HomeMy WebLinkAbout1909 ProceedingsNIE4iSiC.lHiCi4iCf4SICf. 4RIhICi4MEiCfRi4'.fRii. I glitiPROCEEDINGS iffl OF THE gi O of Su ervisorsjBoardP g O Tompkins County, New York g 0 O ttlitk, 0 g M6, 2 0 I gl I 1 1909 FRANK B. AIKEN, Chairman' Tramansbarg,`N. Y. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk Ithaca, N. Y. I l I . F Annual Session at Ithaca, N. Y. PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF TOMPKINS r 1.909 FRANK B. AIKEN, Chairman, Trumansburg, N. Y. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk, Ithaca, N. Y. 1 p age *tuber ]printing Camping Ptgata, 11Uto path 1909 rr, JOURNAL OF PROCEEDINGS OF SPECIAL SESSION -1909. Special meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, held at the Supervisors' Rooms, in the County Court House, City of Ithaca, on the nth day of March, t9o9, -at to A. M. To Edward J. Mone, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: We, the undersigned, request you to call a special session of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, to be held at the Super- visors' Rooms, in the City of Ithaca, on March nth', two, at to A. M., for the purpose generally of transacting such business as may prop- erly be brought before a meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County. Dated, March ntli, two. FRANK B. DAVIS,F. A: TODD, B. F. McALLASTER,W. C. GALLAGHER, L: E. PATTERSON,R.F. CHAPPUIS, 1 WHEELER SMITH,JOHN W. PRESWICK, CHARLES H. BEACH, CHAS. A. MACKEY, F. B. AIKEN,WM. H. PARKER. J. W. JONES, Roll call. All members present. By Mr. Beach: Resolved, That the newly elected Supervisors from the towns represent- ed on the various committees, both standing and special, be substituted for and placed on the same. Carried. 4 The Supervisors' Proceedings By Mr. Beach: Resolved, That the Chairman and Clerk of this Board of Supervisors contract with the Monroe County Penitentiary for the board, care and cus- tody of prisoners sentenced for a term of one hundred and fifty -five days or more at $2.00 per week, and that the Clerk shall notify the various Justices , of the Peace of the County and the City Judge of the City of Ithaca of the change made in the contract.l Carried. By Mr. Patterson: Resolved, That the insurance committee be and it is hereby authorized to surrender and have cancelled all policies now held by them covering on county buildings insured in The Tompkins County Co- operative Insurance Company, or any other assessment company, and receive the unearned re- turn premium due and place this insurance in first- class, old line board com- panies at a fixed and guaranteed rate for three years. On motion of Mr. Aiken, the same was adopted. Ayes.— Chappuis, Smith, Jones, Patterson, Beach, Davis, Mackey, McAllaster, Aiken. Nays—Gallagher, Preswick, Parker. Excused from voting —Todd. The following report was received and ordered spread upon the minutes: To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: Your special committee appointed to acquire rights of way on Section 1, Dryden Road, No. 383, respectfully report: On the 19th day of January, 1909, we acquired rights of way from Caro- line Snyder, Olive Snyder and Robert Cornelius. They deeded to the County of Tompkins the required parcels of land, and we have delivered to them in return the consideration therefor, to wit, orders on the County Treasurer for $25.00, $25.00 and $100.00 respectively. These deeds have been duly re- corded in the Tompkins County Clerk's Office. , All of which is respectfully submitted. ORLANDO WHITE, EDWARD J. MONE, Special Committee to acquire rights of way on Section I, Dryden Road. The Supervisors' Proceedings 5 A communication from the Town Board of Caroline, relative to the proposed construction of a road from Cook's Corners through Brookton and on Speedsville was read and ordered accepted and w filed. fi. ' 1 . By Mr., Parker: Resolved, That the Chairman and Clerk of this Board be and they here- by are instructed to draw an order on the County Treasurer for the sum of Ninety Dollars ($90.00) to the order of H. R. Rouse, being payment for oak floors laid in jail residence, payment of said order to be made out of any unexpended balances in County Treasurer's hands. On motion of Mr. Chappuis, the same was adopted by a unani- mous vote. The bids -for the construction of the Tompkins County Jail Annex were opened and read. They were as follows: . Pulford & Dempsey Construction Co.— $5,500.00.r Cecil L. Saunders — $9,655.00. Van Dorn Iron Works Co.— $5,998.Io. By Mr. Gallagher: t Resolved, That we accept the bid of the Pulford & Dempsey Construe - f tion Company for $5500.00, and that the Chairman and Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County be and they hereby are directed and em- powered to execute the necessary contract in accordance with plans and specifications prepared by Architect A. B. Wood. On motion of Mr. Beach, the same was adopted by an unanimous vote. On notion of Mr. Aiken, the meeting adjourned sine die. E. J. MONE, Clerk. 6 The Supervisors' Proceedings Meeting of Supervisors, Highway Commissioners and Town Su- perintendents, held at the Court House, March 31st and April ist, 1909. Messrs. Chamberlain and VanArsdale present. All Supervisors present and Highway Commissioners and Super- intendent as follows: Caroline. —High. Cont. Theodore Eighmey, H. Lyme, and Supt, Ira Bogardus. Danby. —Coot Supt. J. A. Miller. Dryden. —Coin. Supt. Wm. Strong. Enfield. —Cons. Supt. Prank Lanning. Groton. —Com. Supt. C. M. Dutcher. Ithaca. Com. Supt. ,Frank McPherson. Lansing. —Com. George Lanterman, Garfield Townley, Jacob Bower, Supt. Clarence Buck. Ulysses. —Com. Supt. Peter O'Hara. Newfield. —Com. Supt. C. 1-1. Payne. s SPECIAL SESSION. April ist, 1909. Morning Session. Roll call., All members present. The Supervisors' Proceedings 7 The Clerk read the following call: We, the undersigned, constituting the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County consent that a Special Session of said Board be held at the Supervisors' ,Rooms, in Tompkins County Court House, on April ist, 1909, at r P. M., for the purpose of electing or appoint- ing a County Superintendent of I- Iighways and fixing his salary, and considering Tompkins County Co- operative Fire Insurance Company's matters. April ist, 1909. L. E. PATTERSON,WM. H. PARKER, WHEELER SMITH,F. AIKEN, 13. F. McALLASTER,F. A. TODD, ORLANDO WHITE,CHAS. A. MACKEY, V. C. GALLAGHER,R. F. CHAPPUIS. CHAS. H. BEACH,J. W. JONES, JOAN W. PRESWICK. F. 13. DAVIS. The Clerk reported that the State Civil Service Commission had certified to the Board as eligible. for the appointment to the position of Superintendent of Highways of the County of Tompkins, the fol- lowing: George 13. Sickmon, Ernest A. Dahmen and Fred C. Evans. On motion of Mr. Todd the Board proceeded by an informal ballot for the appointment of Superintendent of Highways, for Tomp- S kins County. ti Messrs. Chappuis and Beach were appointed tellers. The tellers reported the result of the ballot as follows: Total number of votes cast, 14, of which Fred C. Evans received 11; Ernest 'A. ;Dahmen, 1; George 13. Sickmon, r and Charles H. Beach, 1. On motion of Mr. Todd, the Board proceeded to a formal ballot. The tellers reported the result of said ballot as follows: 8 The Supervisors' Proceedings 14 votes cast, of which Fred C. Evans received 12; George Sick - mon, 2, and the Chair declared Fred C. Evans duly appointed Super- intendent of highways of Tompkins County. On motion of Mr. Parker the meeting adjourned to 4 P. M. Afternoon Session. Roll call. All members present. By Mr. Beach: Resolved, That the salary of the County Superintendent of Highways be and the same is hereby fixed at $1200.00 per annum, to be paid the Su- perintendent by the County Treasurer In twelve monthly payments of 100.00, each at the end of each month after his appointment, from any unexpended balances the County Treasurer may have in his hands until the Board of Supervisors may by tax provide a fund for the purpose, and be It further Resolved, 'Phat' the Superintendent shall be allowed his actual and necessary expenses in the discharge of his duties to the amount of $300.00 per annum, the same to be audited and allowed by the Board of Supervisors at their annual session each year. On motion of Mr. Todd, the same was adopted, all members be- ing present and voting in the affirmative, except Mr. Gallagher. By Mr. Parker: Reolved, That the Good Roads Committee of flits Board as now consti- tuted be and it hereby is authorized and empowered to draw and sign all necessary orders on the County Treasurer on account of the Good Roads fund. Carried. Mr. R. G. Speed was given the privilege of the floor and address- ed the Board at length, requesting re- consideration of the action taken at the last session concerning Tompkins County Co- operative Fire In- surance policies. The Supervisors' Proceedings 9 By Mr. Chappuis: Resolved, That the action of this Board had at a session thereof, held on March 11th, concerning cancellation of Tompkins County Co- operative Fire Insurance policies be re- considered. On motion of Mr. Patterson, the same was adopted. Ayes. — Gallagher, Todd, Chappuis, Jones, Preswick, Parker, Mc- Allaster. - 7. Nays.— Smith, Patterson, Beach, Davis, Mackey, Aiken. -6. By Mr. Gallagher: Resolved, That the new policies taken out by the Insurance Commit - tee,•in alleged pursuance of the action of this.Board taken on March 11th, be surrendered and cancelled and the policies in the Tompkins County Co- operative Fire Insurance Company re- issued for the balance of the original term thereof. Seconded by Mr. Preswick. The resolution was lost. Ayes. — Gallagher, Todd, Chappuis, Parker, McAllaster, Preswick. 1> Nays.— Smith, Jones, Patterson, Beach, Davis, Mackey, Aiken. 7 By Mr. Aiken: Resolved, That action of the Insurance Committee taken' pursuant to the resolution of March 11th, cancelling Tompkins County Co- operative Fire Insurance Company's policies and procuring new policies in old line com- 7 panies be ratified and confirmed. On motion of Mr. Beach the same was adopted. Ayes. —Todd, Chappuis, Smith, Patterson, Beach, Davis, Mackey, McAllaster, Aiken, Jones.—m. Nays.— Gallagher, Parker. 2. 10 The Rupervisors' Proceedings On motion of Mr. Aiken the meeting adjourned sine die. The foregoing minutes were read and approved. EDWARD J. MONE, Clerk. SPECIAL SESSION. Thursday, April 22nd, 1929. Morning Session. Roll call. All members present except Messrs. McAllaster and Gallagher. The Clerk read the following call which was ordered filed: To the Clerk of the 13oard of Supervisors of Tompkins County: We, the undersigned wish von. to call a special session of the Board .of Supervisors of Tompkins County to be held at the Super - visors' Room, Ithaca, N. Y.. at 11 A. M. of April 22nd, 1929, to take action in the matter of re- drafting and presenting to the legislature proposed Sheriff's and County Clerk's salary bills. April 21st, 1909. ORLANDO WHITE,F. A. TODD, FRANK B. DAVIS,CHAS. H. BEACH, L. E. PATTERSON,J. W. JONES, R. F. CHAPPUIS,CHAS. A. MACKEY, WHEELER SMITH,WM. H. PARKER, JOHN W. PRESWTCK, B. F. McALLASTER. F. B. AIKEN, The Chairman explained that the meeting was called for the pur- Mc S "uyereisors' Proceedings 11 pose of taking necessary action to authorize the presentation to the • legislature of revised proposed county 'clerk's and sheriffs salary acts. 1 On motion of Mr. Chappuis, Chairman of the committee having the bills in charge, the Matter was referred back to the committee for consideration, they to report at 1:30. to which time the session was adjourned. Afternoon Session. Roll call. All members present except Mr. Gallagher. Mr. Chappuis, as Chairman of the committee on salary legislation handed up the following report: To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: Your committee to which was referred the matter of the drafting bills to place the offices of sheriff nml county clerk upon a salary basis, respect- fully that after a careful and thorough investigation and con tion of the matter of the form of the bill.by which this result might be ac- complished, we caused to be prepared bills which in form and substance met with our ideas. Said bills were presented to the Board at a session thereof held on December 00, 1908. The proposed county clerk's salary bill, after being considered in detail, met with the unanimous approval of the Board, and the proposed sheriff's salary bill, when considered in detail, met with the approval of a majority of the Board. and no suggestion by any one was made, that the Board be invested with power to alter the amount of the several sale ries. The bills were presented to our legislative representatives on or about January 6th, 1900, they were finally passed by the Senate and Assembly, but, we are just informed. have met with the Governor's veto. A, While we question the wisdom of delegating to the Bond of Supervisors the power and authority to 11X" and determine the salary payable to the sub- ordinate officers provided for under these bills, we are of the opinion that the evils incident to the exercise of said power are and will he less than now experienced under the prevailing fee system. Accordingly, we recom- mend that the Board forthwith approve of the new drafts of the proposed bills, which are here presented and which are so altered as to conform to the Governor's objections, and that the same be forthwith submitted to our legislative representatives, with our earnest request that they take the 12 The Supervisors' Proceedings necessary steps to secure their adoption during the current session of the legislature. All of which is respectfully submitted. Dated, April 22, 1909. R. P. CHAPPUIS. W. H. PARKER. I concur in the foregoing report, except that clause which criti- cises the wisdom of leaving to the Board of Supervisors the power to fix the salary of subordinate officers. CHAS. H. BEACH. On motion of Mr. Chappuis, the report was adopted and ordered filed and printed. The committee having handed up amended drafts of proposed bills, it was moved by Mr. Aiken and adopted that the bills as read be ap- proved by the I3oard and our Senator and Assemblyman requested to exert their utmost endeavors to secure the passage of these bills at this session of the legislature. • By Mr. Aiken: Resolved, That the Chairman of this Board appoint a committee of three to confer with the Governor to the end that such alterations may be made therein as will make said bills conform to his obje :tlonz and that paid committee be and It is hereby empowered and invested with r ' power and jauthoritytomakesuchnecessaryalterationsasintheirjudgmentIswise and proper, and that they exert every effort to procure favorable action AginuponsaidbillsatthissessionoftheLegislature. t1. On motion of Mr. Parker the same was adopted by an unanimous vote. 13y Mr. Parker: Resolved, That the Chairman and Clerk of this Board be and they here- by are authorized to make and verify a return to the Writ of Certiorari in the proceeding recently instituted by H. B. Besemer against this Board and to do and perform any and all things necessary to defend against the same. The Supervisors' Proceedings 13 On motion of Mr. Chappuis, the same was adopted by an unani- mous vote. By Mr. Davis: 1 Resolved, That the County Treasurer of Tompkins County pay out of any unexpended balance in his hands the amount of warrants to be drawn upon him by the committee on insurance of this Board to pay the premium on policies of insurance on county buildings just taken out. t On notion of Mr. McAllaster, the same was adopted by an unani- mous vote. The foregoing minutes were read and approved, whereupon the Board adjourned sine die. E. J. MONE, Clerk. SPECIAL SESSION. May 19th, 19o9. Morning Session. The Clerk read the following call: To E. J. Mone, 1 Clerk, Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: We, the undersigned request you to call a special session of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County to be held at the Super- visor's Rooms, Tompkins County Court House, May 19th, 1909 at 11 A. M., for the transaction of such business as may properly come before 14 The Supervisors' Pruccctlinos the said session, including action to make appropriation for construc- tion of Sec. 1, Road No. 681 and Sec. 3, Road No. 483. May 17, 19o9. ORLANDO WHITE,F. B. AIKEN, W. H. PARKER,CHAS. H. BEACH, CHAS. A. A4ACKEY, ,WHEELER SMITH, JOHN -\V. PRESWICK. L. E. PATTERSON, R. F. CHAPPUIS,B. F. McALLASTER, W. C. GALLAGHER,F. B. DAVIS. J. W. JONES, Roll call. All members present except Mr. Todd. After discussing the matter of appropriations requested on Roads No. 681 and 483, the sleeting adjourned to 2 P. M. Afternoon Session. Roll call. All members present except 1\Ir. Aiken. The minutes of the last session read and approved. Mr. Chappuis presented a resolution calling for the appropria- tion of $14,000.00 to defray the cost of constructing Sec. 1, Road No. 681 of an additional width of four feet, and for an asphaltum hinder as recommended by the Highway Commission. Mr. Beach moved as an amendment that the resolution be as follows:r Whereas, on the 16th day of October, 1907, the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, adopted a resolution approving the maps, specifications and estimate of cost for the improvement by State aid of Ithaca- Dryden Section 1, Road No. 681 and appropriated the county's and town's share of the estimated cost thereof, and Whereas, a communication has been received from the State Highway Commission notifying this Board of Supervisors to provide for the widen- ing of the macadam on said road from twelve to sixteen feet there will be required in addition to the funds already available an additional appropria- tion by the State, County and Town, the total estimated cost of which will amount to $14,000.00 dollars, of which the State, County and Town will pay the following proportions: The Supci visors' Proceedings 15 The State pays 55.3881 per cent. or $7754.34. The County of Tompkins pays 34 per cent. or $4760.00. The Town of Ithaca pays 12 per cent. or $513.96. ry The Town of Dryden pays 10 per cent. or $971.70, or so much thereof as may be needed to defray the cost of such improvement. " Resolved, That the original maps, plans, specifications and estimate of cost as revised to conform with the above described modification be and are hereby approved and the resolutions heretofore adopted by this Board in regard to said road No. 681 are hereby made applicable to said revised maps, plans, specifications and estimate of cost. it is further resolved, that this Board hereby requests the State Treas- urer to pay the entire additional cost above mentioned in the first instance, upon the warrant of the Comptroller drawn upon the requisition of the State Commission of Highways, as provided in section 143 of the Highway Law, and that the County of Tompkins and Town of Ithaca and Town of Dryden within which such road is Located be charged annually with their share of the interest and sinking fund, as provided by chapter 469 of the Laws of 1906, and the acts amendatory thereof, based upon the apportionment made by the State Commission of Highways of the said county's and town's share of the cost of construction or improvement of such county highway. It is further resolved that the Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to forthwith transmit a certified copy of the foregoing resolution to the State 1 Commission of Highways and to the Comptroller. On motion of Mr. Todd, the resolution amended as aforesaid was adopted. f4Y By Mr. Gallagher: Whereas, on the 1 lth day of. February, 1905 the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, adopted a resolution approving the maps, plans, speci- fications and estimate of cost for the improvement by State aid of Catskill Turnpike, Section 3, Iload No. 483 and appropriated the county's and town's 1t share of the estimated cost thereof, and I Whereas, a communication has been received from the State Commission of Highways notifying this Board of Supervisors that in order to provide for widening macadam with the necessary excavation and embankment for the same, there will be required In addition to the funds at present available an additional appropriation on the part of the State, County and Town, the i 16 The Supervisors' Proceedings total estimated cost of which will amount to $2,000 dollars, of which the State, County and Town will pay the following proportions: The State pays 53.5 per cent. or 11,170.14. The County of Tompkins pays 34 per cent. or $680.00. 1'ne Town of Dryden pays 10 per cent. or $32.88. The Town of Caroline pays 7 per cent. or $116.98. Resolved, That the original maps, plans, specifications and estimate of cost as revised to conform with the above described modification be and are hereby approved; and the resolutions heretofore adopted by this Board in regard to said road No. 483 are hereby made applicable; and the resolutions heretofore adopted by this Board in regard to said road No. 483 are here- by made applicable to said revised maps, plans, specifications and estimate of cost. It is further resolved that there is hereby appropriated and made im- mediately available, the sum of Eight Hundred Twenty-nine 86 -100 829.86) Dollars, being the amount necessary to pay the share of the said additional cost which is to be borne by the State, County and Town. And the County Treasurer of said county is hereby authorized and directed to pay such proportion of the amount so appropriated as maybe required to pay said share, upon the requisition or draft of the State Commission of Highways; and if there are not sufficient funds in the county treasury with which to pay such requisition or draft the County Treasurer of 'said Coun- ty is hereby authorized and empowered as provided by section 142 of the Highway Law to borrow all or part of said sum on the obligation of the said county issued by him for, on behalf of and in the name of the said county and acting for and on behalf of said county. It is further resolved, that the Clerk of this Board is hereby directed 4o forthwith transmit a certified copy of the foregoing resolution to the State - Commission of Highways. On motion of Mr. Beach the same' was adopted. The Clerk read the following report: To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: Your Committee on Salary Bills appointed at session of April 22nd, 1909, respectfully report that on the evening of said day, we departed for The Supervisors' Proceedings 17 Albany. Early in the following morning, in company with Senator Conger, we conferred with Governor Hughes concerning the provisions of, said pro - posed bills. He suggested certain minor changes to the sheriff's bill which were accordingly made and the same morning said bills were introduced in eT the Senate and have since been adopted and approved of by the Governor. R. F. CHAPPUIS, E. J. NONE, CHAS. H. BEACH. By Mr. Chappuis: Resolved, That the Good Roads Committee of this Board be and they hereby are authorized and empowered to do and perform any and all things and to take whatsoever action as may be by them deemed advisable to pro- vide for an over -head railroad crossing where Section 1 Road No. 681 in- tersects with and crosses the Lehigh Valley Railroad Company's tracks, (E., C. & N. Division.) Adopted by unanimous vote. On motion. of Mr. Preswick the meeting adjourned sine die. EDWARD, J. MONE, Clerk. SPECIAL SESSION. Tuesday, June 29t11, 1909. i Roll call. All members present except Mr. Smith. The Clerk read the following call: To Edward J. Mone, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: We, the undersigned, request you to call a special meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, to be held at the Super- visors' Rooms, Tompkins County Court House, on June 29th, 1909, at 2 IIC it 18 The ..Supervisors' Proceedings 10 A. M., for the purpose of taking steps to raise the necessary money to defray the cost of the construction of the Tompkins County Jail An- nex and improvements and for such other business as may properly come before said Board. Dated, June 29th, 1909. ORLANDO WHITE,J. W. JONES, WM. H. PARKER,W. C. GALLAGHER, L. E. PATTERSON,it F. CHAPPUIS, B. F. McALLASTER,JOHN W. PRESWICK, F. B. AIKEN,CHAS. A. MACKEY. F. A. TODD, A motion was duly made and carried that the Building Commit- tee be authorized to purchase the necessary awnings for the east win- dows of the Tompkins County Judge's office. A motion was duly made and carried that the Building Commit- tee be authorized to purchase from the Empire State House Furnish- ing Company a second -hand range for the County Jail, provided they deem it suitable for the purpose. By Mr. Beach: Resolved, That the Good' Roads Committee In conjunction with the County Su erintendent be authorized to expend not more than 5100.00 1n bit the purchase of a transit to be used by the County Superintendent On motion of Mr. Preswick; the same was adopted, all members voting in the affirmative, except Messrs. Parker and Gallagher. By Mr. Gallagher: Resolved, That the Chairman and Clerk of the Board be and they are authorized to :haw an order on the Torn. kips County Treasurer f.,r $92.50 in favor of Mary Wood, as administr.:trJx of the estate of A. B. Wood. de- ceased, the balance iv full for servicas rendered by him, and the County Treasurer of Tompkins County is he.th•r authorized and directed to pay said order out of any unexpended balances in his hands. 1I The Supervisors' Proceedings 19 Adopted by an unanimous vote. By Mr. Parker: r Resolved, That whereas on March 31st, 1909, the County of Tompkins entered Into a written contract with the Pulford & Dempsey Construction Company, of Elmira, New York, for the construction of an annex and for certain alterations and Improvements to the Tompkins County Jail, for the sum of $5,500.00, which provided for partial payments from time to time on the certificate of the architect, and • Whereas, No county funds are available for the payment of the said contract, now the'refore, be it Resolved, That the County of Tompkins be and 1t hereby is authorized • to borrow said sum of $5,500.00 from the Ithaca Savings Bank of Ithaca, New York or any other corporation or person and to execute, issue and de- liver its bond 'therefor, as and in the manner provided by statute. Adopted by an unanimous vote. By Mr. Parker: A resolution authorizing the County of Tompkins, State of New York, to borrow the sum of $5,500.00 and to Issue its bond therefor, for the pur- pose of defraying the cost of the construction of the annex to the Tompkins, County Jail, passed on the 29th day •of June, 1909, two - thirds of all the Supervisors elected to the Board of Supervisors of such county being present and voting in favor thereof. Whereas, The State Commission of Prisons of the State of New York, did on various occasions prior to January 1st, 1909. complain of certain structural and other defects in the Tompkins County Jail, and Whereas, The said State Commission of Prisons did on or about said day 1,S-and date, pursuant to and In accordance with the law in such cases made and provided, order the erection of a certain building and annex to said jail and certain alterations and improvements therein, to make It conform to the requirements of the law, and Whereas, Thereafter plans for the construction of said addition, alter- ations and improvements were prepared and duly approved by said Commis- sion, and Whereas, After blds for the construction of said addition, alterations 20 The Supervisors' Proceedings and improvements had been duly advertised for, the contract therefor was let to the Lowest bidder, the Pulford & Dempsey Construction Company, of Elmira, New York, for the sum of $5,500.00, and Whereas, the said Board of Supervisors did by i resolution, duly adopt- ed March llth, 1909, authorize the Chairman and Clerk of said Board to enter into a contract with the said Pulford & Dempsey Construction Com- pany, for the construction of said addition, alterations and improvements for the sum of $5,500.00, and Whereas, Thereafter Orlando White, Chairman of said Board and Ed- ward J. Alone, Clerk of said Board did on the 31st day of March, 1909, enter into a written contract with the said Pulford & Dempsey Construction Com- pany, for the performance of the labor and the furnishing of materials for the construction of the improvements aforesaid, (the proceedings aforesaid' having been taken and had pursuant to the provisions of Section 12 of the County Law), and Whereas, The said resolution taken in connection with the contract aforesaid contain a full and complete description of the proposed construc- tion and of the proposed alterations and improvements to said jail, and Whereas, 13y a resolution this day adopted, it was enacted and provid- ed that the suns of $5,500.00 be borrowed to pay the cost of construction, al- terations and improvements to said buildings aforesaid, the same to be se- cured by the bond of the County of Tompkins to be duly issued, Now, therefore, for the purpose of enabling the County of Tompkins to do and perform said contract and to pay the said contractors, to wit, the Pulford & Dempsey Construction 'Company the aforesaid contract price, as and when the same becomes due and payable, and for the purpose of con- structing said wing or addition and the alterations and repairs to the jail aforesaid,' it is, Resolved, That the sum of $5,500.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary be borrowed by the County of Tompkins from the Ithaca Savings Bank or from such other corporation or. person as will loan the same, and as security for the payments thereof, that said county Issue and deliver at no Less than par, its obligation therefor in the form of one registered bond of the denomination of $5,500.00, to be dated June 29th, 1909 and to be pay- able February 1st, 1910. Said bond to bear interest at five per cent, per annum, payable annually on the 1st day of February of each year, said bond, both principal and interest to be payable at the lthaca Savings Bank, in the City of Ithaca, New York, and further that said bond be substantially in the following form, to wit, The Supervisors' Proceedings 21 5,500.00 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA —STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY JAIL IMPROVEMENT BOND OF THE COUNTY OF TOMPKINS. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the County of Tomp- kins In the State of New York, is justly indebted unto the Ithaca Savings Bank of the City of Ithaca, or the registered holder in the scan of $5,500.00, for value received, which said sum the County of Tompkins hereby promises to pay to the Ithaca Savings Bank or the registered holder, thereof, at the Ithaca Savings Bank, in the City of Ithaca, N. Y., on the 1st day of Febru- ary, 1910, with interest thereon at the rate of five per cent. per annum, pay- able annually on the 1st day of February of each year from the date hereof, until the said principal sum shall be paid. This bond is issued for the purpose of raising funds with which to pay for the construction of the addition or wing and certain alterations, improve- ments to the Tompkins County Jail in the City of Ithaca, Tompkins County, New York, pursuant to the provisions of Section .12 of the County Law of the State of New York, and the acts amendatory thereof and supplemental thereto and pursuant to and in conformity with certain resolutions of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins, and by virtue of authority conferred upon said Board of Supervisors by the Statutes of the State of New York. And the said Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins does hereby certify that all acts and things requisite and necessary to be clone under the provisions of the law have been duly and regularly performed in every respect and the good faith and credit of the said County of Tomp- kins are hereby pledged for the payment of the said principal sum and the interest thereon as aforesaid. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the County' of Tompkins has caused these presents to be signed by the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors and the Treasurer of the County, and attested by the Clerk of said Board, and the corporate seal of said county to be hereto affixed in the City of Ithaca, the 29th day of June, 1909. a THE COUNTY OF TOMPKINS, By Chairman of the Board of Supervisors: And by Attest: Clerk of the Board of Supervisors. 22 The Supervisors' Proceedings Resolved, That the Chairman of this Board and the said County Treas- urer be and they hereby are authorized and empowered to execute said bond for and in behalf of the County of Tompkins and to affix the corporate seal of said county thereto, and the Clerk of this Board to attest said bond, and the good faith and credit of said County of Tompkins are hereby pledged for the payment of said bond which is hereby declared a county charge. Resolved', That adequate security be given by said County Treasurer for the faithful performance of his duties in issuing said obligation, and for the lawful application of the funds arising therefrom, and of the funds which may be raised by tax for the payment thereof, which may come into his hands, which said security shall be in the form of an undertaking in the penal sum of $to be duly approved by the County Judge of Tompkins County, and also by the Chairman of this Board. Resolved, That a sufficient suin be included in the next county budget, and raised by taxation to pay the principal and interest on said bond ma- turing February 1st, 1910. Resolved,' That the said County Treasurer be and he hereby is au- thorized to receive the proceeds from said bond, and directed to pay out the same on the order of the Building Committee of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County. Adopted by an unanimous vote. Minutes read and approved. On motion of Mr. Beach the session adjourned sine die. EDWARD J. MONE, Clerk.a The Supervisors' Proceedings 23 SPECIAL SESSION. September 27, 1909. Roll call. All members present. To Edward J. Mone, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Tomp- kins County: You will please call a special session of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County to be held at the Supervisors' Rooms in the County Court House, in the City of Ithaca, N. Y., on Monday, Sep- tember 27, 1909, at It A. M., for the purpose of hearing read the Re- port of the Good Roads Construction Committee of said Board in re Catskill Turnpike, taking, action thereof and transacting such other business as may lawfully come before said session of tlie Board. September 24th, 1909. Signed.) s ORLANDO WHITE,F. A. TODD, WILLIAM H. PARKER,F. B. AIKEN, CHAS. A. MACKEY,CHAS. H. BEACH, JOHN W. PRESWICK,WHEELER SMITH, R. F. CHAPPUIS,L. E. PATTERSON, W. C. GALLAGHER,B. F. McALLASTER, J. W. JONES, The Good Roads Construction Committee handed up a report, a copy of which is attached to the end of this day's minutes. By Mr. Aiken: RESOLUTION OF TEIE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS CONCERNING STATE ROAD NO. 483. Whereas, the Construction Committee on Good Roads under date. of 24 The S- epervisors' Proceedings September 27th, 1909, has made written report to the Board of Super- visors as to the building of State Road No. 483, (otherwise known as the Catskill Turnpike, Sec. 3) for the construction of which the County of Tomp- kins is under contract with the Slate of New York, its work of construe - tion however having been sublet to Bailey, Johnson & Saunders by contract dated March 27th, 1907, said report showing that the work of construction has been entirely abandoned with about 9 per cent. of our contract with the State u ncap pl eted; and Whereas, among other things, the said committee has reported that, to save the work already laid or done, they had proceeded to take up the work of construction, and, that in connection therewith, they have purchased ma- terial to the extent of $337.95 and had paid out for, or contracted for, the payment of items aggregating $83.55; and also that they have expended for, or contracted for the employment of labor in amounts aggregating $971.33; and Whereas, it also appears front said report that this work_ has been done by said committee under the personal direction of Supervisor Gallagher specially authorized thereto by then; and that an additional 3 per cent. of the work left unfinished by the sub - contractors (about 9 per cent. of the contract) has been performed, leaving about 6 per cent. still undone. Now-, therefore. on motion of Chas. A. Mackey, of 5th Ward. Ithaca, sec- onded by Wheeler Smith, Enfield, be it Resolved, That said report be and the same hereby is accepted, adopt- ed and filod. and also that it be printed as part of the proceedings of this Board of Supervisors; and be it further Resolved, That the entire action of said Construction Committee on Good Roads, as reported by them in said report be and the same hereby is, in all respects. approved, ratified and confirmed and made the action of the Board or Supervisors of Tompkins County. On motion of Mr. Mackey the same ivas adopted by an unani- mous vote. t Pv Mr. Patterson: Whereas. Bailey, Johnson & Saunders having wholly abandoned its con- tract with the County of Tompkins for the construction of Sec. 3, Catskill Turnpike, Road 483, the said County, acting through the Good Roads Con- struction Committee of this Board has pursuant to and in accordance with the provisions of said contract undertaken to complete the sameat the ex- pense of the said Bailey; Johnson & Saunders, and d- ' The Supervisors' Proceedings 95 Whereas, it is deemed necessary that the county continue said work completion, as provided for in said contract, now therefore, be it Resolved, That this Board do and it hereby (foes authorize and em- power the said Good Road Construction Committee of the Board of Super- visors (1) to draw orders on the County Treasurer for the payment of any and all valid claims for labor and materials thus far incurred by said com- mittec in the prosecution of said work; (2) and to proceed, at the expense of the said Bailey; Johnson & Saunders to complete said work in accordance with the terms of the contract aforesaid, the said committee to draw orders on the County Treasurer for.the payment of any and all items of expense in- curred in so doing, giving and granting to the said committee full and corn- piete power and authority to do and perform any and all things necessary in the premises.' On motion of Mr. Preswick the same was adopted by an unani- mous vote. By Mr. Gallagher: Resolved, That the Good Roads Committee of this Board be authorized and empowered to purchase from Mr. Monroe the necessary right of way on the Ithaca - Dryden Road .rind draw upon the County Treasurer for the pay- ment of the purchase price, and the County Treasurer is authorized and di- rected to honor 'and pay said order out of any unexpended balance in his hands. By Mr. Preswick: Whereas, we are informed that action is contemplated or has been 1 taken by the Highway Commission of the State of Now York with a view to altering the route of Section 1 (Ithaca- Dryden Road No 681) where it runs through Forest Home, and Whereas, we, in common with the residents of Forest Home and vicin- ity, (as expressed in mass meeting) believe that neither the traveling public nor the public interest demand or require such a change,' and that such a d change In route, if ,made, will occasion great and irreparable damage to nu- merous owners of improved property on said highway as at presentlaid out, now therefore, be it Resolved, Tht we do hereby respectfully protest against said proposed change in route and petition said commission to continue the construction of said road, through Forest Horne, as originally laid out. 26 The Supervisors' Proceedings II On motion of Mr. Chappuis the same was adopted by an unani- mous vote. On motion of Mr. Parker the session was adjourned sine die. EDWARD J. MONE, Clerk. REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION COMMITTEE ON GOOD ROADS. We, the undersigned Construction Committee on Good Roads make report as follows: 1) On August 27, 1909, the Genesee Valley Construction Co., sub-con- tractors under bailey, Johnson & Saunders, discontinued operations on Road No. 482, (Catskill Turnpike, Sec. No. 3), leaving the highway in such shape that we deemed it imperative to continue its constructior, particularly inas- much as, among other things, the original contract was made by the County of Tompkins with the State, which has never officially recognized any sub- contracts or sub - lettings of construction. Thereupon we notified Bailey, Johnson & Saunders, as well as its surety on its sub - contract with the county, (a) That the work of construction had been abandoned, as above stated; (b) That the time for the performance of the contract'of construction had long ago expired; and, therefore, (c) That the county is compelled forthwith to proceed, under its contract with the State, to finish the work of constructing the highway. v3 2) When the work of construction was discontinued August 27, 1909, about 91 per cent. of our contract with the State had been completed. Thereupon, at a meeting of the committee, we carefully considered the mat- ter, and, under authority vested in us by various resolutions of this Board a we decided to proceed forthwith with such work of construction as seemed to us necessary to save from loss or damage the work that already had been done; and, to that end, we empowered Supervisor William C. Gallagher, one of this Committee, to take personal supervision of the work until further notice. 3) Under the direction of Supervisor Gallagher 'an additional 3 per cent. of the remainder (about 9 per cent.) of the State contract has been performed, leaving about 6 per cent. still undone. The Supervisors' Proceedings 27 The macadam work has been finished; but there remains to be com- pleted that portion of the State contract relating to slopes, ditches, guard- rails, and some minor repairs to the work of construction that was done In 1908. 4) In this work of construction we have bought two carloads of lime- stone which already had been shipped to Besemers and were at the station. Although consigned to the Genesee Valley Construction Company, they had no claim to this limestone; and our purchase was made directly from the consignor at Utica. We have also purchased 2 carloads of limestone screen- ings; 100 sacks of cement; and the following tools: 1 dozen shovels; 1 -2 dozen picks with handles; 1 -2 dozen grub hoes with handles; 2 rakes; one file; 60 feet of 1 -inch hose; 2 red lanterns; 1 pail and 1 dipper —all at an expense of $36.40. Supervisor Gallagher also has paid out, or incurred liability, for freight and demurrage, $82.95, and for telephone messages, $.60. He has also ex- pended, or contracted for, In the employment of labor necessary to forward the work of construction, amounts aggregating $843.33 as per itemized statement hereto annexed, We recommend that the Board take whatever measures It shall be ad -. vised to push forward to completion the work covered by this contract as rapidly as possible; and, this must be done as the contract is. between the County and the State and all the sub- contractors have become insolvent. All of which is respectfully submitted, Dated, Ithaca, N. Y., September 27, 1909. W. H. PARKER, t.CHAS. II. BEACH, W. C. GALLAGHER, 28 The Supervisors' Proceedings l CLERK'S CERTIFICATE. 1, Edward J. Mone, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, do hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing minutes of the special sessions of said Board of Supervisors from the 1st day of January, 1909, to this date, with the original record thereof, and that the same is a full and correct transcript therefrom, as far as the same is required to be printed. Typographical errors to be excepted. In witness whereof I have set my hand this 10th day of November, 1909. EDWARD J. MONE, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County. rf ANNUAL SESSION FIRST DAY. Wednesday, November loth, 1909. The Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins niet in an- nual session at their rooms in the Court I -Iouse in the City of Ithaca, N. Y., on Wednesday, November loth, 1909, and was called to order by Edward J. Mone, Clerk of the preceding Board. All members responded to their names as follows: Caroline .......... Dr. AVm. C. Gallagher. . Slaterville Spgs, N. Y. Danby Frank A. Todd West Danby, N. Y. Dryden R. F. Chappuis Dryden, N. Y. Enfield'Wheeler Smith Newfield, N. Y., RT: D. Groton John W. Jones Groton, N. Y. Ithaca Town John W. Preswick.... .Ithaca, N. Y., R. F. D. Ithaca City— First Ward' William IL Parker Ithaca, N. Y. Second Ward L. L. Patterson Ithaca, N. Y. Third Ward .. Charles D. Beach 'Ithaca, N. Y. Fourth Ward Frank B. Davis Ithaca, N. Y. Fifth Ward .. Charles A. Mackey Ithaca, N. Y. Lansing Orlando White ........ ....Lansingville, N. Y. Newfield B. F. McAllastcr Newfield, N: Y. Ulysses Frank 13. Aiken Trumansburg, N. Y. On notion of Mr. Beach, Mr. Preswick was chosen temporary chairman. On motion of Mr. White that the Chair appoint two tellers, the Chair appointed Messrs. I\1cAllaster and Mackey. 30 The Supervisors' Proceedings On motion of Mr. Davis the Board proceeded by informal ballot for the election of Chairman. The ballot was taken and the whole number of votes cast for Chairman was 14, of which Frank B. Aiken received 5 Frank Todd received 2 Dr. W. C. Gallagher received i R. F. Chappuis received 2 Charles H. Beach received 3 Blank On motion of Mr. Parker the Board proceeded by formal ballot for the election of Chairman. The whole number of votes cast was 14, of which Frank B. Aiken received 8 Frank Todd received 2 Dr. W. C. Gallagher received 1 Charles Beach received 3 On motion of Mr. Todd, Mr. Frank B. Aiken was declared unani- mously elected Chairman of the Board. Mr. Aiken took the Chair vacated by Temporary Chairman Preswick. On motion of Mr. Beach, the Board proceeded by informal ballot for the election of Clerk of the Board.f ° The ballot was taken and the whole number of votes cast was 14, of which Bert T. Baker received 7 Edward J. Mone received 4 Arthur J. Adams received 2 Blank r The Supervisors' Proceedings,31 On motion of Mr. Parker the Board proceeded by formal ballot for the election of Clerk. The whole number of votes cast was 14, of. which Bert T. Baker received 9 1 Edward J. Mone received 3 Arthur J. Adams received f Blank i The Chair declared Bert T. Balser elected Clerk of the Board. By Mr. Beach: Whereas, in the past it has been the custom of the Board of Super- visors to organize at,the first meeting of the Board in its annual session in November by the election of its Chairman and.Clerk'and by the appoint- ment of Standing Committees, and • Whereas, we believe it will be serving the best interests of the County that hereafter, beginning with the year nineteen hundred ten (1910), the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County shall meet on the second day of f January In each year unless that date shall fall on Sunday or shall be a legal holiday and in that event the day following for the purpose of electing' its 1 Chairman and Clerk and for the appointment of Standing Committees, now therefore, be it Resolved, that the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County shall meet e on the second day of January, 1910 and every year thereafter unless the r same shall be a legal holiday or shall fall on Sunday and In that event the day following and shall elect by ballot as Chairman of the Board of Super- visors one member of said Board of Supervisors who shall serve as the pre- siding officer of said Board for one year unless he shall resign said Chair- A .manship or unless his term of office as a Supervisor expires or is for any cause terminated, then in that event the Board of Supervisors at its next meeting shall elect one of its members as Chairman who shall serve the bal- ance of the year or until his successor Is elected, and be it further Resolved, That the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County shall on i the second day of January, 1910, and every year thereafter unless the same 1 shall fall on Sunday or shall be a legal holiday and in that event the day following elect by ballot some one to be Clerk of the Board of Supervisors who shall perform all of the clerical duties of the Board of Supervisors or of 32 The Supervisors' Proceedings any Committee of said Board or of any individual member of said Board of Supervisors including the copying of Assessment Rolls or extending tax or any other clerical work for which a charge is made against the County for which said Clerk shall receive an annual salary, the amount of said sal- ary to be fixed by the said Board, of Supervisors, and be it further Resolved, That the Chairman so elected at such annual meeting shall appoint the following Standing Committees subject to the approval of said Board whose terms of office shall be for one year unless for any reason their term of office as Supervisor expires or is sooner terminated and then their successor on the committee shall be appointed by the Chairman and approv- ed by the Board for the balance of that year: 1) The Committee ou County' Buildings, consisting of live members who shall have charge of all County Buildings, keep same insured and at- tend to all repairs and the furnishing of fuel, lights and water and shall submit to the Board annually a report of the amount of money so expend- ed or the amount-of indebtedness so incurred against the County at the an- nual meeting of the Board held in November. 2)' A Committee on Appropriations and Finance consisting of three members, of which the Chairman of this Board shall be. Chairman, who shall meet one day in each month and together with the Clerk shall go over all bills against the County presented to them and after examination shall mark them recommending that they be allowed or disallowed and for what amount. That the Clerk of this Board shall advertise in each•of the official newspapers on what dates the said Committee will meet and request that all persons having claims against the County to present them duly verified on or before that date to the Clerk of the - Board of Supervisors. Said Commit- tee shall report at the beginning of the annual meeting of the Board of Su- pervisors in November all bills so examined together with their recom- mendations, and said Committee shall also report at the same time the con- dition of the U. S. deposit fund and the account of the commissioners.1 3) A Comnittee on Examination of Assessment Rolls and' Equaliza- tion of Taxes, consisting of five members, who shall, prior to the annual meeting in November, investigate the conditions in each township and the l / City of Ithaca comparing the sales of real estate with the assessment rolls and the net earnings of such property and shall report to the Board of Su- pervisors at their annual meeting in November recommending the propor- Lion of State and County Taxes each town and the City of Ithaca shall pay. 4) A Purchasing Committee consisting of one member who shall pur- chase or issue a written' order for the purchase of all supplies for the vari- ous County officials and their offices, and shall submit to the Chairinan of the Finance Committee a copy ofeach order for every purchase stating the price agreed upon and from whom ordered. The Supervisors' Proceedh gs 33, The Board of Supervisors shall annually meet on the second 'Thursday next after each general election held in November to audit all accounts and charges against the county, due or to become due, during the ensuing'year, and direct the raising of sums necessary to defray them in full; to direct the raising of such sums in each town as shall be necessary to pay its town charges; to cause to be assessed, levied and collected such other assessments and taxes as shall be required by any law of the State, and to fix the sal- aries of the County Treasurer, District Attorney, Superintendents of the Poor, Keeper of the Almshouse and of such other County Officials, which iA shall be a county charge and not otherwise fixed by law, and to transact such other business as provided by law. On motion the resolution was laid on the table and made a special order of business for November 18th at 2 P. M. I By Mr. Todd: Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board be and he hereby is authorized to purchase such supplies as are deemed by him necessary for the use of the Board during the present session. On motion of Mr. Parker the same was adopted. By Mr: Smith: Resolved, That the daily sessions of this Board commence at 3:30 A. M. 1 and 1:30 P. M., except on Mondays and then at 10 A. M., and also Resolved, That an evening session be held three evenings out of each week to commence at 6:30 P. M. On motion of Mr. Todd the resolutions were laid on the table until November 18th. By Mr. White: Resolved, That the daily sessions of this Board commence at 9 A. M. and 2 P. M., except on Mondays and then at 10 A. M., and unless otherwise ordered that there be no sessions on Saturday of any week. On motion of Mr. Gallagher the same was adopted. On motion the Board adjourned for the day. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. 3 34 The Supervisors' Proceedings SECOND DAY. Thursday, November iith, i9o9. b1 Morning Session. Roll call. Quorum present. •y By Dr. Gallagher: Resolved, That the Standing Committees of the Board be arranged as follows: Constables' Accounts, 3 members. Clerk's and Justices' Accounts, 3 members. Printing and Printers' Accounts, 3 members. County Treasurer's Accounts, 3 members. Sheriff and Judge's Accounts, 3 members. Coroners, Coroners' Juries and District Attorney Accounts 3 members. Miscellaneous Claims, 3 members. Jurisprudence and Erroneous Assessments, 3 members. Equalization and Footing Assessment Rolls, 7 members. Superintendent of the Poor, 4 members. Appropriations and County Buildings, Chairman ea- offIcio as Chairman i Land4othermembers. U. S. Deposit and Insurance, 3 members. State Charities and Penal Institutions, 3 members. Good Roads Committee, '5 members. On motion of Mr. Todd the same was adopted On motion the Board adjourned to 2 P. M. The Supervisors' Proceedings 35 Afternoon Session. Roll call. Quorum present. c4 The Chairman announced the following Standing Committees: Constable's Accounts — Mackey, Parker, Davis. Clerk's and Justice's Accounts— Patterson, Jones, McAllaster. County Treasurer's Accounts — Beach, Chappuis, Patterson. Sheriff's and Judge's Accounts.— Gallagher, Mackey, Chappuis. Coroners', Coroners' Juries and District Attorney Accounts. — McAllaster, Beach, Gallagher. Miscellaneous Claims. — Preswick, Gallagher, White. Jurisprudence and Erroneous Assessments.— Parker, Mackey, Patterson. Equalization and Footing Assessment Rolls. —Todd, McAllaster, Jones, White, Gallagher, Smith, Davis. Superintendents of the Poor.— Smith, Chappuis, Preswick, Mackey. Appropriations and County Buildings.— Aiken, Beach, Todd, Parker, Preswick. U. S. Deposit and Insurance. — White, Davis, Patterson. State Charitable and Penal Institutions. — Chappuis, Smith, Todd. Good Roads Committee. — Jones, Todd, McAllaster, Beach, Parker. Printing and Printers' Accounts.— Davis, Jones, White. 36 The Supervisors' Proceedings On motion of Mr. Todd the appointments made by the Chair- man for the Standing Committees were confirmed. By Mr. Preswick: Resolved, That the morning sessions of the Board be devoted to com- mittee work. On Motion of Mr. Todd the same was adopted.l By Mr. Beach: Pesolved, That resolutions carrying appropriations of money, except • those in accordance with the actions of Town Boards of the several towns, shall not be acted upon, nor shall any claims be acted upon or audited, un- til twenty -four hours after the reading of the same, except claims for ser- vices rendered by members of this Board attending the present session, which shall be acted upon the last day of the session. On motion of Mr. Preswick the same was adopted. By Mr. Beach: Resolved, That the printing committee be authorized to advertise for and receive sealed bids for the printing of the proceedings of this Board, the printing,of said proceedings to be awarded to the lowest responsible bid- der. Bids to be received until 12 o'clock noon of Monday, November 29, 1909. It is further resolved that there be levied and collected from the taxable property of Tompkins County the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) as and for a partial Payment for the printing of said proceedings. The order for the said Five Hundred Dollars, however, not to be delivered to the printer by the Clerk, until the said proceedings are printed and delivered to him."Jvg Laid on the table under the rule. The Clerk read the following designation: Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 16, Laws of 1909, we, the under- signed Republican members of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins Coun- ty, hereby designate the Ithaca Daily Journal as the official paper for pub- The Supervisors' Proceedings 37 fishing the Session Laws and the Concurrent Resolutions of the Legislature in the County of Tompkins for the year 1910, and Resolved, That the Ithaca Daily Journal be designated as the official paper to publish the official canvass and election notices of Tompkins Coun- ty, Session Laws and Concurrent Resolutions of the Legislature for the year 1910 in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 16, Laws of 1909. CHAS. H. BEACH,l L. E. PATTERSON. WHEELER SMITH, F. A. TODD, J. W. JONES, W. C. GALLAGHER, CHAS. A. MACKEY. F. B. ATKEN, FRANK B. DAVIS, JOHN W. PRESWICK, On motion the same was adopted. By Mr. Mackey: Resolved, That the Board of Supervisors authorize the printing of 3,000 copies of the minutes of the various sessions of this Board for the year 1909 and the same be allotted to the members representing the various towns and wards as follows: Caroline 250 Denby 200 Dryden 900 Enfield 150 Groton 350 Ithaca Town 175 Ithaca City, First Ward 100 Ithaca City, Second Ward 100 Ithaca City, Third Ward 100 Ithaca City, Fourth Ward 100 Ithaca City, Fifth Ward 100 Lansing 350 Newfield 300 Ulysses 285 Clerk of the Board 90 On motion of Mr. Todd the same was adopted. 38 The Supervisors' Proceedings By Mr. Beach: Resolved, That before any bill is audited for an amount less than that claimed therein the Supervisor of that town or ward from which the claim came shall be notified and the claimant conferred with.b, On motion of Mr. Todd the same was adopted. The Clerk read the following petition, which upon motion of Mr.1Beachwasgranted: Freeville, N. Y., Nov. 9, 1909. To R. F. Chappuis, Supervisor Town of Dryden: We, the undersigned, assessors of the Town of Dryden, very respectfully petition you to request the Board of Supervisors to change the assessed vat- nation upon the property of James McKee from 56,500 (as it now stands) to 6,000. W. J. SHAVER, A. A. SAGER, R. 13. DAVIDSON, Assessors. By Mr. Davis: Resolved, That a committee of one be appointed by the Chairman of this Board to act In conjunction with the Sheriff In purchasing supplies for the County Jail and the prisoners worked. On motion of Mr. White the same was adoped. The Clerk read the following report, which on motion of Mr. Beach was accepted, adopted and ordered printed in the proceedings: To the Board of Supervisors: , Your committee on Fuel and Lights for 1909, report as follows: RESOURCES: — Balance 1908 account 115.30 Appropriation, 1909 1200.00 Total fund 1909 51315.30 r The Supervisors' Proceedizzgs 39 The following sums have been expended for lights from and Including November, 1908 to October, 1909; 12 months: Jail electric lights 169 09 Sheriff's residence electric lights 51 36 1 County Clerk's and Judge's Office, electric lights 54 17 Sheriff's residence, gas 46 25 County Clerk's and Judge's office, gas 7 30 County Court House, gas 6 58 County Court House, electric lights 56 56 Total lighting bills, county buildings, City of Ithaca 391 30 There has been expended for fuel during year 1909 the following sums: 91 tons, 200 lbs. egg coal, Court House and Jail 469 18 16 tons, chestnut coal, jail 78 75 26 tons, stove coal, Clerk's office 133 90 Wood for Clerk's Office 3 88 Total fuel bills County Buildings, City of Ithaca 686 71 Recapitulation. Appropriation, 1909 and balance 1908 1315 30 Total lighting bills, 1909 391 30 Total fuel purchased, 1909 685 71 1077 01 Balance on hand, County Treasurer, Nov. 8, 1909 238 29 Your committee think it proper to mention in this report that by the method of malting a yearly appropriation in advance thereby permitting your committee to take advantage of fuel and light discounts for cash pay- ments made promptly the saving on Lighting bills enumerated in this report Is $47.80 and the saving on fuel Is $64.55.. The supply of fuel mentioned in this report was purchased In May and will last until .usual time of, buying the annual supply for 1910. All of which Is respectfully submitted, WILLIAM H. PARKER, L. E. PATTERSON, J. W. JONES, Committee. By Mr. Preswick: Resolved, That the apportionment of Grand Jurors, the quotas allotted to the several towns and the City of Ithaca be as follows: 40 The Supervisors' Proceedings Caroline 20 Danby 19 Dryden 43 Enfield 10 Groton 32 Ithaca City 79 Yr Ithaca Town 12 Lansing 28 Newfield 24 Ulysses 28 Total 300 On motion of Mr. White the same was adopted. On motion the Board adjourned. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk.. THIRD DAY. Friday, November 12th, 1909. Morning Session. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of November uth were read and approved: On motion of Dr. Gallagher all bills for law books were referred to the Committee as a whole. Morning session was devoted to committee work. Afternoon Session. Roll call. Quorum present. The Supervisors' Proceedings 41 The Chairman appointed Mr. Davis as Committee of one to act with the sheriff in purchasing supplies for jail and prisoners worked. By Mr. Davis: Resolved, That the Building Committee be empowered to connect the County Superintendent's office to the steam plant so it can be heated rode- C]pendently of the court room. On motion of Mr. Mackey the same was adopted. Mr. Beach's resolution that the printing committee secure bids for the printing of the proceedings and that $500.00 be levied upon the taxable property of the County of Tompkins as a partial payment to successful bidder when books are accepted was taken up for con- sideration and on motion of Mr. White was adopted by an unanimous vote. On motion the Board, adjourned to Monday at to A. M., BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. FOURTH DAY. Monday, November 15th, trx Morning Session. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of November 12 read and approved. Morning session was devoted to committee work. 42 The Supervisors' Proceedings Afternoon Session. Roll call. Quorum present. By Mr. Preswick:E Resolved, That the hours from 3 to 4 P. M. of each day be devoted by the Board to auditing bills. On motion of Mr. White the sane was adopted. By Mr. Preswick: Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board be allowed the sum of $25.00 compensation for making the report to the Comptroller as required by law. Laid on the table under the rule. By Mr. Todd: Resolved, That an appropriation of $52.00 be levied and collected from the taxable property of the County of Tompkins to pay a lady Chaplain ap- pointed by the W. C. T. U. for services at the County Jail. Laid on the table under the rule. By Mr. McAllaster: Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed by the Chairman of this Board to examine the County Clerk's report on mortgage taxes receiv- ed during the foregoing year and to apportion the same. On motion of Mr. Beach the same was adopted. j r i-4t The Chairman appointed as such committee Messrs. McAllaster, Gallagher and White. By Mr. Mackey: Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board be allowed $20.00 for postage for the ensuing year. The Supervisors' Proceedings 43 Laid on the table under the rule. By Mr..Smith: Resolved, That all county orders shall be countersigned by the Chair - man of this Board, and all town orders shall be countersigned by the Super- visor of their respective towns, and that no order shall be issued until after the adjournment of this Board. On motion of Mr. Preswick the same was adopted. By Mr. Mackey: Resolved, That in lieu of a salary, the jail physician for the ensuing year be paid by fee; such fee to be the minimum fee charged for such work - by physicians when tendered to an individual and not to exceed one dollar 81.00) for each professional visit to the jail. On motion of Mr. White the same was adopted. Mr. Beach submitted a written report of the Good Roads Corn- mittee of the several counties of the State appointed to secure legis- lation that the County and 'Towns should be reimbursed for monies expended in the improvement of highways under the Higbie -Arm- strong Act, where such highways have been designated as State High- ways. On motion of Mr. Chappuis the report was received and the movement ordered continued. On motion of Mr. White, Mr. Beach was appointed as the com- mittee of the Board to continue the movement to secure such an amendment to the Highway Law. Mr. Aiken, Chairman of the Committee on County Buildings, reported favorably on Bills Nos. 11, 15, 29, 31 and 36 and recommend- ed that the full amounts thereof be paid. Laid on the table under the rule. Mr. Preswick, Chairman of the Committee on Miscellaneous 44 The Supervisors' Proceedings Claims, reported favorably on Bill No. 14, and recommended that the full amount thereof be paid. Laid on the table under the rule. C • Mr. Patterson, Chairman of the Committee on Clerk's and Jus- tices's Accounts, reported favorably on Bill No. 30, and recommended that the full amount thereof be paid.a/' Laid on the table under the rule. On motion the Board adjourned. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk, FIFTH DAY. Tuesday, November [6th, 1909. Morning Session. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of November 15th read and approved. Morning session was devoted to committee work. Afternoon Session. r;) Roll call. Quorum present. Mr. C. F. Chamberlain, State Inspector of Highways, was given the privilege of the floor and explained to the Board relative to the Town Superintendent bonds. The Clerk read the following report, which on motion of Mr. Parker was received and ordered printed in the minutes: The Supervisors' Proceedings 45 To the Honorable Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County: I, A. H. Overacker, Clerk of Tompkins County, hereby submit the foi- lowing statement for 1908, as required by Section 164 of the County Law: RECEIPTS. Fees received during the year for searches and cer- tificates thereof 2108 68 Fees received for recording documents and cer- tificates thereof 2476 75 W Sums received services rendered the County1368 32 Sums received for official services 704 46 6658 21 PAYMENTS. Paid Miss Ball 1569 34 Paid Miss Drake 460 50 Paid Miss VanZoii 387 13 Paid Mr. Baker 622 75 Paid towels for the year 2 20 Paid postage 63 28 Paid cleaning roof 1 50 Paid express 16 02 Paid registering letters 96 Paid certificates 3 25 Paid telephone 8 90 Paid telegraph 3 75 3139 58 Balance 3518 63 Dated this 16th day of November, 1909. A. H. OVERACKER, County Clerk. State of New York, County of Tompkins —ss. A. H. Overacker, being duly sworn deposes and says that he is County Clerk of the County of Tompkins, and that the foregoing account is true and correct, and that amounts stated therein were actually received and ex- pended by him. A. H. OVERACKER, Subscribed and sworn to before me this 16th day of November, 1909. WM. 11. BAKER, Notary Public. 46 The Supervisors' Proceedings The Clerk read the following report, which on motion of Mr. Beach was received and ordered printed in the minutes: Ithaca, N. Y., November 16, 1909. To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: I beg to report to the Board of Supervisors that since the date my last report,- (November 23, 1908), I have received the following money due and for Tompkins County: April 13, 1909, E. McGillivray, assault 3rd degree 400 00 Nov. 9, 1909, Steve Broderick, violation of liquor tax law 200 00 Nov. 9, 1909, Frank Danish, violation of liquor tax law 200 00 Nov. 9, 1909, Richard Warren, violation of liquor tax law 200 00 Total 1000 00 The above named money was paid to the County Treasurer as per re- ceipts attached. A. H. OVERACKER, State of New York, County of Tompkins —ss. A. H. Overacker, being duly sworn says that he has been the County Clerk within the time above mentioned, and that during such time he has • received no money for Tompkins County, except as set forth in the above report. A. H. OVERACKER, Subscribed and sworn to before me this 16th day of November, 1909. WM. H. BAKER, Notary Public. The Clerk read the following report, which on motion of Mr. Preswick was received and ordered printed in the minutes: To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: We, the undersigned, Bonding Commissioners of the Town of Newfield, respectfully report: Refunding Serial Bonds outstanding, Thirty Thousand Dollars ($30,- 000.00.) Said Serial Bonds mature and become payable as follows: Two Thousand Dollars, ($2,000.00) on the first day of March, 1910, and $2,000.00 on the first day of March each year thereafter until the whole amount shall have been paid. r The Supervisors' Proceedings 47 Said Serial Bonds bear interest at the rate of 3% per cent. per annum, payable semi- annually on the first days of March and September of each year. We further report that It will be necessary for the said Town of New- r ,CI field to raise by tax the sum of Three Thousand and Fifteen Dollars, (33,- 015.00) to pay maturing bonds and interest on bonds as follows: Principal payable March 1st, 1910 32000 00 Interest on $30,000.00 from Sept. 1, 1909 to March 1, 1910 525.00 Interest on 328,000.00 from March 1, 1910 to September 1, 1910490.00 33015.00 We further report that we have no balance on hand. Dated, Newfield, N. Y., November 15, 1909. AMOS 11. PALMER, JOHN W. DEAN, Commissioners. State of New York, County of Tompkins. —ss. The undersigned, being duly sworn depose and say that the above re- port Is in all respects correct and true to the best of their knowledge and belief. AMOS 11. PALMER, JOHN W. DEAN. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 15th day of November, 1909. BERKLEY SIMPSON, Notary Public. By Mr. McAllaster: Resolved, That at the request of the Bonding Commissioners of ,the Town of Newfield the sum of ten hundred and fifteen ($1015.00) for the payment of Interest and the further sum of two thousand dollars (32,000.00) for payment of principal of the above named bonds be levied upon and col- lected from'the taxable property of the Town of Newfield. • Laid on the table under the rule. By Mr. McAllaster: Resolved, That there be levied and collected from the owners and har, borers of dogs in the County of Tompkins as listed upon the assessment rolls of the several tax districts of said county, except in the Towns of Ulysses, 48 The Supervisors' Proceedings Groton and Danby, and those under kennel license, the sum of fifty cents on each dog where only one dog is owned or harbored, and two dollars for each additional dog; $3.00 for each bitch where only one bitch is owned or harbored, and $5.00 for each additional bitch owned or harbored by the same person. On motion of Mr. White the same was adopted. Mr. Patterson, Chairman of the Conimittee on Clerk's and Jus- tices' Accounts, reported favorably on Bills Nos. 62, 4 53 4 39 5 and 44, and recommended that the full amounts thereof be paid. Laid on the table under the rule. NIr. Preswick, Chairman of the Committee on Miscellaneous Claims, reported favorably on Bills Nos. 35, 18 and 23, and recom- mended that the full amounts thereof be paid. Laid on the table under the rule. On motion, the following claims were audited at the full amounts claimed by an unanimous vote, to wit.: Bills Nos. 11, 15, 29, 31 and 36 as recommended by the County Buildings Committee; Bill No. 14 as recommended by the Committee on Miscellaneous Claims; and Bill No. 3o as recommended by the Committee on Clerk's and Jus- tice's Accounts. Mr. Todd's resolution to appropriate $52.00 for a Lady Chaplain ,r . at the jail, introduced November i5th, was taken up for consideration and on motion of Mr. Preswick was adopted by an unanimous vote. Mr. Mackey's resolution to allow the Clerk of this Board $2o.00 4 for postage, introduced November i5th, was taken up for consider- ation and on motion of Mr. Smith was adopted by an unanimous vote. Mr. Preswick's resolution to allow the Clerk of this Board $25.00 for making the report to the Comptroller, introduced November 15, was taken up for consideration and on motion of Mr. Chappuis was adopted by an unanimous vote. The Supervisors' Proceedings The Clerk read a letter from the State Highway Commission ask- ing the Board to designate the roads in Tompkins County for im- provement in 1911, which was referred to the Good Roads Commit- n+ tee. On motion the Board adjourned. BERT T. BAKER, C. Clerk. SIXTH DAY. Wednesday, November 17th, 'goo. Morning Session. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of November 16th read and approved. Morning session was devoted to committee work: Afternoon Session. Roll call. Quorum•present. By•Mr. Chappuis: r Resolved, That we as a Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County peti- Y.tion and earnestly urge the Highway Commission to amend the plans and specifications of Sections 2 and 3 of the Ithaca- Dryden & Cortland County Road to increase the width of the road from 12 feet to 16 feet the entire distance, and that all other roads hereafter improved in Tompkins County be 16 feet in width. 4 Y On motion of Mr. Todd the same was unanimously adopted. By Mr. Beach: E V Whereas, At the annual session of the Board of Supervisors of Tomp- kins County, on November 18, 1909, the following was by unanimous vote adopted: 4 50-The Supervisors' Proceedings Resolved,' That the Chairman of this Board appoint a committee of three members of this Board to endeavor to procure an amendment to the New Highway Code, (Chapter 330, Laws of 1908), or other legislation to the end that where a road has been improved under Chapter 115 of the Laws of 1898, and acts amendatory thereof, or supplemental thereto, or where a contract has been let, performed or where a Board of Supervisors has passed tk a resolution requesting the improvement of a road under the last mentioned o acts; and it appears that such roads have been thereafter designated by said new Highway Code as said roads to be built by the State, that then and in such an event the County. and Towns shall be reimbursed by the State for all monies expended for and on account of the improvement of such roads and such counties relieved from any and all payments on contracts already let or to be let for such roads, said committee to have discretionary power to employ counsel, and be it further Resolved, That said committee communicate with the Boards of Super- visors of the various counties of the State and invite their co- operation in securing the passage of such legislation." And whereas, pursuant to said resolution Messrs. Beach, Clapp and Chappuis were duly appointed as such committee, and Whereas, Upon report of said committee to the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County on November 15th, 1909, said Board of Supervisors by un- 1 animous vote decided to continue along the lines ,laid down in the foregoing resolution, now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board of Supervisors shall furnish to our Member of Assembly, the Hon. Fox Holden, and to the State Senator from this District, the Hon. Benn Conger, certified copies of this resolution immediately upon the convening of the State Legislature. On motion of Mr. Todd the same was adopted by an unani- mous vote. By Mr. Chappuis: rr Resolved, That the sum of Three Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($350.00) be allowed the Sheriff of the County for services of janitor and engineer of Court House and jail for the ensuing year. Laid on the table under the rule. By Mr. Todd: Resolved, 'That all Kennel Licenses granted by this Board to owners of The Supervisors' Proceedings 51 dogs in the Town of Danby be revoked, said resolution to take effect on May 1st, 1910, be it further Resolved, That in accordance with a resolution adopted by the Board of the Town of Danby in the year 1908, that the following tax be levied and collected from owners of dogs for the year 1909: Upon. each dog the sum of one dollar; upon each additional dog the sum of $2.00; and upon each bitch the sum of five dollars. 1 On motion of Mr. Parker the same was adopted by an unani- nlous vote. By Mr. Jones: Resolved, That in accordance with a resolution of the Town Board of the Town of Groton, that there be levied and collected from the owner or harborer of each dog in said Town the sum of one dollar and for each fe- male dog the sum of five dollars. On motion of Mr. White the same was adopted by an unani- mous vote. At the request of Mr. Aiken, Supervisor White of Lansing took the chair. Mr. Aiken presented the Town Audits of the Town of Ulysses, showing total Town Audits $2,3o8.96. By Mr. Aiken: Resolved, That in accordance with a resolution of the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses, adopted November 6, 1909, there be levied and collect- ed from the taxable property of the Town of Ulysses the sum of $2,308.96, the same being the amount of the Town Audits of said Town for 1909. VOn motion of Mr. Parker the same was adopted by an unanimous vote. The Clerk read the following report: To the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins: F. B. Aiken, Supervisor of the Town of Ulysses, to whldh office was transferred the duties of Railroad Bonding Commissioners of said town, would respectfully report: 52 The Supervisors' Proceedings That the original issue of bonds made March 1st, 1900, was in the amount of $50,000.00 Hof which principal sum $2,000.00 is due and payable annually on March 1st of each year, together with semi - annual interest at 31 per cent. due March 1st and September 1st of each year. That numbers one to sixteen, inclusive, have been paid, surrendered and K• cancelled. I further report that numbers 17 and 18 of $1,000.00 each are due and payable March 1st, 1910, and the interest on said bonds March 1st, 1910, is I ,/ I 4595.00 and the amount of interest due September 1st, 1910 is 3560.00. F. B. AIKEN, Supervisor. By Mr. Aiken: Resolved, That there be levied and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Ulysses the sum of $2,000.00 to pay bonds Nos. 17 and 18 dub March 1st, 1910, and the further sum of $1,155.00 to pay the semi- annual interest due and payable on March 1st and September 1st, 1910. Laid on the table under the rule.I By Mr. Aiken: Resolved, That there be levied upon and collected from owners and her - borels of dogs in the Town of Ulysses, the sum of one dollar for each dog, where only one dog is owned or harbored, and two dollars for each addl- tionel dog, three dollars for each bitch, where only one bitch is kept or har- bored, and five dollars for each additional bitch owned or harbored by the same person, pursuant to resolution of the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses.i On motion of Mr. Preswick the same was adopted by an unani- mous vote. Mr. Aiken resumed the chair. Mr. McAllaster's resolution to levy and collect from the taxable property in the Town of Newfield $3.o15,00 to pay principal and in- terest due on bonds, introduced November 16th,'was taken up for con. sideration, and on motion of Mr. Smith was adopted by an unani- mous vote? Mr. Smith, Chairman of the Committee on Superintendent of the The Supervisors' Proceedings 53 Poor Accounts, reported favorably on Bills,Nos. 97, 49, 70 and 51, and recommended that the full amounts thereof be paid. Laid on the table under the rule. Mr. Preswick, Chairman of the Committee on Miscellaneous Claims, reported favorably on Pills. Nos. 12 and 85 and recommend- ed that the full amounts thereof be paid. Laid on the table under the rule. Mr. Aiken, Chairman of the Committee on County Buildings, reported favorably on Bill No. 33 and recommended that the full amount thereof be paid. Laid on the table under the rule. . Mr. Mackey, Chairman of the Committee on Constables' Ac- counts, reported favorably on Bills Nos. 52, 4o and 41 and recom- mended that the full amounts thereof be paid. Laid on the table under the rule. Dr. Gallagher, Chairman of the Committee on Sheriff's Accounts, reported favorably on Bill No. 3, recommending that the full amount thereof be paid, and on Bill No. zo, recommending that the same be allowed at $12.00 instead of $12.36 claimed. Laid on the table under the rule. On motion, the following bills were audited at the Ail] amounts claimed by an unanimous vote, to wit: Bills Nos. 62,'46, 53 42, 39, 5o and 44 as recommended by the Committee on Cleric's and Justices' Accounts; Bills Nos. 35, 18 and 23 as recommended by the Commit- tee on Miscellaneous Claims. TvIr. Preswick presented the Town Audits of the Town of Ithaca, showing the total amount,of Town Audits to be $1,942.58. 54 The Supervisors' 'Proceedings By Mr. Preswick: Resolved, That there be levied and collected against the taxable prop- erty of the Town of Ithaca the sum of $1,942.58, being the amount of the Town Audits of said Town for the year 1909. On motion of Mr. White the same was adopted by an unanimous vote. On motion the Board adjourned.i BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. SEVENTH DAY. Thursday, November 18th, 19o9. Morning Session. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of November 17th read and approved. Morning session was devoted to committee work. Afternoon Session. Roll call. Quorum present. Messrs. William P. Harrington, William D. Baldwin and Walter McKeel, Superintendents of the Poor, presented their report, which was referred to the Committee on Superintendents of the Poor. Mr. Harrington was given the privilege of the floor and he made' an oral report to the Board of the Superintendents of the Poor ex-re' plaining the expenditures during the year, the alterations and improve- ments made at the County Farm, and the improvements yet needed. On motion of Dr. Gallagher the report was accepted. Mr. Beach's resolution introduced November loth relative to the Board organizing January 2nd, 191o, and on the znd day of January each year thereafter was taken from the table. The Supervisors' Proceedings 55. Mr. Beach moved its adoption which was seconded by Mr. Mackey. A general discussion was had thereon. 1 The vote taken on the resolution resulted as follows: Ayes. — Parker, Beach, Davis and Mackey. -4. v.led Nays. — Gallagher, Todd, Chappnis, Smith, Jones, Preswick, Pat- terson, McAllister and White. -9. The chair declared`'vlr. Beach's resolution lost. Mr. Smith's resolution relative to the Board meeting at 8:30 A. M., r :3o P. M. and 6:30 P. M. three evenings of the week was taken from the table. Dr. Gallagher moved its adoption. After a general discussion thereon, a vote taken, on the resolu- tion resulted as follows: Ayes.— Gallagher, Parker, Smith, Beach. -4. Nays. —Todd, Chappuis, Preswick. Patterson, Mackey, McAlias- ter and White. -8. de Mr. Davis was excused from voting. On motion of Mr. White, Bills Nos. 5i, 49, 51 and 7o were re -' ferred back' to the Committee on Superintendents of the Poor ,Ac- counts for further consideration. 011 motion the following bills were audited at the full amounts claimed by an unanimous vote, to wit: Bills Nos. 12 and 85 as recom- mended by the Committee on Miscellaneous Claims; Bills Nos. 41, 4o and 52 and as recommended by the. Committee on Constables' Ac- counts; Bill No. 3 as recommended by the Committee on Sheriff's Accounts. 56 The Supervisors' Proceedings At the request of ,,Mr. Aiken, Supervisor Chappuis took the chair. Mr. Aiken's resolution to levy and collect from the taxable prop- erty in the Town of Ulysses $3,155.00 to pay on bonded indebtedness, introduced November 17th, was taken up for consideration and • on 0a motion of Mr. Aiken was adopted by an unanimous vote. Mr. Aiken resumed the chair. 4 I\4r. Chappuis' resolution to allow the sheriff $35o.bo for janitor • and engineer of Court House and Jail, introduced November 17th, was taken up for consideration and on motion of Mr. Preswick was adopted by an unanimous vote. By Mr. Mackey: Resolved, That there be levied against and collected from the taxable property of the City of Ithaca the sum of $10.00 for the distribution of 500 copies of the proceedings of this Board to be paid in equal parts to the sev- eral Supervisors of the City of Ithaca. Laid on the table under the rule. The Clerk read the following report, which on motion of Mr. White was received and ordered printed in the minutes: To the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins: Gentlemen: —As Supervisor of the Town of Enfield, to whom was trans- ferred the duties of Railroad Bondingg Commissioners of said Town, I hereby respectfully report: That of the original issue of 10 bonds on one thousand four hundred dollars each March 1, 1901, Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 of said series each of $1,400 have been fully paid, cancelled and surrendered. I further report that the semi - annual interest on said bonds amounting to $73.50 due March 1, 1909 and the further sum of $49.00 due September 1, 1909, have been fully paid and I hold cancelled coupons therefor. That by the terms of the contract on which said bonds were Issued, one bond of $400.00 becomes due annually In addition to semi- annual interest en balance on remaining debt. The Supervisors' Proceedings 57 I therefore report that it will be necessary for the Town of Enfield to raise by tax for the coming year for such payments the sum of $1,473.50 to be distributed as follows: For payment of Bond No. 9 1,400.00 For payment of interest due March 1, 1910 49.00 For payment of interest due September 1st, 1910 24.50 Total 1,473.50 WHEELER SMITH, Supervisor. By Mr. Smith: Resolved, That in accordance with the report of the Supervisor of the Town of Enfield as to the bonded•indebtedness of said town, that the sum of 1,473.50 be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Enfield to pay the amount due thereon. Laid on the table under the rule. Mr. Preswick, Chairman of the Committee on Miscellaneous Claims, reported favorably on bills Nos. 16, 103, 38, 97, 109 and 9, recommending that the full amounts thereof be paid, and on Bill No. 39 that the same be allowed at $39.5o instead of $37.75 claimed. Laid on table under the rule. ' Mr. Aiken, Chairman of the Committee on County Buildings, re- ported favorably on Bills Nos. 45 and 74, and recommended that the Y full amounts thereof be paid. Lail on the table under the rule. On motion the Board adjourned. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. 58 The Supervisors' Proceedings EIGHTH DAY. Friday, November 19th, 1909. Morning Session. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of November 18th read and approved. Morning session devoted to committee work. Afternoon Session. Roll call. All members present. By Mr. Todd: Resolved, That there be levied and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Danby, the sum of $2,385.71,, being the amount audited by the Board of said Town for the year 1909. On motion of Mr. Preswick the resolution was adopted by an unanimous vote. By Mr. Todd: Resolved, That the accompanying brush bill as certified to by the Super- intendent of Highways of the Town of Danby for the cutting of brush and C. audited by the Board of Auditors of said Town be audited by this Board and the amounts asked for thereof be levied and collected from the owners of the several properties herein described: Benjamin, Charles, 4 hours 60 Y Curtis, Arthur, 44 hours 6.60 Mandeville, W. A., 13 hours 1.95 Titus, Charles, 21 hours 3.15. Charles Bonfield Estate, 15 hours 2.25 White, Paul, 35 hours 5.25 On motion of Mr. Patterson, the resolution was adopted by an unanimous vote. The Supervisors' Proceedings 59 Mr. Smith presented Town Audits of Enfield amounting. to $1,- 000.37. By Mr. Smith: Resolved, That there be levied and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Enfield the sump of $1,000.37, being the amount of Town Au- dits of said Town for the year 1909. On motion of Mr. Patterson, the resolution was adopted by an unanimous vote. By Dr. Gallagher: Resolved, That in accordance with resolutions of the Town Board of the Town of Caroline the following sums be levied against and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Caroline: Town Audits 1,858.29 Brush Bill 18.59 Memorial Day 20.00 Soldiers' Relief 75.00 Mrs. •lazon, return tax 7.00 On motion of Mr. Mackey the resolution was adopted by an unanimous vote. By Mr. Chappuis: Resolved, That the compensation of the Sheriff of the County of Tomp- kins for the hoard, care and custody of the prisoners for the ensuing year he thirty -five (35) cents per day, with no allowance for washing. F On motion of Mr. Beach the resolution was adopted by an unani- mous vote. By Mr. Parker: Resolved, That there be levied against and collected from the taxable property of the County of Tompkins the sum of Seven Hundred and Fifty Doltais ($750.00) for salar of stenographer of the Surrogate's and County Judge's Courts for the ensuing year. 60 The Supervisors' Proceedings Laid on the table under the rule. By Mr. Parker: Resolved, That there be levied against and collected from the taxable property of the County of Tompkins the sum of Five Hundred Dollars 500.00) for the salary of the Clerk of the Surrogate's Court for ( the en- suing year. Laid on the table under the rule. By Mr. Beach: Resolved, As a substitute to the last two resolutions offered, that there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the County of Tompkins the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) to pay for the ser- vices of a Clerk of the Surrogate's Court and Stenographer of the Surro- gate's and County Courts. Laid on the table under the rule. By Mr. Parker: Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board make contract: with the "ne11" and Ithaca. Telephone Companies for the necessary 'phones for the county offices and buildings of Tompkins County for the ensuing year on terms not exceeding those of last year. On motion of Mr. Todd the resolution was adopted by an unani- mous vote. The Clerk read the report of the Committee on County Build- ings, which on motion of ivir. Todd was accepted, adopted and order- ed printed in the proceedings:Y To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: Your Committee on County Buildings respectfully report as follows on various matters coming to this committee for action: Taking up first the county jail, there has been a considerable number of improvements and alterations made in this building and we believe that when fully completed as contemplated, the county Jail will cease to be a The Supervisors' Proceedings 61 bone of contention as between the various societies of the City of Ithaca having to do with the unfortunates of the County and City, and the State au- thorities having to do with jails and prisons. On January 1st, 1909, with the coming in of a newly elected sheriff there had to be a considerable number of changes made in the residence portion of the jail. Most of the rooms 'therein required new painting and decorating, which your committee with the assistance of the sheriff had done in a very creditable manner. There were also laid hard wood floors in the front and back parlors, thus doing away with the renewing at short intervals of the imitation oak filler around the outside of the floors of these two rooms. Your committee have had considerable trouble with the cooking range in the jail kitchen during the year, but believe same to be working in a sat- 1sfactory manner at the present time. As per the instructions of the Board of Supervisors there was let on March 11th, 1909, a contract to Pulford and Dempsey for an addition to the jail consisting of four apartments for women, children and juvenile pris- oners, the original contract being for the sum of $5,500.00, which was later supplemented by an addition of $50.00 thereto to cover additional cost of plumbing and changes insisted upon by the Board of Plumbing Inspectors of the City of Ithaca. The above mentioned addition plans were drawn by the late A. B. Wood, architect, and the construction has been under the supervision of C. L. Vivian, architect. The addition at this time is practically completed with the exception of 4 some minor parts of the plumbing, which have been delayed owing to changes made as mentioned in this report, but your committee is assured that the building will he ready for use on or before December 1st and will be a place of confinement fit in,every way for the purposes intended. In the jail proper, skylights have been put in the roof of the ventilator, the old sets of double grating removed from the first floor windows and sin- gle round bar grating substituted, thereby assuring more light. The old method of self - flushing closets in vogue therein is to be changed to a better and more economical method and which will not only give better service but will very materially lessen the cost of water in the jail, the cost of which has been a matter of some concern for the past few years. This improvement which is a part of the above mentioned contract will be completed by De= cember 1st, your committee is assured. 1 62 'The Supervisors' Proceedings These improvements, taken as a whole, as mentioned at the outset of this report, will make the Tompkins County Jail well within the require- ments of all right- minded citizens and the prison authorities. The Court /louse has had but few repairs during the year 1909. Some 4 doors and windows have been repaired. The steps on the Mil] Street side have been relaid. The steam boiler which was in a very bad condition has peen thoroughly overhauled and repaired. The County Clerk's Office has needed but few repairs and those mainly to plumbing. There have been placed awnings on the east windows of the Surrogate's Office as recommended by the Board of Supervisors. The heat- ing plant has also been overhauled and put in good condition. County Almshouse. —lour committee is pleased to report of improve- ments and changes made in co- operation with the County Superintendents of the Poor and the Keeper of the Almshouse at that institution during the year, chief among which are the sinking of an artesian well and the in- stallation of a power pump which greatly aids and adds to the former sup- ply of water, the installation df iron fire escapes on the men's dormitory, the moving of the horse barn a considerable distance east on a line with the other farm buildings. This has been a long contemplated improvement and your committee is pleased to report its consummation. The ice house is be- ing rebuilt and a tool shed provided. These improvements taken as a whole form a very creditable list of changes and betterments for the year and have been well and economically done. Your committee made its annual inspee- tion on September Gth and found the institution in a generally satisfactory condition. County Building Rest State Street, formerly used as a stone yard. This building has been used three years as a storage warehouse by Bailey, John- son & Saunders, road contractors, and is still so partially used, this company having still stored therein a considerable quantity of tools, machinery, etc. The Construction Committee on Good Roads are also having stored therein all the road building machinery possible. . Recommendations. —Your committee has had their attention called by a representative of the State Board of Charities to the matter of location of closets and bath room in the basement of the Men's Dormitory at the Alms- house, claiming it a very great hardship for the aged inmates to get access thereto and also complaining of the plumbing which is old and very defec. tive. Your committee agrees with the above mentioned representative that It is a matter that should have early attention. Your committee would also recommend that the Board of Supervisors The Supervisors' Proceedings 63 take under consideration the matter of redecorating the interior of the vari- ous buildings at the Almshouse as well as the painting of the exterior of same. This matter has been under contemplation for some time and should be done during the year 1910. The tower at the Court House is in need of repairs and should have attention early in the new year. zJ Attention is also called to the bad condition of the West State Street property. This building and addition needs new roofs very badly, windows repaired, new doors, fence repaired and a general but not expensive over- hauling. Attention is also called to the matter of furnishings for the new jail ad- dition. It will be necessary to provide beds, bedding, etc., at an early date. Your attention is also called to the matter of repairing line fence on east side of jail as well as some provision for safe - guarding the jail yard. All of which is submitted for your consideration, ORLANDO \VHITE, WM. 11. PARKER, W. C. GALLAGHER, WHEELER SMITH, F. 13. AIKEN, Committee. On motion of Mr. Beach the Committee on County Buildings were instructed to make the improvement in plumbing at the Alms- house at once as recommended in their report. i Mr. McAllaster presented the Town Audits of.tlle Town of New - field, amounting to $1,783.o7. By Mr. McAllaster: Resolved, That in accordance with a resolution of the Town Board of the Town of Newfield adopted Nov. 6th, 1909, there be levied and collected from the taxable property of the -Town of Newfield the sum of $1,783.07, the same being the amount of the Town Audits of said Town for 1909. On motion of Mr. Beach the resolution was adopted by an un- animous vote.1 11> 1 - 1 64 The Supervisors' Proceedings Mr. McAllaster, Chairman of the Committee on Coroners' and District Attorney Accounts, reported favorably on Bills Nos. 6, 1, 48 . and 111 and recommended that the full amounts thereof be .paid. Laid on the table under the rule. Mr. Patterson, .Chairman of the Committee on Clerk's and Jus- tices' Accounts, reported favorably on Bills Nos. 66, 72 and 76 and recommended that the full amounts thereof be paid. v Laid on the table under the rule. On motion the following bills were audited at the full amounts claimed by an unanimous vote, to wit: Bills Nos. 79, 16, 38, 97, 109 and 9 as recommended by the Committee on Miscellaneous claims; Bill No. zo as recommended by the Committee on. Sheriff's Ac- counts; and Bills Nos. 83, 74 and 45 as recommended by the Commit- tee on County Buildings. On motion Bill No. 103 was referred back to the Committee on Miscellan eous Claims. Mr. Mackey's resolution to levy upon and collect from the tax- able property of the City of Ithaca $to.00 to pay for distribution of the proceedings, introduced November 18th, was taken up for consid- eration and on motion of Mr. Preswick adopted by an unanimous vote. Mr. Smith's resolution to levy upon and collect from the taxable property of the Town of Enfield $1,473.5o to pay on bonded indebted - ness of the Town, introduced November 18th, was taken up for con- sideration and on motion of Mr. Todd adopted by an unanimous vote. Mr. Smith, Chairman of the Committee on Superintendents of the f Poor Accounts, presented measurements taken of the distance from Ithaca to the Almshouse; which on motion were ordered printed in the minutes. Distance on main road from Corner Book Store, Ithaca, to the Almshouse 6 8 -to miles; from Corner Book Store to William P. Har- rington's house on N. Aurora Street 3 - mile. I The Supervisors' Proceedings 65 On motion the Board adjourned to Monday, to A. M. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. it NINTH DAY. Monday, November 22nd, two. Morning Session. Morning session was devoted to committee work. Afternoon Session. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of November lgth read and approved. Mr. Chappuis presented the Town Audits of the Town of Dryden, amounting to $2,87o.95. By Mr. Chappuis: Resolved, That there be assessed against and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Dryden the sum of $2,870.05, being the amount. of the Town Audits of said Town: and the sum of $250.00 for the support of the Town Poor. On motion of Mr. Todd the same was adopted by an unanimous vote. Mr. Jones presented the Town Audits of the Town of Groton amounting to the sum of $2,675.o3. 5 66 lie Supervisors' Proceedings By Mr. Jones: Resolved, That there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Groton the sum of $2,675.03, being The amount of the town audits for the year 1909. On motion of Mr. Chappuis the resolution was adopted by an unanimous vote. By Mr. Chappuis: Resolved, That in accordance with the resolution of the Town Board of the Town of Dryden there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property the several amounts specified against the parcels charged for cut- ting brush, as follows: Williams Estate, (Mary S. Williams)1.60 J. 13. Smith 70 G. H. Sheffer, West Dryden '1.20 L. N. Sutliff 1.60 Fred Mineah 1.40 Jessie Teets 4.40 Hirt Gardner 1.08 Mrs. Morrisey, Malloryville 50 Will Cady `1.08 R. S. Simons 1.63 Mose Howland 27 Charles Sperry 1.08 Mary Cady 3.16 Fred Southworth 1.63 Andrew Purvis 4.87 Southward Estate 3.90 3 Mrs. Washburn 2.80, Perry Vanostrand 2.00 J. Hasbrook 6.30 Van Pelt 2.00 On motion of Dt. Gallagher the resolution was adopted and the several amounts ordered levied upon the parcels charged by an unani- mous vote. By Mr. Todd: Resolved, That the salary of William P. Harrington as County Superin- O I The Supervisors' Proceedings 67 tendent of the Poor be fixed by this Board at $200.00 per annum with mile- age at the rate of 3 cents for each mile actually or necessarily traveled per- taining to the duties of his office. Al: Laid on the table under the rule. On motion of Mr. Beach, the matter of the salaries of the Sur- rogate's Clerk, Stenographer of Surrogate's and County Court, Coun- ty Treasurer, and the salaries and fees to be fixed under the County Clerk salary bill were referred to the Committee on Appropriations for investigation and report to the Board. On notion of Dr. Gallagher, the Board dissolved into a com- ' mittee of the whole. On motion the Board arose from the committee of the whole. On motion the following claims were audited at the full amounts claimed by unanimous vote, to wit: Bills Nos. iuf, 48, t and 6 as recommended by the Committee on Coroner's and District Attor- ney Accounts; Bills Nos. 76, 72 and 66 as recommended by the Com- mittee on Clerk's and Justices' Accounts..0 Mr. McAllaster, Chairman of the Committee on Coroners' and District Attorney Accounts, reported favorably on Bill No. too and recommended that the hull amount thereof be paid. Laid on the table under the rule. Mr. Aiken, Chairman of the Committee on County Buildings, reported favorably on Bill No. 81 and recommended that the full amount thereof be paid. Laid on the table under the rule. By Mr. Patterson: Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed by the Chair to se- cure bids for fuel and lights for the county' buildings for the ensuing year. On motion of Mr. Beach the same was adopted. 68 The Supervisors' Proceedings The Clerk read the following communication from the Comp- troller, which was laid on the table under the rule: STATE OF NEW YORK, COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE. Albany, N. Y., September 22, 1909.ti To the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, County of Tompkins: Sir: —The Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins is required to raise the sum of $1,358.13 for compensation of sundry Stenographers and tel Clerks to September 30, 1910, as follows: For the Stenographers of the Supreme Court in the Sixth Judicial District, as authorized by Sections 258 and 259 of the Code of Civil Procedure, and For the Confidential Clerks appointed by the Justices of the Su- preme Court pursuant to sub- division 7, Section 160, Chapter 30 of the Consolidated Laws of 1909 1,306.16 For the Deputy Clerk of the Appellate Division of the Third De- partment, pursuant to Section 221 of the Code of Civil Pro- cedure 51.97 1,358.13 Respectfully yours, OTTO KELSEY, Deputy Comptroller. 0 On motion the Board adjourned. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. TENTH DAY. Tuesday, November 23rd, 19o9.1 Morning Session. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of November. 22nd read and approved. Morning session devoted to committee work. The Supervisors' Proceedings 69 Afternoon Session. Roll call. Quorum present. 1 13y Mr. Chappuis: Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board confer with the State Board of Tax Commissioners in regard to their coming to Tompkins County to equal- ize the assessed valuations of the several Towns and City of Ithaca of the County, the probable cost of same and also the legality of such a move on the part of the Board of Supervisors. On Motion of Dr. Gallagher the same was adopted. The Clerk read the following report which on motion of Mr. Pat- terson was accepted, adopted and ordered printed in the proceedings: To the Honorable Board of Supervisors: Gentlemen: —Your Committee appointed to examine the accounts of the several Penal and Charitable Institutions would report as follows, and recommend the payment of claims of said county, charging the same to the various towns as Indicated: DRYDEN. Louie Lormore, Susquehanna Valley Home 130 58 ULYSSES. Howard Dimick, Susquehanna Valley Horne 51 43. Elmer Dimick, Susquehanna Valley Hone 86 79 138 22 Charles Bracey, Syracuse Institution for Feeble Minded Children 20 00 GROTON. Annie E. Snyder, Syracuse Institution for Feeble Minded Children 20 00 Edith M. VanZoll, Syracuse Institution for Feeble Minded Children 20 00 NEWFIELD. George Brill, Syracuse Institution for Feeble Minded Children 20 00 Clifford A. Brown, Syracuse Institution for Feeble Minded Children 20 00 70 The Supervisors' Proceedings COUNTY OF TOMPKINS. Ray S. Holden, Western New York Institution for Deaf Mutes 300 00 Lizzie Murphy, Craig Colony 6 20 Frank. Holland, Craig Colony 14 24 Claude Hadley, Craig Colony 18 45 38 89 Martha Lockwood, E. Northrop, Lottle Lockwood, George Junior Republic 312 00 Jennie Durling, Anna O'Connor, Ada Flinn, Bridget C. Kane, Anna Croft, Mary McAulif, St. Ann's School, Good Shepherd, 238 2 -7 weeks at $2.00 per week 476 67 MONROE COUNTY PENITENTIARY. James Oltz, Susie LaPoint, Charles Anderson, Dan Gallagher, Barton Burgess, DeEtta Burling, John Perry, Joseph Glashy, Amelia Reeves, Hugh MeGrade, Fred Bishop, Bert Baker, k Arthur Powers, John Reed, DeEtta Dm- ling, William I31ack. Willard Predmore. Carrie Bishop, John Reed, Thomas Parr, J. Crunija, Susan LaPoint, Frank Scharnan, John Wilson, Joseph Phingo, Ed. Overton and Frank Shannon 746 96 Mary Gordon, Ithaca Children's Home 8 60 RF. CHAPPUIS, FA. TODD, WHEELER SMITH, Committee On motion the following claims were audited at the full amounts claimed by an unanimous vote, to wit: Bill No. 81 as recommended by the Committee on County Buildings; Bill No. too as recommend- ed by the Committee on District Attorney's Accounts. Mr. Prestwick, Chairman of the Committee on Miscellaneous Claims reported favorably on Bills Nos. 104, 103, 8o, 54 and 78, and recommended that the full amounts thereof be paid. Laid on the table under the rule. Mr. Aiken, Chairman of the Committee on County Buildings, reported favorably on Bills Nos. 65, 37, 58, 5, 21, 59 and 87 and recom- mended that the full amounts thereof be paid. The Supervisors' Proceedings 71 Laid on the table under the rule. Mr. Chappuis, Chairman of the Committee on State Charitable and Penal Llstitutions reported favorably on Bills Nos. 88, 89, 90, 91, 93 94, 95 and 96 and recommended that the full amount thereof be paid. Laid on the table under the rule.- Dr. Gallagher, Chairman of the Committee on Sheriff's Accounts, reported favorably on Bills Nos. 6o and 102 and recommended that the full amounts thereof be paid. Laid on the table under the rule. On motion the following claims were disallowed upon the merits as recommended by the Board as a committee of the whole by an unanimous vote, to wit: Bills Nos. 2, JO, 7, to8, 113, 75, tot, 13. The notice from the Comptroller's office requiring the County to raise $t,358.r3 for compensation of sundry stenographers and Clerk of the Supreme Court, read November 22nd, was taken up for con- sideration and on notion of Mr.-Beach the amount was ordered levied upon and collected from the taxable property. of the County of Tomp- kins by an unanimous vote. By Mr. Parker: Resolved, That the various county officials be notified by the Clerk of this Board that in the future no bins will be audited or paid by this Board for repairs on buildings, machinery, lighting apparatus or repairs of any na- ture made on county buildings unless made by authority of the committee on county buildings, and also that a copy of this resolution be published in the two official county papers, which will also serve as a notice to various merchants, contractors, etc., that If they furnish such repairs, supplies, etc., without authority of said building committee, their bills will not he consid- ered or paid by the County. On motion of Mr. McAllaster the same was adopted. The Chairman announced as the Committee to buy fuel and lights for the county buildings Messrs. Patterson, Parker and Smith. 72 The Supervisors' Proceedings By Mr. McAllaster: Resolved, That In accordance with the resolution adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Newfield and the statutes In such cases made and provided, the following sums of money be levied upon and collected from y the taxable property of the Town of Newfield as herein set forth, to wit: The sum of fifty dollars ($50.00) in aid of town poor; twenty dollars 20.00 )for the Newfield Soldiers, Veterans' and Citizens' Memorial Asso- ciation to defray the expenses of the observance of Memorial Day; and also the further sum of one hundred dollars ($100:00) in aid of the Newfield Free Town Library. On motion of Mr. Preswick the resolution was, adopted by an unanimous vote. On motion the Board adjourned. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. ELEVENTH DAY. Wednesday,. November 24th, 1909 r. Morning Session. Roll call. Quorum present. y , Minutes of November 23rd read and approved. Morning session devoted to committee work. Afternoon Session. Roll call. Quorum present. The Supervisors' Proceedings 73 By Mr. Todd: Resolved, That all prisoners sentenced by committing magistrates of Tompkins County for terms of sixty days and over may be committed to the Monroe County Penitentiary in the discretion of the committing magistrate, providing a contract with that institution satisfactory to the 13oard can be made. On motion of Mr. White the same was adopted. Ayes.— Messrs. Gallagher, Todd, Chappuis, .Jones, Preswick, Parker, Patterson, Davis, Mackey, White. —lo. Nays. — Messrs. Smith, Beach and McAllaster. -3. On motion the following claims were audited at the full amounts claimed by an unanimous vote, to wit: Bills Nos. 6o and 102 as recom- mended by the Committee on Sheriff's Accounts; Bills Nos. 88, 89, 90, 91, 93, 94, 95 and 96 as recommended by the Committee on State Charitable and Penal Institutions; Bills Nos. 65, 37 58, 5, 21, 59 and 87 as recommended by the Committee on County Buildings; Bills Nos. 104, 103, 54 and 78 as recommended by the Committee on Mis- cellaneous Claims. On motion Bill No. 8o was audited at the full amount claimed as recommended by the Committee on Miscellaneous Claims. Ayes. — Messrs. Todd, Chappuis, Smith, Jones, Preswick, Patter- son, Beach, Davis, Mackey, McAllaster and White. -11. Nay.— Messrs. Gallagher and Parker. -2. L Mr. Preswick, Chairman of the Committee on Miscellaneous Claims reported on Bills Nos. 105, 106 and 107, recommending that Bill No. 105 be audited and paid in full; that Bills Nos. 106 and 107 be rejected. Laid on the table under the rule. The Clerk read the report of Gertrude P. Hall, Inspector for State 74 'The Supervisors' Proceedings Board of Charities, of her inspection of the Almshouse, which on mo- tion of Mr. Parker was accepted and ordered filed. Mrs. Percy \Vood and Mrs. Shaw, Jail Chaplain, were given the privilege of the floor and made an oral report of their work at the jail during the past year. By Mr. Todd: Resolved, That the Chair appoint a committee of three members of this Board to investigate the matter of probation officer. On motion the same was adopted. The Chair appointed as such committee Messrs. Todd, Chappuis and Beach. The Clerk read the following report, which on motion was receiv- ed and ordered printed in the proceedings: To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: I, the undersigned, Sheriff of Tompkins County, respectfully report that the following is a true statement of money received by Inc as such Sheriff on account of fines and penalties with the time when and the person from whom the same was received and on what account from the 1st day of January, 1909, to the 15th day of November, 1909, which have been paid to the Treasurer of Tompkins County. January, 1909, Joseph May, excise fine, Dryden 300.00 May, 1909, George J. Yaples, excise fine, Town of Ithaca 250.00 May, 1909, Mary Chaffee, disorderly house, City of Ithaca 200.00 May, 1909, W. C. Hine, excise fine, Town of Lansing 200.00 These moneys were paid to County Treasurer Robinson by check. Dated, Ithaca. N. Y., Nov. 24, 1909. J. G. WORTMAN. Sheriff of Tompkins County. By Mr. McAllaster: Resolved, That in accordance with the resolution of the Town Board of the Town of Newfield there be levied upon and collected upon the several parcels charged for cutting brush the amounts specified as follows: The Supervisors' Proceedings 75 Bert Stamp 83 Steven Oltz 2.58 A. H. Brown 75 Arthur Dense 3.00 Barry Smith e 4.24 Frank Georgia 1.50 Lowell Smith 3.00 Warren IL Davis 12.16 Harris Bowers 2.00 A. J. Tupper 7.50 Mrs. Katherine Buntro 1.50 Orlando Teeter 1.50 Charles Freese 3.50 State Farms 5.75 Mrs. Williams 1.50 O. C. Puff 3.00 W. Cross 1.50 E. E. Ingalls 1.00 Sarah Kellogg 1.17 On motion of Mr. Prcswick the same was adopted by an unani- mous vote. On motion the Board adjourned to Monday at 10 A. M. • 1 BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. TWELFTH DAY. Monday, November 29th, 1909. Morning Session. Roll call. ,Quorum present. The Chairman being absent. on motion of Mr. White, Dr. Gal- lagher was chosen temporary chairman. 76 The Supervisors' Proceedings Minutes of November 24th were read and approved. Morning session was devoted to committee work. Afternoon Session.t ' Roll call. Quorum present. • The Clerk read the following statement which on motion of Mr. Preswick was received and ordered printed in the proceedings: We, the undersigned, Assessors of the Town of Dryden, County of Tomp- kins, State of New York, do hereby notify you as required by law that the stock of the First National Bank of Dryden, N. Y., has been assessed as follows: Capital stock 25,000.00 Surplus fund 11,000.00 Undivided profits 474,43 Total 36,474.43 Less real estate 1,200.00 Amount for bank tax 35,274.43 • Value of each share for taxation— $141.097. W. J. SHAVER, JR., R. B. DAVIDSON, A. A. SAGER, Assessors.r • The Clerk read the following statement which on motion of Mr. Chappuis was received and ordered printed in the proceedings: To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: Gentlemen: —From verified statements rendered to me by the Tompkins County National Bank doing business in the City of Ithaca, New York, and the First National Bank of the same place, relative to their stock subject to taxation under the provisions of Chapter 550 of the Laws of 1901, being an act to amend the Tax Law relating to the taxation of stockholders of banks and banking Institutions, I have determined the value of each share of stock to be as follows: The Supervisors' Proceedings 77 TOMPKINS COUNTY NATIONAL BANK. 1,000 shares capital stock, par value 5100,000.00 Surplus 100,000.00 Undivided profits 63,456.75 Total 263,456.75 Less real estate 16,000.00 Amount for taxation 247,456.75 The amount for taxation divided by 1,000, the number of shares equals (value each share for taxation)5247.45676 FIRST NATIONAL BANK. 2,500 shares capital stock, par value 250,000.00 Amount of surplus 50,000.00 Undivided profits 65,625.19 Total 365,625.19 The amount for taxation divided by 2,500, the number of shares, equals (value of each share for taxation)5146.25 Dated, November 27th, 1909. FeRDYCE A. COBB. Assessor. JASON P. MERRILL, Associate Assessor. E. E. INGALLS, Associate Assessor. The Clerk read the following report, which on motion of Mr. Preswick was received and ordered printed in the proceedings: To the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins: Gentlemen: —In compliance with law relative to Town indebtedness, I would respectfully submit the following with reference to the Town of Lan- sing for the year 1909: Total indebtedness of said Town to date is $3,000.00 In the form of notes of $1,000.00 each held by the Ithaca Savings Bank drawing interest at the rate of 4 %. One of said notes Is due Feb. 15; 1910 51,000.00 One of said notes is due Feb. 15. 1911 1,000.00 One of said notes'is due Feb. 15, 1912 1,000.00 The amount to be raised to meet payments to become due February 15, 1910 Is $1,120.00, of which $1,000.00 is principal and $120.00 interest on 3,000.00 to February 15, 1910. 0 78 The Supervisors' Proceedings The above indebtedness was authorized by resolution of the Board of Supervisors on the 20th day of December, 1905, which gave the said Town of Lansing authority to borrow money to reconstruct certain bridges destroyed by the elements. Dated, November 19, 1909. ORLANDO WHITE, Supervisor. By Mr. White: Resolved, That pursuant to resolution of the Town Board of the Town of Lansing the sum of $1,735.00 be levied upon and collected from the tax- able property of the said Town of Lansing for the year 1909, $1,120.00 of which being principal and interest on notes held by the Ithaca Savings Bank payable February 15, 1910, and $615.00 to reimburse certain funds on ac- count of money advanced to pay claim of Harriet K. Krotts. On motion of Mr. Preswick the resolution was adopted by an un- animous Mr. White presented the Town Audits of the Town of Lansing amounting to the sum of $2,338.54. By Mr. White: Resolved, That there be levied against and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Lansing pursuant to resolution of the Town Board of said Town the sum of $2,335.54, being the amount of Town Audits of said Town for the year 1909. On motion of Mr. Todd the resolution was adopted by a unani- mous vote. 1 . The Clerk read the reports of the inspector of the U. S. Casualty Co. of his inspection of the boilers at the Almshouse and Court FIouse reporting everything in good order, which on (notion of Mr. Todd were received and ordered filed. On notion of Mr. Todd, the matter of insurance on the said boil- ers was left with the Committee on Insurance. e 1'he Supervisors' . Proceedings 79 By Mr. Smith: Resolved, That in accordance with the resolution of the Town Board of the Town of Enfield there be levied upon and collected from the several parcels charged for cutting brush in said Town the amounts specified as follows: Mrs. Harriet Harvey 7.75 Mrs.' Sarah Bristol Estate 4.28 John Baker 7.25 e Henry Foster 6.39 William Miller Estate 3.91 Everett Smith 1.43 Mrs. Sophia White 2.00 Mrs. R. S. Halsey 2.40 Miss Mabel Crow!1.60 Levi Newman 2.00 On motion of Mr. Patterson, the resolution was adopted by an unanimous vote. The Printing Committee opened the sealed bids for•the printing the proceedings for 1909, which were as follows: Ithaca Journal, per page 1.98 Ithaca Chronicle, per page 2.23 The Stover Printing Co., per page 1.89 Cortland Standard, per page 3.27 On motion of Mr. Beach the bids were referred to the Printing Committee to report their recommendations to the Board as soon as possible. On motion of Mr. Preswick, Bill No. 105 was audited in the full amount claimed by an unanimous vote as recommended by the Com- mittee on Miscellaneous Claims. On motion of Mr. Preswick, Bills Nos. l06 and Io7 were reject- ed by an unanimous vote for the reason that they had been acted upon by a previous Board of Supervisors and disallowed upon the merits. 80 The Supervisors' Proceedings The Committee on County Buildings reported favorably on Bill No. 25 and recommended that the full amount thereof be paid. Laid on the table under the rule. - a Mr. Smith, Chairman of the Committee on Superintendents of the Poor reported favorably on Bill No. 49 and recommended that the full amount thereof be paid. Laid on the table under the iule. Mr: Preswick, Chairman of the Committee on Miscellaneous Claims, reported favorably on Bill No. 114 and recommended that the full amount thereof be paid. Laid on the table under the rule. The Clerk read the following report, which on motion of Mr. Pat- terson was accepted and ordered printed in proceedings: To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: T, the undersigned, ex- Sheriff of Tompkins County, respectfully report that the following is a true statement of monies received by me as sheriff of Tompkins County on account of fines and penalties with the time when and the person from whom the same was received and on what account from the 20th day of November, 1908 to the 1st day, of January, 1909; which has been paid to the Treasurer of Tompkins County. Dec. 3, 1908, Frank Stout, contempt of court, Dryden 50.00 Dated, November 15, 1909. JOHN A. GENUNG, Ex- Sheriff of Tompkins County. On motion the Board adjourned. o BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. The Supervisors' Proceedings 81 THIRTEENTH DAY. Tuesday, November 3oth, 1909. Morning Session. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of November 29th read and approved. Morning session was devoted to committee work. Afternoon Session. Roll call. Quorum present. By Mr. Preswick: Resolved, That there be levied aganlst and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Ithaca the sum of $250.00 for the year 1909 for support of the Town poor. The above is in accordance with a resolution passed by the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca. On motion of Mr. Parker the resolution was adopted by an unani- mous vote. fc By Mr. Preswick: Resolved, That in accordance with a resolution adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca there be levied upon, assessed and collected . from the following properties charged for cutting brush the several amounts set forth and persons referred to respectively: Horace A. Mack 8.00 T. J. Williams 3.25 Tos. Fowles 1.00 C. A.4.00 Newman & Blood, (Cayuga Sleights 6.50 6 82 The Supervisors' Proceedings Newman & Blood, (Renshaw Corners)2.25 Newman & Blood, (Lake Macadam)1.00 Nettle Van Orman 60 John Watkins 60. Wyckoff, (Wyckoff Macadam)1.60 Country Club 46 Wm. Cobb 3.00 Jackson Coe 75 W. J. Bryan 3.00 John Metz, (Fred Schrader)1.00 1 David Gray 80 Mary E. Teeter 1.20 Sarah Jackson 1.20 John Larret 60 E.B. Turner 3.00 Mrs. Walter Williams 2 00 On motion of Mr. Patterson the resolution was adopted by an un- animous vote. By Mr. Aiken: Resolved, That pursuant to a resolution of the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses adopted November 26;1909, there be levied and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Ulysses the following sums, to wit: For support of the town poor 500.00 For support of indigent soldiers and sailors 100.00 For observance of Memorial Day 50.00 On motion of Mr. White the resolution was adopted by an unani- mous vote. On motion the following claims were audited at the full amounts claimed by an unanimous vote, to wit: Bill No. 114 as recommended f by the Committee on Miscellaneous Claims; Bill No. 25 as recommend- ed by the Committee on County Buildings; Bill No. 49 as recommend- ed by the Committee on Superintendents of the Poor. Mr. Preswick, Chairman of the Committee on Miscellaneous Claims, reported favorably on Bills Nos. 84 and 99 and recommended that the full amounts thereof be paid. The Supervisors' Proceedings 83 Laid on the table under the rule. Mr. Preswick, Chairman of the Committee on Miscellaneous Claims reported on Bills Nos. 17, 28 and 115 recommending that the bills he rejected. Laid on the table under the rule. Mr. Aiken, Chairman of the Committee on County Buildings, re- ported favorably on Bill No. 68 and recommended that the full amount thereof be paid. Laid on the table under the rule. By Mr. Smith: Resolved, That the chairman of this Board appoint a committee of three members of this Board to contract for all necessary printing not pro- vided for by law, and to purchase all necessary supplies for all county offices, and that no bill shall be audited or allowed by this Board for books or sup - plies or for repairs to the same unless approved by this committee. On motion of Dr. Gallagher the salve was 'adopted. By Mr. Beach: Resolved, That the compensation for the publishing of the official can- vass of 1909 and the Election Notices and the list of nominations for the General Election of 1910 be and the same Is hereby fixed at forty -five cents per inch of column of printed matter for each insertion; election notices headings to be set In 10 pt. type opened with 2 pt. leads body matter In 6 pt. solid; list of nominations to be set the same as election notices except that the publisher shalt be allowed for the space necessary for party emblems; official canvass to be set In 8 pt. solid. On motion of Mr. Beach the matter was made a' special order of business for Thursday 2 P. M. By Mr. White: Resolved, That the Chairman and Clerk of this Board renew the con- 84 The Supervisors' Proceedings tract with the George Junior ltepubiic from January 1st, 1910 to January 1st. 1911, upon the same terms as contracted In 1909, except that they pro- cure, if possible, a reduction In the age limit for inmates. On motion of Air. Parker the same was adopted. On motion the Board adjourned. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. FOURTEENTH DAY. Wednesday, December ist, 1909. Morning Session. Roll call. Quorum present. Morning session was devoted to committee work. Afternoon Session. Roll call. Quorum present.t Minutes of November 3oth were read and approved. Mr. Fred J. Marsh was given the privilege of the floor and he ad- dressed the Board relative to the position of Probation Officer of the County. Mr. Jones presented a resolution requesting the State Highway Commission to designate as a State Road the highway extending from near the residence of Dorothy A. Wilcox on the Cayuga County line extending through North Lansing and southerly to the corner about The Supervisors' Proceedings 85 one mile east of S. Lansing and thence running to the corporation line of the City of Ithaca, as a part of route No. I I. On motion of Dr. Gallagher the resolution was referred to the Committee on Good Roads. Mr. McAllaster presented a resolution requesting the State High- way Commission to change a part of the State Ilighway under routetNo. 9 that the same kill be constructed through Sullivanville, Pony Hollow and Newfield Village to the City of Ithaca. On motion of Mr. Parker the resolution was referred to the Committee on Good Roads. On motion the following claims were audited at the full amounts claimed by an unanimous vote, to wit: 13111 No. 68 as recommended by the Committee on County Buildings; Bill No. 99 as recommended by the Committee on Miscellaneous Claims. On motion Bill No. - 84 was audited at the full amount claimed as recommended by the Committee on Miscellaneous Claims by the unanimous vote of all members voting; Mr. Beach was excused from voting. On motion Bills Nos. 17, 28 and 115 were rejected as not county charges by the unanimous vote of all members voting; Mr. Beach was excused from voting. By Mr. Parker: Resolved, That the Committee on Printing be authorized to enter Into a contract with the Stover Printing Company for the printing of the pro- cedings of thls Board for 1909 in accordance with the specifications for the work submitted by the committee at the amount of their sealed bid, to wit: 1.89 per page; and that the committee provide in said contract a forfeiture for each day over the time specified for delivery of the printed proceedings. On motion of Mr. Todd the resolution was adopted. On motion the Board adjourned. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. 86 The Supervisors' Proceedings FIFTEENTH DAY. Thursday, December 2nd, 1909. Morning Session. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of December ist read and approved. Morning session was devoted to committee work. Afternoon Session. Roll call. Quorum present. Mr. Smith presented a resolution requesting the Board of Super - vistors to designate the Kennedy's Corners - Applegates- Enfield Road as first in order for improvement in 191y, which was referred to the Committee on Good Roads. By Mr. Chappuis: Resolved, That it is the sense of this Board of Supervisors that no bill 7n for law books for any county office or officer will be hereafter allowed un- less, by. some statute, specially made a county charge, and be It further Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board serve a certified copy of this resolution on the County Superintendents of the Poor, County Treasurer.I. County Clerk, District Attorney and County Judge. On motion of Mr. Preswick the same was adopted. The Chairman announced as the committee to arrange for all necessary printing and to buy supplies for the county offices Messrs. Parker, Gallagher and Jones. I The Supervisors' Proceedings 87 The Clerk read the following statement which on motion of Mr. White was received and ordered printed in the proceedings: To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: 1 From verified statements made to the assessors of the Town of Ulysses by the State Bank and by the First National Bank, doing business at Tru- mansburg, Town of Ulysses, N. Y., which are subject to taxation under the provisions of the Tax Law relating to stockholders of banks and banking In- V stitutions, the assessors have determined the value of each share of stock as follows: THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK. 250 shares of capital stock, par value 25,000:00 Surplus and undivided profits, June 30, 1909 6,017.76 30,017.76 Less assessed valuation, banking house and fixtures 4,000.00 27,017.76 Value of each share for taxation — $108.07. STATE BANK. 250 shares of capital stock, par value 25,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits, July 30, 1909 4,987.06 29,987.06 Less assessed valuation banking house and lot 1,800.00 28,187.06 Value of each share for taxation— $112.74. F. B. AIKEN, Supervisor. The Clerk read the following report: To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: Pursuant to a resolution adopted at a Special Session of this Board held June 29th, 1909, the Good Roads Committee of this Board did purchase of Dora Monroe for $75.00 the property adjoining Dryden Road necessary to 88 The Supervisors' Proceedings complete the right of way and we did issue an order for $75.00 on the Coun- ty Treasurer. All of which is respectfully submitted, , Dated October 29, 1909. J. W..JONES, L. E. PATTERSON, B. F. McALLASTER, Good Roads Committee. By Mr. White: Resolved, That the report of the committee as aforesaid be accepted, adopted and printed in the proceedings and that the acts of the committee be ratified and confirmed. On motion of Mr. Davis the same was adopted. Mr. Beach's resolution fixing the price at 45 cents per inch of column space for publication of election notices, etc., introduced No- vember 3oth, was taken up for consideration and on motion of Mr. Beach was adopted. Ayes. — Messrs. Todd, Chappuis, Smith, Jones, Preswick, Pat- terson, Beach, Davis, Mackey and McAllaster. —ro. Nays.— Messrs. Gallagher, Parker and White. -3. By Mr. Mackey: Resolved, That the amount of the bond of the District Attorney -be Five Hundred Dollars. On motion of Mr. Preswick the same was adopted. By Mr. Davis: Resolved. That the amount of the bond of the County Treasurer for 1910. 1911 and 1912 be Two Hundred Thousand Dollars. On motion of Mr. White the same was adopted. The Supervisors' Proceedings 89 Mr. Davis; Chairman of the Committee on Printing, reported fa- vorably on Bill No. 88 and recommended that the full amount there- of be paid. , Laid on the table under the rule. Mr. Smith, Chairman of the Committee on Superintendents of the tt Poor, reported on Bill No. 57 recommending that the same be allow- ed and audited at $15.90 instead of $21.14, the amount claimed. Laid on the table under the rule. On motion the Board adjourned. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. SIXTEENTH DAY. Friday, December 3rd, 1909. Morning Session. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of December 2nd read and approved. Morning session was devoted to committee work. Afternoon Session. Roll call. Quorum present. By Mr. Smith: Resolved, That the appropriation committee of this Board take up the 90 The Supervisors' Proceedings matter to make the office of Supervisor in the County of Tompkins a salaried office that each supervisor shall receive in lieu of any per diem compensa- tion for his services as a member of the Board of County Canvassers and as a Supervisor an annual salary of not less than a stated amount nor more than a stated amount to be fixed by the Board and that the committee re- port upon the matter at this session of the Board. Its adoption was moved by Mr. White. Mr. Todd moved as an amendment that the platter be referred to the Sheriff's Committee. Motion lost. A vote was taken on the original resolution and the same was adopted. Messrs. Todd, Chappuis and Beach, the committee appointed to investigate the matter of a probation officer of Tompkins County, made a report recommending that a system of probation be adopted for Tompkins County, which on motion of Mr. White was received and ordered filed. The Clerk read the following report, which on motion of Mr. Preswick was received and ordered printed in the proceedings: To the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on Erroneous Assessments after having investigated all claims referred to them report as follows: 1 We find upon the certificates signed by the trustees and supported by the collectors' affidavits of - the following school districts of the different towns in the County that the following school taxes have not been paid al-1thoughdiligenteffortshavebeenmadetoenforcecollections. Your commit- tee therefore recommend that the following sums be levied upon and col- lected upon the lands or property upon which the same were imposed with 5 per cent. additional: Mrs. M. A. Culver Estate, Dist. No. 2, Town of Newfield, value *250.00, tax $2.18. Fee, 16 cents: total 12.33. Byron Hill, Dist. No. 1, Town of Ulysses. Value *400.00. Tax *3.40. Fee 20 cents; total *3.60. The Supervisors' Proceedings 91 E. 1'. Bouton Silk MIli, Dist. No. 1, Town of Ulysses. Value $5,000. Tax 42.50. Fee $2.15; total $44.65. Frank E. Palmer, Dist. No. 14, Town of Enfield. Value $325.00. Tax y 1.37. Fee 10 cents; total $1.47. Lucy Palmer, Dist. No. 14, Town of Enfield. Value $1,100. Tax $4.65. Fee 25 cents; total $4.90. J. A. Hamilton, Dist No. 8, Town of Groton. Value $220; Dist. No. 8, Town of Groton. Value $1,100. Tax $10.36. Fee 63 cents; total $10.99. Groton, Farm & Village Telephone Co., Dist. No. 20, Groton. Value 200.00. Tax $1.08. Fee 10 cents; total $1.18. Beardsley Estate, McLean, N. Y., Town of Groton. Value $100. Tax 64 cents. Fee 5 cents; total 59 cents. Mrs. Marie McFall, Dist. No. 13, Town of Danby. Value $600.00. Tax 5.71. Fee 30 cents; total $6.01. Charles McFall Estate, Dist. No. 13, Town of Danby. Value $700.00. Tax $6.66. Fee 35 cents; total $7.01. John Swansbrough, Dist. No. 13, Town of Danby. Value $80.00. Tax 76 cents. Fee 5 cents; total 81 cents. Mrs. John Swansbrough, Dist. No. 13,',Town of Danby. Value $100.00. Tax 95 cents. Fee 5 cents; total $1.00. John Manley Estate, Dist. No. 2, Town of Danby. Tax $2.37. Fee 15. cents; total $2.52. Joseph Fowles, Dist. No. 2,.Town of Ithaca. Value $500.00. Tax 52,10. Foe 15 cents; total $2.25. W. 11. PARKER, CHAS. A. MACKEY, L. E. PATTERSON, Committee.i By Mr. Patterson: Resolved, That the Supervisors of the several towns of the County of Tompkins be and they are hereby authorised to place upon the assess- ment rolls of their respective towns the amount of returned school taxes 92 The Supervisors' Proceedings with accumulated fees that have been returned by the County Treasurer to the Committee on Erroneous Assessments and by the Chairman of said com- mittee to the Board of Supervisors and the Supervisors of the several towns. On motion of Mr. Preswick the same was adopted by an unani- mous vote. By Mr. White: Resolved, That the Chairman and Clerk of the Board renew the con- tract with the Monroe County Penitentiary from April 16th, 1910 to April 1 s th, 1911 at the rate of $2.10 per week for board of the prisoners. Its adoption was moved by Mr. Mackey. A motion by Mr. Beach as an amendment that the terns of the contract be from April 16, 1910 to January 1st, 1911, was lost. A vote was taken on the original resolution and the same was adopted. A motion by Mr. Todd that the Good Roads Committee be dis- charged from any further consideration of Mr. Jones' resolution rela- tive to State I3ighway Route No. 1 i in the Town of Lansing was carried. The resolution was taken up by the Board for consideration and on motion of Mr. Patterson was laid on the table indefinitely. Bill No. 57 which the Committee on Superintendents of the Poor had recommended be allowed at $19.90 instead of $21.14 claimed was taken up for consideration. On motion item of November 12, 1909, to Ithaca by cars was al- lowed at 54 cents instead of 66 cents claimed, and the item of Novem- ber 13 to Ithaca by cars was allowed at 54 cents instead of 66 cents claimed, and the item for use of 'phone, etc., $5.00 was disallowed. On motion Bill No. 57 was audited at $15.90 instead of $21.14 claimed by an unanimous vote as recommended by the Committee on Superintendents of the Poor. The Supervisors' Proceedings 93 On motion Bill No. 88 was audited at the full amount claimed by an unanimous vote as recommended by the Committee on Print- ers' Accounts. Dr. Gallagher, Chairman of the Committee on Sheriff's Accounts reported on Bill No. 55 and recommended that the same be allowed at $309.19 instead of $345.59 claimed. Laid on the table under the rule. Mr. ' Preswick, Chairman of the Committee on Miscellaneous Claims, reported favorably on Bill No. 116 and recommended that the full amount thereof be paid. Laid on the table under the rule. The Clerk read the following designation: Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 16, Laws of 1909, we, 'the un- dersigned, Democratic members of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, hereby designate the Ithaca Daily News as the official paper for Publishing the Session Laws and the Concurrent Resolutions of the Legis- lature in the County of Tompkins for the year 1910, and Resolved, That the Ithaca Daily News be designated as the official paper to publish the official canvass and election notices of Tompkins Coun- ty, Session Laws and Concurrent Resolutions of the Legislature for the year 1910 in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 16, Laws of 1909. R. F. CHAPPUIS, a W. H. PARKER, B. F. MCALLASTER, ORLANDO WHITE, On motion the Board adjourned. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. 1 94 The Supervisors' Proceedings SEVENTEENTH DAY. Monday, December 6th, 1909. Morning Session. k Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of December 3rd read and approved. Morning session was devoted to committee work. Afternoon Session. Roll call. Quorum present. By Mr. Todd: Resolved, That the rules of the Board be suspended for Tuesday, De- cember 7th and that the Board take up the regular business at the morn- ing session. On motion the same was adopted. On motion of Mr. Todd the matter of a probation system for the County was made a special order of business for Tuesday at it A. M By Mr. Preswick: Resolved, That on Tuesday morning at 10:30 A. M. the Board proceed to elect a jail physician for the ensuing year. On motion of Mr. White the same was adopted. By Mr. Patterson: Resolved, That there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the County of Tompkins the sum of $63.88 to be used to pay for Ali insurance on the boilers in Court House and Almshouse and also policy of fire insurance on building at stone yard. The Supervisors' Proceedings 95 Laid on the table under the rule. On motion of Mr. Parker Bill No. 55 was recommitted to the Committee on Sheriff's Accounts. On motion Bill No. 116 was audited at the full amount claimed as recommended by the Committee on Miscellaneous Claims by an unanimous vote. is Mr. McAllaster, Chairman of the Committee on District Attor- ney's Accounts, reported favorably on Bill No. 69 and recommended that the full amount thereof be paid, and on Bill No. 112 that the same be allowed at $69.48 instead of $147.57 claimed. Laid on the table under the rule. Mr. Preswick, Chairman of the Committee on Miscellaneous Claims, reported on Bill No. 47 recommending that the same be al- lowed at $7.5o instead of $ii.5o claimed. Laid on the table under the rule. On motion Bills Nos. 8 and 22 which had been returned to the Board without recommendation by the Committee on Miscellaneous Claims, were referred to Mr. White as a special committee to investi- gate and report to the Board. On motion the Board adjourned. BERT T. BAKER, ti>Clerk. 96 7 h Supervisors' Proceedings EIGHTEENTH DAY. Tuesday, December 7th, 1909. Morning Session. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of December 6th were read and approved. The Clerk read the following statement which on motion was re- ceived and ordered printed in the proceedings: To the Board of Supervisors: From verified statements rendered to us by the First National Bank of • Groton and the Mechanic Bank of Groton, doing business in the Town of Groton, N. Y., which are subject to taxation under the provisions of the Tax Laws of the State of New York, we have determined the value of each share of stock to be as follows: ' FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF GROTON. 1,000 shares capital stock, par value 100,000.00 Surplus 20,000.00 Undivided profits 17,294.52 137,294.52 Less real estate 15,563.88 Amount for taxation 121,730.64 The amount for taxation divided by 1,000, the number of shares, equals value of each share for taxation— $121.73064.4 MECHANIC BANK OF GROTON. 500 shares of capital stock, par value 50,000.00 Surplus 50,000.00 Undivided profits 1,291.45 Total for taxation 101,291.45 The Supervisore' I'roeecdiafys 97 The amount for taxation divided by 500, the number of shares, equals value of each share for taxation — $202.5829. A. F. HOAYARD, H. B. STEVENS. AC LEON BUCK. Assessors. Mr. Davis, Chairman .of the Committee on Printers' Accounts, 4'.reported favorably on Bills Nos. 34 and 64 and recommended that . the full amounts thereof be paid. Laid on the table under the rule. The Board proceeded by informal ballot for the election of a jail physician for the ensuing year. The Chair appointed-as tellers Messrs. Preswick and Smith. The ballot was taken and the whole number- of votes cast were 14, of which Dr. 'C. F. Denman received 3 Dr. H. L. VanPelt received 1 Dr. H. W. Nash received 9 Blank 1 On motion the Board proceeded by formal ballot and the whole number of votes cast were 13 of which Dr. H. W. Nash received 8 Dr. C. F. Denman received 4 E?Blank 1 f The Chair declared Dr. H. W. Nash duly elected jail physician for the ensuing year. IMr. Todd's resolution relative to the County's adopting a proba- 1 tion system was taken up for consideration and the matter was deferred until after the 1st day of January, 19io. 7 l 1 98,The Supervisors' Proceedings The Clerk read the following report which on motion of Mr. Parker was received and ordered printed in the proceedings: SURROGATE'S OFFICE IN ACCOUNT WITH TOMPKINS COUNTY: Balance due County at date of last report 8.05 The following amount has been received for certified copies of records since the date of last report 26.00 Total receipts 34.05 G DISBURSEMENTS. Laundry 2.40 Cleaning windows i 3.00 Postage 22.50 Supplies 1.35 Telephoning 1.20 Total disbursements 30.45 Balance due County 3.60 County of Tompkins —ss. State of New York, Della M. Gillespie, being duly sworn says she is the Clerk of the Surro- gate's Court Tit the said County; that the foregoing is a true and correct statement of fees received by her for services for certifying records since the date of last report to the present time, together with all disbursements chargeable against the same. DELLA M. GILLESPIE. Sworn to before me this 4th day of December, 1909. W. 11. BAKER. Notary Public. i To the Board of Supervisors. County of Tompkins: I hereby report that the matter of certifying copies of the records of this office is entirely, one of the Clerk's duties, which Is performed by her, and the fees for the same are collected by her. 4 a 1. believe the above report to be correct. CHARLES H. BLOOD, Surrogate of Tompkins County. Doted. December 4th. 1909. On motion the Board adjourned. 4 The Supervisors' Proceedings 99 Afternoon Session. Roll call. Quorum present. The afternoon session was devoted to a public hearing given' by the Good Roads Committee on Mr. McAllaster's resolution relative to the request for a change of the State Road route No. 9. A large delegation of citizens of the Town of Newfield were present and had for their spokesman Randolph I- Iorton, Esq., advocating a change in the route that it would-be built through Newfield Village and Pony Hollow. The delegation in favor of the route being built as laid out in the State Highway Law had for their spokesman William Nelson Noble, Esq. On motion the Board adjourned. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. NINETEENTH DAY. Wednesday, December 8th, 1909. Morning Session. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes' of December 7th read and approved. Morning session was devoted to committee work. Afternoon Session. Roll call. - Quorum present. On motion the following claims were audited.at the full amounts claimed by an unanimous vote, to wit: Bills Nos. 34 and 64 as recom- 100 The Supervisors' Proceedings mended by the Committee on Printers' Accounts; Bill No. 69 as recommended by the Committee on District Attorney's Accounts. On motion by an unanimous vote item July 16 -21 Wilbur fare to Ithaca, etc., $11.09 of Bill No. 112 was disallowed; item E. S. W., services 3 days $15.00 of same'Bill was allowed at $lo.00 instead of 15.00 claimed; item Wilbur services 6 days $3o.00 was disallowed; a credit of $32.00 paid claimant by the sheriff was allowed upon said bill, all as recommended by the Committee on District Attorney's Ac- counts. On motion Bill No. 112 was allowed and audited at $69:48 in- _ stead of $147.57 claimed by an unanimous vote as recommended by the Committee on District Attorney's Accounts. On motion item August 5, team democrat, $4.00 of Bill No. 47 was disallowed by an unanimous vote as recommended by the Con - mittee on Miscellaneous Claims and the Bill allowed and audited at 7.5 instead of $11.50 claithed. Mr. Patterson's resolution to levy and collect from the taxable property of Tompkins County $63.88 to pay insurance premiums intro -, duced December 6th was taken up for consideration and on notion of Mr. White adopted by an unanimous vote. By Mr. Preswick: Resolved, That there he levied upon and collected from the taxable of the County of Tompkins the sum of 200.00 to pay expenses ofpropertyYPp' .' County Superintendent of Highways F. C. Evans from April 1st, 1909, to December 1st, 1909. in accordance with an itemized statement rendered to this Board. Laid oti the table under the rule. By Mr. Patterson: Resolved, That a committee of one be appointed to co- operate with the County Treasurer in regard to the property bought on tax sales by the county, and to dispose of said property as far as possible, to the best interests . Of the County. e The Supervisors' Proceedings 101 On notion of Mr- White the same was adopted. The Chairman appointed as such committee Dr. Gallagher. Resolution offered by J. W. Jones levying a tax upon the taxable property of the several towns in Tompkins County, for highway pur- poses as provided by Sections 90 and 91 of the Highway Law: Whereas, The town superintendents of the several towns of Tompkins L.County have made an estimate of the amount of money necessary to be rais- ed by tax for the improvement of the highways and bridges, and other mis- cellaneous highway purposes of their respective towns, as provided by Sec- tion 90 of the Highway Law; and Whereas, The respective town boards have approved or changed said estimates, as provided by Section 91 of the Highway Law, therefore, be it Resolved, That the said estimates as approved by the Town Boards be received and the sum set opposite the name of the respective towns in the column which bears the heading, "Amount of 1st Item" which is the amount of the First Item in said estimates), be assessed, levied and collect- ed upon the taxable property of the respective towns, exclusive of the prop- erty within the limits of the incorporated village or villages of their respec- tivo towns which,maintain their streets and highways as a separate road dis- trict, and be it further Resolved, That the sun sot opposite the names of the respective towns, in the columns which bear the heading "Amount of 2nd Item,' "Amount of 3rd Item" and "Amount of 4th Item" (which is the amount of the Second, Third and Fourth Items of said estimates as approved by the various town boards) be assessed, levied and collected upon the entire taxable property' of the various town's of Tompkins County, as follows, that is 11) say: Amount of Amount of Amount of Amount of Name of Town. First Item. Second Item. Third Item. Fourth Item. Caroli 2,700 00 G00 00 ' 50 00 60 00 Danby 2,000 00 900 00 150 00 150 00 Dryden'4,761 73 1,000 00 420 00 404 00 3 Enfield 1,400 00 250 00 150 00 Groton 3,200 . 00 S00 00 500 00 500 00 Ithaca 2,400 00 2,300 00 150 00 100 00 Lansing 2,765 96 225 00 100 00 100 00 Newfield 2,200 00 200 00 200 00 300 00 Ulysses 2,500 00 2,000 00 300 '00 100 00 totals 23,927 60 8,125 00 2,120 00 1,864 00 And that the several amounts when collected shall be paid to the Su- 102 The ,S'upervisors' Proceedings pervisors of the respective towns to be paid out by them as provided by law. Laid on the table under the rule. Resolution offered by J. W. Jones levying a.tax upon the taxable property of the several towns the County of Tompkins for the pay- ment of Certificates of Indebtedness issued by said towns in payment of expenses incurred in making extraordinary repairs•to highways pur- suant to Section 93 of the Highway Law: Whereas, The Supervisors and Town Clerks of the towns mentioned be- low have certified to this Board statements of the expenses incurred by the Town Superintendents of said towns with the consent of the Town Boards, pursuant to Section 93 of the Highway Law, and audited and allowed by said Town Board or Town Boards, together with the principal and interest, therefore, be it Resolved, That the amounts set opposite, the name of each town be as- sesssed, levied and collected upon the taxable property of that town, exclu- sive of the corporate limits of any village or villages which maintain the highways therein as a separate highway district, and that the same when collected be paid to the Supervisor of the town to be applied to the can- celling of the certificates of indebtedness and the interest accruing on the same which were issued in payment of the above mentioned accounts. Amount of Amount of Name of Town.Prin. to he Levied. Int. to be Levied. Dryden 1,238 27 40 52 Ulysses 767 35 10 11 Laid on the table under the rule Mr. Davis, Chairman of the Committee on Printers' Accounts, fa- vorably reported on Bill No. 82, recommending that it be allowed at the full amount claimed, and on Bill No. 77 recommending ,that it he allowed at $2o9.03 instead of $24o.94,claimed Laid on the table under the rule. Mr. Aiken, Chairman of the Committee on County Buildings, re- ported on Bill No. 19 recommending that it be allowed at $86.95 in- stead of $95.15 claimed. The Supervisors' Procceditign 103 Laid on the table under the rule. The Clerk read a Summons and Complaint in the Supreme Court which had been served upon the Chairman in an action by the First National Bank of Ithaca against Tompkins County, which on motion was referred to the Good Roads Committee. 14 On motion the Board adjourned. BERT T. (BAKER, Clerk. TWENTIETH DAY. Thursday, December 9th, 1909. Morning Session. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of December 8th read and approved. Morning session was devoted to committee work. Afternoon Session. Roll call. Quorum present. • The Cleric read the following petition, which on motion of Mr. k Chappuis was granted and the property ordered placed upon the as- sessment roll of the Town of Enfield: Te the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: Your petitioner,respcctfully shows that he is the assessor of the Third District of the Town of Enfield. Tompkins County, N. Y. that in the month of June, 1909, your petitioner duly assessed the property as hereinafter set forth but by error your petitioner neglected to copy. said assessment upon the assessment roll of said Town of Enfield. 104 The ,5'upervisors' Proceedings Wherefore, your petitioner asks that the following assessment be en- tered upon Ole assessment roll of the Town of Enfield, Tompkins County, N. Y., for the year 1909: Naune.Lot. Acres.Real.Aggregate.G Sylvenus Holly ICs 9''2,[•0.00 2,150.00 L. H. CARMAN, Petitioner. State of New York, County of Tompkins —ss. L. H. Carman, being duly sworn says that he is the petitioner above named; that the foregoing petition is true to the best of the knowledge and belief of deponent. L. H. CARMAN. Sworn to before .me this 9th day of December, 1909. 11E12T T. BAILER, Notary Public. The Clerk react the following report which on motion of Mr. Todd was received, adopted and ordered printed in the proceedings: To the Hnard of Supervisors:i Your Committee on Superintendents of the Poor have examined the report and accounts of the Superintendents of the Poor of the County and find them correct. We find that on the date of the report that there was a, in the hands of the County Treasurer in the Poor Fund the sum of $489.40 and a balance from the .proceeds of the County Fartn of the sum of $63.68, snaking a total of 3559.08 on hand. WHEELER SMITH, R. F. CHAPPUTS, CHAS. A. MACICEY, JOHN W. PRESWICK. Committee. By Mr. McAllaster: VA'hereas, Chapter •SS. Section 78 of the Taws of 1909, make it option- The Supervisors' Proceedings 105 al with the Board of Supervisors of any County as to the manner in which obstructions of the highways caused by now shall be removed, therefore, be it, Resolved, That on and after October 1st, 1910, all obstructions of the highways of Tompkins County caused by snow shall be removed by the la- bor systeni, and that the Superintendents of the Highways of the various towns of said county shall proceed in accordance with said Chapter afore- said to make such assessments as is therein provided. On notion of ilr. Chappuis the resolution was adopted. 1\4r. Todd voted in the negative and Mr. Davis was excused from voting. On motion Lill No. 82 was audited at the full amount claimed by an unanimous vote as recommended by the Committee on Print- ers' Accounts. On notion item marked "a" of Bill No. 77 was allowed at $4.73 instead of $26.64 claimed, and item "b" was allowed at $I1o.00 in- stead of $120.00 by an unanimous vote as recommended by the Com- mittee on Printers' Accounts. On motion Bill No. 77 was audited at $2o9.03 instead of $240.94 claimed as recommended by the Committee on Printers' Accounts by an unanimous vote. Bill No. 19 was taken up for consideration and on motion the following itenis were acted upon as recommended by the Committee on County Buildings as follows; Item marked "a" was disallowed; item marked "b" vas-disallowed; item marked "c" was allowed at $3.00 instead of $3.40 claimed; item marked "4" was allowed at $3.00 in- stead of $3.40 claimed; item narked "e" was allowed at $3.00 instead of $3.40 claimed; item ntarked "f" was allowed at $3.00 instead of $3.40 claimed; item marked "g" was allowed at $3.00 instead of $3.40 claim- ed, all by vote. On motion Bill No. 19 was audited at $86'.75 instead of $95.15 claimed by an unanimous vote as recommended by the Committee on County Buildings.i 106 Thu bnpervisors' Proceedings Mr. Preswick's resolution to levy and collect from taxable prop- erty of Tompkins County $200.00 to pay expenses of County Superin- tendent Evans to_December 1st, introduced December 801, was taken up for consideration and on motion of Mr. Mackey was adopted by an unanimous vote.. i\Ir. Jones' resolution to levy and collect various amounts in the different Towns under Sections 90 and 91 of the IIighway Law, in- troduced December 8th, was taken up for consideration and on motion of Mr. Preswick was adopted by an unanimous vote. Mr. Jones' resolution to levy and collect amounts in. the Towns of Dryden and Ulysses under Section 93 of the Highway Law, in- troduced December 8th, was taken' up for consideration and on motion of Mr. White was adopted by an unanimous vote. The Clerk read the detailed report of the Good Roads Construe= Lion Committee, which on motion of Mr. White was referred to the Good Roads Committee. On motion the Board adjourned. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. TWENTY -FIRST DAY. Friday, December loth, 1909. Morning Session. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of December 9th read and approved. At 9:30• A. M., the members of the Board in company with the Sheriff proceeded in a body to inspect the County Jail. The remainder of the morning session was devoted to committee work. Tlic Supervisurs' Proceedings 107 Afternoon Session. Roll call. Quorum present. By Messrs. Smith, Chappuis, Mackey and Presvick: Resolved, That in the support of the poor settled in the County el Tompkins there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the several towns of the County and City of Ithaca to reimburse the County Ij of Tompkins for the support of the poor of the various towns and City of Ithaca for the year ending November 15. 1909, the following sours: City of Ithaca 6.1.62 Jays 1,766 11 Caroline 378 days 108 35 Danby 730 days 209 24 Dryden 1.825 days 523 00 Enfield 327 days 93 74 Croton 365 days 104 65 Ithaca Town 770 days 220 71 Lansing 1.145 days 321 19 Newfield 958 days 274 59- Ulysses 379 days 108 64 Total from City and Towns 3737 34 Laid on the table under the rule. By Alessrs. Smith, Chappuis. Mackey and Presvick: Resolved, That there be levied upon and collected from I. he taxable property of the County of Tompkins the sum of $1,500.00 for the support of the County poor at the Almshouse for the year 1910, the above mention- ed sum together with sums chargeable to the various towns of $8,737.34 and balance on hand as shown in the annual report of the County Superinten- dents of the Poor or $5'53.08 makes a total of $6,090.42 for the support of the County Almshouse for the year 1910. Laid on the table under the rule. By Mr. Chappuis: Whereas. A considerable quantify of books have been purchased by the County of Tompkins for the use of the District Attorney and County Judge. said books belonging to the County, Resolved, That the District Attorney and County Judge furnish to the 108 The Superciam•s' Proceed -tIws Board of Supervisors an inventory of the books and other property pur- chased by and belonging to Tompkins County in their possession, custody and. control, so that there may be on file with the Board of Supervisors a complete Inventory of County property, and be it, further Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board serve u certified copy of this resolution on the present District Attorney and County Judge. On motion of Mr. Davis the same was adopted. i A motions by Mr. Mackey that the Chairman appoint a coiii t- ice to confer with the incoming County Judge relative to the books in the County Judge's office and to report to this ]3oard was carried. The Chairman appointed as such committee Messrs. Mackey, Presswick and Chappuis. By Mr. White: Resolved, That there be Levied upon uud collected from the taxable property of the County of Tompkins the sum of Twenty -four Dollars, twelve dollars of which is to reimburse Hattie IC. I3uck and twelve dollars thereof is to reimburse Fred A. Beardsley as School Commissioners of said County for telephones. Laid on the table under the rule. Mr. Preswick, Chairman of the Committee on Miscellaneous Claims, reported favorably on Pills Nos. 63, 67 and 71 and recom- mended that the full amounts thereof be paid. Laid on the table under the rule. On motion the Board adjourned. BERT T. BAKER. Clerk. The Supervisors' Proeccdings 1114 TWENTY - SECOND DAY. Monday, December 1301, i909. Morning Session. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of December loth read and approved. The morning session was devoted to committee work. Afternoon Session. Roll call. Quorum present. By Mr. Preswick: Resolved, That there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the County of Tompkins Five Dollars ($5.00) to pay for coupon book purchased of the Inter -Ocean Telephone and Telegraph Company by E. J. Mane. Laid on the table under the rule. On motion of Mr. Beach the Committee for Purchasing Supplies were instructed to look into the advisability of purchasing the book typewriter for the County Clerk's Office. i The Good Roads Committee reported favorably on the follow- ing resolution offered by Mr. McAllaster, Messrs. Jones, McAllaster and Parker of the committee approving the same and Messrs. Beach and Todd not approving thereof: By Mr. McAllaster: Whereas. the route laid down by virtue of Sub - division 9, Section 120 1.10 The Supervisors' Proceedings 01 the'•'Highway Law" is described to commence at a point near the Village of Horseheads and thence northerly and northeasterly by way of Horseheads, Breesport, and Erin to a point to be determined by the Com- mission on the dividing line between Tioga and Chentung Counties, running thence easterly and northeasterly by the way of North Spencer to a point on the dividing line between Tompkins and Tloga Counties, and thence northerly to the City of Ithaca, and VVhereas, the said route is bet woen thirty - eight and thirty - nine miles in length, and in places has a grade of above seven per cent. per mild; and c said route for practically the whole distance lies adjacent to the E., C. & N. and Lehigh Valley Railroads so that people residing along said route are already provided with shipping stations and market places; and there are between the point of commencement near the Village of Horseheads and the City of Ithaca along said route nine grade railroad crossings, some of which are of a dangerous character; and there is already constructed and in use a good macadamized road from the Village of Horseheads through Brees- port to the Village of Erin, thus accommodating the inhabitants along such highway, and Whereas, by following the highway from Horseheads through the Vil- loge of Suliivanville, Bacon Hollow, Pony Hollow and Newfield Village to the City of Ithaca, the distance would be• only between twenty -seven and twenty -eight miles; the grade would at no place exceed two and one -half per centum per mile; the number of grade crossings along the entire route • would be but two; the route would be across the country where the inhabi- tants have no present shipping or market places, and in it majority of in- stances are obliged to make long hauls of produce; and there is no ma- cadamized road along said route except for about four miles out of Ithaca, which said macadamized road would be common to both routes, therefore, Resolved, That the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County earnest-i' ly request such change in said subdivision 9 of said section of the "High way Law" as shall provide for the construction of such state highway along and over said last mentioned route by way of Newfield, Pony Hollow and the Village of Sullivanville to a point at or near the Village of Horseheads; or such action by the Legislature of this State as shall repeal all of said Section 120, except the first sentence therein, and shall grant the power to the State Board of Highway Commissioners to lay out the trunk lines of the state highways along and over such routes as in their judgment shall be for the best interests of the inhabitants. On motion of Mr. McAllaster the same was adopted. Ayes. — Messrs. Gallagher, Chappuis, Smith. Jones, Parker,' Pat- terson, Davis, WkAllaster and White. -9. The Supevisors' - ,Proccedi)t! /s,11.1 Nays. — Messrs. Todd, Preswick, Beach and Mackey. -4. On motion, Bill iNo. 63 was audited at the full amount claimed, as recommended by a majority of the Committee on Miscellaneous Claims. Ayes. — Messrs. Todd, Chappuis, Smith, Jones, Preswick, Parker, Patterson, Davis, Mackey, McAllaster and White.-11. Nays. —Dr. Gallagher.—t. Mr. Beach was excused from voting. On motion Bill No. 67 was audited at the full amount' claimed as recommended by a majority of the Committee on Miscellaneous Claims. Ayes.— Messrs. Chappuis, Jones, Preswick, Parker, Patterson, Davis, McAllaster and White. -8. Nays. —Mr. Mackey.—i. Excused from voting Messrs. Gallagher, Todd, Smith and Beach. On motion Bill No. 71 was audited at the full amount claimed -as recommended by a majority of the Committee on Miscellaneous Claims. Ayes. — Messrs.. Chappuis, Jones, Preswick, Parker, Davis, Mc- Allaster and White. -7. ti Nays.— Messrs. Todd, Smith, Patterson and Mackey. —4. Excused from voting, Messrs.,,Gallagher, Beach. On motion Bill No. 51 was audited at the full amount claimed by an unanimous vote as recommended by the Board as a Committee of the Whole. 1.12 The Supervisors' Proceedings On motion item of September 6 of Bill No. 70, of 6o cents, was disallowed as recommended by the Board as a Committee of the Whole by an unanimous vote. On motion item of October zo, 6o cents of Bill No. 70, was disal- lowed by unanimous vote as recommended by the Board as a Com- mittee of the Whole. On motion the 17 other items of 6o cents 'each for mileage to the Almshouse of Bill No. 70 were allowed at 42 cents instead of 6o cents each by an unanimous vote as recommended by the Board as a Committee of the Whole. On motion Bill No. 7o was audited at $18.65 instead of $22.60, claimed, by an unanimous vote as recommended by the Board as a Committee of the Whole. Mr. White's resolution to levy and collect from taxable property of the County of Tompkins $24.00 to pay for telephones of School Commissioners, introduced December loth, was taken up for consid- eration and on motion of Mr. Beach was laid on the table. Mr. Smith's resolution to levy and collect from the various Towns and City of Ithaca several amounts to reimburse the County for sup - port of the poor at the Almshouse,. introduced December loth, was taken up for consideration and on motion of Mr. Davis was adopted by an unanimous vote. Mr. Smith's resolution to levy and collect from taxable property of Tompkins County $1,800.00 for support of poor, introduced De- cember loth, was taken up for consideration and on motion of Mr. Preswick was adopted by an unanimous vote. By Mr. Smith: Whereas, Tompkins bounty has In the past been to some expense for office rent for the County Superintendents of the P6or when meeting for auditing, etc., and said County Is to the expense of maintaining buildings perfectly adequate for such purposes, therefore, be It The Syperv-isors' Yrocccdiny.11.3 Resolved, That said.Superintendents be allowed the use of the commit- tee room of this Board in the Court House for such meetings, etc., here- after. On motion of Mr. Parker the same was adopted. By Mr. Preswick: Resolved, That there be levied upon and collected from the taxable cy property of the County of 'Tompkins the sum of One Hundred Dollars 100.00) to pay for the transit purchased by the County Superintendent of Highways in connection with the Good Roads Committee. Laid on the table tender the rule. Mr. White as a Special. Committee reported• favorably on I3ills Nos. 22 and 8 and recommended that the full amounts thereof be paid. Laid on the table under the rule. Mr. Jones, Chairman of the Committee on Good Roads, report- ed favorably on Bills Nos. 4, 24 and 26, and recommended •that the full amounts thereof he paid: Laid on the table under the rule 1r. - McAllaster, Chairman of the Committee on Coroners' Ac- counts, reported favorably on Bill No. 43 and recommended that the full amount thereof be paid. Laid on the table under the rule. Mr. Preswick, Chairman of the Committee on -Miscellaneous Claims, reported favorably on Bills Nos. 124, 118, 121, 120, 123, 117, 122, 119 and 125. Laid on the table under the rule. By Dr. Gallagher: Resolved. That pursuant to Section 172 Chapter 30, Laws of 1909, there he levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the respective 8 114 The Supervisors' Proceedings towns the various aa set opposite each and paid into the County Treasury on the account of the maintenance of State and County highways for the year 1910 as follows: No.Mileage • -' Itoittl.Nan:.Town. Mileage. in Town. Amt. 333 Catskill 'Turnpike, Sec. 2'Dryden 1.38 483 Catskill Turnpike, See. 3 Dryden 73 681 Ithaca - Dryden, See. 1 Dryden 3.63 5.74 300 00 483 Catskill Turnpike, Sec. 3 Caroline 3.71 . 3.71 200 00 . 681 Ithaca- Dryden, Sec. 1 Ithaca 1.60 72 Catskill 'Turnpike, Sec. 1 Ithaca 1.87 336 Cayuga Heights Ithaca 1.57 454 Ithaca IIllaea 3.66 455 Wyckoff Ithaca 34 606 Cayuga Heights- HanshaW Corners Ithaca 2.12 616 Trumansburg- Ithaca .Ithaca 2.63 t3.79 700 00 336 Cayuga Heights Lensing 1.60 1.60 100 00 616 Trumanshurg- ILhnea Ulysses 6.03 6.03 300 00 Total .for County 30 87 1600 00 Laid on the table under the rule. The Good Roads Committee by, Messrs: Jones, Todd, Beach and Parker, a•nlajority thereof. recommended the adoption of the follow- ing resolution: By Mr. Todd: Vhereas, State Route No. 36 has.not been located by the State Iiigh- way Commission and action by said Commission seems .to be sninewhat a matter of uncertainty. Resolved, That this Board of Supervisors hereby agrees to grunt to the • Supervisor of the Town of Danhy the right to petition to the Board of 1910 for the Improvement of a portion of the Danby Turnpike not to exceed three miles In length under the State and County system and it is hereby agreed diet in the event of inch petition being prese 1(nd on account of the iin- p ,rtance of said highway it shall take precede•;e and be unproved prior to any and all highways designated by the Board In 1910 under the state and county system. On motion of Mr. Todd the same was adopted. By the Good Roads Committee: Resolved, That the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins In The Supervisors' Proceedings 115 regular session assembled on the 13th day of December, 1909, have designat- ed and hereby do designate and certify to the State Highway Commission of the State of New York the highways hereinafter described in the Towns of Groton and Dryden as the first portion of highways to be improved in the year 1911 as per their request in a letter to E. J. Mone, a former Clerk of this Board under date of November 10th, 1909: Commencing at a point in the -Ithaca- Dryden Road known as Rhodes Corners, running 111 a northerly and easterly du-ectton through the villages of Etna and Freeville and thence `,northerly through the Village of Peru- ville to the south corporation line of the Village of Groton, boing a dis- tance of about ten miles. On motion of Mr: Patterson the same as adopted. By the Good Roads Committee: Resolved, That the Board of Supervisors of' Tompkins County in regu- lar session assembled on the 13th day of December, 1909, have designated and hereby do designate and certify to the State Highway Commission of the State of New York the highways hereinafter described in the Towns of Ithaca and Enfield as the second portion of highways to be improved in the year 1911 as per their request In a letter to E. J. Mone, a former Clerk of this Board under date of November 10th, 1909: Commencing at a point on the west City line between the City and Town of Ithaca, thence proceeding westerly to Ifennedy's Corners, a distance of 2.28 miles, thence westerly through the Town of Enfield to Applegate's Cor- ners; thence westerly to Miller's Corners, a distance of 3.12 miles. 0(On motion of Mr. Beach the same was adopted. On motion the Board adjourned. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. 116 The Supervisors' Proceedings TWENTY -THIRD DAY. Tuesday, December 14th, igog. Morning Session. Roll call. Quorum present. Morning session was devoted to Con work. Afternoon Session. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of December 13th read and approved. By Mr. Jones: Resolved, That there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Groton pursuant to resolution of the Town Board the following sums: Payment of note :md interest for voting machines 210 00 For cutting brush in cemetery east of Groton Village 15 00 For G. A. R. Fund for relief of soldiers and their families 100 00 For Memorial Day services 50 00 For Bridge plank 500 00 On motion of Mr. Parker the same was adopted by an unani- lnotts vote. On motion of Mr. Parker the platter of Jasper Hanford for a re- fund of taxes paid on personal property in the Town of Ithaca referred to the Committee on Erroneous Assessments was ordered returned as not a proper matter to come before the Board. On notion Bill No. 8 was audited at the full amount claimed as recommended by \1r. White as a special committee. The Supervisors' Procecdingk 117 Ayes.- Messrs. Todd; Jones, Preswick, Parker, Patterson, Beach, f :)axis, 'Mackey acid White: -9. Nays.— Messrs. Gallagher, Chappuis and Smith. -3. On motion Bill No. 22 was audited at the full amount claimed as recontinended by Mr. White as a special committee. Ayes. — \Messrs. Todd, Jones, PresAxick, Parker, Paiter'soci, Beach, 1iaxis, Mackey and White. 9. Nays.— Messrs. Gallagher and Smith. -2. Mr. Chappuis was excused from voting. On motion Bill No. 43 was audited at .the full amount claimed as recommended by the Committee on Coroners' Accounts by an Unani- mous vote. On motion„ Bills Nos. 4, 24 and 26 were audited at' the full amount claimed as 'recommended by the Good Roads Conunittee, by an unanimous vote. Ott motion Bills Nos. 124. 118, 121, 120, L23, 117, 122, 119 and 125 were audited at the full amounts, claimed as recommended by the Committee on Miscellaneous Claims by an unanimous vote. Mr. Preswick's resolution to levy ankl collect from taxable,prop- erfy of Tompkins to pay for coupon book to Inter -Ocean Tel. & Tel. flee stint of $5.00, introduced December 13th, was taken up for consid- eration and on motion of Mr. Todd adopted liy an unanimous Vdtel Mr. Preswick's resolution to levy and collect fiork taxable prop- erty of the County of Tompkins the suns of $loo.00 to pay for transit purchased by the Superintendent of Highivays, ititrodhced December 13th, was taken up for consideration and chi motion of Mr. Todd adopted by ari unanimous vote. Dr. Gallagher's resolution to levy and collect various aniourits in 118 The ,Supereisors' Proceedings several towns for the maintenance of improved roads, introduced De- cember 13th, was taken up for consideration and, on motion of Mr. Beach adopted by an unanimous vote. By Mr. Beach: Resolved, That the annual salary and compensation of the County' Treasurer be and the same is hereby fixed at $1,000.00 with no allowance for office rent, and that all fees collected by him in the Court Funds pur- .a, suant to Sect. 3321 of the Code of Civil Procedure shall be for the benefit and use of the County of Tompkins. On motion the same was adopted by an unanimous vote. By Mr. Preswick: Resolved, That the salary of W. H. Pinckney as Keeper of the Alms- house be and the sane is hereby fixed at. $800.00 for the year 1910. On notion of Mr. Patterson the same was adopted. Ayes.— Messrs. Todd, Smith, Jones, Preswick, Parker, Patter- son, Beach, Davis, Mackey, McAllaster and White. —n. Nays. —Mr. Chappuis.—i. Dr. Gallagher was excused from voting. Mr. McAllaster Chairman of the Committee on Coroners' Ac- counts, reported favorably on Bill No. 61 and recommended that the full amount thereof be paid. Laid- on the table under the rule. Mr. Preswick, Chairman of the Committee on Miscellaneous Claims, reported favorably on Bills. Nos. 126, 127, 129, 130, 131, 134 and 135 and recommended that the full amount thereof be paid. Laid on the table under the rule. Y7u; Supervisors' I'roceed.i•lly.s 1.19 The Clerk read the following- report, which on motion of Mr. Parker was accepted, adopted and ordered printed in the proceedings: To the Board of Supervisors: The Committee on Printing respectfully report the a.pporti o1un en t of the general election expenses of Tompkins County as follows: Tompkins County at large 1 128 52 City of Ithaca 204 :40 Ithaca Town 52 80 Enfield 41 10 llanby 60 f0 Newfield 79 20 Caroline 73 90 Dryden 148 96 Groton 112 95 Lansing 89 71 Ulysses loll 21 Total 4¢^ 28 By Mr. Parker: Resolved. That there be levied and collected from the several Towns and City, of lthaca the various sums set opposite cacti in the foregoing report for the general election expenses. Laid on the table under the rule. On motion the Board adjourned. BERT T. BAKER. Clerk. 120 Yu: Nsl ^visors' ,PFoccedinys TWENTY - FOURTH DAY. Wednesday, December 1:51h, 1909. Morning Session. Roll call. , Ouorum present. Minutes of December 14th read and approved. Morning session was devoted to committee work. Afternoon Session. Roll call. Ouoruin present. The Clerk read the undertaking of the County Treasurer for his terns of office beginning January 1st, 191o. in the sum of Two Hunr Bred Thousand Dollars with R. P. Williams, C. J. Rumsey, E. T. Turn- er, Henry I. Lord, Jared T. Newman, George Livermore, A. H. Platts, Howard Cobb and Claude H. Smith as sureties, which on mo- tion of Mr. Beach was approved as to the form. manner of execution and sufficiency of the sureties. IL The Clerk read the undertaking of Will. P. Harrington as Super- in•endent of the Poor for his term of office beginning January 1, 1910, in the sum of $1,000.00 with Jennie Harrington and Minnie S. Egbert as sureties. Which-on motion of Mr. Todd was approved as to the form, manner of execution and sufficiency of the sureties. The Clerk read the following report, which upon motion of Mr. Beach was received, adopted and ordered printed in the proceedings: To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins Count, N. Y.: Gentlemen: —Your Committee on U. S. Deposits and Insurance would submit the following report: Th'e Supervisors' ,1-' ti cedwf ys 121 There is now on file in the Tompkins County Clerk's Office the following policies of insurance on County property. viz.: Amt. Policy Expires.Name of Company. Az Co. Court House 42,500.. Mar. 30. 1912..Continental Fire Ins. Co. Co. Almshouse 2,500.. Mar. 30, 1912..Continental Fire 1115. Co. Co. Almshouse 2,500.. Mar. 31, 1912.. Liverpool, London & Globe: Co. Clerk's Office1,250..Jan. 28, 1911..Sun Insurance Co. Co. Jail 1,250..Jan. 28, 1911.. Sun Insurance Co. Co. Almshouse 5,000.. Jan. 1, 1911.. Globe Underwriters' Agency. Co. Jail 625.. Jan. 28, 1911..Firemen's Fund Ins. Co. Co. Clerk's Office 625..Jan. 28, 191.1..Firemen's Fund Ins. Co. Co. Court House 2,500.. Jan. 1, 1911 .. Dubuque Fire & Marine Ins. Co. Co. Storage Bldg 250.. Mar. 31, 1910..Continental Ins. Co. Co. Jail 125 ..Jan. 28. 1911.. Hamburg- Bremen Fire Ins. Co. Clerk's Office 625.. Jan. 28, 1911 ..Hamburg- Bremen Fire Ins. Co. Boiler, Court House5,000.. Nov. 30, 1912.. Hartford Steam Boiler Ins. & Inspection Co. Boiler Almshouse5,000 . . Nov. 30, 1912 .. Hartford Steam Boiler Ins. & Inspection Co. Your committee would further report that they have examined the books of the U. S. Loan Commissioners and find that on November 1, 1908. there was on hand total mortgages 14,939 34 There has been paid on said mortgages during 1909: Abby Mortgage, paid and discharged 200 00 Harker Mortgage, endorsed 200 00 Leaving balance on mortgages 14,539 34 14,939 34 Of this amount there is invested in interest bear- ing mortgages 12,939 34 Mortgages held by State 1,600 00 ry 14,539 34 The Loan Commissldners have received during the year ending Novem- her 1, 1909: Abby on payment of mortgage 200 00 Harker to apply on mortgage 200 00 Interest on land mortgages, total 652 88 Error in 1909 12' 89 1,065 77 122 The ,Supervisors' Proceedings DISBURSEMENTS. Drafts payable to Comptroller 940 84 Commissions 112 04 Refund, r:oinptroller 12 89 1,065 79 ORLANDO. WHITE. F. B. DAVIS, L. E. PATTERSON, Committee. On motion of Dr. Gallagher, the personal surety furnished by the . Tompkins County Co- operative Insurance Company to the County was ordered filed with the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors. On motion of Mr. Davis, the matter of the amount due the County from the Tompkins County Co 'operative Insurance Company on rebates was referred to the Tnsurance Committee to see if they can effect a settlement. By Mr. Chappuis: Resolved. That the Collectors of the several towns and the tax receiv- er of the City of Ithaca be required to pay over all monies collected by them to the Supervisors and. County Treasurer on or before the first day of February and first day of March respectively, and a final settlement with the County Treasurer on or before the first day of April, 1910. On Motion of Mr. Reach the same was adopted. By Mr. Parker: Resolved. That there be levied upon and collected . from the taxable property of the County cif' Tompkins the sum of $500.00 to be paid to .Bert T. Baker for his services as Clerk and Legal Advisor to the Board of Super- visors and all committees thereof for the fiscal year 1909-1910, said services to include the making of all reports to .various State Commissions and In- stitutions and that no other legal advisor be retained or employed only on authority and resolution of this Board. This resolution not to be construed as affecting any legal advice ur attorneys engaged prior to the passage of this resolution. Laid on the table under the rule. The Supervisors' Proceedings 123 Mr. Parker's resolution to levy and collect from taxable property of the several towns and City•of Ithaca various amounts for election expenses, introduced December i4th, was taken up for consideration atad on motion of Mr. White was adopted by an unanimous vote. 13111 No. 61, upon which a majority of the Committee on Coroners' Accounts had reported recommending that it be paid. was taken up for consideration, and on motion for the adoption of the report of the committee was lost. Upon notion of Mr. Beach, Bill No. 61 was referred to Mr. White as a special committee for investigation.and report to this Board. - On motion item of October 25, 1909, in 13111 No. 73 was allowed at $1327 instead of $74.61 claimed by an unanimous vote as mended by the Committee on Printers' Accounts. On motion Bill No. 73 was audited at $871.28 instead of $932.62 claimed by an unanimous vote as recommended by the Committee on Printers' Accounts. On motion Bills Nos. 127. 128, 129, 130, 1 134 and 135 were audited at the full amounts claimed by an unanimous vote as recom- mended by the Committee on Miscellaneous Claims. Mr. Davis, Chairman of the Committee on Printers' Accounts, re- ported on Bill No. 32 recommending that it be allowed at $6.00 in- stead of $33.75 claimed; and on Bill No. 27 that it he allowed at 313.03 instead of $368.53 claimed. Laid on the table under the rtile. Mr. Preswick, Chairman of the Committee on Miscellaneous Claims. reported favorably on Bills Nos. 132, 133, 138 and 128 and recommended that the full amounts thereof be paid. Laid on the table under the rule. On motion the Board adjourned.. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. 124 7'hc Supervisors' Proceedings TWENTY -FIFTH DAY. Thursday, December 16ih, igoj. Morning Session. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of December 15:th read and approved. Morning session was devoted to Committee work. Afternoon Session. Roll call. Ouortun present. By Mr. leach: Resolved, That there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the County of Toln pkins the sum of $6.000.00 for court ex- remises for the ensuing year. Laid on the table under the rule. By Mr. Parker: Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board in co- operation with the Com- mittee on Printing collect and have bound a complete set of Supervisors' Proceedings In so far as possible. same to be kept on Ole and for the sive use of the Board of Supervisors. Oil motion of Mr. Preswick the same was adopted. By Mr. Parker: Resolved, That the sum of $1,000.00 be levied upon and eolleeted from the taxable property of the County of Tompkins for Indigent Soldiers and Sailors' Burial Fund for the year 1910. The Sup rvts(irs' Pruce.tdiu 125 Laid on the table under the rule. By Mr. Patterson: Resolved, That there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the County of Tompkins the sum of One Thousand Dollars t$1,000.00) for fuel and lights for county buildings located in the City of Ithaca for the year 1910. Laid on the table under the rule. By Mr. Parker: Resolved, That there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the County of Tompkins the sum of $100.00 to pay the salary of tho Chaplain at the County Almshouse for the ensuing year. Laid on the table under the rule. By Mr. Beach: Resolved, That the salary of the District Attorney elected in Novem- ber, 1909, be fixed at $1,200 per year with no allowance for office rent. Laid on the table under the rule. By Mr. Parker: Resolved, That there be levied upon and collected from Ole taxable property of the County of 'Tompkins the sum of $200.00 to be paid to Albert ' H. Overacker on the order of the Printing Committee of the Board of Su- pervisors as the purchase price of the book typewriter and cabinet used with same and the Underwood typewriter, both of which are now used In the County Clerk's Office. Laid on the table under the rule. On motion Bills Nos. 132 and 138 were audited at the full amounts claimed as recommended by the Committee on Miscellaneous Claims by an unanimous vote. 126 The b'upervisors' Proceedings On notion Bill No. 32 was audited at $6.00 instead of $33.75 claimed by an unanimous vote as recommended by the' Committee on Printers' Accounts. On motion item of October 30, 1909, of Bill No. 27 was allowed at•$12.00 instead of $67.5o claimed as recommended by the Commit- tee on Printers' Accounts by an unanimous vote. On motion Bill No. 27 was audited at $313.03 instead of $368.53 claimed as recommended by the Committee on Printers' Accounts by an unanimous vote. On motion Bill No. 128 was audited at the full amount claimed as recommended by the Committee on ikliscellaneous Claims. Ayes.—Messrs. Todd, Jones, Preswick. Parker, Patterson, Beach, Davis, McAllaster ankl White. -9. Nays. — Mr. Smith. - Mr. Parker's resolution to levy upon and collect from the taxable property of Tompkins County $500.00 to be paid Bert T. Baker as Clerk and legal advisor to the Board, introduced December 15th, was taken up for consideration and on motion of Mr. Preswick was adopted by an unanimous vote. i 1 The Supervisors' Proceedings 0 n V 0 0 Oi O n O 0 ci N O ulEya.tti:ty w 1- N .n o m O. m n La CI in Ca t- .1 1‘N M a. V 0 C.M O O U V caTmcaCaa. n d as•e : o .. fJ IICl.j [ILI L' IL'a7j w y .r w .y y a.O A a o s w 4. N bA ro O N 4.H .. O .n O O O 0 04. a co n ,n O hON O [J I et. M O w 5 O J61L1a11E,f CO' d N t O W O N r-1 N r" 02 H p o ro tiN0 ty 1 U O O O o O o n O 0 0 ro O O ,a • ct O O N 0 0 0NANNNMNNNleuos.tad o N C,C M l- ,n k w, < ..1 r h N 0 eaoOa NN y U o N ,o o ,c ,n x 0 0 0 ,n ,n v y w m i a oa O CO ce ,n m W c ti a (0 o; c, h ,- o. o, - o Ea27 A 0 ,n CI ,y w 10 0 w o wo- 0 .+ b C 0 roirj g N M 4 4 1 o O 0 N -' is V T N N O t• ea w 1-o, N E C N O 0, 0 v W a n wQ1OI. N m N a w [- U W 0 sa.I0 C a c C.I O O of M 'eroFIICaNCam o N o H x ° F 0 0 F d 4)F U ' ro o F 5. >„,9:...g0O N ro G 8 Z F A b a) V U'r'1 F T C O ro ro O r 5,‘Q 128 The Supervisors' Proceedings puu 0 M ^ T O V [ O00re;o B16 ;o ° I ; 1311 0 o 72 0 0 Z o 0 0 0 s ; u Af O.0 400J r EE 0 4 c Q o a C 0 luau uo o Tai '° dllad0l 7: o M 0 0 0 2 .;+ 0 g Y ri CS _ u 0we cv; g F w O d ._ 0 o o .. o 0 o v o y' y m o nimbi )u oj7Eg a 0 am o 0 ., 0 Wa •0 0 o2dK M w ` O. N.V N o'; T - e~0 N N M 14 Vo ' Y F 992°.55 V o 0 00 iy • m a°M1 M 0 M1 N 0.00., 33 G OE.w se t, r ° O U m g 0C 0 0'0 0 0 0 N 0 0 co o 0F° 4 o v o 0 O 0- N W M c O ,-, ' t filatj N .+ P .-I N es ., N .O O m M "U] U - O .0 y M N 0 0 0 0- 1 0 M I] P. O O c1 O N CO M in O p _, Q E V •_IEaUI w - 01 00 00 01 .+ 000 M M _ F n y 0. pug as {y uEls N c0Oi 0 v 0 Q G i _ « L .4. M ti .+ 6 J CO w w •G -;Lu 0 y ° a °w T N O V 0 'O 0 ' O m E \N ti 0 i talab M M NoV60000t0N M O O 'O 0 M N t. P C t 0 ° b Z A e M t «C •N 1 T 0 O F U to ro F F c aa , . t o m o co °O i eL O AC C ,. T V ^. Ca 2 8 : ; 1 7. 5 The Supervisors' Proceedings 129 The Equalization table submitted was laid on the table for twen- ty -four hours. The Sheriff's Committee referred back to the Board without recommendation Bill- No. 55. On motion the Board dissolved into a Committee as a Whole to consider Bill No. 55. Mr. White was chosen Chairman. On motion the Board adjourned to convene St 9 A. M. as Corn- mittee of the Whole. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. TWENTY - SIXTH DAY. Friday, December tjth, .1909. Morning Session. Roll call. Quorum present. The morning session was devoted to committee work as a Corn- mittee of the Whole to consider Bill No. 55. Afternoon Session. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of December 16th were read and approved. On motion of Mr. Parker the Building Committee were empow- ered to dispose of the hook shelves in the County Judge's Office to the best interests of the County. 9 130 The Supervisors' Proceedings On motion Bills Mos. 137, 136, 140 and 141 were ordered audited at the full amounts claimed as recommended by the Committee on Miscellaneous Claims, by an unanimous vote. Mr. Beach's resolution to levy and collect from the taxable prop- erty of the County of Tompkins $6,000.00 for Court expenses for the ensuing year, introduced December 16th, was taken up for considera- tion and on motion of Mr. Davis was adopted by an unanimous vote. Mr. Parker's resolution to levy and collect from the taxable prop- erty of the County of Tomplcids $1,000.00 for the Indigent Soldiers' and Sailors' Fund, introduced December 16th, was taken up for con- sideration and on motion of Mr. Parker was adopted by an unanimous vote. Mr. Parker's resolution to levy and collect from the taxable prop- erty of the County of Tompkins $loo.00 for Chaplain at the Alms- house, introduced December 16th, was taken up for consideration and on motion•of Mr. Davis was adopted by an unanimous vote. Mr. Beach's resolution that the salary of the District Attorney be r,zoo.00, introduced December 16th, was taken up for consideration and Mr. Todd moved its adoption. By Dr. Gallagher: Resolved, As an amendment, that the salary of the District Attorney be 51,000.00.s Mr. Chappuis moved its adoption. By Mr. White: Resolved, As an amendment to the amendment, that the salary of the . District Attorney be $1,000.00 with an allowance of $200.00 additional for office rent. On motion of Mr. Parker, the adoption of the amendment to the amendment was lost. The Supervisors' Proceedings 131 Ayes.— Messrs. Parker and White. -2. Nays.— Messrs. Gallagher, Todd, Chappuss, Smith, Jones, Pres- wick, Patterson, Beach, Davis, Mackey and McAllaster. —n. The motion for the adoption of the amendment was lost. Ayes.— Messrs. Gallagher, Chappuis, Smith and White. -4. Nays. — Messrs. Todd, Jones, Preswick, Parker, Patterson, Beach, Davis, Mackey. and McAllaster. -9. The original resolution was adopted. Ayes. — Messrs. Todd, Jones, Preswick, Parker, Patterson, Beach, Davis, Mackey, McAllaster. -9. Nays.— Messrs. Gallagher, Chappuis, Smith and White. -4. Mr. Parker's resolution to levy and collect from the taxable prop- erty of the County of Tompkins the sum of $zoo.00 to purchase type- writers in the County Clerk's Office, introduced December 16th, was taken up for consideration and on motion of Mr. Patterson was adopted. Ayes.— Messrs. Todd, Chappuis, Smith, Jones, Preswick, Parker, Patterson, Beach, Davis, Mackey, McAllaster and White. -12. Nays..—Dr. Gallagher.—I. The report and schedules of the Equalization Committee submit- ted December i6th, were taken up for consideration and on motion of Mr. Todd were approved and adopted, and the equalized valuations and ratios as therein determined were confirmed. Ayes.— Messrs. Gallagher, Todd, Chappuis, Smith, Jones, Pres- wick, Parker, Patterson, Beach, Davis, Mackey, McAllaster, White and Aiken.-14. Nays. —None. 132 The Supervisors' Proceedings The Clerk read the following report, which on motion of Mr. Parker was accepted, adopted and ordered printed in the proceedings: To the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on Mortgage tax submit the following report: Tax collected by County Clerk from Nov. 1st, 1908 to October 31st, 1909 5575 64 Expense for collecting 234 50 Balance 5341 14 One -half of the balance goes to the State and the remaining one -half, 2,670.57, is to be apportioned among the City and several Towns of Tomp- kins County as follows: Caroline 47 58 Danby 57 42 Dryden 90 20 Enfield 44 30 Groton 88 81 Ithaca City 1881 46 Ithaca Town 229'26 Lansing 70 39 Newfield 58 66 Ulysses 102 49 Total 2670 57 ORLANDO WHITE. W. C. GALLAGHER, • B. P. McALLASTER, Committee. By Mr. Preswick: Resolved, That the County Treasurer be and he is hereby instructed to pay to the several towns and the City of Ithaca the amount of mortgage tax monies apportioned to the several towns and the City of Ithaca for'the•year 1908 -1909 as per Chapter 729 of the Laws of 1905. On motion of Mr. Chappuis the same was adopted. The Supervisors' Proceedings 133 The Clerk read the following report, which on motion of Mr. Parker was accepted, adopted and ordered printed in the proceedings: To the Roard of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins: Your Committee on County Treasurer's accounts after carefully exam- ining the report of R. G. Robinson, County Treasurer, from November 19th, 1908, to November 13th, 1909, we find the same to be correct and recom- mend that it be printed in the proceedings. We find that the following sev- eral towns are indebted to the County in the following sums and we recom- mend that these sums be levied upon and collected from the several towns as follows: Caroline 1 46 Danby 51 Dryden 61 70 Enfield 1 4 75 Groton 68 21 Ithaca Town 94 46 Newfield 89 24 Ulysses 325 12 CHAS. I1. REACH, li.E. PATTIIRSON, R. Ir. CHAPPUIS, Committee. By Mr. Beach: 0 Resolved, That there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the several towns owing the County the following sums: Caroline 1 46 Danby 51 Dryden 61 70 Enfield 4 75 Groton 68 21 Town of Tthaca 94 46 Newfield 89 24 Ulysses 125 12 Laid "on the table under the rule. By Mr. Parker: 134 The Supervisors' Proceedings Resolved, That there be•levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the County of Tompkins the sum of $82.50 to be paid to Clinton L. Vivian as his share of the cost of architect fees amounting to $275.00 in preparing plans and supervision for jail addition, the sum of $192.50 having been paid to A. B. Wood. Laid on the table under the rule. By Mr. Parker: Resolved, That there be levied and collected from the taxable property of the County of Tompkins the sum of $91.04 for repairs made in the Court House during the session of the Board; $29.40 to be paid to Jamieson & Mc- Kinney; $2.00 to be paid to Davis -Brown Electric Co.; $33.67 to be paid to P. M. Donohue; and $31.47 to be paid to Driscoll Bros. & Co. on the order of the Building Committee. Laid on the table under the rule. By Mr. Patterson: Resolved, That the salary of the Deputy County Clerk be fixed at $1,200 per year for the year 1910. Mr. McAllaster moved its adoption. By Dr. Gallagher: Resolved, As an amendment, that the salary of the Deputy County Clerk be *900.00 per year. Mr. Chappuis moved the adoption of the amendment. On motion of Dr. Gallagher, action on the fixing of the salary of the Deputy County Clerk was deferred to Monday, it A. M. On motion the Board adjourned. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. The Snperciaors Proccctlu 135 TWENTY - SEVENTH DAY. Monday, December loth, 1909. Morning Session. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of December 17th read and approved. On motion of Mr. Todd all rules of the Board that resolutions and bills should lie on the table twenty -four hours and in reference to committee work were suspended and the Board took up the regular transaction of business. Mr. Patterson, on consent of NIr. McAllaster, withdrew his reso- lution introduced December 17th that the salary of the Deputy County Clerk be $1,200.00 per year. On motion of Mr. Todd, of Bill No. 55, item (5) was allowed at 5.00 instead of $10.00 claimed; item (6) was allowed at $5.00 instead of $1o.00 claimed; item (7), livery $2.00 was disallowed; item (1t) was allowed at $5.00 instead of $10.00 claimed; item (14) 'Dish. $2.63 was disallowed as .recommended by the. Board as a Committee of the Whole and the bill ordered audited at $3o5.96 instead of $325.59 claim- ed, by unanimous votes. Mr. Chappuis offered a resolution requesting the State Highway Commission to connect Sec. 2 and 3 of the Tthaca- Cortland road by improving the same through the corporate limits of the Village of Dryden, and the matter was referred to the Good Roads Committee. By Mr. Todd: Resolved, That there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the County of Tompkins the sum of $5.00 to reimburse Walter . McKeel for telephone service for year 1909. 136 The Supervisors' Proceedings On motion of Mr. Jones the same was adopted by an unanimous vote. 13y Mr. Todd: Resolved, That there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the County of Tompkins (he sum of $25.00 as postage for the County Treasurer for the year 1910. On motion of Mr. Patterson the saute was adopted by an unani- mous vote. By Mr. Parker: Resolved, That there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the County of Tompkins the sum of $3.07 to be paid to Wesley Owen for repairs to door to County Judge's office. On motion of \lr. Preswick the salve was adopted by an unani- mous vote. On motion the Board adjourned. Afternoon Session. Roll call. Ouoruin present. By Mr. Parker: Whereas, The County of Tompkins, by its Board of Supervisors, on or about August 30, 1906, entered into a written contract with the People of the State of New York, hearing date on that day, to construct and complete the, improvement of that section of the public highway known as Catskill Turnpike, Section 3, Road No. 483 in the County of Tompkins, N. Y.; for the sum of $35,656.25, as stated in said written contract, and according to the terms thereof; and Whereas, Said County of Tompkins, through its Board of Supervisors, has complied with the terms and conditions of said written contract, on its part to be performed, and has caused to be completed the construction and improvement of said section of the public highway, known as Road No. 483, as contracted: and - The Supervisors' Proceedings 137 Whereas, on or about November 4, 1909, all things required by said con- tract to be done by the Comity of Tompkins having been then fully perform- ed according to the terms thereof, the Construction Committee on Good Roads of the Board of Supervisors, through its attorney,- having notified the State Department of Highways at Albany, N. Y., accordingly; and at the same time also advised said Department that the Supervisors were very. der sirous to have taken whatever preliminary steps might be necessary to have the matter closed up; and, at the same time also requested said Department to inform the Supervisors of the amount of the last estimate and also of ry the fu11 amount that was yet unpaid to the County, on account of its said contract and upon the completion and acceptance or said section of the public highway; and 1Vhereas, The Tompkins County Superintendent of Highways, Mr. Fred J. Evans, has thoroughly inspected and examined said Road No. 4S3, and has informed the Board of Supervisors that he is satisfied that it has been constructed according to the terms and conditions of said contract; and that no protest will be filed by him against its acceptance by the _Highway Cotn -, mission, its a State and County Road; and also,. that he waives, and will formally waive, the written notice of its completion as authorized in section 134 of the Highway Law; and Whereas, The Supervisors of Tompkins County have constructed said road, and, through its Construction Committee on Good Roads, are thor- oughly advised as to the construction and completion thereof, and also are satisfied that it has been enstrueted and improved in accordance with the terms of said written contract; and are now very desirous to have the road accepted by the Highway Commission, as a State and County road with all convenient speed, and, to that end, will waive the written notice of such completion authorized by section 134 of the Highway Law; and Whereas, None of 1110 moneys of either the.County or of the State has been available for, or applied upon or on account of, any of the work done, or of the materials furnished, in the construction and improvement of said Highway, since June 20, 1909; and this for the reason that commencing with the latter part of August and continuing in September a large number of liens have been filed by laborers and material -men against sub - contractors who were working on the construct) on and improvement of said road; and it is of great importance to the County of Tompkins, and also to all other i•persons concerned, that the road be accepted as soon as possible, and that all moneys still due and unpaid on account thereof be ascertained, to the end that said moneys may, by the iudgment of the Supreme Court, or other -, wise, be distributed among. and paid to. those corporations and persons en- titled; now, therefore, on motion of Supervisor F. A. Todd, seconded by Su- pervisor J. NV. Jones, be It Resolved, By the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins that both the Highway Commission and its Division Engineer having charge or superintendence of constructing and improving said - section No. 483, be, and 138 The Supervisors' Proceedings they hereby are earnestly requested to take, with all convenient speed, what- ever steps may be required by law preliminarily to the acceptance, by the State and County, of said section No. 483 as a County Highway, and, there- upon, to formally accept the same as such, and be it further Resolved, That the County of Tompkins, and its Board of Supervisors and the Chairman thereof, hereby waive any written notice from the High- way Commission of the completion of said road, as authorized by section 134 of the liikhway Law; and also that said Board of Supervisors will, and it hereby does —so far as concerns the County of Tompkins— accept said Sec - tion No. 433 as a County highway; and furthermore that said Board of Su- pervisors will file no protest, in writing or otherwise, as also authorized by Section 134 of the Highway Law, or otherwise; and be it further Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board forthwith send a certified copy of this resolution to the State Highway Commission at Albany, N. Y., and also to Its Division Engineer at Binghamton, N. Y. Mr. Parker's resolution to levy and collect from the taxable prop- erty of Tompkins County $82.5o to be paid to C. L. Vivian, introduced December 17th, was taken up for consideration and on motion of Mr. Davis was adopted by an unanimous vote. Mr. Parker's resolution to levy and collect from taxable property of Tompkins County $91.04. for repairs in Court I introduced December 17th, was taken up for consideration and on motion of Dr. Gallagher was adopted by an unanimous vote. The Clerk read the following report of the Good Roads Commit- tee upon the resolution of Mr. Chappuis to connect sections 2 and 3 through Dryden Village, which report on motion was adopted: In view of the fact that the Statute expressly provides for the building of connecting links of improved highways through Incorporated villages, your Committee deem it unnecessary to act on the accompanying resolution at this time. The Clerk read the following report of the Good Roads Commit- tee which on motion of Mr. Todd was accepted, adopted and the re- port r. ordered printed in the proceedings: Your Good Roads Committee have examined the report of the Good Roads Construction Committee referred to them and find it correct, having verified the report kept by that committee. J. W. JONES, F. A. TODD, 13. F'. McALLASTF.lt, Committee. The Supervisors' Proceedings 139 Mr. White as a Special Committee on Lill No. 61 reported thereon recommending the disallowance of the first four items thereof and that the item of October 22, 1908, inquest L. Williamson, $6.20, be allowed in the full amount claimed, which report on motion was adopted and the Bill No. 61 ordered audited at $6.2o instead of $27.00 claimed, by an unanimous vote. By Mr. Parker: Resolved, That there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the County of 'Tompkins the sum of $45.00 to be paid to the United States Fidelity and Guaranty Co. of Baltimore, Md., or to their Gen- eral Agent, Chas. B. Stanion of Ithaca, N. Y., being in payment for indem- nity bond of the Tompkins County Clerk, said payment to be made on the order of the Chairman and Clerk of this Board after the bond has been approved by the County Judge. On motion of Mr. Beach the same was adopted by an unanimous . vote. By Mr. Parker: Resolved, That the County Treasurer be and he is hereby instructed to transfer from the Good Roads Fund the sum of.$421.15 being the sum de- ducted from the County Audits in year 1908 and to be added to the regular county funds. and be it further Resolved, That $810.00, the sun deducted from the County Audits in 1909 and chargeable against the G000d Roads Fund be likewise transferred. On motion of Mr. Beach the sane was adopted. By Mr. Chappuis: Resolved, That the State Highway Commission be asked for a survey of that piece of road in the Town of Dryden, commencing at a point In the Ithaca - Dryden Road known as Rhodes' Corners, running in a northerly direction and easterly direction through Etna and Freeville and thence northerly on the road running through Peruville to the Town line between the Towns of Dryden and Groton, which road has been designated by this Board of Supervisors as one of the roads to be improved In 1911. On motion of Mr. Beach the same was adopted. 140 The Supervisors' Proceedings By Mr. Parker: Resolved, That there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the County of Tompkins the sum -of $1,250.00, $500.00 of said sum to be paid Lo the Clerk of the Surrogate's Court and $750.00 to be paid to the Stenographer of Surrogate's and County Court. On (notion of Mr. Preswick the same was adopted by an unani- mous vote. By Mr. McAllaster: Resolved, That there be re- assessed and extended upon the assessment roll of 1909 of the Town of Newfield the following returned taxes of 1908: Cayutaville Telephone Company 33 J. D. Smith Telephone Co.3 13 American Telephone Company 3G 54 Louis \valdruff 66 Total 40 66 On motion of i\4r. Patterson the same was adopted by an unani- mous vote. By Mr. Parker: 1esolved. That there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the City of Ithaca the sum or $15.00 to pay the County Treas- urer for expenses on collecting return taxes of 1908. On notion of Mr. White the same was adopted by an unanimous $ vote. On motion of Dr. Gallagher the Board went into executive session. On motion the Board arose from executive session. By Mr. Smith: Whereas, This Board has designated for improvement in 1911 as a State The Superirinors' Proeredingx 14.1. and County Road the highway in the Town of Enfield extending westerly from Kennedy's Corners to Miller's Corners, and Whereas, the highway extending southerly from Miller's Corners to Enfield Center, a distance of about one mile, has been surveyed for improve- ment, now, therefore, be it Resolved, That this Board of Supervisors request the State Highway Commission to survey the highway in said Town of Enfield extending south- erly from Enfield Center to Bostwlek's Corners, a distance of about one mile. On motion the same was adopted. On motion the Board adjourned. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. TWENTY- EIGHTH DAY. Tuesday, December 21st, 1909. Morning Session. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of December zoth read and approved. Bill No. 98 was taken up for consideration. The Clerk read the following report of the Committee on Sheriff's Accounts: Your Committee would respectfully submit the following report on Sheriff \Vortman's Bill:— 1.42 The Supervisors' Proceedings First. We recommend cut from his bill the following items in Schedule A amounting to a total of $177.00. Second. We would respectfully report that alter a careful inVestlga- tion of the items in this bill under the head of investigations, many of which this committee questions, but owing to the fact that your Board have already at this session allowed a former sheriff on such items, we would recommend that all items under the head be allowed as charged. But this is in no sense to be considered as establishing a precedent that the Board of Supervisors will for the future continue such custom, but on the contrary in' the future the sheriff of Tompkins County must make investigations only on the order of the properly constituted officials or on affidavit of reputable persons and such investigations to be audited by this Board and must be properly itemized. W. C. GALLAGHER, CHARLES A. MACKEY, R. y. CHAPPUIS, Committee. Schedule A. 1909.Cut. 1) January 23— Disallowed (State charge)8 75 2) February 6— Disbursements 45 3) February 23— Disbursernents 35 4) March 1— Disbursements 85 5) March 9— Disbursements 1 35 6) March 13— Disbursements 35 7) March 22 -6 Court Orders $9.00, allowed $6.00 3 00 8) March 24— Deputy 2 days 86.00, allow $4.00 2 00 9) April 1- 1Court Order $1.50, allow $1.00 50 10) April 3 —Court Order $1.50, allow $1.00 50 11) April 21—Auto $15.00, allow $6.00 9 00 12) May 8 —Auto $15.00, allow $6.00 9 00 13) May 9 and 10 —Auto $26.00, allow $2.00 24 00 14) May 16— Mileage 40 15) May 23 —Per diem $10.00, allow $5.00 5 00 16) May 23 —Auto $25.00, allow $10.00 15 00 17) June 3 -1 Deputy $3.00, allow $2.00 1 00 13) June 20— Disbursements 2 15 19) June 20— Disbursernents 2 55 20) July 1— Disbursements 1 2,5 21) July' 5— Disbursements 1 50 22) July 5 -2 Deputies $6.00, allow $4.00 2 00 23) July 11 —Auto $10.00, allow $6.00 4 00 The Supervisors' Proceedings 143 24) July 12 —Auto $12.00, allow $6.00 6 00 25) July 20 -2 Deputies $6.00, allow $4.00 2 00. 26) July 23— Disbursements 1 75 27) July 31— Livery and hotel 6 70 28) August 1— Mileage and livery $2.60, allow $2.00 1 60 29) August 2— Mileage and livery $2.50, allow $1.50 1 00 30) August 6— Disbursements 2 00 31) August 9 —Auto $16.00, allow $6.00 10 00 32) August 9— Disbursements 1 50 33) August 12— Deputy $3.00, allow $2.00 1 00 34) August 18 —Auto $15.00, allow $6.00 9 00 35) August 19— Mileage 1 80 36) August 205 Court Orders $7.50, allow $5.00 2 50 37) August 23 -2 Court Orders $3.00, allow $2.0 1 00 38) August 27— Disbursements 50 39) August 31 —Per diem $10.00, allow $5.00 5 00 40) August 31— Deputy $6.00, allow $2.00 4 00 41) August 31 —Auto $15.00, allow $10.00 5 00 42) September 3— Deputy $15.00, allow $6.00 9 00 43) September 4— Mileage 1 40 44) September 7 —Auto $5.00, allow $4.00 3 00 45) September 8 —Auto $5.00, allow $3.00 2 00 46) September 16— Deputy $3.00, allow $2.00 1 00 47) September 18--Deputy $3.00, allow $2.00 1 00 48) September 25— Livery and mileage $1.30, allow $1.00 30 49) October 15— Livery and I3otel 6 70 Total cut 177 00 Bill No. 98 was considered and passed upon item by item as fol- lows: On motion duly made and seconded, item 1 of the above report on Bill No. 98 was disallowed by an unanimous vote. On motion duly made and seconded, items 7, 9, 1o, 14 and 15, 36 and 39 of the above report on Bill 98 were audited at the amounts respectively as recommended by unanimous votes. On motions duly made and seconded items 2, 3, 8, 39 and 40 were audited at the amounts respectively as recommended by unani- mous votes of the members voting. Mr. Beach was excused from voting. 1 144 The Supervisors' Proceedings On motions duly made and seconded items 4, 23, 31, were audit- ed at the amounts respectively as recommended. Ayes.- Messrs. Gallagher, Todd, Chappuis, Smith, Preswick, Par- ker, Patterson, Davis, Mackey and White, Jones.-i i. Nays.- Messrs. Beach and McAllaster. -2. On motions duly made and seconded items 5, 6, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 3 3 33, 34, 35, 3 4 43, 45, 46, 47, 48 and 49 were audited at the amounts respectively as recom- mended. Ayes-Messrs. Gallagher, Todd, - Chappuis, Smith, Jones, Pres- wick, Parker, Patterson, Davis, 'Mackey, McAllaster and White. -12. Nays-Mr. Beach. -1. On motion duly made and seconded, item 'it was audited at $6.00 instead of $15.00 claimed as recommended. Ayes.- Messrs. Gallagher, Chappuis, Smith, Jones, Parker, Patter- son, Davis, Mackey, McAllaster and White. -to. Nays.- Messrs. Preswick and Peach. 2. Mr. Todd was excused from voting. On motion duly made and seconded item 42 was audited at $6.00' instead of $15.00 claimed as recommended.1' Ayes. - Messrs. Gallagher, Todd, Chappuis,'Smith, 6Jones,'Patter- son, Davis, Mackey, McAllaster, White and Parker. -u. Nays. 'Mc. Beach. =1. Mr. Preswick was excused from -voting. The Supervisors' Proceedings 145 On motion duly made and seconded item 44 was audited at $2.00 as recommended instead of $g.00 claimed. Ayes.— Messrs. Gallagher, Chappuis, Smith, Jones, Preswick, Patterson, Davis, Mackey, McAllaster, Parker and White. —n. Nays.— Messrs. Todd and Beach. -2. On motion duly made and seconded Bill No. 98 was audited at as recommended by the Committee on Sheriff's Accounts in- stead of $2,486.94 claimed. Ayes. — Messrs. Gallagher, Todd, Chappuis, Smith, Jones, Parker, Patterson, Davis, Mackey, McAllaster and White.—t r. Nays. — Messrs. Preswick and Beach. -2. By Mr. Mackey: Resolved, That the Sheriff or any other officer authorized by him be allowed the sum of $5.00 'per day and actual necessary expenses while con- veying prisoners to any institution either penal, charitable other to which he is required to convey such, and if any attendant is required by statute they or such person shall have railroad fare a nd $3.00 per day while per- forming such service. On motion of Mr. Preswick the same was adopted. On motion the Board adjourned. Afternoon. Session. Roll call. Quorum present. By Mr. Preswick: Resolved, That there .be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the County of Tompkins the sum of $175.00 to pay janitor at County Clerk's Office for ensueing year. 10 146 The Supervisors' Proceedings On motion of Mr. Pattersoni the same was ,adopted by an un- animous vote: Mr. Mr. Aiken: Resolved, That in accordance with a resolution of the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses, there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Ulysses the sum of $644.41 for deficiency in the bridge fund. On motion of I1r. White the same was adopted by an unanimous vote. On motion of Mr. Todd, the matter relative to the books in the County Judge's office belonging to the County was laid on the table. Mr. R. G. H. Speed was given the privilege of the floor and he tendered to the Board the unearned premiums on the policies•surrend- eyed by the County to the Tompkins Co- Operative Insurance Com- pany and demanded the 'return to him of the personal guaranty held by the County. On motion of Mr. Preswick the money was accepted, a receipt therefor given by the insurance committee, and the Clerk directed to return to Mr. Speed the personal guaranty. By Mr. Parker: Resolved, That there be levied upon and collected from the taxable N, property of the City of Ithaca the sum ,of :thirty-four 'Dollars ($34.00) for service of Bert T. Baker for making descriptlons,of property of delinquent tax payers for the Tax Sale of 1908. On motion of Mr. Jones the same was adopted by an unanimous vote. On motion of Mr. Davis, the report of the Committee on the . Sheriff's Accounts submitted at the morning session was accepted and adopted. On motions 'duly made and seconded, the following bifls•were 1 The Supervisors' Proceedings 147 audited at the full amounts claimed as recommended by the Com- mittee on Miscellaneous Claims, to wit: Bills Nos..142, 143, 144, 145, 146 , 147, 148, 149, 1 151 , 152 , 153, 154 , 156 , 157, 158 , 159, i6o and 161, by unanimous votes. By Mr. Beach: Resolved, That pursuant to Sect. 8, Chap. 298, Laws of 1909, the salary of the Deputy County Clerk be $500.00 per annum; that the salary of the Search Clerk be $500.00 per annum, and in case the County Clerk appoints the same person to fill both of said positions such person shall re- ceive both of said salaries; that the salary of the first assistant to the County Clerk be $600,00 per annum and that the sum of $900.00 per annum be fixed to pay the salaries of all additional assistants appointed by the County Clerk to serve at the expense of the County of Tompkins. Its adoption was moved by Mr. Todd. By Mr. White: Resolved, as an amendment, that the salary of the Deputy County Clerk be $900.00 per year; that the salary of the Search Clerk be $G00.00 per year; and that the sum of $1,000.00 per annum be fixed to pay the salaries of all additional assistants appointed by the County Clerk to serve at the expense of the County of Tompkins. On motion of•Dr. Gallagher the amendment was adopted. Ayes.— Messrs. Gallagher, Chappuis, Preswick, Parker, Patterson, Davis, McAllaster and White. -8. Nays.— Messrs. Tod, Smith, Jones, Beach and Mackey. -5. The original resolution as amended was adopted. Ayes. — Messrs. Gallagher, Chappuis, Preswick, Parker, Patter- son, Davis, McAllaster and White. -8. Nays.— Messrs. Smith, Jones, Beach and Mackey. -4. By Mr. Beach: That pursuant to Sect. 3 of Chap. 298 of the Laws of 1909, the County 148 ,The b upervnsors' ' Proceedings. Clerk of the County of Tompkins shall, charge and collect for searching and certifying the title•to and incumbrances upon real property for each year for which the seardh is made for each name and each kind of con- veyance or lien a fee of two cents. On motion of Mr. Beach the same was adopted. By Mr. Todd: Resolved, That the salaries of the County Clerk -and his assistants be paid by the County Treasurer from the receipts of the County Clerk's Office; and in case a deficiency should arise, said deficiency shall be supplied by any funds in said Treasurer's hands not otherwise appropriated. On motion of Dr. Gallagher the same was adopted. By Mr. Parker: Resolved, That the compensation of the official papers of the County for the publication of Sessions Laws as provided by Chap. 1G, Laws of 1909, be fixed at twenty -five cents per folio. On motion of Mr. White the salve was adopted. By Mr. Todd: Motion when the Board adjourns that it adjourn to December 31st at 10 A. M. Carried.r On motion the Board adjourned to 7. P. M. Evening Session. Roll call. Ouorum present. By Dr. Gallagher: Resolved, That the County Jail Improvement Bond including interest thereon be paid out of the surplus county moneys in the hands of the County Treasurer. The S'upervistrrs" Proceedings 149 On motion of Mr. Chappuis the same was adopted. By Mr. Aiken: Resolved; That there. be re- asessed and collected from the taxable property in the Town of Ulyssses the following sums, to wit: Ovid Electric Co., tax and fees of 1907 17 24 Ovid Electric Co., tax and fees of 1908 17 12 Western Union, Telegraph Co., tax of 1908 1 04 S. E. Banks, tax of 1908 4 33 On notion of Mr. Smith the same was adopted. To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: Your Committee on Appropriations respectfully report that it will be necessary to raise in the tax levy of 1909 the sums set forth in the budgets a of the several towns of Tompkins County and of the City of Ithaca and offer the following resolution: Resolved, That there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the several towns and the City of Ithaca comprising the County of Tompkins and from the County at large the sums herein set ,forth for the following purposes: STATE TAX -1909. For Stenographers and Clerks, Sixth Judicial District $1,358.13. COUNTY TAX -1909. County Audits 14,801 16 Salary, County Judge and Surrogate, 1910 3,500 00 Salary, Special County Judge and Surrogate, 1910 200 00 Salary, County Court and Surrogate's Stenographer, 1910 75000 Salary, Surrogate's Clerk, 1910 500 00 Salary, District Attorney, 1910 1,200 00 Salary, County Treasurer, 1910 .1,000 - 00 Salary, Chaplain County Almshouse, 1910 100 00 Salary, Chaplain County Jail, 1910 52 00 Salary, Walter McKee], County Superintendent of Poor, 1910 200 00 Salary, Wm. 1). Baldwin, Superintendent of the Poor, 1910 200 00 Salary, Wm. P. Harrington, Superintendent of the Poor 1910 200 00 Salary, Janitor Court House and Jail, 1910 350 00 Salary, Janitor County Clerk's Office, 1910 175 00 Salary, Physician at Almshouse, 1910 250 00 Salary, Clerk of the Board, 1909 -1910 500 00 Salary, Keeper of Almshouse, 1910 800 00 a 150 The Supervisors' Proceedings Clerk,of Board for postage 20 00 County Treasurer for postage 35 "00 Fuel and lights, 1910,1,000 00 Court Expenses, 1910 6,000 00 Support of the Poor, County Almshouse, 1910 1,800 00 Burial Fund indigent Soldiers and Sailors 1,000 00 Election Printing 128 52 Amount to pay Good Roads Bonds 5,000 00 Interest on Good Roads 13onds -2,500 00 Partial Payment for printing Proceedings of Board of 1909 500 00 Western New York Institution for Deaf Mutes 300 00 Craig Colony 38 89 George Junior Republic 312 00 St. Ann's School of Industry 476 57 Monroe County Penitentiary 746 96 Ithaca Children's Home 3 50 Insurance premiums on County Property 63 38 Inter -Ocean Tel. & Tel. Company 5 00 Transit for County Superintendent of Highways 100 00 County Superintendent of Highways, salary 1,200 00 County Superintendent of Highways, expenses to Dec. 1st 200 00 Repairs in Court House 91 04 Balance architect fees on Jail addition 82 50 To purchase typewriters in County Clerk's Office 200 00 County Clerk's Bond 45 00' To re- imburse Walter McKeel for telephone 5 00 Wesley Owen for repairs to door judge's office 3 07 Total 46,630 •09 CAROLINE TAX -1909. State Tax 55 00 County Tax 1,888 52 Audits 1,858 29 Memorial Day 20 00 Soldiers Relief 75 00 Mrs. Charles Hazen, erroneous tax 7 00 Maintenance Catskill Turnpike, Sec. 3, Road No. 483 200 00 Support of the Poor, Almshouse 108 35 School Commissioner 25 27 Returned Tax 1 46 Repair and Construction of bridges 600 00 To purchase and repair road machinery 50 00 , For removal of obstructions caused by snow and Mis. Purposes60 00 Election Printing 73 96 Total 5,022 86 The Supee i&sfl' Proctedui..gs 151 Highway Tax 2,700 00 Dog Tax 92 75 DANBY TAX -1909. State Tax 52 97 County Tax 1,818 58 Audits 2,381 71 Support of the Poor, Almshouse 209 24 Election Printing GG 60 School Commissioner 33 27 Returned Tax 51 Repair and construction of bridges 900 00 To purchase and repair road machinery 150 00• For removal of obstruction caused by snow and Mis., purposes 150 00 Total 5 762 88 Highway Tax 2.000 00 Dog Tax 160 00 DRYDEN TAX -1909. State Tax 154 01 County Tax 5,287 86 Audits 2,870 95 Support of the town poor 250 00 Maintenance of Catskill Turnpike, Sec. 2; Catskill Turnpike ' Sec 3; Ithaca- Dryden Road Sec. 1 300 00 Support of Poor, Almshouse 523 09 Election Printing 148 96' School Commissioner 70 12 Susquehanna Valley Home'130 58 Returned- Tax -61. 70 Repair and construction of bridges 1.000 00 , To purchase and repair of road machinery 420 00 For removal of obstructions of highways caused by snow and other miscellaneous purposes 404 00 Total 11,621 27 Highway Tax 6,049 52 Dog 'Pax 186 50 ENFIELD TAX -1909. State Tax 44 00 County Tax'1,510 81 152 The Supervisors' Proceedings Audits 1,000 37 Bonded indebtedness 1,473 50 Returned Tax 4 75 Support of Poor, Almshouse 93 74 Election printing 41 10 School Commissioner 27 52 To purchase and repair of road machinery 250 00 For removal of. obstruction of highways caused by snow and other miscellaneous purposes 150 00 Total 4,595 79 Higlnsay Tax 1,400 00 Dog Tax 49 50 GROTON TAX -1909. State Tax 115 85 County Tax 3,977 54 Audits 2,675' 03 U. S. Voting machines note and interest 210 00 Indigent soldiers and sailors, marines and families 100 00 Memorial Day services 50 00 Bridge Plank 500 00 Support of Poor, Almshouse 104 65 Election printing 121 95 School Commissioner 52 89 Returned Tax 68 Syracuse Institution for Feeble- minded Children 40 00 Repair and construction of bridges 800 00 To purchase and repair road machinery 500 00 For removal of snow and other miscellaneous purposes 500 00 Total 9,807 12 Highway Tax 3,200 00 Dog Tax 291 00 ITHACA CITY —TAX 1 OR 1909. State Tars 600 43 County Tax 20,615 16 Support of Poor, Almshouse 1,766 14 Election Printing 204 30 Distributing Proceedings of Board 10 00 County Treasurer's expenses collecting returned taxes 15 00 III The Supervisors' Proceedings -153 Bert T. Baker describing property for Tax Sale 34 00 Total 23,245. 03 ITHACA TOWN —TAX FOR 1909. State Tax 63 97 County Tax 2,196 28 Audits 1,942 58 Support of town poor 250 00 Support of Poor, Almshouse 220 71 Election Printing 52 80 School Commissioner 39 94 Returned Tax 94 46 Maintenance and repair, Road No. 72, Catskill Turnpike; Road No. 454, Ithaca Road; Road No. 606, Hanshaw's Corners; Road No. 455, Wyckoff Road; Road No. 336, Cayuga Heights Road, No. 681, Ithaca - Dryden Road, No. 616, Trumainsburg Road 700 00 Repair and construction of bridges 2,300 00 To purchase and repair of road machinery 150 00 For removal of snow and other miscellaneous purposes 100 00 Total 8 110 74 Highway Tax 2 400 00 Dog Tax 102 25 LANSING TAX -1909. State Tax 113 27 County Tax 3,888 95 Audits 2,338 54 Notes -and interest to Ithaca Savings Bank due February 15 1,120 00 To re- imburse fund on , account of money advanced to Harriet Krotts 615 00 Maintenance Road No. 336, Cayuga Heights 100 00 Support of Poor, Almshouse 328 19 Election Printing 89 71 School Commissioner 51 75 Repair and construction of bridges 325 00 To purchase and repair of road machinery 100 00 For removal of snow and other miscellaneous purposes 100 00 Total 9.170 41 Highway Tax 2 765 96 Dog Tax 165 00 154 The Supervisors' Proceedings NEWFIELD TAX -1909. State Tax 55 14 County Tax 1,893 18 Audits 1,783 07 Support of town Poor 50 00 Newfield Soldiers, Veterans and Citizens' Mein. Assn.,20 00 Newfield Free Town Library 100 00 Bonded Indebtedness, principal 2,000 00 Bonded Indebtedness, interest 1,015 00 Repair and construction of bridges 200 00 To purchase and repair of road machinery 200 00 For removal of snow and other miscellaneous purposes 300 00 Support of Poor, Almshouse 274 59 Election Printing 79 20 School Commissioner 34 56 Syracuse Institution for Feeble Minded Children 40 00 Returned tax 89 24 Total 8,133 98 Highway Tax 2,200 00 , Dog Tax 88 00 ULYSSES TAX -1909. State Tax 103 49 County Tax 3,553 21 Audits 2,308 96 Indigent soldiers and sailors 100 00' Support of the town poor 500 00 Memorial Day Observance 50 00 Bonded- Indebtedness, principal 2,000 00 Bonded Indebtedness, interest 1,155 00' Maintenance Road No. 616, Trumansburg- Ithaca Road 300 00 Support of Poor, Almshouse 108 64 Election Printing 100 21 School Commissioner 64 71 Susquehanna. Valley Home 138 22 Syracuse Institution - for Feeble Minded Children 20 00' Returned Tax 325 112 Renoir and construction of bridges 1,000 00 To purchase and repair of road machinery 300 00 For removal of snow and other miscellaneous purposes 100 00 For deficiency of bridge fund 694 91 Total 13,871. 97 The Supervisors' Proceedings 155 Highway Tax 3,277 46 Dog Tax 182 00 E. 13. AIKEN, JOHN W. PRESWICK, P. A. TODD, CHARLES H. BEACH, WILLIAM H. PAIRKEIt, Appropriations Committee. On notion of Mr. Mackey, the report was accepted and the amounts ordered levied upon and collected from the taxable property of tlfe several towns, the City of Ithaca and the County at large the sums as therein set forth by an unanimous vote. By Mr. Todd: Resolved, That this Board hereby extends its thanks to F. 13. Aiken for the efficient service and courteous treatment of each member of this Board as its Chairman. On motion of Mt. Chappuis the resolution was adopted by an un- animous vote. By Mr. Aiken: Resolved, That this Board extend its thanks to its Clerk, Bert T. Baker, for the efficient and courteous manner in which he has performed the duties of his'offce. On motion of Air. Preswicic the same was adopted. By Mr. Mackey. Resolved, That we extend a vote of thanks to the Ithaea'Daily Journal fpr furnishing their daily paper to members of this Board during the an- nual session. On motion of Mr. Preswick the same was adopted. On motion the Board adjourned to December 31st at to A. M. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. 156 ic Supervisors' Proceedings TWENTY -NINTH DAY. Friday, December 31st, 1909. Morning Session. Roll call. Quorum present. The - morning session was devoted to preparing and signing the tax warrants. On motion the Board adjourned. Afternoon Session. Roll call. Quorum present. The minutes of December 21st were read and approved. The Clerk read a notification from the State Highway Com- mission that the Catskill Turnpike, Sect. 3, Road No. 483, would be accepted unless protest in writing to such acceptance was made with- in twenty days.L By Mr. Jones: Whereas this Board on the 13th day of December, 1909, designated certain highways within the County of Tompkins for improvement In 1911, and Whereas, a portion of said highways so designated, extending from Rhodes Corners at a point in the Ithaca - Dryden Road No. 681, has not been surveyed for improvement by state aid as a county highway, and Whereas, a petition for such improvement has been duly made by this Roard and filed, The Supervisors' Proceedings 157 Be it Resolved, That said portion of highway take precedence over highways already surveyed for improvement for the reason that It is the principally traveled thoroughfare from the Villages of Groton, Freeville and Etna to the City of Ithaca, the County seat of the County of Tomp- kins; that it connects with the County and State Road No. 681 at Rhodes Corners making a continuous macadamized road from the Villages of Groton, Peruville, Freeville and Etna to said City of Ithaca and accomo- dates all the residents of the north -cast portion of the County of Tomp- kins with its County Seat by a macadamized road and Be it further Resolved, That this Board requests the State Highway Commision to survey said portion of highway for improvement as a State • and County Road, and Be it further Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board send a certifled copy of this resolution to the State Highway Commission forthwith. On motion of Mr. Beach the same was adopted. By Mr. Parker: Resolved, That the County Treasurer pay from any unexpended moneys in his hands on the order of the printing commitoe to the Central City Rubber Stamp Works such sum as may be necessary to purchase a new County Clerk's Seal and to have new dies put in the large seal now in use. On motion of Mr..Preswick the same was adopted by an un- animous vote. By Mr. Smith: Resolved, That the Building Committee in conjunction with the Clerk of this Board purchase new desks for the use of the Chairman and Clerk of this Board in the rooms of the Board, and that the County Treasurer' pay from any unexpended funds in his hands for the :same. On motion of Mr. Preswick the same was adopted by an unani- mous vote. On notion of Mr. White the Building Committee were in- structed to .make needed and suitable improvements in the offices of the County Judge and Surrogate. 158 The Supervisors' Proceedings On motion of Mr. Davis, Mr. Court Bellis of the City of Ithaca, N. Y., was appointed Sealer of Weights and Measures of Tompkins County for the ensuing year. 13y Mr. Jones: Resolved, That the tax as extended on the tax rolls of the several towns and the City of Ithaca be confirmed and that warrants be issued to the collectors of the various towns and the City of Ithaca for the collection 4 of the same, signed by the Chairman and Clerk of this Board and the Seal of the County affixed as required by law. On motion of Mr. Chappuis, the same was adopted by an unani- mous vote. By Mr. Jones: Resolved, That the correction of clerical errors in various assessment rolls of the County, the assessments and valuations as • corrected on said assessment rolls, the taxes levied upon the several property owners of the various school districts of the County, and the taxes levied upon the sev- eral towns in accordance with the recommendations of the committee on erroneous assessments and all changes necessary to be made in order to conform to the requirements of the law be, and the same are hereby ratified, confirmed and legalized. On notion of Mr. Parker the same was adopted by an unani- mous vote. By Mr. Preswick:c Resolved. That the Good Roads Construction Committee of this Board be continued and that it consist of the two remaining members, Messrs. Parker and Gallagher; that it hereby -Is authorized and empowered to ad- just all unsettled matters and to draw and sign all necessary orders on the County Treasure; on account of the Good Roads Fund, and that it shall have all the 'powers given to It by the Board in the past. On motion of Mr. White the same was adopted. On motion of Mr. Chappuis, the Chairman was authorized to ap -• point one member of the Board to take the place of the retiring mem- The Supervisors' Proceedings 159 ber, Mr. Beach, as the Committee of one on the refund of State High- ways Moneys. The Chairman appointed as such Committee Mr. Chappuis. The minutes for the day were read and approved. On motion of Mr. White the Board adjourned sine die. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. 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Uy i ` i W m C C-- s W 0 0 4, . c O E (•1 r 0 0 0 .C- - n.I . v O N N w o. A sA F of 0 T_o V 0o00G+UFU OdL yG /2cu°CC.,+O C,y ... ti ry . 00 y ti F o F L v r oEO . x' G Tid - N H.0 'V V ^A.4 i. ; A6 Q N N C ) u O O 0 VuO an = 02- T V V la O 00 Ot'.1 v 0 N 0 c VUUUCJF 0 o N E"mUFI U.`. E C 0 0 40v0 0 N 0 0 vV N c V voAM1.. 0 V 0 e e j ma. O h h c C N t C 0 _T ORIOPIOnrli 11=174H F17. i-1 The Supervisors' -Proceedinils 161 COUNTY AUDITS State of New York, County of Tompkins,. Board of Supervisors. —ss. I, Bert T. Baker, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins, hereby certify that the following abstract comprises all the bills and accounts against the County of Tompkins presented to said Board of Supervisors at its annual session for the year 1. 909, showing the name of each claimant, the true nature of the account, the amount originally claim - ied and the amount as finally allowed and audited by said Board. BERT T. BATTER, Clerk. fy Clerk. 3 No.Name.Nature of Service.Claimed.Allowed. 1. Dr. Wilber G. Fish, coroner 120 25 120 25 2. Matthew Bonder & Co., law books( disallowed) 20 00 3. Andrus & Church, supplies, sheriff 85 85 4. C. V. Bush, bookkeeping 53 00 53 00 5. E. A.. Snow, painting, etc., assigned to F. B. Aiken 20 45 20 45 6. Dr. Wilber G. Fish, coroner 30 00 30 00 7. Matthew Bender & Co., law books, (disallowed) 50 50 8. Wyckoff Phonographic Institute Co., supplies, Judge's office 1 10 1 10 9. Richard E. Lusk & Son, supplies, County Clerk 11 75 11 75 10. Matthew Bender & Co., law books, (disallowed) 4 50 11. Frederick W. Sanford, work at jall, assigned to E.J. Mono 2 64 2 64 12. S. R. Tisdell, supplies,, Court 19ouso 1 75 1 75 13. Mathew Bender & Co., law books, (disallowed) 4 50 14. New York Telephone Co.. telephone service150 00 150 00 15. Fred Hefter, work. Clerk's office 1 00 1 00 16. J. D. Bartley, supplies, County Clerk 5 25 5 25 11 162 Thu Supervisors' Proceedings No.Name.Naturo of Et rvice.Claimed.Allowed. 17. Elliott- Fisher Co., supplies, Co. Clerk, re- jected 7 00 18. umpire State Housefurnishing Co., supplies, Clerk's office 7 78 7 78 19. Harry Medlin, painting at jail, assigned to 1 John Naughton 95 15 86 75 20. G. J. Allen, supplies at jail 12 00 12 00 51. Wm. Hasard, supplies, Almshouse 22 93 22 93 22. Taylor & Carpenter, supplies, County Clerk and Judge 29 25 29 25 23. Hall & McChesney, supplies, County Clerk 90 00 90 00 24. Fred C. Evans, road signs 3 00 3 00 25. Forest City Plumbing Co., plumbing, jail, etc , 14 75 14 75 26. S. 14. Clapp, supervisors cow. work 20 33 20 33 . 27. Ithaca Daily News, printing notices, etc.368 53 313 03 28. A. H. Platts & Co., supplies, prisoners, re- jeeted)1 75 29. S. R. Tisdell, supplies at jail 1 50 1 50 30. 0. G. Noble, justice of the peace 4 10 4 10 II31. Williams Bras., work, Court House 54 90 54 90 32, Weekly Ithacan, - publishing notices 33 75 6 00 33. City of Ithaca, city water 236 95 236 95 t 34. Weekly Ithacan, printing 11 51 11 51 35. Dr. J. S. Elrkend tll, exam. in lunacy 5 00 5 00 36. The J. B. Lang Engine and Garage Co., work at fAlmshouse3260832608 f37. The Biggs Co., supplies at Almshouse 57 35 57 35 t 38. Dr_. J. J. Montgomery, exam. in lunacy 5 00 5 00 39. L. F. Colegrove, justice of the peace 28 65 28 65 40. H. A. Strong, deputy sheriff 3 74 3 74 41. Charles Hyde. constable 4 15 4 15 42. H. S. Hopkins, justice of the peace •2 65 2 65 43.•Dr. B. C. Tarbell, coroner 10 70 10 70 44. City of Ithaca, Recorder bill 81 25 81 25 45. George W. Benham, supplies, jail 16 60 16 50 46. Frank M. Bull, justice of the peace 6 00 6 00 47. C. E. Seaman, livery 11 50 7 50 48. B. L. Robinson, coroner's physician 6 00 5 00 49. Wm. D. Baldwin, mileage account 34 98 34 98 50. I4. S. Hopkins, justice of the peace •6 65 6 55 51. Wm. D. Baldwin, telephone service 10 00 10 00 52. Chas. Hyde, constable 10 80 '10 80 53. J. B. Thatcher, justice of the peace.1 85 1 85 54. Fidelity & Deposit Co., County Treas. bond, jail Itnprovement 10'00 10 '00 I y 17ee Supervisors' Proceedings 163 No.Name.Nature of Service.claimed.Allowed. 55. John A. Genung, ex- sheriff, service bill 345 59 305 96 56. Ulysses Telephone Co., telephone for school commissioner, withdrawn 12 00 57. Walter McKee', expense account 21 20 15 90 68. Todd, Blackmer & Co., supplies, jail 34 58 34 58 59. Fahey & Brady, supplies for jail 7 00 7 . 00 60. John A. Genung, ex- sheriff, jail bill 163 23 163 23 61. Dr. D. P. Terry, coroner 27 00 6 20 62. Edward H. Frear, justice of the peace 156 25 156 25 63. Edward J. Alone, services as Clerk and At- torney 274 42 274 42 64. Norton Printing Co., printing supplies 41 15 41 15 65. Driscoll Bros. & Co., supplies, Almshouse, etc7 99 7 99 66. A. H. Overacker, county clerk 900 48 900 48 67. Edward J. Mono, services for committees 161 70 161 70 68. H. 11. house, work at jail 26 93 26 93 69. Fred Schrader, excise investigations 33 00 33 00 70. Wm. P. Harrington, expense account 22 60 18 65 . 71. Edward J. Alone, attorney services 300 00 300 00 72. A. H. Overacker, court bill 611 57 511 57 73. Ithaca Journal, election supplies 932 62 871 28 74. John D. Beardsley, supplies, Judge's office13 50 13 60 75. Banks & Co., law books, (disallowed)3 50 76. A. H. Overacker, election bill 254 71 254 71 77. Ithaca Journal. election supplies, city 250 94 209 03 78. Pinkerton National Detective Agency, detective services 62 96 62 96 79. Henry 11. Norris, services for Dist. At 37 50 37 50 80.. Michael A. Lettes, interpreter 35 00 35 00 81. C. J. Itumsey & Co., hardware supplies 23 38 23 38 82. Ithaca Journal, general printing 580 40 580 40 83. 11. J. Boo' Co., services and supplies 48 83 48 83 84. J. Will Tree, binding books 130 50 130 50 85. Ithaca Telephone Co.. telephone service 150 00 150 00' 86. Ithaca Journal, bal. printing proceedings88 00 88 00 87. Todd, Blackmer & Co., supplies for jail 20 00 20 00 88. Ithaca Children's Home, care of inmates 8 50• 89. Susquehanna Valley Horne, care of inmates268 80•. 90. St. Ann's School of Industry and Reforma- tory, care of inmates 476 57 91. Syracuse Institution for Feeble- minded Chil- dren, care of inmates 100 00 92. George Junior Republic, care of Inmates 312 00• 93. George Junior Republic, care of Inmates, withdrawn)312 00 i 164 1'he Supervisors' Proceedings No.Name.Nature of Service. 'Claimed.Allowed. 94. Western New York Institution for Deaf Mutes, care of inmates 300 00" 95. Craig Colony, care of inmates 38 S9" 96. Monroe County Penitentiary, care of inmates 746 96• 97. Dr. J. M. Townsend, exam. in lunacy 10 00 10 00 98. J. G. Wortman, sheriff, service bill 2456 94 2309 94 99. T. G. Miller & Sons, supplies Co. Clerk, etc282 50 282 50 100. Willard M. Kent, Dis. Atty. expenses 116 23 11G 23 101. Williamson Law Book Co., law books, Dist. Attorney, (disallowed)42 00 102. J. G. Wortman, sheriff, jail bill 2272 71 2272 71 103: E. H. Bostwick, attorney services 5 00 5 00 104. Atkinson & Slitchell, printing supplies 33 29 3S 29 105. Dr. H. L. VanPelt, jail physician 80 00 80 00 106. Dr. H. L. VanPelt, jail physician, (rejected) 10 00 107. Dr. II. L. VanPelt, expert testimony, (rejected) 15 00 108. - Williamson Law Book Co., law book, disallowed)5 00 109. J. B. Lang Engine and Garage Co., auto hire10 90 s 10 .90 110. Barr Bros., hardware supplies, roads, (with- drawn)9 82 111. W. A. Smith, coroner's physician 5 00 5 00 112. Empire Detective Agency, detective services147 57 69 48 113. J. 13. Lyon Co., highway •code, (disallowed)3 50 114. West Disinfecting Co., disinfectants, jail 8 75 8 75 115. Elliott - Fisher_ Co., supplies, Co. Clerk, re- jected) 3 65 116. Munson Supply Co., supplies, Sur. Off.,7 00 7 00 117. R. F. Chappuis. special sessions 37 44 37 44 118. Dr. W. C. Gallagher, special sessions 27 20 27 20 119. R. F. Chappuis, committee work 32 25 32 25 120. Wheeler Smith, special sessions 23 00 28 00 I 121. F. A. Todd, special sessions 33 60 33 60 122. John W. Preswick, special sessions 25 92 25 92 123. Wheeler Smith, committee work 8 00 8 00 124. John W. Preswick, committee work 7 25 7 25 125. L. E. Patterson, special session and com. work 36 00 36 00 126. F. 13. Aiken, spec. sessions and com. work36 48 36 48 127. Chas. A. Mackey, special sessions 24 00 24 00 128. Orlando White, special sessions 36 48 36 48 129. F. 13. Davis, special sessions,.24 00 24 00 130. Charles 11. Beach, special sessions 24 00 24 00 131. Orlando White, committee work 20 00 20 00 132. John W. Jones, spec. session and com. work55 04 55 04 133. Wm. H. Parker, spec. sessions and com. work 76 00 7G 00 t The Supervisors' Procccd>ntgs 165 No.Name.Nature of Service.Claimed.Allowed. 134. Orlando White, 'phone service 1 95 1 95 135. Charles 11. Beach, committee work 52 41 52 41 136. F. B. Aiken, committee work 41 00 41 00 137. B. F. McAllaster, special sessions and commit- tee work 45 20 45 20 138. Wm. li. Parker, committee work 68 00 68 00 139. Dr. W. C. Gallagher, committee work 128 00 128 00 140. L. E. Patterson, committee work 16 00 16 00 141. John W. Jones, committee work 16 00 16 00 142. Dr. W. C. Gallagher, committee work 216 00 216 00 143. Wm. H. Parker, 'phone calls 3 '70 3 70. 144. Charles H. Beach, 'phone calls and coin. work 245 00 245 00 145. Dr. W. C. Gallagher, committee work 84 00 84 00 146. Wm. H. Parker, committee work 212 00 212 00 147. Chas. H. Beach, committee work 93 85 93 85 148. Dr. W. C. Gallagher, service bill 148 44 148 44 149. F. A. Todd, service bill 143 20 143 20 150. R. F. Chappuis, service bill 176 62 176 62 151. Wheeler Smith, service bill 143 13 193 13 152. J. W. Prestwick, service bill 144 74 144 74 153. Wm. 11. Parker, service bill 120 00 120 00 , 154. L. E. Patterson, service bill 120 00 120 00 155. Charles H. Beach, service bill 120 00 120 00 156. Orlando White, service bill 152 11 152 11 157. F. 13. Aiken, service bill 160 16 160'16 158. F. B. Davis, service bill 179 99 179 94 159. Charles A. Mackey, service hill 171 94 171 94 160. John W. Jones, service bill 159 88 159 88 161. B. F. McAllaster, service bill 147 20 147 20 1 /Total 16,494 44 Good Road Bills to be deducted 810 00 Election Printing bills to be deducted 883 28 Total to be deducted 1693 28 Amount County Audits to be raised by tax 14,801 16 See County and Town Budgets. Pursuant to resolution of the Board all bills for services of the mem- bers of th'e Good Road Construction Committee and other expenses connect- ed with the Committee are to be paid from the Good Roads Funds.) 166 471e Supervisors' Proceedings TOWN AUDITS CAROLINE. County df Tompkins —Town of Caroline, N. Y. We, the undersigned, the Board of Town Auditors of Said 'Town, do hereby certify: That the following is an abstract of the names of all per- sons who have presented to said Board, accounts to be audited, the amounts claimed by each of said persons, and the amounts finally audited to them respectively, to wit: No.Name.Nature of Claim.Claimed.Allowed. 1. Lamont C. Snow, poll clerk, Dist. No. 1 4 00 4 00 2. Herbert Whittaker, poll clerk, Dist. No. 1 4 00 4 00 3. Joseph McGrath, ballot clerk, Dist. No. 1 4 00 4 00 4. Chas. M. Jones, ballot clerk, Dist. No. 1 4 00 4 00 5. Lewis G. Rich, inspector, Dist. No. 1 12 00 12 00 6. Walter G. Osborn, inspector, Dist. No. 1 12 00 12 00 7. Leon Goodrich, inspector, Dist. No. 1 12 00 12 00 8. _Henry P. Winchell, inspector and messenger Dist. No. 1 17 96 17 96 9. Harry A. Davis, poll cleric, Dist. No. ^_4 00 4 00 10. Chas. H. Heath, poll clerk, Dist. N. 2 4 00 4 00 11. Jay Phillips, ballot clerk, Dist. No. 2 4 00 4 00 r 12. Frank PIttigrove, ballot clerk, Dist. No. 2 4 00 4 00 13. L. H. Gallagher, inspector and messenger, Dist. No. 2 17 72 17 72 14. C. L. Crandall. inspector; Dist. No. 2 12 00 12 00 15. John Doane, inspector, Dist. No. 2 12 00 12 00 16. 13owne Mullcs, inspector, Dist. No. 2 12 00 12 00 17. James F. Caveny, poll clerk, Dist. No. 3 4 00 4 00 18. C. R. Lounsbery, poll clerk, Dist. No. 3 4 00 4 00 19. Augustus Meddaugh, ballot clerk, Dist. No. 34 00 4 00 20. Martin Sloughter, ballot clerk, Dist. No. 3 4 00 4 00 21. Chas. M. Mulks, inspector, Dist. No. 3 12 00 12 00 22. Samuel Lacy, inspector, Dist. No. 3 12 00 12 00 23. DeWitt F. Roe, inspector, Dist. No. 3 12 00 12 00 24. W. T. Graham, inspector and messenger, Diet. No. 3 17 76 17 76 Phu Supervisors' Proceedings 167 No.Name. Nature of Service.Claimed.Allowed. 25. E. H. Card, hall rent 13 00 13 00 26. W. C. Gallagher, supervisor, foe 18 00 18 00 27. F. A. Snow, Justice Peace, fee 18 00 18 00 28. E. 11. Mitchell, Justice Peace, fee 18 00 18 00 29. R. E. Brink, hall rent 1 00 13 00 30. C. W. Personius, assessor, fee 29 91 29 91 31. Chas. E. Houghtaling, law blanks 1 35 1 35 32. Leroy McWhorter, assessor, fee 26 60 26 60 33. Ithaca Jounal, printing 33 10 32 10 34. Bert T. Baker, description tax sale 5 00 5 00 35. A. G. Watkins, vital statistics 1 25 1 25 36. G. K. Doughty, Justice Peace, fee 20 00 20 00 37. 3. C. Bennett., reg. vital statistics 19 25 19 25 38. J. C. Bennett, town clerk, fee 77 '56 77 66 39. Andrus & Church, assessment rolls 4 00 4 00 40., Theo. Eightney, freight hill 2 50 2 50 41. D. W. Griffin, constable, fee 14 65 14 66 42. John Davis, truant officer 25 00 25 00 43. J. E. Vandemark, hall rent and carting booth 10 00 16 00 44. F. M. Bull, criminal fee. Justice Peace 20 00 20 00 45. Theo. Eighrney, town superintendent, fee 351 00 351 00 46. F. M. Bull, Justice Peace, fee 14 00 14 00 47. Chas. E. Westervelt, printing highway report10 00 10 00 48. George R. Peck, ex- supervisor S2 95 82 95 49. L. A. Patch, overseer poor, fee 31 60 31 GO 50. C. Td. Gallagher, M. D., H. O. and vital statistics 53 65 53 65 51. W. W. Conrad, assessor, fee 35 00 35 00 52. B. F. Lockwood, M. D., vital statistics 9 50 2 50 53. W. W. Conrad. copying asssessment roll 00 8 00 54. 13. A. Chatfield, constable fee 19 15 19 15 55. W. C. Gallagher, fee on school money 29 50 29 50 56. Ira Bogardus, service on highway 18 60 13 50 57. W. R. Johnson. lodging tramps 4 25 4 25 58. Henry F. Lyrae, town supt., fee 413 00 413 00 59. A. B. Brooks & Son, medicines for H. O.7 58 7 58 60. .T. B. Overackcr, mileage fee, 1908 10 00 10 00 61. Wm, Overacker, mileage fee, 1908 12 00 12 00 62. J. C. Bennett., highway service 25 00 25 00 63. W. C. Gallagher, highway service 150 O0 150 00 1858 29 1858 29 State of New York, County of Tompkins, Town of Caroline. -ss We, the undersigned, being a majority of the Town Board of Audit of 168 4'Dc Supervisors' - Proceedings the Town of Caroline, N. Y., do hereby certify that the foregoing is a cor- redt list of accounts, which have been audited by us, With the amount claim- ed and the amount allowed. W. C. GALLAGHER, J. C. BENNETT, GARDNER K. DOUGHTY, E. H. MITCHELL, F. M. BULL, F. A. SNOW, iwn Auditors. DANBY. No.Name.' Nature of Claim.Claimed.Allowed. 1. F. L. Noursc, inspector, Dist. No. 1 12 00 12 00 2. George Comfort, inspector, Dist_ No: 1 12 00 12 00 3. Leverne Norris, inspector and messenger, Dist. No. I 17 75 17 75 4. \V. S. Judson, inspector, Dist. No. 1 12 00 12 00 5. Dewitt Allick, inspector, Dist. No. 2 12 00 12 00 6. Everett Loomis, inspector, Dist. No. 2 8 00 8 00 7. C. J. Weed, inspector and messenger, Dist. No. 2 17 88 17 88 8. Henry Hutchings, inspector, Dist. No. 2 12 00 12 00 9. Myron Wilcox, inspector, Dist. No. 3 12 00 12 00 10. W. L. Hotchkins, inspector and messenger, Dist. No. 3 17 88 17 88 11. Richard Hinds, inspector, Dist. No. 3 12 00 12 00 12. Earl J. Bogart, inspector, Dist. No. 3 12 00 12 00 13. Frank Eastman, poll clerk. Dist. No. 1 4 00 4 00 14. Chas. D. Sabin. ballot clerk 4 00 4 00 15. A. J. Tubbs, ballot clerk 4 00 4 00 16. Arthur Snyder, ballot clerk and inspector Dist. No. 2 8 00 8 00 17. A. Beach, ballot clerk, Dist. No. 2 4 00 4 00 18. • C. F. Manley. ballot clerk, Dist. No. 3 4 00 4 00 19. Oliver A. Dorn. ballot clerk, Dist. No. 3 4 00 4 00 20. W. A. Smiley, pall clerk, Dist. No. 3 4 00 4 00 21. F. A. Martin, poll clerk, Dist. No. 3 4 00 4 00 22. S. G. Crevelling• poll clerk, Dlst. No. 1 4 00 4 00 23. T. J. Hutchings, poll clerk, Dist. No. 2 4 00 4 00 24. D. M. Kellogg, poll clerk, Dist. No. 2 4 00 4 00 The Supervisors' Proceedings 169 No.Nance.Nature i : Service. Claimed.Allowed. 25. George Morris, assessor 27 75 27 75 26. Harrison Thayer, assessor 28 60 28 60 27. Henry Jennings, assessor 25 60 25 60 ti, 28. Theron W. Slocum, service, Justice Peace 30 76 30 76 29. Eugene Dorn, service, Justice Peace 40 48 40 48 30. Eugene Dorn, criminal 2 40 2 40 31. J. B. Thatcher, service, Justice Peace 25 24 25 24 32. Oliver Dorn, service, Justice Peace 21 60 21 60 6.33. F. A. Todd, per cent. on monies handled, supervisor 94 79 94 79 34. F. A. 'Todd, service 19 00 19 00 35. R. B. Meaker, service 78 66 78 66 36. 12. B. Meaker, vital statistics 11 00 11 00 37. Dr. H. C. Thatcher, vital statistics 2 25 2 25 38. Dr. C. R. Denman', vital statistics 7 50 7 50 39. Dr. C. F. Denman, health officer 12 00 12 00 40. Dr. C. F. Denman, poor bill 10 50 10 50 41. Dr. C. F. Denman, poor bill 17 00 17 00 42. Dr. 11. C. Thatcher, medical service 6 00 6 00 93. 'Arthur W. Beardsley, vital statistics 3 25 3 25 44. C. 1'. Nuttier & Son, highway supplies 8 48 8 48 45. Ithaca Journal, printing 36 10 36 10 46. Ithaca Journal, printing 1 50 1 50 47. Bert T. Baker, legal service 1 00 1 00 48. Frank D. Smiley, attendance ofileor 14 00 14 00 49. A. J. Snyder, hall rent 10 00 10 00 50. L. E. Cummings, hall rent 10 00 10 00 51. Andrus & Church. supplies 18 50 18 50 52. J. O. Miller, service. Town supt. highway567 50.567 50 53. Havilla Tuthill, service, assessor, '08 10 00 10 00 59. E. T. Woodhouse. erroneous dog tax 5 00 5 00 55. W. L. Patmore, erroneous dog tax 1 00 1 00 56. E. E. Mall, killing dogs biting sheep 10 00 10 00 57. T. W. Slocum, killing dogs biting sheep 20 00 20 00 58. James McFall, repairs on mach. and tools2 00 2 00 59. Z. E. Smiley, service, justice 13 60 13 60 60. Stanford & Crowell, printing• signs 20 00 20 00 61. C. 11. Ostrander, service, ex -town clerk 59 72 59 72 62. F. A. Todd, supervisor, note and int., (To pay deficiency in tax levy of 1908, town expenses 637 35 637 35 63. D. L. Runnings, repairs on mach. and tools5 60 5 60 64. Olin Cummings, killing dogs biting sheep10 00 10 00 65. A. C. Dorn, repairs on town hall 26 52 26 52 66. Barr Bros., tools 15 50 15 50 170 The Supervisors' Proceedings No.Name.Nature c' S. rvice.Claimed.Allowed. 67. F. A. Todd, supervisor, mem. fund 10 00 10 00 68. C. D. Allick, erroneous dog tax 1 00 1 00 69. W. E .Logan, constable 3 95 '3 95 70. J. E. Black, stove for town hall 18 50 18 50 71. Ray Crozier, survey of road 5 00 5 00 72. W. S. Judson, deputy constable 2 00 2 00 73. T. J. Hutchings, erroneous dog tax 1 00 1 00 74. E. J. Mone, legal service 9 00 5 00 75. J. E. Dorn, overseer of poor 8 00 8 00 76. J: E. Dorn, town poor 150 00 150 00 2385 71 2381 71 Dated, November 5th, 1909. We, the undersigned, comprising the Auditing Board of the Town of Danby, County of Tompkins, State of New York, do hereby certify that the above statement of accounts audited by the said Board at the annual meet- ing held November 5th. 1909, is correct. Signed.) F. A. TODD, Supervisor. EUGENE DORN, T. W. SLOCUM, J. B. THATCHER. OLIN A. DORN, Justices. R. B. MEAKIL'R, Town Clerk. f d., hereby certify that •this is a true transcript of the original. R. B. HEARER, Town Clerk. The Supervisor$' Proceedings 171 DIRYDEN. To the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins, N. Y.: The following abstract of the names of all persons who have pre- sented to the Board of Town Auditors of the Town of Dryden in said Coun- ty, accounts to be audited during the year 1909, the amounts claimed by each person, and the amounts finally credited by the said Board of Town Auditors is herewith submitted, pursuant to statute, to wit: No.Name.Nature of Claim.Claimed.Allowed. 1. Mrs. G. W. Gibson, house for caucuses 15 00 15 00 2. Dewitt Calkins, house for election, No. 1 25 00 25 00 r 3. Frank D. Snyder, inspector and messenger. No. 1 21 40 21 40 4. Levi' Metzgar, inspector and messenger, No. 1 14 00 14 00 5. Stephen Snyder, inspector, No. 1 12 00 12 00 6. Glen Wilsey, inspector, No. 1 12 00 12 00 7. Leroy Smiley, nispector, mess. and poll clerks, No. 1 10 00 10 00 8. J. T. Morris, inspector and poll clerks, No. t 8 00 8 00 9. E. S. Burr, inspector, No. 1 4 00 4 00 10. Oscar Snyder, inspector, No. 1 4 00 4 00 11. Isiah Robinson, ballot clerk, No. 1 4 00 4 00 12. Orra Cornelius, ballot clerk, No. 1 4 00 4 00 13. L. A. Hemingway, poll clerk, No. 2 8 00 8 00 14. Will Lombard, poll clerk, No. 2 8 00 8 00 15. Zina Dusenbery, inspector, No. 2 12 00 12 00 16. John H. Kennedy, inspector, No. 2 12 00 12 00 17. John Dart, inspector, No..2 12 00 12 00 18. A. L Reed, inspector 4 00 14 .00 19. Arthur Slights, ballot clerk, No. 2 4 00 4 00 20. G. E. Mineah, poll clerk, No. 2 4 00 4 00 21. E. R. Gaston, inspector and messenger, No. 2. 23 26 23 26 22. Aubrey Davenport, ballot, No. 2 4 00 4 00 23. C. M. Coggswell, house for election, No. 225 00 26 00 24. W. J. Sherwood, inspector and mess., No. 26 00 6 00 25. E. M. Sandwick, bailor clerk, No. 3 4 00 4 00 26. John Thomas, ballot clerk, No. 3 4 00 4 00 27. M. D. Graham, poll clerk, No. 3 8 00 8 00 28. D. F. Van Vleet, poll clerk, No. 3 8 00 8 00 172 The Supervisors' Proceedings No.Name.Nature of Service.Claimed.Allowed. 29. R. L. Weaver,. inspector, No. 3 17 25 17 25. 30. G. M. Rockwell, inspector, No. 3 4 00 4 00 31. A. D. Burlingame, inspector, No.' 3 13 25 13 25 32. C. E. Green, inspector and mess., No. 3 17 25 17 25 23. J. D. Ross, inspector and mess., No. 3 22 95 22 95 34. M. D. Graham, manager, house election 25 00 25 00 35. Frank Maston, inspector, No. 4 4 00 4 00 36: Otis Masten inspector, No. 4 4 00 4 00 37. Luther Johnson, inspector, No. 4 12 00 12 00 38. A. A. Sicknion, inspector, No., 4 4 00 4 00 39. Fay Skillings, inspector, No. 4 16 00 16 00 40. L. N. Sutliff, inspector and mess., No. -4 25 72 25 72 41. Larkin Smith, ballot clerk, No. 4 4 00 4 00 42. La Verne Dans, ballot clerk, No. 4 4 00 4 00 93. J..5. Grover, poll clerk, No. 4 8 00 8 00 ' 44. J. O. Robinson, poll clerk, No. 4 4 00 4 00 45. M. H. Wallace, house election, No. 4 25 00 25 00 46. Chas. S. Givens, poll clerk, No. 5 8 00 8 00 47. Allee Wheeler, ballot 4 00 4 00 48. F. E. Strong, poll clerk 4 00 4 00 49. Will Munsey, poll clerk, No. 5 8 00 8 00 50. Leland Burch, inspector, No. 5 16 00 16 00 51. Ed. Colton, inspector, No. 5 16 00 16 '00 52. Elery G. Vunk, inspector and mess., No. 5 24 20 24 20 53. G. E. Goodrich, inspector, No. 5 18 00 18 00 59. M. D. Graham, hall for election, No. 5 25 00 25 00 55. W. J. Shaver. Jr., poll clerk, No. 6 8 00 8 00 56. G. A. Brewer, inspector, No. 6 8 00 8 00 57. F. E. Bush, inspector,. No. 6 4 00 4 00 58. Chas. D. Jackson, inspector No. 6 4 00 4 00 59. A. C. Stone, house for election, No. 6 25 00 25 00 60. James L. Cole, ballot clerk, No.6 4 00 4 00 61. John J. Cole; inspector, No. 6 4 00 4 00 62. Perry Hanshaw, inspector and mess., No. 623 80 23 80 63. Frank Ellis, inspector, No. 6 •12 Of 12 00 64. Fred E. Mineah, inspector and mess., No. 6 6 00 6 00 65. Frank Vanhorne, poll clerk, No. 6 8 00 8 00 66.• F. I3. Lichener, inspector, No. 6 12 00 12 00 67. B. F. Monroe, ballot clerk, No. 6 4 00 4 00 68. D M. Ryan, med. contract and vital sta- tistics 43 25 43 25 69. J. J. Montgomery, med. contract 37 00 37 00 70. B. S. Weyant, truant officer 4 40 4 40 71. Ed. Mosso, constable 4 00 4 00 72. Homer Genung, service bill 16 00 16 00 The ti ury ervesors' Proceedings 173 No.Name.Nature of Service.Claimed.Allowed. 73. Homer Genung, contract and statistics 37 92 37 92 74. Homer Genung, health officer 57 83 57 83 75. G. L. Rood, contract 27 66 27 66 76. J. Beach, contract and statistics 31 42 31 42 77. J. O. Dowser, truant officer 2 90 2 90 78. J. O. Dowser, truant officer 9 05 9 05 79. 'G. E. Mineah, excess highway 123 00 123 00 80. Paul Ewers, service bill, Justice Peace 18 00 18 00 G•81. Paul Ewers, Justice Peace, criminal bill 3 40 3 40 82. Paul Ewers, criminal bill 3 00 3 00 83. J. G. Wortman, sheriff 12 50 12 50 84. H. A. Strong, constable 2 00 2 00 85. 13. Snyder, overseer poor 51 00 51 00 86. George Sutfin, overseer poor 18 00 18 00 87. O. T. Ellis, constable 6 05 6 05 88. G. E. Underwood, Justice Peace, service bill20 00 20 00 89. G. E. Underwood, Justice Peace, criminal 9 70 9 70 90. P. E. Golden, truant officer 8 44 8 44 91. M. M. Sweetland, legal service 23 50 23 50 92. J. D..Ross, Justice Peace, criminal bill 9 65 9 65 93. J. D. Ross, vital statistics 3 50 3 50 94. Andrus & Church, books 7 50 7 50 95. W. C. Brass, vital statistics 3 50 3 50 96. A. C. Knapp, ex- health officer 41 48 41 48 97. City Hospital, (Ithaca)23 00 23 00 98. W. J. Shaver, Jr., assessor 82 00 82 00 99. F. E. Darling, town clerk 137 57 137 57 100. Stilwell & Ross, printing 129 55 129 55 101. D. J. S. ,Kirkendall, operation 53 55 53 55 102. J. D. Ross, Justice, bill 60 87 60 87 103. R. F. Chappuis, supervisor 43 08 43 08 iii 104. A. A. Sager, assessor 79 50 79 50 705: Andrew Baker, . Justice, bill 22 00 22 00 106. Aretus S. Fox, truant officer 3 20 3 20 107. W. B. Strong, town supt.641 90 641 90 108. 11. 13.' Davidson, assessor 108 00 108 00 109. John Genung, ex- sheriff 91 00 91 00 110 John Genung, ex- sheriff 12 00 12 00 1I1, E. T. Brown, inspector, No. 4 12 00 12 00 2870.95 2870 95 F. E. DARLTNG, R. F. CHAPPUIS, Town, Clerk.Supervisor, J. D. ROSS,PAUL EWERS. G. E. UNDERWOOD,HOMER GENUNG, ANDREW BATCER,Justices of the Peace. 174 The S4tpleruisors' Proceedings ENFIELD. A. Town bills audited by Town Board of Enfield, N. Y., November 4th and Sth, respectively: No.Name.Nature of Claim.Claimed.Allowed. 1. Earl Rumsey, service bill 10 00 10 00 2. Earl Rumsey, labor bill 24 00 24 00 3. Edwin S. Bagley, watering trough 3 00 3 00 4. Theodore Schaber, assessor 34 00 34 00 5. Theodore Schaber, fence viewer 10 00 10 00 6. Fred Jackson, assessor 28 00 28 00 7. Fred' Jackson, fence viewer 6 00 6 00 8. - Lewis H. Carman, assessor 30 60 30 50 9. Charles Wright, hall rent 25 00 25 00 10. Ithaca Journal, printing 26 35 26 35 11. James McCracken,5 00 5 00 12. Frank Teeter, attendance officer 26 00 26 00 N 13. Luther S. Teeter, inspector and mess.17 64 17 64 14. Olin King, inspector 12 00 12 00 15. Benn Fish, inspector 12 00 12 00 16. John Hanson, inspector 12 00 12 00 17. H. D. Bailey, poll clerk 4 00 4 00 18. John M. Russell, poll clerk 4 00 4 00 19. Olin Smith, ballot clerk 4 00 4 00 20. William Jones, Jr., ballot clerk 4 00 4 00 21. Walter Ferguson, citizen member 2 00 2 00 22. William Tucker, overseer poor 8 00 8 00 23. Fred Bond, vital statistics 1 00 1 00 24. Dr. Minor McDaniel, health officer 25 00 25 00 25. Dr. Minor McDaniel, vital statistics 3 50 3 50 26. Dr. Minor McDaniel, vital statistics 3 25 3 25 27. Andrew Gibbs, assessor, 1908 34 00 24 00 28. Don Noble, assessor, 1908 32 00 32 00 29. W. V. Itumsey, vital statistics 19 75 19 75 30. Charles Wright, supplies for Chase & Wright 43 94 43 94 31. R. V. Egbert, justice bill 19 00 19 00 32. R. V. Egbert, People vs. Burlew 2 25 2 25 33. Wheeler Smith, supervisor 25 00 25 00' 34. Wm. Huminston, justice bill 4 00 4 00 35. John Johnson, justice bill 19 00 19 00 36. Darwin Rumsey, justice bill 19 00 19 00 , 37. W. V. Rumsey. town clerk 65 50 65 50 The Supervisors' Proceedings 175 No.Name.Nature of Service.Claimed.Allowed. 38. Bert T. Baker, tax search 6 00 6 00 39. Dr. Minor McDaniel, ex- lunacy (Bristol)5 00 5 00 90. David Fisher, mdse. for (Bristol)3 75 3 75 41. David Fisher, overseer poor 14 25 14 25 42. David Fisher, Bagley case at St. Joseph Or- phan Asylum, Auburn 140 00 140 00 43. Frank Lanning, highway com.197 66 197 56 44. Frank Lanning, highway com., exp.2 13 2 13 45. Theodore Schaber, fence viewer 2 00 2 00 46. Theodore Schaber, fence viewer 2 00 2 00 47. Dr. W. A. Smith, ex- lunacy (Bristol)5 00 5 00 1000 37 1000 37 I hereby certify that the foregoing is a just and true copy. W. V. RUMSEY, Town Clerk. GROTON. List of Annual Town Audits for year ending November 4, 1909. No.Name.Nature of Claim.Claimed.Allowed. 1. 3. W. Jones, board; service, eta 24 30 24 30 2. S. H. Clapp, service and expense 13 00 13 00 3. H. S. Hopkins, town board 28 00 28 00 4. J. M. Montfort, town board, etc.33 65 33 65 6. Newton Baldwin, town board and expenses .., 34 00 34 00' 6. F. H. Maricle, town board and expenses 34 50 34 50 7. Asbbel Landon, town clerk board meeting., 28 00 28 00 8. Chas. A. Hart, board of health 8 00 8 00 9. Wm. H. Burnham, services as poormaster 44 00 44 00 10. H. S. Hopkins, J. P., justice fees, Bushnell case 3 20 3 20 11. H. S. Hopkins, 3. P., justice fee, Knapp case4 40 4 40 12. H. S. Hopkins, J. P.. justice fee, Barry case3 70 3 70 13. 11. S. Hopkins, J. P., justice fee, McNeil case1 20 1 20 14. Newton Baldwin, J. P., election expense and vital statistics 8 25 8 25 15. Newton Baldwin, J. P., justice fees, Stanton case 4 05 4 05 176 The Supervisors' Proceedings • No.Name.Nature of S( rvice.Claimed.Allowed. 16. Charles Hyde, constable fees, McNeil and Barry cases 12 20 12 20 17. Charles Hyde, constable fees, etc., Knapp case 10 55 8 55 18. Chas. Hyde, attendance officer, etc.36 35 36 35 19. Wm. B. Hilsinger, constable fees, Stanton case 1 75 1 75 20. Ashbel Landon. vital statistics 27 25 27 25 21. B. F. Robinson, Dr. Poor and vital statistics26 75 26 75 22. Geo. K. Hamilton, assigned, A. Landon, vital statistics 1 25 1 25 23. S. A. Brown, vital statistics 2 00 2 00 24. R. C. Tarbell, vital statistics and lunacy cases 7 50 7 50 25. B. F. Hatch, assessing telephones 3 00 3 00 26. Leon F. Luck, assessor, Dist, No. 1 55 00 55 00 27. A. F. Howard, assessor, Dist, No. 3 55 50 55 50 28. 11. B. Stevens, assessor, Dist, No. 2 59 50 59 50 29. 11. B. Stevens,. copying assessment roll and aggregating 10 00 10 00 30. J. D. Dares, inspector and mess., Dist. 2 18' 36 18 36 31. L. D. Townley, inspector, Dist. 2 12 00 12 00 32. R. L. Teeter, inspector, Dist. 2 12 00 12 00 33. George Sovocool, inspector, Dist. 2 12 00 12 00 34. John K. Pickens, poll clerk. Dist. 2 4 00 4 00 35. Dana Sovocool, poll clerk, Dist. 2 4 00 4 00 30. -J. D. Dates, inspector and mess., Dist. 2 18 36 18 36 37. Lewis Sharpsteen, ballot clerk, Dist. 2 4 00 4 00 38. H. R. Nye, rent of hall, Dist. 2 20 00 20 00 39. Vernet L. Brown, inspector and mess., Dist. 1 18 20 18 20 40. Leo. A. Metzgar, inspector and mess., Dist. 114 00 14 00 41. Garfield Holden, inspector and ballot clerk, Dist. 1.16 00 16 00 42. Floyd Demond, inspector. Dist. 1 12 00 12 00 9 43. B. 0. Wilson, poll clerk, Dist. 1 4 00 4 00 44. Fred Bossard, poll clerk, Dist. 1 4 00 4 00 45. Quinton Boyles, ballot clerk, Dist 1 4 00 4 00 46. Ray Taylor, ballot clerk, Dist. 1 4 00 4 00 47. W. C. Allen, rent of hall, etc., Dist. 1 19 00 19 00 48. E. W. Kostenbader, inspector and messenger, Dist. 3 20 44 • '20 44 49. Dana Rhodes, inspector, Dist. 3 14 00 14 00 50. F. A. Sutter, inspector, Dist. 3.14 00 14 00 51. J. R. Conklin, inspector, Dist. 3 14 00 14. 00 52. Alex. McKinney, poll clerk, Dist. 3 6 00 6 00 53. M. V. Atwood, poll clerk, Dist. 3 6 00 6 00 1 The Supervisors' Yroeeet4,nga 177 No.Name.Nature of Claim.Claimed.Allowed. 54. Elisha Field, ballot clerk, Dist. 3 4 00 4 00 55. Win. Spaulding, ballot clerk, Dist. 3 4 00 4 00 56. Village of Groton, rent of hall, Dist. 3 50 00 50 00 i,57. H. L. Fuller, inspector and mess., Dist. 419 62 19 62 58. Archie Gillen, inspector andmess., Dist. 4 14 00 14 00 59. Frank Ogden, inspector, Dist. 4 12 00 12 00 60. W. D. Crittenden, assigned P. H. Maricle, inspector, Dist. 4 12 00 12 00 61. Andrew McKee, poll clerk, Dist. 4 4 00 4 00 62. H. R. Bliss, poll clerk, Dist. 4 4 00 4 00 63. M. C. Keenan, ballot clerk, Dist. 4 4 00 4 00 64. E. G. Reniff, ballot clerk, Dist. 4 4 00 4 00 65. D. R. Stout, rent of hall, Dist. 4 15 00 15 00 66. F. C. Atwood, supplies for poor 23 67 23 67 67. J. W.. Jones, coal for poor 33 04 33 04 68. Allen, Hewitt Co., coal for poor 15 70 15 70 69. S. C. Gooding, coal for poor 49 30 49 30 70. C. W. Conger & Co., supplies for poor and quarantine 58 03 58 03 11. Alvin Booth, burial Picker child 15 00 15 00 72. N. A. Collings, disinfectants, quarantine 24 85 24 85 73. M. D. Goodyear, quarantine service 10 25 10 25 74. G. E. Albon, poor lunacy, quarantine 121 75 121 75 75. J. M. Montfort, supplies, quarantine 65 07 65 07 76. K. M. Baldwin, rent T. clerk's office 48 00 48 00 77. C. M. Dutcher, service 14 16 14 16 78. Win. J. Feeley, road labor in 1908 and '0978 00 78 00 79. Ashbel Landon, miscellaneous bills 19 46 19 46 80. C. 0. Rhodes, supplies town clerk's office 2 50 2 50 81. L. J. Townley & Sons, printing and paper 59 81 59 81 82. J. W. Jones, lumber 1 48 1 48 83. S. 13. Parker, labor on booths 2 50 2 50 84. A. 3. Baldwin, assigned, A. Landon, labor on booths 2 50 2 50 85. G. M. Stoddard, legal services 30 00 30 00 86. Buck & Gobel, repairs to ballot boxes 1 55 1 55 r.87. 13. T. Baker, description of tax sales 2 00 2 00 88. Ashbel Landon, copying tax roll, etc.14 20 14 20 89. M. D. Goodyear, lunacy cases 22 00 22 00 90. Andrus & Church, assessment roll 2 00 2 00 91. Ashbel Landon, preparing for election 9 15 9 15 I 92. Patrick Iffamill, Jr., ballot clerk spring elec4 00 4 00 93. Ray L. Teeter, rebate of dog tax 2 00 2 00 94. Silas B. Tarbell, rebate and error of tax of 1908 3 49 3 49 1 95. FI. B. Besemer, service in Wm. Stowell case74 00 74 00 1 2 178 The Supervisors' Proceedings No.Name.Nature of Claim.Claimed.Allowed. 96. J. W. Jones, road service 146 00 146 00 V7 C. M. Dutcher, road service 734 10 734 10 2675 03 2675 03 1 certify the above to be a correct and true copy of the audits as pass- ed upon by the Town Board of the Town of Groton, N. Y., Nov. 4, 1909. ASHBEL LANDON, rte Town Clerk. 1TH ACA. Abstract of the names of all persons who presented accounts to be audit- ed by the Board of Town Auditors of the,Town of Ithaca, with the amounts claimed and allowed. No.Name.Nature of Claim.Claimed.Allowed. 1. A. F. Van Gorder, truant officer 32 10 32 10 2. S. M. Updike, justice' of peace 24 00 24 00 3. Jake Wilcox, justice of peace 26 00 26 00 4. A. W. Kline, vital statistics 10 75 10 75 5. H. L. Raub, inspector 20 00 20 00 6. Earl Northrup, inspector and messenger 26 74 26 74 7. Myron Welch, poll clerk 8 00 8 00 8. Chas. L. Morris, inspector 16 00 16 001 9. David Raub, ballot clerk 8 00 8 00 10. James A. Bush, ballot clerk 12 00 12 00 11. J. E. Bogardus, Inspector 20 00 20 00 12. John W. Preswick, disbursing highway money and highway work 94 15 94 15 13. A. W. Kline, highway work 28 23 28 23 14. Jake Wilcox, poll clerk 12 00 12 00 15. W. J .Troy, inspector 4 00 4 00 16. David Van Natta, ballot clerk 4 00 4 00 17. John W. Preswick, supervisor 44 33 44 33 18. C. R. Gunderman, ballot clerk 4 00 4 00 19. Myron Welch, rent of polling place 30 00 30 00 20. Tompkins, Cobb & Cobb, counsel fees 17 00 17 00 21. Bert T. Baker, legal advice to assessors,2 75 2 75 22. Bert T. Baker, describing property for tax sale 3 00 3 00 23. M. Farling, assessor 42 00 42 00 The Supervisors' Proceedings 179 No.Name.Nature of Service.Claimed.Allowed. 24. G. E. Stevens, ex- assessor 12 00 12 00 25. Theo. J. Baker, assessor 62 00 62 00 26. Dr. C. F'. Denman, vital statistics, 1905- 6 -7 -8 -9 2 76 2 75 27. Dr. H. H. Crum, acting health physician 18 50 18 50 28. .Andrus & Church, assessment rolls 15 00 15 00 29. Ithaca Daily News, printing 4 50 4 50 30. Ithaca Daily Journal, printing town meeting54 70 54 70 31. Ithaca Daily Journal, printing special town meeting 23 20 23 20 32. Ithaca Daily Journal, printing and supplies6 38 6 38 33. Ithaca Daily Journal, envelopes 1 50 1 50 34. A. W. Kline, service and disbursements 75 65 75 65 35. Osmun Shevelier, ex- overseer of poor 8 00 8 00 36. George I. Teeter, ballot clerk 4 00 4 00 37. F. E. Eddy, poll clerk 4 00 4 00 28. Osmun Shevelier, poll clerk 8 00 8 00 39. E. M. Rumsey, inspector 8 00 8 00 40. Arthur Teeter, inspector 8 00 8 00 41. D. D. Fisher, inspector 12 00 12 00 42. E. T. Martin, inspector 4 00 4 00 43. George E. Todd, inspector 16 00 16 00 - 49. Chas. A. Teeter, inspector 16 00 16 00 45. W. I. Smith. Inspector and messenger 31 60 31 60 46. Jerry M. Baker, ballot clerk 4 00 4 00 47. Nettie Van Orman, polling place 30 00 30 00 48. Emmet GiBow, overseer of poor 62 00 62 00 49. L. F. Colegrove, justice of peace 104 50 104 50 50. L. O. Williams, constable 26 75 26 75 51..A. W. Kline, office rent 26 00 26 00 52. G. 11. Hopkins, justice of peace 26 00 26 00 63. Frank McPherson, town supt.776 60 776 50 54. Frank McPherson, reimbursements 2 00 2 00 1942 58 1942 58 We, the undersigned, the Town Auditors of the Town of Ithaca, do here by certify that the above Is a true and correct list of the accounts audited or rejected at the meeting of said Board of Auditors, held November 4, 1909. JOHN W. PRESWICK, Supervisor. L. F. COLEGROVE,JAKE WILCOX, S. M. UPDIKE,G. H. HOPKINS, Justices of the Peace. A. W. KLINE, Town Clerk. 180 The Supervisors' Proceedings LANSING. Abstract of names of persons who have presented to Board of Town Auditors accounts to be audited. To the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins:. The following abstract of the names of all persons who have presented to the Board of Town .Auditors of the Town of Lansing, in said county, ac- counts to be audited during the year 1909, the amounts claimed by each of such persons, and the amounts finally audited by the said Board of Town Auditors, is herewith submitted, pursuant to statute, to wit: No.Names.Nature of Claim.Claimed.Allowed. 2. Ithaca Journal, printing bill, Spec. T. M $ 9 50 9 50 3. Ithaca Journal, printing bill, regular T. M56 10 56 10 4. Ithaca Journal, printing affidavit blanks 1 GO 1 50 5. Dr. Fish, health officer, 1908 -1909, services and disbursements 191 25 166 25 G. Dr. Fish, registering vital statistics, births and deaths 9 00 9 00 7. Dr. Fish, services, R. Robinson 15 00 15 00 8. Paul Farling, enforcing dog quarantine 69 80 69 80 10. L. V. Main, poor supplies, C. J. Westbrook2 00 2 00 11. S. Morey, plow for highway 2 00 2 00 12. W. D. Baring, inspector, Dist. No. 1 14 00 12 00 13. W. M, Bristol, inspector, Dist. No. 1 14 00 12 00 14. 0. M. Holden, inspector, Dist. No. 1 14 OD 12 00 15. F. J. Woolley, inspector, messenger, Dist. No. 1 21 80 19 80 16. 1Vm. R. Minturn, ballot clerk, Dist. No. 1 6 00 4 00 r 17. G. B. Smith, ballot clerk, Dist. No. 1 6 00 4 00 18. D. E. Thayer, poll clerk, Dist. No. 1 6 00 4 00 19. C. B. Jefferson, poll clerk, Dist. No. 1 6 00 4 00 20. Myron Boyer, Inspector, Dist. No. 2 12 00 12 00 21. W. A. Cutter, inspector, Dist. No. 2 12 00 12 00 22. Chas. Williams, inspector, Dist. No. 2 12 00 12 00 23. Frank Moran, inspector, messenger, Dist. No. 2 20 12 20 12 24. W. M. DeCamp, ballot clerk, Dist. No. 2 4 00 4 00 25. G. L. Bacon, ballot clerk, Dist. No. 2 4 00 4 00 26. F. H. Tarbell, poll clerk, Dist. No. 2 4 00 4. 00 27. Chas. Lobdell, poll clerk, Dist. No. 2 4 00 4 00 28. Ernest Brown, inspector, Dist. No. 3 12 00 12 00 29. Elmore Teeter, inspector, Dist. No. 3 12 00 12 00 30. Frank Howland, inspector, Dist. No. 3 12 00 12 00 The Supervisors' Proceedings 181 No.Name.Nature of Service.Claimed.Allowed. 31. John Farrell, inspector, messenger, Dist. No. 3 19 80 19 80 32. E. II. Howland, inspector, registering, Dist. r . , No. 3, 1908 4 00 4 00 33. W. J. Fulkerson, ballot clerk, Dist. No. 3 4 00 4 00 34. Earl Teeter, ballot clerk, Dist. No. 3 4 00 4 00 35. M. A. Farrell, poll clerk, Dist. No. 3 4 00 4 00 36. N. Sobers, poll clerk, Dist. No. 3 4 00 4 00 38. Casper Fenner, 12 fence posts 1 44 1 44 p 39. C. E. & C. D. Townsend, coal for town poor9 15 9 15 40. A. 13. Brooks, drugs, Board of Health 33 20 33 20 41. L. V. Main, highway supplies 3 34 3 34 42. L. V. Main, highway supplies 1 85 1 85 43. D. A. Tarbell, J. P., criminal bill 5 75 5 75 44. Wilmer Stout, repairs, highway tools 7 25 7 25 45. L. V. Main, J. P., criminal bill 11 65 11 65 46. O. M. English, sup. for town poor, 1t. Robinson 12 43 12 43 Y 47. C. D. & C. E. Townsend, highway supplies48 70 48 70 49. C. M. Egbert, poor supplies, Daboll 60 00 60 00 50. Jessie N. Howland, lumber for railing 49 40 49 40 51. A. Van Auken, constable bill 35 35 35 35 52. Dr. Ira Allen, vital statistics, births and deaths 6 00 6 00 53. R. Miller, hall for election 15 00 15 00 54. C. O. Drake, corn. supplies 4 88 4 88 55. Geo. L. Lanterman, team work, railing 12 50 12 50 56. C. M. Hagin, labor, railing 9 45 9 45 57. C. M. Egbert, highway supllies 13 46 13 46 58. M. L. Ford, poor supplies 3 61 3 61 59. O. M. English, poor supplies 1 80 1 80 60. Robert Hagin, labor, railing 16 60 16 60 61. A. J. Conlon, J. P., criminal bill 12 30 12 30 62. Harry Merrick, hall for election 15 00 15 00 63. Randolph Horton, drawing papers 11 00 11 00 64. Williamson Law Book Co., manual 5 00 5 00 65. Williamson Law Book Co., blanks 1 50 1 50 66. C. M. Egbert, supplies for registry board 65 55 67. J. B. Lang, plow points 90 90T. 68. Dr. W. G. Fish, disinfecting house of Perry Hunt 5 00 6 00 69. L. J. Townley & Sons 22 25 11 97 70. L. R. Lyon, use of hall 30 00 30 00 71. Dr. W. G. Fish, registering vital statistics75 76 72. A. Van Auken, constable, criminal bill 6 15 6 15 73. M. L. Ford, highway supplies •7 35 7 35 79. Geo. A. Ryan, truant officer, services 27 60 '21 50 90. A. J. Conlon, J. P., services 20 00 20 00 182 The Supervisors' Proceedings No.Name.Nature of Service.claimed.Allowed. 83. Casper Fenner, J. P., services 20 00. '20 00 81. L. V. Main, J. P., services 20 00 20 00 82. D. A. Tarbell, J. P., services 20 00 20 00 83. Caspar Fenner, J. P., services 20 00 20 00 84. M. D. Lane, assessor, services 50 00 50 00 85. C. H. Terpenning, assessor, services 50 00 50 00 86. F. J. Barnes, assessor, services 50 00 50 00 87. D. D. Winn, mem. Board of Health, services12 00 12 00 88. O. M. English, overseer of poor, services 37 00 37 00 89. Orlando White, supervisor, services, town 33 00 33 00 90. L. G. Lownley, highway com., Dist. No. 2, services 271 10 271 10 91. 0. White, supervisor, postage and telephone charges 3 91 3 91 92. J. 'B. Bower, highway com., 1st Dist., services 192 50 192 50 93. Geo. L. Lanterman, highway com., 3rd Dist , services 380 00 380 00 94. Chas. D. Howell, town clerk, service bill 73 72 73 72 95 -96. Chas. D. Howell, recording vital statis- tics, birth and deaths 23 25 23 25 97. Chas. D. Howell, town clerk, issuing burial permits 11 75 11 75 98. Chas. D. Rowell, town clerk, postage tele- phone and express charges 2 66 '2 66 99. J. 0. Munson, ex- highway cam., services 27 50 25 00 12338 54 We, the undersigned, comprising the Board of Auditors of the Town•of Lansing, Tompkins County, N. Y., hereby certify that the above statement ' of accounts audited by us at our annual meeting held November 4, 1909, Is 7 in all respects correct. ORLANDO WHITE, Supervisor. A. J. CONLON, DANIEL A. TARBELL, CASPAR FENNER, L. V. MAIN, Justices of the Peace. CHAS. D. HOWELL, Town Clerk. The Supervisors' Proceedings 1.83 NEWFIELD. We, the undersigned, the Town Board of the Town of Newfield, do here- by certify that the following is an abstract of the names of all persons who have presented to said board, accounts to be audited, the amounts claimed by each of said persons, and the amounts finally audited, respectively, to wit: Dated, Newfield, Nov. 4, 1909. No.Name.Nature of Service.Claimed.Allowed. 1. A. R. Allen, inspector and messenger, Dist. 1 $ 17 64 17 64 2. Isaiah Leonard, inspector Dist. No. 1 12 00 12 00 3. W. E. Bush, inspector, Dist. No. 1 12 00 12 00 4. Chas. Boice, inspector Dist. No. 1 12 00 12 00 5. Chas. H. Brown, poll clerk, Dist. No. 1' 4 00 4 OD 6. Estus Patterson, clerk, Dist. No. 1 4 00 4 00 7. W. P. Taber, ballot clerk, Dist, No. 1 4 00 4 00 8. Chas. Van Barter, ballot clerk, Dist No. 14 00 4 00 9. James E. Brown, inspector, Dist. No. 2 12 00 12 00 - 10. J. A. Thomas, inspector, Dist. No. 2 12 00 12 00 11. La Vern Swartwood, inspector, Dist. No. 212 00 12 00 12. E. D. Rockwell, inspector and messenger, Dist. No. 2 18 04 18 04 13. Fred Thompson, ballot clerk, Dist. No. 2 4 00 4 00 14. Bert Drake, ballot clerk, Dist. No. 2 4 00 4 00 15. A. S. Brown, poll clerk, Dist. No. 2 4 00 4 00 16. A. D. Brown, poll clerk, Dist. No. 2 4 00 4 00 17. N. C. Cook, inspector and messenger, Dist. No. 3 17 64 17 64 18. E. E. Alexander, inspector, Dist. No. 3 12 00 12 00 19. W. E. Hine. inspector', Dist. No. 3 12 00 12 00 20. Chas. Lanning, inspector, Dist. No. 3 12 00 12 00 21. Chas. McDaniels, poll clerk, Dist. No. 3 4 00 4 00 22. Augustus Patterson, poll clerk, Dist. No. 3 4 00 4 00 23. W. J. Alexander, bal:ot clerk, Dist. No. 3 4 00 4 00 24. Allen Everhart, ballot clerk, Dist No. 3 4 00 4 00 25. L. H. Taber, assessor, service bill 44 65 44 65 26. Fred W. Payne, assessor, service bill 44 75 44 75 27. S. J. Ramsey, assessor, service bill 46 65 46 65 28. Seymour Grover, overseer of poor, service bill, assigned to Chas. McDanlele 22 00 22 00 1 134 4'ht Supervisors' Proceedings No.Name.Nature of Service.Claimed.Allowed. 29. S. D. Cook, agent for Lucy A. Dudley, use of hall for town purposes 20 00 20 00 30. Glenn M. Keene, ex- justice of peace, service bill 12 00 12 00' 31. Marvin Grover, attendance town meeting 3 00 3 00 32. Chas. McDaniels, town clerk, expense account 4 58 4 58 33. J. C. Thompson, ex- supervisor, service bill13 21 13 21 34: A. D. Brown, use of house for election 10 00 10 00 35. John W. Dean, bonding commissioner 8 00 8 00 36. Puff & Dean, use of rooms for election 10 00 10 00 37. Catharine Spielman, vital statistics 1 25 1 25 38. Wm. Miller4printed tax notices 1 25 1 25 39. Joseph Thorp, repairing booths 1 50 1 50 40. Ithaca Journal ,printing town meeting, supplies 48 60 48 60 41. Harry Horton, truant officer, service hilt 7 70 7 70 42. Fred W. Payne, truant officer, service bill13 34 13 34 43. Williamson Law Book Co., Supervisor manual 5 00 5 00 44. Williamson Law Book Co., justice dockets6 00 6 00 45. Chas. McDaniels, town clerk, vital statistics13 50 13 50 46. A. H. Palmer, bonding commissioner 8 00 8 00 47. Wm. Miller, fens on poll tax collection, 190715 75 15 75 48. Thos. McGiven, ex- highway com., service bill22 00 22 00 49. William A. Smith, M. D., vital statistics 8 50 8 50 50. W. A. Smith, M. D., med. services, Anna Br411 6 00 6 00 51. W. A. Smith, health officer, service bill 35 96 35 96 52. Ithaca Daily News, printing highway report10 00 10 00 53. Ithaca City Hospital, care Andrew J. Fox 42 60 42 60 54. Ithaca Children's Home, care of I4askiii children 189 00 189 00 55. Randolph Iiorton, legal services 28 30 28 30 56..1. F. Smith, erroneous highway tax 1 44 1 44 57. William Jacques, vital statistics 4 50 4 50 58. M. M. Tupper, erroneous dog tax 50 50 59. Arthur Decker, ex- justice of peace, service bill 12 00 12 00 60. Minor McDaniels, M. D., vital statistics 5 50 5 50 61. Minor McDaniels, M. D., examination in lunacy case 5 00 5 00 62. E. A. Curtis, allowance on wide tire wagon7 00 7 00' 63. S. N. Godley, ex- highway eom., service bill24 00 20 00 64. Douglass Carpenter, justice, service bill 12 00 12 00 65. R. S. Fisher, M. D., medical service, Ida Collin 21 00 66. Chas. 11. Payne, highway com., service and ex- pense bill 446 00 446 00 ' 67, B. F. McAllaster, supervisor, disbursing town and public monies 99 22 99 22 68. B. F. McAllaster, supervisor, service bill 26 50 26 60 The Supervisors' Proceedings 185 No.Name.Nature of Service.Claimed.Allowed. 69. B. F. McAllaster,supervisor, allowance under , highway law 75 00 75 00 70. A. D. Brown, justice, service bill 26 00 26 00 71. Chas. McDaniels, town clerk, service bill 80 00 80 00 72. Wm. H. Payne, justice, service bill 26 00 26 00 73. Robert Alexander, justice, service bill 14 00.14 00 74. Chas. McDaniels, town clerk, allowance under highway law 10 00 10 00 1808 07 11783 07 B. F. McALLASTER, Supervisor. CHAS. McDANIELS, Town Clerk. A. D. BROWN, ROBERT ALEXANDER, WILLIAM H. PAYNE, Justices of Peace. ULYSSES. County of Tompkins, Town of Ulysses —ss. We, the undersigned, Town Board of the Town of Ulysses, do hereby certify that the following is an abstract of the names of all persons who have presented to the Town Board accounts to be audited by said Board as a Board of Audit, the amounts claimed by each of said persons and the amounts finally allowed by us, to wit: No..Name.Nature of Claim.Claimed.Allowed. 1. Floyd Harrison, Inspector of election 12 00 12 00 2. Fred Pinckney, ballot clerk 4 00 4 00 186 The Supervisors' Proceedings No.Name.Nature of Service.Claimed.Allowed. 3. Everill Church, ballot clerk 4 00 4 00 4. Floyd Smith, inspection of election 12 00 12 00 5. F. E. Van Buskirk, inspection of election 21 96 21 96 6. John Chase, inspector of election 16 00 16 00 4, 7. Horace Walters, poll clerk 4 00 4 00 8. O. M. Newell, manager, rent of polling place 30'00 30 00 9. Henry Sparks, poll clerk 4 00 4 00 10. O. D. Creque, services 8 00 8 00 11. George A. Hopkins, supplies 4 83 4 83 12. M. T. Rolfe, assessor 63 10 63 10 13. P. B. Smith, assessor 60 75 60 75 11. O. G. Noble, justice of the peace, assigned to First National Bank 20 00 20 00 15. John Young, ballot clerk 4 00 4 00 16. Free Press & Sentinel Printing & Supplies92 74 l 92 74 17. Free Press & Sentinel, printing 7 50 7 50 18. Free Press & Sentinel, stationery 6 00 6 00 19. F. W. Van Order, poll clerk and inspector'12 00 12 00 20. Mrs. Sarah Van Order, use of house 2 00 2 00 21. O. M. Newell, overseer of the poor 96 25 92 25 22. Ithaca Journal, printing 75 75 23. Ithaca Daily News, printing 75 75 24. Ithaca Childrens home board of child 66 75 66 75 25. W. D. Halsey, inspector of election 16 00 16 00 26. Calvin J. Van Auken, inspector and mess22 04 22 04 27. Charles Clapp, inspector of election 16 00 16 00 28. John Wixom, poll clerk 4 00 4 00 29. Seneca Spicer, constable 32 15 32 15 30. John Terry, constable 4 85 4 85 31. H. A. Mosher, poll clerk 4 00 4 00 32.' George Chase, assessor 5 00 5 00 33. Henry Williams, ballot clerk 4 00 4 00 y 34. Henry Williams, justice of the peace 4 00 4 00 35. D. H. Rightmire, mgr., rent of polling place 25 00 25 00 36. A. Chase, vital statistics 5 70 5 70 37. A. Chase, health officer 9 00 9 00 38. A. Chase, medical services 15 75 15 75 39. A. Chase, medical services 17 00 17 00 40. D. H. Rightmire, truant officer 38 00 38 00 41. John Brown, overseer of the poor 49 95 49 95 42. Henry Williams, justice of the peace, assigned to the First National Bank .12 00 12 00 43. John R. Brown, citizens member, board of health -8 00 8 00 44. P. B. Smith, ballot clerk 4 00 4 OD The Supervisors' Proceedings 187 No.Name.Nature of £!c rvice.Claimed.Allowed. 45. Arthur Stewart, poll clerk, assigned to the First National Bank 4 00 4 00 46. Guy 0. Hinman, poll cleric 8 00 8 00 r,47. A. P. Osburn, inspector of election 16 00 16 00 48. Jesse Corey, inspector of election 16 00 16 00 49. M. T. Williamson, ballot clerk 4 00 4 00 50. Howard Abel, ballot cleric 4 00 4 00 51. W. I. Sherwood, inspector of election 16 00 16 00 52. 0. M. Newell, poll clerk 4 00 4 00 53. Robert Carberry, inspector election and messenger 22 04 22 04 54. Charles Arden, ballot clerk 8 00 8 00 56.- Charles Taylor, T. C. expense bill 15 15 15 15 0 r 56. Charles Taylor, vital statistics 21 50 21 5 57. 0. G. Noble, legal services ,5 00 5 00 58. 0. G. Noble, poll clerk 4 00 4 00 59. A. 13. Woodworth, parcel of land, for highviay purposes 100 00 100 00 60. Samuel Riddle, service bill 12 00 12 00 61. Nicholas Brown, ballot clerk 4 00 4, 00 62. John D. Wixom, poll clerk, assigned to State Bank 4 00 4 00 63. E. R. Williams, service bill 8 00 8 00 64. Tracey Stilwell, poll cleric, assigned to State Bank 4 00 4 00 65. Ia. R. Stilwell, assessor, expenses and supplies 5 15 5 . 15 66. R. R. Stilwell, assessor, service bill 80 00 80 00 67. J. M. Townsend, M. D., vital statistics 1 50 1 50 68. J. M. Townsend, town physician 50 00 50 00 69. 0. G. Noble, criminal bill 33 10 33 10 70. Geo. Wallenbeck, poll clerk 4 00 4 00 71. Peter O'Hara, highway comrisiener, service bill 576 00 576 00 72. Dr. R. M. Vose, surgical operation 50 00 60 00 73. M. T. Williamson, justice of the peace, service bill 38 00 28 00 S 74. Charles Thompson, deputy sheriff 3 65 3 65 75. M. T. Williamson, criminal bill 13 10 13 10 76. Charles Taylor, service bill 36 00 D6 00 77. Is. B. Aiken, service bill 96 00 96 00 78. Charles Taylor, town clerk, services 60 88 60 88 79. 0. G. Noble, justice of the peace service bill, assigned M. T. Williamson 10 00 10 00 80. 0. G. Noble, service bill 17 60 17 50' SI. Henry Williams, justice of the peace 14 00 14 00 7- 6 188 The Supervisors' Proceedings No.Name.Nature of Service.Claimed.Allowed. 82. D. H. Rightmire, justice of the peace 26 00 26 00 83. James H. Thompson, inspector of election, aligned to First National Bank 16 00 16 00 84. E. T. Stewart, funeral services 20 00 20 00 85. O. -G. Noble, service bill 4 00 4 00 86. The Biggs Company, supplies 56 56 87. M. T. Williamson, rent of polling place 30 00 30 00 2314 95 2308 95 In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands this 6th day of November, 1909. F. B. AIKEN, Supervisor. M. T. WILLIAMSON, O. G. NOBLE, HENRY WILLIAMS, D. M. RIGHTMYER, Justice of the Peace. CHARLES C. TAYLOR, Town Clerk. The Supervisors' Proceedings 189 REPORTS REPORT OF THE COUNTY TREASURER Po the Honorable Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: As Treasurer of the County of Tompkins, I have the honor of submit- ting the following report of moneys received and disbursed by me from No- vember 19th, 1908 to November 13th, 1909:, RECEIPTS. 1908 — Balance on hand last report 11,736 89 Nov. 23.— Advertising Redemption Sale- Parc. 2, M. E. Miller, Groton, tax sale, 1907 - 11 58 State Cheek, Academic money 40 38 Frank Stout, fine for contempt of court.50 00 24.— Supervisor, Town Danby, settlement 1907 taxes 28 83 Dec. 30. —State check, Academic money 88 92 Bank tax, Tompkins Co. Nat. Bank, Ithaca 2,425 84 Bank tax. First Nat. Bank, Ithaca 3,577 58 Bank tax, State Bank, Trumansburg268 69 Bank tax, First Nat. Bank, Trumansburg 298 32 Bunk tax, First Nat. Bank, Groton 1,202 40 Bank tax, First Nat. Bank, Dryden329 29 Bank tax, Mechanics' Bank, Groton1,007 34 Jan. 30.— Lehigh Valley, sch. tax, Dist. 16, Caroline 43 49 Lehigh Valley, sch. tax, Dist. 2, Dryden 80 29 Feb. 2. —D., L. & W., sch. tax. Dist. 16, Caroline 42 13 D., L. & W., sch. tax, Dryden, Caroline, and Ithaca 9 09 5. —State check, Academic money 68 84 Dryden Tel. Co., ret. sch. tax, Groton..41 190 The Supervisors' Proceedings 16.—L. Bagley, 1907 tax 8 48 22. —State check, Academic-money 95 14 Mar. 3. —State check, school money 17,257 00 18. —State check, Aca•lemir money 36 21 Apr. 13. —Fine imposed on E. M. McGillivray., 400 00 21. —State check, Academic money 28 11 May 7. —Fine imposed on Mary Chaffee 200 00 7. —Recd. from Redemption, M. Mandeville property, Town of Danby 18 93 14. —State check, school m n.ey 17,257 00 22. —State check, Academie money 615 25 June 17. —Ida Niles, school tax, Town Lansing •2 13 21. —State check, Academia money 261 95 July 3.— County Jail Improvement Bond 5,500 00 10. —State check, Supplementary School Money 109 38 15. —Sale of old lumber from jail 10 00 State check, highway money 18,076 62 22. —S. S. Nivison, raturned ech. tax, Dryden 23 95 23. —State check, Academie money 468 05 Aug. 11. —Asa Soule, ret. sch. tax, Danby 45 31. —R. Tripp, ret. sch. tax, Danby 4 00 Sept. 3. —E. Roper, ret. sch. tax, Danby 5 20 Oct. 16. —L. V. school tax, Dist. 19 65 66 20. —D., L. & W., school tax. Dist. 19 73 58 26.— Advertising tax sale 335 06 Nov. 12.— Mortgage tax to N. h. 1, 1909 2,665 59 13.— Interest on taxes to date 64 68 TOWN OF CAROu,INE. 1 State tax 1 50 64 County tax 1,795 61 Support of Poor 104 62 School Commissioner 25 07 Election printing 70 10 a Returned tax 16 68 2,062 72 Cash from collector 2,025 60 2,025 60 Returned tax 37 12 1 2,062 72 Taxes paid to County Treasurer 3 42 44 1 42 44 The Supervisors' Proceedings 191 Town owes County from .1907 6 78 35 66 Town owes County 1 46 TOWN OF DANBY. State tax 48 88 County tax 1,733 64 Support of Poor 209 24 School commissioner 33 24 Election printing 64 07 Warrant overpaid 12 82 2,101 79 Cash from collector 1,997 73 1,997 73 Returned tax 104 06 2,101 79 Taxes paid to County Treasurer 103 55 Town owes County 51 TOWN OF DRYDEN. State tax 142 66 County tax 5,058 75 Support of poor 495 87 School commissioner 70 50 Returned tax 42 01 Election printing 141 07 Susquehanna Valley Home 71 03 6,021 89 Cash from collector 6,895 73 5,895 73 Returned tax 126 16 6,021 89 Taxes paid to County Treasurer 64 46 Town owes County 61 70 TOWN OF ENFIELD. State tax 40 39. County tax 1,432 05 Support of poor 139 88 192 The Supervisors' Proceedings School commissioner 27 52 Election printing 36 89 1,676 '73 Cash from collector 1,560 71 1,560 71 Returned tax 116 02 6 1,676 73 Taxes paid County Treasurer 127 61 127 61 Town owes County from 1907 16 34 111 27 Town owes County 4 75 TOWN 01P GROTON. State tax 107 01 County tax 3,795 17 Support of poor 106 05 School commissioner 62 84 Returned tax 12 48 Election printing 105 27 Syracuse Institution 40 00 Return highway tax 46 74 4,265 -56 Cash from collector 4,237 47 4,237 47 Returned taxes 28 09 4,265 56 Town owes County from 1907 E 53 86 Taxes paid to County Treasurer 13 74 13 74 40 12 Town owes County 68 21 TOWN OF ITHACA. State tax 58 89 County tax 2,088 24 Support of poor 176 85 School commissioner 40 03 n Returned tax 3 53 Election printing 49 61 Catskill macadam 100 00 Ithaca road repair 200 00 The Supervisors' Proceedings 193 Warrant overpaid 242 67 2,959 82 Cash from collector 2,625 03 2,625 03 Returned tax 334 79 2,959 82 faxes paid to County Treasurer 240 33 Town owes County 94 46 TOWN OF LANSING. State tax 109 39 County tax 3,702 O6 Support of poor 364 31 School commissioner 01 59 Election printing 83 03 4,305 38 Cash from collector 4,247 63 4.247 63 Returned tax 57 75 8 4,305 38 Taxes paid County Treasurer 66 14 66 14 Settlement for '08 taxes, O. White, Supervisor..8 39 57 75 TOWN OP NEWFIELD. State tax 50 76 lam,County tax 1.800 05 Support of poor 312 14 School commissioner 34 52 Returned tax 18 46 Election printing 74. 42 Re- assessed taxes 40 68' Syracuse Institution 20 00 Overpaid warrant 320 69 2,671 72 Cash from collector 2,517 44 2,517 44 Returned tax 154 28 2,671 72 Trues pald County Treasurer 110 10 110 10 13 194 The Supervisors' Proceedings Town owes county from 1907 45 06 65 04 Town owes County 89 24 TOWN OF ULYSSES. State tax 95 14 County tax 3,373 98 Support of poor 227 30 Election printing 91 67 School commissioner 64 72 Returned taxes 13 58 3,866 39 Cash from collector 3,453 26 3,453 26 Returned taxes 413 13 3,866 39 Taxes paid to County Treasurer 401 21 401 21 Town owes County from 1907 313 20 88 01 Town owes County 325 12 CITY OF ITHACA. State tax 551 43 County tax 19,556 65 Board of Health 6,000 00 Support of poor 1,618 32 Election printing 312 73 . Distributing proceedings 8 00 County Treasurer, return tax 15 00 Bert T. Baker 52 00 Transportation Inmate S. T. School 4 73 Reimburse H. Hollister 10 00 Reimburse C. R., Smith 13 33 Make Trial Jury list 96 00 28,243 24 Cash from collector 20,693 70 20,693 70 Receipt from Board of Health 6,000 00 Returned taxes 719 60 Shortage in assessment roll 829 94 28,243 24 The Supervisors' Proceedings 195 Taxes paid County Treasurer 729 12 729 12 County owes City from 1907 1,622 65 2,351 77 Returned tax, 1908 719 GO School taxes paid for by Co. and uncollected76 57 Shortage in 1908 assessment roll 829 94 1,626 11 County owes city 725 66 DISBURSEMENTS. 1908 — Dec. 3. —Geo. A. Ryan, treas. Lansing No. 9, Academy money 40 38 1909 — Jan. 5 —E. Monroe, treas Dryden No. 23, Acad- emy money 8 50 L. J. Wheeler, treas. Ulysses No. 1, Academy money 34 00 W. B. Georgia, treas. City of R.hnca, Academy money 46 43 20.—Transfer Dr. L. W. Carpenter cash bond 2,000 00 Bert T. Baker 52 00 22. —Bank tax, P. B. Aiken, Supervisor, Ulysses 209 15 Bank tax, L. J. Wheeler, treas., Village Board, Trumansburg 187 10 Bank tax, L. J. Wheeler, treas., school I Board, Trumansburg 165 08 Bank tax, R. F. Chappuls, Supervisor, Dryden 79 70 Bank tax, Wm. Munsoy, treas., Village Dryden ,142 20 Bank tax, J. J. Montgomery, treas , school board, Dryden 104 10 Bank tax, E. W.' Corbin, State and Ithaca 3,566 03 Bank tax, E. W. Corbin, State and County tax, City of Ithaca 891 52 Bank tax, W. B. Georgia, State and of Education, Ithaca 1,485 86 Bank tax., S. H. Clapp., Supervisor, Town of Groton 607 72 196 The Supervisors' Proceedings Bank tax, H. G. Moe, treas., Village of Groton 1,008 50 Bank tax, A. Landon, treas., school board, Groton 671 42 Bank tax, R: G. Robinson 91 08 Jan. 29. -0. White, Supervisor, settlement 1907 taxes 5 23 Feb. 1.— Ithaca Savings Bank, Bond 2 6,000 00 E. R. Stamp, toll., L. V. School Tax: 43 49 E. R. Stamp, coll., D., L. & W. sch. tax 42 13 5. —Wm. V. Rumsey, treas., Enfield 16, Academy money 9 64 W. 13. Georgia, treas, City of Ithaca, Academy money 34 88 L. 0. Wiliiathe, treas, Town of Ithaca, Academy money 8 60 L. J. Wheeler, treas, Ulysses 1, Academy money 15 72 6.— Robert Cornelius, special order 100 00 18. —A. B. Wood, special order 100 00 22. —J. 1'. Dennison, treas, Danby 5, Acad- emy money 11 83 C. E. Fish, treas, Enfield 2, Academy money 1 50 C. M. Clark, treas, Groton 5, Academy money 2 50 J. W. Brown, treas., Lansing1, Academy money 4 92 F. Beardsley, treas., Lansing 5, Acad- emy money 5 84 Wm. Ozmun, treas., Lansing 16, Acad- emy money 7 99 L. J. Wheeler, treas., Ulysses 1, Acad- emy money 40 56 W. T. Ward, treas., Ulysses 9, Academy money 20 00 22.— Caroline Snyder, right of way 25 00 Mar. 12. -13. Rightmyer, coll., L. V. sch. tax, Dist. 2 80 29 B. Rightmyer, coll., D., L. & W. sch. tax, Dist. 2 9 09 '89 38 18. —F. Eddy, treas., Enfield 8, Academy money 10 09 L. J. Wheeler, treas., Ulysses 1, Acad- emy money 26 12 0. Hoyt, coll., overpaid warrant 242 67 The Supervisors' Proceedings 197 22. -0. Snyder, right of way 26 00 Apr. 8. —W. 11. Miller, coll., warrant overpaid .320 69 9. —Thos. B. Dunn, St. Treas., County's State and County tax 1,250 24 29. —E. Bowen, - treas., Dryden 4, Acad- emy money 5 02 Geo. Peck, treas., Newfield 2, Academy money 17 60 Apr. 22. —M. T. Smith, treas., Ulysses 8, Acad- emy money 6 69 May 5. —It. G. Robinson, postage 25 00 22. —E. Blackman, treas., Dryden 13, Academy money 241 93 C. Steinberg, treas., Enfield 13, Academy money 5 00 F. Lanning, treas., Enfield 11, Acad- emy money 20 00 H. Van Gorden, treas., Ithaca 9, Acad- emy money 12 60 G. A. Ryan, treas., Lansing 9, Acad- emy money 13 12 E. Tompkins, treas., Newfield 9, Acad- emy money 12 60 D. Taylor, treas., Newfield 19, Acad- emy money 12 50 H. Bishop, treas., Ulysses 3, Academy S. Warren, treas., Ulysses 4, Academy money 10 00 J. Briggs, treas., Ulysses 15, Academy money 10 00 E. K. Johnson, treas., City of Ithaca, Academy money 111 10 A. Sears, treas., Danby 15, Acad- emy money 12 50 J. J. Montgomery, treas., Danby 8, Academy money 44 10 i June 7. —D. A. Gillow, toll., overpaid warrant -12 82 18. —W. 11. Parker, dist. proceedings2 00 M. Slaughter, treas., Caroline 19, Acad- emy money 12 50 E. Dickerman, treas., Danby 1, Acad- emy money 10 00 M. Stevens, treas., Danby 2, Acad- emy money 12 50 198 The Supervisors' Proceedings Wm. Elyea, treas., Danby 6, Acad- emy money 19 78 N. Snyder, treas., Danby 8, Academy money 20 00 S. G. Creveling, treas., Danby 11, Acad- erny money 12 50 I. Robinson, treas., Dryden 5, Acad- money 10 00 B. Smith, treas., Dryden 14, Academy emy money 20 00 money 19 95 E. Lambertson, treas., Dryden 21, Acad- emy money 12 50 T. Shaber, treas., Enfield 4, Academy money 20 00 J. Sincibaugh, treas., Ithaca 4, Academy • money 20 00 C. Sharp, treas.. Ithaca 6, Academy money 12 50 W. Tate, treas., Lansing 3, Academy money 12 50 Wrii. Ozmun, treas., Lansing 16, Acad- emy money 12 01 E. Rumsey, treas., Newfield 11, Acad- emy money 10 00 E. Marsh, treas., Newfield 14, Academy money 5 21 P. Carpenter, treas., Newfield 17, Acad- emy money 10 00 F. Gillette, treas., Newfield 18. Acad - emy money 20 00 July 10. —F. B. Aiken, supervisor, supplemen- 14,lacy school money 109 38 24. —Geo. A. Smith, treas., Caroline 2, Academy money 12 50 W. L. Livermore,. treas., Caroline 3, Academy money 12 50 C. O. Pierce, treas., Caroline 4, Acad- emy money 12 50 S. Van Wart, treas., Caroline 7, Aced - money 12 50 F. N. Patch, treas., Caroline 7, Acad- emy money 8 70 E. C. Vorhis, treas., Caroline 12, Acad- emy money 20 00 B. J. Silsbee, treas.. Caroline 13, Acad- emy money 20 00 The Supervisors' Proceedings 799 R. A. Wightman, treas., Caroline 14, Academy, money 12 50 D. Mulholland, treas., Caroline 16, Academy money 20 00 Chas. English, treas., Dryden 9, Acad- env money 12 50 July 24. -3. H. Rowley, treas., Dryden 11, Academy money 20 00 A. Chatfield, treas., Dryden 12, _Acad- emy money 12 50 W. R. Dearman, treas., Dryden 15, Academy money 20 00 M. E. CruLts, treas., Dryden 18, Acad- emy money 8 16 Lee Stevens, treas., Dryden 19, Acad- emy money 12 50 F. Crotts, treas., Dryden 24, Acad- emy money 12 50 H. Strong, treas., Dryden 25, Acad- emy money 12 50 J. Hunt, treas., Dryden 26, Aead- emy money 20 00 C. E. Fish, treas., Enfield 2, Academy money 18 50 C. Steinberg, treas., Enfield 13, Acad- emy money 10 12 C. M. Clark, trees., Groton 5, Academy money 17 50 C. Luther, treas., Groton 11, Acndemy money 20 00 E. J. Pettis, treas., Groton 16, Academy money 20 00 tA -Chas. Pierce, treas., Groton 18. Acad- emy money 12 50 L. A. Metzgar, treas., Groton 21, Acad - emy money 12 50 C. Terpenning, treas., Lansing 13, Acad- erny money 17 56 Jessie Howland, treas., Lansing 14, Academy money 20 00 E. G. Bogardus, treas., Lansing 15, Academy money 12 50 A. Tarbell, treas.. Lansing 19, Acad- emy money 20 00 G. W. Peck, treas., Newfield 2, Acad- • emy money 5 01 200 4tc Supervisors' Proceedings 1. It. Bardwell, treas., Newfield 3, Academy money 20 00 Oct. 7. —O. White, supervisor, settlement 1908 taxes 8 39 O. White, supervisor, Ida Niles, sch. tax, Lansing 2 13 16. —Edw. Stevens, toll., L. V. sch. tax65 66 19. —F. A. Todd, supervisor, Asa Soule,'13 Tripp, E. Stoner, ret. sch. tax 9 65 R. P. Chappuls, supervisor, S. S Nivison, ret. school tax 23 95 J. W. Junes, supervisor, Dryden Tel Co , ret. sch. tax 41 20. —Edw. Stevens, coll., D., L. & W. sch tax 73 58 Nov. 4. —R. G. Robinson, Co. treas., to pay for F. E. Palmer property bought at tax sale Oct. 26, 1909 25 47 9.— Ithaca Daily News, advertising tax sale 167 53 Ithaca Journal, advertising tax sale167 53 W. C. Gallagher, supervisor, Caroline, mortgage tax, '05, '06, '07 54 21 Dora Monroe, right of way 75 00 Western N. Y. Soc. for Prot. Dep. Children 23 94 Western Institution for Deaf Mutes300 00 Syracuse Institution for Feeble - minded Children 100 00 N. Y. Training School for Girls 4 73 George Junior Republic 310 00 Craig Colony 35 66 St. Ann's School 417 14 Susquehanna Valley Home 71 03 Monroe County Penitentiary 884 66 E. J. Alone, salary, postage and repair to Comptroller 220 00 R. G. Robinson, premium on bond 38 60 E. S. Banks 150 00 Town of Dryden, Hunt charge 35 25 Ithaca Journal, printing proceedings 500 00 GAL ONE FUEL AND LIGHT. By appropriation for 1909 1,200 00 The Supervisors' Proceedings 201 Orders paid 1909 1,077 01 1,077 01 122 99 Balance In fund, 1908 115 30 Balance in fund, 1909 238 29 INDEXING MORTGAGE. Balance in fund, 1908 53 45 No orders paid,.1909 SUPERINTENDENT OF POOR. By appropriation for 1909 5,554 58 Orders paid, 1909 5,082 86 5,082 86 471 72 Balance in fund, 1908 552 24 Balance in fund, 1909 1,023 96 INSURANCE. Orders paid, 1909 181 38 181 38 Balance in fund, 1908 67 50 Deficiency for 1909 113 88 INTEREST. By appropriation, 1909 2,900 00 Orders paid, 1909 2,423 34 2,423 34 1 476 66 Deficiency for 1908 100 00 Balance in fund, 1909 376 66 SOLDIERS' BURIAL AND TOMBSTONE. 1908 — Dec. 2.— Burial of Maria Stephens 50 00 Stone for George L. Pratt 15 00 10.— Burial of Cyrus Perlee 35 00 Burial of George L. Pratt 50 00' Burial of Michael Van Buren 35 00 202 The Supervisors' Proceedings 1909 — Jan. 5.— Burial of C. A. Darling 50 00 25.— Burial of Wm. Dockstader 50 00 Feb. 1.— Burial of Wm. H. Trim 15 00 Burial of Decatur Simpson 50 00 May 22. —Stone for Cyrus Perlee 15 00 July 3.— Burial A..D. Fox 50 00 May 17.— Burial of John H. Tyler 50 00 19. —Stone for W. E. Dockstader 15 00 21.— Burial John' O'Donnell 50 00 a' 28. —Stone for S. Surzy, A. Perry, D. Simpson and 3. Tyler 60 00 Aug. 4.— Burial A. Perry 50 00 10.— Burial Almira Starks 50 00 1S.- 13urial 51. D. Stevens 50 00 Burial of Silas Bailey 50 00 Oct. 14.— Burial G. E. Harris 50 00 Nov. 1.— Burial 3. F. Roberts 50 00 Burial J. Aiken and M. Conlin 100 00 9.—Burial Holmes Zeh 50 00 1,040 00 1,090 00 Deficiency for 1908 75 00 1,115' 00 Appropriation for 1908 875 00 Deficiency for 1909 290 00 SALARIES AND OFFICE RENT. Judge Chas. II. Blood to Nov. 1, '09 '2,999 96 Sp. Co. Judge S. E. Banks to Oct. 1, '09 175 00 Chaplain at Jail to July 1, '09 52 00 Janitor Clerk's Office Luther Ennis to Nov. 1, '09 179 96 Surrogate's Clerk, D. M. Gillespie to Nov. 1, '09 499 92 County Court and Sur. Sten.. Zaidee 11. Stone, to Nov. 1, '09 750 00 Supt. of Poor, W. P. Harrington to Oct. 1, '09 200 00 Janitor Court House and Jail, J. G. Wortman, to Oct. 1, '09 262 60 District Attorney, W. M. Kent, to Oct. 1, '09 1,200 00 Chaplain at Almshouse, G. L. Pasche, to Oct 1, '09 100 00 School Com., E. W. Updike to Jan, 1, '09 50 00 The Supervisors Proceedings 203 Keeper of Almshouse, W. 11. Pinckney to Oct 1, '09 600 00 County Treasurer, It. G. Robinson, to Oct 1, '09 1,000 00 Supt. of Poor, Walter' Mekeel to Oct. 1, '09200 00 Sch. Com., Hattie K. Buck, to Oct. 1, '09 200 00 Supt. of Poor, W. 1). Baldwin, to Oct. 1, '09 200 00 Physician at Almshouse, A. Chase, to Oct. 1, '09 250 00 Sch. Com., P'. A. Beardslee, to Oct. 1, '09 150 00 Co. Supt. highways, F. C. Evans to Nov. 1, '09700 00 COUNTY COURT. Appropriation for 1909 7,000 00 Orders paid, 1909 5,967 77 5,967 77 1,032 23 13alance in fund, 1908 172 55 Balance in fund, 1909 1,204 78 COUNTY AUDITS. Orders paid 1909 15,564 03 SPECIAL AUDITS. Orders paid, 1909 227 14 1908 MORTGAGE TAX. W. C. Gallagher, supervisor, Caroline 46 06 Frank Todd, supervisor, Danby 40 08 11. F. Chappuis, supervisor, Dryden 130 85 Wheeler Smith, supervisor, Enfield 17 93 J. W. Jones, supervisor, Groton 91 45 E. N. Corbin, city chamberlain, Ithaca 2,209 32 J. W. Preswick, supervisor, Ithaca 179 00 Orlando White, supervisor, Lansing 81 81 13. F. McAllaster, supervisor, Newfield 25 81 F. 13. Aiken, supervisor, Ulysses 96 11 2,918 42 1909 SCHOOL MONEY. W. C. Gallagher, supervisor, Caroline 2,950 00 , F. A. Todd, supervisor, Danby 2,675 00 304 he Supervisors' Proceedings R. F. Chappuis, supervisor, Dryden 4,825 00 Wheeler Smith, supervisor, Enfield 1,950 00 J. W. Jones, supervisor, Groton 3,500 00 J. W. Preswick, supervisor, Ithaca 1,125 00 Orlando White, supervisor, Lansing 3,625 00 B. F. McAllaster, supervisor, Newfield 3,625 00 F. B. Aiken, supervisor, Ulysses 2,614 00 E. K. Johnson, treas., City of Ithaca 7,625 00 34,514 00 HIGHWAY MONEY. W. C. Gallagher, supervisor, Caroline 1,782 40 F. A. Todd, supervisor, Danby 2,000 00 R. F. Chappuis, supervisor, Dryden 2 ,878 40 Wheeler Smith, supervisor, Enfield 1,108 29 J. W. Jones, supervisor, Groton 2,900 00 John W. Preswick, supervisor, Ithaca 1,470 00 Orlando White, supervisor, Lansing 1,691 85 13. F. McAllaster, supervisor, Newfield 2,491 48 F. 13. Aiken, supervisor, Ulysses 1,754 20 18.076 62 IMPROVEMENTS ON COUNTY JAIL. Amount of bond 5,500 00 Orders paid 4,000 00 4,000 00 Balance 1,500 00 124,258 77 Total receipts 135,945 74 Total disbursements 124,258 77 On deposit in First National Bank 11,686 97 I hereby certify that there was staving to the credit of R. G. Robinson, County Treasurer, on the books of this bank, at the close of business No- vember 13, 1909, the sum of $11,686.97. CHAS. W. MAJOR, Asst. Cashier, First National Bank, Ithaca. N. Y. the Supervisors' Proceedings 205 GOOI) 1ROAI)S CONSTRUOPION COMMITTEE. RECEIPTS. Balance on hand last report 4,437 04 1908 — Nov. 30.— iteceived from sale Bond 132 5,000 00 Interest on Bond 132 27 78 1909— Feb. 3. —State check Road 338 139 96 Mar. 17. —State check Road 336 2,002 69 State check Road 455 289 16 June 21.- 13ailey, Johnson & Saunders note and interest 2,618 75 fuly 12. —State cheek, State's share right of ways Road 336 ,31 23 toad 454 386 35 Road 483 849 69 1,267 27 27. —State check, Road 483 1,492 76 Aug. 24. —State check, Road 483 3,038 37 Oct. 25.- 13ailey, Johnson & Saunders to apply on chattel mortgage 3,436 35 23,750 13 DISBURSEMENTS. 1908— Nov. 30. -86 —C. W. Gay, cashier for Genesee Valley Con. Co., 13., J. & S. note.$ 212 90 87. —C. W. Gay, cashier for Genesee Valley Const. Co.5,592 35 1909- Feb. 15.- 88. —C. A. Gay, cashier for Costello, Burdew, Cooney & \Walters135 00 Mar. 27. -89 —C. W. Gay, cashier for Bailey, Johnson & Saunders 595 55 92.— McGreevy Const. Co., acct. Stan- dard Const. Co.200 00 93.—Jamieson McKinney, acct. Stand- ard Const. Co.95 79 94. —Caleb LaBarr, acct. Standard Const. Co.190 00 96. -13. G. Robinson, acct. Standard Const. CO.90 81 206 The Supervisors' Proceedings 90.— Driscoll Bros. Co., acct. Standard Const. Co.96 80 91. —C. J. Rumsey & Co., acct Standard Const. Co.66 74 97. —C. \V. Gay, cashier for Bailey, Johnson & Saunders 300 00 98.— Standard Construction Co 1,381 04 95.— Newman & Blood, acct. Stand- ard Const. Co.329 91 Aug. 6. -99.— Genesee Valley Const. Co 1,900 00 100.—Genesee Valley Const. Co 1,304 28 Oct. 25. -105— Applied by committee on Bailey, Johnson Saunders chattel mortgage 3,436 35 15,927 52 Balance 7,822 61 I hereby certify that there was standing to the credit of Good Roads Account of the County Treasurer, on the books of this bank, at close of business November 13, 1909, the sum of $7,822.61. CHAS. \V. MAJOR, Asst. Cashier, First National Bank, Ithaca, N. Y. COUNTY WORK ON SLATERVILLE ROAD. RECEIPTS. Oct. 13. —Sale Bond B3, Ithaca Savings Bank $5,000 00 Interest on Bond B3 40 00 5,040 00 DfSBURSEMENTS. Oct. 14.- 102. — Payroll to Oct. 9 300 31 101.—W. C. Gallagher for Misc. Bills1,191 88 26.- 104. —Cash for pay roll week ending October 23 324 33 27.- 103. —Cash for pay roll, week ending October 16 412 27 30.- 107. —Cash for pay roll week ending October 30 231 18 The Supervisors' Proceedings IU( Nov. 8.- 108. —Caste fur pay roll week ending November 6 168 02 W. G. Beserner, freight 55 58 2,683 57 Balance 2,356 43 I hereby certify that there was standing to the credit of Slaterville Road Account on the books of this bank at the close of business November 13, 1909, the sum of $2,356.43. CHAS. W. MAJOR, Asst. Cashier, First National Bank, Ithaca, N. Y. County of Tompkins, ss. State of New York. I, Rodney G. Robinson, Treasurer of the County of Tompkins, do solemnly swear that the foregoing statements are true and that the schedules accompanying the same are correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. RODNEY G. ROBINSON. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 15th day of November, 1909. C. V. BUSH, Notary Public. h 208 The Supervisors' Proceedings REPORT OF SUPERINTENDENTS OF THE POOR We, the undersigned, Superintendents of the Poor of Tompkins County, respectfully submit the following report and account for the year ending November 15, 1909: THE SUPERINTENDENTS OF THE POOR OF TOMPKINS COUNTY IN ACCOUNT WITH THE POOR FUNDS OF SAID COUNTY. 1908.Dr.Cr. To balance on hand in County Treasurer's hand November 15, 1908 499 78 Amount appropriation, 1909 5554 58 To sales from Farm current year, and balance on hand from last year 618 03 BY AMOUNTS PAID BY ORDER ON COUNTY TREASURER FOR TIIE FOLLOWING, PUB- POSES: Groceries, provisions, flour and feed 1086 44 Labor 1127 62 Fuel and lights 1019 38 Medical aid and drugs 73 50 Improvements 611 61 Clothing, dry goods and footwear 263 32 Miscellaneous 141 97 Fertilizer, disinfectants and freight 249 23 Out -door relief 1014 89 Paid from receipts County Farm, 1909 554 35 By balance in County Treasurer's hands, 1909 466 40 Balance on hand from proceeds of farm 63 68• 6672 39 6672 39 Of the above amount $1014.89 was paid for Outdoor Relief as also 611.61 was paid for improvements and repairs. Amount on hand as above 530 08 By error 23 00 Total balance on hand 553 08 The Supervisors' Proceedings 209 RECEIPTS OF COUNTY FARM. 1908. Nov. 15. -To balance on hand November 15, 1908.$ 226 80 16.- Walter and J. MeKeel 12 90 1. -Stone for road 6 29 1909-1 Jan. 29. -C. J. Wolverton & Son, fat beef 22 97 Mar. 5. -Wm. Traphagan, 28 bu. and 45 lbs wheat 30 15 15. -C. B. Leming, veal 2 00 16. -H. A: Mosher, 400 lbs. carbide 14 00 Apr. 3. -0. B. Genung, veal 2 00 June 10.- Hull's Mill, sale of wheat 100 01 20. -Harry Pearsalls, 19478 lbs. hay.116 86 Aug. 7. -C. J. Wolverton & Son, cow 27 90 IN ACCOUNT WITH CREAMERY. June 15. -Check to balance 14 01 July 15. -Check to balance 13 32 Aug. 15. -Check to balance 6 05 Sept. 15. -Cheek to balance 13 52 Oct. 15. -Cheek to balance 5 15 Oct. 15.-William Van Ostrand, check 4 10 618 03 1908 - By Disbursements From County Farm - Nov. 17.- Eugene Selover, repairs glasses 15 17. -Davie & King, groceries 55 17. -Wm. Hassard, lumber for doors.,2 47 20. -New York Telephone Co.95 20.- Blackman Eros., fruit 45 24. -Sears & Co., groceries 30 27. -Box of grease for engine 25 Dec. 2. -C. J. Wolverton, meat bill 9 37 2. -Wm. Hassard, lumber wagon box 1 20 2. -C. Potter, oysters and crackers 45 3. -0. L. Clark, 1 -2 ton bran •14 00 5. -J. Welch, meat 1 25 5.- Blackman Bros., groceries ...85 5. -White & Burdick, drugs 50 5. -P. M. Donahue, repairs gas Pine 1 38 14 210 The Supervisors' Proceedings 11.- George Ousterhouse, butchering hogs 2 00 14.- Telephone to Buffalo, Sullivan death ' 85 14- Charles Crawford, soles for shoes 1 00 19.- Master Brothers, horse - shoeing 00 22- APanzer, groceries 1 20 22. -J. B. Todd, drugs 60 25.- Railroad ticket, Powers family to Ithaca 36 25. -By cash to same 1 00 26.- George Ousterhouse, butchering 75 23.- Repairs to glasses for Joe Reed, inmate 25 31. -Floyd Potter, oysters and crackers 70 31.-Repairs glasses, McFall 25 31. -John Jehue, buckwheat flour 10 80 1909 - Jan. 2.-Postage 97 2.- Masters, horse - shoeing 60 6. -C. Wolverton, meat 2 15 6. -Fred Brewer, repairs on shoes 20 6.- Stover Co., barn broom 50 14. -Chas. Wolverton, beef 1 00. 11. -Isaac Horton, drugs '50 14.- Charles Wolverton, butchering 1 00 15. Judson Todd; drugs 1 00 17. Chas. Clock, buckwheat flour 3 25 21.- Telephone bill to January 1, 1909 2 30 21. -R. C. Osborne, Christmas candy 3 00 21, C. J. Rumsey, kettle 3 00 25.- Calkins, repairs harness 65 27. -0. D. Creque, repairs on big wagon 7 60 27.- 1-Tolton's, writing tables and drugs -70 27, John Durant, threshing bill 31 38 Feb. 4. -);zra Young, shoe laces 30 10.- Judson Todd, kidney befins 50 10.- Graham, horse - shoeing 60 16. -Philo Smith, shredding corn 23 00 17.- Woodhull, horse - shoeing 95 17. -Mr. TCent, for labor 2 50 28.- Woodhull, blacksmithing 73 28.- Blackman Brothers, groceries ..1 00 28.- Freight, 10 cans carbide 2 59 Mar. 1.- Freight at Willow Creek 1 25 9.- Postage, Harrington 1 00 9. -Wm. Harrington, Douglas case, feeble- minded child 2 30 1 it The Supervisors' Proceedings 211 10. -1 pair shirts for, (Gabler), weight of man 362' pounds 5 00 16.- Telephone bill 2 30 16.- Frelght, ton carbide 4 71 t 16. -Mr. Dewitt, horse - shoeing 90 • 16.- Postal cards 25 17.- Envelopes and paper wrappers 85 17.--Freight bill, Willow Creek 64 19.-J. Welch,. meat bill 7 10 19.- Telephone bill 1 40 20.- Repairs on wagon 3 25 22.-T. Swiek, groceries 1 87 23. -Clare King, work in ice 2 25 23.- Eugene Smith, work in ice 2 25 23. -Wm. Andrus, work in ice 2 00 23.- Bought Win. Andrus, fanning mill 5 00 23.- Charles Shunck, work on ice 50 26• -Philo Smith, team work 1 00 26. -Wm. Stebbins, use of Ice plow 1 00 Apr.- 2. -Wm. P. Harrington, fare tramp to Geneva 1 05 2.- Freight,. carbide to Taghanic R. R. sta. 2 59 2. -Mr. Dewitt, horse - shoeing 90 8. -Wm. Baldwin, supt., postage 97 9.- Freight bill, Willow Creek 61 18. -Jay Pinckney, anchor post 3 50 28.- Judson Tod& drugs 1 00 28. -Wm. P. Harrington; railroad fare Che- mung Co.1 40 29.- Davis & King, groceries 5 95 30.- Dewitt, horse - shoeing 90 30. -C. L. Clock, corn meal and bran 3 25 30. -Wm. Miller, 20 loads of ice 4 00 May 4. -J. Welch, 47 lbs. meat 2 82 5.- Everill Church, maple syrup 3 75 6. -J. Kirby, 11 bus. seed oats 5 50 6. -3. Kirby, seed corn 3 79 11. -Wm. Campbell, sprayer 8 00 12.- Freight bill 36 12.- Blackman Bros., groceries 2 73 12. -0. D. Creque, blacksmithing 1 60 15.- Postage 1 22 17.- George Tompkins, dishes 1 57 22.- Freight, cream separator 1.05 June 4.- Freight, barrel oil 48 5. -Wm. Harrington, aid Swiek family 60 12. -Bool Co., plants 2 25 212 The Supervisors' Proceedings 14. -James Storm, tomato and flower plants 3 00 15. -Cash, help in House 3 00 16. -Fruit and groceries 1 00 16, -C. J. Wolverton & Son, meat bill 24 25 16.- Dewitt, horse- shoeing 60 18.- Blackman Brothers, groceries 80 18.- Expenses to Ithaca to sell wheat 1 00 18. -1nter -ocean Telephone Co.2 55 26.- Stover Hardware Co., farm gate 2 00 26.- Ernest Mathewson, cabbage plants 1 40 July 6.- Strawberries, 18 quarts 1 80 8.- Expenses to Seneca Falls, well supplies2 SO 10.- Freight on supplies 1 13 11.- Freight bill, Willow Creek 25 11.- Edward Farrington, 8 bbls. flour 52 75 14.- Postage 97 15.- George Spaulding, 9 qts. berries 90 16.- Freight, Willlow Creek 52 16. -Wm. Dewitt, blacksmithing 2 80 24.- Jameson & McKinney, packing 60 30. -J. B. Lang Co., cutting thread 35 30. -Car fare and dinner, Ithaca 65 30.- Rothchild's, 1 gross shoe laces 60 30.- Freight on germicide and groceries 1 81 Aug. 4.- Crawford, sole leather 1 40 12 -2 dozen bananas 25 12.- Ithaca 'Telephone Co.3 16.- Freight, Willow. Creek 59 21. -Chas. Crawford, sole leather 1 10 27. -Fred Atwater, groceries 1 30 Sept. 2.- Tudson Miller, service bull and boar7 00 3. -Ezra Young, shoes and overalls 5 00 1.- Postage 97 16.- Wanzer, fruit and groceries 1 40 20.- Ithaca Telephone bill to date 1 15 Oct. 1.- Freight bill, Willow Creek 75 5. -Two trips for plumber 2 00 9.-Filo Smith, cutting grain 16 00 15.- Updyke & Brigs, mason work on barn45 00 26. -Wm. Campbell, use corn binder 6 00 27. -C. J. Wolverton & Son, meat bill 27 90 27. -Davis & King, groceries 4 95 27. -John Gehue, buckwheat flour and meal 15 00 28. -Mrs. Fred Wilson, house cleaning 3 75 29.- Freight on carbide 4 70 20.- Freight on goods, Ithaca 75 The Supervisors' Proceedings 213 29. —Bred Trumbull, 2 shoats 10 00 Nov. 5. —Wm. Dewitt, blacksmithing 6 85 G.— Blackman Bros., groceries 12 GO 6.— Telephone bill 9G 10. —Wm. Nelson, 2 shoats 11 00 554 35 COST OF SUPPORT OF POOR. Total expense of supporting the poor of the County for the year ending November 15, 1909 was 6142 31 Cost of support of poor outside alms house 1014 89 Cost of improvements 611 61 Leaving cost of maintenance of poor of the County at Alms House 9515 81 6192 31 6142 31 The cost is chargeable to the County, City and different Towns in the County on the basis of the number of days they have inmates maintained at the Alms House as. follows: Names.County Charges.r Days. Isaac Chapman 365 Lena Collins 365 Clarence Mackey 365 William Trimm 290 Fred Cook 365 Harrriet Commings 326 James Swartwood 365 Harry Chase 40 Edward McCleary 51 John R. Duffy 2 John Doe 2 Sim McManus 2 John Powers 12 Mary Powers 12 Lenora Powers 12 Burdett Parsons 2 Loomis Carl 2 Thomas Grimm 1 H. B. Conrad 18 James Andrus 2 James Anderson 1 James Houlger 2 John Doe 1 214 The Supervisors' Proceedings Mary Messenger 11 P. J. Prator 25 James Lambertson 2 Ella Ehle 14 Irwin Clark 1 John Doe Thomas McCallen 29 Edward Wood:29 Total days 2716 Names.City of Ithaca.Days. Hod Whitehead 365 John Bishop 365 Carrie Tabor 365 William Gifford 365 Alexander Marion 365 Richard Highland 365 Joe Reed 365 Samantha Barber 365 Bradley Mead 365 Lyman McFall 365 William E. Meagher 136 George Wilcox 335 Nelson Gabler 365 William Martin 198 William Allen 365 Margaret Boom 270 William Maher 116 Frank Williams 65 Russell Starks 214 John Newton 149 Henry Mason 12 Leroy Bailey 89 Annie Klenke 95 John Murray 68 Elizabeth Quinn 35 • Total 6162 LANSING. Cyrus Norwood 105 Barney Moore i 211 Sarah Rouse 365 Margaret Smith 365 June Cook 7 8 The Supervisors' !'roceedings 215 Howard Cobb •21 Total 1145 7. ITHACA TOWN. Iliram Freer 295 Lorenzo Drew 143 Michael Kane 332 Total 770 GROTON. Lorrin Jones 365 Total 365 DANBY. Elnora Crancc 365 Ben Shaw 365 Total 730 DRYDEN. Cilus Tucker 365 Charles Oakly 365 Isabelle Oakly 000 Alonzo Ralph 365 Lyman Smith 365 Eliza Tarbox 365 Total 1825 CAROLINE. Albertine 13radley 365 Betsy Lynch 13 Total 378 ENFIELD. Cornelius Sullivan 28 C. M. Dowell 299 Total 327 216 Phe Supervisors' Proceedings' NEWFIELD. Helen Edgcumb 365 David Brill 228 Calvin Martin 365 Total 958 ULYSSES. Ellsworth Durling 365 Emma Chessman 14 Total 379 SUMMARY OF DAY'S MAINTENANCE: From Nov. 15, 1908 to Nov. 15, 1909: Days.Cost. County 2716 778 47 Ithaca City 6162 1766 14 Caroline 378 108 35 Danby 730 209 24 Dryden 1825 523 09 Enfield 327 93 74 Groton 365 104 65 Ithaca Town 770 220 71 Lansing 1145 328 19 Newfield 958 274 59 Ulysses 379 108 G4 Total 15755 4515 81 t The total cost of supporting Town and County Poor at Alms House, the expense per diem being .28662. The following crops were raised during the year: Wheat, 400 bushels On hand, 350 bushels Oats, 350 bushels On hand, 350 bushels Barley, 175 bushels On hand, 175 bushels Corn, 500 bushels On hand, 500 bushels Hay, 13 tons On hand, 18 tons Potatoes, 500 bushels On hand, 500 bushels Beans, 18 bushels On hand, 18 bushels Onions, 10 bushels -On hand, 10 bushels 1'lae Supervisors' Proceedings 217 Beets, 5 bushels On hand, 5 bushels Turnips, 10 bushels On hand, 10 bushels Eggs, 500 dozen. There Is on farm belonging to County, stuck and implements as follows: 1 team horses. 6 cows. 13 shoats. 1 brood sow. 3 Pigs. 1041 fowls. 1 lumber wagon. 1 pair bob sleighs. 1 land roller. 1 grain drill. 1 spring tooth harrow. 1 garden drill. 1 hand cultivator. 4 potato crates. 2 horse cultivators. 1 crowbar. 3 cable chains. Pitch- forks, shovels, etc. CENSUS OF INMATES. Number in Alms House, November 15, 1908 46 Admitted during year •39 Born 0 re 86 Died during year 4 Discharged during year 31 36 In Alms House at present time 50 Cornelius Sullivan died December 14, 1908. Cyrus Norwood died February 27. 1909. William Trimm died August 21, 1909. George / Wilcox died October 11, 1909. Betsy Lynch sent to Willard Hospital October 4, 1909. Mary Messenger sent to Willard Hospital October 4, 1909. 1909.GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, FLOUR AND FEED. Jan. 6 171 W. & 1. Mekeel, feed 31 00 1 218 The Supervisors' Proceedings Feb. 3 175 J. C. Stowell Co., groceries 131 08 3 176 S. D. Sawier Est., groceries 2 00 3 186 Brown & Seely, meat 8 32 3 205 D. B. Stewart & Co., groceries 98 00 3 206 W. & I. Mekeel, feed 31 50 ta 3 211 D. B. Stewart, groceries 106 51 Apr. 7 226 D. B. Stewart, groceries 51 13 May 5 253 J. C. Stowell Co., groceries 67 84 June 2 270 J. C. Stowell Co., groceries 27 82 2 274 E. S. Johnson, groceries 22 18 July 7 286 J. Welch, meat -16 60 7 289 J. C. Stowell Co., groceries 52 99 Aug. 31 323 D. B. Stewart & Co., groceries 60 33 Oct. 6 349 J. Welch, meat 31 63 6 353 D. B. Stewart, groceries 46 58 Nov. 3 374 Wolverton & Son, meat 43 52 3 381 D. B. Stewart, groceries 5 35 3 383 J. G. Wortman, meat 11 34 3 384 J. C. Stowell, groceries 49 02 3 385 J. Welch, meat 11 54 3 393 E. H. Farrington, flour and feed 99 86 12 397 E. S. Johnson, groceries 42 27 13 398 J. C. Stowell Co., groceries 88 04 1086 44 1909.LABOR. Dec. 2 159 Mathew Carr, labor 7 00 2 160 Fred J. Wilson, labor 15 03 2 161 Mrs. J. H. Coy, labor 30 00 2 162 Harold Young, labor 22 00 2 163 Isabelle Oakley, labor 2 00 2' 164 Mrs. Anna E. Pinckney, labor 13 00 t 1909 — Jan. 6 167 Isabelle Oakley, labor 2 00 6 168 Mathew Carr, hospital attendant 7 00 y . 6 169 Mrs. Anna E. Pinckney, labor 13 00 6 170 Mrs. J. II. Coy, labor 31 00 6 172 Fred J. Wilson, labor 25 00 6 173 Harold Young, labor 20 00 Feb. 3 187 Isabelle Oakley, labor 2 00 3 188 Mathew Carr, labor 7 00 3 189 Mrs. J. H. Coy, labor 31 00 3 190 Harold Young, labor 20 00 3 - 191 Fred J. Wilson, labor 25 00 The Supervisors' Proceedings 219 3 194 Mrs. Anna E. Pinckney, labor 15 00 Mar. 3 198 Harold Young, labor 20 00 3 199 Mathew Carr, labor 7 00 • 3 200 Fred J. 'Wilson, labor 25 00 3 201 Mrs. J. H. Coy, labor 28 00 ' 3 202 Isabelle Oakley, labor '2 00 3 203 Mrs. Anna L. Pinckney, labor 15 '00 Apr. 7 217 Mathew Carr, labor 7 00 7 219 Harold Young, labor 20 00 7 220 Mrs. Anna E. Pinckney, labor 15 00 7 " 221 Mrs. J. H. Coy, labor 31 00 7 229 Isabelle Oakley, labor 2 00 7 230 Fred J. Wilson, labor 25 00 May 5 257 Mrs. Anna E. Pinckney, labor 15 00 5 258 Isabelle Oakley, labor 2 00 5 259 Mrs. J. 13. Coy, labor 30 00 5 260 Harold Young, labor 22 00 5 261 Fred J. Wilson, labor 25 00 5 262 Mathew Carr, labor A 7 00. June. 2 277 Fred J. 'Wilson, labor'25 00 2 278 Harold Young, labor 22 00 2 279 Mrs. Anna E. Pinckney, labor 15 00 2 280 Isabelle Oakley, labor 2 00 2 281 Mathew Carr, labor 7 00 2 282 Mrs. J. H. Coy, labor 3I 00 July 7 297 Isabelle Oakley, labor 2 00 7 298 Mrs. J. H. Coy, labor 30 00 7 299 Mathew Carr, labor 7 00 7 300 Fred J. Wilson, labor 21 11 7 301 Anna Pinckney, salary 15 00 7 302 Harold Young, salary 22 00 Aug. 4 312 Annie E. Pinckney, salary 15 00 4 313 Mrs. J. H. Coy, salary 31 00 4 314 Fred J. Wilson, labor 24 00 4 315 Mathew Carr, hospital attendant7 00 4 316 Isabelle Oakley. labor 2 00 4 317 Harold Young, labor 22 00 31 329 Mathew Carr, labor 7 00 31 330 Mrs. Annie Pinckney, labor 15 00 31 331 Mrs. J. H. Coy, matron 10 00 31 332 Annie Rodeo, labor ..6 00 31 333 Isabelle Oakley, labor 2 00 31 334 Harold Young. labor 18 61 31 335 Fred J. Wilson, labor 25 00 Oct. 6 359 Isabelle Oakley, labor 2 00 6 360 Anna Pinckney, labor 15 00 220 The Supervisors' Proceedings 6 • 361 Fred J. Wilson, labor 25 00 6 '362 Harold Young, labor 22 00 6 363 Mrs. Pinckney, extra help 10 00 6 364 Mathew Carr, labor 7 00 6 365 Annie Rodeo, labor 1 87 Nov. 3 368 Fred J. Wilson, labor 25 00 3 369 Isabelle Oakley, labor 2 00 3 370 Mathew Carr, labor 7 00 3 371 Harold Young, labor 22 00 3 372 Annie Pinckney, labor 20 00 1127 62 1908.FUEL AND LIGHTS. Dec. 2 168 W. T. Vann, coal 160 48 1909 — Feb. 3 184 W. T. Vann, coal 101 08 Mar. 21 216 W. T. Vann, coal 162 60 Apr. 7 243 White Burdick CO., carbide and sup. 80 35 May 5 250 Standard Oil Co., gasoline 6 38 July 7 284 Standard Oii Co., fuel 11 31 7 295 W. T. Vann, steam coal 132 18 Aug. 31 321'Slandard 011 Co.7 21 Oct. 6 345 Davis Brown Co., batteries 1 50 6 367 W. T. Vann, coal, etc.198 99 Nov. 3 386 Standard Oil Co.7 37 3 ' 389 Union Carbide Co.7 00 13 403 W. T. Vann, coal 79 93 1019 38 1909. MEDICAL ATTENDANCE AND DRUGS 1 Apr. 7 222 1. Holton, drugs 29 15 7 292 White & Burdick Co., drugs 8 65 Oct. 6 352 White & Burdick Co., drugs 4 70 6 366 Tsaac Holton, drugs 26 85 Nov. 12 394 White & Burdick Co., drugs 4 15 73 50 1909.IMPROVEMENTS AND REPAIRS. Mar. 3 212 J. L. Marshall, wind mill repairs 3 30 July 7 294 D. D. Bower, improvements, plumbing 21 79 7' 296 Stover Hardware Co., fencing 36 70 17 304 E. L. Millard, drilling well, Co. house 200 00 Oct. 6 350 Jasper Drake, mason work 22 28 t The Supervisors' Proceedings 221 6 355, Orin McElheny, moving barn 115 00 6 358 Gould Mfg. Co., Seneca Falls 138 75 Nov. 3 373 Biggs Co., improvements on house62 70 3 376 Driscoll Clay 4 00 3 391 J. L. Marshall, imp., wind mill 7 09 611 61 1908. CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, FOOTWEAR. Dec. 2 154 Bush & Dean, dry goods 40 66 2 155 Ladies' Social Union, comfortables40 00 Feb. 3 177 Bush & Dean, dry goods 4 96 3 181 Geo. W. Peck, clothing 1 55 Mar. 3 204 Mosier Bros., clothing 25 GO 3 209 Ben,. Mintz, clothing 17 75 June 2 266 Berm Mintz, clothing 11 75 2 268 Bush & Dean, dry goods 7 91 July 7 290 P. Wall & Son, shoes 11 25 Aug. 4 308 Bonn Mintz, clothing 13 00 31 326 Bonn Mintz, clothing 7 25 Oct. '6 396 Bush & Dean, dry goods 13 73 Nov, 12 395 Bush & Dean, clothing 18 66 13 399 Bonn Mintz, clothing 49 25 263 32 1908.MISCELLANEOUS. Dec. 2 156. Harry Horton, truant officer 7 88 2 157 M. M, SweCtland, legal services 12 65 2 165 W. H. Allen, blacksmithing 10 75 1909— Feb. 3 192 T. E. Allen, blacksmithing 7 40 Mar. 3 210 L. F. Noxon, clover seed 14 00 Apr. 7 223 The Biggs Co., supplies '14 61 May 5 248 L. F. Noxon, seeds 2 25 5 251 George Rankin, dishes 7 35 5 256 W. II. Allen, blacksmithing 7 50 June 2 267 Davis & Brown, supplies 3 30 2 271 L.F. Noxon, seeds 1 30 2 276 T. A. Quick, seeds 11 88 Aug. 3 337 Cortland Specialty Co., washing pow. 4 90 Oct, 6 348 L. F. Noxon, seeds 6 88' 6 357 W. & T. Mekeel, supplies 29 32 141 97 222 The Supervisors' Proceedings 1908. FERTILIZERS, DISINFECTANTS, AND FREIGHT. Dec. 2 166 L. V. R. R., freight 1 11 1909— Feb. 3 193 L. V. R. lt., freight 4 13 June 2 283 W. T. Vann, fertilizer ....23 00 Aug. 4 306 Worrell Mfg. Co., disinfectants 20 00 4 318 W. & I. Mekeel, fertilizer 130 49 31 350 West Disinfectant Co.47 50 Oct. 6 341 Rochester Germicide Co., disinfectant 15 00 Nov. 13 400 West Disinfecting Co.8 00 249 23 1909.OUT -DOOR RELIEF. Feb. 3 174 Fred Mabee, milk quarantine 2 70 3 178 Cornell Livery 6 00 3 179 Homer Genung, Bronson family3 00 3 180 Ithaca Journal, printing 8 80 3 182 C. E. Stevens, groceries 16 05 3 183 F. Atwater, groceries 12 67 3 185 O. M. Newell, relief 4 00 3 195 F. R. Willey, groceries, Bronson family 19 98 3 196 13. Snyder, service and coal 7 70 3 197 B. Snyder, service bill 4 00 Mar. 3 207 C. E. Stevens, groceries 26 10 3 208 Rothchild Bros., supplies 2 00 3, 213 D. W. Brooks, Supt. Poor, Tioga 12 25 3 214 Della Emery, Tanner care 10 50 3 215 33. Snyder, medical, Schutt family98 50 Apr. 7 218 Dr. Nash, medical 21 75 7 224 Dixon Robinson, fuel 18 78 7 225 P. Wall & Son, shoes 8 75 7 227 Cornell Livery, transportation 2 00 7 228 Chas. Christiance, transportation2 00 v 7 231 Mary O'Brien, relief 9 00 7 232 •F. R. Willey, Bronson family 18 00 7 233 Emmet Gillow, Justin family 7 80 7 234 Emmet Gillow, Justin family 2 75 7 235 Geo. H. Stevens, relief, Sickles family 3 35 7 236 Della Einery, Tanner family 6 63 7 237 S. H. Patch, O. P. relief, Covert family 13 03 line Supervisors' Proceedings 223' 7 238 C. E. Stevens, groceries 22 00 7 239 Beach & Hutchinson, fuel 18 78 7 240 'Randolph Horton, legal.25 75 7 241 B. Snyder, O. P.,-Tripp family 50 63 n 7 242 Barnes & Co., shoes 3 25 7 244 Fred Mineah, transportation 4 00 7 245 O. M. Newell, O. P.,• tramps 8 - 75 7 246 M. J.. Roily, relief, Seidler family4 27 May 5 247 Mrs. J. C. Fybush, Seidler family7 60 5 249 C. 17. Stevens, groceries 9 99 6 252 W. G. McCormic, fuel 1 70 5 254 Della Emmory, Tanner family 6 42 6 255 M. J. Roily, Seidler family 2 62 5 263 C. 1). Mespell, Barry Chase 25. 00 5 264 B. Snyder, O. P.2 65 June 2 265 Cornell Livery transportation 7 00 2 269 City hospital, Ehle ease 11 00 2 272 C. E. Stevens, groceries 14 01 2 273 Della Emmory, Tanner family 6 63 2 275 E. S. Johnson, Cooper family 6 19 July 7 285 B. Snyder, O. P.5 60 7 287 C. E. Stevens, groceries 18 00 7 288 J. B. Lang Engine Co.4 50 7 291 Dr. Nash, medical 13 00 7 295 Della Emmery, Tanner family 6 42 7 303 F. R. Willey, groceries 32 00 Aug. 4 305 Della Emmery, Tanner family 6 83 4 307 J. B. Lang Engine Co.5 60 t 309 C. E. Stevens, groceries 14 50 4 311 Emodell Ireland, Buck family 6 00 4 319 B. Snyder, medical 12 30 21 320.4. Chase, medical, Cooper 60 00 31 322 S. C. McMillen, nurse, Buck family2 00 31 324 Cornell Livery, transportation 4 00 31 325 F. A. McClune 6 00 31 327 Dr. H. Genung, Schutt family 2 50 31 328 J. Will Tree, blank reports 2 75 31 338 C. E. Stevens, groceries 14 10 V 31 340 Della Emmery, Tanner family 6 66 Oct. 6 342 J. 13. Lang/Engine Co.4 50 6 343 C. F.. Stevens, groceries 20 05 6 344 Della Emmery, Tanner family 6 42 6 347 F. R. Willey, Bronson family 16 00 6 351 Ithaca Journal, printing 3 25 6 354 Cornell Transfer Co.6 00 6 356 L. J. Townley & Sons, printing 88 I 224 The Supervisors' Proceedings Nov. 3 375 Chas. D. Snyder, Buck family 3 60 3 337 City Hospital, Ehle care 30 00 3 378 Daily News, printing 58 3 379 Della Emmery, Tanner family 6 63 3 380 D. B. Stewart, groceries 44 00 3 382 Dr. Nash, Buck and Talmadge family 15 15 3 387 Ophelia Pierce, nurse 1 50 3 388 'Thos. J. Stevens, room rent 12 00 Nov. 3 390 Lang Engine Co.5 00 3 392 Cornell Livery, transportation 4 00 12 396 John Kelley, tramp 50 13 401 C. E. Stevens, groceries 7 98 13 402 C. E. Stevens, groceries 18 06 1014 89 In conformity with 30 of the Revised Statutes, we respect- fully report that we estimate the expenses of the Town, City and County Poor to be supported at the Alms House the en -, suing year to be 5000 00 Outdoor Relief 1400 00 Services Overseer of Poor 100 00 Transportation 50 00 6550 00, State of New York, County of Tompkins —ss. Walter Mekeel, Wm. P. Harrington, Wm. D. Baldwin, being each duly and severally sworn each for himself deposes and says that the foregoing account and report are just and true according to their knowledge and be- lief, WALTER MEKEEL, AVM. P. HARRINGTON, WM. D. BALDWIN, Superintendents of Poor. Sworn to before me this 1Sth day of November, 1909. BERT T. BAKER, Notary Public. The Supervisors' Proceedings 225 it.,REPORT OF GOOD ROADS CONSTRUCTION COMMITTEE. To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: a Your Construction Committee on Good Roads would respectfully report as follows: Since our last annual report made to your Board, at which time we re- ported roads 338, 336 and 455 as completed but not accepted, those roads. have been accepted by the State and 483, which was reported at that time as being 65 per cent. completed is now practically finished, but has not yet been accepted by the State.L. In our 1908 report we mentioned as having unsettled, costs of rights of way on roads 336, 454 and 483, amounting to $2,559.54. The State has re- imbursed the County for practically 50 per cent. of this amount and the money has been placed to the credit of the Good Roads Construction Fund. • The Bailey, Johnson & Saunders note, which was held by the First Na- tional Bank, has been paid and the proceeds $2,500.00, applied on the Bailey, Johnson & Saunders chattel mortgage. This sum, together with accrued in- terest, amounting to $118.75, has been placed by the County Treasurer to the credit of the Good Roads Construction Fund. We would •also report the receipt of the final 10 per cent. on roads 455 P and 336, amounting to $3,436.35, which has also been applied on Bailey, Johnson & Saunders chattel mortgage. By reference to the financial state- ment attached to this report, the present status of amount due on this mort- gage may be determined. We respectfully call your attention to an important matter that should i be taken up at this time, namely: the disposition to be made in the final.set- tlement as between the various towns and the County of the item of general expense, which has entered largely into the cost of construction, and which must be disposed of before the actual cost to .any one town of the road therein can be determined. This committee acknowledges receipt of letter from Messrs. Newman & Blood, referred to them by your Board, and as soon as practicable, the In- formation desired will be furnished. 15 226 The Supervisors' Proceedings On August 27th, The Genesee Valley Construction Company discon- tinued work on road 483, with 9 per cent. still to be done, and the construc- tion repaired on the portion of this road from Cook's Corners to Mulk's Corners. Your committee immediately proceeded to complete this 9 per cent., as well as the repairs mentioned above, as per a former report, and t the work is now, complete,. We regret, however, our inability to make final report on this road, as the State, for some unaccountable reason, is delaying acceptance. There are also some bills for materials furnished that have not been presented for payment. Below we append cost of construction of the 9 per cent. and the repairs mentioned above, as far as we are able to give at this time. However, as we stated before, this is not final. - Ere final adjournment of your Board, it may be possible for this Com- mittee to file a supplemental report showing final acceptance and total cost of this road. We report total cost of completed roads as follows: Construction.Engineering. 454 34,736.55 4,269.32 455 3,543.15 587.15 336 32,138.95 4,202.25 338 14, 311.75 1,620.25 Immediately upon acceptance by the State of Road 483, which is the final contract to be disposed of under our agreement with the State, your committee recommends that unless Bailey, Johnson & Saunders appear and make settlement with the county for the amount still due on chattel mort- gage, including interest, the County proceed to foreclose said chattel mort- gage and dispose of the articles covered by same. STATE CHECKS.y Last report 42;724 94 Received since last report 8,230 21 50,955 15 FUND RETAINED BY STATE. Last report 7,432 92 Retained since last report 1,093 59 8,526 51 Received estimate on 336, 338, 455 4,864 63 Balance still due county 3,661 88 The Supervisors' Proceedings 227 GENESEE VALLEY CONSTRUCTION CO.' Credit balance last report 310 93 Estimate No. 12 on 483 3,392 76 Estimate No. 13 on 483 3,038 57 Estimate No. 14 on 483 3,411 15 10,163 41 Credlted on Special Retaining Fund on 338 52 45 Credlted on Special Retaining Fund on 483 188 48 Cash paid on estimates 3,204 28 3,445 21 6,708 20 Special fund retained by Co. last report 1,356. 32 Credited since lost report 240 93 1,597 25 Balance due Genesee Valley Const.,Co $ 8,305 45 and BAILEY, JOHNSON & SAUNDERS. Bal. due on machinery last report 8,410 27 Credlted out of final estimate on 336 and 4553,436 35 Balance due County 4,973 92 BAILEY, JOHNSON & SAUNDERS. Balance due County last report ,48 30 Applied on note from final estimate 338 595 55 Cash paid 300 00 Applied by Committee on Chattel Mortgage3,436 35 Rent of Stone Yard 180 00 Construction in final 10 per cent. of 338 118 00 10 per cent. on work done by Co. on 338 222 88 Construction in final 10 per cent. on 336 295 65.5,196 73 Final. estimate on 336 3,377 69 Final estimate on 455 354 31 Final estimate on 336 1,445 97 5,177 97 Due County 18 76 INTEREST. Last report 479 56 Received from sale Bond B2 27 78 Received on Bailey, Johnson & Saunders note118 75 Total received to date 626 09 228 The Supervisors' Proceedings ROAD 483. Cost to last report 24,781 35 Estimate No. 12 3,392 76 Estimate No. 13 3,038 57 Estimate No. 14 3,411 15 Total cost to time County took charge 34,623 83 Total cost to date of County work 3,385 72 38,009 55 General expense 3,411 70 RECEIPTS. Cash on hand last report 3,631 79 Dec. — Interest received from sale of Bond B227 78 1909 — Jan. 3 —State check on 338 139 96 State check on 336 2,002 69 State check on 955 289 16 Paym't Bailey, Johnson & Saunders note 2,500 00 Paym't Int. on Bailey, Johnson & Saun- ders note 118 75 2,618 75 July 12 —State check, rights of way on following roads:. 336 31 23 454 386 35' 483 899 69 1,267 27 July 27. State check on 483 -1,492 76 Aug. 27. —State check on 483 3,038 37 Oct. 25.- 13ailoy, Johnson & Saunders' final 10% on 336 & 955 applied on Ch. Mtge ' 3,436 35 O 17,944 88 DISBURSEMENTS. Jan. 11.— Costello, Burden, Cooney Walters Kiley Claim 338 135 00 1 The Supervisors' Proceedings 229 Mar. 15. —C. W. Gay, cashier, apply on Bailey, Johnson & Saunders note 595 55 Mar. 22.— Driscoll•Bros. & Co., for Standard Construction Co. account 96 80 Mar. 22. —C. J. Rumsey & Co., for Standard Construction Co. account G6 74 Mar. 22.— McGreevy Construction Co., for Standard Construction Co. account200 00 Mar. 22.— Jamieson - McKinney Co., for Stand- ard Construction Co. account 95 79 Mar. 22. —Caleb LaBarr, 'for Standard Construc- tion Co. account 190 00 Mar. 22.— Newman & Blood, for Standard Con- struction Co. account 329 91 Mar. 22. -11. G. Robinson, for Standard Con- struction Co. account 90 81 Mar. 26.— Bailey, Johnson & Saunders on 338300 00 Mar. 26.— Standard Const. Co. on 336 and 455 to balance account 1,381 04 July 26. Genesee Valley Const. Co. on 483 1,900 00 July 26.— Genesee Valley Const. Co. on 483 1,304 28 Applied by Committee on Bailey, Johnson Saunders Chattel Mortgage 3,436 35 10,122 27 Service bills audited by Board in 1908421 15 Balance 7,401 46• Following is statement of receipts and disbursements necessary for corn- pletlon of the 9 per cent. and repairs on 483 mentioned above: RECEIPTS. Sale of bond and Interest thereon 5,040 00 230 7'he Supervisors' Proceedings DISBURSEMENTS. W. C. Gallagher 1,316 26 Pay roll to Oct. 2, '09 1,106 21 Truman King & Co.4 15 r-: C. J. Rumsey & Co.19 10 W. G. Besemer 82 95 Cayuga Lake Cement do 32'50 Bowne Mulks 28 00 W. C. Gallagher, to pay bills rendered by Geo. M. Bull, W. D. Post, accommodation of laborers, etc.44 90 W. C. Gallagher, to pay misc. bills 3 '45 1316 26 Oct. 12. —Pay roll week ending Odtober 9 300 31 Oct. 19 —Pay roll week ending 'Odt. '16 412 27 . Oct. 25.— Pay roll, week ending Oct. '23 324 33 Oct. 28.— Willis G. Besemer, freight 55'58 Nov. 1. —Pay roll, week ending 'Get. 30 231 18 Nov. 7. -Pay roll, week ending Nov. 6 168 02 Dec. 1. —W. Itidgeway.' Hosts 14 00 J. 72. Bull, stone 5 50 ID. B. Bull, stone 4 X00 J. M. Hoaglin, posts 4 50 A. C. Ferguson, inise. supplies 17 '80 A. J. Slater, mist. su0Plies 7 20 Harold W. livery 8 , Cornell Livery, livery 14'00 John Besemer, stone 5 40 C. H. Morse & Son, road signs 20 70 John Bull, steam cool 1+50 J. B. Lang, Engine & Garage Co.13 20 ' W. D.'Griffin, drawing °stone 1'00 Willis G. Besemer,. steam'coa1 41 93 Harry A. Davis, repair work 11 85 Henry Leebody, rent 13 50 F. J. Bocce, wood 3 Chas. Thomas, wood 5 25 Merrill Bros., stencil 75 The . Supervisors' Proceedings 231 Andrus & Church, 2 time books 60 Willis G. Besemer, freight 34 97 F. E .Conley Stone Co.101 19 J. C. Miller, steam coal 10 32 Chas. E. Seamon, livery 12 00 Dec. 6. —Dixon & Robinson, lumber 92 77 C. J. Rumsey & Co., lead 7 50 F. E. Conley Stone Co.41 61 c'L F. E. Conley Stone Co.38 10 J. H. Meany, rent and teaming 8 00 Pay roll to Nov. 27 37 13 3,385 72 Balance 1,654 '28 W. H. PARKER. CHAS. H. BEACH. W. C. GALLAGHER, Committee. Your Good Roads' Committee have examined the report of the Good Roads Construction Committee handed to them and found it correct, having verified the report kept by that-committee. J. W.-JONES, F. A. TODD, B. F.'McALLASTER. Committee. y . r- 2:32 The Supervisors' Proceedings TABULATED STATEMENT of the HIGHWAY BRIDGE AND MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS. Of the Several Towns of the County of Tompkins, 1909. For the Repair and Improvement of Highways, Repair and Construction of Bridges, Purchase, Repair and Storage of Machinery, Removal of Obstructions caused by Snow, and other Miscellaneous Purposes made by the Supervisors of the re- spective Towns pursuant to Section 107 of the Highway Law of the State of New York. 0 Ul tiv c10,n1:W GOBI 1SI8 100 1-4 0 .r o 1-1 ipuuti u0 lua ,n w 01'..vN mo Cv w n0mmm 0 I. min 0 - N o 0n Ln a 'sD.m1 -n o w N 01 0 In m 1puoax41 1 cc o 0 tc. r i V' M 4 ci C O M O..4 O to t0 W N.4 Z N W C '1 '- t0 W N I-1 SI K.g; 6o .03 papn0Uxa co m o e n ow tin 4 cc m4 o 00 NWNotoo to N O 0.00 00 in P w 420oulgauyy 30 I . aPI 1ijua2I ao3 . Uxa N to ,0 00 10 x w FQ0 m ino f -e Nw aco . 44 O ttoow ow eu cc ruet 1 '$JOM mem. Pu'u c; c m o c o- m % aoqua .1o3 Uxa n - ohm - to to WQ eici 00-141: 04 tio0 c0 est W wo h CO co o:: oh 0 N co, C t0 t0 O N in P W s1U4a 1140W .. ca ., ' a 0 0OO W C C N O W cotto W 0 SOJat0Os to k aog10 mold 'aa) FG O 00WN W 'ssaupOlgapul 3o w t- W k '403 01013 1) c '1- 4 W WP 7q W m ° w cc o o co c O U pd Q l - ,y aa0 A NY 0 / 13 / 5 w o m o o c o m r O. r. o 00 q ci or .: c.; .: .4 . co Q 0 oo o 1F aol0alfo3 wow in ...0a .+ .q., M 0.141 'paa2I sly v °o n W eirioi ciN ei4 U pon- 0inPa W o tW t0 0 CO in F g ad. 'n,.la Uoa41 to 1 - O puuH uo oou1'.1u'a 0 r CO S. O 00 mW eo b •7 c, W o. G o 01WOP'd O ci',n ig %G go C TFLACIg0I-1 E -4124P t N a, O co O 0) IW en r-1 cc M C 0 t0 006T '1sTE '100 N.. mocCC , pima uo 1eg o .. N to M t- mNM w M e coIcot- N O co re. Y. F LIpuodxgl Ielo, o- b N N m m : ' W O w .. u) 1 W W pang o 10440 04 • SUread M i o O 0 N. O soBplfl1 MON 44 d0 '1103 1 H03 'dX M G w 11 no W co n co wm s1JBda$ 103 m0IBI10d • dx g d c o u N c. N .. P o' h M N et M 11J0M wre0,L putt T' ti augur/ 103 'tlXJ : v n o m ci m .M.; W Iq.w co m. 10 o ro o aqFM 0 sJd 000 B] O, o 00 N,.. o d• 0 I H I L InM,n,no MC.ow N N en N W IO co M d' gZ w 0 ..,C1 saalnoS I F 10410 1110.13 • p00u r zx A 41 c 1 10410 word • 'UB1,1, a,f U1 t G 'ssaupo;gopul jo 11 0 • 103 w01,T 'pool; Y z 0000000. Q 0 J: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 p1 101001103 010000 0 0o_ F wo.a •'p0ou red, w o 'N o - IM o oacMotn G] W v a, p 1A ' na1,1 • wo11 ti uPueHuoeaBls£I, c L7 w MX O Z 4 41 m i4 01 o A d« V 3 C "' 47 G f. F 1. 0 0 0 0 3 THaaw5iaz] r The Superviaore' -Proceedings 235 M t-0N 606T ISLE . 3a0 b a H o W • puvH uo Tun 0 .• . se W coCD t W' 1 e9 N CO t- 0 V N t M • <6 a.l l 3 m w b -r '1 N ti wipuodx[t Iv3oS, w m .n a 0 CG a;spun3 a o auto() of 'su1Sy6 W [ i 0 0 to z W s2taOl y .tn3 .dx'l M IM 6WO O O t] O W y . boa O_ W F b 1 ,, N b ^I oo w t_. rn ( slooy put: •yallW t- w t- ea M C o o 'dell Jo; •dxal 0 w m N'0' a ' .O O co h 0 M to M W ' 6 sloo.L put 't{OUW in e_ w o to c m t_ W ;o 'Ind aoJ 'dxaI ; x a mo w0t000 Ir El W s3dlaaa} Iu3oy m o o .0i . 00 0 0 °° 0 1 Qa o N ` W W O ti) xi 800.11109 w 0 F E "r1 saa aa1120 wwd 'Pang o. O I 0 w 6. Le co ' spttn3 0Wm1atp0wo13 'trea . '0 e b W o EnEn z - ssaupenepul to of 1E114 '-103 u.10-13 'pa0H of AO P-1 000cM0000 C 1020011 0 0.0 o O tt 0 0MAiitbaa 'poaH xty oo 2 .r `" __ 6Ww p 0.7 '1d 'na0d wo.t3 I W O poaH uo aaunlug CPI H w z 0x bb mWU.o - ‘1.) ei adwPb0V 'ti NorW •4 r . O C G ' F N ca w F y .0 O O . cJGWU':, ,.]tiP O 236 The Supervisors' Proceedings nel n 6061 ']s[;: '100 y t- W 10 ° 0 pang un Tug o ^octFn uvanc c m 0 t_.PI o 0) N, p 1 wart] a a a r O cIInuodxqI@1O.L n co 00 ea J v v n spung w a2410 of • SU11.Jj 00 g 'sasod.Jnd asliv 0.1I _,o O r aa4J0 ..10j dsg 0 e o (.' w O CV n c' E+r L)O 0 0 saaay 0 apugs 2s , aouag X oalA1. JOj dx j LQ o 0 0007s42noJS2ul °o o ci^ -aoin U aoj 'dx r 0 T n N , `_ n " PA 4sIlag a spOOgl 1 " ° 0 ° H ro 2u111n0 aoj 'dsg ro N 01 c ti0ro 4 .M.00 c 00 r DO 0140t- 40 00 00 O 0- N P el e. t MOLLS j0 y cJ c o a o ci p m N =1 N LDW 0p O 00 C 4.7 O ro O O O men SJdlaonlT Iu1oj '' 000 in QZ o p en n n ca n 0 01 C 5 SJaa009 0 n G um); poau U.'m u E. 0 es 0 0 000000 4__001 O 0o o0c -oo o a . . o f 0 m n n woad pag red, w m PI woad pei c no V 01.°1 1 1114 u i110' r000 w • 10 o GEI " u o r r, c m ccn— o0c3` -° ut spugd 40410 W 01 sue4J; 11.1,a o W 1-.. Mw.M c- W i 1- al CO w w 41,1 Aem43IH o ca w o- w 0 y in W W IIV 407 'dxa 'I4J: sn`" o .. w m a v ° „m0ow Ly G w , , n c- t0 , to i " " cl to ° w W 0 sasOU.md 'osil1/41 t- 4o; dxa Ie1OJ, o o n co CO 7.M w ,M N M 6 SIOOJL PUL' ' 4aey ry o- w c., t... M 0 ai 407 dxa Ie40J, o cs M kn w .+ ,n w w Iy OO+ rl Is TIw 1 al m % ,- al eO ,n al W T ZC W s03PI4a 407 C c AFC co PapuOdx;1 IU'4Oy w _ ,c v ..., ts Op%es W Wh X70 0 M o,00oo,00 W W FJ sse:atls!H w o M ,. M o M p.., k 0 40 dxg 1'L'1uy m m w Jr' IDwWCMtigyma a %co0H ?'S,m,1{ saoN1np o OO G 3upiett 407 'dsyl 2 7, Re,c • coot F ),-, 4,,, W tl.calp o c, a M o o ti W UMOS 01. '.n "II V ti M w o @ o ti a g Jostv4Od o ". N. o n o oo ,H c W uS 01 aauea10/WV o w o_ ,12 O 7dnS uMOTLWPOMOIIV1IIn000V m m a i = a w m j 0 W ti -i - o- ww,w W 0 tans uatgL 0 w Panw[IV astladxH wal aelRk 5-0 king uMOy a W MOIIV sst a ro o o 7 A R:Q JOd 'tans 0 0 0 ,n „, o 0 o o Z. TM 0J, 1V 7 w MM a MM O n W 0 R , O )- q1 N a cP a C 1G O C GtNFCHX¢ m 1 238 The Supervisors' Proceedings JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. Reports of the Justices of the Peace of the various Towns of the County of Tompkins of all fines and penalties collected by them during the past year: CAROLINE. E. H. Mitchell reports no money received. Gardner K. Doughty reports no money received. F. A. Snow reports no money received. Frank M. Bull reports received in 1908 and paid to R. Peck, Su- pervisor, $25.00. Frank M. Bull reports received in 1909 and paid to Dr. W. C. Gallagher, Supervisor, $90.00. DANBY. J. B. Thatcher reports no money received. T. W. Slocum reports no money received. Olin A. Dorn reports no money received. Eugene Dorn reports received $7.50. DRYDEN. Paul Ewers reports no money received. Homer Genung reports no money received. Andrew Baker reports no money received. G. E. Underwood reports no money received. J. D. Ross reports. received $18.00. ENFIELD. Raymer V. Egbert reports received $5.00. John J. Johnson reports no money. received. Darwin Rumsey reports no money received. William Hurniston reports no money received. GROTON. Newton Baldwin reports received $10.00. Herman S. Hopkins reports. received $5.00. F. H. Maricle reports no money, received. J. M. Montfort reports no money received. The Supervisors' • Proceedings 239 CITY OF ITHACA. Edward H. Frear reports no money received. 1 ITHACA TOWN. Jake Wilcox reports no money received. G. H. Hopkins reports no money received. S. M. Updike reports no money received. L. F. Colegrove reports received $71.00. LANSING. A. J. Conlon reports received $99.00. Casper Fenner reports no money received. D. A. Tarbell reports, no money received. Laverne Main reports no money received. NEWFIELD. Douglass Carpenter reports no money received. Robert Alexander reports no money received. Alvah D. Brown reports no money received. William H. Payne reports no money received. Arthur Decker reports no money received. I ULYSSES. II_Henry Williams reports no money received. D. H. Rlghtmyer reports no money received. O. G. Noble reports no money received. O 0 0t a 1 loo4OS a a o 01 uogaod0.Ig c o p 1 O a •_O 0 o N NP. •c X .0 0 1111 A au .C113 Y 04 11c01.10•10.1,1 O w O O w F al 0 4 u.110y O o 0 1.-- co a ., NIB Slunop b]E1S aE `04 aopa0tl0ad w ' o e• 0 W 0 M c•588SN 1 y4 " •a aaa • nsxaay .qumlp a wl o z dGCmo nlo-...:m00. -o A myrVo ]lln011( \ N p co O o co cv O • G Wwl 05 V. m O ^ % M 6NOlm UmMiU X wx F A m 7 a U x I aoc1c = • x C FyUpG'G M C f 26771,5 rMcUXoEccc ro 2 me a°rme.4 0 1 0 m mom GmOy10- C L .$ 14 N T Iti -Q u V I O om m = E S u °0 uoYE00a N C N V F. - O O O m DD O F 7 T y ''• i. t w d 0 -U V • o .o • y V 1 mm v t 0 G C a C a F O h N o c O N N N 0 V N n1 O O E F" ''Q O 0 0 ,. t 01 M-. FQ 1 The Supervisors' Proceedings 241 o'CD ?o N0 b 0 1.M' 0 0000,f0 OLn0O mCJ U rd p b STvd,cld, o° i ° e w c,, m c ., . w + ° 07 p b N pa, l ti c n l w b N t L" W«w 0 0 to , M 1-.0 al w w 2 b e W 1 t c 4 O 9 N O AN 0 0 1+ FGo0 O u; ro G L uonnas 0 0 o m c, ai G 0 ,, an 1nT113SJ nd ro 0 oo Ga co W2I'o` g - nandano u° F 0 F1psod000 C u O 1 3 w p, ry _ w to" E 0 '^U y ,m °o o -.my ;o STaodoag f? G 7 hc o010 N 2 y N torOZIuononsG . 7 Oi . oa G of lul:ns ind o 00 0 7 Np C poSoSSu Suof1 0 0.,t,. voG*+ n, H P..IOd]oo otsonl a7 C i O, N V m a . w e - op JO Sl.lado.ld w w « ro a o n d v E' o o U v aac «o o qF70fir, pull 8 suon1 G U p - nos of 3uuns o0 00 O0000 G y oco O O L 1 11 d P D y9 o S S 0 0 0 0 o o N o 0« G«o w 0 cv Coo o 0 o m CL + g y O 'sa Ol L'a]slnlulp L' O L .; 0. C 0 c T - to 's.101noa w 2 0 F m -w 0.1 N « X0 Sala I),I C 11$ es e. O O d F snot slua.J' n d y «e G . Sq play Sl.lado.id o m : cm m220 m «-. m T 7.o 0 o o o o o m000 ' G oaf of luTmsmd oo ° r w N o el al p Suad n M ti w p xV' . 7 L L N G o TE .I R3T.n luap vo m to Cyso.l JO co Spadd or ""w O i o to °' L al N a' 6 0 0 )0.l N « • F N m N O .E, ?a'I.0 N M N L O C p OEijUOcc-4;1c; N 4 11I 00 C M G 2 L N a: F F o o II 16: e4.] V..:p„num 16 j I c o N o 0 0 o m 00 0 oNcooo0o c e F c 00N000 N0 t• A EF 4) N w 11 705 o- o o c w w t N t°0 o L N V -Iv; N M 0 N uL u W P.x 10 F d O .4"r1 AUM t e 0 U 4 'E6 '0OS c c t- ° c c ° a c c o- o r lrUo oo 00000-14GUo3'and salvdoy 44 - %T%% %t' o i a'e u I P aova7>« I l 0.1 Q! u 1 r4' w E Q w 0 a -,,a F u I O 00 000 M O0 D tOOO O y 0t-- 000 00 kl 01 V00 . oo o1no00 E Lo w al, Atte 49TH 0 o o o o o to N I ces Ne.N A m m w 1 o v 0 I A—_ m ro o 0a s76IQ 000000000 0 0.l d0S' Sr . ail 0o 0000000 d w Oalogyulvluivwo00rnoonoco U:7 « 1101 'IIA '0uI o .c o N m e o ro IIV 10 '340 '40.1,/ Mr. eo; n 0 .. od JO 'PA 'PsSV ;.,001m •0 r. • d c xt 4. y E Ato s1slQ Pe021 o ° o ° o 000000 dos rd sAmis o n _ w Io A 0 00O0lollyurewlo0 - ccO OD c o V 0 o L y0I4M . 1IA "tit M a o o •e N 0 w •o a IIV 40 °X° 1S:4 o 0;w F cnN0t- O r lewd JO •IMA'PSSV M r.'r.1 o U r ' , . o e° v c.o .o cc V «L L o ca L o n r 0 0 0 0 0 0l0 0 o U: w c°. dQ Peog 'daS 0 0 0 0 0 0'0 0 o m E m en •s,fMII ala r _ f-0 y Si x 7 a alrlulr.W 11aPIA1 t- w L b w c 4 o v w ^ TA *DUI lid 'OU[ 7.; a co c E fily ' v o OM ut '1sa 'MOTT - N I r.o o c 4 q .,°-' :. 10 'IeA llpazrnbT ••t m w '4 E7 « A v .°; Ka oo c cooooe d E d E .6IQ Pro11 S o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o w v<,0 0 c 2g co - g sr. •eRMH aptu, r o o o .n o P p w z O 4 c c nlrlUiflW IlollIA m e0 e".o F U v 0 m o C TA 'OUT IIV' o o-:m F A co to E 0 'uM07. aI04M nI w m - C4 0 coF ° o A 'ls5I Iron 70 1108 2, N n 4 ti c ...c g .u o -' ' -enleA PassaseV w C o`c w a a E sG.0 F f0 g . o [.o 4 0 W c an d U 1 umo.L 10 oweN c c o c c a "0 F c 02 Tw- n . _. -m F V. O L , ' c ° y m w a 0 nC Aqo'^d v fd I r 01,r,Ibt- olools , Tuba uo co M yco ' o Briny Jo lunouly to Y, . 1 m a+ 0 A lit; w N A yAC111:'O0 W N S. W C x1 11013 JO DS 0 01 -w oas lupus' uIOols o m o m 0 m 'Tuna .IUA . TssV M 40 N ro ` . d « Ca C q NO p V U UM L m 1101 }Dg is cu F m a mOUoxryJOalr.JO 0 O 0 pYi oo-i am w` NX 00000 8000 wt.; 27Ioo1S ww n:ion 70 -- 1 01 0. o "a GA -giiA0N'iml - u) rI N 0o 'G Kura uo . saz ^.:y oc I-71; . " r w m No E ' 010 ,, Jo OXO "xb,(, 2Fr LS , 4 m. a od or» of F C w et 0 33 'xby - 11u4S pub n NN 4'4 m w la-)1 q' AOrinorom « }loop Jo Juno wy i ti O m ddy'g'aGb WLO pa o O d , d Sand; SI co n N' -uno-J Jo TunoulV m m w r- V :. m n e m b oA 9• P1 w7 m m 0 r .sasn.T, a G C Ias d o Alp JO lunouly y ooncra 1n 0 me so a F o v saxny 0 o1, - i -i w m m.. 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N= c 2 o m c .2.'-' m n4. a lad Ion N F C O O OOOOO 0I7 + o afaol IUra 'Oxa g o S 0 co to ' m doad '.rod Jo toed t ri ,s co Pi ou 01Cc. 1 ' 1b,\ p Ibloy ti , M . .o d •0 00101 0 v A o m C Emcoom1000W ur.rJE - oeds S 0, N m to o . , m W o g c 100 JO '5',S lbeai w N m c g ccf O t ° A 0 ° ' '11A - uul ti o- o e .O m 1 o- .n d 0 UtioO }s,',f Mall 'irA 'b Cf w c o m c4 o 11131o1 oadS - 1p m o e m 8 . m W ,F, g, r c , DamW '1 op Jo 1s:T Ina7T , m" g )4 o 00Fi o.6 -TS' o 0 iii 11:8'1 . 01A 'p59y 00 N.nti 0,-i O_ppp ft mo o °" wm m ` 0 ^JNmCa ip rlIIbrj JO 6018 / t .c 1` , b a,m O - i 000010 C- 1C4 vs 00 t0 a l ci C m in Nm c mma' mO g m 4'O'm4 iWmwxco p F n „tobfi x I N ra 1E-1 d.., u O S11AN0J i W 6ifFF O N .. V N bn N H O O C g a e ,'2 0 0Of] rj 4. O U y ., 0 0 . rP' rim, Ng. 1 1 U]pc) Q Q U U' ,t, M I-4 H Y I n PQ I 1 N a m a Ti a. 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N N Z3"3 e3 7 O O zwaaew a a 0 N r0 C b' C C r O C C C C C N N 7 °'7 0 • 0 0 22 0 O ._ V0 N 'T 'T 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 11]'71 i7wwyy ay wwwx+.x:ww" w 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 O O O FO000000 C C q 0 000000600M 00000000 EO by B B B r N N NNN N N N N N N 17 246 The Supervisors' Proceedings CLERK'S CERTIFICATE. I, Bert T. Baker, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins Coun- ty, N. Y., do hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing journal of the proceedings of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County with the original record thereof and that the same is a full and correct transcript therefrom of the transactions of said Board at the Annual Session of said Board held in 1909. Typographical errors to be excepted.) IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 8th day of January, 1910. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. 1; The Supervisors' Proceedings 247 POLITICAL DIRECTORY AND GUIDE TO TOWN OFFICERS. 1 General Election —First Tuesday after the first Monday of November. Town Boards to designate polling places —First Tuesday in September. Annual School Meeting —First Tuesday in August. Town Boards to meet to audit claims —First Thursday after gen- eral election. All town claims must be presented for audit at this time. Town Boards meet co examine town officers' accounts —Last Tuesday preceding town meeting to be held in each town. Town Meeting, biennial — Second Tuesday in February. Annual meeting of Supervisors as a Board of Canvassers —First Tuesday succeeding general election. 1 Annual Meeting of the Board of Supervisors — Immediately after the completion of the canvass, or at such other time as they as a Board shall fix. All bills and claims against the county must be presented to the Clerk of the Board on or before the third day of the Annual Session of the Board of Supervisors. All bills for supplies furnished to Superintendents of the Poor must be presented to said Superintendents for audit on or before No- vember 1st, of each year. 248 The Supervisors' Proceedings All bills presented to the Board of Supervisors must be itemized and verified by the oath of the claimant. No bills for law books will be audited unless purchased under Resolution 7 of the Board of Supervisors.j . All bills for repairs to or improvements, of county buildings must have endorsed thereon the apuproval of the committee on county build- ings. The Tax Collector or Receiver shall, within eight clays after re- ceiving notice of the amount of taxes to be collected by him, execute to the Supervisor of the town, and lodge with him, a bond in double the amount of said taxes, to be approved by the Supervisor. The Su- pervisor shall, within six clays thereafter, file the said bond in the office of the County Clerk of this County. The Assessors must complete the Assessment Roll on or before the first clay of August and leave a copy thereof with one of their num- ber and immediately thereafter cause notice thereof to be posted in three or more public places in their town or ward. When the lines between two towns, wards or counties, divide a. farm or lot, the same shall be taxed, if occupied, in the town, ward or county where the occupant resides; if unoccupied,_ each part shall be assessed in the town, ward, village or county where the same shall lie." The Assessors shall meet on the third Tuesday in August, to re- view their assessments and hear the complaint of any person conceiv- ing himself to be aggrieved. An affidavit to the roll by the Assessors 4 made prior to the trird Tuesday of August, is a iullity. The Assessors must delive rthe corrected Assessment Roll to the Town Clerk on or before the firt day of .September, there to remain for a period of fitteen days for public inspection, and the Assessors shal ]forthwith give pub - lie notice by posting the same in at least three of the most public places in the town, or by publishing the same in one or more news- papers published therein, that such Assessment Roll has been finally completed, the officer to which the same has been delivered, and the place where the same will 1) open to public inspection. Said fifteen days, within which any assessment may be reviewed by certiorari, shall commence on the day of the first publication. The Assessors cannot 1 The Supervisors' Proceedings 249 enter the name of a person on his roll who became a resident after the first day of July. When the Assessors, or a majority of them, shall- have completed their roll they shall severally appear before any officer of the County authorized by law to administer oaths, and shall severally make and subscribe before such officers, an oath in the following form, which must lie strictly followed: "We, the undersigned, do hereby severally depose and swear that we have set down in the foregoing Assessment Roll, all the real estate situate in the town (or ward as the case may be), according to our best information; and that, with the exception of those cases in which the value of said real estate has been changed by reason of proof produced before us, we have estimated the value of said real estate at the sums which a majority of the Assesosrs have decided to be the full value thereof, and also that the said Assessment Roll con- tains a true statement of the aggregate amount of the taxable estate of each and every person named in such Roll, over and above the amount of debts due from such persons respectively, excluding such stocks as are otherwise taxable and such other property as is exempt by law from taxation, at the full value thereof according to our best judgment and belief." Which oath shall he written! or printed on said roll; signed by the Assessors, and certified by the officer. Laws of 1909, Chapter 62; Sect. 38. The Supervisor must report to the County Treasurer on the first Tuesday in March, the amount of school moneys remaining in his hands. Each Justice of the Peace must execute a bond with two sureties conditioned for the 'payment on demand to the proper officer all moneys received by the Justice, by virtue of his office, which bond L>must be approved by the Supervisor of the town, and filed in the Town Clerk's office. Each Justice of the Peace shall make a report in writing verified by oath, each year, bearing date for the first day of November, to the Board of , Supervisors, at their annual session, in which he shall state particularly the time when, and the name of the person or persons mom whorl any moneys has been received, and also the amount and 350 The Supervisors' Proceedings on what account the same was received, also the sums remaining due and unpaid and that all moneys by him received have been paid to the officer duly empowered by law to receive the same. Each Justice of the Peace shall pay to the Supervisor of his re spective town on the first Monday in each month all fines and penalties imposed and received by him, and he shall also make a verified report of all fines and penalties collected by hini to the Board of Town Audi- tors of his respective town on Tuesady preceding the annual Town Meeting. Laws of 1909, Chapter 16, Section 21. Overseers of the Poor cannot furnish supplies to a county pauper to exceed the suns of ten dollars without an order from the County Su- perintendents authorizing disbursements for such purpose. The Clerk of .every incorporated village and city in the County shall report to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors on or before No- vember ist of each year all indebtedness of such vilalge or city, speci- fying for what purpose created,. under what law, rate of interest and when payable. Laws of t909, Chapter 16, Sect. 52. The Trustees or the person or persons having charge of the issue of bonds or payment of same of any school district shall transmit a tatement thereof to the Clerk of the Board of Superviors - annually on or before the first day of November. Laws of 1909, Chapter 16, Sec. 52: The Board of Assessors of the several towns of the County and the Assessor of the City of Ithaca shall furnish to the Clerk of the Board of Superviors on or before the first clay of July in each year a full and complete list and statement of all property within their respec- tive districts exempt from taxation under the laws of this state. Laws of 1909, Chapter 62, Sect. 15. Tite Supervisors' Proceedings 251 INDEX PAGE A Assessment Rolls; Correction of 158 Confirmation of 158 Almshouse, Salary of Keeper 118 Support of Poor 107 Report of the Superintendents of the poor 208 Distance from Ithaca 64 Instructions to Superintendents 112 Audits, County 161 1 B Bonds, County Treasurer 88, 120 County Clerk 139 District Attorney 88 Superintendent of the Poor 120 Bills against County, when to be audited 42, 36, 38 For law books 40, 86 Must be Authorized by Proper Committee 71 Bank Tax 240 Board of Supervisors, Annual Session 29 Hours of each day, Annual Session 33 Members 29 Table 160 Resolution for Re- organization 3 54 Morning session, committee work 36 252 The Supervisors' Proceedings Resolutions and audits of bills to lie on table for 24 hours 36 C 1. Canvass, Official, fee for printing 83 Caroline, Audits 166 Budget 150 t%• Tax for Town Purposes 59 Tax for Maintenance Macadam Roads 114 Tax for Highways, Bridges, Etc.101 Chairman, Election of 30 Vote of Thanks to 155 Clerk, Election of 30 Authorized to Buy Supplies 33 Salary 122 Postage 42 Vote of Thanks to 155 To Proceedings of Board Bound 124 Certificates 28, 246 Committees, Standing 34, 35 Printing and Supplies 83, 86 Fuel and lights 67, 71 Good Roads Construction Committee .....158 To Buy Supplies in Conjunction with Sheriff 38, 41 To Apportion Mortgage Tax 42 4 On Refund Highway Moneys 43, 158 Buildhyg Committee to Purchase New Desks 159 Committee to Confer With Governor on Salary Bills 12 Vacancies on to be Filled by Incoming Members3 To Dispose of Property Purchased by Tax Sales too Comptroller, Communication From 68 Report on Valuation of Personal Property 241 Report on Valuations and Taxes 243 Report of Indebtedness 244 Report on Highway Tax 242 County Clerk, Report of 45, 46 The Supervisors' Proceedings 253 Salaries in Office of 134, 147 Payment of Salaries in Office of 148 Fees for Searching 147 Bond 139 S County Orders, to be Countersigned 43 Not to Be Issued Until After Adjournment 43 County Treasurer, Bond 88, 120 Authorized to Distribute Mortgage Tax 132 Salary 118 Postage 136 Payment of Salaries, County Clerk's Office 148 Payment Jail Addition Bond 148 Transfer From Road Fund to Co. Fund 139 To Pay for New Seal, Co. Clerk's Office 157 To pay for Insurance From Unappropriated Funds13 To pay Mrs. Wood from Unappropriated Funds18 County, Audits 161 Budget 149 Burial of Indigent Soldiers and Sailors 124 Clerk's Salary 122 Clerk's Postage 42 County Treasurer Bond 139 County Treasurer Salary 118 County Treasurer Postage.136 Contract With Monroe Co. Penitentiary 92 Court Expenses 124 Fuel and Lights Appropriation 125 M1 Jail Physician Compensation 43 Salary Chaplain at Almshouse 125 Salary District Attorney 125 y Salary, Keeper of Almshouse 118 Salary, Co. Supt. of Highways 8 Salary, Chaplain at Jail 42 Salary, Janitor Court House 50 Salary, Janitor Co. Clerk's Office and Judge's Office Sheriff's Compensation for Conveying Prisoners 145 Sheriff's Compensation for Board of Prisoners 59 Salary, W. P. Harrington, Supt. of Poor 66 254 The Supervisors' Proceedings Support of Poor 107 Surrogate's Clerk 6o, 140 Surrogate's and Judge's Stenographer .....59, 140 Mortgage Tax Distribution 132 Part Payment Printing Proceedings 36 r' Insurance 13, 94 Expenses Co. Supt. of Highways too Inter -Ocean Tel. Co. for Coupon Book 109 To pa} for Transit for Co. Supt. of Highways 113 To pay Wesley Owen, Repairs Judge's Office 136 To pay C. L. Vivian. Architect Fees 134 To Reimburse Walter McKeel, Telephone Rental 135 Court House Improvements 134 Typewriters for Co. Clerk's Office 125 Bond Issue 19 D District Attorney, Bond 88 Salary 125, 130 Danby,'Audits 168 Budget 151 Brush Bill 58 Tax for Highways, Bridges, Etc.tot Dog Tax 51 Kennel Licenses Revoked 50 Dryden, Audits 171 Budget 151 Bank Tax Statement 76 Tax for Highways, Bridges, Etc.101 102 Maintenance of Macadam Roads 114 Change of Assessment 38 - Brush Bill 66 Tax for Town Purposes .65 Dog Tax 47, 5 52 The Supervisors' Proceedings 255 - E Equalization Table 127, 128 Enfield, Audits 174 Budget 151 Report of Supervisor on Town Indebtedness 56 Tax for Bonded Indebtedness 57 Tax for Ilighways, Bridges, Etc.101 Brush Pill 79 Property Placed on Assessment Roll 103 F Fuel and Lights, Appropriation for 125 Committee 67, 71 G Grand Jurors, Apportionment of 39 George Junior Republic, Contract With 83 Good Roads, Construction Committee 158 Catskill Turnpike, Sect. 3, Acceptance 156, 136 Designation of Highways for Tmp'ment, in 1911, 114, 115, 156 Enfield Road Improvement 115 Groton Road Improvement 114 . Request for Survey Dryden - Groton Road 139, i56 I 'Request for Survey of Enfield Road 140 - r l)Committee Bills Paid from Road Fund 139 Maintenance of Improved Roads 113 Resolution for Refund of Ilighway Moneys 50 t'Committee on Refund of Highway Moneys 158 Rights of Ithaca - Dryden Road No. 681 87, 4, 25 Change of Alignment of Ithaca -Dryden Road 25 Appropriation for Ithaca- Dryden Road 14 Appropriation for Catskill Turnpike Sec. 3 15 Good Roads Committee Empowered to Get Over- head Crossing, Ithaca - Dryden Road 17 Highway Commissioners and Supts. Meeting 8 256 The Supervisors? Proceedings County Superintendent Elected 8 County Supt. of Highways Transit 18 Report of Good Roads Construction Committee 26, 225 Report of Committee on Catskill Turnpike Sec. 3. .24 Good Roads Con. Coin. Empowered to Complete Catskill Turnpike Sec. 3 25 Request to Change State Highway Sub9 Sect. 120 Highway Law to Run Through Newfield 109 Construction Committee to Sign Orders 8 Groton, Audits 175 Budget 152 Bank Tax Statement 96 Tax for Highways and Bridges, Etc.101 Tax for Town Purposes 116 I Insurance, Policies in Tou1'pkins Co -op. Ins. Co., Cancelled.4 R. G. H. Speed I - Ieard on Insurance Matter 8 Insurance Matter Re- considered 9 Personal Guaranty Deposited With Clerk 122 R. G. H. Speed Given Privilege, of Floor 146 Unearned Premiums Returned 146 Personal Guaranty Ordered Returned to Mr. Speed..146 Ithaca, (City), Budget 152 t Bank Tax Statement 76 County Treasurer for Collecting Taxes 140 4i Distribution of Proceedings 56 Services of B. T. Baker 146 Support of Poor 107 Ithaca, (Town), Audits 178 Budget 153 Tax for Highways, Bridges, Etc.101 Tax for Town Poor Brush Bill Maintenance of Macadam Roads 114 The Supervisors' Proceedings 257 J Jail, Chaplain Salary 42 Physician Compensation 43 Physician, Election of 1 1 97 Inspection by Board rob Improvements 5, 19• 148 4. K Kennel Licenses, Town of Danby Revoked 5o Lansing, Audits 18o Budget 154 Tax for Highways, Bridges, Etc.ror Tax for Town Indebtedness 78 Maintenance of Macadam Roads 114 Report of Town Indebtedness 77 Law Books, Inventory Thereof 107 Bills for Referred to Committee of Whole 40 Not to Be Purchased 86 M Mandamus Proceedings, Dr. H. Burr Besemer 12 Mortgage Tax, Distribution of 132 t ^ "L County Treasurer to Distribute 132 N Newfield, Audits 183 Budget 154 Bonding Commissioners' Report 46 Tax -for Bonded Indebtedness 47 Tax for Town Purposes 72 Tax for Highways, Bridges, Etc.rot Taxes Re- assessed 140 258 The Supervisors' Proceedroceedings Brush Bill 74 State Road, Public Hearing on 99 State Road, Action of Board on 109 0 Orders, County and Town to Be Countersigned 43 Not to Be Given Out Until After Adjournment .....43 J P Political Directory and Guide to Town Officers 247 Prisoners, Sending to Penitentiary 4, 72 Contract With Monroe Co. Penitentiary 92 Proceedings, Bids for Printing 79 Committee to Secure Sealed Bids for Printing 36 Contract for Printing 85 Number of and Distribution 37 Probation Officer, Committee on 74 Report of Committee .....90 Action of Board on 97 R Reports, Committee on Salary Bills 11, 16 Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts 133 Committee on County Buildings 60 Committee on Extending Improved Road Through Dryden Village 138 C i;r Committee on Refund highway Moneys 43 Committee on Equalization 127 Committee on Appropriations 149 Committee on Erroneous Assessments 90 Committee on Superintendents of the Poor 104 Committee on U. S. Deposit Fund 120 Committee on Fuel and Lights 38 Committee on Insurance 120 Committee on Sheriff's Bills 141 Committee on Mortgage Tax t32 The Supervisors' Proceedings 259 Committee on Printing Bills 1 Committee on Good Roads 138 County Treasurer's Report 189 Superintendents of the Poor Report 208 County Clerk's Reports 45, 4 Good Roads Constructions Committee Reports 26, 225 Assessors' Report Dryden Bank 76 Assessors' Report on Groton Banks 96 Assessors' Report Ithaca Banks j6 Assessors' Report Trumansburg Bank 87 Clerk's Report on Valuations of Personal Property Clerk's Report on Valuations and Taxes 243 Clerk's Report on Indebtedness 244 Clerk's Report on Highway Taxes 242 e Report on Highway Moneys 232 Clerk's Report on Bank Taxes 240 Sheriff's Report Ex- sheriff's Report 8 Surrogate's Clerk Report..98 Indebtedness of Town of Enfield 56 Indebtedness of Town of Newfield 46 Indebtedness of Town of Lansing 77 Indebtedness of Town of Ulysses 51 S 4 Sheriff, Compensation of Janitor 50 Compensation for Board of Prisoners 59 Compensation for Taking Prisoners Away .145 w Committee to Buy Supplies in Conjunction With38 41 Report of Committee on Bill of 141 Action of Board on Bill of 145 Session Laws, Designations for Publication of 36, 93 Payment for 148 Sealer of Weights and Measures 158 Snow, Removal of From Highways 104 Superintendents of the Poor, Report of 54 Report of Committee on 103 260 The Supervisors' Proceedings Salary of W. P. I- Iarrington .... 66 Bond of W. P. Harrington 120 To Use Room in Court House 112 Superintendent of Highways, Election of 8 2 Salary of 8 1$ .P, Transit for e Supervisors, Members 29 • Table 160 . Resolution to Salary 89 T Tax Commissioners, Request to Equalize Towns of County69 Tax, Collectors' Settlement With County Treasurer 122 Dog 47 .5 5 County 149 State 149 Bank 240 Returned 133 Petition - for Refund 116 Telephone, Service County Officers 60 School Commissioners fob, 112 Thanks, Vote of to Chairman 155 Vote of to Clerk 155 Vote of to Ithaca Journal 155 Town Orders to Be Countersigned .... ........... .......43 3 U Ulysses, Audits 185 Budget 154 Tax for Highways, Bridges, Etc. ..... ....101, 102 S Report of Supervisor on Town Indebtedness 51 Ic_ i Tax for Town Indebtedness 52 Tax for Town Purposes 82 Dog Tax 5 • Bank Statement 87 Maintenance of Macadam Roads 114 Deficiency in Bridge Fund 146 Re- assessed Taxes 149 Y County Officers 1910 Monroe M. Sweetland County Judge and Surrogate D. M. Gillespie Surrogate's Clerk Lillian L. Van Zoil Court Stenographer S. Edwin Banks Special County Judge Albert H. Overacker County Clerk Clarence D. Tarbell Deputy County Clerk i . Wm. H. Baker Special Deputy County Clerk Rodney G. Robinson County Treasurer ' Morris S. Halliday District Attorney J. G. Wortman Sheriff Edgar D. Masters Under Sheriff Y. Dr. Wm. A. Smith ..Newfield, N. YCoroner tAIrvingH. McKinney 'Deputy Sheriffi y Fred C. Evans County Superintendent of Highways W. P. Harrington Superintendent of the Poor W. D. Baldwin Superintendent of the Poor 11 Walter Mekeel Superintendent of the Poor i W. H. Pinckney Keeper of Alms House James Dick Loan Commissioner Y: Fred A. Beardsley School Commissioner 4 Hattie Knapp Buck School Commissioner ASSEMBLY. Fox Holden Member of Assembly XLudlowville, N. Y. f .STATE SENATE. 1 Benn Conger State Senator I; Y 49th District) Groton, N. Y. CONGRESS. John W. Dwight Representative in Congress . f 30th District) Dryden, N. Y. V44444t06,4.:»:•4•: »:••:•(44:•:»:0:•{ » :•){ :40».•: SC : »:«CW 0 .1.45444440 G U2111-101. 1E aS pub $UVIN eNN w m010 a to 0000000 Del OO .r 0000 0o00 Oo eO o 00o 00o 0 oe1 t - t - t - W e co et W O M 000 0 O n C OO Y N N .y 0 0 , 0 1 0 - l N 1 eel M m N N 40 . - 1 W 10 M M O+ m co m m M 40 co 0DI0.1 G.porn "I eaara0 N N N 0 0 0008w100N ON o 0000000000 0000000 00000 0000 0000 0000 o O O O 0000 0t. F N O n P.CO 10 T 0 b uei m t- m m 0 CO N N N 0 c n co 0 m m m m m N co OW000CD Z o noslJN slus]3 N N N N 1 m m n M N 01 a m M m co /4 N h N v N umi m N N N m N o t-t m M 0 0 O ° I.-11- m n t' 2 O N W `,.'01 m m r'. T O N , n 0 0 0 O M t- N O [O N W T 0 N OI T N n 04 0, ie 40 00 T Oy 44111-11S 'V wstll!A1 N N N N N 04 N N N 40 N N N N. M W m m N O v0 n 0 0• t - 000 CIn enn *0 uON m L- mmw I4- 440 - ml , 0 on - 1 0000JgwnNalo4A1CON0cOe1mw M N N N . o0 N N m 4 N N N .. 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M 0 o PUSIIaaMS 'pe 00]010 Wr n - N 0 o m N 40 00 me n mOeaN n n 40 0....0000 e NNN40 0 01 0 00 G4 00 10NNNMm 0000 NON m N N m ou 4t10 /1 'D gdasOr 0 ti c N N 4 _ 10 _ m - o m t -0010 n . . 0 01 01 00 _ 01 10 011 L0 00 1 0t- a' 00 mt GO PuBllnoMS .R 00.1140W N o - N r..1 'a' N r e M a m - N 40 '-'4 m f 7 y t _ 01 N m N 0 00 01 M N 0 N O N N e' . 0 40 C" co YPooia 'H sopsg0 N N .... 2 cot N .-N . a 40 o- V co m m m N v co co,L M m o e;00140 N r er,40 O N ,n tiM NN N V N.. 40 N N N 40 N 01 N VagwnNalogMNNCNNM 0 m 40° N .. N - N ogmRN 7J pls!Q N N N N ., N N o N m« in m N m 40 NNm NNm N m N m N M F 1 E 0 4 o co 440 MM v , O 7;1 0 L 'Cit. o T m W m F f fa Foimnvnama p 5 p 0 a 0 o c o o 11 o T o y o u o F F 0 F F E c F o F m F romc ft OFFICIAL STATE3IENT AND CANVASS OF VOTES CAST 2N THE COUNTY OF TOMPKINS AT THE GENERAL ELECTION HELD NOVEMBER, 2, 1909, FOR COUNTY OFFICERS County Judge I County Clerk. I District Attorney County Treasurer I 1 Superintendent of Poor I Coroner. 00122m' p c1 i y N T O 6 11.,:. g 9 P., v b a Y91m Cities or Towns. E A ro w z `.6 w E o u D o a m o g p a 0 m m 02 a z 0 a m o . ' m z 1 x 6 ' n 5 k x x c z' u 6 c Ti cf c O c o 0, IX o 0 c 2 IX n 6 a I E o z r t ' 4 z m` E o ei z G 2 'E a m19uyYa9i 0 F a E 6 G a 9 0 e pA3vwaa' w s a B s fi B w 3 a z x w 3 B 4 z x w B w ''G m First Ward .... 1 266 112 105 5 7 71 266 121 125 6 7 71 2661 991 147 7 0 12] 266 125 121 0 9 111 266 124 122 0 9 111 266 122 126 0 7 1 2 277 87 140 9 7 41 277 90 16810 7 21 2771 671 195 8 0 TI 271 , 95 163 0 7 121 277 92 166 0 7 121 277 89 169 0 7 1CitySecondWard .. 1 305 164 118 8 8 71 306 173 110 8 8 61 305] 16111 11910 0 101 305 102 120 0 8 161 305 176 110 0 7 121 005 372 114 0 7 12298151141033129815213904tl2981133118010512981381530431298166136042129815612704ofThirdWard .... 1 286 134 126 6 13 81 286 152 108 5 10111 2861 161 114 6 0 15] 288 131 125 0 15 151 288 155 111 0 10 101 286 160 116 0 10 I2342161168160342168150211313421551741012134216518101061342169158096134216916009IthacaFourthWard .. 1 104 181 197 6 12 91 404 193 189 5 10 71 404 191 196 4 0 12 404 181 198 0 12 131 404 2061 177 0 11 101 404 195 188 0 1222211231765 . 81 91 3211 168 130 8 4 81 321 169 134 9 0 91 321 160 142 0 7 121 321 175 127 0 5 141 321 170 133 0 4 1Fi050iWard .... 1 454 108 230 4 10 111 454 216 218 5 8 71 454 199 232 5 0 181 464 198 237 0 10 91 454 216 219 0 10 91 454 217 218 0 10 2 405 140 230 8 18 91 405 185 187 8 17 81 405 178 198 6 0 231 405 178 198 0 21 01 405 188 185 0 19 131 405 188 186 0 18 1Total335814511692509273133581618153567866213358150816696601251335816331618010310413158166715110919913318162815980889 Dryden 1 146 53 76 3 13 11 147 58 78 3 9 0 141 621 76 3 0 01 149 60 72 141 01 148 62 68 0 15 01 145 61 69 0212817721801127696206010 128 66 52 1 0 91 128 67 62 0 91 01 126 66 61 0 9 01 128 67 51 0 1021891107513011809392220118812464000118912263041011891256004011881245905 4 79 37 39 0 3 01 77 40 34 0 3 01 76 43 33 0 0 01 70 42 32 0 41 01 79 44 31 0 4 01 78 43 31 0 451811103710101182879202011831206900211811215702] 01 181 120 58 0 3 01 182 120 58 0 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34 01 173 107 42 1 23 0 149 90 58 1 0 01 188 93 50 0 251 01 1681 94 50 0 24 01 1681 9350 01 25121216254I4011206650130111767500001206561040111191684904011196649043192928531201190112652110118010969200118710966012101187111164012011871116410112Total485241197540014832851574370] 446 268 177 3 0 01 475 267 167 0 411 01 4741 271 365 0 40 0] 474 270 163 01 41IIIrc'wnola 11 136 76 56 0 4 0 61 72 0 0 01 135 57 71 0 71 01 1361 61 76 0 5 0 137 81 51 01 52165421904011360771060 61 39 23 0 3 01 113 01 64 30 26 8 0 01 65 36 26 0 3] 01 841 39 22 0 3 01 65 47 15 01 3311226449010012202010901177047000112249430 :101 01 1211 71 42 0 8 01 122 80 34 01 8Total324182124011801323115814701801314161146180013221621400201019211171134016013242081000116 Danhy 1 1761 92 46 1 39 01 179 91 63 0 34 01 150 96 64 0 '0 01 178 86 56 0 311 01 3771 91 49 0 37 02 177 91 49 0j 3725814114013016846130901614616000168421601010168] 46 14 0 9 01 68 46 13 01 9331IN1240131168260128189100] 23 17 6 0 61 01 291 17 6 0 6 01 29 17 6 0 6Total 2771 151 67 3 56 01 277 133 74 2 48 01 2391 159 73 1 0 01 275 145 77 0 631 01 2741 163 69 0 62 01 274 154 88 01 62Ilysees123411218411801233122970140122611' 109 0 0 01 236 121 92 0 22 01 235 126 91 0 18 011 204 123 03 011821172194571200117210162019011601056000011711006102010117197500240117110201011832181120841130121011787111021411687I010121611784015101215119800160121512181p13Total6241305235361016213402361440160033° 261 1 0 101 622 338 227 0 571 0] 621 342 221 0 58 01 620 346 225 01 49 Ithaca (Town)11 1361 681 62 0 6 01 133 58 59 0 8 0 133 65 63 0 0 51 133 61 65 0 7 01 132 86 801 0 7 0 132 68 58 01 6211641791785401630263440116391654091164896506141163946104411609580014Total3001147138510012961601224100129015812840812971501200131129516912101141295163118011011 Enfield 11 2881 1421 138 1 7 01 286 152 128 0 6 01 204 150 133 1 0 0 287 152 128 0 i 011 207 166 124 0 7 011 284 166 122 01 6Total28811121133170123615212806012841601331001287162128071011287156124070284156122016TotalforCounty117036130631344417813961741760213906122161731340162117452 ]3890132901851 0117011769613830132471 014051 10911768614011130221 01387110411758414083 30231 013771101Willard11. Kent received two votes and Johnson received one vote for County Judge. A. E. Chipman recolved one vote for County Clerk.