HomeMy WebLinkAbout1907 ProceedingsTOMPKINS COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, 1907 Reading tram left to right: AIKEN, BEACH, THOMPSON, FISId, FAIRBANKS, MILLER, HAMBLIN, PRESWICK, WHITE (Chairman), PECK; CLAPP, CIIAPPUIS, MONE (Clerk), PARKER :. Annual Session at Ithaca, N. Y. PROCEEDINGS OF THE Board of ,Supervisor's, OF THE County of Tompkins ...1907... ORLANDO WHITE, Chairman, Lansing, N. Y. EDWARD J. MONS, Clerk, Ithaca, N. Y. GROTON, N. Y. PRESS OF THE GROTON JOURNAL 1908 JOURNAL OF PROCEEDINGS OF SPECIAL SESSIONS-- 1907. To Bert T. Baker, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: We, the undersigned, wish you to call a Special Session of the Board of Supervisors to be held in the Supervisors' Room in Ithaca, N. Y., at 10 a. nr., Wednesday, Feb. 6, 1907. WM. H. PARKER, ORLANDO WHITE, BERKLEY SIMPSON, JOHN J. HANSHAW, F. D. FISH, R. N. R. F. CHAPPUIS,. W. C. GALLAGHER, A. N. MILLER, F. B. PEARSALL, CHAS. H. BEACH, MOUNT. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY fi, 1907. MORNING SESSION. Roll Call. Quorum present. The Special Committee appointed to draft a proposed act to salary the sheriff of Tompkins County and a proposed act to.per- mit the Board of Supervisors to raise the compensation of jurors to not exceed,.$3.00 per day made their report and submitted pro- posed bills. M. N. Tompkins, Esq., Attorney for Priest and Benjamin, was given the privilege of the floor and stated the position of the Ithaca Journal in the Mandamus Proceedings. ¢ The Supervisbrs' Proceedings By Mr. Simpson: Resolved, That the following proposed act submitted by the special committee to permit the Board of Supervisors to raise the compensation of jurors to not exceed $3.00 per day be sent to State Senator, Hou. Owen Cassidy, and to Assemblyman, Hon. Wm. R. Gundernam by the Clerk forthwith: AN ACT TO AMEND THE CODE OF CIVIL PRO- CEDURE, RELATIVE TO FEES OF GRAND AND TRIAL JURORS IN CERTAIN COUNTIES. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: . SECTION 1. Section thirty-three hundred and fourteen of the code of civil procedure is hereby amended to read as follows: 3314. Supervisors may make allowance to grand and trial jurors. In the counties within the city of New York the board of aldermen, and in any other county the board of Supervisors, rimy direct that a sum, not exceeding two dollars in addition to the fees prescribed in the last section, or in any other statutory pro- vision be allowed to each grand juror, and each trial juror for each day's attendance at a term of a court of record, of civil or criminal jurisdiction, held within their county, except that in the county of Westchester and the counties of Tompkins, Rock- land, Orange, Erie, Niagara, Ontario, Wyoming, Cayuga and Genesee grand and trial jurors may be allowed a stun by the board of supervisors not exceeding three dollars for a day in ad- dition to the other fees prescribed by the last section. If a dif- ferent rate is not otherwise established as herein provided, each juror is entitled to five cents for each mile necessarily traveled by him in going to and returning from the term; but such board of aldermen or board of supervisors may establish a lower rate. A juror is entitled to mileage for actual travel once in each calendar week during the term, except that in the counties of Queens, Rockland and Orange grand and trial jurors may be paid four cents a mile for each mile necessarily traveled in going to and returning for each day of actual travel during the term in lieu of any other mileage. The sum so established or allowed must be paid by the county treasurer upon the certificate of the clerk of The Supervisors' Proceedings. g the court, stating the number of days that the juror actually at- tended, and the number of miles traveled by him in order to at- tend. The amount so paid must be raised in the same manner as other county charges are raised. , 2. This act shall take effect September first, nineteen hundred and seven. On motion of Mr. IIanshaw the sauce was adopted. On motion the Board adjourned to 1:30 P. M. AFTERNOON SESSION. Roll Call. Quorum present. William Nelson Noble, Esq., attorney for the special coin - 0 mittee to draft a proposed law for salarying the sheriff of Tomp- kins County, was given the privilege of the floor and explained the proposed bill. By Mr. Beach: Resolved, Thatthe salary for thesheriff of Tompkins County be fixed at $2,000 per annum, and incorporated in the proposed .act suburitted by the special committee. Its adoption was moved by Mr. Miller. By Mr. White: Resolved, As an amendment, that the salary of the sheriff be -fixed at $1,800, and incorporated in the proposed act. —5. Its adoption was moved by Mr. Parker, and was lost. Ayes—Messrs. Chappuis, Parker, White, Pearsall -4. Nays—Messrs. Fish, Mount, Fairbanks, Beach and Miller The original resolution was adopted. Apes—Messrs. Fish, Mount, Fairbanks, Beach, Miller and .Pearsall—G. 6 The Supervisors' Proceedings. Nays—Messrs. Chappuis, Parker, White -3. On motion of Mr. Chappuis the Clerk was directed to forth- with transmit a certified copy of the proposed act to State Senator Hon. Owen Cassidy and to Assemblyman Hon. William R. Gunderman. Mr. Pearsall's resolution to salary each Coroner of the County at $50.00 per annum, introduced January 29th, 1907,.was taken up for consideration, and amended by stating present coroners. A motion for its adoption by Air. Parker was lost. Ayes—Messrs. Chappuis, Parker and Pearsall -3. Naps—Alessrs. Hutchings, Fish, Mount, Hanshaw, Fair- banks, Beach, Miller, White and Simpson -9. By Mr. Simpson: Resolved, That the number of coroners in the County of Tompkins be and the same hereby is fixed at one; but that nothing herein contained shall be construed to affect the term of office of the present coroners; and Resolved further, That said one coroner shall receive a salary, instead of fees; and that such salary be, and the same hereby is fixed at one hundred dollars for each year. On motion of Mr. Pearsall the same was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Chappuis, Fish, Mount, Hanshaw, Parker, Fairbanks, Beach, White, Simpson and Pearsall—J0. Nays—Mr. Hutchings -1. Mr. Miller was excused from voting. The minutes for the day were read and approved. On motion the Board adjourned. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. Tlce Supervisors' Proceedings. y SPECIAL SESSION To Bert T. Baker, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: We, the undersigned, wish you to call a Special Session of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins to be held at the Supervisors' Room, Ithaca, N. Y., on Wednesday February 27, 1907, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, for the appointment of a new Good Road Construction Committee and such other business as may come before the Board. CHAS. H. BEACH, A. N. MILLER, WM. H. PARKER, R. F. CHAPPUIS, FRANK D. FISH, JOHN W. PRFSWICK, H. C. FAIRBANKS. In pursuance of the foregoing call, I, as Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, duly notified each member of the Board by a written notice addressed to the members at their respective ad- dresses oil the 21st day of February, 1907. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 27tb, 1907.. MORNING SESSION. The Board was called to order by Bert T. Baker, Clerk. Roll Call. All members present. The Call for the meeting was read by the Clerk. On motion of Mr. Parker, Mr. Chappuis was chosen tempor- ary chairman. - By Mr. Parker: Resolved, That the places on Standing Committees now held by former members of this Board whose term of office have expired be declared vacant and that their successors in office are hereby appointed to their respective places oil such committees, 8 The Sufiervisors' Proceedings. On motion of Mr. White the same was adopted. The Clerk read the Report of the Good Road Construction Committee, which on motion of Mr. Parker was accepted and ordered filed. Mr. William P. Harrington, Superintendent of the Poor, was given the privilege of the floor and reported that the Ithaca Child- ren's Home had refused to keep Pearl Hunt longer and that he had placed her in the Gerry Home. ' J. J. McGuire, Esquire, as attorney for Mr. E. L. Parks, was given the privilege of the floor and he requested the Board to make some disposition of Mr. Parks' alleged contract with the County as Superintendent of road construction for one year at $100.00 per month. On motion the Board adjourned to 1.30 P. M. AFTERNOON SESSION. Roll call. All members present except Supervisor Clapp. By Mr. Fairbanks: Resolved, That two City Supervisors be appointed by the Chair to investigate the 1906 School 'faxes returned for re -assess- ment in the City of Ithaca and report to this Board. On motion of Mr. Fish the same .was adopted. The Chair appointed as such Committee Messrs. Fairbanks and Miller. By Mr. White: Whereas, This Board did by resolution passed and adopted on the (itli day of October, 1906, appoint the then Chairman of this Board, R. Newton Mount, together with W. C. Gallagher and Charles H. Beach as a committee to take charge, under the di- rection of this Board, of the construction of certain roads which the County of Tompkins had contracted to build and improve, The Sioervisors' Proceedings. g and as such committee to receive and disburse all moneys raised by this Board for the purpose, Now, therefore, Resolved, That the said Chairman, R. Newton Mount, W. C. Gallagher and Charles H. Beach, be and they hereby are dis- charged as such committee and from all further ditties devolved upon them by the said resolution. Oil motion of Mr. Thompson the same was adopted. By Mr. Thompson: Resolved, That W. H. Parker, Geo. R. Peck and Chas. H. Beach, who are members of this Board, be and they hereby are appointed a Committee to take.charge, under the direction of this Board of the construction of the roads now under construction and to receive and disburse all moneys raised by this Board for that purpose. That the said Committee investigate and report to this Board at a special meeting thereof to be held on Saturday the 16th day of March, 1909, the cost of construction to the present time; the amount and value of the machinery purchased by the County to aid in such construction; whether, in its judgment, the County call complete the contracts heretofore made by this Board without loss to the County, and also the present condition and status of all the contracts made between the County and the State for the construction of such roads. The said committee shall also make such recommendation as shall to it seem to the - best interests of the County. On motion of Mr. White the same was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Peck, Hamblin, Fish, Preswick, White, Thompson -6. Nays—none. Excused from voting,—Messrs. Parker, Fairbanks, Beach, Miller; Aiken -5. Supervisor Clapp was absent. Messrs. E. H. Bostwick, C. B. Brown and John Vann, a committee of the Fish and Game Club of Tompkins County, were ro Tlde Sufiervisors'. Proceedings. given the privilege of the floor and they ,requested the Board to pass the following resolution: Whereas, Under the existing laws of the State of New Pork, no provision has been made for the protection of hare and rabbits in Tompkins County, and the same may now be lawfully hunted and killed at all seasons of the year, And, Whereas, It is desirable that hare and rabbits should be protected during the same period of the year as are grouse and partridges, Now, therefore, be it Resolved, That it is the sense of this Board that the Legislature enact a Law protecting bare and' rabbits in Tompkins County, by making a closed season for them, which shall be the same as now exists as to grouse and partridges, And be it further Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board transmit a certified copy of this resolution to our Senator and Member of Assembly, who are hereby requested to use all lawful means to secure the passage of the proposed law above referred to. Its adoption was moved by Mr. Beach and seconded by Mr. Fairbanks. Moved by Mr. Parker, seconded by Mr. Aiken, that the resolution be laid on the table until next Special Session. Carried. On motion of Mr. Parker the bond of the County Treasurer for $10,000 by Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland on the $60,000 Bond Issue was approved. By Mr. Miller: Resolved, That this Board appoint a County Superintendent of Highways and Bridges for Tompkins County. The same was laid on the table until Special Session to be held March Kith. 1007. The Supervisors' Proceedings. TT The minutes for the day were read and approved. On motion the Board adjourned to March ].6th, 1907, at 10 A.M. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk, SPECIAL SESSION SATURDAY, MARCH 16,1907. MORNING SESSION. Roll Call. All members present except Supervisor Miller. On motion of Mr. White, Mr. Chappuis was elected telnpm- ary chairman. The resolution introduced February 27, 1907, to make a clos- ed season for hares and rabbits was taken up for consideration and a motion for its adoption was lost. The Clerk read the detailed report of the Good Road Con- struction Committee. On motion the Board adjourned to 1:30 P.M. AFTERNOON SESSION. Roll Call. All members present. Oil motion of Mr. White the detailed report of the Good Road Construction Committee was adopted, and ordered printed in the proceedings. . Ithaca, A. Y, Illarck 16, T907. To the Honorable Board of Supervisors: We, the undersigned Good Roads Committee appointed F2 The Supervisors' Proceedings. Pebruary 27th, 1907, and in accordance with a resolution of that date beg to submit for your consideration the following report together with such recommendation as we believe to be for the best interests of the County. - Prom such reports and records as are on file, we have com- piled the following financial report or all expenditures pertain- ing to this department. Total moneys available for all purposes -522,S05 42 Amount unexpended or on hand with County Tres. __ 3,100 84 Leaving total amount expended to date _-$19,704 58 The following unpaid bills which have been approved by former Committees for machinery and materials delivered: Olin Gas Engine Co. ----$657 20 Climax Road Machine Co. 350 00 ,„----------------- 135 00 " 15 00 Groton Bridge Co------------------------- 273 59 Cayuga Lake Cement Co. 200 0o Trmnan Ring S,Co------------------------ 1.5 00 C. J. Rumsey & Co.----------- ----------- 10 13 Total unpaid bills------------------ sl,(;5,,5 92 $1,655 92 Thus we find the total cost of all machinery, tools, materials bought and labor performed to date to be $21,360 50 From the State Engineer's report we find the following estimates of work completed: Contract No. 336 Cayuga Heights 4% of contract-- $1,327 2S " 338 Catskill Turnpike 1.7% of contract 2,228 87 454 Ithaca Lake Road 7% of contract 2,326 71 " 455 No work done 483 No work done Total estimate of wort: completed as given by the State Engineer ----------------------------- $5;882 86 The Subervisors' Proceedings. 13 A careful inventory of all machinery, tools and materials now on hand has been made ( a detailed list of which is hereto attached ) which shows the present value of same as follows: Machinery, tools, etc., on hand------------------- $9,429 50 Materials on hand-- ---------------------------- 480 89 Amount due from sale of cement------------- --- 145 50 Total value of work completed including value of machinery, tools and materials on hand------- $15,938 75 From the total cost as given above of $21,300 50 Deduct work completed and value of machinery, tools, materials on hand— --------------------- 15;)38 75 And we find the net loss to date to be------------- $ 5,421 75 This loss is greater than former reports will show because certain expenditures were not distribut- ed to any particular piece of work. Presumably the former Committee was waiting until the work would be completed before distributing such items to the various contracts. Inasmuch as the expense was already incurred, we have included same in the above report as a proper charge to the work now completed. The amount of such items are as follows: Amount previously reported as a loss on work done $ 816 84 Account designated in ledger as general expense 1,346 78 Expense incurred in Sheehey Quarry 768y6(i Cost of all cement purchased and not accounted for 450 83 Difference between cost $2,500.00 and inventory price of $2,075.00 for crusher, bins, 5 'wagons and a sprinkler----------------------------- 425.00, Difference in cost $456.80 and inventory price of $360.00 for 5 Studebaker wagons------------- 96 80 Difference in cost $135.00 and inventory price of $100.00 for 1 screen ------------- 35 00 T¢ The Supervisors' Proceedings. The balance of the loss would indicate the de- preciation on machinery, tools and for machinery, tools and materials not otherwise accounted for or located by this Committee_ ------------- $1,481-84 Total loss as above reported------------------ $5,421 75 Your former Committee report a contraetwith the Monarch Road Roller Co. for one traction engine at a cost price of $1,400,00. As the engine has not been delivered and not been paid for we have not taken this item into account. The records on file show the amount paid for machinery and tools to date ---------------------- $10,129 33 Present inventory value of 9,429 50 Or a difference of------------------------------ $ 699 83 'which is included in above report. While the foregoing statement indicates a large loss to the County on work now completed, it. is proper to tale into ac- count the fact that considerable expense has been necessarily'in- curred by former Committees in the way of investigation and experiments that would not be necessary in the future, and therefore it might be that if your Committee were to continue the construction of Good Roads that it could be accomplished with a less per cent. of loss than is here sbated for work done. However it is the judgment of your Committee that if some private contractor will assume the unfinished portions of all contracts between this Board and the State without material loss to the County, and that all machinery, tools and materials can be disposed of to good advantage, that it would be for the best interests of the County to sell and discontinue the con- tracting business. All of which is respectfully submitted. WILLIAM H. PARKER, CEO. R. PECK, CHAS. H. BEACH, Committee. The Sufiervisors' Proceedings. zs INVENTORY OF MACHINERY, TOOLS AND MA- TERIALS ON HAND MARCH 16TH, 1907 Ithaca Road, Lake Section at Cemetery Board, Concrete, Box and Lumber ----- ----- S 10 00 Road Breaker---------------------------- 20 00 In Tool Box worth------------------------ 1 50 Hose 50 ft.---------- ----------------- 5 00 Shovels 1S--------------------------- 4 50 2 Mattocks __-------------------- ---- SO Garden Spade--------- -------------- 40 3 Pounders----------------------------- 3 00 4 Picks---------------------------------.- 1. 00 Level------------------ ---------------- 1 Oo Brush— --------------------------- 20 DieIron..-------------------------------- 1 50 Trowel ----------------------------- - 2 4 Lanterns__- ---------------------- 1 0f1 Brush Hook--------------------------- ro Axe----'-------------------------------- -------------------------------Ropes-- Ropes ---------------------------------- 1. 00 S Ib. hammer------------------ ------- 1 25 Oil Can and Oil -------------------------- 25 Box of Powder __------------------------- 1 50 Water Pail and Two Dippers--------------- 25 Stakes--------------------------- 50 Screen----------------------------------- 1 00 1 Roller--------------------------------- 2,500 00 1 Out Mouse— ------------------------- 2 00 S2,5[i9 15 Cayuga Heights Road La Bar Quarry Tools Tool Box ---------------- ------------5 8 00 Pail and Dipper--------------------------- 25 11 Shovels------------------------------- 2 7.5 8 Picks---------------- ---------- 2 SO 3\Iattocks------------------------------- 1 50 1 Big Hammer-------------------------- 1 75 r6 Rie Supervisors' Proceedings. 1 Axe-------------- $ 35. 3 Stone Breakers ------------------------- 3 00 2 Wedges------- - 70 3 Bars ---------------------------------- 3 Olt 4 Barrow Iron Wheel -------------------- 4 00 2 Stone Barrows---- ---_ ---- 6 00 $ 34 10 34 1.0 Machinery, Etc., In Beach's Barn Road Plow ------------------------------ $ 20 00 Screen, Shafting, Hangers, Etc -------------- 100 00 Cross -Cut Saw ------------- 2 00 2 Picks----------- ------- 75 2 Shovels-------------------------------- 50 100 ft. Steam Pipe @ 8 .05---------------- 5 00 2 Steel Barrows-------------------------- 5 00 1. Gasoline Engine ------------------------- 340 00 Austin 600 Sprinkler ---------------------- $220 00 Studebaker 600 Sprinkler----------------- 280 00 3 Rowerdink Wagons ---------------------- 270 00 2 Tool Boxes ----------------------------- 16 00 County Buildings, West State St. 6 Studebaker Wagons ---------------------$726 00 1 Rowerdink Wagon---------------------- 90 00 3 Climax Wagons $111 00 ------------------ 333 00 473 25 $786 00 $1,149 00 Machinery Account at Besemer's Depot 2 Climax Wagons------------------------ $ 222 00 I Crusher 10120 and Elevator at Hunger - ford's ------------------------------ 1,100 00 Bins at flungerford's ---- 200 00 Olin Gas Engine and Parts ------ - 340 00 81,862 00 The . Supervisors' Proceedings. 17 Catskill Road, Section No. 2 Concrete Board------------------------- $ 5 00 Steam Roller----------------- --------- 2,500 00 82,505 00 Supervisors' Room, Court House Desk and Chai----------------------------- 61 00 61 00 $9,426 50 MATERIAL ACCOUNT Ithaca Road, Lake Section 4 Tons Coal at $3.00----------------------- $12 00 12 Tons Stone at $1.15— ------------------- 13 80 88 Pieces, 1.76 ft. 20 in. Tile at $ .25 -------- 44 00 18 Pieces 39 ft. 6 in. Tile at $ .10 ----------- 3 90 $73 70 Cayuga Heights Road 3000 ft. 2x6 Hemlock at $22.00 ------------- $66 00 20 yds. at $ .5-0-------------------------- 10 00 $76 00 Beach's Barn 250 Bars Iron at $ .04 -------------------- $10 00 20 Ton Coal at $2.85----------------------- 57 00 $67 00 County Stone Yard, West State St. 600 Empty Cement Sacks at $.07-_-_-______-$42 00 600 ft. Expanded Afetal at $.04 ------------- 24 00 50 lbs. 13ar Iron.at $.04-------------------- 2 00 (.umber from Quarry--------- ----- ------ 25 00 $ 93 00 2 is The Srepi rviso�s' Proceedin.,s. CATSKILL TURNPIKE. SECTION NO. 2 Hungerford's Farm 25 tons No. 3 Stone at $7.00 (not paid for) ---$37 50 250 lbs. Iron Bars at 5.04------------------ 10 00 700 lbs. Expanded Metal at 5.04------------ 28 00 Lumber ----------------------------- 10 00 6 yards Sand—.---------------------------- 6 00 8 pieces 16 ft. 20 -in. Pipe at $.25 ---_------ 4 00 Lumber---------------------------------- 10 00 5105 50 At G. M. Bull's 388 sacks at 5.0721 ------------------------- 5'-'0 10 S29 10. At Grover's Barn, Catskill Turnpike. 4.5) sacks at S.071------------------------------- S3 37 At Hollister's Barn 243 sacks at S.07 --------------------------------_ S18 22 6 bbls. Cement at 51.50-------------------------- Sig 00 6 yds. Sand at 81 .00 ------- ----------------------- S6 00 5480 89 By Mr. Parker: Resolved that the sheriff be instructed not to allow the use of the Supervisors' Room in the future for any other purpose than for meetings of the Board of Supervisors and committee work. On motion of Mr. Aiken the same was adopted. By Mr. Fairbanks: Resolved that the bill of E. O. Godfrey for the making of 1000 lbs. of test weights be allowed so that the weights may at once becone the property of Tompkins County and be placed at the disposal of the Sealer of Weights and Measures. The Sufiervisors' Proeeednegs. 19 On motion of Mr. Aiken the same was adopted. By Mr. White: Resolved, That the Temporary Chairman of this Board he in- structed to-couvumiicate with our Member of Assembly and the Senator from this Senatorial District in regard to the Bill before the Legislature placing the office of Sheriff in this County on a salarybasis, and instruct them to push the matter to a successful conclusion, this being a very important matter and having the unanimous approval of tile preceding Board and a considerable expenditure made preparing legislation to be enacted should not be allowed to lapse. On motion of Mr. Parker the sante was adopted. The Clerk read the following petition: To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: The undersigned petitioner, Bernard Guggenheim, respect- fully petitions the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, N. Y., to grant him a Kennel License, as he is engaged in breeding thoroughbred dogs, and such business cannot be conducted with financial success under the present dog tax rates. Petitioner lives N and has his place of business in the Town of Ithaca, Tompkins County, N. Y. His dogs are kept in a yard and to be out only accompained by owner or employee. BERNARD GUGGENHEIM. By Mr. Preswick: Resolved, That the petition of Bernard Guggenheim be received and filed, and that his application for a Kennel License be granted oil the conditions contained in such petition, and if the terms upon this special grant are observed that a tax of twenty-five cents each be assessed and collected on account of each and every clog he may own over four months old. Resolved, further, That this act be continued in force and effect unless the terms thereof are violated by the said Bernard Guggenheim or until the same is repealed by the Board of Super- visors of this County. 20 The Snbervisors' Proceedine s. On motion of Mr. Fairbanks the same was adopted. By Mr. Hamblin: Resolved, That all moneys for the construction of highways under contract of the County of Tompkins with the State of New York be paid out only by the Treasurer of the County of Torup- kins on the order or draft signed by all three members of the G)od Road Construction Committee. On motion of Mr. Fairbanks the same was adopted. By Messrs. Miller, Fairbanks, Beach, Aiken and Preswick: Resolved, That the Ithaca Journal be designated as the Re- publicau paper to publish the official canvass and election notices for Tompkins County in accordance with the provisions of Section 21 and 22, Chap. 686, Laws of 1892 and Acts amendatory thereto. On motion of Mr. Parker the sauce was adopted By Messrs. Fish, Chappuis, White, Parker, Hamblin, Thompson, Peck and Clapp: Resolved, That the Ithaca News be designated as the Demo- crat paper to publish the official canvass and election notices of Tompkins County in accordance with the provisions of Sections - 21 and 22,'Clrapter 686, Laws of 1892 and Acts amendatory thereof. On motion of Mr. Thompson the same wasadopted. By Mr. Parker: Resolved, That the compensation for the publishing the offi- cial canvass of 1906 be $29.76 and the publishing of election no- tices for the general election for 1907 be paid for at the rate of 26 cents per folio for each insertion, actual count. On motion of Mr. Beach the same was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Peck, Hamblin, Clapp, Preswick, Parker, Fairbanks, Beach, Miller, White, Thompson, Aiken -11. Nays—none. The Su,6ervaso& Proccedtugs. zr By Mr. Fish: Resolved, That the Construction Committee on Good Roads, appointed by this Board on February 27th, J.907, be and it hereby is authorized and empowered to sublet the contracts now existing between the State of New York and Tompkins County for the construction of roads if the same can be done to advantage of the County and also to dispose of the road machinery now belonging to the County in the event of the subletting of said contracts. On motion of Mr. White the same was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Peck, Hamblin, Fish, Preswick, Parker, Beach, Miller, White, Thompson, Aiken -10, Nays—noue. Fxcused from voting, Messrs. Clapp and Fairbanks -2 By Messrs. Fairbanks, Miller, Parker and Beach: Whereas, The Board of Education of the City of Ithaca has delivered to the County 'hreasurer an account of the unpaid school taxes of the City of Ithaca for the years 1904 and 1905 which said account was duly verified by the Collector of school taxes and duly certified by the Board of Education of said City as required the Statute, And, Whereas, The County Treasurer has heretofore laid said account, affidavit and certificate before the Board of Supervisors, And, Whereas, Said Board of Supervisors by resolution found on page 90 of its proceedings for the year 1906, ordered that said taxes be reassessed and levied upon and collected from the lands or property upon which the same was imposed: Now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the sum of$498.40 being the amount of the taxes so returned and unpaid with 5eo in addi- tion thereto as compensation for the collector, be and the same hereby is appropriated for the payment of said returned taxes, and that an order or draft for the sum of $523.82 in the usual form be made upon the County Treasurer directing payment of the said sum to said collector of said school district, payable February 15th, 1908. 0 22 The Supervisors' Proceeding's. Oil motion of Mr, Beach the same was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Peck, Hamblin, Fish, Clapp, Preswick, Parker, Fairbanks, Beach, Miller, White, Thompson, Aiken -12, Nays—none. By Mr, Thompson: Resolved, That the Committee on Good Roads be empowered to employ an attorney to give them advice and such legal opinion as they may need in the matter of farther consideration of such matters as may come before this Committee for settlement and to draw such papers as may be necessary. On motion of Mr. Preswick the same was adopted. Mr. Miller's resolution introduced February 27th, 1907, for the Board to appoint a County Superintendent of Highways and Bridges was taken «p for consideration on motion of Mr. Clapp, A motion for its adoption by Mr. Fairbanks was lost. By Mr. Clapp: Resolved, That the temporary chairman of this Board appoint a committee of three to go to Albany to attend the Good Roads Convention on March 27th. On motion of Mr. White the same was adopted. The temporary chairman appointed as such committee, Messrs. Clapp, Fish and Preswick. The minutes for the day were read and approved. On motion the Board adjourned. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. 77ze Supervisors' Proceedings. 23 SPECIAL SESSION. To Bert T. Baker, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: We, the undersigned, wish you to call a Special Session of the Board of Supervisors to be held in the Supervisors' Room, Ithaca, N. Y., April 22, 1907, at 10 A. M. W. H. PARKER, R. F. CHAPPUIS S. H. CLAPP A. N. MILLER, F. B. AIKEN, J. W. PRESWICK, CHAS. H. BEACH JOHN HAMBLIN. MONDAY APRIL, 22, 1907. MORNING SESSION. Roll Call. All members present except Supervisor Fairbanks. The Clerk read the following report, which on motion was received and ordered printed in the proceedings: We, the undersigned committee, after having visited the State Engineer's office at Albany on March 25, 1907, have secur- ed the following roads as indicated by green lines on the map, which we submit to you herewith. S. H. CLAPP, F. D. FISH, J. W. PRESWICK. By Mr. Hamblin: Resolved, That this Board approves the correction and changes made in the good roads map of Tompkins County by our repre- sentative committee together with the State Engineer and Sur- veyor, done at his office in Albany on the 25th clay of March, 1907, and that this Board respectfully ask the Legislative com- mittee on Internal Affairs to approve said map without further change, and that the Clerk of this Board be and is instructed to send a certified copy of this resolution to each chairman of said committees. 2¢ TJae Supervisors' Proceedings On motion of Mr. miller the same was adopted. By Mr. Hamblin Whereas, Upon the petition of the Town Board of the Town of Danby, this Board passed a resolution on Dec. 18, 1905, ask- ing that section of the highway within the County of Tompkins, N. Y., be improved under the provisions of Chapter 115 of the Laws of 1895 and the Acts amending the same known as the Danby Turnpike, commencing at the Ithaca Town line and ex- tending in a southeasterly direction to the place known as Burr Jennings Corner, a distance of. about six miles, and Whereas, This Board by a resolution on the 28th day of November, 1906, petitioned that said section of highway be'im- proved under said j)rovisions to provide an appropriate system of highways in Tompkins County, and Whereas, Said section of highway extending as far as Dauhy Hamlet has been placed upon the State map as a highway to be improved under the $50,000,000 bonding act, and Whereas, Said,seetion of highway is one of the most traveled highways in Tompkins County and is a highway much affected by the conditions of the weather, Therefore, Be it Resolved, That the State Engineer be re- quested to make an immediate survey thereof and submit plans and specifications to this Board for its improvement as far as Davby Hamlet. On motion of Mr. Thompson the same was adopted. On motion the Board adjourned to 2 P. M. AFTERNOON SESSION. Roll Call. All members present, By Mr. Clapp Whereas, The Town Board of the Town of Groton at a meet- ing -thereof held on the 13th day of April, 1907, have duly peti- tioned for the improvement under the provisions of Chapter 115 llie Suj5ervisos' Proceedin s. 25 of the Laws of 1898 and Acts amendatory thereof of that sectiou of public highway running east from the Village of Groton to the Cortland County line, Therefore, be it Resolved, That public interest demands the improvement under the provisions of Chapter 115 of the Laws of 1898 and Acts amendatory thereof, of that section of public high- way situate in the Town of Groton, County of Tompkins, New York, running from the corporate limits of the Village of Groton easterly to the Cortland County Line, being a distance of about four miles, and known as the Lafayette and Nubbia Road, and ' Further Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board transmit a certified copy of this resolution to the State Engineer and Sur- veyor forthwith. On motion of Mr. Fish, the same was adopted. On motion of Mr. Aiken all resolutions requesting immedi- ate surveys of highways on the Good Road map are to be referred to the Standing Committee on Good Roads with full power to advise the State Engineer thereon. By Mr. Beach: Whereas, The Common Council of the City of Ithaca has sent to the Representatives of this County and Senatorial District an Act to amend the Charter of the Cit} of Ithaca to provide for the raising of funds to meet the expenses of the Board of Health of the City of Ithaca; said funds to be raised by the Board of Super- visors in the same manner as the poor fund for said City of.Ithaca, Now, therefore, Be it Resolved, That this Board of Suoervisbrs believes that this Act is improper for the best interests of the City of Ithaca, as the Board of Supervisors is not the auditing board for said City of Ithaca and would have no check whatever on the expenses of said Board of Health: and We further believe that said Act is proposed in its present form with the intent to deceive the tax payers of said City of Ithaca as to the trtie costs and expenses of running said City, and 26 - Tize Subervisors' Proceedings. Be it further Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board trasmit a certified copy of this resolution to our Member of Assembly and Senator at Albany, and also a copy to the Governor of the State of New York. O❑ motion the sante was adopted. By Mr. Fish: Resolved, That the Chairman appoint a committee of three members of this Board to confer with Mrs. Cook or her attorney and make settlement of the matter of right of way through her property to the best advantage of the County. On motion of Mr. Thompson the same was adopted. The Chairman appointed as such committee Messrs. Dish, Parker and Beach. The Clerk read the following report: To the Board of Supervisors: Your Construction Committee oil Good Roads. respectfully present for your consideration, approval and ratification contracts entered into by your committee for the subletting of tine contracts taken by the County from the State for the improvement of the Catskill Turnpike, Ithaca Road, Wyckoff Road and Cayuga Heights Road respectively, Said committee having sublet said contracts to Bailey, Johnson and -Saunders, Inc., of Buffalo, N. Y., each contract being sublet to above mentioned corporation at same price said contracts were secured from the State with such work as Inas been done on any of above contracts credited oil same at Engineer's estimate. Your committee have also sold to Bailey, Johnson and Saunders all the machinery, tools and materials oil hand acquired for the construction of above mentioned roads; all machinery and materials being sold at actual cost to tine county. All tools at inventoried prices. Also all leases having a cash value disposed Elf at cost to the County making an aggregate of $12,95727. The Sufferviso,s' Proceedings. 27 For the faithful performance of each of said contracts, Bailey, Johnson and Saunders have given to the County all approved bond for fifty percent. of the contracts. For the machinery, materials, tools, etc., Bailey, Johnson and Saunders are to pay in three equal installments; three, six and eight months, bearing 4 per cent. interest, giving as security a chattel mortgage covering all machinery, also the personal guar- anty of Joseph B. Bailey, president of above named company. Your committee would also respectfully report that these matters have been very carefully _considered and every possible safeguard taken looking to the safeguarding of the County's in- terests, and we trust the same will meet with the entire approval and satisfaction by this board. All of which is respectfully submitted, W. H. PARKER, GEO. R. PECK, CHAS. H. BEACH, Committee. By Mr. White: Resolved, That the report of the Good Road Construction Committee be accepted, adopted and printed in the proceedings; that each of said several contracts specified and referred to in said report between the County of Tompkins and Bailey, Johnson and Saunders be and the same hereby are in all respects ratified, sanc- tioned, confirmed and legalized. On motion of Mr. Miller the same was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Peck, Hamlin, Fish, Clapp, Preswick, Park- er, Fairbanks, Beach, Miller, White, Thompson and Aiken—1 C. Nays—None. By Mr. Parker: Whereas, It is provided by Chap. 468 of the Laws of. 1906 that if the boundaries of any proposed improved highway shall deviate from the existing highway the Board of Supervisors must 28 Tlie Szrfiervisors' Proceedings. make provision for securing the requisite rights of way as pro- vided by law and the cost and expenses of procuring such rights of way shall be taken into consideration and paid by the Comp troller as a part of the costs of such improvements, and Whereas, The amounts so paid by the Comptroller are charged up against the respective roads on which such rights of way are acquired, and Whereas, It is provided by Chap. 240 of the Laws of. 1901, Sec. 7, that the damages and, costs thereof shall be a County charge in the first instance and be paid by the County Treasurer, therefore be it Resolved, That the damages and costs and expenses of the rights of way acquired and to lie acquired oil the Catskill Turn. pike, Sec. 3, Road No. 483; the rights of way acquired on the Cayuga Heights Road, No. 336, be paid by the County Treasurer of Tompkins County from the $6,000 Highway Improvement Fund. On motion of Mr. Fairbanks the same was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Peck, Hamblin, Fish, Clapp, Preswick, Park- er, Fairbanks, Beach, Miller, White, Thompson and Aiken -12. Nays—None. By Mr. White: Resolved, That the matter of the claim of the Climax Road Machine Co, for the sprinkler be referred to the Good Road Con- struction Committee to investigate and adjust. Oa motion of Mr. Fairbanks the same was adopted. The Clerk read the following claim: The County of Tompkins To Wm. Nelson Noble & P. F. McAllister, Dr. 1907. April 22, To all legal services from March 20 to April 22, 1907, in preparing agreements for, and otherwise in con- The Suberuisors' Proceedings. 29 rection with the subletting of the County's contracts with the State for the improvement of Roads Nos. 336, 338, 454, 455 and 433—said contracts involving $113,155.39—and the sale for $12,957.7 of the County's Plant, so called, acquired for the purpose of executing said contracts, ______$550.00. STATE OF NEW YORK, ) ss. TOIDIPICINS COUNTY, - Will. Nelson Noble and P. F. McAllister being drily sworn, each one for himself, says: That the foregoing bill is in all respects just and true and that no part thereof has been paid; and that there are no offsets to the same. Sworn to before me this WM. NELSON NOBLE, clay ay of April, 1907. P. F. MCALLISTER. ETTA M. NEWMAN, Notary Public. Or motion of Mr. Parker the bill was ordered to be audited and allowed in the full amount claimed. Ayes — Messrs. Peck, Hamblin, Fish, Clapp, Preswick, Parker, Beach, Miller, White and Thompsou-10. Nays — None. Excused from voting—Messrs. Miller and Fairbanks. By Mr. Fairbanks: Resolved, That the execution of the Supplemental Contract between the State of New York and Tompkins County on Itfiaca Road No. 454 by the Good Road Construction Committee is hereby sanctioned, ratified and confirmed. On motion of Mr. Miller the same was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Peck, Fish, Parker, Fairbanks, Beach, Miller, Thompson and Aiken -8. Nays—None. .30 The Sege visors' Proceedings. The minutes for the day were read and approved. On motion the Board adjourned. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. SPECIAL SESSION. To Bert T. Baker, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: We, the undersigned, wish you to call a Special Session of the Board of Supervisors to be held in the Supervisors' Room, Ithaca, N. Y., at 10 A. At., Tuesday, August 20th, 190T. R. F. CHAPPUIS, H. C. FAIRBANKS, CHAS. H. BEACH, A. N. MILLER, ORLANDO WHITE, J. W WILLIAM H. PARKER, J. C. THOMPSON, F. B. AIKEN, GEO. R. PECK, JOHN HAMBLIN, PRESWICK. TUESDAY, AUGUST 20TH, 1907. MORNING SESSION. Roll call. All members present except Supervisor Clapp. On motion of Mr. Aiken, Mr. Chappuis was chosen as tem- porary chairman. The Clerk read the call for the meeting, and stated for what purpose it had been called. The Clerk read two letters from the State Engineer relative to the work being done on the Catskill Turnpike. The Clerk read the following petition: To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: The undersigned, Frank Smiley, respectfully petitions the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins Couuty, N. Y., to grant him The SnJervisors' Proceedings. 31 a Kennel License as }ie is engaged in breeding throughbred dogs, and such business can not be conducted with financial success under the present dog tax rates. Petitioner lives and has his place of business in the Town of Danby, Tompkins County, N. Y., and he is responsible for any and all damage done by his dogs, if any. , FRANK SMILEY, Petitioner. By Mr. Hamblin: Resolved, That the petition of Frank Smiley be received and filed and that his application for a Kennel License be granted on the conditions contained in such petition, and if the terms upon this special grant are observed that a tax of twenty-five cents .each be assessed and collected on account of each and every dog he may own over four months old. Resolved further, That this Act be continued in force and effect unless the terms thereof are violated by the said Frank Smiley or until the same is repealed by the Board of Supervisors of this County. On motion of Mr. Miller the same was adopted. On motion the Board adjourned to 1:30 P. M. AFTERNOON SESSION. Roll call. All members present except Supervisor Clapp. On motion of Mr. Parker the Board went into executive session. On motion of Mr. Parker the Board arose from executive sessson. By Mr. Aiken: Whereas, Ata meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Tomp- kins County held on the 36th day of December, 1906, a resolu- tion was adopted approving the plans, specifications and estimate of cost for the improvement by State Aid under Chapter 115 of the Laws of 1898 and the Acts amendatory thereof and supple- 32 The Sufiervisars' Proceedings. mental thereto of the Trumansburg-Ithaca Road No. 616 in said County, and appropriating funds for the payment of one-half the estimated cost of said work and making the same immediately available for requisition or draft by the State Engineer; and Whereas, Amendments to the existing latus relating to high- way improvement were made by Chapters 717 and 718 of the Laws of 1907 whereby the State Comptroller is authorized to pay the entire cost of improvement of said road in the first instance upon receipt of a resolution filed in his office and in the office of the State Engineer prior to the award of contract for said inr- . provement, requesting him so to do; and Whereas, No contract has been awarded for the -improve- ment by State Aid of the road liereinbefore referred to, nor has any draft or requisition been made by the State Engineer upon the funds appropriated as above described. Resolved, That the resolution adopted oil the 26th day of Decemb^_r, 1906, in so far as the same appropriates funds for the payment of one-half the estimated cost of said work and making the same immediately available for requisition or draft by the State Engineer be and the same is hereby rescinded, and in place thereof it is Resolved, That it is the desire of the Board of Supervisors that the State shall pay the entire cost of improvement of said road in the first instance and charge this county and the town or towns within which said road is located annually for fifty years with their proportionate share of the interest and sinking fund as provided in Chapter 469 of the Laws of 1906 as amended by Chapter 718 of the Laws of 1907, and the State Comptroller and _ the State Engineer are hereby ,notified of this decision and are hereby requested to take the necessary steps under the provisions of said Chapters 717 and 718 of the Laws of 1907 to carry the same into full force and effect. 0 On motion of Mr. Miller the same was adopted. By Mr. Preswick: Whereas, At a meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Tomp- kins County held on the 17th, day of December, 1906, a resolu- The Sufiervisors' Proceedings. 33 tion was adopted approving the plans, specification and estimate of cost for the improvement by State Aid under Chapter 115 of the Laws of 1898, and the acts amendatory thereof and supplemental thereto of the Cayuga Heights-Hanshaw's Corners Road No. 606 in said County, and appropriating funds for the payment of one-half the estimated cost of said work and making the same im- mediately available for requisition or draft by the State Engineer; and Whereas, Amendments to the existing laws relating to high- way imProvemeut were made by Chapters 717 and 718 ofthe Laws of 1907 whereby the State Comptroller is authorized to pay the entire cost of improvement of said road in the first instance upon receipt of a resolution filed in his office and in the office of the State Engineer prior to the award of contract for said improve- ment, requesting him so to do; and Whereas, Nb contract has been awarded for the improvement by State'Aid of the road herein before referred to, nor has any draft or requisition been made by the State Engineer upon the funds appropriated as above described. . Resolved, That the resolution adopted on the 17th day of De- cember, 1906, in so far as the same appropriates funds for the payment of one-half the estimated cost of said work and making the same immediately available for requisition or draft by the State Engineer be and the same is hereby rescinded, and in place thereof it is Resolved, That it is the desire of the Board of Supervisors that the State shall pay the entire cost of the improvement of said road in the first instance and charge this county and the town or towns within which said road is located annually for fifty years with their proportionate share of the interest and sinking fund as provided in Chapter 469 of the haws of 1906 as amended by Chapter 77.8 of the haws of 1.907; and the State Comptroller and the State Engineer are hereby notified of this decision and are hereby requested to take the necessary steps under the provisions of said Chapters 717 and 718 of the Laws of 1907 to carry the same into full force and effect. Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board be and hereby is di- - 9¢ The Subervisors' Proceedings. rected to immediately forward to the State Comptroller and to the State Engineer certified copies of this resolution. On motion of Mr. Parker the same was adopted. The minutes for the day were read and approved. On motion the Board adjourned. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. SPECIAL SESSION. To Bert T. Baker, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Tomp- kins County: We, the undersigned, wish you to call a Special Session of the Board of Supervisors to be held in the Supervisors' Room, Ithaca, N. Y., at 10 A. M., September 12th, 1907. A. N. MILLER CHAS. H. BEACH R. J. CHAPPUIS F. B. AIKEN WAL H. PARKER GEO. R. PECK ORLANDO WHITE TrmRSDAv, SEPTEAIBFR 12, 1901. MORNING SESSION. Roll Call. Quorum present. On motion of Mr. White, Mr. Chappuis was chosen temporary chairman. Mr. Will. H. Parker, Chairman of the Good Road Construc- tion Committee, reported to the Board on the attempted cancella- tion of the Road contracts by Bailey, Johnson and Saunders. On motion the Board adjourned to 1:30 P. M. The Sufiervisors' Proceedings. - 35 AFTERNOON SESSION. Roll Call. Quorum present. On motion of Mr. Miller the Board went into executive ses- Sion. A general discussion of the contracts with Bailey, Johnson and Saunders was had. On motion the Board arose from executive session. By Mr. Parker: Whereas, Bailey, Johnson and Saunders, Ine.,have madecer- tain contracts with the Codnty of Tompkins for the construction of certain roads under the Higbie-Armstroug Act, and among such roads are the Cayuga Heights Road and the Wyckoff Road; and Whereas, Said Bailey, Johnson and Saunders, Inc.,have sub- contracted with the Standard Construction Co. of Wilkesbarre for the performance of certain work oil said roads; and Whereas, Said Bailey, Johnson & Saunders, Inc., have served notice that they elect to consider their contract with the County of Tompkins for the construction of such roads abrogated and no longer binding upon said Bailey, Johnson & Saunders, Inc., by reason whereof litigation may arise between the parties, and Whereas, Said Bailey, Johnson & Saunders, Inc., have ex- pressed their willingness that work upon said Cayuga Heights Road and Wyckoff Road, pursuant to their -sub -contract with said Standard Construction Co. may be continued by the latter com- pany under the supervision, and subject to the approval of the State Engineer, and that all moneys due for the performance of such work may be paid by the County directly to said Standard Construction Co., to be applied upon said sub -contract between Bailey, Johnson & Saunders, Inc., and said Standard Construction 'Co. to the extent of the interest of said Standard Construction Co. as specified therein, provided always that such action of said Bailey, Johnson & Saunders, Inc., inpermittingsuchworktocon- -tinue and such payments to be so made sliall in no way be used tc 36 The Supervisors' Proceedings. their prejudice, in any litigation which may hereafter arise be- tween said Bailey, Johnson & Saunders, Inc., and said County of Tompkins, as a recognition of the existing binding force of said contracts upon them; and Whereas, The interests of all concerned may be prejudiced by a discontinuance of the work covered by said sub -contracts be- tween Bailey, Johnson & Saunders, Inc., and the Standard Con- struction Co. Now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the continuance of said work by the Standard Construction Co., pursuant to their said sub-coutract`with Bailey, Johnson & Saunders, Inc., under thesu- pervision, and subject to the approval of the State Engineer, shall not be usedto the prejudice of any right or remedy of said Bailey, Johnson & Saunders, Inc., or of their Surety, The Title Guaranty & Surety Company of Scranton, Pa., in any litigation which may hereafter arise between them, or either of them and the County of Tompkins, or otherwise. Oil motion of Mr. Miller the same was adopted. By Mr. Thompson: Whereas, Bailey, Johnson & Saunders on September 7, 1907, caused a demand to be served oil the Clerk of the Board of Super- visors of Tompkins County, and upon William H. Parker, the Chairman of its committee on Good Roads, demanding among other things, the payment to said Bailey, Johnson & Saunders of $9,000.82 on or before Monday, September 9, at 12 o'clock, noon, and claiming that said amount became due to them August 15, 1907, from said County of Tompkins and had not been paid; and - Whereas, Accompanying said demand was a notice to the effect that, in case such payment should not be made as so de- manded, said Bailey, Johnson & Saunders would declare each of its five ( 5 ) several contracts made with said County of Tompkins for the improvement of certain portions of the public highwa} numbered respectively Road No. 336, Road No. 338, Road No. 454, Road No. 455 and Road No. 483, terminated and the fulfill- ment thereof no longer binding upon them, and, in such event, The Sufiervisors' Proceedings. 37 demanding and requesting that the obligations given for machin- ery and tools purchased by them of said County be returned and surrendered: and Whereas, Such payment of $9,000.32 not having been made as demanded, said Bailey, Johnson & Saunders on Monday, September 9, 1907, caused a written notice to be served, in like manner as aforesaid, whereby they declared said five (5 ) several contracts, and each of them, to be terminated and cancelled in so far as their obligation thereunder is concerned; and whereby they also gave notice that no further work upon said highways would be done by them; and whereby they also demanded that the obligations given by them to the County of Tompkins for machin- ery and tools purchased by them of said County of Tompkins be returned and surrendered; and Whereas, It now appears that oil said September 9, 1907,.the County of Tompkins was not indebted to said Bailey, Johnson & Saunders in the sum of $9,000.32, nor in any sum whatever, but that, on the contrary, said Bailey, _Johnson & Saunders were in- debted to said County of Tompkins in the principal sum of $10,496.18, together with interest, on their contract for the pur- chase by them of machinery, etc., called "The Plant," and on their chattel mortgage on such plant given to secure the purchase price thereof, all of which amount was then fully due and pay- able and had been due for more than one mouth; and Whereas, It also now appears that said Bailey, Johnson &- Saunders had already assigned and transferred unto the First National Bank of Ithaca, N. Y., all their right, title and interest in and to said $9000.32 and every part thereof so that they were not entitled to receive said amount, or any part thereof, even when it should become due and payable by the terms of said con- tracts; and Whereas, It also now appears that said, Bailey, Johnson & Saunders are in default upon each and every one of said contracts and that contrary to the terms thereof, they have needlessly and without cause abandoned each of said contracts and all work thereunder; and , Now, therefore, Be it Resolved, that each said notice and demand be altogether disregarded and refused; and I 38 Tlee Su,6ervisors' Proceedhot s. Be it further Resolved, That this Board of Supervisors, in be- half of said County of Tompkins, proceed forthwith, both against said Bailey, Johnson & Saunders and also against their surety on each of said contracts, hereinafter mentioned, The Title Guaranty & Surety Company of Scranton, Pa., to enforce each of said fire 0 ( 5 ) several contracts dated March_ 27, 1907, made by it with said •Bailey, Johnson & Saunders for the improvement of those portions of the public highway numbered respectively Road No. 336, Road No. 338, Road No. 454, Road No. 455, and Road No. 483 by such notices, demands, suits or other proceedings as shall be advised; and to that end, Be it further Resolved, That William H. Parker, Geo. R. Peck, Charles H. Beach, constituting the Construction Conrtnittee on Good Roads of this Board of Supervisors, be, and, such conn mittee, are hereby empowered and directed, either in the name of the County of Tompkins or of the Board of Supervisors thereof, as they shall be advised, to make'and serve all demands and notices, and to institute all such suits, and to take all such other proceed- ings as they shall be advised, both against said Bailey, Johnson & Saunders and also against their surety, The Title Guaranty & Surety Company of Scranton, Pa., with Hill power; and said committee is hereby authorized to do and to have done all that may be necessary, or be deemed advisable by them, for the full protection and enforcement of each and every right and interest of the County of Tompkins, and of the Board of Supervisors thereof, in the premises; and Be it further Resolved, That the entire matter of the liens which have been, or may hereafter be filed because of, or arising out of, or resulting from, such default of Bailey, Johnson & Saunders, hereinbefore mentioned, be, and the same hereby is referred to said committee, with full power; and said committee is hereby authorized to do and to have clone all that may be neces- sary, or be deemed advisable by them, to protect the interests and rights of the County of Tompkins, and the Board of Super- visors thereof, in the premises; and to that end, the said com- mittee is hereby empowered and directed, in the name of the County of Tompkins or of the Board of Supervisors thereof, to defend or institute such action or actions, special proceeding or .proceedings, as said committee shall be advised; and _ The Supervises' Proceedings. 39 Be it further Resolved,. That a certified copy of thisresolution be forthwith delivered by the Clerk to each said Bailey, Johnson & Saunders and their surety, The Title Guaranty & Surety Company of Scranton, Pa., or, in case personal delivery thereof can not be effected, that it be forthwith served upon each of them through the mail by a postpaid registered letter. On motion of Mr. Parker the same was adopted. By Mr. Parker Whereas, Bailey, Johnson & Saunders have failed to comply with the terms of the bill of sale whereby they purchased of the County of Tompkins the tools, machinery and other property for use in the fulfillment of certain contracts for the improvement of certain portions of the public highway—termed its "Plant," said agreement bearing date March 27, 1907; and Whereas, Said Bailey, Johnson & Saunders have also failed to comply with the terms of the chattel mortgage on such tools, machinery arid other personal property called the "Plant," whereby the payment of $12,957.27 (the purchase price of said plant) and interest was secured to be paid, by omitting to pay the sum of $4,309.09 and interest which became due on July 15, 1907,—having only paid thereon the sum of $2,500, as of August 20, 1907; and Whereas, By the terms of said chattel mrortgage the whole amount secured to be paid thereby became due and payable after default for the period of five days in any of said payments secur- ed thereby to be made or any part thereof, and by reason of such provision the whole amount secured to be paid by said chattel mortgage has now become wholly due and payable. Now, therefore, be it Resolved, That said chattel mortgage be foreclosed forthwith, and to that end, Be it further Resolved, That it be referred to Messrs. William H. Parker, George R. Peck and Charles H. Beach as a special committee to have charge of such foreclosure, with full power in the premises, arid said committee is hereby authorized to do and have done all that may be necessary or advisable in the ¢o _ The Supervisors' Proceedizzgs. premises, and also, in its discretion, upon such foreclosure sale, to bid in for and in behalf of the County any item of property covered by said mortgage. On motion of Mr. Preswick the same was adopted. By Mr. Aiken Whereas, Bailey, Johnson & Saunders having by formal notice to the County of Tompkins terminated their contracts with the said County, Be it Resolved, That the Good Roads Committee be and is hereby empowered to finish the construction of the roads or to sublet the same which have been sublet to the said Bailey, Johnson & Saunders, being the same roads formerly contracted to be built by the said County of Tompkins in case it becomes necessary for the said County of Tompkins to take such action. The said Good Roads Committee is also empowered to tram sact all other business in relation to the matters in difference be- tween the said County of Tompkins and Johnson, Bailey & Saun- ders in relation to these roads. On motion of.Mr. Fairbanks the same was adopted. By Mr. Parker: Whereas, Bailey, Johnson & Saunders have declared each of its five (;i ) several agreements made with the County of Tompkins for the improvement of certain portions of the Public Highway, numbered respectively Road No. 336, Road No. 338, Road No. 454, Road No. 455 and Road No. 483, terminated and that the fulfillment thereof is uo longer binding upon them; and Whereas, It appears thatsaid Bailey, Johnson & Saunders are in default upon each and every of said agreements, and that, con- trary to the terms thereof, they have needlessly and without cause abandoned them, and each of them, and all work thereunder; and Whereas, The Title Guaranty & Surety Company, a corpo- ration created and existing under the laws ofthe Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and whose principal office is located in the City of The Szeoiervisors' Proceedings. ¢1 Scranton, Pa., is the surety, with Bailey, Johnson & Saunders as principal, upon the bond accompanying each of said five (5) several agreements, whichbond is conditioned, among other things, that said principal shall well, truly and faithfully comply with and perform all the terms, covenants- arid. conditions of said agreement on its part to be kept and performed. Now, therefore, be it Resolved, That said surety, The Title Guaranty & Surety Company of Scranton, Pa., be notified of each such default and be required forthwith to comply with the terms and conditions of each said bond; and, also, that it be requested forthwith to undertake and complete each of said 5 several agree- -merits, according to the terms thereof, so that thereby the County of Tompkins may be saved harmless from each and every loss, - damage, charge or claim by reason of said default and defaults, of Bailey, Tohnson & Saunders as aforesaid; and Be it further Resolved, That such notification, requirement, and request, and each of them, be made by the service of this res- olution, as hereinafter stated; and Be it 'further Resolved, That the Clerk of this board be, and he hereby is, directed to forthwith serve a certified copy of this resolution upon said surety through the mail by a postpaid reg- istered letter addressed to The Title Guaranty & Surety Company at Scranton, Pa., and also by. causing a personal service of a certi- fied copy of this resolution to be made upon a resident agent of said The Title Guaranty & Surety Company, if such agent can be found within the State of New York and personally served, and also by causing a personal service of a certified copy of this resolution to be made upon the Honorable Otto Kelsey, Superintendent of In— surance, Albany, N. Y., as the duly designated attorney of said, The Title Guaranty & Surety Company for the service of process within this State. On motion of Mr. Fairbanks the same was adopted. By Mr. Parker: Whereas, It now appears that certain serious questions have -arisen as to whether the socalled, "One 20 H. P. Traction En- gine" heretofore sold to the Board of, Supervisors of Tompkins County by the Monarch Road Roller Company of Groton, N. Y., V2 Tlce Supervisors' Proceedings. is a traction engine at all within the terms of the written contract for the purchase thereof; and also it appearing that there are seri- ous questions as to whether the terms and conditions and guaran- tees and agreements contained in such written contract have been complied with, Now, therefore, be it Resolved, That William H. Parker, George R. Peck and Charles H. Beach, constituting the Con- struction Committee oil Good Roads of this Board of Supervisors, be, and, as such committee, they hereby are empowered and direct- ed, either in the name of the County of Tompkins or of the Board of Supervisors thereof, as they s11all de advised, to make and serve all demands and notices and to institute or defend all such suits or special proceedings, and to take all other proceedings as they shall be 'advised, in the matter with full power; and said committee is hereby authorized to do and have done all that may be necessary, or be deemed advisable by them, for the full protection and eu- forcement of each and every right and interest of the County of Tompkins,, and of the Board of Supervisors thereof, in the premises. On motion of Mr. Fairbanks the same was adopted. The minutes for the day were read and approved. On motion the Board adjourned. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. SPECIAL SESSION. To Bert T- Baker, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: We, the undersigned, wish you to call a Special Session of the Board of Supervisors to be held in the Supervisors' Room, Ithaca, N. V., Saturday, September 21, 1907, 10 o'clock A. M. WM. H. PARKER, GEO. R. PECK, CHAS. H. BEACH. Good Road Construction Com. the Seefiervisors' Proeeediugs. 13 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1907.. MOItN1NG SESSION. Roll Call. Quorum present. On motion of Mr. Beach Mr. Chappuis was chosen temporary chairman.. . Oil motion the Board went into executive session. A general discussion of the. Bailey, Johnson & Saunders matter took place. On motion the Board arose from executive session. Will. Nelson Noble, Esq., Attorney for the Board, out- lined the objects for which the session had been called. On motion the Board adjourned to 2 P. M. AFTEIRNOON SESSION. Roll Call. Quor un present. On motion of Mr. White the communications from the Grand Jury and the Hon. Nathan L. Miller regarding change of wiu- (lows in the Grand Jury room was referred to the Building Coni- mittee with power. Mr. Noble as attorney for the Board presented the following resolution: Whereas, William H. Parker, George R. Peck and Charles H. Beach, as the Construction Committee on Good Roads of this Board of Supervisors, have entered into au agreement (subject to the approval of this Board) with Bailey, Johnson & Saunders, of which the following is a copy: "This agreement made this 18th day of September, 1907, by and between the County of Tompkins of the first part (herein- after called "The County") and Bailey, Johnson & Saunders, a corporation duly organized under the Laws of New York, and 11 The Supervisors' Proceedrnrgs located and having its principal office in the City of Buffalo, N. Y., of the second part (hereinafter called "the Contractor,") Witnesseth, That the said parties in consideration of the sum of one dollar ($"1.00) and of the mutual agreements and cove- nants hereinafter mentioned, and other valuable considerations, hereby agree, each for itself, as follows: First—That the County shall forthwith credit upon a cer- tain Chattel Mortgage dated March 27, 1907, and made by the Contractor to the County as security for the payment of $12, 957.27, the following amounts, to wit: (1) All accrued interest thereon to date; ( 2) the sum of $647.00, representing the expense of purchasing the machinery mentioned in said Chattel Mortgage; ( 3 ) the sum of $2,500.00, being the -avails of the promissory note dated August 20, 1907, hereinafter mentioned; and ( 4 ) the sum of $1.,400.00 representing the traction engine (so-called) bought by the County of the Monarch Road Roller Company of Groton, N. Y., and hereinafter mentioned—leaving eight thousand four hundred and ten dollars and twenty-seven cents ($8,410.27) as the total amount unpaid on and secured by said Chattel Mortgage at the date hereof; and also that said amount of $8,41.0.27 (not- withstanding the terms of said Chattel Mortgage) shall become due and payable without interest as follows: $1,500.00 thereof July 1.5, 1908, and the balance thereof on or before October 15, 1908, always provided that in case said $1,500.00 due July 1.5, 1908, or any part thereof, shall remain unpaid for twenty days after it shall become due and payable, then the whole amount secured by said Chattel Mortgage shall forthwith become due, anything herein to the contrary notwithstanding. Second.—That the County shall, and hereby does, release Joseph B. Bailey from each and every liability by reason of his personal guaranty of the payment of said Chattel Mortgage and agrees that he shall be no longer holden by said guaranty in any manner; and The Contractor agrees forthwith to assign to the County, as a further security for the payment of said $8,410.27, each and every of the tell per cent. "holdbacks" (so-called) retained by the State of New York oil or on account of its three several contracts with the County for the construction of those portions of the Tlae Supervisors' Proceedings. 45 public highway known as Road No. 336, Road No. 455, and Road No. 483, and also, as collateral to the above mentioned Chattel Mortgage of $8,410.27 to forthwith make a chattel mortgage to the County upon all of its other plant and machinery now within the County of Tompkins and not purchased by it from the County but including therein its interest or equity, above other now existing liens thereon, in the Buffalo -Pitts trac- tion engine and accompanying four cars; and That the Contractor shall forthwith surrender to the County the traction engine (so-called) bought by the County of the Monarch Road Roller Company of Groton, N. Y., for $1,400.00 (and referred to in Schedule A attached to said Chattel Mortgage ofMarch 27, 1907) said $1,400.00, in consideration of such surren- der, being credited upon said Chattel Mortgage as hereinbefore stated. Third.—That the County shall forthwith obtain for the bene- fit of the Contractor a release of the tell per cent. final payment or "holdback" oil account of Road No. 454 which was heretofore given as collateral security to a note of $2,500.00 and interest dated August 20, 1907, made 'by the Contractor to the order of J. M. Bailey, endorsed by him, and discounted at the First National Bank of Ithaca, N. Y., by said .County which has ap- plied said $2,600.00 as of August 20, 1907, oil said Chattel Mort- gage; and that the County shall also procure the cancellation of said note and its return to the Contractor which agrees forthwith, as a substitute therefor, to make its promissory note dated August 20, 1907, payable to the order of said First National Bank of Ithaca, N. Y., for said sum of $2,500.00 with interest payable October 15, 1907, and to secure the same by an assignment of the Contractor's profit in its subcontract with the Standard Cou- structiou Co., of Wilkesbarre, Pa., and also by an assignment of the tell per cent. final payment or "holdback" reserved by the State in its contract for the construction of Road No. 338, known as Catskill Turnpike, Section 2—said County to procure renewals of said note froth time to time, if requested by the Contractor, but not beyond October 10, 1905. Fourth.—The Contractor hereby withdraws the notice and demand dated September 9, 1907.(and on that day served by it on the County), whereby it declared terminated and cancelled its ¢6 The Supervisors' Proceedings. five several contracts with the County for the improvement of cer- tain' portions of the public highway numbered respectively Road No. 336, Road No. 333, Road No. 4.,)4, Road No. 455 and Road No. 483. Fifth.—The County and the Contractor hereby mutually agree to make, execute and deliver all such other papers and documents as may be necessary, desirable or expedient to fully carry into effect the foregoing provisions or agreements. And this agreement shall become operative after its execu- tion by the Contractor, and in the name of the County of Tomp- kins, by the Construction Committee, oil Good Roads of the . Board of Supervisors thereof forthwith upon its ratification by the Board of Supervisors." Now, therefore, be it Resolved, That said agreement be, and the same hereby is ratified; and Be it further Resolved, That said William H. Parker, George R. Peck and Charles H—Beach, as such Construction 1\ Committee oil Good Roads be, and they hereby are, fully ent- powered to do and to have clone everything that may be neces- sary or may be deemed by them to be wise or expedient to render effectual the provisions of said agreement and in relation thereto, and, to that end, they are empowered, as such committee, in the name of the County of Tompkins and of the Board of Supervisors thereof, to make and execute such papers as they may be advised in order to carry into effect each and every provision of said agreement; and Be it further Resolved, That each and every resolution of this Board in any wise conflicting with the foregoing (and espe- cially the resolution of September 12, 1907, directing the fore- closure of the aforesaid Chattel ➢lortgage) be, and the same here- by is repealed and vacated. Oil motion the same was adopted.- The dopted: The Clerk read the following resignation, which on motion of 'Mr. Fairbanks was accepted: TlzekSnPervisors' Rroteedinks. 1F7, < ITHACA, N: Y., SGPT. 20; 107. .:y -Ar—. .. r To; the;Board of Supervisors: - , Gentlemen:—I wish to tender tlry resignation as Sealer' of Weights and Measures of Tompkins County to take effect at once. Very respectfully yours, A. LOCKWOOD PALM$&. By Mr.,.Miller:. Resolved that F. L. Fairbanks be appointed Sealer of Weights and Measures to fill out the unexpired term of A. Lockwood Palmer resigned, On motion of Mr. White the same was adopted. By Mr. Parker: Whereas, The County of Tompkins on or about August 30, 1906, entered into five several contracts with the State of New York for the improvement of certain portions of the Public High- waynumbered respectively Road No. 336, Road No. 338, Road No. 455 and Road No. 483, each of which contracts has been sublet and transferred to Bailey, Johnson & Saunders by au agreement dated March 27, 1907, which provides among other things that the Count} shall pay sover to .said subcontractors "forthwith upon receipt thereof from the State Engineer or as it shalt become due and payable according to said contracts" with the State of New York, all the motley by the People of the State of New York in said contracts to be paid to the County; and -Whereas, It may become advisable to make payments to the said subcou tractors as they become; due according to the termsof the State contracts, and before the orders of the State Engineer (sometimes delayed) have been received, Now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the County Treasurer of Tompkins County be and lie hereby is authorized and directed to borrow from: time to tunic, as requested by and upon the requisition of the Construction Committee on Good Roads of the Board of Supervisors a sttm of money not exceeding the State Engineer's estimate for a. particular month and on the order of said committee to apply the same in payment of the amount due the subcontractor on the 15th of the succeeding month, according 4 t ¢8 The Snpe?visors' Proceedings. to the terms of the contracts between the County and the State for the construction or improvement of said highways—the pay- ments when received from the State Engineer to be applied forth- with as payments upon such note or notes. On motion of Mr. Fish the same was adopted. By Mr. Clapp: Resolved, That the pay of the petit and grand jurors of Tompkins County be $3.00 per diem in addition to mileage hereafter. On motion of Mr. White the sante was adopted. The minutes for the day were read and approved. On motion the Board adjourned. BURT T. BAKER, Clerk. SPECIAL SESSION. To Bert T. Baker, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: We, the undersigned, wish you to call a Special Session of the Board of Supervisors to be held at the Supervisors' Room in Ithaca, N. Y., Oct. 15th, 1907, at 10 A. M. A.,N. MILLER J. C. THOMPSON F. D. FISH CHAS. H. BEACH S. H. CLAPP JOHN T. HAMBLIN ORLANDO WHITE GEO. R. PECK JOHN W. PRESWICK W. H. PARKER R. F. CHAPPUIS The Szefiezvisors' Proceedings. 49 TUESDAY, OCT013FR 15TH, 1907. MORNING SESSION. Roll call. Alt members present except Supervisor Fairbanks. The matter of sending delegates to a meeting of the Joint Committee of the Legislature for proposed revision of the High- way Laws to be held at Syracuse, N. Y., Oct. 10', 1907, was taken up for consideration. Mr. John L. Mandeville of Brooktou was given the privilege of the floor and discussed the matter. Oil motion the Board adjourned to 1. 30 P. M. Arrr:.RNOON SrsSION. Roll call. All members present. Om motion of Mr. Clapp the Chairman was instructed to ap- point a committee of three to attend the meeting of the Joint Committee of Legislature at Syracuse on Oct. 16th, 1907. The Chairman appointed as such Committee Messrs. Parker, White and Beach. By Mr. Beach: Whereas, Om or about August 37, 1.906, Tompkins County entered into five several contracts with tine State of New York for the improvement of certain highways in said County of'lbmp- kins and said State of New York has failed to make payments ac- cording to the terms of said contracts and the said County of Tompkins has been damaged thereby to the sum of four thou- sand dollars or more by being obliged to make certain conces- sions to its subcontractors, Now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the Board of Super- visors of Tompkins County ask the State Engineer Frederick Skene to explain to this Board why payments are not made ac- cording to their contract ; and Be it further Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board forward to the State Engineer a copy of this resolution. ju , The Sufierrorsors' Proceedings. On motion of Mr. Aiken the same was adopted. On motion the Board'adjourned to 8 P. M. EVENING SESSION. Roll call. All members present except Supervisors Fish, White and Aiken. Be Messrs. Fairbanks and White Resolved, That public interest demands the improvement under the provisions of Chapter I];) of the Laws of 1898 and Acts amendatpry thereof of that section of public highwa}. locat- ed within the County of Tompkins and described as follows: Commencing in the Town of Ithaca at the southern terminus of the Ithaca Road No. 454, now improved, and running in I southerly direction about �g of a tulle; thence westerly to the town line between the Towns of Ithaca and Enfield and continu- ing in a westerly direction in the ']`own of Enfield to Marshall's Corners, thence south about one mile; thence west to Burr Rmnsey's Corners, about 1 j¢ miles being in the Town of Ithaca and about four miles being in the Town of Enfield, being a total distance of about 5'A miles. The above description does not include any portion of a high- way within the boundaries of any City or incorporated Village. Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board transmit forthwith a certified copy of the foregoing resolution to the State Engineer and Surveyor. On motion of Mr. Parker the same was adopted. By Mr. Miller: Whereas, It is provided in section S of the so-called Higbie- Armstrong Act (1898, Ch. 115, and 1906, Ch. 468), with refer- ence to the improvement of the public highway and contracts therefor, that "'s * A Board of Supervisors of a county or town board of a town in which any portion of such highway lies may. offer bids The Supervisors' Proceedings. Sr and be awarded such contracts for and on behalf of their respect- ive counties and towns; * *" and Whereas, This Board of Supervisors, for and on behalf of the County of Tompkins, oil or about August 30, NOti, entered into five several written contracts with the People of the State of New York pursuant to the provisions of said Act—each for the ini- . prevenient. of a certain highway according to detailed specifica- tions therein contained and ntnnbered respeeliyely Road No. 336, Road No. 338, -Road No. 464, Road No. 475 and Road No. 483 for which, by the terms of said contracts, said county was to re- ceive the following sums, pa}'able as therein specified, to wit: $33,182.00 for the improvement of Road No. 336. $13,1.11_00 for the improvement of Road No. 338. $3:3,235.75 for the improvement of Road No. 904. $ 3,851.27 for the improvement of Road No. 405 and $:35,655.2-5, for the improvement of Road No. 453, making a total of $111),035.25, and Whereas, On or about March 27, 1907, each of said contracts, or the greater part thereof, was duly sublet and transferred to Bailee, Johnson Sz Saunders by a written agreement; bearing date on that day, whereby, among other things, said subcontractors covenanted to perform and discharge each and every unfulfilled requirement and condition of said contract according to the terms, thereof and in consideration thereof the County covenanted to pay over to said subcontractors "forthwith upon receipt thereof from the State Engineer or as it shall become due and payable accord- ing to the terms of said contract" all the remaining utonevs by the People of the State of New York in said contract agreed to be paid to the County; and Wheras, Oa this the 1501 day of October, .1907, there is due and payable to the County from the State of New York for Work_ done and materials furnished (luring the mouth of September, 7907, oil four several portions of the public highway, trader its said re- spective contracts with the State, as follows: $2389.10 on contract for improvements of Road No. 336 525.99 ` No. 338 598.30 " .' ., No 954 :322'10 No. 983 $413429 total due from Stale October 1fi, 1.907; and 52 The Sufievvisors' Proceedings. Whereas, These amounts are payable either now, or as they shall be received from the State to said Bailey, Johnson S Saun- ders or their assigns, but, in the judgment of this Board, should, for the best interests of the County, be paid forthwith to said sub- contractors, or its assigns, without atiaiting the remittances on ac- count thereof from the State, inasmuch as said remittances may be again delayed—as similar remittances have been delayed in the past—to the injury of .said county, and also of said subcon- tractors, which has done all the work and furnished all the material represented by said amount; and Whereas, The County has no funds available as a working capital in the performance of its said five contracts with the State or wherewith—when advantageous or beneficial to the County to do so—to make any payments to said subcontractor on account of such work done or materials furnished; and Whereas, It is provided in section 12 of the County Law (1892 chap. 686, as anrd.) as follows: "Sect. 12, General powers—The Board of Supervisors shall *'K borrow money when they deem it necessary, for the erection of county buildings, and for the purchase of sites therefor, oil the credit of the County, and for the funding of any debt of the County not represented by bonds, and issue County obligations therefor, and for other lawful uses and purposes; ***." Now, therefore, be it Resolved, That this Board of Supervisors borrow, on the credit of the County, such suer of money, not ex- ceeding said $4,784.29, as in the judgment of its hereinafter men- tioned Construction Committee oil Good Roads, shall be advis- able, and forthwith pay the same to said Bailey, Johnson and Saunders, or their assigns, oil account of the work done or materials furnished during the month of September, 1907, pursuant to said subcontractor's agreement with the County; and Be it further Resolved, 'Chat said obligation shall bear legal rate of interest and be payable on or before thirty (80) days at the First National Bank of Ithaca, N. V., and be in the following form, to wit: The Sube"isoi-s' Pmceedings. 53 -_--__ ITHACA, N. Y., October 16, 1907. For value received Tire County of Tompkins will pay unto The First National Bank of ITHACA, N. Y., or or to bearer, ---- ------------------- Dollars at said First National Bank of Ithaca, N. Y., on or before November lfi, 1907,.with legal interest. (Signed) Tire Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, by CHAS. H. BEACH WILLIAM H. PARKER GEORGE R. PECK Its Construction Committee on Good Roads; and Be it further Resolved, That said William H. Parker, George R. Peck and Charles H. Beach, as such committee, be, and they hereby are authorized and empowered to execute such obligation in the name of this Board of Supervisors for such amount, not ex- ceeding said $4,134.29, as they shall deem requisite for the best interests of the county, and negotiate the same to the best advantage of said County, not less than par, always provided, however, that the entire avails thereof be deposited forthwith in said First National Bank to the credit of said Bailey, Johnson & Saunders, or their assigns, oil account of the work performed and materials furnished by said Subcontractors during the mouth of September as aforesaid; and Also always Provided, That said obligations shall be of no force or effect until the avails thereof are deposited as aforesaid, nor unless it be accompanied with an order or requisition, duly executed by said Construction Committee oil Good Roads, ad- dressed to the County Treasurer of Tompkins County and accept- ed by him, directing said County Treasurer to pay upon said obliga- tion, to the owner and holder thereof, in amount equal to its face value forthwith upon the receipt by said County Treasurer from the State of such amount oil account of the moneys this day due to the County from the State, for work performed and materials furnished, under said contracts of the County with the State for the improvements of Roads Nos. 330, 338, 454, 455 and 483 as aforesaid; and Be it furthur Resolved, Tlrat the said accepted order ac- companying said obligation, together with the deposit of the avails 51 The Sul ervisors' Proceedings. thereof with the First National Batik as aforesaid is an adequate surety to be given by said couunittee for the faithful performance of their duty in issuing said obligation, and the lawful application of the funds arising therefrom, and of the funds applicable to the payment thereof, which may come into their hands. -✓ i On motion of Mr. Thompson the same was adopted. - Ayes—Messrs. Peck, Hamblin, Preswick, Parker; Beach, Miller, Thompson -7. Nays—Messrs. Clapp and Fairbanks -2. By Mr. Chappuis: 1.. Whereas,. At a meeting of this Board held oil the 18th day of December, 1905, and oil the 19th day of December, 1905, a resolution was adopted that provision should be made for the im- proventent of that portion of the highway commonly known as the Ithaca -Dryden Road, Sec. 1, in the Towns of Ithaca and Dryden, Tompkins County, N. Y., and described as follows: Run- ning from the east line of the City of Ithaca through the villages of Forest Home and Varna to the highway leading to Ftiia near the farm of Mrs. W. J. Davis, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 115, Laws of 1598: and 2. Whereas, The State Engineer and Surveyor has investi- gated and determined that a section of said .highway is of suf- ficient importance to merit improvement in accordance with the provisions of the said law, and has certified his approval of the said resolution; and . 3. Whereas, Said State Engineer and Surveyor has caused a section of said highway, which section is described as follows: Running from the east line of the City of Ithaca through the,yil- lages of, Forest Home and Varna to the highway leading to Etna near the farm of Mrs. W. J. Davis, a distance of 1.60 miles in the town of Ithaca and 3.63 miles in the town of Dryden, a total distance of 5.2:3 miles in the towns of Ithaca and Dr.den, Tomp- kins County, N. Y., and known as the Ithaca -Dryden Road, Sec. 1, Road to be surveyed and mapped, and has caused plans and The Supervisors' Proceedings. 55 specifications and au estimate of cost amounting to $71,500.00 to be made for said improvement, and has transmitted the same to this board; 4. Resolved, That the highway abovedescribed in paragraph one, be improved and constrdeted in that portion thereof described in paragraph three in accordance with the maps, plans, specifica- tions and estimate prepared for such improvement by the State Eugineer and Surveyor under the provisions of Chapter 1:15 of the Laws of189S. That said work L -e done under the charge, care and superintendence of the State Engineer and Surveyor, and that said maps, plans, specifications and estimate prepared by said . State Engineer and Surveyor for said work, are hereby duly ap- proved and adopted by this board; 5. Resolved, That in accordance with the provisions of Section 6 of Chapter I No, of the Laws of 1898, as amended by Chapter 717 of the Laws of 1907,this Board hereby expresses its desire that the State shall pay the entire cost of the improvement of the said road in the first instance and charge the County of Tompkins and Town of Ithaca and Town of Dryden, within which said road is located, annually for fifty years with their proportionate share of ' the interest and sinking fund as provided in Chapter 969 of the Laws of 1906, as amended by Chapter 718 of the Laws of 1907. Oil motion of Mr. Fairbanks the sauce was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Peck, Hamblin, Clapp, Pieswick, Parker, Fairbanks, Beach, Miller, Thompson -9. Nays—none. By Mr. Chappuis: 1. Whereas, At a meeting of this board held on the 18th day of December, 1905, a resolution was adopted that provisions should be made for the improvement of that portion of highway commonly known as the Ithaca -Dryden Road, Sec. 2, in the Town of Dryden, Tompkins County, N. Y., and described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the so-called Bridle Road leading to Etna, near the farm of Mrs. W. J. Davis, south of Etna, running thence along. said Bridle Road easterly to the 56 The Supervisors' Proceedings. nest corporation line of the Village of Dryden, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 115, Laws of ISOs; and 2. Whereas, 'Che State Engineer and Surveyor has investi- gated and determined that a section of said highway is of suffi- cient importance to merit improvement in accordance with the provisions of said law, and has certified his approval of the said resolution; and R. Whereas, Said State Engineer and Surveyor has caused a section of said highway, which section is described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of so-called Bridle Road with the Road leading to Etna, near the farm of Mrs. W. J. Davis, south of Etna, running thence along said Bridle Road easterly to the west corporation line of the village of Dryden a distance of 4.01 miles in the Town of Dryden, Tompkins County, N. Y., and known as the Ithaca -Dryden Road, Sec. 2, Road to be surveyed and nap- ped, and has caused plans and specifications and in estimate of cost amounting to $47,400.00 to be made for said improvement, and has transmitted the same to this• Board; 4. Resolved that the highway above described in paragraph' one, be improved and constructed in that portion thereof above described in paragraph three in accordance with the maps, plans, specifications and estimate prepared for such improvement by the State Engineer and Surveyor under the provisions of Chapter 115 of the Laws of 1898. That said work be done under the charge, care and superintendence of the State Engineer and Surveyor, and that said naps, plans, specifications and estimates prepared by said State Engineer and Sun-eyor for said work are hereby duly approved and adopted by this Board. 5. Resolved, That in accordance with the provisions of Sec- tion 6 of Chapter 11.5 of the Laws of 1.598, as amended by Chapter 717 of the Laws of 1907, this Board hereby expresses its desire that the State shall pay the entire cost of the improvements of said road in the first instance and charge the County of Tomp- kins and Town of Dryden, within which said road is located, annually for fifty years with their proportionate share of the in- terest and sinking fund as provided in Chapter 469 of the Laws of 1906, as amended by Chapter 718 of the Laws of 1907.. The Srefiervisors' Proceedings, 57 Oil motion of nor. Clapp tine same was adopted. Ayes—Xiessrs. peck, Hamblin, Clapp, Preswick, Parker, Fairbanks, Beach, Miller, Thompson -9. Nays—none. By Mr. Chappuis 1. Whereas, At a meeting of this Board held oil the 18th day of December, 19051, a resolution was adopted that provision should be made for the improvement of that portion of the high- way commonly known as the Dryden -Cortland Road, in the Town of Dryden, Tompkins County, N. Y., and described as follows: Running from the north corporation line of the Village of Dryden northerly and northeasterly to the Cortland County line to con- nect with;�Road No. 535, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 11'5, haws of 1898; and 2. Whereas, The State Engineer and Surveyor has investi- gated and determined that a section of said highway is of suffi- cient importance to merit improvement in accordance wit, the provisions of said law, and has certified his approval of the said resolution; and 3. Whereas, Said State Engineer and Surveyor has caused a section of said highway, which section is described as follows: Running from the north corporation line of the Village of Dry- den northerly and northeasterly to the Cortland County line to connect with Road No. 535, a distance of 3.85 miles in the Town of Dryden, Tompkins County, N. Y., and known as tine Dryden - Cortland Road, to be surveyed and mapped, and has caused plans, specifications and an estimate of cost amounting to $50,950.00 to be made for said improvement, and `has transmitted the sauce to this Board; 4. Resolved, That the highway above described ill para- graph one be improved and constructed in that portion thereof above described in paragraph three in accordance with the maps, plans, specifications and estimate for such improvement by the State Engineer and Surveyor under the provisions of Chapter 115 of the Laws of 1593. That said work be done under the charge, care and superintendence of the Stale Engineer and Surveyor, 58 , The Sufiervisors' l?)oreeding-s. and that saidmaps, plans, specifications and estimate prepared by said State Engineer and Surveyor for said work are hereby duly approved and adopted by this Board; ' Fi. Resolved, That in accordance with the provisions of Section 6 of Chapter TIo of the, haws of 7805, as amended by Chapter 717 of the Laws of 1907, this Board hereby expresses its desire that the State shall pay the entire cost of the improvement of said road in the first instance and charge rile County of Tornp- kins and Town of Dryden within which said road is located, an- nually for fifty yeais with their proportionate share of the interest and sinking fund as provided in Chapter 469 of the Laws of 1906,. as amended by Chapter 71S of the Laws of 1007. On motion of Mr. ?,Miller the same was adopted. Ayes1\Messrs. Peck, Haurblin, Clapp, Preswick, Parker, Fairbanks, Beach, Miller, 'I`hompson-9. f Nays—none. The minutes for the clay were read and approved. On motion the Board adjourned. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. The Supervisors' Proceedings. 59 CLERK'S CERTIFICATE I, Bert T. Baker, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Touip- kins County, do hereby certify that I have compared the fore- going minutes of the Special Sessions of said Board of Supervisors from the 29th day of January, 1907, to this date, with the orig- inal record thereof, and that the same is a full and correct transcript therefrom, as far as the same is required to be printed (typo- graphical errors to be excepted). In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand this 13th day of November, 1907.. BERT T. BAKER. Clerk. ANNUAL. SESSION FIRST DAY November 14, 1907. The board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins met in Annual Session at their rooms in the Court Rouse, in the City of Ithaca, N.Y., on Thursday, November 14th, 1907, and was called to order by Bert T. Baker, Clerk of the preceding Board. All members responded to their names as follows: Caroline ---------George R. Peck ---------- Brookton, N. Y. Danby ----------John B. Hamblin ------ West Dan by, N. Y. :Dryden ---------:R. E. Cha,ppuis------------ Dryden, N. Y. ]infield ----------F. D. Fish ----------------Ithaca, N. Y. Groton Stephen H. Clapp Groton, N. Y. Ithaca—City ----William 1-1. Parker Ithaca,N. Y. Ithaca—City-----1-1. C. Fairbanks-- Ithaca, N. Y. Ithaca—City ----Charles H. Beach, Ithaca, N. Y. Ithaca—City ----Arthur 1I'. 'Miller Ithaca, N. Y. Ithaca—Town--- John W. Preswick :Ithaca, N. Y. Lansing ---------Orlando While --------- Lansingville, N.Y. Newfield --------John C. Thompson --------Newfield, N. Y. Ulysses ----=---- Frank B. Aiken ----- Trumansburg, N. Y. On motion of Mr. Peck, Mr. Preswick was chosen tem- porary chairman. 61 62 The Sujiervisors' Proceedings. On motion of Mr. Fairbanks, the chairman was in- structed to appoint two tellers. The chairman appointed --Messrs. Thompson and Beach as tellers. On motion of Mr. Beach, the Board proceeded by in- formal ballot for chairman. The ballot was taken. The whole number of votes cast for chairman was 18, of which Orlando White received -----------------g F..11. Aiken received --------------------5 On motion of Mr. Aiken the ballotwas declared aformal ballot and Mr. Orlando White was declared unanimously elected chairman. . On motion of Mr. Aiken the Board proceeded by in- formal ballot for Clerk. The ballot was taken. The whole number of votes cast was 1.3, of which Edward J. alone received ---------------7 Bert T. Balser received------------------- .john Conklin received -------------------1 The board proceeded by formal ballot for the election of Clerk. The whole number of votes cast was thirteen, of which Edward J. Mone received ----------------7 Bert T. Baker received ------------------ 5 John Conklin received -- --------------1 The Chairman declared Edward J. lNlone duly elected Clerk of the Board. Mr. Mone appeared and assumed the discharge of his duties. Motion by Mr. Parker The Snbervisors' Proceedings. 63 That a vote of thanks be extended to the retiring clerk, Bert T. Baker, for his courteous treatment of the members of this Board for the past five years and his careful attention to the affairs of the County as Clerk of this Board. Carried. By Mr. Parker: That the Clerk of this Board be and he is authorized to purchase supplies deemed by him to be necessary for the use of the Board during the present session. Carried. By Mr. Beach: Moved that the Board adjourn to November 15, 1907, at 10 o'clock A. M. Carried. Adjourned accordingly. EDWARD J. MONS, Clerk. SECOND DAY Friday, November 15, 1907. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. The chairman announced the following Standing Com- mittees: Constables' Accounts. Clapp, Miller, Hamblin. 5 6¢ The Supervisors' Proceedings. Obwks' and Justices' elrcounts. Fairbanks, Thompson, Beach. Coroners', Coroners' Juries and'Printing. Beach, Hamblin, Parker, CoantV Treasurers' Recounts. Peck, Chappuis, Miller. 8heritrs, Jadge's, Dist. Attorney's Accounts. Thompson, Chappuis, Fairbanks. . Niscellaneou.s Cluini.s. Parker, Preswick, Peck. Juxi.sprodence anrl. Erroneous Assessments. Hamblin, Aiken, Fairbanks. Equalization Chappuis, . Fish, 'Thompson, Beach, Clapp, Aiken, Preswick. Superintendent of the Poor. Aileen, Fish, Hamblin, Beach. Appropriations and Coanty Baildings. White, Parker, Clapp, Preswick, Aileen. 'U. S. Deposit_ and Insurance. Preswick, Peck, Clapp. State Charities and Penal Institutions. Miller, Peck, Chappuis. Good Roads Conmrittee. Fish, Miller, Thompson. The Sufiesuisors' Proceedings. 65 On motion of Mr. Thompson, the appointments made by the Chairman for the Standing Committees were confirmed. By Mr. Preswick: Resolved, That the daily sessions of this Board commence at 9 A. M. and 2 P. M., except on Mondays, and then at 10 A. M.; and that unless otherwise ordered, there be no session on Saturday of any week. On motion of Mr. Fairbanks, the same was adopted. By Mr. Aiken: Resolved, That the morning session of this Board be devoted to committee work exclusively. On motion of Mr. Fairbanks, the same was adopted. By !'Jr. Thompson: Resolved, That the following rule be adopted by the Board in relation to appropriations for the year 1907, viz.: That resolutions carrying appropriations of money, except those in accordance with the actions of Town Boards of the sever- al towns shall not be acted upon, nor shall any claims be audited until twenty-four hours after the reading of the same, except claims for services rendered by members of this Board while at- tending the present session, which shall be acted upon the last day of this session. On motion of Mr. Preswick, the same was adopted. By Mr. Fairbanks: Resolved, That the salary of the Clerk be fixed at $175.00, the same as last year. Laid on the table under the rule. By Mr. Miller : 66 The Supervisors' Proceedings. Resolved, That the Clerk be allowed twenty dollars for post- age for the ensuing year. Laid on the table under the rule. By Mr. Fairbanks: Resolved, That there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the City of Ithaca, the sum of $1.5.00 to be paid to the County Treasurer for expenses incurred by him on collection of Taxes on City Roll, 1906, as per the following bill : County Treasurer's expense, on collection of taxes on City Roll of 1900____________________________ _ $15 00 STATE OF NEW YORK, ss. COUNTY OF TOSIPKINS. Rodney G. Robinson being duly sworn, says that he is the _ County Treasurer of Tompkins County; that the foregoing ac- count is in all respects just and true, and that no part thereof has been paid and that there are no offsets to the same. RODNEY G. ROBINSON. Sworn to before me this 14th day of November, 1907. BERT T. BAKER, Notary Public. Laid on the table under the rule. On motion, the Board adjourned to Monday, November 18th, 1907, at 10 A. M. EDWARD J. \SONE, Clerk. The Supervisors' Proceedings. 67 THIRD DAY Monday, November 18th., 1907. MORNING SESSION. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of last session read and approved. AFTERNOON SESSION. Roll call. Quorum present. By Mr. Fairbanks: Resolved, That the salary of the clerk be fixed at $175.00, the same as last year. On motion of Mr. Miller the same was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Peck, llamblin, Chappuis, Fish, Clapp, Preswick, Parker, Fairbanks, Beach, Miller, Thompson, Aiken. Nays—none. By Mr. Miller: Resolved, That the clerk be allowed $20.00 for postage for the ensuing year. On motion of Mr. Clapp the same was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Peck,. Hamblin, Chappuis, Fish, Clapp, Preswick, Parker, Fairbanks, Beach, Miller, Thompson, Aiken. Nays—none. 68 The Sufiervisors' Proceedings The District Attorney appeared before the Board con- cerning a communication received by bim from the State Commissioner of Prisons, relating to the alleged unfit con- dition of the Tompkins County jail. The matter was in- formally discussed. By Mr. Parker: Resolved, That the chairman name some hour on Thursday of this week for the Board and County officers to inspect the jail. Carried The chairman designated 2 P. M., on Thursday, Novem- ber 21st, 1907, as the time for such inspection. Mr. Parker rendered a verbal report for the committee appointed by this Board to attend the Session of the com- mittee on revision of the Laws of the State of New York, held at Syracuse, N. Y. By Mr. Thompson: Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed for the chair to secure bids for fuel and light for county buildings, for the ensuing year. By Mr. Parker: Resolved, That this motion lie on the tableuntil the oldcont- mittee on fuel and lights for county buildings renders its report. Carried. By Mr. Clapp Resolved, That all bills against this county presented to this Board shall first be read to the Board by the Clerk before being referred to the different committees and then referred by the chairman to the proper committees. On motion of Mr. Fairbanks, the sauce was adopted the Supervisors' Proceedings. 69 By Mr. Beach: That the printing committee be authorized to advertise for and receive sealed bids for the printing of the proceedings of this Board, the printing of said proceedings to be awarded to the low- est responsible bidder. Bids to be received until 1.2 o'clock noon on Monday, December 2, 1907; and be it further Resolved, That there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of Tompkins County the sum of Five Hundred Dollars (.$000.00) as and for a partial payment for the printing of said proceedings, the order. for the said Five Hundred Dollars, however, not to be delivered to the printer by the Clerk until the said proceedings are printed and delivered to him. Laid over under the rule. By Mr. Hamblin: Resolved, That the hours from 3 to 4 P. Al., of each day be devoted by the Board to auditing bills. On motion of Mr. Clapp the resolution was adopted. By Mr. Parker: Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board be allowed the sum of $25.00 compensation for making the report of the Comptroller as required by law. Laid over under the rule. Mr. Thompson handed up the following report: Newfield, N. Y., Oct. 21, 1907. Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: We, the undersigned, assessors of the Town of Newfield, hereby make application to your honorable body for leave to cor- rect errors in our recently completed assessment roll for 1907, vis. the omission of four pieces of property when copying and one or two errors in footing. [Signed] L. H. TABOR, R. J. RAUB, J. C. EVERHART. yo The Supervisors' Proceedings. By Mr. Thompson: Resolved, That J. C. Thompson, supervisor of the Town of Newfield, be, and he hereby is granted permission to amend, cor- rect and rectify the current assessment roll ofthejTown of Newfield, Tompkins County, N. Y'., by adding to or placing thereon four parcels of land inadvertently omitted from the roll when copied by the assessors, and to correct, amend and rectify any mistakes or omissions in said roll. On Motion of Mr. Parker, the same was adopted. On motion of Mr. Parker, -the meeting adjourned. EDWARD J. MONS, Clerk. FOURTH DAY Tuesday, November 19th, 1907 MORNING SESSION Roll Call. Quorum present. Minutes of Nov. 19th read and approved. Various bills and claims against the city were read by the Clerk and referred by the Chairman to appropriate com- mittees under the rule. AFTERNOON SESSION RollCall. Quorum present. The resolution of Mr. Parker, to wit, that the Clerk of this Board be allowed the sum of $25.00 compensation for making the report to the Comptroller, as required by law, was taken up, and on motion of Mr. Beach was adopted. The Sufiervisors' Proceedings. y1 Ayes—Messrs. Peck, Hamblin, Chappais, Fish, Clapp, Preswick, Fairbanks, Beach, Miller, Thompson, Aiken. Nays—none. The following resolution presented by Mr. Beach was taken from the table. Resolved, That the printing committee be authorized to ad- vertise for and receive sealed bids for the printing of the pro- ceedings of this Board, the printing of said proceedings to be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder. Bids to be received until 12 o'clock noon on Monday, Dec. 2, 1907, and, It is further Resolved, That there be levied and collected from the taxable property of Tompkins County the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) as and for a partial payment foe the printing of said proceedings. The order for the said Five Hundred Dollars, however, not to be delivered to the printer by the Clerk until the said proceedings are printed and delivered to him. On motion of Mr. Aiken, the same was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Peck, Hamblin, Chappuis, Fish, Clapp, Preswick, Fairbanks, Beach, Miller, Thompson, Aiken. Nays—none. By Mr. Clapp: Resolved, That before any bill is audited for an amount less than that claimed therein, the Supervisor of that town or ward from which the claim came, shall be notified and conferred with. On motion of Mr. Aileen, the same was adopted. The Clerk read the following communication from the State Comptroller: Albany, N. Y., Oct. 12th, 1.907. To the Clerk of the Board.of Supervisors, Comity of Tompkins: 72 The Supervisors' Proceedings. Sir:—The Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins is required to raise the sum of $1,084.54 for compensation of Stenographers, Clerks, and Deputy Clerks of the Appellate Di- vision, Third Department, to September 30, 1905, as follows: For the Stenographers of the Supreme Court in the Sixth Judicial District, as authorized by Sections 258 and 259 of the Code of Civil Procedure and of the Confidential Clerks appointed by the Justices of the Supreme Court pursuant to Chapter 3211, Laws of 1898, $1,031.62. For the Deputy Clerk of the Appellate Division of the Third Department, pursuant to Section 221 of the Code of Civil Pro- cedure $52.92, making a total of $1,084.54. [Signed] Respectfully yours, MARTIN H. GLYNN, Comptroller. The Clerk read the report of State Inspector Hall, dated August ?4th, 1907, on the County Alms House, and the same was orderd placed on file. The Secretary read and filed the following report of Coroner W. G. Fish, and the same was placed on file: To the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins The undersigned, one of the Coroners of the County of Tomp- kins, in compliance with section 788 of the Code of Criminal Pro- cedure, respectfully reports, that for and (luring the year com- mencing on the 12th day of November, 1906, to and including this date, no monies or other property have been found upon persons oil whom inquests have been held by him. Dated, Ludlowville, N. Y., November 11th, 1907. [Signed] WILBUR G. FISH. County of Tompkins, ss. Wilbur G. Fish, being duly sworn, says that tile foregoing statement by him subscribed is true. The Sie iervisors' Proceedings. 73 Subscribedand sworn to before me this 11th clay of November, 1907. A. H. OVERACKER, County Clerk. On motion of Mr. Fairbanks, the meeting adjourned. EDWARD J. MOVE, Clerk. FIFTH DAY November 20th, 1907. MORNING SESSION Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of last session read and approved. Various bills and claims against the city were read by the Cleric and referred by the Chairman to appropriate com- mittees under the rule. Morning was devoted to committee work. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present. Communication from the attorney for Mr. Kiely, con- cerning a claim against the County growing out of good roads work read and filed. 13y Mr. IIamblin: Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed by the chairman of this Board to examine the County Clerk's report on mortage taxes received during the foregoing year and to appor- tion the same. On motion of Mr. Parker, the same was adopted, and 74 The Sufiervisors' Proceedings. the chair appointed on this committee, Messrs. Thompson, Fairkanks and Hamblin. By Mr. Chappuis: Resolved, Thatin theappointmeut of Grand Jurors, the quotas allotted to the several towns and the City of Ithaca be as follows: Caroline 20 Danby------- ---1`1 Dryden ---------------------------------43 Enfield ---------------------------------15 Groton -----------------------------32 Ithaca, City --------------- 79 Ithaca, Town_ 12 Lansing 28 Newfield --------------------------------24 Ulysses--------------------------------- 28 On motion of Mr. Fish, the same was adopted. 'By Mr. Parker: Resolved, That the County Treasurer be allowed the sum of One Hundred Dollars ($100,00) for office rent, fuel and lights from January 1st, 1905, to January 1st, 1909. Laid over under the rule. By Mr. Fish Resolved, That a committee of one be appointed by the Chairman of this.Board to act in conjunction with the Sheriff in purchasing supplies for the County Jail and the prisoners worked. On motion of Mr. Clapp, the same was adopted. The chair announced the appointment of Mr. Fish to serve on this committee. By Mr. Hamblin: , Resolved, That there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the County of Tompkins, the sum of Twenty- The Supervisors' Proceedings. 75 five Dollars ($25.00) for postage of County .Treasurer for the ensuing year. Laid over under the rule. By Mr. Hamblin: Resolved, That all county orders sball be countersigned by the Chairman of this Board, and all town orders shall be countersigned by the Supervisor of their respective, towns, and that no order shall be issued until after the adjournment of this Board. On motion of Mr. Aiken, the same was adopted. By Mr. Clapp: Resolved, That the Collectors of the several different towns and the Tax Receiver of the City of Ithaca be required to settle with the Treasurer and the Supervisors of their respective towns on or before the first day of April,' 1905. On motion of Mr. Preswick, the same was adopted. By Mr. Miller: Resolved, That the sum of Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) be allowed the District Attorney for office rent for the year 1508. Laid over under the rule. By Mr. Peck: Resolved, That the sura of Thrce-Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($350.00) be allowed the Sheriff of the County for services of janitor and engineer of Court House and jail for the ensuing year. Laid over under the rule. By Mr. Peck: Resolved, That in lien of a salary the Jail Physician for the ensuing year be paid by fee. Such fee or fees to be the minimum fee charged for such work by physicians when tendered to an in- 76 The Supervisors' ProceedhTs. dividual and not to exceed one dollar (.$1.00) for each professional visit to the jail. On motion of Mr. Thompson, the same was adopted. By Mr. Clapp: Resolved, That the Chairman and Clerk of the Board renew the contract with the George Junior Republic from January 1st, 1908, to January 1st, 1909, upon the same terms as contract of 1907. On motion of Mr. Chappuis, the same was adopted. By Mr. Chappuis: Resolved, That the Chairman and Clerk of the Board renew the contract with the Monroe County Penitentiary from April 16th, 1905, to April 16th, 1909, upon.the same terms as the last contract. On motion of Mr. Fairbanks, the same was adopted. By Mr. Parker: Resolved, That on Tuesday next, at 2 P. M., we proceed to elect a Jail Physician, for the ensuing year. On motion of Mr. Beach, the same was adopted. By Mr. Miller: Resolved, That there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the City of Ithaca the sum of $62.00 to be paid to Bert T. Baker for services as set forth in the annexed ac- count in making descriptions of property of delinquent taxpayers of said City in accordance with the Tax Law. ITHACA, N. Y., Nov. 18th, 1907. City of Ithaca to Bert T. Baker. Dr. Sept. 25th,- 1907', to, making searches for parcels to be sold for unpaid State and County.. Taxes of 1906,.and making copy for printer ------------ `-= $62.00 The Supervisors' Proceedings. 77 STATE OF NEW YORK, ss. COUNTY OP TODIPBINS. Bert T. Baker being duly sworn, deposes and says that the foregoing account is in all respects just and true, and that no part thereof has been paid, and that there are no offsets to the same. BERT T. BAKER. Sworn to before me this 18th day of November, 1907. _ J. L. BAKER, Notary Public. Laid over under the rule. The Clerk received, read and filed the following written designation: In pursuance of Section 19 of Chapter 686 of the Laws of 1892 as amended by Chapter 349 of the Laws of 1898, we, the democratic members of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, do hereby designate the Ithaca News as the official paper for publishing the Session Laws and concurrent resolu- tions of the Legislature, required by law to be published. [Signed.] R. F. CHAPPUIS, ORLANDO WHITE, JOHN T. HAMBLIN, J. C. THOMPSON, y S. H. CLAPP, GEORGE R. PECK, F. D. FISH, WILLIAM H. PARKER. On motion of Mr. Fairbanks, the meeting adjourned. EDWARD J. MONS, Clerk. L 78 The Supervisors' Proceedings. SIXTH DAY November 21st; 1907. MORNING SESSION Roll Call.. Quorum present. Morning session was devoted under the rule to com- mittee work. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll Call. All members present. Minutes of last ses- sion were read and approved. At 2 P. M. recess was taken; and the members, in cotn- pany with the County Judge, District Attorney and the Sheriff proceeded in a body to inspect the county jail. On reassembling, Mr. Parker offered a resolution that the Board extend its vote of thanks to the County Judge, Sheriff and the District Attorney for their attendance and o' assistance in the inspection of the county jail, which resolu- tion was adopted. By Mr. Parker: Resolved, That the Chairman appoint a committee of two members of this Board to take cognizance of the communication received by this Board from the State Prison Commission, and to reply thereto; and in conjunction with the County Judge and District Attorney, at an early date to report to this Board such alterations and improvements to the Tompkins County Jail as in their judgment the existing conditions demand. Carried; and the Chairman appointed on this committee Messrs. Chappuis and Aiken. The Sufiervrsors' -Proceedings. 79 Mr. Parker's resolution of yesterday, allowing .the County Treasurer the sum of x100.00 for office rent, fuel and lights for the year ending January 1st, 1909 was taken from the table, and on motion of Mr. Beach was adopted. Ayes—Parker, Chappuis, Peck, Beach, Aiken, Thomp- son, Hamblin, Miller, Preswick, Clapp, Fish, Fairbanks. Nays—none Mr. Hamblin's resolution of yesterday, that there be levied and collected front the taxable property of the County, the sum of *$25.00 for postage for the County Treasurer for the ensuing year was taken from the table, and on mo- tion of Mr. Fish was adopted. Ayes—Parker, Chappuis, :Peck, Beach, Aiken, Thortrp- son, Hamblin, Miller, Preswick, Clapp, Fish, Fairbanks. Nays—none. Mr. \Tiller's resolution of yesterday that the sum of $200.00 be allowed to the District Attorney for office rent for the year 1908 was taken from the table and Mr. :Pres - wick moved its adoption. On motion of Mr. Parker, the matter of the District Attorney's allowance for office rent was fixed as a special order of business for Monday next at 2 P. M. Mr. Peck's resolution of yesterday allowing the sheriff $350.00 for services of a janitor and engineer of the Court .House and Jail for the ensuing year was taken from the table and on motion, of Mr. Peck was adopted. AyesParker, Chappuis, :Peck, Beach, Aiken, Thomp- son, Hamblin, Duller, Preswick, Clapp, Fish, Fairbanks. Nays—none. Mr. Aliller's resolution of yesterday that there be levied upou.and collected from the taxable property of the City of 80 The Supervisors' Proceedings. Ithaca the sum of $62.00 to be paid to Bert T. Baker for services in making descriptions of property of delinquent tax -payers was taken from the table and on motion of Mr. Aiken was adopted. Ayes—Parker, Chappuis, Peck, Beach, Aiken, Thomp- son, Hamblin, Miller, Preswick, Clapp, Fish, Fairbanks. Nays—none. On motion of Mr. Clapp, the meeting adjourned. EDWARD J. MOND, Clerk. SEVENTH DAY Friday, November 22, 1004. MORNING SESSION Roll call. Quorum present. Morning session was devoted to committee work. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll calk All members present. Minutes of last ses- sion were read and approved. A committee from the W. C. T. U. appeared before the Board and rendered an oral report on the work accomplish- ed;by the jail chaplain during the year last passed. The Clerk read the following communication which was read and placed on file: Determination of amount required for highway pur- poses: The Snfiervisors' Proceedings. Sr In compliance with the provisions of section 63 of the High- way Law, we, the undersigned, constituting a majority of the members of the Town Board and Highway Commissioners of the Town of Lansing, N. Y., assembled for the purpose of determin- ing upon the amount which will be required for the purpose of repairing and maintaining the highways and bridges having a span not exceeding five feet, in the said town, exclusive of the highways in incorporated villages, maintaining their streets and highways as a separate road district, for the year 1905, do hereby determine and agree upon the sum of three thousand four- teen 186',o dollars as being the amount required for the purpose above mentioned; which amount includes poll tax ( if there is such a tax levied by the Board of Supervisors ), and we ask that the Town Clerk certify this amount so determined upon to the Board of Supervisors for their action upon the same. [Signed] ORLANDO WHITE, Supervisor. Town Clerk. DANIEI, A. TARBELL, Justice of the Peace. CASPER FENNER, Justice of the Peace. ° A. J. CONLON, Justice of the Peace. Justice of the Peace. J. 0. MUNSON,-Highway Commissioner. C. E. TOWNSEND, Highway Commissioner. GEORGE LANTERMAN, Highway Commissioner. To the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins: I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of an agreement adopted by the Town Board and the Highway Commissioners of the Town of Lansing, oil the 7th day of Nov- ember. 1907. [Signed] CHAS. D. HOWELL, Town Clerk. 82 The Supervisors' Proceediags, Resolution offered by Mr. White to levy a tax upon the tax- able property of the Town of Lansing, exclusive of incorporated villages for highway purposes: . Whereas, The Town Board and Highway Commissioners of the 'Town of Lansing have determined upon the sum of three thousand fourteen -rxa_dollars, which sum includes the poli taxes to be levied in said town, as being the amount which will be re- quired for the repair and maintenance of highways, and bridges having a span not exceeding five feet, in said town for the year 1908,.and the same having been properly presented to this board, Therefore, be it Resolved, That the communication bereceiv- ed and printed, and that there be assessed and levied upon the tax- able property of the said Town, exclusive of the property within the corporate lines of any village maintaining their streets and highways as a separate road district, the sum of Two thousand three hundred and eighty-one -IYO dollars, and that the -same when collected be paid to. the Supervisor of the said Town, to be used as herein provided. Also, be it farther Resolved, That there lie levied a tax of $1.00 on each person indicated upon the assessment roll of the said town as being liable to poll tax, which will amount to Six htul- dred and thirty-three dollars, and that the same when collected be paid to the Supervisor. On motion of Mr. Fish, the resolution was adopted. Ayes—Peck, Miller, Fairbanks, Aileen, Reach, Parker, Chappuis, Clapp, Thompson, Fish, Preswick, Hamblin. Nays—none. The Clerk read the following communication, which was received and placed on file: Determination of amount required for Highway Ptupores. In compliance with the provision of section 53 of the Highway Law, we, the undersigned, constituting a majority of the members of the Town Board and Highway Commissioners of the Town of Dryden, assembled for the purpose of determining upon the amount which will be required for the purpose of repairing and The Supervisors' Proceediq>s, d3 maintaining the highways and bridges having a span not ex- ceeding five feet, in the said Town, exclusive of the highways in incorporated villages maiutaiuing their streets and highways as a separate road district for the year 1908, do hereby determine and agree upon the sum of forty-two hundred seventy-two and Ail dollars as being the autount required for the purpose above men- tioned; which amount includes poll tax (if there is such tax p levied by the P,oard of Supervisors), and we ask that'the Town Clerk certify this antouut so determined upon the Board ofSuper-, visors for their action upon the same. [Signed] R. S. CHAPPUIS, Supervisor. F. I. DARLING, Town Clerk. J. D. ROSS, Justice of the Peace. G. F. UNDERWOOD. Justice of the Peace. PAUL EWERS. Justice of the Peace. ANDREW BAKB,R, Justice of the Peace. G. E. MINFAH, Highway Commissioner. To the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins: I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of an agreement adopted�by the Town Board and the Highway Commissioners of the Town of Dryden on the 7th day of No- vember, 1907. F. E. DARLING, Town Clerk. Resolution offered by Mr. R. F. Chappuis to levy a tax upon the taxable property of the Town of Dryden exclusive of incor- porated villages for highway purposes Whereas, The Town Board and I-Iighway Commissioners of the 'row" of Dryden have determined upon the sum of $4,272.35, which sunt includes the poll taxes to be levied in said Ibwn as be- S11 The Snpervrsors' Proccedings. ing the amount which will be required for the repair and main- tenance of highways, and bridges having a span not exceeding five feet in said town for the year 1908, and the same having been properly presented to this Board, Therefore, be it Resolved, That the communication be received and printed, and that there be assessed and levied upon the taxable property of the said town, exclusive of the property within the corporate limits of any vil- lage maintaining their streets and highways as.a separate road O i district, the sum $3,666.35, and that the same when collected be paid to the Supervisor of the said Town, to be used as herein pro- vided. Also, be it further Resolved, That there be levied a tax of $1.00 on each person indicated upon the assessment roll of the said Town as being liable to poll tax, which will amount to $606.00 and that the same when collected be paid to the Supervisor. On motion of Mr. Aileen, the same was adopted. Ayes—Peck, Miller, Fairbanks, Aileen, :Beach, Parker, Chappuis, Clapp, Thompson, Fish, Preswick, Hamblin. Nay s—n one. By Mr. Peck: Resolved, That there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the County of Tompkins the sum of $264.29 and paid to the Town of Caroline, as the County's part of $1,585.74 the cost of a bridge constructed Nov. 9, 1907, near Rawson Hollow over "West Branch" Creek on the town lines of Caroline and Berkshire and the County line between Tompkins County and Tioga County, pursuant to Chapter 568, haws of 1890, Sec. 180, as amended by Laws of 1895, chapter 416, and found in Gilbert's Manual of 1906, page 699. Laid over under the rule. By Mr. Aileen: Resolved, That an appropriation of fifty-two ($52.00) be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the County of Tompkins to pay a lady chaplain, appointed by the W. C. T. U., for services at the County Jail. The Sujiervisors' Proceedings. 85 Laid over under the rule. Mr. Aileen presented to the Clerk a certified abstract of the tow audits of the Town of Ulysses, showing total audits of $2,202.85, which was read by the Clerk and ordered spread upon the minutes. By Mr. Aiken: Resolved, That in accordance with a resolution of the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses, adopted Nov. 9th, 1907, there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Ulysses, the sum of two thousand, two hundred , two lV0 dollars ( $2,202.85 ), the same being the town audits of said Town for 1907. On motion of Mr. Thompson, the same was adopted. Ayes—Peck, Miller, Fairbanks, Aiken, Beach, :Parker, Chappuis, Clapp, Thompson, Fish, Preswick, Hamblin. Nays—none. By Mr. Fish: Resolved, That a committee of one be appointed to cooperate with the County Treasurer in regard to the property bought oil tax sales by the County, and to dispose of said property as far as possible to the best interests of the County. On motion of Mr. Miller, the same was adopted, and the chair appointed Mr. Fish to serve on this committee. By Mr. Aiken: Resolved, That there be levied upon and collected from the taxabki'property of the County of Tompkins the sum of one hundred dollars, to pay the salary of the chaplain at the County Almshouse. Laid over under the rule. By Mr. Clapp: 86 The Supervisors' Proceedings. Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board make contracts with the "Bell" and Ithaca Telephone Companies for the necessary phones for the County offices and buildings of Tompkins County for the ensuing year. On motion of Mr. Beach the same was adopted. By Mr. Preswick Resolved, That in accordance with a resolution adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca the sum of $2,500 be _ levied upon and collected against the taxable property of the Town of Ithaca as one-half payment of a bridge to be erected on Cayuga Heights road in said town, and Be it further Resolved, That said Town of Ithaca on or about the l.st day of February, 7.908, borrow the sum of $2,500.00 for one year to pay balance due on bridge on Cayuga Heights road and deliver its obligation thereof. .By Mr. Clapp. Resolved, That one hundred and seventy-five dollars be levied upon and collected from the taxable.property of the County of Tompkins to pay the janitor of the Tompkins County Clerk's office and building. Laid over under the rule. .By Mr. Parker Resolved, That the various county officials be notified by the Clerk of this Board that in tile future no bills will be considered or paid by this Board for rel:,airs on buildings, machinery, light. ning apparatus or repairs of -any nature made on county buildings unless made by authority of the committee on county buildings, and also that a copy of this resolution be published in the two official county paper's, which will also serve as a notice to vari- ous merchants, contractors, etc., that if they furnish such repairs, supplies, etc., without authority of said building committee, their bills will not be considered or paid. On motion of Mr. Chappuis, the same was adopted. The Sznpervisors' Proceedings. 67 � The Cleric raad the following communication received from the Common Council of the City of Ithaca: ITHACA, N .Y., Nov. 21st, 1907. To the Honorable, The Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County, New York. Gentlemen At the regular meeting of the Common Council of the City of Ithaca, held November 20th, 1907, the following resolution and certification was unaminously adopted and approved by the Mayor: Resolved, That the Common Council of the City of Ithaca hereby determines, and certifies to the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 368 of the Laws of 1893, as amended by Chapter 419 of the Laws of 1907, that the sum of Seven Thousand ( $7,000 ) Dollars is requir- ed for the support of the poor of said City for the ensuing fiscal - year, and that the sum of Six Thousand ( $6,000 ) Dollars is re- quired to defray the expenses of the Board of Health of said City incurred and to be incurred for the fiscal year of 1.907, and that said Board of Supervisors be and they are hereby requested to assess, levy and collect from the taxable property of the City of Ithaca, the sums above specified for the purposes herein set forth and to pay the same over to the Treasurer of said City. I, W. O. Keri, Clerk iu and for the City of Ithaca, hereby certify that the foregoing is a full and trite copy of a resolution adopted.by the Common Council of said City at its regular meet- ing, held Nov. 20th, 1907. Given under my hand and the Corporate Seal of the City of Ithaca, this 21st day of Nov., 1907. W. O. K'laRR, City Clerk. On motion of Mr. Chappuis, the same was laid on the table. 88 The Sufier'visors' Proceedings. I3y Mr. Chappuis: Resolved, That the Ithaca News be designated as the Democrat paper to publish the official canvass and election notices of Tompkins Comity, in accordance with the provisions of Sec- tions 21 and 22, Chapter 686, Laws of 1892 and acts amendatory thereto. [Signed] R. F. CHAPPUIS, JOHN HAMBLIN, S. H. CLAPP, ORLANDO WHITE, J. C. THOMPSON, F. D. FISH, GEO. R. PECK, W. II. PARKER. On motion of Mr. Clapp, the same was adopted Mr. :Beach presented the following communication, which was read and placed on file: Pursuant to section 19 of Chapter 686 of the Laws of 1.892, as amended by Chapter 349 of the Laws of 1898, we, the Re- publican members of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County hereby designate the Ithaca Journal as the official paper for publishing the Session Laws and concurrent resolutions of the legislature required by law to be published. Dated Nov. 22d, 1907. [Signed] F. B. AIKEN, CHAS. H. BEACH, A. N. MILLER, H. C. FAIRBANKS, J. W. PRESWICK. Mr. Clapp, Chairman of the Committee on Constables' Accounts reported favorably on bills No. 11 and 41. Laid over under the :rule. Mr. Parker, Chairman of the Committee on Miscel- laneous Claims reported favorably on claims No. 112, 14, 24, 50, 181, 45, 73, 111, 22, 26, 61, and 102. The Siefierviwrs' Proceedings. So Laid over under the rule. By Mr. Parker: Resolved, That the Chairman of this Board call oil the City Assessor of Ithaca and. endeavor to hasten the delivery to the Board of Assessors of the tax roll of the City of Ithaca. On motion of Mr. Chappuis the same was adopted. The Cleric read the following report: To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, N. Y. Gentlemen: Following will be found a statement of the indebtedness of the Town ofLansing for the year 1907 in compliance with:sections 210 and 21.1of the Town Law, viz: , Total indebtedness of said town to date is principal $5000.00. Said indebtedness is in the Corm of notes of $1.000.00 each, held by the Ithaca Savings Bank, drawing interest at the rate of 4 %. One of said notes is due Feb. 15, 1905___-____$1000.00 One of said notes is due Feb. 15, 1909 -------- $1000.00 One of said notes is due Feb. 15, 1912----__-$1.000.00 One of said notes is due Feb. 15, 1911_____-__$1000.00 One of said notes is due Feb. 1.5, 1912 $1.000.00 The amount to be provided to meet payments to become due Feb. 15th, 1908, is $1.,200, of which $1,000.00 is theprincipal and $200.00 interest oil $5,000.00 to Feb. 15, 1908. The above indebtedness was authorized by resolution of the Board of Supervisors of said County in Annual Session on the 20th day of December, 1905, which gave the said Town of Lan- sing authority to borrow money to reconstruct certain bridges destroyed by the elements. [Signed] ORLANDO WHITE, Supervisor. go The Sufiervisors' Proceedings. By Mr. Chappuis: Resolved, That the report be accepted, - placed on file and printed in the minutes. On motion of Mr. Clapp, the same was carried. On motion of Mr. Miller, the meeting adjourned to Monday, at 10 A. M. EDWARD J. -ONE, Clerk. EIGHTH DAY November 25th, 1907. 31ORNING SESSION Roll -call. Quorum present. Morning was devoted to committee work. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present. Mr. Peck's resolution of Nov. 22, 1907, that there be levied and collected from the taxable property of Tompkins County $26+.29 and paid to the Town of Caroline as the county's part of the cost of a bridge over West Branch Creek on the line between Tioga County and Tompkins County, was taken from the table and on motion of Mr. Clapp was adopted. Ayes—Clapp, Peck, Thompson, Fairbanks, Fish, Miller, Beach, Chappuis, Preswick, Aiken, Hamblin, Parker. Nays—none. The Supervisors' Proceedings. gr Mr. Aiken's resolution of Nov. 23, appropriating $52.00 for the services of the jail chaplain; was taken from the table and on motion of Mr. Fairbanks was adopted. Ayes Clapp, Peck, Thompson, Fairbanks, Miller, Beach, Chappuis, Preswick, Aiken, Hamblin, :Parker. Nays—none. Mr. Aiken's resolution of Nov. 22, raising $100.00 to pay the salary of the chaplain at the County Almshouse was taken from the table and on motion of Mr. Miller was adopted. Ayes—Clapp, Peck, Thompson, Fairbanks, Fish, Miller, .Beach, Chappuis, Preswick, Aiken, Hamblin, Parker. Nays—none. Mr. Preswick's resolution of Nov. 22, providing for the raising of s2,500,00 by taxation of the property of the Town of Ithaca, to pa3 half of the cost of a bridge to be erected on Cayuga Heights road in the said town, was taken from the table, and on motion of Mr. Miller was adopted. Mr. Clapp's resolution of Nov. 22, appropriating the sum of $lis to pay the janitor of the Tompkins County Clerk's office building was taken from the table, and on motiin of Mr. Beach was adopted. Mr. Miller's resolution of Nov. 20, fixing the allowance of the .District Attorney for office rent for theyear.1908, was taken from the table. Mr. Beach moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Aileen. Mr. Chappuis moved as an amendment that the District Attorney of the County of Tompkins be allowed the sum of $100.00 for office rent ;and expenses for the current year. Mr. Parker seconded the amendment.' 92 , The Supervisors' Proceedings. The vote taken on the amendment was as follows: 'n Ayes—Peck, Hamblin, Chappuis, Parker, Thompson— Nays—Fish, Clapp, Preswick, Fairbanks, Beach, Mil- ler, Aiken -7. The chair declared the amendment lost. On the original motion, the vote was as follows: Ayes—Fish, Clapp, Preswick, Fairbanks, Beach, Mil- ler. Aiken -7. 5 Nays—Peck, Hamblin, Chappuis, Parker, Thompson— The chair declai red the original resolution carried On motion of l�lr. Parker, by a unanimous vote, bills No. 1121 14, 24, 50, 181, 45, 73, 111, 22, 26, 61 and 102 were audited at the full amount as recommended by the commit - the on miscellaneous accounts. On motion of Mr. Parker, by a unanimous vote, claims 11 and 41 were audited for the full amount thereof as rec- ommended by the Committee on Constables' Accounts. Mr. Beach as Chairman of the, Committee on Coroners, Coroner's Jurors and Printing, reported favorably on Ulaims No. VA, 3, 140, 138. Mr. Parker, Chairman of. the Committee on Miscellane- ous Claims, reported favorably on Claims No. 30, 27, 60, 16, 17, and 02. Mr. Preswick, as Chairman of the Committee on the U. S. Deposit and Insurance, reported favorably on Claim No. 164. Mr. Miller, Chairman of the Committee on State Chari- The Supervisors' Proceedings. 93 ties and Penal Institutions, reported favorably on Claims No. 14, 36 and 33. Mr. Preswick presented in due form the audits of claims made by the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca, and the same was ordered filed and printed in these minutes. By Mr. Preswick: Resolved, That the sum of two thousand, five hundred sixty-two and .,iso dollars ( $3,562.2n ) ( Town Audits of the town of Ithaca ) be received as presented by the Town Board of said town, and that said amount be levied and collected against the taxable property of the town of Ithaca. Oil motion of \lr. Clapp, the same was adopted. Ayes—Clapp, 1'e(,k, Thompson, Fairbanks, Fish, Miller, Beach, Chappuis, Preswick, Aiken, Hamblin, I'esker. Nays—none. By Ali•. Clapp: Resolved, That the provision of sections one hundred and twenty-eight to one hundred and thirty-six, both inclusive, of chapter six hundred and eighty-six of the Laws of eighteen hundred and ninety two, entitled "An Act in Relation to Coun- ties," constituting chapter eighteen of the General Laws in re- lation to the registration of dogs, be and the same hereby is adopted by the County of Tompkins for the future regulation and control of dogs in said County, and that after the date herein specified for the provisions of this resolution to take effect, no tax shall be levied or assessed upon any clog or bitch within the boundary lines of said County of Tompkins; and he it farther, Resolved, That.the registration fee for each dog or bitch be one dollar, and that this resolution, together with sections one hundred and twenty-eight to one hundred and thirty-six, both inclusive, of chapter six hundred and eighty-six of the Laws of eighteen hundred and ninety two be published six successive weeks in the Ithaca Journal, Ithaca Daily News, Dryden 94 The Subeivisors' Proceedings. Herald, Groton and Lansing Journal and the Trumansburg Free Press and Sentinel. This act to take effect oil the first day of Jan., 1905. Laid over under the rule. Mr. Peek presented the followiue report: To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins Count} Gentlemen :—The undersigned, Supervisor of the Town of Caroline, in compliance with sections 210 and 211 of the Town Law, respectfully reports That the indebtedness of the Town of Caroline contracted by authority or resolution passed by the Board of Supervisors at a special session held by said Board Sept. 9th, 1905, authorizing said Town to borrow four thousand dollars or less to repair dam- ages to roads'and bridges caused by the flood of June 21st, 1906, is as follows Total indebtedness at date of this report is $2,000.00 and interest -for one year. Total anuountto be provided to meet payments due March 1st, 1008, is as follows: ' Principal of one note held by G. M. Bull ----.$2,000.00. Interest oil same note, 1 year at 4 ofo-------------S0.00. Total ---- ----------------- ------- $2,080.00 [Signed] GEO. R. PECK, Supervisor. On uxition of Al'r. Thompson, the same ivas adopted and ordered spread upon the minutes. \]r. 'Parker, Chairman of the Committee on Construe - tion of Good .Roads, presented the following report: To the board of Supervisors: Your .Couuuitte- on Construction of Good Roads, to whom The Safiervisors' Proceedings. 95 was referred the matter of working prisoners report as follows, as to status of fund in County Treasurer's hands for working pris- oners. Balance fund 1906. --------------------------- $92.77 Paid Louis Gratton, painting sign ------------- Ulysses & Enfield, 190(L--------------------- 16.00 Balance $76.77 We would also respectfully report the following arrange- ments entered into with Bailey, Johnson & Saunders, relative to use of prisoners in quarry oil Spencer Road. B., J. & S. to have services ofsuch prisoners as were confined in the County Jail that were physically fit to work, other than Court Prisoners, for whose services they were to pay or reimburse the County as follows: The actual costs of prisoners' board while confined in County Jail and at work for B. J. & S., also such clothing, shoes and supplies as the county was in the habit of. furnishing prisoners when working. There was purchased by the Sheriff in way of supplies under above mentioned arrangement, $52.71_ There was :302Y2 days' work performed by the prisoners for B., J. & S., $130.07, making a total of $182.78, for which the Sheriff present- ed a bill to B. J. & S., oil which they have made a payment of $70.00, leaving a balance clue the County of $107.78, for which this committee has all order of said B. J. & S., on their final esti- mate on road 454 oil which above mentioned work was performed. This would leave the fund for working prisoners as follows: Balance, 1906------------ --- $70.77 B. J. & S., payutent------------- ---- 75 00 Total cash on hand ---------------- $101.77 in the County Treasurer's hands, and the above mentioned or- der. This committee would also recommend that a suitable reso- lution be passed by this Board, instructing the County 'Treasurer 7 96 The Sufier isors' Proceedings. to transfer the fund for working prisoners to the general fund of the County, as they can see no good reason for maintaining such a fund at present. All of which -is respectfully submitted. [Signed]- WN1. H. PARKER, GEO. R. PECK, CHAS. H. BEACH, Committee. Ali-. White presented the audits of the Town Board of the Towni of Lansing,.which were ordered filed and Printed in the minutes. By All-. White: Resolved, That the sum of $2,885.43 being the amount of the town audits of the Town of Lansing be levied upon and collected from and against the taxable property of the Town of Lansing. On motion of Mr. Preswick,the 'same was adopted. Ayes—Olapp, Peck, '1'liompson, F+airbaulcs, l?ish, Miller, Beach, Ohappuis, Preswick, Aiken, llainblin, Parker. Nays—none. Alr. Aiken presented the following report: To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County. We, the undersigned, a majority of the Board of Assessors of the town of Ulysses, do petition your Honorable Board, that the supervisor be authorized by resolution to add to the assess- ment roll of the town of Ulysses, the following property which was onunitted from said roll by error, viz.: Name Property lot Description Assessment Poll Mekll, William ---- 1.4 acres 4,200 1 Mrs. Ida Hubbell -__2 109 700 H. S L. Also, we petition that he may be authorized to correct any clerical errors in said roll, or others that are manifest. The Supervisors' Proceedings: 97 Dated, Nov. 21, 1507. [Signed] M. T. ROLFE, GEORGE CHASE, Assessors. By Mr. Aiken: Resolved, That the foregoing petitionbegranted. On Notion ofllr. Preswick, the same was adopted. On motion of Alr. Fairbanks, the meeting adjourned. EDWARD J. ALONE, Clerk. NINTH DAY November 25th, 1907. ➢CORNING SESSION Roll call. Quorum present. ]\horning session was devoted to committee work. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present. Aliuutes of last meet- ing were read and approved. The Clerk reportedthat he, together with the Chairman, had renewed last year's contracts with the M n roe County .Penitentiary. Mr. 'Parker movod than the Board proceed by an inform- al ballot to the election of a Jail Physician for the ensuing year. The motion was carried. 98 The .Supervisors' Aoceediugs. The Chairman appointed Dlessrs. Fairbanks and Peck tellers. A vote was had. Numbor of rotes cast 12, of which Dr. R. C. Warren received --------------- 5 Dr. 13. VanPclt received --- ------------7 Mr. Chappuis moved that the informal ballot be declared formol, and that Dr. Il. Van Pelt be declared elected .Jail Physician for the ensuing year. Mr. Parker seconded the resolution, which was unani- mously carried; and Dr. A. Van Pelt was declared dull. elected Bail Physician. By 11r. Thompson: Resolved, That there be levied and collected from the owners andlrarborers of dogs in the County of Tompkins as listed upon the assessment rolls of the several tax districts of said county, except in the town of Ulysses, and those under kennel license, the SUM of fifty cents oil each clog where only one clog is owned or -- harbored, and $2.00 for each additional dog; $3.00 for each bitch where only one bitch is owned or harbored, and $0.00 for each additional bitch owned or harbored by the same person. On motion of Mr. Peel: the same -was adopted. Air. Clapj) asked permission to withdraw the resolu- tion presented by him relating to a dog tax. Such consent; was given and the resolution withdrawn. By Air. Aiken: Resolved, That in accordance with the suggestion of tile en- gineer in charge, the route of the Cayuga Heights road be changed to conform to such suggestion, provided that the right of way for such re -location can be procured without cost to the County. O❑ motion of Mr. Fairbanks, Idle same was adopted. The Sufieiviso's' PmceerdMgs, 99 By Mr. Beach : Resolved, That the time for receiving bids for the printing of proceedings be extended from December 2d, at noon, to Decem- ber (;tit, 1907, at noon. on motion of Mr. Miller, the surae wtts adopted. Mr. Fish presented the; town audits of the town of En- field showing total audits in the snm of $1,.878.` 1, and' the same was ordered filed and printed in the minutes. Bp Mr. Fish: Resolved, That there be levied and collected from the tax- able property of the town of Enfield the sum of ,$1,378.21 (thir- teen hundred and seventy -eight dollars and twenty-one cents), being the audits of said town. On motion of Nit-. Fairbanks, the wane teas mdopted. Ayes—Peck, Thompson, Fish, Ail.en, Beach, Fairbanks, Clapp, tbliller, IFuniblin, Preswielc, Parker, o'happuis. V`ays—none :lh-. llamldiu presented the Town Audits of the Town of Dunhy, showing total audits in the snuff of *],840.02, and the sante wits ordered filed unit printed in the minutes. Flamblin: Resolved, That in accordance with the report of the town Board of the town of Danby there be levied upon and a,aainst and collected from the taxable property of the town of Danby the sum of $1,340.02, being the amount of the town audits aforesaid. Oil motion of Mr. Fish the same was adopted. Ayes—Peck, Thompson, Fish, Aiken, Beach, Fairbanks, Clapp, 11iller, Hamblin, Preswick,, Parker, Chappuis, Nays—nolle. roo The Su,6erviso& Proceedings. Mr. ,Peel: presented bile Town Audits of the Town of Caroline, showin;; total Audits in the suin of $],,854.53, and the same was ordered filed and printed in the minutes. By \lr. Peck: Resolved, That in accordance with the report of the town Board of the town of Caroline there be levied upon and against and collected from the taxable property of the town of Caroline the sum of $1,S54.53, being the amount of the town Audits afore- said. On motion of Mr. Aiken the same was adopted Ayes—Peck, Thompson, Fish, Aiken, Beach, Fairbanks, Olapp, Miller, Hamblin, Preswicl;, Chappuis. N.n-s—none. Mr. Thompson presented the following report of the Bonding Commissioners of the Town of Newfield To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: We, the undersigned, Bonding Commissioners of the town of Newfield respectfully submit the following report: Refunding Serial Bonds outstanding, thirty-four thousand dollars ($34,000). 9 Said Serial Bonds ivature and become payable as follows: Two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) on the first day of March, 1008, and $9,060.00 on the first day of March each year thereafter until tate whole autount shall have been paid. Said Serial Bonds bear interest at the rate of 3�6 per cent. per annual, interest payable oil the first clays of March and Sep- tentber of each year. We further report that it will be necessary for the said town of Newfield to raise by tax the sum of three thousand one hundred and fifty five dollars ($3,155.00) to pay maturing bonds and interest on bonds as follows: The Snfiervisors' Proceedings. roe Principal payable March 1st, 1908-------------- $2,000.00 Interest on $39,000.00 from Sept. 1st, 1907,.to March 1st, '1908— ----------------------- 595.00 Interest on $32,000.00 from Mar, l.st, 1908, to Sept. 1st,.1908 ------------------------------ 560.00 $3,lb5.00 We further report that we have no balance on hand. Dated, Newfield, Nov. 7th, 1907. [Signed] AMOS PALMER, JOHN W. DEAN. Commissioners. STATE OF NEW YORK, ss. COUNTY OF TObtPKIN6. The undersigned. being duly sworn, depose and say that the above report is in all respects correct and true to the best of their knowledge arid belief. [Signed] AMOS H. PALMER, JOHN W. BEAN. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7th, day of Nov., 1907. [Signed] A. D. BROWN, Justice of Peace. By Mr. Thompson: Resolved, That at the request of the Bonding Commissioners of the town of Newfield the sum of eleven hundred and fifty- five dollars ($1,155) for the payment of interest, and the further sum of two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) for payment of piin- cipal of the above nauted bonds be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the town of Newfield. On motion of Air. Preswick the same wits adopted. Ayes—Peck, Thompson, Fish; Aiken, Beaoh, Fairbanks, Clapp, Miller, Preswick, Parker, Chappuis. Nays—none. 102 The Supervisors' Proceedings. By Ali•. Hamblin: Resolved, That the sum of eight dollars (.$8.00) be allowed to Frank Todd for telephone put in his house in connection with the duties of his office of County Superintendent of the Poor. Laid over under the rule. By Mr. Preswick: Resolved, That there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the town of Ithaca the sum of $100.00 for maintenance and repair of Road No. 72, Catskill 'Turnpike, by order of Martin H. Glynn, Comptroller. On motion of Mr. Thompson, the same was adopted. Ayes—Peck, Thompson, Fish, Aiken, Beach, ,Fairbanks, Clapp, Mller, Hamblin, Presivick, Parker, Chappuis. Nays—none. -' By Mr. Chappuis Resolved, That the Chairman appoint a committee of three Supervisors to secure the right of way on the road running from the Ithaca town line to the Cortland County line, running through the town of Dryden. On motion of Mr. Fairbanks, the stupe was adopted, and the Chair appointed;llessrs. Ohappuis, Preswiek and Thomp- son to serve on this conuuittee. By Air. Preswick Resolved, That the Board authorizes the printing of four thousand copies of the minutes of the various sessions of this Board for the year 1907, and the same to be allotted to the mem- bers representing the various towns and wards as follows Caroline -------------------------------275 Danby-------------------------------- 328 Dryden-------------------------------- 478 Enfield_____ - 23S The Supervisors' Proceedings. 103 Groton -------------------------------- 4i8 Town of Ithaca ------------------------- 21S City of Ithaca—First Wird --- _---------- 1:50 City of Ithaca—Second Ward 250 City of Ithaca—Third Ward 200 City of Ithaca—Fourth Ward ------------ 155 NewScld ---------------378 Ulvsses-------------------------------- 458 I�allsill �+_______________________________"n(S And to the Clerk of this Board____________ 60 On notion of Mr. Aiken, the same was adopted; All.. Parker presented :t, report of the Cowmittu; on Fuel and Lights, whieli was read and ordered filed and printed in the minutes. Oil motion of Mr. Parker, by it unanimous vote, Claims No. 1334, 33, 140 and 1338 Nvere audited I'or the full amount thereof as recommender) h.y the Committee oil Coroners, Coroners' Juries and Printing. ' Oil iuotion of Mr. Belleho by :t tntanimous -cote, Claims No. 80, 27, 60, 16, :I7 and :12 mere awlited for the I'll]] auxnnit thereof as recomuieuded by the Oouimittee oil Pliscellaucous Claims. On motion of Mr. Beach, b;y it unauimoas vote, Claim No. 164 was audited for the full amount as reeonnuended by the Committee un United states Deposit and Insurance. On motion of Mr. Fairbanks, by it unanimous cote, Olaims No. 14, :M and 82 uvere audited for the full amount; thereof as recommended by the Commitice on State Chari- ties and Penal Institutions. Mr. Perk, as Chairman of the Committee on County Treasurer's Account, reported favorably nn Olaim'No. 13313. All.. Thompson, Ohairuianof I;he Committee oil Shurill"s. Judge's and District; Attorney's Accounts, reportedoa Claim No. 128, for $2,868.76 and recoouuended that it be audited 10¢ The Supervisors' Proceedings at $2,,360.81, and he reported favorable upon Claims 117, 116, 118, .11:3, 152. Mr. Fish, as Chairman of the Good Roark Committee, reported favorahlg on Olaims 145, 51. Nr. Parker, as Chairman of the Committee on i1liscel- hmeous Olaims, reporieil favorably on Claimns No. 154, 77, 47, 88, 10 and 146, and recon mended that Olaim No. 105 for $25.90 he auditeil $6.90. On motion of Mr. Fairbanks the meeting adjourned. EIMAR) J. HONE, Olurk. TENTH DAY November 27th, .1,907. MORNING SESSION Roll call. Quorum present. iNlornimg session was devoted to commiittee work. AETERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present. ,11inutes of last meeting were read and apj>roved. On motion of 111r. illiller, by a unanimous vote, claims number J16, :Ila and 1+38 were audited for the full amount thereof as reconmrended by the committee on Sheriff's, Judge's and District Attorne''s accounts, and claim nuviber 128 was audited for $2,866.81 as recommended b} said com- mittee. The Sufier-visors' Proceedings. rof On mottiuu of Air. Miller, claims number 1:17 aunl_1.18 were audited for the full amount as recommended by the committee oil Sheriffs', Judge's and .District tlttorney's ac- counts, Air. Parker v4iug in the negative and Mr. Beach excusod from toting. On motion of Air. Miller, claim number 152 was audited for the full uuunui3; its recommended by said counuittee, Mr. Parker voting in the negative and Air. Peck excused from voting. Ou motion of Air. liairbanks, by it unanimous vote, claitus muniber 151 and 145 were audited for the full anloll it thereof as recommended by the committee on Good Bonds. Oil motion of Air. Ohappuis, by it unanimous vote, bills number 90, 10, 88, 47, 77 and 154 were audited for the full aniouut, as recommended by the committee on miscel- laneous claims. On motion of Mr. Ohappuis, by it unanfinous vote, two iteips amounting to x+19.00 were striciccu from claim number 105 and disallowed, and the bill was andited tit the sum of $6.90 its recommended by the comrinittee mt miscellaneous claims. Air. Olapp as chairman of the committee oil Constables' Accounts, reported favorably on claint number 37. Mr. Fairbanks, as chairnuin of the committee oil Clerk's and Justices' accomlts, reported favorably on claims number 139, :186, 1137, 2, 80 and 95. IMr. Parka, as chairman of the committee on ntiscel- laneous clainis, reported iaborahlyou claims ummber (i5, 21, 119, 5, 58 and 144, and reported that claim number 63 had been withdrawn by claimant. Mr. Aiken, as chairman of the confmittee of Superin- tendent of the Poor reported favorably on claims number 52, to6 The. Su,iervisors' Proceedings. :1.011,.700 and 131, tuul reconunen(Ie(I thatelaint nuutber 74 be referred to the Board as a couuuittee of the whole; that claiut number 108 be referred back to the gown of Danby for pa;yutent, and claim uuntber84 be referred bank to the Superintendent or the Poor. By )6•. Thompson: Resolved, That the Supervisor of the town of Newfield be allowed to make a correction ill the amount of Audit number 101, it being in excess ofauwunt needed by said town by two hundred sixty-eight and .t o& dollars, as this amount has been provided for by resolution of Town Board and Commissioners of Highways for extraordinary repairs. Ou motion of Air. Parker the sanic was adopted. Mr. Glapp presented the following statement of certifi- cates of indchtednecs issued for extraordifill ry repairs ill the town of Groton, and the sauce was ordered filed and printed in the minutes. At a meeting of the town Board of Auditors of the toren of Groton, held at Groton, N. Y., Nov. 7th, 1907,.the following accounts against the said town incurred by the Commissioner or Commissioners of Highways of said town. for extraordinary repairs to highways, pursuant to sections 10 and I I of the Highway Law, ,under the conscut given by said Town Board were audited and allowed, and certificates of indebtedness, bearing interest at five mid six per cent. from date of audit were issued ill payment of the same. . The said accounts do not include any expenditure for erect- ing or repairing any bridge with a span in excess of five feet; nor for removing any obstruction caused by snow or preventing such obstruction; nor damages and charges for laying out or altering any highway; nor for erecting or repairing side Ncalks; nor fur any rebates of highway taxes, nor for the purchase of machinery, tools and implements. The Suf6ervrsors' Proceedings! roy Date of To whom certificate Nature of work or Amount Audit was issued material fumished allowed Apr. 1, '07 Mrs. Alice B. Crushed 525 5510 1 yr. Austin stone Aug. 21, '07, Mrs. Alice B. Building steel & concrete 6 trios. Austin sluice 4fr. dia. and 32 ft, long 427.23(info Sept 30, '07 First National Steel sluice 4 mos. Bank pipes 326.40 To the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: We hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct list of all the amounts allowed by the Town Board or Board of Auditors of the town of Groton for expenses incurred by the Commissioner or Commissioners of said town for extraordinary repairs to highways during the year or years 19 and for which there was no available money oil hand to pay the same. [Signed] S. H. CLAPP, Supervisor. JOHN HOWELL, Town Clerk. liy Mr. Clapp: Resolution offered by Air. Clapp levying a tax upon the taxable property of bbe town ulElroton exclusive Of incor- porated villages, to pay for extraordinary repairs to high- ways in said town during the your :1907 and the ,year .1.90 Whereas, The Supervisor and Town Clerk of the town of Groton have certified to this Board a statement of the bills incur- red by the Highway Commissioners of' said town with the con- sent of the Town Board, and audited and allowed by said Town Board or Board of Town Auditors and the amount of such bills is $1,278.63. Therefore, be it Resolved, That the statement be received and printed and that the sunr of $1,234.79 dollars principal and $43.54 dollars interest be assessed and levied upon the taxable property of the town of Groton, exclusive of the property within the corporate limits of the village or villages in said town which maintain their streets and highways as a separate road district, and that the same when collected be paid to the Supervisor of said town to be applied to the cancelling of the certificates of in- ,ro8 The Supervisors Proceedi?kgs. debtedness and interest accruing on same which were issued in payment of the above mentioned accounts. Oil motion of Mr. Fish, the stui,ie wits adopted. Ayes—Peck, Fish, Hamblin, Fairbanks, Beach, Clapp, Miller, Chappuis, Parker, Aiken, Thompson, I_'reswick. Nays—nolle. Mr. Clapp presented the following report of awount_rc- quired for hi;phway purposes in the town of Croton: Determination of amount required for Highway Purposes: In compliance with the provisions of Section 53 of the High- way Law, we, the undersigned, constituting a majority of the members of the Town Board and Highway Commissioners of the town of Groton assembled for the purpose of determining upon the amount which will be required for the purpose of repairing and maintaining the highways, and bridges having a span not exceeding five feet, in the said town, exclusive of the highways in incorporated villages maintaining their streets and highways as a separate road district, for the year 1908, do hereby determine and agree upon the sum of $3,522.34 dollars as being the amount required for the purpose above mentioned; which amount includes poll tax (if there is such tax levied by the Board of Supervisors), and we ask that the Town Clerk certify this amount so determin- ed upon to the Board of Supervisors for their action upon the saure.- [Signed] S. H. CLAPP, Supervisor. JOHN HAMILL, Town Clerk. H. S. HOPKINS, Justice of the Peace. A. J. CONGER, " J. M. MONTFONT, NEXVTON BALDWIN, " S. J. FEELEV, Highway Commissioner. C. 'M. DUTCHEN, " 11 The Suj5p visors' Proceedings. fog To the the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins: I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of an agreement adopted by the Town Board and the,Highway Commissioners of the town of Groton, on the 7th day of Nov., 1907. [Signed] JOHN HAMMII,I„ Town Clerk. The same was ordered filed and printed in the min- utes. By Mr. Clapp: Resolution oll'ored by Mr. Clapp to levy upon the tax- able property of the town of ( rotor csclusivc of incorpora- ted villages for highway purposes: Whereas, The Town Board and Highway Commissioners of the town of Groton have determined upon the sum of $3,522.34, which sum includes the poll taxes to be levied in said town, as being the amount which will be required for the repair and main- tenance of highways, and bridges having a span not exceeding five feet, in said town, for the year 1908,.and the same having been properly presented to the Board. ' Therefore, be. it Resolved, That the communication be re- ceived and printed, and that there be assessed and levied upon the taxable property of the said town, exclusive of the property within the corporation limits of any village maintaining their streets and highways as a separate road district, the sum of $3,009.34, and that the same when collected be paid to the Su- pervisor of the said town, to be used as herein provided. Also, be it farther Resolved, That there be levied a tax of $1.00 on each person indicated upon the assessment roll of the said town as being liable to poll tax, which will amount to $513 and that the same when collected be paid to the Supervisor. Oil motion of -Mr. Ohappuis, the same was adopted. no The Supervisors' Proceedings. Ayes—Peck, Nish, hamblin, :Fairbanks, Beach, Olapp, Miller, Chappuis, ,Parker, Aiken, Thompson, Preswick. Nays—none. Mr. Olapp presented it statement of town audits of the town of Groton, showing total audits of $2,745.12, and the s.uue was ordered filed tuul printed in the minutes. By Mr. Clapp: Resolved, That there be levied upon and against, and col- lected from the taxable_ property of the town of Groton, the sum of x;2,745.12, being the town audits of the town of Groton for the year 1907. On unction of Mr. Aiken, the sauce ivas adopted. Ayes—Peck, ]fish, Hamblin, Fairbanks, Beach, Clapp, Villor, Chappuis, Parker, Aiken, Thompsan,Preswick. Nays—cone. By Mr. Aiken: Whereas, At it session of this Board held on the 11th day of December, 1905,. a resolution was adopted that provision should be made for the improvement of that portion of the public high- way situated within the town of Ulysses, County of Tompkins, and State of New York, described as follows: The main road from Trmuansburg to Interlaken, cmumene- ing at the west corporation line of the village of Tru n:msburg and following westerly the Seneca County line to the Gist four corners, known as Blue's and Aldrich's Corners, being a distance of about forty rods, and Whereas—Said road is a continuation of the Ithaca-Trmuans- burg Road about to'be approved under a contract of the State of New York with Stewart, Kerbaugh-Stanley Co. of New York City and connecting with a main public highway within the County of Seneca, now petitioned for improvement, and 7hc Supervisors' Proceedings. ut Whereas, A greater portion of the street in the Village of Trutniansburg' extending from the terminus of the above des- cribed highway has been improved by said Village of Trumans- burg, now Be it Resolved, That the State Engineer and Surveyor be requested to investigate said section of highway, and if lie should find that it is of sufficient public importance to merit improvement in accordance with the provision of Chap. 115 of the Laws of 1898 and acts amendatory thereof, that he cause said section of high- way to be surveyed and mapped, and plans and specifications of an estimate of cost to be made for said improveuteut,-and transtuit the same to this Board, and Be it further Resolved, That this Board requests the State Engineer and Surveyor, in view of the fact that the above des- cribed section of highway is very short and a continuation of the Ithaca Trumansburg Road, that said plans, specifications and estimate he prenared so that said section of highway may be inr proved with said Ithaca-Trumansburg Road. Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to forthwith transmit a certified copy of the foregoing resolutions to the Slate Engineer and Surveyor. The chair referred the matter to the Good Roads Com- nlittee for report. By Mr. Aiken: Resolved, That there be levied against and collected from the taxable property of the County of Tompkins, the sum of five hundred dollars ($500.00) for -the salary of the Clerk of the Surrogate's Court for the ensuing year. Laid over under the rule. 13,y Mr. 1'ruswich Resolved, That there he levied against. and collected from the taxable property of the County of Tompkins, the sunt of seven hundred and fifty dollars ($750.00) salary of stenographer 8 rr2 T/ae Sitfie visors' Proceedings. of the Surrogate's and County Judge's Courts for the ensuing year. Laid over under the rule. By Mr. Chappuis: Inasmuch as the Board of Supervisors at our last annual session, by unanimous consent passed a resolution, asking our member of .Assembly and Senator to pass an act placing the office of Sheriff of this County on a salary basis; and inasmuch as it did not receive the signature of the Governor, on'account of the deadlock in the Senate; now Be it Resolved, That we as a Board of Supervisors do earn- estly urge our member of Assembly and Senator to secure au early passage of this bill—a copy of which is in the hands of the Clerk of this Board, and that a certified copy of this resolution be furnished them. By general consent, this matter was made a special or- der of business for Monday next, at 2 P. At. By Air. Beach: Resolved, That a committee of two be appointed by the Chairman of this Board to contract for all county printing not otherwise provided for by law for the ensuing year, and that no bills for such printing be audited or paid unless endorsed by said committee. By Mr. Clapp; Resolved, That in accordance with resolutions adopted by the Town Board of the town of Groton, and the statutes in such cases made and provided, the following sums be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the town of Groton, viz : $1:30.00 for principal and interest due on voting machines March 15, 1908. :50.00 for indigent soldiers, sailors or marines or their fami- lies for the year 1908. The Snfiervisors' Proceedings. 143 $50.00 for Memorial Day services. 4$500.00 for bridge plank for ensuing year. $1,040.00 to pay on the Sanford notes ($1,000.00 principal and $40.00 interest to April 1st, 1908). $584.00 to pay the J. H. Mount note ($500.00 principal and J'34.00 interest on note given Oct. 31, 1902, due Oct. 31, 1907), $150.00 for removal of road scraper sheds to grounds of the Electric Light Plant. On motion of 11r. Aiken, the same was adopted. On motion of Nr. Clapp, the meetiug adjourned to Monday nest, at 10 A. M. EDWARD .f. NONE, Clerk. iq The Supervisors' Proceedings. ELEVENTH DAY Dec. 2d. 1907 31ORNING SESSION . Hull call.' Quorum present. ,lowing session was devoted to committee work. AFTERNOON SESSION Hull call. All meiibers present, except, Mr. Peck. Minutes of the lastlneeting were read and approved. Mr. Aikcn's resolution of Nov. 27th, providing for the raising of $500.00 for trhe salary of the OIu k of the Surro- gate's Court, was taken from the table and on motion of Mr. Preswiek ivas adopted. dyes-l'reswiek, Beneh, Thonfpson, Parker, Hamblin, Fish, Miller, Clapp, Fairbanks, Ohappais, Aiken. Nays—none. Mr. Preswiek's resolution or Nov. 27th, providing for the raising of $7:10.00 salary of the'stenograpber of the Sur- rogate's and .fudge's Courts was hakes from the table, and on motion of Mr. Fairbanks, the same was adopted. Ayes-l'resxvielr, Beach, Thompson, Parker, Hamblin. Fish, Miller, Clapp, Fairbanks, Chappuis, Aiken. Nays—none. Oil motion of Air. Aileen, elaim No. Si, was audited for the full amount as recommended by the committee on con- stables' account. The Suj5erzu.cors' Proreedti{g.r. fig On motion of 111r. Clappuis, clainasNo. 65, 21, 119, 5, 58 and 144, were h,y a. unauinmus vote audited for the full unmmnt, as recommended by the committee on miscellane- ous claims. On motion of \1r. Clapp, claims No. 52, 103, dirt) and :131. were by ,t uuauivaous vote, audited for the full amount thereof as rew"nmended by the comtuittee oil Superintend- ent of Poor. Claim No. 108 was rol'erred back to the town of Danby, claim No. 14, was referred back to the Superintend- ent of f'oor and claim 79 was referred to this Board as a counuittee of the whole. On motion of Ah% Aliller, claims No. J;3!), 136, 1:37, 05, 80 aml 2, were by a uuauinmus vote audited for the full amount as recommended by the committee oil Clerk's and Justices ;recounts. it. Parker, as dulho an of the committee on iuiscella- nwms claims, reported favorably upon claims No. 165, :179, 1,59, 170, 161, 187, 160, 177, iW6 169, 167, 28, 188, .178, :175, 1118, 162, 17.1, L74, 106, 177, 172 and :180. ,11r. Aiken, as chairman of the committee on Superin- tendent of Poor, reported i'avoraldy on Claims num1wr 1.2 and 81. Mr. ]Fairbanks, as chairuutu o1' the eomuaittec on Clork's and jastices' accounts reported favorably oil claims No. 123 and 130. Mr. Humhliu as chairman of the Committee oil Erron- eous Assessments reported favorably on china No. 1.23. Alr. Ohappuis presented The following report: To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, N. Y.: We, the undersigned, Assessors of the town of Dryden County of Tompkins, State of Neu York, do hereby notify you, as required by law, that the stock of the First National Bank of Dryden, N. Y., has been assessed as follows: i16 The Sufieivisors' Proceedings. Capital Stock ___--..$25,000.00 Surplus-------------------- 3,000.00 Profits 652.78 Total ----_--_$28,652.78 Number of shares, 250 at $114.61-_-_528,652.78. W. J. SHAVER, Jr., Assessor. C. E. TOWNLEY, Assessor. A. A. SAGER, Assessor. Mr. Ohappuis present'cd the toren audits of the town or Dryden, showing total audits in the sunt of $2,363.11, and the same was ordered filed and printed in the minutes. Also resolutions of the Town Board as follows: Resolved, That there be levied and collected a tax of two mills oil a dollar on the taxable property of the town of Dryden outside of the corporate limits of the villages of Dryden and Free- ville for highway purposes. Resolved, That there be levied and collected from the tax- able property of the town of Dryden $100.00 for the support of the poor. By Mr. Ohappuis: Resolved, That according to the following resolutions pass- ed by the Town Board of the town of Dryden, that the amount specified be levied upon and collected from the taxable propert} of the town of Dryden. Resolved, That there be raised by tax five hundred dollars (8500.00) for bridges as allowed by statute for 1008. ' Resolved, That there be raised by tax five hundred dollars (8500.00) for bridges and highways as voted at town meeting. Resolved, That there be raised by tax one hundred dollars ($100.00) for the support of the poor. the Suiervisors' Proceedings. ety On motion of Mr. Preswick, the same was adopted. Ayes—Preswick, Beach, Thompson, Parker, Hamblin, ]fish, Aliller, Clapp, Fairbanks, Chappuis, Aiken. ays—none. By Mr. Ohappuis: Resolved, That there be assessed against and collected from the taxable property of the town of Dryden, thesum of $2,363.11, being the town audits of the town of Dryden for the year of 1907. On motion of Mr. Preswick, the same was adopted. Ayes—Preswick, Beach, Thompson, Parker, Hamblin, ]fish, Miller, Olapp, .Fairbanks, Chappuis, Aiken. Nays—none. 13y Mr. hlantbliu: Resolved, That the State Engineer be asked to Neve a survey made from Danby Corners to the County line, being an extension of what is known as the Danby Road Petition No. 1.486, all in the town of Danby. Referred to the Good Roads Committee. BY Mr. White: Whereas, Property owned by the following persons having been inadvertently omitted from the assessment rolls of the town of Lansing for the years 1905 and 1906, to wit': Mrs. Mary E. 13. Smith, 1906, value 300, rate .1106:32, tax 2.00, H. tax .60, total --------------------$2 60 Chas. Gillett, 1906, value 250, rate .00632, tax 1.68, H. tax .50, total---------------------------- 2 18 H. N. Kimple, 1906,.value 300, rate .00632, tax 2.00 H. tax .60, total___ _ 2 60 H. N. Kimple, 1905,.value 800, rate .00684, tax 2.20 H. tax 4 20, total ---------------------------- 6 40 118 The Sufiervisors' Aviceedings. Now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the said several autouuts be reassessed to and against the property assessed to the various persons above men- tioned, viz.: Mrs. Mary E. B. Smith $2 00 Chas. Gillett _ 2 1S H. N. Kimple-------------------------------- 5 •10 and that the said amount ---------------------- 10 18 be added to the assessment roll of the town of Lansing for the year 1907. On motion of Mr. Aiken, the sante was adopted. By Ni•. Aiken: Resolved, That the salary of Walter Mekeel, duly elected Superintendent of the Poor, be fixed at $200.00 per year, and all allowance of six cents per toile one way for the distance traveled by him, in the performance of his duties as such Superintendent. Laid over under the rule. By Air. Clapp: Resolved, That the salary of W. D. Baldwin, duly elected Su- perintendent of the Poor for the term of three years, be $200.00 a year, and an allowance of six cents a mile one way while per- forming the duties of Superintendent of the Poor. Haid over under the rule. Mr. Thompson presented the following report. Determination of amount required for Highway Purposes: In compliance with the provisions of Section 53 of the High- way Law, we, the undersigned, constituting a majority of the members of the Town Board and Highway Commissioners of the town of Newfield assembled for the purpose of determining upon the amount which will be required for the purpose of repairing and maintaining the highways and bridges having a span not The SuPervisors' Froceerdiugs. !!J exceeding five feet, in the said town, exclusive of the highways in incorporated villages maintaining their streets and highways as a separate road district, for the year,1908, do hereby determine and agree uponthesum of sixteen hundred twenty-eight and dollars as being the amount required for the purpose above men- tioned, which amount includes poll tax (if there is such tax lev- ied by the Board of Supervisors) and we ask that the Town Clerk certify this amount so determined upon to the Board of Super- visors for action upon the same. [Signed] JOHN C. THOMPSON, Supervisor. CHAS. McDANII;LS, Town Clerk. A. D. BROWN, Justice of the Peace. i CHAS. BROWN, 1. J. DEWITT PAYNE, T. Al. GUESS, Highway Commissioner. CHAS. PAYN1;, " S. N. GADLEY, U To the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins: I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of an agreement adopted by the Town Board and the Highway Commissioners of the town of Newfield on the 7th day of November. 1907.. [Signed] CHAS. McDANIELS, Town Clerk. By Mr. Thoutpson liesolntion offered by INIr. J. O. Thompson, to levy a tax upon the taxa-hle prop;rty of the town of Newfield exclusive of incorporated villages for highway purposes: Whereas, The Town Board and Highway Commissioners of the town of Newfield have determined upon the sum of sixteen rzo The Sufiervisors' Proceedings hundred twenty-eight and - 036dollars, which sum includes the poll taxes to be levied in said town, as being the amount which will be required for the repair and maintenance of highways and bridges having a span not exceeding five feet in said town for the year 1903 and the same having been properly presented to this Board, Therefore, be it Resolved, That the communication be re- ceived and printed, and that there be assessed and levied upon the taxable property of said town, exclusive of the property within the corporate limits of any village maintaining their streets and highways as a separate road district, the sum of twelve hundred ninety-two and 160x6 dollars, and that the same when col- lected be paid to the Supervisor of the said town, to be used as herein provided. Also, be it further Resolved, That there be levied a tax of $1.00 on each person indicated upon the assessment roll of the said town as being liable to poll tax, which will amount to three hundred thirty-six dollars, and that the same when collected be paid to the Supervisor. On motion of Mr. Ulapp, the save was adopted. 4 Ayes—Preswiek, Beach, Thompson, Parkerl-Hantblin, Fish, ,-MMiller, Clapp, Fairbanks, Chappitis, Aiken. Nays—none. Nr. Thompson presented the following report: Statement of Certificates of Indebtedness issued for extraordinary repairs: At a meeting of the Town Board or Board of Auditors of the town of Newfield, held at Newfield, the following accounts against the said town, incurred by the Commissioner or Commissioners of Highways of said town for extraordinary repairs to highways, pursuant to Sections 10 and 11 of the Highway Law under the consent given be said Town Board were audited and allowed, and certificates of indebtedness, bearing interest at 5 per cent. from date of audit, were issued in payment for same. The Sapervisrrs' Proceedings. rzr The said accounts do riot include any expenditures for erect- ing or repairing any bridge with a span in excess of five feet; nor for removing any obstruction, caused by snow or preventing such obstruction, nor damages and charges for laying out or altering any highway; nor for erecting or repairing side walks, nor for any rebates of highway taxes, nor for the purchase of mahinery, tools and implements. Date of To whom certificate Nature of work or Am't audit was issued material furnished allowed Sept. 4, 1907 Fred Drake common labor .$:36 75 " 4 „ Jeff. Rumsey " 33 25 " 3, DeWitt Alleck mason work 18 75 4, Jay Payer common labor 13 50 " 28, John Henry 15 00 4, Thos. McGivens team work 73 :i0 " 5, ' ` Driscoll Bros. cement 68 15 $258 90 To the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins: We hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct list of all amounts allowed by the Town Board or Board of Auditors of the town of Newfield for expenses incurred by the Commissioner or Commissioners of said town for extraordinary repairs to. highways during the year 1907 and for which there was rio available money ori hand to pay the same. [Signed] J. C. THOMPSON, Supervisor, CHAS. MCDANIELS, Clerk. By Mr. Thompson : Resolution offered by Mr. J. O.'Thompson, levying tax upon the taxable property of the town of Newfield exclusive of incorporated villages, to pay for extraordinary repairs to highways in said town dining the year .1.907: Whereas, The Supervisor and Town Clerk of the town of Newfield have certified to this Board a statement of the bills in- rzz The Subervisors' Proceeding's. curred by the Highway Commissioners of said town with the Consent of the Town Board, and audited and allowed by said Town Board or Board of Town Auditors, and the amountof such bills is two hundred fifty-eight 1900a dollars. Therefore, be it Resolved, That the statement be received and printed, and that the sum of two hundred and fifty. eight and y 6(° dollars principal and nine and t70`ia dollars interest be assessed and levied upon the taxable property of the town of Newfield, exclu- sive of the property within the corporate. limits of the village or villages in said town which maintain their streets and highways as a separate road district, and that the same when collected be paid to the Supervisor of said town to be applied to the canceling of the certificates of indebtedness and interest accruing on same which were issued in payment of the above mentioned accounts. Un motion of Mr. Fish, the same was adopted. Ayes—Preswick, Beach, Thompson, Parker, Hamblin, Fish, Miller, Clapp, Fairbanks, Chappuis, Aiken.. a.ys—none. Mr. Preswick preseuted the followiva report: In compliance with the provisions of section 53 of the High- way Law, we, the undersigned, constituting a majority of mem- bers of the Town Board and Highway Commissioners of the town of Ithaca, assembled for. the purpose of determining upon the amount which will be required for the purpose of repairing and maintaining the highways, and bridges having a span not exceed- ing five feet, in the said town, exclusive of the highways in incorporated villages maintaining their streets and highways as a separate road district, for the year 1908, do hereby determine and agree upon the sum of $4,670.114 as bei::g the amount re- quired for the purpose above meuti�,ned; which amount includes poll tax ( if there is such tax levied by the Board of Supervisors ), and we ask that the town clerk certify this amount so determined The Supervisors' Proreedings. r23 upon to the Board of Supervisors for their action upon the same. [Signed] JOHN W. PRESWICK, Supervisor, A. W. KLINE, 'Town Clerk, JAKE WII,COX, Justice of the Peace, S. M. UPDYKE, Justice of the Peace, L. F. COLEGROVE, Justice.of the Peace, CHARLES A. TEETER, Justice of the Peace, FRANK McPHERSON, Highway Commissioner. To the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins: I hereby certify that the foregoing is a trite and correct copy of an agreement adopted by the Town Board and the Highway Commissioners of the town of Ithaca, on the 7th, day of Nov., 1907. [Signed] A. W. KLINF, Town Clerk. By Mr. Preswick: Resolution offered by Mr..Preswick to levy a tax upon the taxable property of the town or ithaea, exelusive oi'in- corporated villages Tor highway purposes: Whereas, The Town Board and Highway Commissioners of the town of Ithaca have determined upon the sum of $2,670.94, which suer includes the poll taxes to be levied in said town, as being the, amount which will be required for the repair and maintenance of highways, and bridges having a span not ex- ceeding five feet, in said town, for the year 1908, and the same having been properly presented to this Board; therefore, be it Resolved, That the communication be received and printed, and . that there be assessed. and levied upon the taxable property of said town, exclusive of the property within the corporate limits of any village maintaining their streets and highways as a sepa- rate road district, the sunr of $2,348.94, and that the same when collected be paid to the Supervisor of the said town to be used as herein provided. rz¢ The .Supervisors' Poceediu s. Also, be it further Resolved, That there be levied a tax of $1.00 on each person indicated upon the assessment roll of the said town as being liable to poll tax, which will amount to $322,- 00, and that the same when collected be paid to the Supervisor. On motion of -lr. Olapp, the name was adopted. Ayes—Preswick, Beach, Thompson, Parker. Hamblin, Fish, -Miller, Clapp, Fairbanks. Chappuis, Aiken. Nays—none. Dir. Thompson presented the town audits of the town of Newfield, showing total audits in the sum.of :f,3,8o0.75. By Mr. Fish: Resolved, That there be levied against and collected from the taxable property of the towu of Newfield, the sum of 75, being the amount of the town audits aforesaid. On motion of Mr. Nish, the sarie was adopted. On motion of Mr. Miller, the Meeting adjourned. EDWARD J. HONE, Clerk. The Su,6ervisors' Proceedings. rzs TWELFTH DAY December "W'.1,907. MORNING SESSION Roll �;1111. Quorum present. The morning session was devoted to committee work. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. (,quorum present. Mr. Aiken's resolntiou o1` yesterday, fixing the Superin- tendent of the Poor Alekeel's salary at $200.00 per year, plus six rents pear mile one way for distance traveled by bim in the performance or his duties as such Superintendent was taken iron the table, and on motion o1' Mr. Clapp was adopted. dyes-Peok, Hamblin,Fish,Clapp, Preswick,Fairhanks, Miller -7. . Nays—Chappnis, Parker, Thompson Mr. Clapp's resolution of ,yesterday, fixing the salary of W. D. Baldwin, Superintendent or the Poor, at :(200.00 per year, phis an allowance of six cents per mile, one way, for distance traveled by him while in the performance of his duties as such Superintendent, Was taken from the table, and on motion of Mr. Fairbanks was adopted. Ayes—Fish, Clapp, Preswielc, Fairbanks, Miller, 1N11ite Nays—Peek, Hamblin, Chappuis, Parker, Thompson—o. r26 . The Srefiervisors' Proceedings. On motion of Mr. Fairbanks, claims number 12 and 81 were by a tmauimous vote, audited for the full auwuut MW as recommended by the committee oil Superintend- ent of Pool.. Oil motion of Mr. llillor, oluims number :123 and 130 were by a unanimous vote, audited for the full amount as recommended by the committee on Olerlc's and Justice's ac- cou a ts. On unction of Mr. Olupp, chain[ uumber 122 was audited for the full amount as recommended by the committee on Jurisprudence auid,Erroneous Assessnteuts. On motion of Mr. Miller, the following; claims were by a. unanimous vote, audited for the Cull a mountthereof as rec- oniuiuuded by the committee on miscellaneous claims, 185, 170, 150, 170, 161, 18t 1 M! 175, 1761 160, ]G7, 281 188, 178, 173, 168, 162, 171, 174, 166, 177, :172 and 180. 6Cr. Thompson, us dwirma n of the co n n"teeon Sheriff's Judge's :cid 1 istrItAttorue,y'saccounts, reported favorably on claims number 83; 20 and 19. Mr. Parker, as chairman of the committee oil ntiscella- nenus claims, reported favorably upon claims 1.6:3; 149, G, 46, 213, 151 and 82. The chair announced the appointment of Messrs. Parker, Fish and 10irbmiks to some on the smuuittee to secure bids fur tile] and light for County buildings as provided by the resolution of Air. Thompson adopted November :1801, 1907.. By Mr. 11ambliu: Resolved, That in pursuance of the resolution passed by the Town Board of the town of Danby, the amounts asked for be levied and collected from the taxable property of the town of Danby for the following purposes: The Stebervisors' Proceedings. /27 For the support of the poor, the sum of ----------------- $200.00 To supply deficiency is fund to pay for sheep killed by dogs, the sum of 100.00 To pay fur Road Scraper and Roller and repairs ou the same, the stun of___________________________ 234.00 That there also be raised the sum of 300.00 for the maintenance of bridges. -- Total $834.(10 On iuotion of Dir. Thompson, the saute was adopted. Ayes—Peck, Hamblin, Fish, Clapp, 1'reswich, Fair- banks, CJhappuis, Parker, Thompson, Aliller. Nays—none. 111r. Pcclz presented the following report: Town of Caroline, N.Y. To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: Brush Bill of the Town of Caroline 1907. Oct. 4th. Will. Whitley, I day h hours --------- $ 9.10 Oct. 17th. B. F. Curtis, 8 days ----------------12.00 Oct. 7th. Bert Roe, 3 days 5�/3 hours ----------- 5.35 Oct. 23d. Chas. D. Phillips, Y2 clay ------------ .75 $20.20 I hereby certify that I have expended the sum above named for cutting brush on the premises of the persons above meat oned THEODORE $IGHMEY, Higbeay Cam. Sworn to before this 17th day of Nov., 1907. F. Al. BULL, J. P. 9 r28 The Supervisors' Proceedings. We, the undersigned Board of the town of Caroline hereby certify that the foregoing brush bill is correct in all respects. [Signed] GEO. R. PECK, Supervisor, J. C. BENNETT, Town Clerk, F. M. BULL. Justice of the Peace, E. H. MITCHELL, Justice of the Peace, G. K. DOUGHTY, Justice of the Peace, F. A. SNOW, Justice of the Peace. By -Mr. Pock: Resolved, That in accordance with the foregoing certificate of the Town Board of the town of Caroline and Section 63 of the Highway Laws, the sums specified therein be levied upon and collected frmn the taxable property in the several amounts specified against the respective parcels charged. On motion of Alr.Fairhanks, the sante was adopted. Aye s—Pecic, Ham bli n, Fi sh, Clapp, Pre sw i ok, Fa i roan ks, Miller, Ohappuis, Parker, 'Thompson, Nays—none. By Mr. Thompson : Resolved, That in accordance with the resolution adopted by the Town Board of the town of Newfield and the statutes in such cases made and provided the.following sums of money be levied upon and collected .front the taxable property of the town of Newfield, as herein set forth, viz.: The sum of two hundred and fifty ( $260.00) dollars for re- pairing roads and bridges. The sum of fifty dollars( $50.00 ) in aid of town poor, and twenty ( $20.00 ) dollars for the Newfield soldiers, veterans, and citizens Memorial Association, to defray the expenses of the ob- servance of Memorial Day. The sum of one hundred ( $100.00 ) dollars in aid of the Newfield Free't'own Library. The Supervisors' Proceedings. reg On motion of Mt.. Clapp the same was adopted. Aycs—Peck, Idem bl i n, Fish, Clapp, Preswickj'airha.nks, 'Miller, Chappuis, Parker, Thompson, Nays—none. By Mr. White: Resolved, That the sum of $12.00 be levied upon and col- lected from the taxable property of County of Tompkins to re- imburse Hattie K. Buck, School Commissioner, for telephone rental for 1907. On motion of Mr. Preswick, the sanro was adopted. A}es—Peck, Hamblin, ]Fish, Olapp, Preswick, Fair - bunks, Miller, Cha.ppais, Parker, Thompson. Nays—nobe. Mfr. Fish handed up the following report, which tvas or- dered filed and printed. To the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins: Gentlemen: As Supervisor of the town of Enfield, to whom was trans- ferred the duties of Railroad Bonding Commissioner of said town, I hereby respectfully report: That of the original issue of 10 bonds of one thousand four hundred dollars each, made March 1, 1901, Nos. 1, 2, 3,-4, 5 and 6 of said series, each of $1,400.00 have been fully paid, canceled and surrendered. I further report that the semi-annual interest on said bonds amounting to .$132.00, due March 1 st, 1907, and the further suan of $98.00, due September 1st, 1907, have been fully paid, and I hold canceled coupons for the same. That by the terms of the contract on which said bonds were issued, one bond of $1.,400.00 becomes due annually, in addition to semi-annual interest on balance on remaining debt. 130 The .' eQervisors' Praceedin�s. I therefore report that it will be necessary for the town of Enfield to raise by tax for the coming year to meet such payment the sum of $1,571.50 to be distributed as follows: For payment of bond No. 7 ----------------- X$1400.00 For interest due March 1st, 1908------------- 98.00 For interest due Sept. 1st, I. JOS--------------- . 73.50 Total ---______$157:1.50 By Dir. ]fish: Revolved, That in accordance with the report of the Super- visor of the town of Enfield as to the Bonded indebtedness of said town, the sum of $1,571..50 be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the town of F,nfield to pay the amount due thereon. Oil motion of Mr. Prestwick, the saute was adopted. A'ves-Peck, Id:unblin, Fish, Clapp, Preswick, Fair- banks, hiller, Chappuis, Purker, Thompson. Nays—none. By Ur. Fish : , That the sutn of two hundred and fifty dollars ($350.00) be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the town of Enfield for the purpose of repair of highways and bridges in said town as allowed by statute and pursuant to resolution of town Board of Enfield. Oil motion or Dir. Clapp, the same was adopted Al cs—Peck, I_lvutblin, Fish, Clapp, Treswick, Fair- banks, hiller, Chappuis, Parker, Thompson. Nays—none. By Mr. Nish: Resolved, That there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the town of Enfield, seventy-five dollars The Su)iervisors' Proceedings. {Jr ($75.00) as authorized by the town Roard of Enfield for the support of the poor for the ensuing year. On motion of Mr. Clapp, the same was adopted. Ayes—Peck, Hamblin, Fish, Clapp, Preswick, Fair- banks, Aliller, Chappuis, Parkor, Thompson, Nays—none.. By Mr.White: Resolved, That in accordance with a resolution adopted by file Town Board of the town of Lansing there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the said town the sum of one hundred twenty-one 1"090 dollars ( $121.29 ) for the purpose of paying fur material purchased by the Comissioners of Highway of said town for road purposes. on motion of Mr. 1i ish, the same was adopted. Ayes—Peck, Hamblin, Fish, Clapp, Preswiuk, Fair- banks, Miller, Chappuis, Parker, Thompson. Nays—none. By illi•. white.: Resolved, That pursuant to resolution of the town Board of the town of Lansing the sum of one thousand two hundred - dollars (*1,200.00) be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of said town, for the year 1907,.being principal and in- terest on notes held by the Ithaca Savings Bank and payable Feb. 15th, 1905. On motion of Mr. Preswick, the same was adopted. Ayes—Peck, Hamblin, Fish, Clapp, Preswiuk, Fair- btudc, Miller, Chappuis, Parker, Thompson. Nays—none. By Mr. 1'res,vick: Resolved, That in accordance with a resolution adopted by 132 _Thr Supervisors' Proteedi?z4 s. the town Board of the town of Ithaca, there he levied and col- lected from the taxable property of said town, fifty dollars ($50.00) for the support of the poor for the }'ear 1908. I On motion of Alar_ I'eek the same was adopted. Ayes -Peck, Iilambliu, Fish, Olapp,Preswick,Fairbanks, Miller, G'happuis, .Parker, Thompson: Nays—none. The Sheriff rendered the following report to the board, which was ordered liled. all (I printed : To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County-: I, the undersigned, Sheriff of the County of 'Tompkins, re- spectfully submit the following report of fines and penalties re- ceived by ute, with time, and the person from whom and on what account, from the first day of Dec., 1900, to the I9th clay of Nov., 1907. And I farther report that said fines and penalties have been paid to the 'Treasurer of the County of Tompkins, for which I hold his receipts. JOHN A. GENUNG, Sheriff Tompkins County. Dated, Dec. 3d, 1907. 1907. Jan. 16, Stella Miller, disorderly house, County Court ------ $300 Jan. 1.7, John Maly, excise violation, County Court -------- 200 jail. 19, D. Sholes, excise violation, County Court 200 Apr. 8, Steve Croft, special sessions, Sweetland 10 April 17, S. F. Bowers, excise violation, County Court ----- 200 May 1, Pat Granville, special sessions, Sweetland 10 May 24, Winfield Scott, special sessions, Sweetland-__--_ 5 June 21, Merle Stevens, special sessions, Sweetland--____ 5 Aug. 5, Chas.'Perry, special sessions, Sweetland 5 Sept, 12, 'Thomas IIalligan, Supreme Court, gambling___ 75 $1,010 The Sufieivisors' Proceedings. 133 Mr. Feck presented the following report, which was or- dered filed and printed At a meeting of the town Board of the town of Caroline, held at the Town Clerk's office, Nov. 7th, 1907, full Board being pres- eut, the following resolutions were adopted, viz.: Resolved, To raise for Geo. M. Bull, note due March 1, 1908, $2,000.00. Resolved, To raise interest oil Geo. M. Bull's note, due March 1st, 1908, $80.00. Resolved, To raise for bridge at Rawson Hollow, $600.00. Resolved, To raise bridges near D. B. Brill's, $357.00. Resolved, To raise for bridges by statute, $500.00. Resolved, To raise for support of town poor, $150, 00. Resolved, To raise for Memorial Day services,.$20,00. Resolved, To repay Horace Lane poll tax illegally collected, $2.00. Resolved, To raise $''52.00 for soldiers' relief fluid. I certify the foregoing resolutions to be correct in all respects. J. C. B$NNLTT•, Town Clerk. $v Mr. Pock: Resolved, That in accordance with the resolutions adopted by the town Board of the town of Caroline, and the statutes in such cases made and provided the following sums of money be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the town of Caroline, viz.: 13¢ The Sig5er✓isors' Proceedings. To pap principal on the Geo, N. Bull's note, clue March 1,1908,- -------------------------- $2,000.00 Interest on said note from Mar. 1, 1907, to Mar. 1, '08 at percent. -------------------------------- 80.00 For bridge at Rawson Hollow, "County Line" ------ 600.00 For two bridges near residence of D. D. Bull ------- 357.00 Raised for bridges by statute _ 500.00 For support of the town Poor---------------------- 1:150.00 For Memorial Day services------------------------ 20.00 To pay Horace Lane erroneously collected poll tax--- 2.00 For Soldiers'relieffund--------------------------- 52.00 $3,761_00 Oil motion of Air. Thompson, the same was adopted. Ayes -Peck, li'aml lin, Fish, Clapp, Preswick, Fairbanks, Miller. Chappuis, Parker, Thompson. Nass—none, On motion of Air. Clapp, the iuectiue adjourned. EDWARD ;f. AlON l$, Olerk. The Supervisors' Proceeditrgs. 195 ' THIRTEENTH DAY Dec. 4, 1907. 31ORNING SESSION Holl cull. All members present. Morning session %vas devoted W committee work. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present. Om motion of Al r- Mille•, elaims No. 29, 88 and 19 were, by a unanimous vote, audited for the Pill anumnt thereof` as recomnncadcd by the committee on 8heriff"s accounts. On motion of Nr. Fairbanks, cluims No. 82, (3,151, 28, 0, 16 and 16:3 were by a unauimoms vote, audited for the full amount thereof as recommended h} the committee on miscellaneous claims. Mr. Fairbanks, as chairnud of the committee om Clerk's and austiocs' aecuunts, roportod fiNorably on claims No. 735 and 70. Air. Parker, us chairman of the committee on miscella- neous elaims, reported Guvrahly on claims No. 7.89, 75 and 109. On motion of Mr. Parker, the chair appointed Friday, at 2 K N, as a bine to consider such claims against the County as shall he subeitted to the Board us a committee of the whole. By Alm Aiken: Resolved, That on and after Jam 1st, 1901 the salary of the r36 The Super visors' Proceedings. County House Physician be fixed at $250.00 per year, including medicines. Laid over under rale A] r. Prestwick presented the following report, which was accepted and ordered filed mud printed in the minutes: To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: Your committee oil U. S. Loan Commissioners' accounts re- spectfully report that we have examined the books, records and vouchers of said commissioners and find according to records, the status of said fund is as follows: Total amount of property held by the State, outstanding Nov. 1st, 1907 $14,939.34 Received on principal------------------ $ 340.00 Foreclosed mortgage held by State_______ 1,600.00 Ain't of interest recd to Nov. 1st, 1907 _ 673 34 Less expense ___ ______ 114.59 Ain't of Int. paid to State Treasurer______________ $ 558.75 There are no monies oil hand. [Signed] JOHN N. PRESWICK, GEO. R. PECK, S. H. CLAPP. Mr. Peck presented the following report: Determination of amount required for highway purposes. Iu compliance with the provisions of Section 53 of the High- way Law, we, the undersigned, constituting a majority of the members of the Town Board and Highway Commissioners of the town of Caroline, assembled for the purpose of determining upon the amount which will be required for the purpose of repairing and maintaining the highways and bridges having a span not ex- ceeding five feet, in the said town, exclusive of the highways in incorporated villages maintaining their streets and highways as.a separate road district for the year 1908, do hereby determine and agree upon the stun of twenty-one hundred fourteen and Y Oyu dol- The Supervisors' Proceedings. 137 lays, as being the amount required for the pm poses above men- tioned; which amount' includes poll tax (if there is such tax levied by the Board of Supervisors ), and we ask that the town clerk certify this amount so determined upon to the Board of Su- pervisors for their action upon the same. [Signed] GEORGE R. PECK, Supervisor, J. C. BENNETT, Town Clerk, FRANK M. BULL, Justice of the Peace, F. A. SNOW, Justice of the Peace, E. H. MITCHELL, Justice of'the Peace, HENRY LYNN, Highway Commissioner. To the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tomp- kins: I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of an agreement adopted by the Town Board and the Highway Commissioners of the town of Caroline on the 701 day of Nov., 1907. [Signed] J. C. BENNETT, Town Clerk. By Mr. Peck. Resolution offered by Air. Cleo. R. Peck, to levy a tax upon the taxable property of the town of Caroline, exclusive of incorporated villages, for highway purposes: Whereas, The Town Board and Highway Commissioners of the town of Caroline have determined upon the sum of twenty- one hundred fourteen and -,203s dollars, which sum included the poll taxes to be levied in said town, as being the amount which will be required for the repair and maintenance of highways, and bridges having a span not exceeding five feet, in said town for the year 1908, and the same having been properly presented to this Board. O 138 lire Sul5ervisors' Proceedings. Therefore, be it Resolved, That the communication be re- ceived and printed, and that there be assessed and levied upon the taxable property of the said town, exclusive of the property within the corporate limits of any village maintaining theirstrects and highways as a separate road district, the sum of seventeen hundred nine and 12a5u dollars ($1,70925 ), and that the same when collected be paid to the Supervisor of the said town, to be used as herein provided. Also, be it further Resolved, That there be levied a tax of $t.00 on each person indicated upon the assessment roll of the said town as being liable to poll tax, which will amount to four hundred and five dollars, and that the same when collected be paid to the Supervisor. On motion of Mr. Aiken the sante was adopted. Ayes—[!eek, Hamblin, ChappuisJish, Clapp, Preswick, Fairhanks, Parker, 211iller, Beach, Thompson, Aiken. ad's—no a e. The members resolved themselves into committees to consider various matters. On motion of Mr. Clapp, the meetiuo adjourned. EDWARD J. NONE, Olerh. 7he Supervisors' Proreedings. rig FOURTEENTH DAY December 5th, JUM. MORNING SESSION Roll call. Quorum present. Morning session was devoi:ed to committee work. AFTERNOON SESSION Boll cull. All nicmhers present. Mr. Parker presented the report ur the cnunuittee on County Boil ling, which was ordered accepted, filled and printed in the minutes. To the Board of Supervisors: Your committee oil County Buildings, appointed for the year IYOL would respeetfully report as follows: The various changes, repairs and new work Moue during the year: COURT 110USE Your committee during the year had the heating appy-, ratus of the Court ldouso so ehanged that it is now possible to heat the Supervisors' rooms without heating the balance of the building, thus milting a considerable saving to the County in the uwtterof fuel used. We would also report the fixing id dampers in connection with the boiler. During the year your conuuittee had the windows in front of the Court Jlouse, which have attracted so 11111;1 attention, repaired and new glass inserted. The windows in the Granit Jury Room, as per orders of the Court, have IVO The .SupelJlso!s' Proceedings. also been changed sa that it is now possible to veukilate the room 1`eoun the top or the windows instead or at the bottom as formerly. We would also report the changing of the water supply in the Court House so that it is now possible to get drinking water in the antenoom or the court room direct from the city supply instead of from a water tank, as formerly. This change was made at the request of carious jurymen who claimed that the water from the drinking tank was not fit for use. We would also report in connection with the Supervisors' room, the changing of the locks on the Sup- ervisors' desks, as directed by the Board, also the placing of moulding around the baseboard or the room. IiUBR['[URI, UEPi\lUS, ETC. During the year 1906 a former building committee en- tered into a contract with Edward J. Curtis for the repaint- ing of the G'ourt House, at the cost of :$22430. The com- mittee in question reported to your Board that the contract called for two coats of paint over the entire surface of the building, when as a matuerof fact, the agreement was that the wood work of the building was to he painted two coats of paint, and the main portion of the building, which is plastered work, was to have the new spots touched up and Mien the entire plastered wort: painted one coat. 201er the contractor had complied with his contract, it became appar- ent to4he couunittoe that the paintapplied had not covered up the detects as intended, and the building had a mottled appearance. The couunittee in consequence was then forced to have another coat of paint applied to the plastered por- tion of the building, and the committee entered into an agreement with the above mentioned contractor to apply another coat of paint and to also at the same time paint the guttas and the roof of the tower which had not been taken into umsidmation by the first committee. For this work AN. Curtis asked the sum of $20100 00 and fir which he has rendered a bill to the County to be acted -upon b1- this Board. COUNTY JAIL During the year your counoittee had various rooms and the hallnca,p of the living portion of the jail papered, as per Tice Supervisors' Proceedings. z¢r request; of the Sheriff, and new linolcuro purchased for the hall and oilcloth for a room, and various other minor repairs made to doors, windows, closets, etc., and the pennon of the jail in which prisoners are confined. The electrical apparatus was repaired a number of times, also some cell doors, and the water used iu connection with the closers so arranged that the same can be shut off at the pleasure of the turnkey. COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE During the year the heater in this building has been taken apart and thoroughly overhauled and repaired and put in first-class condition, also some shelving rearranged as per request of the County Clerk, windows repaired, new stools purchased, and alta.irs repaired, also wash -bowl in the Surrogate's office repaired, and the electrical apparatus in the vault repaired. COUNTY ALMSHOUSE. Your committee would report the following repairs made at the a1mve mentioned building. The main barn has been newly shingled and the Moor in the horse barn taken up and a. now one substituted and various doings in the living po- tion of the almshouse have been changed at the request of Arr. Van Ostrand. During the year the laundry apparatus contracted for by a fernier committee at it total cost of x+508.00 has been installed. To cover this amount there was appropriated by a former Board the sum of 9588.25, thus leaving a shortage of :0.75, which was paid by the County Treasurer out ()['the general fund. The apparatus in question is now in hood working order, and your committee is advised that the county officials at the Almshouse are thoroughly satisfied with the same. The above mentioned contract also included a pinup for pumping water Air fire protection and other purposes. With the pump is included about two hundred feet of hese to he used in case of fire. Your committee is tuldsed that under the present arrangement, this part or the apparatus is of r¢z The Supervisors' Proreedings little value, from the fact that the water storage is so =_wall, the pump very quickly exhausts the supply of water. During the year the gas plant has been overhauled and placed in good condition, also the sower pipes cleaned and repaired and the pipes carrying the mato- Quit the spring to the windmill have On received attmliom and put in good condition. COUNTY BIi1LDIN(; In Nest State Street, formerly used as it stone yard : Your counuittee would respectfully call your attention to tit(,, ract that this property has note hem, used for the pur- pose for which, itwas intended, for two ,years the breaking of stone by the County (laving proved it failure, from the fact that it was two expensive for the amount of stone pru- duced, so that the County has on its hands, a piece of prop- erty producing no revenue, which cost the saw of $1,500.00, the Imilding on which is getting badly out or repair, and if retained by Wue County, ought to he repaired and put in good condition at once, particularly the roofs and the front doors. Sour committee would also call ynur attention to the Not that a former committee of this toard in purchas- ing this property, permitted the late Ain Bostwick to retain the privilege of a right of way for a railroad switch across the property. This we consider to have been a very great concession considering the very liberal price paid for the property and one which would be very disadvantageous for the County were they to dispose of the property. eft curi- ous times during the rear, varhms members of the Baud or Supervisors have had applications from carious people want- ing to rent the hnilding on this property for storage purposes, but as it,, authority has been given tiny committee, or mem- ber of this Board to rent or lease ibc: property, it has lain unproductive for two years. Your couuuittee would respectfully recomuuemd that the Board or Supervisors take up the mutter of the disposal of this property of as advantageous a price as is yuossible to secure, or the placing of the property in good repair and to rent or lease the same, so that it may not remain a total loss The Suficrviso,T Proceedings. Vi to the County, its the chances tare it will never be used again for the purpose for which it was purchased. Your committee, during the year 1.:107, have had no funds to disburse other than the amounts appropriated by a former Board for the specific purposes to paint the Court House and the installing of the laundr;yanil water apparatus at the County Almshouse, and there is at the present time no Comity Building fund. All or which is respectfully submitted. GEO. B. PECK, W. 1-1. PARKER, S. 11. CLAPP, JOHN W. PRESWICI[, J. 0. THOMPSON. Mr. A.iken's resolution of yesterday fixing the salary of the physici,ui at the Oounty House at the sum of `h250.00 was taken from the table, and ou motion of lir. Preswick was adopted. Ayes—Beach, Thompson, Aiken, Fairbunks, Hamblin, Fish, Olapp, Parker, Ohappuis, .Preswick, Peck, Duller. ��ays—none. On motion of Mr. Duller, claims No. 70 and 35 were by a unanimous vote, audited for the I'll]] anunmt thereof as reconifile uded by the committee un Clerks' and .justices' accounts. On motion of lJr. Fah -hanks, claims No. 109, 75 and 189 were by a miuniuiuus vote, audited for l;he 1'1111 amount thereof as recommended by the committee oil miscellaneous Claims. Air. Beach, as chairman of. the committee oil Coroners, Coroners' Juries and Printing, reported favorably onelaims No. 39, 142 and 135, and recommended that claim No. 1 be audited in the sum of $450.05. 10 1¢1f The Supervisors' Proceedings Mr. Parker, as chairman of the committee on miscel- laneous ela-ims reported favorably oil claims No. 21, 184, 157, 4, .150, 48 and 49, and reported that claim No. 87 had been withdrawn. Mr. Fish, as chairman of the Good Roads committee, reported on claims No. 183, 147 and 59, and recommended that they he submitted to the Board as a committee of the whole for action. Mr. 'I'hmupson, as chairman ol'the committee on Sheriff's Judges' and District Attorney's accounts reported oil claims number 25, 57, 101, 54, 53, 31, 64, 84, 127_, 66, 63, 86, 76, 38, 72, 33, :15 and 77., and recommended that they be submitted to the Board as a committee of the whole ror action. AInAiken, as chairman of the committee on Superin- tendent of' the Poor, submitted the following report, which was ordered.accepted, filed and printed in the minutes: To the Hou. Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins: Your committee oil accounts of the Superintendent of the Poor report that they have examined the accounts of such Su- perintendents and find the same correct. We wish to compli- ment the Superintendents upon their exceptionally full, concise and systematic report rendered to the Board of Supervisors. [Signed] F. B. AIKEN, CHARLES H. BEACH, F. D. DISH, JOHN HAMBLIN. Mr. Chappuis' resolution of Nov. 27th was taken from the table and moved by Ali. Parker, seconded by A1r. Peck. AIr. Chappius'resolution: Inasmuch as the Board of Supervisors at our last annual session, by unanimous consent passed a resolution, asking our The Supe micors' Proceedings. f¢5. member of Assembly and Senator to pass an act placing the office of the Sheriff of this County on a salary basis; and inasmuch as it did not receive the signature of the Governor, oil account of the deadlock in the Senate, now, B= it Resolved, That we as a Board of Supervisors do earnest- ly urge our member of Assembly and Senator to secure an early passage of this bill—a copy of which is in the hands of the Clerk of this Board, and that a certified copy ofthis resolution be furnished them. Mr. Beach presented the following aneudinent: Resolved, That the proposed Sheriff Salary Bill be amended as follows: Making all allowance for the salary of one under -sheriff at $300.00 per annum and one on deputy -sheriff, who shall act as jailor or turnkey and also as janitor and engineer of the Court House and Jail at a salary of $600.00 per annum, and instead of all allowance of $200.00 for expenses within the County of Tompkins, the Sheriff he allowed his actual, expenses in the discharge of his duties as Sheriff of the County of Tompkins, the same to be audited and allowed by the Board of Supervisors. And that the fee or salary of all other deputy sheriffs be fixed at $3.00 per diem, the number of deputy sheriffs to be appoint- ed to be determined by the sheriff as the best interest of law and order demand, but that no deputy sheriff shall be appointed to conduct prisoners to their place of confinement unless the sheriff and his under -sheriff shall be engaged in attendance at the court, and also that no deputy sheriff shall be appointed or dispatched to serve warrants, subpoenas, or any other papers in the interest of Tompkins County unless the sheriff and his under -sheriff are engaged in attendance at court. Seconded by Mr. Fairbanks. On a vote, the aweuduient wits lost. Ayes—Clapp, Fairbanks, Beaoli, Miller, Aiken—,5). Nays—Peck, Ha-mblin, Ohaplwis, Fish,Preswiek, Par- ker, Thompson—i. r¢6 The Supervisors' Proceedings. The original resolution of Mr. Chappuis was carried. Ayes—Peek, B.apiblin, Chappuis, Fish, 1'res«-ick, Park- er, Thompson -7. Nays—Glapp, Fairbanks, Beach, Biller, Aiken -5. Mr. Chappuis presented the following report: List of the names of persons of which the: Commissioner of Highways has cat;; or caused to he; cut, brush along the 1lighe'a,}-: LOT 75 J. Hasbrouck -------------------------- $ 3 20 54 Weaver Bros .------------------------- 16 50 44 airs. Vaud Davis---------------------- :3 00 52 Mrs. C. Snyder------------------------ '1 SO G:3 Horace Stevens________________________ a 00 62 Mrs. Chas. Whipple (assessed Whipple Bros) 1 00 89 Lyman Ellis-------------------------- 4 00 38 Elias Fulkerson --------------------..--- 8 70 10 Lynn Stanton -------------------------- 2 40 19 Avery Hiles --------------------------- 4 00 40 J. D. Ross -----------------------------4 00 5[. J. D. Ross -----------------------------4 GO 39 Will Lormore Est. _ GO :39 Geo. Albright ---------- 40 78 Mrs. Southworth ---------- ------------ 16 00 78 Mrs. Helen Hammond 4 00 90 H. J. Brown--------------------------- 4 00 90 'Mrs. Madison (P. C. Westover Est) ------- 1.4 00 GG Geo. Houtz_ . 5(i Beardsley Est--------------------------- 1 40 S3 Chas. Hazen------------------- 2 00 62 Cramer Est..Mrs. Delia ------------------ 1 GO 49, 59 Ellis Southworth Est.--.'---------------- 2 00 57 J. W. Dwight Est. 1 20 57 FredTrapp---------------------------- 40 57 Frank Givens-------------------------- 1. 00 57 Ed. Mason----------------------------- 1. 20 The Su,6ervisors' Proecednrgs. fqy 57 H. itMetcalfe____________________________ 60 4 Mrs. Chas. 0, Rhodes -------------------- 11. 60 47 Chas. Sperry --------------------------- 75 $117 40 By Mr. 0happuis: Resolved, That in accordance with Section 53 of the High- way Law, and the certificate of the Town Board of the town of Dryden, N. Y., the sums specified therein be levied upon and collected from the taxable property in the several sums specified against the respective parcels charged. On motion of _Mr. Clapp, the meeting adjourned. 11:1)WART) J. HONE, Clerk. FIFTEENTH DAY Decenihor 6th,:1907. HORNING SESSION Roll call. Quorum present. Morning session was devotctl to committee work. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. All members present. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. By, Mr. Parker: Moved that the Board resolve itself into a committee of the whole, and that Mr. Preswiek act as Chairman. 1¢8 The S7ebe)visors' Prorreding-s. Carried. By iUr. Peek Resolved, That the Board go into an executive session. Carried. On motion of Alr. Parker, the Board arose from the ex- ecutive session. On uwtion of Mr. ,Fairbanks, claims No. 39 and 142 were by a umminious vote audited for the full amount, as recom- mended by the committee on Coroners, Coroner's Juries and Printing, and claim No. 35 was audited for the full ;auount, Clapp voting nay. On motion of \lr. Fairbanks, an item oi' interest was stricken from claim No. .1 uud by a unanimous vote, said clainn was audited for the sum of :);450.65. On motion of llr. Fairhanks, claims NTo. 91, 49, 98, 750, 4, 157 and 169 were audited for the full amount thereof, as recommended by the committee on miscellaneous chinos. On motion of Mr. Fairbanks, (.hint No. 147 Nvas audited for the full annount thereof, as recommended by the Good Roads connuittee. Onmotion of llr. Beaeh, claim A'o. 79 was lm a uuaui- mous vote, audited at the sum of $25.00. The Surrogate's Clerk rendered the following report, which was ordered accepted and printed in the minutes. Surrogate's Office in account with Tompkins County: Balance due County at date of last report -------- $ 2.25 The following amount has been received for certi- fied copies of records since the date of last report 30.90 Total receipts ---------- --------------- $33.1.5 The Supervisors' Proceedings. 149 Disbursements. Laundry -------------------------- $ 2.40 Postage-., -------------------------- 1.6.50 Cleaning windows------------------ 2.00 Telephoning----------------------- 1_20 Supplies -------------------------- 3.30 Paidoutypewriter ------------------ 2.00 Total disbursements ----------$27.40 Balance clue County------- S5.75 STATE OF NEW YORK, ss. COUNTY OP TOMPKINS. Della M. Gillespie_ being duly sworn says she is the Clerk'of the Surrogate's Court of said County, that the foregoing is a trite and correct statement of fees received by her for services for cer- tifying records since the date of last report to the present time, together with all disbursements chargeable against the same. IDELLA M. GILLESPIE. Sworn to before me this 5th day of December, 1907 Wnr. C. BAKER, Notary Public. To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: I hereby report that the matter of certifying copies of the records of his office is entirely one of the Clerk's duties, which is performed by her, and the fees for the same are collected by her. I believe the above report to be correct. Dated, December 5th. 1907. CHARLES H. BLOOD, Surrogate of Tompkins County. Mr. IPreswi(lk presented the following report, which was ordered filch and printed: ISO The Szipewiso?s' Proceedings. We, the undersigned membersof the Town Board of the town of Ithaca, do hereby authorize the collection of the following brush bill: Clarence D. Simpson, Lot No. SS $18.48 Chas. A. Titus, Lot No. 62 --------- 0------- 4.00 Mrs. Geo. A. Diffnn, Lot No. 84_____________ 2.20 Michael J. Acton, Lot No. 82 ______________ 3.00 Gideon McClure, Lot No. 78 _______________ 6.00 James Driscoll Est. Lot No. 86 _____________ 3.00 Mrs. Oliver Hughes, Lot No. 80 __ 2.25 5:3:3.93 [Signed] JOHN W. PRESWICK, Supervisor, A. W. KLINE, Town Clerk, L. F. COLEGROVE, Justice of the Peace, S. M. UPDIKE, Justice of the Peace, JAKE WILCOX, Justice of the Peace, CHAS. A. TEETER, Justice of the Peace. B5 Mr. Preswick: Resolved, That in accordance with the foregoing certificateof the Town Board of the town of Ithaca and Section :i3 of the High- way Law, tine sums specified therein be levied upon and collected from the taxable property in the several amounts specified against the respective parcels charged. Or motion ofllr. Clapp, the same was adopted. dyes—Olapp, Preswialr, llillcr, Beach, Aiken, Parker, Fish, Fairbanks; Ohappuis, Hamblin, Thompson, Peek. Nays—nolle. By Mr. Thompson : Resolved, That public interest demands the improvement under the provisions of Chapter 775 of tine Laws of 1898 of that The Sm,6ervisors' Proceedings. 151 section of the public highway situated within the County of Tompkins and described as follows: - Beginning at the intersection of the improved highway known as Road No. 454, ill the town of Ithaca, running thence south to the highway leading to the Village of Newfield, this being the main highway froun the City of Ithaca, N. Y., to the City of Ehnim, N. Y., and extending to the corporate liulits of the Village of Newfield, being a distance of about four and one-half (4/) miles, the above described road having been petitioned for Dec. 19th, 3905, and Be it further Resolved, That the State Engineer and Surveyor be requested to order an inuuediate Survey of the same, and that the Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to forthwith transmit a certified copy of the foregoing resolution to the State Engineer and Surveyor. On motion of Mr. Peck, the sante was adopted. Ares—Clapp, Preswick, Aliller, Beach, Aiken, Parker, Fish, Fairbanks,.Chappuis, ILuniblin, Thompson, Peck. Nays—none. By Ah•. Hamblin: Resolved, That the sheriff or any other officer authorized by hint be allowed the sum of 1;15.00 for lire transportation or con- veying of a single person or prisoner to any institution, either penal, charitable or other to which he is required to convey such, and $"3.00 for each additional person taken at the same time, ex- cept when the distance is more than one hundred miles by usual railroad from Ithaca, in which case lie be allowed x'15.00 and car- fare, and if an attendant is required by statute, they or such person shall have railroad fare and $3.00 per day while performing such service. On motion of 11r. Chappuis, the same was adopted. Ares—G'lupp, Preswiek, rAliller, Beach, Aiken, Parker, Fish, Fairbanks, Chappuis, Ilamblin, 'I'hompsuu, Peek. Nays—none. rsz The Subervisors' Proceedin{'S. Mr, Aiken presented the following report, which was ordered filed and printed. To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins Count}': F. B. Aiken, Supervisor of the town of Ulysses, to which office was transferred the duties of Railroad Bonding Commission- ers of said town, would respectfully report: That the original issue of bonds made March 1st, 1900, was in the amount of $50,000.00, of which principal sum .$2,000.00 is due and payable annually oil March I.st of each year, together with semi-annual interest at 8/ per cent. due on March 1st and Sept. Ist of each year. That numbers one to 12 inclusive have been paid, surrender- ed and cancelled. I further report that numbers '1.:3 and 14 of $1,000.00 each are due and payable March Ist, 1905, and the interest due on said bonds March 1st, 1.908, is $605.00, and the amount due Sept. 1st, 1908, is $680.00. It will therefore be necessary to raise the above amounts to pay the same. By Dlr. tlikcn : Resolved, That there be levied upon and collected from own- ers and harborers of dogs in the town of Ulysses, the sum of one dollar for each clog, where only one clog is owned or harbored, and two dollars for each additional dog, three dollars for each bitch, where only one bitch is kept or harbored, and five dollars for each additional bitch owned or harbored by the same person, pursuant to resolution of the Town Board of the town of Ulysses. On motion «f Dlr. Clapp, the s.une was adopted. Ayes --Clapp, Preswick, Duller, Beach, Aiken, Parker, Fish, Fairbanks, Chappuis, Ilamblin, Thompson, Peck. _'a} s—none. The Committee on the matter of Condemnation Pro- The Sufieivisors' Proceediirgs. 153 ceedings submitted the following report, which was ordered filed and printed: To the Honorable Board of Supervisors: Your Committee appointed April 22d, to take up the matter of settlement of condemnation proceedings started by this Board to acquire a right of way through lands of Rachel Cook, and said o proceedings having proved very expensive up to the above men- tioned date and being barren of results, would respectfully report as follows:. Your Committee consulted the various attorneys interested in the matter and had all legal proceedings discontinued and took up the matter of an amicable settlement through Mrs. Cook's legal advisor, with the result .that we were able to make a settle- ment of the entire matter at a cost to the County of four hundred and fifty dollars ($450.00), the land acquired consisting of ,'yOsrRs of all acre. The above mentioned settlement does not include the very expcneiae cost of the condemnation proceedings originally started, which amount to approximately five hundred and eighty dollars and ninety-seven cents ($580.07). In umking this settle- ment, all the necessary legal proceedings, such as the consent of and the approval of the deed by the District Attorney were com- plied with, and the deed and the accompanying papers have been placed on file in the County Clerk's office. All of which is re- spectfully submitted and we ask your Board to accept all of our acts and ratify satue. F. D. FISH, W. H. PARKER, CHAS. H. BEACH. The Committee on the County Treasurer's Accounts rendered the following reporiy which was ordered lilod and printed To the Board of Supervisors of County of Tompkins: Your Committee oil County Treasurer's Accounts have ex- amined the accounts, books, and vouchers of the County Treas- urer, Rodney G. Robinson, and found the same to be correct, and e is¢ The Sufiervisors' Proceedings. to agree with his report from January 1st, 1907, to and including November 25th, 1907.. GEO. R. PECK, R. F. CHAPPUIS, A. N. MILLER, Committee oil County Treasurer's Accounts. On motion of \fr. Clapp, the meeting adjourned. EDWARD J. AZONE, Clerk. SIXTEENTH DAY December 901, 1907. !MORNING SESSION Roll call. Quorum present. Morning session was devoted to committee work. AFTERNOON SESSION Boll call. Quorum present. Minutes of the last session read and approved. Mr. Aiken presented the following report, which was ordered filed and printed. 4o the Honorable Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: Front verified statements made to nue by the State Bank and by the First National Bank, doing business in the village of Trumansburg, town of Ulysses, N. Y., which are subject to taxa- tion under the provisions of the Tax Law relating to the taxa- The Sre,6 visors' Proceedings. 155 tion of Stock -holders of Batiks and Banking Institutions, I have determined the value of each share of stock as follows: THE STATE BANK 250 shares of capital stock, par value ---------------- $25,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits, June 4th, 1907 2,930.33 $27,936.33 Less assessed real estate 1906 -------------- $1.,500 Less assessed real estate 1907 -------------- 1,800 3,600.00 p24,336.3:3 Value of each share for taxation $97.35 FIRST NATIONAI, BANK 270 shares of capital stock, par value ------- $20,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits, July 2, 1907__ 2,85:1.01 C' $21.853.01 Value of each share for taxatiou ---------------- $1.11..41, [Signed] I. R. STILWELL, Assessor. Comity Clerk Ovenwker presented the followiugreport, which he ordered filer) and printed: Ithaca, N. Y., December G, 1907. To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: I beg to report to the Board of Supervisors that since the (late of my last report ( December 11, 1906. ), 'I have received no money due and for Tompkins County. - [Signed] A. H. OVERACKER. r56 The Supervisors' Proceedings. STATE OF NEW YORK, SS. COUNTY OF 'I'omPstNs. A. H. Overaeker being duly sworn sacs that lie has been the Comity Clerk within the time above mentioned, and that during such time he has received no money for Tompkins County. [Signed] A. H. OVERACKER. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 6th day of Decem- ber, 1907. - [Signed] Wm. H. BAKER, Notary Public. .Mr. A'an Orsdale, representing the State Engineer and Surveyor. addressed the Board coucernino the procedure and forms in the matter of taxation to meet the cost of ex- traordivary repairs oil highways, etc. Prof. Fetter addressed the Board concerning alleged necessary improvements to the County Jail Building. llr. Clapp presented the following bank statement for the town of Groton, which was ordered filed and printed Bank statement of town of Groton: From verified statements rendered me by the First National Bank of Groton and the Mechanic Bank of Groton doing business in the town of Groton, N. Y., which was subject to taxation under the provisions of Chapter 550 of the Laws of 1901,.au act to amend the tax law. I have determine8 the value of each share of stock to be as follows: FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF GROTON. 1000 shares capital stock, par value $100,000 00 Surplus ------------------------ 20,000.00 Undivided profits ____ 7,201.40 $127,221.40 Less real estate -------------------------- 8,130.00 Amount for Bank Tax -------------------$119,091.40 The Supewisors' Proceedings. rsy MECHANIC BANK OF GROTON. 500 shares of capital stock, par value ------ $ 50,000.00 Surplus 50,000.00 Undivided profits------------------------- 2,o23.29 Total ----------------------- $102,523.29 [Signed] A. F. HOWARD, Chairman Board of Assessors. Alr. Preswich, as chairman. of the committee on insur- ance, handed up the following report, whisk was ordered filed and printed: Your committee on Insurance respectfully report that there is oil file in the County Clerk's Office, the following policies of insurance on County Buildings: One policy oil County Clerk's Office insuring against loss by explosimi of boiler. The said policy is for the stun of $10,000.00 and is issued by the Maryland Casualty Company of 13a1timore, and expires November 15th, 1.908. One policy on Court House and County Almshouse, insur- ing against loss by explosion of boiler. The said policy is for the sunr of x;10,000.00 and is issued by the United States Casualty Company of New York,. and expires on the 30th day of Novem- her, 1909. One policy on the Almshouse Building of $5,000.00. Issued by the Tompkins County Co-operative Fire Insurance Company,. which expires June I st, 1908. One policy ou the Court House of $2,500.00. Issued by the Tompkins County Co-operative Fire Insurance Company, which expires June 1st, 1908. One policy on the County Almshouse Buildings of $5,000.00. Issued by the Globe and Rutgers Fire Insurance Company of New York City, which expires June 1st, 1908. One policy on Llie Court House of $2,500.00. Issued by the Globe and Rutgers Fire Insurance Company of New York City, which expires June 1st, 1908. 158 The SuJiervisws' Aoecedings. One policy. on County Jail of $1,250.00. Issued by Stuff .In- surance Office of London, England, which expires January 28th, 1908. One policy on the County Jail and County Clerk's Office, of $1,250.00 divided equally $1125.00 on each building, Issued by the Firemau's Fund Insurance Company of San Francisco, Cal., which expires January 28th, 1908. One policy on County Jail and County Clerk's Office of $1,250.00, divided equally $625.00 oil each building. Issued by Handmrg-Bremen Fire Insurance Company of Hamburg, Ger- may, which expires January 28th, 1908. One policy on building at Stone Yard of $250.00. Issued by Tompkins County Co-operative Fire Insurance Company, which expires July 19th, 1905. Your committee would advise that the Policy on the steal[ boiler at County Clerks Office should not be renewed. It being a low pressure boiler and no danger of explosion. [Signed] JOHN W. PRESWICK, - S. 11. CLAPP, GEO. R. PECK. By Nr. Preswick: Resolved, That there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the County of Tompkins the sum of $4:50.00 to be used to renew insurance policies on County Buildings, which - expire during the year 1908. [.aid over under the rule. By Alr. Fairbanks: Resolved, That there be levied upon and collected from the taxableproperty ofthe County of Tompkins the sum of Six Dollars ($(00) to be paid to A. N. miller for storage of desks, cases, doors, blinds, etc., removed frout County Clerk's Office. Laid over under the rule. The Supervisors' Proceedings. rgq Mi•. Bench, aschairuuwt of the Committee oil printing of minutes of this Board reported that lie had received three bids for printing the same, and that the Groton and Lansing Journal had presented the lowest bid, to wit, $2.25 per page for 4000 copies. By Mr. Parker : Resolved, That we re -consider our action on claim No. 79. Ott motion of Mr. Thompson, the same was carried by a unanimous vote. By Mr. ;Parker: Resolved, That claim No. 79, audited at the sum of $6.17 after deducting from the amount of the claim as filed the sum of $5.00 oil account of a law book not.accounted for and $1.8.83 on account of W. J. Davis' bill for seed, etc. On motion of ,Mr. Thonpson, the same was adopted by it unaninnous vote. Oil motion of Mr. Miller, claim No. 188 was audited for the full amount thereof as reconunonded by the Good Roads Coll] nnittee. Ayes—Ghappuis, fish, Clapp, Fairbanks, Miller, Thon- pson-6 N ay s—Beach-1 Messrs. Peck and Hamblin were excused from voting. On motion of Mr. Fairbanks, claims No 3.1, 33, 64, 63, 76, 71-, 15 and 25 were referred back to the coiumittee on Sheriff's and District Attorney's accounts tbrfurther report; and on motion of Mr. Beach, claims No. 72, 84, ;N and 8(1 were referred bank to the sante counnittee. for further report. Mr. Thompson, as chairnnan of the contutittee oil Sher - 11 r6o The Supervisors' Proceedings. iff's and District Attorney's accounts reported favorably on claim No. 129. On motion of Mr. Miller the meeting adjourned. EDWARD J. MONE, Clerk. J SEVENTEENTH DAY December 1.0th, 1907. 31ORNING SESSION Roll call. Quorum present. Moaning session was devoted to committee work. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of the last meeting Nvere read and approved. By Mr. Aiken: Resolved, That pursuant to resolutions adopted by the town Board of the town of Ulysses, and in conformity with the statues in such cases made and provided, the following sums be levied upon dad collected £rom.the taxable property of the town of Ulysses as herein set forth: The sum of $100.00 for the aid of indigent soldiers and sailors. The sum of $250.00 for the support of the poor for the en- suing year. The sum of $50.00 for the observance of Memorial Day. The Supervisors' Proceedings. - 161 The sunt of $250.00 for the repair and maintenance of bridges. On motion of Mr. Preswick, the same was adopted. By Mr. Aiken: Resolved, That the County Treasurer be, and he is hereby. instructed to pay to the several towns, and the City of Ithaca the amount oI Mortgage Tax monies apportioned to the several towns and the City of Ithaca for the years 1906 and 1907,.as per Chapter 792 of the laws of 1905. On motion of Mr. Pairbanlcs, the same was adopted. By Mr. Aiken: Resolved, That pursuant to Chapter 351of the laws of 1898, there be levied upon and collected a poll tax upon all persons list- ed uoon the assessment rolls, in the town of Ulysses, indicated on the tax rolls by the assessor of said town, as liable to poll tax, at the rate of One Dollar for each person. Laid over under the rule. By Mr. Parker: Resolved, That there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the County of Tompkins, the sum of eleven hundred dollars ($1,100.00) for fuel and lights for County Build- ings located in the city of Ithaca for the year 1908. Laid over under the rule. By Mr, Parker: Resolved, That we hereby rescind the resolution of this Board, passed Nov. 22d, 1907, authorizing the Clerk of this Board to make contracts with the Bell and Ithaca Telephone Companies. On motion of Mr, Chappuis, the same was adopted. 162 The Supervisors' Proceedings. By Mr. Cbappuis: Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board contract with the Ithaca Telephone Company for the necessary phones for the County offices and buiidiugs of Tompkins County, for the ensuing year, for the same amount as contracted for the preceding year. On motion of' A'6-. Parker, the same t% as adopted. Alr. Hamblin presented the following affidavit: STATF OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF 'I'oairKc,s. Ss. Lucy H. Smiley, being duly sworn, desposes and says that she resides in the town of Danby, Tompkins County, N. Y. ; that she is the widow of Edwin Smiley, deceased, who died on or about the 16th day of November, 1900; that the said Edwin Smiley devised and bequeathed to her, certain property, real es- tate and personal ; that the real property is situated in the said town of Danby, and comprises about one hundred and twenty. three (126) acres of land, lie having held simply the life use oftweuty-seven (27) acres, which this deponent has since purchased iii addition thereto ; that the amount of the personal property is the sum of seventeen hundred ($7,700.00) dollars; that she was assessed the sum of five thousand ($5,000.00) dollars for the year 1906, notwithstanding that she objected to such as- sessment. She intended to appear on grievance day and have her assessment reduced, but by a misunderstanding she did not appear on the right day ; that she was therefore compelled to pay the taxes on the whole sum of five thousand ($5,000.00 ) dollars. This deponent therefore requests that she be reimbursed for the excess assessment, to wit, the sum of $27.49. LUCY H. SbIILEY, Sworn to before me this 6th day of December, 1907. S. E. BANKS, Notary Public. By Ali-. Hamblin : Resolved, That there be assessed upon and collected from the The Supervisors' Proccedhir -s. r63 taxable property of the town of Danby, the stmt of $27.49, being the amount of erroneous tax against Lucy H. Smiley, referred to in the foregoing affidavit. On motion of.Tdr. Fairbanks, the same was adopted. Mr. Prestt-ick's resolution or ,yesterday, appropriating the sum of $430.00 to renew insurance policies, Nras taken from the table and on motion of AIr. Miller was adopted. Aycs—Aliller, Hamblin, Parker, Thompson, Beach, Fish, Chappuis, Fairbanks, Preswick, Peck. Nays—none. On motion of Mr. Beach, claim No. La was audited for the full amount thereof as recounnendcd by the Committee on Sheriff's Accounts. Mr, Thompson, as Chairman of the Committee on Sherif]"s, Judge's and District Attorney's Accounts, report- ed favorably on claims No. 71, 76, 33, 2o, 72, 64, 86, 15, 31, 63 and 38, On notion of )Ir. Aliller, the mcetine adjourned EDWARD J. HONE, Clerk. 16,1 Tiee Supervisors' Proceedings. EIGHTEENTH DAY December Tlth, .1907. MORNING SESSION Roll call. Quorum present. Morning Session was devoted to committee work. Aliuutes of the last, session were read and approved. AFTERNOON SESSION The Goodllott(IsCollllllltteerendered thefollowingreport: To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: Your committee on good roads, to whom was referred the resolution of Mr. Hamblin, would respectfully report that they have examined into the matter and would recommend that said resolution be adopted. [Signed.] ED FISH, A. --N. M1LLL+'R, J. C. THOMPSON, Committee on Good Roads. Mr. :Hamblin's resolution of Dee. 2d, 1907, to wit: that the State Engineer be asked to have a sugves made from Danhy Corners to the County line, being an extension of what is known as the Dadtby Road petition No. 1486, all in the town of Danhy, was taken from the tahle, and on motion of Air. Fish was adopted. On motion of Air. ]fish claims No. 68, 38, 31-, 42, 26, 77_, 7 -he Supervisors' Proceedings. 165 15, 86, 64, 33, and 76 were by a unani"MI's vote audited for the full amount thereof as recommended by the commit- . tee on Sheriff's, Judge's and District Attorney's accounts. By Mr. Peck : Resolved, That we disallow $100 oil claim No. 59 and audit the same in and for the sunt of $200.00, provided said amount be accepted in full payment and in release of all claims asserted by claimant against the County of Tompkins. On motion of Mr. Miller the same was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Peck, Hamblin, Chappuis, Fish, Clapp, Preswick, Parker, Fairbanks, Miller, Thompson -10. Nays—Beach-1. The conrnnittee oil apportionment of ntorbgage taxes ren- dered the following report, which was ordered lilcd and printed : ' Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins: Your committee appointed to apportion the mortgage tax monies of said County, would respectfully submit the following report: The whole amount collected from Nov. 30th, 1906, to Oct. 31st, 1907, was ------------------------ $ 3,506.49 The expense of collecting said tax was, County Clerk's fees------------------------------------- 240.25 Leaving a balance of ------------------,"`p" 3,206.24 jyg ' [ rtll One-half of which goes to the state and the remaining one- r66 Tlie Sufiervisors' Proceedings. half, $1,633.12, is to be distributed among the various towns of said County as follows: Name of Town Caroline Danby-------------------------------- Dryden ------------------------ $afield - -- Groton ------------------------ City of Ithaca -------------------------- Town of Ithaca ------------------------ Lansing ------------------------------- Newfield - - - Ulysses -------------------------- Town's share. $ 41.69 53.03 89.05 47.50 92.02 939.00 112.45 87.77 44.72 125.02 X1,083.13 All of which is respectfully reported. [Signed] J. C. THOMPSON, JOHN HAMBLIN, H. C. FAIRBANKS, Committee. By Mr. Aiken: Resolved, That pursuant to resolutions of the Town Board of the town Ulysses, and in conformity with the statutes in such cases made and provided, there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the town of Ulysses, the sum of $454.39, being for deficiency in the bridge fund. On'motion of Mr. Clapp, the same was adopted. Ayes—Peck, Hamblin, Chappnis, Fish, Clapp, Preswick, Parker, Fairbanks, Miller, Thompson, Beach. Nays—none. Mr. Aiken handed up the following report, which was ordered filed and printed. Determination of Amount Required for Highway Purposes: In compliance with the provisions of Section 53 of the High- The Su,6ervisors' Proceedings, 167 way Law, we, the undersigned, constituting a majority of the members of the Town Board and Highway Commissioners of the town of Ulysses, assembled for the purpose of determining upon the amount which will be required for the purpose of repairing and maintaining the highways and bridges having a span not exceeding five feet in the said town, exclusive of the highways in incorporated villages maintaining their streets and highways as a separate road district, for the year 1908, do hereby determine and agree upon the sum of nineteen hundred and thirty-six dollars as being the amount required for the purpose above mentioned, which amount includes poll tax (if there is such tax levied by the Board of Supervisors), and we ask that the Town Clerk certify this amount so determined upon to the Board of Supervisors for their action upon the same. [Signed] F. B. AIKEN, Supervisor, CHAS. C. TAYLOR, Town Clerk, M. T. WILLIAMSON, Justice of the Peace, HENRY WILLIAMS, Justice of the Peace, O. NOBLE, Justice of the Peace, FRED A. BEARDSLEY, Justice of the Peace. To the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tomp- kins: I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of an agreement adopted by the Town Board and the Highway Commissioners of the town of Ulysses on the 7th day of December, 1907. [Signed] CHAS. C. TAYLOR, Town Clerk. Resolution od'm•ed by Mr. Aiken to levy a tax upon the taxable property of the town of Lilysses exclusive of incor- porated villages for highway purposes: Whereas, The Town Board and Highway Commissioners of the town of Ulysses have determined upon the sum of nineteen 168 The Sulervrsors' Proceeddugs hundred and thirty-six dollars, which sum includes the poll taxes to be levied in said town, as being the amount which will be re- quired for the repair and maintenance of. highways and bridges having a span not exceeding five feet in said town for the year 1908, and the same having been properly presented to this Board, Therefore, be it Resolved, That the communication be re- ceived and printed, and that there be assessed and levied upon the taxable property of the said town, exclusive of the property within the corporate limits of any village maintaining their streets and highways as a separate road district, the sum of fifteen hundred and eighty-six dollars, and that the same when collected be paid to the Supervisor of the said town, to be used as herein provided. Also, be it further Resolved, That there be levied a tax of $1.00 on each person indicated upon the assessment roll of the said town as being liable to poll tax, which will amount to three hundred and fifty dollars, and that the same when collectedbe paid to the Supervisor. By Nr. ;Parker: Resolved, That that there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the City of Ithaca, the sum of $10.00, (sixteen dollars), for distribution of the proceedings of the Board, being two cents for each copy, and to be paid to the Supervisors of the City of Ithaca and the Clerk of this Board. On motion of Mr. Aiken, the same was adopted. Ayes—Peck, Hamblin, Chappuis,Fish, Clapp, Preswick, Parker, Fairbanks, Miller, Thompson, Beach. Nays—none. By Mr. Aiken : That pursuant to a resolution of the Town Board of the town of Ulysses, adopted Dec. 7th, 1907, there be levied upon and col- lected from the taxable property of the town of Ulysses the sten of s$'235.00 to reimburse the highway fund for the non -collection of poll taxes for the years 1904 and 1900, these not having been %e Supervisors' Proceedings. -16g collected in 1906 as they should have been. Also the further sum of $45.00 for reimbursement of the highway fund, for the- un- collected poll tax of '1900, this being the poll tax against persons who have left the town, or are exempt. The collection of unpaid poll taxes is made mandatory by the highway laws. On wotion of Mr. Fish, the same was adopted. Ayes—Peck, Ilamblin, Chappuis, Fish, Clapp„ Preswick, Parker, Fairbanks, Miller, Thonipson„Beach. Nays—none. BY �11i% Ohappuis: Resolved, That the compensation of the Sheriffof the County for the board, care and custody of the prisoners for the ensuing year be thirty-five (35) cents per day, with no allowance for washing. Friday, at 2 I'. M. was fixed as a. thio when this motion would be made a special order of husiness. By Mr. Parker: Resolved, That the resolution of Nov. 15th, devoting the morning session of the Board exclusively to committee work be suspended for the balance of this session. On motion of Mr. Chappuis, the same was adopted. . By Mr. Thompson: Resolved, That the Board purchase for the County of Tomp- kins, for a sum not exceeding $250.00 and for as much less as possible, the Borrough's Adding Machine now in the Supervisor's room together with a desk or other proper receptacle for the same, said purchase to be made by a committee to be appointed by the . chair; that the machine, if purchased, be kept in the Supervisors' room, under lock and key; that each member of the Board and the Clerk be furnished a key thereto and that the machine be and remain under the control of the Clerk of the Board, and that it be not removedfrom the Supervisors' room. �\ ryo The Sul5ervisors' Proceedings. On motion of Mr. Beach the same was adopted. Alyes—Peck, Hamblin, Ohappuis, Fisle, Clapp, Pres ANick, Fairbanks, Miller, Thompson, Beach. Nays—Parker. Mr. Parlwr, as chairman of the committee on miscel- laneous claims, reported favorably oil claims No. 97, 158 and 150, and recommended that claim No. l);i be submitted to the Board as a committee of the whole; that an item of $1 be disallowcd on claim No. 100 :cid that it he auditcd in and for the sou 4 $200.00. A committee, consistiva of representatives or carious civic organizations or the Citi of Ithaca, appeared before the Board and urged that some alterations or repairs he made to the Tompkins County Jail. On motion of Mr. Fish, the meeting adjourned. EDWARD J. HONE, Clerk. The Supervisors' Proceedings. iyr NINETEENTH DAY Dccetuher 13th, 1007. MORNING SESSION Roll call. Quorum present. Morning session was devoted to committee work. Minutes of lase session were read and approved. AFTERNOON SESSION Boll call. (:quorum present;. By Mr. Hamblin: Resolved, That Court Bellis, of the City of Ithaca, N. Y., be appointed sealer of weights and measures for one year, beginning January 1st, 1908. On motion of Mr. Clapp the same was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Peck, Hamblin, Chappuis, Fish, Clapp, Parker, Fairbanks, Beach, lttiller, Thompson, Aiken. Nays—none. By Mr. Clapp: Whereas, The people of Tompkins County are almost unani- mously in favor of a complete system of Good Roads, and in response of such demand this Board of Supervisors has applied for upwards of 135 miles of improved roads, of which amount over 31 miles have been surveyed, mapped and appropriation made in behalf of the County, and 172 The Supervisors' Proceedings Whereas, The people of the State by an overwhelming ma- jority have voted in favor of a bond issue of fifty million dollars for "Good Road Construction," and Whereas, It is necessary that the Legislature should from time to time make appropriations for such work, therefore, be it Resolved, That the Senator from this district and Assembly- man from this county be respectfully requested to use their best endeavors to secure an early appropriation of not less than five millions of dollars for such purpose, exclusive of the amount provided by the several counties for such purpose ; and be it fur- ther Resolved, That a copy of this resolution and preambles be forwarded to his Excellency Governor Hughes, Hou. S. G. Heacock, Hou. Thos. D. Ferguson, Hon. Frederick Skene, State Engineer and Surveyor. . On motion of Mr. Aileen, the same was adopted. By Mr. Beach: Resolved, That the contract for printing of the official pro- ceedings of this Board of Supervisors according to the specification of its printing committee be and the same is hereby awarded to L. J. Townley & Sous of Groton, N. Y., at two dollars and twenty-five cents per page. On motion of ?k1r. Clapp, the sauce was adopted. Ayes—Puck, Beach, Fairbanks, Parker, Millor, Chap- puis, Fish, Clapp, Hamblin, ,Aiken, Thompson. Nays—none. Judge Blood appeared herore the Board and requested that a conunittee be appointed to investigate the needs of the Surrogate's oliice for new files and filing system. By Mr. Beach : Resolved, That the committee on County Buildings be The Supervisors' Proceeding -s. rya authorized and empowered to confer with the County Judge, with regard to the installation of more filing space in the office of the County Judge and to install what in their judgment they deem necessary. On motion of Mr. Miller, the sante was adopted. Ayes—Peck, Beach, Fairbanks, Parker, Miller,Chap- puis, Fish, Clapp, Hamblin, Aiken, Thompson. Nuys—none. . By Mr. Beach: Resolved, That the resolution of Nov. 27, 1907, that a committee of two be appointed by the Chairman of this Board to contract for all county printing, etc., be rescinded. On motion of Mr. Fish, the same was adopted. By Mr. Fish: Resolved, That the Building Committee have authority to rent at the best price obtainable the County's stone yard at the foot of West State St. in the City of Ithaca. On motion of Mr. Chappuis, the same was adopted. Om moUiou of Mr. Beach, claims No. 155, :158 and 97 were audited for the Full amount thereof' as recommended by the committee on mniscelhuieous claims. An item of :x:15.00 was disallowed on claim No. LOG and the sume was audited in and for the sum of `h200.00. Oil motion of Mr. Miller, olaim No. 1.5;; was audited for the full amount thereof. A,yes-Peolc,Beuch, hairbaula,Parl:er, Miller,Chuppuis, Fish, Hamblin, Aiken, Thompson. Nuys—Clapp. fly Mr. Fairbanks : Resolved, That there be levied upon and collected from the rj¢ The Sufieroisors' Proceedings. taxable property of the City of Ithaca the sum of $6.00 to reim- burse A. N. Miller for storage of desks, etc., removed from the County Clerk's office. Oil motion of Mr. Peck. 'the sante was adopted Ayes -Peck, Beach, Fairbanks, Parker, Miller, Chap- puis, Nish, Clapp, Ilaniblin, ,liken, Thompson. N:n's—uoue. Mr. Miller, as chairman of the committee on Charitable and Penal Institutions, reported favorably on claims No. 00, 1.10, :13, 40, 80, 00, 185 and 115. By Mr. Beach Resolved, That the chairman of this Board appoint a com- mittee of two members of this Board to contract for all necessary printing not provided for by law, and to purchase all necessary supplies for all county offices, and that no bill sball be audited or allowed by this Board for books or supplies or for repairs to the same unless approved by this committee. And be it further Resolved, That a certified copy of this resolution be sent to each and every county official of the County of Tompkins. On motion of A1r. Peck, the saute was adopted, and Messrs. Beach and Parker were appointed to serve on this committee. On nwi;iou of Mr. Miller, the uteetin;; adjourned. EDWARD J. MOVE, Cleric. The S+epervisors' Proceedings. 175 TWENTIETH DAY December 713th, 75107. MORNING SESSION Hull call. Quorum present. Alhmtes of the last session woro read and approve(I. Morning session was devoted to conunibtee work. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. Quornm present. Ou motion or Mr. Beach, claim no. 84 was audited for the full amount thereof. Ayes—Peck, Hamblin, Clapp, Preswiok, Fairbanks, Beach, Miller, Aiken -8 Nays—G'happuis, Parker, Thompson -3 Messrs. Sweetland, O'Daniel and Noble appoared before the Buarrl and discussed ulai_m No. IM and other stunogra- phers' claims. At, Parker, as chairman of the eouuuittee on miscella- neous olaiurs, recuuuuended that claim No. (18 be disallowed. rle reported favorahly on cLiims No. 104, 4+3, 4-4, 91), 60, 42, boil, 107, 44,, 14:3, 04, 67, 19l, AN; and :190; also rcconuuended that the third itculof $15.1i(1 be stricken from shim No. 120 and that the same be audited in and fur the sum of $113(3.(10. On behalf of the couunittec he reported on claims No. 182, 78 and 20 without reconuuendatiun. At, rhmnpson, as chairman or the committee uu Sher - 12 176 The Sxepervisors' Proceedings iff's, J11r1g6's and Distriot Attorney's ae(:ounts, reported favorably on claims No. 193, 192 and 195. The Ohairmau appointed ,Alessrs. Thompson and Aiken to serve on the'connuittee to purchase an adding machine. By Air. Aiken: . Resolved, That the State Engineer and Surveyor be asked for all immediate survey of that piece of road situated in the town of Ulysses, commencing at the Seneca County bine at what is known as Blue's Corners and extending in a southerly direction to the corporation line of the village of Trumansburg, N. Y., being a distance of about 44 rods, the same being already approved by the State and placed on the map, but which by some error has not been surveyed. Referred to the Good Roads Committee. By Mr. Presdick: Resolved, That the State Engineer and Surveyor be asked for an immediate survey of that piece of road situated in the town of . Ithaca, commencing at the east end of Mitchell Street and run- ning east and southeast through the town of Ithaca to the Dryden fowl, line, a distance of about one and one-third miles (].Y3); this road being already applied for, but a survey has never been asked. Referred to.to the Good Roads Committee. By Mr. Fairbanks: Resoled, That there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the County of Tompkins, the sum of $57.90, . for the purpose of paying for copying the assessment roll of the City of Ithaca, and to be paid to Fordyce A. Cobb. Laid over under the rule. By Mr. Miller: Whereas, A number of persons have been killed and several The Supervisors' Proceeding's. ryy accidents happened at the crossing of the L. V. R. R., on the Spencer section of the Ithaca road at the White School House, District No. 3. Therefore, be it Resolved, That the Town Board of the town of Ithaca, be requested to compel the L. V. Railroad company to place a danger signal at that place to avoid farther accidents. On motion or Mr. Peck, the same was adopted. Mr. Clapp handed up the following report, which was ordered accepted and printed: To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins Co.: Gentlemen: The undersigned supervisor of the town of Groton, in com- pliance with Sections 210 and 211 of the Town Law, respectfully reports that the indebtedness of the town of Groton contracted by authority of the town at a special town meeting, held in the town of Groton, on the 20th clay of July, 1905, authorizing said town to borrow the sum of $3,200 to build a bridge in said town and in the village of Groton; that the total principal indebtedness at the date of this report is $1,000, and that the notes given for the same are as follows: On note to Fred Sanford, due April lst, 1903, $1,000. That there is to be provided to meet the payment due April 1st, 1908, Interest on $1,000 at 4 per cent from April 1st, 1907, to April 7st, 1908, $40.00. Total x;7,040. Dated, Dec. 13th, 1907. [Signed] S. H. CLAPP, Supervisor. By Blr. Clapp: Resolved, That pursuant to and in accordance with the pro- visions and requirements of Chapter 358 of the Laws of 1893, as amended by Chapter 4:1.7 of the Lawsof1907, this Board assesses r78 The .Supervisors' Proceedings, and levies upon and directs that there be collected from the tax- able property of the City of Ithaca the sum of 57,000.00 for the support of the poor of said city, and the further sum of $6,000.00 to defray the expenses of the Board of Health of said city, as ap- pears by resolution of the Common Council of said City, Novem- ber 30th, 7007. On motion of Alt. Preswick, the same was adopted. Ayes—Preswick, Dliller, Thompson, Aiken, Ohappuis, Hamblin, Peck, Fish, Olapp-0. Nays—Parker, Beach -2. By Air. Parkor- Resolved, That the sheriff of this County together with the committee appointed to assist him in the purchase of supplies for the jail, cease furnishing prisoners with tobacco, clothing and shoes at the County's expenses. That it is the sense of this Board that the expense of furnish- ing prisoners with tobacco and clothing when unemployed is a needless expense: And, be it further Resolved, That the [natter of supply- ing prisoners with clothing, shoes and tobacco, be left with the committee appointed by this Board on working prisoners to notify the committee on purchasing supplies for the jail when prisoners are performing remunerative work for the County, then said prisoners are to be given such supplies and clothing as are necessary, And, be it further Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board serve a certified copy of this resolution on the Sheriff. Ou motion of Plr. Ohappuis, the sauce was adopted. By Mr. Parker: Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board request the County Superintendent of the Poor, to have various merchants from whom the County buys supplies, render bills direct to their Aud- iting Board instead of the Board of Supervisors for audit. The Supervisors' 1'roceediugs. 179 O❑ motion of 1111'. Peck, the sante was adopted. The committee o❑ Charitable null Penal Institutions ren- dered the following report, which was ordered filed and printed To the Honorable Board of Supervisors: Gentlemen: Your Committee appointed to examine the accounts of the several Penal and Charitable Institutions would report as follows and recommend the payment of claims by said County, charging the same to the various towns as indicated: DRYDEN Pearl Hunt, at the Gerry Home ----------------------- $ 35.25 GROTON Edith, Van/,oil, Syracuse Inst Feeble-minded children-- 2000 Annie Snyder, Syracuse Inst. Feeble-minded children--- 20.00 NEWFIELD George Brill_ 20.00 UI,YSSI.S Chas. Bratty ----------------------------------------- 20.00 ITHACA TOWN Florence Birchfield 20 00 Ella Birchfield-------------------------------------- 20.00 ITHACA CITY Marion Grohoski ----------------------------------- 20.00 ' COUNTY OF TOMPKINS Ray S. Holden, Western N. Y. Dist. for Deaf Mutes ---- 300.00 ISO The Supervisors' Proreedings. Martha Lockwood, George Junior Republic ------------ 92.00 Lottie Lockwood, George Junior Republic 92.00 Ella Northrup, George Junior Republic -- 111.30 Ernest Edmon Seeman, Western N. Y. Society for Protec- tion of homeless and dependent children 14299 Lizzie Murphy -------------------------- $ 9.63 Joseph E. Lynch 3.00 Win. Perm ---------------------------- 3.27 Claud Hadlty---------------------- -- 1;1.83 $31.7'2 TOMPKINS COUNTY MONROE COUNTY PENITENTIARY e Edward Osborne Susie La Point George Lattimore Andrew Balint . George Prednrore Jane Manson - John Mansell Emma Elb Benj. Mahoney William Downey Edward Simpson John Perry James Flinn Edward Croft James Morris Henry Downey Henry Tenenty Daniel Sullivan Vernon Handy Frank Perry John Wallenbeck Cecil Meadow Frank Peuonem Harry Merdith James Cannon Benj. F. Clark Susie La Point. 'Phomas Cassidy William Perry Mike Codo Arthur Powers Charles Elston E. H. Frank James Byline DeWitt Quick Edward Rand Francis Brodie John Reed Paul Kilso Chas. Marion William Bennett Dulla Darling Frank Morse John Perry Robert Dolan Daniel Sullivan Amount, $1,204.46 Your committee would recommend that the claim of the The Srepe�visors' Proceedings. 181 Western Institute of Deaf Mutes for support and maintenance of Ruth Lytle be returned tothat institution, unaudited, for the reason that the claim for her support and maintenance is neither a charge against the County of Tompkins, or any town or city thereof. While the child was originally sent to that institution front the town of Groton, we are reliably informed that after her parents had ceased to claim or have a residence in this county she was discharged from and taken front said institution by her parents and removed to the State of California, where she and they resided for over one year; that oil their return to the State of New York, they took up and acquired a residence in Broome County, N. Y., from which place the said Ruth Lytle was later sent back to the said institution. We therefore consider her a charge upon Broome County. [Signed] A. N. MILLER, GrO. R. PECK, R. F. CHAPPUIS, Committee. On motion of Mr. Fish, the meeting adjourned. EDWARD .1. MONS, Clerk. rsz The Saefiervisors' Proceedings. TWENTY-FIRST DAY Decemher.16th, :1907, MORNING SESSION Roll call. ' (quorum present. Alinutes of last session were read and approved. Morning session was devoted to committee work. c AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. Quorum present. By Mr. .Ham blip : Resolved, That this Board rescind the resolutions of this Board passed Dec. 3, 1907, fixing the salary of Supt. of Poor Alekeel and Supt. of Poor Baldwin at .$200.00 per year, plus six cents mileage. On motion of Mr. Peels, the s.une was adopted. Ayes—Peck, Hamblin, Ohappuis, Preswick, Parker, . Thompson—(i. \'ays—Clapp, Fairbanks, Beach, Aliller, Aiken—:i. Mr. Thompson presented the brush bill of the Town of Newfield, which was ordered filed and printed. The following is a list of owners and occupants of land Who have failed to cut weeds and brush according to Sec- tion 53of theliighway Law and the amounts for the cutting of the same by the Commissioners of IIighways. Charles Titus--------------------------- $12 00 Mrs. Geo. Savercool------------------------ 2 20 Norman Adams 10 80 The Supcmisoi-s' Pmccediugs, 183 1). P. Stuart_______________________________ 3 00 Jay Nobles--------------------------------- G 10 Monroe Tompkins-------------------------- 6 00 Wm. Anderson----------------------------- 1 50 Will. McGiveu----------------------------- 34 Mrs. Chas. Williams________________________ 2 66 S. N. GODLEY, Commissioner. C. S. B. Fish ------ - 7 00 . Melinda Chase-------------- -------------- 6 00 Stephen Oltz - 3 00 De Mont Anderson 7 50 Lewellyu Smith---------------------------- 3 00 Mrs. H. W. Bowers_ ------------------------- 'I .50 Edward Brind 6 00 J. M. Clark-------------------------------- 1 00 A. H. Pierson------------------------------ I. 50 . Bessie McCorn 17 61 Mrs. William Kellogg_________________A____ 24 1.2 E. C. Protts___ 27 25 Wm. Payne------------------------------ 5 25 DeMont Andersou--------------------- ----- 3 12 Eddie Fish-------------------------------- 3 37 Jerome Drake------------------------------ 75 Hannah Vail------------------------------- 4 99 Anna Bishop------------------------------- 4 99 Geo. Fosbinder----------------------------- 9 50 Harrison Rumsey Est_______________________ 1.1. 00 Levi Rumsey___--_-___--_--------------- 2 74 Mrs. Arthur Marion________________________ 5 11 James Williams____________________________ 3 00 $224 82 20 61 $204 21 CHAS. PAYNE, Commissioner We, the undersigned Town Board of the Town of Newfield do hereby certify that the above is a correct list as returned to the r8¢ The Supervisors' Proceedings. Town Board by the Highway Commissioners of said town. [Signed] J. C. THOMPSON, Supervisor, CHAS. MCDANIELS, Town Clerk, CHAS. BROWN, Justice of the Peace, J. DD,\MITT PAYNE, Justice of the Peace. BBllr. Thompson: Resolved, That the several amounts set forth in the report be levied and assessed against the various parcels of property and persons therein referred to respectively. On miction of Mr. Preswick, the slime was adopted. By ,llr. Parker: Whereas, On March ]6th, 1907, the Board of Education of the City of Ithaca, N. Y., reported to this Board $,523.32 unpaid school taxes of the City of Ithaca, and asked that this stint be. levied and collected by the Board of Supervisors oil the taxable property of the County of Tompkins to keep school funds intact, such taxes to be collected by the County Treasurer as provided by law, the above mentioned treasurer having made faithful and diligent effort. to collect above mentioned taxes, reports that he was unable to secure $400.48 and incurred in doing so expenses for advertising amounting to $38.62 on taxes, lie was unable to collect, making $161.46, for which the County should be reiut- bursed by the Board of Education; now, therefore, Be it Resolved, 'I`hat the Chairman of this Board appoint a committee of one member of this Board to act in conjunction with the Clerk of this Board in securing the refund of above mentioned sums. Oil motion of AM r. Thompson, the same was adopted, and the Chair appointed Air. Beach to act on this committee. Mr. Chappuis' resolution of Dec. I Ith, to Ivit: Resolved, That the compensation of the Sheriff of the Countv The Sufiervisors' /proceedings. 185 for board, care and custody of prisoners for the ensuing year be $.35 per day, with no allowance for washing, was taken from the table and seconded by Mr. Peck. Mr. Aiken oll'ered the i'ollowing auiendiuent: Resolved, That the compensation of the Sheriff of the County for the board, care and custody of the prisoners in the County Jail for the ensuing year be $.43 tier day, with no allowance for laundry, which was seconded by Mr. Beach. On it vote the amendment was lost. Ayes—Fairbanks, Beach, hiller, Aiken -4. Nays -Neck, Hamblin, Chappuis, Clapp, Preswick, Parker, Thompson -7. The orieival resolution was carried. Ayes—Peck, 11amblin, Chappuis, Clapp, Preswick, Parker, Thompson -7. Nays—Fairbanks, Beach, Dliller, Aiken -4. By 11r. Parker: Resolved, That there be levied upon and collected front the taxable property of the County of Tompkins, thesum of $7,000.00 for court expenses for the ensuing year. Laid over under the rule. By Mr. Parker: Resolved, That there be levied upon, and collected from the taxable property of the County of Tompkins the sum of $200.00 for deficiency in indigent soldiers and sailors fund, and the further sum of $500.00 for said fond for ensuing year. r86 The Supervisors' Proceedirrg-s. l,uid over under the rule. By \Ir. Oliappuis Whereas, In each of the many other counties the Legislature has already established a salary for the County Clerk, in lieu of fees, and has provided that all monies to which such Clerk may- be entitled by virtue of his office, or which he may receive as fees or otherwise for official services, shall be collected by him and accounted for and paid over into the treasury of the County; and \Vhereas, It appears that the result of such change in the manner of compensating the County Clerk has resulted benefici- ally to the tax payers in each county where the practice has been inaugurated; now, therefore, Be it Resolved, That this Board of Supervisors investigate the advisability of appealing to tile,Legislaturefor the enactment of a statute establishing, ill like manner, a salary in lieu of fees for the county clerk of 'Tompkins County, and for such purpose, that it be referred to Chairman and a committee of his members to be ap- pointed by the chair as a committee of investigation and reconnnen- dation (1) to examine into the facts and circumstances relating to, or affecting, the remuneration of said County Clerk under the pre- vailing fee system, including, in such examination, the volume and character of the official business actually transacted therein, during the past five years, and the amount of fees which have been received each year, during said period, by the present County Clerk or by his predecessor; and (2) to report thereon together with all evidence, if any, taken upon such investigation, with all couwen- ient speed, together with its recommendations in the premises; and also Be it further Resolved, That power to send for persons and papers be, and the same hereby is, conferred upon said committee; and said committee is hereby authorized to employ counsel and a stenographer, but to the extent only that it shall deem such em- ployment necessary in the eouduct of such investigation; and, Whereas, It is thus provided by section 164 of the County Law, namely: 1.G4. Statemeut to Board of Supervisors—Leery County Clerk The Supervisors' Proceedings. 187 shall present to the Board of Supervisors of his county, upon the first day of their annual meeting, a statement, verified by hisoath to be true, showing for the year preceding the first day of Jautr ary : J. The amount of all fees charged or received for searches, and for certificates thereof. B. The amount of all fees charged or received for recording any documents in his office, and for certificates thereof. 3. The aurount of all sums charged or received for services rendered the county. 4. Tine anlount of all sums charged or received for ollicial services. 6. The sums paid by him for assistance, fuel, lights, station- ery and other incidental expenses, the names of the persons paid and the items thereof; but he shall not make any charge against the county for stationery, except record books,. and statiouery furnished by him for courts held in his county, but the board of supervisors may allow the County Clerk the necessary expenses incurred by him for lighting and hearing his office. (As amended by Chap. 693 of 1.8516, 1.) But the County Clerk of Tompkins County has altogeth neglected to make any statement so provided for; therefore. Be it further Resolved, That the County Clerk of Tompkins County be requested to forthwith present to this Board of Super- visos the statement required of him by said statute. Seconded by Mr. Pa;k. By consent of Mr. CJhappuis, aotiou on Ellis resolutioc was postponed for the day. Ii.y Mr. C11app: Resolved, That at the expiration of the present contract entered into with the New York & Pennsylvania Telephone & Telegraph Company, expiring Jan. 1st, 1908, that the above T88 The Supervisors' Proceedings mentioned company is hereby notified to remove all telephones ,etc., belonging to said company from all County Buildings and offices, as the same will be no longer required, and be it further Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board serve a certified copy of this resolution on the local manager of said company, as the County of Tompkins will not pay telephone rental for Bell tele- phones ill County Building and offices after Jan. 1st, 1908. On motion of Mr. Aileen, the same was adopted by a mianimous vote. By Mr. Clapp: Resolved, That in support of the poor settled in the County of Tompkins there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the several towns of the County and the City of Ithaca, to reimburse the County of Tompkins for support of the town and city poor for the year ending Nov. 1.5, 1907, the follow- ing sums: City of Ithaca ---------- ----------------- $1,493 27 Caroline Daub}'---------------- - 233 98 Dryden ---------------- 572 12 Enfield ---------------------------------- 1.03 53 Groton 62 IS Ithaca ------ ----------------------------- 1.63 14 Lansing ------------------------- 399 03 Newfield--------------------------------- 5:30 45 Ulysses---------------------------------- 290 39 Total from towns and cities '$3,965 08 Afr. Aiken's resolution of Dec. 13th, 1.907, asking for an immediate survey- of the road in the town of Ulysses, cont- meucing at the Seneca- Count, y line and extending in a south- erly direction to the corporation line of the village of 'rru- wausburg, was taken from the table, anil oil motion or ➢Lr. Preswick, was adopted. dyes-Preswicic, Hamblin, Parker, Fdirbanks; Beach, Chappuis, Peck, Miller, Clapp, Thompson, Aileen. The Seeperrvisors' Proceednags. 089 Nay s—Done. 1L•. 11reswick's resolution of Dec. l;3th, 1906, that the State Engineer be asked for an innnediate survey of the ex- tension or Mitchell Street, in the town of Ithaca was taken from the table, and on motion of 11r. Olapp, was adopted. Ayes—Preswick, Hamblin, Parker, Fairbanks, Bouch, Chappuis, Peck, miller, Clapp, 'Thompson, Aileen. Nays—cone. Ain Fairbanks' resolution of Dec. 13th, providing for the rhising cif .I+urfo, to pay for copying the assessment roll of the city or Ithaca, wits taken front, the table, and on niotion of Art.. Miller was adopted. Ayes—Preswick, liauihlin, Parker, Iairbanks, Beach, Chappuis, Peck, Aliller, Clapp, Thompson, Aiken. Nays—none. On umtion of Mr. Fairbanks, claims No. 40, 89, 99, 185, 1:1.0, 90 and 1.15 were by a. unanimous vote audited for the full amount thereof, as recommended by the committee ou Charitable and Penal Institntious, am! by the sante vote an item of $300 for the care and cusl,ody of Ruth Lytle was stricken from claim No, 153 and disallowed and the same ryas audited in and for the sum of $&0.00. On motion of Air. Miller, claims No. 196, :190, 7M3, 190, 194, :191, .114, 69, 67, 94, 1453, 107, :104, 12, 93, 44, 43, :194, and 68 were by it unauiurous rote audited for the full amount thereof as recontriended by theC'onuuittee on Miscellaneous Claims, and b,y the same wde an item of $15.00 for services in the Du. Ball case was stricken from claim No. 1.20, and said claim was audited in and I'or the sae of $13(1.00. Claims W 78 and 28 were brought to the attention of the Board, but no action was taken. The Chairman produced it communication received from rgo The Supervisors' Proceedings. Air. Noble, Attorney for the Board, eoncm•ning claim No. (16 and other stenographers' (Mints, and the same was ordered tiled and printed ill the minutes. The communication was as follows: Hon. Orlando White, Chairman Board of Supervisors: Dear sir:—I beg to submit the following suggestions, in con- nection with the so-called stenographers' bills (No. b5, 56, 57, 58 and ]Ol of H. L. O'Daniel and No. tib of J. Reed Smith, Esq.), in all aggregating $244.00, each of which has been submitted to tire, as the attorney and counsel of the Board, for my opinion as to whether it is a legal county charge. With. reference to each of these bills, after careful examina- tion of the law, I have submitted a written opinion showing that none of them contains any legal charge against the county, and that all of them should be disallowed. Indeed, I could not do otherwise, else I would'be amenable to those provisions of the Penal Code ( 165 and 166 ) which make it a felony for any one to assist or even connive at the audit, allowance or payment of a claim against the county which is false or fraudulent. It happens, however, that the services covered by each bill were requested by some officer of either the city or of the county, whose official dirties are exclusively confined to the administra- tion of the criminal law ( of whom two, at least, are lawyers and so are presumed to know something of the law ), and it also ap- pears that rather unusual efforts are being exerted to secure the allowance of these bills. But I cannot conceive that either our district attorney or the recorder of the city of Ithaca would for a moment advocate, or in any way try to secure the payment of such a bill, if he did not sincerely believe it to be a county charge, and therefore, as it seems au important question of law has arisen which ought to be settled, I make, therefore, the following suggestions: 1. If these bills are rejected the action of the Board of Supervisors in this regard will, in uty opinion, end the matter; for, after fully investigating the case for the purpose of a court The Supervisors' Proceedings. I91 proceeding, no lawyer will advise his client to take action in any court against the Board of Supervisors based upon a claitn that anything in any one of these bills is a county charge, and 2. If, however, the bills are disallowed and I atn mistaken in this prophecy, the question should be settled; and I make this proposition, viz, : I will defend to the end each and every pro. ceeding that may be brought against the county, or the Board of Supervisors, in consequence of the rejection of any or all of these bills, entirely free of expense to the County and Me Board of Supervisors. (reserving, however, to myself, such costs as I may actually recover from the opposing party): and, in case I am wrong in my judgment of the matter and an adverse final judg- ment shall be awarded, I will pay to each and every such final judgment for costs that may be entered against the County or the Board of Supervisors, and save each harmless therefrom—all this, however, with the understanding that S may defend each such case through all the courts into which it may be carried. In conclusion I will say that such a disposition of these un- lawful charges will test the sincerity of those who are urging the Board to allow them as county charges; and, if any claimant shall be "so venturesome as to submit his bill to the courts, an in- structive decision, without expense to the public, will be reached. And such a decision, doubtless, will be exceedingly useful to the Board of Supervisors in the future. Yours respectfully, WXI. NELSON NOBLE. On motion of N[r. Fairbanks, claim No, lib was audited for the full amount thereol'. Ayes—Ilautblin, Oha.ppuis, Olapp, Yreswi(;k, Ifairhauks, Beach, Aliller, Thompson, Aiken -49. Nays—Peck, Parke' -2. On motion of Mr. hiller, claim No. 57 was audited for the full amount thereof. 13 192 The Supervisors' Proceedings. Ayes—l-lamblin, Chappuis, Clapp, Preswick, Fairbanks, Peach, Miller, `.Thompson, Aiken—J. Nays -Peck, Parker -2. On motion of Mr. Aiken, claim No. .1.01. was audited for the full amount thereof. Ayes-11aunblin, Chappuis, Olapp, Preswick,Fairbanks, ]:each, hiller, Aiken—S. Nays—Thompson, Pcck, Parker -13. On motion of Mr. Aiken, claim No. 54 was audited for the full anwunt thereof. Ayes-14amblin, Chappuis, Clapp, Preswick, Fairbanks, Beach, Miller, Ailcen—S. Nays—Thompson, Pecic, Parker -8. Mr. Miller moved that claim No. 53 be audited for the full amount thereof, seconded by Mr. Ailcen. The vote resulted in a tie, and the chairman declared the claim rejected. Ayes—Chappuis, Clapp, Preswick, Fairbanks, Beach, Miller—G. Nays—Peck, 13aml1in, Parker, Thompson, Aiken, White -6. On motion of Mr. Beach, claim No, 121 was audited for the full amount thereof. Ayes—Pcck, Ha-mblin, Clapp, .Preswiuk, Fairbanks, lieaeh, Miller, Aiken—S. Nays—Ohappnis, Thompson -2. Mr. Parker was excused from voting. Mr. Peck moved that there be eliminated from and The Supervisors' AoccedinAls, i9.? disallowed an item of $100.00 fol• spcoial services set forth in claim No. 182. Seconded by Mr.11amblin, and this motion was carried. 13v Mr. Peck: Resolved, That we audit claim No. 182, in and for the sum of $97.75, after disallowing the item of x;100 as aforesaid. On nwDioo of Mr. Haltillin, this resolution was carried. Apes—Peck, Ennildin, ['reswirle, Fairhanlcs,'I'hompsou, Aileen. Naps—oonc. Messrs.-Parkcr, Beach and Aliller e-Neuscd from voi;iva. O❑ motion of M]. Miller, the meeting adjourned. EDWARD J. MOiAE, Olerk. Igo The Supervisors' Proceedings. TWENTY-SECOND nal.. December P7th, 1907. MORNING SESSION Pull call. Quorum present.. 1[orning session was devoted to committee erork. AFTERNOON SESSION Boll call. Quorufn present. Minutes of the last session were read and approved. By Alr. Thompson: Resolved, that there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the County of Tompkins the sum of .5^260.00 to pay for the Adding Machine purchased from the l3urroughs Adding Machine Co. Laid over under the rule. By Mr. Parker: Resolved, that the compensation for publishing the official canvass of 1907 be $30.00, and the publishing of election notices for the general election of 1905 be paid for at the rate of $_36 per folio for each insertion, actual count. On motion of Mr. Duller, the same was adopted. Mr. Parker's resolution raisin,!$7,000.00 for court expen- ses for the ensuing year was taleeu from the table, moved by Mr. Millerand adopted by it unanimous Vote. Mr. Parker's resolution of yesterday, appropriativa $200 for delicicucy in hndigeut Soldiers' and Sailors' ]Fund and The Suj5ervisors' Proceedings. 195 . . the 1in•ther sum of $500.00 for the said fund for the ensuing ,year, was taken from the table, moved by Mr. Aiken and adoptedhy a unanimous vote. Mr. Beach, as Chairman of the Cournuittee on CerOn CI'S, Coroners' Juries and Printing reported favorably on claims No. 9S, 99a, 0(i, 85, 18, S, and 1,1.1, and reconuueuded that claim No. 1,56 he audited tit $260.18 instead of $384_13, ekiiui No. 9 be audited at $695-:W instead of $150.64, and claiut No. i tit; $25.00 instead of :9:5.15, BY Mr. Parker: Resolved, That there be levied upon and collected from the taxable. property of Tompkins County the sum of $44.20 to be paid equally one-half to the Ithaca Daily Journal and one-half to the Ithaca Publishing Co. as additonal compensation for pnblsh- ing election notices for 1907. Laid over under the rule. By M•. Fairbanks: Resolved, That Twelve Hundred and Sixty-one dollars and seventy cents (51,261.70) be levied and collected from the taxable property of tile City of Ithaca, being the balance due the County of Tompkins as shown by the report of the County 'Treasurer for 1907, and the same to be paid to said County Treasurer. On motion of Mr. Aiken the saune was adopted by a unaniunous vote. . By Mr. Chnppuis: Resolved, That there be levied upon and collected fronn the taxable property of the town of Dryden the suun of sixty-two'($62.- 00) dollars, the same being for uncollected poll taxes returned by the Collector for the year 1907. On motion of mr. Aiken the samo was adopted by a unanimous vote. 196 The Supervisors' P)-oceedings By Ilr. Peek : Resolved, That there be levied aad collected from the taxable property of the town of Caroline the sum of forty-four dollars ($44.00) to reimburse the highway fund for the non -collection of forty-four poll taxes for the years 1.900 and 1007. This collection of unpaid poll taxes is made mandatory by the highway latus. On motion of JL'. Fairbanks, the.same was adopted by a. unallitnous vote. By Mr. HaniWin: Resolved, That the salary of Walter hlekeel, Comity Superiu- teudent elect be fixed at $200.00 per year, with no other expenses allowed. And also, be it Resolved, That the County Superintendent elect W. D. Baldwin receive a salary of $200.00 per year, with no other expenses allowed. By general consent this was made a special order for 11 A. 11[. of Der_ IS, 1007. 13Y Mi.. Parker: Resolved, That the County- Treasurer transfer from the fund known as the fund for working prisoners the unexpended balance in said fund amounting to $151.77 to the general County fund of unexpended balances as per recommendation of the committee on working prisoners, thereby doing away with said fund. On motion of Mr. Aiken the same was adopted by a unaniunms vote. By Mr. Pe(,k : Resolved, That the compensation of the official papers of the County for the publication of Session Laws, as provided by Chapter 715, Laws of1S92, be fixed at twenty-five cents per folio. On motion of Mr. Parker the 'saute was adopted by it unanimous vote. Ike Supervisors' Proceedings. 197 By Mr. Peck : Resolved, That the County Treasurer be instructed to trans- fer from any unexpended balance in his hands the soul of five - hundred dollars ($600.00) to the Good Roads account to reimburse same for interest paid out on bonds. On Motion of Mr. Beach the same was adopted by .a 1mauiuious vote. B� Mr. Miller:. Resolved, That there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of Tompkins County three dollars to be paid H. C. Fairbanks for repairs oil the gasoline engine at the County House. Laid ovor under the 1 -1110 - Tile eoulluittee oil printing ule. Tileeounuitteeonprinting rendered its report apportion- ing general election expenses of Tompkins Goanty as follows: County ofTorupkius------------------------ $-4S 41 Ithaca Cit ____ __ 182 36 Ithaca Town ----------------- ---------- '-- 49 77 Lafield--------------------------------- -- 38 1.S Newfield ---------------------------------- 74 (i(i Danby63 36 --------------------- Caroliue ---- ------------------------ 69 91. Dryden --------------------------------- 143 06 Ulysses------------------------------------ 93 66 Lansing ----------------------------------- 84 1.6 ------------ 75 91i On rootiou of AIr: Miller the meeting adjourned. EDNVAED J. DIONL, Clerk. 1qs The Supervisors' Proceedings. REPORT OF GOOD ROADS c6MR11T'TEE To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: Your construction committee on Good Roads would respect- fully report as follows: For the information of new members of the Board, your com- mittee think it advisable to start at the beginning of Tompkins County's advent into the contracting business. On August 21st, 1906, there was appointed under a resolu- tion of this Board a committee, composed of A. N. Miller, Dr. W. C.•Gallagher, J. J. Hanshaw, H. B. Pearsall, and Berkley Simpson, to go to Albany and to there bid off, if possible, a cer- tain number of contracts for road construction, which were at the time being advertised for bids, designated as No. 454, :336, 338, 483 and 455, consisting in all of five separate contracts. The committee proceeded to Albany as directed, successfully bidding off above mentioned roads and proceeded under above named resolution to purchase the necessary machinery and started work op the contracts. After purchasing approximately $1.2,5i:3._ 08 worth of machinery, tool, supplies, etc., work was started on road No. 454 and about $:333.:39 of the work done. There was also let by this committee a sub contract to P. R. Kiley to grade section 2 of the Catskill 'Turnpike. Mr. Kiley did $;1,011.50 grading on his contract and before time to resume work this spring, packed up his tools and abandoned his contract. This committee also sublet a contract to W. J. Troy to grade road No. '336, Cayuga Heights. Mr. 'Troy did $930.00 work at which time he was released by your Board from his contract. After the committee had been in office about six weeks, or to be exact, on Oct. 6th, there was passed by this Board a certain resolution which is of record, whereby above mentioned Commit- tee was succeeded by a new committee, composed of R. N. Mount, The Suiervisors', Proceedivigs• f99 Dr. W. C. Gallagherand Charles Beach whocontinued eoustruction until Dec. 1st, 1906, at which time work was discontinued for the winter. At this time the various contracts, as far as completion was concerned, were as follows: No. 454, 7 per cent. $2,326.71; No. 386, 4 per cent. $1,327.25; No. 338, 17 per cent. $2,228.87; No. 455, no work. No. 453, no work. Above mentioned com- ntittee continued in charge of construction until Feb. 27th, at which time, Owing to the retirement front the Board of Supervisors of Messrs. Mount and Gallagher, it was necessary to again name a new committee, which your Board did, nauning William H. Park- er, Geo. R. Peck and Charles H. Beach, wlticll eouunittee is still in existence, and who would respectfully report that oil March 27th, your committee entered into five separate contracts with Bailey, Johnson and Saunders whereby the connuittee sub -let above mentioned contracts, forthe following sums: No. 454, $:;0,912.04; No. 433, $35,655.25; No. 335, $10,882.13; No. 3:36, $31,854.72; No. 455,$3,851.25, reserving on 454, 8:36 and oil :3:35, $5S8.28, 10 per cent, oil all work by foruner committees. Your committee also sold to the above mentioned firm, all Tile machinery, tools and supplies owned by the County at that time purchased for construc- tion purposes on above mentioned contracts. Above mentioned contractors started work on or about April l.st on road 454 and also did some work on 338, continuing up to Sept. 9th, at which time they discontinued work owing to the fact that the, State Engineering Dept. held up payments. At the time of discontinuing work, they served various notices and legal papers oil the County through your committee and various officials looking to their being relieved front contracts and reimbursed for losses claimed by them. , . After some very lengthy conferences and propositions of va- rious kinds passing, with which your Board is fairly familiar, through reports and ratifications of acts of your committee, the above mentioned company after certain concessions were made, which will appear farther oil in this report, again resumed opera- tions and continued until on or about Nov. 14th, at which time they sublet sections two and three of Catskill 'Turnpike to Ogden & Nve, of Rochester, N. V., together with the privilege of using all machinery purchased liy Bailey, Johnson & Saunders front the County. At the same time Bailey, Johnson & Saunders also entered 200 The Supervisors' Proceedings. into all agreement with the Standard Construction Company of Wilkesbarre, Pa., to complete the Wyckoff Road No. 465 and the Cayuga Heights Road No. 336, thus leaving Bailer, John- son and Saunders the little remaining work to be done o❑ No. 424 to be performed by their company. INSURANCE 1 Ir. Ogden, of Ogden & Nye, reports to your committee that he has had the machinery and tools insured as follows: $3,500.00 on all machinery, etc., o❑ Catskill Turnpike. $2,000.00 oil all machinery, tools, etc., stored at. County Building, West State Street. This firm also reports the careful housing of all machinery where possible, and the careful placing of all tools in safety for the winter, and report all machinery, tools, etc., in fair condition; and while their inventory is not yet completed so that your com- urittee can check the same up with inventories belonging to the County, the feel safe in saying the plant is intact, as per a former report. CONCESSIONS AS PER A FORMER REPORT These consist of the return to the County of one 20-H. P. traction engine, the release from payment of indebetedness of former committees in securing contracts and purchasing machin- ery and the release from interest charges on plant as originally purchased. RIGHT OF WAY In the matter of rights of way acquired by County for these contracts, tinder County Treasurer Benjamin, he held that such rights of way were County charges, and for those acquired dar- ing his administration, payments for same were made by him out of unexpended balances of County funds in his hands. Under County Treasurer Robinson, all payments of rights of way and condemnation proceedings have been paid for by him out of the proceeds of Bond Issues, issued expressly for the cost of construe - tion. Our former clerk held that these rights of way were to be The Sufiervisors' Proceerdhvg's. zor paid for jointly, one-halfby the State and one-half by the County, and that lie was to make out the necessary papers to forward to Albany, that the County might be reimbursed for the State's share; but to the knowledge of this committee, no such report was ever made. We are advised by judge Blood that there is but little question but these are State and County charges jointly on these improvements, and your committee, through the Clerk of this Board, will take this matter up for settlement with the Counp- troller at an early date. These rights of way have cost the - County $2,128.33, not including committee work. MATTER OF PAYMENT, BAILEY, JOHNSON & SAUNDERS. When $2,000.00 note is finally liquidated, out of the way, there will still be due the County the sunt of $8,410.27, payments for which are provided for in au agreementdrawn by the Attorney for the Board and Bailey, Johnson & Saunders, which provides ,. as follows: final 10010 on Catskill Turnpike, section 3, also Cayuga Heights and Wyckoff Road, respectively, which final payment will liquidate the debt of Bailey, Johnson & Saunders to the County, or will leave it so infinitesimally small that Bailey, Johnson & Saunders or their successors will liquidate any balance to release their property from our chattel mortgage. BAILEY, JOHNSON & SAUNDERS NOTE. As explained in a former report to your Board, your Conn mittee under direction of the Attorney for this Board, took a note of Bailey, Johnson & Saunders for $2,500.00, to apply on pur- chase -price of machinery or plant sold this firm. This note, by direction of the Attorney, was discontinued at the First National Batik and a certificate of deposit taken on which the County will receive interest at 3 per cent. since date of issue, there has been applied oil this note $194.00 and there is in the County Treasurer's hands an item of $270.00 that belongs to Bailey, Johnson & Saunders, to also apply oil note, but through an unfortunate ex- change of checks at last settlement had with Bailey, Johnson & Saunders, instead of making above mentioned amount payable to C. W. Gay, Cashier, to apply on note, check was trade payable to the County Treasurer, and your Committee tip to the present zoz The Supervisors' Poceed£ag.s. time has not regained possession of this suer or been able to have it applied properly. Payments of this note are secured by au assignment of Bailey, Johnson & Saunders, interest in excavation and gradin.- contract radingcontract sublet to Standard Construction Co., on No. 336 Cayuga Heights, and '1.0 per cent. No. 338 Catskill Turnpike. Work is now practically completed for the year and progress as reported by the State is as follows to Nov. 1st, 1.907: No. 454, !)2 per cent. completed; No. :3:38, 38 percent. com- pleted; No. 48:3, 70 per cent, completed; No. 3:36, 25 per cent. conn pleted; No. 4.55, no estimate, Your committee would respectfully report the payment of in- terest oil bonds for 6 mos_. 1907 out of construction funds, amount $500.00, which we contend should be returned to the fund and paid out of the General County foods. FINANCIAL STATEMENT RHCHIPTS Treas. of Tompkins Co.---------------------------$ 5,646.60 " Pris. Acct._ 107.75 State of N. Y,----------------------------------- 11,593.90 Bond Account ----------- _ 60,000.00 Interest ----------------------------------------- 207.65 DISBURStMENTS Road 4.54_-----___---_ $29,32S.S3 Quarry----------------- 7154.(51 Road 368---------------------------- 5.880.96 Road 336_-_--_--_ _ 7,620.97 Road 483------------------------------- 3,824.81. Gen'1 I;xp.--------------------------- 1,775.81) Mach inery ------------------------------5:36. S9 B. J. & S------------------------------- 300.00 Fund retained by N. Y. State 4,1535 33 B. J. & S. Machinery-------------------- 8,410.27 Bills Rec. (13. J. & S. Note) 2,300.00 The Supe)vzsa-s' Proceedings. 203 B. J. & S. Prisoners'acct. - 107.75 Bonds oil hand 20,000.00 Cash oil liand----------------------- 2,4:33.1.:) $82,490.13 82,480.13 Good Roads Com. Bal. $'22,483.15 Co. Treas. Bal. (Bonds) $20,000.00 Co. Treas. Bal.(Casli)-------------------- 2,26 23 Difference in balances------------------ $ 167.93 Co. Treas. Pd. lilt .----------------------$ 500.00 Pd. on bonds ----------------------------- Co. Treas. Rec. --------------------------$ 270.06 Oil 13. J. & S. note _ Not entered in. Co. Treas. Rec. 5 61.1.1. Int. on Bond ---------------------------- Good Roads Accls. Order not presented for payment $90.332.07 On Laud, 1 traction engine. All of which is respectfully submitted. W. H. PARKI',R, GBO. R. PECK, CHAS. H. BEACH, Committee, zo¢ The Snjiervisors' Proceedings. TWENTY-THIRD DAY December .18th, ]90 7. MORNING SESSION Roll call Quorum present. Minutes of last session were rears and approved. The morning,session was devoted to committee work. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. Quorum present. Mr. Flamblin's resolution of yesterday, to wit: Resolved, That the salary of Walter Mekeel, County super- intendent elect be fixed at $200.00 per year with no further expenses allowed. And also be it resolved, That County Superintendent elect W. D. Baldwin receive a salary of $200.00 per year with no further expenses allowed, Was taken from the table and seconded by Mr. Peck: Mr. Aiken moved as an amendment to the resolution that the salary of each of these officers be fixed at $200.00 per year, plus $.Oli mileage one way while traveling in per- formance of their duties. Mr. Beaeh seconded the amendment, and the vote on the amendment was as follows: 0 71ae Supervisors' Proceedings. zog Ayes—Olapp, Preswiek, Fairbanks, Beach, �1liller, Aiken—G. Nays—Pcok, Hamblin, Chappuis, Parker, Thompson, Whitc—G. And the Chair declared theamenrlmuut lost. The vote on the original resolution was as follows: Ayes—Pecic, 11auibliu, Parker, Tho] upsou-4. Nays—Preswirk, Fairbanks, .13eaoh, Miller, Aiken—ai. And the Chair declared Mr, Hamblin's resolution lost. On motion of Mr. Parker, the rule requirim; claims to lay over was suspended with respect to elains No. 55 and uG, which claims the Comunittee on Coroners, Ooroner'saaics recommended to be disallowed. On a motion to disallow claim No. 56, the vote was as follows: Ayes -Puck, Hamblin, Chappuis, Clapp, Preswick, Parker, 13eaeh, Thompson, Aileen. Naps—none. And the Ohair declared the claim disallowed. On it motion to disallow claim No. 55, the vote was as follows: Apes -Peck, Hamblin, Chappuis, Olapp, Preswiek, Parker, Beaeli, Thompson, Aiken. Nays—none. And the Chair declared the elain disallowed. On mnotion of Mr. Parker the Clork was dirceted to re- turn claims No. 20 and '78 to the ruspeetive claimants, for r 206 The Szg5ei ✓isors' Proceedings. the reason that the Board has no information sufilcient to warrant action on the claims. Mr. Thompson's resolutionofyesterday appropriating $200.0o for Burroueh's Adding Machine was taken from the table and on motion of Mr. Omwiok was adopted. Ayes -Peck, Bambliu, Chappuis, Capp, Preswiok, Parker, Bcarh, Thompson, Aiken, hiller. PAys—none. AN. Parker's resolution of yesterday, appropriating `TL20 to he paid equally to the Ithaca ,Daily Journal and the Ithaca Publishing Co. was taken from the table, and on motion of hr. Preswirk was adopted. Ayes—Peck, 1f:unblin, Ohappuis, Clapp, Preswiok, Parker, Beach, Thompson, Aiken, hiller. Nuys—none. Mr. Miller'sresolutiou of yesterday, appropriating the sum of :)100 to pay H, 0. Fairlmnks for repairs on a gasoline engine at the County house, was taken from the table .and on nwtion-of llr. Parker was adopted. Ayes -Peck, Ilanrldin, Chappuis, Clapp, Preswirk, Parker, Beach, Thompson, Aiken, Miller. Nays—uonc. On motion of Mr. Bench, the sum of $68.75 eas stricken from the amount of claim No. 7 and disallowed, and the claim was audited in and for the sum M2100. Aces -Peck, Hamblin, Chappa is, Clapp, Preswick, Parker, Beach, Thompson, Aiken. On motion of Ali-. Beach, and by the same cote, items in the amount of $.1246110, to wit, one ite n of $68.70 and one at The Su,6ervisars' ProceedhTs. 207 :$55.25, were stricken 1'rom claims No. :156 and disallowed, and the claim audited in and for the stun of $260.13. _ Oil motion of M r-Beaeh, an item o1` $68.75 Nvas by the same vote, stricken i7-onn olaim No. 9 and disallowed, and the claim was audited in and I'or the suun o1` `695.:39. On motion o1, Afar. Beach, claims No. 8 and 111. sere by a unanimous vote, audited for the fill amount thereof, as rec- onnuended by the Couunittee on Ooroners, Coroner's Juries and Printing. On motion of Mr. Bcach, elainn No. 18 was audited for tle 1,1111 amimnt thereof, as reeommunded by a majority of the Committees on Coroners, Coroner's Jurics and Printing. Ayes—Puck, IIalublin, Chappuis, Clapp, Preswick, Beach, Thompson, Aiken, Buller. Nays—Parker. Oil motion of Mr. Miller elaiun No. 98 was audited fill- the orthe rill annount thereof as reconnnnenrled by it majority of the Committee oil Coroners, Coroner's Juries and Printing. Claim No. 99a was audited for the full amount thereof by the following vote: Ayes -Neck, Hamblin, Clapp, Preswick, Bcach, Aileen —0. Nays—Chappnis, Parker, Thompson -3. On motion of Mr. Miller claim No. 96 wasaudited for the fill alnolnnt by the I'ollowiog Vote: Ayes -Peck, 1lambliu, Chappuis, Clapp, Preswick, Beach, Thompson, Aiken -8. Nays—Parker-1. On'motion of Mr. Miller claim No. 8;) was audited1'or the full amount thereof by the same vote. 14 20S The Sufiervisors' Proceedings. Air. Oha.ppuis' resolution of Doc. 161 1907, requiring the County Clerk to forthwith present to this Board a statement required of him by Section 164of the County law was taken from the table and adopted by a mianinutns vote. Ayes -Peck, Hamblin, Olapp, Preswick, Beach, Aiken, Chappuis, Parker. Nays—none. By Mr. Ghappuis: Whereas, Heretofore from time to time, bills for the purchase of law books, alleged to be necessary or useful in the conduct of certain county offices, have been audited and allowed by the Board of Supervisors, but a serious question has been raised that bills or expenditures for such purpose, are not county charges; Now, therefore Be it Resolved, That it is the sense of this Board of Super- visors that no bill for law books for any county office or officer will be hereafter allowed unless, by some statute, sbec�icallj, made a county charge, And be it further Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board serve a certified copy of this resolution on the County Superin- tendents of the Poor, County Treasurer, County Clerk, District Attorney and County Judge On motion of Mr. Parker, the same was adopted by a unanimous vote. - By Air. Beach : Resolved, That we extend a vote of thanks to the Ithaca Daily Journal and the Ithaca Daily News for the daily papers furnished the Board during the present session. ' On motion of Air. Preswick, the same tvas adopted by a unanimous vote. The Supervisors' Proceedings. 209 By Mr. Beach Resolved, That the thanks of this Board are due and are hereby tendered to our Chairman, Mr. Orlando White, for his constant attendance during the present session, for his courteous treatment of all and for the uniform fainress and impartiality which lie has manifested as a presiding officer throughout the session. - On motion of 111r. Aiken, the same was adopted ley a unanimous vote. By Mr. Clapp: Resolved, That our thanks are due and are hereby tendered our Clerk, Edward J. Mone, for his courteous treatinent of the members of this Board'and for the careful and painstaking manner in which he has discharged the duties of his office. On motion of Ah•. Preswielr, the same was adopted by a llnaninlous vote. The assessor or the Citi- or Ithaca, rendered the follow- ing report or bank taxes, which was ordered accepted and printed To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: Gentlemen:— From verified statements rendered to me by the Tomp- kins County National Bank, doing business in the City of Ithaca, New York, and the first National Bank of the same place, rela- tive to their stock subject to taxation under the provisions of Chapter 500 of the Laws of 1901,.beiug Au Act to amend the Tax I,aw relating to the taxation of stockholders of banks and bank- ing institutions, I have determined the value of each share of stock to be as follows: TOMPKINS COUNTY NATIONAL, BANK 1.,000 shares of the capital stock, pmr value ------- $ 100,000 00 Surplus ----------------------- ----- 100,000 00 2eo The Supervisors' Proceedings. Undivided profits ------------------------------ 52,876 04 Total ---------------=-------------------- 252,S76 04 Less realestate-------------------------------- 76,000 00 Amount for taxation,--------------------- --S 236,876 04 The amount of $286,876.04, divided by 1,000, the number of shares, equals (value of each share for taxation) ------------------------------$, 236,876 04 FIRST NATIONAL 13ANK 2,500 shares of capital stock, par value $100 ------- $ 250,000 00 Amount of sutplus------------------------- -- 50,000 00 Undivided profits-- --------------------------- 611,661 88 'Notal------------------------------------- 354.667. 38 This amount divided by 2,500, equals the value of $ 141,864 55 each share for taxation. FORDYCL A. COBB, Assessor. Oil mot -ion of All'. Aliller, the meeting adjourned. 1 DIVARD J. MOi1E, Olerk. The Szifieivisors' Proceeding's. lir TWENTY-FOURTH DAY December 10th, 1907. MORNING SESSION Roll call. 61„1101.11111 present. Minutes or the last session were read and approved. Alorning session was devoted to committee work. AFTERNOON SESSION Roll call. Quorum present. By Mr. Aiken Resolved, That the salary of Win. D. Baldwin and Walter Mekcel duly elected superintendents of the Poor be two hundred dollars per year, with an allowance of six cents per mile one way, for traveling expenses, while performing the duties of such super- intendents. Seconded by Ali•. Clapp. pn motion of Al}. Beaeh it was voted that the rule re- gniring the foregoiue motion to lad- over the day he sus- pended. Ali•. Chappuis moved an amendment to Mr. Aiken's resolution strikin- nut the words "with an allowance of six cents per Mile one way, for traveling expenses, while per- forming the duties of surd superintendents." 212 The .Supervisors' Proceedings. Seconded by -Mr. Hamblin. Vote ou the amendment: -Ayes—Peck, Hamblin, Ohappuis, Thompson --4. Naps—Olapp, Preswick, Fairbanks, Beach, Miller, Aiken -6. Mr. Parker, excused from voting. The Chair declared the amendment lost. Vote ou the original motion: 1\yes—Glapp, Preswick, Fuirbanks, Bench, 1liller, Aiken -6. Nays—Peck, Hamblin, Ohappais, Thompson -4. Mr. Parker excused from voting. The Chair declared the Original resolution carried. BY A1r. Fairbanks: Resolved, That the Ithaca Daily Journal be designated as the Republican paper to publish the official canvass and election notices of Tompkins County in accordance with the provisions of Sections 21 and 22 of Chapter 686 of the haws of 1892 and the acts amendatory thereof. [Signed] H. C. FAIRBANKS, CHAS. I -I. BEACH, A. N. MILLER, JOHN W. PRI S\DICK, F. B. AIKEN, On motion of Mr. Aiken the saine was adopted, The several Supervisors presented the Grand Jury list from their respeetive towns, and Mr. Beach presented the Granit Jury list of the Oit} of I hacit. On motion of Mr. hiller, the Gralid Jury lists as pre- sented were accepted and conliruued as the list of Grand Jurors of Tompkins Comity. h The Supervisors' Proceedings 213 a o � o o� o 0 o c c H a to a q co�:c r✓1_mmv�l_a w o c7 -r yi di ci m c ^; In -r V w �0 a1 'A u O E+ cic�-Call-ro�c`1oL T� Aw � o `o ti� 1_-d+�_wl_ocooro 2 o to m a c_c z cl Cl C C N Z Vi Cl n M '-4 .. o w x v N C 0 0 0 0 ?✓; � coo`M�m�W �oc ✓� a rl c W � O N mm Ic to O O OC 0 0 0 O H C cl o a olow0OC) n rl acowo,�lom�c. cl m w ^ roc O o � u a i_c�r-oma �cl i_c.m 1- r, b N cl o i i' i II I I I I 1 I I H H y i I i I U �,y h0 ti I 213 2/F The Supervisors' Proeeedi??mss. w Foc-.00-�r,ocoo C O N V aoo=oo-�roc�'�rto `o � i xMf,^�o^.koro Lir 52 3 ^ CI P4 U Y) w C Ct A u Q a x U O The Srepervisors' Proceedings. cl cl O Cl I- m n o � u w F ^1 y' JJ `YI �- � w W P4 e Y� ' 000000l0000 7 0 p O M� 0 Iv S O C w •n ql N M yl Cl n '^ ^1' IM wx cl x w .n 0 r� Ni H yl 1� N v b* U u M The Svfiervisors' Proceedings. By Mr. Aiken: Resolved, That this Board adopt and approve the majority report of the committee on equalization and fix the equalized valuations and rates as therein set forth. Seconded by Mr. Clapp. By Mr. Parker: Resolved, That this Board adopt and approve the minority report of the committee on equalization and fix the equalized valuations and rates as therein set forth. A vote was had on the adoption of the minority report with the followinb resulta Ayes—l'reswioli, Parker, Fairbanks, Beach, Millet—ti. Nays—Peck, liauthlin, Chappuis, Clapp, 'lkhonipsou, Aiken -11. And the chair declared the resolution lost. A vote on the adoption of the majority report was as follows: Ayes—Peck, Hamblin, Chappuis, Clapp, Thompson, Ai ken -ti. Nays—l'reswick, ,Parker, Fairbanks, Beach, Pliller—u. And the Chair declared the resolution carried. Mr. Parker, as chairman of the committee on ntiscell;t- neous claims, reported favorably on claims No. 2.1.0, 202, 20,5, 209, 201, 201, 207, 7.97, 208, 109, 203, 198, 200 and 206, and on motion of Mr. Fairbanks the same were by it nnanimons vote, audited for the full amonut thereof as recomuteurled by the committee on miscellaneous claims. Tlie Supervisors' Proeeedings. 217 The following Justices of Peace submitted reports of fines received durill.- tshe Sear last passed anil the dispssition merle thereof its t'ollotve I . C. Colegrove, Ithaca, $26.00, paid to Supervisor. Chas, A. Teeter, Ithaca, no fines received. Jake Willcox, Ithaca, no fines received. S. M. Updyke, Ithaca, no fines received. A. D. Brown, Newfield, no fines received. Chas. H. Brown, Newfield, no fines received. J. D. Payne, Newfield, no fines received. Edward H. Freer, Ithaca City, x$25.00,' paid to Supervisor White. Eugene Dorn, Danby, no fines received. T. W. Slocum, Danby, no fines received. J. 13. Thatcher, Danby, no fines received. T. E. Smiley, Danby, no fines received. A. J. Conger, Groton, no fines received. Newton Baldwin, Groton, $3.00, paid to Supervisor. J. N. Monfort, Groton, no fines received. H. S. Hopkins, Groton, $6.00, paid to Supervisor Mount. R. V. Egbert, Enfield, no fines received. Darwin Rumsey, Enfield, no fines received. James McCracken, Enfield, no fines received. J. J. Johnson, Enfield, no fines received. G. E. Underwood, Dryden, no fines received. Andrew Baker, Dryden, no fines received. J. D. Ross, $1.0,00, paid to Supervisor Chappuis. John B. Shaver, Dryden, no fines received. Paul Ewers, no fines. Frank M. Bull, Caroline, .„$'75.00; x$'15.00 of. which was paid to Supervisor Peck and x$'30.00 to the State Game Protector. J. K. Doughty, no fines received. F. A. Snow, no fines received. E. 1-I. Mitchell, Caroline,mo fines received. A. J. Coulon, Lansing, no fines received. 218 The Stifier✓isors' Aoreedziggs. La Verne Main, Lansing, $5.00, paid to Supervisor White. Henry William, Ulysses; no fiues received. M. T. Williamson, x10.00, paid to Supervisor Aiken. 0. G. Noble, y5.00, paid to Supervisor. Fred A. Beardsley, no fiues received. The report of, Coroner W. G. Fish, showing no monies or other property found upon persons upon Nvhom inquests have been held by him was received and filed. Ou motion or Mr. Parker, the meeting adjourned to Dec. 30th, 1907,.at 111 A. Al., for the purpose of signing tax rolls, etc., and for suell other business as may lawfully come before the Board. EDWARD 11. llONE. Clerk. 9 T/re Supervisors' Proceedixgs. 219 TWENTY-FIFTH DAY December30th, 1907 MORNING SESSION Holl call. All unenibers present. l{orning session was devoted to committee work. AFTERNOON SESSION Holl call. All members present. llinutes of last session were read and approved. Mr. 11iwnblin presented the following report of the aun- ount required for highway purposes for Danby: In compliance with the provisions of Section 53 of the High- way I,aw, we, the undersigned, constituting a majority of the members of the Town Board and Highway Commissioner of the town of Danby assembled for the purpose of determining upon the amount which will be required for the purpose of repairing and maintaining the highways, and bridges having a span not exceed- ing five feet, in the said town, exclusive of the highways in incor- porated villages maintaining their streets and highways as a sep- arate road district, for the year of 1907 do hereby determine and agree upon the stun of two thousand and eighty seven 15, _1s dollars as being the amount required for the purpose above mentioned; which amount includes poll tax (if there is such tax levied by the Board of Supervisors), and we ask that the town clerk certify this 220 The .Supervisors' Proreedin{qs. amount so determined upon to the Board of Supervisors for their action upon the same. [Signed] JOHN T. 1-IADIBLIN, Supervisor, C. H. OSTRAND$R, .'gown Clerk, W. T. SLOCUM, Justice of the peace. J. O. \SILLLR, Highway Commissioner. To the Clerk of the Board of the Supervisors of the County of Tompkins: I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of an agreement adopted by the Town Board and the Highway Commissoners of the town of Danby, on the—day of --1107. [Signed] C. H. OSTRANDLR, Town Clerk. By Mr. Hamblin Resolution offered by 'Mr. Hamblin to levy a tax upon the taxable property of the town of Danby exclusive of incorporated villages for highway purposes: Whereas, The Town Board and Highway Commissioners of . the town of Danby have determined upon the sum of $2,087.57, which sum includes the poll taxes to be levied in said town, as being the amount which will be required for the repair and main- tenance of highways, and bridges having a span not exceeding five feet, in said town for the year 1907, and the same having been properly presented to this Board. therevore, Be it Resolved, That the communication be received and printed and that there be assessed and levied upon the tax- able property of the said town, exclusivee-of the property within the corporate limits of any village maintaining their streets and highways as a separate road district, the sunt of $1,500.57 and that the same when collected be paid to the Supervisor of the said town, to be used as herein provided; Also, be it further Resolved, That there be levied a tax of $1,00 on each person indicated upon the assessment roll of the said The Supervisors' Proceedings. 221 town as being liable to poll tax, which will amount to $227.00, and that the same when collected be paid to the Supervisor. On motion of` Ali-. Aiken, the same wits adopted by it unanimous vote. Mr. Varker called the .Board's attention to the fact that the :Equalization Committee in preparing the table which was adopted at the last meeting made an error of about $275,500.00 in extending the tax roll of Ithaca, and he nude it motion that the resolution of Deo. 19, 14)07, adopting the majority vote or the Committee on Equalization be,recon- sidered and the matter re-eonuuitteedandreferred 1).ack to the Committee on Equalization for correction of orrors and for such other aetiou its they may deem necessary. On motion of Ali-. Preswirk, the same was adopted. Ayes -Peck, Ilautblin, ]fish, Parker, Preswiek, Pair - banks, Beach, iAliller—S. Nays—Chappuis, Thompson, Aiken, Clapp -4. The conuuil;tee retired and in due time returned with a ivajority and it minority report, eliminating the aavoura of the error in computation aforesaid. By Dlr. Peek: Resolved, That both the majority and the minority reports of the Committee oil Equalization be referred back to said Com- mittee, with instructions to modify the smue by adding to the present equalized valuation of the City of Ithaca the sum of $125,000.00 and appropriating the surn remaining among the several towns of the County in the proportions which their present equalized valuations bear to the total equalized valuations thereof. On motion of Ali-. lairbanlcs, and seconded by Mr. ]Fish, the same was adopted. 222 The Srrper,,rsors' Proceedings. Ayes—Peck, Aauiblin, Fish, Parker, Preswick, Fair- banks, leach, Afille•-8. Nays—Chtippuis,'t'hompson, Aiken, Clapp -4. The committee retired accordingly, and the majority thereof presented the -following report: 15 The Suficrvzsors' Proccedings. t- CIO F Foo"oc-rccoo i F o z 0 � aoor-.�od!0000 a 4 -r -i oNci v��nr-ai C.-�ci cpm m�-ocim �' co �� -•h zN n c0 d� O ^ O a �n000 0 0 0 0 z000�. mol-oom i iC 1 t' M i0 til o c n '� �cl lnmm,-i �o r+ci coo �rico�^clm� r.a P4 w n 0 O O 1- ci a .r m" M. 1^ 223 zz¢ 71u Supervisors' Proceedings. By Nr. Fish : Resolved, That this Board approve the last report, of the Committee oil Equalization, presented as aforesaid, and fix the equalized valuations and rates as therein set forth. On motion of Mr. Fairbanks, the same was adopted. Ayes—Peck, flamblin, Fish, Parker, Preswick, Fair- banks, Beach, killer, Thompson -9. _Nays—Chappuis, Olapp, Aiken -3. The Clerk thereupon read the following report and res- olution of the Committee on Appropriations: To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: Your Committee on Appropriations respectfully reports that it will be necessary to raise in the tax levy of 1903, the sums set forth in the budgets of the several towns of Tompkins County and the City of Ithaca, and offer the following resolution: Resolved, That there be levied upon and collected from the several towns and the City of Ithaca, comprising the County of Tompkins and from the County at large the sums herein set forth for the following purposes: _ STATE TAX -1907. For Stenographers and Clerks, Sixth Judicial District $ 1,054.54 COUNTY TAX -1907. County Audits $ 7.0,581.37 Salary, Clerk of Board-------------------------- 175.00 Salary of physician at Alms House---------------- 3,50.00 Salarv, County Judge and Surrogate-------------- 3,500.00 Salary, County Clerk and Surrogate's stenographer 750.00 Salary, Surrogate's clerk, 1908 _ :100.00 Salary, District Attoruep, 1.908------------------- 1,000.00 Salary, County Treasurer, 1908 ------------------ 900.00 Salary, Special County Judge, 1908 --------------- 60.00 Jhe Suffer visors' Proceedings. 22 Salary, Chaplain, Count}' Almshouse, 1905--- ---- 100.00 Salary, W. Mekeel, Supt. of Poor, 1908 ----------- 200.00 Salary, Mr. Baldwin, Supt, of Poor --------------- 20000 Salary, Wm. P. Harrington, Supt. of the Poor, INS 200.00 Salary, Janitor, County Clerk's office, 1908-------- 1.76.00 Salary, Janitor, Court House and Jail, 1908 ------- 350.00 Salary, Keeper of Almshouse, 1908--------------- 600.00 Salary, Chaplain at Jail, 1905 --- 52.00 Clerk of Board for postage ----------------------- 20.00 Clerk of Board for making report to Comptroller---- 25.00 County Treasurer forpostage and printing 26 00 Office rent, County 'Treasurer, 1905--------------- 1.00.00 Office rent, District Attorney, 1905---------- ---- 200.00 Fuel and lights, 1905--------------------------- 1,100.00 Court expenses, 1905--------------------------- 7,000.(r0 Support of poor, County Almshouse, 1908_ 1,876 00 For deficiency indigent solders and sailors burial fund------------------- -------- 20000 Burial fluid, indigent soldiers and sailors, 1908---- - 500.00 Ithaca City, copying assessment roll, F. A. Cobb--- 57.90 Election printing------------- ------- 248.47. Western N. Y. Institution for Homeless Children--- 1.42.99 Western N. Y. Institution for Deaf Mutes --------- 300.00 George Junior Republie------------------------- 200.30. Monroe County Peuitentiary _ --- 1.,204.40 Hattie K. Buck, School Commissioner, 'phone, 1907 1200 F. A. Todd, Sept. of Poor, telephone, 1.007------- 8.00 St. Ann's School of Industry_ --------------------- 359.14 Craig Colony ----------------- :31.72 Part payment for printing proceedings of 1907 to be paid to L. J. Townley on delivery of books to Clerk------------------------------------ 600.00 Amount required to pay Good Roads bonds ------- 6,000.00 Int. on Good Roads bonds ----------------------- 2,200 00 Prem. on insurance policies-_ ---------------------- 450.00 Storage of desks, etc., A. N. Millerr___ --- 6.00 B. T. Baker's services in tax sales ---------------- 62.00 County's share of Rawson Hollow Bridge------- 264.29 H. C. Fairbanks, services at Almshouse --------- __ 3.00 226 The Supervisors' Proceedings. Burrough's Adding Machine 250.00 Ithaca News and Journal, for printing (allowance)__ 44.20 Total ------------------------------- $ 46,382.96 CAROLINE TAX -1909. State tax _- ______.4 43.02 County tax -- ------------------------------------ 1,87S.50 Audits--------__ ---------------------------------------- 1,8.54.53 Geo. M. Bull, note due Mar. 1st, 1908 2,000.00 Int.on Geo. M. Bull note of j^2,000.00 due Mar. 100.00 1st, 1908------------------------------- 50.00 Memorial day services -------------------------- 20.00 Soldiers' relieffund----------------------------- 52.00 Support of town poor ------------ --------- 150.00 Bridges by statute- ----------------------------- 600.00 Bridges near Bull's place ------------------------ 357.00 Support of poor, Almshouse ----------- 110.99 Flection printing -------------------------------- 69.91 School Commissioner --------------------------- `_'5.00 Uncollected poll tax----------------------------- 44.00 Rawson Hollow Bridge ------------------------- 600.00 Total -------------------------------------- $ 7,791_85 Highway tax, money system -------------------- 1,709.25 Poll tax --------------------------------------- 40:1.00 Dog tax ------------------- 106,00 DANBY TAX -1907. State tax -------------------------------------- $ 42.$0 County tax ------------------------------------ :1,508 94 Audits---------------------------------------- :1,340 02 Highways, bridges and removing snow --------- - 300.00 Deficiency in fund to pay for sheep killed ---------- 100.00 Support of town poor --------' ------------------ 300.00 Support of poor, Almshouse ------------ 33:;.27 Election printing------------------------------- 63.26 School Commissioner --------------------------- 33.97 The Supervisors' Proceedings. 227 Returned tax -------------- 46 04 Payment on road scraper and roller --------------- 2:34.00 4,400.80 Highway tax, money system ---------------------- 1,860.37 Poll tax --------------------------------------- 237.00 Dogtax ----------------------------------------- 35.60 DRYDEN TAX -1907 State tax $ 12:3.96 County tax -------------------------- o,301.57 Audits 2,:363.1.1 Support of town poor -- ----------------------. 100.00 Bridges as allowed by statute -------------------- 300 00 Highways and bridges as voted at town meeting---_ 600.00 Support of poor, Almshouse --------- ---------- 572.1.2 Flection printing------------------------------- :1.43.06 School Commissioner --------------------------- - 70.52 Returned tax---------------------------- 95.65 Returned poll tax 62.00 Gerry Home------------------------------ :56.23 9,867.24 Highway tax, money system -------------------- 3,666.36 Poll tax-------------------------------------- 61113.00 Dog tax---------------------------------------- 180.00 ENFIELD TAX -1907 State tax -----`--------------------------- :;5.03 County tax------------- --------------------- 1,498.1.6 Audits---------------------------------- 1,%78.21 Highways and bridges --------------------- 2-511.00 Bonded indebtedness---------------------------- 1.,571.50 Support of town poor --------------------------- 76.00 Support of poor, Almshcuse --------------------- :103.53 Flection printing ---------- ---------------- :3815 School Commissioner --------------------------- 27.%34 Returned tax ------------------- 45 21 Total------------------------------------- $ 5,023.1.6 22S The .Suj6ervisors' Proceedings. GROTON TAY -1907 Statetax --------------------------------------$ 92.94 Countv tax -------------------------------------- 3,9755.01. Audits ----------------------------------------2,745.12 U. S. voting -machine note and interest oil notes ---- 230.00 Indigent Soldiers, Sailors and Marines and their families--------------- ------------------------------------- :50.00 Memorial Day services --------------------------- +50 00 Support of town poor ------------------- 100.00 Bridge plank for ensuing year ------------- ---- 500.00 To pay Sanford notes and interest, due April, 1905 - 1,040.00 To pay Mount note, given in 1902 ------- -------- bad 00 Support of poor, Almshouse -_--_ --._ 62.15 Vection printing -_ ----------- 75.96 School Commissioner --------------------------- 62. SG Returned tax -------------------------------- 73.52 Syracuse Institution for F eehle minded Children ---- 40.00 For removal of Road scraper sheds---------------- 150.00 Extraordinay repairs to highways ----------------- 1,378.63 Total ------------- 11,053.22 Highway tax, money systciu--------------- .3,009.34 Poll tax -------------------------------------- ii 13.00 Dogtax -------------------------- ----- ITHACA CITY TAY -1907 State tax--------------------- $ 175 06 County tax ------------------ 20,445.60 Board of Health-------------------------------- 6,000.00 Support of poor -------------------------------- 7,000 00 Support of poor, Almshouse----- ---------------- 1,493.27 Election printing_ --------_— ----- 1.52.35 Distributing proceedings------------------------ 16.00 Syracuse Inst, for Feeble Minded-_ 20.00 Amount due County from 1906 as reported by Coun- ty Treas.----------------------------..- 1,2151.70 Total ------------.------------- j -36,896.98 The Supervisors' Proceedings. 229 ITHACA TOWN TAX -1007 State tax -------------------------------------- 50.86 County tax ---------------------- 2,1.75.36 Audits ------------------------------------- --- 3,562.25 Support of town poor--------------------------- 50.00 Support of poor, Almshouse --------------------- Maintenance and repair on Road No. 72 Catskill Turnpike --------------- -------------------- .1.00.00 Election printing------------------------------- 49.77 School Commissioner -__-__-___---------.----- -- 40.52 Returned tax -------- ----------------- 45.72 Syracuse Institution for Feeble Minded Children_ -_ 40.00 Cayuga Heights Bridge ------------------------- 2,500.00 Total-------------------------------------- 7,775.57 Highway tax, moneysysteru 2,343.04 Poll tax -------- :122.00 Dogtax ---------------------------------------- 67.75 LANSING TAX -1907. State tax___ ____--_ $ 90.66 County tax ------------------------------------ 3,877.61 Audits ---__-----__ ------------ 2,S85.4:3 Notes and interest to Ithaca Savings Bank, due Feb. 15th, 190S--------------------------------- 1,200.00 'Support of poor, Almshouse _ - 399.03 Election printing-------------------------- 54.16 School Commissioner--------------------------- 51.62 Amt. for highway------------------------ 121.20 g 8,709.50 Highway tax, money system --------------------- 2,381.5$ Poll tax--------------------------------- 633.00 Dogtax --------------------------------------- :145.50 NEWFIELD TAX -1907 State tax ------------------- ----------- 44.2:) County tax ---_----.------- ---------- 1,592.4:3 230 The Subervisors' I'roceeding-s Audits ----------------------------------------3,850.75 $ 82.53 Repairing roads and bridges--------------------- 250.00 Support of town poor--------------------------- 50.00 Newfield Soldiers. Veterans and Citizens Memorial 1.00.00 Association -------------------------------- 20.00 Newfield, free town library---------------------- 100.00 Bonded indebtedness, principal ------------------- 2,00200 Bonded indebtedness, interest ----------- -------- 1,135.00 Support of poor, Almshouse -- 530.45 Election printing - --------------------- 74.G(i School Commissioner --------------------------- 34.52 Syracuse Institution for Feeble Minded Children-.- 20.00 Extraordinary repairs--------------------------- 268.08 . $ 10,290. 74 Highway tax, money system---_ 1,292 33 Poll tax --------------------- _------------------ 336.00 Dog tax ------------------------------- 88.00 ULYSSLS TAX -1907. State tax -------------------------------------- $ 82.53 County tax ---------------------------- 3,529.74 Audits ------------------------------- _----- 2,203.85 Indigent soldiers and sailors --------------------- 1.00.00 Support of the town poor------------------------ 250.00 Memorial Day observance_ ----------------------- 50.00 Repairs and maintenance of bridges - 250.00 Bonded indebtedness, principal - 2,000.00 Bonded indebtedness, interest----- -------------- 1,296.00 Support of the poor, Almshouse-_ ----- 290.39 Election printing_____ _ --- 93.66 School Commissioner --------------------- 64.36 Uncollected poll taxes of 1904, 1905, ;x235.00 Uncollected poll taxes of 1906, $45.00 280.00 Syracuse Institution for Feeble Minded Children---- 20.00 Deficiency in bridge fund ---- ------------------------ 454,39 v$' 10,963.02 The Szipeiviso's' Proceedings. 23T Highway tax, money system -----..------- ----- 1,5SG.00 Poll tax— --------------------------------- 300.00 Dog tZIX--------------------------------------- ]54.00 On uiotiou of Alr. Miller, the report was accepted and resolution adopted and the tuuounts as set forth ordered levied upon and collcrted from the taxable property of the several towns, thu City of Ithaca and the County of Tomp- kins the sums therein set I'orth. Ages—Peek, Hanihlin, Chappuis, Clapp, chiller, Fair - hanks, Thompson, Beach, Parker, Preswick- i1'ays—nolle, By 111•. Peel; Resolved, That the tax as extended on the tax rolls of the several towns and the City of Ithaca be confirmed and that war- rants be issued to the collectors of the various towns and the City of Ithaca for the collection of the same, signed by the Chair- man and Clerk of this Board and the seal of the County he affixed as required by law. Oil motion of Mr. Preswick, the same was adopted by a uuauimnus vote. By -Mr. Fish Resolved, That the correction of clerical errors in various as- sessment rolls of the County, the assessments and valuation as corrected on said assessment rolls, the taxes levied upon the sev- eral property owners of the various School Districts of the County, and the taxes levied upon the several towns in accordance with the recommendations of the committee on erroneous assessments and all changes necessary to be made in order to conform to the requirements of the law be and the same are hereby ratified, con- firmed and legalized. On motion of Mr. Fairbanks, the sauce was adopted by a unanimous vote. Air, Chappuis :ind Aiken, constituting the committee to zdz The Sig5cr isors' Proceedings investigate the condition of the Tompkins Count} .Tail, ren- dered a report, which on uwtion of Mr. Fairbanks, was or- dered received and placed on file. The committee appointed to secure the right of way for the .Dryden Road rendered a report which was ordered tiled. By Mr. Chappuis:. Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board communicate with the proper State authorities, requesting them under no chcum- stances to place the Dryden Roads for bids specifying trap rock, but to use limestone rock for top dressing on account of the de- creased cost of limestone. Carried. The minutes of the present session were duly read and approved. On motion of Mr. Chappuis, the meeting adjotimcd sine FD\V 1R1) J. .HONE, Clerk. %lie Supervisors' Proceedings. 233 ' T Y « 9 ° IIIH aJINdS `Jh0\ti1nw000 P�OO�n U V^�w0v�O C Iv ��n�0vw0v�O y, » oo� h�r� ool� c saxn t � axy[:iu p" ) 11 'll°H �nowe�\ow Irnn�\o Nin^MM ISN[^.N N lnanlssass� Hu!.idod e» r hQ`c0n 1' alms gad .ow 'i o..°i o s�nw g le aHcallla N.�.� .C. .�•.ti 0 0000000000000 .CVI\Add .�yJONONNCI NCNll 'G f]1V IIOl10S1IadI110J CIN`T in Nin In n:NCMN,N O olsaS JI:IJJdS neo^.nN�nM�whr. I.N. ^ p�cofl 91!A\ sdvq 'I Stn JJ 8 1C �\HLJIgC ^ N.'1 N N ^1 N C O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O .0 OV�ad ���°��v000v000vo w bi In no!)nsnadlnop ,, ., �rnrnoa. avrnmmc r uoissas llnlnnV -raa-scvm`-r'a'Twm`r CI CINNNNCINCINNNN ,N. [I1 L`n{j ll)IA\ p1CQ m 111111 .Idd wCN�� I iO�Om `�O slnaa S 1v allvaL is N .y N ^I N N ^+ N [q `A O O O O O O O o O O o O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O bf )u no�)nsnadnwp ^ ,.: � FA S1dStiIIAIIC� MmmMMMm[nMmmMm M aC 111110 tl)I.N p6CCI m e V Y Y N O: yy 4 i Q. �M�z F¢ S r 7 SCJOU�w',5� oF,C,a. F T.QT-2-2r w 3355 ' 1i � r4�MC Y Juuu N O, pL r d O O « U.aa WC7 .... .. .. .77.5... 23¢ The Szipeivisors' Proccediu,�'s. COUNTY AUDITS STATE OF NENR7 YORK, 1 )r TORI YliI\S COUNTS. SS Board of Supervisors: I hereby certify that the following abstract comprises all the bills and accounts against the County of Tompkins presented to the Board of Supervisors of said County at its annual session for the year 1907, showing the name of each claimant, the true nature of the account, the amount originally claimed and the amount as finally allowed and audited by said Board. LDWARD J. \PONE, Clerk. No. - Name Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed 'I Atkinson & Mitchell, Printing-_$ 4ti,l,ti9 8 460.65 2 E. H. Frear, Justice of the Peace 1:;6.75 135.75 3 Norton Printing Co., printing, etc. ] 2.00 '12.00 4 Cornell Livery, Livery 4.00 4.00 :i Dixon & Robinson, Lumber____ 217_0!1 211..59 6 A. Chase, Physician, services____ 10.00 '10.00 7 Ithaca Journal, Pub. List of Nom. 93.75 25.00 S Ithaca Journal, Printing and Pub. ci35 20 535.20 !) Ithaca Journal, Printing and Pub. 760 64 696. 39 10 Ulysses Coop. Tel. Co., Tel.____ :10.00 10.00 11 City of Ithaca, Police service_-__ 26.50 25.50 77ie Supervisors' Proceedings. 235 No. Name Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed 12 Inter Ocean Tel. & Tel. Co., tele- phone service 12A Will. P. Harrington, Supt of Poor 37.95 37.95 13 West. N. Y. Inst. for - Deaf Mutes, care of Insane___ 600.00 300.00 -14 City Huspital, hospital service___ 15.00 15.00 15 Wanzer & Howell, oil__________ 4.30 4.30 1.6 Buttrick & Frawley, clothing, etc. 19.50 19.50 17 Frank D. Cole 7.50 7.50 1.8 Dr. D. P. 'ferry, Physician's service 26.50 26.80 N F. R. Benton, tobacco_ 1.95 1.95 - 20 \-lotor Mfg. Works Co., work on - boiler______________________ 11..50 (returned) 21. Roe Dry Goods Co., matting____ 2.56 2.56 22 Stevens & Cornell, coal_________ .90 .90 23 Chas. E. Seaman, livery 9.00 9.00 24 H. J. Boot Co., furniture 37.02 37.03 25 1-1. J. Boot Co., turn. and labor__ .90 .90 26 Ithaca Water Board, Water service_____________________ 172.19 172.19 27 Driscoll Bros. & Co., bldg. sup- plies 52.14 53.14 28 Berkeley Simpson, service bill___ 36.96 36.96 29 C. ni. Stanley, shoes 20.00 20.00 '30 John M. Mead, clothing_ 31.80 21 .80 31, Treman King & Co., Hardware_ 1.95 1.95 32 Ithaca Children's Home, board__ 22.M 22113 33 Treman King & Co, hardware___ 43.35 43.35 34 'Preman King & Co., hardware__ 27.85 (returned) .35 O. G. Noble, Justice of Peace___ 4.90 4.90 36 City Hospital, hospital service___ 4.00. 4.00 37 John Terry, Constable ---------- 1.50 1.80 38 Dr. Wilson, physician 5.00 0.00 39 Norton Printing Co., printing___ 45.25 45.25 40 George Jr. Republic, care of in- mates ---------------------- 200.30 200.30 41. M. Corey, constable____________ G.65 6.65 236 The Supervisors' Proceedings. No. Name Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed 42 Williamson Law Book Co., law books ----------------- ..---- 5.25 5.26 43 NArilliamson Law Book Co., law books---------------------- 48.50 45.50 44 Prank Sheppard Co., law citations 9.00 9.00 45 Ithaca Tel. Co., telephone_______ 145.00 1.40.00 46 Dr. B. Baker, physican's service__ 10,00 10.00 47 Cornell Livery, livery _--_______ :I_50 1.150 48 Cornell Livery, livery___-___--_ 4.00 4.00 49 Cornell Livery, livery__________ 2.00 2.00 50 N. Y. & Pa. Tel. Co., telephone 1.51.00 151.00 51 C. B. Rorapaugh & Son, oil_____ .96 .96 52 J. C. Stowell, poor orders ------- 4.00 4.00 53 H. L. O'Daniel, stenographer's services____________________ 15.00 (disallowed) ;74H. L. O'Daniel, stenographer's services____________________ 5.00 5.60 55 H. L. O'Daniel, stenographer's services__ 7.00 (disallowed) 56 H. L. O'Daniel,_ stenographer's services____________________ 27.00 (disallowed) 57 H. L. O'Dauiel, stenographer's . services____________________ 80.00 80.00 58 S. R. Tisdel, keys, etc. 2.25 2.25 59 William Sheehy, rent of quarry-_ 300.00 - 200.00 60 H. D. Mann Co ---------------- 1:3.25 13.25 61 'McGreevy Con. Co., teaming, etc. 17.50 1.7.50 62 Dr. H. B. Besemer, physician's service--------------------- 95.00 (withdrawn) 63 Barr Bros., hardware 28.42 28.42 64 Baxter & Shepard, clothing__-__ 7.70 7.70 65 John P. Lang Works, services___ - 9.26 9.26 G6 J. Reed Smith, stenographer____ 90.00 90.00 67 M. Bender Law Book Co., law books______________________ 13.00 1:3.00 68 M. Bender Law Book Co., law books______________________ 10.00 (disallowed) 69 Banks & Co., law books -------- 11.00 1.1..00 The Supervisors' Proceedings. 237 No. Name Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed 70 H. W. Norton, stamps, etc.---- 3.60 3.60 71 C. M. Stanley, shoes 3.00 3.0C 72 Hou. Chas. H, Blood, Co. J., telephone bill 4.05 4,95 73 E. J. Curtiss, painting------ --- 35.05 35.05 74 Taylor & Carpenter, sprinkling street----------------- 1.50 1_50 75 E. McGillivray, photos.-------- 7.00 7.00 76 Todd, Blackmer & Co., mdse.---- 2.42 242 77 A. B. Brooks, drugs, etc.------- 19.29 19.29 78 Ithaca Contracting Co.,sand ----- 8.25 79 Estate of W. H. Van Ostrand, salary---------_.-_--__------ 30.00 6.47 80 City of Ithaca, Recorder's bill_--- 85.05 80.05 81 F. A. Todd, Supt. of Poor -------- 59.66 59.66 82 Dr. J. M. Townsend, physician's ser.------------------------ 10.00 10.00 83 Meany's Pharmacy, drugs etc.--- 13.65 1.3.05 84 Bert T. Baker, legal services----- 250.00 230.00 85 Roscoe C. Tarbell, Coroner------ 58.85 58.85 86 C. S. Andrews, legal services---- 25.00 25.00 87 Rothschild Bros., mdse.-------- 5.97 (withdrawn) 88 Forest City Plumbing Company, plumbing,------------------ 44.37 44.37 89 Craig Colony, care of inmates---- 31.72 31.72 110 Monroe Co. Penitentiary, board of prisoners --------- --------- 1.,204.46 1,204.45 9'1. Rothschild Bros., mdse. 26.04. 26.04 92 Ithaca Ice Co., ice ----- .50 .50 93 M. Bender & Co., books-------- 36.80 - 30.80 94 Banks Law Pub. Co., books----.- 3.00 3.00 95 Jas. A. Gray Cc ---------------- 3.20 3.20 96 Dr. W. G. Fish, Coroner-------- 30.90 30.90 97 Jamieson & McKinney Co., plumb- ing------------------------ 161.79 101_79 98 Dr. W. Wilson, Coroner-------- 15.00 15.00 99 St. Ann's School of Industry, care of inmates_ --------------- 359.1.4 359.14 23S The Supervisors' Proceedings. No. Name Nature of Claim Claimed Allov:ed 99a Dr. W. Nilson, Coroner -------- 277.40 277.40 100 F. A. Snow, mdse.,____________ 39.70 39.70 101 H. L. O'Daniel, stenographer's service ____________________ 35.00 35.00 103 Lake View Cemetery Co., sand, etc. --------------------- 19. 20 1.:1.20 103 J. B. Lang Eng. & Garage Co., labor and material_________ 7.50 7.56 104 C. R. Kreidler, citations law____ 4.00 4.00 105 Wyckoff Phon. Inst., rental of typewriter_________________ 25.90 6,90 106 Edward J. Curtis, painting__-__ 215.00 200.00 107 Am. Law Book Co., annotations 4.60 4 60 109 Theodore Brown, overseer of the poor ---------------------- 3.00 109 H. F. Smith, picture frames_____ 2.90 2.90 110 The Gerry Home, board of iu- nmtes--------- III F. H. Warner, wall paper_______ 24.34 24.134 113 M. IL Butts, cartage------ --- 1.50 1,60 113 Zaidee H. Stone, stenographer__ 33.44 33.44 114 C. R. Kreidler, law citations---- 4.00 4.00 115 West. N. Y. Soc. for the Pro. of 13omeless and Dependent Chil- dren, care ofinmates 142 99 142.99 11G Zaidee H. Stone, stenographer__ 12.75 12.75 117 D. B. Stewart & Co., groceries__ 47.12 37.1.2 1181 D. B. Stewart & Co., groceries___ 1.35 1.35 119 Masters & Sou, plumbing, etc.__ 5.25. 5.25 120 Dr. H. L. Van Pelt, physician's ser. ].51.00 136.00 ]21 N. M. Kent, Dist. Att'y-------- 224.41 224.41 122 S. L. Sheldon, erroneous asst ---- 22.3:3 22 43 133 J. D. Ross, Justice of Peace_____ 9.30 0.20 124 Nm. Noble, legal services______ 50.00 50.00 12:5 Wm. N. Noble & P. F. Mc- Allister, legal services_______ 350.00 "'O.oO The Sufiervuors' Proceedings. 239 No. Name Nature of. Claim Claimed Allowed 126 W. N. Noble, legal services_____ 60.00 60.00 127 E. H. Bostwick, legal services__- 35.00 35.00 128 J. A. Gentvig, Sheriff ---------- 2,308.76 2,366.81 129 J. A. Geuung, Sheriff__________ `'2,813.53 2,813.53 1:30 K M. Sweetland, Recorder--____ 2. GS 2.68 131 James Douglass, Overseer of Poor 18.00 18.00 1.32 W. J. Davis, feed, etc, 32.83 (withdrawn) 133 R. G. Robinson, toll. of taxes_- 1.5.00 1.5.00 1:34 Atkinson & Mitchell, printing_-- 2.50 2.50 ,135 Brandow Printing Co., printing-_ 372.74 :372.74 1:36 A. H. Overacker, Co. Clerk_____ 585.:)3 585.53 137 A. H. Overacker, Co. Clerk ----- 566.67 5613.67 1.:38 Ithaca Journal, printing________ 16.00 16.50 1.31) A. H. Overacker, Co. Clerk- ___ 216. 12 21.6.12 140 Weekly Ithacan, printing= ------- 3.90 :3.90' 141 Weekly Ithacan, priutiug_______ 29.75 29.75 142 Weekly Ithacan, printing ------- 11.25 1.1.25 143 Williamson Law Book Co., law books---------------------- 1400 14.00 144 Bert T. Bakcr,legal service=----- 71.54 71.54 145 C. 13. Vanburen, photo --------- S.ia0 . 1413 J. B. Lang Eng. Co., repairs---- _8.50 .00 .90 147 E. Bement & C. V. Bush, ac- countants _ __ 1.00.00 100.00 148 James Lynch, coal_______ -------------- 2.50 (withdrawn) 140 Taylor & Carpenter, supplies____ 74.40 74.49 150 Davis Brown Elec. Co., mdse____ 5.86 5.813 151 J. Will Tree, rep. on books______ 84.00 84.00 152 Pinkerton Not. Pro. Ag., detec- tive service ----------------- 1.3.00 1.:3.00 153 Wm. N. Noble, legal servicee___ 295.05 295.05 154 T. G. Miller, mdse._ 1.50 1_150 155 T. G. Miller, supplies ---------- 281.70 281.70 156 Ithaca Pub. Co., printing_______ 884.13 .260.1.3 157 Wm. IL Parker, ser. bill_______ 52.00 52,00 158 Win. H. Parker, ser. bill 101.34 101.34 15!) Orlando White, service bill______ 7.00 7.00 160 C. H. Beach, service bill 52.00 52.00 16 240 The Supervisors' Proceedings No. Name Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed 761 C. H. Beach, service bill 43.14 43.14 162 H. F. Hutchings, service bill____ 35.52 35.52 163 H. C. Fairbanks, service bills___ 52.00 52.00 164 E. Preston, insurance 5.00 5.00 165 J. J. Hinshaw, service bill ------ 31.36 37.36 166 R. N. Mount, service bill .-___ _- 611,36 50.36 ` 167 W. C. Gallagher, service bill ---- 44.64 44.64 168 H. C. Fairbanks, postage ------- 1.00 1.00 169 H. B. Pearsall, service bill ------ :34.56 - 34.56 170 S. H. Clapp, service bill- -------- 39.24 39.24 171 J. T. Hamblin, service bill______ 86.96 36.96 172 F. B. Aiken, service bill-__-_--- 42.56 42.56 173 S. H. Clapp, service bill -------- 34.64 34.64 174 R. T. Chappuis, service bill ----- 62.40 62.40 175 J. W. Preswick, service bill_____ 8.60 S.60 176 J. q'. Preswick, service bill ----- 29.92 29.92 177 J. W. Preswick, service bill ----- 33.32 33.32 178 G. R. Peck, service bill - 34.72 34.72 179 J. C. Thompson, service bill_____ 46.07 46.07 180 Orlando White, service bill___ ------ 162.72 62.72 181 C. H. Beach, supplies__ 25.00 25.00 153 R. G. Robinson, mise. legal ser._. 797.75 97.75 183 John Sheehy, labor ------------- 66.00 66.00 184 Dr. R. C. Warren, physician____ 5.00 5.00 185 Syracuse State Iust. for Feeble Minded Children, care for in- mates_ --_----- 120.00 120.00 186 Charles Hyde, constable________ 2.70 (withdrawn) 187 H. B. Pearsall, special service__- 9.10 9.10 ISS F. D. Fish, special service______ 33.32 83.32 189 A. N. Miller, special service----- -52.00 52.00 190 H. C. Fairbanks, special service 110.00 1.10.00 191 A. N. Miller, special service_ ___ 1.00.00 100.00 192 Geo. R. Peck, special service_ __ 172.51 172.81 193 Chas. H. Beach, special service__ 292.70 292.70 194 Geo. R. Peck, special service____ 43.13 43.1.., 19n W. H. Parker, special service___ 220.00 220.00 196 F. D. Fish, special service_ ------ 25.50 25.50 The Supervisoxr' Proceedings. z¢r No. Name Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed 197 F. 11. Fish, special service— _____ 124.94 124.94 198 J. C. Thompson, service bill ----- 139.14. 139.14 199 Geo. R. Peck, service bill_______ 126.84 126.84 200 John Hamblin, service bill— ____ 130.62 130.62 201 F. B. Aiken, service bill ---- _--- 148.16 148.16 202 R. T. Chappuis, service bill,____ 1.67.39 161.39 203 C. H. Beach, service hill_ ______ 108.00 108.00 204 Orlaudo.White, service bill_____ 156.30 1.56.30 205 S. H. Clapp, service bill -------- 150.75 150.75 206 J. W. Preswiek, service bill_____ 1.35.39 185.39 207 W. H. Parker, service bill— ___ 146.73 146.73 208 F. D. Fish, service bill_________ 66.56 66 56 209 A. N, Miller, service bill________ 108.00 1.08.00 21.0 H. C. Fairbanks, service bill- __ 1.08,00 108.00 13DWARD J. NIONL;, Clerk. 212 The Siej5ervisors' ProceedinSs. TOWN AUDITS To the Supervisors of the County of Tompkins: Gentlemen: I would respectfully submit the Abstract of Town Au- dits of the town of Caroline, amountsto be levied and collected from the taxable property of said town. GEO. R. PECK. CAROLINE We, the undersigned, the Board of Town Auditors of said Town, do hereby certify: That the following is an abstract of the names of all persons who have presented to said Board, accounts to be audited, the amounts claimed by each of said persons and the amounts finally audited to them respectively, to wit: No. Name Nature of Claim Claimed Alloxred 1 Ray Olney, Ballot Clerk, Dist. 1-$ 4.00 $ 4.00 2 Charles. M. Jones, Ballot Clerk, Dist. .1 ------------------- - 4.00 4.00 3Joseph ' McGrath, Poll Clerk, Dist. 1 _ - 4.00 4.00 4 I,. C. Snow, Poll Cferk,Dist. 1--_ 4.00 4.00 Frank Yaple, Lispector of Elec- tion, Dist. 1----------- ---- 12.00 1.2.00 G John Decker, IuspectorofElection Dist. 1-------------------- 12.00 12.00 I Carlton Wattles, Inspector of Election, Dist. I ----------- 12.00 12.00 The .Super aisors' Proceedings. ' 2.1 No. Name Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed S Henry P. Winchell, Inspector of - Election and messenger, Dist. 1 17.96 19.96 1) M. H. Quick, Inspector of Eke - tion, Dist. 2 12.00 12 00 10 Chas. H. Heath, Inspector .of Election, Dist. 2------------ 12.00 12.00 1.1. Frank Willard, Inspector of Elec- tion, Dist. 1 ---------------- 12.00 12.00 12 L. 1-I. Gallagher, Inspectorof Elec- tion and messenger, Dist. 2--- 1 7.72 17.72 .13 Ira Yaple, Ballot Clerk, Dist. 2-- 4.00 9.00 14 Clinton Muiks, Ballot Clerk, Dist. 'L 4.00 4.00 15 Chas. L. Crandell, Poll Clerk, Dist. 2------------------- 4.00 4.00 7D Bram: Pettigrove, Poll Clerk, Dist. 2--------------------- 4.00 4.00 1.7 Samuel Woodhull, Ballot Clerk, Dist.3 4.00 4.00 IS Samuel Lacy, Ballot Clerk, Dist. 3 9.00 4.00 1.1) Curtis J. Shorter, Poll Clerk, Dist. 3--------------------- 4.00 4.00 . 20 Howard Best, Poll Clerk, Dist. 3 4.00 4.00 21. W. T. Graham, Inspector of Elec- tion and messenger, Dist. 3--- 1.7.56 17.51i 22 D. F. Roe, Inspector of Election, Dist. 3----------- ---------------------- 12.00 12A0 23 Chas. M. Mulks, I uspeetor of Elec- tion, Dist. 3----- _ 1.2.00 12.00 34 Geo. H. Beard, Iuspector of Mee - tion Dist. 3----- ----------- 1.2.00 13.00 25 C. I-1. Gallagher, M. D., Lunacy Examination and Vital Statis- tics ------------------------ 27.25 2 7. 25 26 G. B. Landon, Ex. Overseer of the Poor____________ _ _____ 22.70 22.70 27 C. If. Gallagher, M. D., Health Officer ---------------------55.00 55.00 244 The SzOer✓rsors' Proreedi?gs. No. Name Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed 28 %V. C. Gallagher, Ex.Supervisor .44.20 44.20 29 1,. A. Patch, Overseer of the Poor 10.60 10.60 30 J. C. Bennett, Reg. Vital Statistics 5.00 0.00 31 Jay Preston, Assessor, 1907 -- 30.00 .80.00 33 Williamson Law Book Co., Over- seer Poor, Manua] 3.ti0 33 Will. Overacker, mileage fees ---- 21_70 21.70 34 W. C. Gallagher, 450 feet of plank, 1.406 6.30 6.30 35 J. B. Overacker, mileage fees- __ 6.10 Gi.30 36 Henry Lyme, Ex. Constable, fees 17.65 17.65 37 E. H. Mitchell, Justice of the Peace-------------------- 22•"'5 2" 25 38 Chas. W. Personius, Assessor,1907 33.86 33.80 39 J. E. Vaudeutark, .assigned to E. H. Mitchell, hall rent and stor- ing booths, 1906_____________ 1:;.00 1.3.00 40 J. E. Vandemark, hall rent and storing booths, 1907 --------- 13.00 13.00 41 'plae Ithaca Journal, printing___- 26.60 26.60 42 'file Ithaca Journal, printing_-__ . 15.00 1.8.00 43 J. C. Bennett, Town Clerk------ 90.00 45.00 44 C. $. Houghtaling, supplies, Town Clerk's office 9.711 2 70 4:i Andrus and Church, books and lettering ------------------- 16.95 16. 95 46 F. A. Snow, Justice of the Peacc_ 2200 23.00 47 R. E. Brink, hall rent and storing booth= 13.00 13.00 48 A. B. Brooks, supplies, Health Officel --------------------- 5.40 0.90 49 Bert T. Baker, making descrip- tion of tax sale - 2.00 3.00 50 E. H. Card, hall rent and storing booth` ------------------- - 13.00 13.00 01 David A. Chatfield, Constable, 190!----------------------- 59.015 59.o.� 55 52 F. M. Bull, Justice of the Peace- - 20.00 20.00 The Supervisors' Proteedings. 2¢5 No. Name Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed 53 Bailey, Johnson & Saunders, as- signed to Geo. R. Peck, bridges 156 59 156.5! . 54 Geo. R. Peck, Supervisor--_-__- 35.46 38.46 55 Henry Lyme, Truant Officer- -- 25.00 25.00 56 Henry Lyme, Highway Commr. 260.00 260.00 57 Theodore Eiglimey, Highway Commissioner --------------- 1.75.25 175.23 58 Theodore Eighmey, appraising sheep---- ----------------- 1.50 1.50 59 W. W. Conrad, fence viewing_-- 4.50 4.50 60 W. W. Courad, copying assess- ment roll------------------- 6.00 6.00 W W. W. Conrad, Assessor, 1007__ 37.1.0 37.10 lit Geo. Northrup, sheep damage___ 1.0.110 10.00 (;3 F. M. Bull, Criminal bill, J. P.-- 56.75 56.75 64 Heury H. Robiuson, rebate on highway tax---------------- 111).63 �15.U3 lis Henry Lyme, rebate on highway tax----------------------- 1.:35 .1 .35 66 John Besemer, rebate on highway. tax------------------------ 19 85 19.85 67 Ira Bogardus, Ex. Highway Cour missioner ------------ ------ 60.00 60.00 68 The Arlington Mfg. Co., paint-_ 50.00 50.00 ti! NI. R. Lynch, damage ----------- 25.60 25.00 70 Benj. Rightmyer, copying assess- meut roll, 1906-------------- 9,00 9.00 71 Stilhvell & ]toss, printing, FL O. 2.50 2.50 72 Levi Head, watering trougli---__ 3.O0 3.00 7:3 Edward N4eachem,wateringtrouglr 3.110 3.00 74 Chas. M. Jones, watering trough- 3.00 3.00 75 Orson Snow, watering trough---- 3.00 3.00 76 Daniel Bailor, watering trough__ 3.00 3.00 77 W. E. Snow, watering trough---- 3.00 3.00 78 Jay Preston, watering trough---- 3.00 3 00 71) Lorrettie Van Wort, watering trough--------------------- 3.00 3.00 80 Geo. Northrup, watering trough- 3.00 3.00 2¢6 The Sufic Visors' Proceedings. No. Name Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed SI Henry Leebody, watering trough 3.00 3,00 82 Hubert Wattles, watering trough- 3.00 8.00 SR Win. E. Mandeville, watering trough -- :3.00 :1.00 84 Hirman Vandeutark, watering trough--------------------- :;.00 :3.00 S5 Jerome Seager, watering trough__ 8.00 :1,00 86 F. C. Vorhis, watering trough-__ 3.00 3.00 Si G. K. Douglity, Justice of the Peace-_ ----- :1:1.00 :19.00 Total ------------------$ 1,854.53 I,S54.53 STATE OF NE\V YORK County of Tompkins ss. Town of Caroline We, the undersigned, being a majority of the Town Board of Audit of the town of Caroline, N. Y., do hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct list of accounts, which have been audited by us, with the amount claimed and the amount allowed. CEO. R. PECK, Supervisor, J. C. BENNETT, Towu Clerk, G. K. DOUGHTY, Justice of the Peace, H. H. MITCHELL„ Justice of the Peace, F. DI. BULL, Justice of the Peace, F. A. SNOW, Justice of the Peace. I certify the foregoing Abstracts to be correct. J. C. 13ENNF,'I"P, Town Clerk. i The Supervisors' Pmceedings. 2¢7 DANBY List of AnnuaI Town Audits, 1907. No. Name Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed I John Hamblin, Supervisor bill--$ 63. 81 (;3.81 2 John Hamblin, Supervisor bill-_ 8.00 5.00 3 H. T. Hutchings $s. Supervisor bill --------------------_- 4.00 4.00 4 Eugene Dorn, Justice bill------_ 18.24 18.24 5 Z. F,. Smiley, Justice bill ------- 14.40 14.40 6 Theron Slocum,. Justice bill ----- 1b.44 1).44 7 J. B. Thatcher, Justice bill ------ 17. (;0 17.60 8 Nathan NL Bush, Inspector dis- tricts --------------------- '72.00 12.00 9 Orval H. Landon, Inspector dis- trict I-------------------- 12.00 12.00 10 Arthur Beardsley, Messenger F Inspector 1. _______________ 17.45 17.45 11 Jowl Hollister, Inspector district l 12.00 12.00 12 F. A. Todd, Inspector district 2_ 1.2.00 12.00 13 Arthur Snyder, Inspector district 2 --------------- 1.2.00 12.00 1.4 Arthur Sears, Inspector district 2 '12.O0 12.00 15 D. NL Kellogg, \Messenger & sn4 spector district 2 7 7.50 17.80 I6 W. 0. Smiley, Inspector district 12.00 12.00 17 E. B. Hill, Inspector district 3-_ 12.00 12.00 1.8 F. A. Martin, Inspector district 3 ----------------------- 12.00 12.00 19 Lewis Cummings, messenger and . Inspector district 3 1.7.88 17.58 20 S. G. Creveling, Poll Clerk In- spector district 1 ------- _--- 4.00 4.00 21. Charles W. Rittenhouse, Iuspector district 1 ------------------ 4.00 4.00 z,78 The Sulier-✓isors' Proceedings. - No. Name Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed 22 T. J. Hutchings. Poll Clerk, district 2------------------ 4.00 4.00 2:3 F. B. Lewis, Poll Clerk, dtstrici2------------------ 4.00 4.00 24 Z. E. Smiley, Poll Clerk, clis- trict 3------------ ------- 4.00 4.00 25 NI. J. Hill, Poll Clerk, dis- - trict 3-------------------- 4.00 Cot) 2() C. B. Beers, Ballot Clerk, dis- trict 1------------------- 4.00 4,00 27 John H. Nilson, Ballot Clerk district 7.------------------ 4.00 4.00 28 Alonzo Beach, Ballot Clerk, dis- trict 2-------------------- 4.00 4,00 29 Everett l ummis, Ballot Clerk, district 2 ----------------- 4.00 4.00 30 Warren J. Allen, Ballot Clerk, district 3_________________ 4.00 4.00 31 Chas. E. Mente, Ballot Clerk, district 3 ---------------- 4.00 4.00 32 H. B. Jennings, Assessor-.-____- 2.00 2.00 33 H. J.`Tuthill, Assessor --------- 24.00 24.00 34 Harrison J. 'Thayer, Assessor_-_ 25.00 25.00 35 Olen 1)orn, Assessor-__ ----------- 22.00 23.00 36 A. J. Snyder, Polling Place ----- 10.00 7.0.00 37 Z. E. Smiley,_ Polling Place ----- :10.00 10.00 :38. C. H. Ostrander, Town Clerk___ 53.55 53.55 :39 H. E. Mettler, Ex -Town Clerk_- 22.50 22.50 40 Driscoll Brothers-------------- 1.09.64 109 00 41. J. 0. Miller, Coro. for Supervisors 475.50 475.50 42 J. 0. Miller, Com. for Supervisors 2200 29.00 43 C. F. Mettler, Overseer of Poor__ 13.74 13.74 44 Theo. Brown, Overseer of Poor-- :1.6.00 16.00 45 F. D. Smiley, Attendance Officer 17.00 1.7.00 46 1-I. E. Thatcher--------------- 2.00 2.00 47 H. F,. Thatcher, medical attend- ttend-ance__-.--__ ance -----------_ 1.00 1_00 The Supei vr'sors' Proceedings. No. Name Nature of Claim Claimed 48 Andrus & Church, assessment roll by H. F. Hutchings___ 2.00 411 E. S. Ward, excessive dog tax-_ 5.00 50 L. L. Beers, rebate bill for wide 219 Allowed 2.00 5.001 Total ---------- $1,340.02 JOHN T. HAMBLIN, Supervisor, W. H. OSTRANDER, Town Clerk, J. B. THATCHER, Justice of the Peace, T. W. SLOCUM, Justice of the Peace, EUGENE DORN, Justice of the Peace, Z. E. SMILEY, Justice of the Peace. tire _--------- 3.00 3.00 51.. H. E. Mettler, supplies -------- 3.53 3.53 53 Mattliew Bender & Co. .50 .50 53 Barr Brothers, supplies--------- 10.76 10.76 54 Atkins & Mitchell_____________ 7.50 7.70 55 Dr. C. F. Denman, health officer 14.30 14,30 56 Dr. C. F. Denman, vital statistics 7.00 7.00 ;i7 H. C. Palmer, vital statistics--- 3.50 3.50 58 Arthur W. Beardsley, vital statistics ----------------- 12.25 12.25 59 - Ithaca Journal, supplies -------- 10.00 10.00 li0 Ithaca Jourual, supplies -------- 35.55 36.85 61 George E. Morris, watering trough ------------------- 3.00 3.00 62 Jerry Dorn, watering trough---- 3.00 :3.00 lib Frank Sinehaugh, watering trough ------------------- 6.00 6.00 64 Mrs. John Letts, watering trough 3.00 3.00 65 F. J. Crance, watering trough__ 3.00 8.00 (i(i J. F. Daly, watering trough,---- 3.00 3.00 67 L. A. Messenger, watering trough ------------------- 3.00 3.00 68 Salwua Dorn, watering trough-- (i.00 6.00 69 H. S. Beardsley, watering trough 3.00 70 C. H. Ostrander, watering trough 13.00 6,00 71 H. J. Tuttle ------------------ 2.22 2.22 Total ---------- $1,340.02 JOHN T. HAMBLIN, Supervisor, W. H. OSTRANDER, Town Clerk, J. B. THATCHER, Justice of the Peace, T. W. SLOCUM, Justice of the Peace, EUGENE DORN, Justice of the Peace, Z. E. SMILEY, Justice of the Peace. 250 The Sreperuisors' DRI DEN To the Board of Supervisors of the County of'1'ompkins: The following abstract of the names of all persons who have presented to the Board of Town Auditors of the town of Dryden in said County accounts to be audited during the rear 1907. The amounts claimed by each of such persons and the amounts finally audited by the said Board of Town Auditors is herewith submitted Pursuant to statute, to wit: No. Name Nature of Claim , Claimed Allowed I Dewitt Calkins, house for elec- tion 22.00 $ 22.00 2 Leroy Smiley, Iusp. and mess:___ 21.36 21_86 . M. R. Crutts, Insp. town, meeting .and mess. --•---------------- 6 00 6.00 4 Rugeue Morris, Insp. ---------- :13.00 12.00 b R. S. Burr, Insp.______________ 1.4.00 14.00 (i Chas. Foster, Insp. town meeting -1.00 4.00 7 John Dart, Iusp. 12.00 12.00 8 Fred Crutts, Poll Clerk _ 4.00 4.00 9 Arthur 13. Cornelius, Poll Clerk 1906 4.00 4.00 10- Henry Snyder, Ballot Clerk _____ 4.00 4.00 1.1 G. W. McKean, Ballot Clerk---- 4.00 4.00 12 Arthur W. Genung, Ballot Clerk 4 00 4.00 13 L. A. Hemingway, Insp. and Poll Clerk______________________ 5.00 5.00 14 W. J. Sherwood, Insp, and mess. 1.0.55 19.85 15 A. Davenport, Insp. 12.00 1.2.00 1G A. I. Reed, Insp. and mess.----_ 15.00 1S.00 17 Will Lumbard, Poll Clerk ------- "'ot) S 00 1S R. R. Gaston, Iusp. and poll ---_ IG.00 16.00 19 Arthur Slights, Ballot Clerk----- 4.00 4.00 The Supervisors' Procecdhgs, 25r No. Name Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed 30 Will Sherwood, Ballot Clerk ---- 4.00 4.00 21 Adelbert Root, Insp. asg. L. A. Hemingway ---------------- 4.00 400 22 C. M. Coggswell, House for elec- tion, Dist. 2-------------' 24.00 24.00 2:3 C. D. Williams, House for elec- tion, Dist. 8 ---------------- 25.00 26.00 34 G. M. Rockwell, Insp ----------- :13.25 1325 25 C. E. Green, Insp. and mess ----- 20.66 20.65 26 R. L. Weaver, Insp. and mess- 4.7.46 '17.26 27 J. D. Ross, Insp. and mess., 1006- 3125 27.35 28 C. T. Davis, Insp, town meeting 4.00 4.00 O1) M. D. Graham, Poll Clerk ------ 4.00 4.00 30 H. C. Foster, Ballot Clerk and Poll Clerk --_- ------------------ 5.00 5.00 3I D. F. Van Vleet, Poll Clerk----- 4.00 4.00 32 G. W. Ballinger, Ballot Clerk ---- 4.00 4.00 33 M. H. Wallace, House for elec- tion, asg. Theo. Stickles----- 10.00 10.00 :34 A. G. Sager, Insp. and mess. town meeting, asg. R. L. Sager____ 0.00 6,00 35 Lee Sickman, Insp. town meeting asg. A. A. Sickman--------- 4.00 4.00 I Laverne Davis, Insp ------------ ,4.00 .1. 00 :37 • L. N. Sutliff, Insp. asg. Black- man & Stanton ------------- 4.00 4.00 38 M. H. Wallace, House for elee tion ----------------------- 10.00 1.0.00 39 L. N. Sutliff, Insp. and mess.---_ . 21_64 21.64' 40 F. L. Mastin, Insp.---------- 12.00 12.00 41 Otis Mosley, Iusp. --_ _ J2,00 12.00 42 A. A. Sickman, Insp. _-_____--- 12.00 12.00 43 Fay Skillings, Poll Clerk ------- 4.00 4.00 44 Luther Johnson, Poll Clerk ----- 4.00 4,00 45 Larkin Smith, Ballot Clerk ------ ,4.00 4.00 4:6 G. C. Sutliff, Ballot Clerk ------- 4.00 4.00 47 M. D. Graham, House for elec- tion of 1906-7 -------------- 37.60 37.50 252 The Supervisors' Pioceedbi�,s. No. Name • Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed 48 Leland Burch, Insp. and mess. _- 24.12 24.12 49 Iallery Vunk. Iusp. ------------ :1.1;.00 10.00 50 G. E.Goodrich; Iusp. and mess.-- 21_50_ 21.50 51 lad Colton, Insp. 16.00 16.00 52 Chas. S. Givens, Poll Clerk 2222_ 8.00 5.00 53 Geo. S. Wheeler, Poll Clerk ---- 4 00 9.00 5-1 Allie E. Wheeler, Clerk -------- 4.00 4.00 55 Emmett K. Butts, Ballot Clerk-- 4.00 4.00 56 Frank 13. Strong, Ballot Clerk-__ 4.00 - 4.00 57 Clayton Davis, Insp. - 4.00 4.00 58 Fred E. Mineah, Insp. and mesa- 19.80 19.80 59 J. J. Cole, Insp.--------------- 12.00 12.06 (i0 Du Bois Cook, Insp. 4.00 4.00 61 F. L. Reeves, Insp.------_-_--_ 4.00 4.00 62 Perry Hanshaw, Poll Clerk ----- 5.00 8.00 63 A. C. Stone, Hall for election---- 20.00 25.00 64 , W. J. Shaver, Poll Clerk ------- 4.00 4,00 65 Chas. Jackson, Insp. 1200 12.00 66 Leon Cady, Ballot Clerlc-------- 4.i10 4.00 67 Frank Ellis, Ballot Clerk ------- 4.00 4.00 68 Frank Vanhone, Insp.---- --- 16.00 18.00 69 Bert Eagan, Poll Clerk --------- 4.00 4.00 70 G. W. Gibson, House for Caucus 15.00 15.110 71 H. Genung, \fed. service and vital statistics--------------- 33.92 - 33.92 72 The Hayden, Vital statistics---__ .25 .25 7:1 Ithaca Journal, Printing -------- 2.31_; 2.36 74. J. H. %Iiy, Meals for prisoners __ 1_25 125 75 J. G. Clark, Merchandise ------- . 3.72 3.72 76 D. M. Ryan, Med. service and vital statistics __ 25.62 20.62 77 A. C. Knapp, Med. service and vital statistics -------------- 70.97 70.97 78 \I. M. Sweetland, Legal services- 5.00 i.00 79 J. D. Ross, Justice, criminal bill _ I1.:i0 11..50 80 Village of Dryden, Dyking____- 75.86 75.86 81 G. L. Rood, Dled. services and vital statistics ___ 30.16 30.16 The Sttfiervisors' Proceedings. 253 No. Name Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed 82 J. Beach, Med, service and vital statistics _ 30.67 :30.67 83 J. O. Howser, Attendance officer_ 2.40. 2.40 S4' P. E. Golden, Attendance officer- 1.0.50 10.50 85 Aretus S. Fox, Attendance officer 7.50 7.50 86 H. E. Crossley, Vital statistics___ 1_25 1.25 Si W. J. Shaver, Assessor --------- ti4,45 64.45 SS A. A. Sager, Assessor ---------- 60.00 60.00 89 Chas. Townley, Assessor -------- 66.00 66.00 90 B. Snyder, Overseer Poor _ _-___ 30.00 80.00 91 J. D. Ross, Vital statistics_______ 5.75 5.75 92 R. F. Chappuis, Supervisor-_____ 25.04 25.06 93 F. E. Dailing, Town Clerk ------ 712.37 112.87 94 Stilwell & Ross, Printing ------- 123.10 12:1.10 95 Andrus & Church, Asst'. rolls ___ 11_00 11_00 96 Myrdn Leets, Constable --------- 12,60 12.60 97 Paul Ewers, Justice ------------ 7.2.50 12.80 9S Geo. Sutfin, Overseer poor ------ 14.00 14.00 99 Andrew Baker, justice---------- 12.00 1200 100 J. J. Montgomery, fled. service-- 24.62 24.62 .. 107. Paul Ewers, Justice services_____ 13.00 13.110 102 J. B. Shaver, Justice services_--- 1.2.00 12.00 103 G. F. Underwood, services__--- 10.25 10.25 104 O. T. Ellis, Constable ---------- 1.. 1.:i 1.15 105 G. E. Underwood, Criminal bill- 1.,25 1.2.5 106 G. E. Aiiueah, Comet Highway_ 590.79 590.79 107 A. C. Scott, Assessor, 1906 ------ 2.00 2.00 108 Avery Hite, Assessor, 1906 ------ 2.00 2.00 109 A. C. Scott, Assessor, Loaner sheep case_________ --------- 2.00 2.00 110 Avery Hite, Assessor, Lormer sheep case ------------------ 2.00 2.00 III J. C. Ross, services_- ------------- 24.00 _ 24.00 1.12 W. R. Will, water trough ------ 8.00 ;.00 11.3 John McKinney, water trough_-- 3.00 1.1.4 Harry Trapp, water trougli___-- 3,00 115 Humphrey\Villiants,watertrough 3.00 116 Mrs, Will Davis, water trough_.. 8.00 25¢ The Siehe; Visors' Proceedm,zs No. Name Nature of Caim Claimed Allowed 1.17 Mrs. B. Cook, water trough ----- :1.00 118 Zinn Dusenbery, water trough___ :3.00 110 George Card, water trough______ 5.00 LO R. S. Miller, water trough _____- 121 J. T. Morris, water trough ------ X.00 122 Chas. I. Hart, water trough_____ :3.00 125 D. Banfield, water trough ------- :3.00 134 J. 7. Hamblin, water trough____ 3.00 13n John Hunt, water trough_______ 3.00 126 G. %V. Gibson, water trough___- 127 Chas. C. Keenan, wide -tired wagon --------------------- 4,00 128 Walter A. Pollard, wide -tired wagon_ -- 9,00 129 Walter Tomlinson, wide -tired - wagon---------------------- 9,00 1S0- Chas. I- Hart, Jr., wide -tired wagon --------------------- --------------------131. 13 1 Grant Van Nortwick, wide -tired wagon----------------- 2.20 133 C. D. Burch, wide -tired wagon__ 3.16 1:3; Prank Burch, wide -tired w•agmi_ :1..00 154 Thos. J. Burch, wide -tired wagon 4.00 135 L. & J. Forshce, wide -tired wagon :3.50 1:30 Samuel McKee, wide -tired wagon 3.00 1:17 Andrew Baker, wide -tired wagon 3.00 Total__ ------------------- 2,:36%3.1.1. Resolved, That there be levied and collected a tax of tw•o mills on the dollar on the taxable property of the town of Dryden outside of the corporate limits of the villages of Dryden and Free- ville, for highway purposes. Resolved, That there be levied and collected on the taxable Ike Su15ervzsors' Proceedings. 255 property of the town of Dryden by tax, one hundred dollars for support of the poor. R. F. CHAPPUIS, Supervisor, F. P;. DARLING, Town Clerk, G. E. UNDERWOOD, Justice of the Peace, J. I). ROSS, Justice of the Peace, ANDREW BAKER, Justice of the Peace, PAUL F.WRES, Justice of the Peace, J. B. SHAVER, Justice of the Peace. ENFIELD The undersigned Board of Town Auditors of said town of Enfield, hereby certify that the following is an abstract of the names of all persons who have presented to the said Board ac- counts to be audited, the amounts claimed by each of said per- sons and the amounts finally audited to them respectively: No. Name Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed I. Dr. McDaniel, expense Health Olhcer---------------------$ 5.!)(; $ 5.06 2 Dr. Ivlcllaniel, salary as Health Officer--------------------- 25.00 25.00 3 Dr. McDaniel, vital statistics----- 5.25 5.25 4 Harry S. Bullard, inspector------ 12.00 12.00 5 Win. W. Wright, inspector and roes- . seiiger--------- 17.64 17.64 1. John Willis, inspector_ 1.2.00 12.f)0 7 Lewis Freese, inspector 12.00 12.00 .4 H. 1). Bailey, poll clerk --------- 4.00 4.00 17 256 The Snfiervisors' Proceedings. No. Name Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed 9 'Emery Wallenbeck, ballot clerk-- 4.00 4.00 10 Colon Kirby, ballot clerk 4.00 4.00 11 Monroe Lanning, poll clerk ------ 4.00 4.00 12 Lewis Wallenbeck, fumigating____ _ 2.00 2.00 13 Solon Bagley, citizen member___- 0.00 6.00 L4 Jerome Georgia, assessor, 11)06__- 38.00 35.00 15 Jerome Georgia, fence viewer ----- 2.00 2.00 1G George Weedmire, attendance of- ficer ----------------------- 5.00 5.00 17 Frank Bagley, constable in Smith vs. Bell-------------------- 9. 85 :1.9.85 IS Frank Van Marter, constable in _ Butler vs. Goff------------- 16.70 7.6.70 19 Frank Van Alarter, constable fee-_ [5.1.1 0:1.2 20 Frank Teeter, hall rent and jurors' dinner 4.00 4.00 21. Frank Teeter, attendance officer--_ 15.00 1.5.00 22 Wm. Palmer, fence viewer--__ -- 2.00 2.00 03 Wm. Palmer, assessor ----------- :38 00 :38.00 24 Frank Van Marter, repair on R. At. 0.07 5.,17 25 Frank Van Marter, Dulehant case 4.65 4_66 26 R. V. Egbert, Justice of the Peace 13,00 1:3.00 27 John J. Johnson, Justice of the Peace 7.6.011 :1.5.00 28 James McCracken, Justice of the Peace--- ------------------ 1.5.00 1.5.00 29 Darwin Rumsey, Justice of the Peace-------------------- :1.5.00 1.6.00 30 Darwin .Rumsey, Goff and Butler case _______________________ 23.90 23.90 31 James McCracken, Smith and Bell case ----------------------- 5.25 5.26 :32 Charles Wright, hall rent -------- 25.00 25.00 33 Walter Ferguson, citizen member 5.00 S 1111 + A. S. Robinson, legal service_____ 5.20 ,).26 Wm. Jones, Jr., burial service____ 211.00 20.00 36 Iihaca Journal, printing ballots-__ 19.48 10.45 '3 Dr. Chase, exam. in lunacy ------ 5.00 5.00 F. D. FISH, Supervisor, W. V. RUbISEV, Town Clerk, JAMES MCCIZACKEN, Justice of the Peace, J. J. JOHNSON, Justice of the Peace, DARWIN RUMSEV, Justice of the Peace, R. V. EGBERT, Justice of the Peace. The Supervisors' Proceedings. 257 No. Name Nature of Claim . Claimed Allowed 38 Williamson Law Book Co., Super- visors' Manual ____ 5.00 5.00 39 Newman & Stagg, legal service__- 1.:3.50 5.00 40 G. H. Noble, Ex. Town Clerk-__ 19.45 19.45 41. G. H. Noble, vital statistics-_____ 3.50 3,50 42 Chas. Wright, supplies to poor --- 26.41 26.41. 43 W. V. Rumsey, supplies to poor__ 28.99 2:3,99 44. City Hospital, Sullivan case ------ •6200 62.00 45 O. bI. Newell, Buckley case ------ 29.22 29 22 413 Dr. Davis, Lovelace case_________ 22.5o 22.50 47 Driscoll Bros., cement 29.33 29.38 48 F. D. Fish, .service bill ---------- 18.00 18.00 49 W. V. Rumsey, vital statistics__-- 14.00 14.00 5(1 Wm. L. Tucker; overseer________ 84.00 34.00 51 Frank Cummings, Ex. Com. of Highways ------------------ 9.511 9,50 52 Frank Cummings, service bill ---- 16.00 16.110 58 A. E. Chipman, Bagley boy, Or- phan Asylum _ 20S.00 205.00 54 Ithaca Journal, election notices-__ 1. 7:i 1.75 55 A. I;. Lovelace, care Chloe Love- lace ___ 10.00 10,00 .51.D. E. Noble, assessor- ______-_-_ 82.00 :32 00 57 Earl Rumsey, Com., service bill___ 102.00 102.0) 58 Earl Ramsey, Com., labor and ---- material 162.04 162.04 59 Andrew Gibbs, assessor___- ____ 30.00 3(1.(10 (i0 W. V. Rumsey, Town Clerk_____ 133.55 63,85 61 Andrew Gibbs, tax book 2.00 2.00 $1,33;.71 87,378.21 Dated Nov. 7th, 1907. F. D. FISH, Supervisor, W. V. RUbISEV, Town Clerk, JAMES MCCIZACKEN, Justice of the Peace, J. J. JOHNSON, Justice of the Peace, DARWIN RUMSEV, Justice of the Peace, R. V. EGBERT, Justice of the Peace. 258 The Supeivisors' Proceeds?Ws. GROTON Croton Town Audits for year ending November 7, 1907. No. Name Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed 1 S. 1-L Clapp, Supr., meeting with Town Board, etc ------------ $ 30.00 $ 80.00 2 S. H. Clapp, Supr., meeting with Board of Health _ 2.00 2.00 3 S. H. Clapp, Supr., one per cent. oil nhoney paid out— --------- 128.40 123.20 4 S. H. Clapp, Supra, stamps, sta- tionery and telephone -------- 11.20 11 20 5 H. S. Hopkins, J. P., meeting with Town Board ----------- 20.00 20.00 (i J. 11. Montfort, J. P., meeting with Town Board ----------- 1.4.110 1.4.00 7 H: A. Brooks, J. P., assigned, A. Laudon, meeting with Town Board---------------------- 2.00 2.00 S A. J. Conger, J. P., meetiug with Town Board_ 16.00 1.6.00 9 N. Baldwin, J. P., meeting with Town Board and Justice fees, etc.------------------------ 34,115 ;i4,0o 10 A. F. Howard, Assessor bill----- 45.:50 45.50 11. B. F. Batch, Assessor bill------ S5.50 85.50 12 Wni. H. Bulkley, Assessor bill, balance 7.906_ 4.00 4.00 18 Fred E. Hart, Assessor bill and - _ election work ii 00 6.00 1.1 Win. H. Burnbam, Overseer of Poor ---__ - :50.00 50.00 15 Ashbel Laudon, Town Clerk till February 12, 1907---------- 25.68 25.65 The Supeivzsors' Proceedings. 259 ,No. Name Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed 16 John Hamill, Town Clerk since February 12, 1907. 71.00 (i 00 17 Ashbel Laudon, Deputy. Town Clerk since Feb. 12, 11107___- 45.15 96.15 18 Ashbel 1.,audon, Assessor's Clerk 21.50 21.,,)0 19 Wm. 13. Sears, Highway Commis- sioner, 1906 and 1907--- ____ 92.00 92.00 20 Wm. J. Feeley, Highway Cmnmis- sioncr, 1907________________ 549.011 649,00 21 C. M. Dutcher, Highway Comnlis- sioner, 1907------- -------- 399.00 399.00 22 Buck and G,)bel, road supplies-_- 166.28 5.116.2:3 2:3 Alonarch Road Roller Co., road supplies _ 68.95 58.96 24 Groton Bridge Co., road supplies- 21.21 21_21 .25 F. B Harris, road supplies___--- 7.40 7.40 26 E, A. Campbell, road supplies-_- `1.4.1 5.41 27 F. H. Maricle, road supplies----- 4.93 4.92 28 R. AT. Mount, Ex. Supr., nreet- _ing with Town Board 2.00 2.00 29 V. C. Atwood, supplies for poor__ 26.42 261 42 311 C. W. Gouger & Co., supplies for poor-______________________ 71.41. 57.41. 1. J. W. Jones, supplies for poor --- 36.90 :116.90 32 S. C. Gooding, supplies for poor- 27.97 27.77 :3:3 John S. Love, rent for Hasting sisters 1.2.00 1.2.00 R4 Alvin Booth & Co., casket for Hattie Hastings ------------ 20.o0 25.00 3b Alvin Booth & Co., casket for - Mary Hastings------------- 25.00 25.00 :36 G. M. Stoddard, Pies't., rent of hall Dist. 2----------------- 50.00 50.00 :37 S. W. Pennoyer, inspector and messenger, Dist. 2 ---------- 1.4.313 Is 3f. 38 Alex McKinney, inspector, Dist. 2 12.00 12.00 39 M. D. Montfort, inspector, Dist. 2 12.00 1.2.00 zoo The Supervisors' Proceedings. No. Name Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed _40 I5. W. Kostenbader, inspector, Dist. 4 -------------------- 12.00 12.00 41 D. Bowman, Poll Clerk, Dist. 2-- 4.00 4.00 42 M. A. Downing, Poll Clerk, Dist. 2 4.00 4.00 43 Warren Allen, rent of hall Dist. 1. 15.00 , 15.00 44 Corrie B. Conger, inspAetor and messenger, Dist. ] 15.00 18.00 45 Ethan W. Allen, inspector and - messenger Dist. 7 14.00 14.00 46 Nelson L. Metzgar, inspector, Dist. 'I-------------------- 12.00 13.00 47 Miles G. Tarbell, inspector, Dist. 2 12.00 12.00 4S Ed. G. Metzgar, Poll Clerk, Dist. I 4.00 4.00 40 Floyd Metzgar, Poll Clerk, Dist. 1. 4.00 4.00 50 F,ugene Sherwood, rent of hall, Dist. 3--------------------- 15.00 15.00 51 Chas. Dutcher, inspectorandutes. senger, Dist. 3 18.12 - 18.12 52 Chas. Cooper, inspector, Dist. 3_ 12.00 12.00 53 Daniel Morgan, inspector, Dist. 3 12.00 1.2.00 - 54 A. \I. Francis, Jr., inspector and messenger, Dist. 14.00 14.00 55 Henry 1,. Fuller, Poll Clerk, Dist. :3 4.00 4.00 56 Andrew McKee, Poll Clcrk, Dist. 3 Coo 4.00 57 Chas. Davidson, cartage voting- machine------------------- 4.50 4.50 58 E. F. Hopkins, setting and in- specting voting -machine------ 2.50 2.60 51) E. F. Hopkins, setting and in- specting voting machine, and livery, __- ---._____------ 9.20 0.20 _ 60 Home'Cooporative Co., inspectors supplies_ .40 .40 til H. S. Hopkins, Justice services__ 3.65 3.55 62 Chas. Hyde, Constable fees, Con- rovease-------------------- 2.45 3.45 63 Chas. Hyde, Constable fees, Con- roy case, three parties-------- 1.0.40 7 40 the Suiervisors' Proceedings. 261 No. Name Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed 64 Chas. Hyde, Constable fees, Car- vancase---------------- ---- 5.60 4.60 65 Chas. Hyde, Constable fees, Jen- kins case________ ----------------_- 8.25 6.25 66 Chas. Hyde, Attendance Officer-- 30.00 30.00 67 Chas. Hyde, Llection Attendance 4.00 2.00 68 G. M. Gilchrist, vital statistics-- 2.75 2.75 69- R. C. Tarbell, vital statistics and lunacy case----------------- 10.50 1.0.50 70 G_o. K. Hamilton, vital statistics - and marriages- ------------- .75 .75 71 F. X Smiley, vital statistics and marriages ------------------ 1_75 1_75 72 F. L. Presley, vital statistics, mar- riages and births ------------ 1.00 1.00 78 H. Genung, vital statistics and births - .50 .50 74 G. F.�. Atbou, vital statistics, lun- acy and health-------------- 28.25 28.25 75 B. L. Robinson, vital statistics and doctoring poor 27.50 27.50 76 G. L. Albou, doctoring town poor 43.00 43.00 77 Al. D. Goodyear, lunacy examiu- ation---------------------- 5.00 5.00 78 M. D. Goodyear, lunacy examin- ation ------------ 115.00 1,5.00 79 Grant Halladay, rent of office for Town Clerk ---------------- 48.00 48.00 80 Chas. O. Rhodes, supplies ------- .55 .55 81. George Nlathers, cement work on sluices--------------------- 1.0.80 10,80 82 Mary Kelsey, rent of ground for road scrapers ---- ,6.00 6.00 83 S. C. Gooding, electriclight bill-_ 1.67 - 1_67 84 L. J. Townley & Son, printing bill 27.66 27.66 85 F. H. Maricle, goods furnished C. , B. Northrup--------------- 31.19 31.17 86 Frank Metzgar, rebate on tax ---- 2.74 2 74 262 The Supervisors' Proceedings. No. Name Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed 87 S. S. Gooding, rebateof road tax, wide tire, 1906 -------------- 4.80 4.80 88 James Gaston, rebate on road tax, wide tire, 1907_____ 2.50 2.50 89 Ithaca City Hospital, Win. Sto- well case 65.50 65.50 90 Bert F. Baker, description for tax sales_ __________ 3.00 .3.00 91 Williamson Law Book Co., Super- visors manual 5,00 0.00 Total________ 2,748.12 I hereby certify the above list of bills is a true and correct copy of audits made by the Town Board of Groton, February 7, 1907. ASHBEL I,ANDON, Deputy Town Clerk. The Supervisors' Proceedings. TOWN OF ITHACA Abstract of Town Audits, Nov. 7, 1907. 263 Abstract of the names of all persons who presented accounts to be audited by the Board of, Town Auditors of the Town of Ithaca, with the amonuts claimed and allowed: No. Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 1 A. P. Vaugorder, Ex. Overseer of Poor -------------------- 25.83 $ 25.83 2 W. H. Lockerby, Health physician 1.9.50 19.50 3 W. H. Lockerby, Health physician 50.00 50.00 4 W. H. Lockerby, Health physician, Downing case _ - 29.00 29.00 5 Jake Wilcox, Justice of Peace ---- 8.55 8.55 6 A. W. Kline„Service and disburse- nients ---------------------- 79.10 79.10 7 Theo. J. Baker, Assessor 40.00 40.00 8 G. E. Stevens, Assessor---------- 49.00 49.00 9 L;. H. Preswick, Assessor 40.00 40.00 1.0 David Van Natta, Ballot Clerk- -- 5.00 _ 8.00 11. L. W. Brown, Ballot Clerk ------- 4.00 4.00 1.2 James Bush, Ins -- 16.00 1.6.00 13 H. L. Raub, Poll Clerk 8.00 8.00 14 Sanford H. Manning, Ex. Assessor 4.00 4.00 15 A. W. Kline, Vital statistics------ 7.50 7.50 16 John J. Haushaw, Ex. Supervisor- 10.00 7.0.00 17 Jake Wilcox, Justice of Peace and Poll Clerk-------------- ---- 30.00 30.00 18 George L Teeter, Maintenance of watering trough ------------ 3.00 3.00 19 Tompkins, Cobb & Cobb, Attorney 35.00 85.00 20 W. J. Troy, Insp.------- ------- M 00 16.00 2_I. Jake Bogardus, Insp. and mess. -__ 32.74 22.74 22 Earl Northrup, Insp. 16.00 1.6.00 261 1 The Sufiervisors' Proceedings No. Name Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed 23' Carl Gunderman, Ballot Clerk- -- - 4.00 4 00 24 John W. Preswick, Supervisor__-- 22.00 22.00 24a John W. Preswick, Disbursing public money --------------- 42.28 42.28 25 Blair Hazen, Alaintenance of water- ing trough 1905-6-7 ---------- 9.00 9.00 26 Jasper Hanford, Maintenance of watering trough 3.00 3.00 27 Andrus & Church, Asst. rolls __-_ 19.00 19.00 28 D. F. Christiance, Supplies_______ 9.25 9.25 29 Weekly Ithacan, Printing 2.00 2.00 30 Ezra C. Brown, Ex. Highway Com. _ 152.50 152.50 31 A. W. Kline, Office rent_ - 17.50 17.50 32 Matthew Bender & Co., Tax book 150 .50 83 Ithaca Jourual, Printing - 32.70 32.70 34 Driscoll Bros., Highway supplies - 90.60 88.20 35 Ithaca Journal, Printing - ---------- 3.00 3.00 36 Williamson Law Book Co., 'Crimi- - ual dockets----------------- 1.4.00 14.00 37 Fred Baker, Articles burned in - Small Pox case _ 70.00 10.00 38 Frank McPherson, Highway Com- missioner ------------------ 467.50 467.50 39 Albert Van Auken, Constable -- - 12.05 12,05 40 Chas. Teeter, Inspector-_--- - -- 12.00 12.00 41 Jerry M. Baker, Ballot Clerk ------ 4.00 4.00 42 W. I. Smith, Poll Clerk -------- _ 8.00 8.00 43 E. Al. Ramsey, Ballot Clerk ----- 4.00 4.00 44 F. H. Eddy, Iusp, and poll clerk__ 8.00 3.00 45 D. D. Fisher, Insp. 12.00 12.00- 46 L. O. Williams, Constable ----- 15.50 15.50 46a L. O. Williams, Attendance officer 20.00 20.00 47 Chas. A. Teeter, Oak plank- ------ 8.96 8.96 48 Arthur J. Teeter, Iusp. and poll clerk - ------------- ------ 1.6.00 1.6.00 49 George E. 'Todd, Iusp.--- --- -_ 4.00 4.00 50 Frank McPherson, Supplies-___-_ 3.55 3.55 We, the undersigned, the Town Auditors of the Town of Tke Snfiervisors' Proceedhgs. 205 No. Name Nature of Claim Claiuled' Allowed 51. Jerry W. Tourtellot, Iusp. and messenger 34,10 24.10 52 Mrs. Nettie Van Orman, Rent of polling place :30.00 30.00 53 Mrs. Nettie Van Orman, Lx. Town clerk and vital statistics 3:3.43 33.42 53a Mis. Nettie Van Orman, Rent for road scraper, 1905-6 :15.00 15.00 - 54 L. F. Colegrove, Justice of Peace _ 97.97 !17.!)7 55 -Arlington Manufacturing Co., Paint 32.00 22.00 56 G. C. McCluue, Flagstone ------- 224 3.24 57Dixon & Robinson, Cement ------ !1.00 !1.00 58 Barr Bros., Hardware 67.68 67.58 511 Peirce Coal Co., Steam coal ______ .21.,96 21.96 60 r. D. Masters, Blacksnrithiug ---_ 9.30 9130 (;I. Jamieson & McKinney, Sewer pipe 1.45.08 143.08 62 Robert Schutt, Lumber 60.00 60.00 63 Lang &'Button, Castings furnished 8.50 5.50 64 S. M. Oltz, Cement 5.50 5.50 65 McGreevy Construction Co., Dyna- Inite----------------------- 8.75 S. /n G6 S. M. Updike, Justice of Peace --- 46.00 26.00 67. Chas. A. Teeter, Justice and ballot clerk ---------------------- 18.00 1.5.00 Iib Campbell Bros., Cement and sewer pipe 75.64 75.64 69 1;. O. Godfrey, Repairs----- ---------- 14.90 44.90 70 F. T. Buck, Lumber ------'____- 286.60 336.60 71 __-Newman & Stagg, Attorney 1904- ' )-6------------------------ 13.00 13.00 73 Dr. F. A. Reed. Med. service ---- 4 7. 50 00.00 7:3 Lyle U. Nelson, Ballot clerk ----- 4.00 4,00 74. Osmun Sllevalier, Overseer of poor 36.00 30.00 $2,1;73.15 $2,5632.5 We, the undersigned, the Town Auditors of the Town of 266 The Sufierviso s' 1'roceedin s. Ithaca, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct list of the accounts audited or rejected at the meeting of said Board of Auditors held Nov. 7, 1907. JOHN W. PRRSWICK, Supervisor, A. W..Kf,INE, Town Clerk, L. F. COLLGROVE, Justice of Peace, S. M. UPDIKE, Justice of Peace, J. WILCOX, Justice of Peace, CHAS. A. TEETER, Justice of Peace. LANSING To the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins: The following abstract of the names of all persons who have presented to the Town Board of the Town of Lansing, in said County, accounts to be audited during the year 1907, the amounts claimed by each of such persons, -and the amount finally audited by said Board is herewith submitted persuant to statute. No. Name Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed 1. J. S. Dickerson, inspector of elec- tionDist. 1 ------------------ $ 12.00 $ 12.00 2 W. J. Bunnell, inspector of election Dist. 1__________________ 13.00 12.00 :; W. D. I-Ianning�, inspector and messenger, 19.so 19.50 4 C. B. Jefferson, inspector of Dist. 1 12.00 12.00 o W. M. Bristol, Poll Clerk, Dist. 1 4.00 4.00 ti D. E. Thayer, Poll Clerk, Dist. 1 4.00 4.00 7 F. J. Wolley, Ballot Clerk, Dist. 1 4.00 4.00 The Sul5ervisors' Proceet fr{ ;' . 267 No. Name Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed S C. S. Ferguson, Ballot Clerk, Dist. ].---------------------- 4.00 4.00 9 S. E. Lane, inspector, Dist. 2--- 12.00 12.00 1.0 W. Al. DeCamp, inspector, mes- senger, Dist. 2-------------- 20.13 20.12 11 G. L. Bacon, inspector Dist. 2--- 1.2.00 13.00 12 J. W. Metzgar, inspector Dist. 2- 12.00 12.00 1.3 F. H. Tarbell, Poll Clerk, Dist. 2 4.00 - 4.00 14 Fred F,dsaII,,POII Clerk, Dist. 2-- 4.00 4.00 1.5 M. D. Lane, Ballot Clerk, Dist. 2 4.00 4 00 16 Charles Lobdell, Ballot Clerk, Dist.3 4.00 4.00 77 G. G. Burliug, Inspector Clerk, Dist. 3----------------..---- 4.00 4.00 IS G. D. Labar, Inspector Clerk, Dist. 3---------------- ---- 5.00 8.00 11) G. T. Lanterman, Inspector Clerk, Dist. :3--------------------- •1.00 ,6.00 20 Nelson Sobers, inspector messenger 19.80 19.$0 21. Martin Farrell, Jr., Pull Clerk, Dist. 8_____________________ 4.00 4.00 22 23 Karl Teeter, Ballot Clerk, Dist. :3 4.00 4.00 24 C. A. Wood, Ballot Clerk,Dist. %; 4.00 4.00 20 G. T. Lantermau, Poll Clerk, Dist. 3------ ---------- --- 4.00 4.00 26 John Ferrell, inspector, Dist. 3-- 13.00 13.00 27 C. AI. hgbert, inspector, Dist. 3-- 4.00 4.00 28 C. O. Drake, inspector, Dist. 3-- 4.00 x6.00 29 D. Bothwell, hall for election, '05 I111,00 15.00 30 D. Bothwell, hall for election, '07 15.00 15.00 :31 Harry Herrick, hall for election, 1)07----------------------- 1:;.00 15.00 32 N. E. Lyon, hall for town pm - poses ---------------------- 30.00 30.00 33 Townsend & I3ower, road supplies 6.7.:3 6.1'3 34 O. C. Drake, road supplies---_-- 2.24 2.34 35 G. H. Swan, Supt, road supplies 1.0.00 10,00 26S 77ie Sufiervisors' Proceedings No. Name Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed 36 M. D. bane, lumber ------------ 34.'1:3 34.18 37 Baufield Bros., lumber---------- 106.92 100.87 3S 1,. V. Main, road supplies_----_- 2.57 2.57 39 j. D. Dates, wide tire rebate_____ 2.S0 2. SO 40 F. H. Tarbell, wide tire rebate--- 4.00 4.00 41 C. O. Drake, wide tire rebate---- 2.20 - 320 42 1'. P. Egbert, wide tire rebate--- 1.80 1_30 43 G. L. Bacon, water trough rebate 3.00 8.00 44 D. C. Wood, water trough rebate 3.00 3.00 45 Jack black, water trough rebate 1906---- ----------------------- 8.00 :3.00 46 Jay Mack, water trough, rebate 1907 __ 3.00 3.011 47 ],ane Bros., water trough rebate_ :000 - :3.00 48 Erwin Davis, water trough rebate 3.00 3.00 49 Wilmer Stout, road supplies and repairs-------------------- 14.2:1 1.4 25 50 Geo. Van Tine, lumber 274.88 374 83 51 Chas. Ozmun, lumber 23.05 22.95 72 Fred Wildman, lumber--------- 45.57 45.57 78 Harry Derrick, road supplies-___ :1.45 3 4=i 54 A. L. Hagin, lumber 42.00 4206 55 C. O. Drake, lumber 9.04 9.014 at; J. J. Young, lumber ------------ 151..95 - 171.98 57 A. Baker, plow________________ 2.00 2.00 5S Dr. Fish, Prof. Services, E. Aiorey 13.50 13.50 79 Dr. Fish, returning vital statistics 6 25 62-') 60 R. I-Ieathering, lumber 4.[10 4.50 61 B. Parsons, care small pox case-- 30.75 30.75 62 C. E. Wood, C. Seeley in quar- antine --------------------- 5.30 7.:30 GS C. Crum, Jury's meals 8.00 8.01) 64 H. C. Fuller, return tax err. assessment --------------- 1.54 1.34 65 Townsend & Bower, poor supplies 12.1 S 12,15 66 W. B. 'Miller & Co., poorsupplies 19.91 19.91 67 Chas. Terpeuniug, Truant Officer 4.32 4.32 68 C. E. 'Miller. Assessor, service bill 40.00 40.00 The Supervisors' Proceedings. 269 No. Name Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed 69 M. H. De Camp, Assessor, service bill 40.00 40.00 70 G. M. D. King, Assessor, service bill ------------------------ 35.00 38.00 71 Geo. Lanterman, Highway Com., service bill 293.50 392.50 . 72 C. E. Townsend, Highway Com., service bill ----------------- 280.00 280.00 73 J. O. Munson, Highway Com., service bill 367.00 267.00 74 Casper Fenner, poor supplies, '05 -10.05 :1.0.05 75 Casper Fenner, poor supplies, '06 3.1.41. 84.41. 76 Casper Fenner,. poor supplies, '07 :36.35 RG.36 77 W. A. Singer & Son, burial, Laura Elsor---------------- 25.00 25,00 78 W. E. Davis, water trough rehate 8.00 3.00 79 W. E. Davis, wide tire rebate--- 4.00 4 00 SO Rev. M. A. Sopher, returning vi- tal statistics ---------------- 1.00 1.00 Sl. C. M. Buck, Highway Com., 1.906 - service bill------------------^3AU 33.00 82 A. Van Aukeu, Constable, crimi- nal bill-------------------- 25.55 _25.55 88 O. M. English, overseer of poor service bill -------- --------- 4:i.00 4.5.00 84 A. J. Colon, Justice of the Peace, service bill 12.00 12.00 85 Casper Fenner, Justice of the Peace, service bill 12.00 12.00 - 86 D. A. Tarbell, Jnstice of the Peace service b»11----------------- 4.00 4.00 87 L. V. Main, Justice of the Peace service bill ----------------- 1.5.00 12.00 58 C. D. Howell, Town Clerk, reg. vi- tal statistics 23.75 2(1.75 89 C. D. Howell, Town Clerk, is- suing burial permits 6.00 6.00 ayo The supervisors' Proceedings. No. Name Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed 90 C. D. Howell, Town Clerk, ser- vice bill 46.32 46.3° 97. C. D. Howell, postage, telephon- ing and telegraphing 2.8 .5 2.55 92 Orland White, Supervisor, service bill 26.64 26.64 98 Dr. Keyes, coed. services, town poor ----------------------- 15.011 15.00 94 Dr. Keyes, returning vital statis- tics and burial permits ------- 7.0.75 10.75 95 L. V. Main, poor supplies----_ - 889 5.89 96 C. E. Wood, coal, E. Morey ----- 1.510 L50 97 Economy Culvert Co., culvert pipe__ ----------------------- 82.00 33.00 98 Dr, Keyes, health Officer, service 96.00 96.00 99 C. M. Egbert, poor supplies----- 19.73 79.73 100 Dr. Fish, Prof. services town poor---------------------- 30.50 30.50 7.01. Dr. Fish, Prof. services town poor 33.06 22.06 102 C. M. Egbert, poor supplies----- 40.31. 40.31 103 104 L. V. Main, J. P. criminal bill --- 17.05 105 D. A. Tarbell, J. P. criminal bill- 4.55 4.85 106 D. C. Wood, water trough rebate 3.00 3.00 107 C. M. Egbert, poor supplies---_- 40.21. - 40.21 108 Driscoll Bro., sewer pipe 3.60 3.60 1.00 Ithaca Journal, printing-------- 5.81 1.10 Roscoe Tarbell, returning vital statistics ------------------- 1.50 7_50 1.11 Ithaca Journal printing for town mectin--------------------- 21").85 45 55 113 Williamson Law Book Co., burial permits -------------------- 1.00 1.00 11.3 D. E. 'Thayer, Attendance Officer 7_50 1_50 11.4 Will Fulkerson, services, quaran- tine fantilp---------- ------ :1.50 5.50 115 L. J. Towley, printing --___--__- 5.00 6.00 TIG Dr. Beach, returningvital statistics .75 .75 The Snfiervisors' Proceedings. zyr 117 Ithaca Journal, verification notice 7_:3:1 1.31_ Total ------------------ $2,88ti.43 CHAS. D•. HOWELL„ Town Clerk, ORLANDO WHITE„ Supervisor, L. V. MAIN, Justice of the Peace, CASPER FENNER, Justice of the Peace, A. J. COLON, Justice of the Peace, DANIEL A. TARBELL, Justice of the Peace. NEWFIELD . We, the undersigned, the Town Board of the town of New- field, do hereby certify that the following is an abstract of the names of all persons who have presented to the said Board ac- counts to be audited, the amounts claimed by each of said persons, and the amounts finally audited, respectively, to wit: Dated, Newfield, Nov. 7, 1007 No. Name Nature of claim Claimed Allowed 1 Wm. Weatherell, inspector, Dist. 1__ 1.2.00 12.00 2 Chas. H. Brown, inspector, Dist. 1-- 1.2.00 12.00 3 A. R. Allen, inspector and messenger, Dist. 1________________________ 17.80 17.80 4 Mahlon Rumsey, inspector, Dist. I_ 12.00 12.00 5 C. B. Boice, poll clerk, Dist. 1 ______ 4.00 4.00 U W. E. Bush, poll clerk, Dist. :L------ - 4.00 4.00 7 W. P. Taber, ballot clerk, Dist. 1 --- 4,00 - 4.00 8 Geo. A. Gardiner, ballot clerk, Dist. 1 4 00 4.00 0 Albert Durrance, inspector, Dist. 3__ 12.00 12.00 18 . zyz The Supervisors' Proceedings. No. Name Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed 10 Frank Allen, inspector, Dist. 3 ------ 12.00 12.00 1 L B. F. blcAllaster, inspector and mes- senger, Dist. 3------------------ 17.80 1.7.80 12 Chas. Lanning, inspector, Dist. 3---- 12.00 12.00 13 Chas. McDaniels, poll clerk, Dist. 3-- 4.00 4.00 1.4 E. F,. Alexander, poll clerk, Dist. 3-- 4.00 4.00 15 Wilbur Hine, ballot clerk, Dist. 3--- 4.00 4:00 16 Fred Payne, ballot clerk, Dist. 3 ---- 4.00 4.00 1.7 Frank Brown, inspector, Dist. 2 ----- 12.00 12.00 18 Watson McDaniels, inspectorand mes- senger, Dist. 2------------------ 17.96 19.96 19 Eugene Swartwood, inspector, Dist. 2 12.00 1.2.00 20 J. A. Thomas, inspector, Dist. 2----- 12.00 12.00 21 A. E. De Graw, poll clerk, Dist. 2--- 4.00 4.00 22 A. D. Brown, poll clerk, Dist. 2-_-_- 4.00 4.00 23 Arthur Decker, ballot clerk Dist. 2-- 4.00 4.00 24 Geo. Thomas, ballot clerk, Dist. 2--- 4.00 4.00 25 W. A. Smith, health officer _ 36.60 86.60 26 W. A. Smith, vital statistics-------- 4.50 4.50 27 N. C. Cook, supplies for health office 1.05 1.03 28 Harry Horton, truant officer -------- 10.20 1.0.20 29 Chas. McDaniels, stationery, postage, etc.--------------------------- 5.60 5.60 30 Chas. McDaniels, vital statistics--__- 12.25 X12.25 31, Wm. Weatherell, mason work ------ 1.;i0 1.50 83 Chas. M. Benjamin, printing town meeting supplies---------------- 49.10 49.10 33 Chas. M. Benjamin, publishing high- way reports------ _ 10.00 10.00 34 S. D. Cook, agent, hall rent-- -------- 20.00 .20.00 35 A. D. Brown, rent of house for election 10.00 1.0.00 36 Ithaca Children's Home, care of Has- kins children (contract of James U. Douglass, Ex. Overseer) -_ -------- 211.50 21.1_50 37 Chas. McDaniels, supplies, town poor 33.00 33.00 33 A. H. Palmer, bonding commissioner's service bill--------------------- 8.00 8.00 The Supervisors' Proceedings. 273 No. Name Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed 39 J. W. Dean, bonding commissioner's service bill - 8.00 8.00 40 C. M. Holt, vital statistics ---------- 2.50 2.50 41 W. A. Smith, medical services-_____ 51.20 51.25 42 Puff & Dean, rent of room for election 1.0.00 10.00 43 J. D. Payne, cost in criminal action__ 8.50 8.50 44 J. C. Everhart, assessor (service bill) 40.05 40.05 45 R. J. Raub, assessor (service bill)____ 82.90 32.90 46 L. H. Taber, assessor (service bill)__ 42.75 42.751 47 S. N. Godley, supplies_____________ .98 .98 48 S. N. Godley, supplies 9.0.40 40.46 49 A. D. Brown, maintaining water trough -------------- 3.00 3.00 50 John Henry, constable fees 17.95 1.7.95 51 E. A. Curtis,' allowance for wide tire wagon-- ---------------------- 2.00 2.00 52 W. H. Payne, bill for gravel and timber - 41.00 41.00 53 Marvin Grover, constable (service bill) 4.30 4.30 54 J. D. Payne, blacksmith, repairing town tools, eta _________________ 4.25 4.2025 55 Berkeley Simpson, Ex. Supervisor (service bill) 14.00 14.00 56 J. H. Payne, maintaining water trough ------------------------- 8.00 3.00 57 George Kemp, maintaining water trough ------------------------ 3.00 3.00 58 D. M. Anderson, livery bill ---------- 0.00. 6.00 59 J. D. Smith, supplies, town poor____ 15.64 15.64 60 C. B. Boice, allowance for wide tire wagon ------------------------- 1_15 1.15 61 Chas. H. Payne, Commissioner of Highways (service bill) 200.00 200.00 62 S. N. Godley, -for supplies 8.48 5.48 63 R. Horton, counsel fee for town officers 10.00 10.00 64 W. A. Baker, blacksmith, repairing tools 7.00 1.00 271 The Supervisors' Proceedings. No. Name Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed lis J. D. Payne, blacksmith, repairing tools and bridge work----------- 10.23 10.23 66 Andrus & Church, assessor's books-- 4.00 4.00 67 Win. Hetherington, maintaining water trough ------------------------ 3.00 3.00 68 Ena K. Ellison, administrix of estate ' of Geo. H. Ellison, Ex. Conuuis- sioner of Highways (service bill) 102.00 70.00 Op Chas. fanning, gate keeper at town meeting ----------------------- 8.00 3.00 70 S. U. Godley, Highway Conunis- sioner (service bill)------------- 270.00 276.00 71 Thomas McGiven, Highway Commis- sioner (service bill) 244.00 244.00 72 Munsville Plow Co., for sluices ------ - 48.00 48.00 73 J. D. Payne, blacksmith, repair on road machine------------------- 11.46 '11.46 74 Albright Bros, for cement 16.45 1.6.45 75 Thos. McGiven, use of building for storing road machinery 20.00 20.00 76 Anrasn Baker, repairs on tools ------- 1.60 1_60 77 Phos. McGiven, hardware supplies_. 10.10 10.10 78 Grant S. Potter, for lumber --------- 38.28 88.28 70 Driscoll Bros. & Co., for cement and sluice 6-5.78 6.5,75' 80 Munsville Plow Co., for sluices------ 71.00 71.00 81 Henry M. Smith, maintaining water trough ------------------------ 3.00 3.00 82 Brut. I -I.. Payne, maintaining water trough ------------------------ 73.00 :3.00 83 Arthur Decker, maintaining water trough ------------------------ 3.00 :3.00 84 Milton Kresge, maintaining water trough ------------------------ 3.00 :3 00 85 Mrs. C. H. Sebring, maintaining water trough ------------------- :3.00 3.00 86 Isaiali Leonard, maintaining water trough :3.00 8.00. The Super iso, -s' Proceedings. 27.5' No. Name Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed 87 Loren Leonard, maintaining water trough ------------------------ 3.00 3.00 88 J. M. Townsend, M. D., examination in lunacy (Mrs. Virgil)---------- 5.00 5.00 89 A. C. Chase, M. D., examination in lunacy (Mrs. Virgil) ------------ .5.0 5.00 90 Philip Westervelt, allowance on wide tire wagon --------------------- 1.25 1.22 91. Seymour Grover, overseer poor (service bill) -------------------- 45.00 48.00 92 Seymour Grover, expenseaccount---_ 4.31. 4.31 93 Chas. McDaniels, town clerk (service bill)--------------------------- 52.00 82.00 94 John C. Thompson, supervisor (service bill) -- 25.24 25.24 $5 G. W. Peck, clerk of Board of Trust- ees; Newfield Woodlawn Cemetery Association, 1 burial lot for James Horton, purchased by Ex. Over- seer of Poor Wm. Shangle, April 2, 1905_ 4.00 4.00 96 J. DeWitt Payne, Justice (service bill) 35.00 35.00 97 Chas. Brown, Justice (service bill)__ 34.00 34.00 9S A. D. Brown, Justice (service bill)--- 26.00 _ 86.00 99 Geo. W. James, truant officer------- 8.40 8.40 1.00 John C. Thompson, disbursing all town monies and public school. money----------------------=-- .11.5.82 1.15.32 101 J. C. Thompson, supervisor, town note and interest_ --- 250.07 250.07 102 J. C. Thompson, supervisor, town note and interest- --------------- 514.59 - .514.59 103 J. C. Thompson, supervisor, town note and interest -------------------- 476.90 470.90 0 276 The Sufiervisors' Proceedings. No. Name Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed 104 J. C. Thompson, supervisor, town note and interest____________________ 78.12 78.12 $3,873.75 $3,850.70 I J. C. THOMPSON, Supervisor, CHAS. MCDANIELS, Town Clerk, A. D. BROWN, Justice of the Peace, CHAS. H. BROWN, Justice of the Peace, J. DEWITT PAYNE, Justice of the Peace. STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF To➢IP1QNs. I bereby certify that the foregoing is -a true and correct copy of accounts audited by the Town Board, now on file in my office. Nov. 7, 1907. CI -IAS. McDANIELS, Town Clerk. The Supervisors' Proceedings. 277 TOWN OF ULYSSES COUNTY ON TOMPKINS, Town of Ulysses, ss, We, the undersigned, -Town Board of the Town of Ulysses, do hereby certify that the following is an abstract of the names of all persons who have presented to the said Board accounts to be au- dited by said Board as a Board of Audit the amounts claimed, by each of said persons and the amounts finally allowed by us, to wit: No. Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 1. Seneca Spicer, Constable --------- 14.20 S 14_20 2 Geo. A. Hopkins, Supplies-__- ------- 6.44 0.44 3 James. H. Thompson, moving safe and booths ----- ----------- 3.50 8.50 4 James H. Thompson, Inspector and messenger ----------------- 26.04 26.04 5 W. L Sherwood, Casket for Ben- jamin Spicer--------------- 20.00 20.00 6 W. I. Sherwood, Casket and burial Margaret Doty------------- 20.00 20.00 7 Charles Delihant, Inspector------ 20.00 20.00 8 John D. Wixon, Poll Clerk------ 4.00 4.00 0 Francis Breen, Inspector and Poll Clerk --------------------- 16. 00 16.00 10 Herman Mason, Ballot Clerk '07 '07 ----------------------- IG.00 16.00 17 Peter O'Hara, Higbway Commis- sioner, service bill _ 468.00 468.00 12 Philo B. Smith, Inspector and Bal- lot Clerk----------------- 12.00 :12.00 13 V. R. Williams, putting up booths .12.00 12.00 1.4 J. G. Corey, Inspector ---------- 1.6.00 :16.00 1.5 E. R. Stilwell, Assessor-------- 83.'15 88.:15 278 The Supe)visors' Proceedi7cgs No. Name Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed 16 Trumansburg Band, rent of poll- ing place_____ ____________ :30.00 30.00 17 O. G. Noble, Legal services______ 3.00 3.00 1S Fred Van Buskirk, Inspector as- signed to L. J. Wheeler & Cc 5.00 8.00 19 A. Chase, M.D., Health, Officer 35.35 35.85 20 A. Chase, M.D,, Medical Services 2(;.50 20.50 21 Henry Williams, service bill as- signed to A. H. Pierson_____ 14.00 14.00 22 J. AL Townsend, M.D., vital sta- tistics _________________ __ 1.00 1.50 23 R. S. Carberry, Inspector-______ 20.00 20.00 24 A. P. Osborn, Inspector ---------- 26.04 26.04 25 Guy O. I-linman, Poll Clerk----- 5.00 8.00 26 O. 'YI. Newell, Poll Clerk -------- 8.00 8.00 27 Howard Abel, Ballot Clerk______ 5.00 8.00 28 W. L Sherwood, Inspector'06 and '07 --------------- - 2500 28.00 91) O. D. Creque, patting tip booths_ 8.00 500 30 F. E. Selover, Mgr., rent of polling place---------------------- 40.00 40.00 31, John Van Buskirk, Inspector____ 4.00 4.00 32 Thomas Holleran, Inspector_-_ 12.00 12.00 33 Frank Thorpe, Poll Clerk_______ 12.00 12.00 84 John•Voung, Ballot Clerk ------- 8.00 8.00 iii John Chase, Inspector_______,____ 23.72 23.73 36 Floyd Smith, Inspector --------- 16.00 70.00 37 W. If. Van Dine, Poll Clerk_____ 12.00 12.00 38 Floyd Harrison, Inspector_______ 1(;.00 16.00 39 Fred Van Buskirk, Inspector____- 8.00 8.00 40 Matthew Bender Co., 'Pax Book__ .50 .00 41. Rev. W. E. Cook, Vital Statistics .50 .50 42 C. C. Page, Town Clerk, '05----- 4.00 4.00 43 George Chase, Assessor_ 73,15 78.1; 44 James Waring, Poll Clerk_______ 5.00 5.00 45 O. B. Ganoung, Highway Com- missioner _ - 51,00 42.60 The Supervisors' Proceedings. zyq No. • Name Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed 46 H. Van Order, House for Assess- ors ----------------------- 2.00 2.00 47 Charles Frazier, Inspector-_-_-__ 6.40 6.40 48 Everal Church, Ballot Clerk ----- 4.00 4,00 40 Rev. G. L. Pasche, Vital Statistics 2,00 2.00 50 Dr. J. E. Powell, Medical Services 2.50 2.50 Fit O. M. Newell, Overseer of Poor-- 101_85 101.85 52 Dr. J. N. Townsend, Town Doctor 50.00 50.00 53 C. J. Van Aitken, Ballot Clerk___ 12.00 1.2.00 b4 Charles Clapp, Inspector 20.00 20.00 55 George Norton, Photographs---- 4.00 4,00 56 Ithaca Journal, Printing 4.50 4.50 57 Ithaca Publishing Co., Printing-- 3.00 8.00 58 M. V. Dickens,.Inspector-------- 4.00 4.00 5D Henry Will iams,Attendance Officer assignment to Mosher Bros. -- 12.00 :12,00 60 Ithaca Children's Home, Board of Child _ _______ 21.00 '01.00 G1 Samuel Riddle, Putting up Booths three times --------------- 12.00 12.00 (f2 John R. Brown, Overseer of Poor, 43.60 38.75 63 A. I. Stover, Service Bill ---_- -------- 16.51 16.51. 64 A. 1. Stover, Vital Statistics_---- 5.00 :5.00 (i5 NI T. Williamson, Ballot Clerk__ 12.00 12.00 66 Fred A. Beardsley, Service Bill--- 12.00 12.00 67 A. I,. Allen, Printing Highway Commissioners' Report and Assessors' Notices ---------- 1.9.25 10.25 68 A. V. Allen, Election Supplies Spring Rlectiou'07--------- ,108.80 108.80 60 A. F. Allen, Election Supplies, Special 731ection ------------ 28.00 28.00 50 O. G. Noble, Service Bill, assigned to L. G. Wheeler & Co ------ 30.00 30.00 71 L N. Corey, Constable 3.55 3.85 72 Dr. J. E. Lovell, Vital Statistics-- X1.25 1.25 73 N. T. Rolfe, Assessor-------- -- 63.10 63.10 74 F. 13. Aiken, Supervisor .57.00 57.00 zso The Supervisors' Proceedings. No. Name Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed 75 Al. T. Williamson, Justice's Bill-- 14.40 14.90 7(; O. G. Noble, Justice's Bill ------ 25.50 25.50 77 Henry Williams, Attendance Offi- cer ----------------------- 14.00 14.00 78 Henry Williams, Service Bill, as- signed to A. H. Preseu ------ 20.00 20.00 70 Al. T. Williamson-, Expenses-__ O.50 0.50 SO Al. T. Williamson, Service Bill--- 42.00 42.00 81 O. G. Noble, Service Bill-------- 12.55 12.55 82 Charles 'Taylor, Service Bill---- - 81.25 81_25 83 Charles Taylor, Vital Statistics-- 1.5.00 1:5.00 84 Charles Taylor, l"ixpense Bill--_- 20.75 20.75 Sri William Austin, Legal Services Sloane Matter— ------------ 25.00 28.00 86 The Biggs Co., Extras Town Safe 2.05 2.05 87 The Biggs Co., Rent of Polling ' Place _ _ 34.00 M.00 SS The Williamson Law Book Co., Blanks -------------------- 2.50 2.50 I❑ witness whereof, we have hereto set our hands this No- vember 8th, 1907. F. B. AUKEN, Supervisor, Hh,NRY WILLIAMS, O. G. NOBLL, Al. T'. WILLIAMSON, F121;D A. BEARDSLI.,Y, Justice of the Peace, CHAS. C. 'TAYLOR, Town Clerk. The Supervisors' Proceedings. 28f REPORTS REPORT OF THE COUNTY TREASURER To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: As Treasurer of the County of Tompkins I have the honor of submitting the following report of moneys received and disbursed by me front January 1, 1900, to andincludingNovember25, 1907. RECEIPTS 1907.Received from. Jan. 2 C. M. Benjamin, County Treasure ----------- 1.,1991.7.9 W. M. Kent, Dist. Atty., forfeited fine onbail bond --------------- ----- 200.00 29 Academic monies for Newfield and Caroline -- 12.50 Feb.- 22 Academic monies for Caroline, Dryden, Newfield, I)anby and Groton -------------- O7.81 Mar. 30 Academic monies for Caroline, Dryden, Danby, Groton and Ulysses ---------------- 1.11.39 Apl. 1.7 Academic monies for Newfield, Enfield and City of Ithaca---------------------------- 82.66 May 15 Academic monies for Caroline, Danby, Dry- den, Enfield, Groton_ -- 1.5 School monies for Ithaca, Lansing, Newfield, Ulysses, and City of Ithaca 33,795.00 '.1.7 Academic monies for Caroline, Danby. Dry- den, Groton, Lansing ---- 17 Academic monies for Ulysses and City of Ithaca ------------------------------ ---. 347.53 June 26 Academic monies for Dryden, West Groton, and Ulysses------------------------------ 23.00 282 The Supervisors' Proceedings. 1907 Received from. July 24 Ck. St. of N. Y. State aid under money system----------------------------------- 8,1.89.711 24 Academic monies for Ithaca, Lansing, Ulysses and City of Ithaca ---------------- 97.28 24 School monies for Groton ---------------- 148.1.3 Aug. 21 Ck. St, of N. Y. State aid under money system ------------------------------`--- 250.00 Sept. 3 Academic monies for Caroline, Newfield and Ulysses --------------------------- 39.65 23 Percy Lyke, School tax, town of Newfield - .73 30 Academic monies for Dryden and Newfield_ 73.27 Oct. 24 Isaac 'filler, School tax, town of Dryden -- 4.59 Nov. 7 Sheriff Geuung, fines ---------------------- 410.00 12 Good Roads, audits for 1906-------------- 2,125.07 111 Advertising property for tax sale---- ---- 429. 16 1S Advertising parcel 41, City of Ithaca, for redemption sale 6.39 1S Advertising parcel 4, town of Newfield, for redemption sale -------------------------- 6.31. 1S Advertising parcel 6, town of Ulysses, for redemption sale -------------------------- 11,49 1S Advertising parcel 1, City of Ithaca, for redemption- sale -------------------------- 1_21 21 Bailey, Johnson & Saunders for working prisoners -------------------------------- 75.00 2:3 Good Roads, fund overdraft 1906 1.,317.53 $49,853.55 Town of Caroline State tax ------------- 41..S0 County tax_ _ 1,569.09 Supt. of poor ---------------------- 106.60 School commissioner----------------- 24.87 Returned tax, 1905---------------- - I(;,56 The Supervisors' Proceedings. 283 Election printing------------------- 41.25 Cash from collector ------------------- 2,081.57 $ 2,031.57 Returned tax, 1906------------------ 18.60 2,100.17 Taxes paid to County Treasurer ------ 22.09 County owes town ------------------ 4.09 Town of Danby Amount overpaid ---- _T 2.20 State tax------------------------- 40.06 County tax ------------------------- 1,791_40 Supt. of poor ------------------------ 233.00 Election printing___ -------------------- RG.00 School commissioner ---------------- 33.07 Returned tax, 1905 ----- 49.79 2,185.58 Cash from collector-____ 2,00422 2,004.22 Returned tax, 1906------- ---------- 181.36 2,185.55 Taxes paid to County Treasurer___--- 135.32 Town owes to county ---------------- 46.04 $54,097.35 Town of Dryden State tax --------------------------- $ 119.05 Comity tax ------------------------- 5,328.94 Supt. of poor---.-------------------- 387.50 Election printing--__— -------------------- 53.2.5 _ School commissioner ---------------- 70.77 Returned tax, 1905------------------ 44.77 28.f The Supervisors' Proceeding -s. Susquehanna Valley Home ----------- 1.04.28 6,1 33.62 Cash from collector------------------ 5,'.)72.13 5,972.13 Returned tax, 1906-------- --------- 161.49 gias.o_ Taxes paid to County Treasurer ------ 87.34 Expenses advertising Allen & Darling property ------------------- 21.50 65.84 Town owes to Qouuty_ 95.G5 Town of Enfield Amount overpaid ------------------- 9.49 State tax--------------------------- 33,42 County tax ----_------------ 1,494.35 Supt. of poor----------------------- 96.96 School commissioner ---------------- 27.50 Returned tax, 1905-_ ------------------ 61.69 Election printing 25.50 �b t,b3V. V'L Town of Groton State tax ---------------------------5 1,748.91. Cash from collector-_ --------------- 1,683.97 1,683.97 Returned tax, 1906------------------ 64.94 Election printing--_ 1,748.91 Taxes paid to County Treasurer------ 19,78 Town owes to County --------------- 45.21. �b t,b3V. V'L Town of Groton State tax ---------------------------5 59.63 County tax------------------------- 4,007.51. Supt. of Poor, almshouse------------- S6.74 Election printing--_ 52.50 School Commissioner---------------- 53.25 Returned tax, 1905------------------ 15.61 iThe Supervisors' Proceedings. , 285 Syracuse Inst. for Feeble Minded Children ------------------------ 40.00 4, 345.54 Cash from collector______ ___________ 4,316.29 4,816.29 Returned tax, 1.906 ------ ________ _ 29.26 Town of Ithaca State tax --------------------------- $ 4,:{45.54 Taxes paid to County 'Treasurer____-- 30.78 Ithaca Children's Home (not on collect- 700.00 or's warrant)__ ________________ 75.00 - Over -collected on return tax ---------- 1.48 Town owes to County_______________ 73.52 Town of Ithaca State tax --------------------------- $ 43.55 County tax------------------------- 2,170.71 Supt. of Poor_— ----------------------- 700.00 Election priutipg-------------------- 80.00 School Commissioner ---------------- :39.95 Returned tax, 1905__________________ 1G. 98 Syracuse Inst. for Feeble Minded Child- 10.04 173.50 ren---------------------------- 40.00 ,$liS, 5!)3. 11 2,452.79 Cash from collector--- 2,233.57 2,233.57 Returned tax, 1900------------------ 21.9.22 0,452.79 Taxes paid to County 'Treasurer___--_ 183.54 Expense, advertising Ogden and Bost- wick property (doubly assessed)__ 10.04 173.50 Town owes to County--------------- 45.72 ,$liS, 5!)3. 11 286 The Sufiervisors' Proreedings. Town of Lansing State tax--------------------- ------ $ 80.90 County tax------------------------- 3,84329 Supt. of poor_ ----------------------- 405.08 Election printing-------------------- 52.50 School Commissioner 51.11 4,437.93 Cash from collector------------------ 4,365.18 $ 4,2106.18 Return tax, 1906 -------------------- 72.70 4,437.93 Taxes paid to County Treasurer-----_ 72.75 Town of Newfield Amount overpaid $ 23.02 State tax ------------------- 41.90 County tax---------------- 1,873.06 Supt. of poor ------------- 51023 Flection printing-------------------- 45.00 School Commissioner---------------- 34.51 Return tax, 1905-------------------- 75.71 Syracuse ink. for feeble minded children 20.00 2,624.03 Cash from collector--------- ------- 2,430.36 2,430.36 Returned tax, 1906 ------------------ 193.67 2,624 0:3 Taxes paid to County Treasurer-----_ 197.1.0 County owes to town ---------------- 3.4:3 Town of Ulysses State tax___________________________ 73.90 County tax ------------------------- 3,527.97 Supt. of poor, almshouse 302.74 Election printing-------------------- 60.00 The Supervisors' ProceedhTs. 2S7 School Commissioner 64.97 Returned tax, 1905--------------- 52.48 Syracuse inst. for feeble minded children 20.00 4,167.06 Cash from collector 4,167.06 County owes to Town, Allen, tax paid to C. M. Benjamin, Co. Treas. 1.0.50 City of Ithaca State tax --------------------------- $ 442.72 County tax----- ------------------- 19,79G.S2 Bert T. Baker, for making description of 7,000.00 property delinquent tax payers 4710.10 for tax sale----------------- 81.00 County Treasurer, allowance collecting 451.44 return tax ------------------- 1.5.00 Supt. of poo --------------------- 7,000.00 Supt. of poor, almshouse--- 1, 748.85 Election printing------------------- 112.00 Distributing proceedings ------------- 16.00 1,261.70 Received from collector, City of Ithaca, check from C. M. Benjamin, County Treasurer, for bank tax 547.32 f[9 29, 212.39 Cash from collector---------------- - 19,849.87 19,849.87 Treasurer's receipt, Supt. of poor----- 7,000.00 Returned tax, 1906 ------------------ 4710.10 27,319.97 Taxes paid to County Treasurer------ 451.44 Expense advertising property of J. C. Coleman, ,'$'5.10 { . 25.01 4211.43 J. R. Snelling, $1G.82 ----------- . City owes to County for 1907 1,9311.09 County owes to City for 1906 --------- 674,39. . 1,261.70 Received from collector, City of Ithaca, check from C. M. Benjamin, County Treasurer, for bank tax 547.32 f[9 288 The Supervisors' Proceed4ags. Board of Education, City of Ithaca Taxes paid to County Treasurer_----- 414.05 Expense advertising property of H.B. Boll, $10.60 W. H. I Yon, $:3.00 } --------------- 13.60 400.45 Mortgage Tax Received from A. H. Overacker, County Clerk: For January_ ------------------------ 273.70 For February ----------------------- 339.20 For March ------------------------- 294.50 907.40 M'ch 15. For County Treasurer's bond----- ----------------$ 10.00 Apr'1 13. Check, New York State 445.70 458.70 448.70 448.70 For April ---------- ---------------- 415.20 For May--------------------------- 226.20 Fortune --- ---------- 451.30 1,092.70 July 9. Check, New York State------ ,,46.35 :746 :35 546.:35 For July -------------------------- :M0.70 For August_ ---- 239.20 For September _ 258.49 848.39 Oct. S. Check, New York State----- 424.19 424.20 -114.20 For October --------------- 350.15 Due New York State 165.07 165 07 165.08 165.08 DISBURSEMENTS 1907 Paid to Jan. 3 Bert T. Baker, salary, postage, and report to Comptroller ---- $ 8220.00 The Supeivisors' Proceedings. 2S9 Feb. 4 Levi $rvay, collector school " moneys Dist. 1.7, Newfield---_ 5.10 4 D. H. Mulilholland, collector school moneys Dist. 15, Caro- line ----------------------- 7.70 ' 15 Mitchell & Atkinson, part pay- ment printing Proceedings of 1906___-_ ----__---- 500.00 15 BertT. Baker. makingdescrip- tion prop. of delinq. taxpay- ers Citv of Ithaca_--_ ------ 81.00 16 A. Baker, Special Order Board of Supervisors-------------- 20.00 22 Academic moneys, Caroline, Dist. 1--------------------- 2.70 22. Academic moneys, Caroline, Dist. 7--------------------- 4.70 22 Academic moneys, Dryden, Dist. 13------------------- 59.70 22 Academic moneys, Newfield, Dist. 9--------------------- 5.00 22 Academic moneys, Danby, - Dist. 9--------------------- 5.80 22 Academic moneys, Groton, Dist. 15-------------------- 2.70 22 Academic moueys, Groton, Dist. 19-------------------- 1.0.2:; - 22 Academic moneys, Newfield, Dist. 21--- --------------- 6.98 97.8'1. .23 C. M. Benjamin, from City of Ithaca Budget --_----_------ 1.5.00 25 J. P. Merrill, from City of Ith- aca Budget_ --------------- 52.62 25 Hattie K. Buck, Telephone '06 12.00 AI'11.16 H. C. Fairbanks, Supervisor, distributing moneys--------- 0.00 22 p;. O. Godfrey, Special order 53.83 30 Academic moneys, Caroline, Dist.9 ----------------- ---- 5.00 ego The Sufiervisors' Proceedings. 30 Academic moneys, Danby, Dist. 1_____________________ 5.01 30 Academic moneys, Dryden, Dist. 13 --------------------- 89.35 30 Academic moneys, Groton, Dist. 19------------------- .9.0:3 30 Academic moneys, Ulysses, Dist. 16-------------------- 5.00 111.39 APT 2 1st Nat'l Bk., $o,500 note and int. by C. -M. Benjamin, Co. Treasurer----------------- 5,60:3.40 9 W. O. Smiley, Collector, amount budget overpaid----_- 2.20 10 Julius Flauser, State Treas- urer, for state.tax----------- 1,021.98 I9 W. H. Parker, distributing Supervisors' Proceedings----_ :3,00 19 School moneys, Newfield, Dist. 2--------------------- 5 Oo P.l School moneys, linfield, Dist. 9------------------------ 1.0.00 •. 19 School moneys, Enfield, Dist. 25 ----------- 2.00 , 19 School moneys, City of Ith- aca ------------------------ 65.66 S2.66 24 Holmes Hollister, Return of money iu 1lcGrade matter---- ,20.48 May 2 Chas. Beach, distributing cop- ies of proceedings ------------ 4,50 15 School moneys, Town of Car- oline, Geo. R. Peck, Supr--_- 2,900.00 15 School moneys, Town of Dar- by, John Hamblin, Supr----- 2,64x.00 . 15 School moneys, Town of Dry- den, R. F. Chappuis, Sup, ____ 4,600.00 15 School moneys, Town of En- field, F. D. Fish, Sup? ------- 1,950.00 15 School moneys, Town of Gro- ton, S. H. Clapp, Supr------ 3,300.00 z9r 33,795.00 The Supervisors' Proceedings. L5 School moneys, Town of Itha- ca, J. W. Preswick, Supr-___ 1,150.00 15 School moneys, Town of Lan- sing, Orlando White, Supr___ 3,576.00 15 School moneys, Town of New- field, J. C. Thompson, Supr__ 3,54.5.00 15 School moneys, Town of Ulys- ses, F. B. Aiken, Supr------- 2,7:17.00 1 School moneys, City of Ithaca, W. 13, Georgia, Treasurer-___ 7,325.00 1.7 Academic moneys, Town of Caroline, G. A. Smith, Treas. 5.75 _ 17 Academic moneys, Town of Caroline, Chas. Pierce, Treas. 6.75 17 Academic moneys, Town" of Caroline, H. S. Boyer, Treas. 3.75 17 Academic moneys, Town of Caroline, Howard Orton, Treas. 6.45 17 Academic moneys, Town of Caroline, J. C. Bennett, Treas. 5,75 17 Academic moneys, Town of Caroline, B. P. Silsbee, Treas. 5.75 17 Academic moneys, Town of Caroline, Robert Whitman, Treas--------------------- 8.45 17 Academic moneys, Town of Caroline, H. Beardsley, Treas. 1.3.46 17 Academic moneys, Town of Caroline, lad. Stevens, 'Treas. 5.75 17 Academic moneys, Town of Danby, Laverne Morris, Treas. 2.70 1.7 Academic moneys, 'Town of Danby,Raymond Cowles,Treas 5.36 17 Academic moneys, Town of Dryden, J. Sutfin, Treas._--- 8.4S 17 Academic moneys, shown of J)ryden, J. H. Harrington, Treas---------------------- 3.75 z9r 33,795.00 292 The Sufiervisors' Prareedings. 17 Academic moneys, 'Town of Dryden, J. J. Montgomery, Treas---------------------- 39.93 1.7 Academic moneys, Town of Dryden, A. D.'Chatfield,Treas. 5.75 17 Academic moneys, 'Town of Dryden, heVerneDavis,Treas. 5.7o 17 Academic moneys, Town of Dryden, E. S. Pierce, Treas-- S.45 17 Academic moneys, 'Powe of Dryden, Hiram Knapp, Treas. 8.50 17 Academic moneys, Town of Dryden, fyrnest Snyder,'ITreas. 3.75 17 Academic moneys, Town of Dryden, Truman Teeter,Treas. 5.75 17 Academic moneys, Town of Dryden, lid Per I,ee, Trea=--- 3.75 17 Academic moneys, Town of Dryden, hred Crutts, Trea=-- 3 i5 17 Academic moneys, 'Down of Dryden, Chas. Sheldon,' Treas. 5.75 17 Academic moneys, Town of Groton, C. N. Pierce, Treas-- :3.75 17 Academic moneys, Town of I Groton, H. C. Jennings,Treas, 10.w) 17 Academic moneys, Town of Groton, Melvina 'Major, Treas. 3.75 17 Academic moneys, Town of Groton, Bruce Hyde, Treas-_- 8.4.5 1.7 Academic moneys, Town of Groton, Irving Duller, Treas-- 5.75 17 Academic moneys, Town of Groton, \4il;011\Vehster,'Treas. 6.45 17' Academic moneys, Town of Groton, Mrs. Emily Metzgar, Treas--------------------- :3.75 17 Academic moneys, Town of Groton, Frank M.Upson,Treas 3. 7 i 293 347,53 30.00 '33.03 33.00 0.40 4.00 The Supervisors' Proceedings. 17 Academic moneys, Town of Lansing, W.W.Hopkins,Treas 3.75 17 Academic moneys, Town of Lansiug,Geo.Armstroug,Treas 5.75 17 Academic moneys, Town of Lansing, Wm. Ozmun, Treas. 3.45 17 Academic moneys, Town of Lansing, Geo. Hagiu, Treas.__ 3.75 17 Academic moneys, 'Town of Lansing, John Parkins, Treas. 3.75 17 Academic moneys, Town of Dryden, S. G. Slough ter,' Treas. 6.00 17 Academic moneys, City of Ith- aca, W. B. Georgia, Treas.___ 75.74, 17 •Academic moneys, 'Town of Caroline, Silas VanWert,Treas 11.45 17 Academic moneys, Town of Ulysses, L. J. Wheeler, Treas 3.75 17 Academic moneys, Town of , Ulysses, Elbert Willis, Treas 7,50 33 Orlando White, Sup'r, Mort- gage Tax, 1905 and 1906---- ')06____Jou j oil0 Geo. NV. James, Coll., amount budget overpaid ------------ 26 Academic moneys, Town of Dryden, I. Robinson 5.75 36 Academic moneys, Town of Dryden, Milo Snyder 7.75 26 Academic moneys, Town of West Groton, Walter Stiles__ 3.7:5 iii Academic moneys, Town of Ulysses, N. T. Ward -------- 5.75 July $ Jesse. W. Ross, Coll., amount budget overpaid IS A. N. Miller, distributing Proceedings ______ 3d State aid under money system, Town of Caroline, Geo. R. Peck, Sup'r ___ 1140.I fy 293 347,53 30.00 '33.03 33.00 0.40 4.00 29¢ The Supervisors' Proceedings. 24 State aid under money system, Town of Dauby, John Haut- .bliu, Sup'r----------------- 833.w 24 State aid under money system, Town of Dryden, R. F. Chap- puis, Sop'r---- ------------ 1,849.50 24 State aid under money system, Town of Groton, S. H. Clapp, Sup'r---------------------- 1,004.49 24 State aid under money system, Town of Ithaca, J. W. Pres - wick, Sup'r-------- 1,105.49 24 State aid under money system, Town of Lansing, Orlando White, Sup'r --------------- 1,180.46 24 State aid under money system, Town of Newfield, J. C. Thompson, Sup'r----------- 596.11 24 State aid under money system, Town of Ulysses, F. B. Aiken, Sup'r------------------ 979.66 24 School tnoneys,Town of Groton S. H. Clapp, Sup'r 24 Academic moneys, Town of Ithaca, Frank Kirk, Sup'r--- 5.75 24 Academic moneys, 'Town of Ithaca, Harry Van Gorder, Supr' '10.00 24 Academic moneys, 'Town of Lansing, Harry Teeter, Supr. 6.00 24 Academic moneys, 'Town of Ithaca, Dr. John Barden, Supr. 11.25 2.1 Academic moneys, Town of N. Spencer, Wm.Wliite, Supr. 8.45 24 Academic moneys, Town of Ulysses, N. T. Ward, Supr--- 7.67 2- Academic moneys, City of Ith- aca, W. B. Georgia, Treas-__ 48 16 Aug. 3. Edw. J. Curtis, painting court house --------------------- 9.189.71 i 148.13 97.25 224 7.5 The Szepewisors' Proceedings. 7 R. F. Chappuis, Supr., mort- 6.21 gage tax 1906 21 State Aid under money system, 1:3.93 Dauby, John Hamblin, Supr-_ Sept.4 Academic moneys, Caroline, Dist. 21.----_ ------ 4 Academic moneys, Newfield, Dist. 3 4 Academic moneys, Newfield, Dist. 15-------------------- ---------------- 4 4 Academic moneys, Ulysses, Dist. 3 ----------- ----------- 4. Academic moneys, Ulysses, Dist. 4z 28 Fairbanks Co., gas engine and washer at Countv House ----- Oct. 2 Academic moneys, Dryden, Dist. 8--_--__ __---- Academic moneys, Newfield, Dist. I --------------------- 3 R. G. Robinson, stamps---__ 3 Order No. 34, Syracuse Inst. for feeble minded children ---- 3 Order No. 51., Ithaca Journal 3 Order No. 52, J. B. Lyon Co. 3 Order No. 59, Ithaca Journal :3 Order No. 63, Ithaca Journal S Order No. 101, Monroe County Penitentiary ---------------- 3 Order No. 102, St. Ann's School of Industry ---------_ • Order No. 103, West N. Y. Inst. for Deaf Mutes_ 3 1.04, N. L. Sec. protection hild- homeless and dependent child- ren------------------------ ren------------------------ :3 8 Order No. 11.8, George Junior Republic -- 295 46.01 250.00 10.76 6.21 4.75 1:3.93 4.00 39.65 598.00 69.22 4.05 25.00 140.00 407.75 399.49 23 20 50.05 1.,021_1.4 115.7:1 470.83 28.37 137.34 296 The Sig5ervisors' Proceedings. 3 Order No. 170, Susquehauna Valley Home ____ 3 Order No. 177, Susquehanna ' Valley Home --------------- 3 Order No. 1.78, Susquehanna Valley Home_ 3 Order No. 179, Susquehanna 13.52 Valley Home _.._ 3 Order No. 190, Ithaca Child- 10.31 ren's Horne _-___ Nov. 16 Collections for advertising $.25 property for tax sale ------- _- 18 Property bought by Tomp- kins Co. at tax sale, Atwell, tax and description $1..19, adv. $9.70 15 Ella O. Manning, tax and description, 82.86, adv. $10.96 18 C. 13. Peck, tax and descrip- tion, $49.73, adv. $12.26--__- 15 Zella Stephens, tax and des- cription, $".1.19, adv. $9.16--- $9.1ti___1S IS M. M. Seely, tax and descrip- tion, $1.32, adv. $10.46------ --.-_IS IS S. C. Townsend, tax and des- cription, $1.19, adv. 87.06_-_ 20 John C. Thompson, Supt, town of Newfield (Perry Lyke), school tax_ _ __-- 32 K. F. Chappuis, Supt. Town of Dryden (Isaac Miller), school tax __-- County Court By appropriation for 1407 ------------ $ 7,000.00 Order paid 1907--------------------- ;),702.27 5,793.27 1,207 7:3 Deficienev for 1906------------------ 1.192.88 Balance in fund 1907 ----------------- 14.8.5 26.00 26.35 2ti.71 26.29 75.00 429,16 I0.89 13.52 li1.99 10.31 11.78 $.25 117.08 .73 4.89 By appropriation for 1407 ------------ $ 7,000.00 Order paid 1907--------------------- ;),702.27 5,793.27 1,207 7:3 Deficienev for 1906------------------ 1.192.88 Balance in fund 1907 ----------------- 14.8.5 The Snfiervisors' Proceedings. 297 County Audits Order paid ].907 ----------- --------- 19,708.15 Fuel and bights By appropriaton for 1907_ ----------- 1.,200.00 Orders paid 1907------ ------ 1,194.61 1,194,(;1 5.39 Balance due fund 1906-_ ------------- 207.07 Balance in fund 1907 ---------------- 212.96 Indexing Mortgages Balance due fund MG_ ----- 1]6.00 Order paid 1907-------------------- 48.00 48.00 Balance due in fond 1907------------ 68.00 Superintendent of Poor By appropriation for 1.907------------ 1;,000.00 Order paid 1907------- ------------- 5,996 74 5,996.74 :3.26 Balance due fund ,1.906--------------- 5:30.54 Balance in fond 1907----- ---------- 584.10 Soldiers' Burials and Tombstones Feb 22 Saul Martin, town of Danby, burial ----------------- 35.00 mch !1 Adam Price, City of Ithaca, stone-- ------------------- 16.00 Apl 12 Clement B. Northrup, town of Groton, burial ------------ 35.00 Apt 13 Varnum Burton, town of Dryden, burial------------- 85.00 May 17 Perry N. Mites,City of Ithaca, burial ------------------ 35.00 May 21. ' Cynthia M. Hicks, tow" of Groton, burial-------------- 35.00 29S The Seij5ervisors' Proceedings. June S S. A. Sherwood, town of Ulysses, burial------------- :15.00 June 19 Elizabeth Dade, town of Ith- aca, burial ------------------ 3-5.00 June 25 Perry N. Miles, City of Ith- aca, stone ------------------ 1.5.00 July 1.3 John Murphy, town of Lan- sing, burial --------------- 3:5.00 July 17 Jane Ladd, town of Groton, burial.--------------'------ 110 July 20 Merritt Comfort, town of Ulysses, stone -------------- 15.00 July 20 Varnum Burton, town of Dryden, stone -------------- 15.00 Aug. 30 Merritt Al. Stoddard, City of Ithaca, burial ------------ 35.00 Sept. 6 Merritt M. Stoddard, City of Ithaca, stone --------------- 1;5.00 Sept. 13 Chas. W. McMurray, town of Ulysses, burial --__---__-- 3:5,00 Oct. 3 D. Burch Hammond, town of Dryden, burial ------------- 35 00 Oct. IS Anna Miles, City of Ithaca, burial --------------------- 3:5.00 Nov. 4 Chas. W. Shaw, town of Dan- by, burial -------_ ------------------ 35.()0 Nov. 19 Wilson A. Fuller, town of Ulysses, stone ---_-- 15.00 Nov. 19 Stephen A. Sherwood, town of Ulysses, stone ------------ 15.00' Nov. 10 Irving Ferguson, town of Ulysses, stone-------------- 15.00 Total orders paid 1907 --------------- 610.00 By appropriation, 1907 .500 ----- f 045.00 ,51 30.00 Deficiency for 1906----------------- 210.00 Deficiency for 1907 ------------------ 170.00 610.00 The Snfiervisovs Proceedings. 299 Working Prisoners Balance due fund :1906------- ------- 92.77 Received from Bailey, Johnson &, Saun- deTs ----------------------- 75.00 67.77 Orders paid, 1907------------------- 16.00 10.00 Balance in fund 1907. ---------------- 151. 77 Salaries and Office Rents Judge Chas, 1-I. Blood, toNov. 1.5, 1907 2,157.50 Sp'l County Judge, S. E. Banks, to July 1, 1907 -------------------- 25.00 Chaplain at Jail, NL A. Barton, Treas., to July 1, 1907-------------- 26.00 Luther Ennis, janitor Co. Clerk's office, to Nov.1, 1907------------- 145.80 Surrogate's Clerk, D. M. Gillespie, to Nov. 'L, 1.907-------------- 41.6.60 County Court and Surrogate's sten. /,aidee Stone, to Nov. 1, 1907 02u.00' Wm. P. Harrington, Supt. of Poor, to Oct. L, 1907 — ---- ------ ---- 150.00 Janitor Court House and Jail, J. A. Gen - ung, Sheriff, to Jan. 1, 1908 350.00 Dist. Atty., Willard M. Kent, to Oct.:I. 1907 ---------------------- 900.00 Chaplain at Almshouse, Rev. Geo. L. Pasche, Oct. 1,1.907 ------- _- 75.00 14'. A. Todd, Supt. of Poor, to Oct. 1, 1907 ---------------------- :160.00 E. W. Updike, School Commissioner to Oct., 1, 1907-------------- :150.00 W. H. Van Ostrand, keeper at alms- house, to Oct. 9, 1907- ----- 571.14 County Treasurer, R. G. Robinson, to Oct. 1., 1907---------------- 750.00 95.;25.01 300 The Supervisors' Proceedings. Total receipts_.. 103,099.06 Total disbursements_________________ On deposit in First National Bank, Ith- aca, N. Y. ----------------- 7,773.45 1907.Good Roads Construction _ Jan. 2 Note 1. yr. Ith. Svgs. Bk., int at 4% ---------------------- ---------- 12 12 Check State of New York, No. 85,120, Chas. Beach, Supr.-_ 720.04 Feb. 9 Check, Chas. Beach, Supr.__ 7.93 Mch 4 From sale, Tompkins County Highway Imp. Bds., Nos. 1, 2 and3---------------------- 4. `3.5,000 each, Int. 4%, dated Feb. 1,1907----------------- 16,Oo0.00 4 Ith. Sags. Bk., Int. on above bonds front Feb. I, '07, to date 54.99 June 19 Ck. front New York State, No. 3,285, for road No. 454__ :3,0SO 42 27 Sale of Tompkins County Highway Imp. Bds., No. 4 and 5-------------------- 10,000.00 27 Ith_ Svgs. Bk., Lit. on above bonds from Feb. 1, '07, to date 102.22 July 19 Ck. front New York State, No. 5,520, for road No. 454--- 2,68:3.83 19 Check, W. H. Parker __--__ 14:5.50 Oct. 1 Sale of 'Tompkins Co., High- way Imp. Bds. No. 6 and 7-_ 10,000.00 1 Int. oil above bonds from Aug. 1, 1907, to date 00.06 Oct. :1.9 Ck. State of- New York, No. 15624---------------------- 7.979.9$ Nov. 20 Ck. State of New York, No. 19,193----- -------- 1,455.02 20 Sale -of Tompkins Co. High- way Inco. Bds. No. S-------- 5,000.00 The Sufiervisors' Proceedings. ' 301 20 Int. on above bonds from Aug. 1, 1007, to date -------- 61.11 20 , Bailey, Johnson & Saunders on note_ 270.06 u i , uu:t. t 11 ) 1907.Good Roads Construction Paid to Jan. 3 Monarch Road Roller Co., Order No. 1 ------------ $ 5,000.00 9 W. H. Rowerdink, Order _ No. 2 __ 456.80 28 W. J. Troy, Order No. 3 2-55.00 Mch. 1 Cayuga bake Cement Co., Order No, 4 ------------ 726.25 2 L. V. R. R. Co., Order No. 5 8.32 2 Studebaker Bros. Mfg. Co., . Order No. 6------------ 998,70 2 Syracuse Chilled Plow Co., Order No. 7 ------------ 41.25 2 Climax Road Machine Co., Order No. 8 2,150.00 4 Bills payable, note, Ith. Svgs. Bk., int. dated Jan. 3, '07_ 1.1,240.35 4 Ith. Svgs. Bk., int. oil above note to date - 76.22 Apl. 23 M. M. Sweetland ---------- 58.32 23 Nellie L. Kirk, damages---- 250.00 23 Nellie L. Kirk, int- _------- .20 23 David M. -Dean- 51.25 30 John Holmes----------- 5.00 May 1.0 Dixon and Robinson, Order No. 1.5----------------- 30.80 10 Climax Road Machine Co., Order No. 9------------ 500.00 10 Groton Bridge Co., Order No. 10--------------- 273.59 302 The Sufimdisors' Proceedings. 1.4 Mary Lyne --------------- 25 Rachael J. Cook__________ June 6 Atkinson and Mitchell, Order No. 12----- `----- ------ 21 Treman, King & Co., Order No. 19 ----------------- -------------- 22 22 Bert T. Baker, Atty.-----' 25 Engineering Record, Order No. 13------ ----------- 25 Cayuga Lake Cement Co., Order No. 1S___________ 25 Oliver Gas Engine Co., Order No. 20___________ 25 Bailey, Johnson & Saunders, Order No. 28___________ 27 John K. Knettles, Comm_ July 2 Geo. E. Monroe -______-___ 3 Geo. W. Frost ________..___ 20 Bailey, Johnson & Saunders, Order No. 21___________ Aug. 6 Ith. Sags. Bk. Int. $25,0000 Gd. Rd. 'Imp. lads. Feb. 1 -Aug. 1, '07_ 20 Monarch Road Roller Co., Order No, 24 21 Andrus & Church, Order No. 14 ----------- ------- Sept. 25 C. W. Gay, Cashier for Bailey, Johnson & Saun- ders, Order No. 25______ 25 C. W. Gay, Cashier for Bailey, Johnson & Saun- ders, Order No. 2t3______ 30 C. AST. Gay, Cashier for Bailey, Johnson & Saun- ders, Order No. 30 C. W. Gay, Cashier for Bailey, Johnsen, & Saun- ders, Order No. "9______ 1.50 4.50 3.50 5.00 4+3.36 '3.40 200.00 6,:17.20 6.880.42 60.00 6.40 45.00 5,6SR 83 000.00 1,400.00 5.75 2,600.00 1,055.21 386A0 697.25 Tlce Supervisors' Proceedings. . g03 30, C. W. Gay, Cashier for Bailey, Johnson & Saun- ders, Order No. 30------ 30 C. W. Gay, Cashier for Bailey, Johnson & Saun- ders,. Order No. 31.--__-- 30 C. W. Gay, Cashier for Bailey, Johnson & Sattn- ders, Order No. 32-___-_ Oct. 19 C. W. Gay, Cashier for Bailey, Johnson & Saun- ders, Order No. 34--_--- 19 C. W. Gay, Cashier, for Bailey, Johnson & Saun- ders, Order No. 35------ 19 C. W. Gay, Cashier for Bailey, Johnson & Saun- ders, Order No. 36------ 19 C. W. Gay, Cashier for Bailey, Johnson & Saun- ders, Order No. 37------ 19 C. W. Gay, Cashier for Bailey, Johnson & Saun- ders, Order No. 38_-___- 19 C. W. Gay, Cashier for . Bailey, Johnson & Saun- ders, Order No. 39------ 19 C. W. Gay, Cashier for Bailey, Johnson & Saun- ders, Order No. 40------ 19 C. W. Gay, Cashier for Bailey, Johnson & Saun- ders, Order No. 41------ 21 Standard Construction Co., Order No. 33--------__- 21 Standard Construction Co., Order No. 42 Nov. 12 Tompkins Co. Audits for 1906 ------------------- 20 700.00 641.7f) 3,500.00 6,439.07 598.80 320.90 479.98 3,081.27 225.38 629.51 1,556.87 825.99 7,718.20 7,208.17 986.93. 2, 2,1.25.07 go¢ The Suberv(sors' Proceedings. 12 C. J. Rmnsey & Co., Order STATE OF NEW YORK, ( ss COUNTY OF TOMPPINS. J I, Rodney G. Robinson, Treasurer of the County of Tomp- kins, do solemnly swear that the foregoing statements are true, and that the schedules accompanying the same are correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. RODNIY G. ROBINSON. Subscribed and -sworn to before me this 26th day of November. 1907. M. I-1. NORTON, Notary Public. No. 22---------------- 14.29 2.1. C. W. Gay, Cashier for Bailey, Johnson & Saun- ders, Order No. 43------ - 194.00 21 C. W. Gay, Cashier for Standard Construction Company, Order No. 44 2,575.80 21 C. W. Gay, Cashier for Bailey, Johnson & Saun- ders, Order No. 4.5 ------ 1,642.66 4,312.41; 28 'Tompkins County autount Good Roads Fund over- drawn 1906 1,817.53 $ 65,697.84 4'rompkins County Improve- ment Bonds ori hand. Total receipts $ 67,963.06 Total disbursements------- 68,697.54 On deposit in First National Bank, Ithaca, N. Y.-_-- __ $ 2,265.22 STATE OF NEW YORK, ( ss COUNTY OF TOMPPINS. J I, Rodney G. Robinson, Treasurer of the County of Tomp- kins, do solemnly swear that the foregoing statements are true, and that the schedules accompanying the same are correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. RODNIY G. ROBINSON. Subscribed and -sworn to before me this 26th day of November. 1907. M. I-1. NORTON, Notary Public. The Sufieiv�isors' Proceedings. 3uf REPORT OF SUPERINTENDENTS OF POOR To the Honorable Board'of Supervisors of Tompkins County: Your Committee oil Accounts of the Superintendents of the Poor, report that they have examined the accounts of such superintendents, and find the same correct. We wish to compliment the superintendents upon the ex- ceptionally full, concise and systematic report rendered to the Board of Supervisors. F. B. AIKEN, CHAS. H. BEACH, F. D. FISH, JOHN HAMBLIN. We, the undersigned Superintendents of the Poor of Tomp- kins County, respectfully submit the following report and account for the year ending Nov. 15, 1907. The Superintendents of the Poor of Tonip- kins County in account with the Poor Funds of said County: Dr To balance oil hand in County Treasurer's band, Nov. 16, 1907------------- Amount of appropriation, 1907 --_----- Balance oil hand carried over from last year, from proceeds sale of farm_.. - 1906 Error on settlement, surplus --_--- To sales from farm for current year ---_ By amounts paid by orders on the County Treasurer for the following purposes: Groceries and provisions --------------- Labor------------------------------ Fuel -_ -,-- Labor------------------------------ Fuel Medical—Medical attendance and drugs 376.:M 6,000.00 DS.:M 1.70 Cr. 1, 196.59 1,171.3(1 82:3 SO 47-5.51 306 The Supervisors' Proceedings. Meat ------------ ---------- 353. S9 Improvements and repairs------------ 2ri4.S1 Clothing and dry goods_-_ -- 298.68 Boots and shoes--------------------- 133.90 Flour, feed, seeds, etc.--------------- 240.07 Lights ----------------------------- 173.32 City Hospital----------------------- 344.47 Fertilizers and disinfectants 106.96 Freight ------------------------------ 20. 79 Miscellaneous ----------------------- 470.04 Paid from receipts of county farm, 1907 405.17 By balance County Treasurer's hands, 26 1907 --------------------------- 507.66 Balance on hand from proceeds of farm 151.47 $7,035.97, $7,035.07 Of the above amount $1,373.24 was 16 paid for outdoor relief, as also $254.81 2.00 was paid for improvements and repairs 9 on County Almshouse property. .50 1906-1907 To Sales of Products of Farm as Follows: 15 1906 Receipts Disbursements Nov. 15 Balance on hand, Nov. 15, 1906 ------$ 98,30 1907 Jan. 9 Fred Nilson, 74 lbs, of feed .92 Feb. 21 Four -day-old calf---------- 2.00 Mch. 4 Junk--------------------- .15 6 Four -day-old calf 2.00 15 Butter balance for Feb----- .85 26 Baled hay---------------- 84.67 Apr. 13 Butter balance for March_ _ 3.70 16 Four -day-old calf ---------- 2.00 May 9 Calf skin----------------- .50 15 Butter balance for April_ - -- 9. 91 20 Four -day-old calf---------- 2.00 24 4:i;i bushels potatoes ------- 33.48 June 3 17-r11, bushels potatoes------ 10.45 The Supervisors' Proceedings. 307 $ 561.34 1906 By Disbursements From Sales as Follows Receipts Disbursements NTov. 1.S Express charges on baby's clothes to Randolph, N. Y. $ $ .70 19 Sausage ------------------ 1.50 26 Sausage ------------------ .84 Dec. 4 Postage -_ ------------------- .14 4 G pounds steak--_ .92 1.0 N. Y. & Pa. Telephone Co. 1.00 10 Century Telephone Co.---- 2.40 1.0 Postage------------------ 1..00 10 Postage ------------------- 1..00 1907 Jan. 10 Postage _ .97 12 Glasses, inmates--- — 1.20 12 booking glass-------------- .20 17 Postal cards --------------- .12 4 Beans sold to J. C. Stowell Company 36.31 15 Butter balance for May----- 6.15 July 15 Butter balance for June- -_-- 17.91. Aug. 15 Two pigs ----------------- ;i.00 7 Three pigs______ 7.60 10 Two pigs------------- --- 5.00 10 One cow ----------------- 33.69 15 Butter balance for July____ _ 15.2.5 20 One bushel wheat--------- 1..00 21 One pig--------- ----- 2.50 26 Hay --------------------- 11.75 Sept. 9 One cow ------------------ 40.00 Oct. 15 Butter balance for Sept ----- 1.1.72 15 Seed wheat, one dollar a bushel ---------------- 1.14.95 Error in settlement in favor County, 1906, surplus_- 1.70 $ 561.34 1906 By Disbursements From Sales as Follows Receipts Disbursements NTov. 1.S Express charges on baby's clothes to Randolph, N. Y. $ $ .70 19 Sausage ------------------ 1.50 26 Sausage ------------------ .84 Dec. 4 Postage -_ ------------------- .14 4 G pounds steak--_ .92 1.0 N. Y. & Pa. Telephone Co. 1.00 10 Century Telephone Co.---- 2.40 1.0 Postage------------------ 1..00 10 Postage ------------------- 1..00 1907 Jan. 10 Postage _ .97 12 Glasses, inmates--- — 1.20 12 booking glass-------------- .20 17 Postal cards --------------- .12 30S Fel; MCI] Apr The SveJiervisors' Proceedings. 21 . Paid for cookies ------------ .63 2S Shoes, tap and nails -------- 1.25 30 Blacksmith expense 31. Telephone tolls_____________ .65 5 Postage------------------- 1.17 6 Alice Bower, service -------- 24.00 6 Mending inmates' shoes_____ .20 li Lodging _ ,'10 S Groceries --------------- - .:34 6 Postage -----__— ------------------- .67 D Clarence King, packing ice_- R.75 9 Charles Quick, packing ice__. :3.75 15 Repairing clock ------------ .75 111 Oil cloth, office table -------- ,20 20 Paid expenses, team of goods .:3.5 21. Doctoring pig______________ 1_00 :,., _.� Grocenes__________________ .43 23 Telephone toll -------------- .70 23 Ithaca phone toll ----------- 1.50 26 blending inmates' shoes ----- .30 1 Groceries__________________ .56 2 257 pounds cabbage 2.57 li Postage___________________ .67 ,' Fish ______________________ SO IS Groceries _ . 72 23 Postage ------------------ .99 26 Doctoring cow and expense horse shoeing____..___-_____ 1 2.5 28 Groceries__ ------------------- .50 S Justice fees in lunacy case_-_ ,25 6 Postage ------------------ .00 10 Groceries__________ ,50 10 Overcoat, inmate ----------- 7.00 15 Freight -------------------- .25 15 Expense inmate to Ithaca-_-_ ,35 16 Groceries__________________ .60 16 Coat, innffite _ .75 20 Maple syrup--------------- 9.40 23 Telephone for March (tolls)_ 1.65 The Sul5ervisors' Proeeedings. 309 27 Soldering kettles - .20 30 Groceries ------------------ .60 May 8 Postage .07 3 Fish _ .76 7 Groceries ----------------- .:30 S Ithaca telephone (tolls)---__ .80 S N. V. & Pa. telephone (tolls) .55 D Butchering veal calves------ .26 10 Litteorige Bros. saw dust--- 1.150 13 WhifRetree---------------- 1.00 13 Bananas ---------------- .26 • 15 Seed potatoes-------------- 1.60 15 One sack Ajax feed ---_ - ---- 2.113 15 Groceries ----------------- .75 16 Express on goods ---------- T. 18 Fish--------------------- 1.30 20 Doctoring cow l.00 22 Supplies .50 26 Fish---------------------- .40 25 Groceries ----------------- 1.'26 25 Repairing lamp ..:i5 25 Digging ditch for laundry___ 1.60 25 Help washing windows at plant 1.50 29 Paid Mrs. Wilson help in house when installing gaso- line plant 1.00 :3f Ira•13owen paid bal, on meat- 6.00 :31 Paid Fred Beardsley, lunacy case ---------------------- 2 1 81 Paid W. I-1. Van Ostrand, 3 dairy cows 12000 81 Brought butter from home to County House 80.42 31. Brought canned fruit to County I -louse------------- 20.00 31 Brought meat, pork and hams - 30.:3:3 July I Groceries------------------ 1.60 4 Groceries ----------------- .50 310 The Seepervisors' Proceedings 3 Harness rings and wagon cipps 20 4 Twine, cornfield___________ .25 5 Postage -------------- ---- .97 G Blacksmithing .25 11 Groceries ----------------- .70 15 Fish---------------------- 1..1.:3 15 Feed --------------------- (; 43 15 Provisions, mackerel, etc.___ 1.15 1S Pineapples and oranges _--_ 1.30 19 Mrs. Wilson, work --------- - .75 20 Groceries 1.53 2L Bananas __________________ .98 22 Supplies __________________ 40 ' 27 Pineapples and groceries--__ 2.97 27 Shirt buttons______________ .10 Ia Ajax feed ----------------- 6.45 1.6 Groceries _________________ .30 13 Two suits underwear____--_ 1.00 23 Groceries _________________ .50 29 Bananas ---------- ------- .SO 29 Fish--------------------- .50 29 1,000 cabbage plants ------- 2.00 Aug. 1 Oil --------------------- .10 1 Oranges ------------------ .25 5 Stamps ------------------ .91 7 Mrs. Wilson, 16 qt. cherries 1_60 7 Groceries _________________ .40 10 Paid Harold Young, digging ditch --------------------- 1.00 15 Ajax feed_________________ 8.80 11) Paid cartage_______________ .40 21 Groceries _________________ .65 21 Harness hook-------------- .25 21 Fence posts__ --------------- 2.50 30 Putty -------------------- .10 :30 Mending inmates' shoes ----- 55 Sept. 5 Postage___________________ 97 7 Wicking------------------ .10 The Supervisors' Proceedings 7 Paid Mrs. Wilson, work ---- It Paid Mrs. Wilson, work ---- 14 Oysters -------------------- ------------------ 14 14 Peaches ------------------- 26 Bananas Oct. 2 Postage ------------------ 12 Sundries for office and desk, Alms House, books, etc., -- 1.3 Opium ------------------- 1.6 Class hinges and belt strings 30 Cutting corn -------------- Nov. 5 Clothes, Maranda Jones, in- sane, to State Hospital ----- 5 Soap, arnica, etc. -_-------- 7 1 box ladies' stockings, in- mates --- J Postage ------------------- 9 Toilet paper 12 Grain bags and crates ------- 14 CO yards factory ------------ 14 Rubber stamp and stationery Cash on hand from farm pro- ceeds -------------------- Error in settlement in favor County, 1006 Cost Support of Poor The total expense of supporting the - Poor of the County for the year end- ing Nov. 15, 1007, was ---------- Cost of supporting County Poor out- side Alms House ----------------5 1,373.24 Cost of improvements---------------- 254.81. Leaving cost maintenance of Poor of the County Alms House The cost is chargeable to the County, city, and different towns in the 311 .00 .75 .20 .40 1.00 .50 5.60 .50 .64 !1.60 3.50 1.20 1.50 !17 .84 13.Sb 5.40_ 1.75 151.47 1.70 $ .561.34 i S 6,370.85 1,628.05 4,748.80 312 The Supervisors' Proceedings. County, on the basis of the number of days they have imnates main- tained at the Alms House as follows: Names County Days Isaac Chapman--------------------------------------- 365 Lena .Collins ----------------------------------------- .^,ti5 Clarence Mackey------------------------------------- 365 William Twine------------------------------------- 365 Fred Cook------------------------------------------- 365 Harriet Cummings ___________________________________ 350 William Martin-------------------------------------- 3 John Done---------- ------------------ 2 William Sanders ------------- ----------- ------------ 3 Samuel Roberts -------------------------------------- 60 . William Nugent ---------- --------------------------- 3 Thomas Crane____ _____ ---------- - ') William Dace}'-------------------------------------- 2 John Doe 2 James Thompson ----------------- 2 George McKinzie ----------------- I ------------------- 2 Charles Murray-------------------------------------- 2 David Dewey ---------------------------------------- 411 Anna George----------------------------------------- 2 David McManus------------------------------------ 2 William Jones --------------------------------------- 2 Charles H. Brashere----------------------------------- I JohnDoe ------------------------------------------- a Ernest Seaman -------------------------------------- 40 Catherine Seaman ----------------- 60 Maranda Jones ----------------- 27 Total Count}- _2,44:3 1906-1907 City of Ithaca Names Days Horace Whitehead____________________________________ 365 John Bishop --------------------- ------------------ 366 Carrie Labar- _________________ 365 The Supervisors' Proceedings. 3 1 Wut. Gifford -------------- ---------------- 3(i5 Alexander Marian______________ ------------------------------------ 8G5 William Williams --------------------------- 730 Richard Highland ------------------------------------ 365 Calvin Wood--------------------------- 1v5 Joe Reed -------------------------------------------- 225 Samantha Barber ------------------------------------- 365 Bradley Mead ------------- -- ------------- 365 Mansel Garrett_ ____________________ 13:3 Lyman McFall---- ------- ---- --- ---- ------- :365 Frank Schornmaker---------------------------------- 121 Eliza -Quinn ------------------------------------ 128 Wm. Maghei ------------------------------------------ 77.0 JohnReed ---------------------- -------------------- 72 Robert Preston------------------------------------- 66 Daniel B. Atwood--------.--------------------------- 38 Francis Brodie ------------------------------- -------- 1.7 Arthur Gibbs ---------------------------- 5 Dai,id McGee---------------------------------------- 93 Geo. Wilcox - ---------------------------- 36 Nelson Gabler ----------------------------------- 47 Charles K. Wood -------------------------------------- 39 Total Cit' ---------- ---------------------------4,659 Ithaca Town Names Days Hiram Freer---------------------------------------- 3(;5 Samuel Burlew------------------------------------- 144 Total—Ithaca_`_______ 9 ------------------- X0.1 Lansing Names Days Cyrus Norwood-------------------------------------- 36:i Barney Moore ------------------------ 195 Marque Smith--------------------------------------- 1.57 Charles Phillips --------------------------------------- 365 Sarah Rouse -------- ------------------- 133 Total—Lansing --------------------------- 1,245 31V The Supervisors' Proceedings. Dryden Names Days Silas Tucker ----------------------------------------- 365 Isabel Oakley---------------------------------------- 365 Charles Oakley ------- --------------------- 365 Alonzo Ralph--------------------------------------- 325 Lyman Smith--------------------------------------- 365 Total—Dryden------------------------- 1,755 Groton Names Days Evelyne Northrup------------------------------------ 124 Lorenzo Jones---------------------------------------- 70 Total—Groton---------------------------194 Danby Names Days Elnora Crance ----------------------------------- ----- 365 Benjamin Shaw --------------------------------------- 305 Total—Danby------------------------------730 Newfield Names .. Days Helen Edgcomb-------------------------------------- 365 David Brill --------------------------- 243 Calvin hPartin---------------------------- 365 Mary Virgil --------------------------- 145 Alfred Conkling-------------------------------------- 36ci Anna E. Williams------------------------ 153 Wm. Pratt----- --------------------------- 14 Total—Enfield--------------------------- 1,65;i Caroline Name Days Albertine Braily-------------------------------------- 365 Total—Caroline--------------------------365 The Szoeroisors' Proceedings. 315 Enfield Names Days Cornelius Sullivan------------------------------------ 206 Royal Lovelass___________ 87 Charles Buckley____________________________ 30 Total—Lafield--------------------------- 323 Ulysses Names Days James Tarpy ------------------------- 365 Ellsworth Darling--------------------- - :365 Mary Church ------------------------- 116 Ann Martin ---------------------------------- 31 Alva Wartman --------------------------------------- 29 Total—Ulysses--------------------------- 906 Summary of Days' Maintenance 1906-1907 Days Cost County ------ ---- ----- ----- ----- 2,443 6 783.06 Ithaca City------------------------- 4, 659 1,493.27 Caroline ____________________ 365 116.99 Danby -------------_ --- 730 23:3.98 Dryden ---------------------------- 1,785 572.12 Enfield --- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 323 103.53 Groton- ------------------- 194 62.1.8 Ithaca ----------------------------- 509 163.14 Lansing ------------_ ---- 1,245 :399.03 Newfield --------------------------- 1.,655 530.45 Ulysses ----------------- --- ------ 906 290.39 Total ------------------ 14,814 4,748.14 The total cost of supporting Town and County Poor at Alms House, $4,748.80. The expenses per diem being .32051 cents. The following is a report of crops raised during the year: 3/6 The Srcpervisors' Proceedings Acres Bushels On Hand On Hand 1906 Wheat 7. 230 76 90 bu. Oats 15 600 400 W. R. Sutfin, outdoor Barley S 200 80 Potatoes 3 500 400 S.00 Corn S estimated 320 ear bu. 320 9 Apples 50 40 Cabbage 400 heads 300 relief ________________ Hay 30 estimated 50 tons 45 . Corn stalks from eight acres. J. C. Stowell Co., indoor There is on farm belonging to County, stock and implements as follows: relief _______________ 17.R0 I team horses and harness 1 lumber wagon, box and hay rigging 2 pair bob sleighs I land roller 1 drill for grain I spring tooth harrow 'I garden drill and cultivator . :35 potato crates I. -horse cultivator 7 cows 100 fowls .13 shoats `_? breeding sows, 7 fat hog, 6 small pigs. 1906-1907 Groceries and Provisions 191. Dec. 5 W. R. Sutfin, outdoor relief _ _______ S S.00 193 Jan. 9 W. F. Sutfin, outdoor relief ________________ 5.00 217 Feb. f. J. C. Stowell Co., indoor relief _______________ 17.R0 224 G J. C. Stowell Co., indoor groceries 23.18 23:3 G J. C. Stowell Co., indoor groceries_____________ S9.63 3 17 The Snf5ervisors' Proceedings. 234 G D. B. Stewart & Co., in- door----- ----------- 11..30 236 - f. E. S. Johnson, indoor__ 180.25. 241 f Albright Bros., outdoor relief, Tripp family---- 6,00 234 6 H. E. Metter, outdoor provision _ 3.60 24ci G Fred Atwater, groceries 1.1_25 246 6 D. B. Stewart & Co., outdoor___ 242,00 262 Mch. G C. M. Metter, 6.00 265 11 Chas. McDaniel, supplies '11.09 270 . M. W. Quick & Co., pro - Visions -------------- 2.99 271 G W. E. Sutfin, groceries__ S.00 272 6 D. B. Stewart & Co. -_- 1.25 275 1i W. & 1. McKeel, butter 13.32 281. r . 1. D. B. Stewart & Co. groceries------------- .5-1.68 284 G W. E. Sutfin, groceries, outdoor-------------- 10.00 298 Apr. D. B. Stewart & Co., groceries------------- 26.26 :ill May I J. C. Stowell & Co., groceries ------------- 35.66 :31:3 1 J. C. Stowell & Co., groceries ------------- 9.65 616 1 M. W. Quick, groceries 2.86 322 1 Geo. W. Peck, outdoor groceries------------- 5.14 324 1 W. E. Sutfin, outdoor groceries------------- 8.00 :327 1. Charles McDaniels, out- door groceries 5.51 328 I Charles McDaniels, out- door groceries -------- 6.04 829 1 C. E. Stevens, Quick family, groceries_-_--- 22.04 3 17 318 The Supervisors' Proceedings. 330 1 W. E. Sutfin, outdoor groceries _ - 5.00 337 June 5. C. F. Metler, outdoor groceries------------- 7.50 341 5 W. R. Sutfin, outdoor groceries------------- 10.00 342 5 Geo. Bally, fish, indoor_ 2.54 344 - 5 D. B. Stewart & Co., groceries ------------- S.bS 346 5 J. C. Stowell & Co., groceries 1.95 351 5 J. C. Stowell & Co., groceries ------------- 14.21 US July 3 J. C. Stowell & Co., groceries------------- 9.35 369 3 D. 13. Stewart & Co., groceries ------------- 25.01. 370 3 J. C. Stowell & Co., groceries------------- 19.10 372 3 A. S. Emmons, outdoor groceries------------- 7.50 3S3 Aug. 7 A. S. Emmons, indoor groceries ------------- 6.00 384 7 J. C. Stowell & Co., groceries ------------- '•388 7 D. B. Stewart & Co., indoor groceries---___- 14.34 390 7 J. C. Stowell & Co., groceries------------- .70 393 7 J. C. Stowell & Co., groceries------------- 20.95 394 7 W. E. Sutfin, relief, Bronson ------------- 8.00 407 Sept. 5 J. C. Stowell & Co., groceries ------------- 10.66 409 5 W. E. Sutfin, groceries, - outdoor relief --------- 10.00 410 5 D. B. Stewart & Co., groceries------------ 5.59 The Supervisors' Proceedings. 3r9 413 5 J. C. Stowell & Co., groceries -------------- 8.45 420 Oct. 2 W. E. Sutfin, groceries, ' relief, Bronson -------- 8.00 422 2 D. B. Stewart & Co., groceries_____________ 17.08 425 2 A. S. Emmons, groceries, outdoor__-_ 13.50 434 2 J. C. Stowell & Co., groceries_____________ 2.98 447 Nov. 6 A. S. Emmons, groceries, outdoor -------------- 18.60 4.55 6 W. E. Sutfin ac. poor, outdoor____ 8.00 466 6 Roorpaugh & Son, out- door ----------------- 2.00 468 6 J. C. Stowell & Co., outdoor______________ 70.40 476 6 Doris King, groceries, outdoor______________ 14.38 477 6 W. E. Sutfin, groceries, outdoor______________ 10.00 $1,196.59 LABOR 1.906-1907 1.87 Dec. 5 Wm. Brown, labor ------ , 22.50 188 5 Mrs. J. I-1. Coy, salary_ 30.00 189 5 Fred Wilson, labor ----- 25.00 1.90 5 Matthew Carr, hospital labor---------------- 7.00 198 Jan. 9 A. E. Chipman, overseer poor, services, city____ 52.00 204 9 Mrs. J. H. Coy, salary ; _. 31..00 205 9 F. J. Wilson, labor farm_ 25.00 206 9 Mathew Carr, hospital service -------------- 7.00 207 9 Wm. Brown, labor farm_ 22.50 212 Feb. 6 Mathew Carr,. labor hos- pital ----------------- 7.00 21 azo The Supervisors' Proceedings. 213 6 Mrs. J. H. Coy, salary __ 31.00 249 6 F. J. Wilson, labor______ . 25.00 250 6 Wm. Brown, labor______ 22.50 261 6 Allica Bower, special work 56.00 273 Mch. 6 Mathew Carr, hospital care ________________ 7.00 276 6 Mrs. J. H. Coy, salary __ 28.00 277 6 Charles Quick, labor ____ 8.61 278 6 F. J. Wilson, labor _____ 25.00 283 6 W. H. Van Ostrand, paid balance Wm. Brown__ 7.50 287 Apr. 3 Mrs. J. H. Coy, salary __ 31.00 288 3 Mathew Carr, hospital care taker 7.00 289 3 Mrs. Sarah J. Boyce, ser- vice ----------------- 25.00 290 3 Win. Da Ball, salary ____ 5.35 291 3 F. J. Wilson, labor ----- 25.00 295 3 Arthur Colegrove, for Charles Quick _______ 9.00 :309 May 1 Mrs. J. H. Coy, salary __ 30.00 318 .1 F. J. JVilson, labor______ 25.00 319 1 Mathew Carr, hospital service ______________ 7.00 320 1 Wm. Da Ball, labor----- 22.00 :353 June 5 Mrs. J. H. Coy, salary-_ 31..00 354 5 Mathew Carr, salary hos- pital service --------- 7,00 355 5 Wm. Da Ball, labor ----- 21.00 356 5 Fred Wilson, labor ------ 25.00 357 5 H. B.Voung, labor______ 5.50 373 July 3 Arthur Smith, labor_____ 8.00 :374 Canceled, not used. 375 :3 Mrs. Sarah J. Boice, sal- ary __--------------- 2.5.00 376 3 Mathew Carr, hospital service ______________ 7.00 377 3 Wm. Da Ball, labor_____ 22.00 378 3 Fred Wilson, labor______ 8.00 1906-1907 FULL. 196 Jan. 9 The Sufiervisors' Proceedings. 32r 396 Aug. 7 Mrs. J. H. Coy, salary 9.39 225 6 two months _ 47.00 397 7 Mathew Carr, hospital 5.63 243 6 service 7.00 398 7 Fred Wilson, labor— ---- 26.00 399 Mar. 7 Wm. Da Ball, labor ----- 22.00 403 Sept. 4 Wm. Da Ball, labor----- 22.00 41.5 May 1.1. Mathew Carr, hospital service -------------- 7.00 416 11. Mrs. J. H. Coy, salary -_ 31.00 417 11 Fred Wilson, labor ----- 25.00 41.8 11 Fred Wilson, labor on error ---------------- 6.00 4:36 Oct. 2 Mrs. J. H. Coy, salary - 30.00 437 2 Fred J. Wilson, labor_-- 25.00 438 2 Wm. Da Ball, labor ----- 17.00 43:1 2 Mathew Carr, care hos- pital _ 7.00 440 2 Mrs. W. J. Catlin, paid from salary Wm. Da Ball 5.00 441 2 Mrs. Sarah J. Boice, sal- ary --------- 25.00 471 Nov. f. Fred Wilson, labor ------ 25.00 472 6 Mathew Carr, labor ---_ ' 7.00 473 6 Win. Da Ball, labor ----- Z2.00 474 6 Mrs. J. H. Coy, salary - 31,00 1,1.71.36 1906-1907 FULL. 196 Jan. 9 W. T. & B. I. Vann, coal 59.34 210 6 Baker & Smith, coal-___ 9.39 225 6 Dixon & Robinson, coal- 26.47 239 G George C. Bogart, outdoor 5.63 243 6 W. T. & B. I. Vann, in- door --------- --------- 18:3.84 266 Mar. 6 George Bogart, fuel ----- 6.75 286 6 W. T. & B. I. Vann, coal 114,46 323 May 1 George Bogart, fuel out door 2.25 322 The Sufier�isors' Proceedings. 333 June 5 W. T. & B. I. Vann, fuel 2236 343 5 Dixon & Robinson, fuel indoor--------------- 29.42 . 358 27 W. T. & B. I. Vann, fuel 155.40 362 July 3 W. T. & 13. I. Vann, fuel 8.75 366 3 F. B. Aiken,fuel-----_- 5.S3 371 3 F. B. Aiken, fuel, indoor- 6.54 382 22 \V. T. & B. I. Vann, fuel,' indoor--------------- 81.131 385 Aug. 7 F. B. Aiken ------------ 6.22 402 30 W. T. & B. I. Vann, fuel 90.59 454 6 Chas. Beach, fuel------- 9.2:5 $ 828.80 1906-1.907 Medical—Medical Attendance and Drugs. 197 Jan. 9 A. Chase, M.D., medical attendance $ 57.60 228 Feb. 6 J. M. Townson, M.D., services, 1906 --------- 21.00 240 6 C. F. Denman, M.D., services--------------- 9.00 257 G Horton & Holton, drugs 17.50 264 Mar, 6 C. F. Dentnaii, medical--- 7.00 299 Apr. 3 Arthur B. Bronk, drugs-- 4.•5.5 :307 3 A. Chase, salary, medical 67.50 313 May 1. J. W. Brown, M.D., salary 50.00 314 1 White & Burdick, medical 2.25 336 June 5 White & Burdick, medical _ 3.85 338 5 C. F. Denman, M.D., out- door services, Whit-tuarsh 18. 00 347 5 R. C. Warren, M.D., medical services, outdoor 16.00 :352 5 Judson B. Todd, medical 41.10 :379 July 3 H. L. Haskin, medical_--- 1.00 380 3 A. Chase, M.D., salary--- 57.50 421 Oct. 2 White & Burdick, drugs-- 3.70 4:35 2 J. B. Todd, drugs -------- 20.36 442 2 Dr. A. Chase, salary ----- 07.50 467 Nov. 6 Dr. Nash, outdoor relief-- 17.00 470 5 J. B. Todd, drugs 14.20 $ 475.51 1906-1907 Improvements and Repairs 183 Dec. 5 E. A. Snow, improvments alms house $ The Subervisors' Proceedings. 323 1906-1907 9 Lafayette Crum, labor by Meat 199 Jan. 9 F. J. Brown ____________$ 2029 229 Feb. G Ira S. Bower 61_39 281 G F. J. Brown_ 20.43 232 6 C. J. Rucisey, hardware_ 6 Lawrence McCarthy ____ 57.00 238 G C. J. Wolverton & Son__ 4322 248 300 G F. J. Wilson ___________ 26.52 253 June 6 J. G. Mortman, indoor__ 6.27 258 ber, etc -------------- 6 W. H. Stevens 20.51 260 G Joe Knight 18.35 285 Mch. 6 W. II-. Stephens, meat___ 9.75 297 Xpl. 3 Floyd Brown 12.42 302 7 The Biggs Co., hardware 3 Floyd Brown----------- 8.88 — 382 May 3 F. J. Brown, meat_ *____ 5.62 475 Nov. 6 F. J. Brown, creat_______ 44.24 8 353.89 1906-1907 Improvements and Repairs 183 Dec. 5 E. A. Snow, improvments alms house $ 1008 208 Jan. 9 Lafayette Crum, labor by request Co. committee _ 10.75 222 Feb, 6 1). D. Bower, repairs ____ 15.10 2,17 0 J. L. Marshall, repairs___ 2.20 234 G Stover Hardware Co., ___ 3.75 274 Mch. 6 C. J. Rucisey, hardware_ 19.29 294 Apr. 3 Empire State House Fur- nishing Co., supplies__ 4.33 300 3 Gebling & Co., furnace__ 13.75 343 June 5 Dixon & Robinson, lum- ber, etc -------------- 5.47 367 July 3 W. T. & B. I. Vann, re- pairs __ 1.00 387 Aug. 7 Treman, King & Co., hardware ____________ 3.75 389 7 The Biggs Co., hardware 1.:3.66 391 7 J. L. 'Marshall, bolts and r 32,1 Jan. The Supervisors' Proceedings. Ben Mintz, clothing------ 401_ 10 Marcus Barker, shingling 9 Todd, Blackmer & Co., barn, etc., by request clothing-------------- building com----_---_- 62.00 408 Sept. 5 Biggs Co., wire screen, 20.70 221 conductor, twines, etc.- 24.74 423 Oct. 2 S. R. Riddle, repairs---- 2.00 428 2 C. J. Ranney & Co., sup- 6 J. T. Howe, indoor, dry plies-- -------------- 25.69 448 Nov. 6 Stover Hardware Co., 7.10 282 Mch. wire fence ------------ 19.75 452 6 J. L. Marshall, repair 3 Mosher Bros., -clothing--_ 7.13 drill 10.00 $ 254.81 1906-1907 Clothing and Dry Goods 200 Jan. 9 Ben Mintz, clothing------ $ 43.45 201 9 Todd, Blackmer & Co., clothing-------------- 10.32 209 Feb. 6 Bell Mintz, clothing----- 20.70 221 6 Rothschild Bros, dry goods 22.96 2:35 6 Mosher Bros., outdoor---- 40.60 2:52 6 J. T. Howe, indoor, dry goods ---------------- 7.10 282 Mch. G Rothschild Bros, dry goods :3.60 296 Apr. 3 Mosher Bros., -clothing--_ 7.13 305 3 'Ben Mintz, clothing___--- 23:751 345 June 5 Mosher Bros, clothing, in- door ----------------- 3.75 395 Aug. 7 Todd, Blackmer & Co., dry goods----------- 1.1.39 411 Sept. :5 Ben Mintz, clothing-----_ 26.40 412 5 'Dodd, Blackmer & Co., dry goods------------- 9.27 426 Oct. 2 Mosher Bros., dry goods, etc. _ 38.06 433 2 Ben Mintz, clothing------ 8.90 458 Nov. 6 Ben Mintz_ --- 4.50 464 G Todd, Blackmer & Co., comfortables----------- 16.80 $298:6S The Supervisors' Proceedings. 325 1906-1907 Boots & Shoes 18:5 Dec. 5 Voorhis & Duff, outdoor 202 Jai. 9 Voorhis & Duff, indoor 215 Feb. G Dell Barnes, shoes ----_--- 2:30 Apl. G A. F. Mosher, shoes ----- 279 Mar. G C. M. Stanley, shoes ----- 317 May 1. A. F. Mosher, shoes ---_-_ 349 June 5 Lester Shoe Co., outdoor 386 Aug. 7 C. M. Stanley, shoes, in- door ----------------- 392 7 Dow S. Barnes, shoes, in- door ----------------- ---_ _ ---- 424 424 Oct. 2 A: F. Mosher ----------- 431. 2 Dow S. Barnes, shoes ---- 457 Nov. 6 C. Nl. Stanley, shoes -_---. 1907 Flour, Feed, Seeds, Etc 226 Feb. G C. L. Clock, feed --__---- 2:56 - 1. Biggs & Co., flour and 6 Standard Oil Co., kerosene 315 miscellaneous goods ---- 269 Mch. C, Van Ostrand, shoemaker - 293 Apl. 3 J. C. Stowell Co., grass Nov. G D. W. Burdick, carbide-- seed------------------- 400 Aug. 7 General Flour & Feed Co. 443 Oct. 2 General flour & Feed Co. 449 Nov. 6 Halseyville Flour Mill ---- 1906-1907 Lights 218 Feb. 6 Union Carbide Company, $ 6.75 8.00 11.50 1.50 31.25 2.00 7.50 24.50 11.65 10.50 4.75 14.00 $133.90 12.00 48.22 2.45 1829 63.49 14.53, 51_09 $ 240.07 70.00 5.72 6.24 6.36 70.00 20.00 $ 175.33 1906-1907, City Hospital 359 July 3 Ithaca City Hospital----- $ 56.16 carbide ---------------$ 219 6 Standard Oil Co., kerosene 315 May 1. Standard Oil Co., kerosene 365 July 3 Standard Oil Co., kerosene 404 Sept. 5 Union Carbide Co., carbide 450 Nov. G D. W. Burdick, carbide-- $ 6.75 8.00 11.50 1.50 31.25 2.00 7.50 24.50 11.65 10.50 4.75 14.00 $133.90 12.00 48.22 2.45 1829 63.49 14.53, 51_09 $ 240.07 70.00 5.72 6.24 6.36 70.00 20.00 $ 175.33 1906-1907, City Hospital 359 July 3 Ithaca City Hospital----- $ 56.16 326 The Supervisors' Proceedings. 300 3 Ithaca City Hospital_____ 34.75 432 Oct. 2 D. W. Burdick, for hospital 60.71 4.5.3 Nov. 6 D. W. Burdick, for hospital 62.85 $ 244.47 1906-1907 Fertilizer and Disinfectants 216 Feb. (; Bannerman Chemical Co._$ 237 & B. L Vann, frt.__$ 6 Germicide Co.,dis._______ 334 June 5 W. T. & B. I. Vann, Ferti- 301 Apl. 3 lizer ---------------- 429 Oct. 2 W. T. & B. I. Vann Fei{i- 3 W.T.&B. 9 lizer------------------ 1900-1907 Freight 211 Feb. 6 W. T. & B. L Vann, frt.__$ 207 Mch. G W. T. & B. I. Vann, frt. -__ 301 Apl. 3 W. T. & B I. Vann, frt.___ 308 - 3 W.T.&B. 9 I. Vann, frt. -__ 300 May 1 \V. T. Vann, freight_______ 335 June 5 W. T. Vann, freight_______ 363 July 3 W. T. Vann, freight_______ 414 Sipt. 11. W. T. Vann, freight, etc.__ 430 Oct. 2 W. T. Vann, freight_______ 1906-1907 Miscellaneous, Etc. 152, Nov. 21 L. B. Landon, outdoor ,. relief ------------ ----- 184 Dec. 5 R. J. Raub_____________ 186 5 Fred Beardsley, bull service and grapes _-_____-____ 194 Jan. 1) T. E. Allen, blacksmithing 195 9 Martin Breen, blacksmith- - ing ------------------ 203 9 Miller & Hermaus, bull services_______________ 214 Feb. (i J. W. Douglass, overseer, poor ----------------- 220 6 W. H. Burnham, ac, poor 12.00 26.25 33.80 34.40 $ 100.45 1.38 4.60 .a9 2.11 2.06 2.08 .50 5.62 1.25 $ 2.90 2.90 3.00 9.50 . 3.40 4.00 21.00 10.29 $ 20.79 327 The Supervisors' Proceedings. 223 6 W. H. Burnham, burial and relief------------- 46.1:5 227 6 T. J. Miller, stationery__- 2.95 242 6 G. W. Sutfin, O. P. ser- vices ----------------- 5.23 251 6 C. F. Metler, O. P. ser- vices ----------------- :3.70 255 6 H. Borty--------------- 19.50 259 6 Frank R. Bundy, thresh- ing ------------------ 50.53 263 6 Stover Hardware Co.----- 1.50 268 6 Hermans & Miller; ice--- .20.35 280 6 Ithaca Journal, supplies-_ 12.50 292 Apr. 3 Claude Lovell, moving Frick family ---------- 4.00 303 :3 Bradford Snyder, outdoor 19.85 304 3 Bradford Snyder, outdoor 5.82 306 3 W. H. Allen, blacksmith 6.25 321 May 1, W. P. Harrington, books .75 325 1 O. D. Knettles, outdoor relief----------------- 1.25 326 1 C. F. Metler, outdoor relief 1.0.50 :331. 1 Bradford, O. P. services, outdoor relief 2.00 339 June 5 Ithaca Journal, supplies and order books ------- 8.60 340 5 John Cummings, burial, outdoor--------------- 10.00 .3505 W. H. Lane, rent 4.00 :361 July 3 Cornell Livery, ambulance 2.00 364 3 L. A. Patch, O. P. outdoor 3.00 3S1 3 J. N. Douglass, O. P. board and relief ------- 31.50 405 Sept. 5 Philo Smith, rental of harvester ------------- 1.5.50 406 5 G. D. Wiggins, repairs on spectacles------------- 1.2.5 419 Sept. 11 W. H. Allen, blacksmith- . ing------------------ 12.75 327 328 The Supervisors' Proceedings. 427 Oct. 2 M. Breen, assigned to State Bank, blacksmith- ing-----------------.- 3.60 444 Nov. 6 J. T. Newman, council-_. 5.00 445 6 Cornelius Emmes, school books---------------- 1.70 446 6 Cancelled--------------- 0,00 4.51 (i Rothschild Bros., dishes-- 9.59 456 6 Ozman Chevelier, O. P., burial of child, etc.---_ 4,00 45.) 6 Hospital ambulance, Corn- ell Livery------------- 2.00 460, 461, 462, 463, not used, cancelled 465 Nov. 6 Bradford Snyder, overseer poor------------------ 19,50 469 6 Office rent, Supt. of Poor at Ithaca ------------- 10.00 192 Dec. 5 F. A. Todd, dairy cow--- 50.00 $ 470.04 Census of Inmates Number in house Nov. 15, 1906 -------- 41 Admitted during year------------------ . 41 Born during year ---------------------- 00 Total ----------------- 82 Died during year ------------------- 3 Discharged-------------------------- 5 :33 Number in house Nov. 15, 1907 ---- 44 Calvin Wood died Dec. 25, 1906. Frank Scboomaker died Mch. 20, 1907 Daniel M. Gee died Aug. 11), 1907. The Supervisors' Proceedings. 329 William Williams, sent to Willard hospital, Apr. 10, 1907. Maranda Jones, sent to Willard hospital, Nov. 8, 1907. - Mary Virgil, sent to Willard hospital, Apr. 10, 1907. Royal Loveless, sent to Willard hospital, June 5, 1907. In conformity with the 30th Section of the Revised Statutes we respectfully report that we estimate the expenses of the Town and County poor to be supported at the Almshouse the ensuing year to be: $ 5,000.00 Out door relief_ 1,400.00 Services, overseer of the poor_________ 1.50.00 Transportation _____________________ 50.00 $ 6,600.00 STATE OF NEW YORK, SS. COUNTY OF TOMPKINS. Frank A. Todd, Walter Mekeel, Wm. P. Harrington being each duly and severally sworn each for himself deposes and says that the foregoing account and report are just and true according to their best knowledge and belief. FRANK A. TODD, WALTER MEKEEL, WM. P. HARRINGTON, Supts. of Poor of Tompkins County. Sworn to before me this 31st day of Nov., 1907. EDWARD J. MON$, Notary Public. 330 The Supervisors' Proceedings. F z W W F F ie F x z C pq Q X u U W z 0 ti Q �i Q W I of uomodmd ^. i � cip in nl 1101110dord �M i VJ M i ID i �ci 'u.voy put i I `dlunoo 'amS In i IO = of u01110dord In saad C .^I CI Ip wary Aw"OD IO CI i I i in In =, n 30 ]unoW FJI. OI ^ 1 ,I^ , Of I � vO nl ^I IC :�: p CI -1 r. 'aLIFA I- in ^ N cr: algtssassy _ _-ci in cl-o Cl cl ci n i m i i i z z'. a7 i i � a 0 0 N O m m iy aU c a � ^ oN o.o ,yo m.� m n m z z azz xzro s i i 5 T � I U i i i T �• m ACh lD Q X u U W z 0 ti Q �i Q W The Supervisors' Proceedings. 33r P C) Q z .7 IOn10 Ili <O C=C,IRMO N �(JM IGS IC/JNO rl -iwil100 I O ^ W 'ti N1 '1tl101 ^ O CI I UJ I C'? O �INMti,� cdN yi iyi ci I I N ♦vv'J 6evy8�H i I i � dJ i i i UOJ rtpvv of suoyaag of locos I i I I N I N I I[J -sdvnadai.{,Ivmpaomlxg I I I - I I I - I - I I I ti I I I H I H I I I 1 I I I I M 10 CI oNo I� ,NMIo m alNco IIn Icm c�Mm M . 'Stl11'I0d I M Iq t- ID yl I W IO M O M Gi o :D i op n :D d� Eli CW o 'aN1 atlmHDnl 1 �t? o O I M M N ,n � ritim m IINc�.--r~ i I 000coolc000 n 1 ! God rnM _. M c0 rq 001 M -vdas It s6emg8}y a!agl ro � iO L • Pl r� N O 61 O N neggoigA, s evl r, ry C +-I O O M 'D m VJ n paju -1,palmodiomn IJo anunpxa 6padoi.I mws t � -lad f V IIO11CI1}IIA p:ISsa\ti In O 12 0 1— O^ In m OO^ I Iq �c., yl� cD cO CI O>rl � 'slaPlsgl pem alvledas se I` "M-'�-� n �= O M r s6e.vy5!y e!a41 "Bu 't O M. C: e+> � c0 M .••. O IO gv!ym sa8vp!n paje�od�oa N Cl M m O � M N d+ c0 t� -n! lle Jo an!snpza a¢gsi[ UJ U- Cq uJ O IG rl rl cD 1� 'r feag,JV vopenlen passasstl n rl o- .-I rl O �I�I-oI-NM nwdl N 'sas!gavvJ eu!pn!am :: d' ICJ r -I O +C'1 O :O M spins! I N. almedas sv OI n_ M C -. IO rl Cl N O IO s6ee,q�n} naq] n}ePnem N W VJ O IO N G= N O O ga!ym ba8ep!n palmod *-I O O I� 1� N M h N N M aoan ❑v %mpnpv, •nmol 1` O O IC •}I 10 V] � n M M aloym a41 ui alalsg IvaH C� ti 1� n. n ti Jo no!len!en pazpvnb;g rl C1 � � O O 10 cI snpneaf en! O✓J dl -f J.... CIN M. -pnpu!'spulvp pvm alxa O -vdas sv s.fvmy8!y z!ayl O v'J VJ L CJ CJ v [D O Q1 n!e¢nem ymgm sa8vI1F, Cl CI M M C Cq M CI P1 O M paluod�oav{I}v 8¢pniam � P � O M. G .r rl t� ,-'I m 'nmol alogmap ma]vlsg Cl '-Irrl '-I n n }aag fo nopenryn pasvasstl � fX� z I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I A I I I I I I O I ly o u l I I U FI �•o z UQQ WCC .=. .: I4 D P C) Q z .7 332 The Supewisors' Proceedings. I Certify that the preceding statement is correct. EDW. J. MONY, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors. STATE OF NEW S5. COUNTY OP TOMP%INS Orlando White being duly sworn, says that he is the Chair- man of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County; that he has read the preceding statement and knows the same to be true. ORLANDO WHITE. Subscribed and sworn to before me this :Lath day of January, 1908. EDW. J. MONS, Notary Public. The Supervisors' Proceedings. 333 roti ri oo lr; �ci ^iaO M -MU umo.L jo iuno lI `� w w 11^ -C"7 m In Ci dimc iln�wl- ai t rl-o.-ci wln m -a1 1- In n 1n 'sasodind "E l0) uoll Ex E1 Ci Ol m ry w f- O CI M yl JEJOI 01 IDalgnS '1301S Iueg JO amsn�Jxa '�euoslad puE �Eal r I- uD 1n r1 I 1n 'uogE En�n alE8al88E pang Enb2l . c00000ln000 n o oo lcwol-oow '>IJols Iueq 10 anlsnIJxa `Sasodmd ;p: lo; m oo Ip 1- Ci r1 ni o of o n uogE%E1 IEool of 1Jalgns !Alla m r -I OJ r -I O m J M w -dold jEuoslad ;O an[En passassy EO'J c00000 ln000 n 000lnwol-cow � c� r ch C� w . ,�JJOIS nE9 o aAIStIfJxa 6 adwd u 7 1Euovad ;o amen pa ssasse Meloy ^ _ ti CI In 1n � 7 10 ri 0 ..- 1n c0 m 'Sa91gD11El; lutoads :0 Cl 1fj m QJ 110 ri Pl CI_O 1A IIE SIIOI)EIOdIOJ O alE15a Eal p a CI w_ UJ 'O y In .�1 'n CI O M 'A1ladOld a�E[Iln �n[pn[Jnl 1- D O I0 -fi 1n alulsa pal ;o an;En pazgenbg n E4 1no<fl o In of -coo 1n Cl ^I .owe -f1 co�Clw.= m 'sastgouEl; ptaads t- -11 t- w 1- In :O O r 0 1n. I 111E BIIOIIEIodlOJ O a1El6a O n w `C cD d1 U' MID O C, CI w m Co w ^'] CI Cl O lEal'6llodold 02EIIln �ImpnlJw w I- alElsa pal ;o anIE9 passassy Cl to V3 n� C I F 1 g o x W r w a 'QN9T d0 S$nJtl :p W Cl O N Cl cl m I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I i I I I I I I II i i I I i i I I V I I I I1 I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I V I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 I I I I V I I I I I I II V I I I I I I I I I I I I I0I r I I I q I V I I I G I I I V I I I I I I G A N b A b 0 O W D rOJ N n: T ��Awc���az5 334 The Supervisors' Proceedings. -31301s jueq uo saxej;O junowy 'me xe a jerapun I I I 1 1 1 -uaq aqj Io tit uouoas ] oojs �IuEq )o uogenpeA paseassV N �J I I I I I I Cl.o 00000..0 -nen IS 00 zuy Io aleg � O O G O G O C .tr�Cl fC'�..C. Iq VJnG m. -=c n Cl :roo ,[oows �jueq uo saxes Io I- aAlsn'O%a 'uoge%ey aje�fWdEy 0 c ✓J r I- Cl c: r <<rclo�r=r0000 CI .y n tF eo=+:_e>oe.ov�eo cj �: to .Ia 4 'hueI3. I 'xE s dm '" cI ni -n' Cj ✓+ c o -r ci -r . -8onajg put moD ;o Amomy 7C1mc. r.°ce•.m cc till O t`O �-.0 cOti M�{I Ol cc; UJ r. W I^. v^ 1n I-� Oi Oo Cl 'saxey Aumoo jo junoutV I- o o ti � I- I - mac. CI a 'saxey AvD Io junowy I I 111 i I I I I^ I i I I I I I I I I I I I i i I I I I I I II I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II 1 1 1 1 z 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I'I 3 II I r I y p I I I I I I I I I U N ^O d .p U O V V• N V; N m m N uciawc z� 22 The SuPeruisors' ProceediiTs. 335 xry JO luwoul v vOln:np:A Iviny Oc a^ � -Y -il CO b aAlgcil Ie�N � �o anp:A passassy Sasodilld JIC loj Imp -EYC ICaO-[ Ul loaf -qfl�q Apa(1OIS1 plVOC -l311 JO al(JRA tlaSIIIIV W I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I V I I I I'I O VJ W — L =gess �A I I I U I I U I I I I Z4 J eAJ= c= � I I I I I � F u 336 The Supemisors' Proceedhr gs. - .D C C G: ^i ^-. -I (J ": JJ '�.^. CI -h C 7 "J ^ CI ^I ✓� -i P: �. ^-I rte. ^I I CI ... .. � -. •-f `"♦'• "i bl O 1 1 • I i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I 111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1, 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 I 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 40 E7= I FI 1 2 1 %e Supervisors Proceedz>egs. 337 p ry ••�. p -_n 1(J I- :c Iti ^.Jr -i a.^. I�I�✓J "f'1� 'y' l- 1- I� 1- I[J -' L- N O 1- CD ,-::. 'J' ED pl ¢? 10•J .^�In � .�: CC f ^IO In000000 CCS^,,^O CI^ O O 1;, I(: 1� ^ p * cI =:O nI ¢D'� 1P 1 u 1n 1G 1C: C •Jp tI IG `:}I V I I^ I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I G`Fy IryFr HCJO JJI"�.`—•—':G ti '� AFF ^ 1 I >1 ^ � .� a � }, a, i i � U �x � aF JJ UJB✓' U C' � "r-�^„j _ :CJ •gin �C; '- c y _ j =n ^ • ;' end ^ �, � � ,,. ..n .I tn' ','.-n-. 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Cl "' I rl I ..• I i� C O O ^O O O O I I I I 1 I I I I I I 1 I V I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 I -1-I^ - J VGQ. I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I J I I n 7- I � I G � I •• � � C I•�y I � �l�Q i %� - I � n_ � __ ^ I 1 I J � I-• I I i i I � ✓i iJ-j _ �.r 1� _ J I I - � I = 'yam -J '.' ni,CJn_ V) J •j - ry _. ti7J v. i__ J1'Y bo i'N W - D=_ c. '1, _tp !iG!C< SJJOOi.JJJC'= 1 U J the Snfieivisors' Proceedings. 341 o �nocC� =C =In IC�r. Gooc_.. . ... OO�n OC•"d f,V 01 Ci iO r: GYJ . "YCC[V rI VJdO:^000 O.-1 x OG^^�'C--vC0 COLO =Co�C OG OOGO��O�CGC-r �n CCCCC:^d'Ol-o�no�n 00 OiP.0 C0<= I CO CG CC; CL CHICInn IC -NC ti O 0 0 o_ F• -I W W� :" �' i 'Si r O ..'. +�' i .� � �i n J �i N N i y ry JJJJOn?�OOiJi LY. S7 C3' H��r�P=1 ��7'=cox 'r =7^_=z..� '^. i J � J l� 'J •'J^ :. .: J :J ,JJ :J JJ J J i !"Irr.. rIV I�,r..y JiJ —rJ rlrr T� Y J :1 Y J ,g:i2 The Supervisors' Procrrdbn,{s. J.^^ -'.'.j JJ t-� r1 :�Iri �-�: pi y�c :^ GC: f,41G PiC CI •'!' t oclr, cocoon I I l c I �o � oUo I I 1 1- = — I O C 0 C C O 1 1 1 1 1 I 11 I I J 11 I I 1 1 1 1 I I 1 I I 1 I I I I I V.' U. I N fQ N N I � 1 •' N .. N U _� I HrJJLY ^r ^�(� �.JJJ0=1UJ000==.��c.�p I, I I I I I I I 11 I I I I I J� I I I V I I I li7 I I I I-� I i I I I I I •� H I I I I -✓-' I I I I- I � I �L I �^ _ Y L Cis rr - I ❑ -�..i r' .^ �'� J C ++ d ❑ rt J 'J i� O^ c 'J 1� The Supervisors' P . 313 sa/.n0C, 0lK 3d4 The Supervisors' Proceedings. s _ o vtoE 4 _ �O n- 0. PBn 6 _ •i$v 8 88888"88888 L � � 'Joa�>iN no!lonp -aN a41 0l a14emltldy •s�� JI •1,��,a 9�Im,�s 8 88888"88888 � o����=��n88 v9aa latol m_8R,�s°a 8 '14>U ,a410 '1sa�alnI Jo aleN ° ,n veac�ar 8 88s �p8 j8 � q88 $8qj p8p 88p844 8 iSESpEb'O ES6i'�E A O r v��iOn n -n - S m nx m 0 0`0`0`0 0 ssi 3Ys3: la . y -0 a -y v.ir me °nXr=e„„ Y '3 - a.odryancYam- OLZA. A.FLFF.: ny U uUVuuu Vuu'v Vi v 6 NNye4' nDOU Q.�O O�ju,'S�'L J n ~ .oyF� i N O `cogE°'o- KUO =•VYAW VN�+UYY zzi u ` ' i• 0 .1 711 J mVum OdR 1> L y 4) ,D J✓ v - ^J is ❑ µ i V J J U' M In vtoE 4 _ �O n- 0. PBn 6 _ •i$v 8 88888"88888 'Joa�>iN no!lonp -aN a41 0l a14emltldy •s�� JI •1,��,a 9�Im,�s 8 88888"88888 � o����=��n88 v9aa latol m_8R,�s°a 8 '14>U ,a410 '1sa�alnI Jo aleN ° ,n veac�ar 8 88s �p8 j8 � q88 $8qj p8p 88p844 8 iSESpEb'O ES6i'�E A O r v��iOn n -n - S m nx m 0 0`0`0`0 0 ssi 3Ys3: la a -y v.ir me °nXr=e„„ Y '3 - a.odryancYam- OLZA. A.FLFF.: ny U uUVuuu Vuu'v Vi v 6 NNye4' nDOU Q.�O O�ju,'S�'L .oyF� i N O `cogE°'o- KUO =•VYAW VN�+UYY zzi u ` ' i• 0 W --- T UVUVUUU000o J mVum OdR The Supervisors' Proccedin.zs. 345 '' GL �• a0 � �>•�' V 0.?0.n 888888888888888 888888888888888 M 8A§§8H§H§ HH98 8 1;888888888 rFIm.ui� 1 !, 'O igau' iU �T'U BW -c yz i��l �p5 S_O ut i1 GC iFy' u�ON Yvt 1111. Y � ^DDU .� ,'OJ00008'9 LO��00 008000�'L fFCu00 FVGC JO(_^,O,U 0 0000 ovvvvvv..o mv�ccco_x eno«R<�r,mc gV6 The Sufien,iso s' Proceedings. CLEARK'S CERRTHFICA Y E I, Edward J. Mone, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, do hereby certify that I lrave compared the foregoing minutes of the Annual Sessions of said Board of Super- visors from the 14th day of November, 7907, to this date, with the original record thereof, and that the same is a full and correct transcript therefrom, as far as the same is required to be printed (typographical errors to be excepted). In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand this 30th day of December, 1907. EDWARD J. \IONF., Clerk. 0 The .Supervisors' Proceedings. 017 POLITICAL DIRECTORY AND GUIDE TO TOWN OFFICERS Geucral ElQdio❑ : The first 7'uesdayT after the first Aloo- da} ill Nucember. Revised Statutes (7th Ed.), pa,e *9. Animal 'Corn Dl'eeting: Second 'I'uesdaY ill February:, biennially. - Scotioa .1.0, Article 3, Chapter 569, .Lanus of 1890. Annual School Dleeting in Neighborhood: First; Tues- day in August. ]dews of :1893, Chapter GUU. Annual Pleetiug of Board of 'Town Auditors, compris- ing the Supervisor, Town Clerk till([ Justices ol' the Pease, or ally two of the said .Justices: The first Thursday after the General E'leution, at which tines all acouur ts fol- charges and ulainis against, tlieir rospertive towns must be presented for them to audit. I Revised statute (7t -h Fd.), 7)a,c835, Laws of 1890, Cheiplur 305. ,Amended, Lags of :1890, Chaptur 569, 160. ](it, A62. Animal Alectin, or the Board of 'Gown Auditors as above designai,ed, to examiuo accounts. of Town. Oflica•s: On the last,'Cuesday preceding the.aunual 'Town ,llectin, to be held is each town. Laws of :1.863,, Chapter 172, Awuuded, Laws 1890, Chapter 560, 60, A61. Annual Mceting of the Supervisors of the County as ID a board or County Canvassers: First Tuesday suorcediug General Election. t Revisud Statutes (7th Ed.), page 390. 318 The Sitpervi,sors' Proeeedo{5 s Annual Aleeting of the Board of Snpervisors of the County : Immediately after the completion of the Canvass, or at such other times as Cher as a. Board, shall fix. ? 1e- cised Statutes (illi Ed.), Pages :26-031.. Animal \Meeting of Supervisor, Ton'u Cleric and Justices of each Town, to designate the Plane in each election district in Town it which election shall he held during the your: On the first Tuesday of September each year. Laws 1891, Chapter 680. Mceting of Supervisors, Town Clerk and Assessor. of each Town, I'or the Purpose of making lists of Trial .Jurors: On the fisrt, clay of .July of each third year after :Jul} 1, 1878, at a plane in the town appointed by the Supervisor, or in*his absence or vacant,in office by 'Iowa Clcrlc: or, if ahoy fail to meeton that day, they must meet as soon there- after as praeticalde. Code of Civil Procedure, 30ML The nemmeetiug for this purpose will he held 1.508. TOWN OFFICERS Each Supervisor must execute to and deposit with the County Treasurer, it bond for the accounting of all school moneys which mai' conic into his hands hefore entering upon the duties of his office Each Supervisor must make and deliver to the Town Clerk of his town his hoed for the faithful discharge of his official duties, and to account for all moneys cowing into his hands as such Supervisor. The Trustees or School Districts shall make a rgmwt to the School Commissioner between the ?nth day of July and the first Tuesday in August in each year. Chapter 445, Laws 1880. Thu school moneys are apportioned annually by the' School Couuuissionarsou the third Tucsda,l' in AI'trch. The Srepei-oisors' Proceedings. N9 The Cumuiissioners of Highways nntet; execute it bond to the Supawisor of their town within ten dins after their election. TIIc Supervisor and the, I3ighway Commissioner or Colli ntissioners of every Town receiving state aid pursuant to Section Fifty-three of the highway law, shall annually in the mouth of Noventher, make a verifiud repdrt to the State, Engineer, in form to be prescribed by him, showing the total auunntt of money received during the preceding year for the construction or maintenance of highways or bridges or for other highway purposes, indicating the source thm"a, to- getherwithall uxpcnditure'sfor the iill provemcut, rcpairand maintenance of highways, for the repair and maintenance of hridge,s, for the construction of new bridges, for damages and Sharges in laying out- or AWring highways, for the renuwa-1 of obstructions caused by snow, for the purchase of machinery, toolsand implements, for highway commissioner's salary or per diem allowance, or for any other highway pur- pose, and also showing the machinery, tools and implements owned by the town and the districts thereof and the value of the, same. The State Engineer may also require ad- ditional inrortilation from any other town office]• in such form as he nary decal necessary Co C;u•ry into effect the pur- poses of this scetion. A certified copy ol'such report shall also be filed by theSupervisor with the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, whoshA1 cause the same to liepriuted in the annual Proceedings of the Board of Supervisors. The Town Board shall cause :t Certified copy of the report to be pub- lished in a newspaper published in tic town, er if no news- paper is published ie, the town, then it may cause surli pub- lication in it newspaper published within the eouuty and having the greatest circulation within the tuwn. The Cx- peuse of such publication, which shall cot exceed ten dollars, shall be it bntvu charge. The Clerk of the Board of Super- visors shall transmit three printed copies of the juurual of i5o The Supec-,)iso>s' Proceedings. proceedings of the hoard containing such report to each, the Comptroller and State Engineer and Surveyor. Section 27 of the higlnvay Law. overseers of 13ighwnys must filo a statement of all un- worked highway tax with Moo Snpervisors of their respective towns oil or before the first day or Octoher. Overseors of Highways in tic sevoral Towns of the County must be appointed oil the first clay or March of each year. The Tax Collector or Receiver shall, ,within eight flays after receiving notice or the amount of tares to be collected by him, execute to the Supervisor of the town, and lodge with him, a bond in double the amount of said tales, tp he approved by the Supervisor. The Supervisor shall, witliin six days thereafter, file the said bond in the office of the County Clerk of this County. Tho Assessors must complete the Assessment Roll oil or herore the first day of August and leave a ropy thereof with one of their number, and immediately thercafte' cruise notice thereof to he posted in three or more public places in their tnwm or ward. "When the lines between twotowns, wards, orcountics, divide a rare or lot, the same shall he taxed, A ore Qwi in the town, Waal or county where the occupant resides; if unoccupied, each part shall be assessed in the town, ward, village or county where the same shall BY Laws ImN, Chapter 315. The Assessors shall meet on the third Tuesday in August, to review their assessments and hoar the complaint of any person conceiving himself aggrieved. An affidavit to %Ire .Sufic a sons' Proceedhi -s. . 351 the roll .hy the Assessors made prior to the third 'Tuesday of August, is as nullity. The Assessors must deliver the cor- rected Assessment Roll to the Town CIwk on or before the first day id' September, there to remain for a period of fifteen days for public inspection, and the Assessors shall forthwith give public notice by posting the same in at least three of, the most public places in the town, or by publishing the same in one or more newspapers published thereiii, that such Assessment Roll has Icon finally completed, the ofliocr to which the same has been delivered, and the place whom the same will he open to public inspection. Said li tsen days, within which any assessnienb may be reviewed by cortiorari, shall commence on the day of' the first publication. The Assessors cannot enter the name of a person on his roll who becaauc a resident alter the first day of .July. When the Assessors, or n majority of them, shall have completed their roll, they shall severally appear hoDwe any officer of the Uounty authorized by law to administor oaths, and shall severally make and subscribe before such officers, an oath in the following form, which ❑lust ho, strictly fol- lowed. "We, the undersigned, do hereby severally depose and swear that we leave set down in tic foregoing Assessment Roll, all the real estate situate in the town Ow want as the case may be), aerating to our best information; and that, with the exception of those cases in which the value of said real estate has been changed by reason of proof, produced Wirt; us, we have eshmabed the value of said real estate at the sums which a uuijority of the Assessors have decided to be the full value thereof, and also that the said Assess- nrent Roll contains a frac stateuentof tic aggregate amount of the taxable estate of each and every person mimed in such Roll, over and above the amount of debts due from such persons respcctivcl,y, excluding such stocks as are other - 23 352 The Supervisors' Pronxdiags. wise taxahk: and such other property as is exempt by law from taxation, at the full value thereof according to our hes judgment and belief." ti1'hich oath shill be written or printed on said roll, signed by the Assessors, and certifier) by the offlccr. Lancs of 1885, Ohapter 864, 201. The Supervisor most report to the County Treasurer on the first Tuesday in March, the amount of school moneys remaining in his Lands. Each Justice of the Peace must execute a bond with two sureties conditioner) for the payment on demand to the romper officer all moneys received by the Justice, by virtue of his oflice, which bond must be approved by the Supervisor of the town, and filed in the 'Town Clerk's oflice. Each Justice or the Peace shall make a report in writing verified by oath, each year, bearing date for the first day of November, to the Board of Supervisors at their annual session, in which he shall state particularly the time when, and the name of the person or persons from whom any money has been received; ani) also the amount find,()]) what account the same was received, also all sums remaining due and unpaid; and that all moneys by him received have been paid to the oflicer duly empowered by lana to receive the sauce. Each justice or the Peace shall ])fly to the Supervisor or his respective Town on the first Monday in each month all fines and penalties imposed and received by him, amd he shall also make a verified report of all fines and penalties collected by him to the Board or Town Auditors or his respective Town on Tuesday preceding the annual Town sleeting. Imvvs of Mot Chapter 68C SoMou 1. Overseers or the Poor cannot furnish supplies to a Comity pauper to exceed the sum of ten dollars without an The Smftimisorc' PmceedhnCs. 353 order from the County Supurintmulents anthm•izing dis- bursements for ranch purpose. All bills payable by town must be presented to the Town Auditing Board for payment. All bills for supplies furnished to County paupers must; be presented to the County Superintendents of the Poor for audit on or before November 1st of each year. All bills presented to the Board of Supervisors or any Auditing Board mist he verified by oath, stating that Me same are correct in every- particular, and that no compensa- tion has hemi received I'or the sauw, or any part; thereof, except as therein stated, and presented on or before the third flay of the annual session of the Board. All bills for repairs or improvements of County ]meal Estate must have attached a. written order for the work signal by some member of the Committee on County Build- ngs; and no bills for repairs, improvements or supplies for any Comity property will be a-udited by the Board of Super- visors unless ordered by the Comm, Building Commmittee. 7ZIti1'CPT The Clerk of every incorphated village and city in the County shall report to the Clerk of tihm Bourd or Supervisors on or before November ist of each year all indebtedness of such village or city, specifying for what purpose created, under what law, rate of interest and when payable. Laws of 1892, Chapter 686. The Trustee's or the person or persons having eliarge of the issue of bonds or paynemt of same of any school distrk; shall tramsnit a. sta-Cement thereof to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors annually on or before,the first day of Novom- her. Laws of 1895, Chapter 274. 351 The Su/ieuvisors' Proceedings. The Board of Assessors or the several towns (4 the County and the assessor oftho City of Ithaca shall furnish to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors on or before the first day or .July ill each year a hill anil complete list and statement of all property within their respective districts exempt from taxation under the laws of this state. Lams Of 1904, Chapter 4:18. ERRATA On p. 21.4 read in Equalization Report "the year of 1907". instead of "1906." On p. 330, Bank Tax Statement, TompkinsCouuty National Bank, Proportion to State, County, and Town, should read $948.70; proportion to Village and City $3,373.19; proportion to School $1,534.33. First National Bank in same colunms respectively as above should read $192.72, $151.90, $172.06 , instead of as there shown. The Supervisors, Proceedings. 355 INDEX PAGE A Assessment Rolls, Appropriation for copying City Roll__ 76, 1S9 Confirmation of State and County------------------ 231 Correction of Newfield --------------- ------------------- 69 Ulysses_ 96 Lansing------------------------------------ 117 Assessed Valuations, table of---------------------------- 213 Appropriations, Resolutions carrying, how adopted -------- 6b Adding Mathine, Resolution for purchase of 1.69, 1.76 Appropriation for purchase of-------- _ 194, 206 Audits, County of Tompkins------ ---------------------- 234 Caroline ----------- ------------------------- 1.00, 24.3 Danby ------------------------------------99, 247 .Dryden ------------------ ------------ ------- 1.1.6, 250 Iiafield----------------------------- 99, 25fi i Groton -------------------------------------- :1.10, 259 Ithaca -------------------- 93, 263 f ansing------------- 97, 267 Newfield ------------------ 124, 271 Ulysses-------------------------- N -i, 267 0 Bank Tax, Statement of (See Errata, p. 354) 330 Report of Assessors on Dryden--------------------------------- 11-i 356 The Subemisors' Proceedings. Groton --------- --------------------------- 156 Ithaca, City _ --------------- 209 Ulysses----------------------------- -- --- 154 Brush Bills and Taxes Caroline --------------------------------------- 127 Dryden ----`----------- ------------------------- I4(i Ithaca ------------------------------------------ 150 .. Newfield ------------------------ -------------- 132 Bridges, Rawson Hollow, tax levied for----------------- 84, 00 Cayuga Heights, tax levied for ------------------- 8(;, !)1 Burtgets, County-------------------------------------- 224 Caroline ------------------------ ------- 226 Dryden --------------- 22 Danby _ 22(i Isufield----------------------------------------- 227 Groton----------------------------------------- 22S Inthaca, Town _------.---_ .211 Ithaca, City ------------------------------------- 228 Lansing ----------------------------- 229 Newfield ------------------------ 229 Ulysses----------------------------------------- 230 Board of Education, Claim asserted against --- 1.84 Moneys appropriated for uncollected taxes; ------------ 21 Board of Health, Resolution condemning Charter enactment 25 Board of Supervisors, Names of Members ----------------- (il Hours of Sessions --------------------------------- 65 Morning Session----------------------------- G5 Annual Session -_--------------------------- --- (il. _ Special Sessions ----------- .------------------- 3 Table of Supervisors' Accounts -------------------- 283 C Caroline, Budget ---------------133, 226 Brush Bill --------------- --------------- 127 The Subervisors' Proceedings. 359 Tax to reimburse highway fund 196 Indebtedness of ---------------------------------- ` Amount required for highway purposes 136 Resolutiou covering same— ------------------------ 1::7 Uncollected poll taxes 196 Claims Against County Regulations concerning audit of____ __________ fib, 68, 71 Ib be read an referred -------------------------- tis, 71 Hours for auditing___________ ___________________ lig For repairs to County property______--- ---------- 8(t For repairs to County buildings ------------------- 86 For printing and supplies ----- ---- ------ --- ------ 1.74 For books, etc.-------------------------------- 208 Clerk, Election of------------------- _ 62 Authorized to buy supplies ----------------------- 63 . Salaryof ----------------- --------------------65, 67 Allowance for postage_______________ ----------- 66, 67 Compensation for report to Comptroller----__ _--___(i9, 70 Report to Comptroller_____--_ - 333 Certificates -------------------------------------- _-----___ ____--__---_ 69, 34(i Chairman, Election of------------ --------------------- 62 Vote of thanks to_____ -------------------------------- 209 . Coroners, Number and salary of--------------- fi Reports of _72, 218 County Treasurer, Appropriation for office rent— 74, 79 Appropriation for postage ----------------------- 74, 71) Bond approved_______________ ----------------------------------- 10 paid for collecting city taxes________________ _____ 66 Report of--------------------------------------- 281. Report of committee on--------------------------- 153 To transfer Jail labor fund ------------------------ 195 D Dryden, Budget ---_ ----------------------1`_>6, 227 Brush Bill ------------------------------------ - 146 35S The Supervisors' Proceedhi gs. Highway taxer -- 110 Amount required for highway purposes------------ 82 Resolution covering scone -------------------------- 83 Uncollected poll taxes---------------------------- 19n Dauhy; Budget------------------------------------ 126, 226 Request for survey ofroads ------------ ---- 24, 117, 164 Amount required for highway purposes------------- 21.9 Resolution covering same 220 District Attorney, appropriation for office rent ----------- 75, 91 Dogs, Resolutions to levy tax oil ----- .---- ------------ !)3, 9S E Enfield, Budget ------------------------------------ 1:4). 227 Tax for repair of highways----- --.. ..----------- 130 Tax for support of poor-------------- --- --- 131 Report of Bonding Comm issiouer<----------------- 129 Resolution covering sam^------------- 1.311 Equalization tables ---------------------------- 214, 215, 223 Adoption of -------------------------21G, 224 Recommendation of------------------------------- 221 As finally adopted------------------------------- 223 Election printing, apportionment--- -------------------- 197 Errata ---------- ----- ----------- -154 P Fuel and bights, appropriation for-------------- ------------------------ ]til COmlmlittec on--------------- ------------------ 126 Report of committee oil ---__ ------------- 103 Fish and Game, resolution ----------------------------10, 11 C: Groton, Budget----------------------------------- 112, 228 Indebtedness of--------------------------------- 177 The Supervisors' Proceedings. 359 fudebtedness for extraordinary repairs------------- 106 Resolution covering same -------------------------- 107 Amount required for highway purposes--------- 1113 Resolution COVeriug same------------------------ 109 George Junior Republic, contract with -------- --------- 76 Grand Jurors, allottuent of---- ------------------------ 74 Lists presented ------------ -------- 212 Good Roads, former committee discharged ----------- ---_ 9 New committee appointed ------------------------ 9 Supplemental contract for, ratified----------------- 29 Moneys for, how paid out--------=---------------- 20 Moneys for, to be borrowed---- -----------------50, 54 Conuuittee to sublet contracts-- ------------------ 21. Report of committee oil --------------------------- 26 Committee to Good Roads Convention--- 22 Report of ----------- .----------------- Reports of eonuniltee-------------- 11, 139 94, 164, 198 Attorney's service hill --------------------.-- 23 Resolutions pertaining to To employ counsel ------------------------------ 22 Approving maps----------------------------- 23 For survey of Dauby road -----------------24, 117, 164 For survey of Blue',; Corners Road ------------ 176, 733 For survey of Ithaca -Dryden road-------------- 176, 139 For improvement of Groton road 25 For improvement of Enfield road--------- -------- 50 For improvement of Ithaca -Dryden road__---_— --54, 55 For improvment of Dryden -Cortland road---------- 57 For improvement of Ithaca-Trumausburg road ---110, 176 For improvement of Newfield road----------------- 150 Slate to pay cost of roads ------------------------ 31., 32 Relocation of Cayuga Heights road ----------------- 93 Respecting 13. J. & S. contracts -------------:35-48, 43-45 Respecting delayed remittances------------------- 49 Requesting State appropriation------------------- 172 Report of committee on condemnation proceedings--- 1.53 36o The Supervisors' Proceedin.Vs. II Highway's, Indebtedness for extraordinary repairs, Groton --------------------------------X1.06, 107 Newfield ------------- ------------------------ 120. 121 Amounts required for highway purposes Caroline---------------------------------------- 131; Dryden--------------------------------------- 32 Danby----------------------------------- 218 Groton--------- ------------------- ------------ 108 Lansing ----------------------------------- 80 Ithaca-------------------------------------- --- 132 Newfield------------------��------------------- 1.IS Ulysses----------------------------------------- 1.66 Appropriation for,Enfield ------------------------------ 130 Resolution to appoint Supt--------------- ---10, 22 I Ithaca City, Budget------------------------------------ 218 IIealth Board appropriation --------------------87, 177 Poor Fund appropriation -----------------------S7, 177 County reimbursed-----__ -------------- 1.95 Ithaca same, Budget ----------------------------------- 22g Brush Bill-------------------------------------- 148 Tax to maintain Catskill turnpike ---------------- 103 Amount required for highway purposes --------- 132, 123 Support of poor---------------------------------- 131 Cayuga Heights Bridge ------ --------------------- 86 Incorporated Companies, statement of ---------------------- ----------_ --Indebtedness Indebtednessof Towns, statement of --------------------- 3,1.E Insurance, Appropriation for ------------------------1,58, 163 Report of committee on ------------------- 157 Indigent Soldiers and Sailors, Appropriation for ------- 1S5, 194 The SuPervrsors' Pro�rediu.I>s. 361 complaint concerning --------------GS, 7.70 J�ul com p g------------ - Committee appointed to consider------------------ 78 Inspection of---------------- I -------------------- 75 Report of committee--------- -------------------- 78 Committee to purchase supplies for ---------------- 74 Jail Physician, election of ----------------------------- 76, 97 Feesof---------------------------------------- 75 Jail Chaplain, Report on work of------------------------- 80 Appropriation for -------------------------------K 91 Janitor, County Clerk's office building------------------ 86, 91. County jail and Court House 71 Justice of the peace, reports of -------------------------- `? 07 K Keunell Licenses -----------------------------------_1!1, :30 L Lansing, Budget ---------------- ----------- Indebtedness of-- --------- --------------------- 8!1 Taxes for highway materials---------------------- 131 Tax to meet hank note------------------------- 1.3:1. Reassessment of taxes----------- 117 Amount required for highwav purposes ------------ S0, 87 Lehigh Valley Railroad Complaint concerning crossing------------------ 177 M Minutes of Session. Annual Session--------- ----------- Gl 8 762 The Suj5erijisors' Ororeedirzys. Special sessions ---------- ------------------------ g Resolution for printing of-------- --W), 71, 102 Contract for, awarded -------------------------- _-- 1.72 Allotment of copies ------------------------ - ----- 102 Appropriation for distribution of---------- ------- 11iS mortgage Tax, apportionment of---------------------- I)S1 Report of committee on -------_ ------------------ ](i:i N Newfield, Budget ----------------------------------12S, 229 Brash bill-------------------------------------- 182 Correction of assessment roll----..----------------- 61) Correction of audits------------------------.------ 1.06 Report of Bonding Commissioners------------------ 1.00 Resolution covering --------------------------,---- IOI Indebtedness for extraordinary repairs -120, '121 Amount required for highway purposes ---------115, 119 Newspapers, to publish canvass and election notices— 20, SS, 212 Compensation provided for ---------------------20, 194 To publish Session haws and Concurrent liesolutions_______________________________7S, SS Compensation provided for ----- --------------- 1.96, 206 L Orders, to be countersigned -------_ ----------- 75 ©' Poor. Apporlionmeut of cost of support of--------------- 1.8S Prisoners. Not to be supplied with tobacco, etc.---------- 178 Fund for working, to be transferred---------------- 198 The Supervisors' Proceedrngs, A-7 Printing. (Sue newspapers and minutes). - Apportionment ofelectiou------------------------ 197 Report of committee ------------------ 159, 112, :1.7:5, 174 It Reports of County Treasurer --------------------------- 251 County Clerk ---------------------- ------------- 1;)6 Surrogate's Clerk --------------------------------- 148 Supt. of the Poor ------------------------------- 305. _ Bonding Commissioners, Newfield----------------- 1.00 Iinfield - 129 Ulysses --------------------------- ------- 152 Clerk to Comptroller------------------------- 333, 334 Committees on appropriations--------------------- 224 County Treasurer's Accounts --------------------- 153 Supts. of Poor----- ---- ---- -- -- --- ---- ----- — --- 1.44 County Buildings_ _ 139 Insurance ----------------- --------------------- 157 Equalization' -----`------------ 2:1.3, 21.5 Fuel and Lights--------------------------------- 103 Condemnation Proceedings ----------------', 153 Printing --------------------------- 197 printing Minutes --------------------------- 159 Mortgage Taxes_ 165 Penal Institutions_-__ ___________________ 1.79 Syracuse Convention— - --- ---- -------------- IiS U. S. Loans ------------------------------------- IN S Sheriff. Report of-------------------------- -- 132 Appropriation for Jauitor------------------------ 75, 79 Fees for transporting prisoners-------------------- 151 Compensation for keep of prisoners ----'.— ----- 169, 184 Concerning salary of ------------------- 5,:19, 11.2, 1.45 Concerning tobacco, etc., for prisoners__ ------------- 178 J 67 ;6¢ the Supervisors' Proceedings. Surrogate. Clerk's salary -- ------------------------- III, lld Stenographer's salary------------------------ III, Ilsl. Concerning purchase of office files ------- ---------- -173 Superintendents of Poor. Report of --------------------- 305 Resolutions fixing salary of-------------- ITIS, 125, 1.82 Bills for supplies to be rendered to -----------------178 Supervisors' Rooms. Use of prohibited ------------------ '18 Supervisors. Statement of accounts of __ 233 Supplies for County Officers. Committee to purchase___--- 1.74 Taxes. bevy of State and County-__------_ ----------------------- 224 Call for State Tax ------------------------------- 71 Collectors to settle by April Ist-------------------- 75 Committee on property purchased at tax sales ------- 8€1 Expense of collecting unpaid (]!)0(;) _- ------- 66, 76, SO Telephoue. Concerning contract for____--.____- 8(3, 161, 167 Town Audits (See Audits). U Ulysses. Budget ---------------------------------230 IGO. Poll taxes _ _ _ I GI Appropriation for bridges -------------------------- Appropriation _-----__._______------Appropriation for uncollected poll taxes ------------- I.IiS Correction of assessments------------------------- .I(i Report of Bonding Commissioners----__ ---___---- Amount required for highway purposes -------- 1GG, L(i7 W Weights and 11Ie3sures. Resolution to purchase__ - .--_ I Sealer of, appointed ----------------- -------- 47, 171. I %4_4 O �J Poo 1z ed Cd • t.4 V f6w %4..4 r-1 U Zw Associate Judge of the Court of Appeals Member of Assembly Superintendent of the Superintendent of the Constit.tional Amendments Coronor Number One Number Two ' Poor, unexpired p term Poor, full term c s hG C to .. O- • to m Ot .. to NO �' 0 C 'F 'bL v ,F � - a b CITIES OR TOWNS � .i 6 .E N� r C •_ U °0 _ n N - � V y V F ``O' V �' y V z E o o - ¢' t`n E ,n `n 3 n E m U ' u? �; E U e yr E o, E U¢ L C 72 Q �' U I u Z _"v. Z c Z ' x N d f] o R_ .e o > Y E Y E 3 3x L° s° o Uws3333 s. ° L — _ '.� = ° ' L r �. — - _ L °m3wQm31�°xm = `o an m333wm35x5�m33 11 14 14 9 9 0 219 91 10414 8 2 219 88 108 8 219 88 107 14 8 2 219 86 107 14 10 2 3 2 1 0 1 1 0 0 First Ward{ 1 438 186 185 101 15 2 456 208 208 111 11 5 5 4 4 0 234 79 134 5 412 234 75 140 4 15 234 78 137 5 4 10 234 76 139 5 4 10 1 1 0 0 1 1 .0 0 l 474 225 225 8 8 2 2 2 2 0 231 147 81 2 1 0 236 145 83 2 6 237 145 84 2 1 5 236 139 89 2 1 5 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 City Second Ward 2 506 230 229 11 13 2 1 8 8 4 253 130 107 3 8 5 253 128 108 8 9 253 126 111 3 8 5 253 118 118 3 9 5 1 1 0 0 1 l 0 0 3 716 330 326 10 14 10 10 8 8 0 352 197 138 10 7 0 347 195 143 9 0 355 188 150 9 8 0 355 166 174 8 7 0 5 1 4 0 3 1 2 0 of 1 498 235 235 5 5 2 2 7 7 0 248 148 90 3 7 0 248 150 91 7 0 250 150 91 2 7 0 250 143 97 2 8 0 2 0 2 0 t 0 1 0 Third Ward 2 712 309 309 22 24 8 7 16 16 1 357 167 162 4 17 7 357 168 162 1611 357 166 164 4 16 7 356 161 168 4 16 7 4 2 2 0 5 3 2 0 Ithaca 3 510 232 232 11 13 5 4 6 6 1 259 123 119 4 7 6 259 125 119 6 9 259 122 123 3 6 5 259 121 122 3 6 7 2 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 Fourth Ward 1 1 342 163 162 4 5 0 0 3 3 2 171 110 -57 0 3 1 170 109 564 1 171 111 56 0 3 1 171 102 65 0 3 1 3 1 2 0 3 2 1 0 t 2 534 239 239 5 8 4 4 18 17 0 267 162 85 5 15 0 262 161 85 16 0 268 162 84 5 17 0 267 151 94 5 17 0 7 1 6 0 6 1 5 0 Total_______________ 5186 2357 2350 97112524`) 81 80 8 2591 1354 107750 7733 2585 1344 1095 8066 260313361107 47 7835 2600 1263 1173 46 8137 31 13 18 0 22 11 11 0 Dryden _______________ 1 188 88 88 2 2 0 0 4 4 0 94 53 37 0 4 0 94 50 41 3 0 94 53 37 0 4 0 94 53 37 0 4 0 45 21 24 0 41 20 21 0 ' 2 146 66 66 0 0 0 0- 7 7 0 73 40 26 0 7 0 73 40 26 7 0 73 41 24 0 7 1 73 40 26 0 7 0 30 23 7 0 25 17 8 0 3 246 115 115 0 0 0 0 8 8 0 123 85 30 0 8 0 123 82 34 7 0 122 84 30 0 8 0 123 83 32 0 8 0 60 42 18 0 57 39 18 0 4 113 55 55 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 59 42 16 0 1 0 58 38 17 2 1 58 38 17 0 2 1 58 38 17 0 3 0 24 15 9 0 24 13 9 2 ' 5 204 95 95 0 0 0 0 6 6 2 102 65 31 0 6 0 102 64 32 G 0 102 65 31 0 6 0 102 65 31 0 6 0 51 29 22 0 46 29 17 0 6 243 106 107 0 0 1 1 14 14 0 121 70 37 1 13 0 120 69 37 14 0 121 68 38 1 14 0 121 69 37 1 14 0 66 46 20 0 55 38 17 0 Total_______________ 1140 525 526 3 2 1 1 41 39 2 572 355 177 1 39 0 570 343 187 39 1 570 349 177 1 41 2 571 348 180 ,1 42 '0 276 176 100 0 248 156 90 2 Groton _______ __— __- 1 156 63 0 5 1 4 0 2 3 580 272 273 107 1 1 4 5 12 12 0 288 4 167 4 '10 0 289 195 78 12 289 195 79 4 11 0 289 196 77 11 0 14 9 5 0 15 9 6 0 4 178 83 83 2 2 0 0 4 4 0 88 56 28 0 4 0 89 57 28 4 0 89 57 28 0 4 0 89 57 28 0 4 0 8 6 2 0 6 5 1 0 Total 914 418 420 6 5 4 5 28 28 0 452 269 153 4 26 0 453 299 122 28 4 453 299 123 4 27 0 454 300 122 5 '27 0 26 16 10 0 26 15 11 0 ' Caroline ______________ 1' 144 72 71 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 72 43 29 0 0 0 72 42' 30 0 0 72 43 28 0 1 0 72 43 29 0 0 0 41 12 29 0 35 9 26 0 2 226 108 108 0 0 0 0 5 5 0 113 63 45 0 5 0 113 62 46 5 0 113 62 46 0 5 0 113 61 47 0 5 0 61 38 23 0 53 30 23 0 3 158 75 75 0 0 0 0 4 4 0 79 43 32 0 4 0 79 50 25 4 0 79 '51' 24 0 4 0 78 48 26 0 4 0 36 21 15 0 34 19 15 0 Total- ______________ 528 255 254 0 0 0 1 9 9 0 264 149 106 0 9 0 264 154 101 9 0 264 156 98 0 10 0 263 li t 102 0 9 0 138 71 67 0 122 58 64 0 Lansing__ - ------------- 1 177 80 81 2 2 1 1 5 5 0 88 60 22 1 5 0 88 62 21 5 0 88 62 20 1 5 0 88 61 21 1 5 0 47 32 15 0 39 25 14 0 2 126 60 60 0 0 0 0 3 3 0 64 35 26 0 3 0 63 36 24 3 0 64 36 25 0 3 0 63 36 24 0 3 0 33 15 18 0 33 15 18 0 3 186 -86 86 1 1 0 0 6 6 0 93 56 31 0 6 0 92 56 30 6 0 92 55 31 0 6 0 92 56 30 0 6 0 51 26 25 0 38 17 21 0 Total 489 226 227 3 3 1 1 14 14 0 245 151 79 1 14 0 243 154 75 14 0 244 153 76 1 14 0 243 153 75 1 14 0 131 73 58 0 110 57 53 0 Newfield______________ t 154 73 73 3 3 0 0 1 1 0 75 33 41 0 1 0 76 31 -44 1 0 76 31 44 0 1 0 77 44 33 0 0 0 38 16 22 0 31 13 18 0 2 112 48 48 1 1 1 1 6 6 0 55 28 20 1 6 0 54 28 20 6 0 55 28 20 1 6 0 55 28 20 1 6 0 34 23 11 0 25 16 9 0 3 204 97 96 0 0 1 1 4 5 0 102 62 35 1 4 0 101 65 32 4 0 102 65 32 1 4 0 102 72 26 1 3 0 52 33 19 0 42 26 16 0 Total_ 470 218 217 4 4 2 2 11 12 0 232 123 96 2 11 0 231 124 96 11 0 233 124 96 2. it 0 234 144 79 2 9 0 124 72 52 0 98 55 43 0 Danby ____ 1 224 104 104 0 0 0 0 8 8 0 112 67 38 0 7 0 112 65 39 8 0 112 65 39 0 8 0 112 64 40 0 8 0 42 23 19 0 40 20 20 0 2 94 45 45 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 47 27 19 0 1 0 47 27 18 2 0 47 26 19 0 2 0 47 28 18 0 1 0 22 12 10 0 22 9 9 4 3 62 29 29 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 31 19 10 0 2 0 31 19 10 2 0 31 19 10 0 2 0 31 19 10 0 2 0 13 10 3 0 11 8 3 0 Total_______________ 380 178 178 0 0 0 0 12 12 0 190 113 67 0 10 0 190 111 67 12 0 190 110 68 0 12 0 190 111 68 0 11 0 77 45 32 0 73 37 32 4 Ulysses 1 302 137 138 2 1 0 0 12 12 0 151 110 26 0 14 1 151 116 24 11 0 151 114 27 0 10 0 151 112 26 0 12 1 81 56 25 0 70 49 21 0 2 .228 104 104 1 1 0 0 9 9 0 114 .72 31 1 9 1 114 79 29 6 0 114 73 32 0 9 0 114 74 31 0 9 0 56 32 24 0 49 98 21 0 3 316 143 143 2 2 1 1, 12 12 0 156 87 51 1 17 0 157 101 46 10 0 156 93 51 1 11 0 156 93 51 1 11 0 87 62 25 0 76 52 24 0 Total_______________ 846 384 385 5 4 1 1 33 33 0 421 269 108 2 40 2 422 296 99 27 0 421 280 110 1 30 0 421 279 108 1 32 1 224 150 74 0 195 129 66 0 Ithaca ("Town)_________ 1 140 68 68 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 71 37 31 2 1 0 70 37 31 1 1 71 36 32' 2 1 0 71 36 32 2 1 0 29 16 13 0 126 18 8 0 2 158 76 72 1 3 1 1 2 2 0 80 52 24 2 2 0 78 50 26 2 0 80 47 30 1 2 0 79 47 27 2 3 0 35 25 10 0 28 19 9 0 Total_______________ 298 144 140 1 3 2 2 3 3 0 151 89' 55 4 3 0 148 87 57 3 1 151 83 62 3 3 0 150 83 59 4 4 0 64 41 23 0 54 37 17 0 Enfield _______________ 1 386 187 187 0 0 0 0 6 6 0 193 100 86 0 7 0 194 100 88 6 0 194 97 90 0 7 0 194 89 98 0 7 0 •102 41 61 0 189 33 56 0 Total_______________ 386 187 187 0 0 0 0 b 6 0 193 100 86 0 7 0 194 100 88 6 0 194 97 90 0 7 0 194 89 98 0 7 0 '102 41 61 0 189 33 56 0 Total for County______ 10637 4892 4884 119 133 63 621238 236 10 5311 2972 2004 64 23635 5300 3012 1987 229 72 15323 2987 2005 59 233 37 5320 2922 2064 60 236 38 1193 G98 495 0 1037 588 443 6 Blank and Scattering. Frank Weber received one vote for Associate Judge of the Court of Appeals. Walter Wood received one vote for Associate Judge of the Court of Appeals. Blank and Scattering. For Superintendent of the Poor, full term, Ai Reed received one vote.. William A. Smith received one vote. i Zw :x COUNTY ;OFFICERS 1908 CHARLES H..BLOOD - __ County Judge and Surrogate:. D. M. GILLESPIE_1__ _____ = Surrogate's Clerk ZAIDEE"HI STONE__ ________ ______ Cour[Stenographer S -EDWIN BANKS___`_________________ Special County Judge , ALBERT H. OVERACKER---------------------County Clerk .;.,- - A. E. BALL --- _------------- -Deputy County Clerk -- RODNEY G."ROBINSON-------- `_'_County Treasurer - WILLARD M. KENT_ __ District Attorney -- JOHN A. GENUNG__ _-____ �_____ ________Sheriff. EDWARD P. SAYRE - -----" __._s___ Under,Sheriff - —> ROSCOE_C.'TARBELL -------------------------- Coroner .- DAVID P..TERRY__ ------------------------------ Coroner WILBER G:`FISH---------------------- ____-_Coroner W. P HARRINGTON___ -___-___Superintendent of the Poor W. -D. BALDWIN_'-__ __ ___Superintendent'of the.Poor WALTER MEKEEL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Superintendent of the_.Po, or _ .. -.. _ ' W.,H. PINCKNEYK--------------------- Keeper of Alms House, . 't EDWARD H. BOSTWICK ______________Loan Commissioner ,.-JAMES DICK __---- _----- _--------------- Loan Commissioner EDWARD W. UPDIKE_--------- _----- School Commissioner _ HATTIE- KNAP.P. BUCK____ _'_----'-"School Commissioner ASSEMBLY WILLIAM R,GUNDERMAN---------- - Member of.Assembly.._,,,, . - Ithaca, -N- Y..`. -- - STATF-SENATE OWEN CASSIDY' ___ State Senator (49th Dis /rictl Watkins N. Y., - e1 ; CONGRESS JOHN W. DWIGHT_ ____ Representatives in Congress _ _- (30th District Dryden, N. Y:' - '' .k1 r - __ _� .� _ - o ._ . � .. - = � _. � _ __ — -- __ _- „ = _, :- — -_� _ a ._ �._._. s,. _