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1911 Proceedings
4.00 ONO ir 1400 iJ ■„4, Lu1 P.° 110104011 WWI rot LJ f PROCEEDINGS OF ,THE .:.�*��.':BOARD4•V 111-7 OF opte o SUPERVISORS t- wb t�S rA/1, 01104 i 001001 LJ •Ar0P -11 Dula ir- LJ .V LTJ1101.411 �a7 TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK LJ 1911 HON. FOX HOLDEN, Chairman, Trumansburg, N. Y. 101.40 11414111 LJ SAWA Pit LJimoot LJ nottop 11111114 LJ BERT T. BAKER; Clerk, - - Ithaca, N. Y PCP .A001 RAW 111 LJ 014011 LJ 21!0'2 Stover Printing Co. 4310.. Ithaca, New York 1 LJ 4011000 LJ N BOARD OF SUPERVISORS—TOMPKINS COUNTY. From Left to Right (Standingl—I,. E. Patterson, F. A. Todd, B. F. McAltaster, P. B. Davis, F. A. Begent, George W. Prost, 1I. D. Batty. (Sitting)—John w. Preswick, N, B. Brown. Pr. W. C. Gallagher. Hon. Fox Holden (Chairman), S. B. Sgnier, R. P. McGreevy, R. F. Chappuis. Bert T. Baker (Clerk). ANNUAL SESSION AT ITHACA, N. Y. Proceedings OF THE Board of Supervisors OF THE County of . Tompkins 1911 HON. FOX HOLDEN, Chairman, Ludlowville, N. Y. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk, Ithaca, N. Y. THE STOVER PRINTING COMPANY ITHACA, NEW YORK 1911 JOURNAL OF PROCEEDINGS OF SPECIAL SESSIONS 1911. To Bert T. Baker, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of'. Tompkins • County: V'Vo, the undersigned, wish you to call a Special Session of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins to be Held in the Supervisors' Room, Ithaca, N. Y., on the 10th dray of Alert]., 1911, az 10 o'clock A. 11I., to consider road plans and such other business a� may come before the Board. • JOIIN W. PREASWTCK, F. A. TODD, L. E. PATTERSON, R. F. CHA.PPUIS, 1'. A. BEGENT, M. D. BATTY, CEO. W. FROST, FOX HOLDEN, W. C. GALLAGHER; N. B. BROWN, W. H. PARKER, B. P. AVALLASTER, S. B. SQU:1ER, Monday, April 10th, 1911. Morning Session. The session was called to order by Clerk Baker. Roll call.. All members present except Supervisor Davis of Ithaca. Messrs. Squier and•Todd were respectively nominated to act as temporary chairman. On a rising vote Mr. Squier was chosen :ernporary chairman. 4 THF SIUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. On motion of I)r. Gallagher, the following resolution Was taken from the table: By Dl'. Gallagher: Whereas, the State Highway Commission require that the Board of Super- visors shall designate and certify to the Commission the portion of the public highways to be improved as State and County Highways and to be constructed in the order designated, now therefore, be it Resolved, that this board of Supervisors hereby designate and certify to the State Highway Commission to be constructed in 1912 or as soon thereafter as reached on said list the following highways situate in the Town of Caroline, County of Tompkins, New York, to wit: First, Commencing at the Cook's Corners as the intersection of Catskill Turnpike with the BrookLon Road and extending through Brookton and Caroline Center to the hamlet of Speedsville ,being 'a distance of about 10 miles. Second, Commencing at BoiceviIle.and extending south to the W. K. Boice Corner, being a distance of about 1-2 mile. Third, Commencing at the .end of Road No. 483, now improved, at Slatervilie Springs, and extending south-easterly to the county line at Willow Bridge, being a distance of about 4 miles. That all of said highways have been designated on the County Map for im- provement, and that the,first above mentioned portion of highways has been sur- veyed for improvement. Resolved, further, that the Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to trans- mit forthwith a certified copy of the foregoing resolution to the State Highway Commission." The Clerk read the following report nta.de on the foregoing resolution to the Board Dec. 23, 1910, by the Good Roads Commit- tee: ommit-.tee, "The Good Roads Committee to whom the resolution had been referred reported favorably on the highway described as No. 2 and on the first two miles from the end of Road No. 483 of the highway described as No. 3." By Dr. Gallagher: Whereas, the State Highway Commission require that the Board of Super_ visors shall designate and certify to the Commission the portion of the • public highways to be improved as State and County Highways and to be construct- ed in the order designated, now, therefore be it THF SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Resolved, That this Board of Supervisors hereby designate and certify to the State Highway Commission to be constructed in 13I2 or as soon thereafter as reached on said list the following highways situate in the Town o f Caroline, County of Tompkins, New York, to wit: First, Commencing at Boiceville and extending .south to the W. K. Boiee Cor- ' ner, being a distance of about 1-2 mile. Second, Commencing at the end of Road No. 933, now improved, at Slaterville Springs, and extending south-easterly a distance of two miles. That all of said highways have been designated on the County Map for im- provement. Resolved, Further, That the Clerk of tlils Board is hereby directed to trans- mit forthwith a certified copy of the foregoing resolution to the State Highway Commission. On motion of lli'. Holden, each portion of highway was voted upon separately. On motion of Dr. Gallagher the resolution for the improve- ment of the road from Boiceville to W. K. Boice Corner was adopt- ed. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, • Todd, Chappuis, Brown, Begent, Preswick, Parker, Patterson,' Frost, McAllaster and Batty -11. Nays—None. Mr. Holden excused from voting. On motion of Dr. Gallagher the resolution for the improve- ment of the road from the end of Road. No. 483 and extending south-easterly a distance of two miles was adopted, by an unani- mous vote or tllc members present. On motion the Board adjourned to 2 P..14I. Afternoon Session. Roll call. All members present. THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, • By Mr. 'Patterson: Resolved, That the newly elected Supervisors from the Towns represented on the various committees, both standing and special, be substituted for and placed on the same. On motion of Mr. Preswick the same was adopted. On motion of, Mr: Parker, the Chairman of the Good Roads Committee was empowered to negotiate with the sheriff for the working of prisoners. Mr. Begent : One, Whereas, at a meeting of this Board held on the 18th -18th days of De- cember, 1905, a resolution was adopted pursuant to section 123 of the Highway Law requesting the construction or improvement in accordance with the pro- visions of article six of said law of that portion of a highway described as fol- lows: The highway running north and south through the village of Groton, com- mencing at the County line between Cayuga and Tompkins Counties, and run- ning south to the town line between the town of Groton and Dryden. Running from the town line of Hartfords northward to the coporate limits of the Village of Dryden, thence from Willow Glen northerly to the corporate limits of the Village of Freeville, thence north to the Groton town line near the Hamlet of Peruville. Second, Whereas, the State Commission of Highways bas examined the high- way above described and has determined that it is of sufficient public importance for construction or improvement in accordance with the provisions of article six of the Highway Law and has certified its approval of the said resolution, and Three, Whereas, said Commission has caused a section of said highway, which section is described as follows: From the west corporation line of Freevilie, northerly to the south corpora- tion line of Craton, a length of 2.13 miles in the Town of Dryden, and 2.36 miles in the Town of Groton, total length of 4.49 miles, Tompkins County, and known as the Freeville-Groton County Highway to be surveyed and mapped, and has caus- er] maps, plans, specifications and estimates of cost to be made for such con- struction or improvement and after examination thereof by the district or coun- ty superintendent has transmitted the same to this Board showing, the total estimated cost of the work to be $51,200.00 of which .the State, County and Towns pay the following proportions: The State pays 53.897,586 per cent. $27,595.55 The County of Tompkins pays 34 per cent. 17,408.00 The Town of Dryden pays 10 per cent. 2.72 miles 2,428.86 The Town of Groton pays 14 per cent. 2.36 miles 3,767.59 THE SUPER -VISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 7 Fourth, Resolved, That this Board request that the highway above described in paragraph one be constructed or improved as a County Idingway in that portion thereof above described in paragraph three in accordance with the maps, plans, specifications and estimates of cost prepared thereof' by the State Com- mission of Highways under privisions of article six of the Highway Law; that said work be performed under the charge; care and superintendence of the• State Commission of Highways, and that said ,naps, plans, specifications and estimates of cost prepared for said work under the direction of said Commission as procided in section 125 of the Highway Law are hereby approved and adopted by this Board. Five, Resolved, That there is hereby appropriated and made immediately available the sum of twenty-three Thousand Six Hundred Four and 41-100 Dollars being an amount sufficient to pay the share of the cost of the construction or improvement of such County Highway which Is to be borne by the said County and Towns as determined in accordance with the previsions of section 141 of the Highway Law. And the County Treasurer of said County is hereby authorized and directed to pay such proportion of the amount so appropriated as may be required to pay said share upon the requisition or draft of the State Commission of Highways; and if there are not sufficient funds in the county .treasury with which to pay such requisition or draft, the County Treasurer of said County is hereby authorized and empowered as provided by section 192 of the Highway Law to borrow all or part of said sum on the obligation of the said County is- sued by him for, on behalf.of and in the name of the said County and acting for and on behalf of said County. _ Six, Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to forthwith transmit a certified copy of the foregoing county highway under the provisions Highways. 011 motion- the resolution was duly adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Todd, Chappuis, Brown, T3egent, Preswick, Patterson, Frost, Davis, Holden, Batty. -11.• Nays.—Tone. Mr. Parker exe 1sed from voting. By Dr. Gallagher : Resolved, That the Chairman appoint a committee of three to secure the necessary rights of way on the Freeville-Groton Road, and Resolved, That the said committee are hereby authorized and empowered to draw upon the County Treasurer of Tompkins County for the payment of the purchase price therefor and the County Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to honor and pay said orders out of any unexpended funds in his hands and in case he has not sufficient funds said County Treasurer is hereby authoriz_ 8 THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. ed and empowered to borrow all or part 'of said sums on the obligation of said County issued by him for, on behalf of and in the name of the said County of Tompkins and acting for and on behalf of said County. _Mr. Todd offered as a substitute that, the Good Ploads Commit- -tee secure the necessary rights of way and that tliey be empowered to associate lvith thcla such 'other members of the Board as they may see fit. .r1, vote was taken on the resolution offered by i11.r. Todd as substitute and it was lost. dyes.--1111essrs. 'Todd; Fres'tvick, .Frost:, Bolden and Batty.—;r. Nays.—Messrs. Gallagher. Chappuis, Brown, P>egent,. Parker, Patterson, .1)a vis. -7. - 11 vote \vas taken on Dr. Gallagher's resolution and the satire was carried and adopted by an unanimous vote. The Chairman appointed as such Committee _Messrs. frost, lle- Allaster and Preswiek. By illy. J1i01)ptlis : One, Whereas, a resolution was on the 7th day of April, 1009, duly approved by the Board of Trustees of the incorporated village of Dryden, County of Tomp- kins, petitioning for the Improvement asa county highway under the provisions of section 137 of the Highway Law of a certain street in said village described as follows: Beginning at the east end of County Highway No. 632 nt the west corpora- tion line, thence easterly on Main Street to the intersection of Main with North and South Streets, thence northerly on North Street to the corporation line at the south end of County Highway No: 633, having a total length of 7,260 feet and known as Main and North Streets. Three, Now, therefore, Resolved, that public interest demands the improve- ment of said street 'as a County Highway, and the State Commission of High- ways is hereby requested to provide for the same in accordance with section 137 of the Highway Law. Four, Resolved, that the Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to forth- with transmit a certified copy of the foregoing resolution to the State. Commis- sion of Highways. i'1'il SUPERVTSOitS' PROCEED1NGS. A motion :for its adoption Avas-1osL.' Ayes.—Messrs. ( tllag1icr, Cliappuis, Drown, 1-ege it., L€oldor and Biaty. 6. Nays. _Messrs. Todd, .i i'eswiel: a'a-t1 ci, .'atterson, Frost and Davis. -6. 1\[r. J\1cAilaster was excused fl•o.In voting. By lit•. Begent: One, Whereas, public interest demands the construction or improvement of the highway hereinafter described as a county Highway, therefore be it Two, Resolved, That the Board of Supervisors request that the following de- scribed highway be constructed or improved as a County Highway as provided in Article Six of the highway Law, to wit: Beginning at the north end of Pet. 1431 at the south corporation line of the Village of Groton thence northerly to South Street and easterly on South Street to Main Street and northerly on Main Street to connect with the Village im- provement, having a total length of 1-2 mile, all in the Town of Groton. Three, Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to forthwith transmit a, certified copy of the foregoing resolution to the State Commission of T lighways. A motion for its adoption was lost. Ayes.—Messrs. (allaglier a.nd Pegent. 2. Nays.—Ill.e'ssrs. Todd, PresWick., .Parker•, Patterson, Frost, Davis, Holden, IicAllaster and ]patty. -9. Aiessi•s. Cliappnis and Brown excused froio voting. 1;v. illi'. Todd : 'Resolved, That the State Commission of Highways ore hereby authorized on the part of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County to change and. alter the terms of the contract for the construction or improvement of Road, No. 683 situate in the Town of Dryden by permitting the use of selected field stone for the construction of the top course, Providing the stone proposed t.o be used are approved by the State Highway Commission and a satisfactory price can be arranged with the contractor. l 30 THE SUPE1IVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. On ]notion the resolution was dilly- adopted. By llr. Patterson : Whereas, the term of office of Mr. F. B. Aiken as Supervisor has expired and he no longer performs the duties as Chairman of this Board of Supervisors and Whereas, the Board does not elect his successor until the Board re -organizes in November, 1111, 'Now, Therefore, Resolved, that JohnW. Presw•ick, Chairman of the Good Roads Committee of this Board is hereby empowered and directed to approve any supplemental contracts for the construction or improvement of any County Highway until the Annual Session of this Board in November, 1911, required by Section 130 of the Highway Law to be approved by the Chairman, 011 111011011 the IT:;01t1t3011 IN as dilly adopted. On motion of AIr. '.1'0(1(1; the. Chairman was directed to appoint a committee of three to draft rules governing the hoard and report on the first day- of. the Annual Session. The Chairman appointed as such committee Alessrti. Regent, Holden and Batty. The Minutes for the day were read and approved. On Motion the Board adjourned. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. To Bert T. Baker, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of .Totilpkins County :. lire, the undersigned, wish you to dill a Special Session of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tonipkins to he held in -the Supervisors' Room, Ithaca; N. Y., on the 17th (lar- of li:ay. 1 91 1, at 10 o'clock .A. AE, to consider the resignation of Fred C. Evans as County Superintendent of l-iizhn-rys; to provide. for the procure- ment of the necessary- rights of way on the Ithaca -Danby- State 'DIE SUPERVISORS' PROCEET)INGS. 11 Ilighw•a,y .Route 36, Sect. 3, and to transact such other business as may come before the Board. L. E. PATTERSON, \..R. BROWN, FRANK B. DAVIS, W. C. GALLAGHER, J. W. P.R SwlcK,_... S. B. SQIJIER. • GEORGE W. FROST, 1'. A. 13EG.F \T'.1', FOX I-IOLDEN, M. D. BA'1"11Y, W. H. PARKER. Wednesday, May 17, 1911.. Morning Session. The 'session was called to order by Clerk Baker. Rol! call. Qnornm present.: On motion MT. F. A. 'l'orld was chosen temporary chairman. The Clerk read the call. • The Clerk read the following resignation of. Fred C. Evans as County Superintendent of highways: To the Board of. Supervisors of Tmnpkirrs County: 1, the undersigned, County Sriperintendent of Highways of said County of 'Tompkins, do hereby tender my resignation as such Superintendent to take effect July 1, 1911. 11 highly appreciate the many° courtesies extended to me by the various town officials :Ind by the Board of Supervisors and its Clerk, but owing to reasons which will be fully explained later, T desire to be relieved of any duties as such Superintendent July 1, 1 91 1.. Dated. Ithaca, N. Y., May 8, 791.11.: FREE) C. EVANS, County Superintendent of. highways oI: Tompkins County, N. Y. 12 TEED SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 13j- -Messrs. Begent and holden: Whereas, We have received a communication from Fred C. Evans, County Superintendent of Highways requesting from this Board to be relieved from his duties as such official on July 1, 1911, therefore Resolved, That we hereby accept such resignation with regret that the County is to part with a capable and conscicntiouus officer. On motion the resolution was adopted by an unanimous vote. By Mr. :Patterson : Resolved, That Messrs. Frost, Preswick, McAAaster, and Todd be appointed .a committee to secure the necessary rights of way on the Ithaca -Danby High- way, Route 36, Section 3, Road No. 5122, and Resolved, That ' the said committee arc hereby authorized and empowered to draw upon the County Treasurer of Tompkins County for the payment of the purchase price therefor and the County Treasurer is. hereby authorized and directed to honor and pay said orders out of any unexpended funds in his hands,' and in case he has not sufficient funds said County Treasurer is hereby authorized and empowered to, borrow all cr part of said sums on the obligation of said County issued by him for, in behalf of and in the name of the said County of Tompkins and acting for on behalf of said County. On motion the resolution vVas adopted. Orl inotiom of Mr. 'Davis, the Clerk vas instructed 1:o request tli State Civil Service Commission to furnish the Board. with an eligi-• ble list of persons qualified for the appointment as Count- Superin- tendent of. Highways. On -:lotion the Board adjourned to 2 1'. 11I. to sleet in executive Session. Afternoon Session. Roll call. Al] members present. The Board went into executive session. On rnotion the Boards arose from executive session. By -Mr..Parker : 'Whereas. At the annual session of this Hoard held in 1909, the Board per- mitted Nelson Noble, Esq., to commence an action in the name of THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEI1NTS. :1.3 Tompkins County to bring into Court all interested parties in the funds for the construction of the Catskill Turnpike, Road, No. 483, said action being entitled. The County of Tompkins against First National Bank of Ithaca , N. Y., and others, upon the express understanding with said William Nelson Noble that he would prosecute said action to a conclusion without expense to the County relying solely upon taxable •costs and the Court's allowance for his compen- sation, and • Whereas, This Board on December h3, 1910, and on December 20, 1910, ad- vanced to said William Nelson Noble $100, and $200 respectively to be charged to said Noble's account in said matter, said money to be refunded'nr to be deducted from his taxable costs and extra 'allowance in the matter and retained by said County of Tompkins, and Whereas, said William Nelson Noble now claims that there was no such agreement with this Board relative to the refund of the money so advanced and demands that the County Treasurer pay aver to him the entire costs and extra allowance made to him by the Court in said matter, and this Board of super_ visors feeling aggrieved In the matter do enactthe following; resolution: Resolved, That Bert T. Baker, the attorney of this Board, is hereby in- structed to forthwith proceed in such manner as he may see fit to protect the County interest and prevent the payment hy- the County Treasurer to said Wil- liam Nelson Nohle of the, said sum of $100,000 advanced to liim as aforsaid. On lnotio I Of N1r. Glia.ppnis the resolution vvas adopted. By Mr..Squier: Resolved, That the County Treasurer pay from the unexpended funds in his hands $3.15 to the American Express Company for expressage On ash cans be - livered at the jail. On emotion the resolution ryas adopted. The minutes .for tin; clnv mere reel and approved. ner motion. the Board adjourned. B.E.l3'1' '1', BAKER, To Bert 'r. Raker, C1cri: of iiie Board of Supervisors of 'l'oinpkins ,County : We, the undersigned, Ivish ;you to call a Special Session of the Board of Supervisors of the County of 'Tompkins to be field at the Supervisors' Room; Ithaca; N. Y., on the 1.7th day of June. 1914, at 1.4 THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 11 o'clock A. M., to consider the appointment of a County Superin- tendent of Highways and to transact such other business as may conte before the Board. FRANK 13. DAVIS, W. C. GALLAGHER, FOX HOLDEN, 1R. F. CH PP U.1 S. (JE0I UE W. FROST. L. E. PATTERSON, F. A. TODD, N. B. BROWN, J. W..PRESWICK. Saturday, June 17, 1911. Morning Session. 'I'lhe session was called to order by Clerk Baker. Roll Call. Quorum present. illessrs. Frost and Chappuis ore nominated as temporary Chairman. -On a. rising vote, iMr. Frost was chosen to act as temporary Chairman. The Clerk read Ile call for the meeting. The Clerk read. the .following report, which on motion of Mr. Chappuis was. adopted and ordered printed in the proceedings: To the .Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: We, the undersigned, your special committee appointed to se- cure the necessary rights of way on the Ithaca -Danby highway, Route 36, Sect. 3, Road No. 5122, report as follows: We secured warranty deeds from the following, named persons, which deeds have been recorded in the Tompkins County C1erk'F; Office: Charles E. Bruce and wife, .08 acres. THIS SUPERVISORS' PROCET DING~. Frank Martin and ~!rife, .02 acres. .Ella Force of Danby and Lucy Egbcrt of Galeton, :Pa.., .02 acres. 'l'Iiat all.of said parties donated said lands to the County. Dated, June 17; 1911.. Respectfully submitted, 15 GEORGE W. FROST, . F. A. TODD, J. W. PRESWICK, :B. F: McALLASTER. Committee. By Mr. Chappuis : ~Whereas, The special committee appointed by this Board to acquire the necessary rights of way on the Freevlll-Groton County Highway where the proposed highway deviates from the line of the existing highway, have been un- able to agree upon a satisfactory price with the owners of some parcels to be • acquired, therefore Resolved, That said committee be •and it hereby is authorized and directed to acquire the same by condemnation proceedings as provided by the Highway Law of the State of New York, and said committee are hereby designated and empowered to sign and verify in the name of this Board of Supervisors a petition or petitions to the County or Supreme Court for the appointment of three commissioners of appraisal to ascertain and determine the compensation to be paid to the owners of the land to be acquired and to all persons interested therein. On !notion of Dr. Gallagher the same was adopted by an un- animous vote. The Clerk read the certificates of the State Civil Service Com- mission naming George 13. Sickmon, George A. Adanls and Fred A. Townley as persons eligible to the appointment as a County Su- perintendent of Highways of Tompkins County. By Dr. Gallagher: Resolved, That this Board of Supervisors request the State Civil Service Commission to call a new examination for the position of a County Sulerin_ l6 THE SliPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. tendent of Highways of the County of Tompkins lInd furnish this Board with a _ new eligible list. On motion the resolution. was adopted. By :llr. Parker: Resolved, That Mr. Frost be appointed a special committee to sell any - property purchased by the County on Tax Sales and that lie be empowered to sign any deeds in place of the Chairman for property sold. On motion the resolution vas adopted. By Mr. Cllappilis : • Whereas, a resolution was on the 7th day of April, 1909, duly adopted by the Board. of Trustees of the incorporated village of Dryden, County of Tompkins, petitioning for the improvement as a county highway under the provisions of section 137 of the Highway Law of a certain street in said village described as follows: Beginning at the east end of County Highway No. GT2: at the west corporation line, thence easterly on Main Street to the intersection of Main with North .and South Streets, thence northerly. onNorth Street to the corporation line at the south end of County Highway. No. 683, leaving a total length of 7,2GO feet and known as Main and North Streets.. New, Therefore, Resolved, That public interest demands the improvement of said street as a county highway, and the State Commission of Highways is here- by requested to provide for the same in accordance with section 137 'of the High- way Law. Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to forthwith trans- mit a certified copy of the foregoing resolution to the State Commission of Highways. ()II motion of llr. Chap)iris, the resolution 1ras ad��pteci. lyes.—Messrs. faaElagher. Uhappuis, Brown, Patterson, Davis, thAlfaster, iiolderl, Batty. 8. I S-1t-Tessrs. Todd, Preswiek, Sr;uier. By Mr. {;liappuis: Whereas, Public interest demands the construction or improvement of the highway hereinafter described as aCounty Highway, therefore he it Resolved, That this Board of Supervisors request that the following describ- TIFF] SUP1i;.1tV1Sotti5' rttocEISDiXrs. 77 ed highway be constructed or improved ars a County T-Tighway- as provided . in Article Six of the Highway Law, to wit: Beginning at the village improvement at the intersection of the street lead- ing to the Freeville Railroad Station, thence northeasterly on the Main Street about 200 feet, thence northerly on the new street to the west Dryden Road Ex- tension, thence westerly on' said extension 0.4 of a mile thence northerly on a rew location 0.4 of a. mile to connect with petition 1431 leading to Groton, having a total length of 1.1 mile all in the Town ef Dryden. Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to forthwith transmit a certified copy of the foregoing resolution to the State Commission of T-Tighways. 0n maim, o1' air. Patterson the resolution w-aS adopted. Ayes. Messrs. Gallagher, Todd, Cliappnis, Brown, Patterson, Davis; ineAllaster, F1.olden, tatty. -9. - • Nays.—Messrs. essrs. Presn-ich and Squier.---2. B,y• Ills. Patterson : Whereas public interest demands the construction or improvement of the highway hereinafter described as a County Highway, therefore be it Resolved, That this Board of Supervisors request that the following describ- ed highway be eonstructed or improved as a County Highway as provided in Ar- ticle Six of the Highway Law, to wit: Beginning at the north end of Petition 1431 at the south corporation line of the village of Groton, thence northerly to South Street and easterly on South Street to Main Street and northerly on Main Street to connect with the village improve- ment, having a. total Iength of 1-2 mile all in the 'town of Groton. Resolved, 'That' no Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to forthwith trans- mit a certified copy ef the foregoing resolution to the State Commission of Hrgh- wn vs. On motion of Mr. Davis the resolution was adopted. i-\ycs.—Messrs. Gal lag'ller, Iodd, Chaplluis, Brown, i?atterson, [,avis, i1fcA1laster. Holden, Bat#,y.-9. Nays. llessrs..Preswiek and Sclliier.-2. 'Gine -minutes for the flay were read and approved. ]8 THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. On motion the Board adjourned sine die. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. '1'o Bert T. Baker, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: We, the undersigned, wish you to call a Special Session of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County to be held at the Super- visors' Room, Ithaca, N. Y., on July 28, 1911, at 10 o'clock A. M., for • the appointment of a County Superintendent of Highways and Com- missioners of Election and to transact such other business as may come before the Board. L. E. PATTERSON, GEORGE W. FR,OS'1'. F. A. TODD, B. 1'. IIeAI;LASTER, SETH B. SQUIER, li..F. CHAPPIi:CS, . W. C. GALLAGHER, -41r. 11. PARKER. Friday-, July 28th, 1911. Morning Session. The session was called to order by Bert T. Baker, Clerk. Roll Call. All members present except Mr. Regent of Groton. On motion 11Ir. Chappuis of Dryden was chosen ternporary Chairman. The Clerk read the call for the meeting. The Clerk real:] the certificate of 'Fordyce A. Cobb; Esq., Chair- inan of the Republican County Committee, certifying Arthur G. Adams. Esq., as a proper and fit person for- the appointment as a Commissioner of Elections, and the certificate of Herbert J. Fowler, Chairman of the Democratic County Committee, certifying W. Franklin Moore as a proper and fit person for the appointment as a. Commissioner of Elections. THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 19 On motion oi" Mr. Holden, the Chairman appointed Messrs. I-IoI- tlerr and ;klcA.11aster a Committee of two to confer on the Salaries 0 the Cotrtnrissioners of Election, the Committee to report at the after- noon. session. On motion the Board adjourned to 1:80 P. M. 1 Afternoon Session. Bolt. (tall. All members present. Mr. Holden made an oral report of the committee on the salaries of the Commissioners of Election. Motion of .P1.r. Preswick that the salary of the Commissioners of Election be $300.00 each per annum, which was duly seconded. Moved.by Mr. Holden as an amendment that the salary or. each Commissioner of Election be $;500.00 per annum, which was duly seconded. A. vote was taken on the amendment and it was. lost. Moved b,y14'Tr. Ilolden as' an amendment that the salary or each Commissioner of Election he $400.00 per annum Which was duly sec- onded. .A. vote was taken on the amendment and it was lost. A vote was taken on tire original motion and it .was carried. rrlre Board proceeded to the election. of the two Commissioners or.Election. IGlessrs. llegent and ,Scluier were appointed tellers. l.'hc vote was taken and the whole number of votes cast was 1'I or 111110h 2..0 THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Arthur G. Adams received 13 W. Franklin Moore received 13 Blank 1 On motion the ballot was declared a formal ballot and Messrs. Adams and Moore declared elected. On motion of Mr. Tocld, the Board proceeded by informal ballot; to the election of a County Superintendent of :Highways for the unexpired term of Fred C. Evans. The informal ballot was taken and the whole number of votes east was 14, of which Arthur S. Cole received 7 .Fred G. Bool. received Blank 2 On Motion of Mr. Squicr the Board proceeded by formal ballot to the election of a. County Superintendent of Iliglhways. The formal ballot, was taken and the whole number of votes cast was 14, of �ihich Fred G. Bool received 6 . Arthur S. Cole received 4 Blank 4 1'he second formal ballot was taken and the whole number of votes cast was 14, of which Arthur S. Cole received 6 Fred G. Bool received 6 Blank 2 The third formal ballot was taken and the whole number of votes cast was 14, of which Fred G. Loo] received 6 Arthur S. Cole received 4 Arthur K. '1'ra.vis received 4 ]`lae fourth for'uial:ballot was taken and the -whole number o% votes cast was 14, of which Fred G. ]3oo1 received 6 THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 21. Arthur S. Cole received 5 Daniel Maloney received 3 The fifth. formal ballot was taken and the whole number o;' votes cast Alms 14 of which Fred G. lioo]. received (3 Arthur S. Cole received 5 L. E. Patterson received. • 3 The sixth formal ballot was taken and the whole number of votes cast was 14 of which :Fred G. :Bool received 5 Arthur S. Cole received 5 Arthur K. Travis received 2 George W. Frost received 2 The sevent:li formal ballot was taken and the whole number votes cast was 14 of. wliicli. - Fred G..13ool received 5 Arthur S. Cole received 5 S. B. Squier received 3 Arthur K. '.]Travis received 1 The Clerk read.] a notice of an Attorney's Lien served 011 th;, Board by William Nelson Noble, Esq., cl a.iming a balance of $745.00 due him for services in the action entitled The County of Tompkins vs. The .first National Bank and others, which on motion of Mr. Parker was• referred to the present attorney of the Board for atten- tion. • The eighth formal ballot for County Superiivtendent of high- ways was taken and the whole number of votes cast was 14, oi= wliiell Arthur S. Cole received 5 Fred G. 13ooi received 5 • Arthur K. Travis received 1. Hon. Fox holden received 3 The minutes for the day were read and approved. 22 THE SUPEl{VISORS' PROCEEDINGS. On motion the Board adjourned sine die. BERT T. BAITER, Clerk. To Bert T. Baker, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: \Ye, the undersigned; desire you to call a special Session of said Board of Supervisors to be field at the Supervisors' Room, Ithaca, N. Y., on Wednesdays, August 2, 1911, at 1.0:30 o'clock A. M., for the appointment of a, Commissioner o1: Election in the place of W. Franklin =Moore; who. refuses to, accept the appointment, and to transact sueli other business as may corne before the Board. S. B. SQUIE'R. W. 11. PARKER, L. E. PATTERSON, d. W. P,i i swicK, . GEORGE W. FROS'l', F. A. TODD, 1+'O\ 1-101.;DE\, M. 1). BATTY, R. 1'. CIIAPPU l S, 1'..13. DAV15. N. B. BROWN. Wednesday, Aug. 2, 1911. Morning Session. The Session was called to order by Clerk Baker. Roll call. All members present except Snpervisors =McAllaster and Begelat. . On motion Dr. W. C. Gallagher was chosen temporary chair- , rnall. •'.]'he Clerk read a letter .from W. Franklin Moore 'declining accept the office as Commissioner of Elections. The Clerk read a. Ectter from Arthur G. Adams relative to rent- ing his office .for the Commissioners of Elections. THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 2'S The Clerk read the Certificate of Herbert J. Fowler, Chairman of the Democratic County Committee, certifying Clarence C. Squier as a proper and fit person for the appointment as a Commissioner of Elections. - The Board proceeded by formal ballot to the election of Conl- missioner of Elections, and the Chairman named as tellers Messrs. Chappuis and Preswick. The ballot was taken and the whole number of votes east was 11, of which Clarence C. Squier received the svliole number and the Chair declared Mr. Squier elected. On motion of TTr. Holden, the County Building Committee were instructed to arrange for an office for the Commissioners of 'Bleed on. The Clerk read a letter from the State IIighway Cornmissioa notifying the hoard Lhat the Commission had. appointed Arthur S Cole as Superintendent of Highways of Tompkins County with a salary of $1,200 per year and $300.00 expense allowance, the ap- pointment to take effect Aug. 1, 1. }1,1.. On motion the Board adjourned to 2 P. Al. Afternoon Session. Roll call. All. snernlicrs present except Supervisor McAllister. The Chairman announced that the Board would proceed to the election of a County Superintendent of Ilighways and appointed .as tellers Messrs. Regent and Holden. The Clerk announced that Clarence C. Squier tad telephoned that he accepted the position of Commissioner of Election. By 1111.. Holden: Resolved, That this Board defer the election of a County Superintendent of Highways until some future meeting and if such meeting be. a special meeting that ft shall be noticed in the call. 24 • TI -117 SIJE'ERVISOIZS' PI:OCi l:D1NCS. On motion of 1:11•. Parker the Salve was adopted. 1:iv iir. Hoiden: resolved, That the County Treasurer pay the premium amounting to $14.00 on the policy on farm produce on the County farm from the insurance fund, and if there is nota sufficient amount in said fund, from any other unexpected funds in his hands. - On emotion the resolittiOJl was adopted by nn unanimous vote. The minutes .for the day were read aid approved. On lnotion the Board adjourned sine die. Bl R.'3' T. BAKER, Clerk. '1'o Bert T. baker. Clerk of 11Ie Board of Supervisors of:. '.i'onipkins County : - \\re, the undersigned, desire you to call a Special Session of the ]Board of Supervisors to be held ill.. the Supervisors' Room in. the City of Ithaca,'N. Y., on 1Monday. October 30th, 1911. at 10 o'c1oc!: A. 11., to receive and aet upon the Reports of the Special Commit- tee o11 a County Tuberculosis Hospital and of the BuildingCorrlrnil- tee on ererting`nerc fire escapes on the IV oitlen's building at the Almshouse, to consider methods of carrying out the new law for the equalization of assessments between the towns and city ,ted to tran- sact such other business as may come before the Board. W. 1L PARKER.: N. B. 1;R(111rN. F. B. DAVIS, R. F. CITAPPU1S. . FOX IIOLDE\. J. W. PRESWTCK., F. A. BEGENT, P. A. TODD, GEORGE W. !+'R.OST. L. E. PATTERSON. 7'HE SUPERVISORS' PIioci EDixos. Monday, October 30tIi, 1911 Morning Session. The Board was called to order by Gilait•luan F. B. Aiken. Boll call. All members present. Parker: 25 Whereas by Section J49,of the Laws of 1911, Section 157 of the Election Law Is se amended as to require the Board of Elections of each County not less than six days prior to the day of election to print in pamphlet form.for each Assemb- ly District within their respective Counties not Iess than fifty tunes as many copies of the list of all persons registered as there are election districts in such Assembly Districts, and Whereas this would impose upon the taxpayers a large expense and in the opinion of this Board a useless expense, iiow, therefore, Resolved that the Senator from this District and the Member of Assembly from this County he and they are hereby, requested to introduce in their re- spective Houses a bill to arnend said Section so that it shall not apply to any County in the State except the Counties containing or forming a part Of a city of the first class or containing a city of the second class, and Resolved that the Clerk of this Board be 'and he is hereby directed to trans- mit certified copies of this resolution to the Senator from this District and to the Member of Assembly from this County. OR ,motion the same was adopted. By ills. Cha.ppnis. Resolved, That the Standing Committee on Printing he directed to advertise for and receive bids for the printing of the Proceedings of this Beard for 1911, 3,000 copies and the book to be the same style as of 1910, the specifications to specify a partial payment of $500.su on the contract price upon the receipt and acceptance of the hooks by the printing committee, and the committee to report an(' open the bids at the opening of the anmial sssion. On inotioll tllc same was adopted. The Clerk read the report of the Special Committee to investi- gate the necessity of establishing a comity hospital for the care of tuberculosis in Tompkins Comity. 26 THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. On motion of IIIc. I-iolden the report was accepted and the committee discharged. Olt motion of lir. Patterson the full report as follows was ordered printed in the proceedings. 1 eport of 11.o Special Comtrtittec of Sulrcrvisoi, , Torupl:irrs County-, appoint- ed to investigate the nccessil y for a County Hospital for the treatment of both advanced and incipient cases of tuberculosis. To the Honorable Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County: .In pursuance of the resolution adopted by this .Board on December 13th, 19111, your committee has made thorough investigation of the tuber- culosis problem .in Tompkins County in which we have compared the situa- tion here with that of other counties and other localities in the: solution of their problems. We have consulted with experts qualified by years of devotion to the anti -tuberculosis movement to advise us in this matter, have inspected in- stitutions for the treatment of the disease that have been built, to meet needs in alI respects similar to those of Tompkins County and we feel that in rendering this report and in malting the recommendations herein made, we do so with the best interests of the County at heart. The campaign against tuberculosis in this State, which has fur its slo- gan "No uncared for Tuberculosis in New York State in 1915", have been in progress less than four years but already sixteen counties have definitely authorized the building of county hospitals for the treatment of the disease more than half of these counties having either completed their institutions or having them well under way. Realizing this fact, your committee naturally devoted most of its study of the tuberculosis needs of Tompkins County to the County Hospital feat- ure of the program of •prevention adopted by the White Plague Crusaders of this State. That there is wide spread interest in our County over the establishing of a Tuberculosis Hospital is fully evidenced by the following resolutions adopted bv,the Pomona Grange at a meeting held at Jacksonville on Oc- tober 7th: "Whereas, Tuberculosis, a disease recognized by medical profession in all civilized countries to be communicable, curable in its early stages, and altogether preventable, has been the cause of the death of three hundred citizens of Tomp- kins County during th past ten years, orthe death of one person every twelve days: and "Whereas, the New York State Grange at Troy last February gave un- qualified Indorsement to the movement for the establishment of county hospitals THE SUPERVISORS', PROCEEDINGS 27 for tuberculosis, now being furthered by the State L--aritics Aid Association in - co-operation with the State Department of Health; and WHEREAS, many citizens, who having a keen appreciation of human life, health and happiness have expressed a desire that- an institution for the care treatment and care of persons suffering from from this disease be established in this county; and 'WHEREAS, seventeen other counties in this State have already taken the necessary steps for the establishment of similar hospitals, therefore be it RESOLVED, that this body urgently request the Board of Supervisors to take favorable action upon the establishment and maintenance of a tuberculosis hospital in the county provided necessary funds are available, and be it. fur- ther. RESOLVED, That the Secretary of the Pomona Grange be instructed to , send a copy of these resolutions to all the local granges and request them to pass similar resolutions and transmit them to the chairman of the Board of Supervisors." HOME CARE. We have, however, taken up the only other suggestion for caring for the disease, home care, and have endeavored. to learn the experience of other committees that have endeavored to solve their tuberculosis problems by this means. Our investigation of home care convinces us that it is in- adequate. ZVhilc the visiting nurse is a valuable adjunct to hospital care, her tivork, nevertheless, does not, in any considerable nurnber of cases, result in impressing upon the patients or patients' families the need for that. care- fulness in the Ylestruction of sputum 'and other excreta that is absolutely es- sential if the spread of the disease is to be controlled. Fortunately your committee is able to presoat conclusive facts and fig- ures in this matter. The Visiting Nurses' Association of Baltimore after a wide experience in the care of consumptives in their homes, has compiled careful statistics as to the extent to which the nurses, after repeated visits and careful and often repeated instructions, were able to secure an adequate degree of carefulness on the part of advanced consumptives, or on the part of their families in destroying the sputum and protecting their households in other \vaye. The study of the Baltimore Association covered 1,1 f 0 cases. Of this number only 9 could be taught to be adequately careful, although every aneans known to nursing practice to secure carefulness on the part of the patients was used. One hundred and forty-three of the 1,1410 patients were reported as fairly careful. Two hundred and eighty-nine or 'i,'/n of the cases, after ;r11 instructions and visits remained "grossly careless"; that is they were a continued menace to the other members of their families and to the community at large. Seven hundred and nineteen or 413% remained simply "careless". The re- port does not state what distinction was made between "carelessness' and 28 THE SUPERv1SOftS' PROCEEDINGS. "gross carelessness but from the figures above quoted it may be safely as- sumed that home care and the repeated instruction that goes with repeated visits of the nurse failed to protect the well members of the family or the other members of the community in ono thousand and eight cases out of the one thousand one hundred. sixty cases, n percentage' of safety that makes home care as a substitute for .hospital wire unworthy- of consideration. - it must be remembered also that the study above quoted was made in a city where frequent visits by the nurse were comparatively easy. In a rural community such as :Tompkins County home care would fall still further short of solving the problem. Therefore it is the belief of your committee that hospital care, the only other plan, is the only effective means of solving this county's tuberculosis problem. :THE JUDGMENT OF EXPERTS. We are basing this judgment not Only upon the above reported figures but upon the opinions of many experts who have given years of study to this disease and the means of controlling it. Chief among these experts is Dr. Arthur Newsholme, Chief Medical Offi- cer of the Local Government Board of England. Dr. Newsholme is con- sidered by many the foremost English speaking authority on vital statistics. Upon the completion of an elaborate study he announced that his study demonstrated the practicability of hospital caro in the control of infectious and contagious diseases. He shows that all those contagious diseases tti,hich have thus fur been brought under control have been conquered by, giving hospital care to those having the disease in order that the spread of the,in- fection could be prevented. Further than this he showed that cities. and countries haying large hos- pital provision for tuberculosis enjoy a rapidly decreasing- death rate from that disease. On the other hand, he found that cities and countries having little hospital provision show little or no reduction in the mortality from it. These findings by so eminent an authority, would, we believe, be con- clusive in themselves. But fortunately we do not have to, rely upon one wit- ness. Dr. Eugene H. Porter, State Commissioner of Health, Dr. Livingston Farrand, Secretary of the National Association for the study and prevention of tuberculosis, Dr. S. Adolphus Knopf, Professor of phthisitheray of New York Past Graduate Hospital, the late Dr. Kocli of Berlin, discoverer of the Tubercle I;aecillus, Dr. Simon Flexner, Director of the Rockefeller Institute of Medical Research and other men high in authority are unanimous in the opinion that hospital care for persons suffering from tuberculosis is ab- solutely necessary if we are to hope ever to control,this preventable disease which causes such terrible annual drain upon our people. • THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 29 TUE LOSS IN TOMPK1NS COUNTY. Upon consulting the mortality records we find that Tompkins County suffers, on the average, loss of thirty- lives from thi s preventable disease yearly. '.['hose who have given years of study to this.problem estimate that there arc at least Live living eases of the disease to each reported death. There probably are many more because physicians frequently fail to report eases of the disease treated by them. Nov there mny be more than thirty deaths from the disease each year in this county but certainly there cannot •be less. We will take the lowest possible estimate of living cases and we find that there are no less than one hundred and fifty living cases of the disease in this county at the present time. If we are to believe the testi- mony of the world famous experts named above we are 'absolutely certain that this number will continue to increase and the burden upon the taxpay- ers of the county which it entails will likewise continue to increase unless immediate steps are taken to stop the spread of the disease. Professor Wilcox of Cornell, one of the foremost Statisticians of this country estimates that the value Of a human life to the community may be conservatively placed at $5,000. This means that with an annual loss of thirty lives from a preventable disease Tompkins County sufl:ers a prevent- able loss of $150,000 each year. When it is realized that these thirty deaths are due to a disease that is curable in ,its early stages this tremenduous drain is truly appalling. TUBERCULOSIS AND PAUPERISM. Aside from the misery caused directly by tuberculosis and aside from the fact that uncontrolled tuberculosis is a continuing menace to the health •and happiness of the community,' the disease has an important bearing on another county problem. Close students of tuberculosis in its social aspects are unanimously of the opinion that the disease is one of the•greaatest single known causes of pauperism. A study of the problem of orphanage is Ren- selear County points conclusively to this fact. It was discovered that 53% of the inmates in the orphan asylums of Rensselear County were orphans and therefore burdens upon the taxpayers of the County because at least one of their parents died of tuberculosis. The committee regrets that it did not have the time to study the problems of pauperism and orphanism in Tomp- kins County. We believe, however, that our situation differs in no way from that' in Eensselear County and that the same appalling situation would be revealed here• With the results of the investigation that have been made in other parts of the country and especially in this State at our cpmmand we are fortunately relieved of the necessity of making so elaborate an investi- gation of this phase of the problem, as'that which produced the above fig- ures. HOW TO MEET THE SITUATION. Your committee. believes that the facts above set forth prove con- clusively that Tompkins County needs a County Hospital for the treatment $0 T1 -IE SUPERVISORS' PHOCEi if1NGS. of both advanced and incipient cases and we furthermore believe that this Board will be derelict in its duty to the people if it fails to proceed im- mediately to establish the institution which is so conclusively shown to be necessary. THE COUNTY HOSPITAL LAW. Your Committee finds on the statute books a law giving this Board au- thority- to establish a tuberculosis hospital. The Law is Chapter 1S of the Laws of 1909, and, in brief, states that the Board of Supervisors of any County shall have power by re. majority vote to establish a County Hospital for the care and treatment of persons suffering from tuberculosis; that they may purchase or lease real property or acquire such property by condemna- tion, may erect all necessary buildings and cause to be assessed, levied and collected such sums as -it shall deem necessary; may appopint a Board of Managers for said hospital and may accept and hold in trust any bequest of money or lands for such purpose. It is unnecessary- at this point to give a futher summary of the law, suffice it t.o say that sixteen counties either have built or arc building hospitals under its terms and that the law, carefully drawn as it was by those familiar with the needs of the situation, provides ample safeguards against legal difficulties. KIND OF INSTITU'I'IO\. There are three plans suggested as possibilities for meeting the needs of the County, these are: 1. An institution on the County Farm to be run as an adjunct to the Almshouse. 2. A hospital built from the ground up on ]and at present barren of buildings. 3. Buying a farm with good build- ings upon it and converting the buildings to hospital uses. 1:—A 11 Alnnsliouse Iospital. The cojiimittec deems the Almshouse Hospital out of the question. Placing the institution on the County Farm would practically restrict its use to the County's dependents. This would nullify, to 'a great extent, the good work that the tuberculosis hospitals would otherwise do. The chief use of these hospitals is the prevention of the spread of the infection. This is especially valuable lo the community is farnilies of workers, self-respect- ing and self-supporting citizens. Rivalling in importance the prevention of infection is the work the hospital docs' in ,curing those suffering from the disease in its early stages. The fundamental purposes of the anti -tuber- culosis movement, as we see theist, arc: prevention of the spread of the in- fection and the return to lives of productivity and economic independence those persons who, before they became sick, had been self-supporting citi- zens. Restricting the use of the institutions to the County's dependents as to all intents and purposes placing it in the Almshouse property would do, would be a most uneconomical expenditure of the County's money and would be the heighth of cruelty to those who could not avail themselves of its benefits without loss of that self respect which makes even a hint of pauperism bitterly abhorrent. THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 2.=lfospitul Built L cont the Ground Up. 31 Your committee inspected several properties which will be reported on in a separate report, offered to the county as sites for a County Hospital. We have also examined many institutions and have coine to the conclusion that a hospital built from the ground up would be needlessly expensive. We, therefore., recommend proposition No. 3, the establishment of a hospital on a site near the center of population of the county, that is at present equipped with buildings that, with a relatively 'small expenditure may be converted into a County Hospital. INSTITUTIONS VISITED. 1. .Bon Air. One of the institutions visited by your committee in its quest for information on this subject is Tion Air Sanitarium located about midway between Olean, N. }:., and Bradford, Pa., just over the line in the State of Pennsylvania. As an example of what may be done in establishing a Sanitarium that can do a tremendous amount of good work on a relative- 'ly small outlay for plant and maintenance, Bon Air is in a Class by itself. The administration building of the institution is a remodelled farm house, this contains the office of the superintendent and physicians, quarters for the nurses and dining room and kitchen, The institution is on the cottage plan. It is composed of the Administration Building and some twelve or fifteen shacks, housing from two to four 'patients each. One of the most impressive features of Bon Air Sanitarium was the in- expensiveness of the construction prevailing throughout the institution. The shacks have been built for from $125 to $175 per bed. A shack, 22x12, re- markably attractive both inside and out, has been constructed for $350. This shack provides for two patients. It has a dressing room, a bath and a toilet, It was built by the Knights of Columbus of Bradford and is considered by Superintendent Melvin to be an ideal shack in every respect. The interior is sealed with compo boards. The interior trim is of a poor grade of pine lumber but has been stained in such a way as to make it exceedingly attrac-, tive. The price of the shack includes the plumbing and all the fittings, ex- cept the beds and movable furniture. The fact that the Knights of Columbus built this shack and furnished it suggested the possibility of a similar plan being adopted in Tompkins County. Your committee believes that if fraternal organizations, the churches, the lodges and possibly the factories of Tompkins County were to put up shacks on the proposed county hospital site similar to that of the Knights of Columbus at Bon Air, the success of the institution would be practically assured from the start. Your commitee visited other shacks put up by various organizations at Bon Air and found that the patients were most willing to accept hospital 32 THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. treatment if they got shacks which were devoted entirely to the use of the members of their own church or their own fraternity. A shack for four patients had .been put up by the Larkin Soap Com- pany of Buffalo for the use of the workers in the Larkin stores. A four -patient shack with toilet and bath conveniences bad been con- structed for $545. Other shacks for two patients, without bath, had been built for $ 198. A lean-to with dressing room, bath and other conveniences had been constructed for five patients for $600. Altogether, there were 42 patients in the institution. They carne from Bradford and Olean chiefly, but two or three were there from Buffalo. your committee was deeply impressed with the hopeful spirit of the institution. not only among the employees of the place, most of whom are cured cases of tuberculosis, but. among the patients tlremselres. We failed to note any depression among the patients. Those who have claimed that a gathering 'together of many people suffering from the same disease would result disastrously for many of them, are entirely contraverted by the at- mosphere at Tion Air and the other institutions visited by your committee. 2. Ontario County Hospital.' The first county to build a Counts- Hos- pital under the law above described was Ontario. Your committee made a thorough inspection of this institution and believe that with the exception of some mistakes in construction which would not have been made if the in- stitution had not been a pioneer, the example of Ontario County could profitably be followed by Tompkins County. Unfortunately for Ontario County, it chose a site upon which there were no buildings which could be adapted to hospital uses. This greatly increased the cost of construction. Oakmount Sanitarium, as the Ontario County Hospital is called. proves conclusively that those who claim that patients will not' go to a eounty hos- pital are wrong. The institution has been 111 operation scarcely eight months. ft originally provided for sixteen patients.. The demands upon the' institution had increased. however in the six months it had been in operation, so that in the August meeting of the Board of Miinagers. the Board decided to ask the Board of Supervisors on Ontario County for an ap- propriation to build an eight -patient shack increasing the institution to one of twenty beds. There. was at that time a waiting list of ien, in less than a month, however, the waiting list had increased to sixteen and the institu- tion may web consider itself successful in the point of view of patrons. We found that Oakmount cost $1,040 for site and buildings, $12,000 of this sum was put in a building for patients. The cost of this construction ivas considerably increased by the fact that great difficulty in locating an ade- quate water supply was experienced. The equipment cost $2,800, The building is two stories high, the main building; being 55 ft. x. 36 ft. with a wing 48 ft. x. 24 ft. The first floor of the main building is used entirely- for the dispensary, offices: kitchens and dining room. separate kitch- THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 33 ens, dining rooms as well as all dishes and cooking utensils being maintained for both the patients and the necessary help. The first floor of the wing is used for sle,eping rooms of the patients, the same arrangement being carried out on the second floor, which is de- voted to sleeping rooms, linen closets, etc. There are five hath rooms with all necessary fixtures. As a matter of interest only, we mention the salaries paid to the officers, nurses and help employed at the institution. Salary of Superintendent, who is also Physician in charge $1,000 per year Matron 60 per month Nurse 40 " Laundress 30 " Cook 24 " Waitress 20 " Janitor 30 " One-half of all their patients are self-supporting. Among other institutions visited were some of the more preteutioils Sainitariunis in the Adirondacks. Ray Brook located at Ray Brook, N. Y., maintained by the State of New York. This eventually will be a fine institution. The buildings are brick and being added to each year. There are now something like four hundred patients in the institution. Adirondaek Cottage Sanitarium located at Saranac Lake, N. Y. This is Dr. Truilean's fustitution and certainly the most complete place of its kind in this State. It comprises a colIectioh of- beautiful cottages, adminis- tration buildings, places to do light work if patients 'desire. There are here. about 100 patients. Sanitorium Gabriels located at Gabriels, N. Y. This sanitarium con- ducted by the Sisters of Mercy has been in operation about fifteen years. Here there is in operation the cottage plan, dormitories and also a novel so-called "shack plan" for the mild weather. This latter plan consists of using discarded "Street Cars". 'L'hey are secured, dismantled, located on the ground nicely furnished with bed, chiffonier, chair, etc., electric -lighted and make a model sleeping room. One of these cars is fitted with bath, toilet and all conveniences of a modern bath room. They have ten of these cars in use and are considered by the patients the most desirable sleeping apartments there. This institu- tion cares for about 75 patients. Foresters' Sanitarium located at Rainbow Lake, N. Y., is an institution maintained by the Order of Foresters and has about 60 patients. :34 THE SUPERVISOTIS' PROCEEDINGS. As a matter of information, we quote the cost of maintenance per patient per week and per diem at some of the prominent tuberculosis hos- pitals in New York State. Institution. Loomis Sanitorium (annex which corresponds most closely to plan of County Hospital) State Hospital Information Per capita cost Per cap - from per week tia cost per diem Annual Report 1908 $ 6.45 $ .921 1909 6.18 .882 org 1910 6.93 .99 Annual Report 1908$ 6.4 $ .921 Bon Air Sanitorium 1910 7.94 1.134 Dutchess County Newspaper clipping, Dec.1910 8.7.E 1.25• Monroe County Letter from Supt. April 14. ' 0 19119.184 1.312 Schenectady Co., Telephone Apr, 1911 9.10 1,30 Ulster Co., Board of Managers 1911 10.00 1.428 Albany Hospital (Tuberculosis Div.) Supt. 1911 9.00 1.285 Rensselear Co. Supt. 1911 12.25 1.75 Newburgh City Sanitorium Supt. 1911 11.55 1.65 Adirondack Cottage Sanitorium Annual Rep 1909 12.66 1.808 COST OF CONSTRUCTION. Judging by the experience of other counties and taking into considera- tion the relative death rate from the disease your committee estimates that an institution providing for twenty advanced cases would be adequate to meet the needs of Tompkins County. The cost of constructing such a hos- pital from the ground up has been shown to be approximately $500 per bed, bringing the total cost of the institution up to approximately $10,000. Your committee, however, is of the opinion that this could be considerably re- duced by following the plan adopted at Bon Air, above described, and Loomis Sanitarium, Liberty, N. Y., both of which are built around remodel- , - led buildings. The cost of maintenance is estimated at from $1 to $1,25 per day per patient. Upon the estimate of a hospital for twenty patients, the annual cost of maintenance would be approximately $9,000 per year, which would be largely met by a per cliern charge for the care of patients. While your committee has no hope of such an institution being entirely self-sup- porting. the maintenance can be largely met by the income derived from paid patients. The experience of other counties and of institutions sirnii,ir to the 011P Tompkins county will be called upon to build shows that th_s cost THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 35 of maintenance can be considerably reduced by establishing the institution on a farm Iarge enough to, supply the hospital the year round with milk and eggs and in the summer with the garden vegetables. • ACCESSIBILITY. In considering sites for a county hospital your committee has taken the advice of experts who have had a long experience in dealing 'with tuber- culosis hospital problems. This advice has all been alike in urging as a prime consideration, accessibility. We believe that this Board will agree with us that it would be folly to spend the county's money to establish a hospital so far removed from available lines of transportation that persons who need it would not go to it. Experts declare with one voico that while good drainage, good soil, southern and south-eastern exposure, protection from the prevailing winds of winter and enough altitude to take the institu- tion as much as possible out of valley fogs zine all important, the most im- portant point is to have the institution near enough to the point from which the largest number of patients will come to avoid the danger of homesick- ness. The Tompkins County Hospital, in our opinion, should be located ,either on the railroad or street ear line or within a mile or mile and a quarter of one. The State Charities Aid Association stands ready to give the Board of Supervisors the expert advice of Dr. Thomas S. Carrington, consulting expert of hospital conditions of New York department of Health, and the Assistant Secretary of the National Association for the study and prevention of Tuber- culosis, and in charge of its Bureau of Construction, the only expense at- tached thereto is his travelling and living expenses for one or two days while engaged in the work, and your committee earnestly recommend that Dr. Carrington be invited to examine the several available sites ere one is loca- ted. RECOMMENDATIONS. Your committee recommends that this Board proceed immediately to acquire a site upon which are buildings that may be remodelled in order that the County may at the earliest possible moment be in a position to meet its tuberculosis needs and in order that the cost of meeting those needs may be reduced to a minimum. I , 13. AIKEN, W. H. PARKER, W. C. GALLAGHER, ' Committee. Mr. Montgomery Farling, Master of the Forest City Grange, was given privilege of the floor and he addressed the Board relative to the Grange being in favor of a county tuberculosis hospital. On motion the Board adjourned to 2 P. M. :3B TI -TE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Afternoon Session. Roll call. • All members present. On motion of Mr. Parker action on the matter of building a fire escape on the women's building at the Almshouse was deferred until the annual session to get further bids on the same. J. G. Wortrnau, Sherif, presented a bill for court attendance and for conveying prisoners to the penitentiary, etc., amounting to $89.24, which on motion of Mr. Parker was referred to the sheriff's committee. The committee ou sheriff's accounts reported oil lir. Wort - man's bi]1 recommending that it be paid in full, and on motion of Mr. Todd the bill was audited at the full amount claimed by an un- animous vote. Mr. E. A. iioree, Director Extension Work of the Charities State Aid Association, was given the privilege of the floor and he addressed the Board relative to the county hospital for the cart of. tuberculosis.' On motion of Mr. Todd, the matter of the method of equaliza- tion of assessments under the amended law on the same was taken up for consideration. The matter was discussed but no action taken. By Mr. Holden: Resolved, That as a step toward building a county hospital for the treatment of both advanced and incipient cases of tuberculosis, that a committee Of three be appointed to secure the services of Dr. Thomas Specs Carrington, consulting expert on sites of the State Department of Health and construction expert• of the National Association for the study and prevention of tuberculosis to examine sites and advise us as to the plans for the hospital, and that said committee be instructed to report as early as possible in the next annual session of this Board, giving prices of sites and estimates on the cost of construction or remodel- ing, together with such recommendations as to type of building and character of site as Dr. Carrington •may offer or that the committee may secure from other expert sources. THE. SUPERVISOI{S' PROCEEDINGS. 87 On motion of Mr. Patterson the resolution was adopted. On motion of Mr. Begent the committee on investigation, con- sisting of 111.r. Aiken, Mr. Parker and Dr. Gallagher were instructed to act under the .resolution as the committee of three mentioned therein. The Clerk read a letter from the Comptroller of State relative to the report of. Messrs. Spencer and Anderson, Examiners of the Comptroller's Office. 'The minutes of the day were read and approved. On motion the .Board adjourned sine die. BERT. T. BAKER, Clerk. ' ANNUAL SESSION FIRST DAY. Thursday, November 16, 1911. The Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins met in annual session at their rooms in the Court House in the City of Ithaca, N. Y., on Thursday, November 16, 1911, and was called to order by Bert T. Baker, Clerk of the preceding Board. All members responded to their names as follows: Caroline—Dr. W. C. Gallagher, Slaterville Springs, N. Y. Danby—Frank A. Todd, West Danby, N. Y. Dryden—R. F. Cuappuis, Dryden, N. Y. Enfield—Nelson B. Brown, Ithaca, N. Y. Groton—Frank A. Begent, Groton, N. Y. Ithaca Town ---John W. Preswick, Ithaca, N. Y. Ithaca City—First Ward—R. P. McGreevy, Ithaca, N. Y. Second Ward—L, E. Patterson, Ithaca, N. Y. Third Ward—George W. Frost, Ithaca, N. Y. 38 THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Fourth Ward—Frank B. Davis, Ithaca, N. Y. Fifth Ward --Seth :13. Squier; Ithaca, N. Y. Lansing—Hon. Fox Holden, Ludlowville, N. Y. • Newfield—B. Frank McAllaster, Newfield, N. Y. Ulysses --Milton D. Batty, T.rurnansbur• , N. Y. On motion Mr. Frost was chosen temporary chairman. On motion of Mr. Patterson that the Chair appoint two tellers, the Chair appointed Messrs. Chappuis and 'Todd. On motion of Mr. Squier, the Board proceeded by informal bal- lot in the election of a Chairman for the ensuing year. The informal ballot vas taken and the whole number of votes cast was 14 of which R. F. Chappuis received 5 F. A. Begent received 1 - Hon. Fox Holden received • 1 Frank A. Todd received 3 B. F. McAllaster received 1 Blank 3 On motion of Mr. Davis the Board proceeded by formal ballot for the election of Chairman. On the first formal ballot, 14 votes were cast of which Hon. Fox Holden received 6 R. F. Chappuis received 2 Frank A. Todd received 2 Frank A. Begent received ._ 1 John W. Preswick received 1 B. F. McAllaster received J. Blank On the second formal ballot, 14 votes were cast of Which Hon. Pox Holden received 6 THE SUPERVISORS' -PROCEEDINGS. Frank A. Todd received 2 R. F. Chappuis received 1 Dr. W. C. Gallagher received 1 John W. Preswick received 1 Frank A..Begent received 1 Blank 2 On the third formal ballot, 14 votes were east of which. Hon. Fox Holden received 6 Frank A. Todd received 2 Seth B. Squicr received 2 Dr. W. C. Gallagher received ............... 1 John W. Preswick received 1 Frank A. Begent received 1 B. F. McAllaster received 1. On the fourth formal ballot, 14 votes were cast of Which Hon. Fox Ilolden received 8 Dr. W. C. Gallagher received 1 L. E. Patterson received 1 B. F. McAllaster received 1 ll:: F. Chappuis received 1 Blank 2 39. The Chair declared Mr. Holden elected Chairman of the Board for the ensueing year and Mr. Holden took the Chair. On motion the J3oard proceeded by formal ballot for the elec- tion of a Clerk and the whole number of votes cast, was 14, of whicig Bert T. Baker received the whole number and the Chair declared him elected Clerk of the Board. By Mr. Patterson: Resolved That the Clerk be authorized to procure the necessary supplies for the members of the Board during the session the .same to be purchased e.t 'wholesale as heretofore. On motion the resolution was adopted. 40 THE StiPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. • 1\1oiion by lir. Frost that }wen tiie Board adjourns that it ad- journ to,10 A. Al..November 17. • Carried. By lir. Davis: Resolved That the morning sessions of this Board begin at 9 A. M., except on Mondays when they shall begin at 10 A. M., and that the afternoon sessions begin at 2 P. M. daily. On motion the salve was adopted. On motion the Board adjourned. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk: SECOND DAY. Friday, November 17, 1911. Morning Session. Roll call. All members present. Minutes of November 16th read and approved. The Clerk read a communication from the Comptroller of State relative to the form of county .budget prescribed by that De- partment under Article 3 of the General Municipal Ilaw as part of the uniform system of keeping county accounts. Portions of the Report of A. W. Spencer and 1.1. M. Anderson, Examiners of the State Comptroller's Office, were read and dis- cussed by the Board. On motion the Board adjourned. Afternoon Session. Roll call. All members present. THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDING'S. 41. '1'1ie Standing Printing Committee opened the bids for the printing of the proceedings of 1911. The Forest City Printing Company and The Ithaca Journal stated that they did not care to submit an estimate. The Stover Printing Company submitted a hid to do the work at $2.08 per page. Motion by M. Squier that the printing be done in Tompkins County if a satisfactory bid can be secured. Carried. On motion of Mr. .Davis the bid of The Stover .Printing Com- pany .was accepted., On rrrotion of Mr..Prost the Standing Printing Committee wer 3 instructed to enter into a contract with The .Stover Printing Coin- pany for the proceedings of 1911 at :2.08 per page subject to the ratification and approval of this Board. Portions of the:Examiners' Report were read and discussedby the Board. On motion the Board adjourned to Monday Morning at 10 A. M. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. . THIRD DAY. IMonday, November 20, 1911. Morning Session. A11 members present except 'Messrs. Chappnis and Ratty.. Minutes of November 1.7t1r were read and approved. 42 THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. On motion of Mr. Todd, the Good Roads Committee were in- structed to interview State Superintendent of Public Works, Mr. Charles E. Treman, to ascertain or get him to ascertain and report t:) the Board the amounts that the various towns of the County are owing the County as the town's share for the improvement of roads through the same. ' The Chairman announced the following standing committees: CONSTABLES' .ACCOUNTS --Brown, Chappuis, Preswick. CLERKS' AND JUSTICES' ACCOUNTS—McGreevy, Squier, Frost. COUNTY . TREASURER'S ACGOU V`.l.'S- Prost. McGreevy, Gallagher.' SHERIFF 'S AND JUDGE'S ACCOUNTS—McAllister, Pres - wick, Patterson. CORONER'S AND DIS'T'RICT ATTORNEY'S ACCOUNTS— Davis, Brown, Patterson. COUNTY CL.Af!1S—Gallagher, Patterson, .Batty. .J URTSPR1IJDEN CE AND ER.E ONEOUS ASSESSMENTS— Squier, Begent, McGreevy. EQUALIZATION AND FOOTING ASSESSMENT ROLLS— Begent, Frost, Chappuis, Todd, McAllaster, Davis, Batty. SUP RINPENDENTS OF 'THE POOR—Batty, Todd, Davis, McGreevy. COUNTY BUILDINGS—Holden, C1iti.ppnis, i\icAllaster, Todd, Gallagher. U. S. DEPOSITS AND INSURANCE—Todd, Davis, Batty. THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 4a STATE CIIARITIES AND PENAL INSTITUTIONS---Pses- wick, Gallagher, Brown. GOOD ROADS—Chappuis, Preswick, McAllaste.r, Squier, Brown. PRIN'.1`ING AND PRINTERS' ACCOUNTS—Davis, Squier, Regent. APPROPRIATIONS—Patterson ,:Begent, Squier. On motion of Mr. Patterson the appointment of the standing committees of the Board was confirmed. On motion the Board adjourned. Afternoon Session. All members were present. Moved by Mr..Begent.that the Board of Assessors of the several towns and the City of Ithaca report to the Board of Supervisors the actual consideration of. all.transfers in their respective tax di:, tricts that they car. ascertain for the past year and that the chair- man of each of said Board of. Assessors appear before this Board on Wednesday, November 29, at 10:30 A. M. and take up the method of assessing in their respective tax district. Carried. Mr. Squier offered a resolution designating for immediate im- provement the highway extending from Cook's Corners in the Town of Dryden through the hamlet of Brookton to W. K. Boise's Corner in the Town of' Caroline, a distance of about three miles, and that the same should be improved before any other highway in the Town of Caroline. Mr. Davis moved its adoption. 44 THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Ori notion of Mr. Todd the resolution was referred to the Good Roads Committee. Tlie Committee reported that they were unable to report onithe sante at once and Messrs. 'S. Edwin Banks, w. T. Graham, Frank Snow and F. E. Bates were given the privilege of the floor and they addressed the Board in favor of the resolution. The Clerk read the following designation and resolution: Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 16, Laws of 1909, w� the undersigned. Republican Members of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, herebydesignate the Ithaca Daily Journal the official paper for publishing the Session Laws and Concurrent 'Resolutions of the Legislature ill the County of.. Tompkins for the year 1912, and Resolved, That the Ithaca Daily Journal be designated as the official paper to publish the official canvass and election notices of Tompkins County, Ses- sion Laws and Concurrent Resolutions of the Legislature for the year 1912 in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 1G, Laws of 1909. L. E. PATTERSON, FRANK B. DAVIS, • W. C. GALLAGHER, F. A. TODD, FOX HOLDEN, GEORGE W. FROST, JOHN W. PRESWICK. On motion of Mir. 1'IeAllaster the resolution Was adopted. The .Clerk read the following designation and resolution .Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 16, Laws of 1909, we, the. Democratic members of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, hereby designate the Ithaca Daily News as the official paper for publishing the Sessions Laws and Concurrent Resolutions of the Legislature in the County of Tompkins for the year 1912, and Resolved, That the Ithaca Daily News be designated as the official paper to e publish the official canvass and election notices of Tompkins County, Session Laws and Concurrent Resolutions of the Legislature for the year 1912 in accord- ance with the provisions of Chapter 16, Laws of 1909. 10. F. McALLASTER, N. B. BROWN, I. A. BEGENT, SETH B. SQUIER, R. P. McGREEVY, M. D. BATTY. 11. F. CHAPPUIS, •THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 45 On motion of Air. Patterson the resolution was adopted. The Clerk read the contract of the Printing Committee with. The Stover Printing Company for the printing of the proceedings of the Board for 1.911, which on motion of Mr. Frost was ratified and the execution thereof by the committee considered a.nd: adopt- ed dopted as the act of the foil Board. By Mr. Patterson: Resolved, That resolutions carrying appropriations of money except those in accordance with the actions of the town boards, shall not be acted upon, nor shall any claim be acted upon or, audited, until twenty-four hours after' the reading of the same, except claims for services rendered by members of this Board attending the present session which shall he acted upon the last day of the session. On motion of TiTr. Squier the resolution was adopted. • Ry A1r. Patterson: Resolved, That before any bill is audited for. an amount •less than that claimed therein, the Supervisor of that town or ward from which the claim came shall be notified and the claimant conferred with. On .notion of Mr. Frost the resolution was adopted. The Clerk read the Annual. Report of Clarence C. Squier, Esq., and Arthur G. Adams, Esq., Election Commissioners of.t.he County of 'Tompkins, which on motion of Dr.' Gallagher .was accepted anis ordered filed. On a1otiori 11 e Board adjourned. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. FOURTH DAY. Morning Session. Al! members present. Noveinber 21, 1911. 46 TI -Ill S1JPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Minutes of November 20th were read and approved. On motion of i1Ir. Todd, the Chair appointed Messrs. Todd and Patterson a committee of two to -confer with the Commissioners of Election relative to the bills of expenses of their office. By Mr. Patterson : Resolved, That the morning sessions of the • Board be devoted to commit- tee work. On motion of Mr. Frost the resolution was adopted. • By Mr. Chappuis: Whereas at a meeting of this Board held on the 17th day of June, 1911, reso- lutions were .adopted requesting the State Highway Commission to improve as County Highways the highway within the Village of Dryden beginning at the end of County highway No. 682 and extending to the end of County Highway No. 183, a distance of about 7260 feet and known as Main and North Streets; and of the highway within the Village of Groton beginning at the end of Pet. 1411 and extending through South and Main Streets to connect with the village improvement, a distance of about 1-2 Mbe, and Whereas said highways are connecting highways between highways now or being constructed as County Highways and much travelled thoroughfares, be it Resolved, That this Board request the State Department of Highways to con-' struct such connecting highways as County ITighways in the year 1912 providing their construction does not interfere with or delay the construction of other highways in Tompkins County heretofore designated by this Board for improve- ment. On motion of Mr. Begent the resolution was adopted. • On motion the Board adjourned. Afternoon Session. All members present. Moved by Mr. Prost that the_ time for receiving claims against the county to be acted upon at this session of the Board be extended to December 5th. On motion of Mr. Chappuis the matter was laid on the table. THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS.' 47 The Clerk read the following report of the Committee on fuel and lights, which on motion of 1llr. Davis was received and ordered printed in the proceedings: To the Board of Supervisors: Your Conunittee on Fuel and Lights for 1.911 report as follows: RESOURCES, Balance 1910 account $ 265.17 Appropriation, 1911 500.00 Total Fund, 1911 $1165.17 The following funds have been expended' for lights from and including No- vember 1910 to October 1911, twelve months: Jail, electric lights $ 108.8.5 Sheriff's residence, electric lights 118.88 County Clerk's and Judge's Office, electric lights 34.53 County Court House, electric lights 20.98 Jail, gas 9.86 Total lighting bills, County buildings $ 293.10 CITY OF ITHACA. There has been expended for fuel during the year 1911 the following sums: 104 tons egg coal, Court House and Jail $ 515.00 14 tons nut coal, jail 46.00 26 tons stove coal, Clerk's Office 125.60 IVood for jail 6.50 Total fuel bill for County Buildings 693.10 RECAPITULATION. Appropriation 1911 and balance 1510 $1167.17 Total lighting bills 1911 $ 293.10 Total fuel purchased 1911 693.10 • 986.20 Balance on hand $ 180.97 Your committee think it proper to mention in this report that by the method of making a yearly appropriation in advance thereby permitting your committee to take advantage of fuel and light die- . counts for eash payments made promptly, the saving on light bills elnnnerated in this report is $32.59, and the saving on fuel is $69.00. The supply of fuel mentioned in this report Was purchased in Viay and Trill last lentil usual time of baying the annual supply. 5°o-' 1912. 48 THE SUPERVISORS' PROCE-Ll)1\GS. All of which is respectfully submitted. L. E. PATTERSON, W. II:. PARKER, N. B. Brown, Committee. The Clerk react_ a communication from the State Department of Highways specifying the .amounts to be raised for the maintenance of the unproved highways in the County, which was referred to the Good .Roads Committee. The Clerk read a communication from the State Department of Highways specifying the amounts to lie raised to pay the interest and sinking frond on the fronds issued for the construction of the • Trnrnansburg-.1t.haca. Road ~which was referred to the Good Roads Committee. Mr. Squier handed to the Clerk to read to the Board a petition for the location of the eonuty tuberculosis hospital at Rogues Har- bor. Dr. Gallagher arose to a point of order that the petition should he first referred to the committee on the county. tuberculosis site. The Chair decided that Dr. Gellagher's point was well taken. A vote was taken on the question whether or not the report should be read to the Board and it was carried in the affirmative. A motion 1.o rescind the motion that the report should be read was lost by a vote of severi to five.' • The Clerk react the petition to the Board. .By illr. Todd: Resolved, That the. committee on telephone service for the Supervisor's Room be requested to insist in the contract for future service with the telephone com- panies a free use of said phones for the members of this Board during the annual session, free tolls throughout Tompkins County. TI -U SUPERVISORS' PROCE.!:D]NGS. On motion the resolution waS adopted. 4J Moved' by 11r. Regent that the Chair appoint a committee of three to negotiate for the county telephone servie,e. Carried. The Clerk read thc'following bills; which were laid on the table for twenty-four ]lours under the rule: H. S. Beardsley & Son or Danby, *50.00; for burial of Harrison Longcoy, a deceased soldier. Alvin .Booth & Co., Groton, $50.00 for burial. of Harrison Teete,•, a deceased soldier. Alvin Bootlr & Co., Groton, $.0.00, for imrial of. William Con- ner, a deceased soldier. John :1. Comings, Ithaca, $50.00, for burial of John 1. Potter, r. deceased soldier. On motion the Board adjorirned. tIER..T T. BAKER, Clerk. FIFTH DAY. November 22, 191.1. Morning Session. AI urembers present,'except i\Lr. Chappnis. 11l.irrutes of November 2.1st read aid approved. On motion of Dr. Gallagher the hour from 2 to 3 P. M. was ' Inane a special ordev of business fora hearing of a. delegation for 50 -THE SiUPERVISORS' PROCEED1\GS. improvement of the highway extending from. Cook's Corners through Brookton to the W. K. Boice Corner. The remainder of the morning session was devoted to commit- tee work. On motion the .Board adjourned. Afternoon Session. All members present except Mr. Cha.ppuis. The special order of business was taken up at 2 P. M., and• Messrs. W. T. Graham, Frank A. Snow, James Robinson, Jr., and S. Edwin Banks, Esq., spoke in favor of the improvement of the highway extending from Cook's Corners through Brookton to the W. Ici.J3oice Corner in the '.Down of Caroline and presented to the Board a petition to that effect. On motion of Mr. Regent the petition was referred to the Good Roads Committee. Lyman 1-[. Gallagher, Esq., R. L. Speed, Benjamin J. Silsbee and J. C. Bennett also addressed the Board in the matter. The Clerk read a petition from the McLean Grange No. 1075 to the Board favoring the construction of, a county tuberculosis hos- pital, which on motion wasreferred to the committee on a county tuberculosis hospital site. The Clerk read the annual report of the County Clerk which was referred to the Clerk's Committee.. The Clerk read the following bills which were referred to the Committee on Sheriff's and Judge's Accounts: Clinton House, dinners for jury and two officers, $7.00. Tompkins House, dinners for three juries and two oi.cers•with each jury, $21.00. 7D. 0. Bishop, Court Crier, Supreme Court, September Terra and County Court, November Term, $30.00. On motions duly made and seconded the following 'bills were .audited at the full amounts claimed by unanimous votes: THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 11. S. Beardsley & Son, $50.00. Alvin Bootle & Co.. $50.00. Alvin Booth & Co., $50.00. .Joan B..'Comings. $50.00. The Clerk read communications from the State Comptroller' for taxes to be raised for State purposes in the following amounts, which communications were referred to the Appropriation Commit- tee: 51 State Tax, $12;200.51.. Court Stenographers, $1,884.08. Supreme Court Tustiees' Expenses, $12.55. On ►notion the Board adjourned. .BERT T. 3AE.EE.R, Clerk. SIXTH DAY. Thursday, November 23, 1911. Morning Session. All members present. Minutes of November 22nd were read and approved. Dr. Gallagher offered a resolution designating for improve- ment in 1912 or as soon thereafter as reached on the list of roads for in►provenrent in Tompkins County the highway extending from Cook's Corners in the Town of Dryden through Brookton to W. K. Boice's Corner in' the Town of. Caroline; the highway extending from 13oice's Corner to Caroline; and the highway extending from 52 THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Caroline to Speedsville, the three sections being about: tell miles. The resolution -was referred to the Good Roads Committee. The Chair announced the alipointment of Messrs. Todd, Pres - wick and Batty as the special committee to arrange for telephone service for the county. The remainder of the morning session was devoted to commit- tee work. • On motion the hoard adjourned. Afternoon Session. All members present. The -Clerk read the following petition which was granted: Ludlowville, N. Y., Nov. 22, 1911. Fox Holden, Chairman Board of Snliervisors, . Dear Sir:—By an oversight 1 did not copy an assessment. It is _as follows: Lot A Assessment. ' Townley, Garfield 46 • 82 $1.,30(1 Will you see to having --it put on the tax list. F. :1. BARNES, • Assessor. Moved by i Ir..Squier that when the Board adjourns that it ad- journ to 11. A. M. Friday out of respect for lir. Edward 1Teany. Carried. THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. J:i By Mr. Davis: Resolved, That the Chairman appoint a committee of three members of this Board to contract for all necessary printing not provided for by law and to pur- chase all necessary supplies for all county offices, and that no bill shall be au- dited or allowed by this Board for books or supplies or for repairs to the same unless approved by this committee. On motiOn 1) lir. Stluier the resolution was xilotlted: l: Mr. Gallagher: Resolved, That the defect In the Court House heating be referred to Building Committee for remedy. On motion of :Ur. I?reswii,k the resolution was aulopted. The Clerk read the following report, which on Motion of -Mr. Chappuis was received and ordered printed ill the proceedings: . SURROGATE'S OFFICE . IN ACCOUNT WITH TOMPKINS COUNTY The foliowing amount has been received for certified copies of records since the date of last report $ 100.35 DISBURSEMENTS. Laundry $ 2.20 Postage 28.80 Awnings. removing and putting up 2.75 Cleaning Office 1.25 Office work, extra cleaning 4.00 Telephoning 2.10 Supplies 75 Total Disbursements $ 41.85 $ 41.85 Palnnce due County $ 68.50 County of l'olnpkins. State of N sn ' nrlc, S5. Della lit.. Gillespie being dilly sworn says she is Lhe Clerk of. the Surrogate's Court of the said County; that; the foregoing is :I true and correct statement of fees received by ]ler for certifying records since the date of last report, to the present time together with all disbursements chargeable against the sante. Della Il. Uilles1 ie. 54 THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Sworn to before me this 1.6th day - of November, 1.91.1.. JARED T. NEWMAN, Notary Public. To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County 1 Hereby report that the matter of certifying copies of the rec- ords of this office is one of the Clerks ditties which is performed by her, and the fees for the saoie are collected by her. Said sum orf $58.50 is deposited in the Ithaca 'frust Company and awaits your order. believe the above report to be correct. MONROE M. SWEETLAND, Surrogate of Tompkins County. By Mr. 13egent: Resolved, That the Clerk of the Surrogate's Court cause to be transferred to the County Treasurer of Tompkins County to the credit of the general fund the $58.50 now on deposit in the Ithaca Trust Company. . On motion the resolution was adopted. On motion the Board adjourned. .BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. SEVENTH DAY. l'riday. November 24, 1911. Morning Session. The Board was called to order at 11 A. M. All members were present except Mr. McGreevy. Minutes of November 2:3r•d were react Milt approved. THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 55 141r•. Todd, Chairman of the Special Committee on telephones, made an oral report to the Board stating that the Federal Tele- phone Company would furnish to the county the same service as heretofore for 0150.00 per year; that the New York Telephone Company. wanted 0228.00 per year for the service it had heretofore furnished the county payable in monthly installments. It was •movedby Mr. Chappuis and seconded that the Chair- man and Clerk be empowered to enter a contract with the Federal Telephone Company for the county telephones, the contract being subject to the approval and ratification of this Board. On /notion of Dr. Gallagher the /natter was laid oh the table until Tuesday, November 28L1/. • On /notion the Board ad;jour•ned. Afternoon Session. 1111 members present except Mr. Todd, he being excused. The Clerk read the report of the sheriff of the fines received by him for the past year and paid over by him to the county treasurer, which was referred to the sheriff's committee. The Clerk read a bill rendered by the sheriff for taking a prisoner• to the Monroe County Penitentiary and for Court attend- ance which was referred to the sheriff's corntnittee. On motion of Mr. Davis the rule was suspended and the re- mainder of the afternoon was devoted to committee work. On motion the Board adjourned to Monday morning. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. 7ti THE SUPERVISORS' S' PROCEE1DINGS. EIGHTH DAY. -Monday, November 27, 1911. Morning Session. :111 r1i�Snillers 1)I't�selil.. i\I.iniates of November 24t.h read and ;approved. The hoard gent into iloinnrittces and the Good Roads Commit- tee accompanied by the Chairman of the Board vvent by automo- bile to the '-'own of Caroline and viewed the highways for whicti resolutions had been offered for improvement. Afternoon Session. A11 members present. The Chairman announced the appointment of. Messrs. Preswich. .Satuier and Patterson as the committee to apportion the inortgagc taxes. Mr. ChaPlnlis. Chairman of the Good Roads Cornraaittee. re- ported that the committee referred back to the Board as a commit- tee of the whole the resolutions for the improvement of highways in the Town of Caroline without recommendations. On motion the Board went into a..committee of the whole and the Chairman designated ATT. Chappuis as chairman of the commit- tee of the whole. On motion the Board arose as a committee of the whole and Chappuis reported to the Board that such committee recolai- . mended the adoption of the following resolution: By 11Ir. Gallagher: Resolved,' That the Board of Supervisnrs.of Tompkins County hereby designate and certify to the State Department of FIlghways the following highways for construction in Tompkins County as soon as reached on the list for construction and when highways are to be constructer] in the Town of Caroline that they be constructed in the following order: THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 57 lst. The highway extending from Cook's Corners in the Town of Dryden to ilrookton in the Town of Caroline, a distance of about 2 1-2 miles. 2nd. The highway extending easterly from Slaterville Springs towards Wil- low Bridge a distance 2 miles from the end of Road No. 483. 3rd. The highway extending from Brookton to W. K. Bolce's Corner, a distance of about two miles, and to Caroline Center, a distance of about four miles. Resolved, Further, That the Clerk of this Board is directed to transmit forthwith to the. State Department of Highways a certified copy of the foregoing resolution. Olt motion of lll:r. Begent the resolution vas adopted by ali un- animous vote. By Dir. Patterson: Resolved, That the election of a jail physician for the ensuing year be made a special order of business for Monday December 4th at 2 P. M. On motion of ll'lr. Squier the resolution vas adopted. The Clerk read the report of Ilerbert J. Munni of his inspection of the county almshouse, which was ordered filed. The Committee oii Sheriff's Accounts reported that they had examined and found the following report of the sheriff correct and it was accepted and ordered printed: To the hl.onorable Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: I beg to report to you that since my last report I have received the fol- lowing money due Tompkins County for fines imposed. Dec. 15, 1010, Steve Terrisky, violation of excise law in the Town of Lansing $230.00 Jan. 14, 1911, Eugene Rice, Assault, City of Ithaca 25.00 Feb. 9, 1911, Frank Dominic, violation of excise law in Town of Lansing 250.00 $505.00 The above moneys were pail to the County Treasurer as per vouchers attached. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 22nd day of November, 1911. [ .1. G. 1Vortmaan, Sheriff, SARAH HUTCFTINSON, Notary Pubile. { 58 THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. The Committee on Sheriff's Accounts reported favorably on the following claims and recommended that they be paid in full: Tompkins House, meals for juries. $21.00. Clinton House, meals for jury, $7.00. J. G. \Vortman. Court Officer; etc.: $17.S9. D. O. Bishop, Court Crier; $30.00. Laid on the table under the rule. The Sheriff's Committee also reported favorably on Bills Nos. 31, 30, 24, 5, and recommended that they be paid in full. Laid on the table under the rule. On motion the Board adjourned. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. NINTH DAY. Tuesday, November 28, 1911.. Morning Session. All members present. Minutes of November 27th read and approved. The morning session was devoted to committee work. Afternoon Session. - All members present. On motion of IIr. Regent the matter of telephone service for county offices was deferred until December 4th. THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 59 Mr. Ale ander Frear, a former member of the Board, was given the privilege of the floor and he briefly addressed the Board. The Clerk read the following report of the Bonding Commis- sioners of the Town of Newfield, which on motion of Mr. Davis was received and ordered printed in the proceedings: To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: \Ve, the undersigned Bantling Commissioners of the 'I'uwn of Newfield, respectfully submit the following report: Refunding Serial Bonds outstanding Twenty-six Thousand 1)ollars ($26,000.00) Snld Serial Bonus mature and become payable. as folinws: Two thous- ands1Dollars 3(2.000.00) on the first day of \larch, 1912 and $2,000.00 on the first day of March each year thereafter until the whole amount shall have been paid. Said Serial Bonds bear interest at the rate of 3 1-2 per cent, per annum, payable semi-annually en the first days of March and September of each year. We further report that it will be necessary for the said Town of Newfield to raise liy tax the sunt of Two Thousand light Hundred Seventy-five Dollars to pay maturing bonds and interest on bonds as follows: Principal payable March 1,• 1912 $2,000 Interest on $26,000 from Sept. 1, 1911 to March 1, 1912 455 Interest on 324,000 from March 1, 1912 to Sept. 1, 1912 420 $2,875.00. E3 We further report that we have no balance on hand. Dated, Newfield, N. Y., Nov. 18, 1911. $2,870.00 A. H. PALMER. JOHN W. DEAN, Commissioners. STATE OP NEW YORK. ss. COUNTY OF TOMPKINS, The undersigned being duly sworn depose and say that the above re- port is in all respects correct and true to the hest of their knowledge and belief. A. H. PALMER JOHN W. DEAN Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1 21st day of November, 1911. 1 ROBT. ALEXANDER, Justice of the Peace. 60 • THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. '.1'he Clerk read the following petition which on motion of -Mr. Batty was granted: To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: The assessment on the property of Laura. Argetsinger, Town of Ulysses, situated on Lot No. 15, consisting of 40 acres assessed at $1,250, was by mistake omitted from the assessment roll. Will your honorable body please place it on the roll for 191I. Respectfully yours, E. It. STILLIVELL, F. A. MILLER, GEORGE CHASE. Assessors. The Clerk read the following Certificate• of tate '.Town Board of the Town of Enfield; and on motion of 11.r. Brown the ainoiints as therein set forth were ordered levied upon awl assessed against the respective properties: To W. V. Rumsey, Town Clerk of the Town of Enfield: The undersigned, Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Enfield, hereby certifies that he caused to be removed the noxious weeds, brush or briers in front of the lands owned or occupied by the persons named in the following list, as authorized and required by section 54 of the Highway Law; that he has duly assessed the cost of cutting and removing such noxious weeds, brush and briers against the owner or occupant whose duty it was pursuant to section 54 of the Highway Law to cut and remove the same; and that such completed assessment is as follows: Name of Owner Premises Described. Character of work. Cost Mrs. Asa White Lot No, 70 cutting brush $ 5.70 Lewis Frear Lot No. 55 cutting brush 6.40 Henry Welling Lot No. 61 cutting brush 1.50 Mrs. Harriet Flarvey ....Lot No. 01 cutting brush 1.40 Lewis Vanmarter Lot -No. 68 cutting brush 2.80 Adam Grey Lot No. 70 cutting brush 6.80 Eugene Drake Lot No. 76 cutting brush 4.00 ,George Fowler Est. Lot No. 74 cutting brush 1.00 Mrs. Sarah \\rallenbeck ..Lot No. GO cutting brush 1.20 John Baker Est Lot No. 52 cutting brush 3.00 Mrs. T. Clark Lot No. 73 cutting brush G.80 Chas. Whitney Lot No. 52 cutting brush 2.20 Irdle Lanning Est. ....Lots Nos. 52, 44, 45..cutting brush 2.40 $45.20 THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS 61 The above is a true statement of the actual cost or the work perforated as above described. Dated November 9, 1911. FRANK LANNING, Town Superintendent of Highways, Town of Enfield. To the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins: The foregoing assessment has been returned by Frank Lanning, Town Superintendent of Highways for the Town of Enfield, to the Town Clerk of such Town and by hitn presened to us as provided by Sect. 55 of the High- way Law, and we hereby certify such assessment to you as required by such section. N. 13. BROWN, Supervisor. 11. V. 1:GBEIIT, JOHN J. JOHNSON, L. S. TEETER, Justices. W. V. RUMSEY, Town Clerk. The Clerk read the following certificate of the Town Board of the Town of Caroline, and on motion of Dr, Gallagher the amounts as therein set forth were ordered levied upon and assessed against the respective prop- erties: To Judson C. Bennett, Caroline Town Clerk: The undersigned, Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Caroline, hereby certifies that he caused to be removed the noxious weeds, brush or briers in front of the lands owned or occupied by the persons named In the following list as authorized •and required by Sect. 54 of the hlighway Law; that he caused due notice to be served upon each of the persons named in such list, a copy of which with an endorsement or the date and manner of service is returned herewith; that at the time and place mentioned in such notice he heard such owners or occupants and all others interested and ,assessed the cost of cutting and removing such noxious weeds, brush and briers against the owner or occupant whose duty it was pursuant to Section 54 of the Highway Law to cut and remove the same; that said completed assessment is as follows: Name of Owner. Amount. Hattie Hill $1,50 Ellen Lounsberry 1.50 $3.00 62 THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS The above is a true statement of the actual cost of the work performed as above described. Dated, Oct. 31, 1911. IRA BOGARDUS, Town Superintendent of Highways, Town of Caroline. To the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins: The foregoing assessment has been returned by Ira Bogardus, Superin- tendent of Highways of the Town of Caroline, to the Town. Clerk of such Town and by him presented to us as provided in section 5r of the Highway Law, and we hereby certify such assessment to you as required by such sec- tion. W. C. GALLAGHER, J. C. BENNETT, FRANK M. I3ULL, E. 13. MITCHIELL, P. A. SNOW, Town Board of the Town of Caroline. The Clerk read a communication from J. V. and Sarah S. F.I. McIntyre offering to sell Rogues Harbor to the, County for a tuber- culosis hospital and resolutions from Forest City Grange No. 28E4 favoring a county tuberculosis hospital which were referred to the committee on a tuberculosis hospital site. On motion duly made the following claims were audited and ordered paid in the full amounts claimed by unanimous votes: Tompkins House $21.00 Clinton House $ 7.00 J. G. Wortman $17.89 D. 0. Bishop $30.00 On motions duly glade, Bills Nos. 31, 30, 24 and 5 were audited - and ordered paid at the full amounts claimed as recommended by the Committee on Sheriff's and Judge's Accounts by unanimous votes. The Committee on Printers' Accounts reported favorably on Bills Nos. 23 and 46 and recommended that they be allowed in the full amounts claimed. • THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS 63 Laid on the table under the rule. The Clerk read the claim of Cortland Granite Works for sol- diers' tombstone for John Grettenberger approved by F. A. Begent. Supervisor, which was laid on the •table under the rule. On motion of Dr. Gallagher, the matter of the report of the Special Committee on a site for a county tuberculosis hospital was made a special order of business for Monday, December 4th, at 2 P. M. On motion the Board adjourned. .BBRT T. BAKER, Clerk. TENTH DAY. Wednesday, November 29, 1911. Morning Session. All members present. The minutes of November 28th were read and approved. The committee on Equalization proceeded in the presence of the Board to examine into the methods in the various tax districts of the County the method of assessments. The following reamed as- sessors appeared before the committee: Caroline, Frank Yaples; Danby, Harrison Thayer; Dryden, W. J. Shaver and A. A. Sager; Enfield, Silas• -Hubbell; Groton, Alvin Howard; Ithaca -City, Wm. II. Parker; Ithaca. -Town, Montgomery Farling; Lansing, Miles D. Lane; Newfield, L. H. Taber; Ulysses, E. R. Stillwell. The various assessors furnished the committee with a list of sales in their respective tax districts for the past one or two years where they had been able to ascertain the actual consideration, and they were examined as to the ratio and manner of assessing. 64 THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS Afternoon Session. All members present except ilir. Todd. The hearing before the Equalization Committee was continued and completed at 3 P. M. By Mr. Chappuis: Whereas at a meeting of this Board held on the 17th day of .June, 19n, a. reso- lution was adopted requesting the State Department of Highways to improve as a County Highway the highway within the Village of Freeville beginning at the village improvement at the intersection of the street leading to the Freevllle rail- road Station, thence northeasterly on the Main Street about 200 feet, thence northerly on the new street to the West Dryden Road Extension, thence westerly on said extension .4 of a mile, thence northerly on a new location .4 of a. mile to connect with petition 1431 leading to Groton, having a total length of 1.1 miles in the Town of Dryden. Resolved, That this Board requests the State Department of Highways to construct such Connecting highway in the year 1912 provlding.its, construction does r_ot interfere with or delay the construction of other highways in Tompkins Coun- ty heretofore designated by this Board for improvement. '1'1►e resolution was referred to the Good Loads Committee. • lir. Squier, one of the Good Roads Committee reported that a majority of the Committee reported unfavorably on the adoption of the resolution, and Mr. Chappuis, Chairman of the Good Roads Committee, reported that a minority of the Committee reported favorably on the resolution. Motion by ills. Chappuis that the minority report be adopted. Motion by Mr. Squier that the platter be deferred until the full Board was present was lost. A general discussion on the adoption of the resolution was had but action thereon was deferred until Dec. 4th by unanimous con- sent. The Committee on Clerk's and Justices' _Accounts reporter: favorably on Bills Nos. 4, 63, 50, 54, 52, 56 and 64 and recommend- ed that they be audited and paid in the full amounts claimed. • THP surERVISons• PitOCEF.F)1\C7s 65 Laid on the table under the rule. The Comririttee 'on County Glamis reported favorably on Bilis Nos. 74,.78, 76, 68, 71, 55, 35, 20, 17, 6, 7, 15; 34, 61, 44 and recur mended that they be audited in the full amounts claimed. • Laid on the table under the rule. The committee oii Corurty Claims also reported on No. 57 rCsorr- mending that it be disallowed on its merits. Laid on the table under the. rule. Orr motions Rills Nos. 23 and 46 were audited and ordered pai:l in the full amounts claimed as recommended .by the committee on printers', accounts by unanimous votes. On motion the claim of the Cortland (:granite Works of 1.5 toy erecting tombstone on the grave of John Grettenburger•, a deceased soldier, was audited and ordered paid in the full amount claimed. by nnanirnor'Ls vote. The Clerk read, it communication .f.r•oru.thc State :Department of. Highways that road No. 683 would be accepted unless protest was made within 20 (lays, wideli was referred to the Good Roads Com- mittee. On motion the Board adjourned, 1;J{:.RT T. I1AKER. Clerk. ELEVENTH DAY. Monday, December 4, 1911. Morning. Session. A]1 members present. The minutes of November 29th were read and approved. THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS Hon. Charles E. T're uan was given the privilege of the floo. and lie informally addressed the Board on the improvement of Sta Cfiglt‘vays in 'Tompkins County. . The Clerk read the• following •resolution: Resolved, That the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins in regular session assembled on. the 4th day of December, 1911, have designated and here- by do designate and Certify to the State Department of Highways of the State of New York the highways hereinafter described, all within the County of Tomp- kins and all as heretofore designated by this Board, as the portions of, highways to be improved in the year 1912 in the following order Or precedent: 1st. Commencing at a point on the west city line between the City and Town of Ithaca, thence proceeding westerly to Kennedy's Corners, a distance of 2.28 miles (all in the Town of Ithaca); thence westerly through the Town of Enfield to Applegate's Corners; thence westerly to Miller's Corners, a distance of 3.12 miles (all in the Town of Enfield). • 2nd. Commencing at the east corporation line of the City of Ithaca at Mit- chell Street and extending east and south-east through the Town of Ithaca to the teem line between the Towns of Ithaca and Dryden, being a distance of about F 1-2 miles and known as the Ellis Hollow Road (all in the Town of Ithaca). 2rd. Beginning at the east end of County Highway No. 0S2 at the west cor- poration line of the Village of Dryden; thence easterly on Main Street to the in- tersection of Maln and North and South Streets; thence northerly on North Street to the corporation line at the south end of County Highway No. G83, having a total length of 72611 feet and known as Main and North Streets (all within the Village and Town of Dryden). 4t1. Beginning 3t the north end of Petition 1431 at the south corporation line of the Village of Groton; thence northerly to South Street and easterly on South Street to Main Street and northerly on Main Street to connectwith the village im- provement, having a total length of 1-2 mile (All in the Village and Town of Grni on). SCh. The highway extending from Coo!c's Corners in the Town of Dryden to l3rookton in the Town of Caroline, a distance of 2 1-2 mites (All in the Towns of Dryden and Caroline). f,Lh. The highway extending easterly from Slaterville Springs towards Willow Itrldge a distance of two miles from the end of Road No. 483 (all in the Town of Caroline). • • 7111. Beginning at the village improvement at the intersection of the street leading to the hreeville Railroad Station; thence northeasterly , on the ldain Street about 200 feet; thence northerly on the new street to the West Dryden Ex- tension; thence westerly on said Extension .4 of a mile thence northerly on a new location .4 of a mile to connect with petition 1431 leading to Groton, having a total length of 1.1 miles (all in the Town of Dryden). On motion the resolution was adopted by an unanimous vote. THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS 67 Moved by Mr. Patterson that the Chair appoint a committee o° three of which he shall be Chairman to confer with William Nelson Noble, Esq., relative to the lien filed by him in the action of Tomp- kins County against the First National Bank and others. Carried. The Clerk read a petition of residents of the Town of Lansing protesting against the location of the county tuberculosis hospital at Rogues. Harbor which was referred to the committee on a comi- ty tuberculosis site. On ;notion of Mr. Patterson, the election of a ;jail physician brat.; taken up instead of at 2 P. 11 I. On motion, the (Chairman appointed 'Messrs. Batty and Pres- . wick tellers. A formal ballot was taken and the whole number of votes cast was 14, of i4'hlclr Dr, C F. Denman received 1.3 and otic blank. The Chair declaared 1)r. C. i'. Denman elected flail Physician foy the ensuing year. The Special Committee on County '.Telephone Service reported that the Federal 'Telephone Co. would install one part/ litre in the County (Clerk's Office and in the County Judge's Office and put. is . an extension in the County Clerk's Office and furnish the othm. phones as now located for $156.00 per year, and on motion the Chairman and Clerk were empowered to enter into a contract for such service the contract to be subject to the ratification and ap- proval of the Board. On ]notion the Board adjourned. Afternoon Session. All members present. The ;natter of a county tuberculosis hospital was taken up for consideration as the special order of business. 6S THE SUPERVISORS' I'RROCERDINGS The Clerk read the report. of Dr. 'Phomas S. Carrington on hi;4 investigation of sites in Tompkins County. 11r. F. B. Aiken, 1M'lr. \Ynt. 1-1. Parker. Dr. H. H. Grunt, J V. lic- Intyre., Dr. II. E. Merriam, Rev. C. W. Heizer, Rev. Wilt. 1=I.. Harring- ton, Mrs. Virgil D. Norse, bliss TJnderhill, and lir. E. A. i\Iore3 were given the privilege of the floor and they addressed the Board on the subject. - On. (notion the; report of Dr. Carrington \t -as -accepter] and Ill committee on a county tuberculosis site discharged: • Moi -cd by Mr. Squier that it is tire_ sense of this Board that the.. County- build a tuberculosis Hospital. Carried By Mr. McGreevy: Whereas. This Board of Supervisors deem it advisable to establish a county hospital for the care and treatment of persons suffering from the disease known as tuberculosis of both advanced and incipient cases, therefore, be it • Resolved, That the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins establish such a hospital, and Resolved, That the Chairman of this Board appoint a committee of three members of this Board to proceed forthwith to contract for the necessary real property within the County of Tompkins for such a hospital, such site to be ap- proved by the State Commission of Health, and such contract to be .subject to the ratification and approval of this Board, and Resolved further, That said Committee also report to this Board -at an early date as possible the cost of construction or remodeling the hospital building or buildings and the estimated cost of the maintenance thereof. On motion of illi•. [halrpuis, the platter was made a special order of business for Dec. 5, :.it; 2 P. M. The Clerk read the bills of the Ithaca Electric light and Powe Co., for electric lighting in the. 0°114 1;3' Buildings for the inonth o`- November i..lnounting to *22,:3, and of the Ithaca Gas Light Co.. amounting to ,;;.18, which imd been approved by the committee. on Fuel ;and Bights. THE SUIPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS Laid on the table under the rule. G9 On notion Bill No. 57 was disallowed in the full amount claim- ed on its merits as reconlmen.ded by the Committee or Count claims by unanimous Vote. On motion Bills Nos. 74, 78, 76, 68, 71,-55, 3.5, 29, 17, 6, 7, 15, 34, 6I. and 44 were audited and ordered paid in the full amounts claim- ed by unanimous votes. On -motions Bills Nos. 4, 63, 50, 54, 52, 56 and 64 were audited. and ordered. paid in the full amounts claimed by unaniinons votes as recommended by the committee on Clerk's and Justices' Ae- connts. On motion the Board adjourned. i )J .1iT T. BAKER,, Clerk. TWELFTH DAY. Tuesday, December. 5, 1911. Morning Session All members present. The minutes of 1)ecentber 4th were read and approved. Arthur 6. Adams arril Clarence G. Syuier, Commissioners of Election, appeared before the :Board relative to an increase of their salaries. The remainder Of the morning Session was devoted t;0 cornn>_it- .tee work. Afternoon Session. AF1 rnerrtbeIS present. - Mr. I1ileGreevy's resolution .for the establishment of a county 70 THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS tuberculosis hospital introduced December 4th was taken up fo.• consideration. Dr. Gallagher offered as au amendment that it be inserted in Mr. IlllcGreevy's resolution that the committee be authorized to get options on one or more sites instead of making a contract for the same, which amendment was accepted by Mr. McGreevy,, and the resolittion as amended was adopted. Mr. Fritz Reichmann; State Sealer of Weights of Measures, was , given the privilege of the floor and lie addressed the Board relativ;: to the importance of the work of county sealers. .The Chairman announced as the Committee to Confer with Wil liam `Nelson Noble, Esq., on his lien filed against the County Messrn, 'Holden, 'Todd and Ghappuis. The Clerk read the following report of the Good Roads Coin nlittee, which on /notion of Mr. '1'odcl was adopted and the attorney of the Board authorized to secure a discontinuance of the action or, the terms set forth in the report: To the Board of Supervisors: The Good Roads Co'nmittee, to whom was referred .the /tatter of the - action instituted by Bailey, Johnson & Saunders against the County of Tompkins, submit the following\ report: The action was brought in June, 1911, through Daniel Crowley, Esq,, and your Board answered through its attorney, Bert T. Baker. The action was brought to recover alleged balances due plaintiffs on the various contracts with the County for the construction of various roads in the County amounting to $578.28, and interest thereon from April 1, 1909. The County answered admitting $99.24 due on Road No. 338 and 0.32,74 due on Roads Nos. 336. and 455, but alleged as an offset and counter- claim payment of an order for $100, No. 56: $105 due the county for rent of the stone yard building: $100 paid William Nelson Noble, Esq., March 19, 1910, by the Good Roads Construction Committee for services; and $300 advanced by the Board of Supervisors to William Nelson Noble. Esq., in•December, 1910. We have found through the efforts of your attorney that said order No. 56 for $100 was not paid and is not a proper offset. We are advised by your attorney that the $300 paid to William Nelson Noble, Esq., in De- THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS 71 cember, 1910, is not a proper offset, and accordingly we find that there is due the plaintiff, Bailey,,Johnson and Saunders from the County as follows: Balance due on Road No. 338 $ 99.24 Balance due on Roads Nos. 336 and CI 132.74 Order No. 56 not paid 100.00 $331.98 CREDITS. Rent of stone yard building $105.00 Paid Wm, Nelson Nohie, 3[ar(ih 14, 1910 140.00 $205.00 $126.98 Interest on $126.98 from April 1, 1909' 20.29 i)ue plriintiff $147.27 Through the efforts of your attorney, Mr. Crowley, the plaintiff's At- torney, has agreed to compromise and discontinue the action upon the pay- ment to him of the sun of $147.27 without costs, and your committee recommend such settlement. R. F. C13APPUIS, 3. W: PR.LSWICK, B. F. ,McALL ASTER, S. Ti. SQUIER. N. B. BROWN, Good Roads Committee. On motions the bill of the' Ithaca Electric Light and Power•Co. for $29.33' and the ,Bill of the Ithaca Gas Co. for 48 cents wei'e•audit- ed and ordered paid in the full amounts by unanimous votes. The Committee on County •Cla.ilns reported favorably on Bill 'No. 75 and recommended that the full arnonnt thereof be paid. Laid on the table under the rule. On motion the Board adjourned. BERT ri .BAKER, Clerk. 72 THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS • THIRTEENTH -DAY. Wednesday, December 6, .1911. Morning Session. All members present. l'Iinutes of December 5t11 were •read and approved. The morning session was devoted to 0010mittee work. Afternoon Sesison. Ail members present. 'The Chairman announced as the coldmittee on a county tuber culosis hospital site Alessrs. Gallagher, Regent and Davis. On notion Hill No. 75 was audited and ordered paid in the full amount claimed, as recommended by the Committee on County claims by unaniIllous vote. The Cod Roads Committee reported favorably_on Bills No:, 62 and 72, recommending that they he audited in the full amount claimed. l..aid on the table under the 1:1110. The Committee on County Buildings' reported favorably ou Bills Nos. 9, 36 and 60 recommending that they be audited in the full amounts claimed. Laid oi2 the table under the rule. 1']rc Committee on Coroner's and District Attorney's Accounts reported favorably 011 Bills Nos. 3 and 37 recommending that they be audited in the full amounts claimed. Jaid on the table under the rule. THP SUPERVISORS' PROCEEI)lNUS 73 The Committee on County Claims returned Bills Nos. 32 and 67 without recommendation. On motion the Board adjourned. .BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. FOURTEENTH DAY. Thursday, December 7, 1911. Morning Session. All members present. Minutes of December Gtli were read and approved. The morning session was devoted to committee work. Afternoon Session. All members present except Messrs. Gallagher, i3egent, Batty • and Davis who were inspecting proposed sites for a county tuber- culosis hospital. The Clerk read the following petition of the Town Board of tho Town of Lansing asking permission to bond the Town for $5,000; t•i construct ti bridge over Salmon Creek, which on motion was re- ceived: In the Matter of the -Bridge over Salmon Creek in the Town .of Lansing, • Tompkins County, N. -Y. And the Issuance of Bonds to raise funds for the construction of the same. • To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County. Gentlemen: The qualified electors of the Town of Lansing ata special Town meeting of said Town duly called' and held, decided that a new bridge and suitable abutments thereto, be built in said Town upon Salmon Creek, and for that 74 THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS purpose the electors determined at such election that a sum not exceeding $5,000.00 be raised and expended, and that Town bonds for the sum so rais- ed be issued, the same to be valid obligations against said Town of Lansing. The Town Board of the Town of Lansing have accordingly Pissed ap- propriate resolutions and taken the necessary steps, in order to comply with the said election to the end that the bridge, etc., be constructed. The Town hoard hereby flotitions and asks the Board of Saapen'isors to authorize by appropriate resolution the Town of Lansing to issue said pro- posed bonds and presents herewith a resolution of the Town Board, together with a statement signed by a majority of the members of the Town Board as provided by Section 97 of the highway Law and under the authority and provisions of Section 12 and 14 of the County Law. Said Town Board suggests that the number of the bonds and the pro- visions therein contained be substantially in accordance with the resolution of the Town Board which is hereto attached. Dated at the Town of Lansing the 2nd day of December. 1911. 'flue Town Board of the Town of Lansing. By FOX HOLDEN, Supervisor. CT -TAS. D. HOWELL. Clerk. In the Matter of the Bridge over Salmon Creek in the Town of Lansing, Tompkins County, N. Y. And the Issuance of Bonds to raise funds for the construction of the sa'ane. Dec. 2, 1911. Pursuant to a call duly made the Town Board of the Town of Lansing, Tompkins County, N. Y., duly convened at Lyons Hall in said Town this day at 2 o'clock. The following members of the_Town Board were present, to wit: Andreae S. Coulon,. Chas. Drake, Daniel A. Tarbell, Casper Fenner, Justices; Chris. D. Howell, Town Clerk, and Fox Holden, Supervisor. Fox Hgiden, the Supervisor of the Town announced that it was neces- sary for the Town Board to make formal application to the Board of Su- pervisors in order that due authority be given for the issuance of bonds to be used to raise funds for the payment for the bridge over Salmon Creek and the abutments thereto. 2V1r. Holden offered the following resolution which was unanimously adopted, all of the above named members of the Town Board voting in the afdirmative, to wit; TME SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS 75 WHEREAS, After an election duly called and held, the duly authorized electors of the Town of Lansing upon the 28t.11 clay of September, 1911, duly voted for the construction of a bridge across Salmon Creek and the con- struction of the proper abutments thereto, curd the issuance of bonds to raise funds for the payment thereof, a copy of which said proposition so voted upon being hereto attached; "Shall the Town of Lansing raise by tax, and appropriate the Mnln of $5,000.00, or so much thereof, as may be necessary for the construction of a bridge, and the abutments thereto, over Salmon Creek at Myers in said Town, to replace the bridge none spanning said creek, and that said sum both 1,rinciparl and interest be raised by six annual tax levies," AND WHEREAS 34 votes were east in favor of said proposition and 22 votes against the same. AND 'WHEREAS the amount. specified to be raiser) as stated in said proposition was not to exceed the sum of $5,000.00. AND \VIIEREAS the Town Board in order to carry out the decision of ' the electors as expressed at the election aforesaid find' it necessary to raise the sum of $5,000.00 by the issuance and sale of bonds for that amount: . NO\V THEREFORE in order to fulfill the object expressed at said elec- tion, and in accordance with the provisions of the Statute in such case made and provided, be it resolved; I. That the Town of Lansing borrow not to exceed the sum of $5,000.00, and expend so much thereof as may be necessary for the construc- tion of a bridge and the abutments thereto over Salmon Creek, and that the loan be secured by the issuance of Town bonds in an amount not exceeding $5,000.00. That six bonds be issued numbered consecutively from one to six in- clusive, to bear interest at a. rate not exceeding 4 1-2 % per annum, and to be sold at not less than par. The first of said bonds Is to be made for the sum of $850.00 and to be- come due February 1, 1913, the second for.$800.00 and to become due Feb- ruary 1, 1914, the third for $800.00 and to become due February 1, 1911, the, fourth for $800.00 and to become due February 1, 1916, the fifth for $850.00 and to become due ircbruairy .1, 1917, and the sixth for $900.00 and to be- come clue February 1st, 1918. 2. That the Town Board make application to the ]Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins for authority to issue such bonds. 76 THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS . 3. Be it also resolved that there accompany this application a state- ment signed by a. majority of the members of the Town Board and duly certified by the Town Clerk, which .statement shall contain •a copy of the proposition which was submitted to the voters al the election aforesaid and which' statement shall also set forth the number of votes east for and against the proposition ,ind also the amount which it is estimated will be re- quired to be expended for the construction of said bridge and abutments. 4. Resolved that a certified copy o1 this resolution be treated as a formal application to the Board of Supervisors and that the same be pre- sented to the said Board of Supervisors by Fox Holden, Supervisor of said Towr, , 1. the Town Clerk of Lansing. in the County of Tompkins and State of New York, hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, complete, true and correct copy of a resolution duly passed at a Meeting of the Town Board, duly called and convened upon. the 2nd day of December, 1911, at which said meeting all of the members of said Town Board were present ,ind they all voted in favor of said resolution. IN.WIT ESS \VHEREO1r, [ have hereunto placed my hand this 2nd day of December, 1911, CHAS. D. HOWELL, Toon Clerk of the Town of Lansing. STATEM I \'I'. In the Matter of the Bridge over Salmon Creek in the 'Town of Lansing, Tompkins•County, N. Y. And the Issuance of Bonds to raise funds for the construction of the same. Iver the purpose of complying further with the provisions of Section 97 of the Highway Law the undersigned, thou majority of the menrhers of •the Town Board of the Town of Lansing make the following .statement to ac- company the attached application. to wit: '1'he proposition submitted to the voters of the' Town o1: Lansing upon the 2Sth clay of September, 1911, relative to this matter was as follows: Shall the Town of Lansing raise by tax, and appropriate the sum of $5,000,00, or so much thereof, as may be, necessary for the construction of a bridge, and the abutments thereto. over Salmon Creek a.t Myers in said Town, to replace the bridge now spanning said creek, and that said sum both principal and interest be raised by six annual tax levies, There were 34 votes in favor of the proposition and 22 against the same. TI 11: SUPT 111'ISOI{S' PROCEEDINGS 77 'Phe amount estimated ass required to be expended. pursuant to said proposition for the purposes aforesaid is $5,000% Dated Dec. 2. 1911. FOX 1-1O1,1)EN, Su pervisbi . CHAS. D. HOWELL, • Town Clerk. A. J. CONLON, CHARLES Df[AIiE, CASPETI FENNER, DANIEL A. Ti1 ! IB1 LL, • Justices of the Peace. T, the Town Clerk of the 'L'own of Lansing in the County of• 'Tompkins and State of New York hereby certify that the foregoing statement has been signed by a majority of the members of the 'Town Board, that I am familiar with their respective signatures and certify that the foregoing signatures of the members of said Town L'oarcl are their genuine signatures respectively and I further certify that the proposition contained in the foregoing state- ment is it true cony of the proposition submitted to'lhe voters of the Town of Lansing upon the 28th day of'SepternPer, 1911. IN \VITNESS \VHEfIEOF T have hereunto placed any hand this 2nd day of December. 1911. CT -IAS. D. HOWELL, Town Clerk or the Town of Lansing. RESOLUTION A1]"1'HOFUZING 'PHE i'1:7WN OF f.ANSING TO ISSUE TOWN T3ONDS. T-ty Mr. Ptterson: At a. meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins duly called and h et the Supervisor's Torras in the Court blouse in the City of Ithaca, N. Y., upon the Tth day of December, 1911, at which the fol- lowing members were present to wit: !Prank A. Todd, It. 1'. Chappuis,'Nel- son, B. Brown, John W. Preswick, R. P. 1llcGreevy, L. E. Patterson, George W. Frost, Seth R. Saluier, Fox Holden and B. F. McAll.aster. On motion duly made and unanimously carried it was resolved: WHEREAS, at a special Town meeting of the Town of Lansing, duly called and held in said Town upon the 28th day of Sept., 1911, them was submitted to the duly qualified electors of said Town the following proposi- tion; to wit: 7S THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS Shall the Town of Lansing raise by tax and appropriate the sum of $5.000.00 or so much thereof as may be necessary for the construction of a bridge and the abutments thereto over Salmon Creek at Myers in said Town, to replace the bridge now spanning said creek, and that the said sum both principal and interest be raised by six annual tax levies. AND WHEREAS, said proposition was duly carried in the affirmative at said election; AND WHEREAS, AS, thereafter the Town Board of the Town of Lansing duly ratified and confirmed said election by taking the appropriate steps and passing appropriate resolutions and said Town Board has presented to this Board of Supervisors an application asking that this Board authorize the Town of Lansing to borrow not to exceed the sum of $5,000"00 and to issue six bonds to secure the payment of said 'sum and the interest thereon; AND 1V13EREAS, a statement signed by a majority of the members of said Town Board and duly certified by the Town Clerk was attached to and accompanied said application executed in all respects in accordance with the provisions of Section 97 of the Highway Law. NOW THEREFORE in compliance with the provisions of the Statute in such case made and provided, he it resolved; That the Town of Lansing be authorized to borrow from any person or corporation desirous of lending the same, a sum not exceeding $5,000.00 to be used for the construction of a bridge over Salmon Creek and the abut- ments thereto, and other expenses in connection therewith, and as security for the payment of the Sum so borrowed, that said Town be authorized to is- sue and deliver at not less than par, its obligation therefor in the form of six registered bonds numbered consecutively from one to six inclusive, the same to bear interest at the rate of not to exceed 4 1-2 % per annum, each" to he dated .Tune 1, 1912, and to be ma.de payable at the Ithaca Savings Bank in the City of Ithaca, Tompkins County, N. Y. The first of said bonds to be for $850.00 to become due February 1st, 1913, the second for $800.00 to become slue February 1st, 1914, the third for $800.00 to become due February lst, 1515. the fourth for $800.00 to be- come due February lst, 151G, the fifth for $850.00 to become due February 1st 1917, and the sixth for $900.00 to become due February 1st, 1918. That the bonds aforesaid be substantially of the following form, the blanks being properly filled out, to wit: THE SUPERVISORS' P12t4CEEDINCIS EJNTTEI) STA'L'ES OF AMERICA. I�� No. State of New York, Town 1ml4rovemcnt. E3ond of the Town of Lansing, Tompkins County, N. Y. J' 1O1 -V' ALE,, All N BY THESE PRESEN'T'S that the Town of Lansing in the County of 'Tompkins and State of New York is justly indebted unto or the registered holder thereof in the suns of $ which said sum the said Town of Lansing here- by promiscs.to pay to or the registered holder hereof at the Ithaca Savings Bank in the City of Ithaca, Tompkins County, N. Y.. on the 1st day of February. 119 with interest thereon at the rate of 4 1-'2% per annum payable on the 1st day of February, of each year from the date hereof until said principal sum shall be paid. This bond is one of a series of six bunds of even date but of dii'ierent maturities. numbered from one to six inclusive, four• of which being for $800.00, two for $550.00 and one for $900, and issued for the purpose of raising funds to p:+7., for the construction of a bridge and abutments neer Salmon Creek in said Town of T.,ansingt This bond is issued pursuant to an election duly called and held in said Town, at which the qualified voters voting thereat duly determined to con- struct said bridge and abutments and to borrow money for that purpose and secure the same by the issuance of bonds. 'Phis bond is also issued pursuant to, and in conformity with certain resolutions of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins and of the Town Board of the Tovvn of Lansing, and by virtue of authority conferred upon said Board by and under the Statutes- of the State of New York; And the said Town Board of the Town of Lansing in the County of Tompkins, N. Y., does hereby certify that nil acts and things requisite and necessary to be done under the provisions of law, have been duly and regu- larly performed in every respect, and the good faith and credit of said Town . of Lansing are hereby pledged for the payme.nt of the said principal sum and the interest thereon as aforesaid: IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Town of Lansing has caused these pres- ents to be subscribed by its Supervisor and attested by the Clerk of the sail] Town this day of 1913. Town of Lansing By Supervisor. A Hest Clerk of the Town of Lansing. SO THE, SIUI'ERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS Resolved, '[hat the Supervisor of the Town of. Lansing be, and be here- by is, authorized and empowered to execute said bonds for and in behalf of the Town of Lansing in said County of Tompkins and State of New York: and the Clerk of the Town Board of the Town of Lansing to attest each of said bonds, and the good faith and credit of the Town of Lansing are hereby pledged for the payment of said bonds which are hereby declared a charge. upon the Town. Resolved, That adequate security be given by the. Supervisor of the Town of Lansing for the faithful performance of his duties in issuing said obligations, and for the lawful application of the funds arising therefrom. and of the funds which may conte into his hands, which said security shall be in the form of an undertaking in the penal sum of $2,500.00. to be ex- ecuted by himself and lawful sureties and to be duly approved by the Town _Board of the Town of Lansing and filed with the Clerk thereof. 'Resolved, That a sufficient sum be annually raised by taxation in said Town to pay the interest becoming due on each of said bonds, and also to pay the principal of said bonds at maturity. Resolved, :That said Supervisor of the Town of Lansing be. and he here- by is, authorized to receive the proceeds of said bonds and directed to pay out the same in accordance with the provisions of the Laws of the State of New York. On motion the resolution was adopted by the unanimous yotr, of the members present. The Clerk read a letter from the state Commission of Prison informing the .Board that unless immediate attention was given to furnishing the jail annex that and making proper provision for its use that the Board would be cited before the Commission at an early date to show cause .wily the Attorney General should not begin man- datory proceedings to compel the same to be clone; which no motion was referred to the Building Committee and they were instructed to proceed to meet the requirements of the Commission. On motion the Board adourned. BERT T. BAKER, Cleric. -Th1E SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS FIFTEENTH DAY. Friday, December S. 1911. Morning Session. AIL members present. Minutes o.f .1)ceculber 7th were read and approved. 81 The morning sesaion "MM'S devoted to (;oulntittrt' work. Afternoon Session. A.11 members present except 111es. i s. Todd, M.c;Allastcr and Batty who were excused by the Chairman froin attendance. The Clerk react the Annual Report of A. S. Cole, County Super • - intendemt of Highway which was received and ordered filed. By \1r. Chappuis : Resolved, That in accordance with a resolution of the Town Board of the Town of Dryden that there be levied and collected from the owner or harborer of each dog in said Town the sum of one dollar and for each female dog' the sum of three dollars. On motion of Mr. Preswiek the resolution was adopted by an unanimous vote. On motions Bills Nos, 36, 9 and 60 were audited and ordered paid in the full amounts claimed as recommended by the Committee on County .Buildings by unanimous votes. On motions Bills Nos. 3 and 37 were audited and ordered paid in the full amount claimed as recommended by the. Committee on Good Roads by'an unanimous vote. Bills Nos. 32 'and 67 which had been returned to the Board b3.• the Committee on County Claims were referred to the attorney of the Board for his advise as to the legality of the charges made there in. 82 THE SIIP ItVISUIt8. PROCEEDINGS • The Good Roads Committee reportetd favorably on 13i11 No. 72 recommending tl►at it be audited in the full amount claimed, .and on Rill No: 25 that it be disallowed on its merits. Laid on the table under the rule. The Committee on County Buildings reported favorably on Bilis Nos. 38, 28, 48, 26, 14 and 89 recommending that they be audit • ed in the full amounts claimed. Laid oz► the table under the rule. The Coiri►nittee on Printers' Accounts reported favorably on Bill No. 19 recommending tl►at it be audited in the full amount claimed. Laid on the table under the rule. On motion the Board adjourned. .BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. SIXTEENTH DAY. Monday, December 11, 1.911. Morning Session. . Al! members present except Dr. Gallagher. Minutes of December 8th were read and approved. On notion of Mr. Todd the matter of having; Bell Telephone service in the County Buildings after January 1 was made a special order of business for 2 P. A1- Tlie remainder of the morning session was devoted to co►nmit- •tee work. THE .SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS Afternoon Session. All members present except Dr. Gallagher. 83 . On motion of Mr. Chappuis, the Chairman was instructed to appoint a committee of three to secure rights of way on the Cook's Corners-Brookton Road. The Chair appointed as such committee Messrs. Chappuis, Squiei and 11TeAllaster. By Mr. Todd Whereas, The. schedule of rates of the Bell Telephone Co. service in the judg- ment of this Board has become exorbltent and beyond the needs of the county, Resolved, That after January 1, 1912. all of the Bell Telephone service in the County Buildings except the jail be discontinued, On motion of 11'lr. Begent the same. was adopted. Mr. J. V. McIntyre 1 -vas given the privilege of the floor and he invited all the members of the Board to accompany the tuberculosis hospital committee when they visited :Rogues Harbor. The Clerk read the report of the State Prison Commission on its inspection of the county jail, which on [notion 'was ordered filed. On motion of Mr. Chappuis, the County Clerk was instructed and directed to :pay over to the County Treasurer the $242.33 in his hands for expenses of collecting the mortgage taxes during the past year, the same to be placed in the general fund. The Clerk read the following report which on motion of Mr. Davis was adopted ami the County Troasu; er directed to distribute and pay out the mortgage tax as therein set forth: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins: Your committee on mortgage tax submit the following report: The whole amount collected from Nov. 1, 1910 to Oct. 31, 1911 $6,291.02 The expense of collecting said tax 242.33 Balance $6,048.1;9 84 Ti-uE SUPERVISORS' VISORs' lI:OCE1i:D1xOs One-half ut which goes to the State ...$3,024.35 The -remaining one-half to the County .. 3,024.34 $6,018.69 'I'he one-half going to the County is to be distributed to the City of Ithaca, the various towns and vil- lages of the County as follows: Total to City and Towns $2,970.49 Total to Villages 53.85 $3,024.34 State, ' 'lts County .L ' Sehool Town. 'faxes. Village. Caroline $ 109.1.E $ 54.57 $ 54.55 1)anbv 108.79 54.39 54.40 Dryden 220.23 110.11 110.12 3,85 Enfield 77.14 38:57 35.57 Groton 97.$t 48.90 48.91 24.76 ' Ithaca 235.13 119.06 119.07 Ithaca -City 1861.49 930.74 930.75 Lansing 125.71 62.85 82.5G Newfield 43.51 21.71 21.76 .90 Ulysses 88.53 44.26 44.26 20.91 Freeville - - 3.37 $2970.49 $1485.20 81488.28 JOHN W. Pi.ES\VICK, SETH 11. SQIJIER, 1. E. PATTERSO\. Committee. Uy 1 i'i swick $53.85 Resolved, That the apportionment of Grand Jurors, the quotas alloted to the several towns and the City of Ithaca be as follows: Caroline 20 Danby 19 Dryden 43 Enfield la Groton 32 Ithaca -City 79 Ithaca -Town 12 Lansing 28 Newfield 24 Ulysses 28 300 On /notion the same was adopted. Tf31!: SUPEnV1SOltS. YRUcE€s DINGS On notion Bill No. 25 was disallowed, on its merits as recom- mended by the Committee on Good .Roads by an unauinlons vote On )notion 13i1i No. 72 was audited_ and. ordered paid in the full_ amount claimed as recommended b.1' the (:good Roads Committee ls,r an )tuan)iulous vote. ()II motions Bills Nos.:i8, 28, 48, 26. 14 and 89 were audited ant ordered paid in the full amount claimed ,as recommended by tle: Committee on County Buildings by unanimous votes. . on motion Bill .No. 19 was audited and ordered paid in the full amount claimed as recommended by the Committee on Printers' inters' A.c- corints by an unanimous vote. The Good Roads Committee reported on Bill No. 1.6 recom- mending that it; be allowed at $200.00 instead of $252.48 claimed. Moved by ftI.r. Todd that the.Bill be madited in the full amount claimed. Ayes—i:[cssra. '.Ibdd. Regent, Patterson, Frost, Davis, Batty and iIoiden.-7. Nay-s—Messrs. Chal>puis, 1>rorrn, ihcswicic, McGreevy, Stllficr and 11.1cAllastcr.-6. The. Good Roads Committee reported favorably on Bill No. 13 recommending that it be allowed in the full, amount claimed. Laid on the table under the rule. Phe Committee 011 Sheriff's Accoin)ts reported favorably on Bi]is Nos. 12 and 27 recommending that tlicy be allowed in the full amounts claimed. Laid. on the table under the rule. The Committee on Erroneous Assessments reported favorably on Bill No. 10 recommending, that it be allowed in the full amount - el a imed. Laid on the table ander the rule. S6 THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS The Clerk read tile 10110tritlg certificltte: TO F. E. Darling, Town Clerk of the Town of Dryden: The undersigned. Town Superintendent of the Town of Dryden hereby certifies that he caused to be removed the noxious weeds, brush and briers in front of the lands owned or occupied by the person named in the following list as authorized and required by Section 54 of the highway Law; that he has assessed the cost of cutting and removing such noxious weeds, brush and briers against the owner or occupant whose duty it was pursuant to Section 54 of the Highway Law to cut and remove the same: and that such com- pleted assessment is as follows: nl iue of 0 wrier, Premises described. Ch:.'•ieter of work. Cost. Z. 13. Sperry Lot 47 cutting brush $10.40 Mary Cady Lot 47 cutting brush -2.00 Airs. G. H. Hnshrook Lot 8', cutting brush 3.40 George Houtz Lot 66 cutting brush 7.60 Alinon Trapp. Est. Lot 57 cutting brush 1.60 Mrs.. Edwin Snyder Lot 44 cutting brush 80 Mrs. Will Davis Lot 44 cutting brush 5.60 Weaver Bros. Lots 53 and 54 cutting brush S.40 John Lee Lot 73 cutting brush .40 Mrs. VanNatta Lot 62 cutting brush 1.60 Sidney & Will Pritchard Lot 72 cutting brush .80 Fred Middaugh Lot 83 cutting brush .80 A. C. Belknap Lot 78 cutting brush 1.00 $44.40 The above is a true statement of the actual cost of the work performed as above described. - Dated November 9, 1911, JOHN G. MUNSEY, Town Superintendent of Highways, Town of Dryden. To the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins: The foregoing assessment has been returned by John G. Munsey, Town Superintendent of the Town of Dryden to the Town Clerk of such Town and by him presented to us as provided by Section 55 of the Highway Law, and we hereby certify such assessment to you as required by such section. R. F. CHAPPUIS, Supervisor, J. D. ROSS, G. E. UNDERWOOD, WILT,ARn ST.TAVER, PAUL EWERS, Justices. F. 13. DARLING, '1'Hii SUPT it\r[SORS' P.UOCI)tNGti On motion of Mr. .Davis the aIioilnts as therein set forth were ordered levied upon and assessed, against the respective properties by an Unanimous vote. Onmotion the .board adjourned. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. SEVENTEENTH DAY. Tuesday, December l2, 1911. Morning Session. All members present. The. minutes of December lith were read and approved. The Chair announced the vote taken 011 Bill No. 16, Dee. 11th, lost. The morning session was devoted to comiilittec work. Afternoon Session. All members present. The Clerk read the report of the special committee to investi- gate relative to monuments erected on deceased soldiers' graves by the County for the past three years. By Air. 31.eAllaster : • Resolved that Thomas J. Stephens be cited to appear before the Board Wednesday, December Is, 1911, at 2 P. M. to explain relative to tombstones erected by him and as to payments received by him for•stones which had not been erect- ed. On motion the resolution Wa.s adopted. Ivy 11Ir. Squier: Resolved that all dealers in tombstones who have failed to erect tombstones ;n accordance with the order on the deceased soldiers' graves be asked to appear before the Board. $$ THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS On motion the resolution.w ns iiilopteal. On motion the report of the special conllnittee to ,investig,tt;e the tombstone •matter vas accepted and the committee tliscliarged. By Mr. Uliappliia: Resolved, That It is the sense of the Board of Supervisors that no bill for law books for any county officer will be hereafter allowed unless by some statute specially made a county charge, and be it further Resolved, That the Clerk of the -Board of Supervisors serve a'certifled copy of this resolution on the County Superintendents of the Poor, County Treasurer, County Clerk, District Attorney and County Judge. . On motion the resolution was adopted. 13y Mr. McGreevy: Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board, Bert T. Baker, be instructed to get an opinion from the Attorney General of the State In regard to the fees allowed by the State Board of Tax Commissioners to the County Clerk of the County of Tompkins on mortgage taxes and if the Board of Supervisors have the distri- bution of they same. On motion the rusollition vas adopted. The Clerk read the t`ollo viii r certificate: To the Town Board of the Town of Newfield: 1, the undersigned, Overseer of Poor of the Town of Newfield, hereby report: There is in the town poor fund of the Town of Newfield nn this date tiie sum of $47.51. The sum of $50.00 is necessary for the temporary and out-of-door re- lief and support of the poor of said town for the year beginning Feb. 1, 1912. . Such estitnate is based upon the amount required for last year's fund and the number of those now in said Town liable to need support during the ensuing year. Dated November 19, 1911. SEYmOUR GItOVI;11, Overseer of the Poor. THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS SJ We hereby approve the foregoing account and estimate of the sum re- quired for the support and relief of the poor of the Town of Newfield for the year beginning February 1, 1912. Dated November 4: 19-11• B. F. lMeALLASTER, Supervisor. ROB'.1'. ALEXANDER, DOUGLASS - CARPENTER, WM. T-1. PAYNE, Justices. CHAS. 11,1c1)AN].ELS, Town Clerk.' O11 i11otlOIl t.11L' :111141 of :x;50.00 as set 111 the foregoing Cer- tificate was ordered levied upon Phd collected l i-oin the taxable property of. the '.Fo vii of Newfield for the Poor 1 11]1d by an unani- mous vote. ..1'lle Clerk read the 1'o11on-irlh GertiHuate: To Chas. C. Taylor, Town Clerk of the 'town of Ulysses: the undersigned, Town Superintendent of the Town of -Ulysses hereby certtlies that he caused to'be removed the noxious brush Or 'briers in front of the lands owned or occupied by the person'natmed in ,the following list as authorized by seetion 54 of the Highway Law; that he has assessed the cost of cutting and removing such noxious weeds, brush and briers igacinst the owner or occupant rvhose duty it was pursuant to Section 64 of the Highway Laaw to out and 'remove the same: and that such completed assessment is as follows: name. of Owner. Premises described. Character of work. Cost. P. D. Johnson 'Lot No. 14. eutting brush $6.04 The above is a true statement of the actual cost of the work- performed as above described. Dated November 9, 1911. PETER TETT O'HARA, Town Superintendent of Highways, Town of Ulysses. '1'o the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins: The foregoing assessment has been returned by Peter O'Hara, Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Ulysses to the Town Clerk of such Town and -by' him -presented to us us provided by Section ,t of the. TH E SUPE 1{VISOKS' PROCEEDINGS Highway Law, and we hereby certify such assessment to you as required by such section. M. 10• BATTY, ' Supervisor. H1.\ill" WILLIAMS, D. H. RIGHTMYE1'1, F. M. SMITH, O. a. NOBLE, Justices. CHIS. C. TAYLOR, Tow Clerk. On motion the amounts as therein set forth were ordered levied upon and collected' froni the respective properties by'an unanimous vote. The Clerk read the following certificate: To Chas, McDaniels, Town Clerk of the Town of• Newfield: The undersigned, 'town Superintendent of the Town of Newfield, here- by certifies that he caused to be removed the noxious weeds, brush or briers in front of the lands owned or occupied by the persons named in the follow- ing list as authorized and required by Section 54 of the Highway Law; that after giving notice required by law he has assessed the cost of cutting and removing such noxious weeds, brush and briers against the owner or oc- cupant whose duty it vas pursuant to Section 14 of the Highway Law to cut and remove the same: and that such complei.ed assessment is us follows; Name of owner. Premises described. _ Character of work. Cost. Chas, Starks Chaffee Creek cutting brush $ .38 Nelson Starks cutting brush .19 S. M. Oltz cutting brush 1.12 -Emmett Cook cutting brush...... . .38 Mrs. 1. H. Cook cutting brush.. .... .19 Sarah Kellogg cutting brush 1.12 Harry Bowers cutting brush 1.68 Lewellyn Smith cutting brush.. 1.68 Joseph Cikak cutting brush 5.62 Mary A. Dassance .. cutting brush 6.00 A. T. Tupper cutting brush 2.25 Catherine Bunt° cutting brush .56 Frank Carlson .. - .... ..cutting brush .28 Sarah Smith cutting brush 6.00 Delos Cutter cutting brush 2.25 Frank 'Gillette . cutting brush 2.25 THEE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS !J1 Mrs. Chas. Mix aphelia Swartwood .. C. H.. 13aldwin Chas. Freese Mrs. C. Williams Fred Drake Wm. IfcGivens D. 13. Stewart Salem Boodle Daniel Durland C. G. Henderson J. Patterson Edwin Loveless Sanford Freese. G. O. Williams - fleo. Resseguie Catherine Burns S. A. Seely, Est. Frank Brock Mrs. Chas. Williams cutting brush .28 ....cutting brush 3, t0 cutting brush 1,12 cutting brush 1.88 cutting brush .38 cutting brush 1.08 cutting brush 3.00 cutting brush 2.25 cutting brush 5.06 cutting brush .38 rutting brush 1.12 cutting brush 1.50 cutting brush. ... .47 cutting brush 1.78 cutting brush........ 3.75 rutting brush 4.14 cutting brush .56 rutting brush 1.50 cutting brush .56 rutting brush 5.06 $71.52 The above is a true statement of the actual cost of the work perform- ed as above described. Dated November 3, 1911. CHAS. H. PAYNE, Town Superintendent of Highways. Town of Newfield. To the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins: The foregoing assessment has been returned by C. H. Payne, Town Su- perintendent of Highways of the Town of Newfield, to the Town Clerk or such Town and by him presented to us as provided by Section 55 of the Highway Law, and we hereby certify such assessment to you as required by such section. B. F. MCALLASTER, Supervisor. Wm. H. PAYNE, RQI:t'i'. ALEXANDEEft, A. D. BROWN, Justices. CHAS. _MeDANIELS, Town Clerk. On ]notion the xnroiintS as above set I'ortIl were; ordered levied 92 T1'Il'- SUPFERVISORS,' PROCEEDINGS npm] and collected from the respective properties by an 1111ani1110ti5 �•otc. . Mr. ii\IcAllast.er presented the Town .Audits of the Town of Newfield amounting .to $1.846.60 Ry ?[r. McAllaster: Resolved. That there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Newfield the sum of $1,846.(, being the amount of the Town Audits of said .town. On luotion,tile resolution vVas adopted by as unanimous rote. On ]notion the Board adjourned. 9'. I1:IKE;II. Clerk. EIGHTEENTH DAY. Wednesday, December 13, 1911. Morning Session, • all members present. Tile ntiultt.cs of December 1121,h were, react :nad'approvec!. '.[lie remainder of the morning session was devoted to commit- tee work. Afternoon Session. 1 11 11 ellii)ers p1'CSe1►t. Mr. Thomas J. Stephens appeared before the l oard and ex- plained relative to the deficiency in deceased soldiers' monuments set Ly hint and ofterecl to nlai:e the matter right if given ten days. • r 'I'ttE SUPE11VI.80 ' PROUtl1 flINGS On motion of. llr.-'.POilii the matter was left with the attorney o;' the hoard and that, he report to the Board in ten flays horn the mat- ter bait been adjusted. On motion off Mr. Todd the Corninittec on Approllriatious'were instructed to make a schcdnle of the.amounts owing by -:various towns to the County for the construction of. roads, compute the -in- terest clue ou the same and report to the Board. Mr. lIcAlla.ster presented the 'Town Audits of the Town of -NTewfield, amounting to $1,846.60, which a.ioount, on motion wad ordered levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Newfield Inrsuant to resolution of the `.Town Board of -said Town. l'[r.:]:kegeiit presented the '.fowl] Audits of the Town. of Oroto.r amounting to .x.3.056.85, lVhi.ch amount on motion vvas ordere,t levied RpOrl 811(1 collected from the taxable property of the Town o: ,Groton pursuant to resolution of the TovV]r Board of said Town. 1)i'. Gallagher presr.,nted the '1'orr-]1 Audit;, of the 'Town of Caro - amounting. to $1,646.98, which amount on motion was ordere-1 levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Caroline pur'snant to resolution of the 'Town .Board of said Town. l'1r..111oldcn presented the'I'ovvn. Audits of the, Town_ of Lansing ilrnolrrltrllg to *2„:-',65,94., wll]eI! arnou 1t on 1not.]011 was ordered levied upon and collected .from the taxable property of the Torr?1. ofIL-arising pursuant to resolution of the Town Board of said Town. Mr..Brorvn presented the Town Audits or the 'I'on•u of Enfield . amounting 1:o $1,508.21, titi'hicll. irinonnt 00 !notion yaS orderer' levied upon and collected from, the.ta.xah]e property of the Torun_ oF Enfield pursuant to resolution of the 'Town Board of Said Town. O The Clerk rend the following certificate: To the Town Board of the Town of Dryden: We, the undersigned, Overseers of the Poor of the '.town of Dryden, hereby report. - 94 THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS There is in the town poor fund of the Town of Dryden on this date the sum o£$ 0.00. The sum of $600.00 is necessary for the temporary and out-of-door re- lief and support of the poor of said Town for the year beginning November 1, 1011. Such estimate is based upon the amount required for last year's fund and the number of those now in said Town liable to need support during the ensuing year. Dated November 14, 1911. BRADFORD SNYDER, GEORGE W. SUTFLN, Overseers of the Poor. We, hereby approve the foregoing account and estimate of the suis re- quired for the support and relief of the poor of the Town of Dryden for the year beginning November 1, 1911. Dated, November 14, 1911. R. F. CFIAPPUIS, Supervisor. .I. D. ROSS, WILLARD SHAVER, PAUL EWERS, G. E. UNDERWOOD, Justices. F. E. DARLING, Town Clerk. On motion the sunt of $600.00 as set forth in the foregoing cer. tilieate was ordered levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Dryden for the Poor Fund by an unani- /Innis vote. On motion the bill of the Clinton House for dinners for a jury on November 1.4. 1911, was audited and ordered paid in the full amount claimed. $7.00, as recommended by the Committee on Shele ii-l''sAccoluits by an inlanimons vote. The Committee on County Buildings reported favorably on Bills Nos. 73, 96, recommending that they he allowed in the full amounts claimed. THE SUPIi L TJ OR i' PRocisTILHANGs 95 Laid 011 the table under tlic rale. The Coiuntittee on Equalization reported favorably on Bills Nos. 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86 and 87 recommending that they lr.!. allowed in the full amounts claimed. Laid on the f.rrble under the rule. Chi motion the hoard adjourned. I.3ERT T. BAKER, Clerk. NINETEENTH DAY. Thursday, De ceinber 14. 191.1. - Morning Session. ' :111_ nnemhcrs present.. - The resent..'1'Ire nzirrnte,s of December 13th were read and 4proved. On motion it was arranged that the Committee on a eoom1.) tuberculosis hospital site accompanied by the rnenrbers of the hoard should visit the Rogues ]Harbor• site starting at 3:25 P. M.., and that the Board convene for business at the afternoon session at 1:45 .1'. 111. '.l'he remainder of the morning session was devoted to_ commit- tee work. Afternoon Session, A.11 members present. The County Sealer of Weights and Measures appeared beSora the Board and rendered his annual written report which was re- THE SUI:ERRVISOItS' PROCEEDINGS eeived and filed. He also explained the work lie bad done -for the past year and addressed the Board relative to increasing leis salary. The Committee on Equalization reported favorably on Bill N r. 58 recommending that it be allowed in the full amount claimed. Laid on the table under the rule. !'he Committee on County Claims reported favorably on No. 20 reeoluulending that it be allowed in the full amount claimed. Laid on the table under the rile. liy Air. (;happnis: Whereas the Town Superintendents of the several Towns of Tompkins County have made an estimate, of the amount or money necessary to be raised by tax for the improvement of the bridges and highways and other miscellaneous highway purposes of their respective turns as provided by Section 90 of the hlighway Law, and Whereas the respective town boards have approved or changed said esti- ;nates as provided by Section 91 of the Highway I..aw, therefore, be it Resolved, That the said estimates as approved or changed by the Town Boards be received, and the sum set opposite the name of the respective towns in the column which bears the heading "Amount of 1st ,Item," (which is the amount of the First Item in said estimates). be assessed, levied and collected upon .the taxable properly of the respective towns, exclusive of the property within the limits of the incorporated village or villages of their respective towns which maintain their streets and highways as a seliarate road district, and be it further Resolved, That the sum set opposite the names Of the respective towns in the columns which bear the heading "Amount of Second Item," "Amount of Third Item" and "Amount of Fourth Item," (which Is the amount of the second, third and fourth items of said estimates as approved by the various town boards) be assessed, levied upon and collected from the entire taxable property of the various towns of Tompkins County as follows, that Is to say: Amount of Amount of Amount of Amount of Nome of '['own, 1st Item. 2:id Item. 3rd Item. 4th Item Caroline $2,103.66 $ 200.00 $ 50.00 $100.00 Danby 2,000.00 600.00 100.00 200.00 Dryden 4,800.00 1,000.00 300.00 400.00 Enfield 1,500.00 150.00 1550.00 200.00 Groton 3,860.00 • 2,I00.00 300.00 500.00 Ithaca 2,595.45 600.00 350.00 0.00 Lansing 3,200.00 300.00 175.00 500.00 Newfield 2,200.00 -400.00 400.00 200.00 I11ysses 2,000.00 300.00 0.00 00.00 TIL; SUPG:PVISO1ts' PROCEEDINGS 9 7 And that the several amounts when collected shall be paid to the Supervisors of the respective towns to be paid out by them as provided by law. 0311 motion the resolution was adopted by all unanimous vote. By Mr. Todd: Resolved, That the k'liairman of this Board appoint a committee of three who with the sheriff -elect shall formulate some system of, management as regards the manner, of maintenance of the prisoners and such other matters 'as may pertain to the changing from the fee to the salary system. On motion the resolution was adopted. The Omirltlan al.lhointet! lS sue]] colulnittee Messrs. '._.'odd, ,11.e(4reev\' and PresilrIek. The Clerk read the following report which on. motion of 11 r.- , Davis was received and ordered printed in the proceedings: To the _Board of Supervisors of Ton-wkins County: M. I). _Batty, Supervisor of the Town of Ulysses, to which office was transferred the duties or Railroad -Bonding Commissioners of said 'l'own; would. respectfully report: That the original issue of bonds made March 1, 1900, was in the amount of $50,000.00, of which principal Burn 82,0{10.00 is duo and payable annually on Marah 1 of each year together with semi-annual interest at 3 1-2 per cent. due March 1st and September 1st of each year. '._'hat numbers one to twenty inclusive have been flood, surrendered and cancelled. 1 further report that numbers 21 and 22 of $1,000.00 each are due and payable March 1, 1912, and the interest on said bonds March 1. 191.2, is $,21,00 and the amount of interest due September 1, 1912. is $,190.00. M. D. 13ATTY, Supervisor. 1Ir. Ratty presented the Town Audits of the "ibwn of Tilysse amounting to $2,379.13, which amount on motion was ordered levied upon_ and collected .from the taxable property of the Town of 'Ulysses pursuant to resolution of the ']Town Board of .said. Town by a.n unanimous vote. On motions Bills Nos. 73 and 96 were audited and ordered ]slid, 98 THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS in the full amounts claimed as recommended by the Committee on County Buildings by unanimous votes. On motions Bills Nos. 79, 80, 81., 82; 83, 84, 85, 86 and 87 were audited and ordered paid in the full amounts claimed as recom- mended by the Committee on Equalization by unanimous votes. 'On motion the Board adjourned. T. i3A1; R, Gierlc. TWENTIETH DAY, Friday, December 15. 1911. Morning Session. A11 members present except Mr. Me.G-reeve. The minutes of December 14 mere read and approved. Ey Ur. Gallagher: Whereas the crime of highway robbery and assault was committed in the Town of Ithaca, County of Tompkins, New York, on the 14th day of December, 1911, it is Resolved. That this Board of Supervisors hereby authorize the sheriff of this County to offer a reward of $100.00 in the name of the County of Tompkins for the arrest or information which will lead to the arrest of the party who com- mitted said crimes, and direct the sheriff to publish said offer and issue hand bills for the same. OIi motion the resointiolf w;is tl(iop14.(1. 'I'lle rein:limier of the lnnrnillg :session vas devoted to commit - "tee work. Afternoon Session. All members present except Mr. McGreevy and Mr. Todd. THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS .By Mr. 73e eiit : 99 Whereas it appears from an inspection of the assessment rolls of the various tax districts of the County of Tompkins or some statements filed by -the asses- sors of the said various tax districts the number , of shares of stock of banks and banking associations in each town, city, village, school and other tax districts in which such shares of stock are taxable are as follows: CITY OF ITHACA. Tompkins County National Rank. One Thousand Shores of capital stock, pin' value $t 00.00 each. .$100,000.00 Surplus 150,000.00 Undivided Profits 19,652.19 Amount for taxation $269,602.19 Value of each share for taxation $269.65. First National Bank of Ithaca. Twenty -Five Hundred Shares of c.apit,•al stock. par value $100.00$2,50.000.00 Amount of Surplus .79,000.0G Tlndivided Profits 42,58 3.20 Amount for taxation $307,583.20 Value of each share for taxation 3147.03, VILLAGE OF DRYDEN. First National Bank of Dryden. 250 Shares of Capital Stock, par value $100.00 $ 25,000.00 Surplus . 1.5,000.00 Undivided Profits 1,311.75 Amount for taxation $ 41.311.75 ✓ alue of each share for taxation $165.24. VILLA GE OF GROTON. First National Bank of Groton. 1,000 Shares of Capital Stock, par: value $100,000.00 Surplus 20,000.00 TJndivided Profits 25,725.78 'Amount for taxation • $145,72:.78 ✓ alue of each share for taxation $145.73. 100' THIS SUPE I2VISOH`:' FROCIr,ED[NGS Mechanics' Bank of Groton. 500 Shares of Capital Stock, par value $ 50,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits 59,002.11 Amount for taxation $103.002.24 Value of: each share for taxation $200.00. VII,T.:\G T, OF TRUIfANSI-U1:C. First National Bank. 250 Shares of Capital Stocic, par va1un; 25.000.02) Surplus and undivided profits 7,i 19.87 Amount for taxation $ 22,119.5 T Value of each" shin, for taxadon 9128.48_ fhe State Bank. 250 Shares of Capital Stock, par value $ 100.00 each Surplus and undivided profits 6,147.28 Amount for taxation $ 31.147,20 Value of each share for taxation 9124.55. Resolved, 'that a tax of one per centum upon the value of the shares of stock as above set forth be levied and assessed and that the Clerk of this Board forth- with mail to the president or cashier of each of said banks or banking associa- tion a statement setting forth the amount of its capital stock, surplus and undi- vided profits, the number of outstanding shares thereof; the value of each share of stock taxable as hereinbefore ascertained and the aggregate amount of tax to he collected^arid paid by such bank and bnnlrine association as provided by Sec- tion 24 of the Tax Law, and be it further Resolved, That this Board of Supervisors issue their warrant or order signed b' the Chairman and Clerk of this Board as provided by Section 24 of the Tax Law on or before the 3Oth day of December, 1911. Oil ltlirt,ion that i'csnlittions wore a tlollted. Hy 11r. ['roswick: Whereas the Tax Rolls of the various towns and the City of Ithaca of the County of Tompkins have not been con.pleted, it is Resolved, That the time for annexing to said tax rolls the warrants to col- lectors of each tax district in said County is hereby extended to on or before the Nth day of December, 1911, as provided by Section 99 of the Tax Law. Til E SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS On lotion the resolution vas adopted. The Clertz read the 1'olloiring certificate: Tn the 'Town Board of. the Town of Tthaca: 101 I, the undersigned, Overseer of P001' of the Town of Ithaca, hereby re- port: There is in the town poor fund of the 'Town.of Ithaca on this date the sung of $67.84. The sum of $700.00 is necessary for the temporary and out-of-door re- lief and support of the poor of said town for the year beginning October 1, 1911. Such estimate is based upon the amount required for last year's fund and the number of those now in said town liable to need support during the ensuing year. 1): ted, Novotnher 11, 1911. A. P. VAN GOILDER. Overseer of the Poor. We hereby approve the foregoing account end estimate of the sum re- quired for the support and relief of the poor of the Town of Tthaea for the year beginning October 1, 1911. Dated November 14, 1911. .JOHN W. PECKS V1Ch, •Supervisor. 1I. S. WRIGHT, 1). D. F1SH E 1 , JAKE WILCOX. Justices. A. \V. KLTN1 . Town Clerk, On motion the sum of $700.00 as set; forth in the foregoing cer- t,ificate wIS ordered levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the 'Town of. 7thaea for the Pool Fund by an unanimous vote. 14 r. Preswick presented the Town vJ1 Audits o:f. the Town of lth:tea amounting to $1,886.77. 102 THE SUPERVISOPS' PROCEEDINGS 13y lir. 1'reswiek : Resolved that in accordance with a resolution passed by the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca that there- be levied and collected against the taxable prop- erty of the Town of Ithaca the sum of ($1,886.77) Eighteen Hundred Eighty- six and 77-100 Dollars, the amount of Tows, Audits of said Town. Un motion the resolution vas.adopted by. an unanimous vote. On motion Bill No. 20 was audited and ordered paiti in the full amount claimed as recommended by the Committee on County Claiuls by an unanimous vote. On motion Bill No. SS u'as audited and ordered paid in the full amount claimed as recmnniended by the. Committee on Equalization by all unanimous vote. By Mr. Patterson: Resolved, That there be levied upon and collected from the taxable prop- erty of the County of Tompkins the sum of Nine Hundred Dollars ($9(10.00) for - fuel and lights for county buildings located in the City of Ithaca for the year 1912. Laid on the table under the rule. The Clerk read the Supplemental Report of the Commissioners of Election relative to expenditures, etc.; under the Direct Primary - Law, which was ordered filed. On motion the Board adjourned. BERT T. BAKER Clerk. TWENTY-FIRST DAY. Monday, December 18. 1911. Morning Session. All members present except 1[r. Batty. THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS T]ie minutes of December 1.5tlt were read and .approved. 1'he morning session was devoted to committee work. Afternoon Session. All members present except ]\Lr. MeAllastcv. 10 Messrs. Williams told Lower, and E. J. Farrington appeared be- . ore the Board and satisfactorily explained the setting of a. tomb- stone on grave of Merritt Comfort, a deceased soldier. The Clerk read the following certificate. To the Town Hoard of the Town of Lansing: I, the undersigned, Overseer of the .Poor of the Town of Lansing, here- by report: There is in the Town, Poor Fund of the Town of Lansing on this date the sum of $ 0.00. The suns of $ 100.00 is necessary for the to mi)orary and out-of-door re- lief and support of the. poor of the Town for the year beginning Jan. 1, 1912. Snell estimate is based upon the amount required for list year's fund and the number of those now in snid Town liable to need support during the ensuing year. D ited. December 1 1, 1911. O. M. ENGLISH, Overseer of the Poor. We hereby ;1ppruve the foregoing account and estimate of the sum re- quired for the support and relief of the poor of the Town of Lansing for the . year beginning January 1, 1912. r Dated, December 14, 1911. FOX HOLDEN, Supervisor. A. J. CONLON, CASPER PENNER, Justices. CHAS. D. HowELL, • Town Clerk, 104 THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS On motion of J\Ir. Chappuis the sum of $100.00 as set forth in the foregoing certificate was ordered levied upon and collected from the taxable property of. the Towyn of Lansing for its Poor Fund by an unanimous vote. The Clerk read the following certificate: To A. W. Kline, Town Clerk of the Town of [thaca: The undersigned, ',town >iuperintendent of the Town of Ithaca, hereby certifies that he caused to be removed the noxious, weeds or priers in front, of the lands owned or oercupied by the persons named in the following list as authorized and required by Section 14 ni the Highway Law: that he 'has assessed the cost of cutting and removing such noxious weeds, brush and briers against the owner or occupant whose duty- it was pursuant to Section 54 of the Highway Law to cut and remove the same: and that such com- pleter) assessment is ras follows: Name of Owner. Promisees described. Character u[ work. Cost Horace Marion Lot- No, 45 Cutting brush.. $ •2.15 ;firs, G. C. McClune ....Lot No, S5.. ..... Cutting brush 3.00 John Granville Lot Nu. 30.. Cutting brush -.50 G. D. litter Lot No. 35 Cutting brush 1.50 Sarah Poole Lots Nos. 34nn(I 65..Cuttirig- brush 1.32 Elmer Shevalior Lot No. il 5 Cutting brush 1.62 $10.;9 On motion of ?1I'. Urgent the amounts as set forth in the fore going certificate were ordered levied upon and assessed against 'the respective properties by an r1na11i1urn15 Vote. .By Mr. Davis: Resolved, That the Board, of Supervisors authorize the printing of 3,000 copies of the minutes of the various sessions of this Board for the year 1911 and that the same be allotted to the members representing the various towns and -wards as follows: Caroline 350 Danby 200 Dryden 400 Enfield 150 Croton 350 Ithaca—Town 175 Ithaca—City, First Ward 300 Second Ward •lop Third Ward 100 ti THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS 105 Fourth Ward 100 Fifth Ward 100 Lansing 350 Newfield 300 Ulysses 255 Clerk 40 On motion of Mr. Patterson the resolution was adopted. 1>v 111r. Da vis) Resolved, That there be levied and collected from the taxable. property of the County of Tompkins the sum of rive Hundred Dollars ($500.00) as and for a partial payment or so much thereof as may be necessary for the printing of the pro- ceedings of this Board for 1311. The order for the said five Hundred Dollars, however, not to be delivered to the printer by the Clerk until said proceedings are printed and delivered to him strictly in accord with the contract. .laid on the table under the rule. Mr. Chappuis presented the 'Town Audits of the Town of Dry den amounting to $2,940.00, which amount on motion was ordered levied upon and assessed against: the taxable property of the Towr, of Dryden by an unanimous vote . 14Tr. Preswick presented the Town Audits of the Town of Ithaca. amounting to $1,910.97, which auto -mit on motion was ordered levied upon and assessed against the taxable property of the Town of ,Ithaca by an unanimous vote. On motion Bill No. 91 was audited and ordered paid in the full amount claimed as recommended by the Committee on County Claims by an unanimous vote. The Committee on Printers' Accounts reported favorably on Bills Nos. 92, 93 and 94 recommending that they be allowed. in the full amounts claimed. . Laid ori the table under the rule. The Committee on County CIaims reported favorably on Bills Nos. 98', 99, 100, 101, 102, 103,.1.05, 108 and on the bill of Williams and Bower of $15.00 for setting tombstone on grave of Abslum 106 THE SUPERVISORS' PRuC;l'. EDINC;S Sears, a deceased soldier, recommending that they be allowed in the full tnnounts.claimed. . Laid on the table under the rule. On motion the .I:oard adjourned. HERR' T. BAKER. Clerk. TWENTY-SECOND DAY. l'ucsday, December 1.9, 1911. Morning Session. All members present except Mr. Regent. The minutes of December 18 were read and approved. 1'he•morrlmib session was devoted to committee work. Afternoon Session. All members present except Mr. Bcbent. -Alr;s. Catherine Sllir.w was gi 'erl the privilege or the floor and she made an oral report of her work as Jail Chaplain for the past year. +?:I.rs. Perm' W. Wood «'a5 given the privilege of the floor and she addressed the Board relative to increasing the salary of the Jaai! Chaplain to $100.00 leer year. .v1r. Todd, Chairman of the Special Committee to hake ar- rangements with the sheriff -elect, made an oral report of the com- mittee's investigation of the manner of doing business in the slier. iff's office in Cortland County under the salary system. 'I'I-lE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS 107 The Clerk read the following report of tile Insurance Commit- tee, which was received and ordered printed: : To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: Your Committee on 'Insurance upon investigation report as follows: County Clerk Building, Sun Fire Insurance Co., amount $1,250, expires January 28, 1914, Premium $8.75; Jail and Clerk's Ofliee, Hamburg Bremen Fire insurance Co., amount $1,250, $625 each, Premium $29.38, expires January 28, 1914; Almhouse, Continental Fire Insurance Co., amount $2,500,; expires March 30, 1912, Premium $08.75; Court House, Continental Fire In- surance Co., amount $2,500, expires March 30, 1912, premium $37.50; Court House, National Tien. Franklin Fire Insurance Co., amount $2,500, expires June 12, 1914, Premium $30.00: Almshouse, Globe Underwriters Agency Insurance Co., $5.000, 2%, expires June 1, 1914, Premium $100: Buildings at Almhouse, Liverpool -London Globe, $2,500, Premium $71.25, 2 3-4%, ex- pirts .March 31, 1312; Jail and Clerks Office, Firemen's Fund Ins. Co., $625 each, Premium $29.38, 2 1-3%, expires January 28, 1914; Boilers at County Farm and Court House, $10,000, Premium $60.00 expires November 30, 1912, 1-6 of 1%; Altnhouse, produce. Niagara Ii'ire Insurance Co., $1,400, premium $14.00, expires August 6, 1912: total amount of insurance expiring in 1912, $18,900. Premiums $251.50. Your committee would recommend that the Policies expiring in 1912 be renewed in good solvent companies, and that there be appropriated the sum of $2.51.50 for premiums on said renewals. , F. A. TODD, M. D. BATTY, FRANK B. DAVIS, Committee. The Clerk read the following certificate: To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: 1 hereby'certify that it is necessary that the amount. of Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250.00) be levied against the taxable property of the Town of 'Ulysses for tho support of the poor. I therefore petition your honorable body that the above nanlet1 amount be included in the tax budget for said town. E. J. FARRINGTON, Overseer of Poor of the Town of Ulysses. Dated, November 25, 1.911. 108 THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS We hereby approve of the foregoing estimate of the stun required for the support of the poor of the '('own of Ulysses for 1912. M. D. 13ATT Y, Supervisor, HENRY WILLIAMS, F. N. SMITH, O. G. NOBLE, Justices. CHAS. C. TAYLOR, Town Clerk. On motion the amount was ordered levied upon and collected from the tasablc property of -the Torn of Ulysses for its .Poor Fund by art unanimous vote. On motion the claim of & .lower for soldier's tomb- stone for Absll:lnl Soars was audited and ordered paid in the full amount claimed 15 • recommended by the committee ori County Claims, by all unanimous vote. (hi motions Flills Nos. 92, 93 and 94 were audited and Ordered paid in the full amounts clitinied as recommended by the Committee on .Printers' Accounts by unanimous votes. On motions fills Nos. 98, 99, 100. 101, 102, 1.0:3, 105. 108 wer. audited and 'ordered paid in the full amounts claimed as recom- mended by the Committee on County Claims by unanimous votes. Mr Patterson's resolution to levy upon and collect from the tax. able property of the County of Tompkins $900.00 for fuel and light.;. introduced December 1.5tlr, was taken up for consideration and on motion adopted by an unanimous rote. Mr. Davis' resolution to levy upon and collect from the taxably property -of ,the County of Tompkins $500.00 as a partial payment for printing the proceedings of 1911, introduced December 18th, was taken up for consideration and on motion adopted by an unani- mous vote. The Committee on Sherift!'s Accounts reported favorably- on Bills Nos. 22 and 95 recommending that -they be allowed iIi the fnli amounts claimed. THE SUPERVLSORS' PROCEEDINGS Laid on the table under the rule. 109 The Committee on Superintendents of the Poor accounts, re ported favorably on Bill No. 65 recommending that it be allowed in tic full amount claimed. Laid on the table under the rule. The Committee on. County Claims. reported favorably on Bich, Nos. 114, 104, 116, 110, 1.06, 1.09, 107, 113, 115 and 117,- recommend- - ing that they be allowed in the frill a.moru:ts claimed and on Bill No. 58 without recommendation. Laid on the table under the rule. On motion the Board. adjourned. " .IKERT T. BAKER, Clerk: TWENTY-THIRD DAY. 'Wednesday, :December 20, 1911. Morning Session. All members present. The minutes of 'December 19th were read and :Ipproved. The morning session was devoted to eornmittee work. Afternoon Sessifin.• All members present. The Cleric read the following petition Which on motion of 11r. Frost was granted and the assessments ordered placed upon the as- sessment roll of the Town of Enfield: 110 TELE SUPERVISORS,' PROCEEDINGS To the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins: The undersigned, Assessors of the 'Lown of Enfield in said County, hereby'petition that ,you place upon the assessment roll of said Town for the year 1911 the following assessrnents which were. by mistake omitted when the assessment roll was copied: • Name No. of Lot. Acres. Assessed Value. Dog. Drake, Susan, 1'st 76 35 $ 800.00 Bonnett, John 55 1-2 50.00 44 125 3,125.00 Kresge, Chas. 77 50 500.00 1 Graham, Henry 62 112 3,125.00 1 Green, Geo. P. 71 100 2,900.00 1 Dated. Dec. 19, 1911. SILAS IIUIII3ELL, DeWITT ,FOWL E11, JAMES E. CATWOOD, Assessors. Bill No. 16 which had been returned to the Board by the Good Roads Committee without recommendation was taken up for con- sideration, and on motion audited and ordered paid in the frill amount claimed. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, 'Dodd, Chappuis, Brown, Regent, Preswick, Patterson; Frost, Davis, McA]laster, Batty and Holden -- 12. Nays—Messrs. McGreevy and Squier-2. By Mr. Todd : Resolved, That in accordance with resolutions passed by the Town Boards of the various towns of Tompkins County, there be levied and collected from the owner or harborer of dogs in the several towns in Tompkins County hereinafter specified the following Dog Tax, to wit: CAROLINE. 1 dog $ .50 Each additional dog 2.00 1 female 3.00 Each additional female 5.00 THE' SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS DANBY. 1 dog $1.00 .Each additional dog 2.00 Each female and additional female 5 00 ENFIELD. 1 dog $ .50 Each female and additional female 3,00 GROTON. �1 dog $ .50 Each additional dog 2.00 Each female 3 00 Each additional female 2.00 ITHA.CA—TOWN, Each dog 1.00 Each female and additional fernale 3.00 LANSING. 1 dog . $ .50 Each additional dog 2.00 Each female and additional female 3.00 NEWFIELD. - 1 dog .50 Each additional dog2.00 Each female and additional. fernale 3.00 ULYSSES. 1 doh; 1 00 Each additional dog 2.00 Each female 1 00 Each additional female 5.00 111 On motion the resolution was adopted by Sin unanimous vote. On motions Bilis Nos. 22 and 95 A vc're audited and ordered paid in the full amounts claimed as recommended by the Committee on Sherifi..'s Accounts by una.nirnous votes. On motions Bills Nos. 114, 104, 1.1.6, 110, 106, 109, 1.07, 112, 115. and 1.1.7.Were audited and ordered paid .in. the full amounts claimed as recommended by the Committee on County (!tails by unanimous votes. 112 TIM SliPER.t'ISORS' PROCEEDINGS On motions the following bills were audited and ordered paid in the fall aurounts claimed as recommended by the Committee on Sheriff's Accounts: D. O. Bishop $40 00 J. G. Wortman, Sheriff 11.89 Clinton House • 7.00 J. C. Wortman, Sheriff (17,60 The Committee on County Claims;to whom Bili No. 58 had been re -committed, reported favorably thereon recommending that it be allowed in the full amount claimed. Laid on the table under the rule. On motion Bill No. 65 was audited and ordered paid in the full :amount claimed as recommended by -the Committee on Superinten- dents of the Poor Accounts by an unaninioiis vote. On motion the Board adjourned. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. TWENTY-FOURTH DAY. Thursday, December 21, 1911. Morning Session. All members present. The minutes of December 20 were rea,ci and approved. The morning session was devoted to Committee work. Afternoon Session. All members present. T1 -LE .P1tOCi 13:- i1lr. 1)avis : Whereas the crime of highway robbery and assault was committed in the Town of Ithaca, County of Tompkins, New York, on the 14th day of December, 1911, and Whereas Mr. James Seaman, the person assaulted has since died of the injury received, it Is Resolved, That this Board. of Supervisors hereby increase the reward of $100.00 offered on December 15th to the sum of $500.00 for the arrest and conviction or for information which will lead %to the arrest and conviction of the party who com- mitted the crimes, and the sheriff of said County.is hereby directed to offer said reward of $500.00 in the name of the County of Tompkins, to advertise the same and issue handbills offering the same. This resolution is not to be effective as to any person or persons now under arrest in this County. On motion the resolution was i ioptetl. The Clerk read. the following repos';: To the Honorable Board of. Supervisors of Tompkins County, N. Y.. In compliance of the law relative to town indebtedness, I, as Supervisor of the Tocc4n of Lansing, respectfully report for the said .town for the year 1911: • The total indebtedness Of said town at this date is $1,000 in the form or a note for said amount $1,000 held by the Ithaca Savings Rant: and drawing interest at the rate of 4 per centum per annum. - The amount td be raised to meet payments to become aloe February 1, 1912, is $1,000 on principal and $40 interest. The above indebtedness was authorized by resolution of the Board of Su- pervisors of said County on the 20th clay of December, •190 5, which gave tile said Town of Lansing authority to borrow money to reconstruct bridges de- stroyed by the elements. Dated, December 21, 1911. ]FOX HOLDEN, Supervisor. On motion of ..Mr. Davis the resolution was accepted and o r- tlered printed. The Committee on Superintendents of the Poor A.cconnts re. turned the claims of Walter Mekeel and William D. Baldwin with the following resolution: 114 THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS - Whereas the bills of Walter Mekeel and William D. Baldwin do not conform to a resolution of this Board, therefore, be it Resolved, That said bilis be returned to Walter Mekeel and William D. Bald- win for correction. On motion the resolution Iva s Adopted. The Clerk: read the following report : Gentlemen: four committee appointed to examine Lha_ accounts of the several penal and charitable insi.itutions, would report as follows, and'recom- rnend the payment of claims of said County and charging the same to the various towns as indicated: ULYSSES. Charles Bracey, Syracuse Institution for Feeble Minded Children ...$ 20.00 GROTON'. Annie E. Snyder, Syracuse Institution for Feeble Minded Children .. 30.00 Edith YanZoil, Syracuse Institution for Feeble Minded Children .... 20.00 Hobart M. Burtenshaw, Syracuse institution for Feeble Minded Chil- dren 20.00 NEWFIELD. • George Brill, Syracuse Institution for Feeble Minded Children 20.00 Clifford A. Brown, Syracuse Institution for Feeble _Minded Children 20.00 COUNTY OF TOMPKINS. George Junior Republic .Association: Mary Warner, Nov 1, 1910 to April 10, 1911 $ 46.00 Lottie Lockwood, Nov. 1., 1910 to Nov. 1, 1911 .. .. .. .. .. 104,00 Martha. Lockwood, Nov. 1, 1910 to Aug. 9, 1911 82.17 Ella Northrup, Nov. 1, 1910 to Nov. 1. 1911 104.00 Craig Colony: Lizzie Murphy 9 6.25 -Villard Durrant 30 05 I+:lisha Ludlow 8.29 $336.57 42.62 St. Ann's School of Good Shepherd: Eunice Sullivan 20 1-7 weeks at 92.00 41.43 Sisters of Good Shepherd, Buffalo: • Inez Burleigh 41 3-7 weeks at 91.50 66.04 THE SUPERVISORS. PROCEEDING 1.15 Monroe County Penitentiary: Thomas Garrity, Floyd Neuman, William Vanscoit, Sohn Petso, John Perry, May Hallett, Merle Flynn, James `Byrn, David Nelligan James Mullahey, John ]teed, Michael Garay, Abraham Cuatt, Jimmie Tnglieento, James G. Kennett, Frank Sheron, John Perry, Edward Bishop, Martin Mahoney, Lawrence Franklin $599.71 JOHN W. PRESWICK, W. C. GALLAGHER, N. E. BROWN, Committee. On notion the report was accepted and ordered printed ill tali proceedings. The Cleric read the f'ollow'ing petition, which upon motion of Mr. 'Todd %vas granted and the assessment orderer] placed upon the assessment roll of ttic Town of Lansing, To the Honorable Board of Supervisors: We, the undersigned, representing the Board of Assessors of the Town of Lansing, respectfully petition: That you place on the assessment roll of the Town of Lansing the fol- lowing omitted through mistake in Copying: International Salt Company el Americn, Lot 86, Plant, real, $1.11,000. Dated, December 21, 1311. MILES D. LANE, CHARLES H. TERPENNING, Assessors. On motion Bill No. 53 was audited and ordered paid in the full amount claimed as recommended by the Committee on Superintend- ents of the Poor Accounts by an unanimous vote. By Mr. Brown : Whereas, the highway commencing at the west city line and extending through. the Town of Ithaca to Kennedy's Corners and westerly through the Town of Enfield to Miller's Corners, and thence south a distance of one mile to the hamlet of Enfield Center is on the State Map for improvement as a county highway, and Whereas, that portion of said highway extending westerly from the City line to Miller's Corners is to be improved as a County Highway in the year 1312, and 11.6 THE supEnvisous. I- 1 43CILED1\GS Whereas, that portion of said highway extending southerly from Miller's Corners to Enfield Center is of sufficient public importance that it should be im- provedso as to connect said Enfield Center with the CIty of Ithaca, Therefore, be it resolved, that this Board of Supervisors hereby certify and designate to the State Department of Highways for improvement in 1312 or as soon thereafter as reached on the list for improvement the highway in the Town of Enfield extending southerly from ltliiler's Corners to the Hamlet of Enfield/ Center, a distance of one mile. On motion of i1Ii•. Stluicr the resolution Was adopted by an un- animous vote. On 1110t1u the ]ioaI'd ad•jonrneil. BERT 1 'l' '.1'. BAKER . (Jlcrk. TWENTY-FIFTH DAY. Friday, December 22, 1911. 1. Morning Session. All members present. The minutes of December 2.1st were read and approved. The morning session was devoted to committee work. Afternoon Session. AIi members present. The Clerk read the following report wlLiell vvas accepted and ordered l:u•intcd : To the B 001(1 of Supervsors: Your committee on the accounts or the Superintendents of the Poor has examined the report relative to the cost of maintaining the poor of the Coun- ty of Tompkins and find it. correct. We also find that on November 15, 191.1, T11 E SUPE, K1'iSO.[ S' PROCEEDINGS S 1.17 there was a balance in the hands of the County Treasurer to the ereditof the Superintendent of 1 -he Poor of $516,54. M. 12. ESA TY, FRA NI( d. DAMS, F. A. TODD, It. P. 7fcGT6I' I,VY, Comrnittee. By )Messrs: E3t1tty, Davis, Todd cGlreevy: Resolved, That for the maintenance of the poor having asettlement in Tomp- ]dns County that there be levied and collected from the taxable property of the several Towns'herelnafter named and the City of Ithaca to reimburse the said county for monies expended for the maintenance of the poor of the various Towns and the City of Ithaca during the year ending November 15th, 1911, the following sums, to wit: Dnnys )mount. City of Ithaca .................. . ............ 6,547 $ 1,658.36 Caroline 57 i 146.16 Danby 4$4 1 22.60 tilvsses .. ...................... 842 212:28 Newlield . 825 208.98 Lansing 1_.513 381.25 Ithaca—Town (None) Croton 913 231.26 Enfield 2851 72.1.9 Dryden 1,879 47.5.95 • Resolved, That there be levied and collected from the taxable property of the County of Tompkins the sum of $2,487,97, which, with the above mentioned slams charged to the various towns and the City of Ithaca and with the balance in, the handsof the County Treasurer as shown by the report of the • Superintendents of the Poor of $516.54 making a total of ;6,516.54 for the maintenance of the poor of Tompkins County for the year 1912. l,aiti on the adder the rule. • By11.e5.5ra. Fatty, 7)avis,. Todd and McGreevy: Resolved, .That the salary and compensation or Walter Mekeel as Superintend- . cat of the Poor elected November, 1911, be llxed at $200.00 per annum and three cents for every mile actually and necessarily traveled in discharging his official duties. O]t 1114)11011 .(.he 'Peso llltio]t Sfas adopted, 118 l']4E si;pE1 visOP,c' PROCEEDINGS .By 1-1r. I)avi5: Resolved, That the compensation for publishing the Official Canvass Per the Election of 1911 and the List of Nominations for the Election of 1912 be and the same is hereby fixed at 45 Cents per inch per column of printed matter for each insertion- The Official Canvass to be set in 8 point solid, and list of nominations heading to be in 10 point type with 2 point leads, body matter to be set 6 point solid, the publishers to be allowed for necessary space for party emblems, and be it further Resolved, That the compensation for publishing the Election Notices for the General El.ction and the Primary Election Notices for 1912 be and the same is hereby; fixed at 45 Cents per folio for each insertion, each folio to consist of 100 words actual count, headings of General Election Notices to be set in 10 point type, opened with 2 point leads. Headings of Primary Election Notices to have sufficient space for Heading and explanation, body matter to be set in 6 point ' solid. and be it further Resolved, That the compensation for publishing the County and Town audits be and the same is hereby fixed at 25 Cents per inch. In designating the paper to publish these audits, the Beard should have regard to the regular and gen.. eral circulation of such paper as they are to be published in only one paper and the intent of the law is to make this item as public as possible. These accounts cannot be divided and published in different papers. 011 motion the resolutions were adopted. The Committee- on County /Claims reported .la vora.bly on Bills Nos. 11.8, 119 and 121 recommending that they be allowed in the full amounts claimed and on 13i11 No. 59 recommending that it be allow- ed iii the sum of $2.50 instead. of $5.00 claimed.. Laid on the table antler the rule. The Clerk read the'elaiul or C. N. :Baldwin of $50.00- for the burial , of: .Jonathan 1I. Sykes, a deceased soldier approved by George W. Frost, Supervisor, which was laid on the table under the rule. On motion Bills Nos. 42, 39, 66, 43, 41 and 45 were audited and ordered paid in the full amounts claimed and Bill No. 40 rejected as recommended by the Committee on State Cli iiitable and Penal .institutions by unanimous votes. The Committee on Printers'• Accounts reported favorably on Bills Nos. 111, 112, 11, 18 and 69 recommending that they be allow- ed in the full amounts claimed. THF STJPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS 119 Laid on the table under the rule. On motion the Board adjourned to December 26th, 1.0 A. M. HERT T. BA.KER, Clerk. TWENTY-SIXTH DAY. Tuesilaiy, 1)eceniber 26th, 1911. Morning Session, All. members present except, Messrs. l:aallagher, 1)a vis and ] ie- Alla.ster. The minutes of I)eec:urber 22nd were read and al>p1 oi-ed. AlorriS S. Halliday, Esq., District Attorney, and Arthur P. -Mil- ler, Sheriff -elect, were given the privilege of the floor <i.nd they ad- dressed the..Boa.rd relative to the dirties and salaries of tl-ie sheriff's' office under the salary system. On ntol,ion the Maid adjorlrneil. Afternoon Session. All nuanlrers present. 1)eli'orest Vat.riVleet, Esq., special coutnse] retained by the Special Committee on the matter of the Attorney's Lien :fled by William Nelson Noble, Esau., appeared before the !Board and submitted lri i Written opinion, vMich on 'notion vvas: i c.eepted and ofilcred filed. On motion the Chairman was authorized in the name of. the Board. of Supervisors' to execute an undertaking to the County Treasurer of the Tompkin.s (.county to i•clease the funds in his hands retained under the lien filed by William Nelson Noble, Esq. 120 TH 1 SFJPi: VISORS' PROCEEDINGS The Clerk read the following petition, Ivhich on motion Waa granted. and the property therein described ordered placed upon the Assessment Roll of the Town of Enfield : 'To the Boned of Supervisors of the County of. Tompkins: The undersigned. Assessors of the Town of Enfield in said County, here- by petition that you place upon the Assessment Roll' of said Town for tete year 1911 the following assessments which were by mistake omitted when the assessment roll n•as copied: Name. No. of lot. Acres, Assessed Value. Dog, Gray, Harvey 71 95 $2,000 1 7l 50 1,100 77 50 1,400 Dated, December 21, 1911. $5,aoo DeWITT 'FOWLER, SILAS HUBBELL, Assessors. The Coannittee on County Claims reported favorably on .Bili No. 120 recomnreliding that it be allowed in the full amount claimed. •Laid on the table ander the rule: On motion the Board adjourned. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. TWENTY-SEVENTH DAY. Wednesday, December 27, 1911. Morning Session. All members present. The minutes of December 26tH were read'and approved. The morning session was devoted to committee work. THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS Afternoon Session. All members present. Mr. Brown offered a resolution designating and certifying to the State Department of Highways the highway commencing at the terminus of Road No. 454 in the Town of Ithaca and extending southerly and westerly through the Towns of Ithaca and Enfield to J\tarsha.11's Corners and a resolution asking for the improvement of the Highway commencing at Enfield Center in the Town of Enfield and running south about 1. 8-S miles to the new road and easterly on the nev road to Marshall's Corners, both of which resolutions were referred to the Good Roads Committee. 'The remainder of the afternoon session was taken up hy the Committee on Equalization. . On [notion the Board adjourned. 13E1.'1 '.I`..I3E�IiI113; Clerk. TWENTY-EIGHTH DAY. Thurs0..ry, December 28, 1911. Morning Session. All members present. The minutes of! .II) nlrer 27th were react anti approved. '.Che morning session was devoted to eoruririttee•work. Afternoon Session. ALL members presenia. Jawed '1'. Newman, Esq.; Peter 1 McAllister, Esq., .1.Jcroi' 1.1. 122 Tl -1 iiJPEI.A-1-OCZS' PFiiC1':EDIN( S Van .tiirk and Ali.. E. B. Turner were. gi;.ci) the privilege oi.° the floor and they addressed the 13oard relative to the rates neccssary to charge the County ;ind 'Towns for the care of moor persona in the Ithaca City Hospital. 1. By Plr. Todd Whereas the Legislature of the State of New York during the session of 1011 enacted certainmeasures known as the Levy Election Law and the Ferris -Blau- velt Primary; Law, and Whereas said enactments as applied to rural communities have demonstrated themselves to be enormously and oppressively expensive to tax payers; produc- tive of onerous and needless inconvenience to voters; a menace and deterrent to the full and free exercise of the right of suffrage, therefore, be it Resolved, That it is the conviction of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County that the two laws above named should be repealed by the Legislature of 1912,.and be it further Resolved, .That this Board does hereby earnestly- and urgently request that State Senator, Hon. John F. Murtaugh, and Assemblyman Bon. Minor McDaniels to initiate and forward legislation for the repeal, of the wasteful and harmful laws above named, and it is Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board transmit forthwith a copy of these res- olutions to each of our legislative representatives above named. Mr. Sillhier hoover] a..5 an amendment that the fiords "thorough ll' anlenil" he inserted in Mr. Todd's rnSoltitioli for tlld word "rd- pti11.': A. vote was taken on I1\ir. 5ulaicr's tinendment and it was ear A. vote wits taken 011 l I. 'To�lc1'S resolution as amend NI aint 1t IV/1S ell /'ietl. I -y Messrs. Patterson; 33egelht and Squier: Resolved, That the salaries of the respective county- officials -below specifies be as follows: Arthur G. Adams, Commissioner of Elections, $500.00 per annum for 1912. Clarence C'. Squier, Commissioner of -Elections, $500.00 per annum for 1912. Bert T. Baker, Clerk of the Board, $600.00, beginning November 16, 1911. Mrs. Catherine Shaw, Jail Chaplain and Police Matron, $160.00 per annum, be- ginning January- 1,- 1912. Under Sheriff $600.00 per annum beginning January 1, 1912. Turnkey and Deputy Sheriff $500.00 per annum beginning January 1, 19I2. O11 motion of 117r. lleOreevv, action on the, resoktion was de- ferred until .l' rillav afternoon. TEE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS 12;3 Moved by Dr. Gallagher that the Board sell i he roll top desk heretofore used hy the Good Roads Construction Committee. Moved by 111". Shuler a; all amendment that the (lesk be trans- ferred to the offices of the ConllnissiorMls of Elections. Moved hy "Mr. 'Todd as a Substitute that the desk be transferred to the office of the County Superintendent of Highways as voted by the Board Dee. 5, 191.0. A vote taken on lllr. 'Todd`s motion was carried. By Alr. Challpuis Resolved, That there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the County of Tompkins the sum of VGA to brry a leveler's' rod, a sight rod and one hundred feet of steel tape for the use of the County Superintendent of Highways. t .£:114.1 oil tiie table iiiider• the rule. On motion 0r l•l.r. Todd, tate Chairman was direeted to appoint a committee of three to arrange for the sr,pplies Cor the Board of the prisoners and to pass upon the bills of! the sheriff. The Chairinall appointed a5 swell committee -1iessr5. 'Todd, DIe- (1-reet'y and Pres wick. By Air, : 'Whereas the Tuberculosis Committee expect to make their report to this Board on Saturday of this week at 2 P. M., therefore, be it Resolved, That an invitation be extended to the general public to be present at this time at the Court House to express themselves for and against the propo- sition of having a tuberculosis hospital, and be it further Resolved, That a notice be published in the daily papers advertising this meeting. 11r. 'Todd offered as a substitute the following resolution:- , Resolved, That all measures pertaining to sites and the construction of a Tuberculosis Hospital be tabled until the annual session of 11112. .A vote was taken on Mr. 'Todd's resolution and it was lost. 124 T1-iE SUPERVISORS' I I',.ocl 1nl\cs Arcs—Messrs. Todti, Brown, 1. csw ich and Sylier . _Nays—A.lessls. Gallagher, Chappitis. Begcnt. i\1cGreevy. Patter roll li i'ost, a.)avis. i\leAllaster :and Batty—`t. 'l'11e Clerl. read the .following report, which wits accepted atlil ordered printed: To the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on Appropriations. report the following amounts of in- terests due from the several towns to the County to January 1, 1912. at the rate of 4%: Road No. Accepted. Town. Principal, Interest. 336 Nov. 27, 1908 Lansing $2,751.88 $ 340.24 336 Nov. 27, 1908 Him ca 2,700.62 333.36 338 Oct. 29. 1905 Dryden 2,235.00 283.33 454 May 20, 1905 Ithaca 5,622.83 812.20 456 (Paid by Newman & Blood) ' 619,55 483 Jan. 18. 1910 'Dryden 724.61 • 36.;551 423 .Tan. 18, 1910 Carolina 2,642.17 ' 206.16 $2.032.44 The Good Roails Committee reported l'avorabiv on,the two fol lowing resolutions olfered by ?Jr. Brown for the improvement of • highways extendiitg through the Towns of. Enfield and i thrlea: • By Ml'. Brown : Whereas public interest demands the improvement of that 'portion of highway within the County of Tompkins described as follows: Commencing at Enfield Center in the Town of Enfield and running south about 1 3-8 miles to the new road; thence South-easterly and easterly on the new road to Marshall's Corners, a total distance of about 2 3-8 miles all in the Town of Enfield, and Whereas public interest demands the improvement of said highway instead of the highway extending from Marshall's Corners in the Town of Enfield to Ram- sey's Corner in said Town, now on the State Map for improvement, it is Resolved, That this Board of Supervisors designate and certify to the State Department of Highways that 1portion of highway first above described for im- provement and that the same be substituted on the State .:ap for improvement instead of and in the place of that portion of highway last above described. 011 motion the: resolution was i-ldopted by an unanimous vote. TI -IE SUPERVISE) PRocrl s)1NC8 fir iIr. 13rorvn: 122:, Resolved, That the Board of Supervisors have designated and hereby desig- nate and certify to the State Department of Highways for improvement that por- tion of highway commencing in the Town of Ithaca at the southern terminus of Road No. 454,, now improved, and running in a southerly direction about 1-8 of a mile; thence westerly to the town line between the Towns of Ithaca and Enfield and continuing in a westerly direction in the Town of Enfield to Marshall's Corn- ers, 'being orn_ers,'being about 11_8 miles in the Town of Ithaca and about two miles in the Town of Enfield, having a total distance of about 3 1-8 miles. On 'motion tlic resolution was adopted by an unanimous vote. The Coinii1ittee on 'District Attorney's Accounts reported favor- ably on Bill No. 21 recommending that it be allowed in the full amount claimed, • laid 011 the table under the rule, The Committee on Superintendents of the Poor accounts re ported on hill .No. 47 recommending that it be allowaed in the sum of $'2 i. -)8 instead of $;15.20 claimed. Laid on the t:Olrle 1)11(1(11' the rirle. The Committee -On Sheriff's Accounts reported favorably on the cutin of the Tompkins "House amounting to $14.00 for meals for two juries and on the claim) of J. G. Wortman Sheriff for Court; attend. ante, etc., amounting to $44.89, l'econilrrc'nding that tli ;y be audil:c:i in the fu11 amounts claimed. Laid o11 the table under the rule. Committee on County Claims reported favorably on Bills Nos. 129, 124, 128, 127, 126, 125 and 123 recommending that they be allowed in the fill amounts claimed. Laid on the table under the rule. On motions Bills Nos. 111, 112, 11, 18 and 69 were audited and ordered paid in the full amounts claimed as recommended by the committee on Printers' Accounts by unanimous votes. 126 THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS On motions Bills Nos. 120, 122, 11S, 119 and 121. were audited and ordered paid in the full amounts claimed and Bill No. 59 at - $2.50 instead of $5.00 claimed as recommended by the Committee or_ County Claims by unanimous votes. • On motions Bills Nos. 1 and 90 were audited and ordered paid in the full amounts claimed as recommended by the Committee on County claims by unanimous votes. (311 motion the. Claim of C. N. Baldwin of $50.00 for the burial of J. 1-I. ,Sykes, a deceased soldier, was audited in the fall • amount claimed by an unanimous vote. The resolution introduced December 22 for the amounts to be levied and collected from the taxable property of the various towns, the (.it;y' of Ithaca and the County at 'urge for the support of till, poor at the, Almshouse was- taken up for consideration and on mo- tion adopted by an unanimous vote. The Clerk read the following report of the Committee on errola ous aSSCssinellt5: To the Board of Supervisors of 'Tompkins County-: Your Committee on Erroneous Assessments atter having investigated the returned school taxes referred to them report as follows: We findl upon the certificate signed by the Trustees and supporter[ by the affidavits of the Collectors of the following school districts of the different towns and the City of Ithaca of the County of Tompkins submitted to the Board by the County Treasurer that the following school taxes have not been paid although diligent efforts have been made to enforce collections. Your committee therefore recommend that the following sums be levied upon and collected upon the lands or property upon which the same wore imposed (vith 7 per centum in addition thereto: Orlandn Teeter, School District No. 21, Town of Newfield, 125 acres, val. cation $50.00, tax $3.91. Fee 27 cents. Total $9.18. postal Telegraph and Cable Co., School :District No. 2, Towns of Ulysses and Hector, special franchise, valuation $577.00, Tax $3.59. Fee 25 cents. Total $3.95. Michael Troy, Estate, School District No. 9, Town or Danby. Tax $1.55. Fee 10 cents. Tota] $1.56. '.t'HE Si,PERV1SO1tS' PROCEEDINGS 127 Henry Stilson, Estate, 1 1-2,acres, valuation $50.00, School District No. 17 of the Town of Croton, Tax 30 cents. Bee 7 cents. Total 37 cents. Hanley VanOrder, School• District No. 17. Toren or Groton, 16 acres, valuation $500.00. Tax $5.00. Fee 21 Cents. Total $3,21. TOWN OF ITHACA. W. G. Bostwick, tax 18 cents. Fee 7 rents. Total 25 cents. S. G. Townsend. tax 11 cents. Fee 7 cents. Tolo1 18 cents. George 13. Davis, tax 9 cents. Fee 7 cents. Total 16 eents. H. C. Edgecorrh, lax 26 cents. Fee 7 nerds. Total 33 cents. J.. O. Edgecomb, Lax 18 cents. .Fee 7 cents. Total 25 cents. Joseph Fowles, tax $ 1.04. Fee 11 cents. Total $1.69. John Granville, tax 35 cents. Fec 7 cents. Total 42 cents. Is. Graham, tax 14 cents.. Fee 7 cents. Total 21 cents. Etta. B. Graham, tax 18 cents. Fee 7 cents. Total 25 cents. Jed Harvey, tax 18 cents. Fce 7 cents. Total 25 cents. 1. E. Hart & Bro.. tax 30 cents. .Fee 7 cents. Total 42 cents. Thomas Lewis, tax 96 cents. Fee 7 cents. 'Total $1.03. Seymour Leet. ttix 14 rents. Fee 7 cents. Total 21 cents, Margaret Manning', tax $1.40. h'ce 10 cents. Total $1.50. G. W. Sweetland, tax 12 cents. Fee 7 rents. Total 19 cents. Arthur Sweetland, tax 14 cents. free 7 rents. 'l'otatl 21 eents. James Turner. tax 18 cents. Fee 7 cents. Total 25 cents_ 17. .1. Turner, tax 1l cents. Pee 7 cents. Total 18 cents. Fred -Walker, tax 35 cents. Fee 7 cents. Total 42 cents. CITY. OF T'.l'HACA. Oscar Bovier, State and Meadow Streets, assessed Valuation $1.200. Tax $9.60. Fee 67 cents. Total $10,27. C. A. Brown, 112 f6 Falls Street, assessed valuation $900.00. Tax $8.78. Pee 61 cents. Total $9.36, Edna. Keen Brown. 324 21. Geneva Street, assessed valuation $2,-300.00. Tax $15.40. Fec $1.29. Total $10.69. Nancy Davenport. 302 Hancock Street, assessed valuation $500. Tax $4.00. Fee 28 cents. Total $9.28. K. B. Hill, 3 lots Mable Ave., assessed valuation $ 150. Tax $1.20. Nae '10 cents. Total $ 1.10. -Ithaca Street Railway Co., assessed valuation, real 321,500, personal $10,000, franchise $100,000. 'l';ax. $ 1,©64.02. Fee $74.48r 'total 81,138,50. Christina 508 S. Aurora St.. .......31,:;00 112 Lake Ave.' 1,700 118 Lake Ave. 2,100 108-110 Cascadilla 2,400 Total $7,500 Tax $60.00. Fee $4.20. Total $04.20. ' 328 THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS Fred L. Miller, 412 Elm Street, Assessed valuation $1,200. Tax $5.60. Fee 67 cents. Total $10.27. Sol Nevins, 408 College Ave., Assessed valuation 5000. Tax 55.00. Fee 63 cents. Total $5.03. Chas. Norton, 212 Dec Street, assessed :-alus.tion 5000. Tax 57.50. Fee- 53 ee53 cents, Total $8.03. Nunn, L. L. & Teluride Co., assessed valuation $30,0100. Tax 5240.00. .Fee $1G.S0. Total $256.80. S. E. SQtJIER. R. P. mcGREEVY, F. A. BEGENT, Committee, ]3r 11Ir.�S��tlies' ]Resolved, That the several sums as set forth in the foregoing report be levied upon and collected from the respective properties; that the Supervisors of the several towns and the City of Ithaca of the County of Tompkins be and they here- by are authorized and directed to place upon the assessment rolls of their respec- tive towns and the City of Ithaca the amouot of school taxes with the accumula- ted fee as shown in the foregoing^ report, and when collected to be returned to the County Treasurer to reimburse the amount advanced with the expenses of collec- tion. Q]i motion the resolution was adopted by an unanimous vote. By unanimous consent 43i11 No. 6i VMS pernlitt,4;t.1 to be with - drawn. On Motion 1.he Board adjourned. i1. X. EI '!' T. BAKER., TWENTY-NINTH DAY. Friday.. 1)eeeildier 29, 1911. Morning Session. X111 members present.. The minutes of 1)eceiuber 28t.11 weI'i read ruid apt l'ove4I. • THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS _129 The Clerk read an opinion from the Attorney General of the State reia.tive to the right of the County Clerk to retain the fees and expenses for_.collecting the Mortgage tax for his own use or disposi tion. Avhic.li nn motion was ordered filed. , The remainder of the morning session was devoted to commit, tee work. Afternoon Session. AIL members present;. On motion it was voted to receive the claim of the lthae.a. Journal. for work done during the session of the Board, the claim or the 1.thaea. News for publishing the Offieial Canvass, and the claims of 'Phe .Biggs Co., Wm. Thinning, Dr. P. R. Osterlrorrt which had been received after date for receiving claims. The Clerk read the undertaking of 'Walter .hl.ekeel elected Su- perintendent of the Poor in :November, 1911, which was referred to the Committee on Superintendents of the :Poor Accounts. The .Clerk read the following reports of the Committee on I iva-lizatiorr; and action thereon vas deferred for twenty-four hours:, 180 THE] 5[3PE1tVISOlt4' P1:C)QEEDINUS ASSESSED VALUATION _AS RETURNED BY THE ASSESSORS •sa.SL11?.. 40 0p]S1nu 1,S,ial1 aii[LA passassF $ 811,5651$ 6,7551$ 21,250118 8,6501$ 834.710 $ $ - 727,7651 12,3351. 9,600• 5,5751 730,601 3,190,2721 20,1101. 30,200 27,950 2,223,292 1,729,0821 19,500 535,3541 14,155 . 9,575 4.675 ,535.449 1,452,6101 22,300 60,060 14,3501 1,504,2201 946,040 29,650 1,325,075 80,230 24,500 23,900 1,203,2451 13,104,856 0619,321 699,500 553,130 9,743,185 1,222,360 6,450 20,075 8,000 1,253,9351 736,2101 8,720 21,4001 4,9901 753,4801 625,265 5,300 1,179,0301 73,595 62,4001 16,675 1.187,5101 781,090 10,150 8.. oo o 0 r...1 n •saQti[1L1 40 aplslno 11'01 01111_\ paSS:ISSIr aI134,1.I.d4.,.' asiy)ut:_4Ito 1pnosaadra • 0 0 L, 69 • 1dulaxa • �, 00 -47 ITrog c L: GD 71 .69 saaav Ln. , cl 0-. 01 G o« GV q w p W � m 10 111 mM1n.l c�,-. c:.6. -i 7 C CAROLINE DA N BY 151;YDEN ENFIELD GROTON TTHA CA -TOWN ETHACA-CITY• LANSING N EWFIELD ULYSSES _ 13 a.+ 0 THE SIJPERVISOI2S' PI{OCE i3D1NGS. ];j] Your Committee recommends that the following schedule be adopted as the equalized valuations of the several towns of Tompkins County and ilf the City of Ithaca for the year 1911-1912, and that the percentage in the right hand columnthe ratio of the State and County tax each town and the city respectively shall pay: Towns. \ cu s-, V heal and Franchise. Personal. v v cA Ratio Equalization Real Property. Each Town's Ratio State and County Tax. CAROL1N10 .. 34,747$ 730,889$ 21,250 $ 752,138 .0383 .0075 DA NIS y 33,286 715,020 9,600 724,620 .0374 0361 DRYDEN 58,192 2,120,886 30,290 2,151,0SG .1110 .7072 ENFIELD 22,007 590,801 9,575 600,370 .0309 .0299 GROTON 30,725 1,551,442 60,060 1,611,502 .0813 .0803 ITHACA-TOWN 16,293 258,437 24,509 982,937 .0502 .0490 ITHACA-CITY 2;940 8,787,044 659,500 9,486,544 .4601 .4728 LANSING 37,789 1;543,057 20,075 1,573,132 .0808 .0785 NEWFIELD 36,997 727,442 21,400 748,842 .0382 .0370 ULYSSES 19,818 1,371,104 62,400 1,433,504 .0718 .0514 Totals $19,096,121$968,560 $20,064,681 1.0000 1.0000 1+, A. REGENT. GEORGE W. FROST, FRANK R. DAVIS, F. A.. TODD, M. I7. BATTY, R. F. CHAPPUIS, 13. F. McALLASTER, Committee, 132 THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. •i\Ioved by :Air. Patterson that. the salary of `Viii. 1'l. Baker Search Cleric be $750.00 per annum. Carried. Ayes—Messrs. Todd, Pres« -ick, Patterson, Frost, .Davis. Squier, McAllaster and Holden -8. Nays ---.Messrs. Gallagher,' Chappuis, Brown, regent. McGreevy a 1 d Batty -6. Moved by Mfr. Patterson that the salary of Glarenee 1). '['arbell. Deputy County Clerk. be $1,000.00 I►eI annum. .Lost. Ayes—ll.essrs. 'Todd, Patterson, Frost. .l)avis.'IToldcn and Ale All aster -6. Nays—Messrs. (alhiglier. (;happuis. Brown, iegent, Presw ick. McGreevy, Squier, and Ratty -8. - oved by itir. Patterson- that the salary of Court Bel lis, County Sealer of Weights 6nd.11easures. be $700.00 per annum. Lost. Ayes—Messrs. Todd, Patterson, Ernst, .Davis, Sguier and Hol • • den -6. • Nays—Messrs. Gallagher, Ghalihuis, Brown, Begent, Preswicl:, McGreevy, 1\TcAllaster and. Batty -8. Moved by the Appropriation Committee that the salary of Ar- thur C. Adams as Commissioner of Elections be .$500.00 per annum. Lost. Ayes—Messrs. Todd, regent. Patterson, Frost, Davis, Sguier and TTolclen-7. THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 1.33 Nays—Messrs. Gallagher, Ghappuis, Brown, .1 I-swicf, Mc- Greevy, 11[eAllaster and Batty -7. Moved by the Appropriation Committee that the salary of Clar- ence C. Squier as Commissioner of Elections be *500.00 per annurn. Lost. .Ayes --Messrs. Regent, Patterson, Frost, ')avis ward Haldeu-5. \rays—MLl.essrs. Gallagher, Todd, Chappnis, 'Brown. Preswiek, McGreevy, McAIlaster. and Batty -8. Mr. Squier excused from voting. Moved by the Appropriation Committee that the salary of 'Bert T. 13alzer as Clerk and Attorney of the Board be *600.00. Carried. .Ayes—Messrs. Gaillatigher, 'I'adil, .13e est, ]:'resrrick, Patterson, Frost, Davis, Squier, 11ieAllaster and I1•:dden 1'0. Nays—Messrs. Chappnis, Brown, McGreevy and Batty -4. Moved by the Appropriation Committee that,thc salary of the ;Tail Chaplain and Matron on be *100.00 per annum. Moved by ;1)r. Gallagher as an amendment that the salary b� *52.00 per annum. .A-votewars taken on the amendment and it was lost. Ayes 'Messrs. Gallagliii , Chappnis, Brow, Pres ryiek, llc Greevv, ] IeAllaster and Holden -7. Nays—Messrs. Todd, 'Regent. Patterson, 'Frost, Davis, Squier and Batty -7. A vote was taken on'the original.motion and it was carried. 134 THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Ayes—Messrs. Todd, Brown, Begent, Patterson, Frost, Davi, Squier, Batty and Holden -9. Nays—Messrs. Gallagher; Chappuis, Preswiek, McGreevy and McAllaster-5. Moved by the Appropriation Committee that the salary of the Under Sheriff be $600.00 per annum. Moved by Dr. Gallagher as an amendment that the salary be *400.00 per annum. A vote was taken on the amendment and it was carried. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Todd, Chappuis, Brown, Preswick, . I1icGreevy, Frost, Davis. M_eAllaster, Batty 10. Nays—Messrs. Begent, 'Patterson and Squier-3. A vote was taken on the original motion as amended and it was carried .by the same vote. • il:lov-ed by the Appropriation Committee that the salary of the Deputy Sheriff and Turnkey be $500.00 per annum. Moved by Mr. Squier as an amendment that the salary be *600 per annum. A vote was taken on the motion as amended and it was carried. Ayes—Messrs. C1iaapl:mis, i3rown. Begent, McGreevy, Patterson, Frost, Davis, Squier and .Batty ----9. Nays—lll.essrs. Gallagher, Todd, Prswielt, McAllaster-4. A vote was taken on the original motion as amended and it was carried. Moved by iMr. Preswiek that the salary of the Chaplain at the Almshouse be *50.00 per annum. TI -JE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 135 Moved by Mr. Squicr as an amendment that the salary be $100.00 per annum. Moved. by Mr. Todd as a substitute that the salary be $4.00 per Sunday for actual services, the same not to exceed two Sundays in each month. A vote was taken on 111r. Todd's motion and it was carried, Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Todd, Chappuis, Regent, Preswick, Patterson, Davis, Squicr and McAllastcr-0. Nays—Messrs. Brown, 11TcG-reevy and .Batty -3. Bill No. 58 was taken up for consideration and the Clerk real an option from the, Attorney General as to legality of charges of former members of the Board serving on committees after the ex• piration of their term of office. Moved by Mr. Todd that the bill be referred to the Chairman and Clerk of the Board 'for them to report as to the legality of the charges contained therein or as to any part of them. Bost. A vote was taken on the audit of tlra claim for the full amount of same as recommended by the Committee on. County Claims' as the services charged for had been rendered the County and it was lost. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Todd, Regent, Patterson, Frost, Davis and McAllaster-7.. Nays—Messrs. Chappuis, Brown, NI•; Greeny and Squicr On motion of Mr. Todd Mr. Batty was excused from voting up on his request. 11 -loved by Mr. Chappuis that Bill No. 58 be reconsidered when the full Board is present. Carried. 136 THE S1JPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. On motions Bills Nos. 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128 and 129 wer audited a.ncl ordered paid in the full amounts, claimed as recom- mended by the Committee on County Claims by unanimous votes. On notion Bill No. 47 was audited at $23.58 instead of $35.20 claimed as recommended by the Committee on Superintendents of the Poor Accounts by an unanimous vote. On motion hill No. 21 MIN audited and ordered paid in the full. amount claimed as recommended by the Committee on .District At torney s accounts by an unanimous vote. On motions the claim of the Tompkins house for $1.4.00 for meals for two juries and the claim of T. G. Wortman. Sheriff for Court attendance, etc., were audited in the full amounts claimed as recommended by the Committee on Sheriff's Accounts by unani- mous votes. The resolution introduced by Mr. Cliappuis December 2.8th t_i levy $1.6.00 for sight rod, ete., for the County Superintendent of Highways was taken up for consideration and on motion adopted by an unanimous vote. On motion the Board adourned. BER'l, '1'. BAKER, Clerk. THIRTIETH DAY. Saturday, December 30, 191.1. Morning Session. \11 nieirdwrs present. elle minutes of Deceuiber 29th Ivere read and approved. 'By Mr. Patterson: Resolved. That the Clerk of this Board issue County Orders for all claims audited against the County.of Tompkins, the same to be countersigned by the Chairman of the Board. G THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. On 'notion the resolution was adopted. '1:37 On motion of lil.r. Patterson all rules relative to the adoption of resolutions were suspended. On motion it was decided that when the Board adjourns at the close of the afternoon session that it adjourn to January 2, 1912, and that when it adjourns on January 2nd that it adjourn until January 9, 1912. On motion of Dr. Gallagher the time for affixing the Tax War- rants to the Tax R-o]ls was extended until. January 9. 1.912. i'lie Clerk read the following report which on motion was ac- cepted and adopted: To the Board of Supervisors; Your Committee on the County Treasurer's Accounts would report that they have carefully examined the accounts and find them correct with the exception of a few clerical errors which do not affect the cash balances. We would further report that there is remaining in the several funds the following amounts: General Fund $ 8,981.05 Good Roads Construction 5,230.14 Maintenance of highways repairs 8,848.85 Mortgage .Tax Fund 2,795.13 Total cash on hand $25,855.1.7 We find that the following towns are indebted to the County in the fol- lowing sums and your committee recommend that such sums be levied upon and collected from the taxable prolierty of said towns: Danbv $02.47 Dryden $325.84 Groton 15.04 Lansing 8.27 fthaca (Town) 1.43 TJlysses 109.96 Respectfully' submit) ed, GEORGE W. FROST, W. 0, GALLAGHER, R. P. McGREEVY, Committee. 138 0 THE SUPERVISORS' _PROCEEDINGS. By lIr. (,1lappuis : Resolved, That pursuant to- Chapter 469, Laws of 1906, as amended by Chap. 718, Laws of 1907, that there be levied and collected a tax against the County of Tompkins and the following towns therein for sinking fund and interest on bonds issued for the construction of roods, viz: - County Town Road. J'owri - Year. Sinking Int. Sinking Int. Total. Bund. Fund. 916. Ulysses. . 1911 706.20 1,412.40 216.85 433.69 Ithaca. 1911. 75.77 151.54 606. Ithaca. 1911. 163.20 326.40 57.60 115.20 682. Dryden. 1911, 395.03 610.05 89.71 179.42 $4,843.06 On.motion elle-resollit.ioll ACRS adopted by all 1I11a11imo11S Cote. Ry iUr. Chappllis: Resolved. That pursuant to Section 171, Chapter 30, Laws of 1909, there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the following Towns to be paid in the County Treasury on account of maintenance of state and county highways for the year 1912, viz: Road. Name Town. Mileage. Total Total. miles in amount Town. in Town. 483. Catskill Turnpike, Sec. 3 Caroline 3.71 3.71 $200.00 338. Catskill Turnpike, Sec, 2 Dryden 1.38 483. Catskill Turnpike, Sec. 3 Dryden .73 081. Ithaca -Dryden, Sec. 1 Dryden 3.63 682. Ithaca -Dryden, Sec. 2 Dryden 3.95 683. Dryden-CortIand Dryden 3.57 13.26 650.00 5122 .Ithaca -Danby, _Part 2 Danby 3.24 3.24 150.00 641. Ithaca -Dryden, Sec. 1 Ithaca 1.60 77. Catskill Turnpike, Sec. 1 TI.haea 1.87 339. Cayuga Heights Ithaca 1.57 454. Ithaca Ithaca 3.66 4555. . Wyckoff Ithaca .24 606. Cayuga -Ilei ts-Hanshaw's Cors. Ithaca 2.12 616. Trumansburg-Ithaca Ithaca 2.63 5043. Ithaca -Danby, Part 1. Ithaca . 2.59 16.38 800.00 33G. Cayuga I}Teights Lansing 1.60 1.60 100.00 616. Trumansburg-Ithaca Ulysses 6.03 5.03 300.00 Total $2,200.00 On lection the resolution was adopted by au unanimous vote. TE1E S JI'ElI ISORS' PROCEEDINGS. . 1 y 1\Ir. McAliaster : .139 Whereas the Supervisor and Town Clerk of the Town mentioned below have certified to this Board of the expenses incurred by the Town Superintendent of said town with the consent of the Town Board thereof pursuant to Sect. B of the Highway Law and audited and allowed by the said Town Board together with the principal and interest, therefore; be it Resolved, That the amounts be levied and assessed upon the taxable prop- erty of said Town exclusive of the corporate limits of the Village of Newfield which maintains its' highways as a separate highway district, and that the same when collected be paid to the Supervisor of the town to be' applied to the cancel- ling of the certificates of indebtedness and the interest accruing on the same which were issued for the payment of the above mentioned accounts. Name of Town. Amount of principal Amount of interest . to be levied. to be levied. Newfield $400.00 $12.00 On motion the resolution 1vaS adopted 11y anunanimous vote. On motion of Dr•. Gallagher $46.19, the amount of expenses and disbursements charged in Bill No. 58 was audited and ordered paid by the unanimous vote of all members voting. Mr. Squicr was excused from voting. 13y Dr. Gallagher: Resolved, That there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the County of Tompkins the sum of $56.00 to be paid to F. B. Aiken to reimburse him for services rendered to committee on the county tuberculosis hospital. A. vote was taken on the resolution 'and it was lost. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher and Prost -2. Nays—Messrs. 'Todd, Chappuis, • Brown, Preswick; McGreevy, Squier, Batty and Holden -8. Excused from voting—Messrs. Begent, Patterson, Davis, Me- Allaster-4. • Moved by Mr. Chappuis that the County of Tompkins .issue bonds for the payments of the Freeville-Groton Road, and that ar- rangements be made that the Towns of Dryden and Groton reim- burse the County for their share by a definite yearly payment and 140 T131. SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDING:, interest. and -that the Chairman and Clerk make the necessary ar- rangements .for the issuance of such bonds. •Carried. The Committee on Superintendent of Poor Accounts made the following report on the bond in the sums of $1,000 offered liy- -Walter Alekeel as Superintendent of the Poor with Isaiah MeI eel and Jesse Mekeet as sureties: \Ve recommend the bond of Falter 10ekeel as to amount of said bond and also as to the sureties. M. D. BATTY, R. P. McGREIEVY, FRANK B. DAVIS. F. A. TODD, • Committee. On motion the Bond was approval both as to forte and the sufficiency of the sureties. liv tIi'. Chappuis: Resolved, That there be levied and collected from the taxable property of the County of Tompkins the sum of $I00.00 for postage and expressage of the Commis- sioners of Election. On motion the resolution was adopted by an unanimous vote. On motion of Mr. Davis the Standing Printing Committee were instructed to have 25 additional TaxReceipt:Books printed. On ]not.on the 1>oart1 adjourned to reconvene at =4 I'.11. Afternoon Session. From 2 to 4 P. ill.. the Board held a ]public hearing in the Court Room relative to a county tuberculosis hospital, Rev. R.. T. Jones acting as Chairman of the meeting, a general discussion was had on the matter. At 4 P. M., the Board convened for regular business. THE SUP ERV'SO[-15 P.]ROCIi:E1JINGS. A11 members were present. 141 Dr. Gallagher, Chairman of the committee on a site for county tubereulosis site, made an oral report which on motion of. Mr. Pat- terson was accepted and ordered printed, which was as follows: That the Committee recommend that the County purchase the Dr. Meany property on the south side of Taughannock Falls Glen for County Tuberculosit ]Hospital site and acc=ept the &rmration of Mr. Robert H. Troman of $3,000 to purchase the same. On motion of I11r. Patterson, a vote o}° tlinriks was extended to the committee 011 the Bounty tuberculosis hospital site for the able and thorough manner in wlrieh they handled the matter. On motion of Mr. Davis, x. rising vote of thanks was extended by the Board to the Chairman and Clerk for their efficient and courteous treatment of each member of this Board. A vote of appreciation Ivas extended to Messrs. Frost, Patter- son and Davis retiring members of the Board. On motions Bills Nos. 70, 1:30, 131., 132, 188, 134, 1.36, 137, 1.39, 140, 141, 142, 144, 145, 151., 1.53, 154, 155, as recommended by the Committee on County Claims; Bilis Nos. 147 and 148 as recom- mended by the Committee on Constable's A'.cconnts; 13i11 No. 149 as recommended by the Committee on Coroner's Accounts; Hills Nos. 146- and 146 1-2 as recommended by the Committee on Printers' Ac- counts; Bills Nos. 8, 1.50 and 1.52 as recommended by the Committee on County Buildings; Bill No. 51 as recommended by the Committee on Clerk's Accounts; Bill No. 21 as recommended by the Commit- tee on District Attorney's Accounts r5°.k re, 011. audited and ordered paid in the full amounts claimed by unanimous totes. On motion Bill No. 49 was audited and ordered paid in the sum of. *15.50 instead or. $27.50 claimed as recommended by • the Com- mittee on Superintendents of the Poor Accounts by- an unanimous vote. On motion the Board adjourned to January 2, 1912 at 10 A. M. 13ERT T. BAKER, Clerk. . 1.42 THE SUPEPVISOFt�' PROCEEDINGS. THIRTY-FIRST DAY, Tuesday; January 2, 1912. Morning Session. All members present including Mr. James R. Robinson, Jr., Su- pervisor of the Fourth Ward; John Francis, Supervisor of the Third \Yard; and Andrew G. flyers, Supervisor of the Second Ward, the incoming members from the City of Ithaca.. The minutes of December 30 were read and approved. On motion of Dr. Gallagher, the newly elected members front the City of Ithaca to the Board of Supervisors were assigned to t4ie Standing Committees held by their predecessors. By Mr. Todd: Resolved, TLat all prisoners having sentences Imposed upon them of sixty days or more may, be confined in the Monroe County Penitentiary at the option of the committing magistrate; and that the Chairman and Clerk of this Board make a contract to that effect with the Monroe County Pei_itentiary. On motion the resolution was adopted. On motion of Mr. Cliappuis, the Chairman and Clerk were au- thorized and instructed to make a contract with the George Junior Republic with the same conditions as heretofore. Moved by Dr. Gallagher that Messrs. McGreevy 'and Batty be added to the present county tuberculosis hospital site committee. Moved by Mr. Squier that the committee remain the same as at present, which was carried. By Mr. Todd: Resolved, That this Board authorize the Jail Committee to issue certificate' upon the general fund in the hands of the County Treasurer for the maintenance of prisoners that may be confln..d In the Tompkins CountyTail On motion the resolution was adopted. THE SUPERVISORS' PIt(ICEEDINGS. 11,143 The Clerk read the following report of the committee on the re- port of the Count;y Clerk, which on motion was accepted and order- ed printed in the proceedings: Your committee have examined the County" Clerk's iteporL and find the same correct with the exception of the two hundred and twenty-five dollars ($225.410) allowed by the State Board of Tax Commissioners as fees and ex- penses for collecting the mortgage taxes, Nthich should have been turned over to the County Treasurer. R. McGItEEVY, s. :n. SQUIE1t, JOHN FRANCIS, 1 Committee. On motion of Mr. ?McGreevy, the attorney of the .Board was in- structed to take up the matter with the County Clerk of paying to the County the foes and expenses deducted by ]lira for the past two years for collecting the mortgage taxes, and ascertain what disposi- tion he intends to make of tliem in the "future and to •report to the Board January 9. On motion Bill Nos. 135 and 138 were audited and ordered paid in the full amounts claimed by unanimous votes as recommended by the committee on CountyClaims. On motion the bill of J. 0. Wortman, sheriff for $36.67 for use of blood hounds, etc., was audited and ordered paid in the full amount claimed. On motion the board adjourned. Afternoon Session. All metnbers present. The, Clerk read the following i'esolution : Resolved, That in accordance with resolutions adopted by the various Town Boards of Tompkins County now on file with the Clerk of this Board and the statutes in such cases made and provided that there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the respective towns the following some of money for the purposes named, to wit: 14.4 THE SIiPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, CA R OLIN E. For Memorial day service $ 10.00 • For Soldiers' relief fund 25.00 For support of James Orton 40.00 For interest due on town indebtedness to the County to January ,1 1912 206.16 DANBY. To pay note and interest $1.035.00 For Town Poor 200.00 DRYDDEN. For new bridge voted 1.9I1 $2,550.00 Deficiency in bridge and miscellaneous funds 1,05.10 Memorial Day fund 50.00 Salary, Town Superintendent 500.00 ENFIELD. For Too) House and lot $ 900.00 For Town Poor 50.00 GROTON. Decoration Day observance $ 50.00 Bridge note due in 1912 2,496.00 Interest on bridge note 1.9.40 ITHACA. Interest to January 1, 1912,. on indebtedness to county $1,146.16 'Payment on principal on indebtedness 323.95 LANSING. Note and interest $1,040.00 Interest on indebtedness to county to January 1, .1912 340.24 NEWFIELD. Newfield Soldiers,`.Veterans,' etc. $ 25.00 Newfield Free Town Library 100.00 Bonded indebtedness, ainount due and interest 2,875.00 ULYSSES, Support indigent soldiers and sailors $ 100.00 For bonded indebtedness, principal, 2,000,00 For bonded indebtedness, interest 1,015.00 For memorial day observance 50.00 For certificates of indebtedness issued in 1909 and 1910, highways and bridges 1,$65.60 For Waterburg bridge 4,000.00 THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 1.45 On motion the resolution was adopted by an unanimous vote. The Clerk read the report of the Committee on Appropriations, as follows: Your Conunittee on Appropriations reports that the following tabulated statement shows the appropriations which will be necessary to meet the ex- penditures of the County of Tompkins for the ensuing fiscal year and the estimated revenues other than taxes which will be applicable to such appro- priations, and the amounts that it will be necessary to raise by the tax of 1911 in the several Towns and the City of Ithaca as set forth in the follow- ing budgets: STATE TAX -1911. Direct State Tax $12,200.11 Sundry Stenographers and Clerks - 1,334.08 Supreme Court Justice's expenses 12.55 Total $13,597.14 COUNTY TAX -1911. County audits $14,501.06 Salary,'County Judge and Surrogate, 1912 3,500.00 Salary, Special County Judge and Surrogate, 1912 200.00 Salary, County Court and Surrogate Stenographer, 1912 750.00 Salary, Surrogate's Clerk, 1912 500.00 Salary, District Attorney, 1912 1,200.00 Salary, County Treasurer, 1912 1,000.00 Salary, Chaplain Almshouse, 1912 96.00 Salary, Jail Chaplain and matron, 1912 100.00 Salary, Coroner, 1912 100.00 Salary, William P. Harrington, Supt. of Poor, 1912 200.00 Salary, Wm. D. Baldwin, Supt. of Poor, 1912 200.00 Salary, Walter Mekeel, Supt. of Poor, 1912 200.00, Salary, Janitor County Clerk's Office 175.00 Salary, Sheriff, 1012 1,800.00 Salary, Cinder Sheriff., 1912 400.00 Salary, Deputy Sheriff and Turnkey, 1912 600.00 Salary, Physician at Almshouse, 1912 250.00 Salary, Clerk and Attorney of Board 600.00 Salary, Keeper of: Almshouse, 800.00 Salary, Superintendent of Highways, 1912 1,200.00 Salary, County Sealer of Weights and Measures, 1912 500.00 Salary, Arthur C. Adams, Commissioner of Elections, 19122 300.00 Salary, Clarence C. Squior, Commissioner of Elections, 1912 300.00 Clerlk of Board for postage 24.00 146 THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. County Treasurer for postage 25,00 Fuel and lights, 1 912 900.00 Court expenses, 1912 6,000.00 Support of poor, Almshouse, 1012 2,487.57 County Sinking Fund, Road No. 606, Principal 163.20 County Sinking Fund, Road No. 606, interest 326.40 County -Sinking Fund, Road No, 616, principal 706.20 County Sinking Fund, Road No. 616, interest 1,412.40 County Sinking; Fund, .Load No. 652, Principal............ _.... , 305.03 County Sinking- Fund, load No. 652, interest 610.05 Burial indigent soldiers and sailors 1.744.00 Partial payment for printing proceedings of Board 500.00 Insurance Fund 263.01 Premium of County- Clerk's Bond 45.00 To reimburse General Fund for amount paid for rights of way on Freeville-Groton Road 843.33 Sight Rod, cte., for use of Superintendent of Highways 16.0R Interest on notes given First National Bank of Dryden for money for Freeriile-Groton Road 110.00 Daniel Crowley, Esq., settlement. of Bailey, Johnson & Saunders ac- tion 14 7.2 7 Bell telephone in jail, 1912 30.00 Funds for Frceville-Groton Road 604.45 Returned School Tax Fund ]00 011 Interest on Highway Bonds 2,200.00 Commissioners of Election for Postage and expressage 100.00 Total CAROLINE -1911. $48,131.37 State Tax $ 425 89 County Tax 1,804.93 Audits 1,646:98 For Memorial Day services 10.00 For Soldiers' Relief Fund 25.00 For support of James Orton 40.00 For interest on town indebtedness to county- 206.16 _Maintenance Catskill Turnpike Road No. 483 200.00 Support of the Poor at the Almshouse 146.16 Election printing 40.17 Repair and construction of bridges 200.00 To purchase and repair of road machinery 50.00 For removal of snow and miscellaneous purposes 100 00 Total $4,896,29 Highway Tax $2,103.GG Dog Tax 116.50 TIIE S[JPEiRVISOR'S' PROCEEDINGS. 1.47 DANBY-1911. State Tax $ 490.86 County Tax 1,737.53 Audits 1,910.97 Note and interest 1,035.00 Support of Town Poor 200,00 Election Printing 34.32 Returned taxes 6.27 Maintenance improved roads $150.00 Repair and construction of bridges 600.00 To purchase and repair of machinery 100.00 For removal of snow and miscellaneous purpose 200.00 Support of Poor at Almshouse 122.00 L'otal $ 6,578.55 Highway tax $ 2,000.00 DRYDEN-1911. State Tax $ 1,457.61 County Tax 6,159.70 Audits 2,940.00 Two new bridges voted in I911 2,550.00 Deficiency in bridge and miscella.neous funds 1,505.10 Memorial Day. services 50.00 Salary Town Superintendent 500.00 Support of Town Poor 600.00 Returned Taxes 119.10 Sinking Fund on Road No. 682 89.71 Interest...., 179.42 Support of Poor at Almshouse 72.19 Due County on Road No. 31' 2,235.00 Election printing 81.46 Due County on Ron.d No. 483 742.61 Maintenance improved roads 650.00 Reliair and construction of bridges 1,000.00 Purchase and repair of machinery 300.00 Removal of snow and miscellaneous purposes 400.44 Interest to January 1, 1912 on Road No. 338 283.33 Interest to January 1, 1912 on road No. 483 56.55 y Total $20,971.78 Highway Tax $ 4,800.00 ENFIELD 1911. State Tax $ 406.55 County Tax 1,439.13 Audits 1,508.21 148 THE I,IPI RVISORS' P1;GCEEDINOS, Support of Town Poor 50.00 Support of Poor at .Almshouse 72.19 Election Printing 19.14 Repair and maintenance of bridges 150.00 Purchase and repair of machinery 150.00 ]Removal of snow and miscellaneous purposes 2D0.00 Purchase of lot and construction of too] house 400.00 Total $ 4,395.23 Highway Tax $ 1,800.00 Dog 'Tax 77.00 GROTOI\-1 911. State Tax $ 1,091.80 County Tax- 3,864.94 Audits 3,056.86 ,Memorial Day services - 50.00 Returned taxes 11.32 Bridge note dui* in 1912 2.496.00 Interest on bridge note 149.40 Election printing - 62.87 Support of poor, Almshouse 231.26 Repair and construction of bridges 2.100.00 Purchase and repair of machinery 300.00 Removal of snow and miscellaneous purposes .500.00 Syracuse Institution for Feeble Minded Children 60.00 Total $13,974.49 ,Highway Tax $ 3.860.00 . r State Tax $ 6,420.73 County Tax 22.756.51 Support of poor. Almshouse 1,058.36 Election printing 210.28 ITHACA CITY -1911. Total $31.053.85 ITHACA TOWN -1911.. State 'fax $ 666.26 County Tax 2,358.46 Audits 1,836.77 Support of Town Poor 700.00 Election printing 30.81 Maintenance improved roads 800.00 Sinking Fund, Road No. 600 57.60 1'1 -II!: l'E 11.11/ I SCH01-1•1 PRCJCE,111 DING171. . 149 • Interest 115.20, Sinking run d, Road No. 010 75.77 Interest 151.54 Payment on principal 'to County on Roads Nas. 330, 454 ..... .. .. 823.45 interest to January 1, 1912 1,140..16 Repair and construction of bridges 2,604:0000 Purchase. :Ind repair of machinery Total $ 9,703.00 High way Tax $ 2,598.45 J-,ANSING-1911. State 'Tax $ 1,007.38 County Tax 3.778,30 A.1.0 i ts 9,304.94 Maintenanue Road No, 336 100,05 Support or Town Poor 100,00 Support of poor, Almshouse 383.25 Election printing 40.14 Returned tuxes • 6.84 Note and interest .1.040.00 Repair and construction of bridges 300.00 Purchase and repair of machinery -175.00 Removal of snow, and miscellaneous purposes 500.00 Interest on Road No. 386, due, Comity 340.24 Total Highway Ti.x . . .$10,202.09 $ 3,200.00 , NEWFLET.,1)-1911. State Tax $ 507.17 .: County Tali 1,795.30 Audits 1,840.00 Support of Town Poor 50.05 Support of poor, Almshouse 206.98 Memorial D113.- services 25.00 Newfield Free Town Library 1-00,00 Syracuse institution for Feeble :Minded Children 40.00 Certificate of indebtedness 412.00 Election printing 38.52 Bonded Indebtedness 2,875.00 PePair 11011 construction of bridges • 400.00 Purchase and repair of machinery 400.00 Removal of1 snow and miscellaneous purposes 200.00 - . Total $ 8,898.57 Highway Tax $ 2,200.00 150 THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. ULYSSES -1911. State Tax $ 970.84 County Tax . 3,436.65 Audits 2,379.13 indigent soldiers and sailors 100.00 Memorial Day services 50.00 Support of Town Poor 200.00 Bonded indebtedness, principal and interest 3,015.00 Support of poor, Almshouse 213.28 Sinking Fund Road No.. 610 216.85 Interest • 433.54 Maintenance Ithaca-Trumansburg Road No. 610 , 300.00 Election printing 51.35 Certificates -of indebtedness issued in 1909 a.nd 1910, highways and bridges 1,805.00 For Waterburg bridge 3,000.00 Returned taxes 93,64 Due County from Town for (Syracuse Institution for Feeble Minded Children) Susquehanna Valley Rome Bill of 1909158.22 Syracuse Institution for Feeble Minded Children 20.00 Repair and construction of bridges 300.00 Removal of snow and misceliineous purposes 50.00 Tota] $16.954.00 Highway- Tax $ 2,000.00 Your Committee therefore recommends that there be levied and as- sessed upon the property liable therefor the amounts as above set forth. L. E. PATTERSON, F. A. BEGI3NT, S. B. SQUIIR, Committee. On motion of Dr. Gallagher, the report was accepted and adopt- ed and the amounts ordered levied Upon and assessed upon and cot leeted from the taxable property of the several towns, the City of Ithaca and the County- at large the sums as set forth in the report by an unanimous vote of the members present. On motion the Board adjourned to January 9, 1912; at 10 A. 14 I. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. Tit SUYT RVESORS' PROC JFJID1\CS. THIRTY-SECOND DAY, 15.1. Tuesday, January 9, 1912. Morning Session. All members present except Mr. l'odd. The minutes of January 2 were read and approved. The morning session was devoted to Completing the Tax Rolls. On notion the Board adjourned. Afternoon Session. All members present. Mr. A. 1`I. Overa.cker, County Clerk; came before the Board and explained relative to the fees and expenses of collecting the ' mortgage taxes. By .Mr. i1lcGreevy : Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board as its attorney take such steps as are necessary to have the County Clerk return the sum of $450.00 or tl„ reabouts to the County Treasurer, being the fees and expenses received by the County Clerk for the past two years for collecting the mortgage taxes. Moved b,v Mr. Robinson as an amendment, that the moneys re- ceived for the collection of the mortgage taxes and paid by the Count- Clerk to the Clerks in the office be retained by them. Moved by Mr. flyers as a substitute that the matter be laid on the table. A vote was taken'on. Mr. Hyers motion and it was lost. A vote was taken on lllr. Robinson's motion and it was lost. A vote was taken on Mr. i1 [cGreevy's resolution and it was car - rigid. 1.52 THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDI\GS. By 111 r. 1'reswick : Resolved, That the Collectors of the several Towns and the Chamberlain of the City of Tthaca be required to pay over all monies collected by them to the Supervisors and the County Treasurer on or before the first day of February and the first day of March respectively, and a final settlement with the County Treasurer on or before the first day of dune, 1912. On urotioll the resolution Nvils adopted. Moved by lir. Robinson that the Ultairmar] appoint a commit- tee Of three of which l[r. 'McGreevy shall" be chairman to attend to the transfer of the Dr. hears' Irropert;v to the County of Tompkins and to. instruel. tlld Coulrt}- Treasurer to llal'y over. the $3,000 Ilona ted by i1[r. Robert" H. "l'renlan upon such transfer,. also to ascertain the necessary improvements to be made thereon fora county tuber- culosis hospital :Ind get the consent of the State Commissioner a" Health as to the site and the iuiproven]elrtAs, and that the conlrtlit- tee report to this iolu'd at an early a date as possible. Carried. The The Chairman appointed as such committee Messrs. McGreevy, Batty and Robinson. Hy Mr. McGreevy: Resolved, That the generous offer of Robert H. Trernan to present to the County of Tompkins the so-called summer home of the late Dr. Edward Meany to be fitted up as a county tuberculosis hospital, the same to be known as "The Meany Sanatorium for the Treatment of Tuberculosis", be accepted, and be it further Resolved, That immediately upon the transfer of said property to the County that the necessary steps he taken to get it in readiness at the earliest possible 'date for the reception of patients, and be it further Resolved, That in case the property about to be purchased shall at any time cease to be used as a public tuberculosis hospital, it shall be put lo use as a public park, reservation or to some other public purpose b'neficial to the residents of Tompkins County, and _ Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board transmit to Mr. Treman a copy of these resolutions. On motion the resolutions were adopted. • On ]notion the claim" of P. D. Gilbert of $50.00 for the burial o THE SUPERVISORS' PlIOCEEDINUS. Alantin V. Freer, a deceased soldier, was audited and ordered paid in the full amount clamed, by fin iuia 1im0lIS tete. (.)n ]Motion o.f Mr. Squicr an extension of one week's time frolu the first day of Febnuiry was granted the Stover Printing Com- pany for the delivery, of 1:1]e proceedings of 1911.. 'rho (jot: read the contract Ivith the Federal Telephone Com- pany for telephone service for the County tor $1.75.00 per ,year ex- ecuted by the Cliairnlan and CiiIcii of the Board, wliiell was ratified and confirmed by the board. .l1v- lllr. 1'1.eswick: Resolved, That the correction of clerical errors in various assessments rolls and valuations as corrected on said assessment rolls, the taxes levied upon the several property owners of the various school districts of the County, 'and the taxes levied upon the several towns in accordance with the recommendations of the committee on erroneous assessments and all changes necessary to be made in order to conform to the rcquircnnnts of the law be and the same arc hereby rati- fied, confirmed and legalized. On motionthe resolution was adopted. 131- Al r. I'resivick : Resolved, That the tax ns extended on the tax rolls of the several towns •and the City of Ithaca be confirmed and that warrants be issued to the Collectors of the various Towns and the Chamberlain of the City of Ithaca for the collection of the. same, signet' by the Chairman end Clerk of this Board and the Seal of the County affixed as required by law. On motion the resolution was adopted. 1>` il`lr. 1'reswick : Resolved, That in the future all headstones set on the graves of deceased soldiers to be paid for ; y the County of Tompkins shall be as follows; The tomb- stone shall be inscribed with the name of the deceased, his Company and Regi- ment, his age and date of death, the same to be carved or cut in slab; the stone to be of the faltowwing dimensions, -2 1-t feet high, 1 1-3 feet wide and three inches thick, -and the same to be set in a concrete or cement base, the base to extend at least two feet in the ground and the slab to bo set at least six inches in the base; the material for such tombstone shall he white marble slab of good quality, well finished and shall be well and firmly set, for all of which the County will allow and pay the sum of $15.00. 154 Tffl SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. On motion the resolution was adopted.' • The minutes for the day were read and approved. On motion the Board adjourned sine die. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. SUPERVISORS' ACCOUNTS. Oa.0 o w w � � O g y m O a1 1 4 V :d O 1n G CI^ •1 hq . V N NY , C C. 0, U1 C V m 1 N O u' o m m ✓, LA' R G '0 V '1 o mv i 3 cd 27 9 j C M 13 cS .� a m a� •3) 7 10 o 1 o vi µ V "' 7 O + O I.C., aG1 QI N V v 10 .0 C oO 0) Cq O y, NLIT R.+ a1 mi+ O J C E w.10 C^00 z Aro C c3 •sox0)J ,S,I1.5II1 2s, u,ti0Os `,C}un0;) 'a'}'u"}.5..` .I0J a}V'.]_ 1,7 c� NGO CA C1 00 lel CO ri O 0 0 0 0 0 'lira 00010.I0y' Jo-4I1.IV II:}OJ 00 i I --I Le,tN' 00 0 0 o 0 o ,--i CD CD CD 1.000 O~'i C'11 e.0 O O O Qo O rl in 4, CO CD 00 4C 31 C -^i c''1 ' o a cv; N« co 'rILOp, '0ads I10 10Y elP-IM, '•tixa •Auct f$ Ola '0.10 ) I1:iaadg uo ''[as GLV M O� a' 0 IAI0 O Q: 10 CC X00 L- 04 ,tines, r-, - � 60 d 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 ca 0 0 0 C? O O O 0 0 0 0 C7 000 O N ni o ca ! o o 5 00 0 ^i ri CD d• "t O a0 rl saxry "}x:T llui: o w71, o c+ ; 9 IIog ']ssV .',SHOD 04 01 ' 63 0l?11 alo g 3�; tl.lealR� 'AUG aac,l 00'i S }L' 001}I:S[.I0C1.LILOfl LI0i000B [l:l0ads 'allyRT and 'S10 8 113 ' G aocI O[I'�5 Ou UiL 10 liad0ll0i U0ISSOS IL'CILIItV ^I 00 ^I 00 v,1 4C 1- Get is 60 69. O r 69 a c: a 40 I^ y n c1 M 60 ,- CP O O O UP 40 CI G7 ci 1c4 <C IR N -i Cr; ti C] ,ti - ,, ti w . __ .9 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 O 0,7,1 o] -i0 0 Ni Ni -i 0 o0 -Y c% ,ii 4] CV OI CV PI PI 4' ': ] 14V CA PI 00 4 60 10t1-0100 C0 CO x:1 �L` 11- L- 40 1- 40 01 . CP CA 04 GO O co -Y L- G, l- CO O 10 04 r -i ,-i N7 n1 • .1 ,--i 14 e, P O O d 0 0 0 0 0 0 C. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. O O O O g 0 0 0 0 10 coc6 moan •.6 C. o6 c,.3 .6 01 o0 io tN N CA GJ 4 1 1 _ 1 CD r �l N .-y r1 H r-1 r-1 rl �I ri .^--11 ,ti Y. ,-� E L� sa DI r4 PI ol DC CC CO 07 07 1000^ OI n1 ^ 01 CO 0,D CO Mbi m 00 77 rot '0Il]\I sod Sr.)5 ]l? oBL'JIi} -s-ou .gad 00'88 }e nu[Omsuadui0;" -}� CD d• 4^1 0100 O LV L PI 4n L- 00 O cD ri rl PI Pi Ci rl of &� 64 O O o n 0 -o O o o O Q o 0 0 0 0 0 CD O 0 0 0 O O O O O O 00 00 00 00 oa od CO w o7 PI 01 C 1 Cl CV P1 w PI PI CV 0I '0000 slun00 SSVG y G L2 00 CO CO 00 CO 6.3 1 C4 CA N 01 f0,7 w r 10 O 2014 th I; H ":1 i+ T., VI co 0' -. ami a--.1 ,--• ri 4,1 1,0 a 1C i • y h y m CJUC7UVZJE-I �'0 R m 'J' 0 d :d c3 c3 0 01 c3 G 1 .0 .ci 7,1 0V 0) V V V 0 0) co '4M m t, G 0,1C O Cd c3 13 c3 ;d c3 G `,✓0 w c, ��ICI,,.G R�L'.G.R V C3 H BAKER, Clerk. CV N td C C 10 O y,ro a . c0a as 7 :a cd m 9 10 02JP E", ;.6 9 A .i:alj THE Su PER VIsCaFix' PROCEEDINGS, COUNTY AUDITS. State or New York, . County of Tompkins. ss. Board of Supervisors. : 1, Bert 'F'. Baker, Clerk o€' the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins, h<�rehy certify that the following abstract comprises all the hills and accounts against the County of Tompkins presented to said Board of Su- pervisors at its annual Session for the year 1911, shoaling the name of each claimant'. the true nature of the account, the amount originally claimed and the amriun1 its finally allowed and audited by said Board. No. Name. 13ERT '1'. BAK1 11.. Clerk. Purpose or Nature of Claim. Claimed. A1lorye0. 1 ..5? ericun-1.aF171n0e Fire Enc be Co.. AAIms- S house 2 Court Be11is, County Seater of ° Weights and Measures 53 95 53 95 1 Dr. W. A. Snaith. Coroner 10 44 10 94 4 City of Ithaca."Justine and Constable 96 Si 46.51 5 1V". (. Stubbs, Co. Clerk's Building 50 50 6 Orlando White, Supervisors 5 00 2 50 7 Norton & Goodhue, County Judge 2 50 2 50 S U. S. Johnson, County Clerk Building $4.19 Jail 821.55 26 SO 26 S0' 9 Edward J. Curtis. jail 3 15 3 15 10 Adelaide 111. Carman, Refund taxes 2 24 2 24 $ 65 00 65 00 11 The Ithaca Journal, General interest ...$ County Court 11 County Clerk 29 Supervisors 160 County Judge 47 Election Expenses 109 Supt. of Highways S Supreme Court (civil- 6 County Treasurer . 4 District Attorney 3 63 50 98 15 35 13 00 50 00 THE SU PEIV11O11S' Pl.f10EEDINGS. 15r7 Purpose or No. Name. Nature of Claim. Clairued. ARowed. Tax 13edempt'n no. 31 88 Sheriff 13 00 12 J. G. Wortman. pail inmates r 431 47 431 47 13 Tompkins County. Fair Grounds Association, General interest 21 OD 21 00 14 C. J. Rurnsey & Co., County Clerk Building ... 1 33 1 33 15 Howard L. O'Daniel. County Clerk $ .75 Supervisors ....... 9.00 `) 75 9 73 16 Fred C. Evans, County Superintendent of 14igh- ways 252 48 252 48 17 Ithaca Telephone Co., general interest 150 00 150 00 18 Forest City Printing Co.. Sheriff $ 10 00 County Court 8 75 Election expenses - 109 35 Supt. of Highways 3 38 Supreme Court 31) 00 Supervisors 73 03 Goneral interest 5 63 Tax redemption notice 31 $8 District Attorney 7 80 County Clerk 3 00 283 42 283 42 19 Atkinson &Mitchell, County Clerk ....$ 3 50 Supervisors 5 00 Supervisor 5 110 Sulirerne Court (civ- il) . 44 00 Sup). f Slig h\ ays . . .2 70 13 20 05 20 20 C. V. Bush. general interest 41 00 41 00 21 Morris S. Halliday, District Attorney ..$ 14 96 Sheriff ... 391 40 ---- 406 42 406 42 22 Chas. A. Smith, jail 88 88 23 Weekly Ithacan, County Court 4 00 4 50 24 Todd's Pharmacy: jail 8 45 8 45 25 Ithaca Contracting Cu., sand good roads 8 25 (disallowed) i 26 fireman, King C. Co., jail 76 47 76 47 i 27 J. G.-1,Vortman, Sheriff $1379 73 1271) 73 1 28 T7avis-IsroWn Elect. Co., County Clerk winding. 38 00 38 1)0 29 New York Telephone Co., general interest 150 00 150 00 30 D. 14., Stewart & Co., jail 0 50 11 50 31 The Meany Pharmacy, jail 4 60 4 5)) 32 John W. Jones, Supervisors 5 50 5 50 33 H. H. Yeager, Justices and Constables 26 02 20 02 158 THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Purpose or No. Name. Nature of Claim. • Claimed. Allowed. 34 Dr. C. F. Denman, jail 33 00 33 00 35 H. W. Norton, County Clerk Building $ 9 00 County Treasurer .. 3' 10 12 10 12 -10 36 Ithaca Contracting Co., Co. Clerk Build. $18 19 Bail 25 76 46 95 46 95 37 Dr. 0. F. Denman, District Attorney 5 00 5 00 38 Treman, King & Co.. County Clerk Building 17 76 17 7G 39 Sisters of the Good Shepherd Private Reform School 66 64 66 64 90 Society for Protection of Destitute Catholic Children, Private Reform School 56 16 (Disallowed) 41 Craig Colony, epileptic 42 62 42 62 42 Syracuse Institution for Feeble Minded Children 120 00 120 00 43 _Monroe County Penitentiary, Pena] Institution 599 71 599 71 44 T. G. Miller & Sons Paper Co..' County Clerk expenses 51 75 Supervisors 235 30 County Treasurer Exp. 79 30 County Judge 30 51 396 SG 396 80 45 St. Ann's School of Industry and Reformatory of the Good Shepherd, Private reform school 41 43 41 43 46 The Stover Printing Co., Supervisors 2 50 2 50 97 William D. Baldwin, Superintendent of the Poor 35 20 23 58 48 City of Ithaca, Conuty Clerk's Building 534 00 Court House ...32 60 Jail .. 95 97 158 57 158 57 49 Walter Mekeel, Superintendent of the Poor ... 27 50 15 50 50 4. Will 'free, County Clerk Expenses 99 75 99 75 51 A. 11. Overaeker, County Clerk expenses ..... 144 17 . 144 17 52 D. H. Rightmycr, Justices and Constables .... 1 35 1 85 51 William D. Baldwin, Superintendent of the Poor 15 95 15 95 54 O. G. Noble, Justices and Constables 3 20 3 20 55 \s iil ant H. .Parker. Supervisors 44 00 44 00 50 Chas. 21eDaniels, election expenses 10 04 10 04 57 Matthew Bender & Co., County Judge 13 30 (Disallowed) 58 Frank 13. Aiken, Supervisors 102 19 46 19 .59' Frank Teeter, general interest 5 00 2 50 60 C. S. Rumsey & Co., County Clerk's Building 1 35 1 35 61 W. C. Gallagher, Supervisors 67 53 67 53 TI -IE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. ].59 Purpose or No, Name. Nature of Claim. Claimed. Allowed, fit A. S. Cole, Superintendent of Highways 75 00 75 00 63 H. S. Hopkins, Justices and Constables 2 70 • 2 70 04 A. J. Conlou, Justices Find Constables 5 70 5 70 65 Wrn. Y. Harrington, Superintendent of the Poor 9 29 9 29 60 George .junior Republic, Private Reform School 336 57 336 57 67 Prank 10. liken, Supervisors 9 70 (Withdrawn) 65 Wm! 11-I. Parker, Supervisor 48 81• 18 81 69 Weed-i?arsons Printing Co., Election expenses 388 45 388 45 70 M. ID. Ratty, Supervisors 6 00 6 00 71 William H. Parker, Supervisors 36 45 36 45 72 Bert T. Baker, Supervisors 50 00 50 00 73 Empire St9Lo Housefurnishing Co., County Clerk Building 95 Surrogate Expenses .. 2 89 37 3 07 74 William :H. Parker, Supervisors 24 00 24 00 75 14. P. McGreevy; Supervisors 56 00 50 00 76 William H. Parker, Supervisors 48 00 43 110 77 13. 0'. Hazen, justices and Constables 4 50 1 56 78 Wiliiam H. Parker, Supervisors 32 00 32 00 79 Silas Hubbell, Supervisors 7 00 7 00 80 William H. Parker, Supervisors 7 00 7 00 81 Miles D. Lane, Supervisors 7 00 7 00 _82 'Montgomery Farling, Supervisors 7 00 7 00 55 Prank S. Yaples, Supervisors 7 00 7 00 84 A. F. Howard, Supervisors 7 00 7 00 ,I. Shaver, Jr., Supervisors 7 00 7 00 86 Harrison Thayer, Supervisors 7 00 7 06 87 E. R. Stillwell, Supervisors 7 00 7 00 88 L. H. Taber, Supervisors 7 00 7 00 89 Jamieson --McKinney Co., Court House ..0 4 05 . JaiI 70 15 Almshouse 1 00 County Clerk Build- ing 57 50 90. J. 13. Lang Engine R. Garage Co.. General interest 328 50 Jail 6 79, Almhouse 5 03 Court House - 67 133 00 . 133 00 40 89 40 89 ] 6O T'HE SUPERVISORS' PROCEFIINGS. Purpose or No. Name. Nature of Claim. Claimed. Allowed. 91 Adams & Squier, Commissioners of election ... 600 00 Commissioners' ex- penses .... 163 64 763 G4 763 64 -92 Forest City Printing Co., Election expenses.... 1721 62 1721 G2 93 The Weekly Ithacan, Election expenses 11 70 11 70 94 The Ithaca Journal. Election exp?nses 971 95 971 95 95 Norman C. Rayner Co., jail 40 00 '41) 00 96 Driscoll Pros. & Co.. Court House 2 47 2 47 97 L. E. Patterson, Supervisors 36 00 36 00 58 Frank A. Todd, Supervisors 54 67 54 67 .99 _'rank A. 105501, Supervisors 41 2S 41.2S 105 L. E. Patterson, Supervisors 24 00 24 00 101 Nelson E. Drown, Supervisors 24 00 24 00 102 John W. Preswick, Supervisors 2825 28,25 103 L. E. Patterson, Supervisors 32 00 32 00 104 Howard L. O'Da.niel, election expenses 2 00 2 00 105 John W. Preswick, Supervisors 30 24 30 24 100 Empire State 5:50usefnrnishing Co.. Commis- sioners of flection expenses 14 40 14 40 107 M. W. Dorton. Commissioners of Election ex- penses i3 50 6 50 105 John W. Preswick, Supervisors 39 50 39 90 109 Ithaca Commercial School, Commissioners of Election expenses 3 00 3 00. 110 T. G. Miller & Sons Paper Co., Commission - ens of Election expenses 21 31 21 31 111 Forest City Printing Co.. Commissioners of Election expenses 15 20 15.20 112 The Ithaca Journal. Commissioners of Election expenses 2 70 2.70 118 R. F. Chappuis, Supervisors 43 65 4:3 68 114 'r. G. Miller S Sons Paper Co.. Commissioners of Election expenses 3 75 3 75 11 Adams & Squier,.Commissioners of Election ex- penses ...................... 56 00 56.00 116 Frank 13. Dhivis, Supervisors 24 00 24 00 117 Fox _Bolden. Supervisors 52 91 52 91 118 M. D. Batty, Supervisors 51 95 51 95 1 1 9 S. R. Squier, Supervisors 64 00 64 00 120 E3. F. McAllaster, Supervisors .......... . . 36 25 36 25 122 George W- Frost, Supervisors 3 85, 3 85 122 Fox Holden, Supervisors 3 85 3 85 123 George W. Frost„ Supervisors 50 50 50 50 TI -IE SUPEIRVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Purpose or 161. No. Name. Nature of Claim. Claimed. Allowed. 124 H. D. Keyser, Supervisors 10 00 10 00 125 Nelson B. Bronze, Supervisors 31 72 34 72 320 I3. Frank. McAllastea', Supervisors 33 60 33 65 127 H. 10. Keyser, Supervisors 27 00 27 00 '128 J. B.•Lang Engine & Garage Co., Supervisors25 00 25. 00 129 George W. Frost, Supervisors 40 00 ,10 05 230 W. C. Gallagher, Supervisors 165 86 165 88 ' 131 Frank A. Todd, Supervisors 160 32 1.60 32 13`2 Frank A. Regent, Supervisors 181 16 181 16 133 Nelson B: Brown, Supervisors 150 97 150 07 139 John W. Preswick, Supervisors 162 12 162 12 135 R. P. McGreevy, Supervisors 165 80 165 80 136 L. E. Patterson, Supervisors 129 00 129 00 137 George W. Frost, Supervisors 128 00 128 00 138 Frank P. Davis, Supervisors128 00 128 00 139 Seth B. Squier, Supervisors 136 00 136 00 140 Fox Holden, Supervisors 167 79. 167 79 341 13. Frank McAllastev, Supervisors '160 27 180 97 142 AI, D. Batty, Supervisors 160 24 168 24 143 P. F. Chappuis, Supervisors 186 23 186 23 144 John W. Preswick, Supervisors 47 00 47 00 145 Drank B. Davis, Supervisors 108 00 108 00 140 The Ithaca Journal, Supervisors 81. 69 Supreme Court ((;ivil) 35 40 Plection expenses 81 90 County Court 8 30 County Treasurer 13 00 CountyJudge 13 50 Sheriff 28 42 County Clerk. 33 78 326 04 326 04 140 1-2 Forest City Printing Co., Election expenses 81 90 81 90 147 C. E. Thompson, Justices a.nd Constables 19 50 11 50 148 William Running, Justices and Constables 3 55 3 55 149 Dr. E. 13. Osterhout, Coroner's expenses 5 00 5 00 150 The Biggs Co., Almshouse 34 48 34 48 151 B. Frank McAlIester, Supervisors 28 84 28 84 102 W. L. Jenks, Court House 10 41 10 41 153 B. Frank McAllister, Supervisors 32 00 32 00 '154 W. C. Gallagher, Supervisors 90 75 90 75 155 W. O. Stubbs, County Clerk.Building 1 50 1 50 Total $15,236 48 162 THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Purpose or No. Name. Nature of Claim. Claimed. Allowed. Deduct --- Election printing paid by Towns ... $315 42 Syracuse Institution for Feeble Minded Children paid by Towns 120 00 735 42 Amount to be raised in County '[ax $14,501 06 THE SUPERVISORS' PIROCEEDINGS. TOWN AUDITS. TOWN Or CAROLINE, 168 County of Tompkins, Town of Caroline. We, the undersigned, the Board of. Town Auditors of said Town, do hereby certify: That the following is an abstract of the names' of all per- sons who have presented to said Board, accounts to be audited, the amounts claimed by each of said persons, and the amounts finally audited' lo- them respectively, to wit: Purpose or No. Name. Nature of Claim. Claimed. Allowed. 1 J. E. McGrath, ballot clerk, Dist. No. 1 _ $ 4 00 5 4 00 2 Leon Williams, ballot clerk, Dist. No. 1 4 00 4 00 3 Chas. M. Jones, poll clerk, Dist. No. 1 ... • 4 00 4 00 4 Chauncey Goodrich, pool clerk, Dist. No. 1 4 00 4 00 5 Lamont C. Snow, inspector, Dist. No. 1 20. 00 20 00 t; George Iaiddington, inspector, Dist. No. 1 20 00 20 00 7 John L. Docker, inspector, Dist. No. 1 20 04 20 00 0 Theodora Eighmey, inspector and' messenger Dist. No. 1 26 96 26 96 9 Robert Caveney,_ pall clerk, Dist. No. 3 4 00 4 00 10 C. A. Lull, poll clerk, Dist. Na. 3 4 00 4 00 11 F. C. Vorhis, ballot clerk, Dist. No. 3 4 00 4 00 12 D. M. White, ballot clerk, Dist. No. 3 4 00 4 00 1,3 Chas. M. Mulks, inspector, Dist. No. 3 20 00 20 00 14 W. T. Graham, inspector, Dist. No. 2 20 00 20 00 15 Samuel Lacy, inspector, Dist. No. 3 20 00 \ 20 00 16 Dewitt. F. Roe, inspector and messenger, Dis. •zoo. 3 26 15 26 15 17 L. H. Gallagher, inspector and messenger, Dist. No. 2 26 42 26 42 16 John Doane, inspector Dist.. No. 2 20 00 20 00 19 J. H. Best, inspector, Dist. No. 2 20 00 20 00 20 Charles II. Heath, inspector Dist. No. 2 20 00 20 00 21 M. H. Quick, poll clerk, Dist. -No. 2 4 00 4 00 22 Clinton W. Miilks, poll clerk, Dist. No. 2 4 00 4 00 23 Frank Pettigrove, ballot clerk, Dist. No, 2 4 00 4 00 24 Chas. L. Head,. ballot clerk, Dist. No. 2 4 00 4 00 25 Frank M. Bull, criminal fee, .I. P. 7 95 7 9G ]64 THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Purpose or No. ' -Name. Nature of Claim. Claimed. Allowed. 26' Ira Bogardus, interest on note 5 00 27 W. W. Conrad, copying assessment roll 8 00 28 W. W. Conrad, assessors fee 38 00 29 L. .A. Patch, overseer of poor fee 36 75 30 Chas, W.. Personius, assessors fee 34 00 31 Frank M. Bull, service bill, .1. P. 16 00 32 E. 11. Mitchell, service bill, .i. P 115 00 33 E. 'H. Card, hall rent 13 00 34 B. J. Silsbee, school director fee 6 50 35 Ira Bogardus, expense account 6 13 36 Frank S. Yaple, assessors fee 30 75 37 Myron E. Westfall, constable fee 2 55 38 F. A. Snow, service bill, J. P. 16 00 39 11. E. Brink, hall rent 13 00 40 Ithaca Journal, pub. 'highway notices 6 80 41 S. B. Landon, truant officer 25 00 42 Ithaca Journal, election supplies 31 00 43 Bert T. Baker, tax sale, description 2 00 44 Andrus & Church, assessment rolls 4 00 45 1J. \V. Griffin, constable fee 14 25 96 Ira Bogardus, services, town supt. 636 00 '47 A. 13. Brooks & Son, supplies for H. 1)., 6 55 48 W. C. Gallagher, highway services , 150 00 99 W. C. Gallagher, service hill, sup., 14 00 50 J. C. Bennett, town clerk service 100 02 51 Dr. C. II. Gallagher, H. O. school direct. and V. S. 89 05 52 1. P. Lockwood, M. D., lunacy corn. and Vit. St. 10 55 Pd, by Supt. Resolution Town Board. 53 J. C. Bennett, reg. vital statistics 54 J. C. Bennett, town clerk highway service 5 00 8 00 38 00 36 75 34 00 16 D0 16 00 13 00 6 50 G 13 30 75 2 55 1G 00 13 00 6 80 25 00 31 60 2 00 4 00 14 25 636 00 6 55 150 00 14 00 100 02 89 05 10 55 $1646 98 $1646 98 19 50 25 00 Stale of New York. . County of Tompkins, : se: Town of Caroline 'We, the undersigned, being a. majority of the Town Board of Audits of the Town of Caroline, N. Y., do hereby certify that the foregoing is a cor- rect list of accounts, which hare been audited by us, with the. amount claim- ed and the amount allowed. Dated, November 9, 1911. W. C. GALLAGHER., Supervisor, PRANK M. BUT.L, Justice of the Peace, E. H. MITCHELL, Justice of the Peace, F. A. SNOW, Justice of the Peace, T. C. BENNETT, Town Clerk. TELE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS.' TOWN OF DAN13Y. 165 Purpose or No. Name. • Nature of Claim, Claimed. Allowed, 1 H. J. Tuthill, inspector, Dist. No. 1 20 00 20 00 2 John Elyea, inspector, Dist. No. 1 20 00 20 00 3 Ernest Yaple, inspector, Dist. No. 1 20 00 20 00 4 E. J: Jennings, inspector and Messenger, Dist. No. 1 26 28 26 28 5 T. J. Hutchings, inspector, Dist. No. 2 20 00 20 00 6 Delos Weed, inspector, Dist. No. 2 20 00 20 DO 7 Arthur Snyder, inspector, Dist. No. 2 20 00 20 00 8 D. M. Kellog, insp. and messenger, Dist. No. 226 37 '26 37 9 Fred E: Parker, inspector, District No. 3 -20 00 20 00 10 Olin Larne, inspector, Dist, No. 3 20 00 20 00 11 Myron Wilcox, inspector, -Dist, No. 3 20 00 20 00 12 Jas. Reardon, inspect. and messinger, Dist. No. 3 2G 53 26 53 13 W. A. Howland, ballot 'clerk, Dist. No. 1 4 00 4 00 14 E. E. Countryman, ballot clerk, Dist. No.'1. 4 00 4 00 15 W. O. Smiley, poll clerk, Dist. No. 1 4 00 4 00 16 S. L. Kirkendall, poll clerk, Dist. No. 14 00 4 00 17 C. J. Weed, ballot clerk, Dist. No. 2 4 00 4 00 18 Dewitt Alliek, ballot clerk, Dist. No. 2 4 00 4 00 19 Everett Loomis, poll clerk, Dist. No. 2 4 00 4 00 20 H, F. Hutchings poll clerk, Dist. No. 2 4 00 4 00 21 C. F. ;Manley, ballot clerk, Dist. No. 3 4 00 4 00 22 W. L. Hotchkins, ballot clerk, Dist. No. 3 4 00 4 09 23 Claude J. Larne, poll clerk, Dist. No. 3 4 00 4 00 24 Olin Dorn, poll clerk, Dist. No. 3 4 00 4 00 25 Chas. L. Hail, ,digging soldier's (H. Longcoy) grave 4 00 4 00 26 Joseph Sehmaus, clothing for soldier's burial .suit 6 85 6 85 27 R. I3. Meaker, advanced payment to nurse care of Longcoy 18 00 18 00 28 It. E. Meaker, cleaning Longcoy House 2 00 2 00 29 Chas. L. Hall, burial plot for Harrison Longcoy 10 .00 .10 00 30 Dr. Ira A. Allen, commission in lunacy, Harrison Longeoy 16 80 10 00 31 Dr. C, F. Denman, • commission in lunacy, Hard son Longcoy 5 00 5 00 32 Dr. C. F. Denman, vital statistics 1. 75 1 75 33 Dr. Frank W. Allen, vital statictics .6 75 6 75 34 Dr. Frank W. Allen, health officer in lunacy ser- vice 14 00 14 00 166 THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Purpose or No. Name. , Nature of Claim. Claimed. Allowed. 35 Dr. Frank W. Allen, health officer 93 14 93 14 36 Dr. Thos. C. Washburn, medical service (Tripes) 85 00 73 00 37 Henry B. -Jennings, assessor 46 60 36 60. 35 Harrison Z. Thayer, assessor 38 10 30 60. 39 Geo. Morris, assessor 32 50 26 00 40 .A. J. Snyder, polling place, Dist. No. 2 10 00 10 00 41 Lewis Cummings, trustee, polling place, Dist. No. 3 10 00 10 00 42 Bert Baker, atty., description of property for Tax Sale 6 00 6 00 43 Andrus Sr. Chureb,assessment rolls 6 00 6 00 44 Ithaca Journal, printing 34 60 34 60 45 Frank Eastman, overseer poor, service 28 00 28 00 46 S. S. Bennett, school director. 7 00 7 00 .47 Clarence Van 1]ermark, erroneous assessment 1 00 1 00 48 Fred Van Etten, school director 7 00 7 00 49 .I. E. Dorn, ex -overseer of poor 11 50 11 50 50 R. B. Meaker, town clerk, vital statistics 24 00 24 00 51 Dr. H. C. Thatcher, vital statistics 1 50 1 50 52 R. B. Meaker, town clerk, postage and stationery 13 47 13 47 53 R. B. Meaker, mdse. 17 24 17 24 54 T, W. Slocum, justice of peace, criminal 3 50 . 3 50 55 T. W. Slocum, justice (Criminal) 8 75 8 75 56 F. A. Todd, percentage on monies disbursed $10810.87 at 1% 108 10 105 10 57 J. O. Miller, Supt., expense 34 20 32 00 58 J, O. Miller, service 503 75 503 75 59 F. A. Todd, Sup., service 35 00 35 00 60 II. S. Beardsley- & Son, vital statistics 7 75 7 75 61 O. H. Landon, constable 1 00 1 00 62 W. E. Logan, constable 12 00 12 00 63 John Wilson, constable 3 10 3 10 64 Olin Dorn, criminal justice of peace 1 85 1 85 65 Eugene Dorn, carting.for Town Hall 7 75 7 75 66 Eugene Dorn, criminal justice of peace 2 90 2 90 67 R. B. Meaker. service, town clerk 160 89 160 89 68 Chas. Cole, service, justice of the peace 21 92 ' 21 92 69 T. W. Slocum, service, justice of peace 26 96 26 96 70 Eugene Dorn, service, justice of peace 34 00 34 00 71 Olin Dorn, sei•cice, justice of peace 31 80 31 80 72 David M. Dean, atty., legal service 2 00 2 00 73 Robinson & Carpenter, cement 109 57 109 57 Total $1982 77, $1910 07 THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 167 Purpose or No. Name. Nature of Claim. Claimed. Allowed. We, the undersigned, comprising the Town Board of the Town of Dan- by do hereby certify that the above is a true abstract of the audits of the Town of Danby for the year 1211 as audited by said Board. Signed, E. A. TODD, Supervisor. 1t. 11. MEAKER, Totvn Clerk, EUGENE DORN, T. W. SLOCUM, OLIN A. DORN, C13AS. A. COLE, Justices. l: do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy of the original audits that are on file in my office. Signed, R. B. MEAKER, Town Clerk. ' TOWN OF DRYDEN, County of Tompkins, : ss. Town of Dryden To the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins. We, the undersigned, the Town Board of the Town of Dryden, do here- by certify that the following is an abstract of the mimes of all persons who have presented to said Board, accounts to be audited, the amounts claimed by each such person and the amounts finally audited by us respectively. Purpose or No. Nome. Nature of Claim. Claimed. Allowed, 1 Dewitt Calkins, house for election' $ 25 00 $ 25 00 2 Arthur Gerung, inspector and messenger 31 18 26 18 _ 3 William Becket, inspector 20 00 20 00 4 E. S. Burr, inspector and messenger 26 00 26 00 5 Clark Griffin, inspector 24 00 24 00 6. Ora Cornelius, poll clerk 8 00 8 00 168 THE SUPER -TSARS' PROCEEDINGS. Purpose or No. Naine. Nature. of Claim. Claimed. Allowed. 7' Stephen Snyder. inspector, town meeting 4 00 4 00 S Lcmi _Metzgar, inspector, town meeting 4 00• 4 00 9 Thomas English, poll clerk 4 00 4 00 10 Stephen Snyder, ballot clerk - 4 00 4 00 11 J. T. Morris, poll clerk S 00 S 00 12 Arthur Slights, inspector and messenger 27 06 27 00 13 Tra W. Reed, inspector 20 00 20 00 14 Ora Rhodes, inspector 20 00 20 00 15 Gen, B. Overacker, inspector 24 0024 00 15 .john Dart, inspector, ballot clerk 8 00 8 00 '17 Will Lombard, poll clerk and express 8 30 S 30 18 E. R. G�3ston, inspector and poll clerk 8 00 S 00 19 Nolan King, ballot clerk 4 0.0 4 00 20 Geo. E. Monroe, inspector 4 00 4 00 21 R. L. Weaver, inspector 4 00 4 00 22 C. 10. Green, inspector ,27 21 27 25 23 Chas. Tiurghardt, inspector 24. 25 21 25 '24 John Thomas. inspector 21 20 -25 21 25 M, D. Gruham, poll clerk 8 00 S 00 26 C. 13. Snyder, poll clerk 4 00 4 00 27 D. F. VanVleet, poll clerk 8 00 S 00 28 E. M. Sindwick, ballot clerk 4 00 4 00 99 J. D.' Ross, inspector and messenger 21 21 23 21 30 _l1. D. Graham, house for election 95 00 25 00 31 1. T. Brown. inspector and messenger 31 01 31 01. 32 F. L. Mastin, inspector 20 00 20 00 33 Lavern Dans, inspector 20 00 20 00 34 70. R. •Sutliff. inspector 1.0 00 16 00 35 L. N. Sutliff, inspector 10 00 10 00. 35 J. O. Robinson, poll clerk 8 00 8 00 37 1=Torace Williams, poll clerk 8 00 S 00 3S G. C. Sutliff, ballot clerk 4 00 4 00 39 J. S. Grocer, poll clerk 4 00 4 00 40 Larkin Smith, ballot clerk 4 00 4 00 41 M. H. Wa11?ice, house for election . 25 00 25 00 42 G. E. Goodrich, inspector and messenger 31 00 31 00 43 19d Colton, inspector for meeting 4 00 4 00 44 Geo. R. McKinney. incl>ectnr 20 00 20 00 45 Chas. 1). Griswold, inspector 20 00 20 00 45 11. G. Vunk, inspector 4 00 4 00 97 Leland Burch inspector 24 00 24 00 - 48 Leroy Trapp, poli clerk 4 00 4 00 49 J. W. Colwell, ballot clerk 4 00 4 00 50 Geo. S. -Wheeler, poll clerk 4 00 4 00 11 Ward McClintock, ballot' clerk 4 00 4 00 52 W. A. Muncey, po11 clerk 4 00 4 00 THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. • 169 Purpose or No. Name. $ature of Claim. Claimed. Allowed. • • 53 Chas. Gii•er,s, poIi clerk 4 00 - 4 00 04 M. D. Graham, house for election 25 00 25 00 55 J. E. Ovit,tt, village •clerk, house for election16 00 16 50 56 71. L. Stanton. inspector and messenger 26 62 26 62 57 W. J. Shaver, ,Ir., poll clerk 8 00 8 00 58 Perry Hanshao, inspector and messenger, asg. , Geo. Cole 6 00 6 00 59 Fred 1:. Mineah inspector 4 00 4 00 60 B. F. Monroe, ballot clerk 4 00 4 00 61 Carl Mott, inspector clerk 20 00 20 00 1112 Frank Vanhoon, poll clerk 8 00 8 00 63 L. J. Cady, inspector 20 00 20 00 64 E. F. Dayton, ballot clerk 4 00 4 00 05 F. H. Tichenor, inspector 4 00 4 00 66 W, R. ?ieill, inspector 20 OO 20 00 67 A. C. Stine, house for election and other pur- poses 17 50 17 50 68 F, 10. Darling, town clerk 370 99 1.70 99 , 69 13, L. Robinson, vital statistics 75 . 75 70 W. B. Strong, ex -town superintendent 91 25 91 25 71 Andrus & Church, assessment books 9 50 9 50 72 Ithaca Journal, printing 1 88 1 88 73. Williamson Law Book Co., blank and book 14 84 14 84 79 Horner Genung, health officer and vital statistics and contract. 133 12 133 12 75 John G. Monsey, mertition 3 00 3 00 76 John G. Munsey, town superintendent 765 84 765 84 77 1s. 7J. Branch, assessor 87 00 87 00 78 W. J. Sharer, Jr., assessor 81 80 81 80 79 A. A. Sager, assessor ' 78 00 78 00 80 R. B. Davidson, ex -assessor ' 9 00 9 00 81, W. Banning, constable 2 60 2 00 82 D. M. Ryan, contract and vital statistics 41 75 41 75 83 R. F. Chappuis, supervisor 27 28 27 28 84 W. C. I3rass, vital statistics 3 50 3 50 85 Geo. Stott, vital statistics 1 25 1 25 86 J. D. Ross, criminal bill 5 30 ' 5 30 '87 35. Snyder, overseer of poor ' 38 DO 38 00 88 J• J. Montgomery, contract vital statistics 39 25 39 25 89 J. D. Ross, service bill 11 35 ' 11 35 90 J. D. Ross, justice bill 35 00 35 00 91 Willard Shaver, service bill 20 00 20 00 92 13. S. Weyant, truant officer 5 00 5 00 93 P. L. Golden; truant officer 7 20 7 20 194 Aretus S. Fox, truant officer • 5 20 5 20 • 05 Paul Ewers, service bill 16 00 16 00 170 THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Purpose or No. Name. Nature of Claim. Claimed. Allowed. 96 G. E. Underwood, service bill 28 00 28 00 97 Andrew Baker, service bill 26 00 G 00 98 Chas. Coggswell, house for election 25 00 25 00 99 J. Beach, contract and statistics 28 92 28 92 100 G. L. Rood, contract and statistics 30 66 20 66 101 J. O. Hovc'ser, truant officer 2 40 2 40 102 Geo. W. Sutfin, overseer of poor 32 89 32 89 103 Geo. W. Sutfin constable 3 00 2 00 104 Stilwell & Ross, printing 163 95 .163 95 105 MI's. G. W. Gibson, house caucuss ......... 7 50 7 50 Total $2940 00 $2940 00 We hereby certify- that the foregoing -is a true and correct abstract of the Town Audits for the year 1911 for the Town of Dryden. R. F. CHAPPUIS, Supervisor. J. D. ROSS. WILLARI) SHAVER. PAUL EWERS. C. E. 1JNDERWOOD. F. E. DARLING, Town Clerk. TOWN OF ENFIELD. We, the undersigned Town Board of the Town of Enfield, do hereby certify that the following is an abstract of the names of all persons who have presented to the town Board accounts to be audited by said Board as a Board of Audits, the amounts claimed by each of said persons, and the amounts finally allowed by us, to wit: Purpose or No. Name. Nature of Claim. Claimed. Allowed. 1 Hall Bailey, water trough 3 00 3 00 2 Hiram Rockwell, school director 8 87. 8 87 3 Silas Hubbell, assessor and fence viewer 55 45 55 45 4 Dewitt Fowler, assessor 42 00 42 00 5 Nathan Rumsey, inspector 20 00 20 00 THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 171 Purpose or No. Name. Nature of Claim. Claimed: Allowed. 6 John Willis, inspector 20 00 20 00 7 Benjamin Fish, inspector 20 00 20 D0 8 II. 3). Bailey, inspector and messenger 20 88 26 88 9 Fred Jackson, poll clerk 4 00 4 00 10 Fred 13. Rumsey, p011 clerk 4 00 4 00 11 Will Cole, ballot clerk - 4 00 4 00 12 H. S. Bullard, ballot clerk 4 00 4 00 13 W. H. Smith, ex-supt., service bill "10 00 10 00 14 W. 11. Smith, 1% on monies 160 99 160 99 15 W. H. Smith, water trough 3 00 3 00 16 Chas. Wright, hall rent 25 00 25 00 17 County Clerk, rec'd Russe] deed 90 90 18 James Caywood, assessor 36 00 36 00 19 E. S. Bagley, water trough 3 0D 3 00 20 Bert %ager, tax search Rogers 1 00 1 00 21 AV. V. Rumsey, vita.l.statistics 17 75 17 75 22 Chas. Houghtaling, blank supplies 6 30 6 30 23 Frank Teeter, attendance off. 24 00 24 00 24 Ithaca Journal, printing 31 63 31 63 25 H. S. 13ullard, deputy justice 5 00 5 00 26 H. S. Bullard, deputy justice 5 00 5 00 26 H. S. Bullard, citizen member 2 00 2 00 27 R. M. David, 14I. D., services, Mrs. Wright, 4 75 4 75 28 R. M. David, M. D., services, Mrs. Jackson 16 50 16 50 29 R. M. David, M. D., vital statistics 3 00 3 00 30 Minor McDaniels, M. 13., services, Jackson 3 75 3 75 31 Minor McDaniels, M. D., health officer and etc. 27 00 27 00 32 Minor McDaniels, M. D., vital statistics 2 75 2 75 33 Minor McDaniels,, M. D., services, Marion 10 00 10 00 34 Minor McDaniels, M. D., services, Marge. Chase. 5 00 5 00 35 Chas. 'Wright, supplies, Mrs. Wright 18 00 18 00 36 Wm. Tucker, overseer, service hill 14 00 14 00 37 Will Jones, Jr., services, Mrs. Jackson 25 00 25 00 38 'James Warren, erroneous tax 23 58 23 58 39 City of Ithaca, Ezra 13agley and family 21 50 21 50 40 Jason Jones, school director 6 50 6 50 41 H. A. Rockwell, town superintendent 11 25 11. 25• 42 James L. Baker, professional services 52 50 62 50 43 W. V. Rumsey, town clerk 141 75 101 75 44 J. J. Johnson, justice 29 00 29 00 45 R. V. Egbert, justice 29 00 29 00 46 L. S. Teeter, justice 12 00 12 00 47 Wm. Humiston, justice 29 00 29 00 48 N. B. Brown, supt. fees and services 78 40 78 40 49 Frank Lanning, suet. expense 11 46 11 46 172 T1 -I1; SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 50 Frank Lanning, supt., service bill 433 75 433 75 Total $1505 21 $1505 21 In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands this 24 day of November, 1911. N. B. BROWN, Supervisor, R. V. EGl3ERT, Justice. JOHN J. JOHNSON, Justice. L. S. TEETER, Justice. W. V. RU\ISEi, Town Clerk. ' TOWN OF GROTON. We, the undersigned members of the Tori). Board of the Town of Groton, do hereby certify that the following is an abstract of the names of all persons Who have presented to said Board accounts to be audited, the amounts claimed by.sueh person and the amount finally audited by' the said Board respectfully to wit: Purpose or No. -Name. Nature of Claim. Clnimet7. Allowed. 1 F. A. Regent, tow board $ 12 00 $ 12 00 2 H. S. Hopkins, town board 16 00 16 00 3 G. H. Halsey, town board , 18 00 , 18 00 4 J. M. 51ontfot't, town board 22 00 ' 22 00 5 :Newton Baldwin, town board, etc., 26 25 26 25 6 J. W. Jones, service and percentage 49 S7 49 ST 7 J, W. Jones, service as supervisor 16 50 16 50 8 F, ,A, 13egent, supervisors' percentage 130 53 130 53 9 F, A. Regent. paid bill for opening safe 12 00 12 00 10 F. A. l3rgent, for monthly auditing Road Bills 54 00 54 00 11 A. Landon, town board .iii miscellaneous 5; 57 57 57 12 A. F. Howard, assessor, Dist. No. 3 55 33 55 35 13 H. E. Stevens, assessor, Dist. No. 2 68 00 68 00 14 H. B. Stevens, copying assessment hook 10 00 10 .00 15 J. M. Hyde, assessor, Dist. No. 1 49 38 49 35 1.6 .Andrus & Church, assessment rolls • 4 00 4 00 10 Frank Upson, inspector, etc., Dist. No. 1 33 09 28 09 18 Eugene Cook, inspector, etc., Dist, No. 1 26 00 21 00 7.9 Delbert Howe, inspector, Dist, No. 1 25 00 20 00 THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 173 Purpose or No. ' Name. Nature of Claim. 'Claimed. Allowed. 20 Garfield Holden, inspector, etc., Dist. No. 1. 27 00 22 00 21 N. L. Metzgor, ballot clerk, Dist. No. 1 5 00 4 00 22 M. G. Torben, ballot clerk, Dist. No. 1 5 00 4 00 23 E. G. Metzgar, poll clerk, Dist. No. I. 5 00 4 00 24 W. 13. Bulkley, poll clerk, Dist. No. 1 5 00 4 00 25 W. C. Allen, rent of hall, Dist. No. 1 15 00 15 00 + 26 \V. C. Allen, storage of booths and- boxes, Dist. V No. 1 3 00 3 00 27 W. C. Allen, storage of voting machine, Dist. No. 1 3 00 3 00 28 C. B. Tarbell, inspector and messenger, Dist. No. 2 28 72 26 72 29 P. J. Sovocool, inspector aril messenger, Dist. No. 2 20 00 20 00 30 Lyman Halladay, inspector and messenger, Dist. No. 2 25 00 20 00 31 J. K. Pickens, inspector and messenger, Dist. No. 2 22 00 20 00 32 George Stark, ballot clerk, Dist. No. 2 4 00 4 00 33 M. D. Montfort, ballot clerk, Dist. No. 2 4 00 4 00 34 S. W. Pennoyer, poll clerk, Dist. No. 2 4 00 4 00 35 H. B. Stevens, poll clerk, Dist. No. 2 4 00 4 00 36 G. M. Stoddard, rent of hall, Dist. No. 2 32 90 32 90 37 Dana. Sovocool, boil clerk, 1910, Dist. No. 2 6 00 9 00 28 L. D. Townley, inspector, 1910, Dist. No. 2 14 00 14 00 89 E. W. Kostenhader, inspector and messenger, Dist. No. 3 33 28 27 78 40 Wan. Wells, inspector, Dist. No..3 26 00 20 50 41 M, C. Howe, inspector, Dist. No. 3 26 00 20 50 42 Dana Rhodes, inspector, Dist., No. 3 25 00 20 50 43 11. B. Shaw, poll clerk, Dist. No. 3 fa 00 4 37 44 M. H. W trhitanan, poll clerk, Dist. No. 3 6 00 4 37 45 Flishat Fields, ballot clerk, Dist, No. 3 4 00 4 00 46 A. S. Beach, ballot clerk, Dist. No. 3 4 00 4 00 • 47 J. R. Conklin, ballot clerk, town meeting 6 00 6 00 48 A. S. Tanner, labor on 'booths, town meeting 2 00 2 50 49 T. B. Hopkins, labor on booths, town meeting 2 50 2 50 30 Jay Hnnt, labor on booths, Dists. Nos. 2 and 3 3 75 2 50 51. Charles Hyde, labor on booths, Dists. Nos. 2 and 3, etc 12 75 11 50 52 E. W. Iiostenbader,treasurer, rent of hall for 2 years, Dist. No. 3 110 00 100 00 53 E. G. Reniff, inspector, messenger and ballot - clerk, town meeting, Dist. No. 4- 33 48 33 48 54 D. N. Morgan, inspector, Dist. No. 4 20 00 20 00 55 J. 73. Hart, inspector, Dist. No. 4 20 00 20 00 • 174 THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, Purpose or No. Name. Nature of Claim. Claimed. Allowed. 56 M. C. Keenan, inspector and messenger, Dist, No. 4 22 00 22 00 57 F. L. Ogden, ballot clerk, Dist. No. 4 4 00 - 4 00 58 F. O. Slater, ballot clerk, Dist. No. 4 4 00 4 00 59 W. D. Crittennen (Asad, to F. H. Mariele), poll clerk, Dist. No. 4 4 00 4 00 60 G. B. Sickmon, poll clerk, Dist. No. 4 4 00 4 00 01 H. T. Davidson, rent of room for tuberculosis exhibit, Dist. No. 4 3 00 3 00 62 Ed Mote, rent of hall, Dist. No. 4 15 00 15 00 63 Newton Baldwin, vital stoListics and booths ,9 50 9 50 64 A. M. Baldwin, rent of town clerk's office to January 1, 1912 43 00 48 00 65 H. S. Hopkins, assault, Loon Bushnell, 6 45 6' 45 66 H. S. Hopkins, trial, John Sullivan 3 05 3 05 67 11. S. Hopkins, People vs, C. W. House 3 20 3 20 68 B. H. Wager (constable), case of John Sullivan 8 05 8 05 69 B. H. Wager (constable), case of Clarence Head 9 60 9-60 70 A. Landon, vital statistics 37 25 37 25 71 R. C. Tarbell, vital statistics 28 75 28 75 72 G. sr..Gilchrist, vital statistics 25 25 25 25 73 A. M. Baldwin, vital statistics 2 00 2 00 74 B. L. Robinson, vital statistics 1 25 1 25 75 11. Genung, vital statistics 75 75 76 Rev. C. L. Myers, vital statistics 75 75 • 77 Rev. W. A. Smith, vital statistics 1 00 1 00 78 C. A. Boyce, vital statistics ann attending poor 67 25 67 25 79 N. A. Collings, fumigating supplies 8 80 8 80 80 T. M. Montfort, supplies for poor 1 50 1 50 81 G. E. Albon, health officer 120 70 120 70 82 Alvin Booth, casket for M. ]3rando and fumi- gating 27 50 27 50 83 W. H. Burnham, poor master 34 00 34 00 84 Hewitt Allen Co., supplies for poor 32 26 32 26 35 F. C. Atwood, supplies for poor 44 74 44 74 86 C. W. Conger Co., supplies for poor 14 22 14 22 87 S. C. Gooding, supplies for poor 62 19 62 19 X88 F. Demmon, burial of Tompkins 60 00 25 00 89 McKinley & Landon, supplies for poor 7 56 7 56 90 F. 11. Maricle, supplies for poor 19 71 19 71 91 C. 51. Dutcher, supt. roads, service bill for Nov 1910 78 90 78 90 92 C. M. Dutcher, supt. roads, service bill for Dec, 1910 76 20 76 20 93 C. 51. Dutcher, supt roads, service bill for Jan, 1911. 56 20 56 20 THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 175 Purpose or No. Name. Nature of Claim. Claimed. Allowed. 99 C. M. Dutcher, supt. roads, service bill for Feb, 1911 3S 50 ' 38 50 95 C. M. Dutcher, sunt. roads, service bill for Mar„ 1911 71 80 71 80 96 C. M. Dutcher, supt roads, service bill for April, 1911 81 50 81 50 97 C. M. Dutcher, supt roads, service bill for May, 1911 105 30 105 30 98 C. M. Dutcher, supt. roads, service bill for June, 1911 107 00 • 107 00 99 C. M. Dutcher, supt. roads, service bill for July, 1911 108 00 108 00 100 C. 11I. Dutcher, supt. roads, service bill for Aug, 1911 • 106 50 , 106 50 101 C. M. Dutcher, sum roads, service bill for Sept, 1911 97 60 97 60 102 C. M. Dutcher, supt roads, service bill for Oct, 1911 99 35 99 35 103 A. Landon, office expense 6 99 6 99 104 F. B. Harris, telephoning for road supt. 12 45 12 45 105 L. J. Townley & Sons, printing and envelopes 59 85 59 85 106 R. C. 'Tarbell, school director 8 00 8 00 107 W. C. Allen,. school director 6 80 6 SO 108 F. C. Atwater, formaldehyde 40 40 109 F. C. Atwater, stationery for town clerk 60 60 110 F. L. Tarbell, truant officer 30 00 30 00 111 Henry Bradt, rebate on dog tax 5 00 5 00 112 Jas. Waterman, broken auto spring 6 00 6 00 Total $305G 85 In witness whereof we have hereunto subscribed our names this 10th day of November, 191I. F. A. 'REGENT, Supervisor. ASHBEL LANDON, Town Clerk. J. M. MONTFORD, Justice of Peace. NEWTON IBALDWIN, Justice of Peace. GRANT H. HALSEY, Justice of. Peace. 176 THE suPEItvJsoRS' P1tOchT:EH1NGS. TOWN OF 1T1 I AC %. Abstract of the navies of all persons who presented accounts to be audited by the Board of Town =sudits of the Town of lthaca, with the amounts claimed and allowed. Purpose or No. Narne. Nature of Claire. Claimed. Allowed. 1 Herbert L. Raub, inspector $ 4 00 $ 4 00 2 Charles L. Morris, inspector 36 47 36 47 3 Howard McDaniels, inspector 25 00 25 00 4 Frank Ilanshaw, inspector 29 00 29 00 5 Earl Northrop, inspector 29 00 29 00 6 J. L. flogardus, inspector 4 00 4 00 7 Jake Wilcox, poll clerk 5 00 5 00 8 H. C. Smith, poll clerk 5 00 5 00 9 Harry Medclaugh, poll clerk 4 00 4 00 10 Daviel Raub, ballot clerk 4 00 4 00 11 Clyde Manning, ballot clerk 5 00 5 00 12 O. E. Westervelt, ballot clerk 9 00 9 00 13 A. W. Kline, services and disbursements 93 74 93 74 14 John W. Preswick, supervisor 39 10 39 10 15 Lewis O. Freese, inspector 31 32 31. 32 16 D. D. Fisher, inspector 5 00 5 00 17 Osman Shevaiier, inspector 29 00 29 00 18 W. 1. Smith, inspector 11 20 11 20 19 Everett Martin, inspector 9 00 9 00 20 L. W. Nelson, inspector 20 00 20 00 21. Charles Raleigh, polling place 30 00 30 00 22 Mrs. Nettie `ran Orman, polling place 30 00 30 00 23 J. W. Tourtellot, ballot clerk 4 00 40 0 24 A. J. Teeter, inspector 29 00 29 00 25 Elmer R. Shevalier, ballot clerk 5 00 5 00 26 H. S. Wright, poll clerk 5 00 5 00 27 Frecl E. Eddy, poll clerk 4 00 4 00 28 Edgar L. Andrews, poll clerk 5 00 5 00 29 Andrus & Church, assessment rolls 8 75 8 75 30 ,W. H. Lockerby,. health officer 27 00 27 00 31 Ithaca Journal, printing 75 95 75 95 32 Tompkins, Cobb S. Cobb, counsel 11 75 11 75 33 A. W. 'Kline, highway work 20 12 20 1.2 34 John W. Preswick, highway work 80 60 80 60 35 D. D. Fisher, justice of peace 28 00 28 00 36 L. F. Colegrove, justice of peace 49 75 49 75 37 Jake Wilcox, justice of peace ' 24 10 24 10 No TFIE SUPER V1SO. S' PROCEEDINGS. 177 Purpose or Name. Nature of Claim. Claimed. Allo -Wed. 38 Jake Wilcox, justice of peace 24 00 24 00 39 Bert T. Baker, legal service , 4 00 4 00 40 Dr. J. :Beach,' vital statistics 50 00 41 Dr. C. F. Denman, vital statistics 5 50 5 50 i 42 A. F. Van Gorder, attendance officer 42 15 42 15 43 A. F. Van Gorder, overseer of poor 18 52 15 62' 44 A. W. Kline, office rent 25 00 '25 00 I 45 E. H. Preswick, assessor 54 00 54 00 46 Theodore J. Baker, assessor 56 00 56 00 47 M. Farling, assessor 70 00 70 00 48. H. S. Wright, justice of peace 10 00 16 00 49 A. W. Kline, vital statistics 12 50 12 50 50 Emmet Oillow, assigned to overseer of poor 48 40 48 40 51 H. S. Wright, justice 1 25 1 25 52 Frank McPherson, town suet. 572 00 572 00 ' Total $1886.77 1886 77 We,.the undersigned, the Town Auditors of the Town of Ithaca, do.here- by certify that the above is a true and correct list of the accounts audited or rejected at the meeting of said Board of Audits, held Nov. 9,-1911. JOHN W. PRESWICK, Supervisor. H. S. WRIGHT, D. D. FISHER, JAKE 'WILCOX, Justices of the Peace. A. W. KLINE, Town Clerk. ' TOWN OF LANSING. To the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins: The following abstract of the names of all persons who have presented to the Board of Town Auditors of the Town of Lansing in said County, ac- counts to be audited during the year 1911, the amounts claimed by each of such persons, and the amounts finally audited by the said Board of town Auditors, is herewith submitted, pursuant to the Statute, to wit: Purpose or No. Name. Nature of Claim. CIaimed. Allowed. 1 Sibley Drake, inspector of election, Dist. No, 1. 25 00 2 E. E. Ludlow, inspector of election, Dist. No..1 . 25 00 20 00 20 00 178 TILE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Purpose or No. Name. Nature of Claim, Claimed. Allowed. 3 G. B. Smith, inspector of election, Dist. No. 1 • 25 00 20 00 • 4 Walter \Veazey, inspector and messenger, Dist No. 1 23 12 24 12 5 Howard Mosher, poll clerk, Dist. No. 1 5 00 4 00 6 C. E. Townsend, poll clerk, Dist. No. 1 5 00 4 00 7 'O. M. Holden, ballot clerk, Dist. No. 1 5 00 4 00 3 C. B. Jefferson, ballot clerk, Dist. No. 1 5 00 4 00 9 Chas. Searles, inspector of elections, Dist. No. 2 20 00 20 00 10 Samuel Lane, inspector and messenger, Dist. No. 2 23 44 28 44 11 Alson Karn, inspector, Dist. No. 2 20 00 20 00 12 Chas. Hobdell, inspector, Dist. No. 2 20 00 20 00 13 M. H. DeCamp, poll clerk, Dist. No, 2 4 00 4 00 14 Blank. 15 Frank Moran, ballot clerk, Dist. No. 2 4 00 4 00 16 Percy- Haring, ballot clerk, Dist. No, 2 4 00 4 00 17 Elmore Teeter, inspector of election, District. No. 3 25 00 20 00 18 Henry Tcrpening, inspector of election, Dist No. 3 25 00 20 00 19 John Farrell, inspector and messenger, Dist No. 3 20 56 21 56 20 Ernest Brown, inspector, Dist, No. 3 25 00 20 00 21 Geo. D. Labar, poll clerk, Dist. No. 3 5 00 4 00 22 Ralph Robinson, poll clerk, Dist. No. 3 5 00 4 00 23 Earl Teeter, ballot clerk, Dist. No. 3 5 00 4 00 24 Cary Dean, ballot clerk, Dist. No. 3 5 00 4 00 25 Frank Manning, inspector of election, Dist. No. 3 7 76 6 00 26 F. J. Woolley, inspector of election, Dist. No. 1 5 00 4 00 27 A. E. Brook & Son, 11. O. supplies 21 80 21 80 28 Dr. .1. Beach, vital statistics 50 50 29 Dr. G. M. Gilchrist, vital statistics 1 25 1 25 30 Orlando White, ex -super., services and postage 2 25 2 25 31 Dr. C. L. Swift, vital statistics 1 25 1 25 32 Bert T. Baker, 2 dese. for tax sale 2 00 2 00 33 Dr. T. L. Hatch, vital statistics 5 00 3 00 34 Andrus & Church, assessors books 10 75 10 75 35 Ithaca Journal, ptg. town meeting supplies 57 60 57 60 36 Ithaca Journal, ptg. bridge adv. 5 00 5 00 37 Ithaca Journal, printing 55 00 55 00 38 L. J. Townley & Sons, printing bridge adv. 4 61 4 61 39 Ithaca News, printing bridge adv. 5 00 5 00 40 Dr. W. G. Fish, vital statistics 5 25 5 25 41 'Dr. W. G. Fish, services, school director 4 75 4 75 42 Fox Holden, services, school director 6 00. 6 00 43 Dr. W. G. Fish, exam. in lunacy, Estella Parkin 13 30 13 30 THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 179 Purpose or No. Name. Nature of Claim. Claimed. Allowed. 44 Dr. W. G. Fish, prof. services, town poor 28 25 45 Dr. I. A. Allen, med. services, town poor 26 50 46 Dr, I. A. -Allen, vital statistics 9 50 47 Dr. I, A. Allen, II. 0. service bill 135 58 48 Dr. C. L, Swift, lunacy comm., B. Austin 5 60 49 Dr. C. L, Swift, med. services, town poor 39 OD 50 A. T. Sperry, mem, Board of Health, services 6 00 51 R. Miller, use of hall 35 00 52. W. A. Singer, coal, town poor 9 08 53 W. A. Singer, funeral ex., town poor 25 00 54 Laverne•Main, ex. J. P., service bill 6 00 85 Laverne Main, poor supplies 136 15 56 Palmer Bros., burial, town poor 50 00 57 O. M. English, overseer of poor, service bill 36 00 58 Dr. G. C. Sincerbeaux, med. services, town poor 19 70 59 Fred J. Barnes, assessor, services 50 00 60 Miles D. Lane, assossor, services 50 00 61 141. L. Ford, poor supplies 21 90 62 A. J. Conlon, affidavits ,in lunacy case 1 00 63 C. M. Eghert, poor supplies 72 00 64 Harry Herrick, use of hall" 20 00 65 C. H. Terpening, assessor, services 50 00 66 Willis R. Eghert, printing 1. 00 67 D. A. Tarbell, J, P. services 24 00 68 D. A. Tarbell, J. P., criminal bill 2 75 69 C. M. Buck, comm. highways, services 504 00 70 Fox Holden, super., services 68 00 71 C. O. Drake, poor supplies 3 00 72 Casper Fenner, J. P., services 22 00 73 A. J. Conlon, J. P., criminal bill 27 05 74 A. J. Conlon, J. P., service bill 26 00 75 Chas. Drake, J. P., service bill 16 00 76 Chas. D. Howell, postage, express, tele. chgs. 3 40 77 Charles D. Howell, reg. deaths 9 50 78 Chas. D. Howell, reg. births 13 00 79 Chas. D. Howell, town clerk, services 72 35 80 Chas. D. Howell, issuing burial permits 6 75 81 F. R. L. Wright, use of hall, care of booths 35 00 82 Dr. W. G. Fish, medical services, town poor 48 00 83 'Dr. W. G. Fish, H. 0., services 80 52 84 Townsend Bros., poor supplies 4 00 85 Townsend Bros., poor supplies 21 00 86 Nelson E. Lyon store, poor supplies 56 53 87 Nelson E. Lyon store, poor supplies 32 43 28 25 26 50 9 50 135 58 5 60 39 00 6 00 35 00 9 05 25 00 6 00 136 15 80 00 36 00 19 70 80 00 50 00 21 90 1 00 72 00 20 00 50 00 1 00 24 00 2 75 504 00 68 00 3 00 22 00 27 05 26 00 16 00 • 3 40 9 50 13 00 72 35 6 75 35 00 00 00 80 52 4 00 21 00 56 53 33 43 180 THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Purpose or No. Name. Nature of Claim. Claimed. Allowed. 85 Dr. I. A. Allen, damages to auto 43 42 00 00 Total $2909 12 $2364 94 We hereby certify that the above is a. true copy- of all accounts present • - ed to the Town Board of the Town of Lansing for audits and the amounts finally allowed by said Board on Noe. 9, 1911. CHAS, D. HOWELL, Town Clerk. FOX HOLDEN, Supervisor. CHARLES DRAKE, CASPER FENNER, Justices. TOWN OF NEWFIELD. We, the undersigned, the Town Board of the Tcro'n of _Newfield, do hereby certify that the following is an abstract of the names of all persons who have presented to said board, accounts to be audited, the amounts claimed by each of said persons, and the amounts finally- audited respective- ly, to wit: Dated, Newfield, Nov. 9, 1911. Purpose or No. Name. Nature of Claim. Claimed. Allowed. 1 A. R. Allen, inspector and messenger, Dist. No. 1 26 06 20 06 2 W. E. Bush, inspector, Dist. No. 1 20 00 20 00 3 W. P. Taber, inspector, Dist. No. 1 20 00 20 00 4 Wrn. Weatherell, inspector, Dist. No. 1 20 00 20 00 5 G. M. Keene, ballot clerk, Dist. No. 1 4 00 ' 4 00 6 Chas. Brown, ballot cleric, Dist. No. 1 4 00 4 00 7 C. B. Boice, poll clerk, Dist. No. 1 4 00 4 00 8 Estus Patterson, poll cldrk, Dist. No. 1 4 00 4 00 9 A. S. Brown, inspector, Dist. No. 2 • 20 00 20 00 10. Bert Drake, inspector and messenger, Dist. No. 2 ,26 72 26 72 31. Joseph Sponsta, inspector, Dist. No. 2 20 00 20 00 12 Joseph Novak, inspector, Dist_ No. 2 20 00 20 00 33 Watson McDaniels, poll clerk, Dist. No. 2 4 00 4 00 THE SUPERVISO.I:RS' PROCEEDINGS. 181 Purpose or No. Nance. Nature of Claim. Claimed. Allowed. 14 Fremont Brown, poll clerk, Dist. No. % 4 00 • 4 00 15 L. R. Van Zoll, ballot clerk, Dist. No. 9 4 00 4 00 16 E. D. Rockwell, ballot clerk, Dist. No. 2 4 00 4 00 1.7 Chas. Lacining, inspector and messenger, Dist. No. 3 20 04 • 20 04 18 Augustus Patterson, inspector, Dist. No. 3 20 00 20 00 19 Troland Tompkins, inspector, Dist. No. 3 20 DU 20 00 20 Allen Everhart, inspector, to fill vacancy, Dist. No. J 4 00 4 00 21 Bradford Royce, inspector, Dist. No. 3 76 00 16 00 22 Chas. MeDaniels, ballot clerk, Dist. No. 3 4 00 4 00 23 W. S. Hetherington, ballot. clerk. Dist. No. 34 00 4 00 •24 N. C. Cook, poll clerk, Dist. No, 3 4 00 4 00 25 E. E. Alexander, poll clerk, Dist. No. 3 4 D6 4 00 26 Marvin Grover, attendance officer 4 00 4 00 27 Dr. C. F. Swift. vital statistics 1 75 1 75 28 Ithaca ,Journal, printing town meeting supplies 46 00 46 60 29 Ithaca Journal. printing excise notice2 '00 2 00 30 w. A. Smith, 'vital statistics 13 75 13 75 31- Dr. W. A. Smith, school director, service bill 7 50 7 50 32 Andrus & Church, assessment roll and day book 0 50 6 80 33 S. D. Cook, agent, use of hall, town purposes 20 00 20 00 34 Roy Albright, school director, service bill 7 30 7 50 25 Puff''. and Dean, rent of room, tnwn purposes 10 00 10 00 30 W. A. Smith, medical attendance, town poor 49- 00 49 00 37 Dr. W. A. Smith, health officer, service hill 9 00 9 00 38 J. W. Deon, bonding commissioner ' S 00 8 60 39 A. H. Palmer, bonding commissioner 8 00 3 00 40 Dr. W. A. Smith, examination in lunacy , 00 5 00 • 41 A. D. Erocvn, rent o1: room, election 10 00 10 00 42 C. H. I3raivard, supplies for town poor 37 70 37 70 43 Chas. McDaniels, supplies for town poor 44 00 44 00 44 W. F. :King, M. D., vital statistics 1 00 1 00 45 A. D. :f Town, vital statistics- 25 23 46 Philip Westervelt, allow:.ince on wide tire; wagon 4 00 4 00 47 J. H. Payne, allowance nn wide tire wagon 1 92 1 92 48 Fred w. Payne, assessor, service bill 43 20 43 20 49 11. D. I1]akeslee, ;i.11owanee on wide tire wagon 1 75 1 75 50 L, H. Taber, assessor, service bill 48 00 48 60 51 S. S. l.umsey, assessor, service bill 44 00 44 00 02 Frank Bloosky, allowance on wide tire wagon 87 87 53 Albright Bros., allowance on wide tire wagon 12 00 12 00 54 Globe Tnsuranee Co., S. D. Cook, agent, incur. 28 00 28 00 55 Chas. McDaniels, town clerk, expense account 5 10 . 3 10 36 E. A. Curtis, allowance on wide tire, wagon 4 00 4 00 57 Chas. McDaniels, vital statistics- 13 23 13 20 182 THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Purpose or No. Name. Nature of Claim. Claimed, Allowed. 58 Chas. Boice, allowance on wide tire wagon 4 00 4 00 59 Aaron Poyer, allowance on wide tire wagon 3 06 3 06 60 Harry Horton, truant officer 71 30 11 30 61 Ithaca Children's Home, care of Chas. I:Iaskins 44 28 44 28 62 Chas. H. Payne, town supt., service bill 504 25 504 25 63 B. F. McAllaster, disbursing public school and town money 90 97 90 97 04 Robt..Alexander, justice criminal action 4 00 4 00 65 II. D. Blakeslee, truant officer 5 35 5 35, 66 Nelson Loveless, allowance on wide tire wagon 1 66 1 66 67 Chas. McDaniels, allowance under highway law 10 00 10 00 68 13. F. IticAllaster, allowance under highway law • 75 00 75 00 69 Robt. Alexander, justice criminal action 1 85 1 85 70 tv. A. Holman, allowance on wide. tire wagon 4 00 4 00 71 David Robb, M. D., vital statistics 1 75 1 75 72 F. H. Cook, vital statistics 50 50 73 Randolph Horton, legal services 10 00 10 00 74 Oscar Drake, allowance on wide tire wagon 1 92 1 92 75 Seymour Grover, overseer poor, service bill 22 00 22 00 76 Seymour Grover, deputy sheriff, service bill 10 30 10 3D 77 B. F. McAllaster, supervisor, service bill 31 50 31 50 78 Robt. Alexander, justice, service bill 28 00 28 00 79 Wm. H, Payne, justice, service bill 28 00 .28 00 80 A. D. Erown, justice, service bill 28 00 28 00 81. Douglass Carpenter, justice, service bill 26 00 26 00 S2 Chas. McDaniels, town clerk, service bill 92 50 92 50 83 Douglass Carpenter, vital statistics 25 25 Total $1846 60 $1846 GO B. F. MCALLASTER, Supervisor. CHAS. McDANIELS, Town Clerk. ROUT. ALEXANDER, Justice of Peace. A. D. BROWN, Justice of Peace. WM. FI. PAYNE, Justice of Peace. DOUGLASS CARPENTER, Justice of Peace THE SUPERVISOIRS' PROCEEDINGS. 18 i TOWN OF ULYSSES. Purpose or • No. Name. ' Nature of Claim. Claimed. Allowed. 1 O. G. Noble, justice, criminal service bill, as- ^ signed State Bankof Trumansburg 20 0a 20 65 2 F: J. Farrington, service bill, overseer poor 09 32 , 69 32 3 Philo B. Smith, service bill, assessor 5 00 5 00 4 Park Jones, ballot clerk, assigned First National Bank 4 00 4 00 5 Henry Williams justice of the peace, assigned ' First National Bank 6 00 G 00 6 Henry Williams, poll clerk, assigned First Na- tional Bank 4 00 4 00 12. B. Aiken, supervisor 13 55 13 55 S Syrene Foote, ballot clerk, assigned -State Bank of Trumansburg 4 00 4 00 9 Frank Miller, assessor 67 75, 67 75 10 O. C. Noble, justice, service bill, assigned State Bank of Trumansburg 20 50 20 50 11 O. G. Noble, justice, criminal bill, assigned State Bank of Trumansburg 15 40 15 40 12 Henry Williams, poll clerk, assigned State Bank of Trumansburg 4 00 4 00 13 Henry Williams, service bill, justice, assigned State Bank of Trumansburg 14 00 14 00 14 O. D. Creque, putting up booths 12 00 12 00 15 W. D. Smith, rent polling place50 00 50 00 10 A. H. Porter, service bill, overseer 8 00 8 00 17 F. 41. Stilwell, assessor 80 75 80 75 18 E. R. Williams, putting up booths' 14 00 14 00 19 C. S. Clapp, inspector 34 86 34 80 20 .11. S. Jeffers, ballot clerk . 4 00 4 00 21 Charles Rightmire, poll clerk 4 ,00 4 00 22 John Wets, ballot clerk 8 00 8 00 23 James Thompson, inspector 28 00 28 00 24 Joseph Carron, ballot clerk 2S 00 24 00 25 W. D. Halsey, -inspector 28 00 28 00 26 Williamson Law Book Co, supplies 1 00 1 00 27 Patrick Brown, digging grave 4 00 2 50 28 Robert Carberry, inspector 28 00 28 00 29 Charles Taylor, vital statistics 20 50 ' 20 50 20 O. G. Noble, service bill, assigned to State' Bank of Trumansburg' 8 50 8 50 31 W. I. Sherwood, inspector 28 00 28 00 184 THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Purpose or No. Name. Nature of Claim. . Claimed. Allowed. 32 ll. D. Batty, ballot clerk 4 00. 4 00 33 Samuel Riddle, service bill 12 00 12 00 34 John Chase, inspector and ballot clerk 8 00 8 00 35 Fred Pinckney, ballot clerk . 4 00 4 00 36 H. F. Smith, inspector 37 46 36 95 37 13. 1. Vann, ballot clerk ' 8 00 8 00 38 R. J. Hunt, poll clerk 9 00 8 00 39 F. E. Van Buskirk, inspector 30. 32 30 24 40 A. O. Pearsall, poll clerk 8 00 8 00 41 A. P. Osborn, inspector 35 12 35 12 42 Mrs. S. E. Van Order, use of house for assessors 2 00 2 00 43 John Young, ballot clerk 12 00 12 00 44 .F. W. Van Order, poll clerk 12 00 12 00 45 11. C. 'Mott, inspector 24 00 24 00 46 F. L. Harrison, inspector 28 00 28 00, 47 A. F. Allen, printing 133 14 133 '14 48 A. F. Allen, printing 7 70 7 70 43 A: F. Allen, printing 2 50 2 50 50 Jesse G. Corey, inspector 2S 00 25 00 51 Henry Williams, ballot clerk 4 00 ' 4 00 52 O. G. Noble, poll clerk 4, 00 , 4 00 53 Seneca Spicer, constable ' 48 50 48 30 54 Guy O. Hinman, poll clerk 4 00 4 00 55 M. T. Smith, poll clerk 4 00 4 00 56 George A. Hopkins, supplies , 7 52 7 52 57 D. G. Clark,, rent of polling place 50 00 50 00 58 Charles Taylor, town clerk, service bill 100 90 100 90 59 J. R. Brown, overseer poor, service bill 4 70 4 70 60 H. Al. Bouton, ballot clerk 8 00 • 8 00 61 O. G. Noble, service hill, assigned State Bank of Trumansburg 30 80 30 S0 62 Joseph Carron, ballot clerk-, assigned to Ray Batty 4 00 4 00 63 Ithaca Children's Home, care child 1.04 00 304 00 64 Charles Taylor, expense bill 15 85 15 85 65 D. H. Rightmyer, truant officer 24 00 24 00 66 George Chase, assessor 73 15 73 15 67 A. Chase, vital statistics 19 95 19 95 68 A. Chase, health officer 16 00 16 00 69 D. H. Rightmyer, rent of polling place 45 00 45 00 70 Peter O'Hara, service bill, town superintendent543 00 543 00 71 Isaac Holton, supplies 30 30 72 Charles E. Thompson, service bill, deputy sheriff 25 30 25 30 73 Henry Williams, service bill • 8 00 8 00 74 Fred N. Smith, service bill 32 00 32 00 75 D. 11. Rightmyer, service bill 30 00 30 00 THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS: 185 Purpose or No. Name. Nature of Claim. Claimed. Allowed, 76 J. M. Townsend,. medical services 5 00 5 00 77 A. Chase, medical services 5 00 5 00 78 O. G. Noble, service 'bill, assigned State Bank Trumansburg 24 00 24 00 70 R. 1.1,•Vose, medical servicucs, 1910 25 00 25 00 SO M. D. ]Batty, service bill 80 00 00 05 i 81 Will T. Vann, school director' 10 60 10 60 82 F. A. Ding, school director 10 60 10 GO Total $23.6 07 $2379 13 -We certify that the foregoing list of audits is a true; and correct list of the accounts audited by the Town Board of the Town of -Ulysses and of the' amounts at which the e rid accounts were audited and passed on November 9 and 10, 1911. CHAS. C. TAYLOR, Town Clerk. M. D. BATTY, Supervisor. O. 0. NOBLE, HENRY WILLIAMS, Justice of Peace. F. N. SMITH, Justice of Peace. D. H. RICHTMYER, Justice of Peace. 186 THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. REPORTS REPORT OF THE COUNTY TREASURER To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: As Treasurer of the County of Tompkins, I have the honor of submit- ting the following report of moneys received and disbursed by me since last report to Nov. 1, 1911. GENERAL. Receipts. Disbursements. Cash on hand last report $ 7295 72 $ Sale linoleum to I. H. McKinney 2 00 Interest from Ithaca Trust Co. 105 76 Interest on taxes 68 96 Tax fees 38 59 First National Bank of Dryden (notes) 3094 47 Tax sale advertising 97 24 Court fund fees 37 69 Redemption sale advertising 34 65 Receipts from Surrogate's Office 17 20 From rent of road roller 50 00 Fine, E. Rice, assault, 3rd 25 00 E. N. Carbin, City Ch. mege tax 2260 35 J. A. Preswick, Supr., Ithaca tax 191 29 Wheeler Smith, Super., mege tax 60 00 B. F. McAllister, Super., mege tax 45 29 Frank A. Todd, Super., mege tax 83 22 W. C. Gallagher, Super., mege tax 87 25 J. W. Jones, Super., mege tax • 106 61 R. F. Chappius, Super., mege tax 141 12 Orlando White, Super., mege tax 130 42 F. B. Aiken, Super., mege tax. 108 73' Repair Machy Co. roads 197 10 State comptroller, State tax 1547 77 State Treasurer, Sinking Fund 7317 70 Redemption advertising 158 17 Good Roads maintenance 2100 00 THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 187 Receipts. Disbursements. George Junior Republic 326 58 St. Ann's School 224 57 Monroe Co. penitentiary ' 593 05 Craig Colony 34 35 Distributing Super. proceedings 15 00 B. T. Baker, descriptions 22 00 R. G. Robinson, collecting road tax 15 00 E. A. Miller, to refund tax 8 96 C. R. Smith, to refund tax 10 GO Chas. Rumsey, damage to sheep 133 50 F. A. Cobb & J. P. Merrill, fence viewers 10 00 D. T, Leach, to refund tax 10 38 Syracuse Institution 150 00 Error in a check stub 05 HIGHWAY TNTEREST. Unexpired appropriation to Jan. 1, $ $ $ 1911 217 01. Appropriation for 1911 1100 00 Proceeds of Cayuga Heights Land Co., &, Newman & Blood checks 1070 93 1070 93 Interest on Good Roads pond to Feb. 1, 1911 .0 2, 1911 Interest on Good Itoa.ds bond to Aug, 1, 1911 2387 94 111)0 00 2300 00 Bahl nee in fund 87 94 INSU14ANCE. Appropriation $ 250 00 $ Expenditures (charged. to various buildings) 261 51. 'Deficit $ 11 51 1200 00 1100 00 188 THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. S 1 EII ISORS. Receipts. Disbursements. Budget $ 846 50 $ $ County audits 3948 77 $4795 27 Session work 1564 00 Mileage 63 04 Committee work 995 00 Traveling Expenses ',• 80 25 Tax rolls 369 73 Clerks and Assistants 31 00 Postage and stationery 413 04 Telephone 123 65 Furniture and fixtures. 142 49 Printing and distributing proceedings 552 83 Publishing notices 21 14 Publishing local session lacus 1 00 Counsel 310 00 Compensation 128 00 4795 27 CORONER. County audits $ 89 40 $ S Traveling expenses 12 00 Fees 30 70 Physicians 16 40 Expense of autopsies 30 00 Incidentals 30 89 40 COUNTY TREASURER. County audits $ 21 75 $ $ Budget 55 00 76 70 Staty., ptg., postage, etc. 76 76 76 75 ACADEMIC MONEY. State Check $ 304 61 $ State Check 231 87 State Check 128 92 THE SUPERVISORS' P.P.00EEDINGS. . 18:3 Receipts. Disbursements. State Check 64 66 State Check 17 35 State Check 200 15 State Check 27 51 State Chcek 15 28 State Check 9 00 Lewis Cummings, 'Treys., Danby, 2 12 50 W. I. Patchen, Treas., Danby, 9 5 00 F. N. Gilfillen, 'Ureas.; Danby, 13 7 75 L. A. Hill, Treas., Enfield, 2 5 03 S. S. Aiken, Treas., Enfield ' 4 00 R. 14. Updike, Treas., Ithaca, 1 7 98 S. R. Dean, Treas.,•Ithaca, 6 6 00 A. J. Mandeville, Treas., Ithaca, 9 2 00 B. 11. Fish, Treas., Newfield, 18 8 75 Bert Payne, Treas., Newfield, 8 10 0.l John Barber, Treas., Ulysses, 2 10 53 Wm. Gee, Tress., Ulysses, 13 10 06 M. E. Colegrove, Treas., Ulysses, 16 13 00 E. K. Johnson, Treas., City 202 01 J. Carlson, Treas, Danby, 5 7 75 1P. S. Judson, Treas, Danby, 8 6 00 Frank Cooper, Treas., Danby, 14 9 75 A. J. Platt, Treas., Danby, 16 10 00 M. E. Crutts, Treas., Dryden, 18 11 50 Mrs. W. W. Bell, Treas., Enfield, 11 6 00 H. Stevens, Treas., Groton, 11 6 00 T. H. Merlch, Treas., Groton, 20 17 00 Rupert Olney, Treas., Ithaca, 1 20 00 G. A. Ryan, Treas., Lansing, 9 3 40 B.' Counsel, Treas., Lansing, 10 7 48 A. Tarbell, Treas., Lansing, 19 9 75 Dec. 16 L. D. Palmer, Treas, Lansing, 20 6 00 Fred Floico, Treas., Newfield, 8 10 00 Sas Erway, Treas., Newfield, 20 10 01 L. J. Wheeler, Treas., Ulysses, 1 60 68 H. D. Atwater, Treas., Ulysses, 11 10 00 E. K. Johnson, Treas., City 38 55 Jan. 24 John Davis, Treas, Caroline, 17 5 90 F, O. Manning, Tens., Caroline, 19 9 00 J. B. Welch, Treas., Danby, 4 10 00 N, A. Ding, Treas., Dryden, 7 , 5 00 S. G. Slaughter, Treas., Dryden, 10 .. $ 75 A. B. Sager, Treas., Dryden, 14 6 00 Wm. Dickens, Treas., Dryden, 15 .... 10 75 C. B. Wager, Treas., Dryden, 20 8 00 190 THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Receipts. Disbursements. W. B. Schutt, Treas.; Dryden, 20 6 00 D. L. Hammond, Treas., Dryden, 26 12 00 Henry Bower, Treas., Lansing, 7 4 00 D. A. Tarbell, Treas., Lansing, 8 G 00 R. Counsel, Treas., Lansing, 10 12 52 Elmore Teeter, 'Teas„ Lansing, 15 15 40 Mrs. M. Barker, Treas., Ulysses, 3 10 00 Feb. 23 G. C. Eastman, Treas., Caroline, 6 6 04 Benj. IRightmyer, Treas., Dryden, 2 10 00 Will Stiffen, Treas., Dryden, 3 15 75 Mrs. R. Teeter, Treas, Groton, 10 4 93 Will Collins, Treas„ Groton, 21 9 98 Prank Upson, Treas., Groton, 22 . , 10 00 W. Cutter, Treas., Lansing, 21 8 00 Mar. 11 C. W. Court, Treas., Groton, 19 11 35 W. L. Davis, Treas., Lansing, 1 .. 6 ,00 May 29 Howard Orton, Treas., Caroline, 10 10 03 P. O. Manning, Treas., Caroline, 19 11 00 W. R. George, Teas., Dryden, 27. 77 23 Bert Vandemark, Treas., Lansing, 16 6 11 J. B. Terriel, Treas., Lansing, 17 10 00 John Barber, Treas., Ulysses, 2 ... ... 3 75 E. K. Johnson, Treas., City 82 03 E. E. Blackman, Treas., Dryden, 13 9 00 G: A. Ryan, Treas., Lansing, 9 13 32 M. E. Colegrove, Treas., Ulysses, 16 5 19 N. Cornell, Treas., Danby, 12 g 00 J. 13. McIntyre, Treas., Lansing, 13 9 28 F. T. Allen. Treas., Newfield, 9 9 00 RAILROAD SCHOOL TAXES„ L. V. R. R. school tax, Caroline, 12 - $ 43 95 $ L. V. R. 11. school tax; Dryden and Ithaca, 18 $ 79 30 D. M. White, Collector M. E. Crutts, Collector' INSANE. County Audits $ '17 00 $ $ Temporary care Lunacy Examinations 17 00 43 95 79 30 7 00 - 10 00 THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. HOSPITALS. 191 Receipts. Disbursements, County Audits 16 00 $ $ Ithaca City Hospital 16 00 16 00 COUNTY CLERK AS CLERK OF COURT. County audits $ 148 65 $ $ Publishing Court notices 28 26 Stationery 1 70 Cees 85 0$ Telephone $ 148 65 33 60 COUNTY CLERK AS REGISTER. County audits $ 433 76 $ i Budget 89 00 $ 522 76 Stationery 155 30 Fees 133 31 Postage 150 56 Telephone 33 60 Clerks and assistants 5 00 Bond premium _ 45 00 522 76 COUNTY CLERK BLDG. County audits $ 19 20 $ $ Insurance .4 58 75 Fuel and light 56 46 Budget 34 06 $ 168 41 Furniture 1 00 Janitor's Supplies 10 00 , Repairs . 8 20 Insurance 58 71 Light 32 86 Heat 23 60 Water 34 00 $ 168 41 County Clerk as Clerk or Court $ 891 10 County Clerk as Register 5946 76 192 THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. CO 0-11T. Receipts. Disbursements. Unexpired Appr., last report $0706 01 $ Appropriation for 1911 34300 00 37006 01 County Court Civil: Publishing notices 17 75 Stenographer's expense 2 25 County Court Criminal: Criers and attendants 232 00 • Witnesses 39 10 Board of Jurors 51 40 Trial Jurors 995 70 • Interpreter 15 00 Supreme Court Civil: Calendars 57 40 Criers and attendants 160 80 . Stenographers 116 61' Trial Jurors 1349 00 Witnesses 50 44 Supreme Court Criminal: Stenographer for Gr. Jury Interpreter Criers and attendants Board of Jurors Witnesses Trial Jurors Grand Jurors 4342 74 $2663 27 Charged in• Sheriff accounts 126 50 Balance in fund 32536 77 COURT HOUSE. County audits 3 75 88 $ $ • General fund 31 47 Birciget 34 86 insurance 30 00 Fuel and light 208 13 Repairs Furniture 136 55 10 00 81 50 28 00 101 64 31 90 865 70 56 15 51 20 THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 19 Recalpts. Disbursements. Light 20 18 Heat 187 95 ,1nsurance 30 00 Water 34 86 $ 380 34 ELECTION'S. County audits $7934 33 By towns 736 02 Budget 28 91 $2609 26 Compensation and mileage of Board of canvassers $ 202 02 Services in Election work 49 06 Publishing notices 489 60 'Publishing list of nominations 260 00 Printing ballots 448 50 Stationery 394 05 Postage 31 72 Town clerks 28 01 Canvas 8 00 $2002 4.6 Balance in fund 696 50 TAIL. Budget $ 107 14 $ $ County audits 246 42 Fuel and light 541 08 Insurance 58 76 $ 953 40 Cooking utensils $ 52 .55 ' Repairs 92 32 Janitor supplies 33 50 Furniture 86 55 Insurance 58 76 Light 132 53 Heat 408 55 _ Water 88 64 953 40 194 THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Receipts. Disbursements. SAIL INMATES. • County audits $ 861 85 $ Physician and medicine :Board • $ 861 85 EDUCATIONAL NOTICES. $ 68 00 793 85 County audits $ 1S 16 $ Publishing scholarship notices 18 16 COUNTY JUDGE AND SURRO- GATE'S OFFICE. 18 16 County audits 8 410 45 $ $ Stationery 147 25 Telephone 67 20 Furniture 196 00 $ 410 45 DISTRICT ATTORNEY. County audits $ 37 43 $ Stationery Traveling Expenses 37 43 ALMSHOUSE. Budget $ 11 87 $ County audits 984 58 Superintendent of Poor 1236 89 2 54 . 34 89 $2233 34 Repairs 1 $ 1031 45 Farm and stock maintenance 326 16 Light 141 00 Heat 983 30 Farm Tools 114 85 Kitchen Utensils 22 53 Insurance 114 00 $2233 34 THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. ]95 Receipts. Disbursements. ALMSHOUSE INMATES. Superintendent of Poor $2981 82 $ Employers $ 332 64 Farm labor 557 50 Tobacco .18 00 Food 1099 55 Clothing 197 51 Physician and medicines 154 95 Disenfectants 121 67 $2481 82 OUTSIDE RELIEF. Superintendent of Poor $ 997 41 $ , Food $ 416 10 Fuel 121 87 Physician and medicines 353 32 Transportation 36 23 Attorney fees 16 20 School books 7 31 Clothing 44 88 Services of Overseers of Poor 1 50 -$ 997 41 SUPERINTENDENTS OT' POOR. Superintendents of Poor $ 70 85 $ $ Traveling expenses $ 43 08 Telephone 20 65 Printing, postage, etc 7 12 70 85 Supt. of Poor Appropriation $ X707 67 Total expenditures 4786 97 Balance in fund $ 920 70 SHERIFF. County audits $2152 33 $ $ Court 126 50 Fuel and light 80 35 $2359 18 1 196 THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Receipts. Disbursements. Fees $ 1226 25 Services 514.00 Publishing notices 5 00 Telephone and telegraph 68 98 Fees of Deputies 54 00 Traveling Expense 305 60 Under Sheriff and assistants , 105 00 Light 80 35 $2359 18 JTJSTICES AND CONSTABLES. Count- audits $ 163 32 $ $ Interpreters' fees 163 22 $ 30 00 County Supt. of Highways 133 32 County Audits $ 319 35 - $ $ Traveling expense $ 300 00 Printing, postage, etc. 19 35 $ 319 35 $ $ SOLDIERS BURIED AND TOMB- STONES. _Appropriation $1444 00 $ J. 35. Storms, stone for Henry Coe $ 15 00 C. Davis, burial, O. Brooks 50 00 Haywood & Baldwin, stone, G. . L Waggoner 15 00 E. T. Stewart, burial, M. A. Dock- stader 50 00 A. Booth. burial D. Dowman 50 00 F. D. Gilbert, burial D. H. Ostrander 50 00 F. D. Gilbert, burial W. B. Wolcott50 00 F.'D. Gilbert, burial J. H. Jones .. 50 00 J'. PL Comings, burial B. Moore 50 00 J. R. Comings, burial R. Updike 50 00 J. R. Comings, burial A. J. Coe 50 00 F. D. Gilbert, burial Lizetta Leonard 50 00 E."P. Wright, stone for S. D. Mosher: 15 00 A. Booth, burial C. B. Clark 50 00 N. Baldwin, burial .1. Grittenberger50 00 C. N. Baldwin, burial L. C. Stevens50 00 J. R. Comings, burial T. M. Redding50 00 C. T. Davis; burial D. W. Appleby 50 00 J. 13. Storms, stone for J. Coe 15 00 THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. J. II. Comings, burial 16. E. Potter' J. R: Comings, burial W. Lyon J. 11. Comings, burial J. D. Baker Chas. Van Marter, stone for E. C Kellogg Williams & Bower, stones, Appleby and Ostrander A. Booth, burial S. Mosher F. D. Gilbert, burial M. E. Graves- C. L. Davis, burial Mrs. M. Thurston L. Davis, burial John Davis C. L. Davis, burial Wm. Dickson F. D. Gilbert, burial E. Loveless - .. J. P. Shea,- burial Estmer Pierce ... $1355 06 Balance on hand 89 00 SCHOOL MONEY. 197 Receipts. Disbursements. State checks $ $ 351.75 00 $ 50 04 50 00 50 00 15 00 30 00 50 04 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 B. F. 14IcA11aster, Super. 3600 00 F. A. Todd, Super, 2725 00 M. D. Batty, Super. 1125 00 J. W. Preswielc, Super, 2575 00 Fox Holden, Soper. 3625 00 E. K: Johnson, Treas. 7825 00 F. A. Begent, Super. 3600 00 W. C. Gallagher, Super. 2950 00 1.H. F. Chappuis, Super. 3175 00 N. B. Brown, Super. 1975 00 BANK TAX. Received from banks $ F. B. Aiken, Super. L. J. -Wheeler, Treas. Village of Trumansburg T. D. Holman, Treas. School Board of Truma.nsburg E. N. Corbin, City Chamberlain E. N. Corbin, City Chamberlain .T. W. Jones, Super, Treas. Village of , Groton '.['reas. School Board of Groton $ 9289 09 $ 273 19 132 27 158 78 528 32 3846 84 854 37 775 59 558 59 198 THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Receipts. Disbursements. R. F. Chappuis, Super. 121 79 Treasurer Village of Dryden 153 18 Treasurer School Board of Dryden 10'0 92 E. K. Johnson, Treas. City Sch. Bd1690 51 R. G. Robinson 92 80 HIGHWAY MONEY. State check $ $ 17741 12 $ Frank Begent, Super. ... $ 2700 00 W. C. Gallagher, Super. 1865 93 F. A. Todd, Super. 1800 00 R. F. Chappius, Super. 3360 00 N. B. Brown, Super. 1120 00 J. W. Preswick, Super. 1200 00 Fox Holden, Super. 1668 00 B. F. Mc lllaster, Super. 2200 00 N. T. Ratty, Super. 1827 19 COUNTY HIGHWAY -926. Rights of way County drafts from State CITY OF ITIHACA. $ 843 33 3094 47 State tax $- 702 07 $ $ County tax 19500 16 Support of Poor at Almshouse 1927 80 Election printing 246 22 Distributing proceedings 15 09 Tax sale descriptions 22 00 For collecting returned tax 15 00 E. A. Miller to refund tax 8 96 D. G. Leach to refund tax 10 38 C. R. Smith to refund tax 10 60 Chas. Rumsey, damage to sheep 133 50 1'. A, Cobb and J. P. Merrill, fence viewers 10 00 1910 Surplus 399 67 Total $23001 36 Cash from City Chamberlain $22232 46 $ 22232 46 $ n Taxes paid County Treasurer 605 13 605 13 Returned taxes 103 77 $23001 36 $ 22232 46 $ r THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Due City last report $ 217 i 3 Surplus on 1910 roll 399 67 $ 716 80 Returned 1910 taX 103 77 County owes City $ 613 03 199 Receipts. Disbursements. TOWN OF CAROLINE., State tax $ 60 36 $ County tax / 1676 60 Maintenance road -483 200 00 Support of Almhouse Poor 89 32 Returned tax 1 18 Election 48 64 School Commissioner 24 70 $2100 80 . Cash from collector 81267 27 $ 1267 27 $ Taxes paid County Treasurer 795 73 795 73 Returned taxes 37 80 $2100 80 Returned taxes paid County Treas$ 37 79 $ 37 79 $ Errors found by Auditor and paid by Collector 28 55 28 56 $ 66 34 Taxes returned 37 80 County owes Town $ 28 54 TOWN OF DA NFJY. State tax $ 58 50 . $ 8 County tax 1625 01 Support of Almshouse Poor 92 25 EIection printing 45 14 School Commissioner 32 83 Returned school tux 1 40 $1855 13 Cash from Collector $1127 41 $ 1127 41. $ Taxes paid County Treasurer 628.27 $ 628 27 Returned tax 99 45 $1855 13 200 THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Returned taxes $ 99 45 Returned taxes paid County Treas. . . Receipts. Disbursements. 66 98 68 98 Town owes County $ 32 47 TOWN OF DRYDEN. State tax $ 172 89 $ County tax 4801 96 Returned tax 151 73 Repair roads 700 00 School Commissioner 70 70 Election printing 97 79 Support of Almshouse Poor 458 58 Reassessed school tax 13 35 ' $6467 00 ' Cash from Collector $3908 59 $ 3906 59 $ Taxes paid County Treas. 2162 24 - 2162 24 Returned taxes 398 17 $6467 00 Returned tax $ 798 17 $ $ Returned tax paid County Treas. 52 10 52 10 $ 346 07 Returned 1909 tax paid County Treas. 10 23 10 29 Town owes County $ 335 84 TOWN OF ENFIELD. . State tax $ 47 93 County tax 1232 68 Support of Almshouse Poor 107 67 School Commissioner 26 90 Election printing 24 34 _ Burr Rumsey vs. Wheeler Smith 150 00 $1689 57 Cash from Collector $1555 23 Taxes paid County Treas. 71 54 Returned taxes 62 80 • $1689 57 $ 1555 23 $ 71 54 THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 201. Receipts. Disbursements. Returned tax $ 62 80 3 $ Returned tax. paid County Treas. 28 67 28 67 Town owes County 34 13 . In the matter Burr Rum sey vs. Wheeler Smith To the credit of Town $ 150 00 TOWN OF GROTON. 'State tax $ 129 39 County tax 3593 88 Returned tax 55 School Commissioner 52 90 Election printing 71 68 Support of Almshouse Poor 118 93 Syracuse Institution 75 00 $ 34042 33 Cash from Collector 32968 75 $ 2968 75 $ Taxes paid County Treasurer 1044 45 1044 46 Returned taxes 29 13 p 34042 33 Returned tax $ 29 13 $ $ Error in warrant 06 3 29 19 Returned taxes paid County Treas... 14 15 Town owes County $ 16 04 TOWN OF ITHACA. State tax $ 74 46 $ County tax 2067 81 Road Repair 800 00 Returned tax 15 79 Sinking Fund 800 22 . Support of Almshouse Poor 101 31 Election printing 34 09 School commissioner 41 77 $ $3935 45 Cash from Collector 31337 44 $ 1937 44 $ Taxes paid County Treasurer 1564 12 1564 12 202 Returned taxes THE ST]PERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 433 89 Receipts. Disbursements. $3035 45 Returned taxes $ 433 89 $ $ Returned taxes paid County Treas432 46 432 46 Town •owes County $ 143 TOWN OF LANSING. State tax $ 126 45 County tax 3512 26 Maintenance Road -336 100 00 Support of Almshouse Poor 277 99 Election printing 56 14 School Commissioner 51 70 $4124 54 Cash from Collector $2896 14 $ 2896 14 $ Taxes paid County Treasurer 901 59 $ 901 59 Returned taxes 326 81 84124 54 Returned taxes $ 326 81 N. y. A. & L. school tax 16 51 $ 343 32 Returned and school taxes paid Coun- ty Treasurer 335 05 Town owes County $ 8 27 TOWN OF NEWT+IELD. State tax $ 60 83 County tax 1689 50 Syracuse Institution 50 00 Support of Almshouse Poor 230 76 Election printing 51 14 School commissioner 34 12 Overpaid by Collector S4 15 335 05 $2200 50 Cash from Collector $1300 00 $ 1300 00 $ Taxes paid County Treasurer S80 57 880 57 Returned tax 19 93 $2200 50 16 51 84 16 THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 203 Receipts. Disbursements. Returned taxes paid County Treas. $ 23 10 $ 23 10 $ Returned taxes 19 93 3 17 Brush tax paid County Treasurer.... • 1 57 1 57 County owes Town $ 4 74 TOWN OF ULYSSES. State tax $ 114 84 County tax 3189 84 Maintenance Road -606 300 00 Sinking fund 1301 08 Support of Almshouse Poor 131 41 Election printing 61 14 School Commissioner 64 28 Syracuse Institution 25 00 Over paid by Collector 429 54 85617 23 • Cash from Collector $3601 08 $ 3601 08 Taxes paid County Treasurer 7471 77 1471 77 Returned taxes 544 38 $5617 23 Due County in 1910 249 91 Returned.1910 taxes 544 38 $ $ 794 29 $ 8 Cash from Supervisor 249 91 Returned taxes paid County Treas434 42 634 33 Town owes County $ 109 96 SALAR 3 ES. Surrogates Clerk to Nov. 1, 1911.... $ Sealer, weights and measures Coroner to Oct. 1, 1911. Clerk Hoard of Supervisors Chaplain at jail to July 1, 1911 Janitor, Clerk's ()llico, to Nov. 1, 1911 Supt. of Highways to Nov. 1, 1911 Supt. of Poor to Oct. 1, 1911 Almshouse Keeper to Oct.. 1, 1911 S 429 54 $ 499 92 250 00 175 00 500 00 52' 00 174 96 1100 00 600 00 800 00 904 THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Receipts. Disbursements. Janitor, Court House and Jail, to Oct 1, 1911 150 00 Physician at Almshouse to Oct. 1, 1911 250 00 Ch aplain at Almshouse to Oct. 1, 1911 100 00 , County Treasurer to Oct. 1, 1911 1000 00 School Commissioners to Oct. 1, 1911 400 00 Special Co. Judge to Oct. 1, 1911' 200 00 Court, Stenographer to Nov. 1, 1911 750 00 Co. .fudge and Surrogate to Nov. 1, 1911 3499 92 District Attorney to Nov. 1, 1911. 1200 00 Deputy County Clerk to Nov. 1, 1911 900 00 Spe..Dept. Co. Clerk to Nov. 1, 1911600 00 Copyist Edith 1. Drake to Nov. 1 1911 107 31 Copyist Cynthia. Moore to Nov. 1, 1911 400 OS Copyist M. H. Smith to Nqv. 1, 1911' 499 92 County Clerk 2400 00 Cash on hand 8981 05 $136816 66 $136816 66 GOOD ROADS CONSTRUCTION Cash on hand last report $ 9655 48 $ From Slaterville bond account 1481 74 State check 3441 87 B. T. Baker $ 2 00 Wm. Nelsno Noble S22 25 National Bank of Commerce 2869 56 Grant & Wager 100 00 Arthur Warren 50 00 Daniel Crowley S5 14 J. T. Newman 50 00 E. N. Jackson. 20 00 Will. Nelson Noble 300 00 \17.14.. Kent 50 00 To pay bond'No. 4 5000 00 Balance on hand 5230 14 $ 14579 09 $ 14579 09 GOOD ROADS MAINTENANCE • CAROLINE. Balance per last report $ 74 33 $ From town budget 200 00 State check 590 00 Paid per state orders $ 470. 09 THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 205 Receipts. Disbursements. ITHAUA. Balance per last report $ 1868 22 From Town Budget 800 00 State cheek 6404 00 Paid per State orders DRYDEN. Balance per last report $ 735 89 From Town Budget 700 00 State check • 1187 00 Paid per State orders LANSING. $ 3882 53 $ 1057 56 Ba.Iance per last report $ 103 00 $ From 100 90 State check 519 93 Pard per State orders 13281 44 8537 34 ULYSSES. Balance per last report $ 1391 05 $ From Town Budget 300 00 State check 1372 00 Paid per State e ders Balance MORTGAGE TAX. County's -hare Nov. and Dec., 1"10 $ 1658 30 8848 85 $ 16344 49 $ 16344 49 $ 379 50 Received from County Clerk to Oct. 1, 1911 5031 23 J. J. Kennedy, St. Treasurer $ 2615 60 Balance on hand 2795 13 County of Tompkins, SS. State of New York $ 5410.'13 $ 5410 73 I, Rodney G. Robinson, Treasurer of the County of Tompkins, do solemnly swear that the foregoing statements are true and that the schedules accompanying the same are correct to the best- of my knowledge and belief. RODNEY G. ROBINSON, - Subscribed .and sworn to before me this 20th day of November, 1911. C. V. BUSH, Notary Public. 206 TIIE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. November 21, 1911. To whom it may concern: I hereby certify that the following is a true and correct statement of balance standing to the credit of the following accounts in this bank, at the close of business October 31 1911: Mortgage tax account $2,795.13 Fund for maintenance of State and County highways 8,945.24 Tompkins Co., good roads 5,230.14 County treasurer (Gen'I. Fund) 2,113.49 Respectfully submitted. First National Bank of Ithaca, N. T. CHAS. W. MAJOR, Assistant Cashier. Ithaca, N. Y., November 21, 1911. To whom it may concern: I hereby certify that the following is a true and correct statement of balance standing to the credit of the following accounts in this bank, at the close of business October 31 1911: R. G. Robinson, Treasurer of Tompkins County $5,043.75 R. G. Robinson, County Treasurer 3,043.75 Respectfully submitted. Ithaca Savings Bank of Ithaca, N. Y., A. B. HILLICK, Assistant Treasurer. THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 207 COUNTY CLERK'S REPORT A. statement of all moneys received for the County of Tompkins by A. IT. Overacker, Clerk of Tompkins County or by his assistants, for fees, per- quisites and emoluments, for all services rendered by him, or said assistants, in their official capacity, from November 1, 1910 to October 31, 1011, in- clusive, and the State mortgage tax, notary fees, and hunters' licenses dur- ing the same period. Recording deeds $ $1,381.08 $ Recording mortgages 929.10 Recording other documents 926.60 Docketing judgments and cancelling dockets . 118.48 Copies and exemplifications of papers and records 58.26 Searches 3.429.85 Filing papers and all other services 536.32 $ 7,379.75 Mortgage tax 6,293.02 Notary fees 213.00 Hunter's licenses 1,478.00 R. G. Robinson, Co. Treas., office fees R. G. Robinson, Co. Treas., State Mort- gage tax $6,048.60 Clerk hire audited and allowed by State Board Tax Commissioners 225.00 Premium on Bond audited and allowed by State Hoard Tax Commissioners 5.00 Postage allo`dancc audited and allowed by State Board Tax Commissioners 2.00 Mortgage tax books audited and allowed by State Board Tax Commissioners, .3.23 Revenue Bond Stamps audited and allowed by State Board Tax Com- missioners 7.00 $7,379.75 $15,363.77 1 1 ' 208 THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Tioga County share or Mortgage tax collected 2.00 $6,293.02 State Treasurer, Notary fees Conservation Commission, Hunter's licenses State of New York ss. County- of Tompkins _213.00 1,478.00 515.363.77' A. H. Overacker, being duly sworn, says that he is Clerk of the County of Tompkins, that the foregoing statement is in all respects a full and true statement, as required by Chapter 298, Laws of 1909. A. H. OVEIIACKER, County Clerk. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 20th day of November, 1911. CLARENCE D. TARBELL, Notary Public. A STATEMENT. Herewith statement of all amounts certified each mouth by A. H. Over- acker, Clerk of Tompkins County to the County Treasurer to be due for ser- vices of the deputies and all other assistants in the Tompkins County Clerk's Office from November 1, 1910 to October 31, 1911, inclusive. C.D.Tarbell W.H.Baher M.H.Smith C.E.Moore. E. 1. Drake T't'l Nov $ 75.00 $ 50.00 $ 41.66 $ 33.34 $ 43.26 $ 243.26 Dec, 75.00 50.00 41.66 33.34 14.88 214.88. Jan. 75.00 50.00 41.66 33.34 200.00 Feb. 75.00 50.00 41.66 33.34 ' '200.00 Mar. 75.00 50.00 41.66 33.34 6.00 206.00 Apr. 75.00 50.00 41.66 33.34 29.50 229.50 'May 75.00 5.0.00 41.66 33.34 1.74 201.74 June 75.00 50.00 41.66 33.34 200.00 July 75.00 50.00 41.66 33.34 4.71 209.71 Aug. 75.00 50.00 41.66 33.34 2.72 202.72 Sept. 75.00 50.00 41.66 33.34 2.75 202.76 Oct. 75.00 10.00 •11.66 33.34 1.75 201.75 $900.00 $600.00 $499.92 $400.08 $107.31 52,507.31 State of New York . ss. County of Tompkins. . A. H. Overacker, being duly sworn says that he is Clerk of the County 1 THE SUPERVISORS' PIWCEEDINGS. 209 of Tompkins, that the foregoing statement is in all respects a full and true statement, as required by Chapter 298, Laws of 1909. A. H. OVERACKER, County Clerk. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 20th day of November, 1911. CLARENCE D. TARBELL, Notary Public. Account of moneys advanced by A. H. Overacker, for expenses of the County Clerk's Office from November 1,1910 to October 31, 1911, inclusive: Postage 1134.12 Express 3.15 City Directory for 1911 2.50 Towels for the year 2.40 Also towels for the office for the time ending Oct. 31, 1910 2.00 $144.17 State of New York . : ss. County of Tompkins. . A. H: Overacker, being duly sworn says that he is Clerk of the County of Tompkins, that the foregoing statement is in all respects a full and true statement, as required by Chapter 298, Laws of 1909. A. H. OVERACKER, County Clerk. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 20th day of November, 1911. CLARENCE D. TARBELL, Notary Public. 1 210 THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. REPORT OF SUPERINTENDENT OF POOR. We, the undersigned Superintendents of the I'oor of Tompkins County respectfully submit the following report and account for the year ending November 15, 1911. The Superintendents of the Poor of Tompkins County, in account with the Poor funds of said County: To balance on hand in County Treasurer's hands, November 15, 7910 1493 18 Amount of Appropriation, 1910 4200 10 And received from Chcnango County, Tota( Appro• - priation 53 56 To sales from Farm for current year 023 92 On hand from last year 2 22 By amounts paid by order on County Treasurer for the following purposes: Groceries, provisions, flour and feed 1295 93 Labor 1070 95 Fuel and lights 923 92 Medical aid and drugs 5r2 95 Improvements and repairs 262 40 Clothing, dry goods and footwear 224 26 Miscellaneous 163 49 Out -door relief 1176 30 Paid from receipts County Farm, 1911 330 19 By balance in County Treasurer's hands 295 95 From proceeds of farm, Balance in County Treasurer's hands 570 54 • 6372 98 6372 98 Of the above amount $1,176.40 was paid for outdoor relief as also $262.40 for improvements and repairs. 1910. RECEIPTS OF COUNTY FARM. Nov. 15—To balance on hand $ 2 22 i THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 1911. Jan. 12. Fred Frazer, calf 2 00 Feb. 3,-C. J. Wolverton, 270 lbs. beef and hides 22 70 Feb. 8 -George Mabee, 13 bushels of wheat 13 65 Feb. S. -Don Hopkins, calf 2 00 April 13. -Wm. Emerson, .old clover hay 8 50 May la. --Grant Coles, 350 pounds old clover hay 14 00 May 16. -Frank Fish, 10 ton of hay at $10.25 per ton 102 50 and 12,124 lhs. at 56z per hundred 09 62 May 22. -Don Hopkins, calf 2 00 July 15. -Creamery balance credit 9 58 July 17. -Don Hopkins, calf 2 00 .Iuly 18. -Clark Brothers, old window frames 10 50 Aug. 15. -Creamery credit to balance 22 46 Aug. 15.-SoId old junk 1 30 Sept. 15. -Creamery credit to balance 10 82 Oct. 15 ---Creamery credit to balance 18 09 Oct. 15. -Sold Fall Creek Milling Co., 365 bushels of wheat at 88 cents per bushel 321 20 BY DISBURSEMENTS FROM COUNTY FARM. . 1910. Nov. 15. -Doc. Willetts, horse shoeing $ 65 1911. Nov. 11I. -Freight, Willow Creek 20 Nov. 17.-Wanzer, groceries 98 Nov. 23. -Freight, Ithaca 34 Nov. 23. -John Wetz, sand 7 00 Nov. 26. Nilson, repairs on glass 20 Nov. 26. -Oysters and crackers 40 Nov. 26. -Repairs . on shoes 15 Dec. 3. -Oysters and crackers 1 00 Dec. 3. -Stationery 25 Dec. 3. -Pump packing 25 Dec. 3. -Charles Crawford, harness straps 40 Dec. 14.-Frelght, Willow Creek 72 Dec. 14. -Lang & Button, spring for engine . 60 Dec. 15. -Brad Simmons, butchering 4 00 Dec. 25. -Collar for horse 1 00 Dec. 27. -Postage 2 50 Dec. 27. -Stover Hardware Co., faucett 75 1911. Jan. 3. -Dr. letts, horse shoeing 60 Jan. 3. -Key for engine, Lang & Button 35 Jan. 5. -Freight, ton carbide 4 07 Jan. 5. -Davis & King, groceries 8 25 211 62G 14 I 212 THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Jan. 7. Freight, Willow Creek 67 Jan. 9.-T. 14 ,}3ower, services of boar 1 25 Jan. 14. -Wilson, repairs on glasses 15 Jan. 25. -Dr. Willetts, horse shoeing 1 25 Jan. 25. -Floyd Brown. meat bill 11 27 Jan. 27. -Bract Simmons & Brother, packing ice 9 00 Feb. 1. -Albert Blauvelt, cutting corn, S 00 Feb. 3. -Ayres, blacksmithing 4 00 'Feb. 10. -Eugene Smith, cutting ice 3 00 Feb. 1S. -Brad Serums, butchering 4 50 Feb. 18.- Ayres, horse shoeing and repairs on wagon 3 70 Feb. 23: -Fred Wilson, cutting ice 5 00 Feb. 23. -William Miller, hauling ice 9 00 March 4. -Davis & Brown, four batteries 1 00 March 13.-1]r. Willetts, shoeing 60 March 1S. -Expense to buying horse 1 00 March 25. Davis & Brown, four batteries 1 00 March 29. -Albert Blauvelt, 1-2 grass seeder .... 3 25 March 10.-F, G. Wilson, repairing glasses 1 00 march 30. -Book postage stamps 97 April 1•. -Telephone bill 6 60 April 1. -Carr and Envelopes 50 April 24. -Davis & Brown. six batteries 1 50 April 24. -Frank Fish, four bushel potatoes 4 00 April 24. -Frank Fish, one gallon engine oil 40 April 26.-D. A, Pinckney, 82 fence posts 30 60 May 10.----D7. Willetts, horse shoeing 60 May 10. Freight bill, Willow Creek 50 May 20. -.Tames Storie, flowering plants 1 65 May 27. -Barr Brothers, hardware 25 May 27.-L. 1i'. Noxon,' tomatoe plants SO May 27. -Frank Davis, garden seeds 1 20 June 3. -Dr. Willetts, horse shoeing 1 60 June 3. -Moore & Son, meat bill 2 13 June 7. -.Tames Stone, flowering plants 3 00 Juno 7. -William Miller, 116 bushel potatoes, 35c... 40 60 June 7. -William Miller, service boar 1 00 June 8.-Bool Co.: plants 2 00 June S. -Carpenter, cabbage plants 90 .Tune 71. -Freight, Willow Creek 25 June 11.-P: D. Creque, setting tire on wagon 50 June 12. -Albert Calkins, five ring halter 1. 75 June 20. -Edward Wood, 42 quarts strawberries 4 40 June 20. -Philo B. Smith, 30 rods wire fence -13 50 June 20.-Dr..I)ewit, horse shoeing 2 00 June 20. -Freight, Willow Creek 25 June 28. -Davis King, groceries 1 20 June 28. -Frank Dedleves, cabbage plants 30 THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. July 6.—Expenses to Onondaga County House after Miss Quinn 10 50 July 10.—Railroad' ticket to Sayre for R. C. Hyme, old veteran, stranded 95 .Tuly-10.—Dr. Dewitt, shoeing 1 40 July 18.—D. D. Bower, plumbing' 2 90 July 18.—Waller Chase, 12 quarts cherries 1 00 July 28.—Freight, Willow Creek, ton earhide 4 17 Aug_ 1.—Expenses to Spencer, N. Y., after Mattie Comings 2 GO Aug. 17.; --Dr. Dewitt, shoeing 1 S0 Aug. 17.—Barr 13rothers, pig rings and washers 20 Aug. 17. ---Setting tire on surray . . . . . . . 2 00 Aug. 17.—Philo 11. Smith, cutting grain 13 00 Aug. 18.-0. D. Crequc, setting tire 2 00 Aug. 25. Freight, Tillnw.Creek l 62 Aug. 25. George Smith. painting ire house 10 50 Aug. 28.—.T. Welch, meat bill 1 42 Aug. 29.—G. Ayres, horse shoeing 3 00 Sept. 15.—J. G.,Wortman, meat hill 9 50 Sept. 15.—Colman, bannanas 4 50 Sept. 15.—Davis &•Brown, hatteries 1 00 Oct. 1.—Quinces 25 Oct. 10,—Borden, shoeing G 90 . Nov. 10.—Davis Ring, groceries 2 33 Nov. 13.—Blackman Brothers, eggs 27 90 Nov. 15.—Paid County :treasurer balance on hand 295 95 213 626 14 ' Total cost of support of Poor for the year ending Nevember 15, 5311 $6500 49 Cost support of poor out side the Alms House Cost of improvement ' 1.438 80 Learing cost maintenance of the poor of the county Alms Hoose 4061 69 The cost is chargeable to the County>, City and different towns in the County on the basis of the number of days they have inmates maintained at the Alms House as follows: COLTNTY POOR. Days. Tsaae Chapman 305 Clarence Mackey 366 Fred Cook • 365 Harriett Commings 360 James Cook 365 Dennis Burns 26 Colvin Atwell $1 214 THE SUP1RVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Frank Krasdwvak 26 Elizabeth Quinn 203 Tony Heynick, died August 27, 1911 2 John Collins 2 Smith Turner, died• September 16, 191:1. 10 Total 2170 days. ITIIACA CITY. John Bishop 365 Carrie Tabor 365 William Gifl:ord 365 Itichard Hyland 305 Joseph Reed 200 Bradley Mead 365 William Meogher 204 Nelson Goble .... 3G5 Leroy Bally 365 James Michell 349 Leroy Fritser 365 Mary Fritsor 365 Charles' Wood 152 Oscar Hamilton 184 Pricilla Thompson 302 Abram- McDowell 365 William Alien 365 Patrick Murphy 225 Louis Marion 25 Hiram Freer 358 Willis Hallet 34 Anna Pekee, died February 4, 1911 8I John Murray, died January 14, 1911 60 Ben Davis 81 John Newton, sent to Willard, March 4, 1911 62 Smith Mathews 150 Lyman McFall 11 Total 6547 days TOWN OF LANSING. Barney Moore Sarah Rouse Howard Cobb Owen Hogan John Anderson Total 340 365 365 365 78 1513 days THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 215 • GROTON. Lorenzo Jones 365 Jennie Baker 315 Martha Webster 293 Total • 913 DANBY. Elnora Crance 365 . ,Richard Long, 119 Total 484 DRYDEN TOWN. Situs Tucker 3135 Charles Oakley 365 Isabelle Oakley 000 Alonzo Ralph 365 Lyman Smith 365 Eliza Tarbox, died February 3, 1511 19 Martha Goodrich 141 Charles Vandevere 35 T. Gibson 164 Total 1879 CAROLINE TOWN. Allie Emily 965 Frank Northrup, died July 10, 1911 212 Total 577 . ENFIIOLD TOWN. C. M. Dewell, died May 10, 1311 170 Lena Jackson 10 George W. Jackson 99 Total 285 NEWFIELD. Helen Edgecomb 365 David Brill 350 Calvin Martin, lied March 7, 1911 170 Total 825 216 THE SUJPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. ULYSSES TOWN. Ellsworth Dui.ling 365 Samuel Bcrlen' 360 Hubble King, died April 20, 1911 2 John Callahan 115 Total 842 Summary of days' maintenance from November 15, 1910 to November 1, 1911: County Poor 2170 $ 549.66 Ithaca City Poor 6547 1658 36 Ithaca Town Poon 0000 0000 00 Caroline Poor 577 146 16 Danby Poor 484 122 60 Dryden Poor 1879 975 95 Enfield Poor 285 72 19 Groton Poor 913 231 26 Lansing Poor1513 333 25 Newfield Poor 825 208 98 Ulysses Poor 842 213 28 Days 16035 $4061 69 The total cost supporting Town and County Poor at Alms House,—the expense per diem being .2533. The following crops were raised during the year: Wheat 200 bushels—On hand 200 bushels. Oats 460 bushels—On hand 450 bushels. Corn, estimated, 900 bushels=On hand 900 bushels. Hay 25 ton—On hand 20 ton. Potatoes 325 bushels—On hand 210 bushels. Beans 15 bushels—On hand 15 bushels. Beets 5 bushels—On hand 4 bushels. Turnips 60 bushels --On hand 60 bushel. Eggs 700 dozen. There is on farm belonging to Tompkins County stock and implements as follows: 3 good work horses. 6 good cows. 7 shoats. 125 fowls. 1 lumber wagon. 1 pair bob sleighs. 1 new lumber wagon. 1 land roller. 1 grain drill. 1 spring tooth harrow. THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 1 garden drill. 1 cultivator,"hand. 2 horse cultivators. 1 crow bar. 3 log chains. Shovels, pitchforks, etc. CENSUS OF INMATES. 217 Number in Homo November 15, 1910 47 Admitted during year 31 Born during the year 0 Died during the year 9 Discharged during the year 13 In Alms House November 15, 1911, 56 inmates. GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, FLOUR AND FEED. 1911. . Jan. 3 -No. 42. Herman Atwater, potatoes 45 60 3. -No 44. W. & I. Mekell, feed 31 50 Feb'. 1. -No. 04. J. 12. Updike, pork 34 40 1. ---No. 07. W. & 1. Mekeel, feed 15 50 1. -No. 78. Gen. Flour & Feel Co., 16. H. • Farrington, llour and feed 126 28 1. -No. 84. J. C. Stowell Co., groceries 36 22 1. No. 85. D. 14. Stewart & Co., groceries 75 91 • 1. --No. 94. C. J. Wolverton & Son, meat59 74 Mch.' 1. -No. 105. W. & T. Mekell, feed 15 50 1. -No. 107. J. C. Stowell Co., groceries 118 61 April 5. -No. 115. W. & 1. Mekeel, feed 15 50 5. -No. 116. W. 11. Pinckney, meat from Pear- sall 15 75 May 3. -No. 139, Stowell Co., groceries 59 78 June 7. -No. 151.', 19. S. Johnson, groceries 49 89 7. -No. 153. Gen. ,Flour & Feed Co. 80 80 July 3. -No. 165. D. 14. Stewart & Co., groceries 90 20 Aug. 2. -No. 191, Stowell Co., groceries 30 47 Sept. 6. -No. 213. John Jehu, buckwheat flour 20 63 Oct. 3. -No. 214. Stowell Co., groceries 122 51 Nov. 1 -No. 231. E. II. Farrington, dour • 90 00. Nov. 15. -No. 245. Stowell Co., groceries 111 76 15. -No. 247. .Simple Food Co., cereal 7 69 ' 15. -No. 248. Blackman Bros., groceries .... , . 41 69 129.5 98 LABOR. 1910. Dec. 7. -No. 33. Frank Sharrow ' 30 00 218 THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 7. -No. 34. Mathew Carr 7 00 7. -No. 35. Joseph Sharron• 12 50 ..-No. 36. A.nna E. Pinckney 15 00 7. -No. 37. Rose Mills 17 33 7. -No. 3S. Isabelle Oakley 2 00 1911. Jan. 3. -No. 42. Charles Brotherton, thrashing grain 32.24 3. -No. 45. Mathew Carr 7 00 3. -No. 46. Joseph Sharrow 15 00 3. -No. • 47. Frank •Sharrow 30 00 3. -Nu. 48. Anna E. Pinckney 15 00 3. -No. 49. Isabelle Oakley- 2 00 3. -No. 50. Rose Mills . . . . . . . . . 17 33 Feb. 1. -No. 63. Frank Sharrow 30 00 I. -No. 69. Mathew ,Carr 7 00 1. -No. 73. Joseph Sharrow 15 00 1. -No. 74. Isabelle Oakley 2 00 1. -No. 75. Rose Mills 17 33 1. -No. 76. Anna E. Pinckney 15 00 Mar. 1. -No. 99. Joseph Sharrow 15 00 1. -No. 100. Rose Mills 17 33 1. -No. 101. Isabelle Oakley 2 00 I. -No. 102. Anna E. 'Pinckney 15 00 1. -No. 103. Frank Sharrow 30 00 1. --No. 104. Mathew Carr 7 00 April 5.No• 109. Anna E. Pinckney 15 00 5. No. 110. Mathew Carr 7 00 5. -No. 111. Rose Mills 17 33 5. -No, 112. Isabelle Oakley 2 00 5. -No. 112. Joseph Sharrow 13 00 5. -No. 114. Frank Sharrow 30 00 May 3. ----No. 143. Joseph Sharrow 20 00 3. No. 144. Mathew Carr 7 00 3. -No. 145. Rose Mills 17 33 3. No. 146. Isabelle Oakley 2 00 3. -No. 147. Anna E. Pinckney 15 00 3. -No. 145. Fred .7. Wilson 17 23 June 7. -No. 157. David Brill 7 00 7. -No. 160. Rose Mills 33 33 7. -No. 161. Fred Wilson 28 47 7. -No. 162. Joseph Sharrow 20 00 7. -No. 163. Anna E. Pickney 15 00 7. -No. 164. Isabelle Oakley 2 00 July 3. -No. 169. Fred Wilson 25 00 3. -No. 170. Rose Mills 17 33 3. -No. 171. , Isabelle Oakley 2 00 3. -No. 172. Anna E. Pinckney 15 00 THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 219 7. -No. 173. Joseph Sharrow .20 00 3. -No. 174. Matheid Carr 7 00 Aug, 2. -No. 181. Anna E. Pinckney 15 00 2. ---Nb. 182. Mathew Carr 7 00 2. -No. 183. Isabelie Oakley 2 00 2. -No. 184. Joseph Sharrow 20 00 2. -No, 189. Rose Mills 17 33 2. -No. 186. Fred Wilson 25 00, Sept. 6. -No. 207. Joseph Sharrow 20 00 208. Anna E. Pinckney '15 00 G. -No. 209. Isabelle Oakley 2 00 G. -No. 210. Mathew Carr 7 00 6. -No. 211. Rose Mills 17 33 6. -No. 212. Fred Wilson 21 67 Oct. 3. -No. 220. Mathew Carr 7 00 3. -No. 221. Anna E. Pinckney 15 00 -No. 222. hose Mills 1.7 33 3. -No. 228. Joseph Sharrow 20 00 11. -No. 224. Isabelle Oakley 2 00 3. -No. 227. Fred Wilson 20 83 Nov. 1. -No. 232. Rose Mills 17 33 1. -No. 233. Isabelle Oakley 2 00 1. -No. 234. Ann,i. E. Pinckney 15 00 1. -No. 235. Fred Wilson 20 00 1. -No, 236. Mathew Carr 7 00 1.=No, 237. Joseph Sparrow 20' 00 15. -No. 249. W. A. Pinckney for Joseph Sparrow 6 00 $7.070 95 FUEL AND LIGHTS. 1910. • Nov. 16. No. 30. W. T. Vann, coal $ 93 37 $ 1911. Jan. 3. -Na. 41. Union Carbide Co. 70 00 24. -No. 63', W. T. Vann, coil] , 117 76 Feb. 1. -No. 81. Standard Oil Co., fuel 13 90 • 1. -No 80. Davis Brown Sr. Co., batteries for Motor 1 00 rich. 1. -No. 106. W. T. Vanin, coal 98 28 30. -No. 108, W. T. Vann, coal _ 9I 35 April' 5. -No. 130. Standard Oil Co. 14 05 July'12.-No. 180. W. T. Vann, coal 167 26 Aug, 2.-187. Union Carbide Co. 70 00 Oct. 3. -No. 219. Standard 011 Co. 18 65 12. -No. 228. W. T. Vann, coal 115 00 Nov. 1. -No. 230. 11'. B. Aiken, coal 52 62 $ 923 92 220 1911. THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. MEDICAL AID AND DRUGS. Jan. 3. -No. 52. Todd's Drug Store, drugs 5 95.. May 3. -No. 133. White & Burdick, drugs 1.4 10 3 ---No. 142. Isaac Holton, drugs 10 05 Aug, 2. --No. 190. White & Burdick, drugs 19 22 Oct. 3. -No. 218'. White & Burdick, drugs 3 63 $ 52 95 1MPR'OT'1s31I NTS AND REPAIRS. 1911. Feb. 1. -No. 77. J. R. Brown, building hen house $ 35 00 $ June 7. -No. 158. C. J. Ruinsey, casting 12 40 July 3. -No. 175. J. C. Keefe, one horse -215 00 $ 262 40 CLOTHING, DRY GOODS AND FOOTWEAR 1911. Jan. 3. -No. 54; Ben -Mintz, clothing • 16 20 Feb. 1. -No. 66. Mosher Bros., clothing 31 30 1.---, .o. 87. Flush & Dean, dry goods 11. 97 1. -No. 88. Ben Mintz, clothing 23 50 April 5. -No. 129. l3en Mintz, clothing 11 50 May 3. -No. 141. :Ben Mintz, clothing 20 90 July 3. -7 -No. 167. C. M, Stanley, boots, etc., 24 45 3. -No. 176. Bush & Dean 16 45 Aug. 2. -No. 188. Ben Mintz 21 50 Sept. 6. -No. 204. Ben Mintz, clothing .9 00 Oct. 3. -'-No. 216. :Bush & Dean .. .. .. .. .. 10 74 Nov. 15. -No. 242. Ben Mintz, clothing 26 75 $ 224 26 MISCELLANEOUS. Jan. 3. -No. 51. Norton Printing Co. $ 4 00 $ 3. -No. 55. • Jesse D. Frost, prison supplies, brushes 1 00 3. -No. 56. George W. Benham, prison blan- kets and Brooms 28 25 May 3. -Nu. 134. L. F. Noxon, seeds, etc 15 33 Aug. 2. -No. 189. Barr Bro.'s, hardware 6 10 2. -No. 192. Rethehilds Bro.'s, cutlery 4 08 Sept. 6. -No. 205. Worrell Mfg. Co., disinfectant 60 00 Nov. 15. -No. 240. Barr Bro.'s, kitchen supplies 6 38 15. -No. 250. Fred Pickney. seed, wheat and potatoes 37 85 $ 163 49 OUTDOOR RET.IEF. 1910, Dec. 7. -No. 21. W. P. Baker, Talmadge family and others 12 00 7. -No. 32. W. H. Burnam, O. P. Groton 4 40 0 • THE SUPERVISORS; PROCEEDTNGS. 1911. Jan. 3. -No. 39. li. H. Wager, livery, Beard case, 'Groton & Lansing 4 00 3. -No. 40. W. P. Baker, groceries, Door families 27 00 2. -No. 57. Bradford Snyder, O. P. Dryden 8 03 3. -No. 58. G. M. Stoddard, legal, Groton & Lansing, Beard case 11 20 3. No. 59. Z. E. Smiley, O. P. Danby 4 00 3. -No. 00. George W. Sutphen, O. P. Dryden 40 50 19. -No. 61. F. W. Philips, tickeL, old soldier Lo Bath 2 10 19. -No. 62. R. A. McAllister, taking child to Buffalo 11 89 Feb. 1. -No. '65. B. Snyder, O. P., Dryden 10 68 7. -No. 70. Seymour Grover, O. P., Newfield 20 00 , 1, -No. 71. Seymour Grover, O. P., Newfield 01 92 1. -No. 72. Andrus & Church, :school book for Wunstun children 7 31 1. -No. 79. W. P. Baker, groceries, poor families 22 00 1. -No. 80. .]Randolph Horton, legal Cuban girl case 5 00 1, -No. 82. Dr. E. R. Osterhout, Atwell case 12 00 1. -No. 83. Dixon & Robinson, coal, Van Scoick family 9 75 1. -No. 89. W. P. Stephens, care stranded veteran 4 50 90. City Hospital, Atwell case 15 07 1. No. 91. E. Sayre, livery, Atwell case, am- bulance 3 00 1. -No. 92. Beach & Hutchinson, coal, Spen- cer & King case 9 63 1. -No. 93. W. G. McCormack, coal, Con. - ger family (i 38 Mch.. 1. -No. 95. W. P. Baker, groceries, poor families 21'00 1. -No. 96. W. H. Burnam, mm, O. P., Groton 8 29 1. -No. 97. Seymour Grover, O. P., New- field 28 86 1. -No. 9.8. John :Kelly, O. P., Ithaca City4 66 April 5. -No. 1.17. F. 11. Willy, groceries, poor family 38 22 5. -No. 1.18. Bradford Snyder, O. P., Dryden -8 28 51. -No. 119. W. 1-l:. Burnam, O. P., Groton6 44 5. No. 120. W. H. Burnarn, O. P., Groton 8 70 5. ---No. 121. Dr. H. 13. Besemer, surgery, Wal- ker case 100 00 221 222 THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 5. -No. 122. City Hospital 27 00 5. -No. 123. City Hospital, tramp 2 00 5. ----No, 124. John Kelley, transportation, family 1 35 5. -No. 125. W. P. Baker, groceries, poor family 12 00 5, -No. 126. Ithaca Realty Co., rent for poor family 8 00 5. No. 127. Charles H. Beach, fuel, King family 6 50 5. -No, 128. Robinson & Carpenter, fuel, Van Scoick family 6 50 5, -No. 131. W. J. McCormack, fuel, Conger family 3 25 5. -No. 132. S. B. Grover, O. P., Newfield 30 21 May 3. ---No: 136. Dr. H. W. Nash, com. in lunacy, Waite case 5 00 3. -No, 137, W. P. Stephens, W1aite's board2 20 3. -No. 135. John Kelly, stranded people3 95 3. -No. 139. W. P. Baker, groceries 8 00 3. -No. 140. W. H. Burnam,, O. P. Croton5 00 June 7. -No. 149. Seymour Grover, O. P., Newfield 44 88 7. ----No. 150. F. R. Willy, groceries, poor family 21 93 7. -No. 152. City Hospital, Goodfellow case41 00 7. -No. 154. Dr. H. Genung, medical, Bron- son fancily 5 25 7. -No. 155. L. A.' Palch, O. P., Caroline , 2 25 7. -No. 158. Dr. W. C. Gallager, Lunacy, Waite case 5 00 7. -No. 159. Ithaca Realty Co., rent, poor family 8 OD July 3. -No. 166. H. D. Notingham, Onondaga Algins, Quinn case 59 50 3. -No. 168. 1. Gellow, O. P., Ithaca Town3 00 3. -No. 177. Dr. A. Chase, Shrauger case 26 00 3. -No. 178. Mrs. Warner, nurse and board, Shrauger family 21. 43 3. -No. 179. E. J. Farrington, O. R, Ulysses6 13 Aug. 2. -No. 193. Dr. Nash, Goodfellow case 05 00 2. -No. 194. John Kelly, 0. P., Ithaca City1 05 2.-7(o. 195. Dr. J. M. Townsend, Harris 5 00 2. -No. 199. Dr. J. M. Townsend, Cooper case 15 00 2. -No, 197, Dr. M. J. Foran, Shaw case 33 00 2, --No. 198. City Hospital, Shaw ease 33 00 Sept. 6. -No. 199. 'B. Snyder, O. P., Dryden 6 00 THE SUFI RVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 223 6.—No. 200. W. P. Baker, groceries, poor family 0 00 0.—No. 201. R. Snyder, O. P. Dryden 3 00 6.—No. 202. Seymour Grover, O. 1'., Newfield 14 21 G.—No, 203. A. G. Van Gorder, O. P., Ithaca Town 4 00 0.. --No. 206. Forrest City Printing Co, printing 1 50 Oct. 3.—No. 215. Dr. H. W. Nash 7 00 3.—No. 217, P. R. Willy, groceries, poor family 30 00 3.—No. 225. W. P. Baker, groceries, poor family ` 4 00 Nov. 1.—No, 229. Seymour Grover, O. P., Newfield 27 00 1.—No. 235. F. H. Hurlburt, Agt. L. V. R. 10, ticket for stranded family 90 10,—No, 239. F. R. Willy, groceries, Poor family 18 92 15.—No. 241, John Kelly, O. P., It.h:ica City1 40 15.—No. 243, W. P. Baker, groceries, door family G 00 15.—No. 244. Randolph Horton, legal service10 68 15.—No. 240. Edward P. Sayre, ambulance, Goodfellcw 1 00 $1170 40 In compliance to the Laws, State of New York, wherein it speci- fies that County Superintendents of the Poor will recom- • mend improvements from time to time to the Board of: Supervisors, we would recomend that the buildings be painted, that the fire escape on nest side 'of buildlng, be rebuilt, and other needed irnhrovements and repairs be looked :after. In compliance Section 11, of the Poor Laws, State of New York, we respectfully report that we estimate the expense of the Town, City and County Poor to be supported at the Alms Rouse the ensuing year to be $5000 00 Outdoor Relief 1400 00 Services Overseer of Poor 100 00 Transportation 00 00 Total 80550 00 . WALTER R'IEKEEL, WILLIAM D. BALDWIN AND WILLIAM P. HARRINGTON, being each duty and severally sworn each for himself de-, poses and says, that the foregoing account and report are just and true ac- cording to their knowledge and belief. P. HARRTNGTON, tiVM. D. BALDWIN, WALTER MEKEEL. Suets. of Poor, Tompkins Co, BERT T. BAKER, Notary Public. 224 THE STJPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS.' TABULATED STATEMENT OF THE HIGHWAY, BRIDGE AND MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS OF THE •SEVERAL TOWNS OF THE COUNTY OF TOMPKINS 1911 For the Repair and Improvement of Highways, Repair and Con- struction of Bridges, Purchase, Repair and Storage of Ma- chinery, Removal of Obstructions Caused by Snow, and Other Miscellaneous Purposes Made by the Supervisors of the Respective Towns Pursuant to Section 107 of the Highway Law of the State of New York. MILES OF DIRT ROAD IN EACH TOWN. Caroline 121.29 Miles Danby 125 Dryden 178.46 " Enfield 80 Groton 108 Ithaca 63.62 " Lansing 140.40 Newfield 141 Ulysses 92.97 • THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 225 z z 10 - W • W ▪ 0 • iJ • O • c • z � A r. Or_ VW E� • E 1.4 O rr1 E Ga � W A Eti G4 E1 C W W • a w O z O rig 'LIGE L£ >a0 purH uo Ir..F[ GS' c61 10 cn r- to 0: )1_ U3 cn c) - 'saarll[puadxa [u}o,I. ' 'SI E[Jeq. -EW so; papuacix-1 'dsau[r[a1I4 ;o [uluali soj •dx;3 1110At uI10j pur. JOq wj JOj 'x',a •sldioaau I1lo,E. CA CV O 0:10 01 01 0] Ca COcl CO C- 00 to c, N t- -tt ai,y I( 0 1D O ri CO e0 1, 1 -CM 10 10 0 0 n lP W o CS -31 1,3 10 00 c] 0- 0') In In V1 co cn 0-000 cc 00 0 1 M .,m0 mCi ca c0 cc 0)1s ' 000 r-In0-0 D `„1 n: mm 10 s0 T-41 rn 0 000o0 N M O CO O p 0 ,-I O 6 I1• 6 O 00 ct 0 01 O O 10 110 H 1O c0 r ,H ca 0)1 O Ca 10 10 C0 CO TO Ci 0 ,-1 (0 01 O Ca G6 000n06or-o 01 la la (0I0 O d, 0-0 CO010-I- 0010 0 W 01 00 00 0- C. O O Cn 01 ,--1 04 1, ^0 c0 O r-1 0 00 G^- 01 1- 10 CS l- CV Cl 1p O r1 c^ Ca Cr, 01101,010 - yarn° moa •:)a'U ..ssaupalgapui jo •JOD Uzo.rd -Frau '0 10`a1 r n SO 0 C 01- 0) o 10. 00 ,1m •poa7,I I V alslS' JO}aa[[OD rUOJ? Too -i XRS, UL0d,4 purl' 110 aou-eve;[ 0 69- 0: sM 0 - 0000.r -I 001 C> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 r1 c0 m CO N t0 O DI 00 ric- 01 Ca CA fir; 0: i 07 r; c.i 0-1 ' 0 0 0 0 0 4 CO 01C. 0) 0 O O 0:0 ri0 oo,o o •0:O 1- O O O CO o 0) 0 O 0 O CO 10 w 1.- C.1 :ICJ 14 ON .--I c7 N Ci N'c1 ds C, SO OM CO CDICD101' JC ,A I- .0 GO 10100 1- 10 CO 0 CO SI 0 C 1p' • CJ O 01 .0 GO . GO CA„co . 0 GO C] 01 10 OO 10 C' . 0) c, g IM 0 cd G' h 226 TIHE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. MORE FOR THE YEAR ENDING OCTOBER U131 'LE 'lap `puvH us) •11 r1 •saanl [puadx ij 1PZo,L •spUn,j .laulO 01 'Su11.1.1, sagPrJSI .c' N JO 'UOD .10j 'dx j 00 occ r GO - • C of C 30 V'• ^i >I co nl (0 m ti >1 �i m • 0 :n lo r- 00 - 00 r 0j (A =,i V LV L- Go _j ^i o oo t G a 4 (» M 81, -da,Z aoj 1P;a,1) -3110.A.1. 1111:1;1, 0' sogl3q .1oj •(1X f -sldlaolU 11'lod, -soanog aa1110 u.[o.0 •poe j yr 00 c, GO C. 0o Go 00 NCA 0o = l Go r, AO Go 1- kr.' 00 1- Go 1 O O 1.t L O ((0 ^ •--. !l In ,-1 nl ,t o• lame.0wmo L0 • (ti cl r- %In°v -r nl▪ f.. M ^1 000,Y O ^ l 1� O GC V- M te. (4 r O (0 CO M CA _ p L. l� N O (0 Go d' If: r H 0] M 3, 'sp f1 .121110 [1.101] O O 1Go O L- Cl o 0 OD C NC? p OGo va (O L - I.^. CO L-• ID 0 L 01 ocq PI •ssaupaugapui to %Lao. woad •paau • •iolaa1Top ' IIIOJ.I ' pt1a- %L' coC C o C C o 0 0 co 0 o O o O 4 o 0 Ar O N C C O C C Go o CV 0 0 4 C. 0 o G!. to 01 S. GO Or CA 1 3, 'a; 'na.1d 11.1ozj put H uo eau1:I71fI C. ti C (O h Go D0 O y O Io 00 op ,- VD cq v c0 o a z c V W L C IP. p Ln ir' $ AND REPAIR TIIT SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. YEAR ENDING OCTOBER, 31, 1 •II6E TO •7a0 j1tl H UO fug 0 0e C1 01 CO US CO CI CO 0 01 �! o O .1 00 00 c0 omo �o.1. olio to 'sa.Inl -TpTOCIX a L OZ ea0 m 00 , . 1- . - 1 e0 ra 00 00 t.r00 w O o oo t- COe:o1 C‘01.'.° 'c .dm ,O VD- -span,' ` ,Tam° O} 's Illi.[,[ 00 -sjocr , 2j' 'gaup: ai>T;.IGIS .To,I •x`I O•,.. O O c, - t- -t- -; -;:A ' 6 '6'100 j, V '.VO.BN i }U • e.0N .10j '(Ixu[ 0nm 00 t- t0 CO o L a1 c> m "-. c1,� ,1 v t- oo w 00 00 00 ci .r 00 r-- r- ,~ m m O 6'O m '1IOOJ; V8 . gaplo j0 'Ind O- '.IOJ '(lx�,j 00 CO O O. 00 e O O "i to v, m d' 00 O 0 as W 00 00 : Cr'. 03 a o, *'1 w 0 01 c, 0000 00 00 • 's4d[a0a$ F110J, 'O m O 31 p 0 10 ,E m IO r0 1- 000 03 O O 0] 00 r1oo-,4 od ci 00 t. .4 t.. CO 1-. c0 11 CO 40 00 rO 6$ •saa.InoS LUO.1,1 •poaU O +-+ . o 0o oo •.10te10 0 _ •spuna datum w�,tj 'Im.T,[ t- O M 00 O m 4, oo 00 0 • cri tri .6'6 0 r w ,-1 to 69. •asaupalgapul j0 -.I0D uzO.Ij •pia}.I 0 0 1n . 00 'J01001[03 uto.i • poaa xey 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 c 6 6 0 6 0 O,tia 00oG 6 t' .1 0 N O N'--1 2 00 •.1A •AaJd TUOSJ pu'ng TIo Oa[ITTBa cmc 0- ..±.. `OO 00 co 0' c503. ci c;vi t-t- ,--1c., LO eo rA 64 Caroline Danby Dryden Enfield Groton Ithaca Lansing: - Newfield Ulysses 22'7 28 • THE SUPERVISORS' P OCE EDI\GS. iLGi `l`1?, '7J0 _)UCH uo '1Effc, r..7"., V + = G^ O a c't — 0 o Ld, cni -c r, 0.5 IT ::. 0 -- •1 -sa.1113 pu3SX [ [MOI ..-1,] :, d' In 0 ,n n in 0' C' C :O LC ^, LV -0 r., Fm. w o cJ cu ci Ly •S O L[II �[ I01l40 p1 'S111:1.I. 0 0L.'] -,r, `. -a' Vi cJ o I- i -n , 'SaSOd111 ,[ '7LT Sc 1al[70 :0.U.K-H..- -- -0 O 4 do )putts :N. aoUad a!AI. aoj •dxa •SI{SfU1iL .`.LU -.la1EAt ao,y • d x a • 9 0 ) 0 0 0 C 0 o Q o :.- M r m 64. L{snag y spaaAi 1I13an3 SOI 'X',r( I$ 76.65$ 142.81 42.00 560.77 I 44.40 1 102.13 j 79.64 412.54 31.2 5 143.6 2 74.87 2.25 ( 6.00 'A1.011,5 3U [EAOLCIOa .103 -x,,A 'S1dla loll Ill)0 J • I0 0 0 0 ,-4 -,, 0 co c, 0 0 I-'= O 0 ci 6.i w E.-•: o c od .6i o c, 0.0,n r• ,-i 000 ..r. L-- ,c• cg ry ti +59, •saalnoS 10g10 mo.1d •oali 10 � 1 =" �0 O ,� Cw F o . Y 0 . sv '10;Jaj[O`O LUOJ,j •paDU xlu, 0 0 8 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 2 2.-0; O O 0 0 0v 00,n ti 00 '.IA. 'Aa.l.[ U10,123 •pUEp i10 'yea (2AROLINE + $ DA N BY 32.23 DRYD1N ENFIELD ' 3.55 GROTON 1 i ITHACA LANSING 28.51 NEWFIELD 15.22 ULYSSES THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. . SERVICES RENDERED I\ HIGHWAY MATTERS, ALSO '.Ind �$A1[[5[.I.j [IV IOd 'dx: I,1.L r- 2 -4 g [-1 ,T 1,T; - `9, ea ca w ca m <r ti ^i ,-4 of ci o ci o -4: in wmi° no tio°aM ,x,- <,5 r4 nic ,i eo"cac - 'sosod[n(•aS[[) a0,[ •dxj [cloy fD z..±,,,] onc„; °nia ri rn voo pm N N ,-, o b8 stool Pun •40.aL4 .OJ 'dx:4 In1O,L $636.001$150.00€$255.00J$ $5,766.64 $1,702.23!8 171.65 503.75. 46.13 4,609,92 1,452.80 69.47 1 750.00' 111.80 34.20 8,117.32 3,430,36 365.88 423.75 34.60 ' 1 2,597.20 118.65 328.43, 804.00 54.00 7,564.82 1,027.77 328,31 672.00 80.60 '20.12 1 3,849.751 306.48 60,771 504.00 50.00 6,071.821 279.711 260.01 492.50 75.00 10.00 5,295.661 384.88 436.16 543.00 . 60.94 1 4,450.881 1,127.13 106.851 sa2pla.d sal papuOdxa In;u;[, •S:1 IA' tINijj ao; 'c[x;,j [13101 •lf,A1,1-1 Aral Inn Suu-erj .[oj •xa [IMOD, 01 AU:MY 'aos[Aaed -IIS -01 aauTMO[[V '1dnS uA1o,L pam.o[[Er l[InoLuy IdnS uA1OJ. paAio[IV asuadx[ co m [n PO ,-: 00 r ti - - ldns UMOJ •,•.1oi1V S KV €1 .0 NI cz ro m00 CC, -. ,--i 7r o :� `,-° c''', o, `4 ,-• °,2, •sv,a Jad '1(inS UALO,L '[Td 'lu[v o 0 2.5 0 o e 2.2 :2',.c.; ci ni ni ci ni c,i rS W, K. rWWOUF'rn OCgRr.E-���� ZQ7�lWW 229 230 } THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. Reports of the Justices of the Peace of the various Towns of the Coun- ty of Tompkins of all fines and penalties collected by= them during the past year. CAROLINE. Frank M. Bull reported received '$25.00. F. A. Snow reported no money received. E, H. Mitchell reported no money received. DRYDEN. Andrew Baker reported' no money received. J. D. Miss reported no money received. Willard Shaver reported no money received. C. E. Underwood reported no money received. Paul Ewers reported no money received. GROTON. • Newton Baldwin reported no money received. ITHACA. D. D. Fisher reported no money received. H. S. Wright reported no money received. - Jake Wilcox reported received in fines $60.00: and for violation of the Forest, Fish and Garne Laws $1150.00 NE W FI E LD. Douglass Carpenter' reported no money received. - $. Payne reported no money received. A. D. Brown reported no money received. • Robert Alexander reported received $5.00. ULYSSES. Fred N. Smith reported no money received. The following statement shoes TH1 S0PERtiISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 11101 0S 0T 4101la011 (l.1d. -a2u111 i. 10 :4 of t1oJl.t0doad "umoa. Put: 21uno7 04 tlorlana..)1,1 •Saa3 S n5120.1,1. :Slut -10D . X1.3.L 40 I t1Ctou13' •anll)A algyssassv 1 ft of CZ 6 DC M 00 n VC (0 M 01 6s H 0 w 00 00 CO 0: 00 Irr ca o: 0 i c 00 co H 07 CC CO . 1- co CO IG GV 00 CC CI .r 0.0 �00 N M 00 First National Bank 0) c Iri 1.1 n • p4 O of C/) E- y ao N ^ Gm X c COv 231 'a -u111 1. .10 :S#13 •:ilunoD Put: a41315 Rates for 1911 00 00 0 OV 0 00 I- 0 m 0 0 City of Ithaca CID 01 0 0 0 01 0 rn 0 0 C O 0 00 M N M 00 CO CI 0 0 CD 00 0. Q 0 232 TITE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. • Tax Law, in Supervisors lit •E r:;off 'L •a E3j of lUefSanu passasse sunt; - eaodaoa u2ia -.to; ;o-flaado.Ld 'ZI •aaS of Inensancl passassL: SIOrl - -e.ro(Lioa ai)SULL 5 -op ;o Alaado.ad ut 1) 'EE put): ° g suoilaos o; luensanri pasaas G 0 013 0 0 4: 0 0 0 '300 L- eC 0 x3000 N 001 '00 .n 0 Com''3 .i ' O C3 p tl' O r N Q; 01 4, 0 NMN cP T m 0 0' ss 0 0 0 0 C] L: O 7 eJ 0 4.1 0 vi 71 -S0 `5aO13a1S1 uzCu -pr: .10 11.zolnao - xa 'sn•T:ip.rr.n. 'saa;snai. 's;ua ter: Sq plat{ Alaacluad lT •a3S OI luunsand 'psse 'Snosaad n pia') tsaa ;o Slaadoad • I F L 0 ds O 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 • 0 0 .-Ti .r Si cc 1- or 0 0 0 0 Lt, p C L3 Q 0 0 O 0 l 00 "] 44) In 0 ci o4 t- ci %o .. cc.... 0 CI f. 1 0 0 4) Q , F U .3, `C'3 UCa'I:,=11i %'J pervisors at 0 XCL 1x111L -Rti!i-1 ^g ray 04 ilam[ S441d04:1 ri .1 1> u 1 paor.alxj x11 SL;.thz11I1 '9151(2 p lio1I ''os sl; 'S:SmH .Ta1T1L [111:;u1EI11 LI:11Ua11_ :HA '0 UI II V. 10 'OXJ '1s �[ 110111 JO '113A 'pest 's1Q. Pl:o1I 'clay ST( 'Sti-"H .1i71�L up:g1ITTEIL ulailiA1\ '11:1. 'auI 'IV 'auI 'unto' °lolly, UT '15O[ 10171x[ 30 UO21 -13L1IT3A p(0SJSS V V` 0 0 0 0 I.^. G O O c p 00 0 0 0 "V 0 0 0 CC 0 0 0 0 =0 O C1 O 0 0 0 O .) C] O .H O HI O U CJ GA 1P 01 GC 0 0 5 a ai ^ .0 C 0 0 0 0 C C] ,.i O /,%zzz'4; `st 10 0 0 0 0 01 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0' 0 0 0 ,t 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 Gs 0 0 0 r 000 00 00 0 C1 C] O 121 CI c' HI CC Cl Ci C,1 CSI —� — O O 0 CD 0 0 0 O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O o o LC O CD IC 00 00 O 0 1- IG1-10 c] 0. 1. 0 /02 10 o )1) H C1 C: C1 c .1 01 C, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O lc-- C] .y O L0 0 1 1 0 CJ O co I- 00 1D O H O O r/„' O L- 6] C1 O 10 ` m m I0 H r CV C7 c1 '0 cJ a') C/) C! 2- 1-- . -. PI CI CC -. r H n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 00 0 00 rl 0]C. 01 c' CD 00 C1 GO C'.1 _ w O 01 00, w CC c -ti CJ ,-) CV C: I10. M 1 L'- L- -- O Lc CM .0 L- Cy CI r+ - r, 63. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O 0 0 0 O O p 0 lc cV 0 .0 0 0 0 0C: 000' r 01 00 0 000 H' I 01 0 r mH r, 00CC" 7)110 1 = cn"a' G.,C 1 CO 01 CO L- H c' 101 cI H E- . - 0 to a n a7 o gr 0O V1G1C'H1-1 Supervisors. State of Neer York 2 0 m C G 234 THE SUPERVIORS' PROCEEDINGS. ;14.01S; ,I f) ] tI It 1J u1 y 1 .y =- 0 0 t' �r ^JJ ".:9 -T 0 C 1- 2 ,(: 0 t- -- 0 0 0 0 I.'''--• 0 0 y. 0 .-. 0 89 p/r 1 'sasod.lnd II13 .in3 -XVI, h'J(`I U1'-' • 11t1S "po S t Mull •osJ 'loci =8 It:a21 ,.Iti V '931' 'I11li)�I r, o ii i' -.,o ')z, `: '��' tip• o x '' ? 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G Y ) • THE SUPERVISORS' PROCE EDINGS. ')[0.0 IS 'I0u}=3 Uir JO 111110111 t' XUJ •Uii J() til, •::).0S. .Ik)11-1f] 11.00 }1Ua11 •111A •pSSV • 111 pUtl(T;A �$ LE Cr xt',1, 7O njr21 •3100;S }[Ulil 1[I0 S"ax •DXO "xrij. y�r CI in Ci M VP 00 I CT N W i- 00 C ••' M (0 N C.-, t- CI - [OM y. ^1 CG GO ca 1W C1 CI GP L.] 00 00 ,D c. 01 •AU00 O 0 L- J • 1101S p 011 00 0 0L • 00 0 Co 0) 1an0C) Jo iunoinv 'SOCL'.l. AI -uno;) 3)1 ')Unou.Iv 00 O M 00 .-r <p P 0 .1' !] 1-. rl 0)0 iT 0' GC uV CI CV CD 00 C0 .= CD o 0000 <I .c .0 t-cm00 GC 1- Y ,V OS 1- C1 rti r 1-1. C4 L- 01 ,- m CI ' lx 'CID .lo Punom 6 SOX1cl, L[.(1OJ JO j[[n0UI\r CO Cq Cities and Town a H a - hp'O g , crop n m �' O 0 ° c aa . 20 •CLCC' 11 '.Lt, 0ri lrr, 69 Lc. 01 CO as r- • R� s. l' 00R 0 r� Ci O W � Y "g o C) �V nm.0 an 1) ,•C v �w c h� 235 rre tie haul U r •alq'-.ud u) -L[4\ ';gaCi 331` ;9a.1O)L1I 10 a:i:i.1 t an r CI) C,00 C O 1- I- 00 O G 'Li:: : g g w =V GV ^1 w.l a4. ek? a:r ,-y ,, ,, C. 0 0 o G o o p o o Co 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 G O Q O O O C O d 0 0 0 O C L.^, is O L": O 0 1-. — :V O 1t) O LV 1 4: h 0 0 GC r -i 0 +1t -' o C o c c c c a c G p O O C O O C C O O C. O C O O g 0 0 0 O O O O O O G L- - O L, V V ,. r- -1=';a-10-11.1.1 - `=roW.IC -T 3gaa pap li)J Under What. 1_ O C O C O O C 0 0 0 0 o O C O 0 0 0 0- 0. 0 C 0 00=000000 o 00! Irol-G :n L- i O ,a 0 N moi+ r!. L- c: ? C'G O: r,. c h c^ '^ M M .: 0! O O O G O O ,-, c of c Cr, co o: r, r, -. r- r. r, '. C "•C C 0 0 O O 12.,=-1ij 12:� .a 1. `i 1- 1- Y !r. .. GO GO aI11`VJf J 0: 00. 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N ry r-1 IT 91 11°- a 1 M' 9)101 :i- �+.70 90 .+I ti `4 9 `T .r d• d' n9 M 19 c^ M . ] '1• M 90 M y' C0 .Y M '•3+ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O 0 0- 0 CD 'C. 10 0 0 0 1C: 0 0 o C 0 0 O 000 1 0© 0 d: O O cO cD 7.10 C 1 O .-+ coo 7.777,7 -d., -7,.c n .ac!• -r c,1.7-' .--1 ,-r-' Cl 0 10 co a�9 In O 10 L- O 7 cC' 66. O C. C I0 N . •' . . . . O • . . . 0: N M CO m 10. 10 1-• 1- 10 10 1'. L- O o 0 - 1- 1 I- m C: lI- 1- :] 0 O Da CC 0 Q GO GO ' GO GO N r-1 N q 0.70 1 N N N N N N llO' N N W W W I-7 �' 4- ' 4- 4y w ..., 6-1 O 0 0 NW W ° O O O C CO v C C U Nr•GO:M1.-11-.,1.11.1-1.,-1,71-1, GOW - w -.-NN,..... rr,7.--t-1',, -YV' O▪ DUUI trCJU mUUUUCJ!)UU . . . . 'w a 0 -- a .c 9 g ^ .o - . �, Lo _ '" u- u 01 1Ni ui ui O N,, C Sn ar, Es. . •r. 4' c 0 a1 9 a) 0 a, U° C g O U U Ir o m G g G 0 G 4 4~ ;L s n ,. .d ut C T. a'.a , ,, ami m m e u' Ec tc •e' c o ^ a v c ▪ 44 m ° c3 ca a� m •'• a' T Q. i c C c. 4LI "1 y F) k an ami _� LL •„ a) 4+ ▪ ,U+ G .- .- y J U m C1 y a] 4 r o c s co 0 0 `:O . U^= r 5 0 c ca 1—'1,), 0) CO GO to--" E O .. 1- n1 ! U.; U C) -1 16. Sect. 430, Ed. c▪ a v r . • . . c n a) c,ti',= c' 0 • >, d 0' G a, s ill 0 0 0 0 0 1 'r ✓ 0 0 .c o �' ✓ '6 c6 t7 ,a 4; 0 r� Y f Q G O O O O O 0 y o • C n sy.gw{.)P r=7 7��1P ,a+ -,w,4-,,, ��` -W-1 H 1-- G 4- W y._, W 4. W U -' o O o c c c c o C o //'� U clW W C H o o o o o c° o 0 o -. c 0 0 9 0 0 as , •9 0 al a) c EG 6r, ac U E tri Lr. h1 an ha "-r.. L!J O,:-. K c c c G c c G o 0 c' -,. M az r M at. C C .t !! 07-4 CUUC �H HF.E,PP err✓ -'r %� r is - a„ • • 238 TIME SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. CLERK'S CERTIFICATE. T, Bert T. Baker, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, N. Y., do hereby certify that f have compared the foregoing journal of the proceedings of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County with the original record thereof and that the same is a full and correct transcript therefrom of the transaction .of the said Bbard at the Special Sessions and Annual Session of said Board held in 1911. (Typographical errors to be ex- cepted.) • . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, T have hereunto set my hand this 9th day of January, 1912. IIERT T. BAKER, Clerk. THEA SUPERVISORS' PROCEEI)1N(S. POLITICAL . DIRECTORY AND 239 GUIDE TO TOWN OFFICERS General Election—First 'Tuesday after the first Monday of November. Town Boards to designate polling places first Tuesday in St ptember. - Annual School. Meeting first Tuesday in August. Town.Boards to meet to audit claims—First Thursday after general election. All town claims must be presented for audit at this thus.. The Supervisor, shown Clerk and Assessors of each Town must Inset on the first Monday_ of July, 1878, and in each third year there- after, at a place within the town appointed by the Supervisor; or, in cage of his absence, or of a vacancy in his office, by the Town Clerk; for the purpose of making a list of persons to serve as trial jurors for the then ensuing three years. If they fail to meet on the play specified in .this section, they must Meet as soon thereafter as practical. (Consolidated Laws Chap. 35, Sect. 590.) The next meet- ing for this purpose will be in 1911. At -tire meeting specified in the hist section, the officers must select, from the last assessment roll of the town and make a list of the names of all persons whom they believe to he alua1ified to serve as trial jurors as prescribed by lair. (Consolidated Laws Chap. 35, Sect. 501.) Town Boards meet to examine town officers' accounts—Last Tuesday preceding town meeting to be held, in each town. a.'own Meeting, biennial --Second Tuesday in February. 240 THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS.' Annual meeting of Supervisors as a Board of Canvasser's First Tuesday succeeding general election. Annual Meeting of the Board of Supervisors—Immediately after the completion of the canvass, or at such other time as they as a Board shall fix. .A11 bills and claims against the county must he presented to tha Clerk of the Board on or before the third day of the Annual Session of the Board of Supervisors. All bills for supplies furnished to Superintendents of the Poor must be presented to said Superintendents for audit on or before November ].st, of each year. All bills presented to the Board of Supervisors must be itemized and vertified by the oath of the claimant. No bills for Mw books will be audited unless purchased under Resolution of the Board of Supervisors. All bills for repairs to or improvements of county buildings' must have endorsed thereon the approval of the committee on county buildings. No bills for supplies for county officers will be audited unless the same were purchased by the Committee on Supplies of the Board of Supervisors.. The Tax Collector•or Receiver shall, within eight days after re- ceiving notice of the amount of taxes to be collected by him, execute to the Supervisor of the town, and lodge with him, a bond in double the amount of said taxes, to be approved by the Supervisor. The Supervisor shall, within six days thereafter, file the said 'bond in the office of the County Clerk of this County. • The Assessors must complete the Assessment Roll on or before the first day of August and leave a copy thereof with one of their number and immediately thereafter cause notice thereof to be Post- ed in three or more public places in their town or ward. TEE SUPERVISO1tS' Pi C:EL DINGS. 241 "When the lines between two towns, wards or counties, divide a farm or lot, the same shall be taxed, if occupied, in the town, Ward of col:inty where the occupant resides; if unoccupied, each part shall he assessed in the town, ward, village or county where the same shall lie." The Assessors shall meet on the third Tixesday in August, to re- view their assessments and hear the complaint of any person con- ceiving Himself to be aggrieved. An affidavit to the roll by the As- sessors made prior to the third Tuesday of August, is a nullity. The Assessors must deliver the correct Assessment Roll to 'the Town Clerk on or before the first day of September, there to remain for a period of fifteen days for public inspeetiorl, and the Assessors shall forthwith give public notice by hosting the same in at ]east three of the most public places in the town, or by publishing the same in one or more newspapers published therein that such Assessment Roll has been filially completed, the officer to which the salve has been delivered, and the place where the sable will be open tb public in- spection.' Said fifteen days, within which any assessment may bc"r'e- riewved by certiorari, shall eo nmence 'on the day of the first pr:lbli- cation. The Assessors cannot enter the name of a person on this roll_ who became a resident after the first day of duly. When the Assessors, or a majority of them, shall have com- pleted their roll, they shall severally appear before any officer of the County authorized by law to administer oaths, and shall severally make and subscribe before such officers, 'an oath in the following form, which must be strictly followed: "We, the undersigned, do hereby severally depose and swear that we have set down in the foregoing Assessment Roll, all the real estate situate in the town (or sward as the e case may be), according to our best information; and that, with the exception of those cases in which the value of said real estate has been changed by reason of proof produced before us, we have estimated the value of said real estate at the sums which :u majority of the Assessors have decided to be the full value thereo., and also that the said Assessment Roll contains a true statement of the aggregate amount of the twxable estate of each and every person named in such Roll, over.and above the amount of debts due from such persons respectively, excluding such stocks as are otherwise 242 TF1E SUPER VISOR5''PROCEEDINGS. taxable and such other property as is exempt by law from taxation. at tie full value thereof according to our best judgment and belief." W high oath shall be written or printed 'on said roll, signed by the Assessors, and certified by the officer. Laws of 1909, Chapter 62, Sect. 38. The Supervisor must report to the County. Treasurer on the first Tuesday in March, the amount of school moneys remaining in his 1 ands. Each JErstiee at.' the Peace must execute a bond with two sure- ties conditioned for the payment on demand to the proper officer all moneys received by the Justice, by virtue of his office; which bond must be approved by the Supervisor of the town, and filed in the. - To Clerk's office. Each .Justice of the Peace shall make a report in writing veri- 1i;hcl by oath, each year, bearing date for the first day of November, to the Board of Supervisors, at their annual_ session, in which Le si.al1 state particularly the time when, and the name of tiie person or persons from whom any moneys has been received, and also the amount and on what account the sante «'as received, also the sums remaining d.ue and unpaid and that all moneys by hint received have been paid to the officer duly empowered by law to receive the, sa rue. Each Justice of the Peace shall pay to the Supervisor of his re- spective town on the first Monday in each month all. fines and penal- ties imposed and received by him, and he shall_ also make.a verified report of all fines and penalties collected by him to the Board ol'. Town Auditors of his respective town on Tuesday preceding the an- nual Town Meeting. .Laws of 1909, Chapter 16, Section 21. Overseers of the Poor cannot furnish supplies to a county pau- per to exceed the sum of ten dollars without an order from the ,County Snl erintendents authorizing disbursements for sneh purpose. The Clerk of every incorporated villa ge and city in the Coun- ty shall report to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors on o1' be- fore November 1st of each year all indebtedness of such village ar l� • THE SUPERVISO1{S' PROCEEDING=S. 243 city, specifying for what purpose created, under what law, rate of interest and when payable. Laws of.1909, Chapter 16, Sect. 52. The 'Trustees or the person or persons having charge of the. issue of bonds or. payment of same of: any school district shall trans- mit.a statement thereof to the ,Clerk of the .13oard of Supervisors annually 'on or before the first day of November. Laws of 1.909, Chapter 16, Sec. 52, • The Board of Assessors of the several towns of the County and the Assessors of the City of :Ithaca shall furnish to the Clerk of the .Board of Supervisors on or before the first day of July in each year a full and complete list and statement of all property within their respective districts exempt from taxation under the laws of this State. Laws of 1909, Chapter 62, See. 15. 244 TFIE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. INDEX PAGE Assessment Rolls, Correction of 153 Confirmation of 153 Almshouse, Support of Poor 117 Fire escapes.. 36 Report of Superintendents of the Poor 216 Audits, County 1.56 Special, J. G. Wortimul„ 36, 62, 112, 136, 143 •H. S. Beardsley & Son 49, 51 Alvin. Booth & John R. Comings _ 49 Clinton House 62, 94, 112 D. 0. Bishop _________ 62, 112 Cortland Granite Works 65 Ithaca Elec. Light & Power Co 71. Ithaca Gas, Light Co r1. Williams & .Bower .l.08 C. N. Baldwin 11 S Tompkins house 136 Bills against County when to be 'audited 45 For Law Books 88 Bill No. 67 Withdrawn 728 Bank Taxes 231 Board of Supervisors, Annual Session 87 THE SUPER VISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 245 Hours of Annual Session .40 Table 155 Morning Session Given to Committee Work 46 Special Sessions 3, 10, 13, 18, 22, 24 Committee on Rules • ' 10 Adjournment Out of :Respect for Dr. Meavy 52 Resolutions itid Audit of Bills to Lie On Table 45 Be.fore li1l L iit Be 'Reduced Must Be Referred 1110 • Supervisor of Clainhant,'s District 45 c. Canvass, Official Pee for. Piijiti tig 11.8 Caroline, Audits 93, 163 Budget 146 Tax for Town Purposes • 1.44 Tax for Maintenance of Macadam Roads 138 Tax for Highways and .Bridges 96 Dog Tax 110 Brush Bill Chairman, Election of 39 Vote of Thanks to 141 Commissioners of Election, Certificates132, 133, 18, • 2:3 Election of 20, 23 . Salaries 19, 69 Clerk, Election Vote 01! rnanks to - 141 j\.UthOriZed to Buy Supplies 39 Salary 133 Committees, &midi lig 42 Printing and Supplies 53 Tubereu[osis u081}itals 37, 72, 152 To Apportion Mortgage Taxes 56 Vacancies to be filled by. Incoming _Members . 6, 142 Rights o! Way, Freeville-Groton Road 15 On Rules 011 .Board • 10 246 THE SUPERA-71SOES' PROCEEDINGS. Rights of Way, Danby Road 12 On Sheriff and board of 'Prisoners 97, '123 Committee to Sell Property Bought on Tax Sales 40 Comptroller; Communication from 4.0 County Clerk, Report of 207 . Requested to Pay to County Treasurer Fees Collected on Mortgage Taxes. 83, 88. 129, 143. 151 County Orders, to Ile Issued by Clerk awl Countersigned by Chairman 1136 County Treasurer, Report of 186 Authorized to Distribute Mortgago Taxes 83 County, Audits 156 Budget 145 Salo ry, Clerk of Board 133 Salary, Chaplain at Almshouse 135 Salary, Chaplain, at Jail 133 Salary, Walter M.ekeel, Supt. of Poor 117 Safary, Ender Sheriff 184 Salary, Deputy Sheriff and Turnkey 1.34 Salary, Commissioners of Election 1.9, 69 Contract With Monroe County Penitentiary 142 Contract With (Ieorg,o Junior Republic :1.42. Support of Poor '1.1.7 Mortgage Tax Distribution 83 Part Payment Printing Proceedings 105 Sinking Fund and 'Interest 138 '11Iond for Groton-Freeville Road 139 Proceeds of Surrogate's Office 54' Commissioners of Election for Postage, etc 140 Danby, Audits 165 Budget 147 Ta.xes for Highways and Bridges 9.6 .Dog Tax 11.1: THE st.TPERvIsons• PuocEEDINGs, 247 Maintenance Macadam Roads 138 •, Tax for Town purposes 144 'Dryden, Audits 105,, 167 Blid get 147 Bank Tax Statement 99 Fax for Highways and Bridges 96 Maintenance Macadam Roods 138 Brush Bill 86 Dog Tax SI Tax for Town Purposes 144 Support of Town poor 93 Sinking Fund and Interest 1.38 :Equalization, !Hearing Before Counnittee 43, 63 Table 130, 1.31 :Enfield, Audit 93, 1.70 Iladget 147 Tax for highways and Bridges 96 Brush IiI1 60 Tax for -Town purposes 144, Dog Tax 1.11. E 0 Fret and Lighis. Appropriation 102 Grand Jurors, Apportionment 84 George Junior Republic, Contract With 142 Good Roads, Roads Designated for 'Improvement hi 1912 66 linprovement of Ddield Roads • ' 115, 121, 124, 125 Rights of Way ou .Danby Road 12 ' Rights of Way on .Vreeville-Groton Road 15 • J. \V. Preswid, to Sign Supplemental Contracts 1.0 248 THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. William. Nelson Lien 12, 21, 67, 70, 1.19 _Apportionment of _Amounts Due County On Roads Nos. 886, 338, 454, 455, 483. Road in Dryden Village 8, 16, Road in FreeVille Vilge 16, Road in Groton Village 9, Roads in Town of Caroline 4. 5. 43, 44, 50. 51, 56 Report of Good Roads Committee on Settlement of . Bailey, Johnson Saunders Claim Tinpro vement Improvement Improvement Improvement of of of of 124 46 64 17 70 Groton, Audits 93, 1.72 Budget • 143 • Bank Tax Statement 99 Tax for Highways and Bridges 96 Tax for 'Town Purposes 144 Dog Tax 11.1. Ithaca -City, Budget 1.48 Bank Tax Statement • 93 Support of Poor ' 117 Ithaca. Town, Audits 101, 176 Budget 148 Tax for Highways and Bridges 96 Tax for Town Purposes ° 144 Brush Bill 104 Maintnenance of ALI ca da in Roads 138 Sinking Fund and Interest 138 Dog Tax 111. Support of Town Poor 101 J Jail, - Chaplain 106, 3.33. Physician, Election of • 57, 57 Furnishing Annex 80 THE SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. L 249 Lansing,'Audits 93, 177 Budget 149 Dog Tax ', 111 Tax for Higi vays and Bridges 96 Tax for Town Purposes 144 Maintenance of Macadam Roads 138 Resolution to Bored Town 73 Support of Town Poor 103 Report of Town Indebtedness 113 M lfortgagc Tax, Distribution of ................__- Newfield, Audits 92, 180 ' Budget . 149 Bonding deport 59 Tax for TowIi Purposes 144 Tax for Highways andBridges 96, 139 Dog Tax 17.1 Brush• Bill 90 Support of Town Poor _ 8S Petitions to Rave Property Placed on Assessment Rolls Town of Enfield._ .--109, 120 Town oi° ].iansing_ 52 ['own of Ulysses 60 Political Directory and Guide to Town Officers 234 Proceedings, Bids for Printing 41. Committee to Advertise for Bids 25 Contract for Printing 41, 45 Number and Distribution 104 Extension of Time to Printer 153 250 THE SUPF.HVISOIIS' PROCEEDINGS. 1� Reports, Committee on County Treasurer's Report 1.37 Committee on Equalization 130; 131. Committee on Appropriations 145 Committee on Erroneous -Assessments 126 Committee on Superintendents of the Poor 116 Committee on Insurance 107 Committee on Soldiers' Monuments 87 Committee On Rights of Way, .Danby Road 14 Committee on Fuel and Lights 47 Committee on Charitable and Penal Institutions '114 Committee on County Clerk's Report 143 Committee on Mortgage Taxes 83 Committee on Good Roads 70 County Treasurer's .Report 186 County Clerk's Report - 207 Superintendents of the Poor Report - 210 Clerk's Report on Valuations and Person Property 232 Clerk's Report on Valuations and Taxes 234. Clerk's Report on Indebtedness 236 Clerk's Report on Highway Taxes. ...... ..... ............................. 233 Clerk's Report on Bank Taxes 231 Report on,Highway Moneys 225 Sheriff's Report 57 Surrogate Clerk's Report...-.-- . 53 Justices' • Reports 230 Resolution Requesting Parts of Election Lai 25, 112 For T. J. Stephens to Appear Before Board 87 For Dealers Who Hail Set Soldier' Tombstones Not •in Accord to Specification to Appear 87 Resolutions Carrying Appropriations.. •45 Sealer of -Weights :ilii _pleasures. Salary 70, 95 Report 95 Sheriff.. .Report 57 Salaries of Under Sheriff and Deputy . 119. 134 TILE SUPERVISORS' PROCELIDI GS. 251 Sessions Laws, Publication of 44: Superintendents of the .Fool, Report or 81., 210 Report of Committee on 116 Expense Bills Returned .for Correction_ 113 Salary, Walter Mekeel . .. .. . 117 Bond, Walter Mekeel - 129, 140 Superintendent of Highways, Resignation of 11 Requests for Eligible Lists 12, 15 Votes foe Appointment; 20, 221, 23 Supervisors, Members 37 Table 155 ,I. Tuberculosis hospital, Committees 37, 72, 152 Reports of Committees 26, 141. Requests in Favor of 35, 36, 48, 50 Opposition to Rogues Harbor 67 Resolutions on . 36, 69, 70 Hearing on 68, 1123, 140, 141 Committee's J.nstection. of. Rogues Harbor 83. 95 .Donation o1 Mr. Robt. l -I. 'Pierian accepted 152 Tax Collectors, Settlement Witli County Treasurer 152 ` :Dog. 'Pax 81, 111 County Tax 145 State Tax 51, 145 Bank Tax 231 Mortgage Tax 83 Telephone Service for County Buildings, 48, 52, 55, 58, 67_82, 83 Ulysses, Audits 97, 183 Budget 150 Tax for Highways and .Bridges 96 Tax for Town Purposes - 144 752 TILE SUPERVISOI:S' PROCEEDI\GS. Report on Town indebtedness 97 Dog Tax 111 Bank Statement 99 Maintenance of Macadam Roads 138 Sinking Fuad. and Interest 138 Brush Bill 89 Support of TOWEI Poor 107, W -Warrants. Tax TPinre .Extended to Affix to Rolls 100, 137 OFFICIAL TABULATION AND STATEMENT OF VOTES. Given in County of Tompkins for Member of Assembly and County Officers at the General Election Held November 7, 1911. { Alenibel. of l\ssenib13 Sheriff Whole Number Giles M. Stoddard Edward H. Caley m Blank and Scattering ' ;umber '. Miller Frank F.L. Davis Joseph G. Roth John J. Sinsabaurh Blank and Scattering Whole' Number John Conklin Waiter ekeel William P. S. Clapp David W. Francis Blank and Scattering m .E m v A C City or Town 53 J +J 0 L H o C. A r a. First Ward 1275 169 78 80 10 11 5 275 161 92 101 10 21 275 10388 11 12 1 2 1308 204 L+ 9 5 3081 202 78 11 9 • 8 1 308 201 811 11 9 4 City Second Ward 1 326 139 140 8 17 2 326 149 155 7 19 1 1 :120 137 166 6 10 1 2 323 198 110 4 10 1 321 175 12G 5 15 31 323 16.4 139 4 14 2 . Third Ward I 288 1.47 111 3 18 9 288 136 127 3 17 5 2881 1271 1361 41 171 4 of - 2 250 208 113 8 15 4 350 200 122 6 10 0 350 193 131 71 15 5 Fourth Ward 11 4341 2411-1631 71 141 1 434 209 1115 - 7 14 9 434 191 210 81 17 9 2 360 171 158 '6 16 9 360 157 165 7 24 71 260 140 186.7 19 8 Ithaca Fifth Ward 1 4136 249 .166 14 28 9 4001 216 159 11 32 5 406 202 215 '14 31 1 2 386 183 163 7 26 7 380 167 185 51 24 5 386 152 104 61 27 7 Total 3516 1929 1284 79164 GD 3510 1767 1444 75 180 50 3516 1665 1518 78'17 44 Dryden 1 120 61 54 3 12 0 130 56 01 21 11 0 130 57 58 :1 12 0 2 114 62 43 0 9 0 114 53 52 01 9 0 114 51 49 1 10 '0 3 142 63 72 2 5 0 142 52 80 3 6 0 142 49 83 4 6 0 ' 4 134 28 32 1 3 0 64 24 37 0 3 0 64 24 37 0 3 0 5 138 63 70 0 5 0 138 57 76 0 5 0 138 55 77 -0 0 0 . 6 160 63 84 1 12 0 160 01 86 1 12 0 159 49 93 2 19 0 Total 1 748' 310 355 7 46 0 748 303 397 6 96 0 747 258 397 10 52 0 Groton .. 1 81 20 32 0 23 0 80 25 32 0 23 0 79 27 .29 6 231 0 2 368 65 89 5 9 0 108 69 82 6 11 0 107 681 821 71 101 0 3 285 109 153 4 19 0 283 115 145 4119 0 285 124 139j 31 191 0 4 152 46 93 1 12 0 151 55 83 11 12 0 1521 53 851 11 131 0 Total 1380 246 367 10 63 0 682 264 342 11 65 0 083 272 235 1! 65 0 1 Caroline I 10.4 50 52 0 2 0 104 49 531 0 2 0 104 46 56 0 2 0 • 2 157 70 78 2 7 0 154 63 83 2 6 0 153 fit 82 2 8 0 3 122 85 27 0 10 0 121 59' 46 0 161 0 121 59 46 0 16 0 Total 383 205 157 2 19 0 379 171 182 2 24 0 :378 166 184 2 26 0 Lansing 1 160 52 89 0 19 0 160 57 8:3 11 191 0 100 55 '95 1 19 0 ' 2' 113 70 • 40 0 3 0 112 63 46 0 3 0 111 63 45 0 4 0 3 138 132 1332 1 13 0 138 60 133 11 14 0 128 53 68 1 16 0 Total 911 18.1 191 1 35 0 410 180 192 21 .361 0 .410 171 198 21 391 0 • Newfield 1 247 115 29 0 3 0 147 94 47 0 6 0 1.16 90 51 0 5 0 2 72 53 18 0 2 0 72 28 27 21 5 0 72 30 27 2 7 0 3 117 60 47 1 14 0 117 41 62 1.11:3 01 117 42 59 1 15 0 Total 337 228 89 1 19 0 3313 173 136 3 24 01 335 168 137 31 271 0 Danby • • 1 1 1401 50 76 0 14 0 140 48 78 0 14 0 140 45 80 0 15 0 2 75 25 40 1 9 0 75 17 39 01 9 01 75 26 39 1 9 . 0 3 35 7 22 0 6 0- 35 7 22 0 6 0 35 9 21 0 0 0 Total 250 82 138 1 29 0 250 52 139 0 29 • 0 230 79 140 1 30 0 — Ulysses 1 217 110 89 0 18 0 219 93 1051 0 21 0 217 Si 116 0 20 0 2 183 74 92 0 17 0 193 70 34 0 101 0 183 5.5 107 1 17 0 3 220 116 92 1 11 0 219 106 102 1 10 0 259 94 116 1 8 0 Total 620 300 273 1 46 0 621 269 301 1 501 0 319 233 339 2 45 0 Ithaca (Town) 1 119 82 31 0 6 0 119 58 54 0 7 0 117 56 55 0 6 0 2 148 62 70 8 8 0 147 56 77 8 13 0 147 53 77 11 G 0 Total 267 149 101 8 14 0 2013 114 131 8 13 0 269 109 122 11.12 0 Enfield 1 288 1228 56 0 4 0 290 166 116 01 81 0 287 156 124 0 7 0 Total 288 228 813 0 4 0 290 166 116 0 8 0 287 156 124 0 7 0 1 Total for County 7506 3886 3011 110 430 60 7498 1189 33713 105 473 50 74811 3311 33111120480! 44 qj . P'!lfC61] iri ,z COUNTY OFFICERS.. 1912. - Monroe M. Sweetland ...County Judge and Surrogate ! MI D., M. Gillespie -Surrogate's Clerk . Lillian L. Van Zoil - Court Stenogra.phet S. Edwin Banks , Special ,County Judge\ Albert H. Overacker County Clerk t Clarence D. •Tarbell • Deputy CountyClerk Wm. H. Baker Special Deputy County CIei k Rodney _G; Robinson - County Treasurer Morris S. Ralliday. - - District Attorney Dr. Wm. A. Smith, Newfield, N. Y. • Coroner Arthur P. Miller • - - .. tole r11 l� r� L,=I 6.14 LTJ ,sr Sheriff Charles Green • ` Under Sheriff Elmer. Terwilliger -- Deputy Sheriff and .Turnkey. A. S.. Cole County Superintendent of Highways Court Bellis .: County Sealer of Weights and Measures W. P. Harrington Superintendent of the Poor W. D. Baldwin .Superintendent of -the Poor Superintendent of the' Poor Keeper of Alms House District Supt.. of School' Walter Mekeel W. H. Pinckney .. John D. Bigelow Fred A. Beardsley, .Hattie Knapp Buck, Arthur G. Adams W" Clarence C. Squier ASSE Dr. Minor McDaniels • District Supt. of School District Supt. of School - Commissioner of Elections Commissioner of Elections MBLY. , - . Member of Assembly LJ 1,11 1111 7. Enfeld,Center,'N. Y... STATE SENATE. John F. Murtaugh State - . ' (49th District), Elmira, N. Y. CONGRESS. John W. Dwight Representative in Congrss (30th District) Dryden, N. Y. 11 0