HomeMy WebLinkAbout1920 Proceedings0 Proceedings Board of Supervisors Tompkins County New York 1920 0 • 11' Wilber G. Fish, ClIairman Ithaca, N. Y. Frecl L. Clock, Clerk Ithaca, N. Y e a r 4 t Proceedings Board of Supervisors Tompkins County New York 1920 Wilber G. Fish, Chairman Ithaca, N. Y. Fred L. Clock, Clerk Ithaca, N. Y ,M er 4 NORTON PRINTING COMPANY ITHACA, N. Y. I92! Quarterly Session Monday, February 9, 1920 MORNING SESSION Roll tall. 11.11 members present, except: Messrs. Gallagher and Hill. Owing to •the absence of the Chairman, on motion of Mr. Begent, 11'It•. Albright was elected Temporary Chairman. The Clerk read several claims, which on motion of Mr. Robinson, wore received and referred to the proper committees. The Clerk read a e'onnrurnieat.iorr from the Attorney General, rel- ative to the designation of another newspaper to publish the Session .l..a'vs, Concurrent Resolutions of the Legislature, 1�.•te., in addition to the newspaper already designated .by the Republican members of the Board, which. was fled. By a resolution of Mr. Begent, the Ithaca. Jourmil-News was desig- nated'by the 1)e1noeratic rnenr'bers of the Board•, as the official publi- cation to pn`hlish the -Official. Canvass, 'Elect.ion Notices, Session l.,aws and Concurrent Resolutions of the Legislature for the year 1920. The Clerk read a communication from 1 -Ion. john Knight, State 'Senator from the 44th '.District, relative to Senate Bill No. 111. Mr. Robinson olfcr'ed the following resolution and moved its adop- tion: 7?esolved That we, the Board, of Super•visors' of Tompkins County, 'hereby approve of Senate 13111 No. 111, iritro.1iieed by Hon. John. Knight, and urge our representatives in the State Legislature to give said bill their careful .eonsiidertrtion and` to use all reasonable efforts to secure its passage by their respective bodies. Seconded by Mr. Fish. (tarried. Tire Clerk read a communication. from. the Board of Strpervisnrs of: Tioga County, relative to State Aid for highway construction iunler Sections 320, 320-a, of the Highway way Law. 11lr. Regent offered the following resolution and moved its adop- tion: 4 PROCEEDINGS 01' THE BOAln) 01' SUPERVISORS Resolved—That •we, the Board of 'Supervisors of 'I'ompl:ins County, N. Y., do hereby approve of the frill introduced in the State Senate 'by Hon. Seymour Lowman, relative to State Aid, for the con- struction of highways under Sections 320, 320-a, of the Highway Law, and do hereby urge our representatives in the State Legislature to use their best, endeavors to secure its passage and enactment into 123 w. Seconded by lt'Lr. St. John. Carried. Mr. Begent offered the following resolution and moved its adop- tion: Resolved—Tliat the Temporary Chairman appoint a committee of four, of which the 'Temporary Chairman and Clerk shall be two, to attend iiie hearing at Albany, en the 'bill. introduced by Senator Lowman, relative to State Aid for the construction of highways under Sections 320, 320-a, of the Highway Law. Seconded by Mr. St. John. Carried. The Clerk read a certified copy of a resolution adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Columbia County, which was filed. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present, exeept-Iessrs. Gallagher and lei ill. • Mr. St. John offered the following resolution and moved_ its adop- tion: ! esolvcd 'That •the Sheriff be instructed' to see that the toilets and those other parts of the courthouse; for the. janitor service of which be is responsible, tbe kept in a more cleanly and sanitary, condition, Seconded by Mr. Robinson. Carried. -Mr. Buck offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : l'esolved—That the Committee on County Officers and Compens- ation he authorized to provide necessary offices for the County Su- perintendents of t:he Poor and the County Probation Officer. Seconded by Mr. St. Dolan, Carried. On motion of Mr. St. John• the Board went into executive session. The Board arose from executive session and continued the trans- action of the business before it, OP TOMPKINS COUNTS', NEW YORK The Clerk read a. communication from the State Commissioner of Highways relative to a circular letter to town .offieiails, which was fi10(1. Mr. St. John offered the foI'low+ing resolution and moved its ailo-p- tinrt 1VrinsrtEAs—NImerorts municipalities of .this state have filed com- plaints against a schedule of telephone rates filed .by the New York Telephone Company, effective as of Decetnlber 1, 1919, and WHEREAS—During the pendency of said proceedings thereon, the New York Telephone Company is receiving payments in accordance with the schedules which are alleged to be rtnrea.sorrable, and V'VITartans---- '}1e Public Service Commission is without jurisdiction under existing statutes to ordertJlre suspension of said schedules dur- ing the pendency of these prdeeedirtgs, and \VrrEnnAs—This organization believes a similar provision of the law should control increased schedules of rates filed by telephone, telegraph, gas and electric corporations as now applies to railroad corporations, and that in the deterrninatirt of complaints against creases of rates by such corporations, the interests of the public requires that the Public Service Connnission, itpou its own motion, or upon the motion of any complainant, shall have the power to order the suspension_ of the sehed.ule of rates against which complaint was filed, and that the 'burden of proof to show that the increase, or pro- posed increase in question, is just and reasonable, should. be upon the corporation charging or proposing such increase, now therefore be it Resolved That this Board of Supervisors of 'Tompkins County, N. Y., `endorses and urges the passage of Senate Bill No. 32,. (Int. No. 32), introduced by Senator (Gibbs, or Assernbl , Bill No. 4:i, (Int. No. 45), introdueed 'by Assemblyman Slicer, being duplicate bills, now pending; :before the State Legislature, -andare framed to give to the Public S'erviee Commission the power w}r'ieh willremedy the con- ditions above stated, which_ conditions this Board of Supervisors be- lieves to he -unjust to this community, and to those other communities affected by the increase of telephone rates established by the New York ''Telephone Company, effective :December 1, 191.9, and it is further Resolved—That a copy of this resolution be forwarded to FIon. J. Henry AValters, President Pro 'Tern of the Senate; IIon. Geo. F. Thompson, Chairman of the Public Serviee. Committee of the Sen- ate; Senator L. W. H. Gibbs; Flon. 'Thaddeus Sweet, Speaker of the Assembly; Hon. Louis Martin, Chairman of the Assembly .IndIeiary Committee; Assemblyman Joliu AV. Slicer, and to our representa- tives in the State Legislature. (i PROCk)EDI GS OP 'ME BOARD OF SUPEIWJSOIiS Seconded by Mr. Begeut. Carried. Mr. Regent offered the following resolution and moved its adop- tion: dop-tion: I esblved-That the following bills be -audited at the full amounts, ay reeorntn.ended by the several committees, amounting to $.1.,553.17, and that the County Treasurer be directed to pay the. same out of any unexpended funds in his hands, and if he has not sufficient funds to pay the sante, to 'borrow upon the faith. and credit of the county the sunt of $1,553.17 to pay the aggregate amount of the ae- cotants so audited; and that these clainis'be certified to the County Treasurer by the Clerk of the .Board, for, and. on behalf of the .Board 111 2. Da.vis-Brown, Go., Elec. repairs, Go. Cdk. Builihiirg$ 4.27 E 3. The Atkinson Press, Printing, Surrogate 38.50 .E -4. Glias. 1-E. Brooks, Repairing cloek. 'Surrogate 4.00 .E 5. T. A. Ilersori, heals for jurors, Stip. Gt. Civil .13.00 1•] 6. Davis -Brown Co., Elec. repairs, Courthouse, 102.91 E 7. Stover Printing Go., Printing tax receipts, 8 yrs129.50 E 8. Burroughs Adding Machine Co., Repairs to.nrachine • 5.85 E 9. Davis -Brown Co., Elee. repairs, Courthouse 28.2.9 E1.0. Bloom LaBarr, Repairs, Courthouse 10.71 1'111.... If..Bailey Garage Co., Auto hire, Supervisors24.41 E12. Louis D. Neil, Repairs, Supervisors 2.00 E13. E. N. Jackson, Agent., Premium Co.'Treas. Bond300.00 E14. The Aitkinsorr Press, Printing, Co. '1`reas 4.00 E15. Stover Printing Co., Printing, Co. Treas 44.90 E?16. Stover Printing Co., Printing, Supt. of Highways' 10.00 E17. Fred C. Evans, Expenses, }Supt. of. highways 36.07 IMS. J. IL Bailey Garage Co., Auto 'hire, 11I]ghway Officials 85.74 E1.9. Stover Printing Go., Printing, .Dist. Atty 14.00 E20. J. B. Lang Co., Repairs, Go. Jail 4.81. .E21. Davis -Brown Co., Elec. repairs, Co. Jail 13.75 .E22. a. ll. Bailey Garage Co., Auto hire. Sheriff in county 138.97 E23. J. H. Bailey Garage Go.. Auto hire; Dist. Atty 7.37 E24. J. H. Bailey Garage Go., Auto hire, Sherif out of Go. 18.00 E25. A. M. MaeGachen, Extracting teeth, Co. Jail 1.50 E26. Clinton House, Meals for jurors, Go. Gt. Grin 9.75 E27..11. A. Carey Co., Premium of S'heriff's Bond -75.00 E28. F. D. Gilbert, Burial Mary A. Bennett, Pensioner75.00 E29. Stover Printing Co., Printing, Supervisors, 3 yrs177.35 E:30. 14. W. Norton, Stamps, Supervisors 3,50 E3.1.. Stover Printing Co., PrintingSheriff 9.00 E32. Stover Printing Co., Printing, Probation Officer4.50 E33 IL H. Love, Ghent. Expert, Dist. Atty, 10.00 E34, Ithaea Realty Go., Insurance, Co. Glk. Building. 31.26 • OI` TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK ' 7 E35. W. B. Georgia & Son, Insurance, Co. G'.k. Building. • 9.6:3 EWG. W. B. Georgia & Son, Insurance, Cu. Jail • 20.63 E37. E. T: Stewart, Burial Geo. Whipple, Pensioner 75.00 .i138. Reuben L. Smith, Ex. in Lunacy, Supt. of Poor '10.00 $1,553.17 Seconded by Mr. Wright Ayes 11. Noes—O. Carried. On motion, adjourned. 8 PROCEEDINGS OP THE BOARD OP SUPERVISORS To Fred IL Clock, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors: We, the 'undersigned members of. the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, N. Y., hereby request you to calla special, session of the Board, to be held at the court Arouse on Friday, March 26, 1920, at 2 o'el'oak P. M.. to .transact any business to Coale before the Board relative to highway matters. Dated, Aiareh 22, 1920. J. M. TOWNSEND R. C. ALaoaoiiT OLENA. KING W. 0. SMILEY C. M. BUCK II. S. "'RIGIIT E. M. ST. JOHN F. A. BEGENT \VILEER G. VISA L. E. PAT IERSON WM. C. GALLAGHER. Special Session Friday, March 26, 1920 Roll call. All m.enl'bers present, except Messrs. ITill and Leonard. The Clerk read the eall for the special session. County Superintendent of Highways ]vans appeared before the Board .and read a eomwntinication from the State' Commissioner of highways, relative to an allotment of Federal motor trucks to'ibtnp- kins County. Moved by Mr. St. John, that the Finance Committee and Mr. Evans be authorized and directed to procure the tracks forthwith and bring the same to Tompkins County and to provide for their care until final disposition is made of thein by this Board. Seconded by Mr. Begenrt. Carried. Mr. 1r. St. John offered the following resolution and moved its adop- tion: Resolved—That there be 'hereby appropriated and made immedi- ately available to the Finance Committee, the sum of $500.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to defray the necessary expenses OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 9 of procuring. and delivering to Tompkins Cot:inty the six F-cdera] motor trucks alluted to the county, and: be it further Resolved -That the County Treasurer 'be directed to -hay this amount to the Chairman of the 'Finance Committee out Of au -r funds unappropriated in his Shands, upon the tiling with hint of an order therefor, signed by a ntajority.of the members of the I ivanee Curn m ittee. Seconded by ?tr. Robinson. Ayes -11. Noes—O. Carried. On motion. of Mr. Robinson, the Clerk was directed to communi- cate with the City A art;iger of the City of l\Tatertowrt, and ascertain the method employed by him. for the removal of snow. Ott motion, adjourned. 12 I'ROCEET)INCS OF Tf11; BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ways at Albany, N. Y., and to Perry Pilkiai5, Division Engineer,- at Hornell, N. Y. Seconded by Air. St. John.. Carried. On motion, adjourned. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW -YORK. 13 '1'o Fred L. Clock, Clerk 13oar'd of Supervisors, Tompkins Comity, eW Yo rk : We hereby reddest you to call a special SeSSIWI of the 13oord of Supervisors <)t T01111)kiias County, N. Y., to be 'held at the Super- visors' Rooms on April 29, 1920, at 2 o'clock P. M., to take action on an appropriation for the Dryden -Harford load, and to transact such other business as may properly.coine before the meeting. Dated, April 24, 1920. C. GALLAGHER .1. 19:. TownshNo F. A. B1.uuN'r C. M. 1 i U C1( . E. S. HILI R. C. ,ALP,IIlo I1'r W. 0. SMILEY L. E. PATTERSON JAS. R..13,0B1 SON WWWII: n Eii 0.. 1''Isn. `\Tti1. H. 1.,EoNAItu OLEN A. KING Special Session Thursday, April 29, 1920 Roll call. Alt members present. The Clerk read the call for the special session. T']re Clerk read 0, communication from the Attorney General. of the State of New York, relative to the purchasing of motor trucks by the county, which was filed. The Clerk real a communication from the State Commissioner of :Highways, relative to deferring 0onst,ruetion o1.` x111 highways, wlricli was filed. The Clerk read a. communication from the State Commissioner 01 Highways, relative to the Necessity of an appropriation of tile county's share of the cost of construction of the Dryden-Elarford Highway No. 94, at an early date, which 11-(15 filed. l'lr. Hill offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : .11%1I II Ews—T'lie lrighway known as F. A. Sec. No. 94 and described 16 I'ROOEED1NGS OF THE BOARD Of SUPERVISORS Quarterly Session Monday, May 10, 1920 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present. The Clerk read several claims against the county which, on notion, were received and referred to the proper cornnittees. The Clerk read a communication from Craig .Colony, relative to the admission of ' arold Maynard, of Ithaca, to that institution. The Clerk read a comnaun•ica.tion from the State Board of Char- ities, relative to an inspection of the County Home, and from the State Prison Association, relative to an inspection of the County Jail, which on motion, .were filed. The Clerk read a communication from the National Department of Commerce, relative to weights and measures, Which was filed. The Clerk read a communication from the State Department of I-Iighways, relative to construction of highways, w}r•ich was filed. The Clerk read a petition of the Town. Board of the Town of Ulysses, asking authority .toborrow money on the faith and credit of the town to pay its share of the Bost of improvement of County and. Town Highways, under Sec. 320-a, of the Highway Law. • Mr. Townsend offered the following resolution and proved its adoption : Resolved—That the petition of .the Town. Board of the Town of Ulysses be granted and that the town be authorized to 'borrow, on the faith and credit of the town, the sum of $3,000.00, or so ranch thereof as ntav be necessary, to pay the town's share of the cost of improve- ment of County and Town Highways, pursuant to See. 320-a, df the ]-lighway Law, in accordance with a petition of the Town Board of said town, this day filed. Seconded by Mr. Bogota. Carried. The Clerk read a petition of Roger IL 'Williams, for a refund of tax erroneously collected against the Estate of Henry S. Williams, by the collector of the 'Town of Ithaca, amounting to the stun of $].39.38. i\fr. St. John offered the following, resolu=tion a.nci moved its adop- tion: OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 17 Resolved --That the prayer of the petitioner be granted and that the County Treasurer be ,herehy directed to pay to Roger H. Wil- liams, the sutra of $1.39.38, upon the filing with him of a certified copy of this resolution, and be it further Resoived—That the County Treasurer ishereby directed to charge said sutra of $139.38 against the Town of Ithaca, so that the same rn.ay be placed in the budget of said town and levied and collected from. the taxable property of said town liable therefor, at the next ensuing tax levy. Seconded by Mr. Robinson. Carried. The Clerk read a communication from Mrs. Geo. Fitts relative to the :Home Bureau Association, which was filed. On motion of Mr. Robinson, the Clerk of the Board was directed to invite the members of the Board of Supervisors of Mewling County to inspect the roads built in Tompkins County, under the County and, Town System of. Roads. Mr. Fsh, of the Committee to Repair the Motor Trucks obtained from the Federal Government, rendered a report of that committee, and asked the wish of the Board relative to procuring chains for each of the trucks. Moved by \fr. Robinson, that the committee :be authorized to pur- chase chains for the several trunks. Seconded by Mr. Patterson. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present. .IVIr. Geo. R. Fitts appeared before take Board and spoke relative to an appropriation to the home Bureau Association. Mrs. C. J. \Vetherby, of Enfield, Mrs. Ern:rna Miller, of Danby, Mrs. John: Middaugh, of Caroiihe, Mrs. -Geo. Fitts, of Groton, Mrs. W. H. Ewell, of Dryden, Mrs. H. Royce, of Ithaca, and Miss Mc- Crea, of Cortland, a'iso addressed the Board, relative to the import- ance of the work to be carried on by this association. Mr. Robinson offered the fo'l'lowing resolution and moved its adop- tion: Resolved—That there be hereby appropriated the stun of $1,500.00 for the use of the Farm and Home Bureau Association for the 18 PROCEEDINGS Ol' .111li J.O J D O1:' SUPERVISORS year 1920, said suet to be paid to the Treasurer of said Association in -three payments of $00.00 each, on the ISth days of Juttie, August and November, upon the filing with shim of a certified copy of this resolution. Seconded by Mr. St. John. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. The •Clerk read the following resolution of the Town Board of the • To n of Enfield, redesignating certain highways in that town for improvement under the County System of Roads: \Vk1EREAs--Thhe Town Board of the Town of Enfield, having here- tofore designated certain highways it: said' town for construction auti improvement under the County System ol: Roads, and such desig- nation -having, been approved by the Board of Supervisors of Tomp- kins County, June 4,. 191.7, and the roads thus designated having been placed on the map of the County System of Roads, and rVuERE_1S—The said Town Board of the Town of .Enfield 'is u.0107 desirous of changing said designations and redesignating certain other highways in said town for improvement, in accordance with Soc. 320-a, of the Highway Law, therefore he it flesolvcrl---'I`1rat the designation of the highway "Commencing a'- Applegate's Corners and 'leading in a northerly direction to Lan- oing's Corners, a distance of one mile," being designation No. 5, approved .by the Board of Supervisors June 4, .917, be hereby re- scinded and the sa.nie be stricken from the county snap, and ''be it further 1 csotved—'lMhat the following road he designated' •by this Town Board for construction and improvement under the County ,System of Roads, pursuant to See. 320-a, of the Highway Law: The highway beginning at Smith's Corners and running in an easterly direction to Lanning's (Cowan's) Corners, a distance of one mile more or less. and be it further Resolved—That the Board of Super,visors of 'Tompkins County be requested to approve of: the foregoing designation and have the same placed on the map of the County .System of Roads for improvement. OL,EN A. KING, Supervisor C. C. Frrcxt'A'rxnOK, Twn Clerk :BERT KIRBY, Justice of the Peace ALBERT Cot,EGRUVE.Justiee of the .Peace !DANIEL MITCHELL:, Justice of the Peace �l. C, 11'e,�'i>> xB�� Jilstice of the Peace OP TO12PKI.NS COUNTY, NEW YORK 19 Moved by Mr. King, tihat, the foregoing resolution be approved by this Board, and that the newly designated 'highways be placed on the map of the County Sytem of Roads. Seconded by Mr. Robinson. Carried. The Clerk read the following reso'lrttion of the Town Board of the Town. of Enfield, designating additional mileage in that town for inrprovemelrt under the County System of Roads: IiEl1EAs The Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County did on April 6, 1920, allot to each of the several towns of i.he county an ad- ditional mileage of two miles tinder the County System of Roads, therefore be it Resolved—That this Town Board' of the Town of Enfield hereby designate the following roads for improvement under the County System of Roads, pursuant to See. 320-a, of the Highway Law: 1. The 'highway beginning at Aiken's Corners and running in a northerly direction one mile more or less, to the Lzlysses town line. 2. The'11ighway beginning at Launling's (Cowen's) Corners and running in a northerly direction one mile, more 00 less, to the Tilysses town line at the Ira dale schoolhouse, and .be it further Resolved—That the, Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County be requested. to approve of the foregoing designations of 'highways and (have the sante placed on. the neap of the County ,System of Roads, for improvement. GLEN A. KINu, Supervisor C. C. FrTc1il'ATRIci<, Town Clerk 'J. 0. WETHEIIIY, Justice AL BERT CoLJ Gaovr,.�lnstiee DANIEL MITCHELL, Justice BERT KIrwY, Justice Moved by Mr. Kilt.;, that the foregoing designations of highways by the Town Board of the Town of Enfield, be approved by this Board and that the same be placed 00 the county map, as highways for improvement under the County System. of Roads. 'Seconded 'by Mr. Robinson. Carried. 111.r. King offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That the Committee on Charities be authorized: to ex- pend not to exceed the stun of,$1,225.O0, for the purchase and inst;al- iing new engines and a dynamo at 1Ate County .Home, and that the Clerk of the hoard be directed to draw an order on the County 20 PI?00E:1 1J.1_NGS OF THE BOARD 01' SUPERVISORS Treasurer for the payment therefor, upon the certificate of the com- mittee to hint that the work has been properly completed and ac- cepted by the committee, and be it further Resolved --That the County Treasurer be direeted to pay said amount out of any unexpended funds in his ]rands; and it he' has not sufficient funds in his hands with which to pay the sante, that -he be directed to 'borrow the sante, or so much thereof as is necessary, on the faith and credit of the county. Seconded by Mr. Begerr't. Carried. Mr. Simpson, representing Matthew Bender & Co., appeared 'be- fore the Board relative to the purchase of Bender's :Manuals. On motion of Mr. Fish, the Clerk was directed to purchase one manual. for the use of the Board. \Ir. Wright offered the following resolution and moved its adop- tion: •Resolued--That it is the sense of this Board that if all property in the county was assessed at its full value it won'Id be a great saving to the taxpayers of the county, in t -hat all persons would pay their just amount of tax, and the revenues received from the state would be much. greater. Seconded by Mr. Brick. Carried. Claim No. ]x:67, of P. W. Wood S. Sons, for ittsru'ance, having 'been referred hack to the Board as a Committee of the 11'hole for action, by the auditing committee to which it was referred, action was taken on that bill. gloved:by Mr. Robinson, that Bill No. E67, of P. W. Wood & Son, for insurance, amounting to $502.50, be audited: by this Board at the full amount. ' Seconded by Mr. Patterson. Carried. llr. Albright offered the fo]ilowing resolution and moved its adop- tion : • Resolved—That the following bills, amounting to $5,082.96 she audited at the full amounts, as recommended: by the several com- mittees, and that the County Treasurer be directed to pay the same out of any unexpended. funds in his hands, and if be has not suffi- cient funds to pay the same, to borrow upon the faith and credit of the county- the sump of $5.032.96, to pay the aggregate amount of the accounts so audited; and that these claims be certified to the County OP TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 'Treasurer, ley the Clerk of this Board, for and on behalf of the Board. E39. Williams & Howlett, Headstone Addison Conktin$ 25.00 E40. Fred D. Gilbert, Burial Laura J. Slaiglit, pensioner 75.00 7+;41. Davis -Brown Co., Elec. lights, Jail 36.31 .E42. Davis -Browny Co., Rec. lights, Jail 20.85 E43. Driscoll Bros. & Co., Repairs, Jail 1.0.31. E44. R.. W. Moore, Chem. expert, Distr Atty20.00 E45. The Atkinson Press, Printing, Dist. Atty. 4.50 E46. Norton Printing Co., Printing, Co. Treas. 6.50 E47. Tompkins Co. Nat. Bank, Safe deposit box, Co. Treas. 7.00 .E48. Davis -Brower Co., Installing light. system, Co. IIome 845.00 E49. Davis -Brown Go., Supplying lights, etc., Co. Home298.50 E50. Davis -Brown Go., Installing new switches, Co. Ilome .15.75 E51. The Atkinson. Press, Printing, Surrogate 17.50 E52. W. H. Egan & Son, Painting roof, Co. elk. Building 3.75 E53. .Driscoll Bros. & Go., Repairs, Go. Clk. E3irild'ing5.08 E54. P. M. Donohue, Repairs, Co. Clic. Building 1-.00 E55. Davis -Brown Co., Elee. lights, Co. G1k. Building 53.29 E56. R_ C. Osborn & Co. Supplies, Cum. of :171c=e. 1.20 E57. Driscoll Bros. & Co., Repairs, Co. Clk. Building1.6.55 E58. T. G. Miller & Sons, Supplies, Go. Clerk 21.8.54 E59. The Atkinson Press, Printing, Co. Clerk 85.25 E60. Davis -Brown Co., Elec. Lights, Surrogate 7.88 E6.1.. T. G. Miller &Sons, Supplies Serrogate 1_03.90 E62. R. C. Osborn & Go.,'Supplies, Com. of Klee. 8.93 E63. Davis -Brown Co., Elec. -lights, Co. Clerk 6.97 .E64. Ilall & McChesney, Record books, Co. Clerk 50.29 E65. Robert A. Il.utcliirison, Expenses, Probation officer23.70 E66. Davis -Brown Co., Elec..lighting, Supervisors 24.82 E67. P. -W. Wood & Son, Insurance, auto trucks 502.50 .1;68. Davis -Brown Go., Elec. supplies, Court; 'house 4.35 E69. Speneer & Spencer, Repairs, Court house 336.36 E70. T'he Atkinson Press, Bal. Sip. Pro. 1919 120.85 E71. P. M. Donohue, Plumbing, ete., Court- ]rouse 214.43 E72. R. C. Osborn & Co., Supervisors' supplies, 1919172.21 1+173. J. W. Clawson, Repairing clock, Supervisors' rooms 2.50 E74. E. Morgan St. John, Expenses, Highway conference 20.80 E75. Fred L. Clock, Expenses 31,5:3 E76. .Davis -Brown Co., Changing lighting Co. Hume27.40 .E77. 'The Aktinson Press, Printing brief, Dist. Atty. 24.00 1178. .1^,.'T. Stewart, Burial. Libbie J. Ilalsey, pensioner... , 75.00 E79. Wilber G. Fish, Expenses, Highway matters 40.24 E80. Rothschild Bros.,. Chairs, Supervisors 260.00 E81. Rothschild Bros., Floor covering, Supervisors' rooms 528.00 22 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS E82. 11. J. Bool Co., Desks, Supervisors E83. Fred C. Evans, Expense Account, highways E84. A. F. Careen, Supplies, Co. Clerk E85. A. W. Beardsley, Burial Sarah E. Dawes, pensioner .Seconded by Mr. Buck. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. Minutes of day's proceedings read'and approved. On motion, adjourned. 403.00 267.42 9.00 75.00 $5,032.96 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY; NEW YORK 23 To Fred L. Clock, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins Colllll;l% 'We, the undersigned members of the I3o.ard of Supervisors of Tompkins County, N. Y., hereby request you. to call a special meeting • of said Board, to be held at the Supervisors' Rooms on July 13, 1920, al; 1.0:30 A. M. (Fedcra'1 time), to take action onhighway matters and to transact any other business that may properly come before such meeting. Dated, Jiily 8, 1.920. F. A. BEGENT J. 111. Torvlusl,Nu W. C. Gnr.LACIIER IVrrAIE:Ez G. Fist]: W. 0. S:1.Ir,EY E. MORGAN ST. JOHN OL,I'.N A. KING I1. S. WRIGHT R. C. AL11ItI011T .As. R. RomNsON 1VAt. 11 LE0NAzDD L. :E. P.ArrEnsoN Special Session Tuesday, July 13, 1920 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present. 1.1he Clerk read fire call for the special session. 'l'he Clerk read several communications, which were filed. The Clerk read a communication from the Secretary of State, an- nouncing the declination of the Ithaca .journal -News to publish the Session Laws, etc., which was filed. 13y resolution, the Groton -Lansing Journal was designated by the a)enlocratic members, as the official publication to publish the.0fficial Canvass aliidI Election Notices of Tompkins County, the Session Laws and Con'euryent Resolutions rif the Legislature for the year 11920. The Clerk read a. communication from the New York Telephone 21 PR.00EED1NGS OF TILE B0ARD OF SUPERVISORS Co., relative to the consolidation of the Federal aril New. York sys- tems, with the proposed change in rates, which on motion of Mr. St. John, was referred to the Committee on Contract Supplies, with power. ?ir. St. John offered the following resolution and moved its adop- tion: ResolvedThat there 'be and hereby is appropriated the Shur of $386.53, to reimburse the Highway Department of the State of New York, for expenses incurred by it in the care of the six motor trucks a]ioted to this eounty, and be it further Resolved—That the Clerk of the Board he directed to draw an order, payable to the State Commission of Highways, for said amount, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed' to pay said amount out of any unappropriated. funds in his hands, upon the filing with 'him of a certified copy of this -resolution. :Seconded by lir. Robinson. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Buck offered the following resolution and proved its adoption : Resolved—nat. there be and 'hereby is appropriated the stun of *98.70, as payment to .W. II. Egan. & Son, for the work performed and to be performed by them, in painting and redecorating the roots. provided for the County Superintendents of the Poor, and be it further Resolved—That when said work is completed, the Clerk is hereby directed to draw an order for said amount, payable to W. H. Egan & Son, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay the sante out, of any unappropriated moneys in his hands, upon the filing with him of a certified copy of this resolution. Seconded by Mr. Fish. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried, Mr. St. John, Chairman of the Highways Committee, announced the acquisition by the county, of three additional motor trucks from the State Highway Department, for highway .construction. On motion of lir. Patterson, .the committee having charge of plac- ing the six original motor trucks in proper working condition was continued in power with reference to the three additional trucks. Mr. Fish of the Committee, rendered a report relative to the con- dition of the six motor trucks already placed in commission, which was received and accepted. OF ToMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 25 Mr. St. Jtrhn offered the following resolution and proved its adop- tion : nesolval—That; there lr.e and hereby= is appropriated tthe suns of :♦;145.27, to reimburse F. C. Evans, County Superintendent of 1:Eigh.- ways, for the moneys expended byhim in procurilig the three motor trucks for the county, ali'otted to it by the State Highway l)epart- m.ent, and the Clerk of the Board is hereby directed to draw an order at this time for said amount, payable to Nlr. Evans, a.uid be it further Resolved ---That the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay the same out of any unappropriated moneys in his lrand:s, upon the filing witlr'him of a certified copy of this resolrxtion. Seconded by Mr. i egcnt. .Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. '1.`he Clerk ream the designations made by the various town boa-r'ds, of the highways to be constrrreted by the several towers during the year 1920, under the County System of 1 -toads, which was referred to the highway Committee. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present. Mr. St. John, as Chairman of the 1lighway Committee, offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : h',C30ived—That; for highway construetixrn rnid'er the Comply Sys- tem of Foods in Tompkins County for the year .920, there is hereby appropriated and made immediately avail:rible to the several towns cif the county, the Sons set opposite the names of those towns, from the .rrmtor• vehicle moneys and the county highway fund respectively, as follows: Towrr From motor From comity 'Total v'cihicic moneys highway fund to troy_ Caroline :};2,000.00 $2,750.00 `};4,750.00 Danby . 1,000.00 750.00 11,750.00 Dryden 1,710.00 2,457.00 4,1 ti7.00 Enfield 2,000.00 2,750.00 4,750.00 Groton_ 2,000.00 2,750.00 4,750.00 Ithaca 0,000.00 0,000.00 0,000.00 Lansing 1_,854.51 2,270.00 4,124.51 2G PROCEEDINGS O.l' THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Newfield- 1,250.00 1,250.00 Ulysses 1,855.00' 2,2 70.00 2,500.00 4,125.00 Totails $13,669.51 $17,247.00 *30,916.51 and be it further Resolved—That the County Treasurer is hereby authorized and. directed to pay to the supervisors of the towns entitled thereto, first from the moter vehicle moneys in his hands and the balance from the county highway fund as heretofore specified, as work on each of said roads progresses, and the eetrifieate of the County Superintendent of Highways that the grade and culvert Awork on said road has been properly completed by the town, countersigned by the Chairman of the Highway Officials. Seconded by Mr. IIi]1. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. ?Jr, HI:ill offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That the Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses be authorized to procure the necessary recopying and re- binding of the record books in the County Clerk's office. Seconded by \ir. St. 'John. Carried. Mr. Albright offered the following resolution and moved its adop- tion: Resolved --That the Highway Committee be directed to prepare a proper form of contract between the 'county and the several towns, for the leasing of the nine motor tracks to such towns, and the chair- man of the highway Committee be authorized to_ execute such con- tracts for and on behalf of the county. Seconded by Mr. Hill. Carried. Moved by Mr. Buck, that the towns, after acquiring such trucks shall be permitted to provide any form of body therefor. as the,town may decide. Seconded by 11r. Robinson. Carried. On motion of Mr. Buck, seconded by Mr. Regent, the County Su- perintendent of Highway was authorized and directed to allot the various motor trucks to the several towns in whatever manner lie thought equitable. Mr. IIill offered. the following resolution and moved its adoption : O]'' TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 27 Resolved—That the Town of Dryden be authorized to ;borrow the suer of $:3;000.00, or so much thereof as niay he .necessary, in antici- pation of taxes to be levied and collected, on the credit of the town and to issue certificates Of indebtedness therefor, to pay a part of the town's share of the cost of improvement of County and Town High- ways, pursuant to Section 320-a, of the iIigIhway Craw.' Seconded by Mr. Fish. .Carried. The Clerk read the following ilesignation of highways for provenrent in the Town of Ulysses utader the Cotuaty System of Ro uls pursuant to the additional. allotment of two miles made to said town. on April 6, 1920: 1�rr1EHEns—The Board of ,Supervisors of Tompkins County did on Ilpril 6, 1.920, allot to eaeb of the several towns of the county an additional 'mileage of. two miles under the County System of Roads, therefore be it Resolved—That this Town Board of the Town of Ulysses hereby designate the following roads for improvement under the County System of Roads, pursuant to See. 320-a of the Highway Law: 1. The Ilighwa;y beginning at Bower's Corners and running in a southerly direction one mite, more or less, to the Enfield Town line. 2. The Highway 'be;inrdog at :I-ladley's Corners and running easterly one mile, more or less, to the White Schoolhouse, School Dist;. No. 11, and be it further Resolved—That the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County be requested to approve of the foregoing designations of highways and have the same placed on t:he reap of the County System of Roads for improvement. Dated, June 14, 1920. TOWNSEND, Supervisor haul S. r] 0ijpxINs, Town Clerk I SNRY .\VrnL1AMS, Justice of the Peace FRED N. Stiurir, Justice of the Peace C. OwEN C tmEN, Jnst,iee of the Peaere Moved by Mr. Townsend, that the foregoing •designation of high- ways by the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses, be approved by this Berard and,thal the same be p1 aced on the 0olnity reap, as iiibhways for improvement .under the County System or Roads. Seconded by Mr. King. Ca rri ed. On lotion, adjourned. OS PHOC.EEDINGS OF THE BOARD Or SUPERVISORS' Quarterly Session Monday, August 9, 1920 MORNING SESSION Hold call. All members present, except Messrs. Gallagher and :Elegant. Owing to the absence of the Chairman, on motion of Mr. Patter- son, ?tr. Fish was elected Temporary Chairman. The Clerk read several claims which, on motion of ,1'1r. Smiley, were receives] and referred to the proper coannittees. The Clerk read a communication from the State Department of ITigh_wars, relative to any desired changes in the State Highways in Tompkins County, which was received and fiierl. On motion of Mr. •St. John, the matter of procuring a suitable safe for the Surrogate's office, was referred 1.0 the Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses, with power. Air. Fish offered the following resolution and Droved- its adoption: (resolved—That we, the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, New York, -hereby request our representatives in the State Legislature to introduce, and to use their best endeavors to secure the passage and enactment into law at the next session of the Legis- lature of the following bill "AN Acr to abolish the Office of Coroner in the County of 'lbrnp-• kirrs, and to provide that the powers and duties of Coroner in such county shall hereafter be exereised by the District Attorney. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as -follows: Section 1. A Coroner shall not hereafter be elected in the County of Tompkins, except for the purpose of filling a vacauey in the offlee of a coroner heretofore elected, and upon the expiration of the teras of office of the coroner in suchcounty now in office, the office of cor- oner in such county shall be ab•olislred, and all the powers and duties of coroner in such county shall thereafter be exercised by the Dis- trict Attorney of such county, or by an assistant district attorney or other representative duly designated 'by the district attorney for such purpose'by certifea.te filed in his offiee. Section 2. This act shall take effect inunediat:elv:" and he it further Or TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 29 Resoiv d--Tha.t the Clerk of this Board be directed to forward certified copies of this resolution to each. o'f our representatives in the State Legislature at ils next annual session. ,Seconded by ?Ir. Buck. On motion of idr. 'Wright, t.lie matter was laid oa.r the table until the next annual meeting of the Board. Mr. St. John offered the following resolution and proved its adop- tion: Resolved—That there be and heroby is appropriated the sura of $189.35, to reimburse the Highway Department of the State of New York, for expenses incurred by it in the care of the three motor trucks last allotted to this county, and he it further Resolved—That the Clerk of the Board be directed to draw an order, payable to the State Commission of ILighways, for said amount, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay said order out of any unappropriated funds in hishands, upon t,iae filing with him of a certified copy of this resolution. Seconded by illr. Robinson. byes -11. Noes -0. Carried. _loved by Mr. I -till, that the Committee on Charities he author- ized to allow 'Superintendent, of the Poor, Wm. D. Baldwin, a stun not to exceed :.18 per mile, for expenses while ()pearling his auto- mobile o.0 county business. Seconded by .i:vI Robinson. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll_ tall. 1111 members present, except, _Messrs. Gallagher and B(Ten t. __loved by - Mr. Townsend, that the rtctinn taken by this Board on ;filly- 1.3, relative to the several 1,o vns providing suitable bodies foi the motor .trucks allotted to towns, lie hereby rescinded. Ser.onded ,by lir. Smiley. Carried. Mr. Townsend offered the following resolution and proved its adoption : Resolved—That the sp-e ial committee of the Board of Supervis- ors, having charge of placing, the motor trucks allotted to the county 30 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS in proper working condition, he authorized. and directed to -have placed a suitable dump body upon each of said trucks to 'be allotted to and.acceptedby the towns of the county, and that the expense thereof, in addition to the other charges for repairs, equipment and insurance be charged to each of said towns to Ivi ieh said truck is allotted, the stone to be paid by each of said towns as rental, and these conditions to be incorporated in the terms of a lease to be en- tered into between the county and such. town, and be it further Resolved—That the Chairman of, the highway Committee of the Board of Supervisors be authorized and directed to execute the'fore- going mentioned lease, for and on behalf of the County of Tompkins. Seconded Eby Ir. Leonard. Carried. Moved by ?dr..Shiley, that: each town !board. be requested to accept or reject the truck allotted to such town within ten days, and to notify the Clerk of this Board to that effect. Seconded by Mr. Buck. Carried. Mr. Hill announced that the Town of Drvilen declined to accept the motor truck allotted to it. A•Ioved by Mr. 1-il], that the three tun truck allotted to the Town of .Dryden, he equipped as an oiler at conirty expense, and to be used by the, county for oiling the roads of the county, provided such a plain is feasible. . Seconded by 'Air. Patterson. Moved by AIr. Smiley, as an amendment:, that the natter be re- ferred to the special committee having the motor tracks in charge, to investigate and report, its findings at 501110 subsequent session of the Board: Amendment seconded by Mr. ILeonard. Amendment accepted •by Alessi's. Hill and Pattersrili. Original notion as amended carried. Mr. Kine offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: kesolimd—That there be and 'hereby is appropriated the sura of $:i{)0.00, or so hutch thereof as may be necessary, to pay the eiaim of McArthur, Worth and Company, for the refrigerator plant at the county borne, and that the Clerk of this I3oa.rd is hereby directed to draw an order on the County- Treasurer, for the payment of the same, upon the certificate of the Committee on Charities that the work has been properly completed and accepted by said committee; ;.and be it further OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YOB K 31 Resolved-'E'1i t 4he Counts 'Treasurer is hereby directed to pay said order out (t any unappropriated funds in his hands and, if he has not sufficient funds tO pay the same, he i5 hereby ordered to borrow said amount, or so much thereof as may he necessary, on the faith and credit, of the county. Seconded by Mr. Robinson. Ayes -11.. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Townsend offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved -'flint tate following bills, rurtount.ing to $3,589.94, be audited at the frill amounts, as recommended 1)y the several com- mittees, and that County Treasurer be directed to pay the same out of any unexpended funds in his hands, and if he has not sufficient. funds to pay the same, to 'borrow upon the faith and credit Of the county the stun of. $3,589.94, to pay the aggregate amount of the ac - Counts so audited : wird that these claims she certified to the County '1.`reasurer, by the Clerk of this Board, for and on behalf of the Board. E 86. 11. J. Roel Co., :Furniture repairs, Co. Clerk F 2.00 E Q7. The Lawyers Co. -op. Pub. Co., .Reports, Surrogate... 70.00 E 88. Hall & McChesney, Record 'book, Co. Cleric 48.29 E 89. Hall & :lIWliesney, Re,ord book, Co. Clerk 50.00 .E 90. The Atkinson Press, Blanks, Co. Clerk 4.00 I� 91. The Atkinson Press, Blanks, Surrogate 23.25 E 92.. Norton .Printing Co., 1Ele(7.. Print., Coin. of Flection 407.00 E 93. C.. J. Rumscy & Co., Repairs, Co. Clerk's Bldg10.40 E 94. Jamieson -McKinney Co.. Repairs, Co. Clerk's .Bldg. 1.80 E 95. Line -a -tune ]\iaantf. Co., Supplies, Go. Clerk 28.00 I? 96. A. Michael Letteri, .hiterp eter, I}is1;. Atty. 5.00 �I? 97: C. J. IR.triusey & Co., Repairs to jail • 72.20 E 98. Jamieson -McKinney Co.. Repairs to jail 137.73 E 99, J. 1I, Bailey Garage ,Co., Auto hire, Dist. Atty.... 37.80 E1.00. J. 11. Bailey Garage G'o., Auto .hire, Sheriff out Co. 167.70 E101. J. H. Bailey faarabe Go., Auto (tire, Sheriff in Co293.75 E102. J. B. Bailey Garage Gtt.. Auto hire, ]-Highway Conn. 39.30 E103. P. W: Wood & Son, Insurance, Motor trueks 1.50.00 Ei.04. Ithaca, Realty Co., 'Insurance, Motor truelr5 ;346.:30 E 05. hied C. Evans, Expenses, Supt.. of I3.ig}nvnys 408.39 E106. Reynolds & ].)rake Garage Co.. Repairs, .Motor truck 222.96 E107. Reynolds & Drake Garage Co., Repairs, Motor truck 217.52 E108. Reynolds &')rake Garage Co., Repairs. Motor track 38.85 E109. H. 4. Bool Co., Furniture repairs, Supervisor's... , 1.1.60 131:10. 1-I. 4. Bool Co., 1)e k, Courthouse 95.:50 E1.17. 4. II. Bailey Garage Co., Auto hire, Supervisors6.00 E1.7.2. Burroughs Adding l'Iaehine Co.. Bepa. Supervisors 5.85 32 PROCEEDINGS BOARD OP STJPERVISORS E1.13. Jamieson -McKinney Co., Repairs to Courthouse 1:114. Jamieson -McKinney Co., Repairs to Courthouse E1.15. I-Iomer Geniang, M.D., Crim. Invest., Dist. Atty 1,116. Minor McDaniels, Mi)., Crim. Invest., Dist. Atty.. E117. Fred D. Gilbert, Buriel Norman C. Johnson, Pension .1:118. Clark N. Baldwin, Burial Sarah C. Bagley-, Pension E119. Fred D. Gilbert:, Burial they Aliddaugh, Pension 1?1.20. aired 1). Giltert, Buria'1 Geo. W. iliwit, Pension E19-9-. 0. T. Davis, Burial Mary-ett Manly, Pension E123. P, M. Donohue, Repairs, Co. Clerk's Bldg. 1:124. P. M. Donohue, Repairs, Courthouse • Seconded by Mr. Bnek. Ayes—:11. Noes -0. Carried. On motion, adjourned. 5.40 31.00 15.00 15.00 75M0 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 2.40 214.75 $3,589.94 OF TOMPKINS OOUNTY, NEW YORK 33 Quarterly Session Monday, November 8, 1920 MORNING SESSION i. oil call. All members present, except. ALr. Gallagher. Owing to the absence of the chairman, on motion of Mr. Robinson, Mr. St.. John was elected 'Temporary Chairman. • The Clerk read a number of claims which, on motion, were received and referred to the proper committees. The Cl•erl; read a, communication from the State Commission of Prisons, which was,receivecl and referred to the Committee on Cor- rection and Reformation. The Clerk real a communication from the State Commission of Prisons, relative to an inspection of the county jail, 'which was re- ceived and referred to the Cornuaittee on Correction and E,eforin- ation. flee Clerk read a report of the inspection of the:boilers at the County Ilome, .which was received and filed. The Clerk read communications from the Board.of Managers of the Tuberculosis hospital, the 'Town Clerk of the Town of Newfield a.rrd the State Commissioner of :Highways, which were filed. .i\tr. Smiley presented a, petition of the town •board of the Town of. Da.rrby, Anil offered the foliotring resolution and proved its adoption.: Resolver—That the petition of the Town Board of the Town of Danby he grouted and that the town he authorized to borrow the sum of $500.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, in antici- pation of taxes to he levied and collected, on the credit of the town and issue certificates of 'indebtedness therefor, to pay a part of the town's share of the east of improvement of County 0.aail 'Town high- ' ways, pursuant to Section 320-a, of the Highway Law. Seconded by Mr. Begent. Carried. iMr. Begent presented a petition of the town board of the Town of Groton, and offered the .following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That the petition of the Town Board of the Town of Groton be „ranted and that the town be authorized to borrow the sum of $3,000.00, or so much thereof as may .be necessary, in antiei- pation of taxes to be levied and culle•eied, on the credit of the town 3.k PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF StiPEFWISORS and to issue certificates of indebtedness therefor, to pay a part of the town's share of the cost of improvement of County and Town IIi.ghways, pursuant to Section 320-a, of the IIigltway law. Seconded by Mr. Robinson. 'Carried. Mr. Albright -presented a petition of the town board. of the Town of Newfield and offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That the petition of the Town Board of the Town of Newfield be granted and that the town be aut.hoized to borrow on the credit of the town, the sum of $4,000.00, or so mue}i thereof as may he necessary, in anticipation of taxes to be levied and collected, and to issue certificates Of indebtedness i]rerefor, to :pay a part of tlhe town's share of the cost of improvement of County and Town'High- ways, pursuant to Section 320-a, of the IIigl hay Latin-. Seconded by Mr. King. Carried. Mr. Buck offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved ---That the following bills, amounting to *445.71, be aud- ited at the full amounts, as reconnnended by the several committees, and that the County Treasurer he directed to pay the sane out of any unappropriated funds in his hands, and if he has not sufficient funds to pay the same, to borrow upon the faith and credit of the county the sum of $445.71, to pay the a:ggregute amount of the ac- counts so audited, and that these claims 'be certified to the County Teasnrer, by the Clerk of this Board, for and on behalf of the Board. E 25. John W. Dwight, Safe for Surrogate $100.00 E126. S. R. Tisdel, oiling, etc., safe of Surrogate •5.00 E127. S. R. Tisde] opening desk for Sheriff' .75 E1.28. F. C. Evans, expenses as Superintendent of highways 3:35.36 E129. S. R. Tisdel, keys for Supervisors 1..60 $445.71 Seconded by ittr.iAIbrigltt.. .Ayes -12. Noes -0. Carried. On motion, adjourned. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 35 Annual Session First Day Thursday, November 11, 1920 The Board. of Supervisors of Tompkins County, N. Y., met in annual session in the ,Supervisors' Rooms, at the court house in the City of Ithaca, N. Y., on Thursday, November 11, 1920, at 11 o'clock A. M., ancd was called to order by Fred L. Clock, Clerk for the pre- ceding year. The several members responded to their names, with postoffiice addresses, as follows : Caroline --Leslie I. Crispell, Brookton,'N. Y., R. D. No. 22. Danby —'4m..0. Smiley, Ithaca, N. Y., R. D. No. 8. Dryden—Ed S. Hill, Freeville, N. Y. Enfield—Olen A. King, Ithaca, N. Y., R. D. No. 5. Groton—Frank A. Begent, Groton, N. Y. Ithaca Town—IIenry S. Wright, Ithaca, N. Y. Ithaca City— First Ward—Wm. 11.. Leonard, 307 N. Meadow St., Ithaca, N. Y. Second Ward—L. E. Patterson, 11.5 E. State St., Ithaca, N. Y. 'TThirci Ward—E. Morgan St. John, Savings Bank Bldg., Ith- aca, N. Y. Fourth Ward—Jas. R. Robinson, Library Bldg., Ithaca., N. Y. Fifth card—Wilber 0. Fish, 504 N. Aurora St., Ithaca, . N. Y. Lansing—Clarence M. Buck, Ludlowville, N. Y., R. D. No. 10. Newfield—Roy C. Albright, Newfield, N. Y. Ulysses—John M. Townsend, Trumanshurg, N. Y. On motion of Mr. St. John, Mr. Patterson was elected Temporary Chairman. 36 PROCEEDINGS OP THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS -Mr. 0. D. 'Parboil appeared !before the Board and on behalf of the members of the American Legion, extended an invitation to the members of the Beare- to participate in the Armistice Day festivities. On notion of Mr. Robinson, the invitation was -accepted with the thanks of the Board. On motion, the Board proceeded, by informal bal lot, to the election of a Permanent Chairman for the ensuing year. The Glrairrnan appointed Messrs. Albright and King as tellers. The informal ballot resulted as follows: -Whole number of votes cast were 14, of which Mr. Fish received S. Air. IIill received 2. Mr. St. John received 2. Mr. Albright received 2. - Messrs. Ilial. Si..John and Albright announced that they were not candidates for the office of Chairman. On motion of ltr. Robinson, the Board proceeded by formal ballot, to the election of a Permanent Chairman. 'Ile formal ballot resulted as follows: - \'hole number of votes cast were 14, of which -Ir.Fish received 9. Mr. Hill reeived 1. Mr. Albright received 4. The Glrairman. declaired Mr. Fish duly elected Permanent Chair- man haimrnan for the ensuing year, and Mr. Fish took the chair. On motion of Mr. Wrig'ht, the Board proceeded by formal ballot to the election of a Clerk .I`or the ensuing year. The Chairman appointed-Icasrs. Albright and Bing as tellers. The formal 'ballot resulted as follows: -Thole number of votes cast. were 14, of which Fred L. Clook received 14. OE TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YOPK 37 'rhe Chairman declared Fred L. Clock duly elected Clerk of the Board for the ensuing year. On motion of Mr. 1'Vriehi;, the Clerk was authorized to purchase the necessary supplies. for the Board. On motion of \Ir. St. Bohn, l:he Board adjourned to Monday, Nov- ember 15, at 10:30 A. M. Second Day Monday, November 15, 1920 MORNING SESSION Boll eel. All rL1em'bers present, except lire representative from the :Coven of Caroline. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. The .Chairman announced the following committee appointments for the year 1920-1921: Rules and Legislation The Chairman, i'Iessrs. Robinson and Wright Forms, Fooling A.sscsswent, Roles, Egnrimtion, Ratio and .4 portionluent Messrs. Albright, Patterson, Bnek, Smiley, i-Uhi, Bing, Begent Town and County Accounts Messrs. Crispell, Albright, Leonard Town Expenses, Etc. Messrs. Ilill, Wright, Leonard Returned urned ITigla.a.r;ap1 and School Tares Messrs. Regent, Leonard, King (;olcnij Officers orad (Jompertsatioo Messrs. Robinson, Albright, St. john Cou.nl? Treasurer's .Accounts Messrs. Townsend, Hi1], Crispell Coroner, Justices, Etc. Messrs. Leonard, Smiley, Buck • 38 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS' • Correction and Reformation Messrs. King, Buck, St. John County Clerk. and Election Expenses Messrs. Smiley, 'Wright, Begent ' Charities Messrs. 'Wright, Smiley, St. john Soldiers' l>?elief, "Etc. Messrs. Buck, Crispe11, Patterson high warts' Messrs. St. Jo1ui, Smiley, Begent, Patterson, Albright Finance Messrs. Robinson, Hill, Townsend Contract Supplies Messrs. Patterson, King, Crispell. Jail Supplies Messrs Albright, Iii1l, Begent Auditing Accounts of Tuberculosis Hospital Messrs. Townsend, Wright,.Ro'binson - Iligh:wa:p Officials Messrs. Bnek, King, St. John To sell Land Acquired by County at Tax Sale Mr. Fish On notion of Mr. Albright, the designation of the several com- mittees, as announced by the Chairman, was confirmed. The Clerk read claims Nos. 1 to 29 inclusive, which were reeeived and referred to the proper committees. The Clerk read the following communications from the Comp- troller, relative to the amount to he raised by the county, as a general state tax for the fiscal year. : Dear Sir— The State Board of Equalization in pursuance .to Section 174, Chapter 62 of the Consolidated Haws of 1909 as amended, has fixed the aggregate valuation of property in your county at the sunt of $33,231,767, upon which amount a State Tax of $89,559.62 must be Comptroller's Office, Albany, 1920. 01' TOMPKINS COUNTY,,N.EW YORK 34J levied for the `fiscal year commencing July 1, 1.920, as provided by Chapters 680 and 682, Laws of 1.920, being 2-695/1.000 rnii'ls on the dollar, for the following purposes, viz: General Fund— For general_ purposes 00412 mills For the support of. Common Schools, teachers, etc...150 mills For Contributions to— The Canal Debt Sinking .Fund 6788 The Highway Debt; Sinking Fund 47048 The Palisades Interstate Park Debt Sinking Funci 02188 The State Forest 'reserve Debt Sink. Fund 01972 1.19088 mills Total Tax_ Rate.... 2.695 mills R.espectfnlly yours, J. A. Wendall„ .Deputy Comptroller. Referred to the Committee on Finance. The Clerk read: a communication from the Comptroller, showing that the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County is required to raise•th a stun of $3,484.30 for Court Stenographers, Ete. expenses for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1921, as follows: For stenographers of the Supreme Court in the 6th Judicial District $1,260.21 For the Confidential Clerks Appointed by Justices of the . Supreme Court 615.10 For Deputy Clerk., Etc., Appellate Division, Third Depart- rnerit 96.61. For Official Referees, Appellate Division, Third Depart- ment 1,21.2.61 For Consultation Clerk, Appellate Division, Third Depart- ' anent 75.23 For Supreme Court !Employees, retired 224.54 :3,484.30 Referred to the Committee on Finance. The Clerk read a communication from the Comptroller, showing that the County of. 'Tompkins, of the Fourth Brigade District, is required to levy and collect for Armory Purposes, for the twelve jnonths beginning July 1, 1.921, the sum of *8,370.55. 40 PROCEEDINGS OF THF I3OA.RD OF STiPERVISORS Referred to the Committee on Finance. The Clerk read a communication from the Comptroller, showing the amounts to be rai.sod. by the county, and of the several towns therin, for ;sinking fund and interest on 'bonds issued for the con- struction of highways, as follows: County Town Road Town Sinking Int. Sinking Int. 'Total Fund Fund 606 Itha.ea $163.20 $ 826.40 $ 57.60 $115.20 $ 662.40 616 'Ulysses 706.20 1412.40 216.85 433.69 Ithaca 75.77 151.54 2996.45 681 Dryden 396.96 793.92 .81..03 162.08 Ithaca 42.85 85.72 1562.56 682 Dryden 305.03 610.05 89.71 179.42 1184.2]. 683 Dryden 315:16 680.34 92.69 1.85.40 1223.59 • $7629.21 Referred to the Conuni'ttee on Finance. The Clerk read aconrmlrnication from the State Commission of IIighways, shoving the nundier of miles of state and county higlr- ways in each town in the county and the amount, vv1ric'h such. towns is required. to pay for the maintenance thereof during the year 1921, • as follows: Town Nurmlrer of miles Amount to be raised Caroline 7.89 $ 400.00 Danby 9 95 500.00 .Dryden 21.35 1050.00 Enfield 9 11 450.00 Groton 4 28 200.00 Ithaca 22.76 1150:00 Lansing 6.1.7 300.00 Newfield 13.02 650.00 Ulysses 8.87 450.00 103.40 $5150.00 Referred to the Committee on Town and County Accounts. Mr. ITill presented the petition of the assessors of the Town of Dryden, to place property belonging to Eugene Brotherton, on the. assessment roll of that town, which was granted, and the assessors of the town were directed to add- to the assessment roll of the town the property described in the petition. Moved .1-_)y 11'Ir. (Till, that the several supervisors present the assess - mei rt rolls of their towns to the Board on or before November 29. 1 01 TO),IPKINS COUNTY-, NEW -YORK }1 Seconded by Mr. Albright. Carried. fihe Clerk read a petition front the various court officers, asking that their per diem compensation be increased. to $4.00, which was received and referred to the Committee on Counter Offiicera and Compensation. AFTERNOON SESSION Rol] call.. All members present, except the representative from the Town Of Caroline. Statements from the l+'irst National Bank of Ithaca and t.lie'I'mrtp- lcins Carututy Nat.iaaual 13auk vvert; received and re?'erred to the Com- mittee on. Counter Treasurer's Accounts. Mr. Patterson t>IT'ered the following resolution and moved its adop- tion : Resoived That the'lrours of sessions of this Board shall he from 1:0 A. lir. to 12 11-1. and front 1:80 P. it. to 4 P. M. for id! days the Board is in session, except Mondays, when the hour of meeting for the morning session shall be 10:30. Seconded by IMr. Leonard. Carried. Mr. Clarence .I). Tarbel:l, as Chairman; and Robert L. Post, as Teasurcr, .of the, Armistice Day Celebration Committee for 1.91.9, rendered their report of the total exeuditares of the committee, which totaled the sum of $4,180.83. On motion .of Mr. St. John, the report of the committee was ac- cepted and. filed. Mr. St. Jolrrr offered the following resolution card moved its adap- tion: Resolved—That there be and hereby is appropriated to the Town. of Caroline the sunt of *1.63.72, in excess of the sum of $4,750.00 heretofore appropriated to said town, and there be anal hereby is appropriated to the Town of 1)aii'hy the stint of $286.75, in excess of the sura. of $1,750.00 heretofore appropriated to said town, and there he and hereby is appropriated to the 'Powis of. Ulysses the sutra of $2,361..75, in excess of the sura of $4,1.25.00 heretofore appropriated to said town, each of said amounts to be paid from the motor vehicle. moneys now in the hands of the County Treasurer, so far as the same will pay said amounts, and the balance .from any unexpended moneys in his Bands standing to the credit of the County ,System o1 Roads, and be it further 42 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OP SUPERVISORS Resolved—That the County Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to pay to the Supervisors of those respective towns the amount of moneys lier•ein appropriated, as work on each of said roads progresses, upon the certificate of the County Superintendent of Highways, that the grade and culvert work on said road. is properly completed, countersigned by the Chairman o4' the T[iAway Otlieials. Seconded by Mr. Albright. Ayes -9. Noes -0. Carried. .loved by lir. St. Jolrn, that an inspection of the highways in the county, built under the County Systema of Roads, 'by the Board as a Committee of the VChole, ibe made •a special order of :bus.iness for Tuesday afternoon, November J.G. Seconded by Mr. Hill. Carried. Adjourned. Third Day Tuesday, November 16, 1920 ' MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present. llr. Leslie I. Crispell, having been found inel.i+gable to hold the office of Saapervisor for the Town of Caroline, lir. Charles R. Louns- bery, of Brockton, appeared before the Boa rd and presented his credentials as ,Supervisor for that town, which were filed. . The Chairman announced that Mr. Lounsb,ery would take the Sal/10 places oh the several committees of the Board. to w -heli Mr. Crispell had been assigner.. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. The Clerk read claims Nos. 30 to 50 inclusive, which were received and referred to the proper committees. Mr. Robinson, of the Committee on County Officers and Conmpens- ation, rendered the following report of that committee, relative to the petition of court officers for ;III increase of their per diem com- pensation: n n- pensation: !Your Committee on County Officers and Compensation, to -which was referred the petition of the court attendants for an increase in OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 4:3 pay while attending court sessions, beg to report favorably on the same and O'er the following resolution: Resolved—That the pay of court attendants be and is hereby fixed at the rate of $4.00 per diem for each day in att:endanee at sessions of court, such rate to take effect immediately. Moved by Mr. Robinson, that the report of the ccm iiitt:ee be ac- cepted and the resolution adopted. Seeonded Try i11r. King. Ayes -1.3. Noes—O. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION ILo11 call. All members present;. The members of the Board, as a Connnittee of the Whole, were engaged. during the afternoon in the inspection of the highways of the county built under the County Syst:enr of Roads. Fourth Day Wednesday, November 17, 1920 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. The Clerk read claims Nos. 51 to 57 inclusive, which were received and referred to the proper committees. A statement from the First National Bank of Trtmransburg was received and referred to the Cornrnittee on County Treasurer's Ae- counts. Reports of Daniel Mitchell and J. 1I. Floff, Justices of the Peace -of the Towns of :Enfield and Groton respectively, 4vere received and referred to the Committee on Coroner, Justices, Etc., Aceoi.rrrts. Mr. Batchelor, :representative of the Wood Hydraulic IIoist and Body Company,' appeared .before the Board, relative to installing 44 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS dump bodies on the motor trucks acquired by the county from the State. On motion of lir. Begent, the matter of dump bodies for the motor trucks was made a specia] order of business for the afternoon session at 2 o'clock, AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. Alt members present. The matter of installing dump bodies on the motor tracks acquired by the county from the State, having been made a special order of business for this time, that matter was taken up and discussed by the mom bers of the Board at length. • lfoved by Mr. Buck, that the resolution of Mr. Townsend, relative to the placing of damp bodies on the motor trucks, and adopted lty this Board on August 9, 1920, be hereby rescinded. Seconded by Mr. Albright. Carried. 1'Ioved'by Mr. Leonard, that the county •purchase and install chimp bodies for all trucks by the towns wanting them, on notification to this Board of such desire, ex-pre.ssed On or before :December 6, 1920, said dump bodies to be purchased and installed by the committee having charge of the repair and equipment of the motor trucks. Seconded by Mr. Wright, Carried. Adjourned. Fifth Day Thursday-, November 18, 1920 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present, except Mr. Hill. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. The Clerk read claims Nos. 58 to 64 inclusive, which were re- ceived and referred to the proper committees. The report of J. Dolph .Ross, a justice of the peaee of the Town of Dryden, was received and referred to the Committee on Cor- oner, Justices, Etc. OF TOEMI'KINS COUNTS', NEW YORK 411 Thu members of the .Board were engaged in committee work during the balance of the forenoon session. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. .A.]1 members present, exempt- Mr. Hill. 11'h.e Clerk read the following report of the Committee on High- ways, relative to certain claims presented to the Board for audit at the quarterly session of November S, 1920, which was laid on the table two days under the rule: Your Committee on highways reports that the several claims, presented Nov. 8, 1920, and listed below, are in al] respects in proper form for audit and allowance by this 13oard, that each of the said claims in the opinion of your committee is a just and legal charge against the County of Toitrpkius, to the amount inrlieaterl in the column headed "allowed," and your committee therefore recommends that each of said claims be audited at the amount so indicated: 0..0 Y atur© of cxpelhp F,y =� •yO ; .-d . .. q--1 C - p c) - N 0 J E1:51..1. 13. Ling Co. ilMotor truck No. 1 Repairs $ 169.22 $ 1.64.22 E132 .T. B. -Lang Co. lllotor truck No. 2 .Reptiirs 408.88 408.88 1133 Finger Lakes Garage Alotoe. truck No. 1 Repairs 922(46 922.46 E134 Pinger Lakes Garage Motor thick No. 2 Repairs 1,180.21 1,130.21 ,-,bI•.�r1 $Z,01.�. Respectfully submitted this 1.8thr day of November, 1920. ii IoR.OAN Sr.' 3.011 n, L. E. P:\1'TEItsoN, 1`. A. BEOEN1, Committee. Moved by Mr. St. ,John, t]iat the report he taker, from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr. King. By unanimous consent, the report was taker: from the table. Mr. St. John offered. the following resolution and moved its adop- tion; 46 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Resolved—'['hat the report of the Co4mnriti:ee on .highways be ac- cepted, and that the hills of J. B. Lang Co., aggregating $573.10, and of the Finger ]lakes Garage Co., aggregating $2,102.67, be audited and allowed at those amounts, and that the Clerk be directed to draw an order at this time, for the amount of the bills so audited and the County Treasurer be directed to pay the same forthwith out of any unexpended highway funds in his hands. Seconded by lili'. Begeut. Ares -12. Noes -0. Carried. The Clerk read the following report of the Comtnitte on IIigh- wt-ays, which was laid on the table two days under the rule Your Committee on highways reports that the several claims listed below are in all respects in proper form for audit and allow- ance by this .Board, that. each of the said claims in the opinion of your committee is a jitst and ]etal charge against the County of. Tompkins to the amount indicated in the column headed "A]- lou'ed." and your eoinidittee therefore recommends that each of said claims be auditediat the amount so indicated 46 Reynolds h Drake Garage Co. 50 Reynolds Drake Garage Uo. 0 .3 0 0 v a J v J (Motor truck No. 9 Repairs $556.5 1_ $556.84 (,Motor truck No. 7 Repairs 38.85 38.85 1$595.691$595.69 Respectfully submitted this 18th day of November, 1920. E. MORGAN ST. Jolt -N., L. E. PATTPRSOti, F. A. BEG( NT, Committee. Moved by llr. St. John that the report be taken from. the table and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr. Albright. By unanimous consent the report was taken from the table. llr. St. John offered the following resolution and moved its adop- tion; OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 47 Besoived--T1 at.tlie report of the Committee ou Highways be ac- cepted and that thebills of the Reynolds and Drake Garage Co.,aag- greoa.tin.g $595.69, rise audited and allowed at that amount, and that the Clerk he directed to draw an order at this time for the amount so audited and the County Treasurer be directed to pay the sante forthwith out of any unexpended _highway funds in his hands. Seconded by Mr. Patterson. Ayes ---1.2. Noes -0. Carried. Clarence D. TarbelI, appeared before the Board and presented his.report as County Clerk, of the receipts and disbursements of his office for the year ending October 31, 1920, which was received and referred to lhe; Committee on County Clerk and Election Ex- pcnyes. llr. rf.)rbel1 also presenters his report on Mortgage Tax, which was receive(1 and referred to the Couamittee on County Treasurer's Accounts. Election Conrmisioner Kelly appeared before the Board and an- nounced that it would be necessary for the Board to meet as a Board of Canvassers, to canvass the absentee votes on Friday, .November 19. 7foved by Mr. Smiley, that when the Board u1,joru ns to -day, that it adjourn rasa Board. of Supervisors to Monday, November 22, 1920, at .1.0:30 A. M. Seconded bv Mr. Buck. Carried. Adjourned to Monday, November 22, 1920, at 10:30 A. i1I. Sixth Day Monday, November 22, 1920 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present. Minutes Id prec.ad'.iritg day.read and approved. Claims Nos. 65 to 79 inclusive were read by the Clerl. and re- ,ret'red to the proper committees, • 48 PROCEEDINGS OF TTHE BOARD OF SiiPER-FTSORS The Clerk read to communication from the State Board of Char- ities, relative to an inspection of the Tuberculosis Hospital, ~which was received and filed. lTr. Smiley presented a petition from the assessors of the Town of Danby, to place property belonging to Robert Curtis, on the assessment roll of that town, it having been omitted therefrom through mistake. On motion of, lir. Smiley, the petition was granted and the as- sessors of the town were direeted to add to the assessment; roll of the town the property described in the petition. Reports of P. H. Slocum, L. E. Cummings, :Eugene 1)orn and Lewis Thatcher, of.Danbyr, C�. E. Underwood and Paul Ewers of Dryden, E. tom. Tallmadge, C'. l3. Sieknron and R. R. Chatterton of Groton, W. 111.. Bristol and Jacob 13. Bower of Lansing, Henry W 1- 1i lnls, ,7fie). Ilortroa:C. Owen Carman and Fred: N. Smith of T]1ysses, Justices of the Peace of their respective towns, were received and • -referred to the Coramrittee, on Coroner, Justices, Etc. Accounts. Statements of the First National Bank of Dryden and the State Bank of Truruansbnrg, were received and referred to the Com- mittee on County Treasurer's Accounnts. - On motion of Air. St. John, the election of a County Superin- tendent, of Highways was made a special order of business for the afternoon session at 3 P. M. J\{r. Wright offered the following resolution and proved its adop- tion : Resoieed—That the County Saaperinieiident of TIigwalvs be rected to examine the 'highway' extending from the Meekleniburg Road to Eder Street, along the west boundary line between the City asf Ithaca and theTo1vn of Ithaca, in pursuance to Section 320 of the Highway Law, and to report his findings to this Board at his earliest convenience. Seconded by Mr. Leonard. Carried. - AFTERNOON SESSION - Ron gall. . Il members present. Mr. Court Dellis appeared before the Board and rendered his annual report as County Sealer of Weights and Measures. On motion of ll.r. Albright., the report. was received and filed. OP TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 49 11-1r. Robinson offered the following resolution and moved its adop- tion: Resolved That it +is the sense of this Board that, the use of the courthouse shall not be granted for any political or religious rnect- iugs, except in a case of great necessity. .Seconded by Me. II-iiL Carried. The election of a County Superintendent of highways, having been made a special order of business for this time, that matter vas taken rip. On motion of Mr. Robinson, the Board proceeded by informal ballot to' the election of a County Superintendent of Highways. The Chairman appointed Messrs. Buck and Leonard as tellers. The informal. ballot resulted as follow •Whole number of votes cast were 14, of which Fred C..Evans received 14. 13_oved by Mr. Robinson, that the informal ballot be declared) formal and that the Clerk be directed to east one ballot for Fred C. Evans, as County Superintendent of Highways. Seconded by Mi.. St. John. Carried. The Clerk cast one. ballot for Fred C. Evans, as County Super- intendent of .I-Iighways, and the Chairman declared Mr. Evans elected County Superintendent of Highways for Tompkins County for the team of .four years, commencing January .1, 1921. Lists of Grand Jurors for the Towiis of Danby, 'Ithaca and New- field, and of the First and Third Wards of the City of Ithrica, -were received and referred to the Committee on Returned highway and School Taxes. Mr. hill presented a list of the Special Franchises of the Town of Dryden, Ivhicli was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses. - Adjourned. 50 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD O1' SUPERVISORS Seventh Day Tuesday, November 23, 1920 MORNING SESSION loll call. All members present: Minutes of preceding day read and approved. The Clerk read the anraa:iaal report of the County Treasurer, Nti•hich was received and referred to the Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts. The Clerk read the annual report of the County Superintendents of the Poor, which was received and_ referred to the Committee on Charities. Mr. Townsend presented a petition of -the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses, and offered the following resolution and proved its adoption: Iiesolvc.d—That the petition of the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses be granted and that the town be authorized to borrow on the credit of the town, the suer of $2,000.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, in anticipation of taxes to be levied and col- lected. and to issue certificates oi: indebtedness therefor, to pay a part of the towns share of the cost of improvement of County- and Town }I1 h.ways, pursataant to Sec. 1320 -aa, of the Highway Law. Seconded by Mr. Buck. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll dill, All members present. The report of Walter T. Sleazy, a justice of the puree of the Town of Lansing, was received and referred to the Committee on Coroner, Justiees, Etc., Accounts. The members of the Board were engaged in committee work during the balanee.of the afternoon session. Adjourned. OP TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 51' Eighth Day Wednesday, November 24, 1920 • MORNING SESSION Roll call. Alt members present. Minutes of preceding day react and approved. Mr. Smiley presented a list of the special franchises of the Town of. Danby, which was received and referred to the Committee on Towrei Expenses. Mr. Bruck presented a list of the grand jurors for the Town of Lansing, which was received and referred to the Committee on Re- turned Highway and School. Taxes. Mr. Bllok presented a list of the special franchises of the Town 'of Lansing, which was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses. Mr. Patterson presented a list of the grand jurors for the Second Ward of the City of Ithaca, which. was received and referred to the Committee on Returned highway and School Taxes. Mr. Townsend presented the Town. Budget of the Town of. Ulys- ses, which was.rcceived and referred to the Committee on 'Town Expenses. Moved by Mr. St. John, that when this Board adjourns to -day, it be to Monday, November 29, 1920, at 10:30 A. M. Seconded by Mr. Lounsbery. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. -1111 members present. Mr. Fish presented a list of the grand jurors for the Fifth Ward of the City of Ithaca, which was received and referred to the Com- mittee on Returned highway and School ['axes. my. Begent presented a report, showing the expenses incurred in procuring the six motor trucks at Syracuse and Albany, which was received and referred to the Committee on IIighways. A report, shoWing the Village Tax Rate for the Village of'Tru- 52 PROCEEDINGS 0:11' THE BOARD 0:1' SUPERVISORS rnansburg to be $1.3.0:5 on each *1.000.00 valuation, was received maid filed. A report., showing the School Tat Rote for School .District No. 1, Town of Ulysses, to be $1S.50 on each $1.000.00 valuation, was received and filed. Mr. Townsend presented a list of the grand jurors for the Town of Ulysses, which was received and referred to the Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes. Adjourned to Monday, November 29, 1920, at 10:30 A. M. Ninth Day Monday, November 29, 1920 • MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present. -Minutes of preceding day ream and approved. itIr. Robert A. IH_utchinson appeared before the Board and ren- dered his annual report as Count- Probation Officer which, on motion was received and referred to the Committee on Correction and Reformation. On motion of. Mr. Robinson, the Clerk of the ..Board was directed to notify all officials, who have not yet rendered their reports to this Board as the Iary and rules of the Board require, to file their several reports forthwith. 111r. Buck presented a. petition of the Town Board of the Town Or Lansing, and offered the followng resolution, relative thereto: Resolved --That the petition of the Town Board of the Town of. Lansing be granted and that thetown he authorized to borrow on the credit of the town, the suer of $1,000.00, or so nrueh thereof as may be necessary, in anticipation of taxes to be levied and col- lected, and to issue certificates oi: indebtedness t}rer•efor•, to pay a hart of the town's share of the cost of improvement of County and Town Highways, pursuant to See. 320-a, of the highway Law. Seconded by J\Ir. St. John. Carried. On motion oil Mr. St. John, the Board proeeeded to the election of a Jail Matron for the ensuing year. OP".FOM COUNTY, NEW YORK 53 31.r. St. John placed in nomination the name of Nary 13. Skilling. There being no other nominations, on motion of 11Ir. Robinson, the Clerk was directed to cast orale hollot for Nall 13. Skilling, as jail Matron. .The Clerk cast one ballot for Nan 13. Skilling, axol the Chairman declared Nan 13. Skilling duly elected •fail 1'Iatron for the term of one year, beginning January 1, 1921. illr.. Albright presented the reports of James D. Erway and Augustus Patterson, Justices of the Peace of the Town of Newfield, Which were received and referred. to the Committee on Coroner, .Justices; Etc., Accounts. - Mr. Lourlsberry rendered the following report of the Committee on 'Gown ani.4 Co1nity .Acc01l71ts : Your Committee on Town and County Accounts, having caam- inod the figures submi,tl.ell by the State Comptroller of the amounts necessary to be raised by the several towns of the county for the maintenance of highways and for sinking fund and interest oil bonds issued for highway construction, and finding the same cor- rect,•reports the following amounts to be levied and collected froth the various towels of l.he county for highway lnainteuance, anis also the amounts to be levied and collected for sinking, fund and inter- est on bonds issued for the construetiotl of highways, due from the County of Tompkins and the several towns therein : Iioad Town Interest Count' Interest Town Maintenance Sinkinng on same Sinking on same Fund Fund (Caroline $400.00 .D8nby 500.00 Dryden 1050.00 $2613,43 $520,00 $1017.15 $2034.31 Enfield (4550.00 Uroton 900.00 Ithaca 1150.00 339.42 078.80 L,ansirig 000 00 Newfield (150.00 T7lvsses 450.00 216.85 433.60 706.20 1412.40 $5150.00 $480.28 $960.59 $2062.77 $4125.57 C11,vs. R.. Lour\•sI(Fn , IJKO)\'AItn, Roy C. ;ALIOIIGIET, Collrllnttee. lrLr. Loirlsbcry offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: 54 PROCEEDINGS OP THE BOARD OP STJPERVISORS Resolved That the report of the Committee on 'Town and County Accounts'be accepted and that the amounts therein mentioned be levied and collected from the various towns of the county for road maintenance, and also the amounts be levied and collected for sink- ing fund ,and. interest On ibonds issued for the construction of high- ways, due from the County of Tompkins and the several towns thereof, liable therefor. Seconded by Mr. Wright. - Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. Referred to the Committee on Finance. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present. The Chairman being obliged to absent himself at this time, -Mr. St. John was called to the chair. Dr. Wm. A. Smith appeared before the :Board and rendered his annual report es Coroner, which, on /notion was received and re- ferred to the Committee on Coroner, Justices, Etc., Accounts. Mr. Fish in the chair. On motion of. htr. Buck, the Committee on Printing was author- ized and directed to have printed a sufficient number of town order books, to be signed by the supervisors of the town, to supply the several towns of the county. iMr. Lounsbery presented a list of t.lie Town Audits of the Town of Caroline, which was received and referred to the Committee on Town :Expenses, Etc. • Mr. Regent presented a statement from the First National Bank of Groton, which was received and referred to the Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts. t.Fhe report of. Alfred Munch, a Justice of. the Peace of the Town of Caroline, was received and referred to the Committee on Cor- oner, Justices, Ete., Accounts. -Lists of Returned School Taxes of the Towns of Dryden, Enfield and Lansing, were received. and referred to the Committee on Re- turned Highway and School Taxes. Reports of the Bonded Indebtedness of .the Towns of Caroline OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YOBT 55 and Newfield, were received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses. i\Tr. Buck presented a list of the Special Franchises for the Town of Lansing, which was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses. Mr. Lounsihery presented a list of the grand jurors for the Town of. Caroline, which was received and referred to the Committee on Returned Ilighway and School Taxes. Reports of Incorporated Companies of the Towns of. Enfield, Newfield and TJlysses, were received and filed. ?dr. Buck presented a list of the Town. Audits of the Town or T ar1sing tiv}iiclr was.reccived and. referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc. 11r. 'Townsend presented a, list of the `Town Audits of -the Town of Ulysses, Which was received mid referred to the Committee. on Town Expenses, Ete. ]\Tr..Lonnsbery presented the 'Town Budget of the Town of Car- oline, which. was received and referred to the Committee on Tower Expenses. Mr. IIill presented a list of the '1'orvtr Audits of the 'To.wn of Dryden, which was received area referred to the Committee on 'Town Expenses, Etc. Mr. Albright presented a list of the Returned School 'Taxes of the Town of Nrwfield, which was received and referred to the Com- mittee on Returned Highway and. School Taxes. Adjourned. Tenth Day Tuesday, November 30, 1920 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All. members, present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. The Clerk read claims Nos. 80 to 94 inclusive, which, on motion, were received and referred to the proper eorrrmittees. 56 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OE SUPERVISORS Moved by Mr. St. John, that an inspection of the highways in the county, built under the County Systeme of Roads, not already inspected by the Board, be made a special order of business for the afternoon,.by the Board, as a Committee of the Whole. Seconded by Mr. King. Carried. Mr. Patterson, Chairman of the Coanrnittec on Contract Supplies, rendered the following annual report of that committee: Your Committee on Contract Supplies, reports that claims amounting to $2,694.10, as listed below, have been presented to Sour committee and audited by it, from November 1, 1919, to Nov- ember 1, 3920, and orders issued on the County Treasurer for the payment of the same: Hetet Light Telephone Total Court House 81,161.71 $168.8.1. $ 27.81 $1,358.3 .tail . 59.1:1 176.11) 235.32 Sheriff 79.11 181.99 261.10 County Clerk's Building 323.33 91,80 92.52 507.65 Superintendent of Highways 64.89 61.89 Supervisors 51.82 51,82 Commissioners of Election 40.50 48.16 58.66 County Judge and Surrogate81.75 81.75 Almshouse 19.44 19.44 County Treasurer 25.14 25.1.4 Total; ..81,544.17 $556.41 $593.52 82,694.10 Appropriation for 1920 2,500.00 A count overdrawn November 1, 1920 $ 194.10 Respectfully submitted, this 29th day of November, 1920. L. E. PATTERSON, OL1 A. KrNG, J. M. TOWNSEND, • Committee. Moved by Mr. St. John, that the report of the committee be ac- cepted and adopted. Seconded by llr. Leonard. Carried. Reports of Incorporated Companies of the Towns of Caroline, Danby. Lansing and Ithaca, were received aiul filed. Mr. King presented the report of Bert Kirby, a Justice of the Peace of the 'Town of Enfield, which was -received and referred to the Committee on Coroner, Justices, Etc. 01' TOMPKINS COUNTY-, NEW YORK 57 Mr, Lonnsber'y presented a fist of the S17eeial Franchises of the '.!'own of Caroline, which was received ;null referred to the Com- mittee on Town Expenses. Mr. Hill presented .a report showing tliat the Tax Rate of tlae Village of Dryden n•aS $7.00 on each $1,{100.00 of valuation. Mr. Hill presented a report showing that the .Assessed Valuation of the Village of Dryden MIS *450,691.00 Real, and that the As- sessed Valuation of the Village of F'eeviile was $130,434.00 4.00 Reai and :h250.00 'Personal. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present.. An inspection of the county highways, having been inane a Spe- cial order of. business, the members of the Board, as 0 Committee of of the Whole, devoted the afternoon to an inspection of the high- ways of the comity. built under the County System of Roads, not 0lready inspected by the Board. Adjourned. Eleventh Day Wednesday, December 1, 1920 MORNING SESSION Roll call. A11 members present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. Mr Hill presented a petition from the Town I3oarr3 of the Town of Dryden, and offered the following r•esolutiorn, relative thereto, and moved its adoption: Besolvr:II—That the petition of the Town B.i>aard of the Town of Dryden be granted and that the townlx, authorized to borrow on the credit of the town, the sura of *5;722.29, 00 so much thereof as may be necessary, in anticipation of taxes to be levied and eol'leeted, and to issue cert-ifieates of indebtedness therefor, to pay a part of the town's share of the cost of improvement of County and 'Down Highways, pursuant to Sec. 320-a, of the•IIiglaway Seconded by Mr. Robinson. Carried. v$ PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPEIWISORS The Clerk read the annual report of. the Jail -Matron, which on Motion of llr. Leonard, was received and filed. The Clerk read .the annual report of the Surrogate's Clerk, which was received and referred to the Committee on County Clerk aricl llect.ion Expenses. . llr. Patterson offered the following resolution and mover) its adop- tion : Resolaec1 That there be levied and colleeted from the taxable property of Tompkins County, the sum of $2,500.00 for the follow- ing purposes for the ensuing year : }1ueI and light for county buildings in the City of Ithaca, $2;000.00 • Telephone service for county officials 500.00 $2,500.00 Seconded by Mr. King. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. i\Ir. St. John offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : I esoivec7—That there be levied and collected from the taxable property of `1'ornr1u1. s County, the stun of $425.00, to pay the bond of the CountyTreasu•rer for the ensuing year. Seconded by Mr. Robinson. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. St. John offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved That there be levied and collected from the taxable . property of Tompkins County, the sura of $400.00, for postage and incidental expenses of the Commissioners of Election for the en- suing year. Seconded by Mr. Robinson. Referred to the Committee on County Clerk and Election Ex- penses. Mr. St. John offered the following resolution and .moved its adoption : Resolved That there be levied and collected' from the taxable property of Tompkins County, the stun of $225.00, for postage and incidental expenses of. the County Clerk for the ensuing year. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 5J Seconded by Mr. Robinson. Referred to the Committee on County Clerk and. Election Ex- penses. Mr. St. John offered the following resolution and moved its adopt—ion: Resolved—That there be levied and collected from the taxa)ble property of Tompkins County, the sura of :50.00, for postage of the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors for the ensuing, year. Seconded. by Mr. Robinson. Referred to the Committee on County Officers and Compensation. Mr. St. John offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : ]resolver-That there -be levied and e lected from the taxable property of Tompkins County, the sum. of $75.00, for postage of the County Treasurer for the ensuing year. Seconded by Mr. Robinson. Referred to the Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts. The County Treasurer rendered a report of the various amounts apportioned to the several towns of the corurty from the franchise tax, income tax and motor vehicle moneys, which on motion of Mr. Wright, was received and referred to the Committee on County Treasurer's A.ccount,s.' AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present. The Clerk read the annual report of the District Attorney, which on motion, was received and filed. On motion of 11r1r..Albriglrt, a discussion of the Lowman Bill was made a special order of business for. Tuesday, December 7, at 2 P. M. Lists ,of Grand Jurors for the Towns of Dryden, Enfield and Groton, were received and referred to the Committee on Returned IJ.ig}Tway and. School Taxes. hr'ists of the Returned School Taxes of the Towns of Caroline and Danby were received and referred to the Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes. 66 PROCEEDINGS OF TTIE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Reports of Charles R.. Loun bery and Leslie I. Crispell of Caro- line and of A. J. Conlon of Lansing, Justices of the Peace of those towns, were received and referred to the Committee on Coroner, Justices, .late., Accounts. 1'f.r. ]-fill presented a report of the Bonded indebtedness of the Village of :Dryden and of School District No. 8, which was received and referred to the Commit -tee on Town I1xpenseti. idi•. Regent presented a list of the Town Audits of the Town of Groton, which was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses. Mr. 1 -fill presented a report of the incorporated Companies of the Town. of:Dryden, which was received and filed. Adjourned. Twelfth Day Thursday, December 2, 1920 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. The Clerk read claims Nos. 95 to 109 inclusive, which on motion, were received and referred to the proper committees. The Clerk read a communication from the State Tax Comrnis- sion, relative to forms of assessment rolls, which was referred to the Committee on Printing. The Clerk read the report of the Connnissioners of Election and the apportionment of the election expenses between the towns, city and county, which was received and referred to the Committee, orr Coiurty Clerk and Election Expenses. The Clerk read the following report of the Committee on County Officers and Compensation; relative to salaries to be paid county officials and regular employees, for the ensuing year: Your Committee on County Officers and Compensations, respect- fully reports, that as shower by the statutes and records of this Board, the salaries of officials and regular employees in the various offices and departments of county. government should he fixed as follows: OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 61 .County Judge and Surrogate $3,500.00 County Clerk 2,600.00 District Attorney 1,600.00 Sheriff 2,400.00 Superintendent of Highways 2,200.00 Deputy County Clerk 1,200.00 Special County Judge 600.00 Superintendents of Poor 1,500.00 Under Sheriff 400.00 Deputy Sheriff and Turnkey 900.00 County Probation Officer 1,200.00 County 'Treasurer 1,000.00 County Sealer of Weights and Measures 500.00 Two Commissioners of Election, $600.00 cash 1,200.00 Coroner er 200.00 Clerk of Poard and legal services to Hoard 1,500.00 Jail. .Matron 100.00 County Court and Surrogate's Stenographer 900.00 Surrogate`s Clerk 1200.00 Search. Clerk in County Clerk's Office 750.00 Assistants in County Clerk's Office 2.750.00 janitor in Count' Clerk's Building 200.00 Keeper at County I[orne 1200.00 Total for officers and employees $29,600.00 hour U(111mitt00 reeommen15 that the salaries of the 0eunty offi- cers and regular employees be fixed by this Board a:t the amounts stated, and your committee vamid further recommend that, the County Sealer or Weights and Measure he allowed t}ie sour not to exceed :100.01) Tor expenses while performing the duties of his office, that the County Superintendent of Highways be allowed a Srin, riot to exceed $1,000.00, For expenses while performing the chitties of his office. and that. the Coroner be allowed 0 Sinn, not to exceed $1.00.00, for expenses while -performing the duties of his office, ,said expense accounts to be audited by this Board at the anrt'ual session or at any quarterly session. ,las. R. R,oirrNsoN hl. lMJorrcAN S'r..J(11[N I.G. Ai,rikunrr Committee. lir. Robinson offered the following' resolution mid moved its adop- t,ion Ife,oluerl—That. the foregoing report of the Committee on County Officers and Corupensa;tions, be accepted and adopted. Seconded. by Mr. Hill. 32 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Ayes -1.3. Noes --0. Carried. Mr. Robinsons offered the following resolution and moved its adop- tion: Resolved That there be allowed the County Treasurer the sum of $300.00, as part payment for an assistant for the ensuing year. Seconded by iIr. St. John. Ayes -43. Noes -0. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present. A1r..Townsend, Chairman of the Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts, reported favorably on the resolution offered by Air. St. John Dec. 1, relative to postage for the County Treasurer, and moved that the resolution be adopted. Seconded by Mr. St. John, Ayes -13. Noes 0. Carried. County Superintendent of I1ighways, F. C. Evans, appeared be • - fore the Board and explained certain matters relative to the pro- posed highway leading, from the lleeklenburg Road to Elan St., along the west boundary line between the City and Town of lthaea. -loved by lir. Wright, that the Board, as a Committe of the Whole, inspect the proposed route on Monday forenoon, December 6, provided the weather conditions are favorable, otherwise on the first pleasant day. Seconded by Mr. King. Carried. 11Ir. Wright offered the following resolution, and moved its adop- tion : Resolved—That the sum of $1,500.00, 'heretofore appropriated as salary to the Clerk of this Board, be in hill payment for services as Clerk and wind ever legal 'services may be rendered by him to the Board from November 11. 1920, to.the annual session in 1921, awnless otherwise ordered by a. resolution. Said .sung to be paid as follows : $400.00 forthwith, $100.00 on January 15, 1921, and the balance in ten monthly installments of $70.00 per month, the first monthly payment being February 1, 192.1.. The County Treasurer is hereby authorized to make the first two payments out of any moneys unappropriated in his hands, and if he has not sufficient OF TOMPKINS COITNTY, NEW YORK 63 funds wit.lr which to pay the sane, he is authorized and directed to borrow the same on the credit of the county. Seconded by Mr. St. John. Carried. • Dr..Keath Sears, Superintendent, and the members of the Board id Managers of the Tuberculosis Hospital, appeared before the Board and rendered their anneal report. Dr. Sears, Dr. Gerntng, Miss Knottles, Mr. Boice and Miss How- land, County Tuberculosis Nurse, addressed the Board on condi- tions prevailing at the hospital. On motion of Mr. Hill, the report was recived and referred to .the Committee on Charities. 1\toved by Mr. St. John, that Mr. Patterson, Chairman of the Committee on Contract Supplies, he authorized and directed to execute a contract, for and on behalf of the County of Tompkins, with the New York Telephone Company, for telephone, service for county officials and institutions. Seconded by Mr. King. Carried. Reports of Win. I. Smith of Ithaca, and .Arthur Decker of New- field, Justices of the Peace of those towns, Avere revived and re ferred to the Corrrrnittee on. Coroner, Justices, Etc., Accounts. Lists of the Returned Sehool Taxes of the Towns of Groton and Ithaca. and the City of Ithaca, were received and referred to 'the Committee on Returned Highway and School '.]'axes. Adjourned. Thirteenth Day Friday, December 3, 1920 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present. The reading of the minutes of the preceding clay was dispensed with. Mr. Percy 0. Wood appeared before the Board, relative to fleet insurance on the motor trucks, owned by the county. 64 PROCEEDINGS OF TILE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS On motion of Mr. Smiley, the matter was left to the committee liaring the repair, ete., of motor tracks in (large, with power. The balance of the day was devoted to an inspection of the Tu- berculosis Hospital and the County Home, as the law requires. Fourteenth Day Monday, December 6, 1920 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present, except Mr. Robinson, who was cxcuse(1. Minutes of two preceding days •read and approved. The balance of the Forenoon session was devoted to an inspection of the proposed highway extending along the Qwest boundary litre between the City of Ithaca and the Town of Ithaca. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. A11 members present.. except Mr. Robinson. The.CIerk read claims Nos. 110 to 117 inclusive, which on motion, were received and referred Co the proper committees. lllr. Begent, presented a list of the Inc;orporated Companies of the Town of Groton, which was received and filed. 11r. Townsend presented a list of the Retnrned School Taxes of the Town of Ulysses, Ivhich was received and referred to the Com- mittee, on Returned Higbwav and School 'Taxes. llr. Wright offered the following resolution and moved its adop- tion 1;eso/Ted That the County Superintendent of Highways be requested to prepare plans, specifications and estimates of the cost of construction of the proposed highway on the west boundary line between the City and Town of .Ithaca, and present the same to this Board at his earliest convenience. Seconded by Mr. King. Carried. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 65 Reports of Albert Colcgrove of Enfield and Jaynes A. Bush of Ithaca, Justices of the Peace of those towns, Were received and referred to the Committee on Coroner, Justices, Etc., Accounts. A. list of the Grand Jurors for the Fourth Ward of the City'of Ithaca, was received and referred to the Committee on Returned. Itighway and School. Taxes. i\Tr. Smiley, Chairman of the Committee on County Clerk and EIection Expenses, reported favorably on the resolution offered by Mr. -St. John on Dec. 1., relative to postage, etc., for the county clerk, and moved the adoption thereof. Seconded by Mr. St. John. Ayes -1.2. Noes -0. Carried. 11Tr. Townsend, Chairman or the Committee on County Treas- urer's Accounts, presented the following report, relative to Bank Taxes: Your Committee on County 't'reasurer's Accounts renders the following report of the banks in Tompkins County, liable for tax- ation on its capital stock, surplus and undivided profits, as follows : CITY OF ITHACA. FIRST NATIONAL BANK - Capital stock $250,000.00 Surplus 100,000.00 " Undivided profits 70,812.36 $420,812.36 No. of slhares•of stock -2,500 Par value of each share $ 100.00 Value of each share for taxation 168.33 Amount of tax $ 4,208.25 TOMPKINS COUNTY NATIONAL BANK Capital stock $100,000.00 Surplus 200,000.00 Undivided profits 42,102.39 $342,102.39 No. of shares of stock -1,000 Par value of each share $ 100.00 Value of each share for taxation 342.10 Amount of tax $ 3,421.00 G6 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS \TALLAGE OF DRYDEN FIRST NATIONAL BANK Capital stock $ 25,000.00 Surplus 25,000.00 Undivided profits 17,675.78 67,675.78 No. of shares of stock -250 Par value of each share $ 100.00 Value of each share for taxation 270.70 Amount of tax $ 676.75 VILLAUE 01" GROTON FIRST NATIONAL; BANK Capital stock $100,000.00 Surplus 40,000.00 Undivided profits 8,099.90 $148,099.90 • No. of shares of stock -1,000 Par value of each share $ 100.00 Value of each share for taxation 1.48.10 Amount of tax $ 1,481.00 • V[l LACE OP TRUMAN 813URC FIRS'z' NATIONAL Iia NK Capital stock $ 25,000.00 Surplus 15,000.00 Undivided profits 7,471.93 $ 47,471..93 No. of shares of stock -250 Par value of each share $ 1.00.00 Value of each share for taxation 1.89.89 Amount of tax $ 474.73 STATE BANK • Capital stock $ 25,000.00 Surplus 1.5,000.00 • Undivided..profits 3,730.37 $ 43,730.37 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 67 No. of shares of stock -250 Par value of each share $ 1.00.00 Value of each share for taxation 174.92 Amount of tax $ 437.30 Your Committee would further recommend the adoption of the following resolutions: Resolved?—That a tax of one percent upon the value of the shares of stock as above set forth, be assessed, levied and collected, and that the Clerk of this Board forthwith mail to the president or cashier of each bank or baiikuig association, a. statement setting forth the amount of its capital stock, surplus and undivided prof-. its, the number of outstanding shares thereof, the value of each share of stock, taxable as hereinabove ascertained, and the aggre- gate amount of: tax to be collected and paid by such bank or bank- ing association, as provided by Section 24 of the Tax Law, and be it further liesotver(--1'drat this Board of Supervisors issue its warrant or order, signed by the Chairman and Clerk of this Board, as pro- vided. by Section 24 of the Tax Law. J. i\[. TOWNSENt) E. S. hint, C1aAs. R. LOUNSnERY Committee. Moved.by i\i r. Townsend, that the report of the Committee be accepted and. the.resolntions adopted. ' Seconded by Mr. I:aottnsbery. eyes -3.3. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Smiley, Chairman of the Committee on Comity Clerk and Election Expenses, reported favorably on the resolution offered by .Mr. St. John, Dec. 3_, relative to postage, etc., for the Commission-, erg of Election, and moved that the resolution be adopted. Seconded by Mr. St. John. Ayes -3.2. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Smiley, Chairman of the Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses, rendered the following report of that Com- mittee, relative to the report of the Surrogate: Your Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses re- spectfully reports that it has examined the report of the Surrogate, 68 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS relative to the fees received in that office, and finds the same cor- rect. That the draft for $173.88 has been received, to be applied to the credit of the county. W. 0. SMILEY 1`. A. BEGENT H. S. WRIGHT Committee. On motion of Mr. Hill, the report of the committee was accepted. Adjourned. Fifteenth Day Tuesday, December 7, 1920 MORNING SESSION - Roll call. All members present, except Mr. Robinson, who was excused. lihnutes of preceding day'read and approved. Mr. St. John offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: WHEREAS—Tae town snperinl�endenis of the several towns in Tompkins County heave made an estimate of the amount of money necessary to be raised by tax for the improvement of highways and abridges and other miscellaneous lsigh:way purposes of their respective towns, as provided by Section 90 of the Highway -Law ; and WnE1n As—The respective town boards have approved or changed said estimates, as provided by Section 91 of the Highway Law, there- . fore be it 0 Resolved—That the said estimates as approved by the town hoards be received and the sum set opposite the name of the respective towns in the -column which bears the heading, "Amount of ist Item" (which is.the amount of the first iteral in said estimates), be assessed, levied and collected upon the taxable property of the respective towns, exclusive.of the property within the limits of the incorporated village or villages of their respective towns which maintain their streets and highways as a separate road . istriet, and be it further Resolved ---That the shin set opposite the names of the respective towns, in the columns which bear • the heading, "Amount of 2nd Item," "Amount of 3rd Item" and. "Amount of 4th Item" (which OF TO_IIPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 69 is the amount of the Second, Third and Fourth Items of said esti- mates as approved by the various 7.0w11 boards), be assessed, levied and co'lleeted upoir the entire taxable property of the various towns of. Tompkins (Jonnty, as follows, that is 0.) say: .fin 11)0 of lowll Amount of Amount of Amount of A.mount of rst .tem Second Item Third. Item }.Fourth Item. Caroline h3,000.00 $1,400.00 $ 200.00 $ 1.00.00 Danby 3,000.00 2,000.00 700.00 1,500.00 Dryden 6,858.00 2,500.00 1,000.00 3,090.00 Enfield 2,822.00 500.00 100.00 700.00 Groton 4,500.00 3,000.00 1,000.00 3,000.00 Ithaca 4,060.00 200.00 200.00 500.00 Lansing 7,100.00 8,000.00 1,000.00 500.00 Newfield 3,917.00 2,500.00 1,000.00 3,000.00 Ulysses 4,200.00 2,500.00 1.,000.00 500.00 And that the several amounts when collected shal'I be pad to the supervisors of the respective towns, to he paid out by them as pro- vided by law. ,Seconded by Mr. Regent. Ayes 12. floes -0. Carried. Mr. St. -John offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: WHEREAS—Tile Supervisors and Town Clerks of the towns men- tioned below have certified to this Board statements of the expenses incurred by the Town Superintendents of said towns with the con- sent of the Town Boards, pursuant to Section 03 of the Highway Law, and audited and allowed by :Said Town Board_ or Town Boards, together with the principal and interest, therefore be it Resolved That the amoa.ntts•set; opposite the names of each 'town be assessed, levied and collected upon the taxable property of that town, exclusive of the corporate limits of •any village or villages which maintain the highways therein as a separate highw'ay district, and that the same when collected he paid to the Supervisor of the town to be applied in the eanceiling of Che certificates of .inddbted- ness and the interest accruing on the same which were issuer) in pay- ment of the above nreartioned accounts. 70 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD Or SUPERVISORS • Name of Town Amount of Amount of Prineipa1 to b© levied Interest to be levied Caroline $ 1,500.00 Danby 500.00 Dryden 11,000.00 Enfield Groton 2,000.00 Ithaca Lansing 500.00 Newfield 4,000.00 Ulysses 11,992.56 72.1.3 Seconded by Mr, Begent. Ayes -12. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Wright presented a report of the bonded indebtedness of theToivn of Ithaca, which was received and referred to the Com- mittee On Town Expenses. Mr. hill presented a report, showing that the School Tax Rate for the Village of [Dryden was $14.S44 on each $1.,000.00 of valu- ation. Charles Green appeared before the Board and rendered his an- nual report as Sheriff, which on notion of Mr. Albright, was re- ceived and filed. 11r. Smiley, Chairman of the Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses, rendered the following report of that com- mittee, relative to the report and apportionment of election expenses, by they Commissioner's of Election: Your Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses, re- ports that it has examined the report of the Commissioners of Election and finds it correct, and recommends that the apportion- ment of election expenses by said Commissioners, be accepted. and that the various sums charged to the political divisions of the comity, be levied and collected from the taxable property of the various towns of the county, the city- of Ithaca, and the county of Tompkins, as follows : Town of Caroline $ 166.68 Town of Danby ' 134.72 Town of Dryden 3:52.77 Town of Enfield 11.3.35 Town of Groton 404.34 Town of Ithaca 181.95 Town of. Lansing 212.50 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 71 Town of Newfield 134.17 Town of Ulysses 279.79 City of Ithaca 1224.71 County of Tompkins 3,099.74 Total Election Expenses $6,304.72 W. 0. SMILEY I . S. WRioHT F. A. 13S (0 NT Committee. 1\[r. Smiley offered the following resolution and moved its adop- tion : . lie.solved—That the report of the Committee on County Clerk and 'Flection Expenses, relative to the apportionment of the elec- tion expenses, be accepted and that the various sums therein men- tioned be Levied and collected from the taxable property of the respective towns of the county, the city of Ithaca and the county of Tompkins. Seconded by Mr. Wright. Ayes -12. Noes -0. (harried. 11Ir. 13egent, Chairman of the Committee on Returned highway arrd School Taxes, rendered the following report of that committee relative to returned school taxes: Your Committee onReturned highway and School Taxes finds. upon the certificates signed by the County Treasurer, and sup- ported by the affidavits of the collectors of the following school districts of ,the different towns of the county and- the City of.. Ithaca, submitted to the Board of Supervisors by the County Treasurer, that„thefollowing school taxes have not, been paid, although diligcrit efforts have been made to enforce collection, ,your committee therefore recommends that the following sums be levied upon and collected from the lands or property upon which the same were imposed, Ivith 7' a in addition thereto : CAROLINE Ashley Estate Dist. No. 2 $ .55 Marvin Ilulslander Dist. No. 2 5.51. Chas. Vance Dist. No. 2 2.94 Edgar Welch Dist. No. 2.... ...... 3.68 Mary A, Cenung Dist. No. 9 5.25 -Mattie L. ITill Dist. No. 1.9 4.95 Mrs. John Hook Dist. No. 19' 1.65 $24.53 72 PROCEEDINGS OF THE EOARD OF SUPERVISORS DANBY A.. Rupinski Dist. No. 1 - $ 15.55 Robertt-Bennett •.Dist. No. 1 22.70 Robert Palmatier .Dist. No. 2 13.20 Robert Palmatier Dist. No. 2 (Special) 8.40 David Bogart Estate Dist. No. 7 28.60 Phineas -VanBuskirk Dist. No. 7 ,78 Wilbur Estate Dist. No. 11 8.40 Howard Russell .Dist. No. 13.. 21.00 John Banfield Dist. No. 15 12.00 $130.63 DRYDEN Federal Telephone Co Dist. No. 4 $ 3.7S E. S. Burr- Dist. No. 11. 8.57 Chas. Spaulding Dist. No. 11 6.88 Fred Wood and Wife Dist. No. 14 13.09 R. B. Davidson Dist. No. 16 . 12.88 Bert L. Shaw Dist. No. 1.7 32.65 Geo. Wolcott Dist. No. 20 22.6.1 E. A: Northrup Dist. No. 21 17.29 •Ghas. White Dist. No. 21 17.23 $134.95 ENFIELD American Telephone Co. Dist. No. 10 $ 3.78 Orville VanOstrand Dist. No. 14 14.18 Jennie 'Van()stranid Dist. No. 14 6.62 $ 24.58 GROTON _Marion A. Goodyear Estate Dist. No. 8 • $ 14.81 Ovid Electric Co. (Sp. Franch.) .Dist. No. 8 11.11 $ 25.92 • ITHACA TOWN .Wesley and Sarah Albers Dist. No. 3 $ 1.7,85 F. Hoyt Gibbs Dist. No. 3 5,61 Livingston Masters Dist. No. 3 3.06 Chas. Sinn Estate • Dist. No. 3 3.06 Chas. A. Titus Dist. No. 3 5,61 Western T3nion Telegraph Co....Dist. No. 3 2,04 G. N. Lawman Dist. No. 6 4.00 Chas. H. Blood, Lot 85 Dist. No. 7 3.30 B. A. Drake, Lots 121, 214 Dist. No. 7 .33 OF TOMIPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 73 Tony DeAngelis, Lot 98 Dist. No. 7 .22 R. C. Edgecomb, bats 125, 276..Dist. No. 7 .33 J. C.. Ed.gecon b, Lots 274, 285.. Dist. No. 7 .20 Michael Granville Dist. No. 7 5.50 S. A..Genung Dist. No. 7 4.98 DeForest Head Dist. No. ' 7 .17 James Hillic9c, Jr. Dist. No. 7 6.60 J. A. Miller Dist. No. 7 3.58 .Jerome Richardson Dist. No. 7 .14 Genaro Raponi • Dist. No. 7 2.07 Mrs. E. M. Starr, Lot 74 .Dist. No. 7 .17 T. J. Swartout, Lot 76 Dist. No. 7 .28 A. T. Swan, Lot 96 Dist. No. 7 .20 James Saunders Dist. No. 7 .28 $ 69.58 LANSING - 0 rriii ANSINGOrriir Drake Dist. No. 3 $ 33.94 Chas I-1. Blood Dist. No. 7 34.1.5 Albert Raker Estate Dist. No. 7 7.55 Mn.sGrant Gere Dist. No. 7 ' 2.75 Clark Blakeley Dist. No. 12 13.62 F. R. McGraw Dist. No. 16 1.2.62 Johlr Knettles Dist. No. 16 8.24 $112.87 NEWFIELD Franeena Decker Dist. No. 8 $ 6.90 A..1-1.. Volbreclrt Dist. No. 9 8.00 Myron Seeley Dist. No. 9 14.21 Ernest Mattison Dist. No. 9 5.00 Daniel. Perrigo Dist. No. 12 .50 Mice McGivens . J)ist. No. 20 29.67 $ 64.28 'ULYSSES F. C. Briggs, Store, etc Dist. No. 1. $ 82.45 Joseph Bond Dist. No. 1. 47.00 Geo. Elrle Dint. No. 1 6.63 Walter J. Henry Dist. No. 1 28.04 Huron Hill Dist. No. 1. 7.47 0. 0. Noble Dist. No. 1. 33.00 Geo. C. Peterson Dist. No. 1. 1.7.34 Heirs of Anna Ryan .Dist. No. 1 8.25 Emma Rappleye Dist. No. 1 10.76 Mina •Spicer, 3 assessments Dist. No. 1 33.00 Carrie Sears Dist. No. 1 19.79 74. PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOA HD OF SUPERVISORS Ileir•s of D. Sears Dist. No. 1. .84 Roscoe Sears ' : Dist. No. 1 36.2.9 Frank Strong :Dist. No. 1 3.34 Verninr VaitDyke Dist. No. 1 6.63 Augusta Williams Dist. No. 1 9.92 IE'azen Fish Dist. No. 1 5.80 Laura Gray :Dist. No. 11 1.80 _- G. N..I:,atrman Dist. No: 11 6.00 Mrs. B. C. 1Vonlcdge :Dist. No 13 9.76 Daniel Maloney :Dist. No. 6 27.00 I.,invis Bennett Dist. No. 9 2.40 Fred J. Ashdown Susan Raker 530 E State Geo. Blauvelt 211. Cleveland Elizabeth l3ren1'en 707 IIaneock A. G. and Lucy Brown 201. Lake St. A. G. and Lucy Brown ....... Rinaldo Galatbrisi, Gook Land J. W. and Georgia Cole Nina. A. Cornelius • Cornell Cosmopolitan Club 301 Bryant Ave. Jennie and H. Daniels 813 W. Green Jennie Daniels 906 W. Green C. T. Dewillings, Cobb St. Lot No. 31. Wm. B. Estabrook (A. C. Goff) Nicholas Farkas 220 Washington W. P. Georgia Estate 414 S. Geneva IL Goldenberg 31.7-321 Eddy Cha. E. Ilaiuff Estate 1037 W. Seneca Chas. hill Estate Lot No. 226 Spencer Chas. E. Ilnllenbeek'Dot No. 88 Giles 0. and Ilattie Jones " 51.7 Hudson A. 13. Kennedy, 423 N. Cayuga • Theresa A. LaBarr 1.08 Franklin /,ora Loveless 319 College Ave. .... [Thrace J. Lucas 129 Kline Road _H:oraace J. Lucas, Jr. 407 E. Tompkins Etta Jackson502 S. Plain 425 -W. 'Seneca 228 S. Plain -112 Maple St., now Treva Ave. 1.1.7-119 E. Clinton.... 1.1.0 Spencer Place.... 114 Spencer Place.... 504. S. Ga'uga I'I`HA CA CITY $403.51 116 Farrar $ 18.00 41.40 Ave. 9M0 5.40 • 2.70 .301. Lake St 67.50 Co., Lot No. 223 .45 119 College Ave. 17.98 113 Cobb 12.60 1.26.80 2.70 1.80 .45 .305 W. Green .. ... 46.80 7.20 9.00 1.17.00 12.60 2.70 .45 12.60 16.10 9.00 75.60 9.90 9.00 1.5.30 1 2.60 9.00 15.30 44.10 19.80 19.80 31.50 Anna. C. Mason & Preston Melton .PrestonMelton Eva Middaugh Fred iiJiddaugh. Fred Middaugh IP red Mid Fred _Middaugh OP TOMPKINS COUNT V; NEW YORK 75 Fred Middaugh 506 S. Cayuga 1.8.90 Fred vLiddauglt. 21.1. Spencer St. 22.50 Lena C. Miller 412 Elm :19.80 Mary Morris 415 E. Neaga Ave12.60 Mary Morris 417 E. Neaga Ave..... 1.2.60 Mary Morris \ 706 Linn 12.60 Sol T. Nevins 217 Dryden Road .... 12.60 Chas. H. Norton •212 Dcy 6.30 Mary O'Brien 310 Esty 7.20 Wm. E. Pearson 404-6 'University Ave.. 60.30 Gr•aee Drake Peterson Estate 11:3 Oak Ave. 75.60 •Oarrie P•hi•llips Estate 41.1. Dryden Roacl .... 56.70 Carrie Phillips Estate 401. Dryden Road ... 56.70 Kate A. Purdy . 30S Bryant Ave. 52.2{) dolrn Quigley Estate 207 Williams Sit. 26.10 John Quigley Estate 121 Quarry 31.50 John Reidy. Estate 407 Eddy 50.40 John Reidy Estate :1.04 Maple Ave. 12.60 John Reidy Estate 107 Maple Ave. 19.80 John Reidy Estate 121, Maple Avv. 12.60 John Reidy Estate 401 Cornell .1.8.90 John Reidy Estate Lot Maple Ave. .12.60 Lloyd G. Seat :127 Giles 1.1.70 ll'. H. and Mary Shevalier 717 N. Aurora 13.50 A.. G. Sineebaugh 389 Elm 21...60 Ann. .Eliza Stanford Estate 305 W. Seneea 37.80 John B. St;ruble 401. S. I'ioga 22.50 Kate and Ann Reidy 623 .Dryden Road .... 6.30 Wm. E. Ross Lot Pearl •S't. .45 Bridget Ryan Estate 705 1la.nreork 5.40 Bridget Ryan Estate 115 Fifth 7.20 :Bridget Ryan Estate 119 Fifth 6.30 Bridget Ryan Estate 604 Hancock 4.50 Bridget Ryan Estate 61.0 1-E:aneock 5.40 Bridget Ryan Estate 308 Este 6.30 Susan Taylor 520 E. Bot)'aln ' 56.70 V. P. and_ El'1aThomas 210 Linden Ave. 18.90 Louisa L. Utter 128-120 Blair 36.90 Mary Va.nOrder 409 Dryden Road..... 56.70 C.' S. & Clara Willis, Wood StLot No. 225 .90 I'•atriek Walt 426 E. Senega 40.50 14'eteh & l+ ishbac'k 512 W. Mill 7.20 '\Veleh, & F,iSlebaek Lot 31.1 Esty • 2.70 C. 11. Wilcox 209 Aulburrl 11.70 $1,794.38 F. A. BEG ENT INrM. 11. LEONARI) OLEN KING ComTnittee. 76 PROCEEDINGS OP THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS' Mr. Begent offered the following resolution mid proved its adop- tion : Resolved. --That the foregoing report of the Committee on Re- turned Highway aid Sc'hnol Taxes he accepted and the sums therein mentioned be levied upon and collected from the lands or 'property upon which the same were imposed, with 7% in addition thereto. Seconded by Mr. Buck. Ayes ---12. Noes ----0. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION RoI'l call. _All members present, except 1'[r. Robinson. who was exensed. A discussion of the Lowman Bull, so-called, having been made a special order of business for t.h•is time, that shatter was taken np and discussed at length. ?[r. Patterson offered the following resolution and moved its adop- tion: Resolved—That, Tompkins County avail itself of the full benefits to be derived from the provisions of. See. 320-B, of the Ilighsvay La.w, .by appropriating the suns of $32,730.00 for the construction and improvement of highways Tender the provisions of Sec. 320-A of the Highway Law, said sum of $:32,730.00 to b,e duplicated by a like amount from the State of New York, and be it further Resolved That for the purpose of making this appropriation available, ,there be levied and collected .from the taxable property of Tompkins County, liable therefor, the sura of $32,780,00 for the con- struction and improvements under the County System of Roads for the ensuing year. Seconded by 1[r. Begei`<t. On notion of iiIr. St.. John, the matter was made a special order of business for Friday, December 10, at 2 P. M. Moved by Mr. Begent, that the roads to be constructed or improved in the county for the ensuing year under the County System of Roads,' be under the supervision and. direction of the Highway Offi- cials of the county. Seconded by Mr. IIi]I. Carried. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEM YORK 77 Mr. hill offered the following resolution and proved its adoption: \VireREAs Under the provisions of Article XI, of the IlHibhway Lave, the counties of the State receive only twenty-five percentum of the registration fees derived from motor vehicles of the respeetive counties, and '\Vxt;nr:_vsIrr the opinion of tiliis Board of Supervisors of Tomp- kins County this percentage paid to the several counties is so small that it is Unfair and unjust rto the counties paying the same, there- fore be it licsolved—Thiat we rime our representatives in the State 1 egis- lature to use, their best endeavors to so amend l.'ara.graph Three, Sectiflii Two Hundred Ninety-one of Article eleven, of the Highway flaw, that the Secretary of State shall pay to the 'Slate Treasurer fifty percentnrn of moneys derived from such registration fees and shall pay to the treasurer of each county fifty pereentnrn. of the reg- istration fees collected from the residents of suelr comity, and he it further Resolved—That the Clerk of this Board be direetedr to send certi- fied copies of this resolution to Ilon. Seymour Lowman, our repre- sentative irr the State Senate. to Hon. Casper Fenner, orrr repre- sentative in the State Assembly, and to the Clerks of the Boards of Supervisors nnf the several comities of the State, with bite request that the latter bring this matter to the attention of, their respective bodies and urge their co-operation. in securing, the enactment. of such an amendment. Seconded by >titi. Wright. Carried. Adjourned. Sixteenth Day Wednesday, December 8, 1921 MORNING SESSION IitrIl call. All members present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. The .Clerk read the following eouinrurricft'ioii from the State High- way Commission, which on motion, rw'as.filed: 78 PROCEEDINGS OP TIIE BOARD OP SUPEIWISOR Dear Sir:— Regarding the.paynrent of moneys under Section 320-A, would say that .1 believe it was the intent of the lair that this money shofild be paid, out as t -he work progressed and, not to turn a lump sum over to the supervisor for the construction of such highways. Yours very truly, CuAs. Y'ANAMBUatalr, Thi rd Da,puty. On motion of Mr. Alright, the consideration of the proposed high- way along the west bnundr, line between the City of Ithaca and the 'I'anrr: of Ithaca, was made a special order of business for Friday, 1)ece?n'1,er.0, at 11 o'clock, A. M. r.f.he Chairman hcing dhliged to absent )himself at, this time, Mr. Wright was called to the chair. i\lr•. Prato, General -Manager of the American Rural Index Corpor- ation, appeared before the Board, relative to its system of county maps. Albany, Dec. 6, 1920. I'7ie Clerk read the following communication from the State Comptroller, which on motion, was received and filed: Albany, N. Y., Dec. 8, 1920. (clerk, Board! of Supervisors 1 beg to advise you that the time when the money paid by the State to cot trtties. pursuant to the Orovis'ions of Section 320-13, of the Highway Law becomes available, is dependent upon the action of the Legislature in making the appropriation. EUGENE M. TRAVIS, State Comptroller. 14 r. Srvilev presenter) a' list of the. Torn Andits of the Town of Dahl>y, which was received and referred, to the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc. Mr. 11i]1' presenter) the Town Budget of tiie Town of. Dryden, Which was received and referred to the Committee on Town Ex- penses, Etc. Nit.. Albright presented a. list of the Town. Audits of the Town of Newfield, which was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, a TOMPKNS COUNT\ ", NEW YORK 7R AFTERNOON SESSION RRoIl eaII. Alt members present. The members of the (i1i Id .1V'el•fare Board appeared 6ef_ore the Board and, through Mr. Lein Rothschild, presented the annual fi- naoial report of. tike organization. iVfrs. M. E. Calkins, "Mrs. Eugene Baker, Miss Powell and Mr. Barney Kelly addressee[ the Board on the work performed lty the arrganization during the past year and its needs for the coming year, and requested. the appropriation of 4,1re .sura of $8,500.00 for the carrying on the .work of the organization. On motion of Mr. Robinson, the report was accepted and a vote •of thanks extended to the members of the; Glrild Welfare hoard for their earnest and rn»cIfisll efforts to -properly carry on ,tilte vVurk o1 ,t:lreir organization, and` their request referred to the Committee on Soldiers' Relief, Etc. Mr. Albright. presented 0 list of the Spea.iail Franchises of the '1'u.wn of Newfield, which was received and referred to t;he fCoarrrnittce on Town Expenses, Ete. Mr. S;niley presented the 'Vow!' Budget of the '1'owii of. Danby, .which was received. and referred to t'lre Committee, on Town Ex- penses, -h:Yc. iVUr. AVr•i.ti]rt; presented a -list .of the '1'owri Atuliis of the Town of Ithaca., which was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc. • Mr: I.:leg•ent presented a report, showing the School Tax Rafe for the Village of Groton to he $30.38 <r.ud the Village Ta Rate of Groton Village to be $I1..94 on each :$1,000.00 of valuation. Adjourned. Seventeenth Day Thursday, December 9; 1920 MORNING SESSION • Ilol1 ca11. A41 members present. , Minutes of preceding day read and approved. The Gderk read claims Nos. 1..1.8 to 1.23 inc.ln5iv°c. whits" on moition, were received and referred to the proper committees. 80 PROCEEDINGS O.1' THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Mr. St. John offered the following resolution and moved its adoption Resolved -That the sum of $3,428.00 'be levied upon and collected. from the taxable property of Tompkins County, for Vic purpose of paying the county's share of the cost'of maintenance for the year 1921, under the County 'System of Roads, pu•rsuant to Sections 320 .and 320-A, of the Highway Law, and said amount is •hereby appro- priated the several towns of the county for the roads therein, as follows: CAROLINE From. Slalerville Road east on Hartford Roacl .32 miles $ 32.00 On Lmursllrerr Road from Boerne Mullis Cor- ners to Brookton • 1.13miles 113.00 On Caroline Center Road from sign •boa.rd to 'Sta. 145.50 2.75miles 275.00 From lower 'bridge at Brookton- to depot .36 miles 36.00 DANBY e From lfetler's Corners westerly, southerly to- ward Bald Tlill - 1.00 mile $100.00 !DRYDEN 1`ronr 1)ryderr Village line east to Virgil town line 1.51 miles $151.00 From 1Tc[ean depot southeast to Cortland Rd. 1..73 miles 173.00 From Brown's Corners west on- State Road to La i rsing l ine 3.36 miles 336.00 ENFIELD From Wa11enbeek's Corners southwesterly on new road 1. 00 mile $100.00 From Mi11er's Corners north on Enfield. C. Rd. 1.00 mile 100.00 From Raison's Corners to Aiken's Corners. , . 1.00 mile 100.00 GROTON From Spring Street, Groton Village, west on West Groton Road. 2.55 miles $255.00 From Pernvilie schoolhouse east 1.00 mile 100.00 From McLean north of left band.fork 1.04 miles 104.00 From Per nville Schoolhouse west to Brown's Corners 1.54 milts 154.00 ITIIACA From south city line on Loddington Reade to Danby Tine 3.12 miles $312.00 OF T0i.1.PKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 81 LANSING From Terpcning's Curners east to Dryden line 2.02 miles $202.00 NEWFIELD From west bine Newfield Village toward Trum- Flull's Corners - 1.64. miles 1.00.00 From Newfield Depot, westerly toward Newfield Village 1.00 mile 100.00 ULYSSES ; From aacksonville toward 'Ta°nghannoek Falls 1.75 miles $775.00 From. Jacksonvilllc south toward .Enfield .25 miles 25.00 From Trumararshurg 111. .I7. Church southerly through Wa.terinng 3.2.1 miles 321.00 Total 34.28 $3428.00 Seconded by hlr. Hill. Ayes 13. Noes -0. Carried. 11loved.by il'Lr. St. John, that 'clic Board. proceed at this time in the election of a Jail Physician for the ensuing year. 5ceoiided by 14ir. Robinson. 'Carried. Mr. St. John placed in nomination the name of i)r. C. F. Denman. There being no .further nominations, en motion of Mr. Robinson, the Cleric .was directed, to cast one b,aldet for 1)r. C. F. Denman, as Jail Physician. The Clerk east; one ballot for I)r. 'C. F. Denman, and the Chair- man announced 1)r. Denman elected Jail Physician for the ensuing year, commencing January .1, 1921. • [[loved by 11'Ir. St. John, tahat the Jail Physician be allowed the same compensation of $2.00 per cal], .as for the present year. Seconded. by Mr. Robinson. Carried. The report of C. T. Stagg, a .1 ustice of the Pe'a'ce of the Town of Ithaca, vas received and referred' 'to th e Committee mi Coroner, Justices, Ete., Accounts. illr. Wright presented a. list of the Specia] Franchises of the Town of Ithaca, Which were received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc. 82 PROCEEDINGS OF THE liOAI D OF SUPERVISORS AFTERNOON SESSION Roll cell. A91 members present. The reports of ,the Tompkins County .Patin and Home Bureau having been made a special order of business for this-tirrte, the matter was taken iip. Blatclrley, 141anager of the Farm Bureau, L-ettdered the report of that organization. Miss McCrea, Manager of the Home Bureau, rendered the report Of that orgariization. Mr. Geo. Fitts, rendered 'i.lre aniiiral report of the Treasurer; of the financial conditions of the organizations. fvlr. Harvey Stevenson, the newly elected president of the organ- izations, also addressed the Board. On motion of Mr. Robinson, the report was referred to the Coni-. rnittee on Soldier's' Relief, Etc. Adjourned. Eighteenth Day Friday, December 10, 1920 MORNING SESSION Roll call. A11 members present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. '.rhe report -of Miner Allen, a Justice of the fence of the Town of Ithaca, was received and. referred to the Committee on Coroner, Justices, Ete., Accounts. Mr. Buck presented the 'Town Budget of the Town of Lansing, which was received and referred' to .the Committee on' Town Ex• penses, Etc. Mr. Albright presented the Town Budget of Newfield, which was received and referred to the. Committee on Town Expenses, Ete. • A diseussion of the proposed 'highway along the west bonndry litre •between the City of. Ithaca and the Town of Ithaca. having been made a. special order of abusincss for this time, that matter was taken tip, and disetissed'by the members of the Board,,in its several phases. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 83 Mr. Chas., Chamberlain of the State IIigl}rway Department ap- peared before the Board, and addressed it, relative to the application of Sec. 320-13, of the Highway Law, to the conditions prevailing in Tompkins County, and the necessary acts to he performed by the Board of Supervisors in order to take advantage of that act. By resolution, the Weekly Ithacan was designated by the Repub- lican members of the Board to pu,bl!is'lr the Oficial Canvass and Flec- tion Notices of ''Tompkins County, the Session Laws and 'Concurrent Resolutions of the Legislature for the year 1921. 13y resolution, the Journal and Courier of Groton was designated by the Dernooratio.rnorrrlhers as the official, publication to publish the Officia9 Canvass and! Flection Notices of Tompkins County, the Ses- sion Laws and Concurrent Resolutions of the Legislature for the year 1921. Mr. Wright, Chairman of the Committee on Charities, presented the following report of tint committee, relative to the report of the Board of Managers of the :I'-uhercudosis Hospital, with a resolution accompanying the same and moved that the report be accepted and t!he resolution adopted: Your 'Committee on Charities begs to report that it has examined the report of: the Board of Managers of the Tuberculosis Hospital and found it correct and recommends the appropriation of the sum of $1.3,000.00 for the maintenance of said institution .from February 1, 1921, to J'ebrnary 1., 1922, the sura of $600.00 to enlarge the pump house and $250.00 for another engine for use in emergency, and offer the following resalubion: Besolvecl—That there be levied and collected) frorrr the taxable property of Tompkins County, the stem of $13,000.00 for the main- tenance of the 'Tompkins County Tuberculosis Hospital from Feb- ruary 1, 1921, to February 1, 1922, the sum. of $600.00 to enlarge the pump house and the sum of. $250.00 for another engine for use in emergency. Seconded by Num. Hi11. - Ayes -12. Noes -0. Carried. 84 PROOEEI)1NGS Or THE BOA1U) OF SUI'ERVISORRS AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present. The resolution offered by lir. Patterson on .December 7, relative to an appropriation of $32,730.00 by the count;)', iri• order to avail itself of the full benefits of the provisions of Sec. 320-B, of the Iligh- way Law, havingbeen -made a special order of business for this time, that matter was taken up. The balance (.if the •afternoon session was taken up in a discussion of the special order of business. Moved by Mr. Patterson, that his resolution offered December 7, and now under discussion, be adopted. Seconded by Mr. Begent. Ayes -1.3. Noes --0. Carried. Adjourned to Monday, .Dcceiniber 13, at. 10:30 A. M: Nineteenth Day Monday, December 13, 1920 MORNING SESSION Roll ca11. All members present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. The Clerk read claims Nos. 124 to 129 inclusive, which on motion, were received and referred to the proper committees. Moved by Mr. Begent, that the Board proceed at this tine to elect a member of the Board of Managers of the Tuberculosis Hos-pita], to succeed Dr. Gilchrist, whose term of office expires December 31, 1920. Seconded by Mr. St. John. Carried. Mr. Begent placed in nomination the name of .Dr. G. M. Gilchrist. There 'being no 'further nominations, on Motion of Mr. St. John, the Clerk was directed to cast one ballot for Pr. Gilchrist, as the unanimous choice of the Board. 1 1 OF T'O,IIPKINS COUNTY:, NEW YORK 85 The Clerk cast one ballot, for I)r. G. A.I. Gi'l'ehrist, and the Chair- man declared Dr. Gilchrist duly elected a member of the Board of Managers of .the Tuhereulosis Hospital for the term of five years from January 1, 1921. Moved .,by Mr. St. John, that Roy C. Allbright'be elected a Director of the Tompkins County Farm Bureau Association, as the represent- ative epresentative of the Board of Supervisors. Seconded by Mr. Robinson. Carried. Mr. Robinson, Chairman of the Co•ntrnittee on County Officers and Compensation, reported favorably on the resolution offered by Mr. St..John on Deeem'bcr 1, relative to postage for the Clerk of the Board, and proved that the resolution be adopted. Seconded by ill.r. St. John. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. On motion of Mr. St. John, the Clerk -was authorized to correct any manifest errors occuring in the minutes or in the report of any e o mnrni ttee. On motion of Mr. Patterson, thwClerk was authorized and directed to expurge from the minutes any reiarrndant matter. Mr. St. John offered the following resolution and -moved its adop- tion: Iteso1ved—That the Clerk .be .authorized to enter into -contract with Hie Board of Supervisors of Monroe .County, for the mainten- ance of -prisoners sent from this county -to the Monroe County Peni- tentiary for the year beginning October 1, 1920, and ending Sept- ember 30, 1:923.. Seconded by Mr. Lounshery, Carried. Mr. St:. John, at the request. of Mr. Fish, offered: lake following' resolution- and moved its adoption: WHEREAS -0H October 21, 1919, the County of Tompkins acquired by tax sale, for the unpaid taxes of 1918, property in the Town of Ulysses assessed to "Agricultural Chemical Co." at a cost to the county of $1-7.01, and WHEREAs—This property was assessed as real estate, when it should have been assessed as personal property, because of the fact that it .consisted of a warehouse situated on grounds leased from the Lehigh Valley Railway Company, and 80 PROCEEDIriGS OF THE BOARD OP SUPERVISORS \VIiEREAS-By reason of said error of assessment,. the County of Tompkins has been put to the unnecessary expense of $17.01 and has lost the use of said sum for the period of one year, therefore be it Resolved—That the County Treasurer he, and he is hereby di- rected to charge against the Town•of Ulysses the sum of $17.01, to- gether with the .further sum of $1.02, being the interest for one year on $17.01, making the total sum of $18.03, to be so charged, and be it further Resolved—That said amount be .included in the annual budget of the Town of Ulysses. and that said amount of $18.011 be levied and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Ulysses and paid to the County Treasarer, to reimburse the county. Seconded by Mr. Albright. Ayes -12. Noes 0. Carried. \[r. Albright presented a petition of Dei\Iorrt J. Albright, for an assessment of damages for sheep killed by dogs. On rnotion of Mr. Robinson, the petition was received and referred to a eomrnittee to be appointed by the Chairman, to inquire into the merits of the petition. The Chairman appointed as such committee, Messrs. Smiley, hill and King. Mr. Robinson offered the following resolution and moved its adop- tion:- liesolved—That the Committee on Rule, Etc., be authorized to secure bids for printing 1,000 copies 'of the Proceedings of this .Board, the sante to' be apportioned among the"sever a'l towns and the city of. Ithaca, on: the same (basis as in 191-9. Seconded by Mr. Begent. Carried. The 'Clerk read the following report of the Committee on 1ligh- ways, which was 'laid on the table two days under the rules: Your Committee on highways reports that the several elairns listed below are in all respects in proper form for audit and allow- ance by this Board, thateach of the said claims in the opinion of ,your committee is a just and 'legal .charge against the ,County of Tompkins, to the amount indicated in the column headed ``Allowed" and your committee therefore recommends that each of said claims be audited at the arnount'so indicated. OF TO IPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK • 87 No. of claim Claimant Account to which chargeable Nature of expense 0 0 ]1 45 47 49 59 83 Tremae, King & Co Cayuga Press Ithaca Journal -News J. 11. Bailey Gar. Go Stover Printing Co . A.- Regent Motor trueks ... Supt. Highways Split. Highways Highway Officials Supt. :Highways Motor trucks Accessories Printing 'Printing- Auto .'rintingAuto hire Printing 'Expenses $569 46 :6569.46 1.75 1.75 0.00 0.00 45.90 45.90 8.00 8.00 2.81 2.81 $630.92$630.92 Respectfully stihlnitted, this 8th day of December, 1920. E. lloru,A ST. JOHN L. E. PA'r'r'1st oN 1\T. 0. SAT Committee. Moved by Mr. St. John, that the report of the committee be taken from_ the table and pasged at this time. • Seconded by Mr. King. I3y unanimous consent, the report was ta.l(cl1 from the table. Mr. St. John offered tiro following resolution and moved its'adop- tion: Resolvad That the report ref the Committee on Highways be ac- cepted and that the bills and accounts therein 1i,yted the audited and allowed at the amounts reeommendcd by the committee. Seconded by Mr. Wright. Ayes=i2-. Noes -0. Carried. Tile report of .Edwin S. A auKir1;, ,r justice of the Peace of the Town. of Newfield, was .received and referred to the Committee on Coroner, Justices, Etc. The Clerk read the, following report of the Committee on County Officers and Compensations, wi}u''h was laid on the table two da.Ys under the Arles: :our Committee on County 0ftice1'a and Compensations reports that the several claims listed below ;ire in all respects in proper form $S PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS for audit and allowance fly this Board, chat each of the said claims in the opinion of your committee is a just andlegal .charge against the .County of. Tompkinsi. to the amount indicated vin the column headed "Allowed," and your committee therefore recommends that each of said claims bo audited at the amount so indicated. - No. of claim Claimant ,lcconnt to which chargeable Nature of expense -Ft U i 15 Robert A. Hutchinson Probation Officer. Expenses $ 20.20 $ 29.20 65 Court Beliis County Sealer.... IDisbursements ........ 39.41 39.41 66 Court Be11is County Sealer.... l.vpen-ses 387.58 300.33 16 H. J. l3ool Co. Co. Olks..l4uilding. Repairs 2.75 2.75 :33 C. J. Ramsey & Go...Go. Clks. Building. Repairs 24.00 24.00 75 Barr Bros. Co. Co. Clks. Building. Repairs 1.00 1:00 34 C..1..Rtnsey Co... Court House Repairs 27.61 27.61 39 Davis -Brown Co..... Court (louse Repairs 3.15 3.15 114 Klttebert n Davis.... Court House Repairs 11.26 11.26 115 Jamieson -McKinney.. Court. House Repairs 6.40 6.43 17 Wallace W. Conrad.. Assessor Tax Corn. fleet. 5.92 5.92 1S D. B. Brill Assessor 'Pax Com. _Meet. 4.56 4.56 19 Samuel Lane Assessor Tax Com. Meet. 5.92 5.92 35 .E. R. Stillwell Assessor Tax Com. _Meet. 6.24 6.24. 55 Chas. II. Terpening.. Assessor 'Pax Cont. Meet. 5.28 5.28 56 C. B. Snyder Assessor Tax Coin. fleet 4.96 4.96 67 Andrew Baker Assessor Tax Coin. -Meet. 4.60 4.60 68 Archie R. Gillen Assessor Tax Com. fleet. 7.20 '1.20 69 H. B. Stevens Assessor Tax Cour. Meet. 6.88 6.88 70 W. 11. Bulkley Assessor Tax Coni. Meet. 6.72 6.72 71 IViri. E. Snow Assessor Tax Com. Meet. 6.08 6:08 104 11. C. Sheldon Assessor Tax Com. fleet.. 4.40 4.40 105 Arthur S. Miller.... Assessor Tax Com. fleet. 4.40 4.40 . 106 .-las. L. Patterson.... Assessor Tax Coin. Meet. 5.28 5.28 116 Donald S. Cutter.... Assessor Tax Com. Meet. 5.28 5.28 S8 E. S. Johnson Assessor Tax Com. Meet. 5.28 5.28 S9 T. 1i. Hopkins Assessor Tax Cont. _Meet. 5.28 5.28 90 W. J. Shaver, Jr..... Assessor Tax Cont. Meet. 4.88 4.88 91 H. Z. Thayer Assessor Tax Com. fleet. 4.96 4.96 03 Geo. A. Gardner.... Assessor Tax Ceti'. Meet. 5.28 5.28 36 T. (.._hiller Sons. . . ..Supervisors Supplies 22.60 22.60 37 C. G. -Barber Supervisors Signs 15.25 15.25 38 Barr Bros. Co. Supervisors Supplies 5.85 5.85 5411th Lica Journal -News. Supervisors Notice for claims 5.25 5.25 58 Stover Printing Co... Supervisors Printing blanks 55.75 55.75 72[UnderwootlTypewriter.Supervisors Repair typewriter "I 4.,(/0 14.00 120 Andrus Sc., COOurcli.....Supervisors Printing 14.50 14.50 92 Andrus & Church.. - - Supervisors Supplies 2.50 2.50 129 William Elyea Assessor Tax Coln. Meet. 4.48 4.48 1$77:7.94 $694.36 .(respectfully submitted this 1.0th lay of Dceeanber, 1920. TAs. R. ROBINSON R. 0. ALYRIGHT E. MoRG_1N ST. JOHN Committee. OT' TOM.PKTNS COUNTY, NEW YORK 89 i\{raved by i\I•r•. Robinson, that lire report be taken from the table and passed at, this time. Seconded (by Mr.Leonard. By unanimous consent:, the report was taken from the table. 1•ir. Robinson offered the following resolution and moved its adop- tion : IEe 5.olveal—T-hva:t the report of the Committee on County Officers and Compensation 'he aecept:ed ani 1 that the hills and accounts there - 'in listed he audited and allowed at the amounts recommended by the corn nrit.l:ee. Se.eon'de by :Nit-. Begent. Bill No. 66, of. Conrt.lellis, having heen recommended a.s allowed for ars 'airrsount less than the amount claimed, a vote -was taken ors that hill. .hived 1' llr. Robinson, that bill No. 66, of .Court l3ellis, be aud- ited by thisBoard at the sum of :{;310.00, that .being the amount recommended by the committee. .Seconded by 11Ir. Smiley. Ayes 12. Noes 0. Carried. Moved by 1GIr. Robinson, that the other bills reported by the com- mittee, be audited by this Road. at the amounts reeomurended by the committee. Seconded by yIr. Lounsbory. Ayes -1.2. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. St. John offered the following resolution and moved its adop- tion: Resolved ---That, there be and hereby is appropriated and made immediately available to the committee ]saving the ,charge of the motor trucks allotted to this county, the sum of $7,000.00, or so roach thereof as may 'he necessary, for the purchase of acid installing dump bodies on said tracks, •a-trd be it further Meso&vel -That when so id dump bodies are purchased and in- stalled to the satisfaction of: the committee, it shall certify that fact to the Clerk of the Board and direct hiss to draw an order on the Coutny .Treasurer for said amount, or so much thereof as may be 90 PROCEEDINGS Or THE BOARD OE SUPERVISORS necessary, and the County Treasurer -is hereby directed to pay such order or orders out of any unexpended highway moneys in his hands and, if he has not sufficient funds with which to pay the same, he is hereby authorized and directed to borrow said amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary; on the faith and credit of the county. Seconded by Mr. Begent. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. ll'Tr. Begent offered the following resolution and moved its adop- tion: Resolved—That the County Treasurer be directed to cancel the bond of indemnity, given by Anna il[. Suter,. to indemnify the county for-payrtrent of moneys on a lost check,• four years now having elapsed since such bond was given. Seconded by Mr. St. John. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present. The Clerk read the requisition of the Surrogate, for supplies for. his office for the ensuing year. 'On motion of Mr. Patterson, the requisition was received and re- ferred to the Committee on County Clerk and Election .Expenses, with power. Mr. Albright; Cirai► man of the Committee on Equalization, Etc., rendered the following report of that committee, relative to Ratios and Percentages, which was laid on the table one day, under the rule Your Committee On :Equalization, Ratio, Ete., would respectfully report that it has determined upon inquiry and investigation, the ratio or percentage which the assessed valne of the real property in each tax district bears to its frill value and would recommend that, based i.rpon determinations of your cornmittee, that the Board estab- 1ish such ratios or percentages which are determined, and in the opinion of your cmurntittee, are as follows: Caroline '97 Per Cent. Danby 96 Per Cent. - :Dryden 9S Per Cent. , Enfield 96 Per Cent. OP i OMPK1NS COUNTY, NEW YORK 91 Groton 99 Per Cent. Ithaea City 99 l'er Cent. Ithaca Town 99 Per Cent. Lansing 98 Per Cent. Newfield 99 Per Cent. Ulysses 94 Per Cent. AI of which is respectfully submitted. Dated, 'December 12, 1920. R. C. A.LBRIGzrr, (hairmrart .I':. S. Hud, L. E. PATTeRSON F. A. BEGENT 11. S. WRIGHT W. 0. S:4I I W.Y C. M. BUCK OLEN A. KING Committee. Mr. Begent presented the Town Budget of the Town of Groton, which �v rs rceeived and referred to the Committee on Town Ex- penses, Ltc. The report of Chas. K. Reynolds, a Justice of t]ie Pcaee of the 'Lown of Dryden, was received and .referred to the Committee on Coroner, Justices, Etc. Accounts. The Clerk read the following report of the-Conrrnittee on County Treasurer's Accounts, relative to the Mortgage Tax: : Your Committee 011 County '.t'reasurer's Accounts, to which was referred the report of the County Clerk, relative to the ] 1ortagage 'Fax, renders the following report : Town Am't pd. Ain't pd. Am't due A,u 't due Co. Clic }•:xpon5es Co. Treau Town State Caroline `f 291.56 $ 7.08 . 284.48 $ 142.24 $ 142.24 Danby 289.16 7.02 • 282.14 :1.41.07 141.07 Dryden 1,355.16 32.94 1,322.22 661.11 661.11 Enfield .1.78.00 4.32 173.68 86.84 86.84 Groton ]_,214.29 29.55 1,184.74 592.37 592.37 Ithaea Town661.98. 16.08 645.90 322.95 322.95 Ithaea City4,591.10 111.62 4,479.48 2,239.74 2,239.74 Lansing 866.24 21.06 845.1.8 422,59 422.59 92 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERtiISORS Newfield 202.37 4.93 197.44 98.72 98.72 Ulysses 396.59 9.65 .386.94 193.47 193.47 Not apportioned Ithaca --Enfield 20.00 Ithaca—Enfield 10.00 1t,hitea-1J ausing 6.50 .88 35.62 Totals :{10,082.95 $245..13 •9,837.82 $1,901.1.0 $4,901.10 I. Al. 'TOWNSEND E, S. BALL Ci€As. R. 1OUNsBElty Cotnmittee. _Mr. 'Townsend offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : 1r'eso1o((I.—That the report of the Committee on County rl'reas- zner's Accounts, relative to the Mortgage Tax, be accepted and adopted, and that the Board issue its warrant to the County Treas- urer for the distribution of the amount in his hands to the several tax districts entitled thereto. Seconded by Mr. Begent. Ayes -12. Noes 0. Carried. Mr. St. John offered the following, resolution and moved its adop- tion: lesolved—That the collectors of the several towns and the city be instructed to pay over and settle all tax indebtedness with the scv- eriil officers of the towns and city, on or before May 1, 1921., and to pay over to the Supervisors of the towns, all noney.s in their hands, and belonging to their towns, on the first day of each month. Seconded by Mr. ]Hill. Carried. Mr. Patterson offered the following resolution and moved its adop- tion: RRe:solved—That, the County Treasurer be authorized and directed to pay to the several towns of the county and the city of Ithaca, any balances in .his hands, standing to the credit of the respective towns and city. Seconded by Mr. Smiley. Carried. Mr. Hi1'1 offered the following resolution and. moved its adoption: OF 'ro L 'KiNS COUNTY, NEW YOR11 93 (Resolved 'Chat all moneys now in the hands of the County Treas- urer, either in the general or highway fund, and not appropriated for any specific purpose by this Board, be hereby reappropriated to the general fund or the highway fund. Seconded by Mr. St. John. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. Adjourned. Twentieth Day Tuesday, December 14., 1920 MORNING SESSION ,boli call. Ail members present. 141'inutes of preceding day react and approved. Mr. Win. I1.arlit.t. Smith, President, and Edwin Gillette, Treasurer, of the Societies for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children and the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, appeared before the Board and presented the annual reports of those two organizations and asked for all appropriation of *254.91 to the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children and of $169.75 to the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to /At uianals for the ensuing year. On motion of 11'Tr. Robinson, the report was accepted, with the shanks of, the Board to the officers of the societies, .for the disinter- ested efficiency shown by then, and the reports were referred to the Committee, on Correction and fteforntation. A report of the I AN:fed Indebtedness of the City of Ithaca was received and referred to the Committee on 1 uwar 1+lXpeuses, Etc. The following bids for printing 1,000 copies of; the Proeeedings of the Board for the year 1920, were opened and. read by the Clerk: The Cayuga -Press*4.45 per page. The Atkinson Press 3.30 per page. Norton .Printing Co. 3.25 per page. On motion of Mr. fling, the 'bid of the Norton Printing Co. for printing the Proceedings of the Board for the year 1.920, was ac- cepted 011(1 the Clerk was directed to enter into a contract with that company. 94 PROCEEDINGS OF TIIE BOAR.I) OF SUPERVISORS Mr. Albright called up the report of the Corninittee on Equaliz- ation, relative to Ratios, laid over fron. December 13, and moved that the report be accepted and adopted. Seconded by lir. Robinson. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. ?f!I.-Wright presented the Town Budget of the Town of Ithaca, whch was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc. • Mr. l3cgent presented 0. report of the Bonded Indebtedness of the Town of Groton, which was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc. AFTERNOON SESSION 14011 call. All members present. Arovcd by _lir. hill., that the bond of the Sheriff -elect be fixed by this Board at $].5,000.00. Seconded by lir. St. John. Carried. The Clerk read the annual report of the County Superintendent of highways, which on motion, was accepted and filed, and the fig- ures therein contained, together witli other data, relative to the num- ber of miles built under the County System, cost, etc., ordered tabu- lated and printed with the .L roceedirrgs of the Boa rd. (,See insert.) Mr. Albright, Chairman of the Committee on Footing Assessment Rolls, rendered .the following regular and supplemented report of that committee, which were lain on the table one da.v, udder the rule: REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON FOOTING- OF ASSESS- MENT RO1iL'S To the l:II.on(wablc the 1300rd of Supervisors of the County of Tomp- kins, N. Y.: Gentle/am:. Your Committee on the Footing -of Assessment Rolls reports that it has verified. and corrected the footings of. the Assess- ment Rolls referred to it, as made by the Assessors and.Supervisors (of each tax district, and that the following is a correct statement of such footings: Towns Total franchises Caroline Dan by Dryden Enlielri 1,11:0 L011 Ithaea City 1thnea Town Lansing NI.!Wiieltl 1]1yti e5 'rotow 04,747 $ 881,110 $ 8,680 $ 4,5001$ 894,290 33,286 760,960 3,885 1 764,845 58,286 2,457,474 55,725 250 2,513,440 92,207 503,224 8,023 601,247 30,725 2,253, 20 24,840 27,250 2,305,410 2,040 14,508,255 828,062 15,336,297 16;203 2,230,173 35,81.1 2,265,984 47,789] :1,734,175 13,560 1,500 1,751,235 '16,997 881,510 1.0,705 6,300 905,605 19,818 1,306,6.10 24,090 18,400 1.,439,100 293,088 $27,701,791 $1,013,471 $60,200 *28,775,462 Towns Caroline $ 874,960 $ 6,150 Danby 750,110 10,850 Dryden I 2,440,7541 16,720 1Snfie1,1 590,420 2,804 Groton 2,238,270 15,050 ltliaca City 14,389,015 119,220 Ithaca Town 2,224,388 5,785 Lansing 1,728,215 5,960 Nowfiel l 875,060 11,450 Ulysses 1,387,5735 0,075 593,053 1,122,140 417,058 129,515 166,700 $ 585,468 1,114,450 417,058 125,465 465,875 Totals 1$27,498,727 $203,0641 $2,728,471 $2,708,3:1.6 96 96 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOAES 0e. SUPER VISORS REPORT OF' I£ COMMITTEE ON FOOTING OF ASSESS- MENT ROLLS (Continued) Towns \ D+ine $ 888,140$ * * nbv 7532& D ? ai96729 1,920,3911 1,911,2611 67,6 75.78 Enfield 593,443 Groton 2„20,360 1,9§Q0 1,175,910 148,09»0 #Ra City5,217,09762,914.75 Ithaca Town 2260,2E 184%26 1,843,141 Wing /&%5a Newfield 892,23 774,09 766,690 'Ulysses 1 0,025 972a00 764,150 91,202.30 'Io%R .$28,572,398 $6,699,977 A6612j $1,069,892,73 R. C. ALBRIGHT, Chairman F. A. BEGENT L. E. PATTERSON 0. A. KING ED S. HILL W. O. SMILEY C. M. BUCK Committee. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 97 SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON FOOT- ING OF ASSESSMENT ROITLS Your Golnnritfee on Footting of Assessment Rolls respectfully re - pmts the following property within and without incorporated vil- lages: Towns 1'ilhrgE s, m 0 c$ ^F -I 0 E-1 liryden-Dryden liIlage $ 450,091 $ $ 4,050 $ 454,741 $ 3,730 'h'reeville Village, 1.{0,434 250 7,633 138,317 3,860 Inside incorporations 581,125 250 11,683 593,058 7,590 Outside Incorporations 1,876,340 41,042 1,920,391 9,130 Tutals 1$2,457,4741,$ 250 $55,7251$2,513,449 $16,720 Groton -Groton Village $1,098,940 ,$12,800 $10,400 $1,122,140 $ 7,690 Outside lucorporatioe 1,154,380 14,450 14,440 1,183,270 7,360 Totals 1$27950,3201$27,2501$24,81111$2, 305,4101$15,050 Ithaca -Cayuga Heights 'Village$ 407,3291$ $ 9,729 $ 417,058 $ Outsirie Incorporation 1,822,8441 26,082 1,848,926 5,785 Totals H 2,230,173$ $35,881 $2,265,984j$ 5,785 Ne vfielii-Newfield \Tillage I.$ 122,1951$ 6,300 $ 1,020 $ 129,513 $ 4,050 Outside Incorporation � 764,31x1 977751 774,090 7,400 '.Totals 1$ 886,5101$ 6,300 $10,795 $ 903,600$11,450 Ulysses---Trunninshurg $ 440,020$18,100 $ 8,5801$ 466,700 $ 825 Outside ilncorporal.ion 956,5001 300 15,5101; 972,400 8,250 Totals 1$1,396,6l01$18,1-00 $24,090 $1,409,100 $ 9,075 R. C. ALIBRIGIIT, Chairman W. 0. SMILEY F. A.. BEGENT O. A. KING L. E. PATTEm3oN C. M. BUCK Committee. Moved.by Mr. Albright, ;fiat the rule be suspended and that action. be taken, on the reports at this time. Seconded by Mr. Patterson. 98 PROCEEDINGS OL"BILE BOARD 01:' SUPERVISORS By unanimous consent, the reports were taken from the table. Mr. Albright offered the following resolution and moved its aclop-. tion: Resolved—That the foregoing table of figures, as reported by your Committee on Footings, .be used as a basis for taxation for the sev- eral•tax districts within the county. Seconded 'by -Mr. Lounsbery. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. The County Superintendent of Highways presented a report, showing that the following maintenance was paid to the several towns of the county during the year 1920, for highways constructed under the County System of Roads: Dryden $ 660.00 Groton 612.00 Ithaca 312.00 Ulysses 370.98 Total $1,954.98 The Clerk read claim No. 130, which on motion, was received and referred to the Committee on County Officers and Compensation. Mr. King presented a list of the Town Audits of the Town` of En- field, which was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc. Mr. King presented the 'Town Budget of the Town of Enfield, which was received and referred to the .Committee on Town Ex- penses, Ete. Adjourned. • OF TOM!J.'KINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 99 Twenty-first Day Wednesday, December 15, 1920 MORNING SESSION Roll. call. All members present., Minutes of preceding day read and approved. Mr. Begerrt presented a list of the Special 1+ rn.nchises of the Town of G-roton, which were received and referred to the Committee• on '.Town Expenses, Etc. Mr. Robinson offered the following resolution and moved its adop- tion: Resolved—That in accordance with the provisions of Section 262 of the Tax Law, as amended, the County Clerk shall be allowed and shall retain, the necessary expenses allowed him. by the State Tax Commission for the purpose of earrying into effect the mortgage tax law, and be it further Resolved—That the County Treasnrer be hereby authorized and directed to refund to the County Clerk forthwith, the sura of :225.00, the sura allowed him for expenses by the State '.Tax Com- mission for the year 1920, and paid over by him to the County Treasurer. Seconded by Mr. St. John. Carried. The report of J. Charles Wetherby, a Justice of the Peace of the Town of Enfield, .was received and referred to the . Committee on Coroner, Justices, Etc. Accounts. The Clerk read the requisition of the County Clerk for supplies for his office for the year 1921, .which on motion of Mr. Leonard was received and referred to the Committee on 'County Clerk and Elec- tion l7ixperrses, with power. IIV1r. Bid, Chairman of the .Committee on Town. Expenses, Etc., rendered. the fallowing report of that eoininittee, relative to the Special Franchises in the various towns and villages of the county, which on motion of Mr. Buck, Was received and adopted: SPECIAL FRANCHISES FOR TOMPKINS COUNTY, 1920 . •o3 gdt;a.da[e J 1r olm lI L04Sa�4� '00 auolidai0 T, a.S74u.Iarlo-o0 SaS5:i[[I •or) OU0tidalaJ anlo-q 2.rrlq,nt;run.(JCA c 0 C CI C 'oo aiq uo pine g1Ira�0I0I [7:T`0d •op 01.-ureta[[l PIA° •03 auogd0[aJ. 31.10] uoigu.zo rop Diav0i[[ lure suD UIS 11.10A :AVON •o3 auogda[oS, ur'a�CaSl- •$.] Sai[0A t[�`IT1ia-1 a;J puoalrI 1 31aox uaN put; 11. 11[al-T uo- rlr.Iodao0 uorTa0aj 1;ot:q•ij •03 auogda[o,I; n� au0gdoroi o',11;-1 Erle ul.lud 07 arrogdarUJ 2.rngauo24S - '03 auogdoioJ 'mphC' o� arrogdoloJ �gIIL'C1 '03 arrog(I0J0J Sarr.11o7 .•(I. ' I� O 0.0 0 00 0 0 0 CO 0 d Q 0 0 C 0 0 C 0 CJ O 0 1-- *0 0 0 0 0 0 1. 0 CO 0 0 0 0001–w OI– O O J; 0010 O ICI. PC I;h 0 0 0 c7 I* -r 0 C , C C7 t 0 0 0 cc, =C -I CI CI +^ 00 0 0 C.1 d+ 1 4 0 r -I 0 0 0 00 0 ti 0 ter. ,H c: 0 O OD O O O L.-- r-, Cr 0 0 Cp r G O 0 fi h1 ry I^ c•cz -SI 0 r.1 "Jr: GO c1-1 0 0 0 Y c r1 0 O I J 0 0 0 0 r0 ' rte i •0O auogdoIaJ a111nu4uSup 'on a1rogdaro,L C Saotu.0 { aui[o.lu7 .3 •,ay aoplrep 0 • rl c 00 0 c C7 0 — � • 0 '03 101:a40 0 pint: • 0IT, uual..murr;= 0 O CJ0O :7 r~ 't 00 0 l w 0 C , ^1 OF TO.MPKIN•S COUNTY, NEW YORK 101 The Clerk read tire following report of the Committee on Char- ities, which was laid on the table two days ander the ride: Your Colnnrittee on Charities reports that the following claims listed below are in all respects in proper form for audit; and allow- ance by this Board, that each of the said claims in the opinion of your committee is a just and legal charge against the County of '1'uac•pkins, to the amount indicated in the column headed " Allowed," and your eomrnit:tee therefore recommends that, each of said Claims be audited at the amount. 5o indicated: Claimant Account to which chargeable Nature of expense J O 7 4 Barr Bros. & Co.... 1 St. Mary's Homo. 2 Susq. Valley Home. 3 Susq. Valley .home. 941Susq. Valley Horne. 11.2 Susq. Valley Home. 129 \1itchel1 the Mover. . County Bome.... Repairs Dependent children Board and clothing . Dependent children Board and clothing . Dependent children Board and clothing . Dependent ehildren hoard and clothing . Depeudentchililren ,Board ;and clothing. County home.... Repairs $ 168.68 $ 168.68 83.1.39 831.39 131.43 131.43 171.43 171.43 197.14 197.14 195.00 195.00 26.18 26.18 $1,721.25 $1,721.25 Respectfully submitted this 14th day of December, 1920. ��. S. WRIGHT W. 0. S.l1ILEY E. M. ST. JonN Committee. Moved by Mr. Wright, that 1119 report he taken from the table and passed. at this time. Seconded by Mr. King. By unanimous consent the report was taken from the table. Mr. Aright offered the following resolution and moved its adop- tion: /Resolved—That the report of the Committee on Charities be ac- cepted and that the bills a(ul accounts therein listed 1.)9 audited and allowed at the amounts recommended. by the committee, and he it further Resolved—That, there be levied and collected from the taxable. property of the following towns, the several sums set opposite the 102 PROCEEDINGS OP TRE BOARD OIC SUPERVISORS names of the respective towns, to reimburse the county for expendi- tures made to the following institutions: To St. Mary's Home— Lansing $308,55 Dryden 522.84 $831.39 To Susquehmina Valley .11ome— Laiising alley.Ilome— Lalasing `};261.43 Dryden 433.57 $695.00 Seconded by Mr. Leonard. Ayes -12. Noes—O. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. Alt members ,present. Prof. Geo. W. Cavanaugh and Mrs. Emmons L. -Williams, repre- senting the Committee on .Infantile Paralysis of the Tompkins County Chapter of the American Branch of the Red Cros"s, appeared before the Board and spoke relative to the work being conducted by that organization and asked whatever assistance the Board of Super-• visors might legally give the organization to help carry on its work. On motion of Mr. St.. John, the Board proceeded to the election of a Republican Commissioner of Election for two years. The name of lair. Bert T. Baker, was placed in nomination by Mr. Rodney G. Robinson, Chairman ,of the republican County Corra- rnittee. - On motion of lir. Robinson, the Clerk was directed to east on ballot for Bert, T. Baker, .as the unanimous- choice of the Board for the Republican Commissioner of Election. The Clerk cast one ballot for Bert T. Baker, and the Chairman declaired lir. Baker duly elected as the Republican Commissioner of :Election for the term of two years, beginning January •1, 1921. Hon. George McCann, Justice of the Supreme Court, appeared before the Board and addressed it, relative to the merits of the Com- missioner of Jurors system. The Clerk read the following report, of the Committee on Charities velative to the report .of the County Superintendents of. the Poor • OF TOM PKINS COUNTY', NEW YORK 103 Your Committee on Charities ]pegs to report that it has examined the report of the County, Superintendents of the Poor, and finds it correct, and your committee recommends, the adoption of the fol- lowing resolutions: lfosolvedTliat for the maintenance of the poor having settlement in. Tompkins County, there be levied and collected from the taxable property of the several towns herein named and .the City of Ithaca, to reimburse the county for moneys expended for the maintenance of the poor of the varions towns and the City of Ithaca, during the year ending November 1.5, 1920, the following Sums, viz: Caroline $ 198.62 :luairby 274.05 .Dryden 396.17 -Enfield 150.32 Groton 540.78 Ithaca Town 000.00 -Ithaca City 2,049.23. L ansing 1.96.45 Newfield 103.93 U lysses 132.42 County 594.15 $4,636.12 and be it farther li,esolved—That there be levied and collected- from the taxable property of Tompkins County, the stun of $12,1:10.00, apportioned as follows: Town. and County Poor -to be supported at almshouse the ensuing year $5,000.00 • For Outdoor Relief and Almshouse Maintenance.-5,700.00 For Services of Overseers of Poor and 'Superintend- ents' Expenses 450.00 For Transportation 500.00 For Physician and Chaplain at, Almshouse 500.00 Total $12,150.00 H. S. WRIGHT W. O. SMILEY E. M. Si'.'lolIN Committee. 104 PROCEEDINGS OP THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Moved. 'liy Mr. Wright, that the report of the committee 'be ac- cepted and adopted and that the 'resolutions reeonnuended by the committee be adopted. Seconded by Mr. Leonard. Ayes -13. Noes -O. Carried. The Clerk read the following report of the Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses, which was laid on the table two days under the rule: Your Committee on County Clerk and :Election Expenses reports that the several claims listed below are in all respects in proper form for audit ancL allowance by this Board, that each of said claims izz the opinion of your committee, is a just and legal charge against the county of Tompkins to the amount indicated in the column headed "Allowed," and your committee would recommend that each of the said claims be audited at the amount so indicated: 0 G Claimant Account to which chargeable Nature of expense 5 0 0 20 Ithaca Journal -News. County` Clerk .... 21 Cayuga Press County Clerk ... 22 Mitchell the MoverSurrogate 23 Ithaca Journal -News. Elections 24 Ithaca. Journal -News. County Clerk 25 Ithaca Trust Co. Trustee Elections 26 J. B. Lyon Co. Surrogate 27 Ranks Law Pub. Co. County Clerk 28 Banks Law Pub. Co. Surrogate 29 IIall & McChesney.. County Clerk 32 C. G. Barber....,.... Surrogate 53 T. G. \Eider & Sons.. County- Clerk 84 Brom-low Printing Co. Assd_ lst National Bank, Albany . Elections 85 Brandotiv Printing Co. Assd. 1st National Bank, Albany Elections 86 Hall & McChesney.. Count`' Clerk 95 Norton Printing Co. Ellections 96 R. O. Osborn Elections 97 R. C. Osborn Elections 98 T. G. _Miller & Sons.. Elections 99 M. V. Atwood Elections 100 The Ithacan Elections 101 Andrus & Church.... Elections 102 Ithaca Engraving Co. Elections 103 Line -a -time Co. .... Surrogate 117 Hall & McChesney... County Clerk 121 E. P. Bouton, Agt.. County Clerk 122 :Atkinson Press • Surrogate 127 The Corner Bookstore Surrogate Jury drawing Calendars Moving safe Notices Jury drawing Kent, Commiss Law books Codes Codes Registers Lettering safe Supplies Supplies Printing Record books Printing • Supplies Supplies Supplies Notices Notices Supplies Plates Machine Record book Bond Blanks Printing $ 10.00 $ 10.00 279.50 270.50 151.75 80.00 6.00 6.00 9.00 0.00 50.00 50.00 32.00 32.00 27.50 27.50 20.00 20.00 106.00 100.00 8.00 8.00 33.55 33.55 110.75 752.44 60.48 2,589.02 30.09 92.98 30.32 241.50 301.75 12.00 14.10 14.00 58.00 45:00 14.25 22.50 110.75 752.44 60.48 2,589.92 30.09 92.98 30.32 241.50 301.75 12.00 14.1.0 14.00 58.00 45.00 14.25 22.50 I$5,123.38 $5,051.133 1 OF TOM] KINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 105 Respectfully sirbrnitted, this 1 day of December, 1920. ti\l, Q, SMILEY . F. A. REGENT 1-1. S. 1Vinclrr Committee. :Moved by :Mr. Smiley that the report he token from the Cable and Duni passed at this time. By unanimous consent, the report. was taken from the table. Smiley offered the following resolution ainl moved its adop- tion • Resolver:—That t.lrc report of the Committee on County Clerk and l:lcction Espeuscsibe accepted and tliat the bills and accounts there- in listed be audited and allowed at the amounts recommended by the 110111111 ittee. !Seconded :by Mr. Buck. Rill .No. 22, of :Mitchell the Mover, having -beet]. recommended as allowed .for an ainount less tlialt.tlie amount, claimed, a vote was taken on the bill. ii'[oved by Mr. Shiley-, that: bill Nu. 22, of Mitchel] the :Mover, be audited by this Board at the wort of $80.00, that being the amount recr11010011iled by the colntnittee. Seconded by Mr. Robinson. Ayes -13. Noes 0. Carried. Moved by Mr. Smiley, that the other bills reported: by the com- mittee, he audited by this Board at the amounts recommended by the committee. Seconded by Mr. King. Ayes—:I3. Noes -0. Carried. '1'11e Clerk read the following report of the Committee on Soldiers' Relief, Etc., tvliich was Mair:. on the table Iwo days, under the rule: Your .Committee on Soldiers' .Relief, Etc., repots that the .several claims listed below are in <111. respects in proper form for audit and allowance by this 'Board, that each of the said claims in the opinion of yolrr committee is 11just and legal charge against the county of 106 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Tompkins, to the amount indicated in the column headed "A1 - lowed," and your committee therefore recommends that each of said claims be audited at the amount so indicated : - 9 Claitnant Account to Which chargeable Nature of expense 51Rochester School for the Deaf. Deaf Mutes 6 Syracuse Institute for _!Feeble-tniudeti Chil- dren ]Feeble-minded ... 7 Craig Colony I'liilepties 119 C. F. Denman........ Insane 8 Fred. D. Gilbert Pensioner 9 lt'reit I). Gilbert - Pensioner 74 C. T, Davis Pensioner 77 .Ernest Perkins Pensioner 87 E. T. Stewart Pensioner 51 'I'. G, 1Mi11(:r & Sonskionae 52 I thar_a j ournal-Newvs. Educational 78 Free press-Sentinal.. Notices llaintenaatce $1,044.95 'Maintenance 73.33 -Mainten:ance 16.89 Examination 5.00 Burial 75.00 Burial 75.00 Burial 75.00 Burial 75.00 ]burial 75.00 Supplies .55 Pub. State Sshol7.00 Pub. State Schnt9:00 $1,044.95 73.33 - 1'6.89 5.00 75.00 75.00 75.06 75.00 75.00 .55 7.00 7.00 $1,641,72 $1,029.72 Respectfully slllnmitted this 3_atlt day of !)ecember; 1920. C. M. BUCK , CHAS. R. LOUNS]1E tY L. E. PATTEHSON Committee. Moved by Mr .Buck, that the report, be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by \tr. Albright. 13v unanimous consent the report was taken from the table. Mr. Buck offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That the report of the.Committee 00 Soldiers' Relief, Etc., he accepted and that the bills and accounts therein listed be audited and.allo wed at the amounts recommended by the committee, and 'be it further Resolved That there be 'levied and collected from the taxable property of the following -towns, the several sums set opposite the names of the respective town, to reinwburse the county for expendi- tures made to the following institutions: OIC TOM,PKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 107 Rochester School for the I_)eaf— Lansing $1,017.42 Town of Ithaca 27.63 ;1,044.96 Syracuse State Institution for Feeble-minded Children— Danby hildren—)an'by $ 20M0 City of :Ithaca 53.33 $ 73.33 Seconded try Mr. Albright. Bill No. 78, of the .Free Press-Serrtina1, having been recommended by the connate as allowed for an amount less than the amount claimed, a vote was taken on that bill]. Moved by 1'Ir. Buck, that bill No. 78, of the Free Press -Sentinel, be audited. by Chis Beard at the sum of 7.00, That being the amount recommended by the counnitl.iee. •,Seconded by "Air. ,Smiley. Ayes -13, Noes -0. Carried. Moved by 141r. Buck, that the other bills reported by the corrr- mitt:ee_be audited by this Boar•i1 at the amounts recommended by the committee,- and tlra.t the resolution relative to the claims of the Rochester Schonl for the .Deaf and the Syracuse State Institution for Feeble-minded Children, be adopted. Seconded by Mr. Begent. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. It being necessary for the rneinbers of the Board to meet as a Board of Canvassers on 1)ecernber :16t1 . on motion of Mr. Buck, the Board adjourned to Friday, 1)eecinlber• 17, at 10 A. M. Twenty-second Day Friday, December 17, 1920 MORNING SESSION I1oll cal].. All members present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. The Clerk read claims Nos. 180 to 206, inclusive, which on motion, were received and referred. to the proper conrnrit tees. 108 PROCEETATEGS OF TII7 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS On motion of 11r. Regent, the Board proceeded to the election of a :Democratic Commissiioner of Election for two years. The name of Mr. John P. Kelly, was placed in nomination by Mr. George I`u. Fitts, Chairman of the Dennocratic County Committee. On motion of \1i'. Begent, the Clerk was directed to east one ballot for John P. Kelly, as the uraani1 0115 choice of the Board for the Democratic Commissioner of Election. The Clerk east one ballot for ,.101)11 P. Kelly, and the Chairman declared Air. Kelly duly elected as the Democratic Commissioner of Elections for the terns of two years, beginning January 1, 1.921. Mr. Puck offered the following resolution and moved• its adoption : Resolved—That this Board hereby appropriate to the directors of the Child Welfare Board, the stun of $3,500.00, for the year 1921, turd he it further Resolved—That. the County Treasurer :be directed' to pay the said directors the said amount of .$3,:100.00, upon the tiling with Minta of a certified copy of this resolution. Seconded by llr. Patterson. Ayes -13. Noes—O. • Carried. • Mr. Buck offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolvea2— That there be appropriated the sum of $2,500.00 for the use of the Tompkins County Farm Bureau Association, and the sutra o[ 0,000.00 for the use of the Tompkins County Horne Bureau Asso- ciation„for the year 1921, said sums to paid to the treasurer of each association by the County :Treasurer, in four quarterly payments, on the 15th days of February, 1Iay, August. and November, upon the filing with hint of a certified copy of this resolution. Seconded by Mr. Begent. Ayes 1:3. Noes—O. Carried. The Clerk read the following report of the Connnittee on Coroner, .justices, Etc. Accounts, which was laid on the. table two days under the rule: Your Committee on Coroner. Justices, Etc. Accounts reports that the several claims listed below are in all respectsirn proper fot nr for audit sand allowance by this ,Board, that each of said claims in the opinion of your committee is a just and legal charge against the t i OF TO11Tlt'KINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 109 County of Tompkins to the amount, indicated in the col 11.11111 headed "Allowed," and ,your committee would therefore recommend that each of said Jahns be audited at the amount so indicated. 0 Claimo-3 aat Acx,ount to whirls chargeable • Nu1.ure of oxpensa U m 0 (12 :Witham Olney Constable 60 Chas. R. 1.ounsberv.. Just lee 04 City of Ithaca City Court 70 R. R. Chatterton.... Justice 76 L. B. Packer Oou.sta.hle 79 Fleury Wil1iaany .....1ns1 ice Wm. I. Logan Constable D. I.'. ferry Coroner 811 81 110 121 105 Killing dogs Killing (lo;,gs Pecs in felony Fees in felony. Fees in felony loos in felony Killin4 (logs C'oroner's .I'hvsieian Wm. A. Smith Coroner Expenses Elmer Allen .lust ice Killing flogs Otho 11.cl)uffeo Constable • Killing logs $ 41.00 12.00 82.10 14.10 6.40 4.20 0.20 1.0.00 57.90 6.00 8.00 $ 41.60 12.00 82.10 14.10 0.40 4.20 9.20 10.00 0 7.9 0 6.00 8.00 :$201.61. $00).61 Respectfully srohmaitfed this .15th day of IDecemtber, 1.920. Wm. II. LEoNAftn tier. 0. SminEir C. M. BUCK Committee. Moyes) h,y 11 -hr. Leonard, that the report. he token from the table and passed: at this time. Seconded by llr. Patterson. ]3y unanimous consent the report was taken froin the table. 111r. Leonard oftere i the lnllowi1Ig resolution and moved its adop- tion: .I{esolveri 'Pkat the report of the Committee on Coroner, Justices, 1J1.e. Aecounl:s 1 e rtccepted a.nil that. Che bills an(1 accounts therein listed 1)0 audited and allowed at the amounts recommended by the cutnntittee, and. be It farther Re.,olverl That the County Treasurer he authorized and directed to fray Claim No. 62, of William Olney, athotinting to $4.1.60, Claim No, 63, of Chas. R. Lioualsbery, auruunting to 110 1'ROCFI0I)1NGS OF TIE BOARD OP SUPERVISORS Claim No. 80, of Wm. E. Logan, amounting to $9.20, Claim No. • 124, of Eimer Allen, amounting to $6.00, and Claim No. .125, of..Otho Meal—dee, amounting to $$.00, totalling $76.80, out of the moneys in his hands in the Dog Fund. Seconded by i\1r. Townsend. Ayes -13. \acs 0. Carried. Mr. Regent, Chairman of the Conimittee on Returned Highway and School Taxes, rendered the following report of that cotntnittee, relative to the .Grand ttry List for the ensuing year : Your eonuni•tte to which was referred. the prdparation of a list of Grand -Jurors., selected by- the several -Supervisors of the towns of the, county acid the wards of the cit.v of Ithaca, having prepared such list and_ filed the shute with the Clerk of this Board, hereby recom- mends that- the lists so prepared; with tite occupations, 1jostofice addresses, etc., be adopted as the true Grand Jury list of Tompkins County for the year 1921. F. A. BEGSN r Wm. A. LEONARD OLEN A. KING Committee. Moved by i\ir, I3egeni, that the report of the committee be accepted aml. adopted. Seconded by A1Ir. GV'right. Carried. The Clerk read the following report of the Coaaunittee on County Treasu-rer's Aecouuts, which was laid on the table two days, under the rule; Your Committee, on County Treasurer's Accounts reports that the several claims -listed below are in all respects •in proper form for audit- and allowance by this Board, that each of the said claims in the opinion of your committee is a just and legal charge against the county of Tompkins to •tlie amount indicated in the column headed ",21flowed, " and your committee therefore recornauends that each of said elairns be audited at, the amount so indicated: OF TO.MiPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 111 Claimant Acx0unt to w}i ich ahargeahle Nature of expense 30 T. G. \filler & Sons 57 Andrus & Church 01 Stover Printing Co 10 J. E. VanNatta 1'33 1]. N..1ackson, Agt. County Treasurer. County Treasurer. County Treasurer. -County Trcasure.r. -County Treasurer. Supplies Supplies Printing ilPb]es Bonll $ 4.40 $ 4.411 90.75 90.75 84.1.5 34.15 1.55 1.55 300.00 100.00 $400.88 $433.88 I1:espectfullyr submitted this 17th day of 'December, 1920. J. M. TowNslt.Nn E. S. 1-lir,r, Cllns..1u. L617I�SOERY (:Ornrrlltltee. Moved by :11r. Townsend, that the. report -be takers -frons the tabic turd passed at_this time. Seconded by Mr. Leonard. lily unanimous consent the report was talc -en from the trllrlc. 11.r. -Townsend otrered. the following resolrution and.moved its adoption Resolved-11)ot t,hc report of the Corirmittee on County Treas- urer's Accounts be accepted ainl that the bills and .iceorurts therein listed .be anrlited and alloyved at, the arrnonrrts recommended by the coal to ittee. Seconded by Mr.Wright.' Ayes -18. Noes -0. Carried. The Clerk read the following report of the Committee on Coftec- ti{.rn and Reformation, tivhich eas lathit on the tafhle two days lander the rule Your -Committee on Correction and. _Reformation reports that the severai claims listed below arse in all respeets in proper .form for audit aini allowance by this Board, that each of said claims in the opinion of your committee, is 0 just and legal charge against the county of '1'unr:pkins ,to the amount indicated in the column 'headed "Allowed," and your cnrnrnittee therefore recommends that each of 'said claims be audited at the amount so indicated. 112 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Claimant 6 Account to which chargeable Nature of expense y L? 0 0 13 .Ithaca Journal -News. District Attorney. 12 Edward J. Moore... Sup. Ct. Crim. 1.4 Monroe• Co. Penit''y. Penal Inst. 40 3. H. Bailey Garage. Sheriff 41 ,11. hi. Bailey Garage. Sheriff 42 Davis -Brown Co. .... County .Tail 42 T. G. _Miller & Sons.. County jail 44 T. G. Miller & Sons.. District Attorney 60 Stover Printing Co...District. Attorney 107 Arthur 0. Adams... District, :Attorney 109 frank C. Edminster. DisLricl, Attorney- 118 C. F. Denman County Jail ] 08 D. 1'. Williamson.... District 'Attorney 111 Jamieson -McKinney . ,Comity 110 Chas Green ,'Sheriff 82 Chas. Green ;Sheriff' 126 Corner Bookstores... t)istriel Attorney Printing Expert ' Board prisoners Auto 'hire Auto hire Elec. repairs Towels Supplies Supplies Disbursements Expert Physician Codes Repairs .... .. Exp. in County ... Exp. out County Lan blanks 12.00 $ 5.00 232.10 140.58 325.32 2.90 20.00 22.30 12.00 82.39 10.00 132.00 12.00 54.20 199.00 392.16 .30 12.00 5.00 282.10 140.58 225.83 3.90 20.00 22.30 12.00 82.59 10.00 152.00 12.00 54.20 199.00 392.16 .50 $1,726.16 $1,726.16 Respectfully submitted this 17th day of J)ecenlber, 1920. OLEN A. KING C. M, BUCK E. lI. Si'. JOAN Cominitt.ee. Moved by _llr. Bing, that the report be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr. Smiley. 13y unanimous consent the report was taken from the table. i\tr. King offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved That the report, of the Committee on Correction and Reformation be accepted and that tltc bills and accounts therein listed be audited and allowed at the amounts recommended by the cotnrnittec. Seconded by Mr. Robinson. Ayes -13. Noes 0. Carried. The Clerk read the following report of the Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses, whiclt was Mid on the table two days, under the rule: CI!' TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 113 Your (:.orrarrrittee on County Clerk and Election Expenses reports that the several claims listed below are in all respects in proper form for audit and allowance by this Board, that each of said claims in the opinion of your committee is a just and legal charge against the county of Tompkins to the amount indicated in the column headed "Allowed," and your caurainittee therefore recommends that each of - said claims he audited. at the amount so indicated. o o CIaimant Account to which chargeable Nature of expense Claimed o = Q .130 131 132 133 134. .135 1:113 137 138 1:39 110 141 142 143 Chas. R. Lonnsbery..Elections W. 0. Smiley Fld. S. Hill Olen A. Jing P. A. Regent , 11. S. Wright Wm. H. Leonard.....Elmections L. K. Patterson E. Morgan St. John Jas. 1CRobinson Wilber G. Fish C. M. Book R. C. Albright .7. M. Townsend Elections Elections Elections b3oetions lElentions 1 Eicotions.Canvass facetious Paeetians Elections Elections Elections Elections Canvass Canvass Canvass Caovass Canvass Canvass Canvass Canvass 1Can.vuu,, s -Canvass Canvass Canvass Canvass $ 13.28 25.12 26.24 25.44 26.72 24.32 24:00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24:00 25.44 25.'12 25,92 $ 13.28 25.12 26.24 25.44 26.72 24.32 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 25.44 25.12 25.!)2 $337.60]$337.60 Respectfully subitted this 17th day of December, 1920. W. O. SMILEY 11. S. WRIGHT 1?. A. BEGENT Com'ml ttee. Moved 'by Mr. Smiley, that the report be taken from the table and passed at this time. Sceouded'by Mr. Townsend. Ry unanimous consent the report was taken from the table. Mr. Smiley ofci.•eil the following resolution and moved its adop- tion : Rosa?) That the report of the Committee on County Clerk and :Election 1)xpenses be accepted and that the bilis and accounts therein listed be audited and al•lbwed at the amounts recommended by the eorn'mittee. 114 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Seconded•'by Mr. Hill. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. Moved by Mr. Robinson, that wliert this Board adjourns to -day, it be to Thursday, rDecentiber 23, at 10:30 A. 13..1., and that when it ad- journs on December 23, it he to Monday, January 1.7, 1921, at 10:30 A. M., for the purpose of Signing the tax warrants. Seconded by Mr. Be;ent. Carried. Mr. King offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved That there be levied and collected from the taxable property of Tompkins County, the stun of $2:4.91, to be paid the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, and the sum of $169.75, to be paid to the Society for t.lie Prevention of Cruelty to Animals; for the year 1921. Seconded by Mr. Albright. Ayes 113. Noes -0. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. .A11 members present. Mr. St. John offered the following resolution, which was laid on the table one day, under the rules: Resolved—That Rule 1.2, of this board be amended to include the following: "Also all legislative matters effecting the county, either of general or local applicatiion.• ft shall keep itself and the Board informed as to the proposed legislation so effecting the county, and, in the absence of. -specific action by the Board, shall take such initiative and action pertaining thereto, as it deems wise and necessary to safeguard or further the interests of the county." Seconded by Mr. Patterson. Moved by 1[r. St. John, that the rule be suspended and that the resolution be taken from the ta.ble and actecl upon at this time. By unanimous consent the resolution was taken from the table. 1[oved by Mr. St. John that the resolution be adopted. OP TOMPKIN.S COUNTY, NEW YORK Seconded by 1fr. Begent. Ayes -13. Noes. -0. Carried. 115 Mr. Regent offered the following resolution and moved its adop- tion : Re,sol e,d-That there be hereby appropriated the sum of $44,500.00, for t;}re cost of improvement of. State and County High- ways, during the year 1921, said amount being the county's share of the cost of completion of the Cortland -Groton IIighway No. 1433, and the BrooktonCaroline Ilighway No. 1431. Seconded by Mr. Lounsbery. Ayes -13. Nocs-O. Carried. The. Clerk. read the.followiog report of the Committee on County Officers and Compensations, which teas laid on the table two days under the rule: Your Committee on. County Officers and Compensations reports that the several claims listed below are in ail respects in proper form for audit and allow<tnee by this Board, tlrtit each of the said claims in the Opinion of vonr committee is a just and legal charge against the county of Tompkins to the amount indicated in the column Treaded "Allowed," and your committee therefore recommends that each of said claims be audited at the amount so indicated. Claimant 0 Account to which chargeable Nature of expense ro 0 0 E •� o di 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 Chas. R. LounsberySupervisor Chas. R... LounsberySupervisor (Jias. E. LounsberySupervisor IN. 0, Smiley Supervisor W. 0. Smiley So.pevvisor W. 0. Smiley' I•Supervisar W. 0. Smiley.... Supervisor Ed S. Hill Supervisor Ed S. Hill Supervisor l' Sl S. Hill Supervisor Ed S. Hill Supervisor 0]en A. King Olen A. King Olen A..Kiny Olen A. King Oleo A. King Olen A, King Su,porvisor Supervisor Supervisor r Supervisor Supervisor Supervisor • Committee work $ 13.28 $ 13.28 Annual Session 139.28 133.28 Extending tax 15.00 15.00 .Committee work 24.00 2.5.00 Quart. & Spec. Sess. 56.96 56.96 Annual Session 170.24 170.24 Extending tax 20.40 20.40 Committee work 67.90 67.90 Quart. & Spec. Sess65.92 65.92 Annual Session 140.24 140.24 Extending tax 26,18 26.1.8 Committee work 72.00 72.00 Committee work 104.00 104.00 Cornniihtee work . •58.50 38.50 Quart. & Spec. Sess59.92 59.92 Annual Session 170.88 170.88 Extedning tax 18.76 18.76 116 PROCEEll1NGS OF 'TIE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 0 0 O f Claimant Account to which chargeable Nature of expense 161 E. A. Regent . Sulrervisor 14(2 F. A. Regent Supervisor 16;3 F. A. l3egent Supervisor 1(34 F. A. Regent Supervisor , 165 E. A. Regent Supervisor -166 F. A. Begont Supervisor 1671E. A. Regent Supervisor . 168 ET. S. Wright Supervisor . 169 IT. S. Wright Supervisor 170 IT. S. Wright Supervisor . 171 H. S. Wright Supervisor 172 11. S. Wright Supervisor , 17:1 Wm. IT. LeonardSupervisor . 17.4 Win. H. LeonardSupervisor . 175 L. E. Patterson Supervisor . 17(3 L. E. Patterson Supervisor 177 L. E. Patterson Supervisor . 178 E. Morgan St. JohnSupervisor . 179[E. Morgan St. JohnSupervisor . 180 E, Morgan St. JohnSupervisor 181 1':. Morgan St. John.. Supervisor 182 ;las. R. Robinson.... Supervisor 181 Tas, R. Robinson.... Supervisor , 184.Tits. 11. Robinson... , Supervisor 185 Jas. R. Robinson.... Supervisor . 186 .Tas. R. Robinson.... Supervisor . 1S7 :Jas. R. Robinson.... Supervisor . 188 Wilber (1. 'Fish Sulrervisor . 1811 Wilber G. Fish • Supervisor . 190 Wilber G. fishSupervisor . 101 Wilber 0. Fish Supervisor . 192 Wilber G. Fish - Supervisor . 193 C. M. Buck Supervisor 1114 0. M. Ruck Supervisor . 1115 C. M. Buck Supervisor 106 C. M. Buck Supervisor . 197 C. M. Buck Supervisor . 198 R. C. Albright Supervisor . 199 R. 0. Albright Supervisor . 21141 R. C. Alh'right Supervisor . 2111 R. C. Albright Supervisor . 202 J. M. Townsend Supervisor . 201 .1. M. Townsend Supervisor . 204 J. M. Townsend Supervisor . 205 T. M. Townsend e uporvisor . 206 J. M. Townsend Supervisor . Com ani.t'ue work Committee work . Committee work Quarterly Sessions Special Sessions Annual Session I'xteieling tax 24.00 38.00 57.24 :14.55 14.SS .1.55.72 44.75 Committee work .... 26.20 Quarterly Sessions .. 25.88 Special Sei sion5 .... 25.88 Annual Session .... 156.32 Extending, tax Quart. & Spa;. Sess. Annual Session Committee work 22.20 48.0(1 168.00 222.110 Quart. & Spec. Sess. 42.00 Anntta l Session .... 168.00 Committee work. .... 335.00 Committee work .. 84.00 Quart. & Sper;. Sess.. '45.00 Annual Session .... 156.00 Committee work .... 84.00 Committee work .... 30.00 Quarterly Sessions .. 24.00 Special Sessions 21.00 Animal Session .... 168.00 bxtetuling tax ;3S.SI6 Committee work 241.26 Quarterly Sessions 24.00 Special Sessions 24.00 Annual Session .15(1.00 Extending 1• • 28.56 Conlfniltee work .... Qmtrte;rly Sessions .. Speei,ll Sessions .... 104.00 29.76 29.76 Annual Session .... :157.44 Extending tax 21.50 Committee work 95.89 Quart. & Spee. Sess. 5(3.06 Annie!! Session 157.12 Extending tux .17.39 Committee work 11.68 Quarterly Sessions ' :11.68 Special Sessions 11.68 Annual Session 151.92 Extending tax 25.S2 24.00 :.18.00 57.24 :14.55 14.SS 158.72 44.75 2(1.20 25.SS 25.58 156.:12 22.20 48.110 168.00 222.00 42.00 .168.0(1 135.00 84.00 48.00 156.00 84.011 ::0.00 24.00 24.00 1115.00 28.36 24.1.'_ 6 24.00 24.00 156.00 25.86 10.4.00 29.76 20,76 157.44 21.50 95.50 56.96 157.12 .17.34 :41.68 :11.68 :11.(18 151.9" 25.S2 $4.697.74 $4,697.74 Respectfully submitted this 117th day of December, 1920. MTAs. R. 1 oI1E:.soN E. Molal AN ST. 3OIIN R. C. t1LBRIGHT Committee. O} TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 117 Moved by Mr. Robinson, that the report be taken from the table and passed at this time. ,Seconded ,by Mr. Buck. .By unanimous consent the report, was taken from the table. Mr. Robinson offered the following resolution and moved its adop- tion: 1lesolva(i-That T-Ite r•epeit or the Committee on' County. Officers and Compensations be accepted and 1;liat the bills and accounts therein lister,[ Ibe iru+lited and allowed: at the amounts recommended by the committee. -Secorrdcil try Mr. Tiounshery. Ayes -1.3. Noes—O. Carried.. 19r. Smiley offered the following resolution and proved its adop- tion : 1?rsolva(l That there be appropriated. the sum. of $800.00, as and for 0 partial payment, for the Printed I'rocecilings of the Board_ for 1920, the order therefor to be drawn by the Clerk of the Board upon the County Treasurer, upon the delivery to and acceptance by said Clerk of said Proceedings. Seconded. by Mr. Albright. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. St. Toho offered the following resolution and rnoved its adop- tion: Resolved That A. B. 011z be employed to care for and look after the necessary repairs in the Supervisors' .Rooms, and in the offices of the County Treasurer and. Superintendent of. I1ighways, and that lie Sae paid a salary of $x20.00 per rnonl;h for performing such services. Seconded by Mr. fjonns'bery. Ayes --13. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Albright, Chairman of the Committee on Equalization, ren- dered the folio ging reports of that committee for General Tax Levy and Tax Levy for Highway Purposes, wlrielh were received and laid 0n the table two days aider the rule: 118 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUF'ERYISORIS REPORT NO. 1. OF EQIIA.LIZA.T.ION COII'MI'I'TFI] :FOR AP- PORTIONMENT OF GENERAL TAX LEVY:- FOR EVY'h'OR TILE YEAR 1920 To the Honorable the I3oard of. Supervisors of the County of. Tomp- kins, N. Y.: Towns •CV 1 .'n O C 5 ,,^„a ❑ o n A la _om V Special Franchise r• -•P 14 cn r o o Per Cent of Assessed to true Value o Caroline Danby Dryden En -field Groton238,27024,840 Ttliuca Gity Ithaea Town Lansing Newfield Ulysses $ 874,960 $ 8,68) 750.110 14,55: 2,440,7754 55,725 590,420 8,023 14,35!1,015 828,062 2224,388 35,811 1,723,215 13,560 875,060 10,795 1,11187,535' 24,090 $ SS:1,6ID . .97 7:114,995 ,96 2.196,470 .98 595,443 .96 2,263,110 .99 15,217,077. • .99 2,260,19!) .90 1,743,775 93 SS5,S35 .99 1,41.1,625 .94 $ 910,969 785,411 2,547,427 623,378 "- 285,069 15,370,784 2,283,029 1,777,321 894,803 1,501,728 Tola6 $27,498,727 81,0.13,47.1 $28,512,198 . $28,980,819 • V o Assessed value increased Assessed value diminished Total Equalized Real andl Franchises exclti i. vo of Pensions markedExempt with Personal added Towns 'r M 0 C c Caroline $ 896,2118 $ 12,558 $ $ 4,500 $ 900[733 Danby 772,710 15,715 772,710 Dryden 2,506,235 9,756 250 2,506,485 Enfield 613,297 14,854 613,297 Groton 2,249,004 ' 14,106 27,250 2.276,254 Ithaca City 15,122,242 04,835 15,122,242 Ithaca Town 2,246.112 14,087 2,246,112 Lansing 1,748,581 6,806 3.500 1,752,081 Newfield I 880,334 5,521 6,300 SSG,654 Ulysses • .1,477,445 65,320 18,400 1.495,845 Totals $28,512,1981$128,5491$128,5491$60,2001$23,572, OJ TOIIPKINS COUNTY, NEW YO.IfIC 119 Your Commit tee on Equalization reports that they .have examined the assessment rolls of the several tax districts in the County of Tompkins, for the ,purpose of ascertaining whether ithe valuation in one tax district bears a just relation to the valuation in all the tax districts in tire.county; that in. the opinion of the members of the committee such valuations do not bear such just relations to the val- uations in all the tax districts of the county, and your committee would recommend that the valuations of the several tax districts, in order that they gray bear such just relations, be increased or diminished according to the following statements so as to make the aggregate equalized valuations as indicated in the tabular statement above. And your committee would also report that they have determined upon proper inquiry and investigation the ratio or percentage which t'lte assessed value of the real property in each such tax district bears to its full value and would recommend that, based upon such determ- ination of your committee that the board establish such ratios or percentages which are determined and in the opinion of your com- mittee are as follows: Caroline 97 Per Cent .Danby 96 Per Cent Dryden 98 Per Cent Enfield .96 Per Cent Groton 99 Per Cent Ithaca City .99 Per Cent Ithaca Town 99 Per Cent Lansing 98 Per Cent Newfield 99 Per Cent Ulysses '94 Per Cent That your eornrnittee have, in accord with such percentage com- piled, and that the foregoing tables shows the aggregate valuations of each tax district, as determined from the actual values of prop- erty fixed according to the above ratios or percentages and the aver= age rate of assessment of real property in the county which your committee have detrin.ined. according to the rules ]aid flown by Stat- ute, to be .98383 and that the table shows by such valuations the several and aggregate valuations upon which the taxes for the - county, including the state taxes, should the apportioned between the several tax districts of the county. All of which is respectfully submitted. R. C. ALniva rT, Chairman F. A. BEGENT L. E. PATTERSON O. A. KING E1) S. II.ILL W. O. SMILEY C. M. Bucx Committee. 120 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF STUPERVISORS RIIPORT NO. 2 OF :f,QtJAI11%AT:ION COMMIT 1'I]:E FOR AP- POR"1`ION`•iENT 01,E HIGHWAY TAX IiEVY • 1'OR THE YEAR 1920 To the Honorable the Board of Supervisors of. the County of Tomp- kins, N. Y.: (Continued on page 121) C e. o , '-, w to Total Real, .inelusivo of N'ranchises and Pensions marked ."Exempt Exempt„ Percentage of assessed value to true value True Valuo w e. o - Special Franoldso c,— Towns •m . oi 7ti c5 c .7, C Caroline $ 881,110 $ 8,680 $ 889,790 .97 $ 917,309 $ 902,470 Danby 760,960 3,885 764,845 .90 796,7123 783,830 1)ryi1en 2,457,474 55,725 2,513,199 .518 2,564,488 2,523,020 'Enfiell 593,224 • 8,023 601,247 .96 626,298 016,170 Groton 2,253,320 24,840 2,278,160 .99 2,301,171 2,211:1,961 Ithaca City 14,505,2135 S28,002 15,336,297 .99 15,491,209 15,240,726 Ithaca Town 2,230,173 35,811 2,265,98.4 .99 2,288,S72 2,251.,860 Lansing .... ' 1,734,175 13,560 1,74.7,735 48 I,78:1,403 1,754,565 New•4iel<1880,510 10,795 897,305 1)1) 900,368 891,712 T3lys,es I 1,.396,610 24,090 1,420,700 .94 1,511,382 1,486,942 Totals 1$27,701,79.1 $1,013,4711$28,715,2621 $29,187,2.13 $28,715,262 (Continued on page 121) OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 121 Average rate .98385. R. C. AL1r1L1uHT, Chairman L. E. P ATTER.SON F. A. BEGENT 0. A. KING El) S. HILL W. 0. SmILEy C. M. BUCK Committee. Moved] by Mr. Albright, that the rule be suspended and that the report of the committee be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr. Wright. By unanimous consent, the reports were taken from the table. Mr. A.lbrigrt offered the following resolution and rnr)ved its adop- tion: liesoived—That report No. 1, of the Committee on Equalization, be accepted and adopted and the valuations of the real property for the purposes of the general tax levy, except for highway purposes, against the several tax districts of the county, be equalized and de- termined as therein set forth as .the basis Of the apportionment of Such taxes for the ensuing year. V C': C, C7 p Assessed value diminished Pension Exempt Total Equalized Real and Franchises inclusive of Pensions marked Exempt with Personal added Towns b o 74 r.r', p 71 Cf, til Carori0e $ 12,686 $ 8 6,150 $ 4,500 $ 906,976 Dailby 18,985 10,850 783,830 .Dry den 9,821 16,720 250 2,523,270 Enfield 1-1,923 2,894 616,170 Groton .14,199 15,050 27,250 2,291,211 Ithaca City 95,571 119,220 15,240,726 1t1i,ica Town - 14,124 5,785 2,251,860 .l..innsing .6,820 5,060 3,5001 1,758,065 Newlield 5,593 11..1.50 6,300 898,012 Ulysses (1(1,242 9,075 18,400 1,505,342 Totals If129,1371$.1.29,4871$203,0641$00,200 $28,775,062 Average rate .98385. R. C. AL1r1L1uHT, Chairman L. E. P ATTER.SON F. A. BEGENT 0. A. KING El) S. HILL W. 0. SmILEy C. M. BUCK Committee. Moved] by Mr. Albright, that the rule be suspended and that the report of the committee be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr. Wright. By unanimous consent, the reports were taken from the table. Mr. A.lbrigrt offered the following resolution and rnr)ved its adop- tion: liesoived—That report No. 1, of the Committee on Equalization, be accepted and adopted and the valuations of the real property for the purposes of the general tax levy, except for highway purposes, against the several tax districts of the county, be equalized and de- termined as therein set forth as .the basis Of the apportionment of Such taxes for the ensuing year. 122 PROCEEDINGS OF TIIE BOARD OF STIPERVISORS Seconded by Mr. Buck. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. _Albright offered the following resolution and moved its adop- tion: Resolved That report No. 2, of the Committee on Equalization for L-lighway Purposes be accepted and adopted and the valuation of the realproperty for the purposes of -highway levy against the several lax districts of the county he equalized and determined as therein set forth as the basis of the apportionmeut.of such taxes for the ensuing year. Seconded by Mr. a Lill. Ayes -1.3. Noes -0. Carried. The Clerk read. the following report o3'. the Committee on Finance, ‘vltich was laid on the table two days under the rule: Your Committee on Finance respectfully reports, that in its opin- ion the following appropriations will be necessary to meet the ex- penditures of this county for the ensuing fiscal year: AP1'no1'RZIATIONs .F'ROMI THE GENERAL FUND Contributions: State Tax—Uetreral Purposes Stenographers, Ete. Armory $89,559.62 3,484.30 8,370.55 $10.1,414.47 hp; Expenses, Advances and Refunds: Due .Dryden .from County $ 31.60 Refund to County Clerk on Mortgage Tax Expenses 225.00 Tax Commissioners Meetings 113.88 $ 370.48 Legislative: Supervisors --Compensation $ 4,797.74 Expenses 116.20 Clerk, Salary and Postage1,550.00 Printed Procecdino , Board 800.00 janitor 240.00 $ 7,503.94 OF TOM K]NS COUNTY, NEW YORK 123 Administrative 0 ffirers: Commissioners of Election—Salary $ 1,200.00 Postage, arreidental Expenses, Jute700.00 .county Gan vass 337.60 Election ]expenses 4,181.85 Rent 50.00 Selective Draft Account: Home Defense Committee $ .55 $ 6,469.45 .55 County Treasurer: 'Salary and Postage $ 1,075.00 Clerk Hire 300.00 Bond 425.00 Expenses 133.88 $ 1,933.88 Adi) istra5ve Buildings: -Court House-111-airrtcnrince $ 72.27 In s u ranee, 248.00 County Clerk's Builiaiug—Iiaintenaace25.00 l.nsuranec 57.75 Janitor 200.00 $ 603.02 Contract Supplies: Heat and Light $ 2,00.00 Telephones 500.00 (Payable in Advance of Audit) $ 2,500.00 Judicial: County Judge—Salary $ 3,500.00 .Special Co. Judge and Surrogate—Salary 600.0{) Assistants 2,100.00 Expenses 335.50 $ 6,535.50 Civd .Courts: Supreme Court $ 500.00 $ 500.00 Regulative O cors: Sealer of Weighs and Measures—Salary.$ 500.00 Expenses 300.00 Disbursements 39.41 $ 839.41 .124 PROCEEDINGS OP -THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Ragurlutive Assocwlioris: Society Prevention Cruelty to Children..$ 254.91 Society Prevention Cruelty to Animals.. .169.75 $ 424.66 Prolective: County Clerk as Register—Salary $ 2,600.00 :Deputy County Ulrrk—Salary 1.,200.00 Assistants 3,500.00 Postage 225.00 Expenses • 620.03 Educational: :Educational Notices $ - 14.00 Iarm Bu reau 2.500.00 Monne BII 3,000.00 Deaf. flutes 1,044.95 Feeble Minded Children 73.33 Corrcclive UJJir;ers: District Attorney ---Salary * .1,600.00 Expenses 155.39 Slrerilt—Salary $ 2,400.00 :Expenses 1,058.32 Officers and Quarters 78.10 Under Sheriff ----Salary 400.00 Deputy Sheriff` and '1'aarnkey- - Salary 900.00 jail Matron—Salary 100.00 Insurance on Jail 99.00 Coroner—Salary $ 200.00 Expenses 67.96 justice and Constable F ees, Felony Cases$ :1.83.65 Probation Officer—Salary $ 1,200.00 Expenses 29.20 Crimirrul Courts: Supreme Court—Crtnn1 Jury Expenses..$ 1,000.00 $ 8,145.03 $ 6,632.28 $ 1,756.39 $ 5,035.42 $ 267.96 $. 183.65 $ 1,229.20 $ 1,000.00 OF TOM;['KIN•S COUNTY, NEW YOR.J( 125 Punish -tient: Jail Maintenance $ 400.00 Jail Inmates 152.00 Monroe County Penitentiary.... 282.10 Appropriation to General Fund $ 834.10 $ 7,500.00 Total_ 'Appropriations $161,679.39 Less: 1 tier a,ted Receipts Applicable to the Gen- era! Fund, viz: Levy an 'Porus for State Tax $10.1.,414.47 Levy on Towns for Election Exp3,204.98 Levy on Towns to R.eirnhnrse County for Deaf Mutes and i?'eehlc Minded .1,118.28 County Clerk's Fees 7,870.14 Surrogate' Clerk Fees 1.73.38 $113,781.25 Net Amount Ileouirod For General 6'und Appropr,io-il.ion $ 47,898.14 AP1 001.1112+iron- rx0Ai -rnr; Poore Charitable, Im.provirleni Poor: Superintenrlents of the Poor—Salary$ 1,500.00 Almshouse Inmates 5,000.00 Outdoor .Rel i ei' 5,700.00 Expenses of Superint.n<lent.s e 450.00 Transportation 500.00 ,Physician and Chaplain 500.00 il'3:linterrance of Buildings 1.4.86 Insurance 156.74 Charitable, Tuberculosis: Tuberculosis hospitalntena nee $1.3,000.00 Now Building_ 600.00 New Engine 250.00 Insurance 03.25 ;Ylcar/at Drscascs: Epileptics $ 1.12.94 $ :1.4,001.60 $ 13,913.25 $ 112.94 126 PROCEEDINGS 01 TIIE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Dependent Children: Child WVelfare Board $ 3,500.00 St,. Mary's Home 831.39 Susriuehanna Valley Home 695.00 $ 5,026.39 Soldiers, AS'ailos and Marines: Burials and Headstones $ 1,500.00 $ 1,500.00 Total Appropriations for Poor Fund $ 34,554.18 Less.• Estimated Receipts Applicable to the Poor Fund, viz,: Support of Town Por in Almshouse $ 4,041..97 Levy on 'Towns to Reinihurse County .for Dependent Children 1,526.39 $ 5,568.36 Net. Amount Required for Poor Fund A.ppropria.t.ion $ 28,985.82 A_E'E'!LO1'Ii►ATIONS 11'uO\t THE 11I0EIwAI .J'oND Maintenance of Highways: Superintendent of Highways—Salary ...$ 2,200.00 .Expenses 1,000.00 Audits .. 351.1.1. Construction: State and County Ilighw'ays $44,500..00 Sinking Fund 2,062.77 Interest 4.125.57 $ 3,551.11 $ 50,688.34 County System of ]roads: Appropriation under §320-.A $32,730.00 Maintenance under §320-A 3,428.00 Expenses 45.00. $ 36,203.90 Motor Trucks: -.Repairs $ 3,843.73 Dunip Bodies 7.000.00 Insurance 300.00 $ 11,1.43.73 OF TOMPR1NS COUNTY, NEW YORK 127 County Highway Indebtedness: County highway Bonds—Principal $11,000.00 Interest 3,580,00 $ 14,580.00 Total Appropriation for .11iglrway Fund $116,167.08 Your committee recommends that there he assessed, levied and collected. from the taxable property of Tompkins County, liable therefor, the following sums for the following purposes: For the General Fund $47,898.14 For the Poor Fund 28,985,82 $ 76,883.96 For the highway Fund 11.6,167.08 Total Tax Levy for County, Exclusive of: State Tax $1.93,051.04 Your committee further reports, that the .foregoing appropriations will. be necessary to meet the expenditures for the next ensuing fiscal year in payment of 1.. Contributions pursuant to Chapters 680 lrnd 682, Laws of 1920, also for expenses of. the Fourth Brigade District, the Sixth Judicial Department, or by law or act of this Board. 2. 'Salaries of officers and employees heretofore authorized by this Board. 3. Cairns audited and allowed by this Board. 4. 'Claims to lye audited at special or quarterly sessions of this Board, claiuns 1:o be audited by the Superintendents of the Poor, duly authorized certificates and other expenses to he paid prior to the next ensuing tax levy. 5. Amounts to .become clue Under contract. 6. The amount to be paid for sinking fund and interest 00 state highway bonds. 7. County indebtedness and interest thereon. 8. Appropriations by this Board for other specific pnrposea, and estimated. amounts .required for nnforseen contingencies. Your committee further. reports that from the reports of the County Treasurer, the reecip1s from the previous year and other information available, it; estimates that the amounts indicated will be available from the various sconrees specified, to the expenditures 128 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS for the above purposes and such amounts are deducted from the esti- mated 81800nta required in fixing the amounts to ibe raised by tax levy. Respectfully submitted this 1.7t11 day of December, 1.920. JAS. R. ROIIINSON En S. I ILL, L. E. PATTERSON Conus 1 btee. Moved by Mr. Robinson, that the report of the Committee on 1i'inanee'he taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by i'Ir. St. John. By unanimous consent the report Was taken from the table. Mr. offered the following resolution and moved its adop- tion I-c..oiverl 'float the report of the Committee on ]+'irr:rnee 1,e ac- cepted 81111 the several amounts therein specified be and hereby are appropr'iat 8! from the funds indicated, to and for the purposes enrnneraterl, and be it further Res(Wverlr--'Pilaf all more} -s received by the Couitty•Treasnl'er, the disposition of which is not specifically provided for by law or act of this Board, fie credited by hint to the general, poor or highway 'fund, in accord with the nature of such receipt, and be it further /fesoteer] 'I'hat in arse of a deficiency in any appropriation, the County Treasurer is hereby authorized:and directed to transfer from the general fond, poor fnnd or highway fund, to such appropriation, any unexpended 'balance standing to the credit of the general funis, poor fund or highway fund, respectively, for the purpose of meeting ;ur,ypayment orderers by this Board or required Ory law, which amounts are hereby appropriated for such purposes, and be it further h'CsOiV,(ll'1'hat there 'he assessed upon, levied against and col- lected from the taxable property of Tompkins County, taxable there- for, For State Fund, the sura of $101,41.4.47 For General and ?oor Fund, the SUM_ Of $ 76,88$.96 For highway Fund, the sum of $1.1.6,1.67.08 Seconded by Mr. 13egcnt. OF TOMI KINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 129 Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. -Mr. Patterson presented a report showing that the City Tax Rate for the City ofIthacawas $14.40 on each $1,000.00 of valuation and the School. Tax Rate for - the City of Ithaca was $12.00 on each $1,000.00 of valuation: Adjourned to 'Thursday, December 23, at 10 :30 A. 11'L. Roll call. Twenty-third Day Thursday, Decmber 23, 1920 • MORNING SESSION All members present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. Mr. Robinson offered the following resolution and rnoved its adop- tion: Resoloeil•That the -Clerk be directed to draw an order on the Cntnty 'Treasurer, payable to P. W. Wood & Son, for $322.09, the amount of premiums on insurance policy covering the motor trucks, and the County Treasurer is -hereby directed to pay the same out of -moneys hereby appropriated for that purpose. Seconded_ by Mr. Patterson, Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Robinson offered the following resolution and moved its. adop- tion : Resolved—Mat there the apps Election, the sum of $300.00, in 'appr'opriated; for clerk hire for selected by the said commissioner thereof. •opriated to the Commissioners of addition to the '$300.00 heretofore the ensuing year, said. clerk to be s and not by an individual member Seconded by Mr. St. John. Ayes -10. Noes -3. Carried. Mr. Robinson offered the -following resolution and moved its adop- tion: 130 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Resolved --That the Committee on County Officers and Compensa- tions be authorized and empowered to select and procure suitable quarters, for the •Commissioners of Election. -Seconded by 1'Ir. St. John. Moved by Mr. Begent as an amendment, "that said quarters shall not be at a greater rental than that now paid." Amendment seconded by Mr. Wright. A vote being taken on the amendment resulted. as follows: Ayes -9. Noes -3. Amendment carried. A vote being 'taken on the original resolution as amended, was carried. The Clerk read the following report: of the Committee on Appor- tionment, relative to the apportionment of taxes to he raised by the various towns and the city of the county, which was laid on the table two days under the rule: • XI;y ,iT;.tLIi Iii Al [mop 'o N.41 W C,t In op Nti 1- .-110t.-1+C0ML-me30 -4 7t1 CP t- 9 t. 91-- 6 t� 9c.Q00004 olooCAo ..,j o ci C 2i aj !� no to r o 8 rt) 0 I--: 9 co r 63804 and Ct;,u [OH 1flOp 0U .13 anh1 pazp nbj 99 OO r COO 1;7,, IN :-.."A 1 m i- 1- r N 9 C.,^ r -jl 9O c NCJ rCA; -o o0l 0fom mdschrei1]w2. M a CA CA = 00 � N ci ca`r• „T. 1$76,883.961$28,7I$76,883.961$28,775,462 7Ct;T a0o��� pill' IL.I3tT30 111uno6 O -I+9 -to 41 co co ON CI 1,-7 ci4sctcc000lnro 1 -:h O: -roc: •31 I� 1 I ^^ 7-1:f, c�, h -r 1 : c� a: <r r Cr N •t o t-'" r 0 ti :�t 9 N c�i:c rico o co 0.141- 4 xiu ©i.v..t I"nlos 0'791 90090 cN N 00 C 9N t+0 C, r. C' 9N O 9 o. 1.- 0106 Cp C C -�1 C ,- 1� 1� L+ r cH 9 r1�m oCoci. :', �I oc s.1 co"ro 1-cn co 1� 10 L d+ c11 r t © 0 X t:/ a4:14R A.Io.111.1y JO 41011U1IT1U((y m Cnr. 1c j o rn cj C w N cd t- r1 :9 - D (] NamLM d o C, 3 1: �v sio.a.rilmt Ona JI i �q iS 30 lmunwquo,Tdv I;' CA CO CA fi rq V © 1^ 1 9 r•� j to ch i� -31 :rj .r, r1J cl O "J+ O l� I -} t �I O w '' 7" ct'1 N c, r„� r' O co -31 tp c+] 10 -II a•lt JS It.Iauar} 30 quautuop.lodd'� L. be cc :, -:- t+ r :,I ^n C c]c:=+: r94 ci l -Orn P.1 oT+ 2 ci ,fir' r d l -i c: r.nna; ofic;�w �'1°O-;-I-11ofit.CO ci 9 cg IQ 10 07 635.nd.1nd d 0 p I''3 II;.[anO .t03 3L1IPA pezT1>;nbrj 00 0 1r: I- fiN Cl r d1 Ir, ,m ,--1 00C la ,H r9 00 CY^'H tO+ 1n -it , N4:.1CJN C] r OQCCj lrj O1--or1+N•31 La 00 G, i ,c9c7rCII,00,H ci ci,c"or ri M w ^J7 "n -i, En to o' N P E-, Jarolinc Danby Dryden Enfield proton Ithaca City Ithaca Town Lansing Newfield UIysses Totals 131 per $1,000.00 0 ri Ctl Ei k0 74 y � ti P- c. 9 O 9 O w w w 0 0 0 cd cd cd R=1 Fi P $ 6.7278 per $1,000.0C •N rC V 0 0 F a • $ 3.54929 per $1,000.00 Total State Rate 132 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ?vtoved by Mr. Albright, that the report of the Committee on Ap- portionment be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr. Wright. 13vunaniutous consent the report was taken from the tale. Mr. Albright offered the following resolution and moved its adop- tion: Resolved—That the report of the Committee on Apportionment be accepted and adopted and that the several anunntts therein listed for state tax, county tax and county highway tax against the several towns and city of the county, be assessed, levied and collected from the taxable property of the respecitive towns and city of the county. Seconded by Mr. Hill. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present. Mr. Townsend, Chairman. of the Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts, rendered the following report of that committee, relative to the report of the County Treasurer: We, the Committee on County T'reasurer's Accounts, wish to re- port that we have compared and checked the receipts and vouchers fair payments with each 0 nnutt, as shown on the cash book, verified each and every account given, and, to the (best of our belief, find all balances correct as submitted. Repeating a recommendation of this committee for the year 191.9; we also recommend the following: "'Your committee desires, for convenience in examining the County Treasurer's records, to recommend that a systems of duplicate receipts be established upon all payments made to the Connty'I'reas- urer, so that a copy of each receipt may be made and retained as a part .of the records of the County Treasurer's office." Your committee recommends that the County Treasurer be directed to hereafter render a statement of his accounts to this Board in a more comprehensive and simplified form; to include in said 1 OP TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK - 133 statement only such items as are pertinent to county business and to• exclude all items over which this •Board has no authority, and to 'h.ereafter maintain a separate book and checking account for (1) The General Fund, (2) •Tire Poor Fund, (3) The Highway fund, of all moneys belonging to the county. Respectfully submitted. J. M. TOWNSEND CHAS. R. LO1JNSBImY El) S. HILL Committee. Moved hy Mr. Robinson, that the report of the eotnrnitte be ac- cepted and that; the recommendations of the committee be adopted. Seconded by Mr. Wright. Carried. Mr. Smiley, -Chairman of the Special Coinuiiittee to investigate the claim of 21r. D. J. Albright, for damages to sheep, rendered a report. of that committee. Moved by Mr. Robinson, that the )natter be made a special order of business for Monday, January 17, 1921, at 2 2. M. Seconded by Mr. Wright. Carried. The Clerk read the following report of the Committee on Finance, which was laid: on the table two days under the rule: Your Committee 00 Finance reports that the following tabulated statements show the appropriations which will be necessary to meet the expenditures of the various towns of the comity and the City of Ithaca, for the ensuing fiscal year, as set forth in the following budgets: • 134 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TO\VN OF CAROLINE To be Paid to the County Treasurer: State 'Fax $ 3,1.96.98 County Tax 2,423.70 County Highway Tax 3,661,46 Maintenance of -State and County highways 400.00 Support of Poor at County home 198.62 Election Printing • 166.68 Returned Sellool Taxes • 26.25 Due County from Town 69.28 $ 1.0;142.97 To be Paid to the Supervisor: Town Audits $ 2,636.90 Town Highways 3,000.00 'I'own Bridges 1,400.00 ;Machinery Fund 200M0 Miscellaneous Fund 1.00.00 Town Poor 500.00 Certificates of Indebtedness • 1.500.00 Bond and Interest. 1,090.00 $ 10,426.96 Total Budget $ 20,569.93 • Tax Rates— General .011 11 ig114vay .013 Total .024 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 135 TOWN OF DANBY To he Paid to the County Treasurer : 'State Tax $ 2,742.66 County Tax 2,079.21. County Highway Tax 3,164.32'. .Election . ]Tinting 134.72 - Support of Poor at County home 274.05 Maintenance of State and County Highways 500.00 Returned School Taxes 139.77 Support of Child at -Syracuse .State Institution 20.00 $ 9,054.73 Tobe Paid to the Supervisor: Town Audits $ 1,590.66 Town Highways 3,000.00 Bridge Fa/id 2,000.00 Machinery Fund 700.00 Miscellaneous Fund 1,500.00 Certificate of Indebtedness 500.00 Memorial Fund 10.00 Poor Fund 100.00 $ 9,400.66 Total Budget $ 18,455.39 Tax Rates— General. .0093 Highway .015 Total .0243 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD or SUPERVISORS TOWN OF :I)RYDEN To be Paid to the County Treasurer : .State Tax $ 8,896.25 Comity Tax 6,744.45 County 11 gh wa y 10,186.44 'Sinking la and and .Interest, Road. No. 681 243.1..: -Sinking Fund and 1nlerest, Road No. 689 269.13 Sinking Fund and Interest. Road No. 683 278.09 Maintenance of State and County .11ighways 1,050.00 Election Printing 352.77 Support of Poor at County Nome 396.1.7 Returned School 'Taxes 144.43 Support of Children•at St. Mary's Home 522.54 Support of Children at Susquehanna Valley Home.. 433.57 29,51.7.25 To be Paid to the Supervisor : Town Audits $ 3,81.3.24 Ilighway Fund 6,858.00 Bridge .Fund 2,500.00 Machinery Fund 1,000.00 Miseellaneous Fund 3,090.00 •Certificates of Indebtedness, §320-A 11,000.00 • Support of Town Poor • 900.00 Memorial .I)ay 50.00 Support of Southworth Library 400.00 29,611.24 Total Budget $ 59,128.49 Tax ]Rates --- General Village .02129 • County Highway .0117 PensionTown Highway .00368 Total Pension .01538 r C eraeral .02142 Town 11 ighway .00368 Total .... .02510 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 137 TOWN OF ENFIELD To be Paid 1:o the County Treasurer: State Tax $ 2,176.76 County 'I'ax 1,650.26 County Highway Tax 2,487.48 Maintenance o1 State and County- Ilighways 450.00 Election Printing 11.3.35 Support of Poor at County I-1omnc 150.32 Returned Sehoo1 Taxes 26.30 7,054.47 To be Pail to tihe Supervisor: Town Audits * 2,106.59 Town Highways 2,822.00 ]fridge Fund 500.00 machinery Fund 1.00.00 Miscellaneous Fund 700.00 Bond and interest, Road No. 1001 354.00 1 Total Budget $ 6,582.59 13,637.06 'INK K Rates— Caenerai .0104 Highway .01235 '.total .02275 1:S8 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TOWN OF GROTON To be Paid to the County- Treasurer: State Tax $ 8,079.08 County Tat 6,124.94 County .highway Tax - 9,249.62 Maintenance.of State and County Highways 200.00 Election Printing 404.34 Support of Poor at Cnitnty Home 540.78 Returned School Taxes 27.73 $ '24,626.49 Tu be Paid to the Supervisor : Tow Audits $ 4,066.25 Town High ways 4,500.00 Bridge Fund 3,000.00 Maehiriery Fund 1.,000.00 Miscellaneous Fund 3,000.00 Memorial Day 60.00 Certificates of Indebtedness 2,000.00 Loan and Interest 545.00 Money voted +hy Town for IIighways 5,000.00 $ 23,171.25 , Total Budget $ 47,747.74 Tax Rates— Highway .0104 Inside .Corporations General .0084 L 'Dotal .0188 General .0087 Outside Corporation iI2ghway .0142 . Total .0229 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 139 CITY OF ITHACA To be Paid to ikie County 'Treasurer : State Tax 53,675.90 County Tax 40,690.93 County Highway Tax 61,527.35 'Support of Pgor at County ]Lome 2,049.23 Election Printing 1,224.71 'Syra;use Institute for Feeble Miluded 53.33 !Due County 3,775.93 Total Budget $162,997.38 Returned School Tax $ 1,933.47 (9'o'be paid by the Sebool Distriet of the City of Ithaca and not a part of the City Budget, for which the tax is levied.) Tax Rates— General .00668 Highway .00402 Total .01070 140 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TOWN OF ITHACA To be Paid to the County Treasurer: State Tax ax $ 7,972.10 County Tax 6,043.83 County Highway Tax 9,090.76 Maintenance of State • and County Highways 1,150.00 • Election Printing ' 181.95 Returned 'School' Taxes 74.45 Refund .Personal Tax, Roger 11. Williams 139.38 :[Rochester School for the Deaf 27.53 24,680.00 To he Po id to the 'Supervisor: Town Audits $ 2,081.19 Lligh+way- Fund 4,060.00 Bruige Fund 200.00 . Machinery .fund III200.00 Miscellaneous Fund 500.00 Bond ain1 Interest 1,927.50 $ 8,968:69 Total Budget $ 33,648.69 Tax Rates -- Inside Corporation General .0071 Highway .0059 1 Total 0130 General.0072 Outside Corporation 11'g/1"Y.0081 { Total .0153 - OF TOItTPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK • 141 TOWN OF LAN'SI'NG To be Paid to the County Treasurer : State Tax $ 6,218.64 County Tax 4,714.50 .County IIighway Tax 7,097.31 Maintenance of State and County Highways • 300.00 Election Expenses 212.50 Returned School Taxes 1.20.77 .Support of Poor at County Borne - 196.45 Support of Children at St. Mary's Home 308.55 Support of Children at Susquehanna Valley Horne261..43 Rochester School for the Deaf 1,017.42 Amount due County 90.52 20,538.09 To be .Paid to the Supervisor: TOWT1 Audits $ 2,790.70 Highway Fund 7,1.00.00 Bridge Fund 3,000.00 -Machinery and 1,000.00 Vliscellaneouis Fund 500.00 'Certificate of Indebtedness 500.00 14,890.70 Total Budget; $ 35,428.79 Tax Rates— General .00865 I1.ighway .01.1.55 Total .02020 142 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TOWN OF NEWFIELD To be Paid to the County Treasurer: State Tax $ 3,146.92 County Tax 2,387.12 County Highway Tax 3,625.27 Maintenance of State and County Highways 650.00 Electiolt Expenses 134.17 Returned ,School Taxe' 68.78 Support of Poor at County Home 103.93 Amount due County 14.21. To be Paid to the Supervisor Tow Alld I tS $ 1,957.68 Highway Fund 3,91.7.00 .Bridge Fund 2,500.00 Machinery Fund 1,000.00 Miscellaneous Fund 3,000.00 Town Poor 50.00 Memorial Day 50.00 Town Library 100.00 Rental Town Building 52.50 Certificates of Indebtedness 4,000.00 interest on the same 72.13 Compensation insurance 250.00 Bond and Interest 2,240.00 $ 19,189.31 Total Budget $ 29,319.71 Tax Rates— $ 10,130.40 _f General .0115 Inside Corporation) llighwaY .0167 Total • .0282 • General .02111755 Outside Corporation 1 Highway .0 Total .03325 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 143 TOWN OF ULYSSES To be Paid to the County Treasurer: State Tax $ 5,309.18 County Tax 3,025.02 County Highway Tax 6,077.07 Maintenance of State and Cotutty Highways 450.00 Sinking Fund, Road No. 61.6 216.85 Interest. on same 433.69 Election Expenses 279.79 Support of Poor at County home 279.79 Returned School Taxes 4.31.,76 Due County, Erroneous Assessment 18.03 Due County 10.90 17,384.71 To be Paid. to Idle Supervisor: Town Audits $ 3,788.06 Ilighway Fund. 4,200.00 Bridge Fund 2,500.00 iltachiuery Fund 1,000.00 Deficiency in Machinery Fund 806.05 Miscellaneous Fund 250.00 Deficieney in Miscellaneous Fund 2,209.56 Snow Fund 250.00 Bonded Indebtedness, Principal 2,000.00 Interest 385.00 Memorial Day Observance 50.00 Certificate of Indebtedness 960.00 Certificate of Indebtedness, 320-A 5,000.00 Certificate ofIndebtedness, Bridge 3,016.95 $ 26,415.62 Total Budget $ 43,800.33 Tax Rates— – f General..... .01115 Inside Corporation. _ Ilia hwaay ... .01195 1 Total .02310 fGenera .01.115 Highway .01195 Outside Corporation 1 ITealth .00010 Total . .. .02320 Special Highway Rate .0105 144 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OP SIiPERVISORS Moved by Mr. Robinson, that the report of the Committee on Fi- nance be taken from the table and passed at this time. ,Seconded by Mr. Smiley. By unanimous consent the report was taken from the table. IVIr. Robinson offered the following resolutioir and moved its adop- tion: - Resolved—That in accordance with resolutions adopted by the various Town Boards of Tompkins County, now on file with the Clerk of this Board, resolutions of this Bayard and the laws of the state, and in accordance with the foregoing report and recommend- ations of the Conrinitdee of Finance, that there be levied and col- lected from the taxable property of the respective towns of- the county and the City of -Ithaca, the foregoing sums for the purposes therein named. Seconded by Mr. Albright. Ayes 13. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Leonard offered the following- resolution and proved its adop- tion: Resolved—That after fhe tax rates are figured out for the various towns and -t-he city, that the Clerk be directed to print such rates in the Proceedings of theiBoard, fotdnwing the ,budgets of the towns and city. .Seconded by Mr. Patterson. Carried. Mr. lIill, Chairman of the Committee on Town Expenses, Etc., presented a report of the Bonded Indebtedness of the county, town's, city and other districts therein, which on motion was adopted and ordered printed with the Printed Proceeding's of the Board. 011 'notion of Mr. Hill, the bond of the Coi rrty ,Superintendent of Highways was fixed at the suer of $1.,000.00. Adjourned to 1Monday, January 17, 1921, at 10:30 A. M. OF TOMPKJNS COUNTY, NEW W YORFK 145 Twenty-fourth Day Monday, Janizary. 17, 1921 MORNING SESSION Roll call. 111l members present, except Cdr. Lonnsbcry. Minutes of preceding clay read and approved. The. -Clerk read a petition of the Town Board of the Town of Caro- line, asking for permission to borrow money for highway construc- tion, under Section 320-A, of the Highway Law. Mr. Bruck, on 'behalf of Mr. Lounsbery, offered the following resolution and shoved its adoption : Resnlverl—That the petition of the Town Board of the Town of Caroline be granted and that the town .be authorized to borrow on the credit of the town the suns of $4,000.00, or so rnnch thereof. as may 'be necessary, in anticipation of taxes to he levied and collected, and to issue certificates of inddbtedrre,5s therefor, to pry a part of the town's share of the cost of improvement of. County and Town Highways, pursuant to .,Section. 320-A, of the Iliglaway Law. Seconded by Mr. 13egen•t.. Carried. • 11r. St. John oflitered the following resu.ulntion. aucd. moved_ its adop- tion: Resolved='1'lrat the Clerk of the Board issue an. order on the County •Treasur.rer for the payment of each claim audited by this Board at this airmail session, and the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay the Same out of tlrc funds in his hands appropriated for that purpose. Seconded by Mr. Robinson. Carried. Mr. i..rrb,insson offered the following resolution and moved its adop- tion: li csolve(i—That the .County Treasurer Imo directed to pay the sal- aries of all county of€d0erS and employees monthly, except as other- wise directed by a. resolution of this Board. Seconded by i\fr. Albright. Carried. Mr. Wright, at the request of Mr. Fish, offered the following reso- Iution and moved,its adoption: 116 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS i\rifEPEAs—Itis Excellency. Governor Natha.rn L. Willer, in his first annual message to the Legislature, strongly urged a. policy of retrenchment, economy and efficiency in the conduct of the govern- mental affair, of the state, entering, into the details of the reasons therefor and pointing out, the way by means of which it may be aecoruplished, and \VHEREAs—We believe these recommendations of the Governor to be just and reasonable ancl, if carried out in the spirit in which offered, would. result 'in decided benefit to the people of the state, therefore be it Resolved—That we, the Board of Supervisors of. Tompkins Courcy, New York, do heartily endorse the policies for the conduct of affairs of the state, as set forth by the Governor, and respectfully request our representatives in t.lie State Legislature to use their best endeavors to further them, and be it further Resolved—That the Clerk of the Board transmit certified copies of this resolution. to Governor Nathan L. Miller, to the.President of the 'State Senate, to the 'Speaker of the Assembly and to lion. Seymour :Lowman and Horn. Casper Fenner, our representatives in the State Legislature. Seconded by Mr. Robinson. Carried, Mr. Buek offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : WrHEREAs—We believe the Daylight Serving Law, now on the sta- tute books of the state, is detrimental to the best interests of the state as a. whole and should be repealed, therefore be it • Resolved—That we, the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, New- York, respectfully request our representatives in the State Legislature to use their best efforts to secure the repeal or this Law, and 'be it further Iiesolue,d--That the Clerk of this Board be directed to transmit certified copies of this resolution to oath of our representatives in . the State Legislature. Seconded by Mr. King. Carried. .'The Clerk read a communication from the Manager of the City of Watertown, relative to the removal of scow, yvhieh was received acid referred to the Committee on l.Iighiva.ys. The Clerk read a. eommiuiica.tion from :I -Ion. Seymour Lowman, relative to the distribution of automobile moneys, which was received • and filed. OF TO_lMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 147 Moved by Mr. St. John, that., the annual inspections of the comity highways be made a special order of business for some date in OctOb•er, the date to be fixed by the highway Committee later and the Clerk of the Board to notify all. the members when such date is fined. Seconded by 1rhr. ']3egcrat;. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION I oll call. .A11 members present, except Mr..11ounsbery. The report of the Special. Committee to investigate the claim of 1)..1. Albright:, for damages caused to sheep by dogs, having been arcade a speeial order of business for this l.inie, that matter was takers up. i\Ir. Smiley, Chairman of the S'peeial Committee appointed to investigate said claim, presented a verbal report of that committee relative to the evidence taken and the findings of the Committee, and offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: 1Vin.rnEAs—One, 1). 4. Albright, of, the Town r'af Newfield, N. Y., heretofore presented •aa claim to the Assessors of the Town of Danby, rforsrpkins Uounty, N. Y., for injury to sheep by dogs in that town, and said Assessors did investigate, said claim and awarded the claim- ant; the suns of $24.{10 for four sheep killed and the SUM Of 58.00 TO/. sixLecn lambs killed, retaking a total of $112.00 so awarded, bat failed. to make an award to damage 1:o Hoek or for sheep lost, and the claimant, ]raving felt aggrieved at such award arid having filed a petition with the Clerk of this .Board for a _review by this Board of the determination of. the Assessors, and \\ i-iEH1a\s—The Special 'Committee appointer) to investigate the claim, -having examined into the merits thereof and reviewed the evidence therein, and having approved the findings of the Assessors awarding $ damages for sheep and hobs killed', and having also rrcornrnended that the award of the A.sessors be modified by also allowing the claimant the sum of $50.00 damages to flock, in addition to the :112.00 awarded for sheep and lambs killed, making a total award' of $162.00, therefore 'he it Rxsoia,ed—Tlrat t.}re decision of. this Board of Supervisors in that the claimant. D. J. t114iriglrt; he awarded. the sumo of $ for sheep and lambs killed, as awarded by the Assessors, and that in addition thereto, he be awarded the further stun of $50.00 for dain- ages to flock, by reason of beim chased and worried:, and be it further 148 PROGPTD1\GS OF THE BOARD OP SUIT [1VISOII.S Resolved—That this Poard of Supervisors hereby approve of the. findings of the said Assessors, as herein modified. Seconded by Mr.St. John. Carried. The Clerk read the bond of the County Superintendent of High- ways. l Ioved by Mr. Buck that, the bond of the County Superintendent of Highways be approved: by this Board as to form, manner of exe- cution and sufficiency of the surety. Seconded by Mr. Patterson. Carried. On motion, adjourned to Tuesday, January 1S, at 10:30 A. M. Twenty-fifth Day • Tuesday, January 18, 1921 MORNING SESSION Roll members present, except Mr. Lounsbery. Minutes of preeeding day read and approved. 'Mr. ,Virr. D. Baldwin, County Superintendent of the Poor, ap- peared before the Board, relative to a hospital at the County Ilorne. Mr. King:ofered the following resolution, arfd irioved its adoption: 7i'csolvecl That the matter of a hospital at the County Home,' be referred to the Committee on Charities which, together with the . Chairman of. the Board and the County.Superintendents of the Poor, shall investigate and report to this Board at its February meeting. Seconded by Mr. Buck. Carried. The Committee orr Footing Assessment Dolls, was engaged during the balance of the forenoon sessions in an examination of the assess • - nrents rolls of the several towns of the county and the city. OF TOM 'KINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 149 AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call., Ali rnerrrbers present, except Mr:. Lounsbery. Mr. St. John offiered the following resolution and moved its adop- tion : Wrrr:REAs-Dr. 'William C. Gallagher, our former Chairman and for many years a vaa.lnesl member of this Board, was compelled, by reason of serious illness, to withdraw from this body, thus depriving us of the pleasure derived from his genial presence, therefore be it Resolved—That we, the members of the Board of Supervisors, take this means of expressing to Dr. Gallagher our sincere regrets for his illness and our hest wishes for his speedy recovery and restoration to health and. many future years of vigor and usefulness, and be it further • Resolved—That a copy of this resolution be forwarded to Dr. Gallagher by the Clerk of. this Board. Seconded by Mr. Buck. Carried unanimously. The Clerk read the, bond of Fay Ski]ling as Sheriff°, which on mo- tion of Mr. King, vas approved, both as to form, manner of execu- tion and sufficiem;y of the surety. Mr. Smiley offered the following resolution and moved its adop- tion : • WiirRrns—Om: associate, Charles R. Lounsbery, is now confined in the hospital, after undergoing a serious operation, therefore be it Resoiverl—That we, his fellow members of the Board of Super- visors, do hereby express to hire our deep regrets for his illness and our sincere wishes for his early and complete restoration to health, and be it further Resolved—That the Clerk of this Board be directed to forward a certified copy of this resolution to Mil. l.xoumsbery. - Seconded by Mr. Begent. Carried. 1V1r. Buck offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved—That the Chairman a3plroint a committee of three, who with the Clerk, shall go to.Albany if necessary, to confer with the Si:ate''IIighway Department and other State Departments and offi- cials, relative to county government and affairs. 1'56 I'I{OCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Seconded by Mr. Begent. Moved by l'Ii•. St. John, as an amendment, that the Chairman shall constitute one of the members of the committee. Amendment accepted by the mover and second of the original reso- lution. Resolution, as amended, adopted. Arr. Albright, Chairman of the Committee on Footing Assessment Rolls, reported that the committee •had examined the assessment roils of the several towns and the Cit,v of Ithaca, with the amount- of tax to he levied, and had compared the same with the budgets of the various towns and city and the warrants of the collectors, aial fours] the same correct, and that the collectors' warrants were properly made out and ready for the signatures of the Chairman aril the Clerk of the Board. Orr motion of ltr. Patterson, the report of the committee was ae- cepted and the Chairman anil. the Clerk of the .board were directed to sign the eollectors' warrants ars attached to the severeal assessment rolls. i\i.r. Spencer of the State Comptroller's office appeared Before the Board, relative to a new and more elaborate system of book-keeping for the County'1'reasurer. • Moved by Mr. Wright, that the County Treasurer 1)e authorized to install the system of accounts recommended by the State Comp- troller, for use in his office. Seconded by Mr. St. John. Referred to the Committee on Rues and Legislation. ltr. Regent offered the following resolution and moved its adop- tion.: 1;esoiucd- -'float the County Treasurer be authorized to pay to the several towns of the county and the City of Ithaca, any balances in •his bands, standing to the credit of the respective towns and city. Seconded by llr. Smiley. Carried. _Mr. Luck offered the following resolution and moved it adoption: J,',csoleecl--That the Clerk be authorized to enter into a. contract for automobile hire for the county for the ensuing year. Seconded by ltr. •St. John. Carried. OF TO_M.PKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 151 The Chairmaii announced Messrs. Bnek and St. John as the other members of the committee to go to Albany to attend any necessary conference with the State Highway :Department or other State:De- partment or officials on county matters. II].itucfes of the day's proceedings read and alrproved. 'There being. no .further business to eche before the Board at this annual session, on motion of .Mr. St. Johne, the sauce was adjourned without date. FRED L. CLOCK, Clerk. 152 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OI,, SUPERVISORS COUNTY AUDITS FOR 1920 TOMPKINS COUNTY No. Name Service Claimed Alloyed 1 St. Mary's Home Board of inmates $ 831,39 $ S31.3!) 2 Susquehanna Valley HomeBoard of inmate- -11,7.11..41::f rinta.te 31.13 131.43 :3 Susquehanna Valley Homo, Board of inm,ttos 17.1.}73 171.43 4 Barr Bros. & Co. * . Repairs County Home 1(18.08 168.6. 5 Rochester Sch. for the Deaf Board of inmates 1,044.95 1,044.95 6 Syracuse Institution for _ Feeble Minded Children.. Board or inmates 7 Craig Colony Board of inmates • 8 F. 1). Gilbert Burial Le,astns Rel Incr. ... 9 F. D, Gilbert Burial Margaret Huntley.. 10 J. E. VanNatta Supplies, County Treas..... 11 Tremae, Ring & Co. Supplies, motor trucks.... 12 Edward J. Moore Expert, Dist. Atty. 1:1 Ithaca Journal -News Printing, Dist. Att.y, 14 Monroe Go. Penitcut.iary.. Board of imitates 15 .Robert A. Hutchinson Expenses, Probation Officer .16 11. J. I3oo1 Co. Supplies, Courthouse .... 17 Wallace IN: Conrad Meeting Tax Com. 18 D. 13. BullMeeting Tax Cour. 19 Samuel. Lane Meeting Tax Com. 20 Ithaca. • Journal -News.... • Printing, Jury drawing...'. 21 The Cayuga Press Court Calendars, Co. Clerk, 22 Mitchell the Mover Moving Sate, Surrogate... 23 Ithaca Journal -News Election notices 24 Ithaca Journal -News Terms C o. Ct.., Co. Judge.. 73.3:1 120.89 75.00 75.00 1.55 564.41,3 5.00 12.00 29.20- 2.75 5.92 4.5)3 5.92 10.00 279.50 151.75 6.00 9.00 25 Ithaca Trust Co., Trustee.. tient, Com. of Election„ 50.00 26 .f. B. Lyon Co. 'Law reports, Co. Judge32.00 27 Banks Law Pub.. Co. Codes, County Clerk 27.50 28 Banks Law Pub. Co. Coles, Coned- Judge 20.00 29 hall & McChesney Registers, County Clerk.... 106.00 :10 T. G. Miller & Sons .Supplies, County. Treasurer 1,43 31 E .1{. Holmes & Son Repairs, Co. Home (Not reported) :12 C. G. Barber Painting safe. Surrogate.. 8.00 8.00 :13 C. J. Rumsey & Co. Skylight, Co. elk. Bldg..... 24.00 24.00 34 C. J..ltumsey & Co. Repairs, Courthouse ...... 27.6 t 27.61 35 E. R. Stillwell Meeting Tax Corn 6.21 0.24 :16 T. (s, Miller & Sons Supplies, Supervisors 02.60 22.60 37 G. G. Barber Signs, Courthouse 15.25 15.25 :18 Barr Bros. & Co, Supplies, Courthouse ...... 5.85 5.85 39 Davis -Brown Co. Electric lights, Courthouse. 3.15 3,15 40 .I. I4. Bailey Garage Go... ,.Auto hire, Sherif out of Co. 140.58 140.58 41 3. H. Bailey Garage CoAuto hire, Sheriff in Co.:.. 1125.83 32483 42 Davis -Brown Co. Electric lig)ts,Jail • 3.90 3.90 43 T. G. hiller & Sons Supplies, Jail 20.00 20.00 41 T. G. Miller & Sons Supplies, -Dist. Atte 22.30 22.30 •15 Ithaca. Journal -News • Printing, Supt. of highways 1.75 1.75 46 Reynolds & Drake Gar. Go,.Repairs, Motor trucks 556.84 5.9.84 47 Cayuga Press Printing, Supt. of highways 3.00 3.00 48 Withdrawn by claimant; . 49 J. H. Bailey Garage CoAuto hire, Highway- Coni..- 45,9,'1 .15.9) 50 Reynolds & Drake Gar. (o1 epairs, Motor trucks 18.85 :18 85 126.89 75.00 75.00 1.55 569.4(] 5.00 1200 282.10 25.'20 2.75 5.92 4,56 • 5.92 10.(10 279.50 S0.00 6.00 9.00 50.00 32.00 27.50 20.00 106.00 4.43 O1' TOMP,KINS CO[JNTY, NEW YORK 153 No. Name Service Claimed Allowed 51. T. G. Miller & Sons Supplies, home 1)ef. 1918.. .55 .55 52 Ithaca Journal,News Printing, Stato Scholarships 7.00 7.00 33 T. G. Miller & Sons Supplies County Clerk.... .3053 33.55 54 Ithaca Journal -News Notice to prescnt ulu.ims... 5.25 5.25 55 Chas. 11. '1'erpening Meeting Tax Coni, 5.28 5.28 56 0.'1'3. Snyder Meeting Tax Com, 4.06 4.96 57 Andrus & Church ;Printing, etc., G0. Plicas9;1.75 93.75 .i8 Stover Printing (30. Blanks, Supervisors x55.75 55:7:1 59 -Stover Printing Co. ,Printing, Siipt. of Highways 8.00 8.00 60 Stover Printing Co. Printing, :District Attorney 12.00 12.00 61. Stover Printing Co. ]Printing, County Treasurer 34.1.5 34.15 62 W-Villiaua Olney .Seizures of dugs }1.60 41.65 (i3 (,Paas. R. Lounsbery Fees --Justice 1±3.40 1.2.00 6-1 City of Ithaca lees -City Court 82.10 82.10 65 Court _Penis Soalor's disbursements .... :59.41 39.41 66 Court Donis Sealer's Expenses ........ 381.58 300.00 67 Andrew v Baker Meeting Tax Com. 4.60 4.450 Iib Archin .R.. Gillen..., Booting Tax Gom......... 7.20 7.20 60 1-1.. 13. Stevens Meeting Tax Corn. 11.83 6.88 70 ',V. II. Bnikley _Meeting Tax Com, (1.72 6.72 71 Wm. E. Snow • Afieet.ing 'Tax Goin. (1.08 (008 72. Underwood Typewriter Co.. Repuiring Ina/Thine Supers14.1111 14.110 73 R. R. Chatterton .... ...-I-Fees-justice 14..1:i 1.4.15 74 01. T. .])anis Burial, Ida E. llnbhaard.. • 73.03 75.00 75 Parr Bros. & Go Repairs, County Clerk Bldg. 1.00 .1.00 76 L. U. 1'aekea Fees -Constable (1.413 (1.10 77 l;rnest 'Perkins Burial Ann Marsh 75.03 75.00 78 Free Press-Sentinal Pub. Notice State Seliola.r. (0)10 7.0(1 79 henry Williams Fes Justice ........... i.+_'0 420 80 Wm. E. Logan Seizures of dogs 9.20 9.20 81 .17. i,'. 'Torr}, 141. 1). Goroner's Phvsieian 10.00 10.00 82 Chas. Creon Sheriff, Exp. out of County 392.16 392.1(1 8:1 4'. A..13egent Expenses, Motor trncke.. _ . 2.812.81 84 11ramlow Printing Co. Assd. 1st Nat. Bank of Allrany.Election Printing 110.75 110.75 83 13mnilow Printing Co. Assd. 1st Nat. Bank of Albany: Election Printiuv 752.44 752.44 86 1hi'll & McChesney Record 1]ook.s, County Clerk (10.48 (10.48 87 1:. T. Stewart Burial Chas. F. Riff75.00 75.00 88 10. 5 Johnson lice] ing 'L'ax Corn. 5.28 5.28 89 T. R. Hopkins Meotiai;y Tax Com. 5.28 5.28 00 W..1. Shaver, Jr. Meeting Tax Con. 4.88 4.88 91HarrisonZ. Thayer 1-tectinni g Tax Co. 4.9(1 ]H 4.96 9 2 Andrus & Church Supplies, Supervisors 2.50 2.50 911 Geo. A. Gardner Meeting Tax Cow, 5.28 5.28 04 Susquehanna, Valley Hoane. Board of inmates .197.14 .197.14 95 Norton .Printing Co. }]lection Printing 2,589.98 2,580.92 1141 41. C. Osborn & Co. Election Supplies :10.09 30.09 97 RR. 0. Osborn & Co. Election Supplies f}2.98 92.'.18 98 T. G. Miller & Sons Supplies, Cow. of ]Election, 30.32 30.,32 951 4f. V. Atwood Pub. ];lection Notices 24]..50 2'I1.50 100 The Ithacan l'ub. 0leeti0n Notices 301.75 301.75 101 Andrus & Church Election blanks 12.00 12.00 102 Ithaca -Engraving Co Election engraving 14.10 14.10 .103 Line -a -Time, Co. 'Machine 14.00 ]4.00 104 H. C. Sheldon _Meeting Tax Coro. 4.41) 4.40 105 Arthur S. Mille- Sfcctinn Tax Coan.'.4.n 4.49 .106 ./mince 1,. Patterson]lee.-ing Tax Coni ......... :1.28 5.1)8• 1117 Arthur G. AdCons 'Dist ursements, Dist.. A112./.. 8_'.511 82.59 114 PROCEEDINGS OT' TIDE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS No. Name • Service Claimed Allowed 108 D. F. Williamson Co. Codes, Dist. Atty. 109 Frank C. 1+lclminster.Expert, Dist. Atty. 110 Cha, Green Sheriff, Exp. in County 111 a:rutieson-_McKinney • iicl..>airs, Jail 112 Susquehanna Valley I4ome.1•wu•,1 of inmates 113 Wm. A. Smith 1'1xpeuses, Coroner 114 Kleubert & Davis Furniture, Courthouse, .... 1.1.3 Jamieson -McKinney Repairs, Courthouse 116 Donald S. Cutter Slee ting Tax Coni. 117 Hall & McChesney Record look County Clerk.. 118 C. F. Denman J,iil Ph1•sici,.iu 119 C. F. Denman Ex. in lunacy 120 Andrus & Church Order books, Supervisors, . 121 E. P. Bouton, Agt. Bond, County- Clerk 122 The Atkinson Press Blanks. Surrogate 123 E.•N. Jackson, Agt. Bond. County Treasurer 124 Elmer Allen Fees- Justice 125 Otho _SieDuffee Seizure of dogs 126 .The Corner Bookstores....14lenks, .1)istriet Atte.. •.. 127 Tho Corner Bookst.ores....Stationery, County Judge 128 Mitchell the Mover Moving refrig., Co. IIome 1.241 Win. Eiyea Meeting Tax Com........ . 130 Chas. Ii. Lounsbery Board of Canvass 131 Wm. 0. Smiley Board of Canvass 1:32 .ISd. S. hill Board of Canvass 13:1 Olen A. King Board of Canvass 134 F. A. Begent Board of Canvas' 135 1I. S. Wright Board of ('amass 136 Win. H. Leonard Board_ of Canvass 137 L, E. Patterson Board of Canvass 138 E. Morgan St. John Board of Canvass 139 Jas. R. Robinson Fioard of Canvass 140 Wilber G. Fish Board of Canvass......... 141 C. 51. Buck Board of Canvass. . •. 142 0. C. Albright Board of Canvass 14:3 .1. M. Townsend Board of Canvass 144. Chas. R. Lounsbery Commit teu work 145 Chas. R. Lounsbery Annual Session 146 Chas. R. Lounsbery Extending tax 147 W. 0. Smiley Committee work 148 W. 0. Smiley Quart. and Spec. Sessions.. 149 W. 0. Smiley Annual Session 150 W. 0. Smiley Extending tax 151. lihl S. Hili Connnitteu work 152 Ed S. Hill Quart. and Spec. Sessions.. 133 Ed S. Hill Annual Session 154 Fal S. hill ;Extending tax 155 Olen A. King Committee work 136 Olen A. King Committee work 157 Olen A. King Committee work.......... 118 Olen A. King Quart. and Spec. Sessions.. 159 Olen A. King Annual Session 160 Olen A. .King Extending tax 161 P. A. Begeat Committee work 162 F. A. Begent Committee work 163 F. A. Begent Committee work 161 F. A. Regent Quarterly Sessions 165 F. A. Begent Special Sessions 160 E. A. Begant Aunnal Session 167 I'. A. Regent E' tending- tax 168 H. S. Wright - Committee work 12.00 12.00 1.0.00 10.00 199.00 199.00 54 20 54.20 195.00 195.00 57.96 57.90 11.26 11.26 6.40 6.40 5.2S 5.28 58.00 55.00' .15.2.00 152.00 5.00 5.00 11.50 14.30 45.00 45.00 11.25 14.25 300.00 300.00 6.00 6.00 8.00 8.00 .50 .50 22.50 22.50 26.18 2(118 4.48 4.43 1:3.28 13.23 93.12 25.12 26.24 26.24 25.44 25.44 26.72 26.72 24.02 24.32 24.00 24.00 • ' 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 25.44 25.44 25.12 25.12 25.92 25.92 10.25 13.28 139.28 139.28 15.00 15.00 24.00 24.00 30.96 56.96 1 70.24 170.24 20.40 20.40 67.90 67.90 65.92 65.92 140.24 140.24 26.18 26.18 72.00 72.00 104.00 104.00 38.50 38.50 59.92 59.92 170.85 170.88 18.76 13.76 24.00 24.00 :33.00 33.00 3'7.24 57.24 31.38 01.88 34.83 34.88 118.72 133.72 44.75 44.71 26.20 26.20 01''ir0MPXCINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 155 No. Namo Servico Claimed ADowed 169 iFf. S. Wright Quarterly Sessions 25.28 22.28 176 11... S. Wright Speoi,t1 Sessions 25.28 25.28 17.1. }t. S. Wright Autinal Session 756.32 156.32 .172 1I. S. Wright Extending f.,tx 22.21) 22.20 173 Wnt. II. Leonard •Quart. and Spec. ,Sess}onis.. 48.00 48.00 174 Wm. I1. Leonard A nnual Session 168.00 168.00 175 L. .11. l'atterson Committee work 3?'-2.0(1 222.00 176 L. 11. Patterson Quart..uad Spec. Sessions.. 42 00 42.00 177 L. .11. Patterson Anniu..1 Session .......... 108.00 .168.00 178 E. Morgan St. John Committee work 135.00 135.00 1791 11, Morgan St. John (ununittteu work 84.00 84.00 180 1. Horgan St. John Quart. Rini Sj,on, Sessions.- 48.00 48.00 181 .I,:. Morgan St. John Annual Session .156.00 1136.00 182 .las. IZ. Robinson Committee work 84.00 84;00 18:1 a;N. K. Robinson Committee work.......... 1) 00 10.00 184 Jas. 11. Robinson Quarterly Sessions 2,1.00 24.00 185 Jas. It. Robinson Special Sessiotu 2.4.011 24.00 186 .Jars. IL Robinson Annual Sossion 168.00 :168.09 187 Jas. 11. Robinson Extending tax 28.86 28.86 188 Wilber G. Fish Courmii.tee pork 241.26 24.1.26 I89 Wilber G. Fish Quarterly Sessions 24.0)1 24.01) 199 Wilber G. Fish Spoeial Sessions 24.1]0 2,1.00 121 Willner (x, Fish Annual ,Session...... .... 150.60. 126.00 192 Wilt0er G. Fish I?vtending PIN- 28.86 28.80 193 C. M. ,Buck Committee work :104.00 104.u0 104 C. M. Ruck Quarterly- Sessions 91).711 29.7(1 • 125 (3. 7T. Buck Special Sessions 2)1.76 29.76 196 C. Al. Buck Almon 1. Session 157.=14 157.41 .197 C. M. ]Buck Extending lax 21,:30 21.5(1 198 ..R. C. Albright Committee work 05.811 9}5.89 199 0. C. Albright Quart. a o l Spec. Sessions.. 56.961 50.96 200 R. 0. Albright.. Annual Session 157.-12 157.12 201 11.0. Ai}.n•ight Extending t;1\ 17.34 . 1.7.34 202 .1. M. Townsend Contuaittee work 31.68 _ 31.68 203 .f. M. Townsend Quarterly Sessions 111,(18 31,68 201 J. M. Townsend Special. Sessions 31.(18 :.11.118 205 d. 76. Townsend Annual Session 151.92 1.51.92 206 J. M. Townsend Ixtending tax..... ...... 2:5.82 25.82 State of \ew.York, County of Tompkins, 88. Boars[ of Supervisors. Total $.I8 010.21. $17,780,50 [,H rests L. Clock, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors or. Tompkins County, 1N. Y., DO HEREBY CERTIFY, that the foregoing is a correct list of the accounts aud,ited by Ihe .Heard of Supervisors of said county, at its annual session in the year 1920, with the amounts claimed and the amounts allowed. ]_v W(raNI4Ss, WHEREOF, I have hereunto set any hand and caused the official seal of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, N. Y., to be hereto affixed, this 3rd day of Jarula.ry, 1921. FRED L. CLOCK, Clrirk Iloxrd of Supervisors, Tompkins County, N. Y. 156 PROCEEDINGS 040 THE -BOARD O}` -SUPERVISORS TOWN AUDITS TOWN OF CAROLINE ABSTRACT OF TOWN AUDITS, 1920 Of the names of all persons who presented accounts to be, audited by .t-he'Yoard of Town Auditors of the town of Caroline, N. Y., on. the 4th day of November, 1920, with the amounts claimed, together_ with the amounts allowed. No Namo Service Claimed .Allowed 1 glary E. Westfall Con. Clk.,'Insp. 1 day, Dist. 1, $ 15.00 $ 15.00 2 Anna N. Yaple General Clerk, Dist. .l 10.00 10.00 3 }t. A. Whittaker l:nsspector Disl. 1 32.00 30.00 4 Herbert W. Westfall Inspector Dist.. I 27.00 25.0f1 5 Lamont C. Snow Insspeetor Dist. 1 32.00 30.00 (i lilie N. Jones Inspector and Mes.-.Dist 1 ... _ 50:50 4880 7 Max C. Doyo General Clerk Dist. 2 10.00 10.00 • 8 L. T. Hollister General Clerk Dist. 2 10.00 10.00 9 T. Howard Best Inspector and Mes. Dist. 2.... 18.03 48.03 10 Alvah C. Ferguson -Inspector Dist, 2 00.00 00.00 11 Albert 0. Rich Inspector Dist 9 ' .10.00 30.00 12.Frank Pettigrove Inspector Dist 2 '..' 30.00 30.00 13 Anna Ca.veney General Clerk. (list. :3 10.00 10.00 14 Archie L. Kenyon General Clerk Dist. i 10.00 10.00 15 J. C. Bennett Inspector and Ales. Dist. 3.... 26.06 26.06 16 Tames C. Cook Inspector and Ales. Dist.3.... 21.1.2 21.12 17 Frank .F_nglish inspector Dist. ll ' r 25.00 25.00 18 Berths Beard Inspector Dist. 3 30.00 30.00 111 Edward C. Vorhis Inspector Dist. 1 30.00 30.00 20 William Olney 1mpountled Dol food''" 2.75 2.75 21 Andrus & Church Assessment Rolls 13.00 13.00 22 L. R. Olney Inspector, Dec. 11; 1917 5.00 ' 5.00 • 2:1 Mary Woodhull Erroneoaas Tax 3.15 3.15 24 .Sue C. Earlsley Attendance Officer .......... 50.00 50.00 95 11'ni. .1:. Snow Assessor, fees 84.00 81.00 20 0. B. Ball .Assessor, fees 70.00 76.00 27 Wallace Ai". Conrad Assessor, fees 76.00 72.00 28 Orin Lynch Dead horse 2a.00 25.00 29 Chas, R. Lonnsh; ry .4. P. Criminal 0111 9.23 9.25 :10 Mrs. L. A. }'eten Overseer of Poor Account12.00 12.00 31 .4. C. Bennett Reg. Vital Statistics - 15.25 45.25 :32 .7. C. Bennett Ilighwa.y ,Service 25.00 25.00 30 T. C. Bennett Fxpense Account - 24.70 24.7(1 34 The H. A. Carey Co. Insurance on Bond 186.00 186.00 :15 Henry P. Lyme Rent, Polling Place 20.00 20.00 36 T. C. Bennett Rent, I'•olling Place 20 00 20.00 37 Chas. llorical Rent, Polling Place' 20.00 20.00 :18 Chas. R. Louusbery Justice of Peace -fee . `_'4.00 24.00 9 P. Alfred _Munch ' Tustice of peace fee 20.00 20.00 40 Dr. W. W. Root Vital Statistics fee 2.25 2.25 41 W. C. Gallagher Supervisor fee .............. 24.00 24.00 '12 W. C. Ga]lagl'er Uigl'way fee and percentage.. 216.61 246.61 13 Wallace W. Conrad ..... Copying Assessment R„11 16 00 16.00 14 Henry 13. Lynne Town Superintendent fee..... 604.00 064.00 OF TOMPK NS COUNTY, NEW YORK 157 No. ]dame Service Claimed Allowed 45 J. C. Bennett Town Clerk Fee 177.53 ' 1.77.53 46 Leslie I. CrispelE Justice of Peace fee 24.00 24.00 47 Ira Bogardus Overskex of Poor tee 88.54 88.54 48 Dr. B. F. Lockwood II. O. and Vital Statistics.... 102,26 162.26 49 Henry I'. Lynn) Expense Account 25.00 25.00 Tot.il..$2618.96 $2648.96 1. hereby certify that the foregoing i8 a true and correct copy of accounts audited by the '1. t w it Board, now on file in my office. Nov: 6, 1920. J. C. BENNET , Town Clerk. 158 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TOWN OF DANBY ABSTRACT OF TO-WT1N' AUDITS, 1920 lyre the unde-rsigned, the Board of Town Auditors of said torn, do hereby certify that the following is an abstract oq the names of all persons who have presented to said Board, accounts to 'be audited, the amounts claimed by each of said persons, and the amount finally audited to them respectively, to wit: No. Name Service Claimed Allowed 1 Earl C. Crevaling Inspector and Mess,,Dist. 1...$ 37'144 $ 37.44 2 Arthur 0. Bennett Inspector, Dist 1 21.0)) 21.00 11 Harry 0. Ilruee Inspector, Dist 1 21.00 1.00 4 S. L. Kirkendall Inspector, Dist. 1 ..... . _ ..... :5.00 5.00 5 .1oha 1Kirkendall General Clerk, Dist, 1 5.00 0.00 6 .David A. .Moore General Clerk, Dist. 1 000 0.00 7 C. 0. Darling Inspector and Mass.,. Dist. 2.. 33.40 33.40 8 IO rl L. Crance Inspector, Dist. 2 21.00 21.00 9 H. C. Thatcher Inspector, Dist. 2 21.00 21.00 10 Georgo Wooclling .. inspector, Dist. 2- 21.03 21.03 11 l'. B. Lewis Messenger, Dist. 2 6.112 6.32 12 Roscoe ,f. Hutchings General Clerk, Dist. 2 5.0)' 5.00 13 Charles 19. Uole General Clerk. Dist. 2 5.00 c5.00 11 Lenard Brown hispeetor andl _Mess., Dist. 3.. 43.58 . 38.08 15 Arad 1. l:'iatt 1nspeclor, Dist. 11 26.00 21.00 16 John Bellew Iirpeelor, Dist. 3 26.00 21.00 17 Roger S. Larne Inspector. Dist. ilr 26.40 21.00 18 IT. B. Scvansborough General Clerk, 1)15-t. ; 0.00 5.00 19 .)Fred 14. Jones General Clerk, Dist. 3 0.00 5.0(1 20.Fred Trailer Hall Rent, 'Dist. 3 1000 .10:00 21 A... Snyder Ball Pent, Dist. 2 10.00 10.00 22 i'rank Eastman Overseer of Poor 56.00 56.00 23 Iii. A. Carey Co. Compeacsaition Insurance 152.80 .152.80 24 Andrus S; Church Assessment Rolls 10.00 10.00 25 .7. Prank W. Allen ReporitiNg Vital Statistics.... 5.75 5.75 20 .f. Frank W. Allen Report. Conununic5.hle Diseases 8.25 5.25 27 J. Frank W. Allen Health Officer ..0 28 .1. Frank 1V, Allen 1:xpense Account 1i66 7.4500 66 67.450 29 If. C. `Thatcher Vital Statistics :.25 3.2:7 30 William E. Logan Truant 011icer 3.4.00 31,(0) 1) William E. Logan l mpoundiug dogs 9.50 9;50 112 William E. Logan , Constable (Criminal) 4.00 4.00 :1:1 I)elor Hill Fire 'Warden=4.00 4.00 31- !1'. H. Slocum Justice of Peace (Criminal) .. 10.85 10.5:; :3 Charles Sabin Inspector, Dist. 1. 4.30 4.00 36 T. A. Norton Constable 3.80 3.80 Assessor 85.25 85.25 Assessor 85.25 85.25 Assistant to Assessors 10.53 10.50 Copying Assessment Roll 17.50 17.50 Town Supt., !Expense Account9.55 9.55 42 Oliver ltughes Sand and Gravel 6.0)) 5.0{} 43 w. H. Schluenburg...... ..Sand and Gravel 4.00 4.00 44 Arthur W. Beardsley Iliection Supplies 07.50 67.50 45 Arthur W. Beardsley Vital Statistics ' 36:00 36.00 46 Eugene Dorn Justice of Peace 37.50 37.50 37 Harrison Thayer 38 William IOlcea 39 Lewis Cumncing;s 10 Nose D. Elyea 41 J. 0. -hiller 1 OF T'O31PKI:NS COUNT4:, Nla W YORK 159 No. Name Service CIairrred Al1ove ]. 47 Louis G. Thatcher justice of Pence 37.14 37.14 48 F. 1-r. Slocum Justice of Peace 33.32 33.32 40 t.,owis Cummings Justice of Peace 24.50 21.50 .3.1 W. 0. Smiley Percentage 00 money disburser{ '.188.19 188.19 50 W. 0. Smiley Supervisor, service, 50.98 50.98 53 Arthur W. 11.3eardsley Services, Torn (Clerk 09.68 90.08 53 110rry Bruce Overpaiii as Collector to former Supervisor Tli:,t.eher 20.46 29.46 Tot,ri..$1612.66 $1590.66 .We, 00 undersigned members, comprising the Town. Board of the Town of .l)anfty, do hereby certify that we have this day complete[ the auditing of the above accounts and that this is ;l carred: abstract or the same as filed in the Town Clerk's office in the Town of Danby. Dated Nov. 7, 1920. W. 0. SMTLE , Supervisor. ARTHUR -W. 13i:ARnslA,v, '1'O\.] Clerk. I (JC1:NL DoRN, .Tustiee or Peace. F..... S1.00uir, Justi00 of .Peace. 1�1nv1s T1uATC1.1I i, Justice of Peace. Lis Conloo]Nus, Justiee of Peace. 100 PROCEEDINGS OE TIIE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TOWN OF DRYDEN ABSTRACT 01? T0WN AUDITS; 1.920 To the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins: The following Abstract of the names of all persons who have pre- sented to the Board of. Town .Auditors of the Town of Dryden in said county. accounts to be audited during the year 1920, the amounts claimed by each such person, and. the amounts finally aud- ited by the said Board of Town Auditors; is herewith submitted pur- suant to statute, to wit: lo. Name Service Claimed Allowed 1. M. E. Crutts House for Election, Dist. 1....$ 35.00 $ 35.00 2 Ira W. 'Reed Inspector and Mess. Dist. 1... 52.24 45.2.7 3 C. 11. Griffin inspector of Election, Dist. 1 27.00 22.00 4 Arthur Genung 'Inspector of Election, Dist. 1 34.00 27.00 5 Claude Snyder Inspector of Election, Dist. 1 34.00 27.00 6 RaY McKinney Inspector and Clerk, Dist. 1. .. 19.00 ' 12.00 7 Kennet}) English Clerk, Dist. 1 10.00 7.00 8 C. M. Cogswell Hall for Election, Dist. 2. 33.00 35.00 0 ]mmitt Whitman Inspector of Election. Dist. 227.00 27.00 10 Watson Sherwood Inspector and Mess., Dist.2.... 43.95 • 43.95 11. Paul Ewers Inspector of Election, No. 2... 27.00 27.00 12 G. E. Mineah Clerk, Dist. 2 7.00 7.00 13 Hiram Knapp Inspector of Election. Dist. 2.. 22.00 22.00 14 E. S. Burr Clerk ;.Ind Inspector, Dist:. 2... 10.00 10.00 1.5 G. W. Sutfin Ilouse for Rection, Dist. 3.... :35.00 35.00 16 Darr S. Fellows Clerk, Dist. 3 7.00 7.00 J7 John Kennedy Clerk, Dist.. 7.00 7.00 18 C. E. Green Inspector and Mess. Dist. 3... 46.24 46.24 19 0. 13. Snyder Inspector of Election, Dist. 3.. 27.00 27.00 20 D. W. hart Inspector of Election, Dist, 3.. 27.00 27,00 21. C. F. Pratt Inspector of Election. Dist, 3.. 27.00 27,00 22 Andrew Baker Ilouse for Election, Dist. 4.... 35.00 :15.00 23 E. B. Fulkerson Inspector of Elect ion. Dist. 1.. 40.00 27.00 24, Luther Johnson Inspector of Election, Dist. 4.. 40.00 27.00 25 William Benjamin Clerk, Dist. 4 10.00 7,00 26 Percy Howe Inspector of Election, Dist, 4.. 40.00 27.00 27 Vert Rankin Clerk, Dist. 4 10.00 7.90 2S G. C. Sutliff Inspector and Mess.. Dist. 4.. 58.42 45.42 2!) Dorr S. Fellows House, for Election, Dist. 5.... 35.00 35.00 30 J. D. Boss Llerk, Dist. 5 7.00 7.00 81. hose Ellis Clerk, Dist. 5 7.00 7.00 32 J. ll. Ellis Inspector of Election, Dist. 5.. 27.00 27,00 33 Frank Burch Inspector of .Election. Dist. 5.. 27.00 27.00 34 Geo. 11. McKinney Inspector and. Mess., Dist. 5.. 38.28 3:3.28 :35 Geo.. E. Goodrich Inspector of Election. Dist. 5.. • 28.74 28.74 :16 W. .4. •Shaver, Jr. House for :Election, Dist. 6.... 35.00 35.00 37 M. L. Stanton Clerk, Dist. 6 7.00 7.00 38 W. B. Strong Clerk, Dist. 6 7.00 7.00 3!t Harry Lueker Inspector of Election, Dist. 6.. 27.00 27.00 '10 Ezra Williams inspector of Election, Dist. 6.. 27.00 27.00 41 1'. T. Reeves Inspector of Election, Dist.. 6.. 39.00 39.00 42 W... Shaver, .Tr. Inspector and Mess., Dist. 6... 33.60 33.00 43 Georgianna Schutt Clerk, Dist. 7 10.00 7.00 OP TOM.I'1CINI$ (COUNTY, NEW YO]i•IC 1(11 No. Nanic Service Claimed Alloweit 11 Ida Stowe Clerk, Dist. 7 10.00 7.1)0 10 Rola. Purvis Inspector or Election, Dist, 7.. 118.00 27.00 40 John Joiner Inspector of Election, Dist. 7.. 38.00 27.00 17 L'runk Thomas Iii )pectur of .l);1).. -tion, Dist. 7.. 35.00 27.00 48 .Bert Lane Inspector mot A1eis., Dist. 7.. 4(1.03 4)1.03 19 .1,ry Carpenter House for Election, Dist. 7.... 135.00 35.00 01) 1), M, Ryan Contract and Statistics 82.50 82.50 51 G. W. Satin Ovorsver of Poor 24.00 24.00 '52 G. W. Sutfin Constable 0.50 1050 5.3 C. 13. Snyder IN. ssessor 154.25 104.25 114 Andrew Baker Assessor 137.25 137.25 55 W. J. Shaver, Jr. Assessor 169.25 169.25 50 F. E. Rya n A -Th al Statistics 1.25 1.25 57 Anrirns & Church Assessment Rolls 23.00 213.50 58 h'av C. ['arson~ Printing _ 13,00 133.00 so 11.'Clenung (Contract 01111 health 011iccr... 382.05 382.05 60 C. L. Rood Contract nu l Vilal Stat.istie .. 02.20 5.2.25 131 W..12. ICill'laorn .Tones .Gamily, Moravia, N. Y, 7.00 7.00 (12 W..1. Shaver, Jr. Hous)) for Cum;u • 5.OU 5.0)) 0:1 E. 12. Darling Town Clerk 26'7.116 207.317 114 Ed S. ]fill Supervisor 39.00 :39.00 lis 1. D. Ross Service bill 31.00 31.110 631 .1. 17. Ross Criminal bill 5.955 5.95 67 C. K. Reynolds Criminal 1111 10.211 10.20 68 C. 1C. 11eynolds Service Lill 32.00 32.0(1 311) O. E. Underwood Scrvice.bili :12.00 32.00 70 O. 1;. Underwood Criminal bill 16.50 1.6.5(1 71 Paul Ewers :Service hill 332.00 .32.00 72 Paul Ewers Criminal hill 12.65 12.05 73 1.. S. Burr Overseer of Poor 19.08 19.03 7.1- .1. 0. !dowser Atleiidaaee Officer 7.50 7.500 75 1tlnuca City Hospital 120.0)) 120,00 76' Oavia :r ]'rensPrinting 6.25 (1.2,1 77 Williamson Law Book Co. 25.25 25.25 78 L`idel.ity Casualty Co. Insurance, 860.82 860.82 71) Cayuga rress Printing 4:00 4.00 40 Cayuga Press Printing 5.00 5.00 SI ft. 17. Underwood Criminal hill 13.8;1 12.8.0 Totals ..*3910.21 :})38113,24 11)erehy certify that the foregoing is a true abstract of all of the town 311(11ts as audited by the Town Auditors, Nov. 4, 1920. F. E. _DA LING, Town Clerk. 162 PIlOOEi1)LINGS OF THE BOARD O.1' SUPERVISORS TOWN OF ENFIELD ABSTRACT OF TOWN AUDITS, 1920 No. Nair. Service Claimed Allowed 1 Prank Teeter Truant Officer $ 6.00 $ 6.00 2 Frank Teeter Hall Rent 50.00 50.00 3 Andrus & Church Assessment Rolls 12,00 12.00 4 Nathan Rnmsey ...........Inspector, 1st Dist 55.12 55.12 5 T. W. Burton Health Officer ............... 177.38 167.38 6 Ilug}h S. Curry Inspector, 1st Dist. 38.00 38.00 7 Thomas Brown Inspector, 1st l)isi. 38.110 38.00 8 William Wright Inspector, 1st Dist.....:.. 38.00 38.00 9 Alan Runisey Poll Clerk, 1st Dist...::...... 10.00 10.00 10 Samuel Graham l'oll Cerk, 1st Dist.: 10.00 10.00 11 Austin Legge Inspector, 2nd Dist.- 38.00 '.5.110 12 Everil Church Inspector, 2nd Dist. 55.90 55.90_ 113 Abram G. Updike Inspector, 2n1 Dist. 38.00 38.00 11 David L. Boss Inspector, 2nd Dist. 38.00 38.00 15 Earl Boyd Ballot Clerk - 10.00 10.00 16 A. D. Chrisjohn Ballot Clerk ................ 10.00 10.00 17 'Matthew D. Bender .Justice's Manual" 10.00 10.00 18 J. E. Lovell In Lun:i v ' ' 10.00 00.00 19 C. C. Fitchpatrick Vital Statistics '' 32.00 32.00 . 21) C. C. .Fitchpatrirk Read allow -meat' 25.00 25.00 21 C. C. Fitehpatrick Hall Reid 26.00 25.00 22 W. H. .Tones Burial Susan Wright 60.00 60.00 23 Frank O. Rothermich Exp. Supt. of Highways...... 148.00 148.00 24 IC. S. Bullard Attendance Officer 18.00 18.00 25 h'. S. Stevenson Expense, Supervisor 9.90 3.0)). 26 G. 1-1. Eisher Expense Account, 2.80 2.80 27 G. H. Fisher Service bill 425/00 4255.00 28 Harry Hurnbrook kssessor hill 59.50 59.50 2:1 Raymond Lanning kssessor hill 42.00 42.00 30 H. E. Carey Co. Insurance 23)i.76 236.76 3.1 Olin A..King Road ;allowance 125.00 125.00 32 Olin A. King Service hill 732.35 32.35 33 Bert Kirby Service hill 33.00 33.00 34 Alpert Colegrovo Service Lill 30:00 30.00 35 Daniel Mitchell Service hill 27.00 27.00 :1)1 .I. C. WeathechyService 'hill 27,00 '27.00 37 C. C. 1'itchpatrick Service hilt expense 1:30.48 130.18 Tot,rls..$2132.58 $2106.58 .Slate of New York, County of Tompkins, SS. '('own of Enfield. Clarence C. Fitchpada•iei , being duly sworn, says he is the 'Poway Clerk of the `Down of Enfield, Tompkins Coulity, N. Y., and that t}ie foregoing is a true list of the claims presented for audit by the '1'rslid) Board of said towrl, with the name of the claimant and the amount of each, as claimed and allowed. C. C. FI'1'CF19._1'r'HICK. Sworn to before me this 6th day of. Novendi,er, 1920. Bl li'u Know, Justice of the Peace. i TOMI'_KINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 163 TOWN OF GROTON ABSTRACT OF TOWN AUDITS, 1920 The following' is a true and (:orrec.t list of town audits a5 :made by the Town Board of Groton, N. Y., at its annual meeting held for f•Ilat purpose Noveaiher 4, 1.920, at the town clerk's office: Name Service Chili mei) Aflowed 1. F. A..Iieguat Town l3oard 36.00 ,¢! 36.05 2 1'. S. Brown Town Hoard ............. ... 8.00 8.00 3 11..0. Chatterton Town Board 24.00 29.00 4:.1. 11. 11011 Town .1 -ion rd 32.00 32.00 5 G. 73. Sicknion Town Board :311.2.5 30.25 6 L. `l.'alimadgo Town Boa riI 2-1.00 24.00 7 .1. 11. Waterman Overseer of the Poor 81.60 87.410 5 W. 11:. Biilkley 4ssessor 185.00 185.00 !I Archie 11. Gillen Yssessor 151.00 101.00 .III II. 13. Stevens Assessor 1511.50 190.50 11 Ashl,cl Landon 'fowl'. Board 2190 21_90 12 Ash'bel Landon Services, supplies, etc 21.87 21.87 13 Ashbel .(anion ''<11ow.,ncr, for reports, eh; 48.01) 18.00 14 'Aslib l Landon Record 'g births, deaths, permits 51.50 51.50 15 1',,y l(osh Inspector No. 1 49.0(1 19.06 16 W. C. A.1len I?resting Booths No. 1 8.00 8.00 17 W. C. Allen, Trustee tient of hall for election No. 1 27.00 27.00 .18 1'1ora J Allen Inspector N o. 1 .............. :18.00 38.00 19 l'ilnlIlett .L. Karn Inspector No. 1 96.60 46.60 20 Nelson Metzgar Insl,uctor Clerk No. 1 10.00 10.00 21 "Frances Tallmadge _uslrect.or No. 1 46.1)0 46.00 22 11. W. Townley 1n0lserkor Clerk No. 1 11).00 :10.00 2:3 t,ilhbie Hyde 1 nspector No. 2 38.00 38.00 2.4 Hattie N. Harris Inspector No. 9 139.00 30.00 25 .')allay llalladay Inspector Clerk No. 2 111.00 10.)10 26 ■Margaret Lead]. Inspector No. 2 58.1.0 58.10 27 Florence MoOlintock Inspector .Vic. 2 18.00 18.00 28 .11. Iioy Waterman Incl, ntor No. 2 38.00 38.00 20 Corona. Typewriter Co. Inc. Rent garage for election, No. 2 40.00 40.00 11i 0'. 1). Dates Hent voting Mince, No. 3 32.00 132.110 3.1 Lawrence W. Hastings Iuslnector No. 3 118.00 38.00 32 ferry J. Savacool Inspector No. :3 :38.00 :38.00 11 George Clark Inspector's (i1erk No. 3 10.00 1.0.00 :',4 C. Burr Ta.rbell -Inspector N1. 'I 58.01 58.1)1 :15 Jennio 13. Solvers Inspector's Clerk No. 3 10.00 10.111) 3(1 Mary .I1..Moetford :Inspector No.:3 :38.00 38:00 :17 Raymond A.. Claps, Iuslscrtor No. 4 8.00 8.00 38 Jay Conger, 0 r. inspector No. 4 57.7)1 57.76 30 I; E. .Dye Inspectors Clerk No 4 10.00 10.00 41) Alton Bengeut Inslrcetor No. 4. 30.110 311.110 41 Ktitc -M. S. Ballwin Inspector No. 4 118.00 38.00 42 1lm'Lert W. Gleason Inspector No. 4 3.00 118.00 9:1 :1'. C. Howe Inspectors Clerk No. 4. 1.0.00 10.00 44 14`r,nik A. Townley 1nspectors Clerk 111.0)) 10.011 45 .117;UV M. Chu'k tnslrectors Cleark No. 5 10.00 10.00 46 .Leuaa Il. Cummings Inspector No. 5 28.72 28.72 47 Lena FL Carter 'Inspector No. 5 29.02 21)•02 48. Jolla R. .1'arriuOwl -Inspectors Clerk No. 5 10.00 .10.00 10 M. 1,, Rester I1,nt of _Room, election, No. 5.. 10.00 10.00 11(4 P ROG.1 161ONG5 C1h' TI IE BOARD O1'' SU4'EIRVISORS o, Name Service Claimed Allowed 50 Gerald L. Moses Inspector No. 5 22.00 22.00 51 Paul McMahon Inspector No. 5 - 16.00 16.00 52 Florence C. Springer Inspector No. 5 31.00 :18.60 53 Egbert S. Cummings Inspector No. 6 58.52 58.52 54 Charles M. Clark Rent, Voting place., No. 6 27.00. 27.00 55 Walker S. Dickinson Inspector No. 6 40.00 40.00 56 Archie Gillen Erecting booths, No. 6 11.00 11.00 57 John II. Griswold Inspector No. 6 40.00 10.00 .55 Michael C. Keenan Inspector No. 6 40.00 40.01) 54 john I?. Kanz -Inspectors Clerk No, 11 10.00 10.{10 69 Ha rokI L. Ring Inspectors Clerk No. 6 10.00 10.00 61 C. M. Dutblier, Jr. Inspector No. 7 57.67 57.67 62 McLean Grange Rent of Ilali, No. 7 30.00 30.00 6:1 John B. Hart -inspector No. 7 44.00 44.00 6,1 Henry H. Howe Inspectors Clerk No. 7 10.00 10.00 65 1.7L Powell Inspector No. 7 16.00 16.00 f;(i B. L. Robinson Inspector No. 7 38.110 :18 00 til Ernest. G. Reniff Election expenses, No. 7 20.90 20.00 68 D. R. Stout inspector No.•7 32.011 32.00 69 1)r. G. E. Albon Report 01 deaths, .births 11.25 11.25 70 1)r. Cleo. M. Gilchrist. .._Health returns 1050 10.50 71 .l)r. L. E. Ryan w Statistics 1.75 1.75 72 Dr. B. L. Robinson Statistics 1.00 1.00 711 Dr. R. C. Tarbell Town Carnet, statistics 61.20 6=1.20 74 D. It. C. Tarbell, exenutorRent for Tofu Fairclough..... 20.00 211.00 75 Dr. J. H. VanMarter Services as health Officer, etc. 335.50 235.50 76 Corona Typewriter CoRent, Voting Plane, No. 5 32.01) :12.00 ' 77 Charles Hyde Constable Fees 3.40 3.10 78 Charles Hyde Constable Fees 7.00 7.00 741 Charles Hyde Attending Polls, etc. 10.511 10.50 50 Charles Ilyde - Setting up booth,............ :1.00 11.01' 81 Charles Hyde Consta Ole Lees 11.1.60 11.617 83 Charles Hyde Erecting & taking down hooths 45.00 45.00 811 L. D. Packer Service Dill 1.80 1-.80 81 L. 1). Packer Service 1(111 14.00 14.01) 85 L. D. Packer Deputy Sheriff 8.40 8.110 56 L. D. Packer Service .13i11 ................ 6.20 1;.20 87 Drank L. Tarbell Truant Offirer 50.00 .50.00 S8 Andrus & Church Assessment dolls ............ 19.15 19.15 54) F. C. Atwater Town Clerk Supp1.50 1.50 9(1 M. V. Atwoo,l Printing 29.83 241.82 91 Matthew Bender & Co.....Justice Manual 40.00 40.00 Sit h'. E. Cummings & Co. Goons for poor 16)10 16.00 93 R. R. Chatterton Criminal Fees 7.80 7.861 94 11. 11. Chatterton Bond Premiums 31.211 366.20 95 John.R. Conklin Bond Premiums 117.26 37.276 96 N. A. Collins Medicine for poor............ 1.1)7 f.117 117 Jay Conger Supplies for town poor 5.11. 5..11 • 08 Finger Lakes Garage Car fare 13.00 111.00 99 Finger Lakes Garage Car rental 13.00 13.00 1110 Finger Lakes Garage hent for election 8.00 S.On 101 Finger Lakes Garage Livery 2.11(1 2.01) 102 Groton Bridge Co. Rent. of Offices 180.00 180.00 100 .1. H. hfoff justice of Peace 21411 2.1.10 104 Houser Hospital Care of Hart children10.00 10.00 105 J H. Hoff Signs for bridge. 1..50 150 106; 1's. A. Landon Goods for poor 21.28 21..28 107 51. D. Montfort Goods for poor 12.05 12.05 1(18 H. 0. Moe Surety Bond 5.00 5.09 No. Name OI' TQN11'IC INS COUNTY, NEW YORK 165 Service Claimed A11.otved 109 Geo. Pickers Gond.~ Ior Ivor 4.50 40.50 110 Si. A1111 '''S I-Joina .for Aged. A:nye 1'atri,A Rai ii 117 00 117.00 111 Hay Teeter Goods for poor 80.81 80.81 110 Vilingo of Groton .dent 85.00 86.00 110 11. I-1. Wager Auto serviro .33.00 33.110 l I [ J. H. Watrous Car Livery 53.017 55:1.00 1..15 Wil10iiii en 'haw Bok Co...Justice Uorkels 13.12 10.12 1113 [lett O. Wilson clouds for poor 26.39 26.381 .117 C. 11. 1lnt.chur, .Jr ,tutu �urvico 5.00 5.00 Totals ..$4070.25 :14170.2 i 1-1.. J. ll.oi, .Town Clcr'k. 1611 . PROCEEDINGS OF T1IF.. BOARD O}' SUPERVISORS TOWN OF ITHACA A RS'I'-RA.CT Oh' TO\VN AUDITS, 1920 Abstract. of the names of a]1 persons who presented claims to he audited 1),y the Board of Town Attdilors.nf the 'fowl of 1t.lraca, with the amounts elaii ietl and allowed. 27o. Name Service Clainol Allowe(i .1 J. V. Wright General Clerk, Dist. 1 $ 7.50 $ 7.511 2 Samuel Newman General Clerk, Dist. 1 7.50 7.50 :1 Levi .Morris General Clerk, Dist. 2 7.50 7.50 4 1'. E. Andrews General Clerk, Dist. 2..... 7.50 7.50 3 Cara J.. Deviney General Clerk, Dist. 3 7.50 7.50 [i John O. Eason General Clerk, (list. 3 7.51) 7.5)) 7 Lovelia Northup Inspector Dist. 2 17.5[1 37.50 3 W. F. 1Tearl Inspector Dist 2 00.00 3!1.00 9 .li'lora Wilcox Inspector Dist. 2 37.30 37.50 10 J. lf, Ashton .Inspector Dist. 3 37.50 37.50 11 W. H. Ashton Inspector Dist. 0 37.50 37.50 12 W. D. Upilike inspector Dist. :1 37.53 37.52 13 .1. Tourtellot lnspeet.or Dist. 1 61.20 611.20 1.1 Cha. Morris Inspector Dist. 2 69.96 51.96 15 Chas. fainter Inspector :Dist. 1 58.1f3 58.15 16 Rexford Smith Inspector Dist. 1 37.50 '37.59 17 .lames .A. Rush 'Primary: .Election Clerk Dist. 2 7.50 7.50 18 C. T. Stagg Justice of Pence 11.00 -44.00 .10 Elmer Allen justice of Peace 48.21) 45.00 211 \V. I. Smith Justiee of Peace 40.00 10,00 21 .fames A. Bush Justice of Peace 48.00 48.0(1 '2 James A. Bush Justice Ices 15.00 3.00 211 .lames A. BUS] bahor and Paint 4.00 4.00 24 Elmer Allen ,Tustico FNS 02.00 32.00 "5 11. S. Wright Supervisor 341.00 56.00 20 H. S. Wright Supervisor 238.15 238.15 27 Prank }Iaashaw Clerk Services 07.16 27.16 28 Prank IIo.nsha.w Vital (Statistics 8.75 8.75 29 Andrus & Church Stationery and 2 Assment Rolls 17.02 17.00 :21 11. C. Sheldon Assessor 132.00 14.8.00 :11 Theo. J.. Baker Assessor 195.02 195.00 32 A. S. Miller Assessor ................... 200.00 196.00 :5 f,..1. Updike Town 01ark 1:34.512 131.92 3=1 1)r. W. 11. Lockerlry :]Icalth Officer 31.07 31.07 35 Dr. W. 10 Lockertry Health Officer 130.10 130.10 :Irl C..1. 'Updike Vital Statistics 10,:56 40.:36 37 J. W. Tourteliit Rent. Dolling !,lace site. 5.00 5.00 :',Si C. .f. -Updike Office Rent 26.00 26.00 30 E). .1. Updike Disbursement,: 20.6-1 211.61 -11) f1, .J. 'Updike Highway work 1(1.1)0 16.90 41 'Preplan,- King & Co. hocks for RalIot Roses 13.00 15.00 -12 lilto Mel)ufiee ...Attendant Officer 72.00 72.00 Totals...2104.11) $2081.11) Dated November 4th, 1920. \VRIr1-I'r, Supervisor. JA1[E:s A. BElstl, •Inst,iee of Peace. EL:1,1ER ALLEN, •Tnsi:ice of Pearse. \\ T. 5�[rrff, Just -lee of Peace. V C. T. S'r.vcc, Justice ol'. Peace. C. J. UPDINE, '!'own Clerk. OT' TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YOIIK 167 TOWN OF LANSING ABSTRACT OF TOWN AUDITS, 1920 No. Name Service lila:irncil �fiocvcd 1. Walter T. Sweazy Inspector ,1114 \1c;ss., )list 1...:j; 131.40 .• (11.40 2 .I1. D. Alexander Inspector Dist.. 1 38.(]0 38.00 3 0. M. holden Inspector Dist.. 1 38.00 118.00 4 1'. N. Nowell I nspecter Dist.. 1 :. . ........... :8.00 :18,00 5 M. L..Swe1)zyClerk Dist. 1 10.00 10.00 0 (4. R. Mills Clerk. Dist, 1 10.0)1 ](200 7 M. I1. 1)eCanlp 11ispeetor and Mess., Dist. 2... 4:5.80 45046 8 ]Frank IT, 'I':urbell Tnspeetor unit Moss., Dist 2... 52.40 :12.4)) :) Chas. Searlesinsperinv Dist. 38.0(1 :18.00 10 cert :RossInsl�erkor Dist. '2 21.00 21.00 11 Cali. s. 1:0biie11 Clark Disl.. 2 10.00 10.00 12 D. A. Tarbel] Clerk Dist. 2 10.00 10.00 1:1 Burt W. JewellInsl,cctnr Dist. 2 1)1.011 31.00 14 Leroy Parkin Inspector and Mess. Dist. 3... 10.00 10.00 15 Carl Jlalla.rlay inspector awl Mess. Hist, a... 01.52 5.8.52 1)1 Elmore Teeter Inspector Dist. 11 ............ :5.110 38.00 17 John 13. .Farrell Inspector and Moss. Dist. 3... 50.40 47.40 15 I?ugw:e Atwater Clerk Dist. 3 1209)] 10.00154•11. A. Farrell Clerk Dist. :S 111,(1(} 1.)].111) 20 \F..1'.11;1.1s:11l Clerk )ist. 2 17.00 17.00 21. ]Prank 13. Jeffernoiv Clark Dist. 4 and Yosti c:.... 148.44 118.44 2.2 Frank 0. Woolley Trip ector Dist. 4 38.00 118.00 23 Lo:uotte Smitl1..Inspector Dist. 4 )8.00 118.)))) 24 Thad G. Brown Inspector Dist.. 4 and Mass.... 57.54 57.84 25 Dwight, 1ranNeet Clerk Dist,. 4 10.00 11200 20 Orin (0. Drake Clerk Dist. 4 111.01) 10,110 27 Glenn Bacon 11111 for elen)ion ;:1.00 215.))0 28 Geo. .Lanternr1n, Trustee...Ilall Cor 111:111011 :1:1.010 35.[1(1 29 101)10' BushPl:,ll for cl1)riion 115.)10 110.00 :14 R. C. Tarlvoll, M.D. Vital Slat. & Corn. in I,iin;ir,r' 0.00 2.0)) :1I A. .I. Coulon Service Bill-.111fltio,: 28.00 _'8.110 32 0. 114. N:ncgli9)1 Service Bill -Overseer of Poor 51.00 :11.00 13 D. A, 'I'arboll Service 1)ill...lusticn (1,0(1 (1.110 :1'4 Walter Swea.zy Service Bil]-.lustier, ]8.00 19.]111 115 Walter Bristol Service. Bill -.lustier 27.00 27.00 30 .1:,eoh Bower Service Bill-J0,sticv:...... , .. 27.00 27.00 117 jay Morey Supt. of Highways -Paid $500; .mance dna *010.)))) 111:1.00 015.00 38 A. .7. Conlon Criminal Bill 14.55 14.55 39 Andrus & C;hnrcli Assessments .110115 1:1.00 1:1.110 40 Williamson Law Book Co...Cha.ttel Record aini Manual2:1.00 20.00 41. Amer. Surety Co. of N. Y.. .Bonds 8.4.011 89.1)0 .12 Amer. Surety Co. of N. 1 ...Bond 12.01) .12.00 43 Sonora Stedulan� Service.~ 5:1.80 5:1.5)) 444 Sonora Stedman Vital Statistic:' 54.25 54.25 45 Senora Stedman Stamps, etr. 19.:10 111.5) 40 •Sonar' Stedman Election Preparal ions 110.0(] 110.0)) 47 Senora -Stedman Service .Bill 15.(1]1 15.00 411 C. M. Brick Supervisor, 1I.1gi'wny 75.00 75.00 49 C. M. .Back Personal Services ........... 48.00 48.00 50 C. M. Back 1e/, of (1crnoral Fluid 108.00 108.00 51 3. W. Skinner, M.D. , 1-Iru,1t11 011icer 267.11)) 207.00 52 Samuel 4..iane Assessor -Service 100.01)0,00 100.00 1(S I' 1100E 1FJINGS WE ROA RD OF` SUPE 1tVISORS No, Name Service Online Anon•(( :;.`i U. FI. Tcrli(niug Assessor—Service Dill........ !15.0(1 98.00 5,1 Fre 1 J. I ernes Assessor—Serviin] Bill 9:3.0r) 11;1.00 5.5 Clay tu>> Crim I) I L ge hill I'ral,E:rt v at \leers Totals ..*329(i.7 ] $2790.70 1. Senora `Stedman, Town. Cierk, hereby eertif}' that the above is a correct copy of the Audits of the '1'otvn of Lansing, 'l'o1 j 11j1s Co., N. Y., urarlc al. the Town Hall a.t. 1,itlowvulle on Nov. 4, 1.920. SENORA STEDMAN, Town Clerk. Nov. 9, 1920. 1 Oh' TO11'PKINS COUNTY., NEW 1018( 169 TOWN OF NEWFIELD ABSTRACT O.i;' TOWN AUDIT -S. 1920 Names Service Claiule:d Allowed L Andrus & Church Assessment Rolls tii 12 00 `it 12.00 2 Dr. 11. C. Thatcher Vital Statistics .... ........ 2 011 2.110 :1 John Henry Constable 51.7(1 !1.70 4 (.1. 11. Noble Inspector(1.(333 (3.(11) 5 .fohia Henry 1tic:l:) 1u�r. Officer1(1.(10 10,20 0 .thiol C. Thompson Inspector 19.64 39.0-4 7 La-ureuui S. Taber las poeter 34.00 34.00 8 George Gardner 11 specter 40.32 .('(.32 9 W. E. Bush inspeetnr 83.(1(1 .1:1.66 10 C, .1. Weed Clerk 1(3.0(1 1(.01) 11. Charles Limning Ilisped nr 34.12 31,12 12 h'. W. Payne Inspector ... . .............. 34,00 34.00 13 Win. J. Suni[erlin Inspector 351,04 .19.(1=1.. 14 Forrest J. Payne Inspector 39.111 351.6.3 15 Arthur Decker Inspector :and Clerk.......... 111.00 16.00 [41 Robert Caslick ]ns]iectcr 10.00 1{3.0(1 17 I. N. VanOstrand Clerk 10.00 10.1))) 18 The 11. A. Carey Co. 183,1:i 183.115 1) Januls D. IlrtvayWood 4.00 4.00 20 11. C. Al3n'ight highway Services : 11 3 Suplrlirs 1:5,.,41 157.,83 21. Augustus _Patterson Services5.00 5.00 22 C. Leo. Brainard Will 28u[l 28.00 23 Carrie 71. Peck Services and Supplies 54.4)'35,(13..31,,/52 24 Laurence Anderson 31.[1:5 (1,41:3 25 Pierre.Cronkrite A.1.tetul uice ()Meer 7.00 7.410 '26 0. 1, Brainard Supplies 13.10 73.1)) 27 Augustus Patterson Services :1)3.00 :3(1,110 28 11. C. Albright. Services 45.110 48.00 29 1?. S. VauKirk Services 341,(1(1 '1(1.011 20 .Lames D. Erway Services :1(1.00 3)1.))0 31 Arthur DeckerServices 4)1.00 40.00 :'2 Carrie M. Peck )Services - l0.00 40.011 33 Dr. W. A. Smith Vital Statistic, 5.31(1 3,0(1 34 1)r. W. A. Smith Pour Lill 1:5.(}0 1:5.011 35 1)r. W. A. Smith 1-Leeith Officer 2)5.0(1 205.M 116 101. C. F. Denman Services 15.00 15.011 7 Sh, 1i-. M. VoseServices 1)31.0)) 90.0)1 38 lar. R. M. Vose Services 211.00 2(1.0(1 :10 Pert Carpenter 12.110 12.0)) 40 .1. 12. Dern Services 12.211 12.25 41, A. IF, Palmer !Tootling Com. 19151 • IS A. 11..'almer 8.0) t!�44.0 8,011 4:5 ,Nina L. MeGiven Vital Statis(ies 11.75 31.75 4,1 Nina L. MeGiven Pcr3,1 Permits 7.25 7.25 45 Ithaca City Hospital 118.01) 118.011 441 Donald Cutter Assessor 93.20 9:5.00 47 James Patterson Assessor .. ...................(13.02 91'.00 38 George Gardner Assessor 129.25 12!).2:5 49 William Weatherall Expense Account 9.85 50 O. 1:. Seeley 11l'igllting 1.+ire 8.45 8.45 '1'otals..i1957.013 $1957.68 CAR1tIE PECK, Town Cleric. 170 .]'1{OCEIi)I)INCS OT` TUE BOA RD OF SUPERVISORS TOWN OF ULYSSES _11 5r1'IZA.C'1'OII '1.`01�'i\T Alj[arl'S, :1.920 Statement oll hills audited by the '1'o«'rt l3oard of the Town of Ulysses, im claims against said rl'-o‘vn, said claims having been aud- ited al the meeting held by the Board for tltat purpose on NOV. l, 1920, and t11 adjourned meetings for that purpose. Statement shows the names of clalilraauts, the nature or the see��ice, and the amount elainletl and the itnaount allowed. - No. Nance Service Claimer? ' Allowed 1 :Michael Terrel •Tnspector $ :14.00 $ 34.00 2 Inyniond Bower Tesp ector 16.00 10.00 :1 I.J. S. (11L0p 1'nspector 52.00 52.00 4 Arthur 1,. ]Bower Inspector 34.00 34.00 5 .Alfred S. Townsend Inspector 10.00 10.00 6 M. 1). Batty Clerk 10.00 10.00 7 U. Owen Cannan inspector 28.00' 23.00 8 Francis Breen Inspector 10.00 10.00 11 I1uvmond Batty Inspector 53.00 58.00 lit Henry Williams !inspector 57.52 57.52 11. Flrner E. Brown 'inspector 22.30 22.30 12 Stephen Craig Inspector 28.00 28.00 13 Aloysius Breen :Inspector 10.04) 10.00 14 .John Young Inspector 3-1.00 134.00 15 John J. Chase Inspector 3-1.00 34.01 tri [toward 11 L.uigl,lin Inspector 134.00 34.00 17 Percy 1, Hilliard • Inspector 28.00 28.00 15 Hugh W. Stewart Clerk 10.00 10.00 10 (1. N. Newell Inspector 10.00 10.00 20 Hazen :fish Inspector 10.00 10.00 21 Cimrles S. Allen Inspector 114.00 34.00 22 W. H. 11n1sey.. .. .... ..Inspector :34.00 34.011 23 11owar0l K. Aiken Inspector 52.74 52.74 24 .1..1, KeI!ogg ]inspector 34.00 34.00 25 Hanford Rates .Inspector 36.08 :461.08 26 Homer t0. Wetz Inspector 6.00 6.01) Assigned to State Bank. 27 Filmer E. Brown Inspector 6.011 6.00 AGsigneil to Stato Bank. 28 Hazen :Visit Inspector 12.00 12.00 Assigned to State Bank. • 22 (iny N. Newell Inspector 18.00 18.001 Assigned in State Bank. :111 A..1. preen inspector 12.00 12.001 Assignt,i1 to State Bank. :11 ]law Fish :inspector 6.00 6.00 Assigned to State Bank. i'..1 Timothy Mahoney Inspector 6.00 (1.00 As igned to Stn -to Rank. .1 1-3iner .E. Brown Ins�tor .�(1.00 0.410 As;iguorl to State Bank. ::1 Alva V. King ' Inspector 6.00 (3.00 Assigned to State I1ank. ..3 A. .i. Breen Inspector 6.00 6.00 Assigned to ]First National Bank. OF TOM PEINS COTJN'1'1', NJiW YOII.K 171 No. Name Service C1 1001 Allowed 30 Michael T. BreenInslxset.or 6.00 6.16) Assigned to First National Bank. 107 Hazen Fish 1siree.tor (0.51) li.O(} Assigned to First National _Bank. 38 Edna Craig General Clerk 14.00 10.00 719 1)essie 1). FraGeneral Clerk 10.00 10.00 40 :Bridget Ward General. Clerk 10,00 .10.00 41 10 Elizabeth Colernon Geneva' Clerk 111.00 10.00 42 Floyd .D. foyer (Ienet,al Clerk 11.44 10.0(1 •13 .Tares Hardenbrook Gonerul Clerk 10.010 10.04 14 Mary Mahoney Room rent & putting, up hnoths 46.00 40.04 ,15 [. 0. 0. F. A. S. Williams, MgrHall Rental ;10.00 34.00 46 0, 1). Crogno, 1lgr. (Payable to .f). G. Clark, Treas.) ..1 [all Ticntal 34.00 10.00 47 V. N. Follott, Mgr. ]all :Rental 30.60 30.00 4$ Wai.erhorg Grange 14'01 Rental ;0.00 30.1111 49 1!'. N. Follott Putting up hoot ho 6.60 (1.411 :10 Arthur L. Bower Putting ul, looths .12.40 12.0)) :71 0. 1). Creque 1'e;tLing rel, For th . 110 00 16.0)) 152 W. 11. _Lovell Puttingali booths 13.011 12.00 5:5 J. .I. :Kellogg Repairing hoot Is 2:-1.04 2:0.04 54 1'. N. Follott, )ignr. 11x11 for:Tnvtir,t Court 12.40 12.41) 1515 Sarah vaaOrder Rent of room for Assessors... 2.00 2.00 511 Thnoras R-. Hopkins Assessor 4:7.2:7 .4:7 25 :77 N. FI..Stilweli Assessor 118.2:3 11.4 2.5 u,5 61. S. JohnsonAssessor ;1x.60 !)x,110 51) Abram. Chase, M.D. Eir;a.lth Officer 11.1.10 11.4.46 60 A. F. Allen Printing 66,61 000.61 fit C. S. Tompkinslaectiou 1:x1xai.4es 10.60 10.00 62 Walter G. I-Iigging Constable 2.40 2,=14 (01 Clan,lc Sears (Assigned to Sate flank Corrstrl)lc 1.15 1.1:7 64 0. (f. Noble (Assigned to State Bank) . ......Service hill 20.00 20.00 105 0. G. Noble ((Assigner_ 10. .State :Bank) ,Sercieic bill 23.00 28.04 66 0. G. Nohle (Assigned to State lank) Service hill 20.00 20.00 67 WilIMIIIS01; Law Hook Co....Tnatires' supplies :17,4:; :17.43 (46 1'ieree-:Hazard Pharmacy..Start.iwnery2.110 2.00 IM Minor Mtn:ti OeIs, M.D.....SoTvie,C' ............... . .5.1)0 ;; 00 7(1 Amines & 0hurch ASe-SSInNFL tuffs 1.5.51) 10.5x1 71 Charles 11. Ifeaglrtaling....Supervisors' supplies 0.b4 9.3') 72 J. P. Dimple, Constable I.IG 1.15 7..1 .1..1'. Kiuiple Deputy Sheriff r1 (1 :1.0x) 74 J. 1'..Kirnple `D01 uty Sheriff ei, )) fi.1') 75 .1. P. Kiraple Deputy Sheriff 1.(14 1 -4)) 70 I). Il. Rightmyer A6,tcudance ()MeerIli.gO 10.30 i7 W. 1). IialSe} Supplies 1(1.01) 10.1)0 7S Orville Updike Burying dog 2.1)0 2,014 7!) Anli,:t .-lccldeiit Sz Liab. Co. Cornpen�sation lasorance 2" 9.37 `_'9.617 80 Aetna Aer;ident & Lin). -Co. Coal};en�s,etion Tasiiranee.1$8 :;:, :;SS.a5 SI Aetna, Cas. & Surety f'o._...Thonrls 98.00 9544 82 .1. F. Kirnple Deputy Sheriff 14.2:5 1,025 63 111. A. SnowOverseer of Poor 12.00 1_'.0(1 34 henry Williams Criminal [fill 10.50 10.:,4 So .feel Horton Criminal Bill 2.6.40 28.40 86 1',. P. Iaonton Town Clerk 35.5:1 35.53 172 PROCEEDINGS OII THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS No. Name Service Claimed • Allowed 87 O. 0. Noble' Service hill as l rental - 103.55 103.55 '88 F. P. Benton Vital Statistics 511.50 5:1.50 80 E. P. Bouton Copying ;Issesslnent. roll 54.00 54.00 1)0 Joel Horton Rental of Court Room 15.00 15.00 91 W. I. Sherwood Overseer of Poor 47.50 47.50 02 Claude SCR Constable 3.23 3.25 0:3 \laude S. Tompkins Towit .Clerk 152.05 152.05 111 .1. Al. Townsend Service Bill 84.011 84.00 115 .F. M. Townsend Service 13i11 160.50 160.511 00 Williamson Law Book Go...Supplies 2.50 2.50 07 .1. N1. Townsend Per cent anfl Expenses 2;37.01 237.64 08 Joel Horton - Service 11111 90.00 20,00 011 J. B. Davenport & Son ....'1'ables for elect. roomy Dist. 5 10.05 10.65 101) nenry Williams Service 'Bill 68.00 68.011 .11)1. 0. Owe11 Carman Service Bill • 64.2(1 (11.20 102 Fred N. Smith Service Bill 62.00 62.00 1(01 E. P. Bonton Reuta1 of Town Board Room 36.00 36.00 • Totals.. $3758,06 $3788.041 We hereby certify that the foregoing is a trine copy of all accounts presented to the Town Board of. Audits -of the Town of Ulysses for audit :111d the ;1./11011111-S finally allowed .by said Board at.their meetinn fur auditing town accounts. J. M. TowicsENo, Snporvisor. M.1 UDE S. TOM PKIxs, 'l'OW11 Clook. HENRY \V41s1.1A 1S, .Tustice of Peace. 0. Ow1,N'CsRAI AN, Just:icc of Peace. FRED N. S Malt, Justice af: 1.'cace. .TOED MORTON, Justice of Peace. I - Y)I:1 d'J1.11().1,O Il.fl S • d1 C1 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 ^I 0 O on 0 C7 C ci o :P r- of v) G I- N Cij - c C0 110 -t-. Cf) 0- 01 0c0011 y3 10 r ^.-- 10 6;Ixl;.L .1.12![1111,-1.X:'1 O O CO GO 10 0 tJ O 0 '-1 01 11j O CD 41j '71 C/] 71.211 -If? ri 71 C..1 ri 1 0.1010101 101 1� 0. ^I Vii)) 4Il[CSilO) 1101.15 1111 111 l; U1111At i -is izafIX1,1• W O O G 10 O 0 0 0 0 GQ O Q:f0 O OI CA 0 O� ,. y D :c O ?= ri 01 01c1 l- .0 I, oi 4.- JrO •2'1;11 ,loci 00.94' 'H r:I%,'li1 I1; 1111) :1 l S 110 l':1;11.1.IJ� 0W O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7:1'..,.....,1:1 c ci 7/,--..: - G 4 cr., 4 -• r io 1q 1- 71 .- rl '"h 7. -I -I 1- :-,...7.,-^I ri 7.1 71 ri 7.1 0 0 4 q 7-1-1 k} 1 S LI I .1 o (I -4S' II; .}iili.11 l l.\:. 00101 V. O0 00 .^.. Oi G I--- 17. Ir., ?. C CV) E r1 ,--I iN .-I 0 177 rI r-, pI .-1 H 0. ^. 1 0 U11 .11:1 I}11'1) ; 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 O O O G 0 0 0 0 C. 0 0 G 0 V; CO (n S U 71 C!,' U Cr C! J 1 ) 0 0 !J- •f. 'tih1OS '11)L S; A. 1t(1 woo u) w 10 L� Sq 10 10 (! Vj 1/) VJ ° illl .I011! ..,Ig 1U 0.1'11e1.!61 00 1, '-r JJ 01 71 't GJ 01 n1 ni VJ 1 :n 71,r: C .1 .1 r-1 : 1 ,-1 1.1 C•] 0 r 1.0 1-1r1 10 '1 111.11 E11111 OO J` ;I f { 11 I) I'.4I0I I i) L 11l I ) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O 0 0 0 0 C. 0 0 0 0 G 0 0 co 10 ',-.3. 1 1] C.6.. ac:O "J O 0 11] M. mo11 0 ,,.,:t1, IC] 0 10 10 0 ....,...,_,,_,,,,-,_,,4 1 1 7-1 r-' FA O O ci O p.l nl f- 1 { U S:::i.l S. I11II II Il � ss,: I ,_0 co 1010 CO ci} Cq 10 00 10 0 1010 10 0101111 C7 01 PI 110.101010111101 011111 .1011 'VK 'I L' J.n UalllC 10 11 fi: 001 71 X11 111 11 c1 , 1 0 -+ 1- n -1; 1-1 �.. 4 ri ci '---. ci ' r1 ^ 69. 0 00 4.= 10 'I. Supervisor %r Chas. R. LounslieryI 2 $ 12.00 Wm. 0. Smiley4 24.00 Ed S. Hill 4 24.00 Olen A. Ring 4 24.00 Prank A. Begent 4 24.00 Wm. H. Leonard4 24.00 L. E. Patterson4 24.00 E. Morgan St. Jahn 4 24.00 Jas. R. Robinson4 24.00 Wilber G. Fish 4 24.00 H. S. Wright. 4 . 24.00 1C. M. Buck . . 4 24.00 R. C. Albright „ 1 4 24.00 LT. M. Townsend1 4 I 24.00 FRED L. CLOCK, Clerk. .17,1 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ANNUAL REPORT OF THE TREASURER OF TOMPKINS COUNTY Year Ending October 31, 1920 PA IIT I. The following is a statement. showing settlement with collectors of I:lrc various 1u1V11s, as per .1919 state and comity tax warrant; also the condition of the town accounts, with l'espect to .state and t,otinty taxes, to Nuverrrlaer 1., 1920. CA1101 1NE Collector's A_ccouo l 191.9 state and county tax warrant Casks from corporation.. Cash from collectors Receipt vouchers from town officers Returned taxes $ 18,286.36 `h Town Accolr:nl 2,54-1.65 4,300.64 11,098.11 342.96 18,286.36 $ 18, 286.36 Returned 1919 tax and fee $ 352.03 Shortage on 191.9 tax Toll.69.28 Returned 1919 taxes paid teasurer$ 352.03 Due county 69.28 D.1(\'I;1 $ 421.31 $ 42.1.31 Collector's Account 1.919 stale and county tax warrant $ 15.449.27 Cash from corporations $ 1,689.94 Cash. from collector 4,069.99 _R eipt vouchers front town. officers 8,886.01. Returned taxes 803.33 15,44.9.27 $15,449.27 OF TO iPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK. 175. . Town Account Due county November 1, 1919 Returned 1919 tax and ice Paid county, per 1.919 tax warrant Returned 1919 taxes paid treasurer DRYDEN 39.57 826.94 $ 39.57 826.94 $ 866.51. $ 866.51 Collcclor's Accortut, 1.91.9 state and county tax warrant . 41,785.19 'Cash from corporations Cash. from. collector Receipt voraahers front town officers I eturned taxes 7'g w rt. ll.ca,oat'0 t :i)nc county November 1 1919 state anal county taxes returned Expense on I1_aviiand property (.see su- pervisors proceedings,.Due, 8, 19.19) . . Paid county per 1.919 Warraub 1918 tax paid treasurer 19-9 returned taxes paid treasurer Due tuwu EN1'1ELI 5,356.12 22,959.47 8611.49 44,785.1-9 $ 44,786.49 51.97 371.08 27.32 79.29 :31.60 371.08 31.60 481.97 $ 1,81..97 Collector's A(wog 111 1.91.9 state and county tax warrant, . 12,861..74. Cash from ar>rporatious Cash from collector Receipt vouchers from town officers 'faxes returned 1.27.01) 4,881.66 7,595.91 257.08 1.2,861.71 $ 12,861..74 Town. flccolrlrt Returned 1919 tax and fee $ 264,62 Paid supervisor 11.29 Due town November 1.. 1919 $ 11..29 1919 taxes paid treasurer 264.62 275.91. $ 275.91 176 PItOCEE'DIiNGS OF TIIE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Gi(oru x Collector's Account .1919 state and county tax warrant $ 36,985.11 Cash from millionaire's % 1,697.38 Cash from collector 1.5,354.37 County paid tax on Saunders property 25.57 Receipt vouchers from town officers - 19,907.79 ITriACA $ 36,985.11. * 36,985.11. Collect ur'ti Account 1919 state and county tax warrannl: * 33,183.85 Cash t°rurrt enr•poratime4 ti 7,383.69 Cash from collector 9,099.96 heccipt. vouchers frrnrr tn\Vu of'fia,es.. • 1.6,1.5=1-.7=1 .[i.etllriled taxes 515.46 * 33,183.85 * 33,183.85 I'orcrt- Account 1)ue county November 1, 1919 Expense to c(rrrrrt„t• ori Lot 176, due, to •ern)]. irr assessment Expense rrma Lot .1.28 (R,csolution by 13alrd of Supervisors) Expense on Stercus property (1 esolu-- tiou Board of Supervisors, 12/10/19) Ilefrnld to Williams, ll. S., on persoua.l tax 1.919 returned taxes and fee 1918 tax paid treasurer 1.'uid to county per 1919 varmint, Salpervis'or liaii.i treasure' 1919 returned taxes paid treasurer L.A Ns1NG 6-1,4.1 12.64 68.05 1.5.94 139.38 530.60 2.30 161.04 137.08 530.60 831..02 • $ 831.02 Culledur's rlccortnt 191.9 shite 11101 county tris warrant $ 31,039.17 Cash from cor poratiorms $ 9,357.19 Cash front colleetor 4;61.3.72 Receipt vouchers from. town officers16,497.45 Taxes reunited 570.81 31,039.17 $ 31,039.17 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 177 Town Account Due county Novemher 1, 1919 $ 1.1.92 Returned 1919 taxes and fee 587.59 Paid county per 1919 warrant $ 11.92 1.91.9 taxes paid treasurer 497.07 Due county 90.52 NLW10I I:1,1) $ 599.51 Collector's .Accorc)rt . 1.919 strlie and cuLurty fax Gash from corporations Cash from collector Receipt vouchers from turn oai :ors.. Taxes I'et11r11Cd warrant: $ 23,874.69 599.51 2,522.11 4,571.99 16,548.87 231..72 23,874.69 $ 23,874.69 Town Account nue county November 1., 1919 $ 74.21. Returned 191.9 tax and fee 238.53 Paid to supervisor 37.28 Paid county per 1919 warrant $ 74.21 Surplus u)1 roll 22.10 .1.91.8 tax pairs treasurer 15.18 1919 tax paid treasurer 224.32 Due county 14.21 -ULYSSES $ 350.02 $ 350.02 Colicc1ois rl.ccoltnt 1919 state and county tax. warrant $ 36,525.58_ Cash from. corporations $ 3,786.6 Gash. from collector 7,732.51 Receipt vouchers from town etlicer' 23,990.05 Tae returned 1,015:45 Torun 21ccorcrrl I)ue county November 1.; 1.919 1919 returned I:ax and Lee $ 36,525.58 $ 36,525.58 71..3 7 1,045.31 Paid c'.uunay per 1.91.9 w'zlr rtl 1t $ 71.37 19.1.8 taxes paid treasurer 48.92 1919 taxes paid treasurer 980.49 Surplus on Troll 5.00 1)1le county 10.90 1,116.68 $ 1,1.16.68 .178 PROCEEDINGS OP THE BOARD OH' SUL'ERVISOliS CI'T'Y OF ITHACA • Chamberlain's .ccoitnt 1919 state and county tax warrant Cash_ from City Chamberlain Credit by errors on roll Receipt vouel_er from City Clerk Taxes returned $126,566.28 $119,814.29 5.56 160.14 6,586.29 *126,566.28 $.126,566.28 City Account Due nutty November 1. 1919 $ 4,855.97 Refund of tax to M. Granville 4.05 Errors on roil 5.56 1919 tax returned aiaii fee _ 6,180.00 1918 taxes paid treasurer $ 3,785.30 Appropriation for refund of tax 4.05 1919 taxes paid treasurer 3,978.37 Due. county . 3,877.86 `IS 1.1,645.58 .+ 11,645.58 PAf .T II. Following are statements slowing the eonaiition of the various aecuunls for which_ appropriations are made. l'etacrnact School Tux Balance November 1, 1919 $ 2,35226 Reassessed by towns and city 8,811.93 Paid to treasurer 593.13 Paid to towns and city * 7,640.58 I3 alanee _n fund 4,116.74 Tax Commissioners Meeting Babinec in appropriation Nov. 1., 191.9. . Aprropriatiou for.1920 Paid assessors $ 101.90 Balance in appropriation • 1.0.34 `h 11,757.32 $ 1.1,757.32 Supervisors' Compensation Balanee in appropriation Nov. 1, 1.91.9. Appropriation for 1920 Disbursements, .$ 4,515.84 Balance in appropriation. 60.83 $ 10.34 101.90 1.1224 $ 112.24 `$ 52.63 4.524.04 4,576.67 $ 4,576.67 0h' T0\9:PKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 179 Supervisors' Expenses Balance in appropriation Nov. 1, 1919 Appropriation for 1.920 Disbursements Cler'k's salary $ 1,200.00 Clerk's postage 45.00 janitor 240.00 I''rrrriitnre an0. fixtures 1,241.62 Office supplies . 175.71 Miscellaneous 61.6,25 Appropriation overdrawn $ 536.33 2,044.50 937.75 $ 3,518.58 $ 3,518.58 Cow my P1 blic°l ions Appropriation for .1920 $ 866.30 1)isbur'sernents Supervisor proweeilings $ 620.85 Miscellaneous 313.75 Appropriation overdrawn 68.30 $ 939.60 $ 934.60 Co' ni.'i-.ssioners of Election Balance in appropriation Nov. 1. 1919$ 345.74 Appropriation for 1920 1,952.25 1)isbaarsernents Salaries $ 1,200.00 Other expenses 703.99 Balance in appropriations394.00 $ 2,297.99 $ 2,297.99 Elections 'Balance in appropriation 'Nov. 1, 1919$ 2,327.33 Levy by towns 1,898.84 Appropriation for 1.920 1,378.00 • .1)isbnrseanents Board of Canvass $ 338.72 Other expenses 3,236.77 Balance in appropriation 2,028.68 $ 5,604.17 $ 5,604.1.7 County Treasurer L'alance in tl,ppropriatioi1 Nov. 1, 1919' $ 236.40 Appropriation for 1920 1,922.08 Disbi i rsenrents Slrla.ry $ 1,000.00 Other expenses 761.98 Balance in. appropriation 396.50 $ 2,158.48 $ 2,158.48 180 PROCEEDINGS OF TUE DOA RD OF SUPERVISORS Tax Blanks No appropriation Dis1,ursements---Overdraft $ 187.50 Court House Balance in appropriation Nov. 1, 1919. $ 652.76 Appropriation for 1920 512.80 Disbtu5emcnts $ 2,67.1.65 Appropriation overdrawn 1,506.09 $ 2,671..65 $ . 2,671..65 County Clerk's Building Balalrec in appropriation Nov. 1., 1919.. Appropriation for 1920 llisbursements Janitor $ 175.00 Other expenses 1.44.26 . Balance in appropriation 272.91 * 269.20 •329.97 592.17 $ 592.17 (Jownty Judge and Surrogote Balance -in appropriation Nov. 1., 191.9.. 605.25. Appropriation for 1920 6,066.15 'Disbursements • Salary 1 3,500.0{) Assistants 1,887.50 Special county judge 200.00 Other expenses 580.24 13alance in appropriation 503.67 6,67:1..41 $ 6,671.41. County Cleric Bala11 e in appropriation Nov. 1, 1919.. Appropriation for 1920 :Disbursements Salary $ 2,600.00 As.4istant.s 4,033.25 Other espeinies 1,217.87 Balance in appropriation 1,282.48 9,133.60 ;Supreme Court, Civil, Balance in appropriation Nov. 1, 1.919. . Appropriation.for 1920 Disbirrsemejrts 1,514.85 Balance in appropriation 1,400.07 $ 1,092.00 8,041.60 `f; 9,133.60 1,090.92 1,824.00 2,914.92 $ 2,91.4.92 OF TOMPKINS VOUN'rv, NEW YORK isi Coouly Court, Civil Balance in appropriation Nov. 1., 1920 No appruprrtation for 1920 Disbursements $ 195.60 Balance in appropriation 665.96 861.56 861.56 $ 861.56 ,ti'oprrerne Court, Crimi of Balat o in appropriation Nov. 1, 1919$ 1,222.83 A.pp.ropriiation for 1.920 2,000.00 Disbnrsernenis $ 1,880.56 Balance in appropriation 1,342.2.7 $ 3,222.83 $ 3,222.83 Can -0y y Cottr 1, Crifrr.r-rr.al - Barlancc in appropriation Nov. 1., 19.1.9$ 3,308.89 Appropriation for 1920 10.50 .Disbursements $ 760.70 Balance in appropriation 2,558.69 . $ 3,319.39 $ 3,319.39 Courrl?1 Scaler Balance in appropriation Nov. 1, 1919$ 450.00 Appropriation for .1.920 710.78 1)isbrlrsenrents •Scary $ 500.00 Other expene. 213.28 Balance in appropriation 447.50 11.et/rtlrrlive Associations Balance in appropriation Nov. 1, 1913. Appropriation for 1920 .1)is1) rrsemonts $ 1,160.78 $ 1,1.60.78 $ $ 239.02 389.96 628.98 Farm h'urcorw., Bal:nice in appropriation Nov. 1, 131.9$ 500.00 Appropriation for 1920 2,500.00 Disbursements $ 2,500.00 Barlarrcc 111 appropriation 500.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 182 PROCEEDINGS O1" TEE ROA.11D OF SUl'EI;y150Rs Farm and home Bureau _Appropriation for 1920 (from unex- pended or unappropriated funds). „ Disbursements $ 1,000.00 Balance in appiropriation 500.00 1,500.00 Ed artional Notices Appropriation for 1920 $ 10.50 Disbursements $' 10.50 Deaf !Mates Appropriation for 1920 $ 1,340.18 Disbursements $ 1,340.1.8 Epileptics Received for Keeler $ 7.2.5 Received for Watkins 5.90 .Received for iunn .80 Appropriation for 1920 -56.55 Disbursements $ 56.85 Balance in appropriations 13.11 District Attorney Appropriation. for .1920 $ 4,1.51.93 .Disbursements Salary $ 1,600.00 Otter expcncs 509.64 Balance in appropriation 2,042.29 $ 70.80 $ 70.80 Sheriff $ 4,151.93..$ 4,151.93 Balance in appropriation Nov. 1, 1.919.. $ - 795.54 Appropriation for 1.920 3,928.15 Refund. on transportation 80.00 'Disbursements Salary $ .1,800.00 Under he riff 400.00 Services in county 477.09 Services out of county 781.85 Other expenses 366.95 Balance in appropriation 927.80 4,753.69 $ 4,753.69 OF TOMI['_TCENS COUNTY, NEW YORK is: Coroners • Appi•opr•iatinn for 1920 1)ishu rserucnts Salary $ 200.00 Expense 20.00 .Balance in appropriation 150.00 $ 370.00 $ 370.00 $ 370.00 Justices and. Cons Gables Appropriation For 1.920 $ 102.11 .Disb,u rsemen is 102.11 Jail Appropriation for 1920 $ 1,407.72 Disbursements $ 801..70 ] 11111nee in 'appropriation 665.90 .fail Inmates $ 1,16 7.72 $ 1,407.72 Balance in irppropria.ticn Nov. 1, 1919. $ 2,736.00 11 P1'Jroprirrtion for 1920 1,097.00 1)iS1 11Serrle11tS �lilor $ 900.00 Matron 100.00 1+'ood1 713.79 Clothing 3.1.70 Physician 42.93 0t,her r;Xpouse; 70.70 Balance in appropriation 1,973.94 $ 3,833.06 $ 3,833.00 T anal 7nsf' it rr-tiorz.s Apppr•oprration Disburaenrcuts $ 144.62 $ 144.62 7'ro'ote Reform ,Sr chools Appropriation $ 1,595.7{1 Balance November 1, 1919 708.57 1]islbursements Susquehanna Valley home $ 552.84 St. Mary's flmne 1.042.84 Balance in appropriation 708.59 $ 2,304.27 $ 2,304.27 184 PROCEEiDINGS OF' THE BOARD OF SI3PERVISORS Sv_perin_lewdent.'s of Poor 13alatiee in appropriat,inu Nov. 1, 1919. Appropriation for 1.920 •.Dishur;erncnts Salaries $ 1,350.00 Other expenses 283.63 Balance in appropriation 1,575.1.3 Almshouse, $ 758.70 2,450.00. $ 3,208.76 $ 3,208.76 Balance in appropriation Nov. 1, 1919$ 2,247. 52 Levy by towns 3,536.18 Appropriation for Insurance 557.37 Appropriation for general purposes 7,010.32 Appropriation for physician 250.00 Appropriation for chaplain 100.00 Refund on transportation 37.50 Refund on record hooks 18.00 Refund from Town of Candor 35.00 'Salo of farm products '3,579.31 Disbu rsements ' Keeper $ • 802.50 Chaplain 100.00 F iysician 250.00 Ol,her expenses at alrr¢shou.se 12,640.44 Outside relief 1,618.07 Balance in appropriation 1,900.25 Soldiers' Burials Balance ill appropriation Nov. 1, .1919$ 1,152.87 Appropriation for 1920 675.00 Disbursements $ 1.,300.00 Balance in appropriation 527.87 $ 17,371.26 $ 17,37126 Insane G'onnnnifuncnts _Appropriation for 1920 $ 191.00 Disbursements $ 35.00 Balance in appropriation 156.00. $ 1,827,87 $' 1,827.87 Feeble Minded Levy by towns $ 76.67 Dislm rsernnernts $ - 70.67 $ 191.00 $ 191..00 0 I '1'0'v1:PK I NS COUNT V, N I W YOi K 185 Child Wclfarr6 Appropriation $ 2,000.00 ].)islnur,sernents $ 2;000.00 • Tttbct'cxlu.ei,5 JIo.r i(ul Balance in appropriation Nov. 1, 1919$ 2,870.40 Appropriation for irisuranee 419.79 Appropriation for const,rue1ioar. .1.200.00 Appropriation for general purposes1.8,000.01) Receipts for maintenance 7,347.50 .Disbursements—Superintendent Salary $ 1,290.00 Expenses 69.08 illaintenaaree of building; 2,763.88 Labor 7.0:58.51 Food 7,322.21) Lmurrilry 1.:302.82 Other expenses .1.,008.97 1. I tree in appropriation 9,028.28 29,843.69 $ 29,843.69 Prubrrtiorr !)mccr• A.ppropriarlion fol. 1920 $ 1,444.02 Disbursements $ 1,272 92 Balance in appropriation 1.71..80 1,444.72 $ 1,444.72 flrnr.i,Sl ice Day Appropriation $ ::r ,000.00 aisbnrscrnr nt,s $ 4,130.83 ]3alan c in appropriation 869..1.7 5,000.00 $ 0,000.00 Cortfprrct 8rtpplies Appropriation rot' 1921) Disbursements Court 1lnnsc Fuel $ 1.,161.71 :Light 168.81. Telephone 27.81 Supervisors Teleplirme 51_.82 ;fail Fuel 59.13 Light :176.19 $ 2,000.00 180 PROCEDDENGS OF Txr: BOARD 01? SUPERVISORS County Clerk's Building .Peel 323.33 Light 9.1..&0 Telephone 92.52 ltighFrtty- Superirrteuriertt Telephone 64.89 County Treasurer Telephone 25.1.4 Sheriff Light 79.11. Telephone 151.99 County Judge and Surrogate .'Telephone 81..75 Almshouse Telephony : 19.44 Commissioners of Election Light: 40,50 Telephone 48.16 Appropriation o\'crdraIv] r 194..10 $ 2;69410 $ 2,694,10 Slli rin1ePdellt of 11i!J/llet!Js Balrniee in appropriation Noy-. 1. 1.9.19.. $ 1.56.87 !Appropriation for 1920 2,696.53 .1)isbu rsetnents Salary 1,549.42 Expense 861.88 Incidentals 25.85 .Balnce in appropriation 41.6.25 Comity) Sijsfcni. of Roods .Balance. in appropriation Nov. 1, 1019.. + 9,744.02 _1.ppropriation .for 1.920 10,000.00 1)isbur:seinents Caroline $ 520.85 Danby 511.34 .Dryden 1,689.65 Enfield 500.00 Groton 864.67 h:utsiug 1,081.15 • Ulysses 2,270.00 Balance in appropriation 12,306.36 2,853.4(1 $ 2,853.40 . . 1.0,744.02 $ 1.9,744.02 OF TOM.TKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 187 Motor Vehicle i1iooe?1 L'alance in fund Nov. 1, 1919 $ 5,562.98 Received from state 10,041.95 Interest on deposit 155.84 Dishnrsements :Dryden $ 1,71.0.00 Enfield 2,000.00 Groton' 2,51.6.11 Ithaca. 298.30 Lansing 1,854.51 Newfield :1,250.00 Ulysses 1,855.00 Balance 4,276.85 $ 15,760.77 ', 15,760.77 Rights of Way Ralanue in rrlr9ropriatinn Nov. 1, 1919 Dibursenlente $ 400.00 Palancc in appropriation 584.50 $ 981.50 984.50 $ 984.50 :Highway ay !u!00 Balance in fund Nov. 1, 1919 $ Received from state 74,716.83 Interest on dell(`sit 800.81 Reeeived from villages Dryden 185.52 Freevil le 269.55 Gtrotorr 105.94 Newfield 2.15.20 Tru rrra nslurrg 282.75 Cayuga Height~ 82.80 Received f'rnrn towns Gorolint' 400.00 Danby . 500.00 .Dryden 1,050.00 Enfield 450.00 Groton 200.00 Ithaca 1,150.01) Lansing 300.00 Newfield 650.00 'Ulysses 450.00 Disbursements General repairs in Bounty $ 70, Repairs in specified towns 5,1.60.00 Repairs in specified villages 1,982.17 Balance in fund 33,322.60 $.110,584.24 $110,584.24 1SS PROCEEDINGS 01' THE BOARD OF SUPER -VISORS Mato, and County 11i(Jh-Ivay (7onstruction Apprcrpria1ion Disb1irsements .Road No 1411 $ 15,200.{}0 Road No. 1433 16,600.00 ]Balance in appropriation 8,200.00 $ 40,000.00 $ 40;000.00 $ 40,000.00 Pd lr:l' 111. Statements showing distribution of special taxes anr.i Pralr]ie School money. Income, Tax Received from state . $ 40,222.62 Disbursements '1.o towns and city Carmine $ 1,206.67 Da n by 1,086.01 Dryden 2,725.48 Enfield 844.67 Groton 1,620.17 Ithaca 2,437.09. Lansing 2,212.24 Newfield 1,037.75 'Ulysses 1,312.87 City of Ithaca - 22,202.89 To villages Groton 1,436.76 Dryden 566.34 Trurnanshurg 617.82 Newfield 168.93 Cayuga _Heights 499.16 Freeville 247.77 $ 40,222.62 $ 40,222.62 runclr.ise Tax Receival from state Disbursements To towns and city Caroline $ 4.11 Danby 2.74 Dryden 201.87 Enfield 1..34 Groton 3,1.85.56 Ithaca 2,510.84 $ 25,927.95 OF TON P K INS (X)1TNINr, N EW YORK 189 kinsiiig 2,637.15 Newfield 3.12 Ulysses 197.25 City of_ [than 16,110.53 To villages Groton 913.75 Trurnalishurg 115.85 Freeville .35 Dryden 43.49 $ 25,927,95 $ 25,927.95 Morifiago 'Pox Ilalanee in fund Nov. 1_, 1919 $ 2,110.31 Received from. lionnty clerk 9,263.87 Interest _n_ deposits 54.18 Paid: towns and city C 101119 $ 97.19 Daitby 1.23.45 Dryden 249.30 Enfield 1.9.53 roton 309.47 .1thnea 210.61. Ithaca City 1,051.33 11.1..62 Newfield 141.1.58 Ulysses 75.20 Paid villages Dryden 23.1_7 Freeville 10.12 Groton. 92.44 Cayuga Heights 20.82 Newfield 12.06 1.1runiansburg 14.32 Paid sthte 4,654,90 Paid county tiaqisurer l'.1011(.1 premium5.00 Bal(nee 4,201.75 $ 11,428.36. $ 11,4218.30 Brark Tiqrx 119(191ved Paid tons Groton $ 594.99 Dryden 272.73 -Ulysses 339.73 Paid city of Ithaca 3,188.47 Paid villages Groton 41.9.76 Dryden 144.50 $ 10,422.36 100 PROCEEDINGS 0.1!".1111E BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Trurnansl)rrrg 248.03 Paid school treasurers Groton 603.55 • Dryden 248.89 Ti•wnansburg 246.93. City of Ithaca 4, County treasurer's fee . 104.23 $ 10,42.2.36 $ 10,422.36 1'oblic &hoott Money Received $ 64,738.60 Paid to towns ? Caroline $ 4;823.90 •1)auby 4,159.18 _Dryden 7,789.54 Enfield 2,715.80 (;• ro t.on 7,167.22 'Ithaca 2,059.44 Lansing 5,779.9S Newfield 5,002.39 Ulysses 4,752.53 Paid City of Ithaca 20,488.62 $ 64,738.60 $ 64, 738.60 Pit la 11'. STA`rl m.v.N r 010 II.IGuWsY BONDS Issue of 1.905 Data_—October 10, 1.908. Each bund $5,000. Interest --4% payable semi-annually. Outstanding -51.0,000. Mature—$5,000 February 1 annuaily. .Issue of 1912 Dated—NI 1., 1.912. Eaa hood—$500. Interest -4i/ payable annually. Olrtstand}ng—$7.000. Mature—$2,000 iI1r•eh .!st, annually. Issue of 1913 • • • Dated—February 15 1913 I:aeh bond—$1,000. Interest -41/,% Payah.lu semi-annually. Outstanding—$38,000. Mature—$2,000 February 15, annually. OF TOMP.K.I.N6 COUNTY, NEW YORK 191 lssuc of 1915-Datecl—ApriI 1, 1915. Eacli 'bond $1,000. Interest -4% payable semi-annually. On tst.aatcl i uig—$32,000. 111ature—*2.00011pril 1. annually. T 11 BT V. 1)a:razz,i;r) STATEN] ENT OF CAsa1 ACCcaJNT Iicr:eiE�ts Go ;ral T'rupePty Tax ['ruga corporations $34,4G1.81 From collectors 70,705.82 From eity of Ithaca 119,814.29 Taxes collected by treasurerbefore sale 1.0,702.47 Proceeds of tax sale 970.42 Tax sale certificates (owned by euaraaly) 423.84: •Sale of lands deeded to county on aeeeinit of pur- elise at Sale 88.54 Iteilenaptinrr 194.70 Pahl liy towns lu reduce indebtedness to county137.06 I eleresl Ott general fund deposits (to .!illy :1, 1920) 937.50 Doparimeailed Earnings Court ani. 'PrazsI fond fees 65.31 (onnty clerk's court fees 106.56 Surrnbiate's fees 127.11 .County eleik's registration .fee. 7,579.33 Almshouse farm sates 3,579.31 '1'rrbereralosis hospital iaznrates 7,347.50 ne,flo (is 1lrnrt>ry note 1,6:5t).63 For taxes paid Iiy county c.>n property held) ora tax sale eer t,ifieate 25.57 Epileptics—Maintenance 13.95 Outside relief—Poor account .Record books 118.00 • Transportation 37.56 Board 35.00 SaIaries—'.1'n}wren osis hospital 46.59 ]a-etc.r rrr�;r1 f��ohuod 7'rr:xa;t 593.13 192 PROCEEDINGS OP '1'}IJ BOARD OF SGPERVISOR.S Trust (/nd Iu:vestnz.cnt 1'ra-ns•nctions 1liglrwuy maintenance 75,918.59 Armory maintenance (military dists.) 556.20 Public school moneys 64,738.60 A.cadeinies and libraries 1.0,549.49 State highway aid 26,733.03 Military companies 520.40 Franc}fisc taxes 25.927.95 Motor vehicle fees 10,041.95 Dog tax (from. state) 2,436.85 Income tax 40,222.62 Armory maintenance (from state) 4,934.28 Interest on deposits Armory maintenance 94.99 Military funds 42.76 State highway funds 800.81. Motor vehicle fund 1.55.84 Mortgage tax 54.18 'Inheritance taxes 22,471.88 .Bank taxes 10,422.36 Railroad school taxes 471.06 lln'ty;rge taxes 9,363.87 Dog taxes (front individuals) 5,692.26 Tax redempti+nrs 426.32 Court .and trust funds 5,688.62 Bower Ceuaotery trust. fund 19.25 Total receipts x;577,549.32 Disbursentanis Supervisors' compensation $ 4,272.86 Sutpervisors'-expcnses 3,570.40 County putr1icatioas 934.60 Tax erflnnuissiorrers' meeting 101-.90 Tax blanks 187.50 Tax sale expense 283.00 Tax sale advertising (165.00 .Redemption advertising 356.00 Commissioners of election 1,992.65 Elections 3,57 5.49 County treasurer 1,794.1.2 Court, house 4029.98 County clerks' building • 867.80 County .judge and surrogate 6,249.49 District attorney . 2,109.64 Slrcr'iIl` 4,056.99 County clerk 7,851.12 Cnprerue court=Civil _1,51.4.85 OE TOMPKI.NS COUNTY, NEW YORK 193 .Gouttty count. Civil 195.60 .Supreme court—Criminal 1.,880.56 County court, --Criminal 760.70 Coroner 32231 County sealer _ 713.28 .Regulative associations 628.98 'Tnberenlosis hospital Super•iritendent 1,244.08 Building maintenance 2,763.83 Inmates 16,854.09 Snporintendent of highways 2,502.04 Maintenance of county roads 80.77 Charities Superintendents of poor 1,633.63 Almshouse 4,948.97 Al mshouse inrnates 6,156.06 Outside relief 1,618.07 Almshouse farm 3,954.00 • Insane commitments 35.00 Epileptics 56.85 Feeble ininded 76.67 Corrections Jail.—up]ceep '1,057.71 Jail inmates 1,859.12 Penal institutions 144.62 Probation officer - 1..272.92 Private reform•schools 1,595.68 Educational Edi notices 1.0.50 Farrar bureau 2,500.00 Farm and home bureau 1,000.00 Deaaf routes 1,265.97 Soldiers' burial and. headstone 1,300.00 Interest— lrig]rWay bonds 4,040.00 State and county highway conslduetion 31,800.00 County read construction 7,437.66 Highway bonds 11,000.00 State highway improvement sinkinlc fund 7,629.21 Refunds • Error in sale of property 34.80 M. Granville tax 4.05 Town of Enfield 11.29 Town of Newfield 37.28 Persona] tax—II. S. 'Williams 139.38 Returned school taxes 7,640.58 19,1 PROCEEDINGS 01' T1I1 I0]R) OFF SUPE RV1S01tS Expense on motor trucks 2,699.48 Rights of way 400.00 Armory maintenance note 260.67 Celebration of Armistice Day 4,130.83 Memorial tablet • 144.00 Selective draft expense 13.79 Gift' directories for county offices 18.00 Trust and investment transactions To State Stenographerstax 2,91.1.62 Armory tax 7,193.95 Shite tax 35,381.07 Iuhcritanee tax 19,21.8.75 Mortgage tax 4,654.90 .I)og taxes 566.46 To towns and city State highway aid 26,733.03 .Bank taxes 6,332,48 Mortgage taxes 2,394.28 Income taxes 36,68 r.34 Franchise taxes 24,854.51 Motor vehicle fees 11,483.92 To villages .Bank taxes 812,2.9 Mortgage taxes 172.43 Franchise taxes 1,073.44 Incottie 1a_xes 3,536.78 To school districts Public school money 64,738.60 Academies and libraries 1.0,549.49 Mortgage taxes 3,1.73.36 Corporation school taxes 471.06 To individuals - Inheritatiee taxes 1,089.93 Excise fine 200.00 Tax redemptions 389.02 13ower Cemetery trust fund (invested) 498.60 Court and trust funds 11,224.08 County treasurer's pretnimrn on mortgage tax bend 5.00 Dog taxes, claims, ete. 2,510.70 OF TOIIP1(INS COUNTY, NEW YORK . 195 To military districts .Company h' 496.60 Company M funds to state 389.39 Int crest paid. 42.76 . A rrnory maintenance 3,264.30 11igln'ay maintenance 77,26.1.64 Fees Inheritance taxes 1084.97 Bank taxes 104.23 Court and trust funds 73.43 Total dishurscnretrts $544,102.1.1. DISPOSITION ni Ia'uNi)S IN 'i'rr ] CUsrony of '1'1[E TREASURER AI beginning 0 year At ind of you Nov. 1, 1919 Oct. 23, 1920 Cash in (1 wet. $ 30.00 $ 25.01_ irirst National Bank, 'Ithaca General 9,21.5.01 11,543.00 Special ,trust 1,004.51 1,882.85 Mortgage tax 2,110.31 4,201.75 'Pumpkins County National Bank General 30,859.92 57,110.43 Motor vehicle 5.562.98 4,276.85 1Iighway maintenance 28,714.84 33,322.60 Special triist 293.59 5,344.54 Armory maintenance 5,880.72 8,201.89 Military funds 2,579.76 2,214.1.7 Itliaca Trust Company Couri, and trust funds 30.416.65 24.807.76 Bower Cemetery trust fund 510.00 30.65 First National Bank, Croton General 7,000.00 5,000.00 $124.214.29 $157,961..50 Total receipts Year ended 'Oct. 31, 1920 $577,849.32 Total disbursements Year ended Oet. 31, 1920 $544,102.11 $702,063.61 $702,063.61 19(1 PROCEEDINGS THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS STATE OF NEW YORK, SS. COUNTY OF TOMPKINS. RobeAt L. Post, being sworn, says that he.is the treasurer of -the County of Tompkins, and that the foregoing report is a true and correct vtatetnent of the financial transactions of said county for the fiscal year ended October 31, 1920, as shown by.the official records of said county. ROBERT 1...i'osT. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 19th day of November, .1920. t. • CHARLOTTE V. BUSH, Notary Pul,]ic. Ithaca, A. Y., December 1, 1920. The following is a statement of the moneys alrlrortirined, to each tax district in the eorinty from t,iie prncecds of the franchise lax on business e4wporatiolts, personal income tax mud license tax on motor vehicles, for the fiscal year ending October 31,1920: Franchise Tat In;ome Tax Motor Vehicle Caroline * 4.1.1, $ 1,206.67 $ . Danby 2.74 1,086.01. Dryden 245.71 3,539.59 1,710.00 Enfield 1.34 844.67 2,00{1.00 Groton 4,099.311. 3,056.93 . 2,516.11. Ithaca. 2,510.84 2,936.25 298.30 Lansin 9,637.15 2,212.24 1,854.51 Newfield 3.12 1,206.68 11,250.00 Ulysses 313.10 1,930.69 1,855.00 City of Ithaca . 16,110.53 22,202.89 $25,927.95 *40,222.62 *1.1,483.92 Robert L. Post, being drily sworn, says that the above is a trite statement of the, moneys Apportioned: to the various tax districts of Tompkins County from the various funds as listed, for elle year ending October 31, 1920. RonERT L. POST. Sstbseriiberi and sworn to before nu; this 27th flay of November, 1.920. CHARLOTTE V. Bust', Notary Public, Ole' TO\N'KJ.NS COUNTY, NEW YORK 197 County Clerk's Report A statement of all moneys received for the County of Tompkins by Clarence D. TFancelt, Clerk of Tompkins County, or .by Iris as• sistonts f':or• fees, perquisites and emoluments, for 00 services, rend- ered by'him,.or said assistants, in their official capacity, front Nov- ember 1st, 191.9 to October 31st, 1920. Recording Deeds • $1,653.35 Becor ing 'Mortgages 800.95 Recording other documents 926.72 Pertaining to Judgments 104.64 Copies 63.53 Searches ,424.22 1+'ilia; papers and outer services 671.73 C]erl:.hairc, anditcd anti allowed by State Tax De,porrtntent 225.00 $ 7,870.14 lr[ortga ge Ta x 10,082.95 Notary .h'ees 267.00 Hunters' Licenses 2,781..36 ]'mil .County Treasurer, Office Fees Paid Goiruty Treasurer, Sltate Mort- gage Tax $9 837.82 Premium on Bond Auditeel. by Tax Commission 5.00 • Clerk i- i.re,•Audited Anil allowed by by State Tux ( trlllrission. 225.{){) Postage tl.urlited and allarwed by State Tax Commission 12.00 J. B. Lyon. Allowed by Tax C m- m ission, Tax Book • 313 $ 7,870.14 :10,082.95 State Treasurer, Notary Ji'ccs 267.00 State Conservation Commission, IF[unt.crs' Licenses 2,781.36 4 $21,001.45 $21,001:45 198 PROCEEDINGS OF T11E BOA 1 1 OT SUP J1IV]SOIOS State of New York," County of Tompkins. •Clal•enee D. Tarbell, being duly sworn says that. he is Clerk of the County of Tompkins, that the foeguiug statement is in all respects a full and true statement as required. by Chapter 298, Laws of 1909. CLARENCE I). 'FARIRELL. Subscribed and sworn to bef.{ire ule this 18th day of November, 1920. \\T,r1. BAKER, - Notary Public. A STATEMENT W. 11. A. R. C. E. M. F. M. Baker Stafford. ,Moore; Frantz 'Todd Dean Tutu] 1919 Nov. $ 75.00 $ 50.00 $ 55.00 $ 42.00 $ 7.50 $ 7.50 $ 237.00 No. 75.00 50.00 55.00 42.00 36.00 258.00 1920 • 13. Dania vey Jan. 75.00 65.00 65.00 65.00 35.75 285.75 1'. Gaeta Fob. 75.00 65.00 75.00 55.00 17.50 287.50 N. :Rollins Mar. 75.00 70.00 70.00 55.00 54.29 324.25 ti. Su Alien F. Rna•.kwell. Apr. 75.00 70.00 70.00 55.00 64.75 15.00 3451.75 R. Breed May 75.00 70.00 70.00 55.00 50.00 20.00 340:00 .1une 75.00 71.00 71.00 55.00 51.00 20.00 34:1.00 L. VcIey .Tulp 75.00 70.00 70.00 55.00 60.00 20.00 390.00 Aug. 75.00 70.00 70.00 55.00 60.00 20.00 350.00 Mre. Brown Sept. 75.00 72.50 70.00 . 62.50 20.00 300.00 A. Brewer Oct, 75.00 75.00 70.00 17.00 61.00 32.00 3:0000 *000.00 $798.50 $811.00 $551.00 $525.75 $172.00 $3758.25 State of New York S9. County of Tompkins. -Clarence 1). Tarbell, being duly sworn Says ilhat he is Clark of the County o (Fotnpkirrs, that the focgoiug statement is in all respects a full and true statement as required by Chapter 208; Laws of .1.909. CLARE CE I). TARHELL. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 18th day of November, 1920. BAKER, Notary Public. 0.1P rroil'l(INS COUNTY, NEW YORK 196 .A STATEMENT Account of honeys a(lvailecd by Clarence D. '1%1011011 1011 for expenses of tllc County Cleriz'S Office,' from November lst, 1.919, to October I st, 1920, inclusive. 1919. Nov. 17, Babinec on ITand $ 7.82 1920. Jan. County Order Credit 50.00 .1.919. Dec. Paid American Railway Express Co., r Express1.05 Dec. Paid Express on .Session (Laws, to Town Clerks 1.75 1920. Jan. Twelve months rent of towels 2.40 Jan. Underwood Typewriter Cu., Repairs1.30 Mar. To 111,a00 Trust CO.. Safe. Deposit Box 5.00 Apr. New York Telephone Co.,'['elephone to Syracuse 50 May Brown -Pett & Co., Express .42 July 'l'eleph. 1 -lull & ATcClresney-, Syracuse .50 Sept R. It: F. Syracuse, Hall & McChesney 4.50 Oct:. Postage, Papers recorded 32,12 Nov. Telephone hall & JeChesney. .5(} Nov. 'I`elcplrnlie F. E. Darling. 'Town Clerk .25 Nov. Tel. Maude S. Thompson, Town Clerk .25 --- Balance on Hand Nov. 18111, 1920. . State of New York, } ss. County of Tompkins. Clarence I). Tancell, being drily sworn says that be is Clark of: the County of 'Tompkins, t13a1; the foegoing statement is ilr all respects a full and true st1lteruent as required by Chapter 298. Laws of 1.909. CLAR1 NGE 1). TAR11u1.L, !Subscribed and sworn to before me this 18th day of November, 1.920. Wm, , 11. BAKER, Notary Public. *57.82 50.54 $ 7.28 260 I['ROUEJDTNGS OF PIIE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Report of the Superintendents of the Poor To the Il:onorabie, the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins, State of New fork: Gentlemen: The Superintendents of the Poor of Tompkins County, in accord- ance with law, herewith sulinit their annual report .for the year ending November .5, 1920. The Superintendents of. the Poor of Timpkins County-, in account with the Poor Funds of said County: Amount of, appropriation of 19.19 $10,000.00 'Po sales from county farm for current year 3,334.73 Received from Schuyler, Cortland and Tiaga Counties 208.58 'Received for board at county home 100.00 $13,643.31 Balance in the County 't'reasurer's hands 814.55 'Dotal cash funds for poor purposes $.12,828.76 • By amounts paid by order on the County Treasurer fur the fol- lowing purposes: Food supplies aiid tobacco $ 2;429.04 AIrushousc employers 1,635.52 Fuel and light. Clothing and footwear 1 512.83 411.5)9 Repairs, furniture and bedding 302.93 Medical aid alld drugs 159.57 Salaries of p'hysicia r and chaplain 350.00 Farre superintendent and labor 1,674.14 Form stock and maintenance 1.,038-12 Seeds and fertilizers 384.20 1F'zirni tools and equipment 478.16 Transportation and, services of overseers 892.19 Disinfectants and miscellaneous 853.46 'Outside relief 799.09 Superintendents' telephone, postage and printing • 112.13 Superintendents' personal expenses 215.09 $1.2,828.78 010 TONIPK].NS COUNT Y, NEW YORK 201 Amounts tau be assessed upon the county, City of Ithaca andthe several towns of the county for the support or their poor in the county. home for the year beginning Novernbor 15, 1.91.9, and ending Novernh,er 1.5, 1.920: .Amounts for Days Anufutrl; Colrrity 2190 $ 594.15 City of Ithaca 7552 2,049.23 Town. of 1.tha ea 00 .00 Caroline 782 1.98.62 .Danby 1010 27405 :Dryden 1460 896.17 Enfield 554 150.82 Groton 1993 - 540.78 . Lansing 724 190.45 Newfield 383 1.03.93 Ulysses 488 132.42 17080 . $4,035.12 Tramps 2 17088 The cosh 0 sl, ao,.esserl to the county, city and .several towns of the county in' exeess of the proceeds of the .farm for the support of their poor at the county Ironae being' $00.2713-1- per dies,. Census, of Inmates : Num her in county borne November 15 1919 48 Admitted (luring the year 20 13ir'th,s (luring the year 00 Dischau'ged during the year .18 Dietl during the year 8 In •eorurf,%' home November 15, 1920 47 The following prodnets were raised on the county farts (luring the year ending November .1.5, 1920: Wheat, 408 bushels at $2.20 per bushel $ 897.00 Barley, 108'busnels at $1.20 poi: bushel 129.00 Oats, 720 bushels at 80 cents per bushel 576.00 Beans, 24 bushels at $3.00 per bushel 72.00 Corn, 450 bus}rels (ears) at 60 cent,s per bushel 270.00 Hay, 30 toms at $30.00 per ton 900.00 Alfalfa, 15 tons at -$35-00 per fon 575.00 Straw, 28 tons at $10.00 per torr 280.00 Ensilage, 75 tons at $8.00 per torr 600.00 Corn fodder, 6 acres 100.00 202 1'33O(;HEDINUS 0L' THE BOARD 01' SUPERVISORS Potatoes, 825 bushels at $1.40 per bushel 1,155.00 Apples, 220 bushels at 50 cants per bushel 110.00 Eggs, 730 dozen at 50 cents per dozen 365.00 Butter, 2,024 pounds at 62 cents per pound 12 54.88 Pork, 7,622 pounds at 20 cents per pound 1524.40 Beef, 630 pounds at 1.3 cents per pound 81.90 Crean, skier milk and butter milk 816.35 Asparagus 12.00 Swiss chard 10.00 Peas, 8 bushels at $2.00 per bushel 16.00 String beau 15.00 Tomatoest, 40 ishels at $1.50 per bushel 60.00 Cucumbers, 15 bushels 20.{)0 Ouiuns. 17 bushel -26.00 Beets, 35 bushels 25.00 Carrots, 50 bushels 30.00 Turnips, 10 leishel 10.00 Cabbage. 4 tons at $5.00 per ton 20.00 Squash 8.00 Raspberries, Black, 80 quarts at 2{) cents per quart 16.00 13aspberries, lied, 90 quarts •at 30 cents per quart- 27.00 Parsnips, 15 bushels 15.00 Sweet,coral, r/ acre 25.04 Pop corn. 2 •iuiLShCl' 4.00 $10,045.73 Sales from county farm, November 15, 1919, to November 15, 1920 20,441 pounds at $2.08 per bushel 1,444.63 20,073 _pounds at $2.20 per huslicl 9 Veals 284.47 2 Dry cows 132.50 1 Cow hide 25.95 Pork. 562 ponds at 20 cents per pound. 112.40 7 Pigs at $5.00 each 35.00 Beans 2.1.00 Carbide 4.50 Cabbage 1.8.25 Potatoes, 131. bushels 484.33 Meat 174.47 Butter, 963 _pounds 597.23 $ 3,334.73 Cash expenditures by the ,County Superintendents and salaries oil physician and chaplain $12,828.76 OP 'POMP kINS UOUN'I ', N h:Vir 203 Amounts expended by f he County Superintendents for re- lief outside of county home: For outside relief: $799.09 -Superintendents' expenses 215.09 Telephone, printing and postage 1.22,1.3 Transportation 892,119 . 2,028.50 Value -of products Of the farm $9,946.65 Sales of faun products 3,334.73 Value. of products used at county farm $ 0011.92 Beeper's salary 900.00 4;10,800.26 Total expenditures for the rrurintenanee of the county home at a per diem of 1.04-- $18,312.1.8 Inventory of Stock, Tools and Equipment at County Farm: One set Heavy harness $ 20.00 Two lurntier wagons 05.00 One two -home enbtivator 30.(}0 One one-horse e.ultivalor 7.00 .One manure spreader 75.00 One he,Y kidder 55.01) One roller 15.00 Two pairs bob sleighs 80.00 Two plows 35.00 One, harrow 15.00 One pea tooth harrow 15.00 One set scales 50.00 One garden drill eonrl>ine•rl .0.00 Onc ensilage cutter 180.00 One grain drill 5Q.00 Forty-five grain. lei<gs 20.00 Two hay riggings 40.00 One grain hinder, new 225.00 One hundred potato eraies 15.00 Two horse forks, ropes, pulleys, etc. 22.00 One half-brrslael measure 3.00 Two wheel harrows 5.00 One Born slreller 15.00 One fanning mill. 20.00 Fortis, shovels, pieks 1.5.00 Lon chains, and crow bars 6.00 One grass seeder 12.00 One lawn mower 8.00 One milk eart 12.00 Two milk esus 10.00 Ten =milk pails 5.00 204 PHOOFED] NOS 01•' P111; BOARD OF SUPE12-VISOI1S Milk scales 3.50 Two horses 400.00 Nine. cows 1.,1.25.00 One yearling heifer 50.00 Two two-year old heifers .1.30.00 One 'herd brill 250.00 Two heifer calves 80.00 Two veals 40.00 Two •])rocs] sows 100.00 Twenty fall pigs 100.00 One lierd Boar 50.00 Twenty frill hogs 1,200.00 125 fouls 218.75 One li llrorse gas engine 150.00 Washing machine 2:5.00 Laundry extractor 1.50.00 Eight laundry tubs 200.00 One milk extractor 25.00 One knitter churn 50.00 Butter scales • 15.00 One feed cooker 40.00 One litter .carrier 40.00 *5,560.25 [it compliance with Section Il of the peer laws or the ,State of New Work, we respectfrally report. that we estimate the expenses, over the balance of poor iunits in the hands of county treasurer, for the tours awl county poor to Im supported. at the comity home for the ensrt- ing year to be $ 5,000.00 _G'or outdoor relief and alnasheuse maintenance 5,700.00 For services of overseers of poor and superintendents' es- pouses 450.00 . For 'transportation 500.00 For physician and chaplain at county horse 500.00 Total $1.2,150.00 During the year the following improvements have been made at the county farm: A new refrigerator has been installed in the erearnory. OL' TOMPK.I.NS 0741.1NTY, NEW YOItK 205 A tieWv.roof has been placed on the administration 'building, .and tlrc porch roofs newly painted. An underground storage gas tank has been. installed. A double unit electric fighting S,ystoin has been installed tihrotigh- ont the tilrrrshinse and barns, replacing the old gas lighting plant. The culvert across the 11eW 1 )WE. 0nd county roti i1 has been lowered so as to provide an outlet for additional drainage upon the lands recently P11rella.sed. A. new grain binder b11S he011 purchased. llecotrrntetr rlatirrns : First—That your .I otrrd appropriate for the year 1920-3921 for the support of 'town and county poor and physician and chaplain at 111e county- home, for (nil door relief, for services of 1.}1e overseers, for superintendents' expenses anal 1ra114portatiort, 1110 sum iso` $12,1.:10.1)1) in excess of the balance in the poor fund of'. November 15, 11920. ti'ccirrr.rl 11'1; 1110 (:outiutrin,,,• to urge your consideration of thy, pressing treed of adequate hospital focilitics at the county lmine. 'Flu: State Board of Charities through its inspectors, have repeat- edly called imi'atteutiou to i:Ii utter lack of real hospital equipment needed in earring for the many aged, infirm and helpless inmates of the county home, and have directed' that provision must be made for the necessary facilites and for rr 0w1111etent rouse to give prober care 0) the Lases already in the home. Typical cases of the sort requiring hospital attention are as fol- lows: 1. A present. town charge':-1'4rornart of 8=1, through breaking i1 vv11 of old age is pr(nouneed technically iustrne by physicians. The only possible disposition of the case is 0) send the patient to AV illard, because the corlril.•y has neither nurse rtttr facilities 10 a1v0 her the 11eCC44ary care. 2. h'en's hospital at. county home:—The atlen'5 hospital is 1100' full, and the patients etre dependent for rine most. of the time 1111011 one of the intuatcs- 3. Women's hospital at eouut•y- home :—There ore now five WO - . 111 the wol0ren'S 11a5pital in the care of a competent woman, but She Las no .hospital facilities for caring for these patients. She is doing the hest possible under presetrt, conditions, but; is greatly hand- icapped by lack of needed conveniences. 206 PROCEEDINGS OF T1Ik B0A) D OF SUPERVISORS These conditions now exist. Specific cases in which hospital equipment .has been heeded in the past could be cited in large num- bers; and there is every reason to expect new ones at any time. Having, observed these conditions, arta recognizing the desirability of securing more humane. more seietlrifie and better conditions gen- era 1]y for t:}ie va rds committed to inti care, and furthermore, aware of the difficulties experienced by 11ie poor officials of the city and towns in caring for their many eases of sickness and disability; we 'as county superintendents, have spent considerable time investigat- ing studying facilities and methods employed in other counties of the state. -We firm that: in many counties these unsatisfactory conditions are being sncce.sfrrll,y relieved by the erection and equip- ment of a modern hospital building ilr connection tivith the county home, managed and maintained as a pant of the county ]come estab- 1ishtnent. 111 view- of the many problems involved in this proposition, which aliect the social curd erannnrie co1rditiorr5 of the county, and also i e- leiVi11g that the hest- knowledge obtainable should be hr•ouglit to hear upon its so}rttion, we ask that a cnn)nrittec of your Board be alutlior- ized to net with the conrrt,y superintendents of the poor upon the proposition to const•r'ract 0 hospital at the county home. WA 'TErr 11rE KEt;L, \\ru• l). 13.1Low1N, DANIE;r, llrrctr L LL Superintendents of the Poor of Tompkins County. State of New -York, County of Tompkins, SS. -Walter iltekeel, -William I). Baldwin and Daniel 1'Iitchell, beim duly $yvorn, say they are superintendents of tike poor id the county of Tompkins; that the foregoing statement is in all respects a true and full statement of receipts and. expenditures audited• by them during the year .1919-1920, as such superintendents. 1VAI.TER i1I1?1CLEL, --'m • D. BALDwrx, DAN]Er, i\I[TCnELL• Sid srihed and sworn to .before ore this 23rd day nr November, 1920, FRED L. CLOCK, • Notary Public. OP T'OMiP](1.NS COUNTY, NEW YO RK 207 Report of Board of Managers of the Tuberculosis Hospital To fire Pittard of Supervisors: 1-1o1u)ralde Sirs:— Tsr <aueorrlalsrre, with lanes Of. N& .v Sorh Staite, w'e, the 13.oard of Managers of ilu; Tompkins Gmnly n;)w pre- sent oirr annwrl report. We feel that the past year has been the most successful, in several ways, in the history nt the hospital. There have been a. testi number of patients admitted than lust ,year and those admitted, have been. in a less advanced stage of the disease. in a targe rneasatre, is Ayre to the work of the County Nurse and the Clinics in finding early- r!asels and persuading them to come to the hospital hefore all chance of htttp i5 gone. The total cost. of maintenance was $297.(11 greater than last year. This was clue to the necessity of paying the employees more. \\ e reeived $7,:147.50 from paying patients. This is considerable more i;harrr was ever reeeiveil in a year, before. '1 his iur;rcrise wars clue to the Goverunrent designating the hospital 55 a place for soldiers. 1invcnrent o1° 1'atie 1!s-1)rrriug the :year, thirty-three patients were ;hitt-titled and twenty-five discharged. There -were seven deaths. Nineteen patients rvere tliSuhargcrl improved and Six; unimproved. The average daily imputation was twenty-three and the total num- ber of days' treatment, 8,314. The total expenditures for the year were $20,815.41 and after de- ducting the,salary- and traveling expenses of. 1 -he County Nurse total- ing $1,272.1.8 leaves $14},$'.15.23 as the actual cost of maintaining the I)ospital. This makes our daily cost per Palle/it $2.35. Last year we had a. lraliauce ori hand f *2.878.40 and we received $18,000.00 from you, making a tota of $20;870.40. This year owing 20S PROCEEDINGS 01' TIIE BOARD 0F SU'PE1tVISORS to our 'large receipis we have a balance of $7,828.28 on hand for _maintenance. So we have to request; of you $15,000.00 instead of $18,000.00 for the conning year. Last "year We urged upon you the necessity of improving' the road from the depot to the hospital. This has not been done. There are times when it is impossible for the patients to be brought to the hos- pital owing to the sleep 11111d the last half, mile. We urge your con- sideration of this matter We -request *600.00 fur the construction. of a heat house. We be- lieve this %'ould tae more .profitable and or more use to the hospital than the raising of pigs. We again request $600.00 to enlarge the pump house and $250.00 for another engine for use in an emergency. We also ask $500.00 in addition to elle $1,200.00 given us last year to build two rooms on the women 's porch a5 we tare unable to get a contractor to take the jolt for $1.,200.00. It is the unanimous opinion- of our Board o1 $Managers that a be- giruaing should he made [or the better dousing of our tubercular patients. Willi this idea in view, we -most respectfully request. your consideration of imilaling 0 new hospital oil the present site. We reeontineial that you have plains drawn And pant of such new hospital to accommodate the women be built this corning summer. Most respectfully submitted, DR. I1. GENUNG, C>_ans. 13. I3o1cE, EmAIA W. KNE'1'TLES, 1\114S. EUGENE BAKE€ii. Poard of Managers. 'I''rltsract;l,€SIS IitISPITAr, STATEATENT, YEAli ENDED OCT. 3.1., 1920 Balance on hand Nov. 1, 1919 $ 2,876.40 Appropriation for Insurance 419.79 Appropriation for Cintstiruction 1,200.00 General appropriation for 11920 ]-8,000.00 _Receipts for Maintenance: . U. S. Government $1,917.80 Cortland County 3,1.32.95 Others 9,296.75 7,347.50 Total Receipts $29,843.69 01' 'CQMI'KINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 209 I)1SBURSEME1\ TS Superintendent : Salary $ 1,290.00 Expense 69.08 0911Cra1 ExpCTISCS: Furniture and Fixtures 189.17 Insurance 102.00 Upkeep 596.16 Light 2,046.66 Telephone 53.25 IIeat 920.17 County Nurse's expense 235.68 Sand ries 462.74 Inmates : Authorized Epiployees 6,765.46 Emergency Employees 293.05 Laundry 1,302.82 Operating equipment 335.48 Kitchen utensils 74.81 Clothing 1.80 Medicines 266.52 Foods: Milk $1.,917.93 Bread 504.73 Meat 1.,247:89 Other food 3,651.65 7,322.20 Sundries 330.36 '1'u01.1 Expenditures $20,81.5.41. Balance in Appropriation 9,028.28 For Irnsura11ee * 31.7.00 I'or Building 1,200.00 For Mainterranee 7,511..28 Total .Balance $9,028.28 210 PItOOEEDINOS OF THE BOARD O1' SUPERVISORS. Reports of Justices of the Peace CAROL 1NE Leslie J. Crispcll reported no moneys. received. Clrarles R. Ilounsbery reported no moneys received. -A1Bre1. Muncl.t reported no moneys received. DANNY F. II. •,Sloerrtl; reported 110 moneys received. L. E, Cnnrntings.Jepnrted no moneys received. :Eugene Dorn reported aro rrronc,vs received. Louis G. Thatcher reported no moneys received. I)RY.Ii)i N J. Dolph Ross reported $5.00 received. G. E. Urulerwoot1 reported. $65.O0 received. Paul .Ewers reported no rrrr,ney,s receival. • Olras..K.. Reynolds reported $9.00 received. ENFIELD • Albert Colegrnve reported no moneys received. Bert Kirby reported no moneys received. Daniel blitclrell reported no moneys received. J. Chas. AVetheriiy reported 110 moneys received. GROTON J. II. Iloir reported $80.00 received. G. B. Siekuiotr reported no moneys received. E. F. Tollnradge reported 110 moneys rceeivetl. R. R.. Chatterton reported $90.00 received. ' ITI3ACA \Vnr. I. :Smith reported no moneys received. James A. I3uslt reported $40.00 received. C. T. Stgg reported no moneys received. Elmer Allen reported $40.00 received, OF 'f olld't(LNS COUNTY, NEW' YORK 211 LANSING A. J. Conlon reported 006.00 received. Walter T. Sweazy reported no moneys received. W. Al. Bristol reported no moneys received. Jacob B. Brown. reported no moneys received. NEWT{':[BLD " A.rth1ir Decker reported no moneys received. Augustus Patterson reported $5.00 received. James-D..Erway reported $10.00) received. Edwin S. Vankirk reported 110 moneys received. ULYSSES .Tool I-lorion reported *F,.00 received. C. Owen Carman reported no moneys received. Fred N. Smith reported Fro moneys received. Henry Willia as reported no uafhteyys received, 2.12 P.ROOEED1NCS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 1: F-' Ci r-1 0,761 aq; sera! Stata null County 1--1 ?:r G car) 4- 4- If- rs City or Village School District I Iv 4- V!- 0 Total J 0 t r: rrOr;l:xr ClU G i-1 1 ^I 0 :uoigll qa• h{ 4- 7,11091.1,\ 3s.14tI ,i rl 4- ro C./.1 0 0 c 0 Uouui.v Treasurer's 0 0 ro 0 0 0 0 Of VI. 1,5 +4- w d Proportion to Town 11 Prol lortion to City or Village Proportion to School District OTS TOMPKTNS COUNT:, N EV!' YOt31{ 21:3 MOB.TGA.(1E TAX STATEMENT EMENT 'flue following statement Sbow4 the assessed valuation of each town 11.11 d incorporated village or city therein, the amount o.f mortgage tae to be distributed. therm, and the aruolrlrls Lhereot to be paid to the Several towns, incorporated villages and city therein for. the year 1.920. Towns, Villages aml City a 0 0 Amount of Tax Pull lle :I);ut by 1)rydon Dryden Vili;igc T'raori112 E•uti910 C:rotun G.rolnn Villa<re lt}nusa City itlinea. Town Cayuga, TTeiglits �TIT1a T,;tnsiu;; c-1 .1 NeNvfielrl Vilf ig Ulysses Trnni,r nihnrg 1 504.290 76-1,845 2,:31:1,441) 454,741 138,317 601,24)7 86.84 2,1100,410 092.37 1,1.22,14) 15,3:91,297 2,239.74 2,339,581 ;22.95 417.0518 1,751,23 r 422.00 003,605 98.72 '129,015 X1,4 3 9,1011 4(16,700 142.241:1 142.24 141.07 141.07 661.11 0813.10 193.471 84;•84 148.421 204.318 422.053 91.414 102.13 $ 142.2.1 141.97 59.8,3 18.18 1161.:11 841.81 14:1.95 592.11 2,239.74 2,2139.74 28.87 7.08 :11.:34 322.95 1 422.09 98.72 193.17 Total $4,901.101.$2,372.11 $2,528.99 $41,901.10 Dated December 14, 1.924. RED t1. UI.ocx, Clerk, Board of Supervisors. 214 PROCEEIDF1[i,S OF TFi1. DOA111) Ql' SU•It FRVISORS S 7q ✓ 0 0 0. 0 0 ti %L' r", -7-' tir G. •.r O - 0 •- .- 3 • a O Lu COI-, W .404-%0----414,- -,,----41,-,D14,---4 eo CO 0 4-., to O Co (!:- W -,I,.. :1=0::1 -I(.. C: - A •4 Of Land. 'Sr: IC !.") ul " [J 1-1 V] • 70 -r+ 1-+ N t+a z.:1 to I\: Do -iLo l0 I0 �i �I✓i '-1 ,, Ic- a: "' `''• p °9 "' 1--, UI F-1 Q 1 6s V).. C C! "--- N o �'4k �. o c- LJ 01 --7 -.C. .1 :- µ.,.;1 • ,F- 01 01 0110 - O :A% 01 O 1L1 e[ge11 V'illtle Of rent Esl:lte ill- 1;1111ling l'lllilcrl" ] Irl]Il1',1'ty, run etitalte of cor]loratioufi ,incl spe- cinl fr.11i<liises. . 00 co la c, it c 1:0io of equalization adopted In board of sllilcrrisurs in eliail1. izing real estate assetisnlent flu - der section 50 of the tax lair. .f- IC �I IL J: 4.07- r1_ ro �1 rs 1�. `s- v, -.Iiv 1- io 0 u, -1 _• �1 [n -4. I g .s- 7s -1 -- -.11001 C 1] V-' Z,..1,•-,--:, c.`:- ol`r e1`ois r-''. ii" C Co o :JI ,!+ F- Imo: t:; --I �1 O C. Equalized value of refill estatE' i:re.'llt<lirr+> Olinge ju'ntlert r. rent r (.,bite Ili COr110r: tti011B, and Sta; h n G .11 O 7 =, .112.r w r� o v C ? r! 2 r O 0.4 .r y C . Ci 2 C E a y 78'8'8 0 w 0 1> O y-4 ,+/ •a - f w 74 .174 ;81'6 r y v o O Fn"tr �a •! '.*-31 d O y U 2 O O u -� u c • a U "' ) E-4 o J n E'-11 w 0 0 Na a a O 0' by 7 9 v u u w ,7; 0-1 a�-ago ';, C1 N faL" STATEMENT r.l 0 10 4.4 40 dl N ' (..1./110 411.440,[) '98011110}110 }1II P01)110u O 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 00000 0 10 ,10 00 c' ,- ri h, Oi cq CI 40 r -i -F! 0 O 06/ m 112 ,--I K3 -[' 4;,44 -,[.‘,;f111..61111.1.111.1"1111 '"!;:11.41111 -.Ind 14.44 01 pun d) I I Clod) 'a rigs d0{ 0411.1 X111.& ,. n 1- v I7 c0.1r 1:- t; i .q...1 a'r o r . C O p o O C 0 0 0 - 1- ,ti '.,.., t- 1- '^ O., I:.'... 1- 1J "11 1- C0 r 01 :00 01, LJ r CO O..! 1- V)ri _r, 1 -1 --.",Cr '.n•I:I XT14 0010:)01 1 [I110F e0 1 : -H d c.1 i- cl r- ci '^ U: 1- 40 '. ' .1.]�'[' :1111 130 Si[)1L 41.\[)•113 O ) 6111 ^I O m .M 612 ri 02 c. 1 22210 r. 4V O 1- r 10 01 -1- ^1.0 CC -}1 10 01 ^1+ r -I Cv 04 }IIlal),[Illl .14),IIIS1t0O J, ,--C.,..-70.,-1' Cd , r. oi � 1 YI w-. .-i .041E121)) ❑10.1j s)1!1a02)4i rs. "1 01 '0 ci c} 01_ O '!--h1-`i.. '-'.00 A' 10 cl 10. 00 10 10 10. '.44111 XII 411L1 J0 \ 6 01,1[ .y: qi 1-. ri IG1 0 P l; -n I. -41 VT 714 511019 re 0.111 11 o rn r .-I _a O; yi ,�-1 ,1-y (14 jIf L'11E.10[I .1i1.,i ,60.If '1] CD.O1 cl 19411110;) ilr0d,{ 531![0:1.)9[ -h- 01t1 10 ni n O O n1 ,--I (1) to. Ij1 O 00 I.^ ')10012 11.1111.,,,I1010 p r 0 o 0 c10 11.'. , _ ,-i CV CV N 1- r 110 2111LL 1x1.14 1111111"1.101.1H1-. 2 C.I O 101_ -1. r- 0-I- 01 rt Vj O y'. 0 1°. 0 n 101 0 I 0 ri II) '0" I- O 1:5 (.'] ,--I 07 co .i 6 0 ;_q. xI; ,,..,1:.1;.Tm100ti7Q1';.14-.- rr1r -N 3 ..I -41 r r - itFY 1r0.1l 5:I11['�7]}I ci =f.- 0 .-I 01 O 0) -t -it 00,-I OHO .0 G1.01-.1 ..., 220.0 I0 '`1 ip .11) I0 ll.0 ..,.:64. x.041 n 1.7J 1,-, 041110;)11 1110.1; •I:I.II19112).11 1-0. 17 N 2/1 cl n rI r„1 c! r� rl rI .41111104) 11111.14 44411111,14)}19 ;r 01 .1 r-1 r -i). 'X111 .411.4410111 � 6 1' 1111 ti ; ' o ] '0 )' 11 I11]II1[)1l! IXI:,1, 11,4401 1r::: 0�0-N000, 1- 0... 01 .'�-! --11 C 01 00 0 G 0) :7 0 0.1 -11 ^'71 0 :.: 0) :.] '.cq :Y' _r, moi;. cc r "0CO ,-1'.:'0,-.7..1.--.71:1-' .''''071.-,--0.:C/5. ^'--I '-'" 41 `r 1'4141 (-2l 0 i--: r O 'XII d, :137r11!Y) - c0 =)6:- 'Y :71/) .r r.0 H 1']C�L- 0011:'0)-0 ' n 01- 111/) -1'r.ci ci r_.,;', C r.r, ca . O r -..O ,1}[O '31 4721I^-� Co O ,-1 -) O ,--I ,--1 1-1 -t- O r -i O xrs, X.11111!.! V I- CD 1/) CO :1: M O 1- -H ri Con c. CI COW CO O 0.11. 01 2.:7 40 `-I1 C. 'D O %)M 021/) CC9 G4 -4'- Ir c',..3 -N 1=� Ir 1cr ^ -t =fi 1) O c4 r] K+ •'1,;),111)11.1,! 3.100:) }011 s.r41llr 1121 io11014 .1x17 xll� 111 ^I .-1 W C7 O 0. 10 7.1 0. 040' In Iii 1 . -�h m,L,''',..-..' 11) '-' O ,'c 01 Gp ^1 c1 ,-I ri O n y1 _.. 'X'1:1 0411163 I Vj 0 61 0) 4- r C1 0 I- 1 a, M 0a 0 -r c`I I- O In , (A -11 0J 0 -1 '-t_0„--1" 1- c7 O] p'I'1,-r'l� Iry 1- I7....-.7.-14" H.. r1, 01 `)1 10 0 co ff} 4 ' V Otoa E c7 y q,, ',=.1,.0 6.1 0I�0W k� aa) r`.6.' _ 'O b v� :ir=1ifi . .. a 0 E cz zA y a>.7, I-ar! y a n: n I0JRF.A0%Ewtitc%1 - . a a r, '1'er G U ' r ^ :lf. H •. CJ QQ = y ,.p v te-' hoN tn2= 0., '2110 CO ' 41) 1' a. '` i, `n %. •p c1 G a.> `' C1 Pi --� v 0 q 215 $1,9655,300.00, d F o.0 y 4) bbeW a c.1 r 4) 3 1 SCJ) %n 3 F U Z • Qi hA..F. .+ U�•v I",, .:J" 7F o a - r 61, 0 0 c by -1 • 0 9 i C 0 N G "" 'U .0 O y - - O c E O y C5 H 0 O %+ r^1 � 141 " a O z �• F o 4)., j1; o U 0+ w n O N 1.1. V .21 a3 J U] '> a to 4 av a1 .� v O 216 I'ROGEED]NOS OF TI1E 110A RD a1,, SUPERVISORS HIGHWAYS—MONEY SYSTEM To the Comptroller of the State of New York: The following is a. Statement, Pursuant to Section 100 of the Ilighway Law, of the several. towns in the Comity of Tompkins, and the aruouiit of money tax levied therein, for the repair of highways, by the Board of Supervisors of said County at their annual session in the month of December, -.1.920, viz: ri., E rt 0. i"i s i r, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors. I certify that the preceding statement is correct. i'101) I,. C1.ocx. Clark of the I3oarcl 01' Supervisors. State of New York, ss. County of Tompkins. Wisher G. h'islt.being duly sworn, says that he is the Chairman of 1110 Board of;Supervisors of Tompkins County; that he has read the preceding Statement and knows the 551110 to the true. Wtr,unR G. FIsK. Subscribed and sworn 0) before me this :30th day of December, 1920. Palm L. CLOCK, Notary Public. _ - o 174 ''- y+'_ b- _ __� y J" `A _f :. .3 J„•) 4 = W- y _ Xsti v.11 T.. xsv q _ F. m . GC - - 7.5 _- jJ � c ' m _-'--,,-A_ - Towns °J - - 0vT' . o .. 05 • _ _ r _ _ _G. ` ._: o Caroline l* 553,640 ,` 8911.'235 $ SS:S,640 $ -1,51.10 `f!'3,000 .. 1,500.011 .$ '1 500.00 Danby 75:1.113)5 772,710 753,905 3,000 500.00 3,500.00 nrydoi 2,406,470 :,506,235 1,91.1,261 6,555 11,000.00 17,558.50 Enfield 598,443 613,297 308,443 2,522: 2,522.00 Groton 2,26:3,110 2,240,004 1,161,460 14,4:,0 4,500 2,000.0(1 6,500.10) Ithaca, 2,260,190 2,2.16,112 .1,84:1,141 4,060 4,000.00 Lansing. 1,7.11,775 1,748,581 1,741,775 :3,500 7,140 500.00 7,600510 Ncwfielkl 885,855 880,:;3.1 766,1190 :1,917 4,001.1.00 7,91;.00 Ulysses 1,411,625 1,•177,44;1 963,850 30(1 4,200 .1,902.56 16,102..56 ri., E rt 0. i"i s i r, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors. I certify that the preceding statement is correct. i'101) I,. C1.ocx. Clark of the I3oarcl 01' Supervisors. State of New York, ss. County of Tompkins. Wisher G. h'islt.being duly sworn, says that he is the Chairman of 1110 Board of;Supervisors of Tompkins County; that he has read the preceding Statement and knows the 551110 to the true. Wtr,unR G. FIsK. Subscribed and sworn 0) before me this :30th day of December, 1920. Palm L. CLOCK, Notary Public. P4 o ra W r off' SCHOOL DISTRICT A\T1.) .14 P -5 O E w O Ilir ^ a O 9 0. J rI N ....• EI '4. •R .0 Gam ^.. O✓1,w '.77:,4 41 V •• O ti ,,,,Q,17; . p 021 Z U1 c W w0 o•m ,) ,t - H ti OD PI P.-; Ea)o ,r , 0 . O " E a a rri 'r,.) i - O ❑ a 0 0 0 Z .uy o.47.1— v G o y 0 W E G %1 a F' y U1 .' 41 Z 17.' O H a �w . o E w' c ,4. toG Q..-.1,17:,,,, ' _ a Q y. W O m PP .1 When payable .� u :7 o o o, C. o C7 C. ...I. C: 0 -4 r C_ T r a a a^ c1. 0 W c0 .0. O O O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C - O O 00'0 O O C O 60000'W OO 666666o666666 66 OOGOQOOOOOOOICS w00 O O O O O r na a If;, O O O CI .+ co 4-.;p nri Il cl ci H 01 01 1 . (. F, 0 0 r0 z O.0 O O 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 O O P O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 O O C i 0 ,000 1 CA r -I r-1 C (0 01 (0 00 r-1 77Jt; 4 O C CD CD 00 CD O o +n O O O G O O O O C'0 O OG 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 •0 O O CD O •C0 000 OC 000 000 00 .0100 OO O O O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 COO O O 10 0 0 0 O C CD 0 0 0 In O o O +0 C O O O OO 041 O O I00 00 000 •-.}110 00 021 O 00 CD -j Hurl -h 10 0) 21 1- Hl'J H r.'I�-. Ir,+, MM H ,--' Cr, 1) 00 PP O '0 0, 0 0 0 5 4 0 © 0 10 O 0 0 0 0 •0 O O p O 0: C o c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 66666666666666 O O p 0 1 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 'O 00I, O 01r?0 00000 /4 CJ •n 0 O o O © O 1.^ 1002 PO 00 PP PC 010 CFC0 r-1 �•�i*r,r;l-r-1�.�i r�I Y�r-i�ri���.�r�i �'� \ -C] -N .1, `.}1 -♦1 •.7 +tl -11 --i' 70 M_ "M C.'S cr5 70 -N --M ...N"11 I0 co cry Under what law W • 4 ti 4 r -..r I� Ic 1^ I._ •+ H 1- 1--Vj ^ 1..- 1 - �+.r. T' i . cr (0 C.0ri0 (0 r ,..y'I0 r.i 01 ci r1 r,.i.-t•-M 1 ti n .-1 C 00 Z ) 7u1U1rl2r/1U1fJ QQOO 0(12 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 ,o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ., N -, y 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 N J of0 ::0 0 i/1 C.0 0) 'u tL C .tA GGA j j GL t4 A CA GL tG' bL Op bG = •r, � _ tGfy • r to GA .7720'.'.) -4 -4 b ca ca O O O O O 4r O td C6 G` ��+'. Q A EEE-'IEy,-,->�v CnJC13t7JC C.:I�:'EE'1 0 w 7-+ww i-!h%I / w www W W "1.1w ww W 0(20 0www•lwww<,.., 0-Q 0 0 0 0.0o 0 0 0 0 0 'Y> h 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 y 0 0 0 0 0 O5 0 0 0 0 Lt. a O r - r," CA L bA tL hA to A GA �A GG b4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 7, .., .., .., ..' ..y ... Jr.J �J CJ E1E Ec-I E�E�E-1�T���it 'r 'i%✓��✓ 217 21,8 (Lt�. 31Vd IC(I} City of Ithaca iBridge City of Ithaca ;Funding City of Ithaca 'Soy'ar ............ ....� City of Ithaca. 'Creek nod t 1)rainage....' City of Ithaca. !Improvement, Series A.. City of Ithaca Improvement, Series B.. City of Ithaca School City of I1.haea 11Vater, Series A........ City- of Ithaca. I Wutcr, Series B. City of Ithaca. liWater, Series G. City of Tihaea 1W alter, Series F'. City of It.hnea Water, Series G. City of Ithaca (Vater, Series H. City- of fthaea. 'Water, Series .I........ City of Ithaca l\Vater, Refund City of I.tha.ca 111'; 1 r, Refund. School District No. S, Dryden 1New Sehooi Building... School District No. S, 1 Croton 1: ear SCliool Building... School. District No. 0, Lansing _nlarging School t Itl� . 0 0 0 r 0 H 0t c F C-. . 0 0 7 — J 0 VI W 0 0 0 0 C.0 5 w V .t. .. 000Q0o5OC--OncCcnc J1 U1 :. ::1 L .1 H -, 1.J IL Iv : _, I;, -o. .,L-,t.r- l�r,r-r-r,�r:-,7-.12_ p . . - ;- 3 a _ _ 'J� 'R 'I� f. I. ✓.' '1. I. 'J. 1. '{- 1- 'J. 1. 'f- .-.r-,rF---. _.--Lr.. -.. .-, C,4 ea oZ -i- -- IF- 44- 4:- I.'-,- 4• k- k :.0 JI N= 4- :- I!- -I- 0 0 0 0 -7 0 O 0 0 rV O O 0 _, 0 ^.. a 4--1 1...-, W 0 0,:1--, I--' :.. C --71..:.:t I --I o 0 " -1 10 1'J 07 0 0 +- --+ O_�I O �:I O 0 0 o_:.:I O 000 000 0000000 0 0 0- 000000000000000 0 = Q O O o 0 0 0 O O O O O O O 0 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 .--, - - 4 7 ' I4; 0 o b o .j'. 0 0 0 o O -I 'I O O .0 0 ^. 'I 0 --' ..0 0 0i `'..'I 17 0 0 `. :1 0 F-' I'J CrUJ 0 0 u 0 C1 0 0 0 0 0 --1 0 I:f 0 000 000 0 0!'. 0 0.0 •''I' 0`• 0� 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O o 0 0 o O O O O o 0 0 0_ o o , 00oc00000co0-0 o0 0000000000000000 • 00000 �r - G 10 ::I 0 o 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 V 0 0 0 0 0 - 0- 0 0 0 .-- _ IN, © 0 o c I--, O 0 O o 0 Mi✓I--.ru NI-, I --I F-'I--'oo C:1-1 iJf 1,: "._? to'J.,,a.�.)"J"J r�"J..O oo:ao-0 y r�J Iv 1.2 1'J I,:. H- M+ Ir 1J 0 0 0 0 0 G l::. I I +1 11 CI Cr J- 1 q: IF- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -oO O G 0 0 o _000 000000 o OO Cc OC 0.0 0 .. GC= O .. a a a :a :n '-` I-- 1010:0 0 to 10 1'J it-�wk 21,8 (Lt�. 31Vd IC(I} 01.' '1'O111:'K1.NS (.`L_)IJNTV, N \' 1i1( 219 11LG11WAY, .0 RII)(i1 , .AIAC11INAA NJ) 11/1 USC ELLAN E() US .IP UNDS R E 1.'(J RT .111.01I\VAY1JN I1�'—ii1 ( i 1'T$ TOW11S Geuer11 1 rcl l'S imtluding primary nark. A.,ti ',4� ti , .S1 n ., ti i.:;Lrulhu; " u� 4 c :- m C.1-� a ,,, J 344.54 FW o U1 � o PI C+urolino. $ $3,000.00 $3,100.00 $ 2,820.41 $ 5,920.41 11aii1),y 1,922.44 2,500.00 2,800.00 2,750.81 9,.103.25 Dryden 2,70,8,911 0,858.00 4,800.00 111,017.40 ' 33,38.1.21 I':Htio1,1 .704.59 2409.49 1,726,;10 :1,142 !18 3,444.37 (troi.on 511.71.. 4,500'.00 2.790.00 21, 21.451.23 1t1,5cti, 832.45 4,0110.00 2,02)1.73 3,110,30 10,032.48 11;Insimg :3002.4 5 7,100.0.0 :1,'510.0(I 5,332.00 19,1135.1 1 V'cwlie1,1 1,352.72 3,917.00 3,525.00 10,1180.50 .19;1,8122 Ulysses 2,300.00 2,500.00 .15.,1:11.20 19 950.21i 111(_111\VA1" PUN DS—EX l'EN111'r1I1;1i3 'Towns Geuer11 1 rcl l'S imtluding primary nark. a ve ^ m a m, ' '-.-L y r ., ti i.:;Lrulhu; $ 4,242.47 $ 4,611.24 $ 8,333.71 $ .12,70 l3 uhy 0,936.65 2,72-2.00 8,758.7.1 ,.. 344.54 )lyiion 13,381.72 20,002.49 )3,384.51 }I;lificlil................. 2,363.71 4,0151.77 7,324.48 1,129,39 (lrotuIL 4,1149.:;3 24,720.19 29,;31)9.52 34.7.1 1 thus), 4,073.83 5,510.1)) 9,888.93 1 i).",.51 j 1.41 lsing 15,314.4;, 13,014.40 13,328.35 2110.26 N1 fiel(1 5427.30 13, 19,044.07- 137,15 1) ip;scs 5,450.72 13,855.34 19,312.1)0 047.14 220 PROCEEDINGS INGS Ob' •L'HI BOARD SUP.E.RVISORS Ili 11 \VA Y. READG . 1L ACHINE R ' AND All SGEULAN EOUS FUNDS REPORT BR11)G1,: 1)3.111GE ]?UNDS—E PE\4),ITIIIIES TIMMS i31ysses ,1.4 M OJ ,r v — -r- • " TO1cns ', 0 y v = . • ._ ,. ON rokL1L1! s . $1,000.001$ 500.00 81,072.001$ 3,172.601 1)aiilry $2,4):-,001:0 2,000.00 :$; 1, .:)4 1 2,000.00 Dryden 228.00 2,000.00 5,275.01 1,874.40 7,278.01 .L:nlir.11i • 1,1102.14 500.00 .0,2 :1.61 1,502.14 arm on 1,3:40.n _3,000.00 027.50 4,330.39 1Itlitwa `418.14. 1,000.00 .12-8.101,0713.78 1,003.14 I,,31I.silgY 1,:360.09 2,700.00 1.tl,ann 41./:1 4,105.14 Newfield 1,716.30 4,100.00 C.am8ing 5 816.30 Ulysses 352.15 500.00 11,420.779 9831.85 4.273 17 1)3.111GE ]?UNDS—E PE\4),ITIIIIES TIMMS i31ysses ,1.4 M OJ 1. 0 t -_G v — -r- • " TI 0 y . ._ ,. s . ;:IrOline 14 13LS.7S $ 288.33 $2,4):-,001:0 $0,15:5.06 :$; 1, .:)4 1):1uhv 141.12 228.00 1,029.68 1,874.40 125.410 )ryrlen ... .... .....: 1,852.29 2,152,11 .0,2 :1.61 7,275.01 10Lfih.941 • 822.25 027.50 1,449.75 112.09 ?rotor .12-8.101,0713.78 2,900.00 4,301.88 1.tl,ann 103:00 405.89 400.00 908.89 C.am8ing 140.45 767.37 2,113.47 100.110 8,.121.29 9831.85 Newfield 1511,85 682.79 2,811.82 2,000.00 0,645.513 170.77 1,258.32 2,0119.38 915.07 4,272,77 0.40 Ol' TOM'PKINS COUNTY, N NW YORK 221 HIGHWAY; BRIDGE, MACHINERY AND MISCELL ANEOUS FUNDaS ] EPORT MAC.111N17I1Y 7+'11V',1) R1?U.L'11"1`.S Torvns Balance from previous year. Received front collector. t, 0111 certificates of indebtedness. From other sources. 0.y o v F („11.'o11IEc �$ $ 2111,011 $ $ 7%.118 272.1)8 Dan by 500.011 181.47. 681.47 1)ryde1E 1,000.00 2,000.00 :1,0-10.00 'Enfield .157.61 1,000.00 1,157.61 (i rotou 2;5;1.02 .1,000.00 :100.00 1,52,:;.02 l6Eaea 25.73 1,000.00 200.110 1,2:15.75 Ln! ming 139.34 500.00 3,(100.00 4,2:19.114 Newfield 103.46 600.00 70:;.46 lJlysscs 1[10.00 8:19.87 1;,120.87 \IAC11F.N.h:1;Y 1'`UN'D IEY1'F1N1)1TUR-10S 'n •c 'r o ." Towns c y c i! U,u ohne I.1an by Dryden N.nfluid Croton I't 1u1w1 I,au0ing Newfield 1J Iysses $ 41.10 110,115 1,127.71 7:1;1.02 !188.80 0:1:x.28 3186:)) 17,00 421.54 $ 170.:;8 551.55 098.41 77.55 40:1.05 241.77 4-11.99 216.20 1,17:1.8$ 10.00 10.00 470.26 * 211.484$ (162.20 3,000.00 811.17 1,-162.45 1,17 7.05 170.24 703.46 1,3;;9.87 60.50 .1!1.27 340.44 71.17 58.118 469.05 222 .PliOOEEDINCS OF THE 130ARD OF' SUPERVISORS IlIGIIWAY, I311IDGE, MACHINERY ?1NI) MISCELLANEOUS .VUNDS REPORT SNOW ANI] _IILaS'CHILANT10US FUND -RECEIPTS Towns Balance from previous year. c J C Y. F }rom certificate of iaidai)tedness. From other sources. N f U O V Caroline $ $1,000.00 y $ 24.59 $$1,000.00 718.99 ]_1al�llc 1,072.25 1,200.00 81.98 Dryden 673.22 1,871.22 Dryden 8,601.7.1 504.30 438.15. 1,421.64- 445.13 7,244.25 9,100.04 Enliol0 43.00 170.56 1,000.00 Ithaca 191.85 12.00 1,170.86 Groton 321.33 2,000.00 514.33 538.01 80.72 Newfield 1,200.00 3,52E 33 I tlnlc,s Ulysses 55.05 1,500.00 9.00 1,907.05 2,648.15 200.00 1,758.05 Lansing, 119.05 500.00 619.05 Newfield 250.02 1;500.00 6711.26 2,423.28 -Ulysses_ 200.00 2,448.15 2,648.15 SNOW ANJ) 111ISGELLANEOUS FUND--EXi'ENIlITIJIUOS goS ' For removing snow'. For watering trough. a, V 9. i % s+ c j O Y, Caroline $ 138.:58 $ $ 836.83 $ 975.41 $ 24.59 Danhv 718.99 1,072.25 1,791.24 81.98 Dryden 1 ,757.49 27.00 6,817.25 8,601.7.1 504.30 Enfield 445.13 535.21. 983.04 187.52 Gni Lou 125.89 43.00 3,070.75 3,444.64, 76.69 Ithaca 191.85 12.00 1,15112 1,385.17 372.88 Lansing 2-1.00 514.33 538.01 80.72 Newfield 1,288.38 1,108.00 2,196.38 26.90 Ulysses 732.10 9.00 1,907.05 2,648.15 O1' TOME KINS COUJNTY, NEW YOIUK 223 Clerk's Certificate COUNTY f)1 TOMP'KINS, STATE OP Nl:\v YORK, SS. SIJ]'I;IZ.VISIrktS. YY11 I .Fred L. Clock, Clerk o.f the Board or Supervi5ur.. of 'l'ottq:ririns .Comity, New York, I}0 11a?1t..E.131' UEi /1'1FY, that .I have coin - pared the, foregoing Journal. of tite Proceedings of tlrc .Board of Supervisors of'[brupkins Counit;y, New York, with the original ree- .rrrcl thereof, that the saute is a full and correct transcript •of the transactions of said Board at the Special, Quarterly and Annual. 1Sessious thereof, lie]ii coring the year 1.920, also of the reports of the several co1rztty officials prilllislIeil therein. 1.N WITNESS IIEi K0P, .I have hereunto set toy hand and i+aarse(l the offici.11 seal of the .Boar1l of Supervisors e1 Tompkins County, N. Y., to he hereto affixed, this 24th Clay t)f`. l -January, 192.1. .PitE) 1.�. CIA.)C , Clerk-, Board of Snticrvisnrs. I'ontpkit3s Comity, 1\'. Y. 224 •PNOCEDDINGS OIF THE 130A RD OL' SUP F1RVISORS DATA RELATIVE TO HIGHWAYS BUILT UNDER THE COUNTY SYSTEM OF ROADS Data Relative to the Highways of Tompkins County, Compiled by the Clerk of the hoard of Supervisors from the Reports of the County Treasurer, County Superintendent of Highways and the Printed Proceedings of the Board of Supervisiors. (Continued on page 225) I \i MOVED 11 1011 WAYS c eco=U1 U V C 'Towns o ^�, :: -- o `~ .. c - c o� - -= .. x r E y a_ c y 7 C O c O C .. iy C':. o (r UZ> :3 E-. :x.71 _i F' ,•J r. 'J Uuroll riu 7.89 4.5(1 12.45 112.55 1225.00 12.1. 7.5.1 kinky 0.5:1 0.42 7.00 10.05 114.05 1125.00 11.110.]6 iydcu 5.84 15.51 (660 27.51, 165.05 193.00 21.1 14.50 Groton 9.11 3.00 12.11 59.89 72.00 8.8 5.80 Enfield 4.28 6.1:; 10.41 97.59 108.00 15.1 8.1)7 Ithaca' aha :5.71 19.05 1.12 25.88 6.2.12 SS.00 11.4 8.28 Lansing 8.10 3.07 2.02 8.10 133.81 112.00 15.413.:;5 V"o;wlield 13.02 2,04 15.60 130.34 146.00 ]2.1 9.46 Ulysses 2.8,k (1.03 5.21 1.1.08 85.92 100.00 11.3 8.09 '1,4:144 38.041115.0 34.28 137.68 961.132 1099.00 115.4 86.12: (Continued on page 225) AID TO TOWNS UNDER THE COUNTY 0 Ei S..{--•)(E0IN eon C) ,n o co CC <n rn :1{7iil;l� 4(41°14 [U'�u 10 l+ CO C> CC Cr] c±1 CV m CC di C, C,i 600 c6 -,-,4 ri Co CV put; ,Clutio7 a1rr.ij c� en 'l Cl. 00 c- m 04 1n CO eii.»n v n11.410.1,-}1 00 0 0 c� l- n 0) 0 100 4 1, [.V --rCOo10c;Cr, 00 C, 1n O C, L o 1n oo to a, GAO CA O COO Ch 01 CO L -- m co r?+ o m "}% c i r-. 0l m pi`- {Junci 00 1n ti cl m (0 L-- (5 O .--I G CO CA 04 t` 104 l y+ M 01 rl 1n 1�0"F10 �1Jp ri00 O •�l�CO1-1 SF.BIION rcj r•oo-ri-orr: 0l?l1l)1 a0]o,]t o r :-1 O c1 ,0 40 P 01 - �+er 0 -7V CO 10 ,q cs -31W bJ 1n 4 40 O C- 1:0 or CO c, (0O0 ri m 0' .,c,}11•10 -)Q,_ 600 IC 1n >D ]n DC O CO 1, y1. 0 Ci O G G ri O' --I OO .1, 'I040r1 CC 1^OQ ri SS,-',tol,C a: l_ o o a: 0.3 o 1n o 1 { A 1 ]L CO CS 4- O 10 7:1 0Q V; o ,1c5cz riry.-1 m p cao0rs04 o,-1 00 P rH c. ©1n co co O r4 r-1 H O ri 00 GJ 04 - nri OOOOC O 10 M.l-OCOOL- in O ptV .{}11n0) nccvoocooc `P '- G7 ri C 0C) G c-? 01 rte, on h r-.1 G1^ O OO O OPP 1^ O G o 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 04 ;i':{;111(1l, O o] Q O O r-1 N 0 0 C. 3 `lit ;1 1p - o O O o 0 1- I•.I 1 G ll' O P6..6CP1-1 a3'D r - :n7 ^1 C'.,1 I r -i ri r-1 C1 -Y O O O G -.ii O 10 O '4p! LISA si1[!,1-V 0 .0 o o 10 10 --1) ri O CI ri N O O 00 .-i O 1;' O d 0 0 O 1' CC 041010404104 d CO ply { lmo3 COp i� o 0 10 csii c QS ici CA W O GO '(4 c(1,--) 1r Il ri ri CV GO G^ C1CO O O StCO rCO . O 0] O O CV Z1'- oo 01 °P1 IPA 1n10J44I--01d1 N,`-1 ra c] 04 ,- ri 00 10 1-1 O CA 04(4 0 o ,21oori l� O 00 0 P 000 CO C) CC OQp C,1 A m pr`7 ;{1u1107 0 ')omo ti01, 1(4 O e91- L 1;. -f`'i 4CC 4(4 ri ,-1 r -i ci 0' CV ri 17 1n 10 O O O In [� L l -O C, 00,1 h.{E)1i011, 0 C17 6 o o 6 o x!11.1{1111A do 'Ill' � o c o 1 n.°1 '-1 '--1 r-1 CC 1044 G!; 0.1 rI r-1 P CC 0 71 O 711 O 01 f111fl •,)11.1\T 00 10 l-- 1.7 a O CO 4 0 rl O rl O CV ri rM O P N O 0' `31 -0 pl C<1 PTV Aqui-10D 0, ..- O p ri 00 �IiR€f ea11.1 L. ,n o, a in O O o O 0 O O O O N cl o 4!!111 so 1!y 1n r. .i E`1 225 : • : : m • rd m m : O rd N $ U•o F7 eq d CFtl ca F' f] .G cd N r�'i 226 PROCEEDINGS 01"111E BOARD OF SUPERVISORS POLITICAL DIRECTORY AND GUIDE TO TOWN OFFICERS General .Election—First Tuesday rafter the First. Monday of Nov eIn1)er. 'Town Boards to designate polling places—First Tuesday in Sept- ember. Town Boards to meet to audit c]aians 1+'first Thursday after gen- eral. election. - .A11 town claians must, he presented for audit at this time. The Supervisor. "Town Clerk and :Assessors of each Town must meet on the.{first Monday of July, 1.875; and in each third year there- after, at a place within the town appointed by the Saa.porvisor; or, in case of his absence; or of vacancy in his office., -by the Town Clerk; fur the purpose of making a list of persons to serve as trial jurors for the then ensuing -three .:Cara. If they fail to -meet, on the day specified in this section, they )nest, meet as stun thereafter as practi- cal. (Judiciary Law, Sect. 500.) .At the meeting specifier) in the last section, the officers must select from the last assessment roll of the town and make a list of the names of all persons whom they .Believe to be qualified. to serve as trial jurors as prescribed by law_ (Judiciary Law,, Sect. 501.) Town Meeting, biennial—First Tuesday after .First Monday in November in odd numbered years. Annual Meeting of Supervisors as a Board of Canvasser's—First Tuesday succeeding general election. Annual Meeting of 'the Board of Supervisors—Second Thursday after general election. Regular quarterly session ,of t -he Board of Supervisors�Seeon1 Monday of February, i\Iay, August and November. All bills and claims against the county rruist:be presented to the Clerk of the Board on or before the third day of Annual Session of the Board of Supervisors. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 227 All bills for supplies furnished to Superintendents of the Poor lutist be presented' to said Superintendents for audit 011 or before November lst, of each year. All bills presented to the Board of Supervisors must be itemized and verified by the oath of claimants. No hills for law books will be audited unless purchased under Resolution of the Board. of 'Supervisors. All bills for repairs to or improvements of county buildings must have endorsed therorr the approval of the committee on such builrl- 'irrgs. No bills for supplies for county officers will be audited unless the sante ',yore purchased by the Committee of. the Huard of Supervisors having charge n1' such matters. The Tax- Collector or Receiver shall, witluin eight clays after re- ceiving notice of the amount of taxes to be collecteit,hy hire, execute an unrlertakinn with two or more sureties, to be approved 'lry the Supervisor of the town, and deliver said bund to hint. The Super- visor shall, within six days thereafter, filo the said born) with his approval, in the office of the County Clerk of. this County-. 'The Assessors must -complete the Assessment Roll on or before the first day of August and lezrve a copy thereof with one of their num- ber and immediately thereafter cause notice thereof to be posted in three or more public places in the tax district, stating that said assessment. toll has)heeu completed and where, such copy tray he seen untiil. the Third. Tuesday in August. Real property shall he assessed' in- the tax district in which .situ- ated. Property divided by town line shall he assessed in both towns. '1'Ire Assessors shall meet on the third Tuesday in August, to review their asse.ssmtettts and hear the. complaint of any person conceiving to be aggrieved. The Assessor of towns Hurst tile a certified copy of the completed Assessment Roll with the Town Clerk on or before the, fifteenth day of September, and shall there remain until delivered to the Supervisor. .The Assessors shall forthwith give pUhlie notice by posting the saute in at least three of the aunst public plaecs in the tax district and to be published in ons or more newspapers published therein that Such Assessment Roll has beets finally completed, and stating that Such. certified copy has been flied. When the Assessors, or a- .majority of them, shall have completed their roll, they shall severally appear before ally officer of the 2,28 PI?OCEE.DII`GS THE BOA OP SUI'ERVISORS County authorized by law to administer oaths, and shall severally onake and subscribe before sueh officers, an oath in the following form: "We, the undersigned, do ]toreby severally depose and swear that we have set down in the foregoing Assessment Roll, all the real estate situate in the taxdistrict in which we are assessors, according to our best information ; and that, with the exception of those crises in which the value of said. real estate has been changed by reason.of proof produced before ns, and with the exception of those cases iu which the value of any special franchise has been fixed by the state tax commission, we have estimated the value of said real estate at the sums which a majority of the Assesors have decided to be the full value thereof, and also that the said Assessment Roll contains a. true staterncrrt of the aggregate aurout of the taxable personal estate of each and every person named in such roll, over and above the amount of debts dile from such persons respectively, excluding such stocks as are otherwise taxable and such other property as in exempt by 1ai4' from taxation at the full value thereof according to our best judgment and belief." Which oath shall he written or printed on said roll, signed by the Assessors, and certified by the officer. Laws of 1916, Chapter 323, Sega. 38. For Village Assessment see Chap. 93, Laws of 19.19. The Supervisors must 'report to the district. Superintendent of ,Schools on the first 'Tuesday in February, the amountof school mon- eys remaining in his hands. Each .rust -ice of the Peace must execute a bond with two sureties conditioned for the payment on demand to the, proper officer all moneys received. by the justice, by virtue of his office, which bond must be approved by the Supervisor of the Town, and filed in the Town Clerk's office. Each Justice of the Peace shall pay to the Supervisor of his respec- tive town on the first i\Ionday in each month all lines and penalties imposed and received by him, and shall also make a verified report of •all fines and penalties collected by 11iart to the Board of Torn Auditors of his respective town on Tuesday preceding the annual Town Meeting. County Law, Sect. 12, su.b'div. 21. Overseers of. the Poor canna furnish supplies to a county pauper to exceed: the sunt of ten dollars without an order from the County Superintendents authorizing disbursements rnr siteh purpose. The Clerk of every 'town, incorporate village and city in the County shall report to the Clerk of. the Board of .Supervisors on or before November 1st of emelt year all indebtedness of such town, vil- lage or city, specifying for what purpose created, under what law, rate of interest.and when payable. County Law,. Sect. 52, OP T011.2KINS COTFNTY, NEW YORK 2.23 `l'he'1'rnstecs of the person or persons having charge of the issue of bonds ar payment of: sane; of any sch0ol. district shrill transmit a statement thereof to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors annually 00 or before the first day- of November. County haft', ,Sect. 52. The Board of ASseRSurs 0:1 the several towns of the County and the Assessors of the City of Ithaca shall furnish to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors on or before the first day of September in each year a i..aall and: complete list and statement of all property within llneir respective districts exempt from taxation under the laws of this state. Tax Law, Sect:. 15 as amended. Chap. 323, Laws 1916. $30 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ROSTER -1920 CONGRESS A. B. Flout; =TON (37th District) Corning,, N. Y. S'L'ATE SENTA`I'.F.; SEYMOUR Lo\v3I N (list District) Elmira ASSEMBLY C:1s1 ER FEIGNER Ileddcns • COUNTY OFFICERS County Judge and Surrogate...W aLLARL lI. KENT Ithaca Special County Judge ' S En« -►_r BAN f(s Ithaca County Clerk CLARENCE 1_). r1'ARLI LL I :hIli:a Deputy County Clerk-WitiJ_v]I 11. BARER Ithaca District Attorney Antruu1; G. AuAms Ithaca Sheriff I' ti,y Sk7r:LL1'(i Ithaca Under Sheriff. \VM. 13. WILKINSON Il}haca Deputy Sheriff Lind• 'Liunkey. _ .C. I3. L_ (Imolai .I.thae a ProLotiou Officer R. A. IIuTCIu1ysoN Ithaca County Treasurer Roasrat'r I. PosT Ithaea Superintendent of Ilighwaysriu i. C. I+w:\NS Ithaca Superintendent of Poor -Wm. D. B_ LowiN Groton Superintendent of Poor• • DANIEL 113'I'Crrrsr.L Enfield Commissioner of Election BERT T. BAKER Ithaca Commissioner of Election Jorin P. KELLY Ith:ar•a Sealer of Weights and lleasures.Cc:rr•oT 13ELLts Ithaca Coroner Wm. A. S\IITII Nowficld Clerk of Surrogate'''s Court, D. -.IA. G1LLn.Srn•, Ithaca Clerk I3oard of Supervisors hl;L! I. CLOCK 1d11zaen !list. Sign. of Sehools .1 RliiA. 13EAnosr.r.Y. 'i'runaanshore•, R. D. Dist. Supt. ul' School, JOrIN 1). BwEI ow .Ithaca Dist. Supt. of School- .FI.vTTru KNAPP .BUCK Groton, R. D. Keeper of Almshouse Pxn.o B. S1-liTJ[ Jacksonville TOWN OFFICERS CAROLINE Supervisor CFLVI.LES R. Lou NsnEaty 1)i o1;ton Towaa Clerk J C. BEN NETT Brooktnn • OP TCMM(I\S COUNTY, ,NEW YOR:t 231 Collector CnAS. ii. HEATH Slaterville Springs . Supt. a_ Highways HENRY LYME Slaterville Springs n �NBY Supervisor Wm. 0. SMILEY Ithaca, R. D. 8 Town Clerk A. W. .13EAiu sL1]Y Ithaca R. D. 8 ILAitL DoRN Brookton, R. D. J. 0. A\1[LLFR Ithaca, R. D. Collector Supt. of highways • Supervisor Town. Clerk Collector DRYE) P N. En S. IluL. Ercevillle, R. D. !a' 1 , DARLING Freeville I> j. TIAa[.moNn Dryden[ Supt. of Highways ]u1 -[N .LVIuNSLY Dryden Supervisor Town Clerk Collector 1?N!'1E.LI) OI.I:N A. KING: 'Ithaca, R. 1). 5 CL.11tn,NcI l+'[Tcnl'ATRICE, Enfield Center E.HL P. Boyo ....Tr.umansbur'g, R. D. Supt. oL .highways G[LnEwr la'rslrliR Ithaca, R. D. GROTON Supervisor 1'lL NK A. HI1OENT Groton Town Clerk H. G. ;Min, Groton Collector L[1lN buck-. Groton, R. 1). Supt. n1° 11ighwa.ys (1LENN YOUNG ...... ....Groton, It. D, ITHACA CITY Supervisor, 1st Warta \V i. 1-1. IJLoN.v[to Ithaca Supervisor, 2nd Ward I.,. E. P.'rrEBsoN Ithaca Supervisor, 3rd Ward E MORGAN ST, Jor1N It'haea Supervisor, 4th Ward .I n5 R. RU1[NSUN Ithaca Supervisor, 5th Ward WIL1n1It. G. Fis11 Ithaca City, Clerk 1V. 0. 1{F.IRR Ithaca City Chamberlain CLARENCI, A. SNYDEri Ithaca City Superintendent, Jos. CAiill'11IaLL Ithaca ETIEAC.L TOWN Supervisor Town. Clerk Collector Supt. of Highways H. S. Wino TIT Ithaca. C. J. lien[K5 Ithaca R. 1). 8 HowARD Mc.Dnr1ELs Foro-st Homo FRANK McPI-3EItsON Ithaca, R. D. LANSING Supervisor CLAIRENCE M. laude I.1nllowville, R.D. 1.0 'Fowl). Clerk Sriortn. STEn_1MAN Ludlowville Collector CLAYTON 'TARING ....Ludlowville, R. 1). Supt. of Iligliways JAY MOREY Groton, R. D. 232 r'ROOEEDINGS OF THE I3OAR,D OF SUJPERVISORS NEWFIELD Supervisor BoY C. ALrsrttuirr Newfield • Town. Clerk GEORGE AV..PECK Newfield Collector LErtOY DICKSON Newfield Supt. of Ilighway-s WM. WrTrtErtELL Newfield, R. D. ULYSSES Supervisor .1. lI. `I'owNsE:Nu 'Trnrnan51nir.i,. '1'owu -Clerk MAUD TOMP'KINS. Trumansb,urg Collector ' WESI. Y W. 1:10w it, 'l'runransburg, R. 1.). Supt. of .Highways fiErzr VANN Ithaca, R. D. 4- m rr d 0 EN 0 cow N Uayap • ca 400 u 0 r3 v 43 a F is O For Secretary of State OT' TO.1'IIIJ(JNS COUNTY, _NNW YORK 233 .TUqCrj-.iour,cud .10.C[\T )(j71--[I:tanq 1,77, col N11,1 .c1:1\ 1101E lirl[11oa,i to an1.{1?11 '�[ or1a.ICI " Isr1r..7.ms imnonx •A\ x,1111010 111:a11! [!U loll suo=trr 'C iu[op n 1 .I n 41:.t:Io[ao 1 • GIJ!11[ CC[� a:11:.11n.rlc? For Lieutenant Go .i{i({'GrI-.T1HII.1-U i[ �rti Co,gral:[ ';1 i T0i11711 a0gt:rJ-1 nrooq r[orligillO1; lizr:el[), Inl 11SF101 B(IS 111:11;1TI.r 'A1 0 011' C:J ur:aggnilokl 11nnM i{C1illi)J01. 411 i1:.tooloiJ(( GJ ?,4 For Governor aa11er1 laiii,tn,1 auo1C1C'. 1'1.5OIPU(11 110i10l-11:1:x111 �� ua1116, c[ MIO f 110C_!1111110.1r1 Ig 11osi 111011 , 1x111:1:)11 rt 1101[11:!10 •([ i1liosul'C! 111,':SI[i111c1a'}1 .roI1CTC T 111:1{41:!\1 cl I1:a;mnrl(1' 1{'4nuq .I3 iia•1;1[�' .[ )([.Crf_.lail[al:,i[ 1P7 rio C41 r.tult110.lo(•{ ao(pn-1::[aoq TI1[R)1 rCJ 11!13.{ no! plrinlo.rdi ![1113 aillll.11j i1O[IV 'I� ant{latr 1rCa11111111;)[1 110x1111 •J:1,1 1:[nl)#.TTA 111 C] Cf I'Caoonto(I o-laoleaoli[t0 O vtlnYat� For State Engineer and Surveyor • .Io 11:Th,10111:1:21 �C t[rllllrlI110a,{ I� .111[11.1\1 4511 U1:10�" 11_ -r J1o1,111(1.10!)4 .71f[Ipr1A 1=' 1110)1111ii 1.)11 lc slr[r;l[EM. '111 1tur..i,,[ IT)] For Attorney General 1nL0Ii111I 111W, /-?.l .1g1[1:r1-.10111.1VA Irl al.aa1'RI '✓I • .tugur-I-1{111)O 01111{111!11([ 111111.1'1 troy}rynloarl LS= 111:1II1.A\ 15Tiopos•' 0[11,1 O -F.; Ti; • j' 11155.!1:(1101 n 1:n111111( II I1 1i0.4.10i) ( s;il1:1l0I�f iIli.raontaq n 11°TL "I1 )11Carl ci For State Treasurer Is'[1:p0S 1� .1ail ns1.1 f 'T 17041!T[I^t TIn011111111111.1- • 111:1011:14 110.1110[1 `11'.I:10T110([ 4,011[ For Comptroller • aog Ur1-.ti1[Il.fi:,r). a011!iI �1 u{lu[t:Jf uala.[II antlur1-Il:taoq ;L ;1.i -iv( [ 111111(. nlH}n(nloa,-1 { QI:.i,) '0 mu!-11lrtll' Ist[Itiaoq 1{111.0Pue1l 11{1111{ I •VT 01 110 0[r[li(To1.1. I10P1111lt 'VT 'ADMIT ',!Z luaaunliiCf I"' rr) Caao�[ '.1t sol.nag7p ted on page 234 0 u �3t :PROCEEDINGS O1' THE BOARD OE SUPEiR ISORS ivlPaul Smith oI Democrat ciScynioul' Lowman Republican John LL. Mallory, Jr. Socialist 0 m ra O .±::;IRexforil R. Chatterton 1DenlUCrnt CYD Casper e e,Iner Republican Joseph G. Roth • Republican ,AIIj rancis ,\1. Willis ▪ Prohibition 'IS. Edwin hanks ▪ Republication .0 Proliih'n 'Frank Adams o Socialist \l onroo M. Sweetland 0 5 n ti 0 00 00 o a m 03. am mY Democrat William IL. Leonard Lay Skilling 141 Republic.ara and Socialist c IEar1 ,T. Snyder I'rohihition 1iCharles A. Mackey roI Ililau5103 Li Ayes �INoes X0 Oy 0 Ayes 0 Noes yr 00 Vi 0 • 41lr'rordcrie.k E. Crane Demoorat and Republican I. Abrarn 1. Elkus 6,- • Democrat ul E'Eniory A. Chase '5;I 1{epu Miran ,"ILeon A. _llalkiel wl .S�.o b;Just „Paco}, Axelrod "'I Socialist 5,ECoicridge A. Eart Probibitinr: brands h:. Rnl [win o Prohibition 1Swin1nrue 1-i a lo F.'•;1 Farnicr-Labor. 'Thomas F. Bayer i:i Farmer -Labor For Associate Judges of Court of Appeals LHurry C -Walker • Deiuor,rat ilti21Jaities 1N. Wadsworth, Jr. cal Republican ' r IJacab .1 ankin a1 Socialist '41 ['Ala A. Boole l'rohibitioii 111aFry Carlson ▪ Social -Labor Iliose Sohneiderhan Social -Labor For United States Senator Charles L. Durham Demni;rnt cJl ° Manson 11. Flong}iton iRepuldican I�,I1'rancis Toomey aa,I Soclnlist INDEX A Acvmmirs of Supervisors 173 Additional -Mileage Alloted to Towns (County .System) .11 Albright, Do Mont. J., Claim of 811, :147 AThefulment of Rules 113 American Chemical Co., Erronious Assossminit Against. 35 Aniinals—.Roport of Society for Prevent$on of Cruelty to 93 Appropriation to Society for .Preveiii ion of Cruelty to 114 Annual 'Session 01 Board of Supervisor35 Audits at :152 Aoportionment—Of Eleeti.on Expense- 70 Of Proceedings of lienal 80 Of Taxes 131 t1py.ropr1ll.ion—For Construdion of Drydemtlarford Road 13 For Completion of Cortland -6,-010E Road 11:5 For Completion of 1:v0kt-on-Caroline Road 115 .Por Sinking Eund and interest on lloints f.siied for Ccuit.ructinii of , .State mid County Iligh.ways 30 53 For iliainleummte of Slate ;Id County 1 igIiwav 48,, 53 .For Construction of it.ighwnys Under Comity System of' 1?‹.)ml• 25 For (.:ofistruction of Highways Under County System of Roads—Addi- tional tfr Caroline and 1):(/11)y 1-1 For 3.1.n.intenatiee of .11ighways tinder County Systelll .For liond.of. .Counly Treasurer 58 For Clerk line ±ir Commi.ssicilers of Elett.ion 129 ( .170r -rail, Light and Tele53 .1. phone-, For .51aintviance okf (jon awn nd "roPr ,:.00 For t'ostage for .Comity thliriiro 58 59, 02, 65, 117, 8:5 Pu Procecdings 01' Board 117 Por ,Siipport of Poor 103 -.Eor General ami Poor Purposes 127, 128 11.10,v2y L'urp.oses 127, 123 For Poor Ptirpo.ses 127, 128 For Expenses or sujw,iniffiLdwa. of 11ighwnys 25, 61, 1241 Of $500.00 to :1,Theince Committee to Protliro Motor Trucks 8 Of Moneys to State tligliway Departmend to Reiird.,tirse for the Motor Truck Expenses 94, 29 01 $145.27 to leifulnirse, County. Superintendent of Highways for 'Ex- penses 0/1 M.otor Trucks25 Of $7,000.00 for 1)mitp-,.bodies for Midor Truck.. 89 Of $98.70 for Painting, 100.. Rooms flf Superintendents of the Poor.. 24 Of $500 00 for Refrigerator Plant at County Emile 110 Of Motor Vehicle Moneys to Towns 25 it Of County Iliglrwny Funds to Towns 25 Grana Total to Towns. limber County System 224?25 To Highway bumf lJndor County System of Roads 126 To Towns Under County Sys1crn of Romig 25 To General and .Poor Fund 127, 128 To General Highway Fund 127, 128 '1'o Child Welfare Board • 103 To Farm 13urcau Association 108 To Home Bureau. Association 17, 108 To Society for Prevention of Cruelty to A7linn'ils 114 To Society for Prevention of Cruelty- to Children 114 To Tuberculosis hospital 83 Under Lowman Bill (Sec. 320-13,llighway tow) 76, 84 Armistice Day Committer—Tloport of 41 Anniversary Celebration 36 Armory—'State Tax for 39, 12.2 Assessment of all Property in Connty•at• Full Value 20 Assessment—Erroneous - 10, 85 Refund to County by Reason of 16, 8:5 Assessment Rolls—Regular Report of Committee. ort Footing 95 Supplemental Report of Committee. on Footing 97 Time to Present 40 Petition of Assessors of Dryden Relative to 40 Petition of Assessors of Danby Relative to 48 Ambits—At annual- Session 152 At Quarterly Sessions 6, 20, .31, 34, 45 County 152 Towns 156, .172 Automobile Moneys—Appropriation of to Towns 25 Additional. Appropriations to Towns of Caroline and Danby 41. Manner of Payment of to Towns 26 Automobile Ilirc, Contract for 150 B 13otiril of Supervisors—Names and Post Office Addresses of 'Members of, 35, 42 Annual Session 35 Quarterly Sessions 3 16, 28, 33 Special Sessions 3, 10, 13, 23 Ilours of Meeting 41 .Supplies for 37 Accounts of 173 Printed Procee4iings of—flirts for 86, 93 Contraot for 03 Apportionment of 86 Payment of 117 Roans of, Janitor for 117 Report of Comnmittee, nm Alterations 15 Standing Committees of 17, 42 111 Special Committees of— '1'.o Attend. 11etaring oa Lowman Bill 4, 15 To Have U1iargc o1 Motor '['rucks 11. To Investigate Claim of De_Mont J. Albright 86 Report of 1.47 Legisla Live Comm Lt eo 149 151. Marinol for 20 Baldwin, Wm. D.—Allowaacc for Expense,: 29 Bank Tax—Report of. Committee on 65 Statement of 212 Board of Child. Welfare, Report of 79 Appropriation •to 108 Vote of tlranks to 79 I3oarsl of Managers of Tuberculosis hospital, Report of 63, 83, 207 Election to 8'l Appropriation to 83 Bond—Of Anna. M. Sitter, Cancellation of 90 . Of County Sheriff 01, 149 Of Ciun..y Superioreodenl, of Highways 144, 148 OI` Coeut.y Treasurer iib .Bonds ISsne,1 for Cunstruet-ion of State and County Highways, Approppri ation .for Sinking Fund and interest on 40, 53 Bonded_ Indebted ieos of County and Towns 2.1.7 Bridge Fund for Towns 220 Budgot, County 122 Budget, Towns 131-1.43 .13rookton-Crinoline, highway 'lo. 1431, Appropriation for 115 Brotherton, .Eugene—I'I:ming I'ro j, rty of on Dryden Assssmcut 'Roll.. - 4.0 Carolina—Audits of 156 I3uiigcl; of 13.1 Tax •fear Dlaiatennnee and Repairs of State and County Highways.. 40, 53 '''rax for inrprorcnumt or mini .:ridges 69 Tax to Coneel Certificates of Indelata,iness 70 �pilrepr)ot.iun to lander County System of Roads 2.5 Additional Appropriation to Under Comity System of Roads 41 Appropriation to for .5laintcnam:o of Bonds Under County System811 Resolution Authorizing Town to Borrow Money Under See, 320-A, Highway Law 145 .Amount. Dim 'Town troni Mortgage '1'a.x 91, 213 Returned .Srliool Taxes -of 7,1 (3rispell, Leslie, I, lnelig,able ❑y Representative from 42 .Lounsbery, Chas. Ei., as Uv..prusialtativo from 12 Galla;hcr, Wm. C., Resolution of .Regret Relative to 1441 Lousisbery, Chris. IR., Resolution 'Relative, to 144) County Audits—Annual Session 152 Quarter»y Session 6, 20, :11, 04, 45 iv County Budget •122 Chairman of Board, Election of 36 Quarterly Session 6, 20, 31, 34, 45 Clerk of Board, Election of Salary of 60, 62 Postage for .50, 85 Authorized to Purchase Sopplies 37 A othorized to Co r not Errors 85 Authorized to Expurge from :Minutes 35 Authorized to Make Contract with Monroe County Peuitentiary„85 AuthoritA1 to Make Contimet for Printed ings 93 Authorized to Make Contract for Automobile Eire - 150 Authorized to Purchase -Manual 20 Directed to Print Tax Rates 144 Certificate of 293 Report of, .to Comptroller 216 Direct ed Is.sue -County Order,: 145 Coni i ttees of :Board of Su pervio rri—Sta u 0 ug 37, 42 Slifecial—To Attend Hearing 011 1..OW1111111 'Bill (See. 320-11., 114,,,1iway Law) 4, 15. 'Po Ila‘e Ohargi.- of Motor Trucks 11, 24 „ Report, of 24 To Investigate Claim of DeMont Albright ........ „ 86, 147 Report of 147 LegiNlative Committee 149, 151 Alterntimei in Supervisoi.s' 'blooms, Report of 15 Armistice Day, f?uport 41 Commit! ec o n Golluty 011icer. th1 Compensa lion's -- Report of, on Audit 87, 115 .1.1port of Relations to Sala] y 1' CoinOfficer- 60 Authorized to Procure f:_iiiitable Offices for Superintendents of the Poor and Probation Officer 4 Authorized to Procure Offices for C0f1111/issioners of Election 130 Report of, on Compensation of Court Officers 42 Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses— Report of, on A lid its 104, 113 Report. of, Relntive to Apportionment of Election Expense.,-; 70 Report of, Relative lo Report of Surrogate 67 Authorized to Recopy and Rebind Record Books in County Clerk 's °thee 26 Authorized to Procure Safe for County judge and Surrogate„ 28 Authorized to .Purchase Suppplies for County Judge and County Clerk 90, 99 Committee on Charities— Report. of, on Audit, 101 Report on Child Welfare Board 108 Report of, on County and Town Poor 103 v Report of, Rotative Lo J{sport. of .1iutt-rd of Managers of 1'ullerLul06is .11osp>it al 83 Report of, Relative to Report of Superintendents of the Poor 103 Authorized_ to install New _Engine and ,D,vnauro at County Home19 Authorized to Allow Wm, D. -Baldwin for Expenses 29 Compnittee on County Treasurers' Accounts— Ruport of, in Audits 110 Report of, Relative to Flank nix 65 .Report of Relative to Ilfortgngo Tax 91 Report of, Relative 10 Report of County 'Treasurer 1J:' Committee on Coroner, ,Justices' and Constables' Accounts— Report of, nn Audits 108 Committee on Correction and :Reformation- -Report of, on Audits 111 Crnnmil.tee 011 Contract Supplies-- �,art of, Relative to 1,'14(1!, Light and Telephones i1 11o1 Appropriations for Fuel, light and Telephones 58 Authorized to -1adke Contract for 'Telephone Service 66 Commitee on I?tlnalization— • _Report. of, 011 ]Ratios and l'rrrgiitnges 90, 9I ]Report of, for (..cucrai Tax .1.aevy.... 118 Report of, for llighway Tax .Lucy 120 Report 111', on Apportionment of 'Fixes' 111 Committee on h'oot.ing Assessment Rolls— Regular Report of ;15 Siip11lcnwntu1 lieport of 97 Committee 011 Finance— Authorized to Proctr, Motor '1'rimks 8 Conlrty Trr,asiirer I)irecte0 to 1'ny 1']xpeu;ct, of, in 1'roaurixg Motor 'Crocks 8, 25 Authorized. to'Purchase Additional _Motor Trucks 1f1 Report, of, Relative to Co111115 Budget 123 Repo'. of, liclativ[r to.Town 11111!14[( 1-p1.-143 Counnittee on 1-1ighwa-ye— IReport of, on Audits 49, 87 l)ireetcd to 1'repikre Contract. for Motor ]rucks 20 ' Committee on Returned 111giitvay and School• Report of, Relative to Granit ,furors 110 Report of, Relative to Returned So;honl Taxes 71 C011unilec on hales ;1114 Lcgislat-ion— Autlorrized to 1'rneure. Town Order Books 54 Authorized to Procure Bids for Printed Proceedings of Board 86 Commitle.o on Soldiers' -Relief, ]sto,.— liupurt of, on Audit 10515 IRcport of, Relative 10 (Farm -Bureau Assor;iation 11 _Report. of, Iielativc 10 151(1110 111sreau Association 108 vi Committee on Tonu Expenses- - Report of, on tadobteduess of County and Tonus 217 116port of, on Spo iai Franchises 100 Committee nn County and Totisn Accounts - • Report of, Relative io Amounts to he Raised for 'Maintenance of High- " - ways ani Sinking Fund and iaiterest on 13ondls Issued for Con- struetion of Stale, and County Highways 53 County Officers—Navies of 230 Salaries of 60 Postage for 59, 59, 62, (15, 67, 85 County Judge and Surrogate—Report of 58, 67 Reyns'itiou of 90 Safe for Office of 28 County Clerk—Report of, on Receipts and 1)is'hursenients 47, 197 Report of. ora -Mortgage Tax 47, 91 Postage for 58, 65 Requisition of 99 Recopying and Rebinding Record Books in Office of 20 Refund of .Mortgage Tat Fees to 09 County District. Attorney, Report of 59 ('n•unty Prahatioa O Boer, Report. of 52 Prober 011iee for 4 County Sailer of I.Veigahts and _Measures, Report of 48 1s_xpenscs of 61 County Sheriff, Repot of 70 ]fond of 94, 149 Instructions as to Care of Court House 2 County- Superintendent of highways, Rc}}ort Of 94 Election of 49 Bond of 144, 148 Salary :and Expi.mses of. 61 Appropriation to Reimburse for Expenses 26 Directed to Allot Nlot.or Trucks to TowiN 26 Directed to Examine anal Report on Proposed Mecklenburg Road -Elm St. 13ighway 48 1)n(eted to Prepare Plans, Specifications and Estimates of Propose,'" Mecklenburg Road-EIm St. IIighwa', B4 Gouaity Superintendents of tho Poor, Report of 50, 200 .Prober Offices for 4 Payment. for Paiaating, Etc.. Rooms of- - 24 Allowance to Wni. D. Baldwin for Expenses 29 County Treasurer --Report of 50, 50, 174 Bond of J8 .Postage for 59, 62 Clerk 1 -fire for 62 Amounts of (See Committee on Comity Treasurers' Accounts). Autlmrized to Transfer }Funds in Case of "1)eliciency 128 1)irocteil to Pay Chairman of Finance Cotuaaitte0 $500.00 for Expenses Yat Comity Treasurer (Continued). in Procuring Motor Trucks 8 Directed to I'ay for Engine and Dynamo at County Home 19 Directed to Pay State Highway Depat,tancuat to Reimburse for Motor Trucks 24, 29 Directed to Pay for Painting Rooms of Superintendents of the Poor.. 24 Directed to Pay County Superintendent of Highways to Reimburse for Expenses 25 Directed to Pay for Refrigerator Plant at County Ilonre ,30 .Directed to Pay for Dumlr-bodies on • .olor Trucks 89 .Directed to Pay Supervisors Under County System of Roads 25 Directed to Pay Motor Vehicle 37oneys to Towns 25 Directed to Pay Additional Motor Vehicle Moneys to Curtain Towris41 Directed_ to 1.'ay Balances to '['owns and City 92 Directed to il.'ay Audits at Quarterly Sessions 6, 20, 31, 34, 46 Directed to Refund to County Cierk 99 Directed to 1.'a.y Certain Claims from Dog Pun,_ 109 .Directedto Pay Trtaur;mec on Motor Trucks 129 'Direct.ed to Pay Salaries of County Officers lolautltly 145 Directed to .[',i -y County Orders 145 Directed to I -'ay Horne I3ureau Association 17, 108 Directed to PayP'arna Bureau Association 108 Directed to Pay -Child Welfare Board . 108 Directed to Cannel 13oud of Anna. M. Suter 90 Re -apportioning Unexpended Balances 93 Coroner—Report of 54 Resolution Abolishing Office of 28 Commissioners of Election -Report of - 60, 70 Election of 302, 108 Postage for 58, 67 OIcrk _:fire for 129 011icers for 12t) County, State Valuation of 38 Valuation of Personal Property in, by Assessors 9 5 Valuation of Real Property in, by Assessors 95 Jiouded Indebtedness of 217 Amount to be Raised for Sinking Eund and Interest on Bonds Issued for Construction of State and County highways 53 .Refund to, by Reason of Erroneous Assesemertts 16, 85 County Tax—Tax For State Purposes 'id, 122, 128 For General 1.1111 Poor Purposes 122, 12.8 For Iiiglnvay Purposes 122, 128 County Home—Now :Engine ani_ Dynamo at 1.9 Refrigerator Plant at 30 Inspection of 64 Ilospital at 148 County Court I.l0(1 ,--Sheri1V Instructed as to Gare of 4 Janitor at 11.7 Use of. Prohibited in Curtain Cases 49 viii County Jail, Matron at—Report of 58 Election of 53 Physician at—Election of 81 Compensation of 81 County Telephones, Contract for 63 Canvass, Official 233 Certificates of Indebtedness, Tax to'Cauccl 70 Child Welfare Band—Report of ' 79 Appropriation to 108 Dote of Thanks to 79 Children, Report of Society for Prevention of Cruelty to 93 Appropriation to'Society for Prevention of Cruelty to 114 Vote of Thanks to 93 City of Ithaca (See Ithaca). Claims of Institutions Against Towns and City 102, 107 Claim of 1)eMout J. Albright. for Damage to Sheel, by Dogs 86, 147 Clerk Hire --For County Treasurer 62 For Commissioners of Election 129 Clerks of TOwns--Names of 230 Collctors of Towns—Nanms of 230 Time of Settlement of 92 Compensation of Court Officer t' 41, 42 Commissioner of Jurors System 102 Coutptroller—Report of Clerk to 216 Conrunuiieation from, Relative to Ser.. 320-13 of Highway Law 78 Contract, With _Monroe County Penitentiary 83 For Priated Proceedings 93 For Automobile Hire 150 Between County and Towns for Motor Trucks 26, 29 For County Telephones 63 Court Expenses (Sec County Budget). Court 'louse, Janitor at 88 Instructiotas to Sheriff as to care of 4 Usa of, Prohibited in Certain Gases 99 Court Officers, Compensation to 41, 42 Cortland -Groton highway No. 1433, Appropriation for Completion of.... 11.5 Craig Colmay,Admission of Ifarolyd 'Maynard to 16 Cruelty to Aninu£ls (Sec Animals). Cruelty to Children (See Children). Curtis, Robert --Placing Property of ori 1);nrby Assessment Boll 30 D J)anhy—Audits of 158 Budget of 135 Tax for Maintenance and Repair of State and County 1[ighways..40, 53 '1'ax for Improvement of Highways and Bridges GO. Tax to Cancel Certificates of Indebtedness 70 Appropriation to Town Under County System of Roads 2 j ix Additional Appropriation to Town 1Inder County :System of Ronde41 A11horiuiog Town to Borrow Money Under Sac. 320-A 33 Returned School `faxes of 72 Aunount Dur, Town from 19ortgrge Tax 91, 213 Amount Charged to Toltiii for Claims of Institutions 107 Petition to "'Mee Property of Hobert Curtis on Assessment Roll 48 Petition of 'Powis to Borrow 'Money Under Sec. 320-A 33 A.ppropri;rtioa to, for Maintenance of Highways Under County System 80 Dryden Audits 160 Budget 136 '1'nx for Sinking Fund. and Interest on Bonds Issued for Construction of State and County Highways 40, 53 Tax for Mainteuamce of State anal -Comity Highway' 40, 53 Tax for Improvement of highways and Bridges 69 Tax to Cancel Certificates of Indebtedness 70 Appropriation to 'Powe Under Comity System of lioads '25 Appropriation to Town for Maintenance Under County System of Roads 80 Authorizing Town to Borrow Uonco Under Sec. 320-A 27, 57 Returned_ School '.faxes of 72 Amount Ihar, 'town from Mortgage Ttrx91, 211; Bank Fax of 66, 212 Imount Charged_ to, for Claims of Institution' 102 Petition l0 Property of Eugene Brotherton on Assessment Roll 40 1111nin;cnaure Paid to Town Under County System in .1120 5113 A.ssesse1 Valuation o 1' Dryden Village 57 Tax Ra -to of Dryden Village 57 School Tats Rate of Dryden Village 70 Dryden llarford Hoag, Rights of bray for 11 C7nange in form of Const -ruction of 11 Appropriation for Constructions of 113 Damages to Sheep by Dogs, Claim of DeMont J. Albright 47 Dofleicncy, County Treasurer Authorised lo Transfer in Case of 86, 12817 Designation of 'Newspapers to Publish Session Taws, 1, 23, 83 District Attorney (See County District, Attorney). Directory, .Political 226 'Dog fund, Payment of Certain Claims from 109 Daylight 'Saving Law, Resolution Asking Repeal of 146 Data Relative to Total Highway Construction Under County System.. 224, 225 E - Enfielil, Audit of 163 Budget of 137 Tax for Maintenance of State, and Comity Highways 40, 53 Tax for IrrrlrroVouwot- of I11ghways and Bridges 69 • Re -Designation of Highways Under County System or Roads 18, 19 Appropriation to To1011 Under County System of loads 25 Appropriation to Town for Maintenance Under County System of Iloac{s 80 Returned School 'faxes of 72 x Amount Due Town froru Mortgage Tax 91, 213 Election, Chairman of Board 36 Clerk of Board 36 Commissioners of Election 102, 108 County Superintendent of highways 49 Farm Bureau Association 85 Jail Matron 53 Jail Physician 81 I3oarii of _Managers of Tdberculosis I[uspitai 8 ':lection, Connnissieuers of (ASuo Commissioners of Election) Election T- xpeuses, Apportionment of 70 klpi'optics, Admission to Craig Colony 16 Equalized Value of County by State 38 Equalization—Regular Report of Curnsrii11no ort Footing Assessment Rolls 95 Supplemental 'Report. of Comurittec on Fouling_ ' Assessment Rolls07 - Report of Committee for General Tax Levy 118 Report ref Cmnrnittee for Tlillsu°ay Tax Levy 120 Report of Committee on .Ratios and Percentages 90, 94 Erroneous Assessnients 16, 85 Errors in llauutes, -Clerk Aul horizeil to Correct, 85 Exjsurge from _Minutes, Clerk Authorized to 85 Farm Bureau, Report of 85 Appropriation to 1.08 Election to 85 .E'reerille, Assessed Valuation of 57 Finance Committee (See Committee on Finance;). :Finances, County Treasurer Authorized to Transfer in Case of Deficiency-.. 128 Rei -Apportioning 'Moneys in Hands of Comity Treasurer 9:S Footing Assessment Tions (See ComnLittee on Fooling Assessment Rolls). :'Fuel, Light. and Telephones .56, 58, 63 G Groton—Audits of 163 Budget of 138 Tux for _Maintenance of State and County highways 40, 53 Tax for Improvement of highways and Bridges 69 Tax to Cancel Certificuie of fudehteduess 70 Afpropriation to Town tinder County System of Roads 25 Appropriation to Town for Maintenance Under County System of heads 80 Maintenance Pail to Town huller County- System iii .1920 98 Authorizing Town to BorrowMonoy Under See. 320-A 33 'Returned School Taxes of 72 Amount 1)ue Town from Mortgage Tax 91, 2,7.0 Bank Tax of 66, 212 Tax -rate of Groton Village 79 Tax Hate of School Dis. No. 8 of Croton 79 146 Governor Miller, Resolution Commending Policies of xi General nnd'1'oor Purposes, Appropriation for 127, 128 General Fund, Appropriation to 127, 128 Re -Appropriation of Uncxpendad latce's 03 General Tax, Apporti0nuuait <1± - 111 (,ratan Cortl;iui4 Highway No. 10100, Appropriation for Completion of.... 115 Grand) Jurors—Report of Committee on 110 Uallaglier, 1Jr. Win. C., Rc u1iitiou Relative to 149 H 1lnnrs of Meeting of Board 41 Highways, Sinking Fund and interest on Bonds Issued for Construction of State and County Ifigh ay, 40, 53 'rax for Maintenan0a: of 'State 11113 County 1-1ighway • 40, 53 Tax for 1111plovimient of 1-1ighwaya and Bridgos 69 Tax to Cancel Certificates of Indebtedness 70 Communication 16elaticc to Iieferriag Construction of 43 11rooktor-Caroline Highway No. 1431, Appropriation for Completion of 115 Dryden-I4arford. Road, Iiight.s of Way for 11 l;iruige lri Pur -n1 of Co11struetiun of 11 11 (U0priati (11 for (;unstructiou of 13 Groton -Cortland Highway NO. 1433, Appropriation for Completion of 115 Mecklenburg liaad-.Etio St, llighway— County Superintendent Directed to Examine and )(Clem on 48 County Superintemlcnt Directed to Prepare I'lo i , Specifieations Estimates of 64: Inspection of 62, 78, 82 'Communication from 11011. Seymour 1..o,,inan, Rely ivo to Motor Veh- icle Moneys 146 Motor Vehicle Moneys, Resolution Asking Increased Allotment to COinities 77 ,Silpermteudont of (See County -Superintendent of Highways). Resolution Relative to Senate Hill No. 111 ;1 State Aid for Highway Construction tinder Secs. ;320, 3'20-A, t120 -L', of Highway Law 1, 4, 76, 78, 83, 84 Stale Commission of, Vote of Thanks to 15 Motor Trucks— Allotment to County- 8 ,]Finance Committee Authorized to .Procure Appropriation for 8, 89 Finance. Committee Auliioriznil t0 I'irrehaso — Addi tiona 1 10 Acquisition of 10, 24 Special Committee to :Have Charge of 11, 24, 29, 30, 44, 64 Report of 24 Communication from Attorney General Relative to Purchase of 18 Requesting Additional Allotment to County- 15 Chains for 19 Stato 1-1ig}lway Department Re -1i, Oursol for 24, 29 Expenses of _County Superuntemlen1 to Procure 25 xil Committee on Highways. Directed to Prepare Contract Between County and Towns for 26 Dump Bodies un 245 29 44 89 Aiotion Rescinding Itesolutiou of :Aug.. 9, 1990, Relative to Dung' bodies 44 Motion that County Purchase and Install Dump bodie9 44 A.ppropriat.ioa for l)urnp bodies 89 Allotment to Towns 26 Acceptance or Rejection by Towns .10 Expenses. in Procuring 51 Fleet _Insurance on (32 insurance on 129 Data Relative to Total Highway Constriction Under County System 2.4, 225 Jlighways 1Jnder Comity System of Roads— . Lowman Bill (8e0 320-R, Highway Law) Appropriation -Under.... .16, 84 Hearing on 4, 15 Time of :Payment by State of State Aid - 78 Towns Alloterl Two Additional Allies .11 Designation of Additionai Mileage by Ulysses L'7 Designation of Additional .Mileage by .Enfield .19 Constriction to lie Under direction of Higlrti•ay Official, 7(1 Appropriation to 'Towns for Construction Additional Appropriation to Caroline and Danby 4-1 Mammy of Payment Io Towns 26, 78 Appropriation of Motor Vehicle. Moneys to Town- 25 Additional Appropriation of Motor Vehicle A1oneys to Caroline and Dau},y- 41 Appropriation of County Ilighway Punrl to Towns 2:r Maintenance of 80 -aintenance Paid to Towns During 1920 98 Inspection of 42, 43, 56, 57 Time of Annual Inspection 11-7 Designation of for• Coustraction in _55)20 25 Re -Designation of by Enfield 18. Authorizing Town of Caroline to Borrow.Money Authorizing Town of .1}anhy to llorrow Money 33 Authorizing Town of Dryden to Borrow Money 27, ,7 _Authorizing Town of Groton 50 13nrrow Money .633 Authorizing Town of Lansing to .harrow Money 52 _Authorizing Town of owliel,l to 13rrrro0 Money Authorizing. 'Tura of Ulysses to Borrow Money 16, 50 Highway h'uad for Towns 21.9 }highway, Bridge and Machinery Fund for Towns 219, 220,-22.1, •222 Highway 1?nnd—Appropriation for General 127, 128 Re -Appropriation of Unexpended Balances 5)3 11Igh.way Tax—Appropriation for 127 128 ApportioMOM t of 131 Highway find School T.aXes--lletanned 71-75 floaae Bureau Association, Appropriation to 17, 108 Report of 82 xifi 1 Ithaca. City-Budgot. of 139 Bank Tax of 65, 212 Amount Due City from t]ortgogo Tax 91, 21 Amount Charged to for Cla-in1t of Institutions 107 .i{oturnot School Taxes of 74, 75 Payment of Balance to, by County Treasurer 92 Tax hate of 129 School Tax Rate of 129 ]tinuaar 'Town Ainlits of 166 .Budget of 140 Tax far Maintenance. of Stale ,rnr1 County Highways 4.0, 53 Tax for Irraprovement. of 11iiglrways aucl Eirirl; e9 69 Appropriation lo Town Under Comity System of .Roads 25 Maintenance Pail to Town tJniler County System in 1920 98 Amount. Dm; Town from _Mortgage Tax 91, 213 An/0111A Ch;nrgerl 10 TOW/1 for Claims of Institutions 107 Fteturnerl Sohool Taxes of 72 Rof-ntnil by, for l;rroueonla Assessment to Roger Ii. Williams 16 Appropriation to `lawn for Maintenance Under ()otomy System 0f Roads 80 l.ndolnteduess—Conray aril Towns • 217 Institutions—Claims of (Jliargcrl to '['owns and. City. ................ 102, 107 insurance on 1t'lotor Trucks (:See highways). Inspection of Conut.y 1 -tome. and Tuberculosis I•losl,ita] 64 Of highways Constructed Under tho County System...... 42, 43, 56, 57 Ot' highways—Animal 147 J Jail Matron—Rc]wrt of 58 ]':lection of 53 Jail Physician Election of 81 Com pensaMon rrf 81 Jingo, County (Seo County Judge ani Surrogate). Justices of tho Peace 0.0ports of 210 Janitor for Superii,sors', Etc., Rooms 117 jurors, Commission System of 102 L • Lansing—Andits of 167 Bridget of 141 Tax for Maintenance of Slate ,ind Comity ]-lighwnys 40, 53 Tax for Improvorncnt of 11ighw,iys and Bridges 69 Tax to Cancel Certificates of Indebtedness 711 Appropriation 10 Town Limier County System of Roads 25 Appropriation In Town for klainienance Under'County Systornof Roads 81 Amount Due Town from Mortgage Tax 91, 213 Amount Charged to Town for Claims of Institution. 11)2, 1(17 'Returned School Taxes of 73 Authorizing Totvn to Borrow Mouoy Under Sec. 320A 52 xi r Lonnsbery, Chas. R.—as Representative from Caroline........ .......... 42 Lowman Bill (See 320-13, Highway 1.aw) Committee to Attend Hearing..4, 1.5 Appropriation Under 76, 84 'Time of Payment by State 78 .Loiinsbery, Chas. R., .Illesolotion Relative l0 1411 Light, Fuel and Telephones 56, 58 M 1leetings of I3oard of Supervisors --Annual 35 Quarterly '3, 16, 28, 33 Special S, 10, 13, hours of 41 `Minutes of Board—Clerk Authorized to Correct Clerk Authorized to Expunge from S+.) Maintenance o:f State and County Highways 40, 53 -Maintenance of Highways Under County System 80 -Maintenance Paid to Towns Under County System During 1920 98 Motor Trucks (Seo I-lighwa3s). Motor Vehicle _.Moneys, Aplrroprintion of to Towns 25 Additional Appropriation of to Towns of Caroline and Danby 41 Resolution Asking :Increased Allotment to Counties 77 )Ieoklenhurg ,Road (See Highways). Managers of Tuberculosis Hospital—Election of' 84 Report of 63, 83, 207 Appropriation to • Monroe Conitty_I'enilcntiary, Contract '\9tIr . 85 -Mortgage '"ax, Report of Committee or 91 Amounts Due Towns and City from 11, 213 1aehinery Fund 221 Miscellaneous Fund L7.2 lleet.ings in Court House Prohibited 49 Maynard, Ilarolrl, Admission to Craig Colony 16 Miller, Governor—Resolution Commending .Policies of 146 N Newleld—Aurins of 169 . Budget of 142 Tax for Maintenance of State and County Iligltways 40, 53 Tax for Iroproreruonl of Highways and Bridges ti9 Tax to Cancel Certificate of Indebtedness 70 Appropriation to Under County System 25 Appropriation for Maintenance Under Country System 81 Authorrxiag Town to Borrow -Money Under See. 320-A.... „ 34 Amount Due Town front Mortgage Tax 91 213 Returned School ']'axes of �78 rn0s and Post. Mice .lsldresses—Of Sopervisors 35 42 Of County anal Town Officers 220 - \ewspapers to Publish Sessiort\.Laws, Designation of 3, 23, 83 Officers—County and Town 231) Snlaries of County 011ioin.1 Canvass 235 -Offices for County 'Superlittendmits of the Pow- and ProlnItion Officer4 For Con[missioncrs of Election 130 011; A. B.----J“nitor of Supervisors 1{00011, Etc 117 P r'ost Office .Addresses—Of Members of Hoard 01 Supervisors 35, 42 Of Comity and Town Officers 230 .Primed Proceedings of Board, Rids for 80, 93 -Conitruct for 113 Apportionment of 8)1 Payment of 117 Postitgo for County Officers '8 '10, (12, (31, (17, 85 Physician at Comity Jail—Election of 81 Compensation of 81 I'ruhation 01114 -ter (.See County Pro-hati(1n Officer). Poor—Appropriation for Support of County und•Tuvii 103 Appropriation for .Purposes 127 SuperiUtemloitS or (,See Comity Superintendents of the Poor). Personal Property in Couuty, Valuation of 21,1 1 'o it ieaL Dircc,tory 2.20 ,Political INTeetings in Court House .Prohibited Property, Statement of Valuation of Ron! 214. Statemek, of Vulun1101. of Personal 214 Valuation hy State Ass[.!•ssnient of, ;11, Full Value 20 Payments to Towns Under County .Systern, Manner of 78 Po'hlic Service Commission, Relative to Telephone Companies 5 Petition of Court Officers for increased Compensation 4,1, 42 Of :Roger 11. Williams for Refund of Tax 10, 17 Of Assessors of Dryden Relative to Assessment RolI 40 Of Assessors of Danby Relative to Assessment Roll 48 01 Town Board of -Caroline to .Borrow ,Money 11nder Sec, 3-20-A145 Of Town. Board of ,Danliy 'Borrow Money Under Sec, 320-A „ Of Town Board of Dryden to Borrow Molloy Under Sec. 320-A.. 27, 57 Of Town Board of Groton to Borrow Money Under See. 320-A 33 Of fown Board of lAansing to Borrow Money 1Jnder See. 320-A52 Of Town Board of Nev,-rfield to Borrow Money Under .See. 320-A 34 Of Town Board of Ulysses to Borrow Money Under Sec. 320-.A.. 10, 50 Q Qnarterly Sessions of _Board of Sup4.trvisors 1, -10, 28, 33 Audit 11 1, - - 20, 31, 34, 45 R Report of County Officers (See Under Various County Officers). Of Board of \1auagers of'.fulrerenlosis hospital (See ,Board of Mauag- ers of '1'rrhercnlosis Hospital). of Uhihl 11'elfarc Board (Ser, Child Welfare Board). Of Committees (See Under Various Committees). Of Farm Bureau (See Farm Bureau). Of 1 -tome l3ureau (See Ilorne Bureau). Of Society for 1'rec-entioa of Cruelty to Animals (Sec Animals). 01' Sociut.y for Prevention of Cruelty to Children (See 'Childreu)- Of Armistice Day Committee. Of Special -Committee Relative to Claim of Tleil1ant J. Albright OY Clerk of -board to Gorn]rtrollcr Of Highway. Bridge and :Machinery I'unls.......... 219, 220, 221, Of Justices of the Peace Reso hit ion—Authorizing County Treasurer Deficiency Authorizing County 'Treasurer to and City Directh,l . to 13efunrl to County Clerk 3)irected to Pay County Orders 1)irccted to Pay Salaries portably Re -Appropriating to General anal highway bunds Relative to State Aid fop lfighway Construction Under Sees. 320, 320-A, 320-11, of Highway Law '14, 76, 78, '83, Asking Increased Allotment of Motor 'Vehicle Moneys to Counties.... Appropriating Moneys for _illainten,nrce of Highways •Under County System Charging Claims of Institutions to Towns and City 102, Appropriating honeys for Dryden -Hayford itoal To Abolish the Office of Coroner To Amend Rules of Board .Relative to Adoption of Uotinty Bnrlget Relative to Clerk Hire for County Treasurer I1elat1vo to Clerk hire for Commissioners of Election Relative to Payment to Clerk of Board Relative to Salaries of County Offii er- Relatiye to Telclrlrone Companies 41 147 216 222 210 ti to Transfer Funds in Case of Pay Balances in His ltan& to Towns 128 92 91) 14: 145 9:i 84 71 80 107 13 28 114 128 62 129 62 GO 5 Relative to Senate Bill No. 111 3 Lorrrurending !'nliries of UOFernnr Miller 14)1 Asking. Repeal of Daylight Saving Lan- 146 Relative to l)r. Wm. C. Gallagher 149 Relative to Chas. R. Lounohery 149 Religious Meetings in Court House Prohibited 49 Refund to County Clerk 99 7iules--Amendment. to 114 .Re -Appropriation of Unexpended Balances -93. Refunds by Reason of Erroneous Assessments 16, 85 xvii Requisition of County Clerk 99 0,f Sorrogol Returned St:hoof Taxes 71, 72, 73, 74, 75 Rom is, County Sys.' of (See Highways), 1:9) Ratios and Perentages, Report of Committee on .1.:oalization 90, 94 Rates—Tax for Comity 131 Tx for Towns 1:1,1-143, 2.15 Tax for .Dryden 57 Tax for :Dryden Village for Sdinols 70 'ax for Groton LTillage 79 Tax for Groton Village for SAeol .. 79 Tax for 1thap,a Gity 129 Tax for Pliaea City for Schools 120 Tax for TrumanAurg 51 Tax for Trumansburg Village. for Schools 52 Real Property, Voluat•ion hy State 38 • VO•luation by Connly 214 Assessment of, at :Pull. \Talmo 20 Rep•cal of Daylight Saving Law—Asking Repeal of ...... 116 . S Supervisors (See 'Board of Supervisors). Sessiof s oflioard—Annual _Audits at 152 Quarterly '3, 16, 28, :13 Audits at (1, 20, 31, 34-, 45 Speoial 8, 10, 13, 23 •SripervisO•rs' Rooms—,Innitor for 117 Reporl• of Committ(T. 01 A IterathIlIS of 15 •Supervisors to Present As2•essinent Rolls, Time of 40 Salaries of County Ofliecru. 60 Sealer of Weighls ;ind _Measures (.So e County Sealer of IN-eig,Ids and Aleas- 0 res). Sheriff (See (.;onn)y Sheriff). •Superintendeat of I-1ighways (Sec County Superintendent of Highways) Superintead,mts of the Poor (See County Superimendents of the Poor). Surrogate (See County Judge and. Surrogate). Socially for Provimtion of Cruelty to Animals (See Animals). SrwicAy for I.)revention of Cruelty to Children (See Childreip, State Highway Commission, 'Vote of Thanks 0 15 Higlyway Depart.inent Reimbursed for Motor Trueks -24, 99 Stale Aid for IlIghway 0)!Istruelion Under Sees. 320, .320-A, 320-13, of Highway Law 3, 4, 76, 78, 83, 84 Sinkillg Fuml and .Lnlerest on Bonds 'Issued for Construction of State and • Comity :ri.ig,ipymys 40, 53 Snow and Miscellaneous 2:22 Snow, Manner of Remova.1 of 9, 146 xv11i Speedsville-Slaterville Road No, 1431, Appropriation to Complete 115 State Tax, .For Armories 39, 122 .i'or General I'urpuses 'i4, 122 .l'or Stenographers, Etc. :39, 122 School Taxes,. 13etm•nerl 71, 72, 73, 74, 75 School hates ---Of Dryden Village 70 Of Groton Village 79 Of District No. 1, Town of [Ulysses 52 Of City of Ithaca 129 Settlement by Collectors of Towns, Time of - 92 Stenographers', _Etc., Tax 39, 122 Sheriff, Instructions to Relative to Care of Court !louse 4 Safe for County Jim (ge am{ Surrogate 25 Sheep, Damage by Dogs to --Claim of DeMolmt .3. Albright 80, 147 Session Laws, Designation of Nowtipapers to Publish `3, 23, 83 Support of Poor, Appropriation for 103, 127 Special Franchises, Report of Cornunittee nu - 100 System of Commissioner of Jurors 102 Suter, Anna M.—Cariceilation of Bond of 90• Statement of Bank Tax 212 Of Mortgage TT,: 2111 Of 13oniterl lnlel,tcdness of County anis Towns 217 UP Taxies Leviers 215 Of Tax Rates of 'Gowns 131-143, 215 Of Valuation of Heal Property 211 Of Valuation of Personal Property 214 Of Morley Tax Levier) for Repairs of [Highway 210 Senate Bill No. 111, Resolution Relative to 1 • T 'lax State, tor Arumorics 34, 122 State, for General Purposes '38, 122 State, for Stenographers, (te. 30, 122 County, for General and Poor Purposes. - 12-2, 128 County, for Highway Purpose- 122, 128 For Sinking Fund and Interest on IIeii is lssne�1 for Construction of Stale, and County ILiylmways 40, 53 Foe -Maintenance of State migh and County 11ways 40, 53 .For -Improvement of Highways ani! Bridges rife To Cancel Certificates oi' Indebtedness 70 For \1;ainte,irice, of highways Under County Systema - 80 Statement of Bank 011 212 Statement of .Mortgage 91, 213 Tax Rates—.!For County 131 For Towns - 1.31-443, 21,7 For Village of :Dryden 57 1"or Village of Groton 39 1'or Village Of Trnmansburg 5.1 For City of Ithaca 429 xi% FM. .Schools of Dryden Village 70 ,For !Schools of Groton Village 79 For .,Schools of District No. 1 of -Ulysses 52 I'ur ,Schools of .City of 1tha]a 129 Clerk of .Board Directed to Print with Town Budgets \ 144 Taxes, Apportionment of 1.31 Refund. of 16, 85 11.eturned. School 71, 72, 73, 74, 75 .Statement of Those levied 215 Temporary Chairman 3, 28, 83, 54, 78 Treasurer. (Sec (county Treasurer). Tuberrmlosis hospital, Nsport of Board of Managers of 63, 83, 207 Election to Board of M,uiagcrs nl' 84 \pla•oln•iatiun to 83 Inspection of 64 Town and Comite Poor 103 • Officers 2130 System of Roads (Sen highways) Tulrailinires, Fuel and Light i6, 58 'Telephone Companies, -Relative to Public Service Commission............ 5 7'elclrliunes, Contract for 63 Town Order Books, Committee Authorized to have I'rii,Lod 54 Towns—Anility 01' 156, 172 Budgets of 1:34-14.3 Bonded I:ndehtedness of 2.1.7 Clainis of Institutions Against 102, 107 -Clerks of, Names of 230 Collectors of, Names of 230 Time of Settleument. of 92 •llcturnerl S01001 '-'axes of 71, 72, 73, 74, 75 Payment. of Balances to, by (;maty Treasurer 92 Tax for Sinking .14o1 aml lnterest on llonrls lssrro t for Conctrrnation of State and Comity highways 4(1, 5:; Tax for Maintenance of State., an,l Comity }lighW 'i 40, 53 1'ax for bluinteance of 11ighways Under County System 80 Tax to Cancel Certificates of luilottoln(55 70 Tax for Improvement of Highways and Br Ages 69 Additional '11L11agu A110t12,1 to Under County System 78 Rlnnlwr of Payment to Under County System 78 u Ulysses—Audits of 170 Budget of 143 'l'ax for Sinking 1ornul 1 it,rest on Bonds lssucd for Couslructiou of Stale; and County lliglnrus 40, 53 Tax for Maintenance of State County. 1]ighway5 411, 5)3 Tax for:Improvement, of 11ighWays and Bridges 69 Tax to Cancel certificates of lndelOednesy 7 1 APPropriation to 'Gown under County System 25 95, 212 Amount Due Town from Mortgage Tux 91, 213 Returned School Taxes of 73 Tax Rate for Village of Truman sLurg 51 Tax Rate for School District No. 1 52 Refund }ey Town by Reason of _Erroneous Assessment 85 Authorizing 'Town to Borrow .Money Under Sr.e;320-A 16, 50 Designation of i 1it.iona1 Mileage Under County Sysieut 27 Appropriation to, for _Maintenaneo Under County System 81 ,Maintenance Paid to Tox•n (.miler County Svst.eni During 1920 08 Unexpendoi Balanees, Re -Apportionment of 93 V Valuation, Of County by State 38 Of Personal Property 214 Of Real Property 214 Village Tax Bates—Dryden 57 Groton 7i) Trurnanslntrg 51 Voted—Official Caui-ass of 233 Vote of Thanks—To State Commission of Highways 15 To Child Welfare Board 79 To Sora.ioties for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and Ctrildren 93 Amount Due Town from Bank 'Pax w F , Weights and .11casures (See County Scaler of Weights and Measures). Watertown, Mamter of Removing Snow 111 9, 116 Williams, Huger- 11.—Erroneous Assessment Against 36 Wood, P. W. and Son, Payment of Tustin/10.i 011 Motor Trucks 129— ti