line of the City of Ithaca, thence northeasterly and easterly to the north terminus of the Coddington Road already improved, a distance of 0.40 miles. OF TOMPKIN S COUNTY, NEW YORK 31 2. The highway commencing on the State Road leading from Ithaca to Trurnanshurg at Hayt's Schoolhouse Corners, thence westerly toward the Enfield town liire,' a distance of 0.80 miles. Lansing 1. The -highway commencing on the •higl}way leading from North 'Lansing toward Locke, at the east termines of the road already improved, thence northeasterly toward Locke, a distance of 1.63 miles. Newfield 1. The highway known as the Deland-Cayuta Road, com- mencing on State Road No. 5474A, -thence southerly and south- westerly to the;Schuyler County line, a distance of 1.00 mile. 2. The highway commencing on State Road No. 5214 at Mil - lard's Corners, thence `westerly toward Trumbull's Corners, a distance of 0.28 miles. • Ulysses 1. The highway commencing on the road leading east from the County House Corners to Steven's Corners ,and thence north to the Willow Creek R. R. Station at the north terminus of the road already improved, thence north. toward Willow Creek R. R. Station, a distance of 0.33 miles. 2. The highway commencing on the improved road leading from Trumansburg through Podunk and Waterbrirg, at Bower's Corners, thence south toward the Enfield town line, a distance of 0.86 miles. On notion of Mr. Buck, the foregoing designations of highways for improvements in the several bons of the county under the County and Town System of Roads during the year 1921, were approved. 3� PROCEEDINGS ' Ol THE BOARD OP STTPERVISORS Quarterly Session Monday, May 9, 1921 . MORNING SESSION Roll call. All 'members present. The reading of of the minutes of the preceding session was dispensed with. The Clerk read a number of claims which, on motion, were received and referred to the proper committees,. The Clerk read a petition of the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses, asking .authority to borrow money on the 'faith and credit of the town to aid. the town in paying its share of the cost of construction of County and Torn Roads, under Section 320-A of the, Highway Law. lir. Townsend offered the following resolution and proved its adoption: Resolved—That the petition of the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses be granted and that the towii he .authorized to borrow, on the faith and credit of the town, the sun. of $15,000.00 or so much thereof as may be necessary, to pay =the town's share of the cost of improvement of ,County and Town Roads,. pursuant to Section 320-A of the Highway Law, in accordance with a peti- tion of the Taw.n Board of said town, this clay filed. ,Seconded by Mr. Leonard. Carried. The Clerk read a. communication from the State Department of Farms and Markets, relative to an. inspection of the county farm, which was filed. County Sealer of Weights and Measures Bellis appeared before the Board, relative to his attending the National. Convention of Weights and Measures in Washington, D. C., at the expense of the County. On motion of Mr. Buck, the matter was made a special order of business for the afternoon session at 2 o'clock. A. communication from the State Highway Department, r•ela.tive- to providing tractors for the county, was read. Y Ot` TOMTETI ,S COUNTY, NEW YORK 33 Moved by -Mr. Begent, that the county avail itself of the offer of. the .,Stage .highway Department and obtain all the trae- tots that the State will allot to it. Seconded by Mr. Buck. Carried. Moved by ll:r.':llill that the committee having charge of the motor trucks allotted_ to the county, shall have the saute charge of the tractors to be allotted to the county, with all the sante power and authority. Seconded by Mr. Buck. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present. The matter of the County Sealer of __'eights and Measures attending the National Convention at Washington, D. C., at county expense, haying _leen made a special order of l.iusiness for this time, that matter. was taken up. 1-Tovcd by l•Cr. Robinson, tlia.t, the expenses of the County Sealer of Weights and pleasures to t:he National Convention of Sealers of Weights sand -Measures at Washington, D. C., be at the expense of the county, said expense account to be audited by this Board. Seconclecl by pi:r. Hill. Carried. Mr. Buck, of t.lic special committee to investigate the claim of E. R. Sweetland, for damages to sheep by reason of being ,chased by dogs, rendered a report of that colnlnnittee. On statements by Mr. 1 -fill, the committee was continued in power for further investigation and the report was laid on the table. Representatives of the Southern Tier Association for the Blind, appeared before the Board. Hiss Sltoeffel and Mr. Ross Kellogg addressed the Board rela- tive to the work and amts of the asseeiation. Mr. Hill offered the following resolution and moved its adop- tion 34 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Resolved --That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $400.00 to the Southern `Pier Association for the Blind, said sum to be paid by the County Treasurer to the treasurer of said association in payments of $200.00 each on June 1, and December 1, 1921. Seconded by Mr. Robinson. Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried. ?ir. Buck offered -the following resolution and moved its adop- tion: Resolved --That the Chairman of the Board be, ex -officio, a member of the Highway Officials of the County. Seconded by ?d.r. St. John. Carried. The Clerk read the following claims, as recommended for audit by the several Committees to .which they were referred: F51. F. W. Phillips, Insurance, County Jail, $ 30.00 F52. J.. Crim, Meals, Jurors, Co. Court Criminal 29.50 F53. P. M. Donohue, Plumbing, County Jail 5.00 F54. Barr .Bros., Supplies, County Jail 8.62 P55. R.. W. Moore, Chem. Expert, Dist. Atty. 20.00 F56. C. B. 'I' anBuren, Photographs, Dist. Atte'. 8.00 F57. A. 13. Oltz, Repairs, County Jail 7.50 F58. Robinson & Carpenter, Materials, County! Jail2.05 F59. Stephen Hennesey, Guard, Sheriff, Ass'd. to F. L. Clock 15.00 F60. 0. B. VanBnren, Photographs, Dist. Atty. 3.50 F61. H. J. ;Price, Repairs to Leg, Jail Inmate 2.60 P62. T. A. Mandeville, Grass ,Seed, etc., County Jail4.63 P63. Corner Bookstores, Maps, Snpt. of Highways9.80 F64. Ithaca Realty Co., Insurance, Motor Trucks 8.1.0 F65, P. W. Wood.& Son, Insurance, Motor Trucks 173.63 F66. E. P. Bouton, Agent, Premium on Bond, Supt. of Highways 2.50 F67. Wilbur G. Fish, Ex, in Lunacy 10.00 F69. F. S. Bower, Insurance, County Home 142.50 F70. E. P. Bouton, Agent, Insurance, County Horne92.00 P71. E. P. Bouton, Agent, Insurance, County Home61.00 F72. Hartford Steam Boiler Ins. Co., Insurance on Boilers Tub., Hospital and County Clerk Building 33.74 F73. J. E: VanNa.tta, Supplies, Comity Treas. 79.20 P74. Tompkins County Nat. Bank, Deposit Box, County Treas. 7.00 Orli' TOMI'KINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 35 F75. Atkinson Press, Printing, County Treas, 11.75 P76. Atkinson Press, Printing, County Clerk 29.75 P77. Underwood Typewriter Co., Repairing Machine, County Clerk 34.00 . F78. P. J. Irairsner, Repairing clock, Surrogate 4.00 P79. Atkinson Press, Printing, Surrogate 43.00 F80. Atkinson Press, Printing, County Clerk 7.00 P81. J. C. Grim, Meals, Jurors, Sup. Court Civil 9.75 F82. H. J. Bool Co., Tables, County Clerk 4.00 P83. Lawyers' Co --operative Pub. Co., Mcl Inney's Amends., Surrogate 10.00 F84. F. JI. Warner, Wall Paper, County Jail 44.78 P85. J. C. Crim, Meals, Jurors, Co. Court Criminal11.61 P86. The Ithacan, Printing, Co. Treas. 27.50 F87. F. C. Evans, Expenses, Supt. of Highways 239.44 F 88. F. C. Evans, Expenses, National Convention101.38 F 89. Reynolds & Drake Garage Co., Repairing Motor Trucks 195.64 P 90. Reynolds & Drake Garage Co., Repairing, Motor Trucks 583.28 P 91. Reynolds '& Drake Garage Co., Repairing, Motor Trucks 331.33 F 92. Reynolds & Drake Garage Co., Repairing, Motor Trucks 248.41 F 93. Reynolds & Drake Garage Co., Repairing, Motor Trucks 423.92 F 94. Reynolds & Drake. Garage Co., Repairing, Motor Trucks- 235.02 P 95. Lang Engine & Garage Co., Repairs, Motor Trucks 51.4.43 F .96. Hall & McChesney, R.epairing Books, Co. Clerk 1,609.98 F 97. Hall & McChesney, Repairing Books, Co. Clerk 633.46 F 98. 3. E. Shea, Burial Ellen Russell, Pensioner 75.00 F 99. Fay Skilling, Sheriff, Expenses out of County324.58 P100. C. M. Buck, Expenses, Supervisors 35.00 F101.. E. Morgan St. John, :Expenses, Supervisors 79.55 P102. Squirer & Squirer, Insurance, Courthouse 1.5.00 F1.03. H. A. St. John, Insurance, Co. Clerk's Building 20.00 F104. T. H. Davenport, Insurance, Courthouse 24.00 F105. H. A. Manning. Co., Directors, County Officials42.00 P106. Burroughs Add. Machine Co., Ribbon, Supervisors .75 F107. Wilbur G. Fish, Expenses, Supervisors 71.80 :l+ 1.08. H. S. Wright, Epenses, Supervisors 40.1.5 P109. W. 0. ,Smiley, Expenses, Supervisors 45.48 P110. Fred L. Clock, Expenses, Supervisors 89.82 P111. R. C. Osborn Co., Supplies,. 1920, Supervisors198.37 P112. J. H. Bailey Garage Co., Auto Hire, Highways1.5.70 P113. W. C. Little & Co., Law Books, Surrogate 20.00 Total $7,206.50 36 . PROCEEDINGS OF TUE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Mr. St. John offered the following resolution acid moved its adoption: Resolved—That the foregoing bills, amounting to' $7,206.50, be audited at the full amounts as recommended by the several committees, and that the County Treasurer 1be directed to pay the sante out •of any unappropriated funds in his hands, and that these claims be certified to the County Treasurer, by the Clerk of 'the Board, for and on behalf of the Board, and be it further • Resolved—That of claim F95, one-half thereof, or the suns of $257.21, be charged to the Town of Ulysses, said amount being properly chargeable to that town, and that said amorint so charged be placed in the town budget of that, town. to be collected at the nexit'ensuing tax levy, to reimburse the county, and be it further Resolved—That of elaiin F99, the sum of $41.27 thereof be charged to the City of Ithaca and that the snin of $63:66 thereof be charged to the Towyn of Ulysses, those amounts being prop- erly chargeable to said city and town, and that said amounts so charged be placed in the -budgets of .the city and Town of Ulysses to be collected at the next ensuing tax levy, to reimburse the county. Seconded by Mr. Lounsbery, Ayes-13. Noes—O. Carried. Minutes of the day's proceedings were read and approved. On motion, adjourned. O]' i'O_\1]VK..l.`S COUNTY, NEW YORK_ Quarterly Session 37 Monday, August 8, 1921 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present, except Mr. Robinson. The Clerk read a number of claims which, on motion, were 'received and referred to the proper committees. 'JTe Clerk react a petition of ,the Town Board of :Danby, asking authority to borrow money on the faith and credit of: the town to aid iii paying its share of the cost of construction .of County and Town Roads, under Section 320-A. of the Highway Law. l Ir. Smiley offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That the petition of the Town :Board of the Town of Danby be granted and that the town be authorized to borrow on the faith and credit of the 'town, the sum of $3,000.00, or so pinch thereof as may be necessary, to pay the town's share of the cost of construction of County and Town Roads, pursuant to Section 320-A., of the :Highway La«', in accordance with a, petition of the Town Board of said town, this day filed. Seconded by Mr. Regent. Carried. The Clerk read a petition of the Town Boa.rr.1 of the Town of Lansing, asking. authority to borrow money on the faith and credit of the town to aid in paying the town's share of the cost of .construction of County and Town. Roads, under Section 320-A of the Highway :haw. Arr. Buck offered. the following resolution and moved its adop- tion: Resolved -That the petition of the Town Board of the Town of Lansing be granted and that the town be authorized to bor- row, on the faith alld credit, of the Lowe,. •thu 511111 of $1.0,000.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to pay the town's share of the cost of improvement of County and Town Roads, pursuant to Section 320-A of the highway Law, in accordance with a petition of the Town Board of said town, this day filed. Seconded by Mr. St. John. Carried. 38 •PROCEEDINGS OF TBE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS The Clerk read a communication from the State highway Com- mission, relative to the construction of the Hector Street exten- sion in the City of Ithaca. Mr. Begent offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That the State Highway Department be requested to construct the Hector Street extension in the City of Ithaca at the earliest date possible, thus completing the connection be- tween the City of Ithaca and State and County Highway No. 1001, and be it further Resolved—That the Clerk of the Board is hereby directed to forward a certified copy of this resolution to the State Highway Department forthwith. Seconded by Mr. Leonard. Carried. The Clerk read the correspondence with the Division Engineer of the State Highway Department, relative •to a survey of the highways in the county, which, on motion of Mr. St. John, was filed. 11'5'. St. John offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $10.00, to reimburse the Highway Department of the State of New York, for expenses incurred by it in loading and crating motor trucks allotted to this county, and be it further Resolved—That the Clerk of the Board be directed to draw an order, .payable to the Commission of Highways, for said amount, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay said order out of any unappropriated funds in his hands, upon the filing with him of a certified copy of this resolution. Seconded by Mr. Buck. Ayes -12. Noes -0. Carried. 11i:r. Wright, of the Committee on Charities; rendered a report of that committee relative to the inspection by the committee of several hospitals in the state and the adaptability of the plans,. form and manner of construction of those hospitals to the needs of Tompkins County in the construction of its proposed hospital at the county home. OP TOul.1iPKI S COUNTY, NEW YORK 39 Moved by l•[r. Patterson, that the report of the committee be accepted and filed, and that the committee be directed to proceed With said matter in as expeditious a manner as possible. Seconded by Mr. Buck. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present, except Mr. Robinson. A delegation appeared before the Board, relative to the removal of the Tompkins County -Tuberculosis hospital from its present site to a site to be.selected in the City of Ithaca. Dr. Crum, Dr. Merriam, Dr. John A. Conway, of Hornell, Dr. Sears, Miss Emma Knettles and Mrs. Eugene Baker addressed the Board relative to the•subject. The special committee, appointed to investigate the claim of E. R. Sweetland, for damages for injuries to sheep, caused by being chased by dogs, rendered the following report: Your Committee, to which was referred the claim of E. R. Sweetland, of the Town of Dryden, for damages for injuries to sheep by dogs, having examined into the merits of the case, exam- ined numerous witnesses on behalf of the claimant, as well as the assessors of the Town of Dryderi as to the methods employed by them in arriving at the damages awarded by them, and be- lieving that, an injustice was clone to Mr. Sweetland by said assessors in their award and that the award should have been the sum of $605.00 and not the sum of 1.00.00 a.wardcd to him by said assessors, and your committee, on request of this Board, having made a still further investigation of this claim since the last quarterly meeting of this Board on May 9, 1921, and nothing having developed to change the opinion of this committee as to the merits of said claim and award, your committee therefore recommends that there be awarded to Mr. Sweetland by this Board the additional sum of $505.00 as damages for injuries to sheep caused by being chased by clogs and recommend the adop- tion of the following resolution Resolved—That this Board award to E. R. Sweetland the sum of $505.00 in addition to the sunt of $100.00 heretofore awarded to him by the assessors of the Town of Dryden, as damages .for injuries to sheep caused by dogs, and that the Clerk be directed to draw an order on the County Treasurer, payable to E. R. 40 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOA RD O4•' SUPER VISORS ' l Sweetland, for the stun of $505.00, sued that the County Treasurer be directed to pay- said amount so awarded out of the dog fund. Dated, August S, 1921. C. M. BUCK, CHAS. R. LO U\ SBEIiiY, R. C. ALBRI.G I -HT, Committee. Moved by •2.Lr. Begent, that the report of the committee be accepted and the resolution adopted. Seconded by Mr. St. John. Carried. The Clerk. read a petition of the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca, asking authority to borrow money on the faith and credit of the town to aid the town in paying its share of the cost of construction of Couirty and Town Roads, under Section 320-A, of the Highway- Law. Mr.'Wright offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That the petition of the :]'own Board of the Town of Ithaca be granted and that the town be authorized to borrow, on the faith .and credit of the town, :the sum. of. $5,000.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary-, to pay the town's share of the cost of improvenient of: County and Town Roads, pursuant to Section 320-A, of the Ilighway Law. • Seconded by Air. St. John. Carried. The Clerk read the petition of the Town Board of the Town of Enfield, asking authority to borrow on the faith and credit of the torn, moneys to pay the town's share of the cost of con- struction of: County and Town Roads, under Section 320-A, of the Highway way Law. 11Ir. King offered the following resolution and moved its adop- tion: Resolved—That the petition of the Town Board of the Town of Enfield be granted and that the town be authorized to borrow, on the faith and credit of the town, the suit of $3,000.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to pay the town's share of the cost of improvement of County and Town Roads, pursuant to Section 320-A, of the 'Highway :Flaw, in accordance with a peti- tion of the Town Board of said town, this clay filed. 0:1!' TOb11:'TU S COUNTY, NEW YORK 41 Seconded by Mr. St. John. Carried. l•fr. Clarence D. Tarbell appeared before the Board relative to the typewriters in the County Clerk's office. :lir Leonard offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: • Resohrec1—That the matter or procuring; new typewriters or repairing the old ones in the. County Clerk's office, be referred to the Committee on County Clerk and Election :Expenses with pov.or, and be it further ResoLi ed—That there is hereby appropriated and made imme- diately available the sum of $237.50, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to pay for such •new typewriters or repairing the old ones and the Clerk is hereby directed to draw an order on. the County Treasurer for the payment of the same on the pres- entation of a duly verified claim for the same, countersigned by, the members of the committee, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay said order -out of any available funds in his hands. Seconded by- lir. Wright. Ayes -12. Noes -0. Carried. ?Jr: King offered the following resolution and moved its adop- tion: WHEREAS—The Mecklenburg ,Road, so-called, leading from im- proved highway No. 1.001 westerly to the Schuyler County line, a distance of about three guiles, is a very important and greatly traveled 'highway and it is the sense -of this Board Haat the same should be constructed at as early a date as possible,.anc€ WHEREAS—Said highway is ;the next highway in order for construction in this coiunty, therefore be it Resolver—That the State Highway Department be requested to commence the construction of said highway during 'fhe year • 1921., or as soon thereafter a.s possible, and be it further Resolved- 'That the Clerk of the Board is hereby- instructed to forward a certified copy of this resolution 'to the State highway Department forthwith. Seconded by lir. Begent. Carried. 42 PROCEEDINGS Off` TILE: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Mr. St. John offered the following. resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That the jail Supplies Committee be authorized to, purchase and install a proper cook stove for .the jail kitchen and proper laundry facilities. Seconded by Mr: Begent. Carried. Mr. St. John offered, the folowing resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That there he appropriated and made immediately available, the sum of $250.00, or so much thereof as may be neces- sary, for the purchase and installation of a power pulley on •the county tractor, said purchase and installation to be made by the committee having the county trucks in charge, and be it further Resolved—That the Clerk of the Board be directed to draw an order on the County Treasurer for the necessary amount on the order of the Committee having the matter in. charge, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay said order or orders out of any higlhway funds available for that purpose. Seconded by Mr. Hill. . Ayes -12. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Buck offered the following resolution and moved its adop- tion: Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the fol- lowing sums of money, or so much thereof as may be necessary,, from the county highway funds, to the following towns: Enfield $ 366.58 for 0.07 miles of road, Groton 9,305.19 for 0.44 miles of road, Ulysses 680.78 for 0.13 miles, of road, the same being for construction of additional mileage for the year 1921 of County and Town Roads in each of said towns under Section 320-A, of the Highway Law, said mileage being in addi- tion to that allotted to said towns by a resolution of this Board adopted April 2, 1921, the said additional mileage to be governed by •the same regulations as the original allotment and payments made thereon in the same manner. . Seconded by Mr. St. John. Ayes -12. Noes -0. ' Carried. OF TO PKIN S COUNTY, NEW YORK 431 • The highway Officials Committee, having heretofore formulated. certain rules for the construction of County and Town Roads,. and having since added certain other rules and wishing the ap-• proval of the Board thereof'., on motion of lir. Back, Chairman of the Highway Officials Committee, the rules adopted by the com-• mittee were •approve( and adopted as the rules of the Board. Mr. Townsend offered the following resolution and moved adoption: Resolved—That claim No. F67, of Seth B. Runisey, amounting. to $75.00, presented May 9, 1921, be audited at the full amount and that the Clerk of the Board be directed to draw an order on the County Treasurer for the payment of the same. Seconded by 71r. Hill. Carried. The Clerk read •the following.claiuis, as recommended for audit by the several Committees to which they were referred: F114. Correll Co -Op. Society, Repair. Typewriter, Co. Treas. $ 3.00' F1.1.5. hand Stamp Shop, 'Rubber Stamp, Co. Treas. 2.00 F1.1.6. E. M. Perkins, Burial, Fanny Reynolds, Pensioner. 75.00• 11.1.7. 'Williams & Howlett, :Headstone, Thos. English, Pensioner 25.00• F118. Minor McDauiels, M. D., Ex. in Lunacy 1.0.00 F119. Hall &-McChesnney, record 13ooks, Co. Clerk 1.2.50 F120. The Atkinson Press, :Blanks, Surrogate 24.50 F121. The Atkinson Press, Blanks, Surrogate 23.50' F122. The Atkinson Press, Blanks, Co. Clerk 12.75• F123. )Underwood Typewriter Co., Rep. )Machine, Surro- gate .60' F124.Davis-Brown Elec. Co., Supplies, Surrogate 31..50 F125. E. A. Rogers, Repairs, Co. Jail 193.80 F126. Norton Printing Co., Printing, Slieriff'. ' 8.00• F127. J. H.- Bailey Garage Co., Auto Hire, Sheriff`48.00• F1.28. J. H. Bailey Garage Co., Auto Ilire, Dist. Atty1.00' F1.29. J. H. Bailey Garage Co., Auto Hire; Sheriff 164.05 F130. Davis -Brown Elec. Co., Elec. Repairs, Co. Jail9.14 F131. F. M. llagin, Fumigating Jail 14.00' 11.132. P. M. Donohue, Plumbing Repairs, Co. Jail 1.2.36 F113. Court Bellis,. Co. Scaler, :Expenses to Convention 56.00• F134. P. M. Donohue, Plumbing Repairs, Court House 1.20. F1.35. L. D. Neill, Supplies, Supervisors 1.50' F1.36. Davis -Brown Elec. Co., Elec. Repairs, Court House 5.55 F1.37. Norton.Printing Co., T3a1. on 1920 Proceedings43.00. F13S. H. J. Grant, Insurance, Court House 20.00 F139. D. N. VanHosen, Insurance, Court House15.00' 41 PROCEEDINGS OP THE BOARD OF SIJ•PEHVISORS P1.40. C. A. lees, Insurance, Court :House 30.00 P141. W. C. Gallagher, Supervisor,.Slrecial Sessions 29,76 F142. W. C. Gallagher, Supervisor, Quarterly Sessions 7.44 F143. W. 0. Gallagher, Supervisor, Committee Work19.50 F144. W. C. Gallagher, Supervisor, Committee Work17.00 F145. W. C. Gallagher, Supervisor, Committee Work66.00 F.146. II. A. Carey, Insurance, Court House 60.00 F147. Ithaca Realty Go., Insurance, Court house 30.00 1'145. Fay- Skilling, Expenses, Sheriff 70.66 . F149. i-Loward Casterline, Assd. to Fay Skilling, Gare Claude Coleman, Criminal 5.00 1'150. P. W. Wood & Son, .Insurance, Co. Jail. 60.00 F151. The Corner Bookstores, Stationery, Co. Judge33.25 P152. Chas. 11. Shaw, Assd. First National Bank, Steam Repairs, County home 242.55 P153. F. C. Evans, Expenses, .Supt. or Highways 415.14 F154. Reynolds '& 'Drake Garage -Co., Repairs, Motor Trucks 207.27 F1.55. Reynolds & Drake Garage Go., Repairs, Motor Trucks . 72.65 P156. Reynolds & Drake Go rage Co., Repairs, 11.otor Trucks 160.59 F157. P. C. Evans, ''Expenses, Supt. Highways 6.83 P158. P. W. Wood & Son, :Insurance, Motor Trucks210.02 1_'1.59. Ithaca Realty Co., Insurance., l[otor Trucks 183.60 Total. $2,740.51 Mr. Patterson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption Resolved -That the foregoing bills, amounting to $2,740.51, be audited at the full amounts, as recommended by the several Committees, -and that the County- Treasurer he directed to pay the sante out of any unappropriated funds in his hands, and that these claims be certified to the County 'Treasurer by the Clerk of the Board, for and on behalf of the Board, and be it further Resolved -'.:.'hat claim \o. 11'128 for the sum of $1.00 be charged to the :Town of Ithaca, said amount being properly chargeable to that town; that of claim_ No. 'F129, the sum of $1.10 thereof be charged to the City or. Ithaca, the sura of $6.40 thereof be charged to the '.:.'own of Ithaca and that the sum of $9.80 thereof be charged to the Town of Lansing, said sums being properly charge- able to said city- and towns respectively-; that ,of claim No. P1.48, the sum of $31.45 thereof be charged to the City- of: Ithaca, said amountbeing properly chargeable to said city, and that the foregoing amounts, so charged to the City of :Ithaca, -the Town 01"r0 CO UN TY, ) E•W 1011K 45 of Ithaca and the Town of Lansing he placed -in the budgets of. the City of 1:thaca..+rid the Towns of Ithaca and Lansing, to be collected at the next levy, to reimburse the county. Seconded by iblr. a3egent. Ayes -12. Noes—O. Carried. 'I'lierc being no further business to come before the Board, on motion adjourned. -46 PROCEEDINGS OE T1 -Lb BOARD OF SUPERVISORS =To Fred L. Clock,. Clerk of the :Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County, N. Y.: We, the undersigned members of the Board of Supervisors of 'Tompkins County, N. Y., hereby request you to call a special meeting of said Board to be held at the Supervisors' Rooms in the City of Ithaca, on Wednesday, October 12, 1921, at 8 o'clock a. in., to take action onhighway matters and to transact any .other business that may properly come before said meeting. .Dated, October 7, 1921. H. S. -WRIGHT, L. E. PATTEUSON, J. M. 'I1OWNSEND, -WILI3ER G. FISH, E. MORGAN ST. JOHN, Zlrli. H. LEONARD, ROY C. ALBR.IGHT, W. 0. SMILEY, C. R. LOUNSl3URY, OLEN A. KING. Special Meeting Wednesday, Ocober 12, 1921 Roll call. All members' present. The Clerk read the call for the special meeting. The CIerk read a communication from the State Highway :De- -partment, relative to the acceptance of the Groton -Cortland High- way No. 1433, which was filed. The Clerk read an invitation from Ithaca Post 221, American Legion, to the members of the Board to participate in the Armis- tice Day Celebration, to be held November 11, 1.921, which, on motion of Mr. St. John, was accepted and the Clerk instructed to notify- the members of the Post of its acceptance, with the thanks of the Board. Mr, Albright offered the following resolution and moved its .adoption: Resolved—That the County Treasurer be directed to .pay to OF TOMPKINS COTJNTY, NEW YORK 47 the Treasurers of the Far❑>, and Home Bureau Associations, on the presentation of their requisitions, the sums of money here- tofore appropriated to said associations, which were to be payable on November 15, 1921. Seconded by Mr. St. John. Carried. Mir. St. John offered 1;he following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $221.54, to reimburse, the :State Ilighway. Department for ex- penses incurred on the third allotment of motor trucks to this county, and be it .further Resolved—That the Clerk of the .Board be directed to draw an order, payable to the State Commission of: Highways for said amount, and 'that the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay the same out of any unappropriated funds in his 'hands. Seconded by Mir. Patterson. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. Mr.' St. John offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved --That there- be a.nd hereby is appropriated to the Town of Enfield the sum 'of: $357.43, to complete the road leading from A.iken's Corners north to the Ulysses town lint. Said money to be paid and expended under the same rules and con- ditions as other a.ppropriations to the towns of the county under the County System of Roads. Seconded by Mr. Leonard. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. -Wright offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved --That the Committee on Charities be authorized to enter into a contract with the Ovid. Electric Cornpa.ny, to connect the said company's lines with the,lighting system at the county home and to supply electricity for lighting purposes .therefor, and be it 'further Resolved—That said Committee be authorized to expend the 48 PROCEEDINGS OI TILE BOARD OF SGPEEtVISORS sum of $900.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to pay the costs to the county of anaking such connection. Seconded by Mr. Leonard. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Robinson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—Tho t the Coo iiittec on County Officers and Compen- sations be authorized, either to repair the present or, if neces- sary, to place a new roof on the county courthouse, such as would be appropriate to its present condition. Seconded by Mr. St. 'John. Carried. There being no further business to come before the meeting, the Board resolved itself as a. Committee of the 'Whole to inspect the county highways constructed under the County and Town System of Roads. O.I:' TOMiNUNS COUNTS', NKW YORK 49 To !Fred L. Clock, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County, N. Y.: We, the 'undersigned members of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, hereby request you to tall a special meeting of said Board to be' held a.1: the Supervisors' Rooms on Thursday, October 27, 1921, at ,1.1 o'clock a. in., to take action on highway natters and to transact any other business that may properly come before said meeting. Dated, October 22, 1921. M. TO\VNS:l ND, 1'. A. BEG ENT, W. 0. SMILEY, L.E..l'ATT.ERSON, E. MORGAN S'1'.:1OI1N, W ll[. H. LEONARD, WILBER 0. VI:SII, OLEN A. KING, C. M. BUCK, CHAS. R. LOUNS13LRY, I7. S. I11.L 1'L. Special Session Thursday, October 27, 1921 Roll Gall. tall members present. �l`he'Clerk read the call .for the slrecial session. The Clerk read a communication from the Superintendent of: the Susquehanna Valley 1[oiuc, relative to the time of payment for maintenance Of inmates in that, institution. ll:ov'ed by "111.r. Robinson, .that claims of the Susquehanna Palley Home :for the maintenance of inmates .froiu this county, l)a audited quarterly hereafter, beginning 4<1iruary 1., :1927 Secom:lcd by 11r. St. john. Carried. NIT. King offered the following resolution and moved its adop- tion: Resolved—That there be .and hereby is appropriated to the Town of Enfield the snip of. $1,:309.1.7 for sub -base and filler of 50 PH.OG'EEI1 NGS 01' THE B0\ RJ) 0.U' SUPERVISORS one -halt' mile of highway in said town leading ,from Smith's Corners easterly toward Lanning's (Coven's) Corners, said sum being for additional construction for the year 1921 of County and Town roads in said town, under Section 320-A. of the Highway Law, said additional mileage to be governed by the same regu- lations as the original allotment and payments arcade thereon in the same manner. Seconded by Mr. Begent. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. dill offered the following, resolution and moved its adop- tion: Resolved—That there be a.ncl hereby is 'appropriated the sign of $70.00, for payment of lands taken from Erdley Lewis of the Town of Dryden, for a rig -lit of way for the 11)ryden-Ilarford Road, and•be it further Resolved—That the Clerk be directed to draw an order for said amount, payable to Erdley Lewis, upon the execution and delivery to him of a sufficient deed of conveyance therefor, and the County Treasurer is Hereby directed to pay said amount out of anY available funds in his hands. Seconded by Mr. Robinson. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. PJr. St. John offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum of $17.75, to i eimburse the State Highway Department for expenses incurred on the Holt tractor allotted to this county, and be it further Resolved--Tlnit filo Clerk be directed to draw an order payable to the State Commission of Highways for said amount, and that the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay the sante out of any available funds in his 'hands. Seconded by Mr. 'hill. Ayes -13. Noes --0. Carried. The Clerk read the petition of the Town Boa.rd of the Town of Dryden, asking authority to borrow on the faith and credit OF TOM'PKI\S COUNTY, NEW YOIt1i 51 of the town,. moneys to pay the 'town's share of the cost of construction' of County and Town 'roads under Section 320-A of the Highway Law. • Mr. Rill offered the following resolution and moved its adop- tion: Resolved -That the petition of the 'Town Board of the Town of :Dryden be granted and that the town be authorized to borrow, on the faith and credit •of the town, the sunt of. $5,000.00, or so much thereof as may he necessary, to pay the town's share of the cost of improvement of County and Town Roads, pursuant to Section 320-A of Clic Highway Law, in accordance with a petition of the Town Board of said town, this day filed. Seconded by Mr. Buck. Carried. The Clerk read reports of the inspections of the boilers in the several county institutions which, on motion, were filed. On motion of IGlr. Robinson, an inspection of the highways of the county, built under the County and Town System off Itoa.ds, with - the view of determining, 'maintenance therefor, was referred to the Committee on Highways, with power. ll'Ir. Patterson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: WHEREAS—The Committee on highways, having charge, under the rules of this Board, of securing rights of way for highways to be constructed in the county, is unable to acquire certain lands by purchase, for the construction of Ithaca City -Rector Street County Highway No. ...., therefore be it Resolved—That E. Morgan St. John, present Chairman .of the Committee on highways, be empowered and instructed to sign and verify, in the name of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, a petition to acquire the lands of and the appointment o.l' 0pl:rra.isors for assessing the damages therefor, of: the estate of .1. B. Williams, A. P. Hopper, R. Gilkey or Gilkey, as the case ittay'be, C. P. Jenks or Jenks, as the ease maty be, and Grant Cole, for the construction of said Ithaca City - Hector Street County Highway No. ...., and said E. l•l.organ St. John is 'Hereby granted fall power and authority to perforin any and all acts for the acquiring said lands and sign all papers in connection with any proceedings connected therewith, with the same.I'urce and effect as if done by this Banr•d of Supervisors. • Seconded by Mr. King. Carried. There being no further business to conte before the Board, on motion a.djornrned. 52 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OE' SUP ERV [SCRS ' Quarterly Session Monday, November 14, 1921 Roll call. Ali members present. -Minutes of the meetings of August 8, and October 12 and' 27, read and approved. The Clerk read certain claims Avhieli, 011 motion of Mr. Leon- ard, were received and referred to the proper committees. Mr. Robinson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the stun of $$)2.16, to reimburse the /State Highway- Department .for ex- penses incurred in connection with the Nash truck, motor No. 68620, allotted to this county, and be it farther Resolved—That the Clerk be •directed to draw an order, pay- able to the Stale Commission of Ilighways for said amount, and that the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay the sante out of any available funds in his hands. Seconded by 'Air. Patterson. Ayes -11.. Noes -0. Carried. moved by 'Mr. Robinson, that the Clerk be directed to enter into a contract with the Board of Supervisors of Mourne County, for the maintenance of prisoners from this county confided in the Monroe County Penitentiary for the ensuing year. Seconded by .Mr. hill. Carried. The Clerk read eomtnunications from the Susquehanna Valley Moate which, on motion, were received and the Clerk instructed to obtain further information regarding the sauce. Robert A. Hutchinson, County Probation Officer, appeared be- fore the Board, relative to attending the State Convention or Probation Officers. [loved by 'Arr. Robinson, that the expenses of the County Pro-. bation Officer to the Slate Convention at New York City, be paid by the county, said expense account to be audited by this Board_ OF 'rO_M1.l<[NS COUNTY, NEW lORK Seconded by Air.Patterson. Carried. The Clerk read the following claims as recommended for audit by the several Committees, to which they had been referred 53 • F1.60. Fred C. :Evans, Expenses, Supt. of TIighways$ 488.79 F162. Fay Skilling, Expenses, Sheriff 152.53 F163. 'W. L..Jcnks•& Son, Repairing Roof., Courthouse82.45 F164. F. M. Woolley, Fumigating Jail 10.00 F166. J. C. Crim, .i\1oals, Jurors, Supreme Court; Civil24.50 F1.07. Barr Bros. E Lvetruugh 011 CouiLitouso 15.43 F168. Robert .L Post, Furniture, County Treasurer 95.00 F169. Burroughs Adding Machine Co., Repair s to Ma- chine, Supervisors 5.85 F:170. Town of Caroline, County Line Bridges, County's one-third 205.94 F17.1. forest City Plumbing Co., Plumbing, County Clerk's Building 0.85 Total $1087.34 '1r. King offered the following resolution and moved its adop- tion : Resolved—That the foregoing bills, amounting to $1.,087.34, be audited at the full amounts as recommended by the several committees and that the County Treasurer he directed to pay the sante out of -any unappropriated funds in his hands, and that these claims be certified to the County Treasurer by the Clerk of the .Board, for and on bch:ili of the Board, and be it further Resolved --That of claire. No. F102 the stun of *1.97 thereof be charged to the Town of Dryden, the sunt of $12.92 thereof be charged to the Town of Lansing and .that the sum of $46.77 thereof be charged to the City of :Ithaca, said sums being charge- able to said towns and city respectively, and that said struts so charged to the Town of Dryden, the Town or Lansing and the City of Ithaca be placed in lite budgets of the Towns of Dryden and Lansing and the City of Ithaca, to be collected at the next ensuing, tax levy, to reimburse the county. Seconded by Mr. :Robinson. Ayes -1.3. Noes -0. Carried. There being no further business to conte before the Board, on motion adjourned. 54 P1tOCEEDLIGS OP THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Annual. Session First Day Thursday, November 17, 1921 - The Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, N. Y., met in annual session in the Supervisors' Dooms, at the Courthouse in the City of Ithaca, N. Y., on Thursday, November. 17, 1921, at•11 o'clock a. ni., and was called to order by Fred L. Clock, Clerk of the previous year. The several members responded to their names, with post office addresses, as follows: Caroline—Chas. R. Lounsbery, Brookton, N. Y., R. D. Danby—Wm. 0. Smiley, Ithaca, N. Y., R. D. No. S. Dryden—Ed S. Hill, Freeville, N. Y. Enfield—Olen A. King, Ithaca, N. Y., R. D. No. 5. Groton—Frank A. Begent, Groton, N. Y. Ithaca, Town—TIenry S. Wright, Ithaca, N. Y. Ithaca, City— First Ward—Win. II. Leonard, 307 N. Meadow St., Ithaca, N. Y. Second Ward—L. E. Patterson, 115 E. State St, Ithaca, N. Y. Third !Ward E. Morgan St. John, Savings Bank Bldg., Ithaca, N. Y. Fourth Ward Jas. R.. Robinson, Library Bldg., Ithaca, N. Y. Fifth Ward—Wilber G. Fish, 504 N..Aurora St., Ithaca, N. Y. Lansing—Clarence M. Buck, Ludlowville, N. Y., R. D. No. 10. Newfield—Roy C. Albright, Newfield, N. Y. Ulysses•—John M. Townsend, Trrtmanshnrg, N. Y. OF TOIL'PR1 S COUNTY, NEW YORK 55 On motion of Tii. Robinson, i\ir. Buck was elected Ternpora.ry Chairman. On. motion, the Board proceeded by informal ballot, to the elec- tion of a Permanent Chairman for the ensuing year. The Chairman_ appointed Messrs. 1.1111 and Townsend as tellers. The informal ballot resulted as follows: Whole number of votes cast were 1.4, of which Mr. St. John received 13. Mr. Buck received. 1.. On motion of \tr. Robinson, the informal ballot was declared formal, and the Clerk was directed to cast ono ballot for ?Jr. St. John as Permanent Chairman. The Clerk cast one ballot for ?lr. St. John, and the Chair de- clared Mr. St. John elected Permanent Chairman for the ensuing year, and Mr. St. John took the chair. On motion of Mr. Robinson, the Board proceeded by informal ballot in the election of a Clerk for the ensuing year. The Chair•rnan appointed Messrs. Albright and Smiley as tellers. The informal ballot resulted as follows: Whole number of votes east were 14, of which Fred .. Clock received 1.1.. Charlotte V. Bush received 2. Blank received 1. On motion of Mr. Wright, the inforrn.al ballot vas• declared formal, and the tellers were directed •to cast one ballot for Arr. Clock, as Clerk of the Board. The tellers cast 'one ballot for Mr. Clock, as Clerk, and the Chairman declared Mr. Clock duly elected Clerk of the Board for the ensuing year. On motion of Mr. Patterson, the Clerk was authorized to pur- chase the necessary supplies for the Board. ;iG PROCEEDLNGS OE TILE BOARD OF SIUPERVISORS Moved by Mr. Fisl►, that when t -he Board adjourns it be to Monday, November 21, at 11 a. in. Air. Robinson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: WHEREAS—Tompkins County chLring the World \Var responded to the emergency bysending over Two Thousand of her young Hien, to uphold the ideals of Liberty and Freedom, America's most cherished principles, and WHEREAS—Forty-one of our boys gave their lives that these principles might live, and WHEREAS -[t is justly fitting and due that a suitable memorial be erected for their great sacrifice and to commemorate their memory unto future generations, now therefore be it Resolved—That the Chairman of this Boardappoint a com- mittee of three members to prepare suitable plans for the erection of a memorial, to secure estimates, location and all other essential information in regard thereto, and report its findings to this Board. That said committee' have authority to form an advisory committee from the citizens of the county for the purpose of securing the ideas and wishes of the citizens at large, and such other information as may be necessary for the accomplishment of this worthy plan. Seconded by lir. Fish. Ayes—:Messrs. Lounsbery, Smiley, Hill, King, Begent, Wright, Leonard, Patterson, Robinson, Fish, Buck, Albright, Townsend i_nsend and St. John -14. Noes—O. Carried. The Chairman appointed Messrs. Robinson, Fish and Begent as the members of the committee. On motion, adjourned. OF TOJI PIi INS COUNTY', NEW YORK 57 Second Day Monday, November 21, 1921 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. The Chairman announced the appointment of the following Standing and Special Committees .For the year 1921.-1922: Rules and Legislation '.l'lie Chairman, Messrs. Robinson 411i41 Bing Forms, Footing Assessment Rolls, Equalization, Ratio and Apportionment Messrs. 'Albright, 1 afters ai, ]Lill, Smiley, Bing, Townsend and Begent Town and County Accounts Messrs. Leonard, I3uck, Lrnrnsbery Town Expenses, Etc. lllcssrs. 13nck Fish, Begent Returned Highway and School Taxes 1t:essr's. Ilicge:u.t, Leonard, Lounshery County Officers and Compensation ll:essrs. Robinson, Smiley, Townsend County Treasurer's Accounts -Messrs. Townsend, Hill, Wright Coroner, Justices, Etc, 11'Iessrs. Lonnshery, Back, Fish Correction and Reformation Messrs. Hill, Bing, h,eonard County Clerk and Election Expenses ;Messrs.A"right, Smiley, Albright Charities Messrs. Smiley-, Robinson, Patterson 58 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Soldiers' Relief, Etc. Messrs. Fish, Loutisl.icry, Buck Highways -Messrs. Patterson, Smiley, Fish, Begent. King Finance ressrs. Robinson, Hill, Townsend Contract Supplies -Messrs. Patterson, Wright, Leonard • Jail Supplies -Messrs. Albright, ,Patterson; Begcnt Auditing Accounts of the Tuberculosis Hospital Messrs. Townsend; Albright. Wright Highway Officials Messrs. King, Patterson, Hill To Sell Land Acquired by County at Tax Sales Mr. Smiley -iovec1 by -Mr. Robinson. that. the eoiumittee appoititinents as announced by the Chairman, be approved by the Board. Seconded by l[r. Hill. Carried. The CIerk read the .following communication from the State Comptroller, relative to the amounts to be raised by the county for general state tax, armory fax and stenographers' tax, for the fiscal year Dear Sir: . Comptroller's Office, Albany, October 5, 1921. The Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins is hereby required to raise by taxation for the fiscal year beginning July 1., 1921, the suns of $61,06726 for the following purposes: Direct State Tax on an equalized valuation of $34,360,250. For General purposes, mill rate .0043 $ 147.75 For ,Support of Common Schools, Teachers, etc, mill rate 1.5 51,540.38 $51,688.13 OF TO_l1P.KI.\S COUNTY, NEW YORK 59 For Armory: Purposes 6,108.72 For Court and Stenographers expenseson an as- sessed valuation of $25,572,395 3,270.41 Total $61,067.26 The direct State tax is levied pursuant to Chapter 396, Laws of 1921. Armory purpose tax is levied pursuant to the Military Law as amended; Court and Stenographers expenses pursuant to the Judiciary Law as amended, Chapters 176 and 658, Laws of 1.921, and Article 6, Section 12, of the State Constitution. Respectfully yours, JAi\1.ES A. W.END1 LL, Comptroller. By E. P. Kearney, Deputy Comptroller. :Referred to the Conirnittee on Finance. The Clerk read a comnnurication from the Comptroller, show- ing the amounts to be raised by the county and several ;towns therein, for sinking :fund sand interest on bonds issued 'for the construction of highways, as follows: County Town Road ':'own Sinking Int. Sinking Int. Total Fund Fund 606 Ithaca $163.20 $ 32640 $ 57.60 $ $ 662.40 616 'Ulysses 706.20 1,41 2.40 216.85 433.69 Ithaca 75.77 • 151.54 2,996.45 681 Dryden 396.96 793.92 81.03 162.08 Ithaca 42.85 85.72 11,562.56 682 Dryden 305.03 61.0.05 89.71. 179.42 1,1.84.21 683 Dryden 315.16 630.34 92.69 1.85.40 1.,223.59 $7,629.21 Referred to the Committee on Finance. The Clerk read a communication .from the State Commission of Highways, showing the number of miles of state and county - highways in the several towns of the county and the amount Iviriclr each town is required to pay- for the maintenance thereof during the year 1922, as follows: 430 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Town_ Amount to No. of Miles Be Raised Caroline 1.1..26 $ 550.00 Danby ' 9.95 500.00 Dryden 21..35 1.,050.00 Enfield 9.1.1. 450.00 Groton 9.6S 500.00 Ithaca 22,76 1,150.00 Lansing 7.55 400.00 .Newfield 13.02 650.00 Ulysses 8.87 450.00 113.55 $5,700.00 Referred to the Committee on Town and County Accounts. The Clerk read a communication from the State Commission of Highways, relative to the completion of the Dryden -Raiford Road No. 50.1.6, which was filed. The Clerk read the findings of the September (band .lu►ry of the Supreme Court, which were received and referred to the 'Committee on Correction and Reformat -ion. The Clerk read a report of an inspection of the county home, whieh was received and referred ,to the Committee on Charities. Mr. Fish offered the following resolution and moved its adop- tion: Resolved—That the hours for the sessions of this Board be from 10 a. in. to 12 in. and from 1 :30 p. uu. to 5 p. m., for all days the Board is in session, except Mondays, upon which day the hour for the opening• will be 10:30 a. Seconded by lir. Patterson. Carried. lir. Fish offered the following resolution and moved its adop- tion: WHEREAS—On the 9th day of December, 1912, the County of "Tompkins acquired by tax deed property in the 'Town of Ithaca, known as Lot No. 224 of the Itlhaca Land Co., and so designated on maps on file in the 'Tompkins County Clerk's Office, said lot -having been sold by the County Treasurer for the. unpaid taxes of 1911, under an assessment, to one Ed. Wainwright, and at an expense to the county of $18.13, and 0.11' VO.:1-11:0< INS COUNTY', NEW YORK li[. WHEREAS—The said property being thereafter continuously and erroneously assessed to the said Ed. Wainwright and no tax, having- been paid thereon, it was again sold for the unpaid taxes and again deeded to the county on October 24th, 1919, at a. fur- ther expense to the county of $14.40, and. WHEREAS—By reason of said erroneous assessment the county has been put to the 1110iecessary expense of $1.4.411 and 'has lost the use of said sum for two years, therefore be it Resobved That the County Treasurer be, and he is hereby directed to charge against the 'Town of Ithaca the stun of $1.4.40 together with the further sura of $1.73, being 6% interest on $14.40 fur two ,Years, making the total slum of $.16.1.3 to be so charged, the swim to be included in the .next annual. budget of the said town and levied upon and colleeted from its taxable property, and paid to the County 'Treasurer to reimburse the. county. Seconded by Air. Albright. Carried. Mr. liobinson offered -the following resolution and proved its. 1(1option : Resobved—That the reports of all officers incl hoards required to he filer. with this Board, shall be in the hands of the Clerk not. later than Monday, November 28. and he it further Resobved That, the Clerk be instructed to notify all such officers a114.1 boards of tins action. Seconded by ii ir. Buck.. Carried. The Clerk read eta iins Nos. 1 to 74 inclusive, which were re- ceived and referred to the proper committees. AFTERNOON SESSION Il.oll call. All members present. Mr. )Wright presented the reports of .Elmer Allen, %\rnr. 1. Smith and .)aures A. 1a1151r, Justices of the Peace of the Town or 7thacar, which were received incl referred to the Committee on_ • Coroner and Justices' Accounts. 69 k'ROCEEDINGS UI' TILE HOARD OI!- SUPERVISORS Moved by •Mr. Fish, that the Chairman of the Board be a ber of the .IIighways Official Committee ex -officio. Seconded by Mr. Patterson. Carried. The Clerk read the report of the County. Treasurer, relative to the moneys in his hands in the Dog Fund and ready for dis- tribution, which was received and referred to the Committee on Town and County Accounts. mem- Mr. Court Bellis appeared before the l3oarcl and rendered his annual report as County Sealer of Weights and Measures, which was received and ailed. )loved by 11r. Albright, that the several Supervisors present; the assessment rolls of their towns to the Board,. on or before De- cember i, 1921. Seconded by \Ir. Buck. Carried. The Clerk read the annual report of . the Superintendents of the :four, tvhicii was received and referred to the Committee on Charities. On motion, adjourned. Third Day Tuesday, November 22, 1921. Boll call. A.I1 members present. 1linmtes of preceding day read and approved. The Clerk read certain claims, which fcrred 1:o the proper Committees. The Clerk read a communication from ment, which was received ,and referred Equalization, etc. were received and re - the ;State Tax Depart - to the CoIII :nit.tee on County Clerk Clarence 1). Ta.r•be11 appeared before the Board and rendered his annual report of the receipts and disbursements of his office, which was received and referred to the Committee on Comity Clerk and :Election Expenses. OF TO LF'.KI S COli\T1, 1FAV 7-OBK 63 Vfr. Tarbell presented 'his report, as County Clerk, on the" :Mortgage Tax, which WAS received and referred to the Com- mittee on County Treasurer's Accounts. On motion, adjourned to Monday, November 2S, • 1921, at 3.0:30 a. in. Fourth Day • Monday, November 28, 1921 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present. i\[inntes of preceding day rea d and approved. The Clerk read a communication from the, State 11ig] Nvay Corn - mission, relative to an additional motor truck .I'or the County, which was referred to the Committee on Highways. The Clerk read a communication from the State Public Service Commission, relative to a hearing on telephone charges, which was filed. Mr, Robert A.. :Hutchinson appeared before the Board and rendered his annual report as County Probation Officer, which was received and referred to the Committee on Correction and Re formation. The Clerk read the report, of the County Treasurer, relative to the allotment to the several towns and city of the franchise tax, income tax and motor vehicle moneys, which was received and referred to the Committee nn County Treasurer's Accounts. The Clerk read the report of the Surrogate's Clerk, relative to the receipts and disbinrsements of the Surrogate's office, which was received and referred to the. Committee on County Clerk and Election :Expenses. The Chairman, being obliged to absent .lrinrscl1 at. this .time, illr. Albright was called to the chair. The Clerk read the report of the Jail Matron, which was re- ceived and referrer[ to the Committee on Correction and Refor- mation-. 64 l'kOCEIi)Lra:\CS O1,' 1111.] 'BOARD OF SUPERVISORS' The Clerk read the annual report of t.lto Sherif, which was received and referred to the Committee on Correction and Refor- mation, The Clerk read the annual report of the County Superintendent of highways, which was received and .referred to the Committee on highways. The Clerk read the annual report of the County '.Treasurer, which was received and referred to the Committee on Count' Treasurer's Accounts: The Clerk read rhe annual report of the District Attorney, which was received and referred to the Committee on Correction and Reformation. Dr. Keith Sears appeared before the Board and rendered the annual report of the Board of Managers 'of the Tuberculosis I:Iospital, which was received and referred to the Coin tiliti (10 on Cha t•ities. The Clerk read the report of the Tompkins Count' Farm Bureau_ Association and the Tompkins Comity 1 -Tome Bureau Association, which vas received and referred to the Committee on Soldiers' Relief, etc. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present. I)r. \Vrn. A, Smith appeared before the Board and rendered his annual report as Coroner, which was received and referred 1:o the Committee on Coroner, Justices, etc.; Accounts. The Clerk read the report of the Child Welfare Board, which was received raid referred to the Committee on Soldiers' Re- lief, etc. Reports of Leslie :I. Crispell, l.'erl M. Legg, P. Alfred Munch and Gardner IK. Doughty of Caroline; Geo.E.-Underwood, J. D. Ross, Pau] Ewers and Chas. K.:Reynolds of::Dr•yden; T. I7. EIof, Edgar F. 'I'allnradge and Geo. B. Sickmon of Groton; A. J. Conlon of Lansing; Henry -Williams, .Ioel Horton, Fred N. Smith and C. Owen Carmen of U]ysses, lusticcs of the Peace of those anti -ns, were received and referred to the Committee on Coroner, Jus- tices, etc., Accounts. On motion, adjourned. ENS OOIJNTY, Y1 \V YORK 65 Fifth Day Tuesday, November 29, 1921 MORNING SESSION Tin11 call. l members present. Minutes of preceding day •real) and approved. The Clerk read claims Nos. 77 to 93 inclusive, which were received and referred to the proper committees. lir. Albright presented a list of the grand jurors nn the Town of Newfield, which was received ainl referred to the Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes. Air. King presented a list irf the town audit., of the Town of .Enfield, whieh was received and referred to the Committee on Town :I?,:xpenses, etc. 11r% outiShery presented a list of the grand jurors of the Town of &t•otn, irliielr vVas received and referred to the Com- mittee on Returned .EIighway and School Taxes. ':11r..I egetrt presented a list, of the returned school 1:axes or the Town Id Groton, wbleb was received and referred to the Com- mittee on Returned :Elighway and School -Treses. 11Ir. Hill presented a list of the grand jurors of the ')'own of 1)ryrlen, ~v)belt was received and referred to the Committee on Returned -Highway and School Taxes. Lists of the returned •sehool taxes of the Towns nl' Enfield, ]:Lansing and Newfield were received and referred to the Com- mittee 4)11 Returned Highway turd School ')'axes. 11[r. St. John presented a list of'. the grand jurors of the'1']rird Ward of the City of Ithaca, which was received and referred to the Committee on Returned Highway and .School 'faxes. lLr. Albright presented a report, of the bonded indebtedness of the 'fawn of Newfield, was received and referred to the Committee on Town ]Expenses, et.e. [hits or the grand jurors or the Towns or Groton 0us Ithaca were received and referred to the Committee on Returned) High- way and School Taxes. 66 I'BOCI:EI:r1.\GS O]' THE I:.OAR•U OP SUPPER ISORS lIr. Albright presented a list of the incorporated companies of the Town of Newfield, which was received and filed. Mr. Wright presented a list of the special franchises of the Town of Ithaca., which was received and .referred to the Com- mittee ori Town Expenses, etc. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. A.11 members present. -Mr. Buck -presented a list of the incorporated companies in the Town of. Lansing, which was received and filed. [Mr. Wright presented a list of the town audits of the Town of Ithaca, which was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, etc. 1.iists of the incorporated companies of the Towns of Groton and Ithaca were received and filed. i\Ir. I1ill presented a list of the town audits of the Town of Dryden, which were received and referred to the Committee on 'town E' penses, etc. Lists of the grand jurors of the First and Second Wards of the City of ,Ithaca and the Town of Ua.nsing were received and referred to the Committee ori Returned I-.Iighway and School Tax es. 111r. Hill presented a list of the returned school taxes of the Town of Dryden, which was received and referred to the Com- mittee on Returned highway and School Taxes. The Committee on Town and County Accounts rendered the following report on the report of the County Treasurer relative to moneys in his hands in the log Fund: Your Committee on Town and County Accounts, to which was referred the report of the County Treasurer, relative to the re- ceipts and disbursements of moneys constituting. the Dog Fund, respeetfnlly reports that it +leas examined the figures submitted by the County Treasurer and believe tlaeni to be correct. We find thjat there was contributed by the several towns and the City of Ithaca, to June 30, 1921., the following sinus: • O1,` TOMPEIL S COTJN:TY, NEW YORK G7 , Caroline $ 496.33 Danby 316.39 Dryden 831.80 Enfield 252.06 Groton 871.41 Ithaca 474.31 Lansing 753.74 Newfield 376.38 Ulysses 403.93 City of Ithaca 1,958.81 Total $6,785,16 We rind that there was disbursed for assessors' Pees, claims and expenses for seizure of dogs the snot of $3,262.20 and there was paid to .the state the slim of $67I..89, snaking a total of $4.933.99 disbursed and leaving a surplus in the hands of the County Treasurer of $2,801.17. As the law requires that 75% of this surplus, or the sn.m of $2,100.87, shall be apportioned by the Board of Supervisors among the several towns and city of the county, on the basis of and in proportion to the contributions made by- such touinaas and city, your connnittee would recommend the adoption of the following resolution: Resolved—That there be apportioned to the several towns of the county and the' City of Ithaca, the following sums: Caroline $ 154.82 Danby 98.6!) Dryden 259.46 Enfield 78.62 Groton 271.8:1. Ithaca 147.95 Lansing 235.11. Newfield Ulysses 126.00 City of Ithaca 61.1..01. Total $2,1.00.57 and be it further Resolved—That the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pray said amounts to the several towus of the county and the GS PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD or SUPERVISORS City of Ithaca, entitled thereto, out of the surplus moneys in his'hancls in -the Dog Fund on -June 30, 1921. Dated, November 28, 1921. "WM. 1T, LEONARD, C. \i. BUCK, CHAS. R. LO17NSI31+,13..1', Committee. :Afoved by Mx. Leonard, that the report of the committee be accepted alit the resolution adopted Seconded by ?Ir. Buck. Carried. Mr. Leonard rendered the following report of the Committee on '1 owli' a11(I County Accounts: Your Committee. on Town and Count- .Accounts, 'having exam- ined the figures submitted by tihe State Comptroller of the amounts necessary to he raised 'by the several towns of the county for maintenance of highways and for sinking fund and interest on bonds issued For "highway construction, and finding the sante correct, reports the .following amounts to be levied and collected from the various towns of the county for highway maintenance, and also the amounts to. he levied and collected for sinking fund and interest on bonds issued For construction of 'highways, due From "the County of Tompkins and the ,several towns therein: Road Town Interest County Interest Towns Maintenance Sinking on sante Sinking on salve Fund Fund Caroline $ 550.00 Danhy 500.00 Dryden 1,050.00 263.13 526.90 1,017.15 2,031.31 Enfield 450.00 Gr -,ton 500.00 Ithaca 1,150.00 339.42 678.86 Lansing 400.00 Newfield 650.00 Ulysses 450.00 216.85 433.60 706.20 1,412.40 $5,700.00 $480.28 $960.59 $2,062.77 $4,125.57 AVM. 11. LEONARD. 0. M. BUCK C1 -IAS. R. LOUNSRERY. Committee. OF TOIMPIt1\S COUNTY, NEW YORK. 6D i\[i. Leona rd offered the .fol Iotviug resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved --That the report of the Committee on Town and County- Accounts he accepted and that: the. amounts therein men- tioned be levied and collected front the various towns of the county for road maintenance, and also the amounts be levied and collected for sinking fund 011 interest on bonds issued for the construction of :highways, due from_ the County of Tompkins roil the severaltowns thereof, liable therefor. Seconded by 111r. Albright, rives -13. Noes—O. Carried, Mr. Lonnsbery presented a petition from the a8snssoi's of: the Town of Caroline, to place property .belonging to Arad :1..1.'iatt, Chas. :Bacon and Amanda Lounsbery, on the assessment roll of that town, they having been omitted therefrom through mistake. On motion of Mr. Lonnsher;v the petition was granted and the assessors of the town were directed to add to the assessment roll of the town the property described in the petition. Reports of the bonded indebtedness of the Towns of Ithaca and Ulysses were, received anal referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, etc. .Lists of grand jurors of the Fourth Ward of the City of Ithaca and the Town of Ulysses, Wert; received and referred to the Com- mittee on:Returned F[ighway and School Taxes. On !not1011, i►d]0nrned. Sixth Day Wednesday, November 30, 1921 MORNING SESSION • Roll call. All. members present. Minutes of preceding day read •and approved. The Clerk read the an 111101 report of the Conlin issioners,of Election and their apportionment of election expenses among the county, towns and City of Ithaca, Ivhich was received and 70 PROCEEDINGS OP THE BOARD O] SUPERVISORS referred to. the Committee on County Clerk and Election Ex- penses. The Clerk read the following report of the Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts, relative to the Mortgage Tax: Your Corumittee on County Treasurer's Accounts, to which was referred the report of the County Clerk, relative to the Mort- gage Tax, renders the following report: Mime Amt. Pd. Amt. Pd. Amount Amount of County Expenses County Due Due Town Clerk Treasurer Town, Etc. State Caroline $ 166.60 $ ' 4.80 $ 161.80 $ 80.90 $ 80.90 Danby 135.76 3.90 131.86 65.93 65.93 Dryden 365.23- 10.57 354.66 177.33 177.33 Enfield 151.50 4.35 147.1.2 73.56 73.56 Groton 731.97 21.15 710.82 355.41 . 355.41 Ithaca 1,110.72 32.1.2 1,078.60 539.30 539.30 1:,ansing .689.75 19.95 669.80 334.90 334.90 Newfield 193.00 5.58 1.87.42 03.71 93.71 Ulysses 427.57 12.36 415.21 207.60 207.61 Ithaca City 4,507.69 1.30.40 4;377.29 2,188.64 2,188.65 $5,479.79 $245.21 $5,234.58 $4,11.7.25 $4,117.30 Held by County Treasurer, not Apportioned: Danby & Caroline City & Ithaca.. City & Ithaca.. Expense Rate -.02893. $ 3.50 5.00 25.00 .. 33.50 $8,268.08 T. M. TOW NSEND, H. S. WRIGHT, E. S. 'HILL, Committee. 11r. Townsend offered the following- resolution a.nd moved its adoption : Resolved -That the report of the Committee on County Treas- urer's .A.ccounts, relative to the Mortgage T1'a.x, be accepted and OI 'F0.11PXIN S COUNTY, NEW YORK 71 adopted, and that the Board issue its warrant to the County Treasurer for the distribution of the amount in his hands to the several tax districts entitled thereto. Seconded by Mr. Robinson. Carried. The Clerk read the following report of the Committee on Cor- rection and Reformation, which was laid on the table two days under the rule: Four Committee on Correetinr► and Reformation reports that the several claims listed below are in all respects in proper form for audit and allowance by this Board, twat each of said claims in the opinion of your Committee' is a just and legal charge against the County of Tompkins, to the amount indicated in the column headed "Allowed," and your Committee therefore recommends that each of said claims be audited at the amount so indicated. No. of Acct. to Which Nature Claim Claimant Chargeable of Exp. Claimed Allowed F165. Robt. A. Hutcinson, Proba. Officer, Expenses $ 43.10 $ 43.10 58. J. H. Bailey Garage Co., Sheriff, Auto Hire 20]..80 201.80 59. J. H. Bailey Garage Co., Sheriff, Auto Hire 800.65 800.65 60. J. H. Bailey Garage Co., D. Atty., Auto (lire 80.50 80.50 $1,126.05. $1,126.05 Respectfully submitted this 201.11 day of November, 1.921.. E. S. II.CLL, OLIN A. KING, "Wll:. 1l. LEONARD. Committee. Moved by Mr. Iiill that the report be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr. Tying. By niaanirraous consent the report vas taken from the table. Mr. Hill offered the following resolution and moved its adop- tion : Resolved—That the report of the Committee on Correction and Reformation be accepted and that the bills therein listed, aggre- gating *1,126.05 be -audited and allowed at thc.fu.11 a.naounts, and that the Clerk be directed to draw orders at this time for the 72 P.ROGEE))t\GS OE' THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS payment or the saute and the County Treasurer be directed to pay'the sane forthwith out of any unappropriated funds in his hands, and be it further Resolved—That, or claim No. 59, the sum of $24.20 thereof be charged to the Town of Caroline, the sum of $22.50 thereof he eharged to the Town of Dryden. the sunt of $7.00 thereof he charged to the 'Towyn of :Infield, the stun of $15.55 thereof he charged to the 'Town of 'Ithaca, the sura of $:39.75 thereof he charged to the Town of Lansing, the snug of $45.9:: thereof he charged to the Town of Newfield and the sutra or $1.7.10 thereof be charged to the 'Town of Ulysses; and that or claim No. 60, the sum of $3.9 ► thereof he charged to the Town of Caroline, the stun of $600 thereof be charged to the Town of Ithaca, the suer of $12.S0 thereof be charged to the Town of [nursing, the snug of $17.00 thereof he charged to the Town of Newfield and the sutra or $4.25 thereof be charged to the Town of Ulysses, and that said amounts so charged be placed in the town budgets 0f those towns to be collected at the next ensiling tax levy, to reimburse the county. Seconded by Mr. . Robinson. Ares -11. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Albright presented a list of the Special Franchises of the Town of Newfield, which was received and referred to the Com- mittee on Town :Expenses, ete. Mr. Smiley presented a list of the incorporated companies of the Town of Danby., which was received and d filed. lir. Smiley presented a list of the Returned School Taxes of the Town of Dauhv, n•laic11 was reeeiVc1 and rel'et•red to the Com- mittee on Returned highway and School Taxes. \{r. Townsend presented a. list of the Town Arulits of the Town Ulysses, which was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, etc. Mr. Townsend presented the Town Budget of the Town of of Ulysses, whieh was received and referred to the Committee on Towja Expenses, etc. _lir. Smiley presented a list of the grand ;jurors of the 'Town of 1)anhy, n•.lria,h was received and referred to the Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes. . Mr. ,Smiley presented a list of the Towyn Audits of the Town UI1' )J11tl 1NS COUNT)', NEW YORK 7:3 of Danity, whiclt was received and referred 1u the Committee, on Town Expenses, etc. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll: call. A11 members present:. Mr. Smiley presented the Town Budget uI the, Town of Danby, Ivhich vas received and referred to the Committee on Toren Expenses, etc. Mr. Townsend presented a list of the Returned School 'Taxes of the Town, of Ulysses, «'liic11 was received and referred to the Committee on Returned 1-Iighway and School Taxer,. Mir. Smiley 'p7resented the reports of L. E. Cummings, Louis G. Thatcher and F. H. Slocum; Justices of the Peace of the 'Town of. Danby, which were received and referred. to the Committee ort Coroner, justices, etc., Accounts. Mr. Townsend presented a list of the Special Fra.nehises of the Town of Ulysses, which was received and referred to the Com- mittee on Town Expenses, ete. Statements of the State Bank of 7'rnmanshnrg and the First National Bartle of Truntanshurg, were received and referred to the Committee on County :T'reasurer's Accounts. 1'Ir. Townsend presented.0 report showing the tax rate for the Village of Trnnrtutshurg wns $27.00 per $1,000.0{) valuation and that the School Tax rate of District No. 1. or the Town of Ulysses wars `h-2.50 t)e3r $1,000.00 valuation. 11r. hnannshery presented a list of the Special Franchises of the Town of Caroline, which was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, ete. ler. 1.Iill presented a report showing the assessed valuation of Dryden Village was *4.52,065.00 at al the valuation of the Village of Freeville was $202,155.00 real and $250.00 personal. The Clerk read a communication from the City Assessor of the City of Ithaca, relative to the increase in the 11)21 assessment of the City of Ithaca, which was referred to the Committee on Equalization, ete. -Mr. Patterson offered the following resolution and proved its adoption: 71 P OGEE Ui\ GS OF Tl1E BOARD OA!' SUPERVISORS Re$o1ved—That the county avail itself of the offer of the State Commission of highways and accept the three -ton Liberty truck allotted to it, and that the Committee on .L-fighways be authorized to take the uceessary steps to procure the same. Seconded by Mr. Smiley. Carried. ?Jr. Lounsbery presented a report of the bonded indebtedness of the Town of Caroline, which was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, etc. Reports of the incorporated companies of the Towns of Dryden and Ulysses were received and filed. Mr. Wright presented a list, of the Returned School Taxes of the Town of Ithaca, which were received and referred to the Committee on Returned Highway and School 'faxes. Mr. Buck presented the report of Wm. M. Bristol a Justiee of the Peace of the. Town of Lansing, which was received and referred to the Committee on Coroner, Justices, ete.. .Accounts. i\fr. Albright presented a list of the Town Audits of the Town of Newfield, which was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, etc. On motion, adjourned. Seventh Day Thursday, December 1, 1921 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. The Clerk read a cornnrunieat,ion from the State Commission of Highways, relative to tops for motor trucks, which was re- ferred to the Committee on Highways. Mr. Patterson presented the several claims audited by the Com- mittee ou Contract Suppolies, which were filed. ;lIr. Patterson offered the following resolution and Moved its adoption: 01' TOMPK•1:NS COUNTY, NEW YORK 75 Resolved—That the several elaims .against the county and audited by the Committee on Contract, Supplies for the year end- ing October 31, 1.921, be audited by this Board at the amounts. recommended by the committee. Seconded by Mr. Hill. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. 1fr. Albright presented the several claims audited by the Com- mittee on Jail Supplies, which were filed. illr. Albright offered the following resolution x1td moved its. adoption : Resolved—that the several chrirus against the county and an- dited by the Committee on Jail 'Supplies for the year ending - October 31., 1921, be audited by this Board at the amounts recom- mended by the committee. Seconded by 11r. Patterson. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. Air. Townsend presented the several claims audited by the Committee on Auditing the Accounts of the Tuberculosis hos- pital, which «'ere filed. Air. Townsend offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Re.c•olved—That the several claims against the county and audited by the Committee on .Auditing the Accounts of the'1'uber- culosis Hospital for the year ending October 3.1, 1921, be audited by this Board at the amounts reeomuleuclecl by the committee. Seconded by Mr. Albright. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. A'Tr. Albright presented the report of Arthur Docker, a Justice of the Peace of the Town of Newfield, which was received and referred to the Committee on Coroner, justices, etc., Accounts. ilir. Lounsbery presented a list of the Town Audits of the Town of Caroline, which was received and referred to the Com- mittee on Town Expenses, etc. iG PROCEEDINGS OI' TI -FE BOARD OIC SUPERVISORS ilir. Loiinsbery presented the Town Budget of the Town of. Caroline, which was received and referred to the Committee on Tows► Expenses, ete. AFTERNOON SESSION you call. All members present. The members of the Boai•d of ;Managers of the 'Tuberculosis Hospital appeared before the Board, relative to the work at that institution during the past year and its needs for the coming year. Drs. Gutting and Sears, Mrs. Eugene Baker and hiss Emma hnettles addressed the Board. Mr. Aqui. Ilarlitt Smith, appeared bel'ore the Board and pre- sented the annual reports of the Societies for tlic Prevention of Cruelty to Children and for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and asked for an appropriation of $14S.69 to the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children and $.108.91 to the Society for . the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, for the ensuing year. On motion, the report was received and referred to the Com- mittee. on Correction and Reformation. On motion, adjourned to Monday, December 5, 1921, at 10:30 a. in. Eighth Day Monday, December 5, 1921 MORNING SESSION Roll call. A11 members present. Minutes of the preceding day read and approved. The Clerk read claims Nos. 95 to 120, inclusive, which were received and'referred to the proper Committees. Arr. Patterson rendered the following report of the Committee on Contract Supplies OF TO.MPK NS COUNTY, NEW YORK 77 Your former Committee on Contract Supplies reports that claims a]oouutina to $2,793.14, as listed below, have been pre- sented to your Committee and audited h,y it, from Noveurher .:1., 1920, to October 31, 1921,, -.and orders issued on the County Treasurer for the payment of the sable, as follows: Heat Light Telephone Total Courthouse Jail Sheriff County Clerk's Building Highway Superintendent Supervisors Commissioners of Election Co. Judge and Surrogate Almshouse Co01)ty Treasurer $ 854.36 $1.83.50 $ 65.30 $1,103.16 1.53.00 270.25 423.25 69.71 178.50 248.21 399.12 90.0E 79.59 568.75 85.39 85.39 93.10 93.10 • 29.82 58.30 88.12 98.06 98M6 36.11. 36.11- 48.99 48.99 Totals $1,406.48 $643.32 $743.34 $2,793.14 Apl:n'olrriatiou for 1921. $2,500.00 Alrin•oprhttion overdrawn November 1, 1921 $ 293.14 Respectfully submitted this 30th day of November, 1921. L. E. PAT 1'l [tSON, OI1EN A. KING. C.1 -IAS. .R•. I1011NSI3ER.Y, Committee. Moved hyl[r. Patterson, that the report of the Conrulit.tec he accepted and adopted. Seconded by Mr. I[ill. Carried. Air. Patterson offered the following resolution 'and mover) its adoption: Resolved—That there be levied and collected from the taxable property of 'r'oupkins County the sunt of $2,500.00 for the fol- lowing purposes for the ensuing year: Fuel and Light for County Buildings in City of Ithaca $2,000.00 Telephone Service for County Officers 500.0(1 Total $2,500.00 '7S PROCEEDINGS OP TIIE BOAED OF SUPERVISORS Seconded by lla, King. Ayes -43. Noes—O. Carried. The report of R. E. Chatterton, a Justice of the Peace of the 'Town of Groton, was received and referrecl to the Committee on Coroner, Justices, etc., Accounts. A report of the Bonded Indebtedness of the City of Ithaca was .received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, etc. Mr. Buck presented a list of the Town Audits of the Town of 'Lansing, which was received and referred to the Committee on 'Town Expenses, etc. Mr. Albright presented the reports of. E. S. VanKirk, Augustus Patterson and James D. ]away, Justices of the Peace of the 'Town of Newfield, which were received and referred to the Com- mittee on Coroner, Justices, etc., Accounts. llr. 13egcnt presented a report of the Bonded Indebtedness of the -Village of Groton, which was received .and referred to the 'Committee on Town Expenses, etc. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll eall. All members present. 11 r. Smiley presented the report of Eugene .Dorn, a Justice of The Peaee of the Town of Danby, which was received and referred to the Committee on Coroner, Justices. etc., Accounts. Mr. Regent presented a list of the Town Audits of the Town ofGroton, which was received and referred to the Committee on ' l.'own Expenses, etc. Lists of the Special Franchises of the Towns of Dryden and Groton were received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, etc. Mr. lf. E. Moran, of the• Moran Construction Co., appeared -before the Board relative to the use of asphalt in oiling the county highways. OI TOIIPICLNS COUNTY, NEW YORK 79 On motion, the matter was referred l;o the Highway Officials Committee to investigate. Mr. King presented the report: of :Daniel Mitchell, a Justice of the Peace of the Town of Enfield, which was received and re- ferred to the Committee on Coroner, ;lustices, etc., Accounts. On motion, adjourned. Ninth Day Tuesday, December 6, 1921 MORNING SESSION Roll cal]. All members present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. A list, of the ReturnedSchool '.faxes of t.he City of Ithaca was received and referred to the Committee on Returned Highway and School 'Taxes. 11.r. Hill presented a report of the Bonded 1:odebtedness of the Village of .Dryden, which was received and referred to the Com- mittee on Town Expenses, etc. NTT. 13egent presented the statement; of the I'irst National Bank of Groton, which was received and referred to the Committee on County 'Treasurer's Accounts. The members of the :Board were engaged in committee work during the balance of the forenoon session. SO PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present. William H. Baker, County Clerk -elect, appeared 'before the Board, relative to certain necessary changes in the . County Clerk's office. 11{r. Hill presented a report showing that t]ie Tax Rate for the \Tillage of Dryden was $10.00 per $1,000.00 valuation and that the School Tax Rate of Dryden Village was $16.50 per $1,000.00 valuation. Mored by 111r. Fish, that the election of officials necessary to be elected by this Board he grade a special order of business for Friday, .December 9, at 2 p. in: Seconded b. \ir. Buck. Moved by -Mr. Robinson, as an amendment, that such elections be held it this time. _Amendment seconded by Mr. Patterson. A vote being token 011 the amendment was declared lost. . A vote being taken on the original motion bras declared carried. • Mr. Albright„ Chairman of the Courruittee on Equalizations, etc., rendered the following regular and supplemental reports of that Committee on footing, which was laid un the table one day,. under the rule: 01' TOM.PE \S COUNTY, \1 \\ 10111` 81 RE.[:'ORT OF COMMITTEE ON FOOTING OF ASSESSMENT RO.IjLS To the Honorable ,the Board of Supervisors of. the County of Tompkins, N. -Y.: Gentlemen: Toto• Coitluiitteio on the :Footing of Assessment Rolls reports that it has verified and corrected the footings of the . Assessment Rolls referred to it, as Made by the assessors and • Suprvisors of each tax district, and 'that the following is ,a cor- rect statement of such footings: J Total real except, franchise and including pensions. Property within incorop rated villages maintaining sepa- rate road districts iucluaivi of pension property i nirked ``exempt'' Total persona except bank stock U Y } tzTowns n 0 .. Towns O y aJ j �"' J -.. i -x 0. G 1, N crJ U } -0x $ 2,300 1 0 w (3 LrOl'ulc 34,747 $ 864,770 $ 8,000 $ 4,400 $ 877,770 Danby 1 33,280 788,030 3,718. 792,248 1)1'ytlf'll .... . .. ... . . . . 08,280 2,676,980 04,21.7 200 2,731,447 Enfield 22,2107 095,•146 8,228 003,674 Groton 30,725 2,330,200 26,360 26,000 2;383,110 1tltac:t City 2,940 18,008,675 987,4.12 19,04(1,087 Ithaca. Town 1.6,2113 2,263,183 40,986 2,304,-1(10 Lansing 37,789 1,774,000 14,200 2,200 1,791,100 Newfield 36.997 881 640 12,240 6,800 !100,680 Ulysses .19818 1,394 000 23,044 16,000 1,433,099 Totals 1203,088 $31,(128129 $1,179,000 $06,700 $32,563,884 J Property within incorop rated villages maintaining sepa- rate road districts iucluaivi of pension property i nirked ``exempt'' Property 0;i ficin incorporate0 villages maintaining sepa- rate boards of health ex elusive of pension protrcrt, marked ``exempt" Y } tzTowns _ O y aJ j �"' J -.. i G 1, N - R--1 Caroline $ 862,420 $ 2,300 $ $ , Da nby 770,480 9,000 Dryden 2,660,150 16,830 604,500 (147,390 Enfield 002,042 2,804 Groton 2,3.14,600 10,550 1,281,480 1,273,790 1tl ne:i Cit' 17,061,0:10 97,6(10 1.1fiaca. Town 2,205,083 7,000 448,696 448,(196 Lansing :1,771,400 3,200 . Newfield 872,490 9,100 120,0(10 123,515 Ulysses 1,384,030 9,020 - 470,907 ' 470,132 Totals $31,404,5!0 $173,619 $2,981,698 $2,903,523 82 PROCEEDINGS 01" T11E 130. 4IL 01' ST PE1 Y1SOHS REPORT OF COII:III!".I'EE ON FOOTING OF A.SSESSIIEN'I' ROLLS (Coatinned) • Towns Property subject to genera lax Property subject to high- way tax- in tonus and out .side of incorporated villages inclusive of pensions marked "exempt" Property subject to tax for maintenance of separate Boards of Health outside incorporated villages, • ex- clusive of pension property market.' "exempt" m . X Caroline $ 8775,420 $ $ $ Danby 753,195 Dry de 2,7,1.4,617 2,076,947 2,067,227 64,1.50.22 Enfield 600,570 Groton 2,307,560 1,1.01,638 1,093,770 154,457.04 Ithaca City 18,948,427 755,430.40 Ithaca Town 2,296,669 1,855,473 1,847,973 Lansing 1,787,900 Newfield 8511,530 774,615 708,015 Ulysses 1,424,074 962,642 953,942 89.389.66 Totals $32,6110,265 $0,771,307 $6,730,9.7 $1,063,426.92 R. C. ALBRIGHT, Cha Man L. E. PA'I'T ERSON W. 0. Sa1ILE1 OMEN A. KING F. A. BECENT J. M. 'I'O\VNSEND ED S. HILL Committee. 01' T0]FPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORE . 83 SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT OF TF.f.E COMMITTEE ON FOOT- ING OF ASSESSMENT ROLLS Gentlemen: Your Committee on Fooling of Assessment Rolls would also respectfully report the following property within and without incorporated villages: T 01111 - illages • Roll iu[:luding pension marked "exempt" Special franchises a1 Pension property marked "exempt" c o C G E Dryden-.lir,^den Pillage $ 443,880 $ $ 8,185 $ 452,005 $ 3,200 .. Treeri11e 191,21.0 250 .10,975 202,435 3,910 Tit side Corporation 635,1100 250 .19,100 054,500 7,1.10 Outside Corporation 2,041,890 35,057 2.070,947 9,720 Totals $2,670,980 i $ 250 $54,217 $2,731,447 $16,830 Groton-0rolon Village . $.L,255,)110 $11,440 $14,400 $1,28',L,480 $ 7,090 Outside Corporation 1,074,500 12,150 14,920 1,101,630 7,8150 Totals x;2,330,200 $23,590 $29,320 $2,383,11.0 $15,05T) 1tliacva-Cayuga, heights $ 436,000 $ 812,696 $ 448,090 $ Outside Corporation 1,827,183 28,290 1,855,473 7,500 Totals $2,263,183 $ $40,9811 $2,304,1.69 $ 7,5-070 Newfield -Newfield Village. $ 1.18,745 $ 6,300 $ 1,020 $ 126,005 $ 2,oa0 Outside Corporation 762,895 500 11,220 774,615 6,600 Totals .$ 881,0.10 $ 0,800 $12,240 $ 900,080 $ 9,1,50 Ulysses-Trainanil111rg 1 446,805 $.1.6,200 $ 7,952 $ 470,957 $ 825 Outside Corporation 947,250 300 15,092 962,642 8,700 Totals $1,394,055 $10,500 *23,044 $1,433,599 $ 9,535 R. C. ALBRIG]-[T, Chairman J. M. TOWNSENI) L. E. PAT 1' ERSON OLEN A. KING F. A. I3LGENT E. S. III 1LL W. 0. SMILEY Committee. S4 PROCEEDINGS OF TNF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Moved by lir. Albright, that the rule be suspended and that the _report be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr. Robinson. By unanimous consent .the report was taken from the table. lir. Albright offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That the report of the Conoiaittee on Equalization, Ete., on footings, be accepted and that the figures therein be used as a basis for taxation for the several tax districts within the county. ' Seconded by lir. 'Wright. • Ayes --.1.3. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Leonard tsffet•ed the following resolution and mitred its adoption: Resolved—That there be appropriated the maim of $1.,000.00 to the Commissioners of Election for clerk hire, postage and in- cidental expenses, being the Saone amount as allowed the previous year. Seconded by Mr. Robinson. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Robinson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That there be levied and collected from the taxable property of Tohipkins County the suiu of $225.00 for. postage and incidental expenses of the County Clerk, the suis of $50.00 for postage for the Clerk of the Board and the sum of $100.00 for postage of the County Treasurer for the ensuing year. . Seconded by Mr. Wright. Ayes -1.3. Noes—O. Carried. -Arr. Fish rendered a report of the Committee Having Charge of the Motor Trucks, relative to the use of a tractor for the re- moval of snow. OF TOnl'hf.\S COUNTY NEW YORK 85 Moved by Mr. Loaursbery that the county purclra.se a. suitable snowplow for the removal of snow. Seconded by i\lr. Begent. 'On request, the matter was laid on the table one day. ' On motion 'adjourned. Tenth Day Wednesday, December 7, 1921 MORNING SESSION Rollcall. All members present. Minutes of preceding day read and aipproved. The statement of 't.hc First, National Back of :Ithaca was re- ceived and referred to the Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts. lhr. Wright presented a petition. of the assessors •of .the Town of Ithaca to place certain property in the town, belonging to Eliza Turner and James Turner, on the .assessinzent roll Of that town; the saline having been omitted therefrom through mistake. On motion of Mr. Wright, the petition was granted and the assessors of the town were instructed to add to the assessment roll of the ,town. the property described in the petition. . Mr. 1-Iill presented the Town .Budget of the Town of Dryden, which was rcceired and referred to the Committee on Town Ex- penses; Etc. On motion of Mr. Fish, the report of the 1+ a.rui and Home Bureaus was rniaade a special order of business for the afternoon session at 2 o'clock. Mr. 0. If. Waltz appeared before the Board and presented the preliminary plans for the new hospital proposed for the county home. Mr.' King presented the report of Bert Kirby, a Justice of the Peace of the Town of Enfield, which was received and referred to talc Committee on Coroner, Justices, Ete. Accts. 86 PROCEEDINGS OF TUE BOARD OI' SUPERVISORS - - Mr. -Wright, Chairman of the Committee or County Clerk and Election Expenses, rendered the following report of that com- mittee, relative to the report of the Surrogate: Your Committee on County Clerk ,and Election Expenses re- ports that it has examined the report of the Surrogate, relative to the receipts of that office, and finds the same correct. That the draft for $150.66 has been received, to be applied to the credit of the county. H. S. -WRIGHT G.HT P. C. ALBRIGHT 0. SMILEY Committee. On motion of Mr. Buck, the report of the committee was ac- cepted. • AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. A11 members present. • The Clerk read the following report of the Committee on County Clerk and Election. Expenses, relative to the report of the County Clerk: Your Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses re-, spectfully reports that it has examined the report of the County Clerk and finds it to be correct. • Your coimnittee believes the figures and statements therein setforth to be true. 'H. S. WRIGHT • R. C. ALBRIGHT W. 0. SMILEY ' Committee. On motion of Mr. Leonard, the report was accepted. The Clerk react the following report of the Committee on County Clerk and Election. Expenses, relative to the report and apportionment of election expenses, by the Commissioners of Election:. Your Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses re- ports that it has examined the report submitted by the Conf.p nlissiouers of Election and believes the same to be correct, and yonr committee. therefore recommends that the apportionment of election expenses, as niacle by said Commissio-ners, be accepted OII TOMPIiI1S COUNTY, NEW 'YORK 87 and adopted by this Board and that the various sums charged to the political divisions of the county be levied and collected from the taxable property of the several towns of the county, the city of Ithaca, and the county of Tompkins as follows: Town of Caroline $ 125.82 Town of Danby 103.29 Town of Dryden .343.14 Town of :Enfield 85.46 TOW11 of Groton 372.57 Town of Ithaca 137.55 Town of Lansing 208.56 Town of Newfield 98.10 T'oWii of Ulysses 220.86 City of Ithaca 831.57 County of Tompkins 3,247.96 • Total $5,774.88 H. S., WRIGHT R. C. ALBRIGI3T W. 0. 'SMILEY Committee. Mir. Wright offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: .Resolved—That the report. of the Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses, relative to the apportionment of election expenses, be accepted and that the various sums therein mentioned be levied and collected from the taxable property of the several towns of the county, the city of Ithaca. and the county of `.[Tomp- kins. Seconded by Mr. Robinson. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. The members of the Child Welfare Board appeared before the Board iii explanation and elaboration of its financial report pre- sented November 28, and asked for an appropriation of $2,000.00 to carry out its work for the ensuing year, instead of the $3,500.00 allowed to it for the present year, in addition to the balance now in the hands. of the County Treasurer. On motion, the report was accepted and the Matter referred to the Committee on Soldier's Relief, Etc. The reports of the I•Tome Bureau and Farm Bnreau Assacia- '88 PROCEEDINGS OF FIFE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS tions, haying been made a special order of 'business for this time, that matter was taken up. ?Jliss McCrea, Manager of the Home Bureau Association, ren- dered the. report of that organization. lessers. Blatehley, Stevenson and Dr. McKinney rendered the several reports of -the Farin Bureau Association. - On motion, adjourned. Eleventh Day Thursday, December 8, 1921 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present. The members of the Board, as a Committee of the whole, were engaged during the day in an inspection of the 'Tuberculosis Hospital and the Count- Home. Twelfth Day Friday, December 9, 1921 MORNING SESSION Rolf call. All members present. 'Minutes of the two preceding days read and -approved. Mir. Fish of the Com.nsittee on Soldiers Etc. Relief, rendered the following report of that committee relative to the report of the Board of Child Welfare: Your Committee on Soldiers Etc. Relief., reconriuends that a vote of thanks be extended to the Board' of Child Welfare for its ernest and unselfish efforts to properly carry on the work of that organization.. OF TO PKINS COUNTY,.NEW YORK 89 Your committee would rec0n.rmend that, in view of the fact that there is a balance of $1,202.67 in that fund, that there be appropriated to the use of the Board of Child _Welfare for the year 1922, the sum of $2,000.00, that being the amount asked by the Board. On motion of: Mr. Hill, the report of the committee was ac- cepted. Mr. :I:r. Fish offered the following resolution.and moved its adop- tion: Resoloed—That there be appropriated to the use of the Board of •Child Welfare the shin of $2,000.00, for the carrying on the work of that organization for the ensuing year, and be it further Resolved—That the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay said amount, or so much thereof as may be izeeessarir, on the orders of the Board of Child =Welfare. Seconded by Mr. Buck. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. A statement of the Tompkins County National :Bank was re- ceived and referred to the Connnitt.ee on County Treasurer's Accounts. -Mr. Begent presented an additional list of Returned School Taxes of the Town of Groton, Which was received and referred to the Committee on Returned. Highway and School Taxes. A statement of the First National Bank of. Dryden was re- ceived and referred to the Committee on County Treasurer's A.ecou Its. -Mr. hill presented a list of additional Returned School. Taxes of the Town of Dryden, which was received and referred to the Committee on Returned Highway and School 'Taxes. • Mr. Fish presented a list of the Grand ,Jurors of the, Fifth Ward of the City of a:tlraca, which was received and referred to the Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes. 90 PROCEEDINGS OII THE BOARD OL SUPERVISORS AFTERNOON SESSION Boll call. All members present. The election of officials necessary to be elected by this Board, having been suade a special order of business for this time, that natter was taken up. i\ioved by ?Ir. Patterson, that the Board proceed in the election of a Jail Physician. Seconded by Mr. Hill. Carried. lIr. Patterson• placed in nomination the name of Dr. J. W, Judcl for Jail Physician. Dr.• Judd 's *nomination was seconded by \tr. i-Ii11. There being no further nominations, on .notion, the Clerk was instructed to cast one ballot for Dr. J. W. Judd. The Clerk cast one ballot and the Chairman declared Dr. J. W. Judd duly elected Jail Physician for the -year 1977. Moved by Mr. Fish, that the remuneration paid the jail physi- cian for the year 1.922, be the same as that paid in 1921. Seconded by ?Jr. Leonard. Carried. Moved by Mr. Hill, -that the Board proceed in the election of a Jail Matron, Seconded by Mr. Patterson. Carried, Mr. Hill placed in nomination the name of Nan B. Skilling for Jail Matron. Nan B. Skilling's nomination was seconded by Mr. Robinson. There being no further nominations, on motion, the Clerk was instructed to east one ballot for Nan B. Skilling. The Clerk east one ballot and the Chairman declared Nan B. Skilling elected Jail Matron for the ensuing year. Moved by. Mr. Albright, that t•he Board proceed in the election of a Member of -the Board of Managers of the Tuberculosis Hos- pital, to succeed Dr. Hamer Genung, whose term of office expires. OP :1'OMPK1 NS COUNTY, NEW YORK Seconded by Mr. Robinson. 91 Mr. Albright placed in nomination the name of Dr. Honer Gennng as .a Member of the Board of Managers of the Tubercu- losis Ilospital., to succeed himself. Dr. Genung's nomination was seconded by Mr. Robinson. There being no further nominations, on :notion, the Clerk was directed to cast one ballot for Dr. Homer Genung. The Clerk east one ballot for Dr. Homer Genung and the Chair- man declared Dr. Genluig duly elected a Member of the Board of Managers of the Tuberculosis Hospital, to succeed himself, for a terns of five years, frons January 1, 1922. 'Moved by lir. 'Wright, that the Board proceed. in the election of a Director of the Tompkins County Faun Bureau Association. Seconded by Mr. King. Carried. ilir. Wright placed in nomination the nacre of William 0. Smiley. 1111•. Smiley's nomination was seconded by lir. Fish. There being no further nominations, on motion, the Clerk was instructed to cast one ballot for William 0.. Smiley. The Cleric. cast one ballot for -William 0. Smiley and the Chair- man declared lir. 5rniiey elected a Director of the Tompkins Count' Fair„rir Bureau Association for one year, as the re. rresenta- tive of the Board of Supervisors. Moved by ?Ji. Townsend, that the amount of the bond to be given by the County Treasurer -elect be fixed by this Board at the sura of $100,000.00. Seconded by Mr. Leonard. Carried. Moved by Mr. -Wright, that the amount of the bond to.be given by the; County Clerk -elect. be'fixed by this Board at the sum of - $10,000.00. Seconded by Mr. Leonard. Carried. Mr. Patterson offered the following. resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum 92 PROCEEDINGS OF TIDE BOARD OF SUPBRV!SOIRS of $4.67, to reimburse the State Highway Department for ex- penses incurred in freight charges for tops for motor trucks allotted to the county,.and be it further Resolved—That the Clerk is hereby directed to draw an order, payable to the State Commission of Highways, for said amount and the County Treasurer is hereby clireeted to pay the same out of any available. funds in his hands. Seconded by :1Tr. Begent. !lyes -13. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Smiler, Chairman of the Counnittee on Charities, rendered the following report of that e( iiiuittee,• relative to the report of the Board of Managers of the Tuberculosis :Hospital': Your Committee on Charities begs to report that it has ex- amined the report of the Board of Managers of t -lie Tuberenlosis Hospital and believes it correct and recommends the -appropria- tion of th_e sun of $14,000.00 for the maintenance of said institu- tion from February 1. 1922 to February- 1. 1928, and recommend the adoption of the following resolution: Resolved That there be levied and collected from the taxable property of Totnpkins County, the sum of $14,000.00 for the main- tenance of the Tompkins County Tuberculosis hospital from February 1. 1922 to February 1, 1923. W. 0. SMILEY. JAS. R. ROBINSON L. E. PATTERSON Committee. lfov-ed by ?Jr. Smiley, that the report of the committee be ac- cepted and the resolution adopted. Seconded by lir. Patterson. Ayes -1.3. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Albright. Chairman of the Committee on Equalization, Etc. rendered the following "report of the committee, relative to ratios and percentages, which was laid on the table one day, under the rule. Your Committee on Equalizat:ioni, etc., would respectfully re- port that it has determined, upon examination, the ratio which the assessed valuation of real property- in each tax district bears OF TOMPKINS COUNT', NFT\V YORK 93 to its full value and would reconmrnend that based upon such. determinations the Board establish sncli ratios as the tree -ratios, as follows: .Caroline 97 Per Cent. Danby 96 Per Cent. Dryden 99 Per Cent. Enfield 96 Per Cent. Groton 99•Per Cent. Ithaca • City 100 Per Cent. :Ithaca 'Town. 99 Per Cent. Lansing 98 Per Cont. Newfield 99 Per Cent. It14:,-sse,i 94 ..Per Cent. 1111 of whiclh is respectfully Dated, December 9, 1921. submitted. R. C. AL.BRIGTIT, Chairman L. E. PATTERSON E. S. :HILL W. 0. SMILEY OLEN A. KING. J. M. TOWNSENI) F. A. BEG.ENT Committee. Moved by Mr. Albright, that the rule be suspended and the report be taken fro.n the table and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr. Begent. drat. At the request of Mr. -Wright, action on the report was de- ferred until Monday, December 12. Mr. Leonard offered the following resolution and ..roved its adoption: Resolved That there be levied and collected from the taxable property of Tompkins County, the sura. of $148.69, to be paid to the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children and .the snug of $1.08.91., to be paid to3 the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, for the year 1922. Seconded by Mr. King. Ayes -1 -1. tirires-0. Carried. 94 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Mr. Albright offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That there. be hereby appropriated to the Farm Bureau Association, the sum of .$420.00 for accredited herd work account for the year 1921, said amount to be paid :by the County Treasurer !to the Treasurer of said association, upon the filing with him of a certified copy of this resolution. Seconded by Mr. Begent. On the request of lie. Robinson, the matter was laid on the table one day under the rule. Lists of the Special Franchises of the Towns of Danby and Lansing were received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, ete. Adjot:urned to 'Monday, December 12, at 10.30 A. M. Thirteenth Day Monday, December 12, 1921 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. The Clerk read a communication from the State Highway De- partment, relative to additional motor trucks for the county, which was referred to the Con>lmittee on Ilighways. The Clerk read a communication from the State Commission of Prisons, relative to an inspection of the county jail, which was filed. Mr. Albright ealied from the table the report of the 'Committee on Equalization, ete..'relative to ratios, laid over from Deeciuber 9, and moved that the report be accepted and adopted. Seconded by 'lir. Begent. Ayes -13. Noes -0. 'Carried. O]' TO\]i1'J`t\S COUNTS", NEW YORK 95 ?Jr. Smiley offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That the Committee on Count- Clerk and Election Expenses be authorized to secure additional filing eases for the Surrogates' office. Seconded by Mr. Albright. Carried. 1\1.r. Albright offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That the County Treasurer be authorized to pal" to the City of Ithaca and' the several towns. of the county, any balances in his hands, standing to the credit of the city and the respective towns. Seconded by Mr. Patterson. Carried. 11Ir. ].dill offered the following resolution and moved its adop- tion: h'esol.cerl—That the Clerk of the Board. issue an order on the County 'Treasurer for the payment of each claim audited by this Board at its .annual session, and the Counts Treasurer is hereby directed to pay the same mut of the funds in his hands appropri- ated for that purpose. Seconded by •ll:r. Fish. Carried. Mr. Patterson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That; the County Treasurer be directed to pay the salaries of all county officials and ematloyees monthly, except as otherwise directed by a resolution of this Board. Seconded by Mr. Buck. Carried. Mr. Iionnsbery offered tlie following resolution and moved its adoption: .Uesolued—Taft the Clerk be authorized to correct any mani- fest errors occuring in the minutes or in the report of any com- mittee. Seconded by Mi. Buck. Carried. Mr. Smiley offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: 9G PHOCEEDFNGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Resolved—That all moneys now in the hands of the County Treasurer, either in the general or highway fund, and not appro- priated for any specific purpose by this Board, be hereby re - appropriated to the general or the highway fund. Seconded by Mr. Fish. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. -Mr. Robinson .offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: .Resolved—That no more eIainrs against the county be received for audit at this session of the Board, except the claims for sup- plies for the Board and the Supervisors' service bills. Seconded by ?1r. Patterson. Carried. Jr. -Wright presented the Town Budget of time Town of Ithaca, tiv]rich \vas received and referred to the Committee on Town Ex [menses, ete. Mr. Patterson offered the following resolution and moved its acfoptiolt : 1VII[Ie[.es—lin order for Tompkins County to avail itself of the benefits lo be derived from the provisions of Sec. 320-13, of the Highway Law, it is necessary for the county to appropriate an amount equal to the SUM. appropriatea -,by the state, and Vv iIEnF:.ts—It has been ascertained that the amount of the State moneys available to this county ander said Sec. 320-B, is the sum of $32,780.00 for'the year 1.922, therefore be it Resolved—That there he levied and collected from the taxable property of. Tompkins- County. liable therefor, the strut of $32.- 730.00, for the construction and improvement of highways for the ensuing year, tinder the provisions of Sec. 320-A, of. the Iligh- way Law, said sunt of $32,730.00 to be duplicated by a like amount :from the State of New York, under the provisions of Sec, 320-B, of the Highway Loy. Seconded by Mr. Be rent. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. 31r. Towihsend,.Chairtnan of the Committee on County Treas- urer's Accounts, presented the followingreport, relative to Bank Taxes. Oh' TOMPKL S COUNTY., NEW YORK 97 - Your Committee on Comity 'Treasurer's Accounts renders the . following report, of the hunks in Tom'pkius County, liable for tax- ation on its capital stock, surplus and undivided profits, as fol- lows: C1TV OF I:THACA. I'1RST NATIONAL BANK Capital Stock $250,000.00 Surplus 100,000.00 Undivided Profits 60,63424 ,No. of shares of stock -2,500. Par valve ol`. each share Value of each share for taxation Amount of Tax TO_11PKIN3 COUNTY NATIONAL, Capital Stock Surplus Undivided Profits $41.0,634.24 $ 100.00 164.25 4,106.34 BANK $100,000.00 200,{.100.00 44.796.16 No. of shares'of stock -1,000 $344,796.16 Par' value of each share $ 1.00.00. Value of each share for taxation 344.79 Amount of Tax 3,447.96 VII;IjAG E+3 OF DRY -DEN rIRS'1' : A�TIONAL 11\N1( Capital Stock $ 25,000.00 Surplus 25,000.00 Undivided Profits 14,150.22 $ 64.150.22 No. of shares of stock -250 'Par value or each share $ 100.00 \ a]nc of each share for toxation 256.60 Amount of lax 641.50 98 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS VILLACGE OP GROTON FIRST NATIONAL •B T.. Capital Stock $100.000.00 Surplus 40,000.00. Undivided Profits 14,457.04 $1.54,457.04 No. of shares of stock -1,000 Par value of each share ' $ 100.00 Value of each share for taxation 1.54.45 Amount of Tax 1,544.57 VILLAGE OF TRUMANSBURG FIRST NATIONAL BANK Capital Stock $ 25,000.00 Surpliss 15,000.00 Undivided Profits 4,400.20 $ 44,400.20 No. of shares of stock -250 Par value of each share $ 100.00 Value. of each share for taxation 1.77.62 Amount of Tax 444.06 STATE BANK Capital Stock $ 25,000.00 Surplus 15,000.00 Undivided Profits 4,953.46 $ 44,983.40 No of shares of stock -250 Par value of each share $ 100.00 Value of each share for taxation 179.53 Amount of Tax 449.83 Your Committee would further recommend .the adoption of the following resolutions: Resolved—That a tax of one per cent upon the value of the shares of stock as above set forth, he assessed, levied and col- lected, said that, the Clerk of this Board forthwith mail to the president or cashier of each bank or !banking association, a state- ment setting forth the amount of its capital stock, surplus and OF TO_IIPKLYS COUNTY, NEW YORK 99 undivided profits, the number of outstanding shares thereof, the value' or each share of stock, taxable as hereinabove ascertained. and the aggregate amount of tax to be collected and paid by such bank or banking association, 'as provided by Section 24 or the' Tax Law, and be it further Resolved—'.!'hat this Board of Supervisors issue its warrant or order, signed by the Chairman and Clerk of this Board, as provided by Section 24 of the Tax Law. J. N. TOWNSEND E. S. HILL - H. S. WRIGHT Coniinittee. moved by Mr. Townsend, that the report be accepted and the - resolutions adopted. Seconded by 'Air. Patterson. AYe' s-13. Noes -0. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present. The Chairman, being. obliged to absent hirn.self at this time, called ]\ir. Buck to the chair. Mr. Patterson offered the following resolution and proved its adoption: «'IIERE:IS-Tire town s:rperititendents of the several towtts of Tomlrhins County have made an estimate of the anion/it of money necessary to be raised by tax for the improvement of highways and bridges and 'other miscellaneous highway purposes of their respective towns, as provided by section 90 of the highway- Law; and 1l rr't rtEAs—The respective town. boards have approved or changed said estimates, as provided by section. 91 of thc I3ighway Lav, therefore be it Resotved—That the said estimates as approved by the town boards be received and the supu.'set opposite the name of -the re- spective towns in the column lvhieh.bears the heading, "Amount of lst. Item" (wlrielr is the amount of the First Item in said esti 100 PROCEEDINGS OF TIIE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS mates), be assessed, levied and collected upon the taxable prop- erty of the respective towns, exclusive of the property within the limits of the incorporated village or villages of their respective towns which lnaiiil:ain their streets and highways as a separate road district, and be it further Resolved—':'hat the suns set opposite the navies of the respective towns, in the columns which bear the heading, ".Amount of 2nd. Item.' "'Amount of 3rd. .Item" and "Amount of 4th. Item" (which is the amount of the Second, Third and Fourth Items of the said estimates as approved by the various town .boards), be assessed, levied and collected upon the entire -taxable property of -the various towns of 'Tompkins County, as follows, that is to say: INnune of Amount of Amount of Amount of Amount .of Toren Far4t Item Secoud l.te.m Third .I tum. Fourth ]tcni Caroline $2,200.00 $1,500.00 $ 200.00 $ 200.00 Danby 3,000.00 2.000.00 1,000.00 1,500.00 Dryden 6,855.00 2,000.0f 1,500.90 3,090.00 Enfield 2,522.00 1,000.00 500.00. 1,000.00 G rotobjt . 4,500.00 8,500.00 41.000.00 3,000.00 :Ithaca 4,407.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 1,800.00 Lansini 7,100.001'3,000.00 1,000.00 500.00 Newfield 3,917.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 Ulysses 4,200.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 And that. the several amounts when collected shall be paid to the supervisors of the respective towns, to be paid out by them as provided by law. Seconded by 1Ir. Regent. ,Ayes -113. Noes -0. Carried. ?Jr. .Patterson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : i1 i1EItEAs--The Supervisors and Town Clerks of the towns mentioned below have certified to this Board statements of the expenses incurred by the Town Superintendents of said towns with the consents of the 'Town Boards, Pursuant to Sec. 93 of the. Highway Lahr, and audited and allowed by. said Town Board or Town Boards, together with the principal and interest, there- fore be it Resolved—That the amounts set opposite the mune of each town be assessed, levied and collected upon the taxable property of OF TOMPKI:NS COUNTY, NEW YORK. 101 that, town, exclusive of the corporate limits of any village or villages which maintain the highways, therein as a separate high- way district, and that the same when collected he paid to the Supervisor of the town to be applied to the cancelling of the cer- tificates of indebtedness and the interest acuiiriiig on the same w.hieli vsere issued in payment of the above nnentioned accounts. \aine of Town Amount of Amount of Principal to lie Levied Interest to be Levied Caroline {:1 50.00 l)anh} 1.,(i0U.00 Dryden 5.000.00 Enfield 2,500.00 Groton 4,000.00 1 thaca 1,500.00 1.1 01sing (;,000.410 Ulysses 10,000.00 Seconded -by lir. ]regent Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. 'l'eh Clerk read the following report of the Coninuittee on Soldiers' Relief, etc., which was laid on the table two flays under the; rule: our Committee on Soldiers' Relief, ete., reports that t}ie several claims listed below-. are. in all respects in proper form for audit and allowianec h}- this Board, that each of the said claims in the opinion of your committee is a just and' legal charge against. the eonnt}- oi'. Tompkins, to the amount indicated 111 the column headed "Allowed." and your conimitl:ee therefore recom- mends that. each of said elaiuis he audited at .the innlollnt so indi- cated. No. of Clitinal nt claim Account to Nature Claiueod ALlowed. which chargeable of expense 64 Rochester School for Deaf Mutes T)eaf-.flutes Education $ 920.18 $ 920.18 66 Craig Colour E?pileptie8 Clothing• 141.1.5 141,15 67 Syracuse institution for Feeble -Min ded. Ciiiliiren 1'eol,le-Minded .1]ilucation 62.33 63.33 68 Ithaca Journal -News State Scholarships Pub. Notices 3.50 3.50 $1.128.16 $1128.10 Respectfully submitted this 1.2th day of December, 1.921. WIILBIR G. F'ISII C. 1P. BUCK CHAS. R. ]:iOUNSBERY Committee. 302 PROCEEDINGS OF ,THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Moved by Mr. Fish, that the -report he taken from the, table and passed at this time. Seconded by ?[r. Leonard. By unanimous eoto'sent the report was taken from the table. . l[r. Fish offered the following resolution and moved its adop- tion : .Resolved—That the report of the Committee on Soldiers' Relief, etc., relative to educational, he laecepted and that the bills and accounts therein listed be audited and allowed at the amounts recoin'uiended by the committee, and be it further Resolved—That there he Levied and collected from the taxable property of the following towns and the city of Ithaca, the several sums set opposite the names of those towns and the city, to reim- burse the county for expenditures made to the following insti- tutions: To Rochester School for the Deaf— Lansing $920.18 To Syracuse State .institution for Feeble Minded Children—. Danby $20.00 Ithaca City 30.00' , Ithaca Town 13.33 $ 63.33 Seconded by 3Ir. L'atterson. Ayes -1.3. Noes -0. Carried. The Clerk read the following report, of the Committee on Sol- diers' Belief., etc., relative to the burial of soldiers and their wid- ows which was laid on the table two clays funder the rule: Your Committee on Soldiers' Relief, ete., reports that the several claims listed below- are in all respects in proper form for audit and allowance by this Board, that each of: the said claims in the opinion of your committee is a just and legal charge against the county of Tompkins, to the amount indicated in the column headed "Allowed," and your committee therefore recommends that each of said claims he audited at the amount so indicated. .04 OF TOMa KI\ S. COUNTY, NEW YORK 103 Account No of Claiivant to tirhich Claim cb'aTgea b l e Nature of expense Claimed Allowed 63 Fred I). Gilbert :Pensioner Burial of Iiate L. Scofield $ 75.00 $ 75.00 105 E. T. Stewart & Son " " " 1lerana iEnnnoas 75.00 75.00 112 S. W. & 0. D. Palmer " " " Manning, Austin 75.00 75.00 $225.00 $225.00 Respectfully submitted this 12th day of December, 1921. wv:1LBER G. FISH CHAS. R. LOUNSBERY C. M. BUCK Committee. 1\toved by Mr. Fish, that the reports be taken from the table' and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr. Regent.. By unanimous consent the report was taken from the table. -Mr. Fish offered the following resolution and moved its adop- tion : Resolved—That the •report of the Committee on Soldiers' Re- lief, etc., relative t'o' soldiers' 'burial, be accepted and that the bills and accounts thereon .listed be audited and allowed at the amounts recotunnendecl.by the conrnuttee. Seconded by Mr. Wright. dyes -1.3. Noes—O. Carried. The Clerk read the following report of the Committee on Cor- rection and Reformation, which was laid on the table two days under the Foie: Your Co'mutmittee on Correction and Reformation reports that the several claims listed below are in all respects in proper form for audit and allowance by this Board, that each of said claims in the opinion of your committee is a just and legal charge against the county of Tompkins, to the amount indicated in the colirrnn headed "Allowed," and your committee would therefore recoin- mend that each of said claims be audited at the amount so indi- cated. 104 PROCEEDINGS OP TETE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 7.3 w z Clamant Accottnt to which chargeable Naa.ture of expense 5 `' b F 41Davis-Brown Co:... JaiE Edee. fixtures $ 29.53 $ 29.53 4('jDavis-Brown Co.... jail Elec. fixtures 46,98 46.95 47 Davis -Brown Co.... Jail Labor 1.00 , 1-00 48 Davis -Brown Co.... Jaid Labor .65 .65 49 Guard. Angels Home Private Refor,nt School Ittalntenance 10.71 10.71 50 11onroe Co. Penit7v. Penal Institution. liaintcnattce 183.39 183.59 51 1'. M. Donohue dai'l Plumbing 11.55 11.55 521'. .11.. Donohue .Iai1 Plumbing 3.55 3.55 53 Ithaca Journal News District Atty..... Printing 2.16 2.16 54'1'. G. .11iller Sons... District Atty..... Supplies 36.70 36.70 55 Jamieson -McKinney. Tail Plumbing 34.20 34.20 56 C. .L Ruansey & Co.. ,fail Supplies 11.55 - 11.55 -577 Robinson & Carpen- ter :laid ............ Supplies 13.25 13.25 87IR. 1V: Moore - District Atty..... Chemical Expert 48.00 45.00 88 Arthur CI. Ada,ms'... District Atty..... Disbursements 134.39 134.39 89 Norton Printing Co. District Atty..... Printing 50.00 50.00 90 Stover Printing Co. District Atty..... Printing 52.00 52.00 91 Chas. B. l'anBurea. District Atty..... Photographs 2.00 2.00 92 Pinkerton Detective ' Agency District At•tv..... Investigation 103.50 103.50 93 Robert Hutchinson. Probation Oflicer. Expenses • 45.29 45.29 94 Edward J. -.Moore... District Atty..... Expert 5.00 5.00 951)avis-I3rown Co.....Jail • Elec. work .75 .75 96 Trcman, .King & Co. Jail Washer & raiige ... 365.02 365.02 116 E. P. Bouton, -Agt.. Sheriff Prem. on bond .. 75.00 75.00 124 H. J. 13ool Co. .fail Repairs furniture . 2.47 2.47 325 132 C. F. Denman Corona Typewriter .rail Physidan , 192.00 192.00 Co. Sheriff Repairs machine .. 3.63 3.63 $1464.42 $1464.42 Respectfully- submitted this 12 dad- of December, 1.921. E. S. iFI.LL WM. I -I. LEONARD OLIN A. 1 1NG Committee. -Moved by Mr. Hill that the report he taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr. Buck. By talanimous consent the report was taken from the table. Mr. hl.ill offered the following, resolution acid moved its adop- tion: OF TOMIPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 105 Resolved—That the report of the Conaanittee on Correction and Reformation -be accepted and that the bills and accounts therein listed he audited and allowed at the amounts recommended by the cotaimittee, and be it further Resolved—That there be levied and collected from. the taxable, property of the city of .Ithaca, the sum_ of $.10.71. to reimburse the county for expenditures made by it 1:0 the Guardian Angels Rome at Troy. Seconded by IND.. Wright. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. l[r. St John in the chair. lIr. Albright cathed from the table, his resolution, lana over from December 9, relative to an appropriation to the Fauna . Burean Association, and moved its. adoption. Seconded by Mr. Begent. Alloyed by Air. Robinson, as .an amendment, t.1int the matter be referred to the proper coiudnittee to investigate and report its flo:hugs to the I3oard. On motion of Mr. Fish, the Board resolved itself into a Com- mittee of the Whole. ]Mere followed a ilisenssion of tate resolution of Air. Albright, The, Board arose as a Committee of the Whole. 1\foved lav Mr. Smiley, as a snbstitiat.e, that the whole umtter be referred to the Committee on Soldiers' Relief, ete., 'having charge of the report of the Farm Bureau Association, and to be taken into consideration and to ntalie its report thereon It the same t.inte as its report of an atppropriaation to the Farm Bureau Association. Seconded by -Mr. Robinson. Carried. The Cleric read the following, report of the Committee on County Treasurers' Accounts, which was laid on the table two days under the rule:. Yong Connanittee on County 't'reasurer's A.ecoitnts reports that the several clarets listed below are in aal4 respects in proper forio for audit and atllowaaaee by tkiis Board, that each of the said 100 PROCEEDINGS Or' TITLE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS claims. in the opinion of your committee is a just and legal charge against. the county of Tompkins, to the amount indicated in the column headed "Allowed", and your committee therefore recom- mends that each of said claims be audited at the amount so indi- cated. 7.1 G C z Claimant Account to which - chargeable Nature of expense —_ [j . Q _ - 87rr. G. Miller S Sons County 'Treasurer. Stationery $ 6.15 $ 6.15 38 Atkinson Press.... Uounty Treasurer. Blanks 37.75 37.75 39 Andrus & Church. Conuty Treasurer. Blanks 56.25 56.25 40 E. S. Preston County Treasurer. Bond 250.00 250.00 77 Stover Printing Co. County Treasurer. Stationery, etc. 93.50 93.50 8111. L. O'Daniel .... County Treasurer. Supplies 2.25 2.25 1.11 T. G. Miller & Sons County '1:reasurer. Supplies 5.90 5.90 121 Andrus & Church.. County Treasurer. Record books 76.00 76.00 $527.801 $527.80 Respectfully submitted this ].2 clay of December, 1921. J. M. TOWNSEND E. S. HILL ] f. S. 'WRIGHT Committee. .Moved by Mr. Townsend, that the report be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr. Buck. 13y unanimous consent the report was taken from the table. Mr. Townsend offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: .Resolved ----That the report of. the Committee on County Treas- urer's Accounts be accepted and that the bills and accounts there- in listed be audited tit the amounts recommended by the com- mittee. Seconded ,by Mr. Albright. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. On motion of 'Mr. Albright, the Clerk w -.as authorized to enter into a contract; for automobile hire for the ensuing year. OF TO_MPKINS COUNTY, NEW TORR 107 Mr. Fish offered the following resolution and tuuived its adop- tion: Resolved—That the Committee on Highways be arithorized to purchase the lands necessary to be acquired for rights of way and other necessary purposes connected therewith, for the con- struction and improvement of state and county highways within the county of Tompkins. Seconded by Mr. Leonard. Carried. Moved by Mr. Lonnsbery, that the Committee appointed by this Board on October 27, for signing and verifying papers for acquiring lands for highway purposes; be continued, with the sante power and authority as given in the original resolution. Seconded by Mr. King. Carried. On motion, adjourned. Fourteenth Day Tuesday, December 13, 1921, MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. 'l']te Chairman being obliged to absent himself at this time, \[r. Hill was called to the chair. Mr. Begent presented a. report showing that the Tax Rate for the Village of Groton was $15.56 per $1,000.00 valuation and that the School Tax Rate for the Village of Groton was $30.94 per $1,000.00 valuation. Mr. Begent presented the T'owtt Budget o1 the '1'own of Groton, which was received and .referred to the Committee on Town Ex- penses, etc. The Olerk.read tho following report of the Contlmittee on Chari- ties, relative to the report of the County Superintendents of the Poor and the amounts necessary to be raised .by the county and towns for the support of the poor for the ensuing year: 10S PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD 01' SUPERVISORS Your Con in'ittec on Charities begs to report that it 1 as ex- amined the report of the County Superintendents of the Toast, and believes it: correct, and your coni t ittee recommends the adoption of the following resolutions: Resolved—That for tate maintenance of the poor having settle- ment in 'Tompkins County, there be levied and .collected from the taxable property of the several towns herein named and the City of Ithaca, to reimburse the county for moneys expended .for the ..maintenance of the poor of the various towns and the City of lt.haca, during the year ending November 15, 1921, the following suns, viz: Caroline $ 251.95, Danby 1.75.34 Dryden 503.S9 .Eakfield 244.36 Croton 762.04 Ithaca '.Down 1.2'2.54 :Ithaca. City 9498.68 1./aka�1S11,� 225.7:: Newfield 219.17 Ulysses County 736.16 $5722.69 and he it further Resolved—That there be levied and collected from the taxable property of Tompkins County, the sunk of $12,150.00, apportioned as follows: Town and County Poor to be supported at the county home the ensuing. year For Outdoor .Relief and County [Nome 'Mainte- nance For Services td Overseers of Poor and Sitperin- tenclents' Expenses Por Transportation For Physician and Chaplain at County $ 5.000.00 5.700.00 450.00 500.00 500.00 Total $ AV. 0. SMILEY JAS. R. ROBINSON' L. li. 1 VI' 'ERSO\T ConElnittee. OF TOJ-11PKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 109 - i\Loved by Air. Smiley that the report of the conuiuittee be ac- cepted and the resolntious adopted. Seconded by llr. Patterson. Ayes -12. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Ring presented the report of Albert Colcgrove, a Justice of the Peace of the Town of Enfield, tv'hiclt was rceeived and referred to the Committee on Coroner, justices, etc. Accounts. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present. Deputy State 1!ighway Comintissioner, AV. P. IReed, appe;n•Cd before the Board, relative to the highway work being conducted tlirou±ghotit the State of New fork. The Clerk read the following; report of .the Committee on Char- ities, vvhiclt was said on the table two days cinder the rule: Your Colupnittee, on Charities reports that the several claims listed below ;are ill all respects ill proper form for audit and allowance by this Board; that each of the said claims i0, the opin- ion of your committee is 0 ,just and legal charge against the county of Tompkins, to the atuount indieat o:1 iit the column headed "Allowed", and your conetnittee therefore recommends that each of said elaiiiis be audited at the amount so indicated. Claimant Aceount, to which ch;ttgoi1hie Nature of expense 14 7-71 69 St. 111ua•v's ] 1 0me 70 Susq. Valley Haim! 71 Susq. Valley Home, 72 Susq. Valley home 73 Susq. Valley •1•1ome 74 1)avis- C'o.-. 75 D:n•is-Bi•owin . Co.. 791•M i.i ioo Bros. 128101h0 & \Volt•r 1301Susq. Volley Home Wipend&nt 1;111!41.. Dependent child.. Dependwin child._ Dependent chill.. Dependent 0,113111.. I;ouuty 110,1110.... County 11 rime... County Ilonle.... County llcnne.... Dependent child. ?'l illte tt:l.11'00 11';11111 Cn;l1104 .31111ntf;11t1.11S;1; .31;ti1ttek1rtlee 11,;1.intenanee Elco. rc47.2111 Dee. repairs R-041tt:irs • Hosp. plans 3! t.inteua.nee li 599.42 197.14 231.43 23.3.00 236.57 15411.13 57.30 57.63 544.99 427.56 $ 5941412 :197.14 2311.43 234.00 230.57 156.13 57.30 57.63 544.99 427.56 $ 2,742.17 $ 2,742.17 .espectfnlly submitted this 12 clay of Dcceni,ber, 1.921. FT. 0. SMILEY JAS. R. ROBINSON L. .E. PA1 1'.ERSON Committee. ]10 PROCEE.DINGS. 01' TILE WARP OP SUPERVISORS Moved by MP. Robinson, that the report be taken 1`.roin the table and passed at: this time. Seconded by Mr. Patterson. By unanimous consent the report was taken from the table. 'Mr. Robinson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: h'esoloecl—That the report of the Ccrttuinittee on Charities be ,accepted and that bills and accounts therein listed be audited and allowed at the amounts recon, herded by the committee, and be it further Resolved—That there be levied and' collected from the taxable property of the following town, 'the several su>:ais set opposite the names of the respective towns, to reimburse the county for expenditures made to the following institutions: To St. Mary's Home— Dryden $599.42 To Susquehanna Valley Hoare. Lansing $363.37 Dryden 963.33 $1,326.70 and be it further Resdccd—That the Clerk be directed to draw an order at this time payable to the Susquehanna Valley Home for the sunt of $1,326:70. and the County Treasurer is lierebY directed to pay the same forthwith out of any available funds in his ]rands. Seconded by Mr. Patterson. • Ayes -12. Noes -0. Carried. • The Clerk read the following report of the Committee on Highways, which was laid on the table two days under the rule: Your Committee on Highways reports that, the several claims listed below arc in all respects in proper form. for audit and allowance by this Board, that each of the said claims in the opinion of your conalmittee is a just and legal charge against the county of Tompkins, to the amount indicated in the column Beaded "Allowed", and your eom!uiittee therefore recommends that each of said claims be audited at the amount so indicated. O:f TOM1'KINs COUNTY, NEW - YORK( 111 O 6. ,G Cla.iutamt Aecoiiot to whieli ' chargf able Nature of expense - - -- 41 J. H.. 13a.ilev Gar. Go. High ways lnto-Hire $ 289.70 $. 289.70 42 "'rear Tire Go. Motor^ Itruoks Tire 20.00 20.00 43 Ithaca Journal -News Supt. Highways Printing 5.95 5.25 44:lithaca Journal -.News Supt. 11ightirnys Printing 4.25 4.25 76 Stover Printing Co.. Supt. Highways Printing 6.25 6.25 103 Cornell Pub. Co.... Supt. ITahliw•ays Printing 8.00 8.00 113:i . P. Bouton, A t.. Supt. Iliglrn•ay's Bond 2.50 2.50 142 I'own of Ulysses... Co. line bridge County 'a share 4123 41..23 F1611icvoolds & ])rake Motoir trucks . Repairs 1,002.04 1,002.04 Garage . $ 1,37922 $ 1.,379.22 Respectfully submitted this 13 day of December, 1921; L. E. PATTER.SON • OLEN A. I%.1NC- • F. A-. BEGENT \V. 0. SMILEY \V ILBER (1. F.1.SII Committee. The Clerk read the following report of the Co'nnni-4ee on County Officers and Compensation, n-hielt was laid on the table ttvo days under the rule: Your Co!timittee on County Officers and Compensations reports that the several claims listed below are in all respects in prober form .for audit and allowance by this Hoard, ithat each of the said claims in the opinion of your committee is a just and legal eharge against the count- of '1'o'ml>kins to the amount indicated in the column headed "Allowed", and your com rittee therefore rccomintends that each. of said claims be audited at the amount so indicated. 112 PKOGEEDINGS OH' THE BOARD O1-' SUPERVISORS ° C Claimant Account to Which chargeable Nature of expense 9 11. C. Sheldon Assessor Tax Com. Meeting . $ 25.52 $ 25.52 11) T. .1. Baker :Assessor Tax Coin. ALeeting . 25.88 25.88 2 Court Bettis County Sealer . Expenses 400.00 400.00 2 Court 13e91is County Sealer . Disbursements .... 13.19 13.19 6 RotILschild Bros. Courthouse .... Flag 10.00 10.00 11 J. 11. Bailey Gar. Co. Supervisors ... Auto -hire - 8.65 . 8.65 5 C..1. Humse.- & Co.. Courthouse .... Repairs 2.45 2.45 1:i Ja.miesou-11e1\inney. Courthouse .... Plumbing 8.60 8.60 141'. M. Donohue . . Courthouse .... Plumbing 23.70 23.70 7 Dartford Steam Boil- er Ins. Co. County- Bldgs. Las. on boilers .... 227.25 227.25 1 T. G..1Liller Sons Supervisors ... Supplies 2.15 2.15 -1 C..1. Rumsey- & Co.. Supervisors ... Supplies .60 .60 8 Hand St :imp Shop .. Supervisors ... Supplies' 1.50 1.50 12 Ithaca Journal New: Supervisors ... Notice for claims 3.75 3.75 78 Stover Print. Go. .. Supervisors ... CLrian blanks 28.00 28.00 97 T. G. _111,11er Sons .. Supervisors .... Supplies 15.00 15.00 117 C. :11. Renrsev & Co.. Supervisors ... Supplies 4.2.95 42.95 118 C. B. St anion S Son. Co. Clk. Bid. .. Insurance .. 20.00 20.00 119 W. 11. Rulkley- Assessor Tax Corn. Meeting . • 2.5.08 25.08 •1 $861,27 $864.27 Respectfully submitted this 5th day- of December. 192.1.. JAS. R. ROI INSON J. l{. :I'OWNSEN D W. 0. SMILEY Oomlr n i.tte e. Moved by Mr. Robinson, that; the report be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by \Ir. Patterson. By unaninrous consent the report was taken from the table. 1[r. Robinson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: h:esolred-That the report: of the Committee on County Officers and Compensation be accepted" 'and that the bills and accounts therein tistect .he audited and allowed at the antollnts recom- mended by the committee. Seconded by TJr. 'Patterson. Ayes -i2. Noes -O. .Carried: - The Clerk read the following report of the Committee on OE' :I'OJt.]'K1:NS COUNTY, NEW YORK 113 Coroner, Justices, etc., Acc0t1lts, tirhi0h was laid on the table two days raider the rule: Yuur Con13riit-tel: 011 COrorte)', Justices, etc. Accounts reports that the several claims iist.ed below are in all respects in proper - form for audit and allowance 11V this oar(l, that, each of said claims in the opinion ol'. your eolllhn.itl:ce is .a: :jn.st and legal eharge ari4hist the eotuttr of Tompkins to the an(Ount in(licaldrl 111 the eoIlrn>_n 11eaded ".r\llovVed", rind your committee therefore recommends that each of said claims be audited at the amount so indicated. w G Cltl.i1Mint "_Account, to Which cluargcr',rhle N:II.lire of ext)alIse - .109 Chios. .1.10x C ri staff le . Fees in dug e;isas..I$ .1.40 $ 5.40 108 Gardner K. Doughty .lu., `it0 ... Fees in. dog e:Isrs.. .50 .50 86 Wire. A. Smith Coroner ... Expenses' 78.80 78.83 '62 \iilton Ailing Cousta1,1 . Fees in clog na,ics.. 5.510 5.90 85 R. R. (iliat'terton .Jns'tire ... Fees in t'n'liiiiv ennes 177.0 17.130 126 daane's A. Bengt .1 t1..; 1'Ce .. I''ees in: felony eases 12.75 .12.75 34 Olia.rles Hyde. Cnnstalrle . Fees in dol; cases.. 18.15 13.15 80 2.1. J. Coulon .I11.41i.ic! ... fees in felbay 10.ses 8.00 8.1111 61 11. 1i. Gha:ttorton .Jnui.rcc , ... Fees iu dog cases.. 3:1.00 33.011 1131 Elmer Allen ityri.ce ... Fees in. felony cnsesl 12.10 .12.111 .127dames A. IBLJHli .....1004 . .. Fees In felony- r„uses' 5.50 5.50 120 City of Ithaca ,, Citi Court Fees in felony r.ase51 07.70 37.70 .129 Glenn l,ein;ird (hinstfLle . Pees in iiinatsos..1 2.80 2.80 237.9 i-icsl)eetfully sllhlnitled this 13 t.lay of December, 1921. CHAS. IL .LOIINSBEIil WIL1:'•EP G. FISH C. It . BUCK Conll'rn ittec. .4 lt.oved hy- ill r. Luullshery, that the reirnrt be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr. 1-lill. By unanimous consent the relent was takers from the table. Mr. Louushery offered the following resolution and moved i1s adoption: Be.sot:r;eel-That the report of the Corn'aalit:tee on Coroner.-Iusti- ces, etc, Accounts, he accepted awl that the. hills and accounts 114 PROCEEDINGS' OF 'TEE BOARD O1' SUPERVISORS therein listed be audited and allowed at the amounts recons mended by the committee, and be it further Resolved—That the County Treasurer be authorized and di- rected to pay Claim No. 6.1., Chla,tt,erton, amounting to $8:3.00, Claim No. 62, Milton Ailing, amounting to $5.90, Claim No. 84, Charles Hyde, amounting to $18.16, Claim No.108, Gardner K. Doughty, amounting to $0.50, Claim No. 109, Chas. Fox, amounting to $5.40, Claire No.129, Glenn Leonard, amounting to $2.80, totaling $65.75, oat of the moneys in his hands in the Dog Fund. Seconded by Mr. Hill. Ayes -12: Noes -0.. Carried. On motion, adjourned. Fifteenth Day Wednesday, December 14, 1921. MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present. Minutes of preceding clay react and approved. Mr. Albright, Chairman of the Committee on Equalization, etc., rendered the following reports of that cdnr`rnittee for General Tax Levy and highway Tax Levy, which were received and la id on the table two days under the rrtle: REPORT NO. 1 OF EQUALIZATION COMMITTEE FOR AP- PORTIONMENT OF GENERAL TAX LEVY FOR. THE YEAR 1921 '1'o the Honorable the Board or Supervisors of the County of Tompkins, N. Y.: Gentlemen : Your committee reports that it has in accordance with the percentages fixed and established by this I3oarcl, determined the equalized value of the real property of the several tax dis- tricts of this county, liable to the general levy of taxes, except OF TOI1I i(:NS COUNTY-, NE\V YORK 115 for highway purposes, as shown by the subjoined tabular state- ment; that the average rate of assessment as determined by such percentages is .091.06. 11 Yeragc p€,r cent .99106 Towns Real Exclusive of Pen- sions an•d Franchises Special Franchise rd V 41 41U Per Cent of Assessed to true Value o 0 s, Towii's Cmrdlino v $ 18,923 t $ 4,400 $ 894,343 Danby .1 0 25,349 o l' Caroline $ 862,420 $ 8,600 $ 871,020 $ .97 ,$ 897,959 Danby 779,480 3,718 783,198 .96 813,831 Dryden 2,660,150 54,217 2,714,367 .99 2,741,785 Enfield 51)2,642 8,228 600,870 .96 625,906 Croton 2,314,650 26,300 2,341,010 .99 2,364,056 Ithaca City 1.7,961,015 087,412 18,943,427 1.00 18,9.18,427 .1thaea T,,,, it 2,235,683 40,986 2,296,609 .99 2,319,867 Lansing 1,771,450 14,250 1,785, 700 .98 1,822,143 New -Geld 872,490 1.2,240 884,730 .99 803.607 1JIysaes 1,384,530 23,044 1,407,574 .94 1,497,420 Totals $31,454,510 $1,1.79,055 $32,633,365 $32,927,661 11 Yeragc p€,r cent .99106 Towns Equalized Value -Asessed Value increased Assessed value diminished o 0 s, Total Equalized Real and Franchises excursive of Pensions masked Ex- empt with Personal added. Cmrdlino $ 889,043 $ 18,923 $ $ 4,400 $ 894,343 Danby .1 808,547 25,349 808,5.47 Dryden 2.717,207 2,930 250 2,7.17,547 Enfield 620,320 19,440 620,320 Groton 2,343,545 2,533 26,550 2,370,095 Ithaca City 18,779,169 169,324 18,779,169 Ithaca Town 2,299,147 2,478- 2,299,147 La nsiiig 1,80 5,807 20,243 2,200 1,808,067 Nowfield 885,685 955 6,800 802,485 Ulysses 1,484,045 76,47:1. 16,500 1,500,545 Totals $32,633,565 $169,324 $160,324 $56,700 $32,690,265 Your Committee on Equalization 'also reports that .they have ex- amined the assessment rolls of the several tax districts in the County of Tompkins, for the purpose of ascertaining lvhcther the .116 1'FOOIEI)INGS OI'' TILE BOA R1.)OF suf. ERV]SOttS valuation in one tax district .bears a just relation to the valua- tions in •all the tax districts in the county; that in the opinion of the members of the committee such valuations do not hear such just relations to the valuations in all the tax districts of the county, and your cominiittee would recommend that the valuations of the several tax districts, it) order that they may bear sueli just relations, be increased or diminished according ,to the, following statements so as to Make the aggregate equalized valuations as indicated in the tabular statement above. And your committee 'von Id also report that they •have deter- mined upon proper impair} and investigation the ratio or per- centage which the o-assessed'ir:!lne of the real property in each such tax district bears to. its full value curd would recommend that, based' upon such determination of your committee that the board establish siuclr ratios or percentages which are determined and in the opinion of your committee .are as fol-lovs: Caroline 97 Per Cent 1)anhv 96 Per Cent Dryden 99 Per Cent Infield 96 1'er Cent, Groton 99 Per Cent It:haea City 100 Per Cent Ithaca Town 99 Per Cent liamitoz 98 Per Cent Newfield 99 1'er Cent, Ulysses 94 1:'er Cent That your committee have in accord with such percentage com- piled, and that the foregoing tables chow the aggregate vial ua- thins of each tax district, as determined 1'ronr the actual values of property fixed according to the above ratios or percentages and the average rate of assessment of real property in the county which your conirnittee have deternriued according to the rules laid down by Statute, to he .99106 and that, the table shows by such valua- tions the several and aggregate valuations upon which the taxes for the county, including the state taxes,•shnuld ,lie -apportioned between the several tax districts of the eount.y. .A11 of which is respectfully submitted. 13, C. LBRIG11'1', Chairman E. S. I-IIILL L. E. PA17.ERSON F. A. B LG1:NT O1:EN A. 'RINE; J. M. TOWNSI+]N1)- Coauaar ittee. OIC' TO I'K1NS COUNTY, \ENV 1"O.1?,,K 1.17 R.I POUT NO. 2 OF .EQUALIZATION COl[MI,TTEE FOR AP- POR1'10N_ItEN'I' OF 1-11.G1-I\VAV'1'A\ I:JI?VV 1'OB. '1'11.1 YEAR .1.U21 To 1119 I-l:ol ot^alde the !Board of Stipert'-isors of the County of Tompkins, N. Y.: r 7 Lla'til inc $ 804,7711 Dam by ........ . .... 788,530 -Dryden. 2,676,980 Enfield 595,446 Groton 2,330,200 11:1rtt!,a 4;ity 18,058,670 11'hac:a '1'urru 263,1.83 Iia usi ng 1,774,600 Nown old. 881,640 Ulys5es 1,394,000 $ 8,600 $ 873,370 3,718 792,248 01,217 2,731,197 8.228 603,674 26,360 2,356,060 087,412 _10,046,087 40,086 2,304,169 1.4,200 1,788,900 12,2401 893,880 23,04.4 1,417,099 -9 7 .96 .99 .96 .99 1..00 .99 .98 .99 .91 $ 900,381 825,208 2,708,780 628,827 380,161 19,0,1 6,087 2 :127,443 1,82 1,408 902,910 1,007,552 Totals $31,628,129 $1,1.79,055 $32,807,184 $33,103,014 (Continued on page 110 118 PROCEEDINGS OIC TIEE BOARD 01' SUPERVISORS Towns 0 N W -Lssessed value diminished 0 Caroline Daitby Dryden Enfield Groton kb aim City Ithaca Town_ Lansing Newfield Ulysses $ 892,334 817,882 2,734,130 623,207 2,359,090 18,875,858 2,106,642 1,809,094 894,868 1,494,079 $ 38,964 25,634 2,933 19,533 2,530 2,473 20,194 988 76,980 $ 170,229 $ 4,400 $ 896,734 817,882 250 2,734,380 623,207 26,550 2,385,640 18,875,858 2,306,642 2,200 1,811,294 6,800 901,668 1.6,500 1,510,579 Totals $32,807,184 $170,229 $170,229 $56,700 $32,863,884 R. C. AIBRIGIIT, Chairman E. S. HILL L. E. PATTERSON F. A. BEGENT OLEN A. KING Committee. Moved by Mr. Albright, that the reports be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr. Regent. By unanimous consent the reports were taken from the table. Mr. Albright offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That report No. 1, of the Coiunlittee on Equalization, etc., be accepted and adopted and the valuations of real property for the purposes of the General 'pati Levy, against the several tax districts of the county, be equalized and determined as therein set forth as the basis of the apportionlnent of such taxes for the ensuing year. Seconded by Mr. Begent. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. • Mr. Albright offered the following .resolution and moved its. adoption: O}' TOA11.'KINS COUNTY, NEW YORK .119 Nr:solved—That report No. 2, of the Conntnittee on Equalization, etc., for Highway Purposes, bo accepted and adopted and the valuation of the real property for the purposes of }Iightvay Levy, against the several tax districts of the county be equalized and determined as therein set forth as the basis of the apportionment of such taxes for the ensuing year. Seconded by Bir. Back. Ayes -1.3. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Jiing of the l-ligliway Officials Conahnittee, reported to the Board that such committee had entered into a contract for oil arid asphalt for the county and town roads for the ensuing year and asked the pleasure of the Board in the natter. Moved by 11'[r. Patterson, tlrat the action of the Highway Offi- cials Committee be ratified by this Board. Seconded by i'dr. Begent. Carried. Mr. Ilill offered the following resolution and moved its adop- tion: • Resolved—That .Chert be hereby appropriated to the County Clerk the Sum of $102.60 for typewriter supplies for county offi- cers for the ensuing year. Said amount being in addition to the srinl of ,$225.00 heretofore appropriated to said' officer for postage and incidental expenses. Seconded by lr, alhrigltt. Ayes—i.3. Noes—O. Carried. ?Ir. Robinson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That the County Clerk be authorized to purchase a \ o. 5 Underwood typewriter for use in the County Clerk's office. Seconded by Mr. Patterson. Carried. •'l`hc Clerk rend the report of the Com'ntittee on County Clerk and Election Expenses, which was laid on the table two clays, ander the rule: Your Committee on County Clerk and Election .Expenses re- ports that the several claims listed below are in all respects in proper form for audit and allowance by this Board, that each of said clanns in the opinion of your committee is a just and legal charge against the eouuty of Tompkins to the .aitnannt indi- cated in the column headed "'Allowed", and your committee therefore recommends' that each of so id claims be audited at the amount so 'indicated. 120 - PKOCE1 DINGS OF E BOAR]? OF SEP ERN 1SOItS Claimant 0 Account to which chargeable Nature of expense .I5 Davis -Brown Go. 16 It liana 'frust Co,, Trustee 17 Atkinson Press .. - .18 Atkinson Press ... . 14) Atkinson Press 20 Atkinson Press ... 21 Atkinson Press 22 Mall a1; 3leQhesilev 2:3 1nhoca .1ourna1-\on-5 24 1.t•11 0 ea ;You ru a1 -N e n•s 26It°haea, .1ourual-Nen-s 27 :1 'tarns & Church . . 2S�C1tas. E. Houg]ttaling 29 Bonks Law Book Co. :10 Batiks Law Pub, Co. 31 _3laotllew Bender & Co. 32 C. .I. Ramsey & Co. 33 ;la nUeaon-11cl..Lill ey. .4 T. G. M Sons. - 34 T. G. .lfiller Sons 82 Underwood Type. Go. 101 Norton Printing Co. 115 A 'tarns Church 114 Ithaca Eng. Co. .. 123 11. 3. liool Co. 25 1tihac i Journal -News. 95 Hall & McChesney 119 The Ithacan 100 Groton journal -Cour. 102 Bratulow Trina.. Go. 36 T. G. Miller Sons. . 133 Chas. 11. Lounsberc. •134 \V. 0. Slui]ey 135 Ed S. 11111 :136 Oleo A. King 137 F. A. Ele,ent 138 11. S. 1Vrigltt 139 With. 11. Leonaird . . 140 L. E. Patterson . :1.41 E. 31 organ St. John. 142 jaml&s R. Robinson. :143 Wilber G. E'ish 144 C. _11. Buck 14511. C. Alright 146.1. _11. Townsend Counity Clerk. Co.311. of Elec. Surrogotc .... Surrogate County Clerk. County Clerk . Coutut.y Clerk. Couni:;y Clerk. County Clerk. County Judge. Couut.;y Clerk. Surrogate .... Surrogate .. County Judge. County Clerk. Uonnt'.' Judge. County Clark. Conal;y Clerk. County Clerk. Surrogate .... Surrogate . Cont. of Elec. Com. of Elec. Coni. of 1?1en. Oou:uty Clerk. County Judge. Surrogate . .. Coin. of El en. Coat. of Elec. Cont. of Elec. Coral. of El en. Elections .... Elections .... Elections .... Elections .... Elections .... Elect ions ... . Elections .... Elections .... Elections .... Elections .... Elections .... Elections .... Elections .... Elc.ctimt9 ... . Elec. supplies Rent. Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Record ]looks Court Caland. Pub. Ternns Ct Print iirg Record hooks Blacks I.:rn• books ... l��ac hooks 9.96$ 9.96 50.00 50.00 52.50 5.2.50 24.75 24.75 93.50 93.50 32.50 32.50 11.50 11.50 50.30 50.30 152.00 152.00 :5.00 0.00 12.00 112.00 44.00 44.00 7.50 7.50 2.4.00 24.00 :10.00 110.00 Law hooks 10.00 Supplies 42.34 Supplies 2.50 Supplies ......... 131.80 Supplies 70.00 licpaInrs .83 Elec. printing I 2,335.19 Eley.. expenses .. o1.25 Elec. expenses .. 6,25 Supplies 3.30 Pub. Terms 01 9.00 Rceoril hooks 53.00 Men. printing 261.75 Elea. printing . 239.25 Elec. supplias 526.15 Elec. supplies .112.01 Canvass 13.23 Cauv:oss 1.3.12 CBILVOSS 14.24 (Jain -ass 13.44 Canvass iss 14.72 Ca nvass 12.00 Co nvass 12.00 Ca nynss 12.00 Ca uvuss 12.00 Ca Iry ass 12.00 Canvass .12.00 Gan viuss 1.3.44 Can.y,ass 13.12 Oainvass 13.92 10.00 42.34 2.50 131.50 70.00 .53 2,338.19 51.25 6.25 3.30 9.00 83.00 261.75 239.25 526.15 :1.12.01 13.28 13.12 1.4.24 13.44 14.7 2 12.00 1.2.00 12.00 12.00 .12.00 12.00 13,44 13.12 13.9'2 $4,666.(58 $4,663.65 01"F0),11' l< 1.N S CoLIN '1' , N EW bliK 121 _Respectfully submitted this 1:Ith dad• of )eceniher, .1.921. 11-. S. 1V R i EI'I' \V. 0. S-MILEY R. C. A 1 i 1- R IG El'1'. Co nr,miittec. :Moved by \1r. A\'right., that the report he taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded b}- 31.r. I1111. 'By tutan'itnious conseatl, the relrort, Ilan taken from the table. -.A-fr. 1V -right offered the follon-ing resolution and moved its adoption: Irsolr,erl--'hli,at the report of. -the Coni;naitl,ee nn County Clerk and ..Election .[expenses, be accepted land that the hills and ne- count:s therein listed 110 audited and allowed at the amounts recotn'nte-ncled by the conlm!ittce. Seconded -by Mr. Hill. �13i1l No. 24, of the .Iithaea Journal-Nevvs; having heeta 1000111- lnenrlcd by the committee as disallowed, a vote was on'that bill. Illoved by \Ir•. -Wright, that the hill No. 24, of the l'thaca ,lour- nat \'en -s, ,he disallovvcd by. this hoard, it being a- claim .of the former Lthaca 1)aily News for terms of. court and the publication +thereof not completed and therefore not a county charge; and on the further grounds that there is no evidealee of any assigameut of this claim to this chtienant. Seconded by 11;r. hill. Ayes -11. Noes—O. Carried. -Alloyed by Air. -Wright, that the miler bills reported by the com- mittee be audited by this Board ift, the atntuuu#s recommended by the coni mittee. Seconded by ll.r. Hill. Ayes -1 1. Noes—O. Carried. 122 P.ROC.F EDTNGS Ol' TB.; BOARD OF SfPERVISORS AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present. • lir. Bina presented a list of the grand jurors of the Town of Enfield which was received and referred to the Committee on Returned Highway and School 'faxes. A. list of the incorporated companies of the City of :Ithaca was• received and filed. Mr. King presented a list of the Special Franchises of the Town of Enfield, which was received -and referred to the Com- mittee 011 Town Expenses, etc. Mr. Patterson called from the table the report of the Committee - on highways, laid over from December 1.3, and offered the fol- lowing resolution ;and moved its .adoption Resolved—That the report of the Committee ori Highways be - accepted and that the bills and accounts therein listed be audited at the amounts reconflnenrlecl by the comfmittee, and Jbe it further- Resolved—That of claim No. F1G1, of Reynolds and Drake Gar- age Co., there be charged to the Town of Dryden the sum of $17.50; to the Town of Enfield the sum of $108.97, those being the amounts lipid by the county for repairs on the motor trucks allotted to tliose.towns, and that of claim No. 42 of the' Frear Tire Co., there be charged to the Town of Enfield the sum of. $10.00 to reimburse the county for repairs to the motor truck allotted to that town. Seconded by :lir. Hill. Ayes -13. Noes ---0. Carried. Mr. Blick presented the Town Budget of the Town of Lansing,. which was received and referred to the Committee on Town. Expenses, etc.. On motion, adjourned. O1 TO_1 I KI S COUNTY, NEW 'YORK 123. Sixteenth Day Thursday, December 15, 1921 MORNING SESSION Roll call. A11 members present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. Mr. King presented the report of J. C. 1lretherby, Justice of the Peace of the Town of Enfield, which was received and re- ferred to the Committee on Coroner, Justices, etc., Accounts. Mr. Albright presented the Towi► Budget of t'iie Town of New- field, which was received and referred to tile Committee on Town Expenses, etc. The members of the Board were engaged in committee work during the balance of the forenoon session. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll eal'l. All members present. 11Ir. Patterson offered the following resolution and moved its, adoption: Resolved—That there be hereby appropriated the sum of 1;17.76 to. be 'plaid to Clarence 1). T.arbell, County Clerk, to reimburse him for moneys expended in excess of the amount allowed him for expense account during the past year, as appears by his report. Seconded by Mr. Robinson. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. The Committees on Finance and Highways, having important matters before them in form -dating policies for the ensuing year, the remainder of the afternoon session w(as taken up with Com- mittee work. On motion, adjourned. 124 I'ROCLPatNG`ti OF TILE IRWAR1? OF SUPERVISORS RV1SORS Seventeenth Day . Friday, December 16, 1921 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present. 11iunt.es of preceding day read and approved. llr, l3egeut, Chairman of the Committee on Returned Highway and School 'faxes, rendered the following report of that. Com- mittee relative to the Iist of Gra Jurors for the year 1922: Your committee oti Returned I-Iig'].uyay land School 'faxes, to which n'as referred the itreparlatiou of a list of. Grand Jurors. .selected by the several supervisors of .thc respective. towns of the icounr,y and the wards of the city of Ithaca, halving prepared such. a Iist and filed the same with the Clerk of this Board, hereby reco'nrmend that the lists so qu•ep iced, with the oceulu.tiot.s. post - office /addresses, etc., he 'adopted as the true Grand Jury list of 'Tompkins County for the year .1..122. F. A. I3EOENT LEON.ABD CHAS. R. LOIJNS13E1 .Y Committee. i\ioved by llr, Regent, that the report of the committee be accepted and adopted. Seconded bvl[.r. \Vrivht. Carried. -Mr. Patterson, Chairri.an oi'. the Gout/nit-tee 0(1 Highways, called up the question of maintenance of highway.~ of the ern/lay, built under the County and `I'ol%-tI System of Roads. The balance of the forenoon session was t1akeii up with the diser.ssion of that subject. On .notion of Mr. Patterson, the nr'at.ter was .made a special order of business for 3Ionday, December 19, at. 2 P. M. O]' TO\t.l'K!NS CO13\Ty, NEIN VOBK AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. A1l uaetnbcr5 present:. 125 l.lr. Fisk, Chairutan of the Cortrmil.t:ce on Soldiers' l.icliei`, etc., rendered a repdrt of that contanittce, relative to ifpprolriRation, to tin.; Tuudpkins County Farrar l ureau Association and the -.1.'otn-lr- kins County 1 -II 0e Bureau ;Issociation, and offere(1 1,11e following resolution and Moved its adoption: Itr;solr;e(1—'1'h;11; there 1)0 011d hereby is appropriated to the. - Tompkins County Farm .Bureau Assoeilatiou for the year. ii)22, the suns of :$,2,(Rl0.00, for the use or said associ0tiotl and to the 7'on.lkins Coinrty If[ourc Bureau A.ssociatiou the 0uim of $2,500.00. for the year 1922, said mats to ,be laid to ,the treasurers of said at4soeiations hy llle County 'Treasurer 111 four quarterly payments,. 011 the 1.5th. (111}'s of 1''ebrnlliry-, ll11v, August 0111(l Novc'mb01', rtlori the filing wii:lr him of a certified er this resolution, and be it; further lidsol.t,r;il—Thaf. in addition thereto, there be ain(i hereby isi appropriated to the Tompkins Conttty Farm Unreal] Association,. the stow ol` *i,U46.83, to be paid by the County '1'rerisnr(n' to the treasurer of said assneial:ion fortahwit.h, upon the filing with hint of`. a certified copy oti this resolution. Seconded by llr. 13nek. On motion of .1{r. llill. the matter ufats made. as special order. of business for Tuesday-, December 20th aIt 2 P. ll. Mr. laornt5bcrV presented a- ilis1 of the liet.nrned School 'faxes of the 'Town of Caroline, which was reeeiVe(1 and referred toi the Comt.111ittec o11 11,01:nrued llighway and School rrar_es. \Ii . Flegenl., t.hc Comlmiittee 011 liet,urried-11ighway and School Taxes, rendered the following- report, of that. eotu- urrittee, relative to 1011 11401 school taxes: .four Cont'naittee on Reta(rncra .EIighw(tlr and School 'faxes finds upon the certificates signed hy t:lre Collttt.l- 'Treasurer, and ,sup- ported b}- the atlilla.vits or th, c(rlleetvsr5 or the follow.iug school districts of the (different; toikvns of the count), and the city of It:lraca, sttbttt'itted In the ];pard 111 Supervisors by the Count.3- Treasurer, thatthc f.(rldnniin<� school taxes have not heel] 'paid, a'lthourh diligent efnirt5 have ,heeu made to enf(rrec eolleetion, your eonirriitt.ee therefore reeouhle.nd5 e fo1]owing 011015. 140 levied upon 011(1 collected fro,ut the .Ij:rads or properl.�- upon o'lnell the same were imposed, i-itaa 7% in addition thereto: 126 PROCEEDINGS OP THE BOARD OI' SUPERVISORS GAIIOLINE Theo, Martin, Lot 14 Dist. No. 6 $ 10.80 Wm. Ozer, Lot No. 19 Dist. No. 6 12.00 Mrs. Rose Ames Dist. No. 7 .67 Edward W. Provost Dist. No. 11 8.68 J. C. Latti. ner . Dist. No. 11. '1.24 Vincenio DeGracia Dist. No. 20 Joint 19.50 li.'M. Parkinson Dist. No. 21 14.25 $ 67.14 1)ANBY .Arthur Jewell Dist. No. 1 $ 4.50 A. Repunski Dist. No. 1 9.90 Robert Palmated. Dist. No. 2 12.60 Franz & Shipps Dist. No. 2 17.32 Jay Allen Dist. No. 7 3.75 Horace Burdick Dist. No. 7 3.75 David Bogart Estate Dist. No. 7 27.50 llthaca Telephone Co. Dist. No. 7 2.15 Ph,iuelas VanBnskirk Estate ..Dist. No. 7 .75 Jos. Iiissick Dist. No. 8 79.75 R. E. Wilbur Dist. No. 11 7.07 Fred & Seth McFall Dist. No. 13 10.68 C. H. Ostrander Estate Dist. No. 13 . 3.05 'Wilbur G. Bates Estate Dist. No. 5 9.60 $192.37 DRYI)EN Isaac Baker, Lot 89 Dist. No. 2 $ 7.70 H. S. Finch, Lot 88 Dist. No. 2 5.44 Elmer Garter, Lot 12 Dist. No. 15 8.98 .11. A. Teaney; Lot 12 Dst. No. 15 11..22 W. A. Dickens, Lot 12 Dist. No. 15 31.42 Bert Shaw, Lot 3 Dist. No. 17 28.34 Warren Spicer Dist. No. 21 9.30 G -co. Wolcott Dist. No. 20 27.27 Groton & Dryden -Geo. Wolcott Dist. No. 20 36.00 Groton & Dryden $165.67 OF TOMP.KINS COUNTY, NEW -YORK 127 ENFIELD Henry Graham Dist. No. 11 $ 1.82 Wrn. Farker Estate Dist. No. 11 1.82 Cayntaville Telephone Co. ....Dist. No. 1.1 .35 Orville VanOstnand Dist. No. 14 14.63 Jennie VanOstrand Dist. No. 14 6.83 $ 25.45 GROTON Samuel Huston Dist. No. 3 $ 55.00 J. W. Payne 63.55 John Griswold 19,40 $137.95 111IACA. TOWN Ithaca Brick Co. Dist. No. 5 $ 24.40 Bergholtz Realty Co. Dist. No. 6 12.30 Lake View Cemetery Assn. ...Dist. No. 6 78.1.3 A.' T::I.:I3ontio Dist. No. 7 .25 13. A. Drake 'Dist. No. 7 .25 Tony DeAngelo Dist. No. 7 .40 R. C.:hdgeeonrbe Dist. No. 7 .60 J. C.:h]dgeconrbe Dist. No. 7 .35 J. L. Goldsmith Dist. No. 7 .20 -W. W. Oenung Dist. No. 7 .45 i\Trs. S. P. Kyle Dist. No. 7 .25 John McIntosh Dist. No. 7 .45 J. A. Miller Dist. No. 7 6.50 Jerome Richardson Dist. No. 7 .2 5 W. H. Rose Dist. No. 7 1.05 Michael Sheridan Dist. Nn. 7 .90 Mrs. E. M. Starr Dist. No. 7 .20 A. T. Swan Dist. No. 7 .75 $127.3S LANSING- Chas. Steinberg Estate Dist. No. 2 $ 12.80 Pliny Baker Dist. No. 9 ' 1.85 Mary E. Stringer Dist.. No. 9 7.39 Theron Teeter • Dist. No. 9 29.18 John !Knettles Dist. No. 16 7.04 Frederick Sommers Dist. No. 1.6 .44 Dana DeOannp Dist. No. 21. 14.80 $ 66.50 125 PROCEEDINGS Ov Tn:E BO.1li1) OI' SUP1:HV1SoR.S - N.EW.1•.IEhD Chas. .flood Dist. No. . 2 1 1125 1Van. A. .Freese .Dist. No. 2 1.50 Et.bc1 :[Reynolds Dist. No. 8 1.36 Prancena Decker Dist. No. S ... 4.OS Bertha Munson Dist. No. 9 1.36 Ernest -.Mattison Dist.. No. 9 3.=10 Rockwell .Brown Dist. No. .11. 1.23 Wnt. Clark Dist. No. 11 3.61 G. N..13:tnnubarh Dist., No. 14 15.77 Nichols Rothschilds Dist. No. 14 2329 A. .E. Nash Dist. No. 16 24.50 .E. Lin Page Dist. No. 18 S.40 $100.65 ULYSSES Albert Buys Dist. No. 1. $ 38.85 -Martin Breen Dist. Nn. 1 5.55 Hazen Fish Dist. No. 1 6.S3 O. G. Noble. I1ouse-lot & Lot..Dist. No, 1 19.53 Erta na Happle`-e Dist. No. 1 12.65 Jane Sturgis Dist. No. 1 .98 Ella AVetz Dist. No. 1 18.48 Hartley Silk "Mills Dist. No. 1 38.55 Irvin Potter Dist, No. 1 15.55 Alfred hlolford Dist. No. 4 2.94 Lewis Tin., Dist. No. 4 5.SS Heirs of Albert Clark Dist. No. 6 3.50 Dan l. llalona Dist. Ne. 6 28.50 Laura Cray .Dist. No. 11. 1,80 Mrs. B. G. W ooledge Dist. No. 13 4.73 • $9"0.95 :I'I HACA CITY W. & K. Acton 109 Parker St. $ 38.40 Susan Baker 030 E. State St. 55.20 Elizabeth Brennan 707 Hancock 7.20 P, Ca1abri.si. Cook l.,and Co.. Lot 223 .60 Mary A. C;larl: 31.5 Humboldt 7..2 J. 1V. & G. E. Co]e 1.19 College Ave. ... 04.00 Bridget. Coleman Estate .136 Fayette 9.60 Bridget Coleman Estate 40S W. Clinton . 12.00 Ellen C. Coleman 1002 W. State 13.20 Filen C. Coleman 901. W. Buffalo . 0.60 Ada E. Cnntial° 119 S.=ltoi{a 42.00 Nina A. Coyne>Iins 113 Cobb 14,40 OF TO PKINS COUNTY, NEW -YORK 1='9 S. Eckler 207-211 Dryden Rd.. 50.40 (M. .L1oli now owns) Levi Elsohn 407 Eddy 69.60 (T. J. Reid- now owns) Bessie E. Fish 214 11innboldt 9.60 Bessie E. Fisli 216 FCun iloldt 9.60 • John Finn 112 W. Seneca. 66.20 G. E. & M. Foster - Lot Elm. St. 3.60 (A. 13. Kennedy SI ppused owner or eigeiirt) J. W. Georgia 115 Irving Place .40 W..13. Georgia Estla.te :1119 }I.iiniholdt 4.20 A. C. Goff` 305 -W. Green 48.00 H. Goldenberg; 31.7-321 Eddy 156.00 C. liauf. Estate 1.0:17 W. Seneca .... 16.80 (R. Horton, Attorney or agent) C. 0. & G. Houghton 1(19 Fawn{ 15.60 Geo. .Moughton Lot. Caseadiila Ave.. 8.60 Dora C. Fliiick :302 College Ave. ... 63.60 A. 13. & \c11ie Kennedy 208-210 Prospect ... 33.80 Theresa 1iaBarr 108 Franklin 1-2.00 %ora 1.1ovcless 319 College Ave. 100.80 II. J. Lucas, Jr. 407 E. Tompkins 12.0(1 Mary Maloney Estate, .!.jot Cliff Si... Nock 1.56 1.20 Brim(' 1l.azza 416-418 N.Meadow._ ., 20.40 Christina Mazza 410 N. -Meadow .... 8.40 Christina Mazza 412 N..Meadow .... 13.20 Christina 'Mazza. 41.4 N. Meladow .... 12.00 Christina, !Mazza 529 N. Meadow .... 9.60 Christina. Mazza 524 N. -.Meadow .... 9.60 Christina Mazza Lots 70, 81, 82, 83, 84: Est.v 7.20 Christina Mazza. 617 .Casey:dillo 12.00 John McAllister 418-422 Eddy- 284.00 Presto!' Melton 425. 1V. Seneca 16.80 Preston {!Melton 223 4. Pia in 1.2.00 Fred 1liddangh 1.1.7-119 E. Clinton .. 58.8)1 Fred ll id laugh 11.0 Spencer Place .. 26.40 Fred Middaugh '1.14 Spencer Place .. 26.40 Fred Middaugh 504 S. Cayuga 42.00 Fred Middaugh 506 S. Cayuga 25.20 Fred Middaugh 211. S,peueer Road" .. 30.00 Lena C. Miller 412 Ella 26.40 !fury O'Brien Estate 310 Est.v 8.40 Jennie M. Osborn 401 5. Tinga 30.00 W. E. Pearson 404-406 Univ. Ave. 80.40 M. E. Poole 119-121. E. State .... 35.20 John Quigley Estate 207 "WilIi:gins 34.80 John. Quigley Estate 121 Quarry 42.00 Ti. Reiner 1131. Giles 3.60 130 PROCEEDINGS OF TEE BOARD O:l` SUPERVISORS John Reidy Estate 114 Maple Ave. .... 16.80 John Reidy Estate 107-.KLIple Ave. .... 26.40 John Reidy Estate 1.21 Maple Ave. .... 16.80 John Reidy Estate ........ 401 Cornell St. ... 25.20 John Reidy Estate Lot Maple Ave. .... 13.20 Kate & Ann Reidy 623 Dryden Road .. 8.40 Chas. Ramsey Estate 9041 Heetor 17.20 Bridget Ryan Estate 705 .H.alicock 6.00 :Bridget Ryan Estate 1.15 Filth 8.40 Bridget Ryan Estate 119 Fifth 7.20 Bridget Ryan Estate 604 Hancock 4.80 Bridget Ryan Estate 610 Hancock 6.00 Bridget Ryan Estate. 308 Esty l 8.40 TL C. Schuyler 416 First 7.20 H. G. Schuyler 306 Second 4.80 W. & J. Severinghaus 308 Fairmount Ave.. 58.80 F. 11. Shevalier 71.7 N. Aurora 18.00 A. G. Sincebaugh 389 lana 28.80 Smith & Sharpe 1.24 Columbia 15.60 Isabelle Snaith 123 Quarry 75.60. V. P. Thomas 240 Linden Ave. ... 25.20 Mrs. E. S. Tieltenor 808 W. Green 18.40 L. L. Utter ' 130 :Blair 24.60 F. B. YanOrder 511 W. Seneca 40.80 F. L. AranOrder • 514-516 W. State 50.40 Mary E. VanOrder 356 TTumboldt & Lot 76.80 Welch & Fishback 512 W. Mill 9.60 Welch & Fishback Lot 311 Esty 3.60 Jeremiah Welch Icehouse .Westport St. 4.80 J. M. White 1.11 East Green. & ga- rage in rear .... 50.40 C. 11. Wilcox 209 Auburn 15.60 Wynan Estate Lot No. 23 Treva Ave. .A0 $2497.S0 F. A. BEGENT W?1r. 1T. LEONARD CHAS. R.. LOUNSBERY Committee. Arr. Decent offered the following resolution and moved • its adoption: Resolved ----That the forenoi.ng report of the Coniimittee on Re- turned lligliNVay and School Toxes be accepted and the sums therein mentioned• be 1evied .and collected from the lands or OF•TOAIIPKINS COUNTY, NJ'l\V YORK 131 property -upon which the same were imposed, with 7% in addition thereto. Seconded by Mr. King. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. Adjourned to Monday, December 1.9, at 10:30 A. M. Eighteenth Day Monday, December 19, 1921. MORNING SESSION Boll call. 1 111 members present. Minutes of preceding day re4u1 and approved. llr, Fish, Chairman of the Cotuunittee on Soldiers' Relief, Etc., asked permission to withdraw- the resolution offered December 16, relative to appropriations to the Tompkins County i''arm Bureau. Association and the Tompkins Comity I:Lome .Bureau Association and •znttile a special order of business for Tuesday; Deceniber 20, 'a t 2 P. M. On motion of Mr. IIo'binson, the request, .Vas granted and the resolution wit:hcara«'n. The Clerk read the following report ol'. the Committee on Town Expenses, etc., relative to the special franchises in Tompkins County: Your Committee on '1.'u)rn .Ex1xntscs, cue., to which was referred 'the tabulation of the special frjaurchises in the towns of the county, outside of, the city of..lthaca, respectfully report that the fo]Iow- ing is a tabnlatinn of all the special franchises of the various corporations irr rhe several towns or the eonnt:y, as reported to your eonimittee by the several town clerks of the respective towirs of the county, outside the city of 1.tlraca : 132 P:I:OOEEID1NCS O1'' T1[1? BOARD OF SUR1 HV1SOliS d4 rl r F z 0 0 0 H 0 02 L3 �i P14 H U W a an •03 a1WIIda[Oy 1.aL 0.1 11.Ia1u.10 o p1 0 4.1 lI011l f1 11a01.S;1:11. -03 BI[d I I0aTa.l, 0A11eraado-op SO9s.i[C] c cI --r S1 •6 '0( 01[0[]1141]0.], ' 041101 I. ill 11([S11'ILUTII.Tj, -« N -11 a IC t - o r .n -r I-- — =; -00 0 I[[ -l'.3 111]'13 1 id Sna[a i, [vlso,1 '01) :1.1.2;1•401:1 - PIA° -1+ C o 4 Vl J O .. -1+ JJ SD SC ^^. ' I.— `i- .; C F 1 I� -r' -,. C1 P. _— ^I C ^.I O cp -- -r o SC c: P '^ ,- O o O C. O :'- 7 -r Iti h 7 t.-„- V• . 1 N mlr �c� �mol -w ' o L-5 - ^ rn c '-. — ,ti — CI C. m I� m . '00 alll)111Ia1i),], }[.I0.� .11(1> i O 110I"11:.1011.I00 :1[.11:1x1'[ -r O put' RAID 3lIUl1' 1[JOX.ua1.„: Ic i •03 allaydo[a.l,a 111131 SI[l " ^� E. .1;3111:1, 1011:•''lM =r "03 [MIA ,[1I.r f C. o" 11..10;c__110\ 111111 1[1111[11*I ^I N 1 -- JD 075- 11011[;x0(1103 ;n l[0i'1: O.L TU\LI'KINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 133 -Mored by Mr. Buck, tagat the report of. the a,ounntittee be ac- cepted. Seconded. by Mr. 13egent. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. .1111 members present. The maintenance of highways built tinder the County and Town System of 11oai1,5, having been trade a special order of business for this time, that matter was taken up. 11:r. Chamberlain, of the State Highway Depjartment, addressed fire.1.ioard, relative, to the subject. lloyed ht• llr. Smiley, that the matter he left to the highway Coutintittee of the Board, to fot'rtnulat.e a plan and to report to this Board forthwith. Seconded by Mr. Buck. Ca rried. y Committee, uumitt:ce, at.facr conferring, recourMcn.deil the adoption of the follon-itrg resolution: l,esolced—Th4at the County Treasurer of Tompkins County is hereby directed to credit the motor vehicle moneys of Tompkins County for the year 1922, to the construction fund of highways constructed under 320-A, Of the Highway, Law, and be it further Resolved-1.'hat for the ntaiutenauce of the highways of the County, built under the County and Town System of Roads, there be and 'hereby is appropriated for the year 1.922, the stun of $17,- 000.00, said strm to be expended on the highways ofsaid system at the pllaees, in the manner and under the direction of the High- way Officials Courttnitf.ee of this ]3oaril, and be it farther Rcsoltmrl—That each town, in whielt county moneys are ex- pended for maintenance, shall raise by tax, .as its share of said cost of: maintenance, an raulount equal to 40% of the cost of maintenance of highways in that town, including the $100.0(1 per utile required by law to be raised by each town; and the county's share of said cost; of ntairttenance shall he 60% thereof, but the total amount of tate cost of iinaintenlanee 'to the county of all roads inaiuttained, shall not exceed the sum 'of. $17,000.01) herein- above appropriated, and be it further 134 PROCEEDINGS OF TILE 11OAMD OP SUPEKV.ISORS Resolved—That no mon ey shall be paid to any town for con- struction, until its work of maintenance for the.currcnt year is completed, except for the purposes of economy, the committee deems otherwise. J\tr. Fish moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Mr. Begent. A.t the request of Mr. Robinson, 'action on the resolution was deferred until Tuesday, December 20, at 10 A. M. Mr. Fish offered the following resolution and moved its adop- tion: Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated to the Tompkins County Farm Bureau Association for the year 1922, the suns of $2,500.00, and to the Tompkins County Home Bureau Association for the year 1922, the sum of ,};3,000.00, said sums to be paid to the treasurers of said associations by the County Treas- urer in four quarterly payments, on the 15th days of February, IIIay, _August and November, upon the filing with hint of a. certi- fied copy of this resolution. Seconded by. i i:r. Buck. On notion, .the consideration of the resolution was made a special order of business for 'Tuesday, December 20, at 2 P. M. On anotion, adjourned. Nineteenth Day Tuesday, December 20, 1921. MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present. :Minutes of preceding day read and approved. The Clerk read the bond of Wm. H. Baker, County Clerk -elect, which was received and referred to the Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses. - 11Ir. Patterson moved the adoption of the resolution recom- mended by the IIighwa,j- Committee, relative to 'maintenance of highways built under the County and Town System of Roads, laid over from December 19. OF TOMI'K1NS COUNTY, NEW VO11'i Seconded by Mr. Leonard. • dyes -1.3. Noes—O. Carried. 135 The Clerk read the following report of the Committee on Sol- diers' Relief, ete., relative to insfaaae con>aitarients, which Was laid on the table two days under the rule: Your Committee on Soldiers' Relief, ete., reports that the several claims listed below are in all respects in proper _form for . audit and allowance by this Board, that each of said claims in the opinion of your com'anittee is a. just and Icgia1 charge against the Bounty of Tompkins to the amount indicated in the column • headed ' A1lo\ved", and your committee therefore recommends that each of: said claims he <a.nrlited at the ralmoun so indicated. Respectfully submitted this .1.2 day of December, 1921. WILBERR G. FISII CHAS. R. ]:]OUNSBERY C. M. B'UCI( Committee. Moved by illr. Fish, that the report. 'be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by Dlr. Hill. I r unanimous consent the report was taken from the table. \f r. Fisli offered the following resolution and moved its adop- tion : Resolved—That the report 'of the Comlrn_ittee on Soldiers' Re- lief, etc., relative to insane commitments be'accepted and that the Claimant Account to which • Nature of expense a o edra.r4 ea.bl e •S c J 80 A. Chase I'nsa'ne ... E. in. lunacy .... $ 10.00 $ 10.00 10411. 11. Crum rn,sane ... 1 x. in. lunncv .... 10.00 10.00 106 IT. 11. Crum 1 nsa.ne ... Ex. in 1una.cv .... 10.00 10.00 107 }l. 11. Crum .Intsaue ... Ex. in. lunacy- .... 1.0.00 10.00 $ 10.001$ 40.00 Respectfully submitted this .1.2 day of December, 1921. WILBERR G. FISII CHAS. R. ]:]OUNSBERY C. M. B'UCI( Committee. Moved by illr. Fish, that the report. 'be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by Dlr. Hill. I r unanimous consent the report was taken from the table. \f r. Fisli offered the following resolution and moved its adop- tion : Resolved—That the report 'of the Comlrn_ittee on Soldiers' Re- lief, etc., relative to insane commitments be'accepted and that the 136 .I'ROCEEDI.NGS T!' ILE BOA -RD OF SUPER VISORS bilis and accounts therein listed be audited and allowd at the amounts recom`naended by the committee, and be it further Re,wlvcrl—:That claims Nus. 80, 1.01 and 1.06, amounting, to ' the sum of $30.00, be charged to the City of Ithaca and placed in the tax budget of the. city to reimburse the county for pa,,y- nients made on Behalf of the city, the patients for whose exami- nations these claims were presented and allowed; beim properly a city charge. Seconded by Mr. Buck. Ayes -1..3. Noes -0. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. Al] members present. _ The matter of appropriations to the Tompkins County Farm 13ureau A.ssoeiation and Tompkins County Borne .Bureau Associa- tion, having been made a special order of business for this time, that matter was' taken up. At the request of Mr. Hill, the chair ordered the question di- vided and that action be first taken on the appropr.ia.tion of $2,500.00 to the Tompkins County Faint Bureau Association. Mr. Albright offered the following as an amendment: P.csolved--Tlaaat there also be and hereby is appropriated to the Tompkins County .U'arm Bureau Association the further sum of :$18.79, :aid sum to be paid by the County Treasurer forth- with, to the. treasurer of said association, upon the filing with him of a certified copy of this resolution. Amendment seconded by Mr. I-lill. Mr. Hill demanded the ayes and noes on. the question. A vote being taken on the auuend)uent resulted as follows: Ayes—Messrs. Lounsbery, Smiley, hill, L'egent, Wright, Al- bright, 'Townsend -7., Noes-111.cssrs. King, Leonard, Patterson, Fish, Buck—o. Amendment carried. OI' TO\1iP1' 1N:S COUNTY, NEW VOEi.I1 137 A vote.,heing taken on the original resolution, as amended.•re- sulted.as follows: Ayes -12. Noes—O. Carried. The chair ordered that action he taken on the question of. an appropraition ot.` $:3,000 .00 to .tile 'Foiu:pkins County Home Bureau Association. ll.a. Fish offered the following 05 011 amendanc,nt: Resoltmd—That there a1s'0 be .and hereby is appropriated to the Tompkins County 171-om0 Bureau Association the further sum of *1..46, said sum to he paid by the County Treasurer forthwith, to the treasurer of said association, upon the filing with ]rim or a certified coPy of this resolution. Seconded. by Mr. Mill. Ayes --1,2. Noes --O. Amendment carried. A Vote being taken on the original resolution, as amended, resulted as follows: .Ayes -12. Noes—O. Carried. On motion, adjourned. Twentieth Day Wednesday, December 21, 1921. MORNING SESSION 11o11 11)11. All inemhers present. 11:irnates of .preceding dad- read and aEproved. Mcz. Wright, Chairman of the Com'mittce on County Clerk and Election Expennses, to which was referred the bond of County Clerk -elect, Wm. I1. Baker, reported that the conrnaittee had ex- amined the bond :uad found it correct, both as to form, manner of execution and sact eiency or the surety. Moved by A•I.r. Wright that the bond be 'approved and accepted. 138 PROCEEDINGS OF TME BOARD OF SUPER VISORS Seconded by Mr. Buck: Carried. The Clerk read the following bids for printing 1,000 copies of the Proceedings of the Board for the year 192.1: The Atkinson Press " $3.25 per page. Norton Printing Co. 3.15 per page. W. R. Carpenter, of Geneva 2.75 per page. The Ithacan 2.88 per page. Moved by Mr. Robinson, that the bid of 'l'he Ithacan, for print- ing the Proceedings of the Board for the year 1921, be accepted ;and that the Clerk be directed to enter into a contract therefor, with said company. Seconded by Mr. Buck. Moved by lIr. Fish, as an amendment, that all bids be rejected. and that the coniiinittee be directed to secure new bids. Amendment seconded by Mr. Leonard. A vote being taken on the amendment resulted as follows: Ayes -2. Noes -7. Arnendnreiit lost. A vote being taken on the original motion, resulted as follows: Ayes -9. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Smiley offered the following resolution and moved its adop- tion: Resolved—That the Conrauittee on Charities be continued- in power, relative to a new hospital at the County home, and au- thorized by this Boptrd to proceed with securing working plans, estimates and drawings for the same, to be submitted to the State. Board of Charities for its approval.. Seconded by Mr. Robinson. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. AIT members present. illr. King presented a list of the corporations of the Town of Enfield, which was received and filed. OF 'rouj: K•1\S COUNTY, NEW YOBK 139 - ?loved by ._ir. Robinson, that when this Board adjourns on Friday of this week, it be to mlrrrrsdJa•y, December 29, at 10.30' A. M. Seconded by i\ir. Albright. Carried. Mr. Robinson, Chairman of the Committee on County Officers and Compensation, rendered the following report of that com- mittee, relative to salaries to be paid to county officials and regu- lar employees, for the ensuing year: Your Committee on County Officers and Compensation, respeet- fully reports that, as shown by the statutes.ar►d records of this• Board, the salaries of officials and regular employees in the vari- ous offiees and departments of county goverrnuent should be fixed_ as follows: . County Judge and Surrogate $ 3,500.00 County Clerk 2,600.00 District Attorney 1.,600.00 Sheriff 2,400.00 Superintendent of 1Lighvvays 2,200.00, Deputy County Clerk 1,200.00 Special County Judge 600.00. Superintendent of the Poor 1,000.00' Under Sheriff` 400.00' Deputy Sheriff and Turnkey 900.09 County Probation Officer 1,200.00' County Troasurcr 1,000.00 County Sealer of Weights and _Measures 500.00 Two Commissioners of Election, $600.00 0aeh1,200.00 Coroner 200.00 Clerk of Board and legal services to Board 1,500.00' Jail Matron 1.00.00 County Court and Surrogate's Stenographer... 900.00 Surrogate's Clerk 1,200.00 Assistants in County Clerk's Office 3,500.00 Janitor in County Clerk's Building 200.00 Keeper at County Home 1,200.00 Tot)a1 for officers and employees $29,100.00 Your •Committee recommends that the salaries of the county officers and regular employees be fixed by this Board at the amounts stated, and your committee would further recnm'nrerrd that the County Sealer of Weights and _Measures be jail.owed a sura not to exceed $400.00 for expenses while performing the duties of his office, that the County Superintendent of Highways be allowed a sum, not to exceed•$i,000.00 for expenses while per- 1-10 • PROCEEDINGS OF TILE Ii0_\RI) OF SUPERVISORS forming t,lie duties of. his office, and that tuhe Coroner be allowed a sum not to exceed $100.00 for expenses while performing the duties. of his office, said expense accounts to be audited by this .Board at the annual session or ra i; any quarterly session. .JAS. R. ROBINSON W. 0. SIIILI V J. M. TOWNSEN D • Committee. droved by Mr. Robinson, that the report of the committee be a.ceept.ed and adopted. Seconded by IIr. Leonard. Owing to the absence of 11•!r. Wright, ll.r. Begent moved that • the matter be made a special order of business for Thursday De- cember 22, at 2 P. ll. . Seconded by li:i•. Buck. Carried. On motion, adjourned. Twenty=first Day Thursday, December 22, 1921 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present. Minutes of precediirg day read and approved. Moved by ?[r. Be+gent, that the county purchase a snow -plow to be used, in connection with the tractor, lin keeping the roads of the county open to traffic in tines of deep snow, land that-, suitable plans be formulated to procure and use the saute. Seconded by Mr. Fish. An aye and no vote being taken, resulted as follows: Ayes—G. Noes -7. Motion lost. The 'members of the Board were engaged in committee work during the balance of the forenoon session. ( TO\IIPK.t_\sS COUNTY, NEW •PORK • 111 .AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present. The report of the Conrotittce on County Officers and Contpcn- sation• relative -to salaries of officials and regular amploVees, having been made a special order of business forthis time, that matter vas taken irp. At the request of TIr, hill, the ehair ordered the question d ividecl. . l•loved 'hv 1Cr. 1 e enl that action he first taken separately On salfatries to he allowed the County Superintendent of the Poor and the Count- Treasurer. Seconded by 'Mr. -Wright. Carried. The chair ordered that action he first taken on. the salary to be atlovrerl the Count}- Superintendent of the Poor. 1Lovetl by lir. 'Robinson, that the salary allowed the Couutr Superintendent of the Poor be the sura of. 1,000.0(1 as reen.ir.r- mended br the crstn.nrittee. Seconded by ?Ir. Townsend. .fres---ltessrs. l.;ounsbery Senile`', 1-l•ill, l�.in�;, \\right, ILeonarrd, Patterson, :Robinson, .1:biek, Fish, Albright, Townsend -12. Noes—Mr. Begent—i. Cai tied. The ehlair ordered that aetiiirn he taken on 1 -lye salary- t.o be allotted the County Treasurer. At the request, of .Mr..1-liM. actiotr a•a first taken on that part of the report reading as follows: "r1 1,11 the county guarantee the County '.1.'reasnrer a snnr to *3.000.00 Should the fees of his office not amount to that antrch. 'acrd any excess in .fees, taking into ennsideration the $1,0(}(1.00 hereby- appropriated, over said $3,000.00, .shall be paid to the eniiiitr by said trcalsnr fl ''. 1t vote being taken. resulted as follows: • Ayes—Messrs. Smiler, 'Wright, Leonard, Patterson, Robinson, Fish, Buck, Townsend -3. :I42 PROCEEDINGS OP THE BO.LRD OF SUPERVISOICS Noes—Messrs. Louarsbcry, Hill, King, 13egcnt, Albright -5. Carried. A vote being taken 011 the adoption of the entire report of the -Committee on County Officers and Compensation, relative to :salaries of oflie?a.ls and regular employees, resulted as follows: Ayes -13: Noes—O. Carried. t1r. Robinson offered the following resolution and moved its .adoption: Resolved—That A. 13. Oltz be employed to care for and look .after the necessary repairs in the Supervisors Rooms, and in the •offii:es of the County Treasurer and Superintendent of highways for the ensuing year and that be be paid la, salary of $20.00 per month for performing such services. Seconded by Mr. I3utck. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Robinson offered the following resolution and moved its _adoption: Resolved—That there be appropriated the sum of $800.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, as and for a partial payment for the Printed Proceedings of the Bogard for 1921, the order therefore to be drawn by the Clerk of: the Board upon the County Treasurer, upon the delivery to and acceptance by said Clerk of ;such Proceedings. Seconded by Mr. Fish. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. •On 'motion, adjourned. CFI? TO:l1-1PN_ i\ij COlJNTY. 1\T+3 \V TUlitl 14:; Twenty=second Day Friday, December 23, 1921. MORNING SESSION Toll call. A.11 members present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. \' The Clerk read certain claims, which were received and re• ferred to the proper comimittee. Moved by Mr. Fish, thlat tlie•Board reconsider its action, taken December 21, relative to the adjournment of tiie Board to Thurs- day, .11ece n,lrcr 29. Seconded by Mr. J eaont. Carried. Moved by Mr. Robinson, that, Irlrcn this Board adjourns to -dad' it be to Tuesday. December 27, and that when it, adjourns on that date it be to Friday, December 80. Seconded by \[r. King. Carried. ills. Robinson offered the following resolution and proved its adoption: 1VEIF.RJ:As—Thc issuing of motor vehicle licenses blas been made one of the duties of the County Cleric by the state law. without providing adequate compensation for the additional e]erk hire necessitated thereby, therefore be it Ii'e.col,ua(l—'I'htat, there 1)0 allowed the County Clerk an addi- tional sun of :900.00 for clerk hire, necessitated by the addi- tional labor thus placed on his office by the. state, aid amount being in addition to the annornrt heretofore allowed him for assistants in his office. Seconded by lir. Patterson. Ayes -111.. Noes -0. Carried. moved by Mr". flat the. Con!niittec on County Officers and Compensation be authorized to take such steps as it deems necessary to ,Safegilarrl the records in the County Clerk's and Surrogate's offices, all bills therefor to he audited by this Board. Seconded by Mr. Begent. Carried. 144 1'rOGI:r]DI GS 01" 'PILI: BOARD OF SLIVER -VISORS AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. A]1 members present. _Mr. Brick offered the following resolution and nt.oyed its adop- tion: • Resolved—That the sunt of $1,500.01), heretofore appropriaf,ed as salary to the Clerk of this Board, be in full payment) or services as Clerk find whatever legal services may be rendered by. him to the Board from November 17, 1921; to the annual session in 1922, unless otherwise orederd • by a resolution. Said sim to be paid as follows: $;375.00 forthwith, $$75.00 on January 15, 1922, and the balance in tett monthly installments of $75.00 per tnont,h, the first monthly payment being .February 1, 1922. The County Treasurer is hereby authorized to crake the first two phy'ntent.s out of any moneys unappropriated in his hands, and, if he has not sufficient funds .with which to pay the same, he is aul.horized and directed to horror• the same ou the credit of the county. Seconded by ?ir. Patterson. Carried.. Mr. :Fish offered the follo`ving resolution and moved its adop- tion: licsoiued—That, the resolution adopted by this Board Decem- ber 20, relative to maintenance of highways built under the County trod 'Towyn System of Roads, be hereby rescinded, and he it fr:rther Resolued—That Iute County Treasurer is hereby directed to credit, of the motor vehicle moneys apportioned to Tompkins County; the sum of $8,200.00 for maintenance, and that there hereby :be appropriated to the fund for maintenance of roads constructed under X120 -A, of the Highway ].yaw, the store of $5.- 000.00, being the amount required by law to be raised by the county therefor, and be it further Resolved—That any balance now in the ]rands of .the Comity Treasurer to the credit of the maintenance fund of highways constructed under §:320-A, of the !Highway Law, be hereby re - appropriated to such fund, and be it further Resolved—']'hat said .strata, so credited kind so appropriated, shall be upended on the highways ways of said system at the pliaces. in the manner and under the direction of the Highway Officials Committee of the county, and be it further Resolved—That; each town, in which comity moneys are ex- OF TO.\i.PI:INS COUNTY, NEW -YORK 145 pended for maintenance, shall raise by tax, as its shan'e of the cost of 'maintenance, an amount equal to 40% of the cost of mainte- nance of highways in that town, including the $100.00 per toile required by law to be raised by each town; and the county's share of said cost of maintenance shall be 60% thereof, but the total amount of the cost of maintenance to the county of all roads ma_intjaiued shall not exceed the sum of $5,000.00 herein- above appropriated, the soon of $5,200.{]{] to be credited from the motor vehicle moneys apportioned to the county and the bal- ance ttotiv in the hands of the County Treasurer to the credit of the maintenance fund and hereinabove reappropriated to that fund, and be it further Ii;es(v•ed—Tkat no uey shall be paid to any town for con- struction, until its work of 3na;intertance for the current year has been completed, except, where for the purpose of economy, the committee deems otherwise. Seconded by i1Ir. Patterson. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. ]Patterson offeree.] the following resolution and moved its adoption: Bewrlved—That any balance now in the ,]rands of: the County Treasurer, standing to the credit of the construction .fond of highways constructed under the provisions of §:320-.A. o1`. the Highway Law, be hereby rcla.ppropriated to such fond, and be it further li'esdvcd—That any balance now in the (rands of the .County Treasurer, stant ing to the credit of the motor vehicle funds, and all motor vehicle moneys apportioned to 'Tompkins Concha• for the year 1922, in excess .of the $5.200.00 heretofore ordered credited to 1:he maintenance :fund of highways constructed cinder §320-A. of the 11ighwpy Law, he credited by said County Treas- urer to the constrnteiou fund of highways constructed under the provisions of §320-A. of the Ifighway Lary. ' Seconded by Mr. Fish. Ayes -13. • Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Patterson offered the following resolution and alloyed its adoption: Resolved—That there he ]hereby appropriated to the tl igh`say Rind the sunt of $3U,000,00 to reimburse the general fund for 146 1'ROCI:1:7)1NGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS moneys 'borrowed therefrom for the highway fund and expended for highway purposes. !and the County Treasurer is hereby di- rected to credit said stun to the deficiency in the highway fund and to replace it in the general fund from which it was borrowed. Seconded by lir. Fish. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Patterson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resoircd--That there be hereby appropriated to the highway fund the stun of $50.000.00. Seconded by Mr. Fish. Ayes -13. Noes -0.. Carried. Mr. Patterson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Ii'c>,.ol crd—'Plot there be hereby appropriated die sum of .$7,- 000.00 for securing rights of way for highways to be constructed. Seconded by Mr. Fish. Ayes -13. Noes. --0. Carried. Moved by 11r. Robinson. that• consideration of the question of motor tracks be made a special order of business for Tuesday. December 27, at 1.1. A. A1'. Seeonclecl by TLr. Fish. Carried. Adjourned to Tuesday, December 27, at 10:30 A. 31. Twenty third Day Tuesday, December 27, 1921. MORNING SESSION Roll call. 11 members present, except Mr. Townsend. Minutes of preceding day react and approved. TOl1 P1 1 N S COUNTY, NEW 'YO.li..K 147 Mr. Patterson offered the following resolution land moved its adoption : Resolved—That the resolution adoptecl,by- this Board on Decem- ber 23, relative to an appropriation of. $50,000.00 to the highway fund, be hereby rescinded. Seconded by Mr. Leonard. Ayes -11. Noes—I. Carried: AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present. Messrs. .\174n. ll. Baldwin and Daniel ?[itehell. Superintendents of the l:'oor, appeared ;before the Board, rotative. to the salary allowed the Superintendent, of the Poor for the ensuing year. ll.oved hy i\Ir. Beverrf., that the Board reconsider its aetinrl, relative to the salary allowed to the Superintendent of the Poor. Seconded byMr. I:Lill. Carried. Moved by Mr. Robinson, that the Board reconsider its action, relative to the salary !allowed to the County Treasurer. Seconded by 11Ir. Leonard. Carried. Mr. Robinson offered the foilotviug resolution and moved its adoption: li'eso(1;ed—']'hat the salary alloyed the County. Treasurer shall be fixer.'[ by this Board at the sulrn ol` $1,000.00, togebhcr with the fees allowed the County Treasurer hy statute, being the same as Heretofore allowed. Seconded by lir. Fish. Ayes—Messrs. .1.,ouusbery, Smiley, lir g, Begerrt,, PaItersrr, Robinson, Buck, Fish -8. Nes—Ilnessrs. Hill, Wright, Leonard, Albright—t. Ca rricd. Moved by ?ll.r. Robinson, f.ltat the Cleric be directed to expunge 748 1.'BOCEE1)INGS OF '1'11.E BOARD OF SUPER VISORS from the report of the Conbntittee on County Offieers and Gona- pertsatiot, relative to salaries, adopted 'by this Board December 22, the guarantee to the County Treasurer tliat his salary, to- gether with the fees of his offiee, shall amount to the sum of $3.000.00. Seconded by 1[r. Buck. Carried. \[r. Robinson offered the .following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—'that the County Treasurer be allowed the slum of'. $300.00 for clerk hire during the ensuing year. Seconded by llr. Regent. Ayes -1.I Noes -0: Carried. lir. Regent offered tate following resolution and moved its adoption: : Iikesoleecl—That the salary to be allowed to the County Super- intendent of the Poor, he fixed by this Board at the sum o,f'. $1,- 500.00 per annum. Seconded by llr. [Iil]. Ayes—Messrs. Lounsbery, Smiley, .11ill. l3cgent, Patterson, Robinson, Luck, Albright, Fish -9. Noes—Messrs. Wright, Leonard -2. Carried. The consideration of the question of motor trucks acquired by the county, having been made a spceial order of business for this tittle. that )natter ryas taken up. Mr. Albright' offered the following resolution and !moved its adoption: \Viilaii s—Each town of the county has heretofore been a] - lotted ra motor truck acquired by the county froth the State llirhway Department, and used by such town in the prosecution of its highway construction during the past year, therefore be it Resolved—That such allotment be allowed to stand as the al- lotment of this Board and eaeh ntotor truck so allotted shall Oh TO_lttl'KINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 141) hereafter he kept in repair ;and uu;tintained at the expense of the town to which. allotted, and be it fur't1lter l esrllocri—That any motor truck hereafter acquired by the county shall be .allotted to the several towns desiring the sante, but all cost of .Obtaining each motor truck and turning it over to the town shall be charged against the town to which it is allotted, and the same shall hereafter .he placed in repair and maintained at the expense of the town to whielt allotted; and ;be it, further lieso/eed—That the county shall insure each motor truck so allotted, both from. loss by fire or d'iauuat+nett caused by injury, and the cost of such insurance on each truckk_ shall be charged against the town to which such truck is allotted. Seconded by Mr. Mill. Carried. •'1`he Clerk read the following report of the Committee on County Officers and Compensation, was laid on the table two days under the rale: Your Committee on Comity Officers and Compensation re- spectfully reports than the sevee i1 claims listed below .are in all respects in proper form for audit and allowance by the Board, that caieh of said claims 'in the opinion of voter committee is a just and legal charge against the county of Tompkins to the atntnitrtt indicated in the eoltt5nn headed "Allowed", !and Your committee therefore reeon►ruends that each of said claims be audited at the amount so indicated. 150 PROCEEDINGS 01' TIIE BOA.10 0.P SUPERVISORS ,� e o l Claimant Account to which chargert.ble Nature of expense o U t, 147 Chas. R. Lounsbery. Supervis'or Committee work $ 245.76 $ 245.76 148 Chas, R. Lounsbery. Supervisor Quant. & Spec. 50.96 50.96 149 Chas. R. Lounsbery. Supervisor Animal Session 145.28 145.28 150 Chas. R. Lounsbery. Supervisor Extending tax 15.00 15.00 15.1 W. 0. Smiley Supervisor Conr'nittee work .... 88.00 88.00 152 W. O. Smiley Superv'is'or Quart. C Spec. 49.84 49.84 153 W., 0. Smiley Supervisor Annual Session 151.12 151.12 154 W. 0. Smiley Superv'is'or Extending tax 20.40 20.40 155 E. S. Hill Supervisor Committee 'work .... 83.35 83.38 156 E. S. Hill Supervisor Quart. & Spec. 49.44 ' 49.44 157 E. S. hill Supervisor Annual Session 14624 146.24 158 E. S. Hill Supervisor Extending tax 26.18 26.18 159 Olen A. King Supervisor Committee work .... 268.92 268.92 160 Olen A. King Supervisor Quart.. & Spec. 52.08 52.08 161 Olen A. King • supervisor Annual Session 151.44 151.44 162 Olen A. Ring Supervisor Extending tax 18.76 18.76 1631'. A. Regent Supervisor Committee work .... 61.74 61.74 1641'. A. Begent Supervisor Quart. & Spec. 61.04 61.04 165 P.. A. Begent Supervisor Annual Session 152.72 152.72 166 P. A. Begent Supervisor Extending ta.x 44.75 44.75 1671Wiut, 11. Leonard .. Supervisor Committee trork 12.00 ' 12.00 1681Wm. 11. Leonard .. Supervisor Quart. & Spec. 43.00 43.00 169 Wan. 11. Leonard .. Supervisor Annual Session , 144.00 144.00 170 L. E. Patterson : _ . Supervisor Con>intittoe work 198.00 198.00 171 L. E. Patterson . . . Supervisor Quart. & Spec. 43.00 43.00 172 L. E. Patterson . . . Supervisor Annuli Session 150.00 150.00 173 L. E. 1'rutterson . . . Supervisor Extending {tax 53.20 53,20 174 E. Morgan St. John. Supervisor Committee work 259.35 259.35 175 E. Morgan St. John.. Supervisor Quart. & Spec. 42.00 42,00 176 E. Morgau St. John. Supervisor Annual Session ' 150.00 150.00 177 E. Morgan St. John. Supervisor Extending tax 29.20 29.20 178 Sas. R. Robinson .. Supervisor Committee work 116.00 116.00 179 Jas. R. Robinson .. Supervisor Quart. & Spec. 36.00 36.00 180 Jas. 11. Robinson .. Supervisor Annual • Session 150.00 150,00 181 Wilber G. ,Fish .... Supervisor Conilruittee work 402.66 402.66 182 Wilber G. Fish .... Supervisor Quart. & Spec. 42.00 42.00 183 IVilbor G. fish .... Supervisor Annual Session 144.00 144.00 184 H. S. Wright Supervisor Committee +cork .... 166.75 166.75 185 H. S. Wright Supervisor Quart. & Spec. 43.80 43.80 18611. S. Wright Supervisor Annual Session 144.00 144.00 187 11. S. Wright Supervisor 73.xttertding tax 35.00 35.00 188-0. M. ]3uck Supervisor Committee .work .... 130.67 130.67 189 C. M. Buck Supervisor Qrtart. & Spec. 52.08 52.08 190 C. M. Buck Supervisor Annual Session 145.44 145.44 191 C. M. Buck Supervisor Extending tax 21.50 21.50 192 R. C. Albright .... Supervisor Committee work 06.06 96.06 193 R. C. Albright .... Supervisor Quart. & Spec. 49.84 49.84 1.94 R. C. Albright .... Supervisor Annual Session 1.45.12 145.12 1951I. C. Albright .... Supervisor Extending tax 17.34 17.34 196 J. M. Townsend . _ . Supervisor Committee work 110.88 110.88 1971J. M. Townsend ... Supervisor Quart. & Spec. 47.52 47.52 1981j. M. Townsend . _ . Supervisor Annual Session 145.92 145.92 1991.1. M. Townsend ... Supervisor Extending lax 25.82 25.82 $5275.20 $5275.20 1 Ole POatP1 NS COUNTY, NEW YORK. 151 Respectfully submitted, this 27 day of ])eeember, 1921. JAS. R. ROBINSON W. 0. ,SMILEY J. M. TOWNSEND Committee. Moved by Mr. Robinson, that the report be taken from the table and passed at this time, Seconded by liar. hill. By unanimous consent, the report was taken from the. table. Mr. Robinson offered the following resolution and moved its •adoption : Resolved—That the report of. the Conhimittec on County Offi- cers and Compensation he accepted and that t1ie bills and ac- counts therein listed he audited at the- amounts recommended by the committee. Seconded by 11r. Leonard. .Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. The Cleric read the following report of the Committee on Finance, which was laid on the table two c-a;ys under the rule: Your Coinmittee on Finance respectfully reports, that in its opinion, the following, appropriations will .:be necessary to meet the expenditures of this county for the ensuing fiscal year: APPROPRIATIONS FROM THE GENERAL FTJND Contributions : State Tax --General pnrposcs $51.688.13 Stenographers, etc. 3,270.41 Armory 6.108.72 Tax Expenses, Advances and Refunds: 'Pax Commissioners Meetings $ 66.14 Tax Blanks 115.20 Dune Town of Caroline 8.20 $ 6.. ,067.26 $ 189.54 1° PROCEEDINGS OF' TILE BOARD OT' SUPERVISORS Legislative : Supervisors—Compensation $ 5,275.20 Expenses 948.22 Clerk. Salary and Postage .,550.00 Printed 1'r.oceedings 848.25 Janitor 240.00 Administrative Officers : Conunissioners of Election ---Salary $ 1,200.00 Postage, 17lipense and Clerk '1tire 1,000.00 County Canvass :1.81.28 Election Expenses 2,583.7S Rent 50.00 $ 8;861.67 $ 5,015.06 County Treasurer: Salary $ 1,000.00 • Postage 100.00 Clerk hire 300.00 Bond 425.00 Expenses 622.80 Administrative Buildings: Court-House—Maintenance $ 248.41 General Repairs 1,500.00 Comity Clerk's Building—Maintenance.. 29.65 Janitor • 200.00 $ 2,447.80 $ 1,978.06 Contract Supplies: Jieat and Light • $ 2,293.14 Telephones 500.00 $ 2,793.14 Judicial : County Jugde—Salary $ 3,500.00 Special County Judge—Salary 600.00 Assistants 2,100.00 Expenses 325.58 Civil Courts : Supreme Court Regulative Officers: Sealer of Weights and Measures—Salary ' 500.00 Expenses 400.00 Disbursements 1.3.19 $ 6.525.58 $ 3.500.00 913.19 OF TOIMPKI\S COUNTY, NEw YORK 153 Regulative Associations Society Prevention Cruelty,to Children •Society Prevention .Cruelty to Animals. 148.69 108.91 Protective : County Clerl:—SaaInry $ 2,600.00 Deputy County Clerk ---Salary 1..200.00 AssistanIS 4.400.00 Postage 925.00 'l`ypewritors turd supplies 34010 'Expenses 569.20 Appropriation overdrawn 1,299.8:1. Recopying amt rebinding hooks 1,500.{)0 Educational : Educational Notices $ :3.50 klarm Bureau 3,31.8.79 ]-Conte Bureau 3.001.46 Deaf -Mutes 1,410.1.8 ]i'eehle-Minded Children 68.33 Corrective Officers: Disti ret Attorney—Salary Sheriff—Salary $ 2,400.00 Expenses 1,237.16 Under-Sheriff—Salary 400.00 Deputy -Sheriff and Turnkey 900.00 .laiiM.atron 1.00.00 Appropriation overdrirtwn 1.01.3" Coroner—Salary $ 200.00 Expenses 78.80 $ 257.60 12,1.3:3.61 7;797.26 1 ,600.00 $ 5,138.55 278.80 justices and Constable Fees $ 03.85 Probation Officer—Salary $ 1,200.00 Expenses SS.:19 Criminal Courts: Supreme Court—Grand Jury- Expenses.$ 1,000.0{) County Court Criminal 1,500.00 $ 1,288.39 2,500.00 Punishment : 'Jail Inmates $. 192.00 J<ait Mairrteiontt;f, 500.0{) -Monroe County Penitentiary 183.59 Priva .c Reform Schools 10.71. $ 1,186.30 154 PROCE1:DINGS 0F THE BOARD 01' SUPERVISORS VISORS Insurance: County Boilers $ 277.25 County Buildings for year 1922 978.22 $ 1,200.47 Appropriation to General Fund $ :1.0,000.00 Total Appropriations $136,765.63 Less Estimated receipts Applicable to Gen- eral Fund Levy on Towns for State '1. x $ 61.070.26 Levy on Towns for Election Exp2,520.92 Levy on Towns to Reimburse County for Deaf -flutes Feeble -Minded Children Private Refoiim Schools Levy on Towns for Moneys Expend- ed by County County Clerk's Fees Surrogate's Clerk Fees 920.1S 6:3.33 10.71 1,027.99 7,905.70 150.66 $ 73.6S3.75 Net Amount Required for General Fund Appropri;;l.tions $ 63,OS1.85 APPROPRIATIONS FROM THE POOR FUND Charitable, Improvident Poor: Superintendent of the Poor --Salary$ 1,500.00 Almshouse ]folates 5,000.00 Outdoor Relief 5.700.0 Expenses of Superintendent 450.00 Transportation 500.00 Physician and Cliapinin 500.00 Maintenance of Buildings 1,474.53 Appropriation overdrawn 512.65 $ .15,937.1.5 Charitable, Tuberculosis : Tuberculosis 7Tospital—Maintennnee . $ 11.000.00 Mental Diseases: Epileptics • $ 141.15 Insane 40.00 $ .1S1.15 0:1:' TOi\ILPKINS CO.I 1'', NEW 1OINK. 15 Dependent Children: Child 'Welfare. Board $ 2,000.00 St. Mary's Hoole 599.42 Susquehanna Valley Home 1,326.70 $ 3,926.12 Total Appropriation for Poor Fund Less: Estimated Receipts Applicable to Poor Fund, viz: Support of 'I'own Poor in ,Almshouse$ Levy 011 'T0vrns to Reimburse Coun- ty for Dependent Childrint $ 34,044.45 4,9S6.53 1,926.12 $ 6,912.65 Net; A.m.ount Required for Poor Fund Appropriation $ 27.131.80 APPROPRIATIONS FROM THE HIGHWAY FUND Maintenance of Highways: Superintendent. of Il.inlm1ays—Salary.$ 2.200.00 Expenses 1,000.00 Audits. 515.02 Construction: $ 3,715.02 Sinking Fund on Bonds—Principal ..$ 2,062.77 Interest.... 4,125.57 - Highway Fund to Ileinil ilise General Fund 30,000.00 County System of Roads: Appropriation snider Sec. 320-A $ 32..7:30.00 Maintenance under Sec. 320-.A 5,1100.00 Expenses 2S9.70 $ 36.:188.33 $ 38,019.70 Rights of Way: $ 7,000.00 Motor Trucks: Repairs $ 1,022.04 Insurance 1,500.00 County Line Bridges: Audits County Highway Indebtedness: County highway Brands—Pri]lwp tl 11.,000.00 :interest 3,120.00 $ 2,522.04 $ 247.17 $ 14, 120.00 Total Appropriation for IIighway Fund. $101,812.26 156 PROCEEDINGS O.P THE BOARD OF Stit',I?R1'1SORS lou committee recommends that there 'be assessed, levied and collected from the tlaxable property of Tonu.111 iaas County, liable therefore, the following satin's for the following purposes: :For General un. $ 63,081.SS For Poor Fund 27..1.31.50 $ 90.213.68 For the Highway Fund 101,812:26 Total Tax ILevv for County. Exclusive of State Tax $192,025.94 Your committee further reports, that the foregoing appropria- tions \rill be necessary to meet the expenditures for the next ensuing fiscal year, in payment of 1. Contributions pursuant to Chapter 396, Trans of 1921, Chap- ters 176 and 6:58, Laws of 1921, Article 6, Section 12, of the Slate Constitution and the Judiciary and Military Claws, as amended. 2. Salaries of officers and employees heretofore authorized by this Board. Claims .audited Fund allowed by this Board. 4. Claims to be audited at special. or quarterly. sessions of this Board, claims to be audited by the Superintendents of the Poor, duly authorized certificates and other expenses .to be paid prior to 'the next ensuring tax levy. • 5. Amounts to become dale under contract. 6. The aniottnt to be paid for sinking fund and interest on state highway ponds. 7. County indebtedness and interest thereon,. 8. •.A11 }ropriations by this Board for other specific purposes, and estimated !amounts required for anaforsectt contingencies. Your cotuhn'ittee further reports, that from the reports of the County Treasurer, the receipts frcnn the previous year and other information available, it estimates that the amounts indicated will be available from the various sources specified, to the ex- penditures for the above purposes!and such anoonnts ane deducted from the estimated amounts required in fixing the amounts to be raised by tax levy, Respectfully submitted, this 27th day of 1)ece.mber, 1.921. JAS. R. ROBINSON . :ED S. HILL • J. M. TOW1\'SEi\D Committee. [)1" TO1ri1'.K 1 N S COUNTY, NEW TOR K 1: 7 11e�cd b� lla°. 1 ohiuson. that the report of the conenFittee be takers .from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by ATI'. Hill. 1: \ unanimous consent 1,Ire report was t.al:en from the table. 'Arr. liobinsou offered the following resolution and proved its adoption: I esr1.verl—'Shat; the report of the Cgnrrnittee on Finlance be accepted and the several amounts therein specified be and hereby ,are ,appropriated i`rilaa the funds indicated, to and for the purposes enumerated, and be it farther /?esolred-.--That all moneys received by the County Treasurer, the disposition of which is not, specifically provided Tor by law, or act of this Bolarrl, he credited h,y Trim to the general, poor or highway farad, in accord With the nature ol` such receipt., and be it hurdler lr.esolc;ed—That in ease of a deficiency in any appropriation, the County '1'rearsurer is hereby authorized to transfer, from the general fund, poor runt or highway fund, to such appropriation, any unexpended balance standing to the credit of the general fund, poor Lund or highway fond, respectively, for the purpose. of meeting any payment ordered by this Board, or required. by la.wr, which amounts are hereby appropriated for such purposes, but: in 110 ease, is the Comity Treasurer authorized to transfer. from the general fund or poor fund to any other fund, without a reso- lution of this Board specifically authorizing hint so to do, and he it further r 11'.ol,':ed—That the County Treasurer be and is hereby author- ized to horrors, on tlrc fait -la and credit of the county, the strut of $15000.00, or so iinuda thereof. as may be necessary, and credit the same to the general fund, to :meet the expenses of running the 'county government to February 1, 1922, in anticipation of taxes levied and to be collected from the liaxa'ble property of the county ]ia.ble therefor, for the payment thereof, and he it further ltesoleerl—That there be assessed upon, levied against ,anti col- lected from the taxable property of Tompkins County, liable therefor. For State Tax, the in or G1,OEi7.2l For General and Poor Fund, 130,21 .{iS . For hliglnray Fund, 101,812.26 158 P:ROCF1 1)INOS OFA TI[E 13OA.1D OR SU1 .EItvISoT S Seconded by i1Ir. Hill. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. Hill offered the following resolution and moved its (adop- tion: Resoh;ed—That the collectors of the several towns and the city be instructed to hay over and settle all tax indebtedness with the several officers of the towns and the city, on or before May 1, 1922, .and to fray over to the Supervisors of the towns, all moneys in their hands, and belonging to their towns, on the first clay of each month. Seconded by Mr. Buck. Carried. On motion adjourned to Friday, December 30, at 10:30 A. M. Twenty=fourth Day Friday, December 30, 1921. . MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. The, Clerk read the following report of the Committee on Equalization, etc., .0n apportionment, which was laid on the table two days under the mile: Your Committee on Equalization. etc.; .vll0Se duty it is to .apportion the various taxes ;aanong the several towns of the eounty and the city of Ithaca respectfully reports, that the follow- ing.amounts shall be paid by the several towns and city for state tax for general purposes, state tax for stenograplrers..state flax for armories, county tax for general purposes and county tax for highway purposes, as follows: OF T011121(k S COUNTY, NEW FOR R, .159 Rate for State Tax $1.87 per $l,000 Hate for Coouli,}• Etigliwav .Yurpuse5 *2.76 per $1,000 "Rate for Comity ftiirliw';iv l,'nrpose9 3.098 par 1,000 Tnta1 Count- Rate Dati_td 1)ec. 30, 1921. $i 808 per $1,000 R. C. ALBR ft i 1.'T 'ED S. "ELL '11'. O. SMILEY OLtiN A. KING F. A. BEGENT Comm i [tee. 'Moved by lir. Albright) that the report of the crnnn)ittec be. faked from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by lIr.' Lcon'ard. By unanimous consent, the report was taken[ from the table. ii illr. A.1brigltt offered the following resolution and _Moved its adoption: 1 ]resolver!—That the report of the Confmittee on Equalization, on Apportioinnertt, be accepted and adopted and that the several amounts therein. listed for state 1a_t, county tax and county high- way tax against the several towns and. city of the county, bo as- sessed. levied and collected from the taxable l)ropert.' of the towns and city of the county, liable tillereffor. Seconded by Mr. Begent. Equalized Value for General a.nd Poor Purposes State Tax County General and Poor lgtiarlized Value for Highway Purposes County Ilil;'hway Ta_x Total Tax for Towns and City Caroline Danby Dryden Enfield Groton Ithaca City rr Town 894,343 808,547 2,7.17,547 0.20,320 1,370,095 18,770,100 2,299,147 1,670.92 1,510.48 0,075.81 1,158.49 4,428.03 30,082.03 4,295.40 2,467.88 2,231.08 7,499.92 .17711.58 6,540.96 51.,523.61 6,345.14 890,784 81.7,88' 2,7.34,380 6211,207 2,185,640 18,875,853 .2,306,642 2,778.08 2,533.79 8,471.10 1,930.69 7,390.7.1 53,477.40 7,1.45.97 6,916.88 0,275,35 21,040.81 4,800.76 18,359.75 :145,381.06 17,780.51 Lansing 1,808,067 3,377.08 4,989.76 1,811,294 5,61.1.18 13,978.22 Neufeld 892,485 1,666.44 2,462.75 901,668 2,793.37 6,922.50 Ulysses: :1,500,545 2,802.57 4,141.00 1,510,079 4,679.77 1.1,623.28 Tota1c.. , . $32,690,205 $01,067.26 $90,213.08 $32,863,884 $101,812.20 $253,003.20 Rate for State Tax $1.87 per $l,000 Hate for Coouli,}• Etigliwav .Yurpuse5 *2.76 per $1,000 "Rate for Comity ftiirliw';iv l,'nrpose9 3.098 par 1,000 Tnta1 Count- Rate Dati_td 1)ec. 30, 1921. $i 808 per $1,000 R. C. ALBR ft i 1.'T 'ED S. "ELL '11'. O. SMILEY OLtiN A. KING F. A. BEGENT Comm i [tee. 'Moved by lir. Albright) that the report of the crnnn)ittec be. faked from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by lIr.' Lcon'ard. By unanimous consent, the report was taken[ from the table. ii illr. A.1brigltt offered the following resolution and _Moved its adoption: 1 ]resolver!—That the report of the Confmittee on Equalization, on Apportioinnertt, be accepted and adopted and that the several amounts therein. listed for state 1a_t, county tax and county high- way tax against the several towns and. city of the county, bo as- sessed. levied and collected from the taxable l)ropert.' of the towns and city of the county, liable tillereffor. Seconded by Mr. Begent. :160 PROCEt;]I 1NGS OF THE ]BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Ares --1:3. Noes—O. Carried. The Clerk read the following report of the Committee on Coun- ty Treasurer's Aeconnts, relative to the report of the County Treasurer: \Ve, the Coninittee on County 'Treasurer's accounts, report that we have carefully: compared and checked the receipts and vouchers for payments with each account as shown, of the cash book, veri- fied each and every account, and to the. best of our Belief have found all accounts and balsnces correct. We also find that the recommendations of our committee of last' year has been very fully complied with, as lo duplicate receipts for all moneys received, "are now on file and properly numbered. The cash book is balanced clad' anouth and also the several ae- counts. Statements from the several.banks where county funds ;ire on deposit, } veru submitted to y.otlr con:ntittee and we find the bal- ances reported were on hand and in the several 'banks on the first day of November, 1921. J. M. TOWNSEND H. S. WRIGHT ED S. MITI, Committee. Moved by Mr. Townsend, that the report of the committee be accepted and adopted. Seconded by Mr. Patterson. Carried. The Clerk read the Following report, of the Contlmittee on Fi- nance, which was lair.] on the table two days under the rale: Your Conitnittce on Finance reports that the fol]owing tabu- lated statements show the appropriations which will be necessary to meet the expenditures of the various towns of the county and tite city of tthac;a, for the ensuing fiscal year, as set forth in the following budgets: OF TO\1'PKIN-7S COUNTY, NEW Y0HK 161 TOWN OF CAROLINE To be .Paid the County Treasurer: State Tax $ 1,670.92 County Tax 2,467.88 County Inigliway Tax 2,778.08 Maintenance of State and County i1. ghways 550.00 Support of Poor at County home 251.95 Election Printing 125.82 Dne Comity, Sheriff's Expenses, Ete 28.15 $ 7,872.80 Returned School '1'ax 71.86 $ 7,944.66 To be Paid the Supervisor Town. Audits $ 3,053.87 IIighiway Fund 2,200.00 Bridge Fined 1,500.00 Ma. ehinery Fund 200.00 Miscellaneous Fund 200.00 Town Poor 100.00 Certificate of'.I.ndebtedness 3,450.00 Bond and 'Interest 1,045.00 $11,753.87 TOTAL BUDGE'J' $19,698.53 Tax Rates— General .009 JIiglhway .0136 Total. .0226 162 I'ROGEEDI\GS OP TILE J3O LED OE SUPERVISORS TOWN OF DANBY To be Paid the County Treasurer State Tax $ 1,510.48 County Tax 2,231.08 County Highway Tax 2,533.79 .EIection Printing 103.29 Support of Poor at County Home 175.34 Maintenance of State and County Highways 500.00 Support of Child at Syracuse State institution 20.00 ^ Due County, Sheriff's Expenses, Etc. 2:50 $ 7,076.48 Returned School Tax 205.82 $ 7,282.30 To be Paid the Supervisor : Town Audits $ 1,741.38 Highway Fund • 3,000.00 Bridge Fund 2,000.00 Machinery Fund 1,000.00 Miscellaneous Fund 1,500.00 Certificate of Indebtedness 1,600.00 Interest 57.00 Memorial Fund 10.00 Poor Fund 100.00 $11,008.38 TOTAL BUDGET $18.290.68 Tax Rates— General .0081 TIigh ay .0157 Total .0238 - OF TOMPKI\TiS COUNTY, NEW YORK 163 TOWN OF DRYDEN To be Paid the County Treasurer: State Tax $ 5,075.81 County Tax 7,499.92 County Highway Tax 8,471.10 Sinking Fund and interest, Road 681 243.11 Sinking Fund and Interest, Road 682. 269.13 Sinking Fund and Interest, Road 683 278.09 Maintenance ,of State and County Highways 1,050.00 Election Printing 343.14 Support of Poor at County Home 503.89 Support of Children at St. Mary's Home 599.42 Support of Children at Susquehanna Valley Hame 963.33 Dile County, Sheriff's Expenses, etc. 42.54 Due County, Repairs on Motor Truck 17.50 $25,356.98 Returned School Tax $ 177.27 $25,534.25 To be Paid the Supervisor: Town Audits $• 3,775.39 TIighway Fund 6,858.00 Bridge Fund •2,000.00 Machinery Fund 1,500.00 Miscellaneous Fund 2,590.00 Snow Fund 500.00 Certificate of Indebtedness 5,000.00 By Vote of Town 5;000.00 Poor Fund 500.00 General Fund 1,200.00 llle;nior,ial D1ay 50.00 Support of Southworth LLbrary 2.00.00 TOTAL BUDGET• $29,173.39 $54,707.64 Tax Rates— General .0176 highway .00325 Total .02085 164 P}IOCEEDINGS OF TILE BOARD OF SUPEIRVISORS TOWN OF ENFIELD To be .Paid the County- Treasurer State Tax $ 1,155.49 County Tax 11,711.58 Cousity Highway 'Tas 1.030.69 _Maintenance of State and County Highways 450.00 Elections Printing 55.46 Support of Poor at County Horne 944.86 Due County, Sheriff's Expenses, Etc. 7.00 Due County, Repairs on Motor Truck 118.97 5;706.55 Returned School Taxes 27.23 5,73`1.78 To be Paid the Supervisor: Town Audits $ .1.849.1 3 Highway Fund 2,622.00 Bridge Fund f.000.00Machinerl Fund 500.00 Miscellaneous Fund1.000.00 Bond and Interest, Road 1001. :340.50 Certificate of ,Indebtedness 2.500.00 TOTAL BUDGET Tax Rates— • General .0055 Hi ghway .0177 . Total .0262 $ $15,745.41 O.F TOI F•KINS COUNTY, NEW YORK_ I65 TNN OF GIiOTON To be Paid the Count- Treasurer: State Tax $ 4,428.08 Count- Tax 6,540.96 County Highway Tax ' 7,390.7.1 Maintenance of State and County Highways 500.00 Election Printing 372.57 Support of Poor at County Home 762.04 $19,994.36 Returned School Taxer .1.47.61 To be Paid the Supervisor: Town Audits $ 3,150.14 Highway 1+'und 4,500.00 Bridge Fund 8,500.00 Machinery Fund 1,000.00 l riscellancous Fund 3,000.00 Memorial Fund 75.00 Certificate o.t'.Indebtedness 4,000.00 Loan and Interest 522.50 l'Loney Voted by Town for Highways under §320-A5,000.00 $20,141.97 $29,747.64 TOTAL BUDGET $49,889.61 Tax Rates— Inside Gorporation— Outside Corporation— General .0063 Ilighway .0126 Total .0189 General .0066 Ilighway .0167 Total .0233 166 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TOWN OF ITH.ACA To be Paid the County Treasurer : State Tax $ 4,295.40 County Tax 6,345.11 County Highway Tax 7,145.97 Maintenance of State and County Highways 1,150.00 Election Printing 137.55 Support of Poor at County Home 122.54 Support of Child at Syracuse State Institution) 13.33 Due County, Sheriff's Expenses, Etc 157.52 Due County, Erroneous Assessment (l ain`rright) 1613 $19,383.58 Returned School Tax 136.30 $19,519.88 To be Paid the Supervisor: Town Audits $ 1,946.38 Highway Fund 4407.00 Bridge Funcl 1,500.00 Machinery Fund 1,000.00 Miscellaneous Fund 1,800.00 Bond and Interest 1,860.00 Certificate of Indebtedness 1,500.00 • . $14,013.38 TOTAL BUDGET $33,533.26 Tax Rates— Inside Corporation— 5G eller& .0055 Highway .0071 Total .0126 Outside Corporation— { General .0056 Highway .0094 Total .0150 OF TOMPIiINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 167 CITY OF ITHACA To be Paid the County Treasurer : State Tax $ 35,082.05 County Tax 51,823.61 County Highway Tax 58,477.40 Support of Poor at County Home 2,428.68 Election Printing 831.57 Support of Children Syracuse State Institution30.00 Support •of Child at Guardian Angel Horne • 10.71 Due County, Sheriff's Expenses, Etc 191.38 Due,County, Examinations in lunacy 30.00 TOTAL BUDGET Returned School Tax (To be paid by the School District of the City of not a part of the City Budget, for which the tax is Tax Rates— General .00479 Highway .00307 Total .00786 $148,905.40 $ 2,673.11 Ithaca and levied.) 16S PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TOWN OF LAN SIN TD be Paid the County Treasurer: State Tax $ 3,377.08 County Tax - 4,989.76 County Highway Tax 5,611.38 •Maintenance of State and County Highways 400.00 Election Printing 208.56 Support of Poor at County Horne 225.73 Support of Child at Susquehanna Valley Home • .. 363.37 Support of Children, Rochester School for Deaf 920.18 Due County, Sheriff's Expenses, Etc. 74.77 $16,170.83 Returned School Tax $ 71.17 $16,242.00 To be Paid the Supervisor: Town Audits $ 2,558.08 Highway Fund 7,100.00 Bridge Fund. 3,000.00 Machinery Fund 1,000.00 Miscellaneous Fund 500.00 Certificate of Indebtedness 6,000.00 $20;158.08 TOTAL BUDGET $36,400.08 Tax Rates— General .00713 Highway .0132 Total .02033 01''TOMPKINS COUNT V, NEW YORK 169 '.l'O'\VN Ohs NEIVF.IELi) To be 1:'aid the County Treasurer: State Tax `f; 1,666.44 County Tax 2,462.75 Couut,y fligln;ia,T- Tax 2.793.37 Maintenance of State and County Highways 650.00 Election Printing 98.10 Support of .Pour at County .1 -Lome 219.17 Due County, Sheriff's Expenses, Etc 84.04 Returned School Tax $ 7,973.87 106.73 8,080.60 To be Paid the Supervisor: Town Audits $ 1,810.32 Highway Fund 3.9.1700 Bridge Fund 1,500.00 Machinery Fund 1,000.00 Miscellaneous Fund 2,000.00 Poor F►u►d 200.00 Memorial Day 50.00 TOW II Library 1.00.00 Courpcnsation .Insurance 250.00 Bond and Interest 2,175.00 Supervisors -and Collectors Bond Prcmivan 150.00 *1.3,152.32 TOTAL BUDGET $21.,232.92 Tax Rates— Inside Corporation— S C'eneral .01014 (Highway .0091 'Dotal .01924 Outside Corporation— 4('0►►cr►1 .01014 711igh�ti ar .01416 Total .0243 170 PROCEED.1\GS OF TMT BOARD OF SUPE.RVISOItS TOWN OF 'ULYSSES To be Paid. the County Treasurer : State Tax $ 2,802.57 County Tax 4.141.00 County Highway Tax 4,679.77 Maintenance of State and County Highways 450.00 Sinking Fund; Road 616 216.85 Interest on Sume - 438.69 Election Printing 220.8 Support of Poor at County Rome • 52.83 Due County; Sheriff's Expenses, Etc. 257.49 $13.255.061 Returned School Tax $ 251.1.5 To be Paicl the Supervisor: Town Audits $ 2,937.20 Highway Fund 4,200.00 Bridge Fund 1,500.00 Machinery Fund 1,500.00 Miscellaneous Fund 500.00 Snow Fund 500.00 Certificate of :I:ndebtedncss, Bridge 900.00 Certificate of Indebtedness, Machinery 1,513.75 Certificate of indebtedness, Miscellaneous 2.066.55 Certificate of Indebtedness, §320-A 10,000.00 Bonded Indebtedness, Principal 2000.00 Bonded Indebtedness, Interest 315.00 Memorial Day ' 50.00 Poor Fund 500.00. $13,506.21 $23,78.50 TOTAL BUDGET $42.233.71 • Tax Rates— Inside and Outside Corporation for General and Poor Purposes .0094 General Highway. .0135 Special Highway .0096 Health Board.Outside Corporation .0002 Pension Inside Corporation.0135 Pension Outside Corporation .0231 Total Bate Inside Corporation.0135 Total Rate Outside Corporation .0327 Q1!' `1'O: EPI(INS COUNTY, NEW ¥ORIK 171 Moved by Mr. Robinson', that the 'report: -of tlic Committee on Fiit nee be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr. Hill. By unanimous consent the report was taken from the table. Mr! Robinson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: ]Resolued—That in accordance with resolutions adopted Iby the several Town Boards of Tompkins County, laow on file with t:he Clerk of this Board, resolutions of this Board and the laws of the state, and in accordance w.itlt the foregoing report and recom- n►endations of the Committee' on Finance., that there be levied and collected from the taxable property of the respective towns - of -the county and the City of Ithaca, the foregoing stuns for the purposes 'therein named.. • Seconded by Mr. Begent. A.ves-13. Noes—O. Carried. ,lir. Yatt.erson, Chairman of the Committee on i-iighways, read a c.oan'tttunication from the State Comlmission of Highways, rela- tive to the allotment of another motor truck to Tompkins County. Moved by IIir. Begent, that the offer of the State Highway Com- mission, be accepted and that the truck so 'allotted to the county be allotted by this Board to the Town of .Dryden. Seconded by IIr. Robinson. Carried. Moved 'by Ill:r -Begent, that the Liberty truck, allotted to the county in the Rh allotment of motor trucks to the county, be allotted.by this Board to the Town of Croton. Seconded •hy lir. Fish. Carried. Moved by Mr: Fish, that tbo committee appointed on April 6, 1920, to have charge of the motor trucks allotted to the coiurty, be discharged. . - Seconded by Mr. Begent.. Carried. .172 PROCEEDINGS 0.1"11.11E BOAR]) Ot•' SURE RVISORS AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. X111 members present. Mr. Buck offered the following resolution ail moved its adop- tion: Wtrt•:rtE_ws—'Che South-I4a;nsing-North-Lansing highway, is the next highway in•tlie order of construction after t.Iie Mecklenburg Road, so-called and 'lVllERl_As—'Che highway in Cayuga•Cotutt.y, extending front the. city of Auburn and connecting with this highway at the Cayuga County -Tompkins County line, is completed and in use, therefore be it Resolved—That it is rhe sense of this Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, that the constructiOn of said South-Lar:sing- \orth-I.iansing highway should be comMeneed in 1922, if possible, and be it further Resolved—That the Clerk of this Board be directed to forward a certified copy of this resolution to the State Cotttnnission of Highways and to Ifo-,. Seymour Lowman, Chairman of the Senate Committee on Internal Aftairs. • Seconded by Mr. Robinson. Carried. Moved by ?Jr. Fish, that the action of this Board on December 22,• relfatiye to the purchase 'of a snow plow- to be used in con- juuct.ttre -with the county tractor, be reconsidered. Seconded by Mr. J3egent. Ayes—S. Noes -3. Carried. Moved by Mr. Fish, that .there be appropriated 'the sum of $650.00, .or so (much thereof 115 Emay be necessary, for the purchase of pi snow plow, to be used in conjuncture with the county tractor in keeping the roads 'of the county open in times of deep snow, that the Highway Committee of this Board procure such snow plow 'and that the Clerk be directed to draw -an order for the payment of the same on the -written order of. tine Ilighwway Com- mittee, and 'that the County Treasurer be directed to Tray the said order out of any funds in his hands legally available therefor. ' Seconded by lir. Regent. Moved by 111x. Bill, as an amendment, that the highway Conn-' OE? TO\r)'I:INS COUNTY, .\1•;11' YORK 370 ntitice be instructed to first investigate the l:u•acticability of the use of rx, roller in keeping the roads open. Amendment seconded ,b�- Air. Wright. • ,1 vote being taken on die mendment resulted as follows: Ayes—Messrs. Smiley, (till, .ling, 'Wright -4. Noes—Messrs. Lotlitsbery, Bcgent, Patterson, Robinson, Fish, Buck, Townsend -7. Amendment lost. Moved by l{l'. Wriolrt,, that the. matter be laid on the table. Seconded by lir. King. Lost. A. vote being taken on 1,110 original unotion restated as follows: Ares—Messrs. Lourashery-, "Regent, Patterson, it 1jinson,:.1''islt, 13ue,1� n1OW.useud-7. Noes—Messrs. Smiley, Hill, King, Wright -4. Carried. holed by Illy. Fish, that there be appropriated the wort of $4-80.00, or soil -mien tliereof as mtay be nec,essu•.', for the pureI1)e.se of a roller, to be used in connection with the snow plow in keep- ing the roads of the county ol:tcu tor traffic in tunes of deep snow, that; the IliehWrar Cour!ruit't.ee procure; such roller and that the Cleric be directed to draw an order for the payment of the same on the written order of. the Highway Committee, and that the Gourlt.� Treasurer be directed to ,pay sJtlsid nrlacr.out of any Rinds in'llis liand.4 lee•ally- available therefor. Seconded by _Mr. I egeut. Ayes \Iessrs..T,ounshery, 11c!ent, .I'attersnu, Robinson, Fish, Townsend -7. Noes Messrs. Hill, Tiling 11Tri lrt, .fltrel:=1. Carried. Moved by _ll.r. Dish, that the Highway Committee of the Board he givers full pou•00 1111(1 authority in the repair, maintenance, control and operation of the soon- plow. and roller to be procurers and the manner, time and places of operation thereof. .174 PROCEEDINGS OF THE I30.1RD OF SUPER\'ISOBS Seconded by Mr. Buck. Carried. 'Moved by Mr. Begeilt, that the operation of the snow plow and roller be under the personal supervision of the County Superin- tendellt of highways. Seconded by Mr. Patterson. Carried. lir. Fish tendered lois resignation as a member of the Memorial Coniznittee appointed to prepare -a suitable memorial to commem- orate the memory of those young .mm1 from Tompkins County who gave their lives during the World slur. Moved by Mr. Buck, that the resignation be lacceptcd. Seconded by lir. Robinson. Carried. Moved by Mr. Fish, that Mr. St. John ibe appointed as a member .of the committee, to fill • the vacancy. Seconded by Mr. Robinson. Carried. Mr. Fish .presented ra report, showing that the city tax rate for the city of ItNa'ca was $12.00 and the school tax rate of said city was $11.00 for each $1,000.00 of valuation. Mr. Robinson offerees the following resolution and :moved its .adoption: Resol reel—That after the tax rates are ascertained for the various towns and city, the Clerk be directed to print. such rates in the proceedings of the Board, following the budgets of the towns and city. Seconded by ?Jr. Townsend. Carried. Mr. Buck, Ckairmaa of the Colnimittec on Town Expenses, etc., presented a report of the bonded indebtedness of the county, towns, city and other political divisions of the county, which on motion, vas " a doptcd and. ordered printed with the proceedings of the Board. Adjourned to Monday, Jan -nary 16, 1922 at 10:30 A. M. OF TO.112RTNS COUNTY, NEW YORK ]7a Twentyaf if th Day Monday, January 16, 1922. MORNING SESSION Roll ca11. The following members responded to their names, with post - office addresses as .follows: Caroline—Cfarl 1{. Wade; Brookton, R. I). No. 22. Danby—Wan. 0. Sniper, Ithaca, R. D. No. 8. Dryden—Ed S. Hill, Freeville, R. I). No. 17. :infield—Olen A, King, Ithaca, 1i. D. No. 5. Groton—Frank A. Begent, Groton, N. Y. Ithaca Town—Arthur S. ill'iller, Ithaca, R. D. No. 3. Ithaca City—First Ward—Arthur Bishop, 248 Humboldt St. Second 1Vnrd E. Patterson 115:1. State St. Third Ward—E. Horgan St. John, Savings Bank Building. Fourth IVard—]as. R. Robinson, LibiOa'y Build- ing. Fifth Ward—Albert R. •Roskclly, 114 1V. Neaga Ave. Lansing—Wm. F. George, Ladlowville, R. D. No. 9. Newfield—Albert Dassanee, New:fielcl, R. D. No. 26. Ulysses—John M. Townsend, '.1'rtnnansbnrg, N. Y. Minutes of preceding clay read aiid approved. The Clerk read a communication front. the Sister Superior of St. Mary's Home, relative to incrc[aised charges from the main- tenance of children at that, institution, iv}tics was _filed. The Clerk react a coiniinnnication from the State Tax DeOart- ment, relative to tax on state and national +banks, which wtas filed. 176 PROCEEDINGS OF TH.E .}iO_LRD OF SUP,EEVISOhS Mr. Robinson offered the follo«'ing resolution and moved its adoption: . l\ilma:As----]_t has been called to tlic attention of this Board, that the tax on shares of stock of national banks. As heretofore levied and •collected in this state has been declared illegal, .and \VIIEREAs—It is of the utmost 'importance to the communities wherein such national blanks are located, that, said national hanks should pad- their just proportion of taxes to the, same extent as the state hanks therein, theref•or6be it Resolved—That we, the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, Nev. York, do respectfully targe the representatives of this state in the United States Senate, and the representative of this Thirty-seventh Congressional District in the United States Hoose of Representatives, to use all honorable means to cause the enactment into law of such remedial lcgisla'tion as rill so amend Section 5219 of the Revised Statutes of the United States, as to provide for such just taxation, label this Board_ respectfully calls the attention of the above named. representatives to the bill intro- duced in the House of Representatives by the Honorable lir. McFadden on December 15, 1921 (H. R. 9579), for their earnest consideration, and be it further li!esoli:ed—That the Clerk 'of this Board is 'hereby directed to forward certified copies of the, .foregoing resolution to the Iron. jaLmes AV. Wadsworth, Jr. trawl Llon. William M. Calder, Senators from the State of New York, I3on. Alanson B. Houghton, Repre- sentative from the 3711 Congressional District of rhe State of New York, and .11on. Louis T. _McFadden, "liepresetd:ative frotu the .14th Congressional District of the State of Pennsylvania. Seconded by Mr. Hill. Car•eied. lfr. Hill offered the following resolution and moved its adop- tion: Resolved—That there is hereby appropriated the sum of *200.00." or so much thereof aS.may be necessary, to inteet the necessary expenses of quarantine and nursing for dyhtheriia, iii the county jail, said amount, or so amnch thereof as near Ahe necessary, to he paid by tate County, Treasurer On the order or orders of the •Clerk of this Board upon the filing with hire of the written cer- tificate of. the Sheriff, that t.]ie necessary nursing has been per- formed or the necessary supplies furnished. Seconded by _lir. Robinson. . Ayes -1.3. Noes—O. Carried. 01 TO_MIPK_IN6 f,'fllJ\I']', NEW YORK 177 AFTERNOON SESSION Roll ej 1. '111 nio11lbers present. Arr. Smiley olfered the folloyv 11g resolution and Moved its adoption : NVITMir.As----1'110 work of construction of highways under the County ;Intl Town System of Roads leas heetr very satisfactory ill this county, under -the lows I.11'oviding state aid i:n towVTTs and counties for highway Avot•k, kind llr1.1I1(l:.ts-`1'hiti Bo'ar•d believes. that the work in this county can h0 cjavrried on to .the 1hesl: irtt.eresls of •the county under the presort, system, as provided by lar, niicl 11"TT1;t11?As—.1t has been called to the attention of this Board that ant attempt is to he onarle at the present session of: the Ttegis- lature to amend the present lanV, rncerelly the, administration oi' the finals provided for the purposes of improvement, of county. and town ro141s, and titre alrllhorit-y_ and methods oil supervkiion by the State highway .I.?epart:ilueut w•il1 the 5ulrstatitially changed, therefore be it Ii;esolverJ—That it is the opinion of this Board that such changes will be detrimental. to, and probably destructive of, the .1' uta of this class of work in practically all ,of the counties of the state, ialnd be it .further licso(1;cil—That this'Board respectfully requests the representa- tives of this county iu the State Legislature to oppose any +n1a- terial ell'alige in the present, line, providing state aii1 to comities and tolvris and g'nverrllllg the administration 1911(1 accounting of 11110 fuiuts so provided and supervision of the work dobe there- under 1aind be it further lfesolucd—That a certified copy of these resolutions he trans- mitted to the Hon. Seymour 'tam -,man, Senator from this District, 1:11)11 Casper Feltner, !scull lltion from this County, Hors. Clay - toll Lusk, Iron. C. J. Hewitt and II•on. S. rt. A.t.11er. Seconded liv ,l•1r. Robinson. Carried. Dassancc, Chairman of the Committee on Equalization, etc., reported that 00 committee had examined the assessment rolls OI! the several towns of the cnnrrty, :roil the city of Ithaca, witch the anlOnlrt of tax to he levied, and had compared the same with the budgets of the several towns and city and the w'arra111S of the 001100to1's tulit found the 5111110 correct, and that the collectors' 178 PROCEED1NCS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS warrants were properly made out and ready for the signatures of the Chairman and Clerk of the Board. Moved by Mr. Patterson, that die report of the committee be accepted and the Chairman and Clerk of the Board be direet.ed to sign the collectors' Warrants as attached to the several as- sessment rolls. Seconded. by Mr. Begent, Carried. Moved by lar. Hill, that the ,motor trucks allotted to the county and not already allotted to any of the towns, ,together with the county tractor, be placed in charge of and under the control of the Chairman of the Committee on Highways and _Mr. Robinson, ' the Supervisor of the Fourth Ward of the City of .Ithaca. Seconded by lir. Begent. Carried. Representlaltives of the Tompkins County Farm :13uroau Associa- tion appeared before the Board, and asked for an appropriation of $4,000.00 to carry on accredited herd work in the county. , lar. R. C. Albright and Drs. Far►]der, Gen -ung and V. A. Moore, addressed the Board on the subject. The matter vas referred to the Committee on ih''inanee, with in- structions to report: on the matter at the February quarterly •meeting 'of the Board. Mr. Robinson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That the .action of this Board taken December 30, 1921, in regard to the purchase of: a snow -roller be rescinded, and that there is hereby appropriiated an addiitional sum of $400.00 to be added to the a'ippropriation for the purchase of a snow -plow, or so much thereof as may be necessary, the same to be expend- ed by the Highway Com;►nittee for a snow -plow and drag. Seconded by lir. Begent. At the request of Mr. Hill, the chair ordered the question divided. The chair ordered that action be first taken on that part of the resolution rescinding the purel►ase of a snow -roller. A vote being taken •to rescind the resolution to purchase a snow -roller resulted as follows: OF TO_MP.KI NS COUNTS, NEW YORK. IC. ]79 - Ayes ---13. Noes—O. Carried. A -vote being taken on that part of the resolution appropriating • an additional simi of 4400.00 for the purchase of a snow -plow and drag, resulted 'as follows: .1\ yes—T1ossrs. Wade, 13egent, Patterson, Robinson, '.Townsend George, T)assance—S. Noes—Messrs. Sinile3', Hill, King, Miller, Bishop, Eoskclly, Resolution lost. 1i:imites 'of the day's proceedings were read and approved. 'I'herc being no further business to come before the Board, this annual session of 1.921; on motion of Mr. Smiley, was ad,jourued without date. FRED D L. CLOCK, Clerk. ]S0. PROCEEI,IINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS COUNTY. AUDITS for 1922 TOMPKINS COUNTY SERVICE CLAIM Ell ALLOWED No. N .V F161 Reynolds & Drake - Garage Co Rep., Motor trucks....$ 1,002.04 $ 1,002.04 F165 Robt. A. I-Iutchinson-Expenses 43.1.0 43,10 1 T. G. :Biller Sons Supplies, Supervisors 2.15 2.15 2 Court Bellis Expenses, Co. Sealer 400.00 400.00 3 Court Bellis Disburse. Co. Sealer 13.19 13.19 4 C. J. Rumsey & Co Supplies, Supervisors .60 .60 5 C. J. Rumsey & Co Material, Courthouse 2.45 2.45 6 Rothschild Bros Flag, Courthouse 10.00 10.00 7 Hartford Steam Boiler Insurance Co Ins. Co. boilers 227.25 227.25 8 Hand Stamp Shop Supplies, Supervisors 1.50 1.50 9. H. C. Sheldon :fleet. Tax Com 25.52 25.7'2 10 1'. 3. Baker Meet. Tax Com 25.88 25.88 11 J. hL' Bailey Garage Auto hire, Supervis.... 8.65 ' 8.65 12 Ithaca Journal -News Printing, Supervisors 3.75 3.75 1:3 Jamieson -McKinney Plumbing, Courthouse 8.61 8.61 14 P. 111. Donohue Plumbing, Courthouse 23.70 23.70 15 Davis -Brown Co Bulbs, Co. Clk. Bldg.... 9.96 9.96 16 Ithaca Trust Co., Trus- tee Rent. Elec. Com 50.00 50.00 17 Atkinson Press Blanks, Surrogate 52.50 52.60 18 Atkinson Press...__ Blanks, Surrogate 24.75 24.75 19 Atkinson Press Ct. Cal., Co. Clerk.'... 93.50 93.50 20 Atkinson Press Blanks, Co. Clerk 32.50 32.50 • 21 Atkinson Press Envelopes, Co. Clerk 11.50 11.50 22 Hall & McChesney ..... Record Book, Co. Clk 50.30 50.30 23 Ithaca Journal -News Gt. Cal., Co. Clerk 152.00 152.00 24 Ithaca Journal -News Terms Co. Ct. Judge 3.00 0.00 '25 Ithaca Journal -News Terms Co. Ct. Judge 9.00 9.00 26 Ithaca Journal -News Jury drawing Co. Clk. 12.00 12.00 27 Andrus & Church Record book, Surrc__.. 44.00 44.00 28 Chas. E. Houghtaling.._Blanks, Co. Judge 7.50 7.50 29 Banks Law Pub. Co Books, Co. Judge 24.00 24.00 30 Banks Law Pub Co Books, Go. Clerk 30.00 30.00 31 :Matthew Bender Co Books, Co. Judge 10.00 10:00 32 C. J. Rumsey & Co Supplies, Co. Clerk..-. 42.84. 42.34 33 Jamieson -McKinney Plumb., Co. Clk Bldg 2.80 2,80 34 71'. G. :hiller & Sons ..... Supplies, Co. Clerk.... 131.80 131.80 35 T. G. Miller & Sons Supplies, Surrogate_... 70.00 70.00 36 T. G. hiller & Sons Supplies, Elec. Com.... 112.01 112.01 37 T. G. Miller & Sons Supplies, Co. Treas.... 6.15 6.15 38 Atkinson Press Blanks, Co. Treas 37.75 37.75 39 Andrus & Church Blanks, Co. Treas 56.25 56.25 40 E. S. Preston & Son Bond. Co. Treas 250.00 250.00 41 J. H. l3ailey Garage Auto hire, l-ligh Off. 289.70 289.70 42 Frear Tire Sale Co Tire, motor trucks::.. 20.00 20.00 43 -Ithaca Journal -News. ---Pub: Notice, High'ys. 5.25 '55.25 44 Ithaca Journal -News Postals. etc., l-ligh'ys 4.25 4.25 45 Davis -Brown Co Bulbs, Co. Jail29.53 29.53 46 Davis -Brown Co Bulbs, Co. Jail46.98 46.98 47 Davis -Brown Co Rep. lights, Co. Jail.... 1.00 1.00 Ol' TO_MPKINS COUNTY, NLI:W VUliK 1S1 No. N.1.uE SERVICE C[._1!SIEI) _ALLOWED 48 Davis -Brown Co Rep. lights, Co. Jail.... 49 Guardian Angels HomeCare of inmates 50 Monroe Co. Peniten Board of Prisoners__. 51 P. M. Donohue Plumbing, Co. Jail 52 P. M. Donohue Plumb., Sheriff Res. 53 Ithaca journal -News Pub. Ad., Dist. Atty__._ 54 T. G. Miller & Sons Supplies, Dist. Atty._. 55 Jamieson -McKinney Plumbing, Co. Jail.... 50 C. J. Rumsey & Co Supplies, Co. Jail 57 Robinson & Garpenter_...i\Iaterial, Co. Jail 58 J. H. Bailey Garage Auto hire, Sheriff 59 J. H. Bailey Garage Auto hire, Sheriff 60 J. H. Bailey Garage Auto hire, Dist. Atty 61 R. R. Chatterton Justice fees (Dogs)_-. 62 Milton Ailing Constable fees (Dogs) 63 Fred D. Gilbert Rurial, Kate L. Sco- field 75.00 75.00 .05 10.71 183.59 . 11.55 3.55 2.1.6 36.70 34.20 11.55 13.25 201.80 800.65 80.50 33.00 5.90 .65 10.71 183.59 11.55 3.55 2.16 36.70 34.20 11.55 1.3.25 201.80 800.65 80.50 33.00 5.90 64 Rochester School for the Deaf. 'Maintenance, in[nates 920.18 '920.18 66 Craig Colony Maintenance, inmates 141.15 141.15 67 Syracuse Institution for Feeble Minded Maintenance, inmates 63.33 68 Ithaca Journal -News. ..... Pub. S. Scholarship 3.50 69 St. Mary's Home Maintenance, inmates 599.42 70 Susquehanna Valley Maintenance to Janu- Ilome ary I, 1921 197.14 71 Susquehanna Valley Maintenance to Mch Home 31, 1921 231.43 72 Susquehanna Valley Maintenance to July Nome 1, 1921 234.00 73 Susquehanna Valley Maintenance to Octo- Home ber 1, 1921 74 Davis Brown Co Lights, Co. Home 75 Davis -Brown Co bights, Co. Home 76 Stover Printing Co Printing, Highways.___ 77 Stover Printing Co Printing, Co. Treas.... 78 Stover Printing Co Printing, Supervisors. 79 Marion Bros Repairs, Co. Home.__. 80 A. Chase Ex. in lunacy 81 11. L. O'Danicl • Supplies, Co. Treas.... 82 Underwood TypewriterRepairs, Surrogate.... 83 A. J. Conlon Justice fees 84 Charles Hyde • Constable fees (Dogs) 85 R. R. Chatterton Justices fees 86 Wm, A. Smith Expenses. Coroner 87 R. W. Moore Expert, Dist. Atty 88 Arthur G. Adams Expenses, Dist. Atty. 89 Norton Printing Co Blanks, Dist. Atty 90 Stover Printing Co Blanks, Dist. Atty 91 Chas. 13. Van Buren Photos, Dist. Atty 92 Pinkerton Detective Agency Services 103.50 103.50 93 Robt. A. Hutchinson Expenses 45.29 45.29 94 Edward J. Moore Expert, Dist. Atty 5.00 5.00 95 Davis -Brown Co Elec. repairs Co. Jail .75 .75 96 Treman, King Co Range, etc., Co. Jail.... 365.02 365.02 97 T. G. Miller & Sons Supplies, Supervisors 15.00 15.00 98 Hall & McChesney Record books, Surro 83.00 83.00 99 The Ithacan Election printing 261.75 261.75 63.33 3.50 599.42 197.14 231.43 234.00 236.57 236.57 156.13 156.13. 57.30 57.30 6.25 6.25 93.50 93.50 28.00 28.00 57.63 57.63 10.00 10.00 2.25 2.25 .83 .83 8.00 8.00 18.15 1.8.15 17.30 17,30 78.80 78.80 48.00 48.00 134.39 134.39 50.00 50.00 52.00 52.00 2.00 2.00 182 PROCEEDINGS OJ' THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS No. 1 AmE SERVICE CLAIMED ALLOWED 100 Groton Journal -Cour Election printing 239.25 239>25 101 Norton Printing Co Election printing 2,338.19 2,338.19 102 Brandaw Printing Co., Assd. 1st Nat. Bank of Albany Election supplies 526.18 526.18 103 Cornell Publication Printing Co Printing, Highways__ 104 H. H. Crum Ex. in lunacy 105 E. T. Stewart & Son Burial H. Emmons____ 106 H. H. Crum Ex. in lunacy 107 H. H. Crum Ex. in lunacy 108 Gardner K Doughty Justice fees (Dogs)....• 109 Chas Fox Constable fees (Dogs) 111 T. G. Miller & Sons Supplies, Co. Treas.... 112 J. W. & C. D. PalmerBur. Manning Austin 113 E. P. Bouton, Agt Bond, Supt. High'ys 114 Ithaca Engraving Co Plates, Election 115 Andrus & Church Election printing 116 E. P: Bouton, Agt " Sheriff's bond 117 C. J. Rumsey & Co Supplies, Supervisors 118 C. B._ Stanion & Son Ins., Co. Clk. Bldk 119 W. H. Bulkley Tax Com. Meeting 120 City of Ithaca.....:. _ . City Court fees 121 Andrus & Church Books, Co. Treas 122 Town of Ulysses County line bridge 123 H. J. Bool Co Supplies,' Co. Clk 124 H. J. Bool Co Repairs, Co. Jail 125 C. P. Denman Jail physician 126 James A. Bush Justice fees 127 James A. Bush Justice fees 128 Gibb & Waltz Expenses, Co. Home 129 Glenn Leonard Constable fees (Dogs) 130 Susquehanna Valley Maintenance, Bal. due Home to Nov. 22, 1921___. 427.56 427.56 131 Ebner Allen Justice fees 12.10 12.10 132 Corona Typewriter Co....Repairs, Sheriff 3.63 3.63 133 Chas. R. Lounsbery Board of Canvass 13.28 13.28 134 Wim. 0. Smiley Board of Canvass 13.12 13.12 185 Ed S. Hill Board of Canvass_____. 14.24 14.24 136 Olen A. King Board of Canvass 13.44 13.44 137 F. A. Begent Board of Canvass 14.72 14.72 138 11. S. Wright Board of Canvass 12.00 12.00 139 Wrn. H. Leonard Board of Canvass12.00 12.00 140 L. E. Patterson Board of Canvass 12.00 12.00 141 E. Morgan St. John Board of Canvass 12.00 12.00 142 Jas. R. Robinson Board of Canvass 12.00 12.00 193 Wilber G.- Fish .......... _____Board of Canvass 12.00 12.00 ' 144 C. M. Buck Board of Canvass13.44 18.44 145 R. C. Albright Board of Canvass 13.12 13.12 146 J. M. Townsend Board of Canvass 13.92 12.92 147 Chas. R. Lounsbery Committee work 245.76 245.76 148 Chas. R. Lounsbery Quar. & Spec. Sess.... 50.96 50:96 149 Chas. R. Lounsbery Annual Session 145.28 145.28 150 Chas. R. Lounsbery Extending tax 15.00 15.00 151 Wrn. 0. Smiley Committee work 88.00 88.00 152 Wm. 0. Smiley Quar. & Spec Sess 49.84 49.84 153 Wm. 0. Smiley................Annual Session 151.12 151.12 154 Wm. 0. Smiley Extending tax 20.40 20.40 155 E. S. Hill Committee work 83.38 83.38 8.00 10.00 75.00 10.00 10.00 .50 5.40 5.90 75.00 2.50. 6.25 51.25- 75.00 42.95 20.00 25.08 37.70 76.00 41.23 3.30 2.47 192.00 12.75 5.50 544.99 2.80 8.00 10.00 75.00 10.00 10.00 .50 5.40 5.90 75.00 2.50 6.25 51.25 75.00 42.95 20.00 25.08 37.70 76.00 41.23 3.30 2.47 192.00 12.75 5.50 544.99 2.80 ,O.P TO.11.PKI1S COUNTY, NEW YORK 183 No. 43 E SERVrCE CLAIMED ALLOWED 156 E. S. Hill Quar. & Spec. Sess • 49.44 . 49.44 157 E. S. Hill annual Session146.24 146.24 158 E. S. Hill Extending tax 26.18 26.18 159 Olen A. King Committee work 268.92 268,92 100 Olen A. King Quar. & Spec. Sess._.... 52.08 52.08 161 Olen A. King Annual Session 151.44 151.44 162 Olen A. King Extending tax 18,76 18.76 163 F. A. Begent Committee work 61.74 61.74 164 F. A. Begent Quar. & Spec. Sess 61.04 61.04 165 F. A. Begent Annual Session 152.72 152.72 166 F. A. Begent Extending tax 44.75 44.75 167 Wm. H. Leonard Committee work 12.00 12.00 108 Wm. H. Leonard Quar. & Spec. Sess.... 43.00 43.00 169 Wrn. H. Leonard Annual Session 144.00 144.00 170 L. E. Patterson Committee work 108.00 198.00 171 L. E. Patterson Quar. & Spec. Sess.... 43.00 43.00 172 L. E. Patterson Annual Session . 150.00 150,00 173 L. E. Patterson Extending tax 53.20 53.20 174 E. Morgan St. John Committee work 259.35 259.35 175 E. Morgan St. John_. ...... Quar. & Spec. Sess.._42.00 42,00 176 E, Morgan St. John Annual Session 150.00 150.00 177 E. Morgan St. John Extending tax 29.20 29.20 178 Jas. R. Robinson Annual Session 150.00 150.00 179 Jas. R. Robinson Quar. & Spec. Sess..__ 36.00 36.00 180 Jas. 1.1. Robinson Committee work 110.00 116.00 181 Wilber G. Fish " Committee work 402.66 402.66 182" Wilber G. Fish Quar. & Spec. Sess._.. . 42.00 42.00 183 Wilber G. Fish Annual Session 144.00 144.00 184 H. S. Wright Committee work 166.75 166.75 185 H. S. Wright Quay. & Spec. Sess__.. 43.80 43,80 186 H S. Wright Annual Session 144.00 144.00 •387 H. S. Wright Extending tax 35.00 35.00 188 C. M. Buck Committee work 130.67 130.67 189 C. M. Buck Quar. & Spec. Sess..._ 52.08 52.08 190 C. M. Buck Annual Session 145.44 145.44 ] 91 C. M. BuckExtending tax 21.50 21.50 192 R. C. Albright Committee work 90.06 96.06 I93 R. C. Albright Quay. & Spec. Sess..__ 49.84 49.84 194 R. C. Albright Annual Session 145.12 145.12 195 R. C. Albright Extending tax 17.34 17.34 196 J M. Townsend Committee work 110.88 110.88 197 J. M. Townsend Quar. & Spec. Sess._._ 47.52 47.52 198 J, M. Townsend Annual Session 145,92 145.92 199 J. M. Townsend Extending tax 25.82 25.82 Totals._.119,696.99 State of New York, 1 County of Tompkins, ss. Board of Supervisors. $19,693.99 T, Fred TJ. Cl(ck, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Tomp- kins County, New York, DO HEREBY CERTIFY, that the fore- going is a correct list of the accounts audited l)y the Board of Supervisors of said county, at its annual session in the year 1.921, with the amounts claimed and the amounts allowed. 184 :E'ItOCEEI?I\GS OF Ti -ITE BOARD 02 SUI.ERVISOE{S In Witness Whereof, l have hereunto set my hand and caused the official seal o1 the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins .County, N. Y., to be hereunto affixed, this 10th day of January, 1922. • FRED L. CLOCK, Clerk Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County, N. Y. (1)1' TOAD.' KIN'S COLJ\''1'1', NEW YORK 185 TOWN AUDITS TOWN OF CAROLINE ABSTRACT OF TOWN AUDITS, 1921 We, the undersigned, the B(IHrd oi" 'Town Auditors of said 'Town, do hereby certify that the following' is an abstract of the names of all persons who have presented to saki Board, accounts to he audited, the amounts chinned by each of said persons, and the amounts finally audited to them respectively, to wit: No NA ME SERVICE CL.\DTEi) ALLOWED 1 Affie Y..,Jones Inspector and Messen- ger, Dist. No. 1 $ 37.24 $ 37.24 2 Herbert W. Westfall Inspector, Dist. No. 1.... 20.00 20.00 \T 3 Mary E. Westfall Inspector, Dist. No, 1.... 15.00 15.00 4 L. C. Snow Inspector, Dist. No. 1.... 25.00 25.00 5 H. A: Whittaker Inspector, Dist. No. 1.... 25.00 25.00 General Clerk, Dist. 6 Anna N. Yaple No. 1 10.00 10.00 Inspector and iVIessen- 7 J. Howard Best ger, Dist. No. 2 37.57 37.57 8 Leslie 1. Crispell Inspector, Dist. No. 2.... 10.00 10.00 9 Frank Pettigrove Inspector, Dist. No. 2.... 15.00 15.00 10 Alvah C. Ferguson Inspector, Dist. No. 2.... 25.00 25,00 11 Alpert 0. Rich Inspector, Dist. No. 2.... 25.00 . 25.00 12 Leland J. Hollister Gen. Clerk, hist. No. 2 10.00 , 10.00 13 Max Deyo Gen. Clerk, Dist. No. 2 10.00 10.00 Inspector and Messen- 14 J C. Bennett ger, Dist. No. 3 36.60 36.60 15 Frank English Inspector, Dist. No. 3.... 25.00 2:x.00 16 Bertha Beard Inspector, Dist. No. 3.... 25.00 25.00 17 Anna Caveney Inspector, Dist, No. 3.... 20.00 20.00 18 Edward C. Vorhis Inspector, Dist. No. 3.... 5.00 5.00 19 George E. .Jansen Gen. Clerk, Dist. No. 3 10.00 . 10.00 20 Archie L. Kenyon Gen. Clerk, Dist. No. 3 10.00 1.0.00 21 Gardner K. Doughty Criminal Bill, J. P_...... 1.3.95 , 13.95 22 Leslie Crispell J. P. fee 56.00 56.00 '23 Chas. R. Lounsbery Highway salary (Supt.) 150.00 150.00 24 Chas. R. Lounsbery J. P., Per Diem 8.00 8,00 25 Chas. R. Lounsbery Supervisors, Per Diem 48.00 48.00 26 Chas.' R. Lounsbery Percentage, Compen 50.66 50.66 27 Chas. R. Lounsbery Office expenses 9.15 9.15 28 Gardner K. Doughty J. P. fees 40.00 40.00 29 J. C. Bennett highway service 25.00 25.00 30 J. C. Bennett _ Expense account 16.00 10.60 31 J. C. Bennett Reg. Vital Statistics 44,006 44.06 22 Dr. B. F. Lockwood H. 0. fee and Vital Sta. 161.64 161.64 33 Alvah C. Ferguson School Director fee ]:x.00 13.00 34 Frank English School Director fee 1:3.00 13.00 35 Chas. Fahar Hall.rent, Dist. No. 1._-. 20.00 20.00 36 henry Lyme Hall rent, Dist. No. 2.... 20.00 20.00 37 J. C. Bennett Hall rent, Dist:. No. :3.... 20.00 20.00 38 Sue. • C. Earsley Attendance Officer........ 50.00 50.00 39 American Surety Co Sup. school bond (prem.) 16.53 16.53 186 PROCLP,DINGS OF TiIiE BOARD O1 SliPERVISORS No. NAME ' SERVICE. CLAIMED ALLowED- 40 W. W. Conrad Copying Assess: Roil__ 16.00 16.00 i1 W. W. Conrad assessor's fee 49.25 49.25 42 William E. Snow assessor's fee 49.50 49.50 43. D. B. Bull assessor's fee 49.50 49.50 44 Ira I3ogardus Overseer of Poor fee___. 71.98 71.98 45 J. Howard' Best Town Supt. High'ys Sal. 247.00 247.00' 46.P. Alfred Munch J. P. fees 56.00 56.00 47 Leslie I. Crispell._ .J. P. Criminal bill 5.00 5.00 48 Chas. Thomas Dept. Sheriff fee 5.20 5.20 49 Henry Lyme Town Supt. High'ys Sal. 652.00 652.00. 50 Wilson Westfall Deputy - Town Supt. . Highways (Salary)___ .... 448.00 448.00 51 J. C. Bennett Town Clerk, Service 191.94 191.94 52 Chas, Fox Constable fee . 5.50 5.50 53 Perl M. Legg J. 1'. Service 44.00 . 44.00 $3,058.87 $3,058.87 State of New ;York, 1 County of Tom lokirss, }ss. Town of Caroline J We, the undersigned, being a majority of the Town Board of Audit of the Town of Caroline, N. Y., do' hereby- certify that the- .foregoirig is a correct list of accounts, which have been audited by us, with the amount claimed and the amount allowed. CHAS. R.. LOTJNSBERY, Supervisor, J. C. BENNET 1`, Town Clerk, GAR.l)NER K. DOUGHTY, Justice of Peace. LESLIE .1 CI31SP:Ei:il1, Justice of Peace. P. ALPI;.E. MUNCK, Justice of. Peace. T hereby certify the foregoing to be a correct copy of the Towni. Audits of said Town. J. C. BENNETT, Caroline Town Clerk. OCG TOMPKINS COUNTY, NI;W YORK .187 TOWN OF DANBY ABSTRACT OF TOWN AUDITS, 1921 We, tite undersigned, the Board ol''['own Auditors of said town,. do hereby certify that the .following is an abstract of the names of all parsons who 'have presented to said Board accounts to he- audited, eauditecl, the amounts claimed by each of said persons, and the amount finally audited to them respectively, to wit: No. NAIVE: Srxvrcn C€,Anlr n ALLOWED - 1 Earl C. Crevelling Inspector and Messen- ger, Dist. No. 1 $ 27.96 $ 21.96- 2 Arthur G. Bennett Inspector, Dist. No. 1 17.00 17.00 3 Leroy 13. Howland Inspector, Dist. No. 1 17.00 17.00 4 Mark 1I. Moore Inspector, Dist. No. 1.... 17.00 17.00 5 S. A. Fishel Clerk, Dist. No. 1 9.00 9.00 6 Edward Slights Clerk, Dist. No. 1 5.00 5.00 7 Carl Durling Inspector and Messen- ger, Dist. No. 2 28.60 28.60 8 Geo. Woodling Inspector, Dist. No. 2.... 17.00 17.00 9 Earl Crance Inspector, Dist. No. 2.._. 17.00 17.00 10 H. C. Thatcher Inspector, Dist. No. 2 17.00 17.00 11 Roscoe Hutchings Clerk, Dist. No. 2 5.00 5,00 12 Charles A. Cole Clerk, Dist. No. 2 5.00 5.00 13 Ronald C: Mager Inspector and Messen- ger, Dist. No. 3 29.76 29.76 14 George Vaughn Inspector, Dist. No. 3__. 17.00 17.00 15 Joseph Sorace Inspector, Dist. No. 3.... 13.00 13.00 16 Roger Larue Inspector, Dist. No. 3.... 17.00 17.00 17 Fred Jones Clerk, Dist. No. 3 5.00 5.00 18 H. B. Swansborough Clerk, Dist. No. 3 5.00. 5.00 19 A. J. Snyder Hall rent 10.00 10.00 %20 Fred Traver Hall rent 10.00 10.00 21. Frank Eastman Overseer of Poor 63.00 63.00 22 I3. A. Carey Co Compensation Insurance 144.00 144.00 23 Andrus & Church Assessment Books 11.00 1.1.00 24 J. Frank Allen, M. D Expenses. Health"Officer 35.70 35.70 25 J. Frank Allen, M. D Salary, Health Officer____ 114.30 114.30 26 J. Frank Allen, M. 0.____Vitul Statistics 3.00 3.00 27 H. C. Thatcher Vital Statistics • 4.00 4.00 28 C. D. Baker Fire Warden • 6.00 6.00 , 29 Lewis Cummings _._Assessor 7.00 7.00 30 Harrison Thayer Assessor 72.50 72.50 31 William Elyea Assessor 72.50 72.50 32 Rose Elyea Copying Assess 17.50 17.50 33 A. W. Beardsley Election supplies 6-7.50 67.50 34 A. W. Beardsley Board of Health 35.00 35.00 35 S. G. Crevelling Rent of land 75.00 75.00 36 Jennie M. Beardsley Rent of building 24.00 24.00 37 C. L. Hall School Director 15.10 15.10 38 Arthur Grant School Director 15.10 15.10 39 W. E. Logan Truant Officer 24.60 24.60 90 Alice M. Tobey Obtaining war records 28.85 28.85 41 J. Frank Allen Damages to car 1.5.00 15.00 42 W. 0. Smiley Per. on money dish 287.13 287.13 43 L. G. Thatcher Justice, Criminal 1.00 1.00 44 Lewis Cummings Justice, Services 31.50 31.50 ]ss • :PHOC1u I)J Gs O.G TI.lili BOMtl) U1' sUPEI{1'IS0RS No. \,13Ir: SERVICE CLAIMED ALLOWED • 46 Eugene Dorn Justice, Services 28.00 28.00 45 Frank H. Slocum Justice, services 28.00 28.00 47 A. W. Beardsley Town Clerk 157.38 157.38 48 W. Q. Smiley Services 38.50 38.50 49 F. H. Slocum Justice, Criminal 5.40 5.40 50 Lewis G. Thatcher Justice, Services ....... .__.. 24.50 24.50 $1,741.38 $1,741.38 \\Te, the undersigned members, comprising the Town board of the Town of :Danby, .do hereby certify, that we have this day completed the auditing of the alcove accounts and that this is a correct abstract of the. same as filed in. the Town Clerk's office in the Town of Danby. :Dated November 10, 1921. 1V. 0. SMILEY, Supervisor. A. W. BEARDSLEY, Town Clerk. LEWIS E. CUMMINGS, Justice. EUGENE I:10I1N, Justice.. 01� TU111'1'.rNS. 001)N'. V, KEW YOHK 180 TOWN OF DRYDEN A BSTR ACT O1' TOWN AUDITS, 1021 To the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins: The following Abstract of the names of all persons 1v110 have presented to the Board of Town Auditors of the Tovu of Dryden in said eoutity,.aceounts to he audited claimed by eaull Stich per- sons, and the amounts finally audited by the said Board of Town Auditors is herewith submitted, pursuant, to statute, to wit.i. No. NAMESERVICE CLAIMED ALLOWED 1 M. E. Crutts ' House for Election $ 35.00 $ 35.00 - 2 Harold Sherwood 1 nspector, Dist. No. 1.... 28.00 24.00 .3 Ira W. Reed Inspector and Mess., Dist. No. 1 34.30 80.`30 4C. H. Griffin Inspector, Dist. No. 1.... 28.00 24.00 5 Ray McKinney Clerk, Dist. No. 1 7.00 7.00 6 A. W. Genung • inspector, Dist. No. 126.88 22.88 7 Kenneth English Clerk, Dist. No. 1 1.4.00 14.00 8 Chas. Cogswell Hall for Elec., Dist. 2 35.00 35.00 ' 0 Will Lumbard Clerk, Dist. 2 7.00 7.00 10 Hiram Knapp Inspector, Dist. 2 24.00 24.00 11. W. J. Sherwood Inspector• and Mess., Dist. No. 2 35.70 35.70 12 Emmett Whitman Inspector, Dist. 2 24.00 24.00 13 Paul Ewers Inspector, Dist. No. 2.... 24.00 24.00 14 E; S. Burr Clerk, Dist. No. 2 9.00 9.00 15 Chas. Williams:........ ......... House for Elec., Dist. 3 35.00 35.00 16 D. W. Hart Inspector, Elec., Dist. 3 31.00 24.00 17 Chas. F. Pratt Inspector, Elec., Dist. 3 28.00 24.00 18 C. B. Snyder Inspector, Elec., Dist. 3 21,00 24.00 19 G. E. Green Inspector and Mess., Dist. No. 3 44.04 41.04 20 E. Dale Hunter Clerk, Dist. No. 3 10.00 7.00 21 D. S. Fellows Clerk, Dist. No. 3 10.00 7.00 22 E. 13.• Fulkerson Inspector, Elec., Dist. 4 24.00 24.00 22 G. C. Sutliff Inspector and Mess., Dist. No. 4 311.36 26.36 24 Percy Howe Inspector, Elec., Dist. 4 24.00 24.00 25 Daniel C. Young Inspector, Elec., Dist. 4 17.00 17.00 26 William Benjamin Clerk, Dist. No. 4 7.00 7,00 27 Vert Rankin Clerk, Dist. No. 4 14.00 14.00 2$ Andrew Baker House for Elec., Dist. 4 35.00 35.00 29 D. S. Fellows Nall for Elec., Dist. 5 35.00 35.00 30 J. M. Ellis Inspector, Elec., Dist. 5 30.20 30.20 31 G. B. McKinney Inspector, Elec., Dist. 5 24.00 24.00 32 Frank Burch Inspector and _Mess., Dist. No. 5 32.32 32.32 33 Geo. E. Goodrich Inspector, Elec., Dist. 5 24,00 24.00 34 J. D. Ross Clerk, Election Dist. 5 7.00 7.00 35 Rose H. Ellis Clerk, Election Dist. 5 7.00 7.00 36 W. .T. ShaverHouse for Elec., Dist. 6 35,00 35.00 37 Harry Lucker Inspector, Elec., Dist. 6 29.00 29.00 38 W. J. Shaver Inspector, Elec., Dist. 6 30.36 30.36 190 PROCEEDINGS OF '1'Il.E BOARD DP SUPERVISORS .No. 1.1\IE SERVICE CLAIMED' ALLOWED 39 F. T. Reeves Inspector and Mess., Dist. No. 6 34.00 34.00 40 W. B. Strong Clerk, Dist. 6 7.00 7.00 41 Paul Baker Clerk, Dist. 6 7.00 7.00 42 John Joiner Inspector, Elec., Dist. 7 24.00 24.00 43 Frank Thomas Inspector, Elec., Dist. 7 24.00 24.00 44 Bert Lane Inspector and •Mess., Dist. No. 7 36.85 36.85 .45 Robt. Purvis Inspector, Elec., Dist. 7 24.00 24.00 46 Ruth Lane Clerk, Dist. No. 7 7.00 7.00 47 Ida Stowe Clerk, Dist. No. 7 7.00 7.00 •48 Daniel Hammond House for Elec., Dist. 7 35.00 35.00 40 R;: J. Shaver Hall for Caucuses 5.00 5.00 50 C. B. Snyder Services 10.60 10.60 .51 D. M. Ryan Contract and Statistics 79.50 79.50 52 G. L. Rood Contract and Statistics 40.75 , 40.75 53 Fidelity Casualty Co Insurance 688.59 688.59 .54 H. Genung Contract and Health Officer and Statistics 401.35 401.35 55 G. W. Sutfin Overseer of Poor 15.00 15.00 56 E. S. Burr Overseer of Poor 14.58 14.58 57 C. 13. Snyder Assessor 173.25 173.25 :58 W. J..Shaver Assessor 172.25 172.25 59 Andrea Baker Assessor 129.60 129.60 60 F. E. Darling Town Clerk 251.62 253.62 .6[ Ed S. IIill Health Board 6.00 6.00 -62 Ed S. Hill Supervisor 23.00 23.00 63 Aritus S. 'Fos Attendance Officer 4.50 4.50 •64 Daniel & Chandler Undertaking 50.00 50.00 65 Williamson L. B. Co 6.59 6.59 66 Cornell Pub. Co Printing 12.00 12.00 67 L. D. Parker Deputy Sheriff 28.60 28.60 .68 G. 51. Gilchrist Vital Statistics .75 .75 69 E. M. Perkins Undertaking 90.00 00,00 70 F. R. Willey Services Health Board 6.00 6.00 71 A. C. Scott Services Health Board 6.00 6.00 72 W., E. Kilburn (Moravia) 21.60 21.60 73 Dr. Wallace Burst. :hunch & Potter 75.00 75.00 '74 Crouse -Irving Hospital 52.00 52.00 75 Paul Ewers Service bill 20.00 20.00 76 J. 17. Ross Service bill 40.00 40.00 77 G. E. Underwood Service bill 26.00 '78 C. K. Reynolds Service bill 22.00 22.00 79 C. K. Reynolds Criminal bill 46.15 46.15 '80 G. E. Underwood Criminal bill 28.35 28.35 -81 Paul Ewers Criminal bill 25.70 25.70 82 J. D. Ross Criminal bill 38.30 38.30 '82 Ezra Williams Inspector, Elec. Dist. 6 24.00 24.00 84 Andrus & Church Assessment Rolls 25.00 25.00 85 F. E. Ryan Vital Statistics 1.00 1.00 •86 Paul Ewers Criminal bill 17,75 17.75 $3,775.39 •I hereby certify that at the election November 8,1921; the prop- •osition fo raise by tax five thousand dollars ($5.000) for construc- tion of highways under Town and County System each year 1922 and 1921. was carr fed. C)I' TOII]PKINS COUNTY, NE YORK. 791 11wo hundred dollars for Southworth Library. -Motion made, seconded and carried that there be raised by tax on the ,taxable •1:)ropert:y of the 'Towyn or Dryden five hundred dol lars_for the support of the poor, west district:. I, F. E. Darling, Tow11 Clerk of Dryden, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true abstract of the Town Audits for Town of Dryden, as audited November 1.0, 1021. F. E. DARLING. T0\\ ]1 Clerk. .192 PROCI,Ea1NGS O!'' THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS - TOWN OF ENFIELD .. • 11T3.STRACT OF TOWN AUDITS, 1921 Bills that were presented and audited: No. Naai]s SERVICE CLAIM ED ALLOWED 1 Samuel Graham-.. Poll Clerk, 1st Dist $ 10.00 $ 10.00 2 Hugh S. Curry Inspector, 1st Dist 31.00 31.00 3 John J. Johnson Acting Insp., 1st Dist 14.00 14.00 4 William T. 'Wright Inspector, 1st Dist-_.....___ 31.00 31.00 5 Nathan Rumsey Inspector, lst Dist 42.82 42.82 6 Thomas Brown • Inspector, 1st Dist 17.00 17.00 7 Luther Teeter Poll Clerk. lst Dist.... 7.00 7.00 8 David L. Ross - Inspector, 2nd Dist 21.00 21.00 9 Wm. Jones, Jr Inspector, 2nd Dist 10.00 10:00 10 A. G. Updike Inspector, 2nd Dist...-..._ 31.00 31.00 11 F. D. Crissey Poll Clerk, 2nd Dist 10.00 10.00 12 A. 1). Chrisjohn Poll Clerk, 2nd Dist 10.00 10.00 13 A. L. Legge Inspector, 2nd Dist 31.00 81.00 14 Everal Church Inspector, 2nd Dist 43.02 43.02 15 H. A. Carey Co. Insurance 221.85 221.85 16 C. C. Fitchpatrick -Road allowance 25.00 25.00 17 C. C. Fitchpatrick Vital Statistics 31.25 31.25 18 C. C. Fitchpatrick Hall rent 25.00 25.00 19 Ray Lanning Assessor's bill 49.00 49.00 20 Harry Hornbrook Assessor's bill 52.00 52.00 21 James Parker - Overseer of Poor 24.00 24.00 22 H. S. Bullard Attendance Officer 20.00 20.00 23 Dr. J. W. Burton Health Officer 118.70 118.70 24 Frank Teeter Hall rent 50.00 50.00 25 G. H. Fisher Services as Comm 182.95 173.95 26 Daniel Mitchell Justice service 30.00 36.00 27 J. C. Weatherby Justice service 86.00 36.00 28 Albert Colgrove Justice service 33.00 33.00 29 Bert Kirby Justice service 33.00 33.00 30 F. 0. Rothermick Comm. of Highways 316.00 316.00 31 C. C. Fitchpatrick Service bill expense 110.54 110.54 32 Olen A. King Service bill expense 47.00 47.00 33 Olen A. King Road allowance • 125.00 125.00 34 Andrus & Church assessment Rolls . 13.00 13.00 State of New York, 1 $1,849.13 County of 'Tompkins, ass. Town of Enfield J Clarence C. Fitchpatrick, being duly sworn, says Ile is t1]e 'I n«'n Clerk of the Town or. Enfield, Tompkins Count, atilt that the foregoing is a true list of the claims presented for audit by the Town Board of said town, with the name of the claimant and the amount of each, a:s claimed and allowed. C. C. F'I:TCI:PAT131CK. Sworn to before inc this 18t1t day- of November, 1921. DANIEL MITCITEUL. Justiie of the Peace. OF TOMPKi N S COUNTY, G\‘.7 YORK 193 TOWN OF GROTON 11:1=;STIit1CT Ol' T0\1r\ AliDLTS, 1921 No. NAM N. SErtv1,.n CLAIMED ALLOWED 1 F. A. Begent 2 H. G. Moe 3 H. G. Moe 4 H. G. Moe 5 Ashbel Landon 0 George B. Sickmon 7 George 13. Sickmon 8 George B. Sickmon 9 R. R. Chatterton 10 J. H. Hoff 11 J. 11. Hoff 12 J. H. Hoff 13 J. H. Hoff 14 E. F. Tallmadge I'own Board meetings..__ 15 W. H. Bulkley Assessor 16 H. 13. Stevens Assessor 17 A. R. Gillen Assessor 18 Milton Ailing Constable account 19 L. D. Packer Officer 20 Frank L. Tarbell Truant Officer 21 Dr. J. E. Ryan Vital Statistics 22 Dr. R. C. Tarbell Vi. Statis. and services 23 Dr. J. 11. Van Marter__Vi. Sta. and Health 061. 24 Dr. G. M. Gilchrist Vi. Statis. and services 25 Dr. 13. L. Robinson Vital Statistics 26 Perry J. Sovocool inspector soldier vote.... 27 Mary L. Montfort Inspector soldier vote.... 28 Fay Bush Insp. and Mess., Dist. 1 29 Flora J. Allen insp. and Mess., Dist. 1 Inspector, District No. I. 30 Frances Tallmadge 31 Emmett Karns Inspector, District No. 1 32. R. W. French Clerk, Dist. No. 1 33 Nelson Metzger Clerk, Dist. No. 1 34 Margaret Leach Insp. and Mess. Dist. 2 35 Bella Holladay Inspector Dist. No. 2.... 36 R. Roy Waterman Inspector Dist. No. 2.... 37 J. McClintock Inspector Dist. No. 2.... 38 Harry E. Clapp Clerk, Dist. No. 2 • 39 Walter Holladay Clerk, Dist. No. 2...._..... 40 C. Burr Tarbell Insp. and Mess., Dist. 3 41 Charles Hastings Inspector, Dist. No. :3.... 42 Mary L. Montfort Inspector, Dist. No. 3.... 43 5fary E. Feeley Inspector, Dist. No. 3.... 44 Perry J. Sovocool Inspector, Dist. No. 8.... 45 George Starks Clerk, Dist. No. 3 46 Jennie Sobers Clerk, Dist. No. 3 47 Jay Conger, Jr Insp. and Mess., Dist. 4 48 Ilerbert W. Gleason Inspector•, Dist. No. 4.... 49 Alton Begent Inspector, Dist. No. 4.... 50 Kate M. Baldwin Inspector, Dist. No. 4.... 51 13. C. Howe Cierk, Dist. No. 4 52 Elwin E. Dye Clerk, Dist. No. 4.......... 53 George 13. Culver Insp. and Mess., Dist. 5 54 Helen Corcoran Inspector Dist No 5 Town Board meetings$ 36.00 Post'gc, Exp., services 8.58 Election services 12.00 Town Board meetings_.__ 36.00 Services .Registrar 94.01 Vital Statistics 1.00 Town Board meetings_.__ 28.00 Justice costs 9.00 I'own Board meetings.__ :30.00 justice costs 4.00 Justice costs 5.25 Justice costs 12.00 Town .Board meetings86.00 28.00 .162.00 188.50 172.00 15.75 8.00 50.00_ 6.25 01.00 331.05 17.75 .75 5.00 5.00 36.14 33.70 25.00 25.00 8.00 8.00 44.24 31.00 31.00 31.00 10.00 10.00 36.64 27.00 27.00 22.00 5.00 8.00 10.00 38.30 25.00 25.00 25.00 8.00 10.00 31.82 20.00 36.00 8.58 12.00 36.00 94.01 1.00 28.00 9.00 36.00 4.00 5.25 12.00 30.00 28.00 162.00 188.50 172.00 15.75 8.00 50.00 6.25 01.00 331.05 17.75 .75 5.00 5.00 36.14 33.70 25.00 25.00 8,00 8.00 38.24 25.00 25.00 25.00 8.00 8.00 36.64 25.00 25.00 20.00 5.00 8.00 8.00 38.30 25.00 25.00 25.00 8.00 8.00 31.82 20.0(1 194 PROCEEDINGS 01•' .t1E BOARD OF SUPERVISORS • 55 Susie Ivory Inspector, Dist. No. 5.... 25.00 25.00 56 Gerald E. Moses Inspector, Dist. No. 5.... 8.00 8.00 57 Frank A. Townley Clerk„Dist. No. 5 8.00 8.00 58 Mary M. Clark Clerk, Dist. No. 5 8.00 8.00 59 Egbert S. Cummings Insp. and -Mess, Dist. 6 38.30 38.30 60 Michael C. Keenan Insp. and Mess., Dist. 6 29.00 29.00 61 Walter S. Dickinson Inspector, Dist. No. 6 25.00 25.00 02 Frank A. Brown Inspector, Dist. No. 6.... 5.00 5.00 63 John H. Griswold Inspector, Dist. No. 6.... 20.00 20.00 64 Harold L. King Clerk, Dist. No. 6 8.00 8.00 65 John R. Kane Clerk, Dist. No. 6 8.00 8.00 60 Charles M. Dutcher Insp. and Mess., Dist. 7 38.06 38.06 67 John B. Bart Insp. and Mess., Dist. 7 29.00 29.00 68 B. L. Robinson Inspector, Dist. No. 7.... 25.00 25.00 09 D. R. Stout Inspector, Dist. No. 7.... 25.00 25.00 70 Harry H. Howe Clerk, Dist. No. 7 8.00 8.00 71 I. H. Powell Clerk, Dist. No. 7 8.00 8.00 72 B. L. Buck Rent and polling place 85.00 85.00 73 W. C. Allen Services, polling place 33.00 33.00 74 D. Samuel Jones Polling place 32.00 32.00 75 McLean Grange Polling place 30.00 30.00 76 Groton City Community House Polling place 22.00 22.00 77 Corona Type. Co., Inc Polling place (2) 64.00 64.00 '78 George CummingsSupplies for poor 9.21 9.21 79 A. I3. Gibson__ ........ ____ ... . : . Supplies for poor 2.50 2.50 80 S. C. Gooding Co Supplies for poor 17.92 17.92 81 M. V. Atwood Printing and notices 21.38 21.38 82 John D. Dates Livery 35.00 35.00 83 13. H. Wager Livery and trucking 25.50 25.50 84 Ernest G. Reniff Erecting booths, Dist. 7 15.00 15.00 85 Archie Gillen Erecting booths, Dist. 6 8.00 8.00 86 Charles Hyde Erecting booths, Dists: 2, 3, 4, 5 52.00 52.00 87 R. R. Chatterton Bond. premiums 41.20 41.20 88 Leon F. Buck Bond premiums 96.00 96.00 89 Emmett D. Metzgar Bond premiums 35.76 35.76 90 H. G. Moe Bond premiums 5.00 5.00 91 F. M. Kellam Rep. booths and lamps.... 7.40 7.'40 92 N. A. Collings Supplies 7.10 7.10 93 Matthew L3ender Co Justice Manuels (4) 40.00 40.00 94 Groton Bridge Co Rent of offices .... -.. . 180.00 180.00 95 Williamson L. B. Co .Justice Docket 6.58 6.58 96 Andrus & Church Assessment Rolls 20.50 20.50 $3,150.14 1 certify that the foregoing is a 1.rue and correct list of Town Audits as made by the Town Board of the Town of Groton, N. Y., at the annual meeting held for that purpose November 10th, 1921. .H.G._MOE, Town Clerk. OF TO_MPKINS COUNT', NEW YORK 195 TOWN OF ITHACA A13,SPRACT OF TOWN AUDITS, 1921 No. NAMu SERVICE CLAIMED ALLOWED 1 H. S. Wright 2. H. S. Wright Supervisor 3 Charles Painter Inspector, Dist. No. 3.... 4 J. B. Whited Gen, Clerk, Dist. No, 3 5 Erie J. Deviney Inspector, Dist. No. 3.... 6 LeRoy Updike Gen. Clerk, Dist. No. 3 7 William D. Updike Inspector, Dist. No. 3.._. 8 John O. Huson inspector, Dist. No. 3.... 9 Andrus & Church Two Assessment Rolls.... 10 Andrus & Church Printing 11 Charles• M. Carpenter Exam. throat cultures 12 Wilbur G. Fish, 51. D ,.Health Officer 13 Franklin C. Cornell Coal, Dist. No. 2 14 Elora Willcox Inspector, Dist. No. 2.... 15 W. P. Head Inspector, Dist. No. 2.... 16 P. E. Andrews Clerk, Dist. No. 2 17 Louella Northrop Inspector, Dist. No. 18 Charles Norris ' Inspector, Dist. No. 10 Levi C. Morris Clerk, Dist. No. 2 20 J. W. Tourtellot_._____._ Inspector, Dist. No. 1.... 21 Arthur Updike Inspector, Dist. No. 1.... 22 Arthur J. Teeter Inspector, Dist. No, 1..._ 23 Samuel Newman Clerk, Dist. No. 1 24 Roger Eddie Clerk, Dist. No. 1 25 Rexford Smith Inspector, Dist, No. 26 James A. Bush Justice's fees 27 James A. Bush Justice of Peace 28 W. I. Smith Justice of Peace 29 Clinton J. Updike Town Clerk 30 C. J. Updike Vital Statistics .:.............. 31 C. J. Updike Highway bill 32 C. J. Updike Disbursements 33 C. J. Updike Office rent 34 Elmer Allen Justice of Peace 35 Elmer Allen Justice fees 36 Elmer Allen Justice fees 37 Elmer Allen Justice fees 38 Elmer Allen Justice fees 39 Elmer Allen Justice fees 40 Elmer Allen Justice fees 41 Elmer Allen Justice fees 42 Elmer Allen Justice fees 43 Elmer Allen Justice fees 44 Altho McDuffee Attendant Officer 45 Enunett Gillow Superintendent of Poor 46 Joseph Burns Inspector, Dist. No. 1.... 47 Elmer Allen Justice fees 48 Elmer Allen Justice fees 49 Elmer Allen Justice fees 50 Herbert C. Sheldon Assessor 51 Theo. J. Baker Assessor $ 230.58 $ 230.58 48.00 48.00 45.48 45.48 7.50 7.50 30.00 30.00 7.50 7.50 30.00 30.00 30.00 -30.00 13.50 13.50 4.25 4.25 58.50 58.50 158.12 158.12 3.90 3.90 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 7.50 7.50 30.00 30.00. 51.76 51.76 7.50 7.50 46.80 46.80 22.50 22.50 30.00 30.00 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 35.80 35.80 17.00 17.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 131.40 431.40 48.86 48.86 12.00 12.00 19.93 19.93 26.00 26.00 40.00 40.00 4.00 4.00 4.25 4.25 4.00 4.00 4.25 4.25 6.50 6.50 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 42.00 42.00 42.00 42.00 7.50 7.50 4.25 4.25 5.00 5.00 4.25 4.25 140.00 132.00 182.00 160.00 196 PROCEEDINGS O.I' THE 13OARI) OF SUPERVISORS No. _NAME SERVICE CLALMED ALLoWE❑ 52 Arthur S. Miller Assessor 181.00 136.00 • 53 Emma A. Hulbert Trustee, Dist. No. 7 for school house for Elec- tion purposes 25.00 25.00 $2,021.38 $1,946.38 Dated November 10, 1921. Tl.. S.,-wRIC{INT, Snporvisor, GUNTON .1. Cil DIKE, Towti Clerk vTM. T. SMITH, Justice of ireacc, JAMES A. I3liSE, Jnstiee of Peace, ,EI:IMER ALLEN, Justice of Peace. OF TOMPIK.INS COUNTY, NEW ]"ORIS TOWN OF LANSING ABSTRACT 01" TOWN AUDITS, 1921 \o. NAME SERVICE 197 CLAIMED ALLO.rEU . 1 Marion Sweazy Poll Clerk $ :1.0.00 . $ 10.00 2 H. 1). Alexander Inspector 31.00 31.00 3 F. N. Howell Inspector 32.50 31.00 4 C. R. Mills General Clerk 10.00 10.00 5 W. T. Sweazy Inspector and Mess 48.53 48.53 6 0. M. Holden Inspector 31.00 .31.00 7 Charles Searles . Inspector and Mess 38.63 38.63 8 Morris DeCamp Inspector 31.00 31.00 9 Frank Tarbell Inspector 31.00 31.00 10 Charles Lobdell General Clerk 10.00 10.00 11 Bert Ross Inspector and Mess 38.04 38.04 12 D. A. Tarbell General Clerk 10.00 10.00 13 Geo. Lanterman Grange Hall, Rent 35.00 35.00 14 Melvin Bush Hall rent 35.00 35.00 15 John Farrell Inspector and Mess 43.90 38.12 10 Burt Jewell Inspector and Mess 46.40 38.64 17 Ed. Ozmun General Clerk 10.00 10.00 18 Carl J. Halladay Inspector 24.00 21.00 19 Steve Snyder Inspector 10.00 10.00 20 Percy Haring Inspector and Mess 37.50 32.24 21 Martin J. Farrell General Clerk, etc 13.50 11.64 22 Orin .C. Drake General Clerk 10.00 10.00 23 Mott Smith Inspector • 31.00 31.00 24 F. I3. Jefferson Inspector 31.32 31.32 25 F. J. Woolley Inspector 31.00 31.00 26 Thad. G. Brown Inspector and. Mess 44.56 44.56 27 Dwight Van Nest . Clerk 10.00 10.00 • 28 Rev. F. J. Allington Registry of Marriages 8.00 8;00 29 C. H. Terpening Assessor 99.00 93.00 30 Samuel E. Lane Assessor 98.00 98.00 31 Fred J. Barnes Assessor 78.00 78.00 32 W. T. Sweazy Service bill as Justice.... 18.00 18.00 33 .1. B. Brower Service bill as Justice...- 35,20 35.20 34 W. M. Bristol Service hill as justice...., 30.00 30.00 35 A. J. Conlon Service bill as Justice.... 29.14 29.14 36 A. J. Conlon Criminal bill 31.00 31.00 37 C. M. Buck Highway services 81.00 81.00 • 38 Adelbert Holden Janitor of Town Hall.... 4.00 4.00 39 C. M. Buck Service bill 32.22 32.22 40 C. M. Buck Per Ct, of Gen. Fund 114.63 114.63 41 C. M. Buck Per Ct. of school moneys 61.41 61.41 42 W. G. Fish Vital Statistics 3.50 3.50 43 Senora Stedman Service bill 9.00 9.00 44 Senora Stedman Assessment work 28.00 28.00 45 Senora Stedman Highway salary 25.00 25.00 40 Senora Stedman Election services 18.75 18.75 47 Senora Stedman Postage and Supplies..-. 5.85 5.85 48 Frank Tarbell School Director 7.92 7.92 49 L. D. Packer Criminal hill 6.50 6.50 50 0. M. English Service bill 47.00 47.00 51 Amer. Surety Co Collector's bond 70.86 70.86 52 Amer. Surety Co Supervisor's Gen. bond 50.00 50.00 .53 Amer. Surety Co Supervisors' school and highway bond 60.28 60.28 193 PROCEEDINGS OF T11E HOARD OF S132ERVISORS No. NAME SERVICE , CLAIMED ALLOwnD 54 Senora Stedman Registrar bill 42.75 42.75 • 55 G. M. Gilchrist, M. D Legal fees 1.00 1.00 56 Floyd Teeter Constable bill 7.30 7.30 57 Jay Morey Service bill 1,185.00 Paid out of Miscellaneous Highway Fund 450.00 Balance due $ 735.00 $ 735.00 58 Andrus & Church Assessment Rolls 16.00 16.00 $2,558.03 I certify that the above is a true copy of the Audits of the Town of Lansing. SENORA STED_MAN, Town Clerk. Dated November 10, 1021. OF TWIPE. INS COUNTY, _N W Y. OR TOWN OF NEWFIELD A_13S'J'R4CT OF TOWN AUDITS, 1921 No. NAmE 1 John Henry 2 3 4 5 199 Sraviaa; CLAIMED AI,L0WEI Constable fee Leroy D. Dickson Copying Tax Roll Minor McDaniels Services Ithaca . City Hospital Mrs. Teeter Services 6 Augustus Patterson Wood for Town Bldg.... 7 J. E. Dorn Ov'seer of Poor services 8 John Henry Gatek'per, Elec. Dist. 2 9 A. R. Allen Burial I3avid Brill__.___. 10 11. A. Cary Co Insurance 11 Ruth D. Anderson Copying Assess. Roll.... 12 W. E. Bush School Director 13 D. J. Albright School Director 14 Ketchum Inn 15 Fred D. Johnson Rent, polling place 16 Nina L. P. McGiven Vital Statistics ] 7 Augustus Patterson Criminal fee 18 G. H. Noble Inspector, Dist. No. 2.... 19 Charles Lanning Clerk, Dist. No. 2 20 Fred W. Payne Inspector, Dist. No. 2.... 21 W. E. Bush [nspector, Dist. No. 1.... 22 J. C. Thompson inspector, Dist. No. 1.... 23 F. J. Payne inspector, Dist. No, 2_.. 24 W. J. Sunderlin Inspector, Dist. No. 2._.. 25 Glen Keene Clerk, Dist. No. 1 26 L. S. Taber Inspector, Dist. No. 1.... 27 D. J. Albright Clerk, Dist. No. 1 28 George Gardner Inspector, Dist. No. 1.... 29 J. L. Patterson Assessor 30 Donald' S. Cutter 4ssessor' 31 Carrie M. Peck Supplies and services.... 32 Wm. Weatherell Supplies and telephone 33 Wm. Weatherell Rental 34 George Gardner Assessor 35 John Henry Truant Officer 36 G. H. Noble Rep. on Town Bldg 37 W. A. Smith Health Officer 38 W. A. Smith Lunacy Com. and mile- age 39 W. A. Smith Vital Statistics 90 R. C. Albright Expense 41 E. S. Van Kirk Services 42 James D. Erway Services 43 Arthur Decker Services 44 R. C. Albright Services 45 Carrie M. Peck Services 46 A. H. Palmer Services as Bonding Com. 47 Minor McDaniels In lunacy 48 R. C. Albright Highway services 49 Augustus Patterson Services 19.30 $ 19.30 24.00 24.00 34.00 34.00 60.00, 60.00 42.40 42.40 6.00 6.00 24.70 24.70 10.00 10.00 80.00 80.00 183.13 183.13 10.00 .10.00 11.08 11.08 11.08 11.08 3.00 3.00 23.00 23.00 43.00 43.00 31.85 31.85 26.00 26.00 10.00 10.00 33,64 33.64 33.24 33.24 28.00 28.00 33.64 33.64 28.00 28.00 10.00 10.00 33.64 33.64 10.00 10.00 28.00 28.00 45.00 45.00 72.00 72.00 46.77 46.77 21.28 21.28 25.00 25.00 82.25 82.25 60.00 60.00 1.50 1.50 136.50 136.50 12.00 6.25 8.07 32.00 40.00 32.00 40.00 32.00 8.00 10.00 150.00 36.00 12.00 6.25 8.07 32.00 40.00 32.00 40.00 32.00 8.00 10.00 150.00 36.00 200 PROCEEDINGS O} T]FE BOARD OP SUPERVISORS NO. AME SERVICE CLAIMED ALLOWED 50 Win. K. Ellison Clerk, Dist. No. 2 10.00 10.00 51 Andrus & Church Assessment Rolls 13.00 13.00 $1,810.32 $1,810.32 \Ve, the undersigned members, comprising the Town :Board of the Town of Newfield, do hereby certify that we have this day completed the auditing of: the above accounts and that this is a correct Abstraet of the sane as filed in the Town Clerk's office in the Town of Newfield. R.. C. A:LBRIGHT, Supervisor, CAR•RIE M. PECK, 'flown Clerk, EDWIN S. VAN KIRK, Justice of Peace, AUGUSTUS PATTE1.SON, Justice of Peace, ARTHUR DECKER, Justice of Peace, JAMES D. ERWAY, Justice of 1'eacc. 4 OP '1'01v15. INS COUNTY, NEW YORK: 205. TOWN OF ULYSSES ABSTRACT OF TOWN AUDITS, 1921 Statement, of bills audited by the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses for claims against said Town, s.afid claims having !leen audited at; the meetings 'held by the Board for that purpose on February 7, Ila}- 2 and November 13 and 1.6, 1.921- Statement shows the names of claimants, tide nature of Ilia service, and the amount. claimed and the amount allon•cil. No. NAME SERVICE CLAIMED ALLOWED 1 Joel Horton Services 2 C. Owen Carman Services 3 Walter Higgins Constable 4 Aetna Cas. & Sur. Co 5 Aetna Cas. & Sur. Co 6 Henry Williams 7 Mande S. Tompkins 8 E. P. Bouton 9 Howard Laughlin 10 John J. Chase 11 Henry Williams 12 Walter G. Higgins 13 Enos Hardenbrook Enos liardenbrook Floyd D. Foyer Arthur L. Bower M. V. Dickens Raymond E. Batty Michael C. Terrell C. 0. Carman Clyde Gould Edna C. Craig Earl Campbell Services Services Premium bond Inspector Inspector Inspector and Mess Inspector General Clerk Putting up booths 14 General Clerk 15 Inspector 16 Inspector 17 Inspector 18 Inspector 19 Inspector and Mess 20 General Clerk 21 Inspector 22 Inspector 23 Aloysius Breen Inspector Assigned to First National Bank 24 Hazen Fish inspector Assigned to State Bank 25 Homer Wetz Inspector 10.00 10.00 Assigned to State Bank 26 Lewis Robinson inspector 22.00 22.00 27 Percy Hilliard Inspector and. Mess 38.69 38.69 25 }i. K. Aiken Inspector 16.04 16.04 29 Hazen Fish Inspector 22.00 22.00 30 G. M. Newell_-_- Inspector 32.00 32.00 31 Bridget Ward General Clerk 10.00 10.00 32 Vivian Bower General Clerk 10.00 10.00 33 Francis J. Breen Inspector 10.00 10.00 34 Stephen Craig Inspector and Bess 44.50 44.50 35 E. E. Brown inspector 32.00 32.00 36 Airs. Dessie Frazier General Clerk 10.00 10.00 37 C. S. Clapp Inspector and Mess 44.60 44.60 38 :1. J. Kellogg inspector 32.00 32.00 39 W. D. Halsey inspector 32.00 32.00 40 Charles S. Allen inspector 32.00 32.00 41 Hugh W. Stewart General Clerk 10.00 10.00 42 Glenn M. Strong General Clerk 10.00 10.00 43 John Younge Inspector 32.00 32.00 $ 32.00 $ 32.00 32.00 32.00 2.15 2.1.E 88.00 88.00 290.58 290.58 32.00 32.00 50.18 50.18 24.00 24.00 32.00 32.00 22.00 22.00 37.74 37.74 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 4.00 4.00 10.00 10.00 32.00 32.00 10.00 10.00 32.00 32.00 22.00 22.00 48.58 45.58 10.00 10.00 22.00 22.00 22.00 22.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 202 . PROCEEDINGS O1' THE BOARD 01' SUPER VISOL S No. NA.ME SERVICE CLAIMED ALLOWED 44 Don Swartout General Clerk 10.00 10.00 45 W. E. Donahue General Clerk 10.00 10.00 46 Fred Pinckney, Secy Use of •Town Hall 24.00 24.00 47 Trumansburg Band Use of Band Room 24.00 24.00 48 Waterburg Grange Use of Grange Hall 24.00 24.00 49 I. 0. 0. F. Auditorium....Use of hall 24.00 24.00 50 Mrs. M. Mahoney Use of Room 24.00 24.00 Mrs. 51. Mahoney Putting up booths 12.00 12.00 51 Arthur Bower Putting up booths 8.00 8.00 52 W. H. Lovell Putting up booths 12.00 12.00 53 I)r. Abram Chase Exam., lunacy 10.00 10.00 54 Dr. Abram Chase Health Officer 119.40 119.40 55 E. R. Stilwell Assessor 97.50 97.50 56 -E. S. Johnson Assessor 72.00 72.00 57 T. R. Hopkins.Assessor 70.25 70.25 58 Pierce, Hazzard Pharn.__.Erroneous tax 35.86 35.86 59 Stover Hardware Co Erroneous tax 14.04 14.04 60 Henry Williams Criminal bill 5.40 5.40 61 Joel Horton Criminal hill 81.85 81.85 62 E. P. Bouton Postage .82 .82 63 Andrus & Church Assessment Roll 6.10 6.10 64 E. A. Snow Overseer of Poor 31.00 31.60 65 E. P. Bouton Clerk Assessors 58.00 58.00 66 E. P. Bouton Reg. Vital Statistics_._. 55.63 55.63 67 Andrus & Church Assessment )Rolls 17.00 17.00 68 A. F. Allen Printing and' Adv 53.57 53.57 69 Williamson Law 'Go Dockets and Manuals.._. 46.14 46.14 70 E. T. Stewart & Son... Burial Mrs. N. King.... 108.00 108.00 71 Dr. J. E. Lovell Exam. lunacy 20.00 20.00 72 F. B. Aiken Fuel for office 4.80 4.80 73 W. I. Sherwood Service bill, 0. P 84.00 81.00 74 Sarah E. VanOrder House for Assess 2.00 2.00 75 C. S. Tompkins Trans. Elec. supplies_.._ 15.00 15.00 76 D. H. Rightmyer Attendance Officer 16.00 16.00 77 Arthur Agard School Director 10.56 10.56 78 J. F. Kimple Dep. Sheriff, I)og L 7.50 7.50 79 Henry Williams Criminal bill • 5.45 _ 5.45 80 Maude S. Tompkins Town Clerk, Ex. Acct. 18.33 18.33 81 I. T. Stewart & Son Burial Frank Austin.... 100.00 100.00 82 J. F. Kimple Criminal bill 5.60 5.60 83 Fred Pinckney Rent, hall for Jus ...... 6.00 6.00 84 Claude Sears Criminal bill 3.60 3.60 Assigned to State Bank 85 _Maude S. Tompkins Service bill 84.00 84.00 86 Joel Horton Service hill 36.00 36.00 87 C. 0. 'Carman Service bill 36.00 30.00 88 Henry Williams Service bill 32.00 32.00 89 Fred N.:Smith Service bill 68.00 68.00 90 Joel Horton Rent, Hall, Just ' 7.50 7.50 91 E. P. Bouton Rent, Board Room 36.00 36.00 92 J. 11. Townsend Medical 40.00 40.00 93 J. M. Townsend Supervisor service bill 195.00 195.00 94 J. 51. Townsend Percentage 303.15 303.45 Total....$3,537.01 83,537.01 T hereby certify that the foregoing is a true Abstract of all of the Town Audits as audited by the Town Auditors, the above dates. 5IA.TJD:E S. TOMPKINS• Town Clerk. Oa TOIIT.KINS COUNT 1', NEN\T YORK IITa aajnaaS ju}o4, 42.00 8.96 180.00 65.76 15.00 470.28 42.00 7.84 72.00 16.00 20.40 322.48 36.00 13.44 66.00 17.38 .26.18 319.48 42.00 10.08 240.00 28.92 18.761 504.64 42.00 19.04 48.00 13.74 44.751 3 34.9 7 42.00 1.00 12.00 211.00 42.00 1.00 198.00 53.201 456.20 42.00 246.00 13:35 29.201 492.55 36.00 116.00 1 1 314.00 42.00 390.00 12.66 1 600.66 42.00 1.80 162.00 4,7.5 35.00 -401.55 42.001 10.08 90.00, 40.671 21.501 363.13 42.001 7.84 78.001 18.061 17.341 321.48 36.001 11.52 I 84.001 26.881 25.821 344.06 $570.001892.601$1982.0018258.17 $307.151 $5456,48 xuy 2u!puajx3.. SOO 4 [LULU '7 jutoads uo 2u[Iae aj[Ljn1 sasuadxj Sup aad 00'95 lu •s1UO3 jr,[aads uo saap-Las Qum aad as Sup aad 00'95 2t uopusuadtuo3 • "!""s i'!' 4 - s [lily Sla])}.]l:n0 sAug N r- to N [ti 1-- Lam- L: to N 1-- l N z^/ B(pu aad as lu a2Tap v co cV -1' 7t. CV ."-4' CV C7 CA cv,y v'VES- 7,--i c: n[ c---ic, ,-.,---1.-1 Aup aad 00'9 P uogt suadalo3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000000000000000 VT 6 -4 O 6 -4 O O O 4 c -4c-4 cv 7 d' ,n', 7 , 4 '^� 2 7'4 7 -4 ,r: 7-4 ;2, rl ri rl ri ri ri r -i ri rl e--1 r -i rl G a uuo.sLi:nuud.sQ �+Lr+g,ng-3gg-i,�;,u;.g�-- cacl°ir.V '1 °Vc�cIcVci [cVcICJ au CLI aad as Caroline (Chas. R. Lounsbery 2I 12.00 1.28 Danby I Wm. 0. Smiley 2. 12.00 1.12 Dryden IEd S.' Hill . 21 12.00 2.24 Enfield 'Olen A. King 2II 12,00 1.441 Groton (Frank A. Begent.... 21 12.00 2.751 Ithaca City, lst WdIWm. H. Leonard____ 2 12.00 Ithaca City, 2d- WdIL. E. Patterson 21 12.00 • Ithaca City, 3d Wd.IE. Morgan St. John 2; 12.00 Ithaca City, 4th Wd.IJas. R. Robinson.-__ 2 12.001 Ithaca City, 5th Wd.IWilbur G. Fish 2 12.001 Ithaca Town IH. S. Wright 2 12.00 Lansing IC. M. Buck 2! 12.00 1.44 Newfield IR. C. Albright 21 12.00 1.12 Ulysses IJ. M. Townsend 21 12.00 1.921 Total I MM168.001813128 Sup aad 00'9$ }u uo!ausuadtuo3 ss1Auu3 •03 sSuQ Supervisor 0 t~ CZ's. • o I'^— v] = o o v, Cd 0 r• 0.) �0*� d v -a - O +gym _cu 4• .4 E E O F v Fes 01 -0 ar o " wo 0 0, a m t0'[170. oo ▪ G� Cd • o ac cS - 61 bFua�.-c 7/ .O y cJ >5 • C,.° - a•' 6 • G c3 F F Gni •-.C/5'g cf • y ,0 745 cV - >5 v O c4-1 OppO T's O j. 0P-1 `)4 �F tec 4-4 iJ1 . 'a ca Oy 0 -0 • 3`0 o E- 00 00co PI 0 cs 7 203 or for any person, without being FRED L. CLOCK, Clerk. 204 . PROCEEDINGS OF THE 13OAJ 1) O1' StiPY1dVISORS ANNUAL REPORT OF THE TREASURER OF TOMPKINS COUNTY Year ending October 31, 1921 To the Board of Supervisors, 'Tompkins County: Pursuant, to the requirements of the law, I respectfully subunit the following detailed statement of the accounts of this office for the period beginning November 1, 1920, and ending October 31, 1921. .ln making this report 1 have tried t;6 follow out your resolution of December 23rd. 1920, "to include only such items as are perti- nent; to .county business." Respectfully submitted, ROBERT L. POST, County 'Treasurer, Tompkins County. 1920 STATE AND COUNTY T .X LEVY To Be Collected Total levy $466,598.20 - Rcassessei! school tax 2,929.56 Settlement of Rolls' From. Corporations $ 42.049.96 From Collectors 102.01..95 . From City of Ithaca 158.260.91. Repaid to collectors Total cash Returned taxes Receipts filed. by collectors for money paid town officers $303,002.82 160.47 $302.842.35 15,068.02 1.51.617.39 $469,5527.76 $469,527.76 OF TOlIIPK1NS COUNTY, NEW YORK J205 Returned Taxes AIRonnt uncollected by collectors `h 15,068.02 Penalty added pursuant to In 451.80 Collections by County Treasurer Caslr iironr tax.payers 12,744.69 Property sold at tax sale... 1;521.20 Rejected taxes 33525 Taxes paid on property bought by county'at tax sale 915.0.9 15,519.52 $ 15,519.82 -DETAILED S'I'± 'I'1+111.EN'.I' f 11i' 1EC.I iP''S General Provertly Ta.x Taxes Received • 1''roui corporations * 42,049.96 1+'rnara col !cot°rs 102,691.95 From City of -Ithaca 155.200.91. $303,002.82 LESS Repaid to collectors 100.47 *302,842.35 _Returned Real '.Taxes 12,884.08 Returned corporation taxes 2.33 TAX 5.111E Taxes * 00.67 Percentage aclaled :3.07 Interest: on taxes 595.21. Tax sale advertising 107.30 Expenses of sale 1.00 767.25 Tax salt; certificates (owned by county) 785.80 Sale 'of lands deeded to county on account of tax sale purchase 229.10 Redemption advertising116.49 la' i n.eis 511.00 Forfeited bail 750.00 'Interest on deposits (General Fund) 1,582.85 Froin State for highways (Lowma.n .I .>ill) 32,780.00 206 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS .I),I;.PARTMENTAL EARNINGS Court and trust fund fees $ 60.70 County Clerk's court, fees 112.31 " Surrogate's fees 173.38 County Clerk's registration fees 7,697.11 Almshouse farm 1,681.62 Tuberculosis hospital 3.238.70 REFUNDS Sheriff transportation 92.00 Tax blanks 1.:80 Checks not cashed 57.65 Taxes on property redeemed .. 199.75 RE'T'URNED SCHOOL TAX 509.25 PUBLIC SCI -TOOL _II.ONEY . STATE 11IOJIWAY A.I1) 26,950.00 FRANCHISE '1'_11 43.S80.73 NOTOl, VEI[IChE FEES 1.L.092.91 DOG TAXES 5,0`'4.12 :INCOME TAXES 33,767.51 INTEREST Mortgage Max 48.76 Motor vehicle fund 74.28 - BANK TAXES 1.0.699.03 MORTGAGE TAXES 8.852.25 Total receipts $634,165.03 DETA.1IdI) STATEMENT OF PAN'. MENTS Supervisors' compensation $ 4;887.44 Supervisors' expenses 2.839 07 County publicat,iotts 848.25 Tax Commissioners' meeting . 113.88 Tax blanks 67.00 'Pax sale advertising 322.50 Redemption advertising 130.00 Commissioners of Election 2,485.54 Elections 4,547 03 County 'Treasurer 2,050.07 Court House - 1,529.21_ County Clerk's building 936.19 County Judge and Surrogate 6,728.86 District Attorney 1,850.99 Sheriff 5,235.82 Counts Clerk •10726 82 OF TO11:PKI1S COUNTY, NEW YORK 207 Supreme Court Civil 9,556.35 County Court Civil 1.:5.10 Supreme Court Criminal :1.,576.72 County Cort Criminal 1,562.73 Justices and constables 12.4.85 Coroners 254.56 County' ,Sealer 1,062.05 .Regulative associa-tions 424.66 Su[rerintcnlent Tuberculosis 1-[ospital :1,532.1; Tuherculosis Hospital 5,913.13 Tuberculosis Hospital inmates 14,965.01. Superintendent, of .Highways 3,582.99 County roads, maintenance 3,430.34 Superintendents of Poor 1,934.99 Almshouse 4,996.81 Almshouse inmates 6,339.72 Almshouse farm. 3,959.61 Outside relief... 1,676.27 Insane commitments 25.00 Epileptics 126.89 Feeble minded 73.83 -Child Welfare 1.,882.48 Jail 1,251.83 Jail inmates 2.243.64 Penal institutions 276.76 Probation Officer 1.255.45 Private reform schools 1,526.39 Farm :Bureau 3,000.00 Parer and Home Bureau 3.500.00 Deaf 211ut:es. 1,044.95 BI i n c1 200.00 Soldiers' burials.. , 775.00 Highway bond interest 3,001.25 County road construction 57,048.68 State and County 'highway construction 62,666.98 Highway bonds 11,000.00 State highway l.rnproveruent Sinking Fund 7,629.21. Returned school taxes 3,666.79 Motor trucks 1.6,207.29 il.ortgage tax returned to County Clerk 225.00 Educational notices 14.00 Home Defense supplies .55 City- Directories 42.00 - Town Order books 14.50 Refund, property sold in error 17.62 TO STATE P011 TAXES Stenographer's tax 3,454.30 Armory taxes 6,370.55 20S I'ROCEJ:.DING,S OF PILE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS State taxes 89,559.62 Mortgage taxes 4,454.15 .Dog taxes 508.17 TO TOWNS AND CITIES ,State highway aid 26,950.00 Bank taxes 6.273.28 Mortgage taxes 4,611.85 :income taxes 30.444.65 Motor vehicle Franchise taxes 39,733.!)1 '1'0 VILLAGES lank taxes 610.76 Mortgage taxes 289.25 1neorne . taxes 3,322.86 E'rajiehise taxes. 4,155.82 TO SCHOOL DISTRICTS Public school money . 126.70217 Bank taxes. 3,708.00 TO IN I ) I VIDUAUS Cash bail 1.250.00 Dog taxes • 2,452,1.0 FEES Rank taxes 106.99 Total payment s $652,016.93 Summary of Cush Account; Balanceon hand November 1., 1920 $157,961.50 Less funds not pertinent to county business 74,725.43 83,236.07 Total. !receipts for year ended October 31., .1921 634,165.03 Total payments for year ended October 31, 1921. $652,016.93 011 '1'Ol1:l'K.1NS COU\TY, NEW YORK. 193 TOWN OF GROTON ABSTRACT OF TOWN AUNTS, 1921 No. NAME SER4ICI•: CLAIMED ALLOWED I. F. A. Begent Town Board meetings....$ 30.00 $" 36.00 2 H. G. Moe Post'ge, Exp., services 8.58 8.58 2 H. G. Moe Election services 12.00 12.00 4 H. G. Moe Town Board meetings.... 36.00 36.00 5 Asllbel Landon Services Registrar 94.01 94.01 6 George B. Sickmon Vital Statistics 1.00 1.00 ' 7 .George B. Sickmon Town Board meetings....,28.00 28.00 8 George B. Sickmon Justice costs9.00 9.00 9 R. R. Chatterton Town Board meetings.... 36.00 36.00 10 J. H. Hoff Justice costs 4.00 4.00 11 J. H. Hofl'... Justice costs 5.25 5.25 12 J. H. Hoff Iustice costs 12.00 12.00 I3 J. H. Hoff I own Board meetings.... 36.00 36.00 14 E.. F. Tallmadge • Town Board meetings.... 28.00 28.00 15 W. H. Bulkley ' assessor 162.00 162.00 16 H. 13. Stevens assessor 188.50 188.50 17 A. R: Gillen Assessor 172.00 172.00 18 Milton Ailing Constable account 15.75 15.75 19 L. 1). Packer Officer 8.00 • 8.00 20 Frank L. Tarbell Truant Officer50.00 50.00 21 Dr. J. E. Ryan Vital Statistics ................ 6.25 6.25 22 Dr. R. C. Tarbell Vi. Statis. and services 61.00 61.00 23 Dr. J. H. Van Marter Vi. Stu. and Health Offi. 331.05 331.05 24 Dr. G. M. Gilchrist Vi. Statis. and services 17.75 17.75 25 Dr. B. L. Robinson Vital Statistics .75 .75 26 Perry J. Sovocool [nspector soldier vote.... 5.00 5.00 27 Mary L. Montfort [nspector soldier vote.... 5.00 5.00 28 Fay Bush Insp. and Mess., Dist. 1 36.14 36.14 29 Flora J. Allen Insp. and :41ess., Dist. 1 33.70 • 33.70 30 Frances Tallmadge........ inspector, District No. 1 25.00 25.00- ' 31 Emmett Karns Inspector, District No. 1 25.00 25.00 32 R. W. French__ Clerk, Dist. No. 1 8.00 8.00 33 Nelson Metzger Clerk, Dist. No. 1 8.00 8.00 34 Margaret Leach Insp. and Mess. Dist. 2 44.24 38.24 35 Bella Halladay Inspector Dist. No. 2.... 31.00 25.00 36 R. Roy Waterman Inspector Dist. No. 2.... 31.00 25.00 37 J. McClintock Inspector Dist. No. 2._.. 31.00 25.00 38 Harry E. Clapp Clerk, Dist. No. 2....__... 10.00 8.00 39 Walter Holladay Clerk, Dist. No. 2 10.00 8.00 40 .C. Burr Tarbell Insp. and Mess., Dist. 3 36.64 36.64 41 Charles Hastings Inspector, Dist. No. 3.... 27.00 - 25.00 42 Mary L. Montfort Inspector, Dist. No. 3.... 27.00 25.00 43 Mary E. Feeley Inspector, Dist. No. 3.... 22.00 20.00 44 Perry J. Sovocool Inspector, Dist. No. 3_._ 5.00 5.00 " 45 George Starks Clerk, Dist. No. 3 8.00 8.00 46 Jennie Sobers Clerk, Dist. No. 3 10.00 8.00 47 Jay Conger, Jr Insp. and Mess., Dist. 4 38.20 38.30 48 Herbert W. Gleason Inspector, Dist. No. 4.... 25.00 25.00 49 Alton Begent inspector, Dist. No. 4.... 25.00 25.00 50 Kate M. Baldwin • Inspector, Dist. No. 4_... 25.00 25.00 51 I3. C. Howe Clerk, Dist. No. 4 8.00 8.00 52 Elwin E. Dye Clerk, .Dist. No. 4 10.00 8.00 53 George B. Culver Insp. and Mess., Dist. 5 31.82 31.82 54 Helen Corcoran Inspector, Dist. No. 5.... 20.00 20.00 191 PROCEEDINGS OF TILE .I.OAJ1D 0.F SUIERVISORS 55 Susie Ivory Inspector, Dist. No. 5.... 25.00 25.00 56 Gerald E. Moses Inspector, Dist. No. 5.... 8.00 8.00 57 Frank A. Townley Clerk, Dist. No. 5 8.00 8.00 58 Mary M. Clark Clerk, Dist. No. 5 8.00 8.00 59 Egbert S. Cummings Insp. and Mess, Dist. 6 38.30 38.30 60 -Michael C. Keenan _-__Insp. and Mess., Dist. 6 29.00 29.00 61 Walter S. Dickinson Inspector, Dist. No. 6.... 25.00 25.00 62 Frank A. Brown Inspector, Dist. No. (3.... 5.00 5.00 63 John H. Griswold Inspector, Dist. No. 6.... 20.00 20.00 64 Harold L. King Clerk, Dist. No. 6 • 8.00 8.00 65 John R. Kane Clerk, Dist. No. 6 8.00 8.00 66 Charles M. Dutcher Insp. and Mess., Dist. 7 38.06 38.06 67 John B. Hart Insp. and Mess., Dist. 7 29.00 29.00 68 B. L. Robinson Inspector, Dist. No. .7.... 25.00 25.00 69 D. R. Stout Inspector, Dist. No. 7.... 25.00 25.00 70 Harry H. Howe Clerk, Dist. No. 7 8.00 8.00 71 I. H. Powell Clerk, Dist. No. 7 8.00 . 8.00 72 B. L. Buck Rent and polling place 85.00 85.00 73 W. C. Allen Services, polling place 33.00 33.00 74 D. Samuel Jones Polling place . 32.00 32.00 75 McLean Grange Polling place 30.00 30.00 76 Groton City Community House Polling place 22.00 22.00 77 Corona Type. Co., Inc Polling place (2) 64.00 64.00 78 George Cummings Supplies for poor 9.21 9.21 79 A. 13. Gibson Supplies for poor 2.50 2.50 80 S. C. Gooding Co Supplies for poor 17.92 17.92 81 M. V. Atwood Printing and notices 21.38 21.38 82 John D. Dates Livery 35.00 35.00 83 B. H. Wager Livery and trucking 25.50 25.50 84 Ernest G. Reniff Erecting booths, Dist. 7 15.00 15.00 85 Archie Gillen Erecting booths, Dist. 6 8.00 8.00 86 Charles Hyde Erecting booths, Dists. 2, 3,4,5 87 R. R. Chatterton Bond premiums 88 Leon F. Buck Bond premiums 89 Emmett D. Netzgar Bond premiums 90 H. G. Moe Bond premiums.-._____...-. 91 F. M. Kellam Rep. booths and lamps.... 92 N. A. Collings Supplies -93 Matthew Bender Co Justice Manuels (4) 94 Groton Bridge Co Rent of offices 95 Williamson L. B. Co Justice Docket 96 Andrus & Church Assessment Rolls 52.00 52.00 41.20 41.20 96.00 96.00 35.76 35.76 5.00 5.00 7.40 7.40 7.10 7.10 40.00 40.00 180.00 180.00 • 6.58 6.58 20.50 20.50 $3,150.14 1 certify that the foregoing is a true and correct Est of Town Audits as made by the Town Board of the Town of Groton, N. Y., at the annual meeting ]geld for that purpose November 10th, 1021. H. G. 11110E, Town Clerk. OF•TOMTPJI.NS COUNT], -.17-EW YORK 195 TOWN OF ITHACA .A1B•STRACT OF TOWN AUDITS, 1921 No. NAME SERVICE CLAIMED ALLOWED 1 H. S. Wright 2. H. S. Wright • Supervisor 3 Charles fainter Inspector, Dist. No. 3.... 4 J. B. Whited Gen. Clerk, Dist. No. 3 5 Erie J. Deviney Inspector, Dist. No. 3.... 6 LeRoy Updike Gen. Clerk, Dist. No. 3 7 William I). Updike Inspector, Dist. No. 3.._. 8 John O. Huson Inspector, Dist. No. 3__._ 9 Andrus & Church Two Assessment Rolls.... 10 Andrus & Church Printing 11 Charles M. Carpenter Exam. throat cultures 12 Wilbur G. Fish, M. D Health Officer 13 Franklin C. Cornell Coal, Dist. No. 2 14 Flora Willcox Inspector, Dist. No. 15 W. F. Head Inspector, Dist. No. 16 F. E. Andrews Clerk, Dist. No. 2 17 Louella Northrop Inspector, Dist. No. 2.... 18 Charles Morris Inspector, Dist. No. 2. __ 19 Levi C. Morris Clerk, Dist. No. 2 20 J. W. Tourtellot Inspector, Dist. No. 1.... 21 Arthur Updike Inspector, Dist. No. 1.... 22 Arthur J. Teeter Inspector, T)ist. No. 1.__ 23 Samuel Newman Clerk, Dist. No. 1 24 Roger Eddie Clerk, Dist. No. 1 25 Rexford Smith Inspector, Dist. No. 1.... 26 James A. Bush Justice's fees 27 James A. Bush Justice of Peace 28 W. I. Smith Justice of Peace 29 Clinton J. Updike 'Town Clerk 30 C. J. Updike Vital Statistics 31 C. J. Updike Highway bill 32 C. J. Updike Disbursements 33 C. JUpdike Office rent 34 Elmer .Allen Justice of Peace 35 Elmer Allen .Justice fees 36 Elmer Allen Justice fees 37 Elmer Allen Justice fees 38 Elmer Allen Justice fees 39 Elmer .Allen Justice fees 40 Elmer Allen Justice fees 41 Elmer Alien Justice fees 42 Elmer Allen Justice fees 43 Elmer Allen Justice fees 44 Altho McDuffee Attendant Officer 45 Emmett Gillow Superintendent of Poor 46 Joseph Burns Inspector, Dist. No. 1___. 47 Elmer Allen .Justice fees 48 Elmer Allen Justice fees 49 Elmer Alien Justice fees 50 Herbert C. Sheldon Assessor 51 Theo. J. Baker Assessor $ 230.58 $ 230.58 48.00 48.00 45.48 45.48 7.50 7.50 30.00 30.00 7.50 7.50 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 13.50 13.50 4.25 4.25 58.50 58.50 158.12 • 158.12 3.90 3.90 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 7.50 7.50 30.00 30.00 51.76 51.76 7.50 7.50 46.80 46.80 22.50 22.50 30.00 30.00 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 35.80 35.80 17.00 17.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 131.40 131.40 48.86 48.86 12.00 12.00 19.93. 19.93 26.00 26,00 40.00 4{1.00 4.00 4.00 4.25 4.25 4.00 4.00 4.25 4.25 6.50 6.50 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 42.00 . 42.00 42.00 92.00 7.50 7.50 4.25 4.25 5.00 5.00 4.25 4.25 140.00 132,00 182.00 160.00 1911 PIiOC1;l:D11CS Oa' 'l'Hi}: BOARD OF SUPER V1SOES No. NAME SERVICE CLAIMED ALLOWED 52 Arthur S. _hiller .Assessor 181.00 130.00 53 Emma A. Hulbert ._Trustee, Dist. No. 7 for school house for Elec- tion purposes 25.00 25.00 $2,021.38 $1,946.38 :Dated November 10, 1921.. II. S. W.B.11]iIT, Supervisor, CLINTON J. UPDIK7 , Town Clcrk, WM. I. SMITII. Justice of Peace, JAMES A. BUSH, ;Iustice cif Peace, ELIIER ALLEN, Justice of Peace. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW lOBEi 197 TOWN OF LANSING ABSTRACT OF TOWN AUDITS, 1.921 No. NALIE EKVIc E CLAII1EI) AE.LOWED 1 Marion Sweazy Poll Clerk 2 H. D. Alexander Inspector 3 F. N. Howell Inspector 4 C. R. Mills General Clerk 5 W. T. Sweazy Inspector and Mess 6 0. •M. Holden Inspector 7 Charles Searles Inspector and 14less 8 Morris DeCamp Inspector 9 Frank :l'arbell Inspector 10 Charles Lobdell General Clerk 11 Bert Ross Inspector and Mess 12 D. A. Tarbell General Clerk 13 Geo. Lanterman Grange Ball, Rent .-..--.. 14 Melvin Bush Hall rent 15 John Farrell Inspector and Mess 1.6 Burt Jewell Inspector and ?Mess •17 Ed. Ozmun General Clerk 18 S Inspector 19 Inspector 20 Inspector and Mess 21 Martin J. Farrell General Clerk, etc 22 Orin C. Drake General Clerk 23 Mott Smith Inspector 24 F. 13. Jefferson Inspector 25 F: J. Woolley Inspector 26 Thad. G. Brown Inspector and :Hess...... .. 27 Dwight Van Nest Clerk 28 Rev. F. Allington Registry of Marriages 29 C. H. Terpening Assessor 30 Samuel E. Lane Assessor 31 Fred J. Barnes- Assessor 32 W. T. Sweazy Service bill as .Justice.... 33 J. B. Brower " Service bill as Justice..__ 34 W. M. Bristol Service hill as Justice.... 35 A. J. Conlon Service bill as Justice.... 36 A. J. Conlon Criminal bill 37 C. M. Buck Highway services 38 Adelbert Holden Janitor of Town Hall.... 39 C. M. Buck Service bill 40 C. M. Buck Per Ct. of Gen. Fund 41 C. M. Buck Per Ct. of school moneys 42 W. G. Fish Vital Statistics 43 Senora Stedman Service bill 44 Senora Stedman Assessment work 45 Senora Stedman Highway salary 46 Senora Stedman Election services 47 Senora Stedman Postage and Supplies.... 48 1i'rank Torben School Director 49 L. D. Packer Criminal bill 50 0. M. English Service hill 51 Amer. Surety Co Collector's bond 52 Amer. Surety Co Supervisor's Gen. bond 53 Amer. Surety Co Supervisors' school and highway bond 60.28 60.28 Carl J. Holladay Steve Snyder Percy Haring $ 10.00 $ 10.00 31.00 31.00 32.50 31.00 10.00 10.00 48.53 48.53 31.00 31.00 38.63 38.63 31.00 31.00 31.00 31.00 10.00 10.00 38.04 38.04 10.00 10.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 43.90 38.12 46.40 38.64 10.00 10.00 24.00 21.00 1.0.00 10.00 37.50 32.24 13.50 11.64 10.00 10.00 31.00 31.00 31.32 31.32 31.00 31.00 44.56 44.56 10.00 10.00 8.00 8.00 99.00 93.00 98.00 98.00 78.00 78.00 18.00 18.00 35.20 35.20 30.00 30.00 29.14 29.14 31.00 31.00 81.00 81.00 4.00 4.00 32.22 32.22 114.63 114.63 61.41 61.41 2.50 3.50 9.00 9.00 28.00 28.00 25.00 25.00 18.75 18.75 5.85 5.85 7.92 7.92 6.50 6.50 47.00 47.00 70.86 70.86 50.00 50.00 19S PROCEEDINGS OP THE BOARD OP SUPERVISORS No. 1AME SERVICE CLAIMED ALLOWED 54 Senora Stedman Registrar bill 42.75 42.75 55 G. M. Gilchrist, M. D. Legal fees 1.00 1.00 56 Floyd Teeter Constable bill 7.30 7.30 57 Jay Morey Service bill 1,185.00 _Paid out of Miscellaneous Highway Fund 450.00 Balance due $ 735.00 $ 735.00 58 Andrus & Church Assessment Rolls 16.00 16.00 ' $2,558.03 T certify that the above is a true copy of the Audits of the Town of Lansing. SENORA STED_MAN, Torn Clerk. Dated November 10, 1921. OF TOMPKI S -COUNTY, Nk:W YOEI( TOWN OF NEWFIELD .\J3STRACT O TOWN 1UDITS, 1921 O. NAME 109 SERVICli CLAIMED ALLOWED 1 John Henry Constable fee i; 19.30 $ 19.30 2 Leroy D. Dickson Copying Tax Roll 24.00 24.00 3 Minor McDaniels Services . 34.00 34.00 4 Ithaca City Hospital 60.00 60.00 5 Mrs. Teeter Services 42.40 42.40 6 Augustus Patterson Wood for Town Bldg.... 6.00 6.00 7 J. E. Dorn Ov'seer of Poor services 24.70 24.70 8 John Henry Gatek'per, Elec. Dist. '2 10.00 10.00 9 A. R. Allen Burial David Brill 80.00 80.00 10 I3. A. Cary Co Insurance 183.13 183.13 11 Ruth D. Anderson Copying Assess. Roll.._. 10.00 10.00 12 W. E. Bush School Director 11,08 11.08 13 D. J. Albright School Director 11.08 . 11.08 14 Ketchum Inn 3.00 3.00 15 I red D. Johnson Rent, polling place 23.00 23:00 16 Nina L. P. 141cGiven Vital Statistics 43.00 43.00 17 Augustus Patterson Crirninal fee 31.85 31.85 18 G. • H. Noble inspector, Dist. No. 26.00 26.00 19 Charles Lanning Clerk, Dist. No. 2 10.00 10.00 20 Fred W. Payne Inspector, Dist. No. 2.... 33.64 33.64 21 W. E. Bush Inspector, Dist. No. 1.... 33.24 33.24 22 J. C. ThompsonInspector, Dist. No. 1.... 28.00 28.00 23 P. J. Payne Inspector, Dist. No. 2.... 33.64 33.64 24 W. J. Sunderlin Inspector, Dist. No. 2.... 28.00 28.00 25 Glen Keene Clerk, Dist. No. 1 1.0.00 10.00 26 L. S. Taber Inspector, Dist. No. 33.64 33.64 27 D. J. Albright Clerk, Dist. No. 1 10.00 10.00 28 George Gardner Inspector, Dist. No. 28.00 28.00 29 J. L. Patterson Assessor 45.00 45.00 30 Donald S. Cutter Assessor 72.00 72.00 31 Carrie M. Peck Supplies and services.... 46.77 46.77 32 Wm. Weatherell Supplies and telephone 21.28 21.28 33 Wm. Weatherell Rental 25.00 25.00 34 George Gardner Assessor 82.25 82.25 35 John Henry Truant Officer 60.00 60.00 36 G. H. Noble Rep. on Town Bldg 1.50 1.50 37 W. A. Smith Health Officer 136.50 136.50 38 W. A. Smith Lunacy Com. and mile- age 12.00 12.00 39 W. A. Smith Vital Statistics 6.25 6.25 40 R. C. Albright Expense 8.07 8.07 41 E. S. Van Kirk Services 32.00 32.00 42 James I). Erway Services 40.00 40.00 43 Arthur Decker Services 32.00 32.00 44 R. C. Albright Services 40.00 40.00 45 Carrie M. Peck Services 32.00 32.00 46 A. H. Palmer Services as Bonding • Com. 8.00 8.00 47 Minor McDaniels In lunacy 10.00 10.00 48 R. C. Albright Highway services 150.00 150.00 49 Augustus Patterson Services 36.00 30.00 200 PROCRDDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS No. - NAME SERVICE CLAIMED ALLOWED 50 Wm. K. Ellison Clerk, Dist. No. 2 10.00 10.00 51 Andrus & Church Assessment Rolls 13.00 13.00 $1,810.32 $1,810.32 \Ve, the undersigned members, comprising the Town Board of the Town of Newfield, do hereby certify that• we have this day completed the auditing of the above accounts and that this is a correct Abstract of the same as filed in the Town Clerk's office in the Town n of Newfield. • R. C. AL13RIG I IT, Supervisor, CARRIE M. PECK, Town Clerk, EDWIN S. VAN KIRK, Justice of Peace, AUGUST'US PATTERSOI , Justice• of :Peace, 11R'TI-IUR DECKER, Justice of Peace, JAll:ES 1).:ER\vAY, Justice of Peace. OF '1'01111PKI.NS COUNTY, N1'.\V YORK 201. TOWN OF ULYSSES ABSTRACT O1 '1'0\'L N, AUDITS, 1921 Statement of bills audited by the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses for elainrs against said Town, said claims having been audited at the meetings 'held by the Board for that purpose on 'Febrir,ary 7, 1tay 2 and Novecirber 1.5 and 16. 1921. Statement shows t,he,narnes of claimants, the nature of the service, and the amount elaimed and the amount allowed. No. NAME SERVICE CL.Vlal AS.r.ow'En $ 32.00 $ 32.00 2.15 88.00 290.58 32.00 50.18 24.00 32.00 22.00 37.74 10.00 10.00 4.00 10.00 32.00 10.00 32.00 22.00 48.58 10.00 22.00 22.00 10.00 10.00 1 Joel Horton Services 2 C. Owen Carman Services 13 Walter Higgins Constable 4 Aetna Cas. & Sur. Co 5 Aetna Cas. & Sur. Co 6 Henry Williams Services 7 Maude S. Tompkins Services 8 E. P. Bouton Premium bond 9 Howard Laughlin 10 John J. Chase 11 Henry Williams 12 Walter G. Higgins 13 Enos Hardenbrook Enos Hardenbrook 14 Floyd D. Poyer 1.5 Arthur L. Bower 16 M. V. Dickens 17 Raymond E. Batty 18 Michael C. Terrell 19 C. 0. Carman 20 Clyde Gould 21 Edna C. Craig 22 Earl Campbell 23 Aloysius Breen Inspector Inspector Inspector and Mess.. -.- Inspector General Clerk Putting up booths General Clerk Inspector Inspector Inspector Inspector Inspector and Mess General Clerk Inspector Inspector Inspector Assigned to First National Bank Inspector Assigned to State Bank Inspector Assigned to State Bank Inspector Inspector and Mess Inspector 24 Hazen Fish 25 Homer Wetz 26 Lewis Robinson 27 Percy Hilliard 28 H. K. Aiken 29 Hazen Fish 30 G. M. Newell 31 Bridget Ward 32 Vivian Bower 33 Francis J. Breen 34 Stephen Craig Inspector and 35 E. E. Brown Inspector 36 Mrs. Dessie Frazier General Clerk 37 C. S. Clapp Inspector and 5less 38 J. J. Kellogg Inspector 39 W. D. Halsey Inspector .._ 40 Charles S. Allen Inspector 41 Ilugh W. Stewart General Clerk 42 Glenn M. Strong General Clerk 43 John Younge Inspector Inspector Inspector General Clerk General Clerk Inspector Mess 32.00 32.00 2.15 88.00 290.58 32.00 50.18 24.00 32.00 22.00 37.74 10.00 10.00 4.00 10.00 32.00 10.00 32.00 22.00 48.58 10.00 22.00 22.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 22.00 38.69 16.04 22.00 32.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 44.50 32.00 10.00 44.60 32.00 32.00 92.00 10.00 10.00 32.00 22.00 88.69 16.04 22.00 32.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 44.50 32.00 1.0.00 44.60 32.00 32.00 32.00 10.00 10.00 32.00 02 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS . 1o. - NAME SE1A'ICE' CLAIMED ALLOWED 44 Don Swartout General Clerk 45 W. E. Donahue General Clerk 46 Fred Pinckney, Secy • Use of Town Hall.._..._._ 47 Trumansburg Band Use of Band Room 48 Waterburg Grange Use of Grange Hall 49 I. 0. 0. F: Auditorium.._.Use of hall 50 Mrs. M. Mahoney Use of Room Mrs. M. Mahoney Putting up booths 51 Arthur Bower Putting up booths 52 W. H. Lovell Putting up booths 53 Dr. Abram Chase Exam., lunacy 54 Dr. Abrain Chase Health Officer 55 E. 11. Stilwell Assessor 56 E. S. Johnson Assessor 57 T. R. Hopkins Assessor . 58 Pierce, Hazzard PharmErroneous tax ................ 59 Stover Hardware Co Erroneous tax 60 Henry Williams Criminal bill 61 Joel Horton Criminal bill 62 E. P. Bouton Postage 63 Andrus & Church Assessment Roll.__... G4 E. A. Snow Overseer of Poor 65 E. P. Bouton Clerk • Assessors 66 E. P. Bouton Reg. Vital Statistics 67 Andrus & Church Assessment IRolls 68 A. F. Allen Printing and Adv (i9 Williamson Law.. Co._ ...... Dockets and Manuals 70 E. T. Stewart & Son. ...... .Burial 31rs. N. King___ 71 Dr. J. E. Lovell Exam. lunacy 72 F. B. Aiken. Fuel for office 73 W. 1. Sherwood Service bill, 0. P 74 Sarah E. VanOrder.- House for Assess 75 C. S. Tompkins Trans. Elec. supplies.... 76 D. H. Rightmyer Attendance Officer 77 Arthur Agard School Director •78 J. F. Kimple Dep. Sheriff, Dog L 70 Henry Williams Criminal bill 80 Maude S. Tompkins Town Clerk, Ex. Acct. 81 E. T. Stewart & Son ..... ._Burial Frank Austin.... 82 J. F. Kimple • Criminal bill.... 83 Fred Pinckney Rent. hall for Jus 84 Claude Sears Criminal bill Assigned to State Bank 85 Maude S. Tompkins ...... ..._Service bill 84.00 84.00 86 Joel Horton.... Service bill 36.00 36.00 87 C. 0. Carman Service _bill 36.00 36,00 88 Henry Williams Service bill 32.00 32.00 89 Fred N. Smith Service bill 68.00 68.00 90 Joel Horton Rent, Hall, Just • 7.50 7.50 91. E. P. Bouton Rent, Board Room 36.00 30.00 92 J. M. Townsend Medical 40.00 40.00 93 J. 31. Townsend Supervisor service bill 195.00 195.00 94 J. 31. Townsend Percentage 303.45 303.45 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24,00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 12.00 12.00 8.00 8.00 12.00 12.00. 10.00 10.00 119.40 119.40 97.50 97.50 72.00 72.00 70.25 70.25 35.86 35.86 14.04 14.04 5.40 5.40 81.85 81.85 .82 .82 6.10 6.10 31.60 31.60 58.00 58.00 55.63 55.63 17.00 17,00 53.57 53.57 46.14 46.14 108.00 108.00 20.00 20.00 4.80 '4.80 84.00 84.00 _ 2.00 2.00 15.00 15.00 16.00 16.00 10.56 10.56 7.50 7.50 5.45 5.45 18.33 18.33 100.00 100.00 5.60 5.60 6.00 6.00 3.60 3.60 Total.__.$3,537.01 $3,537.01 T hereby certify that the foregoing is a true Abstract of all of the Town_ Audits as audited by the 'Town Auditors,, the above dates. 11AT1DE S. T03•TPKINS. Town Clerk. z/1 v, 4-4 f., 7 0 G .4 oo� )v o E • tU O�•� c=c 4 y y o m 1~ G .0 O O o o C� o 0 c3 t4-1 F Q W 70 0 •ga Eb 0 7-1 GC roG� l~ H F mw aFl "O W m - 0 ° t!a o 0„ a� 0 V T V 0 G .,•d c o rF r 0 0) 4-1 n v O coi F, a4+3 o • • 0 O N 0 c -a .0 m� 000)00 Ei„WPa Das OF TO_MPK NS COUNTY, NEW YORK 203 . mu ao[Aaas 'II;3oJ co cc 00.14[441 © 4 10 p:ooc0 01 .71', <r 4 4. O ca 10 4. 4 in. ,-y -al O 1, -140s. -11000,--,o44 0lw d' 000 11 Co Oi 'V' :r co 00 V' co 00 00 «s -4' In v0 ni en- ,0 '""1 O 1- rl cNi O 0 00 aq. al 09- 0 co 0i a XEI . ,ftlIlplla `_Ca c: 00 CO en in 00 COQ CV o d' r-1 t [r GV N O , 0 cc, OO ..-1 CV C1 -1 V 10 CA CO 01 , 01 Saa��Iui11I03 Floods ll0 bu[171', ailtisL sasuadxa 00 O 0001 1. 0010[-- 00 c Iv O C/� 00 1- L)0 00 [- 00 0 16 cit--: 06 c:i cj ci -4 0000 c000 c0 ,1 .1 1 , 4-1 41 •••14,-, 0110 1 ,- liep zod 009 L' 'siuU L'I�ali P. 0 l S UO saDIAda.s'� O O C O O O o 0 0 0 0 o C o 0000000004040 O L.1 00 0 co 1: 1 00 09 00 O f0i 00 OO -S m� m<r�I �a:�r -o4a:1�� *`1 c1 r-. C 1 rl 00 ,-+ aliul dad as a L' .d l; al.1 .Iti 4 ' 00 V. C0 4CC,r'GV C GC-'0000 C0ac.0 ; 06 P. 0') O , i r , -i ,-i O i:-.: ,•-i i ,-I -,--1 Aup lad 00.00 q.0' uo1 posuadluo0 010000000001010100- O O o 0 cos 000000000000oc ^70.7:001 LV N 0101401 N N 014 d' C r.” .y, d' r. -1, -.1 co `y' -1' Q -,r M C Q 0 ]C; ifh co N c- t-1 O c`i 1r o cl t- e0 r-- t-- Iti N N to N l 1' L 4 — u"!s H"S 1!01')S pm; Al.tDial:n4:1, 9Seu all Lk' .lad as qv aualu.v 4 01 01 CV ,--1n7 -,rI ; -. ,--: 0: 1Cpp dad 00'0 }H Uoyiesuad1U0 © o 0 o 40 c o o 0 cocoa 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 rro400-roco44• 44 d' L: f+' 1, Ir.. -0 tr. 1010- v' c ^' a' - 1 N uo!s9as trnuu p' s;(1:(] "g 0] G0�l CV N NCV 01 GV C�1 C'�,I 01 g 01 allul aad og 3u aLall` ci,-cld'� d',�o: ,-1r,cd,�ci ,0r ~ c1 CCCC .4Cl:p dad 00•9 Pu uo��usuadluo0 Chas. R. Lounsbery 21 1.2.00 Wm. O. Smiley 2, 12.00 Ed S. Hill 21 12.00 Olen A. King 2 12.00 Frank A. Begent2 12.00 Wm. H. Leonard2 12.00 L. E. Patterson 2 12.00 E. Morgan St. John 2 12.00 Jas. R. Robinson.... 2 1.2.001 Wilbur G. Fish 2 12.00 H. S. Wright 2 12.00' C. M. Buck 21 12.00' R. C. Albright 2j 12.00 J. A1. Townsend '2 12.00 O c' o — 74 0 Ft ss Alln0 •00 s..cua Supervisor 0 ' a1 - 7: O A I..ZP-,v;o00r:):ars0F,_,.. CI CI • 0 07 -" 'O 0 ii G' �rr✓r a' 0 ...C-0 -I- -I- I--1C4 '',1"I0 r-1 C4 .'��� o U VVVUH Z cd 0 0 0 0 0,F 0 0 :J C) ;v V L y -F-' F-1 ,-.0 .4 1� 'a v E,-.: 'M z 07 r .Z.:7 . DT0) ao ,G O � o`) i O • F.. w m A ' O WG A + 0) O 00 c+ � o 0, o v +� v m . C1) s 0' as cos ,- 0 00 N i O +� 0 F+ d y .0 i•' 1 N -C 0 E Fc:mT as C 00 .c >n F 0? 0. o-6 wow -a Ge 0 0 N...O 000 'g V Q b o F o V d'0 ,o 0.5 hoc Gh�Cc0 o4 0 tat 0) a1 ,42 N LR rr30)0)C') U7�' o c>rCy azo J:4 . wF "- �a O� o� F 0Pa "Nrd w he WOw 0) o 0, 0- c ~o 0 0 �; w •=7; o E--ZI: - c alA HOMOM o.°. iu i> FRED L. CLOCK, Clerk. 204 PROCEEDINGS OF TIHIE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ANNUAL REPORT OF THE TREASURER OF TOMPKINS COUNTY Year ending October 31, 1921 To the Board of Supervisors, Tompkins Comity: Pursuant to the requirements of the lair, I respectfully- submit the following detailed statement of the accounts or this office for the period beginning November 1., 1920, and ending October 31. 1021,. in making this report I have tried to follow out your resolution of December 28rd. 1-920, "to include only such items as are perti- nent to county business." Respectfully- submitted, ROI3.ERT -L. POST, CountY 'Treasurer, Tompkins County. 1920 STATE AND COUNTY TAX LEVY To Be Collected Total levy... $466.F9S20 Reassessed school tax 2,929.56 Settlement of Rolls Froin Corporations $ 42,049.96 From Collectors • 102,691..95 From Citi- of Ithaca r 158,260.91 Repaid to collectors $303,002.82 160.47 Total cash . $302,342.35 Returned taxes 15.068,02 Receipts filed by collectors for money paid town officers • 151.617.39 $469,527.76 $469,527,76 OF •TOMPKJ.NS COUNTY, NEW YORK 205 Returned Taxes Amount uncollected by collectors $ 15,068.02 Penalty added pursuant to law 451.811 Collections by County Treasurer Cash from tax payers 1.2,744.69 Property sold at tax sale...... , . 1,521.20 Rejected taxes..... 338.25 Taxes paid on property bought by county 'at tax sale 915.08 $ 15,519.82 $ 1.5,519.82 DETAILED STATEMENT OF 'RECEIPTS General Property Tax Taxes Received I'roiu corporations $ 42,040.06 From collectors 1.02,691.95 Front City of Ithaca 1.58,260.91 $303,002.82 LESS Repaid to collectors. 160:47 $302,842.35 Returned Real Taxes 1.2,884.08 Returned corporation taxes 2.33 TAX SAIJE Taxes $ 60.67 Percentage added 3.07 Interest on taxes 595.21 a Tax sale advertising 107.30 Expenses of sale 1..00 .$ 767.25 Tax sale certificates (owned by county) $ 785.86 Sale 'of lands deeded to comity on account of tax sole purchase 229.10 Red.enii tion advertising 116.49 Fine 50.00 Forfeited bail 750.00 Interest ori deposits (General. Fund) 1,532.85 From State for liigliways (Lowman Bill) 32,730.00 206 ' PBOCEE.DIIGS OP.THE BOARD OF SUPERVIS0RS DEPARTMENTAL EARNINGS Court and trust fund fees $ 60.70 County Clerk's court fees 112.31 Surrogate's fees 173.38 County Clerk's registration fees 7,697.11 Almshouse farm 1,68162 Tuberculosis iiospital 3;238.70 REFUNDS Sheriff transportation 22.00 Tax blanks 1.80 Checks not cashed 57.65 Taxes on property redeemed 199.78 RETURNED SCI3OOL TAX 809.25 PUBLIC SCI -TOOL MONEY 127,021.23 STATE I1.IC1TWAY Alli 26,950.00 FHANC.FTISE TAX 43.589.73 MOTOR VEHICLE FEES DOG TAXES 5,024.12 T\TCOME TAXES 33.767.51 INTEREST Mortgage tiax 48.76 Motor vehicle fund 74.28 BANK TAXES 10,699.03 MORTOAGE TAXES 8,852.25 Total receipts $634,165.03 DETAILED STATEMENT OF PAYMENTS Supervisors' compensation $ 4,837.44 Supervisor's' expenses. 2,839.07 County phblicatxions 848.25 Tax Commissioners' meeting 113.88 Tax blanks 67.00 Tax sale advertising 322.50 Redemption advertising 130.00 Commissioners of Election 2,485.54 Elections 4,547.03 County Treasurer 2.050.07 Court house 1529.21. County Clerk's building 936.1.9 County Judge and Surrogate 6,728.86 District attorney 1,850.99 Sheriff 5,235.82 - County Clerk 10,726.82' OF TOi1MPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 207 Supreme 'Court Civil 2,556.35 County Court Civil 1.55.10 Supreme Court Criminal 1,576.72 County Court Criminal 1,862.73 Justices and constables 1.24.85 Coroners 284.56 Countyl, ,Scaler 1,062.05 .Regulative associations 424..66 Superintendent Tuberculosis Hospital 1,532.13 Tuberculosis Hospital 5,913.13 Tuberculosis Hospital inmates 14,965.01 Superintendent of Highways 3,582.99 County roads, maintenance 3,430.34 Superintendents of Poor 1,934.99 Almshousc 4,996.81 Almshouse inmates 6,339,72 Almshouse farm. 3,959.61 Outside relief 1,676.27 Insane commitments 25.00 Epileptics 1.26.89 Feeble minded. 73.33 Child Welfare 1,882.48 Jail • 1,251.83 Jail inmates 2,243.64 Penal institutions 276.76 Probation Officer 1,255.45 Private reform schools 1,526.39 Farm Bureau 3,000.00 Farm and. Home Bureau 3,500.00 Deaf Mutes 1,044.95 Blind 2.00.00 Soldiers' burials 775.00 I[ighway bond interest 3,601.25 County road construction 57,048.68 State and County 'highway construction 62,666.98 Ilighway bonds' 11,000.00 State IIigliway .Improvement Sinking Fund 7,629.21 Returned school taxes 3,666.79 Motor truck 16,207.29 l'Tortgage tax returned to County Clerk... 225.00 Eilnca,tional notices 1.4.00 Homo Defense supplies $ .55 Cit Directories 42.00 Town. Order books 14.50 Refund, property sold in error 1.7.62 TO STATE FOR TAXES Sten ograliher's tax _ 3,484.30 ,1.rmory taxes 8,370.55 208 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OI' SUPERVISORS State taxes 89,559.62 Mortgage taxes 4,454.15 .Dog taxes 508.17 TO TOWNS AND CITIES Mate 'highway aid 26.950.00 . Bank taxes. 6,273.28 Mortgage taxes 4,611.85 11 -neon -le taxes 30,444.65 Motor vehicle 14.086.22 Franchise taxes 39,733.91 TO 'VILLAGES Bank taxes 610.76 Mortgage taxes 289.25 Income taxes 3,322.86 Franchise taxes '1'O SCI -COOL DISTRICTS Public school money. 126,702.17 Bank taxes . 3,708.00 TO INDIVIDUALS Cash bail 1.250.00 'Dog taxes 2.452.10' 1'EES Bank taxes 106.99 Total pa.vruenis :652,01.6.93 Summary of Cash Account • Balance on hand November 1., 1920 $157,961.50 Less funds not pertinent to county business 74,725.43 $ 83,236.07 Total- receipts for year ended October 31., 1.921 634,165.03 Total payments for year ended October 3.1., 1921 $652.01.6.93 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 209 Cash on }land November 1, 1921 • General Fund 33,911.42 Poor Fund2,207.23 IIighwa.y (in eluding a.ppropria tion under Lowman Bill) '16, Motor vehicle money 1,369.82 Public school money 319.06 Dog license 7,409.39 Fines 305.00 Mortgage tax 3,747.51 $717,401.1.0 $717,401.10 The County Debt Consists of Highway bonds 76,000.00 To Be Levied For highway bonds $.17.,000.00 For highway bond interest 3,120.00 Detailed Town Accounts CAROLINE Duo County November 1-, 1920 $ 69.28 Transportation of Sheriff :5.70 Error extending D. L. & W. tax 1.2.00 Reimbursed County, 1920 warrant$ 69.28 Surplus on 1920 tax warrant 25.90 Due town 8.20 • DALLY Sheriff expense Due county $ 95.18 $ 95.18 2.50 DRYDEN Sheriff. expel]se $ 20.50 Mary Ellis estate tax 29.17 Due town November 1, 1920. 31.60 Due county 18.07 $ 49.67 $ ITHACA. Sheriff expense 19.75 Rejected taxes 197.65 Shortage on roll 82.41 49.67 210 PROCEEDINGS EDI1 GS OF THJE ]30ABD OF S L PERNISORS Reimbursed county, 1920 warrant139.38 Error. in school tax 011 1920 warrant22.43 Western 'Union Tel. ;tax 2.33 Due county • 135.67 $ 299.81 $ 299.51 LANSING Due county November 1, 1920 90.52 Sheriff expense 9.30 Reimburse county, 1920 warrant 90.52 Due county 9.30 $ 99.82 $ 99.82 _NEWFIELD , Dire county November 1, 1920 14.21 Rejected taxes 21.09 .Reimbursed county. 1920 warrant14.21. Due county 21.09 $ 35.30 $ 35.30 • ULYSSES :DUO county November 1, 1920 10.90 Sherif expense 209.91 Rejected taxes 34.79 Tax paid County Treasurer 19.46 Due county 236.14 CITY OF ITHACA Due county November 1, 1920 3,877.S6 Sheriff expense 163.21 1919 taxes paid treasurer 120.53 Reimbursed treasurer, 1920 warrant3,775.93 Due county- 1.44.61. $ 255.60 $ 255.60 $ 4,041.07 $ 4,041.07 Distribution, of Banlc Tax City of Ithaca. $ 5,109.95 City schools 2,443.01. Town oil Dryden • 330.69 Village of :Dryden 1.08.73 Schools of Dryden 230.56 01:' .VOMPKI\S COUNTY, NEW YORK 211 Town of Groton 450.99 Village of Groton 286.42 Schools of Crown 728.78 Town of Ulysses 381.65 Tillage of 'I'rumansburg 215.61 Schools o1` Trunianshurg 305.65 Fee to County 'Treasurer 1.06.99 $ 10,699.03 Distribution of Mortgage Tax State. $ 4,454.1.5 Town of Caroline 142.24 Town of Danby 141.07 Town of Dryden 5S3.10 Village of :Dryden 59.83 Village of .I?'reeville I'o\ti•n of :Enfield 8684 Town of Croton 495.42 Village} of Groton 1.43.95 Ton'n of :Glrhaca 294.08 Village of Cayuga -Heights 28.87 Tow'n of Lansing 499.59 Town of Newfield 91.64 Village of Newfield 7.08 Town of Ulysses 1.62.13 Village of 'I'rumausburg 81.34 City of Ithaca 2,239.74 $ 4,901.10 Distribution of Public School Money Caroline $ 8,263.61 Da nby 7,398.09 Dryden 15,302.65 Enfield 4.901..62 Groton 12,877.20 Ithaca 2,607.08 Laiising 10.864.34 Newfield 8,8.49.52 TJIysses 8.176.22 City or :Ithaca 46,057.70 $1.2 5.298.03 Distribution of Income Tax 'Downs Caroline $ 1,044.56 Danby 880.20 212 PRCC:ED1\GS OF THE BOARD O1? SUPERVISORS Dryden 9-.258.86 Enfield 709.11 Groton 1,216.20 Ithaca 2,155.12 Lansing 2,056.47 Newfield 904.90 Ulysses 1;147.34 Villages Cayuga Heights 4+9.16 Dryden 504.67 Freeville 205.01. 0 rotor 1,449.76 Newfield 141-.3:3 Tru mansburg 539.93 City of Ithaca 18,041..80 $ 33,76751 Distribution of Franchise Tan! Towns Caroline • $ 4.49 Danby :3.92 Dryden 29.92 Enfield 1.90 Groton 6,206.03 Lansing 2;068.48 Newfield 2.45 Ulysses 110.71 Villages Dryden .30 Freeville .5.1 Groton 4,11 9.27 Newfield .22 Trnmansburn 35.43 City of Ithaca 31;306.01 .$ 43;SS0.73 County Road Construction In accordance with the provisions of: Sections 320-A. and 320-T3 of the Highway Law of this State, payments have been made for the cost of construction of county roads to the supervisors of the respective towns as follows: Caroline $ 6.752.1.7 Danby 3.508.53 D ryden 1.1,676.4.6 OP TO_111' K NS COUNTY, \EW YOJiK 213 Enfield •.. 5,594.14 Groton 10,562.66 Ithaca - 4,066.38 Lansing 4,351.51 Newfield 4,332.1S. Ulysses 6,204.65 $57,048.68 County Road Maintenance Caroline $ 158.46 Dryden '1,318.00 Groton 1,22 5.00 Ithaca 312.00 • Ulysses 370.98 $3,384:44 Expenditures from the Motor Vehicle Fioul Caroline $ 1,919.22 Danby 2,117.00 Dryden 2,230.00 Enfield 930.00 Groton 1,590.00 Ithaca 1,200.00 Lansing 1,630.00 Newfield . 1,280.00 Ulysses 1,190.00 $14,086.22 Following is a. statement of State Highway Aid received from .the state and paid to. the following towns pursuant to Section 101 of the 1I:ighway Law: Caroline $ 3,100.00 Danby 2,800.00 Dryden .4,800.00 Enfield 1,9 75.00 Groton; 2.,700.00 Ithaca 2,000.00 Lansing 3.550.00 ' Newfield 3,525.00 Ulysses 2,500.00 $26,950.00 214 1'JZOCE}JDU GS OF T -EFF, BOARD OF SUPERVISORS The following statement shows ;the condition of the various accounts for which appropriations are made: Total in Appro. Expended Balance Tax commissioners' meeting$ 124.2.2 $ 113.88 $ . 10.34 Supervisors' compensation 4,558.57 4,837.44 21.13 Commissioners of election 2,644.00 2,397.42 246.58 Elections 6,548.13 4,547.03 2,001.10 County Treasurer 2,330.38 r 1,971.08 359.30 County • Clerk's building 555.66 367.44 188.22 County judge and surrogate7,039.17 6,630.50 405.37 County court civil 665.96 155.10 510.86 Supreme, court criminal 2,342.27 1.576.72 765.55 Comity court criminal 2,558.69 1,862:7.3 . 695.96 County Sealer 1,286.91 1,062.05 224.86 District Attorney .3,798.68 1,850.99 1;947.69 Coroner 417.96 284.56 . 133.40 Justices and constables 183.65 124.85 5830 Jail 1,1.64.96 828.55 . 336.38 Jail initiates 3,225.94 2,243.64 982.30 Penal institutions 282.10 276.76 5.34 Superintendents of 'Poor 3,525:13 1,934.99 1,590.14 Tuberculosisf Hospital 26,180.23• 22,410.27 3,769.96 Insane commitments 1.56.00 25.00 1.31.00 Child Welfare 3.500.00 1,882.48 1,61.7.52 Soldiers' burials 2,027.87 775.00 .1,252.87 Probation Officer 1,401.00 1,255.45 145.55 Blind 400.00 200.00 200.00 Superintendent, o Highways3,967.36 3,497.60 469.76 County System of Roads 77, 766.36 57,048.68 20, 717.68 County- maintenance of roads... 7,897.32 3,430.34 4,466.98 Appropriations Overdrawn . Overdraft Supervisors' expense $ 1,906.20 $ 2,745.97 $ 839.77 County publications 800.00 848.25 48.25 Tax' blanks 1.80 67.00 65.20 County Clerk 9,427.51 10,726.82 1,299.31 Supreme court civil 1,904.07 2,560.35 656.28 Sheriff 4,886.22 4,987.61. 101.39 Almshouse .... 15,633.47 1.6,446.12 812.65 Contract supplies 2.500.00 2,793.1.4 293.14 Con rt House 320.27 426.05 10.78 State and county highway con- struction 52,700.00 62,666.98 9,966.98 Motor trucks 11,233.73 12,700.93 1;467.20 TOMPKINS COUNTY, 1\TEW YORE 215 State of New York, County of Tompkins,) ss. Robert L. Post, being duly sworn, says that he is the treasurer of the County of Tompkins, and that the foregoing report is true and. a correct statement of the fina.ne,ial transa.etions of said county for the fiseat year ended Oetob'er 31st 1.921,,as shown by. the official records of. said county. .Subscribed and sworn to before nie this 21st day of November, 1921. Charlotte V. Bash, Notary Public. RO13ERT L. POST. 216 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD 01' SUPERVISORS COUNTY CLERK'S REPORT A statement of all moneys received for the County of Tompkins by Clarence D, Tarbell, Clerk of Tompkins County, or by his assistants for fees, perquisites and emoluments, for all services rendered by 'hire, or said assistants in their official capacity, from • November 1st, 1920, to October 31st, 1921 Recording deed $ 1,325.93 Recording mortgages 779.84 Recording- other documents 867.64 Pertaining to judgments 112.59 Copies 153.77 Searches 3,433.83 Filing papers and other services 1,00.7.10 Clerk hire, audited and allowed by State Tax Department 225.00 $ 7;905.70 Mortgage tax 8,513.29 Notary fees 281.00 Bunters' licenses 2,832.90 Paid County Treasurer, office fees $ 7,905.70 Paid County Treasurer State mortgage tax $ 8,268.05 Premium on bond audited by Tax Commission 5.00 Clerk hire, audited and al- lowed by State .Tax Com- mission • 225.00 Postage, audited and allowed by State Tax Continission 12.00 J. B. Lyon, allowed by Tax Commission, tax book3.21 8,513.29 State Treasurer, Notary fees.. .281.00 State Conservation Commis- sion, Hunters' licenses... 2,832.90 $19,532.89 $19;532.89 T'01IPKINS COUNTY, NEW W 'ORKi 217 State of New York, ' County of Tompkins Clarence D. Ta.rbell, being duly sworn says that he is Clerk of the County of Tompkins, that the foregoing is in all respects a full and true statcn1Ci1 ars mini rod by Chapter 298, Laws of 1909. • ChA.RENCE .I). TAR.BELL. Subscribed and sworn to before Inc this 10th day of November, 1921. Robert A. Hutchinson, Notary Public. A ,STATEMENT NT W. H. A. R. C. F. R. B. A. AI. B. F. A. 11, Baker Stafford Moore Sutphen Brewer Dunl'v'y Sutphen Total 1920 Nov. $ 75.00 $ 70.00 $ 75.00 $ 05.00 $ 15.00 $ 58.00 $ $ 358.00 Dec. 75.00 75.00 75.00. 70.00 8.00 62.50 365.50 1921 Jan. 100.00 75.00 75.00 70.00 21.50 65.00 60.00 466.50 Feb. 100.00 75.00 75.00 70.00 17.10 75.00 60.00 472.10 Mar. 100.00 75.00 75.00 70.00 15.00 70.00 60.00 465.00 Apr. 100.00 75.00 75.00 70.00 16.50 65.00 60.00 461.50 May 100.00 75.00 75.00 70.00 10.00 48.75 60.00 438.75 Jun© 100.00 75.00 75.00 70.00 60.00 380.00 July 100.00 75.00 75.00 70.00 E. Brown 65.00 385.00 Aug. 100.00 75.00 75.00 70.00 10.00 65.00 395.00 Sept. 100.00 75.00 ' 75.00 70.00 65.00 385.00 'Oct. 100.00 75.00 75.00 70.00 65.00 385.00 $1150.00 $895.00 $900.00 $835.00 $113.10 $444.25 $620.00 $4957.35 'State of New York. County of 'Tompkins f; ss. Clarence D. Tarbell, being duly sworn sags that he is Clerk of the Comity of Tompkins, that the foregoing statement is in all respects a full and true statement as required by Chapter 298, 'Laws of 1909. CLA]RENCE 1). TARI3ELL. Subscribed and sworn to before me -this 1.Oth day of November, 1921. Robert. A. Iautell inson, Notary Pith] ie. 21S PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OE SUPERVISORS A STATEMENT Account of moneys advanced by Clarence D. Tarbell for ex- penses of the Cotnrty. Clerk's ollice, from November ist, 1920, to October 31st, 192.1., inclusive. • 1920 Noy. 18 Balance on hand $ 7.28- 1921 Jan. • County order credit 50.00' 1921 Oct. 12 months' towels $ 2.40 1920 Dec. Railroad faire to Syracuse in re- lation to arrangements in re- pairing books, indices, etc 4.40 Dec. T. G. ]Miller & Sons Paper Co1.07 Dec. H. J. Bool Co 2.40 1.921 Jan. Underwood Typewriter Co 1.50 Feb. Rothchild Bros., cheese cloth2.00 Mar. :P,nrily Tru•urbull, cleaning; books5.00 Express, hall & McChesney 3.50 ]tall & McChesney, parcel post2.91 Hall & • \tcClhesney, parcel post and cartage on hooks 5.74 T. G. Miller & Sons Paper Co.35 Hall & McChesney 2.20 C. J. Rtttnsey & Co .72 :Express 1.39 Papers For County Clerk's office for November, December and January 4.26 Driscoll Bros. .58 T. G. Miller & Sons Paper Co7.70 Elliott Fisher 1.00 Papers for F ebrnary, March_ and April 3.43 C. J. Rumsey & Co.. -tin .45 T. 0. Miller & Sons Paper Co1.71. Underwood Typewriter Co., spring .75 .Papers for May and June 2-.98 Hile & Daniels, repairing chair.75 T. G. Miller & Sons PaPer Co1.10 Express, Hall & - rcChesney .51 C. J. Romsey & Co .80 -Memorandum book • 1.00 Papers for July and'Angust 3.40 100 one -cent stamps 1.00 $57.25. OP TOiMPKINS COUNTY, NEyV YORK 219, C. Rumsey & Co., niop, pail and chamois 2.35 Papers for September and October 5.09 Nov. 'and Dec. Towels ' .40 $'74.84 57.28 Balance due November 10th, 1921 $1.7.56• State of New York, County of Tompkins S ss' Clarence D. Tarbell, being dilly sworn, .says- that he is Clerk of the County of Tompkins, that the foregoing statement is in all respects a full and true s'tatemnent as required by Chapter 298,. Laws of 1909. CLARENCE D. TARBELL. Subscribed and .Sworn to before me this Loth day of November, 1921. Robert A. Huta insen, Notary Public. 220 PROCEEDINGS .OF THE BOARD OF StiPER•VISORS Reports of the Superintendents of the Poor To the 1-lonorable, the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins, State of New York: C entlemen : The Superintendents of •the Poor of Tompkins cordance with law, herewith submit their annual year ending November 15th, 1921. The Superintendents of the Poor of Tompkins Count with the Poor Funds of said County: Amount of appropriation of 1920 $12,1.50.00 For keeper's salary 1,200.00 Balance in County Treasurer's hands from 1920814.55 To safes frdha county farm_ for the current year1,093.77 Received for board in county home 10:1.5.00 Refund for outside relief in -Murphy case 150.00 County, in ac - report for the County in 00- $1.6,423.32 Balance in. County Treasurer's bands .November 15th, 1921 829.88 $15,593.44 13y amounts paid by order on the County Treasurer forthe following purposes: Food supplies and tobacco $ 2.204.46 Almshouse employees 2,677.82 Fuel 'and light 3,328.41 Clothing 'anclfootwear 387.85 Repairs, furniture and bedding 364.61 Chaplain, physician and drugs 487.92 Farni superintendent and farm labor 1,748.49 Farm stock and maintenance 1,014.13 Seeds and fertilizers 244.17 Farm tools and equipment 1,193.13 Transportation and services 'of overseers 1,133.80 Disinfectants and soap 81.81 Telegraph and miscellaneous 30.86 Outside relief 443.00 OF TOMIPKINS COUNT V, NEW YORK 2'2I. Superintendents' telephone, postage and printing93.13 Superintendents' personal expenses 159.85 $15,593.44 Aurottiiis to be assessed upon the County, City of Ithaca and the several Towns of the County for the support of their poor in the county home for the year beginning November .1.5t.h, 1920. and ending November 1.5th, 1.921: • Amounts for .Days Amount County 2,1.1.9 $ -736.16 City of Ithaca 7,037 2,428.68 'hown. of Ithra.ea 855 122.54 Town of Caroline 730 251.915 Town of Danby 508 175.34 Town of Dryden 1.460 503.89 Town of Enfield 708 24.4.36 Town of Groton 2,208 • 762.04 Town of Lansing 645 225.73 Town of Newfield 035 219.17 Town of Ulysses 153 • 52.83 16.567 $5,722.69 Tramps 14 16,581 The cash cost assessed to the county, city and several towns of • the county in excess of the proceeds of the farm 'of the support of their poor at the county home being $00.345-+- per diem. There was received from Schuyler County for 785 days' board • $ 785.00 • For hoard and care of Mrs. Mary Aragener, 23 week 230.00 $1,015.00 Census of Intnates: Number in comity boom November 15t11, 1920 47 Admitted during the year 90. Births during the year 00 Discharged during the year 7 Died during the year 9 In Comity IInnte November 15, 1921. 51 • The following products were raised on the county farm during the year ending November 1.5th, 1921.: Wheat, 343 bushels at $1.00 $ 343.00 .222 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BO:UU) OF SUPERVISORS Barley, 164 bushels at 60 cents. 98.40 Oats, 506 bushels at 45 cents 227.70 Beans, 20 bushels at $3.00 60.00 Corn, 350 bushels at '40 cents (ears) 140.00 Hay, 25 tons at $15.00 375.00 Alfalfa, 1S tons at $18.00 326.00 Straw, 23 tons at $10.00 230.00 Ensilage, 100 tons at $6.00 600.00 Corri fodder, 3/ acres 60.00 .Potatoes, 625 bushels at $.1.00 625.00 Apples, 19 bushels at $1..50 28.50 .Eggs, 680 dozen at 35 cents - 238.00 Butter, 2,266 pounds 1.026.19 Pork 840.36 -Cream and skim milk 918.25 Asparagus 15.00 :Swiss chard 8.00 Peas, 5 ,bushels at $2.00 10.00 String beans, 4 bushels at $2.00 8.00 Tomatoes, 40 bushels, at $1..00 40.00 -Cucumbers, 5 bushels 6.00 Onions, 1.1 bushels at $.1.50 1.6.50 Beets, 8 bushels at $1.00 8.00 Carrots, 12 bushels at $1..00 15..00 Cabbage. 2 tons 'at $40.00... 80.00 Raspberries, black; 40 quarts at 20 cents 8.00 Parsnips, 1.0 bushels at $1.00 1.0.00 Pop corm 4 bushels at $1.00 4.00 Sweet corn, / acre 10.00 Total. $6,369.40 Sales from county farm; November 15, 1920, to November 1.5th, 1921: Hay, 16.908 pounds at $1.5.00 per ton $ 1.26.81. Beams 59.49 .7 reals 192.89 Meat 55.48 Potatoes, 1.01. bushels, 50 pounds 101_.83 Lard 16.84 Butter. 1,180 pounds 535.03 \Fisceilaneous 5.40 $1,093.77 -Cash expenditures by the County Superintendents in- cluding salaries of keeper, physician and chap- lain $15,558.08 -Value of products used on fa.rni • 5.27613 Total cost for maintenance of the county home is $20.834.21 Making a per diens of $1.01+ OF TOlI;P1i1 s COUNTY, 11.11' YORK 223 Inventory of stock, tools and equipment at the county farm One set heavy harness $ 20.00 TWO lumber wagons 65.00 One two -horse cultivator 30.00 One one-horse. cultivator. 7.00 One manure spreader 50.0(1 One hay tedder 55.00 OneJ laird roller 10.00 Two pairs bob sleighs 80.00 Two plows 35.00 One spr ng.tooth harrow 15.00 . One peg tooth harrow 15.00 One .set scales 50.00 One garden drill combined" 1.0.00 One ensilage cutter and belt 238.00 One grain drill 50.00 Forty-five grain bags 20.00 Two hayriggings 20.00 One grain hinder 200.00 "One hundred potato crates 15.00 Two horse hay forks, ropes, pulley, etc 22.00 One half bushel measure 3.00 Two -Wheel barrows '5.00 One corn speller 15.00 One fanning grill • 20.00 Forks, shovels and .,picks 15.00 Log chains and groin bars 6.00 One grass sealer 12.00 Two lawn mo -Wens 20.00 One milk earl 12.00 Two milk ,cans 10.00 Fifteen milk pails 1.5.00 - One set milk scales 3.50 One cream separator. 100.00 One power churn. anal butter worker 50:00 One creamery refrigerator 450.00 TO.. gas flanks with pumps 50.00 One -double unit electric lighting plant 500.00 One six -horse power engine 7.50.00 One One •011(1'one-half horse gas engine 60.00 One po-i-er washing machine 575.00 One laundry extractor 150.00 Tight laundry tubs 200.00 One feed cooker 40.00 One litter carrier 40.00. 224. PROG'-EL;DJNGS OF THE BOAR) OF SIJPEit\ISORS Stock and Poultry 2 +horses 400.00 1.0, dairy cows 1,000.00 1 beef cosy 70.00 2 yearling heifers at $40.00 each 80.00 2 heifer calves at $25.00 each 50.00 1 veal calf 5.00 1 herd bull 250.00 2 brood sows 65.00 20 fat hogs - 840.00 1 pure bred Chester white boar. 50.00 35 fall pigs 45.00 100 pullets . . 200.00 125 hens and cockerels 125.00 $6;888.50 In compliance with Section 71 of the Poor Law of the State of New York, we respectfully report that we estimate the expenses, over the balance of poor funds, in the hands 'of the 'County Treas- urer, for the town and county poor to be supported at the county home.for the ensuing year and for all purposes shall be the sante as for the year 1.021: For counter Home $5,000.00 For outside relief and almshouse maintenance • 5;700.00 For services of overseers of poor .and superinten- dents' expenses 450.00 For transPortat.ion 500.00 For salary of keeper 1,200.00 For salaries of 'physician and. chaplain 500.00 $13,350.00 During the year the following improvements have been made • at the county- home and farm: .large power washing machine has been installed in the laun- dry. A gas engine in .the creamery. The electric power plant installed last year was found to be inadequate for the purposes of the institution, and its use was discontinued. Arrangements were made with the Gas and Fleetric Power Company oto connect with our lighting system and this plan has proven very satisfactory. OF TO\l::PKINS COUNTY, INEW VOP1i 225 About 100 rods of woven wire fencing has been built, The dairy Herd vvas•given the tuberculin test by Dr. McKinney, County Veterinarian, and no reactors were. found.. We wish to report to the people of the county that some prog- ress has been made. with the proposed county hospital at the county house,, which has been recommended to the Board by the superintendents in their annual reports for the past few years. . A hospital committee. has been .appointed by the Board of Supervisor's and this committee !has visited several county hos- pitals of the state with an arehiteet, and are now having plans prepared for their acceptance, and the approval of the State Board of Charities. But we stilt urge our supervisors to be as expe- ditious as possible in supplying this great steed at our cow -sty home. 'll.. D. BA1j1)lVEN, DANIEL ?d 1TUliE11.. Superintendents of Poor of Tompkins County - r State of New York, Comity of Tompkins s ss: William. D. Baldwin. and :Daniel 1'1.itchell, being duly sworn, say that they are superintendents of the poor of the County of Tompkins, that the foregoing statement is in all respects a true and full statement of receipts and expenditures audited by them {luring the year 1920-1921, as such superintendents. .D. BAL[)WIN, i.)1\N1EL iI1'I7CT1ELFJ. Subscribed and Sworn to before ore this 21.st day of November, 1021. Charlotte V. Bush, Notary Public. 226 PROCEEDINGS OF TILE BOARD 01:' SUPERVISORS Report of Board of Managers of the Tuberculosis Hospital To the Board of Supervisors: Honorable Sirs:— In accordance with the provisions of the law, we. the Board of Managers of the Tompkins County Tuberculosis Hospital, now iiresent our annual report. During the year there were fort- patients admitted, twenty-- seven diseharged, and twelve deaths. Of the twenty-seven dis- charged, seventeen were improved and ten unimproved. At pres- ent there are twenty-three patients in the sanatorium. The average daily po-pulation was twenty (20) and the total clays` treatment were 7,33S. The per capita cost was $2.50 per day. We received *3.238.70 from paring patients. The total cost of maintenance was $18.362.51 Buildings, repairs and equipment 239=1.:36 Salary and expenses of County Nurse 1,653.39 Total $29,410.26 Our expense for maintenance this year as $1,180.72 less than it was last year. On November 1st, 1921, we had on hand a balance of *3,169.96. About *500.00 of this balance will be needed to' complete the rooms built and pay for the electric pump. The two -ronin addition with wall under women's porch for vegetable cellar has cost $1,030.87. The building over and en- larging of the pump house cost $395.42. A new hen house, a house for gasoline storage and a roof on the stool house cost $230.20. Our food supplies cost $5.972.43. Salaries and wages 8.976.82 - Fnel and light , 2,069.29 Laundry 1,185.79 Drags 211.78 Farm and grounds 295.72 Express, freight, etc. 162.05 Bniltlittg 625.62 13nilding 1.030.87 OF TO PKI\S COUNTY, J.N.-111V YORK 227 Household supplies 636.13 Repairs 737.87 -Miscellaneous 222.66 Many- ranch needed repairs have been_ made, such as plastering • the rooms on the second floor, painting all of the porches, the beds and bedside tables. Our garden has given the -patients fresh vegetahles during the summer and a quantity of carrots, beets, and 62 bushels of potatoes. The nurses canned over 300 quarts of fruit for the patients. For the coming year, we respectfully request an appropriation of *19,000 for maintenance and salary of County Nurse and $800 for the rebuilding of our ice house. \Ve also wish to repeat from last year's report our request for • a new hospital. It is the unanimous opinion of our Board of managers that a.begituiing should be made for the bett:;r housing of our tubercular patients. With this idem in view, we most respectfully- request your consideration of building a new ,hos- pital on the present site. 1Ve recommend that you -have plans drawn and a part of new hospital to aecouunodate the vvcnnen he built this coining summer. -Most respectfully submitted, DR. 1-f. GENUNG. fres., EMI -IIA -I. KNETTLES, lI ti..Ii;1JGE\E BAKER, C. B. BOICE. 13oa rd of Mafia gers. 228 . PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD 0}' SUPERVISORS Report of the Justices of the Peace CAROLINE . Leslie. 1. Crispel1 reported no moneys received. Perl 11'. Legg reported no motleys received. P. Alfred \Iunch reported no moneys received. Gardner K. :Doughty reported no moneys received. DAN BY Eugene Dorn reported no moneys received. F. E. Slocum reported $3.00 received. L. E. Cannmings reported no moneys received. Louis 0. Thatcher reported no moneys received. DRYDE\ Geo; E. Underwood reported *:10.00 received. J . D. :Ross reported no moneys received. Paul Ewers reported $23.00 received. Chas. K. Reynolds reported $20.00 received. ENFIELD Bert, i .irhy reported no moneys received. Albert Colegrove reported no moneys received. Daniel Mitchell reported $10.00 received. J. C. Weatherby reported no moneys received. GROTO\ Geo. R. Sicicmon reported $126.50 received. R. R. Chatterton reported $130.00 received. E. F. 'I'allmadge reported no moneys received. J . H. Hoff reported $1.0.00 received. ITIS A CA Elmer Allen reported $1i5.50 received. 'W. Smith reported no moneys received. James A. Bnsli reported $122.00, received. LANSING A. J. Conlon reported $55.00 received. Waller T. Sweazv reported no moneys received. W. M. Bristol reported no moneys received. J acob 13. Brown reported no moneys received. OF TO11J'KINS COUNTY, 'E.V YORK 229 NE`IThIISI.j1) E. S. Van ]irk reported no moneys received. Augustus Paterson reported no moneys received. ;James D. Erway reported ;to moneys received, Arthur Decker reported no moneys received. ULYSSES C. Owen Caruran reported rto inorteys received. I'red N. ,Smith reported no moneys received. :Henry -Williams reported $13.00 received. :Joel hlortoti reported *55.00 reeeivcd. 230 PROCEEDINGS OF TEE I OARD OF. SUPERVISORS 0 a 0 0 T.; a 0 0 C ti C 00 0 m c: State and County Oe .D City or Village School District Total 0 R z 0 z 0 n nn z 0 .0- u a cn a 0- ti 0- ti Iv C: 0 0 c.. lv c a uII'.A ao li4D z 0 O 0 rh a 0 Assessed Value Amount of Tax County Treas.'s Fees Proportion to Town Proportion to City or Village Proportion to School District 0 0 O O 0 • 0m ° C (D 0 0 0 ci 0 _ O so C 0 - • 4, ? o 0 Kim < 0 rro N'10 O • 0 > a• 0 n m n .50 o z ▪ N rn 7 n r o m �z m �c ,3 0 z r, N� 0 . O G w'0 0V 1, T. 0 M 0 O me n 0 p• s acs 0 OF TOMFX]NS COUNTY, NEW YORK 231 MORTGAGE TAX STATEMENT The following statement shows the assessed valuation of each town and incorporated village or .city therein, the -amount of mortgage tax to be distributed therein, and the amounts thereof to lie paid to the several towns, incorporated villages and city therein for the year 1921: Towns, Villages and City Assessed Value Amount of Tax Caroline Danby Dryden Dryden Village Freeville Enfield Groton Groton Village Ithaca City Ithaca Town Cayuga Heights Village Lansing Newfield Newfield Village Ulysses Trumansburg .. Total $ 877,770 792,248 2,731,417 452,065 202,485 603,674 2,383,1101 1,281,480 19,046,087 2,304,169 -448,696. 1,791,100 900,680 126,065[ 1,433,599 470,9571 5 80.90 65.93 177.33 73.56 355.41 2,188.64 539.30 334.90 93.71 207.61 $ 80.90 5 65.93 156.09 $ 80.90 65.93 14.67 6.57 177.33 72.56 73.56 259.881 486.80 334.90 87.16 173.52 95.53 355.41 2,188.64 2,188.64 52.50 539.30 334.90 6.55 93.71 34.09 207.61 54,117.29 $1,718.74 52,398.55 54,117.29 Dated December 7, 1.921. FRED L. CLOCK, Clerk Board of Supervisors. FROC.1E.DIN(;S OF THE BOARD OF SUPE?RvlsOEiS - o m Caroline Danby Dryden _ }infield Groton Ithaca City Ithaca 'Gown Lansing Newfield Ulysses n m 0 C V. N., ``=G� p • i'' ; ,s: o� ;;e c ivos-aV °:7'- 10CO' o O, iL,+J,x00 �. Acres of land • •- •-- n^. 00 ro n: : .-f;-2. m , 'c-, ac m cya.::. 1-. u, ,'c c"hF om, ,Cx:7:o ,PC,O:O, 00,000 Assessed value of real estat including village property, s real estate of corporations ion and special franchises' N 52. .- •• "r -SD c,0 '.7 O 0 :U v J -0 c. 70 J O.. C': J"-1 1--,n •-: OF 'TAT} KI\S COUNTY, N 11' -YOB K (Stun sumoi,) ssau -pa34apul papuoa o O C^ G O C O C O co C- G G0 ^ a" 0 0 O 0 = cif: 1c o o C co co -.= .--11a G G G- 0 11,11 o ,t1. MII:!H tiulpnlaut `sasau,Ina UMOl pU1l t1MUn0'J 'al.E4S doJ al.q3 xeI 0oaoo`NC0000 r [- =1 7-, =1 N LL- ,-.I =1.11 . . OO O OCG=OO o- r -I `r to ;,; y, ..--I x' 00 r 1s .•.. r.7 10 o Wd; C. c.1 N fV 1)00 0, 4. r .T' 1r. co .� = 1 O 11 -- Ault xr} all[Oau AuoS.ia all. pa saoIs[Ao.Id o; limns.' mi 'sua.zd, •oo mods s4d[aaa� c�om.,Gc7 .1I�o-x:: r -.•,:a:.•,, 1n n1 o0 -i=1 o01c4-,�=o[�xs -•• r, - -. rn : o i- c :. -^ ^ - ,-4 ,.,.i- - 0 n1 ti - ,-, co.. D LP JO Y6 olaRIV o SUOISIA0.111 aril. 02 quz:nsdtld •suaaZ •op uio.l sgdraaaa ter•. O .w ol ,-- o,, .., -- _. N :vJ ©. .-. .--. �• 1i d: ' Ilao4S 7IU4:2I Ua X L moss sl d papa 4r. ;•1 ... .-. L,- TA '.7 :. CO 71 C r.[. c c 0 co1O'O UO N_� C )14 ti O .--i -4 46 r.,1 �'., N .-1 -r co Gc�1v 1 [- c4 ar a�l:.1 i0 mods s}dio3aU O :4.., ..^. 00--1 G C O 11 O l-- [- m 1^0 cc01nco�0.�--I1r:1r:;,i:c,. . cn to4,L[- LO C,,.. y r 7.-1.^^. .--1 0' r. said -ILiaA 10401L (10 x1:4 asuaall u[odj '51:3.11 '0D Llio.lj Sgdlaaaa =1 O O C 0 0000 FI OGOG 0000 c 14 o 0 0 o c c c ;:;c o..x.. --• N OV -, r, •-, ^ - - XU1 Sum -1421H Jo t 1 pliU : Z I slua3' �3u! -pr ott! `xl;:i; tiMOZ 4= 11 r1 10 co ..1' 1 C.`. 1)0 c0 ': -' [r.' c �' =i -.0..N = [�O'�..�1r1r..[r�:::C ,-i r-1 m,-1 c, .-, rx „- f- '5H - :'IUnO� ::4 1.. n] b .-, .--. .=1 4- .1) l` 41.4 1)+? O C: O If;. =1 =1113: t,7 C:'+; RI zo11 U L:-...- � 4= M :o 0 :'r• = 4= co �4- xu-, a31r}g 110 TA TAI 1r3 id GC; a `.^ G' o4Z4 4;'11 `1) fix .--i --, 144 -1 1f. -7 =^: •--i =1 [� .. :o co O 41 O o .i U C, A L i. :C ca 73•--, ".. o T F 4c,=::`,'�Z C..) 3 c) O .� = o r 1r g A cs i V7 J h.%T co �--� vi 1 -'o to. :•...0 414u b- , w���4zx�ri .o .-. 'J} Y 3} O 'o,,... 1)C o SJ 1, N F� CJQa.CZE O 41 Q1 y V: ,O yr _ 1 U o c} cni%in 234 PROOF.; ED [SOS 01` B1i.F: BOARD 61,' SUPIE.1 V.ISOFN 1"IIGI-IWAYS MONEY SYSTEM To the Comptroller of she State of New 'York: . - The following is a statement, pursuant to Section 100 of the Highway flaw, of the several towns in the County of Tompkins a.nd of the amount of muter tax levied therein, for the repair or highways, by the Board of Supervisors of said County at their annual session in the month of December, 1921, viz: E. MORGAN ST. JOHN, Chairman board of Supervisors. I certify that the preceding statement is correct. FREED L. CLOCK, Clerk or the Board of Supervisors. state of New York, County of `.Tompkins S ss' E. Morgan St. John, being duly sworn, says that lie is the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors or Tompkins County; that he has read the preceding statement and knows the same to be true. E.' MORGAN ST. :JOHN. Sul:tseribed . and sworn to before me this 24th day of January, 1922. Fred L. Cloak, Notary Public. Assessed Valuation of Real Estat in the whole town, including all incorporated villages which main- tain their highways as separate road districts Equalized Valuation of Real Es- tate in the whole town, including all incorporated villages which maintain their highways as sep- arate road districts Assessed Valuation.of Real Estate exclusive of all incorporated vil- lages which maintain their high- ways as separate road. districts Assessed Valuation of Personal Property ex- clusive of all incorporated villages which maintain their highways as separate road districts m a c 0 Extraordinary Repairs pursuant to Section 93, Highway Law :J G w Y. k c 7 ; c3 - r. 0 Caroline .__. $ 871,020 $ 889,943 $ 871,020 $ $ 2,200 $ 3,450 $ 5,650 Danby 783,198 808,547 783,198 3,000 1,600 4,600 Dryden 2,714,367 2,717,297 2,067,227 6,858 5,000 11,858 Enfield 600,8701 620,320) 600,870 2,822 2,5001 5,322 Groton 2,341,010 2,343,545 1,093,770 12,150 4,500 4,000 8,500 Ithaca 2,296,669 2,299,147 1,847,973 4,407 1,500 5,907 hansing ._.._. 1,785,700 1,805,867 1,785,700 7,100 6,000 13,100 Newfield 884,730 885,685 768,015 500 8,917 3,4117 Ulysses 1,407,574 1,484,045 953,942 300 4,200 10,000 14,200 Totals 1813.685,138 $13,854,3961$10,771,7151$12,950 $39,0041$34,0501$73,054 E. MORGAN ST. JOHN, Chairman board of Supervisors. I certify that the preceding statement is correct. FREED L. CLOCK, Clerk or the Board of Supervisors. state of New York, County of `.Tompkins S ss' E. Morgan St. John, being duly sworn, says that lie is the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors or Tompkins County; that he has read the preceding statement and knows the same to be true. E.' MORGAN ST. :JOHN. Sul:tseribed . and sworn to before me this 24th day of January, 1922. Fred L. Cloak, Notary Public. AND UNION BONDED INDEB'1'EDNESS OF COUNTY OF 01 O A 01• 070101 0O01707,y 0c1c001a00001 0 0 C G 01 0 0 01^ o 0-. 0c,nl 0 F 0 0 0 G o 01 0 0 0 C 0 0 0 0 9CC;: 0 0 0 0 0 O, ... ,,, C3 . .,, =d .--, „y c3 c3 r3 [3 cy rS 01010101010101010101010101 0 0 0 0 0 0 CO O co C O p O p 0 p 0 0 0 "" •C 0 0 0 0 0 01010101010101010101030101 010000000000030 100001001 C O O O O L.^^. O 0 C0.7 o. 0 00 V} p p C 0 2,0E: O O C O O P O O O .._.-,:c7.C O C p O pC ^^0 L.: C occ 0 o00 c J• --I rA� O L- GO L r-1 C co O co O C C 0 co O 0 0 0 C C O O O O p Q O O O O O p O 0 0 C p O p 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 oaccoo0CaCcCOaCCOaC 010101010101010101010101 Lo C O p 0 O 0 0 0 0101 O O C c 1., C O•., O p N O O O C ri x d .0 .r O 0 0 0 1 011 O p p C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O= C O p C O 0 0 0 0 0 0 C CD.CD0 0 O O p 0 1 0 G C O p O O O O O p 0 0 0 000pa L000 OO OC p 000000 301 OCOOL Noc,.:O000OCco r-{ oc01 ol 1 n0Inn1,rpL-^1Sn 10.. Ifs1n.-,'ao10n' O ;n 41 > ✓> 3 > .-I N 10 1n N:01".. r•' i r r ti m, CC GC 00 C: L 1— C? 0. l 00 GO OC OG GO CO GO 01CO -1 a ;4,4. 1—i wi �: ,-1 .-1 .-I .-I r1 r1 r-'' ,-I �>+a_aa2a949a94 �rm � : Fr� � .:1,Z;' ,0.0C.' x O O ,- L.^ e; N n1 1 ?1 1 O >b L-- .-1 OO 00 r-1 P1 --I E-.56- ' ci :* V V V V V c3 .^., cG C7, es 73 0 0 C'1 Q O ass Q1 aJ a) a7 N,0SSXSX ..0.0 C5C.7u1UMWCOMCCUUUUUU UUU g ^6GCgG6=.'-I +' 01000000001 g g V ▪ V U U U V V U U 01 01 1- 'O 1- 1-a Rap 1- M m 1 0000.0000 4, i= 0 J0 i-1 0 i, 0 �• .'.•1 i/1 to 0 0 0 0. 0 0 0 0 x x s ^,s 0, s o n .• 7...c,..7.,..4,...1; - 0.n o n c, O a,, 0" 0- - w w UUUVUUUU�3 r ri iwc' tk ur �c�o0�0=0 0u0 xx=te=:=wM.11¢�C7.�WMIT.1x� 3D�1n O 000 3--x01 O 000,,=-4, O wWWwCJWt.J O 0 0 0,..1,4„3., 000000 O 000 o 0 o U000: ; 235 0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ✓ M.1 1C Oi1 r. O O O i0+ HO+ iS a agOC7L7C�JZ�C7L7Z7C7 -41{�z5 www w O 0010 O 0 0 0 O 000 0 00 '1.44-W WW 4•+W www O p 0 0 0 0 .O 0 0 0 O 000000001 ft 4 61G bA t4 bp b4 t.4 fh Zak cd c3 c3 0 0 0 cC 0 cC 0 g rV • :V^s I lei DJ C -47 3 0 r G G K O . cy cy .. .. :3 0 0 a c c o y y 2 ,^.00 4^ 0 0 0 464 �'� v O 6O6COCC rk ,000.00 annually. 74. 0 Ory cc O O 0 1 O O 1,000.00 annually. 4= r_ 6 0 0 O L� _ ni a t^ C p V .r •. w +� w F � U ^ 4" 6 0 0 0^ 6 0 0 0^ O C O 4 cc 40 C O 0 0 0 4= 6 0 C 4 0 0 0 4 4 0 0 0 C O 4 C C 4 4 0 C cc 6 0 4 Q O 0 0 0 C 4 -.C:.O=== C4^_^4^_ C )..0 +aco4Co^ 6co4o©oc0 o L. 0 .:.1 01. L" 0.O'_L^. O" C0I.^C.--.",1' 6 C SC 1 x C CV C 6 ^ - C n1 C .-I [ L- O v e n .. _ - 0000=40 ^4=0 OO4O0.0 6_-,^ O 6 4 4 C C co. C 6 C 4 0 0 C C O C=- O O C 04 0 6 • 0 6 es _ - O 4 O 4 6 O 6 O O 'O _ O 4 C 0 0 0 CC OOCOO4O^ 4 t^.• O 4loOCOCCr_-C O C,C^cc, CO66 G C N O .:-.10:76 4 L. 61r. ^ -6. -T OOx .V C C. ,-,1c. It_ - p 1 ^ -I t. L- c .. .-i L_ N .-. .--I ... . 0, .. .y. -T „ •-11 CD -I' I !7' .y1 .S '^ .y. .y1 C. `J' DT ID 04 D7 C7 r X04 OOCC C 0000 C} �x-CD: o 00 04C ^.cc- L1 71 S N U Vi f 7.1 V: V1 J: n 211 IT V. 'l.' co3:3 000 0000 0r000.0 00000-3' T ^ 10 L--.1••'GO OC o0 t- 1.- OC C v : '.,1 nM 111 ^1 :V o M N N 4 --�,-I :.04040,= .00404 C.. O. f.^.^ ..L. r u 0.. .. 7 : 73 - ^ 7:: : L.' C :J :J 0)X-0 .0.i „C ..0..G.0 -L--.. .0.. .02. U1v UUJUUUUUUO00UUUU?~ 00 00 c o O 0 C/ 00 a) :) O w CJ .� . 'a. 0) a o s s z z:. O �' .a. "a0a y .Vi .0 1, N 14. 1 :67; ..g ^'�C :tl 0 0 r (i{n:4r:r% 0L c 0. New- School �•� r! ; 0T' '1'U1ll'K1NS COUNTS, NEW FORK 237' • 1.11GI \VA Y, .B10 AN'1) II:I:SU.I?[1LANEOUS FUNDS REPOIi'1' HIGHWAY FUND ---RECEIPTS Towns Balance from previous year Highway tax collected 1. 0 Received from other sources 0 a a7yc•,j o U c. Caroline $ 42.701$ 3,000.00 $ 3,100.00 $11,464.90 $17,607.60 Danby ' 403.86 3,000.00 2,800.00 7,651.96 13,855.82 Dryden 17,858.00 4,800.09 24,386.08 47,014.08 Enfield 1,120.39 2,822.00 1,975.00 11,313.29 17,230.68 Grcton 54.71 1,500.00 2,700.00 31,277.87 38,532.58 Ithaca 193.55 4,060.00 2,000.00 9,834.86 16088.41 Lansing j 206.261 7,100.00 3,550.00 19,366.28 30,222.54 Newfield 137.15 3,917.00 3,525.00 8,445.80 16,024.95 Ulysses 647.14 4,200.001 2,500.00 1.8,743.93 26,091.07 HIGHWAY FUND EXPENDITURES Towns • Caroline $ 5,39.5.28 $12,053.06 817,448.341$ 159.26 Danby _............................. ._ 3,314.56 10,134.38 13,448.94 .406.88 Dryden .... 8,563.99 38,418.61 46,982.60 61.48 Enfield 3,025.56 14,157.27 17,183.27 47.41 Groton 5,889.06 31,694.20 37,583.26 949.32 Ithaca' 2,713.45 .12,523.09 15,236.54 851.87 Lansing 8,832.13 21,390.26 :10,222.39 .15 Newfield 5,766.82 10,140.84 15,907.66 117.29 Ulyeses .... 3,785.57 15,912.81 19,698.38 6,392.69 235 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD Or' SUPERVISORS HIGHWAY, BR'IDGE, 11AGII1\ER,Y AND \1ISCE11LANEOUS FUNIS REPORT BRIDGE PUND-RECEIPTS Towns . Balance from .previous year Tax from Collector From certificate of indebtedness From other sources Ea V c: C.7 Caroline $ 17.54 $1,400.00 $ $ 705.94 $2,323.48 Danby 125.60 2,000.00 2,125.60 Dryden 2,500.00 1,000.00 152.73 3,652.73 Enfield 312.39 500.00 612.39 Groton 1 28.51 3,000.00 2,462.001 5,490.51 Ithaca 154.25 200.00 35425 Lansing 983.85 3,000.00 3,983.85 Newfield 1 170.77 2,500.00 109.65 2,780.42 Ulysses .40 2,500.00 1,266.87 3,767.27 BRIDGE PUND-EXPENDITURES Tcwns Labor and team work Material for repairs • Construction of New bridges Transferred to ether funds Total Expenditures r a r:, .J G Caroline Danby Dryden Enfield Groton Ithaca Lansing Newfield Ulysses '$ 174.05 173.99 110.10 18.00 516.371' 38.00 32.15 272.31 905.62 $ 504.55 347.91 1,346.90 164.70 1,161.88 284.30 1,158.28 1,042.67 1,036.33 $1,346.99 7.50 2,195.73 3,735.01 1,113.85 296.60 1,825.32 $ 1,596.20 400.00 . 31.95 1.659.28 1,157.52 $2,025.6c $ 97,87 2,125.60 00.00 3,652.73 00.00 582.70 29,69 5,413,26 .77.25 354.25 00.00 3,963.56 20.29 2,769.10 11.32 3,767.27 00.00 01' TOJL3.'KINS COUNTY, NEW YORK. 219 11101-LWAY, 1BRIDGE, MACE AN.D• 1I1:5CELLANEouS FUNDS R1 PORT MACHINERY FUND -RECEIPTS Towns Balance from previous year Received from Collector Received from 'certificates cf indebtedness From other sources v; O. o c� =-I Fes' Caroline 1$ 62.50 $ 200.001 $ 963.88 $1,226.:38 Danby 2.42 700.00 1,000.00 1,350.90 3,053.32 Dryden 1,000.00 246.78 1,246.78 Enfield . 346.64 100.00 198.67 645.31 Groton 71.47 1,000.00 1,477.20 227.25 2,775.92 Ithaca 58.68 200.00 810.90 1,069.58 Lansing 469.05 1,000.00 629.28 2,098.38 Newfield - 1 1,000.00 1,157.52 2,157.52 Ulysses '1,000.00 1,813.75 537.25 3,351.00 MACHINERY FUND -EXPENDITURES Towns Caroline $ 796,25 $. 403.091$ Danby 2,280.141 760.46 1,2.72 Dryden .503.00 743.78 Enfield 57.82 564.58 Groton 296.38 2,217.94 243.24 Ithaca 88,13981.45 Lansing • 591.51 1,488.82 18.00 Newfield 1,883.85 273.67 Ulysses F 2,007.97 1,253.56 60.77 • $1,199.34 $ 3,053.32 1,246.78 622.40 2,757.56 1,069.58 2,098.33 2;157.52 3,322:30 27.04 00.00 00.00 22.91 18.36 00.00 00.00 00.00 28.70 240 • PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD 01' SUPERVISORS HIGHWAY, BRIZ)(;E. MACHINERY ANI) MISCELLANEOUS FUNDS REPORT SNOW AND MISCELLANEOUS. FUND -RECEIPTS Towns . w 0 rr V = o w "' sa X ±' :J From certificates of indebtedness Prom other sources Total -- � Receipts t >.i.) W J.. Caroline $ 24.59 $ 100.00 $ S $ 124.59 Danby 41.83 1,500.00 1,475.45 122.41 56.03 1,597.86 Dryden 3,639.08 3,090.00 Enfield 707.48 3,797.48 Enfield 1 187.52 700.00. 1 887.52 Groton . 76.69 3,000.00 42.70 3,119.45 Ithaca 372.88 500.00 1,404.29 00.00 531.411 1,404.29 Lansing 80.72 500.00 474.00 106.72 580.72 Newfield • 26.40 .3,000.00 2,749.05 277.35 3,026.40 Ulysses 2,632.70 00.00 500.00 2,066.55 66.15 2,632.70 SNOW AND MISCELLANEOUS FUND -EXPENDITURES Towns to z o ti For watering troughs Other Expenditures !Total Expenditures On hand Dec. 31, 1921 t n Caroline I$ 39.10 $ 60.00 $ $ 99.10$ 25.49 Danby f 2.00 24.00 1,449.45 1,475.45 122.41 Dryden 5.00 63.00 3,639.08 3,707.08 90.40 Enfield 7.92 15.00 864.60 887.52 00.00 Groton 22.00 30.00 2,485.75 2,587.75 581..70 Ithaca 12.00 1,392.29 1,404.29 00.00 Lansing 24.00 450.00 474.00 106.72 Newfield 18.15 60.00 2,670.90 2,749.05 277.35 Ulysses. 12.40 9.00 2,611.30 2,632.70 00.00 OF TOWKIN.S COUNTY, NEW YORK` 241 .Clerk's Certificate State of New York, County of Tompkins, ss. Board • of Supervisors.) 1, Fred L. Clock, Clerk or the BOard of Supervisors of Tomp- kins County, New York, 1_)0 HEREBY CERTIFY, that, 1: have' compared the foregoing Journal of the Proceedings of the Board 'of Supervisors of•'1'omhkins County, New York, with the original record thereof, that the same is a fill and correct transcript of the transactions of said Board at the Special, Quarterly and Annual Sessions thereof, held during the year 1921, also of the reports of the several county officers published therein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my ]mild and caused the official seal of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, New York, to be hereto affixed, this 21st day of January, 1922. (L.S.) la'I1la:l) hi. CLOCK, Clerk Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County, N. Y. 242 PROCEEDINGS OE THE BOARD OE SUPERVISORS POLITICAL DIRECTORY AND GUIDE TO TOWN OFFICERS General Election—First Tuesday after t.lie Hirst Monday of November. Town Boards to designate polling places ---First Tuesday in September. Town Boards to meet to and it claims—First 'Thursday after general election. All town claims iui.cst.be presented for .audit at that tune. The Supervisor, Town Clerk and Assessors ,of each Town must meet on. the first Monday of July, 1878, ,and in each third year thereaft.er,'at a place within the town appointed by t -lie Supervis- or; or, in case of his absence, or of vacancy in his office, by the Town Clerk; for the purpose of 'making a. list of persons to serve as trial jurors for the then ensuing three years. It they fail to meet on the day specified in this section, they must meet as soon thereafter as practicial. (Jiidicisary Law, Sect. 500.) At the meeting specified in the last section, the officers must select froui the last assessment roll of the town and make a list of the names of all persons whom they believe to be qualified to serve as trial jurors .as prescribed by lair. (Judiciary La1w, Sect. 501.) Town Meeting, biennia[—First 'Tuesday °,aifter First Monday in November in odd numbered years. Alninua17neet.ing of Supervisors as a Board of Canvassers—First `.Tuesday- succeeding general election. Annual meeting .of the 13dard of Supervisors—Second Thursday after general election. Regular quarterly sessions of the Board of Supervisors --Second 1Tonday of February, May, August and November. All bills and claims against the county must be presented to the Clerk of the Board on or before the third day of Annual Session of the Board of Supervisors. OF TO.IIPKI\S COUNT):, NEW YORK 243 All bills for supplies furnished to Superintendent of the Poor must be presented to said Superintendent for audit on or before November lst, of each year. All hills presented to the Board of Supervisors -must be itemized and verified by the oath of claimants. No bills for law books will be audited unless purchased under Resolution of tlhe Board of Supervisors. All bills for repairs to or improvements of: county buildings trust have endorsed thereon the approval of•the committee on such buildings. No hills for supplies for eouuty officers will be audited unless the saline were purchased by the Co mitte: of the Board of Soper - Visors having charge of such matters. The Tax Collector or Receiver shall, within eight days after re- ceiving notice of the amount of taxes to be collected by him, execute an undertaking with two or .nnnrc sureties, to be approved ho the Supervisor of the town, and deliver said loud to ]tits. The . Supervisor sltall, within six days thereafter, file the said bond with his approval, in the office of the County Clerk of this County. The Assessors must complete the Assessment Roll on or before the first day of August and leave 0 copy thereof with one of their number and immedia.t.ely tltereafter cause notice thereof to be posted in three or more public places in the tax district, stating that said assessment roll h;a's been completed and where such eopr may be seen until the Third Tuesday in August. Real property shall be assessed in the tax district in which situ- ated. Property divided by town 'line shall be assessed in both towns. � The Assessors shalt meet on the third Tuesday in August; to re- view their assessments and bear the complaint of any ]person conceiving to be aggrieved. The Assessors of towns must file a certified copy of the completed Assessment Roll with .the 'Town Clerk ou or before the fifteenth day of September, and it shall there remain) until de]iverd to the Supervisor. The Assessors shall forthwith give public notice by posting the same in at least three of the nrost'public places in the tax district •and to be published in one or more newspapers published therein that such Assessment .R•oll has been finally completed, and stating' that such certified copy has 'been filed. When t]he Assessors, or a majority of them, shall have completed 244 - PROCEEDINGS OF THE :BOAR.D Ol SUPER,V 1 SOBS their -roll, they shall severally appear Before any officer of the County authorized by lair to administer oaths, and shall severally make and subscribe before such officers,.an oath in the following form: "11"e, the undersigned, do hereby severally depose and s year that we have set down in the foregoing Assessment Boll, all the real eshite situate in the tax district hi ,which 've are assessors, according to our best information ; and 11h'at, with the exception of those cases in which the value of said real estate has been changed by reason of proof produced before us, ,and with the ex- ception of diose eases in which the value of any special franchise has been fixed by the state tax commission we have estianai:ed the value .of said real estate at the stuns which a majority of the As- sessors have decided to be the full value thereof, and also that the said Assessment Roll contains a true statement of the aggregate amount of the taxable personal estate of each and every person named in such roll, over and!albove the amount of debts due from such persons respectively, excluding such stocks as are otherwise. taxable and such other property as is exempt by law from tax- ation at the full Value thereof according to our best judgment and belief." 'Which oath shall be written or printed on said roll, signed by the Assessors, and 'certified by the officer. Laws of 1916, Chapter 823, Sect. 38. For -Village Assessment see Chap. 93, Laws of. 1.919. Tlie Supervisors must report to the district Superintendent of Schools on the first Tuesday in February, the amount of school moneys remaining in his hands. Ealcli Justice of the Peace uausi; execute abond with two sureties condition for the payment on demand to the proper officer of all moneys reeeived by the Justice, by virtue of his •office, which bond must be approved by the Supervisor of the Town, and filed in the Town Clerk's office. Each Justice of the Peace shall pay to the Supervisor of his re- spective town on the first Monday in each inonlh all fines and penalties imposed and Teceived by china, and shall also make la, veri- fied report of all fines and penalties collected by him to the Board of Town .Auditors of his respective town on Tuesday preceding the ontnaal Torn fleeting. County Law, Sect. 12, sub'div. 21. Overseers of the Poor cannot furnish supplies to a county pauper to exceed the swan .of ten dollars without an. order .frons the County Superintendent authorizing disbursements for such purpose The Clerk of every town, incorporate village and city in the County shall report to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors on or before November ist of each year all indebtedness of such ton -n, O TO_lI'I'] I\S COUNTY, NEW YORK 245 village or city, specifying .for w'lmt propose -created, under what Y law, rate of interest. and when .paable.. County'].aa.w, Sect. 52. The Trustees of the person 'or persons haying c1iarge of the issue of bonds or payurent of same of any school district shall transmit 0 statement thereof to the Clerk of the Board or Super- visors .a,nn rally on or before the first day of Novcitnber. County Law, Sect. 52. The :Board of Assessors of the several towns of the County and the Assessors of the City of Ithaca shall furnish to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors on or before t.1ie first day of September in each. year a. full 'and complete list and st'ateirinent of -alt property within their respective districts cxennpt from taxation -under the laws of ..this state. Tax Law, Sect. 15 as amended. Chap. 323, Laws 1916. 246 I'IJ OCEE DINGS OF T3I E ROAR I) 0.P SUPERVISORS ROSTER, 1921-1922 CONGRESS A. 13. Houghton (17th District) Corning, N. V. STATE SENATE Seymour Lowman (41st District) Elmira ASSEl1BLY Claisper Fenner Ileddens COUNTY OFFICERS County judge and Surrogate.:Willard M. Keit Ithaca. Special County Judge 5. Edwin Banks Ithaca County Clerk -William 11. Baker Ithaca Deputy County Clerk L L. Earl Ithaca District Attorney Arthur G. Adams Ithaca Sheriff - Fay Skilling Ithaca Under Sheriff .Win. B. Wilkinson Ithaca Deputy Sheriff and Turnkey.. C. B. Latimore Ithaca Probation Officer R A. Flutchinson Ithaca County Treasurer Leigh Al. ChampaignIthaca Superintendent of IlighwaysFred C. :Evans Ithaca Superintendent of Poor • \Vm. 1]. Baldwin Groton. Conilmissioner of Election ....Bert T. Baker Ithaca Co»ihuissioner of Election ....John P. Kelly Ithaqa Sealer of -Weights and lieasures.Court Bellis 'Ithaca Coroner Wm. A. Smith Newfield Clerk of Sur'rogate's Court....D. M. Gillespie Ithaca Clerk Board of Supervisors....E'red L. Clock Ithaca Dist. Supt. of Schools Fred A. Beardsley, Triumansbarg, R. D. Dist. Supt. of Schools John 1). Bigelow Ithaca Dist. Supt. of Schools Paul Monsen Croton, R. D. 12 Keeper of Almshouse Philo B. Smith Jacksonville TO�1WN OFFICERS CAROLINE Supervisor Carl R. Wade Brookton, R. D. 22 Justice of the Peace Alfred Bunch Brookton, R. D. 22 Justice of the Peace Chas. M. Jones Berkshire, R. D. 1 Justice of the Peace Augustus Middaugh, Brookton R. D. 24 OF TOMPKI\S COUNT:, NEW YORK 247 Justice" of the • Peace john B. -Middaugh Slaterville Towi1 Clerk Jay Phillips Sliaterville _Assessor 1) B. Bull Brookton, R. D. 21 Assessor Theodore Eighmey ..Berkshire, R. D. 1 •Collector A. J. Card Slaterville Slept. of Highways Bert Eastman Brookton, R. D. 21 DANBY Supervisor Wm. 0 Smiley Ithaca, R. D. 8 Justice of the Peace Eugene Dorn_ Ithaca, R. D. 4 Jistice of the Peace Roger F. Todd ..West Danby, -R. D. 25 justice -of the Peace Lewis E. Cummings, \Vilseyvil.le,R..1).1 .Jutistice of the Peace Fred .E. Dorn Ithaca, R. 1). 4 Town Clerk Arthur J. Tubbs Ithaca, R. D. 3 _Assessor Harrison 'Thayer Ithaca., R. D. 4 .Assessor Frank Sineebaugli Ithaca, 11. D. 4 Collee.tor Ernest Hill .11'ilseyville, R. 1). 1 Supt. of I:Iigli.ways John E Miller Ithaca, R. D. 8 DR _ .DE V Supervisor Ed S. Hill Freeville, R. D. 17 Justice of`. the Peace 1'uul Ewers Etna Justice of the Peacc J D. Ross Dryden Justice of the Peace Chas K. Reynolds Freeville Justice of the Peace G. Clyde ,Sutliff ....Freevillc, R. D:16 Town Olerk Fred E. Darling Freeville Assessor AV. J. Shaver Freeville Assessor - • C B. Soycler Dryden _Assessor Andrew Baker Freeville, R.. D. 16 Collec,to'r B ..1. IIa'nnnond -Dryden, R. D. 20 Supt. of Highways John 'Monsey Dryden ENT] ELT) Supervisor Olen A. King ..........Ithaca, R. 1). 5 Justice of the Peace C J. Wetherby 'I'ruuLa iishurg, R. D. 31 Justice of the Peace _Alhert Colegrove Itlia'ca, R.. D. 7 Justice of the Peace Daniel Mitchell Ithaca R. D. 6 Justice of the Peace Bert J.Grby ....T'rnmansbnrg, R. D. 33 Town Clerk 4ol11) Thall Ithaca, R. I). 5 Assessor Fred 'Warren .. Trumansl}urs;, R. D. 33 Assessor- Ray Lanniug Ifha.ca, R. 1). 6. Assessor Budd Deharah I.tliaca, R. D. 5 Colleaoir Fred Bock Newfield,'R.. D. 27 Supt. of highways Frank Rotliermick ....Ith'aca, R. D. 6 248 PROCEEDINGS OI THE BOARD OF SIiPERVISORS GROTON Supervisor Frank A. Begent ' Groton, N.. Justice of the Peace Geo. B. Sicknnon IIcLean Justice of the Pearce Edgar Tallmadge ....Groton, R. D. Il Justice of the Peace John II. Hoff - Croton Justice of the Peace R-. R. Chatterton Croton Town Clerk 111..G. Moe Groton 'Assessor W. 1-I. Bulkley Groton, R. D. 11 Assessor H. B. Stevens Groton Collector . Ralph Townley Groton, R. D. 14 Supt. of Highways Glenn Young Groton ITHACA. CITY Mayor Louis P. Smith City Hall, Ithaca Supervisor, 1st Ward Arthur Bishop Ithaca Supervisor, 2nd 'Ward L E. Patterson Ithaca Supervisor, 3rd Ward E. Morgan St. John • Ithaca Supervisor, 4th Ward Jas. R. Robinson Ithaca Supervisor, 5th Ward Albert H. Roskelly Ithaca City Judge Daniel Crowley, City Hall Annex, Ithaca City Clerk W. 0. Kerr Ithaca City Chamberlain Clarence A. Snyder Ithaca City Superintendent Floyd U. Oakley ' Ithaca ITEIACA Supervisor Arthur 5. Miller Ithaca, R. D. 3 Justliee of the Peace \Vin. I. Smith Ithaca; R. D. 7 Justice of the Peace Elmer Allen Ithaca, R. D. 5 Justice of the Peace Chas. H. Newman Ithaca, R. D. 1 Justice of the Peace Jas. A. Bush Ithaca; R. D. 2 Toivn Clerk Clinton J. Updike Ithaca, R. D. 3 Assessor T J. Baker Ithaca, R. D. 6 Assessor H. C. Sheldon Ithaca, R. 0. 1 Assessor Harrison A. Adams .Ithaca, R. D. S Collector Oscar Hoyt ,Ithaca. R.. D. 6 Supt. of Highways, Frank McPherson Ithaca; R.. D. 6 LANSING Supervisor Wni. F. George ..Ludlow:ville, R.. D. 9 Justice of the Peace A. J. Conlon South Lansing Justice of the. Pe:ace Miles Lane Groton, R. D. 11 Justice of the Peace Walter Bristol ....Ludlowville, R. D. 9 Justice of the Peace J B. Bower Ludlowville, R•. D. 9 Town Clerk Senora Sted nan Ludlowville Assessor • Chas. Terpening South Lansing Assessor Samuel Lane ....Ludlowville: R. D. 10 Assessor Wm. Lane . Lucllowville, R. D. 9 Collector Carl Halliday Groton, R. D. 12 -Supt. of highways Jay Morey Groton, R. D. 12 OF TO MP.KI S COUNTY, NEW YORK 249 NEWEFELD Supervisor Albert Dassauce ...Newfield, R. 1). 26 Justice of the Peace Jas. D. Erway Newfield, R. D. 2.8 Justice of the Peace E. S. Vanitirk Newfield, R. D. 30 Justice of the Peace Arthur Decker ....Newfield. R. 1). 28 Justftce of the Peace .Fred Canfield Newfield, R. D: 28 -Town Clerk Chas. Dickson Newfield Assessor Geo. A. Gardner Newfield Assessor Donald Cutter Newfield •Co11ec'tor Leroy 1). Dickson Newfield Supt. of Highways Allen R. Everhart -Newfield_ ULYSSES 'Supervisor J. M. Townsend ..Tritm tnsburg, N. Y. Juustlice of the Peace Fred N. Smith .Truniansburg, R.. D. 31 Justice of the Peace Henry 'Williams • lacksoniilIe Justice of the Peace Howard K. Aiken Trnmansburg ,Justice of the Peace Arthur W.Agard,Trumansbnrg,R...D.33 Town Clerk Maude S. Tompkins .... Truni'ansbure Assessor Ellin" ,Stilwell .Triiinansburg, R.. D. 31 Assessor • 'Thos. R. Hopkins,Tcnniansbnrg, R. D.33 Assessor ' Olin Miller Jacksonyid e Collector Howard M. Carey ..Trirmansburg, R. D. .Supt. of :Highways Bert 1. Vann Ithaca, R. D. 7 250 PI:OCEEDINCS OF THE BOARD OF SUPkJR\'IOI{•S Coroner 0a'0[I0 11[1;J9 tf7 p., lull iii- 'AT urelilIA\ `t District Attorney sI_ ua •a a..ioaO ^.1 n, SU11I)V ''0 .Iu[(1.IV ,47 , w =, Zj E alltl;ll 0pue1.1O Ti llc2ill;(It11-ujlQ 1[iari T r. County County Judge Clerk purl.;aa_us •ji1;.- eoauzoly -• 1Ia.'PI i{ PJoJrg I ; aSl.'1[0 .11T Sa111VI' r'::j .1a)rl3g •II tti'v'IIII:11 0 pu[44aaets 'Tv ao.InoJQ - uos aul ' p.1lL pa ,-n T 4110)1 'IL 1.).rsq[I:11 ,3 - -1[Io Member of Assembly mo t[ 1[flaSo [' -'llof[ '(C ,1011LL �I q,l n. aalluaj aaC1s0.0 0 42 EtcN 5 a cd 1.11111 •t aapl.la[OO v SOBiLii •(I 1puUI0Za11- U t aim lot) 1)0 pllasll_110� ,`_, "1 .11 0 s_t1a.Iput,- 'y TunaULNA ' Spin;,' I'tuUO ltU,'Ia1D ;o $[r[socigia 04 GAN l.1[0Ij 1 '0_AT 4uoT1rpuaurr r ' —" r a "-' I^ M o c I,- Spurr- Iipllt'.3 111114.100 G�7 3o A([lsodsr(j 04. a.t[40[a'fL- 9 •ot 4ua01p7L37ly ,,, cl x si.I1100 5304114a y. al[Sar110 [ p u11 g. lia.Ip)[T 100 30 '+ Ilraurgsl[gu4sa 01. a.t141:jaa c7 e •0\T 471olup11Z lily g;o c -• sa14u[loo II1i6si7_A t� put .1alsal[a;sa_11 103 saT 41 -poa iuluaa.AoO 03 O.tl4'1:Iap P •02.; 4uattrpuaRt — V , m l , '11019,107I113.10111,K .103 slroi4r013111:11'O of a.t!,lulag -- 2 '0` 4t[31I1p11 a 111.\r a:M �; r W 331141;[ -sl3arl 3o s.ragVspilt;nlalo sal . — I, -1116 3o asea.13ul 04 aal}1;I3g s F, •off 411o111p11alu-Sr Z. o sm:.104a_1 JrM. PI.Io.11 1)1111 t[Silce[Is ='{' 04 aauaa0Jaa,I 01 a.t141;Iai '[ '0. '1719IIGI]Il3Iu: r — er. — r^ INDEX A .Accounts of Supervisors "03 Accredited herd Nark—:Appropriation 10 :Parol Bureau for 94, 105 Adoption of County _Alup Allotment of Additional Mileage to Towns Under Comity System of Roads .13 Allotment of Motor Trucks to Towns 148, 171 Animals—Report of Society for Prevention of Cruelty to 70 Appropriation to Society for Prevention of Cruelty to 98 Annual Session of Board of Supervisors ; 1 Audits at 180 Apportionment. Of :,lection Expenses 69, 87 Of Dog lfun,i 07 Of Taxes 158 Of .Motor Vehicle Moneys 1.1 Of State and County Aid 1], 12 Arnustico .13iy Celebration 46 Armory—State 'Pas for . 59 .Assembly kill No. 1071 ---:Approval of 11 Assessment,—Erroneous 00 .Refund to County by Reason of fit. ,Assessment Roils—Regular :Report of Committee on :rooting; 81 Supplemental Deport of Committee nn ,>•'ooting 83 Time to .'resent 02 'Petition of Assessors of Goroli 1e Relative (11 69 • Petition of _Assessors of Ithaca Relative to 85 :Assessors of Towns—Names a.11r1 Addresses of .240, 247, 248, 249 Petitions of 09, 85 Asphalt and Oil for County and Town Roads __. 78, 119 Audits ----At :Annual Session 130 At Quarterly Session 5, 34, 43, 53 At Special Session 8 County 180 Town. 155, 137, 189, 1192, 193, 395, .197, 199, 201 Of CIaiams Audited by Special Committees ]luring Year 75 .Automobile hire—Contract for 10(1 A.nlmuobila +honeys—Appropriation uf' to Towns 11 .Fanner of .l'azmen}t. to Towns - 11. Appropriation—For Sinking Fund and Interest 4)11 Bonds tissued for Construction of State and County highways 59, 68 For Maintenance of State and County Highways 60, 68 For Construction of 'Highways Under County System of Roads 96, 155 For Maintenance of Highways Under County- System of Roads _ 133, 134, 144, 155 For highway Purposes 146, 147, 156, 357 11 For Rights of Way 50, 146, 155 Fur Snow Plow .140. 172, 173 174, 17S For .11uad Roller 173, .174, 17S Of State Aid to Towns 12 Of Comity Highway fund to Towns 12 _Additional to Enfield, Groton and Ulysses 42 Additional to Enfield 47, 49 Of Motor Vehicle Moneys to Towns 11 R0:Appropriation of Construction Fund 145 Re -Appropriation of Maintenance Fund 133, 134, 144 Of. Motor Vehicle \L.oneys to Construction .Fund 145 Of. Motor Vehicle Moneys to Maintenance Fund 133, .134, 144 To State 11ighway Departrnerrt. for Mill or Truck Ex- penses, 35, 47, 50, 52, 91 To Highway Fund, under County System of Roads 155 To General Highway Fund 146, 147, 150, .157 To highway Fuad to Re-imburse General Fund 145 To Towns Under County System of Roads L1, 12 Additional to Enfield. Groton and Ulysses 42 Additional to Enfield 47, 49 Under §320-.13. of Highway- Law 96, 155 For Power Pulley on County 'Tractor - 42 For Care of 51rs. Duryea, Confined iu County Jail 4 For Clerk Hire for Commissioners of :Election 54 For Fuel, Light and Telepholics _ 77 For General and Poor Purposes 150, 157 I'm- Maintenance of County and Town Poor 105 For .Postage for County- Officers _ 54 I'm. Proceedings of. Board 142 For Quarantine of County Jail 176 .For Support of Poor 19S For Typewriters for County Clerk's Office -41 For Typewriter Supplies for County Officers 119 To Child -Welfare Board 57, 59 To Farm Bureau Association _ 46. 125, 131, 134, 130 To General and Poor Fund 156, 157 To home Bureau Association 46, 123, 131, 134, 137 To .101-imhurse County Clerk 123 To Society for Prevention of'Cruelty in Auiinals 93 To Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children 93 To Southern Tier Association for the Blind 3-1 To Tuberculosis /Hospital 92 Be -Appropriation of Uue.pen3ed Balances 96 B Board of Supervisors -Names and Addresses of Members 5.1, 175 ;Annual Session 54 Quarterly Sessions 3, 32, 3i, 52 Special Sessions 7, 46, 49 111 1 -lours of Meeting 00 Supplies for 55 Accounts oP - 903 Printed Proceedings of—Bids for .133 Contract for 138 111V10ent, ot', 142 Rooms of. Janitor for _ .142 Standing Committees of 57 Special Committees of— flaying Charge of ltolor Trucks 5, 33, 178 TO ]pear Glaiu, of Edwin 11. Sweetland :1, 53, 39 On 'Memorial to World \V;ir Veterans 56, 174 .111 Condemna1101z .Proceedings _ 51, 107 _Bunk Tux—Report of Conunitlee on .97 Statement of '':30 Resolution Relative to Tax on National 13auks _ .176 Blimp, Southern Tier Association for 3:1 Board of Child Welfare Report of 64, 37 Appropriation to 37, S9 _Board of 1liragers of Ttibercalosis Hospil;ll—Report of____ 6.1, 76, 92, 226 Election ion to 91. Appropriationto 92, Bond—Of County Clerk 51.1, 134, 137 Of County Treasurer 91 Bonded Indebtedness of County 111111 Towns 935 Bonds Issued for Construction 'State and County lliglncays—Sinking. Fund and Interest: on __._ 59, 63 ]Bridge ;Fund for '.i.'on•us 933 ]Budget— Count- 15 L Towns 161, 162, 11111, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 1119, 170 Caroline—A:Ines and Post Office Addresses of _'own Officers 'ili Audits of 135 Budget of - 1(11 Tax for -Maintenance of State and County Highways 60, 63 Tax for Improvement of Highways and Bridges 100 Tax to Cancel Certificates of Indebtedness .101 Auurttnt. Charged to 'Fowl' for Sheriff's .Expenses 8, 72 Amount Charged to Town for District; :11.tc,rttey's .Expenses 7" Appropriation to `I'otyn Under County System of Roads Appropriation of \Cotor l"ehiele Honey to Toga 11 Amount One To-rrt front 1)0g Fund 67 • Amount Due Town front .un,'g;tge Tax 70, •_"31 - Returned School Taxes of 126 Tax Rates of '1'or; n 1(11 Petition of Assessors to I'la,e Certain Property on :Asscssincnt Boll of Town (311 Count- Audits—Annum Session 189 Quarterly Sessions _ 5, 34, 43, 53 IV Special Sessions 8 -County 1Budget 151 Chairman of Board—Election of 55 Ex -Officio _Member of Highway Officials Committee 62 Temporary 63, 107 Clerk of Board -Election of 55 Salary of 144 Postage for 84 Authorized to Purchase Supplies 55 Authorized to Correct :Errors :15 Authorized to Make Contract with Monroe County Penitentiary 52 rlrttdrorized to Make Contract. for Printed' .Proceedings135 Authorized to 'Make Contract for Automobile Hire 106 Directed to Draw Order for Susquehanna Valley 111ouae 110 Directed to Iipurge from Minutes 147 Directed to Issue County Orders 95 Directed to Notify County Officials to Present Reports 61 Directed to Print Tax Bates 174 Report of, To Comptroller '34 Certificate of "41 'Committees of Board of Supervisors-lStanding 57 Special—Having Charge of _Motor Trucks 5, 33, 178 '1'o Hear Claim of Edwin 13. Sweetland 3, 33, 39 On _Memorial to World War Veterans 56, 174 ,Committee on Comity Officers and Conrpensastion— Report of, on Audits 111, 1411 Report of, Relative to Salaries of County Officers 95, 139, 141, 142, 147, .148 Authorized to Repair hoof on Court House 45 Authorized to Safeguard Records of County Clerk's and Surrogate's Offices 143 'Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses— Repnrt, of, on Audits 119 Report. of, Relative to Report cif County Clerk 8(1 Report of: Relative to Bond of County Clerk 137 Report of, Relative to Report of Surrogate SO Report of. Relative to Apportionment of Election Expenses 86 Authorized to Secure Additional Filing Cases for Surrogate 95 •Comurittee on Charities— Report of, on Audits 109 Report of, ore County aucl •Town Poor 105 Report of,_ Relative to Report. of. Board of Managers of 'Tuberculosis Hospital 92 Report of, Relative to lieport of Superintendent of the Poor 108 Report of, Relative to Hospital at County Home 4, 3S, 55 Continued in Power Relative to Hospital at County Home :138 Authorized to Contract for Lighting at County Home 47 Committee 011 Coroner, Justices' and Constables' Accounts— Report- of, on Audits 113 v Committee on. Correction and Reformation— Report of, on Audits 71, 103 Coanutit•tee'on Couwty Treasurers' Accounts— Report of, on audits 105 Report of, Relative to Bank Tax 97 . ]Deport of, Relative to 'Mortgage Tax 70 Repot of, Relative to Report of. County- Treasurer 160 Committee on Contract Supplies— Report of, Relative to .Fuel, Light and Telephones 77 Appropriation for Fuel, light and Telephones 77 Claims Audited by Committee ]luring -Year 75 Committee on Equalization— Report of, on Footing Assessment- Rolls 81, 83 Report of, on .Ratios and Percentages 02, 04 . Report of, for General Tax Levy 114 Report of, for Highway Tax Levy 117 Report of, on Apportionment of Taxes 158 Committee on Finance— Report of, Relative to County Budget 101 Report of, Relative to Town Budgets 100 Committee on Ii poling Assessment. ;Rolls — [Regular Report of 81 Supplemental Deport of 83 Committee 011 Highways— Report, of, on Audits 110, 122 Authorizer' to Seeaare 1.iights of Way 107 To 11.R -e Power and Authority- over Snow Plow and Roller 173 Committee on Jail Supplies— Authorized to Purchase Stove ,1(711 Prnvitle Laundry Facilities :7t (171nnit}' .fail .12 Claims I\ wilted by Committee During Year 75 Committee on Returned Highway and School Report, s-- Report of, Relative to Grand Jurors 124 Report, of, Relative to Returned School Taxes 125 Committee o1( Soldiers' belief, etc.— Report of, 011 Audits 101, 102, 135 Report of, Relative to .'swat Bureau Association 120, 131, 134, 130 Report. of, Relative to pomp Bureau Association 120, 131, 13,1, 137 - Report of, Relative to Report of Child Welfare Boara1 88 Committee 011 County ani1 Town Accounts lieport 11f, Relative to Amounts to be Raised for Maintenance of High- ways and Sinking Fiand and laat.erest 1111 Bonds issued for Con- strnotion of State and County highways 68 Report id, Relative to Apportionment of Dag fund 66 Committee on Totivn Expenses— Report of, on lndebtcdncss of County and Towns "10 Report of, 011 Special Franchises 131. Committee on Auditing Accounts of Tuberculosis Hospital— Claims Audited by Committee During -Year 75 STI County Officers—Names of 4)46 Suluries of 95, 139, 141, 142, 147, 14S Expenses of 139 Postage for S4 Typewriter Supplies for 119 County Judge and Surrogate -Report of 63, 3ti • Additional FilingtCases for Office of 95 Safeguaarding Records of Office 143 County Clerk—Report of, on Receipts and Disbursements 62, 86, 216 Report of, on .Mortgage Tax 63, 70 Clerk Hire for 143 Post a ge for 54 Typewriters for - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 41, 119 Typewriter Supplies for 1.19 Bond of 91, 134, 137 ,11.0-inahursed for Addil Tonal Expenses _ 123 Chausges is Office of 50 Safeguarding Records of Office - 143 County .Uistriet Attorney --Report of 64 C]a.inrs for Ant() hire for , 44, 7' County I'rolration Officer—Report of 63 Attending State Convention 52 County Sealer of Weights and Measures—Report of 62 Expenses of 139 Delagnted to Attend- National Convention 33 County Sheriff—Report of 01 Claim fur Auto hire for 3 Claim for Expenses of- Expenses of, Charged to 'Towns 8, 9, 3(1, 44, 53, 72 County Superintendent of 11ighwaaysReport of 64 Salary and Expenses of 139 Delegated to Attend National Convention 16 To Have Supervision of. Operation of Snow Plow and Roller 174 County Superintendent of the Poor ---Report of 62, 1.08, 220 'Salary of 139, 141, ]42, 147, 14S County Treasurer --Report of 64, 160, 204 Report of, Relative to Dog ]Fund 62, 67 Report of, 11ehi1 ive to Allotment of Various Tax "Moneys (13 BO rid of 91. Clerk Hire for 14S Postage for S4 Salary of - .139, 141, 142, 147 Authorized to Procure _;ddit.ional Filing Cases 5 Authorized to Borrow 157 Authorized to Transfer Funds in Case of Deficiency 157 Re -Appropriation of 'Unexpended Balances in hands of 96 Dire•:tcd to Credit :Motor Vehicle _)4 iiuvs to'Maintenance ]Fund of Highways Constructed UnderCountySystem of Roads, 133, 134, .44 Directed to Credit 1[otor Vehicle Moneys to Construction Fund of Highways Constructed finder County System of Roads 145 Directed to Credit to General -Fund from which Borrowed, Moneys Appropriated for Deficiency in Highway Fund 145 V11 1)ireclerl to ['ay State llighwey Dupa rtu1ent 1u Re-iniburse for .Motor Truck Expenses 38, 47, 50, 52, 9.1 Directed to 1'ny for .Power Pulley on County '.Traylor 42. .Directed to ]'ay for Iliglrts of n'ay 50 Directed to 1'ay Supervisors Under County System of Roads 12, 15, 42, 47' Directed to Pay JI:otor A'ehi,,lu 11i iwys Lu l'oevns .11 .Directed to -Pay i3alaric05 to Towns 95 Directed to Pay Certain Claims from .I)0g _Fund39, 11.4 Directed to Pay Quarterly Session Audits 54, 36, 44, 53, 71. ]Directed to .Pay Special Session Andit.ti 9 I)irecteil to Pay County Orefers 95 .Directed to Pay Salaries 11'onthly -- – 95. Directed.to Pay for Typewriters for County- Clerk's (Alice 41 .Directed lo 1'uy for Car,: of ltrs. Duryea, Confined in County .bail 4 Directed to I'ty for Quarantine of. County :fail .176. ]Directed to Pay Child 'Welfare Board 59 Directed to Pay to Patio .liureau Association 46, l_':i, 134, 136• I)irected to 1'ny to Home liureau Association 46, 125, 13-1, 137 Directed to I'ay Southern Pier Association for they Blind 3.4 Direte<l to 1'av Susquehanna Valley ]lemic; 110. Coroner—Report of 64 Expenses' of 139 Commissioners of Election—.Deport of 419, 86. Postage for 8.1 Clerk Hire for 84. County—State Valuation of 58 Valuation of Personal 1:'roperty by Assessors 81, Si, 232 Valuation of. Real Property try Assessors - 81, 83, 232 Raided rridebieelness of Amount to be liaised for Sinking i'unrl and "Interest on Bonds Issued for Construction of State and .iouoty Highways 59, 413 Refund to, by Reason of Erroneous Assessment. .lilt County Tax---4'or State Purposes 58, 59, I57 For General and Poor Purposes 156, 157 For Highway Purposes 156, 157 County Ilrnuc—Inspection of SS • Hospital at -1, 38, 85, 138 Lighting at 47 County Court House—.Janitor at 142 Boob of 48 County .Jail, patron act Report of 63 Election of !)q Physician art-' Iaeetion of !10 Compensation of 94) Quarantine of 176 Care; of :qrs. Duryea •4. Stove artel l,;ionelry .I'auilitics ut 42 County A1ap—rlelnption of 2!1 Striking'1-1igien•ay in Town of 1)antby from 12 County- and Town Poor --Support and _Maintenance of 108 City of Ithaca (See Ithaca) Canvass, Official 250 Cayuga Lake Cottagers Association—Request fur Construction of Lake Chore; Boulevard 9 Certificates of Indebtedness, Tax to Cancel 10t Child Welfare Board—Report of 64, 87 Appropriation 10 57, 89 Children Report of Society for Prevention of Cruelty- to 76 Appropriation to Society for Prevention of Cruelty to 93 Cla.iws 7)is;illowed 12.1. For :Insane Commitments Against City- of Ithaca 1311 Of Institutions Against Towns and City 102, 103, 110 For 11:otor Truck Repairs .Against Towns 12° For .pistrict ,Attorneys' Expenses Against Towns 44, 72 For Sheriffs' Expenses Against Towns and City- ____ 8, 9, 311, 44, 53, - 72 Of John L. Stocum for Burial of Chas. F. Gage 4 'Of Susquehanna Valley home 49 OfEdwin R. Sweetland for IJatnages to Sheep 3, 33, 29 Clerk hire—For Coumtissiuners of Election 84 For County Clerk 1.43 For County Treasurer 148 Clerks of Towns—Names and Addresses of "47, 24S, 24!I Collectors of ToIvns—Hawes and Addresses of "17, 24S, 2.11) Time of Settlement of 158 Comptroller—Report of Clerk of Board to 924 Conttmulieation from. Relative toState Tax 55 (Condemnatlun Proceedings to Secure Rights of Way for It1i:u:a City - Hector Street Highway 51, 107 Construction of lighways Under County System of Roads, Rules Gov- erning 13 Contract—With _Monroe County l'ettitentiary 52 For .Asphalt and Oil for County and Town Roads 11!) For Automobile Hire 100 For Printed Proceedings of Board 13S Court Expenses (See County Budget) Court House—janitor at 142 Roof of 48 Cruelty to Animals (See Animals) Cruelty to Children (See Children) D Danby—\antes and Post Office Addresses of Town Officers "47 Audits of 1ST 13udget of - -- 162 .Tax for Maintenance of State :cid County 'Highways 60, I15 Tax for Improvement of highways and Bridges 100 Tax to Cancel Certificates of Indebtedness 101 Amount Charged to Towns for Claims of Institutions 102 Amount Charged to 'Lown for Sheriffs' Expenses 1) Appropriation to Town Under County System of Roads 1_= Ix Appropriation of _ltutor Vehicle Moneys to Town _____ 11 Amount Due TOW IL front Dog Fund 07 mount Due Town from Mortg:ge Tax 70, 231 Authorizing to Borrow Money Under §320-A. 37 .Returned School faxes of .120 Striking highway in Town from County Alai) 12 Tax Rates of Towit 162 Dryden—\antes and Post Office Addresses of 'sown Officers "47 Audits of 189 Budget of 163 Tux for Sinking fund and Interest on Bonds Issued for Construction of State :and County Highways 59, 68 l'nx for iMitiiutetiance of State ;uId County Highway's 60, 68 'l'ax for Improvement of 11 ighn•ays and Bridges 100 Tax to Cancel Certificates of Indebtedness 101 :Amount Charged 10 Town for Claims of 1Mifflin io is 110 !niiourrt 'Charged to 'l'ua'u for Repairs on _lh t-ur Trucks 122 Amount Charged to Town for Sheriffs' :Expenses 8, 53, 72 Appropriation to Town Linder County System of Roads 12 Appropriation of _Motor Vehiclo _honeys to Town :11 A.itnulit Due Town from Dog :fund 07 Autount. Due Town from _Mortgage Tax 70, 231 Amount Dim Town from Back Tax 97, _'30 Authorizing Town to Borrow ;.Alimey tinder §320-A. 11 Returned School Taxes of .126 Additional _Motor Truck Allotted to 171 Dryden-Barford highway—Completion of 60 Assessed Valnotion of Dryden Village 73 Assessed 1'alaation of 1'reeti-illc Pillage' 73 T:rx Rate of Dryden Village SO School Tax Rate of Dryden Pillage 50 'Pax Rates of 1'on•n7113 Damages to Sheep by ,Dugs—Claim of Edwin :R.. Sweetland 3, 33, 3f) Deficiency—County Treasurer Aulluorizeil to Transfer in Case. of 157 Designation of -highways Under County System of Roads, Rules Gov - . 13 Designation of highways for Construction on County- JI:3p 20 Designation of Highways for Construction Under.County System of :Roads in 1021 29 District Attorney (See County District Attorney) 'Directory, Political °-10 Division Headquarters of highway Dep:u'tment. Dog i'uud—Report. of County Treasurer Relative to 62 I.'nyinett of Certain Claims from 39, 114 Apportionment of 67 Duryea,. Mrs.—Care of - 4 E Enfield—Aacnes and Post Office Addresses of Town Officers "47 Audits of 192 X Budget 0'' - -- .64 Tax for Maintenance of State and ,County Highways (1), (iS Tax for Improvement of Highways and Bridges 100 Tax to Cancel Cerlilicates of Indebtedness 101. _Amount Charged to Town for Repair on A1otor 'Trucks 122 Amount. Charged to Town for Sheriffs' Expenses 7" Appropriation to 'fon-II Under County System of Roads 12 Additional Appropriation to Town Under County System of Roads 42, 47, 419 Amount line Town from Dog Fund 67 _Amount Due 'Town from .Mortgage Tax 70. 231 authorizing Town to Borrow Money Under §320-A. 40 Returned School Taxes of 12 Mecklenburg Ro1oI, Construction of 41 Tax bates < f 1'otwts 104 Election—Chairman of Board _ :55 Clerk of Board 55 Bernd of Managers of Tuberculosis Hospital 93 1letnber of 1': rnt 13urean Association 91 .1ail Matron 90 .1ai1 Physician 90 Official C;un'ass "50 Election 'Commissioners (See Commissioners of Election) Flection Expenses—Apportionment of 69, S7 :Equalized Value of County—By State 5S By Board of Supervisors 114, 117 Equalization—Regular Report of Committee on E'ooting Assessment Rolls S1 Supplemental Report of Committee on Footing Assessment Rolls ____ S3 Report of Comatittee for General Tax I..evy 11.1 Report of Committee for 11iglswny Tax Levy 117 Report of Committee on Ratios and Percentages 92, 94 Report of Committee on Apportionment of 'faxes 15S Erroneous _Assessments fill Errors in Minutes, Clerk Authorized to Correct 95 Expurge from Minutes, Clerk Directed to 147 Expenses of Certain County Officers 1.411 Expenses of District. _Attorney Charged to 'Towns 44, 72 Expenses of Sheriff' Charged to Towns and City S, 9, 36, 44, 53, 72 F Farm 13ureau Association --Report of 64, SS Appropriation to 49, 125, 131, 134, 136 Appropriation to, for Accredited Herd Work ' 94, 105 Election to 91 Finance Couunittee (See Comucit-tee on Finance) Finances—County Treasurer _Authorized to Pay Balances to Towns inclCity C it y 95 County Treasurer Authorized to Borrow 157 County Treasurer Authorized to Transfer in Case of 1)efieieucy }57 Z1 lio-Appropriating* Unexpended 13alauces in 11ands of County Tre:rs- liPor , Sifi �'oul,ing _lsscssinunt Rolls (See Committee on Pooling Asacssineut Iiolls) 'reerille, Assessed Valuation of 73 Fuel, Light and Telephones 77 G Groton—lances :ma 1'ost Office Addressee of Town Officers "48 Audits of ,793 13)nlgct of 1(55 'l'ax for :Ilaiuten;nrce of Slate and County highways 00, OS Tax for Improvement of Highways :Ind Bridges _ 100 Tax to Cancel Certifientes of Indebtedness 101 Appropriation to Town Under County System Of Roads 1•' Additional Appropriation to Town Under County- System of Roads 42 Appropriation of 11e>tor Vehicle _Honeys to Toren 11 i\ mount. .Due Towri front Dog Fund 67 Amount- Due Town from Mortgage 'Fax 70, 231 Amount .Due Town from hank Tax 98, 230 Returned Sclrool.Taxes of 127 Additional Illotor 'Truck Allottee) 10 171 Groton -Cortland Highway, Acceptance of 46 Tax Hate of Groton Village 107. Fax Rate of Schou! Dist. N. 8 107 • Tax Rates of Town 165 Gage, Chas. 1j.-13uri:r] of 4 General :Fund—Appropriation to 15(4, 157 Re -Appropriation of Unexpended 13a1•unees _ 96 Tie -Payment to—from Highway Fund 145 General Tax—Apportionment of I58 Gcneriil Poor Purposes—Apldoprial..iun for 156, 157 Grand ,lurors—Report of Commit 1te on 124 H . flours of 1lheeting of Board 60 Homme 13ure;uz Association—Report of 64, 88 Airpropri;ltinen to 40, 125, 131, 1:1.1, 137 Hospital at. County llouie 4, :38. 85. 138 IHighwny ;Ind School Taxes—Returned 125, 120, 127, 128, 120, 130 Highways --Superintendent of (See Counhv Superintendent of lligliw; s) Town Superintendents of—Arsines and d Alliiresses• "47, 248, 249 Changing Division Headquarters of State Department 7 Sinking .F'und and Interest- on bouts lsstred for Constitution of State curl Comity Highways 50, 68 Tax for' llaintenauce of S.tcite ;iud County 11iglitrays " 60, 68 Tax for Improvement- of Highways :and Bridges 100 Tax to G;rncel Certificated of Indebtedness 101 .Rights of Way---So:uring 50, 107 Appropriation for 146 X111 Appropriation 10 General Highway Bund 146, 147 Re -Appropriation of Unexpended Balances 96 Dryden-11arford Highway-Con,4iletlon of 60 Groton -Cortland Highway -acceptance of 46 Ithaca City-Ilectur Street, Highway -Construction of 38 Condemnation Proceedings for Rights of Way for 51, 107 South Lansing -North Lansing }lighway-Requesting Construction of 172 1Aleck1euburg Road -Construction of 41 Highway, Bridge and Machinery Funds for Towns 937, 218, 239, 240 highway 'Fund for Towns "37 Highway Fund -Appropriation for General 146, 147, 156, 157 Appropriation to Replace \Loners Borrowed from General Fuad ____ 145 Re -Appropriation of unexpended Balances J6 Highway Tax -Appropriation for 156, 157 Apportionment of 158 Highways -Motor Trucks Special Committee }laving Charge of 5. 33, 173 Report of 81 Discharge of .1.71 Stale Highway :Department Re-inrbursed for .Expenses, 38, 47, 50, 52, 91' Allotment to Towns 148, 171 Acquiring Additional Trucks 74 insurance on 149 Repairs of, Charged to Towns Tops for 74, 91 Highways -Tractors 32, 43, 50, 34 Soo* Plow 140, 172, .173, 174, 173 Road Roller 1.73, 174, 173 Highways Under County System of Roads - Resolution Relative to Continuance of State Aid to County and Towns 177 Chairman of Board to he Ex -Officio _Member of [Highway Officials Committee 62 ,Construction to be Under 'Direction of }1ighway Officials Committee 14 Rules Governing .Designation and Construction of ___ 13, 43 Allotment of Additional Mileage t,o Towns 13 Designation of Additional._lllleage Alloted to Towns 16 County Ilap, Adoption of 90 Number of Miles Each Town is Allowed to Construct Each l.',,ur 10 Number of Miles Each Town is Allowed to Construct in 1921 ____ 10, 42 Designation for Construction in 1921 29 Appropriation to Towns for Construction 11, 12 Manner of Payment to '.Towns - 12, 42 Additional Appropriation to Towns for Construction 42, 47, 49 Appropriation of _Motor -Vehicle _Moneys to Towns 12 Manner of Pavarerit to Towns 11 Appropriation of _Motor Vehicle Moneys to Maintenance 133, 134, 144. Re-A1lrroprition of _Maintenance Fund 133, 134, 144 Appropriation of Motor Vehicle _Moneys to Construction Fund 1.45 Re -Appropriation of Construction Fund 145 Appropriation for Construction finder County System 96, 155 Maintenance of, Under County System .133, 134, 144 Inspection of 5.1 Apportionment of State and County. Aid limier §320-E. 11, 12 A11>ropriation to 1latintena nce .fund 133, .134, 144 Appropriation to Construction Fund 145 Asphalt and Oil for 78, 119 Highway in Town of Danby .Strikers from County Map 12. Lake.Shore Boulevard, Asking Construction of 9 Authorizing Town of Dan to Morrow _lIorey Tinder §320-A. 37 Authorizing Town of Dryden to E;nrrc,tr _Money Under §320-A. 51 Authorizing Tuwrr of Enfield to Borrow Money Linder §320-A. 40 Authorizing Town of I.tlmca to Borrows' Money Under §320-11. 40 a.uthor•izing Town of Lansing to Burrow _Money Under §320-:\. 37 Authorizing Town of Ulysses to Borrow _Money Under §120-A. 32 I Ultima City—Names and Post Office _Iddresses of City Officers 948 Budget of 167 Amounts Charged to City for Claims of Inst.itut.ions --_r 102, 103 Amount Charged to City for Insane Commitments 136 Amount Charged to City for Sheriffs' Expenses 8, 30, 44, 53 Amount nue City from 1)ug 1'woi 67 Amount Due City front 'Mortgage' Tax 70, 231 Amount Due City from Batik Tax 97, 230 Returned School Taxes of ____ 128 Ithaca City -Hector Street :Highway, Construction of d8 Condemnation Proceedings for 51, 107 Tax .Hate of City 174 School Tex Rate of 174 Tax :Hates of 107 Ithaca Town—Names and Post Office Addresses of Town Officers 948 Audits of 195 Budget of • - 166 Tax for Maintenance of State aid County :Highways 60, 68 Tax for 1,1proventcnt of :highways and Bridges 100 Tax to Cancel Certificates of Indebtedness 101 Amount Charged to Town for C1:r.dnts of. Institutions 102 Amount Charged to Town frir district Attorneys' Expenses ---_ 44, 72 Amount. Charged to Town for Sheriffs' Expenses 8, 44, 72 Appropriation to Town Under County System of Roads 12 AP1aropriation of _Motor Vehicle 'Coneys to Town 11 Amount Dim Town front hog Tax 67 Amount Due Town from _Mortgage Tax 70, 231 Authorizing Trw,, to Borrow honeys Under §220-A. 40 Returned School Taxes of 127 Petition of A 1505501 10 ]'lace Certain Property on Assessment ]toll of Town 85 Refund to County by Reason of :Erroneous Assessment 6.1. Tax Rates of Town 166 XI 1ndebiralness—County and Town - "35 .los:utc Commitments Charged to City of Ithaca. __ 130 inspection of County Home and Tuberculosis hospital _ SS Of Highways Built cinder County System of Roads 51 institutions—Claims of Charged to Towns :aril City 102, 103, 110 .Insurance on Motor Trucks (See highways) J Mail \fatroti—Eicport of 63 Election of 90 Jail Physician—Election of 90 Compensation of 90 Janitor for Supervisors' Rooms 142 .futile, County (See County Judge and Surrogate) Justices of the Peace, Nantes and Addresses of 046. "47, 24S, 249 Reports of ""s L Lansing—Nantes and Post Office Addresses of Town Officers "4S Audits of .197 Budget of .10S Tax for Maintenance of State and County highways 00, G3 Tax for Improvement of Ifligliways, and Bridges 100 Tax to Cancel Certificates of Indchtcduess 101 Antouttis Charred to Town for Claims of Institutions 102. 110 .(mount Charged to Town fur District Attorneys' Expenses 72 Anunuds Charged to Town for Sheriffs'.Expenses. 44, 53, 72 Appropriation tic Town iitolnr Counly System of Roads 12 Appropriation of Motor Vehicle Motleys to Tuwn 11 Amount' Due Town from Dog Tax 67 Amount Due Town from lfur1gagc Tax 70, 231 Authorizing Town to Borrow _honeys Under §320-A. 37 Returned School Taxes of 127 South Causing -North Lansing Higha;ty---Hequestiug Construction of 172 Tax Rates of Town 165 Lake Shore Boulevard—Request for Construction of 9 Lewis, .Erdley—..Right, of Way of 50 Light, Feel and Telephones 77 M _Meetings of Board of Supervisors—Annual - 54 Quarterly • 3, 32, 37, 52 Special 7, 46, 4!) (lours of 60 Minutes of Board—Clerk Authorized to Correct - 95 Clerk 1)irceted to Exlutrge from .147 Managers of 'Tuberculosis Hospital—Report of 04, 76, 92, 220 ' Election t 91 Appyopri:ttion to 92 XV Rlemarial to World Wilt. Veterans 30, 174 ;,Conroe (.ioutity Penitentiary—Cont.r;,0t with 52 Alortgoge Tax—Report of Courniittee .on' 05, 70 A'nount 1)ue Towns and City from 70, 231 ivrai itenanee of State :100 County highways 00, 68 llfaintenance of 11igbo-nvs Under Count) System of Roads ---- 135, 154, 144 Motor 'Pruoks (See Highways) 1iot.or ,'chicle Moneys—Appropriation of to.Toons 11 Mecklenburg Road—Construction of 41. Mileage t1llotlod to Towns—Additional 11, 10 5l L5 .lciner� 3.1'uo4 for ','owns 239 11Iis(ieLlanemts .Fund for Towns "40 N Nov)io1 —Names ruicl Post Office Addresses of Town Officers "49 Audits of 199 Budget of 769 Tax for 1.1; intenance of State null County I1ighways 60, 438 Tax for Improvement of 1-1ighrcays and Bridges 100 Aoiouut Charged 1.0 Town for District Attorneys' Expenses _ 72 Amount Charged to Town for Sheriffs' Expenses _ i2 Appropriation to 'Down. Under County System of lioarls 112 Appropriation of Motor Vehicle Moneys to 'l'own 11 Amount .I)ue Town from Dog. Tax 437 Amount aur Town from Mortgage Tax 70, 231 Returned School 'Prises of 128 Tas,Rates of Town 169 Names and Post Office Addresses—Of Snperrisors 54, 175 Of County and Town Offirers 246, 247, 248, 249 National Ranks—Resolution Relative to Ta.c on 1743 0 {Offiriers—County and Town 946, 247, 248, 249 Salaries of County 95, 139, :141, 142, 147, 148 Official Canvass 250 Oltz, A..13.—Janitor of Sup or visors' Rooms, et e, 142 •Ovid Eley;trio Company, Contract with 47 Post Office Addresses—Of Members of 'Board of Supervisors 54, 175 • Of County incl Town Officers 246, 247, 248, 249 Printed 1'roneedings of Hoard—Bids for 158 Con t.rri•.f; for 138 Payment for _ 142 Postage for County Officers 84 Physician it County .Tail --I lection of 90 Uo iipeosatioo of - - 90 Probation °freer (See County Probation Officer) XVI Poor—Appropriation for Maintenance and Support of County- and Town Poor 108 Appropriation for Poor Purposes 156, .157 Superintendent of (See County Superintendent of the Poor) Payment; to Towns Under Comity 'System of hoads,'51auiner of 12, 42 Payment to Towns -of Motor Vehicle 51.oueys, linotier of 11 Personal Property in County, V'ttlunt.ion of - - 8.1, 83, 232 Political Director~ 949 Property:—Valuation of by State 58 Statement of Valuation of Real 932 Statement of Valuation of Personal 932 Petition—Of Edwin R. Sweetland for Damages to Sheep 3, 33, 70 Of Assessors of Town of Caroline to Place Certain Property on Assess- ment Roll of Town - 69. Of Assessors of Town of Danby to Place Certain Property on Assess- ment Roll of Town __ 85 Of Town Board of Danby to Borrow _honey -Under §320-A. 37 Of Town Board of Dryden to Borrow Money Tinder §320-A. 50 Of Town Board of Enfield to Borrow _Stoney Under §320-A. 40 Of Town Bo;ird of ,Ithaca to Borrow Money Under §320-A. 40 Of Town Board of Lansing to :Borrow Money Under §3.20-A. 37 Of Tonna Board of. UIysses to Borrow -Money- Under §320-A. ' 32 - Quarterly Session of Board of .Supervisors 3, 32, 37, 52. Audits at 5, 34, 43, 53- Reports—Of County Officers (See Under Various County Officers) Of Committees (See tinder Various Committees) Of Board of Managers of Tuberculosis hospital (See Board of _Manag- ers of 'Tuberculosis hospital) Of Child Welfare Board (See Child -Welfare Board) (if Farm Bureau (See Farm Jlureau) Of Horne Bureau (See 'Home, Bureau) Of Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (See Animals) Of Society for Prevention of Cruelt-y to Children (See Children) Of Special Committee Relative to Claim of Edwin R. Sweetland 33, 39' Of Clerk of Board of Comptroller 934 Of highway-, Bridge and -Machinery Funds ----_---_- 237, 233, 239, 240 Of Justices of the Peace 998 Ratios arid Percentages—Report of Committee on 92, 94 Rates—Tax for County 159' Tax for Towns 1(11,' 1.62, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 1.69, 170 Tax for Dryden Village 80 Tax for Dryden Village for Schools 80' Tax for Groton Village 107 Tax for Groton Village for Schools 107 Tax for Ithaca City 174- Tax for Ithaca City for Schools 174 Tax, for Trutriantburg Tiilago 73 - Tax for Trmnansburg Village for Schools 73 - Re -Appropriation of Unexpended I3al;rnes 96 - Records of County Clerks' and Surrogates' Offices- Safeguarding of 143, Refund to Comity by Reason of Ertonoous _Assessment 61 Returned School Taxes 125, 126, 727, 128, 129, 130. Real 1'lalierty--1'aluatiun of by State 58. Valuation of by County 8I, 83, 232 Rights of Way (See Highways) Roads—Corint.y System of (See Highways) Roster 946. Rules Governing Designation and Construction of Highways Under County Svslcnz of .Roads13, 43. Resolul.iou—Allotting Additional Mileage lo Towns Under County System of Roads 1.:3 Appropriating _I.oneys for Construction of Highways Under County .System of .Roads - 11, 12, 42, 47, 49, 145, 155. Appropriating Mo 1ers for Maintenance of Highways Under County System of Roads 133, 134, 141 Re -Appropriating Unexpended. Balances to Generai and 15ighcr:ry Fund 96 - Approving Assembly Bill No. 1Q71 9' Asking Change of Division I1tuidcluarters of Stale Highway. De- partment 7 Authorizing Comity Treasurer to Transfer Funds in Case of a De- ficiency 1-57. Authorizing County Treasurer to 1'ay Balances in His Hands to Towns and Citi- 95 - Authorizing County Treasurer to Borrow 157 Charging Claims of Institutions to Tonus and City 102, 103, 110• Charging Claims for i)istriet Attorners' 3 a auases to Towns _____ 44, 72 Charging Claims for Sheriffs' Expenses to Towns and City 8, 9, 30, 44, 53, 72 Directing County Treasurer to Pay County Orders 95 Directing County .Treasurer to Pay Salaries Monthly 95, Relative to Adoption of County Budget 157 Relative to Adoption of County _hap Under County System of Roads 20. Relative t.0 Appropriation of State and County Aid to Towns ____ 11, 12' Relative to Appropriation of _Motor Vehicle _Moneys to Towns 11. Relative to Clerk Hire for County Treasurer 148. Relative to Clerk Hire for Commissioners of Election 81 Relative to Clerk Hire for County Clerk 143. Relative to Continuanee of State Aid to County and Towns 177. Relative to Number of Miles of Highway Each Town is Allowed to Construct Each Year Under County System of Roads 10' R.e1ative .to Number of _Miles of Highway Each Town is Allowed to Construct in 1921 Under County System of Roads 10, 42' Relative t.o Rules Governing the Designation quid Construction of Highways Under the County System of Roads 13, 43' Relative t.o Payment to Clerk of Board 144- X V 1.I1 Relative to Salaries of County Officers 95, 139, 141, 142, .147, 148 Relative to 'I'nx on 1ationai Banks 176 . Relative to Appropriation to Farm Bureau for Accredited Herd Work _ 91, 105 Relative to -Ithaca City -Hector Street Ilig1nva4 . 8, 51; 107 Relative to 'Mecklenburg Road 4L Relative to South La nsiag-Nort.lr _Lansing Highway 172 Supervisors (See Board of Supervisors) Sessions of Board -Annual 54 Audits at .180 Quarterly - 32, 37, 52 audits at 5, 14, 43, 53 Special 7, 46, 49 Audits at 8 Supervisors' Roams, Janitor for 142 Supervisors 10 _'resent Assessment Rolls -Time of 62 Salaries of County Officers 95, 139, 141, 112, 147, 148 Sealer of Weights and Measures (See County Seiler of 'Weights and Meas- ures) Sheriff (See County Sheriff') Superintendent of highways (See County Superintendent of <High ways) Surrogate (See Comity Judge and Surrogate) Superintendent of the Poor (See County Superintendent of the Poor) Society. for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (See Animals ) _Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children (See Children) School Rates -Of Dryden Village 80 Of Groton Village 107 Of District \o. 1, Town of Tilysses 73 Of City of Ithaca 174 School Taxes -Returned 125, 126,-127 128, 129, 130 Settlement try Collectors of Towns, Time of lab Sheep -Damage to ln- Dogs -Claim of Edwin P. Sweetland 3, 33, 39 Sinking Fond :md Interest on Bonds Issued for Construction of State debt County Highways e9, 68 Snow a 11 Miscellaneous Funds for Towns "40 Snow' Plow fur Coranl r _ 140, 17?, 173, 1 74, 178 Soldiers' Burial -Clain of 3nlut L. Stocum for Burial of Chas. F. Gage 4 Southern Tier ,association for the Blind -appropriation to 34 Special 'Franchises- Report of Committee on 1.31 Stateinent Of Bank Tax 90 Of'Mortgalge Tax 70, 231. Of Bonded Indebtedness of County and '_'owns "35 Of Taxes Levied "83 Of Valuation of Real Property 932 Of Valuation of Persomri Property 32 Of _Loney Tax Levied for Repairs of Highways 234 Of Tax• Rates of Towns 161, 162, 163, 104, 1.65, .166, 167, 168, 169, 170 XIX State Aid to County and. 5'uticns-Continuance of 177 State Highway Ucltarhntont .Reimbursed for 'Motor Truck is'xpenses 38, 47, 50, 52, 91 - State 1'otxl'nr _Armories------ -- - -- - - -- -- -- - -- -- ai) For General Purposes58 For Stenographers, etc, - �9 Stocum, .1o11.11 L.-•-Claini of for Burial of Chas..I . Gage 4 Susquehanna Valley Hone -Claims of 49, 110 5n'eethttic,, Edwin Fi.-Claim of for .Damages to Slice') ii, i 1, 39 Stenographers' etc. Tax - 59 T Tax -State, for Ayin orieS 59, .157 State, for General Purposes __-_ 58,'1157 State, for Stenographers, etc. 59,, .157 County, for Gcneri 1 nod F oor Purposes 156, 1:57 County, for lligliway Purposes 156, 157 .Por Sinking .Bund and Interest on Bonds Issued for .Construction of Slate and County Highways 59, 68 For l[htinteimnce of State and Highways 60, fib .For Imp ovement of Highways and Bridges 100 For ]lainlenxnce of Highways Under County System of Roads 1,33, 134, 144, 15.5 For Construction of Highways Under County .System of Roads __ 90, 155 Resolution Relative to 'Pax on National flanks 176 To Cancel Certificates of lniiebtedness 101 Statement of Bank 97, 230 Statement of :llorlgage 70, 231 Taxes -Apportionment of 158 Returned School 121 126, 127, 128, 129, 1150 iStatement of Those Levied 511 Tax Rates -For County 159 - For Towns 1111, .162, 103, 104, 165, .166, 167, 168, 169, 170 For Pillage of Dryden 811 For Village of Croton 107 - }'or Village of Truin.u»horg 73 11'or City of Ithaca:: 174 For -Schools of Dryden l'01: go 80 For Schools of Groton Village 107 . For Schools of District No. 1 of Ulysses 73 - For Schools of City of lthacn 174 Clerk of Pinard Directed to Print with Town Budgets 174 Telephones, Fuel and Light. 77 Temporary Chairman63, 107. Town and County Officers-;oes and Addresses of __-- 246, 247, 248, 249 Town and County I'uor-Support and .Maintenance of 108' Town and County Sysfem of Ruails (See highways) Towns Names and Addresses of Officers of 246, 247, 248, 249 Audits of 185, 187, 189, 192, 103, 195, 197, 199, 201 lludguls of 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 107, 108, 169, 170 Xx Bonded Ltdebtedness of 235 Claims .Against for District Attorneys' 'Expenses 44, 72 Claims Against •for Sheriffs' Expenses 8, 9, 36, 44, 53, 72 Claims of Institutions Against 102, 103, 110 Collectors af, Time of Settlement 138 Allotment of Additional Mileage to Tinder County ,System of Roads 13 \fanner of Payment to finder County System of Roads 11, 12, . 42 Number of _l[i]es of 11ighway Each_ Town is Allowed to Construct Each Year Under the County System of Roads 10 Number of Miles of Highway Each Town is A]lotved to Construct in 3921 Wider the County System of ]roads 10, 42 Payment of B,dlances to, be County Treasurer 95 Returned School Taxes of 325, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130 Tax for Sinking fund and Interest on Bonds Issued for Construction of State and County Highways 59, 68 Tax for Maintenance of State and County 1Lightra}`s 60, 68 Tax for Improvement. of Highways and 13 ridges 100 Tax to Cancel Certificates of indebtedness 1.01 'Tractor (See Highways) Treasurer (See County Treasurer) 'Tuberculosis Hospital—Report of Board of Managers of 64, 70, 92, 220 }lection to Board of :Managers of 91 Appropriation to 92 Inspection of 88 Removal of 39 'Typewriter for County Clerks' Office 41, 1:19 'Typewriter Supplies for County Officers 119 U Ulysses—Hawes and Post Office Addresses of Town Officers 249 .Audits of 201 Budget of :170 Tax for Sinking Fund and Interest on Bonds Issued for Construction of Stale and [aunty Highways59; 68 Tax far _Maintenance of State and County Highways 60, 68 Tax for Improvement of Highways'and Bridges 100 Tax to Cancel Certificates of Indebtedness 101 Amount Charged to Town for District Attorneys' .Expenses 72 Amounts Charged to Town for Sheriffs' Expenses 8, 36, 72 Appropriation to Town Under County System of Roads Additional Appropriation to Town tinder County- System of Roads 42 Appropriation of llbtor Vehicle _. ionecs to Town 1.1. Amount Due Town from 13og Fund. 67 Amount Due Town from _Mortgage Tax 70, 2;3.1 Amount Due Town from 'Bank 'fax 98, 230 Authorizing Town to Borrow Money Tinder §320-A. 34 Returner] School Taxes of 128 , Tax ,Rale of Village of Truii ansburg 73 XXI Tsar Rate of School District No. 1 i3 Tax Hates of Town 1.70 'Unexpended Balimees—lie-Appropriation of 96 V Valuation—Of County by State 58 Of Personal Property 81, 83, 232 Of Beat Property 81, 83, 232 Of ]:)rytleo. Vilb go 73 Of 1'aeeviile Village 73 Village Tax hates -1) ydeia 80 Groton 107 1.'ruwa.nsburg 73 "Votes, Official Cuuc-ass of 950 w Weights and Measures (See County Sealer of Weights and 'Measures) World War Veteronls, 'Memorial to .56, 174 ‘ N 1 n