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Board of Supervisors
r 1
t 1
Special and Annual Sessions for the Year 1901.
To Marshall A. Downing, Cleric of the Board of Supervisors :
We hereby request that call a special meeting of the
Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, to be held at their
rooms in the City of Ithaca, N. Y., on the twenty - seventh day
of February, 1901, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, for the pur-
pose of taking action upon the report of the State Engineer in
regard to the improvement of the Catskill Road, lying east of
Dated, February 16, 1901.
WM. P. 1IARRINGTON, 4th Ward, City.
T. S. THOMPSON, 3r1 Ward, City.
L. F. NOXON, 1st Ward, City..
GEORGE W. FROST, 2nd Ward, City.
EUGENE TERRY, Supervisor, Ulysses.
FRANCIS A. SNOW, Supervisor, Caroline
R. N. :MOUNT, Supervisor, Groton.
W: H. VAN, OSTRAND, Supervisor, Newfield.
J. 13. WILSON, Supervisor, Dryden.
WM. H. BAKER, Supervisor, nattily.
JOFIN J. HANSFIAAV, Supervisor, Ithaca.
4 The Sulervisos' Proceedings
Morning Session.
Board called to order by the Clerk.
In the absence of the chairman, Mr. Snow, of Caroline,
was chosen to act as chairman.
Roll call. Quorum present.
The chair stated the object of the meeting.
The engineer in charge. of surveying the Catskill Turnpike
appeared before the Board and explained in detail the result
of his survey.
On motion the matter was laid over until the afternoon
Mr. Terry, bf Ulysses, presented the following and moved
its adoption:
An' Act to amend Act Number adopted by this Board at a meeting
held December 20th, 1900, entitled, An Act to abolish the office of Railroad
Commissioners of the Town of Ulysses in the County of Tompkins, New
York, and to transfer the duties •of such office upon the Supervisor of said
Town, and to authorize said Town to issue bonds avid to sell the sane, and
to apply the proceeds to the payment of the bonds of said Town, which will
fall due March 1st, 1901, amounting to $50,000, being the balance of bonds
outstanding of an issue of $75,000, which were issued March 1st, 1871, in aid
of the Pennsylvania & Sodus Bay Railroad Company under and by virtue of
the provisions of the General Municipal Law, being Chapter 685 of the Laws
of 1892, and of the County Late, being Chapter 686 of the Laws of 1892, and
the amendments to said Act."
Section 1. Section Three of Act Number 1 adopted at a meeting of the
Board of Supervisors held December 20th, 1900, entitled, An Act to abolish
the office of Railroad Commissioners of the Town of Ulysses in the County
of Tompkins, New York, and to transfer the duties of such office upon the
Supe visor of said Town, and to authorize said Town to issue bonds and to
sell the same, and to apply the proceeds to Uie paytirent of the bonds of said
Town, which will fall due March 1st, 1901; amounting to $50,000, being the •
balance of bonds outstanding of an issue of $75,000, which were issued
The Srper&'sors' Proceedings 5
March 1st, 1871, in aid of. the Pennsylvania & Sothis Bay Railroad Company
under and by virtue of the provisions of the General Municipal Law, being
Chapter 685 of the L of 1892, and of the County Law, being Chapter 686 '
of the Laws of 1892, and the amendments to said Act," is hereby amended
to read as follows:
Section 3. The • Supervisor of the Town of Ulysses in the County of
Tompkins is hereby authorized to borrow upon the credit of the said Town
the stun of $50,000, to pay and redeem a like amount of bonds outstanding
of the said Town incurred in good faith in aid -of the Pennsylvania & Sodas
Bay Railroad Company which remain outstanding, and the Supervisor of the
said Town of Ulysses is hereby - authorized -to issue the }fonds of -the Town of
Ulysses for the said sum of.$50,000 to pay the said outstanding bonds which
fall due March 1st, 1901, issued as aforesaid. - The bonds issued as author_
ized by this Act shall he registered bonds and shall be fifty in number in
demoninations of $1,000 each, bearing interest at the rate of 314 per cent. per
annum, payable semi - annually on the first days of September and March of
each year at the New York Security & Trust Company, New York City.
Section 2. Section Four of Said Act is, hereby amended to read as_
Section 4. The bonds issued pursuant to the provisions of this Act shall
be dated March 1st, 1901, and shall commence to draw interest on that date,
and said bonds shall he made to mature in sums of $2,000 annually, that is
to say, $2,000 shall fall due on the 1st day of March 1902, and a like amount
each and every year 'thereafter on the first day of March of each year until
and including the year 1926. That said bonds shall be issued substantially
iu the following for,:
Know all men by these presents, That the Town of Ulysses in the County
of Tompkins and State of New York, for value received, acknowledges itself
to be indebted and promises to pay to the duly registered' owner hereof, his
legal representatives, successors or assigns, the sum of One Thousand Dollars
6 The Supervisors' Proceedings
at the New York Security & Trust Company in New York City, on the first
day of llareb, nineteen hundred and with interest thereon M.
the rate of three and one -half per cent. per annum, payable seini_aunually
on the'first days of September and Mareh in each year as the same becomes
This bond is one of a series of Fifty Bonds of like. terror, date and
amount; maturing annually at the rate of Two Thousand Dollars each year
after their date and numbered from one 'to fifty, - both inclusive and said
bonds are issued by virtue of the authbrit3 conferred and - pursuant to the
provisions of Section Seven df the General 'Municipal Law known as Chapter
685 of'the Laws of 1892 and entitled, An Act in relation to Municipal Cor-
porations constituting Chapter seventeen of the - General. Laws. "' Approved
May 18th, 1892, and all acts amendatory thereof, as adopted by the Legisla -,
ture'of the State of New York, as well as pursuant to the provisions of an
Act' passed by the Board' of - Supervisors of the County of Tompkins unani-
inouslc at -a meeting 6f said Board ]veld on the 20th 'day of December, 1900,
arid amended at 'a meeting of said Board held on the twenty- seventh day of
February, nineteen hundred and one.
And it is 'hereby eertifi&1 that no 'provision of the Constitution or Laws
of the State of New York is in any way violated by the issue of saidbonds:
that all. acts, requirements and conditions precedent to the issue of said
i bonds have Feely fully taken; had and performed prior to the issue thereof,
that said bonds - are in 'all respects legal, and that the public faith and credit
of 'said Tnwfivis hereby pledged - for the payment and redemptions of tlie
same, and all interest thereon as it falls due.
1u wit css- whereof, The Supervisor 'Of the Town of Ulysses, in - purse-
ante of the authority of law, has hereunto set his' hand and seal 'of
the said Town this First day of March, 1901.
Supervisor of the Town of Ulysses..
And provision for the registration shall be made upon said bonds in the
follorving.utan ncr:
Notice: No writing on this Bond except by the Town Clerk of the Tosivn
of Ulysses.
Datc'of Registry. Name and Address of Signature of
kegistercd Owner.,Town Clerk.
The Supervisors' Proceedings_7
The bonds authorized by the provisions of this Act shall be negotiated
by the Supervisor of the Town of Ulysses for not less than their par value
and the proceeds of the sale of the said bonds shall be paid over to the`
Supervisor of the said Town of Ulysses as soon as he shall have furnished
the bond hereinafter by this Act required.
Section 3. This Act shall take effect immediately.
Whereupon said Act was declared passed and adopted.
Ayes— Messrs. Baker, Frost, Harrington,. Hanshaw,
Mount, Noxon, Snow, Terry, Thompson, Van Ostrand,
Wilson -11. Noes —O. -
On motion Board adjourned.
Afternoon Session.
Roll call. • Quorum present.
The matter of the improvement of the Catskill Turnpike
was taken up:
By Mr. Thompson:
1. WBERT:AS, At a meeting of this Board held on the 13th day of
December, 1900, a resolution was adopted that provision should be made for
the improvement of that portion of the highway cotttmonly known as Cats-
kill Turnpike and described as follows: Extends front the easterly limits of
the City of Ithaca (extension of East State Street) to the easterly 'bounds
Ithaca Township, in the Town of Ithaca, Tompkins County, N. V., in
accordance with the provisions of Chapter 115 Laws of 1898; and,'
2. WugiE.is, The State Engineer and Surveyor has investigated and
determined that it section of highway is of sufficient public iniportance
for improvement in accordance with the provisimis of said Chapter 115, and
has certified his approval of the said resolution adopted by this Board On the
said 13th day of December, 1900, and,
8 the' .Seif ewisors' 1'reiceedings
3. Wtntta$AS, Said State Engineer and Surveyor has caused a section
of said highway, which section LS described as follows: Extends froth
easterly limits of the City of Ithaca (extension of East State Street) to - the
easterly bounds of Ithaca 'Township, in the Town of Ithaca, Tompkins
County, N. Y., to be surveyed and mapped, and has caused plans and
specifications and all estimate of cost to be made for said improvement, and
has transmitted the saute to this Board;
Resolved, That the highway known as the Catskill Turnpike road above
described in paragraph one, be improved and constructed in that portion
thereof above described in paragraph three in accordance with the reaps,
plans, specifications and estimate prepared for such improvement by the
State Engineer and Surveyor under the provisions of Chapter 115 of the
Laws of 1898. That said work be done under the charge, care and superinu
tendence of the State Engineer and Surveyor, and that said maps, plans,
specifications and estimate prepared by said State Engineer and Surveyor for
said work, are hereby duly approved and adopted by this Board.
Resolved, That the Treasurer of the Countyof Tompkins is here author-
ized and directed to pay upon the requisition or draft of the State Engineer '
and Surveyor the sum. of Six Thousand, Five Hundred Dollars, ($6,500.00)
being one -half of the estimated total expense, which amounts to $13,000 for
improving and, constructing in accordance, with the provisions of Chapter
115 Laws of 1898, the section of Catskill Turnpike road as described in para-
graph three hereof,-from any unappropriated funds in his hands; 'and if he
should find it necessary he is hereby authorized to raise on the obligation of
the County such a sum as is necessary to meet such requisition of draft;
and said sum is hereby made immediately available subject to the draft of
the State Engineer and Surveyor.
On motion the.same was adopted.
Ayes— Messrs. Frost, Harrington, Hanshaw, J\Iount,
Noxoii, Snow, Thompson, \Vilson —S. Noes— Messrs. Baker,
Terry, Van Ostrand -3.
By Mr. Snow:
HSR$AS, The Tompkins County National Bank, has this day given
notice to the Board of Supervisors that it intends to commence action in the
courts to recover on the raised note upon which Charles Ingersoll, late
County Treasurer, received Five Thousand Dollars instead of Two Thousand,
the amount of the face of the note as signed by the committee of the Board
of Supervisors. Now, therefore, be it
Y%e Sntervisors' Proceedings 9
Resotued, That this Board will make provision at the next Annual Ses-
sion for the payment, to said Bank, of Two Thousand Dollars, with interest
from that date until paid, provided that the said Bank will surrender to said
Board of Supervisors, the aforementioned note :and accept the said Two
Thousand Dollars and interest, in frill settlement of said claim.
On motion of Mr. Frost the same was adopted.
Ayes— Messrs. Baker, Frost, Harrington, Hanshaw,
Mount, Noxon, Snow, Thompson, Terry, Van Ostrand, Wil-
son-11. Noes —O.
Motion made that the matters be left to the Finance Com-
mittee, to present the above to the Bank officials.
By Mr. Van Ostrand:
Resolved, That the clerk of this Board be requested to have Messrs.
Andrus & Church prepare such assessment rolls for the use of the various
assessors as shall he adaptable to requirements of the new highway law.
On motion Board adjourned.
M. A. DOWNING, Clerk.
Jhe nnual Session - -/901.
The Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins met
in Annual Session at their rooms in the City of Ithaca,_ on
Wednesday, November 13, 1901, and was called to order by
M. A. Downing, Clerk of the preceding board.
AB the members responded to their names as follows:
Caroline E. A. SNOW Caroline Centre
Danny WM. H. BAKER •Danby
Dryden J. B. AVILSON Dryden
Enfield 1. 11. HINF Trdmbull's Corners
Groton R. N. MOUNT Peruville
Ithaca (town)J J. 1- [ANSI -IAW Ithaca
Ithaca (city)L. P. NOXON Ithaca
Ithaca (city)0. AA'.• FROST Ithaca
Ithaca (city)T. S. THO1MIPSON Ithaca
Ithaca (city)1'. S. LI V13RMORF Ithaca
Lansing B M. IIAGIN South Lansing
Newfield WM. H. VAN ()STRAND Newfield
Ulysses EUGENE. TERRY Jacksonville
On motion Mr. I-1Ine, of Enfield, was chosen temporary
Moved by Mr. VanOstrand that there being no other can-
didate, the Clerk be instructed to cast a ballot for Jesse B.
Wilson as the unanimous choice of this Board for the office of
Chairman for the ensuing year. ,
Carried. The ballot so cast and Mr. Wilson was duly
declared elected.
12 The Snhervfsors' Proceedings
By Mr. Thompson:
That the salary of the Clerk for the ensuing year be $175,
the same as last rear.-
Moved by Mr. Frost that the Board proceed to an informal
ballot for Clerk.
The Chair appointed as tellers Messrs. Thompson and
Vhole number of votes cast for Clerk Were 13, of which
M. AA. Downing received 6
B. F. Baker received 5
A. Miller received 1
W. A. Shafer received 1
The fonnal ballot for Clerk resulted as follows :
The whole number of -votes cast for Clerk were 13, of which
M. A. Downing received 6B. F. Baker received g
Blank received 1
There being no choice the Chair ordered another ballot
which resulted as follows:
Whole number of votes cast for Clerk were 13, of which
The Supervisors' Proceedings,13:
M. A. Downing received 8•
B. F. Baker received 5 .
The Chairman declared M. A. Downing duly elected Clerk.
for the ensuing year.
By Mr. Livermore:
That the Clerk be authorized to procure the necessary sta-
tionery for the use of the Board.
Carried. •
The Clerk read the following communication from the
Comptroller, which, on motion of Mr. Frost, was received and.
ordered printed in the minutes:
A LBAFY, S$PTJeJBER 27, 1901.
To the Chdrinan of /be Board of Supcvvisors of the County of Tompkins, Ithaca,.
New York:.
Snt: The Board of Equalization of Taxes, in_ pursuance of Chapter 908:
of the Laws of 1896, have fixed the aggregate valuation of property in your
County at the sum of $165,357.38, upon which amount a State Tax of $19,842.58
Hurst be levied for the fiscal year, commencing October 1st, 1901, as provided .
in said act being list;, mills on the dollar, for the following purposes, viz:
For Schools mill, per Chap. 643, Laws of 1901, $12,401 80.
For Canals____ -- __ ___ - r3, ° a "643,1901, 7,441 08.
Total 1 : 5 '19,842 88-
Your obedient servant,
PRASIUS C: KNIGHT, Comptroller.
14 The Supervisors' Proceedings
The Clerk also read a communication from the Comp-
troller regarding Loan Commissioners' which, on motion, was
received and filed.
On motion of Mr. VanOstrand the Board adjourned until •
Thursday morning at 9 o'clock.
M. A. DOWNING, Clerk.
I I.
Morning Session.
Roll call. Quorum present
Minutes of yesterday read and approved.
Chairman Wilson announced the following committees:
Constables' Accounts,
Terry, Hagin, Thompson.
Clerk's and Justices' Accounts,
Mount, Noxon, Livermore.
Coroners', Coroners' Juries and Priinters' Accounts,
Hanshaw, Frost, Thompson.
County Treasurer's Accounts,
Frost, Van Ostrand, Hine.
The'S''iervicors''Proceedings ly
Sheriff's, Judge's and District Attorney's Accounts,
Thompson, Snow, Baker.
Miscellaneous Claims,
Hine, Noxon, Hagin.
Jurisprudence and Erroneous Assessments,
Hagin, Terry, Hanshaw.
Equalization and Footing Assessment Rolls.
VanOstrand, Frost, Hine, Snow, Hagin; Mount, Baker.
Superintendent of the Poor,
Snow, Terry, VanOstrand.
Appropriations and County Buildings,
Baker, Frost, Noxon, Mount.
U. S. Deposit and Insurance,
Noxon, Livermore,.Snow.
State Charitable and Penal Institutions,
Livermore, Van Ostrand, Hanshaw.
Mr. Hine, of Enfield, presented the following petition, to-
gether with resolutions passed by the Town Board of the Town
To . the Board of Sripercisors of the Comity of Tornpkias
The Town Board of the Tow• of Enfield, being the Auditing Board of
said town, at a regular meeting of said board, held in said town on the 7th
day of November, 1901, passed the following resolution:
Reeolced, That the office of Railroad Commissioners of the Town of
Enfield he and the • same is hereby abolished, and the •duties. of said office
shall he transferred to and discharged by the Supervisor of the said Town of
Enfield, all as provided by Section 13 of Chapter 685 of the Laws of 1892.
1.6. "The Susors' Proceedings
Said Town Board being the Auditing Board of said Town of Enfield, does
hereby make application to the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tomp-
kins, that the office of Railroad Commissioners of the Town of Enfield he
abolished and that the duties of said office be transferred to and discharged
by the Supervisor of the said Town of Enfield, and that said Supervisor shall
be vested with all the powers conferred upon such Railroad Commissioners, .
and subject to all the duties imposed ripen theni'pursuant to Section 13 of
Chapter 685 of the Laws of 1892.
Dated, November 7th, 1901.
JAMES H. HINE, Supervisor.
Justices of the Peace.
Being the Town Board and Auditing Board of the Town of Enfield.
I, Clinton J. Updike, being the Town Clerk of the Town. of Enfield, do •
hereby certify that a resolution to abolish the office of Railroad Connnission-
ers of the Town of Enfield was passed at a regular meetingof the Town Board
and that said Town Board is also the Auditing Board of the Town of Enfield,
and that a correct copy of said resolution is sct forth in the foregoing
By Mr. Mount:
Resolred, ;hat the petition of the Town Board of the Town of Enfield .
asking that the office of Railroad Commissioners of said town be abolished,
and that the duties devolving upon said Commissioners be transferred and
added to the duties of - the Supervisor of said town as provided by Statute, be
and is hereby granted and confirmed.
On motion of Mr. Frost the same was carried and the petiL
tion dul }•granted.
The Supervisors'. Proceedings 17
By Mr. Livermore:
Resolved, That unless otherwise ordered, there, be no : sessions of the
Board on Saturday of each week.
Resolved, That unless otherwise ordered, the sessions of the Board' comma
mence at 9 o'clock A. M., and at 2 o'clock r. M..
By Mr. Noxon:
Resolved, That the hour from three to four of each afternoon be devoted
to the auditing of bills presented to this Board.
By Mr. Terry:
Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board be allowed: the sum of $25.00 as
compensation for making report to the Comptroller of the State, as required
by law.
On motion of Mr. Frost the same was carried.
Ayes— Messrs. Baker, Frost, Hagin, Hine, Hanshaw, Liver-
more, Mount, Noxon, Snow, Terry, VanOstrand -11. Noes—O.
By Mr. Hanshaw :
Resolved, That the Clerk of the Board be 'allowed the sum of $15.00 for
postage for the ensuing year.,
On motion of Mr. VanOstrand the sanie was carried.
Ayes— Messrs. Baker, 'Frost, Hagin, Hine, H tnshaw Livcr- ,
more, Mount, Noxon, Snow, Terry, VanOstran 11 Noes =0.
18 The'Sufervisors•' Proceedings
By Mr. Terry:
WHER &AS, Certain citizens 'of the ' Town of Groton have presented peti-
tions to this Board asking that they be exempted from taxation pursuant. to
Chapter 348, Laws of 1897 amending Section 1393, Code of Civil Procedure.
Resolved, That the Assessors of the Town of Groton, together with the
claimants, be requested to appear before this Board on Thursday, November
21, for Ole purpose of giving the Assessors of said town an opportunity bf
showing cause why said exemptions should not be allowed, and that the peti-
tioners be permitted to offer proof in. support of their claims..
On'motion of Mr. Hine the same was duly carried.
On motion Board adjourned.
Afternoon Session.
Roll call. Quorum present.
By Mr: Frost:
In pursuance to Chapter 715 of the Laws of 1892,. we, the Republican
members of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, do hereby desig-
nate the Ithaca. Weekly Journal as the official paper for publishing the Session
Laws for the ensuing year.1
On motion of Mr. Hine the foregoing were received and
ordered filed, and the •Ithaca Weekly- lout cuss•cho §en to
pablish the Session Laws for• the ensuing year.
The .Supervisors' .Proceedings 19
By Mr. Noxon:
In pursuance of Chapter 815 of the Laws of 1892, we, the Deurocratic
members of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, do hereby desig -,
nate the Ithaca weekly Democrat as the official paper for publishing the.
Session Laws for, the ensuing year.
On ,motion of Mr. Frost the foregoing was received and
ordered filed, and the Ithaca Weekly Democrat was chosen to
publish the Session Laws for the ensuing year.
By Mr. Hanshaw:
Resolved, That the sum of Three Hundred and Fifty dollars ($350.00) be
allowed the Sheriff of this County to pay for services of Janitor and Engineer
of Court House and Jail.
On motion of Mr. Snow the same was carried.
Ayes — Baker, Frost, Hagin, Hine, Hanshaw, Livermore,
Mount, Noxon, Snow, Terry, Van Ostrand -11. Noes —O.
By Mr. Frost
Resolved, That all County orders shall be countersigned by the Chairman ,
of the Board of Supervisors, and all Town orders shall be signed by the.
Supervisors of the respective towns and that no orders shall be issued until
after the adjournment of this Board.
On motion of Mr. Baker the same was carried.
By Mr. Snow:.
Resolved, That in pursuance of Chap. 685. Laws of 1894, Section 1, -the
Justices of the Peace of the several towns of the County be and are hereby
directed to pay, all fines and penalties imposed and received by them to the
go.The Sufiervisors' Proceedings
Supervisors of their respective towns on the first Monday of each month; and
to make a verified report of all fines and penalties collected by them to the
board. of Town-Auditors, of their, respective towns, on..Tuesday,preceding the
annual Town Meeting, or similar date in the year when there is no town
The report.of Cyrus C. Lathrop, Inspector, on condition of
Tompkins County Alms House, was read by the Clerk and on
motion" }vas ordered placed on file.
Mr. Snow, as a committee of one appointed by the Board
last year to visit the Alms House during the year, made a
verbal report, which, on Motion of Mr. Hine, was accepted.
There being no further business the Board adjourned.
M. A. DOWNING, Clerk.
FRIDAY,. NOVis H R 15,1961: '
Morning Session.
Roll call." Quornn present. • • •
Minutes of yesterday read and approved:
By Mr. Snow:
Resolved, That the County Treasurer be allowed the sum of One Hundred
Dollars, ($100.00,) for office rent, fuel and light from January 1, 1902, to
January 1, 1903.
On motion of Mr. Bilker the s yvaa carried
The Supervisors' Proceedings 21
Ayes— Balser, Frost, Hagin, Hine, Hanshaw,' Livermore,
Mount, Noxon, Snow, Thompson, Terry/ Van Ostrand -12.
Noes —O.
Mr. Hine presented the Town. Audits of the Town of
Enfield, which on motion of Mr. Van Ostrand, were accepted
and the amounts ordered levied and assessed upon the taxable
property of the Town of Enfield.
Ayes— Baker, Frost, Hagin, Hine, I3anshaw, Livermore,
Mount, Noxon, Snow, Thompson, Terry, Van Ostrand-12.
Noes —O.
Mr. Ilanshaw presented the Town Audits of the Town of
Ithaca, together with resolutions appropriating $25.00 for
the Poor Fund and $10.00 for Memorial .Day, which on
motion of Mr. Hine were: accepted and the amounts ordered
levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the Town Of
Ayes— Baker, Frost, Hagin, Hine, Hanshaw, Libermore; •
Mount, Snow, Thompson, Terry, Vaii Ostrand -11. Noes -0:
On motion Board adjourned.
Afternoon Session.
Roll call. Quorum present.
Superintendent Bower, of the Alms House, appeared before
the Board and tendered an invitation to the Board of Super-
visors to inspect the Countv Alms House, and take dinner
with him and Mrs. Bower.
Oil motion of Mr. Van Ostrand the same was accepted and
Thursday, NoYember 21, the day designated:
22 the Supervisors' Proceedings
A'Ir. Baker presented the Town Audits of the Town of
Danhv, which on motion:of Mr. Snow were accepted and the
amounts ordered levied and assessed uponthetaxableproperty
of the Town of Hanby.
Aces — Baker, Frost,- Hagin, Hine, Hanshaw, Livermore,
Mount, NOXOIi, Snow, Thompson, Terry -11. Noes —O. •
Mr. Terry, Chairman of Committee on Constables' Ac-
counts, presented the following bills, which on motion of Mr.
Hine, were ordered audited and allo Ved at the amounts recom-
mended by the committee.
Bills Nos. 30, 32.
Aves— Baker, Frost, Hagin, Hine, Hanshaw, Livermore,,
Mount, Noxon, Snow, Thompson, Terry -11. Noes —O.
Mr. Mount, Chairman of Committee on Clerk's and Jus-
tices'- Accounts, presented the following bills, which on motion
of Mr. Thompson,. were ordered audited and allowed at the
amounts ordered by the committee.
Bills Nos. 10, 11, 31.
Ayes— Baker, Frost, Hagin, Hine, Hanshaw, Livermore,
Mount, Snow, Thompson, Terry -10. Noes —O. '
Mr. Hanshaw, Chairman of Committee on Coroners', Cor-
oners' Juries and Printers' Accounts, presented the following
bills, which on inotion of Mr. Mount, were ordered audited
and allowed at the amounts recommended by the committee.
BiIls•Nos. 12, 38.
Ayes — Baker, Frost, Hagin, Hine, Hanshaw,' Livermore,
Mount, Snow, Thompson, Terry -1.0. Noes -0.
The `.Suftervzsors'.Proceeding's 23
Mr. Hine,' Chairman of Committee on Miscellaneous
Claims, presented the following bill; which on motion of Mri
Frost, was ordered audited at the amount recommended by
the committee.
Bill No. 22.
Ayes — Baker, Frost, Hagin, Hine, Hanshaw, Livermore,
Mount, Snow, Thompson, Terry-10., -
Mr. Livermore, Chairman of Committee on State Charita-
ble and Penal Institutions, presented the following bill, which
on motion of Mr. Mount, was ordered :audited and allowed -at
the amount recommended by the committee. -: .. •r'.•:
Bill No. 14.
Ayes- Baker, Frost, Hngin, Hine, Hanshaw, Livermore,
Mount, Nokon, Snow, Thompson, Terry -11.
On motion, Board adjourned to meet again on Monday
morning at 10 o'clock.
M. A.' DOWNING Clerk..
I I.
Morning Session.
Roll call. Quorum present.
Minutes of previous meeting read and approved.
A petition from the Assessors of the Town of Dryden, ask-
ing that the following property be added to the assessment
roll, was read by the clerk.
2¢The Sufiervisors Proceedings
Harrison Marvin, 49 _4 .900 .
Andrew Lorumor,__ _________ 48 106 2,000
Win. ;Moore,49 4 1,400
Wm. Moore,49 1 400
Mrs. \Vm. Moore 49 5 350
Mrs. Win. Moore,49 Shop 400
Stilwell S Ross, _38 Herald Office 400
On motion of Mr. Frost the petition was 'granted and
ordered filed.
The . :clerk read the following communication from the
Comptroller, which on motion of Mr. Frost, was received and
ordered printed in.theminutes.
ALBAP,\ OCTOBER 15, 1901.
To Clark Board of Supperrisors, County of Tompkins:
SIR: —In addition to the State Tax of 1-?j mills directed to be levied as
per circular from this office, dated September 27th, amounting to $19,842.88,
the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins, is hereby required to
raise the sum of $1,176.49 for compensation to September 30, 1902, of the
Stenographers of the Supreme Court in the 6th Judicial District, es author-
ized by Sections 258 and 259 of the code of Civil Procedure, and of the Con-
fidential clerks appointed by the 'Justice of the Supreme Court pursuant to
Chapter 326, Laws of 1898.
Respectfully yours,
ERASTUS C. KNIGHT, Comptroller.
On motion- Board adjourned:' -
Afternoon Session.
Roll eall. Onoirum present.
The Supervisors'. Proceedings 2$
Mr. Hagin presented the Town Audits of the Town of
Lansing, which on motion of Mr. Hine were accepted and the
ainoants ordered levied and assessed upon the taiableProperty,
of the said town.
Ayes — Messrs. Baker, Frost, Hagin, Hine' Hanshaw,Liver-
more, Mount, Snow, Thompson, Van Ostrand -10. Noes -O.
Mr. Mount presented the Town Audits of the Town of
Groton, which on motion of Mr. Snow were received and the
amounts ordered levied and assessed upon the taxable property
of said town.
Ayes— Messrs. Baker, Frost, Hagin, Hine, Hanshaw, Liver-
more, Mount, Snow, Thompson, Van Ostrand -10.. Noes —O.
Mr. Wilson presented the following resolutions.Whichwere
vpted on at the Annual Town Meeting of the Town of Dry-den :
Resolved, That the sum of One ,Hundred and Fifty Dollars, (5150.00), Gc
appropriated -to paint bridges.
Resolved, Tlhat Seventy -five Dollars, (575.00). be appropriated for bridge
near Malloryville.
Resolved, That Two Hundred and Twenty -five Dollars, (5225.00) be
appropriated for a bridge near Hardly Lewis'. -.
Resolved, That the sum of Fifty Dollars, (550.00) be appropriated to
change channel of creek near David Manning's.
On motion- of Mr. Thonipson the same were received and '
the .amounts ordered •levied assessed upon- the taxable
property of the Town of Dryden... • .
Ayes— Messrs. Baker, Frost, Hagin, Hine, HanshaW;tider-
more, Mount, Snow, Thompson,. Van Ostrand-10. Noes —O.
Resolved, That ri committee of three be appointed by Hie Chair to ascertain
the cost of printing and binding 5,000 copies of the proceedings of this Board
and report at their earliest convenience.
26 The Svjervisors',1'roceed/figs
The Chairman appointed, as, such committee Messrs. Snow,
Livermore and Frost.
By Mr. Hagin.:
Resolved, That there be levied and collected upon the taxable property of
the following road districts in the Town of Lansing, the sum of Fifty - three
Dollars and Sixty cents ($53:60), to apply on payment of road machines pur --
chased by and for the following road districts : Districts Nos. - 8, 9, 10,;11.
On motion of Mr. Mount the same was carried.
Ayes— Messrs. Baker, Hagin„ Hine, Hanshaw, Livermore,.
Mount, Snow, Thompson, Van Ostrand -9. Noes —O.
Mr. Hanshaw, .Chairman of Committee on Coroners',.
Coroners' Juries and Printers' Accounts, reported the follow=
ing bills, which on motion of Mr. Mount, were ordered audited
a amounts recommended by the committee.
Bills Nos. 61, 55.
Ayes— Messrs. Baker, ,Frost, Hagin, Hine, Hanshaw, Liver-
more, Mount, Snow, Thompson, Terry, Van.Ostrand —l0:
Noes —O.
Mr. Hine, Chairman of Committee on Miscellaneous
Claims, reported the following bills, which on motion of Mr.
Mount, were ordered audited and allowed at the amounts.
recommended by the committee.
Bills Nos. 64, 54.
Ayes— Messrs. Baker, • Frost, Hagin, Hine, Hanshaw,,
Mount, Snow, Terry, Van Ostrand -9. Noes—O.
On motion Board adjourned.
M. A. DOWNING, Clerk.
The:Sufiervisors' Proceedings 27
Morning Session.
Roll call. All members present.
Minutes of yesterday read and approved.
Mr. Hine,' of Enfield, presented the following notice and
resolution, which on motion of Mr. Van ()strand was received
and the amounts ordered levied and assessed upon the taxable
property of the said road districts:
To the Town Board of the Town of Enfield:
I.hereby certify that it is necessary to assess upon the taxable property
of Road Districts No. 2, road 9, 9, road 8; 3, road 3; 2, road 8; 4, road 8;
3, road 16; 4, road 25; 2, road 22; 1, road 23;2, road 25; the sum of $80.31.
to apply as payment on road machines purchased by said districts.
Dated, Enfield, November 7, 1901.
C. J. UPDIKE, Towir'Clerk.
Resolved, That in accordance with the foregoing certificate of the Town
Clerk of the Town of Enfield and action of the Town- Board thereon, the
sum of Eighty and Thirty - one "one- hundredth dollars, ($80.31) he levied upon -
and collected from the taxable property of the following Road Districts in
the Town of Enfield, to apply as payment on road machines purchased by
said districts: viz: District -No. 2, road 9; 9, road 8; 3, road 3; 2, road 8; 4,
road 8; 3, road 16; 4, road 25; 2, road 22; 1, road 23; 2, road 25.
Ayes— Messrs. Baker, Frost, Hagin, Hine, Hinshaw, Liver-
more, Mount, Noxon, Snow, Thompson, Van Ostrand -11_
Noes -0.
The Clerk read the - reports of Coroners Brown and Fish,
which on motion of .Mr. Van Ostrand were received and
ordered referred to the committee on Coroners' Accounts.
28 The Supervisors' Proceedings
By request of Mr. Thompson the Board adjourned to meet
at the County Clerk's office at 2 o'clock to finish the official
Afternoon Session.
Board met at the office of the County Clerk and proceeded
to finish the official canvass of votes of the County.
Board met at their rooms in the Court House.-
Roll call. Quorum present. -
Mr. Hanshaw, Chairman of the Committee on Coroners
Coroners' Juries and Printers' Accounts, presented the follow-
ing bills, which on motion of Mr. Snow, were ordered audited
and allowed at the amounts recommended by the committee.
Bill No. 56.
Ayes — Messrs. Baker, Frost, Hine, Hanshav, Mount,
Noxon, Snow, Van Ostrand —S. Noes —O.
Mr. Hine, Chairman of the Committee on Miscellaneous
Claims, presented the following bills, .which on motion of.Mr.
Baker, were ordered audited and allowed at the amounts
recommended by the committee.
Bills Nos. 1, 6, 41, 25, 43, 4, - 29.
Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Frost, Hine, Hanshaw, Mount,
Noxon, Snoxt„ Van Ostrand Noes -0.':
By Mr. Wilson:
Resolved, That in accordance with a resolution, adopted by the Town
hoard of the Town of Dryden, the sum of $700.00 he levied and collected
1r'otii the'taiablepropertf'df the Tosti'of Dr}'deia; t "km it t1' upport of .
the Torn - Poor.-
Tfid. Suj'eivrsors' Proceedings 29
On motion of Mr. Snow the was carried..-
Ayes— Messrs., Baker, Frost,: Hine, . Hanshaw, . Mount,,
Noxon, Snow, Van Ostrand -8. Noes —O..
By Mr. Wilson :
Resolved, That in accordance witli a resolution passed by the Town Board .
of the Town of Dryden, the sum of $250.00 be levied and collected froth the -
taxable property of the Town of Dryden, for a new bridge near the old Giles.
On motion of Mr. Van ()strand the same was carried.
Ayes— Messrs. Baker, Frost, Hine, Hanshaw,, Mount, -
Noxon, Snow, Van Ostrand -8. Noes -0.
Motion by Mr.Mount that the Chair appoint a committee
of two members to procure transportation of the Board to
Alms House on Thurday, November 21.
The Chairman appointed as such committee, . Messrs..
Mount and Thompson.,
On motion Board adjourned..
M. A. DOWNING Clerk.
Morning Session.
Roll . call Quorum present
Minutes read and approved.
3o 77zeSuftervzsors' Proceedings
Mr. Van Ostrand presented the Town Audits •of the Town
of Newfield, which on motion of Mr. Terry were received and
the `amounts ordered levied and assessed upon - the to able
property of the Town of Newfield.
Ayes — Messrs. Baker, Frost, Hagin, Hine, Livermore,
Mount, Noxon, Snow, Thompson, Terry, Van Ostrand -11
Noes —O.
By Mr. Hagin:
Resolved, That the sum of Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars, ($250.00) be
levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Lansing
for the repairs of Highways and Bridges as allowed by Statute. •
Ayes — Messrs. •Baker, Frost, Hagin, Livermore, Mount,'
Noxon, Snow, Thompson, Terry, Van Ostrand -10. Noes -0,
Mr, Hanshaw presented .the following notice and resolu-
tion, Which On (notion of Mr. 'Mount were received and the
amounts ordered levied and assessed as described :
ITHACA, N. •., NOVIOXBER 20, 1901. ••
I hereby certify that it is necessary to assess upon the taxable property
of Road Districts Nos. 32, 48, 11, 37, 43, in the Town of Ithaca, the sum of
112.84, to apply as payments•ou Road Machines purchased by said Districts.
Also the sum of $250.00 to be levied and assessed upon the taxable property
of the Town of Ithaca, for Higluvay purposes.•
M. VAN ORMAN, Town Clerk:
Resolved, That in accordance with the .foregoing notice of the Town Clerk
and the action of the.Town Board of the Town of Ithaca, the sum_ of $112.84
be levied and assessed upon Districts Nos. 32, 48, 11, 37, 43, to apply as
payments on Road Machines purchased by said Districts. And the sum of
250.00 be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the Town of
Ithaca for Highway purposes.
The Supervisors' Proceedings 31.
A"ves— Messrs. Baker, Frost, Hagin, Hanshaw, - Livermore,
Mount, Noxon, Snow, Thompson, Terry, Van• Ostrand —ll.
Noes =O.: ..
Afternoon Session:
Roll call. Quorum present.
By Mr. Terry:
Resolved, That the sum of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) be assessed and collected
from the taxable property of the County of Tompkins, as salary of Chaplain
of Alms House.
On motion of Mr. Van Ostrand the same was adopted.
Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Hagin, 1-Iine, Hanshaw, Livermore,
Mount, Noxon, Snow, Thompson, Terry, Van Ostrand -11.
By Mr. Wilson:
Resolved, That in accordance with a-resolution adopted by the Town Board
of the Town of Dryden, there be levied and assessed upon the taxable prop-
erty of the following Road Districts in the Town of Dryden, the sum of $73.17,
to apply on payment of Road Machines purchased by the following Road
Districts in said Town: Nos. 36, .52, 38, 27, 80, 75;81, 83, 88, 79.
Ayes— Messrs. Baker, hlagin, Hine, Hanshaw,-Liverinore,
Mount, Noxon, Snow, Terry, Van Ostrand-10. Noes —O.
The report of the Superintendent of Poor was -read and on
motion was referred to the Committee on Superintendents'
32 The Suj5ervisors: Proceetings
Mr. Hine, Chairman of the Committee on Miscellaneous
Claims, presented the following hills, which on motion of Mr,
Snow were ordered audited and allowed at the amounts
recommended by the committee.
Bills Nos. 53, 57, 5S.
Aves— Messis. Baker, Frost, Haghi, Hine, Hanshaw, Liver -
more, Mount, Noxon, Snow, 1'hompson -11. Noes -0.
Mr. Hine in the Chair.
Motion by Mr. Snow that the Clerk be instructed to pro-
cure one dozen keys to the door of the Supervisors' room for
the use of the members.
On niotion the Board adjourned."
M. A. DOWNING, Clerk.'
Morning Session.
Mr. Hine in Chair.
Roll call. Quorwn.present.
Motion by Mr: Livermore that the Board adjourn to recon-
venenat theCounty Alms House:"
The SuAerz, sors' Proceeth>igs 33
The Board arrived at the Alms House about 11:00 o'clock,
after which time dinner was served.
After dinner an examination of the buildings and farin and
i ooks of .the Superintendent by the Board was carried on,
after which the Board adjourned, arriving at Ithaca about •
5:00 o'clock.
M. A. DOWNING, Clerk.
FRIDAY, NovIain 1 22, 1901.
Morning Session.
Roll call. Ouorum present.
Minutes read and approved.
A report of the County Clerk as to moneys received for
violation of the Liquor Tax Law was by the Clerk, and
on motion of Mr. Frost \W I:3 received and ordered printed in
the minutes.'
Mr. Snow presented the Town Audits of the• Town of
Caroline, which on motion of Mr. Baker were received and the
amount ordered levied and collected upon the taxable property
of the Town of Caroline.
Ayes — Messrs. Baker, Frost, Hagin, Hanshaw, Livermore,
Mount, Snow, Thompson, Van Ostrand -9. Noes -0.
Mr. Snow presented the following resolutions, which on
motion of Mr. Thompson were received and the amounts
ordered levied and -assessed upon the taxable property of the
Town of Caroline:
34 71re Su Proceedings
At a meeting of the Town Board of the Toni n of Caroline,
held at the Town Clerk's office, in Slaterville Spriilgs, Novem-
ber 7, 1901, the following resolutions were adopted; viz:
Resolved. That the rate of taxation for the improvement of Highways for
the coning year be .0013 or $1,154.22.
Resolved, That we raise $304.00 to pay for. iron bridge and interest on the
same to be erected near W. K. iloices'.
Resolved, That we raise 5775.00 for bridges and interest on money borrowed
for the sane.
Resolved, That we raise $30.00 for Memorial Day.
Resolved, That we raise $100.00 for Soldiers'. relief.
I, \Vni. A. Ferguson, do hereby certify that, the foregoing is a true - and
correct copy of the original file in my office.
Dated, Caroline, November 12, 1901. -
YM. A. FERGUSON, Town Clerk.
Aves—Messrs. Baker, Frost, Hagin, Hanshaw, Livermdre,
Mount, Snow, Thompson, \'an Ostrand -9. Noes -0.
Mr. Snow presented the following petition, which on
motion of Mr. Thompson was granted and the amount ordered
levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the Town of
To the Honorable. the Board of Supervisors, of Tompkins County:
wnExUAS. The Overseer of the Poor of the Town of Caroline, having
reported to the undersigned, town auditing board of the above named Town,
at the meeting held at the Town Clerk's office in Slaterville Springs, Novem-
ber 7, 1901; that for the ensuing year there will he necessary for temporary
and out door relief, the sum of Two Hundred Dollars, ($200.00) ; we hereby
approve of said estimate and respectfully req uest that there be levied upon
and collected from the taxable property of said Town, the above named sum
of Two Hundred Dollars for the relief of the Poor for the ensuing year.
Dated, November 7, 1901.
The SufiervLw s' Proceedings 35
F. A. SNOW, Supervisor.
WDI. A. FERGUSON, Town Clerk.
51. J. CLARK,
Justices of the Peace.
Ayes— Messrs. Baker, Frost, Hagin, Hanshaw, Livermore,
Mount, Noxon, Snow, Thompson, Van Ostrand -10. Noes —O.
By Mr. Hagin:
Resolved, That in accordance with a resolution of the Town Board of the
Town of Lansing, the sum of One Hundred and Fifty Dollars, ($150.00) be
levied and collected upon the taxable property of the Town. of Lansing forthesupportofthePoorofsaidTownfor1902.
On motion of Mr. Mount the same was carried.
Ayes — Messrs. Baker, Frost, Hagin, Hanshaw, Livermore,
Mount, Noxon, Snow, Thompson; Van Ostrand -10. Noes —O.
By Mr. Wilson :.
Resolved, That in accordance with a resolution of the Town Board of the
Town of Dryden, there be levied and ussissed upon the taxable property of
the Town of Dryden, the sum of $300.00 to operate stone crusher for the
ensuing year.
On motion of Mr. Snow the same was c
Ayes — Messrs. Baker, Frost, Hagin, Hanshaw, Livermore,
Mount, Noxon, Snow, Thompson, Van Ostrand-10. Noes —O.
By Mr. Hine:
Resolved, That the sum of Two Hundred and Fifty- Dollars, ($250.00) be
levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Enfield,
for the purpose of repairs of Highways, and Bridges in said Town as allowed
by statute.
36 The Proceedings
On-motion of Mr. Mount the same was,carried.
Ayes— Messrs. Baker, Frost, Hagin, Hanshaw, Livermore,
Mount, Noxdn; Snow, Thompson, Van Ostrand -10. Noes —O.
On motion, Board adjourned.-
Afternoon Session.
Roll tall. Quorum present.
By Mr. Wilson:
Resolved. That the sum of $500.00 be levied upon and collected from the
taxable property of . :the Town of Dryden for the purpose of repairs on the
Highways in said Town, as allowed by statute.
1\'Iotion.bv Jr. A Van ()strand that the salve be carried.
Ayes — Messrs. Baker, Frost, Hine, Hanshaw, Livermore,
Mount, Noon, Snow, Terry,. Van Ostrand—l0. Noes -0.
Tc the Board of Super visors:
Your Special Committee appointed to ascertain the price at which 5,000
copies of the Proceedings of this Board for 1901 can be obtained, would report
that we have received the following bids:
Ithaca Daily Journal _ _ _ _ -2.38 per page
Ithaca Democrat 2.40 per page
The quality of the paper, and the mechanical execution and style of the
book to be equally as good as last issue. •
Mr. Terry presented the following from the Ithaca Pub-
lishing Company :
The Suj5ervisors' Proceedings 37
I'rtHACA, N. Y., NOVEMBER 21, 1901.
To the Honorable, the Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County, N. Y.
GWCI,ENu!,N: —we hereby submit our bid for printing the proceedings
of your Honorable Board in pamphlet form. Al'e .will print 5,000 copies in
pamphlet form with sane size as last year, with equally as good quality
of paper, equally as good typographical work, and bound in the same
manner, for $2.19 per page. All of which is respectfully submitted. •
Yours very truly,
Business Manager.
Motion by Mr. Terry that the printing of the Proceedings
of this Board be awarded to The Ithada Publishing Company,
as per their bid.
Amendment by Mr. Snow, that the same be deferred and
made a special order of business at 11 o'clock on Monday
morning, Nov..25.
Vote on Mr. Snow's- amendment resulted in the same being
Mr. Hine, Chairman of the Committee on Miscellaneous
Claims, presented the first item in bill No. 77, which on motion
was ordered audited and allowed at the amount recommended
by the committee. •
Ayes— Messrs. Baker, Frost, Hagin, Hine, Hanshaw, Liver-
more, Mount, Noxon, Snow, Thompson, Terry-11. - Noes -0.
Mr. Hine presented the second item in bill No. 77, which on
motion was ordered audited and allowed as recommended by
the committee.
38 The Supervisors' Proceedings
Ayes— Messrs. Baker, Frost, Hagin, Hine, Hanshaw; Liver-
more, Mount, Noxon, Snow, Thompson, Terry -1.1. Noes -0.
Mr. Hine presented the third item in bill No. 77, which on
motion was ordered audited and allowed as recommended by
the committee.
Ayes — Messrs. Baker, Frost, Hagin, Mine, Hanshaw, Liver-
more, Mount, Noxon, Snow, Thompson, Terry -11. Noes —O.
Mr. Hine presented the fourth item in bill No. 77, which
was disallowed as recommended by the committee.
Ayes — Messrs. Baker, Frost, Hagin, Hine, Hanshaw, Liver-
more, Mount, Noxon, Snow, Thompson, Terry -11. Noes —O.
Mr. Hine presented the fifth item in bill No. 77, which on
motion wcas ordered allowed as recommended by the committee.
A•ves— Messrs. Baker, Frost, Hagin, Hine, Hanshaw, Liver-
more, Mount, Noxon, Snow, Thompson, Terry -11. - Noes —O.
Mr. Hine presented the .following bills, which on motion
were ordered audited and allowed as recommended by the
Bills Nos. 88, 86, 87, 75..
AN-es—Messrs. Baker, Frost, Hagin, Hine, Hanshaw, Liver-
more, Mount, Noson, Snow, Thompson, Terry -11. Noes —O.
Mr. Hanshaw, Chairman of Committee on Coroners' and
Printers' Accounts,. presented the following bills, which on
motion were ordered audited and allowed as recommended by
the committee.
Bins Nos. 74, 85.
Ayes— Messrs. Baker, Frost, Hagin, Hine,HanshaW, Liver-
more, AMoiint, Noxon, Snow, Thompson, Terry -11. Noes —O.
The Su 'erv/sors' Proceedings 39
Motion by Mr. Terry that the amendment regarding print-
ing the proceedings of this Board, which was made a special
order of business for Monday morning at 11:00 o'clock, be
rescinded and the matter taken up now.•
By Mt. Terry :
Ierolced, That' The Ithaca Publishing Co. . be designated to print the pro -
ceedings of this Board for the year 1901, as per their bid of $2.19 per page,
and that the number of words per page shall equal that of last year's pro-
On motion of Mr. Thompson the same was carried.
Ayes — Messrs. Baker, Frost, Hagin, Hanshaw, Livermore,
VMount, Noxon, Snow, Thompson, Terry -10. Noes -0.
On motion Board adjourned.
M: A. DOWNING, Clerk.'
MONDAY, NovEnrnEI 25, 1901.
Morning Ses
Roll call. Quorum present.
Minutes of previous meeting read and approved.
Mr. Livermore was called to the Chair.
Mr. Wilson moves that the resolution presented by him on
Monday, November 18,_ 1901, appropriating :500.00 for
Highway purposes for 1902, he stricken from the minutes.
o The Srrtcr vfsors' Proceedings
Mr. Wilson again in the Chair.
County Clerk Van Kirk appeared before the Board and
stated that the official canvass was now ready for the printers.
By iVir. Mount:
Resolved, That in accordance with resolutions adopted by the Town Board
of the Town of Groton, and the certificate of the Town Clerk thereto, the
sum of Eleven Hundred and Seventy -five Dollars, ($1,175.00) he Levied and
collected from the taxable property of the Town of Groton for the purpose of
repairing Highways and Bridges of said Town.
On motion of Mr. Baker the sane was received and the
amount ordered l6 gild assessed upon the taxable property
of the" Town of Groton.
Ayes— Messrs. Baker, Frost, Hagin, Hanshavc, Livermore,
Mount, Noxon, Snow, Thompson, Terry, Van Ostrand-11.
Noes —O.
Resolved, That pursuant to Chapter 18, Sections 21 and 22 General Laws;
we hereby designate the Ithaca Journal as one of the papers to publish the
official canvass of the last election, and that. the compensation therefor shall
be Thirty Cents (30e.) per folio.
On motion of Mr. Mount the same was adopted and the
Ithaca Journal was so designated.
Ayes — Messrs. Baker, Frost, Hagin, Hanshaw, Mount,
Noxon, Snow, Terry, Van Ostrand -9. Noes —O.
YJie Su,&ervrsors' Proceedings 41
Resolved, That the Ithaca News be designated -as the Democratic paper
which shall print the official canvass for Tompkins Comity at a rate not to
exceed 30e. per folio, in accordance with Sec. 21 and 22, Chap. 18, General
Laws, 1892.
b;TG19N13 TERRY,
On motion of Mr. Noxon the same was adopted and the
Ithaca News was so designated.
Ayes — Messrs. Baker, Frost, Hanshaw, Mount, Noxon,
Snow, Terry, Van Ostrand -8. Noes — Hagin -1.
On motion Board adjourned.
Afternoon Session;
Roll call. Quorum present.
Mr. Livermore presented the following and moved its
finICRgAS, The Committee to which was referred bids for the publication
of the Proceedings of the Board of Supervisors in. accordance with a custom
of the Board of Supervisors of long standing, secured bids only from the
official Republican organ and the official Democratic organ having the largest
circulation in the Comity;
WH$REAS, 1'he Board of Supervisors by a resolution passed the 22nd day
of November, 1901, deemed it advisable to award the same to The Ithaca Pub-
lishing Company, by reason of the fact that a bid had been submitted for a
lesser amount than_ the bids obtained by the Committee of the official organs
of the County.
NOV 'rin 8B In the interest of economy and fairness. to all publish-
ers of the County, be it resolved that the resolution awarding the publication
to The Ithaca Publishing Company be rescinded, and that the matter he
42 ,The Supervisors' Proceedings
referred back to the Committee to secure through any and all printers or
publishers who may desire to hid for the contract, sealed bids, to be opened
in the presence of this Board, on the 2nd day of Dec., 1901, and be it further
Resolved, That the contract for such printing he awarded to the lowest
bidder ; all bids to be based upon a like condition as to form, quality
character of workmanship, which same shall be at least the equal in form
quality and character of workmanship of the publication or pamphlet of last
Mr. Terry moves to defer action making it a special order
of business for Wednesday morning,at 10:00 o'clock.
The vote on Mr. Terry's amendment resulted in the same.
being carried.
By Mr. Baker:
In accordance with the action of the Town Board of the -
Town of Danby taken at their annual meeting -held November
7, 1901, and with the proper certificate, now on file in the -
Clerk's office of said Town.
Resolved,. That there be levied and collectedmpon the taxable property of
the Town of Danby, the sour of One I4undred and Seventy -five Dollars,.
175.00), for support of the l'oor for the present year.
Resolved, That there be levied and collected upon the taxable property of
the Town of Danby the sum of One Hundred and Fifty Dollars, ($150.00), .
for the support of the Poor for ensuing year.
Resolved, That there be levied and collected upon the taxable property of
the Town of Danby the sutra of Five Hundred Dollars, ($500.00), for High—
ways and Bridges.
On motion of. i1r. Thompson the same was adopted and.
the amounts ordered levied and collected upon the taxable:
property of the Town of Danby.
The Szattervisol Proceedi;zgs 43.
Ayes — Messrs. Baker, Frost, Hagin, Hine, Hanshaw, Liver-
more, Mount, Noxon, Snow, Thompson, Terry, Van Ostrand-
12. Noes —O.
By Mr. Snow:
WuEEEAS, There is pressing need that the deeds of the Town and City
of Ithaca be re- indexed, and
WHEREAS, The Board of Supervisors during the session of 1898 pur-
chased improved blank books for said re- indexing; and during the session of
1900 made an appropriation of Four Hundred Dollars, ($400.00), which sum .
was to be used, or not, hi the discretion of a committee appointed to investi-
gate and take such action in the matter, as seemed to the committee expedi-
ent, and,
WHEREAS, No action has been taken, and none of the above named
appropriation expended: therefore be it,
Resolved, That there be levied and collected from the taxable property of
the County of Tompkins, the sum of Five Hundred Dollars, ($500.00), which .
sum together with the Four Hundred Dollars, ($400.00), aforementioned,
shall constitute a fund to be used, or so much thereof as may be necessary
for the re- indexing of the deeds of the Town and City of Ithaca; the blank
books mentioned above to be used in said re- indexing. And he it also
Resolved, That the Clerk of Tompkins County, be and is hereby authorized
to cause the deeds of the Town and the City of Ithaca to be re- indexed as
mentioned above, and that the said Clerk is hereby granted authority to buy
the use of slips already made, or to cause new slipS to be made, as in his
judgment will be most economical for the County; and the said Clerk is also
hereby authorized to'rlraw upon the aforementioned fund to pay for said slips,
or any and all clerical work that may be necessary for said re- indexing.
On motion of Mr. Livermore the same was adopted and
the amount ordered levied and collected from the taxable prop -.
erty of the County of Tompkins.'
Aves— Messrs. Baker, Frost, Livermore, Mount; Snow,
Van Ostrand, Wilson -7. Noes—Messrs. Hagin, Hine, Han -
shave, Noxon, Thompson, Terry -6.
44 The Sliperu Proceedings
1Ir. Hanshaw, Chairman of Committee on Coroners' and
Printers' Accounts, presented the following bill, which on
motion of Mr. Livermore was ordered audited and allowed at
the amount recommended by the committee.
Bill No'. 93.
Apes— Messrs. Baker, Frost, Hagin, Hine, Hanshaw, Liver_,
more, Mount, Noxon, Thompson -9. Noes -0.
Mr. Hine, Chairman of Committee on Miscellaneous Claims,
presented the following bills, which on motion of Mr. Baker
was ordered audited and allowed at the amounts recom-
mended by the committee.
Bills Nos. 39, 59, 73.
Ayes— Messrs. Baker, Frost, Hagin, Hine, Hanshaw, Liver-
rnore, Mount, Noxon, Thompson -9, Noes -0.
Mr. Wilson presented the Audits of the Town of Dryden,
which on motion of Mr. Hine were received and the amounts
ordered levied and collected upon the taxable property of the
Town of Dryden.
Apes — Messrs. Baker, Frost, Hagin, Hine, Hanshaw, Liver_
more, Mount, Noxon, Thompson -9. Noes -0.
On motion Board adjourned.
M: A. DOWNING, Clerk.
I I.
TUESDAY, NovEUnFK 26, 1901.
Morning Session.
Roll call. Quorum present.
The Super visors' Proceedings 45'.
Minutes of yesterday read and approved.
By Mr. Van Ostrand :
Resolved. That in accordance with a resolution adopted by the Town Board-
of the Town of Newfield and the statute pertaining thereto, the sum of One •
Hundred Dollars be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of
the Town of Newfield, in aid of the Newfield Free Town Library.
On motion of Mr. Frost the same was adopted and the
amount ordered levied and assessed upon the taxable property
of the - Town of Newfield.
Ayes— Messrs, Baker, Frost, agin, Hine, Id anshaw,
Mount, Noxon, Snow, Thompson, VanOstrand -1.0. Noes —O..
By Mr. Nilson:
Resolved, That in accordance with a resolution adopted at the Annual
Town Meeting held in the-Town of Dryden, on the 12th day of February,
1901, the sum of Eighteen Hundred and Thirty -eight and 6 -100 Dollars be •
levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the Town of Dryden, out-
side of incorporated limits, for the purpose or working the highways of the
town under the stoney system. Rate .001 on the dollar.
On notion of Mr. Snow the sane was adopted and the -
amount ordered levied and assessed as described.
Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Frost, Hagin, Mine, Hanshaw, .
Mount, Noxon, Snow, Thompson, VanOstrand -1O. Noes —O.
The Committee on Erroneous Assessments repotted favor-
ably on the petition of the Assessors of the Town of Newfield to
change the assessment of Mrs. James H: Cook from 94 acres,
1,600 valuation, to 61 acres, $640 valuation.
On motion of Mr. Hine the same was granted.
By Mr. Wilson:
Resolved. That in accordance with a resolution passed by the Town. Board
of the Town of Dryden, the sum of $970.00 be levied and collected upon the
taxable property of the Town of Dryden, to pay balance on Stone Crusher.
4 The Svjoer ursors' Proceedings
On notion of Mr. Van Ostrand the same .vvaS adopted and
the amount ordered levied and collected as stated.
Ayes— Messrs. Baker, Frost, Hagin, Hine, Hanshaw,
Mount, Noxon, Snow, Thompson, VanOstrand -10. Noes -0,
By Mr. Van Ost - and :
Resolved, That in accordance with a resolution adopted by the Town Board
of the Town of Newfield, the sum of Fifty dollars be levied upon and collected
from the taxable property of the Town of Newfield, in aid of the town poor.
On motion of Mr. Frost the sane was adopted and the
amount ordered levied and assessed as described.
Apes— Messrs. Baker, Frost, Hagin, I-Iine, Hanshaw,
Mount, Noxon, Snow-, Thompson;VanOstrand -10. Noes -0.
Mr. J. L. Mandeville was accorded the privilege of the floor,
and made a verbal report as a Special Committee appointed by
this Board, to attend the Good Roads Convention held at
Albany last w inter.
Motion by Mr. Van Ostrand that a vote 'of thanks be ex-
tended .to ?d r. Mandeville, for the very efficient manner in which
he discharged the duties of representative of this Board at the
Good Roads Convention, and the interesting report he made
of the same.
Oh motion the Board adjourned.
Afternoon Session.
Roll call. • Quorum present.
The Supervisors' Proceedings 47
The Cleric read a communication from the State Charities
Aid Association, which on notion of Mr. Hine, was received
and ordered placed on file:
Motion by Mr. Hine that the time'for receiving County
bills be extended to December 10, 1901.
By Mr. Van Ostrand :
Reso! ed, That in the apportionment of Grand Jurors, the quotas allotted
to the several Towns and the City of Ithaca be as follows, v¢:
Caroline 20
Danhv 19
Dryden •43
Enfield 15
Groton 32
Ithaca (city)79
Ithaca (town)12
Lansing 28
Newfield 24
lJlvsses 28
On notion of Mr. Terry the same was duly adopted.
By Mr. Baker:
Xesolexd, That in accordance with the certificate of the Highway Conn -
nrissioner of the Town of Danby and the action of the Town Board thereon,
thee be levied and collected a tax of 1 7 -10 mills on a dollar on the taxable
property of the Town for repairing the highways, or the sum of $1,305.14.
And that there he levied and collected, pursuant to Chapter 351, Laws
1898, a tax of one dollar on each person in the Town liable to a poll tax, or
the sum of $342.00.
On motion of Mr. Van Ostrand the same was adopted
and the amount ordered levied and collected, as described.
4 The Supervisors'. Proceedings -
Ayes— Messrs. Balser, Frost, Hagin, Hine, Hanshaw,
Noxon, Snow, Thompson, Terry, Van Ostrand -10. Noes -0.
By.iVir. Van Ostrand:
Resolved, That in accordance with a resolution adopted by the 'Town.
Board of the Town of Newfield, the sum of ten dollars be levied upon and
collected from the taxable property of the Town of Newfield to aid in -
Mcniorial Day observances.
On motion of Mr. Hanshaw the same was adopted and
the amount ordered levied and collected as described.
Ayes — Messrs. Baker, Frost, Hagin, Hine, Hanshaw-,
Mount, Noson, Snow, Thompson, Terry, Van Ostrand -11._
Noes -0.
By Mr. Terry:
Resolved, That the Board proceed to the election of a Jail Physician, for
the ensuing year, at a salary of $50.00.
1VIr. Thompson nominated Dr. A. -B. Eadie.
Mr. Terry moves, there being no ocher nominations, the
Clerk be instructed to cast a ballot for Dr. A. B. Eadie for
Jail Physician, for the ensuing year.
Carried. The ballot was so cast and the Chair declared
Dr. Eadie duly- elected.
1VIr. Mount, Chairman of the committee on Justices' Ac --
counts, presented the following bill, which on notion of Mr.
Hanshaw, was ordered audited and allowed at the amount
recommended by the committee.
Bill No. 101.
The Supervisors' Proceedings 49
AY-es—Messrs. Baker, Frost, Hine, Hanshaw, Livermore,
Mount, Noxon, Thompson -8. Noes -0.
Mr. Hine, Chairman of the Committee on Miscellaneotis
Claims, presented the following bills, which on motion of
Mr. Frost were ordered disallowed as recommended by the
Rills Nos. 36, 97.
Ayes— Messrs. Baker, Frost, Hine, • Hanshaw, Livermore,
Mount, Noxon, Thompson -8. Noes—O.
Mr. Hine also presented the following bills, which on
motion of Mr. Baker were ordered audited and allowed at the
amounts recommended by the committee.
Bills Nos. 5, 42, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50, 70, 94:
Ayes— Messrs. Baker, Frost, Hine, Hanshaw, Livermore,
Mount, Noxon, Thompson -8. Noes -0.
On motion Board adjourned.
1L A. DOWNING, Clerk.
Morning Session.
Motion by Mr. Van Ostrand that owing to absence of the
Clerk, Mr. Baker be chosen Clerk pro tem for the day-.
50 The Supervisors' Proceedings
Roll call. Ouorum present.
Minutes of yesterday read and approved.
By Mr. Van Ostrand:
Resolved, That the sum of Two Hundred and. Nifty Dollars be levied upon
and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Newfield to lie
expended on Bridges of said Town as allowed by statute.
011 motion of Mr. Frost the same Was adopted and the
amount ordered levied and collected as described.
Aces — Messrs. Baker, Prost, Magill, Hine, Hanshaw, Liver-
more, Mount, Noxon, Snow, Thompson, Terry, Van Ostrand-
1 2. Noes -0.
The Chairman announced that the hour had arrived for
action on the resolutidn of Mr. Livermore, rescinding the ac-
tion of awarding the publishing of the proceedings of this Board
to The Ithaca Publishing Co.
Mr. Frost moved to lav the matter onthetableindefiniteh%.
Avcs— Messrs. Frost, Hine, Hanshaw, ihlount, Noxon,
Snow, Thompson, Terry -8. Noes — Messrs. Baker, Had n,
Livermore, Van Ostrand -4.
By Mr. Snow :
Resolved. That when this Board adjourns this afternoon it be to meet
again on Ioudav, Dec. 2nd at 10 o'clock -A.
On motion of Mr. Livermore the same was adopted.
A communication from the State Charities Aid Association
was read, and on notion of Mr. Terry was accepted and placed
on file.
On motion Board adjourned.
The Supervisors' Proceedings 5;
Afternoon Session.
Roll call. Quorum present.
The afternoon was taken up by the members in committee
work. -
On motion Board adjourned.
WM. H. BAKER, Clerk pro tein.
I I.
Morning Session.
Roll call. Quorum present.
Minutes of previous meeting read and approved.
A communication from Edward A. Bond, State Engineer
and Surveyor, was read and on motion of Mr. Vail Ostrand
ivas tabled to be brought up at the descretion of the Chair.
The report of the Bonding. Commissioners of the Town of
Ithaca was read and on motion of Mr. Frost was received and
ordered printed in the reports.
The Supervisors of the County handed in the reports of
the Justices of the Peace of their several Towns, and on motion
of Mr. Van Ostrand they were received and ordered printed in
the reports.
011 motion of Mr. Terry the Clerk was instructed to eorres-
pond with the different County Penitentiaries with regard to
boarding convicts from -this County.
52 The Supervisors' Proceedings
By Mr. Wilson:
Resolved. That there be levied and collected, pursuant to Chapter 351,
Laws of 1898, a tax of One Dollar on each person in the Town of Dryden,
outside of corporate limits liable to a poll tax, or the sum of $686.00.
Qn motion of Mr. Mount the same was adopted.
Ares— ;Messrs. Baker, Frost, Hagin, Hanshaw, Livermore,
Mount, Noxon, Snow, Thompson, Terry, Van" Ostrand -11.
Noes -0.
On motion Board adjourned.
Afternoon Session.
Roll Call. Quorum present.
By Mr. Snow:
Resolved, That pursuant to Chapter .351, Laws of 1898, there be levied' a
tax of Four ]Hundred and .Eighty—three Dollars ($483.00) on persons in the
Town of Caroline, liable to poll tax, the same being a tax of One Dollar on-
each person so indicated upon the assessment roll of the Town of Caroline.
On motion of 2v1r. Thompson the same was adopted.
Aves— Messrs. Baker, Frost, Hagin, Hine, Hanshaw,
Mount, Noxon, Snow, Thompson, Van Ostrand -1.0. Noes —O.
Mr. J. L. Mandeville appeared before the Board and pre-
sented the following petition, which on motion of Mr. Snow,
was deferred and made a special order of businessfor'tomorrow
morning at 10 o'clock :
To the Honorable. the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County:
We, the undersigned respectfully represent :
The .SVervtwors' Proceedings.53
First, that they are the owners of a majority of lineal feet of real estate
fronting on the following public highway, within the County of Tompkins,
Town of Dryden, and described as follows: Being that part of Catskill Turn-
pike beginning at its intersection by the line dividing the Towns of Ithaca and
Dryden, and running thence east to the intersection of said .Turnpike by the
road leading to the Village of Brookton in the Town of Caroline, being a dis-
tance of about one and one -half miles.
Said road above described being known as the Catskill Turnpike.
Second,. believing that public interest demands the improvement of that
section of said highway, described as follows: Being that part of Catskill
Turnpike, beginning at its intersection by the line dividing the Towns of
Ithaca and Dryden, and running thence east to intersection of said Turn-
pike by the road leading to the Village of Brookton in the Town of Caroline.
We respectfully petition your honorable body to pass the necssary reso-
lution, requesting. that such highway he improved under the provisions of
Chapter 115 of the Laws of 1898.
S. D. HAL LIDAY 520 -
Mr. Hagin, Chairman of Committee on Erroneous Assess-
ments, reported on three claims for exemption of taxation
stating that they had no jurisdiction.
Mr. Hagin also presented the following:
To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County:
The undersigned, Assessors of the Town of Newfield, respectfully peti -.
Lion that the following property be added to the Assessment Roll of the Town
of Newfield for the current year, said assessment having been . omitted from
said Roll:
54 The Szpervisors' Proceedings
Tompkins, DI. N.192 57,400
Tou'N OF NI:WF,L'Lm, } SS.
L. H. Taber, Wm. Clark and W. E. Hine being duly sworn, each for
himself, deposes and says that he is an Assessor of the Town of Newfield, and
that the foregoing assessment is just and true, and was omitted from the
Assessment Roll of the Towit of Newfield for the current year.
Severally sworn to before me, this 22nd day of August, 1901.
Notary Public.
On motion of Mr. Frost the report was accepted.
AN'es— Messrs. Baker, Frost, Hagin, Hine, Hanshaw, Liver-
more, Mount, Noxon, Thompson -9. Noes—O.
Mr. Mount, Chairman of Corrinlittee on Clerks' and Jus-
tices' Accounts, presented the following bills, which on motion
of Mr. Thompson, were ordered audited at the amounts recom-
mended' bv the Committee.
Bins Nos. 110, 118..
AvMessrs. Baker, Frost, Hagin, Hine, Hanshaw, Liv-er-
more, Mount, Noxon, Thompson -9. Noes—O.
M r. I Ianshaw, Chairman of Cominittec on Printers'
Accounts, presented the following bills, which on motion of
Mr. Livermore were ordered audited at the amounts recom-
mended by the Committee.
Bills Nos. 40, 112, 111.
The Srrper;asors' Proceedings 55
Ayes— Messrs. Baker, Frost, Hagin, Hine, Ilahshaw, Liver-
more, Mount, Noxon, Thompson -9. Noes -0.
Mr. Hine, Chairman of Committee on Miscellaneous
Claims, presented the following bills,- which on motion of
Mr. Balser were ordered audited at the amounts recommended -
by the Committee.
Bills Nos. 120, 116, 113.
Apes — Messrs. Baker, Frost, Hagin, Hine, Hinshaw, Liver-
more, Mount, Noxon, Thompson =9. Noes -0,
Mr. Thompson, Chairmah of Committee on Judges' Ac-
counts, presented the following bill, which on motion - of-Mr.
Hanshawwas ordered audited at the amount recommended
by the Committee.
Bill No. 92.
Ayes — Messrs. Baker, Frost, Hagin, Hine, Hinshaw, Liver-
more, Mount, Noxon, Thompson -9. Noes -0.
On motion Board adjourned.
M. A. DOWNING, Clerk.
Morning Session.
Roll call. Ouornn present. '
Minutes of yesterday read and approved:
56 The Supervisors' Proceedings
By Mr. Mount:
I &'so That pursuant to Chapter 351, Laws of 1898, there be levied a
tax of Five Hundred and Fifty Dollars, ($55000), on persons in 'the Town of
Groton, outside the corporate limits, liable to poll tax. The sane being a
tax of one dollar on each person so indicated upon the assessment roll of the
Town of Groton.
On motion of Mr. Baker the same was adopted.
Aves— Messrs. Baker, Frost, Hagin, Hine, I- Ianshaw, Liver-
more, Mount, Snow, Thompson, bran Ostrand-10. Noes -0.
By Mr, Snow :
Resolred, That there be assessed, levied upon and collected from the
owners and harborers of dogs in the County of Tompkins as listed upon the -
assessment rolls of the several tax districts of said County, the sum of 50
cents for each dog when only one dog is owned or harbored, two dollars for
each additional dog; three dollars for each bitch when only one bitch is
owned or harbored, and five dollars for each additional bitch owned or
harbored by the.same person. -
On motion of Mr. Hanshaw the sane was adopted.
Aces — Messrs. Baker,, Frost, Hagin, Hine, Hanshaw, Liver-
more, Mount, Snow, Thompson, Van Ostrand -10. Noes -0.
The Chair announced that the hour had arrived for action
on the petition for the improvement of the Catskill Turnpike.
By Mr. Baker :
4 The owners of a majority of the lineal feet fronting on a
certain section of the Highway known as the Catskill Turnpike, have pre-
sented a petition desiring this body to take necessary action for the improve-
meat of said Highway under the provisions of Chapter 115 of the Laws of
1898, and
WnfREAS, it is mandatory, by statute, upon this .Board to grant said
petition, now, therefore he it
The Supervisors' Proceedings 57
Resolved, 'lYrat public interest demands the improvement of the follow-
ing public Highways within the County of Tompkins, Town of Dryden, and
described as follows: Being that part of the Catskill Turnpike beginning at
its intersection with the line dividing the Towns of Ithaca and Dryden and
running thence east to the intersection of the road leading to the village of
Brooktou in the Town of Caroline, being a distance of about one and one-
half mile.
On motion of' Mr. Thompson the same was adopted.
Ayes— Messrs. Baker, Frost, Hagin, Hine, Hanshaw, Liver-
more, Mount, Noxon, Snow, Thompson, Terry, Van Ostrand-
12. Noes —O.
On motion Board adjourned.
Afternoon Session.
Roll call. Quorum present.
Mr. Van Ostrand presented the report of the Bonding Com-
missioners of the Town of Newfield, together with the following
subjoined resolution, which on motion of Mr. Hine, was ac-
cepted and ordered printed in the reports and the amounts
levied and collected as directed.
To the Board of Super visors of Tompkins Co.:
In accordance with Chap. 552 of the Laws of 1870, I hereby report the
bonded indebtedness of the Town of Newfield to be as follows, viz:
Amount of Bonds issued 52,000 00
Amount of Principal paid 7,000 00 •
45,000 00
jS The Sufiervisors' Proceedings
Amount of interest to be paid March 1, 190'787 50
Amount of interest to be paid Sept. 1, 1902 -..770 00
Total interest 8'1,557 50
Payment on principal March 1, 1902 1,000 00
2,557 50
Resolved, That the request of the Bonding Commissioners of the Town of
Newfield, the sum of Fifteen Hundred and Fifty - seven 50 -I00 Dollars,
1,557.50), for payment of the interest, and the further sum of One Thous-
and Dollars, ($1,000.00), for payment on principal of the above named bonds,
be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the Town of New-
Aces— Messrs. Baker, Frost I-Iagin, Hine, Hansha.w, Liver-
more, Mount, Noxon, Snow, Thompson, Terry, Van Ostrand-
12. Noes —O.
vIr. Mount, Chairman of the Committee on Justices' Ac-
counts, presented the following bill, which on motion of Mr.
Frost was ordered audited and allowed at the amount recom-
mended by the Committee.
Bill No. 121.
Ayes— Messrs. Baker, Frost, Hagin,Hine, Hanshaw, Liver-
more, Mount, Noxon, Thompson-9. Noes—O.
Mr. Hine, Chairman of the Committee on Miscellaneous
Claims, presented the following bills, which on motion of Mr:
Mount, were ordered audited and allowed at the amounts
recommended by the committee.
Bills Nos. 106, 71, 108, 72, 51, 109, 122, 123, 91, 28.
Aces — Messrs. Baker, Frost, Hagin, Hine, Hanshaw, Liver-
more, Mount, Noxon, Thompson-r9. , Noes—O.
Mr. Mount was called to the chair.
On notion Board adjourned.
M. A. DOWNING, Cleric.
The Sntervzsors' Proceedings 59
Morning Session.
Mr. Wilson in the Chair.
Roll call. Quorum present.
Minutes of yesterday read and approved.
By Mr. Mount:
WHIiaOAS, This Board is in receipt of a communication from the State
Engineer calling attention to the provisions of Section 15 of Chapter 115 of
the Laws of 1898, which Section provides for public meetings in reference to
the subject of IIighway improvement, and
WHEREAS, This Board recognizes the advisibility of wise action on this. -
impdrtant matter and proposes to scud delegates to represent it at such
Resolved, That the following are named as delegates to represent it at
such meting, called by the State Engineer to be held in the City of Albany
at a date named during January or February, 1902:
JOHN T,. MANDEVILI,E, 1'. 0., Broolcton, N. P.
0. RUMMER, 1'. 0., Dryden, N. Y.
ALBERT DASSANCE, 1'. O.. Newfield, N. V.
JOHN L. HALL, 1'. 0., Danliy, -N. V.
CLARENCE BUCK, 1'. 0., South Lansing, N. Y.
I IORACE A. BROWN, I'. O.. Ithaca, N. Y.
FRANK D. FISH, P. Q., Enfield Center, N. Y.
WM. P. SEARS, 1'. O., Groton, N. V.
HE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That each delegate who attends the couven
Lion shall he entitled only to his legitimate traveling expenses, and that such.
expense shall be paid by each town represented by a delegate excepting that
J. I,. Mandeville's expenses shall be a County charge.
On motion of Mr. Hagin the same was adopted.
6o The Supervisors' Proceedings
Aces — Messrs. Baker, Hagin, Hine, Hanshaw, Mount,
Noxon, Snow, Thompson, Van Ostrand -9. Noes—O.
On motion Board adjourned.
Afternoon Session.
Roll call. Quorum present.
The afternoon was largely taken up in committee work.
Mr. Hine, Chairman of the Committee on Miscellaneous
Claims, presented the following bill, which on motion of Mr.
Mount, was ordered audited and allowed at the amount recom-
mended by the committee.
Bill No. 102.
Aces — Messrs. Baker, Hagin, I -Iine, Hanshaw, Mount,
Noxon, Van Ostrand -7. Noes—O.
Mr. Hine also presented the following bills, which on mo-
tion of Mr. Van Ostrand, was ordered audited and allowed at
the amounts recommended by the committee.
Bills Nos. 103, 90.
Ayes — Messrs: Baker, Hagin, Hine, Hanshaw, Mount,
Noxon, Van Ostrand -7. Noes—O.
On motion Board adjourned.
M. A. DOWNING, Clerk.
Bee Su el-vasors' Proceedings
THURSDAY, DEC 611BER 5, 1901.
Morning Session.
Roll call. Quorum present.
Minutes read and approved.
Motion by Mr. Van Ostrand that the Board.go into execu-
tive session.
Mr. Livermore, Chairman.
Bill No. 143a from Superintendent of the Poor was brought..
up forconsideration, and on motion was declared not a County
Moved and carried that the committee arise.
Mr. Wilson again in the chair.
The following was read by the Clerk, and onmotion of Mr..
VanOstrand, was received and ordered printed in the minutes:.
1, Arthur Marion, do hereby certify that the following is a true and
correct copy of a resolution passed by the Common Council of this City on
November 20, 1901:
By Alderman Rowlee:
Resolved, That the Council of the City of Ithaca, hereby notify
the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County as required by Statute, that it:
62 The Svtervisors' Proceedings
will be required for the support of the,I'oor of said City during the corning
fiscal year, the sum of $7,000.00, and this Council requests that the said sum
he levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the City of Ithaca, and
being collected that the same be paid over to the City Treasurer to be
expended for the support of the Poor of said City in accordance with Section
39 of Chap. 225 of the Laws of 1896.
Ayes — Bogart, McCormick. Bond, Burns, Kennedy, Rowlee, Roe -7.
Declared carried. Approved by Mayor.
In Witness whereof 1 have hereunto set my hand and seal this 3rd day of
December, 1901.
City Clerk.
Bv•Ir. Frost:
wrnaxiaAs, The Connmon Council -of the City of Ithaca having passed'a
resolution on the 20th day of November, 1901, requesting the Board of Super-
visors to be caused to be raised the sum of Seven Thousand Dollars,
57,000.00), for the maintainmue of the poor in,the City of Ithaca, now be it
Resolved, That the suns of Seven Thousand Dollars, ($7,000,00), be levied
upon and collected from the taxable property of the City of Ithaca, for the
support of the poor of said City for'the ensuing rear.
On motion of Mr. Thompson the same was adopted.
Arcs— Messrs. Baker, Frost, 1- Iagin, Trine, Ilanshaw, Liner-
more, Mount, Noxon, Snow Thompson, Terry, Van ()strand—
12. Noes -0.
By Mr. Frost:
Resolved, That there he levied and collected from the taxable property of
the County of Tompkins, the suns of Four Hundred and Fifty Dollars
5450.00), or so much thereof as may he necessary for defraying the burial
expenses of, and the erection of headstones for deceased indigent soldiers and
sailors of said County.
The Sztpetzresorts' Proceediz,g
On motion of Mr. Livermore the same was adopted.
Aves — Messrs. Baker, Frost, Hagin, Hine, Hanshaw, Liver,
more, Mount, Noxon, Snow, Thompson, Tcrrv, Vari Ostrand-
12. Noes—O.
On motion Board adjourned.
Afternoon Session.
Roll call. Quorum present.
The report of the Finance Committee was read, and on
notion of Mr. Snow,'was accepted and ordered printed in the
By Mr. Frost:.
WI O?RLAS, This Board has learned with regret of the death of Dr. John
E. Users, of the Town of Danhy, who for many years represented his Towu
011 this Board;
Resolved, That a committee be appointed by the Chair to draft suitable
resolutions on the death of Dr. Beers.
Resolved, That a committee from this Board, of which the Chairman shall
lie a member, be appointer) to attend the funeral.
On motion of Mr. Thompson the same was adopted.
Committee on resolutions, Messrs: Frost, Baler and Hine.
Committee to attend funeral, Messrs. Van Ostrand, Terry
and Thompson.
Mr. Van Gorder, Overseer of the Poor of the Town of
Ithaca, was granted the privilege of the.floor and spoke re,
garding the poor of his Town.
64 The Supervisors' Proceedings
Sheriff Seaman appeared before the Board and extended
an imitation to all the members who wished to attend the
funeral of Dr. Beers, to ride with him.
On motion of Mr. Mount a vote of thanks was tendered to
Mr. Seaman.
Mr. Terry, Chairman of the Committee on Constables'
Accounts, 'presented the following hill, which on motion of
Mr: Snow was disallowed as recommended by the Committee.
Bill No. 26.
Ayes— Messrs. Frost, Hagin, Hinc, Hanshaw, Livermore,
Mount, Noxon, Snow, Thompson, Terry, Van Ostrand -11.
Noes —O.
Mr. Terry also presented the following bill, which on
motion of Mr. Mount was disallowed as recommended be the -
Bill No. 20.
Ayes — Messrs. Frost, Hagin, Hine Hanshaw, Livermore,
Mount, Noxon, Snow, Thompson, .Terry, Van Ostrand-11.
Noes —O.
Mr. Terry also presented the following bill, which on .
motion of Mr. Snow was ordered audited and allowed at the
amount recommended. by the Committee.
Bill No. 37.
Ayes— Messrs. Frost, Hagin, Hinc, Hanshaw, Livermore,
Mount, Noxon, Snow, Thompson, Terry, Van Ostrand-11..
Noes —O.
Mr. Terry also presented the following bills, which on
motion of Mr. Snow were ordered audited and allowed at the
amounts recommended by the Committee.O
The Supervisors' Proceedings 65
Bills Nos. 33, 19, 21, 119.
Ayes— Messrs. Frost, Hagin, Mine, Hanshaw, Livermore,
Mount, Noxon, Snow, Thompson, Terry, Van Ostrand -11.
Mr. Hanshaw, Chairman of the Committee On Printers'
Accounts, presented the following bill, which on motion of Mr.
Snow, was ordered audited and allowed at the amount recom-
mended by the committee. .
Bill No. 132.
Ayes— Messrs. Frost, Hagin, Hine, Hanshaw, Livermore,
Mount, Noxon, Snow, Thompson, Terry, Van Ostrand -11.
Mr. Hine, Chairman of the Committee on Miscellaneous
Claims, presented the following bills, which on motion of Mr.
Hanshaw, were ordered audited allowed.
Bills Nos. 126, 104, 99, 125, 100, 89.
Ayes— Messrs. Frost, Hagin, liine, Hanshaw, Livermore,
Mount, Noxon, Snow, Thompson, Terry, Van Ostrand -10.
Noes -0.
On motion Board adjourned.
M. A. DOWNING, Clerk.
Morning Session.
Roll call. Quorum present.
66 The Supervisors' Proceedings
Minutes read and approved.
Mr. Snow presented the Jury list of the Town of Caroline.
Mr. Baker presented the Jury list of the Town of Danby.
Mr. Wilson presented the Jury list of the,Town of Dryden.
1r. Hine presented the Jury list of the Town of Enfield.
Mr. Mount presented the Jury list of the Town of Groton.
Mr. Noxon presented the Jury list of the City of Ithaca.
Mr. Hanshaw presented the Jury list of the Town of Ithaca.
Mr. 1-lagin presented the Jury list of the Town of Lansing.
4r. Van ()strand presented the Jury list of the TOW/1 of
Mr. Terry presented the Jury list of the Town of Ulysses.
On motion of Mr. Baker the same was accepted and filed.
By Mr. Frost:
Resolved, That the list of names of persons selected and presented by the
Supervisors of the different Towns and City of Ithaca, of the County, to act
as Grand Jurors for the ensuing year, are hereby approved and declared to
be the Grand Jury list for 1901 and 1902.
On motion of Mr. Snow the same was adopted.
By Mr. Ilanshaw:
Resolved, That there be levied and collected upon the taxable property of
the Town of Ithaca, the sum of One Thousand Twenty -nine 63 -100 Dollars,
1,029.63) for Highway purposes for • the ensuing year under the money
system of taxation.
The Suftervzsors' Proceedings 67
On motion of Mr: Frost the same was adopted and the •
amount ordered levied and collected as described.
Ayes— Messrs. Baker; Frost, Hagin, Hine, Hanshaw, Liver-
more, Mount, Noxon, Snow, Thompson Van Ostrand -11.
Noes —O.
On notion Board adjourned.
Afternoon Session.
Roll call. Quorum present. .
By Mr. Hine:
wnExEAS, It has come to the notice of this Board, that the bills which
are presented to the Board of Supervisors by the County Superintendent of
the Poor as vouchers to corroborate his report, have in former years been
retained to him after being compared and inspected, and whereas the various
auditing committees of this Board have frequently found it essential to refer
to the old bills which are kept on file; therefore, he it
Resolved, That from this time all bills presented to this Board by the
Superintendent of the Poor, shall, after having been examined, be filed by
the Clerk and remain with the Board of Supervisors.
On notion of Mr. Terry the same was adopted. .
Mr. Hine, Chairman of Committee on Miscellaneous
Claims, presented the following bills, which 'on motion of Mr.
Hanshaw,,were ordered audited and allowed at the amounts
recommended by the committee.
Bills Nos. 138, 68, 105, 96.
68 The Supervisors' Proceedings
Ayes— Messrs. Baker, Frost, Hagin, Hine, Hanshaw, Lider-
more, Mount, Noxon, Thompson, Terry, Van Ostrand -11.
Noes -0.
On motion Board adjourned until Monday morning at 10
M. A. DOWNING. Clerk.
Morning Session.
Roll call. Quorum present.
Minutes of Friday read and approved.
Mr. Dana Rhodes, representative of the State Board of
Tax- Commissioners, appeared before the Board and explained
the State Franchise Tax to the menibers.
By Mr. Terry:
Resolved, That the sum of Two Hundred arid Fifty Dollars be levied and
assessed upon the taxable property of the Town of Ulysses for the repairs of
highways and bridges in said Town as authorized by statute.
On motion of Mr. Snow the same was adopted.
Ayes Messrs. Baker, Frost, - Hagin, Hine, Hanshaw, Liver-
more, Mount, Noxon, Snow, Terry, Van Ostrand -10. Noes-0.
By Mr. Livermore :
The Supervisors Proceedings 69
WHICREAS, Pursuant to a resolution of this Board the •Clerk has corres—
ponded with the Penitentiaries in this vicinity, and has ascertained that the
lowest rates can be obtained of the Monroe County Penitentiary.
Resolved, That, pursuant to Section 11 of the County Law, the Chairman
and Clerk of this Board be instructed to continue and make a contract with
the Monroe County Penitentiary for one year from the 31st day of March,
1902, at the rate of ($1.75) One Dollar and Seventy -five cents per week each,
for all prisoners who shall receive a sentence of upwards of 60 days in this
County and that the Clerk attend to the publication and filing of said contract
pursuant to law.
On motion of Mr. Terry the same was adopted.
On motion Board adjourned.
Afternoon Session.
Roll call. Quorum present.
By Mr. Van Ostrand:
Resolved, That the sum of Three hundred and Seventy -seven Dollars
377) be collected from those persons indicated on the assessment roll of the
Town of Newfield, outside of the Village of Newfield, as liable to poll tax be-
ing a tax of $1 per capta for each person so indicated, in accordance with
Chapter 351, Laws of 1898, in relation to working the highways under the
money tax system.
On motion of Mr. Snow the same was adopted.
Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Frost, - Hagin, Hine, Hanshaw, Liver-
more, Mount, Noxon, `Snow, Thompson, Van Ostrand -11.
By Mr. Van ()strand
Resolved, That the sun of One Thousand and Thirty -six Dollars and -six
cents ($1036.06) or one and one - fourth mills (.00125) on the dollar of the
assessed Property of the Town of Newfield outside of the corporate limits of
the village of Newfield: be levied upon and collected from the taxable property
of the Town of Newfield, outside the Village or Newfield for .the purpose of
jo Me Supervisors' Proceedings
working the highways of the said Town of Newfield outside of the village of
Newfield under the money tax system in accordance with a resolution
adopted by the Town Board of the Town. of Newfield, •and with Chapter 351,
Laws of 1898.
On motion of Mr. Hanshaw the same was adopted.
Ayes — Messrs. Baker, Frost, I-Iagin, I -line; Hanshaw, Liver-
more,• Mount, Noxon, Snow, Thompson, Van Ostrand-11.
By Mr. Frost:
Resolved, That there be levied and collected upon the taxable property of
the City of Ithaca the sum of $29 for services rendered by Paul S. 'Livermore
in searching records and making description of property for the uncollected
tax of 1900, in compliance of Section 89 of the Tax Law.
On motion of Mr. 1-line the same was adopted.
Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Frost, Hagin, Mine, Hanshaw, Liver-
more, Mount, Snow, Thompson, Terry, Van Ostrand---11.
Motion by Mr. Snow that the Board go into a committee
of the whole.
Mr. Baker in the Chair.
Moved and carried that the committee arise.
Mr. Wilson again in the Chair.
Mr. Terry moves to rescind vote Bill 143a of Super-
intendent of the Poor not a County charge.
On accounts of no electric lights Board adjourned.
M. A. DOWNING, Clerk.
The Supervisors' Proceedings 7 f
Morning Session.,
Noll call. Quorum present.
Minutes of yesterday read and approved.
By Mr..Livermore.
Resolved, That the printed proceedings of the Board of Supervisors of this .
County for the present year shall be distributed as follows:
Caroline 350 copies
Danby____ -350
Dryden 695
Enfield .320
Groton 610
Ithaca— Town.______295
Ithaca -City, 1st ward 150
Ithaca -- -amity, 2nd ward 250
Ithaca —City, 3rd ward
Ithaca —City, 4th ward 185
Newfield 450
Clerk of the Board _75
On motion of Mr. Van ()strand the same was adopted.
By Mr. Noxon:
Resolved, That there be levied and collected froni the taxable property of
the County of Tompkins the sum of •$1,100.00 for fuel and lights for the year
On motion of Mr. I3anshaw the same was adopted.
72 The Supervisors' Proceedings
Ayes — Messrs. Baker, Frost, Hagin, Hine, Hanshaw, Liver-
more, Mount, Noxon, Snow, Thompson, Terry, Van Ostrand —'
12. Noes -0.
By Mr. Hanshaw :
WHEREAS, The contract of the Board of Supervisors with County Super-
intendent of the Poor, provides that he (the Superintendent) is to furnish
one team and the farm implements. and
WHEREAS, one of the bills of Ex- Superintendent Lyke, which has been
audited by Superintendent Bower amounting to $20.00, was for veterinary
services rendered to one of the horses of his own team; therefore
Resolved, That this- Board will not establish a precedent by 'sanctioning
such audit; and that the Board of Supervisors forthwith make a demand upon
Ex- Superintendent Lyke to reimburse the County to the amount of the bill,
namely $20 00.
On motion of Mr. Hine the same was adopted.
Ayes— Messrs. Baker, Frost, Hagin, Hine, Hanshaw, Liver-
more, Mount, Noxon, Thompson, Terry, Van Ostrand -11.
Noes —Snow -1.
On [notion Board adjourned.
Afternoon Session.
Roll Call. Quorum present.
Mr. Terry, Chairman of Committee on ConstablesAccounts,
presented the followingbills, which, on motion of Mr. Hanshaw
were ordered audited and allowed at the amounts recommended
by the committee.
Bills -Nos. 62, 63,.117.
The Supervisors' Proceedings 73
Ayes— Messrs. Baker, Frost, Hagin, Hine, Hanshaw,
Noxon, Snow, Terry, Van Ostrand -9. Noes —O.
Mr. Terry presented bill No. 144 and recommended that
item No. 1 be disallowed. On motion of Mr. Van Ostrand the
same was disallowed as recommended by the committee.
Ayes — Messrs. Baker, Frost, Hagin, Hine, Hanshaw, Nox-
on, Snow, Terry, Van Ostrand -9. Noes—O.
Mr. Terry recommended that item No. 2 of bill No. 144 be
disallowed. On motion of Mr. Van Ostrand the same was dis-
allowed as recommended by the committee.
Ayes— Messrs. Baker, Frost, Hagin, Hine, Hanshaw, Liver-
more, Noxon, Snow, Terry, Van Ostrand -10. Noes —O.
Mr. Terry recommended that 'the balance of bill No. 144
amounting to $9.00 be allowed. On motion of Mr, Frost the
same was allowed as recommended by the committee.
Ayes— Messrs. Baker, Frost, Hagin, Hine, Hanshaw, Liver-
more, Noxon, Snow, Terry, Van Ostrand -10. Noes —O.
Mr. Terry presented the following bill which on motion of
Mr. Van ()strand was audited and allowed at the amount
recommended by the committee.
Bill No. 26.
Mr. Hine, Chairman of the Committee on Miscellaneous
Claims presented the following bills, which, on motion of Mr.
Snow were ordered audited and allowed at the amounts recom-
mended by the committee.
Bills Nos. 149, 143, 142, 141, 140:
Ayes— Messrs. Baker, Frost, Hagin, Hine, Hanshaw, Liver-
more, Noxon, Snow, Van Ostrand -9. Noes —O.
7¢Tite Suliervlsors Proceedings
On motion Board adjourned.
M. A. DOWNING, Clerk.
I I.
Morning Session.
Roll call. Quorum present. •
Minutes of yesterday read and approved.
By Mr. Snow:
Resolved, That the Chair appoint Supervisor L. F. Noxon as a committee
of one to purchase the fuel used by the County within the City of Tthaca for
the year 1902, and to O. K. all bills for fuel and light.
On motion of Mr. Frost the same was adopted :
By Mr. Mount:
Resolved, That in future when any innate shall have been committed to
the County Alms House by any Overseer of the Poor of Tompkins County,
and shall voluntarily absent himself from that institution for the space of
four days, or shall have been discharged by the Superintendent, it shall be
the duty of the County Superintendent to at once notify the Overseer of the
Town or City, from which said inmate was committed, and that such person
shall not be received again as an inmate of the County Almshouse except by
order of the Overseer.
On motion of Mr. Snow the same was adopted :
By. Mr. Terry :
Resolved. That the sum of Thirty -five Dollars be allowed the sheriff for
office rent for the year 1902.
The .Supervisors' Proceedings 75
On notion of Mr. Hansha the saint was- adopted.
Ayes - Messrs. Baker, Frost, • Hagin, Hine.. Hanshaw,
Mount, Noxon, Snow-, Thompson, Terry, Van Ostrand —ll -.
On motion Board adjourned.
Afternoon Session.
Roll call. Quorum present.
Mr. Hine presented the report of the Bonding Commis-
sioners of the Town of Enfield, which, on. motion of Mr. Frost
was received and ordered printed in the reports.
By Mr. 1-line:
Resolved, That at the requiest of the Bonding Commissioners of the Town
of Enfield, the sum of One Thousand, Eight Hundred, Sixty -five and 50 -100
Dollars, be levied and collected from the taxable property of said Town for
payment 'on bonds as follows: Fourteen Hundred Dollars as principal and
Four Hundred Sixty -five and 50 -100 Dollars interest.
On motion of Mr. Thompson the was adopted.
Ayes— Messrs. Baker, Frost, Hagin, Hine, Hanshaw,
Mount, Thompson -7. Noes—O.
Mr. Noxon, Chairman of Committee on United States De-
posits, presented his report which on motion of Mr. Frost
was accepted and ordered printed in the reports.
Mr. Noxon, Chairman of Committee on- Insurance, pre-
sented his report which -on motion of Mr. Van ()strand was
received and ordered printed in the reports.
76 The Supervisors' Proceedings
By Mr. Noxon:
Resolved, That there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property
of Tompkins County the sum of $350.00 to be used, or so much thereof as may
be necessary, to pay premiums on the reinsurance of County buildings on
which policies expire Jan. 1, 1902.
On motion of Mr. Van Ostrand the same was adopted.
Ayes— Messrs. Baker, Frost, Hagin, Hine, Hanshaw,
Mount, Noxon, Snow, Thompson, Terry, Van Ostrand -11.
Noes -0.
Motion by Mr. Van Ostrand that the Committee onInsur-
ance be instructed to attend to thepayments of thesepremiums
when they become due.
Mr. Ten Chairman of Constables' Accounts, presented
the following bill which on motion of Mr. Hanshaw was
audited and allowed at the amount recommended by the Com-
Bill No. 9.
Ayes — Messrs. Baker, Frost, Hagin, Hine, Hanshaw,
Mount, Noxon, Snow, Thompson, Terry, Van Ostrand -11,
Mr. Mount, Chairman of Committee on Clerks' Accounts,
presented the following bills, which, on motion of Mr. Thomp-
son were audited and allowed at the amount recommended by
the committee.
Bills Nos. 136,137.
Ayes Messrs. Baker, Frost, • Hagin, Hine, Hanshaw,
Mount, Noxon, Snow, Thompson, Terry, Van Ostrand -11.
Noes -0.
The Supervisors' Proceedings 77
Mr. Hanshaw, Chairman of the. Committee on Printers'
Accounts, presented the following bill, which; on motion of
Mr. Hine was audited and allowed at the amount recommend
ed by the committee.
Bill No. 154.
Ayes— Messrs. Baker, Frost, Hagin, Hine, Hanshaw, .
Mount, Noxon, Snow, Thompson, Terry, Van Ostrand -11.
Noes —O.
Mr. Thompson, Chairman of Committee on Sheriffs' Ac-
counts, presented the following_ bill which, on motion of
Mr. Hine was audited and allowed as recommended by the
Bill No. 139.
Ayes— Messrs. Baker, Frost, Hagin, Hine, Hanshaw, .
Mount, Noxon, Thompson, Terry, Van Ostrand-10. Noes —O.
Mr. Hine,' Chairman of the Committee on Miscellaneous
Claims, presented the following bills, which, on motion of Mr.
Van Ostrand were audited and allowed at the amounts recom-
mended by the committee. -
Bills Nos. 153, 151, 146, 150, 67, 145.
Ayes — Messrs. Baker, Frost, . Hagin, Hine, Hanshaw, .
Mount, Noxon, Thompson, Terry, Van Ostrand-10. Noes -0_
On motion, Board adjourned.
M. A. DOWNING, Clerk:
73 The Supervisors' Proceedings
Morning Session.
Roll call. Quorum present.
Minutes of .yesterday read find approved.
By Mr. Thompson:
Resolved, That there.be levied upon 'and collected from the taxable prop -
erty of the City of Ithaca the sum of Fifteen Dollars ($15.00,) for services
rendered by Fannie R. Durphy for making description of property of delin-
quent taxpayers in accordance with Section 89 of the Tax Laws of the State
of New York and making a type - written copy of the same.
On motion of Mr..Frost the same was adopted.
Ayes— Messrs. Baker, Frost, Hine, Hanshaw, Mount,
Noxon, Snow, Thompson, Van Ostrand -9. Noes -0.
By Mr. Frost:
Resolved, That there be levied upon and collected from the taxable prop-
erty of the City of Ithaca the sum of Fifteen 74 -100 Dollars ($15.74,) to
reimburse Charles B. Stanion for expenses in collecting the returned tax of
said City.
On motion of Mr. Notion the same was adopted.
Ayes — Messrs. Baker, Frost Hanshaw, Mount, Noxon,
Snow, Thompson, Van Ostrand -9. Noes – O.
By Mr. Mount:
o Resolved. That in accordance with a resolution by the Town Board of the
Town of Groton, there be assessed and collected from the taxable property of
the Town of Groton, the following amounts: Fifty Dollars for support of
indigent soldiers and Fifty Dollars for Memorial Day.
Zhe Supervisors' Proceedings 99
On motion of Mr. Hanshaw the same was adopted.
Ayes— Messrs. Baker, Frost,' Hine, Hanshaw, Mount,
Noxon, Snow, Thompson, Van Ostrand-9. Noes —O.
By Mr. Frost:
Resolved, That there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property
rof the County of Tompkins the sum of Seven Thousand Dollars 07000.00) for
Court Expenses for the year 1902.
On motion of Mr. Hine the same was adopted.
Ayes — Messrs. - Baker, Frost, Hine, Hanshaw, Mount,
Noxon, Snow, Thompson, Van Ostrand -9. Noes —O.
By Mr. Hanshaw:
Resolved, That the compensation of the Sheriff of this County for the
board of prisoners for the ensuing year be 43 cents per day and 25 cents per
week for each prisoner for washing.
On motion of Mr. Frost the same was adopted.
Ayes— Messrs. Baker, Frost, Hine, Hanshaw, Livermore,
Mount, Noxon, Snow, Thompson, Terry, Van Ostrand—l1,_
Noes -0.
On motion Board adjourned.
Afternoon Session:
Roll call. Quorum present.
By Mr. Noxon :
Resoled, That the Sheriff or any other official authorized by him, be
allowed 515.00 for:the transportation of a single person to the State Industrial
School at Rochester and to all other Institutions to which he conveys pris-
oners, and 53.00 for each additional person taken at the same - time.
8o The Suf ervisors' Proceedings
On motion- of Mr. Thompson the same was adopted.
Ayes— Messrs. Hagin, Hine, Hanshaw, Livermore, Mount,
Noxon, Thompson, Terry, Van Ostrand -9. Noes —O.
Mr. Terry presented the Audits of the Town of Ulysses,
which, on motion of Mr. Hagin were received and the amounts •
ordered levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the
Town of Ulysses.
Ayes — Messrs. Hagin, Hine, Ilanshaw, Livermore, Mount,
Noxon, Thompson, Terry, Van Ostrand -9. - Noes —O.
Mr. Livermore, Chairman of the Committee on State -
Charitable and Penal Institution, presented the following re-
port, which on motion of Mr. Hine was accepted and ordered
printed in the minutes, and the amounts levied and assessed
against the taxable property of the several Towns mentioned.
To the honorable Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County:
Your coniinittee appointed to examine the accounts of the
several charitable and penal institutions do report as follows:
Resolved, That in accordance with a resolution of the Board of Super-
visors, passed December 7, 1880, there be levied and assessed upmi the tax-
able property of the following Towns, the City of Ithaca and County of
Tompkins,the sum set forth in the annexed schedule,to re- imburse the County
for money paid to the several charitable and penal institutions, namely:
Norman Hart, Syracuse Institution for Feeble Minded
Children 20 00
20 00
Mary Woolever, Susquehanna Valley home_______.___ 91 25
Interest on above 2 85
9d 10
The Supervisors' Proceedings 81:
Charles Murphy, Susquehanna Valley Home 91 25
John Murphy, Susquehanna Valley Horne 91 25
Interest on above 5 70
188 20
Eddie Hone, Susquehanna Valley Home 91 25
Interest on above 2 8
94 10
Edith M. Van Zoil, Syracuse Institution for Feeble
Minded Children 20 00
Anna E. Snyder, Syracuse Institution for Feeble Mind-
ed Children 20 00
40 00
Harry McAllister, Susquehanna Valley Home 91 25
Interest on above_.2 85
94 10
Lillian Brill, Syracuse Institution for Feeble Minded
Children 20 00
20 00
Charles Bracy, Syracuse Institution for Feeble Minded
Children 20 00
20 00
Nellie Sherwood, Central New York Institution for
Deaf Mutes 300 00
Lizzie Quinn, Mattewan State Hospital —__"195 54
82 The Supervisors' Proceedings
Monroe County Penitentiary 1,498 71
Freddie Sullivan, Auburn Orphan Asylum 73 00
Mattie Farley, Auburn Orphan Asylum 73 00
Sidney H. Giles, Susquehanna Valley FIome 91 25
Interest on above 2 85
Katie Smith, Ithaca Children's Home 37 50
Charles Brown,.Ithaca Children's Home_43 50
Mildred Brown, Ithaca Children's Home 43 50
2,358 85
Total 2,929 35
Mr. Hine, Chairman of Cominitteeon Miscellaneous Claims. .
presented the first five items on the following bill which on
motion of Mr. Van ()strand weft audited and allowed at the
amounts recommended by the committee.
Bill No. 7.
Ayes— Messrs. Hagin, Hine, Hanshaw, Livermore, Mount,
Noxon, Snow, Thompson, Terry, Van Ostrand -1C. Noes —O.
Mr. Hine presented item No: 6 on the following bill which
WI motion of Mr. Terry audited and allowed at the amount
recommended by the committee.
Bill No. 7.
Ayes — Messrs. Hagin, Hine,!Hanshaw, Livermore, Mount,
Noxon, Snow; Thompson „Terry, Van Ostrand -10. Noes —O.
Mr. Snow, chairman of committee on Supt. of Poor Accounts
presented the following bill, which on motion of Mr. Thompson
was audited and allowed at the amount recommended by the
Bill No. 127.
The Supervisors' Proceedings 83
Ayes— Messrs. Hagin;Hine, Hanshaw, Livermore, Mount,
Noxon, Snow, Thompson, Tcrry, Van Ostrand -10. Noes -O.
On motion Board adjourned.
M. A. DOWNING, Clerk.
Morning Session.
Roll call. Ouorum present.
Minutes of yesterday read and approved.
A committee from the County Monument Association
appeared before the Board and after explaining theirintentions
regarding the erection of a Soldiers Monument asked that this
Board appropriate a certain sum towards the said monument.
On motion Board adjourned.
Afternoon Session.
Roll call. Quorum present.
The afternoon was taken up in committee work and the
final inspection of the assessment rolls preparatory to turning
then over to the equalization committee.
Board adjourned to meet again Monday morning at 10
M. A. DOWNING, Clerk.
84 The Supervisors' Proceedings
On account of the absence of some of the members and the
clerk no session was held in the forenoon.
Afternoon Session.
Roll call. Quorum present.
Minutes of Friday read and' approved.
By Mr. Hanshaw:
Resolved, That the Collectors of the several Towns and the Tax Receiver
of the City of Ithaca be required to settle with the County Treasurer and
with the Supervisors of their respective Towns on or before March 1st, 1902.
On motion of Mr. Hagin the same was adopted.
Mr. Terry presented his report as Commissioner
of the Town of Ulysses, which, on motion of Mr. ban Ostrand
was received and ordered printed in the reports.
By Mr. Terry :
Resolved, That upon the report ,of the Supervisor of the Town of Ulysses
there be levied and collected from the taxable property of said Town, the
sum of Two Thousand Dollars to pay principal to become due on Railroad
Bonds, March 1st, 1902. Also the further suet of $875.00 interest to become
due March 1st, 1902, together with ;further sum of $840.00 interest on bonds
from March 1st, 1902, to September 1st, 1902, making in all the surd of
3,715.00 to be raised for the purpose above set forth.
On motion of Mr. Hanshaw the same was adopted.
Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Frost, Hagin, Hanshaw, Livermore,
Mount, Noxon, Thompson, Terry, bran Ostrand -10. Noes —O.
The Suf5ervesors' Proceedings 85
Motion -by Mr. Livermore that the rule relating to bills be
suspended and the bills on the clerk's desk be received and
offered to their respective committees.
On motion of Mr. Hine the Board proceeded to elect a
Scaler of Weights and Measures and Mr. Edward Gaston, of
Etna, was elected to succeed himself as such officer.
Mr. Hine, Chairman of Committee on Miscellaneous
Claims, presented the following bills, which, on motion of Mr.
Mount, were ordered audited and allowed at the amounts
recommended by the committee.
Bills Nos. 23, 135, 8, 114, 52, 95.
Ayes — Messrs. Baker, Frost, Hagin, Hine, Hanshaw,
Mount, Noxon, Thompson, Terry, Van Ostrand -10. Noes—O.
Mr. Thompson, Chairman of Committee on District Attor-
ney's Ace.ounts, presented the followingg bill, which; on motion
of Mr. Hanshaw was audited and allowed at the amount
recommended by the committee.
Bill No. 152.
Apes — Messrs. Baker, Frost, Hagin, Hine, Hanshaw,
Mount, - Noxon, Thompson, Terry, Van Ostrand -10. Noes —O.
On motion, Board adjourned.
M. A. DOWNING, Clerk.
86 .The Supervisors' Proceedings
Morning Session.
Roll call. Quorum present.
Minutes of yesterday read and approved.
The committee on County Treasurer's Accounts made the
following report, which, on motion of Mr. Baker was received.
To the Board of Supervisors:
Your committee on County Treasurer's Accounts respect-
fully report that they have closely inspected the report of the
County Treasurer and have closely examined each and every
one of the 1,337 vouchers accompanying the same and further
they have verified the amount of the balance claimed to be in
bank by receiving a certificate from the bookkeeper of the First
National Bank and they find the same correct in all particulars.
The committee chosen to draft a suitable memorial and
resolution on the death of Dr. John E. Beers, presented their
report, and on motion of Mr. Thompson it was unanimously
adopted by a rising vote.
3 sw
5n Qnemoriarn.
Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supet visors:
No words of merit that we may utter, can avert the sorrow caused by the
remorseless hand of death; words of sympathy of ours. can hardly alleviate
the afflictions of his relatives; but it is a privilege for ourselves and a duty
that we owe to the memory of the late Doctor John E. Beers, to render to
him an appropriate tribute of our respect and esteem.
For twenty years he had represented his Town -on this Board; several
times he has been its Chairman, and once he had represented the County in
the State Legislature, and in all his official acts, no whisper derogatory to
his motives was ever breathed.
We knew hits as a just and generous man, and these attributes were part
of his nature. A man of highest character and integrity, his life has been
his greatest eulogy, and at his death, the community in which Ice lived and
wrought so well, pay to his memory that greatest need of praise — "a good
man has departed."
While most of us had acquaintance with him derived from our official
intercourse, there was an inner side to his nature known to those who best,
knew him as physician, counsellor and friend, by whom his name will be
held in grateful remembrance.
Resolved, That while we condole with his family in their loss, we also
rejoice witlrthent, that lie has leftbehind him the unsullied record of a well
spent life.
Resolved, That a copy of this •memorial be engrossed and presented to the
family of the deceased, and also printed in the Proceedings of this Board.
88 The Supervisors' Proceedings
Afternoon Session.
Roll call. Quorum present.
The Equalization Committee retired to the committee
room for deliberation.
At 3:30 the equalization committee by Mr. Van Ostrand,
chairman, presented their report, which was read and on mo-
tion of Mr. Z,ivermore the same was laid over 24 hours.
On motion Board adjourned.
M. A. DOWNING, Clerk.
Morning Session.
Roll call. Quorum present.
Minutes of yesterday read and approved.
By l\lr. Hanshatt-:
Resolved, That the prisoners in the County Jail be employed upon the
public highways of the County, or at any other labor designated by the
Sheriff, eight ]tours per day, during the corning year, and that the Chair
name from the City Supervisors a committee of one to act with the Sheriff in
carrying out this resolution,
On motion of Mr.- Frost the same was adopted :
The report of the Superintendent of the Poor was again
brought forward and on motion of Mr. Van Ostrand was ac-
cepted and ordered -printed in the reports.
The Suuervisors'Proceedings 89
Mr. Snow, Chairman of the Committee- on Superintend-
ents' Accounts, made their report and after the same Was read,
by motion of Mr. Frost was accepted and ordered printed in
the reports.
The committee also presented the fallowing resolutions,
which, on motion of Mr. Baker were adopted and the amounts
ordered levied and collected as directed.
Resolved, That there he levied upon and collected from the taxable prop-
erty of the City of lthaca and the several Towns of the County, the sum of
3,681.16, to be apportioned to the said City and Towns as per schedule given
in our report and from the County at Large the suer of 52,252.33.
Resolved, That the Superintendent of the Poor be and is hereby instruct-
ed to require all bills to be rendered quarterly as follows: —On the first day
of February, May, August and November respectively, and also to require all
bills to he itemized and verified in conformity to the requirements of the law.
Resoleed, That the Superintendent of the Poor be and he is hereby in-
structed to include in his anneal report to this Board, a list of the names of
inmates of the Almshouse chargeable to the various Towns of the County,
and to the City of Ithaca, together with the total number of days each of
such inmates was maintained in the Almshouse.
Ayes— Messrs. Baker, Frost, Hagin,1line, Hanshaw, Liver -
rnore,•Mount, Noxon, Snow, Thompson, Terry, Van Ostrand-
12. Noes —O.
On motion Board adjourned.
Afternoon Session.
Roll call. Quorum present.
By Mr. Terry:
Resolved, That the sum of One ITundred and Twenty Dollars be allowed
the County Clerk of this County with which to pay services of janitor of
County Clerk's building, including Judge's office for year 1902.
90 The Supervisors' Proceedings
On motion of Mr. Snow the samc'was adopted :
Ayes — Messrs. Baker, Frost, Hagin, Hine, Hanshaw, Liver-
more; Mount, Noxon Snow, Thompson, Terry, Van Ostrand-
12. Noes —O.
Report of Committee on Erroneous Assessment was read
and on motion of Mr. Van Ostrand was accepted and ordered
printed in the reports.
In accordance with the report of the Committee on Errone-
ous Assessments together with the recommendations of the
same, be it
Resolved, That there be assessed and collected from the taxable property
of the Town of Ulysses the sum of $21.52 to reimburse 11dward Wood.
Resolved, That there be assessed and collected from the taxable property
of the Town of Ulysses the further sum .of $11.90 to reimburse B. O. Wake-
Resolved, That there he assessed and collected from the taxable property
of the City of Ithaca the sum of $11.04 to reimburse Lucilla B. Lobdell.
Ort motion of Mr. Baker the same was adopted.
Ales— Messrs. Baker, Frost, Hagin, Hine, Hanshaw, Liver-
more, Mount,,Noxon, Thompson, Terry, Van Ostrand -11.
Noes —O. •
By Mr. Frost:
Resolved, That there be levied upon and collected from the taxable prop-
erty of the County of Tompkins the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000,)
to pay note at Ithaca Savings Bank given for the benefit of said County and
the further sum of Two Hundred and T -three and 80-100 Dollars
223.80,) for interest on said note - together with the further sun' of One
Hundred and Fifty 20 -100 Dollars ($150.20,) for interest on two notes, one
gien-to the Town of Dryden and the other to the Town of Ithaca.
On motion of Mr. Terry the same was adopted.
The Supervisors' Proceedings .91
Ayes— Messrs. Baker, Frost, Hagin, Hine, Hanshaw, Liver-
more, Mount, Noxon, Snow, Thompson, Terry, Van Ostrand-
12. Noes —O.
Mr. Terry, Chairman of Committee on :Constables' Ac-
counts, presented the following bill, which, on motion of Mr.
Snow was disallowed as "recommended by the committee.
Bill No. 115.
Ayes — Messrs. Baker, Frost, Hagin, Hine, Hanshaw, Liver-
more, Mount, Noxon, Snow, Thompson, Terry, Van Ostrand-
12. Noes —O.
Mr. Hine, Chairman of the Committee on Miscellaneous
Claims, presented the following hills, which, on motion of Mr.
Snow were ordered audited and allowed at the amounts
recommended by the committee.
Bills Nos. 128, 160, 161, 129, 133, 76, 156, 157, 158, 134.
Ayes — Messrs. Baker, Frost, Hagin, Hine, Hanshaw, Liver-
more, Mount, Noxon, Snow, Thompson, Terry, Van Ostrand-
12. Noes —O.
Mr. Thompson, Chairman of the Committee on Sheriffs'
Account's, presented the following bills, which, on motion of
Mr. Terry were ordered audited and allowed at the amounts
recommended by the committee.
Bills Nos. 1'18, 159.
Ayes — Messrs. Baker, Frost, FIagin, Hine, Hanshaw, Liver-
more, Mount, Noxon, Snow, Thompson, Terry, Van Ostrand-
12. Noes —O.
Mr. Snow, Chairman of Committee on County, Superin-
tendents' Accounts, presented the following bill, which, on
motion of Mr. Baker was audited and allowed at the amount
recommended by the committee.
92 The Supervisors' Proceedings
Bill No. 155.
Ayes— Messrs. Baker, Frost, Hagin, Hine, I- Ianshaw, Liver-
more, Mount; Noxon, Snow, Thompson, Terry, Van Ostrand—
12. Noes —O.
Mr. Thompson, Committee on Jail Labor, presented his
report and on motion of Mr. Snow the same was accepted and
ordered printed in the reports.
The Chairman appointed Mr. Thompson as a committee
of one to act with the Sheriff in working the County prisoners.
The report of the Committee on Equalization was taken
up for consideration and on motion the following was adopted:
The assessed valuation as returned by the assessors of the different
Towns of Tompkins County and the City of Ithaca for the year 1901, is as
IReal and
TOWNS Acres. Real Fr'nchise Franchise Personal Aggregate
Caroline.._- - 34,7471 826,470 2,000 828,470 • 52,880, 881,350.
Danby 33,286, 741,380 741,380 17,750 759,130
Dryden _58,192 2,090,186 4,900, 2,095,086' 150,3802,245,466
Enfield 22,007( 531,575 1 531,575 32,765 564,340
Groton 30,725, 1,305,965 1,120, 1,307,085 166,630 1,473,715
Tt1iaca —City_ - 2,940 6,077,250 159,780 6,237,030 694,300 6,931,330
Ithaca —Town_ 16,293 959,5845,000964,584 66,600 1,031,184
Lansing 37,789, 1,028,936 700. 1,029,636 76,330 1,105,966
Newfield 36,9971 931,970 2,375 934.345 51,070 985,415
1 9 , 8 1 819,818 1,072,415' 6,500 1,078,915 166,340 1,245,255
Total 15,565,731 182,375( 15,748,106 1,475,045 17,223,151
Your committee recommends that the following 'schedule be adopted as
the equalized valuation of the several towns of Tompkins County and the
City of Ithaca for the year 1901, and that the percentage in the right hand
column be the ratio of the State and County Tax that each Town and the
City of Ithaca shall pay:
The Supervisors' Proceedings 93
k 4 a
c>, fir.
TOWNS v o v
u 0n O p 0., O„ ..v O C •
C P-1 c a W o v
Caroline____ ____ 34,747 677,169 52,880, 730,049 0430 0424
Danby 33,286 - 662,996 17,750 680,746 0421 0396
Dryden 58,192 1,903,946 150,380 2,054,326 1209 1192
Enfield •22,007 548,034 32,765 580,799 0346 .0338
Groton 30,725 1,388,983 166,630 1,555,613 0882 0903
Ithaca— City ____ 2,940 6,474,046 694,300, 7,168,346 4111 4162
Ithaca— Town__ 16,293 760,634 66,600, 827,234,1 0483 0481
Lansing 37,789 1,403,156 76,330, 1,479,486 0891 0859
Newfield 36,997 677,168 51,070 728,238 0430 0422
Ulysses 19,818 7,251,974, 166,340 7,418,314 0795 0823
Total_15,748,1 - 1,475,045 17,223,151 - 1.0000, 1.0000
W. H. VAN OSTRAND, Chairman,
B. M. HAG1N,
Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Frost, IIagin, Mine, Hanshaw, Liver-
more, Mount, Noxon, Snow, Thompson, Terry, Van Ostrand-
12. .Noes-0.
By Mr. Frost:
Resolved, That there be levied upon and collected frond the taxable prop-
erty of the City of Ithaca the sum of One and 25 -100 Dollars ($1.25) for-re-
binding assessment roll.
On motion of Mr. Thompson the same was adopted.
Ayes— Messrs. Bilker, Frost, Hagin,Hine, 1-Ianshaw,Liver-
more, Mount, Noxon, Snow, Thompson, Term-, Van Ostrand-
12. Noes —O.
94 The Supervisors' ProceedinKs
By Mr. Thompson:
Resolved, That in addition to the sum of $35 heretofore appropriated. for
Sheriff's office rent the further sum of $65 be appropriated for the same
On motion of Mr. I-lanshaw the same was adopted.
Ayes— Messrs. Baker, Frost, Hine, Hanshaw, Livermore,
Mount, Noxon, Snow, Thompson, Van Ostrand -10. Noes —
Messrs. Hagin, Terre -2.
On motion Board adjourned.
M. A. DOWNING, Clerk..
Morning Session.
Roll call. Quorum present.
Minutes of yesterday read and approved.
The report Of .the Surrogate was read and on motion of
Mr. Van Ostrand the same was received and ordered printed
in the reports.
Moved by Mr. Van Ostrand that the rules relating to the
auditing of bills be suspended and the bills now on the clerk's
desk be acted. on.
The Sufiervzrors' Proceedings 95
Mr.t Hine, Chairman of Committee on Miscellaneous
Claims, presented the following bill, which, on motion of Mr.
Baker :was disallowed as recommended by the committee.
Bill No. 93.
Ayes — Messrs. Baker, Frost, Hagin, Hine, Hanshaw, Liver -.
more, Mount, Noxon, Snow, Thompson, Terry, Van Ostrand—
12. Noes—O.
Mr. Hine also presented the following hill, which on
motion of Mr. Snow was audited and allowed at the amount
recommended by the committee.
Bill No. 147.
Ayes— Messrs. Baker, ,Frost, Hagin, Hine, Hanshaw, Liver-
more, Mount, Noxon, Snow, Thompson, Terry, VanOstrand-
12. Noes—O.
Mr. Hine also presented the - following bills, which, on
motion of Mr. Snow were audited and allowed -at the amounts
recommended by the committee.
Bills Nos. 131, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173'
174, 175.
Ayes — Messrs. Balser, Frost, Hagin, Hine, Hanshaw, Liver-
more, Mount, Noxon, Snow, Thompson, Terry, Van °strand—
12. Noes -0.
By Mr. Terry:
Resolved, That there be assessed and levied against the taxable property
of the Town of Ulysses the sun' of Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars for sup-
port of poor for the year 1902.
On motion of Mr. Hanshaw the same was adopted.
96 The Supervisors'. Proceedings
Ayes— Messrs. Baker, Frost, Haan; Hine, Hanshaw, Liver-
more, Mount, Noxon, Snow, Thompson;Terry, Van Ostrand-
12.. Noes—O.
By Mr. Van °strand:'
Resolved, That the sum of $15.00 be levied upon and collected from the
taxable property of 'Tompkins County for postage for the County Treasurer.
On motion of Mr. Thompson the salve was adopted.
Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Frost, Hagin, Hine, Hanshaw, Liver-
more, Mount, Noxon, Snow, Thompson, Terry, Van Ostrand-
12. Noes -0.
On motion Board adjourned.
Afternoon Session.
Roll call. Quorum present.
By Mr. Wilson :
Resolved, That the sum of Two Thousand Dollars ($2000.00,) he levied upon
and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Dryden, to be expend-
ed for the repairs of highways and bridges of said Towui.
The above resolution is in accordance with a resolution
adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Dryden 'on the
19th day of December, 1901, asking for the above appropria-
tion to repair in part .the disastrous damage caused by the
flood of December 14, 1901.
On motion of Mr. Hanshaw the salve was adopted.
Ayes — Messrs. Baker, Frost, Hagin, Hine, Hanshaw, Liver-
more, Mount, Noxon, Snow, Thompson, Terri-, Van Ostrand-
12. Noes -0.
The Supervisors' Proceedings 97
By Mr. Hine:
WHEREAS, It appears the Supervisors have little knowledge of the prop-
erty at the Ahnshouse belonging to the County, therefore, be it
Resolved, That a committee, of which the Chairman of this Board shall be
a member, shall he appointed by the Chairman whose duty it shall be to take
an invoice of the County property at that institution, and report at the nest
regular session.
On motion of Mr. Terry the same was apopted.
Ayes— Messrs. Baker, Frost, 13agin, Hine, Hanshaw, Liver-
more, Mount, Noxon, Snow, Thompson, Terry, Van Ostrand-
12. Noes -0.
The Chairman appointed as such committee Messrs. Hine
and Frost.
On motion the Board adjourned.
M. A. DOWNING, Clerk.
l 1.
Morning Session.
Roll call. Quorum present.
Minutes of yesterday read and approved.
By Mr. Terry:
WnER as; It has been a long established custom for the Board of Super-
visors of this County to set apart one day during its annual session for a visit
of inspection to the County Almshouse, and,
98 ,The Siliervisors' Proceedings
WHEREAS, Such visit involves upon the County considerable expense in
way of entertainment, dinner, hacks and pay of Supervisors and is conducive
of but little or no actual benefit to the County,. therefore
Resolved, That this Board regards the expenditures for such trip as an
extravagant use of public money and would in the interest of economy recom-
mend that future sessions of this Board discontinue the same.
Resolved, Further, that the inspection and report as to the management.
and condition of the County Almshouse be referred to a special committee
appointed by the Chairman of this Board and that such committee visit such _
institution at such time or times as the members thereof may deem advisable.
Moved by Mr. Livermore that the same be laid on the
table indefinitely.
Ayes— Messrs. Baker, Frost, Hine, Hanshaw, Livermore,
Mount, Noxon, Snow, Thompson, Van Ostrand -10. - Noes—
Messrs. Flagin, Terry -2.
On notion Board adjourned.
Afternoon Session.
Roll call. Quorum present.
Mr. Balser, Chairman of the Committee onAppropriations,
presented the following report and resolutions :
To the Board ofSlipervisors of Tompkins County:
Your Committee on Appropriations respectfully reports
that it will be necessary to raise, in the tax levy of 1901, the
sums, as set forth in the budgets of the several Towns of
The Supervisors' Proceedings 99
Tompkins County and the City of Ithaca, and offer the follow...
ing resolution:
Resolved, That there be levied upon and collected from the taxable prop-
etty of the several towns and the City of Ithaca, comprising the County of
Tompkins, the stuns herein set forth for the following purposes:
STAT1; TAX -1901.
For Schools 12,401 80
For Canals 7,441 08
For Stenographers 1,176 49
Total 2i 37
000XTF 'TAX - 1901.
Salary, Clerk of Board 1901 175 00
Clerk's Postage 1901 15'00
Clerk of Board for Report to Comptroller 1901 25 00
Salary, Sheriff's Janitor 1902 350 00
Salary, County Judge, Oct. 1, 1901, to Oct. 1, 190 2,500 00
Salary, County Treasurer for 1902._900 00
Salary, Clerk of Surrogate's Court, Nov. I, 1901, to Nov. 1,
1902 500 00
Salary, District Attorney, Oct. 1, 1901, to Oct. 1, 1902 800 0u
District Attorney office rent, Oct. 1, 1901, to Oct. 1, 1902200 00
Salary, Special County Judge for 1902 50 00
Salary, Physician for 1902 50 00
Sheriff's office rent for 1902 100 00
Salary, Chaplain of Alms House for 190 50 00
Court 1'xpetises 7,000 00
Fuel and Gas Account 1,100 00
Superintendent of Poor 2,252 33
County Treasurer, office rent for 1902 100 00
Salary, Janitor County Clerk's Building 1902 120 00
Insurance on County Buildings 350 00
Deceased Indigent Soldiers and Sailors____._..____ -450 00
For lie- indexing Deeds 500 00
Monroe County Penitentiary 1,498 71
Ithaca Children's Home 124 50
Matteawan State Hospital 195 54
Susquehanna Valley Home 94 10
Central New York Institute Deaf Mutes 300 00
100 The Supervisors' Proceedings
Auburn Orphan Asylum 146 00
County Treasurer's Postage 15 00
Interest on County Indebtedness 374 09
Payment on Notes 5,000 00
Salary, Superintendent of Poor 1902 600 00
County Audits 12,191 10
37,126 37 -
Less Election Printing from Towns and City 753 08
Total 36,373 29
State 'fax 891 22
County 'Pax 1,542 23
Town Audits 1,071 98
Highways and Bridges -775 00
Overseer of Poor 200 00
Superintendent of Poor .268 92''
Returned Tax 15 76
Interest on Returned Tax 95
School 'Commissioner's Apportionment 25 09
Election Printing 45 97
Memorial Day 30 00
Boice Bridge 304 00 -
Soldiers' Relief Fund___-100 00
Total 5,271 12
State 'fax 832 37
County Tax 1,440 38
Town Audits 1,033 08
Highways and Bridges 500 00
Superintendent of the Poor 314 85'
Returned Tax 7 66
Interest on Returned Tax 46
School Commissioner's Apportionment 32 15
Syracuse Institute for Feeble Minded Children 20 00
Election Printing__43 71
Support of Poor, 1901 175 00
Support of Poor, 1902 150 00
Total 4,549 66
The Sslerv Proceedings 101
State 'fax 2,505 51
County Tax 4,335 69
Town Audits 3,011 13
Superintendent of the Poor_ — _250 59
Highway by Statute 500 00
Returned Tax 52 84
Interest on Returned Tax 3 17.
School Connnissioner's Apportionment 70 61
Support of Poor 700 00
Susquehanna Valley Home 94 10
Election Printing 129 05
Painting Bridges by Vote of Town Meeting 150 00
Malloryville Bridge 75 00
Lewis Bridge 225 00
Changing Creek Channel 50 00
Giles Farm Bridge 250 00
Crushing Stone 300 00
Balance on Stone Crusher 470 00
Bridges 2,000 00
Total 15,172 69
State Tax 710 46
County Tax_1,229 42
Town Audits____..1,427 74
Returned Tax 27 00
Interest on Returned Tax 1 62-
Susquehanna Valley Home 188 20
School Commissioner's Apportionment 27 43
Election Printing 37 42
Railroad Bonds 1,865 50
Highways and Bridges 250 00
Superintendent of Poor 100 71
Total 5,865 50
State 'fax.1,898 05
County Tax 3,284 51
roe The Supervisors' Proceedings
Town Audits 2,102 11
Superintendent of the Poor 223 20
Returned Tax 30 .
Interest on Returned Tax 02
School Comtnissio ier's Apportionment 53 46
Idighways and Bridges 1,175 00
Memorial Day 50 00
Support of Indigent Soldiers and Sailors 50 00
Susquehanna Valley Home 94 10
Election Printing -97.55
Total 9,028 30
Less Amount Bank Stock Tax 1,475 31
Total 7,552
State .Tax 8,748 26
County Tax_15,138 56
Returned Tax 141 39
Interest on Returned Tak 8 43
Superintendent of Poor 1,796 80
Support of Poor 7,000 00
Election Printing 117 O8
Binding Assessment Roll 1 25
I'aul S. Livermore for searching Records and snaking Descrip-
tions of Property for Reassessment in Accordance with
Section 89 of the Tax Laws_29 00
Fannie R. Durphy for making Description of Property for
Reassessment ill accordance with Section 89 of the Tax
Law 15 00
Chas. B. Stanion, expenses in collecting Returned Tax____.._15 74
Erroneous Tax 11 04
33,022 60
Less amount of Bank Stock Tax 1,236 10
Total 31,786 50
State Tax 1,011 03
County 'fax 1,749 56
Town Audits 2,101 48
The Supervisors' Proceedings 103
School ,Commissioner's Apportionment 39 07
Superintendent of Poor 254 25
Support of Poor 25 00
Memorial Day _10 00
Syracuse Institute Feeble Minded- Children 40 00
Election Printing 52 27 .
Highways and Bridges 250 00
Total 5,532 66
State Tax 1,805 56
County Tax 3,124 47 •
Town Audits._- _.2,314 60
Superintendent 'of Poor 102 00
Highways and Bridges 250 00
Returned Tax 37 34
Interest on Returned 'Pax_2 24
School Commissioner's Apportionment__50 84
Susquehanna Valley Home 94 10
Election Printing 94 26
Support of the l'oor 150 00
Total 8,025 41
N$WFU;r,n - TAX FOR 1901.
State Tax ------------------------887 02
County at 1,534 95 •
Towns Audits 2,608 30
Highways and Bridges 250 00
Superintendent of the Poor 276 68
Interest on Railroad Bonds 1,557 50
Payment on Railroad Bonds 1,000 00
Support of the Poor 50 00
Returned Tax 158 15
Interest on Returned 9
School Commissioner's Apportionment 34 39
Appropriation for Town 1 100 00
Syracuse Institute Feeble Minded Children 20 00
Election Printing •45 72
Memorial Day— - __. __10 00
Total 8,542 20
104 The Supervisors' Proceedings.
State Tax 1,729 89
County Tax 2,993 52
Town Audits 1,879 73 •
Highways and Bridges 250 00
Overseer of the Poor 250 00
Returned Tax 138 99
Interest on Returned Tax 3 34
Superintendent 'of the Poor 93 16
School Commissioner's Apportionment 66 96
Payment on Railroad Bonds 2,000 00 .
Interest on Railroad Bonds 1,715 00
Syracuse Institute for Feeble Minded Children 20 00
Election Printing 90 05
Erroneous Tax 23 42 -
Total 11,259 06
On motion of Mr. Hine the same was accepted and the
amounts ordered levied •and collected.
Ares— Messrs. Baker, Frost, Hagin, Hine, Harishaw, Liver-
more, Mount, Noxon, Snow, Thompson, Terry, VanOstrand-
12. Noes —O.
By Mr. Hine:
Resolved, That this Board hereby appoint F. A. Stiow and J. B. Wilson a
committee to visit the County Almshouse once in three months to make a
general inspection - of the management of the institution and the farm especial-
ET; and make a report at the next regular session, together with such recom-
mendations as they deem advisable to the best interests of the County.
On motion of Mr. Baker the -same was adopted.
By Mr. Mount:
The Su >bervzsors' Proceedings I05
Resolvea, That the thanks of this Board are due and are hereby tendered
to the publishers of the Ithaca Daily Journal and the Ithaca Daily News for
their courtesy in furnishing this Board with their papers during this session.
On motion of Mr. Frost the same was adopted.
By Mr. Thompson:
Resolved, That this Board extend to Chairman Jesse B. Wilson a vote of
thanks for the kind and courteous manner in which lie has treated each and
every member of this Board, and for his just and impartial rulings and for the
able and efficient manner in which he has discharged the various and im-
portant duties devolving upon him, during the session of this Board now
about to close.
On motion of Mr. Mount the same was adopted.
By Mr. Terry:
Resolved, That a vote of thanks be extended to the Clerk of this Board
for the prompt, businesslike and courteous - manner in which he has performed
the duties pertaining to his office.
On motion the same was adopted.
By -Mr. Hanshaw
That the members of this Board extend to Supervisor Thaddeous
8. Thompson, who will retire from its membership at the close of the present
session, after - a service extending over a period of nine years, an expression
of esteem and best wishes and 'hereby acknowledge their appreciation of his
kindness and cordiality while a member of this Board.
On motion of Mr. Frost the same was adopted.
On motion the 'Board adjourned to meet again on Satur-
day, December 28, 1901.
M. A. DOWNING, Clerk.
106 •The Supervisors' Proceedings
Morning Session.
Roll call. All members present.
Minutes of previous meeting read and approved.
The forenoon was taken up by the members in preparing
and signing the Collectors' warrants.
By Mr. Frost:
Resolved, That the correction of clerical errors in the various assessment
rolls of this County, the assessment and valuation as corrected on said assess
ment rolls in accordance with the recommendations of the Committee on
Erroneous Assessincnts and the changes made necessary in describing non-
resident property in conformity with the requirements of the law, be and the
same are hereby ratified, confirmed and legalized.
On motion of Mr. Livermore the same was adopted.,
By Mr. Frost:
Resolved, That the tax as extended on the tax rolls of the several Towns
and City of Ithaca presented in this Board by the Supervisors of the said
Towns and City of Ithaca be confirmed and that warrants be issued to the
Collectors of the carious Towns and City for the collection of the same.
On motion of v1r Baker the same was adopted.
Minutes of this meeting.read and approved:
On motion Board adjourned sine die.
M. A. DOWNING; Clerk.
The Supervisors' Proceedings 107
1 hereby certify that the following abstract comprises alI
the bills and accounts against the County of Tompkins pre -
sented to the Board of Supervisors of said County at its
annual session for the year 1901, showing the name of each
claimant, the true nature of the account, the amount originally
claimed, and the amount as finally allowed and audited by
said Board..
M. A. DOWNING, Clerk.
No.Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed
1 Mathew Bender, Tax Transfer 2 25 2 25-
2 Dr. E. A. Sadie, lunacy proceedings, referred 5 00
3 T,. H. Van Kirk, filing coupons, withdrawn 1 50
4 Taylor Sr Carpenter, supplies Surrogate 5 15 5 15
5 J. will Tree, supplies 41 50 41 50
6 C. P. Biggs, lunacy proceedings 10 00 10 00
7 City Hospital, care of poor -136 22, 124 22
8 Dr. G. M. Gilchrist, autopsy on L. Teeter 10 00 10 00
9 Charles Hyde, Constable 13 90 13 90
10 H. S. Hopkins, Justice 1 20 1 20
11' T,. P. Colgrove, Justice6 90 6 90
12 Abram Spicer, assigned to L. H. Van Kirk, drag-
ging for body in lake 5 00 •5 00
13 Mattewan State Hospital, (see County and Town
Budget)195 54
io8 The Supervisors' Proceedings
14 Central N. Y. Hrstitute for Deaf Mutes 300 00 300 00
15 Addison Johnson, referred to County Superintend -
ent 50 40
16 Addison Johnson, referred to County Superintend-
17 Addison Johnson, referred to County Superintend-
18 Addison Johnson, referred to County Superintend-
19 John F. Murphy, Game Protector 21 00 21 00
20 John P. Murphy, Game Protector 21 00
21 John F. Murphy, Game Protector 17 00 17 00
22 Thos. G. Miller, - supplies 115 92 115 92
23 'C. J. Rumsev & Co., supplies 152 06 152 06
24 Dr. C. P. Beaman, lunacy proceedings, (referred)_ 5 00
25 John B. Lang, supplies 1 95 1 95
26 J. H. Lamphere, Game Irotector 25 00 15 00
27 Syracuse State Institute for Feeble Minded Chil-
dren, (see County and Town Budget)100 00
28 Rochester Germicide Co., disenfectant_ __.62 00 62 00
29 Empire State Housefurnishing Co., supplies.1 50 1 50
30 W. S. Shangle, Constable____2 75 2 75
31 Alvah D. Brown, Justice 2 10 2 10
32 W. S. Shangle, Constable 9 90 9 90
33 Geo. W. Ham, Constable 9 20 9 20
34 Monroe County Penitentiary, see County and
Town Budget)1,498 71
36 Fred E. Van Buskirk, assigned to C. 13. Douglass
burying poor 20 00
37 H. N. Silshy, assigned to Marion Burroughs, Game
Protector 19 00 6 33
38 Wilber G. Fish, Coroner 7.50 7 50
39 Driscoll Bros., supplies for Jail 6 36 6 36
40 Ithaca Publishing Co., printing 151 65 151 65
41 E. G. Godfrey, supplies_ -_5 18 5 18
42 Wn,. P. Harrington, Ex-Supervisor 4 00 4 00
43 Williamson Law Book Co., manual 5 25 5 25
44 N. Y. & Penn. Tel. & Tel. Co., Sheriff's Office24 00 24 00
45 N. Y. & Penn. Tel. & Tel. Co., Jail 24 00 24 00
46 N. Y. & Penn. Tel. & Tel. Co., Court House 24 00 24 00
47 N. Y. & Penn. Tel. & Tel. Co., County Judge24 00' . 24 00
48 N. V. & Penn. Tel. & Tel. Co., Alms House, 1902 63 60 63 60
49 N. V. & Penn. Tel. & Tel. Co., Alms House, 1901,
error 63 60
The Suliervisors' Proceedings log
50 N. I'. & Penn. Tel. & Tel. Co., Clerk's Office____ 9 00 9 00
51 M. D. Goodyear, autopsy on L. Teeter 13 00 13 00
52 M. D. Goodyear, use of Opera house 5 00 5 00
53 C. J. Rmnsey & Co., supplies for Jail 4 15 4 15
54 H. B. Besemer, examination 10 00 10 00
55 Ithaca Journal, printing 117 08 117 08
56 Ithaca Journal, printing 720 54 720 54
57 J. N. Mead, supplies for Jail 1 50 1 50
58 Dr. H. W. Nash, before Grand Jury 5 00 5 00
59 Dr. II. W. Nash, before the Recorder 10 00 10 00
60 Dr. H. W. Nash, lunacy proceedings, referred to
County Superintendent 5 00
61 Dr. J. W. Brown, Coroner 179 30 179 30
62 Chas. White, Constable 2 20 2 20
63 Jackson Coe, assigned to W. J. Davis, Constable— 5 40 5 40
64 John E. Beers, Ex- Supervisor 30 24 30 24
65 M. D. Goodyear, lunacy proceedings 5 50
66 A. M. Baldwin, lunacy proceedings 5 50
67 Boston Shoe Store, shoes for prisoners 15 25 15 25
68 P. H. Warner, supplies for Jail 13 60 13 60.
69 Leary, Tubridy & Co.; coal, referred 51 50
70 Corbin & Lytle, hats for prisoners_2 00 2 00
71 Brush, Swan Electric Light Co., lights for Court
House 45 63 45 63
72 A. M. 1'raincis, Ex- Supervisor 6 56 6 56
73 .Albany Journal, terms of Court 7 00 7 00
74 D. P. Terry, Coroner 23 80 23 80
75 Ithaca Water Works, water rents 133 00 133 00
76 Dixon & Robinson, lumber for Almshouse '145 56 145 56
77 John E. Demon, burying poor 53 00 48 00
78 Ithaca Childrens' Home, (see County and Town
Budgets) -87 00
79 Ithaca Childrens' Home, (see County and Town
Budgets) __37 50
811 Auburn Orphan Asylm, (see County and Town
Budgets) _ - __—146 00
81 Susquehanna Valley Home, (see County and Town
82 Susquehanna Valley Home, (see Comity and Town
Budgets) —136 50
83 Susquehanna Valley Hoare, (sec County and Town
Budgets) __ 135 e0
84 Susquehanna Valley Home, (see County and Town
Budgets) __138 00
Jro The Supervisors' Proceedings
85 Norton Printing Co., Printing 24 25 24 25
86 C. J. Ramsey & Co., supplies 6 65 6 65
87 J. I. Booth & Son, burial of L. Teeter 1U IA 10 00
88 J. I. Booth & Son, burial of John Ronan 10 f.10 00
89 12. N. Hallady, carriage for Coroner 5 00 5 00
90 1l. L. Haskins, supplies 1 65 1 65
91 Edward H. Freac, legal service -10 05 10 00
92 S. E. Banks, Acting Surrogate 48 00 . 48 00
93 Norton & Hanford, printing 5 00 5 00
94 Luther Ennis, Janitor Clerk's Office ___7 25 7 25
95 M. D. Goodyear, testimony 5 00 5 00
96 P. Rascocer, clothing'21 55 21 55
97 W. 13. George, paving south of Clerk's Office 89 30
98 Thomas J. Stevens; headstones for soldiers 30 00
99 Arthur J. Brooks, supplies-1 50 1 50
100 Stephens & Masters, plumbing 24 34 24 34
101 1'. F. McAllister, Justice 30 30 30 30
102 Ray Teeter, services for Court 10 00 6 00
103 L. F. Noxon, lawn seed__—1 50 1 50
104 Peerless Typewriter •Co., typewriter for County
Judge 65 00 65 00
105 King & Ham, paint in Jail 25 01 25 01
106 Jamieson & McKinney, supplies for Jail 18 23 18 23
307 Jamieson & McKinney, supplies for Almshouse,
referred to County Superintendent 40 81
108 F. A. Snow, special committee wort:21 60 21 60
109 F. A. Snow, extending highway tax, 1900 11 69 11 69
110 John M. Barker, Justice 3 45 3 45
111 Ithaca Journal printing 1,185 48 1,185 48
112 Ithaca Democrat, printing 107 00 107 00
113 Treman, King &, Co., supplies— __— __— _14 52 14 52
114 ' Fred D. Johnson, shoes for poor 3 50 3 50
115 Fred Frazier, Constable— _,__5 95
116 G. H. McClure, stone 12 13 12 13
117 Franklin' Hutchinson, Constable 4 85 4 85
178 J. D Ross, Justice 3 05 3 05
119 City of Ithaca, Police service 49 35 49 35
120 B. M. Hagin, Supervisor 15 12 15 12.
121 City of Ithaca, Recorder's services 27 85 27 85
122 1'. P. Randolph, supplies for Jail 3 78 3 78
123 Frank A. Parker, disenfectant 7 50 7 50
124 Fanny Durplty, making descriptions, withdrawn15 00
125 Cornell Livery, livery 10 00 10 00
126 L. T. Noxon. Supervisor___ -4 00 4 00
The Supervisors' Proceedings 111
127 J. S. Lyke, Px- Superinteudent of Poor 153 80 153 80
128 Ithaca Business Men's Association, sprinkling
streets _ __6 00 6 00
129 C. A. Smith, cartage 50 50
130 J. J. Trends, coal, withdrawn 56 50
131 Banks Sr Co., code 5 00 5 00.
132 Ithaca Journal, official canvass 19 80 19 80
133 Rothschild Bros., supplies for Clerk's office 18 68 18 68
134 Rothchild Bros., supplies for Jail _ - - -__— - .. 58 58
135 Wm. H. Van Ostrand, Supervisor 42 40 42 40
136 1,. H. Van Kirk, County Court 679 56 679 56
137 I,. H. Van Kirk, Court bill 607 60 607 60
138 T. S. Thompson, supplies for Jail- 40 28 40 28
139 Chas. S. Seaman, Sheriff 2,318 90 2,318 90
140 Forest City Plumbing Co., supplies 4 30 4 30
141 C. T. Stevens, supplies for Jail 4 44 4 44
142 J. L. Mandeville, expenses to Albany, Good Roads
Convention -10 00 10 00
143 Newman & Blood, legal services 5 00 5 00
144 Dewitt Starring, Game Protector 15 20 9 00
145 Empire State Housefurnishing Co., chair for
Judge 8 75 8 75
146 J. Will Tree, binding 35 00 35 00
147 Walter W. flay, collecting evidence 30 55 24 00
148 Daniel Landon, Deputy Sheriff 366 00 366 00
149 '1'. S. Thompson, committee work 8 00 8 00 '
150 T. S. 'Thompson, supplies for Jail 26 20 26 20
151 White & Burdick, supplies for Jail-9 38 9 38
152 Chas. Blood, District Attorney 96 71 96 71
153 IHfattie C. Torrey, Stenographer__50 75 50 75
154 Ithaca Publishing Co., official canvass 17 10 17 10
155 David Bower, County Superintendent 308 83 308 83 -
156 J. A. I-line, Supervisor 5 44 5 44
157 A. A. Stevens, stand for Court House 2 50 2 50"
158 George W. Frost, committee work 8 00 8 00
159 Chas. S. Seaman, Sheriff services 714 79 714 79
160 Boston Shoe Store, hoots for prisoners 10 10 10 10
161 J. N. Mead & Co., mittens and caps, prisoners___ 2 50 2 50
162 C. S. Seaman, livery 127 50 127 50
163 R. N. Mount, Supervisor, service bill 153 02 153 02
164 Geo. W. Prost, Supervisor, service bill 192 43 192 43
165 P. S. Livermore, Supervisor, service bill-112 00 112 00
166 J. B. Wilson, Supervisor, service hill 188 34 188 34
167 J. J. Hzmshaw, Supervisor, service hill 142 94 142 94
112 The Supervisors' .Proceedings
168 Jas. H. Hine, Supervisor, service bill 139 11 139 11
169 L. F. Noxon, Supervisor, service bill 116 00 116 00 .
170 F. A. Snow, Supervisor, service bill 150 49 150 49
171 T. S. Thompson, Supervisor, service bill 116 00 116 00
172 Wm. 11. \'an Ostrand, Supervisor, service bill 158 02 158 02
173 B. 11. Hagin, Supervisor, service bill 148 62 148 62
174 Wm. H. Baker, Supervisor, service bill 142 64 142 64
175 Eugene Terry, Supervisor, service bill 143 92 143 92
176 51. A. Downing, Clerk, (see County and Town
Budget)175 00
Total 12,191 10
The Supervisors' Proceedings fig
To the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of the •Count} of
Tompkins :
We, the undersigned, the Town Board of said Town, do
hereby certify that the following is an abstract of the names
of all persons who have presented to said Board accounts to
he audited, the amounts claimed by each of said persons and
the amounts finally audited bg us respectively, to -wit:
No.Name Nature of Service -Claimed. Allowed'
1 Ira Bogardus, Ex- Commissioner 58 00 $ 58 00
2 Geo. Van Houter, Inspector 4 00 4 00
3 Curtis J. Shorter, Inspector'8 00 8 00
4 Geo. 1C. Vaudemark, Inspector 4 00 4 00
5 John Cavency, Ballot Clerk 4 00 4'
6 I). V. Head, Inspector 8 25 8 25
7 •Samuel Woodhull, Ballot Clerk 4 00 4 00
8 W. T. Graham, Inspector 12 00 12 00
9 J. C. Jansen, Inspector and Messenger 17 56 17 56
10 J. W. Yaple, Ballot Clerk 4 00 4 00
11 H. A. McGrath, Inspector and Messenger 18 20 • 18 20
12 Geo. H. Richardson, Inspector and Ballot Clerk8 00 8 00
13 1I. R. Schutt, Inspector and Messenger 17 72 17 72
14 John I,. Randall, Inspector 12 00 12 00
15 John 11. Brink, Inspector 12 00 12 00
16 Herbert Whittaker, Ballot Clerk 4 00 4 00
114 The. Suter-visors' Proceed Begs
No.Name Nature of Service Claimed • Allowed
17 T. A. Lynch, Ballot Clerk 4 00 4 00
18 Emmet Legge, Poll Clerk 4 00 4 00
19 Prank S. Vaple, Poll Clerk 4 00 4 00
20 Chas. M. Jones, Inspector 12 00 12 00
21 R. E. Brink, hall rent, storing and erecting booths 14 00 14 00
22 E. H. Mitclmll,-Justice of the Peace 21 20 21 20
23 F. 3I. Bull, Justice of the Peace 19 50 19 50 .
24 F. 31. Bull, criminal costs 10 30 10 30
25 C. W. Personeus, carting and erecting booths 5 50 5 50
26 C. W. I'ersoneus, Assessor 32 60 29 60
27 Win. C. Gallagher, 3 examinations in lunacy 15 00 15 00
28 Geo. 11. Richardson, hall rent 12 00 . 12 00
29 Henry Lyme, Constable 28 40 2S 40
30 Ithaca Journal, Printing 27 50 27 50
31 I. J. Smith, 10 marriage returns, assigned to W.
A. Ferguson 2 50 2 50
32 Williamson Law Book Co., supplies 50 50
33 W. 1'. Rich, Inspector 12 00 12 00
34 C. H. Heath, Ballot Clerk 4 00 4 00
35 • Frank l'ettigrove, Inspector 12 00 12 00
36 C. J. Hamilton, l'oli Clerk 4 00 4 00
37 H. A. Davis, Poll Clerk 4 00 4 00
38 J. H. (lest, Inspector 12 00 _ 12 00
39 Alonzo Gorsline, Overseer of Poor '36 40 36 40
40 Wm. A. Ferguson, Town Clerk 72 12 72 12
41 H. A. I iildebrant, Assessor 32 00 32 00
42 J. D. Schutt, Commissioner of Highways.270 63 270 63
43 De. F. A. Reid, 2 examinations in lunacy..10 00 10 00
41 Dr. A. G. Walkins, medical attendance, J. Morgan 13 90 13 90
45 Geo. Liddington, services rendered J. Morgan 9 75 9 75
46 John Jordan, services rendered J. Morgan1.50 150
47 Wm. I'. Harrington, Overseer of Poor, Ithaca 19 50 19 50
48 Town of Van Ellen, (not audited)
49 A. G. Walkins, vital statistics 1 50 1 50
50 Ephriam Jordan, services rendered J. Morgan11 25 11 25
51 Dewitt Roe, Truant Officer 25 00 25 00
52 J. Preston, Assessor 32 60 32 60
53 J. Preston, water trough 3 00
54 31. J. Clark, Justice of the Peace 16.50 16 50
55 R. H. Card, hall rent 12 00 12 00
56 G. K. Doughty, Justice of the l'eacc 14 50 14 50
57 F. A. (Snow, receiving and disbursing school
money 21 13 21 13
The Sit ;cars' Proceeding 1IS
No.Nance Nature of Service Claimed Allowed'
58 R. A. Snow, Supervisor 17 -97 17 97
1,077 98 $1,071 98
In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seal this 7th day
of November, 1901.
F. A. SNOW, Supervisor.
V51. A. FERGUSON, Town Clerk.
Justices of the I'eace.
I, AVnt. A. Rerguson, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and
correct copy of the original on fire in this office.
VM. A. FERGUSON, Town Clerk.
Dated, Caroline, November 12, 1901.
We, the undersigned, the Town Board of Danby do hereby
certify that the following is an abstract of all names of persons
who have presented to said Board accounts to be audited,.the
amounts claimed by each of said persons and the amounts fin-
ally audited, respectively, to wit: ••
No.Name Service Claimed Allowed •
1 Ithaca Journal, Printing 29 04 29 04
2 Williamson 1,aw Book Co., Supplies___.____5.25 5 25
3 E. E. Swarlout, Assessor 18 00 18 00
4 C. A. Baker,22 00 22 00
5 Henry Jennings, 28 00 28 00
6 Wilton A. Mabee; Inspector..10 00 10 OD
7 Gilbert F. Eghert,10 00 10 00
8 Leroy Charles,10 00 10 00
9 George W. Comfort, Inspector and Messenger 15 56 15 56
10 Andrew Snyder,15 80 15 80
11 Ralph Thatcher;10 00 ' 10 00
116 The. Supervisors' .Proceedings
No. - Name Service Claimed Allowed
12 Edward Dodge, Inspector and Messenger 10 00 10 00
13 Herman Hayward,10 00 10 00
14 Litman Bill,12 00 . 10 00 .
15 Judd Dorn,17 88 15 88
16 John Martin,12 00 10 00
17 John Ryan,12 00 10 00 •
18 George Button, Poll Clerk . 4 00 4 01)
19 Arthur Beardsley, " 4 00 4 00
20 Fred B. Lewis, 4 00 4 00
21 Wilbert Patches, 4 00 4 00'
22 Olin Dorn,4 00 4 00
23 Marcus Hill,4 00 4 00
24 Prank'Bierce, Ballot Clerk 4 00 4 00
25 Ernest Vaple, 4 00 4 00 • ,
26 W. Fc Snyder, " 4 00 4 00
27 henry Fairhrother, 4 00 4 00
28 T. S. Ward,4 00 4 00
29 Seth McFall, 4 00.4 00
30 Z. E. Smiley, Hall Rent 10 i 0 10 00
31 A. J. Snyder, 10 20 10 20
32 Z. E. Smiley, Justice 15 00 15 00
33 J. B. Thatcher, • '13 85 13 85
34 T. W : Slocum, 13 20 13 20
35 H. J. Tuthill,10 64 10 64
36 John L. Hall, Highway Commissioner 103 00 103 00
37 John L. Hall, Road Scraper 50 00 50 00
38 0. S. Jennings, Town Clerk •75 00 75 00
39 O. S. Jennings, Supplies 10 00 10 00
40 O. S. Jennings, Vital Statistic 8 00 8 00
41 Jerry Dorn, Overseer Poor 6 75 6 75
42 Edward Ellison, Overseer Poor 34 48 34 48
43 Edward Ellison, Attendance Officer 20 00 20 00
44 Androus & Church, Supplies 12 00 12 00
45 .Win. H. (taker, Supervisor 25 63 25 63
46 Wm. H. Maker, Ex -Town Clerk 20 00 20 00
47 \Vm. H. ]taker, Attendance Officer 4 00 ' 4 00
48 • Ithaca Childrens' Home, Board of fierce Children_ 78 00 78 00
49 I,. W. Seager, Constable.__10 95 10 95 •
50 I,. I,. Beers, Surveyor 1 00 1 00
51 T. W. Slocum, Justice Service 9 70 9 70
52 C. F. Mettler, Ex- Overseer Poor 8 75 8 75
53 J. E. Beers, Town Bill 8 85 8 85
54 W. A. Smith, Medical Services 12 00 12 00
The Sitjervisors' Proceedings 1±
No Name Service Claimed Allowed
55 A. 3. Snyder, Supplies for Poor 120 55 120 55
56 H. C. Thatcher, Vital Statistic 1 75 1 75
57 H. C. Thatcher, Health Officer 2 00 • 2 00
58 D. H. Ostrander, Supplies for Poor 2 75 2 75
59 De. P. Reid, Lunacy Examinations 5 00 5 00
60 G. M. Wetherill, Vital Statistic 75.75
61 F. L. Nourse, Ex- Commissioner 29 00 29 00
62 J. B. Thatcher, Justice Bill 2 75 •2 75
63 Wm. C. Gallagher, Examination in Lunacy.10 00 10 00
Total _.1,041 08 1,033 08
WM. H. BAKER, Supervisor,
O. S. JENNINGS, Town Clerk,
Justices of the Peace.
1 hereby certify that the above is a true copy of bills audited by the
Auditing Board of the Town of Danby at their annual meeting, November 7th,
1901.O. S. JENNINGS,
Town Clerk.
Dated November 7, 1901.
1 1 •
To the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins :
The following abstract of the names of all persons who
have presented to the Board of Town Auditors of the Town
of Dryden in said county, accounts to he audited during the
year 1901, the amounts claimed by each of such persons and
the amounts finally audited by said Board of Town Auditors
is herewith submitted, pursuant to statute, to wit:
18 Tite Supervisors' Proceedings
No.Naive Nature of Claim .Claimed Allowed
1 J. T. Morris, House for Election and Poll Clerk_ $ 24 00 $ 24 00 .
2 Frank D. Snyder, Inspector and Messenger 17 36 17 36
3 Frank Crutts, Inspector 12 00 12 00
4 Harry Middaugh, "12 00 12 00
5 D. Frank Orsborn, "12 00 12 00
6 Arthur Cornelius, Poll Clerk 4 00 4 00
7 Charles L. Washburn, Ballot Clerk 4 00 4 00
8 G. W. Brown, Inspector and Messenger 6 00 6 00
9 Jacob McKinney, Inspector 4 00 4 00
10 James McMaster, 4 00 4 00
11 Ernest Snyder, Poll Clerk 4 00 400
12 G. W. McKean, Ballot "4 00 4 00
13 R. S. Miller, Inspector No. 2 4 00 4 00
14 E. R. Gaston, l'oll clerk 8 00 8 00
15 John Dusenbery, Inspector 4 00 4 00
16 J. H. Herington, Inspector 16 00 16 00
17 0. K. Rhodes, l'oll Clerk 8 00 8 00
18 Arthur Slights, Inspector. Clerk and Messenger_ 17 80 17 SO
19 William Lumbard, l'oll Clerk 4 00 4 00
20 Nolan King, Ballot Clerk 4 00 4 00
21 \William Van l'elt, Inspector 12 00 12 00
22 Frank Sheldon,12 00 12 00
23 A. T. Niver,12 00 • 12 00
24 R. M. West, 12 00 12 00
25 C. M. Sherwood,. 12 00 12 00
26 Arnold Hopkins, Inspector and Messenger 18 30 18 30-
27 W. F. Miller, Inspector 4 00 4 00
28 I). C. McGregor, -"4 00 4 00
29 C. E. Green, Inspector and Messenger 8 00 8 00
30 J. D. Ross, Poll Clerk 4 00 4 00
31 John M. Ellis, Poll Clerk 4 00 4,00
32 R. P. Clmppins, Ballot Clerk 4 00 4 00
33 W. H. Drake, 4 00 4 00
34 A. M. Clark, House for Election 20 00 20 00
35 Fred Ellis, House for Election, assigned to Chas.
Coon.___.___10 00 10 00
36 Fred Ellis, House for Election 10 00 10 00
37 C. H. Richardson, Inspector 4 00 4 00
38 C. W. Monroe,4 00 4 00
39 E. Jay Sutfin,12 00 12 00
40 Fay Skillings, Inspector and Messenger 6 00 6 00
41 I,. N. Sutliff, assigned to J. H. Pox4 00 8 00
42 Prank Douglass, and Messenger 18 32 18 32
The SuAervisors' Proceedings 119
No.Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed
43 PL C. Sutliff, Inspector 12 00 12 00
44 E. T. Brown,and Poll Clerk 8 00 8 00
45 T. R. Bryant,12 00 12 00
46 Truman Teeter, Poll Clerk 4 00 4 00
47 Edward Wallace, Ballot Clerk 4 00 4 00
48 J. G. Lumbard,4 00 4 00
49 A. G. Sager, Poll Clerk, Assigned to R. I,. Sager 4 00 4 00
50 W. Glen Mineah, Inspector and Messenger 17 80 17 80
51 Wilifard Shaver, Poll Clerk_4 00 4 00
52 Prank Vanhorn,4 00 4 00
53 Geo. S. Hart, Ballot Clerk 4 00 4 00
54 John West, Inspector 12 00 12 00
55 Elroy Stanton, "12 00 12 00
56 Henry Sevy, 17 00 17 00
57 3. E. Oviatt, Poll Clerk 4 00 4 00
58 R. D. Simons, Inspector 4 00 4 00
59 W. J. Shaver, Inspector and Assessor Clerk 14 00 14 00
60 J. J. Cole, Inspector work on booths 5 00 5 00
61 . A. C. Stone, Hall of election, assigned to F. E.
Daning -20 00 20 00
62 Ithaca Journal, Printing 2 00 2 00
63 H. W. Williams, Vital Statistics, assigned to F. E.
Daning 25 25
64 Matthew Bender, Assessor Man.3 20 3 20
65 C. II. Monroe, Repairing Road Machine'1 50 1 50
66 F. W. Smith, Assessor 64 00 64 00
67 A. A. Sager,64 00 - 64 00•
68 Henry Schofield "74 00 74 00
69 F. S. Jennings, Services as per contract and Vital
Statistics 14 50 14 50
70 R. M. West, work on booths 4 00 4 00
71 Oliver T. Mather, Vital Statistics 1 75 1 "75
72 J. C. Lorrnor, Overseer Poor 22 00 22 00
73 IL Williams, rebate tax 2 50 2 50
74 La Drew Sherwood, Inspector Assigned to Geo. -
I >nikerson 4 00 4 00
75 Morris Sweetlan, Truant Officer 8 60 8 60
76 J. O. Howser,6 50 6 50
77 M. E. Crutts,60 60
78 M. S. Leek, Vital Statistics 75 75
79 Judson Beach, services as per contract, Vital Sta-
tistics 3517 35 17
80 . Geo. L. hood, services as per contract 28 42 28 42
120 The Supervisors' Proceedings
No.Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed
81 Geo. Fulkersou, House for Election 20 00 20 00
82 0. T. Ellis, Constable 1 75 16 75
83 G. Rummer, Commissioner Highway, 1900 __. 306 00 306 00.
84 Casper Sherwood, Constable 33 35 33,35
85 Stillwell S Ross, Printing 86 73 86 73
86 W. P. Harrington, City-Ithaca 9 64 9 64
87 G. Rummer, Repair Scraper 14 52 14 52
88 G. Rummer,.operating Steam Crusher 155 94 155 94
89 0. T. Ellis, Constable 9 95 9 95
90 0. Rummer, Norton Bridge 590 16 590 i6
91 F. E. Darling, Town Clerk 134 11 ' 134 11
92 IL A. Strong, Constable____ -___._1 00 1 00
93 B. Snyder, Overseer of Poor 82 00 82 00
94 Homer Genuug, services as per contract and Vital
Statistics 49 47 49 47
95 G. E.. Hanford, Repairs to Scraper 5 56 5 56
96 J. D. Ross, Service bill 24 00 24 00
97 Milo B. Smith, Service•bill 12 00 12 00
98 John Shaver, Service hill 20 00 20 00
99 Criminal bill 2 05 2 05
100 .1. Snyder, Criminal bill 14 80 14 80
101 Service bill 14 00 1400
102 J. D. Ross, Criminal bill __..2 15 2 15
103 G. E. Underwood, Service and Vital Statistics T6 50 6 50
104 G. E. Underwood, Criminal bill 10 35 10 35 .
105 J. B. Wilson, Supervisor 53.67 53 67
106 A. Snyder, Vital Statistics _1 75 1 75
107 Ithaca Children's Home 177 50 177 50
108 W. H. Burnham, Overseer Poor, Groton 6 95 6 95
109 26 20
110 M. W Goodyear, lunacy proceedings 5 00 5 00
111 City Hospital (Lyman Smith)21'00 21 00
112 J. W. Bulkley, San?'11 JO
113 G. W. Gibson, house for caucuses 15 15 00
114 J. D. Ross, Vital Statistics 5 25 5 25
115 Robert Stillwell, Inspector and 3essenger 24 12 - 24 12
116 J. J. Montgomery, per contract 30 '62 30 62
117 J. J. Montgomery, Vital Statistics 3 75 3 75
118 E. Davis Allen, Vital Statistics 5 50 5 50
119 E. Davis. Allen, per contract 30 62 30 62
120 _ D.M. . White, Poll Clerk 8 00 8 00
121 Eugene Space, Poll Clerk 8 00 8 00
122 G. E. Goodrich, Poll Clerk and Messenger 10 00 10 00
The Supervisors' Proceedings 121
No.Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed
123 H. M. Givens,, Poll Clerk 8 00 8 00
124 Frank Busch, Inspector 4 00 4 00
125 lI. C. Foster, Inspector 12 00 12 00
126 Thomas Busch, Inspector 12 00 12 00
127 Geo. 13illinger, Inspector 12 00 12 00
128 E. D. Branch, house for election 1900 and 1901 ___ 30 00 30 00
129 G. P. Goodrich, Attorney_.______10 00 10 00
130 ' V. A. Reed, Lunacy '5 00 5 00
131 E. A. Sovocool, Constable 10 45 10 45
132 13. Ellis, Ballot Clerk 4 00 4 00
3,039 28 $3,011 13
To the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of the County of
Ve, the undersigned, the Town Board of said town do
hereby certify that the following is an abstract of the names
of all persons who have presented to said Board accounts to
be audited, the amounts claimed by each of said persons, and
the amounts finally audited by us respectively, to wit:
No.Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed
1 H. D. Bailey, Poll Clerk 4 00 4 00
2 • Kirk Fonder,4 00 4 00
3 Fred I). Rumsey "4 00 4 00
4 J. M. Russell 4 00 4 00
5 Howard Miller, Ballot Clerk 4 00 4 00
6 Miner McDaniels 4 00 4 00
7 W. D. Rockwell 4 00 4 00
8 L. C.•Vau Marter, Inspector 12 00 12 00
9 Jess Ross,12 00 12 00
10 Orrin Austin, assigned to Chas. Wright, Inspector 12 00 12 00
122 The .Supervisors' Proceen4ngs
No.Nacre Nature of Service Claimed Allowed
11 Edwin I. Ford, Inspector 12 00 12 00
12 William Sturdevaut, Inspector 12 00 12 00
13 Bred Warren,8 00 8 00
14 Henry Rotheamitch, Inspector and Messenger 17 64 17 64
15 Edwin F. Bailey, Inspector and Messenger, as-
signed to Charles Wright 17 64 17 64'
16 George Love, Assessor 1900 33 00 33 00
17 J. G. Jones,1901 36 00 36 00
18 Frank Cummings, Assessor 1901 38 50 38 50
19 J. L. Georgia,32 00 32 00
20' H. D. Bailey, ex-Town Clerk 24 75 24 75
21 Vital Statistics 3 50 3 50
22 A. S. Knight, Health Officer 32 00 32 00
23 10 50 10 50
24 Reports 14 30 14 30
25 General Work 20 40 20 40
26 Charles Burlew, Board of Health 2 00 2 00
27 Dr. Abram Chase, Poor Case _-19 75 19 75
28 Ithaca Democrat, Bill of 1900 and 1901 26 30 26 30
29 Alvah YanGorder, Wilkins case 2 00 2 00
30 'Williamson Law Book Co 9 70 9, 70
31 S. II. Carry R. R. Corr 4 50 4 50
32 P. 1'. Stevenson R. R. Com 4 50 4 50
33 Wheeler Smith R. R. Com 20 00 20 00
34 William Tucker, Overseer of Poor 29 50 29 50
35 Owego Bridge Co., one bridge with foundations
purchased in 1900 395 00 395 00
36 Owego Bridge Co., interest on 8395 from August
13, 1900 23 17 23 17
37 Martin Dunham, Truant Officer 40 00 40 00
38 Carey J. -IIarvey, use of hall 24 00 24 00
39 Tompkins, Cobb S Cobb, Thatcher case 56 00 56 00
40 Frank Teeter, use of hall 20 00 20 00
41 Henry Welling, Overseer of Poor 10 73 10 73
42 supplies 7 37 7 37
43 John M. Baker, Inspector and Ballot Clerk 8 00 8 00
44 Ithaca Journal Election Notices 2 04 2 04
45 Charles E. Davis, Wagner case, 1900 5 00
46 A. T. Knight,6 25
47 H. B. Itesemer, Hendricks case, 1899 39 20
48 Frank D. Fish, Commissioner 134 00 134 00
49 Borroughs Oltz, ex-Commissioner 18 00 18 00
50 A. T. Knight; Mallory ease, 1900 28 50
The Saebervssors' Proceedings 123
No.Nance Nature of Seri-ice Claimed Allowed
51 Pred Chase, Justice bill 6 00 6 00
52 Charles Gray 9 00 9 00
53 H. A. Rockwell, Justice bill 17 00 17 00
54 Charles Pletcher,17 00 17 00
55 Clinton Updike, Town Clerk, supplies 2 95 -2 95
56 73 50 73 50
57 Town Clerk, vital statistics 14 50 14 50 %
58 J. H. Hine, Supervisor 55 00 55 00
In witness whereof we hereunto subscribe our navies this 7th day of
November, 1901.
JAMES H. HINE, Supervisor,
IL A. ROCKWELL, Justice,
We, the undersigned Town Board of the Town of Groton,
do hereby certify that the following is an abstract of the names
of all person who have presented to said Board, accounts to
be audited, the amount claimed by each of said persons and
the amounts finally audited, respectively, to -wit :
No. Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed
1 W. H. Burnham, Overseer of -Poor 76 00 $ 76 00
2 W. H. Burnham, Assessor's Clerk 16 00 16 00
3 J. I. Booth & Son, funeral service, poor 25 00 25 00
4 G. M. Gilchrist, vital statistics 2 25 2 25
5 M. A. Avery, Assessor_____..60 00 60 00
6 Groton Village, use of hall 50 00 50 00
7 W. D. Conklin, Inspector and Messenger 21 37 21 37
8 C. A. Hart, Poll Clerk 4 00 " 4 00
9 Arthur C. Upson, Inspector 12 00 . 12 00 .
10 Chas. Cooper, Poll Clerk 4 00 4 00
12¢The Sarfiervrsars' Proceedings
No.Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed
11 Irving Clark, Inspector 12 00 12 00 '
12 J. A. Gaston, Inspector and- Messenger ____- .___.._ 14 00 14 00
13 Daniel Morgan, Ballot Clerk____.. 4 00 ' • 4 00
14 Stoyell Alley, Ballot Clerk 4 00 4 00
15 John Gifford, Inspector 12 00_ 12 00
16 Bert Strong, Inspector 12 01) 12 00
17 George Gifford, Ballot Clerk 4 00 4 00
18 B. S. Whitman, Poll Clerk____4 00 4 00
19 Alex McKinney, Ballot Clerk 4 00 4 00
20 Benn Fogerty, Ballot Clerk 4 00 4 00
21 J. C. Bothwell. Inspector 12 00 12 00
22 James Lynaugh, Inspector 12 00 12 011
23 '1'. I,. McGrail,. Inspector 12 00 12 00
24 M. C. Cranson, Inspector and 'Messenger 18 00 18 00
25 James Mothers, Inspector__.._12 00 12 00
26 R. II. Shaw, Poll Clerk 4 00 4 00
27 E. R: Haydn, Poll Clerk 4 00 4 00
28 Win. I). Baldwin, Inspector and Messenger 18 44 18 44
29 D. Bowman, Poll Clerk.4 00 4 00
30 W. H. liostenbader; Ballot Clerk 4 00 4 00
31 L. H. 1Ietzgar, Ballot Clergy:4 00 4 00
32 Leon Buck, Ballot Clerk 4 00 4 00
33 Ed. Metzgar, Ballot Clerk 4 00 4 00
34 FL C. Stevens, Roll Clerk 4 00 4 00
35 Leroy Smith, Inspector and Messenger 14 00 14 00
36 Fred Apgar, Inspector 12 00 12 00
37 James Waterman, Inspector and Messenger 21 68 21 68
38 B. 0. Wilson, Inspector 12 00 12 00
39 P. C. Atwood, poor supplies 52 15 52 15
40 M. 31. Robbins, Constable___.2 25 2 25
41 Newton Baldwin, Justice 1 10 1 10
42 Newton Baldwin, Justice 1 10 1 10
43 Newton Baldwin, Justice 6 25 6 25
44 Newton Baldwin, Justice 8 00 8 00
45 C. A. Boyce, doctoring poor 38 00 38 00
46 M. M." Robbins, Constable____....2 40 2 40
47 B. L. Robinson, vital statistics .5 00 5 00
50- -A. 1r. •loward, vital statistics 2 00 2 00
51 A. F. Howard, Assessor 42 00 42 00
52 C. E. Burr, vital statistics 2 50 2 50
53 A. M. Francis, Supervisor 15 25 15 25
54 'I. 1). Goodyear, doctoring poor 50 00 50 00
55 M. I). Goodyear, vital statistics____..10 75 10 75
e $uperv7;cors' I ?roceeahags 12
No.Name Nature oLService Claimed Allowed
56 'W. H. Buckley, Assessor 20 00 20. 00
57 E. R. Nye, use of hall 25 00 25 00
58 Pickens & Bower, supplies, etc 50 50
59 Gooding & Holladay, poor supplies 26 40 26 40
60 H. C. Stevens,20 20 20 20
61 Begent & Wilcox, lumber for booths 25 25
62 Begeut & Wilcox, poor supplies 4 28 4 28
63 Charles Hyde, guard 2 00 2 00
64 John S. Love, rent Ilastings Sisters 36 00 36 00
65 Charles Hyde, Truant Officer 30 00 30' 00
66 Charles Hyde, Constable 9 73 9 73
67 Charles Hyde, • 6 -10 6 40
68 Charles Hyde,3 70 3 70
69 Charles Hyde,5 90 5 90 -
70 Charles Hyde, 1 75 1 75
71 Charles Hyde, 7 60 7 60
72 Charles Hyde,.23 65 23 65
73 'M. Webster, for board, Eli Webster 190 00•
74 F. B. Harris, supplies 146 03 146 03
75 W. C. Allen, use of hall and supplies 18 00 18 00
76 D. R. Stout, use of hall -15 00 15 00
77 Mrs. Mary Kelsey; rent of land 6 00 6 00
78 A. C. Knapp, Vital Statistics 50 50
79 N.A.Collings,supplies Town Clerk for Registration 85 85
80 H. R. Hill, carting booths 1 00 1 00
81 Amos Avery, 'work on booths, assigned to J. M.
Montfort 6 00 6 00
82 Antos Avery, work on booths 14 00 14 00
83 Buck & Gohel, supplies 110 61 110 61
84 G. M. Stoddard, Legal Services 15 00 15 00
85 N. G. Wilcox, supplies 41 05 41 05
86 N. G. Wilcox, 96 96
87 N. G. Wilcox,16 64 16 64
88 H. Geuuug, Vital Statistics 50 50
89 W. D. White, Committee of Highways 16 00 16 00
90 M. A. Downing, Town Clerk 26 50 26 50
91 R. 11. Lincoln, work 011 Highway 5 50 5 50
92 H. M. Hamilton, Town Clerk 101 58 lf1 58
93 Will B. Sears, Commissioner of Highway 182 00 182 00
94 C. A. Boyce, lunacy case 5 00 5 00
95 L. J. Townley & Son, printing 77 10 77 10
96 H. S. Hopkins, Justice 23 00' 23 00
97 J. M. Montfort, Justice 18 00 18 00
126 The Supervisors' Proceedfnga
No.Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed
98 J. M. Montfort, poor supplies 36 00 36 00
99 J. M. Montfort, vital statistics 75 . 75
100 Stacy Ballard, tax rebate___50 50
101 Newton Baldwin, Justice 24 25 24
102 H. S. Hopkins, 1 95 1 95
103 11. S. Hopkins,2 00 2 00
104 H. S. Hopkins,2 95 2 95
105 H. S. Hopkins, 95 95
106 11. S. Hopkins,3 45 3 45
107 H. S. Hopkins; 8 25 8 25
108 11. S. Hopkins,3 05 3 05
109 C. W. Conger & Co., poor supplies 17 84 17 84
110 Dana Rhodes, legal services 32 50 32 50
111 J. I. Booth & Son, funeral poor 25 00 25 00
112 Nelson Stevens, Justice.20 00 20 00
113 R. N. Mount, Supervisor 43 00 43 00
114 Harry Sandwick, damage bill 50 00 50 00
52,292 11 52,102 11
R. N. MOUNT, Supervisor.
H. M. HAMILTON, Town Clerk.
I hereby certify the foregoing to he a true copy of the original as on file
in my office.
HAMILTON, 'Town Clerk.
The following abstract of the names of all persons who
have presented to the Town Board of Ithaca, Tompkins
County, their accounts and audited by said Board, to -wit:
No.Name Nature of Claim. Claimed Allowed
1 J. W. Tourtelotte, Inspector 18 20 18'20
2 A. J. Teeter, Justice of Peace 24 50•24 50
3 M. Vmi Ormon, Polling Place 30 00 30 00
4 M. Van Orman, Office Rent____.26 00 26 00
The erviSitsors' Proceedings 127
No Name .Nature of Service Claimed Allowed
5 Town Clerk Disbursments, Vital Statistics any Ser-
vice Bill 116 60 116 60
6 M. J. Acton, Erroneous Tax 2 00 2 00
7 A. J. Coe, Constable 13 58 13 58
8 Thomas McGaugh, assigned to Morris Mahaney ___ • 18 50 18 50
9 Andrus '8z. Church, Supplies_-8 21 8 29
10 S. M. Thomson, Assessor 28 00 28 00
11 S, M. Thomas, fence viewing 4 00 4 00
12 Charles Lenord, Ballot Clerk 4 00 4 00
13 L. 13. Frear, Poll •Clerk and Inspector 16 00 16 00
14 Charles A. Teeter, Inspector 4 00 4 00
15 W. J. Smith, Poll Clerk and Inspector 10 00 10 00
16 L. M., Burtt, Inspector 12 00 12 00
17 Fred Spencer, Ballot Clerk 4 00 4 00
18 S. M. Updike, Ballot Clerk and Inspector 8 00 8 00
19 Ed. Masters, Inspector and Poll Clerk 16 00 16 00
20 D. E. Hopkins, Inspector and Filing Returns 10 00 10 00
21 F. B. Pearson, Poll Clerk..4 00 4 00
22 _ Fred Northup, Polling Place 30 00 30 00
23 Alford Hasbrouck, Assessor 28 00 28 00
24 Ithaca Journal, publishing ___. __—2 50 2 50
25 Ellis Manning, Inspector 4 00 4 00
26 Earl Northup, Inspector and Piling 26 70 26 70
27 James Bush, Inspector 12 00 12 00
28 T. S. Bush, Ballot Clerk 4 00 4 00
29 W. J: Troy, Inspector 12 00 12 00
30 Collins Gundermau, Ballot Clerk___.4 00 4 00
31 T. J. Burns, disbursments 5 50 5 50
32 Jacob Wilcox, Inspector 16 00 - 16 00
33 Chas. H. Palmer, Poll Clerk 4 00 4 00
34 A. W. Kline, Inspector and Poll Clerk 8 00 8 00
35 David Vannata, Poll Clerk, assigned to J. Hanshaw 4 00 4 00
36 Ithaca Democrat, publishing
t 38,32 38 32.
37 Clyde Manning, Inspector and Poll Clerk •8 00 8 00
38 Geo. E. Stevens, Assessor 38 00 38 00
39 John J. Hanshaw, Supervisor 39 50 39 50
40 John J. Hanshaw, gravel 21 75 21 75
41 Dennis Shea, Justice of Peace 16 50 16 50
42 hired Icing, lumber __ —_214 60 203 42
43 L. O. Williams, Truant Officer 14 00 14 00
44 L. O. Williams, Constable 5 10 5 10
45 Frank Mitchell, IIealth Officer 16 00 16 00
46 Geo. O. Williams, plant-31 05 31 05
128 The Supervisors' Proceedings
No Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed
47 \Vm. McKenny, gravel -5 40 5 40
48 . I,. P. Colgrove, Justice of l'eace 89 35 89 35
49 H. A. Brown, Commissioner of Highway 593 65 593 65
50 Driscoll 13rotlrers, supplies 237 39 287 89
51 E. O. Godfrey,. supplies 30 43 30 43
52 C. J. Rumsey, paint and oil ____41 50 41 50
53 A. T..Vangorder, services 6 75 6 75
54 A. T. Vangorder 24 00 24 00
55 H. A. Brown, fence viewing 6 00 6 00
56 Williamson Law Book Co 26 00 26 00
57 Geo. B. Sutton, Justice of Peace 20 50 20 50
Total 2,112 66, 52,101 48
11. VAN OR\IAN,•rown Clerk.
I I.
V'e, the undersigned, the !I'ovv-n Board of the Town of
Lansing, do hereby certify: That the following is an abstract
of the names of all persons who have presented to said Board
accounts to he audited, the amounts chained by each of said •
persons and the amounts finally audited respectively, to -wit:
No.Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed
1 John Parkins, service bill on highway
2 Ithaca Journal, printing bill'29 75 29 75
3 C. E. Wood, disbursements 2 43 2 43
4 C. M. Egbert, poor supplies 3 01 3 01
5 C. M. Egbert, "14 00 14 00
6 C. M. Egbert, 1900 30 00 30 00
7 S. 1. Barnes, As'sessor's Bill 42 00 42 00
8 C. E. Wood, registering statistics 23 75 23 74
7 John 1'. Knettles, }'lank, 1900 10 63 10 63
10 Dr. Wetherell, medical service and returning sta-
tistics 86 58 18 00
11 Dr. W. G. Fish, medical service and lunacy 30 00 30 00
The Supervisors' Proceedings 12•
No.Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed
12 Dr. W. G. Fish, medical service 12 50 12 50
13 Dr. W. G. Fish, returning statistics 12 50 12 50
14 C. E. Wood, copying for assessor 12 00 12 00
15 C. 1). Ifowell, returning statistics 50 50
16 Dr. Knapp, returning statistics 1 75 1 7S
17 W. E. Davis, Assessor's bill____ __-34 00 34 00
18 Cassius Holden, Ballot Clerk 4 00 4 00
19 - F. J. Woolley, service at town election 4 00 4 00
20 Albert Wood, Poll Clerk __-4 00 • _ 4 00
21 FrankJefferson, '' 4 00 4 00
22 John H.Conklin, " 4 00 4 00
23 Willie Egbert, 4 00 4 00
24 Glen L. Bacon " 4 00 4 00
25 G. C. Gifford, 4 00 4 00
26 Richard Barnes, Ballot Clerk 4 00 4 00
27 Edson Beverly, 4 00 4 00
28 John C. Rasbach, Ballot Clerk 4 00 4 00
29 Orley Van Marta 4 00 4 00
30 Clayton Haring, Inspector of Election 12 00 12 00
31 Sibley Drake,12 00 12 00
32 George Smith,'12 00 12 00
33 Frank Singer,12 00 12 00
34 John Parkins,12 00 12 00
35 C. H. Bacon,12 00 12 00
36 James Clark,12 00 12 00
37 Noble Wilson,12 00 12 00
38 Arthur Lobdell, Inspector and Messenger 20 12 20 12
39 Gardner Burling, 17 64 17 64
40 Milton Eastham, 14 00 14 00
41 John C. Van Aitken, "19 80 19 80
42 C. 13. Miller, Assessor's Service Bill 36 00 36 00
43 Harry I- Ierriek, use of hall 10 00 10 00
44 Harry Herrick, repairing roadseraper 19 50 19 50
45 Clayton Bower, meals for jury 3 00 3 00
46 Delos Haring, Overseer of Poor, services____35 00 35 00
47 Chas. Drake, returning statistics 50 50
48 Nathan Williams, Commissioner's 'service 44 00 44'00
49 Dr. A: Rosecrnns, returning statistics 2 75 2 75
50 Chas. Drake, criminal hill 10 40' 10 40
51 City of Ithaca, poor supplies to Martha Emory13 75 13 75
52 City of Ithaca, poor supplies to Wm. Powers_73 65 73 65 ,
53 City of Ithaca, poor supplies to Chas. 13. Jacobs60 60 52 60 •
54 Win. Lane, highway damage bill 100 00 25 00
130 The Supervisors' Proceedings
No.Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed
55 G. C. Gifford, criminal bill 2 50 2 50
56 B. M. Ilagin, plank 9 12 9 12
57 C. 0. Drake, plank 85 00 85 00
58 Middaugh & Ozmun, plank 63 66 63 66
59 R. Miller, plank 19 93 19 93
60 Chas. D. Howell, criminal bill 15 65 15 65
61 Albert Van Auken, truant service 6 33 6 33
62 0. S. Van fatten & Son, coal for T. Wright______5 25 5 25
63 R. Miller, use of hall 15 00 15 00
64 Albert Van Auken, constable service 50 20 50 20
65 C. M. Buck, commissioner, service bill 192 00 192 00
66 C. G. Hagin, repairs on roadscraper 15 65 15 65
67 C. G. Ilagin, service bill 2 00 2 00
68 Charles I). Howell, Justice, criminal service 6 SO 6 80
69 Charles D. Howell, 6 20 6 20
70 Archer Ifockman, plank 3 45 3 45
71 Dana Freese, damage to horse on highway 115 50 90 00
72 John Maack, plank 4 37 4 37
73 John Mack, plank 54 96 54 96
74 N. E. Lyon, use of hall and service 30 00 30 00
75 R*ellmore Townley, Justice service___18 00 18 00 -
76 Chas. D. Rowell,20 00 20 00
77 C. E. Wood, Town Clerk, service bill 48 00 48 00
78 R. H. Brown, Justice service hill 12 00 12 00
79 B. AI. Ilagin, service bill 20 00 20 00
80 Chas. Drake, service hill 20 00 20 00 •
Sl B. M. Hagin, to pay notes of Commissioner of
Highway 6801'0 680'00
2,404 60 $2,314 60
13. AI. I-IAGIN, Supervisor.
CFIAS. D. HOWELL, Justice.
R. If. 13ROWN, Justice.
C. E. WOOD, Town Clerk.
The Supervisors' Proceedings 131
We, the undersigned, the Town Board of the Town of
Newfield, do hereby certify: That the following is an abstract
of the names of all persons who have presented to said Board
accounts to be audited, the amounts claimed by each of said
persons and the amounts finally audited respectively, to -wit:
No.Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed
1 Jay Swartwood, Inspector District No. 9 12 00 12 00
2 James II Cook, Inspector and Messenger, District
No. 2 17 96 17 96
3 'Arthur E. DeGraw, Inspector District No. 2__ ___ 12 00 12 00
4 Emmitt Cook, Ballot Clerk, District No. 2 --------- 4 00 4 00
5 George Thomas, Inspector District No. 2 12 00 12 00
6 Alvah D. Brown, Poll Clerk District No. 2 - _4 00 4 00
7 Daniel W. Gore, Poll Clerk District No. 2 4 00 4 00
8 Vern Swartwood, Ballot Clerk District No. 2 4 00 4 00
9 David V. Congdon, Poll Clerk, District No..3 4 00 4 00
10 E. S. VauKirk, Poll Clerk District No. 3 4 00_4 00
11 Watson McDaniels, Inspector and Messenger Dis-
trict No: 3 17 64 17 64
12 Charles McDaniels, Ballot Clerk District No. 3 ._ 4 00 4 00
13 P. S. Starr, Ballot Clerk District No. 3 4 00 4 00
14 B. P. McAllister, Inspector District No. 3 12 00 12 00'
15 J. M. Peck, Inspector District No. 3 12 00 12 00
16 W. L. Puff, Justice of l'eacecosts, criminal case_- 6 40 6 40
17 Albert Dassance, Commissioner of Highways, high-
way notes 719 74 719 74
18 Charles W. McCaru, R. R. Bonding, Coin. services 6 00 6 00 "
19 A. D. Brown, use of house for election 10 00 10 00
20 Ithaca Children's Home, care of Geo. Brill 52 50 52 50
21 W. L. l'uff, Truant Officer 15 80 15 80
22 1 S. Dudley, use of Hall '20 00 20 00
23 W. E. Hine, Assessor services 38 30 38 30
24 Geo. W. 1 -lam, Constable fees in lunacy case 90 90
25 Dr: A. S. Knight, Vital Statistics 4 50-4 25
26 Aaron Alexander, use of shop for election - - ___— 10 00 10 00
27 Smith J. Douglass, Inspector District No. 1 __12 00 12 00
23 Wm. Curkendall, Constable, assigned to \V. H.
VanOstrand, care of Wm. Kelley 41 25 30 00
29 Wm. H. Anderson, Inspector. District No. 3 12 00 12 00
30 Wm. 0. Grover, erroneous tax 2 05
132 77ie Supervisors' Proceedings
No. • Name Nature.of Service Claimed Allowed
31 John Curkendall, assisting in the care of \Vnl Kelly 15 00 5 00
32 Dr. Wm. A. Smith, Vital Statistics 7 25 7 25
33 Geo. W. Peck, Overseer of the Poor, supplies 168 66 168 66
34 Geo. W. Peck, Overseer of the Poor, Wm. Kelly
lunacy case 25 95 25 95
35 Geo. W. Peck, Overseer of the Poor, services 25 00 25 00
36 Elmer Callow, Constable bill, criminal case 6 70 ' 6 70
37 A. D. Brown, Vital Statistics 50 50
38 George F. Foote, Constable bill, criminal case 8 SO 8 80
39 Geo. F. Foote, Constable bill, criminal case, as—
signed to S. D. Cook 3 00 3 00
40 William Clark, Assessor, services 40 30 40 30
41 E. E. Alexander, ex- Commisiouer of Highways,
services 61 00 61 00
42. Owego Bridge Co., bridge and repairs on Inlet468 00 468 00
43 William Weatherell, Ballot Clerk District No. 14 00 4 00
44 '0. B. Pendorff, Constable fees, criminal case, as-
signed to A. D. Brown 6 00 6 00
45 A. H. Palmer, R. R. Bonding Com.60 05 60 05
46 John W. Dean, R. R. I3onding Com 61 55 61 65
47 John W.Dean, Justice of the Peace, criminal cases16 65 16 65
48 Dr. J. M. Townsend, lunacy case 5 00 5 00
49 \Vo'. Weatherell, Justice of the Peace services 18 00 18 00
50 W. I., Puff, Justice of the Peace services 18 00 18 00
51 A. D. Brown, Justice of the Peace services 18 00 18 00
52 Estus Patterson, Town Clerk 42 50 42 50
53 Geo. W. l'eck, Overseer of the Poor, supplies 53 34 53 34
54 1,. H. Taber, Assessor services 45 80 45 80
55 J. F. Tracy, Surveyor, services 5 00 5 00
56 Estus Patterson, Town Clerk, assigned to 51. R.
Bardwell_ -___47 00 47 00
57 Fred W. Payne, Ballot Clerk District No. 1 4 00 4 00
58 Frank W. Roe, Inspector District No. 1 12 00 12 00
59 A. H. Palmer, Inspector and Messenger District
No.1 1764 17 64
60 Samuel W. Belles, Inspector District No. 1 12 00 12 00
61 C. B. Boice, Poll Clerk District No. 1 4 00 4 00 •
62 Estus Patterson, Poll Clerk District No. 1____.._ 4 00 4 00
63 Ithaca Journal, Printing 41 05 41 05
64 Albert Dassance, Commissioner of Flighways, ser-
vices 129 '00 129 00
65 H. W. Van Ostrand, Supervisor's bill_.30 06 30 06
66 John P. Beers, Vital Statistics 25 25
The Supervisors' Proceedfugs .133
No.Name Nature of Service Claimed A11owed
67 W. H. Van°strand, in the matter of refunding the
Towti Bonds 13 46 13 46
68 John W. Dean, Justice of the Peace services -14 00 14 00
69 W. W. Tompkins, Truant Officer 40 30 40 30
Total 2,631 85 2,608 30
W. H. VAN OS'1'RAND, Supervisor,
JOHN W. DEAN, Justice of the Peace,
A. D. BROWN, Justice of .the Peace,
WM. WEATHERELL, Justice of the Peace,
W. L. PUFF, Justice of the Peace,
I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the Town Audits,
audited by the Board of Auditors of the Town of Newfield at their anntial
meeting held November 7th, 1901.
To the Clerk of' the Board of Supervisors of the County of
We, the undersigned, the Town Board and the Town
Board of Audit of the said Town of Ulysses, do hereby, certify,
that the following is an abstract of the names of all persons
who have presented to the said Board, accounts to be audited,
the amounts claimed by each of said persons and the amounts
finally audited -by us,.respectively, to -wit:
No Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed
1, Robert Carberry, Inspector of Election, old bill__ $ 40 00 $ 40 00
2 Dr. J. M. Townsend, examination in lunacy 5 00 5 00
3 A. Chase, examination in lunacy 5 00 5,00
134 The Snpervzsors' Proceedings
No.Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed
4 A. P. Osburn, Inspector and messenger 18 04 18 04
5 Charles Conners, Ballot Clerk 4 00 4 00
6 A. Chase, medical services to F. King 5 00 5 00
7 Thos. G. Miller, supplies 1 25 1 25
8 E. J. Farrington, Poll Clerk 4 00 4 00
9 Willet Terry, Inspector, assigned to E. J. Farring-
ton 4 00 4 00
10 O. G. Noble, legal services 3 00 3 00
11 Prank Terry, Ballot Clerk 4 00 4 00
12 Seneca Spicer, Constable, service bill 17 80 17 80
13 C. T. Fan :Inked Ballot Clerk 4 00 4 00
14 C. C. Page, legal services 3 00 3 00
15 W. I. Sherwood, Inspector 12 00 12 00
16 Williamson Law Book Co., tax laws 9 75 9 75
17 Alexander Updike, Inspector. -4 00 4 00
18 L. W. Carpenter, vital statistics 1 75 1 75
19 Henry Luckey, Inspector 4 00 4 00
20 Wm. E. D7cKeel,, Inspector 12 00 12 00
21 I,. H. Van Kirk, filing coupons 2 50 2 50
22 Edward Corcoran, Inspector 4 00 4 00
23 Ithaca Childrens' Home, care of John .Cowen 78 00 78 00
24 N. R. Gifford, Inspector 16 00 16 00
25 Clark Grant, Poll Clerk 4 00 4 00
26 Charles Delehant, Inspector 16 00 16 00
27 W. D. Halsey, Poll Clerk 4 00 4 00
28 Dr. C. E. Davis, medical services 8 00 8 00
29 Harry D. Colegrove, Inspector 4 00 4 00.
30 M. T. Williamson, Ballot Clerk 4 00 4 00
31 John Wets, Inspector and Messenger 17.96 17 96
32 Frank Becker, Poll Clerk, assigned" to O. G.
Noble 4 00 4 00
33 A. Chase, medical sevices 5 00 5 00
34 G. A. Ilopkins, supplies______13 45 13 45
35 F. E. Selover, Poll Clerk 8 00 8 00
36 ,Demetrius E. Sears, Overseer Poor, service bill— 85 08 85 08
37 James H. Thompson, Inspector 16 00 16 00
38 Henry Williams, Truant Officer 13 60 13 60
39 C. C. Page, register of vital statistics 24 50 24 50
40 E. R. Osterhout, medical services 1 50 1 50
41 15. R. Osterhout, medical services 9 00 9 00
42 E. R. Osterhout, vital statistics 2 25 2 25
43 E. R. Osterhout, Health Officer 30 bo 30 00
44 A. F. Allen, printing 3 90 3 90
The Sapervrsors' Proceeding)135
No.Name Nature of Service Claimer) Allowed
45 J. M. Townsend, medical services 6 00 6 00
46 J. M. Townsend, medical services____1 50 1 50
47 A. F. Allen, printing 78 09 78'09
48 Sarah Able, services for health officer 5 00 5 00
49 V. Bouton, Poll Clerk, assigned to C. C. Page - 4 00 - 4 00
50 E. W. Prager, board jury, Van Order trial 1 73 1 75
51 E. R. Stilwell, Assessor, service bill 72 15 72 15
52 V. Houton, Poll Clerk, assigned to C. C. Page4 00 4 00
53 H. Van Order, house for assessors 2 00 2 00
54 M. T. Rolfe, Assesor, service bill 40 75 40 75
55 1 AV. Carpenter, medical services 20 00 20 00
56 D. W. Carpenter, medical services 5 00 5 00
57 Everal Church, Poll Clerk 4 00 4 00
58 J. I. Townsend, medical services 9 50 9 50
59 Dr. W. A. Smith, medical services. old bill-40 00 40 00
60 Charles 11. Hoffmire, Highway Commissioner,
service bill 13200 13200
61 W. H. Van Dine, Poll Clerk 4 00 4 00
62 lra H. Smith, Ballot Clerk 4 00 4 00
63 O. G. Noble, Justice of the Peace, service bill20 00 20 00
64 O. G. Noble, Justice of the l'eace, criminal bill13 30 13 30
65 Samuel Frazier, Constable, service bill 17 35 17 - 35
66 Henry Williams, Justice of the Peace, service bill
assistant to M. T. Williamson 8 00 8 00
67 Henry Williams, Justice, service bill, assigned to
O. G. Noble 16 00 16 00
68 Michael Terrell, Inspector 16 00 16 00
69 William Campbell, Ballot Clerk 4 00 4 00
70 Adrian Pearsall, Inspector of Election.12 00 12 00
71 1Iarvey N. Ulidike, Ballot Clerk 4 00 4 00
72 Eugene Thorpe, Overseer of Poor, service bill —38 00 38 00
73 J. N. Barker, Justice of the Peace, service bill7 30 7 30
74 C. C. Page, Town Clerk, service bill___._78 81 78 81
75 Andrew C. Crawford, Inspector of Election 4 00 4 00
76 J. N. Barker, hall for election 25 00 25 00
77 C. C. Page, Town Clerk, expenditures for town27 42 27 42
78 A. Chase, commission in lunacy 5 00 5 00
79 . Arthur H. Van Order, Inspector and Messenger— 19 64 19 64
80 J. M. Townsend, medical services and examina-
tion in lunacy-7 00 7 00
81 Eugene Thorpe, Inspector 4 00 4 00
82 E. R. Osterhout, examination in lunacy 10 00 10 00
83 A. I'. Osburn, Inspector town meeting 4 00 4 00
136 The Supervisors' Proceedings
No.Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed
84 Geo. Chase, Assessor 44 65 44 65
85 D. P. Terry, vital statistics and town physician23 00 23 00
86 'J. N. Barker, services at election 12 25 12 25
87 M. T. Williamson, Justice, criminal bill 34 00 34 00
88 Eugene Terry, Supervisor, service bill 31 50 31 50
89 M. T. Williamson, Justice, service bill 24 00 24 00
90 John N. Barker, Justice, service bill 24 00 24 00
91 The Biggs Co., rent of hall 27 50 27 50
92 W. H. l'inckney, rent of hall and ex- Supervisor_ 29 50 29 50
93 L.'J. Wheeler, ex- Bonding Commissioner 61 25 61 25
94 J. N. Barker, vital statistics 25 25
95 William N. Noble, legal services on bond issue50 00 50 00
96 Horace Walters, Poll Clerk 4 00 4 00
97 Geo. V. Curry, Deputy Sheriff, service bill 5 10 5 10
98 Fred Frazier, Constable, service bill 7 25 7 25
99 C. C. Page, Town Clerk, service 8 00 8.00
100 M. T. Williamson, Justice, service bill 4 00 4 00
101 J. N. Barker, Justice, service hill 4 00 400
102 Henry Williams, Justice, service bill 4 00 4 00
103 O. G. Noble, Justice, service hill 4 00 4 00
104 Eugene Terry, Supervisor, bill 8 00 8 00
105 D. S. Biggs Sons, stone (old bill)3 50'8 50
106 J. B. French, ex- Overseer of Poor, City of Ithaca
care of Frank King (old bill)43 45 39 45
107. D. O. Bishop, ex- Overseer of the Poor, City of
Ithaca, care of Harriet i\Iiller (old bill)54 00 40 00
108 Arthur G. Marion, services searching records 7 50 7 50
109 J. B. French, ex- Overseer of the Poor, City of
Ithaca, care of Mrs. Albert Cowen,' (old hill) 97 19 73 44
110 Samuel Frazier, Constable, service hill 4 70 4 70
111 Thomas Brown, inspector assigned to il1oslter
Bros.12 00 • 12 00
112 Seneca Spicer, Constable, service hill 3 00 3 00
113 C. L. Crandall, services examining I'odunk bridge
and report on same 10 00 10 00
114 Ithaca City Hospital, bill for caring for Grover
McLallen 83 72
2,010 20 $1,879 73
The Subervzsors' Proceedings 137
In witness whereof we have hereunto subscribed our names this eleventh
day of December, 1901.
EUGENE TERRV, Supervisor,
C. C. PAGE, Town Clerk,
HENRY WiLIdAMS, Justice of the Peace,
O. G. NOBLE, Justice of the Peace,
M. T. WILLIAMSON, Justice of the Peace,
JOHN N.• BARKER, Justice of the Peace.
I hereby certify that the above is a true copy of the bills audited by the
Auditing Board of .the Town of Ulysses for 1901.
C. C.' PAGE, Town Clerk.
13S The Supervisors' P.?oceectings
To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County:
As Treasurer of the County of Tompkins, I have the honor
of submitting the following report of monies received and dis-
bursed by me from November 16, 1900, to and including
November 16, 1901.
Receipt from town officers, town audits 1,035 91
Receipt from town officer, highways and bridges500 00
Receipt from town officer, Overseer of Poor 200 00
Receipt from town officers, road machine 225 00 _
Receipt from town officers, repairing highways 1,106 51
Receipt from town officers, soldiers' relief 100 00
Taxes, 1900, not collected 15 76
Cash received from Collector 3,505 10 $ 3,505 10
Amount of Budget, 1900_6,633 23
Receipt from town officers, town audits___.392 03
Receipt from town officers, highways and bridges500 00
Receipt from town officers, new iron bridge 510 00
Receipt from towel officers, erroneous taxes 5 00
The Supervisors' Proceedings 139
Taxes, 1900, not collected 21 43
Cash received from Collector 3,467 19 3,467 19
Amount of Budget, 1900 5,395 70
Receipt from town officers, town audits 1,736 90
Receipt from town officers, highways and bridges___ 500 00
Receipt from town officers, highway and bridges500 00
Receipt from town officers, support of poor 500 00
Taxes, 1900, not collected 45 02
Cash received from Collector 9,608 67 9,608 67
Amount of Budget, 1900 12,890 59
Receipt from town officers, town audits 2,175 1S
Receipt from town officers, railroad bowls 845 82
Receipt from town officers, highways and bridges250 00
Receipt from town officers, erroneous tax 8 00
Taxes, 1900, not collected 30 12
Cash received from Collector 2,855 97 2,855 97
Amount of Budget, 1900 6,165 09
Receipt from town officer, town audits 2,190 23
Receipt from town officer, highways and bridges700 00
Receipt from town officer, contingent fund 50 00
Receipt from town officer, poor fund 300 00
Receipt from town officer, bridge plank 250 00
Receipt from town officer, Memorial Day__.50 00
Receipt from town officer, support indigent soldiers_50 00
Taxes, 1900, not collected_45 74
Cash received from Collector 7,283 41 $ 7,283 41
Amount of Budget, 1900 10,919 38
Receipt from town officers, town audits 2,269 77
Receipts from town officers, G. I. R. R. Bonds Int_ 732 55
14o Tke Supervisors' Proceedings
Receipts town officers, Overseer of poor______25 00
Receipts from town officers, Memorial Day 10 00
Taxes, 1900, not collected 108 09
Cash received from Collector 4,069 84 $ 4,069 84
Amount of Budget, 1900 7,215 25
Receipt from town officers, town audits 1,632 13
Receipt from town officers, highways and bridges300 00
Taxes, 1900, not collected 83 67
Cash received from Collector 6,932 64 $ 6,932 64
Amount of Budget, 1900'8,948 44
Receipt from town officers, town audits 1,990 42
Receipt from town officers, highways and bridges250 00
Receipt from town officers, Interest on R. R. bonds 2,390 50
Receipt from town officers, payment bonds 800 00
Receipt from town officers, Overseer of poor 50 00
Receipt from town officers, town library 100 00
Receipt from town officers, Marion claim 1,400 00
Receipt from town officers, erroneous tax 7 64
Taxes, 1900, not collected 199 61
I " Cash received from Collector 3,500 05 $ 3,500 05
Amount of Budget, 1900 10,688 22
Receipt from town officers, town audits 1,395 61
Receipt from town officers, highways and bridges250 00
Receipt from town officers, Overseer of Poor 250 00
Receipt from town officers, payment R. R. bold4,200 00
Receipt from town officers, interest on R. R. bond_ - 1,871 00
Receipt from town officers, erroneous tax 13 82
Taxes, 1900, not collected 214 17
Cash received from Collector 6,575 48 $ 6,575 48
Amount of Budget 1900..14,770 08
The Suj5ervisors' Proceedings 141
Receipt from City Treasurer, support of poor 7,000 00
Taxes. 1900, not collected 3,162 69
Cash received from Collector .35,787 42 $ 35,787 42
Amount' of Budget 1900 45,940 11
1900 —Cash on hand Nov. 17, 1900, (See Report
1900,2,028 85
Dec. 4 —Cash received from Tompkins County Bank
balance of liquor tax money deposited by Chas.
Ingersoll as County Treasurer,1899 18 12
Dee. 29 —Check from L. G. Todd, Treasurer of In-
gersoll Bondsman Committee, as per resolution
of Board of Supervisors, 1900 5,829 89
Sony. 9 —Cash from First National (tank for decree
from Supreme Court for one -half of certificate
of deposit in Ingersoll matter 3,170 2L-
Jany. 16 —Cash from W. H. Van Ostrand, John
E. ]Beers, B. M Hagin, as Supervisors from
proceeds of note given to Ithaca Savings Bank
to take up Ingersoll note, dated August 1, 1899,
at the Tompkins County Bank 5,000 00
Feby. 18 —Cash from J. B. Thatcher, fine imposed
on I). C. Crance, town of Danby-6 00
March 1 —Cash from J. IS. Wilson, Supervisor, for
additional amount to be added to noie field by
town of Dryden 1,300 00
play 8—Check from State of New York for school
monies 12,915 82
Check for Common school fund 1,487 96
Iay 23 —Check from State of New York, highway
loonies, Chapter 331, Laws 1898; for town of
Caroline 398 13
Cash received of Wm. I'. Harrington, Supervisor $ 69.86
Cash received of L. 1 Noxon, Supervisor 10 00
Cash received of Ida Bell Van Vleel, 1898 tax 23 57
142 The Sufierursors' Proceedings
Cash received of Raymond L. Smith, 1898 tax 16 83
Cash received of J. W. Stephens, Collector 89 33
Cash received of Chas. 13. Stanion, Collector 2,460 34 3,026 36
Cash received of County Treasurer, 1899 and 1900
taxes 356 43
l'o apply on return taxes, 1900, of State and County:
Amount returned 3,152 69
Tait sale advertising l'arcel 31- 35.___ 15 06
3,167 75
Paid 3,026 36
Due from city 141 39
11y 1899 and 1900 taxes paid County Treasurer 13.77
Amount of taxes returned____.21 43
Paid 13 77
Due from Town 7 66
By 1899 taxes paid County Treasurer 3 12
Amount of taxes returned 30 12
Paid 3 12
Due from Town 27 00
By 1899 and 1900 taxes paid to County Treasurer__45 44
Amount of taxes returned 45 74
Paid 45 44
Due from Town 30
Iiy 1899 and 1900 taxes paid to Connly Treasurer____149 37
Amount paid 149 37
Amount of taxes returned 108 09
Due the Town from County-41 28
The Sig5ervzsors' Proceedings.143
By 1899 and 1900 taxes paid to County Treasurer____46 33
Amount of taxes returned 83 67
Amount paid 46 33
Amount due front Town 37 34
TOWN OF NF,WF14 r.n.
By 1898 and 1900 taxes paid to County Treasurer____52 81
Amount of taxes returned 199 61
Amount of expen ses, tax sale, adver-
tising 11 35
210 96
Amount paid 52 81
Amount due from Town 158 15
By 1899 taxes paid to County Treasurer 82
Amount of taxes returned 45 02
Amount of expenses,tax sale, adver-
tising 8 64
53 66
Amount paid 82
Amount due from Town 352 84
By 1899 and 1900 taxes paid County Treasurer 83 60
Amount of taxes returned___214 17
Amount of expenses, tax sale, adver—
Using 8 42
222 59
Amount paid 83 60
Amount due from Town 133 99
Total Receilits 119,162 37
144 The Supervisors' Proceedings
County and Town Budgets 6,103 18
Balance due, 1900 23
6,103 41
Paid orilers 6,102 40 $ 6,102 40
Balance on hand 1 01
County Budget 7 00
Balance due 1900 755 33
7,755 33
Paid orders 6,259 36 $ 6,259 36
Balance on hand 1,496 02
Amount of audits.16,835 08
More than amount audited 12 84
Paid orders 16,347 92 $ 16,347 92
1900 State tax, general purposes 11,127 60
1900 State tax, for stenographers 1,170 09
1900 State' tax, for canals 3,509 34
20,307 03
John E. Beers," Supervisor, for. money Paid ill as
fines for town of Darby 10 00
Check to Henry L. Hinckley, Cashier of Tompkins
County National Bank, for note given .April 4.
1599, for ten months (Ingersoll) and interest to
Dec. 29, 1900 5,479 86
Check to Henry L. Iiinckley, Cashier of Tompkins
County National Bank for note due, given June
23, 1899, and interest to Janv. 12, 1901 5,435 80
Tlae Su Proceedings 145
Paid M. A. Dowuiing, salary as clerk of the Board
of Supervisors, 1900 175 00
Also postage and staking reports, Comptroller 40 00
215 00
Paid Minor McDaniels, salary as School Commis-
sioner and interest, July 1, '99 to Jan. 1, 1900106 00
Auburn Orphan Asylum, Voucher 78 146_00
Binding Assessment Roll, city of Ithaca.1 25
Monroe County Penitentiary, Voucher 57
977 25 ,
Hartford Steam Boiler insurance 100 00
W. H. Van Ostrand, expense bond, for. finance
Committee 40 00
Check to Henry L. Hinckley, Cashier of Tompkins
County Bank, for Ingersoll .cote given August
1, 1899, and interest on saute 5,407 32
J. L. Baker, back salary from Jan. 1, 1899 to Jan.
1, 1900. and interest 53 00
Grant Halsey, back salary from Oct. 1, 1899 to Jan.
1, 1900, and interest 53 00
A: G. Marion for description of property. City of
Ithaca Budget 55 00
Susquehanna Valley Home, Voucher 58 642 53
W. P. Harrington, City of Ithaca Budget 48 88 •
Craig Colony, Voucher No. 77 22 87
Ithaca Children's 1lonte, Ulysses Budget 67 50
County Treasurer, postage 1901 15 00
Central N. Y. Institute of Deaf Mutes, Voucher 62_435 83
Henry II. Lord and Geo. R. Williams interest on G.
and I.-bonds, City of Ithaca Budget 3,817 45
Western N. Y. Institute of Deaf Mutes, Voucher 61 30 00
Mattawan State Hospital, Voucher 59 195 65
Old Ladies Monte, Town of Ulysses Budget 52 00
Ithaca Savings Bank Note, see Budget 2,362 01
Syracuse Institute for feeble minded- children,
Voucher No. 60 157 00
Mr. Bower, Supt. of Poor, for Grain Drill..75 00
146'The .Supervisors' Proceedings
O. B. Seeley, Trustee, School Tax, District 15,
Newfield 3 05
S. S. Georgia, Trustee, School Tax, District 9,
Newfield 7 18
J. D. Schutt, Commissioner of Highway, Town of
Caroline, road money received from State 398 13
Appropriation 350 00
Balance dire from 1899 5 00
355 00,
Levi B. Card, dec'd, burial, City of
Ithaca 35 00
Mr. Conley, dec'd, burial, Lansing35 00
Thomas Dickerson, decd, burial, Danby 35 00
Ebenezer Worden, decd buriel, City of
Ithaca 35 00
Stephen Knapp, dec'd, burial, City of
Ithaca 35 00
I - G. Fesseudeu, deed, burial -, , City of
Ithaca 35 00
John Stark, dec'd, burial, Lansing35 00
Albert E. Tubbs, dec'd, burial, Danby_35 00
Nathan Sherman, dec'd, burial,.Drydeu . 35 00 -
Thomas N. Allen, deed, burial, City of
Ithaca 35 00
R. C. Fuller, dec'd, stone, Newfield____15 00
Thomas Dickerson, dec'd, stone, Danby 15 00
Freethan Hendershot, dec'd, stone,New-
field 15 00 •
henry G. Fessenden, dec'd, stone, City
of Ithaca 15 00
55 over-the appropriation.410 00
Appropriation 900 00
Balance due from 1899.15 56
915 56
Tlie .S'uj5erisors' Troceedings 147
Paid for coal to Nov. 1, 1901 640 81
Paid for gas to Nov. 1, 1901 359 88
1,000 6
085.13 over the appropriation.
Appropriation, pay note 3,745 00
Appropriation, pay interest 422 75
Received from J. 13. Wilson, Supervisor 1,300 00
l3alance of Budget, 1899 47 75
5,515 50
Paid estate, Mary L. Gregory, note and
interest 1,181 25
Paid estate, Mary I,. Gregory, note and
interest 525 00 ,
Paid J. 13. Wilson, Supervisor, note and
interest 75 00
Paid H. A. Burritt, note and interest2,226 00
Paid John J. I Ianshaw, Supervisor, 3
years, note and interest 143 25 •
Paid Mrs. W. K..I3oice, note and interest 840 00
Paid estate of O. I-I. Gregory, note and
interest 525 00
1.5,515 50 50,515 50
Amount raised in County 12,436 73
Amount from State of New York 12,915 82
Amount from State of New fork common
school fund 1,487 96
Balance due from 1899 53
26,841 04
Paid J. H. Hine, Supervisor, I?ufield1,286 45
Paid to W. H. Von Ostrand, Supervisor
Newfield 2,524 08
Paid to B. M. Hagin, Supervisor, Lansing 2,425 97
Paid to City of Ithaca 6,892 31
Paid to R. A. Snow, Supervisor, Caroline 2,111 31
Paid to J. 13. \Nilson, Supervisor, Dryden 3,421 33
Paid to John J. Isanshaw,_ Supervisor,
Ithaca 941 63
148 The Supervisors' Proceedings
Paid to R. N. Mount, Supervisor, Groton 2,968 29
Paid to Eugene Terry, Supervisor,
Ulysses __..2,505 69
Paid to W. H. Baker, Supervisor, Daub). 1,763 98
26,841 04 26,841 04
Judge Bradford Almy, Oct. 1, 1900, to Oct. 1, 1901_2,500 00
County Treasurer, Chas. Jl. Benjamin. Oct. 1, 1900,
to Oct. 1, 1901 900 00
County Treasurer, office rent, Oct. 1, 1900, to Oct. 1,
1901 100 00
District Attorney, Chas. 1-L Blood, Oct. 1, 1900, to
Oct. 1, 1901 800 00
District Attorney, Chas. 1-1. Blood, office rent, Oct.1,
1900, to Oct. 1, 1901 200 00
Jail physician, A. -11. Badie, lily 1, 1900 to July 1,
1901____.50 00
Superintendent of Poor, David Bower, Jan. 1, 1901,
to Oct. 1, 1901 '450 00
Clerk of Surrogate, Fred L. Clock, Nov. 1, 1900, to
Nov. 1, 1901 273 36
Clerk of Surrogate, 1C. $. Gillespie, Jan. 14, 1901,
to Nov. 1. 1901.226 56
Special County Judge, J. L. Baker, July 1, 1900, to
Jan. 1, 1901 25 00
Special County Judge, S. Edwin Banks, Jan. 1, 1901,
to July 1, 1901 25 00
Chaplain Almshouse, Rev. E. S. place, Oct. 1, 1900,
to Oct. 1. 1901 50. 00
School Commissioner, E. W. Updike, Oct. 1, 1900
to Oct. 1, 1901 200 00
School Commissioner, Libbie J. Sweetland, Oct. 1,
1900 to Oct. 1, 1901 200 00
Sheriff office rent, Chas. S. Seaman, Oct. 1, 1900 to
Oct. 1, 1901 35 00
Sheriff Janitor, Chas. S. Seaman, Oct. 1, 1900 to
Oct. 1, 1901 350 00
Janitor Clerk's Office, Luther Ennis, Oct. 1, 1900
to Nov. 1, 1901 103 30
W. H. Baker, Supervisor for fine paid County for
Danhy 6 00
City of Ithaca, tax sale, expense charged to City $ 15 06
The Supervisors' Proceedings 149
Town of Ulysses, tax sale, expense charged to
Town 8 42
Town of Dryden, tax sale, expense charged to Town 8 64
Town of Newfield. tax sale, expense charged to
Town 11 35
43 47
Check to pay costs and taxes and interest to city
of Ithaca on fourteen parcels bid in at Tax Sale
1901. See Certificate 202 69
Total Disbursements 116,949 88
Total Receipts 119,162 37
total Disbursements 116,949 88
Cash on Hand 2,212 49
City of Ithaca'141 39
Town of Caroline 15 76
Town of Danby 7 66
Town of Newfield 158 15'
Town of Ulysses 138 99
Town of Dryden 52 84
Town of Enfield 27 00
Town of Groton 30
Town of Lansing 37 34
579 43
Amounts vet to be paid from 1900 Budget,Re- index-
ing 400 00
Superintendent of Poor fund 1 01
County Court fund 1,496 02
Salaries yet to be paid, 1901 641 70
Office rents 33 75
2,572 48
Amount over 1900 Budget 219 44
Due the Town of Ithaca for overpaid return taxes of
1900 41 28
750 The Supervisors' Proceedings
Oct. 21— Received from Chas. S. Seaman, Sheriff,
fine, imposed on Gustave Carlson, of which
was paid to Town of Lansing .and balance to
the State of New York 100:00
Nov. 6— Received from L. H. Van Kirk, County
Clerk, fine, imposed on one Benson, of which
was paid to Town of Lansing and balance to
State of New York_ .150 00
Cash on hand last report 11 93
Received from F. H. Warner from Nov. 16, 1900, to
Nov. 16, 1901 645 12
657 05
Amount orders paid 653 60
Cash on hand 3 45
I, Charles M. Benjamin, Treasurer of the County of Tompkins, do
solemnly swear that the foregoing statements are true; and that the schedules
accompanying the same fully and correctly represent the true state of the
several funds thereon contained, to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Subscribed and sworn before me this 16th day of December, 1901.
Notary Public.
The Supervisors' Proceedings 151 '
To the Honorable, the Board of Supervisors of the Counts' of
The undersigned Superintendent of the Poor of said County
respectfully reports, that from the 15th day of November,
1900, to the 15th day of November, 1.901, the whole number
of days' board at the County Almshouse was 21,664, for
which the County and respective towns are chargeable as fol-
lows :
Nc.'days Board.Cost of Board and Clothing.
County 4,594 990 70
Ithaca —City 8,332 1,796 80
Ithaca —Town 1,179 •254 25
Lansing 478 102 00
Dryden 1,162 250 59
Groton 1,035 223 20
Danhy 1,460 314 85
Newfield 1,283 276 68
Enfield 467 100 71
Caroline 1,247 268 92
Ulysses 432 93 10
21,664 4,671 86
The whole amount expended for the maintenance of
the blstitution has been $5,673.22, of which amount $1,-
001.36, was for improvements, leaving the sum of $4,671'$6
for actual maintenance. This is classified as follows as per ac-
companying Vouchers, and have been audited by the Superin-
tendent and drafts drawn on the County Treasurer.
Class "A," meats 853 63
Class "13," provision and dry goods 1,569 08
Class "C," fuel 662 93
152 The Supervisors' Proceedings
Class D," medical 436 79
Class "1$," clothing, boots shoes and mending 270 75
Class "F," employees 829 83
Class "G," miscellaneous 48,85
4,671 86
Class "II," improvements 1,001 36
5,673 22
The whole number reported in house November 15,
1900, was 60
Admitted during the year 46
Born 11
Total 107
Died during the year 18
Sent to Willard State Hospital 1
Childrens' home— Ithaca 2
Discharges 30
Total 51
Remaining in ]rouse November 15, 1901 56
The average cost of maintenance has been :
Per day 21 -5 -65
Per week 1.50 -9 -5
Per year 78.49 -4
Daily average of- inmates 59- 129 -365
Orders issued after January 1, 1901, from Nos. 3 to 11 in-
elusive, are for pork taken in bulk at the institution, and have
The amount of expenditures for the relief of County poor
persons supported outside of the Almshouse as per bills of the
Overseers of the Poor and others, are as follows :
The Suf5ervrsors' Proceed/his 153
Date To whom drawn Amount
Dec. 17, 1900 11. 0. Reserver, examination its lunacy_ $ 5 00
21,13. M. Hagin, relief of T. Mathews____ 19 07
21,C. W. Harker, relief of C. Atwell 15 25
21, . Dr. Chapman, tnedieal attendance, C.
Atwell 10 00 •
21,Ben Mintz, clothing for insane 8 00
21,George R'. l'eck, Overseer of Poor,
Newfield 1
21, J. C. Lannor, Overseer of Poor, Dryden 6 00
21,I3. Snyder, relief Colton family 19 25
29,E. T. Stewart, burial Towner child18 00
31, Mosher Bros. & Co., clothing, insane_ 15 15
31,N. E. Drake, relief Mrs. Van Dine8 00
31,Brown &, Barnard, relief Mrs. Mc-
Candeles ____..4 00
31,Baker, Smith & Co., coal to poor 20 38
31,Brougham Bros., relief to county poor.. 6 00
31,13. J. Bentley, relief to Mrs. Foote__ 5 00
31,E. S. Bagley, relief to Mrs. Miller16 00
Feb. 25, 1901 Pierce Coal Co., coal to county poor13 07
26, J. W. Judd, M. D., medical service3 00
Mar.- 21,Ben Mintz, clothing for insane 7 00
29,P. 13. Aiken, coal for Day family 5 75
Apr. 25, J. W. Brown, M. D., medical attend-
ance county poor 35 00
May 11,D. II. Stewart & Co., relief to county
poor 57 00
11,- W. 1'. Harrington, Overseer of. Poor,
City, as per bill 29 31
June 3,W. H. 13urnbant, Overseer of l'oor,
Groton, relief Smith family 11 20
5,fierce Coal Co., fuel to poor _11 76 •
5,Bradford Snyder of Dryden
5, J. Beach, M. D., examination in lunacy 5 00
5, I-1. Ganoung, M. D., examination in
lunacy 5 00
6,Mrs. Lottie Quick, board of Katie
Brown 1 25
11,13. S. Bagley, relief poor persons 65 50
July 19,Dixon and Robinson, fuel to county
poor 47 25
Sept. 12,E. S. Bagley, relief Mrs. Miller and
others 28 00
154 The Sufiervisors' Prnrredings
Date To whom drawn Amount
Oct. 8,Pierce Coal Company, fuel to County
poor 2 78
11,Ben Mintz, clothing for insane '10 50
19,A. B. Smith, fuel furnished County
poor 37 45
19,D. 11. Stewart & Co., County poor
orders 24 00
19,P. H. Atwater, relief to Tanner family.. 14 04
Total 626 21
The following statement shows.the amount of bills audited
by the Superintendent of the Poor, to the Overseers for their
Dec. 21, 1900 J. C. Larmore, Overseer of Poor,
Dryden 2 25
21,B. Snyder, Overseer of Poor, Dryden.... 4 00
Apr. 9, 1901 S. O. Bishop, Overseer of Poor, City47 00
Sept. 19,G. W. Peck, Overseer of Poor, Newfeld 5 42
Total 58 67
Nov. 20, 1900 S. O. Bishop. transportation, William
Campbell 1 50
20,S. O. Bishop, transportation, AVillimn
Downing 1 50
27,S. O. Bishop, transportation, William
McKinny 1 50
Jan. 3, 1901 S. O. Bishop, transportation, Lucy
Morton 1 50
7,S. O. Bishop, transportation, Ellen
Mathews •1 50
May 22,G. W. 5. Gardner, transportation, Sarah
Paining 1 50
The Sufierrsors' Proceedings 155
July 17„ Bradford Snyder, transportation, David
Dewey 4 29
Aug. 9,Bradford Snyder, transportation, George
Rodee 3 20
28,Bradford Snyder, transportation, iAlex
Oran 2 00
18 40
Expended for maintenance of Institution 4,671 86
Improvement to property and furniture 1,001 36
Out -door relief to County poor 626 21
Services of Overseers 58 67
Transportation 18 40
Total 6,376 50
Appropriation 6,103 18
Deficiency 273 32
This part of the report is very unsatisfactory from just the
reverse causes that affected it last year, then it was the ex-
treme drouth, this year extreme wet weather and late spring.
Added to this was the ravages of the I-Iession fly, which prac-
tically ruined the wheat and barely crops of this section.
Grain.No. of Acres. Yield.Amount on Hand.
Wheat 9 40 bus.
Oats 22 525 bus.450 Estimated
Buckwheat 2 -60 bus.60
Corn 7 500 bus.350
Hay 24 22 tons 22 tons.
Cornstalks from____ 7
Potatoes 5 700 bus. 675
156 The Supervisors' Proceedings
Beads..1 -2 ____..10 bus. 10
Onions 1 -4 45 bus.40
Cabbage_ ___....100 heads,
Parsnips 10 bush.
Beats 5 bush.
Stock on farm, 1 team horses, 6 Mitch cows, 17 fattening hogs, 150 heads
The following is a statement of the monies received and
how the same has been expended:
Received for hams and lard 5 95
Yoke oxen 86 25
Veal. calves 19 75
Old iron 2 25
114 24
Traveling expenses 31 55
At Owego Cole case 4 57
Expense in lunacy case, Freeville 1 25
Expense at State convention, S. of 1'16 50
Taking Lizzie Bishop to Newark 9 35
Postage and stationary 10 62
Express and freight bills paid 5 18
Supplies purchased for house 47 40
For labor 13 00
Telephone 85
Cash paid for apples 6 00
Cash paid for one bushel beans 1 80
Cash paid for one Berkshire pig 5 00
153 07 •
Balance due 38 83
In conformity to the 30th section of the revised Statute, 1
respectfully report, that I estimate the expense of town and
county poor to be supported at the
County Almshouse for the ensuing year 54,000 00
Out-door relief to County poor 1,500 00
The Sn crvrscrs' Proceedings 157
Services of Overseers 150 00 -
Transportation 50 00
5,700 00
DAVIT) (SOWER, Supt. Poor.
On this 20th day of November, 1901, personally appeared
David Bower, Superintendent of the poor of said County, and
upon being sworn deposes and says that the foregoing report
made by him is just and true to the best of his knowledge and
Sworn and subscribed to before me this 20th day of November, 1901.
L. 1 1. VAN KIRK, County Clerk.
1THACA, N. Y., NOVEMBER 20, 1901. '
To the Board ofSupervisors of Tompkins County:
GENTLEMEN: — I have to report to the Board of Supervisors
that since the - date of last report, (December 7th, 1900), I
have received , moneys due and for Tompkins County 'as
William Benson, (October, 1900,) violation of Liquor Tax Law 150 00
The above amount paid to County Treasurer as per receipt
Respectfully yours,
L. H. VAN KIRK,County Clerk.
158 The Supervisors' Proceedings
Leroy H. Van Kirk being duly sworn, says that lie is Clerk oP Tompkins
County, and that he has received no moneys for said County except as set
orth in the above report as to fines.
L. H. \'AN KIRK.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 20th day of November, 1901.
S. E. RANKS, •
Notary Public.
5150. ITIIACA, N. \'., NOVUMBER 6, 1901:
Received of 1,. H. Van Kirk, County Clerk, One Hundred and Fifty
Dollars, for fine imposed on Benson, Town of Lansing.
County Treasurer.
Liquor Tax Money.
to the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County:
We, the undersigned, County Finance. Committee, offer
the following report concerning the indebtedness of Tompkins
On March 1st, 1901, there were paid the following notes amounting to
53,745.00, as per resolution adopted by the Board of Supervisors at the
Annual Session of 1900:
Slary L. Gregory 51,125 00 Interest 5 56 25
Mary L Gregory, executrix 500 00 25 00
Mrs. H. A. Burritt 2,120 00 106 00
Total 3,745 00 5187 25
The following notes were cancelled and included in a note given J. B.
Wilson, Supervisor, due March 1, 1902, viz:
The Supiervrsors' Proceedings 159
Note of Jesse 13. Wilson, Supervisor 1,500 00
Note of Mrs. W. K. Boice 800 00
Note of Mrs. Mary L. Gregory 500 00
2,800 00
The note for $955 given N. Pearson, Supervisor, was can-
celled, and a note for the same amount, maturing March lst,
1902, was given to J. J. I-Ianshaw, Supervisor.
The following interest was paid on the above notes at 5 per cent.
Note of J. 13. Wilson, Supervisor 1,500 Interest $ 75 00
Note of Mrs. W. K. Boice 800 40 00
Note of Mrs. Mary L. Gregory 500 25 00
Note of N. Pearson 955 3 years 143 25
Total 283
The following notes are outstanding amt constitute all of the so- called
standing indebtedness of Tompkins County: I
They mature March 1st, 1902, and draw interest at 4 per cent.
Note of J. J. I•lansbaw, Supervisor 955 00 Interest $ 38 20
Jesse 13. Wilson, Supervisor 2,800 00 ' 112 00
Total 3,755 00 150 20 .,
Your Committee has paid as per resolution 'of the Board, two notes of
5,000 each, of the so- called Ingersoll notes, at the Tompkins County Bank.
The third note for $5,000 was paid also in accordance with a resolution of
the Board, from the avails of a note given the Ithaca Savings Bank, on 'the
16th day of January, 1901. This note matures March 1st, 1902, and draws •
interest at 4 per cent.
The total indebtedness of Tompkins County consists as follows, all of
which is due and payable March 1st, 1902.
Note of J. J. I lanshaw, Supervisor 955 00
Note of Jesse 13. Wilson, Supervisor 2,800 00
3,755 00
Ingersoll note 5,000 00
Total notes 58,755 00
1bo The Supervisors' Proceedings
Interest on note to J. J. •anshaw, Supervisor, 4 per cent 38 20
Interest on note to J. B. Wilson, Supervisor, 4 per cent 112 00
Interest on note to Ithaca Savings Bank, .4 per cent___224 46
Total interest 374 65
Total notes 8,755 00
Total indebtedness 9,159 65
Respectfully submitted,
Balance due County at date of last report 2 50
The following amount has been received for certified
copies of records since date of last report 15 40
Total receipts 17 90
Laundry 2 00
Postage 5 65
Cleaning office 3 25 .
Paper 25
Typewriter supplies 3 00 14 15
Balance due County 3 75
Fred L. Clock, being duly sworn, says that he is the Clerk of the Surro-
gate's Court of said County; that the foregoing is a true and correct state-
went of all fees received by him for services for certifying records since the
date of last report to the present time, together with all disbursements
chargeable against the same:.
The Siipervrsors' Proceedings 161
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 17th day (if December, 1901.
County Clerk.
To the Board of Superdisors, Tompkins County: •
I hereby report and certify that the matter of certifying
copies of the records in this office is entirely one of the Clerk's
duties, and is performed by, and fees for same'are corrected by
I believe the aboye report to be correct.
Dated, December 18, 1901.
Reports of the Justices of the Peace of the various towns
of the County of all fines and penalties collected by them dur-
ing the past year: •
Frank M. Bull reports received 18 00
Mason J. Clark reports no money received.
E. It Mitchell reports no money received.
Gardner K. Doughty reports no money received.
H. J. Tuthill reports no money received.
J. 1f. Thatcher reports received $6 paid to County Treasurer.
T. W. Slocum reports no motley received.
Z. Smiley reports no money received.
i62 The Supervisors' Proceedings
Alvirus Snyder reports received 22 50
John B. Shaver reports received 5 00
J. D. Ross reports no money received.
George E. Underwood reports no money received.
Milo B. Smith reports no money received.
Charles Gray reports ao money received.
H. A. Rockwell reports no money received.
Charles Fletcher reports no money received.
Fred Chase reports 'uu money. received.
Newton Baldwin reports no money received.
Nelson Stevens reports no money received.
J. M. Montfort reports no money received.
H. S. Hopkins reports_no money received.
A. J. Teeter reports no money received.
L. Colgrove reports received 23
George 13. Sutton reports no money received.
Deuriis Shea'reports no money received.
R. H. Brown reports uo money received.
Charles D. Showell reports received 16 00
Ah•ah D. Brown reports no money received.
W. L. Puff reports no money received.
William Weatherill reports no money received.
John W. Dean reports received 20 00
John N. Barker reports no money received.
O. G. Nobles reports no money received.
Henry Williams reports n0 money received.
M. T. Williams reports no money received.
The Supervisors Proceedings 163,
Outstanding bonds 14,000 00
Balance on hand March 1st, 1901 321 47
Paid to Union Trust Co., of New York City for paying
draft on Railroad bonds 25 10
I'aid interest on Railroad bonds Aug. 41st 245 00
Paid Jared T. Newman fee Aug. 21st_39 00
309 10
12 37
Received interest from Savings ]lank 3 06
Balance on hand Nov. 5th, 1901 13 43
Amount of interest becoming due March 1st, 1902 245 00.
Amount of principal becoming due March 1st, 19021,400 00
Amount of interest becoming due Sept. 1st, 1902 220 50
Total amount to be raised 1,865 50
To the Board of Supervisors of the. County of Tompkits:
The undersigned Commissioners of the Town of Ithaca
having charge of the Sinking Fund of said Town, maintained
for the purpose of providing for the payment of the bonds of
said Town, issued in aid of the construction of the Geneva &
Ithaca Railroad, take great pleasure in submitting their final
report, announcing the conclusion of the trust, committed to
their charge.
Our. last report, dated November 12, 1900, showed that
164 The Supervis Proceedings
of the original amount (100,000 dollars), of the above men-
tioned bonds thirty -five thousand (35,000) dollars had been
taken up and cancelled, leaving sixty -five thousand (65,000)
dollars to he provided for. That report also showed that the'
Sinking Fund at that date amounted to sixty -one thousand,
eight hundred and ninety -two 48 -100 (61,892 48 -100) dollars,
leaving a balance of three thousand, one hundred and seven
52 -100 (3,107 52 -100) dollars to be provided for.
The earnings of the Sinking Fund during the past year
amount to three thousand, six hundred and thirty -seven
69 -100 (3,637 69 -100) dollars are excess of five hundred and
thirty 17 -100 over the amount acquired. This sum has been •
paid over to the Town and City of Ithaca in the proportions
to which cash was respectively entitled, viz. eighty -five 36 -100
85 36 -100) dollars to the Supervisors of the Torun of Ithaca,
and four hundred and forty -four 81 -100 (444 81 -100) dollars
to the Clerk of the Common Council of the City of Ithaca.
The detailed statement of the earnings of said Fund is as
Interest on Jennings bonds 224 60
Interest on llermann bonds 367 30
Interest on Lake County bonds 246 61
Interest on Reno County bonds 357 50
Interest on Burt County bonds 243 28
Interest on holden mortgage____11 80
Interest on Berrien County -Bonds 74 25 •
Interest on Mt. Vernon bonds 26 67
Interest on Town of Ithaca bonds 980 00
Interest on City of Muscatine bonds 276 98
Interest on Chautauqua County bonds 200 00
Interest on Vigo County bonds 148 50
Interest on City of Forrest bonds -__60 00
Interest on City of Quincy bonds 112 50
Interest on Mason, City bonds 59 75
Interest received from Ithaca Savings Bank 165 42
Interest received from Ithaca Trust Company 82 53
Total 3,637 69
Showing as above stated as excess of 530 17
1ke, Supervisors' Proceedings 1
The cash amount for the past year is as follows:
On hand at date of last report:
In First National Bank 1,537 00
In Ithaca Savings Bank 1,467 98 3,004 98
Received for interest on securities as stated above 3,637 69
Received for Jennings bonds 3,500 00
Received for Berrien bonds 3,050 00
Received for Mt. Vernon bonds 4,000 00
Received for Holden mortgage 290 00
Received for Vigo County bonds 3,000 00
Received for Forrest bonds 1,000 00
Received for Burt County bonds 4,000 00
Received for Lake County bonds 4,187 50
Received for He, mann bonds 6;000 00
Received for Reno County bonds 6,500 00
Received for Chautauqua County bonds 4.000 00
Received for Quincy bonds 2,000 00
Received for Muscatine bonds 6,500 00
Received for Mason City bonds 1,000 00
Add 55,530 17
Town of Ithaca bonds in.Sinking Fund 14,000 00
69,530 17
Paid for Mt. Vernon bonds 4,000 00
Balance showing an excess of $530.17 as above
stated 65,530 17
Only a single investment has been made -luring the year.
Four thousand dollars clue March 1st last, Mt. Vernon bonds,
were bought in January, yielding 6 per cent interest for the
time they were held.
All cash received for interest or for maturing bonds was
deposited in the Ithaca Savings Bank or Ithaca Trust Corn-.
pany when paid in on or before July 1st last. Cash received
since that date was deposited in the First National Bank of
Of the above mentioned suns of $65,530.17, five hundred
166 77ze Supervisors' Proceedings
and thirty 17 -100, (530 17400) dollars has been paid over to
the Town and City of Ithaca as before stated; and sixty -four
thousand (64,000) bonds have been paid and cancelled, leav-
ing the sum of one thousand (1,000) dollars held to meet bond
No. 19 of that amount which has not been Presented for pay-
All which is respectfully submitted,
H. B. LORD,'.
Ithaca, November 27, 1901.
The undersigned being duly sworn do depose and say that the state-
ments continued in within report are true to the best of their knowledge and
belief. -
Subicribed and sworn to before me this 24th day of November, 1901.
C. W. GAY, Notary Public.
To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County:
We, the.undersigned Bonding Commissioners of the Town
of Newfield, respectfully submit the following report :
Balance of Bonds issued March 1st, 1871, paid, cancelled and re.
deemed March 1st, 1901 45,S00 00
Refunding Serial Bonds issued DIatch 1st, 1901 45,000 00
Said Refunding Bonds become payable in the manner fol-
diving, viz:
The Supervisors' 1 roceediugs 167
One thousand dollars (51,000,) on the 1st day of March, 1902, and two
thousand dollars (52,000,) on the 1st day of March, in each and every year
thereafter, utitil the whole amount shall have been paid.
Said Refunding Bonds bear interest at the rate of 3 ;i per cent. per an-
nutu,.payable semi- anunally at the First National Bank of Ithaca, N. Y., on
the first days of March and September, in each year.
We farther report that it will be necessary for said Towu of Newfield to
raise by tax the sum of two thousand, five hundred, fifty -seven and 50 -100
dollars ($2,557.50,) for disbursements as follows, viz:
To pay interest on 545,000 as above, front Sept. 1st, 1901, to
March 1st, 1902..5 787 50
To pay one principal Bond due-March 1st, 1902 1,000 00
To pay interest on remaining 544,000 from March'.lst to-Septem-
ber 1st, 1902 770 00
Total 52,557 50
We further report.that we have on hand deposited in bank for credit bf
Town of Newfield, net premium received from sale of Bonds, N a e1t 1,. 1901,
5600 less 552.25 being of 1 per cent. commission paid to Union '1'ntst Corn -
parry of New York, for paying 541,800 Braids of 1871 issue.
Dated, Newfield, N. V., November 19, 1901.
A. 1-1. I'ALM17,R1 '
Conimissioners.`' 1
On this 19th day of November, 1901, personally came before Ole the
undersigned, A. 14. Palmer and John W. Dean, who, being sworn depose
and say that the foregoing report is in till respect correct and true to the best
of their knowledge and belief._
Notary Public.
168 The Sutervtsors' Proceedings
To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins Comity:
1, Eugene Terry, Supervisor of the Town of Ulysses, to whom was trans-
ferred the duties of Railroad Commissio by act of Board of Supervisors
dated December 20th, 1900, do respectfully report as follows:
That upon assuming the office of Supervisor of the Town of Ulysses, I
duly qualified and succeeded to the duties that •formerly belonged to the
office of Railroad Commissioner of said Town by filing with the Town Clerk
of Ulysses a Bond in the sum of $50,000.
That the balance of $50,000 that remained unpaid from the original issue
of $75,000 made in aid of the Pennsylvania and Sodus Bay Railroad on March
1st, 1871, became due on March 1st, 1901.
That the said bonds so remaining due were refunded by the issue of a -
new series of fifty bonds of One Thousand Dollars each and nu from
one to fifty, both inclusive, which issue was made by virtue of the authority
conferred and pursuant to the provisions of Section Seven of the General
Municipal Law, known as Chapter 685 of the Laws of 1892, and entitled An
Act in relation to Municipal Corporations, constituting Chapter Seventeen
of the General Laws," approved May 18th, 1892, and all Acts amendatory
thereto, as adopted by the Legislature of the State of New York, as well as
pursuant to the provisions of an Act passed by the Board of Supervisors of
the County of Tompkins, unanimously at a meeting of said Board held on
the 20tH .day of December, 1900, and amended at a meeting of said Board
held on the 27th day of February, 1901.
That the full balance of the original issue of March 1st, 1871, have been
cancelled and redeemed.
That said new bonds were issued on a basis of 3%% per cent. and the net
premium 011 said Bonds was $520. That the salve are made payable at the
New York Security & Trust Company in New York City at the rate of Two
Thousand Dollars yearly on the first day of March each year hereafter until
the full st of Fifty Thousand Dollars is fully paid.
That the interest on said bonds is made payable semi - annually on the
first days of March and September in each year as the same becomes due.
I further report that it will be necessary for said Town of Ulysses to
raise by tax the sum of Three Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifteen Dollars '
3,715,) to be disbursed as follows:
The Supervisors' Proceedinga 169
For payment of 2 Bonds $1,000 each, due March 1st, 1902 2,000 00
For payment of interest on $50,000 from Sept. 1st, 1901, to March
1st, 1902 at 3% per cent 875 00
For payment of interest_on $48,000 from March 1st, 1902, to,Sept.
1st, 1902, at 3% per cent 840 00
Total 3,715 00
I further report that the interest due on said Bonds from March 1st, 1901,
to Sept. 1st, 1901, amounting to $875 is frilly paid for which I hold receipt
Dated, Ulysses, N. Y., December 16th, 1901.
Eugene Terry being duly sworn deposes and says that the above report
is ill • all respects true and correct to the best of his knowledge, information
and belief.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 16th day of December, 1901.
Notary Public.
To the Board of Supervisors:
Your committee on U. S. Deposit Fund respectfully report
it has examined the records, books and vouchers of the Loan
Commissioners, Messrs. Dick and Babcock, and find that ac-
cording to said books and ,vouchers the status of the
Fund is as follows:
170 The `'uiervtsnrs' Proceedings
The ainount of principle outstanding Nov_ 1st, 1900 '
was 16,399 34
Of this amount a mortgage was foreclosed by the
State of 150 00
Leaving the amount bearing interest through the year_16,249 34
Ainount of interest paid between Nov. 1st, 1900, and
Nov. 1st, 1901 is 812 47
Less commissions_ _ __123 00
Amount of interest forwarded to State • Treasurer .689 47
Leaving principal outstanding Nov. 1st, 1901 16,249 34
To the Board of Supervisors:
Your Committee on Insurance respectfully reports that
there is on file in the County Clerk's office the following policies
of insurance, viz :
One policy on County Almshouse insuring against loss by
explosion of boiler. Said policy is for $7,500.00 and is issued
by the Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Com-
pany, and expires Nov. 30th, 1903.
One policy on County Almshouse Buildings for $2,500.00,
issued by Hanover Insurance Company, R. J. I-Iunt, agent.
Premium, $68.75.
One policy on County Almshouse Buildings for $2,500.00,
issued by Liverpool, London & Globe Insurance Company, R.
J. -Hunt, agent. Premium, .;68.75.
Otie jlolici- on County Almshouse Buildings for $5,000.00,
issued by Continental Insurance Conipany, V. D. Morse, agent.
Premium; „137.50.
The Supervisors' Proceedings 17r
The last three policies on County Almshouse expire June
1st, 1902.
One policy issued by Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and .
Insurance Company, insuring the County to the extent of
7,500.00 against loss by the explosion of the boiler used in
heating Court House and Jail. Said policy expires Nov. 30th,
One 'policy on Court House for $2,500.00, issued by Mil -
waukee Mechanics' Insurance Company, L. E. Patterson,'
agent. Premium, $25.00.
One policy on Court House for $2,500.00, issued by Eagle
Fire Company, L. E. Patterson, agent. Premium, $25.00.
The last two policies on Court House expire June 1st,
To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County:
Your Committee on Erroneous Assessments after having
investigated all'elaims referred to such committee 'respectfully
report as follows:
we find from the certificate of -the assessor of the City of. Ithaca that
Lucilla B. Lobdell paid an erroneous tax in the year 1900 amounting to
11.04. We therefore recommend that Lucilla B. Lobdell be reimbursed in
the sum of $11.04, and that this autmint be levied and collected from the
taxable property of the City of Ithaca.
172 The Super visors' Proceedings
We further, find that Edward Wood, of the Town of Ulysses, in the year.
1900, paid.a tax of $11.52 erroneously assessed against the personal property
of Martha Wood, a non - resident of this County and State. We therefore
recommend that there be levied and collected from the taxable property of
the Town of Ulysses, the sum of 511.52 to reimburse Edward Wood.
We also find that 13. O. Wakeman. of Trumansburg, N. V., in the year
1900; paid a tax of $11.90 erroneously assessed against the real property of
the said B. O. Wakeman. We therefore recommend that there be levied and
collected from the taxable property of the Town of Ulysses the sum of $11.90
to reimburse the said 13. O. Wakeman.
All hf the above claims for reimbursement were accompanied by the
certificates of the assessors alleging the assessments to be erroneous. They
were likewise accompanied by receipts proving that the amounts claimed
were actually paid to the collectors.
11. M. HAGIN.
1900 -1901
To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County:
Your Committee on "Accounts of the Superintendent of the
Poor" respectfully presents the following report:
Your Committee has given a thorough examination, item
by item, of all the bills audited by the Superintendent and pre -
scnted before it by him in coroboration of accounts and orders
issued, and your Committee finds that the amount of such
bills, the amount expended by orders ,upon the County Treas-
urer, and the footings of the hccounts correspond, with,the
exception of $8.83, t value of farm produce applied on the
bill of Dr. Chase, (Almshouse physician.) •
77ee .Supervisors' Proceedings 193
The orders classified as follows show that there has been
For the support of the County poor 990 70
For improvements 1,001 36
For out -door relief 626 21
For services of Overseers 58 67
For transportation 18 40
2,695 34
For support of the poor by towns:
Ithaca (city)1,796 80
Ithaca (town)254 25 -
Lansing 102 00
Dryden 250 59
Groton •223 20
Danby 314 85
Newfield 276 68
Enfield 100 71
Caroline 268 92
Ulysses 93.16
3,681 16
Total 6,376 50
Appropriation, session 1900 6,103 18
Leaving a deficiency of 273 32
Your committee respectfully -recommends that there be
raised for the support of the poor as follows:
To cover deficiency 273 32
For the support of the poor for the year ending
Nov. 15th, 1902, as per estimate of. the Super-
intendent of the Poor 5,700 00
Making total appropriation 5,973 32
Less amounts of errata in hills, to he deposited
with County 'treasurer by Superintendent 31 00
And less value of produce from County farm applied
in reduction of Dr. Chase's bill 8 S3
39 83,
Amount of appropr iaticu to he raised by tax 5,933 94
174 The .Supervisors' Proceedings
Your Honorable Body has undoubtedly observed by the
report of the Superintendent of the Poor heretofore presented
to s-ou, that the amount expended under the .head of improve-
ments is unexpectedly.large; this is explained by the fact that
under this head have been grouped bills for lumber, hardware
and black - smithing, bills for seeds and plants for field, garden
and yard, and repairs in various ways on buildings and apper-
tenances of the farm.
You have probably also noticed that the - average expense
of maintenance in the Almshouse per capita per week for the
last year as per the report is $1.50 -9 -5 while the report of the
Superintendent last year made such average $1.17 -2; this in-
crease of .32 7 -5 is largely an apparent increase instead of
actual, from the fact that n bills aggregating a large
amount, which were contracted previous to the present Super-
intendcnt's incumbency of the office and which have been Paid
by him, have made his expenses greater than normal.
Your Committee while examining the bills paid by the
Superintendent has found that nianv accounts have been al-
lowed to run eleven or twelve, or more months,, before bills
have been presented for payment, so that when the reports,
accounts and vouchers of the Superintendent•have been pre-
sented to the Board or its committee for examination, there
has been no approximately exact information gii'en or ob-
tained, relative to the aggregate amount of accounts outstand-
ing against the county.
The Supervisors' Proceedings 175
To the Board of Supervisors:
Committee on Jail Salaries Would respectfully report that
the work done by the prisoners has been very satisfactory.
Number of days worked 1,048
Expense of working including everything 442 26
Leaving a nice balance in fax-or of the County. I would
recommend the working be continued. I thank the Board for
their assistance in furnishing all necessary supplies. .
To the Committee on County Treasurers Accounts :
ITHAcA, N. Y., December 11, 1901.
This is to certify that the balance in First National ]lank, of Ithaca, N.
V., at the -close of business, November 16, 1901, to the credit of Charles M.
Benjamin as Treasurer of Tompkins County, was two thousand, two hundred
eighte' n 49 -100 dollars, $2,218.49.
B. L. JOHNSON, Bookkeeper,
First National Bank.
According to the above certificate from the First National
Bank there is in said Bank the sum of' six dollars more than is
shown by the report of the Treasurer, which is explained by
the faet that one cheek given by said Treasurer for the sump of
six ($6) dollars, had not been presented for payment when the
report of the Treasurer was made.
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184 The .Satfier-vrsors' 1 - oceedings
I, Marshall A. Downing, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors
of Tompkins Countv,•do hereby certify that I have compared
the foregoing Journal 'of the Proceedings of the Board of Super -
visors of Tompkins Comity with the original record there-
of, and that the same is a full and correct transcript therefrom
of the transactions of said Board at the.annual session of said
Board during the year 1901, as far as the same is required to
he printed (typographical errors to be excepted).
In witness whereof, f have hereunto set my hand this 7th
day of January 1902.
The Sufervisors' Proceedings 185
General Election: The first Tuesday after the first Monday
in November. Revised Statutes (7th Ed.), page 379.
Annual Toivn Meeting: Second Tuesday in February, lien-
nially. Section 10, Article 2, Chapter 569, Laws of 1890.
Annual School Meeting in Neighborhood: First Tuesday
in August. Laws of 1893, Chapter 500.
Annual Meeting of Board of Town Auditors, comprising
the Supervisor, Town Clerk and Justices of the Peace, or any
two of the said justices: The First Thursday after the General
Election, at which time all accounts for eharges.and claims
against their respective towns must be presented to them for
audit. 1 Revised Statute (7th Ed.), page 835, Laws of 1840,
Chapter 305. Amended, Laws of 1890, Chapter 569, § 160,
161, 162.
Annual Meeting ofthe Board of Town Auditors'as above
designated, to examine accounts of Town Officers: On the last
Tuesday preceding the annual Town Meeting to be held in each
town. Lsiws of 1963, Chapter 172. Amended, Laws 1890,
Chap. 569, § 160, 161.
Annual Meeting of the Supervisors of the County as a
Board of County Canvassers, First Tuesday succeeding General
Election.. 1 Revised Statutes (7th Ed.), page 390.
186 71ze Supervisors' Proceedings
Aimual Meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the County:
Immediately after the completion of the Canvass, or at such
other times as they as a Board, shall fix. 2 Revised Statutes
7th Ed.), pages 926 -931.
Annual Meeting of Supervisor, Town Clerk and Justices of
each Town, to designate the place in each election district in
Town,' at which election shall be held during the year: On the
first Tuesday of September each year. Laws 1892, Chapter 680.
Meeting of Supervisor, Town Cleric and Assessor of each
Town, for purpose of making lists of Trial Jurors: On the
first day of July of each third year after July 1, 1878, at a
place in the town appointed by the Supervisor, or in his
absence or vacancy in office by Town Clerk; or,if they fail to
meet on that day, they must meet as soon thereafter as prat
ticahle. Code of Civil Procedure, § 1039. The next meeting
for this purpose will be held 1902.
County Superintendents of the. Poor meet at the County
House: the first Wednesday in each month. The object of
these meetings is to audit bills payable from the County Poor
Each Supervisor must execute to and deposit with the
County Treaurer,.a bond for the accounting of all school
moneys which may come into his hands before entering upon
the duties of his office.
Each Supervisor must make and deliver to the Town Clerk
of his town, his bond for the faithful discharge of his official
duties, and to account for all moneys coning into his hands as
such Supervisor.•
The Trustees of School Districts shall make a report to the
School Commisssioner between the 25th day of July and the
first Tuesday in August in each year. Chapter 245, Laws 1889.
The school moneys are apportioned annually by the School
Commissioners on the third Tuesday in March.
The Commissioners of Highways must execute a bond to
the Supervisor of their town Within ten days after theircicction.
77w 5ftervisors' Proceedings 187
Overseers of Highways must file a statement of all un-
worked highway tax with the Supervisors of their respective
towns on or before the first day of October.
The Tax Collector or Receiver shall, within eight days after
receiving notice of the amount of taxes to be collected by hint,
execute to the Supervisor of the town, and lodge with him, a.
bond in double the amount of said taxes, to be approved by
the Supervisor. The Supervisor shall, within six days there -
after, file the said bond in the office of the County Clerk of this
The Assessors must complete the Assessment Roll on or
before the first day of August and leave a copy thereof with
one of their number, and immediately thereafter cause notice
thereof to be pbstcd in three or more public places in their
town or ward.
When the Lines betwear two towns, wards, or counties,
divides a farm or lot, the sane shall be taxed, if occupied, in
the town, ward or county where the occupant resides; if un-
occupied, each part shall be assessed in the town,- ward, village
or county where the same shall lie." Laws 1886, Chapter
The Assessors shall meet on the third Tuesday in August,
to review their assessments and hear the complaint of any
person conceiving himself aggrieved. An affidavit to the roll
by the Assessors made prior to the third Tuesday of August, is
a nullity. The Assesessors must deliver the corrected Assess-
ment Roll to the Town Clerk on or before the first day of
September, there to remain for a period of fifteen days for pub- .
lie inspection, and the Assessors shall forthwith give public
notice by posting the same in at least three of the most public .
places in the town, br by publishing the same in one or more
newspapers published therein, that such Assessment Roll has
beenfinally completed, the officer to which the same has been
delivered, and the place where the same will be open to public
inspection. Said fifteen days, within which any assessment
may be reviewed by certiorari, shall commence on the day of
the first publication. The Assessor cannot enter the name of a
188 The Supervisors' Proceedings
person on his roll who became a resident after the first day of
When the Assessors, or a majority of them, shall have corn-
pleted their roll, they shall severally appear before any officer
of the County authorized by law to administer oaths, and
shall severally make and subscribe before such officers, an oath
in the following form which must be strictly folloWed:
We, the undersigned, do severally depose and swear that
we have set down in the foregoing Assessment Roll, all the real
estate situate in the town (or ward as thecase maybe), accord=
ing to our best information; and that, with the exception of
those cases in which the value of said real estate has been
changed by. reason of proof produced before us, we have esti-
mated the value •of said real estate at the sums which a ma-
jority of the Assessors have decided to be the hill value thereof,
and also that the said Assessment Roll contains a true state-
ment of the aggregate amount of the taxable personal estate
of each and every person named in such Roll, over and above
the amount of debts (Inc from such persons respectively, and
excluding such stocks as are otherwise taxable, and such other
property as is exempt by law from taxation, at the full value
thereof according to our best judgment and belief." Which
oath shall be written or printed on said roll, signed by the
Assessors, and certified by the officer. Laws 1885, Chapter
364, 201.
The Supervisor must report to the County Treasurer, on
the first Tuesday in March, the amount of school moneys
remaining in his hands.
Each Justice of the Peace must execute a bond with two
sureties conditioned for the payment on demand to the proper
officer all moneys received by the Justice, by virtue of his office,
w hich bond must be approved by the Supervisor of the town,
and filed in the Town Clerk's office.
Bach Justice of the Peace shall make a report in writing,
erified by oath, each year, bearing date the first day of
November, to the Board of Supervisors attheir annual session,
in which he shall state particularly the time when, and the
The Supervisors' I,roceedings 189
name of the person or persons from whom anv money hasbeen
received; and also the amount and on what account the sane
was received also all suns remaining clue and unpaid ; and
that all moneys by him received have been paid to the officer
duly empowered by law to receive the same.
Each Justice of the Peace must pay all moneys received by
him for fines, within thirty days after its receipt; to the County
Treasurer. Criminal Code, Section 726.
Overseers of the Poor cannot furnish supplies to a County
pauper, to exceed the sum of ten dollars, without an order from
the County Superintendent authorizing further disbursements
for such purpose.
All bills payable by town must be presented to the Town
Auditing Board for payment.
All bills for supplies furnished to County paupers must be
presented to the County Superintendent of the Poor-for audit.
All bills presented to the Board of Supervisors or any
Auditing Board, must be Verified by oath, stating that the
same are correct in every particular, and that no compensation
has Lbeen received for the same, or any part thereof, except
as therein stated.
190 the Sufiervzsors' Proceeduzgs
Assessments Rolls, Correction of 106
Confirmation of 106
Audits, County 107
Audits, Towns 113
Caroline 113
Danby 115
Dryden 117 .
l;ufield 121
Groton 123
Ithaca (town)126
Lansing 128
Newfield 131
Ulysses 133
Accounts, Auditing of 17-94
Almshouse, Inspection of by Board 32
Budget, County 99
Board of Supervisors, Compensation Table.183
Name and P. O. Address 11
Annual Session 11
Daily Sessions 17S
County 'Treasurer, Report of 138
Court Fund, Appropriation for 20
Chairman, Election of 12
Resolution of thanks to 105
Committees Appointed by 14
Caroline, Audits of 113
Clerk, Called Board to Order in Annual Session 11
Election of 12
To I'rocure Stationery 13
The Supervisors' Proceedings 191
Salary of 12
Compensation for Comptroller's Reports 17
Allowance for Postage 17
Resolution of Thanks to 105
Supervisors' Compensation Table 183
Report of Equalization to Comptroller 177
Bonded Indebtedness to Comptroller 176
Corporations to Comptroller 178
Certificate as to Proceedings 184
Communications from Comptroller.13 -24
City Clerk of Ithaca 61
Ithaca Publishing Company 37
County Audits 107
Notes, Payment of____._90
Court Expenses and Fuel and Light 79
Road, Making of 52
County Clerk, Report, of____. 157
Reiurlexing Book -43
Dryden— Audits of 11.7
Delegate to State Good Roads Meeting 59
Enfield— Audits of 121
Groton— Audits of 123
Ithaca (town)— Audits of 126
Janitor at County Clerk's Building, Salary of 89
Jail Physician, Compensation of 48
Justices of the Peace, Verified .Reports of 19
Jury I,ist, Presentation and Approval of 66
Jurors, Grand, Apportionment of 47
Lansing- Audits of 128
N •
Newfield— Audits of 131
192 The Supervisors' Proceedings
Petition of Assessors, Town of Dyrden 23
Printing — Ballots, Assessed to Town 23
Official Canvass 40-
Resolution, On Death of John E. Beers 63-87
Notes, Tompkins County Bank 88
Jail Labor 90
Railroad Commissioners — Enfield 15
Reports of—
Superintendent of Poor 151
County Treasurer 138
Committee on Superintendent of Poor Accounts 172
Surrogate's Clerk 160
Committee on Erroneous Assessments 171
Finance 158
Insurance 170
Equalization 92
County Treasurer's Accounts 175
U. S. Deposit Fund 169
State Charitable and Penal Institutions 80
Appropriations 98
Jail Labor 175
Justices of the Peace 161
Special Sessions 3
Session Laws, and Designation to Publish 18
State Tax___13
Sheriff, Transportation of Prisoners 79
Compensation for of Prisoners 79
Office Rent 74, 94
Sealer of Weights and Measures 85
Tax Rolls, Confirmation of 106
Dog 56 1
Ulysses, Audits of 133
0 -U
G '
F A'
i 1
BRADFORD ALMY County Judge and Surrogate
FRED L. CLOCK Surrogate's Clerk
S. EDWIN BANKS Special County Judge
LEROY H. VAN KIRK County Clerk
A. E. BALL Deputy County Clerk
CHARLES M. BENJAMIN County Treasurer
CHARLES H. BLOOD District Attorney
EDWARD P. SAYRE Under Sheriff, Ithaca
DAVID BOWER Superintendent of the Poor
GEORGE W. BABCOCK Loan Commissioner
JAMES DICK Loan Commissioner
EDWARD W. UPDYKE School Commissioner
LIBBIE SWEETLAND School Commissioner
GEORGE E. MONROE Member of Assembly
Dryden, N. Y.
EDWIN C. STEWART State Senator
40th District). Ithaca, N. Y.
GEORGE W. RAY Representative in Congress f26thDistrict). Norwich, N. Y.