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1905 Proceedings
Annual Session at Ithaca, N. Y. PROCEEDINGS OF THE oar6 of supervisors OF THE County of Tompkins 1905 R NEWTON MOUNT, Chairman, Groton, N. Y. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk, Ithaca, N. Y. ITHACA, N. Y. PRESS OF ITHACA.NEWS 1906 TOMPKINS COUNTY BOARD OF S17PF,RVISORS 1905. CHAS. SPRIGG R. F. CHAPPUIS ORLANDO WHITE UR. W. C. GALLAGHER ARTHUR N. MILLER WILLIAM H. PARKER BERKLET SIMPSOH HENRS F. HUTCHINGS H. C. FAIRBANKS FRANK D. FISH JOHN J. HANSHAK" R. NEWTON MOUNT. CI181IE .. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk H. B. PEARSALL THE JOURNAL OF PROCEEDINGS OF The Annual Session 1905. The Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins met in Annual Session at their rooms' in the Court House in the City of Ithaca, N. Y., on Thursday, November 16th, 1905, and was called to order by Bert T. Baker, Clerk of the pre- ceding Board. . All members responded to their names as follows: Caroline ............ Wm. C. Gallagher...Slaterville Springs Danby ............ Henry F. Hutchings ...... West Danby Dryden.............R. F. Chappuis.............. t.Dryden Enfield.............Frank D. Fish...... R. F. D. 6, Ittaca Groton.............R. Newton Mount .... R. F. D. Groton Ithaca—Town....... John J. Hanshaw...... R. F. D. Ithaca Ithaca—City........ William H. Parker.............Ithaca Ithaca—City........H. C. Fairbanks ................Ithaca. Ithaca—City........ Charles Sprigg.................Ithaca. Ithaca—City........ A. N. Miller ...................Ithaca. Lansing ............ Orlando White ............ Lansingville: Newfield ............ Berkley Simpson.............NewfieicL Ulysses.............Harry B. Pearsall ....... Trumansburg On motion of Mr. Hanshaw, Mr. Miller was chosen tem- porary chairman. The Chair appointed Messrs. Fairbanks and White tellers. q The Supervisors' Proceedings. On motion of Mr. Simpson, the Board proceeded by infor- Dial ballot for the election of Chairman. The ballot was+taken and the whole number of votes cast for Chairman were 13, of which R. Newton Mount received y and R. F. Chappuis 6. On motion of Mr. Chappuis the ballot was declared a formal ballot and Mr. R. Newton Mount declared unanimously .elected Chairman of the Board. On motion of Mr. Parker, Dr. Gallagher was instructed to cast one ballot for Bert T. Baker as Clerk of the Board. Dr: Gallagher cast one ballot for Bert T. Baker as Clerk -of the Board and he was declared elected. . On motion of Mr. Parker the Clerk was authorized to procure necessary supplies for the use of the Board. On motion the Board adjourned to Friday morning'at q a. m. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. SECOND DAY. Morning Session. FRIDAY, November 17th, 1go5. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of November 16th read and approved. , The., Supervisors'.. Proceedings: 5 By -Mr. Chappuis: Resolved, That the salary of the Clerk of the ensuing year., be $M.00, the same as last year. On motion of Mr. Hanshaw the same was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Hutchings, .Chappuis, Fish, Mount, Hanshaw, Parker, White, Pearsall --q. No1.cs-none.., By Mr. Pearsall: Resolved, That unless otherwise ordered, there be no ses- sions of the Board on Saturday of each week,, On,,motiomof.Mr. Parkenthe,same was adopted. By Mr. White: Resolved, That the Chairman appoint four members of this Board to act with himself as Committee on, Appropriations and County Buildings. On motion of Mr. Pearsall the same was adopted. By. Air. Parker: Resolved, That the Chairman appoint a committee* of out member of this Board to provide fuel and lights for the County Buildings for the year 1906. ` fOn motion of Mr. Hanshaw the same was adopted. The�Chair appointed as such committee Mr. W. H. Parker. By' Mr,, Hanshaw-: 6 The Supervisors' Proceedings Resolved, That resolutions carrying appropriations of money, except those in accordance with the actions of the Boards of the several towns shall not be acted upon until twenty-four hours after the .reading of the same; also that no bill shall be audited until the same shall have laid on the table for twenty-four hours, except service bills of members -of this Board. On motion of Mr. Hutchings the same was adopted. Ba Mr. Fish: Resolved, That the hours from three to four of each after- noon be devoted to auditing bills by this Board. On motion of Xrr. Hanshaw the same was adopted. By Mr. Simpson: Resolved, That the Clerk be allowed $15.00 for postage for the ensuing year. Laid on the table under the rule. By Mr. Hutchings: , Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board be allowed the sum of $25.00 compensation for making the report to the Comptroller as required by law. Laid on the table under the rule. By Mr. Hanshaw:, _ Resolved, That unless otherwise ordered the sessions of the Board commence at 9 A. M. and 2 P. M. On motion of Mr. Fairbanks the same was adopted. Messrs. Parker and Simpson made an oral report of their s The Supervisors' Proceedings. 7 inspection of the Almshouse as the committee for. the month of September, which on motion of Mr.'Chappuis was accepted. By Mr. Fairbanks: Resolved, That the Building Committee be authorized to place a booth around the two 'phones sb tuat the Board. may not be disturbed when in session. ' Laid -on the table for 'twenty-four hours. Messrs. Fairbanks, Hanshaw, Hutchings and .killer, mem- bers of the County Building Committee, submitted a written report ori the watersupply at the County Almshouse,suggesting that no money be expended thereon until a water tower be built and a laundry provided, which on motion'of'Mr. Parker" was accepted and ordered filed. The Chairman announced the following standing com-'! mittees : - Constables' Accounts. Cl.appuis, White, �Sprigg Clerks, and Justices' Accounts. White, Hutchings,' Miller Coroners', Coroners' Juries and Printing Simpson, Fairbanks, Parker County Treasurer's Accounts. n Sprigg, Chappuis, . Pearsall ' Sheriff's, Judges, Dist. Attorney's Accounts. Hanshaw Miller, . . Fist Miscellaneous Claims Parker, Gallagher, Hutchings n $ The Supervisors' Proceedings. Jurisprude7ic'e'and'Erroneous Assessments' Hutchings, Fairbanks, Parker Equalization and Footing Assessutent Rolls Gallagher, Fairbanks, Fish, Simpson Hutchings, White, Chappuis Superintendent of Poor Pearsall, Hanshaw, Miller, Simpson Appropriations and County Buildings Mount;'•Fairbanks, Hanshaw;, Miller, Simpson. U: S.` Deposit and Insurance Miller, • Gallagher, - Hanshaw State Clcarities•ond Pencil Institutions Fish,. Sprigg, Pearsall On -motion the Board adjourned to 2 P. M. Afternoon SeSS10L. Roll call. Quorum present. J Mrs. Fannie P. Rowe was given the privilege of the floor; and she explained that her real property was exempt from taxa- tion because bought with pension money, but that the County bad advertised it to be sold for unpaid State and County taxes Of 1904, and.she was compelled to pay the tax and cost of advertising. The Chairman referred the matter to the Committee on The Supervisors' Proceedings. 9 Jurisprudence and Erroneous Assessments. On' motion the Board adjourned to Monday at 9'a. in. V BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. ' THIRD DAY. MONDAY, NOVEMBER loth, 19o5. Moming -Sessiow.`. Roll call. Quorum present. a - Minutes of November Lyth read and approved. Mr. Fairbanks' resolution to authorize the Building Com- mittee to -place a booth around the telephones in the Super- visors' Room was taken up for consideration, and oat motion of Mr. Simpson was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Hutchings, Chappuis, Mount, - Hanshaw, Parker, Fairbanks, Miller, White, Simpson, Pear- sall—I 1. Noes—none. 'Moved by Mr. Simpson that the Board reconsider the resolution introduced by ?tor. Parker November Lyth to appoint a committee of one to provide fuel and lights for the County Buildings for igo6. Carried. By Dr. Gallagher: to The Supervisors' Proceedings. Resolved, That the Supervisor of Caroline be empowered to remove from the assessment roll of Caroline. the; assessment against the Mead Estate of $10,000 personal property, because the property was removed from the town before the assessmenk was made. - 0 On motion of \'Tr. White tEe same was adopted. By Mr. Hutchings: ' Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed by the Chairman to procure bids for the printing of the necessary num- ber of copies of the Proceedings of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County; that they accept only sealed bids for the same to be handed to the Cleric, and that no bids be considered except those that come through the hands of the said committee. On motion of Mr. Miller the .same was adopted. The chair appointed as such committee Messrs. Hutchings, Miller and White. The Clerk read the following communication from the Comptroller, which on motion of Mr. Miller was received and ordered printed in the minutes: STATE OF NEW YORK. Comptroller's Office.. Albany, September .18, 1905. - To the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of the County'of Tompkins, Ithaca, N. Y.: The Board of Equalization of Taxes, in pursuance of Chap- ter 908 of the Laws of 1890, have fixed the aggregate valuation of property in your County at the sum of $18,848,483, upon which amount a State Tax of $2,902.07 must be levied for the fiscal The Supery sors' Proceedings. Il year commencing October 1st, 1905, as provided in said act, be- ing 154-1000 mills on the dollar, for the canal debt sinking fund, per Chapter 509, Laws of 1905. Yours respectfully OTTO KELSEY, Comptroller. The Clerk read the following communication from the Comptroller, which on motion of Mr. Simpson was received and ordered printed in the minutes: STATE OF NEW YORK. Comptroller's Office. Albany, October 17, 1905. To Clerk Board of Supervisors, County of: Tompkins: Sir: In addition to the State Tax of 154-1000 mills directed to be levied as per circular from this office, dated September 18th, amounting to $2,902.67, the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins is hereby required to raise the sum of $1,041.16 for compensation to September 30, 1906, of 'the Stenographers of the Supreme Court in the 6th Judicial District, as authorized by Sections 258 and 259 of the Code of Civil Procedure; and of the Confidential Clerks appointed by the Justices of the Supreme Court pursuant to Chapter 326, Laws of 1898. Respectfully yours, OTTO KELSEY, Comptroller. On motion of Mr. Miller each' Supervisor was instructed to hand to the Clerk the number of copies'of the Proceedings of the Board that he desired for his town or ward. On motion the Board adjourned to 2 P. M. 12 The Supervisors' Proceedings. Afternoon Session. Roll call. Quorum present. On motion the Board adjourned to meet at the County Clerk's Office as.a Board.of. Canvassers. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. FOURTH DAY. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2I, 1905.- Morning 905. Morning Session. Roll call. Quorum present. ' Minutes of November loth read and approved. By Mr.. Hanshaw Resolved, That in accordance with a resolution passed by the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca on the 9th day of November, 1905, there be levied upon and collected from the taxable prop- erty of said town the sum of $2,500.00, amount due on bridge - at Forest Home and $125.00 interest on same for one year at 5 per cent., and the sum of $50.00 for the support of the poor. On motion of Mr. Parker the same was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Hutchings, Hanshaw, Parker, Sprigg, Miller, White and Simpson -8. Noes—none. Mr. Sprigg in the Chair. The Supervisors' Proceedings. 13 Mr. Mount, presented the Town Audits of the Town of eGroton; which on motion .of -Mr. Hanshaw: were received and -,the' amount ordered levied upon and collected from the tai:ahle .property of the Town of Groton. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Hutchings, Fish, Hanshaw, "Parker, Miller, -White, Simpson and Mount -9. Noes—none. By Mr. Mount: Resolved, That in accordance with resolutions adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Groton, there be levied upon:and col- lected from the taxable property of said town the sum of $1,050 to pay Bowker note and .interest due March 5, 190G;. $500 for bridge plank;, $32.00 for G. A. R. fund; $250 to pay on principal .and interest on the voting machines due March 15, 1906; $1,200 _. with $55.11 interest to April 1, 1906, to, pay on,bridgenote. On motion of Mr. Hutchings the same was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Hutchings; Chappuis, Fish, Hanshaw, Parker, Miller, White, Simpson, Pearsall and Mount =u. Noes—none. Mr. Mount resumed the Chair. By Mr. Miller: Resolved, That a committee of two be `appointed to act In ,conjunction with the sheriff in buying supplies for the prisoners -worked. On motion of Mr. White the same was adopted. By Mr. Sprigg: iq The Supervisors' Proceedings. Resolved, That there be levied and collected from the taxable property of the County of Tompkins the sum of SevenThousand Dollars ($7,000.00) for Court expenses for the year 1906. Laid on the table under the rule. Moved by Dr. Gallagher that the resolution offered by Mr. Parker November 17th that the Chairman appoint a com- mittee of one member of this Board to provide fuel and lights for the County Buildings for the, year 1906 be rescinded. Carried. By Mr. Simpson: Resolved, That the Chairman appoint three members of this Board on the committee to provide fuel and lights for the County Buildings for the year 1906 and that the committee shall procure sealed bids *for purchasing the same. 'On motion of Mr. Fairbanks the same was adopted. By Mr. White Resolved, That, pursuant to Chapter 351of the Laws of 1898 there be levied and collected a poll tax on all persons listed upon the assessment rolls in 'the County of Tompkins indicated on the tax rolls by the assessors of each town as liable to poll tax at the rate of one dollar for each person. On motion of Mr. Hatchings the same was adopted. On motion the Board adjourned to z P. In. Afternoon Session. Roll call. Quorum present. k The Clerk read the following designations which were filed with him: - The Supervisors' Proceedings. 15 In pursuance of Section 19 of Chapter 080 of the Laws of 1892 as amended by Chapter 349 of the Laws of 1898 as amended by Chapter 400 of the Laws of. 1900, we, the Republican members of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, do hereby des- ignate the Ithaca Journal as the official -paper for publishing the session laws and concurrent resolutions, of the Legislature re- quired by law,to be published. CHARLES SPRIGG, W. C. GALLAGHER, H. F. HUTCHINGS, BERKLEY SIMPSON, A. N. MILLER, H. C. FAIRBANKS, R. N. MOUNT. In pursuance of Section 1.9 of Chapter 080 of the Laws'of 1892 as amended by Chapter 349 of the Laws of 1898, we, the Democratic members of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County; do hereby designate the Ithaca News as the official paper . for,; Publishing the sessions laws and concurrent resolutions of the Legislature required by Law to be published. I JOHN J. HANSHAW, WM. H. PARKER,' ORLANDO WHiTE,' R. F. CHAPPUIS, H. B. PEARSALL, F. D. FISH. By Mr. Chappuis: . Resolved, That the Board have printed 5,000 copies of the proceedings of the Board of Supervisors for the present session and that they be apportioned In the same proportion as last year. On motion of Mr. Parker the same was adopted. By Mr. Hanshaw: Resolved, That there be levied upon and collected from the owners and harborers of dogs In the County of Tompkins except in the Town of Ulysses as listed upon the assessment rolls of the 16 The Supervisors' Proceedings. :several tax districts of said County except the Town of Ulysses the sum of fifty cents for each dog when only one, dog is owned or harbored; and two dollars for each additional dog;, three dollars for each bitch when only one bitch is owned or har- boured; and five dollars for each additional bitch owned' or bar- boured by the same person. On motion of nIr.'.I-Iutchings the same was adopted. By Mr. Mount: . Resolved,:That there be levied and collected from the taxa- ble property of the Town of Groton outside the Village of Groton the sum of $2,025.50, or two mills on a dollar, for the purpose of working. the highways of the Town of Groton, outside of the Village of. Groton, under the money tax system to pursuance of a resolution of the Town. Board of said Town and pursuant to statute. Laid on the table under the rule. The Clerk ,read the following report of the Supervisor of the Town of Newfield, which on motion of Mr. Hanshaw was received and ordered printed in the minutes. To. the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, N. Y.: Gentlemen:—The underslgned Supervisor of the Town of Newfield in compliance with Sections 210 and 21.1 of the Town Law respectfully reports: That the indebtedness of the Town of Newfield, contracted by authority of resolution passed by the Board of Supervisors at a special session held by said Board August 5th, 1905, authorizing said Town of Newfield to borrow seven thousand five hundred dollars to repair damages to roads and bridges by the floods of June 21st, 1905, as follows: The total principle indebtedness at date of this report is seven thousand five hundred dollars. ....... $7,500.00 The notes given for the same are as follows:. The Saspervisors' Proceedings. 1; One note to Ithaca Savings Bank to be paid February 206, 1906, at 4 per cent ....:........:...... 3,750.00 One note to Ithaca Savings Bank to be pald•February 20th, 1907, at 4 per cent ..................... 3,750.00 Total .....................................$7,500.00 The amount to be provided to meet payment coming due February 20th, 1906: Principal of one note ............................$3,750.00 Interest on $7,500 to February 20th, 1906......:... 149.16 Total .........................................$3,899.16 Dated, Nov. 21st, 1905. BERKLEY, SIMPSON, Supervisor. Mr. Simpson's resolution to allow the Clerk $15.00 for postage for the ensuing year, introduced Novemer Lyth, was taken up, for consideration and on motion of Mr: Miller was adopted. - Ayes -,Messrs. Gallagher:, .Hutchings, Chappuis, Fish, Parker, Fairbanks, Miller, White, Simpson, Pearsall—lo. Noes—none. Mr. Hutchings' resolution to allow the Clerk $25.00 fol- making ormaking report to the Comptroller, introduced November Iyth„ was taken up for consideration and on motion of Mr. Chappuis was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Hutchings, Chappuis, Fish„ Parker, Fairbanks, Miller, White, Simpson,. Pearsall—lo. Noes—none. s 18 The Supervisors' Proceedings. By Mr. Pearsall: Resolved, That there be levied and collected from the own- ers and harbourers of dogs in the Town of Ulysses the sum of one dollar for each dog where only one dog is owned or harboured and two dollars for each additional dog; three dollars for each bitch where only one bitch is owned or harboured, and five dol- lars for each additional bitch owned or harboured by the same person, pursuant to a resolution passed by the Town Board of said Town of Ulysses. - On motion of Mr. Parker the same was -adopted. On motion the Board adjourned. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. FIFTH DAY". WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 22nd, 19o5. Morning Session. Roll call. Quornm present. Minutes of November list read and approved. By A'Ir. Ii'anshaw: Resolved, That the County Treasurer be 'allowed the sum of one hunlred dollars ($100.00) for office rent, fuel and lights, from January 1st, 1906, to January 1st, 1907. Laid on the table under the rule. s The ,Supervisors' Proccedings. fg Mr. Fish presented the Town Audits of the Town of En- field, which on motion of Air. Hutchings were received and the amount ordered levier] upon and.collected from the taxable property of the Town of Enfield. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, I-hitching's, Chappuis, Fish, Parker, ITairbanks, Miller, White, Simpson and Pearsall—Io. Noes—none. The Clcrk react the report of Georg. McLaughlin, Secre- tary of the Gommision of Prisons on his inspection of the jail, which on motion of Mr. Chappuis was received and ordered printed. Ott motion the Board adjourned to 2 p. m. Afternoon Session. Roll call. Quorum present. By Air. Ilanshaw: Resolved, That the sum of Two Thousand One Hundred Sev- enty -Soar Dollars and Seventy-eight cents ($2,174.78) or two mills on a dollar on the assessed valuation of the taxable property of the Town of Tthaca be levied and collected from the taxable properly of said town for the purpose of working the highways under the money tax system in accordance with a resolution adopted by the Town Board of the .Town of Ithaca and with Chapter 351 of the Laws of 1898. On motion of Mr. I-Tutchings the same was adopted. Apes—Messrs. Gal_aghcr, ,Hatchings, Fish, Hanshaw, Sprig,,, NVhitc, Simpson and Pearsall -8. Noes—none. 20 The Supervisors' Proceedings. Mr. I-Iansh�aw, Chairman of the committee on sheriffs accounts reported favorably on Bill No. 43 and recommended that the frill amount thereof be paid. I Laid on the table under the rule. \ir. Sprigg's resolution to levy upon and collect from the taxable property of the County of Tompkins $7,000 for Court expenses for the year 1906, introduced November 2lst, was,taken up for consideration and on motion of Mr. Miller was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Hutchings, Chappuis, Fish, Hanshaw, Parker, Sprigg, Miller, White, Pearsall, Simpson -I I. \roes --none. XIr. Mount's resolution to levy and collect from the taxa- ble property outside of the Village in the Town of Groton t.`.c S11111 of $2,025.50, to work the highways, introduced November 21st, was taken up for consideration and on motion of Mr. Hanshaw was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Hutchings, Chappuis, Fish, Hanshaw, Parker, Sprigg, _Miller, White, Pearsall, Simpson -11. Noes—none. On motion the Board adjourned. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. The Superuisors' Proceed iii,,;. 2, SIXTH DAY. TGURSDAY. NoveMMe 23rd, 19o5, Morning Session. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of November 22nd read and approved. The Clerk read the following report, which on motion of Mr. Millerwasreceived and ordered printed in the proceed- ings: To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, N. Y.: We, the undersigned committee appointed to procure four Pieces of land along the Catskill Turnpike where the State survey deviates from the highway as it now runs, report as follows: We are uneble as yet to make any arrangements with two of the parties. We ask for power to condemn the four parcels of land asked for by the State. W. C. GALLAGHER, Chairman, R. F. CHAPPUTS, WILLIAM H. PARKER, Committee. By Dr. Gallagher: ° WHEREAS, Plans for the construction and improvement pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 115 of the Laws of 1898 of the highway known as Catskill Turnpike, Section 3 Towns of Dryden and Caroline, in the County of Tompkins were approved by the resolution of this Board on the 11th day of February, 1905, and WHEREAS, it appears that the boundaries of said highway 22 The Supervisors' Proceedings. so to be improved deviate from the existing highway and it is provided by Section 7 of Chapter 1.15 of the Laws of 1393 that in such cases the Board of Supervisors must make provision for securing the requisite right of way prior to the actual commence- ment of the wort: of improvement, and - WHEREAS, It appears from the report of the committee appointed by the Chairman of this Board on the 11th day of February, 1905, to acquire such right of way, have not secured the same, now, therefore, RESOLVED, That the Chairman of this Board is hereby authorized to continue such committee, consisting of three mem- bers of 'this Board, which committee is hereby anthorized and empowered to acquire by purchase for and on behalf of the County of Tompkins under the provisions of Chapter 240 of the Laws of 1901 such land as may be necessary for the construction and improvement. of said highway as aforesaid, in order that said right of way shall conform to the boundaries of the section of said Catskill Turnpike, Section 13, as laid out in the maps and plans prepared for the improvement of said road ander the di- rection of the State Engineer said Surveyor, whoever the bound- aries of the proposed new sectionof said road deviate from the present. boundaries. Resolved, further, That such sum as may be necessary to pay for the land to be acquired hereunder be and the same hereby is appropriated for said purposes, and that the County Treasurer of Tompkins County be and he hereby is authorized and em- powered to pay for the land so acquired upon the deposit, with him of deeds therefor, approved as to form by the District Attor- ney of said County, and upon the receipt of claims verified as re- quired by law and audited by said committee, and that said County Treasurer be and he hereby is authorized and empowered to borrow such sum or sums as may be"required to make said payments. Resolved, further, That said committee be and it hereby is authorized to procure official searches against any and all pieces or parcels of land that may be acquired hereunder. Resolved, further, That is case said committee shall be un- able to acquire by purchase or dedication the lands necessary for e The Supervisors' Proceedings. zg the construction and improvement of the highway aforesaid, then and in that case, said committee be and it. hereby is authorized and directed to acquire the same by condemnation proceedings as provided in said Chapter 240 of the Laws of 1901, and the acts amendatory thereof. Laid on the Cable under the rale. BY Mr. Simpson: Resolved, That in accordance with resolutions adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Newfield and the statutes in such cases made,and provided the following sums of money be levied upon and collected from the taxable Propertyof the Town of Newfield as herein set forth, viz.: The sum of $250.00 for repairing roads and bridges. The sum of $1.00.00 in aid of the Newfield Free Town Li- brary. The sum of $50.00 in aid of town poor and $15.00 for the Newfield Soldiers; Veterans and Citizens Memorial association to defray the expenses of the observance of Memorial Day. The sum of $3,750.00 to pay a note given to Ithaca Savings. Bank which matures February 20th, 1"906. e The sum of $1.49.16 to pay interest to Ithaca Savings 13antr on $7,500.00 to February- 20th, 1.906. " On motion of Mr. Hutchings the amounts were -ordered levied upon and collected from the. taxable property of the. Town of Newfield. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Hutchings, Chappuis, -Fish, Hanshaw, Parker, Mitler, White, Simpson—g. Noes—none. 24 The Supervisors' Proceedings. By Dr. Gallagher: Whereas, Plans for the construction and Improvement pur- suant to the provisions of Chapter 115 of the laws of 1898 of the ..Cayuga I3eights. Road, No. 336, in the County of Tompkins were approved by resolution of this Board on December 4, 1903, and Whereas, It appears that the boundaries of said highway so to be improved deviate from the existing highway and it is pro- vided by Section 7 of Chapter 115 of the Laws of. 1898 that in such cases the Board of Supervisors must make provision for securing the requisiterightof way prior to.the actual commence- ment of the work of improvement. Now, Therefore, Resolved, That the Chairman of this Board is hereby 'authorized to appoint a committee of three members,of this Board, which committee is hereby authorized and empowered to acquire by purchase or dedication for and on behalf of the County of Tompkins under the provisions of Chapter 240 of the Laws of 1.901 such land as may be necessary for the construction and improvement of ,said highway as aforesaid. Resolved, further, That such sum as may be necessary to pay for the land to be acquired hereunder be and the same hereby is appropriated.for said purposes, and that the County Treasurer of Tompkins County be and he hereby is authorized and em- powered to pay for the land so acquired upon the deposit with him of deeds therefor, approved as to form by the District Attor- ney of said County, and upon the receipt of claims verified as required by law, and audited by said committee, and that said County Treasurer be and he hereby is authorized and empowered to borrow such sum or sums as may be required to make said payments. Resolved, further, That said committee be and it hereby is authorized to procure official searches against any and all pieces or parcels of land that may be acquired hereunder. Resolved, further, That in case said committee shall be unable to acquire by purchase or dedication the lands necessary for the construction and improvement of the highway aforesaid, then, and in that case, said committee be and it hereby is authorized The Supervisors' Proceedings. 25 and directed to acquire the same by. condemnation proceedings as provided in said cChapter 240 of the Laws of 1901, and the acts amendatory thereof. Laid on the table under the rule. : On motion the Board adjourned to 2 P. In, Afternoon Session. Roll call. Quorum present. By Mr. Hanshaw: ' Resolved, That in the apportionment of Grand Jurors the quotas allotted to the several towns and City of Ithaca be as follows: I. . Caroline ....................... 20 Danby......................... 19 Dryden ........................ 43 Enfield ........................ 15 Groton ........................ 32 ' Ithaca (City) ................... 79 Ithaca (Town) .................. 12 Lansing ....................:.. 28 Newfield ....................... 24 Ulysses ........................ 28 On motion of Mr. Miller the same was adopted. , Mr. Simpson, Chairman of the Committee on Coroner's and Coroner's Jury's Accounts, reported favorably on Bills Aro. 2, 14, 13 and 52, and recommended that the full amounts thereof be paid. Laid on the table under, the rule. Mr. Parker, Chairman of the Committee on Miscellaneous Claims, reported favorably on Bills, No. 5, 50, 23, 40, 47, 22. s 26 . The Supervisors' Proceedings. 18, 21, 4, 1g, and recommended that the 'full amounts thereof be paid. 0 Laid on the table under the rule. On motion of, 7\1r. White, Bill No. 43 was ordered audited at the full amount as recommended by the committee. Aves—\Messrs. Gallagher, Hutchings, Chappuis, Fish, Hanshaw, Parker, Fairbanks. Sprigg, White, Simpson and Pearsall -1 i. Noes—none. By Mr. Fairbanks: Resolved, That Rantsford S. Miller of the City of Ithaca,. N. Y., be appointed as Sealer of weights and Measures for the period of one year beginning with the first day of December, 1905. On motion of14r. Hanshaw the same was adopted. Mr. Hanshaw's resolution that the County Treasurer be allowed the sum of $loo.00 for office relit, fuel and lights for the vear 1906, introduced 'November 22nd, was taken up for consideration and on motion of Nl:r. Pearsail was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Hutchings, Chappuis, Fish, Hanshaw, Parker, Fairbanks. Sprigg, White, Simpson and Pearsall—i i. Noes—none. On motion the Board adjourned. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. The Supervisors' Proceedings. 2, SEVENTH DAY. FRIDAY, NovLmnER 24th, 1905. Morning Session. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of November 23rd read and approved. By Mr. Miller: Resolved, That the compensation of the Sheriff of the County for the board of prisoners for the ensuing year be forty-three cents per day and twenty-five cents per week for each prisoner for washing. On motion of \4r. White the same was adopted. On motion the Board adjourned to 2 P. m. Afternoon Session. , Roll call. Quorum present. Dr. Gallagher's resolution to continue the committee of " three to secure four parcels of land on the Catskill Turnpike, Section 3, requisite for the construction and improvement of the same, introduced November 23rd, was taken up for consid- eration and on motion of _Air. Chappuis was adopted. I Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, S-Tutchings, Chappuis, Fish, Hanshaw, Miller, White and Simpson s. Noes—none. The Chairman appointed as such committee Messrs. Gal- lagher, Parker and Chappuis. 28 The Supervisors' Proceedings: Dr. Gallagher's resolution to appoint a committee of three to secure the requisite right of way for the construction and improvement of the Cayuga Heights Road, No. 336, introduced November 23rd, was taken up for consideration and on motion of Mr. Miller was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Hutchings, Chappuis, Fish, Hanshaw, Parker, Miller, White and Simpson -9. Noes ---none. The Chairman appointed as such committee Messrs. Gal- lagher, Hanshaw and Parker. The Chairman appointed as the committee to act in con- junction with the sheriff in buying supplies for the prisoners Messrs. Miller and Fish. On motion of Dr. Gallagher the matter of Mr. Mount's withdrawing as chairman of the committee on Appropriations and County Buildings was made a special order of business for Wednesday, November 29th, at ii a. m. Mr. White, Chairman of the Committee on Justice's Ac- counts, reported favorably in Pill No. 15, and recommended that the full amount thereof be paid. Laid on the table under the rule. On motion of \Zr. Hanshaw, .Bills No. 52, 13, tq, 2, were ordered audited at the full amount claimed as recommended by the committee. - Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Hutchings, Chappuis, Fish, Hanshaw, Parker, Miller, White and Simpson -9. Noes—none. The Supervisors' Proceedings. 29 On motion of Mr. White, Bills No. 21, 19, 4, 22, 18, 47, 40, 5o and 5 were ordered audited at the full amounts claimed as recommended by the committee. Ayes—'Messrs. Gallagher, Hutchings, Chappuis, Fish, Hanshaw, Parker, Miller, White and Simpson -9. Noes— none. The Clerk read the followingreportof the,Committee on Insurance, which on motion of, Mr. White was accepted and ordered printed in the proceedings: To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, N. Y.: Your committee for 1905 on Insurance respectfully report the following businesstransactedduring the year: Effected new insurance of jail $5,000.00, 3 year policy; Clerk's office $5,000.00„3 year policy at a total cost of ...................................$ 150.00 Renewed for 3 years, policies on Alms House, amount $10,000.00, cost ............................ 200.00 Renewed for 3 years, policies on Court House, amount $5,000.00, cost 60.00 Renewed for 1 year policy on Stone Yard Building, amount $250.00, cost 5.00 Total .....................................$ 415.00 Your committee have also as instructed by the Board made a contract for a policy of Boiler Insilrance amount to be $1o,000.00 on County Clerk's Office for a period of 3 years to cost $36.00. This policy has not as yet been delivered. ' Total amount of insurance paid for .................$ 415I0U Policy to be pard for .............................. ' 36 � 00 $ 451!00 30 The .Sopervisors' Proceedings. Appropriation asked for at 1904 Session of Board .... $ :25.00 451.00 The unexpended balance when this committee's business is closed ...................................$ 74.00 In transacting above your committee wish to call the Board's attention to "what is termed by the so-called old line Insurance Compan}''s agents" a radical departure by this com- mittee in placing some of the above insurance in The Tompkins County Co-operative Fire Insurance Company. This we did after clue deliberation and we trust with the approval of this Board in effecting the same. We made the following saving on renewed policies: - County I -louse expired three-year policy, cost for $5,000-00- $137-50; renewed for $ioo.00. County House expired three- year policy for $5,000.00, cost $[3700; renewed for $izio.00. Court House, two expired policies, 3 -year, cost $75.00; renewed for $60.00. Stone Yard Building, expired one-year policy $250.00. cost $7.81 ; renewed for $5.00. In all �a saving on renewed policies of $92.81. Your committee also calls the attention of the new eonr mittee to two l,'oder Insurance policies, which expire November .30th, one on the _almshouse, one on the Court House. WAf. H. PARKER, W. C. GALLAGHER, Committee. On motion the Board adjourned. PERT T. BAKER, Clerk, The Supervisors' Proceedings. 31 EIGHTH.DAY. i\'lONDAY NOVLMBER 27th, 1905. Dforning Session. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of November 24th read and approved. The clerk read the Report of State Inspector Rogers of his inspection of the Almshouse, which on motion of 111. Parker was received and ordered printed. On motion the Board adjourned to 2 P. in. Afternoon Session. Roll call. Quorum present. . Mr. Chappuis, Chairman of the Committee on Constable, Accounts reported favorably on Bills No. 12 and 56 and rec- ommended that the frill amount thereof be paid. Laid on the table under the rule. Mr. Parker. Chairman of the Committee on miscellaneous Claims, reported favorably on Bills, No. 74, 28, 54, 27 32, 75 and 46, and recommender) that the full amounts thereof be paid. Laid on the table under the rule. On motion of Mr. Hanshaw Bill No. 15 was ordered audited at the full amount claimed as recommended by the committee. - Ayes—Afessrs. - Gallagher, IIutchings, Chappuis, fish, a 32 The Supervisors' Proceedings. Hanshaw, Parker, Fairbanks, Sprigg, Miller, White, Simpson, Pearsall—i2. Noes—none. Mr. Hanshaw presented the Town Audits of the Town of Ithaca, which on motion of Mr. Fish were received and the amount ordered levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Ithaca. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Hutchings, Chappuis, Fish, Hanshaw, Parker, Fairbanks, Sprigg, Miller, White, Simpson, Pearsall—i2. Noes—none. Mr. Chappuis presented the Town Audits of the Town of Dryden, which on motion of Mr. Parker were received and the amount ordered levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Dryden. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Hutchings, Chappuis, Fish, Hanshaw, Parker, Fairbanks, Sprigg, Miller, White, Simpson, Pearsall—i2. Noes—none. By Mr. Chappuis: Resolved, That according to the following resolutions pass ed by the Town Board of the Town of Dryden, that the amounts specified be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Dryden: ' Resolved, That there be raised by tax Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) for bridges as allowed by statute for 1906. Resolved, That there be raised by tax Five Hundred Dollars The Supervisors', Proceedings, 33 ($500.00) as voted at town meeting in 1904, for highways. and bridges. Resolved, That.there be appropriated and raised by tax Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) for extraordinary repairs to. high- ways and bridges and approaches. Resolved, That there be raised by tax Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($260.00) for the 'G. A. R. fund. Resolved, That there: be raised by tax One Hundred, Dollars ($100.00) for the support of the poor. On motion of 1\Zr. Sprigg.the,ariiounts were ordered levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the Town of. Dryden. Ayes—D4essrs. Gallagher, Hutchings, Chappuis, Fish, Hanshaw, Parker, Fairbanks, Sprigg, Miller, White, Simpson, Pearsall— 12. Nocs—none. By Mr. Chappuis: . Resolved, That there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Dryden outside of the incor- porated villages of Dryden and Freeville the sum of $3,003.12, or two mills on the dollar for working the highways under the money tax system. _ On motion of Mr. Simpson, the same was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, L-Tutchings, Chappuis, Fish,, Hanshaw, Parker, Fairbanks, Sprigg, Miller, White, Simpson,. Pearsall -f2. Noes—none. 34 The Supervisors' Proceedings— By Dr. Gallagher: Resolved, That in pursuance to resolutions of the Town. Board of the Town of Caroline, there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Caroline the several ny.. soma asked for as per said resolutions as follows: $2,000.00 to pay Ithaca Savings Bank bank note due March. 1st, 1906. $80.00 to pay the interest due on the note due Ithaca Sav- ings Bank March 1st, 1906. $33.33 to pay the interest on the George M. Bull note of $2,000.00. .$20.00 for Memorial Day services. $500.00 for bridges for ensuing year as allowed by statute. $52.00 to pay Old Ladies' Home on account of Drexy Pettl- grove. $1.00 to pay John L. Thomas for poll tax illegally collected. - $1:00 to pay Gilbert Higgins for poll tax illegally collected. The sum of $1,713.17 or two mills on each $1.00 assessed valuation for the improvement of the highways under the money tax system. On motion of Mr. Sprigg the amounts were ordered levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Caroline. Ayes—'klessrs. Gallagher. Hutchings, Chappuis, Fish, Hanshaw, Parker, Fairbanks. Sprigg, Miller, White, Simpson. Pearsall— 12. \'nes—none. The Supervisors' Proceedings. 35 By Mr. Pearsall: Resolved, That there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the County of Tompkins the sum of $100.00 to pay the salary of Chaplain at the County Alms House for one year. Laid on the table under the rule. By A'Ir. Pearsall: Resolved, That in accordance with the resolution adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses the sum of $3.00 be. levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the 'Town of Ulysses to repay an erroneous tax assessed against Rev. H. Meeker. On motion of Mr. Sprigg the same was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Hutchings, Chappuis, Fish, Hanshaw, Parker, Fairbanks, Sprigg, Miller, White, Simpson, Pearsall -1 z. Noes -110110. Dr. Gallagher presented the town audits of the Town of Caroline, which on motion of 19r. Hanshaw were received and the amount ordered levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the ToW' n of Caroline. eyes—Messrs. Gallagher, Hutchings, Chappuis, Fish, Hanshaw, Parker, Fairbanks, Sprigg, Miller, White, Simpson, Pearsall -12. Noes—none. 3i5 The Supervisors' Proceedings. By \fr. Miller: Resolved, That the sum of $500.00 be appropriated for de- ceased and indigent soldiers' and sailors' fund. Laid on the table under the rule. On motion the Board adjourned. BERT T. BAKER. Clerk. NINTH DAY. TUESDAY, NOVEM13ER 28th, 1905. Morning Session. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of November 27th read and approved. By Dr. Gallagher: Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed to receive road plans from the several towns and introduce a general map for the County and several towns, so that the plans for improved roads may meet each other to the best advantage. On mction of Mr. Simpson the same was adopted. The Clerk read the following bank statement from the Vid_a7;e of Dryden, whish on motion of Mr. Flanshaw was received and ordered printed. The Supervisors' Proceedings. 37 To the Hohoiable Board of Supervisors of the County of Tomp- kins: From a verified statement rendered to us by the First Na- tional Bank of Dryden, doing business in the Village of Dryden, N. Y., which is subject to taxation under the provisions of Chap- ter 550 "An act to amend the tax law relating to the takation of stockholders of banks and banking institutions," we have de- termined the value of each share of stock as follows: 250 shares capital stock, par value .... $25,000.00 Bank Building 1,200.00 Surplus*Fund ..................... 3,000.00 Undivided Profits .................. 1,947.81 $31,147.81 Less Real Estate .................. 1,200.00 $29,947.81 $29,947.81 = 250 = $119.79, value each share for taxation. July 25, 1905. A. C. SCOTT, A. A. SAGER, AVERY HILES, Assessors. Messrs. R. A. Trefethen and Virgil D. Morse were given the privilege of the floor, and they discussed the legality of the action of the insurance committee in placing the insurance of county buildings in the Tompkins Countv Co-operative Fire Insurance Companv. By Mr. Spriggs Resolved, That,there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the City of Ithaca the sum of $1.5.00 to pay, the County Treasurer an allowance on collections of State and County Tax of 1905, postage, etc., as per the following bill: 38 The Supervisors' Proceedings. Ithaca, N. Y.,Nov. 17, 1906. City of Ithaca, State and County, to CHARLES M. BENJAMIN. Allowance on collection of State and County Tax, 1905, postage etc . ................................ $16.00 STATE OF NEN' YORK Tom plcins County. f Charles M. Benjamin being duly sworn, deposes and says that the account hereto annexed is just and accurate, and that the same has not been paid, nor any portion thereof. CHARLES M. BENJAMIN. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 27th day of Novem- ber. 1905. E. E. INGALLS, Notary Public. Laid on the table under the rule. Bp Mr. Simpson: Resolved, That all county orders shall be countersigned by the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, and all town orders shall be countersigned by the Supervisor of the respective towns, and that no order shall be issued until after the adjournment of this Board. On motion of Dor. White the same was adopted. On motion the Board adjourned to 2 P. M. The Supervisors' Proceedings. 39 Afternoon Session. Roll call. Quorum present. Mr. Parker, Chairman of the Committee on Miscellaneous Claims, reported favorably on Bills No. 57, 63, 31, 77 and recommended that the fu'sl amounts thereof be paid. Laid on the table under the rule. On motion of Mr. Sprigg, Bills No. 56 and 12 were ordered audited at the full amounts claimed as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Hutchings, Chappuis, Fish, Hanshaw, Parker. Sprigg, Miller, White, Simpson, Pearsall —11. Noes—none. On motion of Mr. Hanshaw, Bills No. 74, 28, 54, 27, 32• 95 and 46 were ordered audited at the full amounts claimed as recommended by the.committee. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Hutchings, Chappuis, Fish, Hanshaw, Parker. Sprigg. Miller, White. Simpson, Pearsall —T I. Noes --none. Mr. Pearsall's resolution to levy and collect from the taxa- ble property of the County of Tompkins $Too.00 to pay the Chaplain at the Almshouse for one year, introduced November 27th, was taken up for consideration, and on motion of. Mr. Hutchings was adopted. Ayes—Alessrs. Gallagher, Hutchings, Chappuis, Fish, }o The Supervisors' Proceedings. Hanshaw, Parker, Sprigg, IYIiller, Simpson, Pearsall—io. Noes—none. 'Mr.'liiler's resolution to appropriate $800.00 for deceased and indigent soldiers and sailors fund, introduced November 27th, was'6ken lip for consideration. By Dr. Gallagher: Resolved as an amendment to Mr. Miller's resolution, That $285.00 be appropriated to pay the deficiency in the Fund for the past year, and that $500.00 be appropriated for the deceased and indigent soldiers' and sailors' fund for the ensuing year. IvIr.'Miller. accepted the amendment, and as amended on motion of Mr. Parker the same was adopted. Ayes—AMessrs. Gallagher, Hutchings, Chappuis, Fish, I-Ianshaw. Parker, Fairbanks, Sprigg, Miller, White, Simpson, Pearsall -12. Noes—none. On motion the Board adjourned. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. The Supervisors' Proceedings. 41 TENTH DAY. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 29th, 19o5. Morning Session. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of November 28th read and approved' By Mr. Fish: Resolved, That the Board fix the final date for receiving bilis against the County of Tompkins at December 14th, 1905, ex- cepting the bills of the members of the present Board which shall be acted upon the last day of this session and that there be no extenslon of time made beyond the above fixed date, and Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board be instructed to ad- vertise the same. On motion of Mr. -filler the same was adopted. By Mr. Simpson: Resolved, That the sum 'of one thousand four hundred four- teen and 66-100 dollars or two mills on the dollar of assessed property of the Town of Newfield outside of the corporate limits of the Village of Newfield be levied and collected from the tixa- ble property of the Town of Newfield outside of the Village of Newfield for the purpose of working the highways of the Town of Newfield outside of the Village of Newfield under the money tax system in accordance with a resolution adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Newfield and with Chapter 351 Laws of 1898. On motion of Mr. Parker the same was adopted. Ayes—\4essrs. Gallagher, Hutchings, Chappuis, Fish, Hanshaw, Parker, Miller, White and Simpson -9. 42 The Supervisors' Proceedings. Noes—none. On motion of Mr. Parker the Chairman was instructed to - invite Mr. Win. R. George of the George Junior Republic to come before the Board in relation to receiving juvenile prison- ers at the Republic from Tompkins County. On motion the Board adjourned. Afternoon Session. Roll call. Quorum present. Mrs. Wood and Mrs. Schryver, delegates from the W. C. T. U., were given the privilege of the floor and reported tl.e work of the lady chaplain at the jail for the past year, and requested that the appropriation for her services be continued. Mr. Parker. Chairman of the Committee on Miscellaneous Claims, reported favorably on Rills No. 87, 26, 86, 25 and recommended that the full amounts thereof be paid. Laid on the table under the rule. On motion of Mr. Fairbanks Bills No. 63, 31, 77 and 57 were ordered audited at the full amounts claimed as recom- mended by the committee. Ayes—Mcssrs. Gallagher, Hutchings, Clmppuis, Fish, Parker, Fairbanks, Miller, White, Simpson and Pearsall—to. Noes—none. Mr. Sprigg's resolution tat there be levied upon and col- lected from the taxable property of the City of Ithaca $r5.00 to pay allowance to the County Treasurer for collecting State and Countv Tax, introduced November 28th, was taken up for consideration and on motion of Mr. Miller was adopted. The Snhcrvisors' Proceedings. 43 Ayes --Messrs. Gallagher, Hutchings, Chappuis, Fish, Parker, Fairbanks, Miller, White, Simpson and Pearsall—io. Noes—none. By Mr. Fairbanks: Resolved, That a committee of one be appointed to co-oper- ate with the' County Treasurer in regard to the property bought on tax sales by the County and to dispose of the said property ae far as possible to the best interests of the County. On motion of Mr. Simpson the same was adopted. The Chairman appointed as such committee Mr. Fair- banks. On motion the Board adjourned to December 4@h, at 9 a. m. PERT T. BAKER, Clerk. u ELFVENTH DAY. MONDAY, DECEMBER 4th, 1905. Morning Session. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of November 29th read and approved. 44 The Supervisors' Proceedings. by Dir. Miller: Resolved, That there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the County of Tompkins the sum of $1,1i00.00 for Surrogate's and County Judge's Stenographer and Clerk for year 1906. Laid on the table under the rule. By Dor. Miller: Resolved, That there be levied and collected from the taxa- ble property of the City of Ithaca the sum of $92.00 for services as set forth in the annexed bill of A. S. Robinson, In making de- scriptions of property of delinquent taxpayers of the said City, in accordance with the Tax Law. COUNTY OF TOMPKINS. To ALFRED S. ROBINSON, Dr. Aug. and Sept., 1905—Making searches on 146 parcels of land in the City of Ithaca, to be sold for unpaid taxes, making minutes, transcribing records, and preparing copy for printer, etc., 46 days at $2.00 per day ................ :.................. $92.00 STATE OF NEW YORK, Tompkins County, I as. A. S. Robinson being duly sworn, says the annexed account is in all respects just and true, and that no part thereof has been paid, and that there are no offsets to the same. A. S. ROBINSON. Subscribed and sworn to before me Nov. 16th, 1905. EDWARD H. FREAR, Justice of the'Peace. The Supervisors' Proceedings, 45 Laid on the table under the rule. Mr. Simpson presented the Town Audits of the Town of Newfield, which on motion of Mr. Chappuis were received and the amounts ordered levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Newfield. Ayes—Messrs, Gallagher, Hutchings; Chappuis, PIanshaw, Parker, Miller, Sprigg, Simpson and Pearsall -y, '.Noes—none. The Cliairman appointed as the committee to. buy fuel and lights for the County Buildings Messrs. Parker, Gallagher and Hutchings. On.motion the Board adjourned to 2 P. m. Afternoon Session. Poll call. Quorum present. The Board made the annual inspection of tte County Jail in conformity of law. The privilege of the floor was given to Mr. R. G. H. Speed and he outlined the laws whereby the Tompkins County Co -Operative Fire Insurance Company was authorized to in sure the county buildings. The privilege,of the floor was given Mr. II. E. Sunder- land of the Burroughs Adding Machine Company, and he explained the merits of the adding machine giving the price at $37S.00. ➢Tr. Simpson, Chairman of the Committee on Coroner's 46 The Supervisors' Proceedings. Accounts reported favorably on Bill No. 82 and recommended that the full amount thereof be paid. Laid on the table under the rule. \Ir. Parker, Chairman of the Committee on \Iisceilaneous Claims, reported favorably on Bills No. too, 107, 37 and m2, and recomn'euded that the full amounts thereof be paid. Laid on the table under the rule. On motion of Mr. Hanshaw Bills'No. 86, 87,, 25 and 26 were ordered audited at the full amounts claimed as recent - mended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, hatchings, Chappuis, Hanshaw, Parker, Fairbanks, Miller, White, Simpson and Pearsall—to. Noes—none. The Chairman appointed the committee to prepare a gen- eral good road map for the County and several towns, Messrs. Gallagher, Chappuis and Simpson. On motion the Board adjArned. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. The Supervisors' Proceedings. q7 TWELFTD DAY, TUESDAY, DECi:MBER 5th, 19o5. .Morning Session. .Roll call. Quorum present. \4inutes of December 4th read and approved. The Clerk read the following report of Dr. Gallagher on the indebtedness of the Town of Caroline, which on motion of Mr. 'Nliller was received and printed. To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, N. Y.: dentlemen: The undersigned, Supervisor of the Town of Caroline, in compliance with sections 210 and 211 of the Town Law, respectfully reports: That the indebtedness of the Town of Caroline contracted by authority of resolutions passed by the Board of Supervisors at a special session held by said Board January 1, 1902, author- Izing said town to borrow eight thousand dollars or less to repair damages to roads and bridges by the flood of December 11, 1901, and also- that contracted by authority of resolutions passed by tbe'Board of Supervisors at a special session held by said Board September 9th, 1905, authorizing said Town to borrow four thousand dollars or less to repair damages to roads and bridges by the flood of June 21, 1905, is as follows: Total principal indebtedness at date of this report is. .;4,000.()o Notes given for same are as follows: One note to Ithaca Savings Bank, due March 1, 1906, at5% ....................................$2,000. UU •One note to G. M. Bull, due March 1., 1908, at 4%.... 2,000.00 Total .....................................$4,000.00 48 The Supervisors' Proceedings. The amount to be provided, to meet payments due March 1, 1906, is as follows: Principal of one note ........................... 42,000. UU Interest on same one year at 4% ••. 80.00 Interest on G. M. Bull note October 1, 1905 to March 1, 1906 ................................... 33.33 Total.....................................$2,113.33 W. C. GALLAGHER, Supervisor. On motion the Board adjourned to 2 p. m. Afternoon Session, Roll call. Quorum present. Mr. Chappuis, Chairman of the committee on Justice's Accounts, reported favorably on Bill No. 92 and recommended that the full amount thereof be paid. Laid on the table under the rule. Mr. Simpson. Chairman of the Committee on Printer's Accounts, reported favorably on Bill No. 62, and recommended that the full amount thereof be paid. Laid on the table tinder the rule.. On motion of Mr. Hanshaw, Bill No. 82 was ordered audited at the full amount claimed as recommended by the committee. Anes—Messrs. Gallagher, Hutchings, Chappuis, Fish, The Supervisors' Proceedings. ¢g f i Hanshaw, Parker, Fairbanks, Sprig„ Miller, White and Simp- ., son—i i. Noes—none. On motion of Mr. Sprig„ Pills, No. 102, loo, 37'and 107 were ortlered audited at the full ,amounts claimed as recom- mendedby the committee. i Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Hutchings, Chappuis, Fish, ' Hanshaw, Parker, Fairbanks, Sprig,-, Miller, White and Simp- 1 son—i i. Noes—none. Mr. Miller's resolution that there be levied and collected from the taxable property of the County of Tompkins to pay the County Judge's and Surrogate's Steno,-rap'l,er and Clerk $12.00, introduced December 4th, was taken up for considera- tion. By Mr. Hanshaw: Resolved, That as an amendment to Mr. Millers' resolution that the salary of the stenographer of the County Court and Sur- rogate for the year 1906 be $G00, and the salary of the Clerk of the Surrogate's Court for the year 1906 be $500, and that there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the County of Tompkins the sum of $1,100 to pay the same. The adoption of the amendment was moved by Mr. Chap- puis. Moved by Mr. Hiitchings that the original resolution and the amendment lay on the table for 24 hours. Mr. Parker called for an aye and nay vote on the motion. 50 The Supervisors' Proceedings. Ayes—Messrs. Hutchings, Fairbanks, Sprigg, Miller and. Simpson -5i Noes—Messrs. Gallagher, Chappuis, Fish, Hanshaw, Par- ker arker and White -6. The Chair declared thb motion lost. A vote was taken on Mr. Hanshaw's amendment to, Mr. Miller's resolution and the amendment was adopted. Ayes—\Messrs. Gallagher, Chappuis, Fish, Hanshaw, Par- ker and White -6. Noes—Messrs, Fairbanks, Sprig,-, Miller and Simpson -4. Mr. Hutchings not voting. I Mr. ':\Miller's resolution to levy and collect from the taxa- ble property of the City of Ithaca $92.00 to pay A. S. Robin- son for services, introduced December 4th, was taken up for consideration, and on motion of Mr. Chappuis was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Hutchings, Chappuis, Fish, Hansbaw, Parker, Fairbanks, Sprig-, Miller, White and Simp- son—Ii. ?Noes—none. The Clerk read the following statement from the assessor of the City of Ithaca, which on motion of Mr. White'was received and ordered printed. U The Supervisors' Proceedings. 51 ITHACA, N. Y., Nov. 1st, 1905. To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: Gentlemen: From verified statements rendered to me by the Tompkins County National and the First National Banks, do- ing business in this City, which are subject to taxation under the provisions of Chapter 550, an act to amend the tax law relating to the taxation of stock holders of banks and banking institutions, I have determined the value of each share of stock to be as fol - .lows, viz: TOMPKINS COUNTY NATIONAL BANK. 1,000 shares capital stock, par value ............$100,000.00 !Surplus ........................... I. I....... 100,000.00 Undivided profits ....... I ..... I ....... ...... 37,406.84 Total ...................................$237,406.84 1,000 shares at $237.40684 = $237,406.84. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. 2,500 shares capital stock, par value .............$ 250,000.00 'Surplus ........................ I...... I...... '50,000.00 Undivided profits .............................. 27,258.27 Total ..........................1.........$327,258.27 :2,500 shares at $130.903308 = $327,258.27. J. P. MERRILL, Assessor. On motion the Board adjourned. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. 52 The Supervisors' Proceedings THIRTEENTH DAY. Morning Session. MONDAY, DECEMBER 6th, 1905. Roll call, Quorum present. Minutes of December 5th read and approved. The Cleric read the following report of the Assessor of the Town of Groton on the bank stock of Banks in said Town, whicL on motion of Mr. Hutchings was received and ordered printed: From verified statements rendered me by the First National Bank of Groton and the Mechanic Bank of Groton doing business in the Town of Groton N. Y., which are subject to taxation under the provisions of Chapter 550, an act to amend the tax law, I have determined the value of each share of stock to be as follows: THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF GROTON. 1,000 shares capital stock, par value. . . ........... $100'000.00 Surplus ..................................... 20.000.00 Undivided profits ................... .......... 5,455.11 Total ...............................$125,455.11 Less Real Estate ..................... 10,350.00 Amount for Bank Tax.................$115,105. 11 1,000 Shares as $115.1057.1 = $115,105.11. MECHANIC'S BANK OF GROTON. 500 shares capital stock, par value ...............$ 50,000.00 Surplus ..................................... 40,000.00 The Supervisors' Proceedings. 53 Undivided profits 9,397.93 Total ...............................$ 99,397.93 500 shares at $198.79566 = $99.397.93. A. F. HOWARD, Chairman Board of Assessors. The Clerk read the following report of the Committee on County Luildings, which on motion of Mr. Simpson was re- ceived and ordered printed: The building committee of 1904 wishes to make -the fol- lowing report: The County Clerk's Office has been thoroughly overhauled and new equipment has been installed in place of the old wood cases. The steam plant has been overhauled, thus making a saving of at least io% in fuel. The steam and water pipes in the vault that were open and liable to burst and clestroy valuable papers, have been placed under a new concrete floor, thus insuring perfect safety of hundreds of valuable papers. -A, conservative estimate is that the horizontal roller book cases will save at, least $200.00 each year in book binding. Before the new equipment was installed the office was crowded beyond its capacity ; this new equipment has increased the capacity of the Clerk's Office about 25%. Valuable papers that were exposed to tl,e public and fire are now under lock and are safe from fire. At the Court House: A new set of tubes has been put in the boiler and other valuable improvements have been added to it. New tilting windows have been placed in the Super- visors' Room to insure good ventilation. 54 The Supervisors' Proceedings. A new cement walk has been laid in front of the jail and Court House; the old walk had been complained of and was in very bad condition. On the west side of the Court House there is a thorough- fare that is used as much as any street in the city. Through this place pedestrians crossing the park have to pass. Nearly one-half of the drainage from the park ran through this thor- oughfare. As it was, the water constantly washed it full of holes, often running close to the walls of the Court House; the water was constantly running through the walls into the base- ment of the Court House. This had caused the wall to sett: - and in a -short time would have ruined the foundation entirely. To prevent this, a concrete road bed was laid from the park to the street. This road bed is from eight to sixteen inches thick and is a thorough protection to the walls of the Court House. Last winter \4iss Reed fell and broke her hip in this place on account of the rough condition of the ground. Now it is level and can be easily cleaned. Tf Miss Reed sues the Countv. which I understand she threatens to do, it will cost many times what this walk has. At the Alms House, a new generator has been put in place of the old one, at no additional cost to the County. The acety- lene plant is now in first class condition. The wind mill is in good condition and Eas furnished plenty of water for domes- tic purposes during 19o5. A new roof has been placed on the keeper's part, thus leaving the buildings in good condition. Recommendations i. A water tower for fire. protection. 2. A steam latindre. The Supervisors' Proceedings. 55 - g, A wall around the spring. H. C. FAIRBANKS, A. N. MILLER, JOHN J. HANSHAW, H. F. HUTCHINGS, Committee. By Mr. Simpson: RESOLVED, That the sum of two hundred dollars ($200.00) be allowed the District Attorney for office rent for 190G. Laid on the table under the rule. Hon. Charles H. Blood was given the privilege of the floor and explained to the Board that the salary of the Surro- gate's Stenographer should be increased to $750.00 per year. Oo motion the Board adjourned to z P. m.. Afternoon Session. Roll call. Quorum present. 1•'Ir. William R. George, Monroe M. Sweetland, Esq., an(! Hon. Charles H. Blood were given the privilege of the floor and addressed the Board relative to sending the juvenile pris- oners of Tompkins County to the George Junior Republic. On motion of Mr. Chappuis a vote of thanks was extended to Mr. George for his explanation of the workings of the George Junior Republic and to Messrs. Sweetland and Blood for their explanation of the laws relative to juveline prisoners. The Cleric read a petition of the owners of a majority of the lineal feet on the road extending from the Village of Tru- mansburg to Mecklenburg asking that the same be improved } {f 56 1 he Supervisors' Proceedings. under Ute provisions of Chap. 115 of the Laws of 158 and acts amendatory thereof, which on motion of Mr. Hutchings was received and ordered filed. By Mr. Pearsall; RESOLVED, That an additional appropriation of $150.00 be allowed County Judge for salary of Stenographer and Clerk. Laid on the table under the rule. On motion the Board adjourned. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. FOURTEENTH Dar. THURSDAY, DCCITMDER 7th' 1905. Morning Session. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of December 6th read and approved. By Mr. Parker: RESOLVED, That the Chairman appoint a committee, the number to be determined by himself, to take up with the proper official of the Grorge Junior Republic the matter of compensation for board and maintenance of juvenile offenders of both sexes that may in the future be sent to that institution from this Couny, such committee to report bark to this Board arrange- ment that can be made for such action as the Board may deter- mine. The Supervisors' Proceedings. 57 On motion of Dr. Gallagher the saine,was adopted. The Clerk read the following report which on motion of Mr. Hutchings was received and ordered printed in the pro- ceedings: To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, N. Y.: We, the undersigned, Bonding Commissioners of the Town of Newfield, respectfully submit the following report: Refunding Serial Bonds outstanding, $33,000.00. Said Serial Bonds mature and become payable as follows: $2,000.00 on the first day of March, 1906, and $2,000.00 on the first day of March each year thereafter until the whole amount shall have been paid. Said Serial Bonds bear interest at the rate of 31k per cent. per annum. Interest payable semi-annually on the first days of March and September of each year. We further report that it will be necessary for the sald Town of Newfield to raise by tax the sum of $3,295.00 to pay maturing bonds and interest on bonds as follows: Principal due March 1st, 1906 ....................$2,000.00 Interest on $38,000.00 from September 1st, 1905 to March 1st, 1906 ............................ 665.00 Interest on $36,000.00 from March 1st, 1906 to Sep- tember 1st, 1906 ........................... 630.00 Total..................................$3,295.00 We further report, that we have no balance on hand. Dated, Newfield, N. Y., November 9th, 1905. AMOS H. PALMER, JOHN. W. DEAN, Commissioners. 58 The Supervisors' Proceedings. State of New York, Tompkins County. The undersigned being duly sworn depose and say that thet above report is in all respects correct and true to the best of their knowledge and belief. Amos H. Palmer, John W. Dean. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9th day of Novem- ber, 1905. W. L. PUFF, Justice of the Peace. The Cleric read the following report of the Supervisor of the Town of Newfield, which, on motion of Mr. White was received and ordered printed in the proceedings: To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, N. Y.: In accordance with Chapter 552 of the Laws of 1370,'1 hereby report the bonded Indebtedness of the Town of Newfield to be as follows, viz.: Amount of Bond issued.........................$52,000.00 Amount of principal paid ........................ 19,000.00 Outstanding bonds -unpaid.......................$38,000.00 Amount of Interest due March 1st, 1906............ $ 005.00 Amount of Interest due September 1st, 1906......... 630.00 Total interest .........................$ 1,295.00 Payment on principal March 1st, 1906 ............. 2,000.00 . Total principal and interest ..............$ 3,295.00 BERIiLEY SIMPSON, Supervisor. The Supervisors' Proceedings. 59 By Mr. Simpson :Y', RESOLVED, That at the request of the Bonding Commis- sioners of the Town of Newfield, the sum of twelve hundred and ninety-five dollars ($1,295.00) for the payment of interest and the further sum of two thousand dollars ($2,000.000) for pay- ment on principal of the above named bonds be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Newfield. Laid on the table under the rule. By Air. Parker: RESOLVED, That In the future the fees for Coroners on any one case shall not exceed $5.00 and mileage, except where case has to be continued more than one day in which event each additional day shall be paid at the rate of $3.00 per day or fraction thereof. _ On motion of Air. Simpson the same was adopted. On motion the Board adjourned to 2 P. In. Afternoon Session. Roll call. Quorum present. By Mr. Chappuis: WHEREAS, The Chairman of the committee on State Char - liable and Penal Institutions In the year 1903 presented to the town of Groton a bill of $316.67 in favor of the Western Institute for Deaf Mutes, and the town of Groton paid the bill as shown by County Treasurer's report ,for that year, and WHEREAS, Such bill was chargeable to Tompkins County according to statute, Pages 516-17 Gilbert's Manual, RESOLVED, That there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the County of Tompkins the 'sum of 6o The Supervisors' Proceedings. $316.67 to pay and reimburse the Town of Groton for that amount. Laid on the table tinder the rule. Mr. Simpson, Chairman of the Committee on Printers' and Coroners' Accounts, reported favorably on Pills No. 105, 112, 118 and 96 and recommended that the full amounts thereof be paid. Laid on the.table under the rule. Dir. Parker, Chairman of the Committee on Miscellaneous Claims, reported favorably on Pills No. 132, 106, 130, 134, 136 and recommended that the full amounts thereof be paid. Laid on the table under the rule. Dir. Parker, Chairman of the Committee on D4isceilaneous Claims, reported on Pill No. 17, and recommended that it be allowed at $52.50 instead of $58.00, the amount claimed, as part of the items were included in a bill presented by Hon. Charles H. Blood. Laid on the table under the rule. Dir. Parker, Chairman of the Committee on Diiscellaneous Claims, reported on Pill No. 42 and recommended that it be allowed at $12.00 instead of $26.00, the amount claimed, as part of the items were included in a bill presented by Hon. Charles H. Blood. s Laid on the table under the rule. On motion of Dir. Hanshaw Pill No. 92 was ordered audited at the full amount as recommended by the committee. The Supervisor's Proceedings. 61 Ayes—Messrs: Gallagher, Hutchings, Chappuis, Hanshaw, Parker, Dliller, White and Simpson -3. Noes—none. On motion of Vfr. White Bill No. 62 was ordered audited at the full amount claimed as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Hutchings, Chappuis, Hanshaw, Parker, Dfiller, White and Simpson -8. Noes—none. Mr. Simpson's resolution to allow the District Attorney $200.00 for office rent for igo6, introduced December 601, was taken up for consideration, and on motion of Mr. Miller it was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Hutchings, Chappuis, Hanshaw, Parker, Sprigg, Miller, White and Simpson -8. Noes—Dr: Gallagher—r. Action on ilfr. Pearsall's resolution to appropriate $150.0,) additional for County judge Stenographer and Surrogate's Clerk, introduced December 6th, was deferred for twenty-four hours. The Chairman appointed as the committee under Mr. Parker's resolution to communicate with the George Junior Republic for arrangement for juvenile prisoners \Messrs. Par- ker, Chappuis and Sprigg. On motion the Board adjourned. BERT T. BAKER,•Clerk. 62 The Super+isor's Proceedings. FIFTEENTH DAY I'RIDAY, DcCRMn13R 8th, 19oS. Morning Session. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of December 7th read and approved. The Clerk read the following report of the Supervisor of the Town of Groton on the indebtedness of the Town of Groton, which on' motion of Mr. White was received and ordered printed: To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, N. Y.: Gentlemen:—The undersigned, Supervisors of the Town of Groton, in compliance with sections 210 and 211 of the Town Law respectfully reports, That the indebtedness of the Town of Groton contracted by authority of a resolution Passed by the Board .of Supervisors at a Special Session held by said Board September 9th, 1905, author - !zing -said Town of Groton to borrow Three Thousandtwo hundred dollars to repair damages to bridges caused by the flood of June 21st, 1905, as follows: The total principal indebtedness at date of this report is Three Thousand two hundred dollars ......... $3,200.00 One note given to Fred Sanford to be paid April 1st, 1900, at 4 per cent .......................... 1,200.00 One note given to Fred Sanford to be paid April 1, 1907 1,000.00 One note g1ven to Fred Sanford to be paid April 1, 1908 1,000. 00 Total .................................$3,200.00. The Supervisor's Proceedings. 63 Amount to be provided to meet payments due April 1st, 1906. 'Principal of one note............................$1,'100.00 .Interest on three thousand two hundred dollars to April 1st, 1900 ............................. 55.11 Total .......:.........................$1,255.11 R. NEWTON MOUNT, Supervisor of Groton. The Cleric read tl-,e following notice from the Common 'Council of the City of Ithaca, N. Y.: "To the Honorable, The Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, N. Y.: 1 Gentlemen:—At the regular meeting of the Common Council of the City of Ithaca, the following resolution was adopted and .approved by the Mayor: , "RESOLVED, That the Common Council of the City of Ithaca hereby determine and certifies to the Board of Supervisors -of Tompkins that the sum of $7,000.00 is required for the support of said City during the coming fiscal year, and that the said Board of Supervisors be requested to assess, levy and collect from the taxable property of. the City of Ithaca the above sum to be paid over to .the City Treasurer pursuant to Sec. 29 of Chap. 225 of the Laws of 189G." I, W. O. Krrr, Clerk in and for the City of Ithaca do hereby �certifv that the foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the ,Common Council and, approved by the Mayor of the City of Ithaca :at the regular meeting of said Council held December G, 1905. Given under my hand and corporate seal of the City of Ithaca .this 7th day of December, 1905. W. O. KERR, (L. S.) City Clerk. 64 The Supervisor's Proceedings. By \Ir. Parker: RESOLVED, That pursuant to the foregoing request of the Common Council of the City of Ithaca and upon the certificate of the Cleric thereof, that there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the City of Ithaca the sum of seven thousand dollars ($7,000.00) to be paid over to the Treasurer of the said City of Ithaca, K. Y., to be expended for the support of the poor of said City in accordance with Section 39, Chapter 22s U the Laws of 1S98. Laid on the table under the, rule. On motion the Board adjourned to 2 p. In. Afternoon Session. Roil call. Quorum present. The Clerk read the following report of the Surrogate's Clerk, which on motion of hfr. White was received and ordered printed : SURROGATE'S OFFICE. In account With Tompkins County. Balance due County at date of last report ...... $12.24 The following amount has been received for certified copies of records since the date of last report .......................... 61.36 Total receipts .................... $73.(30 Disbursements Laundry .................................$ 2.40 Postage ................................. 12.60 Cleaning windows :........................ 1.00 ' Telephoning ............................. .65 Supplies ................................. 5.75 $21.50 Balance due County ........................$51.50 The Supervisor's Proceedings. 65 State of New York, _ 1 -County of Tompkins. )} Della M. Gillespie being duly sworn says .that she is the Clerk of the Surrogate's Court of said County; that the foregoing is a true and correct statement of fees received by her for ser- vices for certifying records since the date of last report to the present time, together with all disbursements chargeable against the same. DELLA M. GILLESPIE. Sworn to before me this 7th day of December, 1905. A. E. BALL, Deputy County Clerk. To the Board,of Supervisors of Tompkins County: I hereby report that the matter of certifying. copies of the records of this office is entirely one of the Cleric's duties which Is performed by her, and fees for the same are collected by her. I believe that the above to be correct. Dated, December 7, 1905. CHARLES H. BLOOD, Surrogate of Tompkins County. BY Mr. White: RESOLVED, That there be levied and collected from the - taxable property of the Town of Lansing for highways purposes as per resolution of the Town Board of the said Town the sum, of Two Thousand three hundred twenty-one and 68-100 dollars ($2,^21_68) it being 2 mills on a dollar of the assessed valuation of the said Town as appears on the assessment roll for the year 1905. . 66 The Supervisor's Proceedings. Laid on the table under the rule. - On motion of Mr. Sprigg Bills No. 96, 118 and toy were ordered audited at the full amounts claimed as recommended' by the Committee. Ayes—i\Icssrs. Gallagher, Hutchings, Ch.appuis, Fish, Hanshaw, Parker, Sprigg, Miller, White, Simpson and Pear- sall—\ t. Noes—none. On motion of Mr. Miller Bill No. 112 was ordered audited at the full amount claimed as recommended by the Committee. Ayes—Messrs. Hutchings, Chappuis, Fish, Parker, Sprigg, , Miller, White, Simpson and Pearsall -9. Noes—Messrs. Gallagher and Hanshaw-2. On motion of Mr. Hanshaw Bills No. 1.32, io6 and 13 were ordered audited at the full amounts claimed as recom- mended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Hutchings, Chappuis, Fist., Hanshaw, Parker, Sprigg, \filler, White, Simpson and Pear- sali-1 r. Noes—none. , On motion of Mr. Sprigg item No. 2 of Bill No. ¢2 was ,disallowed as recommended by the committee. Ayes—?\Lessrs. Gallagher, Hutchings, Chappuis, Fisi, Hanshaw, Parker, Sprigg, Miller, White, Simpson and Pear- sall -11. Noes --none. The Supervisor's Proceedings. 67 On motion of Mr. White item one of Bill No. 42 was allowed and the Bill audited at $i2.00 instead of $16.00 claimed :as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Hutchings, Chappuis, Fist-., I-Ianshaw, Parker, Sprig,, Miller, White, Simpson and Pear- sall—t I. Noes—none. On motion of Mr. Sprig,, item five of Bill No. 17 was ,disallowed as recommended by the committee. Aycs—\Messrs. Gallagher, Hatchings, Chappuis, Fist, Hanshaw, Parker, Spri,g, Miller, White, Simpson and Pear- -sali—t I. Noes—none. On motion of Mr. Sprigg, items one to twelve inclusive. except item five, of Bill No. 17, were allowed and the Bill ordered audited at $52.50 instead of $58.0o claimed as recom mended by the Committee. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Hutchings, Chappuis, Fish, Hanshaw, Parker, Sprigg, Miller, White, Simpson and Pear - a'111 -1 1. Noes—none. Mr. Pearsall witmdrew his resolution to allow the County Judge and Surrogate $r5o.00 additional for Stenographer and 'Clerk, introduced December 6th. Mr. Simpson's resolution to levy and collect from the tax -able property of the Town of Newfield $3,295.00 to pay prin- cipal and interest on bonded. indebtedness, introduced December 68 . , The Supervisor's Proceedings. 7th, was taken up for consideration and on motion of Mr. Miller was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Hutchings, Chappuis, Fish, I-Ianshaw, Parker, Sprig-, Miller, White, Simpson and Pear- sall -1 i. Noes—none. \lr. Chappuis' resolution to levy and collect from the tax- able property of the County of Tompkins $316.67 to pay to and reimburse the Tonal of Groton, introduced December 7th, was taken up for consideration and on motion of Mr. Sprigg was adopted. Ares—Messrs. Gallagher, Hutchings, Chappuis, Fish. 1-lanshaw, Parker, Sprigg, \7iller, N hite, Simpson and Pear - sal' -11. Noes—none. On motion the board adjourned. BERT 'C. BAK13R, Clerk. SLYTEEST14 DAY. MONDAY, DECEMBER iith, I9o5 Morning Session. Roll call. Quorum present. IUinutes of December 8th read and approved. The Supervisor's Proceedings. 69 By Mr Pearsall: - RESOLVED, That in accordance with a resolution of the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses and in conformity to the statute regulating the money system of workinghighways there be levied and collected on the taxable property of the Town of Ulysses outside of the Village of Trumansburg the sum of $1,615.33, this amount being a tax of 2 mills on a dollar of the total assessed valuation of the real and personal liable to taxation to be used for the working and improving of highways in the Town of Ulysses outside of the Village of Trumansburg. On motion of Mr. Miller the same was adopted. Ayes—Afessrs. Gallagher, Chappuis, Hutchings, Hanshaw, Parker, Miller, Simpson and Pearsall—S.' Noes—none. On motion the Board adj,ourned. Afternoon Session. Roll call. Quorimr present. Mr. lVilliam H. VallOstrand and Frank A. Todd, Super- intendents of the Poor elect, were given the privilege of the floor and they spoke relative to their duties and the fixing of their salaries by the Board. On motion of Dr. Gallagher the Board went into executive session. On motion the Board arose from executive session. The Chairman declared William H. VanOstrand elected Keeper of the Alms House. 70 The Supervisor's Proceedings. Dr. Gallagher and Mr. Hutchings were appointed a com- mittee by the Chair to bring before the'Board Mr. VanOstrand, which they did. Mr. Van Ostrand accepted the appointment subject to the approval of his family. T�Ir. White, Chairman of the Committee on Justice's Accounts, reported favorablv on Bill No. 116, and recom- mended that the full amount thereof be paid. Laid on the table under the rule. Mr. Hanshaw, Chairman of the Committee on Sheriff's and District Attorney's Accounts, reported favorably on P,il! No. 73 and recommended that the full amount thereof be paid. Laid on the table under the rule. \Mr. Hanshaw, Chairman of the Committee on Sheriff's Accounts, reported on Bill No. 67 and recommended that the bill be allowed at $303.00 instead of $310.00 claimed. Laid on the table under the rule. - Mr. Parker's resolution to levy and collect from the tax- able property of the City of Ithaca $7,000 for the support of the poor, introduced December 3th, was taken up for considera- tion, and on motion of Mr. Miller adopted. Ayes --Messrs. Gallagher, Hutchings, Chappuis, Fish, Hanshaw, Parker, Fairbanks, Sprig,-, Miller, White and Pear- . call—t i. Noes—none. Mr. White's resolution to levy upon and collect from the The Supervisor's Proceedings. , 71 taxable property of the Town of Lansing $2,321.68 for working the highways of said Town, introduced 'December 8e1, was taken up for consideration, and on motion of Mr. Hanshaw adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Hutchings, Chappuis, Fish, Hanshaw, Parker, Fairbanks, Sprigg, Miller, White and Pear- sall -1I. Noes—none. By Mr. White: RESOLVED, That a telephone be placed in the office of the School Commissioner of District No. 2 -for the ensuing year, and that the Clerk of the Board be authorized to contract with the Farm and Village Telephone Company for the name. On motion of Mr. Pearsall the same was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Hutchings, Chappuis, Fish, Flanshaw, Par- ker, Fairbanks, Sprigg, Miller, White and Pearsall -1o. Noes—Dr. Gallagher -1. The Clerk read eight petitions by taxpayers and abutting owners for the improvements of certain highways in the Town of Ulysses under the Higbie-Armstrong Act and Acts amenda- tory thereof, which on motion were received and filed. By Mr. Pearsall: Resolved. That public interest demands the improvement under the provisions of Chapter 115 of the Laws of, 1898 and the acts amending toe same of that section of public high- way situate within the Town of Ulysses, County of Tompkins and State of New York, and described as follows: Main road from Trumansburg to Ithaca, commencing at the corporation line of the Village of Trumansburg where Main Street 72 1 . The Supervisor'sProceedings. in said Village intersects said corporation line, and extending south-easterly through Halseyville and Jacksonville to the Town line between the Towns of Ulysses and Ithaca, being a distance of about six miles, all of the highway above described being in the Town of Ulysses, and the above description does not include any portion of a highway within the boundaries of any City or incor- porated Village. Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to forthwith transmit a certified copy of the foregoing resolution to the State Engineer pnd Surveyor. On motion of Mr. Sprigg the same was adopted. By \Ir. Pearsall: Resolved. That public interest demands the improvement under the provisions of. Chapter 115 of the Laws of 1898 and the acts amending the same of that section of public high- way situate, within the Town of Ulysses, County of Tompkins and State of New York, and described as follows: Main Road from Trumansburg to Mecklenburg, commencing at the westerly corporation line of the Village of Trumansburg, where Hector Avenue intersects said line, and extending south- westerly to boundary line between Tompkins and Schuyler County, being a distance of about three miles;,all the highway above des- cribed being in the Town of Ulysses, and the above description does not include any portion of a highway within the boundaries of any City or incorporated Village. Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to forthwith transmit a certified copy of the foregoing resolution to the State Engineer and Surveyor. On motion of Mr. Parker the same was adopted. By Mr. Pearsall: Resolved. That public interest demands the improvement under the provisions of Chapter 115 of the laws of 1898 and the acts amending the same of that section of public high- The Supervisor's Proceedings. 73 way situate within the Town of Ulysses, County of Tompkins and State of New York, and described as follows: The main road from L. V. R. R. Staten at Taugliannock Falls to Jacksonville in the Town of Ulysses, being a distance of about one and one-half miles, all of said road above described being in the Town of Ulysses and the above description does not include any portion of a highway within the boundaries of any City or incorporated Village. Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to forthwith transmit a certified copy of the foregoing resolution to the State Engineer and Surveyor. On motion of \9r. Sprigg the same was adopted: By \fr. Pearsall: Resolved. That public interest demands the improvement under the provisions of Chapter 115 of the Laws of 1898 and the acts amending the same of that section of public high- way situate within the Town of Ulysses, County of Tompkins and State of New York, and described as follows: The main road from Trumansburg to Interlaken, commencing at the west corporation line of the Village of Trumansburg and following westerly the Seneca County boundary line to the first four corners, known as Blues and Aldrichs Corners, being a dis- tance of about forty rods, all ofthe highway above described being in the Town of Ulysses, and the above description does not include any portion of a highway within the boundaries of any City or Incorporated Village. Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to forthwith transmit a certified copy of the foregoing resolution' to the State Engineer and Surveyor. On motion of Mr. Sprigg the same was adopted. By \fr. Pearsall: Resolved. That public interest demands the improvement under the provisions of Chapter 115 of the Laws of 1898 and the acts amending the same of that section of public high- 74 The Supervisor's Proceedings. way situate within the Town of Ulysses, County of Tompkins and State of New York, and described as follows: The main road from Trumansburg to Valois in the Town of Hector, County of Schuyler, said road commencing at the west corporation line of the Village of Trumansburg, where Hector Avenue inter- sects said line, and running thence westerly to the Town line of the Town of Ulysses, being a distance of -about one and one-half miles, all of said road above described being in the Town of Ulysses and the above description does not include any portion of a highway within the boundaries of any City or incorporated. Village. Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to forthwith transmit a certified copy of the foregoing resolution to the State Engineer and Surveyor. On motion of Air. Parker the same was adopted'. By AIr. Pearsall: Resolved. That public interest demands the improvement under the provisions of Chapter 115 of the Laws of 1898 and the acts amending the same of that section of public high- way situate within the ' Town of Ulysses, County of Tompkins and State of New York, and described as follows: Main road from Podunk easterly and southerly to the School House in School District No. 15 in said Town of Ulysses, thence south one mile to the boundary line between Ulysses and Enfield at the corner known as T. S. Abels Corners, being a distance of about three miles, all of the highway above described being in the Town of Ulysses, and the above description does not include any portion of a highway within the boundaries of any City or Incorporated Village. Resolved, 'That the Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to forthwith transmit a certified copy of the foregoing resolution to the State Engineer and Surveyor. On motion o8 Air*Parker the same was adopted. The Supervisor's Proceedings. 75 By Mr. Pearsall: Resolved. That public interest demands the improvement under the provisions of Chapter 115 of the Laws of 1898 and the acts amending the same of that section of public high- way situate within the Town of Ulysses, County of Tompkins and State of New York, and described as follows: Main road from-Trumansburgto Waterburg, beginning at the south corporation line of the Village of Trumansburg where South Street in said Village intersects said boundary line, thenec southerly to Podunk, thence southerly Prom Podunk to Waterburg, and thence south from Waterburg two wiles to the boundary line between the Towns of Ulys::es and Enfield, being a d,stance of about five miles, all the abova described highway being in the Town of Ulysses, and the above description does not include any portion of a highway within the boundaries of any City or incorporated Village. Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to forthwith transmit a certaified copy of the foregoing resolution to the State Engineer and Surveyor. On motion of Alt.,Sprigg the same was adopted: By Mr. Pearsall: Resolved, That public interest demands the improvement under the provisions of Chapter 115 of the Laws of 1898 and the acts amending the same'of that section of public high - and the acts amending the same of that section of pablic high- way situtate within the Town of Ulysses, County of Tompkins and State of New York,described as follows: The highway leading from Willow Creek Station in said Town westerly o the highway leading from Jacksonville to Taughannock Fall^, being a distance of about one and one-half miles, all of the highway above described being in the Town of Ulysses, and the above des- cription does not include any portion of a highway within the boundaries of any City or incorporated Village. Resolved, That the Cleric of this Board is hereby directed to forthwith transmit a certified copy of the foregoing resolution to the State Engineer and Surveyor. o 76 The Supervisor's Proceedings. . On motion of \Tr. Iiutchings the same was adopted. 0 On motion the Board adjourned. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. SEVENTP,ENTH DAY. Tuesday, December 12th, 19o5. Morning Session. Roll Call. Quorum present. Minutes of Dec. 11th read and approved. By Mr. Parker: Resolved, That the salary of the Special Comity Judge for the year 1906 be Fifty Dollars ($50.00). Laid on the table under the rule. On motion the Board adjourned to 2 P. ilT. Afternoon Session. Poll Call. Quorum present. By Mr. Hanshaw: Resolved, That there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the County of Tompkins the sum of twenty.. seven dollars ($27.00) to purchase a chair for the Judge's office of the County of Tompkins. o " The Supervisor's Proccedings. 77 Laid on the table under the rule. BY _Alr. Chappuis: Resolved, That the sum of three dollars ($3.00). be levied againstthe taxable property of the Town of Dryden, Tompkins County, N. Y., to pay to Fred Middaugh of said town to refund to him that amount on account of erroneous assessment. Laid on the table lender the rule. The Clerk read the following certificate: Dec. '9th, 1905. . This is to certify that Commissioner Ezra Brown has a bill filed in the Clerk's Office duly sworn to for removing brush on the premises of the Estate of J. F. rlixon in the highway and that he has paid twenty-five dollars for the work done, dated Nov. 9th, 1905. M\ RON VAN ORMAN, Town Cleric of Ithaca. 11y A4r. I-Ianshaw,:. Resolved, That in accordance with the foregoing certificate of the town clerk of the Town of Ithaca the sum of twenty-five dollars be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the S. F. Hixon Estate to paythe same. On motion of Wr. White the same was adopted. Ayes—A4essrs. Gallagher, Chappuis, Fish, Hanshaw,.Par- ker, Fairbanks, Sprigg, Xliller, White and Pearsall—io. Noes—none. By AIr. Ohappuis: Whereas the election laws of this State require that the lists of nominations sball be published in at least two official y8 The Supervisor's Proceedings. ,papers of the County and while this Board recognizes the fact that it is discretionary with the County Clerk as to the employing of other papers, this Board can see no goou purpose secured in employing more than two papers, therefore be it Resolved, That in the future the County Clerk is hereby requested to confine such printing to the two official ?apers designated by this Board. On motion of Mr. Parker the same was adopted Mr. Pearsall presented the Town Audits of the Town of Ulysses, which on motion of Mr. Hanshaw were received and the amounts ordered levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Ulysses. Ayes --Messrs. Gallagher, Hutchings, Chappuis, Fish. Hanshaw, Parker, Fairbanks, Spriggs, Miller, White and Pearsall—i I. Noes—none. Mr. Parker, Chairman of the Committee on Miscellaneous Claims, reported favorably on Bills Nos. 145, 146, 144, 148 and 141 and recommended that the frill amounts thereof be paid. Laid on the table under the rule. On motion of Mr. Hanshaw Bill No. 116 was ordered audited at the frill amount claimed as recommended by the com- mittee. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Hutchings, Chappuis, Fish, Hanshaw. Parker, Fairbanks, Sprigg, Miller, White, Simp- son—i i. Noes none. The Supervisor's Proceedings. 79 On motion of Mr.'Sprigg Bill No. 73 was ordered audited at the full amount claimed as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Hutchings, Chappuis, Fish, Hanshaw, Parker, Fairbanks, Sprigg, Miller, White, Simp- son -11. Noes none. On motion of Mr. Sprigg item three of Bill No. 67 was allowed at $48.00 instead of $50.0o claimed as recommended by the committee on sheriff's accounts. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Hutchings, Chappuis, Fish, Hanshaw, Parker, Fairbanks, Sprigg, Miller, White and Simpson—n. Noes none. On motion of Mr. Sprigg Bill No. 67 was ordered audited at $308.00 instead of $310.00 claimed as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Hutchings, Chappuis, Fish, Hanshaw, Parker, Fairbanks, Sprigg, Miller, White and Simp- son. -1 I. Noes none The Clerk read petitions from the abutting owners anvi tax payers of the Town of Ulysses for the improvement of a higi.way extending from Willow Creek station, which oil mo- tion of Mr. Sprigg was received and filed. By Mr. Pearsall: Resolved, That public interest demands the improvement under the provisions of Chapter 115 of the Laws of IS -!d and the So The Supervisor's Proceedings. acts amending the same of that section of public highway situate within the Town of Ulysses, County of Tompkins and State of New York, and described as follows: The main road from L. P. It. R. Willow Creek Station, running thence south 'to Stevens Corners, being a distance of about one mile, all of said road above des- cribed being in the Town of Ulysses and the above! description does not include any portion of a highway within the,boundaries of any City or incorporated Village. Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to forthwith transmit a certified copy of the. fo*egoing resolution to the State Engineer and surveyor. On motion of \4r. Sprigg the same was adopted. The Clerk read the folllowing petition, which on motion of Dr. Gallagher was granted and the property ordered stricken from the assessment roll of the Town of Danby. To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: We, the assessors of the Town of Danby, petition your body to strike from the assessment roll of the Town of Danby the assessment of J. S. Niles, Exr. of Mary Higgins on 50 acres $560, as it was an error in copying roll, HENRY JENNINGS, H. J. TUTHILL, Assessors. The Clerk read the following report, which on motion of \4r. Fairbanks was received, adopted and ordered printed and the committee discharged. To the Board of Supervisors: Your committee appointed to take up the matter of admis- sion of children that may be committed to the George Junior Republic from Tompkins County respeccbilly report: The Supervisor's Proceedings. 81 FIRST. . That the officials of the George Junior Republic will only receive inmates to the Republic of a specified age and who are sound in body and mind then only as inmates sent under suspended sentence and turned over to the Republic or Its recognized Superintendent as a probation officer. SECOND. That the compensation as agreed upon betwLCn the County and the George Junior Republic 'shall be at the rate of $2.00 per week for each inmate sent`by the County and further that the Republic agrees whenever possible to collect from the parents or guardians of inmates admitted to the institution the weekly payments for their maintenance. THIRD. The Republic reserves the right to reject any person sent to the institution that they may not deem a fit sub- ject to retain, and further the Republic reserves the right to re- ject any person that may be sent if they have no adequate ac- commodations at time of commitment. WM. H. PARKER, CHAS. SPRIGG, R. F. CHAPPUIS, Committee. On motion of Mr. Parker the Chairman and Clerk of the Board were empowered to make a contract with, the George Junior Republic for juvenile prisoners of Tompkins Countv,- pursuant to the foregoing report. On motion the Board adjourned. . BERT T. BAKER, Clerk.. 82. The Supervisors Proceedings EIGHTE,ENT11. DAV. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER, 13TH, 1905. Morning Session. ' Roll Call. Quorum present. Minutes of Dec. 12th read and approved. The Clerk read the following report on the bank stock of the banks of the Town of Uiysses, which on motion of AIr. Gallagher was received and ordered printed. To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County : Prom verified statements made to me by "The State Bank and by the First National Bank doing business at Trunlansburg in the Town of Ulysses, which are subject to taxati©n under the provisions of the Tax Law relating to the taxation of stock- holders of banks and banking institutions, I have determined the value of each share of stock as follows: THE STATE BANK. 250 shares of Capital stock ......................$25,000.00 Value of each share of stock for taxation is $100.00. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK. 250 shares of capital stock .... ............... ...$25,000.UU "Value of each share of stock for taxation is $100.00. E. R. STILLWELL, Assessor. The privilege of the floor was given to Charles B. Perry from the office of the State Engineer and Surveyor and he :spoke to the Board relative to road improvement. The Supervisor's Proceedings. 83 The Clerk read resolution adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Groton. Dec. 9th, 1905, designating sections of the Public, highway in the Town of Groton to be improved under the provisions of Chapter 115 of the Laws of 1898 and acts .amendatory thereof, and asking that the Board pass the neces- sary resolutions for the survey of the saine, which on motion of ?Ur. I-lanshaw were received and filed. ' By Mr. Mount: Resolved, That public interest demands the impiovoment -under the provisions of Chapter 1.1.5 of the Laws oft 1898 and 'the acts amending the same, and the Town Board of the Town of Groton having adopted resolutions asking for such improvement of that sections of the public highways situate within the Town of Groton, County of Tompkins and State of New York, and describ- ed as follows: FIRST. The highway running north and south through the Village of Croton, commencing at: the Comity line between Cayuga and Tompkins Counties, and running south to the town line between the towns of Groton and Dryden (excepting the part within the corporate limits of the Village of Groton), being a distance of about four miles. SECOND. The highway commencing in the Village of Me - Lean at intersection of State Road and Dryden Road and running In a northeastwardly direction to intersection of Cortland and "Tompkins Couny line, a distance of about one and one-half miles and to connect with projected improved highway leading to City of Cortland. THIRD. The highway commencing at Village of Rest Groton and running south a distance of ono mile to Coggshall's corner, thence east to corporation of Groton Village, a distance of about three and one-half miles, thence the highway at north- east line of corporation northeastwardly to Howe's Corners, a distance of about one-half mile, thence easterly -to Cortland -County line, a distance of about five miles. 34 The Supervisor's Proceedings. All of the above described highways being in the Town of Groton, and the descriptions do not include any portion of a highway within the boundaries of any City or incorporated Vil- lage. Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to forthwith, transmit a certified copy of the foregoing resolution to the State Engineer and Surveyor. On motion of Mr. White the resolutions were adopted. On motion the Board adjourned to 2 P. In. Afternoon Session, Roll Call. Quorum present. .Mr. Hanshaw, Chairman of the Committee on Sheriff's and District Attornev's Accounts, reported favorably on Bill No. 123 and reconmiended that the full amount thereof be paid. Laid on the table under the rule. By Mr. Miller: Resolved, That there be levied and collected from the taxable property of the City of Ithaca the sum of twenty-four dollars to be paid to William II. Parker $12.0'0 and to Charles Sprigg $12.00 for making the list of trial jurors as required by law. Laid on the table under the rule. Mr. Parker's resolution that the salary of the Special County Judge for 1906 be $,o.00, introduced Dec. 12th, wag taken up for consideration and on motion of Mr. White was adopted. The Supervisor's Proceedings. 85 Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Hutchings, Chappuis,. Fish, Sprigg, Miller, White, Simpson and Pearsall -1o. Noes—none. Mr. Chappuis' resolution to levy and collect on taxable property of the Town of Dryden $3.00 to refund erroneous tax, introduced Dec. 12th was taken up for consideration and on motion of Mr. Hanshaw was adopted. 0 Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Hutchings, Chappuis, Fish, Hanshaw, Sprigg, White, Simpson, Pearsall—g. Noes—none. ' On motion of 1\dr. Simpson Lulls Nos. 145, 146, 144, 148 and 141 were ordered audited at the frill amounts claimed as recommended by the Committee on Miscellaneous Claims. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Hutchings, Chappuis. Dish, FIanshaw, Sprigg, Miller, White Simpson. Pearsall -1o. Noes—none. Mr. Hanshaw's resolution to Levy upon and collect form the taxable property of the County of Tompkins $27.00 to purchase a Judge's Chair for the County Judge's office, intro- duced Dec. 12th, was taken up for consideration and on motion of Mr. Fairbanks adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Hutchings, Chappuis, Fish, Haushaw, Parker, Fairbanks. Sprigg, Miller, White, Simpson, Pearsall -12. Noes—none. gb The Supervisor's Proceedings. By Mr. Parker: Resolved, That the sheriff or any other officer authorized by him be allowed $15.00 for transportation of a single person to the State Industrial School. at Rochester, and to all other institutions to which he conveys prisoners, and $3.00 for each additional person taken at the same time; except to the George Junior Republic and when children are committed there said Republic will send an agent to the jail for the child so committed_ and there shall be no charge. 0 On motion of -sir. Sprigg the same was adopted. By Mr. Fairbanks: Resolved, That there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the County of Tompkins the sum of Four Thousand Dollars ($4,000.00) to be paid to the Art Metal Con- struction Co., of Jamestown, N. Y., for the steel equipment and furniture for the Tompkins County Clerk's Office as per contract when the work is.completely installed and accepted by the archi- tect, W. H. Miller, and Board of Supervisors. Laid on�the table under the rule. On motion the board adjourned. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk The Supervisor's Proceedings. 87 NINETEENTH DAY. Thursday, December 14th 19o5. Morning Session. Mr. Simpson in the Chair. Roll Call. Quorum present. Minutes of Dec. 13th read and approved. Mr. Thornley of the Monarch Typewriter Cn. was given the privilege of the floor and he explained the merits of their typewriter. Mr. Mount in the chair. By Mr. Hutchings: Resolved, That in accordance with the action of the Town Board of the Town of Danby, there be levied and collected from the taxable property of said Town the sum of One Thousand Five Hundred and Fourteen and 75-100 Dollars ($1514.75) or two mills on each dollar of assessed property of the said town of Danby for improving the highways of said Town as per statute and under the money tax system. ` On motion of Mr. Pearsall the same was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher; Hutchings, Chappuis, Fish, Hanshaw, Miller, Simpson, Pearsall --8. Noes—none. i On motion the Board adjourned. 88 The Supervisor's Proceedings. Afternoon Session. Roll Call. Quorum present. The Clerk read the following petition: To the Honorable, The Board of Supervisors of Tompkins Co.: The Town of Newfield, through the undersigned Supervisor• of such Town, respectfully petitions that you direct the Clerk of your Board in making his report to the Comptroller of the State to have contained therein a statement that the Town of Newfield owing to the flood of June 21, 1905, was compelled to pay and did pay for purposes of grading highways, only, exclusive of any cost and expenses for bridges destroyed the sum of upwards of $3,000. That the occasion'of this large expenditure was that on the 21st day of June, 1905, an unusual and perhaps unparalleled flood occured in the Town of Newfield which destroyed both roads and bridges to an extent heretofore unequaled. That the loss upon bridges, sluices and piling alone was at least $5,000; and the burden upon the people occasioned by this flood is severe and aid from the State is needed to help in paying for the dam- ages which were so caused. 11&11 of which is respectfully submitted. Dated December 14, 1905. BERKLEY SIMPSON, Supervisor. By Mr. Simpson: Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board be required in making his report to the Comptroller of the State to embrace therein a statement that the losses occurring to the Town of New- field, occasioned by the flood of•June 21, 1905, for grading of high- ways damaged and destroyed are the sum of $3,000, and that said Clerk transmit to the Comptroller a copy of the petition of said Town and of this resolution.-, - The Supervisor's Proceedings. 89 On motion of Mr. Miller the same was adopted. Mr. Fairbanks in the Chair. Mr. Maxon of the Smith Premier Typewriter Co. was given the privilege of floor and explained relative to the merits of their typewriters. By Mr. Hanshaw: Resolved, That the collectors of the several towns anti the tax receiver of the City of Ithaca be required to settle with the County Treasurer and with the Supervisors of their respective Towns on or before the first day of April, 1906. On motion of Dr. Gallagher the same was adopted. By Mr. Miller Resolved, That an appropriation of $62.00 to be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the County of Tomp- kins to pay the Lady Chaplain appointed by the W. C. T. U. for services in the County Sail. Laid on the table under the ride. By Mr. Simpson: Resolved, That the sum of One Hundred and seventy-five dollars ($776.00) be allowed the County Cleric of this County wi thwhich to pay the services of janitor of .Clerk's Office and Judge's office for the year 1906. o On motion the Board adjourned. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk 90 The Supervisor's Proceedings. TWENTIETH DAY. Friday, December 15th, 1905. Morning Session. Roll Call. Quorum present. Minutes of Dec. 14th read and approved. The -members of the Board wereengaged in committee work. On motion the Board adjourned to 2 p. m. Aftemoon Session, Roll Call. Quorum present. The Clerk read a communication from Hon. Chas. H. Blood, County Judge and Surrogate and a Court Order fixing the salary of the Stenographer of the Surrogate's Court at $750.00 per Year, which on motion was received and ordered filed. By Mr.. Miller: Resolved, That the County Judge be allowed $100.00 in ad- dition to the $1,100.00 appropriated for services of Stenographer and Clerk. . Laid on the table under the rule. by Mr. Hutchings: Resolved, That pursuant to Seetion 11 of the County Law the Chairman and Clerk of this Board be instructed to continue and make a contract with the Monroe County Penitentiary for one year from the thirty-first day of March, 1906, at the rate of ($1.75) one dollar and seventy-five cents per week each for all The Supervisor's Proceedings. 91 prisoners who shall receive a sentence of upwards of 150 days in this County and that the Clerk of this Board attend to the publi- cation and filing of said contract pursuant to law. On motion of Mr. Sprigg the same was adopted. 'By Mr. Fish: Resolved, That the suns of Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars be levied and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Enfield for the purpose of repairs of highways and bridges in the said Town as allowed by statute. Laid on the table under the rule. By Mr. Fairbanks: Resolved, That One Hundred Dollars be levied and collected from the taxable property of Tompkins County to purchase a type- writer for the Tompkins County Clerk's Office. Laid on the table under the rule. By Mr. Pearsall: Resolved, That in accordance with the resolutions.adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses, and the statutes in such cases made and provided, the following Hums of money be levied and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Ulysses as herein set forth:' The sum of $100.00 for indigent soldiers' and 'Sailors' for said town for coming year. The sum of $250.00 for the support of the poor for coming year. The sum of $50.00 for observance of Memorial Day. The sum of $$250.00 for the repair of sluices and bridges for coming year. 92 The Supef-visor's Proceedings. The sum of $60.00 to pay balance due on road machine. The sum of $1,680.00 for the purpose of paying notes and in- terest for Taughannock Falls bridge due March 1st, 1906. 'On motion of Mr. Hanshaw the same was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Chappuis, Fish, Hanshaw, Par- ker, Fairbanks, Sprigg, Miller, White, Simpson, Pearsall—n. Noes—none. By Mr. Hutchings: Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board be required in mak- ing his report to the Comptroller of the State to embrace therein a statement that the losses to the Town of Danby occasioned by, the flood of June 21st, 1905, for grading of highways damaged as six hundred and twenty-eight dollars ($028.00) which sum was paid by certificates of indebtedness in said town and the same will be raised in the present tax in addition to the regular highway tax reported. On motion of Mr. Simpson the same was adopted. By Mr.•Chappuis: Resolved, That the Cleric of this Board be required in mak- ing his report to the Comptroller of the State to embrace therein a statement that the losses occurring to the Town of Dryden oc- casioned by the flood of .Tune 21, 1905, for grading of highways, damaged and destroyed is the sum • of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) and that said Clerk transmit to the Comptroller a copy of this resolution. On motion of Mr. Sprigg the same was adopted - By Mr. Sprigg: Resolved, That the sum of $8.00 be levied upon and col- lected from the taxable property of the City of Ithaca, $4.00 The Supervisor's Proceedings. 93 thereof to pay H. C. Fairbanks and $4.00 to A. N. Miller for their services in making out Trial Jury List. Laid on the table under the rule. By Mr. Simpson: Resolved, That the sum of Three Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($360.00) be allowed the sheriff of this County to pay for 'ser- vices of janitor and engineer of Court House and Jail for the en- suing year. Laid on the table under the rule. By Dr. Gallagher: Resolved, That the Chairman and Clerk of this Board be required in making their report of the Highway Tax to the Comp- troller of the State to report for the Town of Caroline as having expended two thousand dollars in extraordinary improvements of the highways because of floods in the past year and as having ex- pended two thousand and eighty dollars for such improvements in the past making in all the sum of $4,080.00 on which the said Town has received no State aid. On motion of Mr. Miller the same was adopted. Mr. Hanshaw, Chairman of the Committee on Sheriff's and District Attorney's Accounts, reported favorably on Bills Nos. 174 and 171 and recommended that the full amounts thereof be paid. Laid on the table under the rule. 9 Mr. Parker, Chairman of the Committee on Miscellaneous Claims, reported favorably on Bills Nos. 65, 53, 7, 156, 34, 164, 142, 143, 199, 66, 153, 154, 162, 167, 30, 137, 196, 110, 45, 39, 161, 95, 3, 6, 84, 135, 55, 111 and 149 and recommended that the full amounts thereof be paid. 94 The Supervisor's Proceedings. Laid on the table under the rule. On motion of Mr. Sprigg Bill No. 123 was ordered audit- ed at the full amount claimed as recommended by the com- mittee. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Chappuis, Fish, Hanshaw, Par- ker, Fairbanks, Sprigg, Miller, White, Simpson, Pearsall -11. Noes—none. Mr. Miller's resolution to levy and collect from the tax- able property of the County of Tompkins $52.00 to pay W. C. T. U. for Chaplain at Tail, introduced Dec. 14th, was taken up for consideration and on motion of Mr. Fairbanks was adopted Ayes—Messers. Chappuis, Fish Fairbanks, Sprigg, Miller, White, Simpson, Pearsall -8. Noes—Messrs. Hanshaw and Parker -2. Dr. Gallagher was excused from voting. Mr. Simpson's resolution to allow the Count Clerk $175 for services of janitor of Clerk's Office and Tudge's Office. introduced Dec. 14th, was taken up for consideration and on motion of Mr. Fairbanks was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Chappuis, Fish, Hanshaw, Par- ker, Fairbanks, Sprigg. Miller, White, Simpson, Pearsall—ii. Noes—none. Mr. Miller's resolution to levy and collect from the tax- able property of the City of Ithaca $12.00 to pay Chas. Sprigg and $12.00 to W. H. Parker for making out trial jury list, The Supervisor's Proceedings. 95 introduced Dec. z3th, was taken up for consideration and on motion of Mr. White was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Chappuis, Fish, I3anshaw, Par- ker, Fairbanks, Sprigg, Miller, White, Simpson, Pearsall—II. Noes—none. Mr. Fairbanks' resolution to levy and collect from the tax- able propertyof the County of Tompkins $4,000, to pay for. steel equipment in County Clerk's Office when completed, in- troduced Dec. 13th, was taken up for consideration and on motion of Mr. Hanshaw was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Chappuis, Fish, Hanshaw, Fairbanks, Sprigg, Miller, White, Simpson, Pearsall—Io. Noes—Mr. Parker -1. On motion the Board adjourned. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. TWENTY-FIRST DAY. MONDAY, DECEMBER I8th, 1905. Morning 9essiou. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of December 15th read and approved. By Messrs. Fish and Miller: Resolved, That out of respect for Mr. James H. Hine, ex -Su- pervisor of the Town of Enfield, and Willis C. Hine, ex -Supervisor 96 The Supervisor's Proceedings of the City of Ithaca, the Beard adjourned at eleven A. M., the hour of the funeral of the late David I -line, their father, until 2 P. M. The Board adjourned at II a. M. to 2 P. M. J Afteimoon Session. Roll call. Quorum present. Mr. Parker, Chairman of the Committee on Miscellaneous 'Claims, reported favorably on bills Nos. 147, 41, 103, 16, iig, 177, 114, 113, 78, 20, and recommended that the full amounts thereof be paid. Laid on the table under the rule. Mr. Parker also reported on Bill No. 76, and recom- mended that it be allowed at $to instead of the $20 claimed. Laid on the table under the rule. Mr. Parker also reported on Bill No. 29, and recom- mended that it be allowed at $25 instead of the $33.55 claimed. Laid on the table under the rule. Mr. Parker also reported on Bill No. go, and recom- mended that it be allowed at $io instead of the $15 claimed. Laid on the table under the rule. Mr. Parker also reported on Bill No. ioo, andrecom- mended that it be allowed at $25 instead of the $5o claimed. Laid on the table under the rule. Mr. Parker also reported on Bill No. 6o, and reco a- mended that it be allowed at $35 instead of the $io5 claimed. The Supervisor's Proceedings. 97 Laid on the table tinder the rule. Mr. Parker also reported on Bill No. 117, and recom- mended that the bill be allowed at $So instead of the $coo claimed. Laid on the table under the rule. \fr. Parker also reported on Bill No. 16o, and recotn- mended that it be allowed at $S instead of the $10 claimed. - Laid on the table under the rule. 1llessrs. Parker and 1-Gttchings, of. the Committee on Mis- ° cellancous Claims, reported on bill No. 131 and recommend- ed that it be allowed at fall amount claimed, and Dr. Gallagher of the Committee reported not a liroper county charge. Laid on the table under the rule. On motion of Alr. Hanshaw Lill No. 170 was ordered audited at the full amount claimed as reconlnlended by the committee. _ p Styes—Messrs. Gallagher, Hutchings, Chappuis, fish. Hanshaw, Parker, Fairbanks, Sprigg, Miller, White, Simpson.. 17'earsall-12. Noes—none. On motion of Mr; Sprigg, Bill No. 174 was. ordered an- dited at the full amount claimed as recommended by the com- mittee. Aves—Messrs. Gallagher, Hutchings, Chappuis, fish. Hanshaw, Parker, Fairbanks, Sprig, Miller, White, Simpson, Pearsall -12. Noes—none. 0 98 Tire Supervisor's Proceedings. On motion of \Ir.. Sprigg, Pills Nos. 7, 149, 135, 83, 6, 3, 95, 161, 39, 45, 110, 196, 137, 30, 167, 162, 154, 153, 66, 199, 143. 164, 155, 53, 65, Ili, 34, 142, 55 were ordered au- dited at the foil amount claimed as recommended by the com- mittee. Ayes—NTessrs. C,allagher, Hutchings, Chappuis, Fish,. I-lanshaw, Parker, Fairbanks, Sprigg, ]Miller, White, Simpson, Pearsall -1 z. Noes—none. Air. Miller's resolution to appropriate $loo additional for the judge's.and Surrogate's Stenographer and Clerk, iutm- duced December 15th, was. taken up for consideration and Air. Miller withdrew the same. Air. Fish's resolution to levy and collect from the taxable property of de Town of Enfield $250 for highways and bridges, ,introduced December 15th, was taken up for consideration and on motion of Air. Ilanshaw was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher„ .Hutchings, Chappuis, Fish, Hanshaw, Parker, PairU:mks„Sprigg-,,\Iiller,.White,, Simpson, Pearsall -1 2. Noes—none. Air. Fairbanks' resolution to levy and collect from taxa- ble property -of the County of "Tompkins $too to purchase a typewriter for the County Clerk's Office, introduced December 15th, xxas taken up for consideration and the provision added that `the Clerk of this Board to have exclusive use thereof -:during sessions of this Board and when needed by him, and the same to be purchased by him, which on motion for its :adoption by Air. Sprigg was lost. The Supervisor's Proceedings. 99 Ayes—,A,Icssrs. Fish, Fairbanks, Sprigg, Miller -4. Noes—Messrs. Hutchings, Chappuis, I3anshaw, Parker, White, Simpson, Pearsall—]. Mr. Sprigg's resolution to levy and collect from taxable property of the City of Ithaca $8, $4 to pay H. C. Fairbanks and $4 to pay A. N. Miller for services on trial jury list intro- duced December i5th, was taken up for consideration and on ;motion of Mr. Chappuis was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Hatchings, Chappuis, Fish, IIanshaw, Parker, Fairbanks, Sprgg, _Miller, White, Simpson, Pear- sall—t I. Noes—none. Mr. Simpson's resolution to allow the sheriff $350 for janitor of Court House and Tail for ensuing year, introduced December i5th, was taken tip for consideration and on motion of Alr..Fairbanks rias adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Hutchings, Chappuis, Fish, Hanshaw, Parker, FairLanks, Sprig,-, Miller, White, Simpson, Pear- sall, t I. Noes—none. - Mr. Pearsall, Chairman of the Committee on the Stiper- intendent of the Poor's Report, made an oral report, which on motion of Air. Nd'hite was received. The Clerle read the fo'lowing report of the Committee on County Treasurer's accounts which was received and ordered printed ioo The Supervisor's Proceedings. To the Honorable Board of Supervisors: - Your committee appointed to examine the report and ac- counts of the County Treasurer would respectfully report that we find the report and accounts correct. CHARLES SPRIGG, W. P. CHAPPUIS, H. B. PEARSALL, Comntitwe . The Clerk read the following report of AIr. Pearsall on the bonded indebtedness of the Town of Ulysses, which on motion of AIr. Hutchings was received and ordered printed: To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: H. B. Pearsall, .Supervisor of the Town of Ulysses, to which office is transferred the duties of Railroad Bonding Commis- sioner of said Town: does respectfully report as follows: That of the original issue of bonds of 1,000 dollars each made March 1st, 1900, that. Nos. from one to eight inclusive have been paid, cancelled and surrendered. I further report that the semi-annual interest on said bonds of $7.1,5.00 due and payable March 1st, 1900, and the sum $700.00 due September 1st, 1908, and the sum of $2,000.00 for the pay- ment of bonds Nos. 9 and 10 be levied and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Ulysses. H. B. PEARSALL, Supervisor. By. AIr. Pearsall: Resolved, That the sum of $3,4315.00, $2,000 to pav bonds Nos. 9 and 10 and $1,435.00 for interest on outstanding bonds The Supervisor's Proceedings. lot be levied and collected on the taxable property, of the Town of Ulysses. Laid on the table under the rule. By Mr. Hanshaw : Resolved, That the members of the Board of Supervisors and their wives, the ex -members of the Board and their wives and the Cleric of the Board and wife hold a picnic on the second Sat- urday in June at Cayuga Lake Park, and that the Cleric of this. Board is hereby instructed to notify- all interested and to make all necessary arrangements. On motion of Air. Simpson the same was adoptai. Mr. Hutchings presented the Town Audits of the Town of Danby, which on motion of 11Ir. Haushaw here recaved and the amount ordered levied upon and collected frons the taxable property of the Town of Danby. Aces-1lessrs. hlutchings, Chappuis, Fish, Haushar, Parker, Fairbanks, Sprigg, A4iller, White, Simpson, Pear- sall -11. Noes—none. The Clerk read the following resignation of R. S. Miller as Sealer of Weights. and Measures, which oil motion of Mr. Fairbanks was accepted. To Hon. Board of Supervisors: Gentlemen:'Please accept my .resignation as Sealer of Weights and Measures. Respectfully yours, R. S. MILLER. s r02 The Supervisor's Proceedings. By Mr, Miller: Resolved, That Henry W. Stephens be appointed sealer or Weights and Measures for the year beginning Dec. 1st, 1905, in place of R. S. Miller, resigned. On -motion of i12r. Hutchings the same was adopted. The Clerk read resolutions passed by the Town Board of the Town- of Danby adopted December 16th, asking for the improvement of designated higlnaays in the Town of Danby, tthich on motion .,)f Mr.. Miller were received and ordered filed. By Mr, Hutchings Resolved, That Public interest demands the improvement un- der the provisions of Chapter 115 of the Laws of 1898 and the acts amending the same, and the Town Board of the - Town of Danby having adopted resolutions asking for such improvement of that sections of the public highways situate within the Town of Danby, County of Tompkins and State of New York, and described as follows: FIRST—The highway known as the Danby Turnpike, com- mencing at the Ithaca Town line extending in a southeasterly direction to a Place known as the Burr Jennings Corner, a distance of about six (6) miles. SECOND—Tbe-highway commencing at the bridge near the L. V. R. R. station, known as the West Danby Station, running west and southwest to intersect the inlet Road at the corner known as Itutchings Corners, a distance of about h/2 mile; then north a distance of about t. mile to a place known as D. Al. Kel- logg's then beginning at Hutchings Corners extending in a south- erly direction on the Inlet Road a. distance of about two (2) and two-tenths (2 2-1.0) miles. THIRD—The highway known as the Coddington Road, com- mencing at the Ithaca Town line extending in a southeasterly direction a distance of two (2) miles along said road. t The Supervisor's Proceedings. 103 All of the above .described highways being in the Town of Danby, and the above descriptions do not include any portion of a highway within the boundaries of any Cily or incorporated village. Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to forthwith transmit a certified copy of the foregoing resolu[ion to the State Engineer and Surveyor. On motion of Mr. Fish the same was adopted. The Clerk read resolutions adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Dryden on December i6th, 19o5, asking for the improvement of designated highways withing the Town of Dryden under the provisions of Chapter 115, Taws of 1898 and the acts amending the same, which on motion of A4r. Hutchings were received and filed. By Mr. Chappuis: Resolved, That public interest demands the' improvement under the provisions of Chapter 115 of the Laws of 1393 and the' acts amending the same, and the Town Board of the Town of G Dryden having adopted resolutions asking for such improvement of that sections of the public highways situate within the Town of Dryden, County of Tompkins and State of New York, and de- scribed as follows: ROAD NO. 1—The highway .running in an easterly and westerly direction from the town line separating the towns of Dryden and Ithaca at a point about one-half mile west of the, Village of Varna, to the corporate limits of the Village of Dryden, known as the Bridle Road; thence northeasterly from the cor- porate limits of the Village of Dryden, leading past the residence of G. A. Ellis, Geo. Albright, D. 111. White, S. G. Lupton, William DeCoudres and to the County line of the County .of Cortland, connecting there with the oroposed improved highway from the City of Cortland to the Tompkins County line, being a distauec of about eleven miles. ROAD NO. 2—The highway leading from the Bridle Road at what is known as Rho los' Corners, near the hamlet of Etna, through the said hamlet of Etna to the corporate limite oP the 0 loq The Supervisor's Proceedings. , village of Freeville known as the creek -road; thence from thr east corporate limits of the Village of Freeville to the Groton Town line, near the village of McLean, being what is known as the 1 creek road, being a distance of about six miles. ROAD NO. 3—The highway known as the Dryden and Har- ford Road running Prom the town line of the Town of flarford where the proposed improved highway in that town meets the said road northward to the corporate limits of the Village of Dryden northerly to the corporate limits of the Village of Free - Ville; thence from the north limits of the Village of Freeviile northerly to the Groton 'Town line near the hamlet of Feruville being the main road running north and south through the town, and being a distance of about six miles. ROAD NO. 4—The highway leading from the Lansing town line through the hamlet of Nest Dryden to Road No. 3 at what is known as Shaver's Corners, being a distance of about five miles. All of the above described highways being in the Town of Dryden, and the above descriptions do not include any portion of a highway- within the boundaries of any City or incorporated Village. Resolved, That the Cleric of this Board is -hereby directed to forthwith transmit a certified copy of the foregoing resolution to the State Engineer and Surveyor. On motion of Mr. White the same was adopted. On motion the -Board adjourned. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. The Supervisor's Proceedings. 1 105, TWENTY-SECOND DAY. TUESDAY, Dt;%ct;%Alnea 19th; 19o5: Moping Session. Roil call. Ouorum present. Minutes of December 18th read and approved The Cleric read resolution adopted by the Town. Board of the ToNNn of Ithaca on December 16th, 19o5,.asking for the improvement of designated Highways within the Town of Ithaca under the provisions of Chapter 115 of the Laws of 1898 and the acts amending the same, which on motion of Mr. Hutchings were received and filed. The Cleric also read a petition be the owners of a majority of the lineal feet on the Highway known as the Mecklenburg Road, extending from the City line west to the Town line he- twecn Ithaca and Enfield at Kennedy's Corners, asking that that section of highway be improved under the provisions of Chap- ter 115 of the Laws of "1898 and the acts amending the same, which on motion of Mr. Fish was received and filed. �By Mr. Hanshaw: Resolve:l, That public interest, demands the improvement. under the provisions of Chapter 115 of the Laws of 1.396 and the acts amending the same, and the Town Board of the Town of. Ithaca having adopted resolutions asking for such improvement of that sections of the public highways wlthing the Town of Ithaca, County of Tompkins and State of New York, and described as follows: ROAD NO. 1—The highway from the City line to the Dryden town line running through Forest Home, being a distance of one and 'one-half (1'/a) miles. los The Supervisor's Proceedings. ROAD NO. 2—The highway known as the Trumansburg Road extending from the City line to the Ulysses town line, being a distance of two and one-half (2%) miles. ROAD NO. 2—The highway known as the Danby Road, ex- tending from the City line to the Danby Town line, being a dis- tance of about two and one-half (2 t/a ) miles. ROAD NO. 4—The highway known as the Mecklenburg Road, extending from the City line to the Town line between Ithaca and Enfield, being a distance of about two and one-fourth (21/{ ) miles. ROAD NO. 5—The highway known as- the Mitchell Road, extending from the City line to the Dryden Town line, being a distance of about two (2) miles. ROAD NO. G—The highway known as the Coddington Road exten -Ing from the City line to the Danby Town line, being a dis- tance of about ,2 '/� miles. All of the above described highways being in the Town of Ithaca .and the above descriptions do not include any portion of a highway within the boundaries of any City or incorporated Village. Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to forthwith transmit a -certified copy of the foregoing resolution. In the State Engineer anti Surveyor. On motion of nor. Simpson the same was adopted. The Clerk read the following report of the Supervisor of the Town of Enfield on the L'onded Indebtedness of said Town which oil motion of \Ir. ---Miller was received and ordered. printed. To the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins: As Supervisor of the Town of Enfield, to whom was trans - ferrel the duties of Railroad Bonding Commissioner of said Town,. 1. hereby respectfully report: The Supervisor's Proceedings. loj That of the original issue of 10 bonds of one thousand four hundred dollars each, made Match 1st, 1901, Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4 of said series, each .of $1,400.00, have been fully paid, cancelled and surrendered. I further report that the semi-annual interest on said bonds, amounting to $171.50, due March lst, 1905, and the further sum bf $147.00, due September 1st, 1.905, have been fully pail and I bold cancelled coupons for the same. That by the terms of the contract on which said bonds were issued, one bond of $1,400.00 becomes due annually in addition to semi-annual interest on balance of remaining debt. I therefore report that it will be necessary for the Town of Enfield to raise by tax for the coming year the sum of $1,009.50 to be disbursed as follows: For payment of Bond No. 5 .......................$1,400.00 For payment of interest due March ].st, 1906........ 147.00 For payment of interest due Sept. 1st, 1906.......... 182.50 Total .....................................$1,669.50 County of Tompkins.) State of New York, F. D. Fish, being duly sworn, says that the above report. is in all respects true and correct to the best of his knowledge and belief. F. D. FISH. Sworn to before me this 19th day of December, 1905. B. T. BAKER, Notary Public. By Mr. Fish :\ Resolved, That in accordance with the report of the Super- visor of the Town of Enfield as to the bonded indebtedness of said Town, the sum of $1,669.50 be levied upon and collected from I08 The Supervisor's Proceedings. the taxable property of the Town of Enfield to pay the amounts due thereon.' Laid on the table under the rule. Mr. Chappuis in the Chair. The Clerk read petitions from the Town ;Board of the Town of Newfield asking that designated highways within the Town of Newfieldbe improved under the provisions of Chapter f15 of the Laws of 1898 and Acts amendatory thereof, 1i-hich on motion of ?Jr. Miller were receiverl.and ordered' filed. By 11r. Simpson: Resolved, That public interest demands the improvement under the provisions of Chapter I L5 of the Laws of 1898 and the acts amending the same, and the Town Board of the Town of Newfield having adopted resolutions asking for such improvement of that sections of the public highways situate within the Town of Newfield, County.of Tompkins, State of New York, and de- scribed as follows: FIRST—The highway leading from the Village of Newfield in said Town past the residences of Fred Puff, J. M. Kresge, A. S. Decker and others to the town line between the Towns of New- field and Ithaca, being a distance of about three miles. SECOND—The highway leading from the Village of New- field in said Town past the William Snyder place and the Lehigh Valley station to the Inlet. Valley Road, a distance of about two miles. o All of the above described highways being in the Town of Newfield, and the above descriptions do not include any portion of a highway within the boundaries of any City or incorporated Village. Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to forthwith transmit a certified copy of the foregoing resolution to the State Engineer and Surveyor. The Supervisor's Proceedin,,.c. log On motion of Mr. Miller the same was adopted. By Mr. Chappuis: Whereas, the Highway Commissioner of the Town of, Dry- den has made affidavit that he cut the brush on the higway abut- ting on the property of Fred Middaugh and William Cornelius, Sr., in the Town of Dryden, therefore be it Resolved, 'that the following amounts be levied against the properly of the parties named as follows and charged up to their highway tax: Fred Middaugh, Lot 74 ....................$6.00 William Cornelius, Sr., Lots G5 and 75..........$1.50 On motion of Mr. Pearsall the -same was adopted. The Clerk read the following report which on motion of Mr, Parker was received and ordered printed: To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County Your Committee on U. S. Loan Commissioners respectfully report that they have examined the Books, Records and Vouchers of said Commissioners and find according to records the status of the said Fund is as follows: THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF PROPERTY HELD 13Y THE STATE. Outstanding October 1st, 1904 ...................$15,579.34 Nothing has been received on principal. Foreclosed mortages held by State, $750.00. Amount of interest received to October 1st, 1905......$698.97 Less expenses .................................... 205.72 -Balance ......................................$493.25 Interest paid to the State Treasurer ... ..............$493.25 Im The Supervisor's Proceedings. There are no monies on hand except $90.00 retained for ex- penses. A. N. MILLER, N. 0. GALLAGHER, JOHN J. HANSHAW, Committee. On motion the Board adjourned to 2 p. n1. 0 Afternoon Session. Ro_l call. Quorum present. Mr. Simpson, Chairman of the Committee on Printers' and Coroners' Accounts, reported favorably on Bills Nos. 120 and 15o and recommended that the full amounts thereof be paid. .Laid on the table under the rule. Mr. Hanshaw, Chairman of the Committee on Sheriffs and Judge's Accounts, reported favorably on Bills Nos. 165 and 158 and recommended that the full amounts thereof be - paid. Laid on the table under the rule. Mr. Hanshaw also reported on Bill No. 178, and recom- mended that the bill be 'allowed at $I00 instead of the $200 claimed. Laid on the table under the rule. The Supervisor's Proceedings, 111 Mr. Parker, Chairman of the Committee on Miscellaneous Claims, reported favorably on Bills Nos: 38, 57, 11 and rec- ommended that the full amounts thereof be paid. Laid on the table under the rule. On motion of Mr. I-Ianshaw Bills Nos. 147, 41, 103, 119, 114, 177, 113, 78, zo, 16 were ordered audited at the full amounts as recommended by the committee. Aycs—\9essrs. Gallagher, Chappuis, Fish, Hanshaw, Parker, Sprigg, Miller, Simpson and Pearsall—g. Noes—none. On motion of Mr. Chappuis item No. 1 of Bill No. 6o was allowed at $5 instead of the $15 claimed as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Chappuis, Fish, Hanshaw, Parker, Sprigg, Miller, Simpson and Pearsall -9. Noes—none. On motion of Mr. Sprigg item No. z of Bill No. 6o was allowed as recommended by the. committee at $5 instead of the $15 claimed. , Ayes—Alessrs. Gallagher, Chappuis; Fish, Hansllaw, Parker, Sprigg, Miller, Simpson and Pearsall -9. Noes—none. On motion of Mr. Simpson item No. 3 of Bill No. 6o was allo�Ned at $5 instead of the $15 claimed as recommended by the committee. I G 112 The Supervisor's Proceedings. Ayes -Messrs. Gallagher, Chappuis, Fish, Hanshaw, Parker, Sprigg, Miller, Simpson and Pearsall—g. Noes—none. On motion of Mr. Fish item No: 4 of Bill No. 6o was allowed at $5 instead of the $15 claimed as recommended by the committee. Ayes—hessrs. Gallagher, Chapptiis, Fish, Hanshaw, Parker, hiller, Sprig,-, Simpson, Pearsall—q. Noes—none. On motion of Mr. Hanshaw item No. 5 of Bill No. So was allowed at $5 instead of the $15 claimed as recommended ba the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Chappuis, Fish, Hanshaw, Parker, Sprigg, \filler, Simpson and Pearsall --g. Noes—none. On motion of Mr. Sprigg item No. 6 of Bill No. 6o was allowed at $5 instead of the $r5 claimed as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Chappuis, Fish, Hanshaw, ,Parker, Sprigg, Miller, Simpson and Pearsall—g. Noes—none. On motion of Mr. Pearsall item No. y of Bill No. 6o was allowed at $5 instead of the $f5 claimed as recommended by the committee. The Supervisor's Proceedings. ' 113 . Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Chappuis, Fish, Hanshaw, Parker, Sprigg, Miller, Simpson and Pearsall—q. Noes—none. On motion of Mr. Sprigg Bill No. 6o was ordered audited at $35 instead of the $1o5 claimed as recommended by the committee on Miscellaneous Claims. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Chappnis, Fish, Hanshaw, Parker, Sprigg, Miller, Simpson and Pearsall—q. Noes—none. On motion of Mr. Miller hill No. 131 was ordered audit- ed at the full amount claimed as recommended by a• majority of the committee on miscellaneous'claims. Ayes—Messrs. Chappnis, Dish, Parker, Sprigg, Miller, Simpson and Pearsall -7. Noes—Messrs. Gallagher and Hanshaw-2. On motion of Mr. Miller Bill No. 16o was ordered audit- ed at $5 instead of the $to claimed as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Chappnis, Fish, Hanshaw, Parker, Sprigg, Miller, Simpson and Pearsall -q. Noes—none. On motion of Mr. Simpson Bill No. 117 was ordered au- dited at $5o instead of the$1oo claimed as recommended by the'committee. ra'q ' The Supervisor's Proceedings. "r.:'Ayes-1\4essrs.. -Gallaglier, Chappuis, Fish, - Hanshaw,. Parker, Sprigg, Miller, Simpson -and Pearsall—q. Noes—none. On .motion of Mr. Pearsall Bill, No. ioo was ordered audited it.$z5 instead of the $50,claimed as recommended by tic conunittee:'' Ayes—Alessrs. Gallagher, Chappuis, Fish, Hanshaw, Parker; Sprigg;`nliller,'Siiitpson'and Pearsall -q.. Noes—none. On motion of Mr. Hanshaw Bill No. 'go was ordered audited at $to instead of the $is claimed as recommended by the committee: Ayes—Alessrs. 'Gallaglier, Chappuis, Fish, Hanshaw; Parker, Sprigg, Miller, Simpson and Pearsall --9. Noes—none. On motion of Df r. Simpson item one of Bill, NO. 76 was allowed at $5 instead of the $io'elaimea as recommeiided by the committee. Ayes. Messrs. Gallagher, ;Chappuis, :,.Fish, Hanshaw, Parker, miller, Simpson and -Pearsall—S. Noes—\Ir. Sprigg—r. On motion'of:hlr:Chappiii'siteni two of Bill No. 76 was allowed at $5 instead of the $io claimed as recommended by the committee. Ayes—A'lessrs. Gallagher, Chappuis, Fish, Hanshaw, .Parker. ''.\'filler; ` Simjmf. andPearsall-8. - Noes—Mr. Sprigg—t. a The Supervisor's Proceedings. Its On motion of Mr. Simpson Bill No. 76 was ordered audit- ed at $Io instead of the $20 claimed as recommended by the committee. ' Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Chappuis, Fish, Hanshaw, Parker, Simpson and Pearsall -8: Noes—Mr. Sprigg—i. IYfr. Pearsall's resolution to levy and collect from taxable property of the Town of Ulysses $3,435 to pay on bonded in- debtedness, inl roduced December 18th, was taken tip for con- sideration and on motion of Mr. Simpson adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Chappuis, Fish, Hanshaw, Parker, Sprigg, Miller, Simpson and Pearsall -9. Noes—none. On motion the Board adjourned. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. TWENTY-THIRD DAY. WEDNESDAY, DrcrAIBER 2oth, 005. Mondng $ession. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of December 19th read and approved. The Clerk read the following report of the Sheriff; which on, motion of Mr. Simpson was received and ordered printed: 116 The Supervisor's Proceedings. To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: I 1, the undersigned, Sheriff of Tompkins County, respectfully report that the following is a true statement of monles received by me as such Sheriff on account of fines and penalties, which were in my hands, and in which the County has any interest, with the time when and the person from whom the same was received, and on what account, from the 1st. day of December, 1904, to the 1st day of December, 1905. July 17, 1905, Samuel Morgan, drunk and disorderly, committed by Sweetland, from Ithaca .............$25.00 Aug. 14,.1905, Charles Cobb, drunk and disorderly, com- mitred by Sweetland, from Ithaca ................$15.00 Oct. 20, 1905,.Sohn Bentley, drunk and disorderly, commit- ted by Sweetland, from Ithaca .................$30.00 Total............... .........................$70.00 And 1 further report that said sums have been paid to the Treasurer of the County of Tompkins. Dated, December 20th, 1905. GRANT CURRY, Sheriff. STATE OF NEW YORK, County of Tompkins. I ss' Grant Curry, being duly sworn, deposes an$ says that the foregoing report made by him is true and correct to the best of his knowledge and belief. GRANT CURRY. Sworn to before me this 20th day of December, 1905. B.T. BAKER, Notary Pubic. The Supervisor's Proceedings. 117 The Cleric read the following report:, which on motion of - Mr. Miller leas received and ordered printed: To the Board of Supervisors: The Committee to whom was assigned the duty of apportion- ing the mortgage tax moneys would respectfully submit the fol- low Ing: The whole amount collected from July 1st, 1905 to Nov. 1st, 1905, was $565.10, less expenses $167.08, leaving a balance of $398.02, and of this amount one-half goes to the State and the remainder is distributed as follows: $199.01 $99.51 $99.50 ORLANDO WHITE, WM. H. PARKER, By Mr. Miller: Committee. Resolved, That there be levied and collected from the taxa- ble property of the County of Tompkins the'sum of $50.50 for the Amt. to Amt. to Name of Town. 'Pax. Town. Schools. Caroline .................$ 2.79 $ 1.39 $ 1.40 Danby . ................... 1.36 .68 .68 Dryden ...... ............ 2.45 1,23 1.22 Enfield .................. 6.35 8.18 ::.17 Groton ............ .......... 8.62 Town :................ . 5.60 3.60 Village ................ .71 .71 Ithaca -City ... . • • • • • • • • • 153.1.2 76.56 76.56 Ithaca -Town ............ 7.74 3.87 3.67 Lansing ................. .) 11.63 5.82 5.81 Newfield .................. • 2.02 1.01: 1.01 Ulysses .................. 2.93 Town .................. t.28 1.28 Village ................. .18 .19 $199.01 $99.51 $99.50 ORLANDO WHITE, WM. H. PARKER, By Mr. Miller: Committee. Resolved, That there be levied and collected from the taxa- ble property of the County of Tompkins the'sum of $50.50 for the 118 The Supervisor's Proceedings, purpose of paring for copying the assessment roll of the City of Ithaca, to be paid to J. P. Merrill. Laid on the table under the rule. On motion of Mr. Sprig, the Clerk was instructed to request Judge Blood to advise the Board if the resolution adopted by the Board one Year ago relative to the Sheriffs conveying prisoners to institutions applied to taking persons committed to the Alatteawan State Hospital. On motion the 15oard adiourned to 2 p. in - Afternoon Session. Roll call.' Quorum present. Mr. William 11. VanOstrand and Mr. Prank A. Todd. Superintendents of the Poor elect were given the privilege of the floor and addressed the Board relative to their salaries_ Hon. Charles H. Blood, as 6equested by the Board, ex- plained to the Board the statutory law relating to the Sheriff's fees for conveying prisoners to institutions and as relatink to taking persons under commitment to .Matteawan State Hos- pital. judge Blood notified the Board that unless they made provision for the payment of the $750 salary of the Surrogate's Stenographer, at which amount lie had fixed it by a Court Order, that he would compel the Board to do so by Mandamus Proceedings. _ A majority of'the Committee on Equalization made the following report, which was laid on the table for twenty-four hours: • . The. Supervisor's Proceedings. 119 The !assessed valuation as returned by the Assessors of the different Towns. of Tompkins County and the City of Ithaca for the year 1905 is as follows: Franchi. Town. Acres . heal. Franchise. and Real. Persona., Aggregate. Caroline .....34447 7-7,545 94,300 . St 1,845 46,540 858,385 Danby. .......33,286 726,020 Soo 796.59- z too 756,62o Dryden ...... 58,,92 2,o96,859 8,725 2,1-5,584 130,230 91235,814 Enfield ......29.007 529,802 2,725 532,527 23,540 556,067 Groton ...... 30,725 t,341775 3,250 11345,095 143,511- t,488,525 ' Ithaca -City .. 2,940 6,432,960 6,439,960 626,8m 7,1159,76. Lbaca/town ..x6,993 1.1133,962 11,950 1045,219 37,775 1,-87.987 Lansing ......37.789 1,-83,181 x,85. 1,085,o3t 69,48- x.-53,5-1 Newfield .....36.997 796,875 2,95. 799,825 34,500 834,325 Ulysses ......-9,818. 111113.580 6,665 t I 0,945 17,48o 1,227,725 Total .....292,794 .5,862,559 132,215 15,994.774 1,248,945 17,243,7t9 A majority of your commitice recommends that the fol- lowing schedule he adopted as the equalized valuation of the several Towns of Tompkins County and the City of Ithaca for the year 1905, and the percentage in the right-hand col- umn be the ratio of the State and County Tax that each Town and the City of Ithaca shall pay: Each ratio Ratio of of the 1'.. Stntd .. Heal on Rl and Prop- County 'Town. Acres. Real. Personal. Aggregate. crty. 'faxes Caroline ....... 34,747 665,382 46,540 7r 1,929 .0416 .0412 Danby ......... 33,996 652,187 20,1.0 672,687 .0408 .-390 Dryden ....... 58,,92 1,876,187 -30.230 1,0-6,417 .1173 .-i63 Enfield ........ 22,007 539,023 23,540 562,563 0337 0326 Groton ........ 30,795, 1,37705- 143,500 1,52465, .o86r .088, Ithaca -City ••.• 2940 6,826,569 626,800, 7,453,369 .4268 .4322 Ithaca-T.wn .... 16,993 777,347 37.775 8150 22 .0496 .0477 Lansing. ....... 37,789 -.38x,949 68.480 x,454429 ..864 .0841 Newfield ........36,997 665,389 34,500 699.889 ,04j6 .0405 Ulyss'cs ........ 19,818 1.233097 117.480 1,354677' .0771 .0783 Total .......292,794 -5,994.774 1,248,945 17,243.7 t9 1.0000 -. W. C. GALLAGHER, H. F. HUTCHINGS, BERKLEY SIMPSON, ORLANDO WHITE, R. F. CHAPPUIS, - F. D. FISH, .:Committee. 120 The Supervisor's Proceedings Mr. Fairbanks of the Committee on Equalization stated that he would submit a minority report. Mr. Simpson, Chairman of the Committee on Printers' and Coroners' Accounts, reported on I3ills'N0s. 58, 182, 109, 99 and 104, reporting.thaf a majority of the committee recom- mended that the bills be paid in full. _ Laid on the table under the rule. Mr. Parker, Chairman of the Committee on Miscellaneous Claims, reported favorably on Bills Nos. 186, 190, 179, .175, 169, 9i, 151, 168, 187, 35, 184, 172, 173, 156, 36, 138, 152, 89, 33, 189, 59, 68, 61, 80, and recommended that the full amounts thereof, be paid. Laid on the table under the rule. On motion of Mr. White item one of Bill No- 29 was allowed at $1 instead of the $1.5o claimed as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Hutchings, Fish; Hanshaw, Parker, Chappwis, White and Pearsall -8. Noes=Messrs. Sprigg; Miller and Simpson -3. On motion of Mr. Pearsall item two of Bill No. 29 was allowed at $8.25 instead of the $[1 claimed as recommended by the committee. Aycs—Mcssrs. Gallagher, Hutchings, Chappuis, Han- shaw, Fish, Parker, Sprigg, Miller, White, Simpson and Pearsall—u. Noes—none. The Supervisor's Proceedings. 121 On motion of Mr. Chappuis item three of Lill No. 29 was allowed at $15 instead of the $2o claimed, as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, IIutchings. Chappuis, Fish, Hanshaw, Parker, Fairbanks, Sprig-, Miller, Simpson and Pearsall -1 i. Noes—none. On motion of Aft. Hanshaw item four of Hill No. 29 was allowed at $.75 instead of the $1.05 claimed, as recom- mended by the committee. Ayes—\Tessrs. Gallagher, Hutchings, Chappuis, Fish. Hanshaw, Parker, Sprigg, Miller, Simpson, Pearsall—lo. Noes—none. On motion of Mr. Chappuis Sill No. 29 was ordered auditsd at $25' instead of the $33.55 claimed as recommended by the committee on Miscellaneous Claims. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Hutchings. Chappuis, Fish, Flanshaw, Parker, Miller, Sprigg, White, Simpson, Pear-' sall-11. Noes—none. On motion of DTr. Sprigg Bills Nos. 11, 51 and 38'wcrc ordered at the fall amounts claimed as recommended by the Committee on Miscellaneous Claims. Aycs—Mcssrs. Gallagher, Hutchings, Chappuis, Fish, Hanshaw, Parker, Sprigg, Miller, White, Simpson, Pear- sall -11. Noes—none. 0 122 The Supervisor's Proceedings: . On motion of Mr. Fish Bills Nos. 12o and 15o were or- dered audited at the full amounts claimed as recommended by the committee. _ Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Hutchings, Chappuis, Fish, Hanshaw, Parker, Sprig,-, Miller, White, Simpson, Pear- sall—i i. Noes—none. On motion of Mr. Simpson Lill No. 171 was ordered audited at the full amount claimed as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Hutchings, Fish, I-Ianshaw, Sprigg, Mil- ler, White. Simpson, Pearsall -8. Noes—!Messrs. Chappuis and Parker -2. Dr. Gallagher was excused from voting. On motion of Mr. Hutchings Bills Nos. 165 and 158 were ordered audited at the,full amounts claimed as,reconnnended by the committee. Apes—Messrs. Gallagher, Hutchings, Fish, Chappuis; •1,ansbaw, Parker, Sprig,-, Miller, White, Simpson and Pearsall -11. Noes—none. Mr. Fish's resolution to levy and collect from the taxable property in the Town of Enfield $i,669.so to pay on bonded indebtedness, introduced December 19th, was taken up for consideration and on motion of Alr. Sprigg was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Hutchings, Chappuis, Fish, Hanshaw, Parker. Sprigg, Miller, White, Simpson and Pearsall—n. Noes—none.- The Supervisor's Proceedings. ]23 By Mr. Hutchings: Resolved, That in pursuance of the resolutions passed by the Town Board of the Town of Danby the amounts asked for be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Danby for the following purposes, viz: For support of the poor two hundred dollars ($200.00). For highways and bridges and removing snow, five hundred dollars ($500.00). For G. A. R.fund, ten dollars ($10.00). To pay Certificates of Indebtedness issued to pay damages done by the floods,of June 21st, 1905, three thousand six hundred and sixty-five 35-1.00 dollars For interest on said Certificates to February 15th, 1900, sixty-six and 34-100 dollars ($66.34). On motiori of Mr. Hanshaw the saute was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Hutchings, Gallagher, Chappuis, Fish, Hanshaw, Parker, Sprigg, Miller, White, Simpson and Pearsall—n. Noes—none. The Clerk read the following report of the Committee on State Charitable and Penal Institutions, which on motion of Mr. Miller was received and ordered printed. To the Honorable Board of Supervisors: .Your Committee appointed to examine the accounts of the several Penal and Charitable Institutionswould report as fol- lows, and recommend the payment of the claims by the County, charging the same to the various Towns as indicated. 124 The Supervisor's Proceedings DANDY. Norman Hart, Syracuse Institution for Feeble Minded Children ....... 20.09 DRYDEN. Louie Larmore, Susquehanna Valley Home .......... 54.54 ENFIELD. John Murphy, Susquehanna Valley Home ........... 4.25 GROTON. Annie. E. Snyder, Syracuse Institution for Feeble Minded Children .. 20.00 Edith VanZoil, Syracuse Institution for Feeble Minded Children....................�.............. 20.00 NEWFIELD. -George Brill, Syracuse Institution for Feeble Minded Children ......................... ......... 20.00 ULYSSES. Charles Bracey, Syracuse Institution for Feeble Minded Children .................................. 20.00 TOWN OF ITHACA. -Ella Burchfield, Syracuse Institution for Feeble Minded Children .................................. 20.00 Florence Burchfield, Syracuse Institution' for Feeble Minded Children ........................... 20.00 Joseph Saunders, Susquehanna Valley Home 16.36 COUNTY OF TOMPKINS. ' John Granville, Society for the Protection of Destitute Catholic Children ........................... 78.82 Ruth DI. Lytle, Western New'York Institution for Deaf Mutes ....................... 171.67 Ray S. Holden, Western New York Institution for Deaf Mutes ......... 300.00 The Supervisor's Proceedings. 125 Austin Barnes, Craig Colony, Clothing bill.....:..... 3.01 Lizzie Murphy, Craig Colony, Clothing bill........... 5.71 Willis'E. Keeler, Craig Colony, Clothing bill ........ 5.85 Joseph E. Lynch, Craig Colony, Clothing bill......... 4.44 Marion C. Brown, Craig Colony, Clothing bill........ 15.56 Helen Tanner, Alvira Tanner, Lena Tanner, the Western New York Society for the Protection of Homeless _ and Dependent Chiliren .................... 226.97. William Woodsin, Michael Greary, John Reed, Bert Cas- terlin, Bert Baker, Emery Spicer, George Simpson, Nellie Simpson, Ida Compton, Nathaniel BaLterson, . Elmer Coon, Charles Clark, Irving Monroe, John' Reed, Loretti Furl, James Sheridan, James McKin- ney, Dora Van Buskirk, Ella Young, Emery Spicer, Bert Baker, John Davenport, William Trim, James Smith, William Cessna, Monroe County Peniten- tiary ...4..4...4 .......... ................ 679.59 Total _...:........... .. .. ............ .....$7.700. it F. D. FISH, 0 CHAS. SPRiGG, H. B. PEARSALL, Committee. By Alr. White: AN ACT authorizing the Town of Lansing in the County of Tompkins, State of New York, to construct a bridge across Salmon Creek near Ford's Mill in said Town and to burrow money and issue its obligations therefor; and to borrow money and issue its obligations therefor for the purpose of paying, the cost of the construction of a bridge across Salmon Creek in the Village of Ludlowville in said Town which has been heretofore constructed. Passed on the 20th day of December, 1905, two-thirds of all the Supervisors electe9 to the Board of Supervisors of Stich County voting in favor thereof. 126 The Supervisor's Proceedings. The Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins in pursuance of authority conferred by section 69 of the County Law, and the Acts amendatory thereto, and in pursuance -to the provisions of sections 12 and 14 of the County Law and of sec- tions 5, G, 7, 8 and 9 of the General Municipal Law, do enact ' as follows: Whereas, The Town Board and Commissioner of Highways of the Town of Lansing have made application to this Board for authority to construct a bridge across and over Salmon Creek at or near Ford's mill in said Town and also have applied for authority to borrow the sum of Fifteen Hundred Dollars upon the cre iit of said Town for such purpose, and to issue the obli- gations of said Town therefore; and 'Whereas, It appears that the said bridge was destroyed by the elements and that the estimated cost and expense of such construction exceeds the sum of Five Hundred Dollars and that such construction is necessary and proper, and that such Town should be authorized to borrow the sum of Fifteen Hundred Dollars upon the credit of such Town and issue its promissory notes therefor; now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the Town of Lansing,in the County of Tomp- kins, State of New York, -be and is hereby authorized to construct the said bridge and that the said Town is hereby authorized and empowered to issue Its promissory notes upon the credit of such Town, in an amount not to exceed the,sum of Fifteen Hun- dred Dollars, and to sell or cause the same to be sold at not less than their par value to the highest bidder at a rate not ex- ceeding four per cent. per annum, for the purpose of paying the costs and expenses of the construction of the said bridge. Whereas, The sat Town Board of the said Town at, a meet- ing of said Board on the 19th day of December, 1905, did unan- imously adopt a certain preamble and resolution setting forth that the Commissioner of Highwaysof the. said Town had be- come obligated for the payment of the sum of Fifty-four Hun- dred Dollars over and above the amount provided by the Town estimates and highway taxes of said Town for the year 1905, and ,that such expenditures and obligations were caused solely by the destruction and damage by the elements of a bridge across and over Salmon Creek near the Village of Ludlodville in said Town, and that the said Commissioner hadenteredinto a con- The Supervisor's Proaeediugs. 127 tract with the Groton Bridge Company for the construction of such bridge at and for the sum of Fifty-four Hundred Dollars, for which the said Commissioner had become obligated to pay, thetotalamount of which exceeds the sum of Five Hundred Dollars and was done under a written contract therefor, which contract was duly approves by the Town Board of said Town; and that all of the said expenditures had been duly consented to by the Town Board of said Town and that .said expenditures were in the opinion of the Town Board of said Town, necessary and proper, . andyet unusual and not to be foreseen, and the said Town Board did make application.lo this Board of Super- visors to secure the authority of this Board for the issue of promissory notes of the said Town for the sum of Forty-five Hundred Dollars; now, therefore, be it, Resolved, That the said Town of Lansing is hereby author- ized and empowered to Issue Its promissory notes upon the credit of such Town to an amount not to exceed the slim of Forty-five Hundred Dollars, and to sell or cause the same to be sold at not less than their par value,lo the highest bidder at a rate not ex- ceeding four per cent, per annum for the purpose of paying the cost .ani expense incurred under said written contract for the construction of the said bridge across Salmon Creek near the Village of Ludlowville; and, Resolved, That the said promissory notes above mentioned, 'for -the said slim of Ffteen Hundred Dollars and the said sum of Forty-five Ifundred Dollars, shall be signed by the Super- visor and the Town Cleric of the said Town of Lansing, and that the Supervisor of such Town shall negotiate such promissory notes according to law and as above provided and that he shall apply the proceeds of the sale, thereof to the payment at the costs and expenses of the construction of the said bridges. That the said.. Supervisor before issuing or negotiating any of said promissory notes shall make and execute to the Town Clerk of such Town in behalf of and for the benefit of such Town a good and sufficient bond or obligation In the penal sum of Sixty-five Handled Dollars, conditioned for the faithful performance of his duties in issuing such promissory notes and the lawful appli- cation of the funds which may be,realized from the sale thereof, and of the funds tharni;iy be raised by tax or otherwise for the payment of the said obligations issued in pursuance to this Act, avid the interestthereon, which may come Into his, hands. Such bond or'obligation so made by the said Supervisor shall be ap- 128 The Supervisor's Proceedings. proved by the Town Board of such Town and filed In the Office of the Town Clerk; and be it further Resolved, That such promissory notes shall be made payable at the Ithaca Savings Bank'In the City of Ithaca, N. Y., and that the interest on such promissory notes shall be payable at such Bank, annually, on the 15th day of February of each year. That said notes shall be drawn for the principal sum of One Thousand Dollars each, and that one of said notes shall become due and payable on the 15th day of February, 1907, and that one of said remaining promissory notes shall become due and payable on the 15th day of February in each year thereafter until all of the said promissory notes are paid and discharged in full: be it further Resolved, That the form of such promissory notes shall be as follows, the date, name of payee, date of maturity and date of issue being properly filled in: $1,000. Lansing, N. Y., 19 o ' On the 15th day of February, 19 , for value received, the Town of Lansing promises to pay to. or order, the sum of One Thousand Dollars, with interest at the rate of four per cent. per annum. Payable at the Ithaca Savings Bank of Ithaca, New York. By....................................... Supervisor of the Town of Lansing. Town Clerk of the Town of Lansing. Be it further Resolved, That the Board of Supervisors of the said County of Tompkins shall assess and levy upon the taxable property of the said Town of Lansing a sufficient sum to pay the principal and interest of said promissory notes from 0 The Supervisor's Proceedings. 129 year to year as the same shall mature, and the Supervisor of the said Town of Lansing shall report the amount of.said principal and interest to said Board of Supervisors as required by law. On motion of Mr. Sprigg the same was adopted. On motion the Board adjourned. BERT. T. BAKER, Clerk. • TWENTY-FOURTH DAY. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2ISt, I905. Morning Session. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of December loth read and approved. The Clerk read the following report which, on motion,. was received and ordered printed: I . Ithaca, N. Y., December, 12, 1905. To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: Gentlemen:—I have to report to the Board of Supervisors ` that since the date of my last report. to your Board in the year 1904, I have received monies due and for Tompkins.County as follows: May 2, .1905, Elmer Shoemaker, Lansing, N. Y., violation. of the Liquor Tax Law, $200.00. May S, 1905, Almeda Gay, Groton, N. Y., violation of the Liquor Tax Law, $200.00. May 17, 1905, George Blanchard, Dryden, N. Y., violation of the Liquor Tax Law, $250.00. _ a 13o The Supsrvisbr's Proceedings. May 18, 1905, Hiram Root, Dryden, N. Y.; violation of the Liquor Tax Law, $250.00 For fines due Tompkins County as follows: April 17, 1905, Harry Potter, Ithaca, N. Y., $75.00. April 17, 1905, James Dunlavey, Ithaca, N. Y., $250.00 April 22, 1905, Philip Ford, Ithaca, N. Y., $250.00 May 18, 1905, Charles Green, Ithaca, N. Y., $100.00.' The above monies were paid to the County Treasurer as per receipts herewith. Very respectfully yours, LEROY H. VANKIRK, County Clerk. State of New York, i ss. Tompkins County,. J Leroy H. VanKirk, being duly sworn, says he is Clerk of Tompkins County, N.' Y., and that he has received no money for said County except as set forth in the above report as to fines. L. H. VANKIRK. Subscribe9 and sworn to before me this 12th day of Decem- ber, 1905. B. T. BAKER, Notary Public. on motion the Board adjotirned to 2 P. Ill. The Supervisor's.Pruceedings. 131 Afternoon Session. Roll call. Quorum present. By Mr. Pearsall: Resolved, That the salaries for the two Superintendents of the Poor elected in November, 1905, be $00.00, including ex• penses each year. On motion of \4r. Parker the same was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Hutchings, Chappuis, Fish, f-lanshaw, Parker, Sprigg, Miller, White, Simpson, Pear- sall—I I. Noes—Molle. By Mr. Sprigg: Resolved, That the salary of the Keeper of the County Alms "House be $700.00. Its adoption was duly moved. By Mr. Chappuis: Resolved, as an amendment to Mr. Sprigg's resolution, That the salary of the Keeper of the County Alms House be $000.00. On motion of Dr. Gallaglicr the same was adopted. Ayes-17essrs. Gallagher, Hatchings, Chappuis, Fish, .Hanshaw, Parlccr, Miller, Pearsall -9. Noes—Messrs. Sprigg and Simp_on-2. The original resohltion as amended was adopted. I 132 The Supervisor's Proceedings. Ayes—Dlessrs. Gallagher, Hutchings, Chappuis, Fish, Hanshaw, Parker, Duller, White, Pearsall --q. Woes—Messrs. Sprigg and Simpson -2. The Clerk read the following petition: To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: The undersigned petitioner, Charles A. Cooper, respectfully petitions the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, N. Y., to grant him a Kennel License, as he Is engaged in breeding thoroughbred dogs and such business cannot be conducted with financial success under the present dog lax rates. Petitioner lives and has his place of business on the Coadington Road, Danby, Tompkins County, N. Y., and he Is responsible for any and all damage done by his dogs if any. IIe desires to raNe and breed Scotch Collies, a kind of dog which does not bother or annoy sheep if handled right and are of great value to drive sheep, cattle and horses on the farm and the road, and they are to be out only wheil accompanied by the owner or atten9ant or driving sheep, cattle, horses or other farm stock, such as hogs or poultry. CHAS. A. COOPER, Petitioner. L'y DIr. Hutchings: -Resolved, That the petition of Charles, A. Cooper be received and filed and that his application for a Kennel License be granted on the conditions contained In such petition and if the terms upon which this special grant are observed that a tax of twenty- five cents each be assessed and collected on account of each and every dog he may own over four months old. Resolved, That this act he continued in ' force and effect unless the terms thereof are violated by the said Charles A. Cooper or until the same is repealed by the Board of Super- visors of this County. On motion of Mr. Miller the same was adopted. The Supervisor's Proceedings. 133 By Mr. Hanshaw: Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board be empowered to contract with .the Ithaca Telephone Company and the New York and Pennsylvania Telephone and Telegraph Company for the same number of 'phones for county services as for the year 1.905 at the same price paid for said year, with the provision that the telephones in the room of this Board shall not be on the same line as the Court Room during the session of this Board. On motion of Mr. Pearsall the same was adopted. By Mr. Chappuis: Resolved, That It is the sense of this Board •that the office of Sheriff of this County be made a salaried office. On motion of Mr. Pearsall the same was adopted. Ayes—Nfessrs. Gallagher, Chappuis, Fish, Hanshaw, Parker, White and Pearsall -8. Noes—Messrs. Hutchings, Sprigg, Miller and Simp- son -4. Mr. White presented the Town Audits of the Town of Lansing, which on motion of Mr. Simpson were received and the amounts ordered levied upon and collected from the tax- able property of the Town of Lansing. Ayes—Mcssrs. Gallagher, Hutchings, Chappuis, Fish, Hanshaw, Parker, Sprigg, Miller, White, Simpson, - Pear- sall—i i. Noes—none. The sealed bids for the printing of the proceedings of the Board were opened by the Committee thereon and were as follows: 134 The Supervisor's Proreedings. Ithaca Publishing Companv; $1.82 per page. Ithaca Journal—"Por the past two years we have printed Your boot: and in both cases at actual loss financially. In view of this fact, together with the knowledge that we could not get the book out in any reasonable time, owing to pressure of other work now on hand, we mast respectfully decline to bid this year on the above work." On motion of Mr. Chappuis, the printing of the proceed- ings was awarded to the Ithaca Publishing Company to be printed at $1.82 per page. Sy Mr. White Whereas, The County Judge of this County has appeared before this Board for the purpose of fixing the salary of the Stenographer of the Surrogate's Court and the County Judge's Court, and Whereas, The County Judge has by virtue of the power vested in him by law fixed the said salary of the said stenog- rapher of the Surrogate and County Judge's Court at $750.00 per annum; now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the resolution heretofore adopted by this Board in relation to this matter be reconsi lered and amended In such a manner as to make the said salary of said stenographer $750.00 per annum in compliance with the said order of the County Judge, and be it. further Resolved, That the said Order of the County Judge fixing the salary of said stenographer at $750.00 per annum be In- corporated in the minutes and proceedings of this Board. Qn motion of _-Mr. Simpson the same was adopted! Ayes—Messrs. Hutchings, Chappuis, Flanshaw, Sprigg. Miller. White, Simpson and Pearsall -8. Noes—none. The Supervisor's Proceedings. 135 Mr. Parker and Dr. Gallagher excused from voting. On motion of Mr. Hutchings the original resolution as amended was adopted. , Ayes—Messrs. Hutchings, Chappuis, Sprigg, Miller, White, Simpson and .Pearsall -7. Noes—none. Messrs. Gallagher, Hanshaw and Parker excused from voting. ORDER. In the Matter of o Salary of the Stenographer for the Surrogate's Court. Pursuant to Chapter Fifty-nine of the Laws of 1904, 1, Charles H. Blood, Surrogate of the County of Tompkins, do fix the salary of the Surrogate's stenographer for the year 1906, and until otherwise directel by order of the Surrogaw, at the sum of seven hundred and fifty dollars. Dated Dec. 13th, 1905. CHARLES H. BLOOD, Tompkins Co. Surrogate. On motion of Mr. White item .one of Bi'l No. 178, was allowed at $4 instead of the $8 claimed as recommended by the committee. Apes—Messrs. Gallagher, Hutchings, Chappuis, Han- shaw, Parker, Miller, White,, Simpson, Pearsall—q., 1 Noes—Tic Sprigg-1. ... ,. 136 , The Supervisor's Proceedings. On motion of Air. Chappuis item two of Bill No. 178 was allowed at $4 instead of the $8 claimed as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs Gallagher, Hutchings, Chappuis, Han- shaw, Parker, Miller, White, Simpson, Pearsall—g. Noes—Dir. Sprigb i. On motion of nor. Parker item three of Bill No. 178 was allowed at $4 instead of the $8 claimed as recommended by the committee. Apes—Messrs. Gallagher, Hutchings, Chappuis, Han- shaw, Parker, Miller, White, Simpson, Pearsall --o Noes—Dir. Sprigg—t., On motion of Air. Hutchings item four of Bill No. 178 was .allowed at $4 instead of the $8 claimed as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Alessrs. Gallagher, Hutchings, Chappuis, Han- shaw, Parker, Miller, White, Simpson, Pearsall -9. Noes—Dir. Sprigg—i. On motion of Air. Chappuis item five of Bill No 178 was allowed at $4 instead of the $8 claimed as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Dfessrs. Gallagher, Hutchings, Chappuis, Han- shaw, Parker, Miller, White, Simpson, Pearsall -9. Noes—Dir. Sprig9-1. On motion of Dir. White item six of Bill No, 178 was allowed at $4 instead of the $8 claimed as recommended by the committee. The. Supervisor's Proceedings. 137 Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Hutchings,-.Chappuis, Han- shaw, Parker, Miller, White, Simpson, Pearsall -q. Noes—Mr. Sprigg—i. On motion of Mr. Parker item seven of Bill No. 178 was allowed at $4 instead of the $8 claimed as.recommended,by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Hutchings, Chappuis, Han- shaw, Parker, Miller, White, Simpson, Pearsall—q. Noes—Mr. Sprigg-1. , On motion of Mr. Pearsall item eight of Bill No. 178 was allowed at $4' instead of the $8 claimed as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Hutchings, Chappuis, Han- shaw, Parker, Miller, White, Simpson,-Pearsall—g. Noes --Mr. Sprigg t. On motion of Mr. Hutchings item nine of Bill No. 178 was allowed at $4 instead of $8' claimed as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Hatchings, Chappuis, Han- shaw, Parker, Miller, White, Simpson, Pearsall—q. Noes—Mr. Sprigb 1. On! motion of Mr. Hatchings item ten of Bill No. 178 was allowed at $4 .instead of the $8 claimed as recommended by the committee. 138 The Supervisor's Proceedings. 4 -oyes—Messrs. Gallagher, Hutchings, Chappuis, Han- shaw, Parker, Miller, White, Simpson, Pearsall --9. Noes --,Mr. Sprigg i. On motion of Mr. White item it of Bill No. 178 was allowed at $4 instead of the $8 claimed as recommended by the committee.. Aves—Messrs. Gallagher, Hutchings, Chappuis, Han- shaw, Parker, Xl filler, White, Simpson, Pearsall—y. Noes—Mr. Sprigb i On motion of Mr. Pears.ill item 12 of Bi:] No. 178 was allowed at $4 instead of ffe $8 claimed as recommended by the committee. Apes—Messrs. Gallagher, Hutchings, Chappuis, Han shave, Parker, Miller, White, Simpson, Pearsall -9. Nocs—Mr. Sprigg—z. On motion- of Mr. Pearsall item 13 of Bill No. 178 was - allowed at $4 instead .of the $8 claimed as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Hutchings, Chappuis, Han- shaw, Parker, Miller, White, Simpson, .Pearsall -9. Noes—Mr. Sprigg—z. On motiori'of Mr. White item 14 of Bill No. 178 was allowed at $4 instead of the $8 claimed as recommended by the committee. The Supervisor's Proceedings, 139 Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, 'I-Iutchings, Chappuis, Han- shaw, Parker, Miller, White, Simpson, Pearsall --g. Noes—Mr. Sprigg—i. On motion of Mr. Pearsall item t5 of Bill No. 178 was allowed at $4 instead of the $8 claimed as recommended by the committee. Ayes—\4essrs. Gallagher, Hutchings, Chappuis, Han- shaw, Parker, Miller, White, Simpson, Pearsall—g. Noes—Mr. Sprigg—t. On motion of Mr. Parker item 16 of Bill No. 178 was allowed at $4 instead of the $8 claimed as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Hutchings, Chappuis, Han- shaw, Parker, Miller, White, Simpson, Pearsall --g. Noes—\4r. Sprigg-1. On motion of Mr. Chappuis item 17 -of Bill No. 178 was, allowed at $4 instead of the $8 claimed as recommended by the committee. Aves—A4essrs. Gallagher, Chappuis, Hanshaw, Parker, Miller, White Simpson, Pearsall—S. Noes—A4essrs. Hutchings and Sprigg-2. On motion of Por. Simpson item IS of hill No. 178 was allowed at $4 instead of the $S claimed as recommended by the committee. 140 The Supervisor's Proceedings. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Hutchings; Chappuis, Han- shaw, Parker, Miller, Whitc, Simpson, Pearsall—q. Noes—Air. Sprigg-1. On motion of Mr. White item 1q of Bill No. 178 was allowed at $4 instead of the $8 claimed as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Aiessrs. Gallagher,,. Hutchings; Chappuis, Han- shaw, Parker, Miller, White, Simpson; Pearsall -9. Noes—nor. Sprigg-1. On motion of Dir. Chappuis item 20 of Bill No. 178 was allowed at $4 instead of the $8 claimedasrecommended by the committee. .. Aye's—Messrs. Gallagher, Hutchings, Chappuis, Han- shaw, Parker, Aliller, White, Simpson, Pearsall --q. Noes—Mr. Sprigg—i. On motion of Dir. Parker item 21. of Bill No. 178 was allowed at $4 instead of the $8 claimed as recommended by the cornmi.ttee. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, hutchings, Chappuis-, Han- shaw, Parker, :Hiller, White, Simpson, Pearsall—q. Noes—Mr. Sprigg—t. On motion of Mr. Parker item 22 of Bill No. 178 was allowed at $4 instead of the $8 claimed as recommended by the committee. e The Supervisor's Proceedings. 141 Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Hutchings, Chappuis, Han- shaw, Parker, Miller, White, Simpson, Pearsall -9. ' Noes—Mr. Sprigg—t. On motion of Mr. Pearsall item 23 of Bill No. 178 was allowed at $4 instead of the $8 claimed as recommended by the committee. Ayes* Messrs. Gallagher, Hutchings, Chappuis, Han- shaw, Parker, Miller, White, Simpson, Pearsall—q. Noes—Mr. Sprigg-1. On motion of Mr. Hutchings item 24 of Bill No. 178 was allowed at $4 instead of the $8 claimed as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Hutchings, Chappuis, Han- shaw, Parker, Miller, White, Simpson, Pearsall—q. Noes—Mr. Sprigg-1. On motion of Mr. Chappuis item 25 of Bill No. 178 was allowed at $4 instead of the $8 claimed as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Hutchings, Chappuis, Han- shaw, Parker, Miller, White, Simpson, Pearsall—q. Noes—Mr. Sprigg-1. On motion of Mr. Parker Bill No. 178 was ordered au- dited at $100 instead of the $200 claimed as recommended by the committee on Judges' Ciaims. 142 The Supervisor's Proceedings. Ayes-Dfessrs. Ga-lagher, Hutchings, Chappuis, HanshaNi Parker; Afiller, White, Simpson, Pe3rsall-9 Noes--Dlr. Sprigg i. On motion of Air. Miller Bills Nos. log, 99, 182, 58, too were ordered audited at the full amounts claimed as recom- mended by the committee. ANes-D4essrs. Gallagher, Hutcf,ings, Sprig g, Duller, Simpson, Pearsall -6. Noes -Messrs. Chappuis and Parker -2. Messrs. Hanshaw and White excused from voting. On motion of Dir. Hanshaw Bills Nos. 152, 59, 186, 195, 91, 169, i5i, 168, 156, 35, 184, 36, 138, 8), 33, 189, 80, 61, 63, 187, 19 were ordered audited at the full amounts claimed as recommended by the committee. Ayes-Dlessrs. Gallagher, Hutchings, Chappius, Han- shaw, Parker, Sprigg, \Miller, White, Simpsoit and Pear- sall-io. Noes -none. Air. Parker, Chairman of the Committee.on Visccllaneous 'Claims, reporter] favorably oil Bills Nos. 172, 195,' 135, 133, 140, 139, 83, 44, 191. 193, 192 79, 198, 84, 173, 190, 176. 130, and recommended that the full amounts thereof be paid. Laid on the table under the rifle. Dir. Parker also reported on Pills Nos. 49 and 141, that a majority of the committec,'Ddessrs. Gallagher and Hutchings, rcoorted favorably and recommended payment in full, and lie reported unfavorably. The Supervisor's Proceedings. 143 Laid on the table under the rule. Mr. Parker also reported on Bill's Nos. 197, 94 and 163, and recommended that they be allowed at the full amounts claimed. Laid on the table under the rule. Mr. Parker also returned Bills Nos. 48 and 194 with the report that they were not a proper county charge. \4r. Parker also reported back to the Board as a com- mittee of a whole Bills Nos. 93, 85 and 24, without recom- mendation of the committee. Laid on the table under the rule. Mr. Simpson, Chairman of the Committee on Printers' and Coroners' Accounts, reported back to the Board as a com- mittee of the whole Bills Nos. 115 and 64 without reconl- nlenclation of the committee. Laid on the table tinder the rule. Wr. White, Chairman of the Comnr.ttee on Clerk's and Justices' Accounts, reported favorably on Bills. Nos. 166 and 157, and recommended that the full amounts thereof be paid. Laid on the table under the rule. On motion the Board adjourned. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. 144 The Supervisor's Proceedings, TIME\TY-FIFTH DAY. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22nd, 1905. Morning Session. Roll call. Quorum present. .Minutes of December 21st read and approved. Mr. Frank D. Lyon of the State Engineer and Surveyor Department was given the privilege of the floor, and he ad- dressed the -members of the Board regarding road improve- ment. On motion the Board adjourned to 2 P. M. Afternoon Session. Roll call. Quorum present. Mr. Prank D. Lyon .was given the privilege of the floor and he addressed the Board and a large delegation of citizens of the County interested in good roads on the improvement of highways under the Higbie-Armstrong Act and the Acts amendatory thereof and also the general improvements of highways by the towns under the money tax system. The report and Schedules of a majority of the Committee Oil Equalization submitted December 20th, were taken up for consideration and their adoption moved by Dr. Gallagher. Mr. Fairbanks of the Committee on Equalization offered the following schedule as a substitute to the one submitted by a majority of the committee: H. C. Fairbanks of the Committee on Equalization rec- ommends the following schedule as a substitute to be adopted The Supervisor's Proceedings. 145 as to the equalized valuation of the several Towns of Tomp- kins County and the City of Ithaca for the year 19o5, and the - percentages in the right hand colinnn to be the ratio of the State and County Tax that each Town and the City of Ithaca shall pay. H. C. FAIRBANKS. Mr. Parker moved the adoption of the substitute which was lost. Ayes—Dfessrs. Hanshaw, Parker, Fairbanks, Sprigg, \filler -5. Noes—Alessrs. Gallagher, Hutchings, Chappuis, Fish, White, Simpson, Pearsall -7. A vote was taken on the schedule offered by a majority of . the committee and the same was adopted. Aves—Messrs. Gallagher, Hutchings, Chappuis, Fish, White, Simpson, Pearsall -7. Each V T'own's ratio Ratio of of the Equalization State on Real and Real and Prop- Covnty Town. Aeres. Franchise. Personal. Aggregate. e,tr. Tates. Caroline ....... 34.747 695.773 46.540 742.3t3 •0435 0431 Darby .•..• •. 33.286 674.979 20,100 695,079 .0422 .0403 Dryden ........ 58,192 1,944.965 130,230 2,075.195 •tz16 .12-4 Enfield ........ 22,-117 532,626 23.540 586,166 .0333 .0323 Groton ........ 30,725 1,418,736 143,5oo ,562,236 .0887 .0906 Ithaca -City ..... 2,940 6,63-,433 626,80o 7,258,233 4146 .4209 Ilhao-Town ... 16,293 772,548 37,775 81.,233 .0483 .0469 Lansing ....... 36,997 t,439,530 68,480 r,5.8,ot- .0900 .0875 Newfield ...... 36,997 654086 34.500 688,686 .0409 0399 ' Ulysses ....... 19,818 r,229,998 117.480 1,347.478 .0769 .0781 Total .......29x,794 t5,994474 1.248,945 17.243,7t9 1.000- 1.00o0 H. C. FAIRBANKS. Mr. Parker moved the adoption of the substitute which was lost. Ayes—Dfessrs. Hanshaw, Parker, Fairbanks, Sprigg, \filler -5. Noes—Alessrs. Gallagher, Hutchings, Chappuis, Fish, White, Simpson, Pearsall -7. A vote was taken on the schedule offered by a majority of . the committee and the same was adopted. Aves—Messrs. Gallagher, Hutchings, Chappuis, Fish, White, Simpson, Pearsall -7. n 146 The Superzaisor's Proccedings. Noes—\Messrs. I-fanshaw, Parker, Fairbanks, Sprigg. Millcr-5. On motion the Board adjourned to Dec. 26th at q a. In. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. c TWJh NTY-SLOTH DAY. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 26th, Igo5. Morning Session. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of ])cc. 22nd read and approved. .The Clerk read a communication from Mr. F. A. Todd stating that he could not accept the office of Superintendent of the Poor at the savary fixed by the Board, which on motion was received and filed. The Clerk read a con:nnmication from Dor. W. If. Van - Ostrand st=ting that the salary fixed for him as Superintendent of the Poor was too few and declining the appointment as Keeper of the Alvis House, which on motion was received and filed. Rv Mr. Chappuis: Whereas, It is the sense of chis Board that the State should bear its proport`.onate share of the maintenance of macadamized roads, therefor, be it Resolved, That our Member of Assembly and Senator ,from the district be instructed to use their cote and Influence to secure The .Supervisor's Proceedings. 1¢7 the passage of such laws as will compel the State to share its proportion.of the expense of maintaining the macadamized high- ways of the State. . On ntotir,nt of Air. Simpson the same,was adopted. kv Mr. Simpson: Resolved, That this Board request our State Senator and Member of Assembly to use their earnest efforts to secure an -amendment to the Higbie-Armstrong Act whereby good road im- provements can be had in incorporated villages, On motion of Xlr. Chappuis the same was adopted. by 1-I r. \4illcr: Resolved, That there be levied and collectedfrom the tax- able property of the County of 'Tompkins the sum of $100.00 for ,office rent of Sheriff for year 1906. Laid on the table ander the rule. I:ly Mr. Spriggs Resolved, That there be levied and collected from the tax- able property of the City of Ithaca the sum of $16.60 for dis- tribution of the Proceedings of this Board, being two cents for each copy, and to be paid to the Supervisors of the City of Ithaca. Laid on the table tinder the rule. TL -e Clerk read the following repoft of the Committee on Superintendent cf the Ponr recount, which on motion of Mr. Fairbanks was recc:ved and ordered printed: -To Lhe Honorable Board of Supervisors or Tompkins County: Your committee appointed to examine the books and ,ac-. counts of David Bower, Superintendent of the Poor, do respect- 148 The Supervisor's Prorrrdings. Pully report that we have examined the accounts as charged to the County and vouchers. as issued by the Superintendent and find no error. We find that all orders given on County Treasurer prior to Nov. 15th, 1905, have been paid and vouchers received except one, No. 481, amount $24.68. COUNTY OF TOMPKINS H. B. PEARSALI., BERKLEY SIMPSON, A. N. MILLER, JOHN J. HANSHAW, Committee. In Account with DAVID BOWER. • Balance in County Treasurer's hands Nov. 15, 1904...$ 145.11 Appropriation for 1905 .......................... 0,000.00 Total ..........• ..........................$0,145.11 Total orders given by Bower ...................... $5,602.24 Balance in bank as per Bower's account ............$ 542.87 COUNTY TREASURER'S ACCOUNT. Nov. 15, 1905, Balance on hand ..................$ 590.55 Order No. 481 not paid ........................ 24.68 Balance in County Treasurer's hands after all ,orders paid ........ ....... ......................$ 504.87 This committee finds a difference of $22.00 in making up this account in favor of Alr. Power, total amount on hand as shown by County Treasurer's after order No. 481 is paid is $564. 87. Total balance as shown by Power's accounts is 8542.87. The Supervise✓s Proceedings. 149 1 By Mr. Fish: Resolved, That the Board proceed by informal ballot for the election of jail physician. On motion. of Al r. Simpson the same was adopted. The ballot was taken and the whole number of votes cast was 12, of which Dr. W. C. Gallagher received ................... •9 Dr. R. C. Warren received......................2 Dr. Jas P. Fahey received ..................:.....1 On motion the Board proceeded by formal ballot for jail physician, which resulted as follows: The whole number of votes cast were 12 of which Dr. R. C. Warren received.....................6 Dr. Jas. P. Fahey received................I.....6 The ballot resulting in a tie, the Chairman cast a deciding ballot in favor of Dr. R. C. -Warren and he was declared elected jail physician for the ensuing year. On motion the Board adjourned to 2 P. M. Afternoon Session. Roll call. Quorum present. By Mr. White: Whereas, The law requires this Board of Supervisors to ap- portion the proceeds of the tax on mortgages levied under the mortgage tax law, therefore be it ' E50 The Supervisor's Proeerdings. Resolved, That the monies now In the Comity. Treasurer's hands collected for the year 1905 to Nov, 1st be paid to the Supervisors ontheir. warrant ofthe respective towns of the County and to the Treasurer of the City of Ithaca and the Treas- urer of the School Board of the City of Itha aca s per the report. of the committee appointed to make such apportionment. On motion of Air. Miller the same was adopted. h'v Nir. A9iller: 'Resolved, That In ]len of a salary the Jail Physician for the ensuing year be paid by fee, such fee or fees to be the minimum fee charged for such work by physicians where tendered to an individual and notto exceed $1.00 for each' professional visit to the jail. On motion of Mr. Hutchings thesanie was adopted, lip V,It. Spriggs Resolved, That there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the County of Tompkins the sum of fifteen dollars for postage of County Treasurer for the ensuing year. Laid on the table miller the fill(,. - BY 'Nf r. Parker: . Resolved, That. there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the County of Tompkins sixteen hundred dol- lars ($1,600.00) for fuel and lights for the year 1900 as per recommendations of the committee of 1909.. 1_aid on the table under the rule. Mr. Parker, Chairman of the Committee, on Miscellaneous Claims, reported favornb1\: on 1:4ills \to. 183 and 159 and rec- ommended that r$c full amounts thereof be paid. Laid on the table under the rule. ra 0 The, Supervisors' Proceaedings.. CSC Mr. Parker a'so reported on Pill No. 1, reporting that Dr. Gal:agher of the committee reported unfavorably, and that Messrs. I-Itrichings and Parker of the Committee returiled same without recommendation. Laid on the table under the rule. p -Mr. Parker'alsa reported on Bills Nos. 97, 98,.81, tet, 122 reporting that Air. Hutchings of the committee reported favorably and that Aiessrs. GalLgher and Parker of the Com- • nlittee returned the same -to the Board without recommcuda- tion. Laid on the table under the rule. On motion of Mr. Ylanshaw Pills Nos. 172, 195, 185, 188, 140, 139, 88, 44, 191, 193, 192, i9, 198, 84, 173, 190, 176 and 18o were ordered audited at the frill amounts claimed as recom- mended by the Committee on 1Miscellancous Claims. Ares—XIessrg. Gallagher, Hutchings, Chappuis, Fish, llanshaw, Parker, Sprigg, Miller, Whitc, S!mpson, Pear- sal!—I I. Noes—none. On motion of Alr. Simpson Bill No. 181 was ordered midited at the fall amount claimed as recommended by a major- ity of the committee. -. Aycs—Messrs. Gallagher, Hutchings, Chappuis, Fish, Ilanshaw,.Sprigg, Afiller, White, Simpsnn, Pearsall—ro. Noes—_,Mr. Parker—t On motion of \1r. Afiller Bill No. 49 was ordered audited :it the full amount"c'ainled as recommended by a majority of the Committee on Miscellaneous Claims. a 152 . The Supervisors' Proceedings, Ayes—Afessrs. Gallagher, Hutchings, G1lappuis, Fish, Hanshaw, Sprigg. Afiller, Alhite,.Simpson, Pearsall—lo. Noes—Mr. Parker—i. On motion of Alr. Sprigg Pill No. 94 was ordered audited at the full amount claimed as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Alessrs. Gallagher, Htrtchings, Chappuis, Fish, Ilanshaw, Parker. A4iller. Sprigg, White, Simpson, Pear- sall—t I. Noes—none. On motion of A,ir. Chappuis, Bills.Nos. 157 and 166 were ordered audited at the full amounts claimed as recommended by the Committee on Clerk's Accounts. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, .Hutchings, Chappuis, Fish, Flanshaw, Parker, Sprigg, Alilier, White, Simpson, Pear-' call—f t. Noes—none. Resolved, That the Ithaca News be designated as the Dem- ocratic paper to publish the official canvass of Tompkins County at a rate not to rxeeed 30 cents per folio in accordance with sec- tions 21 and 22, Chapter 18 of the Laws of 1892. R. F. CHAPPUIS, JOHN J. HANSHAW, • ORLANDO WHITE, H. B. PEARSALL, F. D. FISH; W. H. PARKER, e 0 The Supervisors' Proceedings. On motion of Mr. White the same was adopted. fly Mr. White: 153 Resolved, That the thanks of this Board are due and are hereby tendered to Cleric Bert T. Baker for his tireless energy and unfailing courtesy and good humor to each and every mem- ber of the Board. On motion of Mr. Chappuis the same was adopted. Py Mr. Pearsall: Resolved, That for the support of the Poor settled In Tomp- kins County there be levied upon and collected from the taxable Property of the several towns of the County and the City of Ithaca to reimburse the County of Tompkins for the support of the Town and City poor for the year ending Nov. 15, 1905: Caroline .....:................$ 92.37 Danby ........................ 236.61 Dryden ....................... 299.67 Enfield ..................... .. 56.18 Ithaca—City .................. 1,33().17 Ithaca—Town ........... ...... 112.61 Lansing ....................... 325.18 Newfield ...................... 448.68 Ulysses ....................... 215.09 $3,11G..56 For County at large ............$2,883.44 Total ....................$0,000.00 Laid on the table tinder the rule. By Mr. Fish: Resolved, That there be a committee of three appointed to Investigate the working of prisoners and report to this Board at the next special meeting for ways and means for making the prisoners pay expenses for care and maintenance. 1154 The SuperTtisors' Proceedings. On motion, of NI r. White the same was adopted.. . The Chairman appointed as such committee Messrs. Fish, VMiller and Hutchings. B7'\Mt. Sprig,: Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board be Instructed to notify the Syracuse Institution for Feeble Minded Children that Charles Campbell is not a resblent of Tompkins County, but belongs to Livingston County, not therefore should be charged to said County. On motion the same was adopted. On motion the Board adjourned. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. 'CNP\TT-SEV FTII DAT. WEDNESDAY, DECEAtIltR 27th, 1905. Morning session, Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of Dec. 26th read'and approved. Nir, Hutchings, Chairman of the Committee on Jurispru- dence and Erroneous Assessments, read the following report of the Committee, which on motion of Mr. Afiller was received, ordered printed and the recommend -tion therein adopted: To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: Pic Super -visors' I�roccedin,,s. 155 your, committee on Erroneous Assassin ants,., after ,having investigated all claims referred to such committee, respectfully report its follows: Wo find upon the certificates signed by the trustees and sup— ported by the collectors' affidavits of the following school dis- tricts of the different n towns In the County, that the following school taxes"leave not been paid, although diligent and proper efforts have been made to enforce collections. Your comuliti.ee would therefore recommend that the following sums be levied and collectedfront the taxable property of the County of Tomnp- Itins and pail to the collectors of (he several school d'.stilets_oil account of unpaid school taxes and tP hat the sums so aid be d. levieupon-the landsorproperty upon which the same were im- posed with 5 per centum additional. .. William • and David Bower, Dist. No. 1.4, Town of Newfield,., 30 acres, valuation $150.00, tax 80 cents. - �:.Dolly..Crawford . Est., Dist, No. 2, Town of Newfield, valua- tion $180.00 real, tax $1.19, tax of 1904. Lyman. Ellis, Dista No. 2, Towns of Dryden, Rlehford and .Caroline, 110 acres; valuation $600, tax $3.36; 89 acres, valua- tion $900, tax, $ti.04, fees 45 cents, fatal $8.85. Harvey Tripp, Dist, No,,l,.Town of Danby. 50 acres, valua- tion $400, tax $1.93, tax of 1904. Harvey Tripp, Dist. No. 1, Town of Danby, 50 acres, valua- tion $500, tax $3:30, tax of 1905, Alary"Cri'nwold, Dist. No. 1, Town of Danby, 50 acres, valua- tion $250, tax $1.25, tax of 1904. .Mitry Griswold, Dist. No. 7., Town of Danby„50 acres, valua- tion $250, tax $1.05, tax of 1905. Hattie Howland, Dist. No, 1Danby, valuation $100 personal, tax 67 cents, tax of 1905. Maurice Graves, Dist .No. 15, Dauby and Newfield, 31V, acres, valuation $120, tax ,$1.40, tax of 1904, 156 The Supervisors' Proceedings. H. Stillson,, District No. 17, Town of Groton, valuation $50, tax 35 cents. H. Pettis Estate, District No, 17, Town of Groton, valuation $130, tax 83 cents. Mrs. Al. J. Watson, Dist. No. 20, Towns of Groton and Dry- den, valuation $1,500 personal, tax of $8.97. Eliza Morgan Estate, Dist. No. 20, Towns of Groton and Dryden, one-half acre, valuation $450, .tax $2.71. Mrs. Arthur Miller, Dist. No. 2, Town of Ithaca, -valuation- $100 valuation$100 real, tax 95 cents. • Elizabeth Popplewell Est., Dist. No. 2, Town of Ithaca, val- uation $100 real, tax 95 cents. James L. Bloomer, Dist. No. 8, Town of Ithaca, cottage, valuation $600, tax $1.15, tax of 1905. We recommend on the Petition of the assessor of the Town of Enfield, Mr. J. L. Georgia, that there be levied upon and col- lected from the taxable property of the Town of Enfield $1.2.82 to be paid to James Warren, refunded taxes shown by the col- lector's receipt, which was an erroneous assessment. We find by the collector's receipt of the Town of Ulysses that the Rev. H. Meeker paid an erroneous. highway tax in the village of Trumnsburg of $3; therefore we recommend that said amount be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Ulysses and be paid to said Rev. H. Meeker. We also recommend upon the Petition of J. P. Dferrlll, assessor for the City of Ithaca, that the property known as the factory of the Mutual Glass CO., now owned by the Ithaca Realty Co., be changed from $5,000 to $1,800, such change to be made prior to the extension of the tax roll of the City of Ithaca 'for 1905. We find upon the decision of the State Tax Commissioners that the petition of Mrs. Fannie Rowe is purely a matter with The Supervisors' Proceedings. 157 the assessor of the City of Ithaca and should not come before the committee of the Board of Supervisors on erroneous assessments. ments. H. F. HUTCHINGS, W. H. PARKER, H. C. FAIRBANKS, a Committee. On motion of Mr. Fairbanks the Board went into a committee of the whole. Mr. Mount designated Mr. White as Chairman. On motion of 1\4r. Hanshaw Bill No. 64 was ordered audited at $147.6o instead of the $196.So claimed. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Chappuis, Fish, Hanshaw, Par- ker, Fairbanks, Sprigg, T\Iiller, Pearsall and mount—Io. Noes—\Messrs. Hutchings and Simpson -2. On motion of Mr. Chappuis, item of Jan. 26, 1905, $196.8o of Pill No. Its was ordered audited at $147.6o. Aves—Messrs. Gallagher, Chappuis, Fish, Hanshaw, Par- ker, Fairbanks, Sprigg,'Miller, Pearsall and Mount—Io. Noes—Messrs. Hutchings and Simpson -2. On motion of \[r. -Mount Bill No. 115 was ordered audited at $1,563.47 instead of $1,612.67 as claimed. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Chappuis, Fish, Hanshaw, Par- ker, Fairbanks, Sprigg, Miller, Peafsall and Mount—io. Noes—Messrs. Hutchings and Simps011-2. n 158 The Supervisors' Proceedings; " On irotion of \lr. Miller Pili No. 97 was ordered audited It the full amount c:aimed.' Aves—MeI. ssrs.' Gallagher, Hutchings, Fish, Fairbanks, Spring. \Miller, Simpson, Pearsall, Afomrt—to. Nocs—klessrs. Chappuis and Parker -2. On notion of Mr. Simpson hill No. 98 was ordered audited at the full amount claimed. ' Ayes—AMessrs. Gallagber, Hutchings, Chappuis,,- Fish,, Hanihaw, Fairbanks, Sprig,. Miller, Simpson, Pearsall, I\'l Otnit-1 T. Noes—Mr. Parker—i.. On .motion of .Mr. Fairbanks hill No. 24 was ordered audited at the full amount cla'ni.ed with the provision that the order on salve should not be delivered or the same jiaid until the cement walks in,frogt of the Court House and Jail are re - Paired and approved by the Canniiittee on County P,vildin,s. Aces—AMessrs. Gallagher,: Hutchings;-Ctiappitis, Fish, Hinshaw. Fairbanks, Sprig,, \tiller, Simpson, '' Pearsall, Mount -1 I. •. Noes -Mr. Parker—i.. On motion the "hoar& took a recess until 2 p. in. drtemoon Session. Roll call. Ouormn present. (-n r-ntion of Mr: Fairbvnks' bills Nos. 85 and 93 were referred b-ck to the Comn:ittee cn Miscellaneous C:aims for further consideratirti.' O The Supervisors' Proccedings. 159 On motion of. Mr. Mount Bill No. i was disallowed. Aycs'—Xlcssrs., Gallagher, Chappuis,,Fish, Hanshaw, Par- ker, Fairbanks, illiller, Simpson, Pearsall, Mount—to., Floes—Messrs. Hutchings and Sprig11-2. - A motion by A7r. Hutchings that Pill No. Si be allowed and audited at the full amount claimed was lost. Aycs-1\1essrs. Hutchings, Hanshaw, Miller,. Simpson. Pearsal:-5. Noes—X[ ssrs. Gallagher, Chapptiis, Fish, .Parker, Fair- hanks, Sprig-, 14lount-7. A motion by i\4r. Hutchings that Pill No. 121 be allowed and audited at the full amount claimed was lost. Ayes=Alessrs. Htit6ings, Mil,:cr, Simpson, Pearsall—q. Noes—Afessrs. Gallagher, Chapptiis, Fish, Hanshaw, Par- ker, Fairbanks, Sprigg, Alount-8. A motion be Alr. Hutchings that Lill No. 122 be allowed and audited at the full an-.ount claimed was lost: Aycs—'Messrs. Hutci,iilgs, Xfil_ce, Simpson, Pearsall-¢. Noes—'Viessrs. Gallagher, Chappu's, Fish, Hinshaw, Par- ker, Fairbanks, Sprigg, 'Mount—.8. Qn u�otiml of Mr. Parker.the Board arose as a committee .of tile whole. "Mr. 'Mount in the -chair. ' 16o The Supervisors' Proceedings. By Mr. Fish: Resolved, That this Board extend to Chairman Mount a vote of thanks for the kind and courteous manner in which he has treat- ed each and every member of this Board and for the just and impartial rulings and for the able and efficient manner in which he has discharged the various and important duties devolving on him as Chairman during the session of the Board now about to close. On motion of Mr. Simpson the same was adopted. By Mr. Simpson: Resolved, That W. H. VanOstrand, Superintendent elect, be supplied with a telephone for the ensuing year. On motion of Mr. White the same Was adopted. On motion of Mr. White the Committee on Miscellaneous Claims were discharged from further consideration of Bills Nos. 85 and 93, and they were referred to a committee of three to investigate the conditions and report later to the Board. The Chairman appointed as such committee Messrs. Fair- banks, Parker and Gallagher. By Mr. Sprigg: Resolved, That the rule deferring action on resolutions carry- ing appropriations for twenty-four hours be suspended. , On motion of Dr. Gallagher the same was adopted. By Mr. Fairbanks: Resolved, That e!ght hundred dollars be levied and collected from the taxable property of Tompkins County and placed In the hands of the County Treasurer to pay such Incidental expenses as may be needed by the different committees during the year 1906. The Supervisors' Proceedings: 161 ' 'Resolved, That no bills shall be paid out of this fund until it shall have been countersigned by the Chairman of this Board of Supervisors. On motion of i\Tr. Parker the same was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Hutchings, Chappuis, Fish, Hanshaw, Fairbanks, Sprigg, Miller, White, Simpson, Pear- sall, Parker -12. Noes none. By Mr. Miller: Resolved, That the Chairman appoint three members of this Board as a. committee to attend the Good Road Convention to be held in Albany, N. Y., in January, 1.906. On motion of Mr. Simpson the same was adopted. The Chairman appointed as such committee Messrs. Miller, Chappuis and Gallagher. Tay Mr. Sprigg: Resolved, That there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the City of Ithaca $1.25 for binding assess- ment roll. 1 On motion of Mr. Chappuis the same was adopted: Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher; Hutchings, Chappuis, Fish,. i-Tanshaw, Fairbanks, Sprigg. Miller, White, Simpson, Pear– sall, Parker -12. Noes—none. The Cleric read a.petition from the property owners ..of, a majority of the lineal feet fronting on the highway'eztending 162 The Supervisors' Proceedings: or staked from the intersection of Highway Avenue and. Wyck- off Avenue in the Town of Ithaca to the road extending east from the Remington Salt \\corks, which on motion was received and filed. BY Mr. I-Ianshaw: Whereas, On the 27th day of December, 1905, there was duty presented to this Board, pursuant to Sections 1 and 2 of Chapter -115 of the Laws of 1898, a petition from'the property owners of a majority of the lineal feet fronting on the section of a certain highway situate within the County of Tompkins and which sec- tion is hereby described setting forth that the petitioners are such owners and asking that said section of the highway be im- proved under the provisions of the act referred to, and Whereas, Such description does not include any portion of the highway within the boundaries of any City or incorporated Village, therefore, Resolved, That public interest demands the improvement undeu�ihe provisions of Chapter 11.5 of the Laws of 1898 of the section of that public highway situate in the Town of Ithaca, County of Tompkins, and described as follows: Commencing at the north line of the City of Ithaca at the intersection of Highland Avenue and Wyckoff Avenue; thence running northerly as High- land Avenue is now located; crossing the Kline Road and contin- uing along the present line of Highland Avenue to the point where said avenue is crossed by the Ithaca & Cayuga Heights Railway north of the Westbrook place; thence leaving the present line of the highway and continuing northerly as staked and located by Newman & Blood by easy curves through their lands to a stake at the intersection of*the road running east from the Remington Salt Works at a point about sixty-five, (65) feet above the falls near the residence on the farm of George Frost, being a distance of about one and one-fourth (1'/y) miles. Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to forthwith transmit a certified copy of the foregoing resolution to .the State Engineer and Surveyor. The Supervisors' Proccwdingr. 163 On motion of Mr. Fairbanks the same was adopted. The Clerk read the following report of the Committee on -Working Prisoners, which on motion of Mr. Pearsall was received and ordered printed: To the Board of Supervisors: As chairman of the Committee on working county prisoners I beg to make the following report: 1 find the number of days worked to be 1,41.0. They have -made and repaired several miles of road. They have broken about 70 tons of stone, about ten tons of this having been used, leaving with the 370 tons on hand about 430 tons. There are no unbroken stones in the yard. The buildings and yard are in good repair. The stove needs a new grate. There are about 70 chestnut posts all painted on hand. 30 posts have been used. About 50 guide boards have been put up with about. 30 more ready to be put up with 4 or 5 Road Commissioners to :hear from. Balance of Fund, 1904 ....................$132.151 Amount expended, 1905 ................... 51.07 $ 81.°4 Appropriation 1904 ......................$15000 Bal, Fund, Jan, 1st, 1906 ...................$2:31.74 'There is one bill for stone yet out. I would recommend that the Board appropriate $150.00. for 1906. A. N. MILLER., Chairman Committee. By Mr. Chappuis : Whereas, The sense of this Board is that the offices of Sher- iff, County Clerk and County Treasurer should be strictly salar- 9ed offices, therefore be it 164 The Supervisors' Proceedings. Resolved, That this Board request our Member of Assembly and the Senator of this district to use their vote and influence in the coming Legislature to, secure the passage of such Acts as will place the officials above named on a strictly salaried basis. A motion for its adoption by Dr. Gallagher was lost. Ayes—\4essrs. Gallagher, Chappuis, Fish, Hanshaw, Par- ker, White --6. Noes-\4essrs. Hutchings, I-airbanks, Sprigg, Miller, Simpson, Pearsall -6. The vote resulting in a tie, the Chairman voted no. By Mr. Simpson: Resolved, That this Board appoint a County Engineer for Tompkins County as recommended by the State Engineer. Motion of Mr. Miller for its adoption. On motion of Mr. White the same w'as laid on the table until the neat annual session of the Board. Dr. Gallagher presented the Grand Jury List from t4.e Town of Caroline. \4r. Hutchings presented the Grand Jury List from the Town of Danby. ' Mr. Chappuis presented the Grand Jury List from the Town of Dryden. Mr. Fish presented the Grand Jury List from the Town of Enfield. The Supervisors' Proceedings. 165 Mr. Mount presented the Grand Jury List' from the Town of Groton. Mr. Miller presented the Grand Jury List from the City of Ithaca. ' Mr. Hanshaw presented the Grand Jury List from the Town of It7,aca. Mr. White presented the Grand Jury List from the Town of Lansing. Mr. Simpson presented the Grand Jury List from the Town of Newfield. Mr..Pearsall presented the Grand jury List from the Town of Ulysses. .o On motion of Mr. Sprigg the Grand Jury Lists as pre- sented were accepted and confirmed as the List of Grand Jurors of Tompkins Countv. On motion of Mr. Hutchings the Clerk of the Board was instructed to contract with the N. Y. & Pa. Tel. & Tel. Co. to give F. A. Todd, Superintendent of the Poor, free toll calls to the City on County Business. . Dr. Gallagher in the Chair. On motion of Mr. Hanshaw Bills Nos. t59, 183, t63 and 197 were ordered at the full amounts claimed as recommended by the Committee on Miscellaneous Claims. Ayes—Messrs. Hutchings, Chappuis, Fish, Flanshaw, Par- ker, Fairbanks, Sprigg, Miller, White, Pearsall—to. Noes --none. 166 The Supervisors Proceedings. -M r. Parker, Chairman of the Committee on Miscellaneous, Claims, reported favorably on Bills Nos. 200, tot, 202 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212 and recommended that the full amounts thereof be paid. On motion of Air. Fairbanks, Bills Nos. 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211 and 212 were ordered audited at the full amounts claimed as recommended by the Committee on Miscellaneous Claims. Ayes—Messrs. Hutchings, Chappuis, Fish, Hanshaw, Par- ker, Fairbanks, Sprigg, Miller, White, Pearsall—Io. Noes—none. %Ir. Miller's resolution to levy and collect from the taxable property of Tompkins Countpr. $ioo.00 for office rent of sheriff, introduced Dec. 26th, was taken up for consideration and on motion for its adoption by Mr. Sprig-. its adoption was lost. Ayes—Dlessrs. Fairbanks, Sprigg, Miller, Pearsall -4. Noes -\Messrs. Hutchings, Chappuis, Fish. Hanshaw, Par- ker, White -6. Mr. Sprigg's resolution to levy and collect from the taxa- ble property of the City of Ithaca $16.6o for distribution of Proceedings, introduced Dec. 26th, was taken up for considera- tion and on motion of Ivir. Fairbanks adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Hutchings, Chappuis, Fish, Hanshaw, Par- ker, Fairbanks. Sprig,. Miller. White. Pearsall—Io. Noes—none. Air. Sprigs s resolution to levy and collect from the taxa- ble property of the Count♦ of Tompkins $Is.00 for postage C The Supervisors' Proceedings. 167 of the County Treasurer, introduced Dec. '26th, was taken up for consideration, and on motion of Mr. Fairbanks adopted.' Aves—Messrs. Hutchings, Chappuis, Fish, Hanshaw, ]'at - ker. Fairbanks, Sprigg, Miller,* White, Pearsall to. Noes—none. Mr. Parker's resolution to levy and collect from the taxa- ble proptrey of the Comity of Tompkins $i,600.00 for fuel and lights for i906, introduced'Dec. 26th', was taken up for consid- eration and on motion of Mr. Pearsall adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Hutchings, Chappuis, Fish, Hanshaw, Par- ker; Fairbanks, Sprigg, Miller, White, Pearsall—to. Noes—none. Mr. Pearsall's resolution to levy and collect from the several towns, the City of Ithaca and the County at large the sum of $6,000.00 for support of the Poor at the Almshouse, introduced 'Dec. 26th, was taken up for consideration and on motion of Mr. Hanshaw adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Hutchings, Chappuis, Fish, Hanshaw. Par ker, Fairbanks, Sprigg. Afiller, White, Pearsall—io. Noes --none. Mr. Mount in the Chair. BY Mr. Fairbanks: Resolved, That the Borroughs .Adding Machine be purchased for the use of the Clerk and members of this Board. A motion for its adoption by Aft. Miller was lost. ! - 168 The. Supervisors' Proceedings. ,.The Clerk read the reports of the justices of ,the Peace,of the County, whictl .on motion of Ivlr. Fish were received and their contents ordered printed. On motion of. Dir. Chappuis the Clerk of the.Board was instructed to ask O. G. Noble, justice of the Peace of the Town of Ulysses to report. On motion the Board adjourned to y P. M. Evening Session.. Roll call. Quorum present. . The Clerk read the following report of the Committeeon Appropriations and the resolution by the Committee: To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: Your Committee on Appropriations respectfully reports that it will be necessary to raise in the tax levy of 1905 the sums set forth in the budgets of the several towns of Tompkins County and •the City of Ithaca, and offer the following resolution: Resolved, That there be levied upon and collected from the several Towns and the City of Ithaca comprising the County of Tompkins and from the County at large the sums herein set forth for the following purposes: STATE TAX -1905. For Canals ...................................$ 2.902.67 For Stenographers and Clerks ................... 1,041.16 Total .................................... 3.943.92 COUNTY TAX -1905. County Audits ................................. $16,899.30 Salary, Clerk of Board ................... :...... 175.00 4- The Supervisors' Proceedings. ,169 Salary, Judge of Surrogate, 1906 ................. E,500.OU Salary, County Court and Surrogate's Stenographer,. 1906 .................... :............... 750 AU Salary, Surrogate's Clerk, 1906 ................... 500.00 Salarys, District Attorney, 1906 ................... 800.00 Salary, County Treasurer, 1906 .................. 900.00 Salary, Special County Judge, 1906 ................ 50.00. Salary, Chaplain County Alms House, 1906......... 100.00 Salary, David Bower, Supt. of Poor, 19.06.......... 350.00 Salary, W. H. VanOstrand, Supt, of Poor, 1906....... 200.00 Salary, F. A. Todd, Supt. of Poor, 1906 ............ 200.00 Salary, Janitor County Clerk's Office, 1906.......: . 175.00 Salary, Janitor of Jail and Court House, 1906...... 350.00 Salary, Chaplain at Jail, 1906 .................... ' 62.00 Salary, Keeper at Alms House, 1906 .............. 600.00 Clerk of Board for postage .........:............ 15.00 Clerk of Board for making report to Comptroller.... 25.00 County Treasurer for postage and printing.......... 15.00 Expenses of Supt. of Poor, David Bowerr............. 50.00 Office Rent, County Treasurer, 1906 ............... 100.00 Office Rent, District Attorney, 1906 ............... . 200.00 Fuel and Lights, 1906 .......................... 1,600.00 Court expenses, 1906 ........................... 7,000.00 Support of Poor, County Alms House, 1906........ 2,883.44 For Deficiency in deceased indigent soldiers' Fund... 285.00 Fund for deceased indigent soldiers and sailors, 190G. 500.00 To refund erroneous tax to Town of Groton........ 31.6.67 Tompkins County Clerk's Office Steel Equipment.... 4,000.09 Chair for County Judge's Office ........... I ...... 27.00 Ithaca City copying assessment roll ............... 50.50 Craig. Colony ................................. 34.57 Monroe County Penitentiary ..................... 679.59 Western N. Y. Institution for Deaf Mutes.......... 471.67 Western N. Y. Institution for Homeless Children... 226.91. Society for Protection of Destitue Children, Catholic.. 78.22 Return School Taxes .......'................... 36.95 Election Printing .............................. 208.40 Use of Committees, Incidental bills ............... ' 800.00 Total .....................................544.205.22 CAROLINE -TAX FOR 1905. State Tax ............. ...... ........'.......... 5 168.48 County Tax ........................... ......... 1,821.26 iso The Supervisors' Proceedings. Audits ........................................ 1,344-.40 Ithaca Savings Bank, note due March 1st, 1906....... 2,000.00• Interest on Ithaca Savings Bank note, due March 1, 1906 80.00 1.,349.'23 e Interest on Geo. M. Bull note of $2,000.00........:.. 33.33 500.00 Memorial Day services ................. . ......... 20.00 200.00 Bridges by statute ................... :.......... 500.00' 236.61 Old Ladies' Home, on account Drexy Pettigrove....... 52.00 '63.36 .Repay Sohn L. Thomas, poll tax illegally'collected... 1.00 32.81. Repay Gilbert Higgins, poll tax illegally collected...... 1.00 21.51 Support of poor Alms House ..................... 92.37 20.00 Election printing ............................... 69.15 10.UU School Commissioner ............................ 25.02 3,665.35 Returned. tax .............. :................... 132.01. 66.34 Total ......................................$6,334.02 Highway tax, money system ......................$1,713.17 Poll Tax ...................................... 448.UU Dog Tax ...................................... 104.75 DAA'BY—TAX FOR 1905. Total .....................................$8.043.02 Highway tax, money system ......................$1,514.75 Poll tax ...................................... 358.00 0 Dos tax .............. ...................... :.. 92.50 •State Tax ................ ................ ......$ 153.81 County Tax ..................................... 1.724.00 Audits ..................................... 1.,349.'23 Highways, bridges and removing snow .............. 500.00 Support of poor ......................... :...... 200.00 Support of Poor, Alms House .................... 236.61 Flection printing ............................... '63.36 School Commissioner ........................... 32.81. Returned Tax .................................. 21.51 Syracuse Institution for Feeble Minded Children...... 20.00 G. A. R. fund ................................. 10.UU To pay Certificates of indebtedness ................ 3,665.35 To pay interest on certificates of indebtedness....... 66.34 Total .....................................$8.043.02 Highway tax, money system ......................$1,514.75 Poll tax ...................................... 358.00 0 Dos tax .............. ...................... :.. 92.50 The Supervisors' Proceedings. 171 DRYDEN—TAX FOR 1905. State tax ......................................$ 458.66 County tax ...................................... 5.141.07 Audits ......................................... 2,391.74 Town poor .................................... 100.00 Bridges as allowed by statute ..................... 500.00 Highways and Bridges as voted Town Meeting, 1904... 500.00 Extraordinary repairs of highways and bridges...... 500.00' G. A. R. fund .................................. 250.00 Support of poor, Alms House ...................... 299.67 ,Election printing ............................... 138.28 School Commissioner .........................'... 70.53 Returned tax .................................. 56.92 Susquehanna Valley Home ........ t ............. 54.54 Total ....................................$10.461.41 Highway tax, money system ......................$3,633.12 Poll tax ...................:................... 589.00 Dogtax ...................................... 168.50 ENFIELD—TAX FOR 1905. State tax ..........................:............$ 128.57 County tax .................................... 1,441.09 Audits ........................................ 2.050.63 Highways and bridges ......... ....:............ . 250.00 Bonded indebtedness ............................ 1,669.50 Support of poor, Alms House ..................... 56.18 Election printing ............................... 35.97 School Commissioner ............................ 27.44 Returned tax .................................. '24.44 Susquehanna Valley Home ....................... 4.25 Erroneous tax to be paid to James Warren........., 12.82 Total .... 5.700.89 Dogtax .......................................$ 71.00 GROTON—TAX FOR 1905. State tax ......................................$ 347.45 County tax .................................... 3,894.49 172 The Supervisors' Proceedings. - Audits ........................................ Z.616.53 To pay Bowker note, due March 6, 1906........... 1,050.00 Bridge plank ................................... 600.00 G. A. R. fund ................................. 32.00 U. S. voting machine note and interest on notes...... 250.00 To pay bridge note, due March 15, 1906........... 1,200.00 Interest on bridge note due March 15, 1906........ 55.11 Election printing ............................... 69.45 School Commissioner ........................... 53.44 Returned tax .................................. 12.62 Syracuse Institution for Feeble Minded Children...... 40.00 Total ....................................$10.121.09 Highway tax, money system .:.....................$2,926.50 Poll tax ....................................... 550.00 Dox tax ....................................... 154.00 ITHACA-CITY—TAX FOR 1905 State tax ....................................$ 1,704.5.2 County tax .................................... 19,1U5.50 A. S. Robinson for descriptions of property of delin- quent taxpayers ........................... 92.00 County Treasurer, allowance for collecting return tax. 15.00 Support of poor .............................. 7,0OU.00 Support of poor, Alms House .................... 1,330.17 Election printing .............................. 244.50 Binding Assessment Roll ........................ 1.25 Distributing Proceedings ........................ 16.60 H. C. Fairbanks and A. N. Miller for preparing trial jury list ................................. 8.00 William H. Parker and Charles Sprigg for preparing trial jury list ............................. 34.OU Total ....................................$29.541.54 ITHACA-TOWN—TAX FOR 1905. State tax ..............:.......................$ 188.12 County tax .................................... 2,108.59 Audits ........................................ 2.152.11 Support of poor ................................ 50.00 Balance on bridge at Forest Home ............... 2,500.00 The Supervisors' Proceedings. 173 Interest for one year on balance due for bridge...... 126.00 Support of poor, Alms House ............. I ... ....- 112.61 Election printing ............................... 48.84 School Commissioner ............................ 39.75 Returned tax ...... 4 ........................... 31.00 Syracuse Institution for Feeble Minded Children..... 40.00 Susquehanna Valley Home 16.36 Total .....................................$7,412.38 Highway tax, money system .....................:$2,174.78 Poll tax ....................................... 350.00 Dogtax ...................................... 65.00 LANSING—TAX FOR 1905. State tax .....................................$ 331.08 County tax .................................... 3,717.65 Audits ........................ ....... :........ 3,358.93 Support of poor, Alms House ..................... 325.18 Election printing 81.51 School Commissioner ............................ 51.01 Total .....:...............................$7,865.96 Highway tax, money system ......................$2,321.68 Poll tax 646.00 Dog tax ...................................... 144.50 NEWFIELD—TAX FOR 1905. State tax ..................:...................$ 169.72 County tax .................................... 1,790.31 Audits ......................................... 2,902.68 Repairing roads and bridges ..................... 250.00 Newfield Free Town library ...................... 100.00 Town poor .................................... 50.00 Newfield Soldiers', Veterans and Citizens Memorial Assn. 15.00 Ithaca Savings Bank, note due Feb. 20, 1906....... 3,750.00 Ithaca Savings Bank, Interest on $7,500 to Feb. 20, 1906 149.16 Bonded indebtedness, principal .................... 2,000.00 Bonded indebtedness, interest .................... 1,295.00 174 . The Suheivisors' Procccdings. Support of poor, Alms House ..................... 448.68 Election printing ................................ 73.'27 School Commissioner ........................... 34.13 Returned tax .................................. 40.88 Syracuse Institution for Feeble Minded Children...... 20.00 Total ....................................$13.078.83 Highway tax, money system .....................$1,414.66 Poll tax ....................................... 364.00 Dog tax ... ......... ....... ............. .:.... 1.01 .00 ULYSSES—TAX FOR '1905. State tax ......................................$ 3U8.82 County tax .................................... 3,461.26 Audits ........................................ 2.058.02 Memorial Day ........................•.......:. 50.00 Town poor .................................... 250.00 Indigent Soldiers and Sailors ..................... 100.00 Repair sluices and bridges ...................... 250.00 Balance on road machine ....................... 60.00 Notes for Taughannock Falls bridge .............. 1,680.00 Bonded indebtedness, principal .................... 2,000.00 Bonded indebtedness, interest ..................... 1,435.00 Support of poor, Alms House .................... 215.09 Election printing ........................ .!..... 89.76 . School Commissioner ............................ 65.87 Returned tax .................................. 239.28 Erroneous tax, Rev. H. Meeker .................... 3.00 Syracuse Institution for Feeble Minded Children ...... 20.00 Tota]$12,180.10 .................................... Highway tax, money system .....................$1,615.33 Poll tax ...................................... 391.00 Dogtax ............. .......................... 184.00 R. NEWTON MOUNT, BERKLEY SIMPSON A. N. MILLER, JOHN'J. HANSHAW, H. C. FAIRBANKS, Committee. The Supervisors' Proceedings. 175 On motion of Mr. Sprigg the report was accepted and the :amounts were ordered levied upon and collected of the several Towns, the City of Ithaca and the County at large the -sums therein set .forth. Ayes—Messrs. Chappuis, Fish, Hanshaw, Parker, Spriggs Tiller, Simpson -8. Noes—none. The Clerk read the different rates for the different Towns and the City of Ithaca as follows: Caroline ..........................0074 .. Danby ..................:........01.08 Dryden ........................... 00469 Enfield ...........................0103 Groton ...........................0068 Ithaca—City ......................00406 Ithaca—Town .....................0069 Lansing ..........................00684 Newfield ..........................01.57 Ulysses ............................ OI On motion the Board adjourned to Tan. 3rd, i906, at to a. m. .BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. TWENTY-EIGHTH DAY. ' WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 3rd, 1906. Morning Session. Roll call. Quorum present. i' Minutes of Dec. 27th read and approved. 1 6 The Supervisors' Proceedings. By Dr. Gallagher': Resolved, That public interest demands the improvement under the provisions of Chapter 11G of the Laws of 1898 and the acts amending the same of those sections of public highway situ- ate in the County of Tompkins, and described as follows: Commencing in the Town of Ulysses at the intersection of the Geneva and Ithaca Turnpike road with the Seneca County line near the Village of Trumansburg, running thence southeast- erly along said Geneva, and Ithaca Turnpike Road through the Village of Trumansburg, Halseyville and Jacksonville and the Towns of Ulysses and Ithaca to the City of Ithaca; thence south- easterly along the Catskill Turnpike road through the Towns of Ithaca, Dryden and Caroline and the hamlet of Slaterville Springs to the Tioga County line at Willow Grove bridge, being a dis- tance of about 20 miles. Commencing in the Town of Caroline at the intersection of the Catskill Turnpike road with the Seventy-six road at the hamlet, of West Slatervilie, running thence southeasterly along said Seventy-six road through the hamlet of Caroline Center and town of Caroline to the Hamlet of Speedsville in said town, . thence southerly to the Tioga County line, a distance of about 10 miles. Commencing in the Town of Dryden at the intersection of the Creek road or Brockton road with the Catskill Turnpike road ,at Cook's Corners, running thence southeasterly along said Creek Road through the Town of Dryden and Hamlet of Brookton, thence northeasterly to,the intersection of said road with the Cats- kill Turnpike road at I{rum's Corners in the Town of Caroline, a distance of about 3 miles. Commencing at said hamlet, of Brook - ton, running thence southerly to the hamlet of Caroline Depot: thence southerly through the Town of Caroline to the Tioga County line, a distance of about five miles. Commencing in the Town of Dryden at the intersection of the Dryden and Cortland road with the Cortland County line, running thence southwesterly along said Dryden and. Cortland road past the residences of G. A. Ellin, Geo. Albright, D. M. White, S. G. Lupton and Wm. DeCoudres to the Village of Dryden; thence southwesterly along the Bridle road through the The Supervisors' Proceedings. 177 towns of Dryden and Ithaca and hamlets of •Varna and Forest Home to the City of Ithaca, thence sou(hwesterly along the Inlet and Pony Hollow roads through the towns of -Ithaca and New, field past the residences of Fred Puff, J. M. Kresge and A. J. Decker in said Town of Newfleld and through the Village of Newfield to the Chemung County line, being a distance of about 30 miles. Commencing In the Town of Groton at the intersection of the Freeville and Cortland road with the Cortland County line near the hamlet of McLean, running thence southwesterly along said Freeville and Cortland road, otherwis^_ known as the Creek road, through the Town of Groton and Villages of McLean, Mal- loryville, Freeville and Etna to the intersection of said Creek road with the Bridle road at Rhode's Cornrrs south of Etna in the Town of Dryden, being a distance of about 10 miles. Commencing in the Town of Groton at the intersection of the Groton and Moravia road with the Cayuga County line north of the Village of Groton, running thence southerly along said Groton and Freeville roads through the Village of Groton and Town of Groton to the east of the hamlet of Peruville to the Intersection of said Groton and Freeville road with the Freeville and Cortland road, or Creels road, at the Village of Freeville in the Town of Dryden; thence southwesterly to the interscetion of said road with the Bridle road at Willow Glen; thence along said Bridle road to the Village of Dryden; thence southerly along the Dryden and Harford road to the Cortland County line at the Harford town line, being a distance of about 15'miles. Commencing In the Town of Groton at the inters^ction of: the main road running north through the hamlet of West Groton with the Cayuga County line, running thence southerly along said main road through the hamlet of West Groton to Coggshall's Corners; thence raslerly along the Groton road to the Village of Groton; thence north to Howe's Corners on the Groton and Cortland road; thence easterly along sail Groton and Cortland road through the town of Groton to the Cortland County line, being a distance of about 10 miles. ' Commencing in the Town of Danby at the intersection of the Inlet Valley road with the Tinge County line, running thence northwesterly along said Inlet Valley road through the towns 178 The Supervisors' Proceedings of Danby and Newfield to the intersection of said Inlet Valley road with the Pony Hollow road In the town of Ithaca, being a distance of about 1.0 miles. Commencing in the Town of Danby at the intersection of the Danby Turnpike, otherwise known as the Ithaca and Owego turnpike, with the Tioga County line, running thence northwest- erly along said Danby Turnpike road through the Village of Danby and the towns of Danby and Ithaca to the City of Ithaca; thence northerly along the Lake -road, otherwise known as the Ithaca and Aurora road, through the hamlet of South Lansing, Village of Ludlowville, and hamlet of Lake Ridge and Town of Iansing to the Cayuga County line, being a distance of about 25 miles. Commencing in the Town of Danby at the Morris Chapel Church on the Coddington road near Caroline town line, running thence northwesterly along said Coddington road through the .towns of Danby and Ithaca to the City of Ithaca, being a distance of about 5 miles. Commencing in the Town of Lansing at the intersection of the Moravia and North Lansing road with the Cayuga County line at the northeast corner of the Town of Lansing, running thence southtcestrrly along said Moravia and North Lansing road just east of South Lansing to Asbury Church; thence westerly to the intersection of said road with the Lake road in the Town of Lansing, being a distance of about 7 miles. Commencing in the Town of Enflrld at the intersection of the Mecklenburg and Ithaca road with Schuyler County line, east of the Village of Mecklenburg, running thence easterly through the hamlets of Enfield and R:nnedy's Corners and Towns of Ithaca and Enfield to the City of Ithaca, being a distance of about 10 miles. - Commencing at the hamlet known as Bostwick's Corners in the Town of Enfield and running thence north through the hamlet of Enfield Center and Town of Enfield 'for'a distance of three miles, running thence west about one-third of a mile, running thence northwesterly'to the Ulysses town line, and running thence about one-third mile to Abel's Corners, being a distance of about five miles. The Supervisors' Proceedings. hyg Commencing in the Town of Newfield at the hamlet of Trumbull's Corners and running easterly to the intersection of said road with the Pony hollow road, being a distance of about two miles. Also that section of road lying between Newbelt Vil- lage and the L. V. 11. R. station in said Town of Newfield, being a distance of about 1 �/4 miles. Excepting, however, such portions of the above described roads as are within the corporate limits of any City or Village In any part of the County. This Board respectfully recommends and requests that the State Engineer's Department prepare the plans for these roads in such form that the roads may be divided into sections best suited for contract letting, having in mind the economy and con- venience of their construction. And this Board further respectfully requests that the De- partment make an especial effort to rence and improve the grades on these roads, and that consistent and reasonable changes be made in the Present location and alignment of the same wher- ever necessary to accomplish this result. Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to forthwith transmit a certified copy of the foregoing resolution to the State Engineer and Surveyor. On motion of Mr. Flutchings the same was adopted. Air. John L. Mandeville was given the privilege of the floor and he addressed the Board relative to Road Improve- ment. On motion t'he Board adjourned to 1 :30 p. m. , Afternoon Session. Poll call. Quortun present. 180 The Supervisors' Proceedings By Mr. Simpson: Resolved, That Superintendents of the Poor Vanostrand and Todd be allowed mileage at the rate of six cents per mile one way while performing the duties of Superintendent of Poor. On motion of Mr. Hutchings the same was adopted. Ayes—\Messrs. Hutchings, Fish, Fairbanks, Beach, Miller, Simpson. Pearsall—y. Noes—'N4essrs. Gallagher, Chappuis. Hanshaw, .Parker. White -5. By Dr. Gallagher: Resolved, That it is the judgment of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County that such legislation be prepared by the Good Roads Convention as will equitably distribute the road im- provement among the connties of the State, which in our judg- ment will require a readjustment of the rotation list now in the hands of the State Engineer and Surveyor; also to enable counties' to accept the benefit of $7,000 of State bonds instead of having to pay for the roads already surveyed upon their completion; and also apportioning to the counties a certain amount per mile, the same to be used in the construction of roads in said counties, which shall be good roads, but more or less experiences as in their judgment is required by the different localities. On motion of Mr. Chappuis the same was adopted. On motion of Mr. Miller the Chairman was instructed to appoint two additional members on the Committee to attend the Good Roads Convention to be held at Albany. The Chairman appointed as such., additional members Messrs. Simpson and Pearsall. The Supervisor.' Proceedings. [8[ By nor. Simpson: Resolved, That the delegation to the Good Roads Convention assist in getting the endorsement of the Convention to have Sec- tion 53 of the highway law amended that Towns of the State of less than $1,000,000 valuation receive from the State aid equal to - the amount of money raised by the town for highway Improve- ment and that the Assemblyman from this County and the Senator from this District be requested to use their efforts for the pas- sage of such an amcndmert. Oil motion of \4r. Fairbanks the same was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Hutchings. Fish, Fairbanks, White, Simpson—b. Noes—Messrs, Chappuis, Parker, Beach, Miller—q. i t The minutes for the day were read and approved. i Oil motion the Board adjourned sine die. BERT T. BAKER. Clerk. a°m oo — ;; o s3 1 °Il"LR`I�,( 99 u C q d pue aleis mj alcg 0 V-... avian-�,,,vn°c °ooc _ _ _ 1- 'Ilan aJlnaJg «Nv G 1° ]mom�r Icloy saxey 9u! 4 a a o� a pN 0 m .`nia:xJ puE :II' a : �awssxsy Bui Filo .. 4 J..+ nnery nu h: rn ...coc m Fep laa..........nn oc O d oo'bg lE umlesn Jllwo' _ _,,.. -... . - m v 9 o en n -r hyc.v— 72v !A i., P'eoll gllx sSEp V Uw Vl u Q d .Fep aad ry .. V .• d nd aIona g le a9eaplQ .� -. r.o o w � ^ b 'SVP�111 o0-9$ lc uogesuJdwo:) s O o UN.b-ool,cS n E I,nu n n ein nny'iiry n n d .utl w ou ipw sFe(1 A xl voL _ -_ n .. " n n d d o w.apm 'q w t ` V! 1"� is O ~ S1CJJ p lE YYCJII]\ O� oo jo 0 0 7 N . 'Frp pail L ° O c O d G d r3 d °o'b$ lE unllesuaJmo� ` w w ww mmwwwwoi ' vt C o« 'wassenuEJ q� F�unn) q"sFE(I V i 1"1 G F. C :➢ T n m.�.G�d m `NuoG 1 .. Tom V` �=L?NCn �.Q •. �O N�N C- �7Y7nr.aYC y C`.'J .dn:) �♦ / _ ____fit._C> F'�--�'V > uCLye y', T.:Y Z UvL~'L n•_L�bp C''N TCL tlaw __0 ..o moo=n N yviLOryT= ? _p ..v.L g..- % aATIA G E. r: fUUuV= �' ° _� _ e V L7 J IM u JIM f __I F, T N v..0 9 v 4 ._ _ a The Supervisors' Proceedings. 1i3; i COTTNTY AUDITS. STATE QP NEW YORK, County of Tompkins, ss. Board of Supervisors. I hereby certify that the following abstract comprises alI the bias and accounts against the County of Ton,.pkitis jire- sented to the IJoard of Supervisors of said County at its annual .session for the year 19o5, showing the name of each claimant, the true vahtre of the account, the amount originally claimed and the amount as finally allowed and audited by said Poard. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk.. No. Name Nature of service Claimed Allowed • 1 Aferritt A. Soper, Subscriptions for de- tective work (disallowed) ........; 96.00 ; 2 Wilber G. Fish, M. D., Coroner ...... 29.20 29.20 3 State Industrial Dep., Supplies for Jail 13.80 13.80 4 ZVebb Corbin, Committee work ...... 40.65 40.05. 5 Dryden Telephone Co., 'Phone School Coin . ........................ 12.00 12.00 6 Addison Johnson, Supplies foe Jail... 9.90 9.90 7 . J. M. Mitchell, Tobacco for prisoners.. 32.20 32.211 8 S. M. Thompson, Apportioning tax, Catskill Turnpike (returned) .... 6.00 9 Geo. E. Stevens, Apportioning tax, Catskill Turnpike (withdrawn) .. 6.00 10 Sanford Manning, Apportioning tax, • Catskill Turnpike (withdrawn) .. 6.00 �• 11 Warren Linderman, Teaming (assign- ed to L. H. VanKirk) .......... 21.50 21.50 12 Charles Hyde, Constable ........... 24.05 24.06 . ;3 H. A. Brooks, Acting Coroner ...... 6.15 G. 184 The Supervisors' ProceFdings. No. Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 14 Newton Baldwin, Acting Coroner.... 10.60 10.60 15 H. A. Brooks, Justice of the Peace... G.35 G.35 16 Matthew Bender & Co., Books, Dis. At- torney ...................... 3.50 3.50 17 Matthew Bender & Co., Books, Co. Judge ....................... 58.00 52.5U 18 Acetylene Apparatus Mfg. Co., Burners, Almshouse ............. ...... 2.00 2.O0 19 Norton & Hanford, City Directory, County Clerk ................. 2:50 Z.50 20 Baker, Voorhis & Co., Books, Dis. At- torney ........................ 11.00 11.00 21 Syracuse Extract Co., Disinfectants, jail ......................... 10.50 10.50 22 Norton & Hanford, City Directory, County Judge ................. 2.50 2.50 23 Finola Mfg. Co., Barrel Finola ..... 7.25 7.25 24 Campbell Bros. & Co., Concrete walls jail and Court House ........... 255.48 ,285.48 25 Treman, King & Co., Hardware sup- plies ........................ 26.27 26-2T 26 Treman, King & Co., Hardware sup- plies .......... .............. 4.24 4.Z4 27 Treman, King .& Co., Hardware sup- plies ........................ 3.40 3.40 28 E. McGillivray, Blue Prints Co, land.. 2.40 2.40 29 E. 11IcGillvray, Photographic work for District Attorney .............. 33.55 25.00 .30 Todd, Blackmer & Co., Supplies for jail ............. 24.15 24.15 31 Taylor & Carpenter, Supplies Co. Clerk ' and Co. Judge ................. 58.11 58.11 32 Rothschild Bros. Supplies for jail.... 3.92 3.92 33 II. R. Medlin, Decorating Co. Clerk's Office (assigned to Herbert G. Will- son .......................... 57.25 57.25 34 FT. S. Harrington, Supplies for jail.. i. 17.00 17.00 . 35 Atwood Shirley, Decorating Co. Clerk's Office (assigned to Larkin & Gib- bons) ........................ 20.27 Z0.27 The Supervisors' Proceedings. 185 No. Name �Nature.of Service Claimed Allowed 30 William Egan, Decorating Co. Clerk's Office (assigned to Chas. B. Stan- ton) ... ................. :.... 26.26 26.25 37 Brown & Barnard, Supplies at jail.... 1.40 1.40 38 Jamieso._ & McKinney, Plumbing and Supplies ........ 4 ............. 90.12 90.12 39 A. H. Platte & Co., Tobacco, prisoners 1.60 1460 40 Cornell Livery, Livery for Com....... 12.00 12.00 41 Williamson Law Book Co., Books, Dis. Attorney4444................. 6.00 6.00 42 Williamson Law Book Co.; Books, Sur- rogate ........ t .............. 26.00 12.00 43 American Chase, Dep. Sheriff (assigned ' to L. H. VanKirk) ............ 2.00 2.00 ' 44 A. J. Calkins, Supplies for jail...... 5.25 5.25 45 A. Tompkins, Carting • • • • • . . . . . • . . • 4.00 4.00 46 The J. C. Stowell Co., Supplies for jail 14.30 14.30 47 William H. Balzer, Supervisor Spec. Sess. ........................ ' 5.04 5.04 48. City Hospital, Care of O. Larson (returned) ........ ........... 15.00 49 City Hospital, Care of Garbarino.... 72.00 72.00 60 John B. Shaver,. Services Almshouse.. 28.00 28.00 51 P. Sammons, Labor and Supplies:... 34.20 34.20 52 D. P. Terry, M. D., Coroner......... 27.10 27.10 53 Ithaca Water Board, City water...... 84.93 84.93 54 Norton Printing Co., Printing and supplies ...................... 21.80 21.80 65 N. Y. State Reformatory, Supplies for jail ......................... 11.00 11.0U 66 Charles Hyde, Constable ........... 20.94 20. 94 57 L. F. Noxon, Grass seed ............ 2.00 2.00 . 68 Ithaca Publishing Co., ,Printing...... 435. OU 42:i.00 59 Empire State Housefurnishing Co., sup- plies Clerk's Office ............... 87.70 87.70 60 E. M. Chamot, Services His. Atty..... 105.00 35.00 61 L. O. Williams, sod and dirt ........ 11.50 11.50 62 The Ithaca •Democrat, printing notices 4.00 4.00 63 Fred E. Iliston, Ice ........ 4...... 16.80 10.80 64 Ithaca Publishing Co., Printing Official Canvass ........ 4..... 4....... 196.80 147.60 65 F. R. Benton, Tobacco for prisoners.. 1.3.20 13.20 186 The Super-visors' Proceedings. No. Name Nature of Service claimed Allowed GG N. Y. & Pa. Tel & Tel. Co., Telephone service ....................... 145.00 145.OU 67 William A: Van Order, Deputy. Sheriff.. 310.00 308.00 G8 Reuben Gee, Labor and material ... 30.95 30.95 69 W. N. Y. Ins. for Deaf Mutes, Care of _ inmates ...................... 471. G7 70 Syr. Ins. for Feeble Mindel Children, Care of inmates ............... 160.00 - 71 Sec. Pro. Destitute Catholic Children, Care of inmates ............... 7 78.22 72 Monroe Co. Penitentiary, Care of in- mates ........................ 679.59 73 Herbert F. Kellv. Deputy Sheriff..... 2.00 2.00 74 Baxter & Shepard, Supplies for jail.. 5.00 5.00 .7s Ithaca Bus'ness ➢fen's Association, Sprinkling St. front Co. Clerk's Off. 9.00 9.00 7G Jahn M. Wilgus, Services Dis. Ally. (assigned to Geo. C. ➢lowry).... 20.00 1U.00 ,7 Chas. M. Benjamin, Postotlice Bos, etc. 15.84 15.84 78 K. P. Crandall, Work for Dis. Atty.. 53.55 53.5b 79 Williamson Law Book Co., Books for Dis. Atty. ..................... 26.00 26.00 80 Joseph Fowles, Labor and materials.. 25.00 25.00 81 Empire Detective Agency, Detective work (disallowed) ............ 1.3.61 82 A. C. Knapp. Services for Coroner.... 5.00 5.00 83 Rush & Dean, Supplies for jail...... 5.50 5.50 S4 Banks & Company, Books for Dis. Ally. 44.50 44.50 85 Joseph Fowles, Labor and materials (referred to Spec. Com.) ........ 124.50 SG J. C. Thompson, Com. Work and Spec. - Ses. ......................... 33.52 33.52 87 J. B. Lang Engine Works, Labor and " materials ..................... 25.SG 25.86 88 Zaidee H. Stone, Work for Dis. Atty... G8.82 68.$2 89 Chas. S. Seaman, Livery, Dis. Atty... 8.00 8.O0 90 C. P. Biggs, M. D., Post Mortem, Stephens ..................... 15.00 10.00 91 II. R. Medlin, Decorating Co. Clerk's Office (assigned to W. B. Georgia) 158.89 159.39 92 City of Ithaca, Recorder's Bal....... 85.60 85.50 The Supervisors' ProceFdings. 187 No. Name Nature of Service Claimed. Allowed 93 Joseph Fowles, Labor and materials - (assigned to Geo. R. Williams) (Referred to Special Committee) .. 339.00 94 Chas. H. Blool, Books, Stenographer, etc . .......................... 83.00 83.00 95 D. B. Stewart & Co., Supplies for jail 13.75 13.75 96 Roscoe C. Wilson, Al. D., Coroner.... 223.35 223.35 97 Ralph S. Kent, Asst. to Dis. Atty..... 220.00 220.00 98 Ralph S. I{ent, Asst to Dis. Atty..... 105.00 105.00 99 Ithaca Journal, Election printing ... 741.70° t00 E. M. Chamot, Services Dis. Atty.... 1 50.00 25.00 101 Clinton Ayres, Services for Cor...... 2.00 S 00 102 C. E. Wood, Supervisor Spec. Ses...•.. 5.60 5.60 103 M. A. Lettes, Interpreter ........ .. G.00 6.00 104 Ithaca Journal, Election printing.... 295.91• 105 Chas. I -i. Wise, Printing supplies .... 11.00 11.00 lOG C. J. Ramsey & Co., Supplies........ 30.27 30.27 107 Mrs. E. M. Freeman, Supplies for jail 2.80 2.80 108 R. M. Vose, M. D., Care of Mrs. Case (returned) ... ................ 12.00 109 Ithaca Journal, Election printing .... 84.88- 110 F. It. Benton, Tobacco for prisoners.. 2.00 2.00 111 Buttrick & Frawley, Supplies for jail.. 30.00 30.00 112. Weekly Ithacan, Printing notices, etc. 82.83 82.83 113 E. J. Morgan, M. D., Witness, Margaret Cunningham case.......... .... 114 James P. Fahey, M. D., Witness Mar- garet Cunningham case ......... 20.00 20.00 11.5 Ithaca Journal, Printing Off. Canvass, etc . .......................... 1,612. G7 1,563.47 116 Edward H. Frear, Justice of the Peace 57.40 57.4U 117 Robt. M. Elliott, M. D., Expert witness on Clarence Atwater ........ 100.c0 50.00 118 Albert G. SUatkins. M. D., Coroner.... 14.10 14,10 Q7.9 Henry B. Hersey, Expert witness on R. Teehan trial ................ 10.00 10.00 120 R. D. Eastman, Al. D., Seiv;ces for Cor. 5.80 5.80 121 Empire Detective Agency, Detective work (disallowed) ............. 25.91 122 Empire Detective Agency, Detective work (disallowed) ............. 33.94 123 Willard M. Bent, Dis. Atty. expenses. 245.82 245.82 188 The Supervisors' Proceedings. No. Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 124 Craig Colony, Care of inmates ...... 34.57• 125 W. N. Y. Soc. Pro. Homeless Children, Care of inmates ............... 226.91- 126 Susquehanna Valley Home, Care of in- mates ....................... 4.25- 127 Susquehanna Valley Home, Care of in- mates ........................ 2.25- 128 Susquehanna Valley Hone, Care of In- mates .................... :.... 32.85• 129 Susquehanna Valley Home, Care of in- mates ........................ 2G.28- 130 C. J. Rumsey &.Co., Supplies, Hardw're 32.66 32.66 131 Michael, Casey, Expenses Poison candy case ......................... 11.00 11.00 132 Hulbert -Loveless Plumbing Co., Plumb- ing and supplies ............... 63.03 C'3.03 133 Susquehanna Valley Hone, Care of in- mates ....................... 9.50• 134 Harry Ferrell, Cartage ............ .60 .50 135 Richard C. Warren, M. D., Jail Phy- sician ........................ 98.00 98.00 136 Jas. H. Hine, Delegate & Spec. Ses... 25.44 25.44 137 White & Burdick, Supplies for jail.... 4.48 '4.48 138 Luther Ennis, Extra services, Co. Clerk's Office ........................ L2. 20 12.20 139 H. W. Buck, Services Co. Clerk's Of- fice (assigned to H. C. Fairbanks) 4.50 4.50 140 Arthur B. Brooks, Supplies Clerk's Off. 19.39 19.39 141 John J. Hanshaw, Spec. Ses. & Com... 25.44 25.44 142 Chas. A. Smith, Carting . . • . . . ...... 1.G5 1.65 143 Forest City Plumbing Co., Plumbing and Supplies .................. 6.99 6.99 144 Treman, King & Co., Supplies, Clerk's Office ................. ....... 3.60 3.60 145 A. E. Chipman, Repairing chairs .... 4,50 4.50 146 Ulysses Co -Op. Tel Co., Telephone for School Commissioner ........... 12.00 12.00 147 Chas. S. Seaman, Livery, Dis. Ally.... 3.50 3.5U 148 A. E. Chipman, Supplies Clerk's Office 10.07 10.07 149. R. Newton Mount, Exp. Del. to Albany , 20.00 20.00 150 L. J. Townley & Son, Printing ...... 3.50 3.50 The Supervisors' Yrocecdings. 189 No. Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 151 Ithaca Cabinet Factory, Supplies Clerk's Office .................. 4.85 4.85 152 C. W. Earl, Labor and material .... 17.17 17.17 153 R. F. Chappuis, Spec. Sea. and Com.. 28.27 28.27 154 Orlando White, Special Sessions .... 18.24 18.24 155 W. C. Gallagher, Spec. Sea. and Com.. 31.32 31.32 156 Wm. H. Baker, Services in Co. Clerk's Office ........................ 102.00 102.00 157 Leroy H. VanKirk, Court Bill ....... 651.1G (151.16 158 Grant Curry, Sheriff Service Bill..... 1,674.52 1,674.52 159 Chas. S. Seaman, Livery for Sheriff.. 21.00 21.00 1.60 Joseph D. Eagles, Rent of room, Ciardi case ................... 10.00 5.00 161 H. B. Pearsall, Spec. Sessions ....... 17.28 17.28 IG2 Taylor & Carpenter, Supplies, Clerk and Surrogate ................. 4.55 4.55 163 H. C. Fairbanks, Committee work .... 1.84.60 184.60 164 K. P. Crandall, Surveying .......... 1.25 1.25 165 Grant Curry, Jail Bill ............. 3,012.66 3,012. G6 166 Leroy H. VanKirk, County Clerk Bill. 824.53 824.53 167 F. D. Fish, Special Sessions ........ 19.3G 19.36 168 The Boot Floral Co., Flower Beds, Court I4ouse yard .............. 10.00 10.00 109 R. Newton Mount, Special Sessions .. 26.24 26.24 170 City of Ithaca, Police Bill .......... 67.55 67.55 171 Grant Curry, Taking C. Atwater to Mat- teawan ....................... 88.07 88.07 172 H. C. Fairbanks, Spec. Sessions ..... 16.00 16.00 173 Henry F. Hutchings, Spec. Sea. & Com. 38.74 38.74 174 Harrison Curry, Deputy Sheriff ..... 264.00 264.00 175 Berkley Simpson, Spec. Sea. and Com. 20.99 20.99 176 The Fairbanks -Grant Mfg. Co., Labor and supplies .................. 227.92 227.92 177 W. J. Reed, Supplies for jail........ 1.00 1.00 178 S. Edwin Banks, Acting Surrogate.... 200.00 100.00 179 Chas. Sprigg, 'Spec. Sea, and Com.... 116.00 116.00 180 Bert T. Baker, Malting Report of Ex- empt Property and disbursements.. 32.50 32.50 181 H. L. Haskht, Supplies for jail ..... 9.95 9.95 182 Ithaca Publishing Co., Printing notice 6.25 6.25 183 Driscoll Bros. & Co., Labor and sup- plies .......................... 68.72 68.72 Igo The Supervisors' ProcoMings. No. Name Nature of Service Claimed .Allo ved. 184 Jamieson & McKinney, Plumbing and supplies ...................... 10.36 10.35 185 J. Will Tree, Binding Books........ 218.00 218.00 1SG Dison & Robinson, Shingles, Alms- house ........................ 53.15 _5.16 187 A. N. Miller, Spec. Ses. and Com...... 200.00 200.00 ISS J. Will Tree, Binding Books ........ 7.00 7.00 189 Davis -Brown Met. Co., Labor and sup- plies ......................... 8.32 8.32 190 William H. Parker, Spec. Ses. and Com. 32.45 33.45 191 Davis -Brown Elec. Co., Labor and sup- plies ......................... 57.04 57.04 192 Frank Barber, Deputy Sheriff ....... 4.00 4.U0 193 Davis -Brown Elec. Co., Labor and sup- plies .......................... 1.93 [.s& 194 A. C. Burr, Services of Attorney (re- turn�d) ...................... t0.S0 195 Thos. G. Miller, Supplies, Co. Clerk and Board ........................ 205.19 205.19 19G Dow S. Barnes, Supplies for jail...... 11.00 11.00 197 Eugene ferry, Spec. Ses. and Com... 3G.28 36.28 198 Chas. E. Seaman, Livery for Commit- tees .......................... 7.00 7100 199 Ithaca Telephone Co., Telephone service1.45.00 145.00 . 1111..... 1111. 1111.. .. 200 R. Newton Mount, Service Bill ...... 157.18. 157.18 201 Wen. C. Gallagher, Service Bill ...... 141.28 141.28 202 Wm. 11. Parker, Service Bill ........ 120.00 120.00 203 Henry F. Hutchings, Service Bill ..... 142.70 142.70 204 H. C. Fairbanks, Service B 11 ........ 120.00 120.00 205 R. P. Chappuis, Service Bill ....... 165.70 165.70 206 Chas. Sprigg, Service Bill .......... 1.20.00 110.0U 207 Frank D. Fish, Service Bill ......... 138.39 138.39 208 A. N. Miller, Service Bill ........... 150.0U 150.00 209 John,J. Hanshaw, Service Bill ...... 147.80 147.86 210 Orlando White, Service Bal .152.83 152.88 211 Berkley Simpson, Service Bill ....... 14G.4G 14G.40 212 Harry 13. Pearsall, Service Bill ...... 1G4.00 164.00 Total $IG,899.30 ` "See County and Town Budgets. (Bills, marked "returned" were not considered County Charges.) The Supervisors' Proceedings. 191 TONVN AUDITS. CAROLINE. We, the undersigned, the Town Board of the Town of Caroline, do hereby certify: That the fol owing abstract of the I ames of all persons who have presented to said Board accounts to be audited, the amounts claimed by each of said persons and the amounts finally audited respectively, to wit: No. Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 1 Andrus Sc Church, Assessments Rolls ... $ 4.00 $ 4.00 2 Randolph Horton, for counsel fees ... 10.00 1.0.00 3 Benj. Rightn:yer, Assessor, 1904 ...... 32.00 32.00 4 Benj. Rightmyer, Assessor, 1905 .... 35.00 34.75 5 E. 11. Card, Hall rent an I storing booths 13. UU 1.3.00 .6 Theodore Eighmey, Assessor ........ 28.00 28.00 7 E. H. Mitchell, Justice of the Peace.... 24.00 24.00 8 Dr. A. G. Watkins, Vital Statistics.... 1.0.50 10.50 9 Charles W. Personius, carting booths .. 3.00 3.00 10 Rev. P. J. Niles, Vital Statistics....... 1..00 1.00 11 M. 11. Quick, Ballot Clerk, Dist. No. 2.. 4.00 4.00 12 A. R. Johnson, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 2.. 4.00 4.00 13 Elmer Allen, Inspector of Election, Dist. No. 2 ........................ 12.00 12.00 14 1Vm. W. White, Ballot Cleric, Dist. No. 2 - 4.00 4.00 15 Charles H. Heath, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 2 4.00 4.00 16 Wm. B. Quick, Inspector of Election, Dist. No. 2 ................... 12.00 12.00 17 Garrett N. Tobey, Inspector of Election, Dist. N o. 2 .................... 1.2.00 12.00 18 R. E. Brink, Hall rent and storing booths 13.00 13.00 19 J. C. Jansen, Poll Clerk, Dist.. No. 3.... 4.00 4.00 20 Dewitt F. Roc, Truant Oficer ........ 25.00 25.00 21 C. J. Shorter, Inspector of Election, 'Dist. No. 3 .::::.............. 12.00 12.00 $2 'G. K. Doughty, Justice of the Peace... 2t.00 21.00 23 Dewitt F. Roe, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 3.. 4.00. 4.00 192 The Supervisors' Proceedings. No. Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 24 Samuel Woodbull, Ballot Clerk, Dist. No. 3 ......................... 4.00 4.00 25 DeF. A. Reid, M. D., examination in Lu- nacy and Vital Statistics ......... 14.00 14.00 26 Wm. A. Caveney, Ballot Clerk, Dist. No. 3 ........................ 4.00 4.00 27 P. J. Caveney, Inspector of Election, Dist. No. 3 ................... 12.00 12.00 28 James E. Vandemark; Hall rent and storing booths ................. 13.00 13. OU 29 Geo. H. Richardson, ex -Town Cleric.... 30.70 28.70 30 Ithaca Journal, Printing ............• 50.08 50.03 31 J. C. Bennett,`Town Clerk .......... 89.33 89.33 32 L. H. Gallagher, Inspector of Election and Messenger, Dist. No. 2...... 17.72 17.72 33 F. A. Snow, Justice of the Peace ..... 26.00 26.00 34 Joseph McGrath, Inspector of Election, Dist. No. 1 .................. 12.00 12.00 35 Howard Hazen, Inspector of Election, District No. 1 ................. 12.00 12.00 3G - Henry P. Winchell, Inspector of Election, and Messenger, Dist. No. 1 ...... 17.88 17.88 37 Herbert Whittaker, Inspector of Elec- tion, Dist. No. 1 ................ 12.00 12.00 38 John L. Decker, Ballot Clerk, Dist. No. 1 4.00 4.00 39 Frank S. Yaple, Poli Clerk, Dist. No. 1 4.00 4.00 40 Carl Wattles, Poll Clerk Dist. No. 1.. 4.00 4.00 41. John C. Jenks, Ballot Clerk Dist. No. 1 4.00 4.00 42 W. C. Gallagher, Supervisor and Exam- inations in Lunacy ............. 34.00 34.00 43 D. M. White, 200 feet timber ........ 4.00 4.00 44 W. C. Gallagher, Supervisor ........ 82.04 82.04 45 S. B. Landon, Overseer Poor ........ 61.30 54.00 46 W. W. Conrad, Appraising Sheep ..... 3.00 3.00 47 Carl Wattles, Sheep killing .......... 4.00 4. OU 43 W. W. Conrad, Copying and completing Town Assessment Rolls ........ 10.00 10.00 49 W. W. Conrad, Assessor, ........... 32. G0 32. GU 60 Ira Bogardus, Commissioner of High- ways ........................ 362.00 - 36'1.00 51 Henry Lyme, Constable ............. 43.90 43.90 52 Frank M. Bull, Criminal Account ..... 88.95 88.95 The Supervisors' Proceedings. 193 DANDY. We, the undersigned, the Town Doard of the "Town of Danby, do hereby certify: That the following is an .abstract of the names of all persons who .have presented to said Board No. Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 53 Frank M. Bull, Justice of the Peace .. 20.00 20.00 54 F. C. Vorhis, for Watering Trough .... 3.00 3.00 55 Jerome Seager, for Watering Trough .. 3.00 3.00 66 Hiram Vandemarlt, for Watering Trough 3.00 3.00 57 Wm. E. Mandeville„ for Watering Trough ....................... 3.00 :3.00 53 Hubert Wattles, for Watering Trough.. 3.00 3.00 59 Henry Leebody, for Watering Trough.. 3.00 3.00 60 George North'up, for Watering Trough. 3.00 3.00 61 Loretta Van Wort, for Watering Trough 3.00 3. Oe 62 Jay Preston, for Watering Trough.... 3.00 3.00 63 W. E. Snow, for Watering Trough..... :3.00 3.00 64 Daniel Bailor, for Watering Trough.... 3.00 3.00 65 Orsen Snow, for Watering Trough...... 3.00 3.00 Total ............... ....:.......$1,353.95 $1,344.40 In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seal this 9th day of November, 1906. W. C. GALLAGHER, Supervisor, [L. S.) J. C. BENNETT, Town.Clerk. [L. S.) GARDNER K. DOUGHTY, [L. S.) E. 11, MITCHELL, [L. S.) FRANK )Al. BULL, 111-S-1 F. A. SNOW, [L. S.) Justices of the Peace. I hereby certify that the above is a true copy of the original on file in my office. '- Dated November 10, 1905. J. C. BENNETT, Town Clerk.. DANDY. We, the undersigned, the Town Doard of the "Town of Danby, do hereby certify: That the following is an .abstract of the names of all persons who .have presented to said Board 194 The Supervisors✓ Proceedings. accounts to be audited, the amounts claimed by each of said persons, and the amounts finally audited respectively, to wit: No. Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 1 F. L. Nourse, Inspector of Election, , Dist. No. 1. ...................$ 17. 5G $ 17.56 ^ 2 Frank Bierce, Inspector of Election, Dist. No. 1 ........................ 12.00 12.00 3 Fred Swartout, Inspector of Election, Dist. No. 1 ................... 12.00 L2.00 4 Laverne Baker, Inspector of Election, Dist. No. 1 .................... 12.00 1.2.00 5 F. B. Lewis, Inspector of Election, Dist. No. 2 ...................... 17.80 L7.80 6 C. O. Alluk, Inspector of Election, Dist. No, 2 ........................ 12.00 12.00 7 Chas. J. Bruce, Inspector of Election, Dist. No. 2 .................... 22.00 1'2.00 8 Geo. E. Button, Inspector of Election, Dist. No. 2 ................... 12.00 12.00 9 N. H. Stevens, inspector of Election, Dist. No. 3 ................... 17.80 17.80 10 Olin C. Larue, Inspector of Election, Dist. No. 3 .................... 12.00 12.00 11 M. J. Hill, Inspector of Election, Dist.. No. 3 ........................ 12.00 12.00 12 H. B. Jennings, Inspector of Election, Dist. No. 3 ................... '12.00 12.00 13 Charles Sabin,-Ballot Cleric, Dist No. 1. 4.00 4.00 14 Albert Shepard, Ballot Clerk, Dist. No. 1 4.00 4.00 15 Dewitt Allulc, Ballot Clerk, Dist. No. 2.. 4.00 4.00 16 Herman Hayward, Ballot Clerk, Dist. No. 2 ........................ 4.00 4.00 17 Geo. E. Dewey, Ballot Clerk, Dist. No. 3 4.00 4.00 18 Almos Cummings, Ballot Clerk, Dist. No. 3 ............. ...... .... 4.00 4.00 15 H. C. Thatcher, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 2.. 4.00 4.00 20 T. J. Hutchings, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 2 4.00 4.00 21 Laverne Morris, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 1 4.00 4.00 22 Francis Grant, Poll Clerk, Dist. No, 1.. 4.00 4.00 23 W. O. Smiley, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 3.. 4.00 4.00 24 George C. Bogart, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 3 4.00 4.00 .25 H. F. Hutchings, Supervisor .......... 29.60 29.50 The Suhci-visors' Procc,edings. 195 No. Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 2G H. E., Mettler, Town Clerk .......... 112.00 112.00 27 Jas.' O. Miller, IIighway_ Commissioner 408.00 408.00 2€ Ii. B. Jennings, Assessor ............. 26.00 26.UU .29 H. J. Tuthill, Assessor .............. 20.00 20.00 30 Harrison Thayer, Assessor ........... 29.00 29.00 :31 J. B. Thatcher, Justice of the Peace.. 29.76. 29.76 32 Zebulon Smiley, Justice of the Peace.. 30.30 30.30 =33 Zebulon Smiley, Criminal Service Bill.. 2.20 2.20 :34 F. D. Smiley, .Justice of the Peace.... 2G.00 26.00 35 T. W. Slocum, :Justice of the Peace.... 27.68 27,68 :36 T. \V. Slocum, Service in Criminal Act.. 12. 10 12.10 :37 C. F. Mettler, Overseer of Poor...... 37.37 37.37 ,38 A. J. Snyder, Hall rent .............. 10.00 10.00 :39 Z. E. Smiley, Hall rent . ............ 10.00 10.00 .' -40 I3. E. Mettler, Supplies .............. G.05 6.05 -41 H. E. Mettler, Vital Statistics ........ 10.45 10.45 41 F. L. Nourse, Labor and supplies ..... 15.10 15.10 43 Horace A. Rittenhouse, Constable ..... 2.75 2.75 - -44 Arthur E. Grant, Constable .......... 9.45 9.45 -45 Alonzo peach, Constable ............ 1.85 1.85 46 Bert Fulkerson, Constable ........... 1.80 1.80 -47 Bert Fulkerson, Truant Officer .....,.. 18.00 L8. 00 48 Randolph Horton, Counsel fees ....... 10.00 10.00 -49 Fred Crance, Watering Trough .... 3.00 3.00 50 Fre k Sincebaugh, Watering Trough .. 3:00 3.00 51 C. B. Beers, Watering Trough ........ 3.00 3.00 =52 C. E. Hill, Damages ............... 75.00 75.00 53 H. E. Thatcher, Medical services ...... 10.50 10.50 :54 Edman Thatcher, Return Poll Tax .... 1.00 1.00 55 - C. IL Ostrander, Material for 'town Mall 7.96 7.96 56 E. S. Metschan, Constable ........... 29.30 29.:30 -57 H. E. Jennings, Watering 'Trough .... 3.00 3.00 58 J. L. Judson, Watering Trough ...... 3.00 3.00 59 George Morris, Watering Trough ..... 3.00 3.00 X60 George Button, Wafering Trough .... 3.00 3.00 -61 Dr. C. F. Denman, Vital Statistics .... 4.50 4.50 62 O. *S. Jennings, 'Down Clerk (assigned to L. H. VanKirk ................. 28.30 28.30 •63 F. D. Smiley, Material for shed ...... 4.20 4.20 64 Win. IT. Baker, Supervisor ......... 6.00 6.00 -6F Andrus & Church, Supplies ......... 9.90 9.90 ,66 Ithaca Journal, Supplies ........... 47.80 47.80 196 The Supervisors' Proceedings. No. Name Nature of Service 'Claimed Allowed 67 DeF. A. Reid, Vital Statistics 12.75 6.25 68 Dewitt Traver, Watering Trough ...... 3.00 , , 3.00 Total ............................$1,355.73 51,349.23 We, the undersigned, members.of the Town Board, hereby certify .that the foregoing abstract are true bills, as audited by us. H. F. HUTCHINGS, Supervisor. H. E. METTLER, Town Clerk. J. B. THATCHER, T. AV, SLOCUM, F. D. S3fILEI, Justices. DRYDEN. 10 the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins: The following abstract of the names of. all persons WhO have presented to the Board of Town Audibors of the Town of Drvden in said County, accounts to be audited during the year 1905, the amounts claimed by each such person, and the amounts finally audited by said Board of Town Auditors is herewith submitted Fursuant in statute, to wit: No. Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 1 Dewitt Calkins, House for Election Dist No. 1 .... $ 20.00 2 Alford Lampkin, Inspector .......... 4.00 4.00 3 G. W. McKean, Inspector ........... 4.00 4.00 4 E. S. Burr, Inspector and mess. ..... 6.00 6.00 5 E. C. Whitman, Inspector .......... 4.00 4.00 6 Fred Crates, Poll Clerk ............ 4.00 4.00 7 Frank D. Snyder, Poll Clerk ......... � 4.00 4.00 8 G. W. Albright, Inspector and Messg... 19.36 19.36 The*Supervisors' Proceedings. 197 No. Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 9 H. A. Mandeville, Inspector ..... .... 12.00 12.00 10 Leroy Smiley, Inspector ............ 12.00 12.00 11 M. E. Crutts, Inspector ............ 12.00 1200. 12 Jacob Mcinney, Poll Cleric ......... 4.00 4.O0 1.3 Henry Synder, Poll Clerk ........... 4.00 4.00. 14 Fred Albright, Ballot Clerk ........ 4.00 4.00 15 Verna Ogden, Ballot Clerk .......... 4.00 4.00 16 Aretus Washburn, House for Election.. 10.00 10. U0 17 Chas. M. Coggswell, House for Election L0.00 10.00 18 Adelbert Root, Inspector ........... 12.00 12.00 19 A. I. Reed, Inspector and Messg...... 19.96 19.96 20 P. H. Ticknor, Inspector ............ 12.00 12.00 21 L. A. Hemingway, Inspector and labor 21.00 21.0v 22 Nolan Bing, Inspector ............. 4.00 4.00 23 Prank Sheldon, Inspector .......... 4.00 4.00 24 G. H. Houts, Poll Cleric ............ 4.00 4.00 c 25 O. K. Rhodes, Poll Clerk ........... 4.00 4.UU 26 Will Lombard, Poll Clerk .......... 4.00 4.00 27 Hiram Knapp, Ballot Clerk ......... 4.00 4.00 28 Herbert Stevens, Ballot Clerk ........ 4.00 4.00 , 29 C. S. Scott, erecting booth .......... 1.00 1.00 30 Aubrey- Davenport, Ballot Clerk, 1904 4.00 4.00 31 R. E. Stilwell, Inspector, No. 3 ....... 4.00 4.00 32 Hiram Poster, Inspector ..,......... 13.25 13.25 33 R. F. Chappufs, Poll Clerk .......... 4.00 4.00 34 Z. B. Lormor, Poll Clerk ............ 4.00 4.00 35 William Colwell, Ballot Clerk ...... 4.00 4.00 36 VVillet Ellis, Ballot Cleric .......... 4.00 4.00 37' C. T. Davis, Inspector .............. 13.25 13.25 38 C. E. Green, Inspector ............. 17.25 17.25 39 J. D. Ross, Inspector and Messg....... 20.37 20.37 40 C. D. Williams, House for Election.. 25.00 25.00 4.1 A. A. Sicicmon, Inspoctor, No. 4...... 4.00 4.00 42 Otis Mesley, Inspector ............. 4.00 4.00 43 Clotin Davis, Inspector ........... 1.2.00 12.00 44 Luther Johnson. Inspector ......... 12.00 12.04) 45 Lee Sickmon, Inspector (assigned to A. A. Sicicmon) ................. 14.00 14.00 46 L. N. Sutliff, Insp. and Poll Clerk ..... 8.00 8.00 47 Larkin Smith, Inspector ........... 4.00 4.00 48 A. G. Sager, Inspector and Messg. .... 21.88 21.88 49 G. C. Sutliff, Ballot Clerk ........... 4.00 4.00 198 The Supervisors' Proceedings. ' No. Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 50 E. J. Sutfln, Poll Clerk ............. 4.00 4.00 ' 51 M. H. Wallace, Ballot Clerlc .......... 4.00 4.00 52 Laverne Dans, Poll Clerk ............ 4.00 4.00 53 Lewis Afyers, House for Election (as- signed to W. F. R'allace) ........ 10.00 1.0.00 54 Z. B. Lormore, Inspector, No. 5 ...... 4.00 1.00 55 H. Al. Givens, Inspector ............ 4.00 4.00 56 Ellery Vunk, Inspector .......... ... 1.6.00 16.00 57 D. Al. White, Inspector ............. 4.00 4.00 58 Edward 'Colton, Inspector ........... 12.00 12.00 •59 Chas. Givens, Poll Clerk ............ 4.00 •4.00 GO Eugene Span, Inspector ........... 4.00 4.00 61 Perry Schofield, Poll Clerk .......... 4.00 4.00 62 Robert McClintock, Poll Clerk ...... 4.00 4.00 63 G. S. Wheeler, Ballot Cleric ........ 4.00 4.00 64 Leland Busch, Inspector ........ ... 12.00 12.00 65 G. E. Goodrich, Inspector and Messg. .. 24.12 24.12 GG G. E. Goodrich, House for Election 25.00 35.00, 67 A. C. Stone, House for Election, No. G 25.00 35.00 GS Benjamin Ellis, Inspector .......... 1.00 4.Oil. 69 J. E. Oveatt, Inspector .... ...... ... d.00 4.OU 70 W. J. Shaver, Inspector ............ 4.00 4.OU 71 J. J. Cole, Inspector .............. 4.00 4.00 72 C. H. Monroe, inspector ....... ..... 4.00 4.00 73 C. A. Shults, Poll Clerk .•............ .4.00 4.00 74 G. S. Monroe, Poll Clerk .. .......... 4.00 4.00 75 Chas. I. Hearst, Jr.,.Ballot Cleric.... 4.00 4.00 7G F. T. Reeves, Inspector and Atessg. ... 19.50 19.80 77 Will Alonroe, rebate dog tax ......... 2.00 2.00 78 D. 11. Cools, Inspector .............. 8.00 5.00 79 Frank Ellis, Ballot Clerk .... ....... 4.00 4.00 SO Frank Vanhorn, Inspector .... ...... 1.2.00 12.00 81 Geo. S. Bart, Inspector ........... .. 12.00 12. 00 82 Perry Hanshaw, Poll Clerk .......... 4.00 4.00 S3 Bert Egan, Poll Clerk .............. 4.00 4.00 84 Gardner Gibson, House for Caucus ... 15.00 15.00 S5 G. L. Rood, Medical services per con- tract ......................... 27.GG 27.66 86 -A. A. Sager, Assessor' .............. 60.00 (;a. OU 87 M. F. Sweetland, Truant Oflicer .... 6.20 6.20 88 . Lewis Crutts, Truant Officer ........ 3.70 3.70 89 Prentis E. Golden, Truant Officer .... 7.50 7.80 The Supervisors' Proceedings. 199 No. Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 90 M. D. Shaver, Constable ........... 2.10 2.10 91 Stilwell & Ross, Printing ........... 120.55 120.56 92 J. J. Montgomery, A4edical Services.. 11.50 11.50 93 J. J. Montgomery, Vital Statistics .... 2.75 2.75 94 J. J. Montgomery, Services per contract 30.00 30.00 95 Chas. Houghtailing, printing ........ 5.35 5.35 96 Ithaca Journal, Printing ............ 2.20 2.20 97 J. Beach, Vital Statistics and services per contract .................. 33.67 33.67 93 M. L. Stanton, Inspector, 1903 ....... 4.00 4.00 99 R. R. Chappuis, Supervisor ......... 36.56 36.56 100 J. D. Ross, Vital Statistics .......... 6.00 6.00 101. Al. Al. Sweetland, Legal services ..... 6.00 6.00 102 ZVebb Corbin, ex -Supervisor ........ 8.58 8.58 103 J. D. Ross, Justice Service Bill...... 35.00 35.09 104 J. B. Shaver, Service, Bill .......... 20.00 20.00 105 Paul Ewers, Service Bill ............ 18.00 1.8.00 106 P. E. Darling, Town Cleric ......... 125.59 125.59 107 G. E. Underwood, Service Bill and Vital Statistics ..................... 18.25 1.8.25 108 Andrew Balser, Service Bill ........ 12.00 L2.00 109 H. B. Smith, Vital Statistics ......... .50 .50 17.0 Eli Conklin, Erroneous tax ......... 3.20 3.20 111 Aretus S. Irox, Truant Officer ........ 3.SO 3.80 112 E. Davis Allen, Vital Statistics ...... 1.50 1.5U 113 A. C. Scott, Assessm. .............. 60.00 60. UO 114 E. Davis Alien, Services per contract.. 24.33 Ci. UU 11.5 Avery Hiles, Assessoa .............. G6.00 66.00 11.6 A. C. Knapp, Med. Services per contract 39.25 :19.25 1.17 Lewis Alyers, house for Election (as-, signed to Otis Mosley ........... LO.OU 10.00 118 J. D. Ross, Criminal Bill ........... 62.90 62.90 119 H. B. Strath, Damage to wagon and Harness ...................... 3.15 3.15 120 M. D. Coodyear, Lunacy case ........ 5.00 5.1111 121 Homer Genung, Vital Statisticsi and . Services ...................... 40.42 40.42 122 G. I.. Mineah, Cpm. IIighways ....... 424.98 424.98 123 Paul Ewers, Justice, Criminal Bill 14.10 14.10 124 G. Rummer, ex -Com . .............. 92.50 92.50 125 G. )V. Sutfin, Dept. Sheriff .......... 1.00 1.00 12G G. W. Sutfin, Overseer of Poor ...... 26..00 26.00 200 The Supervisors' Proceedings.. No. Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 127 Bradford Snyder, Overseer of Poor.... 48.00 43.00 123 O. T. Ellis, Constable .............. 7.50 7.50 129 Eugene Balser, Lunacy case ........ 5.00 5.00 130 Ithaca Children's Home ........ :.. 74.34 74.34 131 Frank Hutchinson, Constable ....... 27.70 27.70 132 Chas._Sutliff, rebate tax ............. 7.20 7.20 133 W. R. Mill, Nater Trough ........... 3.00 3.00 134 Ed. Crutts, Water Trough ......... 3.00 3.00 135 John McKinney, Water Trough ...... 3.00 3.00 136 Harry Trapp, Water Trough ........ 3.00 3.UU 137 Humphrey Williams, Water Trough ... 3.00 3.00 133 Mrs. Will Davis, Water Trough ...... 3.00 3.00 139 Mrs. B. Cook, Wafer Trough ........ 3.00 3.00 140 Zina Dusenbery, Water Trough ...... 3.00 3.00 141 Geo. B. Card, Water Trough ......... 3.00 3.00 141 Mrs. Lydia Ogden, Water 'Trough .... 3.00 3.00 143 R. S. Miller, Water Trough ......... 3.00 3.00 144 J. T. Morris, Water Trough ........ 3.00 3.00 145 Chas. Hart, Water Trough ......... 3.00 3.00 146 D. Barfield, Water Trough .......... 3.00 3.00 $2,403.07 $2,391.74 R. T. CHAPPUIS, Supervisor. F. E. DARLING, Town Clerk. G. E. UNDERWOOD. J. D. ROSS, J. B. SHAVER, PAUL EWERS, ANDREW BAKER, Justices of the Peace. ENFIELD. Abstract of the names of all persons who presented ac- counts to be audited by the Board of Town Auditors of the Town of Enfield, N. Y., on the loth day of November, ,1905, with the amounts claimed, together with the amounts allowed: The Supervisors' Proceedings tut No. Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 1 J. L. Georgia, Assessor ..............$ 42.00 $ 42.00 2 J. L. Georgia, Pence viewing ......... 2.00 2.00 3 Herbert Curry, Poll Clerk ........... 4.00 4.00 4 Baker, J. M., Inspector ............. 17.64 17. 64 5 Bailey, H. D., Inspector ............. 12.00 12.00 6 Wright, Chas., Hall for town purposes 25.00 25.00 7 A. Chase, Health Officer ............. 11.35 11.35 8 Chas. Houghtaling, Town Clerk blanks.. 5.40 5.40 9 Ithaca Pub. Co., Supplies for town meet- ing ........... ............... 15.75 15.75 10 Wm, Huminston, Assessor ........... 34.00 34.00 11 Hiram Rockwell, Poll Clerk .......... 4.00 4,00 12 Hiram Rockwell, Justice of Peace services 21.00 21.00 13 R. V. Egbert, Justice of the Peace services (assigned to Chas. Wright) 17.00 17.00 14 James McCracken, Justice of the Peace services ...................... 21.00 21.00 15 W. J. Jones, Jr., Inspector ......... 12.00 12.00 10' Frank Teeter, Miall for election .... 25.00 25.00 17 Martin Dunham, Truant Officer (assign- ed to Chas. Wright) ............ 18.00 18.00 1P. H. S. Bullard, Ballot Clerk ........... 4.00 4.00 19 J. -L. Baiter, Lumber .............. 34.05 34.05 20 J J. Johnson, Justice of Peace services 23.00 23.OU 21 Dr. M. McDaniels, Vital Statistics ..... 5.40 5.60 22 Dr, M. McDaniels, Supplies as Health Of- ficer ......................... 1.44 1. .,4 23 Won. Jones, Ballot Clerk ............ 4.00 4.00 24 F. L. Aiken, ex -Road Com........... 20.00 20.00 25 Dr. M. McDaniels, Professional service , for Margaret Chase ............. 13.00 13.00 26 Dr. M. McDaniels, Professional service for White case ................ G7.00 67.00 27 Solon Bagley, Citizen member Board of Health ....................... 2.00 2.00 28 Chas. Wright, Merchandise for poor... 32.88 32.88 29 Dr..Clras. Davis, Lovelass case ........ 17.25 17.25 30 Elmont Ackley, Inspector ............ 12.00 12.00 31 Dr. M. McDaniels, Health Officer from Mar. 1 to Nov. 1, 1905 .......... 16.66 16.66 32 Dr, Chas. Davis, Lunacy case (Abby) .. 10.00 5.00 33 City of Ithaca, Bagley case ........... 194.80 194.86 202 The Supervisors Proceedings No. Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 34 Wm. Tucker, Services as Poormaster.. 22.00 22.00 35 David Fisher, Fence viewing ......... 2.00 2.01) 3G David Fisher, Assessor .............. 40.00 40.00 37 James Hine, es -Supervisor ........... 1G.00 1G.0U 38 Fordyce A. Cobb, Counsel to es -Sup.... 4.00 4.00 39 W. V. Rumsey, Supplies for poor ..... 1.2.00 12.00 40 F. D. Fish, Services as Supervisor ..... 22.00 22.00 41 'G. H. Noble, Services as Town Clerk.... 90.00 90.00 42 G. H. Noble, Vital Statistics .......... 1.9.00 19.00 43 F. Cummings, Fence Viewing ......... 6.00 6.00 44 Martin Wright, Lumber (assigned to Ithaca Trust Co . ............... 205.02 205.02 45 Frank Cummings, Service as Road Com. 21.5.00 213.00 46 Frank Cummings, Labor and material.. 654.49 654.49 $2,055. G3 $2,050. G3 F. D. FISH, Supervisor. G. HERBERT NOBLE, Town Clerk. JAMES McCRACKEN, H. A. ROCK\\'EL4., JOL1N J. JOHNSON, R. %T. EGBERT, Justices of the Peace. I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of accounts audited by the. Town Poard, now on file in my office. Nov. 13, 1.405. G. HERBERT NOBLE, Town Clerk. GROTON No. Name Nature of Service Claimed - Allowed 1 R. N. Mount, Supervisor, Service on Town Board ....:..............$ 28.00 $ 28.00 2 Newton Baldwin, Justice, Service on Town Board, etc . ....... ........ 37.25 37.26. The Super- ,rigors' Proceedings 203 No. Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 3 J. M. Montfort, Justice, Service on Town Board .................. 30.00 30.Ou 4 H. A. Brooks, Justice, Service on Town Board .................. 30.00 30.00 5 A. J. Conger, Justice, Service on Mown Board ........................ 4.00 4.00 6 A. Landon, Town Clerk, Service on Town Board, etc . ............... 23.00 23.00 7 W. It. Bulkley, Assessor, Assessor and Cleric ........................ 56.00 56.00 8 A. F. IIoward, Assessoa. ............ 35.00 33.00 9 F. E. Hart, Assessor ............... 50.00 50.00 10 J. C. Guthrie, Inspector and Messenger, Dist. No. 1. .................... 2'2.28 20.'Lll 11 Eugene Cook, Inspector, Dist. No. 1.. 16.00 16.00 12 R. W. Townley, Inspector, Dist. No. 1 . 14.00 14.00 13 Manson Metzgar, Dispector, Dist.. No. 1 1.6.00 16.00 14 Ed. G.:\Ietzgar. Poll Clerk, Dist., No. 1 ,4.00 4.00 15 H. C. Stevens, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. I.. 4.00 4.00 16 H. B. Stevens, Inspector and Messenger, Dist. No. 2 .................... 20.44 20.44 17 B. M. Lawrence, Inspector, Dist. No. 2 12.00 12.00 18 Ray Teeter, Inspector, Dist. No. 2.... 12.00 12.00 19 F. B. Carrington, Inspector, Dist. No. 2 1.2.00 12.00 20 D. Bowman, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 2.... 4.00 4.00 21 J. F. Weaver, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 2.. 4.00 4.00 22 Emmett Davis, Inspector and Messen- ger, Dist. No. 3................. 20.36 20.36 23 W. D. Conklin, Inspector, Dist. No. 3.. 16.00 16.00 24 D. R. Stout, Inspector, Dist. No. 3..... 14.00 14.00 25 A. C. Upson, Inspector, Dist. No. 3.... 16.00 16.Ou 26 J. C. Fitts, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 3..... 4.00 4.00 27 Chas. Dutcher, Jr., Poll Clerk, Dist.. No. 3 ............... ..:..... . 4.00 4.00 25 Eugene Sherwood, Rent. of Hall, Dist. . ' No. 3 ........................ L5. 00 15.00 29 W. C. Allen, Rent of Mall, Dist. No. 1 15.00 15.00 30 Newton Baldwin, Justice fees ense of E. Steel ...................... 9.75 9.75 31 Newton Baldwin, Justice fees case of G. H. Morgan .................. 3.95 3.95 32 Newton Baldwin, Justice fees case of A. Gay ....................... 10.10 10.10 204 The Supervisors' Proceedings . No. Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 33 Frank Seamans, Constable fees cases Steel and Morgan .............. 6.20 G.20 34 Frank Seamans, Constable fees case of A. Gay ..... t ................. 9.60 9.60 35 H. A. Brooks, Justice fees case of ' O. Beebe ..................... 2.45 2.45 36 H. A. Brooks, Justice fees case of E. Sovocool ................... 5.40 5.40 37 H. A. Brooks, Justice fees case of J. L. Carey .................... G. - 6.30 38 H. A. Brooks, Justice fees case of L. C. Johnson ...................... 3.95 3.95 39 H. A. Brooks, Justice fees case of Fred Drake ......................... 7.80 7.80 40 H. A. Brooks, Justice fees case of B. W. Knapp .................... 6.25 G.2e 41 H. A. Brooks, Justice fees case of L. Sovocool ...................... 1.90 1.90 42 H. A. Brooks, Justice fees case of Ed. Emmons ...................... 5.40 5.40 43 Chas. Hyde, Constable fees case B. Knapp ....................... 6.60 6.60 44 Chas, Hyde, Constable fees case E. Sovocool ...................... 4.85 4.85 45 Chas. Hyde, Constable fees case L. Sovocool ..................... 2.00 2.00 46 Chas. Hyde, Constable fees case Jas. L. Carey ..................... 10.30 10.30 47 'Chas. Hyde, Constable fees case L. J. Johnson ..............:....... 7.25 7.25 48 Chas. Hyde, Constable fees case E. Em- ' 'mons ........................ G.Go G.60 49 Chas. Hyde, Constable fees case W. Townsend ..................... 1.5fi 1.55 50 Chas. Hyde, Constable fees case Fred Drake ........................ 9.20 9.20 51 Chas. Hyde, Attendance at Polis.....: 6.00 4.00 52 Chas. Hyde, Truant Officer........... 30.00 30.00 53 Wm. H. Burnham, Services Overseer of Poor ......................... 48.00 48.00 54 J W. Jones, Supplies for Poor ...... 12.23 12.23 55 C. W. Conger & Co., Supplies........ 1.2.40 12.40 The Supervisors' Proceedings 205 No. Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed, 56 J. S. Love, Rent, Hastings Sister.... 36.00 36.00 57 E. A. Gulliph, Casket for A. Applebee.. 25.00 25.00 58 S. C. Gooding, Light and supplies for ... . pool. ......................... 26.25 26.25 59 Lawrence Kelley, Chores for Hastings Sisters ..............:........ 14.20 14.20 60 F. C. Atwood, Supplies for Hastings Sisters ....................... 77.52 77.52 61 W. B. Sears, Highway Commissioner's . bill .......................... 444.00 444.00 62 W. B. Sears, Bill for use of horse ..... 75.00 75.00 63 Groton Bridge Co., Steel sluice....... 70.00 70.00 64 'Groton Bridge Co., Repairs bridge Pierce's Crossing ............... 49.89 49.89 65 Groton Bridge Co., R. It. rails ....... 8.85 8.85 66 Groton Bridge Co., Bridge materials and repairs ................... 338.78 338.75 67 J. W. .Tones, Road supplies ......... 93.08 93.06 68 F. B. Harris, Road supplies ......... 167.78 167.78 69 Buck 6 Gebel, Road supplies........ 88.17 88.17 70 Randolph Horton, Counsel fees ...... 10.00 1.0.00 71 Dana Rhodes, Counsel fres Lytle case - 20.00 20.00 72 'Roscoe C. Tarbell, Vital Statistics and service to poor ...................43.50 43.50 73 Geo. E. Albon, Health Officer and Vital Statistics ............... ...... 16.50 16.50 74 B. L. Robinson, Vital Statistics ...... 1.00 1.00 75 C. A. Boyce, Vital Statistics and service to poor ....................... 29.00 29.00 76 Loren Eastwood, Vital Statistics ..... 1..50 1.50 77 W. A. Smith, Vital Statistics ........ 1..00 1.00 78 Miles D. Goodyear, Vital Statistics.... 4.50 4.50 79 U. S. Milburn, Vital Statistics........ 1.50 1.50 80 Ashbel Landon, Vital Statistics ..... 49.00 49.00 81 John B. Doran, Vital Statistics ...... .25 .25 82 Andrus & Church, Blank tax rolls.... 6.00 6.00 83, E. F. Hopkins (spring election) In- inspecting .voting machines....... 2.00 2.00 84 E. P. Hopkins, Inspecting voting mach- ' ines and Livery ................ 9.05 9. Os 85 U. S. Voting Machine Co., supplies for ,: voting machines ............... 1.80 1.80 206 The Supervisors' Proceedings No. Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 86 . L. J. Townley R Son, Printing and sta- tionery ........'...........:.... -11.65 41.65 87 Bert E. Gibbs, Damage to bridge, etc... 40.00 10.00 -88 W. D. Baldwin, Watcher (not Town charge) ...................... 4.00 89 W. 'Al. Avery, Stationery............ 1.00 1.00 90 .Ashbel Landon, Clerical work, etc.... 37.90 37.90 91 Ashbel Landon, Office supplies....... 4.59 4.59 92 Mary Kelsey, Kent road scraper lot ... 6.00 6.00 93 C. O. Rhodes, Office supplies......... 1.69 1.69 94 Williamson Law Book Co., Dockets for new Justices .................. 20.75 20.75 95 Bert T. Baker, Freight bill Supervisor reports .... I .................. 1.05 1.05 96 D. Brinsmade, Rebate on tax........ 250 1.50 97 W. L. Coggshall, Rebate dog tax...... 3.00 3.00 9S John McMahon, Rebate dog tax...... .50 .50 99 Chas. Lane, Rebate poll tax......... 1.00 1.00 100 J. M. Montfort, Rebate dog tax....... .50 .50 101 ,las. McCasland, Rebate poll tax...... 1.00 1.00 $2,654.61 $2,616.53 • I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of accounts audited by the Town Board now on file in my office. ASHBEL LANDON, 'Down Clerk. ITHACA. Abstract of the namNs of all persous Who presented ac- counts to be audited by the Board of Auditors of the "Town of Ithaca with the amount claimed and allowed. No. Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 1 L. F. Colegrove, Justice of the Peace. .$ 115.16 $ 115.10 2 Ezra Brown, Com, of Highways....... 52.50 52.5U .3 Ezra Brown, Inspector .............. 4.00 4.00 I The Supervisors' Proceedings 2107 No, Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 4 Mary Brown, Administratrix H. A. Brown Estate, ex -Com. of Highways...... 52G.78 526.78 5 Clyde Manning; Inspector ............ 12.00 1.2.00 G A. W. Kline, Inspector .............. 4.00 4.00 7 Jacob E. Bogardus, Inspector ......... 12.00 12.00 8 Frank McPherson, Plank............ 19.21. 19.21 9 H. F. Button, Rent of polling place.... 30.00 30.00 10 Walter Taylor, Poll Clerk............ 4.00 4.00 11 Frank McPherson, Justice of the Peace 20.00 20.00 12 M. VanOrman, Rent of polling place... 30.00 30.00 13 Henry J. Price, Constable............ 8.G5 8.65 14 M. R. Snyder, Plank ................. 19.68 19.68 15 S. U. Thompson, Assessor............ 40.00 40.00 16 Andrus & Church, Supplies........... 14.61 14.61 17 W. H. Baker, Services with Assessors.. 5.00 5.00 1S -Eugene Preswick, Poll Clerk.......... 4.00 4.00 19 W. J. Troy, Ballot Clerk ............. 4.00 4.00 20 T. J. Byrn, Services with Supervisor.... 2.00 2.00 21 T. J. Byrn, Ballot Clerk ............. 4.00 4.00 22 John W. Preswick, Ballot Clerk...... 8.00 8.00 23 Ben Fish (assigned to A. F. VanGorder), Inspector .............'........ 4.00 4.00 24 A. F. VanGorder, Overseer of Poor.... 48.28 48.28 25 Earl Northrup, Ballot Clerk .......... 4.00 4.00 26 John J. Hanshaw, Receiving and disburs- ing Public and Highway money.. 47.00 47.00 27 J. J. McGowan, Inspector ............. 18.75 18.75 28 S. M. Updike, Justice of'the Peace...... 20.00 20.00 29 Jake Wilcox, Justice of the Peace...... 32.00 32.00 30 Driscoll Bros., Supplies, tile and lumber 585.51 585.51. 31 John J. Hanshaw, Supervisor......... 28.00 28.00 32 J. W. Tourtellott, Ballot Clerk........ 8.00 5.00 33 Theodore Hildebrant, Inspector ....... 12.00 12.00 34 M. VanOrman, Office rent and Vital Sta- tistics ........................ 31.50 31..50 35 M. VanOrnwn, Services and disburse- ments ........................ 87.84 87.84 36 E. 0. Godfrry, Repairing scraper and other work ................... 32.17 32.17 37 H. H. VanGorder, Inspector .......... 12.00 12.00 38 W. I. Smith, Inspector .............. 10.72 10.72 139 Fred E. Eddy, inspector ............. 16.00 16.00 208 The Supervisors' Proceedings No. Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 40 Arthur Teeter, Poll Cleric ........... 8.00 8.00 41 Geo. E. Todd, Inspector ............. 12.00 12.00 42 Chas. A. Teeter, Ballot Clerk......... 8.00 8.00 43 L. W. Nelson, Inspector and mileage.... 19.20 19.20 44 Ithaca Journal, Supplies ............ 27.35 27.35 45 L. B. Frear, Poll Clerk .............. 4.00 4.00 46 L. O. Williams, Attendance Officer and Constable ...................... 29.95 29.95 47 Chas. Teeter, Oak plank ............. 26.25 26.25 48 Geo. E. Sievers, Assessor ............. 4.1.00 44.00 49 Sanford 'Manning, Assessor :.......... 3G.00 36.00 Total ............................$2,152. It $2,152.11 We, the undersigned, the Town Auditors of the Town of Ithaca; de hereby certify that the above is a true and correct list of the accounts audited or rejected at the meeting of said Board of Auditors held Nov. 9th, 1905. JOHN J. HANSHAW, Supervisor. L. F. COLEGROVE, Justice of the Peace. S.'I.'UPDIKE, Justice of the Peace. FRANK McPHERSON, Justice of the Peace. JAKE WILCOX, Justice of the Peace. M. VANORMAN, 'town Clerk. LANSING. To the Doard of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins: The followhil- abstract of the names of all persons who have presented accounts to the Board of Town Auditors of the Town of Lansing in the said County to be audited during the year 19o.5, the amounts claimed by each of such persons and the amounts finally audited by the said Board of Town Auditors is herewith submitted pursuant to statute, to wit: CHARLES D. HOWELL, Town Clerk, Town of Lansing, Tompkins County, N. Y. The Supervisors' Proceedings 209 No. Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 1 C. B. Jefferson, Poll Clerk, Tat Dist .... $ 8.00 $ 8.00 2 A. A. Wood, Poll Clerk, 1st Dist....... 4.00 4.00 3 Clayton lIaring, Ballot Clerk, 1st Dist.. 4.00 4.00 4 Walter Sweazy, Inspector and Messen- ger, 1st Dist . ................. 15.80 15.80 5 .,Walter Bristol, Inspector, 1st Dist...... 12.00 12.00 6 Richard Barnes, Inspector, 1st Dist..... 12.00 12.00 7, Sibley Drake, Inspector 1st Dist....... 12.00 1L.00 8 Charles Lobdell, Inspector, Dist, No. 2.. 12.00 12.00 9 H. B. Shaw, Inspector, Dist. No. 2...... 12.00 12.00 10 A. J. Brink, Inspector and Messenger, Dist. No. 2 ................... 20.12 20.12 11 Glen S. Bacon, Inspector, Dist. No. 2... 12.00 .12.00 12 Frank Moran, Ballot Clerk, Dist. No. 2.. 4.00 4.00 13 George Holden, Ballot. Clerk-, Dist. No. 2 4.00 4.00 14 AT. H. DeCamp, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 2.. , 4.00 4.00 15 Frank H. Tarbell, Inspector, Dist. No. 2.. 4.00 4.00 1G Fred Herrick, Inspector and \lessg'.. 3rd Dist . ......................... 19.80 19.80 17 Willis R. Egbert, Inspector, 3rd Dist,.. 12.00 12.00 18 George S. Lanterman, Inspector, 3rd Dist. L2. 00 1.2.00 19 Jas. Cleric, Inspector, 3rd Dist........ 1.2.00 12.011 20 Noble Wilson, Ballot Clerk, 3rd Dist... 4.00 4.00 21 W. H. Curtis, Ballot Cleric, 3rd Dist.... 4.00 4.00 211 Harry Herrick, Poll Clerk, 3rd Dist..... 4.00 4.00 23 Frank Manning, Poll Clerk, 3rd Dist.. 4.00 4.00 24 Rev. M. A. Soper, Returning Vital Sta- tistics ........................ 1..75 1.75 25 D. A. Rosecrans, Med Services........ 11.00 11.00 26 Dr. C. R. Keyes, Med. Services........ 5.00 5.00 27 O. M. English, Overseer of the Poor, Service bill .................... 44.00 44.00 28 Dr. C. R. Keyes, Health Officer, Service bill .......................... 10.00 10.1111 29 Dr. W. G. Fish, Returning Vital Statistics 7.75 7.75 30 Dr. W. G. Fish, Med, services Lown poor 50.00 50.00 Si Harry Herrick, use of hall, election... 15.00 15.00 32 L. V. blain, J. P, service bill.......... 22.00 22.00 33 N. E. Iron, use of hall town purposes.. 30.00 30.00 34 Ithaca Journal, printing bill......... 47.90 47.90 35 B. M. Hagin Est., lumber, 1904...... 152.77 152.77 36 U. M. Hagin Est., Supervisor service bill, .. 1904 ......................... 16.00 1.6.110 eco The Supervisors' Proceedings ' No. Name Nature o9 Service Claimed - Allowed 37 B. Al. Hagin Est., A. J. Coulon, Adms., lumber ....................... 21.23 21.23 38 M. R. Snyder and J. L. Balser, lumber.. 71.62 71.62 39 Dr. A. Rosecrans, Returning Vital Sta- tistics ........................ 4.25 4.25 40 C. E. Wood, Supervisor, service bill.... 6.00 6.00 41 C. G. Benjamin, Member Board of Health, service bill.............. 4.00 4.00 42 Adelia Hoyt, use of land road purposes 30.00 10.00 43 George Banflell, lumber ............ 80.00 80.00 44 C.,O. Drake, lumber................. 27.40 27.40 45 C. M. Buck, Road Com., service bill... 478.50 478.50 46 C. H. Ozmun, lumber............... 19.33 19.33 47. M. R. Snyder, lumber ............... 18.25 18.25 4£ R. Horton, Attorney's fees........... 10.00 10AU 49 W. E. Davis, Assessor, service bill..... 34.00 34.00 50 Driscoll Bros., sewer pipe........ .... 59.00 59.00 61 Hewitt Bros., sewer pipe ........... 154.55 154.55 52 S. I. Barnes, Assessor, service bill...... 40.00 40.00 53 C. E. Miller, Assessor, service......... 38.00 38.OU 54 Jamieson McKinney Co., sewer pipe.. 18.40 18.40 55 Climax Road Machine Co., extras...... 36.50 3G.50 • 56 Albert VanAuken, Constable, service criminal cases ................. 11.35 11.35 57 C. D. Howell, Town Clerk, registering Vital Statistics .............. :.. 24.00 24.00 68 J. O. Munson, lumber........... :... 24.73 26.73 59 D. D. Wine, J. P., service bill......... 30.00 30.00 60 Wellmore Townley, J. P., service bill... 24.00 24.00 61 L. V. Main, J. P., criminal bill...:.... 4.50 4.50 62 Orlando White, Supervisor, bill....... 19.10 19.10 • G3 W. B. Miller, poor supplies........... 9.00 9.00 _ 64 Casper Fenner, J. P., service bill...... • 22.00 22.00 65 Casper Fenner, .poor supplies......... 16.57 16.57. 6G C. D. Howell, Town Clerk, service bill.. 62.00 62.00 67 C. D. Howell, Town Clerk, postage, sta- tionery, telephone .............. 2.40 2.40 - . 68 L. Al. Alain, poor supplies ............. G-00 6.00' ,.., 69 Dr. C. R. Keyes,. Med. Services, Connor - family ......... ................. 48.50 48.50 . 70 Dr. C. R. Keyes, Returning Vital Statis- ,.. Ucs ........... .... ......... 8.25 8.25 The Supervisors' ProceedinV 211 No. Name Nature of Service Claimed _ Allowed 71 Groton Bridge Co., County line bridge... 350.00 350.00 72 C. M. Buck, Highway Coin., Consulting ger, Dist. No. 3 ................ 17.80 17.80 Engineer G. F. Barton ......... 20.11 Fred Payne, Inspector, Dist. No. 3.... 20.11 73 Groton Bridge Co., installment on Lud- :2 Wm. H. Andrews, Inspector,_ Dist. No. 3 12.00 lowville bridge and abutments.... ,900.00 900.00 74 M. D. Goodyear, Mcd. Services ........ 7.50 11.1.00 7.50 75 F. T. Atwater & Son, Mds............ 5.00 5.00 Total ............................. $3,358.93 NEWFIESLD. W , the undersigned, the Town Board of Newfield, do Hereby certify that the following is all abstract of the names �of all persons who have presented to said Board accounts to be audited, the amount claimed by each of said persons, and .the amounts finally audited respectively, to wit: No. Name, Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 1 E. E. Alexander, Inspector and Messen- ger, Dist. No. 3 ................ 17.80 17.80 '2 Fred Payne, Inspector, Dist. No. 3.... 12.00 12.00 :2 Wm. H. Andrews, Inspector,_ Dist. No. 3 12.00 12.00 4 Geo. Adams, Inspector, Dist. No. 3.... 12.00 11.1.00 .5 Cornelius Georgia, Ballot. Cleric, Dist. No. 3 ........................ 4.00 4.00 0 Chas. McDaniels, Ballot Clerk, Dist. No. 3 4.00 4.00 7 R.• J. Raub, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 3.... 4.00 4.00 .8 Augustus Patterson, Poll Cleric, Dist. No. 3 .......................... 4.00 4.00 9 .Mahlon Rumsey, Inspector, Dist. No. 1 12.00 12.00 YO Chas. Van Marter, Inspector, Dist. No. 1 12.00 12.00 11. J. U. Douglass, Inspector, Dist. No. 1.. 12.00 12.00 12 Chas. H. Brown, .Inspector and Messen- ger, Dist. No. I .................. 17.80 17.80 13 Chas. Boice, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 1.... 4.-00 4.00 34 Wm. Weatherell, Poll Cleric, Dist. No. 1 4.00 4.00 212 The SnperdisorsProceedings No. Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 15 Glen Keene, Ballot Clerk, Dist. No. 1... 4.00 4.00 16 Douglas Carpenter, Ballot Clerk, Dist. No. 1 4.00 4.00 17 Rohl. Alexander, Inspector and Messen- ger, Dist, No. 2...........'...... 18.10 1.8.10 18 A. D. Brown, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 2.. 4.00 4.00 19 Chas. McDaniels, Recording Vital Sta- tistics 13.50 13.50 20 Harry Horton, Attendance Officer...... 5.10 5.10 21 Newman & Dean, Counsel fees in the ' proceedings of John C. Thompson against Election Board of Town of Newfield.......... ... .. ....... 22 W. M. Moot, erroneous tax .......... 1.50 1.50 23 Dr. W. A. Smith, Medical service town poor (assigned to N. C. Cook).... 89.00 89.00 24 Ithaca Journal, bill for printing...... 59.44 59.44 25 J. P. Smith, bill for eironeous highway tax .... ... ............... .... 89 .89 26 A. D. Brown, House for election purposes Dist. No. 2 .................... 10.00. 10.00 27 David Taylor, erroneous tax.......... 1.00. 1,00 28 Sylvester Whiting, erroneous dog tax.. .50 .50. 29 R. Horton-, Counsel fees in special elec- tion ......................... L0.00 10.00 30 L. H. Taber, Assessor, service bill...... 40.60 40.60' 31 Geo. W. Cox, Claim for damages by neg- lect of Highway Core" ......... 25.00 32 Geo. W. Cox, for dirt................ 20.00 1.00 3" Geo. W. Cox, damage to fence and crops 7.64 1.64 34 A. H. Palmer, R. R. Bonding Com'r., 8.00 8.00 35 Chas. McDaniels, Supplies ........... 4.50 4.50 30 E. A. Stark; Inspector, Dist. No. 2.... 12.00 12.00 37 Chas. H. Betts, Highway manuals (pro- tested by the Board) ........... 7.00 7.00 38 Watson 9-. Jones, Rent of hall, Dist. No. 1 20'.00 20.00 3� Jonathan Huderwood, Health Officer. . 2.00 2.00 40 Wm. Linderman, care of Amos Linderman 70.00 70.00 41 Wm. Shangle, supply. bill,, town poor.. 72.03 72.03 42 Dr. W,: A. Smith,_ Vital Statistics..... 6.25 6-26 42 Wm. Shangle, Overseer of Poor, service. bill. (assigned,to N. C: Cook) ...... 34.00 34.00 The Su-pervlsois' Proceedings 213 No. Name Nature of Service' Claimed Allowed 44 Marvin Grover, Constable, criminal case 3.60 3.60 46 Marvin Grover, Constable, criminal case 1.50 1.50 46 Addison Doane, care of James Horton (assigned to F. D. Johnson) ..... 54.00 54.00 47 Jacob Conklin, Peace Officer at town meeting ...................... 2.00 2.00 48 Puff & Dean, use of house for election.. 10.00 10.00 49 Arthur Decker, Assessor, service bill.. 45.60 45.60 50 John W. Dean, R. R. Commissioner.... 8.00 8.00 61. Augustus Patterson, Assessor, service bill 40.60 46.60 62 W. L. Puff, Criminal Proceedings...... 1.85 1.85 53 Wm. Weatherell, Criminal Proceedings 2.50 2.50 54 W. L. Puff, Justice of the Peace, Crim- . ' inal Proceedings ............... 1.80 1.80 55 J. C. Thompson, ex -Supervisor, service - bill .......................... 65.39 65.39 56 Jay Swartwood, Ballot Clerk, Dist. No. 2 4.00 4.00 57 Alvin B. Smith, Ballot Cleric, Dist. No, 2 4.00 4.00 58 D. W. Gore, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 2.... 4.00 4.00 59 Fred Thompson, Poll Cleric, Dist, No. 2 4.00 4.00 60 Vern Swartwood, Inspector, Dist. No. 2. 4.00 4.00 61, Berkley Simpson; Supervisor, distribut- ing highway moneys .....-...... 90.06 90.06 62 Seymour Grover, ex -Justice of the Peace, Service Bill ................... 26.00 26.00 63 G. H. Ellison, Highway Com'r, Service Bill ......................... 416.00 416.66 64 Geo. N. VanZoil, right of way......... 15.00 10.60 65 Berkeley Simpson, Supervisor, Service bill ........................... 51.60 51.60 66 Glenn M. Keene, Justice of the Peace Service Bill .................. 36.00 36.00 67 W. L. Puff, Justice of the Peace, Service Bill ......................... 47.00 47.00 68 • Thos. McGiven, ex -Road Com'r, Service Biu ......................... 68.00 68.00 69 Chas. McDaniels, Town Clerk, Service Bill ......................... 99.00 99.00' 70 Chas. H. Brown, Justice, Service Bill.. 6.00 6.00 71 Estus Patterson; ex -Supervisor, Service Bili ......................... 1.8.00 18.00 72 Estus Patterson, ex -Town Clerk, Service Bill ......................... 18. 63 18.63 214 The Supervisors' Proceedings No. Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 73 A. D. Brown, maintaining Water Trough 3.00 3.00 74 G. Milton Kresge, maintaining Water Trough ...................... 0.00 3.00 75" Mary Sebring, maintaining Wafer Trough 3.00 3.00 76 Wm. Payne, maintaining Water Trough" 3.00 3.00 77 Geo. hemp, maintaining Water Trough 3.00 3.00 78 Wm. Hetherington, maintaining Water ' Trough ........................ 3.00 3.00 79 Wm. Weatherell, Justice, Service Bill.. 46.00 46.00 80 Thos. McGivens, rent of building for machinery storage ............. 20.00 20.00 81 Geo. H. Ellison, Highway Commissioner, to pay Town notes ............. 858.61 858.61 82 Berkley Simpson, Supervisor (town note) 105.69 105.69 83 Geo. W: James, Truant Officer, Service .7 Bill ................... ...... 7.20. .20 84 J. E. Thorp, repairing booths ........ , 1.75 1.75 • $2,957.68 $2,902.68 BERKLEY SIMPSON, Supervisor. CHAS. MCDAN'lELS, Town Clerk. GLENN Al. KEENE, W. L. PUFF, CHAS. H. BROWN, WILLIAM R'EATHERELL, Justices of the Peace ak #t lfE 3k ULYSSES. County of Tompkins, Town of Ulysses. f Ss. We, the undersigned, members of the Town Board of he Town of Ulysses, do herebv certify that the following is an abstract of the names of all persons who have presented to the said Board accounts against the said Town, the •amounts claimed, and the amounts at which such accounts were audited, viz.: The Supervisors' Proceedings 215 No. -` Name - - Nature of Service- Clattmed Allowed 1 The Biggs Co., Rent polling place and supplies .....................$ 34.25 $ 34.11 2 A. Chase, Health Officer ............. 19.25 19.25 3 John N. Barker, Hall for Election.... 25.00 25.00 4 H. Van Order, House for Assessors.... 2.00 .2.00 5 A. Chase, Vital Statistics ............ 10.90 10.90 6 Williamson Law Book Co., Supervisors' Manual ....................... 5.40 5.40 '7 M. T. Williamson, Criminal Bill `.... ..3. 45 - 33.45 8 A. P1 Osborn, Inspector (assigned to F. Hewitt) ....................... 4.00 4.00 9 John J. Chase, Inspector ............ 4.00 A.00 10 E. T. Stewart, Undertaker ........... 20.00 .20.00 1.1 E. H. Herdenbrook, Poll Clerk........ 8.00 8.00 12 Eron V. Dans, Inspector and Messenger (assigned to L. J. Wheeler & Co.). 18.24 18.24 13 Chas. Frazier, Inspector and Messenger. 21.88 21.88 14 Michael Terrell, Poll Cleric........... 4.00 4.00 15 W. 1. Sherwood, Undertaker ......... 24.00 20.00 16 R. J. Hunt, Building for Election...... 15.00 15.00 17 H. H. Talmadge, Poll Cleric .......... 4.00 4.00 18 E. V. Bouton, Poll Cleric ............ .4.00 4.00 19 Guy O. Hinman, Poll Clerk .......... 8.00 8.U0 20 Frank McMurray, Poll Clerk......... 4.00 4.00 21 0. M. Newell, Overseer of Poor, Service . ............. ......... .. Bill'2.50 It 2.50 11 22 C. F. Hunter, Poll Clerk ........... d.00 4.00 23 E. R. Williams, Putting up Booths, spring and fall elections ......... 8.00 8.00 24 Fred Willson,• Five weeks board bill.. 15.00 15.0o 25 N. R. Gifford, Inspector of Election and + Messenger, '04 and '05........... 34.04 34.04 26 O. M. Newell, Poll Cleric .............. 4.00 4.00 27 Demetrius Sears, digging two graves .. 5.00 5.00 28 E. R. Stillwell, Assessor ............ 87.50 87.50 29 C. J. DeLong, Roam for Election.....-. 20.00 20.00 30 A. I. Stover, Moving Town safe, by J. H. Thompson .....................$ 11.00 $ 11.00 31 M. T. Rolfe, Assessor ................... 66.60 66.60 32 Cbas..W. Bumpus, Inspector ......... 4.00 4.00 38 J. H. Thompson, Inspector and Registra- tion (assigned to J. K. Wheeler).. 16.00 16.00 216 _ The .Supervisors' Proceedings No. Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 34 Rohl. S. Carberry, Inspector and Messen- ger .......................... 22.04 22.04 35 J. M. Townsend, Town Doctor, Nov. 10, 1904, to Nov. 9th, 1905.......... 50.00 50.00 3G J. M. Townsend, Vital Statistics...... 2.25 2.25 37 Henry Williams, Justice of the Peace (assigned to A. H. Pierson)...... 16.00 16.00 38 John Young, Inspector ............. 12.00 12.00 39 Geo. H. Stewart, Poll'Clerk .......... 8.00 8.00 40 W. D. Halsey, Inspector ............ 16.00! 16.00 41 Calvin J. VanAuken, Ballot Clerk...... 8.00 8.00 42 Geo. Chase, Two Assessment Rolls.... 4.00 4.00 43 Geo. Chase, Assessor ............... 70.05 7U.65 44 O. G. Noble, Legal advice to Assessor.. 3.00 3.00 45 Parker Jones, Poll Clerk............ 4.00 4.00 46 State Bank, room for Election spring, '05 15.00 15.00 47 Everett Church, Inspector and Ballot . Cleric ........................ 8.00 8.00 48 Ira H. Smith, Inspector ............. 16.00 16.0U 49 E. L. Burton, Poll Clerk ............. 8.00 8.00 50 A. I. Stover, Town Clerk, Service Bill.. 83.25 83.25 51 A. I. Stover, expense bill ............. 10.84 10.84 52 A. I. Stover, Register Vital Statistics.. 17.00 17.00 53 J. N. Barker, putting up booths......,.. 8.00 8.00 54 J. N. Barker, Criminal .............. 2.50 2.50 55 J. N. Barker, Service Bill ............ 28.00 28.0U 56 0. G. Noble, Town Cleric for C. C. Page 7.00 7.00 57 M. T. Williamson, Ballot Clerk ...... 4.00 4.00 58 M. T. Williamson, Service Bill........ 34.00 34.00 59 D. P. Terry, Vital Statistics .......... 4.25 4.25 60; Seymour Bates, for R'atering Trough.. 3.00 3.00 61 A. P Osborn, Board of Registration (as- signed to F. B. Aiken).......... 12.00 12.00 62 0. G. Noble, Service Bill. . ........... 32.00 32.U0 63 0. G. Noble, Criminal Bill ........... 18.65 18.65 64 W. I. Sherwood, Inspector and Register Board ....................... 16.00 16.00 65 J. M.. Townsend, Doctor bill for Mrs. Church ....................... 20.00 20.00 66 J. M. Townsend, Doctor bill for 'Phos. Sarsfield ...................... 20.00 20.00 67 Grant Curry, Sheriff ................ 5.60 5.60 68 0. B. Ganoung, Highway Commissioner. 457.50 457.50 $2,058.02 In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands this day of December, 1905. H. B. PEARSALL, Supervisor. A. IRVING STOVER, Town Clerk. M. T. WILLIAMSON, HENRY WILLIAMS, O. G. NOBLE, Justices of the Peace. The Supervisors' Proceedings 217 No. Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 69 Stover Hdwe. Co., Keys to ballot boxes .95 .95 70 Henry Williams, Justice of 'the Peace.. 18.00 18.00 71 Chas. Delahant, Inspector ........... 16.00, 16.00 72 Henry Williams, Truant Officer ....... 12.00 1'2.09, 73 Chas. Delahant, Delivering and dis- tributing Supervisors Reports.... 1.00 1.00 74 'H. B. Pearsall, Supervisor, Service Bill 69.00 69.00 75 J. R. Brown, Member Board of Health.. 2.00 2.00 . 76 J. R. Brown, Overseer of Poor........ 15.80 15.8(1 77 0. B. Ganoung, Sluice of Munnsville Plow Co . ..................... 37.00 37.00 78 Seneca Spicer, Constable ........... 14.25 14.25 79 Seneca Spicer, Dept. Sheriff .......... 25.85 25.85 80 Orlo Tallby, Constable (assgd. L. J. Wheeler & Co.) .............. 6.90 6.90 81 John Terry, Constable .............. 15.43 15.43 82 Henry Williams, Service Bill ........ 2.00 2.00 83 John N, Barker, Service Bill ......... 2,002.00 84 Free Press and Sentinel, printing...... 7.35 7.30 85 Free Press and Sentinel, printing...... 76.19 76.19 86 E. S. Johnson, for Watering Trough.. 3.00 3.OU 87 Play Dean, for Watering Trough...... 3.00 3.00 88 H. B. Pearsall, Service Bill........... 2,00 2!00 89 M. T. Williamson, Service Bill........ 2.00 2.00 90 O. G. Noble, Service Bill ............. 2.00 2.00 91 A. I. Stover, Service Bill ............. 2.00 2.00 92 Seneca Spicer, Dept. Sheriff.......... 7.80 7.80 93 E. W. Thorpe, Overseer Poor (assigned to L. J. Wheeeler Co.)........... 38.00 6o.00 94 Frank G. Becher, Poll Clerk (assgd. to L. J. Wheeler Co.) ............ 4.00 4.00 95 Orlo Tailby, Constable (assgd. to L. J. Wheeler Co.) .................. 3.15 3.15 $2,058.02 In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands this day of December, 1905. H. B. PEARSALL, Supervisor. A. IRVING STOVER, Town Clerk. M. T. WILLIAMSON, HENRY WILLIAMS, O. G. NOBLE, Justices of the Peace. 0 218 The .Supervisors' Proceedings, REPORTS. REPORT OF THE COUNTY. TREASURER. To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: As Treasurer of the County of Tompkins, I have the honor submitting the following report of monies received and disbursed by me from November 16, 1904, to and including November 16. 19o5. RECEIPTS. Cash in hand November 16, 1904 (See report 1904) ............. $ 4,798.61 From Town of Caroline, Jacob N. Personius, Collector. Receipt from town officers, town audits ..................$ 1,127.47 Receipt from town officers, support of poor ................. 100.00 Receipt from town officers, bridges by -statute ................. 500.00 Receipt from town officers, bank note 2,000.00 Receipt from town officers, inter- est account ............. 160.00 Receipt from town officers, Memorial day ................... 20.00 Receipt from town officers, Highway Tax .................... 1,751.54 Receipt from town officers, Poll tax.. 464.00 Receipt from town officers, Dog tax.. 116.75 Receipt from town officers, Surplus monies ................. 29.71. Taxes returned 1904 ............ 186.65 Cash received from Collector...... 1,743.43 Amout of Budget, 1904 ......... $ 8,199, 55 $1,743.4.3 The Supervisors' Proeeediii9s 219 From Town of Danby, C. E. Hollister, Collector. Receipt from town officers, town au- dits ............. ..........$ 1,326..13 Receipts from town officers, high- -. ways and bridges ............ 500.00 Receipt from town officers, support of poor .................... 225.00 Receipt from town officers, tool house 175.00 Receipt from town officers, highway tax ........................ 1,5r5.92 .. Receipt from town officers, poll tax.. 360.00 Receipt from town officers, dog tax.. 95.00 Receipt from town officers, surplus monies ..................... 73.69 Taxes returned, 1.904 ............. 42.09 Cash received from Collector ....... 1,992.54 1,992.54 Amount of Budget, 1904 ......... 6,305.37 From Town of Dryden, D. B. Hammond, Collector. Receipt from town officers, town audits $ 2,084.13 Receipts from town poor, town poor 300.00 Receipt from town officers, highway and bridges ................. 500.00 Receipt from town officers, G. A. R. Fund ....................... 75.00 Receipt from town officers, bridges Receipt from town offices, highway tax ........................` 3.657.62 .. Receipt from town officers, poll tax.. 623,00 Receipt from town officers, dog tax.. 188.00 Receipt from town officers, surplus monies ..................... 90.41. Taxes returned, 1904 ............ 87..45 Cash received from Collector ...... 5,412.11 5,412.11 Amount of Budget, 1904 .........$ 13,517.72 From Town of Enfield, Silas E. Hubbell, Collector. Receipt from town officers, town audits ...................... 1,342.88 220 The Supmisors' Proceedings Receipt from town officers, highways and bridges ................. 250.00 Receipt from town officers, bonded in- _ debtedness .................. 1,718.50' Receipt from town offle6rs,. erroneous tax ........................ 19.89 Receipt from town officers, dog tax.. 65.00 Receipt from town officers, surplus 2,174.36 monies ..................... 69.90 Taxes returned, 1904 ............. 51.73 Cash received from Collector........ 1,739.34 1,739.34 Amount of Budget, 1904 .......... $5,257.24 From Town of Groton, C. Burr Tarbell, Collector. Receipts from town officers, not fur- nished ...................... ;6,736.91 Taxes returned, 1904 .............. 24.17 Cash received from Collector........ 3,928.83 31928.8ft From Town of Ithaca, T. J. Byrn, Collector. Receipt from town officer, town audits 1,817.69 Receipt from town officers, support of poor ..................... 25.00 Receipt from town officers, memorial _ day ........................ 10.00 Receipt from town officers, bridges Forest Home ................ 2,500.00 Receipt from town officers, Highway tax ........................ 2,174.36 Receipt from town officers, poll tax .. 362.00 Receipt from town officers, dog tax.. 69.50 Receipt from town officers, surplus monies ..................... 1.58 Taxes returned, 1904 ............. 171.04 Cash received from Collector ....... 4,762.56 Amount of Budget, 1904 ...... $11,893.72 4,762.56 The Supervisors' Proceedings From Town of Lansing, George D. Hagin, Collector Receipt from town officers, town audits $1,859.64. Receipt from town officers, highway tax ........................ 2,318.88 P Receipt from town officers, poll tax.. 629.00 . '1.Z1 1.31.00 ' tax ........................ 2,318.88 Receipt from town officers, poll tax.. 629.00 . Receipt from town officers, dog tax.. 1.31.00 Receipt from town officers, surplus monies ..................... 178.42 Taxes returned, 1904 ............. 03.53 Cash received from Collector ....... 3,914.21 3,914.21 Amount of Budget, 1904 ...... 9,094.68 From town of Newfield, C. B. Boice, Collector. Receipt from town officers, town audits 4,209.11 Receipt from town officers, Memorial_ day ........................ 15.00 Receipt from town officers, highways and bridges ................. 350.00 Receipt from town officers, support of poor ....................... 50.00 Receipt from town officers, Library.. L00.00 Receipt from town officers, bonded in- debtedness .................. 2,000.00 Receipt from town officers, bonded in- terest ...................... 1,365.00 Receipt from town officers, highway tax monies ................... 1,419.53 Receipt from town officers, poll tax.. 360.00 Receipt from town officers, dog tax.. 11.1..50 Receipt from town officers, surplus monies ..................... 27.67 Taxes returned, 1904 ............. 183.59 Cash received from Collector........ 2,1.44.48 $2,144.48 Amount o1 Budget, 1904...... $12,235.88 Prom Town of Ulysses, E. J. Farrrington, Collector. Receipt from town officers, town audits $1,932.26 Receipt from town officers, Memorial day ........................ 50.00 222 The Supervisors' Proceedings Recalpt from town officers, town poor.. 200.00 Receipt from town officers, highways and bridges .................. 250.00 Receipt from town officers, indigent soldiers ..................... 100.00. Receipt from town officers, bonded in- debtedness .................. 2,000.00 Receipt from town officers, bonded in- terest ...................... 1,505.110 Receipt from town officers, notes, First National bank ............... 1,500.00 Receipt from town officers, erroneous tax ........................ 3.12 Receipt from town officers, highway tax ........................ .1.631.70 Receipt from town officers, poll tax.. 359.00 Receipt from town officers, dog tax.. 93.00 Receipt from town officers, surplus - monies ..................... 55..81 Taxes returned, 1904 ............. 353.04 Cash received from Collector....... 3,335.98 $3,335.9s $13,418.91 _Amount due the County on 1904 Bud- get for 1904 election printing not on warrant .................. 82.28 Amount of Budget, 1904 $13,501.19 From City of Ithaca, H. G. Carpenter, Collector. I Receipt from City Treasurer, support of poor .................... $7,000.00 Taxes returned, 1904 ............. 1,447.43 Cash received from Collector....... 18,013.78 18,013.7E $26,461.21 Amount of Budget, 1904...... 25,622..46 Balance due City, State and County.. $ 838.75. . The Supervisors' Proceedings 1904. Dec. 16—Received from First Na- tional Bank of Ithaca, for 1904 State and County tax......... Dec. 20—Received from Grant Curry, Sheriff, fines of Geo. W. Moulton, $10, Burdett Moon, $30........ Dec. 30—Received from Tompkins County National Bank of Ithaca, for 1904 State and County tax.. " Dec. 30—Received from Mechanics Bank of Groton, for 1904 State and County tax .............. 1905. Jan. 2—Received from First Nation- al Bank of Groton, for 1904 State and County tax ........ - Jan. 2—Received from First National Dank of Dryden for 1904 State. and County tax Jan. 24—Received from Charles Sprigs, monies from Parcel 23, Sale of 1903 ............... Apr. 17—Received from L. H. Van Kirk, County Clerk,' Supreme Court fine of Harry Potter..... . Apr. 17—Received from L. H. Van Kirk, County Clerk, Supreme Court fine of James Dunlavy.. Apra 22—Received from L. H. Van Kirk, County Clerk, Supreme Court fine of Philip Ford....... May 11—Received from State of New York, school monies for 1.905.. May 18—Received from L. H. Van Kirk, County Clerk, Supreme Court fine of Charles Green..:.. June 12—Received from State of New York, judgment and interest for back taxes to be paid the City of Ithaca, and the Towns of Groton and Ithaca 22�j 8,446.90 40.00 2,t77. 46 953.11 1,195.24 27'1.13 1'2.87 75.00 250.00 250.00 30,714.90 100.00 r 6,683.21 azo The Supervisors' Proceedings June 17—Received from State of New York, school monies for District Amount of taxes returned, 1904..... No. 9 of the Town of Danby..'.. 88.28 June 17—Received from State of New , York, school monies for District May 20—Check for parcel No. 36, tax No. 24 of the Town of Lansing.. 125.00 July 17—Received from State of New 14.68 York highway monies for the Aug. II—Check for parcel No. 28, tax Towns of Caroline, Danby, Gro- ton, Ithaca, Newfield and Ulysses 6,013.82 Aug. 25—Received from State of New Oct. I.3—Check for parcel No. 43, tax York, highway monies for the Towns of Lansing and Dryden.. 2,958.25 Nov. 10—Received from State of New Nov. 8—Check for parcel No. 25, tax York, school monies for the City of Ithaca, Districts No. 8 12.49 and 13 of Dryden, No. 8 and No.. 20 of Groton, No. 9 of Lansing, No. 2 of Newfield and No. 1 of Ulysses ..................... 3,616.21 CITY OF ITHACA. By 1904 taxes paid to County Treas- urer ....................... 1.285.63 Amount of taxes returned, 1904..... $1,447.23 . 1905 May 20—Check for parcel No. 36, tax sale, 1904, doubly assessed.... 14.68 Aug. II—Check for parcel No. 28, tax sale, 1904, wrong description.. 15.13 Oct. I.3—Check for parcel No. 43, tax sale, 1904, double assessment.. 5.G5 Nov. 8—Check for parcel No. 25, tax sale, 1905, tax paid .......... 12.49 $1,495.18 Amt. balance due City, 1904, $39.97 Amt. balance due City Budget, 1905 *................ 838.7.5' , Taxes paid County Treasurer,. 1905 .................1,285.,63 2,164.35 Balance due City, $GG9,..17. - -The Supervisors' Proceedings •225 TOWN OF CAROLINE. By 1904 taxes paid to County Treas- urer ............ ....... ...... 64.66 Amount of taxes returned, 1904.... .186.65 1905 Nov. 8—Checic for parcel No, 2, tax sale, 1905, doubly assessed.... 10.02 Balance, due County .... $132.01 196.67. TOWN OF DANBY. By 1904 .taxes paid to County Treas- urer ............. .......... 20.58 Amount of taxes returned, 1904.... 42.09 - Balance due County ....$21.51 TOWN* OF DRYDEN. By 1904 taxes paid to County Treas- urer ....................... .. 42.55 Amount of taxes returned, 1904..:. 87.45 - 1905. Nov. 13—Check for parcel No, 4, tax sale, 1905, doubly assessed.... 12.02 Balance due County ...$56.92 99.47 TOWN OF ENFIELD. By 1904 -taxes paid to County Treas- By 1904 taxes paid to County Treas- urer I ....................... 27.29 Amount of taxes returned, 1904..... 51.73 ' Balance due County ....$24.44 ,. TOWN OF GROTON. By 1904 taxes paid to County Treas- urer .................. ..... ._.11.55 Amount of taxes returned, 1904.... t 24.17 Balance due County ....$12.62 zdfi The Superrrisors' Proceedings TOWN OF ITHACA. By 1904 taxes paid to County Treas- urer ........................ 140.01 Amount of taxes returned, 1904.... 171.04 Balance due County ....$31.00 TOWN OF LANSING. By 1904.taxes paid to County Treas- urer ....................... 63.53 Amount of taxes returned, 1904.. , 63..53 TOWN OF NEWFIELD. rarer ............... ........ 142.71. Amount of taxes returned, 1904.... 183.59 Balance due County ....$40.88 TOWN OF ULYSSES. By 1904 taxes paid to County Treas- urer ............ ... :...... . 216.40 Amount of taxes returned, 1904.... 353.04 Election printing, 1904, not on war- rant ............ ........... 82.28 1905. Oct. 13—Check for parcel, No. 11, tax sale, 1905, doubly assessed... 5.60 Oct: 31—Check for parcels Nos. 15 ' and X17, tax sale, 1905, doubly assessed and wrong description.. 14.76 Balance due County ....$239.28 455.68 Return of overpaid tax, Town of Groton ..................... .69 Total receipts ................ $1,11,777.94 ' DISBURSEMENTS. 1904. Dec. 9—Paid David Bower, expenses 1903 Budget, Superintendent of. Poor ....................... 50.00 The Supervisors' Proceedings 227 1905. .Ian. 6—Paid City of Ithaca, share of bank tax, 1904 ............... 3,029.53 Jan. 26—Paid J. B. Taylor, Treasurer Board of Education, Ithaca, share ' of bank tax, 1904 ............. 1,593. 17 Jan. 27—Paid J. J. Montgomery, Treas- urer Board of Education, Dryden, share of bank tax, 1904....... - 99.41. Jan. 27—Paid -Avery Biles, Treasurer Village of Dryden, share of bank tax, 1904 ................... 98.06 Jan. 27—Paid Webb Corbin, Super- visor, Town of Dryden, share of bank tax, 1904 ...... o .... ... 71.94 Jan. 28—Paid order 99, election print- ing ........................ 1,409. 77 Feb. 1—Paid Bert T. Balser, Clerk Board of Supervisors; for salary, postage and reports .......... 215.00 Feb. 1—Paid J. P. Merrill, copying , assessment. roll, City of Ithaca.. 46..08 Feb. 1 --Paid County Treasurer, post- age ........................ 15.00 .Feb. 1—Paid C. M. Benjamin, City of Ithaca Budget .............. 1.9.00 Feb. 3—Paid H. G. Moe, Treas. Village of Groton, bank tax, 1904...... 827.21 Feb. 3—Paid Ashbell Landon, Treas. Groton schools, bank tax, 1904. ' 811.61 Feb. 3—Paid Chas. H. Webster, Treas. Monroe County peniten- tiary, bill 1.904, order No. 76.... 540.12 Feb. 4—Paid R. N. Mount, Supervisor for reimbursement to Town of Groton, 1904 ................ 190.84 Feb. 4—Paid W. C. Gallagher, Super- visor, for amount due Town of Caroline, 1904 ............... 16.09 Feb. 4—Paid County Treasurer, fee on bank tax, 1.904 ............. 80.24 Feb. G—Paid Auburn Orphan Asylum 55.00 Feb. 7—Paid Matteawan State Idos- pital, order No. 38 ........ ... 424.28 223 The Supervisors' I )occedings Feb. 7—Paid James Lynch, insurance 75.00 Feb. 7—Paid A. S. Robinson, City of - Ithaca, budget ............... 88.00 Feb. 7—Paid D. H. Marsh, insurance 7.81 Feb. 7—Paid Society for the Protec- tion of Destitute Children, order No. 39 .................... ... 66.65 Feb. 7—Ithaca Children's Home, .or- der No. 41 .................. 98.25 Feb. 4—Susquehanna Valley Home, order No. 35 ................. - 36.25 Feb. 4—Susquehanna Valley Home, order No. 37 ................. 23.00 .. Feb. 4—Susquehanna Valley Dome, order No. 36 ................. 22.75 Feb. 4—Susquehanna Valley Hanie, order No. 32 ................ 92.00 Feb. 4 ZVestern Institute of Deaf Mutes, order No. 43 ........... 305.83 Feb. 4Syracuse Institute of Feeble Alluded Children, order No. 40.. 120.00 ' C eb. 2—Western New York Society for Protection of Homeless Children, order No. Its ............... 100.77 Feb. 20—Acetylene Apparatus Co. ... 527.90 Feb. 21—Paid Craig Colony, order No. 115 ..................... 59. G3 Feb. 24—Paid Georgia & Southworth, insurance ................... 75.00 Itch. 9 --Paid Chas. Sprigg, distribut- ing City reports ............. - 4.90 Mch. 9—Paid W. H. Parker, distribut- ing City reports ............. 3.00 ' RIch. 18—Paid Central New York In- stitute for Deaf and Dumb, or- der No. 42 .........: ........ . 30.0U Jlch. 22—Paid H. C. Fairbanks, dis- tributing of City reports ...... 5.00 Mch. 22—Paid Arthur Miller, distrib- uting of City reports .......... 3.70 May, 15—Paid R. N. Mount, Super- visor, share of bank tax, Town of Groton ..................... 468.25 The. Sitperu'sors' Proceedings ' May 17—Paid H. G. Carpenter, Treas- urer, share of bank tax, City of Ithaca ...................... May 27—Paid W. H. Miller, to apply on repair of County Clerk's office, by Fairbanks ................ May 29—Paid Newton Baldwin, Col- lector school district No. 29, Gro- ton and. Dryden, 1903, Lamell. . May 29—Paid Newton Baldwin, Col- lector school district No. 20, Gro- ton and Dryden, 1904, Beardsley estate ...................... May 29—Paid Newton Baldwin, Col- lector school district No. 20, Gro- ton and Dryden, 1904, Lormore. June 1. Paid E. S. Preston, Insurance July 1.0—Paid Williams Bros, Super- visor order .................. July 18—Paid W. C. Gallagher, Super- visor, State highway money, Lown of Caroline .................. July 1.8—Paid If. F. Hutchings, Super- visor, State highway money, Town of Danby ................... July 18—Paid R. N. Mount, Super- visor, State highway money, town of Groton ................... July 18—Paid John J. Hahshaw, Su- pervisor, town bf Ithaca ....... July 18—Berkeley , Simpson, Super- visor, State highway money, town of Newfield ... ............... July 1.8—H. B. Pearsall, Supervisor, State highway money, Town of Ulysses ..................... July 19—Paid R. N. Mount, Super- visor, monies due town of Groton for apportionment of judgment, State of New York, railroad 'monies ..................... 1,689.83 229 996.47 100.00 6.36 .64 J 1.27 260.00 71.80 1,107.77 937.96 1,000.76- ,000.761,0 1,087 .18 889.77 990.38 1,689.83 230 The Supervisors' Proceedings Jan. 19—Paid John J. Hanshaw, Su- pervisor, monies due town of Ith- aca for apportionment of judg- ment, State of New York, rail - railroad monies ............. . July 19—Paid Henry G. Carpenter, Treasurer, ,monies due City of Ithaca for apportionment of judg- ment, udoment, State of New York, rail- road monies ................. July 19—Paid County Treasurer for receiving and disbursing railroad monies, State of New York.... Aug. 16—Paid Bert T. Baker, ordar on improvements in County Clerk's office ....................... Aug, 2"5—Paid R. F. Chappuis, Super- visor, monies' due Town of Dry- den from State highway fund.. Aug. 25—Paid Orlando White, Super- visor, State highway money, Town of Lansing ............. Sept. 2—Paid E. S. Preston, insurance Nov. 13—Paid one parcel bid iu at. 1905 tax sale, No. 18'/2....... Nov. 13—Paid checks charged to City of,Ithaca on tax sales, 1004 and 1905 ....................... Paid check charged to Town of Caro- line on tax sale, 1905......... Paid check charged to Town of Dry- den, on tax sale, 1.905......... Paid check charged to Town of Ulysses in tax sale, 1905 ............. Paid amount unaccounted for ...... STATE OF NEW YORK. 47.95 10.02 12.0'2 20.36 For canals, 1904 $ 2,444.47 For Stenographers and Clerks 1,162.29 Total $ 3,606.76 1905. 1 Feb. 1—Check sent to State........ 63'2.14 3,354.4'2 56.82 25.00 1,828.81 1,159.44 5.00 10.69 90.35 .03 $ 3,606.76 The Supervisors' Proceedings 231 SUPERINTENDENT OF POOR. County and Town appropriation, 1904 $ 6,000.00 Balance due fund, 1904 ............ 440.04 Total ...................... 6,440.04 Amount of orders paid to date...... 5,849.49. Balace due fund ......$590.55 TOMPKINS COUNTY COURT. - County Appropriation, 1904. ....... $ 7,000.00 Balance due fund, 1904 ........... 1,543.12 Total ...................... $ 8,843.12 Amount of orders paid to date ..... • $ 8,621.27 Balance due fund ...$221.85 , TOMPKINS COUNTY AUDITS. Amount of appropriation for audits, 1904 ......................'$ 16,489.54 Orders paid, 1904 ................ 16,459.54 FUEL AND LIGHTS. Amount of appropriation, 1904.... 1,500.00 Balance due fund, 1904 ........... 13.57 Total ....................... 1,513.57 Orders paid 1,559.19 Fund overpaid .........$45.62 INDEXING MORTGAGE FUND. Balance of fund, 1904 ........... 178.00 Orders paid ..................... 62.00 Balance due fund .....$116.00 STATE SCHOOL. MONIES, 1905. 1905. May 11—Paid Sohn J. Hanshaw, Su- pervisor, Town. of Ithaca ..... 1,125.00 232 - The Sttpervisors' Proceedings May 15—Paid R. N. Mount, Super- visor, Town of Groton ....... 3,200.00 , May 20—Paid W. C. Gallagher, Su- Mich. 27—Check for stone, L. O. pervisor, Town of Caroline .... . 2,615.00 . May 11—Paid H. F. Hutchings, Super- 1.55 visor, Town of Danby ........ 2,174.90 July 1—Paid H. F. Hutchings, Super- . Hughes ..................... visor, town of Danby ......... 88.28 -Ala.- May 11—Paid Frank D. Fish, Super- 1.85 visor, Town of Enfield........ 1,050.00 May 1.1—Paid Harry B. Pearsall, Su- Linderman .................... 7.50 pervisor„ Town of Ulysses ...... 2,050.00 5—Check for painting signs, Chas. Islay 11—Paid Orlando White, Super- visor, Lansing ............... 3,175.00 July 1—Paid Orlando White, Super- " 21—Paid painting signs, A. N. visor Town of Lansing ........ 125.00 Miller ....................... May 16—Paid Berkeley Simpson, Su- pervisor, Town of Newfield.... 3,025.00 May 17 --Paid R. F. Chappuis, Super- visor, Town of Dryden........ 4,075.00 May 17—Paid James B. Taylor, Treas- urer Board of Education, City of Ithaca ................... $ 7,025.00 $30.928.18 FUND WORKING PRISONERS. 1905. Mlch. 7.4—Check for stone, Joseph Amount paid—total ........... 51.07 51.07 Balance due fund, 1904..... $132.81 Balance due fund to date.. 81.74 -. Fowles ..................... 17.08 Mich. 27—Check for stone, L. O. Williams ............... :... 1.55 Feb. 27—Check for stone, J. W. . Hughes ..................... 3.59 -Ala.- 0—Check for stone, Mr. Minturn 1.85 June 2 -Check for stone, Warren Linderman .................... 7.50 Oct. 5—Check for painting signs, Chas. Rooney ..................... 14.50 Oct. 21—Paid painting signs, A. N. Miller ....................... 5.00 Amount paid—total ........... 51.07 51.07 Balance due fund, 1904..... $132.81 Balance due fund to date.. 81.74 -. e The Supervisors' Proceedings 1904. SOLDIERS BURIALS AND TOMBSTONES. Nov. 21—Stone—Michael Hamil, Gro- 233 ton ..:............. ........ 15.00 1905. , Mch. 14—Burial H. H. Miller, City of Ithaca ...................... 35.00 Mch. 23—Stone—Wm. Tompkins, City of Ithaca ..... ........ : 4.... 15.00 Apr. 5—Burial—James Horton, New- field ................... 6... 35.00• Apr. 8—Stone—Charles S. Fitts, Dry- den .."........................ 15.00 Apr. 8—Stone, Henry W. Fitts Dryden 15.00 Apr. 10—Burial, F. J. Hendall, City of Ithaca ............. 6..... 35.00 Apr, 16—Stone, Hiram H. Miller, City of Ithaca ...... '. 6........... 15.00 June 7—Stone, F. J. Kendall, City of " Ithaca ........ 6 ............. 15.00 June 14—Stone, Chas. A. Conger, City of Ithaca .... 6 .............. 15.60 July 1—Stone, Henry Crawford, City of Ithaca .... 6. 6 ............. 15.00 July 1—Stone, Chas. A. Conger, City of Ithaca ............., ..... 15.00 July "28—Burial, Frank J. Horton, . Dryden ..................... 35.00 July 28—Burial John Ketchum, City of Ithaca .:......... ......... 35.00 Aug. 1—Stone, Patrick Breen, City a of Ithaca ........ ..:........... 15.00 Aug. .16—Burial, Mrs. Ellen Deyo, Groton .......... 6.......... 35.00 Aug. 1G—Burial Mrs. Herman Estus, Dryden ...... ..... :.... :.... 35.00 Aug. 28—Burial Eli Perry, City of Ithaca ....................:.. 35.00 Aug. 29—Stone, James Horton, Newfield 15.00 Sept. 16—Stone, Frank J. Horton, Dry- den 6 ................ 6...... 15.00 Sept. 30—Burial, Thomas Sarsfield, Ulysses ..................... 35.00 233 231 The Supervisors' Proceedings "Oct. 5Burial, Elizabeth Quinn,.City to Jan. 1, 1906 ............... of Ithaca ............ :...... 35.00 County Treasurer Charles Al. Benja- -Oct. -S—Burial, Adam Price, Cit$ of min, Jan. 1, 1905, to Oct. 1, Ithaca ...................... 35.00 Oct. 21.—Burial, Ester Dickens, 1905, to Oct. 1, 1905........... 75.00 Ulysses ............:......... 35.00 . Nov. 13—Stone, Ed. J. Riley, Lansing 15.00 Nov. 14—Burial, Robert Tomlinson, Special County, Judge, S. Edwin Banks, Dryden ...................... 35.00 50.00 V ' Total ........................ 650.00 Amount of orders paid 650.00 Amount. of appropriation, 1904..$5'00 Appropriation overdrawn, 1903..$135 Balance .................$365 Amount overdrawn, 1905......$285 SALARIES AND OFFICE RENTS. Judge Charles A. Blood, Jan. 1, 1905, to Jan. 1, 1906 ............... 2,500.00 County Treasurer Charles Al. Benja- min, Jan. 1, 1905, to Oct. 1, 1905 ....................... 675.00 County Treasurer, office rent, Jan. 1, 1905, to Oct. 1, 1905........... 75.00 District Attorney Willard Al. Kent, . . Salary and office rent, Oct. 1., 1904, to Oct. 1, 1905.......... 1,000.00 Special County, Judge, S. Edwin Banks, Salary July 1, 1904, to July 1, 1905 50.00 Chaplain Almshouse, M. J. Owen, Oct. 1, 1904, to Oct. 1, 1905... 100.00 " School Commissioner, E. W. Updike, Salary Oct. 1 1904 to Oct 1,1905 200.00 School Commissioner, Libbie J. Sweet- land Salary Oct. 1, 1904, to Oct. 1, 1905 .................... 200.00 Clerk of Surrogate, D. M. Gillespie, Salary, Nov. 1, 1904, to Nov. 1, 1905 ..................... M. 349.99 -Stenographer, County Judge, Zaidee H. Stone, salary Nov. 1, 1904, to Nov. 1, 1905 ..:............. 875.00 i I The Supervisors' Proceedings . 235 Jail. Physician, Dr. J. P. Fahey, Sal- ary Jan. 1, 1904, to Jan. 1, 1905. 50.00 Keeper of Almshouse, Mrs. David 590.55 Bower, Salary Oct. 1., 1904 to Oct. $ 221.85 1, 1905 .................... 600.00 00 Grant Curry, Sheriff, office rent, Oct. 81.74 1, 1904, to Oct. 1, '1.905........ 100.00 Grant Curry Sheriff, Janitor, Oct. '1, 669.17 1904,.to Oct. 1, 1905......... ?50.00 Luther Ennis, Janitor, County .Judge 50.00 and County Clerk, Salary, Nov. 102.19 1, 1904, to Nov. 1, 1905....... 165.80 - Superintendent of Poor, David - Bower Salary, Nov. 1, 1904, to. Oct. 1 1905. ................ 320.84 Jail Chaplain, Mary A. Barton, Salary Jan. 1, 1905, to July 1, 1905.... 26.00 7,637.63 Total disbursements ........... $103,463.25 Total receipts ............... $111,777.94 Total disbursements .......... 103,453.25 Cash on hand ............... $ 8,314.69 AMOUNTS YET TO BE PAID FROM 1904 BUDGET. Balance .due of school monies...... $3,016,21. Balance due Superintendent, of Poor ............................ 590.55 Balance due Court fund ............ $ 221.85 Balance due Indexing Mortgages.... lift. 00 Balance due working fund, prisoners 81.74 Balance due Salaries and office rents t,288.60 Balance due City of Ithaca......... 669.17 Balance due repairs Clerk's Office.... 1.50.00 Balence due expenses of Superintendent 50.00 Balance due Insurance fund ........ 102.19 Total ...................... 6,886.31. Amounts Due the County from Return of Taxes, etc., 1904. -Town of Caroline ................ 1.32. 01 Town of Danby ................... '1.51 Town of Dryden ................. 56.92 236 - The Supervisors' Proceedings Town of Enfield ................. . Town of Groton .............. .... Town of Ithaca ................... . Town of Newfield ................. Town of Ulysses ................. Total ....................... 1905. May 2—Received from L. H. VanKirk, County Clerk; fine imposed on El- mer Shoemaker, of which one- half was Paid to the Town of Lansing, and the balance to the State of New York ........... 200.00 May 8—Received from L. H. VanKirk, County Clerk, fine imposed on Almeda Gay, of which one-half was paid to the Town of Groton, and the balance to the State of New York ................... 200.00 May 17—Received from L. H. Van Kirk, County Clerk, fine imposed on George Blanchard, of which one-half was paid to the Town of Dryden, and the balance to the State of New York ........... .200.00 May 17—Received from L. H. Van Kirk, County Cleric, fine imposed. on Joseph H. May, of which one- half was Paid to the Town of Dryden, and the balance to the State of New York ............ 250.00 May 18—Received . from L. H. Van Kirk, County Clerk, fine imposed on Hiram Root, of which one- half was paid to the Town of Dryden, and the balance to the State of New York ........... 250.00 24.44 12.62 31.00 40.88 23`1.'28 .558.60 The Sttpc�visors' Proccedings . '237 State of New York, County of Tompkins. } ss. I, Charles \I. Benjamin,Treasurer of the County of Tomp- kins, do solemnly swear that the foregoing statements are true, and That the schedule accompanying the same fully and correctly represent the true state of the several funds therein contained, to the best of my knowledge and belief. CHAS. M. BENJAMIN. ., Subscribed and sworn before me this 21st day of November, 1905. E. E. INCALLS, Notary Public. REPORT OF SUPERINTENDENT OR POOR To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of Tompkins Coaull, The undcrsinticd Superintendent of the Poor of said County respectfully reports that fiom the i5th clay of Novenf- ber, 1903, to the 15th day of November, 1903, the whole numl;er of days Loard at the County Alms House was 14,919, of which the County and Towns respectively are cliarbcable as follows COUNTY. . Names. No. Days. Isaac Chapman .......................... '305 _ ... Lena Collins ............................ 365 Clarence AlacKey ......................... 305 William Twin ........................... 305 Fred Cook ............................... 3G5 Claude Harris ........................... 1.90 Harriet Cummings ........................ 305 David Dewey ............................ 19 Frank Emmett ........................... 3 Frank Wilson ........................... E James Murray ........................... 'l ' Thomas Lindsley ••..••.• .......... :..... 3 238 - The Supervisors' Proceedin',s Lewis Worran ........................... 2 Harold Mash ........................... z Leohonia................................. 79 Reuben Johnson ........................ 27 Bertha Price ........................1... 46 Henry Kelly ............................. 1 John Collins .............................. 3 George Watson ............................ 3 Charles W. Wood ............... ..... .... l5 James Kinnv ............................ 1 Frank Smith ............................ 9 .. Mrs. Frank Smith ........................ 9 Total—County ....................... 2605 CITY. Name. No. Days. Horace Whitehead ........................ 365 John Bishop ............................ 305 Carrie Tabor ....1 ....................... 305' Wm. Nikon ............................... 365 Abram Pelham ........................... 365 Wm. Gifford ............................ • 305 Bridget Sullivan ......................... 365 Alex. Marion ............................ 365 Wflllam Williams ........................ 365 Richard liiland .......................... 365 Calvin Wood ............................ 365 Dennis Griffin ..................:.......... 110 Joseph Ree:le ............................ 18.1 Pat.Murphy ............................ 128 Ira Bishop .............................. 59 Clarence Dreemer ..........:.............. 105 Mathew Carr ............................ 118 John Reede ............................. 12 Edgar Collins ............................ 9 Martha Chambers ........................ 85 Samantha Barber r zp.� Joseph Kulp ............................ 43 Bradley Meade ........................... 135 . George Terry ............................ 5 Garrett Mansell .......................... 13 Total—CRY ......................... — 5256 E The Supervisors' Proceedings 239 ITHACA—TOWN. DANBY. -Hiram Freer ............................ :i65 Alvah Mosher ........................... 80 Total—Ithaca Town ................... — 445 , LANSING. 'S. D. Wall ..................:.......... Cyrus Norwood .......................... '365 Barney Moore ................. :......... 244 Marque Smith 252 Burdett Parsons ......................... 100 Charles Phillips .......................... 183 Mike Kane .............................. 1.41. Total—Lansing ...................... — 1285 . DRYDEN. Silas Tucker ............................ 365 Isabelle Oakley .......................... '365 Charles Oakley .......................... 317 Robert Messer 113 Alonzo Ralph 23 Total—Dryden — 1183 GROTON. Total—Groton ....................... 0000 DANBY. Elnora Crance ........................... 365 'Ben). Shaw .............................. 365 ' 'S. D. Wall ..................:.......... 1 205 Total—Danby ....................... — 935 . NEWFIELD. Helen Edgcomb ............................ 365 Wesley Cavanaugh ....................... 365 Clarence Cavanaugh ...................... 365 David Brill .............................. 305 Calvin Martin ........................... 365 Floyde Dreemer .......................... 8 ' Total—Newfield ..:................... — 1773 CAROLINE. Albertine Brailey .......................... 365 Total—Caroline ...................... — 365 240 The Supervisors' Proceedings' ENFIELD. John Lovel .............................. 209 Wm. Austin ............................. 13 Total—Enfield ....................... — 222 ULYSSES. James Tarpy ............................ 365 Ellsworth Durling ........................ 365 Erwin L. Horton ......................... 14. Lewis E. Church ......................... 3 Mary Church ............................ 39 Owen Gallighan (self Supt.) ................ 64 Total—Ulysses ....................... — 850 SUMMARY. County. .............. ....2605 ................$ 659.24 Cita'...................... 5256 ....... :.:...... 1330.17 Ithaca .................... 445................. 1.12.61 Lansing ..................1283 ............:... 325.18 Dryden ....:.............. 11a'3 ................ 299.67 Groton ...................0000 ................ 000.00 Danb>, ....................7.773 935 ................ '236.61 Newfield .................. ................ 448.68 Caroline 36592.37 352 Enfield ................... 222 .............. .. 56.18 Ulysses ................... 850 ................ 215.09 Total ................14919 ................$3775.79 The whole amount expended for the support of the institution has been $4,447.39, of which amount $G71.G0 was for improve- ments, leaving the sum of $3,775.79 for actual maintenance. This is classified as follows as per accompanying vouchers, and have been audited by the superintendent and drafts drawn on the County Treasurer for same. Date No. Order Class "A" Amount.. ' 1905. Meats ' Jan. 17 330 E. C. Ai'den $ 5.38 G.G G, 17 390 Joseph Knight 20.25' 21 345 O. J. Beardsley 12.32 27 352 Floyd Brown 39.07 Feb. 15 363 Floyd Brown G.G G, The Supervisurs' Proceedings 241 Date 1904. Nov. 22 23 23 30 Dec! 1 22 1905. Jan. 16 17 17. 17 17 24 Feb. 16 Mar. 13 13 13 18 27 Apr. 8 1.2 May 19 June 23_ 23 July 1 3 3 3 Total meats No. Order 18 365 F. J. Brown 11.48 232 21 367 F. Bower 12.99 Mar. 9 375 F. J. Brown 10.12 May 30 411 T. J.Wolverton .& Son 17.79 July 6 429 Floyd Brown 21.93 364 15. 433 C. J. Wortman & Son 22.41 Sept. 2 449 C. J. Wortman & Son. 28.02 Oct. 19 4G9 F. Brown 39.11 Nov. 9 482 J. \V. Kirby 3.2u 425 9 483 C. J. Wolverton - 35.06 Date 1904. Nov. 22 23 23 30 Dec! 1 22 1905. Jan. 16 17 17. 17 17 24 Feb. 16 Mar. 13 13 13 18 27 Apr. 8 1.2 May 19 June 23_ 23 July 1 3 3 3 Total meats No. Order Class "B" ' Provisions and Dry Goods 232 C. J. Updike ' 236 C. L. Clock 237 Fariington Bros. 243 W. J. Davis 245 J. C. John 254 C. J. Updike 324 Farrington Bros. 325 Rothschild Bros. 326 L. S. Robinson 238 J. C. Stowell Co. 337 Ezra Youngs 347 Wm. Palmer 364 J. C. Stowell Co. 377 Fred Atwater 379 Rothschild Bros. 381 J. C. Stowell Co. 383 W. & I. McKee] 38G J. S. Lyke 394 Farrington Bros. 396 J. C. Stowell Co. 407 J. C. Stowell Co. 418 Rothschild Bros. 419 Fred Atwater 421 John Jebn 425 F. 14. Atwater 427 D. B. Stewart & Co. 428 John Youngs . $ 286.44 Amount $ 5.80 70.50 G4.35 . 25.72 3.70 5.8U 63.83 20.44 3.00 5 5.0 6 6.82 14.30 45.04 0 9.14 2.49 16.15 12.72: 26.95 48.90 1.7.00' 1.21.39 52.73 10.44, 30.64 - 8.57 1G.G& 8.84,::,; 242 The Supervisors' Proceedings 25 436 C. L. Clock 12.50 28 438 J. C. Stowell Co 8.75 Aug. 9 441 J. C. Stowell Co. 27.01 Sept. 2 447 J. C. Stowell Co. 27.07 2 450 Rothschild Bros. 5.92 4 451 Farrington Bros. 55.08 13 456 D. B. Stewart & Co. 59.72 Oct 12 464 Rothschild Bros. 15.71 12 466 John C. Jehn 16.82 21 470 - D. B. Stewart & Co. 22.85 21 471 J. C. Stowell & Co. 16.00 21 972 Fred Atwater 4.00 23 473 C. L. Clock 39.36 24 474 J. C. Stowell Co. 12.24 Mar. 18 384 D. B. Stewart & Co. 40.00 Total $1,120.01 Date No. Order Class "C•• Amount. 1905. File] Jan. 13 323 F. B. Aiken IF 130.00 ,liar. 3 371 W. F. & B. J. Vann 142.38 13 380 Ithaca Sup. & Fuel Co. . 6.40 Apr. 3 391 W. F. & B. J. Vann 126.39 May 3 401 W. F. & B. J. Vann 84.79 Total $ 489.96 Date No. Order Class "D" Amount 1905. Medical Jan. a 9 322 A. Chase,.M. D. 57.40 Mar. 31 387 A. Chase, Al. D. 57.50 May 15 404 White & Rurdick 11.99 23 408 J. A. Genung 6.25 .July 3 422 A. Chase, M. D. 57.00 Sept.. 29 461 A. Chase, Al. D. 57.00 Total $ 248.24 -Date No. Order Class "E" Amount Clothing, boots 1905. and shoes "Nov. 25 240 C. M. Stanley 17.60 The Supervisors' Proceedings 243 Dec. 1. 246 C. M. Stanley 13.50 1 250 Mosher Bros.. 5.75 Jan. 17 327 H. S. Harrington 6.75 17 ' 35'2 C. M. Stanley 3.10 '17 341 Ben Mintz 29.15 Mar. 31 389 H. C. Almy 2.65 May 15 403 Ben Mintz 1.0.12 July 15 434 Ben Mintz 10.80 Sept. 22 458 Ben Mintz 6.90 Total $ 106.32 Date No. Order - Class "F" Amount. 1905. Employees Nov. 30 242 Arthur Lyke $ 19.00 Dec. 17 '253 W. W. Bower 30.00 Jan. 11 255 Wm. Brown 15.00 20 343 A. J. Lyke 20.00 20 344 A. J.. Lyke 23.50 Feb. 21 368 W.m. Brown 20.00 Mar. 3 370 A. J. Lyke 33.00 4 312 A. T. Bower 20.00 4 273 Alice Bower 00.00 8 374 Mrs, J. H. Coy 100.00 23 385 Wm, Ili -own 35.00 Apr. 3 392 A. J. Lyke 26.00 4 393 A. T. Bower 25.00 10 395 James Bang 53.43 May 1. 399 A. J. Lyke 24.50 ,Time 1 412 A. J. 1,31ce 25.00 5 413 Wm. Brown 40.00 14 41.4 Mrs. J. 1T, Coy 70.00 19 X117 A. T. Bower 15.00 29 420 Alice Bower 51.00 July 3 423 A. J. Lyke 28.00 3 124 A. T. Bower 29.00 11 432 Win. Brown 10.00 24 435 Mathew Can 21.00 31 440 A. J. Lyke 26.00 Aug. 11 442 Mrs. J. H. Coy 40.00 12 443 Wm. Brown 10.00 18 444 A. T. Bower 25.00 28 445 Wm, Brown 30.00 Sgpt. 1. 446 A. J. Lyke 26.00 13 244 The Supervisors' Proceedings 8 452 Wm. Brown 12 453 Philo Smith 23 459 A. J. Tyke 27 460 A. T. Bower 30 462 Win. Drown NOV. 1 477 A. T. Mower 8 478 Wm. Brown 9 479 Alice Bower 9 480 Mrs. J. H. Coy Total Date No. Order - Class "G" 1905. Miscellaneous Nov. 23 235 D. L. & W* R. R. Jan. 22 346 O. J. Beardsley Mar. 382 N. Y. & Penn. Tel Co. Oct. 31 476 .John Durant Total Date No. Order - Class "H" ' 1905. Improvements Nov. 23 238 Wen. Hassard 23 239 D. D. Bower ' Dec. 1 247 Wm. Hassard 1 248 Treman, King & Co. 1 249 Henry Bortz 2 251 W, I -T. Allen Jan.' 24 348 W. T. Vann, 24 349 D. D. Bower 27 351 H. Rightmyer .31 353 F. E. Allen Feb. 1 355 H. Van Order ' 1.0 360 D. D. Bower 20 3GG Martin Breen 23 3G9 John Barker Apr. 3 390 D. D. Bower 12 397 II. D. Mann 29 398 W. T. & B. 1. Vann May 24 409 1). D. Bower June 1G 415 W. T. & B. 1. Vann luJy 28 439 D. N. Calkins Sept. 9 454 Biggs Co. 5.00 25.35 18.00 20.00 25.00 36.96 10.00 60.00 84.00 $1,249.74 Amount $ 8.10 2.0u 2.G0 37.38 $ 60.08 Amount $ 20.66 23.57 0.30 18.00 0.70 4.85 83.07 40.80 12.7U 43.25 4.00 89.00 12.00 17.50 51.01 15.75 70.00 57.51 13.50 35.28 27.74 R n The Supervisors' Proceedings 245 Oct. 12 467' Biggs Co. 7.36 286.44 2G 476 I Rothschild Bros. 12.00 Aug. 30 448 Bannerman Chem. Co. 15.00 1,249.74 Class "G," Miscellaneous ......................... Total Class "I," Lighting ..... ................... :.... $ GSG.GO Date No. Order Class "I" Amount 1905. Lighting ;Ian. 27 350 White & Burdick $ 75.00 Feb. 2 354 White & Burdick - 75.00 Oct.. 16 468 White &. Burdick 75.00 Total $ 225.00 Census of Inmates No. in house Nov. 15, 1904 . 10 Admitted during year ................................ 43 Born............................................... 00 Total.:....... ............ ... ................ I... 83 Died during year ..................................... 6 Discharged _ ......................................... 29 Total.............. .................... ........... 35 Remaining in House Nov. 15, 1905 .................... 4S The average cost of maintenance has been: Per day 25 -3 - OS -5; per week, 1-77-1-6; per year, 90.12. The average daily attendance has been 40 319-365. SUMMARY. Class "A," Meats ................................$ 286.44 Class "B," Provisions and Dry Goods .............. 1,120.01 Class "C," Fuel :..... :...................... :.. 489.96 Class "D," Medical ............................... 248.24 Class "E," Clothing .............................. 106.32 Class "F," Employees ............................ 1,249.74 Class "G," Miscellaneous ......................... 50.08 Class "I," Lighting ..... ................... :.... 225.00 $3,775.79 O W1 The Supeivisors' Proceedings Class "H," Improvements ........ .......'.... .... i 671.60 Total Expenditures ..........................$4,447.39 OUT DOOR BELIEF. 1 The amount of expenses for the relief of poor persons outside of the County Alms House, including the .services of Overseers and Transportation as per bills of Overseers is as follows: Date No. Order Name Amount 1904. Nov. 23 233 Blackman Bros., $ 74.00 23 234 Care of veteran 18.00 23 241 Blackman Bros. 10.00 30 244 Wm, Tucker, O. P., Enfleld 4.00 Dec. 2 252 Frank Davis 20`.1.57 1905. Jan. 1.7 329 O. 11. Newell, O. P., Ulysses 2.00 1.7 331 Davis & King 1.00 L7 333 Wei. Shangles, O. P., Newfield 12.00 17 334 W. H. Burnham, 0. P., Groton 6.30 17 335 Dixon & Robinson 5.64 17 - 336 Ezra Young 3.10 17 338 F. At. Davis 13.00 17 339 Wm. Burnham, 29.43 1.8 342 Blanchard & Son 5.00 Feb: 2 '56 B. Snyder, O. P., Dryden 37.55 2 357 J. E. Shea, burial 20.00 6 358 B. Snyder, O. P. 49.95 6 :359 B. Snyder,. O. P. 37.50 10 SGL F. M. Davis, O. 1'. 52.00 LO ,3G2 Wen. Tucker, O. P. 35.00 Afar. 13 376 Pierce Coal Co. - 24.10 13 378 John J. Trench, coal 37.49 May 3 400 B. Snyder, O. P.. 61.413 15 402 Bentley & Brooks 36.00 15 405 D. W. Burdick, Hospital 31.50 1.5 406 J. W. Brown, M. D. 50.00 29 410 B. Snyder, O. P. 27.00 June 17 416 Sears & Co. 31.04 0 Total $1,139.85 EXPENSE ACCOUNT The following is a statement of moneys received from sale of produce and the manner in which the same has been expended: Amount on hand at the beginning of year ............$ 41.47 RECEIPTS. 1905. 18 Apr. 18 Joseph Knight for shoats 140.00 May 15 W. & f. Mekeel Bros. Milk Check The Supervisors' Proceedings 249 July 6 430 D. B. Stewart & Co. 39.25 15 .' '. .. 6 431 Pierce Coal Co. 24.72 Oct. 28 437 H. W. Nash, M. D. 5.00 Scpt. 12 455 1). C. Brooks 23.41 Postage - 19 457 B. Snyder, O. P. 38.00 Oct. 12 465 J. P. Fahey, M. D. 8,00 Nov. 9 484 D. C. Brooks 1.7.19 .Nov. 9 481 F. B. Aiken 25.68 Mar. 31 388 J. P. Fahey, M. D. 35.00 Total $1,139.85 EXPENSE ACCOUNT The following is a statement of moneys received from sale of produce and the manner in which the same has been expended: Amount on hand at the beginning of year ............$ 41.47 RECEIPTS. 1905. 18 Apr. 18 Joseph Knight for shoats 140.00 May 15 W. & f. Mekeel Bros. Milk Check 18.65 June 15 24.26 July 15 16.23 Aug. 15 .' '. .. 5.00 Sept. 15 '' L3.90 Oct. 15 1.93 $267.47 EXPENDED Nov. 18 Transportation, soldier to Bath S. Home $ 2.25 Board for same Ithaca, dinner and supper .50 Dec. 24 Express on gas fixtures .30 Dec. 28 Cash 'to J. Marion, blacksmith 1.90 28 N. P. & Perm. Tel. & Telegraph Co. LG5 28 W. B. Franks, suppers 2.37 1905. .Jan. 5 Postage - .30 17 Postage .30 Feb. 2 Postage .50 27 Postage - .50 248 The Supervisors' Proceedings 28 6 Ms. Butter at $.30 1.80 28 Postage .20 Mar. 13 Rubber Packing for boiler .80 16 Postage .25 1.8 W. & I. Mekeel, butter and feed 14.69 Apr. 1 Postage .j0 18 H. Steamburg, seed barley 5.00 May 2 Abner Bower, labor 20.00 2 William Brown, labor 15.00 1.fi Inter -Ocean Telephone Co. 7.Ub 16 Geo. H. Vann, seed potatoes 2.14 1.6 Freight 1.19 16 Postage .25 17 Freight - .25 19 Thos. Kirby, seed corn 1.50 19 Grant Cole, fence posts 4.uO 19 John Flynn, meat .85 19 L. F. Noxen, supplies .rU 19 Ithaca Journal, printing 4.50 19 G. H. Baker, meat 1.12 20 W. B. Franks, fish 1.00 20 J. Gearing, vet. service 1.75 30 Postage .50 30 N. Y. & Penn. Tel. & Telegraph Co. .65 June 12 Postage .24 17 H. C. King, supplies .45 t7 H. F. Mosher, two pairs shoes 3.00 1.7 AVm. Hasard, improvements 7.16 22 E. Manning, supplies 2.56 28 Lang & Button, repairs 1.60 July 7 J. G. Wortman, supplies 4.70 7 W. B. Frank, supplies 4.38 12 Postage .50 14 Boiler Packing .58 25 Postage .50 25 E. Manning, supplies 1.45 30 Axle -tree for wagon 1.00 30 A. T. Bower, labor, county farm 16.23 Aug. 26' E. Manning, supplies 2.00 Sept. 12 Transportation, Mcfieegan 3.00 14 Supervisor Simpson 2.70 1.6 E. Wood, peaches .70 1.6 Mrs, Wm. Bower, bbl, vinegar 8.80 25 L. B. Frear, supplies 1.75 The Supervisors' Proceedings 249 Oct. 8 Express .40 8 Postage .50 12 Freight on carbide. 3.80 13 Transportation, woman to Bath 1.08 14 Daily Journal 3.00 t7 Postage .50 17 L. B. Frear, supplies .75 17 Stover Hardware Co. 1.30 20 John Flynn, meat 3.60 Nov. 8 Freight on generator. 5.76 13 Postage _ .25 Balance on hand RECAPITULATION. $180.50 $ SG.G7 Expense for maintenance of House ..................$3,775.79 Average. Improvement to property and furniture .............. 686.60 Out Door Relief and Services of O. P ................ 1,079.17 Total .....................................$5,541.56 161 CROP REPORT In addition to the stock and tools heretofore reported belong- ing to County, there are 10 fatting hogs and 2 brood sows and 4 shoats. The expended for improvements while not as large as in some former years, includes about 100 rods of the ditching, the lack Average. Bushels. On hand. Wheat 9 222 161 Oats 9 444 400 estimated Barley 5 209 209 Buckwheat 5 204 204 Beans 3Y, 50 50 Potatoes 4 2,80 260 estimated Corn 9 900 900 " Apples 3 50 40 Onions 4 4 " Beets 150 150 Cbabage 400 - 375 Hay 40 tons 40 tons " Cornstalks from 9 In addition to the stock and tools heretofore reported belong- ing to County, there are 10 fatting hogs and 2 brood sows and 4 shoats. The expended for improvements while not as large as in some former years, includes about 100 rods of the ditching, the lack 250 The Supervisors' Proceedings of which has been a great detriment to the farm, and has been very much geeded for some years. Sum appropriated for 1905 ................$6,000.00 Amount expended ....................... b,526.56 Surplus ...........................$ 473.44 The amount of the surplus will be needed to pay the out- standing claims against the department, that the superintendent has been unable to obtain up to this date. An estimate of those can be given if required. In conformity wiLli the 30th section of the revised statute, I respectfully report, that I estimate the expense of the Town and County Poor to be supported at the County Alm House the ensuing. year to be..................................$5,000.UU Out Door Relief ......................... 1,300.00 Services of Overseers .................... 150.Uo Transportation 50.00 Total.............................$6,b00.00 DAVID BOWER, _ Superintendent of Poor.. 1 STATE OF NEW YORK, ) , J} as. Tompkins County. David Bower, being duly sworn says that the foregoing report by him presented is just and true and the foregoing account is in all respects just and true to the best of his knowledge and DAVID BOWER. Sworn to before me this 27th day of November 1905. BERT T. BAKER. Notary Public. NOTES O6 INSPECTION OF THE TOMPKINS COUNTY ALMSHOUSE. I. THE BUILDINGS. Capacity, 80.' Estimated Value, $30,000. General character and condition of the buildings. The almshouse, is located about seven miles north of'ith- The SupervisorsProceedings 251 aca, on the west side of Cayuga I ake. The buildings are of brick, except the frame two-story building occupied by the Superintendent and by the women inmates. The men's bnild- ing has two stories and a cellar. The service building con- nected with both the others by corridors, has dining rooms and kitchen on the main floor, and laundry, and cellars in the basement. This building has but one story above the base- ment. All the buildings are in good repair. Recent Improvements: An acetylene gas plant has been employed. New tank for the hotwater heater. New shingling, ,on Superintendent's part of frame building. The improvement in lighting was recommended by the State Board of Charities. Contemplated Improvements: Power pump for water service, to supplement the windmill. Heating: By steam. The low pressure boiler is in the basement of the service, building. , Lighting: By acetylene. The generator (carbide feed) is in a ceiled chamher in the basement of the service building. Ventilation: By doors and windows and by fireplaces in the men's building. The cellar of the men's building is ,poorly ventilated. Water Supply: The supply is of good quality, but defect- ive in service and pressure. A covered reservoir of spring water furnishes the supply which is pumped from a receiving cistern by windmill to two tanks in the attic. The supply is not dependable. , Rain water cisterns are also used. Bathing Facilities: Iron tubs are provided for each sex. ITot and cold water connections. Laundry Appliances: Hand appliances only. The lawn- dr_v room is below the kitchen. A steam laundry is needed. Drainage: by .5-incli cementjoint tile to a cesspool about 3o rods in the rear of the almshouse. Precautions Against Fire: One-half inch rubber hose is attached to standpipes depending for pressure on attic tanks. Dry and liquid chemical extinguishers are used. Fire pails, . filled, and baud grenades are well distributed. The water supply should be bettered as to pressure for fire purposes. 252 The Supcivisbrs' .Proceedings Means of Escape in the Event of fire: By interior stairs, and from the uvonien's building by outside wooden stairs from a veranda. It. T14E FARr\a. Number of acres of land, loo. Estimated Value, $j,000. Adaptability of the Soil: Adapted to general farming. Barris and Outbuildings: They are in good repair and well removed except in the horse barn which is too near the residence buildings. Dairy, and the Disposal of its Products: Seven cows are. milked. A silo is needed so that more cows could be wintered. The products are for the inmates. ]nlplovment of the Inmates: Those able to do any work are given tasks about the hoose and farm. III. THE CENSUS. IV. CARE OF THE SICK. Hospital Accommodations: Hospital rooms are set aside in each dormitory. Two rooms in the dormer attic are avail- able for isolation purposes. They should be put in readiness Males. Females. Total. Number of inmates ............ 33 11 44 Children under 2 years ......... 0 0 0 Children between 2 and IO...... 0 0 0 ' Number of blind .............. 2 1 3 Number of deaf mates ......... 0 0 0 Number of feeble-minded ...... 3 2 5 \umber of idiots ............. 1 0 1 Number of epileptics .......... 2 .0 2 ` Persons over 70 years .........a 11 4 15 Aliens ...................... 0 0 0 Pensioners ................... 0 0 0 insane ...................... 1 0 1 - \leans for Separation of the Sexes Indoors: Separate buildings and separate dining rooms. 1lleans for Separation of the Sexes Outdoors: A vard for woolen. IV. CARE OF THE SICK. Hospital Accommodations: Hospital rooms are set aside in each dormitory. Two rooms in the dormer attic are avail- able for isolation purposes. They should be put in readiness 0 U The Supervisors' Procccdings253 for use at any time. They lack a tub, flush closet and a steam radiator. Medical Services, by whom performed: Dr. 'Abram Chase of Jacksonville, one and one-half miles distant. Calls when needed, ai,eraging twice a week. Hospital Supplies, Dict,.Medicine, Etc., how furnished: Prescription by the doctor. Drugs by the county. Number of Paid Hospital Attendants: i\lales, o; females, o. Total o.' V. RE ORDS. State Board of Charities Record of' Inmates: The latest entry is October 24, 1905—N`0. 26r. The record is well kept. Duplicates are not forwarded to the State Board of Charities. Alnishonse Re.-ister of Inmates: Revised annually and fully posted up to (late. State Board of Health Record of Vital Statistics: Prop- erly kept. Stubs are lrept on file. Deaths Since Last Inspection: l4ales, i2; Females, 5. Total, Ly. Birdts Since Last Inspection: Males, o; females, o. otal, o. Vt. SALA to I?S,. WAGES AND LABOR. List of officers and employes of the institution, with their annual compensation: Name. Position. Compensation. David (ower Resident Supt. $350.00 Mrs. David Bower Kceper 6oa.00 Wesley Bower _ Assistant 240.00 , Mrs. John Coy Asst. Matron 365 OD William Brown Farmer 300.00 Abner Bower Farmer 300.00 Alice Lower Officers' cook i56.o0 Abram Chase, D7. D. Physician 230.00 Rev. Melvin Owen Chaplain 100.00 0 254 The Supervisors' Proceedings YIt. REMARKS. Inspection was made with the Superintendent and assist- ant. All the officers and employes were at home. " The dormitory rooms were found in good order and beds well made, covered with white spreads, clean and free from -vermin. The inmates appear to -be properly cared for. They say they are well fed. The food supplies were of good quality. 'The assistant matron oversees the preperation of the food. The bread is excellent. The detention room in the basement of the men's building is suitable for the purpose for which it was built. Its present use as a voluntary sleeping room by a male inmate who has an offensive fever sore, should not be continued. Among the inmates are a man named Cavanaugh, aged -48, who is insane, and should be committed to the State Hos- pital. His son, Clarence Cavanaugh, aged 21, is an idiot, who should be sent to Rome. lie has lost the use of his legs, appar- ently through inaction, as he could walk quite well when he came to the almshouse about three years ago. Since then he has sat constantly in a chair opposite his father, beside the "same bed. The father walks about a little but will not exercise nor permit his sou to be removed from his presence. He says he and his son both have large fishes in their stomachs. The two epileptics, Cook, aged 28, and Williams, aged 35, "should go to Sonvea. The most pressing need is for better water service. A reservoir of,sufficient elevation to give good pressure, should -Le provided. This would be far cheaper than rebuilding.alms- house buildings which now have inadequate protection from fire. The improvements needed are: t. A reservoir of water delivered upder good pressure -with outside hydrants, hose and interior standpipes with hose attached. 2. Hospital equipment for isolation cases. 3. A steam laundry plant. The Supervisors' Proceedings 255 4. Removal of horse barn from its present site. 5. New ice house and cold storage room. 6. Shower baths. Respectfully submitted, WM. C. ROGERS, Dated, November 1, 1905. Inspector. REPORT OF INSPECTION OF TOMPKINS COUNTY JAIL. Located at Ithaca. Inspected by the Secretary October 6, 1905. The number of inmates on the day of inspection was 5, all men. One of these was a court prisoner, and 4 were serving sentences. The highest number at any one time during the past year was 28; the average 17. During the year there were 30 women committed. The most women at any one time was 6. There were also during the year 6 witnesses and 1 civil prisoner. The jail contains on the first floor four, single and four double cells. On one side of the second floor there are two cells and a room for court prisoners, and the same for women on the other side. Hence the jail has only three departments. There is no place provided for the separate custody of wit- nesses, civil prisoners and juveniles. Failure to provide for the separate housing of these classes of prisoners is not only unwise, but it is a distinct violation of the County_ Law. The interior of the jail is very (lark, especially the cells on the first floor. The side walls are very thick, and the window openings small. These small openings are so obstructed with double sets of wide iron bars as to render them almost useless for the admission of light. These windows should be enlarged, and be furnished with a single set of round tool -proof steel bars. The jail is heated with steam and lighted with electricity. 256 The Supervisors' Proceedings Employment: The prisoners are employed in highway improvement on the roads in the township of Ithaca, outside the city. In the winter they are employed in the stone shed. The number employed varies from three to eleven. The usual number is from five to seven. The jail is kept scrupulously clean,_and the beds have woven wire mattresses and blankets for bedding. The office of sheriff is a salaried one. The cost of board- ing the prisoners last year was forty-three cents a day per capita. . ' JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. Reports of the Justices of the Peace of the various Towns of the County of all fines and penalties collected by them during the past year. CAROLINE. F. A. Snow reports no money received. E. If. Mitchell reports no money received. Gardner Doughty reports no money received. Frank M. Bull reports received ..................... $26.00 DANBY. J. B. Thatcher reports no money received. Z. Smiley reports no money received. Frank Smiley reports no money received. T. W. Slocum reports no money received. DRYDEN. Paul Ewers reports no money received. G. E. Underwood reports no money received. John B. Shaver reports no money received. Andrew Baker reports no money received. J. D. Ross reports received .........................$40.00 ENFIELD. James McCracken reports no money received. R. V. Egbert reports no money received. The Supervisors'. Proceedings 257 H. A. Rockwell reports no money received. J. J. Johnson reports no money received. GROTON J. M. Montfort reports no money received. H. A. Brooks reports no money received. A. J. Conger reports no money received. Newton Baldwin reports received ....................$10.00 ITHACA Jake Wilcox reports no money received. Frank McPherson reports no money received. S. M. Updike reports no money received. L. F. Colegrove reports received ...........:..........$55.00 • LANSING. Casper Fenner reports no money received. D. D. Winn reports no money received. Wellmore Townley reports no money received. L. V. Main reports no money received. NEWFIELD. v Glenn M. Keene reports no money received. William Weatherell reports no money received. Chas. H. Brown reports no money received. W. L. Puff reports received .................x..........$5.00 ULYSSES. M. T. Williamson reports received ............x.........$5.00„ Henry Williams reports no money received. John N. Barker reports no money received. 'O. G. Noble, no report. -58 The Supervisors' Proceedings BANK TAX STATEMENT. This statement shows the amount of stock assessed in each Village or City, the amount of tax to be paid thereon, and the pcoportionment thereof less the County Treasurer's fees for col- lecting and disbursing same: Dated, January 4th, 1906. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk Board of Supervisors. To the Comptroller of the State of New York: DEAR SIR:—The following is a statement of the several towns in the County of Tompkins that have adopted, by vote, the money system for the repair of highways and of the amount of tax levied therein by the Board of Supervisors of said County at their annual session in the month of December, 1905, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 183, Laws of 1904, viz.: Name of Amount of Ass'd val. excl. Town Tax 0 Caroline ...... 0 .......... $2,161.17 C1ry ox Name of o I 746,620 v ou ;, vF o �Oo t'n,tacr Bank Ithaca .......1 ......... .. .. 2,524.78 : 'Lansing .................. 2,967.68 o,� -Newfield ............. .. ... 1,778.66 6981635 Ulysses ................... 2,006.83 oono a>u W.°. Chairman of Board of Supervisors, I certify that the foregoing statement is correct. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk of Board of Supervisors. STATE OF NEW YORK l • COUNTY OF TOMPKINS. ss. I Ithaca tst National 1$3z7,z58.T7 1$3,z7z.58 1$ 1$ I$ 3 Ithaca I Tmnp.Co. Nat'11 237,4o6.84 1 2,37407 1 56.47 1 88437 1 308-.81 11525.00 Croton 1st. Nati-nal 1 1,5,105-11 115'--5 1 Gro[on 3lechanics 99.3YJ93 99398 v.4i 48906 1,008.91 625.61 Dryden tst. National ` z9,947.81 zo9 4S 3.0o 70.09 I tzz.g8 1-3.41 rnnnans6urg tst. National z5,o00.ao z5o.00 Trumansburg 1 The Statc 1 z5,000.00 1 250.00 I 5.00 1 19S.0o 1 14850 148.50 Dated, January 4th, 1906. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk Board of Supervisors. To the Comptroller of the State of New York: DEAR SIR:—The following is a statement of the several towns in the County of Tompkins that have adopted, by vote, the money system for the repair of highways and of the amount of tax levied therein by the Board of Supervisors of said County at their annual session in the month of December, 1905, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 183, Laws of 1904, viz.: Name of Amount of Ass'd val. excl. Town Tax of incor. vil. Caroline ...... 0 .......... $2,161.17 $ 858,30.: Danby ................... 1,572.75 746,620 Dryden .........c......... 4,222.18 1,816,562 -Groton ...... ...... :...... 2,575.50 1,009,825 Ithaca .......1 ......... .. .. 2,524.78 1,082,987 'Lansing .................. 2,967.68 1,158,511 -Newfield ............. .. ... 1,778.66 6981635 Ulysses ................... 2,006.83 SU7,G65 R. NEWTON MOUNT, Chairman of Board of Supervisors, I certify that the foregoing statement is correct. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk of Board of Supervisors. STATE OF NEW YORK l • COUNTY OF TOMPKINS. ss. I The Supervisors' Proceedings 259 R. Newton Mount, being duly sworn deposes and says that bets the chairman of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins; that he bas read the foregoing statement and knows the same to be true. R. NEWTON MOUNT. ' Subscribed and sworn to'before me this 14th day of December, 1905. B. T. BAKER, Notary Public. To the Comptroller of the State of New York: DEAR SIR:—The following is a statement of Towns in the. County of Tompkins that have adopted, by vote, the money system' for the repair of highways and of the amount of money, expended by such Towns for extraordinary repairs of the highways because of damages done by floods, the said amounts being in addition to the regular highway tax levied this year for the improvements of the highway by the Supervisors of the County of Tompkins at their annual session in the month of December, 1905, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 153, Laws of 1904, viz.: Town. Amount. Caroline ................:.................. ....$4,Ob0.00 Danby ......................................... 688.00 Dryden ........................................ 500.00 .Newfield ....................................... 3,000.00 R. NEWTON MOUNT, Chairman of Board of Supervisors. I certify that the foregoing statement is correct. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk of Board of Supervisors. STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF TONIPIi1NS. R. Newton Mount, being duly sworn, deposes and says that 'he is the chairman of the Board of Supervisors of the County oc Tompkins; that he has read the foregoing statement and knows the same to be true. Subscribed and sworn to before me this R. NEWTON MOUNT. 1.4th day of December, 1905. B. T. BAKER, Notary Public. I z6o The Supervisors' Proceedings To the Comptroller of the State of New York: DEAR SIR:—The following is a statement of the Town of Caroline in the County of Tompkins which adopted, by vote, pre - lions to the year 1904, the money system for the repair of hig5- wa3's, and of the amount of money tax levied in the year 1904 • in said Town for extraordinary repairs and permanent improve- ments of highways because of damages done by floods, the said amount being in addition to the regular heghway tax levied in said Town in said year of 1904 for the improvements of highways • by the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County at their annual session in the month of December, 1904, pursuant to the pro • - visions of Chapter 1.83, Laws og 1904, viz,: Name of Amount of Ass'd val. excl. Town Tax of incor. vil. (1904) Caroline $2,100.00 $370,770 R. NEWTON MOUNT, Chairman of Board of Supervisors, for years 1904 and 1905. I certify that the foregoing statement is correct. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk of Board of Supervisors. for years 1904 and 1900. STATE OF NEW YORK,i ss.: COUNTY OF TOMPKINS. J R. Newton Mount being duly sworn deposes and says that he is the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins, and was,also Chairman of said Board in 1904; that he has read the foregoing statement and knows the Vame to be true. R. N.: N'lON MOUNT. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 23d day of February, 1900. H. K. STONER, Justice of the Peace. � O W W OVO 00 VVr'I d�N ti N wci .n ino NNo '.a xey yo]unomy d'---------__ 0 0 0 --_ 000 00 00000 0 0 0 000 .no ooa��n :J C- C' O W Ifi CV O N N N rl 'noijunluA I?IO,J. 0 0 0 000 00 00000 • 0 0 0 000 �o oov0�n .alels;3 lead .c c- c- o c� N o 3o anluA passassy ------ — sosodand lle ao; uoµ -exe.J. JeaOT of laal -gcig,Clsadoid ]euos -iad 3o amen passassV . a' w 00 0 F F O O Z v� FFF. f -'q FUW E-4 as F mq .W . b0o U q a UCmo Ohm OU mea^.ya Momo`�>� coUaGm o �o mo'0a aE qo.-U>.E. 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Baker, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: We, the undersigned, wish you to call a Special Session •of the Board of Supervisors to be held in the Supervisors' Room, Ithaca, N. Y., May 20th, 1905, at 10 a. m. R. N. MOUNT, A. N. MILLER - I -L C. FAIRBANPS, R. F. CI-IAPPUIS, JOHN J. I-IANSHAW, W. H. PARKER, I-1. B. PEARSALL 1-I. P. HUTCHINGS, ORLANDO NtiHI"L-h, BERKLEY SIMPSON, F. D. FISH. SATURDAY, MAY 2001, 1905. Jiorgring Session. Roll call. Quorum present. Call read by the Clerk. Edward J. Alone, Esq., was given the privilege of the -floor and he explained the manner in which the County could get the aniouut of its judgment against the State of New York. By Mr. I-Ianshaw: Whereas the County of Tompkins did on the 8th day of Feburary, 1900, file with the Court of Claims of the 'State of New York a claim against said State for the sum of $3,860.86, which claim was numbered 4990; and. did on the 12th day of .April, 1900, file with the said Court a claim against the said 'State for $3,756.74, numbered 5104; which said claims were 272 The Supervisors' Proceedings for taxes collected from and paid by railroads in the towns of Tompkins County, bonded to aid such railroads, and paid by the County Treasurer to the State, (Chapter 330, Laws 1899), and Whereas, the said Court of Claims did on the 27th day of December, 1904, render a judgment in favor of the County of Tompkins against the said State, that the said County should have and recover judgment against the State of New York for the sum of $5,559.90; RESOLVED, That, pursuant to Chapter 244 of the Laws of the State of New York for the year 1905, and in consideration of the sum of Five Thousand Five Hundred and Fifty-nine Dol- lars and Ninety-six ,cents and interest thereon from the date of the rendition of the said judgment to the 10th day of May, 1905, the County of Tompkins sell, assign, transfer and set over unto Otto Kelsey, the Comptroller of the State of New York, and to his successors in office, and assigns, the said judgment so ren- dered by the Court of Claims as aforesaid and all sums of money due and to become due thereon; and that Bert T. Baker, the Clerk of this Board, and Edward J. Mone, the attorney of record in said proceediugs be, and they hereby, are designated and author- ized to execute in the name of the County of Tompkins and deliver unto said Otto Kelsey as such Comptroller, the proper asigument of the said judgment necessary to complete the sale,_ transfer and assignment thereof. ' On motion the same was adopted. Ayes -Messrs. Hutchings, Chappuis, Fairbanks, Gallag- her, Hinshaw, Fish, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Simpson, Pearsall,, Whitc-12. Noes—none. By Mi•. Parker: RESOLVED, That the Treasurer of Tompkins County be. and he hereby is authorized and empowered to endorse the name of the County of Tompkins upon any check, order, warrant or draft executed by the State of New York, or by any officer of said State for the payment of the judgment which.is held by.the, The Supervisors' Proceedings 273 County of Tompkins against the State of New York for the pay- ment of the sum of $5,559.96, and accrued interest thereon, and to collect the payment of such check, order, warrant or draft, and upon Its collection to pay out and distribute the same as follows: To the City of Ithaca the sum of $3,314.82, with inter- est thereon; to the Town of Ithaca the sum of $624.G3 with interest thereon; and to the Town of Groton the sum of $1,620.46 and interest thereon. And upon payment thereof, to take and fire proper receipts from the said Towns and City. On motion the same was adopted. Ayes --Messrs. Hhtchings, Chappuis, Fairbanks, 'Gallag- tler, Hanshaw, Fish, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Simpson, Pearsall, . White—i2. Noes—none. Mr. Fairbanks, Chairman of the Committee' for the im- provement of the County Cleric's Office, made a verbal report of the needed improvement. On motion the P,oard adjourned to 1:30. Afternoon Session. Roll call. All members present. ' ' The Clerk read the -report of Messrs. Chappuis and Fish on their visit to the County Almshouse as the committee for the month of May, which on motion of Mr. Sprigg was accepted'. and ordered filed. The Clerk read the following petition: The undersigned, petitioner, Def. A. Reid, petitions the Hon- 274 The Supervisors' Proceedings orable Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, N. Y., to grant him a Kennel License to breed thoroughbred dogs. Petitioner lives and his place of business is in the Town of Caroline, Tompkins County, N. Y., and he is responsible for any and all damage done by his dogs. fie desires to raise and breed water spaniels, a kind which does not annoy sheep. Said dogs to be kept at home and to be out only when accompanied by owner or attendant. DF.F. A. REID, Petitioner. On motion of Dr. Gallagher, the petition was received and the license granted. On motion of Dr. Gallagher, the commission appointed on the purchase of the Ithaca Water Works by the City of Ithaca were granted permission to use a room in the Court House for their sessions. On motion ,of Dor. Parker the Board went into executive session. Ly Dr. Gallagher: RESOLVED, That the back room of the County Cleric's Office be equipped with steel furnishings in accordance with the plans and specifications submitted and subject to the approval of the Board of Supervisors. Its adoption was moved by Mr. Hanshaw. By Mr. Fairbanks: RESOLVED, as an amendment, that both rooms and vault of the County Cleric's Office be equipped with steel furnishings at a cost not to exceed $5,000. In accordance with the plans and specifications submitted and the work to be subject to the approval of the Board of Supervisors. Ou motion of Mr. Sprigg its adoption was lost. Ayes—Messrs. Hutchings. Fairbanks, Sprigg, Miller -4. The 'Supervisors' Proceedings 275 Noes—Messrs. Chappuis, Gallagher, Hanshaw, Fish, Par- ker, Simpson, Pearsall, White -8. ' RESOLVED, as a substitute to Dr. Gallagher's resolution, that both rooms and vault of the County Clerk's Office be "nipped with steel furnishings at a cost not to exceed $4,000 in accordance with the plans and specifications submitted, and the work to be subject to the approval of the Board of Supervisors. On motion of Mr. Hutchings the same was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Hutchings, Chappuis, Fairbanks, Gallag- her, Hanshaw, Fish, Miller, Sprigg, Simpson, Pearsall, Whitt -11. Noes—Mr. Parker—l. The committee on the installation of the steel equipment in the County Clerk's Office opened the,bids submitted on the proposed work,nahich were as follows: The Berger ➢ifg. Co., Canton, Ohio....................$6,600 Library Bureau, New York City ...................... 4,250 The General Fireproofing Co., Youngstown, Ohio........ 4,351 The Canton Sterl Roofing Co., Canton, Ohio............ 5,090 Art Metal Construction Co., Jamestown, N. Y., submitted two propositions: l.st. Accordance to plans and specifications........ 4,:50 2nd. Accordance to plans and specifications with plain paneled surfaces in place of sunken or moulded panels 4,160 On motion of Mr. Sprigg, Messrs. Fairbanks and Mount were appointer) a committee to interview Mr. D. C. Wads- worth, the representative of the Art Metal Construction Co., and ascertain if his Company N%,ould install the work according to plans and specifications submitted for $4,000. After such interview the committee reported favorably. 276 The Supervisors' Proceedings By Dr. Gallagher: RESOLVED, That the Building Committee be empowered to make a contract with the Art Metal Construction Company to equip the County Clerk's Otlice with steel furnishings in accord- ance with the plans and specifications submitted for $4,000, and the same to be installed forthwith and the work to be subject to the approval of the Board of Supervisors. On motion the same was adopted. On motion the Board arose from executive session. On motion of \Ir. Hanshaw the Annual Picnic of the Board of Supervisors and their families and the ex -members and their families was arranged to be held at the George Junior Republic at Freeville, N. Y., on June loth, 1905. The minutes for the day were read and approved. On motion the Board adjourned. , BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. Special session. To Bert T. Baker, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: - NVc, the undersigned, wish you to call a Special, Session Df the Board of Supervisors to be held in the Supervisors' Room in Ithaca, N. Y., at to a. in., August 5th, 1905. R. N. AMOUNT, JOHN J. HANSHAW. R. F. CHAPPUIS, BERmLLY SID1L'SON, W. C. GALLAGHER, H. B. PEARSALL, F. D. FISH, ORLANDO WHITE, W. 11. PARKER. A. N. 2\11LLER, H. F. HUTCHINGS. SATURDAY, AUGUST 5th, 1905. The Supervisors' Proceedings ' 277 Morning 6cssioa. Roll call.. Quorum present. Call for the special session read by the Clerk. R. Horton, Esq., Attorney for the Town of Newfield, was given the privilege of the floor and outlined the application of the Town Board of said Town for authority to raise $7,500 for the repair and construction of highways and bridges dam- aged and destroyed by high waters. The proof of the giving of the proper notices for a special Town Meeting authorizing the Town Board of the Town of 0 Newfield to borrow the $7,5oo and the result of such special Town Meeting were read and on motion filed. 0 By Mr. Simpson: AN ACT authorizing the Town of Newfield, in the County of Tompkins and State of New York, to construct, rebuild and repair certain bridges and highways in said Town, and to borrow money and issue its promissory notes therefor, for the purpose of paying the cost of such construction, rebuilding and repairs. Passed of the fifth day of August, 1905, two-thirds of all e the Supervisors elected to the Board of Supervisors of said County voting in favor thereof. The Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins in pursuance of authority conferred by Sec. 69 of the County Law, and the acts amendatory thereof, and in pursuance of the pro- visions of Sees. 12 and 14 of the County Law, and of Secs. 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 of the General Municipal Law, do enact as follows: WHEREAS, the Town Board and sole Commissioner of High- way of the said Town of Newfield, pursuant to a vote of amajor- ity of the electors of the said Town at a Special Town Meeting duly called and held in said Town on the 25th day of July, 1905, have made application to this Board to construct, rebuild and 278 ' . . The Supervisors' Proceedings repair certain highways and bridges in said Town, which high- ways and bridges are located as follows: , An iron bridge in Greenville; repairs upon highway from White Bridge to watering trough in Greenville, bridge and repairs upon highway near Pope Blakeslee's; iron bridge near Newfield Station; filling in and wing wall near J. C. Thompson's; bridge and filling upon Gosline cross -road; stone arch filling and wing walls in VanBuskirk's Gulf; bridgesand repairs on highway near Swartwood saw mill in Pony Hollow; iron bridge near Myron Cranes's upon Inlet Road; repairing highway near residence of Myron Crance; dyking highway near residence of James Bruce; repairs on highway near residence of Henry Sineebaugh; 16 tons of iron piles; 8,000 feet of bridge plank; repairs on highway and material in Newfield Village; repairs on highway near Henry Piper place;bridge near residence of William Georgia; bridge near residence of Wilber, Alexander; bridges and repairs on high- way in Freese Gulf;. bridges and repairs on highway leading from a Cayuta to Irish Hill; and also have applied for authority to borrow the aggregate sum of Seven Thousand Five Hundred Dollars upon the credit of said Town, and to issue the obligations of the said Town therefor; and WHEREAS, it appears that the said highways and bridges were damaged or destroyed by the elements to such an extent as to become unsafe for public use, and that the estimated cost and expense of such construction, rebuilding and repairs exceeds the sum of Five Hundred Dollars, and that such construction, rebuilding and repairs are necessary and proper, and that such Town should be. authorized to borrow the sum of Seven Thousand' Five Hundred Dollars upon the credit of such Town and issue its promissory notes therefor, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Town of Newfield in the County of Tompkins and State of New York, be and is hereby authorized to construct, rebuild and repair the said highways and bridges, and that the said Town is hereby authorized and empowered to issue its promissory notes upon the credit of such Town to an amount. not to exceed the sum of Seven Thousand Five Hundred Dollars, and to sell or cause the same to be sold at not less than their par value at a rate not exceeding 4 per cent. per annum, for the purpose of paying the cost and expenses of the construc- tion, rebuilding and repairs of such highways and bridges; and The Supervisors' Proceedings 279 RESOLVED, That such promissory notes shall be signed by the Supervisor and the Town Clerk of the said Town of Newfield, and that the Supervisor of such Town'shall negotiate such promis- sory notes according to law and as above provided, and that be shall apply the proceeds of the sale thereof to the payment of the cost and expense of such construction, rebuilding and repairs. That the said Supervisor before issuing or negotiating any of said promissory notes shall make and execute to the Town Clerk of'such Town a good and sufficient bond or obligation in the penal sum of Eight Thousand Dollars, conditioned for the faith- ful performance of his duties in issuing such promissory. notes. and the lawful application of the funds which may be realized from the sale thereof, and of the finds that may be received by tax or otherwise for the payment of the promissory notes issued in pursuance to this Act, and the interest thereof, which may come into his hands. Such bond or obligation so made by the said Supervisor, shall be approved by the Town Board of such Town and Filed in the Office of the Town Cleric; and be it further RESOLVED, That such promissory notes shall be made pay- able at the Ithaca Savings Bank in the City of Ithaca, New York, and that the interest on such notes shall lie payable at such bank annually on the 20th day of February of each year. That Three Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty Dollars of the principal sum borrowed by the said Town tinder and pursuant hereto shall be made payable on the 20th day of February, 190G, and the remain- ing part of the principal sum borrowed by said Town under and pursuant hereto shall be made payable on the 20th day of Feb- ruary, 1907; and be it further - RESOLVED, That the form of such promissory notes shall be as follows (the blank dates, amounts, rate or rates of interest, name or names of payees, and time of payment, being filled in): $ Ithaea, N. Y ................ 1905. On the 20th day of February, 190.., for value received, the Town of Newfield promises to pay to .......................: or order, the sum of .................... Dollars, with interest at the rate of .... per cent. per annum. Payable at the Ithaca .Savings Bank of Ithaca, New York. By Supervisor of the Town of Newfield. ............................ 'Down Clerk of the Town of Newfield. 280 The Supervisors' Proceedings BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Board of Super- visors of said County of Tompkins shall assess a levy upon the taxable property of the said Town of Newfield, a certain sum to pay the principal and interest of the said promissory notes as the same shall mature, and the said Supervisor of the said Town of Newfield shall report the amount of said principal and interest to the said Board of Supervisors as required by law. On motion of Mr. Parker the same was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Hutchings, Chappuis, Fish, Mount, Hanshaw, Parker, 'Miller, *White, Simpson, Pear- sall—ii. ear- sall—if. Noes—none. On motion the Board adjourned to z P. M. Afternoon Session. Roll call. Quorum present. By Mr. Hanshaw: Whereas no ottleial of Tompkins County or any Town com- prising Tompkins County has ordered the Betts Highway Manual to be delivered here or to them, RESOLVED, That the County of Tompkins assume all Habil- ity in defending any and all of the different Towns comprising Tompkins County in the matter of the Betts Highway Manuals In refusing to pay for said manuals. On motion of Dr. Gallagher the resolution was unanim- ously adopted. On motion of Mr. Chappuis the Committee on Insurance were instructed to take out boiler insurance on the County Clerk's Office. The Supervisors 'Proceedings 281 The minutes for the day were read and approved. On motion the Board adjourned. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. Special Session. To Bert T! Baker, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: We, the undersigned, wish jou to call a Special Session of the Board of Supervisors to be held in the Supervisors' Room, Ithaca, N. Y., at Io o'clock a. m., Saturday, September 9th, 19o5. A. N. MILLER, -BERKLEY SIMPSON, F. D. FISH, CHARLES SPRIGG, W. H. PARKER, H. B. PEARSALL, W. C'. GALLAGHER, ORLANDO WHITE, R. F. CHAPPUIS, JOHN J. HANSHAW, If. F. HUTCHINGS, R. N. MOUNT. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 9th, 1905. Morning Session. Roll call. Quorum present. The call for the Special Session was read by the Clerk. Randolph Horton, Esq., Attorney for the Town of Groton, was given the privilege of the floor and outlined the application 282 1 The Supervisors' Proceedings of the Town Board of the Town of Groton for authority to borrow $3,200 to construct and rebuild a bridge in said Town. ,The proof of the giving of the required notices for a special tows: meeting of the "Town of Groton and the result of such town meeting were read and on motion filed. By Mr. Mount: AN ACT authorizing the Town of Croton in the County of Tompkins and State of New, York, to construct and rebuild a certain bridge and abutments thereto in said town, and to borrow money and issue its promissory notes therefor, for the purpose- of paying the cost of such construction and rebuilding. Passed on the 9th day of September, 1905, two-thirds of all the Supervisors elected to the Board of Supervisors elected to the Board of Supervisors of said County voting in favor thereof. The Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins in pur— suance of authority conferred by Sec. G9 of the County Law and the acts amendatory thereof, and in pursuance of the provisions, of Secs. 12 and 14 of the County Law, and of Secs. 5, G, 7, 8 and 9 of the General Municipal Law do enact as follows: WIiEREAS, The Town Board and sole Commissioner of Highways of the said Town of Groton, pursuant to a vote of a majority of the electors of said Town at a special town meeting duly called and held in said Town on the 29th day of July, 1905,. have made application to this board to construct and rebuild a. certain bridge and abutments thereto in said Town located on Mill Street in the Village of Groton over the Owasco Inlet; and also have applied for authority to borrow the aggregate sum of Three Thousand and Two Hundred Dollars upon the credit of said town and to issue the obligations of the said Town therefor; and,. WHEREAS, Is appears.that the said bridge and abutments were damaged or destroyed by the elements to such an extent. as to become unsafe for public use, and that the estimated cost. and expense of such construction and rebuilding exceeds the sum of Five Hundred Dollars, and that such construction and rebuild - Ing are necessary and proper, and that such town should, be- The Supervisors' Proceedings 283 authorized to borrow the sum of Three Thousand and Two Hun- dred Dollars upon the credit of such town and issue its promis- sory notes therefor, now, therefore, be it I . RESOLVED, That the Town of Groton in the County of Tompkins and State of New York, be and it hereby is authorized to construct, rebuild and repair the said highways and bridges, and that the said Town is hereby authorized and empowered £o issue its promissory notes upon .the credit of such Town to an -amount not to exceed the sum of Three Thousand and Two Hun- dred Dollars, and to sell or cause the same to be sold at not less than their par value at a rate of interest not exceeding four per ccuc. per annum, for the purpose of paying the cost and expense% of the construction and rebuilding of such bridge and abutments; and RESOLVED, That. such promissory notes shall be signed by the Supervisor and Town Clerk of the said Town of Groton, and that the Supervisor of such Town shall negotiate such promis- sory notes according to law and as above provided, and ghat he shall apply the proceeds of the sale thereof to the payment of the cost and expense of such construction, rebuilding and repairs. That the said Supervisor before issuing or negotiating any of said promissory notes shall make and execute to the Town Clerk of such Town a good and sufficient bond or obligation in the penal sum of Three Thousand and Five Hundred Dollars, conditioned for the faithful performance of his duties in issuing such promissory notes and the lawful application of the funds which may be realized from the sale thereof, and of the funds that may be received by tax or otherwise for the payment of the promissory notes issued in pursuance to this Act, and the interest thereon, which may come into his hands. Such bond or nhliga- tion so made by the said Supervisor, shall be approved by the Town Board of such town and filed in the office of the Town Clerk; and be it further RESOLVED, That such promissory notes shall be made pay- able at the office of the Supervisor of said town in said Town of Groton and that the interest on such notes shall be payable at such office annually on.the let day of April of each year. That One Thousand Two Hundred Dollars of the principal sum of such promissory notes shall be made payable on the tat day of April, 1900, the sum of One Thousand Dollars on the last day of April, 1907, and the remaining partof the principal borrowed by the 284 The Supervisors' Proceedings said town under and pursuant hereto shall be made payable on the 1st day of April, 1908; and be it further RESOLVED, That the form of such promissory notes shall be as follows (the blank dates, amounts, rate or rates of interest,' name or names of payees, and time of payment being filled in): $\ Ithaca, N. Y.,....`......... 1905. On the 1st day of April, 190...., for value received, the Town of Groton promises to pay to..... °................... or order, the sum of ................... Dollars, with interest at the rate of four per cent. per annum. Payable at the office of the Supervisor of said town in the Town of Groton, N. Y. By �............................ Supervisor of the Town of Groton. Town Clerk of the Town of Groton. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Board of Super- visors of said County of Tompkins shall assess a levy upon the taxable property of the said Town of Groton, a certain sum to pay the principal and interest of the said promissory notes as the same shall mature, and the said Supervisor of the said Town of Groton shall report the amount of said principal and interest to the said Board of Supervisors as required by law. On motion of Mr. Miller the same was adopted. Ayes—Hessrs. Hutchings, Chappuis, Gallagher, Han- shaw,Fish, Miller, Parker, Sprlgg, Simpson, Pearsall, White—n. Noes --none. Randolph Horton, Esq., Attorney for the Town of Caro- The Supervisors' Proceedings 285 line, outlined the application of the Town Board of the Town of Caroline for auLbority to borrow not to exceed $4,0DO to repair highways and bridges damaged by the flood of June 21, 19o5, in said Town. The proof of the giving of the required notices for a special Town meeting of the Town of Caroline, the report of the result of such Special Town Meeting and the Application of the Town Board were read and on motion filed. AN ACT authorizing the Town of Caroline, in the County or Tompkins and State of New York, to construct, rebuild and repair certain bridges and highways in said Town, and to borrow money and issue its promissory notes therefor, for the purpose of paying the cost of such construction, rebuilding and repairs. Passed on the 9th day of September, 1905, two-thirds of all Supervisors elected to the Board of Supervisors of said County voting in favor thereof. The Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins in liur- suance of authority conferred by Sec. 69 of the County Law, son the acts amendatory thereof, and in pursuance of the provisions of Sees. 18 and 14 of the County Law, and of Secs. 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 of the General Municipal Law, do enact as follows: WHEREAS, the Town Board and sole Commissioner of High- ways of the said Town of Caroline, pursuant to a vote of a ma- jority of the electors of the said 'Town at a special town meeting duly called and held in said town on the 15th day of August...., 1905, have made application to this Board to construct, rebuild and repair certain highways and bridges in said Town which were damaged or destroyed by the flood of June 21st, 1905; and also have applied for authority to borrow the aggregate sum of Four Thousand Dollars upon the credit of said town and to issue the obligations of the said town therefor; and, WHEREAS, it appears that the said highways and bridges were destroyed by the elements to such an extent as to become unsafe for public use, and that the estimated cost and espense of such construction, rebuilding and repairs exceeds the sum of Five Hundred Dollars, and that such construction, rebuilding and re- 286 The Supcivisors'.Proceedings pairs are necessary and proper, and that such 'Down should be authorized to borrow the sum of hour Thousand Dollars upon the creiit of such Town and issue its promissory notes therefor; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the -Town of Caroline in the County of Tompkins and State of New York, be and is hereby authorized to -construct, rebuild and repair the said highways and bridges, and that the said town is hereby authorized and empowered to issue its promissory notes upon the credits of such town to an amount not to exceed the sum of Four Thousand Dollars, and to sell or cause to be sold at not less than their par value at a rate not ex- ceeding four per cent. per annum, for the purpose of paying the cost and expenses of the construction, rebuilding and repairs of .such highways and bridges; and 'RESOLVED, That such promissory notes shall be signed by the Supervisor and the Town Clerk of the said town of Caroline, .and that the Supervisor of such town shall negotiate such promis-' sory notes according to law and as above provided, and that he =shall apply the proceeds of the sale thereof to the payment of the cost and expense of such construction, rebuilding and repairs. - That the said Supervisor before Issuing or_negotiating any of said promissory notes shall make and execute to the Town Cleric or :such town in behalf of and for the benefit of such town a good .and sufficient bond or obligation in the penal sum of Four Then - .sand Five Hundred Dollars, conditioned 1'.or the faithful perform- ance of his duties in issuing such promissory notes, and the lawful application of the funds which may be realized from the sale there- of, and of the funds that may be received by tax or otherwise for the payment of the promissory notes issued in pursuance to this Act, and the interest thereof, which may come into his hands. Such bond or obligation so made by the said Supervisor, shall be .approved by the Town Board of such town and filed in the office of the Town Clerk; and be it further RESOLVED, That such promissory notes shall be made pay- able at the office of the Supervisor of said town in the said town of Caroline, and that interest on such notes shall be payable at such office annually on the 1st day of March of each year. That -Two Thousand Dollars of the principal sum of such promissory -notes shall be made payable on the tat day of March, 1907, and the remaining part of the principal sum borrowed by said town under and pursuant hereto shall be made payable on the list day ,of March, 1908; and be it further The Supervisors' Proceedings 287 a RESOLVED, That the form of such promissory notes shall be as follows (the blank dates, amounts, rate or rates of interest, name or names of payees, and time of payment being filled in): Ithaca, N. Y ....... .......... 1.005. 5 ................ On the 1st day of March, 100.., for value received, the town of Caroline promises to pay to ..... ....................... : ............. I.....:................. or order, the sum of ......... I...................................Dollars, with Interest at the rate of four per cent. per annum. Payable at the office of the Supervisor of said town in the town of Caroline, N. Y. By.............................. Supervisor of the Town of Caroline. .Town Cleric of the Town of Caroline. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Board of Supervis- ors of the said County of 'Tompkins shall assess said levy upon the taxable property of the said town of Caroline, a certain sum to pay the principal and lnterest of the said promissory notes as the same shall mature, and the said Supervisor of the said town of Caroline shall report the amount of said principal and interest to the said Board of Supervisors as required by law. On motion of Mr. Hutchings the same was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Hutchings, Chappuis, Gallagher, Han- shaw, Fish, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Simpson, Pearsall, White ii. Noes—none. 288 The Supervisors' Proceedings C By Mr. TIanshaw: Resolved, That the Board of Supervisors recommend the appointment of Ernest W. Kelsey of the City of Ithaca, N. Y., as Stenographer for the Grand Jury at a Term of the Supreme Court to be held in and for Tompkins County beginning on the 11th day of September, 1905. On motion of Mr. Hutchings the same was adopted. The Clerk read the following petition: To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: The undersigned petitioner, Fred Swartout, respectfully peti- tions the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins Count, New York, to grant him a "Kennel License," as he is engaged in breeding thoioughbre9 dogs and such business cannot be conducted with financial suceess under the present dog tax rates. Petitioner lives and his place of business is Danby, Tompkins County, N. Y., and he is responsible for any and all damage done by his dogs. He desires to raise and breed Pugs or Terriers, a kind of dog which does not bother or annoy sheep. Said dogs to be kept in a yard and to be out only when accompanied by the owner or attendant. FRED SWARTOUT, Ithaca, N. Y., R. F. D. No. 4. By Mr. Hutchings: Resolved, That the petition of Fred Swartout be received and filed and that his application for a "Kennel License" be granted on the conditions contained in such petition and if the terms upon which this special grant are observed, that a tax of twenty-five cents each be assessed and collected on account of each and every dog he may own over four months old. Resolved, Further that this act be continued in force and effect unless the terms thereof are violated by the said Fred Swartout or until the same is repealed by the Board of Supervisors of this County. _ The SuPcrvisors' Proceedings 289 On motion of Mr. Hanshaw the same was adopted. The minutes for the day were read and approved. On motion the Board adjourned. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. 0 ago The Supervisors" Proceedings CEERIK'S CERTIFICATE I, Bert T. Baker, Cleric of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, do hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing Journal of the proceedings of the Board of Su- pervisors of Tompkins County with the original record thereof and that the same is a full and correct transcript therefrom of the transactions of'said Board at the annual session and the special sessions of said 'Board during the year 1905, as far as the same is required to be printed (typographical errors to be excepted.) In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand this 4th day of January, 1906. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. The Supervisors' Proceedings 291 POLITICAL DIRECTORY AND GUIDE TO TOWN OFFICERS General Election: The first Tuesdav after the first,Mon- (MI, in November. Revised Statutes (7th Ed.), page 379. Am1nal Town Meeting: Second Tuesday in Februarv, bieuulially. Section 10, Article 2. Chapter 569, Laws of 189o. Annual School IV,iccting in Neighborhood: First "Cues - clay in August. Laws of r893, Chapter goo. Annuallfeeting of Board of Town Auditors, comprising the Supervisor, Town Clerk and Justices of the Peace, or am two of the said Justices; The first Thursday after the General Eicction at which time all accounts for charges and claims, against their respective towns must be presented for them to, audit. r Revised Statute (7th Ed.), page 835, Laws of 1840, Chapter 305. Amended, Laws of u8go, Chapter 569, 16o, 161, 162. Annual Mccting of the Board of Town Auditors as above designated, .to examine accounts. of Town Officers: On the last Tuesday preceding the annual ]'own Meeting to be held in each town. Laws of 1863, Chapter 172, Amended, Laws r8go, Chapter 569, 16o, 161. Annual Rleeting of the Supervisors of the County as a Boars] of County Canvassers, first Tuesday succeeding General [,lection. 1 Revised Statutes (701 Ed.), page 39o. Anotia] lfecting of the Board of Supervisors of the Counts: Tmmediately after the completion of the Canvass, or at such other times as they as a Board, shall fix. 2 Revised Statutes (7th Ed.), pages 926-931. Annual i`,ieeting of Supervisor, 'Gown Cleric and Justices of each Town, to designate the place.in each election district in Town at which election shall be held during the year: On the first Tuesday of September each year. Laws 1892, Chap -- ter 680. 292 The Supervisors' Proceedings 'Meeting of Supervisors, Town Clerk and Assessor of each Town, for the purpose of making lists of Trial Jurors: On the first clay of July of each third year after July t, r878, at a place in the town appointed by the Supervisor, or in his absence or vacancy ill office by Town Clerk; or, if they fail to meet on that clay, they must meet a's soon thereafter as prac- ticable. Code of Civil Procedure, 1039. The next meeting for this purpose will be lield igo8. '1'o\V] OFFICERS. Each Supervisor must execute to and deposit with the County Treasurer, a bond for the accounting of all school moneys which may conte into his hands before entering upon the duties of his office. Each Supcn•isor must make and deliver to the Town Clerk of his town, his bond for the faithful discharge of his official duties, and to account for all moneys coming into his hands as such Supervisor. The Trustees of School Districts shall make a report to the School Commissioner between the 25th daY of July and the first Tuesday in August in each year. Chapter 245, Laws LS89. The school moneys are apportioned annually by the School Commissioners oil the third Tuesclav in-XIarch. The Commissioners of highways must execute a bond to the Supervisor of their town within tell days after their election. Overseers of Highways must file a statement of all un- worked highway tax with the Supervisors of their respective towns on or before the first clay of October. Overseers of 14ighways in the several Towns of the County must be appointed oil the first day of \larch of each ear. The Tax Collector or Receiver shall, within eightclays after receiving notice of the amount of taxes to be collected by him, execute to the Supervisor of the town, and lodge with him, a bond in double the amount of said taxes, to be ap- The Supervisors' Proceedings 293 proved by the Supervisor. The Supervisor shall, within six clays thereafter, file the said bond in the office of the County Clerk of this County. The Assessors must complete the Assessment Roll on or before the•first day of August and leave a copy thereof with one of their number, and immediately thereafter cause notice thereof to be posted in three ,or more public places in their town or ward. "\V-hcn the lines between two towns, wards, or counties, divides a farm oi- lot, the same shall be taxed, if occuprfied, in the town, ward or counhV where the occupant resides; if unoccupied, each part shall be assessed in the town, ward, village of county where the same shall lie." Laws 1386, Chapter 315. The Assessors shall meet on the third Tuesday in August, to review .their assessments and hear the complaint of any person conceiving himself aggrieved. An affidavit to the roll by the Assessors made prior to the third Tuesday of AttgttsI is a nullify. The Assessors must deliver the corrected Assess- ment Roll to the 7;oivn Clerk on or before the first day of September, there to remain for a period of fifteen clays for public inspection, and the Assessors shall forthwith give public notice by. hosting the same in at least three of the most public places in the town, or by 'publishing the same in one or more newspapers published therein, that such Assessment Roll has I;ccn finally completed, the officer to which the same has been delivered, and the place; Owrc the same will be open to public inspection. Said fifteen clays, within which any assessment may he reviewed by certiorari, shall commence on the clay of the first publication. The Assessors cannot enter the name of a peron on his roll who became a resident after the first day of July. When the Assessors, or a majority of them, shall have completed their roll, they shall severally appear before any officer of the County authorized by law to administer oaths, and shall severally make said subscribe before such officers, an oath in the following form, which must be strictly followed 294 The Supervisors' Proceedings "We the undersigned, do hereby severally depose and swear that we have set clown in the foregoing Assessment Roll, all the real estate situate in the town (or ward as the case may be), according to our best information; and that, with the exception of those cases in which the value of said real estate has been changed by reason of proof produced before us, we have estimated the value of said real estate at the sums which a majority of the Assessors have decided to be the full value thereof, and also that the said Assessment Roll con- tains a true statement of the aggregate amount of the taxable estate of each and every person named in such Roll, over and above the aniountof debts due from such persons respectively, and excluding such stocks as are otherwise taxable, and such other property as is exempt by law from taxation, at the full value thereof according to out- best judgment and belief." Which oath shall be written or printed on said roll, signed by the Asessors, and certified by the officer. Laws of 188, Chap- ter 364, tor. The Supervisor must report to the County Treasurer on the first Tuesday in March, the, amount of school moneys re- maining in his hands. Each Justice of the Peace must execute a bond with two sureties conditioned for the payment ou demand to the proper officer all moneys received by the -justice, by virtue of his office, which bond must be approved by the Supervisor of the town, and filed in the Town Clerk's office. Each Justice of the Peace shall make a report in writing verified by oath, each year, bearing date the first day of Vo- vember, to the Board of Supervisors at their annual session, in which he shall state particularly the time when, and the name of the person or persons from whom any money has been received; and also the amount and on what account the same was received also all sums remaining due and unpaid; and that all moneys by him received have been paid to the officer duly empowered by laAv to receive the same. Bach Justice of the Peace shall pay to the Supervisor of his respective Town on the first llondav in each month all The Supervisors' Proceedings 295 fines and penalties imposed and received by him, and he shall also make a verified report of all fines and penalties collected by him to the Board of Town Auditors of his respective Town on Tuesday preceding the annual Town meeting. Laws of 1894, Chap, 685, Sect. I. Overseers of the Poor cannot furnish supplies to a County pauper to exceed the suin of ten dollars without an order from the County Superintendents authorizing further disbursements for such purpose. All bills payable by town must be presented to the Town Auditing Board for payment. All. bills for sup})lies furnished to County paupers mast be presented to the County Superintendents of the Poor for audit on or before November ist of each year. All bills presented to the Board of Supervisors or ani. Auditing Board must be verified by oath, stating that the same are correct in every particular, and that no compensa- tion has been received for the same, or any part thereof, except as therein stated, and presented on or before Novembr 25th. All bills for repairs or improvements of County Real Estate must have attached a written order for the work signed by some member of the committee on County Buildings; and all bills for repairs or improvements of any other County prop- erty must be endorsed by the County officer authorizing the same before it will be audited by the Board of Supervisors. REPORT The Clerk of every incorporated village and city in the County shall report to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors on or before November 1st of each year all indebtedness of such village or city, specifying for what purpose created, under what law, rate of interest and when `payable. Laws of 1892, Chap. 686. The Trustees or the person or persons having charge of the issue of bonds or payment of same of any school district shall transmit a statement thereof to the Clerk of the Board 296. The SupervisorsProceedings of Supervisors annually on or before the first day of Novem- ber. Laws of 7895. Chap. 274. The Board of Assessors of the several towns of the County and the assessor of the City of Ithaca shall furnish to the Clerk of the Poard of Supervisors on or before the first day of July in each year a full and complete list and statement of all property within their respective districts exempt from taxation under the laws of this state. Lacs of igo4, Chap. 4.38. 1NDFX. IS; Bills, Pages Alms House, Report of Superintendent ........... ..... ... 237 Nater Supply, Report Committee on ............... 7 Salaries of Superintendent of Poor. .69, 118, 131,- 146, 180 Keeper .................................... G 9, 131. Audits, County ...................................... 133 IS; Bills, Auditing of .................................... G '191. Time for receiving extended ..................... 41 Board of Supervisors, Annual Session .................... 3 34 Special Sessions........' ........................ 271 Property stricken from Assessment Roll........... Hours of each day, annual session ............... 6 285 Members.................................... 3 Chairman, Election of ................................ Table....................................... 182 Annual Picnic ......................... ... ..101., 27G Bank Tax St.atement ............................ .:..... 258 Belt's Highway Manuals, County assumed liability......... 280 Canvass, Official, Publication of ........................ 152 Caroline, Audits .................................... '191. Budget...................................... 169 Report of Supervisor on Town Indebtedness........ 47 Resolutions to raise money for Town purposes...... 34 Tax to work highways under money tax system..... 34 Property stricken from Assessment Roll........... 10 Authority to borrow money ..................... 285 Catskill Turnpike, Committee to secure rights of way .... 21, 27 Chairman, Election of ................................ 4 Member of Committee on County Buildings and Ap- propriations ....... ......... ........... .. 5 Clerk, Election of ................................... 4 Authority to buy supplies. . . ..................... 4 Allowance for poet.age.......................... fi Certificate ....................... :............ 290 Compensation for Report to Comptroller............ 6 Salary................. ... ..................... 5 Coroners, Fees of ...................... :............ 59 Collectors, When required to settle with County Treasurer.. 89 Committees, Standing ............................... 7 County Fuel and Lights ..................... 5, 14, 45 2(98 The Supervisors' Proceedings Insurance County Buildings ..................... 29 Printing of Proceedings ..... .............. ....... 10 To buy supplies for prisoners worked. ,..........13, 28 To secure rights of way on Catskill Turnpike ...... 21, 27 To secure rights of way on Cayuga Heights Road. .24, 28 On Working Prisoners .......... ................ 153 To dispose Property bought on Tax Sales........... 43 Comptroller, Communications from .................... 10, 11 Report on Corporations to .......................' 261 Report on Valuations to ......................... 268 Report on Indebtedness to ..................... 269 Highway Tax.............................88, 92, 93 County Orders, to be countersigned .................... 38 Not to issue until after adjournment .............. . 38 County,Clerk, Report of ............................... 129 Office improvement ............... 273, 274, 275, 276 County, Audits ...................................... 183 Budget ............... ......... ........:..... 168 Burial of Indigent'Soldiers and Sailors.......... 36, 40 Clerk's Salary .................................. 5 Clerk's Postage ............................. I . . 6 County Treasurer, office rent, etc ................. 18 County- Treasurer, postage ....................... 150 Contract with Monroe County Penitentiary . ....... 90 Court expenses .......... ........ ...:........... 14 District Attorney, office runt. .................... 55 Fuel and Light Appropriation .................... 150 Jail Physician ................................. 150 Janitor for Court House and Jail ................. 93 Janitor County Clerk's Office .................... 89 Salary, Chaplain at Alms House ................... 35 Salary, Chaplain at Jail ........................ 89 Sheriff's Compensation for taking Prlsoners away.... 86 Sheriff's Compensation for board of prisoners...... 27 Support of the Poor ............................ 153 Surrogate's Clerk ............................... 134 , Surrogate and County Judge Stenographer ......... ..................... 44, 49, 67, 90, 118, 135, 134, 56 Stenographer for District Attorney............... 288 Salary, Special County Judge .................... 76 Chair, County Judge's Office ..................... 76 County Clerk's Office Improvement ............... 86 Mortgage Tax Distribution ....................... 149 Incidental Bills. . . ............................. 160 7hc Supervisors' Proceedings 299 ' Groton Reimbursed ............................ 59 Typewriter .................................. 91, 98 Adding Machine ............................... 167 Payment Judgement against State.............271, 272 D 91 Danby, Audits ........................................ 193 Budget ...................................... 170 Highway Tax .................................. 87 Tax for Town purposes ......................... 123 Assessment stricken from Assessment Roll......... -80 Dryden, Audits ...................................... 196 Budget ...................................... 171 Bank Tax Statement ............................ 37 Highway Tax ................................. 33 Tax for Town Purposes ......................... 32 Rebate Erroneous Tax .......................... 77 Assessments for Cutting Brush ................... 109 Dog Tax .......................................... 15, 18 District Attorney, Stenographer for ..................... 288 Office Rent .................................... 55 E Equalization Table ................................... 119 Enfield, Audits ...................................... 200 Budget ...................................... 171 0 Report of Supervisors on Town Indebtedness........ 106 Tax for Highways and Bridges :.................... 91 Tax for Railroad Bonds. ........................ IOG Engineer, Coumt..................................... 164 F Fuel and Lights, Appropriation for ..................... 150 Committee on ................................. 5, 14 G Grand Jury, Appointment of ........................... 25 Listsof ....................................... 164 George Junior Republic, Report Committee on ........ 80, 56, 61 Contract with ......................:........... 81 Discussion on ........................... 55 Good Roads, Catskill Turnpike, securing rights of way. ...21, 27 C53'uga Heights Road, securing right of way ...... 24, 28 Petition for Improvement, Ulysses ............... 71 Petition for Improvement, Groton ................ 83 Petition for Improvement, Danby ................ 102 Petition for Improvement, Dryden ................ 103 -- ! Soo The SupervisorsProceedings , Ithaca (City) Assessment Roll copy-ing................. Resolution for Survey,. Ulysses........... Budget . ...................................... 79 Resolution for Survey, Groton ................... 57 83 Resolution for Survey, Danby....................102 County Treasurer for Collecting Taxes............ 27 Resolution for Survey, Dryden ................... ...... 147 103 Delegates to Good Road Convention........ 1.61, 150. 181 Discussion ................................. 54, 92 144 Committee on General Good Road Map ....... Budget ...................................... 36 _ Petition for Improvement, Town of Ithaca...... 1.05, 161. Petition for Improvement, Newfield .............. Tax on J. F. Nixon Estate for cutting brush......... 10S Petition for Improvement, County ................ 29 1.76 Resolutions for Survevs. ............ 1.90', 108, 1.62, 17H Maintenance ........ ...... .�. ..... ... ........... 146 • Groton, Audits ...................................... 202 Budget ...................................... 171 Bank Tax Statement....._ ..................... 52 Highway Tax .................................. 16 Tax for Town Purposes ......................... 13 Reimbursed .................................. 59 indebtedness ................................. 62 Authority to borrow money ..................... 282 1 Ithaca (City) Assessment Roll copy-ing................. 11.7 Budget . ...................................... 172 Bank Tax Statement ........................... 57 Binding Assessment Roll ........................ 161 County Treasurer for Collecting Taxes............ 27 Distributing Proceedings ..... :............. ...... 147 ' Services of A. S Robinson ...................... 44 Support of the Poor ...........................63, 64 Services in preparing Jure T.ist................. 54, 92 Tthaca (Town) Audits ................................ 206 Budget ...................................... 1.72, Highway Tax .............. .................... 19 Tax for Town Purposes ......................... 1.2 Tax on J. F. Nixon Estate for cutting brush......... 77 Tnsurance, County Buildings ........................... 29 Protest....................... .•......... 37 .T Jail, Chaplain ................... ..................... 89 Physician, Compensation ........................ 150 Physician, Election of .......................... 149 State Inspector's Report ..... :............ ...... 255 The Supervisors' Proeeetlings got X Kennel License, C. A.Cooper ........................... 132 Deaf A. Reid ................................... 273 Fred Swartout................................ 288 L. Lansing, Audits ...':.• ................................ 208 Budget............ ........................... 173 Highway Tax .......... ... .. .. .... .............. 65 Authority to borrow money ...................... 125 M Mortgage Tax, Distribution .........................117, 149 NV Newfield, Audits ................. :.................. 211. Budget ...................................... 173 Bonding Commissioners' Report................. 57 Highway Tax .................................. 41. Supervisor's Report of Bonded Indebtedness........ 58 Tax for Railroad Bonds ........................ 59 Tax for Town Purposes ......................... 23 Supervisor's Report on Indebl.edness.............. 16 Authority to borrow money ..................... 277 Nominations, Lists of, Printing ........................ 77 O Orders, Comity and Town to be countersigned ............. 38 Not to he given out until after adjour mmnt......... 38 P Prisoners, Committee On WOrking. ....... ............ 163 Sending to Penitentiary ............... 1......... 90 Supplies for Prisoners wovkc d. . . .............. I, , 28 Working Of ................................... 1.53 Proceedings, Bids for printing same ................. . ... 134 Committee to secure bids for printing of........... to Contract for Publishing ........................ 134 Distribution of .................... ............ 15 Number of Copies .......:... .................. 15 Resolution for Bids and Committee ........... . ... 10 IR Reports, Committee on Cmmf.7 Buildings ................ 53 Committee on Water Supply at Alms House........ 7 Committee on State.Chari table and Penal Institu- ' tions....... .............. ............... 123 Committee on County Treasurer's Report.......... 100 V 302 The Supervisors' Prgceedivas Committee on Equalization .. ................ 119, 14.5 Committee on Appropriations ... ............... 168 Committee on Erroneous Assessments ............. 155 Committee on Superintendent of [lie Your........ 147 Committee on United States Deposit Fund......... 109 Committee on Working Prisoners .............:.. 163 Committee on Insurance ....................... 29 Committee .on Juvenile Prisoners ................. 80 Committee on Mortgage Tax .................... 117 County Treasurer .............................. 218 County Cleric ................................. 129 Drvden Bank ........ ::....................... 27 Groton Banks. . ...... .................... 52 Ithaca Banks ................. ......... _ ..... 51. Trumansburg Banks. . . .............. .......... 82 Inspection of County Jail ........................ 255 Inspection of Alms Hoose. . .......... ......... 250 Bank Tax .................................... 258 Corporations ................................. 261. Valuations, etc ................................. 268 Indebtedness of Subdivisions of County. ......1.... 269 Indebtedness of Enfield ......................... 106 Indebtedness of Caroline ........ ..... :......... 47 Indebtedness of Newfield ..... ......... ........57,58 Indebtedness of Groton ........................ 62 Indebtedness of Ulysses ...... ... ............... 100 Justice's ................................ 25G Superintendent of the Poor ...................... 237 Sheriff's '.......................... .....:.... 115 Surrogate's Clerk ................ .............. 64 Highwhy Tax ................ 88, 92, 93, 258, 259, 260 Resolutions, Appropriations and Bills to lay on table........ 6 Adjournment of Board out of Respect............ 95 I 'Sheriff, Compensation of Janitor .............. ........... 93 . Compensation for Board of Prisoners. ............ 27 Compensation for taking Prisoners away.......... 86 Office Rent................................147, 166 Committee to buy supplies ...................... 13 Sense of Board to Salary Office ................... 163 Session Laws, Designations for publication of ............. 15 Sealer of Weights and Measures ................. 26, 101, 102 The Supervisors' Proceedings 303 Superintendent of the Poor, Report ..................... 287 Report of Committee on ......................... 147 Salaries ............................ 69, 118, 146, 180 Supervisors, Members ................................. 3 Table....................................... 182 /_1 Tax, Collectors' Settlement with County Treasurer......... 89 Dog....................................... 15, 1S County ...................................... 168 State......' ................................... 168 Bank......................... ............ 258 Rates.of..................................... 175 Poll...............................'........14, 18 Telephone Service, County Officers ................ 71, 133, 165 Telephone Booth, Supervisors' Room .................... 7 Thanks, Vote of to Chairman ........................... 160 Vote of to Clerk ............................... 153 Town Orders, to be Countersigned ...................... 38 :LJ Ulysses, Audits. . .... ... ..........•. 214 Budget...................................... 174 Highway Tax ................. I................. 69. Report of Supervisor on Bonded Indebtedness...... 100 Tax for Bonded Indebtedness, . . .................. 100 Tax for Town Purposes ......................... 91 Rebate Erroneous Tax to Rev. H. Meeker........... 35