HomeMy WebLinkAbout1914 Proceedingsatirharb ifir(krrutt 11;fr9-11i4 enturiaut At a meeting of The Board of Supervisors and Coun- ty Officers of Tompkins County, held June 20th, 1914, the following resolution was duly adopted: By Mr. Preswick : "WHEREAS, It his pleased the Supreme Ruler of the Universe in his Divine Wisdom to take from among us one of the beloved members of this Board and WHEREAS, Mr. McGreevy as Supervisor has faithfully and honorably served the County and City, and during his life taken a leading part in the delibera- tions of this Board, therefore be it, RESOLVED, That this Board desires to place on record its appreciation of his services to the County and City and to recognize his ability and worth as a Citizen and Member of this Board and to express to his family, its profound sympathy in their loss, and be it further RESOLVED, That as a mark of appreciation and esteem and respect for his memory, that this memorial be spread on the pages of our proceedings and a copy of the same be properly engrossed and presented to the family of the deceased." Seconded by Mr. Evans and carried. IP REGULAR SESSION Monday, .March 9th, 1914. MORNING 'SESSION Roll Call. All members present except Mr. Preswick. A number of claims were read by :the Clerk and referred to the proper committees.- . By Mr•. Todd: Resolved, That •the Court House Committee be authorized to purchase' a book case suitable to hold the law books in the court room. Seconded by Mr. Fenner and carried. Dr. Townsend made a report on the fire at the Tuberculosis Hospital. By Mr. Hine: Resolved, That :the Committee on Charities have full power to make whatever changes are necessary relative to the chimney at the Hospital. Seconded by Mr. Evans and carried. Mr. Cole, County Superintendent of Highways, addressed the Board rel- ative to the State Highway Convention to be held at Ithaca in June, 1914. By Mr. Evans: Resolved, That the Board act as a committee to entertain the delegates. Seconded and carried. - The following" members were appointed to act as a sub -committee: Messrs. Robinson, Evans, and Fish. By Dr. Gallagher: Resolved, That policies No. 2618 and No. 476309 on the County Clerk's Office and Jail respectively be cancelled. Seconded by Mr. Stanton and carried.' Moved, seconded and carried that the Board adjourn to 1:30 P. M. .AFTERNOON SESSION Roll Call: All members present except Mr. McGreevy and 'Mr. Pres - wick. By Mr. Begent: 4 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS WHEREAS, $1,000 was appropriated for payments of bonds in excess of what was necessary. Resolved, That the County Treasurer use this $1000 for payment of in- terest• on said bonds, and, if necessary, borrow $125 for additional interest. Seconded by Mr. Hine and carried. - By Mr. Begent. WIiEREAS, there is $1,000 remaining in the hands of the County Treas- urer which ,sum •was raised for the Farm Bureau at the annual session in 1912 and $1,421.53 balance in the hands of County Treasurer raised by towns to pay their •indebtedness to the County. Resolved, That this $2,421.53 be applied in payment of the sums paid out by the County Treasurer for Rights of Way. Seconded and carried. By Dr. Gallagher: . ' Resolved, That a committee of one, assisted by the Clerk, examine all Tax Deeds and Tax Certificates relative to property owned by the County and report to the Board at its next meeting. Seconded, and carried. The Chairman appointed Dr. Fish as a com- mittee of one. - By Mr. Begent: Resolved, That .the County Treasurer use $100 out of any unexpended, funds to pay returned school taxes. Seconded by Dr: Gallagher and carried. Mr. George B. Davis and others addressed the Board relative to the Society of Prevention, Cruelty to Animals. The following claims were audited and ordered paid at the full'amounts claimed. Burroughs Adding Machine Co. $175.00 J. R. Comings 50.00 Forest City Printing Co. 600.00 D. 0. Bishop 9.00 P. M. Donohue 26.96 P. M. Donohue 28.75 F. E. Miller 65.00 Clarence Tarbell 6.50 C. W. Freeman 103.35 By Mr. Fish: Resolved, That the 1950 paper covered printed copies of the Proceedings of the Board of •Supervisors for 1913 be, and the same are hereby alloted to the members representing the various towns and wards as follows: Caroline • 190 Danby 110 OP TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 5 Dryden 215 Enfield 100 Groton 190 Ithaca Town 100 Ithaca City, 1st Ward 100 Ithaca City, 2nd Ward 100 Ithaca City, 3rd Ward 100 Ithaca City, 4th Ward 100 Ithaca City, 5th Ward 100 Lansing 190 Newfield 170 Ulysses .165 Clerk of the Board 20• Total 1950 Seconded'by Mr. Begent and carried. By Mr. Fenner: WHEREAS, State Highway Commissioner, John N. Carlisle, has ruled that an engineer is to be appointed in each county of the State to have charge of all highway constructions. Resolved, That the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County respectfully request that either A. L. Northrup or Ernest Dahman be • appointed by the Highway Commissioner as such engineer for Tompkins County. Seconded •by Mr. Begent and carried. By Mr. Preswick and Mr. Todd: Resolved, That the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County hereby desig- nate and certify to the State Department of Highways the following highway to be improved as a state and county highway.. Beginning at a point on Hudson street where the line of the City of Ithaca meets the line of the Town of •Ithaca and extending in a southeasterly direction through the Town of Ithaca to the line of the Town of Danby, a distance of about two and one-quarter miles, and beginning at the aforementioned line of the Town of Danby and extending in a southeasterly direction of about one and one-half miles, and extending thence on the same road and in the same direction on the dividing line between the towns of Danby and Caroline a distance of about one-quarter miles to •the intersection of the road known as the "Stevens Town Hill Road." Seconded by Dr. Fish and referred to Highway Committee. By Mr. Dassanee: Resolved, That the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County hereby desig- nate and certify to the State Department of Highways the following highway 6 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS for construction and improvement as county highways in the Town of New- field. The highway extending •from Albrights Corners, a point about thirty rods east of the Newfield Depot and on the macadam road known as the Ithaca - Newfield Road, about twenty rods east of the new Arch Bridge a distance of about one and three-fourths miles. . AIso that the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County hereby designate and certify to the State Highway Department that the following highway, commencing at the macadam road near Doane's Mill in the Village of New field and running westerly to Seabring's Corners and in a northerly direction to Trumbull's Corners, a distance of about three miles. Resolved, That the State Department of Highways be requested to survey said Highways and to have maps and estimates for the improvement of the same made and forwarded to this Board for adoption and be it Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board forward a certified copy of the foregoing resolutions to the State Department of Highways: Seconded by Mr. Shaeffer and referred to Committee on Highways. By 11Ir. Fish: WHEREAS, this Board of Supervisors has in a previous resolution, desig- nated and certified to the State Department of Highways, State and County road known as No. 1003—Ellis Hollow road—and WriEREAs, said road is now under construction with the exception of a strip 1,100 feet in length which was left out of the present contract for the purpose of eliminating a grade R. R. crossing, and WHEREAS, State Superintendent of Highways, Mr. Carlisle, after personal inspection of said grade crossing has recommended that the road be constructed. to cross the railroad at grade, therefore be it Resolved, That this Board of Supervisors designate and certify to the State Department of Highways, to be constructed as a State and County road, the above mentioned 1,100 feet of highway on road No. 1003 described as follows: Beginning at the city line of the City of bthaca, N. Y. on road No. 1003 known as Mitchell Street—East Townline road, and extending. east 1,100 feet. And we respectfully ask that this strip of road be constructed if possible this year, 1914. • Seconded by Mr. Evans and referred to Highway Committee with power to do whatever is necessary to ,carry out this resolution. By Dr. Gallagher: Resolved, That this Board endorse the .work carried on by the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, and that .we give this Society our hearty co-operation and moral support, and that we appropriate the sum of $100 for this Society. By Dr. Fish; as an amendment: 9 OF. TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK Resolved, That we appropriate the •sum of $250 instead of $100. A vote being taken on the_, amendment resulted in the amendment being carried. A vote being taken on 'the .resolution as amended resulted in the. resolution as amended being carried, and, the County. Treasurer was directed;' to pay $250 out of any unexpended funds in his hands, and, if necessary, bor- row said sum of $250. Moved, seconded and carried that •the Board adjourn. AARON G. MINTZ, Clerk of the Board. We, the undersigned, a majority of the members of the Board of Super- visors of the County of Tompkins do hereby call a special meeting of said Board of Supervisors for Saturday, May 2nd, 1914 at 11 o'clock a. m. The purpose of the meeting is to take action on (a) The Enfield Road. (b) The Groton -Cayuga County Road. (c) The Mitchell Street—East Town Line Road. (d) Such other business as may come before the Board. WILBER G. FISH, R. P. McGREEVY, JAS. R. ROBINSON JR., J. M.• TOWNSEND, AUGUSTIN• I. SCHAEFER, JAMES H. HINE, F. C. EVANS, JOHN W. PRESWICK. SPECIAL SESSION Saturday, May 2nd, 1914. MORNING SESSION Roll Call. All members present. The following resolutions were reported favorably by the Highway Com- mittee and unanimously carried. Petition Nos. 2533 and 1691 Road No. Resolution approving plans, specifications and estimates of cost for the construction or improvement of a' County Highway in the Towns of Enfield and Ithaca County of Tompkins passed •by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins on, the 2nd: day of May, 1914, pursuant to section 128 of the Highway Law (Chapter 330, Laws of 1908) a quorum being present and fourteen supervisors voting in favor of such resolution and no supervisors voting against the? same. 8 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS - I, WHEREAS, at a meeting of this Board held on the 3rd of January, 1906, and 15th day of October, 1907, a resolution was adopted pursuant to section 123 of the Highway Law requesting the construction or improvement in accordance with the provisions of article six of said law of that portion of a highway described as follows: Commencing in the Town of Ithaca at the southern terminus of the Ithaca Road No. 454 now improved, and running in a southerly direction about 1/8 of a mile; thence westerly to the Town Line between the Towns of Ithaca and Enfield and continuing in a westerly direction in the Town of Enfield to Mar- shall's Corners thence south about one mile; thence west to. Burr Rumsey's Corners. Beginning at Bostwick's Corners in the Town of Enfield, thence northerly through the Village of Enfield and continuing •northerly about 2 miles to the intersection of a road running east and west, thence westerly about 3/10 mile to a highway running northwesterly, thence along that highway to the town line between Enfield and Ulysses, thence west along said town line to Abel's. Corners. 11. WHEREAS, the State Commission of Highways has examined the high- way above described and has determined that it is of sufficient public import- ance for construction or improvement in accordance with the provisions of article six of the Highway Law and has certified its approval of the said resolution; and II1. WHEREAS, said Commission has caused a section of said highway, which section is described as follows: From the intersection of County Highway No. 454 and State Highway No. 5214, southwesterly, northwesterly, northerly to the south end of County Highway No. 1001, in the Hamlet of Enfield Center, a length of 1.40 miles in the Town of Ithaca, 4.94 miles in the Town of Enfield, a total length of 6.34 miles, and known as the Enfield Falls ---ENFIELD CENTER COUNTY HIGHWAY. to be surveyed and mapped, rind has caused maps, plans, specifi- cations, and estimates of cost to be made for such- construction or improve- ment and after examination thereof by the district or county superintendent has transmitted the same to this Board, showing the total estimated cost of the work to be $79,800.00 of which the State, and County pay the following proportions: The State pays 66% $52,668.00 The County of Tompkins pays 34% • 27,132.00 IV. Resolved, That this Board request that the highway above described in paragraph one' be constructed or iimproved as a County IIighway in that portion thereof above described in paragraph three in accordance' with the maps, plans, specifications and estimates of cost prepared therefor by the State Commission of Highways under the provisions of article six of the High- way Law; that said work be performed under the charge, care and superin- OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 9 tendence of the State Commission- of Highways, and that said maps, plans, specifications .and estimates of cost prepared for said work, under the direction of said Commission as provided in section 125 of the Highway Law, 'are hereby duly approved and adopted by this Board. V. Resolved, That there .is hereby appropriated and made immediately, available the sum of twenty=seven thousand, one hundred and thirty-two dollars being an amount sufficient to pay the share of the cost of the construc- tion or improvement of such County I•lighway which is to be borne by the said county, as determined in' accordance with the provisions .of section 141 of the Highway Law.and the County Treasurer• of said county is hereby authorized and directed to pay such proportion of the amount so appropriated as may be , required to pay said share, upon the requisition or draft of the State Com- mission of Highways: and if there are not sufficient funds in the county treas- ury with which to pay such requisition or draft, the County Treasurer of said county is here authorized and empowered as provided by section 142 of the Highway Law to borrow •all •or part of said sum on the obligation of the said county issued by him for, •on behalf of and in the name of the said county and acting for and on behalf of said county. • VI: Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board is hereby .directed to forth- with transmit a certified copy of the foregoing resolution to the State Com- mission of Highways. Petition No. 1499., Road No. 1003-A. RESOLUTION approving plans, specifications and estimates of cost for the construction or improvement or a County Highway in the Town of Ithaca, County of Tompkins passed by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins on the 2nd day of May, 1914, pursuant to section 128 of the High- way Law (chapter 330, Laws of 1908) a quorum being present and fourteen supervisors voting in favor of such resolution and no supervisors voting against the same. I. WHEREAS, at a meeting of •th;s Board held on the 19th day of Decem- ber, 1905, a resolution was adopted pursuant to section 123 .of the Highway Law requesting the construction or improvement in accordance with the . provisions of article six of said law of that portion of a highway described as follows: The highway known as the 11'iitehell road extending from the City Linel to the Dryden Town Line. H. . WHEREAS, the State Commission of Highways has examined the highway above described and has determined that it is of sufficient public importance for construction or improvement in accordance with the provisions of article six of the highway Law and has certified its approval of the said • resolution, and III. WHEREAS, said Commission has caused a section of said highway, which section' is described as follows: 10 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS From the east corporation line of the City of Ithaca, easterly on Mitchell Street to the west end of County Highway No. 1003, a length of 0.20 mile in the Town of Ithaca, Tompkins County, and known as the MITCHELL STREET—EAST TOWN LINE COUNTY HIGHWAY, to be surveyed and, mapped, and has caused maps, plans, specifications, and estimates of cost to be. made for such construction or improvement and after examination thereof by the District or County Superintendent has transmitted the same to this Board showing the total estimated cost of the work to be $3,300.00 of which the State, County pay the following proportions: The 'State pays 66% $2,178.00 The County of Tompkins pays 34% 1,122.00 IV. Resolved, That this Board request that the highway above described in paragraph one be constructed or improved as a county highway in that portion thereof above described inparagraph three in accordance with the maps, plans, specifications and estimates of cost prepared therefor by the State Commission of Highways under the provisions of article six of the Highway Law; that said work be performed under the charge, care and superintendence of the State Commission of Highways, and that saki maps, plans, specifications and estimates of cost prepared for. said work, under the direction of said Commission as provided in section 125 of the Highway Law, are hereby duly• approved and adoptsd by this Board. V. 'Resolved, That there is hereby appropriated and made immediately available the sum of one thousand, one hundred twenty-two and 00/100 dollars being an amount sufficient to pay the share of the cost of -the construc- tion or improvement of such County Highway which is to be borne by the said County, as determined in accordance with the provisions of section 141. of the Highway Lay. And the County Treasurer of said County is hereby authorized and directed to pay such proportion of the amount so appropriated as may be required to pay said share, upon :the requisition or draft of the State Commission of Highways; and if there are •not sufficient funds in the County Treasury with which to pay such requisition or draft, the County Treasurer of said County is hereby authorized and empowered as provided by Section 142 of the Highway Law •to borrow all or part of said sum on the obligation of the said County issued by him for, on behalf of and in the name of the said County and acting for and on behalf of said County. VI. Resolved, That the ,Clerk of this Board is hereby directed :to forth - With transmit a certified copy of the foregoing resolution to the State Com- mission of Highway. • Petition Nos. 1431 and V-299 Highway No. Resolution approving plans, specifications and estimates of cost for the construction or. improvement of a County . Highway in the Town of Groton, County of Tompkins, passed by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins on the 2nd day of May, 1914, pursuant to section 128 of the High- OF TOMP•KINNS COUNTY, NEW YORK 11 way Law' (Chapter 330, Laws of J908) a quorum being present and fourteen supervisors voting in favor of such resolution and no supervisors voting against the same. I. WHEREAS, ata meeting of this -Board held on the 13th day of Decem- ber, 1005, a resolution was adopted pursuant to section 123 of the Highway Law requesting the construction or improvement in accordance with the pro- visions of 'article six of said law of that portion of a highway described as follows: • The highway running north and south through the Village of Groton, commencing at the County Line between Cayuga and Tompkins Counties, and running south to the Town Line between the.Towns of Groton and Dryden. II. WHEREAS, -the .State Commission of Highways has examined the high- way above described and has determined that it is of sufficient public import- ance for construction or improvement in accordance with the provisions of article six of the Highway Law and has certified ,its approval of the said resolution; and HI. WHEREAS, said Commission has caused a section of said highway, which section is described as follows: From the north end of the Groton Village, section of County Highway No. 1002, northerly on Main Street, northeasterly, northerly on Cayuga Street to the north Corporation Line, northwesterly along Owasco Inlet to the south end of County Highway No. 1016, at the Cayuga •County Line, a length of 2.77 miles in the Town of Groton, of which 0.85 mile is in the Village of Groton, Tompkins County, and known as the GROTON-CAYUGA COUNTY LINE COUNTY' HIGHWAY, to be surveyed and mapped, and has caused maps, plans, specifications .and estimates of cost to be made for such construction or improvement and after examination thereof by the District or County Superintendent has transmitted'the same to -this Board, showing the total esti- mated cost of the work to be $51,600.00 of which the State, County and Village pay the following proportions: • The State pays 66% $29,238.00 The County of .Tompkins pays 34% 15,062.00 The village of Groton pays as extra work $7,300.00. • 0 AIV. Resolved, That this Board request that the highway above described in paragraph one be constructed or improved as a County Highway in that portion thereof above described in paragraph three in accordance with •the maps, plans, specifications and estimates of cost prepared therefor by the State Commission of Highways under the provisions of article six of the Highway Law; that said work -.be performed under the charge, care and superintendence of the State Commission of Highways, and that said maps, plans, specifications and estimates •of cost prepared for said work, under the direction of said Com- mission as provided in section 125 of the Highway Law, are hereby duly approved and adopted by•this Board. 12 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS V. In case •the governing body of said Village fails to approve said plans, specifications and estimate of cost, or fails to provide its share of the estimated cost, then and in that case the State Commission of Highways is hereby author- ized to so modify said plan, specifications and estimate of cost, so as to elim- inate said Village work, and that portion of this resolution pertaining thereto, shall be null and void. • VI.. Resolved, That there is hereby appropriated and made immediately available the sum of fifteen thousand, sixty-two and....00/100 dollars, being an amount sufficient -to pay the share of the cost of the construction or im- provement of such County. FIighway which is to be born by the said County, as determined in accordance with the provisions of section 141 of the High- way Law. And the County Treasurer of said County is hereby authorized and directed to pay 'such proportion of the, amount so appropriated as may be required to pay said share upon the requisition or draft .of. the State Com- mission of Highways; and if there are not sufficient •funds in the county treasury with which to pay such requisition or draft, the County Treasurer of said County is hereby authorized and empowered as' provided by section 142 of the Highway Law .to borrow all or part of said sum on the obligation of the said County issued by him for, on behalf of and ;in :the name of the said County and acting for and on behalf of said County. • VII. Resolved, That the. Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to forth- with transmit a certified cop•of the foregoing resolution to :the State Com- mission of Highways. By Mr. Todd: Resolved, That .this Board of Supervisors hereby designate for improve- ment a certain piece of County Highway already surveyed, nearly one-half mile in length described as follows: Commencing at the State ratite at the Village of West Danby running easterly to the Lehigh Valley Railroad Station and Milk Station. Further- more as a portion of the -State Highway connecting with .this one-half mile is about to be constructed, it is the judgment of this Board and it hereby peti- tions that the specifications for :this one-half .mile receive immediately consid- eration that contractors connecting with this piece may have an opportunity to bid. Seconded by Mr. Evans, and referred to the Highway Committee. ' The Highway Committee reported favorably on this resolution and a vote being taken by the Board the resolution was unanimously carried. By Mr. Evans. Resolved. That the Board request the Highway Committee to immediately favorably report out of committee a certain resolution heretofore presented to this Board for the improvement as • a County Highway of the so-called Esty-Clen Road running from the end of the present macadam at. the corner of the Lake north to connect with the road running from Rogue's Harbor south to Esty's a distance about two .and three-quarters miles. • PROCEEDINGS OF THE Board of Supervisors OF THE County. of Tompkins 1914 • JAS. R. ROBINSON, Chairman, Ithaca, N. Y. FRED L. CLOCK, Clerk, Ithaca, N. Y. TILE ATKINSON PRESS ITIIACA, N Y. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 13 Seconded and vote being called for, was carried. The Highway Committee reported favorably on the foregoing resolution and a vote being taken the resolution was unanimously carried. By Mr. Townsend: WHEREAS,. The Highway beginning at the Hamlet of Jacksonville in the Town •of Ulysses and running thence northly and easterly to Taughannock Falls Station on the Lehigh Valley R. R., a distance of about two miles, has been filled with stone by the Town of Ulysses about one foot thick, and this road being a very importantthoroughfare to residents of this County, leading from State and County Highway No. 616 to ,the County of Tompkins Tuber- culosis Hospital and the Taughannock Falls R. R: Station. Therefore, be it Resolved, That the Department of Highways of the State of New York be requested by this Board to re -surface the same with a suit- able cover of lime -stone and also to • accept the same as a State and County Highway. ' • Be it further resolved, That the State Department of Highways be 're- quested to cause an immediate survey of this road to be made and specifications prepared for the re -surfacing thereof. • Be it further resolved, That the Clerk of this Board be directed to forth- with transmit a certified copy of this resolution to the State Department of Highways. Seconded by Mr. Evans. and referred to Highway Committee. By Mr. Townsend: Resolved, That •the Board of Supervisors' of Tompkins County hereby designate and certify to the Department of Highways, -the following for con- struction• and improvement as State and County Highways in the Town of Ulysses as follows: Beginning at the brickpavement at the intersection of South Street with Main Street, near the Methodist Church, lin the Village of Trumansburg; thence southerly' to the corner at the Podunk •School House; thence westerly to the first corner turning toward Waterburg; thence southerly •and south- westerly to Waterburg, crossing the Concrete Arch Bridge; thence south- westerly and southerly to the Abram G. Updike Corners, a distance of about five miles. Be it further resolved, That the State Department of Highways be re- quested to cause an immediate survey of this road to be made, and specifica- tions prepared for the construction thereof. Be it further resolved, That the Clerk of this Board be directed to forth- with transmit a certified copy of these resolutions to the -State Department of Highways. • Seconded by Mr. Evans and referred to Highway. Committee. • 14 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS By Dr. Gallagher: • Resolved, That this Board request the Highway Committee to immediately favorably report out of .committee a certain resolution heretofore presented to •this Board for the designation and improvement as County Highways, the road leading from the east end of the macadam at Brookton to Caroline Center and from the east end of the macadam .at Slateruille Springs to the County line. Seconded by Mr. Begent and referred to the Highway Committee. • By Mr. Evans: Resolved, That •the Board of Supervisors designate for improvement as a State and County Highway a road •in the City of Ithaca described as follows: Beginning at the corner of Mitchell and State Street in the City of Ithaca . and extending in a southeasterly direction to the town line of the Town of Ithaca same being ‘p of a mile in length. Seconded by Mr. Schaefer and referred to the Highway Committee. By Dr. Fish: WHEREas, the County Treasurer, in the absence of •any authority from this Board to do otherwise, must credit to the Poor Fund all monies received from the care of patients in the Tuberculosis Hospital, and WHEREAS, such receipts should properly be credited to the Tuberculosis Hospital maintainance fund, therefor be it. Resolved, That all monies received during the present fiscal year and thereafter for the care of patients at the Tuberculosis Hospital be, and the same are hereby appropriated to the maintainance fund of such hospital. Seconded by Mr. •. Evans and carried. By Dr. Fish: Resolved, That the Committee on Charities confer with the Board of Man- agers of the Tuberculosis hospital relative to painting said Hospital. Seconded and carried. A communication relative to the colored Baptist Church using the Court House during the months of July and August was received and referred to the proper Committee with power. A cornmunication from the State Board of Tax Commissioners to the effect that they would meet the Supervisors and Assessors on May 20th was read by the Clerk. The report of the Prison Association 'of New York relative to the 'condi- tion of the Jail together with recommendations was read by the Clerk. The following claims were audited and ordered paid at the full amounts claimed: OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 1.5 D. 0. B'shop $ 6.00 E. R. Wright 50.00 F. G. Miller 50.00 J. R. Cummings 50.00 F. D. Gilbert 50.00 Moved, seconded and carried that the Board adjourn. AARON G. MINTZ, Clerk of the Board. , REGULAR SESSION Monday, June 1st, 1914. MORNING SESSION Roll Call. All members present except Mr. McGreevy. Professor Fippen addressed" the Board relative .to a proposed Highway in the Town of Ithaca. The matter was referred to The Highway Committee. Attorney Randolph Horton addressed the Board in behalf of Albright Bros. relative to the payment for a right of way on the Newfield State Road. The matter was referred to Messrs. Todd, Gallagher, and Dassance. By Mr. Fenner: Resolved, That the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors draw an order pay- able to the County Clerk upon the County Treasurer for $25.00 to cover necessary incidental expenses, such as express, towels, etc., that may be incurred by him .in said office, and that he keep a detailed statement of said expense and upon his having expended all this amount that he be allowed an additional' order for $25.00. Dated June lst, 1914. Seconded by Mr. Evans and carried. By Mr. Stanton: • Resolved, That the road commencing at the east end of the M-itchell Street and East Town Line Road, known as the Hibbard's Corners, Ellis road be constructed to the Monroe Corners, a distance of about three miles, be placed on the County Highway and be constructed as soon as possible. Seconded by Mr. r. Begent, and referred to Highway Committee. By Mr. Stanton: Resolved, That the road commencing at the State Road in the Village of Dryden, running thence south. to the Harford line, a "distance of four and '16 PROCEEDINGS OF THE /BOARD OF SUPERVISORS one-half miles, be constructed during .the coming year or as soon thereafter as possible, and that the Clerk of the Boardtransmit a copy of this resolution to the State Highway Department. Seconded by Mr. Preswick and referred to Highway Committee. Moved, •seconded and carried that the Board adjourn until 1:30 p. m.• AFTERNOON SESSION Roll Call. All members present. By Mr. McGreevy: Resolved, That the bond of B. F. Lent, County Treasurer, for $54,000 issued March 24th, 1913, by The National Surety Co. be cancelled as of March 24th, 1914, and a new bond for $10,000 secured. Seconded by Mr. Todd and unanimously carried. By Mr. Begent: Resolved, That the Board of Supervisors ask the Highway Department to designate the Road known as the State Road between Peruville V-illage in the Town of Groton through McLean to the Cortland County line a distance of five and one-half miles for improvement as a State and County Road. Seconded by Mr. Stanton and referred to the Highway Committee. By Dr. Gallagher: Resolved, That the Board of .Supervisors of Tompkins County hereby des- ignate and certify to the Department of Highways the following roads for construction and improvement as County Highways in the Town of Caroline: Beginning at the east end of the •Brookton macadam, known as Road No. 1004, and extending thence easterly to the Hamlet of Caroline Center, a dis- tance of about four and one-half miles; and from the east end of the macadam east of Slaterville Springs, known as Road No. 1004, to the Tioga County Line, a distance of about one and one-half miles. Be it further resolved, That the State Department of Highways be re- quested to cause plans and specifications to be at once prepared for the con- struction therefor, said roads having been heretofore surveyed for improve- ment by the State Department of •Highways; Be it further resolved, That the Clerk of this Board be directed to forth- with transmit a certified copy of these resolutions to the State Department of Highways. Seconded by Mr. Begent and referred to Highway Committee. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 17 The following claims were audited and ordered 'paid in the full amounts claimed. B. O. Bishop $24.00 Edward J. Curtis 9.00 Tompkins house 6.00 Tompkins I3ouse 7.00 James R. Waring 35.00 F. D. Gilbert 50.00 John L. Stocum 50.00 The Chairman announced the following committees to secure rights of way on the following roads: ' Groton Road, Messrs. Begent, Stanton and Gallagher. Newfield State Road, Messrs. Dassance, McGreevy and Fenner. Dr. Fish reported that an investigation of the records in the County Clerk's Office showed that the County owned about 85 pieces of property in the County and the Committee recommended that this property be placed on the market. By Dr. Gallagher: Resolved, That the Committee take .such steps as are necessary to place this property on the market. Seconded by Mr. Schaefer and carried. Seconded and carried that • the Board adjourn, • AARON G. MINTZ, Clerk of the• Board. REGULAR SESSION . Tuesday, September 8th, 1914. MORNING SESSION Roll Call: ' All members present except Mr. Robinson. By Mr. Fenner: Resolved, That Mr. Begent 'be appointed temporary Chairman. Seconded by Mr. Evans and carried. Mr. Begent thereupon took the chair. Dr. Biggs and Dr. Brewer addressed the Board relative to- a cellar in the Tuberculosis Sanitorium. By Mr. Parker: Resolved, That the sum 'of $250.00 be appropriated for a cellar for the new shack at the Tuberculosis Sanitorium. 18 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF' SUPERVISORS Seconded by i1Ir. Fish and unanimously carried. The contract for the new water system was read by the Clerk. By Mr. Hine: Resolved, That the contract for the new water system at the County Home be approved and that the Chairman and Clerk of the Board execute the contract and that the sum of $635.00 be appropriated for this purpose. Seconded by Mr. Parker and unanimously carried. By Messrs. Parker and Preswick. Resolved, That the Board of Supervisors of -the County of Tompkins rec- ommend to the New York State Highway Commission that- State Highway number 1001, known as the Mecklenberg road, be extended into the City of Ithaca by deflection from the old course of that road approximately on the west line of the city and that its course lie on the west city line. southward to `Elm Street and thence into the City of Ithaca by the highway known as Elm Street. Seconded by Mr. Fish and referred to the Highway Committee. Approved by :the Highway Committee. J. H. HINE, Chairman, F. A. BEGENT, J.' M., TOWNSEND, - CASPER FENNER, W. H. PARKER. By Mr. Todd: Resolved, That the resolution approved by the Highway Committee be adopted and that a certified copy of same be forwarded- to the Commission of Highways. Seconded by Mr. Evans and unanimously carried. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll- Call: All members present except Mr. Robinson. Resolved, That Mr. Parker take the place of the late Mr. McGreevy on the various Committees of which Mr. McGreevy was a member. Seconded by Mr. Schaefer and carried. By Mr. Preswick: ' Resolved, That the Special Barn Committee build a -silo at the County • Home. Seconded by -Mr. Evans and carried. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 19 Mr. Parker read the bids which •had been received for stuccoing work on the Administration Building at the County Home. The bid of the Ithaca Contracting Company for $612.00 was the lowest. By M -r•. Parker: • • 'Resolved, That the Chairman and Clerk 'enter into a contract with the Ithaca Contracting Company for• stuccoing work on the Administration Build- ing at the County Home and. the sum of $612.00 is hereby appropriated, the same:to he raised at the next annual session of this Board: Seconded by Mr. Schaefer and unanimously carried. By Mr. Townsend: Resolved, That the Board of Managers of the Sanitorium be authorized to present to the Cayuga Preventorium thirty saplings now on the grounds of the Sanitor•iurn, at no expense to the County. Seconded by Mr. Parker and unanimously' carried. By Mr. Townsend: Resolved, That the Committee on Charities be authorized to procure the "painting of the wagon house- and other out buildings, and the painting of all , metal roofs and renewing shingle roof on the west part of wooden structure at the County Farm. And further be itresolved,' That said Committee be authorized to either repair or rebuild the ice house at the Ed•war•d Meany Sanitorium. Seconded by Mr.•Stanten-and carried. By Mr. Fenner: Resolved, That the Clerk of the Board be instructed to ask the State High- way Department to send to this Board maps or necessary data as to the approved State and County.r•oads for• the County.of Tompkins, at this time. Seconded by Mr. Evans and'carried. The following report was read •by the Clerk: • Report on property owned by the County, acquired at tax sales. . The County has deeds on record covering 69 so-called City lots situated i on the "Cook tract" in •the City and Town of Ithaca. Nine of these lots have been advertised and purchased by the County twice and four have. gone through the same process with its- attached. expense three times. - The County also has deeds on record covering a parcel of one-eighth acre in the Town of Newfield and a parcel •in the Town of Enfield. There .ar•e a few more lots on the •Cook-:traot owned by the County for which deeds are not as yet .on record but it is hoped will be soon. Respectfully submitted, September 8, 1914. ;WILBUR G. FISII, Committee. 20 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD 01' SUPERVISORS By Dr. Gallagher: Moved that report be accepted and filed. Seconded •and carried. .By i4Ir.'Evans: Resolved, That an extension of the City phone be placed in the Grand Jury room for the use of the Engineers and Roadmen employed by the State. Also that a Bell .phone be •placed for their use in said room. On motion duly made, seconded and carried, the above resolution was referred to Mr. Evans' as a special Committee, with power to act. The Clerk read a report from the State Commission of Prisons. By Mr. Todd: Resolved, That the report be accepted and filed with the Committee on Correction and Reformation. - Seconded by Mr. Evans and carried. The following bills were read by the Clerk, and on motion duly made, seconded and carried, were audited in •the full amounts claimed: F. D. Gilbert, burial of Nancy Transue $50.00 Williams & Howlett, stones for Edward Letts and Martin Frear 30.00 F. D. Gilbert, burial of Elizabeth Letts 50.00 F. D. -Gilbert, burial of Esther Skinner 50.00 S. B. Rumsey, burial of Elizabeth Stilwell 50.00 C. T. Davis, burial of Matilda Goodrich 50.00 R. II. Beard, burial of Katharine A. Johnson 50.00 The Biggs Company, paint for County ,Home 36.54 James L. Cole, work on County •Home 49.75 H. C. Dayton, work on County Home 57.50 James R. Waring, painting Edward Meany Sanitorium 365.00 Motion seconded and carried that the Board adjourn. AARON G. MINTZ, Clerk of the Board. • To Aaron G. Mintz, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors. We, the undersigned, constituting a majority of the members of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, N. Y., authorize you to call a 'Special Session of said Board -to be field in the County Clerk's Office in the City of Ithaca, N. Y. at 1:30 p. m. on November 6th, 1914, to take action on the fol- Iowing matters: (a) Such steps as are necessary to acquire the .84 of an acre of land owned by Harvey Grey and the land owned by Henry .Turk in the Town of .Enfield, for the Enfield Falls -Enfield Center County Highway No. 1189. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 21 (1)) Such other matters as may properly come before said Board. JAS. R. ROBINSON, WILBER G. FISH, ALBERT DASSANCE, F. A. BEGENT, W. C. GALLAGHER, M. L. STANTON, F. A. TODD, J. W. PRESWICK, F. C. EVANS, AUGUSTIN 1. SCI-IAEFER. SPECIAL SESSION Friday, November 6th, 1914. Roll Call: All members present. Mr. Hine, Chairman of the Good Roads Committee reported that all the Rights of Way except those •of Harvey Grey and Henry Turk could be secured for the Enfield Falls—Enfield Center County Highway No. 1189. Mr. Hine reported that $500 had been offered to Mr. Grey, and $200 to Henry Turk, but these sums were refused. Br, Mr. Schaefer: Resolved, That the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors sign .and verify a petition to acquire the parcels of land owned by Harvey Grey and Henry Turk respectively in the Town of Enfield for the Enfield Falls -Enfield Center County Highway No. 1189, and that such other steps be taken as are neces- sary to condemn the two parcels of land aforesaid. Seconded by Mr. Evans and unanimously •earried. By Mr. Todd: Resolved, That the claim of Albright Bros. for $213.75 be audited in the full amount claimed, and that the County Treasurer pay same out of the balance of the sum appropriated by this Board for painting the barn at the County Home, and from any other unexpended fund, and the• Clerk of this Board is hereby authorized to issue an order for this amount.. Seconded by Mr. Begent and unanimously carried. Mr. D.assance reported as follows relative to the Rights of Way to be secured for the Newfield Road. 22 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ' Paid $1.00 Loretta Wood .027 acres Price $ 15.00 Paid $1.00 Josephine CIark .024 .••12.00 Paid $1.00 Ida Thomas .046 " 12.00 Paid $1.00 W. Wopat Paid $1.00 Anton Vyskoeil .245 " 75.00 Paid $1.00 Geo. Gardner .095 " 25.00 Paid $1.00 C. H. Brown .020 " 4. : 25.00 .149 " • " " " .075 " :` Paid $1.00 Watson. McDaniels .027 "' 125.00 " . 1.25 Paid $1.00 Nicholas Sliielman .095 `° :` 20.00 Paid $1.00 S. G. Nobles .234 :° 35.00 • .05 " Paid $1.00 C. J. VanK•irk .046 " :` 15.00 By Mr. Regent: Resolved, That •the report of the Committee be accepted, and the Committee be authorized to secure deeds for these.several parcels at the amounts stated and give an order on the County T.reasurer for the same. The County Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay the sums out of any unappropriated funds in his hands,and if there are no funds, he is authorized to borrow the necessary sum in anticipation of taxes for the current year. Seconded by i'4r. Evans and unanimously carried. Moved, seconded and carried that the Board adjourn.. - AARON G. MINTZ, Clerk of the Board. ANNUAL SESSION FIRST'DAY • Monday, November 9, 1914. The Board of Supervisors of the County of, Tompkins met in annual session at their rooms in the Court House in, the City •of Ithaca, N. Y., on Monday, November 8,.1914, and was called to order by Aaron G. blintz, Clerk of the preceding Board. All members' responded to their names as follows: Caroline—Dr. W. C. Gallagher, Slaterville Springs,, N. Y. Danby—Frank A. Todd, West Danby, N. Y. J OF TOMPK•INS COUNTY, NEW YORK 23 Dryden—M. L. Stanton, Freeville, N. Y. Enfield—J. H. Hine, Newfield, N. Y., R. F. D. Groton—Frank A. Begent, Groton, N. Y. Ithaca Town—John W. Preswick, Ithaca, N. Y. Ithaca City—First Ward -Wm. H. Parker, Ithaca, N. Y. Second Ward—Augustin I. Schaefer, Ithaca, N: Y:. Third Ward—Fred C. Evans, Ithaca, N. Y. Fourth Ward—Jaynes R. Robinson, Ithaca, N. Y. - Fifth Ward—Dr. Wilber G. Fish, Ithaca, N. Y. Lansing—Casper Fenner, Heddens, N. Y. Newfield—Albert Dassance, Newfield, N. Y. Ulysses --Dr. J. M. Townsend, Trumansburg, N. Y. On •motion, Mr. Townsend was chosen temporary Chairman. On motion of Mr. Todd, the Board 'proceeded by informal ballot in the election of a permanent Chairman. On motion, Messrs. Stantbn and Schaefer were itppointecl tellers by the Chairman. The informal ballot resulted as follows: Whole number of •votes cast were 14, of which James R. Robinson received 9 Casper• Fenner• received • 2 Blank received 3 On motion of Mr. Hine, the informal ballot was declared formal and the Chairman declared Mr. Robinson elected permanent Chairman and Mr. Robin- son took the chair. ' On motion of Mr. Todd, the Board proceeded by informal ballot. in the election of a Clerk. On motion, Messrs. Stanton and Schaefer were appointed tellers ,by the Chairman. The informal ballot resulted. as follows: Whole number of votes cast were 14, of which Fred L. Clock received 9 Bert T. Baker received 4 Blank received - 1 On motion, the Board. proceeded. by a formal ballot in the election: of a Clerk. 24 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD O•F SUPERVISORS The formal ballot resulted as follows: Whole number of votes cast were 14, of .~which Fred L. Clock received 9 Bert T. Baker. received 4 Blank received 1 The Chairman declared Mr. Clock elected CIerk of the Board. On motion of Mr. Hine, the new Clerk was authorized to purchase the necessary supplies for the Board. On motion, the Board adjourned to continue its duties as a Board of Can- vassers, subject to the call of the Chairman. SECOND DAY Friday, November 13, • 1914. The Board met pursuant to the call of the Chairman. Roll call. All members present. The Chairman announced the following Standing Committees: RULES AND LEGISLATION -Todd, Preswick, Schaefer. FORM, FOOTING, EQUALIZATION, RATIO AND APPORTIONMENT —Townsend, Fenner, Evans, Parker, Gallagher, Dassance, Fish. TOWN AND COUNTY ACCOUNTS—Preswick, Stanton, Gallagher. TOWN EXPENSES—Regent, Schaefer, Dassance. .RETURN HIGHWAY AND SCHOOL TAX—Parker, Gallagher, Todd. COUNTY OFFICERS AND COMPENSATION—Fenner, Fish, Preswick. COUNTY TREASURER'S ACCOUNTS—Gallagher, Begent, '.Todd. CORONER, JUSTICES' ETC.—Schaefer, Stanton, Townsend. CORRECTION AND REFORMATION—Dassance. Preswick, I•Iine. COUNTY CLERK AND ELECTION EXPENSE—Fish, Begent, Evans. CHARITIES—Stanton, Townsend, Evans. SOLDIERS' RELIEF, ETC.—Hine, Evans, Parker. HIGHWAYS—Evans, Fenner, Hine, Townsend, Stanton. FINANCE—Fenner, Todd, Regent. JAIL SUPPLIES—Todd, Parker, Gallagher. TUBERCULOSIS HOSPITAL—Fish, Prestwick, Fenner. CONTRACT SUPPLIES—Schaefer, Dassance, Hine. County Treasurer, B. F. Lent, presented his bond as County Treasurer foi• the special highway funds in his hands. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 25 • Ordered, that the same be received and referred to the Committee on County Treasurer''s Accounts, to investigate and report. The Clerk read a communication from the State Highway Commissioner, relative to•connecting the Mecklenburg Road with the City of Ithaca. Ordered, that the same be received and referred to the Committee on Highways. The Clerk read a communication from the State Commission of Highways, enclosing Tompkins County map showing State and County Highways to Sep- tember 19, 1914, which was ordered filed and referred to the Committee on Highways. The Clerk read the following communication from the State Comptroller in ,reference to sinking fund on bonds issued for construction of roads, which was ordered received and referred to !the Committee on Town Expenses: STATE OF NEW YORK, COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE. Albany, October 20, 1914. Mr. Aaron G. Mintz, Clerk, Board of Supervisors, Ithaca, Tompkins County, N. Y. Dear Sir: The Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County is hereby notified, pursuant to Chapter 469, Laws of 1906, as amended by Chapter 718, Laws of 1907, as amended by Chapter 179, Laws of 1910.to levy a tax of $7,629.21 against said county and the following towns therein, for sinking fund and interest on bonds issued for the construction of roads, viz: COUNTY 'TOWN ROADS TOWN YEAR . SINKING INT. SINKING INT. • TOTAL FUND • FUND 606 Ithaca 1914 $163.20 $ 326.40 $ 57.60 $115.20 $ 662.40 616 Ulysses 1914 706.20 1412.40 216.85 433.69 Ithaca 75.77 151.54 2996.45 681 Dryden 1914 396.96 793.92 81.03 162.08 Ithaca 42.85 85.72 1502.56 682 Dryden 1914 305.03 610.05 89.71 179.42 1184.21 683 Dryden 19:14 315.16 630.34 92.69 185.40 1223.59 Respectfully yours, $7629.21 WM. SOHMER, Comptroller. 26 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Mr. Evans addressed the Board in reference to furnishing a telephone for the Highway Department. Moved by Mr. Preswick, that when the Board adjourns, it be until Monday, November 16, 1914, at 10:30 o'clock a. m. Here followed a discussion as to the regular hours to be observed by the Board. On motion of Mr. Fish, the matter was referred :to the Committee on Rules and Legislation to report. On motion of Mr. Fenner, the Clerk was instructed to see •that proper locks were placed on the doors of the Supervisors' Rooms. On motion of Mr. Parker, the Committee on County Officers was instructed to investigate and report to this Board into the matter of a janitor for the Court House. On motion of Mr. Begent, the Board adjourned until Monday, November 16, 1914, at 10:30 o'clock a. m. THIRD DAY Monday, November 16, 1914. Morning Session. Roll call.• All members present except Messrs. Todd, Begent and Fenner. Minutes of preceding meetings read and approved. Claims Nos. 1 to 56, inclusive, were read by the Clerk and referred to the respective committees. Moved by Mr. Schaefer that Mr. W. O. Stubbs be employed to repair the adding machine in the Supervisors' Room. The sante on being seconded by Mr. Evans, was declared carried. On motion, the Board adjourned until 1:30 p. m. Afternoon Session. Roll call. All members present. Claims Nos. 57 to 80 inclusive, were read by the Clerk and referred to the respective committees. Mr. Todd presented the Town Audits of the Town of Danby, which were ordered received aped referred to the Committee on Town Expenses. The Clerk read a communication from the Tompkins' County Medical Society, relative to a vacancy in the Board of Managers of the Tuberculosis Hospital.. , . OF TOi\IPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK • 27 .Ordered received and referred to the Committee on Charities. The Clerk read a communication -from the State Tax Commissioners; rela- tive to the valuation of special franchise .property. Ordered received and referred to the Committee on Equalization. The Clerk read the report of the County Surrogate, relativelto• the -.receipts and disbursements of his office. Ordered received and referred -to the Committee on County. Clerk and Election Expenses. The Clerk read a communication from the -Superintendent of St. John's Protectory, relative to admission of inmates. Ordered received and referred to the Committee on Correction and Refor- mation. The Clerk read a communication from the State Boiler inspector, relative to the condition of the boiler. in •the Court Nouse. Ordered received and referred to the Committee on County Officers and Compensation. -The Clerk announced •the receipt of -the reports of the •special franchises assessed in'the towns of Groton, Ulysses and Dryden. Ordered received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses. The reports of Justices of. the Peace, Daniel A. Tarbell, W. M. Bristol, A. J. Conlon and Charles Drake, all of the town of Lansing,,were received and ordered referred to the Committee- on Coroner, Justices' and Constables' Accounts. Mr. Todd presented the report of •the Overseer of the Poor of the To}vn of Danby and his estimate of the amount to be raised by the town, necessary for the support of the poor of the town for•the ensuing year. Ordered received and referred to the Committee on, Town and County A ccounts. By Mr. Todd: Resolved, That the petition be accepted and that •the amount asked for be assessed and collected .from the taxable property of the Town of Danby. The same, on being seconded by Mr. Begent, was adopted. By Mr. Preswick: Resolved, That the Committee on Rules- and Legislation be authorized to take up and consider the form of book for •the Proceedings of this Board and to draw up the necessary specifications for the same and report to this Board. Also that the Committee investigate the apportionment of the Proceedings to the various Supervisors and make its recommendation to the Board. The same, on being seconded by Mr. Fenner was adopted. 28 PROCEEDINGS OF .THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS The Clerk read the following designation and resolution: 1 Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 16 of the Laws of 1909, we, the Republican members of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, hereby designate •the Ithaea Journal as the official, paper for publishing the Session Laws and Concurrent. Resolutions of -the Legislature in the County of Tompkins for the year 1915, and Resolved, That the Ithaca Journal be designated as the official paper to publish the official canvass and election notices of Tompkins County, Session Laws and Concurrent Resolutions of the Legislature for the year 1915, in accordance with the provisions .of Chapter 16, Laws, 1909. JAS. R. ROBINSON, WILBER G. FISH, W. C. GALLAGHER, CASPER FENNER, F. A. TODD, J. M. TOWNSEND, JOHN W. PRESWICK, FRED C. EVANS, ALBERT DASSANCE, AUGUSTIN I. SCHAEFER. The Clerk read the following designation and resolution: Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 16, Laws of 1909, we, the Demo- cratic members of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, hereby des- ignate the Ithaca Daily News as the official paper for publishing the Session Laws and Concurrent Resolutions of the Legislature in the County of Tomp- kins for the year 1915, and Resolved, That the Ithaca Daily News be designated as the official paper to publish the official canvass and election notices of Tompkins County, Session Laws and Concurrent Resolutions of the Legislature for the year 1915, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 16, Laws of 1909. F. A. BEGENT, W. H. PARKER,. M. L. STANTON, • J. H. HINE. On motion, the Board adjourned until Tuesday, .November 17; 1914 at 9:30 a. m. FOURTH DAY Tuesday,` November 17, 1914. Morning Session. • Roll,call. All members present except 11 Ir. Fish. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK • .29 Minutes of preceding day read and approved. County Treasurer Lent appeared before the Board in regard to a loan for the construction of County Highways Nos. 1188, 1003a. Claims' Nos. 81 to 103, inclusive were read by the Clerk and referred to •. the respective committees. Mr. Stanton presented the audits of the Town of Dryden, which were ' 'received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses. The reports of Emery F. Baker, Paul Ewers, and J. S. Grover, Justices of the Peace of the Town of 'Dryden, were received and referred •to the Com- mittee on Coroner, Justices' and Constables' Accounts. Mr. Fenner presented the report of the Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Lansing, relative- to cutting - noxious •weeds. Referred to the Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes. T•he balance of the morning session was devoted to committee work. On motion, adjourned to 1:30 p. m. Afternoon Session. RolI call. All members present. Mr. Hine 'addressed the Board in reference to Road No. 1001 in the Town of Enfield. Mr. Todd, of the Committee on Rules; reported that the Committee had decided not to change from last year, the hours for meeting of the Board. iVloved :by Mr. Todd, that the hours for meeting of the Board shall be 9:30 a. m. and 1:30 p. m. for all days the Board is in session, except Mondays, when the hour of meeting for the morning session shall be at 10:30. Second •by Mr. Preswick and carried. The Clerk read the following communication from the Comptroller, rela- tive to amount required to be levied and collected from taxable property of Tompkins County for armory purposes, which was received and referred to the Finance Committee. STATE OF NEW YORK, COMPTROIILER'S OFFICE. Albany, October 26, 1914. Mr. Aaron G. Mintz, Clerk, Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, Ithaca, N. Y. Dear Sir:— Pursuant to •the Military Law as amended 'by Chapter 558 of the Laws of 1913, the County of Tompkins of •the Fourth Brigade District, is hereby required to levy and collect for armory purposes far. the twelve months begin- ning July 1, 1915, •the sum of $4,643.67. 30 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS The above amount shall be remitted to the State Comptroller for payment into the State Treasury on or before the 15th day of May, 1915. Very truly yours, J. -A. WENDALL, Deputy Comptroller. The Clerk read the following communication from the Comptroller, rela- tive to Supreme Court Stenographers' fees, etc., which was received and referred to the Finance Committee. STATE OF NEW YORK, COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE. Albany,. Sept. 24, 1914. To the Clerk, Board 'of Supervisors, County of Tompkins, Sir:— The Board' of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins is'hereby required to raise the slim of $1,853.70 for compensation of sundry Stenographers and Clerks to September 30, 1915, as provided by Chapters 546 of the Laws of 1912, 792 of the Laws of 1913, -and Chapters 529 and 108 of the Laws of 1914, as follows: For the Stenographers of the Supreme Court in the Sixth Judicial District, pursuant to Subdivision 1, Section 161, and Section 313, Chapter 30 of the Consolidated Laws of 1909, as amended by Chapter 491, Laws 1913 $1,276.85 For the confidential clerks .appointed by the Justices of the Supreme Court., pursuant to subdivision 7, Section 160, and subdivision 5, Section 279 of Chapter 30 of the Consolidated Laws of 1909, as amended by Chapter 554, Laws of 1913$ 519.40 For the Deputy Clerk. of the Appellate Division of the Third Department, pursuant to subdivision 4, Section 101, subdivi- sion 6, Section 271, Chapter 30 of the Consolidated Laws of 1909, as amended by Chapter 632, Laws of 1913 $ 53.60 For expenses of Supreme Court Justices assignyd to hold a trial or special term in a judicial district other than that in which he is elected, pursuant to Article 6, Section 12 of the Con- stitution $ 3.85 $1853.70 Respectfully yours, J. A. WENDALL, Deputy Comptroller. The report of the Town Clerk of the Town of Lansing relative to -the assessment of special franchises in that town was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 31 The report of the Assessor of the -City of Ithaca, showing bank statement for the purposes of taxation, was received and referred to the Committee on -County Treasurer's Accounts. The Clerk read a communication from Robert A. Foley, relative to the claim of Charles V. Coggshall, for damages caused by surface water due to the construction of a culvert. Received and referred to the Committee on Rules and Legislation. The Clerk read a communication from Chas. A. Brewer, Ithaca City Cham- berlain, relative toy the collection of State and County, Taxes and printing blanks therefor, which was received and referred to the Committee on Rules and Legislation. The Clerk read a communication from the State Department of Agricul- ture,• relative to the county farm, which was 'received and referred to the Committee on Charities. ,uThe Clerk read communications from the State Boiler Inspector, relative to `the boilers at the County Farm and Court 1 -louse, which were receiyed and referred to the Committee on County Officers and Compensation. The Clerk read the following communications from the State Commission of Highways, which were received and referred to the Committee on Town and County Accounts: - • 'STATE OF NEW YORK, COMMISSION OF HIGHWAYS. Albany, August 18th, 1914. A.G. Mintz, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, Ithaca, N. Y. Dear Sir:- -When 'making ir:--When'making up the assessment under Section 172 of the Highway Law; in October, 1913, Road No. 5214, in the Town of Newfield, was overlooked. It •will be necessary for -the Town •to raise this money and deposit it to the County Treasurer for the year 1914. The Department hands you herewith a statement regarding same. At- tached to Form R.-25, is blank form R.-49. Kindly fill out form R.-49, as soon as this money is deposited to the County Treasurer and forward same to the Department at Albany, so the Town of Newfield may be given the necessary credit. • Yours very truly, R. K. FULLER, Secretary. 32 • PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS STATE OF NEW YORK, DEPARTMiENT OF HIGHWAYS. MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS. A. G. Mintz, Clerk Board of Supervisors, Ithaca, N. Y. August 17th, 1914. i Sir:— Pursuant to Section 172, Chapter 30, Laws of 1909, you are hereby fur- nished the following statement specifying the number of miles of state and county highways in each town in Tompkins County, and the amount which each of such •towns is required to pay into •the County Treasury on account of the maintenance of state and county highways for the year• 1914 Total Total No. Miles Amount Road Name Town Mileage in Town in Town 5214 Ithaca -Newfield . Newfield 2.62 2.62 $5'150.00 PAUL SCHULTZ, Second Deputy. Per K. L. C. The Clerk read the following communication from the State Commission of Highways, which was received and referred to the Committee on Towns and County Accounts: STATE OF NEW YORK, DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS. MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR. Mr. Aaron G. Mintz, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County, Ithaca, N. Y. October 28, 1914. Sir:— Pursuant to Section 172, Chapter 30, Laws of 1909 you are hereby fur- nished the following statement specifying the number of miles of state and county highways in each town in Tompkins County, and the amount which each of such towns is required to pay •into the County •Treasury on account, of the maintenance of state and county highways for•the year 1915. Total Total No. Miles Amount Road Name Town Mileage in Town in Town 483 • Catskill Turnpike Sec. 3 ' Caroline 3.71 b 1004 Cooks Corners-Brookton; Slaterville Springs -Caroline Caroline 3.66 7.37 350.00 • OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 33 1004 Cooks Cors.-Brookton; Slaterville Spgs.-Caroline Danby .52 522 Ithaca -Danby, I't. 2 Danby 3.24 5213 Ithaca -Danby, Pt. 3 Danby 4.43 8.19 ' 400.00 338 Catskill Turnpike, Sec. 2 Dryden 1.38 483 Catskill Turnpike, Sec. 3 Dryden .73 681 Ithaca -Dryden, Sec. 1 Dryden 3.63 .. 682 Ithaca -Dryden, Sec. 2. Dryden 3.95 683 Dryden -Cortland Dryden 3.57 926 Freeville-Groton Dryden 2.13 1004 Cooks Corners-Brookton; Slaterville Springs -Caroline Dryden '.40 5225 Varna Crossing Dryden .53 5294 Etna-Freeville-Dryden Dryden 4.92 21.24 1050.00 1001 Enfield Center -Ithaca Enfield 4.17 4.17 200.00 926 •Freeville-Groton Groton 2.36 2.36 100.00 72 Catskill Turnpike See. 1 Ithaca 1.87 336 Cayuga Heights Ithaca 1.57 454 Ithaca Ithaca 3.66 455 Wyckoff. Ithaca .34 606 Cayuga Heights-Hanshaw's Cors. Ithaca 2.12 616• Trumansburg-Ithaica Ithaca 2.63 681 Ithaca -Dryden, Sec. 1 Ithaca 1.60 1001 Enfield Center -Ithaca , Ithaca 2.28 1003 Mitchell St., East Town Line Ithaca 1.17 1003-A Mitchell St.. East Town Line Ithaca .20 , 5043 Ithaca -Danby, Pt. 1 .Ithaca 2.59 5214 Ithaca -Newfield Ithaca .94 5379 Ithaca -West Danby, Pt. 1 Ithaca .18 21.15 1050.00 336 Cayuga Heights Lansing 1.60 5256 Esty Glen -South Lansing Lansing 3.10 4.70 250.00 5214Ithaca-Newfield Newfield 2.62 5379 Ithaca -West Danby, Pt. 1 Newfield 3.04 5.66 300.00 616 Trumansburg-Ithaca • Ulysses 6.03 5206 Trumansburg-Village Ulysses .14 6.17 • 300.00 Total for County 81.01 $4000.00 PAUL SCHULTZ, Second Deputy. Per K. L. C. Reports of the special franchises assessed in the Towns of Ulysses and Caroline were received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses. Mr. Hine addressed the Board, relative to,the appointment of a special committee to purchase a right of way through the lands of Harvey Gray and Mary Gray, his wife, for highway purposes in the Town of Enfield.. • 34 PROCEEDSINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS - By Mr. Dassance: Resolved, That a special committee be appointed and be authorized to pur:. chase the right of way through the Iand of Harvey Gray and his wife Mary Gray in the Town of Enfield, said land being 84/100 of an acre and being necessary for the construction of Road 1189 of the Enfield Falls -Enfield Center County Highway in Tompkins County, at not to exceed $500.00. Seconded by Mr. Preswick and carried. The Chairman appointed as such Committee, Messrs. Todd, Dassance and Gallagher. The reports of Charles H. Payne, Douglass S. Carpenter, Wm. I3. Payne and Augustus Patterson, Justices of the Peace of the Town of Newfield, were received and referred to the Committee on Coroner, Justices', and Constables' Accounts. . Mr. Gallagher presented the Town Audits of the Town of Caroline, which were received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses. Mr. Gallagher presented the Town Budget of the Town of Caroline, which •was received and referred to the Finance Committee. Mr. Preswick presented the Town Audits of the Town of Ithaca, which were received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses. The reports of H. S. Wright, James Bush, George N. Ilazen and D. D. Fisher, Justices of the Peace of the Town of Ithaca were received and referred to the Committee on Coroner, Justices' and Constables' Accounts. On motion adjourned to Wednesday, November 18, at 9:30 a. nn. • FIFTH DAY Wednesday, November 18, 1914. Morning Session. Roll call. All members present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. The members were engaged in committee work during the remainder of the morning session. On motion adjourned to 1:30 p. m. Afternoon Session. Roll call. All members present: Claims Nos. 104 to 123 inclusive, were read by the Clerk and referred to the respective committees. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 35 11Ir. Gallagher presented a resolution of the Town Board of the Town'No£ Caroline, relative to the tax on dogs in that town, which was received and filed. The Clerk read a communication from residents in Newfield, relative to manner of construction of the Ithaca -Newfield road, which •was referred to the Committee on Highways. Mr. Begent presented the Town Audits of the Town of Groton, which were received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses. Mr. Begent presented the Town Budget of the Town of Groton, which was received and referred to the Finance Committee. Mr. Gallagher, of the Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts, to which was referred the special bond presented by County Treasurer Lent, reported that the Committee approved the bond, .both as to form, manner of execution and sufficiency of the surety. Moved by 11ir. Fennel., that the report be accepted and the bond approved. Seconded by IIr. Hine and carried. Mr. Stanton asked that the Tompkins County Breeders Association and Pomona Grange might appear before the Board on Friday, November 20, 1914 at 2 p. in. in the interest of the Tompkins County Farm Bureau. On motion, permission was granted and the matter was made a special order of business for Friday, November 20, at 2 p. m. Mr. Todd of the special committee appointed to secure a right of way through the land of .Harvey Gray and wife, reported the result of the Com- mittees' negotiations and that they were unable to come to any agreement at this time. By Mr. Evans: Resolved, -That James R. Robinson, the Chairman of the Board of Super- visors of Tompkins County, sign and verify a petition to acquire the parcel of land owned by Harvey Gray and Mary Gray, his wife, in the Town, of Enfield, for the Enfield 'Falls -Enfield Center County Highway No. 1189, and that such other steps be taken as are necessary to condemn the parcel of land aforesaid. Seconded by i1r. Bogota and carried. Mr. Dassance presented the Town Audits of :the Town of Newfield, which were received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses. illr. Hine presented the report- of the Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Enfield, relative to cutting noxious weeds, which was received and •referred to the Committee on Highway Taxes. On motion, adjourned to Thursday, November 19th, at 9:30 a. m. 36 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS SIXTH DAY Thursday, November 19, 1914. Morning Session. Roll call. All members present except Mr. Fish. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. Mr. Stanton presented a resolution of the' Town Board of the Town of Dryden, relative to the amount to be raised by the town necessary for the sup. port of the poor of the town for the ensuing year. Received and referred to the Committee on Town and County Accounts. By Mr. Stanton: Resolved, That the resolution adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Dryden be accepted and tliat the amount asked for be assessed and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Dryden. Claims Nos. 129 to 133 inclusive,\ were read by the Clerk and referred to the respective committees. The Clerk read a communication from the Western New York Institution for Deaf Mutes, which was referred to the Committee on Soldiers' Relief, etc. The Clerk read the following communication from the State Department of Education, which was received and referred to the Committee on Soldiers' Relief, etc. THE STATE DEPARTMENT OF' EDUCATION. Albany, October 7, 1914. To the Board'of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins: 1 have this day appointed Harold Raymond Frost, No. 547, of Ithaca, in your county, a State pupil in the Central New York Institution for the instruc- tion of Deaf -Mutes for the term of five years from the 21st day of Septem- ber, 1914, to be educated and supported therein during said term at the expense of the State. The parents of said pupil being unable to provide clothing, it will be your duty, under existing provisions of the law, to appropriate the sum of $30.00 during each year for which said pupil has been selected, for the purpose of providing said pupil with clothing. (Laws of 1910, Ch. 140). 1 The. institution will draw on your County Treasurer sometime after the month of February in each year. Respectfully yours, THOS. F. PANEGAN, Assistant Commissioner of Elementary Education." OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 37 The members of the Board were engaged in committee work during the balance of the morning session. On motion, adjourned to 1:30 p. m. Afternoon Session. Roll call. All members present. Mr. Preswick presented the report of the Superintendent of Highways of j;the Town of Ithaca, relative'to cutting noxious weeds, which was received and /referred to the Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes. ' Claims Nos. 134 to 136 inclusive, were read by the Clerk and referred to the respective committees. The report of C. D. Tarbell, County Clerk, on Mortgage Tax, was received and referred to the Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts. The members of the Board were engaged in committee work during the balance of the afternoon session. , On motion, the hoard adjourned to Friday, November 20, 1914, at 9:30 a.'m. SEVENTH DAY. Friday, November' 20, 1.914. Morning Session. Roll call. All members ,present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. Claims Nos. 137 to 174 inclusive were read by the Clerk and referred to the respective committees. The Clerk read a petition from the New York Telephone Company, rela- tive to the refund of taxes for the years 1910 and 1911. Referred to the Committee on Returned Taxes. The Clerk read a communication from the State Commission of Prisons which was received and filed. The report of C. D. Tarbell, County Clerk, was received and referred tc the Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses. Mr. Todd of the Committee on Rules, rendered the following report: • To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: • We, the Committee on Rules and Legislation, entrusted by the Board tc contract for the publication of the Proceedings of the Board for the yeas 1914, would respectfully report that we have received the following bids: 38 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Forest City Printing Co. $2.36 per page. The Cayuga Press $2.40 per page. F. A. TODD, AUGUSTIN 1. SCHAEFER, JOHN W. PRESWICK, Committee. By 11r. Todd: Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board be authorized to make a contract with the Forest City Printing Co., for the publication of 2,000 copies of the proceedings of 1914 at a price of $2.36 per page. Said Proceedins shall contain the official canvass and conform in size of type, quality of paper, binding, and in all other respects to the Proceedings published in 1913. Said. Proceedings shall be delivered by the Forest City Printing Co. to the Clerk of this Board on or before February 10, 1915, unless an extention of time be granted by the Chairman and Clerk in writing. And for each day's delay beyond the specified time for delivery, $10.00'shall be deducted from the contract price. Proofs of the daily proceedings to be submitted to the Clerk of this Board and by him compared .with the original, that a true copy of the work may be obtained. The said Printing Co. shall furnish a bond for the faithful performance of this publication in such penalty as may be fixed by the Clerk of this Board. Seconded by Mr. Begent and carried. Mr. Begent, of the Special Committee appointed to secure the rights of way for the Groton -Cayuga County Line Highway, reported that they had secured .options from •the following persons for the amounts set opposite their respective names: W. Steinburg $ 75.00 Mrs. Frank Green 35.00 John Connor 30.00 Arthur Van Horn 50.00 $190.00 By Mr. Fenner: Resolved, That the foregoing report be accepted; that the sum of $190.00 be appropriated to pay for the foregoing rights of way; that deeds be pro- cured, and that the committee issue orders for the foregoing amounts and the county treasurer be directed •to pay said orders, and if there are not suf- ficient funds with which to pay same, he. be directed to borrow said money in the name, and in behalf of the County of Tompkins, hi anticipation of the taxes of the current year. Seconded by Mr. Schaefer and carried. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK a 39 By Mr. Fish: Resolved—That the following rule to be known as "Rule 42-A7 be adopted by this Board and be added to the Rules of Order: Rule 42-A—The reports of all officers and boards, required by law or by resolutions of this Board to be presented •to it, shall be presented to the Board on or before the third day of the annual session, unless some other date is fixed by •the State Law or by resolution of this Board. Seconded by M•r. Evans and referred to the Committee on Rules. • The report of the Assessors of the :Town of Dryden, showing bank state- ment for the purposes of taxation, was received andtreferred to the Commit- tee on County Treasurer's Accounts. Reports of special franchises assessed in the Town of Ithaca, were received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses. • County Superintendent of Highways, A. S. Cole, addressed the Board, rela- tive to having Mr. J. Charles Dayton, County Superintendent of Highways of Cayuga County, appear before this Board and explain the system of road con- struction and maintenance adopted in Cayuga County. , Referred to the Committee on Highways. Sheriff -elect Charles Mackey, appeared before the Board and submitted forms to be used by the Sheriff's office for the year 1915. Referred to the Committee on Rules. Mr•. Mackey addressed the Board, relative to his bond as Sheriff. Referred to the Committee on Correction and Reformation. On motion, adjourned to 1:30 p. m. Afternoon Session. Roll call. All members present. The special order of business was taken up at 2 p. m., and Messrs. Bab- cock, Rumsey, Hill, Buck, Lounsbury, Blatehley, Carman, Hildebrant and Mcunt, members of the Tompkins County Breeders' Association and Pomona Grange, addressed the Board. On motion, adjourned to Monday, November 23, 1914, at 10:30 a. m. EIGHTH DAY Monday, November 23, 1914. Morning Session. Roll call. All members present except; Messrs. Begent, Preswick, Fish and• Fenner. PROCEEDINGS .OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS • Minutes of November 20, read and approved. - • Claims Nos. 175 to .194 inclusive, •were read by the Clerk and referred to the respective committees. The niembers of the Board were engaged in committee work during the remainder of the morning session.- . . On motion,, adjourned to 1:30 p. m. Afternoon Session. Roll call. All members •present except Mr. Begent. Claims' Nos. 195 to 195 inclusive; were read by the Clerk and referred to the respective committees. . Mr. Todd, of the Special Committee appointed to secure a right of way through the. lands of Harvey Gray and Mary Gray for County Road No. 1189, reported that Mr. Gray -would accept $600.00 for such right of way, provided th.: county would put a cattle pass under said road. Moved by Mr. Evans, that Mr. Gray's offer be rejected. Seconded by Mr. Stanton and carried. Moved by Mr. Hine, that the Committee be authorized to again offer Mr. Gray the sum of $500.00. The Clerk read a communication from the State Civil Service Commission, relative to an examination for Superintendent at the Tuberculosis I•Iospital, which was received and filed. The Clerk read the report of the County Superintendents of the Poor with their recommendations, which was received and referred to the Committee on Charities. - Mr. -B. T. Baker appeared before the Board and spoke in reference to the right. of way through the lands of Harvey Gray, asking that the County Engi- neer, Mc. Dahm:ui, take up the natter with Mr. Gray, relative to the location of the•i•oaii over the lands of Mr. Gray and Levi Rumsey. Moved by Mr. Parker, that the request be granted and the matter be made a special order•of business for Tuesday, November 24, 1914, at 2 Seconded by Mr. Preswick and carried. Mr.. Evans of the Highway Committee, to which was referred the matter of having Mr. Dayton, County Superintendent of Highways of Cayuga County, appear before this Board, announced that Mr. Dayton would appear before this Board on Monday, November 30, 1914 at 2 p. in. and the matter was made a special order of business for that time. The Chairman announced that the report of the Board of Managers of the Tuber••cuIosis Hospital would be made a special order of business for Tuesday, November 24, 1914 at 2 p. m. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 41 The members of -the Board were engaged /in committee work during the balance of the afternoon session. On motion, adjourned to Tuesday, November 24, 1914,. at 9:30 a..m. NINTH DAY Tuesday, November 24, 1914. Morning Session. Roll call. All members present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. Claims Nos. 199 to 202 •inclusive; were read by the Clerk and referred to. the respective committees. The Clerk read the following apportionment of the Committee on Rules, of the Proceedings of the Board for the year 1914, among the various towns of the county and the wards of the City of Ithaca, which was received and adopted: Apportionment of proceedings of Board Supervisors, to be made by the Clerk.. Total No. 2000. Caroline 180 Danby 180 Dryden 200 Enfield 150 Groton 200 Ithaca (Town) 150 Lansing 150 Newfield 180 Ulysses 200 ' City, lst Ward 50 - 2nd Ward 60 3rd Ward 100 t 4th Ward 50 5th Ward 75 The report of the Assessors of the Town of Dryden, relative to the assess- ment'of special franchises in said town, was received and referred to the Com- mittee on Town Expenses... - Mr. Begent presented a report of the bonded indebtedness of the Town of Groton which was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses. Mr. Begent presented a Bank Statement for the Town of Groton, for the purposes of taxation, which was received' and referred to the Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts. On motion, adjourned to 1:30 p. rn. v 42 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Afternoon Session. Roll call. All members present. The report of the Board of Managers of the Tuberculosis Hospital, having been made a special order of business at 2 p. m., that, matter was taken. up and Dr. Brewer presented the report to the ,Board, with recommendations. The same was received and filed and referred to the Committee on • Charities. Dr. Biggs of the Board of Managers of the Tuberculosis Hospital, spoke in regard to the necessities and requirements of that institution. Dr. Charles H. Gallagher also addressed the Board on the same subject. The requests and recommendations were referred to the Committee on Charities. The Clerk read the resignation of Dr. Biggs and(S. Dudley Cook, as mem- bers of the Board of Managers of the Tuberculosis Hospital. Moved by Mr. Fenner that the resignations be received and that the matter be referred to the Committee on Charities. Seconded by Mr. Parker and carried. . The Committee on Charities offered the following resolution: Resolved, That we set aside Monday, November 30, at 1:30 p. in. for the consideration of the election of two members of the Board of Managers of the Tuberculosis Hospital. • M. L. STANTON, F. C. EVANS, J. M. TOWNSEND. Moved by Mr. Parker that it be adopted. Seconded by Mr. Evans and carried. The special committee, appointed to secure the right of way over the lands of Harvey Gray for County Road No. 1189, reported that Mr. Gray would accept $500.00 for such right of way. • By Mr. Townsend: Resolved, That the committee be authorized to draw an order for $500.00 on the County Treasurer, payable to Harvey• Gray and Mary Gray, .and to take all steps necessary to secure a deed from said .Harvey Gray and Mary Gray of the lands necessary for a right of -way for the Enfield. Falls -infield Center Highway No.- 1189. Moved by Mr. Parker that the resolution be adopted. Seconded by Mr. Evans. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Todd, Stanton, • Hine, Begent, Preswick, Parker, Schaefer, Evans, Fish, Dassance, Fenner, Townsend. -13. 1 Noes -0. Carried: OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 43 By Mr. Fenner: Resolved, That the Chairman of this Board be requested in the name of the Board. to extend an invitation to the State Board of Tax Commissioners to hold their annual tax conference in the year 1915, in the City of Ithaca, and that the use of the courthouse be extended to them for any business that they may wish to transact. . Seconded by Mr. Hine and carried. On motion, adjourned to Monday, November 30, 1914, at 10:30 a m. TENTH DAY - f Monday, November 30, 1914. Morning Session. Roll call. All members present except Messrs. Todd and Fenner. Minutes of November 24, read and approved. Claims Nos. 203 to 226 inclusive were read by the Clerk and referred to the respective committees. The Clerk read a communication from the Index Publishing Company,. relative to the furnishing of information of the proceedings of the Constitu- tional Convention of 1915, which was filed. The Clerk read a communication from the Board of Supervisors of Schuyler County, relative to the disposition of fees for hunting licenses, which was referred to the Committee on Rules. The Clerk read a communication from the Boston Insurance Company, relative to an insurance policy on the Tuberculosis Hospital. Ordered that the Clerk of the Board see that the request be complied with. The Clerk read a communication from the State Commissioner of High- ways, relative to the discontinuance of mandamus proceedings in the Town of Newfield, which •was filed. County Treasurer Lent appeared before the Board and rendered his report as County Treasurer, which was received and referred to the Com- mittee on County Treasurer's Accounts. Mr. Lent also rendered his report of the returned school taxes for the years 1913 and 1914, which was received and referred to the Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes. County Sealer of Weights and Measures, Court Bellis, presented his annual report, which was received and referred to the Committee on County Officers and Compensation. On motion, adjourned to 1:30 p. m. 84 44 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD Or' SUPERVISORS Afternoon Session. Roll, call. All members present. Mr. Arthur G. Adams appeared before the Board and presented the report of the Commissioners of Election, which was received and referred to • the Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses. The consideration of the election of two members of the Board of Mana- gers of. the Tuberculosis Hospital, having been made a special order of busi- ness for this time, that matter .was, taken up. Mr. Stanton of the Committee on Charities, moved 'that action in the matter be deferred until Tuesday, December 1; 1914, at 2 p. m. Seconded by Mr. Hine and carried. By Mr. Stanton: WHEREAS, the Breeders' Association of Tompkins County, also the Tomp- kins County Grange, have co-operated and have raised the salary of the farm agent, except' the amount of $170.00, and .that we are much pleased with the work done by the agent of the Farm Bureau during the past year, Therefore, be it resolved, that the Tompkins County Board of Supervisors raise the sum of $1,000.00 for the continuation of said Farm Bureau, of which sum, $170.00 be for the salary of said agent and the balance of $830.00 to be paid to the Treasurer of the Tompkins County Breeders' Association to be used as expenses of said agent, and that a complete report of these expenses be rendered the Board of Supervisors at their annual session of 1915, and if any balance of the $830.00 be left, said balance to be returned to the County Treasurer for deposit to the credit of the general fund, and be it further Resolved, That the Board of Supervisors elect one of its members to be a director' of the Farm Bureau. Moved by Mr. Preswick that the resolution be adopted. Seconded by Mr. Dassance. Here followed a discussion on the resolution. On motion, the matter was made a special order of business for Tuesday, December 1, 1914, at 2 p. m. The address by Mr. Dayton, County Superintendent of Highways of Cayuga County, having been made a special order of business for this tine, that matter was taken up. County Superintendent of Highways, A. S. Cole, addressed the Board and introduced Mr. Dayton. Mr. Dayton addressed the Board at length upon the ,manner and cost of construction and maintenance of the highways in Cayuga County with sug- gestions as to construction and maintenance applicable to the needs of Tomp- kins County. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 45 Moved by DIr. Fenner that a vote of thanks be extended to Mr. Dayton by this Board, for his kindness in appearing before it and his interesting and lucid explanations and suggestions .for proper and efficient highway work. Seconded by Mr. Parker and carried. By Mr. Evans: Resolved, That the County Treasurer shall cause to be published semi- annually on the 1st day of January and the 1st day of July each year, in the two newspapers designated to publish the Session Laws, a detailed statement of the financial condition of the county. Seconded by Dir. Schaefer. On motion, referred to the Committee on County. Treasurer's Accounts. By Mr. Evans: Resolved, That one week before each regular session of this Board, the County Treasurer shall furnish to the Clerk of the .Board, a verified statement of all moneys remaining in his hands unexpended from any appropriation made by the Board, and the items of money expended by him from any appro- priation, subsequent to the date of his last regular report. Seconded by Mr. Schaefer. On motion, referred' to the Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts. By 14Ir. Preswick: Resolved, That no bills be received for audit.by this Board after Thurs- day, December 3, 1914, except hills presented by members of `this Board for services and expenses. Seconded by Mr. Parker and carried. On motion, adjourned to Tuesday, December 1, 1914, at 9:30 a. m. ELEVENTH DAY Tuesday, December 1, 1914. Morning Session. Roll call. All members present except Messrs. Stanton, Begent and Fish. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. CIaims Nos. 227 and 228 were read by the Clerk and referred to the respective committees. Mr. Fenner presented the Town Audits of the Town of Lansing, which was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses. 46 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD 01'' SUPERVISORS Mr.. Fenner presented a resolution of the Town Board of the Town of Lansing, relative to the tax on dogs, which was received and referred to the Committee on Finance. The balance of the morning session was taken up in committee work. On motion, adjourned to 1:30 p. m. • Afternoon Session. Roll call. All members present. Claims Nos. 229 .to 234 inclusive, were read by the Clerk and referred to the respective committees. Mr. Preswiek presented the report and estimate o£ the Overseer of the Poor of the Town of Ithaca, of the amount necessary to be raised by the town for the support of the poor of the town for the ensuing year, which was received and referred to the Committee on Town and County Accounts. Mrs. Katherine Shaw, Chaplain and Matron for the County Jail, appeared before the Board and presented her annual report, which was received and referred to the Committee on Correction and Reformation. • By Mr. Todd: WHEREAS, the fees paid for hunting licenses are now paid over to the Con- servation Commission, and no direct benefit from such fees is received by the people of the towns at large, and WHEREAS, the methods used by the Conservation Commission in the protec- tion of game are not approved by the people living in those parts of the State where game abounds, as being harsh, tyrannical and in many cases unjust; therefore be it Resolved, That the Member of Assembly and Senator representing this county be respectfully requested to use their best endeavors to secure the enactment of amendments to the Conservation Law that will authorize the payment of one-half of all such fees for hunting licenses to the towns wherein such licenses are issued; and that one-half of the penalties collected for viola- tions of those sections of the Conservation Law that provide for the protection of game and fish shall be paid to the towns in -which such violations occur; and be it further Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board transmit a certified copy of this resolution to Assemblyman J. W. Preswiek and to Senator Morris S. Halliday. Moved by Mr. Todd that the resolution be adopted. Seconded by Mr. Evans and carried. By Mr. Fenner: 1 WIIEnEAs, this Board has appropriated the sum of $15,062.00 to meet the county's share of the cost of construction of Road No. 1188, known as Groton- OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YRK 47 Cayuga County. Line County Highway and the sum of $1,122,00 to meet the county's share of the cost of construction of Road No. 1003-A., known as Mit- chell Street—East Town Line County Highway, be it Resolved, That the Committee on Finance advertise for bids for County Bonds to the amount of $1G,000.00 to meet •that part of the county's share as above stated. Said bonds to bear 41/2% interest and to be numbered from one to sixteen consecutively, one bond of $1,000.00 to be payable February 15th of each and every year until paid with all accrued :interest. That the balance of • $184.00 be raised by tax in the budget of 1915. Moved by Mr. Fenner that the resolution be adopted. Seconded by Mr. Todd and carried. By Mr, Fenner: Resolved, That in accordance with resolutions passed by the Town Boards of the various towns of Tompkins County, there be levied and collected from the owners or harborers of dogs in the several towns of said county hereafter specified, the following dog tax, viz.: CAROLINE. ENFIELD. 1 dog $ 1.00 1 dog 81.00 Each additional dog 3.011 Each additional dog 1.00 1 female 5.00 Each female and add. female. 4.00 Each additional female 10.00 GROTON. I)ANBY. Each dog $1.00 1 dog $1.00 Each female 3.00 Each additional dog 2.00 NEWFIELD. Each female and add. female5.00 1 do, $ 50 iTFIACA TOWN. I Each additional dog 2.00 1 dog $1.00 Each female and add. female. 3.00 Each additional dog 1.00 •ULYSSES. Each female and add. female3.00 1 dog $1.00 LANSING. .Each additional clog 2.00 1 dog $1..00: Each female and add. female. 3.00 Each additional dog 2.00 I)RY.DFN. Each female and add. female3.00 • 1 dol," $1..00 Each female 3 00 Moved, by Mr. Fenner, that the resolution be adopted. . Seconded by Mr. Begent and carried. The resolution of Mr. Stanton, relative to the Farm Bureau, having been made a special order of'business for this time, that matter was taken up. Here followed a discussion on the resolution. Moved by Mr. Stanton, that the resolution be adopted. 48 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Seconded by Mr. Dassance. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Todd, Stanton, •Bine, Begent, Preswick, Parker, Evans, Fish, Dassance, Fenner, Townsend. -12. Noes—Mr. Schaefer. -1. Carried. Moved by Mr. Todd that Mr. Stanton be elected a director of the Farm Bureau. Seconded by Mr. Dassance and carried. Mr. Stanton was declared by the chairman duly elected a director of the Farm Bureau. The consideration' of the election of two Members of the Board of Man- agers of the Tuberculosis Hospital, having been made a special order of busi- ness for this time, that matter was taken up. Moved by Mr. Fenner that the •matter be made a special order of business for Wednesday, December 2, 1914, at 2 p. m. Seconded by Mr. Parker and carried. Mr. Snyder, Overseer of the Poor of the Town of Dryden, addressed the Board in reference to Isabella Oakley. The balance of the afternoon session was taken up by committee work. On notion, adjourned to Wednesday, December 2, 1914, at 9:30 a. Zn. TWELFTH DAY Wednesday, December 2, 191.4. Morning Session. Roll call.' All members present except Mr. Parker. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. Claims Nos. 225 to 242 inclusive, were read by the Clerk and referred tc, the respective committees. The Clerk read a communication from •the Superintendent of Craig Col- ony, which •was referred to the Committee on Soldier's Relief, etc. The balance of the morning session was taken up by committee work. On motion, adjourned to 1:30 p. m. Afternoon Session. • Roll call. All members present. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 49 Claims Nos. 243 and 244 were read by the Clerk and referred to the respective committees. -. The Clerk read a communication from the Ithaca Tuberculosis Commit- tee which was received and filed. The Clerk read a communication and resolution from the Board of Diree- tots of the Cayuga Preventorium which was received and filed. The matter of considering the election of two members of the Board of Managers of the Tuberculosis Hospital, having .been made a special order of business at this time, that matter was taken up. Moved by Mr. Todd that the resignation of S. Dudley Cook, to take effect at once and that of Dr. C. P. Biggs, to take effect on January 1, 1915, as members of the Board of Managers of the Tuberculosis Hospital, be accepted. Seconded by Mr. Fenner and carried. Moved by Mr. Parker, that. the Board proceed to elect .two members of the Board of Managers of the Tuberculosis Hospital. Seconded by Mr. Evans and carried. 1Ir. Fenner presented the name of Miss Emma Knettles, of Lansing, as a member of the Board of Managers of the Tuberculosis Hospital, for the unex- pired term of Mr. S. Dudley Cook, resigned. Miss Knettles' nomination was 'seconded by Messrs. Fish and Begent. Moved by Mr. Evans, that the Board proceed by an informal ballot in the election of a successor to Mr. Cook as a member of the Board of Managers of the Tuberculosis Hospital. Seconded by Mr. Dassance and carried. • .The Chair appointed Messrs. Preswick and Parker as tellers. The informal ballot resulted as follows: Whole number of votes cast were 14, of which Miss Emma Knettles received 10 Mr. Burr Rumsey received 3 Blank received 1 On motion of Mr. Fish, the informal ballot was declared formal and the Chairman declared Miss Emma Knettles duly elected a member of the Board of Managers of the Tuberculosis Hospital, to succeed Mr. S. Dudley Cook, for his unexpired term. Mr. Fish presented the name of Dr. H. E. Merriam, of Ithaca, as a mem- ber of the Board of Managers of the Tuberculosis Hospital, to succeed Dr. C. P. Biggs at the expiration of his term. Dr. Merr•iam's nomination was seconded by Mr. Stanton. 50.._ PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS On •motion of Mr. Evans, the Board proceeded by an informal ballot in the election of a successor to Dr. C. P. Biggs as a member of the• Board of Managers of the Tuberculosis Hospital. The informal ballot resulted as follows: Whole number of votes cast were 13, of which Dr. H. E. Merriam received 9 Burr Rumsey received 1 Dr. Arthur D. White received 1 Dr. C. P. Biggs received 1 Blank received 1 On motion of Mr. Fish, the informal ballot was declared formal and the Chairman declared Dr. H. E. Merriam duly elected a member of the Board of Managers of the Tuberculosis Hospital, to succeed Dr. C. P. Biggs at the expiration of his term, for a term of five years. On motion, the Clerk of the Board was instructed to inform each indi- vidual member of the Board of Managers of ,the Tuberculosis Hospital of the time of the expiration of his term. By Mr. Townsend: WITEREAS, it appears after investigation, that there was an error made by the Footing Committee for the year 1913 in computing the amount on which the Town of Groton should pay State and County Tax, said error con- sisted of an addition of $23,023 and the rate for 1913 was $4.2558 per thou- sand dollars, now therefore be it 1?csolved, That the County of Tompkins reimburse the Town of Groton by paying to said town the sum of Ninety-eight and 1/100 Dollars on account of overpayment in the year 1913. Moved by Mr. Stanton that the resolution be adopted. Seconded by Mr. Evans. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Todd, Stanton, Hine, Begent, Preswick, Parker, Schaefer, Evans, Fish, Dassance, Fenner, Townsend. -13. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Bine presented the Town Audits of the Town of Enfield, which were received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses. On motion, adjourned to Thursday, December 3, 1914, at 9:30 a. m. THIRTEENTH DAY . Thursday, December 3, 1914. Morning Session. Roll call. All members present except Mr. Gallagher. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 51 Minutes of preceding meeting read and approved. Claims Nos. 246 to 257 inclusive, were read by the Clerk and referreL to the respective committees. The Clerk read a communication from the State Cominission of.Highways, which was received and filed. Mr. Parker presented the report of the Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes, which was received and laid ori the table for one day under the rule. The following report of the Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts was received, read and laid on the table for one day under the rules: Your Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts reports that the several claims listed below are in all respects in proper form for audit and allowance by this Board, that each of the said claims in the opinion of your committee is just and legal charge against the County of Tompkins, to the amount indi- cated in the column headed "Allowed," and your committee therefore recom- mends that each of said claims be audited at the amount so indicated. U 0 z Claimant and Assignment. 15 30 34 63 79 53 89 90 91 92 '• 93 •' 94 .. 05 Forest City Printing Appropriation and Ac- count to Which Chargeable borest City Printing Co.. . . . County Treasurer. Corner Book Store .. Andrus & Church National Surety Co T. G. Stiller & Sons Ithaca .Journal Co. de id de di Nature or Purpose of: Expense 0 U 0 Printing blanks Safe & cases Register Bond . Book Pub. notice tax sale $ 76.00 78.00 16.12 3..00 .50 G.30 63.23 11.03 3.38 21.15 39.98 9.01 164.08 $508.78 $ 76.00 78.00 16.12 30.00 .50 6.30 63.23 11.03 3.38 21.15 30.98 9.01 154.08 $508.78 Respectfully submitted this 3rd of December, 1914. W. C. GALLAGHER, F. A. BEGENT, F. A. TODI). Mr. Townsend presented the Town Audits of the down of Ulysses, which were received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses. Mr. Townsend presented the Town Budget of the Town of Ulysses, which was reeeived and referred to the Committee on Finance. On motion, adjourned to 1:30 p. m. 52 CEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS .Afternoon Session. Roil calf. All members present except Mr. Gallagher. Claims Nos. 258 to 61 inclusive, were read by the Gle'rk and referred to Ole respective committees. ` The Clerk read a communication from, John N. Carlisle, State Commis- sioner of Highways, which was received and referred to the County Superin- tendent of'I4ighways, without recourse. Mr. Fish, of the special ,committ e. on the Audits of the Tuberculosis Hospital, presented a report of that committe. . Sheriff Miller appeared before the Board in reference to a notice of quar- antine against the foot and mouth disease in the Towns of Lansing, Groton and Dryden and was directed to enforce his orders from the State Depart- ment of Agriculture in conducting such •quarantine. The balance of the.afternoori session was taken up with committee work. On motion; adjourned to Friday, December 4, 1914, at 9:30 a. m. FOURTEENTH DAY Friday, December 4, 1914. Morning Session. Roll call. All members present except Mr. Gallagher. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. Claims Nos. 262 to 267 inclusive, were read by the Clerk and referred to the respective committees. The Clerk read a communication from the Burroughs Adding Machine Company which was received and referred to the Committee on County Officers' and Compensation. The reports of L. S. Teeter, Chas. F. Teeter, I-Iarry Harvey and Fred G. Rumsey, Justices of the Peace of the Town of Enfield, were received and referred to the Committee on Coroner, Justices' and Constables' Accounts. The report of John J. Chase, a Justice of the Peace of the Town of Ulysses, was received and referred to the Committee on Coroner, Justices' and Con- stables' Accounts. Mr. Todd of the Committee on Rules, to which was referred the matter of forms proposed to be used by Sheriff -elect Mackey, reported that the Committee approved of the forms submitted to them. Moved by Mr. Evans that the report of the Committee be accepted and that the Committee be authorized to contract for the printing of the same by the lowest bidder. OF TOMP.KINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 53 Seconded by Mr. Stanton and carried. The following report of the Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses was received, read and laid on the table for one day under the rules: Your committee on County Clerk & EIection Expenses reports that the several claims listed below are in all respects in proper form for audit and allowance by this Board, that each of the said claims in the opinion of your coznlnittee is a just and Iegaal charge against the County of Tompkins, to•the amount indicated in the column headed "Allowed," and your committee there- fore recommends that each of said claims be audited at the amount so indicated. iNo. of claim Claimant and Assignment Apportionment and account to which chargeable Nature or purpose of expense , m U b e , 4 10 W. A. Stubbs ('aunty Clerk ....Illeoairs to E. 0'. Mach. $ 2.55 $ 2.56 49 Ithaca Journal ]:lection expensesPublishing canvass 356.03 356.00 52 Tthnca journal County Clerk ....IPub. jury drawing...., 12.00 12.00 18 Forest City Prtg. Co. lPub.jury ,3raw.&Ct.t'rrna 18.50 18.50 11 Forest City Prtg. Co "Publishing canvass 'Supplies 370.25 376.25 31 The Cayuga Pre'i • " •' 343.00 340.00 66 T. G. Miller & Sons " ;Supplies 167.92 167.92 74 J. Will Tree " ;Supplies & repair' 152,00 152.03 3 Stover Prtg. Co. Surrogate ;Blanks 37.00 37.00 2 Stover Prtg. Co. I Blanks 15.60 15.60 65 T. G. Miller & Sons 1 Supplies 1 44.85 44.85 9 W. O. Stubbs Repairing typewriters . 1.65 1.05 36 Andrus & Church Blanks 16.00 16.00 33 Tru'n'burg free Press & Sen'al County Court ;Pub. terms of Co. Ct ' 5.25 5.25 51 Ithaca Journal ;Pub. terms of' Co. Ct.... 5.25 5.25 60 Weekly Ithacan " " Pub. terms Co. Ct. 6.75 5.25 224 Clarence 1). Tarbell County Clerk . Misce]. sup. & reprs..... 42.87 42.87 109 Arnerica.n Law Book Co Surrogate Blood . Law books 11.,`20 00.00 161 Empire I1. 1'g. Co Surrogate ;Repairs 2.15 2.15 162 The • Clinton House Supreme Ct. Ci, -i1 for jurymen 30.55 30.55 164 Tompkins }louse IMoals County Court .. Meals for jurymen 6.50 6.50 163 The Albany Eve. Union 00.... IPub. terms of Co. CI 4.38 4.38 12 Forest City frig. Co. Flection l:xl en.`:es'Election supplies 2055.67 2055.67 17 Forest City Prtg. Co Election supplies 761.90 761.90 32 The Cayuga Pres' ' Election printing C20.17 620.17 214 The Ithaca Journal Election Printing-. 116.50 316.50 226 The Ithaca Journal " Election Printing 20.25 20.25 215 Stever Printing Co. " " Prtg&sup• for Elec. Corn. 21.75 21.75 216 Ithaca Trust Co., Trustee.... " Office rent for Coms,. , . 50.00 50.00 217 Stanley Engraving Co " Supplies 5.50 5.50 21.8 11. C. Osborn & Co. Supplies 75.73 75.73 219 Minnie A. Adams Election Expense Copying enr'ullnlent 12.00 12.00 220 G. M. Squire 0 Copying 6.50 6.50 221 C. A. Squire Copying 5.53 5.50 222 T. G. Miller & Sons " Supplies 24.53 24.53 223 W. A. Snifii.n Printing 2.00 2.00 224 Brandow Printing Co. " Supplies 14.00 14.00 225 Brandow Printing Co Election Supplies 184.25 184.25 210 Edward P. Sayre " Livery for Com'sioners. 10.00 13.00 21.1 H. W. Norton " Office sup. for Com..... 1..55 1.55 212 Squire & Adams 'Disbursements by Jaws. 120.15 120.15 213 Trenton, ]ting & Co. "' Padlocks 12.751 12.75 $5978.92 $5966.22 .Respectfully submitted this 4th day of December, 1914. WILBER G. FISH, F. A. REGENT, F. C. EVANS. 54 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS The Clerk read a communication from Mr. J. G. Cobb, tendering his resignation as a member of the Board of Managers of the Tuberculosis Hospital. Moved by Mr. Todd that the resignation be accepted. Seconded by 141r. Preswick and carried. Moved by Mr. Begent, that the filling of the vacancy on the Board of Managers of the Tuberculosis Ilospital, caused by the resignation,of Mr. Cobb, be made a special order of business for Tuesday, December 8, 1914, at 2 p. m. Seconded by Mr. Parker and carried. Mr. Todd of the Committee appointed to secure contracts for jail supplies, rendered a report of that committee. Moved by Mr: Begent, that the report be accepted. Seconded by Mr. Evans and carried. Mr. Parker of the Committee on Returned Taxes, rendered the following report and resolution, offered by the committee: WHEREAS, through an order of the Supreme Court, issued at Albany, N. Y , November 23rd, 1912, reviewing the Franchise Taxes of the New York Telephone Co. in the Towns of Caroline, Dryden, Newfield, Groton, Ithaca, Lansing, Ulysses, Enfield and the City of Ithaca, and such review culminating in the reduction of said franchises and it further appearing by attached papers that a court order has issued by said Supreme Court ordering a refund of excess taxes collected during the years 1910 and 1911 in the above mentioned towns and the City of Ithaca, therefore be it Resolved, That there be levied upon and collected from the taxable prop- erty of the above mentioned towns and City of Ithaca, the sums set opposite the above mentioned towns and city below. City of Ithaca $39.84 Caroline . 8.81 Dryden . 19.25 Enfield .. 0.39 Groton . 9.55 Ithaca Town 11.65 Lansing . 6.06 Newfield . 2.61 Ulysses . 14.53 Making a total of $112.69 to be paid by the County Treasurer to the New Ycrk Telephone Co. in liquidation of the sums mentioned above, as ordered by the Supreme Court. W. H. PARKER, W. G. GALLAGHER; F. A. TODD, Committee. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 55 Moved by Mr. Parker, that the resolution be adopted. ,Seconded by Mr. Schaefer. Ayes—Messrs. Todd, Stanton, Hine, 'Regent, Preswick, Parker, Schaefer, Evans, Fish, Dassance, Fenner, Townsend -12. Noes—O. Carried. By Mr. Begent: Resolved, That the report of • the Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts presented yesterday, be accepted and that the several bilis and accounts therein listed by audited and allowed for the several sums indicated in the column headed "Allowed". Seconded by Mr. Parker. Ayes—Messrs.- Todd, Stanton, Hine, Begent, Preswick, Parker, Schaefer, Evans, Fish, Dassance, Fenner, Townsend, -12. Noes—O. Carried. By Mr. Parker: Resolved, That the following report of the Committee on Returned High- way and School Taxes, presented' and read yesterday, be accepted, and that the sums therein mentioned be levied upon and collected from the lands or property upon which the same. were imposed, with seven per centum in addi- tion thereto. Seconded by Mr. Todd: Ayes—Messrs. Todd, Stanton, Hine, Begent, Preswick, Parker, Schaefer, Evans, Fish, Dassance, Fenner, Townsend, -12. Noes—O. Carried. To the Board of ,Supervisors of the County of Tompkilis: • Your Committee on Return Highway and School Tax, having investigated the returned School Taxes, as furnished by the County Treasurer and referred to said Committee, report as follows: We find upon the certificates signed by the Trustees and supported by the affidavits of the collectors of the following School Districts 'of the different towns of the County of Tompkins, submitted to the Board of Supervisors by the County Treasurer that the following school taxes have not been paid although diligent efforts have been made to enforce collection. Your commit- tee therefore recommends, that the following -suras be levied upon and collected upon the lands or property upon which the same were imposed with seven per centum in addition. thereto: ENFIELD. Howard Bodle $17.29 56 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ITHACA. P. A. Begent $ 0.35 Anna Bennett 0-59 Arthur Bennett 3.21 P. A. Councilman 0.20 W. E. Darling 0.27 J. O. Ec]gecomb - 0.27 R. C. Edgecomb 0.37 G. W. Genung ... 0.60 W. W. Genung 0.40 C. A. Gilbert 0.20 E. Graham - 0.27 Gilbert Howard 2.14 W. R. Howard 0.27 1?. L. 'Howard 0.77 Mrs. M. Laidlaw 0.22 Wm. P. Laidlaw 0.22 Joyce 1.02 Thomas Lewis 2.14 W. H. Lockerby 0.12 Margaret Manning - 1.97 John McIntosh 0.32 J. A. Miller 2.96 James Nelligan 0.20 Carrie B. Peck 0.32 W. H. Rose 0.80 Wm. Shirley 5.10 Geo. W. Stevens 0.20 W. R. Stevens 1.07 Arthur Sweetland 0.22 Zatilla Stevens 0.32 E. J. Turner 0.20 Jas. Turner 0.32 Edw. Wainwright 0.20 Fred Walker - 0.57 Sarah Rhodes 0.26 E. L. Legg 4.73 Chas. Poplewel] Est. 5.01 $38.38 ULYS SE S. Byron Hill $ 4.59 Samuel Almy - 6.26 W. Augustus Brewer 2.87 $13.72 i OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 57 GROTON. Wilcox . $13.64 (Stricken from report by resolution of Dec. 7.) CAROLINE. Estate of Mrs. E. C. Baer $0.92 Wm. H. Ganung 4.76 $5.68 DANBY. Frank Powers $23.38 NEWFIELD. A. H. Volbreck $ 4.73 C. G. Henderson 3.18 Chas. E. Freese 1.46 Francenie Decker 3.52 John Griggs 10.30 $23.19 LANSING. Mrs. Grant Gear $ 0.94 William Benson 2.16 Henry Page 0.65 Ethen Allen 5.02 Jacob Labar Est. 2.02 Newton Robertson 2.71 ArviIla Love Est 44.70 James Luce Est. 0.79 $58.99 W. H. PARKER, W. C. GALLAGHER, F. A. TODD, Committee.. On motion, adjourned to 1:30 p. m: Afternoon Session. Roll call. All members present exeept 111r. Gallagher. Mr. Townsend presented the regular report and a supplemental report of the Committee on Footing Assessment Rolls, which were read and laid over one day under the rule. (For reports see index). 58 • PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS By Mr. Evans: WHEREAS, The town superintendents of the several towns of Tompkins county have made an estimate of the amount of money necessary to be raised by tax for •the improvement of the highways and bridges and other miscel- laneous highway purposes of their respective towns, as provided by Section 90 of the Highway Law; and WHEREAS, The respective town boards have approved or changed said esti- mates, as provided by Section 91 of•the Highway Law, Therefore, be it resolved, That the said estimates as approved by the town boards be received and the sum set opposite the name of the respective towns in the' column which bears the heading, "Amount of lst Item" (which is the amount of the First Item in said estimates), be assessed, levied and collected upon the taxable property of the respective towns, exclusive of the property within the limits of the incorporated village or villages of their respective towns which maintain their streets and highways as a separate road district, and be it further Resolved, That the sum set opposite the names of the respective towns, in the columns which bear the heading, "Amount of 2nd Item," "Amount of 3rd Item" and 'Amount of 4th Item" (which is the amount of the Second, Third and Fourth Items of said estimates as approved by the various town boards) , be assessed,levied and collected upon the entire taxable property of the various towns of Tompkins county, as follows, that •is to say: Amount of Amount of Amount of Amount of Name of Town First Item Second Item Third Item Fourth Item Caroline . 2000.00 - 500.00 250.00 100.00 Danby 2100.00 500.00 500.00 250.00 Dryden . 5000.00 2200.00 600.00 500.00 Enfield . 2000.00 1200.00 - 100.00 200.00 Groton . 3858.00 2450.00 600.00 500.00 Ithaca (Town) 2000.00 4435.00 200.00 200.00 Lansing . 2700.00 900.00 350.00 Newfield 2200.00 1800.00 400.00 200.00 Ulysses . 2400.00 400.00 , 300.00 50.00 And that the several amounts when collected shall be paid to the super- visors of the respective towns, to be paid out by them as provided by lay. Moved by Mr. Evans that it be adopted. Seconded by Mr. Fenner. Laid over for one day under the rule. By Mr. Evans: WHnREAE, The Supervisors and Town Clerks of the towns mentioned below have certified to this Board statements of the expenses incurred by the Town OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 59 Superintendents of said towns with the consent of the Town Boards, pursuant to Section 93 of the Highway Law, and audited and allowed by said Town Board or Town 'Boards, together withlthe principal and interest. Therefore, be it resolved, That the amounts set opposite the name of each town be assessed, levied and collected upon the taxable property of that town, exclu- sive of the corporate limits of any village or villages which maintain the high- ways therein as a separate highway district, and that the same when collected be paid to the Supervisor of the town to be applied to the cancelling of the certificates of indebtedness and the interest accruing on the same which were issued in payment of the above mentioned accounts. Amount of Amount of Name of Town Principal to be Levied Interest to be Levied Caroline 1086.71' Dryden 800.00 Lansing 800.00 Ulysses 315.00 Moved by Mr. Evans that it be adopted. Seconded by Mr. Fish. Laid over one day under the rule. By Mr. Evans: WHEREAS, the Supervisors and Town Clerks of the town mentioned below have certified to this Board statements of the expenses incurred by the Town Superintendents of said towns with the consent of the Town Boards, pursuant to Section 93 of the Highway Law, and audited and allowed by said Town Board or Town Boards, together with the principal and interest. Therefore, be it resolved, that the amounts set opposite the name of each town be assessed, levied and collected upon the taxable property of that town and that the same when collected be paid to the Supervisors of the town to be applied in the cancelling of the certificates of indebtedness and the interest accruing on the same which were issued in payment of the above mentioned accounts. Name of Town Amount of Principal to be Levied Caroline . 1768.07 Dryden . 1100.00 Enfield . 927.35 Newfield . 1800.00 Ulysses . 1514.99 Groton . 2755.00 Moved by Mr. Evans that the resolution be adopted. Seconded by Mr. Hine. Laid over for one day under the rule. Amount of Interest to be Levied 35.90 64.00 ti 60 PROCEEDINGS OF TIIE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS By Mr. Parker: Resolved, That there be levied and collected from the taxable property of the County -of Tompkins the sum of Six Hundred Dollars ($600.00) as and for a partial payment or so much thereof as may be necessary for the proceedings of this Board for 1914, the order for the said six hundred dollars, however, not to be delivered to the printer by the Clerk until said proceedings are printed and delivered to him and accepted by the Printing Committee in accord with the contract. Seconded by Mr. Preswick. Laid over for one day under the rule. By 14 Ir. Parker: Resolved, That there be levied and collected against the taxable property of the County of Tompkins, the sum of $100.00 for the burial of indigent sol- diers and sailors for the fiscal year. Seconded by. _Mr. Fenner. Laid over for one day under the rule. By Mr. Fenner: WHEREAS, it being the plan of the State Highway Department to build such State Trunk -Lines as will unite.the Cities as soon as possible and as State Trunk Route No. 11 is now in process of construction from the City of Auburn through the County 'of Cayuga to the Tompkins County Line; Be it resolved, That the Highway Commission be requested to build such portion of State Route No. 11 through the County of Tompkins to the Cayuga County line connecting •the Cities of Ithaca and Auburn during the year 1915. That the Clerk of the Board be hereby directed to transmit forthwith to the State Highway Department a certified copy of the foregoing -resolution. Seconded by Mr. Schaefer. Referred to the Committee on Highways. By 14 Ir. Fenner: • Resolved, That the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County hereby des- ignate and certify to the'State Department of Highways the following highways for construction an improvement as State and County Highway in the Town of Lansing; The highway known as "Esty Glen Road" beginning at the end of the road known as road No. 454, thence north through the Towns of Ithaca and Lansing to a point where it shall intersect with State Road No. 11, now in pro- cess of construction and be it further. Resolved, That the Clerk of the Board is hereby directed to transmit a certified copy of this resolution to the State Department of Highways. Seconded by Mr. Evans. /\OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 61 Referred to the Committee on Highways. Claim No. 268 was read by the Clerk and referred to its proper committee. On motion adjourned to Monday, December 7, 1914, at 10:30 a. m. FIFTEENTH DAY • Monday, December 7, 1914. Morning Session. Roll call. All members present. Minutes of December 4, were read. Moved by Mr. Regent, that the minutes be corrected by striking from the • report of the Committee on Returned Taxes the name of Wilcox, in the Town of Groton. for $13.64, that tax having since been paid. Seconded by Mr. Stanton and carried. The minutes as corrected, were approved. Claims Nos. 269 to 279 inclusive, were read by the Clerk. Mr. Evans offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That all bills read by the Clerk •be received and referred to -the proper committees. • Seconded by Mr. Schaefer and carried. The Clerk read a communication from the Federal Telephone and Tele- graph Company, which was received and referred to the Committee on Con- tract Supplies. The reports of Henry Williams, C. Owen Carman and Ossian G. Noble, Justices of the Peace of the Town of Ulysses, were received and referred to the Committee on Coroner, Justices' and Constables' Accounts. Mr. Fenner presented the -report of the Committee on County Officers and • Compensation, and moved its adoption. Seconded by Mr. Evans. Eaid on the table for one day under the rule. Moved by Mr. Fish, that the action taken by the Board on December 4, making the election of a member of the Board of Managers of the Tubercu- losis Hospital a special order of business for Tuesday, December 8, at•2 p. m., be recinded. Seconded by Mr. Preswick and carried. Moved by Mr. Fish, that the matter of the election of a member of the Board of Managers of the Tuberculosis Hospital, be made a special order of business for this afternoon at 2 p. m. A. 1 62 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Seconded by Mr. Preswick and carried. On motion, adjourned to 1:30 p. m. Afternoon Session. Roll call. All members present. The election of a member of the Board of Managers of the Tuberculosis Hospital, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of J. G. Cobb, having been made a special order of business for this time, that matter was taken up. Moved by Mr. Todd, that the Board proceed by an informal ballot. in the election of a member of the Board of Managers of the Tuberculosis Hospital. Seconded by Mr. Evans and carried. The Chairman appointed Messrs. Parker and Preswick as tellers. The informal ballot resulted.as follows: Whole number of votes cast were 14, of which Burr Rumsey received 7 Mrs. C. 0. Rhodes received 6 E. E. Ingalls received 1 Moved by Mr. Todd that the Board proceed to a formal ballot Seconded by Mr. Evans and carried. The formal ballot resulted as follows: Whole number of votes cast were 14, of which Burr Rumsey received 7 i\lrs. C. 0. Rhodes received 7 Second formal ballot. Whole number of votes cast were 14, of which Burr Rumsey received 7 Mrs. C. 0. Rhodes received 6 Joseph F. Hickey received 1 Third formal ballot. Whole number of votes cast were 19, of which Burr Rumsey received i<Irs. C..0. Rhodes received 6 7 William H. Parker received Fourth formal ballot. Whole number of votes cast were 14, of which Burr Rumsey received ,l Mrs. C. 0. Rhodes received 7 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 63 Moved by Mr. Todd, that the matter of electing a member of the Board of Managers of the Tuberculosis Hospital, be deferred until Tuesday, December , 8, at 2 p. m., and the matter be made a special order of business for that time. Seconded by Mr.. Evans and carried. The report of the Bonding Commissioner of the Town of Newfield was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses. By Mr. Fish: Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board be, and he is hereby authorized to contract with the I+crest City Printing Company, for binding in flexible leather covers, with gilt lettering, fifty copies of the Proceedings of this Board for 1914, at a price not to exceed $.75 per copy. Seconded by Mr. Parker. Moved as an amendment by 14'Ir. Gallagher, that twenty-six copies, instead of fifty, be contracted for, to be distributed as follows: 15 copies to the members of the Board. 1 copy to each Town Clerk. 1 copy to the City Clerk of Ithaca. 1 copy to the Clerk of the Board. Amendment seconded by Mr. Todd and carried. The resolution as amended was then duly adopted. By Mr. Todd: WHEREAS, a certain piece of highway on State Route No.'9, known as the Ithaca and West Danby State Highway, is now completed to a point known as Strattons;. and whereas, an extension of 2'/4 miles from this terminal to the Village of West Danby has been surveyed and plans and specifications prepared, Resolved, That it is the sense and judgment of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, that the needs of the public would be well served by the building of this extension; and this Board • hereby recommends to the State Department of Highways, that this extension be improved during the year 1915. Seconded by Ma.. Hine and referred to the Committee on Highways. By Mr. Begent: WHEREAS, the State Department of Highways has surveyed a number of years ago from Main Street in the Village of Groton to the Cortland County Line, a distance of 5.. miles, be it Resolved, That this be voted for improvement. Also, as Groton is the 3rd in valuation and population of the Towns in Tompkins County, be it Resolved, That this Board designate an improved highway commencing in Peruville Village and running east on State Road through McLean to .Cortland County Line. f kb 64 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS - Seconded by Mr. Gallagher and referred to the Committee on Highways. The Clerk read the report of the Committee on Footing Assessment Rolls, laid over from December 4. By Mr. Townsend: Resolved, That the report of the Committee on Footing Assessment Rolls, for 1914, be accepted and adopted by this Board. Seconded by Mr. Dassance. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Todd, Stanton, Hine, Begent, Preswick, Parker, ' Schaefer, Evans, Fish, Dassance, Fenner, Townsend, -13. Noes—O. Carried. • The Clerk read the supplemental report .of the Committee on Footing - Assessment Rolls, laid over from December 4. By Mr. Townsend: Resolved, That the supplemental report of the Committee 021 Footing Assessment Rolls for 1914, be accepted and adopted by this Board. Seconded by Mr. Evans. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Stanton, Todd, Hine, Begent, Preswick, Parker, SL:haefer, Evans, Fish, Dassance, Fenner, Townsend, -13. Noes—O. Carried. The CIerk read the reports of the Committee on Highways, relative to the amount to be raised by the various towns for the improvement of highways. and bridges, laid over from December 4. By Mr. Evans: Resblved, That the reports be accepted and that the various sums therein_ mentionedbe levied and collected out of the taxable property of the various. towns therein designated. Seconded by Mr. •Parker. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Todd, Stanton, Hine, Begent, Preswick, Parker,. Schaefer, Evans, Fish, Dassance, Fenner, 'Townsend, -13. Noes—O. Carried. The resolution of Mr. Parker, laid over from December 4, relative to. printing the Proceedings of this Board and payment thereof, was read by the Clerk. By Mr. Parker. Resolved, That the resolution be adopted and that the sum mentioned therein be levied and collected out of the taxable property of the County of Tompkins. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 65 Seconded by Mr. Preswick. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Todd, Stanton, Hine, Begent, Schaefer, Evans, Fish, Dassance, Fenner, Townsend, -13. Noes ---0. Carried. Preswick, Parker, The resolution of. Mr. Parker, laid over from December burial of indigent soldiers and sailors, was read by the Clerk By Mr. Parker: Resolved, That the resolution be adopted and that the tioned be levied and collected out of the taxable property Tompkins. Seconded by Mr. Fenner. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Todd, Stanton, Hine, Begent, PresWick, Parker,. .Schaefer, Evans, Fish, Dassance, Fenner, Townsend, -13. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Fish offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That the report of the Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses, presented December 4, be accepted and that the several bills and accounts •therein Iisted be audited and allowed for the several sums indicated in the columns headed "Allowed." 4, relative to the • sum therein 'men— of the County of Bill No. 69, having been recommended allowed at an amount less than the amount claimed, a vote was taken on that bill. Moved. by Mr`. Parker, that Bill No. 69 be audited by this Board at the amount recommended by the Committee. Seconded by Mr. Begent. Ayes -12. "Noes -0. Carried. Bill No. 109 having been disallowed by the Committee, a vote was taken on that bill. Moved by Mr. Todd that BiII No. 109 be disallowed by this Board. Seconded by Mr. Evans. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried., Moved by Mr. Stanton, that the other bills reported by the audited at the amounts recommended by the Committee. Seconded by Mr. Hine. Ayes -12. Noes—O. Carried. On motion, adjourned to Tuesday, December 8, 1914, at 9:30 a. m. Committee be • 66 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS • SIXTEENTH DAY Tuesday, December 8, 1914. Morning Session. Roll call. All members present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. The Clerk read a communication from the Board of Supervisors of Ulster County, relative to the State Health Law, which was received and. referred 'to the Committee on Rules. The Clerk read communications from Broome and Otsego Counties rela- tive to the State Commissioner of Highways, which was received and referred to the Committee on Rules. A report of the special franchises assessed in the Town of Newfield, was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses.\ Mr. Fenner of the Committee on County Officers and Compensation, called the attention of the Board to the report of the State Inspector of Boilers, relative to the condition of the boiler in the Court House. Mr. Gallagher presented the list of the Grand Jurors for the. Town of Caroline, which was received and referred to the Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes. Mr. Dassanee presented the Town 'Budget df the Town of Newfield, which was received and referred to the Committee on Finances. The report of the Committee on Charities" for the year 1913-1914, with recommendations,•was received. Moved by Mr. Fenner that the report be accepted. Seconded by Mr. Regent. Carried and referred to the Committee on Charities. The CIerk read the following report of the Committee on County Officers and Compensation, laid over from December 7, under the rule: Your Committee on County Officers and Compensation, respectfully report that: as shown by the statutes and records of this Board, the salaries of the officials and regular employees in the various offices and departments of• Bounty government, are at present fixed as follows: OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 67 COUNTY OFFICERS. Fixed by Statute. County Judge •and Surrogate $ 3,500.00 ' County Clerk 2,400.00 District Attorney V 1,200:00 Sheriff . 1,800.00 Fixed by Resolution of This Board. Superintendent of Highways, including every expense 1,550.00 Deputy County Clerk 900.00 Special County Judge 200.00 3 Superintendents of Poor @ $200.00 each 600.00 Under Sheriff 400.00 Deputy Sheriff and Turnkey 000.00 County Sealer of Weights ind Measures 500.00 Commissioners of Election. @ $500.00 each 1,000.00 Coroner . 100.00 County Treasurer 1,000.00 Clerks and Employees Authorized by Resolution of This Board. Fred L. Clock, Clerk and legal services for Board $ 700.00 County Court and Surrogate's Stenographer 750:0{) Surrogate's Clerk 600:00 Search Clerk in County C1ei•k's' Office 750:00. Assistants in County Clerk's Office 1;300.00 Chaplain at County Home 50.00 Jail Chaplain and Matron 100:00 Janitor County Clerk's Office . -175.00 Physician at County Home • 250:00 :Keeper at County Home 750.00 . Your committee recommends that the salaries of the county officers, clerks and regular employees be fixed by this Board at the amounts stated and your. committee would further recommend that the -County Sealer of Weights and Measures be allowed a sum not to exceed Two Hundred -Dollars -for expenses while performing duties of his office, said expense account. to .be audited by this board. CASPE.1 FENNER, Chairman. JOHN W. PRESWICK, WILBER G. FISH_, 'Committee, Moved by iiIr. Fenner, that the 'report of the Committee on County Offi- cers and Compensation on salaries of officials and regular employees' for the ensuing year, be accepted and adopted.. . . Seconded by Mr. Begent and carried. . 68 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Mr. Townsend presented the bank statements for the Town of Ulysses, for the purpose of taxation, which were received and referred to the Com- mittee on County Treasurer's Accounts. • On motion, adjourned to 1:30 p. • Afternoon Session. Roll call. All members present. County Superintendent of Highways, lir. Cole, addressed the Board, relative to extending the term of office of Town Superintendents of High- ways, from two years to four years and asked that the Board take action. Mr. Cole also addressed the Board, relative to furnishing an automobile for the use of the County Superintendent of Highways and members of the Board. Both matters were referred to the Committee on Highways. The election of a member of the Board of Managers for the Tuberculosis Hospital, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of J. G. Cobb, having been made a special order of business for this time, that matter was taken up. Mr. Begent withdrew the name of Mrs. C. 0. Rhodes, as a candidate for the office. ' Mr: Fish presented the name of Mr. C. D. Bouton, for the office. Mr. Bouton's nomination was seconded by Messrs. Todd and Evans. • Moved by 11Ir. Todd, that the Board proceed by• a formal ballot -to the election.of a member of the Board of Managers of the Tuberculosis. Hospital. Seconded by Mr. Evans. The Chairman appointed Messrs. Preswick and Parker as tellers. The forinal ballot resulted as follows: . Whole number of vostes cast were 13, of- which Mr. C. D. Bouton received 11 Mr. William H. Parker received 2 Mr. Bouton was declared by the Chairman, duly elected a member of the Board ,of Managers of the Tuberculosis Hospital, for a term of four years, and the Clerk of the Board was directed to inform Mr. Bouton of his election. Mr. _Fish' presented the report of the Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses, with reference to the annual report of the Commissioners of Election. By Mr. Fenner: • HesohTd, That the report of the Committee be accepted, and that the recommendation of the Committee, that the sum of $200.00 be Ievied and col- OF TOMPK•INS COUNTY, NEW YORK ' 69 lected out of the taxable property of the County of Tompkins for postage, express and incidental expenses of the Commissioners of Elections, or so much thereof' as may be necessary, be adopted. Seconded by Mr. Stanton. Moved by Mr. Fenner that the matter be laid on the table for one day. So ordered. By Mr. Stanton: Resolved, That the road commencing at the State Road in the Village of Dryden, running' thence south to the Harford Line, a distance of 41/2 miles, and forming a connecting link between the roads already let in Cortland 'County and the State Road at Dryden,, be designated as one of the roads to be constructed during the year 1915, or as soon thereafter as possible, and that the Clerk of the Board transmit a certified copy of this resolution to the State Highway Department. Moved by Mr. Stanton. Seconded by Mr. Begent and referred to the Committee ori Highways. Moved .by Mr.. Gallagher, that the Highway Committee take the records of road resolutions -heretofore introduced, in making a fair division of the roads to be built the coming year. Seconded by Mr. Regent and carried. Mr. Fenner of the Committee on County Officers and Compensation, pre- sented a report of that committee relative to the boiler in the court house. Moved by Mr. Begent, that the report be accepted and placed on file. Seconded by Mr. Dassance and carried. Anumber of residents of the Town of Ulysses appeared before the Board and addressed the Board in reference to increasing the salary of the Chaplain of the County Home. The report of the Equalization Committee, relating to Highways, was rad by the Clerk. Moved by Mr. Townsend, that the report be adopted. Seconded by Mr. Hine. Laid on the table one day under the rule.' By Mr. Stanton: Resolved, That the salary of the Chaplain of the County Home be in- creased to $75.00 per year. Seconded by Mr. Evans. 70 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Referred:'to the Committee on County Officers and Compensation under . Rule 17. On motion, adjourned to Wednesday, December 9, 1914, at 9:30 a. m. SEVENTEENTH DAY Wednesday, December 9, 1914. Morning Session. Ro11 call. All members present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. Mr. Gallagher, of the Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts, pre- sented the following report of that committee, relative to ,bank taxes, and. moved its adoption: WHEREAS, it appears from an inspection of the assessment rolls of the. various tax districts of the County of Tompkins or some statement filed by the assessors of the said various tax districts, that the number of shares of stock of banks and banking associations in each town, eity,,village, school and other tax districts in Which such shares of stock are taxable, are as follows: VILLAGE OF TRUMANSBURG. State Bank. Capital stock $ 25,000.00 Surplus 5,060.00 Undivided profits 2,378.00 $ 32,3 78.00 No. of •shares of stock, 250. Par value of each share $ 100.00 Value of each share for taxation ' 129.51 Amount of tax 323.78 First National Bank. Capital stock $ 25;000.00 Surplus . 6,000.00 Undivided profits 4,950.84 $ 35,950.84 No. of shares of stock, 250. Par value of each share ' $ 100.00 Value of each share for taxation 143.80 Amount of .tax 359.50 OP TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 71 \TILLAGE OF GROTON. First National Bank of Groton. Capi1a1 stock $100,000.00 Surplus 20,000.00 Undivided profits 7,257.92 $127,257.92 - No. of shares of stock, 1,000. Par .value of each share $ 100.00 Value of each. share for taxation - 127.25 Amount of tax 1,272.57 Merchanics' Bank of Groton. Capital stock $ 50,000.00 Surplus . 50,000.00 . Undivided profits 11,208.15 $111,208.15 No. of shares of stock, 500. Par value'of each share $ " 100.00 Value of each share for taxation 22(1.04 Amount of tax 1,112.08 "VILLAGE OF DRYI)EN. First National Bank of Dryden. Capital stock $ 25,000.00 Surplus 18,000.00 Undivided profits 6,310.08 $ 49,316.08 No. of shares of. stock, 250. Par value of each share $ 100.00 Valu; of each share for taxation . 197.20 Amount of tax 493.16 CITY OF ITHACA. First National Bank. Capital stock $250,000.00 Surplus • 75,000.00 Undivided profits 53,772.26 $378,772.20 No. of shares of stock, 2,500 Par value of each share $ 100.00 Value of each share for taxation 151.50 Amount of tax $ 3,787.72 72 PROCEEDINGS OF THE -BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Tompkins County National. Capital stock $100,000.00 Surplus . 150,000.00 Undivided profits 28,003.98 $278,003.48 No. of shares of stock, 1,000. Par value of each share $ 100.00 Value of each share for taxation 278.00 Amount of tax 2,780.03 Resolved, That a tax of one per centum upon the values of the shares of stock as•above set forth be levied and assessed and that the clerk of this Board forthwith mail to the president or cashier of each bank or banking association, a statement setting forth the amount of its capital stock, surplus and undi- vided profits, the number of outstanding shares thereof, the value 'of each share of stock taxable as hereinabove ascertained and the aggregate amount of tax to be collected and paid by such bank or banking association as provided by Section 24 of the Tax Law. Resolved,. That this Board of Supervisors issue their warrant or order, signed by the Chairman and Clerk of this Board as provided by Section 24 of the Tax Law, on or before the 15th day of December, 1914. W. C. GALLAGHER, F. A. BEGENT, F. A. TODD, Committee. Seconded by Mr. Todd. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Fenner, of the Committee on County Officers and Compensation, pre- sented the report of that committee, relative to the -report of County Sealer of Weights and Measures, Mr. Court Bellis, and moved that it be accepted and printed in the Proceedings. Seconded by Mr. Todd and carried. Mr. Hine offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That the suns of $150.00 be levied and collected upon the tax- able property of the County of Tompkins for the purchase of suitable steel filing cases to be installed in the Supervisors' Rooms, for the filing of the reports and papers of this Board. That the Chairman and Clerk are hereby authorized• and empowered to make such purchase and issue an order on the County Treasurer to pay for the same. That any balance iemaining after such purchase shall go into the general fund. Seconded by Mr. Schaefer. - Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. 1 OF TOMrPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 73 The following report of •the Committee on Equalization, relative to high- way levy, laid over from yesterday, was read by the clerk. Report No. 1, of Equalization Committee for apportion▪ ment of tax levy for the year 1914 for highways only. To the Honorable the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins, N. Y . . Q% • 77 Y J ..r G m •N d a a.A. cu m .E G 'm o w o a en m G cE x VPtiW 'u u yW > E20 W' a a N m w 'D C s. II', G" F. G s. +' v cS y • N y �" o P.I. 0 F� 'm a' S ?+ True value Caroline $ 837,420 $ 7,777 $ 845,197 .98 $ 862,449 Danby 749,560 5,175 754,735 .98 770,137 Dryden 2,194,742 25,168 2,219,910 .94 2,361,606 Enfield 526,041 3,972 530,013 .98 540,829 Groton 1,553,345 12,960 1,566,305 .94 1,566,305 Ithaca City 9,534,835 409,955 9,944,790 .94 10,579,563 Ithaca Town 1,700,605 18,447 1,719,052 1.00 1,719,052 Lansing 1,303,305 7,800 1,311,105 .93 1,409,790 Newfield 744,870 4,152 749,022 .98 764,318 Ulysses 1,184,905 17,005 1,202,510 .94 1,279,266 Totals 820,329,628 $513,011 $20,842,639 $21,953,291 tn •0 F Equalized value al O • d > .G C Q. nO G -c m m w cn G 'alE 0.+ (s7 . o W � "'I-5 6 4 73 O m Ra Caroline $ 818,816 $ $ 26,381 $ 3,930 $ 17,290 Danby 731,175 23,560 13,015 6,100 Dryden 2,242,129 22,219 20,130 19,800 Enfield 513,468 16,545 3,279 8,875 Groton :1,581,981 15,676 20,870 38,550 Ithaca City 10,044,326 99,536 _100,733 680,900 Ithaca 'Town 1,632,082 86,970 10,230 8,500 Lansing 1,338,466 2 7, 361 ' 6,145 17,000 Newfield 725,650 23,372 12,870 12,700 Ulysses 1,214,546 12,036 9,880 48,885 Totals $20,842,639 $176,828 $176,828 $201,382 $858,600 74 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS i y • r O ,D m Csn. u flh . w r-+ y+ '8 p cr _ x • x x t = 0 o +' rn F. 5 z• -0 Q C b a) 0 d 0 o ,,, m • ' m e Pi O cc II Caroline $ 836,106 $ $ $ Danby 737,275 Dryden 2,261,929 • 6,780 13,350 49,316.08 Enfield 522,343 Groton 1,620,531 10,390 . 10,480 238,466.08 Ithaca City 10,725,226 100,733 656,775 74 Ithaca Town 1,640,582 Lansing 1,355,466 Newfield 738,350 Real 4,700 Personal 700 8,970 Ulysses 1,263,431 2,050 7,830 68,328.84 Totals $21,701.239 $24,620 $40,630 $1,012,886.74 Average rate or per cent for county .9494084X. Your Committee on Equalization reports that they have examined the assessment rolls of.the several tax districts in the County of Tompkins, for the purpose of ascertaining whether the valuation in one tax district bears a just relation to the valuations in all the tax districts in the county; that in the opinion of the members of the committee such valuations do not bear such just relations to the valuations in all the tax districts of the county, and your com- mittee world recommend that the valuations of the several tax districts, in order that they may bear such just relations, be increased or diminished ac- cording to the foregoing statements so as to make the aggregate equalized val- uations as indicated in the tabular statement above. And your comm4tt.ee would also report that they have determined upon proper inquiry and investigation the ratio or percentage which the assessed value of the real property in each such tax district bears to its full value and would recommend that, based upon such determination of your committee that the board establish such ratios or percentages which are determined and in the opinion of your committee are as follows: Caroline . .98 Per Cent Danby .98 Dryden . .94 " Enfield . •.98 " Groton . .94 " Ithaca City .94 " Ithaca Town 1.00 " OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 75. Lansing . .93 " Newfield . .98 " Ulysses .94 " That your committee have, in accord with such percentage compiled, and that the foregoing tables show the aggregate valuations of each tax district, as determined from the actual values of property fixed according' to the above ratios or percentages and the average rate of assessment of real property in the county which your committee have determined according to the rules laid down by Statute, to be .9494084X and that the table shows by such valuations the several and aggregate valuations upon which the taxes for the county, including the state taxes, should be apportioned between the several tax dis- tricts of. the county. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN M. TOWNSEND, • Chairman CASPER FENNER, F. C. EVANS, W. H. PARI(ER, W. C. GALLAGHER, ALBERT DASSANCE, WII..BER G. FISH, Committee. Mr. Townsend offered the :Following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That the report No. 1, of the Committee on Equalization, be accepted and adopted and the valuations of the real property for the pur- poses of highway levy against the several tax districts of the, county be equal- ized and deter•mined as therein set forth as the basis of the apportionment of such taxes for the ensuing year. Ayes—I.4: Noes—O. Carried. The following report of the Committee on County Clerk and .flection Expenses, was read by the clerk: Report of Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses with refer- ence to the Annual Report of the Commissioners of Election. It 'appears from this report that, because of radical changes in the elec- tion laws, the duties of the Election Commissioners the past year have been more than ordinarily strenuous. Several emergencies have arisen requiring prompt action and good judg- ment and we wish to commend the efficient manner in. which these duties have been met. We note with approval, that the Commissioners will make arrangements to give the election officials of each election district .in the county a day of special instruction previous to elections, thereby enabling them to complete their duties with more dispatch and less mistakes. 76 PRCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS We respectfully recommend that an appropriation of $200.00 be voted to take care of the postage, express and incidental expenses. We would also recommend that some means be provided for the preserva- tion against fire, of the valuable books, papers and records of the county in the custody of the Commissioners'of Election. WILIER G. FISH, F. A. BEGENT, F. C. EVANS. 111r. Fish offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That the foregoing report of the Committee on County Clerk's and Election Expenses, be adopted and that the amount therein asked for be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the County of Tompkins. . Seconded by Mr. Schaefer. Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried. ,Moved by 1Ir. Stanton that the rest of the day be given to an inspection of the Coanty Home and the Tuberculosis Hospital. Seconded by Mr. Dassance and carried. EIGHTEENTH DAY Thursday, December 10, 1914. Morning Session. Roll call. All members present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. The claim of Mrs. Elizabeth Whitlock, of the Town of Lansing, for an erroneous assessment of tax was received and referred to the Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes. Mr. Gallagher offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County hereby des- ignate and certify to the State Commission of Highways the following roads for construction and improvement as County Highways in the Town of Caro- line, during the year 1915 or as soon thereafter as possible: Beginning at the east end of the Brookton Macadam, known as County Highway No. 1009, and extending thence easterly along the Seventy -Six Road to Westfal!'s Corners, just east of the Village of Caroline Center on the Speeds- ville Road, a distance of about five miles, so as to connect.with the roads inter- secting at said Westfall's Corners, and thereby form a continuous market route from said section of the county to the county seat and the City of Ithaca; and from the east end of the macadam east of Slaterville Springs, known as 010 TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK • 77 County Highway No. 1004, to the Village of Caroline and the Tioga County line, a distance of only about one and one-half miles, thereby furnishing the residents of the Village of Caroline a continuous market road from the village to the county seat and the City of Ithaca. Be it further Resolved, That the State Commission of Highways be requested to cause plans, maps and specifications to be at once prepared for the construction thereof in the year 1917, or as soon thereafter as possible, said roads having been heretofore surveyed for improvement by the State Commission of Highways; and Bo it further Resoled, That the Clerk of this Board be directed to forth- with transmit a certified copy of these resolutions to, the State Commission of Highways. Seconded by Mr. Fenner. Referred to the Committee on Highways. The balance of the forenoon session was taken up by committee work. On motion, adjourned to 1:30 p. m. Afternoon Session. Roll call. All members present. RIr. Dassance presented the report of the Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Newfield, relative •to the, cutting of noxious weeds, which was received and referred to the Committee on Returned Highway Taxes. Mr. Evans of the I•Iighway Committee rendered the following report: REPORT OF HIGHWAY COMMITTEE. As to the matter of construction of town and county roads, as outlined before this Board by Mr. Dayton of Auburn, N. Y., we heartly approve•of the plan, and believe that it would result in great benefit to the county as a whole, but do not think it advisable to recommend its adoption at this session. On the matter• of the proposed extension of the term of office of Town Superintendents of Highways, we recommend that the term remain at two years, as at present. On the matter of the proposed purchase of an automobile for the county, we would recommend that no purchase be made. If the County Superintendent of Highways should purchase a car, we would recommend that the committees give him the preference in the hiring of an automobile for• county business. 1?. C. EVANS, Chairman. J. M. TOWNSEND, CASPER FENNER, M. L. STANTON, J. H. HINE, Committee. 78 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Moved by Mr. Preswick that the report be adopted. Secondeclby Mr. Parker and carried. Report No. 2 of the Equalization Committee was read by the clerk. Moved by Mr. Townsend that the. same be' adopted. Seconded by Mr. Hine. Laid on the table one day under the rule. Mr. Preswick offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Rasoh:ed, That a committee: be appointed by the Chairman to investigate the advisability of. continuing the session of the grand jury at the .June term of the County Court, and that such committee report to this Board the amount of criminal business coming before the grand jury held last June, and also advise the Board as to the expense to the county thereby. Seconded by .i\Ir. Evans and carried. The Chairman appointed as such committee, Messrs. Preswick, Fenner and Evans. Mr. Evans offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Ite,solred, That the County Treasurer is hereby requested ,to render to this Board on or before Monday, December 14, 7019, a special report showing all claims paid in advance .of audit, as set forth in Rule 31 of this Board. The Clerk of this Board is requested to so notify the County Treasurer. Seconded by Mr. Preswick and carried. The Clerk read a communication from the Superintendent of the Tuber- culosis I•iorpital Which was received and referred to the Committee on Charities. On motion, adjourned to Friday, December 11, 1914, at 9:30 a. m. NINETEENTH DAY Friday, December 11, 1914. Morning Session. Roll call. All members present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. The following report of the Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes, was read by the Clerk: The Committee on. Returned Highway and School Taxes has had referred to it, certificates relative to the cutting of brush, weeds, etc. along the high- ways in the Towns of Enfield, Lansing, Ithaca, Dryden and Newfield, therefore OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 79 • Be it Resolved, That there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of. the various.parties in the several towns mentioned in said certifi- cates, the amounts set forth and designated in said certificates. W. H. PARKER, F. A. TODD, • W. C. GALLAGHER. Moved by Mr. Parker, that the report be. accepted and the resolution adopted. Seconded by Mr•. Fenner. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. The following report of the Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts was read by the Clerk: Your Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts, respectfully report that it has checked and verified the report of the County Treasurer to this Board, by reference to the cash book maintained by such Treasurer and the vouchers for payment, filed with the Board. It has checked the record of moneys received by said Treasurer by such means as possible. The only error found was a payment of $5.00 by the Treasurer for an -examination in lunacy, which was a city charge. The Treasurer's ledger contains page references to the journal and cash book for ull entries therein and, while your committee has not verified each posting, •it is satisfied that such ledger records are honestly and properly maintained. Your committee has examined the pass books of the County Treasurer and finds the balance as shown therein as of October al, 1914 to agree ,with the balances reported to this Board as on hand. • Your committee has also inspected the undertakings of the several county depositorit:s and finds them correct in form and sufficient in amount. Your committee finds that the Treasurer receives n� interest on the cur- rent deposits of county funds in banks. Your committee is informed that this is one of the very few counties in the state in which interest is not paid. Your committee is informed by the '.Treasurer that no bank in the city of Ithaca will pay such interest. Your committee • feels that the taxpayers of this county are not receiving fair Lr•eatment :from their banks and would strongly urge the 'Treasurer to make every effort in his power to secure a reasonable rate of interest upon. the funds deposited in bank. Your committee reports that an inspection of the ledger of the Treasurer shows the balances . as shown by the County Treasurer's report, published in the Proceedings of this year, to be correct. Your committee recommends that the following resolutions be passed: -80 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Resolved, That all moneys received by the County Treasurer and disposi- tion of which is not specifically provided for by law or act of this Board be credited by him to the general, poor or highway fund, in accord with the nature of such receipt. Resolved, That in case of deficiency in any appropriation, the County Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to transfer from the general fund, poor fund or highway fund to such appropriation any unexpended balance standing to the credit of such fund, for the purpose of meeting any payment ordered by this Board or required by law, which amounts are hereby appro- priated for such purpose. • The committee further reports that; after consultation with the mover of the resolution relative to quarterly reports by the County Treasurer and referred to this committee, it recommends the adoption of the following resolution: . Resolved, That the County Treasurer report at each Quarterly Session of this Board the balances as they appear upon his ]edger at the close of the last preceding month. W. C. GALLAGHER, F. A. BEGENT, F. A. TODD. Moved by Mr. Gallagher that the report be accepted and the resolutions therein be adopted. Secondee] by lir. Preswick and carried. Mr. Fish of the Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses, pre- sented a report of that committee and moved that it be accepted. Seconded by iiir. Regent. Laid on the table one day under the rule. Mr. Todd offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: To the Hlonorable Charles S. Whitman, Governor -elect of the State of New York: WHEREAS, We, .the Members of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, New York, believe that the existing policies of the State Highway Department, are not for the best interests of improved highways in the State, and that with the change of the State Administration, new policies and new organization will be adopted in order to place the Department of Highways on an efficient basis, and in working out such improved organization it may be deemed advisable to the new Administration to place the responsibility with a single Commission, or wise to return to the plan of establishing a Commis- sion consisting of three members, and WHEREAS, we believe that in the past, Frank D. Lyon, of Binghamton, New York, has demonstrated by his work when connected with the Highway OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 81 Department, that he has the best interests of the Highways of the State at heart; that he has the ability to organize and- secure for the State a proper and economical administration of such Department, and WHEREAS, John N. Carlisle of Watertown, New York, the head of the De- partment, has shown, that although hindered by improper and unwise legisla- tion, thereby rendering it impossible for him to give to the State an efficient Highway Department, he has had the interests of the public foremost in mind, and has shown the people that he is able, full of integrity and free from graft, Therefore, be it Resolved, should you, in your judgment, deem it best to adopt either a Commission consisting of one or three members, that in either event, we respectfully request that you carefully consider the name of Frank D. Lyon for the head of such Commission, and that, if you believe it for the, best interest of such Department that the responsibility should be placed in the hands of three members, that the naive of John N. Carlisle be considered as. the Democratic member of such Commission.. Be it further Resolved, that the Clerk of this Board transmit a certified: copy of this preamble and resolution to Hon. Charles S. Whitman, Governor - elect of this State of New York, to Frank D. Lyon and to the Hon. John N.. Carlisle. Seconded by Mr. Evans. Mr. Todd offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: -WIIEREAS, The Legislature of the State of New York; during recent ses- sions, enacted %ertain measures known as the New York State Election and. Primary Laws, and • WHEREAS, said enactments as applied to cities 'and rural communities have. demonstrated •themselves to be enormously and oppressively expensive to tax- payers; productive of onerous and needless inconvenience to voters, a menace. and detriment to the full and free exercise of the right of sufferage, there fore be it Resolvcd, That it is the conviction of the Board of Supervisors of Tony-• kins County, that the laws recently enacted, should be repealed by the Legisla- ture of 1915, and be it further. Resolved, That this Board does hereby earnestly and urgently request that State Senator -elect, Morris S. Halliday and Assemblyman, Hon. John W. Pres - wick, initiate and forward legislation for the repeal of the wastful and harmful laws so enacted. Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board transmit a copy of these resolutions to each of our legislative representatives above named. Seconded by Mr. Evans and carried. Messrs. Preswick and Todd offered the following resolution and moved its acloption: 82 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Resolved, That the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, hereby des- ignate and certify to the State Department of Highways the following high- way for construction in Tompkins County as soon as reached on the list for constructi.ns; Road to begin at Hudson Street on line between the City of Ithaca and Town of Ithaca, and extend in•a southeasterly direction through the Town of Ithaca to the line of the Town of Danby. Road known as the Coddington Road, a distance of about three miles. Also, that the Board of Supervisors of -Tompkins County hereby designate and certify to the State Highway Department that the following. highway, situate on the dividing line between the Towns of Caroline and Danby, be im- proved as a State and County Highway. • Said highway extends from the south line of the Town of Ithaca in a 'southerly direction to .the intersection of the "Stevens Town Hill" Road and is known as the Coddington Highway, a distance of about two and one-half miles, and be it Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to transmit forth- with. to the State Department of Highways a certified copy of the foregoing resolution. Seconded by Mr. Fenner and referred to the Committee on Highways. - 1\tr. Todd offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: • Resolved, That the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County hereby. des- ignate and certify to the State Department of FIighways that the following be constructed as a State and County Highway in 1915, or as soon thereafter as practicable: The FIighway in the Town of Danby extending from the Trunk Line now on the map, easterly to the Lehigh Valley Railroad Company's track, a distance of about one-half mile, and be it Resoived, That the State Department of Highways be requested to have the same surveyed and plans and estimates prepared and forwarded to this Board for adoption, and be it further Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board be directed to forthwith transmit a certified copy of these resolutions to the State Commission of Highways. Seconded by Mr. Preswick and referred to the Committee on Highways. Mr. Preswick offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolfl ed, That the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County hereby desig- nate and certify to the State Department of Highways, the following highway for construction 'and improvement as a State and County Highway, .in the Town of Ithaca, N. Y.; Beginning at the City Line of the City of Ithaca, that part of Highland Road running northerly to the Hanshaw Corners macadam road, a distance • of 3,760 feet, and be it further OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 83 Resolved. That the Clerk of this Board be directed to forthwith transmit a certified copy of this resolution to the State Commission of Highways. Seconded by Mr. Todd—and referred to the •Committee on Highways. The following Report No. 2 of the Equalization Committee, laid over from yesterday, was read by the Clerk: Your committee further reports that it has, in accordance with the p•ar- centages fxed and established by this Board, determined the equalized value of the real property of the several fax districts of this county, liable to•the gen- eral levy of taxes, except for .higltuay purposes, as shown by the subjoined tabular statement, that the average rate of assessment, as determined by such percentage, is'.949412087X. Report No. 2 of Committee on Equalization, 1914. . r H P •0 =ci) til b L., p G ami P h0 • V. sv. _ qlQ� u Pid Nm o z w [H u w -•l True value U a tr W Caroline $ 833,490 $ 7,777 $ ' 841,267 .98 $ 858,436 $ 815,020 Danby '736,545 5,175 '741,720 .98 756,857 '718,579 Dryden 2,174,612 25,168 2,199,780 .94 2,340,192 2,221,806 Enfield 522,762 3,972 • 526,734 .98 537,483 510,293" Groton L532,475 .12,960 1,545,435. .94 1,644,101 1,560.930 Ithaca City 9,434,102 409,955 9,844,057 .94 1.0,472,402 9,942,624 Ithaca Town 1,690,375 18,447 1,708,822 1.00 1,708,822 1,622,366 Lansing 1,296,860 7,800 1,304,660 .93 1,402,860 1,331,892 Newfield 732,000 4,152 736,152 .98 751,175 713,175 Ulysses 1.175,025 17,605 1,192,630 .94 1,268,755 1,204,572 Totals $20,128,246 $513,011 $20,641,257 $21,741,083 $20,641,257 Average rate or per cent. for County .949412087X. 84 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 0 Assessed value cJ) 3 N 7. •N• 3 ^d C/1 J N N •0 •w a7 t. ••1 .a d p O JA y g ▪ • DI d u ° m w P+ a Pa ▪ 2.gu o 'C4 6, O Caroline $ $ 26,247 $ 3,930,$ 17,290 $ 832,310 $ Danby 23,141 13,015 6,100 724,679 Dryden 22,026 20,130 19,800 2,241,606 49,316.08 Enfield 16,441 3,279 8,875 519,168 Groton 15,495 20,870 38,550 1,599,480 238,466.08 Ithaca C'ty 98,567 100,733 680,900 10,023,524 656,775.74 Ithaca Town 86,456 10,230 8,500 1,630,866 Lansing ' 27,232 6,445 17,000 1,348,892. Newfield 22,977 12,870 12,700 725,875 Ulysses 11,942 "9,885 48,885 1,253,457 68,328.84 Totals $175,262 $175,262 $201,382 $858,600 $21,499,857 $1,012,886.74 JOHN M. TOWNSEND, Chairman. W. IL PARKER, WILBER G. FISH, ALBERT DASSANCE, FRED C. EVANS, CASPER FENNER, W. C. GALLAGHER, Committee. Mr. Townsend offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That Report No. 2 of the Committee on Equalization be accepted and adopted and the valuations of the real property for the purposes of the general Ievy, except for highway purposes, against the several tax districts of the County, lie equalized and determined as therein set forth as the basis of the apportionment of such taxes for the ensuing year. • Seconded by Mr. Hine. Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried. On motion, adjourned to 1.:30 p, m. • Afternoon Session. Roll call. All members present. Claims Nos. 280 to 289 inclusive, were read by the Clerk. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 85 Moved by Mr. Fenner that the bills be received and referred to the proper committees. Seconded by Mr. Fish and carried. The Clerk read a comniunication .from the State Commission of Highways, relative to assessment for• Road No. 1001, which was received and referred to • the Committee on Town and County Accounts. • The Clerk read a resolution from the Board of Supervisors of St. Law- rence County, relative to state aid to towns under 'the Highway Law, which was received and referred to the Committee •on Highways. 1 Mr. Stanton presented the report of the Committee on Charities, and moved its adoption. . Seconded by Mr. Regent. Laid on the table one day under the rule. Mr. Stanton presented the report of the Committee on Charities relative to the Tuberculosis Hospital, and moved its adoption. Seconded by Mr. Evans. Laid on the table one day under the rule. Mr. Fenner offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That the sum of $700.00, heretofore appropriated as at salary for the Clerk of this Board, be in full payment for services as Clerk and •whatever legal services may be rendered by him in behalf of the Board from Nov. 8, 1914 to the annual session in 1915, unless otherwise ordered by a resolution. Said sum to be paid as follows; $150.00 on the 15th of December, 1914; $150.00 on the 15th of January 1915, and the balance in ten monthly installments of $40.00 per month, the first monthly payment being February 1, 1915. The County Treasurer is hereby authorized to make the first two payments of $150.00 each, out of any moneys unexpended in his hands. Seconded by Mr. Preswick. Ayes -13. Noes --•-0. Carried. Moved by Mr. Stanton, that Tuesday, December 15, at 2 p. m. be made a special order of business to elect a jail physician and two Commissioners of Election. Seconded by Mr. Parker and carried. On motion, adjourned to Monday, December 14, 1914, at 10:30 a. m. 86 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD Ole SUPERVISORS TWENTIETH DAY Monday, December 14, 1914, Morning Session._ Roll call. All members present except Messrs. Parker and Fenner. Owing to the tardiness of several members, caused by delayed trains, the morning session was devoted to committee work. On motion, adjourned to 1:30,p. m. Afternoon Session. Roll call. All members present. Minutes of December 10, read and approved. A communication from County Treasurer,` B. F. Lent, was read by the Clerk. On motion of Mr. Hine, the same was referred to the Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts. The Clerk read resolutions adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Dryden, relative to moneys to be raised by the town for various purposes, which was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses. The Clerk read a resolution adopted by the Town Superintendents of„,. Highways, relative to the term of office of Town Superintendents of Highways, which was received and referred to the Committee on Highways. - Mr. kine offered a resolution, relative to the payment of bonds issued by the Town of Enfield, which •was received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses. Mr. Fish offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins, be- lieving that the employing of convicts in building and improving earth roads in the townships of the agricultural counties of the State is a decided advant- age, both to the convicts and to the municipalities in which their work is -done, respectfully requests the Assemblyman from this county and the Senator from this district, to further by their efforts, any reasonable legislation proposed to enlarge this work: Seconded by Mr. Gallagher. Mr. Evans offered the following amendment to be added to the foregoing resolution: Aad be it further Resolved, That no convict labor shall be employed, that will be detrimental to honest labor. OF'TOMPK1NS COUNTY, NEW YORK 87 Amendment accepted by Mr. Fish. Ona vote being taken, the amendment was declared carried. The resolution, as amended, was then duly carried. Mr. Fish offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: lesol•'ed, That there be levied upon and collected from the taxable prop- erty of the County of Tompkins the -sum of $100.00 for postage of the County Clerk's Office; also the sum of $50.00 or so much thereof as may be needed, for incidental expenses of the County Clerk's Office. Seconded by Mr. Evans and carried. Mr. Townsend offered the following resolution and moved' its adoption: Resolved, That the resolutions of respect, heretofore adopted by this Board on the death of our fellow member, Mr. R. P. McGreevy, be printed in the Pro- ceedings of the Board. Seconded by Mr. Hine and carried. • Mr..Parker'offered the following.resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That the Committee on Contract Supplies, having the contract for fuel, light and telephone service, and for which funds are provided in advance for the various County buildings located in the City of Ithaca, are hereby directed to keep such books or memorandum during each fiscal year, as will enable them to show at each annual session of this Board; • • First. The number of telephones in use, the contract cost of each, where located, when•bills for same were ordered paid by the County Treasurer, also report long distance service, by whom contracted and the cost of each official. Second. The lights in each building and cost of each per building. Third. Coal bought for each fiscal year, of whom bought, contract price therefor and approximate amount on hand at time of report. Such committee to contract at such season of the year as they can secure the most advantageous price for such supply of coal as will last the Bounty buildings for at least one year: Fourth. That the report of such committee at each annual session, shall show total amounts expended and balance on hand or deficit in such funds, as niay be. Said report to be verified by the County Treasurer as conforming with his books as to amounts appropriated and expenditures made by him. _ Seconded by Mr. Fenner and carried. • The following report of the Committee on County Clerk and EIection Expenses, laid over from December 10, for one day under the rule, was read .by the Clerk: 88 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON COUNTY CLERK 'AND ELECTION EXPENSES. Your Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses reports that the several claims listed below are in all respects in proper form for audit and allowance by this Board, that each of the said claims in the opinion, of your •Committee is a just and legal charge against the County of Tompkins, to the amount indicated• in the column headed "Allowed," and your committee there- forerecommends that each of said claims be audited at the amount so indicated. ti WILBER, G. FISH, F. A. BEGENT, F. C. EV ANS: Claimant and Assignment. 266 267 272 280 The Cayuga Pres tpi!ropriatiun and Amount to which Chargeable Nature Or pur- pose of Expense. !County Clerk Printing 500 Ct. Cai. $ 78.50 $ 78.53 ISuorenre Court Chas. it. Wise E. P. Bouton H. L. :McNamara (Surrogate ',Printing 500 blanks 3.50 3.50 R'ounty Clerk Premium of Co. I Clks. bond 45.23 45.23 !Supreme Court heals for jury 4.55 4.55 1 $131.78 $131.78 Respectfully submitted this 10th clay of December, 1914. Mr. Fish offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That the report of the Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses be accepted and that the several bills and accounts therein listed be audited and allowed at the amounts for the several sums indicated in the column marked "Allowed". Seconded by Mr. Fenner. Ayes ---13. Noes -0. Carried. The following report of the Committee on Charities laid over from De- cember 10, was read by the Clerk. Your Committee on Charities beg to report that they have examined the accounts of the Superintendents of the Poor and found then correct and recommend the following resolution: Resolved, That for the maintenance of the poor having settlement in Tomp- kins County that there be levied and collected from the taxable property of the several towns hereinafter named and the City of Ithaca, to reimburse the said County for moneys expended for the maintenance of the poor of the vari- ous towns and the City of Ithaca during the year ending November 15th, 1914, the following sums, to wit: OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 89 County poor 2,064 days $ ,952.31 Ithaca City poor 8,949 " 3,898.25 'Ithaca Town " 242 " 111.67 Lansing 637 " 293.92 Groton 4,• 1,672 " 771.45 Danby " 489 " 225.63 .Dryden 2,007. " 926.01 Caroline " 374 " 172.58 Enfield 365 " 168,42 Newfield 718 " 331.29 Ulysses 1,025 " 472.93 18,042 " $8,324.46 Resolsed, That there be levied and collected from the taxable property of the County of Tompkins the sum of $577.85, which with the above mentioned sum charged -to the various towns -and the City of Ithaca, make a total of $7,950.00 for the maintenance of the poor of the county for the year 1915. The Committee also recommend that there be built a contageous ward 50 feet north of the main building to be heated from the main building boilers and to be connected with the septic tank and that the sum of $500.00 or as much thereof as is necessary, be appropriated for that purpose. That the sum of $1.50.00 or as much as is needed of that amount; be levied for a new roof on the west side 6f the Administration building at the County Home. That $50.00 be levied for the repair of the gas tanks at the County Home. That $200.00, or whatever part of that amount is needed, be levied for the finishing of the painting of the balance of the buildings. 3. M. '1'OWNSEND, M. L. STANTON, Committee. • Mr. Stanton offered the following resolution and moved its .adoption: Resolved, That the report of the Coimnittee on Charities be accepted, and that the various suns therein asked for, .be levied and collected out of the taxable property of the County of Tompkins and of the various towns and the City of Ithaca. Seconded by Mr. Begent. Moved by Mr. Fenner that consideration of the recommendations of the committee be made a special order of business for Tuesday afternoon, De- cember 15. So ordered. The following report of the Committee on Charities, in reference to the Tuberculosis Hospital, laid over .from December 10, under the rule, was read by the Clerk: 90 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD. OF SUPERVISORS Tuberculosis Hospital Report by Charities Committee. The Charities Committee find that there was a balance in the hands of the County Treasurer of $5,658.87 in the Hospital Maintenance Fund on Novem- ber 1, and that we recommend that the sum of $9,600.00 be levied and collected from the•taxable property of the County of Tompkins for the maintenance of the Hospital for the coming year, commencing February 1, 1915, and also the sum of $150.00 or as much as is necessary for the removal and rebuilding of the ice house on the Hospital grounds. M. L. STANTON, J. M. TOWNSEND, F. C. EVANS, Committee. Mr. Stanton offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: .Resolved, That the report of the Committee on Charities, relative to the Tuberculosis Hospital, be accepted and that the various sums therein asked for be levied and collected out of the taxable property of the County of ' • Tompkins. Seconded by Mr. Evans. Moved by Mr. Hine, that action on the matter be deferred and that it be made a special order of business for Wednesday, December 16, at 2.p. m. - Seconded by Mr. Todd and carried. Mr. Gallagher addressed the Board in reference to bilis for printing, pre- sented to the County Treasurer. The Clerk was instructed to take the matter up with the various printing establishments.. • Mr: Fish addressed the Board in reference to assessment of property pur- chased by the County at tax sale. The Chairman announced that he had entered into a contract with the Art Metal Construction Company for furnishing suitable steel filing cases for the Supervisors' Rooms. Moved by Mr. Begent that the contract be ratified by this Board. Seconded by Mr. Evans and carried. On motion, adjourned to Tuesday, December 15, at 9:30 a. m. TWENTY-FIRST DAY Tuesday, December 15, 1914. Morning Session. Roll call. All members present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 91 Claim No. 290 was read by the Clerk. Moved by Mr. Hine that the claim be received and referred to the proper comm ittee. Seconded by Mr. Fenner and carried. Mr. Stanton, of the Committee on Charities, reported Bili No. 8 of King and Dayton; as having been allowed by the 'Committee at the full amount thereof of $635.00, and offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That the Bill No. 8 for the water system at the County Home, be audited and an order drawn at this time on the County Treasurer for the payment of the same out of any unexpended balances. in his hands. Seconded by Mr. Begent and by unanimous consent carried. • Mr. Begent offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That there be levied and collected from the taxable property of Tompkins County, the sum of $50.00 for postage for the County Treasurer. Seconded by Mr. Todd. Ayes -10. Noes ---0.. Carried. Mr. Todd, of the Committee on Rules, to which was referred the resolution of Mr. Fish of Nov. 20, relative to Rule 42-a. reported favorably on the resolu- tion and moved that the same be adopted and incorporated in the rules of this Board. Seconded by Mr. Evans and carried. Mr. Todd offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That the following rule be adopted by this Board, to be known as Rule No. 42-b. Rule 42-b. All County Officers shall first secure'the consent or approval of the Committee having charge of his department before ordering books, supplies, printing or repairs. This Board shall not audit or allow any bill incurred by a County Officer without the approval of such Committee. Seconded by. Mr. Fenner and referred to the.Committee on Rules. Mr. Todd informed the Board that in the designation of•Coddington Road as a State and County Highway, made December 11, a mistake in the number of miles be constructed had been made, and asked consent that the number. of miles asked for be changed from one and one-half miles to two and one- half miles. There being no objection, so ordered. The Board at this time went into a Committee of the'Whole. After transacting various business, on motion, the Committee arose. On notion, adjourned to 1:30 p. m. 92 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF' SUPERVISORS Afternoon Session. Roll call. All members present. The Clerk read the following report of the Committee on Grand Jurors: REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON GRAND JURORS. Your Committee to whom was referred the preparation of a list of Grand Jurors for the ensuing year, have to report the handing to said Committee by the several Supervisors of the Towns of the County and the Warcls of the City of Ithaca, lists of Grand iJurors, totaling 300 names, the apportionment of which was approved at the last annual session of this Board. The lists as prepared, are certified to us as being qualified inhabitants of the County of Tompkins, occupation, Post Office addresses being given if known. Your Committee, after examination, recommend that said lists as pre- pared and hereto attached be adopted as the list of Grand Jurors of Tompkins County for the ensuing year. Caroline 17 Grand Jurors Danby 16 I)ryden 34 " .Enfield 13 Groton 32 Ithaca City 100 20 for each of the five Wards. . Ithaca Town 12 "64. Lansing 28 " Newfield 20 " " Ulysses 28 ' Total 300 W. H. PARKER, . W. C. GALLAGHER, F. A. TODD, Committee. Moved by li r. Fenner, that the report be adopted. Seconded by Mr. Hine and carried. ,The report of J. D. Ross, a Justice of the Peace of the Town of Dryden, was received and referred to the Committee on Coroner, Justices' and Con- stables' A^counts. Mr. Dassance offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County hereby des- ignate for improvement as a State and County Highway, beginning in the Town of Newfield in the Village of Newfield at Doanes Mill at the intersec- tion with State Highway, thence in .a westerly direction to Sebrings Corners, OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 93 thence in a northerly direction to Trumbulls Corners, thence north to the Town Line between the Towns of Newfield and Enfield, making a distance of 3.5 miles in the Town of Newfield. Seconded by Mr. Preswick and referred to the Committee on Highways. Mr. }line offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: WHEREAS, public necessity demands the improvement of the highway here- inafter described as a connecting link for a continuous improved highway from the Village of Newfield to the Village of Trumansburg, and at said Villages' connecting with trunk line State Highways, therefore be it Rrsolt'ed, That the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County hereby des- ignate for improvement that certain highway beginning at the Town Line between the Town of Newfield and the Town of Enfield one-half mile north of Trumbulls Corners, and running thence 'north one-half mile; thence west one-fourth mile; thence north and easterly to Wallenbeck's Corners connecting with the County highway No. 1180 about to be improved; thence extending along said road to Enfield Center; thence along the Ithaca -Enfield Road, now improved to Miller's Corners; thence north one mile to Smith's Corners; thence west one-fourth mile; thence northerly one mile to the Town Line between the Town of Enfield and the Town of Ulysses; thence west about one-fourth mile to Abel's Corners, being a distance of about four miles, all thereof being in the Town of Enfield except the last one-fourth of a mile, which is a joint;high- ' way between the Towns of Enfield and Ulysses. F ,• Seconded by Mr. Schaefer and referred to the Committee on Highways., • Mr. Gallagher offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: WIIEREAS, by Section 101 of the Highway Law, state aid is given towns in the construction of bridges only when such bridges have a span of less than five feet, and WHEREAS, the cost of construction of bridges sufficient to meet the needs of the increa•sing•]y heavy highway traffic often entails an unusual burden on • the towns. leisolved, That the Board of 'Supervisors of Twnpkins County do hereby respectfully urge that said Section 101 of the Highway Law be amended by • increasing the span of bridges upon which state aid may be paid from the present limitation of five feet to at least a span of ten feet; Resolved F'aartk.er, That copies of this resolution be forwarded by the Clerk of this Board to State Senator -elect Morris S. Halliday and to Assemblyman John W. Presvick. Seconded by Mr. 'Hine and carried. i%lr. Townsend offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: WHEREAS, the highway beginning in the Village of Trumansburg, Town of Ulysses at the intersection of the brick pavement near the Park Hotel with 99 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Hector Avenue, thence in a southwesterly direction past the silk mills and Jeffer's Corners and past the residence of •E .R. Stillwell to Barber's Corners, thence to Perry City at the intersection of said highway with the county line between the counties of Tompkins and Schuyler, has been designated and sur- veyed by the State Highway Department as improved State Route No. 46, now therefore, be it Resolved, That it is a public necessity that said highway be constructed in the year 1915 and this Board request the State Highway Department to con- struct said highway in the year 1915 and that the Clerk of this Board be directed to forthwith transmit a copy of this resolution to the State Highway Department 1st Albany, N. Y. Seconded by Mr. Hine and referred to the Committee on Highways. Mr. Begent informed 'the Board that a mistake had been made in the amount to•be paid John Conner for a right of way through his !and for the Groton -Cayuga County Line Highway and. that the amount should have been $30.00 instead of $25.00 as reported by the Committee and asked that the mis- take be rectified. Seconded by Mr. Gallagher and carried'. This time having been set as a special order of business, for the election of Commissioners of Election, that matter was taken up. '„_The,name of Arthur G. Adams, was placed in nomination by Mr. Paul S. DIi1_lspaugh�: Chairman of the Republican County Committee. The name of Clarence C. Squier, was placed in nomination by Mr. B. F. Lent, Chairman of the Democratic County Committee. The result of the ballot was as follows: • Whole number of votes cast were 13, of which Arthur G. Adams received 13 Clarence C. Squier received 13 Messrs. Adams and Squier were declared duly elected Commissioners of Election for the ensuing year by the Chairman. Mr. Stanton offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That the report 'of the Committee on Charities relative -to the accounts of the Superintendents of the Poor, and Maintenance of the Poor for 1915, and Improvements at the County Ilome, presented December 11, and made a special order of business at this time, be accepted and adopted. Seconded by Mr. Preswick. 1 ir.•Gall:agher asked for a division of the question. "So ordered. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 95 'On the question of the erection of a contagious ward at a cost of $500.00. the vote resulted as follows: Ayes --8. Noes -4. Carried. On the question of repairing roof at ;x150.00 the vote resulted as follows: Ayes -13. Noes -O. Carried. On the question of repairing the gas tank at a• cost of $$50.00, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. On the question of painting the rest of the buildings at a cost of $200.00 • the vote resulted as follows': • Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. On the question of reports of Superintendents and maintenance of the poor, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. The election of a Jail Physiciiin, having been made a special order of business fcr this time, that matter was taken up. Mr. Hine moved that the Board proceed to an informal ballot. Seconded by Mr. Preswick. The Chairman appointed Messrs. Parker and Preswick as tellers. The informal ballot resulted as follows: Whole number of votes cast were 13 of which Dr. Fahey received 8 Dr. Judd received 1 Dr. Allen received 1 Dr. Goff received 1 Dr. Genung received 1 Dr. Parker received 1 On motion, the Board proceeded to a formal ballot. The formal ballot resulted as follows: Whole number of votes cast were 13, of which Dr. Fahey received 6 Dr. Judd received 3 Dr. Elma Griggs .received 1 Dr. Parker received 1 •Dr. A. 1). White received 1 Blank received 1 1 96 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS _Moved by Dlr. Fish, that the matter of the election of a Jail Physician be deferred and made a special order of business for Wednesday, December 16, at 2 p. m. Seconded by Mr. Preswick and carried. Mr. Fish offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That the salary of the Jail Physician for the year 1915 be fixed. at the same amount as for the year 191.4. Seconded by Mr. Schaefer and carried. The Clerk read the following report of the Committee on Mortgage Tax:- Name ax: Name of Town Amt. paid Amt. paid Amt. due Amt. due Co. Clk Expense Co. Treas. Towns, etc. State Caroline Danby Dryden Enfield Groton Ithaca Town Lansing Newfield Ulysses Ithaca City Dryden Village Newfield Village Groton Village Freeville Village Trumansburg 72.87 130.50 331.32 114.00 311.50 981.92 1,522.37 110.28 '354.88 5,934.00 19.00 39.50 7.00 47.50' $9,976.64 $ 1.87 $ 71.00 3.32 127.18 8.42 322.90 2.94 111.06 7.92 303.58 24.96 956.96 38.71 1,483.66 2.80 107.48 9.02 345.85 150.94 5,78:306 • .48 1.00 .17 1.20 18.52 38.50 6.83 46.30 $ 35.50 $ 35.50 63.59 63.59 161.45 161.45 55.53 55.53 151.79 151.79 540.57 540.57 624.55 624.55 53.74 53.74 172.93 172.93 2,946.72 2,946.72 9.26 19.25 3.41 23.15 9.26 19.25 8.4'2 23.15 • $253.75 $9,722.89 $4,861.44 $4,861.45 Your Committee on the Mortgage Tax report the foregoing table and ask that it be accepted and adopted. W. C. GALLA.GHER, F. A. REGENT, F. A. TODD. - Mr. Gallagher offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That the report of the Committee be accepted and adopted and that the Board ;ssue its warrant to the County Treasurer for the distribution_ of the amount in his hands in accordance therewith. Seconded by Mr. Hine and carried. On motion, adjourned to Wednesday, December 16, 1914, at 9:30 a. • m. OF TOM•PKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 97 TWENTY-SECOND DAY Wednesday, December 16, 1914: Morning Session. Roll call. All members present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. Claims Nos. 297 to 297 inclusive, were read by the Clerk. Moved by Mr. Todd that the claims be received and referred to their proper committee. Seconded by Mr. Hine and , carried. The report of the Village Clerk of the .Village of Trumansburg was read by the Clerk. Received and referred to the Committee on Town Expenses. The Clerk read a communication from the State Commission of Highways which was received and filed. The Committee on Rules reported favorably upon the adoption of the resolution introduced by Mr. Todd, December 15th, 1914, relative to Rule 42-b; and moved that the same be adopted and incorporated in the rules of this Board. Mr. Callagher.off°er•ed the following amendment to be added to the above r•c o]ution., And the Clerk of this Board shall notify all county officials of the adop- tion of thi3 resolution and rule. Amendment•accepted by Mr. Todd. Seconded by Mr. Hine, and carried. The Committee on Town Expenses rendered the following report which was received and adopted. 0 98 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS N. Y. Tel. Co. E -t A • Caroline Tel. Co. 6 E1 0 V V Cowles F. D. Tel. Fed. Tel. & Tele. Co. Caroline 2890 170 4717 Tel. Co., Freeville. Western Un. Tele. Co. Wheeler Smith' Tel. Co. Ith. Elec. Lt.&Pow. Co. Ithaca St. R. R. Com. Caroline Danby Dryden Enfield Groton Ithaca Town Lansing 2618 40 748 4]60 4725 88 1000 Danby 984 4050 297 90 180 720 135 Dryden 5129. 325 1496 1584 7040 Enfield 210 3150 315 Groton 1920 Groton Village 1760 1120 Ithaca Town 4687 946 2580 800 2150 Lansing 3075 Trumansburg Village , Newfield • 904 • 1650 '' 120 738 Ulysses 3360 80 2625 Newfield Vil. 80 900 Groton Vil. 1600 1360 Dryden Vil. 480 80 • 1280 Trum'sburg Vil. 2695 175 980 Freeville Vil. 400 240 3200 Dryden Tel. Co. Fart & Village Tel. Co., Moravia. McLean Telephone Co. Postal ' Tele.&Cable Co. Tel. Co., Freeville. Western Un. Tele. Co. Wheeler Smith' Tel. Co. Ith. Elec. Lt.&Pow. Co. Ithaca St. R. R. Com. Caroline Danby Dryden Enfield Groton Ithaca Town Lansing 2618 40 748 4]60 4725 88 1000 132 344 984 297 860 6880 Newfield Ulysses 700 Newfield Village Groton Village 1760 Dryden Village 800 Trumansburg Village , 140 • Freeville Village 20 120 40 80 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 99 • ( Cayutaville Tel. Co. F. D. Cowles Tel. Co. J. D. Smith Tel. Co. Wheeler Smith Tel. Co. E. Steinberg, Ind. Tel. Co. Trum'sburg H. Tel. Co. Ulysses Co -Op. Tel. Co. Ovid Electric Co. Ovid Electric Light Caroline 77 Andrea- Hamate] (:unst:,hie lees $ ::.00 $ 3.00 78 Danby Fees 5.15 6.15 27 C. E. Brokaw; Chief Police. Groton.... frees and Mileage.. Dryden 5.90 44 H. S. Wright Justice Fees 13.15 13.15 48 Enfield City .1 o,ige Fees 56.20 56.20 84 ]-lorry Bowers J) Sheri iif fees Groton 5.55 101 C. O. Rowles, Adm. Justice Pees ' 11.10 11.10 104 Ithaca Town• C'or•. Physician Prof. Sun•ic,! 10.00 10.00 160 L1r. R. C. Tarbell Lansing 20.00 227 Dr. W. C. Gallagher 'Noble 0 " 10.00 10.00 257 Newfield .82 123 61 114 207 A. J. Conlon Fees Ulysses 3.95 286 Dr, Abram Chase Coroner 70 56.00 2100 560 Newfield Village• Constable Fees and mileage.. 7.85 7.85 $21.9.60 $219.50 Groton Village Dryden Village Trumansburg Village 1750 2450 Fr•eeville .The following report of the Committee on Justice's Accounts was received and laid on the table one day under the rules. Your' Committee on Coroner and Justices' Accounts reports that the several claims listed below are in all respects in proper form for audit and allowance by this Board, that each of the said claims in the opinion of your Committee is a just and legal charge against the County of Tompkins, to the amount indicated in the column.headed "Allowed", and your Committee there- fore recommends that each of said claims be audited at the amount so indicated. \o. of Claim ;Tr. E. 7 .Appropriation and Amount to which Chat•geab]e. Nature or purpose• of Expense. �� f: ' .o ' a, 0 77 Andrea- Hamate] (:unst:,hie lees $ ::.00 $ 3.00 78 Orwin 1lcElhenv Fees 5.15 6.15 27 C. E. Brokaw; Chief Police. Groton.... frees and Mileage.. 5.9J 5.90 44 H. S. Wright Justice Fees 13.15 13.15 48 City of it.haca City .1 o,ige Fees 56.20 56.20 84 ]-lorry Bowers J) Sheri iif fees 5.55 5.55 101 C. O. Rowles, Adm. Justice Pees ' 11.10 11.10 104 Dr. C. F. Swift' C'or•. Physician Prof. Sun•ic,! 10.00 10.00 160 L1r. R. C. Tarbell 20.00 20.00 227 Dr. W. C. Gallagher 'Noble 0 " 10.00 10.00 257 O. G. Justice Fees 10.65 10.65 207 A. J. Conlon Fees 3,55 3.95 286 Dr, Abram Chase Coroner Expense,. 56.00 56.00 287 Stephen Talbott Constable Fees and mileage.. 7.85 7.85 $21.9.60 $219.50 100 PROGEEI)INGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Respectfully submitted this 10th day of December, 1914. AUGUSTIN I. SCHAEFER, M. L. STANTON, J. M. TOWNSENI), • Committee. ?.Ir. Schaefer, of the Committee on Justices' Accounts, presented the reports of the various Justices of the Peace of the several towns in the county, which were received and ordered printed in the proceedings. The following report was read by the Clerk and laid on the table one day under the rule. Your Committee on Town and County Accounts would report that they have examined the accounts submitted by •the Commissioners of Election and find them correct. • The following are the amounts charged against the County of Tompkins, City of Ithaca, and the several towns in said county for election expenses: City of Ithaca Town of Dryden 6 Districts $ 295.85 Town of Groton 4 197.23 Town of Caroline 3'147.92 Town of Danby 3. 147.92 Town of Ulysses 3 147.92 Town of Lansing 3 1.47.92 Town of Newfield 2 - 98.62 Town of Ithaca 2 98.62 Town of Enfielld. 1 49.31 $ 915.61 1,331.31 Total County charge 2,053.73 Total election expenses, 1919 $4,300.65 JOHN W. PRESWICK, W. C. GALLAGHER, M. L. STANTON, Committee. Mr. Parker of the Committee on Returned Highway and School Tax, pre- sented the following report and resolution on the claim of Lizzie Whitlock, and moved their adoption: In the matter of slain Lizzie Whitlock, Town of Lansing, growing out of an erroneous assessment, Your committee recognizes the justice of above entitled claim in so far as the payment by the claimant of erroneous taxes are concerned and recommend the refund of such taxes. Therefore be it OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 101 Resolved, That there be levied upon and collected from the taxable prop- erty of the Town of. I.,ansing the sum of $13.69 as claimed to be paid to Lizzie Whitlock '.n full settlement of claim. W. H. PARKER; W. C. GALLAGHER, F. A. TODD, Committee. Seconded by Mr. Begent. Ayes 13. Noes 0. Carried. Mr. Gallagher of the Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts, to which was referred the communication of the County Treasurer of December 14th, relative to Rule 31, rendered the following report: Your committee would report, that it is the sense of the committee that the Board make the County Treasurer and Rule 31 agree. W. C. GALLAGHER, F. A. TODD, • • F. A. BEGENT, Committee. lioveri by lir. Gallagher that the report be accepted. Seconded by Mr. Begent and carried. Mr. Fenner offered,the following resolution'and moved its adoption: Resolved, That the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County hereby des- ignate and certify to the State Department of 'Highways the following high- ways in the Town of Lansing for construction and improvement as State and County H:ghways. Beginning at the State Highway in the Village of South Lansing thence easterly about W of a mile; thence northerly through North Lansing to the Cayuga County line at a place known as Wilcox Corner, a• dis- tance of about 6 miles. • Resolved, That the State Department of Highways be requested to have the same sinveyed and plans and estimates prepared and forwarded. to this Board for adoption, and be it further. Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to transmit forthwith to the State Department of Highways a certified copy of the fore- going resolution. Seconded by Mr. Evans and referred to the Committee on Highways. llr. Todd offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That this Board of Supervisors hereby certify to the State High- way Commission that the within described highway 'in the Town of Danby be designated for improvement as a county highway in the year 193.5 or as soon thereafter as practicable: 102 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Commencing at a point about 50 rods south of the south line of the Town of Ithaca on State route No. 36; thence running in a westerly direction cross- ing the Buttermilk Falls ravine; thence southerly to the south line of the premises now owned and occupied by John Elyea, a distance of about 1' miles. Seconded by Mr. Evans and referred to the Committee on Highways. Mr. Todd offered the following resolution and moved its adoption. Resolved, That there be levied and collected from the taxable property of Tompkins County the sum of $600.00 for jail supplies for year 1915. F. A. TODD, W. C. GALLAGHER, Committee. Seconded by Mr. Gallagher. Ayes 13. Noes 0. Carried. County Superintendent of Highways, Mr. Cole, addressed the Board rela- tive to signs on the various town and county highways. The Clerk read the following report of the Committee on Contract Supplies: REPORT—COMMITTEE ON CONTRACT SUPPLIES. The Committee on Contract Supplies appointed for fiscal year 1913-14 constituted as follows: R. P. McGreevy, Chairman, John Francis and Albert Dassance;• changed•on January lst, 1914 to McGreevy, Evans and Dassance; to again be changed by the death of R. P. McGreevy in June to W. H. Parker, F. C. Evar•s and Albert Dassance. Owing to the many change as above in the'committee, and the absence of any data or memorandum, which was undoubtedly kept by the Chairman, Mir. McGreevy, but which cannot be located, your committee as constituted from July to November, 1914, are unable to tabulate a fuel and light report other than as appears by the report of expenditures of the County Treasurer. COUNTY TREASURER'S STATEMENT. Appropriation 1913-14 $1,200.00 Special appropriations - 435.19 Total . $1,635.19 EXPENDITURES, COURT HOUSE. Lights - $ 67.52 Fuel 983.71 COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE. Lights 30.26 • Fuel 152.90 OF TOMPKINS COUN'.I'Y, NEW YORK 103 COUNTY JAIL. Lights . 159.48 Fuel 123.50 SHERIFF'S RESIDENCE. Lights 47.26 $1,564.63 $1,564.63 Apparent balance on hand_ $ 70.56 The committee as finally constituted disclaims any responsibility for much of the expenditures as above, or as to the correctness thereof• as are stated above. No records or data are at hand to verify same. We have further to report that 'there is practically no reserve supply of fuel on hand. W. 11. PARKER, ALBERT DASSANCE, FRED C. EVANS, Coznniittee. Moved by Mr. Parker that the report be adopted. Seconded by Mr. Evans • and carried. The following report was read by the Clerk and laid on the table one day under the rule: REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON SOLDIERS RELIEF. Your Committee on Soldiers Relief reports that the several claims listed listed below are in all respects in proper form for audit and allowance by this Board,•that each of the said claims in•the opinion of your committee is a just and legal charge against the County of Tompkins to the amount indicated in the column headed "Allowed", and your committee therefore recommends that each of said claims be audited at the amount so indicated. 104 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS No. of Claim Claimant anel Assignment. Nature or Purpose of Expense. 106 119 ,83 85 97 96 157 177 58 19 198 181 245 274 107 255 290 291 158 159 )eBert B. Titters ISUhliers Relief i'ay A. l3ragden " J. W. & C. I). Palmer " J. V. Townsend Livery • J. \V. & C. I). Palmer {Soldiers T:clief 1Valter A. Shapley " .1. W. & C. 1). Palmer " " 11'illiani Jones " " Western Nev fork Institute for deaf mules Ueat• 'Tutee Ithaca Journal Scholarship Printing , Forest -City T'rinting Co. Haywood & Baldwin Headstone Craig Colony (nothing- Craig lothingCraig Colony Clothing F. T). Gilbert Soldiers Burial Syraeusea !ns. fear Feeble 'Iinded Children Clothing 0 Pupils Central •N. T. Institution for 1)eaf 'lutes.. Clothing. 1 Pupil C. N. Baldwin Burial of 2 Soldiers P. 1). Gilbert tioldiers 1;11rial F. 1). Gilbert $ 50.00 50.00 50.00 7.50 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 375.72 5.25 5.25 15.00 19.83 21.78 50.00 50.00 120.00 30.00 100.03 50.00 50.00 $ 50.00 50.03 50.0J 7.50 50.00 5 0.0 3 50.0J 50.03 375.72 5.25 5.25 00.00 19.83 21.78 50.00 53.00 120.00 30.00 100.00 50.00 53.00 $1,250.33 $ 1.335.33 Respectfully submitted this 16th day of December, 1914. JAMES H. HINE, FRED C. EVANS, W. H. PARKER. Afternoon Session. Roll roll. All members present. Action upon the report of the Committee on Charities relative to the Tuberculosis Hospital laid over from December 14th having been made a special order of business for this time, that matter was taken up. Dr. Riggs and Dr. Brewer addressed the Board in reference to the Tuber- culosis Hospital. Moved by Mr. Hine that the Board go into executive session for a discus- sion of the resolution. Seconded by Mr. Todd and carried. On motion, the Board arose from executive session. Moved by Mr. Stanton, as an amendment, that the amount recommended by the Committee for Maintenance be changed from $9,600.00 to 88,000.00. Seconded by Mr. Fish and carried. Mr. Stanton offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: OF TOMPKINS COUNTY,' NEW YORK 105 Resod:cel, That the report of the Committee on Charities, as amended, rela- tive to the Tuberculosis Hospital, be accepted, and that the various sums therein asked for be levied and collected on the taxable property of the County of Tompkins. Seconded by Mr. Evans. Ayes 14. Noes 0. Carried. '1'he matter of the election of Jail Physician, having been made a. special order of business for this time, that matter was taken up. Moved by il'I•r. Iavans that the Board proceed by an informal ballot to the election of a jail physician. • Seconded by Dir. Fish. The Chairman appointed as tellers, Messrs. Parker and Preswick. The informal ballot resulted as follows: Whole number of votes dist were 14, of which Ur. Fahey received 3 1)r. Judd received 2 I)r. Denman received 7 ' I)r. Parker received 1 Blank received 1 The Board proceeded to a formal ballot. The formal ballot resulted as follows: Whole number of votes ciast were 19,. of which 1)r. Denman received 9 ])r. Fahey received 4 Blank received 1 The Chairman declared 'Dr. Denman duly elected Jail Physician for the year 1915. Moved by 1Ir. Fish that Mrs. Katherine Shaw be appointed Jail Matron for the year 1915. Seconded by Dor. Todd and carried. On motion, adjourned to Thursday, December 17th, 1914, at 9:30 a. m. TWENTY-THIRD DAY Thursday, December 17, 1914. Morning Session. Rol] all. All members present. I 106 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS The reading of the minutes of the preceding day was deferred at this time. Claims Nos. 298 to 304 inclusive, were read by the Clerk. Moved by Mr. Parker, that the claims be received and referred to the proper committees. Seconded by Mr. Schaefer and carried. Former Supervisor Squier appeared and addressed the Board relative to -building a road to the Canal terminal. Mr. Evans for the Committee on Highways offered the following resolu- tion and moved its adoption: Resolved, That this Board hereby recommend to the State Department of Highways the following State Routes for improvement during the year 1915 or as soon thereafter as reached: Route No. 11 in the Town of Lansing, Route No. 46 in the Town of Ulysses, Route No. 9 in the Town of Danby. That the Clerk of this Board is hereby instructed to transmit a certified copy of this resolution to the Commissioner of Highways. F. C. EVANS, CASPER FENNER, J. H. HINE, J. M. TOWNSEND, M.L. STANTON, Highway Committee. Seconded by Mr. Schaefer and carried. Mr. Preswick offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That this Board hereby designate and certify to the State De- partment of Highways the following highway situate in the Town of Ithaca, County of Tompkins, State of New York; Beginning at the city line, at City of Ithaca, at Humboldt Street, extending in a southeast direction to "Ithaca Road" macadam, known as Spencer Road, a distance of about three-quarters of a mile (Y4). Said road to be constructed in the year 1915, or as soon there- after as reached, and be it Resolved, That the Clerk herewith forward.a certified copy of this resolu- tion to the State Highway Department. Seconded by Mr. Schaefer and referred to the Committee on Highways. Mr. Todd offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: WHEREAS, it has been the custom of incoming Sheriffs to ask of. this Board for various repairs and changes in the residence apartments of the County Jail, which have proven_to be somewhat expensive,- and WHEREAS, the Sheriff -elect has signified his acceptance of the residence portion without change or expense, excepting the exchange of the kitchen range, OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 107 Resolved, That the Committee on Correction and Reformation, in conjunc- tion with the incoming Sheriff be authorized to exchange the old range for a new one, and the expense so incurred be audited at the annual session of the Board of Supervisors in 1915. Mr. Dassance offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County hereby des- ignate for improvement as a State and County road, a road running from the macadam road in Newfield Village in an easterly direction to the Newfield depot; thence easterly. to the Ithaca and West Danby State road No. 9, making in all a distance of 13.E miles in 'the Town of Newfield. Seconded by Mr. Schaefer and referred to the Committee on Highways. Mr. Schaefer offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board instruct the Ithaca Gas Light Co., Ithaca Electric Light Co., New York Telephone Co., and Federal Telephone Co., to mail to the Chairman of Committee on Contract Supplies their bills against the county on the first day of each month, this action looking to the prompt approval of said bills, so that the county may take advantage of dis- counts on said bills and be it further. Resolved, That the Clerk mail a certified copy of this resolution to each above named company. Seconded by Mr. Preswick and carried. Mr. Schaefer offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, Thati there be levied upon and collected from the taxable prop- erty of the County of'Tompkins the sum of $1,000.00 for fuel and lights for the fiscal year 1914 and 1915. Seconded by Mr. Preswick. • Ayes 12. Noes 0. Carried. Mr. Schaefer offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: • Resolved, That there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the County of Tompkins the sum of $828.08 to be used for the following purposes. To pay coal bill—Robinson & Carpenter $ 86.88 11 .. (( - 11 1: 41 98.20 it .1" " —H. C. Cobb 65.00 1: 1: " " —James Lynch 8.00 (. 11 11 5.00 ({ [I .1 :1 - .. .1 65.00 Total $328.08 To purchase coal for use to April 1st, 1915, $500.00, or as much thereof as may be necessary. 108 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Seconded by Mr. Evans. Ayes ----12. Noes -0. Carried. illi. Townsend offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: WHEREAS, The Highway beginning at the intersection of the improved State and County Highway No. 616 (now used as a State Highway between the City of Ithaca and the Village of Trumansburg) at "Krums Corners" and run- ning thence northerly to Willow Creek Station on the Lehigh Valley Railroad a distance of•about 2 miles is a very important thoroughfare to residents of this County: NOw therefore, Be it, Resolved, That the Department of Highways of the State of New York be requested to designate said highway as State and County Highway and to cause an immediate survey to be made, and specifications pre- pared for the construction thereof. Be it further Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board be directed to forth- with transmit a certified copy of these resolutions to the State Department of Highways. Seconded by Mr. Evans and referred to the Committee on Highways. i\Ir. Townsend offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: WHEREAS, The Highway beginning at the Hamlet of Jacksonville at the intersection with State and County Highway No. 616 in the Town of Ulysses and running thence northerly and easterly to Taughannock Falls .Station on the Lehigh Valley R. R., a distance of about 1.6 miles, has been filled with a stone subbase about one foot thick by the Town of Ulysses and this road being a very important thoroughfare to residents of this County, leading from State and County H'ghway No. 616 to the Tompkins County Tuberculosis Hospital and the Tuughannock Falls R. R. Station, Therefore, be it Resolved, That the Department of Highways of the State of New York be requested by this Board to re -surface the same with a suitable coven of limestone and also to accept the sante as a State and County Highway. Be it further Resolved, That the State Department of 'Highways be re- quested to cause an immediate survey of this road to.be made and specifications prepared for the re -surfacing thereof. Be it further, Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board be directed to forth- with transmit a certified copy of this resolution to the State Department of Highways. Seconded by Mr. Preswick and referred to the Comm'ttee on Highways. Mr. Townsend. offered the .following resolution and moved its adoption: WHEREAS, The Highway beginning at the Taughannock Falls Station on the Lehigh Valley Railway and running thence easterly to the Tompkins County Tuberculosis Hospital a distance of .4 mile is a very important thoroughfare to residents of this County. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 109 Therefore, be it Resolved, That the Department of Highways of the State of New York be requested to designate said highway as a State and ,County Highway and cause an immediate survey of this road to be made and specifica- tionsPr re rr.•ed for the construction thereof. P Be it further Resolved, That,the Clerk of this Board-be directed to transmit a certified copy or this resolution to the State Department of Highways. Seconded by Mr. Fenner and referred to,the Committee on Highways. Mr. Townsend offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That the Board of Supervisors of 'Tompkins County hereby des- ignate and certify to the Department of Highways, the following for construc- tion and improvement,as State and County Highways in the :Gown of Ulysses as follows:= Beginning at the brick pavement at the intersection of South Street with Main Street, near°the Methodist Church in the Village of Trumansburg; thence southerly to the corner at the Poclunk School House; thence westerly to the first corner turning toward Waterburg; thence southerly and southwesterly to Waterburg, .crossing the Concrete arch bridge; thence southwesterly and southerly to the Abraham G. Updike Corners, a distance of about 4.7 miles, in the Town of Ulysses, thence eastely 1.0 miles to Abels Corners on the town line between the Towns of Ulysses and Enfield. •Be it further Resolved, That the State Department of Highways be re- quested to cause an immediate survey of this road to be made, and specifica- tions prepared 'for the construction thereof, Be it further Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board be directed to forth- with transmit a certified copy of these resolutions to the State Department of Highways. Seconded by Mr. Schaefer and referred to the Committee on Highways: bThe Clerk read the report• of A. S. Cole, County Superintendent of Highways. Moved by Mr. Todd that the report be received and filed in the riew steel filing case. Seconded by Mr. Parker and carried. On motion, adjourned to 1:30 p.. m. Afternoon Session. Roll call. All members present. Mr. -Fenner offered the..following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That the following sums be levied and collected from the taxable property of the County of Tompkins for court expenses: $2,000 for Supreme 110 PROCEEDINGS OF TI'IE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Court, criminal, $1,000 County Court, criminal, $3,500 for Supreme Court, civil, and $1,200 for County Court, civil, making a total of $7,700. • Seconded by ilir. Stanton. Ayes -9.. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Hine offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County hereby desig- nate and certify to the State Department of Highways the following highway for construction and improvement as State and County Highways in the Town of Enfield. Beginning at State and County Highway No. 1001 at Miller's Corners; thence westerly to the County line between the Counties of Tompkins and Schuyler, a distance of three miles. • Resolved, That the State Department of •Highways be requested to have the same surveyed and plans and estimates prepared and forwarded to this Beard for adoption, and be it ' Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to transmit forth- with to the State Department of Highways a certified copy of the foregoing resolution. Seconded by Dir. Dassance, and referred to the Committee on Highways. Dlr. Preswick offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That there be levied and collected from the taxable property of Tompkins^County the sum of $20.00 for postage for the Clerk for the ensuing year. • ' Seconded by DIr. Fish. Ayes -11. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Preswick moved that the report of the Committee on Town and County Accounts, laid over from yesterday be adopted and offered the following resolu- tion and moved its adoption: Resolved, That there be levied and collected from the taxable property of the- County of Tompkins the sum of Two Thousand, Fifty-three and 73/100 Dollars ($2,053.73) and from the taxable property of the City of Ithaca, the sum of Nine Hundred, fifteen and 61/100 dollars (915.61), and from the tax- able property of the several Towns of said County the sum of One Thousand, Three Hundred and thirty-one and 31/100 Dollars ($1,331.31)- All the above amounts, (a total of $4,300.66) are for election expenses for the year 1914. Seconded by Mr. Begent. Ayes -11, Noes -0. Carried Mr. Hine offered the following• resolution and moved its adoption: Qj OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 111. Resoli;ed, That the report of the Committee on Soldiers' Relief be accepted and that the several bills and accounts therein listed be audited and allowed for the several suns indicated in the column headed "Allowed". 13i11 No. 198 of Iiaywood & Baldwin, having been disallowed by the corn- ' mittee, a vote was taken on the disallowance of the - bill. Moved by Mr. Parker that Bill No. 198 of.Haywood & Baldwin disallowed by the Committee be disallowed by the Board. Seconded by Mr. Preswick. Ayes -11. Noes—O. Carried. Moved by, _i1r. Gallagher that the other bills reported by the Committee be audited at the amounts recommended by the Committee. Seconded, by Mr. Fenner. Ayes -11. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Schaefer offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That the report of the Committee on Coroners and Justices' accounts laid over from yesterday, be accepted, and that the several bills and accounts therein listed be audited and allowed for the several sums indicated in the column headed "Allowed". Seconded by Mr. 'Todd. Ayes= -12. Noes—O. Carried. Moved by Mr. Hine that the resolution of Mr. Parker, adopted by this Board December 7; making the amount to be levied and collected out of the tax- able property of the County of Tompkins $400.00 for the burial of indigent soldiers and sailors for the' year 1915, be amended and that the amount to be raised be increased to $1,000.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary. Seconded by Mr. Fish. Ayes --11. Noes—O. Amendment carried. A vote being taken on•the resolution as amended, resulted as follows: Ayes -1.1..• Noes—O. Carried. The Clerk read the following report of the Committee on Town and County Accounts, which was laid on the table one day under the rule. Your Committee on Town and County Accounts, would hand, clown the following amounts to be levied and collected from the various towns of the County for road maintenance, and also the amounts to be levied and collected for sinking fund and interest due from the County of Tompkins and the several towns of Mich County. 112 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Interest Road Town Sink- Int. on County Sink- on Sink - Town Maintenance ing Fund. same. ing Fund. ing Fund_ Caroline $ 200.00 $ $ $ $ Danby 400.00 1,886.55 3.773.11. Dryden 1,050.00 263.43 526.90 Enfield 100.0.0 Groton 100.00 - Ithaca 950.00 176.22 352.46 Lansing 250.00 Newfield 450.00 Ulysses 300.00 216.85 • 433.69 JOHN W. PRESWICK, W. C. GALLAGHER, M. L. STANTON, Committee. The Clerk read the following report of the Committee on Highways which was laid on the table one day under the rules. r� Your Committee•on Highways reports that the several claims listed below are in all respects in proper form for audit and allowance by this Board, that each of the said claims in the opinion of your committee is a just and legal charge against the County of Tompkins to the amount indicated in the column headed "Allowed", and your committee therefore recommends that each of said claims be audited at the amount so indicated. �j Claimant andCQlint Assignment -appropriation and :1c- iu which\afore Chargeable. or Purpose - Expense. ,,.; 5 ,,: 5 Z 1 Y; 45 Edward 1). .Matters Highway Main, (Co.) Storage road roilers.. $21.00 $21.00 195 Geo. W. Peck Highway Construction Obtain'g rights td way 5.00 5.00 ' $27.00 $ 27.00 Respectfully 'submitted this 17th day of Decen ber, 1914. 1 F. C. EVANS, CASPER FENNER, J. H. HINE, J. M. TOWNSEND. M. L. STANTON. The Clerk read the following report which was laid on the table one clay_ under the rule. OF TO`1PKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 113 REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON COUNTY OFFICERS ' AND COMPENSATION. Your Committee on County Officers and Compensation reports that the several claims listed below are in all respects in proper form for audit and allowance by this Board, that each of the said claims in the opinion of your Committee is a just and legal charge against the County of Tompkins, to the amount indicated in the column headed "Allowed", and your Committee there- fore recommends that each of said claims be audited at the amount so indicated. No. of Claim. Claimant and Assignment. A.ppropriation and account to which- charge- able. Nature or purpose of Expenses. v U v 0 7 21 22 13 28 29 40 43 17 E. 11. Stillwell A. A. Sager E. 1). Branch -.McCormick 1V. 1-I. Buckley Holbrook B. Stevens Geo. Chase Frank '.Miller W. .1. Shaver :15 Andrus & Church 13 L'orest City 1'rtg. Co. 61 Truman, Bing & I;o 81 T. G. Miller & Co 22 Cornell Livery 14 Forest City Printing Co. 60 Troman, King & Co 54 Ithaca Journal Co. 50 41 Seth B. sinner 30 Andrus & Church 38 70 Weekly lt.hacan 88 W. 0. Stubbs 86 Court 13ellis 118 Harrison O. 'Thayer • 99 Henry 13. .lennings 110 Geo. Morris 103 Aaron G. Minty. 118 Alvin F. Howard 105 Philip Westervelt 117 P. 58. Donohue 110 C. 1•I. '['erpenny 114 G. .1. Runisey 120 Ben Wager 108 S. 13. '1'is11e11 125 E. 13. Lang Eng. & C:. Co 129 126 128 136 F. A. Todd 134 1:45 146 1.37 141 1-12 f.e$lie E. Blackman Lang Eng'. Sr G. Co. Driscoll faros Sr, Co. Frank S. Vaple John W. Smith [:state B. P. SlcGreevv 143 Samuel lane 1.1.1 .las. R. Robinson Officers Comp. i5icet. State '.rax Coln.. $ 00 tax colly rec. bks.. Supervisors Printing & Supplies.. Clerk's Office Material & Labor Supervisors Stenographers bks., etc. Livery hire, etc. Proceedings -Balance Court House .Materials, ete., [or rep. Supervisors 1'rtg. proposals, contr. Co. Publications!Tinting local lau•a.. . Supervisors Committee work Clerk County Claim 13Iks.. . " (Townsend) Tax Boll rec. books.. County Treas. .. (triter Books Supervisors Notice to Pres. claims Repairing al 1. machine Co, Officers Auto hire, etc. Supplies, etc. Assessor \feet. State 'I.'ax Com.. Supervisors Telephone & Supplies :\asuhe r Meet. State Tax Com.. Court House Supplies Assessrr Meet. Slate 'I'nx Coln.. Supervisors man Hire Groton Room fixing locks, etc. Supervisor .\uto hire Com. work & Sue. Ses. Auto hire Flospital.... Court I•Iouse Labor and material .. 2.81 2.81. Assessors Meet. State Tax Com. 0.24 6.24 6,08 ' 608 Highway Com. Enfield right of way.. 52.00 52.00 Assessors Sleet. State Tax Corn.. 5.92 5.92 Supervisor Services Spec. 0,1111... 80,451 80.45 11.08 $ 6.08 5.28 5.28 5.92 5.92 4.00 4.00 7.20 7.20 6.88 41.88 5.60 5.60 5.60 5.60 5.00 5.00 40.00 40.00 61.75 141.75 7.77 7.77 2.95 2.95 10.50 10.50 99.14 99.14 18.29 18.29 16.75 1.11.75 5.50 5.50 8.00 8.00 13.25 12.25 •1.28 1.25 1.50 1.50 ,1.00 3.00 .88 .88 431.48 200.00 23.14 19.19 4.116 4,944 5.90 5.:10 4,64 4.6.1 6.60 6.60 14.40 6.10 5.28 5.28 6.65 6.05 5.28 6.28 5,130 5.60 7.00 7.00 8.55 8.55 (1.00 6.010 85.00 85.00 10.00 10.00 24:50 24.50 142.76 142.78 12.00 12.00 114 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 145 Jameson & McKinney 147 Driscoll Bros & Co. 148 149 City of Ithaca 162 E. H. Condit 163 Wm. Keens 150 City of Ithaca 154 16nlpire • St. llfg. Co 155 Silas Hubbell 151 A. E. Chipman 188 E. S. Preston 189 Wilbur G. Fish 190 John W. Preswick 191 " 192 Fred C. Pavans 196 Theodore J. Baker 197 John J. Hanshaw gi Clerks Office .... 1Surr'ogate's " County Clerk . Super, McGreevy. Scales Weights... ]Court House ... 201 'Assessor Court Heine Supervisor Williams Electric Co. 200 204 Dewitt Fowler • 208 Est. R. 11. McGreevy 228 Ithaca Calendar Clock Co 229 Wrn. H. Parker 230 F. A. Begent 231 A. 1. Schaefer 234 Albert Dassance 232 W. C. Gallagher 236 Davis Brown Electric Co. 237 " 238 240 258 Jas. H. Hine 259 Jas. Hillick & Co. 246 T. M. Townsend 247 H. J_ Boo] & Co. 248 W. B. Georgia & Son 249 Treman, King & Co. 260 Ithaca Realty Co. 264 Banks Law Publ. Co 268 Casper Fenner 265 Wm. E. Larnkin 264 The Cayuga Press 262 Treman. King & Co 269 M. L. Stanton 2431C. L. Vivian 270 J. 11. Raiiey Garage Co. 282 Wilbur G. Fish 283 C. C. Merrick 284 Est. R. P. McGreevy 285 F. L. Clock 29G J. M. Townsend 297 W. H. Parker $98 Jas. H. Bine 299 J. M: Townsend 800 J. H. Hine 301 3. AL Townsend 302 J. H. Bine 303.1. M. Townsend 304 The Bailey Garage Co, 265 E.. C. Osborn Co. Assessor Go. Clerk's Office Court House Assessor Supervisors Co. Clerk 1 Court House County Clerk Supervisor .Clerk's Office Supervisor Co. Clerk's Office Supervisor Co. Clerk's Office • Court House Supervisor Ct. House & Co.CIk Supervisors .. r Labor Labor and material Water Livery & Labor Frt. on weights Water Shades Meet. State Tax Com Material & Labor insurance Committee Spe. Session, etc. Meet. State Tax Com.. Jlaterials & Labor Lamp & Lab., lir. Cole Meet. State Tax Com Special Session, etc itep. clock Sup. room Mak. copy city ass. roll Spe. session & Corn Installing switch I 2 Mazda Lamps Repairing lights switch Meet. State Tax Com Labor Meet. State Tax Corn Desk Paper Holder Office Insurance Keys, locks, etc. insurance Law Reports Com. r. Spec. Sessions Work doors & windows Supplies Committee 50/,1 on labor & material Rent 2 cars Comm. & 1/i •Sets Auto Hire Exp. condemnation pro. Copy. Ass. Roll. 1913 Com. & 1/ Session Com. & Expenses ICom, Work & Expenses County Canvass i� Sessions County Canvass Auto Hire Supplies 5.55 5.98 7.41 23.00 15.00 4.70 63.83 37.05 5.20 11.75 30.00 53.44 69.45 17.28 68.00 4.40 4.24 1.47 7.45 5.28 36.00 3.80 52.01 66.32 92.00 87.85 112.25 .90 7.20 1.83 L.65 5.44 2.25 5.92 1.30 8.75 8.75 58.76 390.00 80.60 3.60 73.00 .80 116.15 40.98 24.00 28.00 10.00 5.00 25.00 29.66 75.10 81.85 270.80 36.32 21.76 21.76 37,76 15.30 194.78 5.55 5.98 7.41 23.30 15.00 4.70 63.83 37.05 6.20 11.75 30.00 50.44 69.45 17.28 68.00 4.40 4.24 1.47 7.45 5.28 36.00 3.80 52.01 66.32 92.00 87.85 112.25 .90 7.20 L83 1 1.65 5.44 2.25 5,92 1.30 8.75 8.75 58.76 360.00 80.60 3.60 73.00 .80 116.15 40.98 24.00 28.00 10.00 5.00 25.00 29.66 75.10 81.85 270.80 30.32 21.76 21.76 37.76 15,00 114.78 $3,845.31 13,635.88 Mr. Fish offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That the report of. the Surrogate and County Judge be accepted and the balance of 254.76 be paid to the County Treasurer. Dated, December 16, 1914. Seconded by Mr. Evans and carried. 'On motion, adjourned to Friday, December 18th, 1914, at 9:30 a. rr. OF' TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 115 TWENTY-FOURTH DAY Friday, December 18, 1914. Morning Session. Roll call. All members present. Minutes of December 17th read and approved. Mr. Gallagher called the attention of the Board to the failure of the Ithaca Trust Company, the Ithaca Savings Bank and Rothschild Bros.' Bank to make their annual report for the purposes of taxation. The report of the Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Dryden, relative to the cutting of noxious weeds, was received and referred to the Committee on Returned•IIi.ghway and School Taxes. Mr. Townsend offered the following resolution, and moved its adoption: WHEREAS, The Ithaca Trust Company and the Private Bank conducted by the firm of Rothschild Brothers of the City of Ithaca, a banking institution as defined by statute, have not reported to this Board the amount of their respective amounts of stock, surplus and undivided profits, now therefore be it Resolved, That the Clerk and legal representative of this Board, make inquiry in this matter and report to this Board his findings. Seconded by Mr. Gallagher and carried. Mr. Evans for the Committee on Highways, offered the following resolu- tion and moved its adoption: Resolved, That the maximum limit of State aid to towns under the High- way Law Sec. 101 should be raised to. thirty-five dollars per mile instead of twenty-five dollars as at present, and be it further Resolved, That we request our representatives in the Legislature to use their best efforts to secure such amendment to the present Iaw. Seconded by Mr. Schaefer and carried. The following report of the Committee on Charities was read by the Clerk and laid on the table one day under the rule: REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON CHARITIES. Your Committee on Charities reports that the several claims listed below are in all respects in proper form for audit and allowance by this Board, that each of the said claims in the opinion of your committee is a just and legal charge against the County of Tompkins, to the amount indicated in the columns headed "Allowed", and your committee therefore recommends that each of said claims be audited at the amount so indicated. 116 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Claimant and Assignment. Appropriation and account to tvhielt C'har'geable. Nature or purpose of expense. 1 4 6 8 20 24 21 26 59 68 72 80 81 82 113 111 123 130 132 165 166 1117 168 161E 170 187 193 190 244 253 2+10 271 233 219 291 92 Peter O'Hara Est. DeVere fish H. 24. Swick King & Dayton Storer Hardware Co. DeVere fish H. M. Swick F. L. 1teigle S. 1]. Cook Treman, King & Co. Robinson & Carpente•" Covert & Wiggins The Biggs Co. \Vnt. D. Baldwin P,11. Donohue Peter O'Hara Est. J. 13. Lang Eng. & G. Co. Fred Lyon Wm. Hazard Driscoll Bros. & Co. Jameson & 7IcKinney James 11. Waring Arthur 13. Smith Walter McKeel Grant Cole Stover Hardware Co. C. L. Vivian The Biggs Co. James 11. Waring Driscoll I3ros & Co. Abram Chase M. D. Town of Dryden Davis, Brown Elec. Co. Peter O'Hara Est. E. A. Snow County House jCem'nt foundation $ Laying chimney . Water System .. Supplies Tuber'sis Host) Chimney Sand Expenses Supplies Porch & Sul,. Supplies "& Hospital Auto litre Tuberculosis Hospital . Supplies County House Expenses Supplies Sand Supplies Barn Tuberculosis Hospital . Supplies County farm Silo Tuberculosis Hospital . Supplies 13Id . County House Supplies Painting County house Work Porch Expenses Expenses Repairs Plans, etc. Paint Painting Stucco, ,plc. 1Lunacy Support of' Isa- belle Oakley . - 1Battcries Sand Weather strips County 11ouse Tuberculosis Hospital Tuberculosis 14ospital County House Tubercu0,sis Hospital County House 55.00 $ 55.00 32.00 32.30 21.00 635.00 17.33 84.00 52.50 4.00 4.62 411.82 464.97 2.s 22.50 23.07 299.62 74.62 114.67 9.75 86.93 46.50 31.14 13.08 64.14 80.42 3 65.0 0 76.00 43.12 29 .26 11.93 50.00 :15.84 129.90 786.43 5.00 24.00 635.00 17.39 84.00 52.50 4.00 4.62 46.82 464.97 2.82 22.50 23.07 299.62 74.62 114.67 9.71 86.93 100.50 31.14 13.08 64.14 80.42 365.00 76.00 43.12 23.26 6.9:1 50.00 35.84 129.90 786.43 5.00 69.63 3.00 1.10 12.50 139.63 3.00 1.50 12.10 831157.67 $3903.67 Moved by Mr. Preswick that the report of the Committee on Charities be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr. Hine. By unanimous consent the report was taken from the table. ]lir. Stanton offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That the report of the Committee on Charities be accepted and that the several bills and accounts therein listed be audited and allowed for the several sums indicated in the column headed "Allowed." Bill No. 132 of Fred Lyon, having been recommended allowed for an amount less than the amount claimed, a vote was taken on that bill. 1\Ioved by Mr. Todd that Bill No. 132 be audited by this Board at the amount recommended by the committee. 1 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 117- Seconded 17- Seconded by Mr. Gallagher. Ayes --14. Noes -0. Carried. Moved, by Mi. Gallagher, that the other bills reported by the committee be audited at the amount recommended by the committee. Seconded by Mr. Todd. Ayes -14. Noes—O. Carried. The following report of the Committee on Correction and Reformation was read by the Clerk and laid over one day under the rule. REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON CORRECTION ANI) . REFORMATION. Your Committee on Correction and Reformation reports that the several claims listed below are in all respects in proper form for audit and allowance by this Board, that each of the said claims in the opinion of your committee is a just and legal charge against the County of Tompkins, to the amount indi- cated in the column headed "Allowed", and your committee therefore recom- mends that each of said claims be audited at the amount so indicated. 118 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERIVSORS >_ 7,3 U' ,,,', o llr Claimant and Assignment. • Appropriation and account to which charge- able. Nature or purpose of expense. . 1 b U v 3 o C 171 Arthur P. Miller Sheriff Traveling expenses ... $ 569.19 $ 569.19 172 295 16 Arthur 1'. Miller 11. P. Bouton Agt Forest City Pig. Co. Investigation expenses Premium on bund " Publication of notice 200.00 75.38 17.00 200.00 75.38 17.00 57 121 Cayuga Press Ben Wager Printing 'Traveling' expenses 19.75 2.00 19.75 2.30 235 202 Davis, Brown Elec. Co. Williams Elec. Co. Jail Repairs to building.... Light .36 31.92 .86 31.92 256 W. B. Georgia Insurance 50.00 50.00 173 131 H. J. 13001 Co. T. B. Lang Eng. Co Itepait's to building.... •' •' 22.49 84.09 22.49 84.09 116 P. M. Donohue " 63.61 63.61 293 J. Wesley Judd •• . Damage claim 100.00 00.00 180 179 186 Jameson & Z1cICinney 1)rfscoll Bros. & Co. Withdrawn by Claimant " Repair's to building.... •` 113.98 67.60 113.98 67.60 176 City of Ithaca. Jail IWVater rent 84.87 84.87 62 Treman, King & Co. Repairs to building 129.75 129.75 67 T. G. Miller & Sons " Supplies to jail 33.80 33.80 174 J. R. Crawford " inmates Physician dentist 2.00 2.00 102 James L. Fahey •' il. Physician 130.00 130.00 42 Wm. A. Fahey " '° Medicines 27.05 27.05 281 C. F. Denman '• Physician 16.00 16.00 133 P. J. Herron Clothing, shoes 21.00 21.00 251 Bush & Dean Clothing ' 6.15 6.15 183 Ben Mintz Clothing 53.00 53.00 111 Ithaca City Hospital J'hysieians • 12.00 12.0U 209 M. S. I-Jalliday District Attorney. Traveling expenses 47.38 47.38 127 J. B. Lang, E. & G. Co. 19.50 19.50 205 Burns Detective Agency " Detective 90.36 90.36 206 Matthew Bender & Co. •' " Law Books 11.00 00.00 122 R. M. Vose " " 61.00 00.00 56 1). O. Bishop Sup. Court, Crim. Crier 51.00 51.00 288 H. L. McNamara " '• Board of Jurors 4.55 4.55 184 St. Ann's School of Ind. & Re- formatory of the Good Shep. S. Reform School. Maintenance of inmates 129.30 129.30 175 Monroe Co. Penitentiary Penal Institution. 854.05 854.05 178 Shelter for unprotected girls... Reform School ... 36.43 36.43 182 Guardian Angel's Home " " 208.00 208.00 185 Soe. for protection of destitute Catholic Children " o" " 130.36 1.30.36 112 Southern Tier Orphan Home " 151.42 L51.42 71 5. Mary's Home " " " 731.75 731.75 $4459,69 $4287.59 Respectfully submitted,this '1 -8th day of December, 1914. ALBERT DASSANCE, JOHN W. PRESWICK, JAMES H. HINE. On motion, adjourned to 1:30 p. m. Afternoon Session. Roll call. All members present, except Mr. Todd. Mr. Preswick offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 119 Resolved, That this Board hereby designate and certify to the State High- way Department the following highway to be constructed when the Codding- ton Road is built: In the Town of Ithaca at the upper D. L. & W. switch beginning on State Route 36 and leading in a southeast direction, connecting with the Coddington Roacl, a distance of about one -:fourth mile. Seconded by Mr. Schaefer, and referred to the Committee on Highways. Mr. Evans offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That the sum of $2,000.00, or so .much thereof as needed, be levied and collected from the taxable property of this county for the purpose of securing rights of way on roads to be constructed. Seconded by Mr. Fenner. Ayes -12. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Schaefer offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That there be levied upon and collected from the taxable prop- erty of the County of Tornpkins the sum of $350.00 for telephone service :for County Buildings in the City of Ithaca, and for toll service for county officials entitled to same for the ensuing year. Seconded by Mr. Begent. Ayes -12. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Gallagher offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: WHEREAS, it would appear that Tompkins County could greatly reduce the expense incurred in maintaining its Tuberculosis Sanitorium by joining with adjoining counties in maintaining a common sanitorium at the Tompkins County Sanitorium, since by consolidating several counties but one corps of employees would be required and other expenses incident to maintaining sep- arate sanitorium would be eliminated and each county would be required to contribute only its share of the cost of maintenance according to the number of its patients. Resolved, That the Chairman of this Board appoint a committee from the members of this Board to investigate the :feasibility of maintaining such a common sanitorium at Taughannock and that such committee communicate with adjoining counties and report their information on this subject and con- clusions to this Board at an early date. Seconded by Mr. Fenner and carried. The Chairman appointed as such committee, Messrs. Gallagher, Fish and Stanton. Mr. Stanton offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That the road commencing at the macadam road known as the Freeville-Groton road No. 926 and running west to the Apgar Corners and 120 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS thence northwest to the Lansing Line, a distance of about 51/4 miles be placed on the man -for improvement and that the Clerk of this Board transmit a copy of this resolution to the Highway Department. Seconded by Mr. Begent and referred to the Committee on Highways. :tar. Stanton offered the following resolution, and moved its adoption: Resolved, That the road commencing at Freeville at the corner of Main and Railroad Streets and then running northeasterly to the town line about ;_ mile west of McLean, known as Freeville-McLean road, be placed on the map .For improvement or construction and the Clerk of this Board transmit a copy of this resolution to the State Highway Department. Seconded by lir. Fenner and referred to the Committee on Highways. 'Messrs. Fenner, Begent and Stanton offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That the road commencing at Terpining's Corners in Lansing, and running east 21/4 miles to the Howland Corners, thence easterly 11/2 miles in the. Town of Dryden and eastward 2 miles on the town line between the Towns of Groton and Dryden to the corners near the Ezra Burns place, thence 11/2 miles in the Town of Groton to the intersection of the Freeville-Groton .{Iighway at the Peruville School House, commonly known as the State road, be placed on the map, the same be designated to .,the Highway Department for improvement, and a copy of this resolution be transmitted by the Clerk of this Board to said department.' Seconded by Mr. Gallagher, and referred to the Committee on Highways. Mr. Stanton offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That the road commencing at the east end of Mitchell Street and east town line road, known as the Hibbards-Corners-Ellis Road be con- structed to the Monroe Corners, a distance of about three miles, be placed on the County Highway map and be constructed as soon thereafter as possible. Seconded by Mr. Preswick, and referred to the Committee on Highways. The Clerk read a communication from the Board of Supervisors of Broome County, relative to payment for cattle killed suffering from the hoof and mouth disease which was received and referred to Mr. Preswick. Mr. Evans offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, :That the report of the Committee on Highways laid over from yesterday be accepted, and the bill and account therein listed be audited and allowed at the amount indicated in the column headed "Allowed". Seconded by Mr. Parker, and carried. The following report of the committee on Contract Supplies was read by the Clerk and laid on the table one day under the rules. OF TOMPK.INS COUNTY, NEW YORK 121 REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON CONTRACT SUPPLIES. Your Committee on Contract Supplies reports that the several claims listed below are in all respects in proper form for audit and allowance by this Board, that each of the said claims in the opinion of your committee is a just and Iegal charge against the County of Tompkins to the amount indicated in the column headed "Allowed", and your committee therefore recommends that each of said claims be audited at the amount so indicated. ' No. of claim. Claimant tunrl Assignment. A ppropriatiun awl account to which charge- able Nature or purpose of expense. •� o 273 275 276 277 278 279 Federal Tel. Fc '1', 1• Cn. Suier�•isurs It -tem -al County Phones. Long Distance Phone . Extension f'h. :Rental.. County Jail T.nng Distance Phone . . Co. Supt. Highw'rs' Co. Clerk's Office .1 " f' i .175.00 $ 175.00 .25 .25 2.65 2.65 20.45 20.45 13.20 13.20 20.15 .50 $ 231..70 $ 212.05 Respectfully submitted this 18th day of December, 1914. AUGUSTIN I. SCHAEFER, JAMES H. I HINE, ALBERT DASSANCE. Mr. Fennel offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That the report of the Committee on County Officers and Com- pensation, laid over from December 17th be accepted and that the several bills and :accounts therein listed, be audited and allowed ,for the several sums indi- cated in the column headed "Allowed". Seconded by Mr. Evans. The Committee having recommended that Bills Nos. 86 and 87 of Court Bellis and Bill No. 135 of the J. B. Lang Engine and Garage Co. be allowed at amounts less than the amounts claimed, a vote was taken on those bills. Moved by Mr. Parker that Bill No. 86 be audited by this Board at the amount recommended by the committee. Seconded by Mr. Evans. Ayes ---12. Noes -0. Carried. Moved by Mr. Parker that Bill No. 87 be audited by this Board=at the amount recommended by the committee. Seconded by Mr. Preswick. Ayes -12. Noes -0.• Carried. Moved by Mr. Parker that Bill No. 135 be audited by this Board at the amount recommended by the committee. 122 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Seconded by Mr. Gallagher. Ayes -12. Noes -0. Carried. Moved by Mr. Evans that the other bills reported by the committee be audited at the amounts recommended by the committee. Seconded by Mr. Begent. Ayes -12. Nces-0. Carried. On -motion, adjourned to Monday. December 21st, 1914, at 10:30 a. m. TWENTY-FIFTH DAY Monday, December 21, 1914. Morning Session. Roll call. All members present except Messrs. Begent and Stanton. Minutes of December 18, read and approved. Claims Nos. 305 and 306 were read by the Clerk. Moved, by Mr. Fish, that the claims be received and referred to the proper committees. Seconded by. Mr. Schaefer and carried. Mr. Todd offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That this Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County certify tc the State Highway Department for improvement in the year 1915, or as soon thereafter as practicable, the. within described highway located in the Town of Danby; Commencing at a point on State Route No. 36 and at a point known as Burr Jennings' Corner; thence running southerly to the South Danby Meth- odist Episcopal Church, a distance of 1F/ miles. Seconded by Mr. Preswick and referred to the Committee on Highways. Moved by Mr. Parker, that Mr. Todd be appointed a committee of one to investigate and report to this Board in the matter of f al] automobile hire for the county for the ensuing year. Seconded by Mr. Evans and carried. The Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes, to which was referred the report of the Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Dryden, relative to cutting noxious weeds, asked that the report be attached to the report heretofore made by the committee and offered the following resolution: OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 123 Resolved, That the report of the Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Dryden be accepted and that there be levied and collected out of the taxable property of the parties therein named the amounts set opposite their respective names. Seconded by Mr. Evans and carried. Mr. Schaefer offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That the report of the Committee on Contract Supplies, laid over from December 18, be accepted and that the several bills and accounts therein listed be audited and allowed for the several sums indicated in the column headed "Allowed". Seconded by Mr. Dassance. The committee having recommended that Bill No. 279 of the Federal Tele- phone and Telegraph Company be allowed at an amount less than the amount claimed, a vote was taken on that bill. Moved. by Mr. Parker, that Bill No. 279 be audited by this Board at the amount recommended by the committee. Seconded by Mr. Evans. Ayes -11. Noes—O. Carried. Moved, by Mr. Schaefer, that the other bills reported by the committee be audited at the amountsrecommended by the committee. Seconded by Mr. Dassance. Ayes -11. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Dassance offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That the report of. the Committee on Correction and Reformation, laid over from December 18, be accepted and that the several bills and accounts therein listed be audited and allowed for the several sums indicated in the column headed "Allowed". Seconded by Mr. Schaefer. The committee having recommended that Bill No. 293 of. J. Wesley Judd, be disallowed, a vote was taken on that bill. Moved, by Mr. Parker, that Bill No. 293 be disallowed by this Board. Seconded by Mr. Schaefer. Ayes -11. Noes -0. Carried. Bill No. 186, having been withdrawn by the claimant, because having been included in a later bill, the same was ordered stricken from- the report. The committee having recommended that Bill No. 206 of Matthew Bender & Company be disallowed, a vote was taken on that bill. Moved, by Mr. Parker, that Bill No. 206 be disallowed by this Board. 1 124 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Seconded by Mr. Schaefer. Ayes -11. Noes—O. Carried. The committee having recommended that Bills Nos. 171 and 172 of Arthur P. Miller, be audited at the full amount claimed, AIr. Parker asked that a vote be taken on these bills. Moved by Mr. Dassance that Bill No. 171 be audited by this Board at the amount recommended by the committee. Seconded by Mr. Schaefer. Ayes --10. Noes -1. Carried. Moved by Mr. Dassance that Bill No. 172 be audited by this Board at the amount recommended by the committee. Seconded by 1Flr. Schaefer. Ayes ---10. Noes -1. Carried. On motion, adjourned to 2 p. m. - Afternoon Session. Roll call. All members present. The Board continued the consideration of the report of the Committee on Correction and Reformation. The committee having recommended that Bill No. 133 of P. J. Herron, be allowed at an amount less than the amount claimed; a vote was taken on that bill. Moved by Mr. Todd, that Bill No. 133 be audited by this Board at the amount recommended by the committee. Seconded by Mr. Evans. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. The committee having recommended that Bill No. 183 of Ben Mintz, be allowed at an amount less than the amount claimed, a vote was taken on that bill. Moved by Mr. Dassance, that 13i11 No. 183 be audited by this Board at the amount recommended by the committee. Seconded by iIr. Schaefer. Ayes -11. Noes—O. Carried. The committee having recommended that Bill No. 122 of R. M. Vose be disallowed, a vote was taken on that bill. District Attorney Halliday appeared before the Board and explained the circumstances under which the services were rendered. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 125 Moved by Mr. Townsend, that Bill No. 122 be audited by this Board at the full amount claimed. Seconded by Mr. Fish. Ayes -12. Noes—O. Carried. Moved by Mr. Dassance, that the other bills reported by the committee be audited at the amounts recommended by the committee. Seconded by Mr. Schaefer. Ayes -13. Noes—O. Carried. The following report of the Committee on County Clerk and EIection Expenses was read by the Clerk and laid on the table one day under the rule: • Your Cogimittee on County Clerk and Election Expenses report that the several claims listed below are in all respects in proper form for audit and allowance by this Board, that each of the said claims in the opinion of your committee is a just and legal charge against the County of Tompkins, to the amount indicated in the column headed "Allowed" and your committee there- fore recommends that each of said claims be audited at the amount so indicated. Claimant and :1Ssignment kTh Appropriation and ac- count to which chargeable. Nature or purpose of expense. 0 305 D. O. Bishop 1 Supreme Court Civil... [Cow's Crier I030.00I$30.00 Respectfully submitted this 21st day of December, 1914. WILBER G. FISH, F. A. BEGENT, F. C. EVANS. Moved by Mr. Fish, that the report of the Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses be taken from the table and passed at this time. • Seconded by Mr. Townsend. By unanimous consent the report was taken from the table. Mr. Fish offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That the report of the Cominittee on County Clerk and Election Expenses be accepted and that the bill and account therein listed be audited and allowed at the sum indicated in the column headed "Allowed." Seconded by Mr. Evans. Ayes --14. Noes -0. Carried. The following report of tha Committee on County Officers and Compensa- tion was read by the Clerk and laid on the table one day under the rule: 126 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Your Committee on County Officers and Compensation report that the several claims listed below are in all respects in proper form for audit and allowance by this Board, that each of the said claims in the opinion of your committee is a just and legal charge against the County of Tompkins, to the amount indicated in the column headed "Allowed" and your committee there- fore recommends that each of said claims be audited at the amount so indicated; No. of Claim Claimant and assignment. Appropriation and ac- count to which chargeable. Nature or purpose of expense. 305IF. D. Everts Supervisors I Auto Hire I$10.00I$10-oo Respectfully submitted this 21st day of December, 1914. CASPER FENNER, WILBER G. -FISH, JOHN W. PRESWICK. Moved by stir. Fenner, that the report of the Committee on County Officers and Compensation be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr. Evans. By unanimous consent the report was taken from the table. Mr. Fenner offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That the report of the Committee on County Officers and Com- pensation be accepted and that the bill and account therein listed be audited and allowed at the sum indicated in the column headed "Allowed". Seconded by Mr. Parker. - Ayes -14. Noes—O. Carried. Mr. Todd, to whom was referred the matter of contracting for all the automobile hire for the county, rendered his report. Moved by Mr. Evans, that Mr. Todd be authorized to contract on behalf of the county for all automobile hire for the county for the ensuing year. Seconded by Mr. Preswick and carried. The Clerk read the following report of the Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses: • Your Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses, having examined the report of the County Clerk, find the same correct as to form and items. WILBER G. FISH, F. A. BEGENT, F. C. EVANS. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 127 Moved by Mr. Fenner, that the report be accepted. Seconded by Mr. Dassanee and carried. The Clerk read the following report of the special committee to investi- gate the advisability of continuing the June Grand Jury: Your committee appointed to investigate the advisability of continuing the session of the Grand Jury at the June term of the County Court would report, that the amount of criminal matter brought before the last June session of the Grand Jury was; eight indictments were found, three men were in jail, two plead not guilty and went back to jail, one plead guilty and was sentenced. The session lasted two days at a total cost of $193.96. Jurors are composed largely of farmers and June is one of their busiest months. The committee voted unanimously to discontinue the drawing of a Grand Jury at the June term of the County Court. JOHN W. PRESWICK, CASPER FENNER, F. C. EVANS, Committee. Mr. Preswick offered the .following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That the drawing of a Grand Jury at the June term of the County Court, be discontinued. Seconded by Mr. Evans and carried. On motion, adjourned to Tuesday, December 22, 1914,.at 9:30 a. m. TWENTY-SIXTH DAY Tuesday, December 22, 1914. Morning Session. Roll call. All members present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. Claims Nos. 307 to 337 inclusive, being Supervisor's bills, were read by the Clerk and referred to the proper committee. Mr. Preswick offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That the Chairman and Clerk of this Board be hereby author- ized to correct any manifest errors, oceuring either in, the minutes or the report of any committee. Seconded by Mr. Fenner and carried. •. The Clerk read the following report of the Committee on Town and County 128 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Accounts; which was laid on the table one day under the rule: Your Committee on Town and County Accounts, would report that Tomp- kins County owes the Town of Ulysses 1/6 part of the total expense for repairing a bridge on the county line between the Counties of Tompkins and Seneca, and between the Towns of Ulysses and Covert, total expense for repairs being $65.80 and 1/6 of said amount or the county's share would .be $10.97, being bill No. 294. JOHN V4'. PRESWICK, CASPER FENNER, W. C. CALLAGHER, Committee. Mr. Preswick proved that the report of the Committee on Town and County Accounts be taken from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr. Schaefer. By unanimous consent the report was taken from the table. Mr. Preswick offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved—That the report of the Committee on Town and County Ac- counts be accepted and that the bill and account therein listed be audited and allowed for the suns indicated in the report of the committee. Seconded .by Mr. Schaefer. A Yes -14. Noes -0. Carried. The Clerk read the following report of the Committee on County Officers and Compensation, which was laid on the table one day under the rule: . Your Committee on County Officers and Compensation reports that the several claims listed below are in all respects in proper form for audit and alowance by this board, that each of the said claims in the opinion of your committee is a just and legal charge against the County of Tompkins, to the amount indicated in the column headed "Allowed", and your committee there- fore recommends that each of said claims be audited at the amount so indicated. OF ;fO14IPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK' 129 No. of claim Claimant and assignment Appropriation and •account -to which - chargeable Nature of purpose of expense U 0 307 James 1J. Hine 308 :134 11'. H. Par1ier 335 " 332 F. C. Evans 333 321 J. W. Preswick 330 " 323 F. A. Begent 325 :1.21 '' 327 F. A. Todd • 326 " 329 A. I. Schaefer 328 320 W. C. Gallagher 321 " 322 :30011. G. lfish :310 311 .i. li. •1.'ownseni l :11.2 " 337 ,11. L. Stanton 3:311 " 1 I " Casper Fenner :315 ' ,I4 317 Albert Dassance 118 ' • 119 3. li. Robinson 1.18 " Supervisor Copying Assessment Annual Session •& Mileage County Canvass Annual Session Committee & Ex, Tax Annual 'Session Annual Session Ex. & Copy. Co. Canvass Ex. Tax, Copy Asst. Annual Session Co. Canvass & Mileage Annual Session, 1:x. Etc. .. . Co. 'Canvass & 1'dileage Annual Session & Ex. Co. Canvass Cu. Canvass Copy loll & 19x. Tax Annual Session Co? Canvass nnual. Session Copy Asst. Ex. Tax • Annual Session Annual Session Copy Boll Co. (Canvass Copy Asst. & Ex. Tax Annual Session Cu. Canvass Annual Session Copy 1:)11 Co. Cant's Annual Session Co. Canvass $ 23.10 $ 23.13 109.44 109.44 '20:00 20.00 404.00 + 104.00 57.00 57.03 108:00 .108.00 147.48 :1.47.48 20:64 20.64 44.75 44.75 110.72 110.72 25.44 25.44 134.95 134.95 23.52 23.52 133.00 .133.00 20.00 20.00 17.44 1.7.44 26,00 26.00 101.44 101.44 20.30 20.00 108.00 108.00 28.76 28.76 101.92 101.02 157.75 157.75 23.20 23.20 31.3.1 31.34 106.24 106.24 22.24 22.24 147.30 147.30 23.84 23.84 108.30 108.00 20.00 20.00 $2125.51 $2125.51 Respectfully submitted this 22nd day of Dee., 1914. CASPER FENNER, WILBER G. FISH, JOHN W. PRESWICK, Committee. Mr. Fenner . moved that the report of the Committee on County Officers and Compensation be from the table and passed at this time. Seconded by Mr. Evans. By unanimous consent the report was taken from the table. Mr. Preswick offered the following resolution and moved'its'adoption: Resolved, That the report of the Committee on County Officers ,and' Com- '.pensation be accepted and that the bills and accounts therein fisted. be audited and allowed for the sums indicated in •the report of the committee. Seconded by Mr. Evans. Ayes -14. Noes -O. Carried. 130 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS The Clerk read the claim of E. H. Green, for services rendered in the quarantine of cattle. Moved by Mr. Fish that the claim be received and referred to the proper •committee. Seconded by Mr. Todd and carried. The Committee on Correction and Reformation, to which was referred the bill of E. H. Green, reported favorably on the claim and recommended that the same be allowed at the -full amount claimed. M. Regent offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: - ' Resolved, That the reportaof the Committee on Correction and Reforma- tion, be accepted and the Clerk directed to draw an order at this time on the County Treasurer for the payment of the same at the sum of $57.00 out of any unexpended balances in his hands. - 'Seconded by Mr. Hine. Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried. On motion, adjourned to 1:30. p. m. Afternoon Session. Roll call. All members present. The Clerk read a requisition of •the County Clerk for supplies for the ensuing year. Moved by Mr. Preswick, that' the requisition be received and referred to the Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses, with power to. pur- chase the supplies needed. Seconded by Mr. Dassance and carried. Mr. Townsend offered the following resolution and moved its adoption. WHEREAS, The State Highway Route No. 36 beginning in Owego, thence to Ithaca, Trumansburg, Ovid and Geneva, covers that portion of the "State. County and Town" Highway known as 616—extending eleven (11) miles in the towns of Ithaca and Ulysses—beginning at the north limits of the city of Ithaca and ending at the east limit of the village of Trumansburg. The sev- eral towns and County of Tompkins paid by the issue of bonds -to the State of one-half (1 ) of the cost of construction amounting to about Fifty-five Thousand (55,000) Dollars; and the State has constructed on the south of said Highway No. 616, in the city of Ithaca about one mile of improved road and on the north in the village of Trumansburg and town of Covert, Seneca County about ten (10) miles of improved highway as a State Highway and wholly at State expense. • OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 131 Now therefore Be it Resolvecl, That as a matter of equity and equal justice said County and Towns should be reimbursed for their portion of expense in construction of County Highway No. 616, by the State Department of High ways and we respectfully petition the Department that they construct in this County an amount of improved highway equal to the cost expended by out County and Towns of Ithaca and Ulysses respectively, namely Fifty-fiv( Thousand ($55,000) Dollars. And that our Member of Assembly,' Mr. Pres wick and our State Senator, 1Yir. Halliday be requested to use their -best-efforts .to show the officers of the Highway Department and the Legislature 'of out State, the injustice sustained by this County and to urge that this County be reimbursed :for said expenditure by the Construction of County Highways covering the cost of out' portion expended on 616. Seconded by Mr. Fenner and carried. The Clerk read the following report of the Committee on Finance, which was laid on the table one day under the rule. REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON FINANCE. . Your Committee on Finance respectfully reports that in its opinion the following appropriations will be necessary to meet the expenditures of this county for the ensuing fiscal year in payment of: 1. Contributions required by law to be made by tax upon this county for the expenses of the State government, of the 6th judicial district, of the 4th military district, or by law and act of this board for other purposes extraneous to county government. 2. Salaries of officers and employes heretofore authorized by this board as shown by the report of the committee on county officers and compensations. 3. Claims audited and allowed by this board as shown by the statements to this committee by the several auditing' committees. 4. Claims to be audited at sessions of this board prior to the next ensuing annual session, claims to be audited by the superintendent of poor, certificates of the county clerk and other officers of the courts, and other current expenses to be paid prior to the next ensuing tax levy. The amount specified for.each of these purposes is based upon an estimate of a county officers, modified and recommended by the committee of this board in direct charge of such depart- ment, subject to such adjustment as seems necessary and advisable to this committee. 5. Amounts to become due under contracts executed in behalf of this county. 6. The amount required by law to be paid by this county for the State highway sinking fund, for the retirement of State bonds issued for construction of county highways of this county and for the interest on the bonds so issued. 7. County indebtedness maturing and interest payable as shown by the reports of the county clerk and county treasurer. 132 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 8. Appropriations by this board for other specific purposes and estimated amounts not included above 'and required for unforseen contingencies. Your committee further reports that from the report of the county treas- urer, the receipts of the previous year and other information available, it'esti- mates that the amounts indicated .will be available from various sources speci- fied to the expenditures for the above purposes and such amounts are deducted from the estimated amounts required in fixing the amounts to be raised for each fund by tax levy. APPROPRIATIONS FROM THE GENERAI. FUND Contributions: Stenographer's tax $ 1,853.70 Armory tax 4,643.67 Total $ 6,497.37 $ 6,497.37 Tax Expenses, Advances and Refunds: Tax commissioners' meeting $ 138.94 Tax sale advertising 631.40 Town of Groton erroreous assessment 98.01 Total . $ 868.35 868.35 GENERAI. GOVERNMENT Legislative: Supervisors' compensation $ 3,578.10 Supervisors' expenses 1,544.98 County publications, Proceedings 605.50 Total• . $ 5,728.58 5,728.58 Administrative: Commissioners of election $ 1,200.00 Elections ' . 4,917.02 • Total elections $6,117.02 6,117.02 County treasurer, salary and postage $ 1;128.00 Total administrative officers $ 1,128.00 1,128.00 Court house maintenance $ 609.15 County clerk's building maintenance, janitor 305.69 County buildings, fuel and light and telephones2,178.08 Total administrative buildings $ 3,092.92 3,092.92 } OI TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK• 133. Judicial: County judge and surrogate $ 5,170.75 Total judicial officers $ 5,170:75 5,170.75 Supreme court (civil terms) $ 3,500.00 County court (civil terms) 1,200.00 Total civil courts $ 4,700.00 4,700.00 Regulative: County sealer of weights and measures $ 723.39 , Total regulative. $ 723.89 723.89 Protective: County clerk as register, salary and postage $ 6,683.82 Total protective $ 6,683.82 6,683.82 Educational: Educational notices $ 10.50 Farm 'Bureau 1,000.00 Deaf mutes 405.72 Total educational , $ 1,416.22 1,416.22 Corrective: District attorney $ 1,418.24 Sheriff, sheriff's office and quarters . 3,783.32 Coroners , 196.00 Justices and constables 123.50 Total officers $ 5,521.06, 5,521.06 Supreme court (criminal trials) $ 2,000.00 County court (criminal trials) 1,000.00 Total criminal courts $ 3,000.00 3,000.00 Jail maintenance $ 682.97 Jail inmates 845.20 Contracts with penal institutions 854.05 Total punishment $2,382.22 2,382.22 State reform schools $ 1,387.26 Total reformatories $1,387.26 1,387.26 134 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS NEW BUILDINGS Constructive: County Home construction $ 2,747.00 Tuberculosis Hospital construction, ice house 150.00 Total new buildings $ 2,897.00 3,897.00 Tuberculosis Hospital bond interest $ 150.00 Total interest building bonds $ 150.00 150.00 GENERAL •FUND INDEBTEDNESS Payment of Indebtedness: County General Debt: Tuberculosis Hospital bonds $ 1,000.00 Total for indebtedness $ 1,000.00 1,000.00 Total appropriations from general fund $58,464.46 Less: Estimated Receipts Applicable to the General Fund: Balance available as per county treasurer's report.$ 5,088.65 County treasurer's fees 75.00 County clerk's fees 7,000.00 Interest on gen. fund, deposits, returned taxes, etc50.00 Total estimated receipts to general fund $12,213.65 12,213.65 Net amount required for general fund appropriations $46,250.81 Add: Estimated amount for further appropriation by this board for unforseen contingencies 54.34 Total required for general fund $46,305.15 APPROPRIATIONS FROM THE POOR FUND Charitable: Superintendent of poor $ 828.13 Almshouse 1,109.54 Almshouse inmates (all expenses) 7,525.00 Outside relief 1,500.00 Almheuse farm 13.08. Total improvement poor $10,975.75 10,975.75 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK Superintendent tuberculosis hospital and inmates$ 8,000.00 ,. Tuberculosis hospital maintenance 632.28 ' Board of managers expense 73.62 135 Total for tuberculosis $ 8,705.90 . 8,7(15.90 Commitment of insane (fund for all commitments) $ • 7.50 Epileptics 41.61 Feeble-minded . —120.00 Total mental diseases $ 109.11 • 169.11 Soldi::rs' burial, $ 1,650.00 Total -soldiers and sailors relief $ 1,650.00 1,650.00 Total appropriations from Poor Fund $21,500.76 Less: • Estimated receipts applicable to .poor fund: Levied on towns: For support of town poor at almshouse $ 7,372.15 Estimated reimbursements: For tuberculosis patients 375.00 Estimated sales: Products of almshouse farm . 400,00 Total estimated receipts to poor fund $ 8,147.15 8,147.15 Net amount required for poor fund $13,353.61 APPROPRIA'TI01\S FROM HIGHWAY 'FUND Maintenance of highways: Superintendent of highways • $ 1,550.00 Tota] maintenance $ 1,550.00 • 1,550.00 Constructive: County road construction: Rights of way road $ 2,000.00 State highway sinking fund (county share) 1,886.55 Total for new highway and bridges $ 3,886.55 3,886.55 Highway bond interest $ 5,175.00 Interest on state highway bonds (county share) 3,773.11 Total construction interest $ 8,948.11 8,948,11 136. PROCEEDINGS OF• THE BOARDI OF SUPERVISORS Indebtedness: County highway debt (bonds) . $ 9,000.00, Less: Total highway indebtedness $9,000.00 9,000.00 . Net amount required for highway fund appropriations $23;384.66 Add: Estimated amount for further appropriation by this board for unforeseen contingencies $ .10.92 Total amount required for highway fund $23,395.58 Your committee recommends that there be levied and assessed upon the property liable therefor: For the general fund $46,305.15 For the poor fund 13,353.61 Total . $59,658.76 For the highway fund 23,395.58 Respectfully submitted this 22nd clay of December, 1914. CASPER FENNER, F. A. REGENT, F. A. TODD, Committee on Finance, (For County Budget see Index) • Mr. Fenner moved that the report of the Committee on Finance be taken from the table and passed -at this time. Seconded by 5Ir. Evans. By unanimous consent the report was taken from the table. ' Mr. Fenner offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That the report of the Committee on Finance be accepted and the several amounts specified therein be and hereby are appropriated from the funds indicated to and for the purposes enumerated. Resolved, That all moneys received by the county treasurer, the disposition of which is not specifically provided for by law or act of this board •be credited by him to the general, poor, or highway fund, in accord with the nature of such receipts. Resolved, That in case of deficiency in any appropriation, the county treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to transfer from the general fund, poor fund or highway fund to such appropriation, any unexpended balance OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 137 standing to the credit of such fund, for ;the purpose of meeting. any payment ordered by this board or required bylaw, which amounts are 'hereby appro- priated to such purpose. And be it further resolved, That there be levied and assessed upon the property of the county of Tompkins, taxable therefor, for the general fund $46,250.81, for the poor fund 1.3,353.61, making a total amount of $59,604.42, and: for the highway fund, $23,395.58. Seconded by Mr. Evans. Ayes -14. Noes -0. Carried.' Mr. Hoare addressed the Board in reference to headstones .for soldiers' graves. The Clerk read the following report of the Committee on Finance, relative to the apportionment of taxes to be raised by the. various towns and city of the county, which was laid on the table one day, under the rule. c 138 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS • REPORT OF COMMITTEE -ON APPORTIONMENT. Apportionment of Taxes for Highways. os 34 Gs�.a f0., y h0 -d o 0. d O ,y0, uz g '-O 50-I p N e y 0 H '1> e. Z �,, > p�. ] E >. U Caroline . $ 836,106.00 $ $ 836,106.00 $ 861.19 Danby . - 737,275.00 737,275.00 759.32 Dryden . 2,261,929.00 49,316.08 2,311,245.08 2,380.58 Enfield . 522,343.00 522,343.00 533.01 Groton . 1,620,531.00 238,466.08 1,858,997.08 1,914.77 Ithaca Cite , 10,725,226.00 656,775.74 11,382.001.74. 11,726.46 Ithaca Town 1,640,582.00 1,640,582.00 1,689.80 Lansing . 1,355,466.00 1,355,466.00 1,396.13 Newfield . 738,350.00 . '738,350.00 760.50 Ulysses 1,263,431.00 68,328.84 1,331,759.84 1,3 73.82 $21,701.,239.00 $1,012,886.74 $22,714,125.74 $23,395.58 County Highway Tax Rate $0.95 per thousand dollars. Apportionment of Taxes for General' and Poor Purposes not Including Highways. W N 0 O 07 GG g +a'+ d y 41 w p+ O i tic6 GqO Fd )•O 0 ,cN C . 4 u G ,- '_ ri 0 �y N %m aO'4>I�bT aO CS cs 0 O O- 0, 0 .:. - w 0 , 0 E-IHrn O{' m c l 0 R'> O CO Caroline $ 832,310.00 $ $ 832,310.00 $ 2,205.62 Danby . 724,679.00 724,679.00 1,920.40 Dryden . 2,241,606.00 49,316.08 2,290,922.08 6,070.94 Enfield . 519,168.00 519,168.00 1,375.80 Groton . 1,599,480.00 238,466.08. 1,837,946,08 4,870.55 Ithaca City 10,623,524.00 656,775.74 11,280,299.74 29,892.80 Ithaca Town 1,630,866.00 1,60,866.00 4,321.80 Lansing . 1,348,892.00 1,348,892.00 3,574.56 Newfield . 725,875.00 725,8 75.00 1,923.56 Ulysses • 1,253,457.00 68,328.74 1,321, 785.74 3,502.73 $21,499,857.00 $1,012,886.64 $22,512,743.74 $59,658.76. County General and Poor Rate $2.65 per thousand dollars. • OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 139 , Your Committee on Finance -further reports that the following tabulated statement shows the appropriations which will be necessary to meet the ex- penditures of the various towns ,of the County and the City of Ithaca for the ensuing fiscal year as set forth in the following budgets. CASPER FENNER, F. A. TODD, F. A. BEGENT. BUDGET FOR CAROLINE, 1914. State and County Tax $ 2205.62 County Highway Tax 861.19 Audits 2037.94 Memorial Day Services 10.00 Maintenance Roads No. 483 and 1004 200.00 Support of Poor at Alms House 172.58 Election Printing 147.92 Repair of Bridges 500.00 Purchase,and Repair Road Machinery 250.00 Removal of Snow and Miscellaneous Purposes 100.00 Relief of Town Poor 200.00 Extraordinary Repairs of Highways 1086.71 Extraordinary Repairs of Bridges 1768.07 Roads 483 and 1004, Int. 258.88 Highway Tax 2000.00 $11'798.91 BUDGET OF TOWN OF DANBY, 1914. County Tax $1920.40 County Highway Tax 759.32 Bridge Fund 500.00 Machinery . 500.00 Miscellaneous 250.00 ' Audits . • 2081.58 Election . 147.92 County Poor 225.63 Town Poor 96.00 Road Maintenance 400.00 Town Highways 2100.00 $8980.85 BUDGET TOWN OF DRYDEN, 1914. County Taxes $ 6070.94 County Highway Tax 2380.58 Town Audits 3636.02 r 140 PROCEEDINGS OF, THE.BOARD OF SUFE.PVISORS Support, of Poor. in Town. 150.00 Nem; Bridges 1504.00. Repair of Bridges 1000.00 - Machinery Fund, 600.00 Miscellaneous and Snow 500.00 Poor at A lmshouse 926:01 Returned Taxes 8.41 Sinking Fund Road No. 682 89.71 Interest Road No. 682. 170.42 Sinking Fund Road No. 681 81.03 Int. Road No. 681 • 162.06 Sinking Fund Road No.. 683 92.69 Int. Road No. 683 185.40 Election Printing 295.85 Maintenance Imp. Roads 1050.00 Note and Int. County Indebtedness 3500.00 Highways . 5000,00 Certificate of Indebtedness - 800.00 Supervisor's per centum 173.45 By Resolution of Town Board 1100.00 $29481.57 BUDGET TOWN 01? ENFIELD, 1914. County Tax $1975.80 Town Audits 1585.47 Support of Poor at Almshouse 168.42 Election Printing 49.31 Repairs and Maintenance of Bridges 1200.00 Purchase and Repair of Machinery 100.00 Removal of Snow and Miscellaneous Purposes 200.00 Certificate of Indebtedness 963.25 Principal and Int. Bonds for Ilighway No. 1001. Due Feb. 1, 1915 325.06 Highway Tai for County 533.01 $6500.32 Highway Tax for Town 2000.00 $8500.32 BUDGET TOWN or GROTON, 1914. County Tax $ 4870.55 County Tax Highway 1914.77 Town Audits . 3042.79 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 141 Memorial Day 50.00 Road Maintenance 100:00 Poor at Almshouse 771.45 Election Printing 197.23 Highway Bridge and Int. 2775.25 Bridge Acct. r .• 1500.00 Machinery . 600.00 Removal of Snow 500.00 Highway Bond and Int. 680.00 $17002.04 Highway Tax 3858.00 $20860.04 BUDGET TOWN OF. ITHACA, 1914. County .' $ 4321.80 County Highway 1689.80 Audits . 2305.22 Election Printing 98.62 Maintenance Improved Roads 950.00 Sinking Fund Road 606 57.60 Interest . 115.20 Sinking Fund Road 616 • 75.77 Interest . 151.54 Sinking Fund Road 681 42.85 I nterest 85.72 .Payment of Bond at Savings Bank 1000.00 Int. to Feb. 1, 1915 443.75 Almshouse Poor.111.67 Repair and Consruction of Bridges 4435.00 Highway Fund 2000.00 Machinery Fund 200.00 Miscellaneous Fund 200.00 $18284.54 BUDGET CITY OF ITHACA, 1914. County Tax $29892.80 County Highway Tax 11726.46 Support of Poor at County Home 3898.25 Election Printing 915.61 $46433.12 ' BUDGET TOWN OF LANSING, 1914. County Tax, Gen. $ 3574.56 County Tax, Highways 1396.13 192 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Town Audits 2465.47 Bridge Bond and Interest' 950.75 Part Principal, Highway Bond and int. 685.51 Certificate of Indebtedness 800.00 Bridge 900.00 Machinery 350.00 Maintenance Imp. Roads 250.00 Support Poor at Almshouse 293.92 Election Printing 147.92 Erroneous Assessment 13.69 Highway . 2700.00 $14527.95 BUDGET TOWN OF NEWFIELD, 1914. County Tax $ 1923.56 County I•Iighway Tax 760.50 Audits . 1926.74 Election Printing 98.62 Maintenance Improved Roads 450.00 •, Town Bonds and Interest. 2665.00 Almshouse Poor 331.29 Support of Town Poor 50.00 Town Lib_ary 100.00 Memorial Day • 20.00 Repair and Construction of Bridges " 500.00 Machinery . 400.00 Removal of Snow and Miscellaneous Purposes 200.00 New Bridges • 1300.00 To pay Notes and Interest on Bridge Built 1122.00 To pay Notes and Interest on Snow Removed 742.00 To date Expenses of Fridge Suit 390.00 $12979.71 Highway Tax, Primary Work 2200.00 $15179.71 BUDGET TOWN OF ULYSSES, 1914. County Tax $ 3502.73 County Highway Tax 1373.83 Town Audits 3277.02 Indigent Soldiers and Sailors 50.00 Memorial Day Service 50.00 Support Town Poor 300.00 Bonded Indebtedness Principal and Interest • 2805.00 Support of Poor at Almshouse 472.93 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK . :143 Sinking Fund Road 616 216.85 Interest Read 616 433.69 Maintenance Road 616 300.00 Election Printing 147.92 Deficiency in Highway Fund 315.00 Deficiency in Bridge Fund 532.11 Deficiency in Machinery Fund • 369.83 Deficiency Snow and Miscellaneous 613.05 Repairs and Construction of Bridges 400.00 Machinery Fund 300:00 Certificate Road Roller 1912 215.00 MisceIla.neous Fund 50.00 Highways . _ 2400.00 $18124.96 '- Mr. Mr. Fenner moved that the report of the Committee on Finance be taken from the table and passed. at this time. Seconded by Mr. Hine. By unanimous consent the report was taken from the table. • Mr. Fenner offered the following resolution .and moved its adoption: Resolved, That in accordance with resolutions adopted by the various Town Boards of Tompkins County, now on file with the Clerk of this Board and . the statutes in such cases made and provided, and in accordance with the fore- going report and recommendations of the Committee on Finance, that there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the respective Towns of the County and the City of Ithaca, the foregoing sums for the pbrposes named. Seconded by Mr. Gallagher. Ayes -14. Noes -0.. Carried. The Clerk read the report of. the Committee on Town Expenses, relative to the indebtedness of the county and the various towns, villages and city therein, which was received and ordered printed in the proceedings. • . On motion, adjourned to Saturday, January 2, 1915, at 10:30 a. m. TWENTY-SEVENTH DAY January 2, 1915. Morning Session. Roll call. All members present. Minutes of Dec. 22nd. read and approved. 194 PROCEEDINGS OF TH•E BOARD Olt' SUPERVISORS County Superintendent of the Poor Walter McKeel appeared before the Board• and presented his bond for approval. Moved by Mr. Regent, that the bond presented, be approved- and accepted. Seconded by Mr. Gallagher and carried. The Clerk read a communication from the State Fire Marshal relative to the Tuberculosis Hospital. Moved by Mr. Fish that the communication be •referred to the Committee on Charities. Seconded by Mr. Fenner and carried. Moved by Mr. Townsend, that the printed proceedings of the Board for 1914, contain a picture of the late Mr. McGreevy. Seconded by Mr. Preswick and carried. On motion, adjourned to 1:30 p. m. Afternoon Session. Roll call. All members present. The Clerk read the requisition of the County Surrogate for supplies for his office during the ensuing year. Moved, by Mr. Fish, that the requisition be received and referred to the Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses, with power to purchase the supplies needed. Seconded by Mr. P•reswick and carried. The Clerk read the report of the Committee on Highways. Moved by Mr. Fenner, that the report be adopted. Seconded by Mr. Evans and carried. Mr. Evans offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That the road known 'as Humboldt Street in the City of Ithaca, which has been macadamized to the city line, be extended south and placed on the map for future improvement, from the south end of Humboldt Street to Speneer Road, a distance of •.75 miles. Seconded by l\Ir. Fenner and referred to the Committee on Highways. The Chairman announced that the new member from the lst. Ward of the City of Ithaca, would be assigned to the same committee appointments as his predecessor. . Mr. Grant Cole, appeared before the Board in reference to a hog pen for - the county farm. • OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 145 • Moved, by Mr. Fenner, that the matter be referred to the Committee on Charities to report at the next quarterly session of this Board. Seconded by Mr. Fish and carried. Mr. Daniels offered the following resolution and- moved its adoption: WHEREAS, the committee to which was'referred claim No. 280, failed to report on this claim, and WHEREAS, said committee has 'now reported said claim and recommends that it be allowed at the full amount claimed, Resolved, That claim No. 280 be audited and allowed at the sum recom- mended by the committee and that the Clerk be directed to draw an order on .the County Treasurer for the amount thereof, to be paid by him out of any unexpended balance in his hands. Seconded by Mr. Schaefer. Ayes -13. Noes -0. Carried. Mr. Fenner offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved, That the Chairman, Mr. James R. Robinson, and the Clerk, Mr. Fled L. Clock, be given a vote of thanks for their courteous and efficient ser-• vices during the sess'on of this Board of Supervisors. Seconded by Mr. Preswiek and carried. The minutes of the day were read and approved. On motion of Mr. Begent, the Board adjourned sine die. FRED L. CLOCK, Clerk. 146 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD (1i' SUPERVISORS COUNTY AUDITS Nature No. Name of expense Claimed Allowed 1 .Estate of Peter O'- • Hara Cons. silo.. $ 2 Stover Print. Co., Printing 3 Stover Print. Co. :Printing 4 DeVere Fish, Rep chimney 5 Dr. J. M. Townsend, Ex. Lunacy 6 13. 11i. Swick, Rep chimney 7 E.' R. Stillwell, Meet State Tax Com 8 Ring & Dayton, wa- ter system 11 W. 0. Stubbs, rep • typewriter 10 W. 0. Stubbs, rep typewriter 11 Forest City. Printing Co. pub. of Ficial canvass 12 Forest City Printing Co., gen. print. pri- mary & gen. elec.. . 13 Forest City Printing letter heads, notices, etc. 14 Forest City .Printing Co., print. proceed- ings-bal 15 Forest City Printing Co., printing blanks envelopes, etc. . 16 Forest City Printing Co., notices 17 Forest City Printing Co., returns, tally sheets, et0. 761.90 18 Forest City Printing Co., pub. notices, etc. 19 Forest City Printing, Co., pub. notices of scholarship 20 Stover I•T d w. Co, supplies furnished, 21 A. A. Sager, meeting State Tax Com...'. 22 7. 1). Branch, meet- ing State Tax Corn. 23 Cornell Livery, auto, sleigh & ambulance 24 DeVere Fish, build- ing chin, & rep 25 B. M. Swick, build- ing shim. & rep 26 F. L. Reigle, sand for chirp. & rep Nature No. Nance of expense Clairned Allowed 27 C. 11. Brokaw, board 55.00 $ 55.00 & mileage, living-, Monroe 5.90 5.90 15.60 15.60 28 W. H. Buckley, meeting State Tax 37.30 37.00• Com, 7.20 7.20 29 Holbrocik B. Stevens, 32.00 32.00 mectiirg State Tax Com. 6.88 6.88 7.50 7.50 30 C o r ii e r Bookstore Co., safe and cases 78,00 78.00 24.00 • 24.00 31 The Cayug:. Press, Ct. calendars, 6.08 6.08 blanks, etc. 343.00 343.00 32 The Cayuga Press, 635.00 635.00 print. official bal- lots, etc. 620.17 620.17 1.65 1.65 33 Trumansburg Free Press & Sentinal, 2.55 2.55 pub. notices of terms of court5.25 5.25 34 Anil rLis & Church, 376.25 376.25 register 16.12 16.12 35 Andros & Church, tax cull. receipts10.30 40.00 2355.67• 2055.67 36 Andrus & Church, book orders of pub- lication 16.00 16.00 61.75 61.75 37 Andrus & Church, orders on'Co. treas. 4.50 4.50 38 :lndrus & Church, 99.14 99.14 tax col. receipts4.25 4.25 39 Andrus & Church, bill heads 13.25 13.25 76.00 76.00 40 George Chase, meet- ing State Tax Corn. 5.60 5.60 41 Seth 14. Srluirer, cern. 8.00 8.00 • 42 Wm. A. Fahey,med- icines, etc. 27.35 27.05 43 Fra.nk Miller, meet- ing State Tax Corn. 5.60 5.60 44 H. S. Wright, jus- tice's bill 13.15 13.15 45 Edward D. Masters, storing rollers '11.00 21.00 5.25 5.25 46 S. D. Cook, meeting Ti, of Man, 4.62 4.62 17.39 17.39 47 W. .1. Shaver, Jr, meeting State Tax 5.28 5.28Corn, 5.60 5.60 48 City of Ithaca, jus - 5.92 5.92 tice's bill 56.20 56.20 49 Ithac:a. Journal, prtg. 10.50 13.50 official canvass956.00 356.00 50 Ithaca .Tournal, pub. 84.00 84.00 local laa-s 5.50 5.50 51 Ithaca Journal, pub. 52.50 52.50 terms of Co. Ct5.25 .5.25 12 Ithaca Journal, pub. 4.00 4.00 notice jury drawing 12.00 12.00 17.00 17.00 761.90 18.50 18.50- OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 147 Nature No. Name of expense Claimed Allem e1I 53 Ithaca Journal, pub. notice tax sale 54 Ithaca Journal, no- tices, bids & claims 16.75 15.75 55 Withdraw by claim- ant. . 5(1 D. 0. T3ishop, court crier 51.00 , 57 Cayuga Press, brief & subpoenas 19.75 58 Ithaca Journal, no- tice Of scholarship .5.25 59 '1'rema.n, King & Co., supplies furnished 45.82 60 Treinan, King & Co., supplies furnished 18.2!) 61 :I.'rernan, Ring & Co„ supplies furnished 7.77 62 'rr•ema.n, Ring & Co:, supplies furnished 129.75 63 Nat'l Surety Co., Co. treasurer bond 30.00 64 T. G. & Sons, sopplles 2.05 65 1'. 0. 'Miller & Sons, supplies 4.4.85 66 T. G. Miller & Sons, supplies 1.67.112 67 T. 0. Miller & Sons, supplies 33.80 08 'Robinson & Carpen- ter, materials 464.07 6!1 Weekly Ithacan, pub terms of (2n. G16.75 70 Weekly .Ithacan. no- tice present. claims 3.00 71 1:obinson <l'; Carpen- ter. coal 72 Rubinson & Carpen- ter, materials . 73 1;, F. 'llcCort:nick, meeting State Tax Corn. 4.00 4.00 74 .1. Will Tree. books & Dinning 1 52.00 152.00 75 Robinson & Carpen- . ter, coal 80.88 Pd out of appro. '76 St. Slary'e Nome. private rc'Cor'm self l 731.75 ' 731.75 77 •' ndr'ew W. Hamill, a rr'ertiny Irvin ) 'Munroe 78 Orwin 51cIaheny, ar- resting Irving- Mun- roe 79 T. G. Stiller & Sons Co., book for Gu. '1 rea' 80 Covert & Wiggins, automobile hire 22.50 22.50 81 Biggs Co., supplies23.07 23.07 S2 13iggs Co., materials 299.62 290.62 83 .1. W. & C. 1). Pal- ocr, burial L. 8, Knox 50.00 50.00 84 Harry Bower, serving subpoena 5.55 5.55 85 :I. W. & C. I). Palmer burial, David Fish 50.00 50.00 S6 Court T3cllis, dis- bursements 401.48 200.00 6.30 6.30 51.00 19,75 5:25 46.82 • 18.20 7,77 1 29.75 30.00 2.95 49.85 167.92 33.80 464.97 5,25 3.00 !18.20 ' 1'.1. out of a.pprop. 2.82 2.82 3.00 2.00 6.1.5 6.15 • .50 .50 Nature No. Natne: of expense Claimed Allowed 87 Court I3ellis, dis- bursements 23.1.4 10.19 88 W: O. Stubbs, re- pairing add ma- chine .80 .80 89 Ithaca Journal, no- tice tax sale, Ithaca city 63.23 63.23 90 Ithaca Journal, no- tice tax sale Groton 11.03 • 11.03 01 Ithaca .Journal, no- tice tax sale Lan - :12 Ithaca ,Journal, no- tice tax sale New- field 21.15 21.15 93 Ithaca journal, no- tice tax sale Dariby 39.98 39.98 04 . Ithaca journal, no- tice tax sale Caro - 9.01 9.01 95 Forest City Print. Co., notice tax sale 154.08 154.08 96 .1. W. & C. 1J. Pal- mer, burial Calvin Lane 00.00 50.00 97 ~''alter A. Shapley, burial David 1„ py 418 1-iarrisShalon Z. Thayer,50.00 50.00 meeting State Tax 'Com. 4.05 4.96 . 09 .l•Ienry l3. :Jennings meeting 81. Tax Com. 5.90 5.90 100 Goo. SIorris, meeting State Tax Corn4.54 4.64 101 Est. lllana 13hodes, justice's bill 11,1.) 11.10 102 .lames P. Fahey, prof, services 130.00 130.00 103 Aaron G. Mintz, dis- bursement as Clic11.60 6.60 104 C. F'. Swift, autopsy 10.00 10.00 135 Philip Westervelt, meeting State Tax Com. 5.28 5.28 1.01; DeBert B. Witter, burial Geo. .Et. ,Wil- liams 50.00 50.00 1.117 Prat I). Gilbert, bur- ial Alrneron Foote. 50.00 50.00 108 S. 11. Tisdell, repair- ing; locks. etc.... 8.55 8.55 100 American Law Book Co., law book 1908- !) for Surrognte Blood 11.20 00.00 1.1.0 C. H. Teri ,enning, meeting ;State Tax Corn. 5.28 5.28 111 Ithaca City Hospi- tal. treatment jail inmates 12.00 12.00 112 Southern Tier Or- phan Dome, board of inmates 1.51.42 151.42 113 Wm. 1J. Baldwin, disbursements 74.62 74.02 114 S. :I. Rumsey, meet- ing State Tax Com. 5,60 5.60 115 1'. 1'f, Donahue, la- bor• & materials. , , 114,67 114.67 3.38 3.3$ • 148 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Nature No. Name of expense Claimed Allowed 118 P. M. Donahue, la- bor & 63.61 117 F. M. Donahue, la- bor & materials6.65 118 'Alvin F. Howard, meeting State Tax Com. 41.4 0 119 Fay A. Brogden, burial Jeremiah Starkey 50.00 120 Ben Wager, use of auto 7.00 121 Ben Wager, team Monroe case 2.00 122 11. M. Vose, prof services 61.00 123 Est. Peter O'Hara, sand for Co. house silo 9.75 124 Clarence D. Tarbell, disbursements 42.87 125 J. B. Lang E. & G. Co., auto hire 126 J. B. Lang E. & G. Coauto hire 10.00 127 J. B. Lang E. & G. Co., auto hire 19.50 128 3. B. Lang E. & G. Co., auto hire 24.50 129 J. 13. Lang 81 & G. Co., auto hire 130 J. B. Lang E. & G. 85.0') Co., labor and ma- terials • 86.93 131 J. 13. Lang E. & G. Co., labor and ma- terials 84.09 132 Fred Lyon, labor and material on barn 100.50 133 1'. J. Herron, boots & shoes 21.00' 134 Leslie E. Blackman, auto hire 12.00 135 J. 13. Lang E. & G. Co., auto hire 9.00 136 F. A. Tocld, Corn. work 142.76 137 Frank S. Yaple, meeting State Tax Corn. 6.24 138 Withdrawn by claimant 139 Withdrawn by claimant 140 Withdrawn by claimant 141 John W. Smith, meeting State Tax Com. 6.08 142 Estate R. P. Mc- Greevy, auto hire. 52.00 143 Samuel Lane, meet- ing' State Tax Coin. 5.02 144 James R. Robinson, Com. work. 80.45 145 Jamieson & MaIiin- ney, labor 0.15 146 Driscoll Bros & Co repairs 2.81 147 Driscoll Bros. & Co repairs 5.98 148 Driscoll Bros. & Co, repairs 7.41 6.00 Nature No. Name . of. expense Claimed Allowed 149 City of Ithaca, wa- 63.61 ter furnished 23.00 23.03 150 City of Ithaca, wa- , 6.65 ter furnished 63.83 63.83 , 151 A. 1. Chipman, la- bor and materials11.75 11.75 6.40 152 E. H. Condit, auto hire 15.00 15.00 153 Wm. peens, cartage 4.70 4.70 53.00 154 Empire State MJ:fg. - Co., shades 37.05 37.05 7.00 155 Silas I•lubbell, meet- ing State Tax Corn. 5.20 5.20 • 2.00 156 Ithaca Realty Co, bond of Supt 14.00 Not all'd 61.00 157 William Jones, buri- al Pricilla Griffin53.00 30.00 168 F. D. Gilbert, burial 9.75 Oliver 11. Robinson 50.00 50.00 159 F. D. Gilbert, burial 42.87 Lucy A. Shephard 50.00 50.00 160 R. C. Tarbell, au - 6.00 topsy 23.00 20.00 161 Empire State Hfg. 10.00 Co., repairs in of- fice 2.15 2.15 . 19.50 162 Clinton House, board of jurors 30.55 30.56 , 24.50 163 Albany Times -Un- ion, printing terms 85.00 of Co. Court 4.38 4.38 164 W. P. Stephens, boarcl of jurors 6.50 6.50 86.93 165 Wm. Hazard, mate- rials & labor 31.14 31.14 166 Driscoll Bros. & Co, 84.09 materials & labor. 13.08 13.08 1.67 Driscoll Bros. & Co., materials S. labor64.14 64.14 46.50 168 Jameson & Mcliin- - ney, materials & 16.50 labor 80.42 80.42 169 James R. Waring, 12.00 labor 365.00 3E5.00 170 Arthur B. Smith, la - 5.00 bor 75.00. 76.00 171 Arthur P. Miller, 142.76 disbursements 569.19 569.19 172 Arthur P. Miller, service bill 200.00 200.00 6.2.1 173 H. J. Bool Co., sup- plies 2.4.3 22.49 174 J. R. Crawford, ex- tracting teeth pris- oners2.041 3.041 175 Monroe Co. Pen., board of prisoners. 854.05 854.05 176 City of Ithaca, water 84.87 31.87 1.77 West, N. Y. Inst. 6.08 Deaf Mutes, sup- port of inmates375.76 275.76 52.00 1.78 Shelter for unpro- tected girls, support 5.92 of inmates 34 ,42 3n.43 179 Driscoll Bros. & Co., 80.45 materials & labor67.60 57.60 180 Jamieson & -Lick: in - 5.55 ney, materials & la- bor 11 3.0. 113.98 2.81 181 Craig• Colony, cloth- ing for inmates 19.83 1.9.82 5.98 182 Guardian A n:; a 1's Home, board of in - 7.41 mates 208.00 208.00 OP TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 149 Nature No. Name of expense Claimed Allowed 183 lien Mintz, cloth- ing for inmates 181 School r. ,f Good Shephard, support of inmates • 185 Society for Desti- tute Catholic chil- dren, support of,in- mat es 186 [Withdrawn by claimant. 187 Walter Mc.l:.eel, ex penses 188 1,. S. Preston, insur- ance 185 1,Vilber G. Fish, Corn. work & expenses 150 John. W. Preswick, Com. work & cxp.. . 101 John W. Preswick, Com. work. & 192 Fred C. Evans, com- mittee work 193 Grant Cole, expenses 1114'Withdrawn by claimant, 195 G. '17. Peck, affida- vits rights of way Pony Hollow road 196 Theo. J. Baker, meeting St. Tax Corn. 197 John J. 1 [anshaw, meeting St. Tax. Corn. 198 .Haywood & Bald- win, burial Chas. R. Smith, old soldier. 199 Stover Hdwe. Cu, materials 200 -Williams :lee, Co, electric wiring... 201 Williams Elec. 00., electric lvirin4 ... , 202 Williams Elec. Co., electric wiring 203 Withdrawn by claimant. 204 DeWitt Fowler, meeting State Tax -Com. 205 Burns Detective agency, services for dist. atty 90.36 206 M. Bender & Co, books for dist. att.y. 1.1.00 207 A. J. Conlon, service bill 3.95 208 Estate R. P. Mc- Greevy, Com. wk, 36.00 209 M. S. Halliday, exps. 47.38 210 E, P. Sayre, trans- portation 10.00 211 E. W. Norton, rub- ber stamp 1.55 212 Squier & :Adams, ex- • penses 120.15 213 Treman. King & Co, pa.i4)oeks, etc. ' 12.75 219 Ithaca Journal, printing, notices... 315.50 215 Stover Prtg, Co., en-' velopes, etc. 21.75 Nature No. Name of expense Claimed Allowed 216 Estate Louise J. 53.00 35.50 Sprague, rental 50.30 50.00 Ithaca Trust Co, trustee 129.30 129.30. 217 Stanley Engraving Co., cuts .. 5.50 5.50 218 R. C. Osborn & Co, supplies 75.73 75.73 130.36 130.36 219 Minnie A. Adams, oopying 12.00 12.00 220 G. M. Squier, copy- ing 6.50 6.50 221 C. A. Squier, copy- -ing 5.50 5.50 222 T. G. Miller x. Sons, supplies 24.53 24.53 223 Wnr. A. Snifren, printing 2.00 2.03 224 B.ramlow Print. Co, printing 14.00 14.00 225 Br•andow Print. Co, printing 184.25 184.25 226 Ithaca .journal, prtg. 20.25 20.25 227 W. C. Gallagher, professional sere10.00 10.00 228 I t: h a e a Calendar Clock Co., repair clock 3.80 • 3.80 229 Wrn. 13, Parker, 6.00 6.00 copying assessment roll 52.01 52.01 `230 1. A. Regent, Com. 4.40 4.40work 66.32 66.32 231. A.1. Schaefer•, Corn. work 92.00 92.00 4,2.1 4.24 232 W. C. Gallagher, - Com. work 112.25 112.25 233 Town of Dryden, 15.00 00.03 care of inmate69.53 69.63 23•E -Albert Dassance,• 0.93 6.93 Com, work 87.85 87.85 235 Davis Brown • Elec. 7.45 7.45 Co., bell at jail.86 .86 236 Davis Brown Elec. 1.47 1.47 Co., elec. wiring.90 .90 237 Davis Brown Elec. 31.92 31.92 Co., lamps 7.20 7.20 ,238 Davis Brown Elec. Co., elec. wiring1.83 1.83 239 Davis Brown Elec. Co., elec. batteries. 3.00 3.00 5.28 5.28 2.40 Davis Brown Elec. Co.,,.elec. wiring1.65 1.65 241 dames Lynch Coal 90.36 Co., wood5.00 Paid nut of appro. 00.00 242 .lames T,ynch Coal, Co., wood 8.00 Paid out 3.95 of appro. 243 C. L. Vivian, ar•chi- 30.00 i.ect 40.98 40.98 17.38 294 C. L. Vivian, archi- tect 50.00 50.00 10.00 245 Craig Colony, cloth- ing„ etc. 21.78 21.78 1.55 246 J. M. Townsend, meeting State Tax 120.15 Com. 5.92 5.92 247 ,H. J. Bool & Co, 12.75 supplies 1.30 1.30 2.18 W. B. Georgia & 316.50 Son Co., insurance. 8.75, 8.75 2.19 Treman, Ring & Co., 21.75 locks, etc. for 'room 8.75 8.75 43.12 30.00 50.44 69.45 '17.28 68.00' 29.26 43.12 30.00 50.44 09.45 17.28 618.00 29.26 150 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Nature No. Name of expense Claimed Allowed 250 Ithaca Realty Co, insurance 251 Bush & Dean, sup- -plies for prisoners 252 The Biggs Co., ma- terials 253 James R. 'Waring, labor, 254 Banks Law Pub. Co, books • 255 Syracuse Ins. Feeble Minded, clothing 256 W. 13. Georgia & .Son, insurance 257 O. G. Noble, service bill 258 J. H. Hine, meeting St. Tax Corn 259 Jas. Hillick Co., la- • bor & material.... 260 Driscoll Bros. & Co., labor & material... 261 C. N. Baldwin, . bur- ial J. A. Bagley.... C. N. Baldwin, bur- ial Ann M. Riker.. 262 Trcrnan, King; & Co., door knob, etc..... 263 R. C. Osborn & Co, supplies 264 The Cayuga Press, printing 265 Wm. E. Lamkin, re- pairing doors and windows 266 The Cayuga Press, Ct. calendars . 267 Chas. H. Wlse, blanks 268 Casper Fenner, Com work 269 M. L. Stanton, Com work 270 J. H. Bailey Garage Co., auto hire 271 Dr. Abram Chase, ex. in lunacy 272 E. P. Bouton, bond for Co. clerk 273' Fed. Tel. 8;. Tel. Co, rental co. phones contract 274 P. 1). Gilbert, burial Alfred R. Ros' 275 Fed: Tel,. & Tel Co., tel. supervisors 276 Fed. Tel. & Tel. Co, tel. court house 277 Fecl. Tel. & Tel. Co:, tel. county jai] 278 Fed. Tel. & Tel. Co, tel. supt. highways 279 Fed. Tel. & Tel. Co., tel. county clerk 280 C. F. Denman, ex. in lunacy 281 C. E'. Denman, jail physician 282 Wilber G. Fish, com- mittee work 283 C. C. Merrick, auto hire 58.76 6.15 35.84 129.90 380.00 120.00 50.00 10.65 5.44 2.25 786.43 50.00 50.00 .80 194.78 73.00 3.60 78.50 3.50 80.60 1.16.25 24.00 5.00 45.23 175.00 50.00 .25 2.65 20.45 13.20 20.15 58.76 6.15 35.84 129.90 380.00 120.00 -50.00 10.65 5.44 2.25 772.93 100.00 .80 194.78 79.00, 3.63' 78.50 3.50 80.60 116.15 24.00 5.03 45.23 175.00 50.00 .25 2.65 20.45 13.20 .50 5.00 Paid out of appr. 16.00 28.00 10.00 16.00 28.00 10.00 Nature No. -Name of expense Claimed Allowed 284 Estate of R. 1'. Mc- Greevy, auto hire 5.70 5.00 285 F. L. Clock, extra legal services 25.00 25.00 286 Dr. Abram Chase, service.. bill 56.00 56.00 287 Stephen F. Talbott, service in felony7.85 7.85 288 H. L. McNamara, meals jurors crimi- . nal 4.55 '4.55 285 H. L. McNamara, meals jurors civil4.55 4.55 290 Cent. N. Y. Inst Deaf Mutes, cloth 30.00 30.00 291 Estate Peter O'Hara, sand 1.50 1.50 292 E.. A. Snow, weath- er strips 12.50 12.50 293 J. W. Judd, damage to auto 100.00 00.00 254 Town of Ulysses, re- pair Co. line bridge 10.97 • 10.97 295 E. 1'. Bouton, pre- mium on bond75.38 75.98 296 .1. M. Townsend, - c o p y assessment roll 1913 29.66 29.66 257 W. 13, Parker, Com work 75.10 75.10 298 .Jas. H. Bine, Com work 81.85 81:85 299 .1. M. • Townsend, Corn. work 270.80 270.80 800 Jas. H. Hine, Com work 36.32 36.32 301 J. M. Townsend, quarterly session 21.76 21.76 302 .Jas. H. Hine, quar- terly session 21.76 21.76. 302 J. Al. Townsend, co canvass 37.76 37,76 304 The Bailey Garage Co.. auto hire 15.00 15.00 335 F. D. .Everts, auto ti hire 10.00 10.00 30'6 D. 0. Bishop, court crier 30.00 30.00 :107 .Tas. FT. Hine, copy- ing assessment roll 23.10 23,10 308 Jas. H. Hine, regu- lar session 139.44 109.44 309 W. G. Fish, canvass- ing 20.00 20.00 310 W. G. Fish, regular session 108.00 108.00 211 J. M. Townsend, copying ass. roll28.7,6 28.76 312 J. M. Townsend, reg session 101,92 101.92 313 Casper Fenner,eopy- ing ass. roll 31.34 31.34 314 Casper Fenner, can- vassing 22.24 22.24 315 Casper Fenner, reg- ular session - 106.24 136.24 316 Albert Dassance, canvassing_23.84 23.84 317 A l b e r t Dassance, regular session 147.30 147.20 318 James R. Robinson, canvassing 20.00 20.00 319 .Tames 11. Robinson, regular sessicin 108.00 108.00 OF TO11IPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 151 Nature No. Name of expense Ula.imed 320 W. C. Gallagher, canvassing ' 17.44 321 Gallagher, copying ass. roll16.00 322 W. C.- Gallagher, regular sessitin .1.01,44 323 1','A, Regent, copy- ing ass. roll 44.7:1 324 F. A.' 13egent, can- vassing 211.44 •325 i', A. Regent, regu- lar session 110.72 1326 F. A. 'rcelrl, canvass. 23.52 327 F. A. Todd, regular session 134.95. 328 A. T. Schaefer, can- vassing 20.00 329 .A, 1. Schaefer. reg- ular session 1.33.00 Allowed Nature No. Name of expense Claimed Allowed 330 .1. W..1'r'eswicic, can - 17.44 ti•assing 331 .1. W. Preswick, reg - 26.00 ular sessinn 32 F. C. (Evans, can- ;'assing 733 F. C. Evans, re4u- lar session - 334 W. 1.1. Parker, can- vassing 335 W. I.1. Parker, lar session 3351 .11. L. Stanton, can- vassing 337 M. 4... Stanton, reg- ular session 101.44 44.75 25.44 110,72 23.52 13.4.95 20.00 1:33.00 reg' - TOWN AUDITS TOWN OF CAROLINE. AI3STRA.CT OF TOWN AUDIT'S, 1914. 20.64 147.4 8 57:00 108.00 20.03 10,1.00 23.20 157,75 20.114 147.48 57.00 108.00 20.00 104.00 23.20 1557.75 22303.23 • County of Tompkins; Town of Caroline, N. Y. We, the undersigned, the Board of Town Auditors of said 'Town, do hereby certify that the following is an abstract of the names of all persons who have presented to said Board, accounts to be audited, the amounts claimed ,by each of saidpersons, and the amounts finally'audited to then). respectfully, to -wit: Nature No. Name of expense . Claimed I. L 3ihrianl Jordan, bal- lot clerk, dist. No 1 8.00 2 George Richards, bal- lot clic. 1)ist. No, 1. 12.00 3 Leon E. Williams, poll elk., Dist. No. 1 12.00 4 H. A. 'Whittaker, poll clerk, Dist: No. 1. 12.00 5 Lee Olney, ballot. elk., Dist. No. 1 4.00 0 Albert O. Rich, in- spector, Dist. No. 1 24.00 7 Theodore Eighnrey, inspector & mess., Dist. No. 1 39.44' 8 1-1. W. Westfal), in- spector, Dist.. No. 1 24.00 9 Lamont 0: Snow, in- spector Dist. No. 1 24.00 10 Frank [:'et.tigr•ove, ' ballot clerk, Dist. No. 2 12.00 11 lra Tante, ballot elk Dist. No. 2 12.00 12 13. J. Silsbee, poll elk, Dist.. No. 2 ' 12.03 13 jay Phillips, poll elk., Dist. No. 2 12.00 Nature .Mowed No. Name, of .expense Claimed Allowed 1.4 .1. 1-1. Rest., inspector, 8.00 Dist. No. 2 24.00 24.00 15 Chas. 11. Heath, `2 in- 2,4 U4 24.00 1.2.00 specter•, ]Dist. No. 111 3.1arry A. Davis, in - 12.30 sl,ectnr, Dist. No. 3 '24.00 24.00 17 L. 2). Gallagher, in - 12.00 specter & mess., Dist. No. 2 41.15 41.16 4.00 18 Harlin Bogardus, bal- iot clerk, Dist. No. 244.00 3 12.00 12.00 19 11. L. Denman, ballot. clerk, Dist.. No. 312.00 12.00 39.44 .20 W. Gaylord Besemer, poll clerk, Dist. No. 24.00 3 12.00. 12.00 21 1'. C. Vorlcis, poll 24.00 clerk, Dist. No. 3 12.30 12:00 22 .Samuel Lacy, inspec- tor, Dist. No.' 3.'... 24.01 24.00 12.00 23 Chas. M. Mulks, in- ' specter, Dist. No. 3 24,00 24.00 12.00 24 Geo. F. Smith, in- ' Spector, Dist. No. 3 24.00 24.00 12.00 25 Dewitt, F. Roe, in- ` spector & mess., 12.00 Dist. No. 3 41.44. 4,1.44 152 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Nature - 'No. Name of expense Claimed Allowed 26 F. A. Snow, service bill 3. P. 27 W. W. Conrail, copy, assessment rolls.. 28 W. C. Gallagher, ser- vice bill, sup. '29 B. J. Silsbee, service' hill, J. 1'. • 30 Chas. Thomas, truant officer 31 L. A. Patch, service vice bill, poor mas- ter 32 W. C. Gallagher, highway service (sup) 150.00 33 D. M. White, asses- sor. fee .48.30 34 J. C. Bennett, high- way service, T. C. 25.00 35 John White, labor & material • 36 W. C. Gallagher, per- centage on money. 48.26 37 Andrus & Church, assessment rolls. , . 0.75 38 H. H. Crum, N. T,., exam. in lunacy, , 5.00 39 .1, C. Bennett, reg. vital stat:istics..., 28.00 12.24 12.00 18.10 16.00 25.00 34.20 Nature - No. Name ' of expense Claimed Allowed 40 Paul Rockwell, ' ser - 12.24 vice bill, J. 1'12.10 12.00 :41 J. C. Bennett, town 12.00 clerk, fee 126.50 126.50 42 C. R. Lounsbery, ser - 18.00 vice bill, J. F'16.00 16.00 41 Ithaca City Hospital, 18.00 service bill 3.00 3.00 44 B. J. Silsbee, criminal bill 5.75 5.75 45 Jt. E. Brink, hall _ rent & sub-inspec24.00 24.00 46 1.1. F. Lyme, hall 34.20 rent 20.00 23.00 47 -Mrs. J. 10. Va.nile- rnarlc, hall rent30.00 20.00 180.00 48 Bert T. Baker, pre- • ' paring tax sale5.00 '5.00 48.00 49 W its o n \\'estfall, ' highway supt. fee606.00 608.30 2e,00 50 W. W. Conrad, as- sessor fee 15.60 •45.60 51 I"rank S. laple, as- ,sessur fee 41.75 41.75 48.26 52 American Surety Co, N. Y., premium on 6.75 tax col. bond 20.00 29.00 53 13. F'. L(ekW0od, - 5.00 health • officer, fee179.85 179.85 25.00 - 2.00 , 2.00 28.00 $2047.94 $2037.94 State of New York. County of Tompkins - ss Town of Caroline. We, the undersigned, being a majority of the Town Board of Audit of the Town of Caroline, N. Y., do hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct list of accounts, which have been audited by us, with the amount claimed and the amount allowed. W. C. GALLAGHER, Town Auditor. C. R. LOUNSBERRY, Town Auditor. PAUL ROCKWELL, Town Auditor. B..1, SILSBEE, Town Auditor. F. A. SNOW, Town Auditor. J. C. BENNETT, Town Clerk. TOWN OF DANBY. ABSTRACT OF TOWN AU1l1TS, 1914. Nature No. Name of expense Claimed Allowed 1 Beardsley, A. WV.. in- spector dist 1, sr. msgr. $ 91.26 $ 41.26 2 Dorn, •F. 1E., inspec- tor dist. 1 24.00 24.00 3 Bruce, C. 10., inspec- tor dist. 1 20.00 20.00 4 Nourse, F. L., inspec- tor dist. 1 4.93 .. 4.00 5 Comfort:, Geo., inspec- tor dist. 1 6 Birch, Parker, ballot clerk dist. 1 7 Ring, Chas., . ballot clerk dist. 1 8 Howland, Leroy, poll clerk dist. 1 9 Crevellings, S. G., poll clerk dist. 1 10 Briggs, Enos., inspec- tor & msgr. dist. 2. 24.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.03 01.85 24.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 -31.85 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK • 153 Nature No. Name of expense Claimed Allowed 11 Thatcher, -1I. C., in- spector dist. 2 12 Lewis, 1'. B., inxpee- tor dist. .2 ltutuhings, T. 3., in- spector, dist.. 2 14 Cowles, .Ray. inspec- tor dist-, 2 15 Sutton, Geo., poll clerk, dist. 10 Loomis,. Everett, poll clerk dist. 2 17 Snyder, lriward, bal- lot.• clerk, (list. 2 1.8 I.1utchints, Rob., bal- lot. clerk i1is1.. 2. 11i 1lenrrlon, Jas. 1)., in- spector & rnsgr dist. 20 Noggle, :John, inspco- tor, •dist. 3 L1 Lewis, ''Willard, in- spector dist. 3 22 J.arue, Olin C., in- spector dist. 1 22 Larne, Roger S, sl1ector (list. . 2.4 Shiley, IV. (.1., poll clerk dist. 25 (iunderrrlan, Coll. 11., poll clerk dist. .1 26 Hinds, ltic11ard, bal- lot clerk dist. 3. 27 }lar'kell, Josiah, bal- lot clerk dist, 2 .. . 28 'Thayer, 1I. Z., assess. 29 Thayer, 1-T. 21., fence • viewer 33 Merril, Geo., assessor 31 Morris, Geo., fence viewer :12 .Jennings H. 13., asses- sor 12 .Jennings, H. F3., fence viewer 114 '.Thatcher, H. C., vital statistics 35 Allen, .1. Frank W, vital statistics .... 36. 2Ieaker, 11. 13., regis- trar 7 -Wilcox, Myron, hall rent 1n- 30.00 30.00 21.00 24.01) 4.00 4.00 24.0)) 24.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 41.98 41.98 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 8.00 8.00 1.6.00 16.00' 12.00 12.31' 12.011 12.00 1 2.00 1.2.00 12.00 12.00 35.15 35.15 • 2.00 2.00 57.00 57.00 8.00 8.00 30.10 10.10 6.00 G.00 4.50 4.50 5.7,E 5.75 31.50 31.50 10.03 10.00 Nature No, Name -of expense Claimed Allot -yeti 38 Snyder, A. - J.,. - hall rent :19, Eastman, Frank, ov- erseer of poor 40 Bennett, S. S., rent for tool ]louse .11 Sabin, Chas. .I)., ex. town supt. of high- ways 418 Cole, Chas., ex. jus- - tine of peace 43 Ithaca, City of, health dept. 44 Andrus & Church, as- sessors supplies . 45 Tod:1, 1", \, 1,,,,1„ on 810028.25 clisburs- ed -I'] Smiley, F. D., truant officer 47 }Joughta.ling, Chas. 1., health dept. supplies -18 Slocum, T. W., justice criminal 49 Mealier, 12. 13., exp 50 -Todd, F.. A., super- visor service 51 Beardsley, :1.. 11'., vi- tal statistics 52 Allen, .1. Frank W, heali.h officer . 53 Miller•, Sas. 0., town supt. of highways. 54 .dealer, 11. 13., town cleric service 55 Smiley, GY. 0., justice criminal 56 Shiley, W. 0., justice service ' 57 Slocum, T. -V., justice tice service 58 Dorn, Eugene, justice crinlinlil • 54 Dorn, Eugene, justice service 00 'Thatcher, Louis 0, justice service 111 Logan, W. E., consta- ble '.Total 10.00 10.00 36.00 36.00 25.00 25.00 3.01 3.00 6.00 6.00 2.110 2.00 0.75 6.75 100.28 100.28 8.00 8.03 J2.00 12.00 0,70 4.70 18.85 18.85 23.00 23.00 3.50 :3.50 174.15 174.15 726.00 726.00 174.71 174.71 2.70 2.70 9.32 2.92 15.68 15.68 4.20 4.20 15.68 15.68 13.92. 13.1)2 5.45 5.45 ' $2081.58 $2081.58 Dated, Nov..7th, 1914. We the undersigned members comprising the Town Board of the Town of Danby, do hereby certify that we have this day- completed the auditing of the above accounts, and that this is a correct abstract of same, as filed in the Town Clerk's office in the Town of Danby, N. Y. Signed: F. A. TODD, Supervisor. R. B. MEAKER, Town Clerk. W. 0. SMILEY, LOUIS G. THATCHER, EUGENE DORN, T. W. SLOCUM, Justices. 154 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OP SUPERVISORS TOWN OF DRYDEN, ABSTRACT OF TOWN AUDITS, 1914. County of Tompkins, t Town of Dryden ss • To the Clerk of the Board of. Siyert;isors of the Coualty of Tompkins: We the undersigned, the Town Board of said town, do hereb3' certify that the following is an abstract of the names of all persons who have pre- sented to said board assessments to be audited, the amounts claimed by each of such said persons and the amounts finally audited by us respectfully, t� -wit: • Nature No. Name of expense Claimed Allowed 1 J. T. Morris, inspec- tor elec. ,list. -1_3 10.00 $ 9.00 2 Henn' Snyder, insp. elec. dist, 1 54.14 .16.80 3 Frank D. Snyder, insp. [list, 1 30.00 27.00 4 W. L. Bickel, troll clerk dist. J. 15.00 15.00 5 Isiah Robinson, poll clerk dist. 1 15.04 15.00 6 liana Bonfield, bal- lot clerk dist. 115.00 15.00 7 Myron Cornelius, in- spector dist. 1 20.60 18.00 8 Otis Mitchell, insp dist. 1 30.00 27.00 3 C. D. Bouck, ballot clerk dist. 1 15.00 1.5.0) 10 M. E. Coults, hall for elec. dist. 135.00 35.00 11 L. A. ileniingway, insp. & mess. [list. 2 38.76 38.76 12 Arthur Sleights, in- ' npe. t0r & mess. dist. 2 33.48 13 W. J. Tehan, insp dist. 2 27.00 14 Lee Stevens, insp dist. 2 27.00 15 John Dart, ballot clerk [list. 2 15.00 16 Frank McGe]livay, ballot clerk dist, 2. 15.00 17 G. E.Miflaah, pull clerk dist. 2 15.00 18 E. 11. Gaston, poll clerk dist, 2 15.00 19 Chas: Cotjgswi11, hall for elec. dist. 2 35.00 24 Cha$. F. Pratt, bal- lot clerk, livt. 215.00 21 R, L. Weaver, ballot clerk dist. 3 15.00 22 E. M. Sandwick, 1)o11 clerk dist:. 3 15.00 23 W. H. Southworth, poll clerk dist. 3. , 15.00 24 W. A,Munsey, insp. & messenger, dist. 3 46.80 25 G. W. Ballenger, insp. dist, '1 26 C. E. Green, insp. ,list. 3 27.00 27.00 27 C. B. Snyder, insp [list. 3 27.00 27.00 33,48 27.00 27.00 15.50 15.00 15.00 15.00 35.00 I3.00 15.00 15.00 1 5.00 40,80 27.00 Nature No. Name of expense Claitned Allowed 28 G. W. Sutfin (treas- urer) Opera 1 -louse, election No. 3 29 Laverne Davis, bal- lot clerk, dist. :3 .. 30 G. C. Sutliff, insp. & mess„ dist. 4 31 1, u 1. h e r Johnson, insp, dist, 4 32 V. S. Fulkerson, insp, dist. 4 33 E. T. Brown, insp dist. 4 :34 Luther Bush, ballot clerk .list. 4 35 .1. 0..l tobertson, poll clerk, dist. 4 :36 J. •S, Grover, poll clerk >1156. 4 :17 A.ndre<r Baker, house for election dist. -1 :18 Geo. B. Mc -Kinney insp. & mess. dist. 5 39 John N. Thomas, insp, dist. 40 E. G. Vunk, ' insp, dist. 5 41 G. E. Goodrich, insp. & Mess. dist 5 42 .l. 1). Floss, poll elk, [list. 5 43 .1. M. Ellis, loll clk dist. 5 44 .john L. Sweetland, ballot clerk, dist. 5 -15 .lohn ,1. .Hunt, ballot clerk dist. 5 46 B. S. }Wyant, hall election dist. 5 47 J. 1, Cole, insp. & mess.. dist. 6 - 18 B. F. Monroe, insp. dist, 6-- 49 `49 f•: E. Mineah, insp dist, 0 50 W. .1. Shaver, jr poll clerk dist. 6 51 Frank Vanhorn, poll clerk 1913. dist. 6. 52' Harry Bush, poll clerk dist. 0 53 13. 0, Simons, ballot clerk dist. 6 35.00 15.00 45.49 27.04 27.00 27.00 15.00 10.00 5.00 35.00 15.00 15.49 27.00 27.00 27.00 15.00 10.05 5.00 35,00 :35.00 33,60 :3:3.60 27.00 27.03 35,40 :13,40 36.00 36.00 15,00 15.00 10,00 10.40 15.00 15.00 15.00 15,00 :15.00 35:00 44.98 44'.98 27.00 27.40 27.00 27.00 15.00 15.00 4.00 4.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 • OF TOMPKINS COUNrTY, NEW YORK 155 Nature, No. Name of expense Claimed Allowed 54 C. W. Monroe, ballot clerk dist. 6 55 11. .A. Strong, insp dist. 6 56 Bert. Egan, . insp. dist. 6 57 W. .7. Shaver, house. for election dist. 6 58 L. 13. Sutliff, poll clerk dist. 4 59 A. S. Fox, trua.nt officer 60 J. S. Grover, service bill 61 M. L. Stanton, sup- ervisor bin 62 Emery Baker, ser- vice bill 63 Willard Shaver, ser- vice bill, Faimie Shaver 64 J. D. Ross, service bill 65 Paul Ewers, service bill 56 Stephen Talbot, con-• stable 67 Wm. Ranning, con- stable 68 John -Kennedy, tru- ant officer ' 69 J. J. Montgoinery, inkSligal services per contract and vital statistics 70 D. M. Ryan, medical services per con- tract and vital sta- tistics 71 E. D. Branch, asses- sor 72 :P. E. Golden, tru- ant officer 73 A. A. Sager, asses- sor 74 W. J. Shaver, tir, assessor 75 City Nospital„ Cay - or care 76 C. H. Gallagher, Cayor care 77 Andrus & Church, ,books • • Motion made' and se taxable property of the the support of the poor 15.00 15.00 18.00 18.00 5.00 5.03 35.00 35.00 5.00 5.00 6.80 6.80 21.00 21:00 27.30 27.00 17.00 17.00 8.00 48.72 10.00 6.00 3.98 1.20 8.00 48.72 19,00 6.00 3.98 1.20 37.00 37.00 46.71. 96.00 6.70 90.00 87.03 75.00 49.50 9,25 .46.71 96..00 6.70 90.00 87.00 75.00 49.50 9.25 Nature No. Name of expense Claimed Allowed 78 Chas. 1-I.oughtaiting, books • 2.25 2.25 79 Andrus & Church, books . 6.50 6.50 80 G. n Gilchriss, vi- tal statistics ' .75 .75 81 its. E. Darling, town clerk , 152.48 152.48 82 le, E. .parling, town clerk 1913 ' ' 18.95 18.95 83 ,1. C. Lason, consta- ble 3.40 3.40 84 J. 13each, medical services contract 29.42 29.42 85 G. 7, Rood, medical services contract and vital statistics 30.41 20.41 • 86 B. Snyder, overseer Of Poor 48.00 48.30 87 Homer Genung med. contract and health officer 313,58, 313.58 88 G. E.' Mineah, town sup. 891.45 891.45 89 Geo. W. Sutfin, over- seer .of poor 10.00 10.00 90 Geo. W. Sutfin, con- stable 9.56 9.56 91 Ferris J. Fain;lough, damage to auto20.00 ' 20.00 52 .1. 1). Roas, criminal bpi ......... 9.05 9.05 03 J. 0. Ross, criminal . ..- bill' 16.70 16.70 94 Stillwell . & Ross, printing 48.00 48.00 95 Paul Ewers, criini- nal bill 2.70 2.70 96 Paul Ewers, crimi- nal bill 4.25 4.25 97 C. 13. Vanburen pho- tographing lq.00 10.00 98 Hobart Mineah, re- bate tax 2.00 2.00 99 Geo. Albright, rebate bate tax, FredAl- _.. bright 1.03 1.00 100 Theron lioupt, inteF- terest on note 20.40 30.40 Total 36.52 36 $3636.02 coRded that there .be levied and collected :by tax on the Town of Dryden. One hundred and fifty dollars for of the town carried. M. L. STANTON, Supervisor. F. E. DARLING, Town Clerk. J. D. ROSS, J. S. GROVER, PAUL EWERS, EMERY BAKER, Justices. I hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct abstract of the Town' Audits of the Town of Dryden now on record in this office as audited by said Town Board Nov. 5, 1914. F. E. DARLING, Town Clerk. 156 'PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TOWN OF ENFIELD. ABSTRACT OF TOWN AUDITS, 'NOV. 0, 1914. . Nature No. Name of expense Claimed Allowed 1 Nathan Ruinsey, in Sp. • of elec. $ 2 John J. Johnson, insp of elec. 3 Harry E. Tanning, insp. of elec. 4 Jesse J. Ross, insp, of elec. 5 Fred D. Rumsey, poll clerk 6 John Willis, poll elk 7 Olin A. King, poll clk 8 Walter It, Houston, ballot clerk 9 W. H. .Tones, jr., bal- lot clerk 10 William T. Wright, ballot. clerk 11 Frank Teeter, truant officer 12 David Robb, M. D, professional ser- vices Wright case 13 David Robb, M. D, expense account new health law 14 David Robb, M. D., professional s e r - vices Purdy case . 15 David Robb, M. D, health officer, new health law 16 Orlando Teeter, wa- tering trough 17 S. D. Sawyer, M. D, vital statistics 18 Forest City Printing Co., printing spe- cial town meeting. 19 Andrus & Church, as- sessment rolls 20 Chas. Wright, hall rent 21 William T. Wright, citizen member . 22 Corner Book Store, town safe 23 Fred McFall & Son, hall rent. 24 Gillett ITausner, er- roneous tax 25 David Robb, M. D, vital statistics 44.57 27.00 27.00 27.30 15.00 11.00 4.00 15.00 6.00 9.00 22.00 $ 44.57 27.00 27.00 27.00 15.00 11.00 4.00 15.00 6.30 9.00 22.00 Na titre No. Name of expense Claimed Allowed 26 David Robb, .M. D., professional s e r - vices 27 Edwin S. Bagley, wa- tering trough 28 William Tucker, ser- vices overseer of poor 29 S. H. Hubbell, fence viewer 30 S. H. Hubbell, ser- vices assessor 31 DeVoe Rumsey, reg- istrar, vital statis- tics 32 Jaynes Cay -wood, ser- vices as assessor 33 Dewitt Fowlur, ser- vice; as assessor 3-1 Dewitt Fowler, ser- vices as assessor 2.00 2.09 35 Hiram A. Rockwell, fence viewer 36 Hiram A. Rockwell, 20.00 23.00 expense blit 37 Hiram A. Rockwell, telephone bill 15.00 15.00 38 Hiram A. Rockwell, service bill Supt. of high ways 100.00 100.00 39 DeVoe Rumsey, under highway ]au• 3.00 3.03 40 James H. Hine, un- der highway law 1.25 1.25 41 James H. ITine, ser- vice bill. supervisor 42 DeVoe Rumsey, ser - 13.30 vice bill town clerk 43 L. S. Teeter, service 13.50 bill justice of pea CP 22.50 44 Fred G. Rumsey, ser- vice bill justice of 2.00 peace 45 Harry Havens, ser - 70.95 vice bill justice of peace 20.00 46 Chas. F. Teeter, ser- . vice bill justice of 2.60 peace 13.10 10.50 22.50 2.00 70.35 20.00 2.60 6.25 2.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 14.00 14.00 2.00 2.00 56.60 50.60 17.00 17.00 50.67 46.67 60.00 40.00 9.30 6.00 2.00 2.00 12.93 12.93 1.30 1.30 540.00 540.00 23.00 20.00 75.00 75.00 52.50 52.50 85.55 85.55 30.00 30.00 28.00 28.00 30.30 30.00 30.00 30.00 6.20 'Total $1.617.47 $1.585.47 I, the undersigned, Town Clerk, Town of Enfield, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy of the accounts audited or rejected at the meeting of the Enfield Auditing Board held November 5, 1914. D. V. RUMSEY. OF TOMPKJNS COUNTY, NEW YORK .157 TOWN OF GROTON. ABSTRACT OF TOWN AUDITS NOV. 5th and 7111, 1014. Nature ' No. Name GC expense Claimed Allowed 1'.F. A. Begent, super- visor, percentage & highway 2 F. A. Begent, town board 3 Dana Rhodes, jus- tice, town board etc. 4 A. L. Houghtating, justice, town board 5 R. R. Chatterton, justice, town board, etc. 6 John 11. Conklin, justice, town board 7 John 11. Hoff, justice town hoard, etc 8 Grant H. Halsey, justice, town board 9 Ashbel Landon, town clerk, town board 10 Alvin Howard, as- sessor 11 Wm. H. Bulkley, as- sessor 12 H. 33. Stevens, asses- sor 13 H. 13. Stevens, copy- ing tax roll, etc 14 .Harry !17allmadge, insp. & mess. (list 1. 15 F'red. Bossard, insp. & mess. dist. 1 1.6 Nelson -2.d. et zga r, insp. dist. 1 17 T -Tarry Exton, Insp. 1 18 Lloyd T•fouse, poll clerk dist. 1 19 .Fay Bush. poll cIk. dist. 1 20 Leon F. Buck, ballot clerk, (list. '1 21 Leo. Metzgar. ballot clerk disi. 1 22 W. C. Allen, care and erection of. booth dist. 3 23 W. C. Allen, rent of hall and storage dist. 1 24 George Stark, insp & iness. dist. 2 25 John K. Pickens, in- spector dist, 2 26 Wm. J. Feeley, insp dist. 2 27 ,Tas. 11. Waterman, insp. and use of auto dist .2 28 H. B. Stevens,- poll clerk, dist. 2 29 Amos S. Graves, poll clerk dist. 2 30 Andrew W. Hamill, poi/ clerk, dist. 2 31 Lewis D. Townley, ballot clerk dist. 2. 267.50 $ 267.50 28.00 28.00 14.30 14.33 24.00 24.00 .15.35 14.00 12.70 26.00 22.00 76.40 76.40 83.55 1 3.00 42.00 50.71 34.00 34.00 16.00 1.0.00 10.00 15.30 15.35 14.00 12.70 26.00 .22.03 76.40 76.40 83.55 13.00 34.00 42.71 20.00 26.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 6.00 6.00 33.00 45.76 26.00 26.00 42.00 4.00 10.00 14.00 10.00 33.00 45.76 "26.00 26.00 42.00 4.00 10.00 14.00 10.00 Nature • No. -Name of expense Claimed Allowed 22 Perry Sovocoal, bal- lot clerk dist. 214.00 14.00 33 E. R. Haydn, sec, rent of hall dist. 230.00 30.00 34 E. W. Kostenbader, insp. and mess. dist. 3 40.88 40.88 35john Conklin, in- spector & Mess. dist. 3 35.18 35.18 36 Dana G. Sovocoa], insp. dist 3 28.00 28.00 37 Elisha Field, insp. dist. 3 24.00 24.00 38 Mason G. . Hadgley, insp. dist. 3 4.00 4.00 39 R. H. Shaw, poll (- clerk dist 3 16:00 16.00 40 21. C. Whitman, poll clerk, dist 3 16.00 16.00 41 Alex. McKihney, 1)013 and ballot clerk dist. 3 16.00 16.00 .12 M. V. Atwood, bal- lot clerk, dist.'34.00 4.00 43 Chas. IL Moe, ballot clerk dist. 3 8.00 8.00, 44 -B. L. Buck, trustee, rent of hall dist. 3 85.00 85.00 45 Archie R. Gillen, insp. & mess. dist. 4 46.30 46.30 46 F. PerLee, insp. & mess. dist. 4 30.96 30.00 47 Michael C. Keenan, insp. & mess dist. 4 30.96 mod 48 C. L. Houghtaling, insp. dist. 4 26.00 26.00 49 Frank L. Ogden, insp. dist. 4 8.00 8.00 50 Chas. H..Cooper, poIl clerk dist. 4 14.00 14.00. 51 G. 13. Sickmon, poll clerk dist. 4 14.00 14,00 52 James 1•Tough, bal- lot clerk dist. 4. 14.00 14.00 03 W. S. 'Dickinson, bal- lot clerk, dist. 4 1.1.00 14.00 54 Ernest Reniff, erect- ing & storing booths dist. 4 15.00 10.00 55 G. W. Wolcott, rent of hall dist. 4 30.00 .30.00 56 S. W. Pennoyer, poor master 106.87 106,87 57 Emma S. Benedict, superintendent care of. 4 Jones children for year ...'. 384:00 384.00 58 N. S. Collins", for- maldehyde 2.25 2.25 59 Webster & Gleason, poor & town clerks' office 20.13 20.13 50 Alvin Rooth & Co, casket for Ahio Aik- en 25.00 61 A. J. Metzgar, livery to Jacksonville 12.00 12.00 25,00 158 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Nature No. Name of expense Claimed Allowed 62 George 1'ickent, sup- plies for poor 63 IE. A. Landon, sup- plies for boor 64 R. L. 'Teeter, sup- plies furnished Fairclough 65 C. W. Conger, Co, ,supplies furnished poor 66 t3utterick & Frawley, clothing furnished insane 67 F. C. Atwater, drugs & supplies furnish- ed poor 68 .34. Milligan, supplies furnished Fair- clough 69 Ithaca, City Hospit- al, poor, Juliette F Stowell 70 Dr. H. H. Crum, medical service. Stowell ease 71 Asllbel Landon, vital statistics ' 45.00 72 A. L. Houglitaling, • burial permits 73 B. L. Robinson. vi- tal statistics and poor cnnt.rack 74 Chas. E. Hou3hta- ' ling, vital statistic suppl ies 75 C4.lr, Gilchrist, vi- tal stat !sties 76 'Rev. C. L. flyers, vital statistics . 77 Rev. E. I). Hardin, vital statistics 78 .1. 11. van' Mailer, contract doctoring poor, etc. .. 41.30 79 .Dr.G. 1':. Albon, health physician & vital statistics 231.90 80 R. C. Tarbell, vital statistics & medical service 18.45 81. Frank L. Tarbell truant officer 82 First Nat'l Bank of Groton, rent for • town clerks office60:00 83 Ward 1). White, farm & village tei. •18.00 84 51. V.' Atwood, print- ing Nature No. Name of expense Claimed Allowed 3.89 3.89 85 � old mages Pritchard, 10.10 5.00 17.10 11.10 86 Bert Baker; descrip- tion2.00 2.00 87 Andrus & Church, 3' blank tax rolls.. 10.50 10.50 88 Williamson I.dti° Bl:. Co., stationery, etc. 10.95 10:95 89 B. L. Buck, hard- ware supplies 7.03 7.00 90 Charles Hyde, con - 13.00 13.50 stable service 5.50 5.50 91 Charles Hyde, help-. ing secure election 11.15 11.15 supplies & booth 20.00 18.00 92 Charles Hyde, con- stable & erecting booths, etc. 13.20 9.20 03 Charles Hyde, livery, repairing boxes & 16.20 16.20 erecting booths 11.00 7.00 94 Charles Hydc, con- stable fees 6.45 6.45 6.50 6.50 95 Charles Hyde, con- stable fees Walrod 45.00 case 4.955 4.95 96 Andrew W. Hamill, 2.75 2.75 livery fees 8.00 8.30 07 C. E. -13rol:aw, po- lice, services as 26.50 26.50 peace officer 2.25 2.25 98 B. 1.-1. Wager, livery and auto - 40.75 40.75 1.50 1.50 99 S. C. Gooding Est., furl for town clk.'s 7.90 7.90 other 10.13 10.13 100 G. M. Stoddard, le - 2.73 2.70 gal services 42.70 42.70 101 Ashbel Landon, paid .50 .50 elec. light bills & metre 1.0.15 10.15 132 Ashbel Landon, car 41.35 fate & helpers, etc17.96 17.96 103 F. D. Coburn, dis- tributing elec. nta- 231.90 terial 9.00 9.00 104 Fred Coburn, auto service 8.00 8.00 15.45 105 Inc.•1'I. 'Waterman, auto for town 40.00 40.00 board -roans 7.03 7.00 106 Asllbcl L a n d o n, copying tax roll, 60.00 el.e. 24.93 24.93 107 Ashbel Landon. 18.00 pail postage 3.57 3.57 • 5.70 5.70 Total $3104,81 $3342.79 6.02 6.92 11.02 11.02. 7.49 7.49 I hereby certify that the foregoing audited with sums claimed and allowed kips County, N. Y. F: A. BEGENT, Supervisor. list is a true and correct copy of bills by the Town Board of Groton, Tomp- ASHBEL LANDON, Town Clerk. OE TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 159 TOWN OF ITHACA. ABSTRACT OL'' TOWN AUDITS, 1914. ' Nature No. Name of expense Claimed Allowed 1 E. M. Rumsey=, ,ballot clink$ 20,00 2 Oscar Hoyt, liallcit clerk20.00 3 H. S.'Wright, poll clerk 20.00 4 10, .1. Martin, poll clerk 20.03 5 D. 17. Fisher, inspector 35.00 - 6 .Arthur Teeter, inspector 5.00 7 W. 1. Smith, inspector 011.00 8 F. It. Allen, inspector 35.00 9 F. 1). Pearson, inspector 35.00 10 Jake Wilcox, inspector 35.00 1.1 Wm. Mc10lwee, inspector 30.00 12 Cholas Compton, inspecLoi 5.30 13 Howard :MCDkniels, insPect.or 58.02 14 Barry :11iclda.ugh, inspector30.00 15 Charles Morris, ballot clerk20.00 10 ,lames Bush, ballot clerk: 20.00 17 .1, 10, Bogardus, poll clerk15.00 18 Earl Northrup,' poll clerk- 25,00 19 'Wm. :i1cF0lweo, rent, p1ling 30.00 place 20 [''rank: Morhei'gon, rent, poll- ing place 21 Cleo. N. Hazen, .iitstice of peace 22 H. S. Wright, jus: of peace 23 .lames Bush, justice of peace 24 D. D. Fisher, justice of peace `25 John W. T'reswick, bigho'ay work 20 F'rank 1-Ia.nshaw, office rent '27 Frank llans'la , service and dish Ur ements John W. :1.'reswick, supervisor Nature No. Name of expense Claimed Allowed 29 Frank 7:•ianshaw, vital statis- tics 30 .11vah Van Gorili;r, cii•erseer of poor 31 Alvah Van Gordon, 'aLtenJsiice . oiliee 32 .1ehn .1, i•lanshn.w, assessor , 83 Frank lianshaiv, hikliicay work 34 Charles Green, constable, ser- vice 05 PI. S. Wright, jus. of peace 30 Frank McPherson, supt. of highways 37 Bert 7'. Baker, services 38 Theo. Baker, assessor 39 11. C. Osbrirn, uppl 40 Andrus & Church, assessment rolls 41 Dr. 11'. Ff. Lockerby, health officer 00.30 42 Dr, W. 1.1. Leckerby, health of - 82.00 f]cer 26.00 43 13. S. .Proper, chemist, claimed 32.00 $20.00 40.00 44 Cayug1. 1'i•ess, printing 45 A. S. Miller, assessor 08.22 46 1'orest•City Printing Co., print - 26.00 ing 47 (:sung and Golf, chemists 80.87 35.56 11,50 39.21 40.00 02.00 21.30 48.70 753.00 8.75 68.00 1.30 6.75 128.80 21.'15 7.50 49.011 54.00 5.25 5.00 28 $2305.22 1, the undersigned, Town Clerk of the Town of Ithaca, •do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy of all the bills audited or rejected at. the sleeting' held November 5th, 1914.. FRANK HANSIIAW, Town Clerk. TOWN OF LANSING. ABSTRACT jOF T'OW'N AUDIT'S, 1914. Nature No. Name of expense Claimer) Allowed 1 Dr. ira A. Allen, con. lunacy and vi- tal statISties 2 Dr, G. M. Gilbert, vi- tal statistics . 3 Dr. Frank W. Allen, lunaei.' comm. 4 Dr. H. H. Crum, lun- acy comm. . 5 M. Ti. I0 ord, 'vital .Sta- 'tistics 6 Andrus & Church, as- sessment books 7 A. V. Westervelt, tru- ant officer 8 Ralph Hare, truant officer 24.20 ' .50 5.00 5.00 34.77 10.53 20.00 7.00 .24.25 .50 5.00 0,00 39.77 10.50 ' 10.00 7.00 Nature No. Name of expense Claimed AI]owed 9 Dr. Ira A. A.11cii, med. L`S'vices town poor. 44.00 44.00 19 M. L. Fond, supplies for town poor 34.04 04.09 11 M. L. Ford, supplies for town poor . 15.61 15.61 12 M. L. Ford, supplies for town poor 1.00 1.30 13 L. R. Lyon, rent of hall for town pur- poses 35.00 35.00 .1 Dr. T. L. 7Totch, vital statistics and poor service 10.25 10.25 15 Dr. A. Genung, comm. lunacy 5.70 5.70 16 Floyd King, Poor sup. 3.93 3.93 17 C. M. Buck, ser. bill. 018.00 618.00 160 PROCEEDINGS 011' THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Nature No. Name - of expense Claimed Allowed 18 C. D. and C. E. Town- send, poor supplies 17.14 19 A. J. Sperry, mileage bill 3.00 20 M. L. Ford, affidavits lunacy comm. 1.00 21 Marion B. Lodeman, H. 0. expenses at- tending health meetings 28.26 22 M. L. Ford, highway service bill 25.00 23 M. L. Ford, postage, exp. elec. sup. etc42.74 42.74 24 W. J. Norton, truant officer 14.50, 014.50 25 W. J. Norton, service bill 11.20 11,20 26 John Smith, assessor dist. 1 78.00 50.20 27 Charles H. Turpening, assessor dist. 287.00 60.00 28 Samuel Lane, asses- sor dist. 2 90.00 60.03 29 Samuel Lane, asses- sor dist. 2 6.00 30 0. M. English, ser- vice bill, overseer, poor 36.00 31 Grange Hall Corp. use of hall 25.90 32 A. J. Conlon, affida- vits, in comm. in lunacy 1,30 33 A. B. Brooks, materi- al health officer18.32 34 D. A. Tarbell, justice service hill, 1913-14 26.00 35 W. M. Bristol, justice service bill 1913-14 22.00 • 36 A. J. Conlon, justice ' service bill 1913-14 24.00 37 Chas. (Drake, justice service bill 1913-14 26.00 38 W. M. Bristol, month- ly report county clk. 2.00 39 Casper Fenner, 1% general fund, 1913. 33.04 40 Casper Fenner, 1074 school monies, 1913 40.00 41 Casper Penner, road salary, 1914 50.00 42 Casper Fenner, ser- vices town board, 1913-14 14.00 43 K l Ines Pharmacy, supplies health of- ficer 1.55 44 Walter T. Sweazy, in- spector (list. 145.40 45 C. A. Wood, inspec- tor dist. 1, 30.00 46 G. B. Smith, inspec- tor dist. 1 .. 37.68 37.68 Nature No. Naine of expense Claimed Allowed 47 Sibley Drake, inspec- 17.14 tor dist. 1 30.00 30.00 48 C. 13. Jefferson, poll 3.00 clerk dist. 1 15.00 15.03 49 lward C. Howell, poll 1.00 clerk dist. 1 15.00 15.00 50 0. 51. Holden, ballot clerk dist. 1 15.00 15.00 51 F. J. Wooley, ballot 28,26 clerk (list. 1 15.00 15,00 52 Harry Herrish, use of 25.00 hall, 1914 25.00 25.30 53 J. 0. Munson, insp - (list. 2 25.00 25,00 54 Bert Ross, insp. dist No. 2 ;11.87 31.87 55 ]Dennis Doyle, insp. dist. 2 31.36 31.,36 56 D. A. Tarbell, poll clerk, dist. 2 15.00 15.00 57 G. D. Goodnia.n, bal- lot cleric dist. 2.... 15.00 15,00 58 Daniel IleCarhp, insp. dist. 2 31.36 51.36 50 F. E. Singer, ballot elerlc, dist. 3 15.00 15.00 6.00 60 Benton Buck, poll clerk dist. 2 15.00 15.00 61 Mrs. M. B. Locleman, 36.00 health officer .. 36.50 36.50 62 51. L. Ford, services 25.00 with town board & assessors 39.00 39.00 63. Ralph Robinson, in - 1.00 Spector dist. 3 33.00 31.20 64 Frank Holladay, in - 18.32 Spector (list. 3, 15.00 15.00 65 W. E. Davis, inspec- 26.00 tor dist. 3 15.03 15,00 66 B. M. Halladay, bal- 22.00 lot clerk dist. 515.00 15.00 67 H. A. Turpening, poll 24.00 clerk dist. 3 15.00 15.00 68 Martin Farrell, poll 26.00 clerk dist. 3 15.00 15.00 60 Jay Morey, inspector 2.30 dist. 3 36.00 32.40 70 John Farrell, inspec- 33.04 tor (list. 3 47.53 47.53 . 71 Sylvester Snyder, in - 40.00 - spector dist. 3 , , . 5.03 - 5.00 72 Willis R. Egber't, in - 50.00 spector dist. 3 5.09 5.00 73 A. J. Conlon, inspec- tor dist. '1 13.20 13.20 14.00 74 Williamson Law Rook Co., one docket3.25 3.25 75 Marion B. Lodeman, 1.55 11. 0, 267.50 267.50 76 Marion B. Locletnan, 45.90 H. 0. 15.00 10.00 77 Marion 13. Lodeman, 30.00 H. 0. 41.45 .22 ' $2622.40 $2465.47 I hereby certify that the foregoing is an exact copy of the Town Audits of Lansing, November 5th, 1914, and November 11, 1914 for -the year 1914. M. L. FORD, Town Clerk. Dated. Nov. 30, 1914. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK TOWN OF NEWFIELD, ABSTRACT OF TOWN AUDITS 1914, Nature No. Name of expense Claimed Allowed 1 1,11win Wescott, insp.* 2 Chan, Lanning, insp 3 'G. H. 'Noble, 4 Rolland Tompkins, illsp, 5 Arthur Decker, insp (i W. 1:. Bush, insp.. 7 Joseph Slronsta, insp. Chas. licl.laniuls, in- spector 11 .A. It. .AIle.TI, insp... 10 1', W. Payne, ballot. clerk 11 John. Casper, ballot. clerk 12 L'rank P'ish, ballot clk 13 Geo. S.' Adams, ballot oIerI: 1.4 P. S. Starr, ballot clk 1.5 S. IJ. Cork, pull elerk 1.6 C. 13, Voice, poll clk 17 Daniel Patterson, pull clerk 18 4A'. J. Suotlerlin, poll clerk 19 1. S. Vankirk, poll clerk 20 N. C. Cook, poll clerk 21 S, 12. Cook, agent T'. 1?. rni'11)1 22 44. S. Adams, agent l:)uc1]cy rooms .. 23 (1, W..l'eclr, hall rent 24 Augustus Patterson, justice 25 Douglass Carpenter, justice 26 hIstus 1'atterson, ser- vices 27 H. D. Blakeslee, tru- ant otlicer 28 :lamas Er'way, truant officer 29 Douglass Carpenter, services 30 .Augustus :Patterson, services 31 Chas. TT. Payne. ser 32 Wm. H. Pa,yne, ser' 25.64 $ 25.64 30.12 33.12 29.60 20.60 :21.00 2400 26.00 24.00 37.00 35.00 20,00 24.00 6.00 4.00 25.79 25.7:1 12.00 12.00 6.00 4.30 14.00 14.00 8.00 8.00 4.00 4.00 8.03 8.00 14.00 12.00 14,00 12.00 4.00 4.00 12,00 12.30 4.00 4.00 6.00 6.00 17.00, 47.00 22.30 22.00 8.35 8.35 3.80 3.80 2.00 2.00 8.40 8.10 11.00 11.00 16.00 10.00 14.00 18.00, 161 Nature No. Name - or expense Claimed Allowed 33 :Albert Dassance,' ser, 211.00 20.00 311 G. W. Peck, services. 52.61 52.63 25 Alva 1:1. Bro4vn, ser10.00 10.00 iii G. W. Peck, allow- ance road law 10.00 10.00 37 Albert 1.lassan;e, al- Jwance. .road 111'.v 75.00 75.00 :18 Philo') Westervelt, as- sessor 60.60 63.60 19 Sanniel liumsey, as- 5e5Ser 66,00 60,00 40 0'. W. Payne, asses- sor 53.91 59.31 11 i;. W..1'eck, vital sta- tistics 12.00 12.00 42 David Robb, vital sta- tistics 4.00 4.00 43 C. Ir. Swift., vital statistics 1.26 1.25 44 Wrrl, A. Smith, vital statisl.iem 3.00 3.00 45 Wiri. A. Smith, salary health officer 150.30 150.90 46 Wm. A. Smith, medi- cal services 14.50 14.50 17 John Shea, burial II tram S(.ar'lcs 35.00 35.00 18 ,Iohn SI tea, burial Mrs. Hiram St.arlcs 35.00 35.00 49 Bert T. Baker, ser5.00 5,30 50 Andrus & Church, tax books 4.50 4.50 51 Williams Law Book Co., books 7.40 9.40 52 A. 11. Palmer, bond- ing corns 8.00 8,00 53 Martin Wright, ser,744.00 744.00 14 Alfred Decker, right ' of way 12,00 12.30 55 Stephen Vargo, right of way8.00 8.00 56 Fred Canfield, deputy sheriff (4.75 7,76 57 Fred Canfield, deputy sheriff tr•anspurta- 16.03 ton 3.00 3.00 58 John Ticnry, constable 28.00 28.00 10,00 • 59 E. W. Starr, overseer 8.00 8.03 14.00 18.00 $1044.74 $1'328.74 We, the undersigned, Town Board of the Town of Newfield, hereby ,certify that the foregoing list of Town Audits for each person herein is.correct. ALBERT DASSANCE, Supervisor. GEO. W. PECK, Town Clerk. WM. H. PAYNE, Justice of the Peace. CHAS, H. PAYNE, Justice of the Peace. DOUGLASS CARPENTER, Justice of the Peace. AUGUSTUS PATERSON, Justice of the Peace. 162 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TOWN OF ULYSSES. ABSTRACT OF TOWN AUDITS, 1914. Statement of bills audited by the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses for claims against the TOW/1, said claims being audited on the 5th day of Novem- ber, 1914, and on adjourned meetings of the Board. Statement showing the names of the claimants, the nature of the services, the amount claimed and the amount allowed. Nature Nature No. Name of expense Claimed Allowed No. Name of expense Claimed Allowed 1 A. Chase, vital sta- 32 Robert. S. Carberry, listies $ 10.95 $ 10.95 insp. 53.81 53.31 2 A. Chase, health of- :i3 Homer Mott, irnsp35.00 :15.00 ]icer 118.65 118.65 34 John Young, bailor 3 George A. Hopkins, clerk. 18.00 19.00 supplies 2, i 5 2.79 35 I P. J. Breen, ballot 4 Williamson Law Boot: clerk, asignec1 to Co., town seal2.65 2.65 First National Bk.. 19.00 10.00 5 A. Chase, supplies for fumigating 1.755 1.75 36 Y.ra} 'l'hohpson, bal- 6 lot clerk 1.:i.30 10.00 6 The Biggs Co., sup,,, .83 .83 37 B. 1. Vann, ballot 7 I t ha c a Children's Home, care Me]vin_ clerk, asignerl to Green, 191.1 to 1913 208.00 208.00 First National Bk. 19.00 19.00 .8 Andrus & Church, as- 38 Geo. P. Norton, ballot sensors supplies... 8.85 8.85clerk 19.00 18.00 9 E. 1'. Touton, premi- 30 Clarence Clark, ballot um on • collectorsclerk 19.00 18.00 bond 35.00 35.00 40 M. Il. Batty, poli 1.0 J. 1. Chase, criminalclerk 6.00 6.00 bill 8.90 8.90 41 Georg Sears, poll 11 J. E. Lovell, lunacy cl c']c, assigned to . case 5.50 5.50 First National Bk.. 19.03 - 19.00 12 .1. J. Chase, criminal 42 Fred Wilson, poll elk. 10.00 10.00 bill 8.05 8.05 43 R. E. Batty, poll clerk 13.00 13.00 13 A. H. Porter, service 44 H. S. Cates_, poll clerk 19.00 10.00 bill 4.00 4.00 45 Fred W. Van Order, '14 O. G. Noble, assess- poll clerk 19.00 19.00 roent roll, assigned 46 O. O. Noble, poll State Bank .25.00 25.00 clerk, a s s i g n e el 15 5. J. Chase, criminal First Nat. Bank....4.00 4.00 bill .60 .60 -17 O. G. Noble, poll el., 16 Frank miller, asses- assigned State Bk.- 5,00 5.00 sor 80.00 80.00 48 D. G. Clark, rent of 17 Charles Clapp, ser- (polling place 36.00 36.00 vice bill 2.00 2.00 49 ByronS. Proper, ex - 18 E. .1. ]Farrington, ov- amination of water 15.00 -15.00 ersoer of poor87.85 87.85 50 First Nat'l Bk., rent 19 George Chase, asses- of rooms for town sor 88.25 88.25' clerk :16.00 36.00 20 E. 11 .Stilwell, asses- 51 G. G. Noble, service sor 90.75 90.75 hill, assigned State 21 C. E. TToughtaling,Dank 22.45 22.45 supplies 16.04 16.04 52 Odd Fellows Lodge, 22 J. F. Kimple, deputy pollingWplace 36.00 313.00 sheriff 10.70 10.70 53 I•Ienr;y illiams, ser - 23 Floycl Harrison, in- vice bill, assigned spector 60,17 60.17 First Nat'l flank.. 24.00 24.00 24 Charles Clapp, insp35.03 35.00 54 O. G. Nobe, copying 25 W. 1. Sherwood, insp• 35.00 35.00 assessment roll. as - 26 A. P. Osborn, insp35.00 35.00 signed first, Nat'l 27 Floyd Smith, insp35.00 35.00 Bank 10.00. 10.00 28 F. E. Van Buskirk, 55 J. T -T. Thompson, put- insp. -35.00 35.00 ting up booths, as - 29 J. F. Carron, insp., signed State Bank 14.00 14.00 assigned to State 56 E. IT. Farrington, ser - Bank 35.05 36.00 vice bill 2.40 2.40 30 W. D. Halsey, insp..' 35.00 35.00 57 O. G. Noble, service 31 J. H. Thompson, insp. hill, assigned State assigned State Bk 63.74 53.74 Bank 11.00 11.30 OF TORMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 16.3 Natore No. Name ,f expense Claimed Allowed 58 'I'hnrnas Llover, ser- vice hill, assigned First :Nat'l Bank40.27 59 O. 1). (2re,luc, putting np booths 20.00 00 'Phomas Bower•, town clerk, as signed First Nat'l Bank44.50 61 O. G. Noble, criminal hill, assigned First - Nat'l Batik 6.45 02 Thomas Boller, vital statistics 6.12 133 \. F'• Allen, supplies4.75 04 O. G. Noble, criminal hill. assigned first 'i Nat'l Bank 26.10 t'ay65 A. P. .\nen, supplies9.90 fill Sarah Van Order, r04.1I1 for assessors 2.03 67 O. G. Noble, service hill, assigned First • Nat'l Bank D. 11. Hightrneyer, at- tend office O. G. Noble, service bill, assigned to 1st Nat'l. Bank 70 Thomas Trower, town clerk • 71 John Chase, service bill 72 W. 1-1. Green, inspec- tor 68 69 23.60 22.00 7.10 91.62 50.00 Nature No: Name of expense Claimed Allow .1 73 0. T. .l ones, service • bill 822.50 822.50 40.27 7.4 C. Owen Carman, ser- vice •bill 40.00 40.00 20.00 75• J. M. Townsend, ser-. vice C expense65.90 65.90 70 O. G. Noble, poll elk, 44.50 assigned to First Nat'l Tlank 8.00 8.0(1 77 Henry Williams, scr- 6.45 vice bill .......... 26.00 26.00 78 .1, M. Tc,,tnyenrl, sor- 6.12 vice bill 4.4.00 44.00 4.75 79 C. 113. Thompson, dep- uty sheriff 23.65 33.65 80 J. .1. Chase, service 26.10 bill 4.00 4.00 21.90 21. O. Cr. Noble, service bill ' 62.88 132.88 2.011 82 Covert & Wiggins, service bill 15.50 15.50 82 .1. Chase. ltd 1)., ex-. 23,60 amination, lunacy . 5,00 5.00 84 D. H. 1 ightmyer, 22.00 polling place 36.00. 36.00 85 .1. 7t, Townsend, M. 1)., examination 7,10. lunacy 5.00 5.00 86 S. 11, Biddle,, patting 91.62 up booths 20.00 20.00 87 I:. .i. • 1Far•r•inggton, ser - 50.00 vice hill 9.50 9.50 35.00 35.00 03277 02 $3277 02 • I hereby certifythat the foregoing -is a true copy• of ail accounts pre- • seated to the Town Board of Audits of the Town of Ulysses for audit and the amounts finally allowed by said Board at their meeting for auditing town accounts. THOS. BOWER, Town Clerk. SUPERVISORS' ACCOUNTS. 5 m O o 0 a 0 O E .r W Y O ,., _4 0 ry 0 C rn U O a) .4 0) y E 0 F4.. Cfi O o F ' .4 sy 'z •a to g ,H 'CI 0 "C1 U) o � G O 0) 0 0 to) 0) v 0 o o U bo 0) U). .a o 4 0) U y •0 a 'd O 'er 0) 0 CS '22 0) 0) 0 .0 0) V 0 _' 0 a7 Nr :d 41) m C y o y 3 U N ate+ 0 0 0 y .ZE0) r .iiia aalAaag le os1.^. ^'; O 10 co 0 .--i O O 10 V. 1% 0,1 c 07 -4 N ,•-1 .41' N O r-1 o © C 44 00 d• 0'0) 0- •--! 1-c0C4o rti 4.0)0 00 CO -tl•G^ W r.0 c Q1O d' co 4C C :: O O L; d'10 C N CC 01 0) 01 N CV N N N 01 N NV V V' ri r1 0) CD fF . •Clio 'acts !IO .3 s .Qu Ulnae amp. •dxa 40) 404010,01 a 40 ' 4 in014 0-1 O :0 V' d' L r-4 d' V h: v. N'-- d - II: 000 G`3 O CV '44)1 CV 00 N ry •-i N N N d' ie 07 60 G 1 1 .59 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O 0 c 0 0 occaaaa aa000ao0 'ocO ' 6000 ONN-o'doo NJ6 CO , N CO d' 10) 0 .0 3 0 0 v O L dN :D L • 69- • O 0 O 01 ,., se - •,Cpp .Tad 11'-ill0D •aadg Up aatnzag •S3xl:1 •4xa put: ling solo v U[rido7 O 7 4(3 40) .--4 r- 01 01 . 6 Q' 00 C0)''01' 0 .-4 .-4 L O 0s' 00 .--1 Cr' CC L d':'M •^ u - o0 d' 0i ¢ •U 6 1i3 C r-4 N a-3" ^''� N N k0O N N 0d: 40 N r, N r-4 w CL `1 `1 0 L0 If: CJ ' altul .tad •S7a 8 7e meal! ['I 000 0 00 OO OC 01 W CD CJ C.0 N CD CO x ,-oma ' c; 0- 69- Ca0 OC 69- .Sep aod pi. Te• uaduto0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000000 00000000 000'.,'-000'4 OOO OC.^. 000 NNN.•-N NN•••. NHN NN ' O O d' n 69 'uoissag lelaadg _•_ 40 10 10'M 4^ N r-4 10 10 d 10 C 10 Ir. in 'ailU1 :fad a8 qt?a2r-loulq -•.CoO N 01 d'01N C t: to r— 400' 0', 0 - I ,' ,-a 0i , c 0i ••-i r -i 0 01 0'? Y w. a1'l'1� L' lad 1, 'e •uadulooOo00a c O 01 0 0 O a 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 00000 O 00000000 00000 OC OC -4 oti op o6 cd G0.' G00 0 00000000 ri .-i ri N .••I ri -41-4-4-4-4-4-4 00 0 01 co. 00 d' .-4 Ff •uoiSsag itmut\*1r.i C- 1` 0— :.Q 0 -NL N L-C:L ..o. NrVNN N N NNNN N 0') 014') -y. 01 000 V. Q' c' ' V. •u• L::1 co ,e, tool co GO r" - - ci 4^ ^ N 001 00 s9 `0) O L - •alltU .tad DS 1.e a.�il:altil •)�t3p .lad f, • wad W0`J 00000 0 00000000 00000 O 00000000 Oy Lay coy Ci N GOVN COV N 0,1 040)01 69- 0 0 CSO N 69 .ueQ •O') SS -VQ =. 1.010 Lr: 10 10 10 10 10 b. VC 0 4010 Supervisors. oo yEi o C's :S g • "'^ >0.� Cf)- 47g caw r cs ...:7• 0G*" y � 0) a x 4+ 0) C" = O , 73 0, `, rr.. r • .., 0 a a a o cd LO 4 CO4b w r -t Ly '0 40 00 d+0 a, do UU�U, .O .:•.% :o y, J U J V V :.l ,1.1•= s.g:.,CZor:d • xres�m :d id >+0 s..4 .s. .J ; .0 .4 .4 ,0. t= �. a).!:-,"' V1 ,t2 . • Towns. ;' C 0 4- 1.4 •C 4-1 a member thereof, or for a) C w y w y 0 'tl 0) V . 0 r F -a 9 d(.0 ' uw 0O 0 CS 00 g 0 ro a) y cd m so .g O •. PZy��0) -4� 10, is 0 0 87-1 J r. %Q1 r 13 ra O 61 C ui'":0cam.)4 0 �w+ x. oa,=� op„��iyE�o 1)..,o4u�� V I. 0�>;.o O0. QJ En ba .10 ' b 0 i••' �'' r. "F'^ a y O O 0 N e/]U0a OF TOMPK1NS COUNTY, NEW YORK 165 COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT Condensed statement showing receipts and expenditures of the Treas- urer of Tompkins County, for the fiscal year ended October 31, 1914. Rec. over Exp. over Accounts. Receipts. Expenditures. Expend. Receipts. Taxes: Gross revenue $105328.34 $ $103445.26 $ Advances, refunds, assessment - and collection . 1883.08 Gifts and Contributions: Contributions 'from state rev- enues and gifts 47670.40 26658.79 State tax and contributions to other civil divisions • 210711.61. General Government: Revenues 39454.95 Expenditures . 122410.35 82955.40 . • Advances, Losses and Deposits: Reimbursements and deposits781.36 781.36 County Property: Sales and insurance recoveries. 863.32 ' Construction of new buildings and highways 36575.46 35712.14 County Debt: Bonds and notes issued 2300.00 • Bonds and notes retired 17300.0() 15025.00 Old Telephone Gen'I. audit25.00 • Totals . • $130885.41 $133692.54 Net excess from transactions of year . 2807.13 Special trust fund. As per totals of summaries 94026.38 93034,09 992.29 Totals of all accounts $290424.75 $292239.59 Cash. Balance at beginning of the year as per last report 69649.17 69649.17 166 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Balance at end of year as per de- tailed statement. 67834.33 • 67834.33 Totals $360073.92 $360073.92 $ 70641.46 $ 70641.46 Showing disposition of funds in the 'custody of the Treasurer of Tomp- kins County at beginning and end of year. DETAILED STATEMENT OF CASH. At beginning of year • At end of year Nov. 1, 1913. . Nov. 1, 1914. $ • $ 1806.88 Cash in drawer $ '960.00 General Funds on deposit in Tomp- 16453.32 kins Co. Nat'l Bank 21425.85 Highway Funds on deposit in high - 16102.55 way construction 7461.27 30006.60 Fund for maintenance highways27880.09 Special Trust Funds on deposit in 31614.38 Ithaca Trust Co. :33531.23 Court and Trust Funds: 748.52 Tuberculosis Maintenance 5484.41 318.55 Tuberculosis Construction. 617.95 Inheritance Taxes: 887.33 • Tompkins Co. Nat'l Bank 547.03 3325.42 Tompkins Co. Nall Bank, Mortgage Tax • 4408.08 $69649.17 Total cash per condensed statement. ' $67834.33 • SUMMARY OF RECEIPTS. General Accounts. Taxes and Assessments: Taxes of the current year $104978.91 Taxes of preceding years 281.15 .Advances of taxes repaid 68.28 Total . $105328.34 Gifts and Contributions: Contributions . $ 47670.40 Total $ 47670.40 Revenue from General Government: General Fund accounts $ 7449.37 Poor Fund accounts 908.06 Highway Fund accounts 31097.52 Total $ 39451.95 OIC TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 167 Advances, .mosses and Deposits: Advances repaid or accounted for $ 698.96 Reimbursements and corrections 82.40 Total '$ 781.36 Sales of County Property, Insurance Recoveries, etc. $ 863.32 Bonds and Notes Issued 2300.00 Total Receipts, General Accounts $196398.37 • SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES. Taxes: Assessment and equalization .Expenses of collection ,of taxes Advances and refunds of taxes I ' $ 1269.00 • 372.50 241.58 Total Contributions: Direct State tax $ 21011.61 $ 1883.08 Total contributions to other civil divisions... $ 21011.61 • GENERAI, GOVERNMENT. General Fund Accounts. Administrative: Elections, supervisors, general county othicers, gen- • oral administrative buildings, interest on gen- eral bonds, issue of general bonds Jo dieial: • Civil terms of Supreme and County Courts, county judge, surrogate, county clerk as clerk of courts, and court library Regulative: Deputy excise commissioner, county scaler of weights and measures, county bacteriological laboratory, societies for prevention of cruelty' to .children and animals, quarantine P;•otective County Clerk as register fish and game protection, bounties, county sewers and drains Educational: School commissioners, education of deaf-mutes and blind $ 1.5986.25 $ 12509.14 $ 650.21. $ 3084.31 694.55 168 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Corrective: Conviction: District attorney, sheriff, coroners, criminal terms of Supreme and County Courts, justices and constables $ 8868.45 Punishment: Jails, penitentiaries and other penal institutions 3471_34 Total $ 11839.79 Poor Fund Accounta. C°taritable: Administration: Superintendent of poor $ 784.40 Care of improvident poor: Almshouse and temporary relief 11957.67 Care of defective poor: County hospitals, tuberculosis hospital, insane, epi- leptic and feeble-minded 8266.56 Care of orphans: County agent and all orphan asylums 068.86 Soldiers and sailors: Relief, burial and headstones 1100.00 Total for charities $ 22777.49 Highway Fund Accounts. Maintenance and Improvement of Highways: Administration: County superintendent of highways $ 1625.70 Maintenance: Aid to towns, county line bridges, county roads, and " State and county highways 58182.91 $ 54808.61. Tctal General Government . $122410.35 NEW BUILnINcs AM) HIGHWAYS. • ConStruetive : New county buildings $ 880.85 Construction of highways 35694.61 Total $ 36575.46 INDEBTEDNESS.' Liquidation of Indebtedness: General indebtedness $ 6325.00 Highway indebtedness 11000.00 Total $ 17325.00 OF' TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 169 SUMMARY OF RECEIPTS ANI) EXPENDITURES. Rtceipts: From State $ 63743.30 From special taxes 29933.08 From individuals 350.00 Total Expenditures: To State $ 13966.63 To County 9887.98 To towns 23078.90 To villages 1668.11 To school districts 43126-08 To county treasurer's fees and expenses 542.94 To individuals and associations 763.45 $ 94026.38 • Total—Derailed statement of receipts $ 93034.09 REVENUES FROM TAXES. TaoAR of the Cwi'rent Year. Received before return: Collectors: a. Received from corporations by treasurer $ 18112.12 b. Received from collectors 84515.16 Total $102627.28 Less: e. Repaid to collectors, refund collector $4.13, • refund brush tax $8.75 12.88 Net receipts $102614.40 Received after return: Returned real taxes: Received by County Treasurer before tax sale or return to Comptroller $ 1883.67 Rejected taxes: Received by County Treasurer prior to re -:levy Gray Estate & Sumnaerton dog tax 49.1.5 Powers tax & Ithaca St. Ry.. Co. tax 109.84 Stark & Church tax 2.10 Total $ 160.59 Received from tax sale: Tax Sale: Tax sale advertising $ 320.25 $ 320.25 • Total receipts from taxes of the current year $104978.91 170 PROCEEDING SOF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TAXES OF PRECEDING YEARS. Received by treasurer: Tax sale certificates: Certificates owned by county, redeemed 184.99 Redemption advertising 96.16 Total from taxes of preceding years ADVANCES OF TAXES. Repaid to treasurer: Returned school taxes: Receipts from individuals before re -levy $ 68:28 $ 68.28. GIFTS AND CONTRIBUTIONS. Contributions from state revenues: Highway maintenance: For maintenance of state and county highways$ 47268.00 Other contributions: Highway maintenance paid by towns and villages$ 402.40 281.15 Total contributions $ 47670.40: REVENUES FROM GENERAL GOVERNMENT. General Fund 4ccoatnts. Fees of county officers: County treasurer: Court and trust fund fees Returned tax fees $ 48.71 34.51 Total . $ 83.22 County clerk as clerk of court: Entering.and recording judgments $ 116.34 $ 116.34: County clerk as register: a. Recording deeds $ 1327.44 b. Recording mortgages 899.71 c. Recording satisfactions 834.52 d. Filing grid recording other papers relating to real property 66.54 e. Searches . 3142,75 f. Filing chattel mortgages 899.93 Total . $ 7170.89 , . Surrogate: Fees received by this officer and paid over to treas. Interest from bank deposits, returned taxes and other general sources:• OF TOIVIPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 171 General interest: Mortgage tax deposits $ 56.51 $ ' 56.51 Total revenues from general fund accounts $ 7449.37 Poon FUND ACCOUNTS. Sale of products of charitable,institutions: Almshouse inmates: Received by county treasurer $ 410.57 $ 419.57 Refund physician's services $ 10.50 Refund outside relief 8.00 Tuberculosis Hospital proceeds 379.49 Tuberculosis Hospital, paid on furniture 90.50 Total . $ 488.49 Total revenue, poor fund accounts • $ 908.06 HIGHWAY FUND ACCOUNTS.. Revenues: Town of Caroline---Prin, and Int. $ 5752.95 Town of Ithaca—Prin. 10000.00 •Town of Dryden, Prin and Int. 5582.81 Town of Lansing, Prin and Int. 2861.76 Town of Enfield, Prin. 2900.00 Town of Groton, Prin. 4000.00 • Total $ 31097.52 Total revenues, highway fund accounts $ 31097.52 ADVANCES, LOSSES, AND DEPOSITS. Advances repaid or accounted for: County of Broome. $ 698.96 Total repaid or a.ccountcd for $ 698.96 • ' Reimbursement of losses: . Correction of erroneous payments: General fund: Telephone rebate Tuberculosis Hospital ' • $ 7.40 Carbide Sales Co., rebated bill 65.00 Court stenographer fee, rebated 10.00 Total —reimbursements 82.40 172 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS SALES OF COUNTY PROPERTY, INSURANCE RECOVERIES, ETC. General fund: Sale of road Caller $ 700.00 Insurance losses paid Tuberculosis Cons. a/c..'103.22 Total .['rom sales of county property, etc. .$ 863.32 OBLIGATIONS ISSUED. Temporary tax loans: Loans in anticipation of taxes levied, Tuberculosis maintenance. .Note Dec. 27, 1913 r $ 2300.00 Total from bonds and notes issued $ 2300.00 DETAILED STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES. GENERAL. FUND ACCOUNTS, TAx EXPENSES. Equalization commission: Compensation of members $ 59.00 Legal expenses—equalization appeal 1210.00 • Total $ 1269.00 COLLECTION OF REAL TAXES, EXPENSES PRIOR To TAX SALE. Tax sale expenses: Clerical services, descriptions $ 12.00 $ 12.00 Tax sale advertising: From..redemption receipts $ 73.13 From appropriation, audit• 102.38 . Total $ 175.51 Redemption advertising:' Total for collection of taxes $ 372.50 Advances and refunds of taxes: Returned school taxes: Paid school district collectors: Taxes $ 219.51 $ 219.51 Refunded taxes: - By order of board of supervisors $ 22.07 $ 22.07 Total advances and refunds of taxes STATE TAXES AND CONTRIBUTIONS TO TOWNS. Contributions to state revenues: State Treasurer: State taxes for general purposes $ 241.58 ,$ 21011.61 OF TOMPK1NS COUNTY, NEW YORK 173 . GENERAL ADMINISTRATION. Administrative: Commissioner of elections: Salary $ .1000.00 Regular clerks and assistants, audit 83.82 Office stationei•y, postage. and incidentals 150.00 Total $ 1233.82 • • Election expenses: Publishing election notices .$ 280.58 Printing ballots 1176.50 Election stationery 110.05 .Publishing official canvass 306.00 Printing registry lists - 58.03 Livery for Commissioners 5.00 Election printing- misc. as per audit 2192.82 Total $ 4218.98 Supervisors: Compensation based on per diem rate for session work $ 2069.46 Compensation for committee work 1452.92 Traveling expenses 98.06 Clerks and assistants 822.53 Postage and stationery • 169.25 Telephone and telegraph 19.45 Furniture and fixtures for supervisors' rooms 269.75 Printing and distribution of proceedings 775.15 Publishing acts of board 58.00 Printing collectors' receipts 60.00 Total $ 5794.57 County treasurer: Salary $ 1000.00 Printing, postage, stationery and office incidentals 37.05 Officer_furniture and fixtures 112.32 Bank tax fees 99.88 State tax fees 129.82 Total Court house: Repairs to building $ 1070.59 Furnishings for court rooms and halls 6.57 'Light 67.52 $ 1379.07 174 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Heat Water rent Telephone • 983.71 61.21 19.45 Total. $ 2209.05 County clerk's building: Janitors and other employes in care of building. 181.50 Repairs to building 107.95 Furniture and fixtures 640.00 Light 30.26 Heat 152.90 Water rent 38.15 Total $ 1150.76 Total of administrativ e $ 15986.25 Civil, COURTS. Judicial: Supreme court (civil) : Crier and attendants (civil terms) $ 461.10 Special stenographer 296.41 Trial jurors (civil terms) 2762.86 . .Trial jurors, meals 31.25 Printing • 156.25 Total County judge and surrogate: Salary 3500.00 Regular clerks and assistants 625.00 Printing, postage, stationery and office incidentals 140.07 Special county judge • 200.00 Law books 22.50 Total County court (civil) : County court stenographer 750.00 Crier and attendants (civil terms) 38.10 Trial jurors (civil terms) 407.40 $ 3707.87 $ 4487.57 Total $ 1195.50 County clerk as clerk of court: Salary of county clerk 2400.00 Premium on official bond 45.00 Telephone and telegraph 70.98 Postage. stationery and official incidentals 618.59 Total $ 3134.57 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 175 Court library: ' Furniture and fixtures 27.63 Law books 16.00 Total $ 43.63 Total judicial $ 12569.14 Regulative: County sealer: Salary $ 500.00 Telephone and telegraph, old audit .25 - Repairing weights 13.15 Outfit 136.81 Total regulative Protective: County Clerk as Register: Fees $ 25.00 Reg. clerks and assistants '(except for court work) 2015.56 'Furniture and fixtures 143.75 Total protective EDUCATION. Educational: Farm Bureau: Salary and expense of manager 665.03 Total Educational notices: Cornell scholarship examinations $ 8.76 $ 650 21 $ 3084.31 1 • $, 665.03 Total $ • 8.76 Deaf Mutes: West N. Y. Institution $ 20.76 20.76 Total educational PREVENTION AND PUNISHMENT OF CRIME. Expenses of Conviction. Corrective: District attorney: Salary $ 1200.00 Printing, postage, stationery and office incidentals • 59.49 Telephone and telegraph 19.45, Detective 115.81 $ 694.55 Total $ '1394.75 , 176 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OP SUPERVISORS Sheriff, sheriff's office and quarters: Salary . 1800.00 Under sheriff and assistants 400.00 Repairs to office 11.45 Traveling and investigation exp. as per audit 668.07 Print. postage, stationery and office inti., audit14.25 Telephone and telegraph 87.61 Jailer . 600.00 Light . 47.26 Total . Z.iG28.4i4 Coroners: Salaries . .100.00 Coroners' physicians • 11.2.20 Total $ 2.12.20 Supreme court (Criminal) : Crier and attendants $ 220.30 Grand Jurors 1149.12 Stenographer to grand jury 325.60 Trial jurors 25.40 Interpreters . . 15.00 Expert witnesses 150.00 ,Witness fees 242.10 Total . - $ 2127.52 County court (Criminal) : Crier and attendants $ 111.80 Grand jurors 6.00 Stenographer to grand jury 30.60 Trial jurors 585.70 Board of jurors 6.50 Interpreters . V 15.00 Sanity examination 5.00 Witness fees 98.06 Printing , 49.48 Total . $ 908.14 Justices and constables .. $ 97.20 $ 97.20 Total for expenses of conviction $ 8368.45 Expenses of Punishment. Sail: Repars to buildings '$ 991.f6 Light . 159.48 Heat . 7.23.50 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 177 Water rent 105.91 Jail cooking utensils, bedding, etc. 106.77 Total $ 1486.82 Jail inmates: Food supplies $ 768.49 Physician and medicines 255.17 Matron 100.00 Total $ 1123.66 Penal institutions: St. Ann's School $ 93.38 Guardian 'Home 110.86 ' Monroe Co. Penitentiary 656.62 $ 860.86 Total expenses of punishment $ 8471.34 NEW COUNTY BUILDINGS. • Constructive: Tuberculosis Hospital shack construction: Purchase of real estate $ 303.92 Extension and improvement, screens, 3:10.00 Carrington, engineers services, 67.45 Total $ 681.37 Tuberculosis Hospital interest on bonds $ 19948 $ 199.48 Total for construction of buildings OBLIGATIONS RETIRED. $ 880.85 liquidation of indebtedness: Tuberculosis bonds redeemed $ 1000.00 $ 1000.00 Temporary tax loans: Tuberculosis Hospital Maintenance: Loan negotiated Apr. 29, 1913 and Dec. 27, 1913$ 5300.00 Total indebtedness liquidated from gen. funds $ 6300.00 POOR. FUND ACCOUNTS. Administration. Superintendent of poor: .Salary $ 600.00 Printing, postage, stationery and oilice incidentals 13.39 Telephone and telegraph 29.49 • Traveling expenses (personal) 141.52 Total administration •$ 784.40 178 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Improvident Poor. Almshouse: Repairs to building $ 1880.94 Furniture and fixtures 141.31 Kitchen utensils, bedding, etc. . 247.42 Insurance 251.10 Light 215.80 Heat 1402.88 Farm tools and equipment 93.33 'Farm stock 216.50 Miscellaneous . 30.44 , Total . $ 4479.72 Alinshouse inmates: Keeper . $ 737.50 Almshouse employees 1895.42 Transportation of paupers 19.25 Food supplies 3051.31 ' Clothing . 487.65 Physi::ians and medicine 212:57 Chaplain . 50.00 Seeds and fertilizer 34.35 Feeding stock 361.96 ii\Iiscellaneous . 5.06 Total . $ 6855.07 Outside relief: Food supplies $ 147.17 Outside printing 44.00 Fuel . 20.11 Transportation of. paupers 96.60 Physicians and medicines 212.90 Burial . 45.00 Board . 49.10 Outside house rent 8.00 $ 622.88 Total for improvident poor $ 11957.67 Defective Poor. Superintendent tuberculosis hospital: Salary . $ 1200.00 Printing, postage, stationery and office incidentals 41.29 Telephone and 'telegraph 54.17 Freight and express 150:47 Total . $ 1445.93 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 170 Tuberculosis hospital: Janitor and other employes in care of building$ 2.10 • Janitor's supplies 17.05 Repairs to building (including septic tank $475- 00) 590.45 Furniture and fixtures 111.80 Kitchen utensils, bedding, etc. 98.36 Insurance 187.50 Light . 135.00 Heat . 402.08 Ice . 52.00 Auto hire 62.30 Total $ 1654,2.1 Tuberculosis hospital inmates: Nurses and employes $ 2524.03 Food supplies 2351.37 Clothing . 51.80 Physicians and Medicines 88.09 Total . $ 5015.25) Insane: Lunacy examinations $ 20.00 Clothing and shoes 17.90 Temporary care 13.20 Total . $ 51.10 Feeble minded: Syracuse Institution for Feeble Minded $ 100.00 $ 100.00 Total for defective poor Orphans. Municipal orphan asylums: St. Marys Home $ 523.50 Southern Tier Orphan Home 57.14 Total Private orphan asylums: Society for Protec. of Destitute Catholic Children$ $ 8260.56 $" 580.04 88.22 • $ 88.22 Total for orphans $ 668.86 Soldiers n:ud Sailors. Soldiers' burials $ 950.00 $ 950.00 • Soldiers' headstones • $ 150.60 $ 150.00 Total soldiers' and sailors' relief $ 1100.00 180 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS HIGHWAY FUND ACCOUNTS. 'Administrative: Superintendent of highways: ' Salary . $ 1550.00 Traveling expenses, 1913 44.26 Telephone and telegraph, 1913 31.44 Total administrative ` 1625.70 Maintenance: County roads: Storage of machinery 36.00 $ 36.00 Highway maintenance: • State and county highways, state payts. $ 49415.69 Town and village'payts. 3731.22 $ 5314(1.91 Total for maintenance $ 53182.91 HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION. Constructive: County highway, number 1003 $ 5600.00 County highway, number 1188 6700.00 County highway, number 1004 4575.00 County ,highway, number 1001 5500.00 County highway, number 1003 A. 700.00 Total . $ 23075.00 State highway improvement sinking fund: County highway, number 606 $ 220.80 County highway, number 616 998.82 County highway, number 681 520.84 County highway, number 682 394.74 County highway, number 683 407.85 Total . $ 2543.05 State and county hiihways: Purchase of right of way No. 5294 $ 15.00 $ 15.00 Highway bond premiums: Expenses of issue of highway bonds: A. G. Mintz, attorneys fee $ 42.90 $ 42.90 General highway interest: Interest on County highway bonds, sinking fund a/c $ 5086.16 Interest on general a/c highway bonds 4932.50 $ 10018.66 Total constructive $ 35694.61 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK. 181 HIGFIWAY INDEBTEDNESS. Liquidation of indebtedness: highway bonds redeemed: Bonds Nos. 1 to 4 incl. $ 4000.00 . Bonds Nos. 5 to 8 incl." 2000.00 Bond No. 7 5000.00 $ 11000.00 Total indebt. liquidated from high. funds $ 11000.00 No. 1911/z, Spl. Co. audit., telephone 1912 $ 25.00 Special trust fund: Detailed statement of receipts: From state: Public school moneys $ 34663.96 Academies and libraries 7222,28 Total $ 41886.24 For highway maintenance: • State highway aid to towns $ 21857.06, $ 21357.06 Total from state $ 63743.30 From special • taxes: For state: Inheritance taxes $ 9929.05 For municipalities: _ Bank taxes 9987.86 - R. R. school taxes: School taxes from R. R. corporations 413.73 For state and municipalities: Mortgage taxes 9602.44 Total from special taxes $ 29983.08 From individuals: Deposits in lieu of bail $ 350.00 - Total from individuals Special trust funds, detailed statement of expenditures: To state: Inheritance taxes $ 9167.91 Mortgage taxes 4798.72 $ , 350.00 Total . $ 13966.63 To county: Bank taxes: Applied by towns to reduce levy, mise. $ 9887.98 $ 9887.98 1E2 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS To towns: • State highway aid $ 21857.06 Mortgage taxes 1221.84 Total $ 230 78.90 To villages and city: Mortgage taxes .$ 16.68.11 $ 1668.11 To school districts: Public school moneys $ 34663.96 Academies and libraries 7222.28 Mortgage taxes (expenses) bond 5.00 R. R. school taxes 413.73 • Total . $ 43126.08 - To county treasurer's fees and expenses: Inheritance tax (fees) $ 537.94 Mortgage taxes (expenses) bond 5.00 Total . $ 542.94 To individuals and associations: . Inheritance tax: Attorneys, stenographers, etc $ 530.95' Rebate De Camp, 32..50 Cash bail refunded 200.00 Total . 3 763.45 DETAILED STATEMENT OF BONDED INDEBTEDNESS AND SINK- iNG FUNDS (County Bonds Only). List by classes According to Purpose. Bonds the same as last year. No new issues. 1907—Bonds 1, due February 1 $5000.00 1912=Bonds 4, due March 1 2000.00 1912—Bonds 1, due February 15 1000.00 1913—Bonds 2, due February 15 2000.00 STATE OF NEW YORK, Tompkins County, B. Frank Lent, being sworn, says that he is the treasurer of the county of Tompkins, and that the foregoing report is a true and correct statement of the financial transactions of said county for the fiscal year ended November 1st, 1914, as shown by the official records of said county. Ss B. FRANK LENT. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 30th day of Nov., 1914. ANNA T. SHELDON, Notary Public. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 183 SUPPLEMENTARY REPORT FROM NOV. 1ST, 1913 to NOV. :1ST, 1914. TOWNS WITH COUNTY. CAROLINE. State and county tax $3567.80 • Maintenance state highways 200.00 Alms house poor - 140.00 Election printing 01.29 8999.40 Cash paid by collector $2539.30 Cash paid by corporations 1354.28 Returned tax and fee ] 05.91 $3999.49 Due county 1913 report $ 43.58 Returned tax 1913 105.91 $149.49 0 Returned tax paid county treasurer .. 158.4; County owes town $ 8.94 DANBY. State and county tax $3016.41 Election printing 91.29 Maintenance of -state highways 400.00 Almhouse poor 304.67 Rebate to Danby Telephone Co. 4.1.3 ('ash paid by collector $2798.98 C .sh paid by corporation 894.53 Returned tax and fee 123.02 $3810.53• Due county 1913 report $ 61.10 .Returned tax 1.913 123.02 Returned brush tax repaid collector 8.75 $192.87 Returned tax paid county treasurer• 106.40 T.fwn owes county $ 86.47 DRYDEN. State and county tax $ 058.2.00 Returned tax 1912 10.22 Election printing '182.58 Almshouse poor 854.40 Maintenance of state highways 800.00 184 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Sinking fund No. 682 89.71 . Sinking fund interest 179.42 . Sinking fund No. 681 81.03 Sinking fund interest .. 162.06 Sinking fund No. 683 92.69 Sinking fund No. 683 185.44 $12215.55 Cash paid by collector $ 8065.71 Cash paid by corporation 3563.82 Returned tax and fee 290.02 $12219.55 Due county 1913 report $ 245.48 Returned tax 1913. 290.02 $535.50 Returned tax paid county treasurer 334.90 Appropriation to bal. 10.22 $345.12 Town owes county 0 $ 190.38 ENFIELD. State and county tax $2231.19 Almhouse Poor 55.00 Election Printing 31.77 Returned State and County Tax Appropriation 150.26 Maintenance of State Highways - 200.00 Payment to County Highway Department 68.00 $2736.22 Cash paid by Collector $2641.92 Cash paid by Corporation _ 54.82 Returned Tax and Fee 39.48 $2736.22 Due County 1913 report $ 133.91 Returned tax 1913 39.48 $173.39 Returned tax paid county treasurer $ 31.55 Appropriation to Bal. 150.26 Reassesses Tax 49.15 $230.96 County owes Town 57.57 GROTON. State and County Tax $6780.29 Returned Tax 1912 S1..13 Election Printing 121.72 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 185 Almshouse Poor 481.24 _Maintenance of State Highways 100.00 Highway Payment to County 429.01 $7943.39 Cash Paid by C011ector $7026.08 Cash Paid by Corporation 916.94 Returned Tax and Fee .37 $7943.39 .Due County 1913 Report $ 31.13 Returned Tax 1913 .37 $ 31.50 Returned tax paid county treasurer $ 3,36 Appropriation to balance 31.13 $ 34.49 County owes Town $ 2.99 TOWN OF ITHACA. State and County Tax $6824.16 Election Printing 60.86 Maintenance. State Highways 950.00 Sinking Fund 606 57.60 Sinkiiig Fund Interest 115.20 Sinking Fund 616 • 75.77 Sinking Fund Interest 151.54 Sinking Fund 681 42.85 Sinking Fund interest 85.72 Highway Payment 'to County 1194.33 Almshouse Poor 2.69 $9560.72 • Cash Paid by Collector $6526.46 Cash Paid by Corporation 2875.62. Returned Tax and Fee 158.64 $9560.72 Due County 1913 Report 131.53 Returned Tax 191 158.64 $290:17 --- Returned Tax paid County Treasurer $134.76 Town owes. County $ 153.43 LANSING. State and County Tax $5707.90 . 'Maintenance of State Highways 250.00 186 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Almshouse Poor 423.54 Election Printing 91.29 86472.73 Casli Paid by Collector $4072.18 Cash Paid by Corporation 1672.01 Returned Tax and Fee 128.54 $6472.73 Due County 1913 Report $ 81.00 Returned Tax 1913 128.54 Shortage on Highway Interest .20 $209.74 Returned Tax paid County Treasurer $ 68.18 Town owes County $ 141.56 NEWFIELD. State and County Tax $3124.67 Almshouse Poor 325,06 Election Printing 60.86 Maintenance State Highways 160.00 8a600.59 Cash Paid by Collector $2572.33 Cash Paid by Corporation 1044.04 Returned Tax Fee 44.22 $3660.59 Due County 1913 Report $ 16.20 Returned Tax 1913 44.22 $ 60.48 Returned Tax paid County Treasurer $ 43.07 Brush Tax 2.10 $ 45.17•. Town owes County 5 15.31 MASSES Slate and County Tax $7319.06 Almshouse Poor 376.23 Sinking Fund 216.85 Interest . 433.69 Maintenance State Highways 300.00 Election Printing 91.29 Refund Lehigh Valley R. R. Co. 3.62 $6740.74 , OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 187 Cash Paid by Collector $4943.74 Cash Paid by Corporation 1464.38 Returned Tax and Fee 332.62 $6740.74 Due county 1913 Report $ 148.73 Returned Tax 1913 332.62 $481.35 Returned Tax paid County Treasor,ir $ 269.95 Town owes County $ 211.40 'CITY OF ITHACA. --, State and County Tax $45177.63 Almshouse Poor 2888.60 Descriptions Tax Sale 12.00 Election Printing 381.12 Refund Federal Telephone Co. •18.45 $484'77.80 Cash Paid by Collector $41860.03 Cash Paid by Corporations 3971.68 Bank Tax 1913 868.43 Shortage in roll , 453.05 Return Tax 1324.61 $48477.80 Due County 1.913 Report ¶ 923.98 Returned Tax 1913 ", 1324.61 Shortage in Roll 453.05 $2701.64 Returned Tax paid County Treasurer 733.09 Bank Tax 1912 • 993.39 Ithaca St, Railway Co. and Powers Tax 109.34 $1835.82 City owes County • $ 865.82 188 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS COUNTY CLERK'S REPORT A statement of all moneys received for the County of Tompkins by Clar- ence D. Tarbell, Clerk of Tompkins County or by his assistants, for fees, per- quisites, and emoluments, for all services rendered by him, or said assistants, in their official capacity, from November lst, 1913 to October 31, 1914. Recording deeds $1,292.74 Recording Mortgages - 894.21 Recording other documents 797.59 Docketing Judgments and cancelling dockets 116.37 Copies and exemplifications of papers and records 64.54 Searches . 2,965.51 Filing papers and all other services , 864.86 $ 6,995.82 Mortgage tax $ 9,976.64 Notary fees 213.00 Hunters' licenses 2,350.00 $19,544.46 B. F. Lent. Co. Treas. Office fees $ $6,995.82 $_ B. F. Lent, Co. Treas. State Mortg. tax9,722.89 Clerk •Hire audited and allowed by State Board Tax Commissioner 225:00 Premium on Bond audited and allowed by State Board Tax Commissioners 5.00 Postage allowance audited and allowed by State Board Tax Commissioners 2.00 Hall & McChesney, Mortgage Tax Books, audited and allowed by State Board Tax Commisisoners 17.00 Stationary and sundries, as audited and al- lowed by State Board Tax Commissioners 4.75 9,976.64' State Treasurer, Notary fees 213.00 Conservation Com., Hunters' licenses — - _ 2,359.00 $19.544.46 State of New York, County of Tompkins, ss. Clarence D. Tarbell, being duly sworn, says that he is Clerk of the County of Tompkins, that the foregoing statement is in all respects a full and ,true - statement as required by Chapter 298, laws of 1909. CLARENCE D. TARBELL, Subscribed and sworn to before me this 19th day of Nov., 1914. WM. H. BAKER, Notary Public. OF TO111PKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 189 A STATEMENT. Herewith statement,of all amounts certified each month by Clarence D. Tarbell, Clerk of Tompkins County, to the County Treasurer to be clue for services of the deputies and all other assistants in the Tompkins County Clerk's Office, from Nov. 1st, 191.3 to October 31, 1914. W. H. E. I. M. H. C. E. J. H. 1913 Baker Drake Smith Moore McAuliffee Terwilliger Total Nov: $ 75.00 $ 50.00 $ 50.00 $ 37.50 $ 32.00 $ 32.00 $ 276.50 Dec. 75.00 48.00 62.50 40.00 33.78 33.78 ' 293.06 1914 Jan. 75.00 50.00 :37.50 32.00 32.00 226.50 Feb. '75.00 50.00 37.50 32.00 532.00 226.50 Mar. 75.00 25.00 50.00 37.50 32.00 32.00 251.50 Apr. 75.00 37.50 50.00 37.50 32.00 32.00 264.00 May 75.00 50.00 37.50 32.00 32.00 226.50 June 75.00 2.50 50.00 37.50 32.00 32.00 229.00 July 75.00 50.00 37.50 32.00 32.00 226.50 Aug. 75.00 10.00 50.00 37.50 32.00 32.00 236.50 Sep. 75.00 50.00 37.50 35.00 32.00 229.50 Oct. 75.00 50.00 37.50 35.00 32.00 229.50 900.00 173.00 612.50 452.50 391.78 385.78 2915.56 STATE OF NEW YORK Tompkins County Clarence. D. Tarbell, being duly sworn says that he, Clerk of the County of Tompkins, that the foregoing is in all respects a full and true statement as required by Chapter 298, Laws of 1909. CLARENCE D. TARBELL, Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 19th day of November, 1914. • W1VI. H. BAKER, Notary Public. } s9. A STATEMENT. Account of moneys advanced by Clarence D. Tarbell, for expenses of the County Clerk's Office, from November 1st, 1913 to October 31st, 1914, inclu- sive. Towels for 12 months, @ $.20 $ 2.40 1913. Dee. 3, Express on hunting licenses .25 Dec. 8, Express on books from J. D. Lyon Co. .55 1014. Jan. 25, Express on hunting licenses .25 Jan. 6, Year dater from E. D. Norton .25 Jan. 29, Received from Isaac Coan, old paper Jan. 18, Cleaning iron railing .50 Jan. 19, Large'envelopes - - .20 Jan. 21, Desk pad, and ink. for same 1.90 $ 2.50 191 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Feb. 11, Repairs to Elliott -Fisher machine (0. K. by Fenner.) I.50 Mar. 19, Cartage on books to Court House .50 Apr. 2, Repairing & Cleaning of Elliott -Fisher machine, (0. K. by Robinson) 15.00 Apr. 9, Cartage on books to Court House .60 June 23, Parchment paper for McGreevy, resolution June 25, Spring; Elliott -Wisher machine .43 June 25; County order credit '25.00 July 10, Hall & McChesney, express, Mtge. books .29 July 10, E. 0. Godfrey, repairs on seal, (6 K. by Robinson) 1:00 Aug. 21, Express .21 Aug. 21;, Mortgage forms .50 American flag, Rothschild Bros., . (0. 1(. by Preswick l 8.00 Sept. 24, Search book .65 Oct. 24, Express .46 Oct. 8, Express .25 Oct. 8; Postage stamps 34.51 70.37 27.50 27.50 Balance due 842.87 STATE OF NEW YORK County of Tompkins f SS. Clarence D. Tarbell, being duly sworn says that he is the Clerk of the County of Tompkins, that the foregoing is in all respects a full and true statement as required by Chapter 298, Laws of 1909. CLARENCE D. TABi3ELL, Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 19th clay of November, 1914. WM. H. Baker, Notary Public. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 191 REPORT OF SUPERINTENDENTS OF POOR To the Honorable, the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins, State of New York: We the undersigned Superintendents of Poor of Tompkins County, re- spectfully submit the following report and account for the year ending Nov. 15, 1914. The Superintendents of the Poor of Tompkins County in account with the poor .funds of said county: To balance in County Treasurer's hands, Nov. 15, 1913 $ 906.70 Amount of appropriations for 1913 , 7300.00 . To sales from farm for current year 638.71 )verdraft on County Treasurer 412.15 $9257.56 By amounts paid by order on County Treasurer for the following pur- poses: Groceries, provisions, flour and feed $ 2583.60 Labor a .1840.59 Fuel and lights 1694.64 Medical aid and drugs 127.16 Iimprovements and repairs 398.40 Clothing, dry good and foot wear 977.23 Seeds, fertilizer, disinfectant and stock 518.51 Miscellaneous 178.54 Out door relief 534,70 Hardware 104.14 $ 9257.56 SALES FROM COUNTY FARM FROM NOV. 15, 1913, TO NOV. 15, 1914. Earl Boyd, 1 calf 2.00 Floyd Brown, veal calves 33.60 B. F. Lent, S. ribs and ham 4.14 E. S. Johnson, hang 4.20 Floyd Brown, dry cow 45.00 Joseph Devanport, board 32.20 Floyd Brown, veals 1.7.76 192 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS W. and I. McKeel, 12 pigs 36.00 F. P. Trumbull, lard 2.00 C. J. Wolverton, veal 13.92 0. B. Ganoung, hay 34.13 Floyd• Brown, veal 14.85 F. Argelsenger, service, boar 1.00 0. B. Ganoung, `hay 229.66 Cash for butter 166.25 638.71 The cost is chargeable to County, City and different Towns in the Count,, on the basis of the number of days they have inmates maintained at the Alms House as follows: REPORT OF COUNTY, NOV 15, 1914. Days Died Isaac Chapman 213 June 16. Fred Cook 365 Harriet. Cummings _ 365 Mike Mizl 365 George Cronon, discharged 131• . Andrew Young, discharged 127 Fred Elyea 8 Dec. 27 James McNelly, discharged 107 William Bebu, discharged 136 Elizabeth Quinn 201 0. Keyes 46 2064 CITY OF -ITHACA. John' Bishop 365 Carry Labar 365 William Gifford 365 Rich rd Hyland 365 Joe Reed 351 Bradford Mead 365 William E. Meager 365 Nelson Gabler 365 Lucy Fritser 365 Mary Fritser 365 Oscar Hamilton 296 Abe. McDowell 365 James Shanaghan 365 Ben. Davis 365 Pricella Thompson 865 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 193 Pat Murphy, discharged 156 Simon P. Lush 316 Sept 27 Mary Stevens 122 Mur. 17 Frank i'Iorse 193 • Oscar Tompkins 365 Ed, Patten 129 Mar. 24 Bert Blank, discharged 166 Patrick Graham 157 John Soctoch 164 Elizabeth Finch 365 Charles Preston, discharged ' 104 Helen Robinson 224 Elizabeth Stilmon, discharged 42 James Graham, discharged 42 Paul Horinkie 239 Albert M. Norton 67 Maria Millage 206 8449 TOWN .OF DANBY. Elnora Craunce 365 A. L. Fuller 124 Mar. 19 489 TOWN OF CAROLINE. Allie Brally 365 Dewitt Willey, discharged 9 • 374 TOWN OF ENFIELD. Loouma' Rockwill 365 TOWN OF NEWFIELD: Helen Edgeeomb 365 David Brill 246 Sarah LaRowe, discharged 98 Catherine Starks 9 Dec. 9 718 TOWN OF DRYDEN. Mary Casar 129 Silas Tucker 365 Charles Oakley 365 Isabelle Oakley 365 194 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS• Matilda 'Goodrich 53 Jain. 8 C. W.` Vanderveer 365 John Henderson 365 2007 TOWN OF ITHACA. John Kane 222 Sally Rhodes 20 Aug. ? D 242 T014''N OF LANSING. Barney Moore 301 Howard Cobb 327 •Oct. 8 Aaron Hoagland 9 Nov. 21 637 TOWN OF GROTON. Loren Jones 365 Jennie Baker 60 Jan. 14 Martha Webster 232 July 6 Charles Thursby 298 Andrew Finch 358 Mary Wood' 286 John Northrup, discharged 56 Clara Bell Maltoon 17 1672 TOWN OF ULYSSES. Ellsworth Durling 365 Samuel Burluw, discharged 135 Frank Wiggins 365 Ben Vann, discharged 135 1025 Summary of days maintenance from Nov. 15, 1913 to Nov. -15, 1914. County poor 2064 $ 952.31 Ithaca City poor 8449 3898.25 Ithaca, town 242 111.67 . Lansing, town 637 293.92 Groton, town 1672 771.45 Danby, town 489 225.63 Dryden, town 2007 926.01 Caroline, town 374 172.58 Enfield, town 365 168.42 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 195 Newfield, town. 718 331.29 ' S 1025 472.93 Ulysses, town 18042 $8324.40 . The total cost supporting Towniand County Poor at Alms House, the ex- pense per diem being .46138. PROCEEDS COUNTY FARM. 1370 lbs. butter 382.27 268 bush, wheat @1.10 294.80 322 bush. oats, @.55 177.10 350 bush, corn ears @ .45 157.50 4 acres corn stover 60.00 45 tons hay 675.00 75 tons ensilage 450.00 18 tons straw 108.00 19' bush beans 45.00 300 bush .apples @.50 150.00 1100 head cabbage 28.00 7 bush. turnips @.50 3.50 23 bush. beets @.50 11.50 42 bush. carrots 21.00 7 bush, parsnips 3.50 14 bush. cucumbers 5.60 24 bush. tomatoes 18.00 140 bush. early potatoes @1-.25 175.00 412 bush, late potatoes @.35 144.20 650 doz. eggs 162.50 1848 lbs. pork 203.28 $3275.75 Stock on County farm belonging to County. :, horses. 9 cows. 1 bull. 2 yearling heifers. 2 calves. 17 fat hogs. 2 br00(1 SOWS. 1 boar. 19 pigs. 120 hens. TOOLS BELONGING TO COUNTY FARM. One land roller. Once monure spreader. • 196 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Two lumber wagons. One pr. bob sleighs. One grain drill. One spring tooth harow. One spike tooth harrow. One garden drill. One hand cultivator. One two -horse cultivator. One crow bar. Three log chains. Forks, scoops, shovels, picks, hoes, etc. One double harness. • One grass seeder. Two plows. One wheel barrow. Two hay riggings. Two horse forks. Horse fork rope, pulleys and trip rope. 100 new- potato crates. One set platform scales. One corn sheller, new: 45 grain bags. One t/• -bush. measure. One 4 -quart measure. CENSUS OF INMATES. Number in hone, Nov. 15, 1913 57 Admitted during year • 1s Births during year 0 Died during year 12 - Discharged during year 14 In home Nov. 15, 1914 49. GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, FLOUR AND FEED.. • No. 170 P. B. Smith $ 15.99 173 Gen. Flour & Feed Co. 207.36. 175 C. J. Wolverton 278.83 181 Rightmyer Bros: 45.34. 185 D. B. Stewart & Co. (3.21 186 A. G. Sincebaugh, pork 118.94. 194 P. B. Smith 12.80 202 F. H. Atwater 21.00 204 E. S. Johnson 142.72 208 Russell & Co., tea 35.00 211 D. B. Stewart & Co. 46.53. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 197 215 A. W. Westervelt, pork 42.98 217 B. J. Vann, potatoes 90.00 220 C. J. Wolverton, pork 140.76 226 P. B. Smith 13.12 233 D. H. Rightmyer - 42.96 238 Charles Reynolcis, pork, 39.40 239 Charles 0. Mekeel, pork 48.00 245 Florence Kelly 22.95 255 Fred A. King 6.13 256 J. Warren Chase 6.13 260 F. H. Atwater 10.78 262 C. Owen Carmen, syrup 2.50 272 •D. B. Stewart - 41.54 283 - Russell & Co. 18.00 285 Walter Chase 56.52 287 E. H. Farrington 161.60 290 P. B. Smith 22.72 304 F. H. Atwater 16.58 305 J. Warren Chase ° 28.09 306 Wesley Rightmyer- - r. 29.35 318 D. B. Stewart & Co. 94.16 322 J. C. Stowell Co. 471.54 321 Wanner & Howell 7.20 344 P. B. Smith 15,19 846, Olin Miller 12,00 347 C. Owen Carmen 3.75 356 J. W. Hook 3,25 357 Russell & Co. 35.00 360 H. W. Rightmyer. 10.26 361 J. Warren Chase 8.51 863 Fred. King 8.96 364 D. B. Stewart & Co. 102.25 374 P. B. Smith - 20.43 :377 D. B. Stewart & Co. 26.77 381 F. P. Aiken 16.60 382 F. H. Atwater 8.36 386 -J. Warren Chase 5.85 390 Mandeville Bros. 41.62 401 P. B. Smith 17.13 405 0. B. Stewart & Co. 65.04 409 J. Warren Chase _ 8.96 417 J. Warren Chase .8.17 418 H. W. Rightmyer 17.54 419 Gen. Flour & Feed Co. ) 334.15 425 P. B. Smith 9.54 437 D., B. Stewart & Co. 107.53 198 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 439 C. J. Woolurton 198.70 440 J. C. Stowell & Co. 69.92 441 J. Warren Chase 7.00 446 F. H. Atwater ... 9.07 455 P. B. Smith 20.23 '459 Manderville Bros. 48.07 $3583.6() LABOR. 164 . Charles Thursbey '7.00 165 Ella M. Smith 15.00 166 Lena Smith 37.50 167 Arthur Smith 30.00 168 Cora L. Hosford 24.00 169 H. S. Stiles 25.00 184 Harry Colegrave 5.00 191 H. S. Stiles 25.00 192 Ella M. Smith 15.00 193 Charles Thursbey• 7,00 195 Cora L. Hosford 24.00 196 Lena Smith 1 38.75 197 Arthur Smith 30.00 199 Floyd Brown 6.50 203 C. H. Brotherton, threshing 25.02 222 Charles Preston ,7,00 223 EIIa M. Smith 15.00 224 Cora L. Hosford 24,00 225 Arthur Smith • 30.00 227 H., S. Stiles 25.00 229 Lena Smith 1 38,75 230 Earl Boyd 19.60 231 Floyd Smith 12.00 232 George Baldwin 4.00 247 Cora L. Hosford 24,00 248 Ella M. Smith 15.00 250 Charles Preston 7.00 251 H. S. Stiles 25.00 252 Arthur Smith 30.00 .253 Lena Smith 35.00 274 George Baldwin 31.00 275 Charles Preston 7.00 276 Mrs. George Baldwin 31,00 277 Ella M. Smith 15.00 278 Cora L. Hosford 24.00 279 11. S. Stiles 25.00 292 Bert Blank 7.00 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 199 293 George Baldwin 30.00 294 Cora L. Hosford 24.00 295 Ella M. Smith 15.00 296 Mrs. George Baldwin 30.00 297 H. S. Stiles 25.00 827 Cora L. Hosford 24.00 328 Bert Blank 7.00 329 H. S. Stiles 25.00 331 George Baldwin 31.00 332 Ella M. Smith 15.00 333 Mrs. George Baldwin 31.00 336 Elia 141. Smith 15.00 337 H. S. Stiles 25.00 338 Cora L. Hosford •24.00 339 George Baldwin 30.00 340 Bert Blank 7.00 341 Mrs. George Baldwin 30.00 342 P.. B. Smith, paid labor 81.00 348 P. B. Smith, paid labor 23.12 367 George Baldwin 31.00 308 H. S. Stiles 25.00 369 Bert Blank 13.00 370 Arthur Smith 10.00 371. Mrs. George Baldwin 31.00 372 Ella M.' Smith -15.00. 373 Cora L. Hosford 24.00 375 P. B. Smith 8.65 394 H. S. Stiles 25.00 395 Arthur Smith 13.20 396 - Geo. E. Baldwin 31.00 397 " Ella M. Smith 15.00 398 Cora L. Hosford 24.0; 399 Mrs. Geo. Baldwin •31.00 400 Bert Blank 10.00 424 P. B. Smith 26.00 426 P. B. Smith, filling silo 26.00 427 Bert Blank 7.00 428 Arthur Smith 9.50' 429 George Baldwin 30.00 433 Ella M. Smith 15.00 431 Cora L. Hosford 24.00 432 Mrs. Geo. Baldwin 80.00 433 H. S. Stiles 25.00 448 Geo. Baldwin 31.00 449 Cora L. Hosford 24.00 450 Mrs. Geo. Baldwin 31.00 200 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 451. Elsworth Dadling 7:00 452 H. S. Stiles 25.00 453 Ella M. Smith 15.00 $1840.59 FUEL AND LIGHTS. 172 R. H. Payne 7.60 177 Standard OiI Co. 20.90 178 Union Carbide Co. 70.00 180 W. T. Vann 320.02 206 W. T. Vann 212.60 236 Standard Oil Co. 9.00 240 Union Carbide Co. 70.00 246 W. T. Vann 126.52 257 Standard OiI Co. 12.60 302 Standard Oil Co. 10.80 313 Fairbanks, Morse Co. 65.00 343 W. T. Vann 554.83 354 Standard Oil Co. 10.20 365 F. B. Aiken 115.87 383 Standard Oil Co. 0.60 421 Standard Oil Co. 9.10 445 Union Carbide Co. 70.60 $1694.64 MEDICAL AND DRUGS. 284 White 4 • Burdick 41.79 319 Isaac Holton 37.83 389 City Hospital., Isaac Chapman 17.20 457 White & Burdick 30.34 IMPROVEMENT LAND REPAIRS. 201 Auburn Prison Furniture. • 55.80 267 Empire State Housefurnishing. 13.34 286 William Hasard. 10.50 298 Barr Bros. 2.36 300 Biggs & Co. 5.67 303 John B. Turnbly 82.43 310 • C. A. Crawford 1.25 314 Rothschild Bros. 6.08 321 II. B. Thompson 13.96 393 Barr Bros 5.48 349 Florence Kelley 13.98 355 F. T. Brock 6.28 $ 127.16 OF TOMPKP1NS COUNTY, NEW YORK 201. , ! 358 Biggs Co. ': 17.93 359 Barr Bros. i: 28.75 379 C. T. Rattigan 15.00 380 Barr Bros. ;. 8.65 388 Rothschild Bros 3.65 404 Brown & De Laver) 2.65 406 Barr Bros. '• • 2.20 408 F. B. Ailn,. 53.21 414 Empire State •Housefurnishing Co. ,,16.98 415. C. E. •Rattan 5.12 423 Barr Bros. [ 5.58 438 II. Borts & Son 15.50 447 Barr Bros.; • 5.35 398.40 , •, COTHING, DRY GOODS AND FOOT WEAR. 171 V. J. King : 15.50 174 Bush & Dean 14.98 ° 182 Ben. Mintz, 1, 21.15 . 200 .. Sing Sing Prison 2.05 235 Bush & DeT1 43.86 237 C. M. Stanley 11.25 242 Buttrick & lFrawley 24.80 264 Mosher & Updike 27.05 269 Bush & Deaii. , 5.89 311 Bush & Dean 25.75 384 Bush & Dean 10.82 442 Mosher & King 24.15 456 Sing Sing Pii:ison 50.03 $27Q28 SEEDS, FERTILIZER, DISINFECTANT AND STOCK. 170 O. B. Ganong 51.00 198 Chemo Co.,11insincitude 57.75 254 jolly' R.. Sag, cos 194.00 282 Lewis Bros. hoar hog • 22.50 301 West Disinfectant Co. 15.00 56.16 315 Florence Kelley 325 Jay Carpenter 6.35 226 James. H. Thompson 28.00 335 W. T. Vann!: 82.50 422 West Disinfectant Co. 6.25 458 0. B. Ganong49.00 . $518.51 1; 202 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD or SUPERVISORS _MIISGELLANEOUS. 207 Charles Borden, blacksmithing - 13.10 209 Fed. Tel. & Tel. Co., tolls 5.10 210 William Shiltz, cork leg 10.00 249 P. B. Smith 10.21 265 Fed. Tel. & Tel. Co., tolls 2.15 271 'W. C. Cummings 4.01} 273 P. B. Smith 21.45 289 Fed. Tel. & Tel. Co. 1.90 291 P. B. Smith, transportation, L. Quinn 1525 299 Andrus & Church 2.99 320 Charles Borders 20.0 334 P. B. Smith 14.13 350 R. C. Osborn . 2.98 362 Fed. Tel. & Tel. Co. .90 376 , CharIes Borden 31.48 416 Charles Borden 8.20 443 Fred. Frazier, `bull service 5.00' 454 P. B. Smith 9.70 . $178.54 HARDWARE. 176 Barr Bros. 8.87 205 • Biggs Co. 20.85 241 Barr Bros. 19.81 258 Biggs Co. 9.18 259 Barr Bros. 28.98 261. Barr Bros 16.45 $104.14 OUT DOOR RELIEF. 183 'F. J. Woodruff, King family • 8.00 187 Herbert McLalIen .50 188 A. S. Huff, Talmadge family 8.00 189 W. E. Gallagher 5,00 190. Frank Eastman, 0. P. 5.10 212 A. L. Huff, Talmadge family 10.00 213 F. J. Woodruff, King family 4.00 214 0. &I. English, 0. P. 4.00 216 Rose Cornell, Wyhert boy 7.50 218 L. M. Hoag, board Thompson woman . 14.40 219 Walter Cole, livery Wyhert boy 4.40 221 C. E. Van Bushkirk, rent Kishpaugh 8.00 228 L. M. Hoag, Thompson woman 7.20 234 M. V. Atwood. printing 19.00 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 203 243 A. L. Huff, Talmadge family 244 S. W. Pennoyer, 0. P: • 263 W. P. Baker 0. P. medical 266 L. M. Hoag, ;Thompson family 268 A. L. Huff,' Talmadge family 307 F. J. Woodruff, King family 280 A. L. Huff, Talmadge family 281 M. V. Atwood 288 W. P. Baker; 0. P. 307 T. J. Woodruff, King .family 308 C. E. Otis 309 L. A. Patch, [ 0. P ,312 A. L. Huff 316 A. L. Huff • 317 F. J. Woodruff 330 L. M. Hoag 345 L. M. Hoag 351. S. W. Pennoyer, 0. P. 352 A. L. Huff' 1` 353 F. J. Woodruff 366 Howard Laughlin 378 . A. L. Huff' I: 385 0. M. English, 0. P. 387 T. A. Mandeville 391 W. J. McCoi•inick 392 James Lynch Co. 393 L. M. Hoag;. 402 James Waterman 403 F. J. Woodruff 410 F. J. Woodruff 411 A. L. Huff 412 Bradford Snyder, 0. P. 413 J. E. Shea, burial 420 W. P. Baker,k0. P 434 A. L. Huff 435 S. W. Pennoyer, 0. P. 436 S. W. Pennoy=er, 0. P. 444 F. J. Woodruff, King family 4C0 John Bailey 8.00 8.00 57.20 9.00 8.00 3.49 8.00 25.00 54.00 3.49 1.00 4.20 10.00 8.00 2.00 30.00 . 10.00 5.00 8.00 2.00 4.00 10.00 7.00 .95 14.88 3.43 12.50 10.00 4.00• 2.00 18.00 12.90 • 35.00 3.05 8.00 5.00 • 2.50 3.00 4.00 $534.70 In compliance Section 11 of Poor Laws, State of New York, we respectful- ly report that we estimate the expense of the Town and County Poor to be sup_ ported at the Alms House the ensuing year to be $6000.00 Out Door Relief " 1500.00 J 204 • PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Services, Overseer of Poor 2(}0.00 Transportation 250.00 Total $7950.00 In connection with our annual report mention should be made of some of the improvements which have been made at the County Home during the pres- ent year. The entirely new double porch at the main entrance of the Home gives the building a much more modern appearance as well as the women inmates, a pleasant place to sit. The Womens' and Administration Building has been entirely stuccoed; this will add greatly to the comfort of the building and reduce'the cost of heat- ing, to say nothing of the notable improvement in general appearance. The installing of four new radiators in different places in the building so that all parts are now comfortable, was done by one of the Home employees. Two large wardrobes have been built in the women's sitting room, and a large one .in each of the men's wards. The most of this work was done by inmates_ Two of the old bathtubs have been replaced by new, and two of the toilets have new bowls. The change of the entire water system of the Homc from the old tanks in the attic to the new compression boilers or tanks in the cellar, does away with the old trouble of leaks and falling plaster, and is much more satisfac- tory and sanitary. The piping of hot water from the boiler to all of the sinks, which was done by one of the employees at only slight cost, is a great con- venience. The new silo is certainly a good one, and was filled to its capacity with the best of ensilage. Seventy rods of new fence have been built. The ditching and laying of one hundred and eighty rods of six and four inch tile in the south half of the north lot makes this twenty -acre lot one of the finest fields on the farm with little expense, as most of the work was done by inmates. This work was done at the suggestion of Keeper Philo Smith. The new concrete walks, the rebuilding of all the small porches and steps, together with new paint on the Home, barn, and silo, makes the whole plant look much more up to date. And when we take in connection with these im- provement:. , the new sewer system installed last year, where_ we changed the old tile and setting basin to the modern septic tank, we feel that we are mak- ing progress. We wish to thank the Board of Supervisors for responding so well to the recommendations which we have urged from time to time; and we would also respectfully ask them as soon as possible, to construct the contagious ward, to build the new hog house, and to put a new roof on the Woman's and OF '.I'OMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 205 Administration Building, regarding :.ill of which they have already taken some action. And we would recommend the purchase of an extractor for wring- ing the clothes in the laundry. WALTER MEKEEL, WM. D. BALDWIN, GRANT COLE, • Supts. of Poor, Tompkins Co. State of New York County of Tompkins SS. Wm. D. Baldwin, Walter Mekeel and Grant Cole, being duly sworn say that they are Superintendents of the Poor of the County of Tompkins; that the foregoing statement is in all respect a true and full statement of receipts and expenditures audited by them during the year 1913-14 as such superin- t:mdents. WALTER MEKEEL. W14I. D. BALDWIN. GRANT COLE. Sworn to this 20th day or November, 1914. FRED L. CLOCK, Notary Public. rt 206 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISOR JUSTICES OF THE PEACE Reports of Justices of the Peace of the various towns of the County oL Tompkins of all fines and penalties collected by them during the past year. CAROLINE. F. A. Snow. reported no money received. Chas. R. Lounsberry reported .no money received. Paul Rockwell reported no money received, 13. J. Silsbee reported $40,00 received. D AN BY. The Justices of the Peace of the Town of Danby, failed to slake any re- port and their attention is called to the law requiring such report. DRYDEN. Paul Ewers reported no money received. Emery F. Baker reported no money received. J. S. Grover reported no money received. J. D. Ross reported $20.00 received. ENFIELD. Chas. F'. Teeter reported no money received. L. S. Teeter reported no money received. Harry Havens reported no money received. Fred G. Rumsey reported no money received. GRO'1'ON. R. R. Chatterton reported $20.00 received. J. H. Hoff reported no money, received. _ The other Justices of the Peace of the Town of G roton failed to make reports and their attention is called to the law requiring the same. ITHACA. Henry S. Wright reported $37.50 received, D. D. Fisher reportdd no money received. :James A. Bush reported no money received. Geo. N. Hazen reported no money received. i • f,):I TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YOEJ( LANSING. A. J. Conlon 'reported no money received. Daniel. A. Tarbell reported no money ,received. Charles Drake reported no money received. W. M. Bristol:' reported no money received. NEWT+ ]ELD. Douglas S. Carpenter reported $5.00 received. Chas H. Payn'e reported no money received. Augustus .Patterson reported no money received. Wm. II. Payne reported no money received. ULYSSES. John J. Chase reported $35.00 received. O. G. Noble reported $40.00 received.• C. 0. Carmen Ireported no money received. Henry \Villiai s reported no money received. 207 2 O ' PROCEEDINGS OF TFIE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS STATEMENT • •;ala}s1Q looslaS o} •(10.ra1 •a�Eill,i ao .i}ro of 'da.t j u.uoy pu-e S}uno❑ 'a}elS 01 'thud •saa I 'SV 91,1, '0;1 'XEy 10 lunocuV- 'anl'1A Uaasaa v Name of 0( ai 70. 0 1 01 7 00.W v00 ro 00 x W r -r ri:v 0W .1P 1M 1.O C. 0 W 00 m•. &s^1 O ?1 a a o: n 00 O M 0 N -h6 00 O OW 1rJr iz ^i d C d L. O C O O 'Olm}o.L O v 0 0 }ara}sl U. I0orla 0 a0 S-1!;) O ..i}uno7 Flue a}Erj 31 atm *11 O OP TO}1PKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 1 'sasodan i i[u ao; uo11.10x1:1 [COM ;oafgns 51.aols Kuuq 3a aeis -nIaxa '[ uosaed puu pa,/ `uor; =un[se a;u2aaS2E pazi[t;nba ']{7o4s 1l1Iuq: JO OAS -0[0x0 'saspc[and {{r poi. uoi1 >xu; [u!oL o aoo q,ns �C.i4a[#oad l'euosaa(i' ;o anlr;e' [iassa'ssy O Ca00000w to 0,1 -4g,000000 000t 00 CO CO raw 0000000 •,14."1—/00of00 01 r -i O 001A00 MN w .1700400 N 1100 00N 011!0100 CO COL 2 00' ro,-1rl o ry 0001{00090000;] 0nO0N00>0000000 00 I0o0200 M0o�09 1- CO Qa 00 06 E 00 L— 0'000 .04 v2 - 4[ivao{ aigr;xr:;`'Iii S}aadq,id iuosaad Io an[sn passass�a 'C 1.4 0 O 00 t ri 1 I.' 'sasodand a4u4s. aoa oo r� 03[00;s Nuq• ;oan[UA passassu � }[ZO4s ARA 3ui{1[oui '17aadoad [uuos ;o antun passasst I1ioJ xv14 '4� 0005 'aaj3iItl"SsaS00) a1�1sa [120.4 •Ienba uJ -saadns Jo)pa•eogi'&q pasn•;.010c: 3n c>r:11[ ;sasitiou73.1 i'siaads puu suoi'} raodaoal3o a';rasa {uaa 'Aio -doad a2r.[[?ntpn[o 2uul aq q. -sa [uaz;o anon. paz[irnbt D0. .00,14' w: O a L• w CO CO 0 00 r1 CP l N CO y' It - 6 -00 066. 00" w 0000 00 aa to Pis• 0''000 O 00 w 000 'Si 00001-00000 6-6 CD 0fS co 6 O O O'e+n 66rit ,-I 1-00000 1,1 C,I r -1r10000. 0.Q L, e4 N CO 6a 000-0 0)1`- 011 4- 00 r! rl rl c4 c,a r+ s 'sas[tioaraj {.u[oeds pre suotc},r;aod.toa Io amsa • [ea.1 ;A.;.iado.ui a2s{[ie .uipn[oui a;'e;se luau 3o n[0A passassV 'p'nxrJ JO saaoy ii 00 DO w0OV'•w 000007 0 0) 00 00 00 CO G? 7a Ca ri 000 CO CO. 0et, 0001 0004 Ccl' h O 00 CO 01 CO 6a L L lW N•60 CO 00 00 rl IL] 00 00 ,4 C. 0V 01 r1 c0J rl rl 01,1 CO -or'c0 NO 00 0- 01 00 10 60 00 200-04 0.1- ti r-1 69- L OOw 101.. 01 o G4O ea 0100 0'0001001 co 10 o) 01 Es. c w 000 cO r10 a'w 0001 w '1' 000000 Qa Cn 00 N .-1 00 00 00 0- 000 L ri 01 ti rn .. 69- Lr 00 CO 1— 1CJ 00 err Oa r- b'o w000000 '002013 N 04 4,1 04 L 60 04 L--• 6, 000 di 000 000 C<1 0 GV CC, ! CO CO 10 01 00 , -4 N` 00 iy suelo,L puu samo w •.CN c 00 w 00 1L 00 1n cI 00 09 �i CO 09 00 01 0- a i W O b et Abocd 51a)a) Q •0 'C a) , C) U 'VA fir' dj A ›,t0 oAida cd t.. F! ;...0 .0 at d) CaaWgg1..1 0) 0 209 c [1]A i7 p V 715, c`• d."d P0 00 0�' ate) vt a7 o 0 •^.0 O▪ �a�i �I,+ 'd 7.8 Orn a� 0 OP.0 0� 41 O • al 0) V14 } • 0) W it qa' a O 0. o XI P edb ba0iw- O • bGPI mc. bA O G) 2 '4$ wW o O y 0) a7 1.4 ra o • m 0 Lw • 02 0 ri t -i C� 0 O ci F ,c 21.0 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF .SUPERVISORS • 313Q1s riueq uo saxes Jo iuuotuv coLO a0 N 00 00 0 ..1 0 `D 69. - 10el,,-ItO tw e 00 00 o ri 69- •SISIP 100i135 P 77 02e111A rumoi 01 pauoipaodd•e urns aiotim atii• iunouru sibs. ui apnioui •saxey a2v2laoJA ;0 iunotuv a a] enc; ti 1,2 rte- w 0010 mry2 110. c 1M{, ri ti 10 CD 1.4 49. Chi, H V c1 p,' M 00 m N $ 481386$ 100648481$ 486144 •saxes .isp this .tai•em `aaium 00 0 ,100 m cola 00 .xiemepis `camas `iApii „To N 1-i c.,-1,4. c, t- t'- r, `duxes 'a2•eq.1 "woo gag 'Bap N00 a n' O N 1000 0 00 TrD�00TON saxtI m 'Lri Jo . pus `Z i -I ri ,-Ara suigit •[aui. 'pa -VI UAW) l.EUV .0. •sexr.,L SIiO as iunouryo tI6 <D co 00 GoN 0 N er,1A 10 O-0 ' 0.1 L O T CO t- 0 NL.- um 0 If00 et, ri ri 00M d1 t- •sexu A uno o unour MI:: r. � 10'" 1010 T I a a I v ci �c-•�0 �G 69. 00 0 GO O 00 00 • Q1 t- t0 to N 69- 0 00 t.- 10 ri ',1000 N t+ e}i N L',..00 10 Oh 0 •Etre at `X'L,I, s,.1egd•ea ,-i N M d1 C- O eD N 00 00 lri t0 0 �ouaiS pug ianop 'Jo ittnoury C. rD 00 ,i ,� ,� ,-, •6, CD T 10 .K T O N 00 1000 � • t:019D00 Nerer00 d1 •ttaoUu N 1n ri N et, N 00 t- t- --- CM CDS N 1{000 ri 000 ao; saxes aie45: ;o itxno.ux r 'r' oo ri w va T Inti ri ,=, eN r1 M t'0 N o' -t N 69. N M - - �1 T N t` CD M y1 d1 89. • Cities and Towns. Caroline Danby Dryden Enfield Groton [thaca Town Lansing Newfield • Ulysses Dryden Village Groton Village City of Ithaca Freeville Village Trumansburg Village - Newfield Village 'OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 211. STATEMENT OF •THE TAX••RATES ADOPTED FOR THE SEVERAL TOWNS IN THE COUNTY OF TOMPKINS BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AT THEIR ANNUAL MEETING IN THE YEAR 1914. Towns. Caroline Danby . Dryden .. Enfield. Groton Ithaca City Ithaca Town 1 Lansing Newfield Ulysses .. o .0137 .0.08145 .0121 .0121 .01062 .003425 .01592 .01592 .01462 .003751 .00441 .0107 .0107 .0044 .00657 .0085 .0123 .0147 • .00286 I, Fred. L. Clock, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins, do hereby certify that the preceding is a true statement of the r: tax nates adopted by the several .Towns and City in the County of Tompkins; for the year 1915. - +! FRED. L. CLOCK, Clerk, Savings Hank Bldg., Ithaca, N. Y. 212 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF .SUPERVISORS STATEMENT of the Aggregate Valuations of Personal Property, pursuant to Section 61 of the Tax Law, in the several Towns and Cities in the County 'of Tompkins as corrected by the Board of Supervisors at their Annual Meet- ing in the Tear one thousandoine-hundred and •fourteen. Towns. Caroline Danby Dryden Enfield Groton Ithaca City Ithaca Town Lansing Newfield IIlysses $ 17,290 6,100' 19,800 8,875 38,550 680,900 8,500 17,000 12,700 • 48,885 Total -, $858,600 I, Fred L.- Clock, Clerk of the'Board of. Supervisors of the,County of Tomp- kins, ,do hereby certify that the .preceding is a true statement, .pursuant .to .Sec- tion 61 of -the Tax Law, of the Aggregate Valuation of the Personal Property in the several .Towns and Cities in said' County, as' corrected by said 'Board of Supervisors, at their Annual Meeting in the month of December, 1914. BRED L. CLOCK, Clerk. . P. 0, Address, Ithaca, N. Y. . OF. TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 213 REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON FOOTING OF ASSESSMENT ROLL. To the Honorable lithe Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins, N. Y.: Gentlemen: Your committee on the footing of Assessment Rolls reports .that it has. verified and corrected the footings of the Assessment Rolls referred to, as made by tile Assessors and Supervisors of each tax dis- trict., and that the following is a correct statement of -such footings: is Total franchises. Caroline •• 1 34,747 838,920 7,7..771 • 17,290 863,98r 833,490 Danby i1 33,286 749,560 5,17516,100 760,835 736,545 Dryden i 58,286 2,196,842 25,1681 19,800 2,241,810 2,174,512 Enfield +;j 22,207 534,841 3,9721 8;8'15 547,588 522,762. Groton 1 30,1261 1,552,3451 12,9601 38,550° 1,604,85e1 1,532,475 • Ithaca City 11 2,940 15,398,150 409,9551 12,497,458 28;305,563 9,434;12• Ithaca Town .... 41 16,293 1,828,505 18,447 8;500: 1,855,452 1,690,3.75 , Lansing 1 37,789 1,304,805 7,800. 17,0001: 1;329,605 1,296,86Th Newfield ' j 36,997 745,670 4,1521 13,4001 763,222 732,00.01 Ulysses 't 19,818 1,186,405 17,605148;8851'. 1;252,895. 1;175,025i Totals ....1,1 293,0881$26,337,043 $513,0111$12,675858109;525,912 $20,128;246; a) 2 k q, 5. • 0 Pa Caroline $i 1,500 $ Danby Dryden 2,100 Enfield 1. 8,800 Groton Ithaca City ... 5,863,315 11,816,558 Ithaca Town 127,900 Lansing 1,500 Newfield 4 800 700 Ulysses '• 1,500. Totals ....1$6,007,41, $11,817,258 $ 3,930 $ $ $ 858,557 13,015 747,820 20,130 508,9101 502,130 2;219,580 3,279 535,609 20,870 576,470 566,980 1,583,985 100,733 10,624,957 . 10,230 1,717,322 ' 6,445 1,321,660 12,870 127,785 122,385 748,852 -9,880 413,330 411,280 1,241,515 $201,3821 $1,626,495 $1,602,775$21,499,857 1 214 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 4 O '8 O O O O o a w w _ c. A a. a ^mai v: o, H 0,,r0 mF, $ -o ' 1k=..113,,,,x a o 0: I4lJ o ib u2 o o'a c.).8 -;-',W . 4. w aMi.o C— U cd Rte„ r3 N ti [G Pa:. a P. S 'r Caroline $ 862,487 $ Danby 760,835 Dryden 1,730,800 1,717,450 Enfield 538,888 Groton 1,028,385 1,017,005 Ithaca City Ithaca Town 1,727,552 Lansing • L328,105 Newfield I 634,637 625,667 Ulysses 838,065 830,235 } Totals ....1$9,449,7541 $4,190,357 JOHN M. TOWNSEND. Chairman. w LLI&\I H. PARKER, WILBER G. FISH, ALBERT DASSANCE, CASPER FENNER, F. C: IVANS, Committee. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 215 SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT 01+' THE COMMITTEE ON FOOTING OF' ASSESSMENT ROLLS. Your Committee on looting of Assessment Rolls respectfully report the following on property without and within incorporated villages: 3 Incorporated Villages. o 1H! 1' Special franchises. ui Dryden -Dryden and F'reeville Outside incorporation$1,699,572 inside 0 495,170 Total 2,194,742 Groton -Groton 1' 11 Outside incorporation 1 1,00L245 Inside- ' 11 5'52,100 Total 1 1,553,345 Newfield---Newfield11 Outside incorporation 1 629,165 Inside 1' 11 115,705 Tot.tii 1 744,870 I. Ulysses-Truxuans biirg Outside incorporation Inside 1' Total $12,800 7,000 19,800 $18;428 6,740 25,168 18,900 8,240 19,650 4,720 38,550 12,960 31,730,800 $13,350 508,910 6,780 2,239,710 20,130 1,028,385 10,480 576,470 10,390 1,604,855 20,870. 1,800 3,6721 634,637 8.970 10.900 4801 127,7851 4,700 *700 13,400 4,152 762,4221 13,670 • 11 *700 �822,56511 6,0851' 0,4151• 833,0651 7,830 1 362,3401 42,8001 8,19011 413,3301 2,050 1 $1,184,9051.$48,8851 $17,6051$1,251,3951 $ 9,880 li *Pension; personal in village. d'Ol-lN M. TO«'\TSENil, Chairman. WILLIAM 1-11. PARKEii, WILBER (I FISH, ALBERT,DASSANCE, CASPER. PENNER, F. C. E1'A.NS, 1 Committee. -artrl:.S�:� uatLAl ]gaC1 laKr v_.. a El ow '-'fin • mop m.0o a 0 M^ 04JA0� 4101.r- 410:.x01..'0 -J� ✓. I. !. ✓� O FL r! C) •.. O 0000T. S'}[— h PR.-+pM�-+ �1�FP. .+•. �.- p>. 0 0000 00• " • Le FO L— FO 600 O O V 1^NC1•_)N.` - cdw:][C 41,_, gr, ----,Y.101.. 4000[` C^i^el 000001 O O 0 O 00 O OOOOC. e O O 1...O GO O a a0eai a e O O de0000,0 0 O O 0 141 00 0 600'7 [� c. O 6 01 M. 000 0 o.: ^;0J10 01 07 Cl 01.: GV Tn 1.0 n 0101 01 000000 O 0 - 0 00 - 6 00000 0 0 0 - 4- .7 o0 0 aaaaci a a a a as a 00000 0 O p a 10 00 0 0000[- 0 O 0 00 M Cop 0 06002 N O '0 C1 M 0,0 E`1 r.7 w .lo, 41 .aca.talui Jo avtni: llar)uof.l Under 1V'llat Law. 0 00001[1 c,_..=,...._.. e—p—C..�0 00- O 0000C1 O n 0 N O OO O O 00 aCi e e a - .O as a 0000.0 0 O 0 t.^, 10 0p 0 00001- 01 O O 00 00 000. G 0000110 N O 4., 0100 O.0 N nu] .-+ C1 C1 01 +A. J • .7 c a 1-1 w r-1 w .- oo co d��; . c4 .. Ed cd 4y. -O 0 2."-'t-'1 0 . 0 f sG4 T $ cd wwU'Ti w • w .r .,. rR •• °.1 D1 N N N 01 1",7' p0 -- w -.h'n .h d. 'h '0 C 4 ..,1-1'," ri n n .1-1r. w W 1 G ? 411 .. cd 4 0) d CO G1 N 411 y .0 -. 1Y-. U.:PCO`w tR U u1 M @ . M 00 d: C j 0 0 0 a—i o. I. l 'f. 1H l: L. 000240 4. O :30J020 0 0 0 0 SC4h^.0 mL . 'i .4 .4 �^p �f. -,...,—,,,-r, _. _ :r 71 V1 4444 0 0 E 0000° i�FFH� w 00.-.1 000~ ° G ^ R Town of Enfield Town of Ithaca 'Potion of Groton onstruction of Bridge.. of Lansing 6,p61. . .1N.CI ..7:•• %+ L ' F Cd a ri Ld mm a1„eicy - - cdcacdcdcdcd.y":1710 p0O0++.jM i>.00' 0000000000C?f-0L L L L 00 p'pin 0.0 ^~7 00000000000_0]-0.M y�P]NN000-0 cat -l -N N 4l'Y~'u: ryem,o Ltt]V IfI LL:mo,-) eogn o- o= 636v -A 6mmmF;V,w6,,,,PFjx?✓66,,,...r rlHr-.--t"l.••�,••�.••IH.••� pp 000000000000000000000000000 OP O O P OPOO O O O OO O O O 0O O O O O O O O O O O t.- 0� O P O O 0000 O O OOO O O 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0' PO O P 0040 O O P OO O O O O OOO O O O O O O O O O e0 00. 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In,rIMMMc::: C:wwoo oo bow-I"0o 00 tel- - d0' 000000)000000000 0000000000000000 cJwm Q; ooww mrn c. cac acpp ' .-1Jcdwdm cdcdcd cdcdcdcdcd cdmcZcdcdcd 4)- aaaaa.-tea _a�gaaaal=�aaaaaaaa� -*a,-:.tiY�-1��.1'�"+��Oln lfi cV Pi eatiri ,-+'YltitiPi c�ci �o0 f+0 w'--1 .--Ir 'AGO. -eO y.H cp fpL Opw Mooww 000 "]'-Yr-�rl rl�-f�.i'�.-+NNtL MC]rl.-INrr, .-I r�r rllnl `Ifi cd rd bc3 cd dA ca Idsd cd Mnj ca c3 ed ni Id 0'3 cl cd cE cd 444.4,04.000.0'O0l4..0.4.0..0 .0.0 0000J000rr.UM W000000000000000 A at.er.Works '1 v G0 roro 00 0. ani m a01 :' '.'_ 0000 SGC. ogo'o P w(AUGC3w'� xxxtAtGSnr sn 0 vmOmvvd" -'COO 1•�Nr, N `FF `F L+FF.OFF 4"-,. a v eJ C1NOON 0'10',1 cd r.,OGJcd UG]cd [j'-0 U171V]U.'WLI2WWM p•li, F'F xF vii ' V.1.O0U<1P PA a1N N Ql Q1YYYYY� YYYWWWV O ro '.,9 cd cdcdcd7345003 m,� G3 Ld N O1 Ol Cl CO CJ'OO 1: �iJ j?;t 4 +444 l V J yJl✓iJJ ,C7rrrf=+F:wr`L`F4'wf�;f:;ntllrrr✓✓✓+✓� Village of Dryden a .0 .0 mm oozmdGC44gcdcgd m OOp 000000EE ;,2,9.c2•lsp.a2.s2.21c-, sd, c4,dem-,c4.]e�icd.]edicd7egied7cgied ceded 000OOO C 0 0 0 0 0 1-11.1 KHi-1HHHW1-W WW E0 A0n6Pnn000nn000000000000000 cddcd r�P�P r�-0000UUU0000o00U 218 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TO THE COMPTROLLER OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK: The following is a Statement, pursuant to Section 100 of the Highway Law, of the several towns in the County of Tompkins, and of the amount of •money tax levied therein, for the repair of highways, .by the Board of Supervisors of said County at their annual session in the month of December, 1914, viz: Name of Town. Caroline Danby Dryden Enfield Groton c .4: ..'---I m-sa�;�.0d _-F co d r.� A b0 °�dM �. a: ma 73 V y%a '' r KF" Yv i�w 03A ... 7 3 O V 3 my �P � f '0 .^.}r,,Pcdvi i. 4'O67S, m dq rti '� • . ,c5• .ST,r, rodw d -+CG y' CC y. U) ,r, C U m c3 rrA7 ) ctl h' n i $ 841,2671$ 815,020 $ 841;267417,290 $2,000 $2,854.78 741,7201 718,579 741,720 6,105 2.100 1 2,199,780 2,221,806 1,718,000 12,800 5,000 1,500.00 510,293 526,734 8,875 2,000 1,560,930 1,009,485 18,900 3,858 1,622,366 1,708,822 8,500 2,000 4.435.00 -1,304,660 1,331,892 1,304,660 17,000 2,700 900.00 736,152 713,175 632,837 1,800 2,200 1,300.00 1,192,630 1,204;572 831,980 6;085 2.4001 84.1.11 526,734 1,545,435 Ithaca Town 1 1,708,822 Lansing Newfield Ulysses Total Tax. *4,854.78 2,100.00 6,500.00 2,009.00 3,858,44 6,435.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 3,'217.11 JAS. R. ROBINSON • Chairman of the Board of Supervisors. I certify that the preceding statement is correct.. FRED L. CLOCK, Clerk of •the Board of Supervisors. ss. • State of New York. County of Tompkins, Jas. R. 'Robinson, being duly sworn, says that he is the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County; that he has read the preceding state- ment and knows the same to be true. JAS. R. iWOBINSON. Subscribed and sworn to before me this fith day of January, 1915, FRED L. CLOCK, Notary Public. OP TOMPK1NS COUNTY, NEW YORK 219 CLERK'S CERTIFICATE I, Fred L. Clock, Clerk of the Boarci of Supervisors of Tompkins County, New York. do hereby certify that 1 have compared the foregoing journal of the proceedings of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County with the original record •thereof, and that the same is a full and correcttranscript ff:lierefrom of •the transactions of ,the said Board at the Special Sessions, •to the best of my knowledge, and' the Annual Sesssion of said 13oard held in 1914. (Typographical •errors are excepted). IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this.11th day of February, 1915. FRED L. CLOCK, Clerk. 1 220 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS COUNTY BUDGET ---1914 AS Compiled by the Clerk, STATE TAX For Armories - $ 4643.67 For Supreme Court Stenographer; etc. 1853.70 Total State $ 6497.37 AUDITS BY COMMITTEES. Charities—County Hotne $' 2969.62 Charities—Tub'ercuiosis Hospital 705.62 Charities—Miscellar.•eons 228.13 3903.37 Contract Supplies 212.05 Coroner and Justices 219.50 Correction and Reformation $ 853,32 Sheriff: - Jail llairitenatiee 682;97: Iail Inmates 245.20 District Attorney 218:24 Reform Schools and 'Penal Inst. 2241.31' Supreme Court 55.55 $ 4326.59 County Clerk and Election Expenses: County Clerk $ 1238.82 Surrogate 120.75 Supreme Court 65.10 . County Court 26.63 EIection Expenses 4676.70 $ 6128.00 County Officers and Compensations: Miscellaneous $ 1230.87 Supervisors 2386.29 Supervisors—Annual Session 2125.51 $.5742.67 County Treasurer Highways Soldier's Relief: Burial, Indigent Soldiers and Sailors $ 650.00 Epileptics 41.61 Deaf Mutes 405.76 508.78 27.00 OF .TQMPKINS COUNTY, NEW .'-x91=m< Feeble Minded 120.00 " Miscellaneous - 18.00 1235.37 Total Audits $22303:33 SALARIES. County Judge and Surrogate $ 3500.09 Special County .Judge, and Surrogate 200.00 County Court and Surrogate's Stenographer 750.00 Surrogate's, Clerk 600.00 District Attorney 120.00u County Clerk ' 2400.00 Deputy County Clerk 900.00 Search Clerk" in County Clerk's Office 750.00 Assistants in County Clerk's Office 1300.00 Sheriff Under Sheriff1-0480000..000 Turnkey 690.00 Superintendent :of Highways 1550.00 Superintendents 'of Poor 600.00 County Sealer of Weights and Measures 500.00 County Treasurer 1000.00 Clerk, Board of -Supervisors 700.00- CornInisioners of Election 1000.00 Coroner 100.00 Chaplain at County House 75.00 Jail Chaplain and -Matron 100.00 Keeper at County Home 72550.0 0.000 Physician at County Florne Janitor at County Clerk's Office 175.00 Total Salaries $21200.00 APPROPRIATIONS. Tuberculosis Hospital': 'Maintenance $ 8000.00 "Building Ice House 150.00 .1Bond Maturing 1000.00 'Interest on Bond 150:00 Total $9300.0() q9u1ty Horne: Maintenance, exclus've of salaries $6450.00 • Outside Relief 1500.00 Building Contageous Ward 500.00 • New Roof 150.00 Repairing Gas Tanks 50.00 Painting 200.00 Total $8850.00 222 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS COUNTY SHARE, HIGHWAY SINKING FUNDS. State Highway 606, Principal $ 163.20 Int. 326.40 $ 489.60 State Highway 616, Principal 706.20 Int. 1412.40 2118.60 State Highway 681. Principal 396.96 Int. 793.92 1190.88 State Highway 682, Principal 305.03 Int. 610.05 915.08 State Highway 683, Principal 315.16 int. 630.34 .945.50 Total $5659.66 Highway Bonds Maturing: Ithaca Savings Bank Bond 2/1/15 $5000.00 Int. 1500.00 $ 6500.00 Harris, Forbes & Co., Bond 2/15/15 2000.00 Int. 2205.00 4205.00 Dryden Bank Bonds 3/1/15 500.00 " 3/1/15 500.00 •ei 3/1/15 - 500.00 " 3/1/15 500.00 Int. 807.50 2807.50 Total $13512.50 \I scellaneous: Burial Indigent Soldiers and Sailors $ 1000.00 Court Expenses 7700.00 Expenses County Sealer of Weights and Measures 200.00 Farm Bureau 1000.00 Fuel and. Light 1828.08 Jail Supplies 600.00 Postage, Clerk of Board 20.00 Postage, Express, etc., Commissioner of Elections • 200.00 Postage and Incidental Expenses, County Clerk 150.00 Postage, County Treasurer 50.00 Printing Proceedings of Board 600.00 Reimburse Town of Groton, Erroneous Asst., 1913 98.01 Rights of Way - 2000.00 Steel Filing Case, Supervisor's Rooms 150.00 Telephones in Advance 350.00 Total $].5946.09 • OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK - 223 POLITICAL DIRECTOR Y AND GUIDE TO TOWN OFFICERS General Election --First Tuesday after the first Monday of November. Town Boards to designate polling places—First Tuesday in September. Annual School Meeting—First Tuesday in August. Town Boards to meet to audit claims—First Thursday after General election. All town claims must be presented for audit at this' time. The Supervisor, Town Clerk and Assessors of each Town must meet on the first Monday of July, 1878, and_ in each third year thereafter, at a place within the town appointed •by the Supervisor; or, in case of his absence, or of a vacancy in his office, by the Town Clerk; for the purpose of making a list of persons to serve as trial jurors for the . then ensuing three' years. If they fail to meet on the day specified in this section, they must meet' as soon thereafter as practical. (Consolidated Laws, Chap. 35, Sect. 500). • At the meeting specified in the last section, the officers must select from the last assessment roll of the town and make a list of the names of all per- sons whom they believe to be qualified to serve as trial jurors as prescribed by law: (Consolidated Laws; Chap. 35, Sect. 501). . Town Boards meet to examine town officers' accounts -Last Tuesday pre- ceding town meeting to be held in each town. Town Meeting, biennial—Second Tuesday in February. ' Annual meeting of Supervisors as a Board of Canvassers—First Tues- day succeeding general election. Annual meeting of the Board of Supervisors—Immediately after com- pletion of the canvass, or at such other time as they as a Board shall fix. All bills and claims against the county- must be, presented to the Clerk of •the Board •on• or before the third day of Annual Session of the Board of .Supervisors. All bills for supplies furnished to Superintendents of the Poor must be presented to• said Superintendents for audit on or before November 1st, of each year. All bills -presented to the Board of Supervisors must be itemized and verified by the oath of the claimant. No bills for lav books will be, audited unless purchased under Resolution of the Board of Supervisors. _ . All bills for repairs to or •improvements. of county buildings must have endorsed thereon the approval of the committee on county buildings. No bills for supplies for county officers will be audited unless the •same were purchased by the Committee on Supplies or the Board of Supervisors. 224 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS The Tax Collector or Receiver shall, within eight days after receiving notice of the amount of taxes to be collected by hien, execute to the Supervisor of the town, and lodge with him, a bond in double the amount of ,said taxes, to be aprpoved, by the Supervisor. The Supervisor shall, within six days thereafter, file the said bond in the office of the County Clerk of this County. The Assessors must complete the Assessment Roll on or before the first day of August and -leave a copy thereof with one of their number and im- mediately thereafter cause notice thereof to be posted in three or more pub- lic places in their town or ward. "When the lines between two towns, wards or counties, divide a farm or lot, the same shall be taxed, if occupied, in the town, ward or county where the occupant resides; if unoccupied, each part shall be assessed in ,the town, ward, village or county where the same shall lie." The Assessors shall meet on the third Tuesday in August, to review their- assessments heirassessments and.hear the complaint of any person conceiving to be.aggreived. An affidavit to the roll by the Assessors made prior to the third Tuesday of August, is a nullity. The Assessors must deliver the correct Assessment Roll to the Town Clerk on or before the first day of. September, there to remain. for a period of fifteen days for public inspection, and the Assessors shall, forthwith give public notice by posting the same in at least ,three of, the most. public places in the town, or by publishing the same in one or more newspaper:: published therein that such Assessment Roll has been finally completed, the officer to which the same has been delivered, and the place where the same will open to public inspection. Said fifteen days, within which any assess- ment may be reviewed by certiorari, shall commence on the day of. the first. publication. The Assessors cannot enter the name of a -person on this. roll. who became a resident after the first day of July. When the Assessors, or a majority of them, shall have completed their roll, they shall severally appear before any officer of the County authorized by law to administer oaths, and shall severally make and subscribe before such officers, an oath in the following form, which must be strictly followed: "We, the `undersigned, do hereby severally depose and swear that ,we have set down in the foregoing Assessment Roll, all the real estate situate in the town (or ward as the case may be), according to our best information; and that, with the exception of those cases in which the value of said real estate has been changed by reason of proof produced before us, we have estimated. the value of said real estate ,at the sums which a majority of the Assessors have decided to be the full .value thereof, and also that the said Assessment. Roll contains a true statement of the aggregate amount of the taxable estate of each and every person named in such Roll, over and above the amount of debts due from such persons respectively, excluding such stocks as are other- wise taxable and such _other property as is exempt by. law from taxation at the full value thereof according to our best judgment and belief.'•' Which oath shall be written or ;printed on said roll, signed by,the Assessors, and certified by .the officer. Laws of 1909, Chapter 62, Sect. 38. The. Supervisor must report to the .County Treasurer on the first ,Tues- day in February, the amount of school moneys remaining in his hands. 1 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 925 Each Justice of the Peace must execute a bond with two sureties condi- tioned for•the payment on demand to the proper officer all monies received by the Justice, by virtue of his office, which bond must be approved by the Supervisor of •the town, and filed in the Town Clerk's office. - Each Justice of the Peace shall make a report in writing, verified by oath, each year, bearing date for the first day of November, to the Board of Supervisors, at their annual session, in which he shall state particularly the time when, and the name of the person or persons from whom any money has been received, and also the amount and on what account the same was received, also the sums remaining due and unpaid and that all. monyes by him received have been paid to the officer duly empowered by law to re- ceive the sane. Each Justice of the Peace shall pay to the Supervisor' of his respective town on the first Monday in each month all fines and penalties imposed and received by him, and he shall also .make a verified report of all fines and penalties collected by him to the Board of Town Auditors of his respective town on Tuesday preceding the annual Town meeting. Laws of 1909, Chap- ter 16, Sect. 21. Overseers of the Poor cannot furnish supplies to a county pauper to exceed the sum of ten dollars without an order from••the County Superinten- dents authorizing disbursements for such purpose. - • The Clerk of every incorporated village and city in the County shall re- port to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors on or before November lst of each year all indebtedness of such village or city, specifying for what pur- pose created, under what law, rate of interest and where payable. Laws of 1909, Chapter 16, Sect. 52. The Trustess or. the person or persons having charge of .the issue of bonds or payment of same of any school district shall transmit a statement thereof to the Clerk of. the Board of Supervisors annually _on or before the first day of November. Laws of 1909, Chapter 16, Sect. 52. The Board of Assessors of the several towns of the County and the As- sessors of the City of Ithaca shall furnish•to the Clerk of the Board of Super- visors on or before the first day of July in each year a full and complete list and' statement of all property within their respective districts exempt from taxation under the laws of this state. Laws of 1900, Chapter 62, Sect. 15. 226 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS tA .7Z vi (56) .4I.0 0 tics czt 0.1 E z • ") (—I 4) 0, -lab 7:3 s,„U `15 i•cs -2-1) 4ell ) C.4 g e 771 rte+ „�,� )) • ect V � e .0 DELEGATES•AT-LARGE TO 'Jr `;aaddng goarr 'uaogs0 goan170 url'if[it4i •uai•Ia,0 •r iieaJOiv u�urlani,� uiior :iiofaPIODDIAI LI Iaecio[II sgluo) UIeiii6A1 •y4 SaluEf '11019i7f?'I •rel 1117aui4 •uosng •r UEAieJ 'TIoiaaaH £pi:O-a- •saaduio0 ianuieS •xia •y agar •uafin0 •yE aulip:0i •.iaguwnNi aioIL& CITY OR. TOWN. ca 1-1• 00 00 ry 0000 00 0 In G3 .M 00 0 0000-0n0- 000000 0000.>~0000 Nc,9Ori In 00 w1 00 00 t0 00 00 Co 00 r+ 00000oc:t- o o 00 NLD co r -I ri ri L 00 00 4-1 r -I p o n 00 L co 00 r•1 r1 • r4 CO C3 co t- oo00N00ar 0040 d'r-�r•tC- 00P0000 00 ri d' co 00 co CO000-eD00rI ri r1 0 4900 ,v 00 00 00 0- cD O r -i N rK . NN GZ 07 0100 ao00ticaw� 00000r,oco co co CD eD 00 110 00 O O O 00 c,cnm4-., • OQ r4 00 en d' Ick d' .r a' C) co 00 F N CO 0000 00 up 00 L 10 [+10 CO <Y Co cl O m 1 O CO co L Ln rN OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 227 L`- rl C CO 00 CD CA 00 M ri eV 00 CO C- ry r- CO c1 1A 00 CV MM ra -}Vm Ca Ca 00 CM 00 rf M C- ri CO 17 r -I 1. L.. OG L Lq CD 1.0 Ln cl M M r1 e l 00 GC rl In Cl CD 01 10 N CA CO 1n rf - If r♦ rn CD CD 11) N CV CO M 1-1 d• 00 rl r O 0 o 1-1 ti CO r l 10 cam 10 CO L0 Ln Ca C0 CO - Ln Ln 00 0.0 CO C- 110 CO 10 CV r1 ri CV In 01. 00 CO C- Ln Ca CV 00 eV N eM Ln O 00 CDL In r1 00 r1 eV '1 000. L^000 Cp [ Ln r< 00 m mv'rf CD Ln on 00 :n 00 ua r• I- Ln rl r1 CV LO S 00 CD N Ln CD O 00 00 In 00 lit O rn Lit CO Ln r1 un in 0 O Ln ID u; 00 L+ 00 L- CD ▪ L'- V CI 00 r - c1 er V er c" 00 y2 rflya is n ' 0 AAAA`a4, N rA Nro a AA ry CV CO v v ri N M d • SA 'CZ CC -"A' C'TS' 44 44 0 FFo�ro� e$y • GTi W 1''Wi l� 1n N ri CO LO - eM N M co re <r CO CM C- L- r1 CD Ln rf L CM CV m CO r1 <N M on '0' c- CV eD Lq r1 C- 00 CV CO m ri M 02 0.;r -i Ln 00 dl O rl c1 07 up 1P O e0 I In 00 r1 Ly 02 eV O ri I CV 00 CO 10 0: e}I ri Ln 00 aL 00 eD Ln ri e' 00 r1 In 0 01 N ID eV 00 er 00 ri 1C 00 r1 CA CD er N eV CO ,-1 un rn V+ ri 00 CD CD r-/ dl 00 ri Ln 0 W ✓ + 00 L`^ ra C. L.0 M v I O UP L0 r -I `dL oo 00 CV M M rl VLM I rd N up 0, V• 1004 1004 L- CV 1- D. PO C• PS 00 00 rI Vl M CV rlCCD co 1.'- 001.0rf VIM 00 C- r4 r. CD c7 ti O CV 1.000 +i ell 00 TA00 00 L- CO t+ In N C» 00- N CO M r1 V M CG 1- L000000 C» 00 CV CV CO r -V er M 0) Ln In Ln Lq on O 0 O cl L0 on on CA Vl O O L+ c1 co re M CV c1 r1 CA Cq c7 1n A Q 4 eic QD q p G e G7 N N 0) NRO RV RV 77 R:f 0) P Fri ce, F ? CaaPAA'4 7fa 00 et. O Ln N ri CD er CV eV • 00 ID 00 eP CD r'1 1a'a CG VL rf r-1 GO CD Ln O CD r1 I110 er CO CO 00 et. ri 4:1 DC VC In to 0 O O CM eV t+ LQ L(? CV 00 O c7 r+ H CV 1.0 CV N COV CD c 00 00 CV CV ri rn M CV Gq O CM CO M 00 Cu 07 cm to O M CV CV CA CA CDCwm O CO N CV 00 Ln Oom O 00 M 00 CV 1� on o VD 0 0 CO CV 'CA CD N TCD O m CV N 00 t- ri r1 CD O 0': CO CN CV CD r1 O C7 O CO CO N N 00 0010 M M CV CV C- ri OCD O 00 m 00 CV • 11.1 CS 00 Ln O MCV CV, CV Ln O 10 r a 00 m M d• m 0,1 00 ri ri c1 1-1 r-1 i'as 01. 44 gQ'44 O AA o Fc ai.0Ry. • E-' ri cs m Vl Pr 0 0 0Pr 0 y 4, O 0 O O F F. F Ly C7 0 0 LJ Ln CD Cra C 17- 0.0 -0.0 M r -I ell o, CD CO 00.n1 el^ 00 C: r^ V' 0: 00 LO CO CD 00 0000 eD rn 01 M r'1 e� CO Cr) CA Co r -f et. CO cm cl C: ri a' CT) m a c: et, to rn CV ti 00 0 4-1 er 0) CO m c 0 Ca 00 M ri er. rn 1- CD CG CO 00 CO M r1 er I 117 CD ' .10 00 GI CD 00 co r1 e71 00 b- C- 00 M 00 00 M 1-1 er 00 11 0000 M H eq T Ln O C7 10 I 10 eV CD L- O m Ln CV r -I c] UD cd O E 228 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS csu00 10 0 cD eV :D 00 10 t t • rY 10 N cam' 00 t t CD 00 t nr up 00 c.0 00 t d' LS 10 r- 10 10 • LO CO CD CA 0C ri 1 10 00 CP C: CO rt 00 10 m v a C. ri ▪ 1f CO CD CO m re m 112 m CD CA 00 00 10 00 CD C0 CO re 10 1.0010 C 00 CO 00 CP P. c -O r- d ' 10 CO CD CA CO ri I0 10000 CD CO CO r~ D00 CD Cn m ri .eV 107 CO CD m m ri K' 1000 0 Cn m ri O O P 10 LLS CS CO C7 O Vw n 10 It If. [10 In Ir. 00 1- <a L^_ 00 00 CO 00 0.0 13'] m CO 0o 00 00 110 CO 00 .r O C- 00 QO CID 00 00. ,V 00 CD d' 20 1100000 d ' a o0 210 110 10 0000 Ij 02 0 rt. lit M 00 SOr..1C+ eT 00000 -Y O 07 -4' 1[; CO 0: 0C TV ra n -r 10) CD 0^. CO tb 10 10 c0 00 y' ri CD m 1,'7 CD m 07 t to 1.0 r 100)00 uo O 10 UP C' 0 0- LS CO. o i 17 00 C0 D4 m t)ir • a) Gl 0 Ei ran -c '0 N N CO ✓▪ 1 n m re ▪ tl 00 1 N 1 413 0 I N d' L 4 C= O 10 CD O r, C" ri LO r C0 l'- N .- T4 CO I t... N I00 00 'C' 0- L'- 00 O CD CD CO N M '' 1- C- 1-1 ri 01 r -I 00 O L-- 00 -00 m'4' 0- c ti Q. 0 1`- 1 C- 220 1.-- r, _r- N C0 00 'O OC m v' 0- a rl N CO 0- O O 00 Ot t co 00 ✓ i I GO CS 00Cv;..r N t- ri • ri 0 o C, ✓ CO eV00 ri CD r- 110 o a~ O 0 c: d' t N rti 00 o CD 0 CD ti 00 V' L N rti O 00I o 2n O 00 CD Q� O m ri o ,-1 ri ti. ') C•. I0 .. m 0 E'+ 1- 00 10 O O Ci C: L: 00 L: CDC • 00 i O O N N 0▪ 0 CDN N 0 co N CA r! 1:- t- t- 1C: O Cq ▪ Cpr- 0J m 02 2074 2074 2080 2049 r T /" as 0: T! ri 3 ' O 0 El E' 72 72 CJ C., 7.1 Total for county OP TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 229 •ueutautla.s PinoE (loam loOl n'II[d •sloac[uapolI 'F i cI[opy •suos.Ird 1aagaag •iU3(.I£[ Q PIO'I nuoi •[Iegs.rew sinori 'Mo,I PDS •unu[IIW.) '.A 3pialtd •aale:ita'ealo •y osuoW1TV •aanrrea£[ gooe.0 •lla3lar:ag uviunay re9pa 'aiaaag uit?II[?A\ •1Purl;aoD 11'8A l,[agog •.caSa.uraalua lapinus 0 H 0 en CV 00 O t` Men 00 ri CV 00 00 ri 0 CO CV ' 00 C: 00 t N en c7 r+. TA 1-1 ri ra 1-4 ri ri ri 1f5 C CO rl © 00 Hrl•H 00 10 co 10 to r- TA en CQ 0'100 CC t` Ci01 H H rt N H H ri ri r.1 ,-i 00 00 .0 0 H 01 r. h 1- M rl C1 t- x100 CZ 01 mt. COCD CI ri ✓ i rl r♦ re ry rl rl r+ rl rM ri co 0,rl In co Men ri N CV Ori • O 00 ry At. Cl Q1 tn. en t' 00N ri ri r-1 N H rI ri Ti r -I rM TM o a) • 00 rA 01 ri 61 00 0 d' .0 1i.1 r•l 61 CC 1-4 MC] OO ,r tO 00 T.; ri N r'1 rl t•y YI 1'i ri rl ry In M o In el 0l .-i 0) ti' eM '' r' rM 0 00 H d' N cn ri rl ri H r! ri ri rl r'I H r! H 10 CV Cl CD CO .•i CI 00 O ri In 00 H 0 00 H eM 00 C•: In L 1` rr 00 H H H •-M H H rl r -I ri r- ri 00 0 CO 01 0l 00 to M 01 r- ' 4 10 01-0 CO N 0000 C04O rH I` H rl r 4rA1-1 ri ri rl rA ri H `W 1[1 C‘11-1 l0, 00, o 3. 1 H ▪ O 00 ri 00 Cl 64 -Y' 00 I CV ri rl H rI ri H r, H rl ri H H ry rl CV ri r•1 CV CO CO CV In • CO CO rf 00 C] C eM 00 In 01 ri riHr-IriH ri H 1'y r'IH H 1536 1640 1656 0' OU 00 OD 00 0- 00 00 00 0) NIT 00 H' CD 00 cn CD to L 00 00 00 H en CMo0 00 00 00 G 1 00 CM en 00 At, CD00 00 CO 00 00 00 00 rH 0 rner, t- 00 I000 CD00t M 0000 r▪ l M 61 e}' 00 et. In 00 00 CD00NMaso0 1.4 1-1 00 en M CP, ,E4NMCoOO t - cc c000 I- 0 0000UP `H.y r♦ O Co 04 L"' CS ell 00 0'q 00 CO 00 Cm. 00 D0 00 N r▪ l U1 , CO Cl 1I Cn d' t' CO et, 00 u+ CD CP 1 00 00 00 ,I O CA Cm 00 10 00 CD CD NM 0000 r'i en CV Cl G0 110 61 M OA 00 Ad. 1-I C•, O 0,1 C At. r- 01 -s 00 1.CJ H 0t TM 00 TSI 6) en -3' r. 0101 r- to no r• co 00'00 ri H rl H ri ri ry 1'y ri ri ri H O -I 'a' 00 00 N CD Cl 00 00 00 11.1 01 CO CVjjj 0O C0 00 CI CV r' O 00 0 rCO0 C1 CP A 00 CP rl , I l- CD CD Cm 0 CO 00 0 • 1-1H 1-4 , 1 ri H r1 ri `[ 'W - ri ILO CV O MH CO CD 0'q Oro 0'1 M 00 C. r. 1000 CO 00 op cc HN CD C0 In CO00CDCO1n 00 00 Mc+9H.0OD .00 rA • I0,10'J .0 t- CDHHCet, It0 r.•rI ti000O00 j O 00 CCO ti CD COo In co 00 CD CO 4O 00 CV 00 00 "l X00 0) • .� - cin m on ,- AAAAAA w'0)'d-' 1 f O ▪ H C3 00 V' 1n CD a7 0) N 0) 0) N • b b ro cn ro ro 7-1 7,, Lei F. 4 tai AAAAAA 230 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS N m 02 LID sr O CO 00 ri rK ,-i N O 40 sr O Ca 00 w w O CC1 00 d' er O 00 00 r1 ri O0 ri00 er O 02 00 - N 0200 C> Sr sr O 00 00 w ri N O '4' O 00 CO w ,-4 r-1 110 O Ili mr O C] 00 rw w 00 74 CO r m O 0 00 r-1 w ri CO t mr e r r -i ri CD W O01 UMer V1 0'00 00. ri rl ri mr 10 mr mr 0200 00 ri r-1 mw ✓ O 0000 ✓ rt CO a' Ov1 ri 10 C1 ,r CJ !r 02 sr ri 11D CM V' 02 02 • - -1 °AA�' m'v00 riNm- o 00 4, *4, 6 10 O C1 N t 110 Cm O ,ti ,--1 10 00 1C: 02 [� ''!1 00.I eft w IJ 00 N'- t 1r: t0 ri rM 1c o0 1? cr. t v, 00 mr Y. - CQ C+: N1-1 O w ri 112 00 1n coCV 0) 1.- W eV co L N UM c. 1 .' 00O 71 C1 00 N ' 0 7-1 110 00 16C1 I sr 00 CS UM L CO .1.1i 1-i ri r-! C7C':m 1 n1 ?+N 00 O 1p r- co {-• m r co , rl 00 O N I w 02 0_ ;D C. 1f_ t C: 0- 0 w r1 Y. Ca 0-3 1100- ri 020410 C- M rl ry CD Cl CO DO w 1D CO 14 mr • 04 11] t W I0 o0 Ifo eh, ri N CD t C4 1.000 UM s CO Cd m00 O ILO CO L0 er 1fJ C } UO t ri 1.0 00 UM er ri Ner110 r LL7 OC IfM In N 110 Yi 1CJ 00 1{0 er N O CM Ifo O 12' 1- 1(0 w en Orneo O 0 N N CV sr CD - a O 00 04 C.} C4 n Y Y AAA 20 0 0 ri N CO O O. O ri 00 00 w I C7 C] t er oo C1 1.10 t IN ri 1 mr 00 O — Ca 00 CO 1". e0 00 CS L0 t - r.! ri ^: 00 O O co 00 0 1 is sr rq 6. 110 t w rN C; ri 0) 00 CD L•- Sr O I C0') 1S O iw 00 O r-1 01 0 C3 t '1 t' 00 02 I:J t rE ri t CO r -I 00 00 C2 O l '0 00 C: 1t. 47 ri 0▪ 2 0- eF 00Ch 1 _ b rl mr t 00 ri CC 00 O 00 C CO00 te, L'0 t r/ 10 1�/ IP N I 0' :D o0 00 _: r4 y1 I m mr mr IC. 120 r , .11 j 10 CD 00 00 ---0c' 02 sr sr F 02 Yn ti 17 97 CO en yin G C 02 02 V. cd 7 CI 130 127 120 121 6 E-1 CM N CO i OT Y. C= :::- 2- !2- 00 rt rq 0) 112 L 00 ri �1 00 0- 00 ri CM ri 1D C- C O N 0 00 CO r -I C) ri CD M N 00 0V CD 0- CO L 00 UM 0- 00 w L^0 M CD 102 N 1.l 0" CD CO w ni-R2 rel a APA Le. O 0- ,-I i N CD Qri ri ri ri ri 00 O O CM C7 Ori C,7 el ri ri r•1 t 0 w N O C= O w ri ri t c2 T p N C; O H ri CD 00 00 77 N 00 O 0 119 C: C C: DI c] O O r1 r-1 ri t C• 00 00 0,1 02 0 0 rW N w 1. , 00 00 CO CS n O O r4 ri r 00 m n r1 G: 00 22. CM 1 COmrN 00 00 CO 00 d' N CO O 0 r1 rti w I C•'0 C0 00 t Cq 00 N G O p Y ri w ri CO C: C: 0 02 N C O 0 ri -+ w r :0 110 ' 0 00 00 0 0 02 ri ri r~ sr c00er UD 1.^ :: 00 -r _, no er 10 uo :4 0o CSV 6 4? , 7 VI N 10 N n 02 02 rn m 02 tD2' O 00 r< 00 0 CI 00 i 0 ri CO 1- rn r1 10 L- C] O 10 CD C) • OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 231 .0 0 1 00 r- 11-4 ,=1 I i: CO Ct. 10 1 44 Cl O CD O CI ri ri rl CC CO 0m O 1i ri cD Cl O O T ri 00 c0 p ✓ ri 0 ri CV 00 00 00 ri 3587 3660 3599 O O CO O C- p p CO ✓ i. r1 ri CO 00 'O CO CD00 l 00 uo 0- O CD O ! Q O ri N/ l I 1 a0 0o d1 CD CA ,1 i0 c- c, O IIs 0- 00 00 vl cc 00 O CO CV CI CV cD O rti ri ID L L- ?. CD f ID 00 ti mt. N C - Enfield, 1st Dist 2023 3493 3641 3574 3622 3512 Total for County 'ss13[1I VoL.I •1-1 IUEti[i,,N Ip Caadieda •a Ka[aaPaad 'UIoupxo[CI 'IN: sa[.IBIM •siAEQ '{[ .au[aaqaL') •sPITIiD II[ItIEH, Ut1 J1IIm- .[ILp .q aamo[ PSIS 'A1 siauudd U 1P[G .3 so[.I03 '410(ititr d 0D81?A 'gunok 'H sai,'E'.IO tuI u[saaxal 2s434D •uosUlns CITY OR TOWN. ri L-- C) 00 CO 00 C • 00 O O ,t1 Cc1 i N ri ri r I ri Cl ri 00 01 , $ CO O O P. O CO CD C? CO 00 0 O `3' `1...1 1 10 rI ri 01 C1 ri Cl 01 rl CC' 1 N ri N O O ^-D CO N r -I rl O 10 ri CV r•S ri CV rl C1 N 00 Cl rl CO r1 ti' .00 d1 e0 00 00 00 0 CD 10 Ci 1- el. ri 1-1 1 ri 01 00 10 Cl 1-e 00 00 C1 O 0- CO CO 1- cD Lr CD 00 ri CO 00 1 ri 1. ri 0,1 cl "11 0l r+ CV VT C00 ri r 100 dI 00 O C. C' c0 00 E eM r1 r-1 01 ,� Cl 00 Co C1 01 CO li 00 r.1 ci C-. O r1 CD IIs 1 CD O C1 GO cl CO W N CV rS C4 01 V1 CV r•1 00 00 0000 CI C1 O I0h 41'10 CD ra Ltd 1 O • 01 ri ri Cl Cl 00 C1 CI 00 i '0' 01 CV GO O O L CC C+ Ifs L'1 O DD 0 ! I10 N CI 00 00 ri 00 101 cl CA 00 CV 00 .01 CO VI ri ' 1 N IIs 10 re rl CV , CV C: 43 1 ri 00 O N In 00 CO CV 00 P.. IS r•l 110 00 10 d1 00 1-1 ri 01 -1 CV 00 d1 N 0..1 00 L- ca oo o0 cc CV Do V' CO L'- c 1 '',t' 1.'L 110 11-1 7-1 CV 1-1 CV CV -1 CV 00 00 COR C.1 C.• O 0 00 co 00 cl 0' 01 00 C+1 00 ri ri CV 01 CV CO CV W CO N f 01 :V C- ri C: C- 0,3 L- 00 ri 00 Go CI 00 rl rti CJ c1 c1 e*I CI ri 00 eN Cq ri C- 00 O CD C0., N O 00 o 00 O N y 1-i ri r1 CV CJ 03 CI rl N CI O 00 CC C. os d' cl 00 00 rl 0'- ,'0 0 00 ri 03 C7 00 d' 00.00 00 ri r-1 rl ri 1-1 ri rf r✓ Y. ri ra rl 10 CD O 0000 CC 00 110 ^= 232 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS CO .-I 00 CO r ti C: - 00 CC r r CO rrl 00 CC .i ri 00 ri 00 CP r1 ,1 00 ri 00 CO r ri CO .4 00 00 r CO00 1.4 Ct rH 1-1 00 D r-4 r1 C] ,H O0 en r: ri CO 1.1 00 CD 1-1 r CO 00 00 00 C•1 r1 OZ 0D, 00 70 OC to • r 00 rM GO CC 1-4 ri 00 .d 00 :, ,71,1 r r0 in O0 tD .0 N :O G. 00 C _i1 L 00 C~ 00 CO cm CC '00 00 Cr] eM t- co D 00 CO :D 1-. 03 00 00 O sr 00 CD CC 01 r co tl 00 cc CO 1 Ci r 00 D ' 001 Nr CI cm t- O et, e000 D C4 r O er C] 00 00 C 1 .-1 CD ell co on co 00 c! .rl1 00 N- (0 G1 1 er 11 0: 00 CC eh r1 03 00 CO ]0 - <i' 00 ! GO VD 11 00 C I 00 ri 00 00 0� 0- r cf. 00 CO CO r -I ',V 00 CO ii: r e1 C] CO ell r e r 00 CO O7 'c 00 D VD - ! el., ri e1 C0 cr1 c3 0 L: 00 1-1 CO O r -I C 0y C! j ri cr 00 00 ".y: II CO r '0 00 01 r C0 �= N = 1. ,e~ CD 01 r CO I O 1.0 GO 0-00 D r '000 00 r CO rer 00 ,re I L I 0 CD O 0.3 r er ri r o s 00 C. ri V- O Pl D -0 ri er O 00 00 '0 rri C, o Cq :••1 er OCV ri 4_7 43 TA aS -, G 01 10 r 7D03 0000 ri yy CO e!1 Lt.) eC C p c OWWWW a y7c75 75 alaaaP 00 er r 00 GO 00 00 C`l !V N Ii 01 0. 00 M P1 CO 00 ,-i C:1 C0 00 01 CT 00 TY C, 0O 00 ✓ '. 0) 00 0a 0) 0000 ✓ i CT 00 00 ri 7 e7 00 TY C', C: 00 TY , 00 00 H O 0000 T 00 C0 00 00 CT 00 NM 0000 coat, On 00 0 TY TY -Dorn O 0 0 ,1 rM 00 00 O C r -I ri rI TM TY m AqA m ri, rM c, C+ 00 3 N ra U2 m a) m n rrz m AAS OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 00 O "Al 1 CO 1 00 0O 00 e^ O V' 1 t' 00 1 00 C N TY ri G•1 I C- i 00 Cry C 10 10 00 CO N N TI r-1 C" 00 PT sr.00 00 00 L- I C- 00 CA r -I ,-M CV 4 CA w c: c v' 1i -I' 00I eP N N r1 rM c, _ O7 I CO OT TT 00 I 00 N t- ,-d N TYrM C, a CC ri 00 1 r- CO I 00 C: 00 TI TY 1 c1 00 rF • ,1 c' 11 I0 00 1 CO CO C.1 r -I r.. I 'r -1d w a 10 00 I. 00 �j .1-1 ri1I N 00 CT CT” -'',51' 00 i`- CO CO 00 01 •- r -i I N 00 a' TY e' l 1, 0 0 c N rP-! N I 00 COTI r- j 00 00 00 O N TI r I N 1 ,m eft r�i 1)0 I CP J I CP 1C+ N r -I CA 00 �' n CO c0 D CO OO TPI N r'-1 GV CO ri N TY 0 y CO CO I CO 'IW I CA CT OT CV C0 C0 C:1 1.0 TY N CJ CO N N 00 1 t- C11 0 O c-+ 1- rf' ,.t' c: n 0 0 0 TY TY TH 0 C^ O CO :J O 1' O C O rM TI TI V - T 3 Total for County 's!EIi[ 'U .[ap[teka[l i31iD rpI •nop!uzy 'y ant[3ay •poo k. a[[a2nr,] �!nrlS utiasop •2.raquot[aS xrj •[L'!l[t:S 11.4101t j '[Iass[ta poe pr,I sa[art_D a4 O}I Sap ,rN O 'i[IJ W 'K eq;.[aa. a.ro'[ GL%%p[LrI -Isonal] •r.[a!Iair.r,y .i.lt[aH •tnz[od saute,[• '[Utluqua2laA mai.1:fuaa. 's!uuaa •CE tIt[or a[ooln. utlor .S •xooDqua 'y e[TIna( CITY OR TOWN. 233 0' 00 CO 011'- 0 TY Tl N r -i Tl GT N moi' I. - NCO 00 Tl N ,1 T1 O 00 l- ,•-1 10 M rM ,1 < I' 00 ri CA CO CT 10 TY r l l' 00 ,-r ca 000010 ✓ Y rM l' t- rl N 00 00 10 ✓ i TY <V 00 ,•-1 CO <1.1 C: 00 rti ,--t y' L .-S CA -i+ C1 1n TI ,-i e1' 1- ra C1 <ri 0 00 N TY T' 1- ri N d' 00 00 H r1 -•, C- ,--' C1 -111 00 1)0 TY N <V1 rM 01 eM 00 1r TY ra <V V- ri N <V 00 it r-' r-1 <1' 1- N 00 t1' 00 ,0 ,--I ri -1 CO ,•-t N eV cu 10 TY ri ''l TI CA <V o000 TM TI d' CO r' TY <` C= CC Ti TI W 1.-'C TI CO 00 10 TY TY co42. DO rn W NAA a AA m 1 ,, TY rM R N CI +=1 G qz b b o s > ami 4 4 d 234 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS C: '1 00 CV t ri ri rl ri CD DC 01 C% CC rl ri r: ri rE 0- :7 C0 00 r1 ri ri rri 1(j 115 CP N Ca lA L: CQ 00 QJ ✓ 4 CD 1.: N CV 00 ri CO Lp CD Cil 00 ri CO IC CD 01 C7 r1 un 41 CD N CA r-1 la 41 C5 N CJ 15 L: CD CV CD r1 L[: 45 CD CV Ci r4 45 1[] CD 04 00 ri 45 L: CD CV C: r1 90 141 151 149 0O O 0 00 C -T. 1-- ri C.0 r-1 r-! r+ r-! r7 O7 r'( CD rl r, r1 r--1 r-! 00 CO C.0 1-4 rr r :yr ri .CI co ,n 00 1 r ri r-1 • 0C C: rh L.- 00 ,- N 00 ^1 C - 41. 00 r-1 s --r rl C4 CC CS - r C�7 ri ✓ t 4'l ri w CO1-1 Ca r'1 CD 00 H 00 r-1 00 00 r-1 00 1-1' 00 O r -I Lr L: CD '] CD ! :D ri 00 ,' 4' AA W in ,c3 .eq 66 44 qj 4 N CV w Ly '67F a'Tr O oatiww J ' 0 r-1 01 N r -I r4 r -I r-1 M a -r +W m rh U1 AQA4 y 44.-r T1 cu a: 10 Lfj p^ G Fi p a0wmmmu� b b b b b ro AAAAAA c, c, Cl N 0: 0,1 N ?I CA CJ 00 N CV .. CS Cd• 00 CQ C7 0'I C3 Cil CC 01 CV C:• 01 CS Ca Cy CV CC Cl CV CC Cil 01 41 6 '+' 01 1 0;. 1 CD .1.! N CC 1 '1' v r r 1 c: 05 r. 1 ,n C' 01 1P 00 G '1Y N 0: ° .1' r•1 ri 1 „ 00 r, I 10 "1' 01 10 .0 1 — N 7 r' ri I n_ M r, i 55 15: L7 N 01 I .. N I .:1 45r: 1 I. 0 6V I 7.1 10 r{ CV I 01 CV r1 n .y I 01 cl I :1 10 r-1 :1 I .. .^1 I ^I 10 rr 51 Iof i 00 :: LCA r -I N € N I CV IS 1 00 C'1 t ct rl ^, 024' AWA 01 10 1/ rl CS F: U 0) 0) 0 0 0 O O C) C\ I .:1 40 OP TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 235 Cv CD I 00 H Cl CV VI M 1"1 CC CD CD r-1 O CT CI CC r -I CA— •w r1CPc- N C1 'd` C. Y. C1 CO ,n r1 Cl 00 1 lz rt CV CO I in H GV CC ID ,-c C7 C0 A H CI 00 In CV CO to H CA C.C. 1D H C7 CC un ri 01 M. C] M 01 m C1 m CA 0,2 CC M MRD ,-1 CI "Li re 711 713 CD qg m m X In H L H r4 00 C7) CS CD N N H C! ri In 00 Ca Ci CD NV raC1r! 1 00 c>Clca ▪ •C7 H 4: H L^. ra I CD • r4 { CD ri CD I CD ▪ CD CC 0 CO 0 00 O r7 L? H I :C: CC O in H CD C, O H 44 G � • y rd rti w o� a C.Oo ra CD VI CO CD CO H CD C•t CD CC CTI CO C.•rn 0C 0 0,n CZ CC m Q CA CO N H C1 H Cr r- 00 COrH CO `'a H C ri 00 CD H CA rti C( 7 ra 00 ri c1 r1 CC ,.i CT ri 00 H H CA a' H CA rI 0 F+ Enfield, 1st GO H 0 0 { 236 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS -Iptis.Ieyq splori 'sgll.I000l,t ',I •LuA1 •lloui' .I sower s a 'CI atI IOT4 )I •ualinO •yt aE.2pa PIIIIO Szhluiufl utgiIIdAL 'ITEO .0 aauloH •p.ilg 'Ai stolll:a,3 'ltI PM 'CI 'nil 'Iio.iwTs •g aouaaalO •sllld • I aoua.ielo 'aaaalut:A! saptND • •IIotIaINpuTAI •V 's '.IPEI`JaI'\T 'AL sa[aEIIO 'pooAUHaari aslnorl Trill a5aoaO •supidoH F osuogd{k, %MI 'O uI iIIIIAA •lwetlEaf AL saouBad •1104211raaeg JeTIt. i CITY OR TOWN r4 r N ri Cl Y. I nl C+l I Ol r 1-1 ri Cq 00 04 01 1 01 CI CV i ri ra r1 01 r r , r~ I C 01 CV 0 ,AM 000 r C7 010'.l10 I Cl 01 CV 1 0 1-- -1 N r r .0l ri I O N 1 01 ,.1 nl r r-! Cl r1 CV r I C CV I 01 r 1-1 r ri CV 01 Ti ri el 0,4 1 00 01 1 :'t f ra ✓ r ra r ri r r I C- 0 f 04 O r'1 N Y. 0000 L n1 '1' C.0 r rrtiO4 rr1 rr.rr O O .tv L rl L CO l� CV 0,1 00 rrCV rri ' rrir1r O O'0' C- nl r- ; 0 00 C.: CI 00 r r1 rr 01 1.1 r1 r r. 1H Y. Co 0 1n. 00 ri CC'. 00 C. LV Cl 00 r rti 01 ,-i 74 Arra rti O O !100 r cn CC 00 C.1 Ot 0.0 ra 4-4r-1 CC1 r r r rr1 ri O O X100 Gl 000700 01 C. (.001 ✓ rti CJ r4 r4 rr r✓ rT• O r1 - 00 r1 00 CO Ca 01r 00 CV r r 0 rd r r y r r C] *1 '0' C1 01 00"V 00 nl if: 00 01 1.'101 r- r7.1 rti 1.11. CDr Cql 00 00 04 0') r I W ri 1.i 1.r CD CD 00 r0- CO C1 0-1 00 00 r r 0') 1.r r r r -1r CD r 1.0 00 oV 1" e1.1 00 O H' 00 0) .1N ret N,j rlr CD 1.4 y' 00 n 1.y, Co C, CJ( 0001 x101 1.-1w Nrr r c o0C 000 -ren v r ri ,H r r ri N 0000 CD N O CD "t' r ri ri ,H r1 r 145 150 146 146 144 142 144 00 CZ 001 CP 00 rrri rr 00 M CO N O 0 N -I r r r 0000 CD C- CD CO r•i r ,-i r r-1 00 CO CC 1'-O GO r1 r" r1 r r1 00 C0 CO r-1 CO rear ,-Ir 00 Co L L r•1 CD rd r rl Y.. -I oo 07 CO 0 r400 r If. oo co ( L O CO d1 r r rti ,i rti r 0000 CO CO CO O •L e1' 1.1 1.-k , N r1 r, V-. 0.000 cn C- O Ca r 1.-1 1.1 1-1 r 00 00 0 00 0 00 00 0 00 1-1 00 rl 00 1-1 00 O 00 00 0- 00 0 U1 y a> y 02 ch , ,, aM▪ aAA as^NNS Twa b 'a � m 'b M 01 00 :..+ ^J _`j -., 1.-I . - 1.'1 CI ,ti 'C 1'•1 01 '4, y ,V Y7 W Y ..i m M W ii F L i, �4 a5� 4 �� :vbrr�72. AAAA ii sir✓ ? cd zP - 1.i 'o0 0 .! Cl M' � Icj CC w • G o 'cam, tom, :' _t;-' w r. 4 4 Ei sg C. s~ g g Sw O- --a m ci .Li •—• 0 0 0 .w•' w w Ti "C ti F-^ y :=r Cla U2 E-1 c-1 G. rC4 (a L= Lid F N 01 62 110 00 H H CO 6, >n 00 Lei H O 0 61 1T 00 00 eel P. 1() 1.- 4 4 Ci CO t10 ri r1 Do 00 0 10 00 ✓ 1 H H c1 rn 1.0 o0 r� ri C1 c.u;x ri H N 0 110 [� ri r4 H c2 111 t - r ri i c, 10 00 ra 1 1-1 -1-' m'c1•n* 1-1 N 00 0 0 0 0 2222 czc5ch 01 N 0 E-1 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 237 ra 1 H HI" ' 1" H ( H 4(00 r1-4 N 4]00 I 0 H H 0 01 CD 00 -4 H H M 01 110 00 H r1 N eV 0) 1 H H 1 N c" 00 '{ ri -4 I N ep 00 ri 00 1000 H r1 cl .0 0, ri Y. N 10 00 H rH c01000 H 1i 0) 110 00 H H 01 u 00 ✓ -1 +J to as co 0 AAA b0 ry N 07 a00 • 0 0� 0 H I '- rf i -•i 1 Cl I-. t 1 r -i H H I N •-• I r! r -I ty I c7 1. H E ' ' H I N 1 7 1 rl H H I Cl ✓ f ri ri. H 1 i i DI 1 H 1" H! H N 1 1 1"I' H H IN d1 1 0) 1 e}, c7 CD dJ r1 O [� I 00 co 01 00 H LO c1 N Cq OD 1� t' 00 H f r -I N, 1 17 0] L 00 H Pt O N N 1 00 0') ri O[ Vi H N r4. 1 -l. 1- r y..01 :10 3 00 ri o t- 00 - .01 1 1 t... 00 00 L 00 1 00 N CO 1 00 01 00 Ham• H ci 00 ,n CA m .-i II u� ca c1 I ' ' l 01 CD eV [ H { 10) cl d+ 7 , eV 0,1 pp 04 CD ` � H 00 H. 10 .. 00 r-1 I i:t . 1 nl Ik .3, c: ' ` 00 en r. cel r•+ i{ tr CD [ 00 I = an !!I x 1.1 o [- CO r c� 1 co CO 1 ' 1 tl: N N - 00 H et . 01 ri 1 lr o 0) to cl on 1 x 1y CO t. 1 oc. c Clm i 0 - co as H 1 1r) N c 1 I'' c•0 H I eV H 01 r~ I 10 00 I eV kn 00 03 M N ,00 -1 IT ci N 00 ri I w 00 rOi � f w r2'1 0101 rO-I 1 n pt. Cq ~ CO Ct 00 -1-1 4n 00 CJ 00 II CO N 01 r10 1 i 10 0 1- 00 :r,. cl '0 1 00. rt O L- 1 00 w N '0 i i:� 10 .. r-1 j .r cl 01.1 I 0 c^. H 1 01' H N ..i ,1) • t/l .IQ 1 p"4 t o H N cO d b A cd cit• r 0 0 F-1 0 : AP 238 PROCEEDINGS OF 'AHE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS re 0,110 .1 TM cclo 0 rM :1 eZ '4 ri 4,1 C ry ri Ly I M TM r-� r1 N r✓ a00 G o I .� C, o c c CD 1-1 N M CDcc r,Iry ry ry N r. C O J OI ri r ryCqIri rM c c o ri N { M 0 o i Or• rl ri e.7 C,1 C, I r, r, ocl� oIo ri rK N rK oolp oIo r< N CO wq rM O 1 O !YJ .� ry r 0 N 00 ri r rM er CO er ri CO ri N CV CD CD ry LIU o. 'r ri 544 540 547 t n an n 1fa 546 544 549 a r rte. 0 O �-I •2u!.ralleDS pug 31utarg sggTa S.uN •Isua ugoi• •utmpao0 S[ITkii •aanaias •S.tJ:4 •mauioTot{l.rt 8. "ter 'Q •sauJIoH aaTTeA '.raulaod Aep •aroo saraetlo •putilsams agaoao •IdnoH uoaaITJ 'T:seg aLaoag •aou1ao'1 Isaaoi{T 'Tstg sativer 'po0't11 aall'T •aaSutaaluf Tanturs •annals s .reaso 'tIOSurps 'r1 SJU [.I •rrerugTres '1 '}i upipEi •suosaed laag.rar-[ •ggngl,nuk 'a 'mot TTaria7!31t trilof CITY OR TOWN. rD Tri CO .cra N V liJ 4 O L rl M IrD M 00 ry-rt.000 ell0000 CN N ex, M>n 1•1��-lNr�M rY re CD re re ri N ry N c> N • N M N re CV y N re N r-1 N ry ri N CO re N rl CI ra I0 c0 CO er N r; N N I ri +r~ rM c.7 ..7, r-, I rM ri r-, c7 r -i I o rM ,-1 Cil rM I rn ri .^1 CI M • OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 239 •C, ti DP W O CD I M DC 00 OCN CD r-1 LP r-! C P 00 r" m NV 00 L CV M G`. O: CO p CV r -I �-{ CV z ,. ri M 1-1 00 C,1 Cil I'I =1 I " >, 1 :.1 Ue y t V1 ih Ap Crt 01 C0.4' 0 E" e Pi g E O O O O 0 CO CC L: CD VD T ID x -f O CV CP L VP 1 - CV ri r-1 00 V m m e r -I I I I I { 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I r" 1 r" I I r" 1 ~I" I I "I 1. 1 " I 1 " I '"1'-' 1 '"I "" I" I I "-' I ''Ir" I I r,I ~I~ I I "i 1/1 H I� W b ri CV '4 'C 71 -45 mani CD Ci Cq r-1 ra r-1 ri r'+ ri V UL'1 m CZ a 'd b 1-1 CV M ' O 0 r • . at ▪ • c c qAA • 2.40 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS C O ti 10 • ri Cd eC Gil CI in CC CD ua rti N I n _ I 1 - i 1 I I r 1 i n ri rl I GV " I ri 1 rl I cl 1 1 ;Y rY ry ICq I I tL rI{_] I I r -, • I_2 "I" E ti r. 1 ', .'''.1 I C1 ci rn � " m cu F rn En En y2E3 5 fq Ea Enfield, lsi I)ist. 6 Total for County ,.0 4-1 r per+ •� •• :49 7-1TS a) ow) E cz 4-a M O • 2co � "opo OF TOMPKINS COUNTY: NEW YORK ,• SENATE DISTRICT DELEGATES TO CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION •9ulaalquas pue 3Iu1:[g• 'aa;[auci ui[o j •a,Si\I 'AI pusal.Fag 'alllnapuvw 'O 4.1agnK 'aap.Sus .r [aeR 'sul4[dOH s[llltlA ix[A1a'3 'aouzsthi D 'r 'utter .S01110Oy s[aueJd 'aicN 'r1i punalaag 'alllnapueyq •O';aagnH slA'C[ 't paad 'SO IAtOaD :r 11110r •IO23iag d aaaoaD '.iequxnm a[OuA>i CITY OR TOWN. 241 eV CV 00 CMet. CV CA CD 000000 e} 00 rOM C- , 11 0 00CD r, -i W CVVD 1-1 � ri -rl ri " ri I r-1 ri ri r1 1-1 CV ri I 00 ri ri rM ri ri ri Cv rM I 00 ry 00 0' N 0100000 --CV mM r 00 r - ✓ 1 r-1 Cl ri r -I r1 r -I O rl 11] 00 C1 C. 0000 CV et, 00 r1 ri ri CO ri rt r-1 7-1 wr r -E 0 O In C- ri CA 00 DD 00 O H ri CV rM r-1 rM: rM er 00 CV r4.110 00 CD CD r♦ r4 cp In Cr. 00 . C. 1+1 w 00 10 In 47 00-0 00 00 ri ell N r-1 00 CA 1.0 la in 00 1 n ri >~ 00 0 O cm C^ as to me um r-{meN rM TM CV c] 01 CC 01 .i 00 0000 N CD 00 CO 0000 CA ri m&1eN r-1 ra 01 CV 00 me CV N "1' c0r-000O00M00umc00rM N NCV r♦ CV C.10. r-1 ri 00 00 x10000 000000 r -i et. x1100 CJ OOC•-ri 00 CV 00 1' CC C. CV ri ri rl rd r♦ N 1-1 r -i r< r-1 1-1 ri 00.0 00 0 eV CO CM O 0.0 C. , CD CC OOH • ri ,-i rM rM r -1i rM rM 0000 rM CM Cr 0,1 rM ri rM 1-1 rM C- 00 C^ 0 1-1 N N CV 00 N C> ri 0 CD N 000 CV 00 e' Cr DD rti^ ri rM ri r ri ri r l PM rM V+ .00 CV Cl CV CD 00 eM CD 0) CA et, ' 00 00 C- CD CM 1-1 In Ca 00. L0j CD 00 ri r-1 C' 00 01 H O CO C- 1-4 00 Ca C0 VI 00.00 h 00 C, 1-1 1CJ CM L.- 00 00 Sf0 rM r1 00 CO 00 CM '1 0 0— 0 0- CV s c CO :00 CD 1{J 00 rM 00 r1 c to CD LO rM rM - • ri 00 CD CO t'1 00 ri N m01 CD 1n 00 O L 00 ri 00 CD 00 >r C) Cr C. 1n 00 00 00 C 00 c 10 CD 0 00 000- - ri I 1 138 147 140 e1' c to co 00 ci 00 O 00 ri 1`[ cl c El r0 00 LO ri CD 0 LO am 10401 1010 964 w • RGAAWAAAA cc ��mn ▪ 'O ri �� cm c, V 'o 'o 'o" pc CabCC � e cdcd ✓� ; : N tR c..)rrM 511 Ulm EI H LT. r.,%1 V-1 a"' O O F F F F F .L .0 0 242 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS py,rC 01 00 00 1n N CO e-1 ri ,}1 N P1 00 C- 1-4,-.1 1 re re ri 00 CO CD N r1 N ri N N W ri C7 pi a C1 CO ,V CO 00 ri N N r1 M C! IC) 00 00 pi N N 00 O CD 00 00 1 ri " 00 00 CO•l.•. ri C- CV M 04 14 00 N N 1`l ri ri 00 ri 1•i ri ri 01 N N r•1 - N N 017 e•i - N N 01 co ri 00 CD ri r1 eO re 00 on N re 00 re 00 CD re re p+• l N co 10 CD CD CD 0- CO 00 00 QI <Y 00 09 119 N co CO C- 00 00 00 C71 d+ N 00 u0 CD 00 CD 0- CO 00 00 4�DO�eD 00 O O V I 00 p 14 10 I C 00 CA .ID y, t re 1.4N 0 re re I" I ri. I " I r1 1 e� un N CD if CC i!1 L'+ 00 I NV '0 W pi 00 M r1 4 14 N N 00)c1 ,r 1✓ C9 V, N ,- <Y y 00 -, ri 14 I 10 N u0 ed. ` re 00 N C.7 I 00 00 V' 1•i re re { 10 ✓ ri '0 ri N 09 14 r 00 CD 00 CO CO 00 M. ri c7 00 c1 41 C7 CD 0)1 N c CV 00 N N N.: 7 1 1.7 re ,"l A7 N CV N CO 14 e-1 1 ri ,}1 r1 CV CO N N N CY 1{) 1-1 12 W 00 00 I CV O 00 14 CV 00 . CO M io 1 eD M 1•i ri " 1 I 1 CD me000-1p 1 14 N r1 1 CO O V, M co CO 1 VV Cl e-1 1 co d, O N O eH 14 r1 ,,i 000 00 re C, r1 re er CD O ri l+ 'Tr ✓ W " d rn o 00 op e i 00 O CO 00 V, ri r1 N ri N CD M CD I O ra V1 00 N M M e-1 NV 00 C) "I400,1. r1 t- re CD CD co If NMM ri V' CO F e•4 CID 01 Ca N 00 Cr, ri c` 00 O mo )0 Cl) co 100 d1 CI, d' ri V1 er DO re 117 C) R ri Cl CD er 00 eft 00 ri 14 00 V0 • c) -0. Y 1� ri 44 N 19 O cq r1 YVl zn AAAAAq 01 ▪ a '0 Y .1 4Y rl N00 V'14 CG C 4pi C CS G7 0) 01 N N d Ci) 63 'Oro MD/ aV'd F Pa 01 F. Pa F. Fes. AAAAAA YR Y Y III W n AAAA w l r. _ m b a N ri N M 'W 10 02 0.7 07 O] ) p ▪ L" C C p C A a p Eiapt O O Ei o• O .O E-1 0 0 0 0 F O 0r..% t.) QZ.i ri Cr 001 I N O CD 00 ✓ i " ,-i 0: 00 CV p CD 00 e-. W re M CD O 00 O r1 14 0: 14 C) M1 V, 00 ri N " ,Y CD r1 10 00 10 N r W r+ V, 00 1-1 10 00 1{9 w N N C7 LP. O co c] cl c] CD W C, In O 00 01 c) N 0) 0O "Pr 00 ri 00 C) pi 0) i 00 00 ri VD CD 00 N 00 M ' V1 10 11) 00 N 00 M ri sr CV 1-i •Z0 4P CD 1000 CV O 00 N 01 ,; 00 co r1 NI, CV M CD N CD C, N 00 L �0 00 00 N N d' N ,Y N ri 0▪ ,1 u2 O ▪ 3 •C ri N _0 ri 11 1A IO 00 'd' IC. I re + 'L- I 14realjC700'.u,re 1- 0) 2 r1 O O 00 CD 0) 14 [- [ C0 e••1 'i I`i 14 IO W W 00 00 N 0. u90 - CD • D 00 C: eY ,Y on 00 CD V, V1 CD CO 00 C. -y. NV N M C. - VD :l O ri d' 11': ri AA ma 1-1 CV 0 C) N CD 00 N 00 r eti O C) N tD C0 1- M W r1 s, 10 00 VD CA CO ri O r 14 00 CD C) 00 W 1.0 ^ CD O 00 CD 10 00 co ^ r. �. NV r! 0 ▪ a) N O C -i rg trg H m 0) ZZ VI 02 AAA m a b " 01 C9 n m 00 10 0 Aaa 00 CI Y. CJ ri 1112 C 00 p Ei OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 243 <n o o c, a1 m Iw cr L5 CO CO ,/, ,r I CA 00 Cy rl ri CV r' r"IN r'f'' 1 20 r r - 1 c r, rd r.4 I GVJ 1.102-1 CV eC N 4 W ,at O O a 20 a1 CV ea !` O m c2 r -i ry ,1 Of 111 4-1,-I'1 •-ici I - 10 10 00 CV 0p C- O O OO ` p O v. NT -1 JC. ,-iN 00 , If W •cl, 1(] 1n CLD 0,000 ri M O 1-1 I-0 0,0 ry C m .^1 0 •J 10 ri r c 00 0 1f0 gra 00 co CV 115 CL CV m co 20CC 00 C4 O O ri ,- - 00 M I 0O 2D O jl O 00 r1 N r! J%% M l- C7 CV rCO O O 20r•1 N rd J1": 00 00 0 0 , L— i r— 3589. 382 430 393 122.122 133 CM 1— - C- 1;0 L.0 00 00 00 up CI 2D O CC 20 1r CO CO I [- 00 0,3, I 1- 1-1 CV 20 H rJ in r+ up L'J r- -JJ V) .02 A02 Aa a1 00 Cp CI 1 00 r- C- 0,1 ri 1 CC- C1 00 ,Y UP G CC r1 Ul ▪ V: UJ ^▪ 1 r E( H 02 v 0i � a.J O,0 O V V 22 CJ H 4,-, ^^Z.12 G N N 73 0 00 02 CV CD C1 CM 11� 0,1 0 ,"l C1 60 CV C1 `Ta 22 0 0 O 0 • 02 0 E. 244 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS • 1' V of J�J E )•.- E p 7.11 (11 I _ (.1.1 74 e "MI 0 LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR. GOVERNOR. •.IagLufN aiotl�\1 (a7uiS Jo 8au4a.was) •2ulaa24EaS PIER Iuuia •Laiaoap 'u gELutOsaf •1,13IaAi '.i sal.iutio 'sauoiiu w . f uagda)s .ILljuleH T Aaauntil3 lIoauaogos paump,y •p00AUIOOrI •(I suuxogj, •saqua aN a[otIA\ 'uiaa47Eo5 PUE :um's •iezlns muIIIIA\ •sa4unH 'y saUIE3• uu fID •I; U Lt 1V •aazlnS III L'IIIL_\1 -lagaxis •V aAelsas iaoduasua y�, slolsapa.0 'u1lu;IgA1 •s salsmiD •uusWW H uI;.IEI\ •sagtunN aIO1lA\ CITY OR TOWN. 000000 C- t- ..- GT D] G0 Q in GI ]^ GI 1.10 CD rl N TS N �i N N .:,1 N CD o CD r4 CD r1 ,-i GO '1- N 0? CO r1 L: N rl Y. 09 N G,M. r4 r' N ri N 1- ,,M G0 0 L. �• rl r- en cm DOnd ^0040 CO .--I CC `r 40 00 G1 01 00 00 1r GO N H ^1 0: r.r-i r! r. r. -rl 07 NI. r- 00 N. GI O -11 07 N r• C- l C 00 C 00 1- • In 1n V' 00 Le 00 0G cF' O 0 V1 O 117 00 N 01 v 1- - N Gc N 01 GI =1 :1 N oo=coccoo 0: O b- r1 C C: C ,= 00 - r' --- 1-1 00 o c o c o o, CO rl L: rl 01 :: N r, 0: C. CA rl =D GH 01 0 Y V- N N L^ d' G.: J 71 N of CT) CC in 1n 1a 10 .j. of 00 00 t- t- 10 V 1'. r-▪ 1 N v--1 01 CV 00 1n 0 00 C= L CD `' 01 N C — -14 o _0 rl -- - ,--1 r. r -I O 10 00 O 00 .GI GI In rl 1- G-1 • 20 O1 GI O CJ00 0 1� 1- • 0i v of :1 71 01 01 01 . y `=▪ SAA 00 GA• •AA A Y 71 ▪ rr W r, ;r, 'O G: rl 1,1 N d 1;^ i..,d'6 F rli✓ 3b f. ''+y 07 f O O O J 00 IC .74 CV 0,1 r. O GO 0, OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 245 GO ca N CO CO CD V re C: re GO Ca V GO Cl r, ri r, r1 re 000 1 CO 1.0 co GO I 00 CO CO GO I CD C1 0 GO .r N CM re Gil r-1 m ✓ e CD GO GO CD r-1 re rl r1 00 t_ ID VD erjl GG( CD er r+ N N GV O O O p N GO N .,-I. 000 O c0 D rr GO co CO Ti 00 rZ CV re re GV r1 re O O O O O CD GO GO Ca N Ci re re N re re N r -1O O 0,4 1, -( Gil 07 rico WCV un 7 . 00 L'- 00 10 Cl 1:. C- • CD SV Ce C`1 N N re ✓ i O re CA Camp-, CD C ca cV 00 ri co co r5 r+ CO CO GV CO m CD GD. O 47 CD er LO N r1 re ti LO r[ CO H CVD CO CC GI re ,, rex0000 sV C> 0 GO GO 10 rt r1 1 co in 00 o cD c1 Cr, N CO CO0U0 GO01 1O ' 1 m 0- re ,-1 00 Cd C O C .. CD re CO N rI CO N 0O r-1 NN ri re O re O O re. O G• O C N N Lr L • 00 m W 10 Q' r1 r! r1 M re re CO r1 r! re O 1 GO GOre © ti v, re CO 1, GO r•1 m C] GV re N NV t ▪ N CD O j L- -r 01 O co .4+ GA L- 1- 00 0' 00 0 C7 r1 GO 00 NN CD N re t 00 -tl+ re 00 N uP GO r7 re OD er m 117 m o 00 00 CO 47 r1 CO re CO 47 Cl O N r1 O 4O 00 O N r4 CO CO 00 1D 00 CV GV GV r~ 00 DO re re O 00 u7 CO re -Cell 0 GO O 0 0 E O G.7 00 00 I: rS 47 c7 N 10 , 040010 CV • tr GO re .CD CO 1.0 CO r -I re re N 00 er CO re 00 CA re pO 00 op N 0 CV CO 0 00 N GO 0 er CV CD La 1✓ `r 0- H r! GO 1`.1 ,•i CO m O eV w re re ri CO LOOGO C: r1 ,-'I O r O O I. re O O O O O GO O GO re 120 re • N m 1C: re re te CV GOO c.7 ,mN� err C.`Cirre re OtI `r I 1 0 -r o ,n r. re re ?.(24 0 L7 ti CO er I Irl �r1 CDre Go r1 re N ID 00 00d' to C1 o I o re re ry RV ri OL- 00. 100 eV 00 CO I ea 00 CD IO 1 1" N LO ri 0- 040104 O 0 O 0- co er O CD M 'tl' N m CO 00 00 re CO CDCO r re ,W N•rl LO 0' CO CD CD CD 00reCO47eV GO CD v1.oGOer 0 sV ri 0 W c7 i M 0 re CO C] i 00 r1 N CO CO t. m CO 10 00O r, CO t. 1O 0-• rtimr +3 ++ ppAAAA 4,41 al m TO 'p re N GO eV CD CO m y 00) N N N b b 'C 'G Fr fti i -i F, 0 ,Y1 ca ca co AAAA o 41 K O 0 O O 0 O 0 O 0 + 0 O O O AAAAAa 000�0 Go er er 00 CO N r1 r1 O r1 O eV re CO C1 m w co rq eV 0• 000 GO cco 0, to r -I 1--t 14 1. r -I Co' C" 0 Cl 1- CR er CA re r m 0 0o ep CO co er O 00 CO N rl re Cs m N CO CN GO sr re a o 00 to ri W. co re M w 00 0 100 ri rt N r 47 W CO CO I Cp N pp0 1 O 00 1 O t_ CO w C- 1 Rt. O 04 N N r! I N ri Y. I N I RV re CV I sr re 000 0 re CV 100 CO GO l`- re Ca I N ri N [ 00 00 CO ct 0000 co GO LNO IE ,1-t r1 r1 r1 N • ri er N I 4ND CM CR N m CO CR 00 I er re oo GO • ,� r1 M ri H GO y n CO V 0 AAA V1 'G re C1 GO CO • ai • g F. EA A CO .O • Gt: CCI F.1 I-4 0 7- E • 246 ' PROCEEDINGS OF TI3E BOARD OF SUPERVISOKS 1 o CA r Ca cO r. eel to In r, N 1-1 O 0 O 0 C7 0 G ri r^I ri 0 0 t- C7 •r f7 ^] re' T 0 rL -00 0 cq 0 00 0 CO ra L70 ra r-1 r -I 0000 000 O 1n 0 • 71.• rH 0 0 00 1f] CJ c0 C1 pH 0 Nee 0 07. c0 C7 0 cO 00 Or r -t ,..., v..1 In ch A • A� 0 pp.^ o a+ E, in .0 ^. E"1 Co 0 - F m 01•p r+Cl_r. FH re Cl CC ✓i rn s ,...,he, w COacd A A .G2 LO w M CO 0 C7 cd LtS CG -moi ',.-. = w y0 I• O 0 02 ▪ CA r✓ :l I • 01 ra C1 0. `I N 01 O 0 0 0 [- 0 00 Cl C] r - _ O 00 ri d+ 4-1 O f� 1f. GO 1- C O r. r! . e' ' n r n o' g. di` Ce w In [- O O 00 CC C7 Cl re CV O C. sr C N Cl r r. 00 V' O O rK CD 000 O O C O �1 I 1- 00 o I t- .--1 CC [- I ▪ 00 CI r r ri C C] to CI C 00 01 r. C d N h + iD O0 CI OD 0 000CC I3 Ci 01 ra Cl •00' �1 1 ,14• r-1 Di :0TC - 3 a er 24 00 CO O 00 G: I In t- L- O 01 a: 100 en I Cp 00 Cl -1. tp 0 C CO 3 V' O V' O O O ra 01 -. Cl 01 O 0:- 1n 0-1 00 00 00 00 n n r+ C' oc .7 '0 ClM I 1n O O co ri 00 O: t0 Cl In O O C 1 O O f O 00 CD 0000 I '00 1 00 c C1 r1 Cl j In 1867 3226 470 106 728 CI C 110 T C1 00 00 00 00 I CO 1n In c 00 4-I0 1 o O f 0 O 02 ra I r C1 00 t- 00 L O CV 1 I CI 1 1'- 00 I C 0.0 c0- Ij `00 O O 0o 10 oo - c 0 a> CA r.100 c+0 COCT O t- f 00 00 - 00 C: r-! I N '0 '0 -•1 CC. Cl moi' O tet" O O VD en rl C] 00 CV nt t - m 02 r w N ,r Enfield, 1st Dist 0 E, Total for County COMPTROLLER. SECRETARY OF STATE. C}TI' TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 'dalto 'p jaagiv •.IagIUUN alogM {.lOinsnaa,I,) • 'Nupaii D put Ituttid •suaag •AFI sal.letl0 •Joulutt.I0 'CI 11aN 'U1'UOON SAA saljI qp •LuUliu.11lg •$ ugo.I •.IaqulnN aloL1 AA 'u1aa.I?rag put `luhla -s]Ia'6OW I)illllupa 'slvaulaID '1.1 1114617 11alla�i}; sso.17 aoua.IoL!I Saup.is '0LI44 '1RI SOTIP.d,I 'atuIAI IIau01111I CITY OR TOWN. Z0 00 eq CO C.l CA ri er N CO C: CD 1 co ri ri CC1 - GV cO 00 Ca !� L- co C 00 r Lf] C7 eN 1-i c0 00 M. 2 a-1 Cr ri + CC rr CS CC00 C7 O C7 O O c: rf V! CV C0 If1 r CCS CD no co t cc ai eM C1 LL] c0 CD N1 Co cocD to y, rto co r{ 1T CD CO 1 ter. r1 00 CV Cl 01 N 01 00 C7 01 C1 C4 I CC ri r1 r1 ri ,-i 1 v- 1 C7 O o C O C O C. Q O C C C I O r 00 1l, 0) 02 r1 Cr Nr, CV C.7 C1 C.7 N ri CD o o o o c4 le CD r l o ,--I o 1 10 o p o o c o 1 0 01 0 el+ ,-i CJ CM CD 00 le CC OO 0 ! t- t- L CD CD rl. 1 00 rl r1 CV C:1 r1 CM H • r1 r! 0,2 01 00 r4 r1 r1 ri 1 I� Ct 00 0- et, d Ca CD l0 t`- 1 co ,v 1 CH r1 C o o H O I GV Y. I 00 00 o G`1 1' C0 ee NV CO 00 .0, r- C' r: ri 00 ,•e DI rl re : J 01 rl 10 ri 10 el., CO C1 CO 00 00 Cr 02 rl CV 02.02 l(0 01 .-i ri rl er CC 10 CI Ti rl 1-1 ri 7-1 r --I ,--1 Y. ri r1 L0 1-- ri CD eV re CD 0; CO 6 00 r 0! L 00 00 OC N CO 1- I0 L 220 00 y' r1 00ct. r d' co 00 O et, 0 IC,1''- 0! CD C.C. CD l0 ri 02 CV 01 .•^I CA CV Com! CA DI 01 G1! CV O O CD G O O O O O 0 0 0 O o 0 0 0 r4 r i O r4 0 0 CD 1-1 Cr 220 o ca Cc c0 00 GJ c ..3 c. 1 rl 01 01 rti 0! r4 r: r! C`! ▪ OO noVa '22 00 '0 l:7 Cp 1:- L .1. 00 1 le d, O r e CL 0 ,moi 6 1 CO CCA r+ C'l ri CC re Lit CO rl CO 110 0 1.1 r1 Cl C1 20 I CO 00 /VS ri ,-•! Yf H re r4 r-1 1" l r! rl ri rH r1 up r1 O 02 C CD CC CA 00 ,-1 ,, t- DA 00 00 00 00 r 00 00 1.0 Iv L(, C. O 01 00 er .3a 00 n •000000 rl CO CC. C' •r10 1..02 D m - 00 01 1t CD T 10 C: r1 ri ,- ,-4 G`1 O eh. d1 L rti C1 C+1 ri CV r1. 1-•i GV C] CO• O o r1 0 0 0 00 00 Cv, er CO C; CO le CA 0- ,-1 C CD ori O r1 CO P7 CD r r-1 �:+1 CC cl CD OC 00 00 C: d1 00 CA- V .. r 01 l' 1- ri CD C CD 0 I I 1 iCD ri ri ✓ 1 ri Gv CA CC. -1. r-1 ,••l 1t cO m, d' C1 co 00 C*J CO ri Ca CO 1 0: ri • 1-1 + ; 01 4,2 • V1 V Q Q 00 '0 10 C 00 dt+L[aCD • maa)aaiaa rC rd r0 'L7 '0 RD • :, 1'2 A�GGA 248 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 00 1- cD s.l '!.' 0) 'I I., •l 1- q+ 1- n1 .al ci 1'- 00 ,,-i �' 0) el..LI0 00 0) 00 CD C' ▪ In 100 L- Lf0 TI 00100010 1 Ca '90c9 0 1:1 1 �" I� 00 [ 1 rN 1 - CO 1 O CD N 1L.1 00 '� 10 1`- 00 00 M t'J I 1{f 0 C P1 U ILS L+ I 00 W 10 I'i CD 0 00 l 0 i0 00 00 rl c•: ri N rk N [ m ,--1 ri M r -i ,-i 1 M rH j 0.1 c1 r! N 1 CO 01 11S O CO •SS r-1 M c: 04 col ICS I 0 00 G'1f 0) V� GO 1.10 N dl N C1 rl N N { 1r: C'1 e"1 0) N CVV1 0.'74 ,--1 Q' V! rH M O O O C 1 0 0 01 0 1 101 0 0 0 1 0• 0 0 1 0 o 0 o j1 0 O o-0 1? 1 141 Mr�i r- c0i i 00 eN-! 9 coq I cl`1 O -[a 1 00 O ri N O I 00 P ,--1 O rH Ori O I ri N 00 1.1.0 ri 000 1 O kg 0. M 00 C r -I N L O C1 11'S I 00 M L O 00 N I I C� 00 : E t - r r"1 Ir H ,F4 r -f M001r] a0 cnN110 r 00 a1� ka cx 1.0 CV 10. lra CD 00 10000- {— etr 0p 1CJ I op M 00 I c1. In ec I 1w 00 ti c1 ri ! . 00 0 0 10 1- CD CD ' i ui N d+ C`• co O 00 101 00 h r-1 •d' 0- 00CV c Nr-1� 00- M� ,1 M 110 Op a 10 N S00 100 00000- r W� .) M /0 ONS I ��� 00 V,0 I T m „r1 IJ 00 C1 O00 ri 0-1V y I chi ,-I N N I CO rN1 103 LV 0'1 0 0 0 0 1 0 O o 0 1 0 0 0 0 I1 0 0 0 1 0 G001:7 I NM1L0 j o N 00 M I M a 00 ri r-1 rN 1-100 ♦ I M r.7 TI ILS I'.n1 00 r I �1 ! ON NO i 0.r10 ! ri Ori TI I N 01 M 1e0 1.-.03 110 1 601'0` I.,_+] L I ri 00 0011 lG I ti N 0- 00 N T N M 0- N CC t. 1- a 11] M O 1- 00 00 00 5 L - ^1 c}' 00 1LS 00 1- O O 1 N N CD 0,1 c0 DS 1LS ri O ▪ CD CD M r-1 f '' V' CC 0- 7 If, i[ i3 .ra CD 04 Gt M rt, 1R 0 - CD CD M CD O 00 00 N ri N Cl rH 0,1 CZ i d+ ,-i 1 N700 I -9. N H I'0 '0' ' M I 10 0 0 0 1 10 .. 0 1 0 , N c 1 e- 00 VI 10 O 0 ri 1 if 1•i ni r : i Ir r♦ O O I r H a -1' O I' I co 0'0:Ikg 0000[_ I0 r! m 00 ,-y M 100. 0p M w In t 1. er , 00 00 0 M 00 Ci ,0 0 T CD 01 I- CD c 00 0 O rH i 00 I! rri r-' ri rct 00 CD 00 ill I 0.104 CD N ,••+M 00 VI 9- rn t t pAA uJ MD N00P7 m GO 4 bO 10 U 10 a� 13 10 CO N O CO 00 000 OhC 00 O CD 1L; r -f "V 1L] 00 1- 0D r- OF T0MPKINS. COUNTY, NEW YORK 249 669 6982 1.867 1.n -D CD T C: CO MD s 10 r'1 1 m rn H C:1 CD CA CD e1, o ei, 0 0 rl Ci CC CV CI 7014 1901 3421 ri N CO 0D CP V, C1 N CV C9 1n IfJ O O O O 4D, er • rl C C1 C1 1•- r1 C] 00 r1 ri '' Cil 01-D O ` CD O r, - I ri ri 0D 0- 00 0O ri ✓ i 14 CA CD 07 O cD C. 10 M CV ej, C0 00 C1 1100 0 CA rH 07 CO Ca 0 0 r1 CD N L 00 CA rl ATTORNEY GENERAL. TREASURER. 'aoquIl1 a[ot[At (J(.saniIS 1111u u.1 arras) ..2upaizeas pur, Kuu€H •III;[.[ ugo1. •ra[IeW10 21 Par..l+PH SSIIg 'J .13IIuM •aa[[L-H 'Iai.iapaafl 'a°PI[[ '11 1•131° 1 •..ingpoo;1L 'a- q.Iuc[2[ •suo Ir.1_I 'v SB ICILI' agIUIl 3I0CLA '.c2u[IOip3as plug Kue[FI •3tul.iquaano1.1 &uoujay '•ta':[oEd 'AT pat,,,Ap [ •Ztegeatls -0 s'WLf 1ILD '(1 datum 'SI[ai . ''1 sown l• CITY OR TOWN. C7 O CD CO o r1 00 c ri 1`- OC I La O C M 't CO rH LC - 10 11. ri II t+ CA CI CV .V .I C1 1 C1 N 01 N CV CA CV CDU 00 CO..^. CD 0000 I O 00000.0,tioo000 1 co ..^t .1 1(1 O r 11C: ri NCO ri 1P C1 I O fir; G ,ta CA,•i O 0100000 CO 1.- ‚)0.1,-( r1 rl CV CA GO r 00 0A e}1 07 CA 110 10: eD N C. e1, I O r1 c - t ^ O rl N Ut C1 c1 N ep C3 M. t -I c_ ri r1 C] rl Cl ri ri CO CJ rl CV C1 N y, ca ,t, O 10 00 La La to ,r- 00 O 0. 7a 00 to CO ri ri 1-1M Cl U7'0:1 ri 10 ' M ri ri r -I rti r/ r1 ,-I ri eN -f 1r CD rl 00 OCD CD e}+ ,•-t CI ,-i :D LV L f4 d1 Cf: [4 Ch 00 CO C4 AD CD $ r CA O m CI •r CD CV CI rI 00 CC O et. I m O e}1 CD eV 1 1'- C1 W. eP 10 10) r1 Ill CP CA 01 Cl C] Ci CV Ci C1 :1 C1 C] CA 01 C3 O C7 O CD O OCD 0 0 0 0 0 I O ri o o CD ri ri r1 o ri 0 0 0 1 .n O O e1, CD CA CO 1.4 GOP 0) rn as e}, ri'rI C1 N r" 1 CV 1-1 r-1 r1 0" s•i I Cr P-1 O ] 00 00 e' e{, 00 CC 110 l 00 I CO ri I L- 0 eD CO to 00 CO CO 00 rl 03 00 ri C1 10) rl ri 07 rl r1 CV ri CO Iia CV C7 CO CO ✓ i CD eV GO CO [4 CD C7 C- rl N r1 1 CD CM 00 17 M rl ri CO C1 11] ri ri I 1n rK rti.i rti ri s-1 ririn 1 tl+ rl V1 y - ▪ �AAApA04 AA��A A .M „ 4 A W 'O 1'i CA m 10 ri Cl GO A.a 1 'C1 ri C.1 cq ,5 „d• '''c' ,cai� ebb ct. b•oEr, 17 1C1'C ~,b ,1, r� *a+, O obro s. 55 J4 1 m d.sa. O ye Oma'.°" G P1 u1GIPEiE4P:1Yifz1 fes[ O 250 PROCEEDINGS OF THE' BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 10 f) C. ^C .. r L M CG CA CC I L C:' CC C-'0 1rj 00 O CO cl CJ ^l 1C CD ,t' lry 00 00 iTc.,.. 1 • H r H T r 11. T CC re r 1-1 11: (0 v0 01 c7 lC m cm c rr c m lr '.1 r- 1 ✓ 01 CV 07 N 01 � 0 CQO C1 :1 ✓ Ir r C 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Ort CP.CC 1 r C C O 1 01 Y. cl OO C> I CD clr:1.0'I (0 CD CD O I d' CD CD N 00 lC I rn C: CD 2t 00 f c, c1 r CO r -I r r CO r r e!' r -r ✓ OrOriO 10: O rr0 f N C rC CC H eV N r CC I H cc t.- '0 ▪ V' I 00 '�1 » :D '.. C CQ 00 CD M r c 0 ^ 2 lC 1(: 17 O �' i N L L C- C: 00' . T 00 lC . CO r -i 02 ✓ H 41 49 CO V1 ] et 47, O N 1C CV 00 = OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 251 v�0 0 0 N e ea Ca Cl CI o G 1 O 6O O Ce E C� ;e:7: --i , I^ rt I i N n ✓ 1 I L, C0 M O I O r1 rn Ill rn r`� L� 10 �D [� L- CT 4 c 0 c C7 ^1 I C1 0_ 6 CA CCI 6 C' C] ; C i L- i I.^ O • O 1 O 0 c: C� 1 C� :o 0 N r+ L IC• O I O C0 ri :1., 0' 0' N0 0' .0 r-1 2 00 C] C: i CC ri eV In - r•I ri C3 rti Y. 00 O PO M_ 1 <D 00 O 0: 00 cD .^. Ln r•I Cr r I Cl '•dI Tri O eV Ln tr 0 00 Cq Cl CI eC NV CI N' O. 0' ri Ci O CV NV 1 C.1 d+ C1 C: O CV CJ I - p C 0 h O O O p .Cd l 1G 0 CO ry Cd ri LC r -I 0,1 O d' O ` N' 01 *-I {E ri o V' 6o CV 1i.00 r CV *i ri CV OCC LO Co C1 coo 0o cool cd F+ _n • Ct g 0 O O a a J CJ d • Total for County 0 Z Q a . cl WO Z} W I� Z re W J co F- a •?ajaal:r:.IS VIM 3juejg •japT>S llunuUPEI ;alrjl 'V a3p1.Ialon •uUpnog 'g sjnorj •a SL'IT7 'V .C.ro1U ':id CL1p?aS janluus '.Iaglllrlj,li ajOliiik, arlal{gas Slur. `liil%ia -snru m i r. nti •Un.IL'w n1lOr . UOSu1Epy SO uirj Ta3aljr:,Iu�I. .ijW j0Lj11 'slllo:) POLL •snll?TTL! \ `tumu 'TOSIIafj '�' Tam: z 0 O o c• • o V ✓ - C. 1 • 00 a --J6 cc 0. In ri cc 00- G rti Cr o 1LD 0' Ci 01 O O coo cf. CC eV ri 00 W 00 C0 r r1 ri rr co ri CC C) Q] C C co 00. r �I l� 0 tn 12 '0 Iyc.1 e6 c7j ler !ID rO F+ . 10 10 • m ri 9F.9 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 0000 00_ 00000 o CO` 00 ,V 00 00 wu 000.0 00 C CDN [ 01 00 DvN.,-1cicz I. Gg1.0C1 0001 07 1rH it 0a,--!.-. c00000 1 00 00000,-1DI0 I M 0000 1 O 0000 1 O CO 00.00 - 00 00 00 1(0 0.0 100 00 0 00 00 0 1 0 00,0- 11 0 I 00 . 01 0 00 j 0 ,-i N ri 1 4 N r1 r-1 f QD rl ri r! 00 In C> r.+ .O L Ca tl1 1 r, r1 O O O r -1O ` N O ,-1 DV 0 0.0 O O 0 I O M10 01 '0 10 00 M 0D ,0 r0,. r r-1 00 .^-i iA ,--1 O 001 00 00 00 0000 00 00 O <r 00 ,-, ra 1n CD N N CD L enl 00 1-- 1- 1n t- 0 ▪ 00 00 N N L-- L cD '0 00 0- 0- OQ V1 CO In 00 1-▪ 1 M rl I00 !ri 0- O N O CD CD ri 0 0 00 Ca H 1 If. C- i C: M 00 V, N 00 M C0 00 1n 0.0 ' 00 01 N N f- OM C: 0 0000 00 O t r! 00 C: 00 00 00 00 L C: 00 I N , . N r1 N 0' 00 0 ^ '11 000.0 N r1 d' N 0 ' 0 0)0 CD 1.1: d1 O 00 N 0.1 n] 0 =1 01 00 07 N 0 N 0000000000 I O 00 i --I 0;00000 1 0 000. r+. d1 C`1,• -I It•O '0 N 0'- O 00 00 O0 0-• Cf 00 ,--k r -i N ri 00 N 00 I L 00 '0 C0 0J 0 01-.0 00 1.1 r^1 ,--1 ,-1 r -i rl I N :D c: 01 N N 00 CD Iq • 00 rti r1 00 N r1 c1 C: 00 00 '0 C 00 00 M 00 N -. 0' 1--1 CC 07 0 N O ^• o '0 CO 0 `:1 r± 00 C1 1 C 1I] 1:-. M C. CD CD M ,•-I 10 ID d1 10 r1 rS 1--1 N ri M 4- 0.. Ci 0.0 i - r1 cV OV 07 N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,-10000 ▪ 0- 00 c0 00 00 ry r -I ri r- 00 O e lmO 00000000 N. Cq 00 ,-1 er T In 01 N 01nN0 00 1. - cm cm V1 O O 10 co 0a 0 C] 00. rl 00 0: r Ih a--' t, m 071 ,{,1 AAAAAA 00 w 10 00 N 11 11 0) n Ps Ps 0. Fri F 0, GfAAAA 6 00 1(00 O GO 0000 It ra M r1 100 0100,1 C. 00 0V t- ry r M M N M 00 O1 00 L 0- 00 00 ▪ c1 '0 N 00 ,•i LV N CD 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 O ri c7 ,--I I ]' 00 ▪ 00 I V 0 CV C7 O I '0 0000 0 `H, I r•N N O t- M N Y0000 N N r c^ 1- '0 Ioq ! :H 0 00 00 d1 00 1n 00 11 00 :V :1 1 O 01 (.0 01 rl Ca 4 O O C"'ri M ri m 00 00 Q7 07 f7 00 r4 ,C 00 LCA r1 00 O C 00 00 c lnr 04 rl t OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 253 CI L7 `dr 01 CO I 1[: M .i O O O 1 O O O O 00 00 ri a1 00 CM O eH ri 07 0 CV ! C1 r -I 00 eH ri O ri CV - 10 c0a T-1 00 eH m -c O �< ra •th rH 00 00 ,C ca 00 ri ri eh 1n 0.1 01 CV 00 O 0.0 r1 O r1 00 00 co ri C1 [� 01 rl a1 CO 1A 00 In iD N 00 0001 GO 0 co 01 10 M_ 10 00 C:7 CS 7-1 rl 00 O eh CO 00 ri G ? 01 10 r1 CZ 00'> 01 ri C- W r- Cl 10 CV H O O O O ri orta ra 1-00 r eH C7 eh C1 O O 00 CV eh ' G eH u7 C1 • C- 00 ri L • 01 O C+ L 00 rH G 00 0 0 L O 1f,1 1 CV '1,I o rl O G G G 1 0 00 0- 01 I 00 `d' 1-1 0.1 W CV O 1q c w 1D 10 00 P L O O 00 r N N 01 CV O 0000 0' J M N 00 000007 C7 0.1 ri 01 r 71Cvti eH A CV M O O O O rl r1 G re C1 V O et, eM r CV CV . r -I 00 O M 00 00 00 1 -I O .-1 eh 0 O 00 O O r r-1 N CM 000000 V 1' 00 0 1-1 1- C0 CZ 00 re O 00 G 1f.1 00 00 O L: iJ yj v4,02 2vA AAApA.._, a t UP 01 0 0 W CV vs ,-1 01 co 6 U E-1 E-4 dl O1 V1 E. pRA N W V1. Eig • Ce a cdd cd at 1".....'�, A AAA AAS .. C7 -01 I{ .. 1 G0 O rl01 e eH I 00 C0 00 00 10 0c 00.100 it 00 eh eh O rH 04 0000 I O O o ri m Go rt ri 1! rH !!il r -I 10000 I 00 00 Ill 100- 01 07 er C7 N O O 1 O CO GC ri rl LfC' 00 rl r1 00. O O 0 C1 :Lr' 00000000 r In 00 Lam- S 00. eh 111 c C1 c 01 G CI C0V 6 O O I O CV r1 -1 I r' 00 r1 01 04 ,C 07 r-1 11 CO IC 'CV 0 I O C1 CV 00 d N I t- O CV C 00 00 I Il 00 00 000. a1 01 C: P-1, 07 00 07 00I 00 0- CO .0 00 1Dp - E-1 cd cd CG 0 E Enfield, 1st Dist. 0 0 0 00 -1 254 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Official Tabulation and Statement of Votes Cast in the County of Tompkins at the General Election Held . November 3, 1914, for United States Senator UNITED STATES SENATOR CITY OR TOWN Whole Number Charles Edward Russell Erwin A. Archer Blank and Scattering City of Ithaca— First Ward, 1st Dist. 204 71 96 12 12 10 0 3 First Ward, 2nd Dist 240 •119 93 9 8 9 0 2 Second Ward, 1st Dist. 296 79 158 29 6 24 0 0 Second Ward, 2nd Dist. 250 81 135 13 4 16 0 1 Third Ward, 1st Dist. 230 90 118 6 3 13 0 0 Third Ward, 2nd Dist. 268 98 120 21 8 20 1 0 Fourth Ward, 1st Dist. 228 81 115. 17 4 10 1 0 Fourth Ward, 2nd Dist. 268 104 130 20 6 8 0 0 Fourth Ward, 3d Dist. 274 102 121 31 8 10 0 2 ..Fifth Ward,•lst Dist. 261 59 157 17 7 20 0 1 Fifth Ward, 2nd Dist. 249 • 70 123 1'7 9 25 1 4 Fifth Ward 3d Dist. 216 66 103 23 5 18 0 1 Total 2984 1020 1469 215 80 183 3 14 Dryden, lst. Dist. 135 ,29 65 4 1 20 0 16 Dryden, 2nd Dist. 117 28 53 , 4 0 8 0 27 Dryden, 3d Dist. .1.53 34 74 5 0 15 0 25 Dryden, 4th Dist. 66 12 31 6 0 6 0 11 Dryden, 5th Dist. 146 35 75 1 1 9 0 25 Dryden, 6th Dist. 156 33 79 3 0 14 1 26 Total 773 171 377 20 2 72 1 130 Groton, lst. Dist. 83 14 40 5 0 13 0 11 Groton, 2ud Dist. 185 47 102 8 1 7 0 20 Groton, 3d Dist. 338 77 180 16 2 18 0 45 Groton, 4th Dist 150 48 72 5 0 7 0 18 Total 756 186- 394 34 3 45 0 94 OF '1'OMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 255 • Caroline, 1st Dist. 92 29 46 0 0 2 0 15 Caroline, 2nd Dist. 149 27 85 3 1 13 0 20 Caroline, 3d 'Dist. 122 22 56 7 0 13 0 24 Total 363 78 187 10 1 28 0 59 Lansing, 1st Dist. 164 31 72 8 1 27 0 25 Lansing, 2nd Dist. 78 15 40 4 1 8 0 10 Lansing, 3d Dist. 147 38 86 6 0 9 0 8 Total '8') 84 198 18 2 44 0 43 Newfield, 1st Dist. 141 37 59 2 2 20 0 21 Newfield, 2nd Dist. 169 42 66 7 3 27 0 24 Total 310 79 125 9 5 47 0 45 Danby, 1st Dist. 166 22 72 6 1 26 0 28 Danby, 2nd Dist. 62 10 24 5 0' 9 0 14 Danby, 3d Dist.. 35 6' 14 4 0 9 0 2 Total 263 48 111 15 1 44 0 44 Ulysses, 1st Dist. 204 52 83 7 0 16 0 46 -Ulysses, 2nd Dist. 185 36 105 3 '5 20 0• 16 Ulysses, 3d Dist. 237 74 111 7 15 • 0 0 30 Total 626 162 299 17 20 36 0 92 Ithaca, (Town) 1st Dist. 142 21 63 9 3 15 0 21 Ithaca, (Town) 2nd Disi.. 204 44 92 12 12 19 0 24 Total 146 75 155 22 15 34 0 45 Enfield, 1st Dist. ,209 73 91 7 1 11 0 26 Total 209 73 91 7 1 11 0 26 Total for County 7019 1976 3406 367 130,544 4 592 256 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Official Tabulation and S atement of Votes Cast in the. County of Tompkins at the Genera! Election FLeld November 3, 1914, for Representative in Congress REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS.. • CITY OR TOWN. Whole Number John Seeley Jonas S. Van Duzer William W. Arland Milo Shanks Blank and Scattering City of Ithaca— First Ward, 1st Dist. 193 70 89 15 11 13 0 First Ward, 2nd Dist. 244 123 90 10 9 12 0 Second Ward, 1st Dist. 293 75 153 30 6 29 0 Second Ward, 2nd Dist. 247 78 126 15 4 24 0 Third Ward, 1st Dist. 224 82 119 4 3 16 0 Third Ward, 2nd Dist. 274 94 119 26 10 25 0 Fourth Ward, lst Dist 219 75 113 14 4 13 0 Fourth Ward, 2nd Dist. 262 99 128 19 6 . 10 0 Fourth Ward, 3d Dist. 270 102 114 34 6 14 0 Fifth Ward, 1st Dist. 260 56 152 22 7 23 0 Fifth Ward, 2nd Dist. 241 72 117 14 8 30 0 Fifth Ward, 3d Dist. ' 212 57 109 23 4 19 0 Total 2944 983 1429 226 78 22S 0 Dryden, 1st Dist. 135 31 66 4 1 13 20 Dryden, 2nd Dist. 117 29 48 1 0 10 29 Dryden, 3d Dist. 153 34 72 7 1 13 26 Dryden, 4th Dist. 66 14 30 7 0 3 12 Dryden, 5th Dist. 146 36 75 2 1 10. 22 Dryden, 6th Dist. 156 35 75 3 0 17 26 Total ..... 773 179 366 24 3 66 135 Groton, lst Dist. 83 15 37 5 0 17 9 Groton, 2nd Dist. 185 47 82 8 1 23 24 Groton, 3d Dist. 1°8 75 151 17 2 40 53 Groton, 4th Dist. 150 46 68 7 0 9 20 Total 756 183 338 37 3 89 106. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 257 ' Caroline; 1st Dist. 92 25 45 1 0 3 18 Caroline, 2nd Dist. 149 34 79 3 1 11 21 Caroline, 3d Dist. 122 21 52 9 0 17 23 Total 363 80 176 13 1 31 62 Lansing, lst Dist. + 159 30 66 8 0 35 20 Lansing, 2nd Dist.. 78 14 39 4 1 10 10 Lansing, 3d Dist. 147 41 81 5 0 11 9, Total 384 85 186 17 1 56 39 Newfield, lst Dist. 141 41 55 4 3 14 24 Newfield, 2nd Dist. 169 45 60 . 6 3 24 31 Total 310 86 115 10 6 38 55 Danby, 1st Dist. 166 32 68 7 2 29 '28 Danby, 2nd Dist. 62 - 10 22 2 0 10 18 Danby, 3d Dist. 35 6 14 4 0 9 2 Total 263 48 104 13 2 48 -48 Ulysses, 1st Dist. 204 51 82 8 0 19 44 Ulysses, 2nd Dist. 185 36 102 2 3 21 21 Ulysses, 3d Dist. 237 75 103 9 0 18 32 Total 626 162 287 19 3 58 97 Ithaca, (Town) 1st Dist. 142 29 67 8 3 13 22 Ithaca, (Town) 2nd Dist. 204 42 92 17 12 18 23 Total 346 71 159 25 15 31 45 Enfield, lst Dist. 209 73 90 5 0 14 27 Total 209 73 90 5 0 14 27 Total for County 6974 1950 3250 389 112 659 614 258 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Official Tabulation and Statement of Votes Cast in the County of Tompkins at the General Election Held November 3, 1914, For State Senator STATE SENATOR. CITY OR TOWN District Number Robert P. Bush Morris •S. Halliday z U Blank and Scattering .City of Ithaca— First Ward, 1st Dint. 200 64 104 13 11 8 0 First Ward, 2nd Dist. 253 105 122 9 8 9 0 Second Ward, 1st Dist. 296 64 173 30 6 23 0 -Second Ward, 2nd Dist. 261 69 159 12 4 17 0 -Third Ward, 1st Dist. 239 71 152 5 2 9 0 'Third Ward, 2nd Dist. 275 80 153 17 8 17 0 Fourth Ward, lst Dist. - 230 68 142 8 3 9 0 Fourth Ward, 2nd Dist. 271 70 168 19 7 7 0 Fourth Ward, 3d Dist. 278 • 70 161 32 6 9 0 Fifth Ward, 1st Dist. 280 . 51 190 14 7 18 0 Fifth Ward, 2nd Dist. 249 67. 146 10 7 ' 19 0 Fifth Ward, 3d 'Dist. ... ... 219 47 133 19 4 16 0 Total 1051 826 1803 188. 73 161 0 Dryden, 1st Dist. 135 24 80 2 .1 13 15 Dryden, 2nd Dist. 117 27 60 c 1 0 6 23 Dryden, 3d Dist. 153 37 79 6 0 14 17 Dryden, 4th Dist. 66 9 38 6 0 5 8 Dryden, 5Lh Dist. 146 34 77 1 1 11 22 Dryden, 6th Dist. 156 33 82 1 0 13 27 Total 773 164 416 17 2 62 112 Groton, lst Dist. 83 13 50 3 0 9 3 Groton, 2nd Dist. 185 41 111 6 2 6 s 19 Groton, 3d Dist. 338 74 185 13 2 14 50 Groton, 4th Dist. 150 48 74 6 0 5 17 Total 756 176 420 28 4 34 94 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 259 Caroline, 1st Dist. 92 27 49 0 0 2 .14 Caroline, 2nd Dist. 149 22 99 3 1 11 13 Caroline, 3d Dist. 122 15 67 8 0 12 20 Total 363 64 215 11 1 25 47 Lansing, 1st Dist. • 159 30 79 5 • 1 29 15 Lansing, 2nd Dist. 78 14 44 4 1 7 8 Lansing, 3d Dist: 147 39 83 6 0 10 9 Total 384 83 206 15 2 46 32 Newfield, 1st Dist. 141 46 66 2 2 11 14 Newfield, 2nd Dist. 169 40 76 4 3 23 '23 Total 310 86 142 6 5 34 37; Danby, 1st Dist. 166 29 81 5 1 24 20 Danby, 2nd Dist. 62 10 26 3 1 8 14 Danby 3dt Dist. 35 6 14 4 0 9 2 Total 263 45 121 12 2 41 42 Ulysses, 1st Dist. 204 54 86 8 0 15 41 Ulysses, 2nd Dist. 185 35 105 2 3 19 21 Ulysses, 3d Dist, 237 71 118 6 0 13 29 Tot.aI 626 160 309 16 3 47 91 Ithaca, (Town) lst Dist. 142 26 76 6 3 11 20 Ithaca, (Town) 2nd Dist. 204 39 104 10 11 18 22 Total 346 65 180 16 14 29 42 Enfield, 1st Dist. 209 .75 99 3 1 8 t 23 Total 209 75 99 3 1 8 23 Total for County 7081 1744 3911 312 107 487 520 260 PROCEEDINGS 9F TI -IE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Official Tabulation and Statement of Votes Cast in the County of Tompkins at the General Election Held November 3, 1914, for Member of Assembly MEMBER OF ASSEMBLY. CITY OR TOWN Whole Number Frank A. Begent m O7 11-1 0 A h Blinn S. Cushman Joseph G. Roth City of Ithaca— , First Ward, 1st Dist. 201 68 101 19 13 9 First Ward, 2nd Dist. 243 123 100 12 8 0 Second Ward, 1st Dist. 292 76 173 36 7 0 Second Ward 2nd Dist. 254 93 138 17 6 0 Third Ward, 1st Dist. 226 89 123 9 5 0 Third Ward, 2nd Dist. 266 97. 128 32 9 0 Fourth Ward, 1st Dist. 220 71 127 17 5 0 Fourth Ward, 2nd Dist. 262 94 136 26 6 0 Fourth Wamd, 3d Dist. .275 86 146 36 7 0 Fifth Ward, 1st Dist. 271 65 174 .25 7 0 Fifth Ward, 2nd Dist. 249 84 142 16 7 0 Fifth Ward, 3d Dist.' 219 52 127 35 5 0 Total 2978 998 1615 280 85 - 0 Dryden, 1st Dist. 135 30 85 2 1 17 Dryden, 2ud Dist. 117 35 58 3 0 21 Dryden, 3d Dist. 153 60 69 3 0 •21 Dryden, 4th Dist. 66 15 32 5 2 12 Dryden, 5th Dist. 146 55 68 1 1 21 Dryden, 6th Dist. 155 54 79 0 0 23 TotaI 772 249 391 14 4 115 Groton, 1st Dist. 83 30 41 2 0 10 Groton, 2nd Dist. 185 104 63 4 1 13 Groton, 3d Dist. 338 188 106 10 1 33 Groton, 4th Dist. 150 79 50 5 0 16 Total 756 401 260 21 2 72 OP TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 261 Caroline, 1st Dist. 92 , 31 45 0 0 16 • '; Caroline, 2nd Dist. 149 41 82 2 2 22 Caroline, 3d Dist. 122, 18 70 9 0 25 Total 363 90 197 11 2 63 Lansing, lst Dist. 159 32 94 13 3 . 17 Lansing, 2nd Dist. 78 21 43 3 1 10 Lansing,. 3d Dist. 147 40 83 10 2 12 Total 384 93 220 26 6 39 Newfield, 1st Dist. 141 51 67 2 0 21 Newfield, 2nd Dist. 169 43 84 6 3 • 33 Total 310 94 151 8 3 54 Danby, 1st Dist. 166 34 99 7 1 25 Danby, 2nd Dist. 62 10 27 5 1 19 Danby, 3d Dist. 35 6 23 4 0 ,2 Total 263 50 149 16 2 46 Ulysses, 1st Dist. 204 52 • 92 10 0 50 Ulysses, 2nd Dist. 185 34 120 2 4 25 •1ilysses, 3d Dist. 237 80 108 8 0 41 Total 626 166 320 20 4 116 Ithaca, (Town) 1st Dist 142 31 82 9 • 5 15 Ithaca, (Town) 2nd Dist. • 204 41 124 13 11 15 Total 346 72 206 22 16 30 Enfield, lst Dist. 209 64 112 4 0 29 Total 209 64 112 • 4 0 29 • Total for County 7008 2277 3621 422' 124 564 262 Vo u 4 o o r rzs c 0 co et z 1^ll U 0 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS SUPERINTENDENT OF THE POOR SHERIFF 2ulaaweps pus HQejII .2fI:I .0 ireaueII uurifb •j• gdasof g1iurs •N Pada Iaa'iai,� aa1IsM .regi. u K aiogA'. 2uiaa;}saS pine Hu'eta sai22rM aS•eiilQ •r Sarco pxempa ua3I:I unA paw Sa3i0si+I 'AT saiasg0 uaaa0 saver/0 aequtnN aloq CPPY OR TOWN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O GI O CD O rl ti CV M ri 00 O 00 1-1 l Q: 1.-1 CV ri N ri rl 7•1 r4 .1 1-1:`l Il CD -4 • N CM CO ,r 00 co 00 t- CD 0- 0 V' co ra ri I` if]r-1 c0 CD lf1NCD. oo PP 00 1 O • 00 rl C7 r -f CV 00 ,-i r-1 -1 00 W C.- CO N ri ri sr C.O 00 O C1 Ta- = J Cr, o0 sr M Cd ri ri 00 1.1 CO H ri 1(1 ri rt r-1 PH ri rt ri rt ri rt -4 ri CD tH uo ri 00 L- 00 :: C- C1 CV '- 01 rI L ti CD 1-01 CO r-00 4,1 CP V• l CD r i00 CD .44. rH 00 O CD 00 dl 1:0 00 0- 00000000000,-I0 oo oc Cl ri 04 01 y CV CV n1 0`1 13 CV C1 00 00 C1 O 0 0 0 0 0¢ 0 O O O O I O 00c'1 004 4 0' -4 ,-4 r -i PH rri • 00 1.•0 Sr 0O 00 CV L: O 00 01 ri Cp 01 o- O 11 -o t- ri d• lr1 C1r-f y" j oo 1.-1CC r 1 1 ri r -I r-1 _ ra rt 0 C, ri 0- ,-$ 1/ 5 00 CI t- oo 00 CD OV O D rl O ri 00 ri ..1 CO V• O CO rt ri 7-1 1•4 ri r-1 r -i ri. r+. ri 01 rl r-1 1- n1 C1 0 ' d1 c: CD CD CD c 00 .•-1 ,"1.1 rS r• H rl r•i r-1 .. L CO Q1 N O N CD 'VI CD 1 : >,t r- 00 C 01 O 111 PH L y1 00 M 1- C- 00 CD rl CO C1 0) M 11 C1 Cl C] 1.1 Cl C1 01 CV ri 00 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 110 CO C1 CO CO d, 0 00 00 LN 00 C1 ry 00 00 t- ✓ < CV C1 00 01 r1 ' 00 rl 01 ,-1 • N C1 1 00 ,-1 Cl 00 CD r1 ra <V CO 0 VP CO Q7 t ��,-.I ,1� I 0�� rH 00 00N o 1 N C5 Cl CV O 1 Ora r'{ o 1-1 r-.1 00 vi CO CD ,••l <V 00 07 iCO 100 00 1 rl 00 110 1 0 C7 00 00 011 CV 01 CO QM CO ▪ rr Cl 263 1C, 00 CD r1 17 d< • CV ri Cl CO 00 00 0) w CV 07 01 Cl 07 j 00 rl rl O j Cl 1 00 l� op Cl w dt -101-00<c0-co0)Ct-.<VCOC 00Com 01000 CSN00r 00 r1 CP 00'oO 110 00 00 00 N 00 CO • 00 L— 00 CD CD 00 00 rl CO CD dl 117 rl r•l rl r1 r1 ,-i dt N h O Cl ri C,1 l CD Cl 1 CO 0o Cl CD 0 CO , 17 00 00 00 CO 10 00 0 0- 00 00 CO L7 L rl 00 ri r1 CD CP CO 10.0 00 ,•-1 r1 CD w CM er 00 C1 C1 CV CS 0 d, 00 C] I d1 0 CO • CD V,, 00 e.0 as N 00 7-1 d• CJ <V 'V1 00 00 dl 00csi 01 00 d1 CV C0P 1100 y1 L' r1 rl ' 00 r1 rl CD 17 00 17 10 ri ri rl '0 rl rr 1 u7 .rr 1 VD 00 ,1•n-1 I X0'0 CP CD r1 1.0 I 0 1-1 0 0 00 r -O ,-1 I .0 O N rl. 00 I 01 x~000 01 r-1 ri 00rl00 �0D0 C1 00 ,-•1 , 17 O CO 110 +••1 Oil 1 00 rl C+ C CD r- ri CD 1 00 0 00 00 N rl •�« 100 00 10• r-1 d• 1 0 03 00 100 d0 N CV 0- C+ d• 00 00 C. 0- 1 CO rl O 10 Cl rl 1fl 00 00 17 d1 v, C4 d•Nrdt pq 17 Ir CO CD CD CD 07 rl 00 CD d' Ifo r-1 r-1 r1 r- rq d•t~GO C7 CO CD CP 117 CO CO 113 00 t~ o0 00 00 ID 10- r1 M r1 s s 4-1 .s mm ria QA AAA H., � .0 ,0 J7 fb 00 4, ,••1 C10 Lit CO TO CD o N QCl d rint 0 7P QM 1M AAAAAA 02 w 0] AAAA 0 00 b� ,••1 00 00 dC 00 0 00 0 0 0 o O O O cb d' r-1 0 OO 'W VD 01 rl r1 CO r•1 0- 00 r< r4 00 ▪ r N I01 0 CV • 00 00 o0 000 TOCO00 1000-00 0-- 147100 00 rl r1 rl 11000 r1 <M CO CO 47• 00 01 CO 410 00 W 110 00 d1 04 CD C+0 CD CD C1 rl N 00 Cl 0 C1 a0 0 00 c- •'. M [A 110 0 d+ CV CD 100 0- d1 CO d+ cD L ,•-1 r1 00 r1 r1 00 H r-1 0] 0 0] 0 4�A '02 ab CI 00 hh C 000 0 0 0et -. 0 O CD 00 100 OO N CP CD CO CD 00 r< Cl 00 CO 0 r -I 00 CV ,-i ,-1 CO o e0 10. 00 00 00 Cl CO C1 rl CD 0 I rl 10 r1 CO C1 1 00 ri rl I- 00 CD CO O r1 0 rti 00 0". I= 00 110 LV 0 N 00 r-1 O CD Cl 17 CO ✓ CP 00 00 e0 M r1 C1 0 0 w 00 AAS eA r-1 00 'C 1 00 0 A G1 C; cd cd AAA 264 PROCEEDINGS OP THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 0; 00 00 - cl 00 09 00 r'! ri M 00.•0 C7 C r-1 CO ri 05 00 I-1 r -i 00 d, CV ry 07 01.07 O C -'O 01 au X000 00 00 0 0 0 01 r5 o 00 00 en CV C5 O I0 I 00 CO II CO O r-1 o r I00 I 1 t-4 0) CV C is Cm 0: 00 d' L^ f- 00000 CV r-! .1 00 7-IC.`,1^7 CZ O V, 0 C. m7M ^1 w 1 '0' O 00 r -I C5 X10 00 ra ,a ri ri 000 0] l- , ,-1 GV ri 05 1-1 C:=O 1 00 riGO I •L., 44'1 00 00 05 c 00 �' o O 00 00 0-1 CV 00 00 ',121:1P'71 ^ 00 1 I G-1 {! CV2 ,- I a ci 10 C OI O I 00 00 L 01 00 1 r0.1 =P 1-1 05 j ` CV Cl c.7 1 c TO 1 l ri 0 1 00 N C C If cm O 1111 0 L% 11; '--I C9 d C') CD 0 00 I0 C0I cl ,ti N rm. a O O cm 00 C.1 00 C5 -s .70 00 1I-. 00 0 E-1 4-3 10 07 AA .a 'O 10 d r 1 05 Oo a o 0 cd Cd a 00 00 1--I ti C c O M GV C7 1 CD In iWi 10 w 0 00 CV N Cry CD Total for County 0 04 EE U O i. 6R 0) O co, w q +fid 0) a) C) x F7L. m W o U `.4 y ss fx a 2 U F: J m a w W r Ul ,.., as ro N Q)P y 0WPAa •-' 0) Ca ''°Ug 4-4mm� ZC7E-i o ' . mZf00i, 0)"O C FoE. E. ,_;d'W�14Aaau ea 4�" ZWFyT{ 10-20 " Q C) E- W lyl -' Vl 73 [L O7 2 ,-' 0 0 U tn Ps �.r d ›, 'rj U 4 �r o 'JAW�yW Pao EE" `/ } Q:. 1--• G) U1 W x P7 �. U tea) 44 0 C' �i y ,_ro o. — r g e' .0.'_s m O +• a) . C) b '0 q W 0 '-' Cui ° o 0)o N .2J A 110 gro 00 0. ,-. ° 0 z W . cis—4 '`L" cY 'O ' z W c) 0 V cd i. p co$--.. 0�'' Ow•- Ul a -i O UN 4 w ozpgo 04r40w — 0= P'OEiW CY✓ a F N,1 o o 54 E1C12PPy Prd ,-i 1 F --1C y"w,a U1 i -i C �. V� z O d m O ( O O UN Zi N.-1-, h V}"., O,p'O i„ 'w - a7 0 1;' m rn a) d Z o .•• CT ,d N W «- ' V C mO _ d+., _z O,C 041-4 m°0) a • c a) "s.WO'odti Hti m .0 N t o ca a) .+7 u) c3 .a o E., d 0 d cd 0 - '�'. P "p-' 0 2 `X . 1 0 CV' ?� a) .O 'Jt 'c -a' y d wa Uro a 0 OEim� .oo o ti g' -'.4 Z �" b .0 caa MI ^U d c �A•CS4 = �:;.a sa'. W a ooF m 8 r0 "I� PI ,, m g .0 74 z O d c i r ,, a _ ca cdcoca m C" m m d 0 8 1_1' cd O ki -' co A E- '" m _ U em al c. E-1 `� m 4 UAB o vl .. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 265 ROSTER ---1915 CONGRESS HARRY H. PRATT (37th District) Hornell, N. Y. STATE SENATE. IIoBRIS S. HALLIDAY (49th District) Ithaca ASSEMBLY JOHN W. PRESWICK Ithaca • COUNTY OFFICERS - County Judge and Surrogate MONROE M. SWEETLAND Ithaca Special County Judge CHARLES R. BURGER Ithaca County Clerk CLARENCE D. TARI3ELL Ithaca Deputy County Clerk WILLIAM H. BAKER :Ithaca District Attorney JOHN D. COLLINS Ithaca Sheriff CHARLES A. MACKEY Ithaca Under Sheriff HowARD LAUGHLIN Ithaca County Treasurer 13 F. LENT Ithaca ARTHUR S. COLE Ithaca. WM. D. BALDWIN Groton Superintendent •of Highways Superintendent of Poor Superintendent of Poor WALTER MEKEEL ... . Trutnansburg, R. D. Superintendent of Poor GRANT COLE Ithaca Commissioner of Election ARTHUR G. ADAMS Ithaca Commissioner of Election ' CLARENCE C. SQUIER Ithaca Sealer of Weights and Measures . COURT BELLis Ithaca Coroner DR. ABRAM CHASE Jacksonville Clerk of Surrogate's Court D M. GILLESPIE Ithaca Clerk of Board of Supervisors FRED L. CLOCK Ithaca Dist, Supt. of Schools i'RRD A. BEARDSLEY, Trumansburg, R. D. Dist. Supt. of Schools JOHN D. BIGELOW Ithaca Dist. Supt. of Schools HATTIE KNAPP BUCK Groton, R. D. Keeper _of Alms House E'HILo 13. SMITH Jacksonville TOWN OFFICERS CAROLINE Supervisor m. C. GALLAGHER,. Slaterville Springs Town Clerk T C. BENNETT Brookton Collector WM. T. GRAHAM ....Brookton, R. D. 24 266 PROCEEDINGS OF TIIE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS DA N BY • Supervisor FRANK A. Tom West Danby • Town Clerk R B. _BEAKER Ithaca, R. D. 4 Collector CHAS. COLE West Danby, R. D. 25 DRYDEN Supervisor ED. S. HILL . Freeville, 1:. D Town Clerk F E. DARLING Freeville Collector FAY SKILLINGS Freeville, R. D. 16 ENFIELD Supervisor JAMES H. HINE Newfield, R. D.. Town Clerk DE VOE RUMSEY Enfield Center Collector THOMAS R. BROWN ......Ithaca, R. D. 5 GROTON Supervisor Town Clerk Collector FRANK A. REGENT Groton ASHBEL LANDON Groton A. H. SWARTWOUT ....Groton, R. D. 11 Supervisor, Supervisor, Supervisor, Supervisor, Supervisor, City Clerk ITHACA, CITY ' 1st Ward CHARLES DANIELS Ithaca 2nd Ward, AUGusTIN I. SCHAEFER Ithaca 3rd Ward FRED C. EVANS Ithaca 4th Ward JAS. R. RoBINSoN Ithaca. 5th Ward . WILBER G. FISH Ithaca. W. 0. KERR Ithaca City Chamberlain CHAS. A. BREWER Ithaca ITHACA, TOWN Supervisor 1I. S. WRIGHT Ithaca Town CIerk FRANK HANSHAW Ithaca, R. D. 2 Collector OSCAR C IIOYT Ithaca, R. D. 5 LANSING Supervisor CASPER TENNER Hecldens Town Clerk M L. FORD Ludlowville Collector JAY MOREY Ithaca, R. D. 1 NEWFIELD Supervisor ALBERT DASSANCE Newfield Town Clerk GEORGE W. PECK Newfield Collector LEROY DICKSON Newfield ULYSSES Supervisor J M. TOWNSEND Trumansburg Town Clerk THOMAS BOWER Trumansburg Collector ENOS HARDENBURG, '.Trumansburg, R. D. OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 267 INDEX A Audits, Regular Session. 4, 17, 20 Special Session 14 Annual Session 146 Monthly 107 Town 151-163 County 146 Animals, Soeiety for Prevention of Cruelty to 6 Albright Bros., Claim of 21 Annual Session 22 Armory, State Tax for 29 •Assessment Rolls, Report of Committee on Footing. 57,212, 215 Appointment of Jail Matron 105 Apportionment of Election Expenses 100,110 Automobile Hire, Appointment of Committee on 122,126 Accounts of Supervisors 164 Apportionment of Taxes among the Several Towns _ 210 Appropriation, Society for Prevention of Cruelty -to Animals 6 Water System at County Home 18 Stucco' Work at County Horne 19 For.Printing Proceedings, Board of Supervisors 60 For Rights of. Way 38,42 For Farm Bureau 44, 47 For Burial Indigent Soldiers and Sailors 60, 111 For Postage, Commissioners of Election 68 For Steel Filing Case for Supervisors 72 For Postage, etc., for County Clerk 87 For Postage for County Treasurer 91 For Fuel and.Light • , 107 For Court Epenses 109 For Postage, Clerk of Board - 110 For Purchase of Rights of Way 119 For Telephone Service 119 For General Tax 137 For Enfield Falls -Enfield Center Highway 7 For Mitchell Strcet-East Town Line Highway 9 For Groton -Cayuga Co. Line Highway 11 g r Bonds, Payment by County Treasurer of Interest on 4 For highway Construction 46 I 268 . PROCEEDINGS OF .THE. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Bond of County Treasurer for Highway Monies 16, 24 Of Superintendent of .the Poor 144 Board of Supervisors, Hours of Meeting , 29 Board of Managers of Tuberculosis Hospital, Resignation' of 42, 54 Board of Managers of Tuberculosis Hospital, Election of 49, 62, 68 Breeders' Association, Tompkins County and Pomona Grange • 39 Bridges and Highways, Tax on Towns for Improvement of 58 Bridges, Resolution Increasing State Aid for 93 Burial of Indigent Soldiers and Sailors 60, 111 Bank Tax Statement 208 Banks, Resolution Requiring Certain One to Make Report 115 Budgets of Towns 139-143 Budget, County 220 C County Treasurer To Pay Interest on Bonds 4 To Pay Returned School Tax 4 Application of Moneys Received From Patients of Tuberculosis Hos- pital 14 Bond of, for Highway Monies 16 Postage for 91 ' Report of 165 County Engineer, Requesting Appointment of 5 County Clerk, Incidental Expenses of 15 Postage, etc., for 87 Report of 188 Committees, To Secure Right of Way, Appointment of 17, 34 To Examine Tax Deeds and Tax Certificates, Appointment of • 17 Resignation of Standing 24 To Investigate June Grand Juries 78 On Tuberculosis Hospital, Appointment of 119 On Automobile Hire, Appointment of 122, 126 Cotnty Home, Water System at 1R Silo at 18 Stucco Work at 19 Authorizing Com. of Charities to do Work at 19 Claims, Albright Bros. 21 Elizabeth Whitlock 76, 100 Charles V. Coggshall 31 Limiting Time for Receipt of 45 Condemnation Proceedings to Secure Rights of Way 21, 35 Chairman of Board, Election of ... 23 Clerk of Board, Election of 23 Salary of 85 Postage for 110 Clerk's Certificate 219 County Treasurer's Accounts, Report of Committee on 51 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 269 Report of Committee on, Relative •to Bank Tax 70 Report of Committee, Relative to Mortgage Tax 96 Report of Committee on, Relative to Report of Co. Treas. Report 79 Co. Clerk and Election Expenses, Report of Committee on 53, 88, 125 Report of Committee on, Relative to Report of Election Com75 Report of Committee on Relative to Report of County Clerk 126 County Officers and Compensation, Report of Corn. on, Relative to Salaries 66 Report of Committee on 113, 126, 128 Contract and Supply, Committee on to • Keep Books, etc. 87 Report of Committee on 7.02, 121 Charities, Report of Committee on Relative to County Poor 88 Report of Committee on, Relative to Tuberculosis Hospital 89 Report of Committee on 91, 175 . Correction and Reformation, Report of Committee on 117, 130 Coroner, Justice and Constable -Accounts, Reports of Committee on 99 Commissioner of Election, Postage, etc., for 68 Report of Committee Relative to Expense of 75 Election of 94 County Officers, Salaries of 67 County Poor, Report of Committee -Relative to 88 Convict Labor 86 Chaplain for County Home . 69 Correction of Minutes 61, 127 Caroline, Returned School Tax of 57 Tax for Improvement of Highways and Bridges 58 Tax to Cancel ,Certificates of Indebtedness 59 Budget of 139 Audits of 151 Court Expenses ... 109 County Audits 146 County and Town Indebtedness, Statement of 216 Comptroller, Report of Relative •to Repairs to Highways . 218 County Budget 220 Canvass, Official 226 County and Town Officers 265 D Danby, Support of Poor of 27 Returned School Tax of 57 - Tax for Improvement of Highways and Bridges 58 -Budget of 139 Audits of 152 Dryden, Support of Poor of 36 Tax for Improvement of Highways and Bridges 58 Tax to Cancel Certificate of lndehtedness 59 Budget of 139 Audits of 154 .3 270 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Designation of Newspaper's to Publish Session Laws. 28 Deaf Mutes, Support of 36 Dog Tax 47 Directory, Political 223 • • E . Enfield, Returned School Tax of 55 Tax for Improvement of Highways and Bridges 58 Tax to Cancel Certificates of Indebtedness 59 Budget of . 140 Audits of 156 Engineer, CountSr, Requesting Appointment of 5 •Election, Chairman of Board 23 Clerk of Board 23 To Farm Bureau 48 To Board of Managers of Tuberculosis Hospital 49, 62, 68 Commissioners of Election - 94 'Jail Physician • 95, 105 Erroneous Assessment, Reimbursing. Town of Groton for 50 Election Commissioners, Postage, etc., for 68 Report of Committee Relative to Report of '75 Election -Expenses, Report of Committee Apportioning 100, 110 Equalization, Report of Committee on, for Highways 73 Report of Committee on, for General Purposes 83 Report of Committee on, on Valuations 209 Errors, Correction of 127 Farm Bureau, Appropriation for 44, 47. Election to 48 Fees for Hunting Licenses 46 Foot and Mouth Disease, Quarantine for 52 Fuel, Light and Telephone; Committee to Keep Books, etc., of cost of 87 Fuel and Light, Appropriation for 107 Franchises, Special, Report of Committee on 97 Finance Committee, Report of 131 Resolution on Report of 136 Apportionment of Taxes . by 137 Footing Assessment Rolls, Report of Committee on 57, 213, 215 G Groton, Reimbursing for Erroneous Assessment 50 Returned School Tax of 57 - Tax for Improvement of Highways and Bridges 58 Tax to Cancel Certificates of Indebtedness 59 Budget of 140 Audits of 157 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK , . 271 Grange, Pomona, and Tompkins County Breeders' Association 39 Grand Jurors, Report of Committee on 92 Grand Jury, Committee to Investigate78 Report of Committee to Investigate 127 H Highways, Approving Plans, etc., Enfield Falls-Enfield Center Road 7 Approving Plans, etc., Mitchell St.-East Town Line Road 9 Approving Plans, etc., Groton-Cayuga County Line Road 11 Bond of County Treasurer for Highway Monies 16 Sinking Fund on Bonds for Highway Construction 25 A..tnounts to be Raised for Maintenance and Repairs of 31, 32 Bonds for the Construction of 46 Tax to Cancel Certificate of Indebtedness 59 Dlvidion of Highways to be Built the Coming Year 69 Employment of Convict Labor on 86 Resolution Increasing State Aid for Bridges 93 Resolution Increasing State Aid to Towns for Highways 115 Report to Comtroller Relative to Tax for Repair of 218 Report of County Superintendent of 109 Reports of Committee on Rights of Way. 21, 35, 38, 40, 94 ' Report of Committee for Maintenance of Highways and Sinking Fund 111 State to Reimburse County for Monies Paid out for 130 'Highway Committee, Report of 77, 112 Report of,• on West Danby Highway 12 Report of, on Esty Glen Road 13 Highways, Designation of, Ithaca-Stevens Town Hill Road 5 Albright Corners Road 5 Doan's Mill-Trumbulls Corners Road 6, 93 Mitchell St.-East Town Line Road 6, 14 West Danby Road 12, 82 Jacksonville-Taughannock Falls .Road • 13 Trumansburg-Updike's Corners Road 13 Brookton-Caroline Center and Slaterville Springs County Line Road, 14, 16 Hibbards' Corners-Ellis Road 15 Dryden Village-Harford Road 15, 69 -Peruville-Cortland County Line Road 16, 63 Mecklenburg Road 18 Ithaca-Auburn Road 60 -Esty Glen Road 60 Ithaca-West Danby Road 63 'Groton-Cortland County Line Road 63 Brookton-Westfall's Corners Road 76 'Slaterville Springs-Tioga County. Line Road 76 'Codclington Road 82, '91 Highland Road • 82 ' Ci•umbulls' Corners-Abels' Corners Road 93 272 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Tiumansburg-Perry City Road 0`1 South Lansing -Cayuga County Line Road 101 Buttermilk Falls-Elyea Road • 101 State Routes , 106 • Humboldt St. -Spencer Roacl 106 Newfield -Ithaca -West Danby Road 107 Krums Corners -Willow Creek Road 148 Jacksonville-Taughannock Falls Road 108 �. Taughannock Falls -Tuberculosis Hospital Road 108 Trumansburg— .bels Corners Road 109 Millers' Corners -Schuyler County Line Road 110 Ithaca to Coddington Road 119 Freeville-Groton-Apgar's Corners Road 119 Freeville-Town Line Road 120 Terpening's Corners-Peruville School House Road 120 Hibbard's Corners -Monroe Corners Road 120 Jennings Corners -South Danby Road 122 Hours of Meeting of Board 29 Hunting Licenses, Fees for - 46 Highways and Bridges, Tax - for Improvement of by Towns 58 I Ithaca, Town of, Support of Poor of 46 Returned School Tax of 56 Tax for Improvement of Highways and Bridges 58 Budget 141 Audits of 159 Ithaca, City of, Budget of 141 Insurance, Cancellation of Policies 3 Tuberculosis Hospital 43. Interest, Payment by County Treasurer on Bonds 4 Indebtedness, Statement of County and Town • 216 J Jail Physician, Election •of 95, 105 Salary of 96 Jail Matron, Appointment of 105 Jail Supplies, Resolution for 102 Justices Accounts, Report of Committee on 99 Justices of the Peace, Reports of 206 L Lansing, Returned School Taxes of 57 Tax'for Improvement of Highways and Bridges 58 Tax to Cancel Certificate of Indebtedness 59 •Budget of - 141 •Audits of 159 Law Library,Book Case for OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 273 M Minutes, Correction of 61, 127 • Mortgage Tax, Report of Committee on 96 McGreevy, Richard P. Frontispiece N Newfield, Returned School Tax of 57 Tax for Improvement of Highways and Bridges 58 Tax to Cancel Certificates of Indebtedness 59 Budget of 142 Audits of 161 Newspapers, Designation of to Publish Session Laws 28 0 Official Canvass 226 • Officers, County and Town 265 P Proceedings of Board of Supervisors, Distribution of 4, 41, 63 Printing of 37 Payment for 60 Poor, Support of, Town of Danby 27 Support of, Town of Dryden 36 Support of, Town of Ithaca 46 Support of at Institution 36 Bond of Superintendent of 144 Reports of Superintendents of 191 Personal Property, Statement of Aggregate 212 Pomona Grange and Tompkins County Breeders' Association 39 Political Directory 223 Quarantine for Foot and Mouth Disease 52 R Resolutions—Book Case for Law Library 3 Repairs at Tuberculosis Hospital 3 Cancellation of Insurance Policies 3 Payments for Rights of Way . 4 R!ghts of Way 4 Examination of Tax Deeds and Tax Certificates 4 Returned School Tax, Payment of 4 Limiting Time for Receipt of Claims 45 To Reimburse Town of Groton for Erroneous Assessment 50 For Payment of Printed Proceedings of Board 60 Making a Division of Roads to be Built the Coming Year 69 Steel Filing Case for Supervisors 72 274 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Relative to June Grand Juries 78 For County Treasurer to Report in Accordance With Rule 31 78 To Amend State Election and Primary Law 81 Salary, Clerk of Board 85 Employment of Convict. Labor 86 Increasing State Aid for Bridges 93 Jail Supplies 102 Designating State Highways 106 Requiring Presentation of Certain Bills Each Month 107 Report of Surrogate 114 On failure of Certain Banks to Make Reports 115 For Telephone Service 119 Combination With Other Counties Relative to Tuberculosis Hospital 119 For State to Reimburse County for Monies Paid for Highways 130 On Report of Finance Committee 131 For County Treasurer to Credit Funds to Various Accounts 136 On Death of Richard P. McGreevy Frontispiece Of Thanks to Chairman and Clerk 145 Report of Highway Committee 77, 112 On West Danby Road 12 On Esty Glen Road 13 Report of Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts 35, 51 Relative to Bank Tax 70 Relative to Mortgage Tax 96 Relative to Rule 31 101 Report of Committee on Rules and Legislation, Printing of Proceedings 37 Printing for Sheriff 52 New Rules 91, 97 Report of Committee on County Clerk and Election Expenses, 53, 88, 125, 126 Relative to Report of Commissioners of Election 75 Report of Committee on Returned Highway and School Taxes, 54, 55, 78, 100 Report of Committee on Footing Assessment Rolls 57, 213, 215 Report of Committee on County Officers and Compensation, 66, 113, 126, 128 Report of Committee on Equalization for Highways 73 For General Purposes 83, On Valuation 209 Report of Committee on Charities, General 91, 115 Relative to County Poor 88 Relative to Tuberculosis Hospital 89, 105 Report of Committee on Town Expenses Relative to Special Franchises 97 Report of Committee on Coroner, Justices and Constable Accounts 99 Report of Committee on Town and County Accounts, Apportioning Elec- tion Expenses ... 100 For Maintenance of Highways and Sinking Fund 111 Relative to Account Due Town of Ulysses 128 Report of Committee on Contract Supplies 102, 121 Report of Committee on Soldiers' Relief 103 OF 'TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 275 Report of Committee on Correction and Reformation 117, 130 Report of Committee on Finance, General 431 On Apportionment of Taxes 137 Report of Committee to Investigate June Grand Juries 92, 127 Report of Committee to Examine Tax Deeds and Tax Certificates 17, 19 Report of Board of Managers of Tuberculosis Hospital 42 Report of County Superintendent of Highways 109 Report of County Treasurer 165 Report of County Clerk 188 Report of Superintendent of Poor 191 Report of Justices' of the Peace 206 Report of Comptroller Relative to Tax for Repair of Highways 218 Rights of Way, Report of Committee on 21, 35, 38, 40, 42, 94 Condemnation Proceedings, to secure 21 Appropriations for + 38, 42;119 Regular Sessions, Audits at 4, 17, 20 Rules of Order, New 39, 91, 97 Resignations from Board of Managers of Tuberculosis, I•Iospital .... 42, 54 Roster 265 s Sessions, Regular 3, 15, 17 Special 7, 21 • Annual - 22 Special, Audit at 14 Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, Appropriation for 6 Standing Committees, Designation of 24 Special Committees, Designation of 17, 34, 78, 119, 122 Sinking Fund on Bonds Issued for Road Construction 25 Supervisor, Post Office Address of 22 Hours of Meeting of Board of 29 Steel Filing Case for 72, 90 Accounts of 164 Session Laws, Designation of Newspapers to Publish 28 State Tax, for Armory 29 For Stenographers 30 Sheriff, Printing for 52 Soldiers and Sailors, Appropriation for Burial of 60, 111 Salaries of County Officers 67 Salary, Chaplain County Home 69 Jail Physician 96 Special Franchises, Report of Committee on S7 SoIdier's Relief, Report of Committee on 103 State Highways, Designation of 106 Superintendent of Highways, Report of 109 Surrogate, Resolution on Report of 114 276 - PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Superintendents of the Poor, Bond,of 144 Report of 191 Statement of Taxes for the Several Towns 210 Statement of Tax Rates for the Several Towns 211 Statement of Aggregate Personal Property 212 Statement of County and Town Indebtedness 216 T Tuberculosis Hospital, Repairs at 3 Application of Monies Received Froni Patients 14 Appropriation for 17 Authorizing Committee to Build Ice I•Iouse 19 Resignation From Board of Managers 42, 54 Election to Board of Managers 49, 62, 68 Report of Board of Managers 42 Insurance on 43 Report of Committee on 89, 105 Combination With Other Counties 119 Treasurer, To Pay Interest on Bonds 4 To Pay for Right of Way 4 To Use Money to Pay Returned School Tax 4 Bond of, for Highway Monies 16, 24 Report of Committee on 51 Report of Committee on Accounts of 79 Postage for 91 To Credit and Transfer Funds to Certain Accounts 136 Report of 165 Tax Deeds and Tax Certificates, Examination of 4, 19 Taxes, Report of Committee on Returned Highway and School 54, 55, 78 Apportionment Among the Several Towns 137, 210 Tax, On Dogs 47 For Improvement of Highways and Bridges by Towns 58 To Cancel Certificates of Indebtedness 59 Rank, Report ,of Committee Relative to 70 Mortgage, Report of Committee on 96 General, Appropriation for 136 Statement of Bank 208 Rate for the Several Towns 211 Telephones, For Grand Jury Room 20 Appropriation for 119 Town Expenses, Report of Committee Relative to Special Franchises 97 Town and County Account, Report of Committee Relative to Sinking Fund 111 Report of Committee Relative to Amount Due Ulysses 128 Town Budgets 139-143 Town Audits . 151-163 Town and County Indebtedness, Statement of 216 Town and County Officers 265 OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK 11 277 Ulysses, Returned School Tax of 55 Tax for Improvement of Highways and Bridges' 58 Tax to Cancel Certificates of Indebtedness 59 Budget of 142 Audits of 162 Money Due Town From County 128 v Vote of Thanks To J. Charles Dayton 45 To Chairman and Clerk 145 Valuation in County 209 Of Aggregate Personal Property 212 w Whitlock, Elizabeth, Claim of, for Erroneous Assessment 76, 100 I