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R. F. CHAPPUIS, Chairman, Dryden, N. Y. .�
AARON G. MINTZ, - Clerk, Ithaca, N. Y.
kArre(/, ./V!%/I0, *2.14
Board of Supervisors
County of Tompkins
R. F. CHAPPUIS, Chairman, Dryden, N. Y.
AARON G. MINTZ, Clerk, Ithaca, N. Y.
To Bert T. Baker, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins
County :
. 'We, the undersigned, wish you to call.a Special Session of the
Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins to be held in
the Supervisors' Room in the City of Ithaca, N. Y., on the 16th
day of February, 1912, at 9 :45 a. m., to arrange for issuing
bonds for the improvement of the Freeville-Groton Road and
such other business as may come before the Board.
Morning Session.
Friday, February 16th, 1912.
All members present.
Moved by Dr. Gallagher that this Board of Supervisors con-
fer with the Board of Education granting them the -use of the
Court House for school purposes.
The several Supervisors presented the Grand. Jury list pre-
4 The Supervisors' Proceedings.
pared by them during the annual session for their respective
towns and the City of Ithaca, which on motion of Mr. Todd
were confirmed as the Grand Jury list of Tompkins County for
the year 1912.
The remainder of the morning session was devoted to a
public hearing on the County Tuberculosis Hospital called by the
State Commissioner of Health.
On motion the Board adjourned to 1:30 p. m.
Afternoon Session.
All members present.
Mr. R. P. McGreevy, Chairman, of the County Tuberculosis
Hospital Committee, made an oral report of contemplated im-
provements of the Meany site if accepted.
The matter of increasing the insurance on the County Build-
ings was taken up and discussed generally, and on motion of
Mr. Hyers the committee on insurance were instructed to re-
port at next Special Session of the Board.
By Mr: Chappuis:
Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed to secure necessary rights
of way near Varna on Ithaca -Dryden Road 1o: 681.
On motion the resolution was adopted.
The Chairman appointed as such Committee: Messrs. Squier,
Preswick and Hyers.
By Mr. Chappuis :
Whereas, by Chapter 315 of the Laws of 1911, See. 9 of Chapter 62 of the
Laws of 1909; known as the Tax Law, was materially amended so that in the
preparation of the assessment roll there shall now be three parts, viz: in the
first, all real property including villages and corporations, and in the second all
personal property including corporations and in the third special franchises, and
The Supervisors' Proceedings. 5
Whereas, the form of assessment roll forwarded to this Board by the State
Tax Commissioners. pursuant to Sec. 171 of the Tax Law has made no pro-
vision for an aggregate column, in which the tax of any one person or corpora-
tion inay be written, and •
Whereas, under the form of assessment roll thus prescribed by the State
Board of Tax Commissioners, the work in spreading the taxes will lie increased
to nearly three times the amount formerly required, and will render the • tax
rolls when written exceedingly difficult for tax collectors in the collection of taxes,
now therefore be it, •
Resolved, That it is the sense of the Board that the Tax Law shall be so
amended as to provide for the assessment of property, that the tax of any one
Verson or corporation may be written in an aggregate column, and also provide
that all property including real, personal and franchises in incorporated villages
and cities shall be assessed in a separate part of the assessment roll.
Resolved, That a copy of• this resolution be transmitted ,to Hon. John F.
Murtaugh, Senator from this district, and to Assemblyman Non. Minor McDaniels.
On motions duly made and seconded, the following claims
were audited at the full arriounts claimed by unanimous votes :
Squier and Adains, Commissioners sof Election, expense,ac-
count $34.18.
Gertrude M. Squier, •Clerk to Commissioners of Election,
Cara A. Squier, Clerk to Commissioners of Election, $52.00.
Minnie A. Adams, Clerk to Commissioners of Election,
$34•.20. •
C. T. Davis, burial of Augustus Marsh, a deceased soldier,
$50.00. John L. Sbotum, burial of George A. Hunter, a deceased
soldier, $50.00.
Clinton House, dinners for Jury, Jan. 9, 1912, $7.00.
D. 0. Bishop, Court Crier, Jan. Term County Court, $6.00.
The Ithaca Daily Journal, printing enrollment lists $162.00.
Miscellaneous printing $16.53.
H. W. Norton, supplies, Commissioners of Election $10.35.
6 The Supervisors' Proceedings.
T. G. Miller & Sons 'Papez Co., supplies Commissioners of
Election $9.00.
By Mr. -Robinson :
Resolved, That this Board accept the offer of the Ithaca Savings Bank to
extend the payment of the Bond of $5,000.00 of the County due Feb. 1st, 1912, to
the.first day of August, 1912, at the same rate of interest of four per cent. per
annum, and the good faith of the County is pledged for the payment of said bond
and interest August 1, 1912.
On motion the resolution was adopted.
Whereas, the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins heretofore
on the 10th day of April, 1911, have duly ordered by an appropriate resolution
duly •adopted •that that certain public highway extending from the nest corpora-
tion line of Freeville, northerly to the south corporation line of Garton, a length
of 2.13 miles in the Town of Dryden, and 2.36 miles in the Town of Groton, total
length 4.49 miles, Tompkins County, and known as the Freeville-Groton County
Highway should be improved in accordance with the provisions of article six
of the Highway Law and having also duly appropriated by said resolution the
sum of $23,60.4.41, being the amounts sufficient to pay the share of the costs of
the construction or improvement of such County :Highway, which is to be borne
by the said County of Tompkins the said Town of Dryden and Groton as deter-
mined in .accordance with the ,provisions of Section 141 of the Highway Law, and
directing the County Treasurer of said County of Tompkins to pay said amount
so appropriated upon the requisition or draft of the State Commission •of High-
ways and,
Whereas, there are not sufficient funds in the County Treasury to pay such
requisition or drafts.
Now, therefore, for the purpose of paying the County's an.1 Town's share
of constructing and improving said highway and for the purpose of making ef-
fective the resolution above referred to, it is,
Resolved, That the sum of $23,000.90 be borrowed by the County of Tomp-
kins from the First National Bank of Dryden, N. Y., or from such corporation or
person as will loan the same and as security for the payment thereof that said
County of Tompkins issue and deliver, at not less than par its obligation in the
form of twelve registered bonds of the denomination of $2,000.00 for the first con-
secutive eleven thereof and one thousand dollars of the twelfth thereof, numbered
consecutively from one to twelve inclusive each to be dated March 1st, 1912, .the
first bond due and payable one year thereafter in numerical order. All of said
bonds to bear interest, at the rate of 4 1-4 per cent. payable annually on the first
day of March of each year and further, that said bonds be substantially in the
following form, viz;
No $2,000.00
State of New York. -
.Highway Improvement Bond of the County Tompkins.
ENOW ALL MEN BY TIIESE PRESENTS, That the County of Tompkins,
in the State of New York, is justly indebted unto or
The Supervisors' Proceedings. 7
the registered holder hereof, in the sum of Two Thousand Dollars for value re-
ceived, which said sum the 'County of Tompkins hereby promises to pay to the
:First National Bank of Dryden, N. Y., or the registered holder hereof, on tlrcrflrst
day of March, 19—, with interest thereon at the rate of 4 1-1 per cent. per annum
payable annually at the First National Bank. of Dryden, N. Y., aforesaid on the
first day of March of each year from the date hereof until said principal sum:shall
be paid.
This bond is one of a series of twelve bonds of like tenor and date but of
different maturities, numbered from one to twelve inclusive, and eleven thereof
being for Two Thousand Dollars each and one thereof for One Thousand Dollars,
and issued for the purpose of raising funds with which to pay for the construc-
tion and improvement of that certain highway within the County of Tompkins
known as the Preeville-Groton Road pursuant to Article Six of the Ilighway4 aw
of the State of New York and the acts aiuendatory thereof and supplementary
thereto. This bond is also issued pursuant to and in conformity with certain
resolutions of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins and by virtue
of authority conferred upon said Board of Supervisors by and u.nrler the statutes
of the State of New York.
And the, said Board of Supervisor's of the County of Tompkins does liere-
by certify that all eels and things requisite and necessary to be done under the
provisions of law have been duly and regularly performed in every respect; and
the good faith and credit of said County of Tompkins are hereby pledged for the
payment of the Said principal sum and the interest thereon as aforesaid.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF', the County of Tompkins has caused. these
presents to be signed by the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors and the
Treasurer of the County and attested by the Clerk of said Board, .and the cor-
porate seal of the said County to he hereto affixed in the City of Ithaca the first
day of March, 1912.
And by
Chairman of the Board of Supervisors.
County- Treasurer of Tompkins County.
Clerk of the Board of Supervisors.
Resolved, That the chairman .of this Board and said County Treasurer be.
and they hereby are authorized and empowered to execute said bonds for and
in behalf of the County of Tompkins, and to affix the corporate seal of said County
thereto; and the Cleric of this Board to attest each of said ,bonds, and the good
faith and credit of said County of Tompkins, is hereby pledged for the payment
of said bonds which are hereby declared a county charge.
Reo]recl, That adequate security be given by said County Treasurer for
the faithful performance of his duties in issuing the said obligations and for the
lawful application of the funds arising therefrom and of the funds which may be
raised by tax for the payment thereof which may come into his hands, which
security shall be approved by the County Judge and shall be for the. penal sum
of five Thousand Dollars.
Resolved,' That a sufficient sum be annually raised by taxation to pay the
interest becoming due upon all of saiit • bonds, and also to pay the principal of
said bonds at maturity.
Resolved, That said County Treasurer be and lie hereby is authorized to
8 The Supervisors' Proceedings.
receivethe proceeds from said bonds, and directed to pay out the same upon .the
requisition of State Bighway Department as by statute provided. And he is
hereby. further directed out of said proceeds to pay and take up the temporary
notes heretofore given to the First National Bank of Dryden, N. Y„ for moneys
borrowed for the improvement of said highway under this act.
On motion the resolutions were duly adopted.
By. Mr. Chappuis:
Resolved, That the County Treasurer pay from any unexpended funds in
his hands the claims of Minnie A. Adams, Gertrude M. Squier, and Clara A.
Squier this day audited by the Board.
On motion the resolution was adopted.
The minutes for the day were read and approved.
On motion the Board adjourned.
To Bert T. Baker, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins
We, the undersigned, wish you •to•call a Special Session of
the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins to be held
in the Supervisors' Room in the City of Ithaca, N. Y., on the
13th day of March, 1912, at 10 a. in., to act on plans and specifica-
tions for the improvement of County Highways and to provide
money for .the County's share of the cost, and to take action in
the matter of the County Tuberculosis Hospital.
Jas. R. Robinson, Jr.,
Andrew C. Hyers,
John Francis
F. A. Begent,
R. F. Chappuis,
B. F. McAlIaster,
N. B. Brown,
F. A. Todd,
W. C. Gallagher,
Fox Holden.
The Supervisors' Proceedings. 9
Morning Session.
March 13th
Roll call. AlI members present except Mr. Preswick.
Mr. Utter was given the privilege of the floor and he. ad-
dressed the Board protesting against locating the County Tuber-
culosis Hospital on the Dr. Meany place.
The Clerk read a resolution of the Board of Education ac-
ce}iting the offer of this Board to use the Court House for school
purposes and on motion of Mr. Robinson, the matter was referred
to the Chairman and Clerk to make the necessary arrangements.
Mr. Todd, Chairman of the Committee on Insurance; re- .
ported the amount of insurance on the respective County build-
ings, reporting that the insurance companies would take the
following maximum insurance—Court House, $30,000; Jail,
$20,000; .and County Clerk's office, $20,000.
Moved by Mr. Squier that the insurance committee be in-
structed to procure the insurance on the County buildings in the
following amounts=Court House, $20,000; Jail, $12,000, and
County Clerk's office, $10,000, and that the same be taken out
in different amounts in small Policies.
The CIerk read a petition from the .Lehigh Valley,Railroad
Company asking the refund of $16.94 excess tax paid in the
Town of Groton, which on motion was granted and the County
Treasurer instructed to return to said Railroad Company, the
$16.94 so paid to him:
On motion the Board adjourned to 1:30:
Afternoon Session.
Roll call. All members present except Mr. Preswick.
10 The Supervisors' Proceedings.
The Clerk read the report of .the Special Committee on a
County Tuberculosis Hospital.
By Mr. Gallagher :
1. Whereas. at a meeting of this Board held un the llth day- of February,
1305, and the 3rd clay of .January, 1900, a resolution was adopted pursuant to
Section 123 of the Highway Law requesting the construction or improvement in
accordance with the provisions of article six of said law of that portion of a
highway described as follows: That portion of the Catskill Turnpike which
,extends from the west end of the bridge across Six tide Creek where said creek
passes through or adjoins the premises upon which the hotel known as the Fountain
House in the Village of Slaterville Springs is constructed, in an easterly direction
to the County line of,t.he County of Tompkins.
Being a. part of what is known as the Creek road, and beginning at the
intersection of said road by the south line of the Town of Dryden, •and running
thence in a southeasterly direction through the hamlet of Brookton ; thence in a
northeasterly- direction to' the intersection of said Creek road by the Catskill
Turnpike at what is known as Kruni s Corners.
Beginning at the intersection of Catskill 71'urnpilte and the Creek road at
Conk's Corners running .thence southeasterly along said Creek road to the north
line of the :Town of Caroline.
o,hereas, the State Commission of Highways has examined the highway
above described and has determined that it is of sufficient public importance for
construction or improvement in accordance with the provisions of article six of
the Highway -Law and has certified its approval of the said resolution ; and.
Whereas, said Commission has caused a section of said highway, which
section is doscribed,as follows:
From County- 'Highway No. 481 southeasterly and easterly to the Hamlet
of Brookton; also from the east end of County Highway No. 483 southeasterly
to the Hamlet of Caroline, a length of 0.40 miles in the Town of Dryden, 44.18
miles in the Town of Caroline, a total length of 4.58 miles, Tompkins County, and •
known as the Cook's Corners, Brookton, Slatervillc Springs, Caroline, County
Highways to be surveyed anti mapped, and Jias caused Mats, idans, specifications
and estimates of cost to be matte for such construction or improvement and after
examination thereof by the district or county superintendent has transmitted the
same'to this Board, shutting the total estimated cost of the work to be j46,990,00
of which the State, county and town pay the following proportions:
The State trays 58.73797 per cent. 42+,548.11
The County of Tompkins pays 34 per cent. 15,946.00
The 'town of Dryden pays 10 per cent. 0.40 miles 409.61
The Town or Caroline; stays 7 per cent. 4.18 utiles ',996.23
The Town of pays -----
4. Resolved, That this Board request that the highway above described
in paragraph one be constructed or improved as a County Highway in that portion
thereof above described in paragraph three in accordance with the maps, plans,
specifications and estimates of cost prepared therefor by- the State Commission
of Highways under the provisions of article six of the Highway Law ; that said
work be performed under the charge, care and superintendence of the State Com-
mission of Highways, and that said maps, plans, specifications and estimates of
costs prepared for said work, under the direction of said Commission as provided
TJie Supervisors' Proceedings, 11
in tsection 125 of the Highway Law, are hereby duly approved and adopted by
this ,Board.
5. Resolved, That there is hereby appropriated and made immediately avail-
able the sum of Nineteen thousand and three hundred fifty-one and 83100 Dol-
lars, being an amount sufficient to pay the share of the cost of the constructicrrx
or improvement of such County Highway which is to be borne by the said county
and 'town, as determined in accordance with the provisions of section 141 of the
.Highway Law and the County 'Treasurer of said county is hereby authorized and
directed to .pay such proportion of the amount so appropriated as ina3- be re-
quired to pay said share, upon the requisition or draft of the State Commission
of Ilighivays ; and if there are not sufficient funds in the County treasury with
which to .pay such requisition or draft, the County Treasurer of said county is
hereby authorized and empowered as provided by .section 142 of the highway
Law to •borrow•ali or part or said sum on,the obligation of the said county issued
by him for, on behalf of and in the name of the said County and acting for and
on behalf of said county.
6. Resolved, That the Clerk of • this Hoard is hereby directed to forthwith
transmit a certified copy of the foregoing resolution to the State Commission of
Highway -s.
On motion the resolution was adopted by an unanimous,vote.
By Mr. Brown:
1, 'Whereas, at a meeting of this Board held on the 15th day of December,
1905, and the 3ril day of .lanuary, 1306, a resolution was adopted pursuant 10
section 123 of the Highway Law requesting the construction or improvement in
accordance with the provisions of article six of said law of that portion 01 a
highway described as follows:
The Highway known as the i1ecl1cnburg road, extending from the city line
to the town line between Ithaca and Enfield.
Beginning on t.ho Mecklenburg road at Kennedy's Corners, running thence
westerly along said road through.Applegate (Or Enfield) to the intersection of
said Mecklenburg road with the Schuyler Co. line just east of Mecklenburg Village.
Beginning at Bostwick's Corners in the Town of Enfield, thence northerly
through the village of Enfield and continuing northerly about two miles to the
intersection of a road running east and west, thence westerly about 3/10 mile
to a highway running northwesterly, thence along that highway to the town
line between 1.:nlieid and TJlysses, thence west along said town line to Abels
2. 'Whereas, the State Commission of Highways has examined , the high-
way above described and has determined that it is of sufficient public importance
for construction or improvement in accordance with the provisions of Article Six
of the Highway Law. and has certified its approval of the said revolution; and,
3. Whereas, said Commission has caused a section of said l;ighway, which
is described as follows: From the four corners in the Hamlet of Enfield Center
northerly to Miller's Corners, easterly. through the Haxnlets of Applegate and
Kennedy's Corners to the west corporation line of the city of Ithaca, a length
of 4.17 miles in the Town of Enfield, 2.28 miles in the Town of Ithaca, a total
length of 6.45 miles, Tompkins County, and Known as the itafield Center -Ithaca
County Highway, to be surveyed and mapped, has caused maps, plans, specifica-
12 The Supervisors' Proceedings.
tions and estimates of cost to be made for such construction or improvement and
a,,er examination thereof by the district or county superintendent has transmitted
the same to this Board, showing the total estimated cost of the work to be
$65,000.00, of which the State, County and Towns pay the following proportions:
The State pays 57.23256 per cent. $37,544.56
The County of Tompkins pays 34 per cent. 22,304.00
The Town of Enfield pays 7 per cent. 4.17 miles 2,968.78
The Town of Ithaca pays 12 per cent. 2.28 miles 2,782.66
4. Resolved, That this Board request the highway above described in
paragraph one be constructed or improved as a County Highway in that portion
thereof above described in paragraph three in accordance with the maps, plans,
specifications and estimates of cost prepared therefor by the State Commission
of Highways under the provisions of article six of the Highway Law; that said
work be performed under the charge, care and superintendence of the State
Commission of Highways, and that said maps, plan;, specifications and estimates
of cost prepared for said work under the direction of said Commission as provided
in section 125 of the Highway Law are hereby duly approved and adopted by
this Board.
5. Resolved, That there is hereby- appropriated and made immediately
available. the sum of Twenty-eight Thousand Fifty-five and 44/100 Dollars, being
an amount sufficient to pay the share of the cost of the construction or improve-
ment of such County Highway which is to be borne by the said County and towns
as' determined in accordance with the provisions of section 141 of the High-
way Law and the County Treasurer of said county is hereby authorized and
directed to pay such proportion of the amount so appropriated as may be re-
quired to pay said 'share, upon the requisition or draft of the State Commission
of Highways; and if there are not sufficient funds in the county treasury with
which to ray such requisition or draft, the County Treasurer of said County is
hereby- authorized and empowered as provided by section 142 of the Highway
Law to borrow all or part of said sum on the.obligation of the said county issued
by him for on behalf of and in the name of the said County and acting for and
on behalf of said county.
6. Resolved, That the Clerk of this Hoard is hereby directed to forthwith
transmit a certified copy of the foregoing resolution to the State Commission of
On motion the resolution was adopted by an unanimous vote.
By Mr. Chappuis:
1. Whereas, at a meeting of this Board held on the 17th clay of June,
1911'a resolution was adopted pursuant to section 123 of the Highway Law re-
questing the construction or improvement in accordance with the provisions of
article sill of said law of that portion of a highway described as follows: Be-
ginning at the north end of I'et. 1431 at the south corporation line of the village of
Groton thence northerly to South Street and easterly on South Street to Main
Sreet and northerly on Main Street to connect with the village improvement.
Beginning at the village improvement at the intersection of the street lead-
ing to the Freeville Railroad Station, thence northeasterly on the main street
about 200 feet, more or less, thence northerly on the new. street, to the west Dryden
Road Extension, thence westerly on said extnsion 0.4 of a mile, thence northerly
on a new location 0.4 of a utile to connect with petition 1491 leading to Groton.
The Supervisors' Proceedings. 13
Beginnin;; at the east enol of County Highway No. 682 at the west corpora-
tion line, thence 'easterly on Main Street to the intersection of Main with North
and South Streets, thence northerly on North Street to the (Corporation line, at
the south end of County Highway No. 683, having a total length of 7 260 feet, and
known as ;'Main and North Streets.
2. 1Vhereas, The State Commission of biighways has examined the;: high-
way above described and has determined that it is of sufficient public importance
for construction or improvement in accordance with the provisions of article six
of the 'Highway Law and has certified its approval of the' said resolution; and,
3. Whereas, said Commission has caused a section of said highway, :Which
section is described as follows:
Prom the north enol of County highway No. 926, at the south corporation
line of the village of Groton, northerly to South Street, easterly on South Street
and northerly on Main Street, to the Village irnprovernent ; also from Railroad
Street. in the 'Village of hreeville northeasterly, northerly and westerly to the
west corporation line; also from the east end of County Highway No. 682, at the
west. corporation line, easterly on Main Street, northerly on North Street, to the
south cul Of County Highway No. • 583, at the north corporation line, a length of
0.38 miles in the Village of Groton, Town of Groton, 2.16 miles in the Town of
Dryden, of which 0.48 miles is in the Village. of Freeville, and 1.32 miles in the
Village of Dryden, a total length of 2.51 miles, Toinpkins County-, and known as
the Groton Village-Freeville Village -Dryden Village Highway to be surveyed and
mapped, and has caused maps, plans, specifications and estimates of cost :to be
made for such construction or improvement and after examination thereof by
district or county, superintendent has transmitted the same to this Board, show-
ing the total estimated cost or the work to be $36,200.00, of which the State,
county and town pay the following; proportions:
The State pays 55.4015 per cent ' $18,725.73
The County of Tompkins pays 34 per cent. 11,492.00
The '.Town of Groton pays 11 per cent. 0.38 miles 707.94
The :Town of Dryden pays 10 per cent. 2.16 miles 2,874.33
The Town of pays
The Village of Dryden pays as extra work 2,400.00
4, 'Resolved, That this Board request that the highway above described in
paragraph one be constructed or improved as a County Highway in that Portion
thereof above described in paragraph three in accordance with the maps, pians,
specifications and estimates of cost prepared therefor by the State Commission of
Highways under the provisions of article six of the Highway Law ; that said
stork be performed under the charge, care and superintendence of the State: Com-
mission of Highways, and that said maps, plans, specifications and estimates of
cost prepared for said work, under the direction of said Commission as provided
in section 125 of the Highway Law, are hereby duly approved and adopted by
this Board.
5. In case the governing body of said City or Village fails to approve said
plans, specifications and estimate of cost, or fails to provide its share of the
estirnated cost, then and .in that case the State Commission of Highways is here-
by authorized to so modify said plan, Specifications and estimate of cost, .so as
to eliminate said village work, and that portion of this resolution pertaining there-
to, shall be null and void.
6. Resolved, That there is hereby appropriated and made immediately avail-
able the sum of Fifteen Thousand Seventy-four and 27/100 Dollars; being an
amount sufficient to pay the share of the cost of the construction or improve-
ment of such County Highway which Is to be borne by the said County- and Town
14 The Supervisors' Proceedings.
as determined in accordance with the provisions of section 141 of the Highway
Law, and the County Treasurer of said county is hereby authorized and directed
to pay such proportion of the amount so appropriated as may be required to pay
said share upon the requisition or draft of the State Commission of ]-fighways ;
and if there are not sufficient funds in the county treasury with which to pay
such requisition or draft, the County Treasurer of said county is hereby authorized
and empowered as provided by section 142 of the Highway Law to borrow all or
part of said stmt on the obligation of the said county issued by him for, on be-
half of the said county and acting for and on bihalf of said county.
7. Resolved, That the clerk of this Hoard is hereby directed to forthwith
transmit a certified copy of the foregoing resolution to the State Commission of
.On motion the resolution was adopted by an unanimous vote.
By Mr. Chappuis
1. Whereas, at a meeting of till's. Hoard held on the 191h day of December,
1905, a resolution was adopted pursuant to section' 123 of the Highway Law, re-
questing the construction or improvement in accordance with the provisions of
article six of said law of that portion of highway described as follows:
The highway known as the Mitchell road extending, from the city line to
the .Oryden town line.
2. Whereas, the State Commission of Highways has examined the highway
above described and has determined that it is of sufficient public importance for
construction or improvement in accordance with the provisions of article six of the
Highway Law and hail certified its approval of the said resolution; and„
O. Whereas, said Commission has caused a section of said highway, which
section is described as follows
Front a point three -tenths of a mile east of the corporation line of the City
of Ithaca, southeasterly on Mitchell Street, extending to the town line of Dryden,
a length of 1.17 miles in the Town of Ithaca, Tompkins County, and known as
the Mitchell Street -East Town Line County Highway, to be surveyed and mapped,
ancl has caused maps, plans, specifications and estimates of cost to be made for
such construction or improvement and after examination thereof by the district
or county superintendent has transmitted the same to this Board, showing the
total estimate cost of the work to be $14,800.00, of which the State, county and
town pay the following proportions:
The State pays 54 per cent. $7,992.00
The County of Tompkins pays 34 per cent. 5,032.00
The Town of Ithaca pays 12 per cent. 1,770.00
The Town of pays -
The Town of pays
4. Resolved, That this Board request that the highway above described
in paragraph one be constructed or improved as a County Highway in that portion
thereof above described in paragraph three in accordance with the maps, plans,
specifications and estimates of cost prepared therefor by the State Commission of
Highways under the provisions of article six of the Highway Law; that said work
be performed under the charge, care and superintendence of the State Commission
performed under the charge, care and superintendence of the State Commission
of Highways, and that said mans, plans, specifications and estimates of cost pre-
The Supervisors', Proceedings. -15
hared for said work, under the direction of said Commission as provided in
section 123 of the Highway Law, are hereby duly approved by this Board.
5. Resolved, 'L'hat there is hereby appropriated and made immediately avail-
able the sum of Six Thousand :Eight Hundred Eight and 11-100 Dollars, lieine
an -amount sufficient 'to pay the share of the cost cif the construction or im-
provement of such County Highway which is to be borne by the said cotinty' and
town, as determined in accordance with the provisions of section 141 of the
Highway Law, and the County Treasurer of said County is hereby aut.horizel'tand
directed to pay such proportion of the amount so appropriated as may be required
to pay Said Share, upon the requisition or draft of the State Commission of :High-
ways ; and if there are not sufficient funds in the county treasury with which
to pay such requisition or draft, the County Treasurer of, said county is hereby
authorized and empowered as provided by section 1.42 of the Ilighway Lain to
borrow all or part Of said suns on the obligation of the said county issued by
lupi for, on behalf of and in the name of the said County and actin]; for' and on
behalf of said county.
G. Resolved, That the clerk of this Board is hereby directed to .forthwith
transmit a certified copy of the foregoing resolution to the State Commission of
On motion the resolution was adopted by an unanimous -vote.
The Special Committee appointed to secure rights of way
at Varna Crossing on the Ithaca -Dryden Road made an oral "re-
port that ;they had secured the following options:
Caroline Snyder
Walter Tailby
Wm. Bickal
By Mr. McAllaster:
.78 acres
3.07 acres
.05 acres
Resolved, That the report of the committee be accepters and that the com-
mittee secure deeds of the respective parcels at the prices set forth in the options
and that the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay upon the orders of said
committee the respective amounts from any unexpended funds in his hands; and
if there are not sufficient funds in the County Treasury with which to pay
such orders, the County Treasurer is hereby authorized and empowered to borrow
all or part of said sum on the obligation of the County of Tompkins issued by him
for, on behalf of and in the name of the said County and acting for.and on be-
half of. said county.
On motion the resolution was adopted by an unanimous vote.
By Mr. Robinson:
Whereas the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins on the 1.3th
clay of March, 1012, have duly ordered by appropriate resolutions dull• adolited
16 The Supervisors' Proceedings.
that certain highways within the said County of Tompkins as follows: 1st, the
highway extending from County Highway No. 483 southeasterly and easterly to
the Hamlet of Brookton, also from the east end of County Highway- No. 483 south-
easterly to the Hamlet of Caroline, a total length of 4.58 miles and known as the
Cook's Corners-Brookton-Slaterville Springs -Caroline County Highways, at. an
estimated cost to said County ani Towns of $19,351.89; 2nd, the highway- extend-
ing from the Four Corners in the Hamlet of Enfield Center northerly to -Miller
Corners, easterly through the Hamlets of Applegate and Kennedy Corners to the
west corporation line of the City of Ithaca, a total length of 6.45 miles, and
known as•the Enfield Center -Ithaca County Highway, at an estimated cost to said
county, and towns of $28,0555.44; 3rd, the highways extending from the north
end of County Highway No. 926 at the south corporation line of the Village of
Groton northerly to South Street, easterly on South Street and northerly on Main
Street to lite Village improvement; also from Railroad Street in the village of
Freevilie northeasterly, northerly and westerly to the west corporation line;
also front the east end of County. Highway 682, at the west corporation line,
easterly on Main Street, northerly on North Street, to the south end of County
Highway No. 683 at the north corporation line, known as the Groton-Freeville
Village -Dryden Village County Highways, having a total length of 2.54 miles, at
an estimated cost to the County and Towns of 515,074.27; 4th, the Iiiglt ay extend-
ing from a point three -tenths of a mile east of the corporation line of the City
of Ithaca, southeasterly on Mitchell Street, extending to the town line of Dryden,
a length .of 1.177 miles in the Town of Ithaca, Tompkins County, and known as the
Mitchell Street -East Town Line County Highway, at an estimated cost to the
County- and :Gown of $6,808.00, be improved as provided in article six of the High-
way Law, and having appropriated said amounts and directed the County Treasurer
of Said County of Tompkins to pay said amounts so appropriated upon the requisi-
tions or drafts of the State Commission of Highways, and,
Whereas, there being not sufficient funds in the County Treasury to pay such
requisitions or drafts.
Now, therefore, for the purpose of paying the County's and Towns share of
constructing and improving said highway and for the purpose of malting effective
the resolution above referred to, it is,
Resolved, That the sum of 569,000.00 he borrowed by the County of Tomp-
kins from' such corporation, person or persons as will loan the sante and as se-
. curity for the payment thereof, that said County of Tompkins issue and deliver,
at not less than par value, its obligation in the form of sixty --nine bonds of the
denomination of $1,000.00, to be numbered consecutively from one to sixty-nine,
and to be dated May 1, 1912. Bonds No. 1 to become due and payable May 1,
/.913, and on May 1st of each and every year thereafter $2,000.00 of said bonds to
become due and payable in numerical order until all are paid. All of said bonds
to bear interest at the rate of 4 1-4 per cent per annum payable semi-annually on
the 1st day of May and November of each year and further that said bonds
be coupon bonds and interest thereon to be paid at the First National Bank of
Ithaca, N. Y., on the 1st days of May and November, each and every year, and
further that said bonds be substantially- in the form following:
No. $1,000.00
State of New York.
Highway Improvement Bond of County of Tompkins.
kins in the State of New York; is justly indebted unto in
the sum 'of One Thousand Dollars for value received, which said sum the said
County of Tompkins hereby promises to pay to on
The +Supe'rvisovs' Proceedings. 17
the 1st day of May, 19—, with interest thereon at the rate of per
annum, payable semi-annually at the First National Bank of Ithaca., N. Y., on the
first days of May and November of each year from the date thereof until said
principal sum shall be paid.
This bond is one of a series of sixty-nine coupon bonds of like tenor and
date but of different maturities, numbered from 1 to V;) inclusive of One Thousand
Dollars each and issued for the purpose of raising funds with which to pay for
the construction and improvement of certain highways within the County of
Tompkins known as Cook's Corners- 3rookton Road; .Slaterville Springs -Caroline
Ruaci ; Enfield Center-l.thaca Road; Freeville village Road; Dryden Village Road;
,Mitchell Street -East Town Line Road, pursuant to article six of the Highway
Law of the State of New York. This bond is also issued pursuant to and in con-
formity with certain resolutions of the Board of Supervisors of the County of
Tompkins and by virtue. of authority conferred upon said Board of Supervisors
by and under the Statutes of the State of New York,
- Resolved, That the Chairman of this Board and said County Treasurer be,
and they hereby are authorized and empowered to execute said bonds for and in
behalf of the County of Tompkins, and to afilx the corporate seal of said County
thereto; and the Clerk of this Board to attest each of said bonds, and the • good
faith and credit of said County of Tompkins, is hereby- pledged for the payment
of said bonds which are hereby declared a county charge.
Resolved, Tilat adequate security be given by said County Treasurer for
the faithful performance of his duties in issuing the said obligations and for the
lawful application of the funds arising therefrom and of the funds which'; may
be raised by tax for the payment thereof which niay come into his hands, which
security shall be approved by the County Judge and shall be for the penal sum
of Five Thousand Dollars,
.Resolved, That a sufficient sum be annually- raised by taxation to pay the
interest becoming due upon all of said bonds, and also to pay the principal of
said bonus at maturity.
Resolved, That said County Treasurer be and he hereby is authorized to
receive the proceeds from said bonds, and directed to pay out the same upon the
requisition of State Highway Department as by statute provided.
On motion the resolution was adopted by an unanimous vote.
On motion of Mr. Robinson the County Treasurer was
directed to advertise for bids for the sale of .the bonds under_the
foregoing resolution.
On motion the following, claims were audited and ordered
paid 'in the fullamounts claimed by unaminous votes :
Clara A. Squier, Clerk to Commissioners of Election, $52.00.
Minnie A. Adams, Clerk to• Commissioners of Election,
18 The Supervisors' Proceedings.
Gertrude M. Squier, Clerk to Commissioners of Election,
J. A. Shea, burial of E. R. Hulbert and Andrew Fahey, de-
ceased soldiers, $100.00.
Stover Printing Co., -balance for printing proceedings,
By Mr. McGreevy:
Whereas, The Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins heretofore
by appropriate resolutions adopted by a majority vote to establish a county hos-
pital for tile care and treatment of persons 'suffering from the disease known as
tuberculosis, and have purchased and acquired the real property known as the
Doctor Edward _l[eany property located on the south side of the Taughannock
Walls Glen in the Town of Ulysses in said County and are about to erect all
necessary buildings and make the necessary improvements and repairs and alter
the existing buildings for the use of said hospital pursuant to the County Law,
Sect. 45, as amended by the Laws of 1909 of the State of New York, ancl,
Whereas, there are not sufficient funds in the County Treasury to pay for the
Now, therefore, for the purpose of paying for the necessary improvements
to said property and the maintenance of such hospital for one year and for the
purpose of making effective the resolution above referred to, it is
Resolved, That the sura of $15,000 be borrowed by the County of Tomp-
kins from such person or persons as will loan the same and as security for the
payment thereof, that the said. County of Tompkins issue and deliver, at not less
than par, its obligation in the form of 15 bonds of the denomination of $1,000.00
each, numbered consecutively from one to 15 inclusive, each to be dated April 1,
1912; the first bond to become due and payable April 1, 1513, and one bond due
and payable each year thereafter in numerical order, with the prlvileE7e to the
County- of paying all of said bonds upon the first day of ,\pril, 1517, or on the
First day of April thereafter; al! of said bonds to hear interest at 4 1-4 per cent.
Der annum payable semi-annually upon the first day of October and the first day
of .April of each year, and further that said bonds be substantially in the follow-
ing form, to wit:
sa me,
State of New York.
County Tuberculosis Hospital Bond of The County of Tompkins.
KNOWN ALL MLN 111: TI-IESE PRESENTS, That the County- of Tompkins,
in the State of New York, is justly indebted unto
the registered holder hereof, in the sunt of One 'I'housa.nd :Dollars for value re-
ceived, which said sum the said County of Tompkins hereby promises to pay to
the or the registered holler hereof, on the -first clay
April, 19—, with interest thereon at the rate of four and one-fourth per t.
Earth of Ithaca, N. Y., oon
per annum, payable semi-annually at the First Nationaln
The Supervisors' Proceedings. 19
the first day of April and October first of each year from the elate hereof until
Said principal sum shall be paid. This bond, however, is payable at the • option
of the County on May 1, 1917, or at the expiration of any year thereafter any-
thing herein contained in any wise to the contrary notwithstanding.
This Bond is one of a series of fifteen bonds of like tenor and date, but
of different maturities, numbered from one to fifteen inclusive, of One Thousand
.Dollars each and issued for the purpose of raising funds with which to pay for
the improvement of property for a County Tuberculosis hospital and for the
maintenance therecif pursuant to Section 45 of the County Law of the State of
New York and acts amendatory thereof and supplemental thereto. This bones Is
also issued pursuant to and in conformity with certain resolutions of the Board
of Supervisors of the County- of Tompkins and by virtue of authority conferred
upon said Board of Supervisors by and under the statutes of the State of Nen' York.
,tnd the said Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins does hereby
certify that all acts and things requisite to be done under the provisions of law
have been duly and regularly performed in every respect, and the good faith
and credit of sail County of Tompkins are hereby pledged for the payment of
said principal sura and the interest thereon as aforesaid,
1\ 11'T'rxESS 11'1-1I:1-ilfOF the County of '.Tompkins has caused these
presents to be signed by the Chairman of the 'Board of Supervisors and the
Treasurer of the County and attested by the Clerk of this Board, and the cor-
porate seal of the said County to be hereto affixed in the City of Ithaca the first
day of April, 191.2.
,?,nd 13y
Chair)rian of Board of Supervisors.
County ']'reasurer. of Tompkins County..
Attest •
Clerk of the Board of Supervisors.
Resolved, 'That the Chairman of this Board and said County Treasurer lie
and they hereby are authorized and empowered to execute said bonds for and in
behalf of the County of Tompkins, and to affix the corporate seal of County
thereto; and the Clerk of this Board to attest each of. said bonds, and the good
faith and credit of said County of Tompkins is hereby pledged for the payment
of said bonds which are hereby declared a county charge.
Resolved, That adequate ate security be given by said County 'Treasurer fur
the faithful' performance of his duties in issuing the said obligations and for the
lawful application of the funds arising therefrom and of the fluids which may
be raised by tax for the payment thereof which may cone into his ]ra.nds, which
security shall be approved by the County :fudge and shall be for the penal sum
of Two Thousand Dollars.
:Resolved, That a sullicierlt SUM be annually raised by taxati nfl to pap the
interest becoming due upon all of said bonds, and also to pay the pirncipal of
said bonds at maturity, azul be it further,
.ltesolvecl, That the Treasurer or Tompkins County is hereby instructed and
directed to pay- from said fund from time to time bills for supplies and materials
as audited by the 'Tuberculosis Hospital Committee.
20 The Supervisors' Proceedings.
On motion the Board adjourned to Tuesday, March 19th,
10 a. m.
Morning Session.
Tuesday, March 19th, 1912. •
Roll call. All members present except' Mr. Preswick.
On motion of Mr. McGreevy, the consideration of hi's resolu-
tion to bond the County for $15,000.00 for a County Tuberculosis
Hospital was, made a special order of business for the after-
noon session at 2 p. m.
Afternoon Session.
RoII call.' All members present except Mr. Preswick.
Mr. F. H. Tarbell of Lansing, was given the floor and ad-
dressed the Board relative to State Highway No. 11, and as to
the County and Towns being reimbursed for the part construct-
ed as a County Highway.
On motion of Mr. Chappuis, the chairman and Clerk execut-
ed an agreement on the part of Tompkins County to construct
a cow and horse proof fence along the premises acquired of Mr.
G. W. Tailby, Jr.
On motion of Mr. Hyers, the County Treasurer was directed
to pay the claims of. Clara A. Squier, Gertrude M. Squier and
Minnie A. Adams from any unexpended general balance in his
On motion, of New York Telephone Co., of $7.10 for rental
of Telephone in Sheriff's residence to April 1, 1912, was audited
and ordered paid in full amount .claimed by an unanhinous vote.
On motion bill of New York Telephone Co., $5.55 for toll
service of Sheriff from Nov. 25, 1911, to Feb. 26, 1912, was
The Supervisors' Proceedings. 21
audited. and ordered paid in full amount claimed, and the County
Treasurer directed to pay same from any unexpended funds in
his hands by an unaminous vote.
Dr. AT: A. Moore, Rev. W. H. Harrington, Rev. R. T. Jones,
Dr. C. P. Biggs, Rev. Mr. Heizer and T. W. Burns, Esq., were
given •the.privilege of -the floor and addressed the Board relative
to the County Tuberculosis Hospital.
On motion of Mr. McGreevy, action on his resolution to
bond the County for a Tuberculosis Hospital was deferred until
a special session at which the Committee would report further
on water supply.
On motion .by Dr. Gallagher, that the committee on. the
Tuberculosis Hospital secure an option on Mrs. Luke's farm and_
get her consent to investigate on her premises as to a proposed
water supply thereon.
Carried. Moved that it is the sense of this Board that
the Special Committee expend the necessary sum to investigate
the water supply.
Minutes of March 13th were read and approved.
Minutes for the day were read and approved.
To Bert T. Baker, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins
We, the, undersigned, desire you to call a Special Session
of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins to be
held at the Supervisors' Room in the City of Ithaca, N. Y., on
the 3rd day of April, 1912, at 10:30 a. m., to act on the County
Tuberculosis Hospital,, appoint committees to secure rights of
22 The Supervisors" Proceedings.
way on roads to be improved and to transact such other busi-
ness as may come before the Board.
Jas. R. Robinson, Jr.,
R. P. McGreevy,
R. F. Chappuis,
F. A. Begent,
W. C. Gallagher,
M. D. Batty,
F. A. Todd,
John Francis
S. B. Squier,
N. B. Brown,
Andrew C. Hyers,
B. F. IIcAlIaster..
Morning Session.
Wednesday, April 3, 1912.
Roll call. All members present except Supervisor Preswick.
The Clerk read the report of Watrous & Morey of Groton,
N. Y.., and of Prof. H. N. Ogden, of Ithaca, on a water supply
on the Meany property for the proposed tuberculosis hospital.
Mr. E. P. Watrous was given the privilege of the floor and
explained the tests made on the water supply on the Lucke farm
made by him.
On motion the Board adjourned to 1:30 p. m.
Afternoon Session.
Roll call. All members present except Supervisor Preswick.
Mr. Holden, Chairman of the Building Committee, made
an oral report recommending that a contract for an iron fire
escape on the Women's Building at the County Almshouse be let
to the Lang & Button Engine & Garage Co., at their bid of
$550.00 complete.
On motion of Mr. Squier the Building Committee were in-
structed to enter into such a contract.
Mr. Todd, Chairman of the Committee on Insurance, made
The Supervisors' Proceedings. 23
an oral report showing that the committee had increased the in-
surance ori the Jail to $12,000; on the Court House to $20,000;
and on the County Clerk's Office to $10,000.00.
On motion the report was accepted.
By Mr. Robinson :
Resolved, That the denomination of the bonds to be issued on the P'ree-
ville-Groton Road as voted by this Board on the 1f t1) day of February, 1.1111, be
1500.00 each and that the bondLi be coupon bonds.
On motion the resolution was adopted.
The committee to secure rights of way on the Cook's Cor-
ners-Brookton Road, reported"that they had secured An option
for the right of way to be acquired of Mrs. Rachel Cook in the
Town of Dryden for the sum of $50.00.
By Mr. Robinson :
Resolved, That the report of the committee be accepted and that the cotn-
mittee secure a deed from Rachel Cook of the parcel of land to he acquired re-
scrvini; to her the trees and fence for wood to be cut and taken down by her,
and that the County 'Treasurer is hereby directed to pay upon the certificate of
the said committee from any unexpended funds in his. hands the said sum of
$50.00 upon delivery to them of a deed of the said premises to the County of
Tompkins, and if there ire not sufficient funds in the County Treasury with
which to pay such- amount, the County Treasurer is hereby authorized and em-
powered to borrow all or part of said sum on the obligation of the County of
Tompkins issued by hint for, on behalf of and in the name of t he said County
and acting •for and on behalf of said County.
On motion•the resolution was adopted, all supervisors pres-
ent voting in favor thereof except Mr. Chappuis, who voted in
the negative.
Qn motion of Mr. Robinson, the Equalization Committee
were instructed to meet and formulate plans for the equalization
in 1912 and report to the Board.
On motion of Dr. Gallagher the. Chairman appointed the
following Special Committees to secure rights of way:
24 The Supervisors' Proceedings.
Ithaca -Enfield Road, Messrs. Gallagher, 1VIcAllaster and
Catskill Turnpike, Part 4, Messrs. Gallagher, McAllaster
and Todd.
Esty GIen-Rogues Harbor Road, Messrs. Chappuis, Begent,
and Francis.
Freeville Village Road, Messrs. Chappuis, Begent and
Danby-Tioga County Line Road, Messrs. Gallagher, McAl-
laster and Todd.
Trumansburg-Seneca County Line Road, Messrs. Batty,
Robinson and Brown.
On motion of I)r. Gallagher, the Chairman appointed the
last named committee to secure all other necessary rights of
nays to be acquired on any State or County I•Iighway to be built
in Tompkins County in 1912.
• The Clerk read a communication frorn Wm. Nelson Noble,
Esq., relative to his lien filed against the County.
On motion the Clerk. of the Board was designated as the
person upon whom Mr. Noble may serve any. papers relative to
his Iien filed against the County.
Mr. McGreevy called up for consideration his resolution to
bond the County- for $15,000, for a County Tuberculosis Hospital.
Mr. Squier moved that the matter be laid on the table until
a meeting of the full Board.
Moved by Mr.' Chappuis as a substitute to Mr. McGreevv's
The Supervisors' Proceedings. 25
resolution that it is the sense of. this Board of Supervisors .that
the sum of $5,000 shall be appropriated which, with the $2,000
donated by Mr. Treman shall be used for the alterat.ioii and im-
provement of the Meany property for a County Tuberculosis
Hospital and for its maintenance to February, 1913.
Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Chappuis, Begent, McGreevy,
Hyers, McAllaster, Batty and Bolden=8.
Nays—Messrs. Todd, Brown, Francis, Robinson and
On motion of Mr. McGreevy the Clerk was authorized to
purchase of former sheriff, J. G. Wortman, the garage built by
him east of the jail and to rent the same at $3.00 per month.
On motions the following claims were audited and ordered
Paid in the full amounts claimed:
The Ithaca Journal, $1.75.
Minnie A. Adams, services to Commissioners of Election,
Clara A. Squier, Clerk to Commissioners of Election, $52.
John R. Comings, burial of Eli H. Smith, a deceased soldier,
• On motion .the claim of Squier and Adams, Commissioners
of Election, for expense account, was audited at $28.42 instead
of $30.92, disallowing item "April, Notary fee of Clerk $2.50,"
and ordered paid in the sum of $28.42.
On motion the special committee on a County Tuberculosis
Hospital were authorized to get out plans and specifications for
such a hospital, get the plans approved by the State Commission
26 The Supervisors' Proceedings.
of Health, secure bids for the alterations and improvements and
report to the Board.
The minutes for the day were read and approved.
On motion the Board adjourned.
To Fox Holden, Chairman, Board of Supervisors of Tompkins
We, the undersigned, wish you to call a special session 'of the
Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins, to be held in
the Supervisors' Room, in the City of Ithaca, N. Y., on the 26th
day of April, 1912, at ten o'clock A. M. to take action on the
options secured for rights of way on the roads to be improved
in this County; to take action in regard .to appointing a Clerk
or acting Clerk of the Board caused by the absence of the
present Clerk, Bert T. Baker; to hear reports of Committees and
to transact such other business as may come before the—Board.
Jas. R. Robinson, Jr.
Andrew C. Hyers,
John Francis
F. A. Todd,
W. C. Gallagher,
Seth B. Squier,
R. F. Chappuis,
Morning Session.
All members present.
B. F. McAllaster,
N. B. Brown,
M. D. Batty,
F. A. Begent,
John W. Preswick,
R. P. McGreevy,
Fox Holden. •
Friday, April 26th, 1912.
The Supervisors' Proceedings. 27
Moved by Mr. flyers, that M•r. Jas. R. Robinson, Jr., act as
temporary Clerk for this meeting.
Mr. McGreevy stated that the County Treasurer would like
to appear before this Board in regard to the issuing of bonds
for the .H'ighway Improvements.
Moved that his request be granted and that 2 o'clock p. m.
today be designated as the ,tilne to appear.
• Mr. Pearson, former Supervisor of Ulysses, appeared before
the Board in regard to the Right of Way on the Easling Place,
beyond Trumansburg.
Moved .that this Board proceed to hear the reports of the
Committees on Rights of Way.
The Committee to secure Rights of Way on the Lansing
Road reported that they had secured an option for the right of
way from Elizabeth Stradford. That she wanted $62.50 for
the right of way and if it takes in the cherry tree, $75.00.
]leso1ve,l, that the report of the Committee be accepted and that.. the Com-
mittee secure a deed for that parcel of land from the following person for the
amount set opposite her name:
Elizabeth Stradford - $62,54
if cherry- tree taken $75.04
and that the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay upon the certificate
of the said Committee from any unexpended funds in his hands, the said sten
upon delivery to theta of the said decd to the County of Tompkins, and if there
are not sufficient' funds in the County Treasury tivith which to flay said amount,
the County Treasurer is hereby authorized and empowered to borrow all or part
of said .sum on the obligation of the County of Tompkins, issued by him for
or on behalf of and in the name of the said County, and acting for and in be-
half of said County.
28 The Supervisors' Proceedings.
The Committee to secure rights of way on the Freeville
Road reported that they had secured options from the following
at the figures set opposite their names:
E. C. Breese
Jay Maxwell
By Mr. Todd:
Resolved, that the report of the Committee be accepted and that the Com-
mittee secure deeds for those parcels of land from the following persons for tife
amounts set opposite their respective names:
E. C. Breese $15.00
• Jay Maxwell $12.50
and that the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay upon the certificates of
the said Committee from any unexpended funds in his hands, the said sums upon
delivery to them of the said deeds to the County of Tompkins, and if there are
not sufficient funds in the County Treasury. with which to pay said amounts,
the County Treasurer is hereby authorized and empowered to borrow all or part
of said sum on the obligation of the County of Tompkins,' issued by him for or
on behalf of and in the name of the said County, and acting for and in behalf
of said County.
The Committee to. secure rights of way on the Danby Road
reported that they had secured options from the following per-
sons for the amounts set opposite their respective names:
George Van DeBogart
W. L. Hall
By Mr. Chappuis:
Resoled, 'that the report of the Committee be accepted and that the Com-
mittee secure deeds for those parcels of land from the following persons for the
amounts set opposite their respective names:
George Van DeBogart 51.00
\V. L. Hall 1.00
and that the County Treagurer is hereby directed to pay upon the certificates of
the said Committee from any unexpended funds in his hands, the said sums upon
The' Supervisors' Proceedings. 29
delivery to them of the said. deeds to the County of Tompkins, and if there are
not .suiiicient funds in the County Treasury with which to pay said amounts, the
County Treasurer is hereby authorized and empowered to borrow all or part
of said sum on the obligation of the County of Tompkins, issued by him for or
on behalf of and in the name of the said County, and acting for and in behalf
of said County.
The Committee to secure rights of way for the Catskill
Turnpike, Part 4, County Highway, in the Town of Caroline,
reported that they had secured options from the following per-
sons for the amounts set opposite their respective names:
Clarence Wyckoff
William Hall
F. M. Rites
By Mr. Gallagher:
Resolved, that the report of the Committee be accepted and that the Com-
mittee secure deeds for diose parcels of land from the following persons for the
amounts set opposite their respective names:
Clarence Wyckoff
William .Hall
F. :45. Rites
and that the County Treasurer is hereby directed to .pay upon the certificates
of the said Committee from any unexpended funds in his hands, • the said sums.
upon delivery to them of the said deeds to the County of Tompkins, and if there
are not sufficient funds in the County Treasury with which to pay said amounts,
the County Treasurer .is hereby authorized and empowered to borrow all or
part of said sum on the obligation of the County of Tompkins, issued by him
for or on behalf of and in the name of the said County, and acting for, and in
behalf of said County.
The Committee to secure rights of way for the Enfield Cen-
ter -Ithaca, County Highway, reported that they had secured
30 The Supervisors' Proceedings.
. options :from the following for the amounts set opposite their
respective names:
Town of Enfield
Walter Ferguson
$150.00 •
The Committee reported further that they had not secured
options from Alvin Van Gorder and M. Ackleyf
By Mr. Todd:
Resolved. that the option of the Town of Pnfie3d be approved and that the
question of the purchase of the other parcels be left to the Committee for
further investigation.
Resolved. that the report of the Committee be accepted and that the Com-
mittee secure a deed for that parcel of land from the Town of Enfield for the
sura of *1..00, and that the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay upon
the certificate of the said Committee from any unexpended funds in his hands,
the sum upon delivery to them of the Fair/ deed to the County of Tompkins, and if
there are not sufficient funds in the County- Treasury kith which to pay said
amount. the County Treasurer is hereby authorized and empowered to borrow
all or part of said sun] on the obligation of the County of Tompkins, issued by
him for or on behalf of and in the name of the said County, and aciting in behalf .
of said County.
By 'Mr. Gallagher :
Resolved, that if the Town Board of Enfield have to move their tool •}rause
that this Board will pay said Town Board of Enfield the sum of $50.00.
Moved, that the applications of Emma Kirkendall for fun-
eral expenses of the late Sarah S. Woodhead, and of Roie H.
Cornwell for funeral expenses of Nelson Cornwell be audited
and the County Treasurer ordered to pay same.
On motion the Board adjourned to 1:30 p. m.
The Supervisors' Proceedings.
Afternoon Session.
Roll call. All members present.
The Committee to secure rights of way on the Ithaca-New-
fielcl State Highway, reported that they had received options
from the following persons for the amounts set opposite their
respective names:
.G. 0. Williams 6 .862 Option $100.00
Joseph Hughes ` 1 .93 Asks 500.00
A. J. Decker 1 ' .098 Option 15.00
Stephen Vargo, 1 .10 Option 15.00
Jennie F. Millard 3 1.70 Option 175.00
Geo. Hollister 1 .64 Option 100.00
N. C. Gook 3 ' .18 Option 15.00
W. P. Taber 1 .06 .Option 10.00
H. •Taber 1 .03* Option 1.00
Fred Dean 2 .15 Option 15.00
D. B. & 0. L. Stewart 1 .88 Option 300.00
Lee J. Starr 1 .17 . Option 250.00
Bion Brown 1 .07 Option 10.00
H. D. Blakeslee 1 .11 Option 25.00
Wm. Weatherall 2 Option 1.00
Miss Eleanor Weatherall 1 .08 Asks 50.00
Mrs. Lillian Cornish 1 .02 Option 3.00
Mrs. Mamie Chaffee - , 1 .011 Option 5.00
Van Ostrand & Shoemaker 1 .12 Option 25.00
Van Ostrand Sisters 1 .01 Option 2.00
Jennie Doan 1 .06 Option 10.00
Win. Conkrite 1 .05 Option 15.00
By Mr. Hyers:
Moved, that all those parcels on which options have been
secured for $25.00 or under- be accepted.
Resolved, that the report of the Committee be accepted and that the Cum-
32 The Supervisors' Proceedings.
mitiee secure deeds for those parcels of land from the following person_ 'for the
amounts set opposite their respective names:
A. J. Decker
Stephen Vargo
N. C. Cook
W. P. Taber
H. Taber
Fred Dean
Bion Brown
13. D. Blakeslee
Wrn. Weatherall
Mrs. Lillian Cornish
Mrs. Mamie Chaffee
Van Ostrand & Shoemaker
Van Ostrand Sisters
Jennie Doan
Wm. Comkrite
• 2.00
'and that the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay upon the certificates
of the said Committee from any unexpended funds in his hands, the said sums
upon the delivery to them of the said deeds_to the County 'of Tompkins, and if
there are not sufficient funds in the County Treasury with which to pay said
amounts, the County Treasurer is hereby authorized and empowered to borrow
all or part of said sutn on the obligation of the County of Tompkins, issued by
him for or on behalf of and in the naive of the said County, and acti]! for and
in behalf of said County.
Mr. R. G. Robinson, County Treasurer, appeared and asked
for •information in regard to the Bond issue and the payment
of State orders for highway improvements. He suggested that
a committee. be appointed to advertise for bonds.
By Mr. McGreevy:
Moved, that the Clerk confer With the County Treasurer
in regard to the issuing of these bonds and give all -assistance
The Committee to secure rights of way on the Ithaca -
Newfield State Highway suggested that the following persons
The Supervisors' Proceedings. 33
be offered the amounts set opposite their respective names :.
G. 0. Williams
Joseph Hughes
Jennie Millard
George Hollister •
D. B. & 0. L. Stewart
Lee J. Starr
Mriss Eleanor Weatheral
By Mr. Gallagher:
250.00 •
Resolved, that the Committee offer these persons these amounts and if, not
accepted, instruct the clerk to start condemnation proceedings at once.
By Mr. Gallagher:
Resolved, that the report of the Cominittee be accepted and that the Com-
mittee secure deeds for those parcels of land from the following persons for the
amounts set opposite their respective names:
G. 0. Williams $75.00
Joseph Hughes :100.00
Jennie Millard 100.00
George Hollister 50.00
Lee J. Starr 260.00
D. B. & 0. L. Stewart 100.00
Miss Eleanor Weatherall 35.00
and that the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay upon the certificates
of the said Committee from any unexpended funds in his hands, the said sums
upon delivery to them of the said deeds to the County of Tompkins, and if there
are not sufficient funds in the County Treasury_ with which to pay said amounts,
the County Treasurer is hereby authorized and empowered to borrow all or part
of said sum on the obligation of the County of Tompkins, issued by him for, or on
behalf of and in the name of the said County, and acting for and in behalf of said
The Committee to secure rights of way on the proposed
Trumansburg Village -County Line State Highway, reported that
they had secured an option from Mr. Chapman for $50 and he
will move the fence.
By Mr. Batty:
34 The Supervisors' Proceedings.
Resolved, that the report of the Committee be accepted and that the Com-
mittee secure a deed for this parcel of land from the following' person for the
amount set opposite the respective name:
Mr. Chapman $50.00
and that the' County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay upon the certificates
of the said Committee from any unexpended funds in his hands, the said ruin
upon delivery to them of the said deed to the County of Tompkins, and if there
are not sufficient funds in the County Treasury with which to pay said amount,
the County Treasurer is hereby authorized and empowered to borrow all or part
of_said scup on the obligation of the County of Tompkins, issued by hint for, or
on behalf of and in the name of the said County, and acting for, and in behalf
of said County.
The Committee to secure rights of way for the Mitchell
Street East Town Line County Highway, reported that they had
secured options from the following persons for the amounts set
opposite their respective names:
R. Mitchell
T. M. Manley
Fay Grover
By Mr. Chappuis:
$ 1.00
Resolved, that the report of the Committee be accepted and that the Com-
mittee secure deeds for those parcels of land from the following persons for
the amounts set opposite their respective nattier:
R. Mitchell
T. M. Manley
Jfay Grover
$ 1.00
and that the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay upon the certificates
of the said Committee from any unexpended funds in his hands, the said sums
upon delivery to them of the said deeds to the County of Toinpkins, and if there
are not sufficient funds in the County Treasury, with which to pay said amounts,
the County Treasurer is hereby authorized and empowered to borrow all or part
of said sum on the obligation of the County of Tompkins, issued by him for or
on behalf of and in the name of the said County, and acting for and in behalf
of said County.
By Mr. Chappuis:
Inasmuch as the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors is ab-
sent from the city for an indefinite length of time,
The Supervisors' Proceedings. 35
ltesc]veil, that we proceed at once to the election of a new Clerk for this
Mr. Chappuis moved that we proceed to an informal ballot.
By Mr. McAllaster :
Moved that the Chairman appoint two tellers.
The Chairman appointed Mr. Batty and Mr. Todd.
An informal ballot was taken and the whole number of
votes cast was 14, of which .Aaron G. Mintz received 10, Harry
Baldwin 2, Fred Clock.1, and Blank 1.
By Mr. Chappuis:
Moved that the informal ballot be declared formal.
Carried. Unanimously.
Mr. McGreevy appointed a Committee of One to escort the
new clerk to his place.
Mr. Mintz appeared and took up his duties as Clerk.
Mr. Waltz, of the firm of Gibb & Waltz, gave an oral re-
port concerning the plans of the new County Hospital.
Mr. J. R. Robinson, Jr., now acting as Chairman of the
Board during the temporary absence of Mr. Holden.
Mr. J. R. Malley appeared before the Board relative to dig-
ging a well at the County Hospital.
This matter was referred to the proper committee.
36 The Supervisors' Proceedings.
Upon motion the following claims were audited and ordered
to be paid in the full amounts claimed by unanimous votes.
D. 0. Bishop, for services at the last Term of •the Supreme
Court and at the last Term of the County Court, $51.00.
J. A. & J. H. Causer, for rooms and meals for Jury and two
attendants in the Nowak Murder Case, $143.60.
An application for the erection of a headstone over the
grave of Dennis O'Keefe was refered to Mr. Begent.
By Mr. McGreevy.
The Tuberculosis Hospital Committee recommends that a
porch be put on the South side of the main building at a cost
not to exceed $600.00; that rooms upstairs be opened up to take
care of 6 patients; .that one 16 patient shack be erected at a
cost not to exceed $3,000.00; that water, sewers, and lighting be
put in, alI at a total cost of $5,862.
Discussion by Dr. Gallagher, Mr. Batty, and Mr. Begent.
By Mr. McGreevy:
Resolved, that the County issue bonds to the extent of $5,000 to complete
the Tuberculosis Hospital and that a 12 patient shack instead of a 16 patient
shack be erected.
Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Chappuis, Begent, Preswick, Mc-
Greevy, Robinson, Squier, McAllaster, Batty and Holden -10.
Nayes—Messrs. Todd, Brown, Hyers and Francis -4.
By Mr. McGreevy:
Resolved, that this Board recommend to and request of the State Highway
Commission that they substitute an asphalt top in place of a water bound top
on the Ithaca -Newfield State Highway; that the Clerk of this Board inform the
State Highway Commission of this resolution.
The Supervisors' Proceedings. 37
Mr. Gallagher, •Mr. Todd and Mr. McAllaster were appoint-
ed a Committee to secure rights of way on the West Danby-
By Mr. Squier:
Resolved, that the present Tuberculosis Hospital Committee be empowered
to proceed at once to receive bids for building the shacTc at the County Tuber-
culosis Hospital.
By Mr. Gallagher:
Resolved, that we appropriate $225.00 to repair the boiler at the County
Moved and carried, that the Heat, Light and Fuel Commit-
' tee be augmented by Mr. Squier and Mr. Robinson.
Minutes for the day were read and approved.
On motion the Board adjourned.
To Aaron G. Mintz, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors•of Tomp-
kins County :
We, the undersigned, wish you to call a special session of
the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins, to be
held in the Supervisors' Room in the City of Ithaca, N. Y., on
the 22nd day of May, 1912, at 10 o'clock A. M. to take action
on the following matters: (A) The $69,000 Bond Issue, (B)
The question of appointing a Board of Managers for .•the pro-
posed County Tuberculosis Hospital and other matters pertain-
38 The Supervisors' Proceedings.
ing thereto, (C) Reports on rights of way and such other busi-
ness as may come before the Board.
J. W. Preswick,
F. A. Begent,
S. B. Squier,
N. B. Brown,
R. F. Chappuis.
Andrew C. Hyers,
Fox Holden, .
R. P. McGreevy,
W. C. Gallagher,
Morning Session.
Wednesday, May 22nd, 1912.
Roll Jail. All members present.
Mr. Bellis, Sealer of Weights and Measures, addressed the
Board, relative to the County furnishing an attorney to assist
him in prosecuting violations of the Weights and Measures Law.
By Mr. Brown:
Resolved, that this matter be referred by the Clerk of this Board to the
.Attorney General.
Carried by unanimous vote.
The oath of the Clerk was read and filed.
It was moved and seconded that the old resolution relative
to the $69,000 bond issue be reconsidered.
Carried by unanimous vote.
By Mr. Chappuis:
Resolved, that the $69,000 in bonds to be issued on the Cook's Corners-
Brooltton Road; Slaterville Springs -Caroline 1:oac1 ; Enfield Center -Ithaca Road;
Groton Village, Freeville Village, Dryden Village Roars ; Mitchell Street East
Town Line Road, as voted by this Board on the 13th day of March, 1912, he -
come due and payable as follows: Bond No. 1 to become due and payable May
let, 1913. On May lst of each and every year thereafter until May 1st, 1933,
The Supervisors' Proceedings. 39
$2,000 of said bonds are to become due and payable in numerical ruder. On
May 1st, 1933, and each and every year thereafter up to and including May lst,
1942, $3,000 of said bonds are to become due and payable in nutnerical order.
Mr. Robinson then offered the following amendment to Mr.
Chappuis' resolution:
• Resolved, that the $09,000 in bonds to be issued .on the Conk's Corners-
13rookton Road ; Slaterville Springs -Caroline Road; Enfield Center -Ithaca Road;
Croton Village, Irreerille Village, Dryden village Road ; Mitchell Street East
Town Line .Road, as voted by this Board on the 13th ,lay of March, 1912, become
due and payable as follows; Bonds number 1 and 5 inclusive to become clue and
payable May 1st, 1.924, and on the let (lay of May of each and every year
thereafter, $5,000 of said bonds are to become clue and payable in nutnerical order,
except that on the first. day- of May, 1937, the balance of $4,000 of said bonds
will be due and payable.
Moved and seconded that a vote on the foregoing resolution
be deferred until 2 o'clock p. m.
By consent Mr. Squ•ier was excused from serving on the
Heat, Light and Fuel Committee.
Communications relative to the County Tuberculosis Hos-
pital were read to the Board by the Clerk.
The water question relative to the proposed Tuberculosis
Hospital was discussed by Mr. Francis, Mr. Robinson, and Mr.
• Begent.
By Mr. Robinson:
Moved that the Committee be allowed to strike out in their
report any reference to a Hospital Committee.
By Mr. Robinson. Moved ,that the Board proceed to a
selection of a Board of Managers for the County Tuberculosis
Hospital. Carried. •
By Mr. Robinson:
• Me. Supervisors' Proceedings.
.Moved, that the Board go into Executive Session.
The Board thereupon went in Executive Session.
.By Mr. Todd.-Vloved that a committee be appointed to .
nominate a Board \of Managers. By Mr. Squier. Moved that
Mr. Todd's motion be amended so that the Board of Supervisors
• as a whole nominate the Board of. 'Managers. Carried.
At this point Mr. McGreevy took Mr. Holden's place as
The following candidates were then placed in nomination:
W. Parker, C. H. Gallagher, Dr. IVIoore, Dr. Krum, Dr. Biggs,
L. J. Wheeler, Dr. Fish, Mrs. Virgil Morse, G. Frost, L. E. Pat-
terson, John Cobb, J. Dwight, Mr. Peck, S. D. Cook, J. Black,
Mr. Hutchings, Edward Utter.
Nominations were then closed.
Moved that the committee as a whole and that the Board
adjourn until 2 o'clock p. m.
Afternoon Session.
Roll call. All present. Mr. McGreevy acting as Chairman.
Dr. Biggs addressed the Board on the County Tuberculosis
By Mr. Holden:
Moved, that the 5 receiving the highest number of votes
be declared elected as Board of Managers for the Tuberculosis
The Supervisors' Proceedings. 41
'Hospital, providing said 5 receive a majority of the votes cast.
Board now in session.
The Clerk read the names of the candidates:
Mr. McGreevy stated that he had talked 'with Mr. Parker
and that under no circumstances would he allow his name to
be voted upon as a member of the Board.
The Chair appointed Mr. Robinson and Mr. Preswick tellers.
• The ballots were then counted and the result was announced
as follows:
Mr. Wheeler 13, Dr. Gallagher 11, Dr. Biggs 10, Mr. Cobb
8, Mr. Frost 7, Mr. Cook 4, Dr. Moore 3, Dr. Fish 2, Dr.. Krum
2. Mr. Patterson 2, Mr. Utter 1, Mr..Dwight 1, Mrs. Morse 1.
L. J. Wheeler, Dr. Gallagher, Dr. Biggs and Mr. Cobb were
declared elected.
A second ballot was taken for the 5th member •of the
Board and on this ballot Mr. Cook received 8 and Mr. Frost 5.
-Whereupon Mr. Cook was declared elected.
On motion of Mr. McGreevy. which was seconded and car-
ried by unanimous vote, the following were declared members
of the Board of Managers for the terms stated opposite their
respective names:
L. J. Wheeler 5 years. Dr. Gallagher '4 years. .
Dr. Biggs 3 years. John Cobb 2 years.
S. D. Cook I year.
The Clerk was ordered to notify the new Board of Managers
of their appointments.
By Mr. Begent:
42 The Supervi. wrs' Proceedings.
Moved, that the act of the committee in engaging D. F.
Van Vleet to represent the Board in the Noble matter be ratified
by this Board.
Carried. By unanimous vote.
By Mr. Squier:
Resolved, that the sum of $23.00 be paid to 1l. P. Van vleet to cover dis-
bursements in the matter of Noble vs. The Board of Supervisors, and the Count,'
Treasurer is hereby directed to pay this sum from any unexpended funds in his
hands and if there are not sufficient funds, the County 'Treasurer is authorised
in behalf of the County to borrow all or part of said sum.
Carried. By unanimous vote.
By Mr. McAllaster :
Moved, that the Sheriff be authorized to fix the roof on the
County Jail.
Mr. Chappuis withdrew his resolution relative to the
$69,000 Bond Issue.
.Mr. Robinson's resolution which had been introduced in
the morning was adopted by unanimous vote.
The Committee to secure rights of way on the Ithaca -New-
field State Highway reported that they had received options from
the following persons for the amounts set opposite their respec-
tive names:
G. 0. Williams $75.00 Jennie F. Millard ... $150.00
George Hollister $75.00
Resolved, that the report of the Committee be accepted and that the Com-
mittee secure deeds from the aforesaid owners for the amounts mentioned and
that the County 'Treasurer is hereby directed to pay upon tate certificates of the
said Committee from any unexpended funds in his hands, the -aid sums upon
delivery to them of the said deeds to the County of Tompkins, and if there .tre
The Supervisors' Proceedings. 43
not sufficient funds in the County Treasury with which to pay said amounts, the
'County Treasurer is hereby authorized and empowered to borrow all or part
of said sum on the obligation of the County of Tompkins, issued by him for, or
on behalf of and in the name of the said County, and acting for and in behalf
of said County.
The purchase of the EIeanor Weatherall property was left
for the further consideration of the Committee.
The Committee reported that they had been unable to come
to terms relative to the D. B. & 0. L. Stewart property and also
the Joseph Hughes property.
By Mr. Robinson :
Moved that the Clerk of this Board be instructed to con-
demn these parcels.
Mr. Begent read a report of a meeting of the Equalization
Committee of the Board of Supervisors held April 8, 1912.
By Mr. Robinson :
Resolved, that Committees of three from the Equalization Committee, to-
gether with the Supervisor of the Town, who is to act as a guide and have no
part in the investigation, spend about three days in each town and make a
thorough investigation in carious parts of the town as to the proportion of the
actual value that the different properties are assessed at, and thereby arrive at
an approximate proportion for the Town.
. By Dr. Gallagher : _
Moved, that the Committee get a proper form of Assess-
ment Roll as quickly as possible and that the matter should be
taken up with the State •officials and when a proper form is re-
ceived it should be referred to the Printing Committee.
By Mr. McGreevy :
44 The Supervisors' .Proceedings.
Resolved, that the salary of Aaron G. Mintz. the Clerk and Attorney of
this Board from .May 1st, 1912, until the Annual Session in 1912, be fixed at the
rate of 5600.00 a year. That this salary be paid to the Clerk and Attorney in
monthly installments of $50.00 at the end of each and every month, and the
County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay this sum from any unexpended funds
in his hands and if there are not sufficient funds, the County Treasurer is
authorized in behalf of the County to borrow alI or part of said sum.
Carried. By unanimous vote.
By Mr. Hyers :
Resolved, that the Hospital Committee be empowered to get building in
shape for present applicants.
By Mr. McGreevy:
Resolved, That Aaron G. Mintz, the Clerk and Attorney for this Board be
allowed $10.00 for postage for the remainder of the year, and the County Treasurer
is hereby directed to pay this sum from any unexpended funds in his hands and
if there are not sufficient funds, the County Treasurer is authorized in behalf
of the County 'to borrow all or part of said sum.
Carried. By unanimous vote.
By Mr. Batty :
Moved, that the Board go into Executive Session to con-
sider bids for lighting the County Hospital.
The Board, thereupon, went into Executive Session, and the
Clerk read the bids of the Davis -Brown Co., and J. B. Colt Co.,
for lighting the County Tuberculosis Hospital by acetylene.
By Mr. Robinson:
Moved, that action be deferred until the Committee investi-
gates further.
The Supervisors' Proceedings. . 45
Claim of Union Hotel for $6.75 was audited and ordered
paid by unanimous vote.
By Mr. Robinson :
Moved, that the reading of the minutes of this session be
dispensed with and that the Clerk should read same at the next
session of' this Board.
Moved and seconded that we adjourn.
Clerk of the Board.
Morning Session..
Tuesday, June 4th, 1912.
Roll call. All members present.
Mr. Bert T. Baker appeared before the Board and stated
that he was ready to resume his duties as Clerk of the Board.
It was moved and seconded that the Clerkship question be
made a special order for 3 p. m.
Carried unanimously. Moved and seconded that Board ad-
journ to 1:30 p. m. Afternoon Session. Roll call. All mem-
bers present.
Upon motion the claim of F. D. Gilbert for funeral ex-
penses in the matter of Helen Henry was audited and ordered
paid by unanimous vote.
Moved, that Mr. Robinson verify the petition in the Con-
demnation Proceeding.
Carried unanimously.
46 The Supervisors' Pr•oceeclings.
The minutes of the Special Session of May 22nd, were read
and approved. By consent Mr. Robinson was excused from
serving on the Heat, Light and Fuel Committee.
Mr. Van Vleet appeared in the Noble matter and recom-
mended that $250.00 be paid Mr. Noble in full settlement of his
claim against the Board.
By Mr. Squier:
Moved that Mr. Van Vleet get Mr. Noble's consent to ac-
cept $250.00 in full settlement of his claim.
Carried unanimously.
By Mr. Flyers:
" Moved that the Board proceed to ballot to elect a Superin-
tendent of Poor in place of Mr. Harrington, deceased.
Mr. Chappuis and Mr. Todd were appointed tellers. •
The tellers announced that there were 13 ballots cast. That
Grant Cole had received 8, Frank Davis 2 and 3 blank. Mr.
Cole was declared elected.
By Mr. Todd:
Resolved that the salary of _lir. Cole be fixed for the rest of the term at
the rate of $200.00 yearly, and that he be allowed 3 cents for every mile actually
and necessarily traveled; said salary to be paid quarterly.
Carried unanimously.
By Dr. Gallagher:
Whereas, the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County has heretofore
designated and certified to the State Department of Highways for improvement
as a County Highway that section of highway in the Town of Caroline extending
The Supervisors' Proceedings. 47
from Brookton to W. K. Boice's Corners, a distance of two miles, and from
thence to Caroline Center, a distance of four miles,
Resolved, that. this Board hereby requests that the State Department
of Highways at once cause -plans, specifications, and maps o1' said section of high:
way to be prepared and forwarded to this Board at the earliest possible date.
Resolved, IP urtlrer, that the Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to forth-
with transmit to the State Department of :Highways a certified copy of the fore-
going resolution.
Carried unanimously.
Mr. Squier took Mr. Holden's place as Chairman.
By Mr. Preswick :
Moved that the office of Clerk and Attorney of this Board
be declared vacant, and that we proceed to the election of a
Clerk and Attorney for this Board. Carried unanimously.
Mr. :McGreevy nominated A.aron G. Mintz for Clerk • and
Attorney of the Board of Supervisors. Mr. Chappuis and Mr.
Gallagher were appointed tellers. They announced' that 13
votes had been cast and that Mr. Mintz had received 11 votes
and Mr. Bert T. Baker 2 votes. Aaron G. Mintz was declared
elected Clerk and Attorney of the Board.
By Mr. Preswick:
Moved that a Colt Acetylene Generator be installed in the
County Tuberculosis Hospital and that the Hospital Committee
proceed at once to purchase same.
Carried unanimously.
By Dr. Gallagher:
Moved that the Hospital Committee cause to be erected at
the County Tuberculosis Hospital, a septic tank.
Carried unanimously.
Mr. Van Vleet reported that he had obtained Mr. Noble's
48 The Superuisorys' Proceedings.
eonsent•to accept $250.00 in full settlement of Mr. Noble's claim
against the County.
By Mr. Chappuis:
Resolved that the sum of $250.00 be paid to William N. Noble infull
settlement for all claims for services rendered this Board to date: that the County
Treasurer is hereby directed to pay to said William N. Noble said sum of $250.00,
upon delivery of a general • release, from any unexpended funds, and if there are
not sufficient funds in the County Treasury with which to pay' such amount,
the County Treasurer is hereby authorizer] and empowered to borrow all or part
of said sum on the obligation of the County of Tompkins issued by him for or
on behalf of and in the name of said County.
Carried by unanimous vote.
Mr. Van Vleet stated that his claim for services amounted
to $72.50 on which $25.00 had been paid, leaving a balance due
him of $47.50.
By Mr. Chappuis:
Resolved, that the further sum of $47.50 be paid Mr. D. F. Van Vieet for
professional services in the matter of Noble vs. The Board of Supervisors: that
the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay said sum to Mr. Van Vleet from
any unexpended funds, and if there are not sufficient funds in the County Treasury
with which to pay said sum the County Treasurer is hereby authorized and em-
powered to borrow all or part of said sum on the obligation of the County of
Tompkins issued by him for, on behalf of and In the name of the said County
• and acting for and on behalf of said County.
Carried by unanimous.vote.
Upon motion the claim of the Tompkins House for ]reals
furnished jurors amounting to $13.00 was audited and ordered
paid by unanimous vote.
Moved that the minutes of this session be read at the next
Session of this Board.
Moved and seconded that we adjourn.
Clerk of the Board.
The Supervisors' Proceedings. 49
To Aaron G. Mintz, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of. Tomp-
kins County:
We, the undersigned, wish you to call a Special Session of
the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins, to be held
in the County Court House in the City of Ithaca, N. Y., on the
19th day of June, 1912, at 9:30 a. m. sharp, for the purpose of
meeting the State Board of Tax Commissioners and for such
other matters as may come before the Board of Supervisors.
A. C. Hyers,
J. W. Freswick,
S. B. Squier,
R. P. McGreevy,
Roll call.
John Francis,
F. A. Todd,
N. B. Brown,
W. C. Gallagher,
1 `. A. Begen t.
Morning Session.
Wednesday, June 19, 1912.
Al) members present.
Morning session was spent in Court room listening to State
Board of Tax Commissioners.
Afternoon Session.
Roll dill. All members present.
The minutes for the meeting of June 4th, 1912, were read
and approved.
Dr. Gallagher, a member of the Committee to Secure Rights
of Way on the Enfield Road, reported that they had received
deeds from the Town of Enfield and Walter. Ferguson for $50.00
and from Alva Van Gorder and Viola Van Gorder for $50.00.
50 The Supervisors' Proceedings.
By Dr. Gallagher:
Resolved, That the County Treasurer pay A, & V. Van Gorder $50.
Carried. By unanimous vote.
In the matter of .the payment of $250.00 to L. J. Starr,
Newfield, it was moved and carried that the CIerk of the Board
get the consent of the County Treasurer and the County Judge.
The bills of Clara A. Squier for services as stenographer
and clerk to the Commissioners of Election, for $67.16 and
$52.00 respectively, were audited and ordered paid by unanimous
It was moved and seconded that Mr. McGreevy, of the
Tuberculosis Committee, confer with the Board of Managers
relative to the admission to the County Hospital of one Joseph
By Mr. Preswiek :
Resolved, that the County Treasurer make a report to this Board show-
ing the different balances of the different funds at this time.
Carried by unanimous vote.
By Mr. Brown:
Whereas, the Board of Supervisors has heretofore designated and certifier)
to the State Department of Highways for improvement as a County highway
that section of highway commencing in the Town of Ithaca at the southern ter-
minus of road No. 454 now improved, and running in a southerly direction about
one-eighth of a mile; thence westerly to the Town line between the Towns of
Ithaca and Enfield to Marshall's Corners, being about one and one-eighth miles in
the Town of Ithaca and about two miles in the Town of Enfield, having total
distance of about 3 and one-eighth miles.
Resolved, that this Board hereby requests the State Department of High-
ways to improve the aforesaid highway in the year of 1913 or as soon there-
after as reached on the list of improvement. That the State Department of
Highways prepare and forward to this Board, plans, specifications and maps of
said section of highway. ;
Resolved; Further, that the Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to forth-
The Supervisors' Proceedings. 51
with transmit to the State .l eparttnent of Highways a certified copy of the fore-
going resolution.
Carried by urian iinous vote.
Resolution by Mr. Todd:
AN ACT authorizing the Treasurer of the County of Tompkins, State of
New York, to borrow money and issue a bond therefor for the .purpose of pay-
ing the cost of certain parcels of land acquired by the County of Tompkins for
State Highways and State and County .:Highways in the County of Tompkins,
during the year of 1312.
Whereas, the County of Tompkins leas acquired a considerable number of
parcels of land in the County for State highways and State and County High-
ways, and
Whereas, the County Treasurer has not sultieient funds in his hands to
pay for the said parcels of land and the Suin of Two 'Thousand ($2,000.00) Dol-
lars is required to pay the same, now therefore, be it
Resolved, that the County Treasurer of the County of 'Tompkins, State of
New York, be and he is hereby authorized and empowered to borrow upon the
credit of the said County, and to issue its bond to an amount in the sum of Two
Thousand ($2,000.00) Dollars and to sell or cause the same to be sold at not
less than par value at a rate not exceeding 6 per cent. per annum, for the pur-
pose of paying the cost of such parcels of lard, and be it further,
Resolved, that the said bond shall be signed by the Chairman of the Board
of Supervisors and the County Treasurer, and be attested by the Clerk of the.
Board of Supervisors: that such bond shall be made payable at the First Na-
tional Bank in the City of :Ithaca on the 15th day of February, in the year 1913,
together with the interest thereon, and be it further
ttesoved, that the form of such bond shall be substantially as follows:
is.NOWW ALL MEN 13Y THESE PRESENTS, That the County of Tompkins,
in the State of New York, is justly indebted unto or
the registered holder hereof, in the sum of Two Thousand Dollars for value re-
ceived, which Said sum the County of Tompkins hereby promises to pay to
, or the registered }solder hereof, on the
Fifteenth day of February, 1915, with interest thereon from the date hereof at the
rate of per cent. per annum. The payment of the principal and interest
of this Bond is to be ltlade at the First National Bank, in the City of :Ithaca,
State of New York.
This Bond is issued for the purpose of raising funds with which to pay
for certain parcels of land that have been acquired by the County of Tornpkins
for highway purposes. This Bond is issued pursuant to and in conformity with
a resolution of the Board of Snpet7-isors of the County of Tompkins, State of
New York, passed on the nineteenth .lay of hle, 191.2, and also by virtue of
authority conferred upon said Board of Supervisors by and under the Statutes
of the State of New York.
And the said Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins does here-
by certify that all acts and things requisite and necessary to be done under the
provisions of law have been duly and regularly performed in every respect, and
52 The Supervisors' Proceedings.
the good faith and credit of said County of :Tompkins are hereby pledged for the
payment of the said principal sum and the interest thereon as aforesaid.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the County of Tompkins has caused these
presents to be signed by the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors and the Trea-
surer of the County and attested by the Clerk of said Board, and the corporate
seal of the said County to be hereto affixed. in the City of Ithaca, the. day
of , 1912.
Chairman of the Board of Supervisor_.
And by
County Treasurer of Tompkins County
Attest • -
Clerk of the Board of Supervisors.
Carried unanimously.
The Clerk was directed to obtain the consent of the County
Judge and the County Treasurer for the payment of $475.00 to
Caroline Snyder.
The minutes of the Session were read and approved by the
Moved and seconded that the Board adjourn.
Clerk of the Board.
To Aaron G. Mintz, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Tomp-
kins County:
We, the undersigned, wish you to call a Special Session of
the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, to be held in the
Supervisors' Room, in Ithaca, N. Y., on the 5th day of July-,
1912, at 10 o'clock a. m. to take action on the following matters:
(A) To pass upon the bids in the matter of the $69,000 Bond
Issue, (B) such other business as may come before the Board
of Supervisors.
John Francis, F. A. Todd,
A. C. Hyers, Fox Holden,
R. P. McGreevy, R. F. Chappuis,
N. B. Brown, J. W. Preswick,
Jas. R. Robinson, Jr.
The Supervisors' Proceedings.
Morning Session.
Friday, July 5, 1912.
All members present except Mr. Begent.
Meeting called to order.
Dr. Biggs was present and addressed the Board relative to
the Tuberculosis Hospital.
By Mr. McGreevy:
Resolved, that the i]ospilal Committee, at their discretion, be authorized
to turn over to the i3oard of Managers possession of the County Tuberculosis
Carried unanimously.
The Clerk of the Board reported that the County Treasurer
had advertised for bids for the $69,000 Tompkins County, New
York, Highway Improvement Bonds and had received sealed pro-
posals from the following concerns: John J. Hart, Ferris &
White, W. N. Coler & Co., Douglas Fenwick & Co., Farson Son
& Co., Harris Forbes & Co., and N. W. Halsey & Co.
The question of accepting the bids was left open for the
afternoon session.
It was moved and seconded that the .Board adjourn until
2 p. m.
Afternoon Session.
• All members present except Mr: Begent.
By Mr. Robinson :
Whereas, This Hoard has passed a resolution Lo Bond the County for
2,000 to pay for certain rights of way, and,
Whereas, Tho First National .Bank of Ithaca, N. Y., will loan such sum
54 The Supervisors' Proceedings.
to the County of Tompkins on its Bond—be it
Resolved, That said Bond be made payable to the First National Bank of
Ithaca, N. Y., and that the rate of interest on such Bond be 6 per cent. and be
it further,
Resolved, That before the issuance of said Bond the County 'Treasurer and
such other persons as are -necessary, be and they hereby are required to give a
bond in the penal sum of Four Thousand Dollars with one or more sufficient
sureties, for the faithful performance of their duties in issuing said bond and the
lawful application of the funds arising therefrom, and of the funds which may
come into their hands or into the hands of .either or any of them.
On motion the resolution was adopted by unanimous vote.
By Mr. Brown:
lVhereas, The Board of Supervisors has heretofore designated and certified
to the State Department of Highways for improvement that portion of the high-
way described as follows: Commencing at Enfield Center in the Town of Enfield
and running south about 1 and three-eighths miles to the new road ; thence
southeasterly and easterly on the new road to.Marshalls Corners, a total dis-
tance of about two and three-elghth miles, all in the Town of Enfield.
Resolved, That this Board hereby requests the State Department of High-
ways to improve the aforesaid highway in the year of 1913 or as soon there-
after as reached on the List for improvement. That the State Department of High-
ways prepare and forward to this Board, plans, specifications, and maps of said
Section of highway.
Resolved, Further, That the Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to forth-
with transmit to the State Department of Highways 'a certified copy of the fore-
going resolution.
The Chair ordered this resolution referred to the Good Roads
By Mr. McGreevy:
l%'hereas, The Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins heretofore
by appropriate resolutions adopted by a majority vote to establish a county hos-
pital for the care and treatment of persons suffering from the disease known
as tuberculosis, and have purchased and acquired the real property known as
the Doctor Edward :Weeny property, located on the south side of Taughannoek
Falls Glen in the Town of Ulysses in said County and are about to erect all
necessary buildings and make the necessary improvements and repairs and alter
the existing buildings for the use of said hospital pursuant to the County Law,
Sect.. 45, as added by the Laws of 1909, of the State of New York, and
Whereas, There are not sufficient funds in the County Treasury to pay for
the same.
Now, Therefore, for the purpose of paying for the necessary improvements
to said property, and for the purpose of making affective the resolutions above
referred to, it is
The Supervisors' Proceedings. 55
Resolved, That the sum of $5,000 be borrowed by the County of Tompkins
from such person or persons or corporation as will loan the same and .as security
• for the payment thereof that the said County of Tompkins issue and deliver, at
not less than par, its obligation in the form of 5 coupon bonds of the denomination
of $1,000.00 each, numbered consecutively from one '[to 5 inclusive, the first
bond to beconno due and payable !February 15th, 1013, and one bond due and
payable each year thereafter in numerical order until all are paid; all of said
bonds to bear interest at 4 1-4 per cent. per annum, payable annually
upon the 15th clay of February of each year,' and. further that said bonds he
substantially in the following form, to wit:
State of New York.
County 'Tuberculosis Hospital Bond,
The County of :Tompkins.
KNOW AUL IdEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That the County of Tompkins,
in the State of New York, is justly indebted unto the or the registered
holder hereof in the sum of One Thousand Dollars for value received. which' said
stun the said county of Tompkins hereby promises to pay to the or the
registered holder hereof, on the 15th clay of; February, 1913, with interest thereon
ct.t the rate of four and one-fot.u•th per cent.. per annum payable annually at Ithaca,
N. Y., on the 15th day of February of each year from the date hereof until said
principal sum shall be paid.
This Boni is one of a series of 5 bonds of like tenor and date, but of dif-
ferent maturities, numbered from one to five inclusive of One Thousand Dollars
each and issued for the purpose of raising funds with which to pay for the
improvement of property for the County TuberculosislIlospital pursuant to Sec
tion 95, of the County Law of the State of New York, and acts amendatory thereof
and supp/cmetltal thereto. This bond is also issued! pursuant to and in con-
formity with certain resolutions of the Board of Supervisors of the ,County of
Tompkins and by virtue of authority conferred upon said Board of Supervisors by
-.and under the statutes of the State of New 'York.
And the said Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins does hereby
certify that all acts and things requisite to be done under the provisions of law
have been duly and regularly performed in every respect, and the good faith and
credit of said County of Tompkins are hereby pledged for the payment of said
principal sum and the interest thereon as aforesaid.
1N WITNESS WJIISREOF, the County of Tompkins has caused these pres-
ents to be signed by the Chairman of the Board of.Suiiervisors and the Treasurer
of the County and attested by the Clerk of this Board, and the corporate seal
of the said County to be hereto affixed in the City of.Itha.ca. the day
of , 1912. -
'I'11 f: COUNTY 01" '1'ON1 PTiiNS.
And by
Chairman of Board of Sttperviwus.
County :Treasurer or Totnpkini County.
Clerk of the Board of Supervisors..
Resolved, That the Chairman of this Board and
saiil County Treasurer be
5(i Tlie Supervisors' Proceedings.
and they hereby are authorized and empowered -to execute said bonds for and in
behalf of the County of Tompkins, and to affix the corporate seal of the County
thereto; and the Clerk of this Board to attest each of said bonds, and the good
faith and credit of said County of Tompkins is hereby pledged for the payment
of said bonds which are hereby declared a county charge,
Jlesolv-ed, That adequate security- be given by said County Treasurer for
the fit.ithful performance 01 his duties in issuing' the said obligations and for the
lawful applical.ion of the funds arising therefrom and of the funds which may be
raised by ta.x for the payment thereof which may come into his hands, which
security .shall be approved by the County Judge, and shall be for the penal slim
of Ten 'i'hon.:an 1 Dollars.
ilesolved, 'I'ttat a sullicient sum be annually raised by laxation to pay the
Inlcrest becitoting due upon all of said bonds, •and also to pay the principal of
said bonds al maturity, and he it further,
ltes.olved, That the Treasurer of Tompkins County is hereby Instructed and
directed to pay from said fund from time to time bills for supplies and materia.la
as audited by the Tiibereulosis Hospital Committee.
Carriecl unanimously.
By Mr, Preswick :
.Resolved, 7'1iat the bid of N. W. Halsey & Co., for $100.397 and accrued
interest to the date of delivery be and the same hereby is accepted by this Board
and the Attorney for the Board is hereby instructed to inform N. W. Ilalsey' &
Co., of the acceptance of their bid and said Attorney is hereby empowered ani
alitllorized In take any and all steps necessary to consumate the issue of said
hon r IF,
On motion this resolution was unanimously ,tarried.
The Dryden Bank Bond Issue was brought up for discus-
sion and Mr. Chappuis and the Attorney for the Board were
designated to take up this matter with the officials of the Dry-
den Bank.
Minutes read and approved.
Mored and seconded •that the Board adjourn.
Clerk for the Board.
To Aaron G. Mintz, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Tomp-
kins County:
The Supervisors' Proceedings. 57
We, the 'undersigned, wish you to call a Special Session of
the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, to be held in
Supervisors' Room, in.the County Court House, at the City of
Ithaca, N. Y., on the 22nd day of July, 1912, at 10:30 o'clock a.
m., to take action on the following matters: (A) The Dryden
Bank Bond Issue, (B) The question of the water supply at the
County Tuberculosis Hospital, (C) Such other business as may
come before the Board.
R. P. McGreevy,
M. D. Batty,
S. B. Squier,'
Andrew • C. Hyers,
R. F. Chappuis.
John W. Preswick,
John Francis,
F. A. Begent,
Fox Holden,
Morning Session.
Monday, July 22, 1912.
Roll call. All members present except Mr. Todd and Mr.
The refusal of the First National Bank of Dryden to take
the remaining bonds ,in the Freeville-Groton Highway matter
was brought up for discussion.
13y Mr. Preswick:
Resolved, That the County Treasurer for this Board tender to the First
National Bank of Dryden, New York, the remaining bonds in the Freeville-Groton
Highway matter, and demand from said bank the face of said Bonds with ac-
•cruerl interest to elate of tender and "also the accrued interest on the bonds al-
ready delivered, and in the event that the First National Bank of Dryden refuses
to pay the face of the Bonds with interest, the attorney for this Board is hereby
instructed to negotiate elsewli, re for the sale of similar bonds. If the County of
'Tompkins sustains any loss because of the refusal of the First National Bank of
Dryden to accept the aforesaid bonds, the attorney for this Board is hereby in-
:truoted to take whatever action he deems necessary to recover said loss,
Carried unanimously.
By Mr. Robinson:
58 The Superv.i.v s' Proceeding.
ltesolvee), That the Board visit i.he County Tuberculosis Hospital at 1:15 p. m.
Carried unanimously.
The Board of 'Supervisors visited the County Tuberculosis
Hospital and inspected the buildings and water supple.
Afternoon Session.
Roll call. All members present except Mr. McAllaster.
Mr. McGreevy reported that he had been served with a
notice to remove pipes, tank, box, etc., from the grounds of the
County Tuberculosis Hospital.
By Mr. Hyers:
Resolved, That we take no action whatever in regard to the notice served
and that the Coinmittee be empowered to take such 'steps as are necessary to
preserve the rights of the County.
Carried unanimously.
Dr. Biggs, of the Board of Managers, of the County Hos-
pital, reported that he would need funds to maintain the hospital
from August lst, 1912, to February 1st, 1.913.
By Dr. Gallagher:
Whereas, The Board of Supervisors of. the County of 'Tompkins, has hereto-
fore, by appropriate resolutions, by a majority vote resolved to establish a County
Hospital for the care and treatment of persons suffering from the disease known
as tuberculosis 'and have acquired the real property known as the Doctor Edward
Meany property, in the Town of 'Ulysses, and have erecter' necessary buildings
and made necessary improvements pursuant to Section 45 of the County Law, and
Whereas, The Board of Managers of said Hospital, aro about to open
said Hospital for the treatment of persons suffering from tuberculosis, and
Whereas, There are; not sufficient funds in the County Treasury to main-
tain said Hospital, now.
Therefore, for the purpose of laying the necessary expenses incident to
the maintenance of said Hospital from August 1.st. 1.:)12., to February 1.st, 1912,
it is,
.i -resolved, That the sutra of 455,e)00 be borrowed from such person or cor-
poration as will loan the same, and as security for the payment thereof, that the
said County of Tompkins issue and deliver at not less than par, its obligation in
The Supervisors' Proceedings. 59
the form of a bond for $5,000; said bond to be dated August 1st, 1912, and to
become due and payable the 1. 5th clay of February, 1913; said bond to bear in-
terest at a rate not to exceed 5 per cent. per annum payable on the 15th day of
February, 1913, and further that said bond be substantially in the following
No. $6,000.00
State of New York
County I''uboreutosis Hospital Bond
The County of Tompkins.
KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That the County of Tompkins,
in the State of New York, is justly indebted unto
or the registered holder hereof, in the sum of Five
Thousand Dollars for value received, which said sum the said County of. Tomp-
kins hereby promises to pay to or
the registered holder hereof, on the 15th day of February, 1913, with interest
thereon at the rate of per cent. per annum, said principal sum and
interest, to become payable at the First National Bank of Ithaca, N. Y.
This bond is issued for the purpose of raising funds with which to pay for
the maintenance of the County Tuberculosis Hospital from ,August lst, 1912, to
February 1st, 1913, and pursuant to the County Law of the State of New York
and acts amendatory thereof and supplemental thereto. This bond is also issued
pursuant to and in conformity with certain resolutions of the Board of Supervisors
of the County of Tompkins and by virtue of authority conferred upon said Board
of Supervisors by and under the statutes of the State of New York.
And the said Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins does hereby.
certify that all acts and things requisite to be done under the provisions of law
have been duly and regularly performed in every respect, and the good faith and
credit of said County of Tompkins are hereby pledged for the payment of said
principal sum and the interest thereon as aforesaid.
1N WITNESS -WHEIREOF, The County of Tompkins has caused these
presents to be signed by the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors and the
Treasurer of the County and attested by the Clerk of this Board, and the cor-
porate seal of the said County to be Hereto affixed in the City of Ithaca, the
day of 1912.
And by
Chairman of Boari1 of Supervisors.
County Treasurer Of Tompkins County.
Clerk of the Board of Supervisors.
Ayes—Mr. Gallagher, Mr. Brown, Mr. Regent, Mr. Pres-
, wick, Mr. McGreevy, Mr. Flyers, Mr. Francis, Mr. Robinson,
Mr. Squier, Mr. Batty and Mr. Holden. Mr. Todd not voting.
On motion the claims of. William H. Egan and Daniel Mc-
60 7'he Supervisors' Proceedings.
Kenzie for $179.85 and $576.26, were audited and ordered paid
by unanimous vote.
Mr. McGreevy of the Tuberculosis Committee, recommend-
ed that $1,500.00 additional insurance be placed on the County
Tuberculosis Hospital.
Carried unanimously.
Minutes read and approved.
Motion made and seconded that we adjourn..
Clerk of the Board.
To Aaron G. Mintz, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Tomp-
kins County:
We, the undersigned, wish you to call a Special Session 'of
the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, to be held in the
Supervisors' Room, in the County Court House, at the City
of Ithaca, N. Y., on the 19th day of August, 1912, at 10:30
o'clock a. m., to take action on the following matters: (A) To
authorize the County Treasurer to borrow from the First Na-
tional Bank of Ithaca, N. Y., $10,000 for Highway purposes;
(B) The Dryden Bank Bond Issue; (C) The $69,000 Bond Issue
recently awarded to N. W. Halsey & Co.; (D) Such other busi-
ness as may come before the Board.
S. B. Squier, F. A. Todd,
John Francis, Andrew C. Hyers,
N. B. Brown, John W. Preswick,
R. F. Chappuis, R. P. McGreevy.
Morning Session.
Monday, August 19, 1912.
Roll call. All members present except Mr. Holden.
The Supervisors' s' 'Proceedings. 61
Moved and seconded that we elect a temporary chairman;
Mr. Squier was elected temporary chairman.
The Dryden Bank Bond issue was the subject of discussion
at the morning session. The following resolution• was offered
by Mr. Robinson:
Whereas, 7'he Board of Supervisors of Llie County of Tompkins have duly
ordered by an appropriate resolution duly adopted, that the Freeville-Groton
County Highway should be improved in accordance with the provisions of Article
6, of the Flighway Law and have duly appropriated by said resolution the sum
of 213,604.45, to pay for the cost of the construction or improvement of said
Highway, and
Whereas, By a resolution duly adopted the suns of $23,000 is to tie raised •
by the sale of bonds of the County of Tompkins which said bonds have been
issuer[ but not ail sold. and
Whereas, There are not sufficient funds in the County Treasury to pay for
certain sections of the work already finished or to be finished in the near future.
it is
Resolved, That the County Treasurer of the County of Tompkins be authoriz-
ed to borrow from the First National Bank, of Ithaca, N. Y., the sum of $10,000,
on a promissory note, in anticipation of the sale of the bonds heretofore referred
to and the good faith and credit of the County for the payment of the amount
when due with interest is hereby pledged.
Said note shall be substantially as follows:
Ithaca, N. Y., August 19th, 1912.
On demand, after date, the County of Tompkins promises to pay to the
order of the First National Bank, Ithaca, N. Y., Ten Thousand Dollars, at the
First National Bank, Ithaca, N. Y., with six per cent interest.
County Treasurer of Tompkins County.
Carried unanimously.
Afternoon Session.
Roll call. All present except Mr. Todd and Mr. Holden.
On motion the following claims were audited and ordered
paid by unanimous vote:
62 Tli.e• Supervisors' Proceedings.
Charles D. Reese $20.20
E. R. Wright 50.00
George W. Benham $33.08
N. Y. Tel. Co 15.35
Elmont Ackley 10.00.
. George W. Tailby .... $56.10
Forest City Plumb. Co. 2.16
J. B. Colt Co. $500.00
D. S. McKenzie 270.82
Wm. Egan • 12.15
The Committee on the Ithaca -Newfield State Highway, re-
ported that they found it necessary to pay 1V[r. Hollister $100.00
instead of $75.00 for his right of way.
The Chair appointed Mr. Regent a Committee of One to
take up with the First National Bank of Dryden the matter of
the bond issue.
By Mr. Robinson:
tiesolved, That in the event that the'First National Bank of Dryden, N.
Y., refuses to take up the remaining $15,000 in bonds, then the County Treasurer
Is authorized to advertise for sale, at par, said bonds and that said bonds with
interest be payable at the First National Bank of Ithaca, N. Y.
Carried unanimously.
Minutes read and approved.
Moved and seconded that we adjourn.
Clerk of the Board of Supervisors.
To Aaron G. Mintz, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Tomp-
kins County:
We, the undersigned, wish you to call a special session of
the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, to be held in the
Supervisors' Room, in the County Court House, in the City of
Ithaca, N. Y., on the 23rd day of September, 1912, at 10:30 a.
m., to take action: (A) On the erection of a new barn at the
The Sitpervi.sor5' Proceeding . 63
County House; (13) On the $69,000 Bond Issue; (C) Such other
business as may properly come before the Board.
John Francis,
R. F. Chappuis,
S. B. Squier,
M. D. Batty,
N. B. Brown,
W. C. Gallagher,
J. W. Preswick,
F. A. Todd,
B. F. McAllaster,
Jas. R. Robinson, Jr.
• Morning Session.
Monday, September 23rd, 1912.
Poll call. All present except Mr. McGreevy.
Relative to the building of a new County Barri, the Com-
mittee recommended that barn be built, substantially of the
same dimensions as before, that the barn be built by contract.
PIans for the County Barn were presented by Mr. Lampkin.
By Mr. Robinson:
Resolved, That the County rebuild the barn at the County House; that
the matter be referred to three (3) members of the Building Cominittee, said
Committee to draw up plans and specifications and advertise for bids.
The Chair appointed Mr' Todd, Mr. McAllaster and Doctor
By IVIr. Robinson:
Whereas, The Board of Supervisors of the County of 'Tompkins have duly
ordered by an appropriate resolution duly adopted, that the Cook's Corners-
Brookton, Slaterville Springs, Caroline; Enfield Center -Ithaca; Groton
Village, FreovilIe Village, . Dryden Village; Mitchell Street -East Town
Line Highways should be improved in accordance with the provisions of .Article
6 of the Highway Law, and have duly appropriated by said resolution the sum
of $69,289.60, to pay for the cost of construction or improvement of said High-
way, and
Whereas, By a resolution duly adopted the suns of $69,000 Is to be raised
by the sale of bonds of the County of Tompkins, and,
64 The Supervisors' Proceedings.
Whereas, There are not sufficient funds. in the County Treasury to pay for
certain sections of the work already finished or to be finished in the near future,
tt is
Resolved, That the County Treasurer of the County of Tompkins be and
he hereby is authorized to borrow from the First National Banit or Tompkins
County National Bank or any other corporation, a sum riot exceeding $12,000,
or any portion thereof, on a promissory note or notes„ in anticipation of the sale
of the bonds heretofore referred to and the good faith and credit of the County for
the payment of the amount when due with interest is hereby pledged. Interest
on said note or notes is not to exceed fi per cent.
Said note or notes shall be substantially as follows:
Ithaca, N. Y., 7.912..
On demand, after date, the County of Tompkins promises to pay to the
order of at
Ithaca, N. Y., with per cent interest.
Value Received.
Carried unanimously.
County Treasurer of Tompkins County.
Afternoon Session.
Roll call. All present except Mr. TVlcGreevy, Mr. Chappuis
and Doctor Gallagher.
The following claims were audited and ordered paid by
unanimous vote:
R. H. Beard, Burial of Deceased Soldier $50.00
R. II. Beard, Burial of Soldier's Wife 50.00
Daniel E. Marsh, Insurance on,Produce & Grain, at
County Barn 14.00
Minutes read and approved.
Moved and seconded that we adjourn.
Clerk of the Board.
The Supervisors' Proceedings. 65
Thursday, November 14, 1912.
The Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins met
in annual session at their rooms in the Court House in the City
of Ithaca, N. Y., on Thursday, November 14, 1912, and was
called to order by Aaron G. Mintz, Clerk of the preceding Board.
All members responded to their names as follows:
Caroline—Dr. W. C. Gallagher, Slaterville.Springs, N. Y.
Danby—Frank A. Todd, West Danby, N. Y.
Dryden—R. F. Chappuis, Dryden, N. Y.
Enfield—Nelson B. Brown, Ithaca, N. Y.
Groton—Frank A. Begent, Groton, N. Y.
Ithaca Town—John W. Preswick, Ithaca, N. Y.
Ithaca City—First Ward—R. P. McGreevy, Ithaca, N. Y.
Second Ward—A. C. Hyers, Ithaca, N. Y.
Third Ward—John Francis, Ithaca, N. Y.
Fourth Ward—James Robinson, Ithaca, N. Y.
Fifth Ward—Seth B. Squier, Ithaca, N. Y.
Lansing—Casper Fenner, Heddens, N. Y.
Newfield—B. Frank McAllaster, Newfield, N. Y.
Ulysses—Milton D. Batty, Trumansburg, N. Y.
On motion Dr. Gallagher was chosen temporary, chairman.
On motion of Mr. Todd the Board proceeded by informal
ballot to the election of a Chairman for the ensuing year.
On motion the Chair appointed two tellers, Messrs. Pres -
wick and Batty.
66 The Supervisors' Proceedings.
An informal ballot was taken and the whole number of
votes cast was 14 of which
R. F. Chappuis received 8
John W. Preswick received . 5
Frank A. Begent• received 1
On motion of Mr. Todd the Board proceeded by formal
ballot to the election of a • Chairman.
On the first formal ballot 14 votes were cast of which
R. F. Chappuis received 9
John W. Preswick received 3
Frank A. Begent received 1
Blank 1
The Chair declared Mr. Chappuis elected Chairman of the
Board for the ensuing year and Mr. Chappuis took the Chair.
On motion the Board proceeded by informal ballot for the
election of a Clerk and Attorney for the Board.
The whole number of votes cast was 14 of which
Aaron G. Mintz received 9
Bert T. Baker received 5
On motion the Board proceeded . to a formal ballot for the
election of a Clerk and Attorney for the Board.
The whole number of votes cast was 14 of which
Aaron G. Mintz received 10
Bert T. Baker received 4
Mr. Mintz was declared elected.
By Mr. Hyers :
Resolved, That 'the Clerk he authorized to procure the necessary supplies
for the members of the Board during the session, the same to be purchased at
wholesale as heretofore.
The Supervisors' Proceedings. 67
On motion this resolution was duly adopted.
By Mr. Robinson:
Resolved, T That Robert's Rules of Order• he adopted as rules • for the con-
ducting of the proceddings of this Board.
After some :discussion the motion was withdrawn.
Mr. Todd. Chairman of the Committee to build anew barn,
reported as to the work which had been done by this Commit-
tee. The various bids were read by the Clerk. The' lowest
bidder was Mr. Deputron and the contract between Mr. Deput-
ron and the County was read by the Clerk.
By Mr. Begent:
Moved that the Barn Committee be instructed to measure
the wall and order the building of the floor .and that the work
already done and the contracts let be ratified and confirmed by
the Board.
Seconded and carried.
• Mr. Todd reported that $840.00 had been paid by the in-
surance companies and handed over to the County Treasurer.
A communication from the Board of Education relative to
a back tax for $1599.57, was read by the Clerk and ordered
referred by him to the County Treasurer.
The following petition was read to the Board and upon
motion same was 'granted:
To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County,
State of New York:
Your petitioners, Montgomery Farling, Eugene H. Pres -
wick and Theodore J. Baker, assessors of the Town of Ithaca,
68 The Supervisors' Proceedings.
pursuant to the authority conferred by Section 56 of the Tax
Law, do respectfully show to your Board that,
Taxable property owned by William Palmer, consisting of
a dwelling and one and one-half acre of land located on the
southerly side of the Newfield road, bounded north, by G. 0.
Williams, south by Al Decker, has been omitted from the assess-
ment roll as prepared by your petitioners for the current year;
that the value of such property is two hundred and fifty dol-
lars ($250.00) .
Also taxable property of P. Clines, consisting of 4 acres and
slaughter 'house and bounded on the east by the Inlet, south by
property of Homer Bailey, on the west by the Inlet Road, has
been omitted from the assessment roll as prepared by your
petitioners for the current year; that the value of such property
is four hundred dollars ($400.00).
Also that taxable property, being:
Lot 51, Ithaca Land Co., valued at $25.00
Lot 52, Ithaca Land Co., valued at 25.00
Lot 70, Ithaca Land Co., valued at 25.00
Lot 113, Ithaca Land Co., valued at 25.00
Lot 282, Ithaca Land Co., valued at 25.00
Lot 290, Ithaca Land Co., valued at 15.00
have been omitted from the assessment roll as prepared by
your petitioners for the current year; that the value of such
property is as above stated.
Also that taxable property owned by S. A. Genung, con-
sisting of Lot 315, Ithaca Land Co., valued at $10.00; Lot 323,
Ithaca Land Co., valued at $10.00, have been omitted from the
assessment roll as prepared by your petitioners for the cur-
rent year; that the value of such property is as stated.
Wherefore, Your petitioners respectfully pray that there be
placed on the assessment roll for the current year the taxable
The Supervisors' Proceedings. 69
property omitted therefrom, belonging to William Palmer, P.
Clines, F. L. Howard, and S. A. Genung, at the several valua-
tions above mentioned.
State of New York, I
County of Tompkins. J
The undersigned, assessors for the Town of Ithaca, do
severally depose and swear that they and each of them have
read the foregoing petition and know the contents thereof ; that
the same is true to the knowledge of deponents except as to
the matters therein stated to be alleged on information and be-
lief, and that as to those matters they believe it to be true.
Montgomery Farling,
Eugene H. Preswick,
Theo. J. Baker.
Sworn to before me this 13th day of Nov., 1912.
J. I. BAKER, Notary Public.
By Mr. Robinson:
Whereas, Chapter 649 of the Laws of 1911, known as the Levy Election
Law, has resulted in an increase of taxes in the County of Tompkins amount-
ing to $5970 for the years 1911 and 1912, without any beneficial result to the
voters of the County of Tompkins, and
'Whereas, This has ianposeil upon the taxpayers of the County a large
additional, and, in the opinion of this Board, a useless expense, now therefore
Resolved, That. the Senator from this :District and the Member of As-
sembly from this County be and they are hereby requested to introduce in their
respective houses a bill to repeal such Statute, and •
Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board be, and lie is hereby directed to
transmit certified copies of this Resolution to the Senator frons this District, and
to the Member of Assembly from this County.
Moved by Mr. Squier that said Resolution be laid on the
table. Mr. Squier's motion was carried by a vote of 9 to 5.
Ayes—Chappuis, Brown, Begent, McGreevy, Francis,-
Hyers, Squier, McAllaster and Batty.
70 The Supervisors' Proceedings.
Nayes—Gallagher, Todd, Preswick, Robinson and Fenner.
Moved and seconded that we adjourn until 2 p. m.
Afternoon Session.
All members present except Supervisors McGreevy, Todd,
McAllaster and Gallagher.
. By Mr. Squier:
Resolved, That the morning sessions of this Board begin at 9:30 a. m.,
except on Mondays, when they shall begin at 10:30 a. m., and that the afternoon
sessions begin at 1:20 p. m. daily.
Seconded and carried.
By Mr. Batty:
Whereas, The Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County by appropriate
resolution adopted at a Special Meeting of said Board on July 5th, 1912, voted
to bond the County in the sum of $5,000 for making the necessary improvements
to the Meany property for establishing a Tuberculosis Hospital, and •
Whereas, The rate of interest on said bonds was made 4 1-4 per cent.
and it is impossible to dispose of such bonds at such rate of interest, now therefore.
Resolved, That the rate of interest on such bonds be made 5 per cent. in-
stead of 4 1-4 per cent.
Seconded and carried.
Ayes—Begent, Preswick, Hyers, Francis, Robinson, Squier,
Fenner and Batty.
By Mr. Hyers:
Resolved, That before any bill fs audited for an amount less than that
claimed thereon, the Supervisor of that Town or Ward from which the claim
came, shall be notified and the , claimant conferred with.
On motion this resolution was adopted.
By Mr. Brown:
The Supervisors' Proceedings. ' 71
Resolved, 'chat resolutions carrying appropriations of money except those
in accordance with the actions of the town boards, shall not be acted upon, nor
shall any claim be acted upon or- audited, until 24 hours after the reading of
same, except claims for services rendered by •metnbers of this' Board attending
the present session which claims shall be acted upon the last clay of the session.
Upon motion this resolution was adopted.
By Mr. Batty:
Resolved, That the morning sessions' of the Board be devoted to com-
mittee worts.
On motion this resolution was duly adopted.
On motion of Mr. Begent, .the following petition was
To • the Honorable Board of Supervisors of Tompkins
Please place on the assessment roll of 1912, an assessment
of a parcel of land owned by Floyd Mott, lying on Lot 29, con-
taining 38 acres assessed at $960 in column of "Highway Real."
The same having been by mistake left off in copying.
E. D. BRANCH, Assessor,
Town of Dryden, N. Y.
A communication was read by the Clerk from the Depart •
ment of Highways to the effect that the Freeville-Groton County
Highway . had been completed and would be accepted unless
some objection was received within 20 days from November
13th, 1912. •
On motions duly made and seconded the following .bills were
audited at the full amounts claimed, by unanimous votes:
Palmer Bros. $50.00
C. T. Davis 50.00
J. E. Shea 50.00
Moved and seconded that we adjourn.
Clerk of the Board.
The Supe1•vitiors' Proceedings.
Morning Session.
Friday, November 15th, 1912.
All members present.
Minutes of November 14th were read and approved.
The Chairman announced the following standing com-
CONSTABLES' ACCOUNTS—Fenner, Hyers, Brown.
laster•, Preswick.
.—Hyers, Robinson, Brown.
COUNTY CLAIMS—Preswick, Gallagher, Batty.
•—Brotvn. McAllaster, Francis.
—Regent, Batty, Francis, Fenner, Todd, Gallagher, McGreevy.
son, Brown.
COUNTY BUILDINGS—Chappuis, Batty, Squier, Begent,
The S•npervism' Proceecdinjs. 73
McAllaster, Hyers, Todd.
GOOD ROADS—Gallagher, Begent, McGreevy, Brown,
'Fenner, Squier.
APPROPRIATIONS—Francis, Preswick, McAllaster.
Bills numbered from one to sixty-nine inclusive were :'read
by the Clerk and referred to the proper committees.
Moved, seconded and carried, that the present County Barn
Committee be continued as a Special Committee.
The remainder of the morning session was devoted to com-
mittee work.
On motion the Board adjourned.
Afternoon Session.
All members present except Mr. Todd.
A communication from the Comptroller's office was read by
the Clerk informing the Board that it would be necessary to
levy a tax of $7,629 for sinking fund and interest on bonds
issued for the construction of roads. This communication was
referred to the Appropriations Committee.
The Clerk read a communication from the Department of
Highways specifying that $3050 is the amount to be raised for
the maintenance of the improved highways of the County. Re-
referred to the Appropriations Committee.
74 The Supervisors' Proceedings.
The Clerk read communications from the State Comptroller
for taxes to be raised for State purposes in the following
amounts, which communications were referred to the Appro-
priations Committee:
State Tax $21,913.33
Court Stenographers and Supreme Court Justices exp. 1,414.23
By Mr. Begent:
Whereas, The State Department of Highways requires that the .Board of
Supervisors shall designate and certify to said Department that portion of the
public highway to be improved as State and County Highways and to be con-
structed in their orders now therefore, be It
Resolved. That this Board of Supervisors hereby designate _and certify to
the State Department of Highways, to be constructed in 1.013 or as soon there-
after as can be reached, the following highways situate in the Town of Groton,
County of Tompkins, surveyed and noted on County Map, for improvement, as
follows: Commencing at the Corporation Line and extending to the Cayuga
County Line, a distance of one and one-half miles; extending from the Cor-
poration Line to the Cortland County Line, four and one-half miles, thereby
meeting macadam roads in both cases.
Also, that the State Department of Highways survey for improvement. that
portion of the highway in the village of Groton as follows: Commencing at the
terminal of improved road, Brick pavement for a distance of 2400 feet, then
2,308 feet to the Town Line, making a continuous improved road .north and
south, commencing at Brick pavement 'going east almost 73G feet 10 Williams
Street; thence 1,675 feet to the Town Line, making a continuous unproved road
to Cortland. All of above to be of macadam and 16 feet wide.
This resolution was referred by the Chair to the Good
Roads Committee.
By Mr. Squier:
Moved that the present Hospital Committee be continued.
Seconded and carried.
By Mr. Hyers:
Moved that a Committee on Sheriff's Supplies be appointed
by the. Chair.
Seconded and carried.
The Supervisors' Proceedings. 75
The Chair announced that it would appoint this Commit-
tee on Monday, November 18th, 1912.
By Mr. Squier:
Moved that the Committee on Fuel and Light be continued.
Seconded and carried.
By Mr. McAllaster:
Resolved, That the Standing Committee on Printing and Printers' Ac-
counts be empowered to contract for all necessary printing not provided for by
law and to purchase all necessary supplies fur all County Offices and that no
bill shall be audited or allowed by this Board for books or supplies or:for repairs
to the same unless approved by this Committee.
Seconded and carried.
Moved and seconded we adjourn. Carried.
Clerk of the Board.
Morning Session.
Monday, November 18th, 1912.
All members present except Begent, Fenner and McAI-
Minutes of November 15th were read and approved.
. The Chair announced the following Committee on Sheriff's
Supplies—Hyers, Squier and Robinson.
Dr. Biggs addressed the Board relative to the ,Edward
Meany Tubercular Sanatorium.
By Mr. Robinson:
76 The Supervisors' Proceedings.
Resolved, That the time for auditing bills fur all supplies and furnishings
for the Edward Meany Tubercular Sanatorium be extended to the Iast day of
this session,
Seconded and carried.
The remainder of the morning session was devoted to Com-
mittee work.
On motion the Board adjourned.
Afternoon Session.
All members present except Mr. Begent.
By Mr. Fenner:
Resolved, 'That the Hoard of Supervisors of Tompkins County hereby desig-
nate and certify to the State Department of Highways the following highways
for construction and improvement as State and County Highways in the Town
of Lansing:
Beginning at the State Highway in the Village of South Lansing, thence
easterly about three-quarters of a mile to Terpenning Corners; thence northerly
through Midway and North Lansing to the Tompkins County Line, at what is
known as the Wilcox Corner, a distance of about six miles, and be it,
Resolved, That the State Department of Highways be requested to have
the same surveyed and plans and estimates prepared and forwarded to this
Board for adoption, and be it,
Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to transmit forth-
with to the State Department of Highways a certified cohy of the foregoing reso-
This resolution was referred to the Committee on Good
By M.r. Todd:
Resolved, That the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County hereby desig-
hate and certify to the State Department of Highways that the following be
constructed as a State and County Highway in 1913, or as soon thereafter as
practleable; The Highway in the Town of Danby extending from the Trunk line
now on the map, easterly to the Lehigh Valley Railroad Company's track, a dis-
tance of about one-half mile, and be it
Resolved, That the State Department of Highways be requested to have
the same surveyed and plans and estimates prepared and forwarded to this
Board for adoption, and be it,
The Supervisors' Proceedings. 77
Resolved, That. the Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to transmit forth-
with to the State Department of :Highways a certified copy of the foregoing
This resolution was referred to the Committee on Good
By Mr. Preswick:
Resolved, That the Hoard or Supervisors of Tompkins County hereby desig-
nate and certify to the State Department of Highways. the following Highway for
construction in 'Tompkins County as soon as reached on list for constructions.
Road to begin .at. I-Iurlson Street on line between the City of Ithaca and
Toon of Ithaca, and extend in a southeasterly direction through the Town of
11-laca. to the line of the Town of Danby.
Road known as the Coddington Road, a distance of about three [Hiles.
Also that the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County hereby designate
and certify to the State Highway Department that the following highway, situate
on the dividing line between the towns of Caroline and Danby be improved as a
State and County Highway.
Said highway extends from the south line or the Town of Ithaca in a
southerly direction to the intersection of the "Stevens town hill" road and is
known as the Coddington Highway, a distance of about one :Lull one-half miles.
and 11e it,
Resolved, That. the Clerk 'of this Board is hereby directed to transmit forth-
with to the State .Department of Highways a certifier) copy of the foregoing
This resolution was referred to the Committee on Good
By Dr. Gallagher:
•.ltesolvod, That the Board or Supervisors of Tompkins County hereby desig-
nate and certify to the State Department of Highways the .following highways for
construction and improvement as county highways in the Town ,of Caroline:
The .tlighwat extending from the east end of the highway now under construction
in Brookton easterly to W. Ti. Boiee's Corners, a distance of about two miles,
and thence to Caroline Center, a distance of about four miles; thence easterly
to the Tioga County Line at Speedsville, a distance of about three mites; the
highway extending from Boicevilie to W. K. Boice's corners, a distance of about
three-fourths of a anile; and the highway extending fr•oin the east end of the
highway now under construction east of Slaterville Springs to the Tioga, County
Line, a distance of about one mile.
Iesolved, Further, That whereas all of the above mentioned highways have
been surveyed, that maps, plans and estimates of the same be prepared by the
State Department. of. Ilighways at the earliest possible date and forwarded to this
Board for adoption.
-78 The Supervisors' Proceedings.
Resolved, Further, That the Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to trans-
mit forthwith to the State Department of Highways a certified copy of the fore-
going resolution.
This resolution was referred to the Committee on Good
By B. F. Mc:lllaster :
Resolved, That the Board of Supervisors of 'Tompkins County hereby desig-
nate and certify to the State Department of Highways the following highways
for construction and improvement as county highways in the Town of Newfield:
The Highway extending from Albright's Corners, a point about thirty rods east
of the Newfield ]Depot and on the road now under construction known as the
Ithaca -West Manby load, to a point where the Depot Road strikes the macadam
now under Construction known as the lt.haca-Newfield Road, about twenty rods
east of the new arch bridge, a distance of about two miles, and be it,
Resolved, That the State Department of Highways be requested to survey
said highway and to have maps and estimates for the improvement of the same
made and forwardeci to this hoard for adoption, and be it.,
Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board forward a certified copy of the
foregoing resolution to tite State Department of IJighways at once.
This resolution was referred to the Committee on Good
• The Clerk read the following designation' and resolution:
Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 16, Laws of 1909, we, the Demo-
cratic members of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, hereby designate
the Ithaca Daily News as the official paper for publishing the Session Laws and
Concurrent Resolutions of the Legislature in the County of Tompkins for the,
year 1913, and
Resolved, That the Ithaca Daily News be designated as the official paper
to publish the official canvass and election notices of Tompkins County, Session
Laws and Concurrent Resolutions of the Legislature for the year 1913 in ac-
cordance with the provisions of Chapter 16, Laws 'of 1909.
F. A. B.Is"GENT,
lf. D. BATTY,
A. C. Efl ERS,
On motion the resolution was adopted.
The Clerk lead the following designation and resolution :
The Supervisors' Proceedings. 79
Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 16, Laws of 1909, we, the Re-
publican members of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, hereby desig-
nate the Ithaca Journal as the official paper for publishing the Session
Laws and Concurrent Resolutions of the Legislature in the County of Tompkins
for the year 1913, and
_Resolved, That the .Ithaca Journal be designated as the official paper to
publish the .official canvass and election notices of Tompkins County, Session Laws
and Concurrent 'Resolutions of the Legislature for the year 1913, in accordance
with the provisions of Chapter 16, Laws of 1909.
J. tiiw. PRESWICX,
On motion the resolution was adopted.
The Committee on Printers' Accounts .and Printing reported
favorably on bills No. 21, 25, 33, 34, 47, 48, and 59, recommend-
ing that they be allowed in the full amounts claimed. ,
Laid over under the rule.
The Committee on Clerk's and Justice's Accounts reported
favorably on bills No. 22, 7, 68, 58, 26, 51, 6, 36, recommending
. that they be allowed for the full amounts claimed.
Laid over ,under the rule.
Claim for $50.00 of John L. Slocum was audited at the
full amount of the claim by unanimous vote.
The Report of William D. Baldwin, Walter McKeel and
Grant Cole, Superintendents .of the Poor, was presented and
referred to the Committee on Superintendents of the Poor.
Moved, seconded and carried that we adjourn.
Clerk of the Board.
80 The Supervisors' Proceedings.
Morning Session.
Tuesday, November 19th, 1912.
Roll call. All members present.
Minutes of November 18th, read and approved.
Bills No. 70 to 135 inclusive were read by the Clerk and
referred to the proper Committees.
Honorable Charles E. Treman addressed the Board rela-
tive to the County Roads to be built in Tompkins County under
the $50,000,000 Bond Issue.
The County Treasurer submitted his report. It was re-
ferred to the Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts.
The remainder of the morning session was devoted to Com-
mittee work.
Moved and seconded that we adjourn. Carried. •
Afternoon Session.
All members present.
The Committee on County Buildings reported favorably on
Bills No. 89, 76, 63, 11, 17, 64, 31, and 3, and recommended
that they be allowed for the full amounts claimed. Laid over
under the rule.
The Committee on County Claims reported favorably on
Bills No. 2, 9, 8, 4, 41, 49, 53, 56, 69, 5, and 44, and recom-
mended that they be allowed for the full amounts claimed. Laid
over tinder the rule.
The Committee on Clerk's and Justice's Accounts reported
The Supervisors' Proceedings. 81
favorably on Bills No. 90 and 93,,and recommended that they
be allowed for the full amounts claimed. Laid over under the
On motion bills No. 22, 7, 68, 58, 26, 51, 6 and 36, were
audited and ordered paid in the full amounts clamed, by un-
animous votes.
The Committee on Rights of Way on the Ithaca -Newfield
State Highway reported that they had agreed to pay Mr. Fred
C. Dean, the sum of $515.00 in addition to the $15.00 already
agreed upon for the Right of Way over Mr. Dean's land.
By Mr. Todd:
Resolved, That the report of the Committee' be accepted ancl that the
Committee secure a deed for this land from Mr. .Dean and the County Treasurer
is hereby directed to pay upon the certificates of said Committee, from any un-
expended funds in his hands, the sum of $45.00 in addition to the $15.00 pre-
viously agreed upon, upon delivery to said Committee or said Deed to the County
of Tompkins, and if there are not sufficient funds in the County Treasury with
which to pay said amount, the County Treasurer is hereby authorized and em-
powered to borrow all or part of said sum on the obligation of the County of
Tompkins, issued by him for or on behalf of and in the naive of the said
County, and acting for anis in behalf of said County.
Seconded and carried by unanimous vote.
This report was referred to the Appropriations Committee.
Moved and seconded that we adjourn. Carried.
Clerk of the Board.
Morning Session.
Wednesday, November 20th,,1912.
Roll call. All members present.
82 The Supervisors' Proceedings.
Minutes read and approved.
Bills No. 136-177 inclusive were read by the Clerk and re-
ferred to the proper committees.
The pay -roll of the Edward Meany Sanitorium, from the
lst day of September, 1912, to the 31st day of October, 1912,
amounting to $227.50, was_read and referred to the Hospital
By Mr. Robinson:
Moved that the 24 hour rule relative •to the auditing of •this
pay -roll be suspended.
Seconded and carried.
The Hospital Committee recommended that this pay -roll be
audited for the full amount claimed and this recommendation
was adopted by an unanimous vote.
The following bills were reported favorably and the respec-
tive committees recommended that they be allowed for the full
amounts claimed: No. 12, 20, 28, 29, 27, 65, 66, 1, 35, 57, 16,
18, 10, 67, 124, 129, 7.25, 77, 127, 121, 50, 100, 101, 103 , 177 .
138; 141.
Laid over for 24 hours under the rule.
Moved and seconded that we adjourn.
Afternoon Session.
All members present except Todd and I-I.yers.
On motion Bills No. 64, 31, 63, 76, 89, 44, 5, 69, 56, 53,
49, 41, 4, 8, 9, 2, 90 and 93, were audited and ordered paid in
the full amounts claimed by unanimous votes.
The Supervisor.' Proceedings. S3
On motion the following bills were audited and ordered
paid in .the full amounts claimed by unanimous votes:
D. 0. Bishop, services as Court'Crier $18.00
Phillip Bower, burial of deceased soldier 50.00
The following bills were reported favorably and the re-
spective committees recommended that they be allowed for the
full amounts claimed: Bills No. 97, 98, 106, 72, 73; 117; 88, 114,
115, 86, 116, 110, 92 and 104.
Laid over 24 hours under the rule.
Moved and seconded that we adjourn.
Clerk of the Board.
Thursday, November 21st, 1912.
Morning Session.
Roll call. All members present.
Minutes of. -the preceding day were read and approved.
• Mr. Robinson reported on the bids that he had received
relative to the printing of the proceedings for 1912.
By Mr. Squier:
Moved, That the contract for printing the' minutes should
not go to any concern unless it employs Union Labor.
An amendment to the resolution was offered .to the effect
that the contract should be awarded to a concern employing
84 Tlie Supervisors' Proceedings.
- Union .Labor providing the bid was the lowest.
By Mr. Begent:
Moved that the question of printing the proceedings for
1912 be laid on the table until the first of the week.
Seconded and carried.
By Mr. Todd:
Moved that this Board recommend to the Superintendents
of Poor that Mr. Deputron and his help.be boarded at the.Alms-
house while working on the County Barn, providing there is no
expense to the County. Carried.
The remainder of the morning session was devoted to com-
mittee work.
Moved and seconded that we adjourn.
Afternoon Session.
All members present except Todd, McGreevy, flyers and
Robinson. ,
On motion bills No. 104, 110, 116, 108, 86, 115, 114, 88,
117, 73, 72, 106, 77, 127, 121, 100, 50, 101, 103, 67, 129, 125,
• 10, 18, 16, 57, 35, 1, 66, 65, 27, 29, 28, 20, 12 , 97, and 98, were
audited and ordered paid in the full amounts claimed by unani-
mous votes.
By Dr. Gallagher:
The Supervisors' Proceedings. 85
Resolved, • That no further bills of the Commissioners of Election should
be audited until all the hills for election expenses are presented and the entire
expense is established. - -
Seconded and carried.
The following petition was received and on motion duly
made, seconded and carried, same was granted:
To the Hon. Board of Supervisors:
Will you please cause to be placed on the Assessment Roll
of the Town. of Lansing, the following, the same having been
omitted in copying:
David Knox Lot 45
15 Acres Assessment $550.00
Fred J. Barnes,
Samuel Lane,
C. W. Terpenning,
The County Clerk's report was received and referred to
the Clerk's and Justice's Committee.
The, Sheriff's report was received and referred to the Com-
mittee on Sheriff's and Judge's Accounts.
County Clerk Overacker and Deputy Clerk Tarbell address-
ed the Board relative to new indexes for the County Clerk's office.
By Mr. Begent:
Resolved, That the Couni.y Clerk be authorized to purchase from Hall &
McChesney, Syracuse, N. Y., Grave's Tabular Key System, ample for SO years,
at the price of $960.00; one-half payable February 15th, 1913, less 5 per cent. on
said one-half, and the balance payable February 15th, 1914. without discount,
The above motion was seconded and carried by unanimous
By Dr. Gallagher:
86 The Supervisors' Proceedings.
Moved, That the Bender's Manual for• 1912, be not accepted
by the Board of Supervisors.
Seconded and carried.
Moved and seconded that we adjourn.
Clerk of the Board.
Morning Session.
Monday, November 25th, 1912.
Roll call. All members present except Mr. Fenner and
Mr. Batty.
Minutes of Thursday, November 21st were read and ap-
By Mr. Todd:
Moved, That Mr. Squier's motion relative to the printing
of the proceedings for 1912 be taken from the table.
Seconded and unanimously carried.
Mr. Todd offered .the following as a substitute for Mr.
Squier's resolution:
Moved, That the Committee on Printing contract with the
lowest responsible bidder for the publication of, 2000 copies of
the proceedings of this Board for 1912. Said contractor to re-
side in and the work to be done within the limits of Tompkins
The Supervisors' Proceedings. . 87
After some discussion it was moved and seconded that
• those who have already bid on this work be consulted.
After a vote ;had been taken on this matter, Mr. Robinson
moved: That the question should be laid on the table until a
full Board was present.
Seconded and carried by unanimous vote.
The remainder'of the morning session was devoted to Com-
mittee work.
Moved and seconded that we adjourn. Carried.
Afternoon Sessipn.
Roll call. All members present except Mr. Batty.
Judge Sweetland addressed the Board relative to the
various penal institutions to which prisoners from this County
should be sent.
Various petitions relative to good roads were received and
referred to the Good Roads Committee.
By Mr. Begent:
1Vhereas, The Committee on Printing has received bids for printing the
proceedings of this Board for 1012, and
Whereas from he bids received it appears that the Groton Journal is the
lowest bidder,
Resolved, '.]'hat the hid of the Groton aournal for printing 2,000 comes of
the proceedings be accepted a.nd,
'.I'ha attorney for this Board in conjunction AV [Eh the Committee on Print-
ing draw up a suitable contract with the Groton Journal relative to the print-
ing of said proceedings.
This resolution was laid on the table until a full Board was
88 The Supervisors' Proceedings.
Claims No. 178 to 185 inclusive were read by the Clerk and
referred to the proper committees.
The .following claims were reported favorably and the re-
spective committees recommended that they be allowed for the
full amounts claimed: No. 42, 23, 37, 177, 138, 140, and 142.
Laid over for 24 hours under the rule.
On motion the claim of John R. Comings for the burial of
Benjamin Middaugh, a deceased soldier, amounting to $50.00
was audited and ordered paid in the full amount claimed by
unanimous vote.
Moved and seconded that we adjourn.
Clerk of the Board.
Morning Session.
Tuesday, November 26th, 1912.
Roll call. All members present.
Minutes read and approved.
The claim of Mr. Deputron for $400.00 to apply on bill for
lumber furnished the County Barn was audited for this sum and
ordered paid by unanimous vote.
By Mr. Todd:
Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board forwith present to Chemung County
The Supervisors' Proceedings. 89
our bill for expenses incurred in connection with the Nowak trial held in Tomp-
kins County in Marcia, 1912.
Seconded and carried by unanimous' vote.
By Mr. Squier:
Resolved, That Mr. 13egent's . motion relative to printing the proceedings
for 1912 be raised from the table.
Seconded and carried by unanimous vote.
Mr. Squier offered the following substitution for Mr. Be -
gent's motion :
Resolved, That all bids for printing be rejected and the Committee advertise
for bids for the printing and binding; same to be done in Tompkins County and
the contract to be awarded to the lowest bidder.
A vote being taken, the following voted nay—Gallagher, .
liegent, Robinson and Preswick. 4.
The •following voted -aye—Todd, Brown, McGreevy, Hyers,
Francis, Squier, Fenner, McAllaster and Batty. 9.
By Mr. Robinson:
Resolved, that the Printing Committee advertise for bids for printing the
proceedings of the Board for 191.2 in the Ithaca Daily Journal and the Ithaca
Gaily News on Wednesday and Friday of this ,week, 1111 bids to be sealed an4l
in the hands of the Committee by Monday, December 2nd, 1912.
Moved and seconded that we adjourn.
Afternoon Session.
All present except .Mr. Todd.
90 The Supervisors' Proceedings.
Mr. Robinson read the specifications for the printing of the
proceedings for 1912.
By Mr. Batty:
Moved that the specifications be accepted as read.
Seconded and carried.
By Mr. Hyers :
Moved that the Cominittee advertise for bids for 2000
copies of the proceedings for 1912. Specifications to be left
with the Clerk and Committee on Printing.
Seconded and carried.
On motion bills No. 42, 23, 37, 177, 138, 140, and 142 were
audited and ordered paid for the full amounts claimed by un-
animous votes.
By Mr. Hyers :
}resolved, That it is the sense of this Board of Supervisors, that no bill
for law -books for any county office or officer will be hereafter allowed, unless by
',some statute specifically made 0 county charge, and be it further,
Resolved, 'f'hat the Clerk u1' this Board ,serve a certified copy of this
resolution on the various county officials.
Seconded and carried.
By Mr. Fenner:
Resolved, That in accordance with resolutions passed by the Town Boards
of the various Towns or Tornpkins County, there he levied and collected from the
owner or harborer of dogs in the several Towns in the County of Tompkins here-
after specified, the following dog tax, to wit.:
0 Dog $ 50 Each dog $1.00
Each additional dog .... ...... 2.00 Each additional dog No Extra
1 Female t 00 .Each Fenitiie ami addl.. Female 3.00
Each aclrlitional Female 5 00
I)AN131' l.:\NSLNG
1 Dog $1.00 1 lion $1.00
Each additional dog .. .... .... 2.00 Each additional dog 2.00
The Supervisors' Proceedings. "91
Each Female & additional female 5.00 Each Female & additional Female 3.00
1:NI.'IELli NE11'FIEI E.1
1 Dog $1.00 7. Dog $ .50
Each Female & additional Female 4.00 Each additional dog 2.00
Each Female & additional Female 3.00
Each clog $1.00 1 Dog $1 00
Each Female 3.00 Each adeitional clog 2.00
• Each Female & additional Female 3.00
l:) RY D:1?:N
Each clog $1.00
Each Female $4 00
Seconded and carried.
By Mr. Squier :
itesolved, That the apportionment of Grand 3ur'ors, the quota.~ allotted to
the several Towns and the City of Ithaca. he as follows:
Caroline . 20
Danby . 19
.Dryden . 43
Enfield . 15 _
Groton . 32
Ithaca—City . 79
lthaca--Town . 12
Lansing , 28
Newfield . 24
Ulysses , 28
Seconded and carried.
The following claims were reported favorably and the re-
speetive Committees recommended that they be allowed for the
full amounts claimed : Bills No. 181, 180, 105, 109, 82, 74, 45,
137, 184, 111, 80 and 96.
Moved, seconded and carried that we•adjourn.
Clerkof the Board.
Morning Session.
Wednesday, November 27th, 1912.
Roll call. All members present.
92 The Supervisors' Proceedings.
Minutes of the preceding day were read and approved.
A report from the Surrogate's office was read by the Clerk
andordered printed in the proceedings.
The following amount has been received for certified copies of
records since the date of last report $83.50
Laundry . $ 2.40
Postage .. 26.45
Awnings, putting up 1.00
Cleaning office . 2.00
Supplies 3.40
'rota] disbursements ' $38.00 - $38.00
Balance due County $55.50
Interest .92
State of New York,
s. s.
County of Tompkins. J
Della M. Gillespie, being duly sworn, says she is the Clerk of
the Surrogate's Court of the said County, that the foregoing is a
true and correct statement of fees received by her for services
for certifying records since the date of last report to the present
time, together with all disbursements chargeable against the.
Della M. Gillespie.
Sworn to before me.this 26th day of November, 1912.
Wm. Hazlitt Smith, Notary Public.
To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County:
I hereby report that the matter of certifying copies of the
records of this office is one of the Clerk's duties which is perform-
ed by her, and the fees for the same are collected by her.
I believe the above report to -be correct and invite the mem-
The Supervisors' Proceedings. 93
bers of the Board of Supervisors to visit and inspect the Sur-
rogate's office.
Surrogate of Tompkins County.
By Dr. Gallagher:
Moved, That the old typewriter in the Surrogate's office be
exchanged for a new one and .the $56.42 balance in the Sur-
rogate's office be applied toward such exchange.
Seconded by Mr. Begent and unanimously carried.
By Mr. Todd:
Moved, That the Chair appoint a committee to take up the
question of telephone service for the coming year.
Seconded and carried.
The Chair announced the following committee'= -Messrs.
Todd, Preswick, and Squier.
Dr. Judd paid the Clerk $18.00 for rent of automobile barn
for the months of June, July, August, September, October and
November, 1912. This money wasturned over by the Clerk, to
the County Treasurer.
By Mr. Todd:
Whereas, the Town Superintendents of the several Towns of Tompkins
County have made an estimate of the amount of money necessary to be raised
by tax for the improvement of the bridges and highways and other miscellaneous
highway purposes of their respective towns as provided by Section 90 of the
Highway Law, and
Whereas, the respective town boards have approved or changed said esti-
mates as provided by Section 91 of the Highway Law, therefore, be it -
Resolved, That the said estimates as approved or changed by the Town
Boards bereceived and the sum set opposite the name of the respective towns
in the column which bears the heading "Amount of lst Item," (which is the
amount of the 1st Item in said estimates), be assessed, levied and collected upon
the taxable property of the respective towns, exclusive of the property within
94 The Supervisors' Proceedings.
the limits of the incorporated village or villages of their respective towns which
maintain their streets and highways as a separate road district, and be it further,
Resolver), That the sum set opposite the names of the respective towns in
the columns which bear the heading ".Amount of Second ltem," "Amount of Third
Item," and "Amount of Fourth Item," (which is the amount of the second, third
and fourth items of said estimates as approved by the various town boards), be
assessed, levied upon and collected from the entire taxable property of the
various towns of Tompkins Counl.v as follows, that is to say
Amount Amount. Amount amount
1st Item 3d Item 3ril Item 4th stent
Caroline . 1127.01 .100. 50. 100.
Danby . 2000.00 600. 150. 100.
.Dryden . 4800.00 1800. 600. 400.
Enfield . 1800.00 600. 140. 150.
Groton ,. 3860.00 1600. 140. 500.
Ithaca 2472.73- 250.
Lansing . 3200.00 500. 150. 100.
\ewlielrl _ 2200.00 500. 400. 200.
Ulysses 1100.40800. 150. 00.
And that the several amounts when collected shall be pair) to the Super-
visors of 'the respective towns to be paid out by them as provider) by law.
Seconded by Dr. Gallagher and unanimously carried.
The remainder'of the horning session was devoted to com-
mittee work.
Moved, seconded and carried that we adjourn.
Afternoon Session.
All members present except Mr. Hyers.
The following claims were reported favorably and it was
recommended that they be allowed for the full amounts claim;
ed: Bills No. 155, 152, 153, 154, 79, 99, 165, 171, 160, 161, 149,
150, 145, 148, 147, 146, 166, 167, 159, 143, 144, 174, 173,
176, 162, and 163.
Laid over under the rule. _
The remainder of the afternoon session was devoted to
committee work.
Moved, seconded and carried that we adjourn.
Clerk of the Board.
The Supervisors' Proceedings. 95
Morning Session.
Monday, December 2nd, 1912.
Roll call. All members present except Mr. Fenner.
Minutes of the preceding day were read and approved.
The remainder of the morning session was devoted to com-
mittee work.
Moved, seconded and carried that we adjourn.
Afternoon Session.
All members present. -
Various petitions were received relative to good roads and
were referred to the Good Roads Committee.
Professor Bailey and others spoke relative to certain pro-
posed routes.
By Mr. Francis:
Resolved, Thal Reverend -Walker, Chaplain of the Alm,: Douse, .Philo Smith,
Keeper or the Alvis House and Doctor Chae, meet with the Board at 1.1 a. m.
Wednesday, relative to their salaries for the coming year.
Seconded by Mr. Preswick and carried.
The remainder of the afternoon session was devoted to
committee work.
Moved, seconded and carried that we adjourn.
Clerk of the Board.
96 The Supervisors' Proceedings.
• Tuesday, December 3rd, 1912.
Morning Session.
Roll call: All members present.
Minutes of the preceeding day were read and approved.
By Mr. Robinson:
Resolved, That this Board reciuest the State Highway Department that
all future State Highways in 'Tompkins County be constructed with a width of
fourteen feet and that the State and County Highways in said County be con-
structed with a width of twelve feet with a foot of rolled loose stone on each
side, and be it
Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board is directed to transmit forthwith
to the State Department of Highways a certified copy of the foregoing resolution.
Seconded and carried by unanimous vote.
The petition from Dryden, relative to good roads, was re-
ceived and referred to the Good Roads Committee.
Claims No. 188 to 192 inclusive, were read and referred to
the proper committees.
The remainder of the morning session was devoted to com-
mittee work.
Moved, seconded and carried that we adjourn.
Afternoon .Session.
All members present.
The Good Roads Committee made a preliminary report
The Supervisors' Proceedings. 97
recommending that the various towns be allowed the number of
miles set opposite their respective names:
Caroline . 6.80
Danby . .61
Dryden . 4.50
Enfield . 6.10
Groton . 13.49
Ithaca (Town) 2.75
Lansing 6.75
Newfield . 3.5(
UIysses 4.50
By Mr. Robinson :
.Resolved, That the Cloud Roads Comrnittee make u written report to this
Board, showing the number of miles of road improved or under contract in each
town and showing the number of miles apportioned to each town under the new
bond issue and the manner in which 'they arrived at such mileage, and showing
the roads which have been petitioned for, and further be it, {
IResoIved, That after such 'report is made the matter
twenty-four hours before any action is taken.
Seconded and carried.
By Mr. Todd :
pay on the table
Resolved, That Pritchard & Lyon be paid $400.00 on aeount. of masonary
work at the County Barn.
Seconded by Mr. Batty and -unanimously carried.
Mr. Robinson of the Printing Comrnittee submitted a report
relative to the bids received for printing the Proceedings for
1912. The Iowest bidder was the Forest City Printing:Company
and its bid was $2.45 per page for 2,000 copies.
By Mr. Todd :
Moved, That the contract for printing the proceedings of
98 The Supervisors' Proceedings.
this Board for 1912 be awarded to the Forest City Printing
Seconded and carried.
By Mr. Robinson :
Resolved, That there he levied and collected from the taxable property of
the County of Tompkins the sum of Six I-Iundred ($600.00) Dollars as and for
a partial payment or so much thereof as may be necessary for the printing of
the proceedings of this Board fur 1912, the order fur the said Six Hundred Dol-
lars however, not to be delivered to the printer by the Clerk until said proceedings
are printed and delivered to him and accepted by the Printing Committee in accord
with the contract.
Seconded and carried.
The following claims were audited and ordered paid for the
full amounts claimed by unanimous votes: Bilis No. 155, 154,
152, 153, 174; 172, 171, 173, 176, 163, 162, 165, 161, 160,
146; 147, 148, 145, 150, 149; 166, 167, 169, 168, 151, 159,
143, 144, 183, 13, 139, 91, 78, 30, 99, 79, • and 136.
Moved, seconded and carried that we adjourn.
Clerk of the Board.
Morning Session.
Tuesday, December 4th, .1912.
Roll call. All members present.
Minutes of the preceding meeting were read and approved.
The following report was submittedto the Board by the
Committee on Good Roads:
.The Supervisors' Proceedings. 99
Resolved, That the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins hi
regular session assembled on the 4th day of December, 1912, have designated
and hereby do designate and certify to the State Department of .Highways of
the State of New York the highways hereinafter described, all within the County
of :Tompkins and all as heretofore designated by this Board, as the portions of
highways to be improved in the year 1913:
1st. Commencing in the Town of Caroline at the Village of Brooltton, run-
ning thence to Caroline Center, a distance of four and one-half miles, and from
Willow Bridge westerly to the macadam road now being built on the Catskill
Turnpike, a distance of one and one-half miles, and from William ii. Roice's
northerly to Boiceville on the Catskill Turnpike, a distance of 80-100 of a mile,
amounting to 6 and 80-7.00 miles.
2nd. Comineneing at the macadam road in West Danby 'Village, running
thence easterly to Lehigh Valley Station, a distance of 61-100 miles.
3rd. Commencing at the State J-ioad in the center of Dryden 'Village, run-
ning thence south to the Harford line, a distance of four and one-half miles.
4th. Commencing in the Village of Enfield Center In the Town of :Sofield
and running south about one and three-eighths miles to the New load, thence
southeasterly and easterly on the New Road to Marshall's Corners; about one
mile,- thence easterly to the Town Line of Ithaca, being about two miles,.and from
the Ithaca Town Line to macadam road No. 454, a distance of 1.37 miles.
5th. Commencing in the Village of Groton and running thence north to
the Cayuga County Line, a distance of 2.75 miles,. and from the Village of Groton
on the Cortland Road to the Coi•tla.nd County lino. a distance of 5.75 miles, and
from the CortIanl line on the State Itoad through the Village of McLean, a dis-
tance of 5.99 miles, making in all 13.40 miles in the Town of Croton.,
Gth. Commencing at the northern City of Ithaca line, running thence north-
erly to the Town line between the Towns of Ithaca. and Lansing, a distance of
.1.5 miles.
7111. Commencing- at Rogues Harbor, in the Town of :Lansing, running
thence east one mile to Terhenning's Corners, and thence north to Cayuga County
line through the Village of North Lansing, a distance of 0.75 miles.
8th. Commencing near Newfield Village in the Town of Newfield On the
macadam road, running thence to Nina, a station on the Lehigh Valley Road, a
,litt:ance of 1.75 miles, and running from l)oan's Mill on the macadam road wester-
ly to Seabring's Corners, and in a northerly direction to 'Trurnbulls; Corners, a
distance of 2.25 miles, making in all a distance of four miles in the Town of
9th. Commencing in the State Road at Trumansburg, thence south on
South Street to Poclunk, thence southeasterly and south through No. 15 to the
Enfield line at Abel's Corners, a distance of 4.50 milds. 1n all amounting to
:i0 miles.
Your Committee has received a great many petitions for improved roads
in the different towns of the 'County, and has examined and formulated them
so as to give each .town a fair and equitable share of the 50 miles which we
have been informed should rightfully belong to Tompkins County, and in doing
this wo have acted to the best of our knowledge and ability, and while the
division may not be perfectly accurate, it is as nearly accurate as in our judg-
ment could be made. tVe were informed by the State authorities that this division
should be made according to three different propositions: First, area of the
towns; second, miles of road in each town; third, population in each town out-
side of cities and incorporated villages. And after studying the matter carefully,
100 The Supervisors' Proceedings.
IN arrived_ at the following conclusions: Caroline should receive 11 per cent. Of
the roads; Danby, 10 per cent; Dryden, 17 per cent; Enfield, 8 per cent; Groton.
12 per cent; Ithaca, 8 per cent; Lansing, 14 per cent; Newfield, 11 per cent; and
Ulysses, 9 per cent.
In making this division, we found that some towns had State Roads built.
provided for and laid out, and some towns had a number of miles of State and
County roads, and some had very few miles of any roads, State or County. And
in making tills division, we felt that we ought to take into consideration all of
the improved roads in each town, and the share of those who had a large number
of miles of road should be much less than that of those towns which had very
few miles of road. In doing this, the Committee has tried to be conscientious, and
fair to every town in the county, and while each and every Supervisor of Towns
'in which a.ny roads have been built or are about to he built have been consulter)
and all their petitions fairly considered, the Committee has been almost unanimous
on the division of the roads in the County.
Among our difficulties have been several like this: Mr. McGreevy, a uaenc-
ber of the Committee, urged the Boulevard Road ; the other members of the Com-
mittee voted unanimously to disregard his wishes. Several of the city members
expressed their views on the division, and claimed that it was their right to.dictate
on this division in favor of the City, but as no roads were laid in the City except
by State authority, their wishes were disregarded as kindly as possible.
A.s a Committee, we have been asked to explain to the Board the retc.sous
why we chose each piece of road, the length of these roads, the connection with
the other roads in the County and of the surrounding Counties,, and whether
they accommodated the farmers of the County or made through routes to other
Counties, Towns and Cities, and were a consistent part of the plans for unproved
roads through .this part of the State. And we were asked to state the reasons
how and why we arrived at the percentages of area, mites of road and population
and how we made a single percentage out of three percentages on three different.
The Committee consists of five members. No two members of this Com-
mittee have the same methods of thought, the same range of ideas, or the same
capacity of thinking, figuring, and arriving at conclusions, and it would be alrnost
impossible for us to put all our ideas, thought, feeling and computation in such
a form that the other members of the Board could fairly grasp the different. cal-
culations and ideas of the Committee.
We, as a Committee, have given you a chance to figure out ail of these
things for yourselves, and the most of you have traveled over all of these roads
and from the meager description given will be able to Iocate each piece and
see what connection they have with the surrounding roads of the County.
And the Committee hereby express thanks to the Board of Supervisors for
the forbearing and generous treatment which they have received from the different
members of the Hoard in this long continued arduous and nerve-racking -occupa-
tion of trying to divide'50 miles into 200 parcels and making each one of them
longer than the other fellows.
These literary meanders are to be continued indefinitely until each and
-every member of this Board is fully satisfied with the good intentions of the
Committee, or until the roads have to be repaired by the State.
All of which we submit 10 your enlightened judgment.
W. C..GALLAGHER, Chairman
H. 13. BROWN,
The Supervisors' Proceetlinys. 101
• By Mr. Brown:
Resolved, That 1.37 miles of Highway belonging to the Town of Enfield be
awarded to the Town or Ithaca, upon the express condition that it be placed to
connect Road 454 with the Enfield and Marshalls' Corners State and County High-
By Mr. Todd and Mr. Preswick :
Resolved, That it is the sense of this Board of Supervisors should there be
an excess of Highway over that already designated; that this Board recommend
that said excess be placed on the Coddington Ilighwa•y as a highway of importance.
The Committee on Good Roads recommends both of the
foregoing resolutions.
Action on these resolutions was deferred until Thursday,
December 5th, 1912.
The remainder of the morning session was devoted to com-
mittee work.
Moved, seconded and carried that we adjourn.
Afternoon Session.
Roll call. All members present.
The annual report of the County Superintendent of High-
ways was received and ordered printed in the Proceedings. .
Various recommendations of the County Superintendent of
Highways were read by the Clerk to the members of the Board.
The following report was received and ordered printed:
To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County—
Your Committee appointed to procure supplies for main-
tenance of prisoners confined at the County Jail hereby report
. as follows:
102 The Supervisors' Proceedings.
No. of meals supplied for quarter commencing Jan. 1st, 1912, 2 meals each day 1203
Average cost per day .1312
Average cost per meal .0550
Second -Quarter commencing April 1st 1187
Average cost per day 1594
Average cost per meal 079.1
Third Quarter commencing July 1st 322
Average cost per day 1593
Average cost per meal .0797
Average cost per meal for 9 months .075
Total cost $233.40
R. 1'. McGRF EVY,
By Mr. Hgers :
Resolved, That this Board hereby designate and certify to the State High
way .Department to be constructed in 1913, or as soon thereafter as reachd, the
following highway situate in the Town of Ithaca, County of Tompkins, State of
New York, to wit:
Beginning at the City line of the City of Ithaca on the Lake Road on the
west side of Cayuga Lake, known as the Boulevard and extending in a northerly
direction to the corner of Cayuga Lake, a distance of about threefourths of a.
mile, and be it,
Resolved, That the Clerk herewith forward a certified copy, etc., to the
State :Highway Department.
Seconded by Dr. Gallagher.
Moved, seconded and carried that we adjourn.
Clerk of the Board.
Morning Session.
Thursday, December 5th, 1912.
Roll call. All members present.
The Supervisors' Proceedings. 103
Minutes of the preceding day were read and approved. .
By Mr. Robinson:
Resolved, That any action on the report of the Good 'Toads Committee re-
garding the allotment of improved roads in the County be postponed until -Aron-
day, December Oth, 1912, at 2 o'clock p. in., a.nd that an opportunity be given
at that time for any person to appear before lllis Board upon the question of
Seconded by Mr. Preswick.
Ayes --Todd, Brown, Preswick, McGreevy, layers, Francis,
Robinson, and Squier, 8.
Nays ---Gallagher, Begent, Fenner, McAllaster and Batty, 5.
The remainder of the morning session was devoted to com-
mittee work.
Moved, seconded and carried that we adjourn.
Afternoon Session.
All members present.
By Mr. Francis:
Whereas it appears from an inspection of the assessment rolls of the various
tax districts of the County of Tompkins or some statements file¢ by the assessors
of the said various tax districts the number of shares of stock of banks and bank-
ing associations in each town, city, village, school and other tax districts in which
such shares of stock are taxable are as follows:
C[:t'Y oir 1TIIAC:1.
:Tompkins County National E3ank.
One Thousand Shares of capital stock, par value $100.00 each $100,000.00
Surplus 150.000.00
Undivided profits 19,.528.96
Amount for taxation $269,528.91i
Value of each share for taxation $269.52.
104 Tlie Surylea•visors' Proceedings.
First National Bank of Ithaca.
Twenty-five lIuncired Shares of capital stock, par value $100.00 $250,000.00
Amount of Surplus 75,000.00
Undivided profits 43,779.31
Amount for taxation $368,779.31
Value of each share for taxation $147.51.
First National Bank of Dryden.
250 Shares of Capital Stock, par value $100.00 $25,000.00
Surplus 18,000.00
Undivided Profits 2,192.07
Amount for taxation $45,192.67
Value or each share for taxation $180.77.
First National Bank of. Groton.
1,.x00 Snares of Capital Stock, par value $100,000.00
Surplus 20,000.00
Undivided Profits 1,757.48
Amount for taxation $121,757.48
Value of. each share for taxation $121.76.
Mechanic's Bank of Groton.
500 Shares o.tf Capital Stock, par value $ 50,000.00
Surplus 50,000.00
Profit and Loss 5,207.11
Amount for taxation $105,207.11
Value o1' each share for taxation $210.41.
First National Bank.
200 Shares of Capital Stock, par value $ 25,000.00
Surplus • 6,000.00
Undivided Profits 1,2355.90
Amount for taxation $ 32,235.96
Value of each share for taxation $128.94.
The State Bank,
250 Shares of Capital Stock, par value $100.00 each $ 25,000.00
Surplus 5,000.00
Undivided Profits 1,550.00
Amount for taxation $ 31,550.00
Value of each share for taxation $126.20.
Resolved, That a tax of one per centum upon the values of the shares of
stock as above set forth be levied .and assessed and that the Clerk of this Board
forthwith mail to the president or cashier of each of said banks or banking associa-
The Supervisors' Proceedings. 105
tions, a statement setting forth the amount of its capital stock, surplus and un-
divided profits, the number of outstanding shares thereof, the value of each
share of stock taxable as hereinbefore ascertained and the aggregate amount of
tax to be collected and paid by such bank and banking association as Provided by
Section 24 of the Tax Law, and be it further,
Resolved, That this Board of Supervisors issue their warrant or order
signed.by the Chairman and Clerk of this Board as provided by Section 24 of the
'Pax Law on or before the 15th day of December, 1912.
On motion this resolution was adopted.
A petition from the Superintendents of the Poor, relative
to an increase in salaries,- was received and referred to the Com-
mittee on Appropriations.
Several petitions relative to good roads were received and
referred to the Good Roads Committee.
The County Sealer's report was received and ordered print-
ed in the Proceedings.
The following claims were reported favorably and the re-
spective committees recommended that they be paid in the full
amounts claimed: 158, 170, 107, 157, 156, 48, 141, 192, 94, 179,
175, 72, 102, 87, 112, 190, 188 and 191.
The Committee on' Coroner's and District Attorney's Ac-
counts recommended that the District Attorney's „ account,
amounting to $405.50 be paid, with the exception of the claim
of the Williamson Law Book Co., for $7.50, which was disal-
lowed because it had been previously rejected by the Board.
The following claims were recommended to be paid in the.
full amounts claimed:
Jdarry M. .Kaiser $141.78
Empire State Ilousefurniahing Co. 124.20
Frank S. Betz Co. 53.00
Isaac 1V. Brewer 11.16
George W. Benham 132.00
Head Manufacturing Co. 369.1.3
H. D. Dougherty & Co. . 99.64
Rothschild Bros. 160.36
Rothschild Bros. 129.56
The Supervisors' Proceedings.
Rothschild Bros. 22.80
Edward 13eanv Estate 227.57
Bush & Dean 44.40
Cayuga Press 6.00
Forest City Printing Co. 9.20
C. J. I;umsey & Co. • 2.25
Trernan, ling & CO. 92.04
C. C. Calkins 22.57.
P. B. Aiken 235.25
3. S. Johnson 23.30
Pay Roll 195.00
Kalamazoo Stove Co. 49.00
Stone & Forsyth 59.50
Seabury & Johnson 14.00
All these claims were laid over under. the rule.
Moved, seconded and carried that we adjourn.
Clerk of the Board.
Morning Session.
Friday, December fith, 1912.
Roll call. All members present.
• Minutes of the preceding day were read and approved.
Dr. Gallagher, Chairman of the Committee to secure rights
of wad on the Ithaca -West Danby Road, reported that the Com-
mittee had received options from the following persons for the
amounts set opposite their respective names:
George 0. Williams and Mary L. Williams $375.00
Leona Quick 36.00
Frank G. Snyder, Hattie Snyder & Della Snyder 1.00
C. H. Snyder and Grace K. Snyder .. 15.00
Dumont Albright, Jessie M. Albright, R. C.
Albright, Jessie P. Albright 75.00
The Supervisors' Proceedings. 107
William H. Snyder and Harriet J. Snyder 300.00
Clair Sincebaugh and'Ida Sincebaugh 1.00
Jerome Snyder and Hattie A. Snyder 50.00
Resolved, That the report of the Committee be accepted and that the Com-
mittee secure deeds from the aforesaid owners for the amounts mentioned and
that the County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay upon the certificates of the
said Committee from any unexpended funds in his hands, the said sums upon de-
livery of the said deeds to the County of Tompkins, and if there are not sufficient
funds- in the County Treasury with which • to apply said amounts, lithe County
Treasurer is hereby authorized and empowered to borrow all or part of said
sums on the obligation of the County of 'Tompkins.
Carried unanimously.
The Clerk of the Board was instructed to obtain the County
Judge's consent on the cases where over $200.00 was ::to be ex-
By Mr. Fenner:
Resolved, That the Good Roads Committee place in their report, as among
the many good results of their deliberations, that the .•.'sly Glen Road, beginning
at the 'T'own Line of the Town of Ithaca, running thence northerly, to a point
where it shall connect with State Route No, :II,. he included in their report.
Seconded and unanimously carried.
By Mr. Brown :
Resolved, That wo rescind the resolution of Supervisor 1tobinson In the
matter' of the good roads report. And that said report be taken up ,immediately
for adoption.
Seconded by Mr. Squier.
Mr. Robinson's resolution to lay on the table Mr. Brown's
resolution was Lost.
Ayes—Todd, Preswick, McGreevy, Francis and Robinson, 5.
Nays—Gallagher, Brown, Begent, Hyers, Squier, Fenner,
McAllaster and Batty, 8.
. Mr. Brown's resolution to take up the report immediately
was carried.
108 The Supervisors' Proceedings.
Ayes--Galagher, Todd, Brown, Begent, Hyers, Squier,
Fenner, McAllaster and Batty, 9.
Nays—Preswick, McGreevy, Francis and Robinson, 4.
By Mr. Robinson:
.Resolved, That the report be referred back to the Committee for them to
incorporate therein the number of miles of road in each town and the area of .
each town, the population of each town exclusive of cities and incorporated vil-
lages and the percentages which they bear to the other towns in the County so
that there will appear in their report the tables on which they based their per-
centages of the allotment of roads to the various towns.
Ayes—Preswick, Francis, and Robinson, 3.
Nays—Gallagher, Todd, Brown, Begent, McGreevy, Hyers,
Squier, Fenner, McAllaster and Batty, 10.
Mr. Robinson's resolution was declared lost.
By Mr. Robinson:
Moved, That Section 1 of the report of the Committee be amended so as
to read as follows:
Commencing in the Town of Caroline at the end of the macadam road In
the village of Brookton, running thence easterly to W. K. Boice's Corners; thence
southerly through Caroline Centel• towards Speedsvitle ; a distance amounting to
6.80 miles.
Seconded by Mr. Preswick.
Ayes—Preswick, Francis, Squid and Robinson, 4..
Nays—Gallagher, Todd, Brown, Begent, McGreevy, Hyeys,
Fenner, McAllaster and Batty, 9.
The resolution was declared lost.
Mr. Robinson's resolution that the report be taken
section by.section was lost.
- Mr. Todd called for the previous question and by unanimous
The Supervisors' Proceedings. 109
vote the Board adopted the recommendations of the Good Roads
Committee and the Clerk of the Board was directed to transmit
a certified copy of said resolution to the State Highway Depart-
ment at Albany.
Afternoon Session.
All members present except Mr. Todd and Mr. McAllaster.
Various petitions ' relative to good roads were received and
referred to the Good Roads Committee.
The remainder of the afternoon session was devoted to
committee work.
Moved, seconded and carried that we adjourn.
Clerk of the Board.
Morning Session.
Monday; December 9th, 1912.
All members present except Mr. McGreevy, Mr. Fenner and
Mr. McAllaster.
Minutes of the' preceding day were read and approved.
• Mr. Chappuis presented the town audits of the Town of
Dryden amounting to $3,168.66, which amount, on motion, was
ordered levied upon and assessed against. the taxable property
of the Town of Dryden, by unanimous vote.
On motion the following sums were ordered levied upon
110 The Supervisors' Proceedings.
and collected from the taxable property in the .Town of Dryden,
by unanimous vote:
Salary of Town Superintendent $000.00
Support of Town Poor 350.00 '
New Bridge Built in 1912 1375.00
Dericiencv of Bridge Lund 1912 1459.51
Deficiency cif Machine Fund 390.05
Memorial Day 50.00
Mr. Brown presented the town audits of the Town of En-
field amounting to $1,350.18, which, amount, less $150.00 now in
the hands of the County Treasurer, i. e., $1,200.18 was, on
motion, ordered levied upon, assessed against the taxable
property of the Town of Enfield, by unanimous vote.
On motion it was resolved that there be levied upon and
assessed against 4the taxable property in the Town of Enfield
the sum of $50.00 for the support of the Town poor for the en-
suing year.
Mr. McAliaster presented the town audits of the Town of
• Newfield, amounting to $2,304.41, which amount, on motion,
was ordered levied upon and assessed against the taxable property
of the Town of Newfield by unanimous vote.
• On motion it was resolved that the sum of $50.00 be levied
upon and assessed against the taxable property of the Town of
Newfield for temporary out-of-door relief and support of the
poor in said Town, for the year beginning February 1st, 1913.
On motion the following sums were ordered levied upon and
assessed against the taxable property of the Town of Newfield:
rrincipa] of Bonds glue March l.st, 1913 $2,000.00
Interest on $24,000 from September 1st, 1912, to March 1st, 1913 420.00
Interest on $28,000 from March 1st, 11113.to September 1st, 7913 385.00
Mr. Todd presented the town audits of the Town of Danby
amounting to $2,173.61, which amount, on motion, was ordered
levied upon and assessed against the taxable 'property of the
Town of Danby, by unanimous' vote.
The Supervisor.' Proceedings. , 111
On motion the sum of $121.00 was ordered levied upon and
assessed against the taxable property of the r.Fown of Danby for
the temporary relief and support of the poor for the year begin-
ning November 1st, 1912.
Mr. Gallagher presented the town audits of the Town of
Caroline, amounting to $1,812.50, which amount, on motion, was
ordered levied upon and assessed against the taxable property
of the Town of Caroline, by unanimous vote.
On motion the following sums were ordered levied, upon and
assessed against the taxable property of the Town of Caroline:
interest on 'l'own indebtedness to County
Ridgeway Bros., for belt to be used on stony; crusher
:Memorial Services
To The Honorable Board of Supervisors of the County of
Gentlemeli :
1, William C. Gallagher, Supervisor of the Town of Caroline,
Tompkins County, pursuant to Section 251 of the Highway Law,
do hereby render to the Board of Supervisors of'said• County a
statement of the cost of Construction and repair of the free pub-
lic bridges crossing streams forming the boundary between said
County and the County of Tioga, as follows:
:Town of Caroline's share of Harford road bridge $ 255.00
'town of Caroline's share of \1'illiow Creek bridge . 40.00
Total cost $265.00
Dated, Caroline, N. Y., October 31st, 1012.
Supervisor, Town 'Of Caroline.
By Dr. Gallagher:
Resolved, That there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property
of the County of Tomplcins, the sum of $88.33 and paid to the Town of Caroline,
as the County's share of $530.00, the cost of bridges built and repaired in 1012'
on the Harford road and at 'Willow Creek on the town lines of Caroline anis Rich-
- 112 .The Supervisors' Proceedings.
ford and the county line between Tompkins and Tioga Counties, pursuant to Sections
250 and 251 of the Highway Law.
Seconded and carried.
Mr. Begent presented the town audits of the Town of Groton
amounting to $2,647.33, which amount, on motion, was ordered
levied upon and assessed against the taxable property of the
Town of Groton, by unanimous vote.
On motion the following sums were ordered levied upon and
assessed against the taxable property of the Town of Groton :
For Veteran Poor $75.00
r,.0 00
For Memorial Day
Mr. Fenner presented the town audits of the Town of Lan-
sing amounting to $2,281.74, which amount, on motion, was
ordered levied upon and assessed against the taxable property
of the Town of Lansing, by unanimous vote. -
On motion the following sums were ordered levied upon
and assessed against the taxable property of the Town of Lan-
sing, by unanimous vote: .
Payment of the 1st Bond issued on the .New Bridge at Myers, N. Y. $850.00
Interest due 150.00
Mr. Batty presented the town audits of the Town of Ulysses
amounting to $2,488.60 which amount, on motion, was ordered
levied upon and assessed against the taxable property of. the
Town of Ulysses, by unanimous vote.
On motion the following sums were ordered levied upon
and assessed against the taxable property of the Town of Ulysses,
by unanimous vote:
Indigent Soldiers & Sailors ; 60.00
Memorial Day 50.00
Town poor 300.00
Bonded Indebtedness 2000.00
Interest on Bonds 945.00
Sinking Fund for Road No. 6I6 216.85
Interest on No. 616 Road Fund 433.54
The Supervisors' Proceedings. 113
Maintenance on Road No. 616 300.00
Maintenance and Improvement of Bridges 800.00
Removal of Snow 50.00
Charges, repair & storage of tools, implements and machinery 150.00
Deficiency in Bridge Fund for 1912 5p0.00
Ilighway Fund for 1913 2400.00
Deficiency in School Fund 193.21
Mr. Preswick presented the Town audits of the Town of
Ithaca amounting to $2,194.22, which amount, on motion, was
ordered levied upon and assessed against the taxable property of
the Town of Ithaca by unanimous vote.
On motion the following amounts were ordered levied upon
and assessed against the taxable property of the Town of Ithaca,
by unanimous vote:
Support of the Poor for the ensuing year $800.00
interest on $7,500 to January 1st, 1913, due County 300.00
To be paid on principal 500.00
The Clerk read the following certificate and on motion the
amounts as hereunto set forth were ordered levied upon and
assessed against :the respective properties, by unanimous vote:
To Chas. McDaniels, Town Clerk of the Town of Newfield:
The undersigned, Town Superintendent of the Town of Newfield, hereby
certifies that he caused to be removed the noxious weeds, brush or briars in front
of the lands owned or occupied by the persons named in the following list as
authorized and required by Section 54 of the Highway Law: that after giving
notice required by law he has assessed the cost of cutting and removing such
noxious weeds, brush and briers against the owner or occupant whose duty it was
pursuant to Section 54 of the Highway Law to cut and remove the same; and
that such completed assessment is as follows;
Name of Owner. Premises described. Character of work. Cost.
E. E. Ingalls cutting weeds and brush $ 1.20
Harry Bowers cutting weeds and brush 5.20
Lewellyn Smith cutting weeds and brush 3.20
Bradford Boyce Estate cutting weeds and brush 3.00
Fred Westcott cutting weeds and brush 7.10
John Vail cutting weeds and brush ........ 2.40
Ruth Stewart cutting weeds and brush 3.30
Anna 11, Fosbinder cutting weeds and brush 14.20
Sanford Freese Estate cutting weeds and brush .60
Amanda Chaffee cutting weeds and brush .80
A. E. De Grew cutting weeds and brush 1:60:
Chas. Hartshorn cutting weeds and brush - 2.10
Burt Stamp . cutting weeds and brush .20
Nelson Starks cutting weeds and brush .20
Chas. Starks cutting weeds and brush .20
114 The Supervisors' Proceedings.
O. 13. Williams cutting weeds and brush 1.40
Catherine Berns cutting •weeds ants brush 1.20
Einmitt Cook cutting weeds and brush .60
A: '1). ?3, own cutting weds and Dr':,,1 •213
Sarah Kellog cutting weeds and brush .40
Clarissa Cook cutting weeds and brush .20
George Resseguie - cutting weeds- and brush 9.60
Chas. Romsey
' cutting weeds and brush 1.60
Joseph Deland,A • ,cutting weeds and brush 1.60
David Dassance 1 cutting weeds and brush • .50
Mary Savercool . . cutting weeds and brush .2.60
H. C. Baldwin ,cutting weeds and brush .40
Ophelia Swartwood - cutting' weeds and brush 1.60
Stephen Oltz . - cutting weeds and brush . .70
T. C. Henry • ' cutting weecls and brush 6.40
Willis Unsay cutting weecls and brush' 5.40
,Charles Todd' .. :_ cutting weeds and brush .20
Wm. Gray cutting weeds and brush • 1.60
G. O: Williams . cutting weecls "and brush 12.80
Alfred Seely . cutting weeds and. brush • 3.60
The above is a true statement of the actual cost of the work performed
as above described.
Dated, November 9th, 1912.
' • • C. B.' BOICJ ,
Town Superintendent of Highways,
Town of -Newfield.
The Clerk read the following certificate and on motion, the
amounts set forth, were ordered levied upon and assessed against
the resepctive properties by •unanimous vote:
To W. V. Itumsey, Town Clerk of the Town of Enfield, N. Y.:
The undersigned Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of En-
field, hereby certifies that he caused to be removed the noxious weeds, brush and
briars in front of the lands owned or occupied by the persons named in the
following as authorized and required -by Section 54 of the J•lighway-Law.
The following is the list of owners:
Lewis Frear Farm cutting brush and weeds... $7.00
John King ....... •...,.... ... Farm cutting brush and weecls .80
Adam Gray Est . Farm. cutting brush and weeds - 9.20
Susan Drake Est Farm cutting brush and weeds ,1 20
'!Ellen Mattison Farm cutting weeds and brush , 2.00
• -Wm. Wallenbeck Est. Farm cutting brush and weeds 4.80
Imogene Hausner Farm cutting brush and weeds 1.20
• $26.20
The above is a true statement of the actual cost of the work performed
as , above described.
Dated, Enfield, N. Y.,• October 29th, 1912.
Town Superintendent of Highways.
The. Supea'visors' Proceedings: 115
The Clerk read the following certificate and' on me tion, the
a.inounts set forth,.were ordered levied upon and assessed against
the respective properties; by unanimoils'vote:
To Ic. E. Darling, 'I'own Clerk of the Town of Dryden:
• The •undersigned, Town Superintendent of the :]'own of Dryden, hereby certi-
fies that be caused to be removed the noxious weeds, brush and briars ' in front of
the lands owned or occupied by the person named in the following list as authoriz-
ed and required by Section 54 of the Highway Law; that he has assessed the
cost of- cutting and removing such noxious weeds, brush and briars against the
owner or occupant 'Whose duty ,it was. pursuant to Section 54, of the Highway
Law, to cut and remove the-saine'; and that sueh completed assessment is as
follows: `
Mrs.' .David Van Natta 4 hrs. at .20 ' " $ .80
Mrs. C. Snyder ' ' 6 hrs, at .20" 1.20
Fred :Middaugh 8 hrs. at .20 ` 1.60
Mrs, Josephine I Iasbrook 18 hrs. at .20 3.60
Bert Shaw 3 hrs. at .23, .00
3 hrs. man and team at .50 1.50
The following jietitiori'ivasreceived and on rrlotion .vas duly
To The Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County:' •
The undersigned, Assessors of the Town of Tanfield in said County, do here-
by petition your Honorable Body to correct the Assessment Roll of said Town
for 1912 in the following assessment, wherein in ecipying'by-mistake tlie exemp-
tion was omitted :
Name Description•of Parcel • ,
Pletcher, Chas. J. N. by Jarvis Abel, East
by -Almira Landing. W by
Vianna Broas.
Quantity [ ull' Value Exemption Reason for Exemption.
61 acres $1325. $1125. i; Pension
Dated, Nov. 19, 1912.
Assessors. •
Moved, _seconded and carried, that we. adjourn.
Afternoon Session.•
All present except McAllister and McGreevy.
The Clerk read the following recoinniendations for' appoint -
meat of Commissioners of Election:_:
State of New .1 ork•1y
Tompkins' County "1 88-
T, -
8.T,' B.F. Lent, . Chairman of the County Committee of the Democratic party,
116 The Supervisors' Proceedings.
for the County of Tompkins, do hereby in accor1.nce with the provisions of Sec-
tion 194 of the election law, certify that in my opinion and in the opinion of the
said cornmittee, Clarence C. Squier is a resident and qualified elector of the
County of Tompkins, State of New York, and he is a fit and proper person to
be appointed a Commissioner of Elections, and 1 do hereby- recommend him for
appointment to said office.
Jn Witness, Whereof I have made and executed this Certificate this 5th day
of December, 1912.
Chairman Democratic County Committee of Tompkins County.
1, Paul S. Millspaugh, Chairman of the County Committee of the ]republican
Party, for the County of Tompkins, do hereby, in accordance with the provisions
of Section 194 of the election Iaw, certify that in my opinion and in the opinion
of the said committee, Arthur G. Adams, a resident and qualified elector of the
City of Ithaca, and of the County of Tompkins, N. Y., is a fit and proper person
to be appointed a Commissioner of Elections, and I do hereby recommend him
for appointment to said office.
By Mr. Robinson:
Resolved, That the Clerk be instructed to cast one ballot for the appoint-
ment of Arthur G. Adams and Clarence C. Squier as Commissioners of Election
for 'Tompkins County, for a term of two years.
Seconded by Mr. Fenner.
Unanimously carried.
The Clerk thereupon cast a ballot for Arthur G. Adams and
Clarence C. Squier and they were declared elected Commissioners
of Election for a term of two years.
By Mr. Squier:
Moved, That Dr. Carl F. Denman be appointed Jail Physician
for the ensuing year.
Seconded by Mr. Robinson and unanimously carried.
By Mr. Preswick :
Resolved, as Jail Physician, Dr. Denman be paid $1.00 per visit. _
Seconded and carried.
Moved, seconded and carried that we adjourn.
Clerk of the Board.
The Supervisors' Proceedings.. 117
Morning Session.
Tuesday, December 10th, 1912.
All members present except Mr. McGreevy and Mr. McAI-
Minutes of the preceding day were read and approved.
The morning session was devoted to Committee work.
Moved, seconded and carried that we adjourn.
Afternoon Session.
All members present.
A petition from Ulysses, relative to good roads, was receiv-
ed and read and referred to the Good Roads Committee.
By Mr. Preswick:
Whereas, The Federal and State governments have endorsed the plan of
establishing Farm Bureaus In agricultural counties as an effective means of ad-
vancing the agricultural industry, and
Whereas, The Tompkins County Pomona Grange has endorsed the plan to
the extent of adopting resolutions to the effect that it will try to raise the sum
of $900 for this purpose in co-operation with the other agricultural organizations'
of Tompkins County, and
Whereas, The New York State Department of Agriculture will undoubtedly
contribute to the support of such a Bureau in Tompkins County, and
Whereas, Farm Bureaus in Broome, Chemung, Clinton and Jefferson Coun-
ties have received the endorsement and the promise of support and co-operation in
every way except in funds from the Director of the New York State. College of
Therefore, be it resolved that the Tompkins County Board of Supervisors
hereby approve of the plan for Tompkins County and does hereby raise the sum
of $1,000 by taxation to be available at such time as the County Agricultural
organizations have obtained $900 and the New York State Department of Agri-
culture has contributed $690. If said organization do not raise the $1,500 then the
$1,000 shall go to the general fund.
Seconded by Mr. Robinson.
Moved, seconded and carried that the above resolution be
laid on the table until Wednesday, December 11th, 1912, at 2
p. M.
The following report was- read by the Clerk:
118 The Supervisors' Proceedings..
Your Committee on Equalizatioti.reportr that, .iit accordance with Chapter
801, of the Laws of 1311, it has examined the assessment .rolls of the several
tax districts of Tompkins County -and; has investigated real estate values in all
the tax districts of 1rompkifis County with 'regard to the relation which such
valuation in each tax district bears to the valuation in other tax districts and
recommend the adoption of the following resolution:
.Resolved, That the percentages, hereafter inclicated aftei•: the mimes 'of the
toivns and City of Ithaca, be and the same hereby are recommended as the ratio—
or percentages which the assessed value of the real property in each district'
bears to its full value:
• . ' ,.•t . ,'i .., r , r ' •i:
Caroline 100%
Danby ` 100%
Dryden 100%
Enfield 30%
Groton 100%
Ithaca (City) _ 80%
Ithaca (Town) 1 100% -
Lansing 8 O%
Newfield 100%
Ulysses 85%
F. A. BEGL.NT, '
F. A. TODD, •
Moved, seconded and carried that- this report be received
and referred to the new Equalization Committee. That a min-
ority report, if any, be received and referred to the same Com-
mittee, not later than 10:30.a. m., December llth, 1912.
The following certificate was read by the Clerk: •
To A. W. Kline, Town'Cletk;
• The undersigned Town Superintendent of the Town of Ithaca, hereby- certi-
fies that he caused to be removed the. noxious weeds or briars in front of the
lands owned or occupied by the persons named in the following list, as authorized
and required by Section 54 of the Highway Law; that ne has assessed the cost
of cutting and removing such weeds and brush against the owner or occupant,
whose duty it was to cut and remove the same, and such assessment is as follows:
W. C. Tomlinson
W. J. Bates
Lot 96 $1,50
Lot 51552 1.50
Town Superintendent, Town of Ithaca.
Moved, seconded and carried that the above amounts be
levied upon and assessed against the respective properties.
The Supervisors' Proceedings. 119.
Moved, seconded and carried that we adjourn.
Clerk of the Board.
Morning Session.
Wednesday, December ,11th, 1912:
All members present except Mr. McGreevy. • • . .
• • :•
Minutes of the preceding day were read and approved.
A minority report, signed by. two members. of, the. Equali-
zation Committee of 1911-1912, was received and referred to •
the new Equalization Committee.
The remainder of the morning session was devotedi.to Com-
mittee work.
Afternoon Session,
All members present except Mr. McGreevy.
• .
The following report was received from. .the. ComMrittee on
Superintendents of the Poor and the resolutions therein' contain-
ed were, on motion, duly adopted by this Board. •
• To the Board of Supervisors:
Your Committee on the Accounts of the Superintendents of the' Poor have
examined the report relative to the cost of maintaining the poor of the County
of Tompkins and find it correct.
And we also rind a balance in the hands
vember 15th, 1912, of $786.56, to the credit of
of the County Treasurer, on No -
the Superintendents of the Poor.
R. P. MeG•ii.Euvy,
N. 13. BROWN,
By Messrs. McGreevy, Robinson and Brown:
Resolved, That for the maintenance of the poor having settlement in Tomp-
kins County that there be levied and collected from the taxable property of the
120 The Supervisors' Proceedings.
several Towns hereinafter named and the City- of Ithaca to reimburse the said
county for moneys. expended for the maintenance of the poor of the various
Towns and the City of Ithaca during the year ending November 155th, 1912, the
following sums, to wit:
County- Poor 2250 $ 569.32
Ithaca City-- Poor 7504 1898.74
Ithaca Town Poor 0000 000.00
Caroline Town Poor 366 92.61
Danby Town I'Oor 10-15 264.42
Dryden Town Poor 1952 493.92
Enfield Town Poor 174 4-1.03
Groton Town Poor 1116 282,19
Lansing Town Poor 1731
Newfield Town Poor 671 169.79
Ulysses Town Poor 334 236.33 IP
17,744 $4,489.80
Resolved, That there be levied and collected from the taxable property of the
County of Tompkins, the sum of $2,190.20, which with the above mentioned sums
charged to the various towns and the City of Ithaca, and with the balance in the
hands of the county treasurer, as shown in the report of the Superintendents of
the Poor, $786.56, makes a total of $7,386.56, for the maintenance of the poor of
Tompkins County for the year 1913.
By Messrs. McGreevy, Robinson and Brown :
Resolved, That t}ie salary and compensation of Grant Cole as Superinten-
dent of the Poor elected November, 1912, be fixed at $200.00 per annum and three
cents for every mile actually and necessarily traveled in diseharging his official
The Superintendents of the Poor of Tompkins County, clo respectfully- and
earnestly- ask the Boast of Supervisors to see that the Arms House Buildings are
properly painted, for their preservation and appearance; that the porches be re-
paired as their present conclitionis unsafe; that an adequate sewer system he
Installed so that conditions will be sanitary; and that some arrangements he made
that we may more conveniently heat water for the bath room and also bring water
by pipe to the kitchen,
NOvernher, 1912.
Your Conrrnittee recommend the above.
Superintendents of Poor.
R. P. 3[cGFlEEVT,
1. B. BROWN,
The following report from the Committee on Fuel and
Light was received and ordered printed in the Proceedings.
To the Board of Supervisors:
Your Committee on Fuel and Light report as follows:
Balance, 1911 account $ 180.37
The Supervisors' Proceedings. 121
Appropriation, 1912 900.00
For Fuel and Light, expended 1012.89
$ 68.08
The supply of fuel mentioned in this report was purchased in June and
will last until the usual time of buying the 1913 supply In spring.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
By Mr. Hyers:
Resolved, That there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property
of the County of Tompkins the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($12;000.00), for
fuel and lights for the County Buildings located in the City of Ithaca for the
year 1913.
Seconded and carried.
Moved, seconded and carried that the matter of the pro-
posed Farm Bureau be taken up Thursday, December 12th, 1912,
at 2 p. m.
Moved, seconded and carried that we adjourn.
Clerk of the Board.
Morning Session.
Thursday, December 12th, 1912.
All members present.
Minutes of the preceding day were read. and approved.
The following report was submitted by the Committee on
122 The Supervisors' Proceedings:
O O O O P ^ µ 0 01 P
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The .Supervisr,•vs' •Pmceedings.L 123
• •
3'{L'..",8.19 �.�
00 ri N -i' 00 r- c G
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. reuos.Ied .
$ 815,770$8,740,6291$ 713,034.1.01$ 7,280 $ 20,2001
698,035 " 1 610,126.391 4,500 8,0001
2,172,682 " 1,809,060.611 .24,900 . 27,8001
585,638 511,885.221 , 3,740 • 9,2251
1,406,485 1 1,229,356.241 • 12,240 45,490
10,805,1871 " 1 9,444,412.081 482,3101 '..764,050
1,605,6491 ''1,403,438.111 19,4401 • 14;5001
1,602;2001 " 1,400,423.46 f`• 9;280 - 11,600
733,6].01 " . 641,221.79 3,972 20,000
1,340,6051 • " 1 1,1:71,773.001 -16,7201, . •OF,930
aRIVE le.I T • •
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0 •
124 The Supervisors' Proceedings.
The following claims were audited and ordered paid in the
full amounts claimed, by unanimous votes:
Nos. 15, 95, 102, 191, 112, 87, 164, 175, 179, 94, 192, 156,
107, 157,'189, 40, 141, 158, 170, 190, 188, 113, 180, 109,
82, 74, 45, 137, 184, 111, 96, 80, 181, 135, 43, 81,
122, 75, 61, 83, 193, 195, 19, 194, 55, 14, 54, 38,
24, 84, 134, 32, 118, 185, 196, 132, 131, 186, 130, 123,
133, 120, 119, 187, 126 and 128.
The following Tuberculosis Hospital claims were audited
and ordered paid in the full amounts claimed, by unanimous
Seabury and Johnson j 14.00
Kalamazoo Stove Co. 99.00
Stone & Forsyth 59.50
Pay roll, month of November 195.00
E. S. Johnson
C. J. Rumsey & Co.
Rothschild Bros. 100.20
Bush & Dean 44.40
Sarah Meany, and others 227.87
F. B. Aiken
Cornelius Collins 22.51
Rothschild Bros. .. 129.09
Cayuga Press
Treman, Ring & Co.
H. D. Dougherty & Co. 99.
Frank S. Betz Co. 52.0000
George w. Benham
Empire State House Furnishing Co. 124.20
Howard Mfg. Co. 181.62
Howard Mfg. Co. 187.51
Union Carbide Sales Co.
Isaac W. Brewer 11.
Harry M. Kizor
Forest City Printing Co.
Rothschild Bros.
Claim 182, amounting to $465.50, consisting of disburse-
ments and expenses in connection with the District Attorney's
office, was audited at $458.00.
Moved, seconded and carried that we adjourn.
The Supervisors' Proceedings.
Afternoon Session.
All members present.
By Mr. Francis and Mr. McAllaster:
Resolved, That the following amounts be appropriated for salaries in the
County Clerk's office for the coming year: •
Deputy Clerk, $000.00; Search Clerk, $750.00; and an allowance of $1,300.00
for copyists in said office, same to be used in the discretion of the County Clerk.
Seconded by Mr. Hyers.
Moved, seconded and carried that we go into executive
Mr. Gallagher moved as an amendment that the salaries
remain the same as last year, i: e., Deputy Clerk, $900; Search
Clerk, $750; and copyist, $1,000.
A vote was taken on Mr. Gallagher's amendment and it was
A vote was taken on the original resolution and it was lost.
The Appropriation Committee recommended the following:
We, the undersigned, the Appropriation Committee, recom-
mend that the Election Commissioners receive a salary of $500
each, per annum; said sum to be paid in monthly installments.
The Commissioners are to furnish an office, light and heat for
same and do all the work in connection with their : duties as
John Francis,
J. W. Preswick,
B. F. McAllaster.
By Mr. Begent:
126 Tk.e Supervisors'. s'.• Proceedings:
Moved that this recommendation be ,adopted by the Board.
Seconded by Mr. Hyers.
By Mr. Squier:
Moved as an amendment that the salary be $600 each, per
By Mr. McGreevy:
Moved as an amendment that the compensation for each
Commissioner. be the •same as last -year..
Seconded by Mr. Squier.
• Mr. Squier then moved, that the -original resolution be
changed t6 read $600 instead of'$500.
Seconded by Mr. Hyers.
A vote was taken on Mr. Squier's amendment and it was
lost. 8 nayes and 5 ayes.
A vote was taken on Mr. McGreevy's amendment and it
was lost. 9 nays, and 4 ayes. .
A vote was taken on the original resolution and it was car-
ried., Ayes --Gallagher, Todd, Begent, Preswick, Francis, Fen-
ner, illcAllaster and Batty, 8. Nays -Brown, McGreevy, Hyers,.
Robinson and Squier, 5. - ,,
By Mr. Hyers :
Moved, That .the,salary* of the Sealer of Weights and Mea-
sures be $s00 per
annum, "
Seconded by Mr. Brown.
The "Sitperviso•rs' Proceedings. 427
Moved, seconded and carried- that, this resolution be' re
ferred to the Appropriation Committee: ..
The Appropriation Committee Teported as follows :
Resolved, That the County Sealer of Weights and :Measures, Court: Dellis,
receive a salary of Vida for the ensuing year; said salary to be palcl in monthly
installments. . .. •'
Carried. Ayes—Gallagher, Todd, Chappuis, Begent, Pres -
wick, McGreevy, Francis, • Robinson, . , Fenner,. McAllaster and
Batti*, 11.. Nays—Brown, Hyers and Squier, 3.
By the Appropriation Committee:
Moved, That the salary of Mr: Philo Smith, as.keeper of
the Alms House, be fixed at $700 per annuin; payments to be
made monthly.
Seconded by 1Vir. McGreevy.
By Dr. Gallagher :
Moved, That this resolution be amended so that he receives
$600 per annum.
Seconded by Mr.'Todd.
A vote was taken on the amendment and.it was lost. Ayes
—Gallagher and Todd; 2. •Nays—Brown, Begent; Preswick; Mc-
Greevy, Hyers, Francis, Robinson, Squier,' Fenner, McAllaster
and Batty, 11.
A vote being taken on the original resolution -it was carried.
Ayes—Todd, Brown, Begent, Preswick, McGreevy, Hyers, Fran-
cis, Robinson, Squier, Fenner, McAllaster, Batty, 12. -
Nays—Gallagher, 1. -
. -Mr. Preswick's resolution appropriating $1,000 for Farm
128 The Supervisors' Proceedings.
Bureau in Tompkins County under conditions mentioned in reso-
lution was taken up and unanimously carried.
By the Appropriation Committee:
Moved, That the salary of Mr. Walker, Chaplain of the Alms
House, be $50 per year; one visit each month, said visit: to be
the 1st Sunday of the month.
Seconded and unanimously carried.
By the Appropriation Committee:
Moved, That the salary of Dr. Chase be $250 per year; pay-
able monthly; said Dr. Chase is to make one visit per week for
examination of all inmates and also to come when called.
Seconded and unanimously -carried.
By the Appropriation Committee:
Moved, That the salary of the Clerk of this Board he fixed
at $600 per year, payable in monthly installments.
Seconded and unanimously carried.
By the Appropriation Committee:
Moved, That the salary of the Jail Chaplain and Matron be
fixed at $100 per annum.
Seconded and unanimously carried.
By Mr. Brown:
Resolved, That there be levied upon and assessed against the taxable
Property of the County of Tompkins, the sum of ;5,000.00 for Court expenses for
:he ensuing year.
Seconded by Mr. Hyers and unanimously carried.
By Mr. Batty:
The Supervisors' Proceedings. 129
Resolved, That there be leviers upon and collected against the taxable proper-
ty of the County of Tompkins, the sum of $400.00 for burial of indigent soldier's
and sailors for the ensuing year.
Seconded and unanimously carried
By Mr..Hyer9
Resolved, That the sum of $236.18 be levied and collected against the taxable
property of Tompkins County for Jail supplies for the year 1913; the same to be
subject to the audit of the regular Jail Supply Committee, the same as was done
in 1912.
Seconded by Mr. Begent and unanimously ca.rriea.
By Mr. Todd:
Resolved, That there be levied and assessed against the ta.xable property 01
the (County of Tompkins the sutra of $122.50 for premiums on insurance to be
effected in 1913.
Seconded and unanimously carried.
By Mr. Todd
Resolved, Thal. Lou bond of the County. Treasuror-elect, Mr. B. F. Lent, be
fixed by this Board for the sum of $200,000.00 and in the event that it be a
surety bond or any part thereof, each dollar of trust funds held by said Treasurer
shall be covered by the surety bond in the ratio of one to one.
Seconded and unanimously carried.
The following report was read by the Clerk and ordered
printed in the Proceedings:
'1'o the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins 'County:
Your Committee on Mortagage Tax submit the following report. The whole
amount collected from Nov. 1st, 1911, to Oct. 31st, 1912, ie $5,287.45
Of which there was paid to other counties 4.44
Expenses of collecting -same 235.24
Balance $5047.77
One-half of which goes to the State 2523.89
One-half of which goes to the County 2521.88
The County's share to be distributed as follows:
Caroline . $ 53.05
130 The Supervisors' Proceedings.
Danby . 56.58
Dryden . 142.22
Enfield . 60.96
Groton . 101.14
Ithaca (Town) 205.29
Ithaca (City) 1578.50
Lansing . 154.39
Newfield 44.72
Ulysses .. 86.16
village of Trumansburg 23.01
Village of Groton 15.43
Village of Freeville 1.70
Village of Newfield .73
Total $2523.88
Moved, seconded and carried that the report be received.
The following report was received and read and the resolu-
tion contained therein was carried by unanimous vote.
To the Board of Supervisors:
Your Committee on the County Treasurer's Accounts would report that they
have examined the accounts and find thorn correct.
We would further report that there is remaining in the several funds the
following amounts:
Balances Nov. lst, 1912.
General Fund, First National Bank $10,947.03
General Fund, Savings Bank 700.00
Dryden Bank, Bond Issue 312.43
Tuberculosis Hospital -Maintenance 5,039.511
Mortgage Tax 2,105.4:1
Highway Maintenance 700.50
Total Cash ,on Band $19,894.98
We find that the following Towns are indebted to the County in the follow-
ing sums and your Committee recommend that such sums be levied upon anil
collected from the taxable property of said Towns.
Caroline . $87.77
Danby . 25.67
Dryden . 144.18
Groton .45
Ithaca . 4.42
Lansing . 58.51
Newfield .. 9.46
Ulysses . 85.51
The Supervisors' Proceedings. 131
Moved, seconded and carried that the report be accepted.
The following claims were audited . in the full amounts
claimed, by unanimous vote.
Buchanon C Young, placing headstone at the grave of George Canavan .. $ 15.00
Buchanon & Young, placing headstone at the grave of Dennis O'Keefe .... 15.00
F. A. Miller, telephone services at :Hospital 15.00•
L. J. -Wheeler, traveling expenses in Tuberculosis Hospital 10.50
C. N. Baldwin, burial of Nathaniel Mabee 50.00
D. O. Bishop, services as Court Crier 18.00
The following report was received and the resolution con-
tained therein was seconded and unanimously carried:
To the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins:
Your Committee on Erroneous Assessments after having investigated the
returned school faxes referred to them report as follows:
\"e find upon the certificates signed by the Trustees and supported by the
affidavits of the Collectors of the following School districts of the different towns
of the County of Tompkins, submitted to the Board of Supervisors by the County
Treasurer that the following school taxes have not been paid although diligent
efforts have .been made to enforce collections. Your committee therefore recom-
mends that the following sums be levied upon and collected upon the lands or
property upon which the same were imposed with seven per centum in addition
Belle Hendrick, School District No. 7, half interest in 50 acres, valuation
$150.00, tax $1..05, fee 14 cents, total $1.19.
' James :Putnam, School District No. 7, half interest in 50 acres, valuation
$150.00, tax $1.05, fee t4 cents, total $1.19.
Michael Troy, School District No. 7, 25 acres, valuation $200.00, tax $1.40,
fee 14 cents, total $1.54. -
,.1o1ll1 Sn•ansorottgh, School District No. 13, 30 acres, valuation $100.00, tax
50 cents, feo 7 cents, total 73 cents.
Mrs. John Swansbrouglt, School District No. 13, 23 acres, -valuation $80.00,
tax 52 cents, fee 7 cents, total 511 cents.
George 11yerson, School District No. 1, tax $1.80, fee 14 cents, total $1.94.
E. H. Pr•eswick, School District No. 2, Personal Estate, valuation 34,000.00,
tax $12.00, fee 84 cents, total $12.84.
132 The Su.perziso s''Proceedings.
TOWN OF N15wFI L lj.
, Orlando Teeter, School District No. 21, 125 acres, valuation 8450.00. tax
$2.1.5, fee 28 cents, total $5.43.
Eugene Terry, School District No. 4, Lot No. 12, 25 1-2 acres, valuation
$750.00, tax $2.25, fee 21 cents, total $2.46.
B. F. McA.LL AST1 }1,
By Mr. Brown :
Resolved, That the several sums as set forth in the foregoing' report be
levied upon and collected from the respective properties; that..the Supervisors of the
several Towns of the County of Tompkins be and they hereby are authorized and
directed to place upon the tax rolls of their respective towns the amount of school
taxes with the accumulated fee as shown in the foregoing report and when col-
lected to be returned to the County Treasurer to reimburse the amounts advanc-
ed with the expenses of collection.
Seconded and carried.
The Sheriff's report- was received and , read by the Clerk.
The Chair appointed as a Committee to audit Mr. Robinson's
accounts on January 1st, 1913, Messrs. Batty, Todd and Mc-
By iVir. Robinson :
Moved, That the following sums be allowed for postage for
the ensuing year:
Clerk of the Board $ 20.00
County Treasurer 25.00
County CIerk 100.00
Election Inspectors . 100.00
Seconded by Mr. Hyers and unanimously carried.
Moved, seconded and carried that we adjourn.
Clerk of. the Board.
The Supervisors' Proceedings. 133
Morning Session.
. Friday, December 13th, 1912.
All members present.
Minutes of the preceding day were read and approved.
A petition from the 3 . copyists in the County Clerk's Office
asking that they be allowed $1,300.00 instead of $1,000.00 was
received and read by the Clerk.
BY Dr. Gallagher:
Resolved, That we rescind the resolution passel December 12th relative to
Salaries iii the County Clerk's Office.
- Seconded and carried.
By Dr. Gallagher:
Moved, That the salary of the County Clerk be $2,000;
Deputy Clerk $900; Search Clerk $750 and Copyists $1,400.
This resolution was seconded.
By Mr. Robinson:
Moved, That Dr. Gallagher's resolution be amended to read
as follows: Salary of the County Clerk to remain as fixed; i. e.
$2,400; Deputy Clerk $900; Search Clerk $750; Copyists:; $1,300.
Mr. Robinson's amendment was seconded and a vote being
taken on the amendment resulted as follows:
Ayes—Brown, Hyers, Francis, Robinson, Squier, Fenner,
McAllaster and Batty, (8).
Nays—Gallagher, Todd, ,Begent, McGreevy and Preswick,
134 The Supervisors' Proceedings.
A vote was the taken on Dr. Gallagher's' resolution as
amended by Mr. Robinson's resolution and it was carried.
Ayes—Todd, Brown, Hyers, Francis, Robinson, Squier,
Fenner, McAllaster and Batty, (9) .
Nays—Gallagher, Begent, McGreevy and Preswick, (4).
Dr. C. W. Gallagher addressed the Board relative to funds
for the Tuberculosis Ilospital for the ensuing year.
By Mr. Robinson:
Resolved, That there be levied and collected from the taxable property of
Tompkins County the sum of $5,000.00 toward the maintenance and upkeep of
the Tuberculosis Hospital from February lst, 1912, to February- 1st, 1014.
Seconded by Mr. McGreevy and unanimously carried.
CIaim of. W. Deputron for $100 representing 75% of the
amount of labor on County Barn from December 1st to Decem-
ber 15th was audited and. ordered paid by unanimous vote.
By Mr. Todd:
Resolved, That there be levied anil collected from the taxable property of
'Tompkins County the sum of $2,600 for building the new County Barn.
Seconded and unanimously carried.
By Mr. McAllaster:
Whereas, by a majority vote of the taxpayers of the Town of Newfield at
a Special Election held July, 2nd, 1912, the sum of $3,631 was voted to be ap-
propriated and assessed against the taxable property of the Town of Newfield
for .the building of a bridge over the Newfield Creek near Van Ostrancis Mill.
Resolved, That said sum of $3,631 be levied upon and assessed aganist the
taxable property of the Town of Newfield.
Seconded by Mr. Regent and carried.
By Mr. McAllaster:
The Supervisors' Proceedings. 135
Whereas, The Town Board of the Town of Newfield have
resolutions for the raising of $343.48 to be used for the repair
Doan's Mi11,
Resolved, That said sum of $343.98 be levied upon
the taxable property of. the Town of Newfield.
Seconded by Mr. Hyers and carried.
passed appropriate
of the bridge near
Moved, seconded and carried that we adjourn.
Afternoon Session.
Roll call. All members present.
assessed against
The following claims were audited and ordered paid in the
full' amounts claimed by unanimous vote :
Nos. 197 to 218 inclusive.
By Mr. Todd:
Resolved, That the sum of $276.00 be levied upon and collected from the
taxable property of the County of Tompkins for telephone service for the coming
year, as follows:
Ithaca Telephone $246.00
Hell Telephone 30.00
$ 276.00
Seconded and carried.
Claim No. 17 of the Davis -Brown Electric Co., for $11.15
was audited at $9.65 and this amount was ordered paid:
Claim No. 11 of Thomas S. Carrington for $G7.45 *as with-
drawn for future consideration.
The Equalization Report was called up for consideration
and a motion was made -and seconded that same be adopted.
By Mr. Squier:
Moved as an amendment that the Equalization Report be
136 The Supervisors'. Proceedings.
referred back to the Committee on Equalization for recon-
Seconded by Mr. Hyers.
A vote being taken on Mr. -Squier's amendment resulted as
follows: Ayes—Preswick, McGreevy, flyers, Robinson, Squier
and Francis.' (6). Nays—Gallagher, Todd, Brown, Begent,
Fenner, McAllaster, Batty and Chappuis. (8) .
The motion was declared lost.
A vote being taken on the original resolution that the
Equalization Report be adopted was carried by the following
vote: Ayes—Gallagher, Todcl, Brown, Begent, Fenner, McAl-
laster, Batty and Chappuis. (8).. Nays—Preswick, McGreevy,
Francis, Squier, Robinson and Hyers. (6).
By Mr. Francis:
Resolved, That, there he levied upon and collected from the taxable property
of the City of Ithaca, the sural of $17.00 for services of A. f Mintz in making
descriptions of property of delinquent tax -payers fur the tax sale held December
9th, 191_'.
Seconded and carried.
By Mr. Robinson :
Resolved, That the Good Roads Committee be required to report to this
BO:1rd the number of miles of road in each town and the area of each town, the
population or each toe -n exclusive of cities and incorporated villages, and the
-percentages which they bear to the other towns in the County so that there
will appear in the minutes of this Board the tables on which they based their
percentages of the allotment of roads to the various towns.•
Seconded by Mr. Hyers and carried.
Moved, seconded and carried that we adjoilrn until Satur-
day, December 14th, 1912, at 9:30 a. m.
Clerk of the Board.
The Sicrlervisors' Proceedings.
Morning Session.
Saturday, December 14th, 1912.
Roll call. All members present.
Your Committee on Appropriations reports that the follow-
ing tabulated statement shows the appropriations which will be -
necessary to meet -the expenditures of the County of Tompkins
for the ensuing fiscal year and the estimated revenues other
than taxes which will be applicable to. such appropriations, and
the amounts that it will be necessary to raise by the tax of 1912
in the several Towns and the City of Ithaca as set forth in the
following budgets:
STATE TAX -1912.
Direct State Tai 521,913.33
Sundry Stenographers and Clerks and Supreme Court Justice's expenses '1.,411.23
Total $23, 327.55
County Audits 515,359.59
Salary, County Judge and Surrogate, 191.3 3,500.00
Salary, Special County .11(1ge and Surrogate, 1911 200.00
Salary, County Court and Surrogate Stenographer, 191.3 750.00
Salary, Surrogate's Clerk, 1913 540.00
Salary, District Attorney=, 1913 1,200.00
Satari', County Treasurer, 1913 1,000.00
Salary, Chaplain Alm9lpottse, 1913 60.00
Salary, .fail Chaplain and Matron, 1913 100.00
Salary, Coroner, 1913 1.00.00
Salary, Grant Cole, Supt. of Poor, 1913 200,00
Salary, '\\'nt. 0. Baldwin, Supt. of: Poor, 1911 200.00
Salary, Walter .11ekeel, Supt. of Poor, 1913 200.00
Salary, lanitor• County Cleric's Office 175.00
Salary, Sheriff, 191.3 1,800.00
Salary, Undersheriff, 1911 400.00
Salary, Deputy' Sheriff. and Turnkey, 1913 000.00
Salary, Physician at Almshotise, 1913 250.00
Salary, Clerk and Attorney of Board 500.00
Salary, Keeper of Almshouse 700.00
Salary, Supt. of :Highways, 1911. 1.550.00
Salary, County Sealer of Weights and Measures, 1913 500.00
Salary, Arthur G. Adams, Commissioner of Elections, 1913 500.00
Salary, Clarence C. Squier, Commissioner of Elections, 1913 500.00
Clerk of board for Postage 20.00
County Treasurer for Postage 25.00
138 The Supervisprs' Proceedivgs.
Fuel and Lights, 1913 1.000.00
Court Expenses, 1913 5.000.00
Support of Poor, Almshouse, 1012 2,110.20
County Sinking Fund, Road No. 006, Principal 161,20
County•Sinking Fund, Road No. 606, Interest 326.40
County Sinking Fund, Road No. GIG, Principal 706.20
County Sinking Fund, Road No. 616, Interest 1,412.40
County Sinking Fund, .Road No. 681, Principal 396.96
County Sinking Fund, Road No. 681, Interest 793.92
County Sinking' Fund, Road No, 682, Principal 305.03
County Sinking Fund, Road No. 682, Interest 610.05
County Sinking Fund, Road No. 683, Principal 310.16
County Sinking Fund, Road No, 683, Interest 630.34
Burial of indigent soldiers and sailors 400.00
Partial payment for Printing Proceedings of this Board 600.00
Insurance Fund 122.00
Premium on County Cleric's Bond 45.90
County's Share due Caroline from County for bridge repairs 38.23
Bell Telephone in Jail, 1513, and Ithaca Telephone in County Buildings276.00
Jail Supplies, 1913 236.18
Maintenance Tuberculosis Hospital 5,000.00
Building County Barn 2,000.00
Tuberculosis Bond, Due Feb. ist, 1913 5,000.00
Interest on Bond 125.00
Tuberculosis Bond, Due Feb. 35th, 1913 1,000.00
Interest on Bond 10.08
Interest on Tuberculosis Bonds
highway Bonds held by Dryden Bank, maturing 1913 - 2;0000
Interest on Highway Bonds 977,50
Highway Bonds, Savings Bank - 4,500.00
Interest on Bonds, Savings Bank 1.234.23
Interest on demand note ($12,000) to Feb. 15th, 1913 240.00
Commissioners of Election for expressage and postage 100.00
Establishment Farm Bureau 1,000.00
Audits at Special Sessions, 1912, certificates redeemable Feb. 15th, 1913 207.68
• Total
State Tax S S3,3.04
County Tax 2,843.28
Audits 1,S12.50
Memorial Day Services 10.00
Interest on Town indebtedness to County 105.09
Maintenance Catskill Turnpike .Road, No. 483, aria Maintenance Cooks
Corners-Slaterville Springs, etc., Road No. 1004 400.00
Support of the Poor at Almshouse 92.01
Election Printing 90.02
Repair of Bridges 100.00
Purchase and repair of road machinery 80.00.
For Removal of Snow and miscellaneous purposes 100.00
Ridgway Bros. Belt on Slone Crusher 25.00
Returned taxes and State Fax for 1911, since paid S7.77
Total 6,250.01
Deficiency in Highway Bridge Fund 490.99
Highway Tax 2.121,01
Total 0 6.746.00
The Supervisors' Proceedings. 139
State Tax $ 704.49
County Tax 2,138.06
Audits 2,173.61.
Support of Town Poor 121.00
Election Printing 82.03
Returned Taxes 25.67
Maintenance Improved Roads 400.00
Repair and Construction of Bridges 600.00
To purchase and repair machinery 150.00
For removal of snow and miscellaneous purposes 100.00
Support of boor at Almshouse 264.42
Total $ 6,75:5.28
Highway Tax $ 2,000.00
• DRYDEN-1912.
State Tax $ 2,217.01
County Tax 6,703.04
Audits 3.168.66
New Bridge voted in 1912 1,975.00
Deficiency in bridge and machine funds 1,8411.56
Memorial ]day Services 50.00
Salary, Town Superintendent 600.00
Support of Town Poor 1S50.00
Returned 'Taxes' 144.18
Sinking Fund on Road No. 382 89.71
Interest 17'3.42
Sinking Fund on Road No. 081 81.03
Interest 102.08
Sinking Fund on Road No. 683 92.09
Interest 185.44
Support of Poor at Almshouse 493.92
Election Printing 181.12
Maintenance of Irnproved Roads, 800.00
Repair and Construction of Bridges 800.00
Purchase and repair of machinery 600.00
Removal of snow and miscellaneous purposes 400.00
Total '22,172.86
EN1' IT1LD-1912.
State Tax $ 5114.81
County Tax 1,805.31
Audits 1,350.18
Support of Town Poor 50.00
Support of Poor at Almshouse 44.03
Election Printing 38.20
Repair and maintenance of bridges 600.00
Purchase and Repair of Machinery 100.00
Removal of snow and miscellaneous purposes 150.00
Total $ 4,732.65
Highway Tax $ 1,800.00
Less $150 now in County Treasurer's hands.
State Tax $ 1,448.1.9
140 Th Supervisors' Proceedings.
County Tax - 4,419.62
Audits 2,647.33
Memorial Day Services 50.00
Returned Taxes .45
Election Printing 132,19
Support of Poor, Almshouse 282.39
Repair and Construction of Bridges 1,600.00
Purchase and repair of machinery 100.00
No, 926 Freeville-.Groton Road 100.00
Removal of snow and miscellaneous purposes 500.00
.Syracuse Institution for Feeble Minded Children 60.00
Veteran Poor 75.00
Total $11,415.17
Highwav T $ 3,860.00
State Tax • $12,100,00
County Tax 36,722.28
Support of Poor, Almshouse 1,898.74
Descriptions of property for tax sale, 1911 17.00
Election Printing 511.00
ITHAC'A TOWN -191 2.
State Tax $.
County Tax
Audits 500.00
Election Printing 66.45
Maintenance Improf-ed :Roads 850.00
Sinking Fund, Road No. 606
Interest 115,29
Sinking Fund,.1loail No. GIG 75.77
Interest 151.54
Sinking Fund, Road No. 681 42.85
Interest 85.72
Payment on principal to County on Roads No, 336 and 954 500.00
Interest Lo Jan. 1rit, 191' 235000:0000
Repair and construction -of bridges
Purchase and repair of machinery 000.00
Total $12,049.81
Highway Tax $ 2,472.73
LANSING --1912,
State Tax $ 1,623.59
County Tax 4,950.29
Audits 2,281.74
Maintenance of Road No. 536 100.00
Support of Poor, Almshouse 438.25
Election Printing 98.91
Returned Taxes 58.51
Payment of lit Bond on new bridge and interest 1,000.00
Repair and construction of bridges 500.00
Purchase and repair of machinery 150.00
The Slyervisors' Proceedings. 141
Miscellaneous purposes 150.00
_Interest on road No. 330 due County 110.08
Total $11,467.07
Highway Tax r5 3.200.00
State Ta.x 5 713.18
County Tax 9,285.73
.Audits 2,304.41
Support of Town I'our 50.00
Support or l'oor, AllushouSe 1E0.79
Syracuse Institution for Feeble Minded Children 10.00.
Election i'rintIng 67.51
Nepela Library 100.00
Bonded indebtedness, Bond and Interest 9,805.00
Alemorial Day Services 20.00
Repair and constructioh of bridges 500.00
Purchase and repair of machinery 400.00
!femoral of snow and miscellaneous purpose, 200.00
Iteturraxi Taxes 0.46
Bridge 4.IVII' Newfield Creel: 3,631.00
Repair of 13ridgc near boane's 211i11 343.48
Total $13,679.80
Highway Tax 0 2,200.00
State Tax 5 1,415.08
County Tax 4,294.53
Audit, 2,488.60
Indigent soldiers and sailors 50.00
Aleintorial Laty services . 50.00
Support of Town i'oor 200.00
Bonded indebtedness, Principal and Interest 2,945.00
Support. of Poor, Almshouse
Sinking Fund, :Road No. 616
Alaintenance lthaca-Trumansburg No.' 616
Election Pr'inting 105.62
Deficiency in School Fund 190.21
'Returned Taxes 85,51
Syracuse inst. for Feeble A.linded Children 20.00
Repair and construction of bridges 800.00
Deficiency in Bridge•Fund for 1912 500.00
Remova.1 of snow and miscellaneous purpose,: 50.00
Machinery, tools, etc. 150.00
Total $14,635.32
Highway Tax $ 2,400.00
By Mr. Todd :
Resolved, That in accordance with resolutions adopted by the various
Town -Boards of Tompkins County now on file with the Clerk of the Board and
the Statutes In such cases made and provided, and in accordance with the fore-
142 The Supervisors' Pr•oceedirlgs,
going report and recommendations of the Committee on appropriations, that there
be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the respective Towns
and the City of Ithaca and'the County of Tompkins the foregoing sums of money -
for the purposes named.
Seconded by Mr. Begent.
A vote being taken on this resolution resulted as follows:
Ayes—Gallagher, Todd, Brown, Begent, Fenner, ,McAllaster,
Batty and Chappuis. (8) . Nays—Preswick, McGreevy, Hyers,
Francis, Squier, and Robinson. (6) .
By Mr. Todd:
Whereas, The Tax Rolls of the various towns and the City of Ithaca of
the County of Tompkins have not been completed, it is,
Resolved, That the tune for annexing to said tax ro1]s the warrants to
collectors of each tax district in said County is hereby extended to on or before
the 27th day of December, 1912, as provided by Section 59 of .the Tax Law.
Seconded and carried.
By Mr. McAllaster :
Resolved, That there be paid to William Weatherall and Eleanor Weatherall
the sum of $50.00 for rights of way on the Ithaca -Newfield State Highway and
the Committee is hereby- directed to obtain• a deed for said rights of way and
to issue an order for this amount on the County Treasurer; and the County Trea-
surer is hereby directed to pay said sum.
Seconded and carried.
By Mr. McGreevy:
Resolved, That the Collectors of the several towns and the Chamberlain
of the City of Ithaca be required to pay over all moneys collected by them to
the Supervisors and the County '.I'reasurer on or before the 1st clay of February
and the 1=t day of 'March respectively, and a final settlement with the County
Treasurer on or before the 1st clay of June, ]913.
Seconded by Mr. Preswick and carried.
By Mr. McGreevy:
The Supervisors' Proceedings. 143
Resolved, That the correctrnent of clerical errors in various .assessment
rolls and valuations as corrected on said assessment rolls, the taxes levied upon
the several property owners of the various school districts of the County, and
the taxes leviers upon the several towns in accordance with the recommendations
of the Committee on 'Erroneous Assessments and all changes necessary to be
made in order to conform to the requirements of the law be and the same are
hereby ratified, confirmed and legalized.
Seconded and carried.
By Mr. Squier:
Resolved, That .lir. Arthur S. Cole be appointed by this,Board as County
Superintendent of highways for this County, for a term of 4 years from_7anuary
lst, 1913, at a salary of ?1,5:0 per year, this to include all expenses,
Seconded by Mr. Begent.
Mr. Robinson placed in nomination for this position the
name of Mr. Fred Townley.
This nomination was seconded by Mr. Fenner.
A Dote being taken Mr. Arthur S. Cole received 10 votes
and Mr. Fred Townley 4 votes.
Mr. Cole was declared elected.
Moved, seconded and carried that we adjourn to Thursday,
December 26th, at 10:30 a. m.
Clerk of the Board.
144 The Supea•viso7w' Proceedings.
Morning Session.
Thursday, December 26th, 1912.
All members present.
The minutes for December 14th -were read and approved.
The County Treasurer's bond was received and approved by
the Board and ordered filed with the County Clerk.
A check for $60.00 from the Elks Lodge for furnishing a
room at the Tuberculosis Hospital was received and handed to
Mr. Robinson of the Tuberculosis.Hospital Committee.
By Dr. Gallagher:
Whereas, The Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County has heretofore
designated and certified to the State Highway Commission for improvement as
County Highways in the County of Tompkins,
Resolved, That the State Highway Coxninission is hereby requester) by this
Board to prepare and forward to this Board at the earliest possible date, maps,
plans, and specifications for adoption by this Board.
Seconded by Mr. Todd.
Ayes—Gallagher, Todd, Chappuis, Brown, Begent, Fenner,
Robinson, Squier, McAllister and Batty.
• Hayes-7Presw ick, McGreevy, Hyers and i+ rancis.
- The following claims were audited and ordered paid in the
full amounts claimed by unanimous votes:
Williams & Bower, Tombstone for Cornelius Mariele $15.00
Williams & Bower, Tombstone for Eli H. Smith 15.00
The Supervisors' Proceedings. 145
Williams & Bower, Tombstone for Jarvis D. Baker 15.00
J. E. Shea, Burial of D. S. Robinson 50.00
Chas. E. Fuller (Assigned to George L. Berlew) Refrigera-
tor at Tuberculosis' Hospital 89.00
John G. Cobb, Meeting Managers of Hospital 15.00
Pay Roll of the Tuberculosis Hospital for the month of
December . 246.00
The remainder of the morning session was devoted to com-
pleting the Tax Rolls.
Afternoon Session.
All members present.
By Mr. McAllaster
Resolved, That all Town Tax Collectors be required to pay over the First
of each month to their Supervisors or County Treasurer, all moneys collected by
thew by virtue of their office.
Seconded by Mr. Begent.
By Mr. Todd :
Resolved, That Mr. Deputron be given County Orders on the County Trea-
surer for work clone on the County Barn as per contract; said orders to be given
when bills approved by the Barn Committee; all orders to be payable February
Stith, 1913.
Seconded by Mr., Hyers.
By Mr. Fenner :
Resolved, That the Improved Highway known and designated in the Re-
port of the Good Roads Committee and certified by the Clerk of the Board to the
146 The Supervisors' Proceedi gs.
Highway Commission at Albany as ""sty Glen Road;" Beginning at the enrl of
the road known as Ithaca Road No. 454, running thence north through the Town
of Ithaca; thence through the Town of Lansing to a place where it shall inter-
sect with State (load 1o, 11, now in process of building at a place known as
Esty's Glen in the Town of Lansing.
Seconded by Mr. Preswick.
A good road petition relative to a road from Trumansburg
to meet the road from Valois was received and referred to the
Good Roads Committee.
.Moved, seconded and carried that we adjourn sine die.
Clerk of the Board.
The Supervisors' Proceedings. 147
The following resolution was introduced on Monday, Dec.
2ncl, but inadvertently omitted from the printed proceedings of
that day.
By Mr. Robinson:
Whereas, Paragraph G of Section 47, Chapter 341. of the Laws of 190J, _
known as County Law, provides that all bills and accounts, including salaries and
wages of the County Hospital for Tuberculosis, shalt be certified to by the Board
of Managers of said Hospital and transmitted to the Board of Supervisors of the
County, who shall provide for_their payment in the same manner -as other charges
against the County are paid, and,
Whereas, in certain Counties the Boarcl of Supervisors only meets to audit
accounts once each year, and
'Whereas, it is manifestly impossible to secure the services of the necessary
help and to provide for the purchase of supplies for the maintenance of said Hospital
economically without paying'such bills at least monthly, now therefore,
Resolved, That the Senator from this District and the Member of Assembly
from this County be and they are hereby requested to introduce in their respective
Houses a bill to amend such Statute, and that the substance of such amendment
or addition be as follows:
"but in Counties where it is in the interest of efficiency and economy the
Board of Supervisors may make an appropriation for the maintenance of such
hospitals, including salaries and wages, and may direct the County Treasurer to
pay all bills, accounts, salaries aml wages which are approved by the Board of
\tanagers of such hospitals up to the amount of the appropriation, subject, how-
ever, to such rules anis regulations as the Board of Supervisors may deem necessary
to safe -guard the public interests," ana
}Resolved, That the Cleric of this Board be, and he is hereby, directed to
transmit certified copies of this Itesolution to the Senator from this District and
to the Member or Assembly for this County.
Carried unanimously.
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G. MINTZ, Clerk.
The Supervisors' Proceedings.
Compensation at
$4 per day
Mileage at 8c per
Special Sessions
Ithaca, 2nd Ward
Ithaca, 3rd Ward
Ithaca, 4th Ward
W. C. Gallagher • . r.
A. C. Flyers
1John Francis
Jas. Robinson, jr. .
1B. F. McAllaster
1 2 1
2 1
$ 8.84
124.00 $11.841
150 The Supervisors' Proceedings.
State of New York - :
County of Tompkins : ss.
Board of Supervisors :
I, Aaron G. Mintz, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of the County of
Tompkins, hereby certify that the following abstract comprises all the bills
and accounts against the County of Tompkins presented to said Board of
Supervisors at its Annual Session for the year 1912, showing the name of
each claimant, the true nature of the account, the amount originally claimed
and the amount as finally allowed and audited by .said Board.
AARON G. _' MINTZ, Clerk.
No. Name. Nature of Claim. Claimed. Allowed.
1. Andrus & Church, Printing $ 37 25 $ 37 25
2. Andrus & Church, Printing 4 85 4 85
4. Fox Holden, Service Bill - 85 70 85 70
5. Chas. R. Burger, Service in Condemn. Proc.. 10 00 10 00
6. W. P. Baker, Oil, City Clerk's Office 90 90
7. H. J. Bool Co., Repairs, County CIerk's Office 1 25 1 25
8. Theo. J. Baker, Attending meeting State Board
of Tax Commissioners 4 332 4 32
9. W. W. Conrad, Attending meeting State Board
of Tax Commissioners 4 96 4 96
10. -James E. Cay wood, Attending meeting State
Board of Tax Commissioners 5 92 5 92
12. Cornell Livery, Rig Hire • 10 00 10 00
13. H. H. Crum, Exam. of C. Dixon, in lunacy 5 00 5 00
14. Craig Colony, Care of Inmates 19 64 19 64
15. Walter Cole, Auto Dire 10 00 10 00
16. A. W. Davis, Auto Hire 7 50 7 50
17. Davis Brown Elec. Co., Supplies 11 15 9 65
18. Harold Dean, Livery Hire 7 00 7 00
19. Driscoll Bros., Supplies 42 34 42 34
20. Montgomery Farling, Attending meeting State
Board of Tax Commissioners 4 00 4 00
21, Forest City Printing Co., Printing 136 85 136 85
22. E. 0. Godfrey & Son, Repairs, Cty. CIerk's
Office 60 60
The Supervisors' Proceedings: 151
No. Name. Nature of Claim. Claimed. Allowed.
23. George Junior Rep., Care of Innate 85 15 85 15
24. Guardian Angel Home, Care of Inmate 52 00 52 00
25. Guenther Pub. Co., Printing Adv, for $69,000
Bond Issue• 12 50 12 50
26. ]-Tall & McChesney, Printing, Cty CPerk
27. Alvin I. Howard, Attending meeting State
Board of Tax Commissioners
2S. Silas 10. Hubbard, Attending meeting State
Board of Tax Commissioners
29. J, M, Hyde, Attending meeting State Board of
Tax Commissioners
30. Ithaca City I•lospital, Services to C. A. Dixon
20 00 20 00
5 20 5 20
5 28 5 28
5 44 5 44
5 00 5 00
31. Ithaca City \Vater Dep., Water rent, sprinkling
County Clerk's Office, Court House and Jail 171 52 171. 52
32, Ithaca Realty Co., Insurance, Court House 30 00 30 00
33. Ithaca Journal, Printing 177 27 177 27
34, Ithaca Journal, Printing 144 85 14. 85
35. Henry Jennings, Attending meeting State Board -
of Tax Commissioners 5 92 5 02
36. R. E. Lusk & Son, Printing, County Clerk's
Office 34 50 34 50
37. J. B. Lang Eng. & Garage Co., Supplies, etc. 1418 53 1418 53
38. Mt. Magdalen School of Industries, care of
inmates . 52 00 52 00
40. E. D. Masters, Storage of road rollers, etc. 48 00 48 00
41. George E. Morris, Attending meeting State
Board of 'fax Commissioners 4 64 4 64
42. Monroe Cty. Penitentiary, care of prisoners 501 57 501 57
43. Morse & Rankin, Insurance on Court House 37 50 37 50
44. P. A. McClune, Auto Hire, Condemn. Proc. 5 00 5 00
45. E. A. Brown, Attending meeting State Board of
Tax Commissioners 4 44 4 44
47. 1-l. W. Norton, Rubber Stamps 1- 25 1 25
48. 1-t. W. Norton, Rubber Stamps 1 85 1 85
49. E. W. Preswick, Attending meeting State Board
of Tax Commissioners 4 24 4 24
50. C. B. Pinckney, Alms House Services 94 GO 94 60
51. P. Sammons, Repairs to step, Cty. Clerk's Office 2 00 2. 00
53. .t-Iolbrook 13. Stevens, Attending meeting State
Board of Tax Commissioners 5 44 5 44
54. St. Marys Cath. Orphans Horne, Care of Inmates 233 16 233 16
55. Syracuse State Inst. for Feeble Minded Children,
56. Harrison Z. Thayer, Attending meeting State
Care of Inmates 120 00 120 00
Board of Tax Commissioners 4 96 4 96
57. George S. Tarbell, Insurance on. Bond Issue 12 00 12 00
152 • The Supervisors' Proceedings.
No, Name. Nature of Claim. Claimed. Allowed.
58. Underwood Typewriter Co., PIaten, Cty. Clerk . 2 00 2 00
59. Weed, Parsons Printing •Co., Election Supplies 424 55 424 55
61. Percy Wood, Ins, on Jail and Sheriff's Resid. 80 00 80 00
63. E. P. Watrous, Making Tests_ for Water at
Tuberculosis Hospital 85 62 85 52
54. C. L. Crandall, Survey at Tuber. Hospital 21 00 21 00
65. E. D. Branch, Attending meeting State Board of
Tax Commissioners 4 96 4 96
66. F. E. Darling, Labor and Materials 23 86 23 86
67. A. Landon, Labor and Materiels 20 40 20 40
58. G. E. Underwood, Justice, Criminal Iiill 2 25 2 25
69. A. A. Sager, Attending meeting State Board of
Tax Commissioners 4 64 4 64
72. A. W. Kline, Materials and Labor .. 9 23 9 23
73. Frank Yaple, Attending meeting State Board of
Tax Commissioners 5.12 5 12
74. Frank A. Miller, Attending meeting State Board
Board of Tax Commissioners 4 80 4 80
75. W. D. I-1alseY, Fire Insurance 15 50 15 50
76. Wm. Hasard, Work and Materials 120 29 120 29
77. 'Weekly Ithacan, Printing 5 62 5 62
78. H. W. Norton, Rubber Stamps 3 05 3 05
79. A. S. Cole, Expense and Materials 300 00 300 00
80. A. J. Beach, Labor and ivlaterials 19 12 19 12
81. R. .T. Hunt, Insurance 142 50 142 50
52. W. J. Shaver, Attending meeting State Board of
Tax Commissioners 4 80 4 80
831, Fred H. Smith, Insurance ' 80 00 80 00
84. L. E. Patterson, Insurance 120 00 120 00
86. Chas. W. Personius, Attending meeting State
Board of Tax Commissioners 4 56 4 56
87. Henry N. Ogden, Survey, etc., Tuber. Hosp. 25 00 25 00
88. George Chase, Attending meeting State Board
of Tax Commissioners 4 64 4 64
89. Jameson & McKinney Co., Supplies Cty. Bldgs. 138 19 - 138 19
91. Court I-iellis, Balance on Expenses 25 25
92. 11'. H. Parker, Attending meeting State Board
of '.rax Commissiorers 4 00 4 00
93. City of Ithaca, Criminal Bill 10 85 10 85
94. H. W. Norton, Fixing Stamps 75 75
95. Dr. C. F. Benman, Jail Physician 73 00 73 00.
96. Samuel Rumsey, Attending meeting State Board
of Tax Commissioners ' 4 80 4 80
97. J. G. Wortman, Sheriff's Bill 238 15 238 15
98. .7. G. Wortman, Jail Inmates 77 53 77 53
99. 7. G. Wortman, Rent and Materials 40 00 40 00
The Supervisors' P•1•oceedings. 153
No. Nance. Nature_ of Claim. Claimed, Allowed,
100. W. D. Baldwin, Expenses, Supt. of Poor 30 54 39 54
101. Walter 1lekeel, Expenses, Supt. of Poor 19 65 19 65
102. Grant Cole, Expenses, Supt. of Poor 10 52 10 52
103. W. D. Baldwin, Telephone and Postage 17 60 17 60
104. E. R.. Stillwell, Attending meeting State Board
of Tax Commissioners 5 04 5 04
105. J. D. Dates, Auto Hire 15 00 15 00
106. E. S. Pan Kirk, Witness fees 4 60 4 60
107. Bessie I. Cook, Stenographic services 15 00 15 00
108. Charles D. Howell, Materials and Services 11 83 11 83
109. A. R. Allen, Witness fees 4 28 , 4 28
110, John Thompson, Witness fees • 4 28 4 28
111. N. C. Cook, Witness fees 4 28 4 28 •
113. C. H. Brown, Witness fees 4 28 4 28
114. F. W. Payne, Meeting State Board Tax Com-
missioners 5 28 5 28
115. F. W. Payne, Witness fees 4 25 4 28
1.16. Robert Alexander, Witness fees .... 4 28 • 4 28
117, S. D. Cook, Witness fees 4 28 4 28
118. Underwood Typewriter Co„ Rent Typewriter,
Commissioners of Flection 36 00 36 00
119. E. I?, Sayre, Livery for Election Cornmr's 8 00 8 00
120. Empire State Housefurnishings Co., Supplies for
• Election Commissioners 27 50 27 50
121. Ithaca Journal, Printing 'for Commissioners of
Election 468 68 463 68
122. Adams & Squier, Expenses 229 31 229 31
128. Clara A. Squier, Stenographer and Clerk 176 56 176 56
'124. Forest City Printing Co., Printing 1334 91 1334 91
125. John M. Skiff, Printing 90 00 90 00,
126. R. C. Osborne & Co., Supplies 68 93 68 93
127. Norton Printing Co., Mdse. 1 00 1 00
128." T. G. Miller & Sons, Supplies 39 93 30 93
129. Ithaca Journal, Printing 376 25 370 25
130. G. M. Soder, Labor 17 70 17 70
131. Minnie A. Adams, Labor 15 90 15 90
132. H. W. Norton, Supplies 10 35 1 90
1.33. T. G. Miller & Sons, Supplies 2 00 2 00
134. T. G. Miller & Sons, Supplies 344 06 344 06
135. P. W. Philipps, Insurance 80 00 80 00
136. Ithaca Telephone Co., Telephone 160 45 160 45
137. L. H. Tabor, Meeting State Board Tax Comm'rs 5 12 5 12
138. • W. A. Smith, Coroners Iaxpenses 14 20 14 20
139. Trernan, King & Co., Labor and Materials . 14 80 14 80
140. Dr. H. I. Andrews, Autopsy 10 00 101 00
141. J. W. Tree, Bookbinding 204 50 204 50
154 The Suvcrvisor s' Proceedings.
No. Name. Nature of Claim. Claiined. Allowed.
142. A, H. Overacl.er, Expenses 53 82 53 82
143. John W. Preswick, Committee 51 00 51 00
144: John W. Preswick, Special Session 43 20 . . 43 20
145. James Robinson, Jr., Special Session 56 00 56 00
146. James R. Robinson, Jr., Special Committees 154 52 154 52
147. James R. Robinson; Jr., Special Committees 40 00 40 00
148. James 11. Robinson, Jr., Special Committees 8 00 8 00
149. James R. Robinson, Jr., Special Committees 68 85 68 85
150. James R. Robinson, Jr., Special Committees 12 00 12 00
151. James R. Robinson, Jr„ Auto Hire 70 00 70 00
152. M. D. Batty, Special Sessions 65 60 65 60
153. M. D. i3atty, Special Committee. 63 80 69 80
154, M. D. Batty, Special Committee 4 50 4 50
155. M. D. Batty, Special Committee 48 55 43 65
156. 13, F. McAllaster, Auto Hire 60 00 60 00
157. B. F. McAllaster, Special Committee 8 00 3 00
158. R. P. McGreevy, Auto Hire 20 00 20 00
159. W. C. Gallagher, Special Committee 107 55 107 55
160. W. C. Gallagher, Special Sessions, -1911 32 64 32 64
161. W. C. Gallagher, Special Sessions, 1512 - 65 28 65 28
162. B. F. 1IcAllaster, Special Sessions, 1912 67 20• 67 20
163. B. F. McAllaster, Committee Work 185 95 185 95
164. A. C. Hyers, Committee Work 72 00 72 00
165. A. C. Hyers, Special Sessions 56 00 56 00
166. Seth Squier, Special Sessions 48 00 48 00
167. Seth B. Squier, Committee Work 48 00 48 00
168. R. F. Chappuis, Special Sessions 68 64 68 64
169. R. F. Chappuis, Committee Work, 107 45 107 45
170. N. 13. Brown, Committee Work 34 00 - 34 00
' 171, N. B. Brown, Special Sessions 60 00 60 00
172, N. 13. Brown, Committee Work 53 50 53 50
173. F. A. Todd, Special Sessions and'Corn. Work 256 07 256 07
174. John Francis, Special Sessions and Com. Work 119 30 - 119 30
175. R. P. McGreevy, Special Sessions and Com. Work 225 60 225 60
176. F. A. Regent., Special Sessions and Coni. Work 195 04 195 04
177. Dr. W. Wilson, Autopsy 10 00 10 00
178. 13. F. McAllaster, Auto Eire 42 00 42 00
179. Robinson & Carpenter, Materials 113 06 113 06
180. W. R. Tripp, Auto Hire 10 00 10 00
181. Dewitt Fowler, Meeting of Tax Assessors 5 12 5 12
182. M. S. Halliday, District Attorney Expense 465 50 465 50
183. S. R. Tisdel, Repairs County Building 5 50 . 6 50
184. W. E. Hine, Witness condemnation proceedings 4 60 4 GO
185, A. G. Mintz, Disbursements as Atty, for Board 118 30 118 80
186, The Brandow Printing Co., Commissioner of
Election 784 65 784 65
The Supervisors' Proceedings. 155
No. Name. Nature of Claim, . Claimed. Allowed.
187. The Brandow Printing Co., Commissioner of
Election 588-46 588 46
188. H. J. Bool Co., Repairs 11 10 11 10
189, John Bailey, Auto Hire 39 00 39 00
190. George Wa.11eubeck, Repairs at Almshouse 4 40 4 40
191, W. S. Johnson, Repairs at Jail 165 75 105 75
192, C. V. Bush, Services 5 00 5 00
193. M. D. Batty, Committee Work 87 00 87 00
194. F. A. McClune, Auto Ftire 4 50 4 50
195. Hall & McChesney, Supplies furnished County
Clerk 24 00 24 00
196. J. Will Tree, Rebinding and Indexing 42 00. 42 00
197. R. P. McGreevy, Copying Assessment Roll 49 33 49 33
198. Arthur Miller, Sheriff's Expenses 200 00 200 00
199. Arthur Miller; Sheriff's Expenses 231 10 231 10
200. M. D. Batty, Service Bill 120 96 120 96
201. W. C. Gallagher, Service Bill 119 88 119 88
202. J. R. Robinson, .Tr., Service Bill 92 00 92 00
203. R. F. Chappuis, Service Bill 143 91 143 91
204. 13. 1'. McAllaster, Service BiMI 131 74 131 74
205. John Francis, Service Bill 112 21 112 21
206. N. B. Brown, Service Bill 116 20 116 20
207. A. C. Hyers, Service 13i11 112 21 112 21
208, S. 13. Squier, Service Bill 92 00 92 00
209. F. A. Regent, Service 13111 130 76 136 76
210. 1". A. Todd, Service Bill 117 52 117 52
211. Casper Fenner, Service 13111 130 14 130 14
212. John Preswicl:, Service Bill131 72 131 72
213. It. P. McGreevy, Service Bill - 84 00 84 00
-214. Minnie A. Adams, Commissioner of Election 28 95 28 95
215. Clara A, Squier, Commissioner of Election 39 00 39 00
216. S. M. Squire, Commissioner of Election • 26 10 26 10
217. 16. A. Snow, Repairs on County l3uilding 30 68 30 68
218, 1{. D. Gilbert, Burial 20 00 20 00
Total $16,851 70
Less --
Election Printing paid by towns and city $1372 11
Syracuse Institution for Feeble Minded
Children paid by Towns 120 00
Amount to be raised
1492 11
$15359 59
156 The Supervisors' Proceedings.
We, the undersigned, the Board of Town Auditors of said Town, do
hereby certify:
That the folio*ing is an abstract of the navies of all persons who have
presented to said Board, accounts to be audited, the amounts claimed by
each of said persons, and the amounts finally audited to them respectively,
to reit.
No. Name. Nature of Claim.G1aimod. Allowed.
1. Theo. Eighmey, lnspec, and Mess., Dist No, 1 . 4 ES 4068 40
2. Joseph E. McGrath, Ballot Clerk, No. 1 .. 12 00 12.00
3. L. E. Williams, Ballot Clerk, Dist, No. 1 12 00 12 00
1. Chas. 111. Jones, Poll Clerk, Dist. 1 12 00 12 00
5. Chauncey Goodrich, Poll CIerk, Dist. 1 12 00 12 00
6. Lee Olney, Inspector, Dist. 1 8 00 8 00
7. Geo. Liddington, Inspector, Dist. 1 - 28 00 28 00
8, John L. Decker, Inspector, Dist. 1 36 00 36 00
2. Lamont Snow, inspector, Dist. 1 36 00 30 00
10. M. H. Quick, Poll Clerk, Dist. 2 4 00 14 00
12. Chas. L. Head, Ballot Clerk, Dist. 2 12 00 12 00
13. ;'rank Pettigrove, Ballot Clerk, Dist. 2 12 00 12 00
14. Harry A. Davis, Inspector, Dist. 2 28 00 28 00
15. J. Howard Best, Inspector, Dist. 2 30 00 36 00
16. Chas. H. Heath, Inspector, Dist. 2 26 00 36 00
17. Jay Phillips, Poll Clerk, Dist. 2 8 00 8 00
18. Clinton W. Mulks, Poll Clerk, Dist. 2 .. 12 00 12 00
10. D. F. Roe, Inspector and Mess., Dist. 3 63 80 63 80
=90. C. R. Lounsberry, Inspector, Dist. 3 4 00 4 00
21. W. T. Graham, Inspector, Dist. 3 32 00 32 00
22, Chas. M. Mulks, Inspector, Dist. 3 20 00 20 00
23. Geo. 11. Peck, Inspector, Dist. 3 _ 16 00 16 00
24. Samuel Lacey, Inspector, Dist. 3 36 00 36 00
25. F. C. Vorhis, Ballot Clerk, Dist. 2 12 00 12 00
"6. D. M. White, Ballot Clerk, Dist. 3 12 00 12 00
27. Theo. J. Robinson, Poil Clerk, Dist. 3 8 00 8 00
28. C. A. Lull, Poll Clerk, Dist. 3 "4 00 4 00
20. Robert Caveny, Poll Clerk, Dist. 3 12 00 12 00
The Supervisors' P•raceedings. 157
No. Name. Nature of Claim. Claimed, Allowed.
30. W. C. Gallagher, Examiner in Lunacy and Vital
Statistics G 25 6 25
31. W. C. Gallagher, Supervisors, Service Bill 10 00 10 00
32. Frank S. Yaple, Assessor fee 48 60 48 60
Frank M. Hull, Criminal fee, J. P ti 25 6 25
34. Frank M. Bull, Service Bill, Justicb 10 00 10 00
35. Bert T. Baker, Tax Sale 1 00 1 00
36. Dr, R. D. Eastman, Vital Statistics 2 50 2 50
37. Jay Phillips, Truant Officer fee 25 00 25 00
28. Dr. B. F. Lockwood, Exam. in Lunacy and
Vital Statistics 10 25 10 25
39. lJr, C. 1'. Denman, Exam, in Lunacy and mileage 6 40 5 00
40. C. P. Fitch, Examiner Diptheria Culture 7 00 7 00
41. The Cayuga Press, Printing matter 18 41 18 41
42. E. H. Mitchell, Service :Bill, Justice 2 00 2 00
43. Andrus & Church, Tax Rolls 6 75 6 75
44. J. C. 1'ennett, Town Clerk Service 107 05 107 05
45. D. W. C•riffin, Constable fee 35 20 35 20
46. A. -B. Brooks & Son, Supplies for H.' 0. 5 40 5 40
47. Henry F. Lyme, Hall hent 10 00 15 00
48. R. E. Brink, Hall Iterlt 15 00 15 00
49. F. A. Snow, Service Bill, Justice Peace 8 00 8 00
50. C. W. Personius, Assessor fee 35 47 35 47
51. C. It. Lounsberry, Service Bill, Justice Peace 8 00 8 00
52. W. C. Gallagher, Supervisor, Per cent. on school
money 29 50 29 50
53. J. C. Bennett:, Reg. Vital Statistics 19 50 19 50
54. W. W. Conrad, Assessor fee 58 75 58 75
55. L. A. Patch, Overseer of Poor, fee 20 50 20 50
56. C. W. Personius, Assessor fee 2 00 2 00
57. W. C. Gallagher, Supervisor, Highway Service 150 00 150 00
58. llowne Mulks, Highway Supt. fee 552 00 552 00
$1150 68 • $1877 18
59. J. C. Bennett, Town Clerk, Highway'
Service $25 00 727 90
• $1878 58
10. L. 11. Gallagher, Inspector and Mess. 64 60 64 60
64 60
$1813 98 $1812 58
State of New York :
County of Tompkins : ss.
Town of Caroline
We, the undersigned, being a majority of the Town Board of Audits of
158 The ,Supervisors' Proceedings.
the 'Town of Caroline, N. Y., do hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct
list of accounts, which have been audited by us, with the amount claimed
and the amount allowed.
Dated, November 7th, 1912.
W. C. GALLAGHER, 'Town Auditor,
F. A. SNOW, Tow Auditor,
F. M. BULL, Town Auditor.
• C. R. LOUNSIJERRY, Town Auditor.
T. C. IIENNETT, Town Clerk.
To the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins.
The following abstract of the navies of all persons who have presented
to the Board of Town. Auditors of the Town of Dryden in said County,
accounts to be audited during the year 1912, the amounts claimed by each
such person, and the amount finally audited by said Board of Town Auditors,
is herewith• submitted pursuant to statute, to wit.
No. Name. Nature of Claim, Claimed. Allowed.
1. M. E. Crutts, Hail for Election S 35 00 $ 35 00
?. Arthur Genung, Inspect. and 3Tessenger, No. 1 78 76 72 76
3. \Vin. L. Bickle, Inspector and Messenger, No. 1 45 00 38 00
4. C. H. Griffin. Inspector and Messenger, No. 1 45 00 38 00
5. E. S. Burr, Inspector and Messenger, No. 1 45 00 38 00
6. Henry Snyder, -Ballot Clerk; Dist. No. 1 15 00 14 00
7, Thomas English, Ballot CIerk, Dist. No. 1 15 00 14 00
8. Frank D. Snyder, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 1 10 00 10 00
9. C. D. Douck, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 1 5 00 4 00
10. J. T. Morris, Poll Clerk 15 00 14 00
11. Ira W. Reed, Inspector, Dist. No. 2 38 00 .38 00
12. George B. Overacker, Inspector, Dist. No. 2 2i3 00 38 00
13. 0. M. Rhodes, Inspector, Dist. No. 2 38 00 38 00
14. Arthur Slights, Inspector and Mess., Dist. No. 2 72 96 72 96
15. John Dart, Ballot Clerk, Dist. No. 2 14 00 14 00
16. Will Lumbard, Poll Clerk, Dist. No, 2 14 00 14 00
-17. E. R. Gaston, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 2 14 44 14 .00
18. No Bill.
19. Chas. Caggswill, Hail for Election, Dist. No. 2 35 00 35 00
90. M. D. Graham, Hall for Election, Dist. No. 3 35 00 35 00
21. Chas. Burghardt, Inspector, Dist. No. 3 38 00 38 00
22. G. E. Green, Inspector and Messenger, Dist. No. 3 51 22 51 22
23. C. B. Snyder, Inspector, Dist. No. 3 30 00 30 00
24. W. A. Munsey, Inspector, Dist. No. 3 25 00 25 00
The Stuitel'vi5ors' Proceedings. 159
No. Name. Nature of Claim. Claimed. Allowed.
25. J. D. Ross, Inspector, Dist. No. 3 41 56 41 56
26. John Thomas, inspector, Dist. No. 3 - 13 00 13 00
27. E. M. Sandwick, Ballot Clerk, Dist. No. 3 14 00 14 00
28. C. T. Davis, Ballot Clerk, Dist. No. 3 14 00 14 00
29. 3I. D. Graham, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 3 4 00 4 00
30. C. 11. Perrigo, Ballot Clerk, Dist, No. 3 9 00 9 00
31. A. C. Scott; Poll Clerk, .Dist, No. 3 9 00 '9 00
32. E. R. Sutliff, Inspector, Dist. No. 4 30 00 30 00 -
33. G. S. Grover, Poli Clerk, Dist. No. 4 14 00 14 00
34. F. I:,. Mastin, Inspector, Dist. No. 4 38 00 38 00
35. G. C. Sutliff, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 4 14 00 14 00
36. Larkin Sinitli, Ballot Clerk, Dist. No. 4 14 00 14 00
37. Fay Skillings, inspcclor, Dist. No. 4 4 00 4 00
38. Andrew Baker, House for Election, Dist. No. 4 23 34 23 4
39. E. T. Brown, Inspector and Messenger, Dist. No. 4 65 48 l 65 48
40. Allen Sutliff, Inspector, Dist. No. 4 9 00 9 00
41. Laverne Davis, Inspector, Dist. No. 4 38 00 38 00
42. E. B. Smith, Ballot Clerk, Dist. No. 5 • 35 00 35 00
43. G. E. Goodrich, House for Election Dist. 5 35 00 35 00
44. Leland Burch, Inspector, Dist. No. 5. 38 00 38 00
45. George E. Goodrich, Inspector, Dist. No. 5 58 00 58 00
46. C. D. Griswold, Inspector, Dist. No. 5 34 00 34 00
47. Allen A. Givens, Inspector, Dist. No. 5 4 00 4 00
48, Ward McClintock, Ballot Clerk, Dist. No. 5 .. _ 14 00 14 00
49. J. W. Colwell, Ballot Clerk, Dist. No. 5 4 00 4 00
50. Leroy Trapp, Poll Clerk, Dist. No, 5 14 00 1.4 00
51. Geo. Wheeler, Poll Clerk, Dist.. 5 14 00 14 00
52. George 13. McKinney, Inspect. and Messenger,
Dist. No. 5 50 68 50 68
53. Morris Wallace, House for Election, Dist. No., 5 11 66 11 66
54. George S. Hart, Inspector, Dist. No, 6 8 00 8 00
55, Willard Shaver, Inspector, Dist. No. 6 25 00 25 00
56. Frank Van Lone, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 6 14 00 14 00
57. W. R. Neill, Inspector, Dist.. No. 6 38 00 38 00
58. H. S. Dayton, Ballot Clerk, Dist. No. 6 14 00 14 00
59. 31. L. Stanton, Inspec. and Messenger, Dist. No. 6 71 48 71 48
60. B. F. Monroe, Ballot Clerk, .Dist. No. 6 14 00 14 00
61. W. J. Shaver, Jr., Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 6 14 00 14 00
62. Leon Cady, Inspector, Dist. No. 6 30 00 30 00
63. J. E. ()visit, House for Election, Dist. No. 6 . 35 00 35 00
64. W. J. Shaver, Jr., Assessor' 84 00 84 00
65. 'Andrew Baker, Justice Service 2 00 .2 00
66. Willard Shaver, Service Bill 7.8 00 18 00
67. R, C. 'larbell, Vital Statistics 3 75 3 75
68. Andrus & Church, Tax Rolls 12 75 12 75
69. Willard Shaver, Criminal Bill 2 75 2 75
160 The Supervisors' Proceedings.
No. Name. Nature of Claim. Claimed. Allowed,
70. F. E. Mineah, ltight of Way 20 00 20 00
71. James. F. Dayton, Vital Statistics 1 25 1 25
72. F. E. Darling, Town Clerk 178 32 173 32
73. G. R. Albon, Vital Statistics 3 50 3 50
74, George S. Monroe, Ballot Boxes 32 26 32 26
75. Calvin Derrick, School Director 5 50 5 50
76. k'. Ray Willey, School Directors 50 5 50
77. J. D. Ross, Criminal Bill 32 85 32 85
78. R. F. Chappuis, Supervisor 9 02 9 02
79. J. J. Montgomery, Vital Statistics and Contract 38 25 33 25
80. Homer Genung, Contract and Vital Statistics
and Health Officer 130 37 130 37
81, D. M. Ryan, Contract and Vital Statistics and
Health Officer 47 75 47 75
82. Bradford Snyder, Overseer Poor 34 00 34 00
83. George W. Sutfin, Overseer Poor 8 00 8 00
84. Edwin Branch, Assessor 90 00 90 00
85. A. A. Sager, Assessor 84 00 84 00
86. C. T. Davis, Undertaking (Henritta Smith) 35 00 35 00
87. George W. Sutfin, Constable 4 00 4 00
88. William Ranning, Constable 9 00 9 00
89. J. D. Ross, Service Bill 17 00 17 00
90. G. E. Underwood, Service Bill 18 00 18 00
91. J. S. Grover, Service Bill 17 00 17 00
92. A. S. Fox, Attendance Officer 7 60 7 6')
98. Stillwell & Ross, Printing . 76 35 76 35
94. B. S. Weyant, Attendance Officer 3 50 3 50
95. John G. Munsey, Town Supt. Highways 886 02 386 02
($500.00 paid) •
96. Judson Beach, Contract and Vital Statistics 29 42 29 42
97. G. L. Rood, Contract and Vital Statistics 28 91 23 91
98. Myron Letts, Constable 4 45 4 45
99. Myron Letts, Constable 75 75
100. Myron Letts, Constable. 5 25 5 95
101. Myron 'Letts, Constable 1 75 1 75
102. Paul Ewers, Criminal 13111 10 60 10 60
103. Paul Ewers, Service Bill 17 00 17 00
104: G. E. 'Underwood, Criminal Bill 5 80 5 SO
105. Carl Mott, Inspector, Dist. No. 6 13 00 13 00
106: O. F. Ellis, Constable 3 60 3 60
107. C. F. McConnell, Vital Statistics' 50 50
108. P. E. Golden, Attendance Officer 5 20 5 20-
3168 66
• The Supervisors' Proceedings. 161
I hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct abstract of the accounts
presented and audited by the Town Auditors.
F. E. DARLING, Town Clerk:
R. F. CH.APPU.IS, Supervisor.
Audits for the Town of Danby as audited by the Town Board of the
Town of Danby November 8th, 1912.
No. Name. Nature of Claim. Claimed. Allowed.
1. Yaple, Ernest, Inspector Election, Dist. No. 1 $ 36 00 $ 36 00
2. Jennings, B. J., Inspector and Messenger, Dist
No. 1 64 04 64 04
3. Tuttle, Havillia, Inspector, Dist. No. 1 36 00 36 00
4, Elyea, John, Inspector, Dist. No. 1 36 00 36 00
5. Reardon, Jas., Inspector and Messenger, Dist
No. 3 57 38 57 39
6. Larue, OIin, Inspector and Messenger, spec. 41 88 41 88
7, Parker, Fred E. Inspector 24 00 24 00
8. • Wilcox, Myron, Inspector 36 00 36 00
9. Kellogg, Daniel, Inspector and Messenger, No. 2 62 64 62 64
10. Snyder, Arthur, Inspector 36 00 36 00
11. Hutchings, Thos., Inspector 36 00 36 00
12. Weed, Delos, Inspector 36 00 36 00
13. Howland, W. A., Ballot Clerk, Dist. No. 4 12 00 12 00
14. Countryman, E. E., Ballot Clerk, Dist. No. 1 12 00 12 00
15. Weed, Chas. J., Ballot Clerk, Dist. No. 2 12 00 12 00
16. Allick Dewitt, Ballot CIerk, Dist. No. 2 ' 12 00 12 00
17. Manley, Chas., Ballot Cleric, Dist. No. 3 12 00 12 00
18. Hotchkins, W. L., Ballot Clerk, Dist. No. 3 12 00 12 00
19. Smiley, W. 0., Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 1 12 00 12 00
20. Kirkendall, S. L., Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 1 12 00 12 00
21. Cole, Chas., Poll Clerk, Spec., Dist. No. 2 4 00 .4 00
22. Loomis, Everett, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 2 12 00 12 00
23. Hutchings, H. F.,'Po11 Clerk, Dist: No. 2 10 00 10 00
24. Dorn, Olin, Poll Clerk, Dist. No: 3 12 00 12 00
25. Larne, Claude, Poll Clerk, Spec., Dist. No, 3 4 00 4 00
26. Gunderman, Collin, Poll Clerk and Insp. Spec
Dist. No. 3 - 12 00 12 00
162 The Supervisors' Proceedings.
No. Name. Nature of Claim. Claimed. Allowed.
27. Jennings, H. F., Inspector Spec, Dist. No. 3 12 00 12 00
28. Slocum, T. W., Justice Criminal 12 10 12 10
29. Baker, Bert, Description 1 00 1 00
30. Andrus & Church, Tax Rolls 6 75 6 75
31. Eastman, Frank, Overseer of Poor 12 00 12 00
32. Thatcher, H. C., Vital Statistics 1 75 1 75
33. Bennett, S. S., Rental of Storage 12 50 12 50
34. Snyder, A. J., Hall Rent 20 00 20 00
35. Wilcox, Myron, Hall Rent 30 00 20 00
36. Cayuga Press, Printing Ballots 16 50 16 50
37. Landon, O. H., Constable 7 80 7 80
38. Logan, W. E.,,Constable 5 70 5 70
39. Smiley, F. D., Truant Officer 1911-1912 47 58 47 58
40. Cole, Chas., Justice Criminal 2 65 2 65
41. Allen, Dr. J. Frank W., Vital Statistics 5 75 5 75
42. Beardsley, A. W., Vital Statistics 4 50 4 50
43. Meaker, R. B., Vital Si.atistics 15 75 15 75
44. Jennings, H: B., Fence Viewers 2 00 2 00
45. Thayer, Harrison Z., Fence Viewers 8 00 8 00
46. Sabin, Chas., Town Supt. Service 651 00 651 00
47. Meaker, R. B., Expense 20 35 .20 35
48. Allen, Dr. J. Frank W., Health Officer 83 33 78 33
49. Meaker, R. B., Town Clerk Service 167 76 167 76
50. Meaker, R. B., Town Clerk Supplies 15 61 15 61
61. Todd, F. A., Supervisor 1% on Moneys ($10,859) 108 59 108 59
52. Slocum, T. W., Justice 14 00 14 00
53. Coie, Chas., Justice 10 00 10 00
54. Morris, Geo., Fence Viewer . 10 00 10 00
55. Morris, Geo., Assessor 39 60 39 60
66. Jennings, H. B., Assessor 51 50 51 50
57. Thayer, Harrison Z., Assessor 41 00 41 00
58. Dorn, Olin, Criminal 5 70 5 70
59. Todd, F. A., Supervisor Service 32 00 32 00
60. Norton Printing Co., Printing Health Notices 4 00 4 00
61. Dorn, Eugene, Justice 20 50 20 50
62. Dorn, Olin A., Justice 17 40 17 40
63. Taubman, W. H., Citizen Member 6 00 6 00
64. Smiley, F. D., Truant Officer and Attorney 14 00 14 00
$2188 61. $2173 61
We, the undersigned, comprising the Town Board of the Town of Danby,
The Supervisors' Proceedings. 163
do hereby certify that the above is a true abstract of tlae Audits of the
Town of Danby for the year 1912 as audited by said Board.
F. A. TODD, Supervisor.
1t. 13. MEAKER, Town Clerk.
I hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy of the original
as filed in my office.
Dated November 19th, 1912.
R. 13. MEAKER, Town Clerk.
List of annual Town Audits for the year ending November 8, 1912.
No. Name. Nature of Claim. Claimed. Allowed.
1. H. D. Bally, Inspector $ 10 00 $' 10 00
2, Wheeler Smith, Watering Trough 3 00 3 00
3. Olin King, Inspector 5 00 5 00
4. Andrus & Church, ikssessment Rolls 6 75 6 75
5. Charlie Jones, inspector 15 00 15 00
6. W. W. Rumsey, Vital Statistics 18 25 18 25
7. The Cayuga Press, Printing 13 38 13 38
8. Frank Teeter, Attendance Officer 10 00 10 00
9. Chas. Wright, Hall Rent 30 00 20 00
10. James Caywood, Assessors 13111 58 40 58 40
11. Will Cole, Ballot Clerk 19 00 19 00
12. Fred Jackson, Poll Clerk 19 00 16 00
13. Fred D. Rumsey, Poll Clerk 19 00 16 00
14, 13. S. Bullard, Ballot Clerk 19 00 16 00
15. Benn. Fish, Inspector 35 00 32 00
16, W. H. Jones, inspector by appointment 30 00 27 00
17. Nathan Rumsey, Inspector 50 64 47 64
18. Sohn -Willis, Inspector 51 75 48 75
19. 'Walter Ferguson, Line Fence 4 42 4 42
20. John J..Iohnson, Ex. Justice Bill 7 00 7 00
21. H. A. Rockwell, Expense Bill 9 69 9 69
22. H. A. Rockwell, Service I3111 356 25 356 25
23. Chas. Wright, Poor Bill 23 37 23 37
24. Dewitt Fowler, Assessor Bill 52 60 52 60
164 The Supervisors' Proceedings.
No. Name. Nature of Claim. CIaimed. Allowed.
25. Frank Teeter, Hall Rent 2 50 2 50
26. Joseph Byrnn, Erroneous Tax 10 48 10 48
27. 'Charles J. Fletcher, Erroneous Tax 9 35 9 35
28. City Hospital, Eyra Bagley 32 00 32 00
29. M. J. Foran, M. D., Eyre. Bagley Case 33 00 33 00
30. W. L. Tucker, Overseer Poor 6 00 6 00
31. Minor McDaniels, Salary Health Officer 25 00 25 00
32. David Robb, M. D., Susan Wright 6 25 6 25
33. David Robb, M. D., Vital Statistics 5 75 5 75
34. H. A. Rockwell, Fence Viewer 4 00 4.00
35. Edwin S. Bagley, Watering Trough 3 00 3 00
36. Silas Hubbell, Assessor Service 68 60 68 60
37. Silas Hubbell, Pence Viewer 2 00 2 00
38. H. S. Bullard, Citizen Member 2 00 2 00
39. N. B. Brown, Fees and Service 104 45 104 45
40. W. V. Rumsey, Town Clerk 105 30 105 30
41. Harry Havins, Justice Bill 20 00 20 00
42. L. S. Teeter, Justice Bill 22 00 22 00
43. Wm. H. Humiston, Justice Bill 20 00 20 00
44. Chas. Teeter, Justice BilI 20 00_ 90 00
45. George Cavanaugh, Watering Trough 3 00 3 00
46. Hall Bailey, Watering Trough 3 00 3 00
$1350 18
Less one hundred fifty dollars now into
Treasurer's hands . 150 00
• $1200 18
1 hereby certify that the foregoing is a just and true copy.
W. V. RUMSEY, Town Clerk..
We, the undersigned members of the Town Board of the Town of Groton,
do hereby certify tliat the following is an abstract of the names of all per-
sons to be audited, the amounts claimed by such persons and the amount
finally -audited by the said Board respectively, to wit:
No. Naive. Nature of Claim. Claimed. Allowed.
1. F. A. Begent, Service on Town Board $ 16 00 $ 16 00
2. F. A. Begent, Highways and Percentage 141 13 141 13
3. F. A. Begent, Percentage on Money paid out 93 54 93 54
4. Dana Rhodes, Service on Town Board 14 00 14 00
The Supervisors' Proceedings. 165
No. Name. Nature of Claim. Claimed. Allowed.
5. Grant Halsey, Service on Town Board 13 00 13 00
6. A. L. Houghtaling, Service on Town Board 14 00 14 00
7. J. M. Montfort, Service on Town Board 18 00 18 00
8. Ashbel Landon, Service on Town Board, Town
Clerk 14 00 14 00
9. Frank L. Tarbell, Truant Officer 30 00 30 00
10. H. B. Stevens, Assessor 83 00 83 00
11, H. 13. Stevens, Copying Assessment Roll, etc. 15 00 15 00
12. A. P. Howard, Assessor 67 35 67 35
13. J. M. Hyde, Assessor 67 35 67 35
14. Andrus & Church; Blank Tax Rolls 10 50 10 50
15. Frank Upson, .Inspector and Messenger, Dist.
No. 1 69 30 68 30
16. Garfield Holden, Inspector and Messenger, Dist.
No. 1 47 00 46 60
17. Eugene Cook, Inspector and Messenger, Dist.
No. 1 45 20 44 20
18. Delbert Howe, Inspector, Dist. No. 1 39 00 38 00
19. E. G. Metzgar, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 1 10 00 8 00
20. W. H. Bulkley, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 1 15 00 14 00
21. Fred Bossard, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 15 00 6. 00
22. N. L. Metzgar, Ballot Clerk, Dist. No. 1 14 00 12 00
23. M. G. Tarbell, Ballot Clerk, Dist. No, 1 15 00 12 00
24. W. C. Allen, Erecting and taking down booths 8 00 8 00 •
25. W. C. Allen, Storing voting machine, Dist. No. 1 .3 00 3 00
26. W. C. Allen, Trustee, Rent of Hall for Elections 28 00 28 00
27. E. F. Talmadge, 'Trustee, Rent of Chapel for
Elections 8 00 8 00
28. 0.'Burr Tarbell, Inspector and Messenger, Dist.
No. 2 72 76 72 76
29. J. K. Pickens, Inspector and Messenger, Dist
No. 2 45 05 45 05
30. P. J. Savocool, Inspector, Dist. No. 2 38 00 38 00
31. Lyman Halliday, .Inspector, Dist. No. 2 38 00 38 00
32. H. D. Stevens, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 21.4 00 14 00
33. S. W. Pennoyer, Poll Clerk, Dist.. No. 2 10 00 14 00
34. Geo, Stark, Ballot Clerk, Dist. No. 2 14 00 12 00
35. M. D. Montfort, Ballot Clerk, Dist. No. 2 14 00 12 00
36. Hurl Colby, Firm of Stevens &C Colby, Rent of
Polling Place, Dist. No. 2 20 00 20 00
37. G. M. Stoddard, Rent of Polling Place, Dist. No. 2 30 00 30 00
38. Frank B, Harris, Lighting Po11: Place, Dist. No. 2 1 65 . 1 65
39. M. C. Howe, Insp. and Mess., Dist. No. 3 46 88 45 38
40. E, W. Kostenbader, Inspector and Mess. Dist, 3 75 13 73 63
41. Dana Rhodes, Inspector, Dist.. 3 38 00 38 00
166 The Supervisors' Proceedings.
No, Name. Nature of Claim. Claimed, Allowed:
42. W. H. Wells (Assigned G. Pickens), Inspector,
Dist. 3 23 50 22 0C
43. Frank Hyde, Inspector, Dist. 3 16 00 16 00
44. M. H. Whitman, Poll CIerk, Dist. 3 15 62 14 04
45. R. Bernal' Shaw, Poll Clerk, Dist. 315 62 14 04
46. A. S. Beach, Ballot Clerk, Dist. 3 12 00 12 00
47. Elisha Field, Ballot Clerk, Dist, 3 12 00 12 00
48. Village of Groton, Treas. E. W. Kostenbader,
Rent of Hall, etc., Dist. 3 85 00 85 00
49. lst Nat. Bank, W. B. Cole, Cashier, Rent Town
Clerk's Office 60 00 60 00
50. Ernest Reniff, Inspector and Messenger, Dist. 4 92 70 92 70
40 00
51. M. C. Keenan, Inspector and -Messenger, Dist. 4 40 00
52. J. 11. Hart, Inspector and Messenger, Dist. 4 40 00 40 00.
53. D. N. Morgan, Inspector and Messenger, Dist. 4 40 00 40 00
54. G. B. Sickman, Poli Clerk, Dist.. 4 12 00 14 00
55. S. H. Fowler, Poll Clerk, Dist. 4 8 00 10 00
56. Frank Slater, Ballot Clerk, Dist, 4 8 00 8 00
57. C. M. I)utcher, Ballot Clerk, Dist. 4 4 00 4 00
58, F. L. Ogden, Ballot CIerk, Dist. 4 12 00 12 0• 0
59. G. W. Wolcott, Trustee, Rent of Hall, Dist. 4 45 00 36 00
60. Ashbel Landon, Election Expenses 21 20 21 20
61. Charles Hyde, Election Expenses, Sept and Oct. 17 00 17 00
62. Charles Hyde, Election Expenses, Dec. and Mar. 26 00 26 00
63. Charles Hyde, Election Expenses, Nov. 7 00 7 00
64. A, S. Tanner, Moving Office 75 75
65. T. B. Hopkins, Moving Office 75 75
66. Dana Rhodes, Justice Fees 7 80 7 80
67. B. H. Wager, Quarantine and Fees, Howscr Case 11 85 11 85
68. Ashbel Landon, Miscellaneous 29 85 29 85
69. R. C. Tarbell, Vital Statistics and Medical At-
tendance 31 00 28 00
70. G. M. Gilchrist, Vital Statistics 6 00 6 00
71. B. L. Robinson, Poor and Vital Statistics 26 75 26 7• 5
72; J. H. Van Marter, Poor and Professional Services 12 00 12 00
73. C. L. Myers, Marriage Ceremonies 1 50 1 50
74. Ashbel Landon, Vital Statistics 34 25 34 25
75. C. A. Boyce, Vital Statistics and Lunacy 6 50 6 50
76. G. E. Albon, Vital Statistics and Health Officer 48 55 48 5• 5
77. C. A. Boyce, Fumigation, Smallpox and Scarlet
Fever 14 00 14 00
78. A. Booth & Son, Burial of Poor 66 00 65 00
79. F. C. Atwood, Goods supplied Poor 48 83 48 83
80, S. C. Gooding, Fuel supplied Poor 42 50 42 5• 0
81. McKinney & Landon, Goods supplied Poor 48 83 48 83
82. C. W. Conger•Co., Goods supplied Poor 13 86
The Swpervi.$ois' Proceedings. 167
No. Name. Nature of Claim. Claimed. Allowed,
83. George Pickens, Goods supplied Poor 4 44 4 44
84. Allen & Stoddard, Fuel supplied Poor and Office 122 45 122 45
85. Delbert Dennis, Quarantine Rent 10 50 10 50
86. Buck & Gobel, Hardware 85 85
87. 13. F. Hatch, Rebate of Tax 3 25 3 19
88. A. J. Baldwin, Rebate of Tax 15 51
89. O. M. English, Emma Beard Case 13 75 2.75
90. G. M. Gilchrist, Lunacy—Mrs. Beard5 uu 5 00
91. A. J. Conlon, Charges in Beard Case 3 55 3 55
92. Albert Van Auken, Constable Service 4 75 4'75
93. F. C. Atwater, Supplies for Town Clerk - 1 30 1 30 ,
94. Ashbel Landon, Light and McIre 8 71 8 71
95. Newton A. Collings, Fumigators 6 35 6 35
96. Ashbel Landon, Express, etc. 4 15 4 15
97. Williamson Law Book Co., Dockets, etc. 17 50 17 50
98. M. V. Atwood, Printing 25 80 25 80
99. M. V. Atwood, Printing Bill Heads 5 00 5 00
100. Frank B. Harris, Supplies furnished Supt.
Dutcher 5 10 5 10
101. Frank B. Harris, Rent of: phone to Road Supt. 17 95 17 95
$2647 33
In witness whereof we have hereunto • subscribed our names this 16th
day of November, 1912, •
F. A. DECENT, Supervisor.
DANA RHODES, Justice of. Peace.
J. M. MONTFORT, Justice of Peace.
Abstract of the names of all who presented claims to be audited by the
Board of Town Auditors of the Town of Ithaca with th? amounts claimed
and allowed.
No. Name. Nature of Claim. Claimed. Allowed.
1. Williamson Law Book Co., Book $ 7 50 $ 7 50
2. Eugene H. Preswick, Assessor 62 00 62 00
3. Theo. J. Baker, Assessor 70 00 70 00
4. Montgomery Farling, , Assessor 92 50 92 50
5. Dr. W. H. Lockerby, Health Officer 53 00 53 00
6. Dr. H. H. Crum, Vital Statistics 1 75 1 75
7. Dr. J. Frank W. Allen, Vital Statistics 25 25
168 The Supervisors' Proceedings.
No, Name. Nature of Claim. Claimed. Allowed.
8. Dr. R. C. Warren, Vital Statistics 2 00 2 00
9. .A. W. Kline, Service and Disbursements 93 42 93 42
10. John W. Preswick, Paying out High,vay Funds 57 40 57 40
11. Cayuga Press, Printing • 12 75 12 75
12. Andrus & Church, Tax /lolls 12 38 12 38
13. Tompkins, Cobb & Cobb, Counsel 6 00 6 00
14. Willard M. Kent, Counsel 10 00 10 00
15. Bert T.'Baker, Description of Prop. for Tax Sale 5 00 5 00
16. A. W. Kline, Vital Statistics 13 75 13 75
17. D. D. Fisher, Justice of Peace 22 00 22 00
18. Jake Wilcox, Justice of Peace 20 00 20 00
19. James A. Bush, Justice of Peace 18 00 18 00
20. Earl G. Northrup, Inspector 45 00 45 00
21. Frank Hanshaw, Inspector 45 00 45 00
22. Howard McDaniels, Inspector 45 00 45 00
23. D. E. Westervelt, Ballot Clerk 10 00 10 00
24. Clyde Manning, Ballot Clerk 15 00 15 00
25. H. W. Middaugh, Poll Clerk 15 00 15 00
26. H. W. Middaugh, Polling. Plaee 30 00 30 00
27. A, W. Kline, Office Rent. 26 00 26' 00
28. John W. Preswick, Supervisor 51 30 51 30
29. Jake Wilcox, Poll Clerk 15 00 15 00
30. Dr. J. S. Kirkendall, Medical Service 25 00 Disallowed
31. A. F., Van Gorder, Attendance Officer 30 00 30 00
32. A. F. Van Corder, Overseer of Poor 47 28 47 2S
33. C. O. Williams, School Director 6 40 6 40
34. 1-l. S. Wright, Justice of Peace 50 30 50 30
35. H. S. Wright, Justice of Peace -18 00 18 00
36. Frank McPherson, Town Supt. 798 00 798 00
37. Arthur J. Teeter, Inspector 90 00 40 00
38. L. W. Nelson, Inspector 45 00 45 00
39. Ozinun Shevalier, Inspector 45 00 45 00
40. Lewis O. Freese, Inspector 68 90 68 90
41, kl. S. Wright., Poll CIerk 15 00 15 00
42. Edgar L. Andrews, Poll Clerk 15 00 15 00
43. Elmer Shev Bier, Ballot CIerk 15 00 15 06
44. Everett Martin, Ballot Clerk 20 00 20 00
45. Nettie Van Orman, Polling Place 30 00 30 00
46. L. O. Williams, Constable 4 40 4 40
47. A. W. Kline, Highway Work 16 33 16 38
48. Chas. L. Morris. Inspector 72 56 72 56
$2219 22 $2194 22
We, the undersigned, the Town Auditors of the Town of Ithaca, do .
hereby certify, that the above, is a true and correct list of the accounts
The Supervisors' Proceedings. 169
audited or rejected at the meeting of the said Board held November 7th, 1912.
A. W. KLINE, Town Clerk
To the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins:
The following abstract of the'naines of alI persons who have presented
to the Board of Town Auditors of the Town of Lansing, in said County,
accounts to be audited during the year 1912, the amounts claimed by each
of such persons, and the amounts finally audited by the said Board of Town
Auditors, is herewith submitted, pursuant to statute, to wit.
No. Name. Nature of Claim. • Claimed. Allowed.
1. Sibley Drake, Inspector of Election, Dist.. No. 1$ 45 00 $ 45 00
2. E, E. Ludlow,Inspector and Messenger, Dist. 1 55 00 50 00
3. G. B. Smith, Inspector and Messenger, Dist. 1 55 18 50 18
4. Walter Sweazy, inspector and Messenger, Dist, 1 53 12 48 12
5, Howard Mosher, Poll Clerk, Dist. 1 15 00 14 00
6. Clifford Townsend, Poll Clerk, Dist. 1 15 00 14 00
7. O. M. Holden, Ballot Clerk, Dist. 1 15 00 14 00
8. C. B. Jefferson, Ballot CIcrk, Dist. 1 15 00 14 00
10. Chas. Searles, Inspector of Election, Dist. 2 36 00 36 00
11. Chas. Lobdell, Inspector of EIection, Dist. 2 36 00 36 00
12. Alson Karn, Inspector of Election, Dist, 2 36 00 36 00
13. Samuel Lane, Inspector and Messenger, Dist. 2 66 77 66 77
14. M. H. DeCamp, Poll Clerk, Dist. 2 12 00 12 00
15. Frank H. Tarbell, Poll Cierk, Dist. 2 12 00 12 00
16. Percy Haring, Ballot Clerk, Dist. 2 12 00 12 00
17: Frank Moran, Ballot Clerk, Dist. 2 12 00 12 00
18. Frank Tarbell, Poll Clerk, 1911 4 00 4 00
19. Elmore Teeter, Inspector and Messenger, Dist, 3 45 64 40 00
20. Henry Terpening, Inspector of Eelection, Dist. 3 46 06 41 06
21. Ernest Brown, Inspector of Election, Dist. 3 45 00 40 00
22. John B. Farrell, Inspector of Election, Dist. 3 50 90 45 90
23. M. A. Farrell, Poll Clerk, Dist. 3 20 56 19 56
24. Cary Dean, Ballot Clerk, Dist. 3 15 00 14 00
25. Marl Teeter, Ballot Clerk, Dist. 3 15 00 14 00
170 The Supervisors' Proceedings.
No. Name. Nature of CIaiin. Claimed: Allowed.
26. Ralph B. Robinson, Poll Clerk and. Messenger,
Dist. 3 25 60 24 60
27. O. M. English, Overseer Poor, Service Bill 34 50 34 50
28. W. J. Norton, Truant Officer 11 25 11 25
29. A. B. Brooks & Son, disinfectants 80 80
30. Wilber J. Boles, Truant Officer 4 50 4 50
31. Andrus & Church, Assessment Books 13 14 13 14
32. C. M. Eghert, Poor Supplies & Election Supplies 72 60 72 60
33. C. M. Egbert, Election Supplies 50 50
34. W. J. Norton, Constable Bill 3 80 3 80
35. L. R. Lyon, Use of Hall and care of Booths 35 00 35 00
36. Harry Herrick, Use of Hall 35 00 35 00
37. L. V. Main, Poor Supplies68 23 68 23
38. No. Lansing Hall Corporation, D. Bothwell,
Pres., Use of Hall 30 00 25 00
39. Jesse Foulkes, Nursing Town Poor 10 50 9 00
40. Dr. H. H. Crum, Med. Services in Lunacy Com. 11 40 11 40
41. N. E. Lyon Store, Poor Supplies 35 10 35 10
42. C. D. & C. E. Townsend, Livery Bill 3 00 2 00
43. C. M. Buck, Highway Corn„ Service Bill 564 00 564 00
44. Dr. Ira A. Allen, Med. Services Town Poor 35 00 35 00
45. Dr. Ira A. Allen, Vital Statistics 8 25 5 25
46. Dr. Jra A. Allen, 1•I. 0. Services 78 25 78 25
47. F -red Miller, Truant Officers Services 11 90 - 11 90
48. Leo Emmons, Constable Fees 20 55 20 55
49. Kenneth Drake, Del. Primary Tickets to Town
Clerk 5 60 5 60
50. Chas. H. Terpening, Assessor, Services 58 04 58 64
51. Samuel Lane, Assessor, Services 58 00 53 00
52. Fred Barnes, Assessor, Services 57 12 57 12
53. W. M. Bristol, Justice Peace Services 22 00 22 00
54. A. J. Conlon, Justice Peace Services 26 00 26 00
55. D. A. Tarbell, Justice Peace Services 28 00 28 00
56. Chas. Drake, Justice Peace Services 28 00 28 00
57. Casper Fenner, Supervisor Services 8 00 8 00
58. A. J. Conlon, Justice Peace Criminal Bill 14 90 14 90
59. Fox Holden, Care of Road Funds 50 00 50 00
60. Fox Holden, Supervisor Services 32 00 32 00
61. N. E. Lyon Store, Disinfectants 5 50 5 50
62. Chas. D. Howell, Town Clerk Services 70 25 70 25
63. Chas. D. Howell, Postage, Express, Telephone
Charges 9 48 . 9 48
64. Chas. D. Howell, Issuing Burial Permits 9 00 9 00
65. Chas. D. Howell, Registering Deaths 10 50 10 50 _
The Supervisors' Proceeding' s. 171
No. Name. Nature of Claim. Claimed. Allowed,
66. Chas. D. Howell, Registering Births 7 75 7 75
67. N. E. Lyons Store, Disinfectants 40 40
$2281 74
I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of all accounts pre-
sented to the Town Board of the Town of Lansing for audit and the amounts
finally allowed by said Board on November 7th, 1912.
CHAS. D. HOWELL, Town Clerk.
We, the undersigned, the Town Board of the Towil of Newfield, do
hereby certify, that the following is an abstract of the names of all persons
who have presented to said •board, accounts to be audited, the amounts
claimed by each of said persons, and the amounts finally audited respectively,
to wit.
Dated, Newfield, November 7th, 1912,
No. Name. Nature of Claim. Claimed. Allowed.
1. Joseph Novok, Inspector, Dist. No. 1 ' 38 00 $ 38 00
2. Joseph Spoustea, Inspector, Dist. No. 1. 38 00 38 00
3. W. E. Bush, Inspector and Messenger, Dist. No. 1 49 88 49 88
4, Wrn. Weatheroll, Inspector, Dist. No. 1 12 00 12 00
5. W. R. Taber, Inspector, Dist. No. 1 18 00 18 00
6. A. It. Allen, Inspector and Mess., Dist. No. 118 00 18 00
7. C. B. Boice, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 1 4 00 4 00
8. Estus Patterson, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 1 14 00 14 00
9. Allen Everhart, Inspector, Dist. No. 2 38 00 38 00
10. Bert Drake, Inspector, Dist. No. 2 43 96 43 96
11. A. S. Brown, Inspector, Dist. No, 2 12 00 12 00
12. Chas. Lanning, Inspector and Messenger, Dist.
No, 2 54 88 54 88
13. Roland Tompkins, Inspector, Dist. No. 2 43 65 42 65
14. Chas. McDaniels, Ballot Clerk, Dist. No. 2 12 00 12 00
15. F. W. Payne, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 2 6 00 6 00
16. Watson McDanieIs, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 2 4 00 4 00
17. T. It, Van Zoll, Ballot Clerk, Dist. No. 2 4 00 4 00
18. W. S. Hetherington, Ballot Clerk, Dist. No. 2 14 00 14 00
19. N. C. Cook, Poll Clerk,. Dist. No. 2 8 00 8 00
20. Elmer Alexander, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 2 14 00 14 00
21. Augustus Patterson, Inspector and Messenger,
Dist.. No. 2 44 32 44 32
22. Mary L. Taberm, Allowance on wide tire wagon 4 00 4 00
172 The Supervisors' Proceedings.
No. ;Nine. Nature of Claim. CIaimed. Allowed,
23. harry Horton, Truant Officer Service Bill 5 80 5 80
24. C. F. Swift, M. D., Vital Statistics 11 75 11 75
25. Joseph Spousta, Allowance on wide tire wagon 1 05 1 05
26. W. A. Smith, M. •D., Vital Statistics 11 75 11 75
27. A. H. Palmer, Dowding Commissioner 8 00 8 00
28. Dr. W. A. Smith, Medical Attendance, Town
Poor 11 00 11 00
29. Chas. McDaniels, Allowance under highway law 10 00 10 00
30. Fred W. Payne, Assessor Service Bill 60 75 60 75
31. L. H, Taber, Assessor Service Bill 62 60 62 60
32. S. J. Rumsey, Assessor Service Bill 71 75 71 75
33. Anton Vyskocil, Allowance on wide tire wagon 1 66 1 66
34. E. D, Rockwell, Ballot Clerk, Dist. No, 2 4.00 4 00
35. _S. D, Cook, Agent, Rent of Puff & Dean rooms, .
• Town use 27 00 • 27 00
36. John Griggs, Allowance on wide tire wagon 2 62 2 62
37. Chas. McDaniels, Supplies Town Poor . 9 92 9 92
38, B. F. McAllaster, Supervisor, Service Bill 20 00 20 00
39. Andrus b:: Church, 3 Assessment Rolls 6 75 6 75
40. C. Lee Brainard, Supplies for Town Poor 32 46 32 46
41. Isaiah Leonard, Allowance on water trough 3 00 3 00
42, Char. McDaniels, Town Clerk, Vital Statistics 19 75 19 75
43. S. L. Gibbs, Service Bill 50 00 : 50 00
44. C. B. Boice, Town Supt. of Highways, Interest
on town note 48 63 48 63
45. Robt. Alexander, Service rendered redistricting
election districts 12 00 12 00
46. Oscar Drake, A]Iowance on wide tire wagon 1 92 1 92
47. Glenn M. Keene, Ballot Clerk, Dist. No. 1 -4 00 4 00
48. Chas. McDaniels, Town Clerk Expense Account 8 67 , 8 67
49, Albright Bros., Allowance on wide tire wagon 8 00 8 0(
50. Aaron Royer, Allowance on wide tire wagon 4 00 4 0C
51. Philip Westervelt, Allowance on wide tire wagon 4 00 4. 0C
52. Seymour Grover, Overseer Poor, Service Bill 22 00 22 OC
53. B. F. McAllaster, Allowance under highway law 75 00 75 Oil
54. Forest City Printing Co., Printing special Town
Meeting tickets 50 75 50 75
55. Jennie Millard, Allowance on wide tire wagon 3 15 3 15
56. Cayuga Printing Co., Printing School Directors
tickets 18 91 18 91
57. Chas. H. Brown, Ballot Clerk, Dist. No. 1 12 00 12 00 ,
58. Frank Blowsky, Allowance on wide tire wagon 87 87
59. Wilson Hopper, Allowance on wide tire wagon 1 90 1 99
60. Nelson Loveless, Allowance on wide tire wagon 1 66 1 66
61. Ithaca City Hospital, Care of Lyman Harriman 25 50 25 55
T/te Supervisors' Proceedings. 173
No. Name. Nature of Claim. Claimed. Allowed.
62. S. D. Cook, Agent for .Lucy A. Dudley, Use of
Hall for Town Purposes 78 00 78 00
63. C. B. Boice, Town Supt. of Highways, Service
Bill 720 00 720 00
64. C. B. Dolce, Town Supt, of Highways, Expense
Account 6 00 6 00
65. DaugIass Carpenter, Justice, Service Bill 24 00 24 00
66. Robt. Alexander, Justice, Service Bill 24 00 24 00
67, B. F. McAllaster, Supervisor, Service Bill 20 00 20 00
68. 1-I. 0). Blakeslee, Allowance on wide tire wagon 1 75 1 75
69. H. D. Blakeslee, Truant Officer, Service Bill 7 00 7 00
70. Chas, McDaniels, Town Clerk, Service Bill 89 00 89 00
7L Wm. H. Payne, Justice, Service Bill 24 00 24 00
72. James Brown, Ballot Clerk, Dist. No. 1 8 00 8 00
73. A. D. Brown, Justice, Service Bill 30 00 30 00
74. Mont. A. Godley, Hardware for Bridge 1 70 1 70
75. 13. 1'. McAllaster, Interest on Town note 20 25 20 25
$2304 41 $2304 41
B. F. MCALLASTER, Supervisor.
CHAS. McDANIELS, Town Clerk.
WM. 1-1. PAYNE,
Justice of Peace.
List of the bills audited by the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses,
Tompkins County, N. Y., on November 7th and Noveinber 8th, 1912, giving
the name of the person presenting the hill, the nature of the service
rendered, the amount claimed and the amount at which the ,bill was allowed.
No. Name. Nature of Claim. Claimed. Allowed.
1. D. H. Rightrriyer, Truant Officer $ 30 00 $ 30 00
,2. The Biggs Company, Supplies 1 81 1 81
3. Arthur Stewart, Poll Clerk 16 00 16 00
Assigned to State Bank.
4. James H. Tompsou, Inspector 12 00 12 00
-Assigned to State Bank.
5. 0. G. Noble; Justice 9 75 9 75
Assigned to State Bank.
6. Williamson Law Book Co., Supplies 75 75
174 The Supervisors' Proceedings.
No. Name. Nature of Claim,. Claimed. Allowed,
7. W. H. Green, Poll Clerk 8 00 8 00
8. Sarah E. Van Order, Use of House for Assessors 2 00 2 00
9. George Chase, Assessor80 75 80 75
10. Samuel Riddle, Services 24 37 24 97
11. 0. 1). Creque, Putting up Booths 16 00 16 00
12. P. E. Van Buskirk, Undertaker 10 00 10 00
13. A. P. Osborn, Inspector and Messenger 77 10 77 10
14. H. H. Crum, Vital Statistics 25 25
15. Andrus & Church, Tax Molls 10 50 10 50
16. 0-0. Noble, Poll Clerk 4 00 4 00
Assigned to State Bank.
17. E, N. -Williams, Putting up Booths 16 00 16 00
18. Charles Taylor, Expense Trill 26 25 96 25
19. Charles Taylor, Vital Statistics 54 75 54 75
20. W. 11. Green, Inspector • 26 00 26 00
21. Robert Carberry, Inspector 38 00 38 00
22. A, H. Porter, Overseer of Poor 10 00 10 00
23. Floyd Smith, Inspector• and Messenger 63 14 63 14
24. 0, G. Noble, Poll Clerk 6 00 6 00
25. W. I. Sherwood, Inspector 38 00 38 00
26. Henry Williams, Ballot Clerk 14 00 14 00
27. Milton 1). Batty, Poll Clerk 14 00 14 00
28. C. B. Clark, Ballot Clerk 14 00 14 00
29. Charles Clapp, Inspector• and Messenger 74 27 74 27
30. J. M. Townsend, Medical Services 28 00 28 00
31. John Chase, Poll Clerk 14 00 14 00
32. Floyd Harrison, Inspector 38 00 38 00
33. 0, G. Noble, Services to Assessors 11 50 11 50
34, 0. 0. Noble, Justice's Bill 19 05 19 05
35. J. M. Townsend, Medical Services 5 00 5 00
36. F. W. Van Order, Poll Clerk 14 00 14 00
37. Fred Van Buskirk, Inspector 38 00 38 00
38. 13. I. Vann, Ballot Clerk 14 00 14 00
39. A. Chase, Medical Services 10 00 10 00
40. A. Chase, Vital Statistics 17 60. 17 GO ,
41. John Young, Ballot Clerk 14 00 14 00
42. George Hopkins, Supplies 3 08 3 08
43, Homer C. Mott, Inspector 38 00 38 00
44, A. Chase, Medical Services 8 00 8 00
45. E. J. Farrington, Overseer of Poor 77 90 77 90
46. J. J. McGuire, Legal Services 25 00 25 00
47. E. H. Stillwell, Assessor 83 :35 83 35
48. Charles Taylor, Service Bill 120 92 120 92
49. A. Chase, Medical Services 5 00 5 00
50. W. D. Smith, Rent of Polling PIace 50 61 50 61
51. Susquehanna Valley Home, Care of Child 32 86 32 36
The Supervi5oi•s' P"roccecdings. 175
No. Name. Nature of Claim. Claimed. Allowed.
52. Susquehanna -'alley Hoine, Care of Child 30 00 30 00
53. A. F. Allen, Printing 8 80 8 80
54. A, F. Allen, .I:'rinting and Supplies 46 74 46 74
55. John Wets, Ballot Clerk 14 00 14 00
56. W. D, Halsey, Inspector 42 00 38 00
57. Charles Itightmyer, Ballot Clerk 14 00 14 00
58. 1-Ienry Williams, Justice 14 00 14 00
Assigned State Bank.
55. Frank Miller, Assessor 80'75 80 75
60. M. 0. Batty, Supervisor 42 00 42 00
61. Charles Thompson, .Deputy Sheriff 8 40 ' 8 40
62. J. H. Thompson, Inspector 30 00 30 00
63. John Chase, Justice 16 75 16 75
64. M. D. Batty, Service 13i11, Highway, Fund 60 00 60 uO
65, Thomas Kirby, Rent or Polling Place 45 00 45 00
66. Joseph Carron, Ballot Clerk 38 00 38 00
67. 0. D. Creque, Rent of Polling Place 45 00 45 00
68. R. J. Hunt, Poll Clerk 4 00 4 00
69. 0. G. Noble, Service Bill 14 00 14 00
70. Charles Taylor, Service Bill 25 00 25' 00
71. Peter O'Hara, Service Bill 488 00 483 00
72, Henry Williams, Service Bill 6 00 6 00
73, N. Smith, Service 13111 18 00 18 00
74. J. M. Townsend, Medical Services 5 00 5 00
75. Seneca Spicer, Constable 7 20 7 20
76. H. S. Bates, Poll Clerk 6 00 6 00
77. George Sears, Poll Clerk 6 00 6 00
78. 0. C. Noble, Tax Descriptions 10 00 10 00
79. 1. N. Corey, Constable 3 00 3 00
80. P. P. Bouton, Jr., Poll Clerk 4 00 4 00
Assigned to E. P..1.3outon, Sr,
• $2483 60
116 The Supervisors' Proceedings.
To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County:
As Treasurer of Tompkins County, I have the honor of submitting the
following report of moneys received and disbursed by me from November
1, 11)11, to November 1, 1912.
Receipts. Disbursements.
Farm S: Village Tel. Co., Reassessed Tax $ 9 40
Almshouse ifarm Sales 665 54
Insurance on Almshouse Barn 840 00
Tax sale advertising 1S6 78
Tax sale certificates 136 80
Redemption sale advertising 50 14
Fees on taxes 23 83
Interest on taxes 36 03
Willard Letts, time 75 00
Jennie Morris, time 75 00
D. Rhodes, time 40 00
Margaret Garnett, cash bail 250 00
Helen Crawford, cash bail 250 00
First National Bank, Ithaca, Ioan 12000 00
Fees on court funds 92 74
Coroners . 5 76
Sale of apples 3 16
Surrogate's office 58 59
Enfield collector error in 1910 20 00
Sale of highway bonds 17000 00
First National Bank, on notes 3200 00
$35018 77
J: J. Kennedy treasurer state tax 13597 14
J. J. Kennedy, treasurer sinking fund 4343 06
Edgar Chase, collector, returned school tax 7 73
J. G. Roth, collector, returned school tax ' 10 17
A. M. Carman, refunded tax 2 24
The Supervisors' Proceedings. 177
Receipts. Disbursements.
Lehigh \Talley R. R. Co.,,refunded tax 16 94
Ithaca Journal, tax sale advertising 148 18
Forest City Printing Co., tux sale advertising .... 143 18
Tax sale certificates 93 15
Redemption sale advertising 63 76
Margaret Garnett, cash bail bond 2550 00
Helen Crawford, cash bail bond 250 00
Fred Beardsley, school corn. sal. to Jan. 1, 1912 ,50 00
Hattie K. Buck, school cont. sal. to Jan. 1, 1912 50 00
First National Batik, Dryden, note 6294 47
Monroe County Penitentiary 599 71
St. Ann's School 41 43
Sisters of The Good Shepherd 66 64
George Junior Republic 336 57
Craig Colony ` 42 62
Syracuse Institution for Feeble Minded Children 120 00
D. F. Van Vleet, attorney 25 00
«m. Nelson Noble, attorney 19 86
1), F. Van fleet, attorney 47 50
Ithaca Telephone Co. 150 00
Daniel Crowley, attorney 147 27
New York Telephone Co. 150 00
Forest City Printing Co. 5 63
J. B. ]..ting Co. 28 50
Tompkins County Fair Association 21 00
Highway Maintenance . 2200 00
Condemnation Commissioners 129 75
Dr. 11. B. Beseiner 50 00
Supervisors Expenses 5914 55
$35018 77
State tax $ 6428 73 $
County tax 22756 51
Almshouse poor . 1658 36
Election printing . 210 28
School tax on roll 1530 13
$32584 01
Cash from Chamberlain $ 30761 95 ' ,$ 30761 95
Shortage on Roll 432 38
Taxes paid County Treasurer 774 96 , ' 774 96
Returned tax 614 72
$32584 01
Due City per 1911 report $ 613 03
$35925 05
-178 The Supervisors' Proceedings:
Returned tax paid County Treasurer
School taxes on 1911 roll
1 79
1530 13
$2.144 95
Advertising Telluride property $ 12 34
Shortage in Assessment Roll 432 38
Returned real tax 271 82
Returned school tax 342 90
$1059 44
Due City 11085 51
State tax $ 425 89
County tax 1804 93
Maintenance Road 483 200 00
Almshouse Poor 146 16
Election printing . 40 15
Interest on debt to county 206 16
Overpaid on warrant 250 00
Overpaid on warrant 328 18
Receipts. Disbursements.
1 79
$3401 47
Cash from collector $ 1804 91 $ 1804 91
.Taxes paid County Treasurer 1551 59 1551 59
Returned tax 44 97
$3401 47
'Returned tax $ 44 97 •
Error in state tax 84 00
$128 97
Due Town per 1911. report $ 28 54
Returned tax paid County Treasurer
12 66 $
$ 41 20
Town owes County $ 87 77
State tax $ 490 86
County tax 1737 53
Election printing 34 32
Returned taxes 6 27
Maintenance improved roads 150 00
Almshouse Poor . 122 60
Returned school tax 1 66
$2543 24
12 66
250 00
328 18
The Supervisors' Proceedings. 179
Receipts. Disbursements.
Cash from collector $ 1573 23 $ 1573 23
Taxes paid County Treasurer 882 64 882 64
Returned tax 87 37
$2543 24
Due County per 1911 report $ 32 47
Returned tax 87 37
$119 84
Raised in budget $ 627
Returned tax paid County Treasurer 87 90
$ 94 17
Town owes County $ 25 67
State tax . • $ 1457 61
County tax . 5159 70
Returned t•tx 119 10
Sinking Fund 89 71
interest . 179 42
Almshouse Poor 72 19
Due County on Road 338 2235 00 `
Election printing . 81 46
T)ue County on Road 483 742 61
Interest to .Tan. 1, 1912 on 338 283 33
Interest to .Tan. 1, 1912 on 483 56 55
Maintenance Improved Roads 650 00
87 90
$ 11126 68
Cash from collector $ 7729 35 $ 7729 35
Taxes paid County Treasurer 3044 36 3044 36
•T3etnrned tax 352 97
$$ 11126 68
Due County 1911 report $ 335 84
Returned tax 352 97
$ 688 81
Raised in budget . $ 119 10
Returned tax paid County Treasurer 425 53
$ 544 63
Town owes County $ 144 38
$ 4255 53
180 The Supervisors' Proceedings.
Receipts. Disbursements.
State tax . $ 406 55
County tax 1439 13
Almshouse Poor 72 19
Election printing 19 14
$ 1937 01
Cash from collector $ 1855 58 $ 1855 58
Taxes paid County Treasurer 49 78 49 78
Returned tax 31 65
$ 1937 01
Due County per 1911 report $ 34 13
Returned tax 31 65
$ 65 78
Returned taxes paid County Treas. 8 30 $ 8 30
Town owes County $ 57 48
To the credit of the Town, in the
matter of Rumsey vs. Smith 150 00
State tax $ 1091 85
County tax 3864 94
Returned tax . 11 32
Election printing 62 87
Almshouse Poor . 231 26
Syracuse Institution 60 00
$ 5322 24
Cash from collector $ 4223 73 $ 4223 73
Taxes paid County Treasurer 1086 18 1056 18
Returned tax 12 33,
$ 5322 24
Due County per 1911 report $ 15 04
Returned tax 12 33
$ 27 37
Raised in budget . $ 11 32
Returned tax paid County Treasurer 15 GO
$ 26 92
Town owes County . $ 45
15 60
The Supervisors' Proceedings. 181
State tax $ 666 26
County tax 2358 46
Election printing 30 87
Maintenance Improved Roads 800 00
Sinking Fund on Road 606 57 60
Interest on Road 606 115 20
Sinking Fund on ltoad 616 75 77
Interest on Road 616 151 54
Principal due Co. on Roads 336 & 454 823 45
Interest due Co. on Roads 336 & 454 1146 16
Receipts. Disbursements.
$ 6225 31
Casli front collector $ 2012 93 $ 2012 93
Taxes paid County Treasurer 1923 28 1923 28
Cash from .T. W. Preswick, super. 1969 61 . 1969 61
Returned tax . 319 49
$ 6225 31
Due County per 1911 report $ 1 43
Returned tax 319 49
$ 320 92
Returned tax paid County Treasurer 316 50 $ 316 5C
Town owes County $ 4 42
State tax . $ 1067 38
County tax . 3778 30
Maintenance Road 336 100 00
Almshouse Poor 383 25
Election printing . 46 14
Returned tax 6 84
Interest due County on Road 336 340 24
$ 5722 15
Cash frons collector . $ 4025 64 $ 4025 64
Taxes paid County Treasurer 1622 77 1622 77
Returned tax 73 74
$ 5722 15
Due County per 1911 report $ 8 27
Returned tax . 73 74
$ 82 01
182 The Supervisors' Proceedings.
Receipts. Disbursements.
Raised in budget $ 6 84
Returned taxes paid' Co. Treasurer 16 66 $ 16 66
$ 23 50
Town owes County $ 58 51
State tax $ 507 17
County tax 1795 30
A]nishouse Poor 208 98
Syracuse Institution 40 00
Returned school tax 4 18
Election printing 38 52
$ 2594 15
Cash from collector $ 1577 59 $ 1577 59
Taxes paid County Treasurer _931 33 931 83
Returned tax 35 23
$ 2594 15
Returned tax $ 35 23
Due Town 1911 report $ 4 74
Returned tax paid County Treasurer 21 03
$ 25 77
Town owes County $ 9 96
State tax . $ 970 84
County tax . 3436 55
Almshouse Poor . 213 28
Sinking Fund Road 616 216 85
Interest Road 616 933 54
Maintenance Road 616 300 00
Election printing 51 35
Returned tax 93 64
Susquehanna Valley Home 158 22
Syracuse Institution . 20 00
Error in abstract 02
21 03
$ 5894 29
Cash from collector $ 3934 65 $ 3934 65
Taxes paid County Treasurer 1651 04 1651 04
The -Supervisors' Proceedings. 183
Returned tax 308 60
$ 5894. 29
Due County per 1911 report $ 109 96
Returned tax . 308 60
Raised in budget
Returned tax paid County Treasurer
418 56
93 64
239 41
$ 333 05
Town owes County $ 85 51
Receipts. Disbursements.
$ 239 41
Balance in keepers salary acct. 1911 $ 200 00
Balance in physicians sal. acct. 1911 62 50
Balance in chaplain sal. acct. 1911. 25 00
Balance in Poor Appropriation 1911 920 70
Balance in Supt. salary acct. 1911 . 150 00
From Chenango Co. Shurger matter 53 56 $ 53 56
Chaplain Salary Appropriation .... 9G 00
Supts. Salary Appropriation 600 00
Physicians Salary Appropriation 250 00
Keepers Salary Appropriation 800 00
General Poor Appropriation 2487 97
Appropriation by towns 3108 27
Insurance on produce 800 00 $ 800 00
$ 9554 00
Poor orders . $ 5093 28
W. H. Pinckney, salary 566 67
W. D. Baldwin, sal. to Nov. 1, 1912 200 00
W. P. Harrington, sal. to Nov. 1, 1912 121 55
Walter Mekeel, sal. to Nov. 1, 1912 200 00
Dr. A. Chase, salary to Nov. 1, 1912 250 00
W. B. Walker, salary to Nov. 1, 1912 97 00
Grant Cole, salary to Nov. 1, 191.266 66
Philo 13. Smith, sailary to Nov. 1, 1912 142 20
W. P. Harrington, 9 29
American LaFrance Fire Eng. Co. 65 00
Jamieson -McKinney Co. 1 00
Walter Mekeel 15 50
J. 13. Lang Co. 5 03
Audit 47 . 2.3 58
Audit 53 15 95
Audit 150 . 34 48
$ 6907 19
184 The Supervisors' Proceedings.
Balance in fund 1911 - $ 920 70
Total appropriation 5596 24
Insurance on Produce 800 00
From Chenango County 53 56
Poor orders
$ 737050
$ 5093 28
Balance in fund $ 2277 22
Balance from 1911 $ 180 97
Appropriation 900 00
$ 1080 97
Fuel and light bills paid $ 1012 89
$ 68 08
Balance per 1911 report $ 2536 77
Appropriation for 1912 5000 00
$ 7536 77
Court orders paid $ 6230 55
Balance in fund $ 1306 22
:Audit 146 .. $ 35 90
Audit 146 . 8 38
Audit 11 . 17 13
Audit 11 6 00
Audit. 23 _ 4 50
Audit 18 8 75
Audit 18 30 00
Audit 19 44 00
Lillian Van toil. court sten. salary 750 00
Gift of R. H. Treman
Jas. Lynch $ 3000 00
Win. H. Egan . 179 85
Daniel McKenzie 576 26
Daniel McKenzie 270 82
Wm. Egan 12 15
Receipts. Disbursements.
$ 5000 00
6230 55
The Supervisors' Proceedings. 185
Receipts. Disbursements.
Colt Co. 500 00
Daniel I1cKenzie 360 74
Carl Crandall . 27 35
Daniel McKenzie 141.82
Jas. MIlick . 36 35
Forest City PIumbing Co. 2 16
Fund overdrawn . 107 50
Sale of bond $ 5000 00
Interest. . • 39 59
$ 5107 50
November 19, 1912.
'This is to certify that there is ($5039.59) Dive Thousand Thirty-nine
and 59/100 Dollars to credit of Tuberculosis Hospital account,
A. G. STONE, Cashier.
Mr. R. G. Robinson,
County• Treasurer.
Dear Sir:
This is to certify that there was a balance Io your credit with us of
$312.43 on Nov. 1, 1912.
Yours truly,
WEBB COItBIN, Cashier.
November 22, 1912.
Balance froth 1911 $ 87 94
Appropriation for notes 110 00
General appropriation . 2200 00
Accrued on bonds 306 90 $ 306 90
$ 2704 84
On highway bonds
First National Bank, Dryden, on loaf}
Ithaca Savings Bank on bonds
Ithaca Savings Bank on bonds
$ 2291 69
Balance in fund $ 413 15
$ 1100 00
118 35
73 33
1000 00
186 The Supervisors' Proceedings.
Receipts. Disbursements.
Balance 1911. $ 696 50
Commissioners of Election Exp. App. 100 00
Election Printing Appropriation 015 12
$ 1411 62
Ithaca Journal, Audit 112 ; 2 70
1.1. W. Norton, Audit 107 6 50
Adams and Squier, Audit 115 56 00
Adams and Squier 34 18 34 18
Ithaca Commercial School 3 00 3 00
C. A. Squier 52 00 - 52 00
Audit 106 14 40
T. G. Miller & Sons, Audit 110 21 31
T. G. Miller & Sons, Audit 114 3 75
Forest City Printing Co., Audit 111 15 20
Adams & Squier, Audit 91 600 00
Adams & Squier, Audit 91 16+1 04
G. M. Squier . 18 30 18 30
Minnie G. Adams 18 00 15 00
Adams & Squier 2S 42 23 42
C. A. Squier . . 52 00 52 00
Minnie G. Adams 14 70 14 70
Clara A. Squier 52 00 52 00
Ithaca Journal, Audit 146 81 90
Ithaca Journal, Audit 94 971 95
Ithaca Journal, Audit 11 109 35 -
Weekly Ithacan, Audit. 91 11 70
I1. F1. O'faniel, Audit 104 2 00
Weed Parsons Printing Co., Audit 69 368 45
Audits 10 04
M. A. Adams 34.20 34 20
G. M. Squier 26 40 26 40
333 20
Forest City Ptg. Co., Audit 92 1721 62
Forest City Pt.g, Co., Audit 146y. 81 90
Forest City Ptg. Co., Audit 18 109 85
C. C. Squier, salary to Nov. 1, 1912 250 00
A. G. Adams, salary to Nov. 1, 1912250 00
Balance in fund 1078 42
Appropriation , $ 263 01
C. B. Stanion, clerk's building 14 00
The Strpe•1'vi.sors' P•roceecdinrgs. 187
B. J. Reilly, court house
R. A. McAllister, court house
C. A. Ives, court house
W. O. Kerr, clerk's building
E. N. Jackson, court house
A. G. A.dams, court house
E. M. Mitchell, court house
Merrill & Davenport, court house
1.1. A. St. John, clerk's building
D. E. 1V[arsh, produce
$ 247 50
Balanice in fund $ 15 51
Receipts. Disbursements.
30 00
30 00
:30 00
10 50
30 00
30 00
15 00
30 00
14 00
14 00
Salary to Oct.' 1, 1912 $ 1000 00
Postage . 25 00
Ithaca Journal, stationery 13 00
Ithaca Journal, stationery 4 50
11. W. Norton, stationery 3 10
T. G. Miller & Sons, stationery 79 30
Salary to July I, 1912 $ 500 09
Expenses 53 45
D. M. Gillespie, sal. to Nov. 1, 1912. $ 500 00
M. M. Sweetland, sal. to Nov. 1, 1912 3500 00
S. E. Banks, sal, to Nov. 1, 1912 200 00
Furniture and Fixtures
Empire State 1[fg. Co. 2 80
Stationery and Printing.
Ithaca .Iournal $ 43 50
Ithaca Journal . 47 75
Norton & Goodhue 2 50
T. G. Miller & Sons 30 51
124 2r1
M. S. Halliday, sal. to Nov. 1, 1912. 1200 00
Ithaca Journal . 3 00
18.8 The Supervisors' Proceedings.
M. S. Halliday 14 96
Forest City Ptg. Co. 7 80
C. F. Denman 5 00
Receipts. Disbursements.
30 76
Receipts to October 31, 1912 $ 6703 67
A. H. Overacker, sal. to Nov. 1, 1912 $ 2400 00
C. 1). Tarbell, sal. to Nov. 1, 1912 900 00
W. 1-1. Baker, sal. to Nov. 1, 1912 425 00
Copyists 992 49
Stationery and Printing.
Ithaca Journal . $ 33 75
Ithaca Journal . 29 75
.Atkinson & Mitchell 3 50
Forest City Ptg. Co. 3 00
T. G. Miller & Sons 51 75 121 75
General Expenses.
A. H. Overacker 144 17
J. • Will Tree 99 75
Premium on bond 45 00
243 92
A. P. Miller, sal. to Nov. 1, 1912 $ 1500 00
Chas. Green, sal. to Nov. 1, 1912 ... 333 30
Elmer Terwilliger, sal, to Nov. 1, 1912 500 00
General Expenses.
New York Telephone Co. 12 65
New York Telephone Co. 15 35
Ithaca Electric Light & Power Co. . 113 20
J. G. Wortman 1279 73
U. S. Johnson . 391 Ori
. Printing.
Ithaca Journal . 28 42
Ithaca Journal . 13 00
Forest City Ptg. Co. 10 00 51 42
Salary to Oct. 1, 1912
Dr. Osteriiout . i 00
100 00
W. A. Smith
The Supervisors' Proceedings. 189
Receipts. Disbursements.
10 44 15 44
City of Ithaca - 46 81
A. J. Conlon
5 70
B. 11. Wager- 26 02
EL S. Hopkins 2 70
C. E. Thompson 11 50
D. IL Rightinyer 1 85
0. 0. Noble 3 20
B. F. 1-Iazen 1 50
William Ranning 3 55
Board of Prisoners.
J. 0. Wortman 978 00
J. G. Workman 5 00
E. Williams 4 26
Scott Bros. 16 80
Oliver Brooks 34 85
J. C. Stowell Co. 4 67
.1. Welch 21 45
J. C. Stowell Co. 4 53.
0. B. Brooks 34 87
Scott Bros. 15 92
J. Welch 25 10
J. Welch 25 49
Scott Bros 15 90
Oliver Brooks 28 94.
J. C. Stowell Co. 8 40
1224 18
Physician, C. F. Denman
Attendant, John DeNoy
Chaplain, salary to Oct. 1, 1912
33 00
12 00
101 00
Ithaca Electric Light & Power Co. 176 49
Heat 106 25
Jas, Lynch 5 00
Jas. Lynch 72 25
Robinson & Carpenter 12 90
Baker & Smith 16 10
Supplies 189 20
190 The Supervisors' Proceedings. •
Receipts. Disbursements.
Treman, King & Co. 76 47
D. B..Stewart G 50
Todd's Pharinacy 8 45
Todd's Pharmacy 4 50
N. C. Hayner & Co. 40 00
Geo. W. Benham 33 08
C. D. Reese 20 20
Repairs . 132 29
U. S. Johnson 22 56
Ithaca Contracting Co. 28 76
E. J. Curtis 3 15
.Jamieson -McKinney Co. 70 15
3. B. Lang Co. 6 79
C. A. Smith 88
Water Rent.
City of Ithaca 91 97
Ithaca Electric Light f Power Co.
„1V. J. McCormick
209 30
57 65
Baker & Smith 191 30 400 60
Janitor, salary to Jan. 1, 1912 87 50
Driscoll Bros. &s Co. 2 47
Jamieson -McKinney Co. 4 05
.l. B. Lang Co. 57
W. L. Jenks . 10 01 17 10
Water Rent . 32 60
Ithaca Electric bight & Power Co. 25 57
Robinson & Carpenter 113 30
Robinson & Carpenter 19 83 133 13
Wm. Ennis, sal. to Nov. 1, 1912 175 00
FI, W. Norton . 9 00
Treman, King & Co. 17 76
U. S. Johnson 4 24
The .Supervisors' .Proceedings. 191.
Ithaca Contracting Co, 18 19
H, L. O'Daniel 75
Davis -Bron n Electric Co. 58 00
Jamieson -McKinney Co. 57 SO
W. 0. Stubbs . 50
W. 0. Stubbs 1 50
Furniture anti Fixtures.
Empire State 1-1tg. Co. 98
G. .1. Rumsey & Co. 1 35
C. J..Rumsey & Co. 1 33
Water rent
Balance in fund per 1911 report $ 89 00
Appropriation foi• 1912 1744 00
Receipts. Disbur.sen!ent3.
147 74
3 66
34 00
$ 1833 00
Burial, .I. S. Potter 50 00
Stone, T. Gretienberg 15 00
Burial, M. T. I'rear 50 00
Burial, 7. H. Sykes 50 00
Stone, A. Scars 15 00
Burial, 1I. Longcoy 50 00
Burial, A. Marsh 50 00
Burial, G. A. Hunter 50 00
13nrial, Andrew .Fahey 50 00
Burial, E. R. 1-Iurlburt 50 00
Burial, Harrison Teeter 50 00
Burial, Wm. Conover 50 00
Burial, 1.E. H. Smith 50 00
Burial, S. Woodhead 50 00
Burial. N. Cornwall , 50 00
Burial, Helen A. Henry 50 00
Burial, Mrs. ;I. 51. McKown 50 00
Burial, Mrs. I. Sandwich 50 00
Burial, 1 Sandwich 50 00
880 00
Balance in fund $ 953 00
0. 1..&W.11.R.Co. $ 8892
L. V. 11. R. Co. 28 74
1). L. & W. R. R. Co. 61 27
D. L. &. W. R. ]t. Co. 18 18
192 Tite Supervisors' Proceedings.
L. lT . R. R. Co.
L. V. R. R. Co.
D.I.&IV. R.R.Co.
D. L. & W. R. R. Co.
R. N. Olney, collector
E. Dorn, collector
E. Dorn, collector
B. Rightdkyer, collector
M. E. Crutts, collector
Edw, Stevens, collector
Edw. Stevens, collector
F. Dorn, collector
Merchants Bank, Groton
First National Bank, Ithaca
First National Bank, Trumansburg
Tompkins Co. National Bank,
State Bank, Trumansburg
First National Bank, Groton
First National Bank, Dryden
M. D. Batty, supervisor
Treasurer Village of Trumansburg
Treasurer School Board Trumansburg
F. A. Begent, supervisor
Treasurer Village of Groton
Treasurer School Board Groton
R. F. Chappuis, supervisor
Treasurer Village of Dryden
Treasurer School Board Dryden
E. N. Corbin, City Chamberlain
E. N. Corbin, City Chamberlain
F. K. Johnson, treasurer
R. G. Robinson
Receipts. Disbursements.
125 20
89 69
96 11
35 65
$1030 02
3675 83
321 20
2696 52
311 47
1457 26
413 12
Balance on band Nov. 1, 1911 $ 2795 13 ,
Received from County Clerk 4852 34 $ 4852 34
J. J. Kennedy, state treasurer
W. C. Gallagher, supervisor
F. A. Todd, supervisor
R. F, Cha.ppuis, supervisor
Treasurer Village of Dryden
85 92
25 74
61 27
13 13
125 20
• 89 69
96 11
35 65
265 95
18S 09
169 30
711 39
860 61
890 41
135 87
99 71
173 41.
685 12
3855 20
1768 31
99 05
405 98
109 15
108 79
220 23
3 85
The Supervisors' Proceedings. 193
Receipts. Disbursements,
N. 13. Brown, supervisor 77 14
Frank Begent 97 81
Treasurer Village of Groton 24 76
J . W. Preswick, supervisor - 238 13
E. N. Corbin, City Chamberlain 930 74
Fox Holden, Supervisor 125 71
B. F. McAllaster, supervisor 43 51
Treasurer Village of Trumansburg 3 37
Treasurer Village of Trutnansburg 20 91
M. I). Batty, supervisor 88 53
E. K. Johnson, Treas. School Board 930 75
Geo. S. Tarbel], Co. Treas. Bond 5 00
J. J, Kennedy, State Treasurer 729 62
J . J. Kennedy, State Treasurer 697 12
J. J. Kennedy, State Treasurer 590 94
$ 5452 04
$ 2195 43
State check . $17622 40
State check $17622 40
State check . 107 81
N. 13. Brown, supervisor 961 50
B. F. McAllaster, supervisor 1812 50
M. D. Batty, supervisor 1275 00
Frank Begent, supervisor 1750 00
J. W. Preswick, supervisor, 562 50
Fox Holden, supervisor 1862 50
W. C. Gallagher, supervisor 1475 00
F. A. Todd, supervisor 1373 40
R. F. Chappuis, supervisor 2587 50
E, K. Johnson, treasurer 3962 50
N. B. Brown, supervisor 961 50
B. F. McAllaster, supervisor 1812 50
M. D. Batty, supervisor 1275 00
Frank Begeni:, supervisor 1750 00
J. W. Preswick, supervisor 562 50
Fox Holden, supervisor 1862 50
W. C. Gallagher, supervisor 1475 00
F. A. Todd, supervisor 1373 40
R. F. Chappu.iis, supervisor 2587 50
R. B. Williams, Pres. 130. of Ed. 3962 50
F. A. Begent, supervisor 47 50
M. D. Batty, supervisor 60 21
194 The Supervisors' Proceedings.
Balance per 1911 report $ 5230 14
Wm. Nelson Noble, services
Ithaca Savings Bank, bond
Receipts. Disbursements.
230 14
5000 00
State check $18572 36
W. C. Gallagher, supervisor 1893 29
F. A. Todd, supervisor 1800 00
R. F. Chappuis, supervisor 3360 00
N. B. Brown, supervisor 1440 00
F. A. Regent, supervisor 2700 00
J. W. Preswick, supervisor 1559 07
Fox Holden, supervisor 1920 00
B. F. McAllaster, supervisor 2600 00
M. D. Batty, supervisor 1400 00
Balance per 1911 report $ 8548 85
Danby budget $ 150 00
Caroline budget 200 00
Ithaca budget . 800 00
Dryden •budget 650 00
Lansing budget 100 00
Ulysses budget $ 2200 00 300 00
State check 17475 00
State check 17821 00 346 00
$28869 85
Orders paid 28169 35
Balance in fund 700 50
$28169 35
A. S. Cole, salary to Nov. 1, 1912 1200 00
Ithaca Journal 8 13
Atkinson & Mitchell 2 7 it
Forest City Printing Co. 3 R°
F. C. Evans
A. S. Cole
252 48
75 00
Engineering Agency 16 00
Tli:e Supervisors' Proceedings. . 195
Receipts. Disbursements.
Ithaca -Dryden
G, W. Tailby right of way 56 10
Cooks Corners
State Draft 2000 00
E. _Ackley. right of way 10 00
Ida L. Cornish right of way
R. Cook right. of way
Wm, Bickal right, of way
C. O. Williams right of way
N.11. & A. .l•1. Van Ostrand right of .way
N.. C. Cook right of way
A. J. Decker right of way
V aIOstrand R: Shoemaker right of •way
Mamie E. Chaffee right of way
Brown S.: Chaffee right of way
Grace Millard right of way
1Vm. Taber right of way.
S. I). Cook right of •way
Conkrite right of way
1•Iollister right of way
Taber right of way
Blakeslee right of way
L..I. Starr right of way
.Road :1002
State draft
State draft
State draft
Breese right of way
State draft
State draft
Road ;)2(i
3 00
50 00
10 00
75 09
10 00
15 00
15 00
25 00
5 00
10 00
150 00
15 00
10 00
15 00
100 00
1 00
25 00
250 00
1000 00
3000 00
1100 00
15 00
1800 00
4200 00
State draft . 2000 00
State draft . ,` 1200 00
C. Snyder right of way 475 00
W. Tailby right of way 245 66
State draft . 1400 00
State draft . ; 4700 00
State draft . 2800 00
State draft . 1800 00
196 The Supervisors' Proceedings.
Receipts. Disbursements.
Jay Maxwell right of way 12 50
E. B. Stratford right of way 62 50
C. L. Chapman right of way 50 00
Stale check $5814 57
State check 260 28
State check 516 00
State check 189 63
State check 182 95
State check 176 37
State check 162 27
State check 27 41
State check 193 61
State check 58 30
State check 40 07
W. Corbin, treasurer, Dryden $ 798 61
E. E. Blackman, treasurer, Dryden 270 53
Wm. R. George, treasurer, Dryden 168 05
A. Landon, treasurer, Groton 381 60
1'. 11. Mariele, treasurer, Groton .... 173 82
G. A. Ryan, Treasurer, Lansing 326 02
A. Shoemaker, treasurer, Newfield 454 10
L. J. Wheeler, treasurer, Ulysses 1174 10
E. K. Johnson, treasurer, Ithaca City 1543 71
H. Beardsley, treasurer, Lansing 9 00
L. Gillow, treasurer, Lansing 15 00
F. H. Mariele, treasurer, Groton .... 12 22
J. Darrance, treasurer, Newfield 9 00
E. K. Johnson, treasurer, Ithaca City 239 06
Isaac Lynch, treasurer, Caroline 18 00
A. Jewell, treasurer, Caroline 18 00
G. C. Eastman, treasurer, Caroline 18 00
P. Rockwell, treasurer, Caroline 18 00
L. D. Brown, treasurer, Caroline 18 00
D. H. Mullholland, treasurer, Caroline 18 00
L. R. Olney, treasurer, Caroline 18 00
P. Scofield, treasurer, Dryden 18 00
E. S. Burr, treasurer, Dryden 18 00
N. King, treasurer, Dryden 18 00
The Supervisors' Proceedings. 197
Receipts. Disbursements.
M. A. Davenport, treasurer, Dryden • 18 00
A. B. Sager, treasurer, Dryden 18 00
La Verne Dans, treasurer, Dryden. .. 18 00
M. E. Crutts, treasurer, Dryden 18 00
Chas. Minn, treasurer, Dryden . -18 00
N. 11. Apgar, treasurer, Dryden 5 00
Chas, 13reman, treasurer, Dryden 18 00
1). L. Hammond, treasurer, Dryden 18 00
Mrs. 11. Teeter, treasurer, Groton 18 00
M. Robinson, treasurer, Groton 18 00
F. VanMarter, treasurer, Groton 18 00
N. J. Metzger, treasurer, Groton 18 00
A. J. Mandeville, treasurer, Ithaca 18 00
M. Davenport, treasurer, Ithaca 18 00
G. B. Smith, treasurer, Lansing 18 00
H. Bower, treasurer, Lansing 18 00
J. English, treasurer, Lansing 18 00
M. Armstrong, treasurer, Newfield 7 00
M. E. Colegrove, treasurer, Ulysses.. 18 00
E. Teeter, treasurer, Lansing 18 00
J. Rounsvile, •treasurer, Caroline 18 00
L. Rich, treasurer, Caroline 18 00
13. Right.myer, treasurer, Dryden 18 00
E. E. Blackman, treasurer, Dryden 12 99
J. W. Fenner, treasurer, Groton 18 00
C. D. Boynton, treasurer, Groton 18 00
H. Haring, treasurer, Groton 18 00
Mrs, Counsel, treasurer, Lansing .. 6 39
J. V. McIntyre, treasurer, Lansing 18 00
N. Sobers, treasurer, Lansing 18 00
L. Krum, treasurer, Ulysses 8 25
A. H. Porter, treasurer, Ulysses 18 00
F. N. Patch; treasurer, Caroline 18 00
C. B. Welch. treasurer, Danby 18 00
\W. Corbin, treasurer, Dryden 16 20
S. G. Slaughter, treasurer, 1)ryden 18 00
W. B. Schutt, treasurer, Dryden 18 00
W. W. Bell, treasurer, Enfield 5 00
C. N. Ladd. treasurer, Groton 6 00
F. H. _Maricle, treasurer, Groton 5 00
C. I. Hebbard, treasurer, Lansing 20 00
3. Alexander, treasurer, Lansing . - 9 00
D. A. Tarbell, treasurer, Lansing .... 18 00
L. Krum, treasurer, Ulysses 11 75
N. 'Williams, treasurer, Ulysses 20 00
C. A. Millard, treasurer, Caroline 20 00
198 The Swpervisors' Proceedings.
J. Phillips, treasurer, Caroline
E. E. Blackman, treasurer, Dryden
S. R. Dean, treasurer, Ithaca.
L. Gillow, treasurer, Lansing
A. Shoemaker, treasurer, Newfield
Jay Phillips, treasurer, Caroline
C. B. \Vetiver, treasurer, Danby
Chas. Lacld, treasurer, Groton
Myron Boyer, treasurer, Lansing
1Vni. -Ozmun, treasurer, Lansing
V. Moefat, treasurer, Newfield
Mrs. H. Snyder, treasurer, Newfield
C. Tompkins, treasurer, Newfield
J. I). Smith, treasurer, Newfield
Jay Briggs, treasurer, Ulysses
.1. Russell, treasurer, Enfield
A. Gillen, treasurer, Groton
F. Marsh, treasurer, Newfield
12. 13. Williams, pres. Bd. of Ed.
E. Blohuler, treasurer, Dryden
Geo. Arnold, treasurer, Enfield
W. Corbin, treasurer, Dryden
W. V. Mousey, treasurer, Enfield
C. 1.1. Bower, treasurer, Enfield
Bert Breed, treasurer, Lansing
W. Moclar, treasurer, Newfield
Mrs. H. Snyder, treasurer, Newfield ..
Horace VanRiper, treasurer, Newfield
Receipts, Disbursements.
00 17
16 00
13 00
18 00
43 20
55 29
13 00
14 00
13 00
13 00
6 30
4 95
S 68
13 96
5 09
5 43
18 00
3 98
170 94
18 00
4 67
4 30
18 00
18 00
18 00
13 70
15 05
11 32
Total receipts 1912 $226073 92
Total disbursements 1912 $225734 10
Balances 1911 report:
Genera] . 8931 04
Mortgage tax . 2795 13
Highway fund . 5230 14
Highway maintenance 8848 85
Balances Nov. 1, 1912:
General, First National Bank
General, Savings Bank
Dryden Bank, bond issue
Tuberculosis Hospital maintenance
10947 03
7000 00
312 4:3
5039 59
Mortgage tax
The Supervisors' Proceedings. 199
Highway Maintenance
Receipts. t)isbursemen :s.
2195 43
700 50
$251929 08 • $251929 08
County of Tompkins
State of New York,—ss.
1, Rodney G. Robinson, Treasurer of the County of Tompkins, do
solemnly swear that the•foregoing statements are true and that the schedules
accompanying the same are correct to the •best of my knowledge and belief.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 18th day of November, 1912.
C. I. BUSH, Notary Public.
200 The Supervisors' Proceedings.
.. A statement of all moneys received for the County of Tompkins by
A. 1-1. Overacker, Clerk of Tompkins County or by his assistants, for fees,
perquisites and emoluments, for all services rendered by him, or said assis-
tants, in their official capacity, .from November, 1st, 1911, to October 31,
1912, inclusive, and the State Mortgage tax, notary fees, and hunters' licenses
during the same period.
Recording deeds $ $1,210.25
Recording Mortgages . • 782.80
Recording other documents 883.49
Docketing judgements and cancelling"
dockets . 119.38
Copies and exemplifications of
and records
Filing papers and all other services..
Mortgage Tax
Notary fees
Hunters' licenses
R. G. Robinson, Co. Treas., office fees $6,954.92
R. C. Robinson, Co. Treas., State
Mortgage Tax . $5,047.77
Clerk hire audited and allowed by
State Board Tax Commissioners225.00
Premium on Bond audited and allowed
by State Board Tax Commissioners 5.00
Postage allowance audited and allowed
by State Board Tax Commissioners 2.00
Mortgage tax books audited and allowed
by State Board Tax Commissioners 3.24
Cayuga County share of mortgage tax
collected . 4.07
Schuyler County share of mortgage
tax collected . .37 $5,287.45
State Treasurer, Notary fees 176.00
Conservation Commission, Hunter's
licenses . 1,804.00 $14,222.37
The Supervisors' Proceedings. 201
State of New York 1
County of Tompkins J
A. H. Overacker, being duly sworn, says that he is Clerk of the County
of Tompkins, that the foregoing statement is in all respects a full and "true
statement, as required by Chapter 298, Laws of 1909.
A. H. OVERACKER, County Clerk,
• - Subscribed and sworn to before me this 20th day of November, 1912.
CLARENCE D. T.A1tBELL, Notary Public.
Herewith statement of all amounts certified each • month by •A, H.
Overacker, CIerk of Tompkins County, to the County Treasurer to be due
for services of the deputies and all other assistants in the Tompkins County
Clerk's Office from November let, 1911, to October_ 31, 1912, inclusive.
C. D. Tarbell, W. H. 13aker, M. HySinitlr,•C. E. Moore, E. J. Drake, Total
Nov. $75.00 $50.00 $41.66 ' 533.34 526.91 $226.91
Dee, 15.00 • 50.00 41.66 33.34 23.92 223.92
Jan. 75.00 62.50 41.66 33,34 212.50
Feb. 75.00 62.50 41.66 33.34 212,50
Mar. 75.00 62.50 41:66 33.34 212.50
Apr. 75.00 62.50 41.66 33.3.4. 212.50
May 75.00 62.50 41.66 33.34 212.50
June 75.00 62.50 41.66 33.34 212,50
July . 75.00 62.50 41,66 33.34 . 212.50
Aug. . 75.00 62.50 41.66 33.34 212.50
Sept, . 75.00 62,50 41.66 33.34 212.50
Oct.. 75.00 02.50 41.66 33,34 41.66 254.16
$900.00 $725,00 $499.92 $400.08 $92.49 $2617.49
State. of New York 1
County of Tompkins J
A. H. Overacker, being duly sworn says that he is CIerk of the County
• of Tompkins, that the foregoing statement is in all respects a full and true
statement as required by Chapter 298, Laws of 1909.
A. H. OVERACKER, County Clerk.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 201.h day of November, 1912.
Account of moneys advanced by A. H. Overacker, for expenses of the
202 The Supervisors' P•roceedinufs,
County Clerk's Office from November 1st, 1911, to October 31, 1912, inclusive:
Express on Physician's Certificates $ .25
Express on Marriage licenses .25
Express on Marriage licenses .25
Expr. on Civil Actions docket Syracuse .35
Express on Marriage License blanks .55
Express on Marriage License blanks ,25
Express on Marriage License blanks .25
Postage 49.27
Towels for year ending Oct. 31, 1912 2.40
State of New York
County of Tompkins
A. H. Overacker, being duly sworn, says that he is Clerk of the County
of 'Tompkins, that the foregoing statement is in all respects a full and true
statement, as required by Chaptetr 298, Laws of 1909.
A. H. OVERACK1 R, County Clerk.
Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 20th day of November, 1912.
Herewith statement of all amounts covering fines received by the County •
Clerk from November 1st, 1911, to October 31st, 1912, inclusive, and turned
over to the County Treasurer as per receipts herewith attached:
Nov. 14, 1911, Willard Letts $ 75.00
Nov. 17, 1911, Tony Mastro 200.00
Nov. 17, 1911, Jimmie Morris 75.00
State of New York
County of Tompkins J
A. H. Overacker, being duly sworn, says that he is Clerk of the County
of Tompkins, that the foregoing statement is in all respects a full and true
statement as required by: Chapter 298, Laws of 1909.
A. H. OVERA.CKER, County Clerk.
Subscribed and sworn to .before me, this 20th day of November, 1912.
The Supervisors' Proceedings. 203
We, the undersigned Superintendents of the.Poor of Tompkins Country
respectfully submit the following report and account for the year ending
November 15, 1912:
The Superintendents of the Poor of Tompkins County
in account.with the Poor Funds of said County:
To balance on hand in County Treasurer's hands,
Nov. 15, 1911 $ ' 576 54
Amount of Appropriation, 1911 6000 00
To sales from farm for current year 1188 70
By amounts paid by order on County Treasurer for
the following purposes:
Groceries, provisions, flour and feed 1561 28
Labor• 1137 29
Fuel and lights 936 80
Medical aid and drugs 118 41
Improvements and repairs 489 47
Clothing, dry goods and footwear 338 54
Seeds, fertilizer, disinfectants and stock 314 73
Miscellaneous 68 01
Out door relief 825 45
Paid from receipts County Farm, 1912 14 74
By balance in County Treasurer's hands from pro-
ceeds of farm 1173 96
Balance in County Treasurer's hands 786 56
$ 7765 24
$7765 24
204 The Supervisors' Proceedings..
Of the above amounts $825.45 was paid for outdoor relief, as also
$489.47 for improvement and repairs.
RECEIPTS OF COUNTY FARM, NOV. 15, 1911, to MAR. 15, 1912.
May 15.—_McKeel butter check • 9 97
June 15.—McKeel butter check 5 00
July 15,—McKeel butter check 49
July 22.-10490 Ibs. wheat at $1.10 mushel 192 32
July 23.—One calf, Don Hopkins 2 00
Aug. 1.—Seed corn . 27 05
Aug. 7.—Hay, D. H. Rightmyer 109 73
Sept. 4.—Two calves, Don Hopkins 4 00
Oct. 23.—One calf, Don Hopkins 2 00
Nov. 1.—One bull, Wolverton 35 00
Nov. 15.—Butter . 114
Sept. 10.—Destroyed by fire, as estimated:
Wheat, 301 bushel
Oats, 515 bushel
Barley, 135 bushel
Beau's, 7 bushel
Hay, 40 tons
Straw, 20 tons
Four pitch forks, hay car pulleys and rope,
hay rack, scoops, for which insurance
was paid
800 00
$1188 70
PAID FROM RECEIPTS OF COUNTY FARM, Nov. 15, '11, to Nov. 15, '12.
June 17.—Horseshoeing, Dewitts 2 70
June 24.—Postage, book stamps • 97
July 16.—Freight bills, Willow Creek 25
July 16.—Freight bills, Willow Creek ' 25
July 16.—Railroad ticket, Spencer station 1 30
July 16.—Railroad ticket to Willow Creek 65
July 16.-500 cabbage plants 1 00
July 16.—Book stamps . 97
July 22.—Gray Brothers, service bull 4 00
July 23. ---Two teams, horsefeed, Ithaca 1 20
July 24.—One team, horsefeed, Ithaca 50
The Supervisors' Proceedings. 205
July 26.—Meat, WorE:tnan 85
July 26.—Paid County Treasurer 220 58
Aug. 7.—Paid County Treasurer. 1 51
Aug. 7.—Paid County Farm, hay 109 73
Sept. 26.—Paid County Farm, calves 4 00
Sept. 31.—Paid County Farm, calf 2 00
Nov. 12.—Paid County Farm, bull 35 00
Nov. 15.—Paid County Farm, butter 1 14
Oct. ---Paid County Farm insurance 800 00
$1188 70
Of above amount was paid to County Treasurer $1173 96.
The cost is chargeable to the County, City and different towns in the
County on the basis of the number of days they have inmates maintained
at the Alms House as follows:
Days. pied.
Isaac Chapman 366
Clarence Mackey • 230 July 2
Fred Cook 366
• Harriet Comings 351
Eliz. Quinn 366
Henry Harris 174
Marion Thompson '289
Robert Mitchell 11
Michele Meco 77
Victor Williams 10
Eight tramps • 10
Total 2250
John Bishop . 366
Carrie Tabor . - 366
Wm. Gifford . 366
Richard Hyland . 366
Joe Reed . 347
Bradley Mead . 366
Lyman McFall . 68 Feb. 6
Wm. Meagher . 220
206 The Supervisors' Proceedings.
Nelson Babbor 366
Patrick Murphey 137
Wm. .T. Allen : 366
Hiram Freor 366
Leroy Bailey 182 May 15
James Mitchell 230 July 23
Lucy Fritser , 366
Mary Fritser 366
Oscar I-Iamlinton 355
Willis Hallett , 206
Smith Matthews 178
Abe McDowell 366
John Wood• 37 Jan,24
Patrick Graham 131
Simon Lush 990
William Hoffman 134
James Graham 62
Burt Blank . 73
Bridget Sullivan 141 July 26
Chas. Casterline 24
Hugh Clark - 4 April 4
Mary Stevens 198
John Kana , 89
James Shangan 199
Ben Davis 103
Precilla Thompson 88
Chas. Preston 52'
Total days 7504
Barney Mora . 268
Sarah house 366
Howard Cobb 366
Aaron Hogan 366
John Anderson 366
Total days
Lorenzo Jones 366
Jennie Baker 366
Martha Webster 366
Samuel Gibson 18 Feb. 12
Total dans . 1116
The, Superviso9:3' Proceeding. 207
Elmer Crance 366
Richard Long 351
A. L. Fuller 323
Total Clays
Amy Sherwood 6
Silas Tucker 366
Chas. Oakley 366
Isabelle Oakley 000
Ralph Alonzo 224 June 26
Lyman Smith . 75 Jan. 29
MatLlda Goodrich 366
C. W. Vanderveer 366
Edward I3aldwin 183 Oct. 7
Total days 1952
Allie Eralitee 366
Total days 366
George Wagner 174
Total days 174
Helen Edgeconib
David Brill
Total day.
Ellsworth Dulling 366
Samuel Burlew 207
Frank 'Wiggins 361
Total days . 934
208 The Supervisors' Proceedings.
Total days 000
Summary of days maintenance from November 15, 1911 to November
15, 1912:
County Poor 2250 $ 569 32
Ithaca City Poor 7504 1398 74
Ithaca Town Poor 0000 000 00
Caroline Poor 366 92 61
Danby Poor 1045 264 42
Dryden Poor . 1952 493 92
Enfield Poor . 174 44 03
Groton Poor 1116 282 39
Lansing Poor . 1732 438 25
Newfield Poor 671 169 79
Ulysses Poor . 934 236 33
17744 $4489 80
Ttie toted cost supporting Town and County Poor at Alms House, The
expense per diem. being .25303.
The following crops were raised during the year:
Wheat 301 bushel
Oats 515 bushel
Barley 135 bushel Destroyed by fire.
Hay 40 tons
Straw 20 tons
Hay 15 tons—On hand 12 tons.
Beans 13 bushel—On hand 13 bushels.
Corn estimated 600 bushels—On hand 500 bushels.
Potatoes 360 bushels -'On hand 320 bushels.
Eggs 650 dozen.
Cabbage 100 heads—On hand 100 head.
Apples 150 bushels—On. hand 140 bushels.
Seven acres corn stalks.
There is on farm' belonging to Tompkins County, stock and implements
as follows:
Three work horses. _
Four cows.
Eighteen hogs.
Fowls one hundred and twenty-five.
The Supervisors' Proceedings; 209
One manure spreader, new.
Two lumber wagons.
One pair bob sleighs.
One land roller.
One grain drill.
One spring tooth harrow.
One smoothing harrow, new.
One garden drill.
One hand cultivator.
Two horse cultivators.
One crow bar.
Three log chains.
Forks, scoops, shovels, pick,
One double harness, new.
One plow, new.
One wheelbarrow, new.
Twenty-two grain bags.
etc., new,
Number in Home November 15th, 1911 56
Admitted during year 15
Births during year t3
Died during year 11
Discharged during year 14
In Alms House November, 1912, inmates 46
267. Gen. Flour & Feed Co., flour, etc.
268, ]Floyd Brown, neat.
269. C. J. Wolverton & Son, meat
279. W. H. Pinckney, meat, etc.
282. Joseph Andrews, neat
283. H. B. Pearsall, meat
285. E. B. Hubbell, meat
296. Daniel Updike, meat
305. Stowell Co., groceries
312. E. H. Farrington, flour and feed
315. L. S. Teeter, meat
244. Groceries, Stowell Co.
253. F. Pinckney, potatoes,
368. Gen. Flour & Feed Co.,
387. Gen. Flour & Feed Co.,
409. P. B. Smith, groceries,
flour and feed
flour and feed
$ 76 76
11 28
128 75
37 06
30 80
37 03
9 92
24 85
137 24
68 94
6 89
40 91
63 00
148 85
52 65
4 05
210 The Supervisors' Proceedi•tiys.
4211. M. Bainbridge, peaches 2 25
434. Jerry Welch, meat 6 86
438. P. B. Smith 43 17
450. Gen. Flour & Feed Co., flour and feed 101 87
453. Abe 1Vetz, neat 6 44
455. R. C. Osborn & Co., candy 3 06
456. E. S. Johnson, groceries 162 06
457. F. 1-l. Atwater, groceries 20 62
458. C. J. Wolverton & Son, meat 330 91
459. Danis & Ring, groceries 4 86
254. Fred J. Wilson $ 25 00
255. H. S. Stiles 6 00
256. Rose Mills . 17 33
257. Isabelle Oakley 2 00
258. Matthew• Carr . 7 00
259. Anna Pinckney. 15 00
270. Anna Pinckney. 15 00 '
271. H. S. Stabs . 20 00
272. Isabelle Oakley 2 00
273. Matthew• Carr . 7 00
274. Fred .I. Wilson 25 00
275. Rose Mills . 17 33
280. Arthur B. Snaith 4 50
290. H. S. Stiles . 18 00
291. • Isabelle Oakley . 2 00
292. Anna Pinckney. 15 011
293. Matthew Carr 7 00
294. Rose Mills . 17 33
295. Fred J. Wilson . 25 00
311. Charles Brotherton, threshing 17 15
313. R. S. Cohury, ice 8 70
318. Isabelle Oakley ,2 00
319. Anna Pinckney 15 00
320. Matthew• Carr 7 00
321. 1-1. S. Stiles . 18 00
372. Fred J. Wilson 25 00
323. Rose Mills 17 33
336. H. S. Stiles . 18 00
237. Anna Pinckney '. 15 00
338. Fred J. Wilson 23 33
339. Isabelle Oakley 2 00
340. Rose Mills . 17 37
341. Matthew Carr . 7 00
$1561 28
TJie Supervisors' Proceedings. 211
333. John D. Griffin 6 00
354. H. S. Stiles . 20 00
355. Anna Pinckney 15 00
356, Isabelle Oakley 2 00
257. Matthew Carr . 7 00
358. Rose Mills 17 33
359. Fred .7, Wilson 29 00
361. Rose Mills 17 33
362. Anna Pinckney 15 00
363. Isabelle Oakley 2 00
364. H. T. Letts 22 00
365. Fred J. Wilson 29 00 $ 621 99
366. Matthew Carr . 7 00
376. Cora 1,. Harford 9 00
377. Anna Pinckney 8 00
378. H. S. Stiles 22 00
379. Rose hills . 13 00
380, Isabelle Oakley . 2 00
381. Mrs. Anna Pinckney 15 00
383. Fred. J. Wilson 30 00
385, C. H. Pinckney . 30 00 ,
286. Anna Pinckney . 14 00
392. F. K. Pinckney 20 00
400. 11. S. Stiles 25 00
401, Fred J. Wilson 30 00
402. Isabelle Oakley 2 00
412. Ira Smith, cutting grain 13 80
413. Fred J. Wilson, labor 20 50
414. Isabelle Oakley, labor 2 00
415. H. S. Stiles, labor 25 00
416. Ella M. Smith, labor 15 00
417. Cora L. Harford, labor 24 00
419. Arthur U. Smith, labor 20 00
420. 1!. S. Stiles, labor 25 00
421. .Ella M. Smith, labor J 15 60
423, Tsabelle Oakley, labor 2 00
424. Coi'a L. Harford; labor 24 00
425. Floyd Smith, digging potatoes 6 00
437. Arthur Smith 30 00
439. Ella Smith, 'tnat.ron 15 00
440. Isabelle Oakley 2 00
441. Cora L, 1-I2irford 24 00
442, H. S. Stiles 25 00 $1137 29
251. W. T. Vann. coal 128 52
212 The Supervisors' Proceedings.
253. Union Carbide Co., carbide 70 00
261. W. T. Vann, coal 80 33'
300. Stand. 011 Co., gasoline 16 50
325. Wm. T. Vann 279 20
334. Union Carbide Co., carbide . 70 00
384. Wm. T. Vann 163 51
407. Stand. Oil Co., oil and gasoline 55 49
444. Union Carbide Lab. Co., lights 70 00
451. Robinson & Carpenter, steam coal 3 25 $ 936 80
262. Isaac Holton, drugs 17 70
297. White & Burdick, drugs 13 65
316. Geo. A. Hopkins, syringe 1 75
397. Nurse, M. Michule, scalded Man '30 00
399. White & Burdick, drugs 18 95
464. White & Burdick, drugs 36 36 $ 113 41
263. Biggs & Co., $ 109.35
351. Pritchard & Son, repairing wagon 5 95
369. William Fundis, spreader and harrow 115 00
375. Rumsey & Co., forks 1 :15
394. 0., J. Rumsey & Co., 2 heaters 9 00
396. Barr Bros., hardware 6 05
398. Calkins & Tickner, horse blankets 2 50
410. Floyd Brown, cow, etc. 54 00
435. Barr Bros., hardware 79 56
445. Stover & Co., hardware. 15 80
454. Rothschild Bros., dishes 3 96
461. Biggs Co., hardware 124 08
462. P. B. Smith, repairs, engine separator, etc. 12 87 $ 489 47
264. Prison goods . $ 117 25
298. B. Mintz, clothing ,. 11 00
299. P. Wall & Son, shoes 7 50
304. Bush & Dean, clothes, sheeting, etc. 26 55
314. Mosher & Updike, shoes, . etc. 26 55
367. J. T. Howe, dry goods 6 39
370. Prison goods, John S. Kennedy 21 75
374. C. M. Stanley, shoes, etc. 7 35
391. Bush & Dean, dry goods 10 80
The Supervisors' Proceedings. 213
' 395. Ben Minix, clothing 2 25
427. Ben Mintz, clothing 6 00
432. Bush & Dean, dry goods 49 13
452. P. Wall & Son, shoes 2 50
463. Prison gobds . 35 07 $ 338 54
281. Fred Pinckney, cow, .potatoes $ ,50 00
284. W. H. Pinckney, fertilizer .60 60
289. Fred J. Wilson, eight shoats 15 00
317. Fred J. Wilson, brood sow 20 00
373. W. T. Vann, fertilizer 36 17
388. L. F. Noxon, seeds and plants . 34 58
389. D. H. Rightmyer, seed barley 16 00
411. James I,. Stone, plants 3 00
422. P. B. Smith, seed wheat, posts, etc. 48 38
443. Richard Donnelly, insecticide 30 00 $ 314 73
252. M. V. Atwood, printing
308.' G. H. Gillen, transportation
310. M. V. Atwood, printing
326. Barr Bros., hardware
343. Ithaca Telephone, toll
352. Dewitt, horse shoeing, Crawford, sole leather
382. C. H. Pinckney, Ft. Bills
408. W. W. Cole, transportation scalded man
433. Borden, blacksmithing,
446. Fed. or Ithaca Telephone 'Co., tolls
465, M. V. Atwood, printing
466. Federal Telephone Co., tolls
5 75
3 25
9 79
9 90
8 40
1 42
6 00
9 90
8 85
2 50
1 35
260.. B. Snyder, 0. P. $ 12 27
265. W. P. Baker, groceries, Talmadge family 12 00
266. John 1-I. Flyn, Conger family 2 00
276. O. -M. English, 0. P. transportation .. 3 80
277. 0. M. English, 0. P. transportation 3 80
278. B. Snyder, 0. P. Bronson family 14 37
286. E. J. Farrington; O. P. •transportation 2 25
287. C. M. Stanley,' shoes, etc. 10 25
288. W. P. Baker, O. P. Talmadge family 12 00
301. Dr. H. W. Wash, Conger child 25 00
302. J. Will Tree, printing 6 00
68 01
214 The Stape,•visors' Proceedings.
303. W. I'. Baker, Talmadge family 8 00
306. Robinson & Carpenter, coal, Conger S. Buck family 13 00
307. City Hospital, Conger child 41 00
309. G. H. Gillen, care of S. Gilson 25 00
324. Dr. Fish, Conger case 3 00
327. E. P. Sayre, Conger child transportation 1 00
323. W. P. I3aker, groceries, Talmadge family • 8 00
329. Dr. Nash, scalded case, M. Michule 40 00
330. Charles H. Beach, coal, King family 13 00
331. W. L. Tucker, 0. P. transportation Wagner case 1 80
332. W. L. Tucker, 0. P. transportation and coal 6 98
335. Dr. Robb, Thompson case 20 00
342. John Kelly-, 0. P. transportation, Children's Home 10 00
345.. F. R. Woolley, groceries, Bronson family - 40 06
346. John Fly n, groceries, Conger family 4 00
347. Dr. Charles Swift, scalded case 8 00
348. W. P. Baker, groceries, Talmadge family 8 00
349. City Hospital, scalded case, M. Michule 81 00
350. 13. Snyder, 0. P. transportation and medical 8 00
360. 0. M. English, 0. 1.'. transportation 5 94
371. Dr. Wilbur Fish, scalded case 28 00
372. F. R. Willey, groceries, Bronson family 27 33
393, City Hospital, Bessie Carmose 10 00
404. W. A. Smith, M. D. McDonald case 12 00
405. 0. M. English, 0. P. transportation 3 80
406. R. M. Vose, M. D., scalded case 70 00
418. Seymour Grover, 0. P. _' 75
428. Marion Thorbpson, board at $2.00 per week 44 00
429. H. L. Wells, clothing, scalded man 9 00
430. City Hospital, scalded man 55 00
431. F. R. Willey, groceries, Bronson case 18 00
436. L. A. Patch, 0. P. transportation 4 00
447. Wilbur G. Fish, M. D., Harris case 7 00
448. M. J. Foran, M. D., Carmose case 10 00
449. Clint. A. Warne, groceries, Talmadge family 40 00
460. J. R. Comings, undertaker, Scott 35 00
In compliance to the Laws, State of New York, wherein it speci-
fies that County Superintendents of the Poor .will recom-
mend improvements from time to time, to the Board of
Supervisors, we would recommend that the buildings be
painted, and other needed improvements and repairs be
looked after.
In compliance Section 11, of the Poor Laws, State of New York,
we respectfully report that we estimate the expense of the
825 45
The Supervisors' Proceedings. 215
Town, City and County Poor to be supported at the Alms-
house the ensuing year to be $5000 00
Outdoor Relief 1400 00
Services Overseer of Poor 100 00
Transportation 100 00
Total $6600 00
State of New York 1
County of Tompkins J
ing each duly and severally sworn, each for Iiiuiself, deposes and says t]iat
the foregoing account and report are just and true according to their
knowledge and belief.
Notary Public.
Supt. of Poor of Tompkins County.
216 T/ie Supervisors' Proceedings.
For the Repair and Improvement of Highways, Repair
and Construction of Bridges, Purchase, Repair and
Storage of Machinery, Removal of Obstructions
Caused by Snow, and Other Miscellaneous
Purposes Made by the Supervisors of
the Respective Towns Pursuant to
Section 107 of the Highway
Law of the State of
New York.
Caroline 125 Miles
Danby 125
Dryden 192
Enfield 79 -
Groton . 108
Ithaca . 87.8 "
Lansing . 142
Newfield . 141
Ulysses .. 100
The Supervisors' Proceedings. 217
•7,TGT `TE loo
purg uo Tog
$4,116,05 $ 16,02
3,559.88 451.01
8,321.47 863.29
2,885.38 429.18
4,51.3.231 2,096.58
4,023.03 365.64
4,837.74` 381.84
4,606.301 305.62
3,378.911 337.90
••sa,Innpuadxg IOL
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218 The Supervisors' Proceedings.
<.i6T '1" 1a0
intim 110 Tea
$ 441.33 $ 000.00
1,3 34.01 11.19
5,011.46 000.00
87.971 181.50
1,076.511 1,023.49
53.771 473.61
5,675.521 128.65
.753.881 4.58
1,197.991 475.12
•saan31puadx;[ 1-0163.
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Caroline .
Dryden .
Ulysses . f
The Supervisors' Proceedings. 219
'100 PUU,H_ uo •ILiI
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220 The Supervisors' Pr•oeeedings.
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''�-1 HCV r�-i 4:' ri P:
Newfield ._
The Supervisors' Proceedings. 221
'SaSOCIand tt;n1tl2I I -I
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$ 441.33 $ 15.001$ ri1.423]
1,334.01 109.841 79.95
5,011.46 794.17 420.40
87.97 394.541 316.571
1,076.51 78.08 476.22
353.77 148.56 15.00
5,675.52 167.68 345.36
753.881 383.28 242.801
1,197.991 72.841 43.24
's[ooY, poa Saaul.t[o
_v. ao3 •dxQ le4oJ,
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$ 1$552.001$150.00
651.00 35.59
22.02 864.00 124.10
353.75 8.00
124.45 705.00 96.00
798.00 57.40
564.00 50.00
6.00 720.001 75 .00
483.00 60.00
Ides unto"
pa.aoilY lunouly
unto[, pantolly 'dxa
"Idns umoti,
panio[iy s ieQ 'og
Caroline . $ 3.00 1841
Danby 3.00 217
Dryden .. } 3.00 288
Enfield 1 2.5011411/2
Groton 3.00 235
Ithaea . 3.00 266
Lansing . 3.00 188
Newfield . 2.50 42
Newfield . 3.00 205
Ulysses . 3.00 161
'.ict:Q lad •;tins
pamolly lunot ty
The Supervisors' Proceedings.
Justices of the Peace.
Reports of the Justices of the Peace of the various Towns of the County
of Tompkins of all lines and penalties collected by them during the past
C. R. -Lounsbery reported no money received.
F. A. Snow reported no money received.
Frank M. Bull reported no fines received other than those paid to the
Conservation Commission.
Olin Dorn reported received $16.
Theron Slocum reported tte money received.
Eugene Dorn reported no money received.
.Charles Cole reported no money received,
.T. S. Grover reported no money received.
G. E. Underwood reported no money received.
J. D. Ross reported received 521.
Willard Shaver reported no money received.
Paul Ewers reported no money received.
Harry Havens reported no stoney received.
William H. Humiston reported no money received.
L. S. Teeter reported no money received.
C. F. Teeter reported no money received.
Dana Rhodes reported received $40.
J. li. Montfort. reported no money received.
A. L. Houghtaiing reported no money received.
D. D. Fisher reported no money received.
Henry S. Wright reported received $55.
J. A. Bush reported no money received.
W. M. Bristol reported no money received.
A. J. Conlon reported no money received.
Charles Drake reported no money received.
Daniel S. Tarbell reported no money received.
Robert Alexander reported received $10.
'William Payne reported no money received.
A. D. Brown reported. no money received.
Douglas 'Carpenter reported no money received.
Fred N. Smith reported no money received.
O. G. Noble reported received $40.
Henry Williams i•eported no money received.
The Si pervisors' Proceedings. 223
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224 - rite Supervisors' Proceedings.
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Cities and Towns.
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The Supervisors' Proceedings.
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[t:aJ Jo' [tt.1 paz[[t:n[s
823,050 $ 720,314.10
702,535 614,626.39
2,197,582 1,923,960.61 '
530,815 515,625.22
1,418, 725 1,241,596.24
1,625,089 1,422,878.11
1,297,040 1,409,713.46
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1,156,235 1,188,493.00
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`u10;, aiotlsl III '19,51
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Nance of Town
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Enfield .
Groton .
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Newfield . I
UIysses .
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The Supervisors' Proceedings. 227
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230 The Supervisors' Proceedings.
1, Aaron G. Mintz, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins
County, N. Y., do hereby certify that 1 have compared the foregoing journal
of the proceedings of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County with
the original record thereof and that the same is a full and correct transcript
therefrom of the transactions of the said Board at the Special Sessions and
Annual Session of said Board held in 1912. (Typographical errors to be
IN \VITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 20th day
of January, 1913..
, AARON G. MINTZ, Clerk,
The Supervisors' Proceedings. 231
General Election—First Tuesday after the first Monday of
Town Boards to designate polling places—First Tuesday in
September: .
- Annual School Meeting—First Tuesday in August.
Town Boards to meet to audit claims—First Thursday after
general election. All town claims must be presented for audit
at this time.
The Supervisor, Town Clerk and Assessors of each Town
must meet on the first Monday of July, 1878, and in each third
year thereafter, at a place within the town appointed by the
Supervisor; or, in case of his absence, or of a vacancy in his of-
fice, by the Town Clerk; for the purpose of 'making a list of per-
sons to serve as trial jurors for the then ensuing three years.
If they fail to meet on the day specified in this section, they must
meet as soon thereafter as practical. (Consolidated Laws Chap.
35, Sect. 500) .
At the meeting specified in the last section, the officers must
select from the last assessment roll of the town and make a list
of the names of all persons whom they believe to be qualified to
serve as trial jurors as prescribed by law. (Consolidated Laws
Chap. 35, Sect. 501).
Town Boards meet to examine town officers' accounts—Last
Tuesday preceding town meeting to be held in each town.
232 The Supervisors' Proceedings.
Town Meeting, biennial—Second Tuesday in February.
Annual meeting of Supervisors as a Board of Canvassers—
First Tuesday succeeding general election.
Annual Meeting of the Board of Supervisors-
after completion of the canvass, or at such other time as they
as a Board shall fix.
All bills and claims against the county must be presented
to the Clerk of the Board on or before the third day of the An-
nLial Session of the Board of Supervisors.
All bills for supplies furnished to Superintendents of the
Poor must be' presented to said Superintendents for audit on or
before November :1st, of each year.
All bills presented to the Board of Supervisors must be
itemized and verified by the oath of the claimant.
No bills for law books will be audited unless purchased un-
der Resolution of the Board of Supervisors.
All bilis for repairs to or improvements of county buildings
must have endorsed thereon the approval of the committee on
county buildings.
No bills for supplies for county officers will be audited un-
less the same Were purchased by the Committee on Supplies of
the Board of Supervisors.
The Tax. Collector or Receiver shall, within eight days after
redeiving notice of the amount of taxes to be collected by him,
execute to the Supervisor of the town, and lodge with him, a
bond in double the amount of said taxes, to be approved by the
Supervisor. The Supervisor shall, within six,days thereafter,
file the said bond in the office of the County Clerk of this County.
The Assessors must complete the Assessment Roll on or be-
The Supervisors' Proceedings. 233
fore the first day of August and leave a copy thereof with one
of their number and immediately thereafter cause notice there-
of to be postetd in three or more' public places in their town or
"When the lines between two towns, wards ,or counties,
divide a farm or lot, the same shall be taxed, if occupied, in the
town ward or county where the occupant resides; if unoccupied,
each part shall be assessed in the town,. ward, village or county
where the same shall lie."
.The Assessors shall meet on the third Tuesday.in August,
to review their assessments and hear the complaint of any per-
son conceiving 'himself to be aggrieved. An affidavit to the roll
by the Assessors made prior to the third Tuesday of 'August,
is a nullity. The Assessors must deliver the correct Assessment
Roll to the Town Clerk on or before the first day of September, .
there to remain for a period cif f'if'teen days for public inspection,
and the Assessors shall forthwith give ,public notice by posting
the same in at least three of the most public places in the town,
or by publishing the same in one'or more newspapers published
therein that such Assessment Roll has been finally completed,
the officer to which the same has been delivered, and the place
where the same will be open to public inspection. Said fifteen
days, within which any assessment may be reviewed by certiorari,
shall commence on the day of the first publication. The Asses -
sox's cannot enter the name of a person on this roll who became
a resident after the first day of July.
When the Assessors, or a majority of them, shall have com-
pleted their roll, they shall severally appear before any officer
of the County authorized by late to administer oaths, and shall
severally make and subscribe before such officers, an oath in the
following form, which must be strictly followed: "We, the un-
dersigned, do hereby severally depose and swear that we have
set down in the foregoing Assessment Roll, all the real estate
situate in the town (or ward as the case. may be), according to
our best information; and that, with the exception of those cases
in which the value of said real estate has been changed by reason
234 The Sit,pervisors' Proceedings.
of proof produced before us, we have estimated the value of said
real estate at the sums which a majority of the Assessors have
decided to be the full value thereof, and also that the said Assess-
ment Roll contains a true statement of the aggregate amount of
the taxable estate of each and every person named in such Roll,
over and above the amount of debts due from such persons re-
spectively, excluding such stocks as are otherwise taxable and
such other property as is exempt by law from taxation at the
full value thereof according to our best judgment and belief."
Whieh oath shall bewritten or printed on said roll, signed by the
Assessors, and certified by the officer. Laws of 1909, Chapter
62, Sect..38.
The Supervisor must report to the County Treasurer on the
first Tuesday in March, the amount of school moneys remaining
in his hands..
Each Justice of the Peace must execute a bond with two
sureties conditioned for the•payment on demand to the proper
officer all moneys received by the Justice, by virtue of his office,
which bond must be approved by the Supervisor of the town,
arid filed in the Town Clerk's office.
Each Justice of the Peace shall make a report in writing
verified by oath, each year, bearing date for the first day of
November, to the Board of Supervisors, at their annual session,
in which he shall state particularly the time when, and the name
of the person or persons from whom any money has been re-
ceived, and also the amount and on what account the same was
received, also the sums remaining due and unpaid and that all
moneys by him received have been paid to the officer duly
empowered. by law to receive the same.
Each Justice of the Peace shall pay to the Supervisor of his
respective town on the first Monday in each month all fines and
penalties imposed and received by him, and he shall also make a
verified report of all fines and penalties,eollected by him to the
Board of Town Auditors of his respective town on Tuesday pre-
The Supervisors' Proceedings. 235
ceding the annual Town Meeting. Laws of 1909, Chapter 16,
Section 21.
Overseers of the Poor cannot furnish supplies to a county
pauper to exceed the sum of ten dollars without an order from
the County Superintendents authorizing disbursements for such
The Clerk of every incorporated village and city in the
County shall report to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors on
or before November lst of each year all indebtedness of such
village or city, specifying for what purpose created, under what
law, rate of interest and where payable. Laws of 1909, Chapter
16, Sect.. 52.
The Trustees or the person or persons having charge of the
issue of bonds or payment of same of any school district shall
transmit a statement thereof to the Clerk of the Board of Super-
visors annually on or before the first day of November. Laws
of 1909, Chapter 16, Sect. 52. •
The Board of Assessors of the several. towns of the County
and the Assessors of the City of Ithaca shall furnish to the Clerk
of the Board of Supervisors on or before the first clay of July
in each year a full and complete list and statement of all property
within their respective districts exempt from taxation under the
laws of this state. Laws of 1909, Chapter 62, Sect. 15.
236 The S wervisors' Proceedings.
Assessment Rolls, Correction and confirmation of 143
Almshouse, Support of Poor 119
Report of Superintendents of the :Poor 203
Audits, County 150
Tuberculosis Hospital 105, 106, 124, 145
Special .... 17, 18, 20, 25, 36, 50, 64; 71, 83, 131, 144, 145
Towns 156 to 176
Bills against County, when to be audited • 71
For Law Books 90
Bank Taxes 103, 223
Board of Supervisors, Annual Session 65
Special Sessions .. 3, 9, 20,-22, 27, 38, 45, 49, 53, 57, 61, 63
Tables 148, 149
Morning Sessions, Given to Committee Work .... 71
Rules of. Order 67
Claim referred to Supervisor before reduced 63
Bonds, County Highway,
(a.) $23,000 Bond Issue 6, 7, 23, 56, 57, 61, 62
(b.) $69,000 Bond Issue, .. 16, 17, 38, 39, 42, 53, 56, 63, 64
- Tuberculosis Hospital 18, 19, 20, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 70
The Supervisors' Proceedings. 237
Bond for $2,000 to pay for rights of way 51
Caroline Audits 156
Budget 138
Tax for Highways and Bridges 93
Dog Tax 90
County's Share of cost.of Bridges 111
Chairman, Election of 65
Commissioners of Election', Certificates 115, 116
Election of 116
Salaries of 125, 126
Clerk and Attorney of the Board, Election of .... 34, 35, 47, 66
Authorized to Buy Supplies 66
Salary 44, 128
Committees, Standing 72, 73
Printing and Supplies 75
Rights of Way 23, 24.
New County Barn 63
Telephone Service , 93
Audit County Treasurer's Accounts 132
County Almshouse, Contract :for Fire Escapes 22
County Clerk, Report of 200
To Purchase New Indexes - 85
Postage for 132
Salaries' in His Office 125, 133, 134
County Treasurer, Report of 176
Bond of 129, 144
County Audits 150
238 The Supervisors' Proceedings.
Budget 137
Danby, Audits 161
Budget 139
Taxes for Highways and Bridges 93
Dog Tax 90
Dryden Audits 158
Budget 139
Bank Tax Statement 104
Tax for Highways and Bridges 93
Brush Bill . 115
Dog Tax 91
Enfield, Audits - 163
Budget 139
Tax for Highways and Bridges 93
Brush Bill 114
Dog Tax . 91
Equalization, Report of Committee 118
Table 122, 123
Adoption of Report 135, 136
Farm Bureau, Establishment of 117
Fuel and Light, Report of Committee and Appropria. 120, 121
Good Roads. Appropriations for Construction and
Improvement 11 to 15
The Supervisors' Proceedings. 239
Improvement of Enfield Roads 50, 51, 54
Groton Roads 74
Lansing Roads 76, 107
Danby Roads 76
Town and City of Ithaca Roads 77, 102
Caroline Roads 77
Newfield Roads 78
Reports of Good Roads Committee
97, to 101, 108, 109, 136, 145, 146
Grand Jurors, Apportionment 91
Groton, Audits 164
Budget 139
Bank Tax Statement 104
Tax for Highways and Bridges 93
Dog Tax 91.
Highways and Bridges, Tax for 93
Ithaca—City Budget 140
Bank Tax Statement 103
Ithaca Town, Audits 167
Budget 140
. Tax for Highways and Bridges - 93
Brush Bill 118
Dog Tax 90
Jail Physician, Appointment and Compensation 116
240 The Supervisors' Proceedings.
Lansing, Audits 169 •
Budget 140
Dog Tax 90
Tax for Highways and Bridges 90
Lien Against County of W. N. Noble 24, 42, 46, 48
Mortgage Tax, Distribution of 129
Newfield, Audits 171
Budget 141
Tax for Highways and Bridges 93
Dog Tax 91
Brush Bill • 113
Tax for Bridge and Repairs 134, 185
Petitions to have property placed on Assessment Rolls:
Town of Dryden 71
Town of Enfield 115
Town of Ithaca 67
Town of Lansing 85
Political Directory and Guide to Town Officers 231
Proceedings, Bids for Printing 83, 84, 86, 87, 89
Committee to Advertise for Bids 89, 90
Contract for Printing 97, 98
The Supervisors' Proceedings. 241
Reports, Committees on Insurance 9, 23 -
Committee on Jail Supplies 101, 102
Committee on Building New Barn 67
Committee on County Treasurer's Report 130
Committee on. Equalization 118, 119, 122, 123
Committee on Appropriations 137
Committee on Erroneous Assessments 131
Committee on Superintendents of the Poor 119
Committee on Fuel and Lights 120
Committee on. Mortgage Taxes 129
Committee on Good Roads 97, 98
County Treasurer's Report 176
County Clerk's Report 200
Superintendents of the Poor Report 203
Clerk's Report on Valuations of Personal Property 224
Clerk's Report on Valuations and Taxes. 226, 227
Clerk's Report on Indebtedness 228
CIerk's Report on Highway Taxes 225
Clerk's Report on Bank Taxes 223
Report on Highways, Bridges and Miscellaneous 216
Surrogate Clerk's Report 92
Justice's Reports 222
Rights of Way, Committees on 4, 23, 24, 37
Ithaca -Dryden Road 15
Cook's Corners-Brookton Road 23
Lansing Road - 27
Freeville Road 28
Danby Road 28
Catskill Turnpike . 29
Enfield Center -Ithaca 29, 49
Ithaca -Newfield State Highway 31, 32, 33, 42, 43, 62, 81, 142
Trumansburg Village -County Line State Highway .. 33
Mitchell Street -East Town Line County Highway .. 34
Ithaca -West Danby Road 106, 107
. Resolution as to width of future highways 96
242 The Supervisors' Proceedings.
Chaplain at Almshouse 128
Chaplain at Jail 128
Grant Cole, Superintendent of Poor 120
Physician at Almshouse 128
Keeper at Almshouse 127
Commissioners of Election 125, 126
County Clerk's Office 125, 133, 134
County Superintendent of Highways 143
County Sealer of Weights and Measures 126, 127
Clerk of the Board - 44, 128
Session Laws, Publication of 78, 79
Superintendent of the Poor, Election of Grant Cole 46
Superintendent of Highways,' Election of A. S. Cole 143
Supervisors, Members
65 •
Tables 148, 149
Tuberculosis Hospital, •Committees on . 25, 36, 37
Hearing on 4, 9, 21
Resolutions Issuing Bonds
Election of Board of Managers
Bids for Lighting
Appropriation for 1913 134
18, 24, 25, 36, 54, 58
40, 41
• 44, 47
Resolution that Board of Managers Audit Bills .... 147
Tax Collectors, Settlement with County Treasurer 142
Tax, Dog 90, 91
'Tax, County - 137
The Supervisors' Proceedings. 243
'Tax, State 137
Tax, Bank 223
Tax, Mortgage 129
Ulysses, Audits 173
Budget 141
Tax for Highways and Bridges _ 93
Dog Tax 91
Bank Statement 104
Warrants, Tax, Time Extended to Affix to Rolls • 142
• I1
MVIONROE M. SW1 ETLAND . County Judge and Surrogate
D. M. GILLESPIE Surrogate's Clerk
LILLIAN L. VAN ZOIL Court Stenographer
CHARLES R. BURGER Special County Judge
WILLIAM H. BAKER Deputy County CIerk
13. F. LENT County Treasurer
MORRIS S. HALLIDAY District Attorney
DR. Wi i. A. SMITH, NEWFIELD, N. Y. Coroner
ELMER TERWILLIGER .... Deputy Sheriff and Turnkey
A. S. COLE .. County Superintendent of Highways
COURT BELLIS .. County Sealer of Weights & Measures
GRANT COLE Superintendent of the Poor
W. D. BALDwIN Superintendent of the Poor
WALTER MEKEEL Superintendent of the Poor
PHILO SMITH Keeper of Alms House
Dist. Supt. of School
Dist. Supt. of School
Dist. Supt. of School
Commissioner of Elections
.... Commissioner of Elections
UR;. MINOR MCDANIELS Member of Assembly
Ithaca, N. Y.
'Jos -IN F. 1)1IURTAUGH State Senator
(49th District) Elmira, NY.
EDwI_N S. IJNDERHILL ... Representative in Congress
(37th District) Corning, N. Y.