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1916 Proceedings
PROCEEDINGS BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TOMPKINS COUNTY NEW . YORK 1916 a WILLIAM C. GALLAGHER, Chairman SLATERVILLE SPRINGS, N. Y. FRED L. CLOCK, Clerk ITHACA, N. Y. • i • • Proceedings Board of ,Supervisors Tompkins County New York 1916 WILLIAM C. GALLAGHER, Chairman SLATERVILLE SPRINGS, N. Y. FRED L. CLOCK, Clerk ITHACA, N. Y. THE CAYUGA PRESS °C' ITHACA. NEW YORK REGULAR SESSION Monday, March 6, 1916, MORNING SESSION - Roll call, All members present except Mr. Fenner. The Clerk read a communication from the City Clerk of Ithaca, relative to a resolution adopted by the Board of Public Works of the City of Ithaca, which on motion of Mr. Fline was received and referred to the Committee on Highways. The Clerk read acommunication from the City Clerk of the City of Ithaca, relative to a resolution adopted by the Common Council of the City of Ithaca for the improvement of a portion .of Wyckoff Avenue, which on motion was , received and referred to the Committee on highways. The Clerk read a communication from the State Commission of Prisons, which was filed. The Clerk read a communication from Hon. George F. Argetsinger, relative to the effect of the Argetsinger Highway Bill, which was referred to the Com- mittee on Highways. The Clerk read a communication from Mr. Roger B. Williams, President of the Ithaca Savings Bank, relative to proposed bond issue, which was referred to the Committee on Finance. The Clerk read a communication from Mr. C. T. Stagg, relative to Surro- gate's Office, whieh was referred to the Committee on County Clerk and Elec- tion Expenses. The Clerk read a communication from 1lr. R. M. Smith, representing Messrs. Baker, Voorhees & Co., relative to law books for County Judge, which was referred to the Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses. Mr. Begent offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: WHEREAS, The following claims were duly presented to this Board for audits at its annual session in 1915, Guardian Angels home amounting to $ 131.14 The Shelter for Unprotected Girls amounting to 156.43 St. Mary's Home amounting to SA7.81 Society for the Protection of•Destitute Catholic Children ainounting to 576.43 Monroe County Penitentiary amounting to 834.04 Robinson & Carpenter amounting to 511.12 Total - $3,07(-3.97` 4 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ,f AND WHEREAS, Said claims were duly reported by the committees to which they were referred, as being just and legal charges against the County of Tomp- kins and recommending that they be audited at the full amounts claimed and WHEREAS, Said claims were duly audited by this Board at the full amounts claimed,}on the 24th. day of December 1015 and the 5th day of January, 1916 and thereby became valid and subsisting liens against the County of Tompkins, and r WHEREAS, No provision was made for the payment of said claims in the tax levy of 1915, and WHEREAS, The County Treasurer of Tompkins County has not sufficient funds unappropriated in his hands to pay said claims, and WHEREAS, This Board by a resolution duly adopted January 5, 1916, directed the County Treasurer of Tompkins County, for the purpose of funding said indebtedness to the amount of $3,000,00, to issue a County Bond to pay the same, with the usual provisions of rate of interest and time and manner of payment, and WHEREAS, The County Treasurer has been unable to effect a sale of such bond under the provisions of the resolution and the form of bond therein con- tained, Now Therefore Be It Resolved, That the resolution adopted by this Board January 5, 1916, direct- . ing the funding of said indebtedness by the issuing of a County Bond in the sum of $3,000.00 be hereby rescinded, and Be It .Further Resolved, That for the purpose of funding said indebtedness of $3,076.97, the County Treasurer of Tompkins County be and he hereby is authorized and directed to borrow said amount of $3,076.07 and to pledge the full faith' and credit of the County of Tompkins for the prompt payment of the sante, both principal and interest. Seconded by Mr. Hine. Ayes -11. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Begeut offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: WHEREAS, It appears from the records of the County Treasurer, that there are not sufficient funds in his hands to pay for Court Expenses for the current year, Now Therefore Be It Resolved, That the County Treasurer of Tompkins County be and he hereby is authorized and directed to borrow the sum of $5,700.00, or so much thereof as may .be necessary, and to pledge the full faith and credit of the County of Tompkins for the prompt payment thereof, both principal and interest, to pay Court Expenses during the current year, as follows; $1,500.00 for Supreme Court criminal, $500.00 for County Court criminal, $3,000.00 for Supreme Court civil, and $700.00 for County Court civil, making a total of $5,700.00. Seconded by Mr. Schaefer. } OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK • Ayes -11. Noes—O. Carried, • Mr, Fish offered the following resohitiou and moved its adoption: WHEREAS, The County of Tompkins owns numerous parcels of land acquired by purchase at tax sales, said lands having cost the County the necessary expense attending such tax sales and bringing to the County no income; now, there- fore, that the County may be reimbursed as fully .as may be for such expense, it is hereby Resolved, That the Chairman appoint a special committee of one, with full power to sell any property purchased or acquired by the County on tax sales, and this committee is hereby given full power to sign any deeds for such property sold, as the duly authorized agent of Tompkins County for such purpose. ` Seconded by Mr. Begent. Carried. The Chairman appointed Mr. Fish as the Committee, as provided for in the foregoing resolution. The Clerk read a communication from FL B. Rowley, a Supervisor of Tioga County, to NIr. Mill, Supervisor of the Town of Dryden, which was referred to the Committee on Highways. Mr. Hill offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County hereby desig- nated and certify to the State Highway Department the following section of highway to be improved as a State and County highway: The connecting part of the highway on the road known as the Dryden- 1Iarforcl Road, in the Town of Dryden, commencing at the Harford Town Line and extending northwest to the end of the section already surveyed and approved, a distance of about two and one-half miles. y tie, it further Resolved, That the State Department of Highways be requested to survey said section of highway and have it placed on the map for construc- tion, this resolution not to interfere with the construction of any highway here- • tofore designated by this Board for immediate or future construction. Be it further resolved, That the Clerk of• this Board forward a certified copy of these resolutions to the State Department of Highways. Seconded by Mr. Begent and referred to the Committee on Highways. On motion adjourned. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll Call. All members present except Mr. Fenner., . . Mr, Fish offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: ' 6 PROCEEDINGS' OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS WHEREAS, The Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, having adopted the County and Town System of Highway Improvement under Highway Law 320A. and . WHEREAS, it is to the best interest of the County that a designation of roads be made for present and for future improvements, Therefore 13e It Resolved, That 50 miles of unimproved highways be so designated to be ap- portioned to the several towns in proportion to the equalized „valuation of each town, the designation to be made by the Board of Supervisors conforming to Section 320A, of the Highway Law. Seconded by Mr.. Wright. Moved by Mr. Todd as an amendment, that the basis of apportionment shall be the.equalized value and the number of miles of dirt road in each town. Mr. Todd's amendment was seconded by Mr.' Dassance. The ayes and noes being called for on Mr. Todd's amendinent, the vote resulted as follows: 41 Ayes -4. Noes --8. Amendment lost. Mr. Fish's resolution was then referred to the Committee on Highways. Mr. Chamberlain of the State Highway Commission, addressed the Board on the County and Town System of Highways. Mr. Wright offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That the Committee on County Officers and Compensation be authorized to expend not to exceed the.sunu of $50.00'for repairing the roof on the heating plant at the County Clerk's Building and not to exceed $40.00 for electric lighting system in the County Judge's office. Seconded by Mr.. Mill. Carried. Mr. Wright offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That the Committee on County Officers and Compensation be authorized to contract for properly covering all steam pipes inFthe Court House and Jail and to do all other work necessary for repairs on the steam heating system in the Court House and County Jail, at a cost not to exceed $200.00, and that when such work is completed to the satisfaction of the committee, that it draw an order on the County Treasurer for the payment of the same and the County Treasurer is directed to pay the same out of any funds unexpended in his hands. • Seconded by Mr. Hill. Ayes ----12. Noes -0. Carried. The following hills, having been favorably reported by the several committees to which referred, Mr. Dassance offered the,following resolution and moved its adoption: . OF TOMPIKINS. COUNTY, NEW YORK . 7 Resolved, That the following bills be audited at the full amounts, as recom- mended by the several conunittees, and that the County Treasurer be directed to pay the same out of any unexpended balance in his hands, and if hehas not sufficient funds to pay the same, to borrow said amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, on the credit of the county, in anticipation of the taxes for the current year: Al. LeRoy C. I3allou, Decorating Surrogate's Office $ .5.50 2. P. M. Donohue, Extra Work on heating plant at Court House93.92 3. Ed. Sprigg, Work on tower at Court House 25.00 4. Spencer & Spencer, Work on County Clerk's Building 21.50 5. The City of Ithaca, Water furnished County Clerk's Bld'g. 8.00 6. The City of Ithaca, Water furnished Court House 40.42 7. William E. Lamkin, To repairs to doors, etc., Supervisors 1.75 8. The Corner Bookstores, Typewriter Supervisors 8.00 9. D. O. Bishop, Court Crier, County (civil) $3.00, Supreme do. 12.. 15.00 10. T. G. Miller Sr Sons, Supplies County Clerk 154.00 Il. Geo. E. Albon, Expert testimony, County Court criminal 24.00 12. Wilber G. Fish, Expert testimony, County Court criminal 30.00 13. John D. Collins, Assisting Dist. Atty. County Court criminal.25.00 14. C. A. Stevenson, Meals for jurors, County Court criminal 40.00 15. Corona Typewriter Co., Typewriter for sheriff 50.00 16. City of Ithaca, Water furnished County Jail 49.63 17. Eva L. Cook, Burial Sarah J. Smith, Widow of old soldier 50.00 18: C. A. Ives, Premium Insurance at County Home (furniture) 31.50 10. Squire & Squire, Premium Insurance County Home (wagon house) 48.75 20, Ithaca Realty Co., Premium Insurance Tuberculosis Hospital32.50 21. .Ithaca Realty Co., Premium Insurance Tuberculosis Hospital25.00 Total - $788.47 Seconded by iMlr. Hill. Ayes -12. Noes -0. Carried. Moved by Mr. Dassance that the Board adjourn. Seconded by Mr. Hine. Ayes -S. Noes -4. Carried. 8 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS REGULAR SESSION Monday, June `5, 1916 MORNING SESSION Roll Call. All members present. The Clerk read the minutes of the preceding meeting. Mr. Fish objected to the minutes and moved that the same be amended by striking therefrom "The Chairman announced that the new members would he added to the same standing committees as their predecessors." Seconded by Mr. Hill. Carried. The minutes, as so amended, were approved. Mr. Fish offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That the newly elected members of this Board from the City of Ithaca be, and they are hereby assigned to the same Committee appointments held by their respective predecessors whom they succeed. • Seconded by Mr. Schaefer. Moved by Mr. Fish, that the resolution he acted upon by the Board at this time, ,without being referred to any committee. Seconded by Mr. Kelly. Objection being made, the resolution was referred to the Committee on Rules, Moved by Mr. Fish, that the Committee on Rules be instructed to report ' on his resolution immediately after convening for the afternoon session. Seconded by Mr. Begent. Carried. Moved by Mr. Wright, that permission be granted to thei Calvary Baptist Church to use the Court -house for religious services, while the new church is being built, subject to such conditions as the Committee on County Officers -andCompensation may impose. Seconded by Mr. Fish. Carried. Mr. Todd of the Committee on Charities, to which was referred the matter of investigating the needs 'of a hospital at the County Home, rendered a report of that Committee adverse to the erection of a separate building for hospital purposes at this time, but recommending the employment by the County Super- intendents of the Poor of an additional attendant for the care of isolated cases. Moved by Mr. Hine, that the report be received and filed[ Seconded by Mr. Wilkinson. Carried. On motion adjourned. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK g AFTERNOON SESSION Roll Call. All members present. A committee from the Childs' Welfare 'Board appeared before the Board. Mrs, M. E. Calkins rendered a report of the work accomplished by the Board. Mr. Lawrence Rumsey rendered his report as Treasurer of the Board of the receipts and disbursements, which was filed. Mrs. Dr. Eugene Baker and Messrs. Barney Kelly and Leon Rothschild addressed the Board relative to the work accomplished and the needs of the Childs' Welfare Board. The Committee on Rules, to which was referred the resolution of Mr. Fish, - rendered the following report: We, the Committee on Rules, report favorably on the resolution referred. to us and offer the following as a new rule: RULE 58. Members of this Board, who have become such subsequent to the appointment and ratification of its standing committees, as made at the beginning of each Annual Session, will take the places held by their predecessors on such committees. F. A. TODD ASI. SCHAEFER Moved by Mr. Fish, that the report of the Committee be accepted and adopted.' Seconded by Mr. Ds.ssance. Carried. The Clerk read a number of claims, which on motion of Mr. Felly, were received and referred to the proper committees. Mr. Wright offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That. the Committee on County Officers and Compensation be authorized to expend not to exceed $100.00 for new eave troughs for the County Clerk's Building, and also to expend not to exceed $25.00 for painting the roof of the County Clerk's Building. Secnnded'by Mr. Dassanee. Carried. Mr. Wright offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That the Committee on County Officers and Compensation be authorized to expend not to exceed $25.00 for a railing on the north side of the Court -house and Jail. Seconded by Mr. Begent. Carried. Mr. Townsend offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:' .10 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS WHEREAS, The County and Town Highway from Jacksonville to Taughan- nock Falls Railroad Station, in the Town of Ulysses, has been built for a dis- tance of one and 1/10 miles and that there remains unfinished about one-half miles and this one-half mile is nearer to the depot than the portion already built, Now Therefore Be It Resolved, That the Special Committee heretofore appointed in accordance with the highway Law, Section 320-A be authorized to finish the re -surfacing of said highway in accordance with the resolution passed by, this Board on' the .8th day of September 1915 and that the County Treasurer be authorized to borrow the sum of One Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($1,500.00) payable to the Supervisor of Ulysses for the above purpose. ' o Seconded by Mr. Hine and referred to the Committee on Highways. The Clerk read the following recommendations by the Committee on County Officers and Compensation: We, the undersigned members of your Committee on County Officers and Compensation, do hereby recommend that the Turnkey at the County Jail be paid more than he is now receiving for his services, in view of the time he is required to devote to his duties and in view of the excellent'feondition in which, he has kept the Jail and Court -house. We further recommend that the Turn- key receive for his said services the sum of $10.00 per month in addition to the monthly salary now paid him beginning June 1, 1916. Y H. S. WRIGHT WM. B. jW1LKINSON Moved by Mr. Wright, that the present turnkey at the, County Jail be paid $10.00 per month in addition to the salary already fixed by this Board. , Seconded by ?dr. Wilkinson. Carried. The Clerk read a communication from the District Attorney, relative to offering a reward for the arrest of Joe Cavellucci, an alleged murderer, which was received and referred to the Committee on Correction and Reformation. 1 Mr. Fish offered the following resolution and moved its !adoption: • WHEREAS, This Board of ,Supervisors has been repeatedly urged in the past by the State Department of Roads, both by written communication and orally, toagree upon and make a permanent designation of State and County roads for immediate construction and to designate the order of: their construction; and WHEREAS, Such designation of roads and the order of, their construction was made by a unanimous vote of this Board on the 1Sthk day of September, 1915, reference to which designation as it appears in the minutes of that day, as they appear on pages 61, 62, 63 and 64 of the printed proceedings for 1915, is hereby made for further particulars; 'Therefore Be It Resolved, That the said designation be, and the same is hereby made the permanent designation of this Board, both as to the roads mentioned andfas to 1 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 11 the order of their construction as set forth in said designation. And that no change shall be trade in nor addition made to said designation until after the roads mentioned shall be under contract for construction. And Be It • Resolved, That no monies shall be appropriated by this Board for the construc- tion of State and County roads other than the roads mentioned in said designa- tion until said roads shall be under contract for construction. Seconded by Mr. Hine and referral to the Committer, on Highways. The Clerk read a communication relative to • the condition of the steam boiler at the County Home, which was filed. . The Clerk read a communication from the State Tax Commissioners, relative to the form for assessment rolls for the several tax districts, which was filed. The Clerk read a communication from the State Commission of I3ighways, relative to special agreement on Highway No. 5474-A, Tompkins and Schuyler Counties, which was filed. Mr. Hill offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That an•additional sum of $200.00 be appropriated by this Board to the Childs' Welfare Board, for the continuance of its work, but not to be used for any expense account of the Board and that the County Treasurer, upon. the filing of a certified copy of this resolution with him, be directed to pay said amount to the Directors of the Childs' Welfare Board out of any monies unap- propriated in his hands, and if he has not sufficient funds with which to pay said amount, he is directed to borrow the same on the credit of the county. Seconded. by Mr. Kluebert. Moved by Mr. Hill, that the resolution be acted upon by the Board at this time, without reference to committee. Seconded by Mr. Hine. There being no objection, a vote being taken on Mr. Hill's resolution resulted as follows: Ayes—Messrs. Todd, Hill, Hine, Begent, Wright, Kelly, Schaefer, Wilkin- son, Kluebert, Fish, Dassanco, Fenner and Townsend -13. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Fenner offered the following resolution and moved.its adoption: Resolved, That the Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses be authorized to procure necessary chairs4for the County Surrogate's Office. Seconded by Mr. Wright. Carried. l2 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 1Ir. Kemp, of the Federal Telephone Company appeared before the Board relative to long distance telephone charges against the office of the County Superintendent of Highways, and requested information as to the proper party to pay said charges: Mr. Kemp was informed by the Chairman of the Board that there had been previous trouble with the same office of a similar nature, and that the Board had accordingly fixed the present salary of the County Superintendent of High- ways to include all expenses, to prevent any further trouble of a like nature, ancl, while the county was willing to pay for the rental of the telephone in the office of the County Superintendent of Highways, . it was not liable for long distance calls over said telephone, and'the company represented by him would have to look to the County Superintendent of Highways for payment of charges for long distance calls over his telephone, On motion adjourned. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 13 To Fred L. Clock, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors: We, the undersigned members of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, New York, hereby request you to call a Special Meeting of the saicl Board to be held at the Supervisors' Rooms in the City of Ithaca, N. Y., on the 7th day of July, 1916 at 10:30 o'clock A. ii., to take action on any highway matters and transact such other business as may properly come before said meet- ing. Dated, July 5th, 1916. W. C. GALLAGHER F. A. REGENT WM. B. WILKINSON til 'IL BER. G. FISH MAX KLUEBERT . A. 1. SCHAEFER H. S. WRIGHT J. I'. KELLY E. S. HILL SPECIAL SESSION Friday, July 7, 1916 MORNING SESSION Roll Call. All members present. The Clerk read the call for the special session. Minutes of preceeding meeting read and approved. The Clerk read a communication from the State Commission of Highways, relative to the Brookton-Speedsvillc, Pt. 1, and Slatcrville Springs -Caroline, .Pt. 2, highway in the Town of Caroline, with resolutions to be adopted by the Board for its construction, which on motion, was received and referred to the Committee on Highways. The Clerk read a communication from the State Commission of Highways, relative to the West Danby -West Danby Station highway in the Town of Danby, with resolutions to be adopted by the Board for its construetion, which on mo- tion, was received and referred to the Committee on Highways. The Clerk read a communication from the State Commission of Highways, relative' to •the Cortland -Groton, Pts. 3 & 4, highway in the Town of Groton, with resolutions to be adopted by the Board for its construction, which on mo- tion, was received and referred to the Committee on Highways. 1 14 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS The Clerk read correspondence between the Chairman of the Committee on Highways and the State Commissioner of Highways, relative to the Cortland - Groton highway, which was filed. The Clerk read a communication from the State Commission of Highways, relative to the Ithaca City -Mitchell Street highway, with ;resolutions to be adopted by the Board for its construction, which nn motion;, was received and referred to the Committee on Highways. On motion adjourned. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll Call. All members present. The following resolutions. were reported favorably by the Committee on Highways: Petition Nos. 1984, 1678 & 1201 • Resolution approving plans, specifications and estimates of cost for the con- struction or improvement of a County IJighway in the Town of Caroline, County of Tompkins, passed by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins on the 7th day of .July, 1916, pursuant to section 128 of the Highway Law (Chap- _ ter 330, Laws of 1908) a quorum being present and Founteen supervisors voting in favor of such resolution and no supervisors voting against the same. 1. W i:Rr.As, at a meeting of this Board on the 1 lth clay of February, 1905, 3d day of January 1906, 30th day of March 1906,E a resolution was adopted pursuant to section 123 of the :Highway Law requesting the con- struction or improvement in accordance with the provisions of article six of said law of that portion of a highway described as follows: The road from W. K. 13oice's to Brookton. Beginning at the intersection of the Catskill turnpike and the seventy-six road at West Slaterville running thence southeasterly along the said road, to its intersection with the north and south road at Caroline Center. That portion of the Catskill Turnpike which extends from the west end of the bridge across Six lllile Creek where said creek passes through or adjoins the premises upon which the hotel known as the Fountain House in the Village of Slaterville Springs is constructed, in an easterly direction to the County line of the County 'cif Tompkins. • 2. WHEREAS, the State Commission of Highways has exainined the highway above described and has determined that it is of sufficient. public importance for construction or improvement in accordance with the provisions of article six of the Highway Law and has certified its approval of the said resolution; and OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YOHK 15 3. WHEauas,.said Commission has caused a section of said highway, which is dcseribcd as follows: From the east end of County Highway No. 1004, in the Ilacnlet of Brockton, easterly, southerly to the north end of County Highway No. , at the bridge near Van Wort Corner; also, from the east end of County Highway No. 1001, eastcrly.into the Hamlet of Caroline, a length of 3.38 miles in the Town of Caroline, Tompkins County and known as the Brookton-Speedville, Part 1 and Slaterville Springs -Caroline, Part 2; County Highway, to be surveyed and mapped, and has caused maps, plans, specifications and estimates of cost to be made for such construction or improvement and after examination thereof by the district or county superintendent has transmitted the same to this Board showing the total estimated cost of the work to be $47,100.00, of which the State, and county pay the folloing proportions: The State pays 66%=$31,086.00. The County of Tompkins pays 34%=$16,014.00. 4. Resolved, That this Board request that the highway above described in paragraph one be constructed or improved as a County Highway in that portion thereof.ahove described in paragraph three in accordance with the maps, plans, specifications and.estimates of cost, prepared therefore by the State Commission of Highways under the provisions of article Six of the Highway Law; that said work be performed under the charge, care and superintendence of 'the State Commission of Highways, and that said maps, plans, specifications and estimates of cost prepared for said work, under the direction of said Commission as pro- vided in section 125 of the Highway Law, are hereby duly approved and adopted by this Board. 5. Resolved, That there is hereby appropriated and made immediately available the sum of Sixteen thousand and fourteen and 00/100 Dollars, being an amount sufficient to pay the share of the cost of the construc- tion or improvement of such County Highway which is to be borne by the said county, as deterrnincd in accordance with the provisions of section 141 of the Highway Law. And the County Treasurer of said county is hereby authorized and directed to pay such proportion of the amount so appropriated as may be required to pay said share, upon the requisition or draft of the State Commission of Highways; and if there are not sufficient funds in the county treasury with whieh to pay such requisition or draft, the County Treasurer of said county is hereby authorized and empowered as provided by section 142 of the Highway Law to borrow all or part of said sum on the obligation of the said county issued by him for, on behalf of and in the name of the said County and acting for and on behalf of said county. 6. Resolved, That the clerk of this Board is hereby directed to forthwith transmit a certified copy of the foregoing resolution to the State Commission of Highways. Moved • by Mr. Gallagher that the report be accepted and the resolution adopted. 1 16 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Seconded by Mr. Begent. Ayes—Messrs. Todd, Hill, Bine, Begent, Wright, Kelly, Schaefer, Wilkin- son, Kluebcrt, Fish, Dassance, Fenner, Townsend, Gallagher -14. Noes -0. Carried. • The following resolutions were reported favorably by the Committee 011 Highways: ' Petition No. 1487 Resolution approving plans, specifications and estimates of cost for the con- struction or improvement of a County Highway in the Town of Danby, County of Tompkins, passed by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins, on the 7th day of July, 1916, pursuant to section 128 of the. Highway Law (Chapter 330, Laws of 1908) a quorum being present and Fourteen supervisors voting in favor of such resolution and no supervisors voting against the same: 1. WHEREAS, at a meeting of this Board held on the 18th day.of December, • 1905, a resolution was adopted pursuant to section 123 of the Highway Lav requesting the construction or improvement in accordance with the provisions of article six of said law of that portion of a highway described as follows: The highway commencing at the bridge near the L. V. R. R. station known as the West Danby station running west and southwest to intersect the Inlet road at the corner known as Hutchings Corners. 2. 1VHnaeAs, the State Commission of Highways has examined the highway above described and has determined that it is of sufficient public importance for construction or improvement in accordance with the provisions of article six of the Highway Lav and has certified its approval of the said resolution; and 3. 'WHEREAS, said Commission has caused a section of said highway, which section. is described as follows: From State Highway No. 5567, easterly, northeasterly, easterly through the Hamlet of West Danby to the Lehigh Valley Railroad, a length of 0.43 mile in the Town of Danby, Tompkins County and known as the 'Vest Danby - West Danby Station County Highway, to be surveyed and mapped, and has caused maps, plans, specifications and estimates of cost to be made for such construction or improvement and after examination thereof by the district or county superintendent has transmitted the same to this Board showing the total estimated cost of the work to be $6,400.00, of which the State, and county pay' the following proportions: The State pays 66%=84,224.00. The Comity of Tompkins pays 34%=82,170,0(i. 4. Resolved, That this Board request that the highway above described in paragraph one be constructed or improved as a County Highway in that portion thereof above described in paragraph three in accordance with the traps, plans, specifications anti estimates of cost prepared therefor by the State Com- OF,TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 17 mission of Highways under the provisions of article six of the Highway Law; that said work be performed under the charge, care and superintendence of the State Commission of Highways, and that said maps, plans, specifications and estimates of cost prepared for said work, under the direction of said Commission as provided in section 125 of the Highway Law, are hereby duly approved and ..adopted by this Board. 5. Resolved, That there is hereby appropriated and made immediately available the sure of Two thousand one hundred seventy six and . 00/100 Dollars, being an amount sufficient to pay the share of the cost of the construction or improvement of such County Highway which is to be borne by the said county as determined in accordance with the provisions of section 141 of the highway Law. And the County Treasurer of said county is hereby authorized and dir- ected to pay such proportion of the amount so appropriated as may be required to pay said share, upon the requisition or draft of the State Commissioner of Highways; and if there are not sufficient funds in the county treasury with which to pay such requisition or draft, the County Treasurer of said county is hereby authorized and empowered as provided by section 142 of the Highway Law to borrow all or part of said sum on the obligation of the said countyissucd by him for, on behalf of and in the name of the said County and acting for and behalf of said county. 6. . Resolved, That the clerk of this Board is hereby directed to forthwith transmit a certified copy,of the foregoing resolution to the State Commissioner of Highways. .Moved by Mr. Todd that the report be accepted and the resolutions adopted. Seconded by 11Ir. Wilkinson. Ayes—Messrs. Todd, Hill, Hine, Begent, Wright, Kelly, Schaefer, Wilkin- son, Kluebert, Fish, Dassance, Fenner, Townsend, Gallagher -14. Noes -0. Carried. The following preliminary and final resolutions were reported favorably by the Committee on highway: Resolution requesting the construction or improvement of a City Street in the incorporated City of Ithaca, as provided in Article Six of the Highway Law (chapter 330, Laws of 1908), passed by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Toinpkins; on the 7th day of July, 1916, `a quorum being present and Fourteen Supervisors voting in favor of such resolution and no Supervisors voting against the same. 1. WHEREAS, a resolution was on the 12th day of February, 1015, duly adopted by the Board of Aldermen of the incorporated City of Ithaca, County of Tompkins, petitioning for the irnprovcment.as a county highway under the provisions of section 138 of the Highway Law of 'a certain street in said City described as follows: Beginning at the junction of Mitchell Street with the brick pavement on East State Street and extending easterly to the'east line of the City of Ithaca, which point is the western terminus of County Highway No. 1003-A, and 18 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD' OF SUPERVISORS 1 2. WHEREAS,. said resolution was, on the 17th day of 'April, 1915, duly.* approved by the State Commission of Highways, given petition No. V-347 and • referred to this Board for consideration: 3. Now, Therefore, Resolved: That public interest demands the improve- ment of said street as a county highway, and the State Commission of Highways is hereby requested to provide for the same in accordance with section 138 of the Highway Law. 4. Resolved, That- the clerk of this Board is hereby directed to forthwith transmit a certified copy of the !foregoing resolution to the State Commission of Highways. Petition Nos. V''-347 and Highway No. Resolution approving plans, 'specifications and estimates of cost for the con- struction or improvement of a County Highway in the City of Ithaca, County of Tompkins passed by the Board of Supervisors of the County of ,Tompkins, on the 7th day of duly, 191 6, pursuant to section 12S of the .Highway Law (Chapter 330, Laws of 1908) a quorum being present and Fourteen supervisors voting in favor of such resolution and no supervisors voting against the same. 1.. WHEREAS, at a meeting of this Board held cm the 18th day of September, 1915, a resolution Wa,9 adopted pursuant to section 123 of the Highway Law requesting the construction or improvement in accordance with the provisions of article six of said law of that portion of a highway described as follows: Beginning at the junction of Mitchell Street with the -brick pavement on East State Street and extending easterly to the east line of the City of Ithaca, which point is the western terminus of County Highway No. 1003-A. 2. WifEat:As the State Conunission of Highways has examined the highway above described and has determined that it is of sufficient public importance for construction or improvement, in accordance with the provisions of article six of the Highway Law and has certified its approval of the said resolution; and • 3. .WHEREAS, said Commission huts caused a section of said highway, which section is described as follows: Froth the west end of County Highway No. 1003-A, at the east corporation line of the City 'of Ithaca, westerly on Mitchell Street to the brick pavement on East State Street, a length of 0.61 mile in the City of Ithaca, Tompkins County, and known as the Ithaca City -Mitchell Street County Highway to be surveyed and mapped, and has caused maps, plans, specifications and estimates of cost to be made for such construction or improvement and after examination thereof by the district or county superintendent has transmitted the same to this Board, showing the total estimated cost of the work to be SI9,000.00, of which the State, county and city pay the following proportions: The State pays 50%=56,750.00. The County of Tompkins pays 35%0=$4,725.00. The City of Ithaca pays 15%a=$2,025.00. ' - The City of Ithaca pays as extra work $5,500.00. 4 -Oki' TOMPK.INS COUNTY; NEW YORK 19 4. Resolved, That, this Board request that the highway above described in paragraph rine be constructed or improved as a County Flighway in that .portion thereof above described in paragraph three in accordance with the maps, plans, specifications and estimates of cost prepared therefor by the State, Commission of Highways under the provisions of article six of the I[ighway Law; that, said work be performer] under the charge, care and superintendence of the State Commission of Highways, and that said maps, plans, specifications and estirnates of cost prepared for said work, under the direction of said Commission as pro- vided in section 125 of the Highway Law, are hereby duly approved and adopted by this Board. 5. In ease the governing body of said City fails to approve plas, specifi- cations and estimate of cost, or fails to provide its share of the estimated cost, then and in that case. the State Commission of Highways is hereby authorized'to so modify said plan, specifications and estimates of cost, so as to eliminate said village work, 'and that portion of this resolution pertaining thereto, shall be null and void. 6. ITe:;ol,,ed, That there is hereby appropriated and made • immediately available the swn of Six thousand seven hundred fifty and 00/100 Dollars, being an amount sufficient to pay. the share of the cost of the construc- tion or improvement of such County Highway which is to be borne by the said COUNTY and CITY, as determined in accordance with the provisions of sec- tion 141 of the Highway Law. And the County Treasurer of said county is hereby authorized and directed to pay such proportion of the ,unourtt so appro- priated'as may be required to pay said share upon the requisition or draft of the State Commission of highways; and if there are not . suffiicient funds in the county treasury with which to pay such requisition or draft, the County Treas- urer of said county is hereby authorized and empowered as provided by section 142 of the Highway Law to borrow all or part of said sunt on the obligation of the said county issued by him for, on behalf of and in the name of the said county and acting for and on behalf qF said county. 7. Resolved, That. the Clerk of this'Board is hereby directed to forthwith transmit a certified copy of the foregoing resolution to the State Commission of Highways. Moved 'by Mr. Schaefer that the report be accepted and the resolutions adopted. Seconded by Mr. Begerrt. Ayes—Messrs. Todd, Hill, Hine, Begent, Wright, Kelly, Schaefer, Wilkin- son, Kluebert, Fish, Dassance, Fenner, Townsend, Gallagher -14. Noes ---0. Carried. The following preliminary and final resolutions were reported favorably by a majority of the Committee on Highways: Resolution requesting the construction or improvement of a Village Street in the incorporated Village of Groton, as provided in Article Six of the Highway Law (Chapter 330, Laws.of 1908), passed by the Board of Supervisors of the l 20 PROCEEDINGS OF TRE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS of the County of Tompkins, on the 7th day of July, 1916, a_quorum being present and Eight Supervisors voting in favor of such resolution and, Six Supervisors voting against the same. 1. WHEREAS, a resolution was on the 4th day of September, 1915, duly adopted by the Board of Trustees of the incorporated Village of Groton, County of Tompkins, petitioning for the improvement as a county highway under the provisions of section 138 of the Highway Law of a certain street in said village described as follows: Beginning on Highway 1185 at the intersection of Main and Cortland Streets, thence running east to the corporation line, and • 2. .WJIEREAS, said resolution was, on the 21st day of September, 1915, duly approved by the State Commission of Highways, given petition No. V-3.53 and referred to this Board for consideration: 3. Now, Therefore, Resolved: That public interest demands the improvement of said street as a county highway, and the State Cominission of Highways is . hereby requested to provide for the same in accordance with section 138 of the Highway Law. r 4. Resolved, That the clerk of this Board is hereby directed to forthwith transmit a certified copy of the foregoing resolution to the State Commission of Highways. Petition Nos_ V-353,— &2515. Highway No. Resolution approving plans, specifications and estimates of cost for the con- struction or improvement of a County Highway in the Town of Groton, County of Tompkins, passed by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins, on the 7th day of July, 1916, pursuant to section 128 of the Highway Law (Chapter 330, Laws of 1908) a quorum being present and eight supervisors voting in favor of such resolution and six supervisors voting against the same. 1. WHEREAS, at a meeting of this Board held on the 13th day of April, 1907, .a resolution was adopted pursuant to section 123 of the Highway Law requesting the construction or improvement in accordance with the provisions of article six of said law of that portion of a highway described as follows: Beginning on Highway 1185 at the intersection of Main and Cortland Streets, thence running east to the corporation line. Running from the corporate limits of the Village of Groton, easterly to the Cortland County line. 2. WHEREAS, the State Commission'of Highways has examined the highway above described and has determined that it is of sufficient importance for con- " struction or improvement in accordance with the provisions of iurticle six of the .Highway Law and has certified its approval of the said resolution; and 3. ATHEREAS, said Commission has caused a section of said highway, which section is described as follows: OF TOMPKINS COUTNY, NEW YORK 21 From County Highway No. 1188, in the Village of Groton, easterly on Cort- land Street to the cast corporation line, easterly, northeasterly, southeasterly to the west end of County Highway No. 996, at the Cortland County line, a length of 5.86 miles in the Town of Groton, of which 0.46 mile is in the Village of Groton, Tompkins County, and known as the Cortland -Groton, Parts 3 and 4, County Highway to be surveyed and rnapped, and has caused maps, plans specifica- tions and estimates of cost to be made for such construction or improvement and after examination thereof by the district or county superintendent has transmitted the same to this Board, showing the total estimated cost of the work to be 9199,200.00, of which the State, county and village pay the follow- ing proportions: • The • State pays 66% = 860, 522.00. The County of Tompkins pays 34%=$31,178.00. The Village of Groton pays as extra work, $7,500.00. 4. Resolved, That this Board request that the highway above described in paragraph one be constructed or improved as a County Highway in that portion thereof above described in paragraph three in accordance with the maps, plans, specifications and estimates of cost prepared therefor by the State Commission of Highways under the provisions of article six of the Highway Law; that said work be performed under the charge, care and superintendence of the State Commission of Highways, and that said maps, plans, specifications and estimates of cost prepared for said work, under the direction of said Commission as pro- vided in section 125 of the Highway Law, are hereby duly approved and adopted by this Board. • 5. In case. the governing body of said Village fails to approve said plans, specifications and estimate of cost, or fails to provide its share of the estimated cost, then and in that case the State Commission of Highways is hereby authorized to so modify said plan, specifications and estimate of cost, so as to eliminate said. village work, and that portions of this resolution pertaining thereto, shall be null and void. • 6. Resolved, That there is hereby appropriated and made iinmediately available the sum of Thirty one thousand one hundred seventy eight and ..00/100 Dollars, being an amount sufficient to pay the share of the cost of the construe- tion or improvement of such County Highway which is to be borne.by the said COUNTY, as determined in accordance with the provisions of section 141 of the Highway Law. And the County Treasurer of said county is hereby authorized and directed to pay such proportion of the amount so appropriated as may be required to pay said share upon the requisition or draft of the State Commission of Highways; and if there are not sufficient funds in the county treasury with which to pay such requisition or draft, the County Treasurer of said county is hereby authorized and empowered as provided by section 142 of the Highway Law to borrow all or part of said sum on the obligation of the said county issued by him for, on behalf of and in the name of the said county and acting for and on behalf of said county. 7. Resolved, That the CIcrk of this Board is hereby directed to forthwith transmit a certified copy of the foregoing resolution to the State Commission of Highways. 22 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Movecl.hy Mr. Regent that the report be accepted and the resolutions adopted. Seconded by Mr. Hill. - Mr. Hine, of the Committee on highways, offered' the following minority report of the Committee on Highways: We offer a. minority report on the Groton road as follows: We approve of the 'I'wo and one-half (2%) miles in the Town of Groton that was designated on September 18th, 1915 and disapprove of the Three and thirty-six one hundredths (3.36) miles, as shown by the plans from. Albany. J. H. HINT?.. Mr. Hine moved the adoption of the minority report as a substitute for the majority report of the committee. Seconded by Mr. Schaefer. Ayes—Messrs. Todd, Hine, Wright, Schaefer, Fish, Dassance, Townsend -7. Noes—Messrs. Hill, Begent, Kelly,Wilkinson, Kluehert, Fenner, Gallagher -7. Motion declared lost. Mr. Begent asked for a vote on his motion that the report of the Committee on Highways be accepted and the resolutions adopted. • Mr. Fish asked •that the question be divided and that the vote be first taken on accepting the report of the committee and then on the adoption of the resolu- tion. A vote being taken on \Ir. Fish's request, resulted as follows: Ayes—Messrs. Todd, Hill, Hine, Wright, Kelly, Schaefer, Wilkinson, Klue- bert, Fish, Dassanee, Fenner, Townsend, Gallagher -13. Noes—O. Carried. Moved by Mr. Fish that the report of the Committee be received. Seconded by \lr. Wright. Ayes -14. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Begent called for a vote on his motion that the resolutions be adopted Mr. Wright raised the point of order, that as the report of the Committee on Highways changes the resolution of September 18, 1915, designating highways for construction, by adding to a certain highway therein designated, such change was not in order. - The Chairman ruled that Mr. Wright's point of order was not well taken. A vote being taken 'on the adoption of the resolutions resulted as follows: Ayes—Messrs. Mill, Begent, Kelly, Wilkinson, Fenner, 'Townsend, Gal- lagher—i . OF 7'OMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 23 Noes—Messrs. 1'odd, Hine, Wright, Schaefer, Kluebert, Fish, Ila sante-7. • Motion declared lost. Mr. Wilkinson of the Committee un highways reported that the committee had secured an optioir for a right of way through the lands of Mr. Arthur Teeter for Highway No. 1189, for the sum of 3400.00. Mr. Wilkinson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That the report of the Committee on Highways relative to the securing of a right of way through the lands of Mr. Arthur Teeter, he accepted' and that upon the execution of the proper deed of transfer of said property, the Cleric of the Board shall draw an order on the County Treasurer for the sum of $400.00 in payment of the same, and the County Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to pay the same out of any moneys unappropriated in his hands and if the County Treasurer has not sufficient funds to pay the same he is hereby authorized and directed to borrow the same on the credit of the county. Seconded by Mr. Kline. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Wilkinson offered the following resolution and moved' its adoption: Resolved, That the Committee on Highways be authorized to expend not to exceed the sum of 835.00 for rebuilding the fence in front of the premises of Florence Creedon along State Highway No. 5567, the sa.ine having been agreed upon by the Committee in lieu of purchasing a right of way, that the Clerk of the Board is directed to draw an order on the County Treasurer for the neces- sary amount and that the County Treasurer is directed to pay the same out of any moneys unappropriated in his hands and if he has not sufficient funds in his hands -with which to pay the same he is hereby authorized and directed to borrow said amount on the credit of the county. Seconded by Mr. Fenner. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. - Mr. Wilkinson of the Committee on Highways rendered the following report ' of that committee. Your Committee on Highways respectfully reports favorably on the resolu- tion offered by Mr. Townsend June 5, 1916, relative to the finishing of the resur- facing of the Jacksonville-Taughannock Falls Station Ilihway, and referred to this committee, and recommend the adoption of the resolution. • Moved by Mr. Townsend that the report of the committee be accepted and } the resolution adopted. Seconded by Mr. Wilkinson. Ayes --13. Noes—O. Carried. 24 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Moved by Mr. Wright that, the Board adjourn, Seconded by 11r. Dassance. Ayes -7. Noes -7. Motion lost. 14loved by 111r. Begent that the Board reconsider the vote by which the adop- tion of the resolutions relating to the construction of the Groton -Cortland high- way, was lost. Seconded by Mr. Hill. Mr. Fish raised the point of order that Mr. Begent could not make a motion to reconsider, lie having voted in the affirmative on the adoption of the resolution and its adoption having been lost, only a person ]laving voted in the negative could make a Motion to reconsider. The Chairman ruled that the point of order was not well taken. Mr. Fish appealed from the decision of the chair. Mr. Fish's appeal was seconded by Mr. Wright. On the question being put "Shall the decision of .the chair stand as the deci- sion of this Board" the vote resulted as follows: Ayes—Messrs. Hill, Begent, Kelly, Wilkinson, Kluebert, Fenner, Townsend, Gallagher—S. Noes—Messrs. Todd, Hine, Wright, Schaefer, Fish, Dassance-6... Appeal declared lost. • Mr. Begent called for a vote on his motion to reconsider. Ayes—Messrs. Hill, Regent, Kelly, Wilkinson, Kluebert, Fenner, Townsend, Gallagher -8. Noes—Messrs. Todd, Bine, Wright, Schaefer, Fish, Dassance-6. Carried. Moved by Mr. Begent that the resolutions for the construction of the Cort- land -Groton highways, be adopted. Seconded by Mr. Hill. Moved by Mr. Wright that the Board adjourn. Seconded by 1 -Ir. Hine. . Ayes—Messrs. Todd, Hine, Wright, Schaefer, Fish, Dassance, Townsend -7. Noes—Messrs. Hill, Begent, Kelly, Wilkinson, Kluebert, Fenner, Gal- lagher -7. Motion declared lost. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK' 25 Mr. Begent called for a vote on his motion that the resolutions for the con- struction of the Cortland -Groton highway, be adopted. Moved by Mr. Wright that the Board adjourn. Seconded by Mr. Schaefer. The Chairman ruled the motion out of order for the reason that no business had been transacted by the Board since the previous motion to adjourn had been decided. • A vote being taken on Mr. Begent's motion that the resolutions approving plans and specifications and requesting the construction of the Cortland -Groton highway, be adopted, resulted as follows:. Ayes—Messrs. Hill, Begent, Kelly, Wilkinson, Kluebert, Fenner, Townsend, Gallagher -8. • Noes—Messrs. Todd, Hine, Wright, Schaefer, Fish, Dassance-6. Carried. On motion of Mr. Begont adjourned. 26 • PROCEEDINGS OF 'I'l1E BOARD OF' -SUPERVISORS REGULAR SESSION Wednesday, September 6, 1916 . MORNING SESSION (toll Call. All menulers present. Minutes of preceding meeting read and approved. The Clerk read a communication from the State Department of Agriculture, relative to the county farm, which was received and referred to a joint committee consisting of the members of the Committee on Charities and the Committee on Correction and Reformation. The Clerk read a communication from the State Commission of Prisons, which on motion was received and filed. The Clerk read a communication from the State Commission of Highways, relative to the preliminary resolutions passed by the Board July 7, 1916. The Clerk read a comnumication from the State Highway Commission, acknowledging receipt of resolutions passed by the Board July 7,,1916. The Clerk read a communication from the State Commission of Highways, relative to the provisions of the "Motor Vehicle Law." The Clerk read the petition of the Lehigh Valley Railroad Company for the refund of an erroneous tax assessed in the Town of Dryden, which was received and referred to the Committee on Returned Highway and School Tax. Mr.. Wright offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That the Town of Ithaca be authorized to employ inmates of the county jail in highway labor to be performed in said town, the Town of Ithaca to pay for the guard for said prisoners, transportation and other necessary ex- penses. Seconded by Mr. Begent. Carried. Mr. Wright offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That the Committee on County Officers and Compensation be authorized to expend the suns of $25.00 for repairs to the roof of the courthouse and that said Committee be also authorized to sell all accumulated junk in the courthouse and from the stun realized from such sale to expend so much thereof as may be necessary, in snaking repairs to the roof of said courthouse, in excess of the S25.00 hereby authorized. Seconded by M1. Wilkinson. Carried. Dr. Merriam, of the Board of Managers of the Edward'Meany Sanitarium, appeared before the Board and asked for an additional appropriation for the maintenance of that institution. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 27 Drs. Quackenbush and Fish and Messrs. Bouton and Wheeler spoke in regard to the needs of that institution. Mr, Fish offered the following, resolution and moved its adoption WHEREAS, By the annual report of the Board 'of. Managers of the Edward Meany Sanitarium, rendered this Board, at its annual session in 1915, the esti- mate of the expense for the year of $10,000.00, was from November lst, 1915 to November 1st,.1916, instead of from February 1st, 1916 to February 1st, 1917, the fiscal year of said institution, an d , :WHEREAS, There was apparently available at.that gime the sunt of $3,809.43 and, in consequence, this Board only appropriated the sum of $7,000,00 for the maintenance of said sanitarium for the year, leaving the period" from Novem- ber 1st, 1916 to February lst, 1917 unprovided for, and WnEa:r,As, It now appears from the report of the managers of said sanitarium that, owing to the great advance in the cost of provisions and other commodities and to the large increase in the number of patients at said institution, that said sum so appropriated will be inadequate to maintain said sanitarium until Feb- ruary 1st, 1917, the end of the fiscal year, Therefore Be 1t Resolved, That there be appropriated and remade available to the Board of Managers of the Edward Meany Sanitarium the sum of $7,000.00, for the main- tenance of said sanitarium to February ist, 1917 and that the County Treasurer be directed to pay this amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary out of any moneys unappropriated in his hands, on the order of said Board of Man- agers, in the same manner as moneys heretofore appropriated for the maintenance of said Edward Meany Sanitarium, and if the County Treasurer has not suffi- cient funds in his hands unappropriated to pay said amount, that he be and he hereby is authorized and directed to borrow said sum of $7,000.00 or so much thereof as may be necessary, and to pledge the full faith and credit of the County of Tompkins for the prompt pa.ymnent thereof, both principal and interest. Seconded by Mr. Schaefer. Referred to the Committee on Charities with instructions to report at the afternoon session. • On motion adjourned to 2 r. M. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll Call. All members present except Mr. Townsend. Mr. Todd, of the Committee on Charities, to which was referred the resolu- tion of Mr, Fish, appropriating $7,000.00 for the maintenance of the Edward Meany Sanitarium, rendered the following report: 28 PROCEEDINGS OF TIIE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS We, the Committee on Charities, to which was referred the resolution of Aar. Fish, appropriating the sum of $7,000.00 for the maintenance of said insti- tution, report favorably on said resolution, but, believing that the appropriation of such a large sum at this time is unnecessary, we hereby amend said resolution and recommend the appropriation of the sum of $4,000.00 instead of the sum of 87,000.00. F. A. TODD E. S. HILL A. I. SCHALFER Moved by Mr. Todd, that the report of the Committee be accepted and the resolution, as amended by the Committee, be adopted. Seconded by Mr. Fish. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. The Clerk read a number of claims, which on motion of Mr. Kluebcrt, were received and referred to the proper committees. Mr. Wilkinson, Chairman of the Committee on Highways, to secure the rights of way for the Cortand-Groton, Parts 3 and 4 County Highway, known as County Highway No. 1433, reported that the Committee had secured options from the following persons for the amounts set opposite their respective names: Fred Francis $ 50.00 J. O. Voorhees 60.00 C. H. Ladd 10.00 S. S. Alley 1.00 J. Adams 100.00 A. Joslin 100.00 Max Bedell 1.00 F. S. Ilopkins (to be paid by the Village of Groton) 40.00 Mrs. Wm. Riley 50.00 - Chas. Ogden 600.00 $1012.00 The Committee further reported that in addition to the sum of $600.00 to be paid to Chas. Ogden, the Committee bad agreed to build a proper cattle pass for Mr. Ogden. Mr. Begent offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That the foregoing report be accepted; that the sum of 5972.00 be appropriated to pay for the foregoing rights of way; that deeds be procured, and that the Clerk issue orders for the foregoing amounts and the County Treas- urer be directed to pay said orders, and if there are not sufficient funds with which to pay the same, he be directed to borrow said money in the name and in behalf of the County of Tompkins, in anticipation of the taxes of the current year. Seconded by 111r. Hine. f OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 29 Ayes -13. Noes -O. Carried. Mr. Wilkinson, Chairman of the Committee on Highways, to secure the rights of way for the Brookton-Speedsville, Part I, and Slaterville Springs - Caroline, Part 2, County Highway, known as County Highway No. 1431, re- reported that the Committee had secured options from the following persons for the amounts set opposite their respective names: Thomas Burns $ 5.00 Mary Lampkin 10.00 Mrs. Geo. Quick 1..00 Etta Slocum L00 Wm. K. Boice 1.00 $18.00 Mr. Gallagher offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That the foregoing report be accepted; that the sum of $18.00 be appropriated to pay for the foregoing rights of way; that deeds be procured and that the Clerk issue orders for the foregoing amounts and that the County Treasurer be directed to pay the same, and if there are riot sufficient funis with which to pay the same, he be directed to borrow said money in the name and in behalf of the County of Tompkins. Seconded by Mr. Dassance. Ayes -13. Noes --0. Carried. The following bills, having been favorably reported by the several commit- tees to which referred, Mr. Iline offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That the following bills be audited at the. full amounts, as recommended by the several committees, and that the County Treasurer be di- rected to pay the same out of any unexpended balance in his hands, and if he has not sufficient funds to pay the same, to borrow said amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, on the credit of the county, in anticipation of taxes for the current year: A22, Harry 13. Shelton, Grout for Court -house $ 3.9(1 23. Williams Electric Co., Lights, County Judge Office 33.00 24. C. J. Rumsey & Co., Roof Repairs, County Clerk Bld'g. 24.90 25. J. F. Ozmun, Painting at County Clerk Bld'g 4.50 26. E. S. Preston, Insurance, Co. home barn 51 .75 • 27. Driscoll Bros. & Co., Repairs, County Clerk Office 1.80 28. Bernard J. Mullen, Burial, James E. Wood, veteran 50.00 29. M. D. Martindale & Co., Burial, Levi Young, veteran 50.00 30. M. D. Martindale & Co., Burial, John Letts, veteran 50.00 31. The Biggs Co., Material, Iiepairs,.County Ilome 52.25 32. Edward N. Jackson, Insurance, Tuberculosis Hospital 30.85 33. E. S. Preston, Insurance, County Home buildings, etc 151.50 30 PROCEEDJNGS OF 'PHE BOARD OF' SUPERVISORS 34. Arthro• G. Adams, Insurance, Co. Hoene frame dwelling 41.67 35. Morse & Rankin, Insurance, Co. home brick building 38.70 36. L. E. Patterson, Insurance, Tuberculosis Hospital 18.98 '37. Brandow Printing Co., Ass'd. to 1st Nat'l. Bank, Albany, N. Y., Primary ballots, etc • 547.38 38. Norton Printing Co., Certificates, etc., Primary Eke 11.50 39. H. J. Ilool Co., ltelmir chairs, Surrogate's Office 6.50 40. W. O. Stubbs, Repair typewriters, Surrogate's Office 6.35 41. Western Union Tel. Co., Telegram's, relative tax sale 1.14 42. •A. M. Lettier, Interpreter, Criminal Investigation 90.00 43. Williams Electric Co., Electric supplies, Jail .50 44. Williams Electric Co., Electric supplies, Jail 6.17 45. Williams Electric Co., Electric supplies, Jail 6.90 46. Williams .Electric Co., Electric supplies, Jail 10.45 47. C. T. Davis, Burial, Miles R. Foster, veteran' 50.00 48. Archie R. Allen, Burial, Holden Beach, veteran 50.00 49. Stanley Engraving Co., Engraving plate, dist. atty 5.50. 50. Joseph E. Hoffman, Meals, Jurors, County Ct. Criminal 50.40 51. E. P. Bouton, Premium, County Treas. Highway Bond 116.00 52. Arthur G. Adams, Insurance, Co. Horne 24.00 53. Ithaca Realty Co., Insurance, Tuberculosis Hospital 75.00 54. D. E. Marsh, Insurance, large barn, etc., County Home 74.44 55. Cortland Granite Works., Headstone, A. C. Giltner, veteran15.00 56. W. B. Georgia & Son, Insurance, Tuberculosis Hospital 31.25 $1,682.28 Seconded by Mr. Hill. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. Moved by Mr. Fish that the claim for the burial of Ruby Davis be referred to the Clerk to confer with the,administrator•of her estate.. Seconded by Mr. Hill. Carried. Moved by Mr. Todd that the clairn of -Howard O'Daniel for services as stenographer and stenographer's minutes in County Court be returned to him, it being a matter for settlement between himself and the County Court Sten- ographer. Seconded by \Ir. Begent. Carried. Mr. Hill offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That we wish to acknowledge our appreciation for the neat appear- ance of our rooms and extend our thanks to all those who brought such changes about. Seconded by \Ir. Begent. Carried. Moved by \lr. Fish that the Committee on County•Ofhicers and Compensa- tion be instructed to investigate the cost and advisability of installing new desks in the Supervisors' Rooms and render their report at the next annual session. 3 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORE 31 Seconded by Mr. Kluebert. Carried. Mr. Kemp of the Federal Telephone Company appeared before the Board and spoke in reference to unpaid cla.iins for telephone service for certain county telephones. The Chairman appointed Messrs, Kelly, Begent and Todd to confer with Mr. Kemp and arrange a settlement of the items in dispute. The Committee reported that it was unable to agree upon a settlement of the matters in dispute. Moved by Mr. Todd that the sum of $19.51 be paid to the Federal Telephone Company in full for all items in d ispute between that company and the Committee on Contract Supplies. Seconded by Mr. Kelly. Carried. Moved by Mr. Begent that there be paid the Federal Telephone Company the sure of MAO as settlement in full for the claim of said company for toll charges for the telephone of County Superintendent1of Ilighways, Arthur S. Cole. Mr. Todd raised the point of order that the salary paid to the County Super- intendent of Highways expressly provided that it was to include all expenses, and this Board has no right., in view of that fact, to order the payment of any bill contracted by that official. - • The Chairman ruled that Mr. Todd's point of order was well taken. Mr. Fish offered the following- resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That it is the sense of this Board of Supervisors that all the County Printing should be secured within the County, provided as advantagous terms can be secured as elsewhere. Seconded by Mr. Wilkinson. Carried. Messrs. Gallagher and Fish addressed the Board in reference to the prevalance of infantile paralysisin this locality and of the necessity of precautions to bo taken by all persons. On motion adjourned, 32 PROCEEDINGS OF TIIE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ANNUAL SESSION Monday, November 13, 1916 FIRST DAY The Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, New York, met in annual session at the Supervisors' rooms in the Court House in the City of Ithaca, N. Y., on Monday, November 13, 1915, at 2 P. m., and was called to order by Fred L. Clock, Clerk of the preceding Board. All the members responded to their respective names as follows: Caroline—Dr. W. C. Gallagher, Slaterville Springs, N. Y. Danby—Frank A. Todd, West Danby, N. Y. Dryden=Ed S. hill, Freeville, N. Y. Enfield—James H. Mine, Newfield, N. Y., R. F. D. Groton—Frank A. Begent, Groton, N. Y. Ithaca Town—henry S. Wright, Ithaca, N. Y. Ithaca City—First Ward—John P. Kelly, Ithaca, N. Y. Second Ward—Augustin I. Schaefer, Ithaca, N. Y. Third Ward—William B. Wilkinson, Ithaca, N. Y. Fourth Ward -Max Kluebert, Ithaca, N. Y. Fifth Ward—Dr. Wilber G. Fish, Ithaca, N. Y. Lansing --Casper Fenner, Hecldens, N. Y. Newfield—Albert Dassance, Newfield, N. Y. Ulysses—Dr. J. M. Townsend, Trumansburg, N. Y. On motion of Mr. Fenner, Mr. Begent was chosen as Temporary Chairman. On motion of Air. Hine, the Board proceeded by informal ballot in the elec- tion of a Permanent Chairman. .On motion of Mr. Kelly, Messrs. Fenner and Wilkinson. were appointed tellers. The informal ballot resulted as follows: Whole number of votes cast were 14, of which Mr. Gallagher received 9 • Mr. Fish received 5 OF TOMP1f1NS COUNTY, NEW YORK • 33 On motion of Mr. Todd, seconded by Mr. fiine, the informal ballot was declared formal and the Chairman declared Mr. Gallagher duly elected permanent Chairman for the ensuing year, and Mr. Gallagher took the Chair. On motion of Mr. Todd, the Board proceeded by informal ballot in the elec- tion of a Clerk. The informal ballot resulted as follows: Whole number of votes cast were 14, of which Fred T. Clock received 14 •i On motion of Mr. Regent, the informal ballot was declared formal and Mr. Clock was declared elected Clerk for the ensuing year. On motion of Mr. Dassance, seconded by Mr. Wright, the Clerk was authorized to purchase the necessary supplies for the Board. Mr. Wright offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: WHEREAS, This Board, by a resolution duly adopted September 6, 1916, authorized the Committee on County Officers and Compensation to expend the sum of $25.00 for repairs to the roof of the Court -house, and this work having been completed by A. 13. Oltz-to the satisfaction of'the the Committee at an expense of $17.05. Resolved, That the Clerk he directed to draw an order on the County Treas- urer at this time for $17.05 in payment of the work so performed and that the County Treasurer be directed to pay the same out of any moneys unappropriated in his hands. Seconded by Mr. Hine. Carried. Mr. Wright of the Committee on County Officers and Compensation rendered a report of that Committee, relative to the sale of junk and the amount received therefor. Moved by Mr. Fish that the money received from the sale of junk be deposited with the County Treasurer, .to be by him credited to the General Fund. Seconded 'by Mr. Wright. Carried. Mr. Todd presented a petition of the Board of • Assessors of the Town of Danby, relative to placing certain property in that town on the. assessment roll. Moved by Mr. Fish, that the petition be granted and that the Assessors of the Town of Danby be directed to place the property described in the petition, upon the assessinent roll of that town. Seconded by h°lr. Bill. Carried. Mr. Wright of the Special Committee appointed to investigate the cost of procuring suitable desks for the Supervisors' rooms rendered a report of that Committee. 34 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Moved by Mr. Fish, that the report be received. Seconded by Mr. Schaefer. Carried. Mr. Wilkinson, Chairman of the Highway Committee, reported that the Committee had secured the right of way from C. H. Royce for the Enfield Falls - Enfield Center Highway No. -1189, for 83/100 acres for the sum of $75.00 and offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, 'l'hat the foregoing report be accepted; that the sum of $75.00 be appropriated to pay for the foregoing right of way; that a deed be procured and that the Clerk issue an order for the foregoing amount and the County Treas- urer be directed to pay said order out of moneys unappropriated in his hands, and if there are not sufficient funds with which to pay the same, he be directed to borrow said money in the name and in behalf of the County of Tompkins. Seconded by Mr. Bine. Carried. On notion of Mr. Hine,, the Board adjourned subject to the call'of the Chair- man. SECOND DAY Friday, December 17, 1916 MORNING SESSION Roll Call. All members present. Minutes of preceeding meeting read and approved. The Chairman announced the following: STANDING COMMITTEES FORMS, FOOTING ASSESSMENT ROLLS,. EQUALIZATION, RATIO AND APPORTIONMENT—Dassance, Denner, Hill, Kluebert, Kelly, Regent, Todd. TOWN AND COUNTY ACCOUNTS—Wright, Dassance, Townsend. TOWN EXPENSES, ETC.—Hine, Wright, Wilkinson. RETURN HIGHWAY AND SCHOOL TAXES—Todd, Dassance, Fish. COUNTY OFFICERS AND COMPENSATION—Kluebert, Todd, 13ine. COUNTY TREASURER'S ACCOUNTS—Hili, Wright, Wilkinson. CORONER, JUSTICES', ETC.—Townsend, Fish, Kelly. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 35 COR1tECT10N AND REFORMATION -Townsend, Hine,. Kluebert. . COUNTY CLEIIK AND ELECTION EXPENSES -Fenner, Kelly, Fish. CHARITIES -Kelly, Kluebert, hill. SOLDIERS' RELIEF, ETC. -Fish, Wright, Dassance. II.1CHWAYS-Wilkinson, Hill, I3egent, Townsend, !Fenner. FINANCE.-Begent, Fenner, Townsend, CONTRACT SUPPLIES -Schaefer, Hine, Regent. RULES AN.1) LEGISLATION --The Chairman, Schaefer, Todd. On motion of l'4r. Fenner the designation of the standing committees was confirnierl. The Clerk read a communication from the Comptroller showing that under the provisions of Chapter 646, Laws of 1916, the Board of Supervisors of Tomp- kins bounty is required to raise the following suers as follows: For Stenographers of the Supreme Court in 6th Judicial Dist. 31,616.87 For Confidential Clerks appointed. by Justices 751.42 For Deputy Clerks of Appellate Division • 51.09 For Expenses of Justices outside of own Judicial District 11.30 Total si,A31 .53 Referred to the Committee on' Finance. The Clerk read a communication from the Comptroller showing the amounts to be raised by the county and the towns therein for sinking fund and interest on bonds issued for the construction of roads, as follows: County Town Road Town Year Sinking Int. Sinking Int. Total Fund Fund 606 Ithaca 1916 163.20 326.40 57.60 115.20 662.40 616 Ulysses 1916 706.20 1412.40 216.85 433.69 Ithaca 75.77 151.54 2996.45 681 Dryden 1916 396.96 793.92 81.03 162.08 Ithaca 42.85' 85.72 1562.56 682 Dryden 1916 305.03 610.05 89.71 179.42 1184.21 683 'Dryden 1916 315.10 630.39 92.69 185.40 1223.59 Totals 1886.55 3773.11 650.50 1313.05 $7629.21 Referred to the Committee on Finance. The Clerk read a communication from the Comptroller showing the amount to•be raised by Tompkins County for Armory purposes was.$4,651.25. Referred to the Committee on Finance. 36 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISO.RS The Clerk read a communication from the State Tax Department relative to the equalization of bank stock, which was referred to the CommitteeonEqual- ization. The Clerk read a communication from the University of the State of New York, relative to admission of a pupil to the Western New York Institution for Deaf Mutes, which was referred to the Committee on Finance. The Clerk read a communication from the State Commission of Highways showing the amounts to be raised by the several towns in the county for the maintenance of state and county highways for the year 1917 as follows: Caroline— 7.84 miles S 400.00 Danby— 9.53 " 500.00 Dryden— 21.35 " 1050.00 Enfield— 4.17 " 200.00 Groton— 4.23 " 200.00 Ithaca— 21.15 " 1050.00 Lansing— 4.70 " 250.00 Newfield— 13.04 " 650.00 Ulysses 6.17 " 300.00 Total 92.28 miles $4600.00 Referred to the Committee ori Town and County Accounts. • The Clerk read a. communication from the State Tax Association which was filed. The Clerk read a communication from the County Government Association which was filed. The Clerk read a communication from the State Commission of Prisons. relative to the condition of the County Jail, which was filed. By resolutions duly adopted, The Ithaca Journal and the Ithaca Daily News were designated as the official papers to publish the official canvass and election notices of Tompkins County, Session Laws and Concurrent. Resolutions of the Legislature for the year 1917. By resolution of Mr. Wright, a vote of appreciation was extended to the Sheriff and his assistants for the excellent condition of the jail. 14Ir. Arthur G. Adams appeared before the Board and rendered his report as District Attorney for the past year, with recommendations, which .was re- ceived and referred to the Committee on Corrections and Reformation. By resolution of Mr. Schaefer, the hours for meetings of the Board was fixed from 9 A M. to 12 Nr. and from 2 P. M. to 5 r. M. for all days the Board.is in session; except Monday, when the hour•of meeting for the morning session shall be 10.30. :OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 37 AFTERNOON_ SESSION 4to11 Call., All, members present. Mr. Begent offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: WHEREAS, REAS, 'l'he Town Board of the Town of Groton has requested the Super- visor of that town to obtain the authorization of the. Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County to the respective town boards of the several towns of the county, to increase the per diem compensation of the members of such town boards, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 452, Laws of 1915, there- fore be it 1?esalved, That the respective town boards of the several towns of Tompkins County, be authorized to increase the per diem compensation of the members of such town boards at the rate of more than two dollars but not more than four dollars per day, under the provisions of Chapter 452, Laws of 1915. Seconded by Mr. Wright. Ayes -12. Noes -0. Carried. Moved by Mr. Begent that the Clerk he authorized to expunge from the minutes all redundant matter. Seconded by Mr. Hill. Ayes—Messrs. Flill, Hine, Begent, Wright, Kelly, Wilkinson, Kluebert, Fish, Dassance, Fenner, Gallagher -11. Noes—Mr. Schaefer—l. Carried. Adjourned to Monday, November 20, at 10.30 A. M. THIRD DAY Monday, November 20, 1916 MORNING SESSION Roll Call. All members present except Mr. Fenner. Minutes of preceding meeting read and approved. On motion, the Clerk 'vas authorized to obtain sample sets of assessment books required by the new tax law. The Clerk read a communication from the Librarian of Cornell University, acknowledging receipt of certain books,, which was filed. The Clerk read a communication from the State Superintendent of Weights and Measures, which was filed. 83 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AFTERNOON SESSION Roll Call. All members present, except Messrs. Kluebert and Townsend who were excused. •Mr. Geo. Fitts, Chairman of a committee from the Farm Bureau, appeared before the Board and asked for the use of the court room for a meeting of that organization on Saturday, December 9. On motion, permission was granted, on condition that that date did not interfere with court proceedings. - The members of the Board were engaged in committee work during the balance of the afternoon session. FOURTH DAY • Tuesday, November 21, 1916 MORNING SESSION Roll Call. All members present, except Messrs. Hill and Wright. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. Claims Nos. 1 to 66 inclusive were read by the Clerk :uid referred to the proper committees. Mr. Kluebert offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: WHEREAS, This Board, by a resolution duly adopted June 5, 1916, authorized the Committee on County Officers and Compensation to expend not to exceed the sum of $25.00 in painting the roof of the County Clerk's building and this work, having been completed by Richard Wheeler to the satisfaction of the committee at an expense of $23.00, Resolved, That the Clerk be directed to draw an order on the County Treas- urer at this time for the sum of $23.00 in payment of the work so performed and that the County 'Treasurer be directed to pay the same out of any moneys unappropriated in his hands. Seconded by Mr. Fenner. Ayes -10. Noes --0. Carried. OF TOMPIKINS COUNTY, NEW YORI( 30 AFTERNOON SESSION Roll Call. All members present except Mr. Townsend, who was excused. Mr. Fenner offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That in accordance with resolutions passed by the Town Boards of the various towns of Tompkins County, there be levied and collected from the owners or harborers of dogs in the several towns of said County hereafter specified, the following dog tax, viz: CAROLINE ENFIELD l dog $ 1.00 1 dog $ 1.00 Each additional dog 3.00= Each additional dog 2.00 1 female 5.00 Each female and add. female.. 3.00 Each additional female 10.00 DANBY 1 dog $ 1.00 Each additional dog 2.00 Each female and add, female5.00 ITHACA TOWN 1 dog $ 1.00 Each female and add. female2.00 LANSING! E dog $ 1.00 Each additional dog 2.00 Each female and add. female3.00 Seconded by Mr. Wilkinson. Carried. GROTON Each dog $ .1.00 Each female 3.00 NEWFIELD. - 1 dog $ 1.00 Each additional dog 2.00 Each female and add. female3.00 ULYSSES 1 dog $ 1.00 Each additional dog 2.00 Each female and add. female. 3.00 DRYDEN 1 dog $ 1.00 Each female 3.00 Superintendent of the Poor -elect, William D. Baldwin, appeared before the Board and presented his bond as such for the approval of the Board. Moved by Mr. 13egent that the bond be accepted. Seconded by Mr. Fenner and referred to the Committee on Charities. Mr. Hine presented the petition of the Board of Assessors of the Town of Enfield, to place the property of Nelson Starks of that town on the assessment roll. On motion of Mr. Fenner, the petition was granted and the Assessors of the Town of Enfield were directed to place the property described in the petition upon the assessment roll of that town. li 40 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS FIFTH DAY • Wednesday, November 22, 1916 MORNING SESSION Roll Cali. All members present except 141r. Todd. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. Claims Nos. 66 to 95 inclusive, were read by the Clerk arid referred to,the proper committees. Robert L..Post appeared before the Board and presented his report as County Treasurer, which was received and referred to the Committee on County Treas- urer's Accounts. - The Committee on Charities reported that it had examined the bond sub- mitted by County Superintendent. of the Poor -elect, William D. Baldwin, and founditcorrect'as to form, manner of execution and sufficiency of the sureties end recommended that it, he accepted and approved by this Board. On motion the report of the Committee was accepted and the bond approved AFTERNOON SESSION Roll Call. All members present, except I\Ir. 'Townsend who was excused. The report of Clarence D. Tarbell, County Clerk, relative to the office of the County Clerk, was received and referred to the Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses. Mr. Todd offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That there he levied and' collected from the taxable property of the Town of Danby, the sum of Ten Hundred 'Twenty-five Dollars, for .the purpose of liquidating a certain town note given by the Town Board of said town for the repair of bridges. Seconded by i14r. Begent and referred to the Committee on Town and County Accounts. Mr. Fenner offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That the Supervisor of the Town of Lansing be authorized and empowered to place in the Town Bugdet of that town and raise by tax, the sum of Nine Hundred Twenty-eight and 75/100 Dollars to pay bridge bond and interest due ]thaea Savings Bank February 1, 1917. Seconded l y Mr. Tielly. Carried. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 41 • Mr. Fenner offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That the Supervisor of the Town of Lansing he authorized and empowered to place in the Budget of that town and raise by tax the sum of Six Hundred Fifty-two , and 63/140 Dollars • to pay Highway Bond and interest due Ithaca Savings Bank February 1, 1917. Seconded by Mr. Kelly, Carried. The report of Clarence D. Tarbell, County Clerk, on Mortgage Tax, was received and referred to the Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts. SIXTH DAY Thursday, November 23, 1915 MORNING SESSION Roll Call. All members present, except 11r. 'Fenner, Who was excused. Minutes of preceding day read and.approvcdk T1ie.Clerk read the,annual report .of the Surrogate, .relative to .the :fees of that office, ;which was received and referred to the•Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses. Mr. Todd presented the report of the•Overseer,of the Poor of the Town of Danby and his estimate of.the amount• to be raised for support of town poor for the ensuing year, which was received and ,referred to the Committee -on Town and County Accounts. Reports of Chas. R. Lounsbury, Eli Phillips and Frank Yaple of Caroline; L. A. Fenner, Chas. Drake, D. A. Tarbell and A. J. Conlon of Lansing; Henry Williami and O. G. Noble of Ulysses, Justices of the Peace of those several towns, mere received and referred to the Committee on Coroner, Justices', etc., Accounts. A petition from the Assessors of the Town of Dryden to place the property of John Munsey, jr., in that town on the assessment roll was granted and the Assessors of that ytown were ,directed to place the property described in they pe- tition on the assessment roll of the town. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll Call. All members present. Court Bellis, County Sealer of Weights and Measures appeared before the Board and presented his annual report, which was received and referred to the Committee on County Officers and Compensation. li 11' 42 PROCEEDINGS OF TILE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Mr. Townsend presented the town audits of the Town of Ulysses, which were received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses. The Clerk read the annual report of the County Superintendents of the Poor, which was received and referred to the Committee on Charities. SEVENTH DAY Friday, November 24, 1916 MORNING SESSION Roll Call. All members present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. Reports of the special franchises assessed in the towns of Caroline, Dryden, Enfield, Groton, Ithaca, Lansing, Newfield and Ulysses were received and re- ferred to the Committee on Town Expenses, etc. The reports of the Assessors pf the towns of Caroline, Dryden, Enfield, Ithaca, Newfield and Ulysses and the City of Ithaca, relative to property exempt from taxation in those towns and city, were received and referred to the Committee on Equalization. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll Call. All members present, except Messrs. Todd, Kluebert, Fish and Townsend, who were excused. Mr. R. A. Chappius, a former Chairman of the Board and now postmaster of the village of Dryden, addressed the Board relative to the much better work being performed by the present Board of Supervisors than the Boards of four and five years ago. The members of the Board were engaged in committee work during the balance of the afternoon session. Adjourned to Monday, November 27, at 10.30 A. M. OF TOMPIKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 43 EIGHTH DAY Monday, November 27, 1916 MORNING SESSION Roll Call. All members present except Mr, Penner. Minutes of preceding meeting read and approved. The Clerk read a communication from the State Commission of Prisons, which he was directed to 'answer. Reports of Geo. B. Sickmon of Groton; L. S. Teeter of Enfield; Chas. H. Payne, Augustus Patterson, James D. Erway of, Newfield and C. Owen Carman of Ulysses, Justices of the Peace of those towns, were received and referred to the Committee on Coroner, Justices', etc., Accounts. The report of the Bonding Commissioners of the Town of Newfield was received and referred to the Committees on Town Expenses. Mr. Dassance presented the town audits of the Town of Newfield, which were referred to the Coinmittee on Town Expenses. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll Call. M1 members present. Reports of Eugene Dorn, W. O. Smiley and Louis G. Thatcher, Justices of the Peace of the Town of Danby were received and referred to the Committee on Coroner, Justices', etc., Accounts. The members of the Board were engaged in committee work during the re- mainder of the afternoon session, - NINTH DAY Tuesday, November 28, 1916 MORNING SESSION Roll Call. All members present except Messrs. Schaefer and Fish. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. II .I ;44 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF'SUPERVISORS The report of the 13midin , Commissioners of the Town of Ulysses was re- eeived and referred to the Committee on 'l'own Expenses. A petition from the Assessors of the Town of Ithaca to place the property of K. E. Ashton, in that town on the assessment roll was granted and the As- sessors of that town were directed to place the property described in the peti- tion upon the assessment roll. Reports of C. F. 'Teeter and Fred J. Romsey, Justices of the Peace of the .Town of.Enfeld were received and referred to the Committee on Coroner, Jus- tices', etc., Accounts. s AFTERNOON SESSION Roll Call. All members present. Mr. Wright addressed the Board relative to the new heater in the County Clerk's Building and offered the.following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That Jamieson and 111cIKinney. Co., he requested to give a written guarantee that the new heater in the County Clerk's Building will give satis- faction in all respects for six months, and in case of its failure so to do, the Com- pany will make good all defects occurring in that time, and that upon the giving of such a guarantee by said company, the Clerk of the Board be directed to draw an order on the County Treasurer for the sum of $370.00 less 2 per cent, and the County Treasurer be directed to pay the same out of any moneys un- appropriated in his hands. • Seconded by 111r.' Fenner., Ayes -12. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Hine offered the following resolution and moved its adoption Resolved, That the sum of $408.00 be levied and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Enfield to pay principal and interest on bonds issued for Highway No. 1001. Seconded by Mr. Wilkinson. Ayes -12. Noes—O. Carried. On motion of Mr. Fish, the matter of perfecting a County System of High- ways, was made a special order of business for Tuesday, December 5, at 2 P. M. The Committee on Town Expenses rendered the following report, relative to Special Franchises in the various towns, which was received and on motion adopted. O1 TOMPK.INS COUNTY, NEW YORK 45 •03 .lay 0u10H anlginniwru,I, i ,n 0 M '03 •2I '1.110021S 11a11gll 0 no --1 0 •00 JOMO1I V 11121-1 01-1300o05 0 O n ' • 1- . 0 •00 'lay uO[0n tualsoM 0 1- •On •TO.L on'inaa.rd 2 m '0n °icon Y -Tod, 1uT6od 0 o p c- •o0 -Lai,uua•IaW • o0 C 131.11?JOisj JO 00 I0J 1Ili!.13 1irJOj WaV 0 0101 cMn g 10 ..d: •O0 •11y nap/ LG M i' 10 n2 C0 '03 autloaia MAOc 10O t'' . � 0ATryuaad0.03 s s8Fia [V N '00 VI •p0I anignrals •a •r '00 'RL 11I110S •Q 'I' a 00 ias saimo0 Q 1 00 0 '03 .iay 011140/RA03 o t"•, 01 -op •taj ' pula 10j, 0uaualuy 0001 OO ii w� 11 41 w '00 '2I •1I • [ 'N T. A01111.1 112010 -1, ti00 octo on 0 -,co, to 01 cry _ £quuCL 101M •00 'RE, luapuad.pui 01 •0n 'P,L P •F J. 111u0pag wool o 0-•0.o+n -r1, 71 7M c1 Le el..., 1 0I 0-t1- - 0•, 11 _ CO op '10,1,JoPOun 0 o '03 lad, 001101110 0 to CI I, a - '0n '10J S,gn1Q _ l04—I a _ 45 '0n'10.L'!i'N �ro1.9oc1N.r.00-rc0 . 4 0.11-0orcr"-k0 �0a0] 01 11 c co co ., 01 UJ .'7.-. m F m O b [q a.4 r ��^ o P> m-o� as F br•o n 5. 5 �ro y � • , ' 'a o1c c ci.�'p e n 3 n Erg ciiy 3= �r..o��au�cs�-�- [�AAwc��a;�ac,�GwOZF, • PROCEEDINGS O1'' THE I3OARD OF• SliPERVISORS TENTH DAY Wednesday, November 29, 1916 MORNING SESSION Roll Call. All members present. • Minutes of preceding day read and approved. Arthur S. Cole, County Superintendent Of Highways appeared before the Board and asked permission for the highway officials of the county to meet with the Board of Supervisors on December. 22. There being no objection, permission was granted for the meeting. The report of the Assessors of the Town of Danby, relative to the property of that town exempt from taxation, was received and referred to the Committee on Taxation. Mr. Kluebert offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board. be directed to renew for the ensuing year, the contract for automobile hire, With the J. A. Bailey Garage Company, on the same terms as the contract for 1915, and be it further Resolved, That this Board will audit no bills for automobile hire by county officials, except tinder this contract. Seconded by \Ir. Hine. Carried. On motion of \Ir. Fish, the Clerk was directed to notify the owners of the different garages of the city of Ithaca, of -the adoption of the foregoing resolution. Mr. Begent presented a report of the bonded indebtedness -of the 'Town of Croton, which was referred to the Committee on Town Expenses. Reports of J. S. Grover, Emery Baker, J. D. Ross, C. K. Reynolds -and Paul Ewers, Justices of the Peace of the Town of Dryden, were received and referred to the Committee on Coroners, Justices', etc., Accounts. . AFTERNOON SESSION Itoll Call. All members present. Messrs. Farley, Burritt and Blatchley, representing the Farm Bureau, Messrs. Fitts, Mitchell and Wetherby, representing the farmers of the county, and Messrs. Bailey, Book and Barr, representing the city business men, appeared before the Board and addressed that body relative to the growing needs of the Farm Bureau and asked for an increased appropriation for the ensuing year. Adjourned to Monday, December 4, at 10.30 A. M. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK .47 ELEVENTH DAY Monday, December 4, 1916 MORNING SESSION Roll Call. All members present except Messrs. Hine and Fenner, Minutes of 'preceding day read and approved. The petition of Horace A. Van Riper,of the Town of Newfield, for a refund of taxes wrongfully collected, was received and referred to the Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes. The Clerk read the following bids for printing the Proceedings of the Board of Supervisors for the year 1916: The Cayuga Press $2.55 per page . The Atkinson Press $2.56 per page Mr. Schaefer offered the following' resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That the Cayuga Press be authorized to print the Proceedings of the Board for the year 1916 at a price of $2.55 per page, the work in all general features to conform to the Proceedings of 1915, and shall be completed and de- livered to the Clerk of this Board for distribution on or before February 15, 1917. Seconded by Mr. Hill. Carried. The Town Audits of the Town of Caroline were received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses. The Clerk read a series of resolutions adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Caroline, relative to various amounts to be raised by that town, which was referred to the Committee on Finance. Statements of the First National Bank and the Tompkins County National Bank of Ithaca and the State Bank and the First National Bank of Truihans- burg, were received and referred to the Committee on County Treasurer'A A ccounts. The report of R. L. Post, County Treasurer, relative to disbursement of the sum appropriated to that office for expenses, with vouchers therefor, was received and referred to the Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts. Mr. Townsend presented the Town Budget of the Town of Ulysses, which was referred to the Committee on Finance. 48 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AFTERNOON SESSION Roll Call. ,?.11 members present. A petition from the Farm Bureau Association asking for an appropriation of the sum of $2,226.28 to aid the Association in its work, was received and filed. The Town Audits of the Town of Enfield, were received and referred to the Com- mittee on Town Expenses. The members of the Board were engaged in committee work during the remainder of the afternoon session. TWELFTH DAY Tuesday, December 5, 1916 MORNING SESSION Roll call. All members present, except Mir. Hill. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. Claims Nos. 06 to 123 inclusive, were read by the Clerk and referred to the proper committees. A communication was read from Hon. Edwin Duffey, State Commissioner of'Highways, which the Clerk was directed to answer, County Superintendent of Flighway's, A. S. Cole, appeared before the Board and rendered his annual report, which was filed. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll Call. All members present, except illr. Fish, who was excused. Mr. Wilkinson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: `VHER7:As, Tompkins County, by a resolution of the Board of Supervisors thereof, duly adopted September 8, 1015, adopted the County System of High- ways, now, therefore, for the purpose of making such system operative, be it Resolved, 1. That Tompkins County construct one hundred miles of high- way at,the joint expense of the county and towns therein, under the provisions of Sec. 320-a of the Highway Law, as amended. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 49 . 2. That the basis - of apportionment of said highways among the several towns of, the county shall be (a) The number of miles of unimproved highways in each town. (b) The population of each town. (c) The area of each town. (d) The equalized value for highway purposes in each town. 3. That the town board of each town shall designate the highways to be improved in that town and have the same placed on the map • of the County System of hlighways and no highway shall be so designated for improvement except as it has one terminus at Least at an improved State or State and County Highway, or a highway designated by this Board for improvement by resolution adopted September 18, I915. 4. That the construction or improvement under this system of any high- way in any town of the county, shall be commenced at such improved State or State and County Highway, or a highway designated by resolution of this Board adopted September 18, 1915, and shall be constructed continuously from that point until that particular highway shall be completed. 5. That no town shall improve more than three miles of highway in any one year and that all highways shall have a sub -base not more than ten feet wide rolled and shall be six inches thick rolled, all expenses of improvement, except the top dressing, to be at'the expense of the town. 6. That the county, for its share of the cost of improvement of said highways, shall pay to each town having completed any portion of a highway except the top dressing, a sum not exceeding $1,500.00 per mile for completing the same, but in no case shall the amount to be raised by the county, exceed the sum of $20,000.00 in any one year: Seconded by Mr. Begent. Here followed a discussion of the resolution. Moved by Mr. Todd, that the resolution be referred back to the Committee on Highways for further consideration. ' Seconded by Mr. Wright. Carried. THIRTEENTH DAY Wednesday, December 6, 1916 MORNING SESSION Itoll Call. All members present. Minutes of preceding clay read and approved. 50 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS County Superintendent of Highways, A. S. Cole, appeared before the Board and asked to correct several mistakes in his report presented December 5th, which was granted. Mr. Begent presented the Town Audits of the Town of Groton, which were referred to the Committee on Town Expenses. Mr. Fenner presented the Town Audits of the Town of Lansing, which were referred to the Committee on .Town Expenses. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll Call. All members present. Mr. Wright in the chair. IIr. Philo Smith, Keeper at the County Home, appeared before the Board and asked that the Board make an inspection of the County Home on Wednesday, December 13th. Dloved by Mr. Fish, that the invitation of Mr. Smith be accepted and that the members of the Board as a Committee of the Whole inspect the County ITome and County Farm on Wednesday, December 13th. 0 • Seconded by Mr. Todd. Carried. The members of the Board were engaged in committee work during the re- mainder of the afternoon session. FOURTEENTH DAY Thursday, December 7, 1916 MORNING SESSION Roll Call. All members present. • Minutes of preceding day read and approved. The Chairman, being obliged to absent himself at this time, called 11Ir. Todd to the chair. Mr. Perrin, representing the Burroughs Adding Machine Co., appeared before the Board and addressed it relative to the needs of a new adding machine. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW. YORK 51 Statements of the First National Bank of Dryden and the First National Bank of Groton, were received and referred to the Committee on County Treas- urer's Accounts. Mr. Gallagher in the chair. The report of the Village Clerk of the Village of Trumansburg of the tax rate of that village, was received and referred to the Committee on Equalization. The report of the Village Clerk of Trumansburg of the indebtedness of that village, was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll Call_ A11 members present, except Mr. Kelly. The reports of F. A. King of Ulysses and J. H. Hoff of Groton, Justices of the Peace of those towns, were received and referred to the Committee on Cor- oner, Justices', etc., Accounts. The Clerk read a communication from the Rev. Jesse Mulette, Chaplain at the County home, which was filed. Messrs. Todd and Dassance, a majority of, the Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes, offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That in the preparation of the list of Grand Jurors of the different towns of the county and the city of Ithaca, the total of three hundred (300) names he apportioned as in the year 1015, as follows; Caroline 17 Grand Jurors Danby 16 " " • Dryden 34 " Enfield 13 " " Groton 32 " Ithaca City 100 " t I (20 for each of the Five Wards) Ithaca Town 12 " Lansing 23 " " Newfield 20 " Ulysses 28 . " « Total 300 Seconded by Mr. Wilkinson. Carried. 52 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Mr. Fish explained why he did not also sign the resolution presented by a majority of the members of the Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes. . On motion of Mr. Wilkinson, the discussion of changing the time of holding the biennial town meetings from the second Tuesday in February to the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November, was made a special order of busi- ness for Monday, December 11, at 2 P. M. Mr. Todd in the chair. • Mr. Orlando White, a former Chairman of this Board being present; ad- dressed the Board relative to the greater merits of the present Board than the Boards of 1907 and 1908. FIFTEENTH DAY Friday, December 8, 1916 MORNING SESSION Roll Call. All members present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. A petition of the Assessors of the City of Ithaca, to strike from the assessment roll of that city, personal property assessed to Henry L. Fish Co. and Leslie Tyler, was granted. The Committee on Charities rendered the following report on the accounts of the County Superintendents of the Poor: .Your Committee on Charities beg to report that it has examined the report of the County Superintendents of the Poor and found it correct, and recommend the following resolutions: Resolved, That for the maintenance of the poor having settlement in Tompkins County, there be levied and collected from the taxable property of the several towns hereinafter named and the City of Ithaca, to reimburse the County for moneys expended for the maintenance of the poor of the various towns and the City of Ithaca during the year ending November 15, 1916, the following sums, to -wit: OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 63 County poor $ 508.30 Caroline poor 269.03 Danby `° 130.66 Dryden " 909.74 Enfield 0/ 256.42 Groton " 647.00 Ithaca Town poor Ithaca City 3416.89. Lansing poor 75.31 Newfield " 410.56 Ulysses " 507.94 $7131.85 Resolved, That there be levied and collected from the taxable property of the County of Tompkins the sum of $1,050.00 apportioned as follows: For Out Door Relief $800.00 For Expenses Overseers and Superintendents of Poor 200.00 For Transportation 50.00 and which, with the above named sums charged to the various towns and the City of Itliaca,'make a total of $8,181.85 for the maintenance of the poor of the county for the year 1917. J. P. KELLY MAX KLUEBERT E. S. HILL. Moved by Mr. Kelly that the report be accepted and the resolutions adopted. Seconded by Mr. Hill. Laid onithe table one day under the rule. Moved by Mr. Kelly, that the rule be suspended and that action on the report of the Committee and the adoption of the resolutions, be taken at this time. Seconded by Mr. Nish. By unanimous consent,the report wastaken_from the table. The vote being taken on the acceptance of the report of_the Committee and the adoption of the resolutions, resulted as follows: Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. I3egent offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That the Chairman appoint a committee of five members, of which the Chairman shall be one, to investigate the conditions prevailing at, and the needs of the Tuberculosis Hospital, and report to this Board at as early a date as possible. Seconded by Mr. Wilkinson. Carried. it PROCEEDINGS OF T.HE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS The Chair appointed as the members of the Committee besides the Chair- man, itlessrs. Begent, Iiluebert, Dassance and• Kelly. The Clerk read a communication from Win. D. Baldwin, Superintendent of the Poor -elect, relative to salary of the County. Superintendent of the Poor, which was referred to the Committee on County Officers and Compensation. The Committee on County Officers and Compensation offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That the salary of William D. Baldwin, County Superintendent of the Poor -elect, be fixed at the sum of 5200.00 per year. • Seconded by Mr. Wright. Ayes -14. Noes—O. Carried. On motion of Mr. Hill, action on the petition of the Farm Bureau Assoeia- . tion, was made a special order of business at 3 P. M. • Moved by Mr. Fish, that the petition be referred to the committee properly having such matters in charge, with instructions to report at that time. So ordered. Moved by Mr. Regent, that Mr. Hill be elected by this Board as a Direr;tor of the Farm Bureau Association. • Seconded by Mr. Hine. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll Call. All members present. The report of the Childs' Welfare Board, having been made a special order of business for this time, that matter was taken up. In the absence of the Treasurer of the Board, Mr. B. J. ]telly presented the report of that official. Mrs. M. E. Calkins, as President of the Board, rendered her annual report and asked for an appropriation of $1,200.00 to assist the Board in carrying on its work for the ensuing year. Mrs. Eugene Baker and i11r. Leon Rothschild addressed the Board relative to the work and needs of the Childs' Welfare Board. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 55 On motioh, the reports were received and referred to the Committee on Charities. The report of Mrs. Katherine Shaw, as Jail Chaplain and Matron, was re- ceived and filed. Action on the petition of the Farm Bureau Association, having been made a special order of business for this time, that matter.was taken up. The Committee on Soldiers' Relief, etc., to which the petition was referred, presented the following report:, To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County:— Your Committee on Soldiers' Relief, Education and Defectives, respectfully reports that it has carefully examined the report of the Tompkins County Farm Bureau Association for the year 1916 and sees nothing to criticise in the manner of its use of the appropriation given to it last year. We have examined with care the petition of the Bureau for an increased appropriation for 1917, and in view of its aims to increase and extend its work, we believe the amount of 1;2,000.00 is reasonable and should be granted. We believe, however, that the County would not be justified in continuing these yearly appropriations indefinitely, but only for so long a time as will serve to allow the Association to become self-supporting, and we would urge the management of the Association to inaugurate an active membership cam- paign with an increase of membership fees. WILBER G. FISH H. S. WRIGHT ALBERT DASSANCE The Committee on Soldiers' Relief, etc., offered the following resolution: Resolved, That there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the County of Tompkins the sum of $2,CC0.00 for the .use of the Tompkins County Farm Bureau Association for the ensuing year; said sum to be paid to the Treasurer of said Association by the County Treasurer upon filing with hin, by the Clerk of this Board of a certified copy of this resolution, and be it further Resolved, That, if at that time, there be not sufficient funds available in the hands of the County Treasurer,' he is hereby authorized to borrow the same upon the credit of the Comity, Moved by Mr. Fish, that the report of the Committee be accepted and the resolutions adopted. Seconded by Mr. Begent. Laid on the table two days. Moved by Mr. Hill, that the matter be made a special order of business for Tuesday, December 12, at 2 P. M. Seconded by Mr. Dassance. Carried. , Adjourned to Monday, December 11, at 10.30 A. M. 56 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SIRERVJSORS SIXTEENTH DAY. Monday, December 11, 1916 MORNING SESSION Roll Call. All members present exceptMr. Fenner. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. A petition of the Assessors of the Town of Caroline to place the property of Harry VanDemark, in that town, upon the assessment roll, was granted and the Assessors of that town were directed to place the property described in the petition upon the assessment roll of that town. The Clerk read a communication from the State Civil Service Commission, relative to the result of the examination for County Sealer of Weights and Measures, which was referred to the Committee on County Officers and Com- pensation. . The Clerk read a communication from the State Superintendent of Weights and Measures, which was referred to the Committee on County Officers and Compensation. On motion of Mr. Wilkinson, the Clerk was directed to write the State Super- intendent of Weights and Measures that the Bozrd of Supervisors of this county was fully capable of deciding what should be the compensation of all county officials, without outside help. Moved by Mr. Wilkinson, that the election of a County Sealer of Weights and Measures he made a special order of business for Friday, December 15, at 2 P. M. - Seconded by Mr. Hill. Carried. The Town Audits of the Town of Ithaca were received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses. The Clerk read a communication from the State Highway Commissioner, relative to meeting with the l3aard on Friday, December 22, which was filed. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll Call. All members present. The claim of F. B. Jefferson for refund of taxes wrongfully collected, was received and referred to the Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY,' NEW YORK 57 Mr. Hill, Chairman of the Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts pre- sented the following report of that Committee, relative to Bank Taxes, with resolutions, and moved their adoption: • ITHACA CITY FIRST NATIONAL BANK Capital stock $250,000.00 Surplus 85,000.00 Undivided profits 55,572.23 • - $390,572.23 No. of shares of stock -2,500 Par value of each share $ 100.00 Value of each share for taxation 156.23 Amount of tax 3,905.72 TOMPKINS COUNTY NATIONAL BANK Capital stock $100,000.00 Surplus 150,000.00 Undivided profits 47,805.93 $297,805.93 No. of shares of stock -1,000 Par value of each share $ 100.00 Value of each share for taxation 297.81 Amount of tax 2,978.06 VILLAGE OF TRUMANSBUR.G (FIRST NATIONAL HANK Capital stock $ 25,000.00 Surplus 9,000.00 ' Undivided profits 2,282.80 $ 36,282.80 No. of shares of stock -250 ' Par value:of each share $ 100.00 Value of each share for taxation 145.13 Amount of tax 362.83 STATE BANK Capital stock $ 25,000.00 Surplus 10,000.00 Undivided profits 3,810.00 $ 38,810.00 58 .PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS No. of shares of stock -250 Par value of each•share $ 100.00 Value of each share for taxation 155.24 Amount of tax 388.10 VILLAGE OF GROTON FIRST NATIONAL BANK Capital stock $100,000.00 Surplus 20,000.00 Undivided profits 15,203.30 $135,263.30 No. of shares of stock -1,000 Par value of each share $ 100.00 Value of each share for taxation 135.26 Amount of tax 1,352.63 VILLAGE OF DRYDEN FIRST NATIONAL BANK Capital stock $ 25,000.00 Surplus 25,000.00 Undivided profits 7,296.32 No. of shares of stock -250 Par value of each share Value of each share for taxation Amount of tax $ 57,296.32 • $ 100.00 229.18 572.96 resolved, That a tax of one per cent upon the value of the shares of stock as above set forth, be levied and assessed, and that the Clerk of this Board forthwith mail to the president or cashier of each bank or banking association, a state- ment setting forth the amount of its capital stock, surplus and undivided profits, the number of outstanding shares thereof, the value of each share of stock taxable as hereinabove ascertained and the aggregate amount of tax to be collected and paid by such bank or banking association as provided by Section 24 of the Tax Law. Resolved, That this 13oard of Supervisors issue its warrant or order, signed by the Chairman and the Clerk of this Board as provided by Section 24 of the , Tax Law, on or before the kith clay of December, 1916. E. S. HILL H. S. WRIGHT • 1VM. B. WILKINSON. Moved by Mr. Begent, that the report of the Committee be accepted and the resolutions adopted. Seconded by Mr. Wilkinson and referred to the Committee on Finance. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK ;y The matter of changing the time of holding the biennia! Town Meetings, having been made a special order of business at this time, that matter was taken up. Mr. Wilkinson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: WHEREAS, In most of the counties of the State the time of holding biennial town meetings has been changed to Tuesday following the first Monday in November, and iVnE,EAS, By staking such change much unnecessary expense is saved to. the towns of the county, therefore be it Resolved, By the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins, that the biennial Town Meetings of the several towns of the County of Tompkins, he hereafter held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November cn an odd numbered year, and be it ftirther Resolved, That this resolution shall take effect immediately. Seconded by Mr. Klucbert• Ayes—Messrs. Todd, Mill, Wright, Schaefer, Wilkinson, Kluebert, Fish, D. s ance, Fenner, Townsend, Gallagher -11. Noes—Messrs. Eine, Regent, Kelly -3. Carried. Mr. Townsend offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board be directed to send a certified copy of the foregoing resolutions, changing the time of holding biennial Town Meetings to the various town clerks of. the several towns of the county. Seconded by Mr. Wilkinson. Carried. The following report of the Committee on 'i'own :tad County Accounts was read by the Clerk and Iaid on the table two days: Your Committee on Town and County Accounts reports that the claim listed below is in all respects in proper forth for audit and allowance by this Board, that said claire in the opinion of your committee is a just and legal charge against the County of Tompkins, to the amount indicated in the column headed "Allowed" and your committee therefore recommends that said claim be audited at the amount so indicated. E Claimant andAppropriation and Ac- Nature or Purpose of d `o d Araignment count to which Expense .� o Z Chargeable U C • Town line bridge between Building bridgebetween 118 Town of Ulysses towns of Ulysses and !lector towns $ 266.33 1 268.33 60 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Respectfully submitted this llth day of December, 1916. H. S. WRIGHT ALBERT DASSANCE J. M. TOWNSEND. SEVENTEENTH DAY Tuesday, December 12, 1916 MORNING SESSION Roll Call. All members present. On motion of Mr. Wilkinson, further consideration of the County. System of Roads was made a special order of business for 3 r. m. Mr. I luebert offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That the new adding machine be for the exclusive use of the Board of Supervisors and shall be in the custody of the Clerk of this Board and the Clerk is hereby directed to loan the machine to no person. Seconded by RIr. Begent. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll Call. All members present. Consideration of the County System of Roads, having been made n special order of business, at this time, that matter was taken up. Mr. Wilkinson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: WHEREAS, Tompkins County, by a resolution of the Board of Supervisors thereof, duly adopted September 8, 1916, adopted the County System of Roads, now, therefore, for. the purpose of making such system operative, be it Resolved, 1. That Tompkins County construct one hundred miles of high- way at the joint expense of the county and towns therein, under the provisions of Sec. 320-a, of the TIiglhway Law, as annended. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 61 2. That the basis of apportionment of said highways among the several towns of the county shall be (a) The number of miles of unimproved highways in. each town. (b) The equalized value for highway purposes in each town. (c) The area of each town. (d) The population of each town. 3. That the town board of each town shall designate the highways to be improved in that town and have the same placed on the map of the County System of Roads and no highway shall be so designated for improvement ex- cept as it has one terminus at least at an improved or designated State Highway or an improved State and County Highway, or a highway designated by this Board for improvement by resolution adopted September 18, 1915. 4. That the construction or improvement under this system, of any high- way in any town of the county, shall be commenced at such improved or desig- nated State Highway or an improved State and County Highway, or a highway designated by resolution of this Board adopted September 18, 1915, and shall be constructed continuously from that point until that particular highway shall be completed. 5. That no town shall improve more than three miles of highway in any one year and that all highways shall have a sub -base not more than ten feet wide rolled and shall be six inches thick rolled, all expenses of improvement, except the top dressing, to be at the expense of the town. 6. That the county, for its share of the cost of improvement of said highways, shall pay to each town having completed any portion of a highway except the top dressing, a sum not exceeding $1,500.00 per mile for completing the same, but in no case shall the amount to be raised by the county, exceed the aura of $20,000.00 in any one year. Seconded by Mr. Regent. Here followed a discussion on the resolution, W. H. Morrison and James R. Robinson, representing the Ithaca Automobile Club and the Chamber of Commerce; and S. L. Sheldon and Jay Carpenter, representing the Hoard of Aldermen of the City of Ithaca, spoke in favor of the resolution. • • Moved by Mr. Wright, that the matter be laid on the table until Friday, December 22. Seconded by Mr. Fish. Ayes—Messrs. Todd, Hine, Wright, Kelly, Schaefer, Fish -6. Noes—Messrs. Hill, Begent, Wilkinson, Kluebert, Dassance, Fenner, Town- send -7. Motion lost. 62 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS The vote being taken on the original resolution resulted as follows: Ayes—Messrs. hill, Hine, Begent, Schaefer, Wilkinson, Kluebert, Fish,. Dassance, Fenner, Townsend -10. . Noes—Messrs. Todd, Wright, Kelly -3. Resolution adopted. Messrs. Carpenter and Sheldon, representing the Board of Aldermen of the City of Ithaca, addressed the Board relative to the needs of a hospital at the County Home. Action upon the report of the Committee on Soldiers' Relief, etc., relative to an appropriation to the Farm Bureau, and resolutions offered by said Committee, on Friday, December 8, having been made a special order of business for this time, that matter was taken up. Mr. Hine asked that the question be divided. So ordered. On motion of Mr. Mine, the report of the Committee was accepted. Moved by 11,1r. Kluebert, that the resolution be amended so that the amount to be appropriated be $1,500.00 instead of $2,000.00. Seconded by Mr. Begent. Amendment accepted by the members of the Committee on Soldiers' Relief, etc., present. A vote being taken on the resolution as amended resulted as follows: Ayes—Messrs. Hill, ]line, Begent, Kelly, Schaefer, Wilkinson, ](]Imbert, Fish, Dassance-9. Noes—Messrs. Todd, Fenner, 'Townsend --3. Carried. Moved by Nit.. Fish, that for every dollar secured by the Farm Bureau Asso- elation by June 1, 1917, for membership fees from members exceeding three hundred in number and not exceeding five hundred in number, this Board will appropriate an additional two dollars. . Seconded by 11Ir. Todd. Carried. EIGHTEENTH DAY Wednesday, December 13, 1916 MORNING SESSION Roll Call. All members present. The members of the Board, as a Committee of the Whole, visited the,County Home and made an inspection of its different departments. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 63 NINETEENTH . DAY' Thursday, December 14, 1916 MORNING SESSION Roll Call. All members present. Minutes of two preceding days read and approved. Mr. Schaefer offered the following resolution and moved its adoption; Resolved, That the Clerk enter into a contract with the Board of Supervisors of the County of Monroe for the support of prisoners from this county for the year beginning April 16, 19I7, and ending April 16, 1918. ' Seconded by Mr. Begeint. Carried. Mr. Kluebert offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That the Clerk be directed to draw an order on the County Treas- urer payable to the Burroughs Adding Machine Co., for the sum of $325.00 less 2 per cent, in payment of the new adding machine, and that the County Treas- urer be directed to pay the same out of any funds unappropriated in his hands. Seconded by Mr. Fenner. Carried. Mr. Cecil L. Saunders appeared before the Board and spoke relative to his candidacy for the office of County Superintendent of Highways. List of Grand Jurors of the Towns of Dryden, Enfield, Lansing and Groton and the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th' Wards of the City of Ithaca were received and referred to the Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes. . Messrs. Edwin Gillette, Julius M. Clapp, and Win. Hazlitt Smith, represent - ,the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children and the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Anirnals, appeared before the Board and asked for appropriations to those two societies. Referred to the Committee on Correction and Reformation. The Clerk read a communication from tha State Civil Service Commission, relative to the result of the examination for County Superintendent of Highways. Moved by Mr. Kelly, that the election of a County Superintendent of High- ways be made a special order of business for Wednesday, December 20, at 2 P. M. Seconded by Mr.' Wright. Moved by Mr. Wilkinson, as an amendment, that the matter be made a special order of business for Friday, December 15, at 3'e. M. Amendment seconded by Mr. Schaefer. A vote being taken on the amendment resulted as follows: 64 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Ayes—Messrs. Todd, Schaefer, Wilkinson, Dassance, Fenner, Townsend ---6. Noes—Messrs. Hill, Hine, Begent, Wright, Kelly, Kluebert, Fish -7. Amendment lost. A vote being taken on Mr. Kelly's original resolution resulted as follows: Ayes—Messrs. Todd, Hill,. Hine, Begent, Wright, Kelly, Schaefer, Fish, Dassance, Fenner, Townsend -11. Noes—Messrs. Wilkinson, Kluebert-2. Motion carried and the matter of the election of a County Superintendent of Highways was made a special order of business for Wednesday, December 20, at 2 P. M. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll Call. All members present. Mr. L. J. Wheeler and Dr. Quackenbush of the Tuberculosis Hospital ap- peared before the Board and rendered the report of the Board of Managers of that institution. Mr. C. D. Bouton of the Board also addressed the Board. The Clerk read the resignation of Dr. H. E. Merriam from the Board of Man- agers of the Tuberculosis Hospital, which on motion, was accepted. Mr. Fish offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That there is hereby appropriated and made immediately available to the Board of Managers of the Tuberculosis Hospital the sum of $1,500, and that the County Treasurer be and he hereby is directed to pay the same, in the same manner in which Tuberculosis I-lospital bills are now paid, after the Clerk of this Board has filed with him a certified copy of this resolution. Seconded by Mr. Hill. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. Moved by Mr. Schaefer, that the Board reconsider its action of the forenoon session, making the election of a County Superintendent of Highways a special order of business for Wednesday, December 20, at 2 P. M. Seconded by Mr. Townsend. Ayes—Messrs. Todd, Schaefer, Wilkinson, Kluebert, Fish, Dassance, Fenner, Townsend—S. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK tis - Noes—Messrs. Hill, Hine, Begent, Wright, Kelly -5. Motion carried. Moved by \1r. Wilkinson, that the Board proceed to elect.. a County Super- intendent of Highways at this time. Seconded by \1r. Schaefer. Ayes—Messrs. 'Todd, Sehaefer, Wilkinson, Kluebert, Fish, Dassance, Fenner, Townsend -8. Noes—Messrs. Hill, Kline, Begent, Wright, Kelly ---5. Motion carried. ;The Board preceede 1 by informal ballot in the election of a County Super- intendent of Highways. The Chair appointed Messrs. Begent and Fenner tellers. Whole number of ballots cast were 13, of which Fred C. Evans received 8 James Conley received Moved by Mr. Fenner, that the informal ballot be neule formal and that Fred C. Evans be declared elected County Superintendent of Highways and that the Clerk be directed to cast a ballot for Fred C. Evans for County Super- intendent of Highways. Seconded by Mr, Dassance, Carried. \loved by \lr. Begent that the election of \Ir. Evans be made unaniuuws. Seconded by \1r. Bine. Carried. The Clerk cast one ballot for Fred C. Evans for County Superintendent of Highways, and 11r. Evans was declared by the Chair to be elected County Superintendent of Highways for the term of four years frorn the first day of January, 1917. \1r. Wilkinson offered the following resolution auul moved its adoption: Wiaaans, At a meeting of this Board, held on the 12th day of December, 1916, a resolution was duly adopted pursuant to Section 320-a of the Highway Law, to construct one hundred miles of County Roads, therefore be it Resolved, That this Board apportion the roads so to be constructed, the fol- lowing mileage to the several towns of the county: { 66 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD:OF. SUPERVISORS Caroline miles - Danby. 9.1 " Dryden 19'.1 ": Enfield 6.8. " Groton..: �:r:.' 13:1 «.. Ithaca Town - -9:4 :::-:. . Lansing 13.4 " Newfield 10:1 Ulysses., 9.3 .. The annual report of the Commissioners of Election was received and re- ferred to the Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses. .. Mr. F. G. Bool, Commissioner of Elections, appeared before the Board and explained the report. p. Mr. Townsend offered the following resolution and. moved its adoption: • Resolved, That the report of the Committee on Town and County Accounts, laid over from December 11, be accepted and that the bill and' account therein listed be audited and allowed for the sum indicated in the report of the committee. Seconded by Mr. Begent. Ayes -13. Noes—D. Carried. TWENTIETH DAY Friday, December 15, 1916 MORNING' SESSION Roll Call. All members present. Miniutes of preceding day read and approved. Mr. Todd offered the following.resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That the bond of Fred C. Evans, County Superintendent of High- ' ways -elect, be fixed by.this Board at the sum of S1,000.00. Seconded by 141r. Hine. Carried. , vIr. Chamberlain of the State highway Department addressed the Board relative to the distribution of the county's share of the tax on automobiles. ' Mr. Fenner presented the report of the bonded indebtedness.of the Town of Lansing, which was referred to the Committee on Town Expenses, etc. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 67 AFTERNOON SESSION Roll Call. All members present except Mr. Todd, who was excused. The election of a County Sealer of Weights and Measures, having been made a special order of business for this time, that matterwas taken up. ' On motion, the Board proceeded by an informal ballot in the election of a County Sealer of Weights and Measures. The Cha.ii appointed Messrs. Hill and Kelly as tellers. The informal ballot resulted as follows: Whole number of votes cast were 12, of which Court Bellis received 1'1 W. C. Gallagher received 1 Moved by Mr. Begent, that the informal ballot be made formal and that the Clerk be instructed to case one ballot for Court Bellis as County Sealer of Weights and Measures. Seconded by Mr. Hine. Carried. The Clerk cast one ballot for Court Bellis, as County Sealer of Weights and Measures, -and Mr. Bellis was declared elected by the Chairman as County Sealer of Weights and Measures of Tompkins County for the term of one year, eornmeneing on the 1st day of January; 1917. Mr: Begent offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That the Chairinan of this Board shall be one of the Special .Com- mittee of three, appointed for the building of County Roads under the provisions of Section 320-a of the Highway Law. Seconded by Mr. Fenner. Carried. Moved by Mr. Kluebert, that the election of a Jail Physician, a Jail Chaplain and Matron, and a Chaplain at the County Home, be made a special order of business for Monday, December 18, at 2 r. nr. Seconded by Mr. Hine. Carried. The Committee on Charities rendered the following report, relative to an appropriation to the Child's Welfare Board: • Your Committee on Charities, to which was referred the matter of an ap- propriation to the Child's Welfare Board, renders the following report: Your Committee has examined the report of the Directors of the Child's Welfare Board and finds the moneys appropriated to there for 1916, has been judiciously and economically expended and your Committee therefore recom- mends the following resolutions: 68 PROCEEDINGS OF THE: BOARD OIC SUPERVISORS Resolved, That this Board hereby appropriate the sum of $1,200.00 to the Directors of the Child's Welfare Board for the year 1917, said sum to be used exclusively for the humanitarian work of the Board and not for any expense account, and be it, further Resolved, That the County Treasurer pay to said Directors of said Board said sum of $1,200.00 upon the filing with him of a certified copy of this resolution. JOHN P. KELLY MAX KLUEI3ERT E. S. HILL. Moved by Mr. Kelly, that the report of the Committee be accepted and the resolutions adopted. Seconded by Mr. Hill. Laid on the table for two days. . The Committee on Town and County Accounts rendered the following report: Your Committee on Town and County Accounts, ]raving examined the figures submitted by the State Comptroller of the amounts necessary to be raised by the several towns of the county for the maintenance of highways and for sinking fund and interest on bonds issued for road construc- tion, and finding the same correct, reports the'following amounts to be levied and collected from the various towns of the county for road maintenance and also the amounts to be levied and collected for sinking fund and interest (hie froth the County of Tompkins and the several towns therein: Road Town sink- Interest County . Interest Town Maintenance ing fund on sane sinking find on same Caroline $ 400.00 Danby 500.00 Dryden 1,050.00 $263.43 $526.00 151,017.15 52,034.31 Enfield 200.00 Groton 200.00 Ithaca 1,050.00 339.42 678.86 Lansing 250.00 Newfield 650.00 Ulysses 300.00 216.35 433.09 700.20 .1,412.40 54,600.00 5480.28 ' 5960.59 $2,062.77 $4,125.57 H. S. WRIGHT ALBERT DASSANCE J. M. TOW N SEND. N'Ir. Wright offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: J. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 69 1lesolaed, That the report of the Committee on Town and County Accounts be accepted and that the amounts therein mentioned be levied and collected from the various towns of the county for road maintenance, and also the amounts be levied and collected for sinking fund and interest due from the County of 'I`ompkins and the several towns of such county. Seconded by Mir. Begent. Laid on the table two days. The supplemental report of the County Treasurer was received and referred to the Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts. • Claims Nos. 124 to 148 inclusive, were read by the Clerk and referred -to the proper committees. • TWENTY-FIRST DAY Monday, December 18, 1916 MORNING SESSION Roll Call. All members present except 1\1r. Penner. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. Claims Nos. 149 to 164 inclusive; were read by the Clerk and referred to the proper committees. Mr. Regent offered the following resolution and'moved its adoption: Resolved, That the Supervisor of the Town of Groton be authorized to add to the assessment roll of that town, the amount of the returned Snow Taxes assessed against the various property owners of that town amounting to the sum of $76.84, as appears by the report of the Town Superintendent of Highways. Seconded by Mr. Kluebert. Carried. The report of the Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Newfield; relative to cutting noxious weeds, was received• and referred to the Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes. A list of Grand Jurors for the Town of Caroline, was presented and referred to the Conunittee on Returned Highway and School Taxes. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll Call. All members present. The annual report of the Sheriff was received and referred to the Committee on Correction and Reformation. 70 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ' A requisition from the Surrogate was received and referred to the Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses, with power. The election of a Jail Physician having been made a special order of business for this time, that matter was taken up. . Messrs. Kelly and Fish were appointed tellers. The Board proceeded by an informal ballot to the election of a Jail Physician. • The informal ballot resulted as follows: Whole number of votes cast were 12, of which C. F. Denman received 8 James P. Fahey received 4 Moved by Mr. Kluebert that the formal ballot be declared formal and that the Clerk be directed to cast one vote for Dr. C. F. Denman as Jail Physician. Seconded by Air. Hill. Carried. The Clerk cast one ballot for Dr. C. F. Denman as Jail Physician and the Chair declared Dr. Denman elected Jail Physician for the ensuing year, under the same conditions as to services, as herebefore. The time having arrived for the election of a Jail Chaplain and Matron, the Board proceeded by an informal ballot to an election to that office. The informal ballot resulted as follows: Whole number of votes cast were 12, of which Katharine II. Shaw received 12 Moved by Mr. Regent that the informal ballot be declared formal and that the Clerk be directed to cast one ballot for Katharine H. Shaw as Jail Chaplain and Matron. Seconded by Mr. Fenner. Carried. The Clerk cast one ballot for Katharine 11. Shaw as Jail Chaplain and Matron and the Chair declared Katharine H. Shaw elected Jail Chaplain and Matron for the ensuing year. The time having arrived for the election .of a Chaplain at the County Home, the Board proceeded by informal ballot to the election of that officer. The informal ballot resulted as follows: Whole number of votes cast were 12, of which Rev. L. Roe Williams received 9 Rev. Jesse Mulette received g -OF:TOMPKINS'COUNTY, NEW: YORit' • 71 • On.motion of Mr. Todd, the informal ballot wasmade formal and the Clerk was directed to cast one ballot for Rev. L. Roe Williams as Chaplain •at• the County I-Iorne. . • The Clerk cast one ballot for Rev. L. Roe Williams and the Chair declared the Rev. L. Roe Williams elected Chaplain at the County Home for the ensuing year. Mr. Dassance of the Committee on Footing Assessment Rolls, rendered the following regular and supplemental report of that Committee. Your Committee on Footing Assessment Rolls, submit the following table of figures compiled from the rolls of the several towns and city as the assessed valuation of the towns of the county and the city, for the current year: (For report, see Index.) Your Committee would further recommend that the foregoing suras, as shown by the footing contained in the several tax rolls, be used as a basis for taxations and therefore offer the following resolution: Resolved, That the:foregoing table of figures as reported by- your.Footiiigs Committee, be used as a basis for taxation for Tompkins County, and that a - levy be made thereon from the report of your Cornmittee on Ratio and Appor- tionment., for the several tax districts within the county. Moved by Mr. Dassance, that the report be accepted and • the resolution adopted. Seconded by Mr. Begent. Laid on the table one day under the rule. • Moved by Mr. Dassance, that the rule be suspended and that action be taken on the adoption of the resolution at this time, Seconded by Mr. Fenner. By unanimous consent, the report was taken from the table. . A: vote being 'taken on the acceptance of the report of the Committee on Footings and the adoption of the resolution, resulted as follows: Ayes -12. Noes -0. Carried. The Committee on Highways reported that it had" effected a settlement, with Charles White, for lands taken and damage to trees for the Enfield Falls - Enfield Center Highway No. 1189, for the sura of 875.00. Mr. Wilkinson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board -be directed to draw an order on the County Treasurer, payable to Charles White for the sum of 875.00, as settlement in full for lands taken and for all claims and demands of said White, on the giving by him of the proper deeds of conveyance therefor. . . Seconded by Mr. 11 ine. 72 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF. SUPERVISORS • Ayes—Messrs. Todd, Hill, Hine, Regent, Belly, Wilkinson, Kluebert, Fish, Dassance, Fenner, Townsend -11. Noes -0. Carried. TWENTY-SECOND DAY Tuesday, December 19, 1916 MORNING SESSION Roll Call. All rnembers present, except Mr. Hill. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. The Chairman announced :Messrs. Gallagher, Wilkinson and Begent as the three members of the Board of Supervisors, who with the County Superintendent of Ilighways, shall be known as the highway Officials of the County under the County System of Roads in accordance with the provisions of Sec. 320-a of the Highway Law. On motion of Mr. Hine, the appointment of -the Committee was confirmed by the Board. Mr. Wilkinson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: W}EnEAs,.The Supervisors and Towit Clerks of the towns mentioned below, have certified to this. Board statements of the expenses incurred by the Town Superintendents of said towns with the consent, of the Town Boards, pursuant to Section 93 of the Highway Law, and audited and allowed by said Town Board or Town Boards, together with the principal and interest, therefore he it • Rcaolved, That the amounts set opposite the name of each town be assessed levied and collected upon the taxable property of that town, exclusive of the corporate limits of any village or villages which maintain the highways therein as a separate highway district, and that the same when collected be paid to the Supervisor of the town to be applied to the cancelling of the certificates of in- debtedness and the interest accruing 011 the sante which were issued in payment of the above mentioned accounts. Amount of Principal Amount of Interest Name of Town to be levied Groton $ 200.00 Ulysses 1279.43 Newfield (snow) 450.00 Seconded by Mr. Begent. to be levied $11.25 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 73 Ayes --12: Noes -0. Carried. • Mr. Wilkinson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Win:REAs, The Town Superintendents of the several towns of Tompkins County have made an estimate of the amount of money necessary to be raised by tax for the improvement of the highways and bridges and, other miscellaneous highway purposes of their respective towns, as provided by Section 90 of the Highway Law; and • WHEREAS, The respective town boards have approved or changed said es- timates, as provided by Section 91 of the Highway Law, therefore be it Resolved, Tliat the said estimates as approved by the town boards be re- ceived and the sum set opposite the name of the respective towns in the column which bears the heading, "Amount of 1st Item" (which is the amount of the First Item in said estimates), he assessed, levied and collected upon the taxable property of the respective towns, exclusive of the property within the limits of the incorporated village or villages of their respective towns which maintain their streets and highways as a separate road district, and be it further Resolved, That the sum set opposite the names of the respective towns, in the colurnns which bear the heading, "Amount of 2nd Item," "Amount of 3rd Item" and "Amount of 4th Item" (which is the amount of the Second, Third 'and Fourth Items of said estimates as approved by the various town boards), be assessed, levied and collected upon the entire taxable property of the various towns of Tompkins County, as follows, that is to say: Amount of Amount of Amount of Amount of Nino of Town lstltem • 2nd Item 3rd Item 4th Item Caroline ?12,000:00 $ 525.00 $150.00 . 100.00 Danby " 2,000.00 450.00 300.00 350.00 Dryden 6,800.00 3,750.00 500.00 1,700.00 Enfield 2,000.00 650.00 300.00 300.00 Groton 3,858.00 3,950.00 600.00 500.00 Ithaca Town 4,000.00 1,000.00 300.00 Lansing 4,000.00 930.00 350.00 27.66 Newfield 2,700.00 I,300.00 200:00 500.00 Ulysses 2,300.00, 250.00 50.00 100.00 And that the several amounts when collected shall be paid to the supervisors of the respective towns, to be paid out by them as provided by laiv. Seconded by Mr. Hine. Ayes -12. Noes -0. 'Carried. Mr. Wilkinson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: WHEREAS, The Supervisors and Town Clerks of the towns mentioned below have certified to this Board statements of the expenses incurred by 'the Town 74 PROCEEDINGS` or THE:BOARD .OF SUPERVISORS Superintendents of said towns with. the consent of the Town' 13oards, -pursuant to Section 93 of the Highway Law, and audited and allowed by said Town Board or Town Boards; together with the priiicigai and interest,'therefore be it' ., Resolved, That the amounts set opposite the name of each town 'tie assessed, levied and'collected upon the taxable'pruperty of that town, and that the same; when Collected. be paid to the Supervisor of the town to be applied to the can= ceiling of the certificates of indebtedness and the interest accruing on the same which were issued in payment of the above mentioned accounts. .Amount of ,Principal Amount of Interest Name of Town • to be levied to be levied Caroline . $534,12 Groton 100.00. Lansing 50.00 Newfield 300.00',. $7.50 Seconded by Mr. Ayes -12. Noes -0. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll Call. All members present, except IVIr. Schaefer. The Coinuiittee on County Clerk and Election Expenses reportedcl that it had examined the report of the Surrogate and found the same correct and that the Committee had received the draft for $101.02 for fees collected and that the same had been transferred to the County Treasurer. On motion of \Ir. Fenner, the report was accepted. . The Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses reported •that it had examined the report of the County Clerk and,bolieved the statement therein contained to be true. On motion of Mr. Fenner, the report was accepted. ; The Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses reported that it had examined the report of the Commissioners of Election and found the same correct and recommended the adoption of the apportionment of election ex- penses as therein• made, as follows:' OF TOMPKINS COUNTY; NEW YORK " ..; i 75 County $2,049.63 ' City of Ithaca 874.89 Caroline 160.73 . Danby 141.44 Dryden 826.58 Enfield' 74.25 Groton , 262.14 Ithaca Town 131.13 'Lansing 186.82 Newfield 125.. 89 Ulysses 193.60 Total $4,527.10 Mr. Fenner offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:. • Resolved: That the report of the Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses relative to the apportioninent of election expenses, presented to this Board, be accepted and that the various sums therein mentioned be levied and collected on the taxable property of the various towns, city and county of Tomp- kins. Seconded by Mr. Hine. Ayes -12. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Todd of the Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxesrenderecl the following report on returned school taxes: Your Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes finds, upon the certificates signed by the County Treasurer and supported by the affidavits of the Collectors .of the following school districts of the different towns of the county, submitted to the Board of Supervisors by the County Treasurer, that the following school taxes have not been paid, although diligent efforts have been made to enforce collection, your Committee therefore recommends that the following, sums be levied upon and collected from the lands or property upon which the same were imposed, with 7% in addition thereto: • CAROLINE Cha„.. Rittenhouse $9.75 Hattie Hill 4.75 DANBY Estate of Ida Watt $8.08 Blas Stanchas 5.80 DRYDEN • Fred Wood and wife GROTON Abbie Thurston $0.16 76 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 11'HACA TOWN P. A. Begent 1 $0.42 H. C. Brown 0.46 Guinseppi Capagrossa 0.95 Alice Councilman 0.28 F. D. Councilman 0.35. Hattie Councilman 0.28 P. A. Councilman 0.18 J. 0. Edgecomb 0.28 D. T. Fellows 0.42 C. W. Finch 0.18 Margaret Alarming 2.46 S. A. Genung 7.81 C. A..Crilbert. 0. IS E. Graham 0.28 D. C. Hand 0.21 Jed II flXV11:3' 0.28 W. It. Howard 0.28 Smith Hull 0.21 Lottie B. 1liiiu 3.15 Wm. Joyce 2.45 A. A. Young 4.19 Mrs. M. Laidlaw 0.21 W. H. Lockerhy 0.07 James Nelligan 0.18 Carrie B. Peck 0.35 Annie K. Price 0.21 W. H. Rose 1.02 James Saunders b.35 M. Sheridan 0.14 0. W. Stevens 0.18 Zatilla Stevens 0.35 Arthur Sweetland -0.21 E. J. Turner 0.18 JaIlleS Turner 0.18 Andrew Tucker Estate 4.34 Edw. Wainwright 0.18 Fred Walker 0.70 R. II. Wallenbeck ' 0.21 E. J. Williams 0.95 1 - OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 77 NEWFIELD David Cavanaugh $7.10 Putney Teeter -1.08 Martin Rumsey 1.78 Geo. Hine 3.15 A. H. Volbreclrt 3.ti0 ULYSSES John S. Allen $1.94 F. A. TODD ALBERT DASSANCE WILBER G. FISH-. Mr. Todd offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That the foregoing report of the Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes, be accepted and that the sums therein mentioned he levied upon and collected from the taxable property upon which the same were im- posed, with 7% in addition thereto. Seconded by Mr. Begerit. Ayes --12. Noes --0. Carried. Mr. Todd of the Committee on Returned highway. and School Taxes, to which was referred the claim of Frank Jefferson for return of taxes wrong- fully collected, presented -the following report: . Your Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes, having examined the claim of Frank Jefferson for erroneous taxes paid by said Fra.nk Jefferson in the year 1915 in the amount of $3.95, reports that it finds said claim just and would recommend that the tax of $8.95 be refunded to the said Frank Jef- ferson. On [notion of Mr. Fenner the report of the Committee was accepted. Mr. Todd offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That there be levied and collected from the taxable property of 'Conrpkins County, the sum of $3.05 and that the County Treasurer be em- powered to pay the Sartre to Frank Jefferson, on account of erroneous taxation. • Seconded by Mr. Townsend. Ayes -12. Noes -0. Carried. The Committee on Town and County Accounts, to which was referred the resolution of Mr. Todd, of November 22nd, relative to the liquidation of a certain note of $1,025.00, given by the Town Board of the Town of Danhy, reported favorably on said resolution and recommended its adoption. ' 78 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Moved by Mr. Todd, that the report of the Committee be accepted and the resolution adopted: Seconded by Mr. Hine. Carried. ?dr. Dassance offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That the Committee on County Officers and Compensation confer with R. L. Post, County Treasurer, in regard to placing his office in the Court House and report to this Board as soon as possible. Seconded by Mr. Bine. Carried. Mr. Wright moved the acceptance of the report of the Committee on Town and County Accounts and the adoption of the resolution laid over from December 15, for maintainance of highways and sinking fund and interest. Seconded by Mr. Begent. Ayes -12. Noes --0. Carried. TWENTY-THIRD DAY Wednesday, December 20, 1916 MORNING SESSION Roll Call. All members present, except Mr. Fenner, who was excused. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. moved by b1r. Begent that the Board proceed by informal ballot to the election of Commissioners of Election for the ensuing year. Seconded by Mr. Kluebert. Carried. The name of Mr. Clarence C. Squirer, was placed in nomination by Mr. Aaron 0. Mintz, Chairman of the Democratic County Committee. The name of Mr. Fred G. Bool, was placed in nomination by Mr. Rodney G. - Robinson, Chairman of the Republican County Committee. On motion of Mr. IIi11, the matter was made a special order of business for 3 r. M. OF TOMPKINS-.COUNTY, NEW YORK: ; 79 AFTERNOON SESSION • Roll Call. All members present except Mr. Fenner, who was excused:. The report of the Board of Managers of the Tuberculosis hospital was re- ceived and referred to the Committee on Charities, Mr. Todd, Chairman of the Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes, presented the following report of that ' Committee • relative to Grand ,Jurors for theCountyfor the ensuing year: .. • • Your Committee, to which was 'referred the preparation of' a Grand Jury. list of three hundred names to be selected by the' Supervisors of the several, towns of Tompkins County and the City of•Itheca, hereby recommend that, the. lists so prepared, with the occupation, post office addresses, etc., be adopted as the true Grand Jury lists of Tompkins County for the ensuing year. On motion of Mr. Todd, the report of the Committee was accepted and adopted. . Mr..Schaefer, of the Committee on Contract Supplies presented the following report: Your Committee on Contract Supplies, reports that the several claims listed below have been presented to your committee and audited by it, from November 1, 1915, to November .1, 1916, and orders issued on the County Treasurer for the same. heat Light— Telephone Total .Court House $843.29 $ 83.27 $ 13.75 $ 940.29 Jail I05.40 158.36 263.76 Sheriff 38.31 145.74 184.05 County, Clerk 277.81 33.88 41.54' 353.23 Com. Elections 10.78 45.37 56.15 Sup. Highway 9.24 9.24 Dist. Attorney 29.82 29.82 ' Supervisors 33.95 33.95 Go. Judge & Surrogate 23.83 23.83 Balance left from 1915 appropriation ' $ I12.91 Appropriation for 1916 1,900.00 Total . $2,012.91 Balance on hand Nov. 1, 1916 118.59 $ 1,804.32 On motion of Mr. Schaefer, the report of the Committee was accepted arid 'adopted. Mr. Schaefer offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: 80 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Resolved, That the sum of 5400.00 be levied and collected from the taxable property of Tompkins County, for telephone service for county officials for the ensuing year. . Seconded by Dlr. Wright. Ayes -12. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Schaefer offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: • Resolved, That the sum of 51,500.00 be levied and collected from the taxable' property of Tompkins County for fuel and light for the County Buildings in the City of Ithaca for the year beginning November 1, 1916, and ending Nevem- ' ber 1, 1917. Seconded by Mr. Kelly. Ayes -12. Noes—O. Carried. 11r. Wilkinson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That there be appropriated the sum of . $5,000.00 as the county's share for the cost of improvement or construction under the Comity System of Roads, and he it further Resolved, That the County Treasurer be directed to pay out said money oil the warrant of the County Highway Officials, as provided by Section 320-a of the Ilighway Law. Seconded by Mr. Regent.. Ayes -12. Noes -0. Carried. The report of the Board of Managers of the Tuberculosis Hospital, relative to the receipts and disbursements of that institution during the year was received and bled. The time having arrived for the election of two Commissioners of Election, that matter was taken up. DIcssrs. Kelly and Fish were appointed tellers by the Chair. The whole number of votes cast were 12, of which Clarence C. Squirer received .. Fred G. I3oo1 received 12 Moved by Mr. Begent that the informal ballot be declared formal and that the Clerk "be directed to cast one ballot for Clarence C. Squirer and Fred 0. Bool, as Commissioners of Election. Seconded by Mr. Eish. Carried. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 81 The Clerk cast one ballot for Fred'G. Bool and 'Clarence C. Squirer and the Chair declared Fred G. Bool and Clarence C. Squirer duly elected Commissioners of Election of the County for the term of one year from the 1st day of January, 1917. On motion of Mr. Todd, adjourned to Friday, December 22, at 9 A. M. TWENTY-FOURTH DAY Friday, December 22, 1916 MORNING SESSION Roll Call. Ali members present. _. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. The requisition of the County Clerk for supplies for that office for the en- suing year was received and referred to the Committee on County Clerk and Elections, with power to purchase the needed supplies. A communication from the County Treasurer, relative to steel cases for his office, was received and referred to the Committee on County Clerk and Elec- tion Expenses. The Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses reported favorably nu the purchase of the necessary steel cases for the County Treasurer's office. Mr. Fenner offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:, Resolved, That the Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses be authorized to purchase the necessary steel cases for the County Treasurer's office and that the Clerk be directed to draw an order for the payment thereof, and that the County Treasurer be directed to pay the same out of any funds unappropriated in his hands. Seconded by Mr. 13egent. Ayes -12. Noes—O. Carried. The following report, No. 1, of the Committee on Equalization' for General Tax Levy; was read by the Clerk: 82 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS To the Honorable the Board of Supervisors of the County of .'Tompkins, N. Y.: r�--I cv a�m ...0 .,9. .' • o x fox v1�1C: °� d >� al -cl w r' -y w i41 C -1'm E G. m w Caroline... _ . . ..... 838,560 7,012 845,572' .98 Per Cent Danby 739,310 3,795 743,105 .98 " •' Dryden 2,194,732 34,518 2,229,250 .94 Enfield 579,340 4,522 583,862 .98 " Groton 1,575,240 12,540 1,587,780 .94 Ithaca City 10,219,210 700,070 • 10,919,280 .94 Ithaca Town 1,840,334 32,342 1,872,676 .98 " Lansing 1,348,885 8,880 1,357,765 .93 Newfield ' 746,845 4,686 751,531 .98 Ulysses 1,212,900 21,281 1,234,181 .94 • Totals 821,295,356 $829,646 $22,125,002 'Prue value Equalized value c a 0 0 73 �- �� �� ^S m c l J O U.� •� y , Caroline $ 802,829 $ 817,756 $ $ 27,816 $ 3,755 Danby 758,270 718,659 24,446 ' ,12,380 Dryden 2,371,543 2,247,657, 18,407 18,930 Enfield.... _ ... 595,777 564,654 19,208 2,774 Groton 1,689,128 1,600,890 13,110 I4,940 Ithaca City 11,616,255 11,009,438 90,158 128,860 Ithaca Town 1,910,S94 1,811,072 61,604 6,720 Lansing... 1,459,962 1,383,696 25,931 6,175 Newfield 766,868 726,808 24,723 I2,520 Ulysses 1,312,959 1,244,372 10,191 10,425 Totals 823,344,485 $22,125,002 $157,797 $157,797 $217,479 •OF TOMPKIN8•COUNTY, NEW YORK . 83 � ��ti, .- xc., a.) t-.2 was 0 �y g�' p._, ,..a.)›.. p,mpr m b w O W 5 C+' d 0,-d•0.0 . �,: a),0. —j O R. O d . . O . d ^C 41 cd Elg W P-1 R 8,� a. , a, 00 P. Caroline 8 15,300 . $ 833,056 $ $ 3,755 Danby .............• 5,300 723,959 12,380 Dryden ...:. . . . . ..... 18,370 2,266,027 7,230 ' 11,700 Enfield 7,200 571,854 ' 2,774 Groton 36,300 1,637,190 . 9,190 5,750 Ithaca City 484,050 11,493,488 128,860 Ithaca Town.. .. 35,500 1,846,572 r 6,720 lousing... • , . .....:16,400 1,400,096 6,175 Newfield 14,100 740,908 ' 4,700 7;820 Ulysses... . , . 43,050 1,287,422 900 9,525 Totals 8675,570 $22,800,572 $150,880 366,509 Your Committee on Equalization reports that they have examined the as- •sessrnent rolls of. the several tax districts in the County of Tompkins, for the purpose of ascertaining whether the valuation in one tax district bears a just relation to the valuations in all the tax districts in the county; that in the opinion of the members of the committee such valuations do not bear such just relations to the valuations in all the tax districts of the county, and your Committee would recommend that the valuations of the several tax districts in order that they may bear such just relations, be•increased or diminished according to the fol • - Towing statements so as to make the aggregate equalized valuations as indicated in the tabular statement above. • And your Committee would also report that they have determined upon. proper inquiry and investigation the ratio or percentage which the assessed value of the real property in each such tax district bears to its full value and would recommend that, based upon such determination of your Committee that the Board establish such ratios or percentages which are determined and in the opinion of your Committee are as follows: Caroline - 98 Per Cent Danby . 98 << Dryden .94 Enfield • 98 ."' Groton 94 Ithaca City 94 ," Ithaca Town 98 Lansing 93 '' • Newfield 98 Ulysses • 94 .. 84 PROCEEDINGS OF 'l'IIE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS That your Conunittee have, in accord with such percentage compiled, and that the foregoing tables shows the aggregate valuations of each tax district, as determined from the actual values 'of property fixed according to the above ratios or percentages and the average rate of assessment of real property in the county which your Committee have determined according to the rules laid down by Statute; to be .0177614+ and that the table shows by such valuations the several and aggregate valuations upon which the taxes for the county, in- cluding the state taxes, should be apportioned between the several tax districts of the county. All of which is respectfully submitted. ALI3ERT DASSANCE Chairman 1. A. I3EGENT J. P. KELLY E. S. HILL MAX KLUEBER1' CASPER FENNEL{ E. A. TODD Committee. Mr. Dassance offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That report No. 1, of the Committee on Equalization be accepted and adopted, and the valuations of the real property for the purposes of the gen- eral levy, except for highway purposes, against the several tax districts of the county, he equalized and determined as therein_set forth as the basis of the apportionment of such taxes for the ensuing year. Seconded by Mr. Begent. Laid on the table one day under the rule. There being a vacancy in the Board of Managers of the Tuberculosis Hos- pital, on motion the Board proceeded by informal ballot to elect, a member to fill such vacancy. Messrs. Dish and Felly were appointed tellers. Mr. Begent placed in nomination the name of Nelson Cobb. The informal ballot resulted as follows: Whole number of votes cast were 11, of which Nelson Cobb received 5 Burr Rumsey received 5 R. E. Treman received The Board proceeded to a formal ballot. The formal ballot resulted as follows: Whole number of votes cast were 12, of which OF, TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 85 Burr Rumsey received " ' Nelson Cobb received 3 R. E. Treman received 2 Mr. Rumsey was declared elected to the office of Manager of the.'1'ubercu- losis Hospital, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Dr. Merriam. Mr. Hill offered the following resolution and moved ifs adoption: Resolved, That the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County hereby desig- nate and certify to the State Highway Department the following section of highway to be improved as a State and County Highway: The connecting part of the highway on the road known as the Dryden -Har- ford Road, in the Town of. Dryden, commencing at the Harford Town Line and extending northwest to the end of the section already surveyed and approved, . a distance of about two and one-half miles. Be it further Resolved, That the State Department of HighFSays be requested to survey said section of highway and have it placed on the map' for construc- tion, this resolution not to interfere with the construction of any highway,here- tofore designated by this Board for immediate construction. Beit further Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board forward a certified'copy of these resolutions to the State Department of Highways. Seconded by Mr. Begent. Referred to the Committee on.] lighwaYs The Committee on Returned highway and School Taxes rendered the fol- lowing report of returned schools taxes of the City of Ithaca: Your Committee on Returned Highway. and School Taxes, having investi- gated the returned school taxes as furnished by the Chamberlain orthe City of Ithaca and referred to said committee, report as follows: We find upon the certificate signed by the Chamberlain and supported by his affidavit that certain school taxes have not been paid although diligent efforts have been made to eu force collection of same. Your committee therefore recom- mends that the following. sums be levied upon and collected froin the land or property upon which the sane were imposed with seven per centutn in addition thereto. L. S. Bagley 3 1.35: B. T. Baker .00 'Susan Baker • 26.70 Mrs. Walter Brewer 10.80 Arlie Brooks 0.00 Arlie Brooks 1.80 William Brooks 7.20 Mary Christiance .31.50 J. L. Collins 3.60 J. R. Comings ' 25.20 86 PROCEEDINGS OF TILE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Dana Cornelius 7.20 Estate Ted Cummings 6.30 George Fletcher 6.08 George Fletcher 13.50 George Fletcher 9.00 George Fletcher 3.60 Chas. Green 14.40 Hiram Outsell 29.70 Hattie Hill 13.50 Lottie B. Eines 1.80 Ithaca Contracting Company 13.50 Jaynes J. Kelly 9.00 A. B. Kennedy 18.90 A. B. and. °ellie Kennedy 31.50 Emily M. Knettles 18,90 Julia Malone 3.60 McAllister, J. B 189.00 J. B..and Bridget McAllister 67.50 Chas.McWhorter - 4.05 Preston Melton 9.00 Elizabeth C. and Helen Miller 8.10 Fred and Lena Miller 14.40 Sol T. Nevins 9.00 Irene Norwood 15.30 Wm. E. Pearson • '27.00 Estate John Quigley I8.90 Estate John Quigley 22.50 Estate John ILeidy 36.00 Estate John Reidy 9.00 Estate John Reidy 9.00 Estate John Reidy 9.00 Estate John Reidy 9,00 Kate and Ann Reidy 4.50 Catherine Rhodes 18.00 .Josephine Rolfe 14.4(1 Honora Sammons 1.50 Henry Schuyler 4.05 Henry Schuyler 2.70 Catherine M. Scout 16.20 Eliza J. Shaw 7.20 Harry Shultz 4.95 D.. E. Sincebaugh 15.30- S. Ella Sinith 14.40 Martin Solon 5.40 Estate Louisa Sprague .90 James Thomas • 7.20 J. D. Todd .45 Iluldah '1'ompkin4.50 Sarah A_'1'raviq 11.70 OF. TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 87 Bert C. Updike...'. ' - I5.30 C. S. Vorhis ' .90 Anna D. Wicks 10.80 Orlando Wright 4.50 -946.13 Mr. '1'odcl offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That the foregoing report of the Cotnmittee on Returned Highway and School Taxes, presented and read Dec. 22nd, 1916, be accepted and that the sums therein mentioned, totalling 81946.13 be levied upon and collected from the lands or property upon which the same were imposed, with 7% in addi- tion thereto, and that the County Treasurer be directed to pay these amounts out of any unappropriated moneys in his hands. Seconded by Mr. Fenner. Laid on the table one day under the rule. TWENTY-FIFTH DAY Saturday, December 23, 1916. -MORNING SESSIONS Roll Call. All members present,. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. Claims Nos. 164 to 221 inclusive were read by the Clerk turd referred to the proper connnittees. The report of E. F. Talmadge, a justice of the peace of the Town of Groton, was received and referred to the Committee on Coroner, Justices', etc., Accounts. A supplementary report of the Board of Managers of the Tuberculosis Hos- pital was received and referred to the Committee on Charities. The annual report of the Commissioners of Election was received and filed. The Clerk read a communication from the State Tax Department, relative to forms of assessment rolls, which was referred to the Cotnmittee on Rules. 88 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AFTERNOON SESSION Roll Call. All inembers present. Moiled by Mr. Dassance, that Report No. 1, of. the Committee on Equaliza- tion for General Tax Levy, laid over from December 22, be accepted and the resolution accompanying the same, he adopted. Seconded .by Mr. Regent. Ayes ---14. Noes -0. Carried. Dor. Dassance of the Committee on Equalization, presented the following report of the Committee for Tax Levy.for 1:Tighwa.y Purposes: REPORT NO. 2 OF EQUALIZATION COMMITTEE Apportionment of General highway Tax Levy for the Year 1916 To the Honorable the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins, N. Y.: Gentlemen:—Your committee further report that it has in accordance with the percentages fixed and established by this Board, determined the equalized value of the real property of the several tax districts of this county, liable to the general levy of taxes, except for highway purposes, as shown by the sub- joined tabular statement; that the average rate of assessment as determined by such percentage is .947749+ rem v r a 'r7 d 3 0 N Vim: O 72- O 9 ! CC P. Caroline $ 842,315 $ 7,012 8 849,327 .98 Danby 751,690 3,705 755,485 .98 Dryden 2,213,662 34,518 2,248,180 .94 Enfield 582,114 4,522 586,636 .98 Groton 1,500,180 12,540 1,602,720 .94 Ithaca. City . 10,348,070 700,070 11,048,140 .94 Ithaca Town 1,847,054 32,342 1,879,396 .98 Lansing 1,355,060 8,880 1,363,940 .93 Newfield 759,365 4,686 764,051 .98 Ulysses 1,223,325 ,21,281 1,244,606 .94 'Totals $21,512,835 $829,646 $22,342,481 Average per cent, 947749+ • O1? TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK , 80 . a Caroline $ 866,660 $ 821,376 $ $ 27,951 Danby • 770,903 - 730,623 • 24,862 Dryden 2,391,080 2,206,713 18,533 Enfield 598,608 567,330 19,300 Groton 1,705,021 1,615,932 13,212 Ithaca City 1.1,753,340 11,139,216 91,076 Ithaca Town 1,917,751 1,817,547 61,849 Lansing 1,466,602 1,389,971 26,031 'Newfield 779,644 738,907 25,144 Ulysses ' 1,324,049 1,254,866 10,260 n, Totals $23,574,258 $22,342,481 $159,112 $159,112 4 1 1 P, .pCI) cx i 0 .N:ca.- U � 6Q '; ,1 ..., a� "'a o mU, 4-.,. ? mi o.:`*7r2.:`*7r2'.'. 3Ta -47t.z.0 Caroline 3,755 . $ 15,300 3 836,676 Danby 12,380 5,300 735,923 Dryden 18,930 18,370 , 2,285,083 Enfield 2,774 7,200 574„530 Groton 14,940 36,300 1,652,232 Ithaca City 128,860 484,050 II,623,266 Ithaca Town 6,720 35,500 1,853,047 Lansing 6,175 16,400 1,406, 371 Newfield 12,520 14,100 753,007 Ulysses 10,425 43,050 1,297,916 'Totals $217,479 3675,570 $23,018,051 ALBERT. DASSANCE Chairman F. A. I3EGENT JOHN P. KELLY E. S. HILL MAX KLUEBERT CASPER. FENNER F. A. TODD Committee. 90 PROCEEDINGS OF TIIE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Mr. Dassance offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved,\That report No. 2, of the Committee on Equalization for Highway Purposes, be accepted and adopted and the valuations of the real property for the purposes of highway levy against the several tax districts of the county be equalized and determined as therein set forth as the basis of the apportion- ment of such taxes for the ensuing year. Seconded by i1Ir. Kluebert. •T,aid on the table one day uuder.the rule. Moved by Mr. Dassance that the rule be suspended and that action be taken at this time on the report of the committee. Seconded by AIr. Begent. Carried uanimously. A vote being taken upon the acceptance of the report and the adoption of of the resolution resulted as follows: Ayes -14. Noes.—d). Carried. Mr. Fish offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: WHEREAS, Your committee of one, to prepare for sale and to sell lands ac- quired by the county on tax sales requests that he be given the help of another member of the Board in that work to the end that the matter may be cleaned up the present year,'thereforc be it Resolved, That the Chairman appoint another member to that committee to act in conjunction with the present member. Seconded by Mr. Todd. Carried. • The Chairman appointed Mr. Todd as the other member of the committee. Moved by Mr. Todd, that the report of the Cominittee on Returned Highway and School Taxes and the resolution accompanying the same, laid over from December 19, be accepted and adopted. Seconded by Mr. Schaefer. Ayes --14. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Fish of the Committee on Soldiers' Relief, etc., presented the following report of that committee: Your Committee on Soldiers' Relief, etc., would recommend that there be raised the sum of $200.00 to add to the balance of $542.81 now in the hands of the County Treasurer to be used for the burial of soldiers and their widows and for markers for them. On motion of Mr. Fish the report of the committee was accepted. Mr. Fish offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the County of Tompkins the sum of $200.00 to be placed to the credit of the amount available for, the burial of soldiers and their widows. • OF • TOMP.KIN S COUNTY, NEW YORK 91 Seconded by Mr. Hine. Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried. 111r. Wright offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That the Clerk lie directed to draw an order on the County Treas- urer, payable to Jamieson and McKinney Company, for the stun df $250.00 less 2 per cent, in part payment of the new heater- in the County Clerk's building and, when it, is shown to the satisfaction of the committee that the -heater will properly heat the biiiiding, that; the Clerk draw .an order for the balance of $120.00, and the County Treasurer he directed to pay the same out of any funds in his bands. Seconded by Mr. Regent. • Ayes -14. Noes—O. Carried. Mx. Fenner offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That the suni of $150.00 be levied and collected from the taxable property of Tompkins County for postage and incidental expenses of the County Clerk's office for the ensuing year. Seconded by Mr. Wilkinson. • Moved by Mr. Fenner that the rule be suspended and that action be taken on the resolution at this time. Seconded by Mr. Kelly. Carried. A vote being taken on Mr. h'omer's resolution resulted as follows: Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. •Mr. Fenner,offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved,. That there be "levied and collected from the taxable property of , the County of Tompkins the sum of $200.00 for postage and incidental expetases of the Commissioners of Election for the ensuing year. Seconded by Mr. Begent. 'vioved by iVlr. Penner that the rule be suspended and that action on the resolution be taken of this time. Seconded by lir. Fish. Carried. A vote being taken on Mr. Fenner's resolution resulted as follows: Ayes -14. Noes—O. Cari•icd. Mr. Fenner offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: 1iesolved, That there be levied and collected from the taxa-ble property of Tompkins County the sten of $25.00 for postage of the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors for the ensuing year. 92 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Seconded by 'Air. Wilkinson. Moved by Mr. Fenner that the rule be suspended and that action un the resolution be taken at this time. Seconded by Mr. Bill. Carried. A vote _being taken on Mr. F'enner's resolution resulted as follows: Ayes -14. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Fenner offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That there be Levied and collected from the taxable property of Tompkins County the stun of 8f4),00 for postage for the County 'Treasurer for the ensuing year. Seconded by Mr. Klucbert. Moved by - Mr. Fenner that the rule be suspended and that action be. taken et this time on the resolution. Seconded by Mr. Todd. Carried. A vote being taken on Mr. Fenner's resolution resulted as follows: Ayes -11. Noes -0, Carried. Mr. Townsend offered a resolution relative to forms of report to be made by Justices of the Peace, which was referred to the Committee on Rules. On motion, adjourned to Tuesday, December 20, at 10.30 A. M. ,TWENTY-SIXTH DAY Tuesday, December 26, 1916 MORNING SESSION Roll Call. All members present, except Mr. Fenner. Minutes of the preceding day read and approved. Claims Nos. 225 to 219 inclusive were read by the Clerk and referred to the Proper committees. Members of the Board of Managers and the Superintendent of the Tubercu- losis Hospital appeared before the Board. -On motion of Mr. (Mine, the Board went, into executive session, with the Managers and Superintendent of the Tuiterculosis Hospital. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK _ 93 AFTERNOON SESSION Roll Call. All members present. Mr. John D. Lynn, Deputy Secretary of the State Probation Commission, addressed the Board on the necessity and duties, of probation officers in the counties of the state. On motion, the matter was referred to the Committee on' Correction and Reformation. The Committee on Correction and Reformation, to which was referred the .matter of an aiipropriation for the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children and the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, rendered a report of that Committee, recommending the appropriation of the sum of $202.47 to the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children and the sum of $126.40 to the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Anfinals, these sums making amounts to those two societies equal to the amounts appropriated for, the year 1916, after deducting the amounts still on hand. Mr. Townsend offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That the report of the committee be accepted and that there be levied and collected from the taxable property of the County of Tompkins the sum of $202.47 to be paid to the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Chil- dren and the sum of 8126.40 to be paid to the Society for the Prevention off Cruelty to Animals, and be it further Resolved, That' the County Treasurer pay to•the Board of Directors of those two societies respectively, the amounts appropriated, on the filing with him of a duly certified copy of this resolution. Seconded by Mr. (fine. Laid on the table one day under the rule. Moved by Mr. Townsend that the rule be suspended and that action be taken on the resolution at this time. Seconded by Mr. Todd. Carried. A vote being taken on Mr. Townsend's resolution, resulted as follows: Ayes -14. Noes—O. Carried. The Committee on Charities reported that it had examined the report of the Board of Managers of the Tuberculosis Hospital and found it correct and recommended the appropriation of the sum of $10,000.00 for the maintenance of that institution from the ] st day of February, 1917, to the ] st day of Febru- ary, 1918. • Mr. Kelly offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That there be appropriated the sum of $10,000.00 for the main- tenance of the Tuberculosis Hospital from February 1, 1917, to February 1, 1918. Seconded by Mr. Begent. Laid on the table one day under the rule. 94, PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD 0F SUPER.VISORS Moved by Mr. Kelly, that the rule be suspended and that action be taken on ,the resolution at this time. Seconded by \Ir. Wilkinson. Carried. • A vote being taken on Mr. Kelly's resolution, resulted as follows: Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried. Moved by Mr. Kelly, that the report of t.he Committee on Charities, relative to the Child's Welfare Board, and the resolution accompanying the .same, laid over from December 15, be accepted and adopted. Seconded by DIr. Mill. Moved by Mr. Wright, as an amendment, that the amount to be appro- priated, be $1,000.00 instead of 81,200.00. Amendment seconded by Mr. Todd. A vote being taken on the amendment resulted ;is follows: Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried. A vote being taken on the original resolution as amended resulted as follows: Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried. The Committee on County Officers and Compensation rendered the following report relative to salaries of county officials for the ensuing year: Your Committee on County Officers and Compensation, respectfully reports that as shown by the statutes and records of this Board, the salaries of the.officials and regular employees in the various offices and departments of,county govern- ment, are at present fixed as follows: COUNTY OFFICERS Fixed by Statute County Judge and Surrogate 83,500.00 County Clerk 2,400.00 District Attorney 1,200.00 - Sheriff 1,800.00 $ 8,900.00 Fixed by Resolution of this Board Supt. of Highways, including every expense $1,550.00 Deputy County Clerk 900.00 Special County Judge 200.00 3 Superintendents of Poor at 8200.00 each 600.00 ander Sheriff 400.00 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 95 Deputy Sheriff and Turnkey 600.00 County Sealer of Weights and Measures 500.00 2 Commissioners of Election at $500.00 each1,000.00 Coroner, to include all fees and personal expenses 200.00 County Treasurer ' 1,000.00 Clerk of Board and legal service to Board 800.00 Jail Chaplain and Matron 100.00 $ 7,850.00 Clerks and Employees Authorized by Resolution of this Board ,County Court and Surrogate's Stenographer$ 750.00 •Surrogate's Clerk 650.00 'Search Clerk in County Clerk's Office 750.00 Assistants in County Clerk's office 1,300.00 Chaplain at County Home . 75.00 Janitor County Clerk's office 175.00 Keeper at County I-Iome 750.00 $ 4,450.00 $21,200.00 Your committee recommends that the salaries of the county officers and regular employees be fixed by this Board at the amounts stated and your com- mittee would further recommend that the County Sealer of Weights and Meas- ures be allowed a sun not to exceed Two Hundred Dollars, for expenses while performing the duties of his office, said expense account to he audited by this Board, and your committee would further recommend that the turnkey in the county jail be allowed $10.00 extra each month for the year of 1917 for extra janitor service.• MAX KLUEBERT P. A. TODD • J. E. HINE. On motion, the report was accepted. The following report of the Committee on County Clerk and Election Ex- penses, was read by the Clerk and laid on the table one day under the rule.• Your Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses, reports that the several claims listed below are in all respects in proper form for audit and allow • - :mice by this Board, that each of said claims in the opinion of your committee is a just and legal charge against the County of Tompkins, to the amount in- dicated.in the column headed "Allowed," and your committee therefore recom- mends that each of said claims be audited at the amount so indicated, 06 P1{OCEEDINGrS' OF '1'lIE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS No. of Claim Claimant Account to which chargeable Purpose of expense. Clalened Allowed 48 W. C. Little Co. 49 Hall & McChesney • 50 Hall & McChesney 51 The Ithaca Journal 52 The Ithaca Journal 53 The Ithaca Journal 54 The Ithaca Journal 55 Cayuga Press 50 Cayuga Press 57 Cayuga Press 58 Cayuga Press 59 Ithaca Daily News 60 Ithaca Daily NEWS 61 Ithaca Daily News 62 Stover Print. Co. 63 Banks Law Book Co. 64 T. G. Miller & Sone 65 Jamieson & McKinney 66 Treman, King & Co.. 110 Estate L. J. Sprague 111 J. Will Tree 112 Empire State House - furnishing Co 113 Andrus & Church 114 Andrus & Church 116 R. C. Osborn Co. 106 R. C. Osborn Co. 107 Brandow Print Co. Ass'd lot Nat. Brink 108 Brandow Print. Co. Ass'd 1st Nat. Bank 109 Norton Print. Co 135 Louise H. Williams 136 Norton Print. Co 137 T. G. Stiller & Sons 138 Ithaca Daily News 139 Andrus & Church 163 J. B. Lyon Co. 173 W. C. Gallagher 165 H. S. Wright 183 Albert Dassance 211 A. 1. Schaefer 204 Jas. H. I[ine 180 W. B. Wilkinson 214 J. M. Townsend 196 F. A. Todd 170 F. A. Regent 171 Max Klucbert 172 Casper Fenner 217 E. S. Hill 205 W. G. Fish 182 J. P. Kelly 181 Louis Relyea 107 Albany Journal 194 Corner Book Stores 216 C. D. Tarbell Surrogate County Clerk County Clerk Sup. & Co. Court County Court Com. Election Com. Election County Clerk Corn. Election Surrogate Court Expense County Court Sup. & Co. Court Com. Election Surrogate Co. Clerk Com. Election County Clerk County Clerk Com. Election County Clerk County Clerk Surrogate Com. Election 14 Surrogate Surrogate Supervisor 14 Sup. Ct. Civil County Court Surrogate County Clerk Law books Books Index Notice jury drawing Printing notices Notice change voting place Print. election tabulation Supplies. etc Print. Primary Election.... Blanks Calendars Print. notices Notice jury drawing Pub. notices Blanks Law Books Supplies Plumbing Repairs Rent Books Repairing chairs Blanks Blanks Supplies Supplies Ballots, etc Ballots. etc. Ballots. etc. Typewriting Folders. etc Supplies Pub. Canvass Blank forms Law reports County Canvass 14 44 Meals, jurors Pub. terms Blanks, etc Disbursements $ 6.50 $ 5.50 42.50 42.50 22.00 22.00 12.00 12.00 8.25 8.25 8.40 8.40 542.75 512.75 147.75 147.75 06.50 60.50 15.00 15.00 210.00 210.00 8.25 8.25 12.00 12.00 285.00 285.60 58.10 58.10 21.50 21.50 11.48 11.48 11.82 11.82 80.80 80.80 50.00 50.00 100.00 100.00 9.28 78.50 14.25 36.00 100.84 481.05 9.28 78.50 . 14.25 30.00 100.84 481.05 1,014.60 1,014.60 437.85 437.85 25.00 25.00 4.50 4.50 6,40 6.40 297.00 297.00 15.75 15.75 32.00 32.00 24.32 24.32 21.75 21.75 25.76 25.78 20.48 20.48 24.32 24.32 20.00 20.00 25.75 25.75 25.28 25.28 24.32 24.32 20.00 20.00 26.72 20.72 23.60 23.60 20.48 20.48 20.48 ' 20.48 30.80 30.80 6.75 6.75 34.70 34.70 10.46 10.46 $4,679.72 54,079.72 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 97 Respectfully submitted this 26th day of December, 1916. CASPER FENNER WILBER G. FISH JOHN P. KELLY. Moved by Mr. Fenner that the•report of the Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses be taken from the table and passed• at this time. Seconded by Mr. Wright. By unanimous consent, the report was taken from the table. Mr. Fenner offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That the report of the Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses be accepted and that the biils and accounts therein listed be audited and allowed for the sums indicated in the report of the committee. Seconded by Mr. Fish. Ayes --14. Noes—O. Carried. The following report of the Committee on Charities, was read by the Clerk and laid on the table one day under the rule: Your Committee on Charities report that the several claims listed below are in all respects in proper form for audit and allowance by this Board, that each of the said claitns in the opinion of your committee is a just and legal charge against the County of Tompkins, to the amount indicated in the column headed "Allowed," and your committee therefore recommends that each of said claims be audited at the amount so indicated, Cleimant Account to which chargeable Purpose of expense Claimed Allowed 10 17 126 T. H. Davenport Chas. Woolever Grant Cole Tuberculosis Ilospital County Home Supt. of Poor Insurance Lightning rods Expenses $ 37.50 60.00 1.53 $ 37.50 60. 00 1.53 $ 09.03 $ 99.03 Respectfully submitted this 22nd day of December, 1916. ,J. P. KELLY MAX KLUEBERT E. S. HILL. Moved by Mr. Kelly, that the report of the Committee on Charities be taken from t•hc table, and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr, Dassance. 98 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF •SUPERVISORS By unanimous consent the report was taken from the table. Mr. Kelly offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That the report of the Committee on Charities be accepted and that the bilis and accounts therein listed be audited and allowed for the sum indicated in the report of the committee. Seconded by Mr. Hine. Ayes -14. Noes—O. Carried. The following report of the Committee ,on County Treasurer's Accounts was read by the Clerk and laid on the table one day under the rule: Your Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts reports that the several claims listed below are in all respects in proper form for audit and allowance by this Board, that each of the said claims in the opinion of your committee is a just and legal charge against the County of Tompkins, to the amount indicated in the column headed "Allowed," and your committee therefore recommend that each of said claims be audited at the amount so indicated. 8 • V Claimant Account to which Nature of Claimed Allowed o chargeable expense c z 1 Ithaca Daily News County Treasurer Printing local lawa S 6.00 $ 0.00 2 Ithaca Journal Printing local lame 0.00 0.00 3 Cayuga Press Tax notices 14.75 14.75 4 T. G. Miller & Sona Supplies 10.00 10.00 15 Stover Printing Co " Blanks 17.50 17.50 105 Andrus dt Church Printing blanks 78.50 78.50 124 E. P. Bouton Prem: highway bond 45.00 45.00 127 Andrus & Church Printing blanks 14.50 14.50 164 Andrus & Church / Tax statements 12.75 12.75 5 205.00 S 205.00 Respectfully submitted this 21st day of December, 1916. E. S.•HILL WDM B. WILKINSON H. S. WRIGHT. Moved by Mr. Hill that the report of the Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr. Fenner. By unanimous consent the report was taken from the table. Mr. Mill offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That the report of the Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts • be accepted and that the bills and accounts therein listed be audited and allowed for the sums indicated in the report of the committee. , OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 99 Seconded by Mr. Fish. Ayes -14. Noes -O. Carried. The following report of the Committee on Soldiers' Relief, Etc., was read by the Clerk and laid on the table one day under the rule: Your Committee on Soldiers' Relief, Etc., reports that the several claims listed below are in al! respects in proper form for audit and allowance by this Board, that each of the said claims in the opinion of your committee is a just and legal charge against the County of Tompkins, to the amount indicated in the column headed "Allowed," and your committee therefore recommends that each of said claims be audited at the amount so indicated. .a 0 c Z Claimant • .. Account to which chargeable , Purpose of expense Claimed Allowed 8 S. B. Rumsey Soldier's Burial Widow of veteran S 50.00 $ 50.00 9 S. B. Rumsey Widow of veteran 60.00 50.00 10 11 Mary 15. Jansen Fred D. Gilbert " Veteran •• 50.00 50.00 50,00 50.00 142 Clark N. Baldwin " 60.00 50.00 143 E. T. Stewart " 50.00 50.00 144 E. T. Stewart Widow of veteran 50.00 50.00 199 F. W. Seymour „ Widow of veteran 40.13 40.13 18 Craig Colony Mental diseases Clothing 8.62 8.62 98 Wes t.N.Y.Inst,Deaf Mutes Educational Clothing, etc 698.05 698.05 6 Abram Chase Insane Ex. in lunacy (2) 10.00 10.00 7 R. 1. Crum •' " ' 5.00 5.00 99 J. M. Townsend " " " ; (2) 12.50 12.50 232 I. M. Unger •" " .' " 5.00 5.00 12 The Ithaca Journal Educational Print. State School 6.25 5.25 13 Ithaca Daily News Educational Print. State School 5.25 5.25 14 M. V. Atwood Educational Print. State School 3.50 3.50 51,143.30 S 1,143.30 Respectfully submitted this 26th day of December, 1916. WILBER G. FISH ALBERT DASSANCE H. S. WRIGHT. • Moved by Mr. Fish that the report of the Committee on Soldiers' Relief, Etc., be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr. Kelly. By unanimous consent the report was taken from the table. Mr. Fish offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resoled, That the report of the Committee on Soldiers' Relief, Etc., be ac- cepted and that the bills and accounts therein listed be audited and allowed for the sums indicated in the report of the committee. 100 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Seconded by \Ir. Hill. Ayes -14. Noes—O. Carried. The following report of the Committee on Highways wtls read by the Clerk and laid on the table one day under the rule: Your Committee on Highways reports that the several claims listed below are in all respects in proper form for audit anti allowance by this Board, that. each of the said claims in the opinion Of your c01nlgittee is a just and legal charge against the County of Tompkins, to the amount indicated in the column headed "Allowed," and your committee therefore recommends that each of said claims he audited at the alnouut so indicated. Nu. of Claim Claimant Account to which . changeable Purpose of expense Chiimecf Allowed 140 Groton Auto Co Highway Dau............ Auto hire $41.00 524.00 141.1. B. Lang Engine d Ig4 Garage Co. Highway Com Auto hire 10.50 10.50 • ' $34,50 $34.50 Respectfully submitted this 14th day of December, 1916. \V tI. B. WILKINSON F. A. BEGENT GASPER FEN NER E. S. HILL. r. Moved by \[r. Wilkinson, that the report of the Committee on Highways be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by \Ir. 'I'o«'nsen11. By unanimous consent the report was taken from the table. \h•. Wilkinson offered the following resolution and nerved its adoption: Resolved, 'l`hat the report of the Committee on Highways be accepted and that the hills and accounts -therein listed be audited and allowed for the sums indicated in the report of the committee. Seconded by Mr. Hine. Ayes -14.• Noes—O. Carried. The following report. of the Committee on Coroner, Justices', Ete., Accounts was read by the Clerk and laid on the table one day under 1.I1e rule: • OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 101 Your Cominittee on Coroner, Justices', Etc., Accounts reports that the several claims listed below are in all respects in proper form for audit and al- lowance by this Board, that each of the said claims in the opinion of your com- mittee is a just and legal charge against the County of Tompkins, to the amount indicated in the column headed "Allowed; ' and your committee therefore recom- mends that each of said claims be audited at the amount so indicated. U 0 Claimant Account of which chargeable. - Nature of expense Claimed Allowed 235 J, M. Townsend Coroner Cor. Physician $ 10.00 $ 10,00 19 Fred A. King Justice Service bill 3.10 3.10 20 Floyd Heath Constable Fees in felony 0.53 0.53 75 City of Ithaca Justice Service bill City Ct 89.00 89.00 103 A. J. Conlon Justice Service bill 3.50 3.50 104 Chas. K. Reynolds Justice Service bill 3.80 ' 3.80 134 A. Babcock Constable eecs in felony,...... 5.25 5.25 198 J. F.`Kitnple Constable Fees in felony 12.25 12.25 $ 133.43 $ 333,43 Respectfully submitted this 2titda (lay of December, 1910. J. M. TOWNSEND J. .H. HINE WJLBER' G. FISH. Moved by Mr. Townsend, that the report of. the Committee on Coroner, Justices', Et.c., Accounts, be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr. Wilkinson. liy unanimous consent the report was taken from the table. VIr. Townsend offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, 't'hat the report of the Committee on Coroner, Justices', 1Jtc., Accounts be accepted and that the bills and accounts therein listed be audited and allowed for the sums indicated in the report of the committee. Seconded by \li. Todd. Ayes --14. Noes -0. Carried: The following report of the Committee on Correction and Reformatioi was read by the Clerk and laid on the table one day under the rule: 102 PROCEEDINGS OF TILE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Your Committee on Correction and Reformation reports that the several claims listed below are in all respects in proper form for audit and allowance by this Board, that each of the said claims in the opinion of your committee is a just and legal charge against the County of Tompkins, to the amount indicated in the column headed "Allowed," and your committee therefore recommends that each of said claims be audited at the amount so indicated. 0 .3 O d z Claimant Account to which chargeable Purpose of expense Claimed Allowed 87 C. J. Rumsey & Co . Jail Supplies, ate $ 182.10 $ 182.10 613 H. B. Besemer Diet.'Att'y Autopsy, Mrs. Brown 10.00 10.00 69 Lang Eng. & Garage Co.... Jail Repairs 2.16 2.16 70 Lang Eng. & Garage Co.... Dist. Att'y Auto hire 39.50 29.60 71 Treman, King & Co Jail Repairs 2.62 2.62 72 H. J. Bool Co. Jail Maintenance - 11.50 11.60 73 Robinson & Carpenter.... Jail Lumber 21.02 21.02 74 J. A. & J. H. Causer Dist. Att'y Board, detective • 4.30 4.30 76 Ithaca Journal Sheriff Pub. proclamation 10.50 10.50 77 Chemo Co Jail Supplies 17.50 17.50 78 Jamieson & McKinney.... " Labor -upkeep 81.41 81.4/ 79 P. M. Donohue Labor -upkeep 7.42 7.42 80 T. G. Miller & Sons....... " Supplies 3.00 3.00 81 Ithaca Daily News Sheriff Pub. proclamation 10.50 10.50 82 Arthur G. Adams District Attorney Disbursements ' 104.44 104.44 83 Lang Eng. & Garage Co.... Sheriff Auto hire 16.50 11.50 84 T. G. Miller & Sons....... District Attorney Supplies 9.98 9.98 85 Stover Print. Co Printing 6.00 6.00 88 H. G. Hine Reporting felony case..... 5.00 5.00 87 Lake View Cemetery Removing body 10.00 10.00 88 Sherman Detect. Agc'y.... Services 130.02 130.02 89 Sherman Detect. Age'y.... " • " • Serving papers 2.50 2.50 90 Clark N. Baldwin - Reinterring body 10.00 10.00 91 D. F. Williamson Co Law books 8.50 8.50 92 Stover Print. Co , Supplies 12.00 12.00 93 Dr. Herbert 51. Hill Histological exam. 50.00 50.00 94 E. M. Pickens Histological exam. 10.00 10.00 95 W. P. Stephens Co. Ct. Criminal Meals jurors 28.00 28.00 100 St. hlary's Home Private Cath. School Board of inmates 816.27 816.27 102 Driscoll Bros, & Co Jail Repair -upkeep . .43 .43 117 W. A. Ferguson Repairs, water system 1.25 1.25 96 R. C. Osborn Co Toilet paper. etc.......... 22.00 22,00 97 Monroe Co. Pen Penal Inst. Hoard of inmates 815.28 815.28 132 Ithaca Gas Co Jail Elec. supplies 22.40 22.40 131 Davis -Brown Co • Elec. supplies 5.81 5.81 130 The Clinton House Co. Ct: Criminal Board of jurors 20,30 20.30 129 H. J. Bool Co Jail Furniture ' 38.00 38.00 128 C. F. Denman Physician, inmates 154.00 164.00 125 E, P. Bouton Sheriff Prem. on bond 75.00 75.00 133 Floyd Heath Dist. Att'y Services 2.20 2.20 191 Charles Mackey District Attorney Disbursements for 33.80 33.80 192 Charles Mackey Sheriff Exp. in county 200.00 200.00 193 Charles Mackey Sheriff Exp. outside county 463.84 463.84 210 Williams Elec. Co. Jail Elec. supplies 11.85 11.65 ' S 3,438.90 S 3,473.90 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 103 Respectfully submitted this 23rd day of Deember, 1916. J. M. TOWNSEND J. H. HINE , MAX KLUEBERT. Moved by Mr. Townsend, that the report of the Committee on Correction and Reforination, be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr. Hill. • By unanimous consent the report was taken from the table. Mr.•Townsend offered the following resolution and moved its'adoption: Resolved, That the report of the Committee on Correction and Reformation be accepted and that the several bills and accounts therein listed be audited and allowed for the Several sums indicated in the column headed "Allowed." Seconded by Mr. Todd. The Committee having recommended that bills Nos. 70 and 83, of the J. B. Lang Engine Lind Garage Company, be allowed at amounts less than the amounts claimed, a vote was taken on those bills. Moved by Mr. Townsend, that bills Nos. 70 and 83, be audited by this Board at the amounts recommended by the committee. Seconded by Mr. Schaefer. Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried. Moved by Mr. Townsend, that the other bills reported by the committee be audited at the amounts recommended by the committee. Seconded by Mr. (line. Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried. ' The following report of the Committee on Contract Supplies was read by the Clerk and laid on the table one day under.the rule: Your Committee on Contract Supplies reports that the claim listed below is in all respects in proper form for audit and allowance by this Board, that said claim in the opinion of your committee is a just and legal charge against the County of Tompkins, to the amount indicated in the column headed "Allowed," and your committee therefore recommends that said claim be audited at the amount so indicated. O ,� d z Claimant Account to which chargeable Purpose of expanse • Claimed Allowed 5 Ithaea Journal Contract supplies Print. bide for coal 11.25] 11.26 104 PROCEEDINGS OF TFIE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Respectfully submitted this 26th day of December, 1916. A. 1. SCHAEFER J. H. HINE P. A. BEGENT. Moved by Mr. Schaefer that the report of the Committee on Contract Sup- plies be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr. Dassance. By unanimous consent the report was taken from the table. Mr. Schaefer offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That the report of the Committee on Contract Supplies be accepted and that the bill and account therein listed be audited and allowed at the suer indicated in the column headed "Allowed." Seconded by Mr. Bine. Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried. TWENTY-SEVENTH DAY Wednesday, December 27, 1916 MORNING SESSION Roll Call. All members present except Mr. Todd. Minutes of preceding day,read and approved. The Clerk read the following report of the Cominittee on County Treasurer's Accounts; Your Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts reports that it has ❑lade an audit of the books and records of the Treasurer's office for the period from Nov. 1, 19I5, to Oct. 31, 1916, as reported to this Board by the Treasurer on Nov. 22, 1916, and found the accounts and report correct. Cash book accounts were compared with receipts and check stubs and found to correspond. The ledger balances are shown as per the submitted report. E. S. BILL WM. B. WILKINSON H. S. WR.IGHT. • OF TOMPK1NS COUNTY, NEW YORK 105 iVloved by Mr. Hill that the report of the Committee be accepted and that the report of the County Treasurer be filed. Seconded by Mr. Begelrt. Carried. The following report of the Committee on Highways was read by the Clerk and laid en the table one day under the rule. Your Committee 011 Highways reports that the .several claims listed below are in all respects in proper form for audit and allowance by this Board, that each of the said claims in the opinion of your committee is a just and legal charge against the County of Tompkins, to the amount indicated in the column headed "Allowed,;' and your committee therefore recommends that each'of said claims be audited at the amount so indicated. • •8 U o ' Claimant ' . i Account to which Chargeable Purpose of • expense Claimed Allowed 233 Ithaca Realty Co.......... Highways I13ond, supeI9nt'd..... ..... $ 7.00 $ 3.50 Respectfully submitted this 27th day of December, 1.916. • WM. B. WILKINSON F. A. BEGENT CASPER FENNER. Moved by Mr. Wilkinson, that the report of the Committee on Tlighways be taken from the table and passed at this trine. Seconded by Mr, Hine. By unanimous consent the report was taken from the table. ?Ir. Wilkinson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That the report of the Committee on Highways be accepted and that the several bills and accounts therein listed be audited and allowed for the several sums indicated in the column headed "Allowed." Seconded by Mr. Townsend. 13i11 No. 233 of Ithaca Realty Company, having been recommended allowed for an amount less than the amount claimed, a vote was taken on that bill. ,Moved by Mr. iVilkiirson that bill No. 233 be audited by this Board at the amount recommended by the committee. Seconded by`Mr.'Dassance. Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried. '-i 106 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS - AFTERNOON SESSION Roll Call. All members present. Mr. Wright offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That the Clerk be authorized to correct all manifest errors occurring in the Minutes or in the report of any committee. Seconded by Mr. Wilkinson. Carried. The Committee on Town Expenses, Etc., rendered a report relative to the bonded indebtedness of the county and the several towns therein, which on motion was adopted and ordered printed with the report. Mr. Wright offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That the Finance Committee be requested to report at the meeting of January 3, 1917, a plan for funding the county's bonded indebtedness for highway bonds issued under the first 550,000,000.00 bond issue, and the debts of the towns of Dryden and Ulysses to the State, in what is,known'as the sinking fund highway debt. Seconded by i•Ir. I3egent. Carried. The following report of the Committee on Highways was read by the Clerk: Your Committee on Highways would report that the resolution of Mr. Hill should be referred back to the full Board for its consideration, and therefore recommends at Mr" Hill's request, that it be made a special order of business for Wednesday, January 3, 1917, at 2 P. M. On motion, the report of the Committee was accepted and adopted. Mr. Wilkinson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That all Supervisors shall report to this Board all highways to be designated and approved by this Board, for a county map for the County System of Roads, not later than the first quarterly meeting in 1917, and if the same is not done, this Board shall place on the map the alloted mileage of such towi%. Seconded by Mr. Wright. Carried. Mr. Todd offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That the Maryland Casualty Company of Baltimore, be released from all obligations on the bond of Arthur S. Cole, as County Superintendent , of Highways, after January 1, 1917. Seconded by Mr. Wilkinson. Carried. Mr. Wilkinson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County request the State Highway Department to immediately survey the highways designated by. this 'Board for immediate improvement by resolution adopted September 18, 1915, that are not already constructed or under contract, and be it further OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 107 , Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board be directed to forthwith transmit a certified copy of this resolution to the State Highway Department, Seconded by Mr. Hill. Carried. The following report of the Committee on County Officers and Compensation was read by the Clerk and laid on the table one day under the rule: Your Committee on County Officers and Compensation reports that the several claims Iisted below are in all respects in. proper form for audit and aI- Iowance by this Board, that each of the said claims in the opinion of your com- mittee is a just and legal charge against the County of Tompkins, to the amount - indicated in the column headed "Allowed," and your committee therefore recom- mends that each of said claims be audited at the amount so .indicated. Claimant Account to which chargeable Purpose of expense Claimed Allowed 21 P. M. Donohue 22 Ithaca Journal 23 Matthew Mender Co 24 H. J. Bool Co 25 Corner Bookstores 26 T. G. Millar & Sons 27 Jamieson .& McKinney 28 Bailey Garage Co. 29 Wilber G. Fish 30 Stover Print. Co 31 B. I. Vann 32 F. A. Miller 33 E. It. Stillwell 34 H. B. Stevens 35 W. J. Shaver, jr. 30 H. C. Sheldon 37 L. Cummings 38 Alan Rurnsey 39 D. B. Bull 40 E,.Ozmun 41 S. E. Hubbell 42 S. Lane 43 A. Snow 44 H. Hornbrook 45 W. Conrad 40 G. Morris 47 A. A. Segor. ..,.., 119 Court Bellie 120 E. D. Branca 121 W. H. Bu]kley 122 F. A. Todd 123 Andrus & Church 101 H. J. Bool Co. 145 F. A. Begent 190 F: A. Begent 147 D. S. Cutter 148 Theo. J. Baker 140 F. M. Hagin Surrogate Supervisors Court house Supervisors cc Assessor County Sealer Assessor Supervisor Court house Supervisor Assessor Court house PI umbing Printing M anuela Furniture Book case Blotters, etc Plumbing, etc Auto hire Copy. Asst Roll Printing Meeting State Coni... Expense account Meeting State Com Committee work Printing Chairs Meeting State Com Spec. Committee Meeting State Com Spraying trees 8 2.00 5.75 00.00 13.00 4.10 2.07 15.20 114.16 53.60 4.25 5.28 6.44 6.04 5.44 4.88 4.32 5.60 5.60 4,56 5.28 5.28 5.92 5.04 4.80 5.76 4,64 5,28 388.13 5.92 5.44 63.20 14.75 54.00 5.50 17.50 5.60 4.64 5,00 8 2.00 6.75 90.00 13.90 4.10 2.07 15.20 114.16 53.60 4.25 5.28 5.44 5.04 5.44 4'.88 4.32 5.60 5,60 4.56 5.28 5.28 5.92 5.04\ 4.80 5.76 4.64 5.28 200.00 5.92 5.44 63.20 14.75 54.00 5.50 17.50 5.60 4.44 5.00 108 PROCEEDINGS 010 THE 130:11{I) OF SUPERVISORS C U d Claimant Accountto which chargeable Purpose of expense Claimed Allowed 150 Arthur M. Miller Assessor Meeting Stale Com. $ 4.80 $ 4.80 151 Davis -Brown Elee. Co Court house Elec. supplies 11.21 11.21 152 Andrus & Church Supervisors Books 5.50 5.50 153 Cayuga Press Proceedings, c te. 789.92 789.92 154 Casper Fenner " Committee work 28.65 28.65 155 Casper Fenner Meeting 'Pax Com. 6.29 6.24 156 Casper Fenner . Quarterly Meetings , 18.72 18.72 157 F. A. Regent " Spec, Committee 4.00 4.00 158 M. Iiluebert ' ' Spec. Committee 4.00 4.00 150 M. Kluebcrt " Quarterly & Tax Moot..... 20.00 20.00 100 S. J. Douglass Assessor Meeting Tax Com 5.28 5.28 161 Ithaca Daily New Supervisors... . . . . ....... Pub. Notice Co., Claims... 5.75 5.75 162 J. H. Hine Meeting Tax Com 5.44 5.44 166 H. S. Wright Meeting Tax Com......... 4.32 4.32 167 H. S. Wright Quarterly meetings 17.28 17.28 106 F. A. Begcnt Spec. committee 16.35 16.35 109 F. A. Begent " Quarterly meetings 21.76 21.76 174 W. C. Gallagher Spec. committee 93.44 93,44 173 W. C: Gallagher Jail Supply Com.......... 24.00 24.00 176 W. C. Gallagher " - Quarterly meetings - 21.76 21.76 177 W. B. Wilkinson Spec. aonlmittee 227.53 227.53 178 W. B. Wilkinson t Quarterly meetings 16.00 '16.00 170 W. B. Wilkinson.......... Meeting Tax Com .. 4.00 4,00 183 .1. P. Kelly " Spec. committee........ , . 3:16 8.161 184 J. P. Kelly Quarterly meetings 16.64 16.14 185 A. Daasance ' " Quarterly meetings 23.68 23.68 186 A. Dassance Committee work 5.00 5.00 187 A. Dassance.............. " Meeting Tax Com. 5.92 5.92 189 F. A. Todd ..... .......... " Quarterly meetings .,. 23.04 23.04 190 F. A. Todd " Sleeting Tax Com .. , , 5.76 5.76 195 Rothschild Bros. " Supplies 9.72 9.72 200 T. G. Stiller & Sons Supplies 100.47 190.47 201 J. H. Hine Quarterly meetings 21.76 21,76 202 J. H. Iline " Comtnittee work 51.00 51.00 203 J. H. Hino Committee work . 73.00 73.00 206' W. G. Fish ' " Spec. committee ,62.40 62.40 207 W. G. Fish Quarterly meetings 16.64 16.64 208 W. G. Fish " Sleeting Tax Com 4.16 4.16 209 Williams Electric Co Elec. supplies 10.49 10.49 212 A. Schaefer Sleeting Tax Com. 4.00 4.00 213 A. Schaefer " Quarterly meetings 16.00 16.00 219 J. M. Townsend " Quarterly meetings 22.00 22.00 218 E. S. Hill Quarterly meetings 20.80 20.80 220 J. 51. Townsend.......... Meeting Tax Com. • 5.92 5.92 221 H. S. Wright ............. Committee work 81.60 81.60 215 A. Schaefer Committee work 141.92 ' 141.02 222 W. I3, Wilkinson Regular Session 116.00 116.00 223 W. C. Gallagher " 117.44 117.44 221 J. S1. Townsend " " 117,92 117.92 225 .1. P. ]telly " " 120.70 120,76 226 F. A. Todd " , ` 117.76 117,76 227 E. 8. hill ', " 118.24 118.24 228 E. S. Hill Committee work 71.10 71.10 2241 Wilber Fish Regular Session 116.16 116.10 230 Max Kluebert " 120.00 120.00 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 109 1 No. of Claim ' Claimant Acenunt to which chargeable Purpose of expense ' Cniulc(1 Allowed 231 A. I. Schaefer Supervisors Regular Session $ 1111.00 $ 110.00 234 J. H. Hine 117.44 117.44 236 H. S. Wright " Copy. Asa't. Roll....... , , 39.08 30.08 237 F. A. Regent Annral Session 118.72 118.72 238 F. A. Regent " CopY. Ass't. Roll 44.75 44.75 239 J. M. Townsend Copy. Asst. Roll 33.118 33.68 240 J. M. TownsendCopy. Ass't. Roll (1915) 31,76 31.76 241 J, \I, 'Townsend ' " Committee work 50.00 50.00 242 J. II. Hine" Copy Ass't. [toll... 23.20 23.20 243 F. A. '['odd " Copy. Asst. Roll • 25.50 25,50 244 H. S. Wright " Annual Session 1111.32 110.32 245 Casper Fenner " Annual Session 106,24 100.2.4 246 A. Da.asance " Copy. Ass't.. Roll......... 37.38 37.38 247 A. Daasanee " Annual.Session 117.02 117.112 248 W. Fish " City Tax Extension........ 55.01 55.61 249 Casper Fenner " Copy. Ass't. Roll 31.50 31.5(1 $5,153,48$5,035.35 Respectfully anllnlitted this 27th day of December, 1916. MAX KIlUFBERT J. H. TUNE NE F. A. TODD. Moved by Mr. Kluebert that the report of the Committee 011 County Officers and Compensation be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr. Todd. By unanimous consent the report was taken from the table. \Ir. Kluebert ofTered the following resolution ami moved ifs adoption: Resolved, That the report of the Committee on County Officers and Com- pensation be accepted and that, the several bills and accounts therein listed be audited and allowed for the several stuns indicated in the column header[ "Allowed." Seconded by \Ir. Hine. Bill No. 11 t) of Court Bellis, having been recommended allowed by the Com- mittee for an amount" less than t he amount clamed, a vote was taken nn that hill. Moved by Mr. Kllicllert that hill No. 119 be audited by this Board at the amount recornmended`by the committee. ' Seconded by Mr. Hine. Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried. 110 PROCEEDINGS OP THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS • Moved by 14Ir. Kluebert that the other bills reported by the committee be audited at the amounts recommended by the committee. Seconded ,by Mr. Todd. Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried. • The Clerk read the following report of the Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts relative to Mortgage Tax: Your Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts to which was referred the report of the County Clerk relative to Mortgage Tax render the following 'report: Name of Town Amt. Pd. Amt. Pd. Amt. due Amt: due Co.Clerk. Expenses Co.Treas. Towns,etc. State Caroline 8 08.93 $ 3.13• $ 95.80 8 47.90 $ 47.90 Danby 121.59 3.83 117,76 58.88 58.88 Dryden 435.01 13.70 421.31 210.65 210.66 Enfield 114.98 3.63 111.35 55.67 55.68 Groton 489.89 15.43 474.46 237.23 237.23 Lansing 140.66 ' 4.44 136.22 68.11 68.11 Ithaca Tow]] 335.15 10.57 324.58 162.29 162.29 Ulysses 1,904.59 59.97 1,844.62 922.31 922.31 Newfield • 107.91 3.41 104.50 52.25 52.25 Ithaca City 3,964.93 124.83 3,840.10 1,920.05 1,920.05 87,713.64 8242.94 • 57,470.70 53,735.34 83,735.36 E. S. HILL H. S. WRIGHT - WM. B. WILKINSON. Mr. Hill offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That the report of the Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts relative to Mortgage Tax be accepted and adopted and that the Board issue its warrant to the County Treasurer for the distribution of the amount in his hands to the several districts entitled thereto. Seconded by Mr. Iline. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 111 TWENTY-EIGHTH DAY Thursday, December 28, 1916 MORNING SESSION Roll Call. All members present, except Mr. Schaefer. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. The Clerk read the annual report of Dr. Wm. A. Smith, as Coroner, which on motion, was accepted and filed. Mr. Wilkinson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: WHEREAS, By a Iaw passed by the Legislature of this state, each county is given a part of .all automobile moneys collected, ,and, as all such moneys must be used for permanent highway improvement only, and WHERE/is, The County Treasurer of this county has in his hands at this time an amount in excess of $2,000.00 and receiving monthly additional sums from the same source, now therefore, be it Resolved, That the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, pursuant to Section 291, Sub -division 4 of the State Highway Law, hereby designate he Coddington Road for improvement from this fund, and for the purpose of making this resolution operative, all automobile moneys now in the hands of the County Treasurer, or'which may some into his hands up to and including September 1, 1917, is hereby appropriated and made immediately available for the improve- ment of said highway. Said highway to be improved is what is known as the Coddington Road, beginning at the south city limits of the City of Ithaca, and extending in a southeasterly direction as far as the money hereby appropriated will permit, the work on said highway to commence not later than August 1, 1917, and be it further Resolved, That the improvement of said highway shall be under the super- vision and control of the Highway Officials of the county, as heretofore desig- nated by this Board of Supervisors. Seconded by Mr. Fenner. Laid on the table one day under the rule. Moved by Mr. Wilkinson, ,that the rule be suspended and that action on the resolution be taken at this time. Seconded 1iy Mr. Kelly. By unanimous consent the resolution was taken from the table. A vote being taken on Mr. Wilkinson's resolution, resulted as follows: Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. The Clerk read the following report of the Committee on Finance, which was laid on the table one day under the rule. 112 PROCEEDIINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON FINANCE Your Committee on Finance respectfully reports that in its opinion the fol- lowing appropriations will be necessary to meet the expenditures of this county for the ensuing fiscal year in payment of: • 1. Contributions required by law to he made by tax upon this county for the expenses of the 6t11 judicial district, of the 4th military district, or by law and act of this Board for other purposes extraneous to county government. 2. Salaries of officers and employees heretofore authorized by this Board as shown by the report of the Committee on County Officers and Compensation. :3. Claims audited and allowed by this Board as shown by the statements to this committee by the several auditing committees. 4. Claims to be audited at sessions of this Board prior to the next ensuing annual session, claims to he audited by the superintendents of the poor, certifi- cates of the county clerk and other officers of the court, and other current ex- penses to be paid prior to the next ensuing tax levy. The amount specified for each of these purposes is based upon an estimate of a county officer, modified and recommended by the conunittee of this Board in direct charge of such de- parttoent, suhject to such adjustment As seems necessary and advisable to this copamittee. i. Amounts to become due under contracts executed in behalf of this county. G. The amount required by law to be paid by this county for the State Highway Sinking Fund, for the retirement of State bonds issued for construction of the county highways of this county and for the interest, on the bonds so issued. .7. County indebtedness maturing and interest payable as shown by the reports of the County Clerk and County Treasurer. S. Appropriations by this Board for other specific purposes and estimated amounts not included above and required for unforseen contingencies. Your committee further reports that from the reports of the County Treas- urer, the receipts of the previous year and other information available, it estimated that the amounts indicated will he available from various sources specified to the expenditures for the above purposes and such amounts are deducted from the estimated amounts required in fixing the amounts to he raised for each fund by tax levy. APPROPRIATIONS .t i't'IOPHIATIO\S FROM TIIB GE E1tAr, FUND Contributions: St enographers'tax $ 1,531.53 Armory tax 4,651.25 Total $ 6,482.7S $ 6,482.78 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 113 Tax Expenses, Advances and Refunds: Tax commissioners' meeting $ 179.34 Returned school taxes (fund for advance payment) 500.00 8.95 Refunded taxes (county's share) - Total $ 688.29 $ 688.29 $ 3,312.01 2,711 .25 $ 0,023.26 $ 6,023.'3ii $ 1,266.65 2,704.53 Legislative: Supervisors' compensation Supervisors' expenses Total Administrative: of election Elections Primary elections 975.54 Total election- GENERAL GOVERNMENTS 4,946.72 $ 4,940.72- County treasurer $ 1,255.00 Total administrative officers $ 1,255.00 $ 1,255.00 Court house maintenance $ 141.70 County clerk's building maintenance 471.90 Contract supplies, payable in advance of audit.1,900.00 Total administrative buildings $ 2,513.60 $ 2,513.60 Interest on Tuberculosis Hospital loan.,50.00 Total administrative interest $ 50.00 $ 50.f10 $ 3,700.00 289.80 Judicial: County judge and surrogate County clerk as clerk of courts Total judicial officers $ 3,989.80 $ 3,98!}. S(1 $ 210.00 500.00 683.00 Supreme court (civil terms) County court (civil terms) Surrogate's court Total civil courts $ 1,393.00 $ 1,393.00 114 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Regulative: • County sealer of weights and measures $ . 700.00 Regulative q.q ociations: a. Society for prevention cruelty to children, 202.47 b. Society.for prevention cruelty to animals126.40 Total regulative $ 1,028.87 $ 1,028.87 Protective: County clerk as register $ 5,119.21 Total protective $ 5,119.21 $ 5,119.21 Educational: Educationalnotices $ 14.00 Farm Bureau 1,500.00 Deaf mutes 698.05 Total educational $ 2,212.05 $,2,212.05 Corrective: District attorney $ 2,409.58 • Sheriff, sheriff's office and quarters 2,990.00 Coroners 228.78 • Justices and constables 104.65 Total officers S. 5,733.01 $ 5,733.01 Supreme court (grand jury expenses) $ ' 397.26 Supreme" court •(criminal trials) 2,000.00 County court (criminal trials) 2,433.30 Total criminal courts $ 4,830.56 $ 4,830.56 Jail maintenance $ 369.05 'Jail inmates 315.42 Contracts with penal institutions: a. Monroe Co. penitentiary 815.28 Total punishment $ 1,499.75 $ 1,499.75 Private reform schools—St. Mary's Home......:S 816.27 Total reformatories . $ 816.27 $ 816.27 Tuberculosis Hospital, bond interest $ 50.00 Total interest building bonds $ • 50.00 $ 50.00 .OF, TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK ,115 GENERAL FUND1INDEBTEDNESS Payment of Indebtedness: County General Debt: Tuberculosis Hospital bonds $ 1,000.00 Total for indebtedness $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 Total appropriations from general fund..... $49,632.17 Less: Estimated Receipts Applicable to the General Fund: County clerk's fees 8 6,527.41 Levy on towns for election expenses 2,477.47 Levy on towns for state tax 6,482 . 78 Total estimated receipts to general fund . $15,487.66 $15,487.66 Net amount required for general fund appropriations $34,144.51 APPROPRIATIONS FROM TILE POOR FUND Charitable: Superintendent of poor $ 600.00 Almshouse inmates (all expenses) 7,956.90 Outdoor relief 800.00 Expenses overseer and outfits of poor 200.00 Transportation 50.00 Total improvident poor •, $.9,606.90 $.9,606.00 Tuberculosis hospital maintenance $10,000.00 Tuberculosis hospital inmates 1,500.00 • Total for tuberculosis $11,500.00. $11,500.00 Commitment of insane (fund for all commitments) $ 32.50 Epileiitics 8.62 Total mental diseases $ 41.12 '$ 41.12 Insurance on Co. House & Tuberculosis Hosp........ $ 411.78 Child's Welfare Board 1,200.00 • • Total for dependent children $ 1,611.78 $ 1,611.78 Soldiers' burial $ 200.00 • 'Total soldiers and sailors relief $ 200.00 $ 200.00 Total appropriations from Poor Fund $22,959.80 116 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Less: Estimated Receipts Applicable to Poor Fund: Levied on towns: For support of town poor at almshouse $ 6,623.55 Total estimated receipts to poor fund $ 6,623.55 8'6,623.55 Net amount required for poor fund $16,336.25 APPItOPRIATIONS FROIII HIGHWAY' FUND Maintenance of highways: Supt. of highways, salary and all expenses 5 1,553.50 County line bridges 266.33 Total maintenance $ 1,819.83 $ 1,819.83 Constructive: County road construction: Rights of way S 1,649.50 State highway sinkilig fund (county share) ... $ 1,987.00 Interest 3,974.03 Total for new highways and bridges $ 7,610.53 $ 7,610.53 Highway bond interest $ 5,607.50 Total construction interest' $ 5,607.50 $ 5,607.50 Indebtedness: County highway debt (bonds) 811,000.00 Highway appropriations 5,036.42 Total highway indebtedness $16,036,42 $16,036.42 Total Required for Highway Fund $31,074.28 Your committee recommends that there be levied and assessed upon the property liable therefor: For the general fund $33,663.75 For the poor fund I6,336.25 Total For the highway fund $50,000.00 850,000.00 $31,074.28 Respectfully submitted this 2Sth day of December, 1916. F. A. BEGENT CASPER. FENNER NER JOHN M. TOWNSEND Committee on Finance OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK ,117 Moved by Mr. Begent, that the report of the Committee on Finance be taken from the table and passed, at this time. Seconded by Mr. Fenner. • By unanimous consent the report was taken from the table. Mr. Begent offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That the report of the Committee on Finance be accepted and the several amounts specified therein be and hereby are appropriated from the funds indicated to and for the purposes enumerated. Resolved, That all moneys received by the County Treasurer, the disposition of which is not specifically provided for by law or act of this Board, be credited by him to the general, poor or highway fund, in accord with the nature of .such receipts. Resolved, That in ease of deficiency in any appropriation, the County Treas- urer is hereby authorized and directed to transfer from the general fund, poor fund or highway fund to such appropriation, any unexpended balance standing to the credit of such fund, for the purpose of meeting any payment ordered by this Board, or required by law, which amounts are hereby appropriated to such purposes. And be it further Resolved, That there be assessed upon, levied against and collected from the taxable property of the County of Tompkins, N. Y., taxable therefor, for the General Fund and Poor Fund, the sum of $0,000.00 aid for the Highway Fund the sum of 531,074.28. Seconded by Mr. Fenner. Ayes -12. Noes -0. Carried. The Chairman announecd the following special committees: On Auditing the Accounts of the Tuberculosis hlospital—The Chairman ' and Messrs. Schaefer and Fish. On -Jail Supplies—The Chairman and Messrs. Kluebert and Wright. AFTERNOON, SESSION Roll Call. All members present except Mr. Schaefer. The Clerk read the following report of the Committee on Apportionment, relative to the apportionment of taxes to be raised by the various towns and • city of the county, which was laid on the table one day under the rule. 118• PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF 'SUPERVISORS REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON APPORTIONMENT Apportionment of Taxes for Highways Towns •-•`.6 .4 ii - Cnl , 0 = 2 72 1-4 Caroline $ 836,676 . $ I,I29.42 Danby 735,923 993.50 Dryden 2,285,083 3,084.85 Enfield 574,530 775,62 .Groton 1,652,232 2,230.52 ,Ithaca City... , ..... . .......... 11,623,266. 15,691.41 Ithaca Town 1,853,047 2,501.61 Lansing . 1,406,371 1,898.60 Newfield 753,007 1,016.56 Ulysses 1,297,916 ,1,752,19 Totals . $23,018,051 $31,074,28 County Highway Tax Rate $1.35 per Thousand. Apportionment of Taxes for General and Poor Purposes, not including Highways Towns . Qob°F'o w mTd �O U c3 d c a.•^ x• Fm '73o 000 }C C GR P db 0"0 g d O COD o.G ;- w Caroline $ 833,056 $ 236.86 $ 1,832.72 . Danby 723,959 205.84 1,592.71 Dryden 2,266,027 644.28 4,985.26 Enfield .571,854 162.60 1,258.08 • Groton 1,637,190 465.49 :3,601.82 Ithaca City 11,493,488 3,267.89 25,285.67 . Ithaca Town 1,846,572 525.03 4,062.46 Lansing '1,400,096 398.08 3,080.21 Newfield 740,908 ' 2I0.66 1,630.00 Ulysses 1,287,422 366.05 2,832.33 " Totals $22,800,572 $6,482.78 $50,161.26 OF TOMPKINS' COUNTY, NEW YORK 119 State Tax, General and Poor Rate 50.28432+ per'M• County Tax, General and Poor Rate, $2,20 per M. ALBERT DASSANCE :.• MAX KLUEBERT CASPER FENNER F. A. BEGENT • ,F. A.. TODD , J. P. KELLY E. S. HILL , • Committee. Moved by Mr. Dassance that the report of the Committee on Apportion- ment be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr. Begent. • By unanimous consent the report.was taken from the table. •" , Mr. Dassance offered the following resolution and moved. its, adoption:. Resolved, That the report of the Committee on'Apportioriment be'aecepted and adopted and that the several amounts therein listed for state tax; county • tax and county highway tax against the several towns and city of the county, be levied and collected from the taxable property of the 'respective towns and city of the county. Seconded by Mr. Fenner. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. The Clerk read the following report of the Committee on . Finance, which was laid on the table one day under the rule: , Your Committee on Finance reports that the following tabulated statements shows the appropriations which will be necessary to meet the expenditures of the various towns of the county and the city of Ithaca for the ensuing'flscal year, as set forth in the following budgets:' BUDGET FOR THE TOWN OF CAROLINE FOR 19.16. ! State Tax s' ' $ 236.86 County Tax 1,832.72 County Highway Tax ............. 1,129:42 Town Audits 2,096 .,80 Election Printing 160:3 Bridges ' . 525'.00 Machinery ' '150.00 Miscellaneous 100.00 Support of the Town Poor 100.00 120 PROCEEDINGS OF, THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Maintenance Roads Nos. 483 and 1004 Principal and Int. Roads Support of Town Poor at Highways Extraordinary Repairs of General Fund 400.00 Nos. 483 and 10.04 747.50 County Home 269.03 2,000.00 Bridges 534 42 250.00 Memorial Day Fund (on hand—$16.00) 810,532. 18 BUDGET FOR THE TOWN OF DANBY FOR 1916 State Tax $ 205.84 Highway Tax 993.50 County Tax 1,592.71 Overseer Poor 180.00 Town Note 1,025.00 Highway (Town) 2,000.00 Highway Maintenance 500.00 Bridges, 450.00 Machinery 300.00 Miscellaneous 350.00 Audits 2,240.96 Almshouse Poor 130.66 Election Expenses 141.44 810,110.11 BUDGET FOR THE TOWN 01' DRYDEN FOR 1916 Audi Tax $ 3,952.50 State 644.28 County Tax • 4,985.26 County Highway 3,084.85 Election Printing 326.58 Almshouse Poor 909.74 Sinking Fund, Road No. 682 89 71 Interest Road No: 682 179.42 Sinking Fund, Road No. 681 81.03 Interest, Road No. 681 162.08 Sinking Fund, Road No. 683 _ 92.69 Interest, Road No. 683 185.40 Highway 6,800.00 Bridge 3,750.00 Machinery 500.00 Miscellaneous 1,7(10.00 Highway Maintenance 1,050.00 Town Poor 300,00 $28,793.54 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 121 BUDGET FOR THE TOWN OF ENFIELD FOR 1916 • State Tax i $ 162.60 County Tax 1,258.08 County Highway 775.62 Poor at County home 250.42 Maintenance, Road No. 1001 200.00 Election Printing • 74.25 Highway Bond, Road No. 1001 300.00 Highway Bond Interest 108.00 Certificate of Indebtedness Bop 00 Certificate of Indebtedness, Interest 20.00 Town Audits 1,737.39 •Town Highway 2,000 00 Bridge Fund 650.00 Machinery 300.00 Miscellaneous 300.00 General Fund 100.00 $ 8,842.36 BUDGET FOR THE TOWN OF GROTON FOR 1016 Highway $ 3,858.00 'fax ax 465.49 County Tax 3,601 . 82 Town Audits 3,094.73 Payment Highway Bond and Interest 635.00 Maintenance State and County Highways 200.00 Furniture for Town Clerk's office 100.00 Right of Way, John Adams 100.00 Memorial Day 50.00 Highway Compensation 400.00 Support of Poor at County home 647.00 Election Printing 262.14 Bridges 3,950.00 Machinery 600.00 Miscellaneous 500.00 County Highway Tax 2,330.52 Certificate of Indebtedness, Highways 200.00 Certificate of Indebtedness, Bridges 100.00 $20,994.07 BUDGET FOR THE TOWN OF ITIIACA FOR, 1916 State Tax $ 525.03 County Tax 4,062.46 County, highway Tax 2,501.61 Election Printing 131.73 122 PROCEEDINGS OF TEE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Maintenance, Improved Roads 1,050.00 Payment Bonds at Savings Bank • 1,500.00 Interest on Bonds 697.50 Repair and Construction of Bridges 1,000.00 Highway Fund 4,000.00 Machinery Fund 300.00 Town Audits 2,506.37 $18,269.70 BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF ITHACA FOR 1916' State Tax $ 3,267.•89 Support of Poor 3,416.89• Election Printing 874.89 County Highway 15,691.41 County Tax 25,285.67 $48,536.75 BUDGET FOR THE TOWN OF LANSING FOR 1916 State Tax $' 398.08 County Tax 3,080.21 County highway Tax 1,898.60 Town Audits 3,062.02 Bridge Bond 850.00 Bridge Bond Interest 78.75 Payment Highway Bond 575.00 Payment Highway Bond, Interest 77.63 Maintenance Improved Highway 250.00 Support Poor County Home 75.31 Election Printing 186.82 Certificate Bridge Indebtedness 550.00 Certificate Bridge Indebtedness, Interest 11.09 Highways, Item No. 1 4,000.00 Bridges, Item No. 2 930.00 Machinery, Item No. 3 350.00 Miscellaneous, Item No. 4 27.66 816,401.17 BUDGET FOR THE TOWN OF NEWFIELD FOR 1916 - State Tax $ 210.66 County Tax 1,630.00 County Highway Tax 1,016.56 Town Audits 2,228.03 Maintenance of' Improved Roads 650.00 Highway Fund 2,700.00 OF TOMPKIN S COUNTY, NEW YORK 123 "Bridge Fund i • 1,300.00 Machinery Fund • 200.00 Miscellaneous • 500.00 Certificates of Indebtedness and Interest 768.75 Premium on•Compensation Insurance 1916 " 80.00' Premium on Compensation Insurance 1917.... ....• . '80.00 Election Printing 125.80 Support of Poor at County Home........ 410.56 Town Bonds and Interest 2,525.00 Memorial Day Services 25,00 Newfield Town Library 100.00 Town Poor 50.00 $14,800.00 ' BUDGET FOR THE TOWN OF ULYSSES FOR 1916 Audits Support of Poor 3 430.78 200.00 Repair of Bridge 250.00 Machinery Fund Election Printing 50.00 Almshouse Poor 193.64 507.94 Extraordinary Repairs, Highways Miscellaneous Fund 1,279.43 Highway Fund 50.04 2,300.00 Extraordinary Repairs, Bridges 2,100.00 Deficiency, Snow and Miscellaneous Fund 644 70 Deficiency in Poor Fund 1910 88.65 Indigent Soldiers and Sailors 50.00 Memorial Day Observation ' 50.00 Bonded Indebtedness. Principal ' 2,000.00 Bonded Indebtedness, Interest 665.00 Snow Fund State Tax • 50.00 366.05 County Tax 2,232.33 County Highway Tax 1,752 19 Maintenance of Road No. 616... ........ ...... 300.00 Sinking Fund Road No. 616 216.85 Interest on Bonds Road No. 616 • 433.69 $19,811. 10 Moved by Mr. Regent, that the report of the Committee on Finance he taken from the table and passed at this tirne. i Seconded by Mr. Fenner. By unanimous consent the report was taken froth the table. Mr. Begent offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: 124 PROCEEDINGS OP THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Resolved, That in accordance with resolutions adopted by the various Town Boards of Tompkins County, now on file with the Clerk of this Board, and the statutes in such cases made and provided, and iit accordance with the foregoing report and recommendations of the Committee on Pinance, that there be levied and collected from the taxable property of the respective towns of the county and the City of Ithaca, the foregoing sums for the purposes named. Seconded by Mr. Todd. Ayes -12. Noes ---0. Carried. Mr. Todd offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That the collectors of taxes of the several towns be instructed to pay over and settle all' tax indebtedness with the several officers of the towns and the county on or before May 1, 1917. Seconded by Mr. Dassance. Carried. Adjourned to Tuesday, January 2, 1917, at 10:30 A. M. TWENTY-NINTH DAY - Tuesday, January 2, 1917 MORNING SESSION Roll Call. r111 members present except Mr. Fenner. Hon. Edwin Duffey, State Commissioner of highways, addressed the Board on the highway situation in the state and county. _lir. Howard, Chairman of the Highway Committee of the Board of Super- visors of Tioga County, also addressed the Board on connecting roads between the counties of Tioga and Tompkins. AFTERNOON SESSION • Roll Cull. All members present except Mr. Fenner. . The Clerk read claims Nos. 2:50 to 263 inclusive which, on motion of Mr: Wilkinson, were received and referred to the proper committee, with instruc- tions to report forthwith. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 125 There being a vacancy on the Board of Managers of the Tuberculosis Hos- pital, caused by the expiration of the terra of office of Mr. L. J. Wheeler, the Board proceeded to the election of a member of the Board to fill •such vacancy. Mr. Hill placed in nomination, the name of •Dr. Horner Genung of Dryden. • Dr. Genung's nomination was seconded by Mr. Begent. There being no other nominations, the Clerk was directed to cast one ballot for Dr. Homer Genung. The Clerk cast one ballot for Dr. Homer Genung, and the Chairman de- clared him elected a member of the Board of Managers of the Tuberculosis Hos- pital for a full term. Mr. Townsend offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That this Board reconsider the vote on salaries to be paid to the Clerk of this Board, the Janitor and Turnkey of the Court House and County Jail, the Surrogate's Cleric and the amount allowed the County Clerk for Clerk hire of his office. Seconded by Mr. Wilkinson. Ayes—Messrs. Hill, Wright,' Kelly, Schaefer, Wilkinson, Fish, Townsend -7. Noes—Messrs. Todd, Hine, Regent, Kluebert, Da,ssance=5, Carried. Mr. Wilkinson offered the following resolution and proved its adoption: Resolved, That there be paid the Clerk of this Board as Clerk and for legal services rendered to the Board, the sum of $000.00; that there be paid the Jan- itor and Turnkey for the Court House and County Jail the sum of $840.00; that there be paid the Clerk of the Surrogate's Court -the sum of $700.00 and that there be paid the County Clerk for Clerk hire of his office an additional $100.00. Seconded by ?1r•. TowiisencL The Chair ordered that the question be divided anti that a vote be taken on each salary of each official in rotation. A vote being taken on paying the Clerk of the Board the sum of $900.00, resulted as follows: Ayes—Messrs. Todd, 11111, Hine, Begent, AAlright, Kelly, Schaefer, Wilkinson, Fish Dassance, Townsend, Kluebert-12. Noes -0. Carried. The Chair ordered that the entire matter of a reconsideration of the salaries .of all the officers mentioned, be referred to the Committee on County Officers and Compensation to report thereon. - Mr. Wilkinson offered the following resolution and -moved its adoption: 126 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Resolved That the County Clerk be requested to appear before the Board and confer, relative to the clerk hire of his office. Seconded by Mr. Townsend. Mr. Tarbell, the County Clerk, appeared before the Board and explained the system of clerk hire of his office. Adjourned to Wednesday, January 3, at 10.30 A. M. THIRTIETH DAYS Wednesday, January 3, 1917' MORNING SESSION Roll Call. All members present except Mr.,Fenner. Minutes of two preceding days read and approved. Mr. Townsend offered the following resolution and inoved its adoption: 'Resolved, That this Board reconsider its action in the election of a Chaplain at the County Home, and that the selection of a Chaplain for that institution be delegated to the County Superintendents of the Poor. Seconded by Mr. Wright and referred to the Committee on County Officers and .Compensation. ' Moved by Mr. Wilkinson, that action on the matter of salaries, now in the hands of the Committee on County Officers and Compensation, be made a special order of business for this afternoon at 3 r. M. . `- Seconded by Mr. Wright. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll Call. All members present except Mr. Fenner. Action on Mr. Hill's resolution, offered December 22, having been made a special order of business at this time, that matter was taken up. Moved by Mr. Hill, that the resolution be adopted. Seconded by Mr. Begent. • OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 127 .Ayes—Messrs. Ifill, Begent-2. ' Noes ---Messrs. Todd, Hine, Wright, Kelly, Schaefer,' Wilkinson, Kluebert, Fish, Dassance, Townsend -10. • Resolution declared lost. , The Clerk read the following, report of the Committee on County Officers and Compensation, relative -to salaries, etc.,•of certain county officials and. em- ployees: Your Committee on County Officers and Compensations, offer§'the follow- ing report, ,relative to. the resolution of Mr. Wilkinson, referred to your com- mittee on January 2: • As this Board on January 2, by a vote thereon, fixed the salary of the Clerk of the Board at $900.00, your committee has no report to offer on the salary of the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors. . As to the salary to be paid to the Surrogate's Clerk, your committee recom- mends that she be paid the'sum of 8700.00. As to the salaries to be paid to the other employees, your committee refers the matter back to the Board as a Committee.of the Whole. Moved by Mr. Kluebert, that the report of the committee be accepted and adopted, and that the amounts therein specified be paid to the above named officials. Seconded by Mr. Schaefer. • • The Chair ruled that the whole matter under 'consideration was out of order, including the motion to reconsider, the resolution and its reference to the Com- mittee on County Officers and Compensations, the report of that committee and the motion of Mr. Kluebert now before the Board, in as much as the Board had heretofore fixed the salaries of all county officials and any increases of salary of any official could not be had unless the former resolution was first reseinded, and as the county budget had already been made up and the taxes extended thereon, such a motion could hot be entcrtained.by the Chair. Mr. Kluebert offered the following resolution an'd moved its adoption: Resolved, That there be paid to the Clerk of this Board, in addition to his salary of 8800.00, already fixed by this Board, the sum of 8100.00 for services rendered and to be rendered for extra "work in preparing additional reports, etc., required by law, and that. the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay the same out of any funds unappropriated :in his hands. Seconded by Mr. Fish. • Ayes—Messrs. Todd, Hill, Hine, Begent, Wright, Kelly, Schaefer, Wilkinson, Kluebert, Fish, Dassance,% Townsend ---12. " Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Kluebert offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: 128 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Resolved, That these be paid to the Clerk of the Surrogate's Court, in addition to her salary of 8650.00 already fixed by this Board, the sum of $50.00 for extra work necessitated of the Surrogate's "Clerk in the work of that office, and that the County Treasurer is directed to pay the same out of any moneys unappro- priated in his hands.• Seconded by Mr. Fish. Ayes—Messrs. Todd, Hill, Hine, Begent, Wright, Kelly, Schaefer, Wain.- son, ilkin-son, Kluebert, Fish, Dassance, Townsend -12. Noes—O. Carried. • Mr. Wilkinson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That in addition to the sum of 81300.00 heretofore appropriated is salaries for assistants in the County Clerk's office, there be hereby appropriated atm made immediately available, the sum of 8100.00 to be paid for extra work in that office, and the County Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to pay such amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, on the certificate of the County Clerk, out of any unappropriated funds in his hands. Seconded by Mr. Townsend. Ayes—Messrs. Hill, Hine, Begent, Wright, Kelly, Schaefer, Wilkinson, Fish, Dassance, Townsend -10. Noes—Messrs. Todd, Kluebert-2. Carried. The Committee on County Officers and Compensation, to which was referred the resolution of Mr. Townsend, relative to the matter of the Chaplain at the County Home, reported that inasmuch as the Board had already elected a Chap- lain at that, institution- and he had entered upon the discharge of his duties, the committee could see no way of making any change. \1r. Townsend offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That this Board reconsider its action in the election of a Chaplain at, the County Horne, and that the selection of a Chaplain for that institution be delegated to the County Superintendents of the Poor. Seconded by \Ir. Wright. Mr. Fish called for a division of the question. So ordered. A vote being taken on the reconsideration of the action of the Board in the selection of a Chaplain at the County Home, resulted as follows: Ayes --Messrs. Hill, .Hine, Wright, Belly, Schaefer, Wilkinson, Fish, Das - sauce, Townsend -9. Noes—Messrs. Todd, Begent, Kluebert-3. Carried. Moved by Mr. Townsend, that this Board' appoint two Chaplains at the County Home, to preach alternately, and that the second Chaplain appointed be paid a.salary•of 850.00 per year. OF TOMPKINS •COUINTY NEW. YORK 129 Seconded by Mr. Regent. Moved by.Mr. Wright, that the matter be laid on the table. Seconded by •Mr. Hill. Ayes --Messrs. Hill, Wright, Kluebert-3. ' Noes -Messrs. Todd, Hine, Begent, Kelly, Schaefer, Wilkinson, Fish, • Das - same, Townsend -9. Lost. Mr. Townsend offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: .Resolved, That Rev. Mr. " Mulette of Jacksonville, be appointed Associate Chaplain of the County Horne at' a salary of 550.00 per year, and he is directed to preach at the Home at least once a month. Seconded by Mr. Begent. Ayes -Messrs. -Todd, Hine, Begent, Schaefer, Wilkinson, Fish, Townsend -7.. Noes -Messrs. Hill, Wright, Kelly, Kluebert, Dassance-5. Carried. The following report of the Committee on County Officers and Compensa- tion was read by the Clerk and laid on the table one day under the rule: Your Committee on County Officers and Compensations reports that the several claims listed below are in all respects in proper form for audit and allow- ance by this Board, that each of the said claims in the opinion of your committee is a just and Iegal charge against the County of Tompkins, in the amount in- dicated in the column headed "Allowed," and your committee therefore recom- mends that each of said claims be audited at the amount so indicated. 8 G ° 0 z Claimant t Account to,whiclh _chargeable Purpose of - ' expense , Claimed , Allowed 250 W. C. Gallagher Supervisor lixt'd. Tax Roll •$ 26.60 $' 26.00 251 E. S. Hill " Ext'd Tax.lioll , 48.15 48.15 232 J. M. Townsend " Extra day 4.00 , 4.00 253 F. A. Todd . 4.00 4.00 254 J. P. Kelly " " 4.00 4.00 255 A. Daasanoe " 4.00 4.00 2561 A. I. Schaefer " 4.00 4.00 257 H. S. Wright " " 4.00 4.00 258 W. G. Fish - " " " ' 4.00 4.00 259 M. Kluebert " 4.00 4.00 260 W. 11. Wilkinson " " - 4.00 4,00 261 L. S. Hill " " 4.00 4.00 262 F. A. Begent " " • 4.00 4,00 2113 J. H. Hine - 4.00 4,00 $122:75 $''122.75 130 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Respectfully.submitted this 2nd day of January, 1917. MAX KLUEBERT . F. A. TODD J. R. TUNE: Moved by Mr. Kluebert, that the report of the Committee on County Officers and Compensation be, taken from the table and passed at this time.'' Seconded by iS1r. Kelly. By unanimous consent the report was taken froin the table. Mr. Kluebert offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That the report of the Committee on County Officers and Com- pensations'be accepted and that the bills and accounts therein listed b`e audited and allowed for the sums indicated in the report of the committee, and that the County Treasurer be directed to pay the same out of any moneys unap- propriated in his hands and if there be not sufficient funds with which to pay the same that he be authorized and directed to borrow the same on the credit of the cotinty. Seconded by Mr. Begent.' , • Ayes—Messrs.' Todd, Hill, Hine, Begent, Wright, Kelly, Schaefer, Wilkinson, Kluebert, Fish, Dassanee, Townsend -12. ' Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Wright offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved; That the sum of $900.00 heretofore appropriated as salary and voted as additional compensation to the Clerk of this Board, he in full pay- ment for services as Clerk and whatever legal services may be rendered by hien to the Board from November 13, 1916 to the annual session in 1917, unless otherwise ordered by a resolution. Said sum to be paid as follows: $225.00 forthwith, $225.00 on the 15th day of•January, 1917 and the balance in ten monthly. installments of $45.00 per month, the first monthly payment being February 1, 1917. The County Treasurer is hereby authorized to make the first two payments of $225.00 each, out of any moneys unappropriated in his hands and if he has not sufficient funds with which to pay the same he is authorized and directed to borrow the same 'on the credit of the county. Seconded by Mr. Fish. Ayes—Messrs. Todd, Hill, Bine, Begent, Wright, Kelly, Sehaefer, Wilkin- son, Kluebcrt, Fish, Dassance, Townsend -12. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Wright asked for a report of the Finance Committee on his resolution referred to it December 27, relative to a plan for funding the county highway debt. OF.TOMPKINS COUiV7'Y .,\I,II' yo RE . 131 • '.1'he committee not being ready to report at' this' time, the matter was de- ferred until the March meeting of the Board; When the Chairman announced ' the conunittee would he ready to report. The Clerk read the following report of the Committee on Correction and Reformation, which on'notion u-as,accepted, and the report of the Sheriff ordered filed: Your Committee on Correction and Reformation, Co which was referred the report of the Sheriff, respectfully report to your body that it has examined said report as to details and finds the sante correct. Mr. Todd offered the following resolution and tnoved its adoption: llesol ed, That the printed proceedings of this Board for the year 1916, be apportioned among the various towns of the county and the wards of the City of Ithaca, the same as in the year 1815. Seconded by Mr. Dassance. Carried. Mr. Begent offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Iie8olved,,'1'lrat as the Board of .Supervisors of Tompkins County for the year 1916, is about to become a thing of the past, and that as the members do not feel that an adjournment should he taken without Borne Acknowledgement to our Chairman, William C. Gallagher, we clo hereby extend to him our thanks for the dignified, just and impartial manner in which he has conducted- the business of this session. • Seconded by Mr. Kluebert.. Carried. Mr. Townsend offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolz'ed,. That we extend to our Clerk, Fred L. Clock, a hearty vote of thanks for the courtesies shown by him and For the efficient and careful services ren- dered to us, during the session of this Board about to close. Seconded by Mr. Begcnt. Carried. On motion of 141r. Wright, the Board'adjourned sine die. FRED 1... CLOCK, Clerk. 132 PROCEEDINGS OIC' TI3E BOARD OF SUPERVISORS • COUNTY AUDITS FOR 1916 • TOMPKINS COUNTY Nature No. Name of expense Claimed 1 Ithaca Daily News, Pub, Local Laws $ 2 Ithaca Journal, Pub. local Laws 3 The Cayuga Press, Pub. Tax Notices 4• 'P. G. hiller & Sons, Sup- plies, Co. Treas. 5 Ithaca Journal, Pub. • No- tice Coal Bids 6 Abram Chase, Ex. in Lu- nacy, Stewart and Thompson 7 H• H. Crum, Ex. in Lu- nacy, 51. Barbadosa. S S. B. Rumsey, Burial Wm. Drummond 9 S. B. Rumsey, Burial Martin Crcque 10 Mary E. Jansen, Burial Spencer H. Janson 11 Fred D. Gilbert, Burial Joseph Lindsey 12 Iihnca Journal, Pub. No- tice State Scholarship.: 13 Ithaca Daily News, Pub. notice state scholarship 1.4 M. V. Atwood, Pub. no- tice State Scholarship.. 15 Stover Print. Co., Print - ting, Co.'Treas. 16 T. H. Davenport. Insur- ance, Tuberculosis Hos. 17 Charles 'Woolever, Light- ning Bods, Co. Home.. 18 Craig Colony, Clothing for patients 10 Fred A. King, Services as justice 20 Floyd Heath, Services as constable 21 P. M. Donohue, Plumb- ing, Surrogates office 22 Ithaca Journal, Notice to present claims 23 Matthew Bender & Co, Supervisors' SIanuels. Nature Allowed No. Naive of expense Claimed Allowed 24 H. J. Ilool & Co., Re - 6.0(1 S 6.00 pairs, Supervisors...... 13.00 • 13.90 25 The • Corner Bookstores, 6.00 6.00 Book case, Supervisors. 4.10 4.10 20 '1'. G. l4iIler & Sons, Sup - 14.75 14.75 plies, Supervisors . 2.07 2.07 27 Jamieson & McKinney 10.00 10.00 Co., Plumbing, Court II OUSE! 1.5.20 15.2(1 1.25 1.25 28 J. 11. Bailey Garage Co, ,Auto hire, Supervisors: 114.16 114.1(1 29 Wilber C. Fish, Copying 10.00 10.00 Assessment Roll (to be paid city) 53.60 5.00 5.00 3D Stover Print.. Co., Print- ing cards, Supervisors4.25 50.00 50.00 31 B. I. Vann, Moet. State Tax Commission 5.2$ 50.00 50.00 32 Frank A, Miller, Meet State Tax Corn 5.44 50.00 50.00 33 Elihue Stillwell, Meet. State Tax Commis5.04 50.00 50.00 34 H. B. Stevens, Meet State Tax Commis5.44 5.25 5.25 35 W. J. Shaver, jr., Meet. State Tax Commis4.88 5.25 5.25 36 H. C. Sheldon, Meet. State Tax Commis 4.32 3.80 :3.50 37 Lewis Cummings, Meet. State Tax Conunis: .5.00 17.50 17.50 38 Alan Rumsey, Meet. State Tax Commis, . 5.60 37.50 37.50 30 D. B. Bull, Meet. State Tax Commission .. 4.36 60.00 60.00 40 Edward Ozmmn, Meet. State 'Pax Commis....: 5.28 8.02 8.62 41 Silas E. Hubbell, Meet. State Tux Commis..... 5.28 3.10 3.10 42 Samuel Lane, Meet. State 6.53 2.00 6.53 2.00 Tax Commission 5.92 43 William E. Snots, Meet. State Tax Commis5.04 44 IIarry Hornbrook, Meet. 5 75 5.75 State Tax Cnmmis4.80 90.00 90.00 45 Wallace W. Conrad, Meet State Tax Commis 5.76 .53.00 4.25 5.2S 5.41 .5.04 5.44 4.58 4.32 5.60 5.60 .4.56 5.28 5.28 5.9! 5.6-1 4.80 . 5.76 OF TOMP'KINS COUNTY", NEW YORK 133 Nature No. Name of expense Claimed 46 George Morris, Meet. State Tax Commis..... • 4.64 47 A. A. Sager, Meet. State Tax Commission .. 5.28 48 W. C. Little & Co., Books for Surrogate.... 5.50 49 Hall & McChesney, Rec- ord books, Co. Clerk:.. 42,50 50 Hall & McChesney, In- dex, County Clerk 22.00 51 Ithaca Journal, Putt. No- tice of jury drawing12.00 52 Ithaca ,Tournal, Pub Tereus of Co. Court8.25 53 Ithaca Journal, Pub. No- tice change votingplace 8.40 54 Ithaca Journal, Pub. Election notices, etc543.75 55 Cayuga Press, Printing, Co. Clerk 147.75 :56 Cayuga Press, Print. Pe- titions & Primary Bal- lots - 30,50 57 Cayuga Press, Printing, Surrogate 15.00 58 Cayuga Press, Printing Court Calendars...... , 210.00 59 Ithaca Daily News, Pub. Term County Court8.25 , 00 Ithaca Daily News, Pub. Notice jury drawing12.00 61 Ithaca Daily News, Pub. Election notices, etc285,60 62 Stover Print. Co., Print- ing, Surrogate 58.10 63 Banks Law Pub. Co, Law books, Co: CIerk21.50 64 T. G. Miller & Sons, Sup- plies, Coin. of Election. 11.48 65 Jamieson & McKinney, Repairs, Co. Clk. Bldg. 11.82 136 Treman, King & Co., Re- pairs, Co. Clk. Bldg80.80 67 C. J. Ilumsey & Co., Re- pairs, Co. Jail 182.10 68111. B. Besemer, Post- mortem, ostmortem, Mrs. Brown10.00 69 J. B. Latig Eng. & Gar. Co., Supplies, Co. Jail. 2.10 70 J. B. Lang Eng. & Gar. Co., Auto hire, Dist. Attorney 39.50 71 Tremae, King & Co„ Supplies, Co. Jail 2.62 72 H. J. Bool & Co., Tables, Co. Jail 11,50 73 Robinson & Carpenter, Lumber, Co. Jail 21.02 74 J. A. & J. H. Causer, Board detective 4.30 Nature Allowed No. Name of expense Claimed Allowed 75 City of Ithaca, Service 4.04 bill' City Court. 89.00 89.00 70 Ithaca .Tournal, Pub. 5.28 Sheriff Proclamation.., 10.50 10.50 77 Chemo Company, Dis- 5.50 infectants, Co. Jail17,50 17.50 78 Jamieson & McKinney, 42.50 Repairs, Co. Jail 81.41 ' 81.41 79 P. M. Donohue, Repairs, 22.00 Co. Jail 7.42 7.42 80 T. G. Miller & Sons, 12.00 Supplies, Co. Jail 3.00 3.00 ' 81 Ithaca Daily News, Pub. 8.25 Sheriff Proclamation10.50 10,50 82 Arthur G. Adams, Dis- 8.40 bursoments, Dist. Atty. 104.44 104.44 83 Lang Eng. & Garage Co., 543.75 Auto hire, Sheriff 10.50 11.50 84 T. G. Miller & Sons, 147.75 Supplies, Dist. Atty9.98 0.98 85 Stover Print. Co., Print- ing, Dist.. Atty.., 6.00 6.00 66.50 ' 80 1I. G. Hine, Reporting criminal case - 5.00 5.00 5.60 S7 Lake View Cemetery Co., Moving remains, Mrs. 210.00 Brown 10.00 10.00 SS Sherman Detect. Ag'cy, 5.25 ' Services, Cavalucei case 138.02 130.02 89 Sherman Detect. Ag'cy, 12.00 Serving Crim, papers2,50 2.50 90 Clark N. Baldwin, Re - 285.60 dressing and reintcrring Mrs. Brown 10.00 10.00 58.10 91 David F. Williamson, Co. Books, Dist. Atty 8.50 , 8.50 21,50 92 Stover Print. Co., Sup- plies, Dist Atty.. 12.00 12.00 ' 11.48 93 Herbert 51. I1111, IIistolog- Leal Ex., Mrs. Brown50,00. 50.00 11.82 94 E. 114. Pickens, Histologi- Y cal Ex., Mrs. Brown10.00 10.00 80,80 95 W. P. Stephens, Lodging jurors 28.00 28.00 182.10 96 R. C. Osborn & Co, Toilet paper, Co. Jail22,00 22.00 10.00 97 Monroe Co. Penitentiary Board of prisoners 815.28 815.28 2.16 98 Western N.Y. Inst. Deaf - Mutes, Board, inmates 698.05 698.05 99 J. 1t4. Towsisend, Ex. in lunacy, Stewart and Tompkins 12.50 12.50 100 St.. Mary's IIome, Board of inmates 816.27 816.27 101 II. J. Bool Co., Chairs, Court Ilouse 54.00 54.00 102 Driscoll Bros. & Co, Lumber, Court House., 0.13 0.43 29.50 2.62 11.50 21.02 4.30 13.4 PROCEEDINGS OF THE 13OAR.D OF SUPERVISORS Nature ' No. Name of expense Claimed 103 A. .1. Conlon, Services, Justice • 3.50 101 Chas. K. Reynolds, Ser- vices, Justice 3.80 105 Andrus & Church, Books, etc., Co. Treas 78.50 106 R. C. Osborn & Co., Sup- plies, Com. of Election 100.84 107 Brandow Printing Co., ass'd 1st Nat. Bank; Gen'I Election Print481.05 10S Brandow Printing Co, aaa d 1st Nat, Bank, ' Gen. Election Print1,014.60 109 Norton Printing Co., Pri- • mary Election Print437.85 110 Estate Louisa J. Sprague, Office rent, Com. Elec. 111 J. Will Tree, Binding Books, Co. Clerk - 100,01) 112 Empire State Housefur- nishing Co., Repair. chairs, Co. Clerk 9.2S 113 Andrus & Church, Blanks etc., Surrogate 78.59 114 Andrus & Church, Blanks etc., Surrogate 115 Withdrawn by claimant 116 R. C. Osborn & Co., Of- fice supplies, Surrogate 117 W. A. Ferguson, Plumb- ing, Co. Jail 118 Town of Ulysses, County line bridge 266,33 119 Court Bellis, Expense ac- count '388.13 120 E. D. Branch, Meeting State Tax Cum. 121 W. H. Bulkley, Meeting State Tax Corn 122 F. A. Todd, Committee work ' 123 Andrus & Church, Print- ing, Supervisors 124 E. P.'Bouton, Prom. Cu Treas'. bond • 45.00 125 E. P. Bouton, Prem Sheriff's.bond 126 Grant Cole, Expenses, etc., Supt. of Poor 127 Andrus & Church, Print- ing blanks, Co. Treas., 128 C. F. Denman, Services as Jail Physician 151.00 129 H. J. Bool & Co„ Bed,, Co. Jail 08.00 130 The Clinton House, Meals for jurors 20.30 131 Davis -Brown Elec. Co, . Elet. fixtures, Co. Jail 5.81 59,00 14.25 30.90 1.25 .,.02 5.44 63.20 1.4.75 75.00 1.53 • 14.50 Nature Allowed No. Name of expense Claimed Allowed 132 Ithaca Gas & Elec. Orr - 3.50 poration, Elec. fixtures Co. Jail 22.40 3.80 133 Floyd Heath, Services as constable 2.20 '78.50 134 Amburs Babcock, Services as constable 5.25 100.84 135 Louise H: Williams, Type- writing, Com. of Elec. 25,00 136 Norton Printing Co., 481 .11.5 Folders for enrollment. 4.50 137 T. G. Miller & Sons, Paper, Com. of Elec13.40 1,014.60 138 Ithaca Daily News, Pub official canvass ' 297.00 437.8.5 139 Andrus & Church, Print- ing book, Surrogate15.75 50.00 140 Groton Auto Co. Inc, Auto hire, H'g'y Corn24.00 100.00 141 Lang Eng. & Garage Co, Auto hire, II'g'y Com10.50 142 Clark N. Baldwin, Burial 9.28 ,- Andrew Shurger 50.00 143 E. T. Stewart, Burial 78.59 Alvah P, Osborn 50.00 144 E. T. Stewart, Burial 14.25 Jane Osborn 50.00 145 F. A. Begent, Meeting State Tax Com. 5.50 36.00 146 F. A. Begenl, Committee work 17.50 '1.25 147 Donald S. Cutter, fleet- ing State Tax Com5.60, 260 ..33 148 Theodore J. Baker, Meet- - ing State Tax Corn-1.64 200,00 1.40 F. M. Hagin, Spraying trees 5.00 5.92 I50 Arthur S. Miller, Meet- ing State Tax Corn4.80 .5.44 151 Davis -Brown Elec. Co, . Elec. work, Court house 11.21 113.20 152 Andrus & Church, Town Order books .5.50 14.75 153 The Cayuga Press, Pro- ceedings 1915 & print. 789.92 15,00 154 Casper Fenner, Commit, tee work 28.65 75.00 155 Casper Fenner, Meeting - State Tax Com 0.24 1.53 156 Casper Fenner, Quarterly • Sessions 18.72 11.50 157 F. A. Regent, Com. work 4.00 158 Max Kluebert, Com. w'rk 4.00 154.00 150 Max Kluehert, Quarterly Session and. Meeting 28.00 . State Tax Com 25,00 160 S. J. Douglass, Sleeting 211,30.. ' State Tax Com 5.28 101.lthaca Daily Newa,'No- 5.81 Lire to present claims5.75 22.40 2.20 5.25 25.00 4.50 6.•l0 297.00 15.73 24,00 10.59 50.00 50.00 50.00 5,50 17.50 5.00 4.04 5.00 4.80 11.21 5.50 789.92 28.65 6.24 18.72 4.00 4.00 20.00 5.28 5.75 • OF TOMPK1NS • COUNTY, NEW YO1t1( 135 Nature • No. Name of expense Claimed 162 J. H. Iline, Meeting . State Tax Com 5.44 1153 J. B. Lyon Co., Law Re- ports, Surrogate 32.00 104 Andrus & Church, Print- ing blanks, Co. Treas12.75 165 Henry S. Wright, Board of Canvassers 21.75 166 Henry S, Wright, Meet- ing State Tax Com4.32 167 Henry' S. Wright, Quar- tcrly Sessions 17,28 168 F. A. Begent, Com. work 16.35 169 F. A. Begent, Quarterly Sessions 21.76 170 B. A. Begent, Board of Canvassers 24.32 171 Max Kluebcrt, Board of Canvassers 20.00 172 Casper Fenner, Board of Canvassers 26.72 173 W. C. Gallagher, Board ` of Canvassers 24.32 174 W. C. Gallagher, Corn work 93.44 175 W. C. Gallagher, Coin- mittee work 24.00 176 W. C. Gallagher,, .Quar- terly Sessions ' 21.76 177 Wm. 13. Wilkinson, Com- mittee work 227.53' 178 Wm B. Wilkinson, Quar- terly Sessions 16.00 179 Win. B. Wilkinson, Meet- ing State Tax Corn4.00 180 Wm. B Wilkinson, Board of Canvassers • 20.00 181 Louis Relyea, Meals for jurors 30.80 182 John P. Kelly, Board of Canvassers 20.48 183 John P. Kelly, Corn. work 3.16 184 John P. Kelly, Quarterly Sessions 16,64 185 Albert Dassance, Quar- terly Sessions 23.68 186 Albert Dassance, Coln- , mittee work 5.00 187 Albert Dassance, Meeting State Tax Com 5.92 183 Albert Dassance, I3oard of Canvassers 25.76 189 F. A. Todd, Quarterly Sessions 23.04 190 F. A. Todd, Meeting State Tax Com 5.76 191 Charles Mackey, Sheriff, , Expenses of Criminal investigation 33.80 Nature Allowed No. Name of expense Claimed ' Allowed 192 Charles Mackey, Sheriff, 5.44 Service bill 200.00 2110.00 193 Charles Mackey, Sheriff, 32.00 Disbursements 463.89 463.84 194 Corner Bookstores, Paper, 12,75 ' etc., Surrogate 31,70 34.70 195 Rothschild Bros., Desk 21.75 lights, Supervisors 0.72 9.72 196 F. A, Todd, Board of 4.32 Canvassers 25.28 25.28 197 Albany Evening Journal, 17.25 Pub, Terms Co. Court 6.75 6.75 16.35 198 J. F. Kimple, Services as ' constable 12.25 • 12.`25 21.76 199 F. W. Seymour, Burial Mary Longeoy 40.13 40.13 24.32 200 T. G. Miller & Sons; Supplies, Supervisors:_. 190.47 190.47 20.00 201 J. H. Hine, Quarterly Sessions 21.76 21.76 26.72 202 J. H. Iline, Coin. work51.00 51.00 203 J. 11. Hine, Com. work.'73.00 73.00 24.32 204 J. H. Hine, Board of Canvassers ' • 24.32 24.32 93.44 205 Wilber G. Fish, Board of Canvassers 20.48' 20,48 24,00 206 Wilber G. Fish, Com- mittee work 62.90 '62.40 21.76 207 Wilber G. Fish, Quarterly Sessions 16.64 10164 227.53 208 Wilber G. Fish, ,Meeting State Tax Com ... 4.16 -4.I0 16.00 209 Williams Elec. Co., In- stalling desk lights 10.49 10.49 4.00 210 Williams Elec. Co., -Elec- tric light, Co. Jail 11.85 11.85 • 20.00 211 Augustin 1. Schaefer, ass'd to J. II- Hine, 30.80 Board of Canvassers20.48 20.48 212 Augustin 1. Schaefer, 20.48 ass'd to J. I3. Hine, 8.16 Meeting State Tax Com 4.00 . 4.00 213 Augustin I. Schaefer, 16.64 ass'd to J. 11. Hine, Quarterly Sessions 23.68 214 J. 5.1. Townsend,.Board of Canvassers 25.76 25.76 • 5.00 215 Augustin I. ' Schaefer, ass'd to J. H. Hine, 5.92 'Committee work 141.92 141.92 216 C. D. Tarbell, Expenses 25.76 in excess of appropria- '1ion 10.46 10.46 23.04 217 E. S. Hill, Board of Can- ' vasaere 23.60 - 23.60 5.76 218 E. S. Hill, Quarterly Sessions 20,80 20.80 219 J. 111. Townsend, Quar- :53.80 terly Sessions - 22.00 22.00 16.00 ' 16.00 136 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Nature, Nu. Name of expense Claimed Mature Allowed No. ' Name of expense Claimed Allowed 220 J. M. Townsend, Sleet- ing State Tax Cora5,92 5.92 221 Henry S. Wright, Ce n- mittee_work 81.60 81.60 222 Wm. B. Wilkinson, An. Session 116.00 116.00 223 W. C. Gallagher, An Session 117.44 117.44 224 3. M. Townsend, Annual Session 117.02 117.92 225 John P. Kelly, Annual Session 120.76 120.76 226 F. A. Todd, An, Session, 117.70 117.76 227 E. S. Hill, An. Session118.24 115.24 228 E. S. Hill, Com. work71.10 71.10 .229 Wilber G. Fish, An, Ses. 116.16 116.16 230 Max Kluebert,.An. Sess. 120.00 120.00 231 Augustin I. Schaefer, ass'd to J. H. Hine, Annual Session 116.00 116.00 232 1. 51. Unger, Ex. in lu- nacy, I3arbadosa.. 5.00 5,00 233 Ithaca Realty Co., Bond, Supt. of "Highways7.00 • 3.50 234 J. H. Hine, An. Sess 117.44 117.44 235 J. M. Townsend, Coro- ner's Physician 10.00 10.00 236 Henry S. Wright, Copy- ing Assessment Roll30.0E 39.08 237 F. A. Begent, An. Sess118.72 118.72 235 F. A. Begent, Copying Assessment Moll 44.75 239 J. M. Townsend, Copying Assessment Roll, 1016, 33,68 240 J. M. Townsend, Copying Assessment (toll, 1915. 31.76 241 J. 51. Townsend, Com. work 50.00 242 J. TI. Hine, Copying Assessment Roll 23,20 243 F. A. Todd, Copying Assessment Roll 25.50 44.75 '33.68 31.76 50.00 23.20 25.50 244 Henry S. Wright, An Session 110.32 116.32 245 Casper Fenner, An. Sess100.24 106.24 246 Albert Dassanee, Extend- ing tax roll 37.38 37.38 247 Albert Dassanee, An. Sess 117.92 117.02 244 Wilber G. Fish, Extend- ing tax roll 55.61 55.61 249 Casper Fenner, Extend- ing tax roll 31.50 31,50 250 W. C. Gallagher, Extend- ing tax roll 26.60 26.60 521 E. S. 13111, Extending tax roll 48.15 48.15 252 J. M. Townsend, Extra day annual session=1.00 • 400 253 F. A. Todd, Extra" day annual session. 4.00 - 4.00 254 John P. Kelly, Extra day annual session 4.00 4.00 255 Albert Dassance, Extra day annual session-.4.00 4,00 256 Augustin I. Schaefer, ass'd to J. H. Hine, Extra day An. Sess4.00 4.00 257 Henry S. Wright, Extra day annual session4.00 4.00 258 Wilber G. Fish, Extra day annual session 4.00 4.00 259 Max Kluebert, Extra day" annualsession 4.00 4.00 260 Wm. B. Wilkinson, Extra day annual session4.00 4.00 261 E. S. Hill, Extra day annual session 4.00 4.00 262 F. A, Begent, 'Extra day annual session' 4.00 4.00 263 J. H. Hine, Extra day annual session 4.00 4.00 $15,401.07'$15,134.44 State of New York, County of Tompkins, ss. Board of Supervisors. I, Fred L. Clock, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County New York, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct list of accounts audited by the said Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, N. Y., at its annual session in the year 1916, with the amount claimed and the amount. allowed. Dated, January 4, 1917. FRED L. CLOCK, Clerk Board of Supervisors, Tompi;ins County, N. Y. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW .YORK 137 TOWN AUDITS TOWN OF .CAROLINE • ABSTRACT OF TOWN AUDITS, 11110 - County of Tompkins, Town of Caroline, N. Y. We; the undersigned, the Board of Town Auditors of said Town, do hereby certify: That the following is an abstract of the naives of all persons who have presented to said Board, accounts to be audited, the amounts claimed by each Of said persons, and the amounts finally audited to them respectively, to wit: Na Lure No. Name of expense Claimed 1 Arthur L. Richards, Bal- lot Clerk, Dist. No. 1$ 2 Win. D. S. Halstead, Bal- lot Clerk, Dist, No. I , 3 Geo. L. Richards, Ballot Clerk, Dist. No. 1 4 Lamont C. Snow, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 1 5 John L. Decker, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 1 6 H. A. Whittaker, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 1 7 Leon E. Williams, Insp, Dist, No, 1 8 Joseph Phillips, inspector, Dist. No. 1 9 Chauncey Goodrich, In- spector, Dist. No.' 1 10 Eli B. Phillips, Inspector and Mes'ng'r, Dist, 1. 11 Frank Pettigrove, Ballot Clerk, Dist. No. 2 12 Thomas C. Burns, jr., Bal- lot Clerk, Dist. No. 2. 13 Leslie Crispell, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 2 14 Harry A. Davis, Poll Cik, Dist. No. 2 - 15 Ira Yaple, Inspector, Dist. No. 2 16 J. Howard Best, Inspect. Dist. No. 2 17 A. C. 'Ferguson, Inspect. Dist. No. 2 ,18 Frank English, Ballot Cleric; Dist. No. 3.... 19 Harland Bogardus, Ballot Clerk, Dist. No. 3 20 Myron Van Demark, Poll CIerk, Dist. No. 3 21 Dwight Edwards, Poll Clerk, Diet. No. 3 8.00 12,00 4.00 12.00 4.00 8.00 20,00 20.00 20.00 39.94 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 12.00 12.00 4.00 8.00 Nature Allowed No. Name of expense Claimed 8,00 12.00 4.00 12,00 4.00 stistics 8,00 27 John M. White, Making Booth and Boxes 20.00 28 I). B. Bull, Expense to Albany, (Assessor) 20.00 29 Wm. E. Snow, Expense to Albany,(Assessor) 20,00 30 Dr. B. F. Lockwood, H 0. & Vital Statistics 39.94 31 American Surety Co., Re- newal of Bonds .12.00 32 W. W. Conrad, Copying ' Assessment Roll 12,00 33 C. It. Lounsbory, J. P. fee 34 W. C. Gallagher, Super - 12.00 visor fee 35 J. C. Bennett, Reg. Vital 12.00 Statistics 36 W. C. Gallagher, Per. on 20.00 School Money 37 J. C. Bennett, Town Clk 20.00 fee 38 L. H. Gallagher, Inspect. 20,00 and Mes., Dist. No. 2. 39 Wilson Westfalt, Supt. 12,00 Highways fee 40 L. A. Patch, Overseer of 12.00 Poor, fee 41 W. Gaylord Besemer, 4.00 School Director, fee ° 42 C. R. Lounsbory, Crim. 8.00 bill 22 Edward Vorhie, Poll Clk., Dist. No. 3 23 Joseph Ridgway, Inspec Dist. No. 3 24 Samuel Lacy, Inspector, Dist, No. 3 25 J. C. Bennett, Inspector Dist. No. 3 25 Dr. W. W. Root, Ex -Act- ing H, 0. & Vital Sta- 8.00 20.00 20.00 12.00 35.02 35.62 19.69 19.09 14.42 14.42 15.37 15.37 139.45 139.45 24.00 24,00 12.00 12.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 21.75 21.75 30.13 30.13 100.40 100.40 37.56 37.56 621.00 621.00 50.70 50.70 6:60 0.00 .39,10 39.10 Allowed 8.00 20.00 20.00 12.00 13S PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Nature - Nature No. Name of expense Claimed 'Allowed No. Name of expense Claimed Allowed 43 B. F. Spaulding, Poll Clk. Dist. No. 3 4.00 44 W. Gaylord Besemer, In- , apector, Dist. No. 38.00 45 Dewitt F. Roe, Inspector and Mess., Dist. No. 3 37.12 46 W. C. Gallagher, Per'g on Town Audits 47 L. H. Gallagher, School Director, fee 6.60 48 W. C. Gallagher, High- way fee 150.00 49 E. S. Preston, Agt., High- way Employees Ins29.20 20.42 State of New York, County of Tompkins, Town of Caroline. E SS. 50 .1.• C. Bennett, Highway 4.00 fee 25.00 51 11. E. Brink, Hall rent20.00 52 Henry Lyme, Hall rent20.00 53 J. C. Bennett, Hall rent20.00 54 Frank S. Yaple, J. P. fee 14.00 55 J. C. Bennett, Exp. Acct. 20.13 56 Floyd Heath, Truant Officer 25.00 57 D. B. Bull, Assessor fee43.00 58 W. W. Conrad, Assr. fee 44.60 59 Wm. E! Snow, Assr. fee. ' 42.00 60 Eli B. Phillips. J. P. fee. 6.00 • 8.00 37.12 20.42 6.60 150.00 29.20 25.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 14.00 26.13 25.00 43.00 44.60 42.00 6.00 82,096.80 52,096.80 We, the undersigned, being a majority of the Town Board of Audit of the Town of. Caroline, N. Y., do hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct list of accounts, which have been audited by us, with the amount claimed and the amount allowed. IV. C. GALLAGHER, Town Auditor J. C. BENNETT, Tow11 Auditor CHAS. R. LOUNSBERY, Town Auditor F. S. YAPLE, Town Auditor ELI B: PHILLIPS; Town Auditor. TOWN OF DANBY ABSTRACTS OF TOWN AUDITS FOR '1016 Nature No. Name of expense Claimed 1 Crevelling, S. G., Inspect. and Riess. Dist. No. 15 2 Bennett, S. S., Inspect Dist. No. 1 3 Bierce, Frank, -Inspect Dist, No. 1 4 Smiley, F. D. Inspect Dist. No. 1 b Loomis, Everett J., Insp and Mess., Dist. No. 2 6 Snyder, Arthur, Inspect. Dist. No. 2 Nature Allowed No, Name of expense Claimed Allowed 38.82 $ 36.82 22.00 20.00 22.00 - 20.00 16.00 16.00 47.60 37.60 30.00 20.00 7 Huchings, ltoscoe, Insp: Dist. No. 2 8 Oltz, Soloman, Inspect ' Dist. No. 2 9 Reardon, Jas., Inspect and Mess., Dist. No. 3 19 BarkelS, Josiah, Inspect. Dist. No. 3 11 Larue, Roger, Inspect Dist. No. 3 12 Curnmings, Lewis, insp. Dist, No. 3 30.00 20.00 30.00 20.00 37.78 37.78 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 139 Nature No. Nance of expense Claimed 13 Miller, John, Poll Clk. Dist, No. 1 14 Birch, Parker, Poll Clk Dist. No. 1 15 Beardsley, A. W„ Poll Clerk, Dist, No. 1 16 Thatcher. 14. C., Poll Clk Dist. No. 2 17 Todd, Roger, Poll Clk, Dist. No. 2 18 Smiley, W. 0., Poll Clk, Dist. No. 3 19 Lees, A. W., Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 3 20 Martin, F. A., BaI1ot Clk Dist. No. 1 21 Howland, Leroy, Ballot Clk., Dist. No. 1 22 Hulslander, Leroy, Ballot Clk., Dist. No. 1 23 Chase, Arthur, Ballot Clk Dist. No. 2 24 Lewis, Fred, Ballot Clk, Dist. No. 2 25 Snyder, C. E., Ballot CIk, Dist. No. 2 26 Noggle, John, Ballot Clk, Dist. No. 2 27 Hinds, Richard,' Ballot Clk., Dist. No. 3 28 Bennett, S. S., Shop rent 29 Snyder, A. 1., Hall rent. 30 Cummings, Lewis Col], Hall rent 31 Cummings, Lewis, Assr service 32 Cummings, Lewis, Fence viewer 33 Thayer, IL Z., Assessor service 34 Thayer, H. Z., Fence viewer 35 Morris, Geo., Assessor. service 36 Morris, Geo., Fence viewer 37 Thayer, 11. Z., Expenses• to Albany 36 Allen, J. Frank, W.M.D, Salary Health Officer, Population per capita. 39 Allen, J. Frank, W,M.D, Postage, ete • 40 Eastman, Frank, Over- seer of Poor 41 Smiley, F. D., Truant • Officer' Nature Allowed No. Name of, expense Claimed Allowed 42 Denman, Dr. Carl F., lx. 14.00 12.00 in lun., R. C. Hadlock. 43 Cayuga Press, Quarantine 10.00 $.06 printing 44 Hutchings, H. T., School 4.00 4.00 Director 45 Hall, Chas. L., School 1$.00 12.00 Director 46 Meaker, R. B., Registrar 18.00 I2.00 47 Beardsley, A. W., Vital Statistics 12.00 12.00 48 Miller, J. O., Expenses 99 Meaker, 1t. 13., Expense 4.00 4.00 50 Meaker, Mere. Co., Mdse 51 Beardsley, A. W., Under - 14.00 12.00 taker, Burial of Cooper under Health Laws 10.00 5.00 52 Meaker, R. 13., Highway Dept 4.00 4.00 53 Bierce, Geo., Guard in Quarantine 18.00 12.00' 54 Comfort, Geo., Constable 55 Miller, Will, Constable 12.00 5,00 56 Logan, Wm. 1:„ Constable 57 Dorn, Eugene, Justice 0.00 4.00 Criminal 58 Dorn, Eugene, Service 12.00 12.00 Justice 59 Smilry, W. 0., Service 12.00 12.00 a Justice 25.00 25.00 60 Thatcher, Lewis, Service 10.00 10.00 Justice 61 Todd, F. A., Supervisor 10.00 10.00 service 62 Todd, F.' A., Percentage 42,60 42.60 on monies handled 1 per cent, $10,516.00 6.00 6.00 63 Youngs, Ray, Constable 64 Jennings, J. H., Insp. of 47.10 Election 65 Meaker, R. B., Town Clk 2,00 service 66 Townsend, Andrew,Guard in lunacy 67 Roberts, Louis A., C'rd 4.00 4.00 in lunacy 08 Dorn, Miss Edith R. N„ 16.05 16,05 Professional services 69 Butterick & FrawIey, Clothing for lunatic 70 Miller, .1.0., Town Supt service 71 Allen, J. Frank, W.M.D Special (plat. service Allen, J. Frank, W.M.D, Fumigation & lunacy 47.10 2.00 47.10 .47.10 123,00 6.71 50.00 18.00 123.00 6.71 50.00 18.00 72 6.20 0.20 10.50 10,50 7:40 7.40 7.00 7.00 18.00 18.00 4.50 . 4.50 8.08 8:08 26.95 26.05 21.10 • 21,10 30.00 30.00 21.11 21.11 21.00 21'.00 1.25 1.25 8.75 8.75' 8.55 8.55 11.30 11.30 26.00 20.00 31.92 31.02 29.34 29.34 32.00 32.00 105.16 105.16 2.20 2.20 4.00 4.00 177.64 177.64 2.00 2.00 2.0(1 2.00 4.75 4.75 7.50 .7,50 687.00 687.00 67.90 35.00 51.00 '51.00 82,353.80' 52,240.96 140 - PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OIC' SUPERVISORS Dated, November 11, 1916. We, the undersigned members comprising the Town Board of the Town of Danby, do hereby certify that we have this clay completed the auditing of the above accounts, and that this is a correct abstract of the same, as' filed in the Town Clerk's office in the Town of Danby, N. Y. Signed: F. A. TODD, Supervisor. R. B. MEAIKER, Town Clerk. W. 0. SMILEY, EUGENE DORN, LOUIS G. THATCHER, Justices of Peace. TOWN OF DRYDEN ABSTRACT OF TOWN AUDITS, 1916 To the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins: The following abstract of the names of all persons who have presented to. the Board of Town Auditors of the Towns of Dryden in said county. Accounts - to be audited during the year 1916, the amounts claimed by each such person, and the amounts finally audited by said Board of Town Auditors, is herewith submitted, pursuant to Statute, to wit: Nature No. Name of expense Claimed Allowed No. I M. E. Crut.s, Hall for Election, Dist. No. 1$ 2'Arthur Genung, Poll Clk Dist. No. 1 3 Otis Mitchel, Poll Clk Dist. No. 1 4 Frank Vantive, Ballot Clk., Dist. No. 1 5 Eugene Morris, Ballot Clk., Dist. No. 1 6 C. D. Bouck, Inspector, Dist. No. 1 7 Henry Snyder, Inspector, Dist. No. 1 S Dana Banfield, Inspector, Dist. No. 1 9 Isaiah Robinson, " Insp, Dist. No. 1 10 L. .A. Hemingway, Insp, Dist. No. 2 35.00 S 35.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 48,91 46.01 25.00 . 23.00 25.00 23.00 25.00 23.00 5.00 5.00 Nature Name of expense Claimed Allowed 11 Geo. F. Warner, Insp. & :Mess., Dist. No. 2 12 John Nelson, Inspector, Dist, No. 2 7.3 Hiram Knapp, Inspector, Dist. No. 2 14 N. M. Mount, Inspector, Dist. No. 2 15 W. G. Pierson, Inspector, Dist, No. 2 16 E. ' S. Burr,. Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 2 17 Will Lumbard, Poll Clk, Dist. No. 2 18 John Dart, Ballot Clk, Dist, No. 2 19 Frank McGillvray, Ballot Clk., Dist. 21o. 2 20 C. M. Cogswell, Holl for Election, Dist. No. 2 41.54 8.00 8.00 23.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 35.00 41.54 8.00 8.00 23.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 35.00 . OF 1"OMPK INS COUNTY, NEW YORK 141 Nature No. Nano; of expense Claimed 21 J. H. Kennedy, Ballot Clk., Dist. No. 3 15.00 22 Chas. F. Pratt, Ballot Clk., Dist. No. 3 15.00 23 E. 31. Sandwick, Poll Clk Dist. No. 3 15.00 24 W. H. 'Southworth, Poll Clk., Dist. No. 3 15.00 25 D. H. Hart, Inspector, Dist. No. 3 26.75 26 A. - A. Scott, Inspector, Dist. No. 3 26.75 27 C. B. Snyder, Inspector, Dist. No. 3 26.73 28 Chas. E. Green, Inspector • Dist. No. 3 • 27.03 29 Geo. W. Sutfin, Hall for Election, Dist. No. 3, . 35,00 30 John S. Grover, Poll Clk., Dist. No. 4 15.00 31 J. O. Robertson, Poll Clk, Dist. No. 4' - 15.00 32 Luther Bush, Ballot CIk., Dist. No. 4 15.00 33 Percy Howe, Ballot Clk, Dist. No. 4 15.00 34 G. C. Sutliff, Inspector, Dist. No. 441.34 35 E. B. Fulkerson, Insp, Dist. No. 4 23.00 36 E. T. Brown, Inspector, Diet. No. 4 23.00 37 F. L. Mustin, Inspector, Dist. No. 4 23.00 :38 Andrew ,Baker, Hall for Election, Dist. No. 435.00 39 John M. Ellis, Poll Clk., Dist. No. 5 15.00 40 J. D. Ross, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 5 15.0041 Fred Space, Ballot, Cik. Dist. No. 5 15.011 42 John Sweetland, Ballot, 015., Dist. No. 5 15.00 43 Cleo. E. Goodrich, Insp, Dist. No. 5 23.00 44 Frank L. Burch, Insp, Dist.. No. 529.12 45 Gen. B. McKinney, Insp, Dist. No. 5 29.28 46 E. G. Vunk, Insp. & Mess., Dist. -No. 529.24 47 John Kennedy (Treas) Ilall Elec., Dist. No. 5 35.00 48 Geo. S. Monroe, Bal. Clk., Material, Dist. No. 6. 16.25 49 H. C. Dayton, Bal. Clk., Dist. No. 6 • 15.00 Nature ' Allowed No. Name of expense Claimed Allowed 50 M. L. Stanton, Poll Clk.,' 15.00 Dist. No. 6 15.00 51 W. J. Shaver, jr., Poll 15.(10 Clk., Dist. No. -6 15.00 52 James L. Cole, Inspector, 15.00 Dist. No. 6 23.00 53 B. F. .Monroe, Insp. 4,- 15.00 15.00 Mess., Dist. No, 6.. , . 40, 8-1 54 Ernest F. Dayton, Insp., 26.75 Dist. No. 6 23.00 55 Ilarry G. Bush, Insp, 26.75 Dist. No. 6 23.00 56 W. J. Shaver, jr., (Clerk) 26.75 Hall, Elec., Dist. No. 6 :15.00 57 D. M. Ryan, Contract & 27.03 Vital Statistics 58.34 58 J. H. Kennedy, Attend - 35.00 ante officer 6.00 59 A. S. Fox, Attendance 15.00 officer ' 6.90 60 G. W. Sutfin, Overseer of 15.00 Poor 23.00 01 Bradford Snyder, Overseer 15.00 . of Poor 21,00 21.00 62 Ithaca City Hospital111.50 11) , 50 15.00 63 Chas. F. Denman, Med. services, vital statistics 60.00 60.00 41.34 64 Horner •Genung, Health officer & contract344.47 344.47 23.00 65 W. J. Shaver, Assessor113,73 113.75 66 A. A. Sager, Assessor99.01 99.91 23.00 ((7 E. D. Branch, Assessor128.73 128,73 68 Chas. Bloomer, Errone's tux 2..25 2.25 69 Geo. Biilinger, Erroneous tax 3,75 3.75 - 70 Milo Snyder, Erroneous 15,00 tax 3.80 3.80 71 J. S. Grover, Service bill 35.00 36.00 13.00 72 J. D. Ross, Service bill35.00 35.00 73 C. K. Reynolds, Service 15.00 531 35.00 35.00 74 E. 1'. Baker, Service bill 33.0(1 33.00 15,00 75 Paul Ewers, Service bill. 31.00 31.00 ' 70 C. K. Reynolds, Crim. 23.00 bill 6.05 6.03 77 Judson Beach, contract 29.12 vital statistics 28.67' 28.67 78 G.' L. Rood, contract & 29.28 vital statistics 27.41 .27-41 79 C. 13, Snyder, School 29,21 director 7.46 7.41) 80 N. M. .}fount, School 35.00 director 7.46 - 7.46 81 S. G. Houghton, Record - 16.25 ing two marriages.50 .50 82 W. W. }toot, Vital stat2.00 2.00, 15.00 83 P. E. Golden, Att. officer 5.20 5.20 15.00 15.00 23.00 40.81 23,00 . 23.00 135.00 58.114 6.00 6,00 23.00 23.011 35.00 142 P.IIOC.EEVINGS OF THE BOARD. OF SUPERVISORS Nature Nature No. Name of expense Claimed Allowed No. Name of expense Claimed Alli>wed S4 Chas. E. Iiougbtaiing, 92 Fidelity Casualty Co. of Printing - 2.00 2.00 N. Y 143.00 143.00 85 J. C. Lason, Att. officer, '93 Paul Ewers, Crim. -.bill10.50 10.50 1915 2.00 . 2.60 94 Stilwell & Ross, Printing 72.40 . 72.40 36 J. C. Lason, Att. officer 95 E. S. Hill, Supervisor... 39.80 39.80 . 1916 2.10 2.I0 96 1:. 51. King, Constable.. 7.65 7.63 87 J. C. Lason, Constable10.55 10.55 97 J. J. Montgomery, Cont 24.66 •. 24.66 38 F. E. Darling, Town Clk, , 194.76 /94.76 98 L. V. R. R., Erro. tax... 1.83 1.83 89 G. E. Albon, Vital stat6.20 6.20 99 Andrus & Church, Asses't 90 C. E. Slineah, Town Supt . 867.00 867.00 roll 4.50 4.50 91 Milo B. Smith, Ingress on highway 100.00 100.00 - $3,960.50 $3,952.50 Motion made and seconded and carried that there be levied and collected by tax on the taxable property of the Town of Dryden, three hundred dollars for the support of the poor, $200.00 for the east district, and $100.00 for the west district. We, the undersigned members of the Town Board of the Town of Dryden, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct abstractof the accounts presented to and audited by the Town Auditors of the said Town, on November 9, 1916. ' E. S. ' LIILL, Supervisor. F. E. DARLING, Town Clerk. J. D. ROSS, J. S. -GROVER, PAUL EWERS, • E. F. BAKER, C. K. REYNOLDS, Justices of Peace. TOWN OF ENFIELD ABSTRACT OF TOWN AUDITS, 1916 Nature Nature No. Name of expense Claimed Allowed • No, Name of expanse Claimed ,111,,wed l Nathan Runrsey, Chair- man of Inspectors S 43,50 5 43.50 2 Fred D. ltumsey, Insp26.00 26.00 3 John Willis, Poll Clerk6.00 6.00 4 Edwin H. Chase, Insp26.00 26.00 5 Lloyd J. VanMarter, Bal Clerk • 10.00 16.00 6 Olin A. King, Inspector26.00 26.00 7 John .1. Johnson, Service bill 18.00 18.00 8 Walter R. Houston, Bal. Clerk 16.00 10.00 9 Atkinson Press, Printing • 5.00 5.00 10 -Ithaca Daily News, Print. 3.50 3.50 11 H. D. Bailey, 1 day, VanMarter 2.00 2.00 12 Ambrose Babcock,. Const13.50 13.50 13 Norton Print. Co., Print- ' ing guar. notices ' 4.00 4.00 . OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK • 143 Nature Nature No. Name of expense Claimed Allowed No. Name of expense Claianed Allowed 14 D. V. Rumsey, Service 29 James I1. bine, Service bill 1.5.75 15,75 .bill 50.00 50.00 15 Smith T. Weatherby, 30 D. V. Rumsey, Registrar Justice of Peace 20.00 20.00 of vital Statistics.... , 9.00 9.00 10 Chas. F. Teeter, Just. of - 31 D. V. Rumsey, Service Peace 24.00 24.00 bill, TQwu Cik. 94,25 94.25 17 L. 5, Teeter, Justice of 32 11. A. Rockwell, Fence Peace 24.00 24.00 Viewer 5.00 5.00 18 Fred G. Rumsey, Justice 33 S. II. Hubbell. Fence of Peace 26.00 211.00 Viewer 12.50 12.50 10 Frank Teeter Tru. officer , 14.00 14.00 34 S. H. LRibbcll, Assessor. 51.00 51.00 • 20 Freak Teeter, Hall rent. 40.00 40.00 35 S. H. Hubbell, Exp. Acct. 16.00 16.00 21 James H. Hine, Service , bill, road allowance.. 75.00 75.00 36 H. A. Rockwell, Scrv. bill 648.00 648.00 22 David Robb, M.D., • 37 H. A. Rockwell, Exp. Acct 18.59 18.59 Health oflicer 100,00 100.00 38 Harry Hornbrook, Serv, 23 David Robb, M.D., Exps' 34.10 34.10 hill, Assessor 56.60 56.60 24 David Robb, M.D„ Prof. 39 .1. H. Hine, Postage & services (Wagner) .... 12.50 12.50 Telephone 8.00 , 3.00 25 DeVoe Rumsey, Town 40 'Dr. Robb, Prof. services, 'Clk., High. Aliowanco 25.00 25.00 Rosencraus 28.50 28.50 26 Alan Iturneey, Service bill, 41 N. M. Vose, M.D., Prof Assessor 40.60 40.60 Services,ltoscnerans.... 50.00 50.00 27 Alan Rumsey, Fence 42 David N. Fisher, Over - Viewer 12.50 •' 12,53 seer of Poor 16.00 16.00 28 Alan Rumeey, School • ,director 10.00 10.00 41,737.39 41,737.39 1 hereby certify, that the above is a true copy of the Town Audits, of the Town of Enfield, as acted upon by the Town Board of the Town of Enfield as auditors. D. V. RIUMSEY, Town Clerk. TOWN OF GROTON . ABSTRACT OIC TOWN AUDITS, 1916 A list of the audits of the Town of Groton, Tompkins County, State of Nc'w York, from November 4, 1915, to include November 9, 1916. Nature Nature No. Name of expense Claimed Allowed (4u Name of expense Claimed 'Alio Wed. 1 P. A. Begent, 11 meetings of Town Board 4 2 E. F. Tallmadge, 7 meet- ings of Town Board,: 3 3, 11. Hoff, 11 moetings of Town Board 4 R. 11. Chatterton, 10. • meetings of Town 14'd 5 G. 13. Sickroom, 11 meet - 22.00 4 22.00 ings of Town Board.... 22.0(1 22.00 6 Aslabel Landon, 11 meet-. 14.00 14.00 ings of 'Town Board.... 22.00 22.00 22.00. 22,00 7 A. F. Howard list. Ass'r. 12.00 12.00 8 H. 11. Stevens, Assessor.. 120,64 120.6•[ 20.00 . 20.00 9 W. H. Hinkley, Ass'r,... 105.65 105,65 144 PROCEEDINGS - OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Nature No. Name of expense Nature . Claimed Allowed No. Name' of .expense Claimed• 'AIlowed f 10 G. B. Siekmon, Assisting Assessors 11 11. B. Stevens, Making Assessment Boll 12 R. W, Townley, Inst Dist, 1 13 Edward Scott, Insp. & Mess., Dist. I 14 Fred Bossard, Insp. & Mess., Dist. 1 15 Fay Bush, Inspector & Mess., Dist. 1 16 A. II. Swartout, Ballot Clerk, Dist. 1 17 Leo Aletsgar, Ballot Clk, Dist. 1 18 Eugene Cook, Ballot Clk, Dist. 1 19 C. A. Orctitt, Poll Clerk, Dist. 1 20 Leon F. Buck, Poll Clk, Dist. 1 21 Lloyd G. House, Poll Clk, Dist. I 22 W. C. Allen, Erecting & Storing Booths, etc. Dist. 1 23 W. C. Allen, Storing V. machine, Dist. 1 24 W. C. Allen, Trustee, Rent of Hall, Dist. 1, , 25 C. Burr Tarbell, Insp. & Mess., Dist. 2 26 W. A. Burns, Insp., Dist2 27 .1. P. McCormick, Insp, Dist, 2 25 B. B. Stevens, Insp. & Poll Clk., Dist. 2. 29 Lyman Halladay, Insp., Dist. 2 30 3. 51. Hyde, Inspector R Bal. Clk., Dist. 2 30a W. C. Steenberg, Insp, Dist. 2 31 John W. Jones, Poll Clk, Dist. 2 32 Perry J. Savocool, Poll Clk., Dist. 2 33 A. G. Lape, Rent of room, Dist. 2 34 Charles Hyde, Booths etc. Dists. 2 and 3 35 Charles Hyde, Booths & Cons., ete., Dists. 2 &3. 30 A. S. Beach, Insp., Dist 3 37 John R. Conklin, Insp. Spring,` Dist, 3 • 38 John R. Conklin, Insp.,. 15.00 15.00 Diet. 3 22.00 ' 21.00 39 E. A. Landon, Insp. & 10.00 10.00 Mess., Dist. 3 39.34 39.34 40 B. O. Wilson, Insp. & 26.35 26.35 Mess., Dist. 3 10.44 10.44 41 Ray M. Wyckoff, Insp. 34.20 34.20 • Dist.'3 12.00 12,00 41a Guy G. Stevens, Inspector 32.60 32.00 Dist.3 9.00 ' 9.00 42 E. E. Dye, Ballot Clk., 32.00 32.00 Dist.3 /4.00 13.00 43 E. E. Dye, Ballot Clk, 5.00 5.00 Spring, Dist.3 4,00 4.00 44 John Farrington, Bal. Clk 18.00 . 18.00 Spring; Dist. 3 4.00 4.00 44a John Farrington, Bal. Clk 18.00 18.00 Diet.3 14.00 13.00 45 R. R. Chatterton, 'Poll 5.00 5.00 CIk., Dist. 3 14.00 13.00 45a E. W. Kosteabader, Poll 13.00 13.00 Clk., Dist. 3 I4.00 13.00 '46 Frank A. Gould, Poll Clk, 15.00 18.00 Dist. 3 4.00 - 4.00 47C. ' O. Rhodes, V. Clk, Rent hall & E. L. P. 6.00 6.00 Land, Dist. 385.00 85.00 48 Henry Bliss, Inspector & 3.00 3.00 - Mess., Dist. 4 10.00 10.00 49 Chas. A. Hart, Insp. & 25.00 25.00 Mess.; Dist. 4 25.00 28.00 50 Chas. Cooper, Insp. & 43.58 43.58 Mess., Dist. 4 45.74 45.74 22.00 22.00 51 Ray C. Stilwell, Insp. & Poll Clk., Dist. 4 26.00 26.00 10.00 .12 George Carter, Inspector Dist. 4 8.00 - 8.00 53 Ernest Reniff, Ins. booths etc., Dist. 4 42.00 42.00 54 James 3-Iough, Bal. Clk, Dist.. 4 10.00 10.00 55 Chas. P. Kiley, Bal. Clk, Dist.4 - 13.00 13.00 56 Herbert D. Shepard, Bal. Clk., Dist. 418.00 18.00 57 Archie R. Gillen, Poll Clk. Dist.4 15:00 18.00 58 G. W, Wolcott, Rent of Hall, Dist. 4 25.00 25.00 59 A. H. Swartout, Tax col- lector's bond 40.00 40,00 00 F. A. Begent, Percentage money handled, etc370.47 370.47 61 . John R. Conklin, Ins. 15.00 S.00 bond as Col., 1914-1915 42.16 . 42.16 28.00 28.00 :62 F. A. Begent, Ins. bond, School fund bond,1915- .5.00 '5.00 1916 7.00 7.00 10.00 28.00 22.00 21.00 8.00 17:00 17.00 20.00 15.00 28.00 22.00 21.00 8.00 17,00 17.00 20.00 1.5,00 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW. YORK 145 Nature No. Name of expense Claimed Allowed No. 1;3 Wm. itlespell, Rent Town Clerk's office 04 F, L. Tarbell, Truant r 'officer, 1915-1916 05 M. V. Atwood, Printing bill, etc. 60 Ashbel Landon, Mise. bills 67 B, H. Wager, Auto serv, etc 68 E. A: Landon, 3 Auto trips for EIection supplies 09 Square Deal Garage, Auto to M'Leau & W.Groton 70 Williamson, L. 13. Co., Justices' books 71 S. C. Gooding Co., Coal • for Town Clk's office 72 Prank M. Kellam, Sup- plies & Work 73 F. C. Atwater, Supplies for office, ete 74 Ashbel Landon, Paid Elec Light bills 74a Ashbel Landon, Post. bills 75 Charles Hyde, Booths, ete Dints. 2 and 3 71; Charles Hyde, Balance short 1915, Dists. 2 &3 77 C. E. Brokaw, Officers' expenditures 78 Norman Francis Est., Er- roneous Tax of 1015 70 C. H. Tarbell Est., hent of house uccu. by Fair- clough ... ..,. 8(1 Webster & Gleason, Coal Town Clk's office 6c Colton 81 G. E. Alban, Health aflic'r and vital statistics 82 Ashbel Landon, Vital stat. 83 S. G. Houghton, Vit. stat. 84 G. B. Sickmon, Vital stat. 35 E. D. Hardin, ,Vital stat. 86 G. M. Gilchrist, Vital statistics, etc. 87 R. C. Tarbell, Vital stat. and Poor D. Name Nature of expense Claimed Allowed 102.35 102.35 1.75 1.75 1.00 1.00 9.12 9.12 14.59 14.59 10.80 10.80 2.20 2.29 200.93 209.93 29.06 29.06 '3:60 3.66 10.55 9.05 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 5.00 ' 5.00 3.00 3.00 12.68 2.68 32,92 32,02 76.52 76.52 8.50 8.50 88 J. H. Van Marter, vital 00.00 60.00 stat. and Health officer 89 H. Genung, M.D., Vital 40.00 40.00 statistics 90 J. F. Ryan, M.D., Vital 13.96 13.00 statistics 25.40 25.40 91 C. W. Conger Co., Poor bill, Mrs. Hart 18.50 18.50 02 F. C.. Atwood, Poor bill, Mrs. Ilart 21.00 21.00 93 E. S. Hill & Sons, Sup. furnished, Mrs. Hart. . 5.00 5.00 94 O. Shaw, Goods furnished Mrs. Hart 39.50 39.50 05 J 51. Monfort, Goods 28.50 28.50 furnished, Mrs. Hart 06 E. A. Landon, Quar, rases 10.09 10.09 of Jones & Hutchings. 97 O. Shaw, Goods for H. .80 - .80 Davenport 98 Charles Hyde, Constable, 13.29 13.29 Terry case 4.05 4.05 99 G. B. Sickmon, Justice • fees, Phinney case 11.50 11.50 300 Chas. M. Dutcher, jr, _ Care of John Galpin 9;00 0.00 101 C. O. Rhodes, Burial of Emma Fairclough 1.00 1.00 4.21 4.21 102 B. H. Wager, Rig to Lansing -Poor 103 S. W. Pcnnoycr, Eat., Poor Master service.. 36.00 36.00 101 R. L. Teeter, Coal £ur'd T. Fairclough........ . 21.00 21.00 168.04 49.50 1.75 2.25 1.75 168.04 49.50. 1.75 2.25 1.75 105 Geo. Pickens, Supplies for Poor 106 Andrus' & Church, 2 Tax Rolls for Assessors 107 F. A. Begent, Insurance bonds, Iligh'y & Gen'l Fund 28.00 28.00 108 W. H. Buckley, Trip to. 20.25. 20.25 Albany 14.50 14.50 56.50 50.50 $3,097.23 $3,054.73 Dated,.November 23,.1916. I hereby certify the foregoing to be a true and correct copy of audits brought before the Town Board of Groton, N. Y., Novetnber 9, 1916, for its consideration and adfustnlent. ASHBEL LANDON, Town Clerk. 146 PROCEEDINGS OF TUE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TOWN OF ITHACA . ABSTRACT OF TOWN AUDITS, 1910, Nature . Nature Na. Name M expense Claimed Allowed No. Name of expense Claimed Allowed 1 Dr. W. H. Loekerby, 29 A. F. VanGorder, At - Health Officer 5 21.08 a 21.08 1 tendance officer 36.33 36.33 2 C. T. Stagg, Justice of 30 Frank Hanshaw, Office Peace 28.00 28.00 rent 26.00 26.0 3 Frank Hanshaw, Services 31 David Congdon, Bal. Clk, 17.50 16.00 and disbursements 101.32 101.32 32 J. W. Tourtellott, Poll 4 Frank Hanshaw, High- Clk 17.50 16.00 way work 19.02 19.02 33 Cobb, Cobb, 'McAllister, 5 Bert Baker, Services... 9.00 0.00 Feinberg Heath, 6 B. R. Starch, jr., Justice Legal services 125.511 125.50 .s of Peace 41.70 41.70 34 Frank McPherson, hent, 7 Rothschild Bros., Supp. 5.55 5.55 Polling place 30.00 30,00 8 H. S. Wright, Supervisor 40.00 40.00 35 Town of Caroline, Physi- o H. S. Wright, Supervisor 132.34 132.34 clan service for poor., 138.110 92.00 10 Carl Bullard, Inspector. 5.00 5.00 :36 Frank Hanshaw-, 'Vital • 11 Jake Wilcox, Inspector. 10.00 16.00 statistics 15.75 15.75 12 Howard SlcDaniels, Poll 37 A. S. Miller, Assessor93.00 90.00 clerk 16.00 16.00 38 H. C. Sheldon, Assessor 108.00 104.00 13 C. L. Morris, Inspector49.96 42.96 39 Theo. J. Baker. Assess 'r 120,511 126.50 14 Harvey Manning, Insp21.00 21.00 40 American Surety Co., - 15 Thos. Byrnes. Inspector5.00 5.00 Collectors, Insurance. 42.00 42.00 16 Jacob Bogardus, Insp10.00 16.00 41 Frank McPherson, Town 17 D. E. Westervelt, Insp21.00 21.00 Superintendent 795.00 795.00 18 W. F. Head, Inspector.. 26.00 26.00 42 Emmett Gillow, Attend - 19 .tames A. Bush, Justice once officer ' 08.00 68.00 of Peace 22.00 22.00 43 G. O. Williams, School 20 James A. Bush, Bal. Clk, 16.00 10.00 Director 0.011 0.00 21 F. D. Pearson, Inspector 27.59 26.00 14 Elmer Allen. Justice of 22 E. 4. Martin, Inspector. 17.50 15.00 • Peace 23.00 23.00 23 John Holmes, Inspector 27.50 26.00 45 Dr. W. 14, Lockerby, 24 Hugh Rumsey, Inspector 27.50 26.00 Health officer 114.'10 114,10 25 Rexford Smith, Poll Clk. 7.50 6.00 46 F. C. Cornell, Coal 1.90 1.00 26 Percy Williams, Insp.... 50.92 49.42 47 Andrus & Church, Tax 27 C. T. Stagg. Legal serv's 10.00 10.00 Rolls - 13.00 13.00 28 H. J. Boo' & Co., Work and lumber. 2.00 2.60 32,506.37 We, the undersigned Town Auditors of the Town of Ithaca, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct list of all the hills audited or rejected at 1 the annual meeting held on November 9, 1916. H. S. WRIGHT, Supervisor. C. T. STAGG, E. R.' STASCH, JR., ELMER ALLEN, JAMES A. BUSH, Justices, FRANK HANSHAW, Clerk. O1'' TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORE 147 TOWN OF LANSING ABSTRACT OF TOWN AUDITS, 1916 Nitture • No. Name of expense Claimed 1 American Surety Co, Bonds $ 133.35 2 C. F. Denman, M.1)„ Com. in Lunacy - 6.I1 3 II. D. Buil, M.D., Cern Westerbrook child 3.00 4 C. F. Denman, M.D, Corn, Westbrook child3.00 5 11. C. Tarbell, M.D, Com. Lunacy • 5.7.5 (3 Wilbur G. Fish, M.D, Corn. Lunacy 9.60 7 Wilbur C. Fish, M.D, Vital statistics :3.5(1 8 Chas. 1. Iloughtaling, Health supplies 3.00 0 J. 13. Lyon, Health sup3.00 I() Williamson Law I3ouk Cu Town 01k. supplies1.00 Dr. Ira A. Allen, Town Poor 78.00 1.2 Dr.' Ira A. Allen, Health officer 83.88 13 Dr. Ira A. _,\Ileo, Rep,,rt contagious diseases4.25 14 Dr. Ira A, Allen, Com Lunacy 10.00 15 17r. Ira A. Allen, Vita/ statistics 14,75 15 Mrs, M..13. IIawley, Con- veyance H. O. Supplies 2.00 17 Mrs. M.• B. Lodeman, M.D., Poor services38.35 18_Casper Fenner, ___Superv 1 per ecnt gen. fund... 54.25 19 Casper Fenner, Stipr. Highway services 50.00 20 Casper Fenner, Superv, 1 per cent school money 39,51) 21 (.. E. Albon, M.D., Corn and vital statistics 0.75 . 22 Sirs. F. 11. Wright, Caro of booths 7.85 23 Mrs. M. B. Lodeman, 131.D., Servs. Town P'r 31.50 24 A. I3. Brooks & Son, Health supplies 1(1.85 35 Rev.J.C.Craoker,Reports services town poor8.00 25 Jaynes Stearns, Care - Town Hall 7.00 27 C. 13. Jefferson, Insp. & Mess., Dist. 1 .35.22 )1 Nature Allowed No, Name of expense Claimed Allowed 28 John C. Rasbach, Insp. 33.35 Dist. 1 25.00 25,00 20 flay E. Smith, Insp, 6.01) Dist. 1. 25.00 25.00 30 Orin C. Drake, Insp. 3.011 Dist. 1 25.(10. 25.00 31 Thaddeus Brown, Poll 3.00 C10., Dist. 1 10.00 10.00 32 Walter T. Sweaty, Poll 5.75 Clerk, Dist. I15.00 15.00 33 Wm, Minturn, Poll Clk., 3.00 ' Dist. 1 15.00 15.00 34 Everett V. Nobles, Bal 3.50 Clk., Diet. I5,110 5.00 35 11. D. Alexander, Bal. 3.00 Clk., Dist.. 1. 15.00 15.00 3.00 :36 Samuel Lane, Assessor, Dist. 2 78.00 ` 78.00 37 D. A. Tarbell, J. P. Filing reports 3.00 3.00 38 North Lansing doll Corp, ' Rent of hail 30.00 30.00 30 Chas. l.ob-dell, Inspector, Dist. 2 25.00 ' 25.00 40 Prank l\loran, Inspector Dist. 2 15.00 ' 15.00 41 Karl IL' Tarbell, Insp. & Mess., Dist. 2 33.5( 33.50 '12 Jason Newman, Bal. Clk., Dist, 2 15,00 15.00 43 Charles Searles, 13al. Clk., Dist. 215. 00 15.00 44 Percy Ilarind, Insp. & Mess., Dist. 2 42.1)0 42.00 45 M. H. DeCarnp, Insp. Dist.2 25.00 25.09 46 D. A. Doyle, Btil. Clk15.00 15.00 , 47 Ralph Hare, Attendance 39.50 officer- r <,..,ll 5.50 • 48 Casper Fenner, Superv. 0.75 service bill1).;i0 9.50 49 A. J. Conlon, J. P. Crim. 7.59 bill 1.3.0)) 14.00 50 S. Lansing Orange Hall, 31.60 hent of hall 25.00 25.00 51 Bishop Trower, Criin. bill 10.85 Const. • 6.20 5.20 52 Bishop Bower, Truant 6.00 officer 4.30 4.30 53 A. J. Conlon, J. P. wry 7.011 bill 20.00 20.00 54 M. L. Ford, Registrar 45.22 vital statistics .12.75 1,00 78roo 83.88 , 4.25 10.00 14.75 2.00 38.35 64.25 50.00 42.75 148 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Nature No. Name of expense Claimed Allowed 55 L. J. Prime, Const. Crim bill . 7.00 56 Clifford Townsend, Sup- plies Town Hall 9.48 57 John W. Parkins, Ballot Clerk, Dist. 3 15.00 58 Chas. VanEtten, Ballot Clerk, Dist. 3 15.00 59 Ray Robinson, Poll Clk, Dist. 3 10.00 60 Martin Farrell, Poll Clk, Dist. 3 15.00 61 Edward Osmun, Poll Clk. and placing booths6.00 62 Ralph Robinson, Insp. & Dlessenger 31.30 63 Ernest Brown, Ipsp. & Nlcss., Dist. 3 30.80 64 John B. Farrell, Insp. & r Mess., Dist. 3 30.80 65 Leroy Parkins, Insp. & Mess., Dist. 2 • 32.50 66 NI. L. Ford, T. C. service bill 13.00 67 M. L. Ford, T. C. service_ highway 25.00 68 M. L. Ford, T. C. Affiday. in Lunacy 60 NI. L. Ford, Elections 70 M. L. Ford, Postage, etc. 71 NI. h. Ford, Services with Assessors 72 NI. L. Ford, With schools 9.50 73 Ira A, Allen, H. O. for protection paralysis 74 M. B. Lodeman, M.D, 11. O. service bill 75 John Bickle, Poor sup5.00 76 O. Ni. English, Overseer Poor service bill 78.40 77 Dr, M.B. Lodeman, Prof. ' services 9.00 78 Chas. J. Bower, Supt. Ilighw'ys serv.. bill705.00 79 Dr. NI. B. Lodeman, Com. Lunacy 6.85 7.00 9.48 15.00 15.00 10.00 15.00 6.00 31.30 30.80 30.80 32.50 13.00 25.00 Nature No. Natne of expense Claimed Allowed 80 M B. Lodeman, H. O. Attending Convention 19.91 19.91 81 J. W. & C. D. Palmer, Burial Town poor84.00 84,00 82 T. L. Hatch, M.D., Corn Lunacy 6.20 6.20 83 M. L. Ford, Supplies Town poor 2.75 2.75 84 A. J. Conlon, .1. P. Filing reports 3.00 3.00 85 Ira A. Allen, 51. D., Poor services 7.00 7.00 80 NI. L. Ford, Poor supplies 6.01 6.01 87 NI. L. Ford, Poor supplies 72.03 7.2.(13 86 Fred J. Barnes, Assessor, Dist.3 69.00 69.00 89 W. J. Norton, Attend. officer 25.50 25.50 90 W. J. Norton, Constable 21.35 21.35 91 L. A. Fenner, J. P., Crim bill 3.00 3.00 92 L. A. Fenner, J. P. serv bill 93 Charles Drake, J. 1'. Crim. bill 1.00 1.00 94 Charles Drake, J. .P. 28.56 28.56 service bill 3.28 3.28 95 D. S. Tarbell, J. P. sere. bill 10.00 10.00 06 D. A.'farbeil, J. P. Crim. 9.50 bill 10.07 10,07 97 Mrs. F. R. Wright, Hall 60.20 _ 00.20 rent 15.00, 00.00 08 Mrs. F. I1. Wright, Sup - 230.21 230.21 plies, Town poor 60,79 60.79 99 Nfrs. Anna NI. Davis 2,416.25 25.03 25.03 3.00 3.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 5.00 78.40 '9.00 705.00 6.85 100 Jacob B. Bower 558.15 101 Edward Osmun, Acseesor, Dist.3 72.00 72.00 102 Andrus & Church, Ass'rs books 9.75 ' 9.75 103 G. M. Gilchrist, M. D1.50 1.50 63,062.02 I hereby certify that this is a true copy of the Town Audits of the Town of Lansing as audited November 9, 1916. M. L. FORD, 'Town Clerk. • OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK • 149 TOWN OF NEWFIELD ABSTRACT OF TOWN AUDITS, 1916 Nature No. , Name of expense Claimed Allowed Nature No. Name ofexpense Claimed Allowed 1 W. J. Sunderlin, Insp.....$ 30.14 2 Edwin Wescott, Inst.... 29.64 - 3 Jos. Sponsta, Insp. 4 Jos. Payer, Insp. 5 G. H. Noble, Insp 6 Jos. Novak, Insp 7 11. 11. Mitchell, , 8 J. C. Thompson, Insp 9 Frank Snyder, Insp., 10 Mont Albright, Insp 11 F. W. Payne, Bal. Clk 12 Leland Hetherington, Ballot Clerk 13 John Casper, Bal. Clk 14. W, E. Bush, Bal. Clk 15 W. 11. Tucker, Poll Clk 16 A. R. Everhart, Poll Clk. 17 Lawrence Anderson, Poll Clerl- 18 Frank Fish, Poll Clk 10 Philip` Westervelt, Ass'r 20 Donald Cutter, Assessor 21 S. J. Douglass, Ass'r 22 S. J. Douglass, State convention, Ass'r 23 Martin Wright, Coni. of Highways 24 David Raub, Coin. Lun'y 25 B. F. Colgrove, Vital stat.. 26 Wm. A: Smith, M.D, • Medical service 27 Wm. A. Smith, M.D, Lunacy 28 Win. A. Smith, 154,D, Vital statistics 20 Win. A. Smith, M.D, Infantile service 30 Wm. A. 'Smith, 51.D, State Convention ex $ 30.14 31 Wm. A. Smith, M.D., 29,04 Health 0111. State Law 24.00 24.00 32 C. B. Boice, Constable.. 35.70 35.70 33 W. E. Bush, School Dirne. 24.00 24.00 34 R. C. Albright, School 24.00 24.00 director 15.64 15.64 35 G. W. Peck,• Services & supplies 14.00 14.00 36 Uphona Payne, Admistr. 16.00 16.00 37 Geo. S. Adams, Agt. rent 8.00 8.00 38 C. Lee Brainard, Rent 14.00 54.00 30 A. II. Palmer, Bond. Com. 40 Harry Horton, Truant Officer 41 G. W. Janes, Tru. Offic'r 42 G. W. Peck, Road Law 43 Ithaca Daily News 44 Elmer Gallow, Overseer of Poor 45 G. W. Peck, Vital stat 14.00 14.00 46 G. W. Pock, Rent 14.00 14.00 47 J. W. Gec, Med. service 77.75 77.75 48 73. F. Colegrove, Med. ser. 78.25 78.25 • 49 A. It. Allen, Burial sere. 77.50 77.50 50 Leland Erway, Constable 51 John Henry, Constable. 24,91 24.91 52 Cayuga Press, Printing. 53 Ithaca City Hospital.' .51 Andrus & Church, Tax books 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 799.02 10.00 50 60,00 7.00 9,50 35.00 34.70 790.62 10.00 50 165.00 5,00 7.95 365.00 5.00 7.95 7.95 7.95 73.95 8.00 9.00 25.00 8,00 4.00 4.05 10.00 3.25 25.40 25.20 42.00 5,00 13.50 38.50 4.35 9.85 '12.50 79.10 73.95 8.00 9.00 25.00 8.00 4.00 4,65 10.00 3.25 25.40 25:20 42.00' 5.00. 13.50 38.50 4.35 9.85 12.50 79.10 ,9.75 9.75 55 Albert Dassanec, Services 22.00 • 22.00 60.00 56 Augustus Patterson, Jus- tice services 22.00 22.00 7.00 57 Augustus Patterson, Just fees 1.00 1.00 9.50 58 C. II. Payne, Just. serv18.00 18.00 59 J. D. Erway, Just. serv- 20.00 • 20.00 ' 35.00 00 ,T. R. Hodges, Justice.25 .25 34.70 $2,228.03 $2,228.03 • The foregoing is a true copy of bilis presented against the Town of Newfield,. N. Y., as audited by the Town Board for'the year 1916. GEO. W. PECK, Town Clerk. 150. PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF S13PER.VISORS TOWN OF ULYSSES ABSTRACT 0F TOWN AUDITS, 1916 Statement of bills presented at the Town Board of the Toa11 of Ulysses, at the meeting held November 9, 1916, for audit, showing the amount claimed, the _nature of the service and the amount at which the bills were finally audited and allowed by said Town Board. Nature Nature No. Narne of expense Claimed 1 Chas. I1oughtaling, Sup.$ 2,00 2 David F. Williamson Co, Supplies 11.50 3 Albert F. Alien, Printing 40.45 4 John J. Chase, Justice'. 9,00 5 Est. Geo. Wallenbeck, Assessor 32.06 (i D. G. Clark, Treas., Rent of polling place 30.00 7 A. S. Williams, Mgr, Rent of polling place30.00 . 8 D. E. Rightrnyer, Mgr„ Rent of polling place30.00. 9 Lafayette Krum, Quar services 21.00 10 Frank Mills, Quar. serv5.00_ 11 C. O. Carman, Quar. serv, 4.00 12 0. D. Creque, Putting up booths 12.00 13 .1. II. Thompson, Pulling up booths 20.00 1,1 E. 11. Stilwell, Assessor105.75 15 E. R. Stilwell, Assessor, exp. to Albany I4.05 16 Est. Geo. Hopkins, Sup1.60 17 Williamson Law Book Co Supplies 15.00 18 LePine Bortz, Constable 1.35 19 LaPine Bort.z, Services. 3.00 20 LaPine Bortz, Constable 13.55 2! Sarah VanOrder, House for Assessors 2,00 • 22 LaPine Bortz, Services in care. Lunatic 23.50 23 Thomas Bower, Town Clerk 54.31 24 0. G. Noble, Making As- sessment roll for Ass'rs 25.00 25 Henry Williams, Justice 26,00 26 O. G. Noble, Insp, prim election 11.00 27 W. I. Sherwood, Insp30.00 28 William Green, Insp30.00 29 R. S. Carberry, Insp30.00 30 Raymond Batty,Poll. Clk18.00 31 L. S. Robinson, Poll C1k13.00 Allowed No. • Name of expense Claimed Allowed S 2.00 32 Geo. P. Norton, Bal. Clk. 0.00 6.00 33 Guy 51. Newell, Bal: elk. 0.00 6.00 1/.50 34 Clarence B. Clark, Bal. 10,45 Clerk 18.00 18.00 9.00 35 Ivan Buys, Bal. Clk 6.00 6.00 36 Fred Vanl3uskirk, Insp. & 32.00 Messenger 55.70 55.70 37 Homer Mott, Inspector30.00 30.00 30.00 38 Bert Vann, Inspector.., 30.00 30.00 39 Floyd Smith, Inspector30.00 30.00 30.00 40 Henry Williams, Poll Clk18.00 18,00 41 John J. Chase, Poll Clk. 18.00 18.0)) 30.00 42 Arthur Agard, Bal. 011c18.00 18.00 43 John Young, Bal. Clk. , 18.00 18.00 2-1.00 44 Joseph Canon, Inspector 30.00 30.00 5,00 45 W. D. Halsey Inspector 30.00 30.00 4.00 46 George Sears, Inspector. .30.00 30.00 47 Elton Lane, Poll Clerk 6,00 6.00 12.00 48 H. B. Pearsall, Poll C1k., 12.00 12.00 40 Ray Thompson, Bal. Clk. 18.00 18.00 20.00 50 John Wets, Bal. 01k..•12.00 12.00 105.75 51 O. G. Noble, Acct. Town Clerk. 26.00 26.00 14.05 52 0. G. Noble, Service bill. 77.00 77.00 1.60 53 Prank Miller, Assessor, . 85.50 85.50 54 Frank Miller, Ass r, Exp. . 15.00 to Albany 15.62 15.62 1.35 55 Henry Williams, Crini. bill 1.50 1.50 3.00 56 Dr. A. Chase, Exam. in 13.55 Lunacy 7.50 7.50 57 Dr. A. Chase, Health 2.00 officer, exp 26.87 20.87 58 Dr. A. Chase, Quar. serv 2.3.50 . Shaff ease 04.50 04.50 59 Dr. A. Chase, health offi, 142.2(1 142.20 54.31 60 J. 31. Townsend, Telep. & postage 18.50 18,50 25.00 61 E. H. Bostwick, Services, 20.00 20.00 20.00 62 O. G. Noble, Vital stats., 12.25 12.25 63 0. G. Noble, Crito. bill12.50 12,50 11.06 64 D. H. Rightmyer, Truant' :10.00 officer 12.00 12.00 30.00 35 O. 0, Noble, Copying ` 30.00 Assessment roll 25.00 25.00 18.00 60 C. Owen Carman, Service 18,00 bill 57.00 57.00 Ol IOM1'K:INS COUNTY, Nature Nu. Name of expense Claimed 07 Enos Idardenbrook, Post'g 6.00 68 Harry Bortz, Poll Clk18,00 69 O. G. Noble, Seri. bill59.00 70 F. A. King, Service hill48.00 71 Levitt Pinckney, Putting • up booths 20.00 72 J. M. Townsend, T.unacy examination 31.15 73 O. G. Noble, Acct. 'Town Clerk 11.56 74 B. 1. Vann, Assessor92.50 , 75 Covert & Tunison, Auto hire 18.00 76 J. M. Townsend, Health Board 12.00 77 3. M.Townsond, Serv. bill 61.25 73 3. M. Townsend, Serv. bill 60.50 79 O. C. Noble, Inspector & Messenger 23.09 80 O. G. Noble, Serv. hill.. , 6.00 81 O. G. Noble, Acct .Town Clerk 4.00 82 First Nat'l Bank, hent36.00 83 Thomas Bower, Serv. bill 14.00 84 Thomas Bower, Serv. & Expense 16.90 16.90 85 C. T. Jones, Expense Ae't 120.00 120,00 NEW YOII,K 151 Nature Allowed No. Name of expense Claiuued allowed 6.00 86 C. T. Jones, Serv. bill720.00 720.00 18.00 87 Fred Wilson, Poll Clk, 59.00 1915 8.00 8.00 1) 48.00 88 E. P. Bouton, Indemnity Insurance 170.02 176,62 20.00 89 Dr, W. K. Quackenbush, Vital statistics 5,7P, 31.15 90 C. S. Clapp,Insp. & Mess 48.61 91 11. L. Smith, Vital stats. 1.50 11.56 92.E. J, Farrington, Ser. bill 76.70 02.50 93 Walter Swartout, Quer, expense 9.,lg 9.41 18.00 94 Andrus & Church, Ass't rolls 9.05 0,05 12,00 95 Dr. R. L. Smith, Ex. in 01.25 Lunacy 5.00 5.01) 50.50 96 Williamson Law Book Co Supplies •1.00 4.00 23.00 97 P. J. Farrington, Auto 6.01) hire 5.00 i 08 Henry Williams, Serv. bill 28.30 4.00 99 F. A. King, Serv. hill, 4.00 36.00 100 C. Owen Carmen, Serv 14.00 bill 5.05 • 5.05 101 Thomas 13ower, Serv, bill 4.00 4,00 5.75 48.61 1.50 76.70 5.00 28.30 4,00 83,430.78 63,430.78 I hereby certify that the foregoing is a. correct abstract of the Town Audits of the Town of Ulysses now on file in this office as audited by said Town Board November 9, 1916, THOS. I3OW.E11, Town Clerk. .—. ,- rS LrS 1O Cri 1 . er 1 y a . ~' m ;3i X U1 c. COp CC33 0. 2E4 C �' P.o U o 16.00$ 5.76 $ 26.60$ 80.004 37.44 $ 307.5C 16.00 7.04 25.50 56.00, 12.96 264.59 16.00 4.80 48.15 56.001 15.10 285.89, 16.00 5.76 . 23.20 92.00 37.44 320.1C .16.00 5.76 44:75 36.00 7.35 256.00 16.00. .64 8.00 .16 170.01 16.00 • 144.00 1.92 302.4( 16.00 192.00 39.53 387.5; 16.00 27.80 8.00 195.81 (be pd. city) 53.60 16.00 .64 27.81 64.00 2.56 305.2. 16.00 1.28 39.08 80.00; 5.92 284.3. 12.00 6.72 31.50 28.00 6.89 218.0 16.00 7.68 .37.38 8.00 2.02 219.6 16.00 6.00 33.68 44.00 11.92 259.2 $220.00 $52.08 $419.05 $896.00 $182.11 $3,777.4 coti c. 0 '. c, y, Ow ' " 9 Eq ,mo t.D W F 3 Aa• , = O F .1 o o s i o-d 0d r I1 iGO if �C1 o H.. i,.N CJ 4 L 3' o . Cc4 8 U 3 'v, ot.- .r .4 .r = . ""�r" y J z ca ? V•D OIC TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORE: 153 COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT Condensed statement showing receipts and expenditures of the Treasurer of Tompkins County, for the fiscal year ended October 31, 1916.: Accounts Excess of Rec. over Exp. over Receipts Expenditures Expend. Receipts General Accounts Taxes: Gross revenue ' $139,422.83 $136,670.31 Advances, refunds, assess't and collection $ 2,752.52 Gifts and Contributions: Gifts; contributions from state & other municipal divisions 61,952.18 13,361,99 State tax anti contrib. to other munic. divisions48,590.19 General Government: Revenues 8,391.72 Expenditures 112,743.33 $104,351.61 Advances, Losses and Deposits: Reimburseni'ts & deposits. 7,856.87 Advances, losses & deposits returned 7,856.87 County Property: Construction of new build- ings and highways 22,688.34 22,688.34 County Debt: Bonds & notes retired16,000.00, Totals $157,889.17 $143,039.95 Net excess from transactions of year $14,849.22 Special Trust Funds. As per totals of summaries105,664.70 109,923.38 4,258.65 Totals of all accounts $323,288.30 $312,697.76 Cash. Balance at begin. of the year as per last report.. 84,187.98 Bal. at end of year as per de- tailed statement 94,778.52 10,500.54 . Totals $407,476.28 $407,476.28 $14,849.22 $14,849.22 154 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS DETAILED STATEMENT OF CASH Disposition of funds in the custody of the Treasurer. At the beginning of year January 1, 1916 At end of year October 31, 1916 Cash in drawer General Funds deposited in: $22,955.22 First Nat'l Bank $20,221.61 3,120.57 First Nat'l Bank District Armory Funds $26,075.79 Total HighwayyFunds deposited in: $25,259.22 First Nat'l Bank $42,466.96 State Funds for Maintenance $31,651.14 1,201.83 $ 10.05 $20,221.61 S25,259.22 Total 42,466.96 Special Trust Funds deposited in: First Nat'l Bank 8 1,256.14 General Account Ithaca Trust Co. Bank 30,823.76 Court and Trust Funds First Nat'l Bank Mortgage Tax $32,852.97 Total 32,079.90 Total Cush as per Condensed Statement 594,778.52 584,187.98 SUMMARY OF RECEIPTS General Accounts Taxes and Assessments: Taxes of the current year 8138,342.56 Taxes of preceding years 35.87 Special assessments 1,044.41 • Total 8139,422.83 Gifts and Contributions: Contributions: From villages $ 1,032.87 From State 60,919.31 Total - 8 61,952.18 1 OF TOMI'KINS COUNTY, Nf\V YORK 155 Revenues of General Government: General Fund: Earnings of County officers $ 5,822.35 Interest and earnings of county property 173.80 Fines and forfeits 550.00 Total $ 6,546.21 Poor Fund Earnings of charitable institutions 1,845.5E Total revenues of general government 8 8,391.72 Advances repaid, Reimbursements and Deposits 7,856.87 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES General Accounts Taxes: Assessment, equalization, etc 8 20.67 Expenses of collection of 'taxes 814.27 Advances and refunds of taxes 1,911.58 Total _ 8 2,752.52 Contributions: To judicial and military districts $ 6,076.99 To State . 42,513.20 Total 8 48,590.19 GENERA[, GOVERNMENT General Fund ACCOUntS • Legislative: Board of supervisors $ 5,580.78 Total - $ 5,586.78 Administrative: Elections 8 5,001, 81 Administrative officers 1,038 20. Maintenance of ad,ninistrative buildings 3,272.87 General int. and expense of refunding bond issues171.53 Total Judicial: Judicial officers $ 6,512 77 Civil courts 2,450.11 Court library 123.50 9,484.41 Total '8 9,086.38 156 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Regulative: Special deputy excise commissioner, county sealer of weights and measures, regulative associations, quarantine Protective: Registration of land titles, protection of fish and game, bounties, county bacteriological laboratory, county sewers and drains Educational: District superintendents and educational notices and farm bureau $ 1,197.93 Deaf-mutes and blind 680.00 $ 1,110.85 8 2,947.90 Total $ 1,877.93 Corrective: Conviction:—Officers and and courts engaged in , prosecution of criminals $ 8,690.98 Punishment: --,-Penal institutions 3,663.10 Reformation: --Officers and institutions engaged in reformatory work 1,024.24 Total $ 13,378.32 Poor Fund Accounts Charitable: Administration:—Superintendent of poor $ 569.24 Improvident poor: Almshouse & temporary relief10,614.10 Defective poor:—Hospitals, insane, epileptics and feeble-minded 12,065.30 Dependent children:—Supervision and all orphan asylums 500.00 Soldiers and sailors:—Relief, burial, and headstones 575.00 Total $ 24,323.64 Highway Fund Accounts Highway Maintenance: Administration:—Co. Supt. of Highways $ 1,347.42 .Maintenance:—County bridges and roads, State & county highways, Indian reservation highways43,599.70 Total $ 44,947.12 Total General Government $112,743.33 1 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 157 NEW BUILDINGS, AND IIIGHWAYS Constructive: Highways: Construction $ 16,726.72 Interest on construction obligations 5,961.62 Total $ 22,688.34 INDEBTEDNESS Liquidation of Indebtedness: General indebtedness $ 1,500.00 Highway indebtedness 14,500 .'00 Total 8 16,000.00 Special Trust Funds SUMMARY OF RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES Receipts: From.State $ 55,303.09 From fines and penalties 400.00 From special taxes 41,905.25 From individuals 8,056.36 Total Expenditures: To State $ 24,408.32 To towns 36,244.41 To villages 6,602.79 To school districts 34,178.19 To county treasurer's fees and expenses 983.07 To individuals and associations 7,506.60 $105,664.70 Total 8109,923; 38 • General Accounts DETAILED STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS—TARES REVENUES FROM TAXES Taxes of the Current Year Received before return: Collectors: a. Received from corporation by treasurer $ 16,546.46 b. Received from collectors • $116,545.84 Total $133,092.30 ' I.8 PROCEEDINGS O1'' TML; BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ' Less: d. Repaid collectors 100 67 Net receipts Received after return: Returned real taxes: Received by treasurer before tax sale or return to Comptroller 8 4,327.45 Returned personal taxes: Collected by treasurer 6.93 Returned corporation taxes: Received or collected before tax sale or return to Comptroller 820.20 8132,991.63 Total' $ 5,154.58 Received from tax sale: Tax sale: a. Taxes 8 16.20 b. Percentage added (5 %) 1.07 e. Interest on taxes 94 d. Tax sale advertising 136.14 e. Expense of sale 42.00 Total 8 196.35 Total receipts from taxes of the current year...'. 8138,342.56 TAXES GE PRECEDING )(FAR Received by Treasurer: Redemption advertising 8 35.87 Total from taxes of preceding year 35.87 ADVANCES OF TAXES Repaid to Treasurer: Returned school taxes: Receipts from individuaLs before re -levy LIFTS AND CONTRII3T.iTIOi`IS Contributions From village revenues: Highway maintenance: For maintenance of state and county 'highways within villages $ 1,032 87 $ 1,044.40 Total from villages 8 1,032.87 OF TOMP.i(1NS _COUNTY, NEW YO.HIK 159 Froin state revenues: Highway maintenance: For maintenance of state and county highways$ 59,118.69 State of New York: Tax on motor vehicles 1,800.62 .. Total from State $ 60,919.31 REVENUES FROM GENERAL GOVERNMENT GENE liAL FUND ACCOUNTS Earnings of county offices: \County Treasurer's fees: b. Inheritance tax fees $ 52 96 c. Court and trust fund fees 33.35 d. Returned school tax penalties 182.55 Total $ 268.86 County clerk's court fees: Entering and recording judgments $ 135.93 Total $ 135.93 County Clerk's registration fees: a. Recording deeds $ 900.80 b. Recording mortgages 653.65 c. Filing and recording other papers relating to real property 647.00 d. Searches 2,402.00 e. Filing chattel mortgages 717.57 f. Copies and exemplifications 96.54 Total $ 5,417,56 Total earnings of County office • $ 5,822.35 Interest and earnings of county property: General interest: Returned taxes $ 173.86 Total interest and earnings. $ 173.86' -Fines and forfeits: Fines: • 1 Applicable to general purposes $ 50:00 Total $ 50.00 Forfeited bail: Cash bail forfeited $ 500.00 Total $ 500.00 Total fines and forfeits $ 550.00 160 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Poon FUND AccouNTs Earnings of charitable institutions: Almshouse inmates: For support of poor from municipalities $ 60:00 For support of poor from individuals 43.74 Gross sale of almshouse products 660.50 Total $ 764.24 Tuberculosis hospital inmates: For support of tuberculosis hospital patients from municipalities $ 1,046.78 Sundries 34.49 Total $ 1,081.27 Total earnings of charitable institutions $ 1,845.51 ADVANCES, LOSSES AND DEPOSITS Losses reimbursed: General fund: St. Mary's Home $ 150.86 Total Highway fund: Town of Ithaca (Bond debt) $ 7,706.01 $ 150.86 Total $ 7,706.01 Total advances repaid, reimbursem'ts & deposits ' ;$ 7,856.87 DETAILED STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES—TAXES General Accounts Assessment, equalization, etc.: Tax commissioner's meeting: Assessors' compensation $ 5.42 Total $ 5.42 Tax blanks: Collectors' receipts $ 21.25 Total 8 21.25 Total $ 26 ..67 OF_ TOMPKINS COUNTY., NEWT YORK 161 Collection of real taxes: Expenses prior to sale: Returned real taxes: Paid for surveys or descriptions $ 181.00 Total $ 181.00 Tax sale expenses: County purchase $ 51.02 Telegram regarding sale 1.14 Total $ 52.16 Tax sale advertising: From tax sale receipts $ 428.06 From redemption receipts 145.73 Total $ 573.79 Expenses subsequent to sale: Redemption advertising: Certificates of county 8 7.32 Total $ 7.32 Total for collection of taxes $ 814.27 Advances and refunds of taxes: Returned school taxes: Paid district collectors:—Taxes $ 1,910.25 Total Refunded taxes: By order of board of supervisors 1.33 Total $ 1,910.25 ' 1.33 Total advances and refunds of taxes $ 1,911.58 CONTRIBUTIONS To districts: Stenographers' tax: Paid State Comptroller $ 1,592 . 82 Armory tax: Paid State Treasurer 4,484.17 Total to district revenues To State: State taxes: Paid State Treasurer $ 42,513.20 $ 6,076.99 Totalto State revenues $ 42,513.20 162 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS • GENERAL FUND ACCOUNTS GENERAL GOVERNMENT Legislative—Supervisors: Supervisors' compensation: Annual session $ 1,951.88 Regular sessions 56.50 Special sessions 281.18 Committee work • 1,500.19 Extending taxes 44.75 Copying rolls 236.97 Total S 4,071.47 Supervisors' expenses: Authorized clerks and assistants $ 550.00 Traveling expenses, committee work 79.81 Stationery, postage and office incidentals 461.57 Telephone and telegraph • 33.95 Counsel 350.00 Sundries • 39.98 Total Total board of supervisors $ 1,515.31 Administrative—Elections: Commissioners of election: - Salary • $ 833.20 Postage, stationery, and office incidentals. 381.05 Telephone and telegraph 45.37 Rent 50.00 Light 10.78 $ 5,586.78 Total $ 1,320.40 Elections: Compensation and mileage of board of county canvassers +" 131.84 Publishing election notice 383.50 • Printing ballots 1,104.54 Publishing official canvass 967.50 Total • $ 2,587.38 OF '.TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORE 163 Primary elections: Printing transcript of enrollment books 8 273.25 Printing primary ballots • 809.28 Primary stationery 11.50 • Total 8 , 1,094.03: Total elections 8 5,001.81 Administrative—Officers Cotutty treasurer: Salary 8 833.30 Premium on official bond • 116.00 Postage, stationery and office incidentals 88.90 Total $ 1,038.20 Total administrative officers 8 1,038.20 Administrative—Buildings: Court house: . l3uilding furnishings 8 2.50 [Jpkeep of buildings said grounds 1,522, 69 Insurance 01.00 Light .83.27 Heat 843.29 Water rent 106. 15 ' Power 13.73 Miscellaneous. . 1.92 Total ' , 8 2,634.55 County clerk's building: Janitors' and -other employees in cane of building 8 145.80 Upkeep of folding and grounds . 111 Ligh t 33.88 Eisai. 277.81 lister ran t 27.54 Miseellaneoti5 41.54 Total ti38.32 Total are inist.r:.atil'c buildings 8 3,272.87 Administrative—Interest :mil Expense of Issue of General Bonds: General interest: Interest on funding bonds $ 171.53 . Total 8 171.53 Total administrative interest, etc., 8 171.53 , 164 PROCEEDINGS OF TIIE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Judicial—Officers: County Judge: Salary $ 2,916.60 Authorized employes 1,125.00 Postage, stationery and office incidentals 37.09 Telephone and telegraph 23.83 Office furniture and fixtures 46.60 Special county judge 150.00 Law books 36.75 Total $ 4,335.87 County clerk as clerk of court: Salary of county clerk $ 2,000.00 Premium on official bond 45.00 Postage, stationery and office incidentals 102.50 Telephone and telegraph (apportioned) 12.00 Filing cases and furniture for court records.. 2.40 Court record books .15.00 • Total $ 2,176.90 Total judicial officers $ 6,512.77 Judicial—Court Library: Court Library: Text books S 123.50 Total court library $ -123.50 Judicial—Civil Courts: Supreme court, civil: Special stenographer $ 235.89 Crier and attendants 326.80 Publication of notice of drawing jury 4.50 Trial jurors 1,594.29 Board of jurors 71.78 Total $ - 2,233.20 County court, civil: `Crier and attendants $ 28.00 Trial jurors 156.10 Total $ 154.10 Surrogate's Court: Stationery $ , 32 , 75 Total $ 32.75 Total civil courts $ 2,450.11 O[ TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 165' Regulative:' County sealer: Salary $ '500.00 Traveling expenses 200.00 Equipment for field work 10.85 Total $ 710.85 Regulative associations: Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals$ 100.00 Soc. for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children300.00 Total $ 400.00 Total regulative $ 1,110.85 Protective: County clerk as register: Authorized employes (except for court work)$ 2,369.00 Postage, stationery and office incidentals 370.56 Telephone and telegraph 14.59 Record books (except for court work) 193.75 Total $ 2,947.90 • Total protective $ 2,947.90 Educational: Educational notices: • Cornell scholarship examinations $ ' 10.50 Total $ 10.50 1"arm bureau: Appropriation $ 1,187.43 Total $ 1,187.43 Total superintendents, notices & farm bureau. $ 1;197.93 . Education of deaf mutes and blind: Deaf mutes: Western N. Y. Institution $ 680.00 Total $ 680.00 Total deaf mutes and blind $ 680.00 166 l'l{OCEI DI\T(_aS OB' '1`.FIE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Pui vE\TION AND PUNISHMENT OF CRIM1: Expenses of Conviction Corrective: District Attorney: Salary $ 1,000.00 Special counsel and emergency employes 418.00 Traveling expenses 66.74 Postage, stationery and office incidentals 35.25 Telephone and telegraph 29.82 Detective 107.82 Stenographer's transcripts 12.60 Total $ 1,670.23 Sheriff', sheriff's office and quarters: Salary $ 2,127.02 Premiunron bond . 75,00 Under sheriff and deputies (salaried) 333.30 Postage, stationery and office incidentals- • 96.65 'Telephone and Telegraph 145.74 Office furniture and fixtures 50.00 Publication and proclamation 10.50 Light - 35.31 Total S 2,876.52 Coroners: Salaries or fees and mileage b 100.00 Coroners physicians 10.00 Traveling expenses 05.00 lxpenses of .inquests - 6.50 1`otal $ 211.50 Supreme court, indictment: Stenographer to grand jury $ 284.29 Expenses $0.38 Attendants to grand jury 113.10 Interpreters 130.00 Grand jurors 1,222.20 Witness fees 192.64 Total $ 1,992.61 County court, cri►ninal trials: Stenographers $ 80.75 Crier and attendants 245.10 Interpreters 10.00 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 167 Publication of notice of terms 8.00 ' Publication of notice of drawing jurors 22.00 Trial jurors 1,173.86 Board of jurors 57.40 People's witness fees 233.86 Total $ 1,830.97 Justices and constables: Fees in felony cases, justices $ 17.80 Tees in felony cases, constables 6.35 Miscellaneous 85.00 Total $ 109.15 Total for expenses of conviction $ 8,690.98 Expenses of punishment: Jail; Janitor's supplies $ 90.39 Building furnishings 165.27 Upkeep of buildings and grounds 491.09 Heat 105.40 Light 158.36 Water rent 117.21 Sundries 14.70 Total $ 1,142.42 . Jail inmates: Keeper $ 550.00 Matron 75.00 Kitchen utensils, bedding, etc 89.76 Food supplies 775.48 Clothing 45.10 Physicians and medicines 151.30 Total Penal institutions: Monroe Co. Penitentiary $ 834.04 'total Total expenses of punishment $ 1,686.64 $ 834.04 $ 3,663.10 168 PROCEEDINGS OE T1IE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Expenses for Reformation. Private reform schools: St: Mary's Home $ 867.81 Shelter for unprotected girls 156.43 Total Total of expense for reformation OELIGATIONS RETIRED $ 1,024.24 Liquidation of indebtedness: General bonds: Funding bonds $ 1,000.00 $ 1,024.24 Total $ 1,000.00 Temporary tax loans: Loan negotiated 500.00 Total Total indebtedness liquidated from general funds POOR FUND ACCOUNTS GENERAL GOVERNeENT • Administration Charitable: Superintendent of poor: (County) Salary $ 450.00 Traveling expenses (personal) 25. 76 Telephone and telegraph 20.54 Other expenses 72.94 $ 500.00 $ 1,500.00 Total administration $ 569.24 Improvident Poor Almshouse: (Town and County) - Building furnishings $ 33.71 Upkeep of buildings and grounds (County).. 2,034.21 Insurance (County) 349.17 Light 388.07 Heat 891.59 Water rent 9.24 M iscellaneou. - 562.50 Miscellaneous. 65.26 Total $ 4,333.75 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 169 Almshouse inmates: (Town and County) Authorized domestic employes $ 1,180.80 Emergency domestic employes 357.00 Kitchen utensils, bedding, etc 107.05 Food supplies 1,404.00 Clothing 337.82 Chaplain 40.00 Physicians and medicines 375.57 Sundries 59.49 ,Total $ 4,361.73 Outside relief: (Town or County) Services of overseers of poor ,s 107.50 Miscellaneous... , 60.52 , Transportation of poor 31.80 Food supplies 276.24 Miscellaneous. 29.26 Physicians and medicines 52.60 Burial 30.00 Total $ 587.92 Almshouse farm:. (Town and County) Authorized farm employes $ 71.75 Emergency farm employes . 57.00 Farm machines and implements 188.90 292..44 251.52 210.09 259.00 735.00 14.31 33.04 135.38 $ 519.46 Farm tools Seeds and fertilizers Stock for farce use or breeding purposes Stock for fattening purposes Total -8 1,330.70 Total for improvident poor $ 10,614.10 Defective Poor Superintendent tuberculosis hospital: (County) Salary 8 Telephone and telegraph Office furniture and fixtures Expenses Total $ 917.73 Tuberculosis hospital: (County) Building furnishings Upkeep of buildings and grounds 1,257.11 Insurance 213.58 170 PROCEEDINGS OF TIIE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Feat 704.73 Light 283.09 Sundries 15.22 Total $ 2,993.19 Tuberculosis hospital inmates: (County) Superintendent $ 80.54 Authorized employes 3,385.63 Emergency employes 95.66 Kitchen utensils, bedding, etc. 216.39 Food supplies 3,739.68 Clothing 27.95 Sundries 13 ..37 Physicians and medicines 227.32 Operating equipment and appliances 198.90 Total S 7,985.44 Insane commitments: Lunacy examinations $ 63.00 Temporary care 6.00 Total 69.00 Epileptics: (Town or County) • Craig Colony S 19.94 Total $ 19.94 Feeble-minded: (Town) Institute for feeble-minded $ 80.00 Tota! $ 80.00 Total for defective poor $ 12,065.30 Dependent Children Board of child welfare: $ 500.00 Total $ 500.00 Total for dependent children $ 500.00 Soldiers and Sailors (County) Soldiers burials: Soldiers and sailors $ 450.00 Wives and widows 50.00 Total $ 500.00 OF' 'l'OM1 KINS COUNTY, NEW YOItE< 171 • Soldiers Headstones: Soldiers and sailors $ 75.00 '1''otal soldiers and sailors relief • $ 575.00 HIGHWAY FUND ACCOUNTS GENERAL GOVERNMENT ' Administrative: Superintendent of highways: Salary $ 1,306.18 Premium on bond • 7.00 Traveling expenses 24.00 Postage, stationery and office incidentals 1.00 Telephone and telegraph 9.24 Total administrative Highway maintenance: Highway drafts for general repairs within Co$ 37,302.20 Highway drafts for h'g'ys within specified towns4,837.32 Higliway drafts for h'g'ys within spec. vilages1,460.18 $ 1,347.42 Total $ 43,599.70 Total for maintenance $ 43,599.70 1'IIOUW AX' CONSTRU cTION Constructive: County highway, No. 1189 $ 4,100.00 County highway, No. 1330 2,827.69 Total $) 6,927.69 • State highway improvement sinking fund: County highway, $ 7,629.21 Total $ 7,629.21 State and county highways: Purchase of rights of way: $ 1,120.60 Total $ 1,120.60 County road construction: Jacksonville-Taughannock Falls $ 1,049.24 Total $ 1,049.24 Total construction of highways $ 16,726.72 172 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Highway Interest and Expense of Bond Issues: Highway bond premiums: Advertising .58 Total • General highway interest: Interest on county highway bonds- $ 5,922.50 Total Highway loan interest: County share of highway ° $ 38.54 Total Total highway interest and exp. of bond issues HIGHWAY INDEBTEDNESS .58 8 5,922.50 $ 38.54 • Liquidation of indebtedness: • Highway bonds: Bonds Nos. 7 to 9 8 7,000.00 Bonds Nos. 12 and 16 to 1 2,000.00 Bonds Nos. 1 to 3 3,000.00 $ 5,961.62 Total $ 12,000.00 Temporary highway loans: Town of share of highway No. $ 2,500.00 Total Total indebt. liquidated from highway funds DETAILED STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS SPE CIAL T11TJST FUNDS 8 2,500.00 From State: For schools: Public school moneys $ 33,547.13 Academies and libraries 432.86 $ 14,500.00 • Total $ 33,979.09 For highway maintenance: State highway aid $ 21,323 10 Total from State 8 55,303.09 1 OF TOM 1'KIN8 COUN'..LY, NEW YORK 173 • From fines and penalties: For State and towns: Liquor taxes: Fines applicahle $ 400.00 • , Total fines and penalties $ 400.00 From special taxes: For State: Inheritance taxes $ 5,722. 54 For municipalities: Bank taxes 1,517.69 R. R. school taxes: School taxes from 14. R. corporations.. 205.82 For State and municipalities: Mortgage taxes 6,437.70 Liquor taxes: Licenses issued • 28,021.50 Total from special taxes $ 41,905.25 From individuals: Cash bail: Deposits in lieu of bail $ 2,000.00 Court and trust funds 6,056.36 Total from individuals $ 8,056.36 a DETAILED STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES SPF:ctAL 'I'uns•r FUNDS To State: Inheritance taxes $ 4,029.06 Mortgage taxes 3,747.78 Liquor taxes 16,631.48 Total $ 24,408.32 To Towns: State highway aid $ 21,323.10 Bank taxes 3,699.72 Liquor taxes 11,221.59 • Total To Villages: Bank taxes $ 6,602.79 $ 36,244.41 • Total $ 0,602.79 17,1 I'ItOCEL:1.)1N(:;S OF 'I'1I1i 1 UAltI) ole SUPERVISORS To School Districts: Public school moneys $ 33,547.13 Academies and libraries 432.86 ' R. R. school taxes 198.20 Total 8 34,178.19 To County Treasurer's fees and expenses: Inheritance taxes (fees) 1 8 252.63 Mortgage taxes (expense) Bond 5.00 Rank taxes (fees) 104.05 Liquor taxes (fees) 568.43 Court and trust funds (fees) 52.96 Total To individuals and associations: Inheritance tax: Attorneys, stenographers, etc. 5 675.82 Court and trust funds: Paid beneficiaries • 6,830.78 8 983.07 Total 8 7,506.60 OI' TOMP.K.INS COUNTY, NEW YORK .175 DETAILED STATEMENT OF BONDED INDEBTEDNESS AND SINK- ING FUNDS (County Bonds Only) List by•C.lasses according to purpose and give total of each Class. Year of issue No. of bonds issu'd Face value of each bond Rate' of int. Purpose of bonds issued Amount outst'ng When pay'ble Gen'l purposes 1907 12 $5,000.00 4% Fligh'y lmprov'rnt, $15,000.00 1917-18-19 1908 3 5,000.00 4% High'y Imprv'mt 15,000.00 1920-21-22 1912 11 2,000.00 434%o Hgwy. Improv'uit 14,000.00 1917 to 1923 1912 ' 1 1,000.00 4%%o Hgwy Imp'v'mt 1,000.00 1924 1912 5 1,000.00 5% Tub. Hospital ,1,000.00 ' 1917 1913 54 1,000.00 .4M% Hgwy Impv'mt 46,000.00 1917 to 1939 1915 43 1,000.00 414% Hgwy Imp'v'mt 40,000.00 1917 to 1937 State of New York, • Tompkins County, ss. Robert L. Post, being sworn, says that he is the treasurer of the County of Tompkins, and that the foregoing report is a true and correct statement of the financial transactions of said county for the fiscal year ended October 31, 1916, as shown by the official records of said county. ' ROBERT L. POST. Subscribed and sworn to before rne, this 21st day of November, 1916. CHARLOTTE V. Bush, Notary Public COUNTY TREASURER'S SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT COVERING PERIOD, JANUARY 15'1', 1916 -DECEMBER 1ST, 1916 • Showing Standing of Towns with County, Statement of Highway Improve- ment Bonds, Issued and Outstanding, Statement of Appropriations, Receipts and Disbursements of Tuberculosis Hospital, and Mortgage Tax for Distribu- tion in County. 176 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OE SUPERVISORS TOWN OF CAROLINE Town owed county Jan. 1, 1916 $ 76.33 Due from 1915 tax levy 11,859.62 Return tax expense 9.06 $11,945.01 Collector's receipts from town officers $ 6,808.30 Cash from corporations 1,420.92 Cash from Collector 3,299.71 Returned taxes . 298.48 Town owes County 117.60 811,945.01 TOWN OF DANBY. Town owed county Jan. 1, 1910 8 56.64 Due from 1015 Tax Levy 10,353.58 Return tax expense .10.04 810,420.26 Collector's receipts from town officers 8 5,736.54 Cash from corporations 1,148.62 Cash from Collector 3,152.05 Returned taxes paid Treasurer 266.14 School taxes to be reassessed 37.18 Corporation `faxes to be reassessed 2.53 Town owes County 77.20 $10,420.26 TOWN OF D1RYDEN Town owed County Jan. 1, 1916 $ 76.66 Due from 1915 Tax Levy 33,863.73 - Return tax expense 26.37 833,966.76 Collector's receipts from Town Officers $18,238.57 Cash from Corporations 3,944.63 Cash from Collector 10,783.93 Returned taxes paid Treasurer - 337.37 Town owes County 662.26 $33,966.76 TOWN OF ENFIELD Town owed County Jan. 1, 1916 $ 1.81 Due from 1915 Tax Levy .. 9,602.86 Return Tax Expense 2.94 County owes Town 1.11 $960S.72 1 OF TOIVIPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 177 Collector's receipts from Town.Off'icers $ 6,149.74 Cash from Corporations 54.05 Cash from Collector •3,299.19 Returned taxes paid Treasurer 105.74 $ 9,608.72 TowN OF GROTON Town owed County Jan. 1, 1916 $ 26.05 Due from 1915 Tax Levy 24,419.70 Return Tax Expense '1.87 $24,447.62 Collector's receipts from Town Officers 913,140.60 Cash from Corporations 1,273.54 Cash from Collector 9,932.88 Returned taxes paid" Treasurer 49.48 Town owes County 42.12 $24,447.62 TOWN OF ITHACA Town owed County Jan. 1, 1916 $ 333,44 Due from 1915 Tax Levy ... 20,877.49 Returned Tax Expense 15.23 $21,226.16 Collector's receipts from Towne Officers $ 9,875.39 Cash from Corporations 3,302.75 Cash from Collector • 7,187.13 Returned taxes paid Treasurer 265.18 • School taxes to be reassessed 8.41 Town owes County 587.30 $21,226.16 TOWN OF LANSING Town owed County Jan. 1, 1916 1 102.97 Due from 1915 Tax Levy 16,948.30 Return Tax Expense' 7 64 $17,058.91 Collector's receipts from Town Officers $ 9,270.92 Cash from Corporations 1,985:06 Cash from Collector 5,428.10 Returned taxes paid to Treasurer 228.10 Town owes County 146.73 $17,058 - 91 178 . PROCEFD1N(.:S OF THE ROM-iD OF SUPERVISORS Tows or NE*FIELD Town owed County Jan. 1, 1916 $ 43.30 Due from 1915 Tax Levy 16,213.44 Return Tax Expense 3.04 $16,259.78 Collector's receipts from Town Officers $11,404.72 Cash from Corporations 1,357.86 Cash from Collector ,3,242.15 Returned taxes paid Treasurer 136.98 ' Amount raised to cover error in footing 100.00 Corporation taxes to be reassessed 6.77 • Town owes County 1.1.30, $16,250.78 TOW -Cr OF ULYSSES Town owed County Jan. 1, 1916 8 461.86 Due from 1015 Tax Levy . 20,984.73 Return,Tax Expense 37.14 821,483.73 Collector's receipts from Town Officers 812,184.64 Cash.from Corporations 1,642.59 Cash from Collector 5,894.73 Returned taxes paid Treasurer • '1,327.12 Town owes County 434.65 821,483.73 CITY OF ITHACA City owed County Jan. 1, 1016 $ 1,311.03 Due from 1915 Tax Levy 67,004.95' ' Returned Tax Expense 71.77. 869,287.75 Cash from Corporations 8 441.17 Cash frons City Chamberlain 64,200.57 Returned taxes paid Treasurer 1,501.14 Surplus on Roll 221.46 Corporation taxes returned • 822.73 Personal taxes returned . . 86:65 City owes County 2,014.03 869,287. 75 O1' '1'OMPKJNS COUNTY, NEW YORK 179 HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT BONDS SEnms A Issued February 1., 1907 for $00,000. Rate of interest 4 per cent semi-annually: Denomination 85,000, payable annually, February 1. .Interest payable April 1' and August .1. Interest due February 1, 1917, on 515,000 outstanding $ 000.00 Bond No. 10 payable February 1, 1917 5,000.00 Simms 13 Issued October 10, 1908 for $15,000. Bate of interest' 4 per cent, annually. .Denomination $5,000, 1 bond payable annually, February 1, 1920, 1921, 1922. Interest due February 1, 1917, on $15,090 outstanding .............. $ 600.00 _Issued Maneli 1, 1012, for $23,000, Rate of interest, 4; a per cent annually. Denomination $500, 4 bonds payable annually, March I. Bonds No. 17 to 20, inclusive, payable Mar. 1, 1917 $. 2,000.00 Interest due -March 1, 1917, on $15,000 outstanding 637.50 Issued February 15, 1915, for $54,000. Rate of interest 4% per cent semi- annually. Denomination $1,000, 2 bonds payable annually on February 15. . . Bonds 9 and 10 payable February 15, 1917 $ 2,000.00 Interest on 846,000 outstanding, duc February 15, 1917.... 1,035.00 Interest on $46,000 outstanding, due August 15, 1917 1,035.00 $ 2,070.00 . issued.April 1., 1915, for $43,000. Rate of interest 4% per cent seiiii-annually. Denomination, $1,000, 2 bonds payable annually, April 1. Bonds No. 4 to 5 inclusive, payable .April 1, 1917 $ 2,000.00 Interest on $40,000 outstanding payable April 1 1,700.00 180 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TUBERCULOSIS HOSPITAL BONDS Issued November 27, 1912, for $5,000. Rate of interest 5 per cent annually. Denomination $1,000, 1 bond payable annually February 15. Bond No. 5 payable February 15, 1917 $ 1,000.00 Interest on $1,000 outstanding due February 15, 1917 50.00 TUBERCULOSIS HOSPITAL Superintendent Appropriation . $ 1,000.00 Salary $ 810.00 Stationery 16.31 Telephone 35.70 Expenses 160.88 $ 1,022.89 Tuberculosis Hospital: Appropriation $ 1,050.00 Furnishings $ 734.87 Upkeep 1,257.11 Beat 1,288.23 Light 13.00 Sundries 15.22 $ 3,308.43 Inmates: Credit Bal. Jan. 1, 1916 $ 2,766.53 Appropriation 5,000.00 Additional Appropriation 4,000.00 Authorized Employees $ 3,774.12 Emergency Employees 181.02 Kitchen Utensils 219.88 Food 4,353.62 Physician and Medicines 255.06 Clothing 28 ,45 Equipment and Appliances 198.90 Sundries 101.91 Income $ 1,081.27 Dec. 1, 1916, Balance in Appropriation 1,453.52 $14,897.80 $14,897.80 1 Receipts OF TOMPICNS COUNTY, NEW YORK 181 MORTGAGE TAX $ 7,639.53 Premium on Treasurer's bond $ 5.60 Paid State 3,747.78 $. 3,752.78 Balance on hand 3,886.75 $ 7,639.53 $ 7,639.53 182 P OCI ED1NGS 0-1"P BOA RD f.)l' SIJPERVISO1i8 COUNTY CLERK'S REPORT A statement of all moneys received for the County of Tompkins by Clarence D. Tarbell, Clerk of Tompkins County, or by his assistants, for fees, perquisites and emoluments, for all services rendered by hint, or said assistants, in their official capacity, from November tat, 1915, to October 31st, 1916. Recording deeds $1,048.21 Recording mortgages 779.45 Recording other documents 753.99 Docketing Judgments and cancelling dockets. 153.19 Copies 8-. exemplifications of papers and records 115.34 Searches 2,797.30 Filing papers and all other papers 879.93 5 6,527.41 Mortgage tax $ 7,713.64 Notary fees 230.00 Hunters' licenses 2,798.00 $17,269.05 • Paid Co. Treas., Office fee $6,527.41 Paid Co. Trea.s., State mortgage tax 57,470.70 Premium on Bond 5.00 Clerk hire, audited and allowed by State Tax Coni. 225.00 Postage, audited and allowed by State Tax Commissioner 4.00 Rubber stamps, audited and allowed by State Tax Corn 2.55 ' Serial number, dater, audited and allowed State Tax Coin. 4.00 Mortgage tax books, for Supervisors, audited and allowed by State Tax Corn. 2.39 7,713.64 State Treasurer, Notary fees 230.00 Conservation Com. Bunters licenses. 2,708.00 $17,269.05 ' 0b' TOR1PF1NS COUNTY, NEW YORK 183 State of New York, 1. County 1 of Tompkins ss: Clarence D. Tarbell, being duly sworn, says that he is Clerk of the' County of Tompkins, that the foregoing statement is in all -respects a full and true state- ment as required by, Chapter 298, Laws of 1909, • CLAREN CE D. TA R,BELL. Subscribed and swoin before me this 21st day of November, 1916:. MILDRED H. Sierrii, Notary Public. A STATEMENT Herewith statement of all amounts certified -.each month by Clarence D.• Tarbell, Clerk of Tompkins County, to the County Treasurer to be due for services of the deputies and all other assistants in the Tompkins Coiinty Clerk's Office, from November lst, 1915, to October 31st, 1910. . .• W. S. E. 1. 111. H. C. E.. J:iiie H. L. ' Baker Drake Smith Moore McAuliffe Terwilliger Total - 1915 November $ 75.00 ?5 36.00 $ 62,50 $ 37.50 $ 42.50 $ 33.00 $ 286,50 December 77.50 63.50 65:00 40:00. 40.00 35.50 321.50 1916 January 75.00 7.00 50,00 37.50 37.50 83.00 240.00 February 75.00 50.00 37'50 37.50 33.00 233.00 March 75.00 50.00' 37.50 40.00 33.00 235.50 April 75.00 50.00• 37.50 40:00 33.00 235.50 May 75.00 50.00' 37.50 40.00 33.00 235.50 June 75.00 50.00 37.50 40.00 33.00 235:50 July 75.00 50.00 37.50 40.00, 33.00 235.50 August 75.00 50.00 ' 37.50 40.00 33.00 235.50 September75.00 50.00 37.5040,00 33.00 235.50 October 75.00 55:00. 40.00 42,50 35.00 247.50 $002.50 $100.50 $632.50 $455.00 $480.00 $400.50 $2,977.00 State of New York, Tompkins Count ss: Tom p y, Clarence D. Tarbell, being duly sworn, says that he, is the Clerk of the County of Tompkins, that the foregoing is in all respects a Full and true state- ment as required by Chapter 298, Laws of 1909. CLARENCE D. TARB.EEL. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 21st day of November, .1.016. RIILU1tko II. S;�il`rii, Notary Public. 184 PROCEEDINCGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPEI;VISORS A STATEMENT Account of moneys advanced by Clarence D. Tarbell, for expenses of the County_Clerk's Office, from November lst, 1015, to October 31st, 1916, inclusive. County- Order credit $50.00 Towels for 12 months at $.20 . $2.40 1915 Nov. Express to Albany on -Election reports .88 Cartage to Court House, Adding Machine .75 Nov. 1 Express to Miss Drake, Marriage licenses .26 Return express .26, Dec. Express from Hall & McChesney on books .33 Thomas Malone cart. to Court House, Adding machine.50 Dec. Cartage on books to Court House .25 Express to Albany .58 Cheese cloth and acid and Sani-flush .62 Dec. 28 Cart. on Adding machine to and from Court House .50 Feb. 1 Repair and cartage on Adding machine frame .50 T. G. Miller & Sons, Stenographer's books 1.50 Head and Brokaw, cleaning roof and gutters 2.50 T. C. Miller & Sons, Gold Seals and blanks .50 Feb. Paid Lusk & Sons, Criminal report, blanks. „ „ 1.75. Max. 18 Paid Janitress, cleaning hooks 3.00 Apr. 13 Paid T. G. Miller & Sons, weighing scales 2.25 Express to Miss Drake and return .54 Cleaning up back yard and taking away 1.50 Jamieson & McKinney, towel rack .35 Ithaca Telephone calls to Town Clerks, 1915 3.74 - Apr. Mr. Stubbs, repairing Elliott -Fisher machine 1.00 Express on books, from Syracuse 1.25 Express to Miss Drake and return .54 T. G. Miller & Sons, receipt book .10 Oct. 26 Paid woman for cleaning books 3.00 Express on marriage certs. to Albany .25 Express on Dentist books .50 . Paid, T. G. Miller & Sons, Ink stands for Court House.90 Five -gallons of kerosene oil .60 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YOR1' 185 Additional postage stamps 6.00 T. G. Miller & Sons, Index cards .15 Cleaning out ashes from cellar and back yard 1.00 Cartage on oil stoves and electric heaters . 50 Express on October hunting report, Albany .25 . Postage prepaid papers for recording 18.96 $60.46 $50.00 50.00 Balance due $10.46 State of New York, County of Tompkins 6S. Clarence D. Tarbcll, being duly sworn, says that he is the Clerk of the County of Tompkins; that the foregoing is in all respects a full and true statement as required by Chapter 298, Laws of 1909. CLAR.ENCE D. TARBELL. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 21st day of November, 1916. MILDnED Il. SnrtTrn, Notary Public. 186 PROCE11)1NGS:01� :1'11E BOARD OF SUPERVISORS PROCEEDINGS: 0F OF SUPERINTENDENTS OF THE POOR. To the Honorable, the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins, State of New York: We, the ,undersigned Superintendents of the Poor of Tompkins County,' respectfully submit, the following report, and account for the year ending No- vember 15, 1916. The Superintendents of the .Poor of Tompkins County in account with the poor funds of said county: Amount of appropriation for 1915 $7,950.00 To sales from county farm for current year 1,075:75 $9,025.74 Balance due County Treasurer 207.75 Total $9,233.49 Total expense at County Farm S9,233.49 By amounts paid,by order on County Treasurer for the following purposes: . Food supplies $2,157.20 Labor ... 1,807.88 Fuel & Light 1,113.32 Medical aid and drugs 113.24 Clothing and footwear 592.15 Farm tools, seeds, and fertilizer 769.30 Disinfectants and miscellaneous 138.11 Farm stock and maintenance 1,176.05 Repairs, furniture and bedding 339:44 Transportation 42.60 Outside relief 800.63 Superintendent's expenses 182.67 $9,233.49 Summary of days maintenance from Nov. 15, 1915, to Nov. 15, 1916. days , Amtiunt for County 1451 $ 503.30 " " City of Ithaca 9754 3,416.89 " Ithaca Town 0000 000.00 " Lansing Town 215 75.31 O1+' '1'OMPRINS C,OUN'1'1', NEW YOItK 187 Auiounit for Croton Town 1847 647.00 " Dryden Town 2597 909.74 " Caroline Town 768 269;03 " Danby Town 373 130.66 "' Newfield Town 7172 110.56 " Enfield Town 732 256:42 " Ulysses Town 1450 .507.94 20,359 87,131.85 The total cost of supporting Town and County Poor at Almshouse, the ex- pense per diem being 80.3503. CENsus INMATES Number in House November 15, 1915 59 Admitted during year 13 Died during year 12. Births .00 Discharged during year 10 In Ilome November 15, 1916 50 PROCSElls OF COUNTY 1''A127 • Butter fat, 1,317 lbs 8 390.89 Wheat, 224 bu.—$1.75c. bu. 391.00 Oats, 556 bu.-60c. bu 333.60 Corn,•250 bu 150.00 Corn stover, 3 acres 60.00 Ensilage, 75 tons 450.00 Flay, 55 tons 550.00 Straw, 18 tons 1 144.00 Beans, 20 bu. - 120.00 Apples, 150 bu. 120.00 Cabbage, tons .60.00_ Beets, 12 bu 9.00 Early potatoes, 70 bu 87.50 Late potatoes, 445 bu 712.00 Eggs, 450 doz. . 110.50 . Pork, 6,802 lbs. 605.26 Beef, 504 lbs. 60.48 'Tomatoes, 35 bu 35.00 Squash, 1,000 lbs. 15.00 Peas, 20 bu 20.00 Swiss Chard / 10.00 N. Asparagus• 10.00 84,444.23 1 188 PROCEEDINGS OF TI -IE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS SALES FROM COUNTY FARM Hay $ 33$.86 Meat - 12.89 Wheat 98.41 Hides and tallow 10.30 Veal 19.52 Board received from the Odd Fellows 95.42 Dry cows 100.00 One calf 4. Q0 Hay 219.06 Meat—Hams 30.02 Services of bull 2.00 Butter 147.26 $1,075.74 In compliance of Section II of the Poor Laws of the State of New York, we respectfully report that we estimate the expense of the Town and County Poor to he supported at the Alms House the ensuing year to be $7,000.00 Out door relief 1,500.00 Services Overseer of Poor & Superintendent's expenses 300.00 Transportation 200.00 Total $9,000.00 Owing to the high cost of material and labor, the Superintendents do not deem it advisable to recommend any new construction at the County Home at the present time. WALTER MEKEEL WM. D. BALDWIN DANIEL MITCHELL. State of New York, ss: County of Tompkins, Walter McKeel, Daniel Mitchell and Wm. D. Baldwin, being duly sworn, say they are Superintendents of the Poor of the County of Tompkins; that the foregoing statement is in all respects a true and full statement of receipts and expenditures audited by them during the year 1915-1916, as such Super- intendents. Sworn to this 22nd day of November, 1916. WALTER MEKEEL WM. D. BALDWIN DANIEL MITCHELL. FRED L. CLOCK, Notary Public. 4 OF TOMPKINS COUN'T'Y, NEW YORK 189 REPORT OF , BOARD OF MANAGERS OF TUBERCULOSIS HOSPITAL To the Board of Supervisors of 'Tompkins County: We, the undersigned Board of Managers of The Edward dearly Sanitorium present herewith our annual report. From Nove(nber 1st, 1915 to November 1.st, 1916: No, of patients in institution November 1st, 1915 15 No. received during the year 62 Total cared for 77 Divided as follows: County charges 60 Part pay 9 . Full pay 8 77 Total number of (lays treatment 9243 Divided as follows: County charges 7462 Part pay 994 Full pay 767 .9243 Discharged during the year: Improved 29 Unimproved 14 For insubordination 4 Died 6 Left in institution November 1st, 1916 24 77 10() PROCEEDINGS 0F '1'111 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Total cost per day per patient minus permanent improvements $1.34 Cost of food per meal .12 RECRUITS FOR THE YEAH From Board of Supervisors $1.1,050.00 From maintenance of Patients 1,190.63 From sale of thermometers 30.67 From other incidentals, junk, etc. 4.32 Cash on panel November 1st, 1.915 4,280.63 Total $16,556.25 Expenditures for year 13,341.23 Balance on hand November 1st, 1016 $ 3,215.02 l'PRMIZ1.D EXPENDITURES ' Superintendent _. $ 870.00 Printing 15.20 Postage 26.68 Office expense 18.51 Office fixtures and furniture (new bookkeeping system) 44.75 Telephone and telegraph 45.01 Health Conferences (two years) 44.21 ' $ 1,064.36 Hospital Buildings --- Building repairs $ 367.97 Lighting 145.55 Heating'(two years coal supply) .1,310.12 Water system (New 1010 gal. water tank) 579.48 New furnishings ° 1,037 .38 Linen and bedding 138.18 Kitchen utensils 39.03 Freight and cartage 124.56 Janitor 60.00 Fire protection (Apparatus) 58.77 Laundry 230.43 $ 4,391 .47 I ' • OF; '.I.'OMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 191 . r To the Board of Supervisors: The; Board of• Managers herewith submits an.estiniate of expenses for the ensuing -year. February lst, )917 to February Ist, 1918: Salaries and wages, office expenses, cartage, etc. 8 5,000.00 Food supplies, ice, etc 5,000.00 Medicines and sanitary supplies 500.00 Heating, lighting, water supplies and laundry supplies 800.00 Bedding; linens; kitchen supplies, repairs 700:00 Total maintenance $12,000.00 Remodeling rear of main building for help fb 2,500.00 Installing laundry. equipment 800.00 Building in of ice box 250.00 8 3,550.00 H. E. MERR"IAM, Pres. Board of 11lanagers. 192 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS JUSTICES OF THE PEACE Reports of Justices of the Peace of the various towns of the County of Tomp- kins of all fines and penalties collected by them during the past year. CAROLINE Charles R. Lounsbery reported 320.00 received. I li B. Phillips reported no money received. Frank S. Yaple reported no money received. DANBY Eugene Dorn reported 35.00 received. W. O. Smiley reported no money received. Louis G. ']'hatcher reported no money received. DRYDEN E. F. Baker reported no money received. J. S. Grover reported no money received. J. D. Ross reported no money received. Paul Ewers reported no money received. Charles h. Reynolds reported no money received. ENFIELD L. S. Teeter reported no money received. C. F. Teeter reported no money received. Fred G. Rumsey reported no money received. GROTON Geo, B. Sickmon reported no money received. J. H. Huff reported no money received. E. F. Tallmadgc reported no money received. 1THACA Elmer Allen reported no money received. James A. Bush reported no money received. C. T. Stagg reported no money received. E. R. Stasch, jr., reported 335.00 received. OF TOMPKIN S COUNTY, NEW YORK 193 LANSING A. J. Conlon reportecl no money received. D. A. Tarbell reported no money- received. Chas. Drake reported no ,money received. L. A. Fenner reported no money received. NEWFIELD James D. Erway reported $10.0[) received. Augustus Patterson reported $20.00 received. Chas. II. Payne reported no money received. ULYSSES C. Owen Carmen reported no money received. _Fred A. King reported no .money received. O. 0. Noble reported -no money received. Henry Williams reported no money received. N. B.—Several justices of the towns of the county failed to file any report and their attention is called to the provisions of the law and the penalty for a faihire to comply therewith. 194 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 02 ▪ 00 0) o O x o _ N 072 02 02 Name of Bank City or Village N �lJ N 77 COCO TO- forA GO GO UJ CO Ir: cq GO N L� N co N CO 0 (0 M CO 'E N O 01 DJ Ce Ifj 7 C*J O N 7 4'.7 M c7 N ro 17 N c� CCCC IP. 4^ N C7 c 02 •a h0 02 02 8 lo 00 02 O y 4, Fs, 7.73 O a z O O o y O C" .03486 Iro 7,0 0. O 0� C 0 0 0 -71 X 07 C .J 0 •F. 1 . U1 m O A7 O O O .01136 .01443 o 0) ho U > .0156 N o .01048 8600'• State and county .00426 CI 0 .0148. .0008 Rates for 1916 City of Ithaca q 0 0 LI0 Dryden . OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 195 MORTGAGE TAX STATEMEMT The following statement shows the assessed valuation of each town and incorporated village or city therein, the amount of mortgage tax to be distributed therein, and of the amounts thereof to be paid to the several towns, incorporated villages and city therein, of Tompkins County for 1916. • Towns, Villages and City Assessed Value Amount Tax Amount payable to town Amount payable to villages & city Total • Caroline Danby Dryden Dryden Village Freeville Enfield Groton Groton Village Ithaca Cayuga Ileights Ithaca City Lansing Newfield Newfield Village Ulysses Trumansburg $ 8,646.27 7,607.85 22,665.50 3,623.00 1,595.70 5,938.36 16,390 .21i 6,044.76 10,148.96 3,337.60 115,321.90 13,803.40 7,781.51 1,298.35 12,876 . 56' 4,290.02 $ 47.90,8 47.90 58.88 58.88 210.65, 186.44 55.67 55.67 237.23 193:53 162.20 1,920.05 68.11 52.25 922.31 148.17 68.11 47.00 768.73 $ 16.81 7.40 43.70 14.12 1,020.05 .4 . 153.58 47.90 58.88 210.65 55.67 237.23 - 162.29 1,920.05 68.11 52.25 922.31 83, 735.34 81,575.33 82,160.01 83,735.34 Dated, January 4, 1917. FRED L. CLOCK, Clerk Board of Supervisors. 196 PROCEEDINGS OF TIIE BOARD OF SUI'EERVISORS STATEMENT OF VALUATION OF PROPERTY Statement of the Aggregate Valuations of Real and Personal Property in the several cities and towns in the County of Tompkins as corrected by the Board of Supervisors at their annual meeting in• the year One Thousand Nine I[undred Sixteen. mid Towns. Aue8 of F, ucl. Caroline34,747 $ 845,572 .98 $ 817,756 S 15,300+$ 833,056 Danby 33,280 743,105 .98 718,659 5,300 723,959 Dryden 58,286 2,229,250 .94 2,247,657 18,370 2,266,027 Enfield 22,207 583,862 .98 564,654 7,200 571,854 Groton ,30,725 1,587,780 .94 1,600,890 36,3001 1,637,190 Ithaca City2,940 10,919,280 .94 11,009,438 484,050 11,493,488 Ithaca Town16,293 1;872,676 .08 1,811,072 35,5001 1,816,572 Lansing 37,789 1,357,765 .93 1,383,696 16,4001 1,400,096 Newfield36,997 751,531 .98 726,505 14,10 7;10,008 lilysses 19,818 1,234,181 .94 1,244,372• 43,050, 1,2S7,422 Totals 293088 $ 22,025,002 522,125,002,$ 075,57015 22,800,572 I, Fred L. Clock, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tomp- kins, do hereby certify that the preceding is a true statement of the Aggregate Valuations of the Real and Personal Property in the several cities and towns in said County, as corrected by said Board of Supervisors, at their annual meet- ing in the year 1916, which statement is required by Section 61 of the Tax Law. FRED L. CLOCK, • Clerk. 1'. 0. Address, Ithaca, N. Y. I OF, TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK . 197 STATEMENT 01' VALUATION OF PERSONAL PROPERTY Statement of the Aggregate Assessed Valuations •of Personal Property, pursuant to Section 61 of the Tax Law, in the several cities and towns in the County of Tompkins, as corrected by the Board of Supervisors at their annual meeting in the year One Thousand Nine Hundred Sixteen. r 5 m U 'Property of .resident nat- ural persons assessed pur- suant to Sec. 21. Assessed value of bank stock. Total. U Caroline $ 15,300 $ $ 15,300.00 Danby 5,300 5,300.00 Dryden 18,370 57,296.32 75,666.32 Enfield- 7,200 7,200.00 Groton 36,300 135,263.30 171,563.30 Ithaca City 484,050 688,378.16 1,172,428.16 Ithaca Town 35,500 35,500.00 Lansing 16,400 16,400.00 Newfield 14,100 14,100.00 Ulysses 43,050 75,092.80 118,142.80 Totals R R'7r, F7f1 W1r,R non Q c 1 a'21 rnn Fa 1, Fred L. Clock, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tomp- kins, do hereby certify= that the preceding is a true statement of the Aggregate Valuations of Personal Property in the several cities and towns in said county, as corrected by said Board of Supervisors, at their annual meeting in the year 1916, which st1tternent is required by Section 61 of the Tax Law. FLIED L. CLOCK, Clerk. P. 0. Address, Ithaca, N. Y. STATEMENT OF TAXES LEVIED 19$ PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS zip 0 0 F4 0 rti 0 z -0 G 0 0 0 O O 0 O G 3IaolS 3Iug�i do xc i 00r- Q LlN m © -c m 0000 i= 5F3 1$4,291.7S $104,SS1.96 $3,735.34$9,560.30 •02,ell! - pub umol '40 o • auoaodds nuns aiogm aglunouzc s?q uS apnlaul •xud, aSu21.. oj'\i c, cc 4 t -m I--.-40 M,- 00ar00.CV O ohto O r+ ,--. O l� 00 d I: t? ' N4k0,c-2.ocJ o U07a1� w Cr7 1- d d' ca; -4 m�^ r' •saxal ga?alslp Clddns aale a pus `aalcm `3Ilsm -ams `aae+as 9r ao dols `lq I duvet akci.ra `Susdluoa aay `aag A . x•el Smr9g Io Ii 2 £ `7 aI SCua4T 2,pnloul •xosi, a of, o",2, o V s�g; 2 co ok c: 6.6 o a+ M o c'� s- d c O0 d . 071, o0 N N o c: ,_4-.r" ,-; d+ cv —. ,, ..-. r, .- 63 3cruj, SID ,-.4 c. 4- x0J, Alunop 4 cv rr-(0(0 0000(0. Cl. c0 O co- CV 1- 00 cO CO co. 7r M CO 7- ".....•[- ',1"00 O': u': P O 00 0 u: 0 cD 0 CI cvce CVuJ O :. d1 C 7 4 FA 4. C j N N? :COI S.IOCIi,IFr 0 00 '^ 0 (0 C= O O '71 04 c 0 N (0 0 -+ CI O) N. 0V . < 0,-- ,r 1- CEJ m ccC OPV ,,-� N CV ,� 2 co og sasuadxa l.]no3 pus saagdsa1oua1s ao; KULL •sttmopnR Eal'l D Caroline 1 Danby Dryden Enfield Groton Ithaca City Ithaca Town Lansing Newfield Ulysses Dryden Village Freevilie Groton Village Newfield Village Trurnansburg Cayuga Heights Village c � "ed e;F .SO" c3 • o c c. y •� PI ti 0 'E U O • d N O V, J -0 4-� W vT 0 1-4 o 0 o OJ " N 0 U O � F 0 0 m • � 0 w ; n c; m 6 O G1 .0 m • x •� U �az, .0 ,'. c O • 0 U F ▪ 0 'OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 199 ' STATEMENT OF TAX RATES ADOPTED FOR THE SEVERAL CITIES AND TOWNS IN THE COUNTY OF TOMPKINS, BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AT THEIR ANNUAL MEET- ING IN THE YEAR 1916 Cities and Towns Rate for State & County Taxes Rate for Higli'y Tax Caroline .0038 Danby.0134 including Highway rate Dryden .0098 Enfield .0155 including Highway rate Groton .0148 including Highway rate Ithaca Toarn .0046 Ithaca City .00426 Lansing .0044 Newfield .0087 Ulysses .0128 .0088 .0085 .0039 .0101 .00412 .0055 • .00752 .0112 .0042 • I, Fred L. Clock, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tomp- kins, do hereby certify that the preceding is a true statement of the tax rates adopted by the Board of Supervisors for the several Cities and Towns in the County of Tompkins for the year 1916. FRED L. CLOCK, Clerk. P. O. Address, Ithaca, N. Y. 200 PROCEEDINGS ,OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS HIGHWAYS—MONEY SYSTEM To the Comptroller of the. State of New York: The following is a Statement, pursuant to Section 100 of the Highway Law, of the several towns in the County of Tompkins and of the amount of money tax levied therein, for the repair of highways, by the Board of Supervisors of said County at their annual session in the month of December, 1916, viz: Caroline Danby Dryden Enfield Groton Ithaca Town Lansing Newfield Ulysses....... „ ......... $ 849,327 $ 821,376 755,485 730,623 2,248,180 2,266,713 586,636 567,330 1,602,720 1,615,932 1,879,396 1,817,549 1,363,940 1,389,971 764,051 738,907 1,244,606 1,254,866 x ti c3 v -• V• L C 2 ^ c.^ L' ✓ J1 $ 849,327 755,485 2,248,180 " 586,636 1,602,720 3,879,396 1,363,940 764,051 1,244,606 oD �4-4 r ~ F � F J, o -'p .J .F ='O ^ G Y $ 15,300 5,300 18,370 7,200 36,300 35,500 16,400 34,100 43,050 OF TOMPKINS CQUN'i.'Y, NEW YORK 201 HIGHWAYS—MONEY SYSTEM, Continued Highway Tax Caroline Danby Dryden Enfield Groton Ithaca Town Lansing _Newfield 1Jlysses 2,000 2,000 6,800 2,000 3,858 4,000 4,000 2,700 2,300 Bridge $ 534.•12 Bridge $ 534.12 Highway 2,000.00 Highway 2,000.00 Highway 6,800.00 Highway 2,000.00 Bridge 100.00 Bridge 100.00 Highway 200.00 Highway 4,058.00 Highway 4,000.00 Bridge 550.00 Bridge 550.00 Highway 4,000-00 Bridge 307.50 Bridge 307.50 Snow 461.25 Snow 461.25 Highway 2,700.00 Highway 1,273.43 Highway 3,570.43 IWWM, C. GALLAGHER., Chairman of the Board of Supervisors. I certify that the preceding statement is correct. State of New York, County, of Tompkins William C. Gallagher, being duly sworn, ,says that he is the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County; that he has read,the preceding statement and knows the same to be true. - WM. C. GALLAGHER. SS: FRED L. CLOCK, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors. Subscribed and sworn to before ane this Sth day of January, 1917. FRED L. CLOCK, Notary Public. 202 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ,,F4 .X cO F-, gall z �'C t" W F - 1 bU Ua r-+ " a) N 1� " o zA P.4„: 0o W ;144:1 L - C oP y % 0 •„ 0 Z m C W, o G Q N hg26 C m r. (nti 3 N 4 o• uum W�.0_00 'r-1 3 m AV ..1... a a iw ,o a 0 4 0 .� 0 3 44 F :J m `z >-:15->'T) 0 F re. W ,4 3 H -{ O E ,2 w > m far o •0 b N G p W l .-' 0 0 �. c� 0 d❑ c, m v ro G k •>••,'v• 0. .P. asOO Oa 0O$OOGOOa0aa 0 0 p oo040oo04ao 00op44.- o"1 0 0 0 O G S '7 O- O +9 10 01 4 0 0 0 N 49 N N c ... - -, 04044.. •• y Q• ...� m 4 SSSoo88 888288 8688 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 g N 100 S '6,=:6 0 p 04001044010440 v 0 0 4'] [- t- 0 0 0 P '4.ii In V. yor O •• VJ a C9 fA r .- - c0 O h N so . Total Debt orn 80 8 ,"-. SS S O ph L-0 O.1 P9 Na0 N�' - O- h4 ] • a. S a a 0 0.00 0 e r e 0 e e e e ,,, � �, '�tt 40 ,4 Bonded Debt 8888282 O O O O O 88'88 OOO 00040400- O O O O ,-, ' O p O pOOCOp,n 0O00 BES' c,i , -" .:.1,—N V Under what Law .4 O, 0 000 3 `] 43 0 E . d 3 a a d �a o�w% ab,,1.--aa,a�, ° G 3 'sa 5 3 3 z 3 3 m. xlxxxa, . CI NCINNOr' � w-� •. yi " '-'"'-1- ' .. 4000 O' c 004040 i')Wci�rn 000 0 For what Purpose Created 23 P 0 0 0' 00 0 0 0 0 0 00 '� Vµ a _ _ 0 ] - V y V 0 [] O U O t t J , • 0 ,12 .+ m .: .yE w ., • U G g S 0 "' C 0 0 0 0 0 0 Uj m, '- 000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ,0000'-U 000000 - > y, > > a 0 '`�.3 3 3p 3 3 4 3,- 3.0. °._ °, m br m to y m m m m m mt :C:. a x"Sxx".gEx xxxxx 4140 4 F4 15 County, Town, Village or School District C g 4 2. G 2. a a 0. a a G' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E .FEE. E. a 000000Q ., Y 0 0 3 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 y a L4�„ 000000 3 0 u U o, 3 3 0 0 m U '❑ .:4, 3 3 0 0 b, q =gall M m zQQ .-...0O" 3 33-44 0 0044040 y a y When Payable OF TOM1IKINS COUNTY, NEW YORR 203 ti N .. N CbCTS a., a, a a a. >, >, 3 a � a, � d m a, ',-d ,'g v w i aWi adi m 'el7.57374 a d A a adi a W N N c.S as A A Y, >, a, �, ' S, O O O a �, ma—......0.0.0.... o o 0 0 0 o S g ^•'-. ^•.y OOO d pOOOOOO al W =t-- GO c0 1-- ti ti N Q8 0,0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 N W W .3 H N N N N N 7. 142:3, .0?? - Net Debt 00000 0 0 0 0 2j 00000R 2 S O Q O O O O 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 S O O O_ 8 cd4v;.--.-i ,-; y�ci nio�ogdi: riopo "4009 ci m -. N�riCOy wt��.a� ��` 4 8 ti d 0 F a ,0 000 C 00 G 0 0 N On N 110? La - 4... O O a Zi O e e�v e�V e e�cY�o e\ ew� e\ i�soo T�woo 1��oo ��OO e\µ OO S�.�C e oo oo TT \ e� Ge e M . M M m d, •3� M , .j� y, d� m d, , d� d� 'H - - M M Bonded Debt ...,00.,„......,,,,00000.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 88888ct".i F.S8o p 6 8o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 t2 W 4 40 .+0? .- 0? d 4 N m O q O , O ,f} O O 0? . '0 O O O N 0? CJ ... NO r.-- �,n 0? M....c?N -- O , t` o .`t )`J 0 N W. .Under what Law W ,. ,n . 7 h h h• u-] ,n c.6 ,4 w. .4 46 E,] M M W CJ c, 00 UO 1- q O��tiG7Od a'� am00rnC,000000000 W W 9'0 4 W 00 4 4 W n5 A W O 0 W W .2. d 2 2 O .O. Q C. v aaagan000000e00000 p aaaaaa,-:da�aaaaaaaaa.aa.?.:� li .. 00 W W — 4? 0 .. O h W GO CO m W a0 0 0 O C' �1 d� - - d' " N N N m L+] N .. N - - - �-1 .-I . ,n ,fj �n a FL„§g F4'" LLQ „,6 p.[yG §c4g��Cy10.0 „TI .r A.AAAAA;As,�AAAAAAAAAAAAAAyp, 00i 0000in0rn #000000000000Q0 n For what purpose Created V,..4. . . - - - . P41'114:50 �z0E8 w 0 U 0 0,—,..,--, 0 _m _0 m 3 .N_ DD m'� wwwlmImP.wwmNa 0 h0 . El d 4 3r�.aaE d m .V Op 7° - - p °imommiabml,cdpwp,o. gWC A7 ,2� . : m :: :0?Ptl0 1 GG C LC ,.o. 0UiWWW0? •d0t d d d d d d d d d 6> Li l W • County, Town, Village or School District • q m bL Cyya C C Aa O ,9 Qo 0 0 0 0 0 o d d �'% 033300000303333333333333 c3 O O d m d d m a d g m m m 3 a 7 z gla pg m) 0 m a,g a a o a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 d 4 0 d td , IP, A C', A A. A S, a•, i, Y. A A ?, O 0 204 PROCEEDINGS 0F THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS REPORT OF COMMIT'T'EE ON FOOTING OF ASSESSMENT ROLLS 'I'o the Honorable, the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins, N. Y.: Gentlemen: Your committee on the footing of Assessment Rolls reports that it has verified .and corrected the footings of the Assessment Rolls referred to it, as made by the Assessors and Supervisors of each tax district, and that the following is a correct statement of such footings: Caroline.. Danby Dryden Enfield Groton Ithaca City Ithaca Town. Lansing Newfield.... , Ulysses. w 34,747 $ 842,315 $ 7,012 S 15,300$ 864,627 8, 838,500 33,256 751,690 3,795 5,300 760,785 739,310 53,286 2,213,662 34,518 18,370 2,266,550 2,194,732 22,207 582,114 4,522 7,200 593,836 579,340 30,725. 1,590,180 12,540 • 36,300 1,639,020 1,575,240 2,940 10,348,070 700,070 484,050 11,532,100 10,219,20 16,293 1,S47,054 32,342 35,500 1,914,596 1,840,334 37,789 1,355,060 8,850 16,400 1,3S0,340 1,348,885 36,997 759,365 4,656 14,100 778,151 746,845 10,818 1,223,325 21,281 43,050 1,287,656 1,212,900 'Totals..... 293,088 $ 21,512,835 $ 829,646 8 675,5708 23, 018,051 $ 21,295,356 • OIC TOMPKINS COIJNTY, NEW YORK 205 REPORT 01' COMMITTEE ON .FOOTING OF ASSESSMENT ROLLS Continued Towns Pension property marked "exempt Property within incor- porated villages maintain- iing separate road districts :inclusive of pension prop- erty marked "exempt" Property within incorpor-I ated villages maintaining separate boards of health exclusive of pension prop- eerty marked"exmpt" iui co Property subyect to high- way tax in towns and out- side of incorporated vil- lages inclusive of pensions marked "exempt" x y , F C.) O O F.a Daroline $ 3,755 $ 860,872 $ 864,627 Danby 12,380 748,405 760,785 Dryden 18,930 521,870 $ 514,640 $ 2,247,620 1,744,680 Enfield • 2,774 591,062 593,836 3roton 14,940 604,476 598,720 1,624,080 1,034,544 [thaca City 128,860 11,403,330 rthaca Town 6,720 333,760 333,70(1 1,908,176 1,581,136 Lansing 6,175 1,374,165 1,380,340 Vewfield 12,520 129,835 125,135 765,631 648,316 :5lysses 10,425 429,002 428,102 1,277,231 858,654 Totals $217,479;$ 2,018,9438 2,000,363$ 22,800,572 $ 9,466,918 • 206 PROCEEDINGS O1 THE BOARD. OF SUPERVISORS REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON FOOTING OF ASSESSMENT ROLLS Continued rri O y. e y o X 0 0 dad em. p N 0 • oPl. v, F., -0 Go a 0 0 Rank Stock Caroline Danby Dryden Enfield Groton Ithaca City Ithaca Town Lansing Newfield Ulysses Totals 1,732,080 1,025,354 1,574,416 640,496 849,129 S 67,296.32 135, 263.30 688,378.16 75,092.80 $ 5,822,375 3 956,030.58 ALBERT DASSANCE, Chairman., F. G. BEGENT F. A. TODD MAX KLUEBERT CASPER FENNER JOHN P. KELLY ED S. HILL • Committee. • 01' TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YOIU( 207 SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON FOOTING OF • ASSESSMENT ROLLS Your Committee on Footing of Assessment Rolls respectfully report the 'following on property within and without incorporated villages: Incorporated Villages C D 0 0 02 Dryden -Dryden & Freeville ' Outside incorporation. • Inside incorporation $1,711,042 $ 9,900 $23,738 $ 1,744,680 502,620 8,470 10,780 521,870 $11,700 7,230 Total $2,213,662 $18,370 $34,518 $2,266,550 $18,930 Groton -Groton Outside incorporation $1,008,410 $17,950 $ 8,184 $1,034,544 $ 9;190 Inside incorporation 581,770 18,350 4,356 604,476 5,750 Total 81,.590,180 $36,300 $12,540 $1,639,020 814,940 Ithaca Cayuga Heights Outside incorporation 31,553,154 $ 5,500 $22,482 $1,581,136 $\6,720 Inside incorporation 203,000 30,000 9,860 333,760 Total $1,847,054 $35,500 832,342 -81,914,896 $ 6,720 Newfield -Newfield Outside incorporation 8 642,490 $ 1,800 3 4,026 $ 648,316 $ 7,820 Inside incorporation 116,875 12,300 660 • 129,835 4,700 Total 3 759,365 $14,100 $ 4,686 $ 778,151 Ulysses Trumansburg Outside incorporation$ 845,525 $ 2,000 $11,129 8 858,654 inside incorporation 377,800 41,050 10,152 429,002 $12,520 $ 9,525 ' 900 Total $1,223,325 $43,050 821,281 $1,287,656 $10,425 ALBERT DASSANCE, . Chairman. F. A. TODD CASPER FEN NER, F. A. BEGENT MAX KLUEIIERT E. S. HILL J. P. KELLY . Committee. 203 PROCEEDINGS OF THE RCA RD OF SUPERVISORS HIGHWAY, BRIDGES AND MACHINERY REPORT HIGHWAY FUND f • • C RECEIPTS b4 Received as State Aid G 9 c Caroline Danby Dryden Enfield.... Groton Ithaca Toay Lansing. Newfield Ulysses $ 448.04 226.32 1,532 .42 530.83 185.07 411.71 228.01 $2,067.00 2,100.00 6,000.00 2,000.00 3,858.00 3,000.00 3,500.00 2,500.00 2,292.00 $1.,653.60 5 20.83 1,890.00 4,550 .00 1,600.00 2,700.00 1,700.00 2,450.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 50.00 101.97 9.5.41 390.72 24.00 40.00 107.40 1,279.43 4,189.47 4,266.32 12,184.39 4,226 , 24 6,948.72 4,909.07 6,401.71 • 5,335.41 6,071.43 EXPENDITURES .For labor, etc., for re- pair improvements For rental of machinery t•r y J ..a J J - r C) .-'4 ...-n 6 c: Caroline 32,852.43 $493.00 8 366.15 3 ,711.58 5 477.89 Danby 2,543.54 415.00 157.64 3,116.18 1,150.14 Dryden . 8,772.15 788.52 1,376.41 10,037.08 1,247.31 Enfield 2,468.09 427.00 107.54 3,002.63 1,223.61 Groton 5,961. 93 25.00 955.12 6,942.05 6.07 Ithaca Town 3,744.59 315.00 569.47 4,629.06 280.01 Lansing 5,107.00 300.00 590.47 5,997.47 404.24 Newfield 4,275.40 600.00 400.43 .5,275.92 59.49 Ulyases 4,156.20 86.5.00 838.08 5,859.28 212.15 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 200 H1GHWAY, T3RIDGE AND MACHINERY REPORT •BRIDGE FUND Rn CEIPTS n H as 0 O O 0 • 0 Total Receipts Caroline .................. Danby Dryden Enfield... „ Groton - Ithaca Town Lansing Newfield Ulysses $ 53.81 339.01 450.50 2.78 22.97 $ 200.00 . 500.00 4,300.00 1,100.00 5,015.00 1,450.00 1,300.00 2,425.00 250.00 1 502.06 100.00 550.00 330.00 2,100.00 $1,000.00 624.08 42.00 79.14 282.94 $ 702.06 $1,553.81 4,924.08 1,439.01 5,157.00 1,979.64 1,852.78 3,030.01 2,350.00 EXPENDITURES O F Caroline Danby Dryden Enfield Groton Ithaca Town Lansing Newfield 1Jlysses $ 84.53 $ 177.55 $ 439.98 • $ 702.06 699.30 673.64 $ 25.00 $1,397.94 155.87 1,666.84 1,360.46 1,830.22 66.56 4,924.08 650.30 230.61 880.91.558.10 1,617.41 221.86 3,297.85 5,137.12 19.-88 148.50 147.60 874.57 200.00 1,370.67 608.97 909.22 ,925.31 1,834.53 18.25 337.99 322.22 2,370.70 3,030.91 829.30 392.83 798.08 2,021.11 328.89 210 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS HIGHWAY, BRIDGE AND MACHINERY REPORT MACHINERY FUND RE OEIPTS .) Balance from previous year• Tax received from Collector • Received from certificates of indebtedness Received from other sources VD j :7 w -'3. Caroline $385.00 $32.06 $417.06 Danby $ 57.14 450.00 Caroline $121,00 628.14 Dryden . 81.97 500.00 Danby 581.97 Enfield 4.90 400.00 Dryden 404.90 Groton .42 400.00 20.00 36.35'456.77 Ithaca Town 100.16 450.00 Groton 200.00 750.16 Lansing 14.01 200.00 Ithaca Town 27.66 241.67 Newfield 79.77 500.00 Lansing 579.77 Ulysses 241.67 250.00 Newfield 250.00 EXPENDIl'U1tES • For purchase of machinery, tools, etc. _ For repairs of machinery, tools, etc. 1 Other expenditures Total expenditures T. r '6 r 2 U ,' Caroline $293.21$123.85 $417.06 Danby 450.36 176.58 626.94 $ 1.20 Dryden '271.43 138.85 $171.69 581,97 Enfield 59.63 172.60 232.23 172.67 Groton 33.36 423.41 456.77 Ithaca Town 123.87 593.89 717.76 32.40 Lansing 220.00 21.67 241.67 Newfield 328:70 99.55 108.65 536.90 42.87 Ulysses 81.01 60.64 141.65 108.35 1 01" TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORE 211 I-1IGHWAY, BRIDGE AND MACI-i1NERY REPORT SNOW AND MISCELLANEOUS RE CEIPTB Caroline Danby Dryden Enfield Groton Ithaca Town Lansing Newfield Ulysses 22.51 1,100.00 185.20 331.99 157.36 233.74 42.58 $100.00 300.00 200.00 100.00 500.00 434.16 50.00 $295.00 600.00 450.00 644.59 $ 81.55 25.00 1,178.95 5.96 108.65 $ 181.55 642.51 2,278.95 985.20 437.95 657.36 233.74 1,035.39 694.59 EXPENDITURES 1 For removing snow Allowance for watering troughs and shade trees Other expenditures Total expenditures IC g'D .4' p �I o . M F ot ) c 740 o Xi Caroline $ 150.25 $ 150.25$ 31.30 Danby 606.23$ 33.00 639.23 3.28 Dryden 1,931.20 111.00 $236.75 2,278.95 Enfield 869.82 - 21.55 891.37 03.83 Groton 173.40 57.00 140,95 ' 371.35 -66.60 Ithaca Town 445.48 12.00' 43.80 501.28 156.08 Lansing 34.66 34'66 199.08 Newfield 777.37 30.00 228.02 1,035.39 Ulysses 474.45 9.00 211.14 694.59 212 PHOCEEJ[,NGSOP'•THE BOt1H.D OFA SUPERVISORS CLERK'S CERTIFICATE State of New York, r] County of Tompkins, r ss. • Board of Supervisors. I) I, Fred L. Clock, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, New York, do hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing Journal of the Proceedings of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County with the original record thereof, and that the same is a full and correct transcript therefrom of the transactions of the said Board at the Regular and Special Sessions, to the best of my knowledge, and the Annual Session of said Board held in 1916. (Typographical errors are excepted.) IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and the seal of the Board', of Supervisors of Tompkins County, New York, this 4th day of January,. 1917. FRET) L. CLOCK, Clerk Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County OF TOMPKINS COUNT] , NEW •YOI1-11 213 POLITICAL DIRECTORY ' AND GUIDE TO TOWN OFFICERS General Election—First Tuesday after. the, first Monday of November. • Town .Boards to designate polling places—First Tuesday in' September. Annual School Meeting—First Tuesday in May. Town .Boards to meet to audit claims First Thursday after general election. All town claims must be presented for audit at this time. • The Supervisor, Town Clerk and Assessors of each Town must meet on the first Monday of July, 1878, and in each' third year thereafter, at •a place within the town, appointed by the Supervisor; or, in- case of his absdnce, or of a vacancy in his office, by the Town Clerk; for the purpose of making a list of persons to serve as trial jurors for the then ensuing three years. if' they fail to meet on the day specified in this section, they must meet as soon thereafter as practical. (Judiciary Law, Sect. 500.) At the meeting specified in the last section, the officers must select from the last assessment roll of the town and make a list of the names of all persons whom they believe to be qualified to serve as trial jurors as prescribed by law. (Ju- diciary Law, Sect. 501.) Town Boards meet to examine town officers' accounts --28th day of December of each year.. • Town Meeting, biennial—First Tuesday after First Monday- 'in November in odd numbered years. Annual meeting of Supervisors as n Board of Canvassers --First 'Tuesday succeeding general election. Annual meeting of the Board of Supervisors= First '1onlday afier:gen er;al election. Regular sessions of the Board of Supervisory First Monday of March, June and September. • All bills. and •claims.againist the county-must.:presented.7:tif, the Clerk of the Board 00. of before. the third, day of Annual Sessioie of the.-Board'of"Super- visors.. _,'... 1 214 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS . :111 bills for supplies furnished to Superintendents of the Poor must be pre- sented to said Superiniendents for audit on or before November 1st, of each year. All bills presented to the Board of Supervisors must be itemized and verified by the oath of the claimant.' No bills for law books will be audited unless purchased under Resolution of the Board of Supervisors. Ali bills for repairs to or improvements of county buildings must have en- dorsed thereon the approval of the committee on such buildings. No bills for supplies for county officers will be audited unless the same were purchased by the Committee of the Board of Supervisors having charge of such matters. The Tax Collector or Receiver shall, within eight days after receiving notice of the amount of taxes to be collected by him, execute an undertaking with two or more sureties, to be approved by the Supervisor of the town, and delivered to him. The Supervisor shall, within six days thereafter, file the said bond with his approval in the office of the County Clerk of this County. The Assessor must complete the Assessment Roll on or before the first day of August .and leave a copy thereof with one of their number and immediately thereafter cause notice thereof to be posted in three or more public places in the tax district, stating that said assessment roll has been comjleted and where such copy may be seen until the third Tuesday in August. "When the lines between two towns, wards or counties, divide a farm or lot, the same shall be taxed, if occupied in the town, ward or county where the occupant resides." The Assessors shall meet on the third Tuesday in August, to review their assessments and hear the complaint of any person conceiving to be aggrieved. The Assessor of towns must file the completed Assessment Roll with the Town Clerk on or before the fifteenth day of September, and shall, therefrom, become a public record, and the Assessors shall forthwith give public notice by posting the same in at least three of the most public places in the tax district and to be published in one or more newspapers published therein that such Assessment ]Roll has been finally completed, and stating that such certified copy has been filed. When the Assessors, or a majority of thein, shall have completed their roll, they shall severally appear before any officer of the County authorized by-law to administer oaths, and shall -severally make and subscribe before such officers, an oath in the following form: "We, the undersigned, do hereby severally depose and swear that we have set down in the foregoing Assessment Roll, all the real estate situate in the tax district in which we are assessors, according to our best information; and that, with the exception of those cases in which the value said real estate has been changed by reason of proof produced before us, and with the exception of those eases in which the value of any special franchise has been fixed b\' the state tax commission, we have estimated the value of said OF TOMPI{INS COUNTY, NEW YORK 215 real estate at the sums which a majority of the Assessors have decided to be the full value thereof, and also that the said Assessment Roll contains a true statement of the aggregate amount of the taxable personal estate of each and every person named in such Roll, over and above the amount of debts due from such persons respectively, excluding such stocks as are otherwise taxable and such other property as is exempt by law from taxation at the full value thereof according to our best judgment and belief." Which oath shall be written or printed on said roll, signed by the Assessors, and certified by the officer. Laws of 1916, Chapter 323, Sect. 38. The Supervisors mast report to the district Superintendent of Schools on the first Tuesday in February, the amount of school moneys remaining in his hands. Each Justice of the Peace must execute a bond with two sureties condi- tioned for the payment on demand to the proper officer all moneys received by the Justice, by virtue of his office, which bond must be approved by the Super- visor of the town, and filed in the Town Clerk's office. - Each Justice of the'Peace shall make a report in writing on the first day of November of each year, verified by oath, to the Board of Supervisors, at their annual session, in which he shall state particularly the time when, the name of the person or persons from whom any money has been received, and also the amount and on what account the same was received, also the sums remain- ing due and unpaid and that all moneys by him receive] have been paid to the officer duly empowered by haw to receive the same. Each Justice of the Peace shall pay to the Supervisor of his respective town on the first Monday in each month all fines and penalties imposed and received by him, and he shall also make a verified report of all fines and penalties col- lected'hy hint to the Board of Town Auditors of his respective town on Tuesday preceding the annual Town Meeting. County Law, Sent. 12, sub'div. 21. Overseers of the Poor cannot, furnish supplies to a county pauper to exceed the sura of ten dollars without an order Froin the County Superintendents author- izing disbursements for such purpose. The Clerk of every town, iucorporatu village and city in the County shall report to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors on or before November lst of each year all indebtedness of such town, village or city, specifying for what purpose created, under what law, rate of interest and where payable. County Law, Sect. 52. The Trustees or the person or persons having charge of the issue of bonds or payment of same of any school district shall transmit a statement thereof to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors annually on or before the first day of November. County Law, Sect. 52. Thu Board of Assessors of the several towns of the County and the Assessors of. the City of Ithaca shall furnish to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors on or before the first day of September in each year a full and complete list and statement of all property within their respective districts exempt from taxation, under the laws of this state. Fax Law, Sect. 15 as amended. Chap. 323, Laws 1916. . 216 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ROSTER -1917 CONGRESS HARRY H. PRATT (37th District) Hornell, N. Y. STATE SENATE Monnis S. HALL/DAY (49th District) Ithaca ASSEMBLY CASPER FENNER Ileddens COIINTY OFFICERS County Judge and Surrogate WILLARD M. KENT Ithaca Special County Judge S EDWIN BANKS Ithaca County Clerk CLARENCE D. TARBELL Ithaca Deputy County Clerk • WILLIAM H. BAKER + Ithaca District Attorney ARTHUR G. ADAMS Ithaca Sheriff CHARLES A. MACKEY Ithaca Under Sheriff LYMAN H. GALLAGHER.... Slaterville Springs County Treasurer ROBERT L. I'osT Ithaca Superintendent of Highways FRED C. EVANS - Ithaca. Superintendent of Poor 11'u. D. BALDWIN Croton Superintendent of Poor WALTER MEKEEL Trumansburg, R. D. Superintendent of Poor DANIEL MITCHELL Enfield Commissioner of Election FRED G. Boot, Ithaca Commissioner of Election CLARENCE C. SRUIER Ithaca Sealer of Weights and Measures... COURT BELLIS Ithaca Coroner W I. A. SMITH Newfield Clerk of Surrogate's Court D. 1'd. GILLESPIE Ithaca Clerk Board of Supervisors FRED L. CLOCK Ithaca Dist. Supt. of Schools FRED A. BEARDSLEY...Trumansburg, R. D. Dist. Supt. of SchoolsJOHN D. BIGELOW Ithaca Dist. Supt. of Schools HATTIE KNAPP BUCK Croton, R. D. Keeper of Alms House Primo 13. SMITH Jacksonville TOWN OFFICERS CAROLINE Supervisor W31. C, GALLAGHER Slaterville Springs Town Clerk J C. BENNETT • Brookton Collector Wm. T. GRAHAM Brookton, R. D. 24 • DANBY Supervisor FRANK- A. Tonn West Danby Town Clerk R. B. I\IEAKER Ithaca, R. D. 4 Collector CHAS. COLE West Danby, R. D. 25 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 217 DRYDEN Supervisor ED S. IIILL Freeville, R. D. Town Clerk F E. DARLING Freeville Collector FAY SxILLINGS Freeville, R. D. 16 ENFIELD Supervisor JAMES H. HINE Newfield, R. D. Town Clerk DEEVOE RUSISEY Enfield Center Collector ' THoaIAs R. BROWN Ithaca, R. I). 5 GROTON Supervisor FRANK A. REGENT Groton Town Clerk ASTIDEL LANDON Groton Collector A II. SWARTHOUT Groton, R. D. 11 ITHACA CITY Supervisor, 1st Ward JOHN P. KELLY Ithaca Supervisor, 2nd Ward AUGUSTIN I. ScnAst-int Ithaca Supervisor, 3rd Ward WILLIAM B. WILKINsoN Ithaca Supervisor, 4th Ward MAx KLUEBERT Ithaca Supervisor, 5t11 Ward ' WILBER G. FISH Ithaca City Clerk W. O. KERR Ithaca ' - City Chamberlain C A. BREWER Ithaca ITHACA TOwN Supervisor H. S. WRIGHT lthacs Town Clerk FRANK 1IANSHAw Ithaca, R. D. 2 Collector OSCAR C. Hort. Ithaca, R. D. 5 LAN SIN G Supervisor CAsri,R FENNER 1-Ieddens • Town Clerk M. L. FORD 'Ludlowville Collector JAY MOREY Ithaca, R. D. 1 NE W FIELD Supervisor ALBERT DASSANCr Newfield Town Clerk GEORGE W. PECK Newfield Collector LEROY DICKSON Newfield ULYSSES Supervisor 3 M. TOWNSEND Trumansburg Town Clerk THOMAS BOWER Trumansburg• Collector ENos HARnENDURG Trumansburg, R. 11 1 ( 1 I _Election, Held November 7, 1916 ITU ._ . For Attorney General . For State Engineer and Surveyor . • Eit A?CK e7tru CKER Progressive EUGENE WOOD • Socialist JOHN P. GILLY Social Labor EGIIURT E. WOODBURY Republican WILLIAM W. FARLEY Democrat & American WILLIAM A. DEFORD Independence League CLAUDE V. STOWELL Prohibition x a a F=1 cu i o S. JOHN BLOCK Socialist ERWIN A. ARCHER Social Labor FRANK M. 'WILLIAMS Republican, etc. . w W� 0 Q1 E] e-, g x EPHRAIIM H. KEYES ", American WILLIAM B. TIMBRELL Prohibition 0 GEORGE H. WARNER G' I Socialist i P LEWIS F. ALIeTZ ca Social Labor 42 138 10 4443 2721 46 365 47 127 I2 2697 ably 5 Special County Judge and Surogate Superintendent of the Poor Question No. 1 Rel- ative to Constitu- tional Convention Question No. 2, Relative to State Parks CASPER FENNER Progressive ELON R. BRowN S, EDWIN BANKS Republican, etc. _WNi C M• C 0 y j Z w Z 4 N A .5.2: aC � W ,A ti' g d 0 4 O z 0 A OA.,z A `ti 0 W ..a '� E-+ lM 18 146052499 147 4262 2587 365 1I7. 1205• 4457 1825 3699 f INDEX A Annual Session t 32 Audits, County. Amaral Session, 59, 66, 95, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 103, 105, 1.07, 132 At Regular Sessions 7 29 Claims Omitted from Budget - - 3 Audits, Town 137, 138, 140, 142, .143, 140, 1.17, 149, 150. Adding Machine 60, 63 Accounts of Supervisors 152 Armory, State Tax for 35 Automobile Hire, Contract for 46 Animals, Society for Prevention of Cruelty to 93, 93 Assessment Rolls, Placing Property in Town of Danby on 33, Placing Property in Town of Enfield on _ 39 Placing Property •in Town of Dryden on 41 Placing Property in Town of Ithaca on 44 Placing Property in Town of Caroline on 56 • Striking Property in City of Ithaca from 52 Supervisor of Croton Authorized to Add to 69 ]Regular Report of Committee on Footing 71, 204 Supplemental Report of Committee on Footing 71, 207 Assessment, Erroneous 47,- '16 Apportionment, Of Election Expenses, ' 74 Of Taxes 1.18 Of •Printed Proceedings of Bonn] 131 Appropriations, To Pay Claims Omitted from Budget • 4 For Court Expenses_ 4 For R.00f of Heating Plant tit County Clerk's Building 9 For Eavestrough at County Clerk's Building 9 For Painting Roof at County Clerk's Building 9 For New Beater at Comity Clerk's Building .1:1, 91 For Electric Light for Surrogate's Office 6 For Covering-Steain Pipes at Court ]louse 6 For Railing at Court House - 9 For Repairing Roof at Court _[louse 20 For New Adding Machine for -Supervisors 03 To Farm Bureau 55, tit To Society for Prevention of Cruelty. to Children 93 To Society for Prevention of Crrielty to Animals 93 To Child's Welfare Board 11' 91 Additional to Child's Welfare Board 11 To Tuberculosis hospital 0-1, 93 Additional to Tuberculosis Hospital i11)111: .For Support of Poor 52 To Pay Claim of Prank Jefferson 77 220 • PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS To Pay for Fuel, Light and Telephone 80 For Burial of Indigent Soldiers and Sailors 90 For Postage for County Clerk 91 For Postage for Commissioners of Election 91 For Postage for Clerk of Board 91 ` For Postage for County Treasurer" 92 For Finishing Jacksonville-Taughannock Falls Highway 10, 23 For Brookton-Speedsville Pt, 1,.and Slaterville Springs -Caroline, Pt. 2 Highway 14 For West Danby -West Danby Station Highway 16 For Ithaca City -Mitchell Street Highway 18 For Groton -Cortland, Pts. 3 and 4 Ilighway 20, 25 Of Automobile Moneys to Coddington Road 111 For Rights of Way 23, 28, 29, 34, 71 For Fence in Lien of Right of Way 23 For County's Share of Cost under County System of Roads 80 For General and Poor Fund 117 For Ilighway Fund • 117 Accounts of Tuberculosis Hospital, Committee to Audit 117 Automobile Moneys Appropriated to Coddington Road 111 B Board of 'Supervisors, Annual Session 32 • Regular Sessions 3, 8, 26 Special Session 13 Standing Committees of 34 Special Coinmittees of 5, 53, 67, 72, 90, 117 Hours of Meeting of 36 Printed Proceedings of 47, 131 Board of Managers, Tuberculosis Hospital, Election to 84, 125 Report of 64, 79, 80; 87, 93, 189 Biennial Town Meetings, Changing Tiine of Holding 52, 59 Budget, County 112 Budget, Towns 119, 120, 121, 122, 123 Brookton-Speedsville Pt. 1 and Slaterville Springs -Caroline Pt. 2 I-Iighway 14, 29 Bonds Issue for Road Construction, Sinking Fund and Interest on 3.5 Bonded indebtedness of County and Towns 202 Bonded Indebtedness, Plan for Funding 106, 131 Bond, Superintendent of the Poor 39, 40 Superintendent of Highways 66 Of Former Superintendent of Highways Released 106 Bank Tax Statement 57, 194 Burial of Indigent Soldiers and Sailors 90 Bridge Fund209 C Caroline, Audits of 137 Budget of 119 Dog Tax of 39 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY-, NEW YORK 221 Petition of Assessors Placing Certain Property on Assessenent Roll.. .56 Tax for Maintenance of Highways B3 78 Tax for Improvement of highways and Bridges 73 Tax to Cancel Certificates of Indebtedness 74 Returned Highway and School Taxes of 75, 90 Amount Due Town from Mortgage Tax 110 Chairman of Board, Election of Temporary 50, ij 52 Member of Special Committees 67, 117 Clerk of Board, Election of 3:3 Salary of 125, 127, 130 Postage for 91 Authorized to Purchase supplies• 33 Authorized to Expunge from Minutes 37 Directed to Make Contract for Automobile Hire 46 Directed to Make Contract with Monroe County Penitentiary 63 Clerk of Board, Directed to Write State Sealer of Weights and Measures56 Authorized to Correct Manifest Errors 106 Certificate of 212 Committees, Standing, List of 34 Places of New Members on Standing 8 9 Special, To Sell Land Acquired at Tax Sale , �, 90 To Investigate Needs of Tuberculosis Hospital 53 Under Section 320 A of the Highway Law 67, 72 To Audit Accounts of Tuberculosis Hospital 117 On Jail Supplies 117 Committee on County Officers and Compensation— Authorized to Repair Roof of Heating Plant at County Clerk's Bldg6 Authorized to Place Electric Lights in County Surrogate's Office6 Authorized to Cover Steam Pipes at Court House 6 Authorized to Place Eavetroughs on County Clerk's Building 9 ' Authorized to Paint Roof of County Clerk's Building 9 Authorized to Place Railing at Court House 9 Authorized to Repair Roof at Court House 26 • Report of Relation to Salary of Turnkey 10, '125 Report of Relative to Salaries of County Officers 94, 127, 128 Report of, on Audits 107, 129 Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses— Authorized to Purchase Chairs for Surrogate's Office ' 11 Report of Relative to Report of Surrogate • 74 Report of Relative to Report of County CIerk 74 Report of Relative to Apportionment of Election Expenses 74 Report of on Audits 95 Committee on Charities, Report of on Needs of Hospital at County Home8 Report of Relative to Bond of Superintendent of the Poor 40 . Report of Relative to Report of Superintendents of the Poor 52 Report of Relative to County and Town Poor 52 Report of Relative,to Report of Board of Managers of Tuberculosis Hospital 93 222 PROCEEDINGS OF TIIE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Report of on Audits 97 Report of Relative to.Child's Welfare Board 67 Committee on Rules, Report of Relative to New Members on Standing Cotnmittees 9 Committee on Highway, .Report of Relative to Rights of Way .23, 25, 29, 34, 71 Report of Relative to Settlement with Chas. White 71 Report of Relative to Settlement with C. H. Royce 34 Report of on Audits 100, 105 Report of Relative to Dryden-Ilarford Highway 106 Report of Relative to Settlement with Arthur Teeter 23 Committee on Town Expenses, Report of Relative to Speeial Franchise45 Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes, Report, of Relative to Grand Jurors 51, 79 Report of Relative to Claim of Frank Jefferson 77, 90 Report of on Returned School Taxes ' 75, 85 Committee on Soldier Relief, etc., Report of Relative to Farm Bureau. :55, 62 Report of Relative to Indigent Soldiers and Sailor 90 Report of on Audits 99 Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts, Report of Relative to Bank Tax 57 Report of on Audits • 93 Report of Relative to Report of County Treasurer 104 Report of Relative to Mortgage Tax 110 Committee on Towns and County Accounts— Report of Relative to Amounts to be Raised for Maintenance of High- ways and Sinking Fund and interest on Bonds 68, 78 Report of Relative to Liquidation of Not e Given by Danby Town Board 77 Report of, on Audits 59, 66 Committee on rooting Assesstnent bolls, Report of 71, 204 Supplemental Report of 71, 207 Committee on Equalization, Report of, for General Tax Levy SI, 8S Report of. for Highway Tax Levy SS, 90 Report. of, on Apportionment of Taxes 110 Committee on Coroner, .Justices', lac. Accounts, Report of, on Audits101 Committee on Contract Supplies, Report of, Relative to Light, Fuel and Telephone 79 Report of, on Audits 103 Committee on Correction and Reformation Report of, on Audits 101 Report of, Relative to Report of Sheriff 131 Committee on Finance, To Report lielative to Funding Bonded Debt .106, 131 Report of, Relative to County Budget 112 Report of, Relative to Toon Budgets.......... • .119, 120, 121, 122, 123 County .Judge and Surrogate, Eleetric Lights for Office 6 Chairs for Office of • 11 Requisition of r0 Report of 41, 74 County Clerk, Report, of 40, 74, 1S2 Report of, on Mortgage Tax 41 Requisition of 81 Postage for 91 O1 TOMPKTNS COUNTY, NEW YORK 223 County Treasurer, Authorized to Borrow to Pay Claims Not in Budget4 Authorized to Borrow to Pay Court Expenses - 4 Authorized to Pay for Covering Steam Pipes at Court I-Iouse 6 Authorized to Borrow to Complete Jacksonville-Taughannock Falls Road 10 Authorized to Borrow to Pay Child's Welfare Board 11 Authorized to Borrow to Pay Audits 7, 29 Authorized to Pay for Rights of Way ` 23, 28, 29, 34 Authorized to Pay for Fence in Lien of Right of Way 23 Authorized to Borrow to Pay Appropriation for Tuberculosis Hospital 27 Directed to Pay for Repairs to Roof of Court House 33 Directed to Pay for Painting Roof of County Clerk's Building 38 Directed to Pay for Heater at County Clerk's Building 44, 91 Directed to Pay Appropriation to Farm Bureau 55, 62 Directed to Pay for New Adding Machine 03 Directed to Pay Appropriation to Tuberculosis Hospital 6'1 Directed to Pay Appropriation to Child's Welfare Board 68, 94 Directed to Pay Claim of Frank Jefferson 77 Directed to Pay County's Share under County Systqi of Roads80 Directed to Pay for Steel Filing Cases - 81 Directed to Pay Returned Highway and School Taxes 87 Directed to Pay Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children 93 Directed to Pay Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals 93 Report of 40, 47, 104, 153 Supplemental Report of 69, 175 Postage for 92 County District Attorney, Report of 30 County Superintendent of Highways, Payment of Telephone Charges for .12, 31 Report of 48, 50. :Election of 63, 64, 65 • 'Bond of 66 B.elease of l3ond of Former 106 County Superintendents of the Poor, Bond of 39, 40 Report of 42, 52, . 186 Relative to Salary of _ 54 County Sheriff, Deport of 69 County Sealer of Weights and Measures, Report of 41 Election of 67, . 87 Allowances for Expenses 95 Coroner, Report of 111 ' Commissioners of Election, Report of 66 Election of 78, 80 Postage for 91 Chaplain and Matron at County Jail, Report of , 55 Election of 67, 70 Chaplain at County Home, Election of 67, 70, 126, 128, 129 Clerk of Surrogate's Court, Salary of 125, 128 County Court Stenographer 30 Clerk Hire in County Clerk's Office 125, 127 224 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Collectors of Towns, When to Settle 124 County Home, Hospital at 8 62 Election of Chaplain at 67, 70, 126, 128, 129 Court House, Use of by Calvary Baptist Church • 6 Covering Steam Pipes in • 8 Railing at 9 Repairs to Roof of 26, 33 Sale of Junk at 26, 33 County Clerk's Building, Repairs to Roof of Heating Plant 6 New Eavetroughs at 9 Painting Roof of 9, 38 New Heater at ' 44, 91 County Jail, Salary of Turnkey at 10, 125, 127 Chaplain and Matron of 55 67, 70 Physician at 67, ' 70 Employment of Ininates on Highways 26 Committee on Supplies for 117. Calvary Baptist Church, tise_of Court House by 8 Child's Welfare Board, Report of Directors of 9, 54 • Appropriation to 11, 68, 94 Children, Society for Prevention of Cruelty to 63, 93 Cruelty to Animals, Society for Prevention of 63, 93 Court Expenses, Resolution Relative to 4 County System of Roads 6, 10, 48, 60, 65, 80, 106 County Printing to Be Done in County 31 County and Town Poor, Report of Committee Relative to 52 County, Amount to be Raised for Sinking Fund and Interest - 35, 63, 78 County, Bonded Indebtedness of 202 County Audits, At Regular Sessions 7, 29 At Annual Session....59, 66, 95, 97, 08, 99, 100; 101, 103, 105, 107, 132 County Budget 112 County Tax Bates 118, 119 County Officers, Salaries of 10, 54, 74,94, 125, 127, 128, 129, 130 Contracts, For Printed Proceedings of Board 47 For Automobile hire 46 With Monroe County Penitentiary 63 Claims, Of Federal Telephone Company 12, 31 Of Horace Van Riper - 47 Of Frank Jefferson 56, 77 Of A. 13. Oltz 33 ' Of Richard Wheeler 38 Creedan, Florence, Fence in Front of Property of 23 Compensation to Members of Town Boards 37 Certificates of Indebtedness, Tax to Cancel in Towns 72, 74 Coddington Road, Autonobile _Money Appropriated to 111 Communications, Froin Comptroller 35 From State Highway Commissioner 36 Comptroller, Communication from, Relative to State Tax for Supreme Court Stenographer, Etc. 35 OF TOMP1K1NS COUNTY, NEW YORK 225 Communication From, Relative to State Tax for Armories 35 Communication From, Relative to Sin.lcing Fond and Interest on Bonds 35 Report to • 200 Commissioner of Highways, Communication From, Relative to Amounts to be Raised for Maintenance 36 Clerk's Certificate 212 Canvass, Official Back of Book County and Farm Officers 216 r; r� County Printing to be Done in County � 31 D Danby, Audits of - 138 Budget of 120 , Dog Tax of 39 Petition of Assessors Placing Certain Property on Assessment Roll.. • 33' Resolution Relative to Liquidation of Note Given by Town Board. , .; 40 Amount to be Raised for Maintenance of Highways . 68, ,78, Tax for Improvement of highways and Bridges 73. Returned Highway and School Taxes of 75, 90 Amount Due Town From Mortgage Tax 110 West Danby -West Danby Station Highway 16. Dryden, Audits of 140 Budget of 120 Dog Tax of 39 Petition of Assessors Placing Certain Property on Assessment Roll. 41 Amount to be Raised for Maintenance of highways 68, 78 Amounts to be Raised for Sinking Fund and Interest on Highway Bonds 68, . 78 Tax for Improvement of Highways and Bridges 73 Returned Highway and School. Taxes of 75, . 90 Amount Due Town on Mortgage Tax 110 Bank Tax of 58, • 1.94 Dryclen-Harford Road 5, ' 85 Desks for Supervisors' Rooms 30, 33 Designation of Newspapers to Publish Session Laws, Etc. 30 District Attorney, (See County District Attorney) . . Dog Tax for Towns 39 Directory, Political 213 Enfield, Audits of 442 Budget of ' 121 Dog Tax of 39 Petition of Assessors Placing Certain Property on Assessment Roll39 Amount to be Raised for Maintenance of highways 68, .. 78 Tax for Improvement of highways and Bridges 73 Amount Due.Town From Mortgage Tax .' 110 Enfield Falls -Enfield Center Highway 71 Election, Chairman of Board 32 226 PROCEEDINGS- OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Clerk of Board 33 County Superintendent of Highways 63, ti 64, 65 County Sealer of Weights and Measures 67 Jail Chaplain and Matron 67, 70 Jail Physician 67, 70 Chaplain at County Howe 67, 70, 126, 128, 129 Commissioners of Election 78, 80 To Farm Bureau - 54 To'Board of Managers of Tuberculosis Hospital 84, 125 Election, Report -of Commissioners of 66, 87 Election Expenses, Apportionment of 74 Erroneous Assessments 47, 56, 77 Equalization, Report of Committee on, for General Tax Levy 81, 88 Report of Committee oh, for Highway 'fax Levy 88, 90 Errors in Minutes, Etc., Clerk Authorized to Correct 106 F Federal Telephone Company, Claims of 12, 31 Farm Bureau, Authorized to Use Court House 38 Appropriations to 46, 48, 54, 55, 62 Election to 54 Fuel, Light and Telephone 79, 80 Finance Committee, To Report Relative to Funding Bonded Debt 106, 131 Report of, on County Budget 112 Footing Assessment Rolls, Regular Report of Committee on 71, 204 Supplemental Report of Committee on 71,. 207 G Croton, Audits of 143 Budget of 121 Dog Tax of 39 Amount to be Raised for Maintenance of Highways 68, 78 Supervisor Authorized to Add Certain Property to Assessment Roll. , 69 Tax for Improvement of Highways and Bridges 73 'fax to Cantel Certificates of indebtedness 72, 74 Returned Highway and School Taxes of 75, 90 Amount Due Town on Mortgage Tax 110 Bank '.I'ax of 58, 194 Groton -Cortland, Pts. 3 and 4, Highway 19, 20, 25, 28 Grand Jurors, Report of Committee on 51, 79 General Tax Levy, Report of Committee on 81, 88 General Tax 117 General and Poor Fund, Appropriation for 117 Highways, Cocmty Superintendent of. Dryden-Ilarford Highway Jacksonville-Taughannock Falls Brooktmi-Speedsville, Pt. 1, and 11 (See County Superintendent of Highw's) 5, 85, 106 Highway 10, 23 Slatervil.le Springs -Caroline, Pt. 2, 11ighway 14, 29 OF TOMPK N S COTJN'TY, NEW YORK 227 West Danby -West Danby Station Highway 16 Croton -Cortland, Pts. 3 and 4, Highway 19, 20, 25, 28 Ithaca City -Mitchell Street Highway 17, 18 Enfield Falls -Enfield Center Highway 71 Permanent Designation of 10 Report Of Committee on Rights of Nay 2'3, 28, 29, 34, 71 Employment of Jail Inmates on 26 Amounts to be Raised by Towns for Maintenance of 36, 68, 78 .Sinking Fund and Interest to be Raised on Bonds for the Construc- tion of 35, 68, 78 Plans for Funding Bonded Indebtedness for 106, 131 Request for Survey of 106 Release of Bond of Former Superintendent of 106 Automobile Moneys Apfiropriated to Coddington Road 111 Highway Tax, Appropriation for • 117 For Improvement of Highway and Bridges in Towns 73 Highway Tax Levy, Report of Committee on 88, 90 Highway Fund ' 208 Highway, Bridges and Machinery Report 208, 209, 210, 211 Highways, County System of Roads 6, 10, 48, 00, 6s County Map for 106 Special Corninittee Under Section 320A of Highway Law 67, 72 Hospital at County Home, Report of Committee on 8 Heater in County Clerk's Building 44, 91 Hours of Meeting of Board 36 I Ithaca City, Budget of 122 Petition of Assessors to Strike Certain Property From Assessment. Roll 52 Returned School Taxes of 85 Amount Due City From IMortgage Tax 110 Bank Tax of 57, 194 Mitchell Street Iliglrway 17, 18 Itha.caa Town, Audits of 146 Budget of 121 Dog Tax of 39 Authorized to Use Jail Inmates for Highway Work 20 Petition of Assessors Placing Certain Property on Assessment Roll44 Amount to be Raised for Maintenance of Highways 68, 78 Tax for Improvement of Highways and Bridges 73 Returned Highway and School Taxes of 76, 00 Amount Due Town From Mortgage Tar- 110 Indebtedness, Bonded of County and Towns 202 J Jacksonville-Taughannock Falls highway 10, 23 Jail, Salary of Turnkey 10, 125, 127 Employment of Inmates on Highways 26 228 PROCEEDINGS 'OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Chaplain and Matron, Election of 67, 70 Chaplain and Matron, Report of 55 Physician, Election of 67; 70 Committee on Supplies for 117 Jefferson, F. B., Claim of, for Erroneous Assessment 56, 77 Justices of the Peace, Reports of 192 Junk, Sale of 26, 33 L Lansing, Audits of 147 Budget of 122 Dog Tax of 3g Supervisor Authorized to Place Certain Items in Town Budget.. , 40, 41 Amount to be Raised for Maintenance of Highways 68, 78 Tax. for Improvement of Highways and Bridges 73 Tax to Cancel Certificates of Indebtedness 74 Amount Due Town From Mortgage Tax 110 Land Acquired at Tax Sale, Committee to Sell .5 ' 90 Light, Fuel and Telephones 79 80 M Memnbers, Places on Standing Committees of New 8, 9 Managers Tuberculosis Hospital, Election to Board of 84 125 Report of Board of 64, 79, 80, 87 Mortgage Tax, Report on 41, 110 Statement of 195 Monroe County Penitentiary, Contract with 63 Maintenance of Highways, Amounts to he Raised by Towns for 68, 78 Machinery Fund 210 Map for County System of Roads 100 Motor Vehicle Moneys Appropriated to Coddington Road 111 N Newfield, Audits of 1.49 Budget of 122 Dog Tax of 39 Amount to be Raised for Maintenance of Highways 68, 78 Tax for Improvement of Highways and Bridges 73 Tax to Cancel Certificates of Indebtedness 72, 74 Returned Highway and School Taxes of 77, 90 Amount Due Town From Mortgage Tax , .1.11,/N ens Members, Planes of, do Standing Committees 8, 9 Newspapers, Designations of, to Publish Session Laws, Ete 36 O Oltz, A. B., Payment of Claim of 33 Ofhcers, County and Towns 210 Salaries of County 10, 54, 74, 94, 125, 127, 128, 129, 130 Oliicial Canvass Back of Book Ol'' TOMPtKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 229 p. Post Office Addresses of Supervisors 32 Printing to be Done in County 31 Printed Proceedings of Board, Contract for 47 Apportionment of 131 Poor, Superintendents of. (Sce County Superintendents of the Poor.) Poor, Report of Committee Relative to County and Town 52 Physician .at County jail, Election of 67, 70 Probation Officer 93 Petition, To Place Certain Property iti Town of Danby on Assessment, Roll 33 To Place Certain Property in Town of Enfield on Assessment Roll39 To Place Certain Property in Town of Dryden on Assessment Roll41 To Place Certain Property in Town of Ithaca on•Assessmcnt Roll... 44 To Place Certain Property in Town of Caroline on Assessment .Roll56 To Strike Certain Property in City of Ithaca from Assessment Roll52 Of Farm Bureau for Increased Appropriation 43, 74 Of Child's Welfare Board for Additional Appropriation .......... .. 0 Postage, Conn ty.Clerk 91 Commissioners of Election 91 Clerk of Board 91 County .Treasurer 92 Personal Property in County, Va1mition of 197 Property, Statement of Valuation of Real 196 Statement of Valuation of ,Personal 197 Political Directory 213 R Regular Sessions 3, q Audits at 7, 29 Resolutions, Rescinding Resolution of Jan. 5, 1916, Relative to Bond Issue 4 Authorizing Committee to Sell Land Acquired. at Tax Sale5, 90 To Repair Roof at County Clerk's Building 6 To Place Electric Lights in Surrogate's Office 6 To Cover Stearn Pipes in Court House 6 To Place Eavetroughs on County Clerk's Building g To Paint I4.00f of County Clerk's Building _ 9 To Erect Railing at Court House g. To Purchase Chairs for Surrogate's Office • 11 To Repair Roof at Court house 26 To Purchase Filing Cases for County Treasurer 81 • To Finish Jacksonville-Taugha.nnock Falls Highway 10, 23 Authorizing County Treasurer to Borrow to Pay Claims Not in Budget 4 County Treasurer to Borrow to Pay Court Expenses 4 To Borrow to Pay for Jacksonville-Taughannock Falls highway 10 To Borrow to Pay Audits 7 29 To Borrow to Pay child's Welfare Board 11 Resolution, Authorizing County Treasurer to Borrow to Pay Appropriation for Tuberculosis Hospital 27, 64 To Borrow to Pay for Rights of .Way 23, 28, .29, 34, 71 230 PROCEEDINGS 01' THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Directing County Treasurer to Pay for Repairs on Hoof of Court House 33 To Pay for New Adding Machine 63 Authorizing Supervisor of Lansing to .Place Certain .Items in Town Budget .40, 41 Supervisor of Croton to Add to Assessment Roll of Town 69 Town Boards to Fix Per Diem Compensation 37 Employment of Jail Inmates on 11iglhway 26 Making Pcrtitanent Designation of highways 10 Relative to Dryden -Harford Highway 5, 85 To Brookton-Speedsville and Slaterville Springs -Caroline Highway 14 To West Danby -West Danby Station Highway 16 To Ithaca City -Mitchell Street Highway 17, 18 To Croton -Cortland Highway 19, 20, 25 For Purchase of Rights of Way 23, 23, 20, 34, 71 Resolution, Relative to County System of Roads 6, 48, 60 Relative to Payment of County's Share of Cost of County System of Roads 80 Relative to County Printing Being Done in County 31 Relative to Liquidation of Note Given by Town Board of Danby40 Relative to Heater in County Clerk's Building 44, 91 Relative to New Adding Machine 60 Relative to Burial of Indigent Soldiers and Sailors 90 Changing Time of Holding Biennial Town Meetings 59 Making Appropriation to ]Farm Bureau 62 Directing Clerk to Make Contract with Monroe County Penitentiary 63 Requiring Collectors of Towns to Settle 124 Roads, County System of 6 10, 60, 65, 80 County Map to be Prepared for Country- System of 106 Bights of Way, Purchase of 23, 2S, 20, 34, 71 Groton -Cortland Highway 2S Brookton-Speedsville and Slatervillc Springs -Caroline highways 29 Settlement with Charles White 71 Settlement with C. H. Royce 34 Requisition, County Surrogate 70 County Clerk 81 Royce, C. H., Purchase of Right of Way of 34' Returned Highway and School Taxes 75, 85 Rules, Report; of Committee on, Relative to New _Members 9 Report, of Committee on Needs of Hospital at County Home S Report of Child's Welfare Board 9, 54 Report of Board of Managers of Tuberculosis Hospital. (See Board of Managers of Tuberculosis hlospital.) Report of Committee on Rules. (See Committee on -Rules.) Of Committee on Equalization. (See Committee on Equalization.) Of Committee on Footing, Assessment Rolls. (Sec Committee on Footing Assessment Bolls.) Of Committee on Apportionment. (See Committee on Equalization.) Of Committee on Town and County Accounts. (See Committee on Town and County Accounts.) OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 231 Of Committee on Town Expenses, Etc. (See Committee on Town Expenses.) • Of Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes. (See Com- mittee on Returned Highway and School Taxes.) • Of Committee on County Officers and Compensation. (Sec Committee on County Officers and Compensation.) Of Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts. (See Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts.) Of Committee on Coroner, Justices', Etc. (See Committee on Coroner, Justices', Ete.) Of Committee on Correction and Reformation. (See Committee ou Correction and Reformation.) Of Committee on County Clerk and. Election Expenses. (See Com- mittee on County Clerk and Election Expenses.) Of Committee on Charities. (See Committee on Charities.) Of Committee on Soldiers' Relief, 1ietc. (See Committee on Soldiers' Relief, Ete.) Of Committee on Highways. (See Committee on Highways.) Of Committee on Finance. (See Committee on Finance.) Of Committee on Contract Supplies. (See Committee on Contract Supplies.) Report of County Judge and Surrogate. (See County Jurlge and Surrogate.) Of County Clerk. (See County Clerk.) Of County Treasurer. (See County Treasurer.) Of District Attorney. (See County District Attorney.) Of County Superintendent of the Poor. (See County Superintendents of the Poor.) Of County Superintendent of Highways. (See County Superintendent of Highways.) Of Sealer of Weights and Measures." (See County Sealer of Weights and Measures.) Of Jail Chilblain and Matron. (Sec Chaplain and Matron at County Jail") Of Commissioners of Election. (See Commissioners of Election.) Of Sheriff. (See County Sheriff.) Of Coroner. (See Coroner.) Of •Justices of the Peace 192 Real Property, Valuations of 196 Rates, Tax for Towns 199 Report of Highway, Bridges and Machinery Fords 208, 209, 210, 211 Report to Comptroller 2011 Roster 216 S Sessions, Regular .3, 8, 26 Audits at 7, 29 Special 13 Annuah32 Audits at 59, 60, 115, 97, 08, 99, 100, 101, 103, 105, 107, 132 232 PROCEEDINGS -OF TJJE BOARD• OF SUPERVISORS Supervisors, Names and Post Office Addresses of 32 Standing Committees, Places of New Members on 8, 9 List of 34 Special Committees, To Sell Land Acquired at Tax Sale 5 9.0 To Investigate Hospital at County Home 8 To Investigate Needs of Tuberculosis Hospital 53 ' Under Section 320A,of the Highway Law 67, 72 Accounts of Tuberculosis Hospital 117 • Jail Supplies • 117 Desla for Rooms 30, 33 Printed Proceedings of Board, Contract for 47 Accounts of 152 Salaries of County Officials 10, 54, 74, 94, 125, 127, 128, 129, 130 Surrogate's Clerk, Salary of 125, 127 128 Stenographer for County Court - 30 Sale of Junk 26, 33 Session Laws, Designation of Newspapers to Publish S6 Special Franchises 45 Sinking Fund and Interest on Bonds Issued for Road Construction ..35, 68, 78 State Sealer of Weights and Measures, CIerk Directed to Write to 56 Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children 63, 93 Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals 63, 93 Soldiers and Sailors, Burial of Indigent 90 Supplemental Report of County Treasurer. (See County Treasurer.) Superintendents of the Poor. (See County Superintendents of the Poor.) Surrogate. (See County Judge and Surrogate.) Sheriff. (See County Sheriff.) Sealer of Weights and Measures. (See County Sealer of Weights and Measures.) _ Superintendent of Highways. (See County Superintendent of Highways.) Steel Cases for County Treasurer's Office $1 State Tax, For Supreme Court Stenographer, Etc. 35 ` For Armories • 35 Statement, of Bank Tax 194 Of Mortgage Tax 195 Of Valuation of ].Teal Property 196 Of Valuation of Personal Property 197 Of Taxes Levied , 198 Of Tax Rates for Towns • 199 Of Bonded Indebtedness of County and Towns 202 Snow and Miscellaneous Fund 211 T Tax Sale, Sale of Lands Acquired at 5, 90 Tax, State for Supreme Court Stenographers, Etc. 35 For Armories 35 l3ank 57, 194 Mortgage 110, 195 Towns, To Cancel Certificates of Indebtedness 72,. 74 1 OF TOMPIKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 233 For Improvement of Highways and Bridges 73 For Sinking Fund and Interest on Highway Bonds 68 County, For Sinking Fund and Interest on Highway Bonds 68 General 117 Highway 117 Tax Levy, General 81, 88 Tax Levy, Highway 88, 00 Taxes, Apportionment of 118 Tax Rates 118, 119 Taxes, Returned Highway and School 75, 85 Taxes Levied, Statement of 198 Tax Rates for Towns 190 Towns, Amounts to be Raised by, For Maintenance of Highways 36 Tax on Dogs in 39 Tax to Cancel Certificates of Indebtedness 72, 74 Tax for Improvement of Highways and Bridges 73 Bonded Indebtedness of • 202 Town Boards Authorized to Fix Per Diem Compensation 37 Towns, Amounts to be Raised for Highway Maintenance and for Sinking Fund and Interest on Highway Bonds 68, 78 Town Audits 137, 138, 140, 142, 143, 146, 147, 149 150 Town Budgets 40, 41, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123 Towns and County Poor 52 Town Meetings, Changing Time of Holding Biennial 52, 59 Town Collectors, Tune of Settlement 124 Town and County System of Roads. (See County System of Roads.) Town and County Officers 216 Tuberculosis Hospital, Appropriations to 27, 64, 93 Special Committee to Investigate Needs of 53 Report of Board of Managers of 64, 79, 80, 87, 93, 189 Election to Board of Managers of 84, 125 Committee, to Audit Accounts of 117 Turnkey at County Jail, Salary of 10, 125 Teeter, Arthur, Right of Way Through Lands of 23 Telephone, Claims for 12, 31 Telephones, Fuel and Light 79, 80 U Ulysses, Audits of 150 Budget of 123 Dog Tax of 39 Amount to be Raised for Maintenance of Highways 68, 78 Amount to be Raised for Sinking Fund and Interest on Highway Bonds 68, 78 Tax for Improvement of Highways and Bridges 73 Tax to Cancel Certificates of Indebtedness 72 Returned Highway and School Taxes of • 77, 90 Amount Due Town From Mortgage Tax 110 Bank Tax of 57, 194 234 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS V Iran Riper, Horace, Claim of, for Erroneous Assessment 47 Vote of Thanks 131 'Valuation of Real Propert}•, Statement of 166 Valuation of Personal Property, Statement of 197 W _ ';Test Danby -West Danby Station Highway '16 Weights and Measures. (See County Sealer of Weights and Measures.) Wheeler, Diehard, Payment of Claims 38 White, Charles, Settlement with, for Right of Way, Ete. -71 1 • • • i+• . •s T , 0 4 IR . 1d • t THE 1AYGQA ?R ESS° • rrnncA,ns. ll•