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1904 Proceedings
T(I 1)KINS L'OUNI'V BOARD OI' SI`1'1i4Z.\`ItiORS, It.t+.'i: Row—W, fI. V.i.KK):K, CC3.ati, tirx)c.1:, C. E. Wool), E. TERRY', W. II., BAKER, dJRN TER ROW—J. THc)air SON. J. ,1. HA NSHA , \t'i:Rft CORM N. J. ft. BINK, I)x. W. C. GA x.x..A.OHr:tr, t [ ON r \.:i1 xi.).i;x CII.NIHMAN R. N, MousT, CLERK 13. T. I3.1 KER,, 11. C. I .3IRRANKs... a..\dINUAL SESSION AT ITHACA, NEW YO•RKq PROCEEDING S OF THE • BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF TITE COUNTY OF TOMPKINS. 1904. R. NEWTON MOUNT, Chairman, - - Peruville, N. Y. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk, - - Ithaca, N. Y. ITHACA, N. Y.: PRESS OF THE ITHACA JOURNAL. 1905. THE JOURNAL OF PROCEEDINGS FOR T H 1. %pecial anb Annual Zeesiono for the pear 1904 SPECIAL SESSION 11.1•,.,1,,.,.,,1,•1.11.1•..11,1•,.,1.1^I,•..,^.. To Berl T. Baker, Clerk of Ike Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County We, the undersigned, wish you to call a Special Session of the Board of Supervisors to be held in the Supervisors' Room in Ithaca, N. Y., at 10 o'clock A. M., Monday, April 18, 1904. H. C. FAIRBANKS, CHAS. SPRIGG, Wm. H. BAKER, A. N. MILLER, EUGENE TERRY, B. M. HAGIN, Gjio. J. DIXON, R. N. MOUNT, WEBB CORBIN, JOHN J. HANSHAW, J. C. THOMPSON, J. H. HINE. MONDAY, APRIL 18th, 1904. Morning Session. Roll Call. All members present, except Dr. Gallagher. Call read by the Clerk. The Clerk read a petition from the majority property owners ' on that portion of the road extending from the north line of the City of Ithaca to the intersection of Cayuga Street at the corner of Cayuga Lake, being a distance of about one-half mile, asking for the improvement of the same under the provisions of Chap. 115 of the Laws of 1898. The Supervisors' Proceedings; 1901 On motion of Mr. Hanshaw the same was received and ordered filed. The Clerk read a petition from the majority property owners on that portion of Wyckoff Road extending from its intersection with Highland Avenue at the north line of the City of Ithaca in .a northerly direction to the Cayuga Heights Road, being a dis- tance of about one-third of a mile. On motion by Mr. Mount the sante was received and ordered filed. By Mr. Hanshaw : WHERL^AS, On the i$th day of April, 1904, there was duly presented to this Board, pursuant to Sections i and 2 of Chapter 775 of the Laws of 1898, a petition from the property owners ofa majority of the lineal feet fronting on the section of a certain highway, situate in the County of Tompkins, and which section is herein described, setting forth that the petitioners are such owners, and asking that said section of the highway be improved under the provisions of the act referred to ; and WHEREAS, Such description does not include any portion of the high- way within the boundaries of any city or incorporated village, therefore Resolved, That public interest demands the improvement under the provisions of Chapter n5 of the Laws of ISO, of the section of that public highway situate in the County of Tompkins and described as follows : That portion of the lake road extending from the north line of the City of Ithaca to the intersection of Cayuga Street at the corner of Cayuga lake, being a distance of about one-half (34) mile. Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to forthwith transmit a certified copy of the foregoing resolution to the State Engineer and Surveyor. On motion the same was adopted. By Messrs. Mount, Noxon and Baker, a committee appointed to draft resolutions on the death of T. S. Thompson, a former member of the Board : TIze Supervisors' Proceedings, 1-901 5 WHEREAS, It has pleased the Supreme Ruler to remove from our midst our friend and associate Thad S. Thompson, who 'for many years was an honored member of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, serving faithfully and well his constituents, and by his genial nature endearing himself to all with whom he served so long, and winning by his absolute integrity in his business methods with this body the confidence and respect of all his associates, therefore, Resolved, That while we bow in humble submission to the decree that has removed hint from the scenes of an active busy life, yet we deeply de- plore his loss, and will ever cherish his memory. We shall miss the 'fa- miliar face and listen in vain for the cheery voice that had a pleasant greet- ing for all. \Ve will remember him as an honorable business man with per- haps far less of selfishness in his nature than is given to the average of men, and further be it Resolved, That we tender to his bereaved family our sincerest sympathy in this hour of deep sorrow and would commend thein to that source to which all instinctively turn for consolation in time of affliction. By his death we are again reminded of the brevity and uncertainty of human life, and as his body is borne away to its last resting place, we greet him with,— Hail ! Thaddeus, Hail ! and farewell until the time comes when we too shall exchange this for the new and better life beyond. Resolved, That the family be presented with a copy of these resolutions. On motion of Mr. Hine, the sauce were adopted and ordered printed in the minutes. On motion the Board adjourned until 1:3o P. M. Afternoon Session Roll call. Quorum present. Mr. E. Updike, School Commissioner, was given the privi- lege of the floor and addressed the Board requesting that he be furnished with a telephone. By Mr.- Baker : Resolved, That the offices of both the School Commissioners be supplied with telephones, one each, for the remainder of the year. 6 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1901 On motion of Mr. Corbin the same was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Hanshaw, Hine, Fairbanks, Miller -6. Noes—Messrs. Hagin and Mount -2. Messrs. Dixon and Sprigg excused from voting. By Mr., Baker : Resolved, That the Chairman appoint a committee of three to whom all petitions and matters pertaining to Road Improvement be referred before coming before the Board. On motion,the same was adopted. The Chairman appointed as such committee Messrs. Baker, Hine and Hagin. . By Mr. Fairbanks : Resolved, That a committee consisting of the present special committee on County Clerk's Office repairs together with the building committee and the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors be and are hereby empowered to equip the County Clerk's Office with steel equipments according to plans as approved by the County Clerk and committee subject to minor changes in a sum not to exceed seven thousand dollars ; said committee to receive bids for the same and make and complete contracts with the parties they shall deem best to deal with in the best interest of the County. On motion of Mr. Hagin the matter was laid on the table until the full Board was present. By Mr. Hagin : Resolved, That the Chairman shall appoint a committee of three of which he shall be chairman to confer with steel equipment companies as to estimated cost of equipping the Clerk's Office with steel furnishings. On motion the same was adopted. The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1901 7 The Chairman named as such committee Messrs. Fairbanks and Sprigg to act with him as Chairman. By Mr. Mount : Resolved, That the Chairman of this Board appoint a committee of four members of this Board to act with himself as Chairman in drafting resolutions or in some other manner to bring before the people of Tomp- kins County at the next annual election the question of erecting a new County Building of sufficient capacity to accommodate the different county officers and a proper site for same. Said committee to obtain estimates of the cost of such county building before placing it before the people for a vote and the committee to be ready to make a report to this Board not later than August 3tst, 1904. And also that the County Treasurer be au- thorized to pay from any available funds in his hands a sum not to exceed $;250.00 to pay expenses of said committee. On motion of Mr. Dixon, the same was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, Fair- banks, Miller, Mount, Dixon, Sprigg and Thompson -1 I. Noes—none. The Chairman named as such committee Messrs. Terry, Mount, Dixon, Hine and Baker. The minutes for the day were read and approved. On motion the Board adjourned. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. SPECIAL SESSION .,1.1'1 To Bert T. Baker, Clerk of . the Board of Supervisors o. f Tompkins County : We, the undersigned, committee on a new County Building and empowered 'to call a meeting of the Board during August, wish you to call a meeting of the Board of Supervisors to be held in the Supervisors' Room in Ithaca, N. Y., at to A. M. on the 26th day of August, 1904. EUGENE TERRY, Chairman, R. N. MOUNT, J. H. HINE, WM. H. BAKER. FRIDAY, AUGUST 26, 1904. Morning Session Roll call. Quorum present. Out of respect for the recent death of Geo. J. Dixon, a mem- ber of the Board, the Board adjourned until 1:3o P. M. Afternoon Session Roll call. Quorum present. The Clerk read the following : Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors Your committee appointed to take suitable cognizance of the death of an honored member of our body, George J. Dixon, offer the following me- morial resolution : On the 6th day of August, 1904, the people of Tompkins County were shocked to learn of the unexpected death of George J. Dixon, a member of this Board. Born in this County, having passed all his life within its TIze Supervisors' Proceedings, 19o¢ 9 boundaries, proud of its resources and standing in the counties of this State, it is fitting that we, the Board of Supervisors,,pay to his memory a just and appropriate tribute. While we offer this tribute to his memory and while we feel his loss in this body, we feel that in his own home and family his true worth is best known. There is his most enduring monument. A large concourse of friends followed his remains to their final resting place in Lake View Cemetery. Resolved, That in the death of George J. Dixon this Board has lost a valuable member and the City of Ithaca an able representative. Resolved, That we regret his unexpected and untimely death and ex- tend our sincere sympathy to his family. Resolved, That a copy of this memorial be engrossed and presented to the family. CHAS. SPRIGG, . JAMES H. HINE, R. N. MOUNT, Committee. On motion the resolutions were adopted and ordered printed in the minutes. Mr. Lumbard, a representative of an Acetylene Company, was given the privilege of the floor, and addressed the Board about installing a plant at the County Alms House. The Clerk read the following report of the committee on a new County Building : To the Board of Supervisors and Citizens of Tompkins County: Your committee appointed to investigate and report as to the advisa- bility of the erection of a new county building for the County of Tompkins, respectfully submit the following : It was learned that.the cities of Towanda, Pennsylvania and Binghamton, N.•Y., had recently erected buildings for their respective counties, the ar- rangement and equipment of which seem to meet the needs and requirements which would be necessary for the proposed building of our own county, and a visit of inspection was accordingly had to the former city on the 2nd day of August, 1904, and to the latter on the 16th day of August, 1904. Your committee was accorded much courtesy by the officials of these counties and takes this opportunity of expressing its thanks to such officials for the 10 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1994 willingness to aid it with all the information and data possible to enable it to intelligently report to this Board. In Towanda we found an imposing structure, the pride of the county, with a splendid arrangement of offices for the convenience of the officials and public generally. It appears, however, that by reason of the fact that more office room is needed in the counties of our sister state than our own, that this building was considerable larger than this county demands, and the cost of construction of a similar building would be greatly in excess of the amount that your committee has thought best to reconrnrend be appro- priated for the construction of a suitable building here. At Binghamton we found a county building that was likewise the pride and admiration of all and one which is most admirably adapted to the needs of the county. This structure is fireproof and. is equipped with the mos; modern furniture. The arrangements for ventilation and lighting are all that could be desired. Both buildings herein referred to were erected in the face of consider- able well meant opposition from representative taxpayers and citizens gen- erally, but in both instances we learned, that in most cases those who op- posed the construction of these buildings, so elaborate and complete in character, were now counted among those most enthusiastic in their praise, and no consideration would induce them to return to buildings less modern in construction and equipment. In short, we found in each instance, that the citizens were well satisfied and proud of their county buildings. Therefore, having in mind the declarations of all recent grand juries that have been in session in this county, and the judgment of our esteemed judges holding sessions here, the former condemning in no uncertain terms the condition of our court house, and the later urging the erection of a new county building at an early date, and coupling with all this our own observation gained from a close personal investigation, your committee is unanimous in the belief that a new county building which will contain the court rooms and all other county offices should be erected in Tompkins County at once. We view with increasing alarm the irreparable loss that would follow a fire in our present county clerk's office and hereby warn the people of this county of the great danger existing to our public records on account of fire, and urge them to speedily adopt such measures as will effectually and for- ever avert a calamity of this character. Your committee believes that such a building should be erected as is in keeping with the growth and importance of the county, and in harmony with the advance of our city as an educational center and one that would be the pride and inspiration of our citizens. The Supervisors' Proceedings 19o¢ r r We, therefore, respectfully recommend : First : That the best interests of the county imperatively demand the erection of a new county building that shall contain all the court rooms and offices for the several officials of this county. Second : That a sum not to exceed two hundred thousand dollars is necessary for the construction of a proper fire proof building with complete equipment. Third : That the county issue bonds for the sum of $200,000 to be numbered from r to 25 inclusive, each bond to be in an amount of $S000, and one bond to be payable annually with interest until the whole series is fully paid and satisfied. Fourth : That the question •as to whether this county shall appropri- ate such sum of two hundred thousand dollars for the purpose above indi- cated and bonds be issued as above described, be submitted to the voters of this county at the next general election to be held November Sth, 1904. Fifth : That a committe of three be appointed whose duty it shall be to properly prepare such question for submission to the voters of this county at the next general election. EUGENE TERRY, Chairman, R. N. MOUNT, WM. H. BAKER, J. H. HINE, H. C. FAIRBANKS. On motion the report of the committee was accepted and the recommendations therein adopted; and the same committee was continued to draft the questions with the assistance of the County Attorney. On request of Mr. Sprigg, chairman of the committee on the installation of a steam laundry at the County Alms Souse, the report of the committee was deferred until the regular session of the Board. By Mr. Fairbanks : Resolved, That the Board of Supervisors through their proper com- mittee, snake a contract with some Acetylene Gas Company for the installa- tion of a lighting plant at the County Alms House at a price not to exceed $600.00, and that a committee of three be appointed to purchase such plant. 12 The Supervisors' Proceedings, r90 t On motion of Dr. Gallagher the same was adopted. The Chairman appointed as such committee Messrs. Fair- banks, Thompson and Miller. By Mr. Hine : WHEREAS, The reports of the Superintendent of the Poor for several years have impressed the Board that the County Farm is operated at a serious financial loss to the County, therefore, Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed whose duty it shall be.to thoroughly investigate the financial condition of said county farm for the purpose of ascertaining if the farm is operated at a loss or profit, and this committee be instructed to report .early in our regular session in November, 1904. On motion of Dr. Gallagher, the same was 'adopted. The Chairman named as such committee Messrs. Gallagher, Hagin and Corbin. By Dr. Gallagher : Resolved, That the committee on County Buildings at once install a pumping station at the Alms House by gasoline power. On motion the same was adopted. The minutes for the day were read and approved. On motion the Board adjourned. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. SPECIAL SESSION WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1904. All the members of the Board of Supervisors met in joint session with the Common Council of the City of Ithaca, at the Common Council Chambers of the City of Ithaca, on the question of a combined County and City Building. After the joint session, the Board was called to order by Chairman Terry. By Mr. Hagin : Resolved, That the committee on a new County Building, appointed April 18th, 1904, frame the questions to be submitted to the electors at the coming annual election for a new county building. On motion the sante was adopted. On motion the Board adjourned. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. THE ANNUAL SESSION -1004 The Board of Supervisors of the County of °Ibmpkins met in Annual Session at their rooms in the Court House in the City of Ithaca, N. Y., on Thursday, November 17th, 1904, and was called to order by Bert T. Baker, Clerk of the preceding Board. All the members responded to their names as follows : TOWN NAME P. 0. ADDRESS Caroline _ _WM. C. G ALLAGHER__Slaterville Springs Danby _:_________________ ____ WM. H. BAKER_ _ Danby Dryden _____________ _WEBB CORI3IN____ ____ R. F. D., Freeville Enfield ____ ____ _ _ JAMES H. HINE . R. F. D., Newfield Groton ____ ______ ____ ____ ____R. NEWTON MOUNT_ ___Peruville Ithaca (Town) _ _JOHN J. HANSHAW_____R. F. D., Ithaca Ithaca (City)__ WM. H. PARKER____ ________ ____ _Ithaca Ithaca (City) H. C. FAIRBANKS ______________ __Ithaca Ithaca (City) CHARLES SPRIGG ______ Ithaca Ithaca (City)_____ A. N. MILLER____ _Ithaca Lansing ____ _ CHARLES E. WOOD __ . _Ludlowville Newfield _______.___ ____ JOHN C. THOMPSON__R. F. D., Newfield Ulysses _..__ EUGENE TERRY _ _ _Ithaca On motion Mr. Hanshaw was chosen temporary chairman.• The Chair appointed Messrs. Corbin and Parker as tellers. On motion of Mr. Fairbanks, the Board proceeded by formal ballot for the election of chairman. The ballot was taken and the whole number of votes cast for chairman were '13, of which R. Newton Mount received 13. Mr. R. Newton Mount was declared elected chairman. On motion of Mr. Terry, the chairman cast one ballot for Bert T. Baker for Clerk of the Board, and he was declared elected. 16 The Supervisors' Proceedings, rgo¢ By Mr. Baker : Resolved, That the clerk be authorized to procure necessary supplies for the. use of the Board. On motion the same was adopted. The chairman appointed Messrs. Gallagher, Baker and Hine to draft suitable resolutions on the death of Mr. B. M. Hagin. On motion the board adjourned until Monday, November 21, at IO A. M. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. 00000000®00000000000000000 SECOND DAY. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2I, 1904. Morning Session Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of November 17th read and approved. By Mr. Parker : Resolved, That the salary of the Clerk for the ensuing year be $175.00, the same as last year. On motion of Mr. Corbin the same was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Baker, Corbin, Hanshaw, Parker, Fairbanks, Sprigg, Miller and Terry—g. Noes—none. By Mr. Hanshaw. Resolved, That the Clerk be allowed $15.00 for postage for the ensuing year. 0 The Supervisors' Proceeding -s, 1904 17 On motion of Mr. Miller the same was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Baker, Corbin, Hanshaw, Parker, Fairbanks, Sprigg, Miller and Terry -9. Noes—none. By Mr. Corbin : Resolved, That unless otherwise ordered, there be no session of the Board on Saturday of each week. On motion the same was adopted. By Mr. Miller : Resolved, That unless otherwise ordered that the sessions of the Board commence at 9 A. m. and 2 P. M. On motion the same was adopted. By Mr. Baker : Resolved, That resolutions carrying appropriations of money, except those in accordance with the actions of the boards of the several towns, shall not be acted upon anti] twenty-four hours after the reading of the same. Also that no bill shall be audited until the same shall have laidon the table twenty-four hours, except service bills of members of this board. On motion the same was adopted: By Mr. Sprigg : Resolved, That the hour from three to four each afternoon be devoted to auditing bills by this board. On motion of Mr. Hanshaw the same was adopted. By Mr. Fairbanks : Resolved, That the clerk of this board be allowed the sum of $25.007in compensation for making the report to the Comptroller as required by law_ 18 The Supervisors' Proceedings, rgo¢ Laid on the table under the rule: By Mr. Miller : WHimEAs, On the 18th day of April, 1904, there was duly presented to this"Board, pursuant to Sections r and 2 of Chapter 115 of the Laws of 1898, a petition from the property owners of a majority of the lineal feet fronting on the section of a certain highway, situate within the County of Tomp- kins, and which section is herein described, setting forth that the petition- ers are such owners, and asking that said section of the hig1i vay be im- proved under the provisions of the act referred to ; and WHEREAS, Such description does not include any portion of the high- way within the boundaries of any city or incorporated village, therefore Resolved, That public interest demands the improvement under the provisions of Chapter 115 of the Laws of 1593 of the section of that public highway situate in the County of Tompkins : "All that portion of the Wyckoff Road, extending from its intersection with Highland Avenue at the north line of the City of Ithaca, in a northwesterly direction to the Cayuga Heights Road, being a distance, of about one-third (1-3) of a mile. Said road being the University approach to the Cayuga Heights Road, and known as Wyckoff Road." Resolved, That the clerk of this Board is hereby directed to forthwith transmit a certified copy of the foregoing resolution to the State Engineer and Surveyor. On motion of Mr. Baker the same was adopted. By Mr. Sprigg ; Resolved, That the clerk he empowered to purchase a copy of Gilbert's • Supervisor's and Assessor's Manual for 1904 for each supervisor. Laid.on the table under the rule. The chair announced the following committee : Constables' Accounts, Thompson, Parker, Sprigg. Clerk's and Justice's Accounts, Hine, Miller, Fairbanks. The Supervisors' Proceedings, Igo¢ 19 Coroners' Coroners' Juries and Printers' Accounts, Corbin, Wood, Parker. County Treasurer's Accounts, Sprigg, Thompson, Hanshaw. Sheriff's, Judge's and District Attorney's Accounts, Miller, Hine; Terry. Miscellaneous Claims, Gallagher, Sprigg, Corbin. Jurisprudence and Erroneous Assessments, Wood, Fairbanks, Baker. Equalization and Fooling Assessment Rolls, Baker, Hine, Sprigg, Corbin, Hanshaw, Wood, Gallagher. Superintendent of the Poor, Terry, Fairbanks, Thompson. Appropriations and County Buildings, Fairbanks, Baker, Hanshaw, Miller. U. S. Deposit and Insurance, Parker, Gallagher, Terry. Stale Charitable and Penal Institutions, Hanshaw, Wood, Fairbanks. On motion the Board adjourned to 2 P. M. Afternoon Session Roll call. Quorum present. The Clerk read the following communication from the Comp- troller, which on motion of Mr. Sprigg, was received and ordered printed in the minutes : STATE OF NEW YORK, COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE, ALBANY, SEPTEMBER 2I, 1904. To the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins, Ithaca, IV. Y.: The Board or Equalization of Taxes, in pursuance of Chapter go8 of the Laws of 1896, have fixed the aggregate valuation of property in your County 20 The Supervisors' Proceedings, r9o¢ at the sum of $18,803,645 upon which amount a State tax of $2,444.47 must be levied for the fiscal year commencing October ist, 1904, as provided in said act, being 13-100 mills, on the dollar, for the canal debt sinking fund, per Chapter 731, Laws of 19o4. Yours respectfully, OTTO KELSEY, Comptroller. The Clerk read the following communication from the Comp- troller, which on motion of Mr. Corbin, was received and ordered printed in the minutes : 'STATE OF NEW YORK, COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE, ALBANY, OCTOBER 17, 1904. To Clerk Board of Supervisors, County of Tompkins SIR : In addition to the State Tax of 13 -too mills directed to be levied as per circular from this office, dated September 21st, amounting to $2,444.47, the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins, is hereby required to raise the sum of $r,162.29 for the compensation to September 30, 1905, of the stenographers of the Supreme Court in the Sixth Judicial District, as authorized by Sections 258 and 259 of the Code of Civil Procedure ; and of the confidential Clerks appointed by the Justices of the Supreme Court pursuant to Chapter 326, Laws of 1895. Respectfully yours, OTTO KELSEY. Comptroller. By Mr. Corbin : Resolved, That all county orders shall be countersigned by the Chair- man of the Board of Supervisors, and all town orders shall be countersigned by the supervisor of the respective towns, and that no order shall be issued until after the adjournment of this Board. On motion of Mr. Baker the same was adopted. On motion the Board adjourned. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. The Supervisors' Proceedings, 19°1 THIRD DAY. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1904. Morning Session Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of yesterday read and approved. By Mr. Sprigg 21 Resolved, That the chairman appoint a committee of one member. of this Board to provide fuel and lights for the county buildings for the year 1905. On motion of Mr. Thompson the same was adopted. The Chairman appointed as such committee Charles Sprigg. By Mr. Sprigg Resolved, That there he levied and collected upon the taxable property of the County of Tompkins the sum of one thousand five hundred dollars ($r,500) for the purchasing of fuel and lights for rgo4 and 1905. Laid on the table under the rule. Mr. Sprigg's resolution introduced November 21 in regard to purchasing Gilbert's Manuals taken up for consideration, and action thereon deferred until November 28th. On motion the Board adjourned. Afternoon Session Roll call. Quorum present. Mr. Hine, chairman of Committee on Clerk's and Justice's Accounts, reported favorably on bill No. 4 and recommended that the full amount thereof be paid. 22 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1901 Laid on the table under the rule. Dr. Gallagher, chairman of the Committee on Miscellaneous Claims, reported favorably on bills Nos. 3, 6, ro, 13, 19, 22, 28, 29, 3o and 47 and recommended that the full amounts thereof be paid. Laid on the table under the rule. Mr. Fairbanks' resolution introduced November 21 to allow Clerk $25 for making report to the Comptroller was taken up for consideration, and on motion was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Gallagher, Han- shaw, Hine, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson, Wood—ri. Noes—none. On motion the Board adjourned. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. 0.0.0044.41+0040.04440.44.4900 FOURTH DAY. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1904. Morning Session Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of Tuesday read and approved, By Mr. Hine : Resolved, That the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars be levied and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Enfield for the purpose of repairs of highways and bridges in said town as allowed by statute. The Supervisors' Proceedings, 190¢ Laid on the table under the rule, By Mr. Parker : 23 Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed by the Chairman to procure bids for the printing of the.necessary number, of copies of the Pro- ceedings of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County. That they ac- cept only sealed bids for the saute to be handed to the Clerk, and that no bids be considered except those that come through the hands of the said committee. On motion of Mr. Hine, the sane was adopted. The Chairman appointed as such committee Messrs. Parker, Gallagher and Sprigg. The Clerk read the following designations : In pursuance of Section 19 of Chapter 68g of the Laws of 1892, as amended by Chapter 349 of the Laws of 1898, we, the Democratic members of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, do hereby designate the Ithaca Daily News as the official paper for publishing the Session Laws and concurrent resolutions of tine Legislature required by law to be published. JOHN C. THOMPSON, JAMES H. HINE, JOHN J. HANSHAW, W. H. PARKER, • EUGENE TERRY. In pursuance of Section 19 of Chapter 686 of the Laws of 1892 as amended by Chapter 349 of the Laws of 1898 as amended by Chapter 400 of the Laws of 1900, we, the Republican members of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, do thereby designate the Ithaca Journal as the official paper for publishing the Session Laws and concurrent resolutions of the Legislature required by law to be published. For per said resolutions as follows : A. N. MILLER, H. C. FAIRBANKS, CHAS. SPRIGG, W. C. GALLAGHER, C. E. WOOD, WM. H. BAKER, WEBB CORBIN; R. N. MOUNT. 2¢ The Supervisors' Proceedings, gal By Mr. Hine : Resolved, That 5000 copies of the Proceedings of the Board of Super- visors of Tompkins County be printed for the present session. On notion the sane was adopted. Dr, Gallagher, Supervisor, read the following report on the indebtedness of the Town of Caroline, which on motion was re- ceived, ordered filed and printed in the Minutes : To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, N. Y.: GENTLEMEN :--The undersigned, Supervisor of the Town of Caroline, in compliance with Sections 210 and 211 of the Town Law, respectfully report : That the indebtedness of the Town of Caroline contracted by authority of resolutions passed by the Board of Supervisors at a special session held by said Board January t, r9o2, authorizing said Town of Caroline to borrow eight thousand dollars or less to repair damages to roads and bridges by the flood of December 11, Igor, as follows : The total principal indebtedness at date of this report is four thousand dollars $4,000 00 The notes given for the same are as follows : One note to Ithaca Savings Bank to be paid March 1st, 1905, at 4 per cent., $2,000 00 One note to Ithaca Savings Bank to be paid March 1, 1906, at 4 per cent. 2;000 00 Total $4,000 00 The amount to be provided to tneet payments conning due March zst, 1905, is as follows : Principal of one note - $2,000 00 Interest on $4,000 for one year at 4 per cent 16o 00 Total --- - - -- $2,16o 00 Dated, November 23, 1904. On motion the Board adjourned. W. C. GALLAGHER, Supervisor. The Supervisors' Proceedings, tqo¢ Afternoon Session Roll call. Quorum present. By Mr. Sprigg : 25 Resolved, That the County Treasurer be allowed the sum of one hun- dred dollars ($ioo.00) for office rent, fuel and lights from January rst, 1905, to January 1st, 1906. Laid on the table under the rule. By Mr. Fairbanks : Resolved, That the sum of three hundred and fifty dollars ($35o.00) be allowed the sheriff of this county to pay for the services of Janitor and engineer of Court House and Jail for the ensuing year. Laid on the table under the rule. Mr. Thompson, chairman of the Committee on Constable Accounts, reported favorably on bills Nos. 8, 27 and 45, and recommended that the full amounts thereof be paid. Laid on the table under the rule. Dr. Gallagher, chairman of the Committee on Miscellaneous Claims, reported favorably on bills Nos. 5o, 51 and 52, and recommended that the full amounts thereof be paid. Laid on the table under the rule. On motion Bill No. 4 was ordered audited at the full amount as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Gallagher, Han- shaw, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson, Terry and Wood—to. Noes ---none. 26 The Supervisors' Proceedings, rgo¢ On motion bills Nos. 47, 3o, 29, 28, 22, 19, 13, to, 6 and 3. were ordered audited at the full amounts as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Gallagher, Han- shaw, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson, Terry and Wood—to. Noes—none. Mr. Sprigg's resolution to levy and assess upon the taxable property of the County of Tompkins $r,5oo for fuel and lights for Igo4-19o5, introduced November 22, was taken up for con- sideration and on motion of Mr. Baker was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Gallagher, Han- shaw, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson, Terry and Wood—Io. Noes—none. On motion the Board adjourned to Monday, November 28th, at 10 A. M. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. 00®0®A0004000000d100@0N0®00 FIFTH DAY. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1904. Morning Session • Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of November 27th read and approved. The Clerk read a report by the assessors of the Town of Groton on the Banks of the Town of Groton subject to taxation, which on motion of Mr. Baker was received and ordered printed in the minutes. The SuJervisors' Proceedings, 1904 27 From verified statements rendered me by the First National Bank of Groton and the Mechanic's Bank of Groton doing business in the Town of Groton, N. Y., which are subject to taxation under the provisions of Chap- ter 55o, an act to amend the tax Iaw, I have determined the value of each share of stock to be as follows THE FIRST NATIONAL HANK OF GROTON. t,000 shares capital stock, par value____ ___ ____ ______ $roo,000 oo Surplus--- 20,000 00 Undivided profits ______ _____ ____ _ 15,973 69 Total ___--- ____ -- ---- ---_ _--- $135,973 69 Less real estate ______ ______ _ __ _______ 16,45o oo $119,523 69 MECHANIC'S BANK OF GROTON. 500 shares $ 50,000 00 Surplus 30,000 00 Undivided profits_ ______ __ 13,311 15 Total $ 93,31' 15 A. F. HOWARD, Chairman of the Board of Assessors. Mr. Hine's resolution to levy and collect $25o.00 from taxable property in the Town of Enfield, introduced November 23, was taken up for consideration, and on motion of Mr. Baker, the amount was ordered levied and collected from taxable property in the Town of Enfield. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Gallagher, Han- shaw, Hine, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson and Terry -1 r. Noes—none. Mr. Sprigg's resolution to allow the County Treasurer $roo.00 for office rent, fuel and lights for 1905, introduced No- vember 23, was taken up for consideration, and on motion of Mr. Corbin was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Gallagher, Han- shaw, Hine, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson and Terry—r r. Noes—none. 28 The Supervisors' Proceedings, rgo¢ Mr. Fairbanks' resolution to allow the Sheriff $35o.00 for services of janitor and engineer of court house and jail, introduced November 23, was taken up for consideration and on notion of Mr. Hanshaw was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Gallagher, Han- shaw, Hine, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson and Terry—i i. Noes—none. Dr. Gallagher presented the Town Audits of the Town of Caroline, which on notion of Mr. Hine were received and the amount ordered levied and collected upon the taxable property of the Town of Caroline. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Gallagher, Han- shaw, Hine, Miller, Parker, Spriggs Thompson and Terry—ti . Noes—none. On motion, Mr. Sprigg's resolution to purchase Gilbert's Manuals for the Board was laid on the table until Thursday. By Dr. Gallagher : Resolved, That in accordance with resolutions adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Caroline, there be levied and collected from the taxa- ble property of said Town the several sums asked for as per said resolution as follows : $►oo.00 for the support of the poor. $soo.00 for bridges. $2,000.00 to pay a note given to Ithaca Saving's Bank, which matures March 1st, 1905. $ i 6o.00 to pay interest on $4,000 from March 1st, 1904, to March Ist, 1905. $2o.00 for Memorial Day service. $1,751,54 or .002 on each $i assessed valuation, for improvement of highways. The Supervisors' Proceedings, I9Of 29 Ou motion of Mr, Terry the amounts were ordered levied and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Caroline. Ayes ---Messrs, Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Gallagher, Han- shaw, Hine, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson and Terry ----r t. Noes—none. On motion the Board adjourned. Afternoon Session Roll call. Quorum present. On motion of Mr. Corkin the Board adjourned to meet at the County Clerk's Office as a Board of Canvassers. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. •••4444.410.0000.9.0. 4>44004.0410 SIXTH DAY. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, i904. Morning Session Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of Monday read and approved. On motion the Board adjourned to meet as a Board of Can- vassers, after which the Board reconvened. • By Mr. Terry: Resolved, That the designation heretofore made by the Democratic members of this Board naming the Ithaca Daily News as one of the official organs for publishing the Session Laws, be changed so as to read The Ithaca News instead of Ithaca Daily News. 30 The Supervisors' Proceedings, [901 On motion the same was adopted. Mr. Hanshaw presented the Town Audits of the Town of Ithaca, which on motion of Mr. Baker were. received and the amount ordered levied and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Ithaca. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Gallagher, Han- shaw, Hine, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson, Terry and Wood -12. Noes—none. Mr. Baker presented the Town Audits of the Town of Danby, which on motion of Mr. Terry were received and the amount ordered levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Danby. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Gallagher, Han- shaw, Hine, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson, Terry and Wood—r2. Noes—none. The Clerk read a communication front the Board of Super- visors of St. Lawrence County asking that this Board pass a resolution urging the Assemblyman from this County and the Senator from this' Senatorial District to use their best efforts to have the Laws so amended that owners of cattle, which are killed under direction of the State authorities because they have infec- tious or contagious diseases, shall receive a reasonable compen- sation for same, which on motion was received and filed. On motion of Dr. Gallagher, Mr. Corbin was appointed a committee of one to draft such resolutions. Mr. Baker made a verbal report for the committee who vis- ited the County Alms House in November. By Mr. Terry : The • Supervisors' Proceedings, '9°1 31. Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed by the Chairman of this Board to. investigate as to the feasibility of a hydraulic ram for pumping water to County Alms House and that such committee report during the present session of this Board. Action thereon deferred until afternoon. On motion the Board adjourned. Afternoon Session Roll call. Quorum present. By Mr. Terry : Resolved, That a committee of two be appointed to act in conjunction with the sheriff in buying supplies for the prisoners worked. On motion the same was adopted. The Chairman appointed as such committee Messrs. Terry and Miller. Dr. Gallagher made a verbal report of the committee who • visited the County .Alms House in September. Mr. Hine, Chairman of the Committee on Clerk's and Jus- tices' Accounts, reported favorably on Bill No. 7o, and recom- mended that the full amount thereof be paid. Laid on the table under the rule. Mr. Thompson, chairman of the Committee on Constables' Accounts, reported favorably on Bills Nos, 16 and 72, and recommended that the full amounts thereof be paid. Laid on the table under the rule. Dr. Gallagher, chairman of the Committee on Miscellaneous Claims, reported favorably on Bills Nos. 61, 74, 66, 69, 57, 58, 63, 73, 64 and 65, and recommended that the full amounts thereof be paid. 32 The Suftervisors' Proceedings, rgo1 Laidon the table under the rule. On motion of Mr. Baker, Bills Nos. 27 and 84 were ordered audited at the full amounts as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hanshaw, Hine, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson, Terry and. Wood ---i r. Noes—none. On motion of Mr. Hanshaw, Bills Nos. 5o, 51 and 52 were ordered audited at the full amounts as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hanshaw, Hine, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson, Terry and Wood—i r. Noes—none. Mr. Terry's resolution regarding a committee on a hydraulic ram introduced in the forenoon was taken up for consideration, and on motion of Mr. Corbin was adopted. The Chairman appointed as such. committee Messrs. Galla- gher, Terry and. Corbin. To the Town Board of the Town of Enfield, N. Y.: I hereby certify that it is necessary to assess upon the taxable property of Road Districts No. 2, Road 9 ; 9, Road 8 ; 3, Road 3 ; 2, Road 8 ; 4, Road 8 ; 3, Road 16 ; 4, Road 25 ; 2, Road 22 ; 1, Road 23 ; 2, Road 25 ; the sum of $47.7o to apply as payment on road -machines purchased by said districts. Dated, Enfield, N. Y., November ro, 1904. GEO. H. NOBLE, Town Clerk. By Mr. Hine Resolved, That in accordance with the foregoing certificate of the Town Clerk of the Town of Enfield the sung of $47.7o be levied and collected from the taxable property of the following road districts in the Town of Enfield to apply as payments on road machines purchased by said districts, viz.: No. 2, Road 9 ; 9, Road 8 ; 3, Road 3 ; 2, Road 8 ; 4, Road 8 ; 3, Road 16; 4, Road 25 ; 2, Road 22 ; 1, Road 23 ; 2, Road 25. The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1901 33 On motion of Mr. Baker the amount was ordered levied upon and collected from the said road districts in the Town of Enfield. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hanshaw, Hine, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson, Terry and Wood—r r. Noes—none. Mr•. Hine presented the Town Audits of the Town of En- field, which on motion of Mr. Hanshaw were received, and the amount ordered levied and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Enfield. Ayes ---Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hanshaw, Hine, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson, Terry and Wood—i r. Noes—none. . By Mr. Hanshaw : Resolved, That in accordance with a resolution passed by the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca on the loth day of November, 1904, there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of said town the sum of $2,5oo.00 for a bridge at Forest Home, the sum of $25.00 for the support of the poor, and the sum of $Io.00 for Memorial Day. On motion of Mr. Parker, the amounts were ordered levied upon andcollected from the taxable property of the Town of Ithaca. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hanshaw, Hine, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson, Terry and Wood—r r. Noes—none. Mr. Wood presented the town audits of the Town of Lan- sing, which on motion of Mr. Corbin were received and the amount ordered levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Lansing. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hanshaw, Hine, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson, Terry and Wood—r.r. Noes --none. 34 . The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1904 13y Mr. Haushaw : Resolved, That there be levied upon and collected from the owners and harborers of dogs in the County of Tompkins as listed upon the assess- ment rolls of the several tax districts of said County the sum of fifty cents for each dog, when only one is owned or harbored, and two dollars fur each additional dog ; three dollars for each bitch, when only one bitch is owned or harboied, and five dollars for each additional bitch owned or harbored by the same person. Laid on the table under the rule. )3y Mr. Wood : Resolved, That the printed proceedings of the Board. of Supervisors of this County for the present year be distributed as follows : Caroline_______ 350 Danby - 350 Dryden _ 695 Enfield --- -- 320 Groton - -- 610 Ithaca—Town ___- __-- ---- - 295 Ithaca—City, ist Ward.___ 150 Ithaca—City, 2d Ward ____ ____ ____ ____ 250 Ithaca—City, 3d Ward _ 245 Ithaca—City, 4th Ward ____ ____ ____ _ 185 Lansing ____ 475 Newfield _-__ _-_- 450 Ulysses____ 550 Clerk of the Board _ 75 5,000 On motion of Mr. Corbin the same was adopted. By Mr. Parker : Resolved, That in the apportionment of Grand Jurors, the quotas allotted to the several towns and the City of Ithaca be as fullows : Caroline 20 Danby _ 19 • Dryden 43 Enfield 15 The Supervisors' Proceedings, rgo¢ Groton Ithaca—City _ Ithaca—Town Lansing Newfield ____ Ulysses_______ 32 79 I2 28 24 28 300 On motion of Mr. Hanshaw the same was adopted. On motion the Board adjourned. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. 00000000000000000000000000 35 SEVENTH DAY. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1904. Morning Session Eugene Terry in Chair. Wm. H. Baker, Acting Clerk. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of November 29th read and approved. On motion the Board adjourned. Afternoon Session Roll call. Quorum present. Mr. Miller, chairman of the Committee on Sheriff's Ac- counts, Judge's and District Attorney's Accounts, reported favor- 36 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1901 ably on Bills Nos. 12, 15, 31. 48, 67, 75 and 88, and recom- mended that the full amounts thereof be paid. Laid on the table under the rule. On notion of Mr. Hine, Bills Nos. i6 and 72 were ordered audited at the full amounts as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Hanshaw, Hine, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson and Wood -8. Noes—none. On motion of Mr. Hanshaw, Bill No. '7o was ordered audited at the full amount as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Hanshaw, Hine, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson and Wood—S. Noes—none. On motion of Mr. Hanshaw, Bills Nos. 57, 58, 61, 63, 64, 66, 69, 73 and 74 were ordered audited at the full amounts as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Hanshaw, Hine, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson, Wood -8. Noes—none. Mr. Hanshaw's resolution introduced November 29, that there be levied upon and collected from the owners and harborers of dogs in the County of Tompkins as listed upon the assessment rolls of the several tax districts of said County the sum of fifty cents for each dog, when only one dog is owned or harbored, and two dollars for each additional dog ; three dollars for each bitch, when only one bitch is owned or harbored, and five dollars for each additional- bitch owned or harbored by the same person, was taken up for consideration and on motion of Mr. Parker the same was adopted. The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1901 37 Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Hanshaw, Hine, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson, Wood -8. Noes—none. By Mr. Wood : Resolved, That this Board fix the final date for receiving bills against the County of Tompkins at December isth, 1904, excepting the bills of the members of the present Board, which shall be acted upon the last day of this Session and that there be no extension of time made beyond the above fixed date, and be it further Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board be instructed to advertise the same and that a copy of this resolution shall appear in said advertisement. On motion the same was adopted. On motion the Board adjourned. WM. H. BAKER, Acting Clerk. 04.4440044...04444).A0)490.44 EIGHTH DAY. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1904. Morning Session Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of Wednesday read and approved. By Mr. Hanshaw : Resolved, That pursuant to Chapter 351 of the Laws of 1898 there be levied a tax of three hundred and sixty-two dollars on persons in the Town of Ithaca liable to a poll tax, the same being a tax of one dollar on each person so indicated upon the assessment roll of the Town of Ithaca. 38 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 19.91 On motion of Mr. Hine the same was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Fairbanks, Gallagher, Hansbaw, Hine, Miller, Parker, Wood -8. Noes—none. The Clerk read a letter from Special County Judge and' a petition signed by several citizens of the County asking the Board to raise the salary of the Special County Judge to at least $300.0o, as the present salary is inadequate. On motion of Dr. Gallagher, the matter was laid on the table until a later date. By Mr. Sprigg : WHEREAS, It would seem necessary and in the interest of the County to protect the records in the County Clerk's Office, and there seems to be no probability of getting a new county building for some years to come, be it therefore Resolved, That a committee of five be appointed to receive plans, specifications and bids for a thoroughly fire proof steel equipment in the County Clerk's Office, recording room and vault and that the said com- mittee report to this Board during the present session. On motion of Mr. Miller the same was adopted. By Mr. Miller : Resolved, That Lockwood Palmer of the City of Ithaca, Tompkins County be appointed as Sealer of Weights and Measures for the County of Tompkins, for a period of one year, beginning with the first day of Decem- ber, 1904. On motion the same was adopted. By Mr. Hanshaw : Resolved, That the sum of two thousand one hundred and seventy-four dollars and thirty-six cents (1$2174.36) or two mills on a dollar on the The Supervisors' Proceedings, 190¢ 39 assesed valuation of the property of the Town of Ithaca be levied and col- lected from taxable property of said Town for the purpose of working the highways under the money and tax system in accordance with a resolution adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca and with chapter 351 of the Laws of 1898. On motion of Mr. Terry the same was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Gallagher, Han- shaw, Hine, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson, Terry, Wood --I2. Noes—none. Mr. Mount presented the. Town Audits of the Town of Groton, and which on motion of Mr. Hanshaw were received and the amount ordered levied and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Groton. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Gallagher, Han- shaw, Hine, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson, Terry and Wood. -12. Noes—none. By Mr. Mount : Resolved, That in accordance with resolutions adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Groton, there be levied and collected from the tax- able property of said Town the sum of $26o.00 to pay on principal and interest for the voting machines due March 15, 1905 ; $1225 and interest thereon for one year to pay the Sanford note, due April 1, 1905, and the Bowker note of Poon with interest for one year due March 5, 1905, and interest for one year on Bowker note of $1000, due 1906. On motion of Mr. Fairbanks the amounts were ordered levied and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Groton. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Gallagher, Han- shaw, Hine, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson, Terry and Wood. -12. Noes—none. U 40 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1904 ;3 By Mr. Mount : Resolved, That there be levied and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Groton, outside the Village of Groton, the sum of $2o01.53, or two mills on a dollar, for the purpose of working the highways of the Town of Groton, outside of the Village of Groton, under the money tax system in pursuance with a resolution of the Town Board of said Town and pursuant to statute. On motion of Mr. Thompson the same was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Gallagher, Han- shaw, Hine, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson, Terry and Wood. -12. Noes—none. By 'Mr. Mount : Resolved, That there be levied and collected from those persons. indicated on the assessment roll of the Town of Groton as liable to a poll tax of the sum of Five hundred and fifty-two dollars, outside of the Village of Groton, being a tax of 81.00 per capita for each person so indicated. On motion of Mr.-Hanshaw the same was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Gallagher, Han- shaw, Hine, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Terry, Thompson and Wood. -12. Noes—none. By Mr. Wood : Resolved, That the sum of six hundred and twenty-nine dollars be collected from those persons indicated an the assessment roll of the Town of Lansing liable to a poll tax, being a tax of one dollar per capita for each person so indicated in accordance with chapter 311 of the Laws of 1898 in relation to working the highways under the money tax system. On motion of Mr. Corbin the sane was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Gallagher, Han- shaw, Hine, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson, Terry and Wood. --I2. Noes—none. The Supervisors' Proceedings, .rqo¢ On motion the Board adjourned. Afternoon Session Roll call. Quorum present. The Clerk opened the sealed bids for printing the proceed- ings of the Board, which had been submitted to the committee thereon, and they were as follows : • Ithaca Journal $1.89 per page Ithaca Publishing Co. $1.94 per page By Mr. Terry : Resolved, That the Ithaca Journal having submitted the lowest bid that the contract for printing the proceedings of this session be awarded to the Ithaca Journal. On motion the same was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Gallagher, Han- shaw, Hine, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Terry, Thompson and Wood —12. Noes—none. Mr. Sprigg's resolution introduced November list to em- power the Clerk to purchase Gilbert's Supervisors' Manuals for the Board and which had been deferred until this date, was taken up for consideration, and on motion of Mr. Corbin the Clerk was empowered to purchase twelve Gilbert's Manuals at $4.50 each for the Board. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Gallagher, Han- shaw, Hine, Miller, .Parker, Sprigg, Terry, Thompson, Wood —12. Noes—none. Resolved, That the Ithaca Journal be designated as the Republican paper to publish the official canvass of Tompkins County at a rate not to The SZtpervisors' Proceedings, rgo4 exceed thirty cents per folio in accordance with the provisions of Sections 21 and 22, Chapter 686 of the Laws of 1892. CHAS. E. WOOD, CHAS. SPRIGG, WM. H. BAKER, H. C. FAIRBANKS, A. N. MILLER, W. C. GALLAGHER. WEBB CORBIN. On motion of Mr. Baker the same was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Gallagher, Han- shaw, Hine, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Terry, Thompsom, Wood. -12. Noes—none. Resolved, That the Ithaca Daily News be designated as the Democratic paper which will print the official canvass of Tompkins County at a rate not to exceed thirty cents per folio in accordance with Sections 21 and 22, Chapter 18, of Laws of 1892. JOHN J. HANSHAW, EUGENE TERRY, J. C. THOMPSON, J. H. HINE, W. H. PARKER. On motion of Mr. Hine the same was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Gallagher, Han- shaw, Hine, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Terry, Thompson, Wood -12, Noes—none. Mr. Hine, chairman of the Committee on Justices' Accounts, reported favorably on Bill No, go, and recommended that the full amount thereof be paid. • Laid on the table under the rule. On motion of Mr. Baker, Bills Nos. 12, 15, 31, 48, 67, 75 The Supervisors' Proceedings Igo¢ 43 and 88 were ordered audited at the full amounts as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Gallagher, Han- shaw, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Terry, Thompson, Hine and Wood -12. Noes—none. Dr. H. B. Besemer, Dr. Biggs and Dr. Meany, a delegation from the County Medical Society, were given the privilege of the floor and addressed the Board in opposition to making the position of jail physician a salaried one. On motion the Board adjourned. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. 4440044.•4“4.4,40).04 NINTH DAY. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1904. Morning Session Roll call. Quorum present. By Dr. Gallagher : Resolved, That pursuant to Chapter 351, Laws of 1898, and Chapter 156, Laws of 1902, there be levied and collected a tax of four hundred and sixty- four dollars ($464.00) on persons in the Town of Caroline as indicated on the tax roll by the assessors of said Town, the same being a tax of one dollarlfor each person so indicated. On motion of Mr. Hine the same was adopted. 44 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1904 Ayes—Messrs. Corbin, Gallagher, Hanshaw, Hine, Thomp- son and Wood -6. Noes—none. By Mr. Fairbanks : Resolved, That Dr. R. C. Warren be appointed Jail Physician for the ensuing year. On motion of Mr. Hine the resolution was laid on the table until Monday, December 5th, at 2 P. M. By Mr. Wood : Resolved, That in accordance with the action of the Town Board of the Town of Lansing, there be levied and collected from the taxable property of the said town the sum of ($2,3 E8.88) two thousand three hundred eighteen. and 88-ioo dollars or two mills on each dollar of assessed property of the said Town of Lansing for improving the highways of said town as per statute. On motion of Mr. Thompson the same was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Gallagher, Han- shaw, Hine, Miller, Parker, . Sprigg, Thompson, Terry and Wood -12. Noes—none. The Chairman appointed as the committee of five to receive plans, specifications and bids for a thoroughly fire -proof steel equipment for the County Clerk's Office, Messrs. Fairbanks, Baker, Hanshaw, Miller and Sprigg. • On motion the Board adjourned. Afternoon Session Roll call: Quorum present. The Clerk read a communication from the Rochester Herald Company of Rochester. N. Y., in regard to the shipment of 267 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1904 45 Betts' Highway Manuals shipped for distribution to members of the Town •Boards, commissioners and overseers of highways. By Mr. Corbin : Resolved, That the matter of the Betts Highway Manuals be made a special order of business for Monday next at 2 P. M. On motion the same was adopted. Dr. Gallagher, chairman of the Committee on Miscellaneous Claims, reported favorably on Bills Nos. too, 46, 18, 94, 8o, 86, 83, 8i, 59, 85, 17 and 87, and recommended that the full amounts thereof be paid. Laid on the table under the rule. On motion of Mr. Hanshaw, Bill No. 90 was ordered audited at the full amount as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Gallagher, Han- shaw, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson, Terry, Wood --t t. Noes --cone. On motion the Board adjourned until Monday at to A. M. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. 000000440844090004009000®0 TENTH DAY, MONDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1904. Morning Session Roll call. Quorum present. 46 The Supervisors' Proceedings, r9o¢ Minutes of December 2 read and approved. The Clerk read the following statement from the Assessor of the City of Ithaca on the banks of the City subject to taxation, which on motion of Mr. Baker was received and ordered printed in the minutes : • To the Honorable, the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County GENTLEMEN :—From verified statements rendered to me by the Tomp- kins County National Bank and the First National Bank doing business in the City of Ithaca, N. Y., which are subject to taxation under the provisions of Chapter 55o, an act to amend the tax law relating to the taxation of stockholders of banks and banking institutions, I have determined the value of each share of stock to be as follows, viz.: TOMPKINS COUNTY NATIONAL BANK. 1,000 shares capital stock, par value $roo,000 oo Surplus_ ____-- - -__-- ------ 100,000 00 Undivided profits_____._ 32,745 00 Total - - -- - $232,745 00 Less real estate - 25,000 .00 ',coo shares at $217.745----- $217,745 00 FIRST NATIONAL, BANK. 2,50o shares capital stock, par value _ , $250,000 00 Surplus _ 50,000 00 Undivided profits 44.696 59 Total 2,500 shares at $137.87S64 - Dated, December 24, 1904. $344.696 59 344,696 59 J. P. MERRILL, Assessor City of Ithaca. On motion the Board adjourned. Afternoon Session Roll call. Quorum present. The Supervisors' Proceedings, 19o¢ 47 Mr. Fairbanks' resolution introduced December 2, to appoint 'Dr. R. C. Warren jail physician was taken up for consideration. By Dr. Gallagher : Resolved, As an amendment, that Dr. C. P. Biggs be appointed jail physician for the ensuing year and that an appropriation of $75.00 be made to pay him for the year. On motion of Mr. Hine the resolution was lost. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Hanshaw, Hine, Parker and Thompson -5. Noes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Miller, Sprigg, Terry and Wood -7. 13y Mr. Baker : • Resolved, That the matter of appointing a jail physician be deferred until Wednesday at 2 P. M. On motion the same was adopted by the chairman's voting on a tie. By Mr. Miller : Resolved, That the sum of one hundred and seventy-five ($175.00) dol- lars be allowed the County Clerk of this County for which to pay the ser- vices of janitor of County Clerk's Office and Judge's Office for the year 1905. Laid on the table under the rule. By Mr. Corbin : WriIREAS, No official of Tompkins County or of any town comprising Tompkins County has ordered the Betts Highway Manuals to be delivered here or to them, Resolved, That the Clerk of this County be instructed to inform the publishers of said manual, that we will not accept or pay for any copies of said manual unless otherwise ordered. On motion of Mr. Baker the same was adopted. 48 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1901 Mr. Hine, chairman of the Committee on Clerk's and Jus- tices' Accounts, reported favorably on Bill No. 96, and recom- mended.that the full amount thereof be paid. Laid on the table under the rule. Mr. Thompson, chairman of the Committee on Constables' Accounts, reported favorably on Bill No. 20 and recommended that the full amount thereof be paid. Laid on the table under the rule. Mr. Thompson, chairman of the Committee on Constables' Accounts, reported on Bills Nos. 55 and 56, and recommended that the bills be disallowed. Laid on the table under the rule. Mr. Gallagher, chairman of the Committee on Miscellaneous Claims, reported favorably on Bills Nos. 9, r4, 25, 68, 102 and 103 and recommended that the full amounts thereof be paid. Laid on the table under the rule. Dr. Gallagher, chairman of the Committee on Miscellaneous Claims, reported on Bill No. 49 and recommended that the bill be allowed at $5o.00 instead of $roo.00. Laid on the'table under the rule. On motion Bills Nos. roo, 48, 18, 94, 8o, 95, 86, 83, Si, 59, 85, 87 and 17 were ordered audited at the full amounts as recom- mended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Baker,. Corbin, Fairbanks, Gallagher, Han- shaw, Hine, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson, Terry, Wood =,12. Noes—none. The Supervisors' Proceedings, rgol 49 Mr. Wood, chairman of the Committee on Erroneous Assess- ments. presented for the consideration of the Board the following petition : To The Honorable Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: Your petitioners, Augustus Patterson and L. H. Taber, Assessors of the Town of Newfield, pursuant to the authority conferred by Section 59 of the Tax Law, do respectfully' show to your Board that in the assessment roll delivered to J. C. Thompson, Supervisor of the Town of Newfield, as pro- vided by law for the year 1904, taxable property owned by the following named persons has been omitted therefrom : Dassance, Mary A., 170 acres__ $ 900 00 McAllister, Peter, 96 acres______ ._ 1,200 00 White, C. H., 5 acres __-- __-•. -_-- __-- •_-.-- 6o oo L. H. TABER. AUGUSTUS PATTERSON. The undersigned assessors of the Town of Newfield do severally de- pose'and swear that they and each of them have read the foregoing petition and know the contents thereof, that the same is true to the knowledge of the deponents except as to the matters therein stated to be alleged on informa- tion and belief and that as to those matters they believe it to be true. L. H. TABER, AUGUSTUS PATTERSON. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2d day of December, 1904. By Mr. Wood : GEO. W. PECK, Notary Public. Resolved, That the property described in the foregoing petition be added to the assessment roll of the Town of Newfield. On motion the same was adopted. On motion the Board adjourned. BERT 'T. BAKER, Clerk. 50 The Supervisors' Proceeding -s, 190¢ ELEVENTH DAY. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1904. Morning Session Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of December 5th read and approved. By Mr. Thompson Resolved, That $too.00 be appropriated for the compensation of the jail physician for the ensuing year. Laid on the table under the rule. By Mr. Hanshaw : Resolved, That no hill for repairs or improvements of county real estate be audited by this Board unless endorsed by some member of the Committee on County Buildings, and that no bill for repairs or iutprovetnents of any other county property be audited by this Board unless endorsed by some county officer authorizing the same. On motion of Mr. Parker the sauce was adopted. On motion the Board adjourned. Afternoon Session Roll call. Quorum present. On motion of Mr. Baker, Bill No. 20 was ordered audited at `the full amount as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Fairbanks, Hanshaw, Hine, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson and Wood -9. Noes—none. On notion of Mr. Hine, Bill No. 55 was disallowed as recom- mended by the committee. The Supervisors' Proceedings, 19o¢ 51 Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Fairbanks, Hanshaw, Hine, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson and Wood -9. Noes—none. On motion of Mr. Sprigg, Bill No. 56 was disallowed as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Fairbanks, Hanshaw, Hine, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson and Wood -9. Noes—none. On notion of Mr. Hanshaw Bill No. 96 was ordered audited at the full amount as recommended by the commitytee. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Fairbanks, Hanshaw, Hine,Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson and Wood -9. Noes—none. On motion of Mr. Baker, Bills Nos. 9, 14, 25, 68, 102, 103 were ordered audited at the full amounts as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Hanshaw, Miller, Hine, Parker, Thompson and Wood -8. Noes—none. On motion of Mr. Sprigg action on Bill No. 49 was deferred until Wednesday. On motion of Mr. Parker, action on Mr. Miller's resolution to allow the County Clerk $175.00 for janitor of County Clerk's • Office and Judge's Office, introduced December 5th, was deferred until Wednesday. On motion the Board adjourned. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. 52 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1901 TWELFTH DAY. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7, t904. Morning Session Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of December 6th read and approved. Mr. Frankfort, a representative of the Fairbanks Hydraulic Ram Co. of New York, was given the privilege of the floor, and gave the estimated cost of the installation of a ram for the pump- ing of water at the Alms House. The estimated cost of install- ing a No. 2 engine, giving 3,70o gallons of water every 24 hours, including all pipes, valves, and labor exclusive of digging the ditches and masonry would be $869.65 ; and for No. 3 en- gine, giving S,000 gallons of water every 24 hours, the estimated cost would be $x,234.20; the estimated cost for digging the ditches and masonry work was $150.00. The Clerk read a communication from the State Engineer and Surveyor, asking the Board to appoint delegates to the Good Road Convention to be held iu Albany in January 24 and 25, 1905. By Mr. Corbin : Resolved, That the Chairman appoint three members of the Board, of which Chairman shall be one, as delegates to attend the convention. On motion the same was adopted. On motion the Board adjourned. Afternoon Session Roll call. Quorum present. Mr. Thompson's resolution introduced December 6th, to ap- propriate $roo.00 for the compensation of the jail physician for the ensuing year was taken up for consideration. The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1904 53 By Mr. Parker : Resolved, As a substitute to Mr. Thompson's resolution that in lieu of a salary, the jail physician for the ensuing year be paid by fee, such fee or fees to be the minimum fee charged for such work by physicians when ten- dered to an individual, and not to exceed $t.00 for each professional visit to jail. On motion of Mr. Sprigg the same was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Hanshaw, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Terry and Wood—g. Noes—Messrs. Gallagher, Hine and Thompson -3. ivlr. Fairbanks' resolution to appoint Dr. R. C. Warren jail physician, introduced December 2d, on which action had been deferred to this date were taken up for consideration. By Mr. Terry Resolved, That the Board proceed by informal ballot fortheelection of a jail physician. On motion the same was adopted. The ballot was taken and the whole number of votes cast was 12, of which Dr. C. P. Biggs received Dr, R. C. \Varren received Dr. J. P. Fahey received 5 4 3 12 On motion of Mr. Baker, the Board proceeded by formal ballot for jail physician which resulted as follows First formal ballot, Dr. C. P. Biggs received ___ 5 Dr. R. C. Warren received_ ______ ____ ____ ____ ____ _ 4 Dr. J. P. Fahey received _ __ ____ ______ 3 t2 54 The Sufervisors' Proceedings, 1904 Second formal ballot, Dr. C. P. Biggs received Dr. R. C. \Warren received ______-- Dr. J. P. Fahey received Third formal ballot, Dr. C. P. Biggs received Dr. R. C. Warren received Dr. J. P. Fahey received__ _ Dr. E. Meavy received Fourth formal ballot, 4 4 4 12 3 4 4 12 Dr. C. P. Biggs received_ Dr. R. C. Warren received _ _ 4 Dr. J. P. Fahey received - 4 Dr. E. Meany received 12 Fifth formal ballot, Dr. C. P. Biggs received______ Dr. R.C. Warren received Dr. J. P. Fahey received Dr. W. C. Gallagher _ Sixth formal ballot, 2 4 5 12 Dr. C. P. Biggs received Dr. R. C. Warren received__ 4 Dr. J. P. Fahey received______ ____ _-____ 2 Dr. E. Meavy received Seventh formal ballot, 5 I2 Dr. C. P. Biggs received______ i Dr. R. C. Warren received 6 Dr. J. P. Fahey received_ ____ 1 Dr. E. Meavy received_ ___ 4 I2 The Supervisors' Proceedings, rgo¢ Eighth formal ballot, 55 Dr. C. P. Biggs received _ 1 Dr. R. C. Warren received_ ______ 6 Dr. J. P. Fahey received ______ ____ ____ __-- _--- _--- 1 Dr. E. Meany received_- _._ ____ ____ 4 12 Ninth formal ballot, Dr. R. C. Warren received______ _____ 6 Dr. E. Meany received_____ 1 Dr. J. P. Fahey received ____ ____ 1 Dr. C. P. Biggs received_ 4 Tenth formal ballot, Dr. R. C. Warren received Dr. C. P. Biggs received Dr. E. Meany received_ Dr. J. P. Fahey received Eleventh formal ballot, 12 5 4 2 12 Dr. R. C. Warren received 6 Dr. C. P. Biggs received ____ __-_-- __-- 5 Dr. J. P. Fahey received 12 Twelfth formal ballot, Dr. R. C. Warren received - 6 Dr. C. P. Biggs received ____ ____ 6 12 The ballot resulting in a tie, the Chairman cast a deciding ballot in favor of Dr. R. C. Warren, and he was declared elected jail physician for the ensuing year. Mr. Miller's resolution to allow the County Clerk $175.00 for services of janitor in County Clerk's Office and Judge's Office 56 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 19o¢ introduced December 5th was taken up for consideration, and on motion of Mr. Corbin the same was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Gallagher, Han- shaw, Hine, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Terry, Wood -11. Noes—none. Dr. Gallagher, chairman of the Committee on Miscellaneous Claims, reported favorably on Bills Nos. 77, io6 and 53, and recommended that the full amounts thereof be paid.. Laid on the table under the rule. Dr. Gallagher, chairman of the Committee on Miscellaneous Claims, reported on Bill No. 2, and recommended that the bill be allowed at $288.00 instead of $33S.00 as claimed. Laid on the table under the rule. Dr. Gallagher, chairman of the Committee on Miscellaneous Claims, reported on Bill No. 1, and referred back to the Board as a committee as a whole without recommendation of the committee. Laid on the table under the rule. Bill No. 49 was taken up for consideration, and on motion of Mr. Baker item No. i thereof was allowed at $io.00 instead of $25.00 as claimed. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Gallagher, Han- shaw, Hiue, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson, Terry and Wood -12. Noes—none. On motion of Mr. Baker, item No. 2 thereof was allowed at $10.00 instead of $2o.00 as claimed. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Gallagher, Han- The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1904 57 shaw, Hine, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson, Terry and Wood -12. Noes—none. On motion of Mr. Sprigg,'item No. 4 thereof was allowed at $1o.00 instead of $r5.00 as claimed. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Hanshaw, Hine, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson, Terry and Wood—i i.. Noes—none. On motion of Mr. Hine, item No. 5 thereof was allowed at :$ro.00 instead of $2o.00 as claimed. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Hanshaw, Hine, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson, Terry and Wood—io. Noes—none. On motion of Mr. Sprigg, Bill No. 49 was ordered audited at $5o.00 instead of $ioo.00 as claimed, as recommended by the •committee. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Hanshaw, Hine, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson, Terry and Wood—ro. Noes —none. By Mr. Baker : Resolved, That the sum of three hundred and sixty ($36o.00) dollars be collected from those persons indicated on the assessment roll of the Town of Danby as liable to poll tax, being a tax of $1.00 per capita for each person :so indicated in accordance with Chapter 311, Laws of 1898, in relation to working the highways under the money tax system. On motion of Mr. Sprigg, the same was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Hanshaw, Hine, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson, Terry and Wood—to. Noes—none. 58 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1901 By Mr. Sprigg : - Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board be instructed to prepare a form fora jail physician's register and procure the same, and be it further Resolved, That the jail physician be reqtiired to register each visit at the jail as per form of the above mentioned register. On motion of Mr. Parker the same was adopted. By Mr. Terry : Resolved, That the natter of installing a pumping plant at the County Alms House be made a special order of business for Wednesday, December i4th, at 2 P. Si. . Ou notion of Mr. Hanshaw the same was adopted. On motion the Board adjourned. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. moeo®eome�©®om®oNoo®m�o®e THIRTEENTH DAY. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, I904. Morning Session Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of December 7th read and approved. The Chairman appointed to act with himself as delegates to the Supervisors' Highway Convention to be held at Albany Janu- ary 24th and 25th, 1905, Messrs. Corbin and Hine. By Mr. Baker : Resolved, That in pursuance of the resolution of the Town Board of the Town of Danby, the amounts asked for be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the said town for the following purposes, viz.: The Supervisors' Proceedings, ryo¢ 59 For support of the town poor two hundred and twenty-five dollars ($225.00).' For highways and bridges five hundred dollars ($500.00) . For tool house one hundred seventy-five dollars ($175.00). For highways under the money tax system one thousand, five hundred fifteen and 92.100 dollars ($1,515.92),- being a tax of two mills on a dollar. On motion of Mr. Hanshaw the amounts were ordered levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Danby. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Hanshaw, Hine, Miller, Sprigg, Thompson and Wood -8. Noes—none. The members of the Board were engaged in committee work during the forenoon. On motion the Board adjourned. Afternoon Session Roll call. Quorum present. The Clerk read a petition from the property owners of a majority of the lineal feet on the four miles of the Catskill Turn- pike extending from the intersection with the road leading to Brookton to the bridge crossing Six Mile Creek near the Foun- tain House in Slaterville Springs, asking for the improvement of the same under the provisions of the Higbie-Armstrong Act. On motion the same was received and ordered filed. By Dr. Gallagher : WHEREAS, On the Sth day of December, 1904, there was duly presented to this Board, pursuant to Sections 1 and 2 of Chapter 115 of the Laws of 1898, a petition from the property owners of a majority of the lineal feet 6o The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1901 fronting on the section of a certain highway situate within the County of Tompkins, and which section is herein described, setting forth that the petitioners are such owners, and asking that such section of the highway be improved under the provisions of the act referred to ; and WrSEREAs, Such description does not include any portion of the high- way within the boundaries of any city or incorporated village ; therefore Resolved, That public interest demands the improvement under the provisions of Chapter 115 of the Laws of 1898 of the section of that public highway situate in the Towns of Dryden and Caroline, County of Tompkins, and described as follows : That portion of the old Catskill Turnpike, so called, leading from the City of Ithaca to the Village of Slaterville Springs, commencing at the intersection of said highway with the road leading south- erly to the Village of Brookton, adjoining premises now or formerly owned by one Rachel Cook in the Town of Dryden ; extending, thence easterly along the line of the Old Catskill Turnpike as now opened to the bridge over Six Mile Creek where the sante rues through or adjoins the premises upon which the hotel known as the Fountain House is constructed ; being a distance of about four miles. Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to forthwith transmit a certified copy of the foregoing resolution to the State Engineer and Surveyor. On motion of Mr. Corbin the same was adopted. . Dr. Gallagher, chairman of the Committee on Miscellaneous Claims, reported favorably on Bills Nos. 101, 104, 93, 7, 84, 26, rob, i r, and recommended that the full amounts thereof be paid. Laid on the table under the rule. On motion of Mr. Baker, Bills Nos. 77, too and 53 were or- dered audited at the full amounts thereof as recommended by the committee. 0 Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Gallagher, Han- shaw, Hiue, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson and Wood—r r. Noes—none. On motion of Mr. Baker, item No. 2 of Bill No. 2 was or- The Supervisors' Proceedings, [904 6 i dered audited at $5o.00 instead of $roo.00 as claimed, as recom- mended by the Committee on Miscellaneous Claims. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Gallagher, Han- shaw, Hine, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson and Wood—r r. Noes—none. On motion of Mr. Hine, Bill No. 2 was ordered audited at $283.00 instead of $338.00 as claimed, as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Gallagher, Han- shaw, Hine, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson and Wood—t r. Noes—none. 0 On motion of Mr. Parker, action on Bill No. 2 was deferred until the full Board was present. Mr. Sprigg, chairman of the Committee on County Treas- urer's Accounts, presented the following report which, on motion of Mr. Hine, was received and ordered printed : To the Honorable Board of Supervisors : In presenting to the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County the re- port of the County Treasurer, your committee wish to call attention to the complete and comprehensive accounting of every department, and wish to state that the report is correct in every detail, and this committee takes pleasure in complimenting the County Treasurer on the same. CHAS. SPRIGG, J. C. TH O M PSON, JOHN J. HANSHAW, Committee. On motion the Board adjourned. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. 62 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1901 FOURTEENTH DAY. FRIDAY, DECEIMIBER 9, 1904. Morning Session Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of Thursday read and approved. By Mr. Miller : Resolved, That there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the City of Ithaca the sum of $19.00 to reimburse the County Treasurer for expenses in collecting State and county tax of 1903, as per the following bill : ITHACA, N. Y., NOVEMBER 29, 1904. The City of Ithaca0 to Chas. M. Benjamin, County Treasurer. Treasurer's expenses collecting return tax, State and county_ $15 00 Stamps_ 4 00 • Laid on the table under the rule. By Mr. Corbin : $19 00 Resolved, That according to the following resolutions passed by the Town Board of the Town of Dryden that the amounts specified he levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Dryden : Resolved, That there be raised by tax three hundred dollars for the support of the poor. Resolved, That there be raised seventy-five dollars for the G. A. R. Fund. Resolved, That there be raised five hundred dollars ($5co.00) for bridges as allowed by statute. Resolved, That there be raised five hundred dollars ($500.00) as voted at Town Meeting in 1903 for highways and bridges. The Sufiervisors' Proceedings, rpot 63 On motion of Mr. Hine the amounts were ordered levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Dryden. Ayes—Messrs. Corbin, Gallagher, Hanshaw, .Hine, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson, Terry and Wood—io. Noes—none. Mr. Corbin presented the Town audits of the Town of Dry- den which, on motion of Mr. Hanshaw, were received and amount ordered levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Dryden. Ayes—Messrs. Corbin, Gallagher, Hanshaw, Hine, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson, Terry and Wood—Io. Noes—none. By Mr. Sprigg : Resolved, That the sum of five hundred dollars be appropriated for Deceased Indigent Soldiers' and Sailors' Fund. Laid ou the table under the rule. On motion the Board adjourned. Afternoon Session Roll call. Quorum present. The Clerk read the following report of the County Clerk which ou motion of Mr. Corbin was received and ordered printed : ITHACA, N. Y., DECEMBER 9, 1904. To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County : GENTLEMEN :-I have to report to the Board of Supervisors that since the date of my last report to your Board in the year 1903, I have received monies due and fur Tompkins County as follows: 64 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1901 J. Stewart Caldwell, November, 1904, violation of the°Liquor Tax Law, $300.00. W. H. Graveley, November 16, 1904, violation of the Liquor Tax Law, $250.00. The above amounts were paid to the County Treasurer as per receipts herewith. Respectfully yours, L. H. VAN KIRK, County Clerk. TOMPKINS COUNTY, SS.: Leroy H. Van Kirk being duly sworn says he is Clerk of Tompkins County, and that be has received no money for said County except as set forth in the above report as to fines. ° L. H. VAN KIRK. 'Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9th day of December, 1904. ARTHUR B. WELLAR, Notary Public. $300. ITHACA, N. Y., NOVEMBER 16, 1904. Received of L. H. Van Kirk by F. L. Clock, Special Deputy Clerk, three hundred dollars for fine imposed on J. Caldwell for violating Liquor Tax Law, Town of Lansing. CHAS. M. BENJAMIN, No. 410. County Treasurer. $250. ITHACA, N. Y., NOVEMBER 16, 1904. Received of L. H. Van Kirk by F. L. Clock, Special Deputy Clerk, two hundred fifty dollars for fine imposed on Wm. H. Graveley for violating the Liquor Tax Law, Town of Groton. No. 411. CHAS. M. BENJAMIN, County Treasurer. The Clerk read the report of the State Commission of Pris- ons on the inspection of the Tompkins County Jail which, on motion of Mr. Thompson, was received and ordered printed in the minutes. The Supervisors' Proceedings, 19o¢ 65 Mr. Corbin, chairman of the Committee on Coroner's and Printers' Accounts, reported favorably on Bills Nos. 62, 60, 107, 117 and 5 and recommended that the full amounts thereof be paid. Laid on the table under the rule. Dr. Gallagher, chairman of the Committee on Miscellaneous Claims, reported favorably on Bills Nos. 97, 78, 118, 119, 120, 105, 113, 61, 109, 110,23,44, I2I and 122, and recommended that the full amounts thereof be paid. Laid on the table under the rule. On motion of Mr. Hanshaw, Bills Nos. 108, 26, 84, 7, 93, 104, 101, 11 were ordered audited at the full amounts as recom- mended by the Committee on Miscellaneous Claims. Ayes—Messrs. Corbin, Fairbanks, Gallagher, Hanshaw, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson, Terry and Wood -9. Noes—none. By Mr. Sprigg : Resolved, That there he levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the County of Tompkins the sum of fifteen dollars for postage of County Treasurer for the ensuing year. Laid on the table under the rule. On notion the Board adjourned till Monday at 10 A. M. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. 66 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1904 FIFTEENTH DAY. MONDAY, DECEMBER I2, 1904. Morning Session Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of December 9th read and approved. The Clerk read the following communication which, on mo- tion of Mr. Terry, was ordered printed in the minutes : ROCHESTER HERALD COMPANY, ROCHESTER, N. Y., DECEMBER 10, 1904. MR. L. H. VAN KIRK, County Clerk, Ithaca, N. Y. Dear Sir:—We beg to acknowledge the receipt of yours of November 26th in which you state that the Board of Supervisors of your County has passed a resolution directing you to refuse to receive I-Iighway Manuals we shipped you upon the order of Mr. Charles H. Betts. \Ve beg to say in regard to the matter that our connection with it is simply that of a printer, and of course we have nothing to do with any action of your Board of Supervisors. We shall refer your letter to Mr. Betts who will, no doubt, communicate with you. We may say, However, that it strikes us the action taken by your Board of Supervisors is probably ill-advised ; and as the law is clear, we fail to per- ceive what authority a Board of Supervisors or any other Board has to direct you to refuse to obey a mandate of the Legislature.. However, as stated, we shall refer the matter to Mr. Betts who will probably write you. • Yours very truly, THE ROCHESTER HERALD CO., \VM. G. DAVID, Treas. The Clerk read a communication from the Insurance Under- writer's Association of the State, which on motion was referred to the committee ou insurance. The Supervisors' Proceedings, 190¢ 67 On motion the Board adjourned. Afternoon Session Roll call. Quorum present. Dr. Gallagher, chairman of the Committee on Miscellaneous Claims, reported favorably on Bill No. 54 and recommended that the full amount thereof be paid. Laid on the table under the rule. On motion of Mr. Hine,. Bills Nos. to, 113, 61, 105, 120, 119, 118, 140, 78, 23, 44, 132, 97 and 131 were ordered audited at the full amounts as recommended by the Committee on Miscel- laneous Claims. Ayes—Messrs, Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Gallagher, Han- shaw, Hine, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson, Terry and Wood -12. Noes—none. On motion of Mr. Sprigg, Bills Nos. 62, 6o, 107, 117 and 5 were ordered audited at the full amounts thereof as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hanshaw, Hine, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson, Terry and Wood—t1. Noes—none. By Mr. Hanshaw : Resolved, That the collectors of the several towns and the tax receiver of the City of Ithaca he required to settle with the County Treasurer and with the Supervisors of their respective towns on or before the 15th day of March, 1905. On motion of Mr. Terry the same was adopted. P 68 The Supervisors' Proceedings, f901 By Mr. Parker : Resolved, That pursuant to Section it of the County Law, the Chairman and Clerk of this Board be instructed to continue and make a contract with the Monroe County Penitentiary for one year from the 31st day of March, 1905, at the rate of ($r.75) one dollar and seventy-five cents per week each for all prisoners who shall receive a sentence of upwards of 15o days in this County and that the Clerk of this Board attend to the publication and filing of said contract pursuant to law. On motion of. Mr. Sprigg action thereon was made a special order of business for Tuesday at 2:30 P. M. By Mr. Hine : WHEREAS, The accounts accompanying the report of the Superintend- ent of the Poor have not in recent years been itemized as the law emphat- ic.tlly declares they should be, and repeated resolutions of this Board have front year to year declared they must be, therefore, Resolved, That the report of the Superintendent of the Poor of 1904 shall not be accepted until all accounts which accompany the report are duly verified and itemized. On motion of Mr. Thompson the same was adopted. By Mr. Sprigg : WHEREAS, It appears that the duties of the Superintendent of the Poor have increased to such- an extent that one superintendent is unable to per- form said duties satisfactorily and in the best interests of the County, be it therefore, Resolved, That in accordance with Section 210, paragraphs 1 to 6 in- clusive, of the County Law of the State of New York, there shall he elected at the next general election of the County of Tompkins one Superintendent of the Poor whose terra of office shall expire January ist, 19oS, and one Superintendent of the Poor whose term of office shall expire January ist, 1909, and one Superintendent ,of the Poor shall be elected at each general election thereafter for a term of three years. On motion of Mr. Hine, the same resulted in a tie vote. The Supervisors' Proceedings, rgo¢ 69 Ayes—Messrs. Fairbanks, Hine, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson and Terry -6. Noes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hanshaw, Miller and Wood -6. The Clerk read a communication from Mr. John L. Mande- ville which on motion was received and filed, and Mr. Mandeville was invited to appear before the Board in the interest of good roads as therein requested. Mr. Thompson, one of the Committee on Superintendent of the Poor Accounts, requested that the Chairman appoint an additional member of the Board on that Committee, and that he should he one who had served on the same committee in 1903, and on motion of Mr. Thompson the Chairman appointed Mr. Corbin. Mr. Terry presented the town audits of the Town of Ulysses, which on notion of Mr. Hine were received and amount ordered levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Ulysses. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Gallagher, Han- shaw, Hine, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson, Terry and Wood —12. Noes—none. On motion the Board adjourned. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. 70 The Supervisors' Proceeding -s, rgal SIXTEENTH DAY. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1904. Morning Session Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of Monday read and approved. As the result of the vote taken on Mr. Sprigg's resolution to elect two additional Superintendents of the Poor December 12th had not been declared by the Chair, Dr. Gallagher withdrew his vote of "no" on the resolution and voted "yes", and the Chain declared the resolution adopted. By Mr. Corbin : Resolved, That there be levied and collected from the owners and har- borers of dogs in the Town of Dryden the sum of $iSS.00 as shown by the assessment roll of 1904, being at the same rate voted by this Board on all dogs in the County. Resolved, That there be collected from those persons liable to poll tax in the Town of Dryden outside of the incorporated villages in said Town. the sum of $623.00 as shown by the assessment roll of 1904. On motion of Mr. Hine the same was adopted. • Ayes—Messrs. Corbin, Gallagher, Hanshaw, Hine, Thomp-. •son, Wood -6. Noes—none. On motion the Board adjourned. Afternoon Session Roll call. Quorum present. Monroe M. Sweetland, Esq., and Thomas W. Burns, Esq., were given the privilege of the floor and addressed the Board as to. The Supervisors' Proceedings, r9o¢ 71 the advisability of the County making a contract with Monroe County Penitentiary. Dr. Gallagher, chairman of the Committee on Miscellaneous Claims, reported favorably on Bills Nos. 1 2 1, 127, 129, 126, 125, and recommended that the full amounts thereof be paid. Laid on the table under the rule. Mr. Miller, chairman of the Committee on Sheriff's Ac- counts, reported favorably on Bill No. 138 and recommended that the full amount thereof be paid. Laid on the table under the rule. On motion of Mr. Hine, Bill No. 54 was ordered audited at the full amount as recommended by the Committee on Miscel- laneous Claims. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Gallagher, Han- shaw, Hine, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson and Wood -1 r. Noes—none. On notion of Mr. Fairbanks, Messrs. Fairbanks and Terry were appointed a committee by the Chair to confer with the County Clerk as to needed steel furnishings in the County Clerk's Office and were • empowered to employ an architect to draw plans and specifications for same and have blue prints made to submit for bids. Mr. F. J. Underwood, representing The General Fireproof- ing Company of Youngstown, Ohio, was given the privilege of the floor and exhibited to the Board samples of his company's steel furnishings. On motion of Mr. Terry, Mr. Parker's resolution authorizing the Chairman and Clerk of the Board to make a contract with • 72 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1904 the Monroe County Penitentiary, introduced December t2th, was adopted. On motion the Board adjourned. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. 4:4,®000®00000®000®00604:0000 SEVENTEENTH DAY. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14., 1904. Morning Session Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of Tuesday read and approved. The Clerk read a communication from the Ithaca Publishing Company, which on motion of Mr. Terry was received and ordered filed. By Mr. Miller : Resolved, That there be levied and collected from the taxable property of the City of Ithaca the sum of $SS.00 for services rendered as set forth in the annexed bill by A. S. Robinson, in making descriptions of property of deliAuent taxpayers of the City of Ithaca in accordance with the tax law, as follows : The County of Tompkins to A. S. Robinson, Dr. Aug. and Sept., 1904, Making searches, transcribing records of Deeds, and making descriptions of property in the City of Ithaca, N, Y., to be sold for unpaid taxes by the County Treasurer, 44 days at $2.00 per day :$ oo The Supervisors' Proceeding -s, rqo¢ STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF TOMPKINS, }SS. 73 A. S. Robinson being duly sworn says that the foregoing annexed ac- count is in all respects just and true, and that no.part thereof has been paid, and that there are no offsets to the same. A. S. ROBINSON. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 12th day of December, 1904. EDWARD H. FREAR, Justice of the Peace. Laid on the table under the rule. By Mr. Fairbanks : Resolved, That the sutn of two hundred and fifty dollars ($25o.00) be levied and collected from the taxable property of the County of Tompkins to be used by the Committee on Jail Labor for the purpose of purchasing stone and other supplies necessary to be used in keeping such prisoners properly employed. Resolved, That stone purchased by said committee and broken by prisoners he sold by the Committee on Jail Labor at the best terms they are able to make. The price of broken stone to be not less than the cost of rough stone delivered at the stone yard of Tompkins County. The proceeds of such sale to be added to the fund raised for the employment of jail labor. Laid on the table under the rule. On motion the Board adjourned. Afternoon Session Roll call. Quorum present. The Chairman appointed the following committees to visit the County Alms House during the ensuing year : 74 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1904 January ____ ____ ____ _Messrs. Fairbanks and Terry March____ Messrs. Hanshaw and Miller May____ ___.____Messrs. Corbin and Hine July____ Messrs. Thompson and Gallagher September Messrs. Wood and Parker November _Messrs. Sprigg and Baker The Clerk read the following report of Mr. Hine on the bonded indebtedness of the Town of Enfield, which on motion of Mr. Terry, was received and ordered printed in the minutes : • As Supervisor of the Town of Enfield to whom was transferred the duties of Railroad Bonding Commissioner of said Town, I hereby respectfully report as follows : That of the original issue of Io bonds of one thousand four hundred dollars each made March 1st, 1901, Nos. I, 2, and 3 of said series, each of $1,400.00, have been fully paid, cancelled and surrendered. I further report that the 'semi-annual interest on said bonds amounting to $196.00 clue March 1st; 1904, and the further sum of $171.50 due Septem- ber Ist, 1904, have been fully paid and I hold cancelled coupons for the same. That by the terms of the contract on which said bonds were issued, one bond of $1,400.00 becomes due annually in addition to semi-annual interest on balance of remaining debt. I therefore report that it will be necessary for the Town of Enfield to raise by tax for the coming year the sum of $1,718.50 to be disbursed as follows : For payment of Bond No. 4 due March 1st, 1905__ _.___.. $1,400 00 For payment of interest due March 1st, 1905 171 50 For payment of interest due September 1st, 1505________ 147 00 Total 41,715 50 JAMES H. HINE. STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF TOMPIiINS, f SS. James H. Hine being duly sworn, deposes and says the above report is in all respects true and correct to the hest of his knowledge and belief. JAMES H. HINE. The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1904 Sworn to before me this 14th day of December, 1904. B. T. BAKER, Notary Public. 75 The Clerk read the following report of the Clerk of the Sur- rogate's Court, which on motion of Mr. Baker was received and ordered printed in the minutes : Surrogate's Office in account with Tompkins County. Balance due County at date of last report _ _$ 8 09 The following amount has been received for certified copies of records since the date of last report _ 31 25 Total receipts. DISBURSEMENTS Laundry _ Postage ____ Water Cleaning windows Supplies $ 240 15 00 4 55 90 4 25 $39 34 $27 10 Balance due County $12 24 STATE OP NEW YORK, l TOMPKINS COUNTY, SS. D. D. Gillespie being duly sworn says that she is the Clerk of the Surro- gate's Court of said County ; that the foregoing is a true and correct state- ment of fees received by her for services for certifying records since the date of last report to the present time, together with all disbursements chargeable against the same. D. M. GILLESPIE. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 6th day of December, 1904. A. E. BALL, Deputy County Clerk. 76 The Supervisors' Proceedings, To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: '901 I hereby report that the matter of certifying copies of the records of this office is entirely one of the Clerk's duties, and is perforated by and fees for same are collected by her. I believe the above report to be correct. Dated, December 6th, 1904. CHARLES H. BLOOD, Surrogate. By Mr. Miller : Resolved, That the salary of the Special County Judge be two hundred and fifty dollars for the year 1905. Laid on the table under the rule. 0 By Mr. Parker : Resolved, That in accordance with Chapter 33, Section 2 of the County Law, there shall be levied and collected the following tax on dogs over four months old, upon every dog owned or harbored by one or more persons or by any family 5o cents, and for every additional clog owned or harbored by same person or persons or family $2.0o ; and for every bitch owned or har- bored by any one or more persons or by any fancily the sum of $3.00 and upon every additional bitch owned or harbored by the same person or per- sons or family the sunt of $5.00. On motion of Mr. Thompson the sane was adopted. By Mr. Thompson : Resolved, That in accordance with resolutions adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Newfield and the statutes in such cases made and provided the following suets of money be levied upon and collected from the taxabls property of the Town of Newfield as herein set forth, viz.: The sum of $250.00 for repairing of roads and bridges. The sunt of $too.00 in aid of the Newfield Free Town Library. The Supervisors' Proceedings, 19°1 77 The sum of $5o.00 in aid of the town poor, and $15.00 for the Newfield Soldiers', Veterans' and Citizens' Memorial Association to defray the expenses of the observance of Memorial Day. On notion of Mr. Parker the amounts were ordered levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Newfield. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Gallagher, Han- shaw, Hine, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson, Terry and Wood. --r 2. Noes—none. Mr. Hine, Chairman of the Committee on Clerk's and Justice's Accounts, .reported favorably on Bill No. 122 and recommended that the full amount thereof be paid. Laid on the table under the rule. On motion of Mr. Terry Bill No. 138 was ordered audited at the full amount as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Gallagher, Han- shaw, Hine, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson, Terry and Wood. -1 2. Noes—none. On motion of Mr. Hanshaw Bills Nos. 125, 126, 129, 121 and 127 were ordered audited at the full amount as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Gallagher, Han- shaw, Hine, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson, Terry and Wood. -12. Noes—none. The Board dissolved in a committee as a whole to consider Bill No. r, with Mr. Hine in the chair. 78 The Supervisors' Proceedings, [94 On notion of Mr. Terry Bill No. I was ordered audited at the full amount. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Gallagher, Han- shaw, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson, Terry, Wood and Mount.—I 2. Noes—none. On motion the Board arose from the committee as a whole and Mr. Mount resumed the Chair. Mr. Frankfort, representative of the Fairbanks Co., was given the privilege of the floor, and addressed the Board regard- ing the installation of a hydraulic ram at the Alms House. On motion the committee on the installation of a hydraulic ram at the Alms House were instructed to go in company with Mr. Frankfort to Attorney R. Horton, Esq.,' and have drafted a proposed contract for the installation of a No. 2 engine, to be submitted to the Board.• On motion the Board adjourned. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. 000000®0000000000000400000 EIGHTEENTH DAY. THURSDAY, DECEMBER I5, 1904. Morning Session Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of Wednesday read and approved. The Supervisors' Proceedings, 5904 79 Mr. Fred J. Marsh Was given the privilege of the floor and addressed the Board regarding his methods used for the:past twenty years for the prevention of crime and with the suggestion of the advisability of a county society being formed to work on the same lines. On motion the Board went into executive session. By Mr. Terry : Resolved, That the County of Tompkins purchase of The Fairbanks Company of New York City, N. Y., one Nu. 2 amble Acting Niagara Ram with proper pipes, valves and fittings at and for the price and sum of one thousand nineteen and 65-100 dollars under the conditions and guarantees agreed to by the said company ; and that the Chairman and Clerk of this Board be and they are hereby authorized and empowered to execute in the name of the County of Tompkins to and with said company a written con- tract for said purchase in accordance with the terms herein mentioned, and specifications furnished. On motion the Board adjourned. Afternoon Session Roll call. Quorum present. Mr. Corbin, chairman of the Committee on Coroner's and Printers' Accounts, reported favorably on Bills Nos. 79, 93 and 130 and recommended that the full amounts thereof be paid. Laid on the table under the rule. Dr. Gallagher, Chairman of the Committee on Miscellaneous Claims, reported favorably on Bills Nos. 149, 153, 143, 142, 139, 143, 123, 146, 137, 147, 135, 136, 134, 154, 151, 152 and 111, and recommended that the full amounts thereof be paid. Laid on the table under the rule. On motion, of Mr. Hanshaw Bill No. 122 was ordered audited at the full amount thereof as recommended by the com- mittee. 8o The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1901 Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hanshaw, Hine, Miller, Parker, Thompson, Terry and Wood.—ro. Noes—None. Mr. Miller's resolution, introduced December 9th, to levy and collect from the taxable property of the City of Ithaca $19.00 to reimburse the County Treasurer for collecting return State and County Tax was taken up for consideration and on motion of Mr. Corbin was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hanshaw, Hine, Miller, Parker, Thompson, Terry and Wood—io. Noes—none. Mr. Sprigg's resolution, introduced December 9th, to appro- priate $Soo.00 for deceased indigent soldiers' and sailors' fund was taken up for consideration and on motion of Mr. Baker the amount was ordered levied and collected from the taxable property of the County of Tompkins. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hanshaw, Hine, Miller, Parker, Thompson, Terry and Wood—to. Noes—none. Mr. Sprigg's resolution, introduced December 9th, to levy and collect from the taxable property of the County of Tompkins $15.00 for postage and printing of County Treasurer was taken up for consideration and on motion of Mr. Thompson was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hanshaw, Hine, Miller, Parker, Thompson, Terry and Wood—io. Noes—none. Mr. Miller's resolution, introduced December r4th, to levy The Supervisors' Proceedings, 19o¢ 81 and collect from the taxable property of the City .of Ithaca the sten of $88.00 to pay A. S. Robinson, Esq., for making descrip- tions of delinquent tax payers was taken up for consideration and on notion of Mr. Baker was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hanshaw, Miller, Parker, Thompson, Terry and Wood -9. Noes—none. Mr. Miller's resolution, introduced. December i4th, to make the salary of the Special County Judge $250.00 for 1905, was taken up for consideration, and action thereon deferred until Monday, December 19th, at 2 P. M. Mr. Fairbanks' resolution, introduced December 14th, to ap- propriate $250.00 for the fund for working the prisoners was taken up for consideration and action thereon deferred until Monday, December 19th, at 2 P. M. The Clerk read the following statement of the Assessor of the Town of Dryden, which was received and ordered printed : To the Honorable Board of Supervisors From verified statement made to us by the Cashier of the First National Bank of Dryden doing business at the Village of Dryden, N. Y., which is subject to taxation under the provisions of Chapter 55o entitled an act to amend the tax law relating to the taxation of stockholders of hanks and banking institutions, we have determined the value of each share of stock as follows : 25o shares of capital stock $25,000 00 Surplus _ 3,000 00 Undivided profits - 421 86 Less real estate $28,421 86 1,208 75 Total $27,215 rt Value of each share of stock for taxation $loS.85. A. C. HOWARD, Assessor.. 82 The Supervisors' 'Proceeding -s, 1901 Mr. Terry's resolution, introduced in the forenoon, to install a hydraulic ram at the County Alms House was taken up for consideration, and on motion of Mr. Miller its adoption was lost. Ayes—Messrs. Fairbanks, M'iller, Sprigg and Terry -4. Noes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hanshaw, Hine, Parker, Thompson and Wood -8. On motion the Board. adjourned. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. �t�®®00000000®0®®e+mo®ems NINETEENTH DAY. FRIDAY, DECEMBER i6, 1904. Morning Session Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of Thursday read and approved.. WHEREAS, In the course of nature our colleague, Barnard M. Hagin, has been called from his long and severe labors here to his well earned rest in the hereafter, and • WHEREAS, The County of Tompkins knowing him well has honored him in the past, and WHEREAS, His own Town of Lansing has placed him in the post of honor when her best interests have needed upholding, be it Resolvent, That while we regret his absence from our counsels and while we deeply sympathize with his relatives. his friends and his fellow towns- men, we also rejoice that he was spared so long to enjoy the fruits of his ' labors. The Supervisors' Proceedings, r9o¢ 83 Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be presented to the family and printed with our minutes. W. C. GALLAGHER, WM. H. BAKER, J. H. HIKE. On motion of Mr. Hanshaw the same was adopted. On motion the Board adjourned. Afternoon Session Roll call. Quorum present. Mr. John L. Mandeville was given the privilege. of the floor and addressed the Board on Road Improvement. On notion of Dr. Gallagher, a general discussion of Road Improvement was made a special order of business for Tuesday, December 2oth, from ro to 12 o'clock. Dr. Gallagher, chairman of the Committee on Miscellaneous Claims, reported on Bill No. 24 and recommended that it be .allowed at $4o.00 instead of $85.00 as claimed. Laid on the table under the rule. On motion of Mr. Hanshaw, Bills Nos. 79, 98 and 130 were ordered audited at the full amounts as recommended by the committee: Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Fairbanks, Hanshaw, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson, Terry and Wood -9. Noes—none. On motion of ivtr. Baker, Bills Nos. r49, 153, 148, 142, 139, 143, 123, 146, 137, 147, 135, 136, 134, 154, 150, 151, 152, and 111 were ordered audited at the full amounts as recommended by the Committee on Miscellaneous Claims. 84 The Supervisors' Proceedings. 1901 Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Gallagher, Han- shaw, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson, Terry and Wood—ri. Noes—none. On motion the Board adjourned to Monday at io A. 1V1. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. 4094O0400440004,00443000000®OO TWENTIETH DAY. MONDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1904. Morning Session Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of December 16th read and approved. • By Mr. Sprigg : Resolved, That the suni of t;vo hundred dollars ($2oo.00) be allowed the District Attorney for office rent fora9o5• Laid on the table under the rule. By Mr. Miller : Resolved, That there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the County of Tompkins the suni of six hundred dollars ($6o0.00) for Surrogate's and County Judge's stenographer for the year 1905. Laid ou the table under the rule. By Mr. Baker : Resolved, That there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the County of Tompkins the sural of seven thousand dollars ($7,000.00) for Court expenses for the year 1905. The Supervisors' Proceedings, rgo¢ 85 Laid on the table under the rule. By Mr. Hanshaw : Resolved, That the salary of the Clerk of the Surrogate's Court for 1905 be five hundred dollars. Laid on the table under the rule. Mr. John B. Shaver of Breeville, N. Y., was given the privi- lege of the floor and made a report of his investigations of the heating plant at the County Alms House, which on motion of Mr. Corbin was accepted and ordered filed. On motion the Board adjourned. Afternoon Session Roll call. Quorum present. Mr. Miller's resolution, introduced December tq.th, to make the salary of the Special County Judge $25o.00 was taken up for consideration, which after a discussion was withdrawn by Mr. Miller. 13y Mr. Miller : Resolved, That the salary of the Special County Judge and Acting Sur- rogate of Tompkins County be three hundred dollars for the year 1905. Laid on the table under the rule. By Mr. Hine : Resolved, That in accordance with the report of the Supervisor of the Town of Enfield as to the bonded indebtedness of said town, the sum of $1,718.5o be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Enfield to pay amounts due thereon. Laid on the table under the rule. Mrs. Wood and Mrs. Backus, delegates from the W. C. T. U., were given the privilege of the floor and explained to the Board 86 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 19o¢ their work at the County Jail, and asked that the lady who had that work in charge be appointed by the Board Jail Chaplain with an annual salary of $52.ao. By Mr. Corbin : Resolved, That there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the County of Tompkins the sum of $rco.00 for °face rent of Sheriff for the year 1905. Laid on the table under the rule. Mr. Hine, chairman' of the Committee on Clerk's and Jus- tice's Accounts, reported favorably on Bills Nos. 144 and 175 and recommended that the full amounts thereof be paid. Laid on the table under the rule. Dr. Gallagher, chairman of the Committee on Miscellaneous Claims, reported favorably on Bills Nos. 170,169, 162, 161, 157,, 168, 164, 173, 159, 171, 156, 82, and 155 and recommended that. the full amounts thereof be paid. Laid on the table under the rule. Mr. Corbin, chairman of the Committee on Printers' and Coroners' Accounts, reported favorably on l3ills Nos. 7r, 158 and 165 and recommended that the full amounts thereof be paid. Laid on the table under the rule, Bill No. .24 was taken up for consideration, and on motion of Mr. Parker, item No. 1 was ordered audited at $1o.00 instead of $15.00 as claimed. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, .Corbin, Fairbanks, Gallagher, Han- shaw, Hine, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson, Terry .and. Wood --12. Noes—none. The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1904 87 On motion of Mr. Hanshaw, item No: 2 was ordered audited at $to.00 instead of $35.00 as claimed. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Fairbanks, Han- shaw, Hine, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson, Terry and . Wood -12. Noes—none. On motion of Mr. Terry, item No. 3 was ordered audited at $10.00 instead of $15.00 as claimed. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Gallagher, Han- shaw, Hine,Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson, Terry and Wood—t 2. Noes—none. On motion of Mr. Terry item No. 4 was ordered audited at $1o.00 instead of $20.00 as claimed. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Gallagher, Han- shaw, Hine, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson, Terry and Wood -12. Noes—none. On motion of Mr. Hine, Bill No. 24 was ordered audited at $40.00 instead of $85.00 as claimed, as recommended by the Com- mittee on Miscellaneous Claims. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Gallagher, Han- shaw, Hine, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson, Terry and Wood -1 2. - Noes—none. The Clerk read the following report of Mr. Fairbanks on working the prisoners, which on motion of Dr. Gallagher was received and ordered printed : 88 The Supervisors' Proceedings, rgo¢ To the Board of Supervisors: As chairman of the Committee on County Prisoners, 1 beg to make the following report : I find that the number of days work will be about 1,300. The number working varies from 3 to 9 each day. They have repaired and made several miles of road which were in bad condition. They have also broken about 470 tons of stone in the past year. About too tons of this stone have been used, leaving about 370 tons of broken stone on hand. There are about 5 tons of rough stone on hand. A uew concrete floor has been made in the stone yard building. The stone yard and buildings are in good condition. There are one hundred ten feet chestnut posts on hand to he used for sign hoard posts through the County. No sign posts have been put up, as only directions from 3 or 4 commissioners have been received. There is remaining in the County Treasurer's hands from the $250 appropriated in 1903, $132.Sr. The following bills have been paid there- from : Minturn, for stone $ir.19, estate of D. Boardman, $5.62, F. T. Brock, for lumber $53.57, J. Fowles, material for concrete, $31.81, E. J. Loomis, for fence posts $15.00. J. Lynch has a hill of $6.4o for weighing, and has had 7 tons of broken stone at $.So or$5.6o, leaving a balance of $.So due him. Dixon . Robinson's account for weighing about balances the account for broken stone had by them. Mr. Hughes has a hill for about $14.00 for stone which he has not presented. Accordingly about $1r8.00 of the fund remains unused. H. C. FAIRBANKS. By Mr. Terry : Resolved, That there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the County of Tompkins the sum of $too.00 to pay the salary of Chaplain at the County Alms House for one year. Laid on the table under the rule. The Supervisors' Proceedings, r9o4 89 By Mr. Thompson : Resolved, That the sum of three hundred and sixty dollars ($36o.00) be •collected from those persons indicated on the assessment roll of the Town of Newfield outside of the Village of Newfield as liable to poll tax, being a tax of $r.00 per capita for each person so indicated in accordance with Chapter 35i, Laws of 1898, in relation to working the highways under the money tax system. On motion of Mr. Hanshaw the same was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Gallagher, Han- shaw, Hine, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson, Terry and Wood—r2. Noes—none. By Mr. Thompson Resolved, That the sum of one thousand, four hundred nineteen and idu dollars or two mills on the dollar of assessed property of the Town of New- field outside of the corporate limits of the Village of Newfield be levied and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Newfield outside of the Village of Newfield for the purpose of tvorking the highways of the Town of Newfield outside of the Village of Newfield under the money tax system itt accordance with a resolution adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Newfield and with Chapter 351, Laws of 1S98. On motion of Mr. Baker the same was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Gallagher, Han- shaw, Hine, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson and Wood --I t. Noes—none. Mr. Fairbanks' resolution, introduced December i4tb, to ap- propriate $250.00 for working the prisoners was taken up for consideration, and Mr. Fairbanks reduced the amount to be appropriated to $150.00. Laid on the table under the rule. On motion. the Board adjourned. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. go The Supervisors' Proceedings, 19o¢ TWENTY-FIRST DAY. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1904. Morning Session Roll call. ,Quorum present. Minutes of Monday read and approved. By Mr. Hanshaw : WHERAs, The new law pertaining to the working of highways under the money tax system makes it. obligatory on the Supervisors to receive and disburse all money for highway purposes, thereby making it necessary for such Supervisors to give bonds for all money so received and making such extra work for such Supervisors, therefore, • Resolved, That each town board of the towns in the County which is working its highways under the money tax system be asked to allow the Supervisor a fee of one per cent for receiving and disbursing such fund. On motion of Mr. Thompson the same was adopted. By Mr. Thompson : Resolved, That an appropriation of fifty-two dollars ($52.00) be levied'. upon and collected from the taxable property of the County of Tompkins to pay the Lady Chaplain appointed by the W. C. T. U. for services in the County Jail ; and that the same sum be appropriated for religious services at the County Alms House. Laid on the table under the rule, Mr. Thompson presented the town audits of the Town of Newfield, which on motion of Mr. Terry were received and the amount ordered levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Newfield. Ayes—lVfessrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hanshaw, Hine, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson, Terry and Wood—ro. Noes—none. The Supervisors' Proceedings., !yo¢ 91 The privilege of the floor was given to Mr. John L. Mande- ville and he addressed the Board on the subject of good roads. By Mr. Parker Resolved, That the Sheriff or any other officer authorized by him be allowed $t5.00 for transportation of a single person to the State Industrial School at Rochester, and to all other institutions to which he conveys prisoners and $3.00 for each additional person taken at the same time. On motion of Mr. Thompson the same was adopted. On motion the Board adjourned. Afternoon Session Roll call. Quorum present. The Rev. Owen, Chaplain at the County Alms House, was given the privilege of the floor and he explained to the Board the extent of his duties as such Chaplain. Mr. Miller's resolution to pay the Special County Judge and Acting Surrogate a salary of $3oo.00 for 19o5, introduced De- cember 19th, was taken up for consideration. By Mr. Hine : Resolved, As a substitute to Mr. Miller's resolution that the salary of the Special County Judge for 1905 be ($so.00) fifty dollars. On motion of Mr. Thompson, Mr. Hine's resolution was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Gallagher, Han- shaw, Hine, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson and Wood—to. Noes—Messrs. Miller and Terry -2. Mr. Terry's resolution to allow the Chaplain at the County Alms House $ioo.00 for the year 1905, introduced December 92 The Supervisors' Proceedings, r901 19th, was taken up for consideration and on motion of Mr. Miller was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Hanshaw, Hine, Miller, Parker, Sprigg and Terry -9. Noes—Messrs. Gallagher, Thompson and Wood -3. Mr. Sprigg's resolution to allow the District Attorney $200.00 for office rent, introduced December igth, was taken up for con- sideration and on motion of Mr. Baker was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Gallagher, Han- shaw, Hine, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson, Terry and Wood—i 2. Noes—none. Mr. Miller's resolution to levy and collect $600.00 for salary of Surrogate's and County Judge's stenographer, introduced December 19th, was taken up for consideration and on motion of Mr. Hine was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Gallagher, Han- shaw, Hine, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson, Terry and Wood -12. Noes—none. Mr. Baker's resolution to levy and collect on taxable prop- erty of the County of Tompkins $7,000.00 for Court expenses, introduced December 19th, was taken up for consideration and on motion of Mr. Hine was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Gallagher, Han shaw, Hine, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson, Terry and \,rood—! 2. Noes—none. The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1901 93 Mr. Hanshaw's resolution that salary of Surrogate's Clerk for 1905 be $500.00, introduced December i9th, was taken up for consideration and on motion of Mr. Parker was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Gallagher, Han- shaw, Hine, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson, Terry and Wood—i 2. Noes—none. Mr. Hine's resolution to levy and collect from taxable prop- erty in the Town of Enfield $1,718.50 to pay on principal and interest on the bonded indebtedness in said town, introduced December 19th, was taken up for consideration and on motion of Mr. Hanshaw was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Gallagher, Han- shaw, Hine, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson, Terry and Wood -12. Noes—none. Mr. Corbin's resolution to levy and collect from taxable prop- erty of the County of Tompkins $roo.00 for office rent of Sheriff for 1905, introduced December 19th, was taken up for considera- tion and on motion of Mr. Baker was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Gallagher, Han- shaw, Hine, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson, Terry and Wood -1 2. Noes—none. Mr. Fairbanks' resolution to levy and collect from taxable property of the County of Tompkins $15o.00 for working pris- oners, introduced December 14th and amended December 19th, was taken up for consideration and on motion of Mr. Parker was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Gallagher, Han- 94 The Supervisors' Proceedings, rqo¢ shaw, Hine, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson, Terry and Wood -12. Noes=none. Dr. Gallagher, chairman of the Committee on Miscellaneous Claims, reported favorably on Bills Nos. 176, 133, and 16o and recommended that the full amounts thereof be paid. Laid on the table under the rule. Dr. Gallagher also reported on Bill No. 128 recommending that it be allowed at $4.50 instead of $6.3o as claimed. Laid on the table under the rule. On motion of Mr. Hanshaw, Bill No. 145 was ordered audited at the full amount as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Gallagher, Han- shaw, Hine, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson, Terry and Wood -12. Noes—none. On motion of Mr. Terry Bills Nos. 165, 71 and 158 were ordered audited at the full amounts as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Gallagher, Han- shaw, Hine, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson, Terry and Wood -12. Noes—none. On motion of Mr. Terry Bills Nos. 144 and 175 were ordered at the full amounts as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Gallagher, Han- shaw, Hine, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson, Terry and Wood -12. Noes—none. The Supervisors' Proceedings, [901 95 On motion of Mr. Baker Bills Nos. 170, 169, 162, t61, 167, i68, 165, 164, 173, 159, 171, 82, 156, 155 were ordered audited at the full amounts as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Gallagher, Han- shaw, Hine, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson, Terry and Wood -12. Noes—none. The Clerk read the following re_i ort of the Bonding Commis- sioners of the Town of Newfield, which on motion of Mr. Terry was received and ordered printed : To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County : \Ve, the undersigned, Bonding Commissioners of the Town of Newfield, respectfully submit the following report : Refunding serial bonds outstanding $.12,000.00. Said serial bonds ma- ture and become payable as follows : $2,000,00 on the first clay of March, 7905, and $2,00.00 on the first day of March each year thereafter until the whole amount shall have been paid. Serial bonds bear interest at the rate of 3X per cent. per annum. In- terest payable semi-annually on the first days of March and September of each year. We further report that it will he necessary for the said Town of Newfield to raise by tax the sum of $3,365.00 to pay maturing bonds and interest on bonds as follows : Principal due March 1st, 1905 - $2,000 oo Interest on $.40.000.00 from September ist, 1904, to March ist, 1905 700 00 Interest on $3S,o0o.00 from March ist to Sept. 1st, 1905_ 665 00 $3,365 00 We further report that we have no balance on hand. Dated, Newfield, N. V., November 25th, 1904. A. H. PALMER, JOHN \V. DEAN, Commissioners. 96 The Supervisors' Proceeding's, 19o¢ STATE OF NEW YORK, TOMPKINS COUNTY, . j SS. The undersigned being duly sworn depose and say that the above report. is in all respects correct and true to the best of their knowledge and belief. A. H. PALMER, JOHN W. DEAN. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 25th day of November, 1904. ESTUS PATTERSON, Notary Public. The Clerk read the following report of Mr. indebtedness of the Town of Newfield, which Corbin was received and ordered printed : To Me Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County Thompson on the on motion of Mr. In accordance with Chapter 552 of the Laws of 187o, 1 hereby report the bonded indebtedness of the Town of Newfield to be as follows, viz. Amount of bonds issued_ ____ ____ $52,000 00 Amount of principal paid_ _ 12,000 00 Outstanding bonds unpaid _ $4o,000 00 Amount of interest due March ist, 1905 _ $ 700 00 Amount of interest due September 1st, 19o5_ 665 00 Total interest_ $1,365 00 Payment on principal March 1st, 1905_ _. 2,000 00 Total principal and interest $3,365 00 JOHN C. THOMPSON, Supervisor. By Mr. Thompson : Resolved, That at the request of the Bonding Commissioners of the Town of Newfield, the sum of thirteen hundred and sixty-five dollars ($1,365.00) for the payment of interest and the further sum of two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) for payment on principal of the above named bonds be The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1901 97 levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Newfield. Laid on the table under the rule. On motion the Board adjourned. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. 000000<eooe®s000000000®0000 TWENTY-SECOND DAY. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2I, 1904. Morning Session Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes.of Tuesday read and approved. The. members of the Board were engaged in committee work. On motion the Board adjourned. Afternoon Session Roll call. Quorum present. The Board made inspection' of the County Jail. Mr. Miller, chairman of the Committee on Sheriff's Accounts, reported favorably on Bill No. 163 and recommended that the full amount thereof be paid. Laid on the table under the rule. On motion of Mr. Baker Bills Nos. i73, 176, 16o were ordered audited at the full amounts as recommended by the committee. 98 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1904 Ayes -Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Hine, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson, Terry, Wood—to. Noes—none. On motion of Mr. Hine, Bill No. 128 was ordered audited at $4.5o instead of $6.3o, claimed, as recommended by the com- mittee. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Hine, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson, Terry and Wood—to. Noes—none. Mr. Thompson's resolution to appropriate $52.00 to pay the' lady jail chaplain, introduced December loth, was taken up for consideration, and action thereon deferred until Thursday. Mr. Thompson's resolution to levy upon and collect from the taxable property of the Town of Newfield the sum of $3,365.00 to pay principal and interest on bonded indebtedness; introduced December 20, was taken up for consideration and on motion of Mr. Terry was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Hine, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson, Terry, Wood—to. Noes—none. The Clerk read the following report, which on motion of Mr. Hine was received and ordered printed in the proceedings : WHEREAS, The Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County have this day inspected the 'County Jail in conformity to law, We would report that by a thorough inspection we found every depart- ment in apparently the best condition. The cells were all clean and tidy, and the prisoners seem to be well cared for and comfortable. . We found no case of sickness or complaint of neglect from any prisoners. The condi- The Supervisors' Proceedings, [901 99 tions which might be improved do not come from any neglect or care either of the sheriff or turnkey. R. N. MOUNT, W. H. PARKER, WM. H. BAKER, CHAS. SPRIGG, A. N. MILLER, H. C. FAIRBANKS, J.. C. THOMPSON, EUGENE TERRY, JOHN J.: HANSHAW. On motion the Board adjourned. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. ®6+0®00000tf®NNA®®eN TWENTY-THIRD DAY. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1904. Morning Session Roll call.' Quorum present. Minutes of Wednesday read and approved. By Mr. Hanshaw : 1. WHEREAS, At meetings of this Board held on the 2Ist day of Decem- ber, 1903, 13th day of April, 1904, resolutions were adopted that provisions should be made for the improvement of that portion of the highway com- monly known as Ithaca Road. Town of Ithaca, Tompkins County, and described as follows : Spencer Road Section, from the forks of Enfield and Spencer Road, northerly to the south line of the City of Ithaca. Lake Road Section, from the north line of the City of Ithaca, northerly to the road leading westerly across the head of Cayuga Lake, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 115, Laws of 1S9S ; and 2. WHEREAS, The State Engineer and Surveyor has investigated and de- termined that a section of said highway is of sufficient public importance 100 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1904 to merit improvement in accordance with the provisions of said law, and has certified his approval of the said resolution ; and 3. WHEREAS, Said State Engineer and Surveyor has caused a section of said highway, which section is described as follows ; Spencer Road Section, from the forks of Enfield and Spencer Road, northerly to the south line Of the City of Ithaca, Lake Road section from the north line of the City of Ithaca, northerly to the road leading westerly across the head of Cayuga Lake, a distance of three and (a3 miles, in the Town of Ithaca, Tompkins County, and known as the Ithaca Road to be surveyed and mapped. and has caused plans and specifications and an estimate of cost to he made for said improvement, and has transmitted the sante to this Board ; 4. Resolved, That the highway above described in paragraph one, be improved and constructed in that portion thereof above described in para- graph three in accordance with the neaps, plans, specifications and estimate prepared for such improvement by the State Engineer and Surveyor under the provisions of Chapter 115 of the Laws of 1898. That said work be done under the charge, care and superintendence of the State Engineer and Surveyor, and that said maps, plans, specifications and estimate prepared by said State Engineer and Surveyor for said work, are hereby duly ap- proved and adopted by this Board ; 5. Resolved„ That the sum of eighteen thousand, nine hundred fifty. dollars ($1S.95o.00) being one-half the estimated total cost, which amounts to $37,9oo oo, be and the same is hereby appropriated for constructing and improving, under the provisions of Chapter 115 of the Laws of 1S9S, said road described in paragraph 3 hereof ; and the County Treasurer of Tomp- kins County is hereby authorized and directed to pay said sum upon the requisition or draft of the State Engineer and Surveyor, said sum being hereby Made immediately available for such purpose ; and if he should find it necessary said County Treasurer 'is hereby authorized and empowered to borrow all or part of said sum on the obligation of the said County issued by him for, on behalf of and in the name of the County of Tompkins and acting for and on behalf of said County. Laid on the table under the rule. By Mr. Hanshaw : I. WHEREAS, At a meeting of this Board held on the 21st day of Novem- ber, 1904, a resolution was adopted that provisions should be made for the improvement of that portion of the highway commonly known as Wyckoff Road, Town of Ithaca, Tonipkins County, and described as follows : From Cayuga Heights Road, southeasterly to the north line City of Ithaca, at The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1901 101 Highland Avenue, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 115, Laws of 1S9S ; and 2. WHEREAS, The State Engineer and Surveyor has investigated and determined that a section of said highway is of sufficient public importance to merit improvement in accordance with the provisions of said law, and has certified his approval of the said resolution ; and, 3. WHEREAS, Said State Engineer and Surveyor has caused a section of said highway, which section is described as follows : From Cayuga Heights Road, southeasterly to the north line City of Ithaca, at Highland Avenue, a distance of No- wiles, in the Town of Ithaca, Tompkins County, and known as the Wyckoff Road, to be surveyed and mapped, and has caused plans and specifications and an estimate of cost to be wade for said improvement, and has transmitted the same to this Board ; 4. Resolved, That the highway above described in paragraph one, be improved and constructed in that portion thereof above described in para- graph l/crce in accordance with the maps, plans, specifications and estimate prepared for such improvement by the State Engineer and Surveyor under the provisions of Chapter 115 of the Laws of iS9S. That said work be done under the charge, care and superintendence of the State Engineer and Surveyor, and that said maps, plans, specifications and estimate prepared by State Engineer and Surveyor for said work, are hereby duly approved and adopted by this Board ; 5. Resolved, That the sum of twenty-two hundred fifty dollars ($2,25o) being one-half the estimated total cost, which amounts to $4,500.00, be and the same is hereby appropriated for constructing and improving, under the provisions of Chapter 115 of the Laws of IS9S, said road described in para- graph 3 hereof ; and the County Treasurer of Tompkins County is hereby authorized and directed to pay said sum upon the requisition or draft of the State Engineer and Surveyor, said suni being hereby made immediately available for such purpose ;'and if he should find it necessary said County Treasurer is hereby authorized and empowered to borrow all or part of said sum on the obligation of the said County issued by him for, on behalf of and in the name of the County of Tompkins and acting for and on behalf of 'said County. Laid on the table under the rule. On motion the Board adjourned. Afternoon Session Roll call. Quorum present. 102 The Supervisors' Proceedings, Igo¢ By Mr. Corbin : WHEREAS, It has been brought to our notice that certain labor organ- izations in the City of Ithaca have objected to the employment of jail pris- oners on repairs and improvements to public property of Tompkins County, and the making and painting of guide boards for the highways of said County as required by a resolution of this Board adopted in 1903, Resolved, That it is the sense of this Board that it is our duty to the taxpayers of Tompkins County to have such repairs and improvements to public property and making such guide hoards for highways done by jail labor as much as possible, and all committees of this Board are hereby charged to carry out the provisions of this resolution to the best of their ability. On motion of Mr. Thompson, the same was adopted. Action on Bill No. 163 was deferred for twenty-four hours. Mr. Thompson's resolution to appropriate $52.bo to pay for lady chaplain at the County Jail and a like sum for chaplain at the County. Alms House, introduced December 2oth, was taken up for consideration. Mr. Thompson withdrew the part of the resolution regarding salary of chaplain at Alms House. On motion of Mr. Terry the same was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Gallagher, Han- shaw, Hine, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson, Terry and Wood=12. Noes—none. Dr. Gallagher, chairman of the 'Committee on Miscellaneous Claims, reported favorably on Bills Nos. 178, 177 and 179 and• recommended that the full amounts thereof be paid. Laid on the table under the rule. Dr. Gallagher also reported on Bill No. 112 and recommended that it be allowed at $4.5o instead of $6.3o claimed. Laid on the table under the rule. The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1901 103 Dr. Gallagher also reported on Bill No. 124 and recom- mended that it be allowed at $14.5o instead of $19.50 claimed. Mr. Sprigg of the Committee on Miscellaneous Claims, made a minority report on Bill No. 124 and recommended that the bill be paid in full. Laid on the table under the rule. Dr. Gallagher also reported on Bill No. 141, and returned the same without recommendation of the committee. Laid on the table under the rule. The Clerk read the following report of the Supervisor of the Town of Ulysses on . the bonded indebtedness of said Town, which on motion of Dr. Gallagher was received and ordered printed : I, Eugene Terry, Supervisor of the Town of Ulysses, to which office was transferred the duties of Railroad Bonding Commissioner of said Town, do respectfully report as follows : That of the original issue of fity bonds of one thousand dollars each, made March 1st, 1901, Nos. 1 to 6 inclusive, of said series, and each being in an amount of $1,000 have been fully paid, cancelled and surrendered. [ further report that the semi-annual interest on said bonds of $So5.00 which became due and payable March ist, 1904, and the further sum of $770 0o which became due and payable September 1st, 1904, has been fully paid and satisfied and I hold receipts therefor. That by the terms and conditions on which said bonds were issued, $2,000.00 of the principal sum and interest becomes due and payable on the 1st day of March of each year in addition to the semi-annual interest becom- ing due September ist of each year. I, therefore, report that it will be necessary for said 'Town of Ulysses to raise by tax for above named purpose for the coming year the sum of three thousand, live hundred and five dollars ($3,5o5 oo) to be disbursed as follows : For payment of two bonds Nos. 7 and 8, due March ist. 1005, $1,000.00 each _ _ _ ______ $2,000 00 For payment of send -annual interest on $44,000.00 from September 1st. 1904, to March 1st, 1905____ _-__ ____ _ 770 00 104 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1901 For payment of semi-annual interest on $42,o0o.co from March ist, 1905, to September, ist, 1905 735 00 Total_ Dated Ulysses, N. Y., December 22nd, 1904. EUGENE TERRY, Supervisor. STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY or TOa1PKINs, J ss. $3,505 00 Eugene Terry being duly sworn deposes and says that the above report, by hint subscribed, is in all respects true and correct to the best of his knowledge, information and belief. EUGENE TERRY. Subscribed and sworn to before me December 22nd, 1904. B. T. BAKER, Notary Public. By Mr. Terry.: Resolved, That upon the report of the Supervisor of the Town of Ulysses, there be Levied and collected from the taxable property of ssid Town the suns of three thousand, five hundred and five dollars ($3,505) to pay principal to become due on railroad bonds March ist, 1905, amount- ing to $2,000.00, together with the further sum of $770.00, interest to become due and payable on March ist, 1905, and also the further suns of $735.co interest to become due and payable September ist, 190,5, making in the aggregate the sum of $3,505.00 to be raised for the purpose above set forth. Laid on the table under the rule. The Clerk read the following notice from the Coinmon Coun- cil of the City of Ithaca : To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County : Take Notice, that at a meeting of the Common 'Council of the City of Ithaca held December 21, 1904, at S o'clock P. al., the said meeting being a regular meeting of said Board that the following resolution was duly passed by the said Board and approved by the Mayor of said City, viz.: Resolved, That the•Common Council of the City of Ithaca hereby notify the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County as required by Statute that The Supervisors' Proceedings, !90¢ 105 there will be required for the support of the poor the sum of $7,000.00 and that this Council requests the said sura to be levied and assessed upon the taxable property in the City of Ithaca and being collected that the same be paid over to the City Treasurer to be expended for the v pport of the poor of said City in accordance with Section 39 of Cttapter. 225 of the Laws of 1896. And I do certify that the above is a faithful copy of the original resolu- tion and of the whole of such original. [L.S.] JNO. MILLER, City Clerk of the City of Ithaca. By Mr. Parker: Resolved, That pursuant to the foregoing request of the Common Coun- cil of the City of Ithaca and upon the certificate of the Clerk thereof, there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the City of Ithaca the sum of seven thousand dollars ($7,000.00) to be paid over to the Treas- urer of the said City of Ithaca, N. Y., to be expended for the support of the poor of said City in acccordance with Section 39, Chapter 225 of the Laws of 1896. • Laid on the table under the rule. ' On motion the Board adjourned. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. N TWENTY-FOURTH DAY. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1904 Morning Session Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of Thursday read and approved. By Mr. ,Hine : 1o6 The. Supervisors' Proceedings, 190¢ Resolved, That the District Attorney be authorized to make such ar- rangements for the detaining of witnesses in the Italian murder case as •he may think best, and the County Treasurer be authorized to pay drafts of the District Attorney for payment of the necessary expense from the Court Fund. On notion of Mr. Sprigg the same was adopted. Mr. Hanshaw's resolution adopting the plans, specifications and estimate for the Ithaca Road and appropriating $18,95o.00, the County share for its construction, introduced December 22, was taken up for consideration and on motion of Mr. Thompson was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Fairbanks, Gallagher, Hanshaw, Hine, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson, Terry and Wood—t Noes—Mr. Corbin—r. Mr. Hanshaw's resolution adopting plans, specifications and estimates for the Wyckoff Road and appropriating $2,25o.00, the County's share for constructing sane, introduced December 22, was taken up for consideration and on notion of Mr. Terry was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Fairbanks, Gallagher, Hanshaw, Hine, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson, Terry and Wood—i t. Noes—Mr. Corbin—i. On motion of Mr. Terry the following bond of Cornell Heights Land Company was accepted, ordered filed, printed and recorded in the County Clerk's Office : KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That the Cornell Heights Land Company is held and firmly bound unto the County of Tompkins in the sum of nine hundred dollars ($900.00) to he paid to the said County or to its Board of Supervisors, its attorney or assigns ; For which payment, well and truly to be made, the said Cornell Heights Land Company binds itself firmly by these presents. SEALED this 23rd day of December, 1904. The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1904 107 WHEREAS, The Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County is about to adopt a resolution to appropriate twenty-two hundred and fifty dollars ($2,25o oo) (one-half the cost) for the improvement of Wyckoff Road run- ning from Cayuga Heights Road southeasterly to the city line at Highland Avenue under the so-called "Higbee" law ; Now, THEREFORE, the condition of this obligation is such that if the abutting owners along the section of said highway so to be improved shall pay toward the expense of such improvement twenty-five per centum of the total cost in lieu of the fifteen per centum of such cost as prescribed by statute, then this obligation to be null and void, otherwise to remain in full force and virtue. [Corporate Seal] CORNELL HEIGHTS LAND COMPANY, By EDWARD G. WYCKOFF, President. STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF rOMPKINS, SS. CITY OF ITHACA, On this 23rd day of December, 1904, before me, the subscriber, person- ally came Edward G. Wyckoff, to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides in Ithaca, N. Y.; that he is the president of Cornell Heights Land Company, the corporation described in and which executed the above instrument ; that he knew the seal of said corporation ; that the seal affixed to said instrument was such corporate seal, and that it was so affixed by authority of the Board of Directors of said corporation, and that he signed his name thereto by like authority. PAUL K. CLYMER, Notary Public. By Mr. Terry : Motion that when the Board adjourns, it adjourn to Tues- day, December 27th, at 10 A. M. Carried. The Committee on Equalization made the following report, which was laid on the table for twenty-four hours : The assessed valuation as returned by the Assessors of the different Towns of Tompkins County and the City of Ithaca for the year 1904, is as follows : Io8 The Supervisors' Proceedings, z9o,t TOWNS Acres Real Fran- chile Real and Franchise Personal ' Aggregate Caroline 34.747 8i5.120 1,500 816,620 59,150 875,77o Danby 33,286 727,610 250 727,860 19,500 747.360 Dryden 58,192 2,106.444 8,125 2,114,569 140,230 2,254.799 Enfield ____ 22,007 532,970 850 533,820 23.540 557.36o Grdton__ 30,725 1,337,445 3.050 1,340,495 133,850 1,474,345 Ithaca -City _ 2,940 6.319,295 198,620 6,517,915 65n,15o 7,168.065 Ithaca- Town 16,293 1,038,147 10,15o 1,048,297 46.150 1,094,447 Lausi1154._ 37,759 1,083.956 1,150 1,085.106 71,780 1,156,866 Newfield _ 36,997 800,635 3,4 '.0 804,085 32,950 837,035 Ulysses 19,818 1,082,590 5 990 1,088,580 126,050 1,214.630 Total 292,794 15,844,212 233,135 16,077,347 1,303, 350 17,380,697 Your committee recommends that the fallowing schedule to be adopted as to the equalized valuation of the several Towns of Tompkins County and the City of Ithaca for the year 1904, and the percentage in the right hand column be the ratio of the State and County Tax that each Town and the City of Ithaca shall pay. TOWNS Caroline Danby Dryden _ Enfield Groton_ Ithaca --City _ •Ithaca -Town Lansing Newfield Ulysses Total 34,747 33,286 58.192 22,007 30,725 2,940 16,293 37,789 36,997 19,818 292,794 v c = r u m ^ v 689,718 676,856 1,942,144 559.49? 1,426,061 6,609.397 776,536 1,430,884 689,718 1,276,541 16,077,347 7,1 0 v a 59,150 19,500 140,230 23,540 133,850 650,150 46,150 71,780 32.950 126,050 1,303,350 v c0 v 50 748.768 696.356 2,082,374 583,032 1,559.911 7,259.547 822,686 1,502,664 722,668 1,402,591 17,380,697 .0429 '.0421 .120S .0348 .0887 .4111 .0483 .0890 .0429 .0794 1.0000 .0431 .0401 .1198 .0335 .0897 •4177 .0474 .0864 .0416 .0807 I.0000 WM. H. BAKER, J. H. HINE, CHAS. SPRIGG, WEBIi CORBIN, JOHN J. HANSHAW, CHAS. E. WOOD, W. C. GALLAGHER, Committee. On motion the Board adjourned. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1904 to9 Afternoon Session Roll call. Quorum present. Mr. Parker's resolution to levy and collect from the taxable property of the City of Ithaca $7,000.00 for the support of the poor in said City, introduced December 22, was taken up for con- sideration and ou motion of Mr. Miller was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Gallagher, Han- shaw, Miller, Sprigg, Thompson and Wood -9. Noes—none. On motion the adjustment of a bill paid to Arthur Lyke December 3tst, 1900, on the order of Jas. Lyke, by error, was turned over to B. T. Baker, with full power to proceed in the name of the County of Tompkins to collect amount due the County thereon. On motion the Board adjourned to Tuesday, December 27th, at to A. M. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. 4,4104041000400414.04444.04)40440+0 TWENTY-FIFTH DAY. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1904. Morning Session Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of December 23rd read and approved. By Mr. Miller : Resolved, That there be levied and collected from the taxable property of the City of Ithaca the sum of $16.6o for the distribution of the Proceed- I I0 The Supervisors' Proceedings, '9°l ings of this Board, being two cents for each copy and to be paid to the Supervisors of the City of Ithaca. Laid on the table under the rule. • On motion the Board adjourned. Afternoon Session Roll call. Quorum present. The Clerk read the following report of the Sheriff of Tomp- kins County which an motion of Mr. Baker was received and ordered printed : SHERIFF'S REPORT To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County I, the undersigned, Sheriff of the County of Tompkins, respectfully re- port that the following is a true statement of all moneys received by me as such Sheriff on account of any fine, penalty or other matter in which said County has any interest, with the time when and the person from whom the same was received, and on what account, from the ist day of December, 1903, to the ist day of December, 1904• COMMITTED DATE NAME AND OFFENSE BY PROM AMT. Aug. 20,'04, Geo. W. Moulton, drunk and disorderly, Sweetland, Tthaca_$ro 00 Oct. 8, '04, Burdett Moon, drunk and disorderly, Sweetland, Ithaca_ 30 00 Total _$40 00 And I further report that said sums have been by me duly paid to the Treasurer of the County of Tompkins. Dated; December 27, 1904. GRANT CURRY, Sheriff. STATE OF NEW YORK, 1 Ss: COUNTY OF TOMPKINS, 1 Grant Curry being duly sworn says that the foregoing report by him made is correct and true to the best of his knowledge and belief. GRANT CURRY. The Supervisors' Proceedings, r9o¢ 1 t 1 Sworn to before me this 27th day of December, 1904. • B. T. BAKER, Notary Public. By Mr. Terry : Resolved, That in accordance with a resolution of the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses and in conformity to the statute regulating the money tax system of working highways, there be levied and collected on the taxa- ble property of the Town of Ulysses outside corporate limits of the Village of Trumansburg, the sutra of $ ,62r.76, that being a tax of 2 mills on a dollar of the assessed valuation of said property, the same to be used for working the highways of said Town of Ulysses outside of the Village of Trumaushurg. On motion of Mr. Hine the same was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Gallagher, Hanshaw, Hine, Parker, Terry and Wood -7. Noes—none. By Mr. Terry : Resolved, That in accordance with the resolutions adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses, and the statutes in such case made and provided, the following sours of money be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Ulysses as herein set forth, viz. : The sum of $loD.00 for indigent soldiers and sailors of said town for corning year. The sum of $250.00 for support of poor of said town for coming year. The sutn of $250.00 for repairing bridges of said town during corning year. The sum of $1,500.00 for the purpose of paying notes of said town held by First National Bank of Ithaca. The sum of $50.03 for the purpose of proper observance of Memorial Day fur 1905. On motion of Mr. Hanshaw the same was adopted, and the 1 1 2 The Supervisors' Proceedings, I9O t amounts ordered levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Ulysses. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Gallagher, Hanshaw, Hine, Parker, Terry and Wood -7. Noes—none. By Mr. Parker : WHEREAS, In view of the alarming increase in the bills for printing presented against Tompkins County, Resolved, That in the future all printing for the County be classified and that competitive bids for such printing be received and that the County printing be let to the lowest responsible bidder, and the County officials are hereby directed to submit proposals for all printing to all printers wanting specifications. On motion of Mr. Wood the same was adopted. Ayes --Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Gallagher, Han- shaw, Hine, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson, Terry and Wood—i 1. Noes—none. On motion of Mr. Terry the Clerk was instructed to forward a copy of the resolution to all County officials. Dr. Gallagher, Chairman of the Committee on Miscellaneous Claims, reported favorably on bills Nos. 172 and 141, and recom- mended that the full amounts thereof be paid. Laid on the table under the rule. On motion of Mr. Corbin, bill No. 163 was ordered audited at the full amount as recommended by the Committee on'Sheriff's Accounts. Ayes'—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Gallagher, Hine, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson, Terry and Wood—to. Noes—none. The Supervisors' Proceedings, 190¢ 113 On motion of Mr. Baker, bills Nos. 177, 178 and 179 were ordered audited at the full amounts as recommended by the Com- mittee on Miscellaneous Claims. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Gallagher, Hine, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson, Terry and Wood—to. Noes—none. On motion of Mr. Corbin, Bill No. 112 was ordered audited at the full amount as recommended by the committee thereon. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Gallagher, Hine, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson, Terry and Wood -lo. Noes—none. On Motion of Mr. Hine, item No. i of Bill No. 124 was ordered audited at $10.00 instead of $15.00, claimed, as recom- -nended by a majority of the Committee on Miscellaneous Claims. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hanshaw, Hine, Parker, Thompson and Wood -8. Noes—Messrs. Fairbanks, Sprigg and Terry -3. On motion of Mr. Terry, Bill No. 124 was ordered audited at $14.5o instead of $19.50, claimed, as recommended by a ma- jority of the Commitee on Miscellaneous Claims. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hanshaw, Hine, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson, Terry and Wood—to. Noes—Mr. Fairbanks -1. Bill No. 140 was taken up for consideration, and action thereon deferred until Wednesday at 3 P. M. Mr. Terry's resolution to levy upon and collect from the taxable property of the Town of Ulysses $3,505.0o to pay prin- 114 The Supervisors' Proceeding -s, .1904 cipal and interest due on the bonded indebtedness of said Town, introduced December 22d, was taken up for consideration, and on motion of Mr. Thompson the sante was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Gallagher, Hine, .Parker, Sprigg, Thompson, Terry and Wood—to. Noes—none. The report and schedules of the Equalization Committee, submitted December 23rd were taken up for consideration, and ou motion of Mr. Thompson the same were adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Gallagher, Han- shaw, Hine, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson, Terry and Wood—rt. Noes—none. By Mr. Baker : Resolved, That there be levied and collected from the taxable property of Tompkins County the suns of five hundred and twenty-seven dollars and ninety cents ($527.9o) to pay for the Acetylene Gas Plant installed at the County Alms House. Laid on the table under the rule. On motion the Board adjourned. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. 0040.04.404.4: TWENTY-SIXTH DAY. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1904. Morning Session Roll call. Qtiorutn present. The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1904 115 Minutes of Tuesday read and approved. On motion the Board adjourned. Afternoon Session Roll call. Quorum present. The Clerk read the following statement of the proportionment of the assessments on the Catskill Turnpike, which on motion of Mr. Hine was received and ordered printed. We, the undersigned, the Assessors of the Town of Ithaca in the County of Tompkins and State of New York, do hereby apportion upon the owners of land benefited by the improvement and construction of a highway from the boundary line between the City of Ithaca and the Town of Ithaca, upon the West and running thence in a general Easterly direction to the bound- ary line between the Towns of Ithaca and Dryden in said County, being a part of the highway known as the Catskill Turnpike, in said Town of Ithaca, said assessment being in proportion of the benefit accruing to the owners of lands as determined by us and according to our best judgment; at least ten days' notice of the time and place of this proportionment having been duly given to all the persons affected thereby, and after such persons had had an opportunity to be heard. This proportionment is made pursuant to Chapter 115 of the Laws of 1898 entitled "an Act to provide for the im- provement of public highways" and the Acts amendatory thereto, as follows ; NAME OF OWNERS TAX APPORTIONED Samuel D. Halliday_ $ 62 50 J. L. Hart .__-- 299 66 William Hart 165 35 Charles Hart_ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- -_-- 2 97 Jasper Hanford -------------------_--_-- 433 96 Chauncey P. Biggs ___-- 268 68 M Van Cleef, acting executor of the will of J. C. Stowell_ 366 8o Elia G. Smith - --_- _-- 124 03 Charles H. Palmer 82 62 James Marion 206 63 John Mix 191 09 Clement T. Stephens 185 93 B. Rightinire 258 35 Emery J. Phillips 4! 38 Total -$2,700 00 Dated, Ithaca, N. Y., December 27, 1904. SAMUEL M. THOMPSON, G. E. STEVF,NS, SANFORD MANNING, Assessors of the Town of Ithaca. 116 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1991 STATE OF NEW YORK, l ss. COUNTY OP TOMPKINS, Samuel M. Thompson, George E. Stevens and Sanford Manning, each being duly and severally sworn for himself, deposes and says that lie is one of the Assessors of the Town of Ithaca in the County of Tompkins and State of New York ; that the foregoing assessment of the part or per centum of the costs of the improvement and construction of the said highway assessed upon the owners of the lands benefited has been and was duly proportioned between and among •said owners according to the benefits accruing to the owners of the lands so benefited in the proportionment of the benefits accruing to the said owners according to the best judgment of the said Assessors and as determined by them. SAMUEL M. THOMPSON, G. E. STEVENS, SANFORD MANNING. Sworn to before me this 27th day of December, 1904. R. HORTON, Notary Public. To the Honorable, the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins : We, the undersigned, the Assessors of the Town of Ithaca, in said County, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a tree and just proportion- nlent made by us as said Assessors, upon the owners of the lands benefited by the improvement and construction of the highway above mentioned according to our best judgment, and as determined by us. Dated, Ithaca, N. Y., December 27, 1904. SAMUEL M. THOMPSON, G. E. STEVENS, SANFORD MANNING. By Mr. Hanshaw : Resolved, That the assessments made and the tax apportioned by the Assessors of the Town of Ithaca as shown in the foregoing schedule for the improvement of Catskill Turnpike are hereby ratified and confirmed, and the saute is ordered levied upon the property of the several owners and extended on the assessment roll of the Town of Ithaca for the year 1904. On motion of Mr. Hine, the sante was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hanshaw, Hine, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson, Terry and Wood—i r . Noes—none. The Supervisors' Proceedings, 190,1 [17 Mr. Corbin, chairman of the Committee on Coroners' and Printers' Accounts, reported favorably on Bills Nos. 89 and 98 and recommended that the full amounts thereof be paid. Laid on the table under the rule. Mr. Miller, chairman of the Committee on Sheriff's Ac- counts, reported favorably on Bill No. 167, and recommended that the full amount thereof be paid. ° Laid on the table under the rule. Bill No. 14o was taken up for consideration, and on motion of Mr. Baker, the Board went into a committee as a whole with Mr. Hine in the Chair. On motion of Mr. Wood it was ordered that the bill be returned to Mr. Tarbell to be itemized. On. motion the Board dissolved as a committee as a whole and Mr. Mount resumed the Chair. By Mr. Terry : Resolved, That there be levied and collected on the persons of the Town of Ulysses the sum of $359.00, that being the number of polls in said Town liable to poll tax of one dollar per poll outside of the incor- porated Village of Trumansburg. On motion of Mr. Hanshaw the same was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hanshaw, Hine, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson, Terry and Wood—r r. Noes—none. By Mr. Hine : Resolved, That $190 84 be appropriated for the purpose of reimbursing the Town of Groton for erroneous assessment for the year 1903 ; and the further sum of $95.42 to reimburse the City of Ithaca for the same purpose. 118 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 19o¢ Laid on the table under the rule. On motion the Board adjourned. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. 00040.0®®04:404004,0484004,004..0 TWENTY-SEVENTH DAY. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1904. Morning Session Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of Wednesday read and approved. The Clerk read the report of the Committee on Erroneous Assessments, which on motion of Mr. Hine was received, ordered printed, and the recommendations therein adopted : REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON ERRONEOUS ASSESSMENTS To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County : Your Committee on Erroneous Assessments after having investigated all claims referred to such committee, respectfully report as follows : Upon petition of Wilber G. Fish we find that a certain tract of land containing one hundred and forty-three acres is now assessed to said Wilber G. Fish in the Town of Ithaca, also in the Town of Danby. The dwelling honse being on land situated in the Town of Ithaca. We recommend that the said land be stricken from the assessment roll of the Town of Danby. We find from the certificate of School Dist. No. 1 of Dryden which certificate is signed by the Trustee thereof and is supported by the Col- lector's affidavit that the school tax of $S.92 for the years 1901 and 1902, and the school tax of $S.92 for the years 1902 and 1903 on property in said Town of Dryden and consisting of 190 acres and assessed to Lyman Ellis has not . been paid, although diligent and proper effort has been made to enforce The Supervisors' Proceedings, 19°1 119 collection. Your committee would, therefore, recommend that the sum of $17.84 he levied and collected from the taxable property of the County of Tompkins and paid to the collector of said school district on account of unpaid school tax of said district, and that the sum so paid be levied upon the land upon which the saute were imposed, with seven per centum in addition thereto as provided by statute. We find upon the affidavit of Collector of School District, No. ro of the Towns of Groton and Dryden that the school tax of $4.85 on property assessed to Isaac Miller, also in School District, No. 2, in the Town of Newfield that the school tax of $r1.S1 on property assessed Geo. Protts' Estate also in School District, No. 20, in the Town of Groton and Dryden: Dryden on property assessed to Beardsley Estate $ 64, on property assessed to W. Larrnor $1.27, Groton on property assessed to Mrs. James Foot $7.93. Also in School District, No. 9, in the Town of Newfield on property assessed to Mrs. Louise Wilkinson $r1.62. Also iu School District, No. 12, in the Town of Dryden on property assessed to Sylvester Odell $.65 on property assessed to Lyman Ellis $4.75• Also on property assessed to Wilcox Estate $.18 has not been paid although diligent and proper effort has been made to enforce collection. Your committee would, therefore recommend that the sums above men- tioned be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the County of Tompkins and paid to the Collectors of the above mentioned school dis- tricts on account of unpaid school tax of said districts ; and ,,that the sums so paid be levied upon the lands upon which the sums were imposed with seven per centum in addition thereto as provided by statute. We also find from the certificate of the Collector of the Town of Ulysses supported by statement of Elihu Stilwell, Assessor, that a tax of $3.12 paid by Mrs. McCracken was erroneously assessed and should have been exempt. We, therefore, recommend that the said Mrs. McCracken of said town be reimbursed on account of such paynient so made by her and that there be levied and collected from the taxable property of said town the sum of $3.12 for such purpose. We find from the certificate of the collector of the Town of Enfield, that Mr. John Grey of said town was erroneously assessed $19.59 in the year 1903 which was paid by him on real estate. We therefore recommend that the said John Grey he reimbursed in the sum of $19.89 and that this amount be levied and collected from the taxable property of said Town of Enfield. We find from the certificate from School District, No. 9 of the Town of 120 The Supervisors' Proceedings, '90¢ Ithaca and Enfield and such certificate is signed by the trustee and collector of said district, that the tax $6.6o being for school tax on $2000.00 Per- sonal Tax assessed to Frances Marshall, guardian for Norma Harvey for the year 1903, and $3.6o for the year 1904 ; $3.00 also on 6o acres of land in the Town of Newfield, assessed to H. \V. Bower in School District, No. 21, amount of unpaid tax $2.10 in Newfield and $6.6o in Ithaca and Enfield. Your committee would therefore recommend the sums above mentioned be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the County of Tompkins and paid to the collectors of the above mentioned school dis- tricts on account of unpaid school taxes and that the sums so paid be levied upon the land and property upon which the salve are imposed with seven per centum in addition thereto, as provided by statute. CHAS. E. WOOD, H. C. FAIRBANKS, WM. H. BAKER, Committee. On motion the Board adjourned to 1:3o to meet in executive session. Afternoon Session Roll call. Quorum present. On notion, the Board arose from executive session. The report of the Committee on Printers' Accounts appor- tioning the election printing between the several towns and County at large was read by the Clerk, which on motion of Mr. Hine was accepted and the amounts ordered added to the, several towns and County Budgets. Dr. Gallagher presented the Grand Jury hist from the Town of Caroline. Mr. Baker presented the Grand Jury List from the Town of Danby. Mr. Corbin presented the Grand Jury List from the Town of Dryden. Mr. Hine .presented the Grand Jury List from the Town of Enfield. The Supervisors' Proceedings, !9O/ 121 Mr. Mount presented the Grand Jury List from the Town of 'Groton. Mr. Sprigg presented the Grand Jury List from the City of Ithaca. Mr. Hanshaw presented the Grand Jury List from the Town of Ithaca. Mr. Wood presented the Grand Jury List from the Town of Lansing. Mr. Thompson presented the Grand Jury List from the Town of Newfield. Mr. Terry presented the Grand Jury List from the Town of Ulysses. On motion of Mr. Hine the Grand Jury Lists as presented were accepted and cotnfirmed as the List of Grand Jurors of, Tompkins County. By Mr. Parker : Resolved, That the compensation of the sheriff of the County for the board of prisoners for the ensuing year be 43 cents per day and 25 cents per week for each prisoner for washing. On motion of Mr. Sprigg the same was adopted. Mr. Miller, Chairman of the Committee on sheriff's accounts, reported favorably on Bill No. 174, and recommended that the full amount thereof be paid. Laid on the table under the rule. Mr. Terry, Chairman of the Committee on Superintendent of the Poor, reported favorably on Bill No. 18o, and recom- mended that the full amount thereof be paid. Laid on the table under the rule. t 22 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1901 On motion of Mr. Hanshaw, Bills Nos. 89 and 99 were or- dered audited at the full amounts claimed as recommended by the Committee on Printers' Accounts. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Gallagher, Han- shaw, Hine, Sprigg, Thompson, Terry and Wood—to. Noes—none. On motion of Mr. Sprigg, Bill No. 167 was ordered audited at the full amount claimed as recommended by the committee on sheriff's accounts. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Gallagher, Han- shaw, Hine, Sprigg, Thompson, Terry and Wood—to. Noes—none. Mr. Hine's resolution, introduced December 28th, to appro- priate $19o.84 to reimburse the Town of Groton and $95.42 to reimburse the City of Ithaca for erroneous assessment in 1903, was taken up for consideration and on motion of Mr. Baker adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Hanshaw, Hine, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson, Terry and Wood—r 1. Noes—none. Dr. Gallagher excused from voting. The Clerk read the following report of the committee on insurance on County Property, which on motion of Mr. Corbin was accepted and ordered printed in the proceedings. To the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on Insurance respectfully report that there is on file in the County Clerk's Office the following policies of Insurance on County Buildings. The Supervisors' Proceedings, !90¢ 123 One policy on County Alms House insuring against loss'by Explosion of Boiler. The said policy is for the sum of $7,500.00 and is issued by the Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection Insurance Company and expires Novem- ber, 3oth, 1906. One policy on Court House insuring against loss by Explosion of Boiler. The said policy is for the sum of $7,500.00 and is issued by the Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection Insurance Company and expires Novem- ber, 30th, 1906. One policy on Court House issued by the Milwaukee Mechanics Insur- ance Company, which expires June r, 1905, the amount of said policy is $2,500.00. One policy on Court House issued by the Northwestern National Insur- ance Company which expires June 1st, 1905, the amount of said policy is $2,500.00. One policy on County Alms House of $2,500.00 issued by the Liverpool, London and Globe Insurance'Company, which expires June ist, 1905. One policy on County Alms House of $5,000.00, issued by the Conti- nental Insurance Company, which expires June ist, 1905. One policy on County Alms House of $2,500.00 issued by the Hanover Fire Insurance Company, which expires June ist, 1905. One policy on building on Junction Street, known as the County Stone Yard for $250.00 issued by the Aetna Insurance Company, Hartford, Conn., which expires January 19th, 1905. Your committee on insurance learns that there exists no insurance of any kind on either the County Clerk's Office or the County Jail and would therefore recommend that a reasonable amount of insurance be effected on thosebuildings. W. H. PARKER, W. C. GALLAGHER, EUGENE TERRY, Committee. On motion of Mr. Sprigg, the Committee on Insurance were instructed to have the County Clerk's Office and the Jail insured. By Mr. Parker : Resolved, That there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the County of Tompkins the sum of Five Hundred twenty-five 124 The Supervisors' Proceedings, rqo¢ Dollars ($525.00) for the purpose of renewing and securing insurance policies during the coming year on County Buildings, or so much thereof as is necessary. Laid on the table under the rule. By Mr. Corbin : Resolved, That there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Dryden, outside of the corporate limits of the Village of Dryden and Freeville the sum of $3,657.62 for highway purposes under the money system, being at the rate of .002 on each dollar assessed valuation in the Town of Dryden outside of the incorporated Villages of Dryden and Freeville. On motion of Mr. Baker the same was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Gallagher, Hine, Miller, Sprigg, Thompson, Terry, Wood—io. Noes—none. The Clerk read the following report of the committee on Loan Commissioners, which on motion of Mr. Baker was re- ceived and ordered printed in the proceedings. To the Board of Supervisors: Your committee on U. S. Loan Commissioners respectfully report that they have examined the Books, Records and Vouchers of said Commission- ers and find according to records the status of the said fund is as follows : THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF PROPERTY HELD BY THE STATE On hand October 1st, 1903. Received on on account of principal___- $15,579 04 $15,579.04 Foreclosed Mortgages held by State_ _ _ ____ 750 00 Amount of Interest paid to October 1st, 1904-- 741 47 Less expenses_ 135 88 Interest paid to State Treasurer_ On hand . $ 605 59 6o5 00 $ 59 W. H: PARKER, W. H. GALLAGHER, EUGENE TERRY, Committee. The Supervisors' Proceedings, 19°1 125 By Mr. Terry : Resolved: That for the support of the Poor settled in Tompkins County, there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the several towns of the County and the City of Ithaca to reimburse the County for for the support of the Town and City poor for the year ending November 15, 1904, as follows : Caroline ____ ____ ___ $ So 47 Danby 242 53 Dryden 329 59 Groton_ . ___ ____ 70 36 Enfield________ 159 41 Ithaca --City 1,174 99 Ithaca—Town 16d'94 Lansing - 279 89 Newfield 379 50 Ulysses- ---=----- 110 59 Total-_____ _ $2,98S 27 And fbr the County at large- $3,o11 73 Total________ $6,000 oo Laid on the table under the rule. On motion the Board adjourned. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. 000N0004,0000 TWENTY-EIGHTH DAY. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1904. Afternoon Session Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of Thursday read and approved. 126 The Supervisors' Proceedings, r9o1 By Mr. Sprigg Resolved, That the rule deferring action on resolutions carrying appro- priations for twenty-four hours be suspended. On motion the same was adopted. By Mr. Sprigg : Resolved, That there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the City of Ithaca $1.25 for binding the assessment roll. On motion of Mr. Parker the same was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Gallagher, Han- shaw, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson, Terry and Wood—ti. Noes—none. On motion of• Mr. Baker the Board went into a committee as a whole to consider Bill No. r4o. Dr. Gallagher in the Chair. On motion of Mr. Mount, Bill No. 140 was ordered audited at -the full amount claimed. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Hanshaw, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson, Terry, Wood and Mount—II. Noes—none. Mr. Mount resumed the Chair. By Mr. Hanshaw : Resolved,. That our thanks are due and are hereby tendered to our Clerk, Bert T. Baker, for his courteous treatment of the nit miters of this Board and for the careful and painstaking manner in which he has discharged the duties of his office. On motion the same was adopted. The Supervisors' Proceeding -s, [901 127 The Clerk read the following report of the Committee on State Charitable and Penal Institutions, which on motion of Mr. Baker was received and ordered printed : To the Honorable Board of Supervisors: Your committee appointed to examine the accounts of the several Penal and Charitable Institutions would report as follows, and recommend the payment of the claims by the County, charging the saute to the various towns as indicated : DANBY Norman Hart, Syracuse Institution for Feeble Minded Children --------------------------__-- _-- $ 20 00 $ 20 00 DRYDEN May Woolever, Susquehanna Valley Home_ ENFIELD Charles Murphy, Susquehanna Valley Home_ $ 49 75 John Murphy, Susquehanna Valley Horne 137 00 $ 45 50 45 50 GROTON Edward Horn, Susquehanna Valley Honte_ $ Sr 75 Annie E. Snyder, Syracuse Institution for Feeble Minded Children __--__--___-- $ 20 00 Edith Van Zoil, Syracuse Institution for Feeble Minded Children _ __-- ---- ___--- __-- � __-- ___-- 20 00 186 75 81 75 40 00 NEWFIELD George Brill, Syracuse Institution for Feeble Minded Children $ 20 00 20 00 ULYSSES Charles Bracey, Syracuse Institution for Feeble Minded Children _ _ $ 20 00 20 00 COUNTY OF TOMPKINS Lizzie Quinn, George Ballou and Margaret Cunningham, Matteawan State Hospital $424 28 Helen Tanner, Alvira Tanner and Lena Tanner, The Western New York Society for the Protection of Homeless and Dependent Children, care of____ $ 79 94 For expenses in taking the children there ______ .____ 20 83 424 28 roo 97 128 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1901 Ruth M. Lytle and Ray S. Holden, Western New York Institution for Deaf Mutes._ ____ _.___ $305 83 Eddie J. Ward, Central New York Institution for the Instruction of Deaf Mutes__ 30 00 • 335 83• John Granville, the Society for Protection of Destitute Catholic Children_ ____ ____ ______ _ _ $ 66 65 66 65 Charles Carpenter and Lena Perry, Ithaca Children's Home $ 98 25 g8 25. Charles Campbell, Syracuse Institution for Feeble Minded Children $ 20 00 20 00 William Downey, Theodore Compton, Nellie Simpson, John Reed, Nathaniel Batterson, George French, Elmer French, William Perry, Mary Hallett, Ann Butler, William Woodson, Michael Gerry, John Reed, Bert Casterline, Bert Baker, Emery Spicer, George Simpson, Nellie Simpson, Ida Compton, Nathaniel Batterson,, Monroe County Penitentiary__ $540 12 540 12 Austice Barnes, Lizzie Murphy, Nellie M. Keeler, George A. Keeler, Marion G. Brown and Florence Gardner, Craig Colony ____ $ 59 63 59 63 Frank Sullivan and Mathew Farley, Auburn Orphan Asylum -- _ _-- $ 55 00 55 00 $1,700 53 JOHN J. HANSHAW, CHARLES E. WOOD, H. C. FAIRBANKS, Committee. By Messrs. Hanshaw, Fairbanks and Wood : Resolved, That in accordance with a resolution of the Board of Super- visors passed December 17, ISSo, there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the foregoing Towns and the County of Tompkins, the sums set forth in the foregoing report and schedule to reimburse the County for moue , paid to the several charitable and penal institutions. On motion of Mr. Baker the same was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Gallagher, Han- shaw, Miller, Sprigg, Thompson, Terry and Wood—io. Noes—none. The Supervisors' Proceedings, Igo¢ 129 By Mr. Sprigg : Resolved, That there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the County of Tompkins the sum of $46.08 to be paid to J. P. Merrill for copying the assessment roll of the City of Ithaca. On motion of Mr. Miller the same was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Gallagher, Han - haw, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson, Terry and Wood—t I. Noes—none. By Supervisor Gallagher : WHEREAS, The Legislature of 1903, adopted a concurrent resolution to amend the Constitution of the State so that $50,000,000. in bonds can be issued for the purpose of improving the roads, its being estimated that said sum would improve one-tenth of the mileage of the State, or about • 7500 miles, being all the first-class or more important roads, AND WHEREAS, This improvement Would greatly advantage the farm- ing interests of the State, and increase the value of the farm lands by cheapening production on the farm through decrease in that very import- ant element of production, transportation from the farm to the shipping station, a veru large matter, by the way, being no less a sum than $15,000,000. annually, a sum that can be reduced more than one-half by improving the roads of the State. Resolved, By the Supervisors of Tompkins County, that we approve of the proposition to bond the State for $50,000,000. to improve at least 7500 miles of our highways, the whole sum to be paid by the State, one-half of which or $25,000,000. to be refunded by the Counties and Towns, 417,500, - coo by the County and $7,500,000 by the Towns) by an annual tax of 5 per cent, 3 per cent for interest and 2 per cent for a sinking fund, the whole sum to be paid in fifty years, according to the provisions of the concurrent resolution passed by the last Legislature and which must be adopted by the presentone to bring it before the people for their vote. Resolved, That we request our Member from this County and Senator from this District to use their best endeavors to secure the passage of the proposed amendment. On motion the same was adopted. 13o The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1901 Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Gallagher, Han- shaw, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, and Wood -9. Noes—Messrs. Hine, Thompson and Terry -3. The Clerk read a petition from the property owners of a majority of the lineal feet for the improvement under the Hig- bie–Armstrong Act of about one mile of road in the Town of Ithaca, extending from the City line on Humboldt Street to the intersection with Spencer Road, which on motion of Mr. Parker, was received and ordered filed. By Mr. Hanshaw : WHEREAS, On the 30th day of December, 1904, there was duly pre- sented to this Board, pursuant to Sections t and 2 of Chapter 115 of the Laws of iS9S, a petition from the property owners of a majority of the lineal feet fronting on the section on a certain highway, situate within the County of Tompkins, hereinafter described, setting forth that the petitioners are such owners and asking that said section of highway be improved under the provisions of the Act referred to, WHEREAS, Such description does not include any portion of the high- way within the boundaries of any city or incorporated village, and WHEREAS, It is mandatory on this Board to pass a resolution providing for a survey of this road, therefore, Resolved, That public interest demands the improvement under the provisions of Chapter 115 of the Laws of IS9S, of the section of that public highway situate in the Town of Ithaca, County of Tompkins, described as follows : Commencing at the intersection of Spencer Road about one and one-half miles southwesterly from the City line running northwesterly to Humboldt Street, a distance of about one utile. Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to forthwith transmit a certified copy of the foregoing resolution to the State Engineer and Surveyor. On motion of Mr. Parker the sante was adopted. By Mr. Wood : Resolved, That this Board extend to Chairman Mount a vote of thanks for the kind and courteous manner in which lie has treated each and every The Supervisors' Proceedings, x901 131 member of this Board and for the just and impartial rulings and.for the able and, efficient manner in which he has discharged the various and important duties devolving on him as Chairman, during the session of the Board now about to close. On motion of Mr. Terry the same was adopted. The committee on the Superintendent of the Poor submitted a written report which on motion of Dr. Gallagher was returned to the committee for correction. By Mr. Terry : Motion that when the Board adjourns that it adjourn to January 7th, 1905, at 10 A. M. Carried. On motion the Board adjourned to meet at 2 P. ns. in exe- cutive session. Afternoon Session Roll call. Quorum present. Mr. Thompson, one of the committee on the Superintend- ent of the Poor submitted a minority report. By Mr. Parker : Resolved, That the minority report submitted by Mr. Thompson, be received and adopted. A notion for its adoption resulted in a tie vote. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Hanshaw, Hine, Parker, Thomp- son, and Wood -6. Noes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Miller, Sprigg and Terry -6. The Chairman not voting, the motion was lost. fa 132 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 19o¢ Bill No. 18o was taken up for consideration. By Dr. Gallagher : Motion that all items in the bill of $3.00 per day charged by the Super- intendent of the Poor for corning before this Board to explain matters in his report, being charges for November i8. 25 and December, r, 9 and'i5, be stricken out of the bill. Lost. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Hanshaw, Parker and Thomp- son -4. Noes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Miller, Sprigg, Terry -6. On motion of Mr. Baker, Bill No. 18o was ordered audited at the full amount claimed as recommended by the Committee on Superintendent of the Poor Accounts. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Miller, Sprigg and Terry -6. Noes—Messrs. Gallagher, Parker, Hanshaw and Thomp- son -4. On motion Bill No. 174 was ordered audited at the full amount claimed as recommended by the Committee on Sheriff's Accounts. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Gallagher, Han- shaw, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson, Terry and Wood—ii. Noes—none. Mr. Parker's resolution to appropriate $525.00 to insure County buildings, introduced December 29th, was taken up for consideration -and on motion of Mr. Corbin was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Gallagher, Han- shaw, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson, Terry and Wood—rt. Noes—none. The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1901 133 Mr. Terry's resolution to levy upon and collect from the taxable property of the various Towns and City of Ithaca of the County of Tompkins and on the County at large various amounts $6,000.00 for the support of the poor, introduced December 29th, was taken up for consideration and on motion of Mr. Parker was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Gallagher, Han - haw, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson, Terry, and Wood—i.r. Noes—none. By Mr. Sprigg : Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board be empowered to contract with the Ithaca Telephone Company and the New York and Pennsylvania Tele- phone and Telegraph Company for the same number of telephones for County service as for the year 1904 at the same price paid for said year. On motion the sane was adopted. The Clerk read the following report, which on motion of Mr. Terry was received and ordered printed. To the Board of Supervisors : Your committee appointed by resolution to examine and report on the installation of a steam laundry and water supply would respectfully report that we visited the County Alms House on September 3d, 1904, and found the same conditions existing as of the year previous sand would make the same recommendations as of 1903. CHAS. SPRIGG, JOHN J. HANSHAW, Committee. Dr. Gallagher, Chairman of the committee on Miscellan- eous Claims, reported favorably on Bills Nos. 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 19o, 191, 192 and 193, and recommended that the full amounts thereof be paid. On motion of Mr. Parker, Bills Nos. 181, 182, 183, 184, 185; 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192 and r93 were ordered 134 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1901 audited at the full amounts claimed as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Gallagher, Han- shaw, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson, Terry and Wood -1I. Noes—none. The Clerk read the written report of a majority of the Com- mittee on Superintendent of the Poor, which on motion of Mr. Baker was received and filed. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Miller, Sprigg, Terry and Wood -7. Noes—Messrs. Gallagher, Hanshaw, Parker, Thompson By Mr. Terry : Resolved, That the report be printed in the Proceedings. On motion of Mr. Fairbanks the same was lost. Ayes—Messrs. Fairbanks, Miller, Sprigg and Terry -4. 4. Noes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hanshaw, Parker, Thompson and Wood -7. On motion the Board adjourned to 7:3o P. M. Evening Session Roll call.. Quorum present. The Clerk read the following report and resolution by the Committee on Appropriations : To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: Your Committee on Appropriations respectfully reports that it will be necessary to raise in the tax levy of 1904 the sums as set forth in the budgets The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1904 135 several Towns of Tompkins County and the City of Ithaca, and offer the following resolution : Resolved, That there be levied upon and collected from the several Towns and the City of Ithaca, comprising the County of Tompkins, and from the County at large, the sum herein set forth for the following purposes: STATE TAX -1904 For Canals. ---- _--- ---- ------ For Stenographers and Clerks Total COUNTY TAX -1904 County Audits Salary, Clerk of Board -1905. _ Clerk of Board for Postage -- Clerk of Boardfor report of Comptroller. Salary, Sheriff's janitor -1905 _ Salary, Janitor, County Clerks Office -1905 Salary, Judge and Surrogate -19o5.___ Salary, Judge and Surrogate's Stenographer -1905 Salary, Surrogate's Clerk -19o5 ____ Salary, Special County Judge -1905____ Salary, District Attorney -19o5 Salary, County Treasurer -1905 ____ Salary, Chaplain County Alms House -19o5_____ Salary, Superintendent of the Poor -19o5 Expenses Superintendent of the Poor -1905____ Office Rent, Sheriff-1905Office Rent, Rent, County Treasurer -1905___ Office Rent, District Attorney -19o5____ Fuel and Lights -1905---------------.. Court Expenses -19o5 _ Superintendent of the Poor, for support of the Alms House -19o5 _ Fund for deceased indigent soldiers and sailors__ _ Fund for working prisoners.___ Matteawan State Hospital_ _ Auburn Orphan Asylum _. Monroe County Penitentiary_ Ithaca Children's Home Syracuse Institution for Feeble Minded Children. _ $ 2,444 47 1,162 29 $ 3,606 76 $16,459 54 175 00 15 00 25 00 350 00 175 00 2,50o 00 600 oo 500 00 5o ao Soo 00 900 00 100 00 350 00 50 00 100 00 too 00 200 00 1,500 00 7,000 00 3,011 73 500 00 150 00 424 28 55 00 59 63 540 12 98 25 20 00 136 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1901 County Treasurer for postage and printing____ Ithaca City, copying Tax Roll Salary, Lady Chaplain at Jail ____ Salary, Keeper of Alms House Acetylene Gas Plant, Alms House____ ____ ____ ____ Return School Taxes Election Printing To reimburse the Town of Groton ___ To reimburse the City of Ithaca _-'__ Insurance of County Buildings Western N. Y. Institution for Deaf Mutes_ _ Western N. Y. Institution for Homeless Children__ ____ 15 00 46 o8 52 00 600 00 527 90 76 84 447 02 190 84 95 42 525 00 305 83 loo 77 $39,851 25 To be collected from Property Owners on Catskill Turnpike 2,700 00 CAROLINE -TAX FOR 1904 State Tax____ County Tax Audits Support of the poor Bridges by Statute____ Ithaca Savings Bank, note due March 1, 1905 Interest on $4,000.00, due March 1, 1905 Memorial Day_ Support of Town poor, Alms.House_ Election Printing_____ - --- -- ---- ------- ---- ---- School Commissioner______ $37,151. 25 $ 155 45 1,6oi 22 1,127 47 100 00 500 00 2,000 00 16o 00 20 00 So 67 25 47 93 41 Total $5,837 95 Highway Tax, money system ____ Poll Tax State Tax County Tax Audits DANI3Y-TAX FOR 1904 1,751 54 464 00 11675 $ 144 63 1,489 77 1,326 13 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1901 Highways and bridges by statute ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ _ Support of poor_ Superintendent of Poor, support of Alms House ____ Election printing_ School Commissioner_ Returned Tax - Tool house_ Syracuse Institution for Feeble Minded Children______ Total. 500 00 225 00 242 53 6o 37 32 95 44 38 175 00 20 00 $4,260 76 Highway Tax, money system 1,515 92 Po11 Tax — 360 00 Dog Tax ____ _ 95 00 DRVDEN-TAY FOR 1904 State Tax ____ _ $ 432 09 County Tax 4,450 72 Audits _ 2,084 r3 Town poor ----- ---- ---- ------ ---- ---- ---- ---- 300 00 Highways and bridges . ______ _ 500 00 Superintendent of Poor, support of Alms House 329 59 Election printing__________ 121 99 School Commissioner _ 7o 66 Returned tax _ 19 o8 Susquehanna Valley Home ______ ____ 45 50 Western New York Society for Homeless Children ____ _ G. A. R. Fund--------------- 75 00 Bridges voted at Town Meeting 500 00 Total _ $8,928 76 Highway Tax, under money system 3,657 62 Poll Tax____ 623 00 Dog Tax_.._______ 188 00 ENFIELD -TAX FOR 1904 State Tax County Tax Audits Highways and bridges Bonded indebtedness Superintendent of the Poor, support of Alms House .___ $ 120 83 1,244 56 1,342 88 25o 00 1,718 50 159 41 137 • 138 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1904 Election printing____ School Commissioner_ Returned tax Susquehanna Valley Home Erroneous tax____ Tota] • GROTON-TAX FOR 1904 State Tax . County Tax __.. Audits _ - --- ---- ---- ---- U. S. Voting Machines (Principal) ____ U. S. Voting Machines (Interest)____ Sanford Notes______ Bowker Notes Superintendent of the Poor, support of Alms House____ Election printing. School Commissioner Returned tax Susquehanna Valley Home____ Bowker Note, due 1906, interest____ Total Highway Tax, money system_ Poll Tax __--__-- Dog Tax ITHACA-CITY TAX 45 25. 27 58. 6 69 186 75 19 89. $5,122 34 $ 323 53 3.332 47 2,340 85 200 00 6o 00 1,286 25 1,050 00 70 36 87 19 52 94 4 76 8[ 75 50 00 $8,94o ro 2,001 53 552 00 184 00 State Tax _ $I,5o6 54 A. S. Robinson, for descriptions of property of delin- quent tax payers_____ County Treasurer, expenses collecting return tax______ Support of Poor____ Superintendent of the Poor, support of Alms House___ Election printing Binding Assessment Roll -- Distributing Proceedings____ Total _ 88 00 19 00 7,000 00 1,174 99 298 00 1 25 16 6o $25,622 46 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1904 ITHACA TOWN -TAX FOR 1904 State Tax County Tax Audits Support of Town Poor _ Superintendent of the Poor, support of Altns House___ Memorial Day ____ Election Printing__ School Commissioner____ Returned Tax__ -- Syracuse Institution for Feeble Minded Children______ Bridge at Forest Home_ Total _ Highway Tax under money system Poll Tax _ Dog Tax _ LANSING -TAX FOR 1904 State Tax County Tax Audits __ Superintendent of the Poor, support of Alms House___ Election Printing School Commissioner Returned Tax Total Highway Tax under money system Poll Tax Dog Tax NEWVFIELD--TAX FOR 1904 State Tax County Tax _ - Audits Memorial Day ______ Highways and bridges____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ______ _ Support of Town poor____ Superintendent of the Poor, support of Alms House____ Election printing 17o 96 1,760 97 1,817 69 25 00 160 94 10 00 45 25 38 92 9 96 40 00 2,500 00 $6,57969 2,174 36 362 00 69 5o 311 62 3,209 87 1,859 64 279 89 86 62 50 99 38 75 $5,837 38 2,318 88 629 00 131 00 $ 15o 04 1,545 49 4.209 11 15 00 250 00 5o 00 379 50 67 87 139 140 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 190¢ Free Town Library _ 100 00 Bonded indebtedness, principal_____ 2,000 00 Bonded indebtedness, interest on 1,365 00 School Commissioner_ 34 19 Returned tax :30 98 Syracuse Institution for Feeble Minded Children 20 00 Total $to,317. 18 Highway Tax, under money system _ _ 1,419 53 Poll Tax 36o 00 Dog Tax ____ 111 50 ULYSSES -TAX FOR 1904 State Tax_ _ $ 291 07 County Tax _-- __-- __-' __-- __-- 2,998 10 Audits 1,932 26 Memorial Day _ 5o 00 Town poor 250 00 Highways and bridges. 250 00 Indigent soldiers and sailors_ 100 00 Superintendent of the Poor, support of Alms House___ 110 59 Election printing __ 82 28 School Commissioner 6636 Returned tax 202 90 Bonded indebtedness, principal_ ______ 2,000 00 Bonded indebtedness, interest on ______ 1,505 00 Syracuse Institution for Feeble Minded Children_____ 20 00 Notes held by First National Bank of Ithaca__ _ 1,50o 00 Erroneous tax, McCracken 3 12 Total_ _____. $11,361 68 Highway Tax, under money system_ ____ _ 1,621 76 Poll Tax - 359 00 Dog Tax ____ 93 00 H. C. FAIRBANKS, WM. H. BAKER, JOHN J. HANSHAW, A. N. MILLER, Committee. On Motion of Dr. Gallagher the report was accepted and the amounts were ordered levied upon and collected of the several The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1901 141 Towns, the City of Ithaca and the County at large the sums as therein set forth. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hanshaw, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson and Wood -9. Noes—none. By Mr. Corbin : Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board make a contract with the Dryden Telephone Company for telephone for School Commissioner of District, No. 2 for the ensuing year. On motion of Mr. Sprigg, the same was adopted. By Mr. Thompson : Resolved, That the unpaid school tax of seventeen and 84-100 dollars $17.84 assessed to Lyman Ellis of the Town of Dryden be levied upon and collected from the property upon which it was originally assessed with interest, as recommended. That the unpaid school tax of four 85-100 dollars ($4.S5) assessed to Isaac Miller of the Town of Groton be levied upon and collected from the property upon which it was originally assessed with, as recommended. That the unpaid school tax of eleven and 81—ioo dollars $11.81: as- sessed to the Geo. Protts Estate in the Town of Newfield be levied upon and collected from the property upon which it was originally assessed with interest as recommended. That the unpaid school tax 64—coo dollars assessed to the Beardsley Estate in the Town of Dryden be levied upon and collected from the property upon which it was originally assessed with interest as recom- mended. Resolved, That the unpaid school tax of one and 27-100 dollars ($1.27) assessed to W. Larmor of the Town of Dryden be levied upon and collected from the property upon which it was originally assessed with interest as recommended. ° That the unpaid school tax of seven and 93-100 dollars, assessed to James Foote of the Towu of Groton be levied upon and collected from the property upon which it was originally assessed with interest as recommended. 142 The Supervisors' Proceeding -s, 1904( That the unpaid school tax of eleven and 62-100 dollars ; assessed to Louesa Wilkinson of the Town of Newfield he levied upon and collected from the property upon which it was originally assessed with interest as recommended. That the unpaid school tax of 65-100 dollars assessed to Sylvester Odell of the Town of Dryden be levied upon and collected from the property upon which it was originally assessed with interest as recom- mended. Resolved, That the unpaid school tax of four and 75-100 dollars assessed to Lyman Ellis of the Town of Dryden, be levied upon and collected from the property upon which it was originally assessed, with interest as recommended. That the unpaid school tax of iS-roo dollars assessed to Wilcox estate of the Town of Dryden he levied upon and collected from the property upon which it was originally assessed with interest as recommended. Resolved, That there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Ulysses the sum of three and 12-100 dollars to reimburse Mrs. McCracken of said Town for taxes paid by her upon property that was exempt from taxation. That there be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the Town of Enfield the sum of nineteen and 89-100 dollars to reimburse John Grey of said Town for taxes erroneously assessed and paid by him in said Town. Resolved, That the unpaid school tax of six and 6o-ioodollars assessed upon personal property of Frances Marshall as guardian of Norma Harvey, be levied upon and collected from the same property upon which it was originally assessed with interest as recommended. That the unpaid school tax of two and to -too dollars assessed to H. W. Bower of the Town of Newfield be levied upon and collected from the prop- erty upon which it was originally assessed with interest as recommended. On motion of Mr. Hanshaw the same was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hanshaw, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson and Wood -9. Noes—none. On motion the Board adjourned. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1901 TWENTY-NINTH DAY. SATURDAY, JANUARY 7, [905. Morning Session Roll call. Quorum present. 143 Minutes of December 3oth, 1904, were read by the Clerk, and on motion of Mr. Terry the same were made the minutes of an open session and approved as such. On motion the Board adjourned. Afternoon Session Roll call. Quorum present. By Mr. Hanshaw : Resolved, That the correction of clerical errors in the various assess- ment rolls of the County, the assessments and valuations as corrected on said assessment rolls, the taxes levied upon the several property owners of the various school districts of the County, and the taxes levied upon the several towns in accordance with the recommendations of the Committee on Erroneous Assessments and all changes necessary to be made in order to conform to the requirements of the law be, and the same are hereby ratified, confirmed and legalized. On motion of Mr. J. H. Hine the same was adopted. By Mr. Baker : Resolved, That the tax as extended on the tax rolls of theseveral Towns and the City of Ithaca as presented to this Board by the Supervisors of the Towns and the City of Ithaca he confirmed and that warrants be issued to the Collectors of the various Towns and the City of Ithaca for the collec- tion of the same, signed by the Chairman and the Clerk of this Board and the seal of the County be affixed as required by law. On motion of Mr. Corbin the sante was adopted. 144 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1901 By Mr. Sprigg : Resolved, That a committee of one be appointed by the Chairman to co-operate with the County Treasurer in regard to the property bought on tax sales by the County and to dispose of the said property as far as possi- ble to the best interests of the County. On motion -of Mr. Miller the sante was adopted. The Chairman appointed as such committee Mr. Sprigg. The Clerk read the rates for the different Towns and the City of Ithaca as given him, as follows : Caroline _ - .0067 Danby -- - .0058 Dryden .004 Enfield __-- ____-- •0093 Groton .006 Ithaca -City___________ .00356 Ithaca -Town .006 Lansing . _-- __-- ---- .0052 Newfield.0105 - ---- ---- ---- Ulysses __ -- ---_ .0094 By Mr. Thompson : Motion that the Standing Committee on the Superintendent of the Poor Accounts be discharged, and that the Chairman appoint a new committee of two to .complete auditing the Ac- counts of Superintendent of the Poor. Carried. The Chairman appointed as such committee Messrs. Corbin. and Thompson. The minutes for the day were read and approved. On motion the Board adjourned sine die. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. The Supervisors' Proceedings, 19OI COUNTY AUDITS. STATE OF NEW YORK, Ss. COUNTV OF TOMPKINS-13OARD OF SUPERVISORS, } '45 I hereby certify that the following abstract comprises all the bills and accounts against the County of Tompkins presented to the Board of Supervisors of said County at its annual meeting for the year 1904, showing the name of each claimant, the true na- ture 'of the account, the amount originally claimed, and the amount as finally allowed and audited by said Board. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. No. Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed Michael Casey, Services of Detective $ 7o 8o $ 70 8o 2 E. A. Denton, J. S. Kirkendall and E. Baker, Com- mission on M. Cunningham_ _ 338 00 288 00 3 Mrs. E. M. Hall, Fire Extinguishers______________ 76 05 . 76 05. 4 Frank M. Bull, Justice of the Peace 5 00 5 oo 5 Wilber G. Fish, M.D., Coroner__ 6 oo 6 oo 6 A. H. Platts & Co., Tobacco for Prisoners__ ____ 2 21 2 21 7 Wyckoff Phonographic Institute Co., Typewriter Supplies, County Judge_ 19 49 19 49 8 Henry F. Lyme, Constable_ _ 9 io 9 10 9 Luther Ennis, Care of Lawn, County Clerk's Office 7 o0 7 00 to Empire State Housefurnishing Co., Repairs, Fur - 3o 70 3o 7o 11 City Hospital, Care of John Mehan____._. ________ 82 00 82 00 12 Bowue Mulks, Deputy Sheriff ____ ____ 3 00 3 00 13 Driscoll Bros & Co., Supplies, Jail_3 8o 3 8o 14 W. C. Little & Co., Law Books, County Judge____ 6 5o 6 50 15 Jas. G. Burns, Deputy Sheriff____ 2 00 2 00 16 Chas. E. Freese, Constable_ _ _ 15 00 15 00 17 C. J. Rumsey & Co., Hardware Supplies_303 13 303 13 18 H. B. Besemer, M.D., Post-mortem Examination_ Io 0o Io 00 19 D. Mitchell, Tobacco for Prisoners____ __ __ _ 10 5o 10 5o. 0 146 The Supervisors' Proceedings, rgol No. Nance Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 20 Charles Hyde, Constable____ ____ 21 31. D. Goodyear, M.D., Examination in Lunacy (withdrawn)_22 Syracuse Extract Co., Disinfectants, Jail ____ _ 23 Matthew Bender, Books, County Judge____ 24 E. M. Chamot, Expert Testimony, etc. 25 Arthur B. Brooks, Supplies____ 26 William Elwell, Burying D. Whitney 27 Albert Van Auken, Constable ______ 28 Campbell Bros. & Co., Supplies and Labor__.__..___ 29 A. B. Brooks, Drugs, Alms House____ 30 Chauncey P. Biggs, M.D., Services Whitney Case_ 31 Fred C. Harrington, Deputy Sheriff .___ 32 Susquehanna Valley Horne, Care of Iuulates______ 33 Susquehanna Valley Home, Care of Inmates_ 34 Susquehanna Valley Home, Care of Inmates 35 Susquehanna Valley Home, Care of Inmates_ 36 Susquehanna Valley I-Iome, Care of Inmates_ 37 Susquehanna Valley Home, Care of Inmates _ 38 Matteawan State Hospital, Care of Inmates ______ _ 39 Society for the Protection of Destitute Catholic Children, Care of Inmates____ 40 Syracuse Institute for Feeble Minded Children, Supplies for Inmates___.. 41 Ithaca Children's Honie, Care of Inmates 42 Central New York Institute for Instruction of Deaf Mutes, Supplies for Inmates _ 43 Western New York Institute for Deaf Mutes, Care 44 W. C. Little & Co., Books, County Judge____ 45 City of Ithaca, Police Bill 46 Bradford Snyder, Keeper at Alms House_ 47 Dryden Telephone Co., Phone for School Coni.___ 48 American Chase, Deputy Sheriff, Assigned to L. H. Van Kirk - 49 Geo. W. Cavanaugh, Expert Test. Etc. 5o H. \V. Nasli, M.D., Exain. Traver girl 51 Buttrick & Frawley, Supplies prisoners_ 52 W. C. Gallagher, M.D., Expert Test. ____ 53 H. B. Parsons, Books Dist. Atty. 54 Banks & Company, Law Books Dist. Atty. 55 John F. Murphy, Garvie Constable (disallowed) 56 John F. Murphy, Game Constable (disallowed) 57 L. F. Noxon, Grass seed____ 10 50 10 50 5 70 27 00 87 50 85 00 2 50 I2 00 2 So 183 59 55 10 00 4 00 92 00* 90 00* 50 �5* 36 00* 22 75* 23 00* 424 2S* 66 65* 120 00* 98 �5* 3o oo* 305 83* 6 50 83 20 19 72 12 00 2 00 100 00 500 16 20 20 00 9 50 71 50 12 00 12 00 2 00 27 00 87 50 40 00 2 50 12 00 2 8o 183 59 55 10 00 4 00 6 50 83 20 19 72 I2 00 2 00 50 00 , 5 00 16 20 20 00 9 50 71 50 2 00 The Supervisors' Proceedings, '9o¢ 147 No. Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 58 Rothschild Bros., Supplies Co. Judge__ __ ________ 42 92 42 92 59 Rothschild Bros., Supplies Sheriff7 44 7'44 6o Ithaca Democrat, Printing Court notices_________ 4 75 4 75 61 Ithaca Telephone Co., Telephones Co. Offices ____ 155 00 155 00 62 The Weekly Ithacan, Printing_140 63 140 63 63 D. B. Stewart & Co., Supplies Jail, ____ ____ ______ 20 00 20 00 64 Catherine M. Dixon, Exr., Cont. work Geo. J. Dixon, Supervisor.___ ____ ____ _ 48 00 48 00 65 C. M. Stanley, Supplies prisoners. ____ .___ _____._ 36 55 36 55 66 Small & Bucklin, Supplies Jail _ 3 00 3 00 67 S. Edwin Banks, Acting Surrogate ______ ____ ____ 64 00 64 00 68 Jamieson & McKinney, Plumbing and Supplies__ 117 18 117 18 69 F. H. Warner, Wall paper____ ____ ._____ 14 35 14 35 7o O. G. Noble, Justice of the Peace _ 2 70 2 70 71 E. R. Osterhout, M.D., Coroner's Phy. __ Io 00 10 00 72 Seneca Spicer, Constable _ 4 98 4 98 93 Hulbert—Loveless Plumbing Co., Plumbing and Supplies 49 49 49 49 74 Norton Printing Co., Repairs dateing stamp_ 1 50 1 50 75 Willard M. Kent, Disbursements Dis. Atty. ______ 63 54 63 54 76 Monroe Co. Penitentiary, care of inmates__.._____ S40 12 77 Pinkerton Nat. Dect. Agency, Dect. Services Whitney case.___ _____ 212 75 212 75 78 Treman, King & Co., Supplies Jail________ 34 96 34 96 79 D. P. Terry, M D., Coroner ____ 27 00 27 00 8o Chas. P. Beaman, M.D., Expert Test. 20 00 20 00 8r Chas. M. Benjamin, Supplies Co. Treas. 25 25 25 25 82 Treman, King & Co., Supplies and labor_ ____ ____ 394 88 394 88 83 The J. C. Stowell Co., Supplies Jail _ 4 45 4 45 84 A. B. Eadie, M.D., Com. in Lunacy__ _____ . 5 00 5 00 85 Ithaca Business Men's Assn., Sprinkling in front Co. Clerk's Office.___________ 9 00 9 00 86 R. Wolf Estate, Tobacco for Prisoners_ ____ ______ 9 60 9 6o 87 Win. H. Baker, Work in Co. Clerk's Office 40 00 40 00 88 J. K. Follett, Deputy Sheriff ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ 70 00 70 00 89 Ithaca Journal, Printing and Supplies______ 1,411 05 1,411 05 90 Edward H. Frear, Justice of the Peace_ 14 45 14 45 91 Jas. P. Fahey, M.D., Expert Testimony (Returned) 20 00 92 E. J. Morgan, M.D., Expert Testimony (Returned) 20 00 93 Jas. P. Fahey, M.D., Exam. in Lunacy5 00 5 00 94 T. S. Thompson Est., Supplies Jail ______ 7 37 7 37 95 Todd, Blackmer & Co., Supplies Jail .____. _ it 61 1161 96 City of Ithaca, Recorder's Bill _____ 75 00 75 00 1,18 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1901 No. Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 97 N. Y. & Pa. Tel. & Tel. Co., Telephones County Offices - 145 00 145 00 98 J. W. Judd, M.D., Coroner, Assigned to R. H. Trernan, Exr. 17o 50 170 50 99 Ithaca Journal, Election Printing'____ ____ ____ ___ 1,409 77* ICO L. F. Noxon, Supervisor, 1903 ____ ____ ____ 4 00 4 00 to! H. L. Haskin, Supplies, Jail_ 1 90 1 90 102 J. Will Tree, Book Binding ____ _______ 32 00 32 00 103 Cornell Livery, Liveries for Committees 23 00 23 00 104 Chas. Green, Tobacco for Prisoners 8 14 8 14 105 Chas. E. Seaman, Hack to Alms House____ ____ _ 4 00 4 00 io6 Willard M.,Kent, Detective Hire_ 23 40 23 40 107 Ithaca Publishing Co., Printing 214 25 214 25 to8 D. Mitchell, Tobacco for Prisoners____ ____ 3 6o 3 6o 109 Ithaca Water Works Company, City Water 133 00 133 co 110 A. J. Calkins, Supplies, Sheriff____ 140 1 40 111 Edward Sprigg, Supplies and Labor______ ___._ 386 98 3S6 98 112 Matthew Bender, Gilbert's Manual, 1903____ ____ 6 30 4 50 113 Matthew Bender, Code District Attorney, 1903__- 3 50 3 50 I t4 Auburn Orphan Asylum, Care of Inmates____ ____ 55 00* 115 Craig Colony, Supplies for Inmates _ ______ _ 59 63* 116 Western N. Y. Society for the Protection of Homeless and Dependent Children, Care of Inmates, etc. __-- __-- _ __-. __-- __-- _ Too 77* 1 t7 Wilber G. Fish, M.D., Coroner________ ______ ____ 5 20 5 20 1 IS Meany Pharmacy, Drugs for Jail____ 1 25 1 25 119 Win. E. Lanikin, Carpenter Work1 6o 1 6o 120 G. C. McClure, Work at Jail _______ 3 50 3 50 121 E. McGillivray, Photographic Work, District Attorney 2 50 2 50 122 Leroy H. Van Kirk, County Clerk 536 57 536 57 123 Matthew Bender, Books, County Treasurer 6 75 6 75 124 E. McGillivray, Photographic Work, District Attorney ____ 19 50 14 50 125 Matthew Bender, Gilbert's Manuals for Board___ 52 75 52 75 126 Bert T. Baker, Express Paid on Manuals________ r 25 125 127 E. McGillivray, Photographic Work, District Attorney 5 00 5 00 128 Matthew Bender, Gilbert's Manual, County Clerk 6 30 4 50 129 C. W. Earl, Mason Work________ -_______ 20 52 20 52 130 Ithaca Publishing Co., Publishing List of Nom- inations 198 66 198.66 131 Chas. H. Blood, Expenditures, County Judge___ 253 93 253 93 132 Banks Law Publishing Co., Books, County Judge_ 21 00 21 00 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 'go¢ 149 No. Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 133 Taylor & Carpenter, Supplies County'Clerk and Surrogate -_____ 47 60 47 6o 134 Barr Bros., Hardware Supplies ____ ____ ____ _ 42 23 42 23 135 Forest City Plumbing Co., Supplies____ ____ 2 50 2 50 136 H. A. Waldron, Electric Wiring, Assigned to Bert T. Baker________________ 16'29 16 29 137 Todd, Blackmer & Co., Supplies, Jail__.,_____ 6 75 6 75 138 N. W. Griffin, Constable 18 00 18 00 139 J. N. Mead Co., Supplies, Prisoners _ _ _ t8 6o 18 6o 140 Geo. S. Tarbell, Exam. Guardian Accounts _ _____ 50 00 50 00 141 Newman & Blood, Legal Services Ingersoll Matter ' and Expenses - 142 B. M. Hagin, Est., Committee and Special Sessions 143 W. C. Gallagher, Committee and Special Sessions 144 City of Ithaca, Supplemental Recorder's Bill ____ 145 American W. Chase, Deputy Sheriff, Assigned to L H. Van Kirk-____--_ 10 00 10 00 146 Hattie C. Torrey, Stenographer Whitney Inves- tigation _ 147 Hattie C. Torrey, Stenographer for Dist. Atty.___ 148 Treman, King &_ Co., Electric Wiring 149 Charles Sprigg, Committee and Special Sessions_ 150 Rubert Roosa, Artesian Water_ 151 John J. Hanshaw, Committee and Special Sessions 152 John C. Thompson, Committee and Special Sessions _ ______ ____ _ 52 8o 52 80 1S3 R. Newton Mount, Committee Work 48 96 48 96 154 Webb Corbin, Committee and Special Sessions__ 65 78 65 78 155 \Vin. H. Parker, Special Session _ ____ 4 00 4 00 156 Bert T. Baker, Report State Tax Commissioners, etc. 25 00 157 James H. Hine, Special Sessions 38 08 158 J. W. Judd, 11I.D., Coroner_____ 30 00 159 R. Newton Mount, Special Sessions 45 92 160 Thos. G. Miller, Supplies County Clerk and Sup. 172 25 161 James H. Hine, Committee Work'_ _ 62 40 162 Willard M. Kent, District Attorney Expenses____ 24 90 163 Wni. A. Van Order, Deputy Sheriff._____ _______ 472 00 164 Eugene Terry, Committee and Special Session_ 124 16 165 Ithaca Publishing Company, Printing_ 7 25 i66 J. A. & J. H. Causer, Board of Detective_____ _..__ 2r o0 167 Grant Curry, Jail Bill 168 Wm. H. Baker, Committee and Special Sessions__ 169 Williamson Law Book Co., Law Books 257 25 40 78 54 72 13 05 257 25 40 78 54 72 13 05 36 70 500 9 18 48 00 39 40 40 g6 36 70 500 9 18 48 00 39 40 40 96 2,073 43 94 09 33 63 25 00 38 o8 30 00 45 92. 172 25 62 40 24 90 472 00 124 16 7 25 21 00 2,073 43 94 09 33 63 15o The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1904 No. Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 170 Chas. Gabrino, Detective Service____ ____ __ 32 95 32 95 171 A. B. Kennedy, Repairs_____________5o 50 172 Cornell Livery, Livery for Coroner Judd____8 00 8 oo 173 Chas. S. Seaman, Livery Hire, Sheriff 28 5o 28 50 174 Grant Curry, Sheriff Bill 1,816 47 1,816 47 175 Leroy H. Van Kirk, County Clerk__993 97 993 97 176 Town of Caroline, Gilbert's Manual_ _ 4 50 4 50 177 H. C. Fairbanks, Committee Work . 128 00 128 00 178 A. N. Miller, Committee and Special Sessions__ 116 00 116 oo 179 H. C. Fairbanks, Special Sessions_ _ __ 28 00 28 00 ISO David Bower, Service and Exp. to Jan. r, 1904___ 108 J5 108 35 181 R. Newton Mount, Service Bill, Regular,Session_ 161 28 161 28 182 Wm. H. Baker, Service Bill, Regular Session ____ 153 74 153 74 183 John J. Hanshaw, Service Bill, Regular Session__ 155 22 155 22 184 Wm. H. Parker, Service Bill, Regular Session____ 128 oo 128 0o 185 Webb Corbin, Service Bill, Regular Session____ _ 178 91 178 91 186 Chas. E. Wood, Service, Bill, Regular Session___ 165 51 165 51 187 W. C. Gallagher, Service Bill, Regular Session__ 148 48 148 48 188 Eugene Terry, Service Bill, Regular Session 175 12 175 12 189. Janes H. Hine, Service Bill, Regular Session148 88 148 88 190 Charles Sprigg, Service Bill, Regular Session162 04 162 04 191 H. C. Fairbanks, Service Bill, Regular Session132 00 132 00 192 John C. Thompson, Service Bill, Regular Session 15o 07 150 07 193 A. N. Miller, Service Bill, Regular Session132 00 132 00 *See County and Town Budgets. $16,489 54 SUPERVISORS' ACCOUNTS. Table showing the amount of compensation audited and allowed by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins, to the members thereof within the past year, the items and nature of such compensation, as audited ; the number of days the Board has been in session, and the distance traveled by the members in attending the meetings of the Board during the year 1904. TOWNS Caroline Danby Dryden Enfield Groton Ithaca City, 1st Ward { Ithaca City, 2nd Ward Ithaca City, 3rd Ward Ithaca City, 4th Ward Ithaca Town ___ Lansing { Newfield Ulysses • SUPERVISORS. Days with County Canvassers Compensation at $4.00 per day Mileage at 8 cents per mile Days with Board Annual Session, 1904 Days with Board Annual Session, 1903 Compensation at 84.0o per day Mileage at 8 cents • per mile Days with Board Special Session Compensation at 84.00 per day Mileage at 8 cents per mile Copying Assessment Roll and Extending Taxes Total amount of Service Bill Win. C. Gallagher Win. H. Baker Webb Corbin _ 3 3 3 $12 0o 12 00 12 00 81 44 1 04 2 24 29 29 29 $116 00 116 co 116 00 St 44! 7 1 04j 6 2 24 7 $2S oo 24 00 28 00 $10 os 6 24 15 62 $17 6o $186 23 66 183 46 43 222 56 96 59 James H. Hive 3 12 00 1 44 29 116 00 1 44 7 28 00 10 oS 18 o0 i86 96 R. Newton Mount 3 12 CO 2 56 29 116 00 2 56 7 2S 00 17 92 28 16 207 20 George J. Dixon 1 4 00 5 20 00 24 co Win. H. Parker 3 12 00 29 116 00 1 4 00 132 00 H. C. Fairbanks 3 12 00 29 1 120 00 7 28 00 160 00 Charles Sprigg 3 12 00 29 116 00 7 28 00 26 04 152 04 Arthur N. Miller 3 12 00 29 1 120 00 7 28 00 160 00 John J. Hanshaw 3 12 00 48 29 116 00 48 7 28 00 3 36 26 26 156 58 B. M. Hagin 7 28 o0 7 2S 35 28 Chas. E. Wood 3 12 CO 1 6o 29 116 00 1 6o 34 31 165 51 John C. Thompson 3 12 00 1 76 29 116 00 1 76 7 28 o0 12 32 28 55 200 39 Eugene Terry 3 12 00 1 2S 29 116 00 1 28 6 24 00 7 68 39 28 201 52 Total 3o 1.56 00 13 84 377 3 1520 00 13 84 SS 352 co 90 64 288 29 2434 61 .0067 .0058 .004 .0093 .006 .00356 .006 .0052 .0105 .0094 STATE OF NEW YORK, l} ss COUNTY OF TOMPKINS—BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. J I do hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct statement of the number of days the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County was in session during the past year ; the nature of its duties, and the time necessarily employed and the distance necessarily traveled, by the. individual members, respectively, in the discharge thereof. I also certify that no accounts were audited by the said Board, for any member thereof, or for any person, without being verified according to the statute in such case made and provided, ^ Dated January 7, 1905. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. 152 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1901 TOWN AUDITS CAROLINE We, the undersigned, the Town Board of the Town. of Caro- line, do hereby certify : That the following is an abstract of the names of all persons who have presented to said Board accounts to be audited, the amounts claimed by each of said persons and the amounts finally audited respectively, to wit : No. Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 1 Charles Mulks, Inspector of Election, Dist. No. 3__ $ 12 00 $ 12 00 2 W. T. Graham, Inspector and Messenger, Dist. No. 3 17 56 17 56 3 Geo. E. Vandemark, Ballot Clerk, Dist. No. 3____ 4 00 4 00 4 Geo. H. Beard, Ballot Clerk, Dist. No. 3---------- 4 00 4 00 5 Dewitt F. Roe, Truant Officer______ 25 00 25 00 6 Richard L. Whittaker, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 1_ .__ 4 00 4 00 7 Lamont C. Snow, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 1 . 4 00 4 00 8 E. H. Card, Hall Rent, Storing Booths____ 13 00 13 00 9 John Davis, Inspector of Election, Dist. No. 1____ 12 00 12 00 ro Charles Head, 13allot Clerk, Dist. No. 1____ 4 00 4 00 11 Henry P. \Vinchell, Inspector of Election, Dist. No. 1 _ - _ __-- _ 12 CO 12 00 12 Frank S. Yaple, Ballot Clerk, Dist. No. 1 ____ _ 4 00 4 00 13 Herman Blackman, Inspector of Election, Dist. No. 1 _ _ 12 00 12 00 14 E. H. Mitchell, Justice of the Peace.___ ____ _____ 12 00 12 00 15 Geo. H. Richardson, Town Clerk ______ 73 05 .73 05 • 16 J, C. Jansen, Inspector of Election, Dist. No. 3___ 12 00 12 00 17 J. M. Sears, Inspector and Messenger, Dist. No.1 _ 18 20 18 20 18 R. L. Demean, Inspector of Election, Dist. No. 3_ 12 00 '12 00 19 John L. Mandeville, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 3______ 4 00 4 00 20 Geo. H. Richardson, Hall Rent, Storing Booths__ 13 00 13 00 21 S. B. Turner, Old Ladies' Home, Board Drexy Pettigrove 52 00 •52 00 22 Ithaca Journal Printing_____________ 14 61 14 61 23 A. R. Johnson, Inspector of Election, Dist. No. 2__ 12 00 1 2 00 24 Harry A. Davis, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 2.._ 4 00 4 00 The Supervisors' Proceedings, [901 153 No. Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 25 J. H. Best, Ballot Clerk, Dist. No. 2 _ 4 00 4 00 26 Lyman H. Gallagher, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 2_____ 4 00 4 00 27 B. J. Silsbee, Inspector of Election, Dist. No. 2___ 12 00 12 00 28 E. A. Cooper, Ballot Clerk, Dist. No. 2.___ 4 00 4 00 29 M: H. Quick, Inspector of Election, Dist. No. 2__ 12 00 12 00 30 Bowne Mulks, Inspector and Messenger, Dist. No. 2. 18 44 18 44 31 F. A. Snow, Justice of the Peace.___ ___- ____ _ 12 00 12 00 32 R. E. Brink, Hall Rent, Storing Booths 13 00 13 00 33 Theodore Eighmey, Assessor_____ 30 00 30 00 34 Williamson Law Book Co. ______ ____-- ____-- __-- _ 3 6o 3 6o 35 Dr. C. H. Gallagher, Examination in Lunacy__ _ to 0o to 00 36 A. Gorsline, Overseer of the Poor _ _ 12 co 12 00 37 Estate Dr. R. Johnson, Vital Statistics___________ 2 50 2 500 38 Henry Lyme, Constable_ 26 65 26 65 39 W. C. Gallagher, Supervisor and Examinations in Lunacy, Vital .Statistics______ 24 50 24 50 40 Frank M. Bull, Justice, Criminal Account____ ____ 18 05 18 05 41 Frank M. Bull, Justice of the Peace 6 00 6 00 42 W. C. Gallagher, Distributing School and Highway Money 56 96 56 96 43 G. K. Doughty, Justice of the Peace . ____ _ 6 75 6 75 44 Dr. C. H. Gallagher, Medical Services, Order Overseer Poor ____ ____ 7 50 7 50 45 Dr. C. FI. Gallagher, Medical Services, Order Overseer Poor _ _ _ ______ ______ _ 2 00 2 00 46 W. W. Conrad, Assessor and Copying Assessment 44 6o 44 60 47 Andrus `. Church, Assessment Rolls 4 00 4 00 48 Dr. Del?. A. Reid, Medical Services, Order Overseer Poor _______ 39 50 39 50 49 Ira Bogardus, Commissioner of Highways_ 360 00 360 00 5o F. C. Vorhis, for \Vatering Trough ______ 3 00 3 00 51 Jerome Seager, for Watering Trough_ 3 00 3 00 52 George Bull, for \Vatering Trough_ ______ ___ 3 00 3 00 53 Hiram Vandemark, for Watering Trough3 00 3 00 , 54 Wm. Mandeville, for Watering Trough ______ 3 00 3 00 $5 Hubert Wattles, for Watering Trough 3 00 3 00 56 Henry Leebody, for Watering Trough . _ _ 3 00 3 00 57 Geo. Northup, for Watering Trough__ 3 00 3 00 58 Lorretta Van Woert, for Watering Trough__ 3 00 3 00 59 Charles Jones, for Watering Trough. 3 00 3 00 6o Richard Quick Farm, for Watering Trough 3 00 3 00 61 Jay Preston, for Watering Trough ____ _ 300 300 I54 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1901 No. Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 62 W. C. Snow, for Watering Trough 3 00 3 00 Total____ $1,127 47 $1,127 47 In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals this loth day of November, 1904. W. C. GALLAGHER, Supervisor. [L. 5.] GEO. H. RICHARDSON, Town Clerk. [L. s.] FRANK M. BULL, [L. s.] GARDNER K. DOUGHTY, [L. s.] E. H. MITCHELL, [L. s.] F. A. SNOW, [L. s.] Justices of the Peace. I hereby certify that the above is a true copy of the original on file in my office.. Dated November 15, 1904. GEORGE H. RICHARDSON, Town Clerk. .00.44.0004,004.4)4+04004,...04) DANBY. We, the undersigned, the Town Board of the Town of Danby, do hereby certify : That the following is an abstract of the names of all persons who have presented to said Board ac- counts to be audited, the amounts claimed by each of said per- • sons, and the amounts finally audited respectively, to -wit : No. Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 1 Willis Everest, Inspector $ 12 00 $ 12 00 2 Eugene Dorn, Inspector_ 12 00 12 00 3 Frank Martin, Inspector_ 12 00 12 00 4 S. L. Kirkendall, Inspector and Messenger 17 56 17 56 5 Nelson Cornell, Inspector 12 00 12 00 6 Wilbert Patchen, Inspector and Messenger 17 So 1.7 So 7 Fred Crance, Inspector 12 00 12 00 S Dewitt Allick, Inspector________ ____________•. __ 12 00 12 00 No. . Name The Supervisors' Proceedings 1904 155 Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 9 Geo. W. Miller, Inspector 10 Clayton Willsey, Inspector _ 11 Parker Burch, Inspector and Messenger 12 Byron Ackles, Inspector 13 Fred McFall, Poll Clerk .___ 14 Harry Beardsley, Poll Clerk____ 15 T. J. Hutchings, Poll Clerk 16 Charles Allick, Poll Clerk____ 17 Will Smiley, Poll Clerk. r8 Marcus Hill, Poll Clerk 19 Fred Dorn, Ballot Clerk 20 Theron Elvea, Ballot Clerk ________ 21 Henry Fairbrother, Ballot Clerk 22 C. M. Sweetlove, 13allot Clerk____ ._____ ___. ____ _ 23 Lewis Cummings, Ballot Clerk _ 24 Richard Hinds, Ballot Clerk 25 Z. E. Smiley, Justice____._ 26 F. D. Smiley, Justice_ 27 T. W. Slocum, Justice______ 28 J. 13. Thatcher, Justice _ 29 Geo. E. Button, Assessor 3o Lewis Cooper, Assessor 31 H. J. Tuthill, Assessor._____ 32 W. H. Baker, Supervisor____ 33 W. H. Baker, Distributing Public Monies____ 34 J. O. Miller, Highway Commissioner_ 35 O. S. Jennings, Town Clerk 36 O. S. Jennings, Vital Statistics 37 O. S. Jennings, Supplies 38 C. F. Mettler, Overseer Poor____ 39 Jerry Dorn, Overseer Poor_ _ 40 A. J. Snyder, Supplies Poor 41 H. E. Mettler, Supplies Poor 42 Brown & Barnard, Supplies Poor 43 Ithaca Journal, Printing_ 44 Andrus & Church, Printing________ 45 Williamson Law Book Co., Books___. 46 Z. E. Smiley, Hall Rent____ ____ ____ 47 A. J. Snyder, Hall Rent 48 C. Denman, Vital Statistic____ 49 C. Denman, Medical Service 5o H. Thatcher, Health Officer_____ 51 T. W. Slocum, Justice Service 52 H. A. Rittenhouse, Constable 12 00 12 00 12 00 12 00 17 80 17 80 12 00 12 00 400 400 400 ,400 4 00 400 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 400 4 00 400 4 00 400 4 00 400 400 4 00 4 00 400 4 00 400 15 40 15 40 12 00 12 00 13 44 13 44 10 69 10 69 25 30 25 30 21 00 21 00 24 00 24 00 21 76 21 76 26 82 26 82 386 00 3S6 oo 86 oo 86 00 15 25 15 25 5 50 5 50 36 26 36 26 9 39 9 39 I2I 00 121 00 85 oo 85 00 42 00. 42 00 9 36 9 36 6 30 6 30 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 4 25 4 25 10 00 10 00 2 00 2 00 24 65 24 65 4 60 4 60 156 The Sufervisors' Proceedings, 190¢ No. Name ,Nature of Service Claimed . Allowed 53 Jerry Dorn, Watering Trough . 3 00 3 00 54 Fred Crauce, Watering Trough ______ 3 00 3 00 55 Lewis Messenger, Watering Trough____6 00 6 00 56 C. B. Beers, Watering Trough_3 00 3 00 S7 H. E. Jennings, Watering Trough.___ 3 00 3 00 58 Geo. E. Morris, Watering Trough_3 00 3 00 59 J. E. Judson, \Vatering Trough_3 00 3 00 6o Fred L. Sanford, Watering Trough 3 00 3 06 61 J. F. Ryan, Watering Trough ____ ____ • 3 00 3 00 62 Frank Sincebaugh, Watering Trough .___ 3 00 3 00 63 Geo. E. Button, Watering Trough ____ 3 00 3 00 64 Bert Fulkerson, Attendance Officer 17 00 17 00 65 0. S. Jennings, Committee on Town Hall and Shed 5 00 5 0o 66 F. D. Smiley, Committee on Work Town Shed___ 8 06 8 60 67 H. S. Beardsley, Watering Though 3 06 3 00 $1,326 13 $1,326 t3 W. H. BAKER, Supervisor. 0. S. JENNINGS, Town Clerk. T. W. SLOCUM, Z. E. SMILEY, J. B. THATCHER, F. D. SMILEY, Justices. I hereby certify that the above is a true copy of bills audited by the Auditing Board of the Town of Danby at their annual meeting November 10, 1904. Dated November 10, 1904. 0. S. JENNINGS, Town Clerk. 43.....44.0•••••4800e..0404.01:04 DRYDEN 0 The following abstract of the names of all persons who have presented to the Board of Town Auditors of the Town of Dryden in said County, accounts to be audited during the year 1904, the The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1901. '57 amounts claimed by each such person and the amounts finally audited by said Board of Town Auditors is hereby submitted pursuant to statute, to -wit : No. Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 1 Dewitt Calkins, House for Election and Work, •Dist. No. r 2 E. S. Burr, Inspector and Messenger, Dist. No. I_ 3 E. C. Whitman, Inspector, Dist. No. 1_ _ 4 G. W. McKean, Inspector, Dist. No. I 5 Alfred Lamkin, Inspector, Dist. No. 1 6 Frank D. Snyder, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 1____ _____ 7 Fred Crutts, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 1 _ 8 Arthur Cornelius, Ballot Clerk, Dist. No. 1 _ 9 Lemi Metzgar, Ballot Clerk, Dist. No. r to L. A. Hemingway, Inspector and Messenger, Dist. No. 2- - 11 G. H. Houtz, Poll Clerk, 1903 and 1904 Dist. No. 2 12 . Frank Sheldon, Inspector, Dist. No. 2 13 O. K. Rhodes, Poll Clerk, 1903 and 1904, Dist. No. 2- 14 Nolan King, Inspector, Dist. No. 2________ 15 G. E. Mineah, Inspector, Dist. No. 2 16 C. S. Scott, Labor on Booths, Dist. No. 2 17 Aretus Washbtlrn, House for Election, Dist. No. 2 18 R. E. Stilwell, House for Election, Dist. No. 3 19 J. D. Ross, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 3 20 T. M. Loomor, Ballot Clerk, Dist. No. 21 D. T. Wheeler, Inspector and Messenger, Dist. No. 3 - — 22 Ed. Morse, Inspector, Dist. No. 3____ 23 I. H. McKinney, Ballot Clerk, Dist. No. 3._ 24 F: H. Kuykendall, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 3 25 R. E. Stilwell, Inspector, Dist. No. 3 26 D. F. Van Vleet, Inspector, Dist. No. 3____ 27 L. N. Sutliff, Inspector, Dist. No. 4 28 A. G. Sager, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 4____ 29 Luther Johnson, Ballot Clerk, Dist. No. 4____ 30 Otis Mosley, Inspector, Dist. No. 4_._____ 31 Larkin Smith, Inspector, Dist. No. 4 32 • Lewis Myers, House for Election, assigned to Otis Mosley, Dist. No. 4 33 A. A. Sickman, Inspector and Messenger, Dist. No. 4 - $ 10 25 19 36 I2 00 12 00 12 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 19 88 8 oo 12 00 8 00 12 00 I2 00 • 3 00 10 00 IO o0 4 00 4 00 $ I0 25 19 36 12 00 12 00 12 00 4 00 4 00 400 4 00 19 88 8 co 12 00 8 00 12 00 I2 00 3 00 10 00 10 CO' 4 00 4 00 20 I2 20 12 12 00 I2 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 400 12 00 4 00 4 00 400 12 00 12 CO 400 400 4 CO 4 00 I2 00 12 00 I2 00 I2 00 10 00 10 00 19 96 19 96 158 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1901 No. Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 34 E. J. Sutfin, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 4---------- 4 00 4 00 35 Lee Sickman, Ballot Clerk, Dist. No. 4 4 00 4 00 36 G. E. Goodrich, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 5 4 00 4 00 37 Eugene Space, Inspector, Dist. No. 5 -___ ____ 12 00 12 00 38 Z. B. Lormer, Inspector, Dist. No. 5 _____ ____ 12 00 12 00 39 Hiram M. Givens, Inspector and Messenger, Dist. 20 12 20 12 40 Leland A. Burch, Ballot Clerk, Dist. No. 5 4 O0 4 00 41 Ellory Vunk, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 5. ____ _ 4 00 4 00 42 D. M. White, Inspector, Dist. No. 5 12 00 12 00 43 Morris D. Givens, Ballot Clerk, Dist. No. 5.. -- 4 00 4 00 44 J. B. Wilson, Hall for Election, Dist. No. 5 _______ m o0 10 00 45 W. J. Shaver, Inspector and Messenger, Dist. No. 6 19 So 19 So 46 G. S. Monroe, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 6 4 00 4 00 47 C. E. Chapman, Inspector, 1903, Assigned to F. E. Darling, Dist. No. 6_ ____ ____ ______ ______ 4 00 4 00 48 C. A. Shults, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 6 ______ _______ 4 00 4 00 49 C. I. Hart, Ballot Clerk, Dist. No. 6 ____ ____ ____ 4 00 4 O0 5o D. H. Cook, Ballot Clerk, Dist. No. 6____ ____ _ 4 00 4.00 51 C. Ray Stanton, Inspector, •Dist. No. 6_ 12 00 12 00 52 C. H. Monroe, Inspector, Dist. No. 6.-12 00 12 00 53 A. C. Stone, House for Election, Dist. No. 6 _ 15 0o II o0 54 Dr. J. Beach, Services per Contract_ ______ ____ 34 42 34 42 55 F. E. Darling, Town Clerk __.___ 8r 8o 81 8o 56 H. B. Smith, Vital Statistics_25 25 57 J. D. Ross, Vital Statistics 3 00 3 00 58 J. J. Montgomery, Vital Statistics ____ ____ ____ ____ 2 75 2 75 59 M. F. Sweetland, Truant Officer_ ___ ____ 5 40 5 40 6o Stilwell & Ross, Printing18 65 18 65 6r Ithaca Journal, Printing ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ _ 9 46 9 46 62 A. G. Johnson, Rebate Tax______________________ 2 50 2 50 63 J. F. Morris, Water Trough____ ____ ____ ______ ____ 3 00 3 00 64 Lewis Crutts, Truant Officer____ ____ ____ ____ _ 5 25 5 25 65 Fred Dewitt, Vital Statistics________ ____ __.._ ____ _ 2 00 2 00 66 G. E. Underwood, Services and Statistics________ II oo 11 00 67 Bradford Snyder, Overseer of Poor _ 64 00 64 00 63 J. D. Ross, Criminal Bill_7 65 7 65 69 N. M. Jackson, Truant Officer r 5o I 50 .70 N. M. Jackson, Constable. 11 So ii 8o 71 Aretus S. Fox, Truant Officer_ 6 85 6 85 72 Jerry O. Howser, Truant Officer_________________ 7 20 7 20 73 J. D. Ross, Rebate Tax __ 6 04 6 04 74 M. D.•Shaver, Constable_____ . 6 15 6 15 75 E. D. Allen, Services per Contract 24 67 24 67 The Supervisors' Proceedings, zgo¢ 159 No. Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 76 E. D. Allen, Vital Statistics____ 77 A. C. Knapp, Services per Contract 78 A. C. Knapp, Vital Statistics 79 Ithaca Children's Home_ So Dr. H. Geuung, Services per Contract and Statis- tics 81 \V. G. Fish, Lunacy ______ 82 J. B. Shaver, Service Bill _ 83 Paul Ewers, Service Bill__. 84 G. W. Sutfin, Overseer of the Poor__ 85 J. J. Montgomery, Services per Contract_ ____ 86 G. W. Sut6n, Constable _ 87 H. W. Schofield, Assessor 88 A. A. Sager, Assessor_____ 89 A. C. Scott, Assessor 90 Paul Ewers, Criminal Bill ____ _ 91 G. Rummer, Commissioner Highways____ 92 Alviras Snyder, Notary Public 93 J. D. Ross, Justice of Peace________________ 94 Webb Corbin, Supervisor 95 Ben J. Ellis, Inspector, Dist. No. 6. 96 C. E. Green, Inspector, Dist. No. 3. 97 John McKinney, Water Trough _ 98 Harry Trapp, Water Trough ____ 99 Humphrey Williams, Water Trough 10o Mrs. Will Davis, Water Trough _ 101 Mrs. B. Cook, Water Trough 102 Zina Dusenberry, Water Trough 103 Geo. Card, Water Trough 104 Mrs. Lydia Ogden, Water Trough_ 105 R. S. Miller, Water Trough 106 Dr. G. L. Rood, Service per contract _ 107 Gardner Gibson, House for Caucus____ 3 00 24 67 300 162 65 3 00 24 67 300 162 65 37 92 37 92 5 60 5 00 12 00 12 00 I000 '1000 27 00 27 00 24 67 24 67 12 43 12 43 77 50 77 50 75 00 75 00 70 00 70 00 19 75 19 75 570 00 570 00 1 00 1 00 32 65 32 65 39 40 39 40 12 00 12 00 800 Soo 3 00 300 300 300 3 00 300 3 00 300 3 00 3 00 3 00 300 300 300 3 00 300 3 00 300 27 66 27 66 15 00 15 00 $2,0S8 73 $2,084 13 I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true abstract of the Town Audits to the best of my knowledge and belief. FRED E. DARLING, Town Clerk. t 5o The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1904 ENFIELD We, the undersigned, the Town Board of the Town of En- field, do hereby certify : That the following is an abstract of the - names of all persons who have presented to said Board accounts to be audited, the amounts claimed by each of said persons, and the amounts finally auditedrespectively, to -wit : No. Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 1. Chas. Miller, Inspector, Dist. No. 2 $ 12 00 $ 12 00 2 Frenloct Wilson, Inspector, Dist. No. 2 12 00 12 00 3 H. D. Bailey, Inspector, Dist. No. 2__ ______ __ 12 00 12 00 4 Herbert Curry, Inspector and Messenger, Fees, Dist. No. 2 17 64 17 64 5 C. F. Teeter, Inspector, Dist. No. 1 _..____ ____ _ 12 00 12 00 6 Emery Wallenbeck, Inspector, Dist. No. 1 ____ 12 00 12 00 7 C. J. Harvey, Inspector and Messenger, Dist. No. 1 9 64 9 64 8 H. S. Bullard, Inspector, Dist. No. 1_ 12 00 12 00 9 W. D. Rockwell, Inspector and Poll Clerk, As- signed to W. V. Rumsey, Dist. No. 12 00 12 00 IO G. Miller, Poll Clerk, Assigned to G. H. Noble4 co 4 00 11 Willis Cowen, Ballot Clerk, Dist. No. •2 ______ ____ _ 4 00 4 co 12 Lewis Carman, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 24 00 4 00 13 A. R. Tucker, Ballot Clerk, Dist. No. 2_ 4 00 4 co 14 Jas. McCracken, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 2_ 4 00 4 00 15 Howard Brower, Ballot Clerk, Dist. No. 1 4 00 4 00 16 Frank Lancing, Ballot Clerk, Dist. No. 1 4 00 4 00 17 J. G. Jones, Fence Viewer 4 days____,__ _ 8 co 8 00 IS J. G. Jones, Assessor 34 00 34 00 19 E. I. Ford, Helper in Dip. Case 2 00 2 00 20 E. I. Ford, Helper in Dip., Assigned to W. I -I. Jones, Jr. 8 00 8 00 21 C. J. Harvey, Hall for Election and Town Purposes, Assigned to Chas. Wright, Dist. No. 1____ ____ 25 00 25 00 22 Chas. Wright, to Supplies. ----------------------3 35. 3 35 23 Frank Cummings, Fence Viewer 4 days_ 8 o0 8 oo 24 Frank Cummings, Assessor.___ 36 00 36 00 25 Solon Bagley, Citizen Member Board of Health___ 62 6o 62 6o 26 J. L. Georgia, Assessor 36 00 36 co 27 Ithaca Journal, to Election Supplies 16 25 16 25 28 Chas. Gray, Justice of Peace_ ___ _ 4 00 4 00 29 Frank Teeter, Hall for Election, Dist. No. 2 25 00 25 00 3o Minor McDaniels, Vital Statistics____ ____ ____ 1 00 .1 00 31 J. T. Newman, Legal Services 10 00 10 00 No. • Name The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1904 16 1 Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 32 Martin Dunham, Truant Officer, Assigned to Chas. Wright 30 00 30 00 33 Wright & Patterson, Lumber ____ _ 71 38 71 38 34 Driscoll Brothers, Lime for Highway 3 75 3 75 35 Biggs Co., Supplies to Highway Commissioners__ 184 48 1S4 43 36 Susan Wright, Clothing Burned in Dip. Case_____ 5 00 . 5 00 37 F. L. Aiken, Labor Bill _ 88 5o SS 50 38 F. L. Aiken, Service Bill . 150 00 150 00• 39 1 A. S. Knight, Health Officer 17 05 17 05 2 A. S. Knight, Disinfectants_ 4 00 3 A. S. Knight, Telephoning and Ex. Charges__ 1 So 1 Sa 4 A. S. Knight, Postage ____-- __-- __-- - 40 40' 5 A. S. Knight, Recording Contagious Diseases at Albany -_-- _------____-- 2 20 40 Leon S. Locey, Vital Statistics 2 00 2 00 41 Abraham Chase, Health Officer____ _ 93 79 93 79 42 Abraham Chase, Services in Abbey Case 7 00 7 00 43 E. I. Ford, Service Bi11 in Dip. Cases, Assigned to A. S. Knight _ __-- _-- _-- 8 oo 8 o0 44 Chas. Davis, Medical Service in Loveless Case13 50 13 50 45 A. S. Knight, Services in Hendricks Case__ 61 50 25 00 46 Chas. Darragh, Killing Dog 2 00 2 00 47 Wm. Tucker, Service Bill_36 40 36 40 48 Jas. Shoesmith, Statistics, Assigned to G. H. Noble 75 75 49 Jas. Hine, Supervisor, Service Bill____ 35 25 35 25 5o Jas. _McCracken, Service Bill, 14 00 14 co 51 Hiram Rockwell, Justice of Peace 14 00 14 00 52 Jno. Johnson, Justice of Peace 12 CO 12 00 53 R. V: Egbert, Justice of Peace, Assigned to Jas. • Hines ____-- _ __-- _-- _ 12 00 12 00 54 G. H. Noble, T. C. Service Bill 82 85 82 85 55 G. H. Noble, Vital Statistics • 13 50 13 50 $1,381 5S $1,342 88 In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals this loth day of November, 1904. JAMES H. HINE, Supervisor. G. HERBERT NOBLE, Town Clerk. JAMES MCCRACKEN, JOHN J. JOHNSON, Justices of the Peace. 162 The Supervisors' Proceedings, rgo¢ I do hereby certify that the above is a true copy of the bills audited by the Town Board of the Town of Enfield on the Toth day of November, 1904. G. HERBERT NOBLE, Town Clerk of Enfield. 4100004164000040.444,444 GROTON. The following is an abstract of the names of all persons who have presented to the Town Board of the Town of Groton accounts to be, audited, the amounts claimed by each of said per- sons, and the atnounts finally audited respectively, to -wit : No. Name . Nature of Service r R. N. Mount, Board Meetings 2 H. A. Brooks, Board Meetings and Justice Cases__ 3 Nelson Stevens, Board Meetings 4 J. M. Montfort, Board Meetings 3 Newton Baldwin, Vital Statistics, etc. ____ 6 Ashbel Landon, Town Clerk, Service and Expense 7 Ashbel Landon, Board Meetings and Health Board 8 Ashbel Landon, Copying Assessment Roll_ ______ g J. L. Jackson, Registering and Inspector, etc.____ 10 Eugene Cook, Registering and Inspector, etc. ____ rr F. E. Townley, Registering and Inspector, etc.___ 12 Ed. G. Metzgar, Registering and `Inspector, etc.__ 13 E. W. Allen, Poll Clerk_ 14 H. C. Stevens, Poll Clerk 15 W. C. Allen, Rent of Hall—West Groton ____ 16 Wm. D. Baldwin, Inspector, Messenger, etc. 17 Peter L. McGrail, Inspector, etc. 18 Lee M. Jones, Registering. 19 J. C. Gifford, Inspector 20 Wm. Spaulding, Inspector 21 E. F. Lefler, Poll Clerk . 22 F. E. Cummings, Poll Clerk 23 Daniel 'Morgan, Inspector and Messenger 24 Stoyell S. Alley, Inspector and Messenger 25 Chas. H. Cooper, Inspector and Messenger_ 26 Chas. A. Hart, Inspector and Messenger_,._ Clain ed Allowed la 1400 $ 140o 212144 I 65 2r 65 r4 00 14 00 14 00 14 00 24 75 24 75 67 04 67 04 7 5o 7 5o 700 700 16 oo 16 00 14 00 14 00 19 50 19 5o 15 00 15 00 4 00 400 4 00 4 00 16 oo 16 oo IS 36 18 36 S oo Soo 4 00 4 00 12 00 12 00 12 00 12 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 400 20 50 20 50 14 00 14 00 14 00 14 00 16 0o T6 oo No. Name The Supervisors' Proceedings, r9o¢ 163 Nature of Service 27 A. 51. Francis, Jr., Poll Clerk_ 28 Geo. Cooper, Poll Clerk . 29 Eugene Sherwood, Rent of Hall Election.___ ____ 30 W. H. Bulkley, Assessor 31 S. C. Gooding, Assessor and Coal Bills to Poor, Rent, etc. 32 A. F. Howard, Assessor, Health Officer, etc. 33 Wm. B. Sears, Highway Overseer_ J4 Wn1. B. Sears, Horse Service _ 35 Wm. H. Burnham, Overseer of Poor 36 Chas. Hyde, Truant Officer, etc. ____ ____ _ 37 Chas. Hyde, Constable, (Jones Case) 38 Chas. Hyde, Constable, (Walpole Case) and Table 39 Geo. W. P. Hamilton, Constable 40 Village of Groton, Rent of Assembly Room Elec- tion, etc. _ 41 Grant Halladay, Rent Town Clerk's Office_ 42 Fred Hart, Erecting Booths and Railing • 43 F. F. Hopkins, Setting and Inspecting Voting Machines and Livery - 44 C. W. Conger & Co., Small Pox Cases Supplies___ 45 Almeda Gay, Feeding and Lodging Tramps 46 L. J. Townley & Son, Printing and Supplies 47 Mary Kelsey, Rent Land Storing Road Scrapers 48 Wm. Williams & Co., Insuring Voting Machines_ 49 U. S. Vot. Machine Co., Expense of Man Instruct- ing (1903) 5o U. S. Vot. Machine Co., Set Keys for No. 1277___ 51 Williamson Law Book Co., Office Supplies for • 1903-1904 - 52 F. C. Atwood, Supplies for Hasting Sisters_ 53 J. S. Love, Rent for Hasting Sisters 54 Groton Bridge Co., Bridge Material 55 F. B. Harris, Highway Supplies 56 'Buck & Gobel, Highway Supplies_ 57 B. L. Robinson, Vital Statistics and Doctoring Poor 58 Homer Genung, Vital Statistics _ 59 N. A. Collings, Disinfectants, etc. ______ ____ ____ _ 6o M. D. Goodyear, Health Services_ 61 M. D. Goodyear, Vital Statistics_ 62 R. C. Tarbell, Vital Statistics and Doctoring Poor_ 63 R. C. Tarbell, Examination, Sprague Case________ 64 Geo. E. Albon, Medical, Small Pox Cases____ ____ _ 65 Geo. E. Albon, Vital Statistics Claimed Allowed 4 00 400 4 00 400 15 00 15 00 66 00 44 00 132 66 103 66 52 00 52 00 434 00 434 00 75 00 75 00 6o oo 60 00 34 00 30 00 8 65 . 8 65 4 95 4 95 75 75 54 00 54 00 44 00 44 00 2 00 2 00 12 60 12 60 9 33 9 33 4 00 4 00 476 476 6 00 600 19 68 19 68 4 44 4 44 1 00 1 00 16 io 16 io 66 97 66 97 36 00 36 00 57 70 57 70 201 31 201 31 236 82 236 82 27 75 27 75 125 1 25 9 60 960 13 50 13 50.. 3 00 300 44 50 44 50 7 00 700 115 25 115 25 4 75 4 75 164 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1901 No. Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 66 Chas. Thursby, per G. E. Albon, Aid to Small Pox Patients _ _ ____ _.___ ____ ____ 10 00 10 0o 67 Geo. E. Albon, Health Officer, 1902-1903____ _____ 600 600 63 Geo. Pickens, Supplies to Small Pux Patients_ ____ 2 87 2 87 69 Lyman Halladay, Rebate Dog Tax _ 50 50 70 J. D. Dimon, Rebate Dog Tax ______ 1 51 1 51 71 Richard M. Applebee, Erroneous Real Estate Tax_ 3 00 3 oo 72 Michael Carey, Rebate Dog Tax______ 50 50 73 Will Kennedy, Rebate Dog Tax____________ ____ _ 3 00 3 00 74 David Galusha, Rebate Dog Tax 1 5o 1 5o 75 John Lucy, Rebate Poll Tax ______ 4 00 1 00 76 ,C. E. Burr, Vital Statistics_ ____ ____ __-_ ______ ____ 1 5o 1 5o 77 John W. Jones, Highway Supplies_ 48 21 48 21 78 John W. Jones, Fuel for Poor__ ______ 36 64 36 64 $2,393 85 $2,340 85 R. NEWTON MOUNT, Supervisor. 400®4,00O4100090004,41-0®40.004.0 ITHACA. We, the undersigned, the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca, do hereby certify : That the following is an abstract of the names of all persons who have presented to said Board ac- counts to be audited, the amounts. claimed'by each of said per- sons, and the amounts finally audited respectively, to -wit : No. Nance Nature of Service 1 Alva Van Gorder, Overseer of Poor 2 E. M. Rurnsey, Inspector 3 J. W. Tourtellot, Inspector____ ______ ____ ____ 4 Frank McPherson, Justice of Peace 5 L. F. Colegrove, Justice of Peace 6 Ben Fish, assigned to A. F. Van Gorder, Inspector 7 Myron Van Orman, Town Clerk Service and Dis- bursements--------_---_ _-- 8 W. I. Smith, Inspector____ 9 L. B. Frear, Poll Clerk____ Claimed Allowed - 38 78 4 00 I2 00' I8 00 23 6o 16 00 85 73 17 64 4 00 38 78 4 00 12 00 18 00 23 6o 16 00 85 73 17 64 4 00 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1901 165 No. Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 10 L. B. Frear, Lumber I I C. H. Minturn, Ballot Clerk 12 C. A. Teeter, Inspector______ 13 Arthur Teeter, Poll Clerk 14 Fred Eddy, Ballot Clerk____ 15 L. F. Colegrove, Justice_ _ 16 S. M. Thompson, Assessor_ 17 W. N. Post, Voting Place _ IS S. M. Updike, Justice of Peace 19 Ezra Brown, Inspector_______ 20 J. W. Preswick, Inspector _ 21 Jake Wilcox, Justice of Peace 22 Andrus & Church, Assessment Rolls____ _ 23 Earl Northrop, Ballot Clerk_ 24 A. W. Kline, Inspector_______________ 25 John J. Hanshaw, Superviser______________ 26 F. J. Byrn, Collector______ 27 Geo. B. Sutton, ex -Justice_ 28 Carl Gunderman, Inspector____ 29 Sanford Manning, Assessor.______ 3o Eugene Preswick, Poll Clerk ______ 31 W. J. Troy, Ballot Clerk_ 36 Wu1. McKinney, Gravel ____ 37 Conley & Middaugh, Lumber, Assigned to H. A. Brown 38 L. O. Williams, Constable and Attendance Officer 39 Nye Hungerford, Erroneous Tax . _ 40 H. -A. Brown, Road Commissioner 41 Horace Sutphen, Erroneous Tax 42 M. Van Orman, Office Chairs____ .___ 43 John J. Hanshaw, Gravel ______ 44 A. J. Teeter, ex -Justice ______ 45 M. Van Orman, Polling Place____-____-__ 46 Lyle Nelson, Inspector____ 47 Driscoll Brothers, Tile and Supplies_ 4S Geo. Teeter, \Vatering Trough ____ 49 Matthew Bender, Law Book ____ ____ ____ ____ _ 5o Jasper Hanford, \Vatering Trough 51 M. Van Orman, Office Rent and Vital Statistics___ 52 Grant Curry, Sheriff 53 Geo. E. Stevens, Assessor 54 Geo. E. Stevens, Lumber____ 55 Frank Mitchell, Health Officer____ 43 25 43 25 4 00 4 00 12 00 12 00 4 00 400 4 00 400 148 45 148 45 38 00 38 00 30 00 30 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 18 82 18 82 16 00 16 oo II 00' 11 00 400 400 12 00 12 00 74 0O 74 00 2 00 2 00 6 00 6 00 12 00 12 00 34 00 34 00 400 400 400 400 2 50 2 50 95 00 95 00 27 60 27 60 3 00 3 00 221 27 221 27 3 00 3 00 450 .450 7 00 700 600 600 30 00 30 00 4 00 400 559 61 559 6r 3 00 - 300 6 30 6 30 3 00 300 33 00 33 00 9 20 9 20 39 00 39 00 1 44 1 44 12 00 I2 00 166 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1901 No. Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 56 Ithaca Democrat, -Printing Notices (3 years) _ 6 00 6 oo $1,817 69 $1,517 69. We, the undersigned, the Town Auditors of the Town of Ithaca do hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct list of all the accounts Audited or rejected, at the meeting of said Board of Auditors held November loth, 1904. JOHN J. HANSHAW, Supervisor. M. VAN ORMAN, Town Clerk. L. F. COLEGROVE, S. M. UPDIKE, FRANK McPHERSON, JAKE WILCOX, Justices of the Peace. 0.04.4140.00000000000000000 LANSING. We, the undersigned, the Town Board of the Town of Lansing, do hereby certify : That the following is an abstract of the names of all persons who have ,presented to said Board ac- counts to be audited, the amounts claimed by each of said per- sons, and the amounts finally audited respectively, to -wit : No: Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 1 Fred Edsall, Inspector, Dist.. No. 2____ 2 L. G. Townley, Inspector, Dist. No. 2 M. H. DeCamp, Inspector and Messenger, Dist. No. 2 4 C. D. Robinson, Inspector, Dist. No. 2 5 Nathan Williams, Ballot Clerk, Dist. No. 2 6 Bert Ross, Ballot Clerk, Dist. No. 2 7' Charles Lobdell, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 2_ 8 Charles C. Fitch, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 2 _ 9 John C. Van Aukin, Inspector and Messenger, Dist. No. io Frank Woolley, Inspector, Dict. No. 1_ I I Fred Bailey, Inspector, Dist. No. 12 00 I2 00•. 12 00 12 00• 20 12 20 I2 12 00 12 00- 4 00 4 00 4 00 400 4 00 4 00 400 400 19 So 19 8o• 12 00 I2 00 I2 00 12 00 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1904 167 No. Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 12° Charles R. Bower, Inspector 13 F. E. Bower, assigned to C. E. Wood, Ballot Clerk, Dist. No. I 14 Sibley Drake, Ballot Clerk _ 15 Albert Wood, Poll Clerk____ 16 Clarence B. Jefferson, Poll Clerk ____ 17 George Lanterman, Inspector and Messenger, Dist. No. 3 18 John Rasback, Inspector______ 19 Noble Wilson, Inspector. • 20 Miles Brown, Inspector_ 21 A. J. Conlin, Poll Clerk, 1903-1904, Dist. No. 3___ 22 Charles O. Drake, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 3 23 Harry Herrick, Ballot Clerk, Dist. No. 3 24 Harry Herrick, use of Hall_____. _ 25 Ithaca Journal Printing Bill 26 Charles O. Drake, Plank 27 Casper Fenner, Poor Supplies___ 28 R. Miller, use of Hall, 1903-1904__ _ 29 R. Miller, Poor Supplies _ 30 Williamson Law Book Co. 31 Chas. G. Benjamin, 1 day with Board of Health__ 32 L. R. Lyon, use of Hall . 33 Frank N.. Davis, supplies to Poor (Ithaca) 34 Charles Drake, Justices service _ 35 Charles Drake, Plank 36 W. G. Fish, Dr. for Poor J7 W. G. Fish, returning statistics 38 'Lyman Myers, Truant Officer____ 39 Jamison & McKinney, Sewer Pipe 40 E. G. Hance, Supplies to Poor 41 E: C. Corwin, Supplies to Poor 42 C. M. Buck, Plank ____ ________ -- ____----._--- ---- 43 C. E. Miller, Assessor Service Bill_ 44 S. I. Barnes, Assessor Service Bill 45 W. E. Davis, Assessor Service Bill 46 O. M. English, Overseer of poor Service_________ 47 C. E. Wood, Registering Statistics 48 Dr. M. D. Goodyear, Medical Service 49 C. E. Wood, Copying for Assessors 5o Dr. C. R. Keyes, Medical Service, Small Pox 51 C. M. Buck, Commission' Service 52 Dr. C. R. Keys, Returning Statistics 53 O. D. Hewitt, Supplies to Poor____ 12 00 I2 00 4 00 4 00 .400 4 00 400 400 4 00 4 00 19 So 19 So 12 00 12 00 12 00 12 00 12 00 12 00 Soo Soo 4 00 400 4 00 4 00 15 00 15 00 7 36 7 36 87S 878 13 50 13 50 30 00 30 00 6 40 6 40 6 50 6 50 2 00 2 CO 30 00 30 00 27 69 27 69 2 00 2 00 54 17 54 17 50 00 50 00 5 25 5 25 2 25 .2 25 112 6S 112 68 10 21 I0 21 10 29 10 29 15 00 15 00 36 00 36 00 36 00 36 00 34 00 34 00 26 00 26 00 17 75 17 75 10 00 10 00 16 00 16 00 168 25 16S 25 450 00 450 00 7 25 . 7 25 11 74 . 1! 74 168 The Suftervisors' Proceedings, 1904 No. Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 54 Albert Van Auken, Truant Officer____ _• 12 65 12°65 55 Willis Egbert, Ballot Clerk 4 00 4 00 56 S. E. Smith, Supplies to Poor --------------------4 15 4 15 57 C. E. Wood, Disbursements 3 20 3 20 5S \Vnm. A. Singer, Burial of Chas. Vail ____ ____ ____ _ 25 00 25 00 59 Dr. F. L. Hatch, Medical Service to Edd King____ 29 50 29 .50 6o C. E. Townsend, Supplies to Poor____ ____ ____ __ __ 6 6o 6 6o 61 Jason Newman, Damage, Loss of Horse____ 125 00 125 CO 62 Stephen Malone, Damage_ 5o 00 00 00 63 G. C. Gifford, Legal Services__46 00 46 00 64 C. E. Wood, Town Clerk, Service 16 00 16 oo 65 Casper Fenner, Justice, Service 16 00 16 00 66 D. D. \Vinn, Justice, Service___14 00 14 00 67 Wellmore Townley, Justice, Service______ 14 00 14 00 63 L. V. Main, Justice, Service- 14 00 14 00 69 John I-Ieartt, Ballot Clerk, 1903, Assigned to C. E. Wood - 4 00 4 00 70 Benjamin Morey, Damage Bill 70 00 70 00 71 Mrs. Hattie Morey, Damage Bill 30 00' 30 00 72 Dr. Roscoe Tarbell, Returning Statistics_________ 125 1 25 $1,99 64 $1,859 64 WILLMORE TOWNLEY, CASPER FENNER, L, V. MAIN, D. D. WINN, Justices of the Peace. I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the original on file in this office. C. E. WOOD, Town Clerk. 00000000000000000000000000 NEWFIELD We, the undersigned, the Town Board of the Town of Newfield, do hereby certify : That the following is an abstract of the names of all persons who have presented to said Board The Supervisors' Proceedings, [901 169 •accounts to be audited, the amounts claimed by each of said persons, and the amounts finally audited respectively, to -wit : .No. Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 1 A. R. Allen, Inspector, Dist. No. 1 2 J. U. Douglass, Inspector, Dist. No. 1. 3 Watson McDaniels, Inspector, Dist. No. .4 W. H. Vau Ostrand, Inspector and Messenger, Dist. No. 1 .5 S. W. Bellis, Ballot Clerk, Dist. No. 1 6 Wm. Weatherell, Ballot Clerk, Dist. No.. 1______ _ 7 Charls Boice, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 1_____________ 8 Estus Patterson, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 1_ g Frank Brown, Inspector and Messenger, Dist. No. 1 10 James Brown, Inspector, Dist. No. 2 11 Enlmit Cook, Inspector, Dist. No. 2 ______ 12 Denner Freese. Inspector, Dist. No. 2 ______ 13 Chas. B. Swartwood, Ballot Clerk, Dist. No. 2____ 14 W. A. Doll, Ballot Clerk, Dist. No. 2 ____ .___ _ 15 D. W. Gore, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 2 ______ 16 A. D. Brown, Pull Clerk, Dist. No. 2.__________ 17 E. E. Alexander, Inspector, Dist. No. 2 18 Geo. L..Adams, Inspector, Dist. No. 3____ 19 C. A. Smith, Inspector, Dist. No. 3_ 20 Charles Lanning, Inspector and Messenger, Dist. No. 3 21 Augustus Patterssn, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 3 22 R. J. Raub, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 3 23 F. W. Payne, Ballot Clerk, Dist. No. 2 24 Geo. W. James, Ballot Clerk, Dist. No. 3_ 25 L. H. Taber, Assessor, Services__ 26 Arthur Decker, Assessor, Services 27 Augustus Patterson, Assessor, Services_ 28 A. H. Patterson, R. R. Bonding Commissioner____ 29 Juo. W. Dean, R. R: Bonding Commissioner.____ 3o Dr. W. A. Smith, Vital Statistics 31 Dr. W. E. King, Vital Statistics. 32 Dr. W. E. King, Vital Statistics 33 Dr W. E. King, Examination in Lunacy Case.___ 34 Dr. W. A. Smith, Examination in Lunacy Case___ 35 Rev. E. S. Annable, Vital Statistics_ 36 Dr. W. A. Smith, Medical Services, Town Poor___ 37 Dr. W. A. Smith, Health Officer, Services________ $ 12 00 12 00 12 00 $ 12 00 12 00 12 00 17 80 17 80 4 00 4 00 400 400 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 17 96 17 96 12 00 12 00 12 00 12 CO 12 00 12 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 400 4 00 4 00 4 00 400 12 00 12 00 12 00 12 00 12 00 12 00 1764. 1764 4 00 400 4 00 400 4 00 400 4 00 4 00 44 50 44 50 42 50 42 50 38 50 38 50 8 oo 800 8 00 800 6 75 6 75 1 75 1 75 1 00 I o0 6 50 6 50 6 50 6 50 1 25 1 25 2 00 200 12 00 I2 00 • 17o The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1901 No. Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 3S Jonathan Iinderdown, Services. Disinfecting for Health Board ______ 4 00 4 00 39 N. C. Cook, Supplies for Board of Health __.. ___ 1 7o i 70 40 Mrs. Miles Armstrong, Vital Statistics_ 25 25 0 41 Wm. Moat, Erroneous Poll and Dog Tax, Referred to Board of Assessors______ _ 1 50 42 Willis Lindsay, Erroneous Tax 87 43 Harry Horton, Truant Officer, Services 6 65 6 65 44 Geo. W. James, Truant Officer, Services 14 20 14 20 45 A. D. Brown, use of House for Election ro 00 10 00 46 Williamson Law Book Co., Dockets, etc._ ____ 14 50 14 50 47 Ithaca Journal, Printing___7 36 7 36 48 J. F. Smith, Erroneous Highway Tax ------- - 97 97 49 Ithaca Children's Home, Care of Geo. Brill ______ 24 75 24 75 5o Puff & Dean, use of rooms for Election __ ro 0o r0 00 51 D. C. Brooks, Sup. of Poor Tioga Co., Care of C. Martin _--- __-- __-- 12 32 12 32 52 W. S. Shangle, Overseer of the Poor, Services___ 38 00 3800 53 W. S. Shangle, Overseer of the Poor, Supplies___ 115 89 115 89 54 W. L. Puff, ex -Justice of the Peace, Services 2 00 2 00 . 55 N. C. Cook, Supplies, Commissioner of Highways 19or. 99 99 56 Thos. McGivens, Commissioner of Highways, Ser- vices 464 45 464 45 57 Jas. Shoemith, Vital Statistics, assigned to E. Pat- terson 25 25 58 Estus Patterson, Town Clerk, Services and Dis- bursements ____ ____.__ __ _ _ 75' 24 75 24 . .59 Jno. C. Thompson, Supervisor Services 43 90 43 90 6o Seymour Grover, Justice of Peace Services 24 00 24 00 6r Glenn M. Keene, Justice of Peace Services 22' 00 22 00 62 Wm. Weatherall, Justice of Peace Services 26 00 26 00 63 D. W. Gore, Justice of Peace, Services_____ 4 00 4 00 64 P. S. Dudley, est. use of rooms for Town purposes 20 00 20 00 65 Jno. C. Thompson, To pay Town Notes given to make up deficiency caused by errors in interest on notes and deficiency in amount of Town Tax, 1903 453 65 453 65 66 Thos. McGivens, Commissioner of Highways, to pay Town Notes ____ . 779 17 779 17 67 J11o. C. Thompson, Supervisor, to pay Rochester Bridge & Construction Co. for Bridges. 1,166 oo 1,166 00 68 Thos. McGivens, Commissioner of Highways, to to pay Hills for Plank, etc. _ 332 46 332 46 The Supervisors' Proceedings 1901 171 No. Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 69 Jas. H. Hine, Supervisor of Town of Enfield, Sup- plies for Whittaker Family • 23 76 23 76 70 Frank Bagley, Care of Paul Whittaker, Assigned 10 00 10 00 7r Susan Wright, Nursing Whittaker Family 20 00 20 00 72 W. H. James, Burial of Paul Whittaker_ 20 00 20 00 73 Dr. A. S. Knight, Medical Services, Whittaker Case _ 120 00 72 00 Dated November. 10, 1904. $4,259 48 $4,209 1! JOHN C. THOMPSON, Supervisor. ESTUS PATTERSON, Town Clerk. GLENN M. KEENE, WILLIAM WEATHERELL, SEYMOUR GROVER, Justices of the Peace. 00®04.41:0906..040®004.004,004044, ULYSSES. - We, the undersigned, the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses, do hereby certify : That the following is an abstract of the names of all persons who have presented to said Board ac- counts to be audited, the amounts claimed by each of said per- sons, and the amounts finally audited respectively, to -wit : No. Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed r Newell R. Rogers, Inspector of Election 2 William H. Van Duyn, Poll Clerk, '04- 3 Horace S. Walters, Poll Clerk, '04 4 John J. Chase, Inspector of Election, '04 - 5 William E. McKeel, Ballot Clerk, '04 ____ 6 Charles Frasier, Ballot Clerk, '04 ____ 7 Everal Church, Ballot Clerk, '04__-_ 8 A. F. Allen, Painting Assessors notice___ 9 L. W. Carpenter, Vital Statistics_ Io L. W. Carpenter, Vital Statistics, '03____ 11 A. Chase, Medical Services____ $ I2 00 $ 12 00 400 400 4 00 4 00 Soo S 00 4 00 400 400 400 12 00 12 00 5 40 5 40 2 25 2 25 2 00 2 00 4 00 4 00 172 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1901 No. Name Nature of Service 12 H. Van Order, House for Assessors 13 J. M. Townsend, Examination in Lunacy 14 J. M. Townsend, Vital Statistics, 15 J. M. Townsend, Medical Services 16 \V. D. Halsey, Inspector of Election______ 17 E. R. Williams, Putting up Booths IS A. 1'. Osborne, Inspector of Flection, 'o.}, Assigned to O. G. Noble 19 Charles Connors, Ballot Clerk, '03, Assigned to E. P. Bouton - zo Geo. A. Hopkins, Ballot Clerk, '04 _ 21 Geo. A. Hopkins, Supplies 22 M. Truman Smith, Poll Clerk, '04_ ______ 23 J. H. Thompson, Inspector, '04___--_ 24 Geo. H. Stewart, Poll Clerk, '04 25 C. J. Van Auken, Ballot Clerk, '04.__ 26 Fred F. Gee, Inspector, '04____ 27 E. R. Osterhout, Examination in Lunacy____ 2S E. R. Osterhout, Vital Statistics 29 E. R. Osterhout, Health Officer 3o Robert S. Carbery, Inspector, '04______ 31 Frank Becker, Poll Clerk, '04, Assigned to L. J. Wheeler & Co. 32 O. M. Newell, Ballot Clerk, 33 O. M. Newell, Overseer of Poor, Service Bill 34 M. T. Williamson, Poll Clerk, '04 35 George Chase, Inspector, '04___-__ ---------- 36 W. I. Sherwood, Inspector, '04 37 John N. Barker, Justice Bill 38 M. T. Williamson, Justice Bill 39 M. T. Williamson, Service Bill_______ 40 A. Chase, Vital Statistics ______ ____ __ ____ 41 The Biggs Co., Rent of Polling Place and Supplies 42 The Biggs Co., Putting up Booths______ 43 J. M. Townsend, Town Physician to Nov. to, 1904 44 O. G. Noble, Criminal Bill ,45 Seneca Spicer, Constable Bill. 46 Henry Williams, Criminal Bill_ _ 47 Henry Williams, Truant Officer _ 48 A. P. Osborne, Inspector____________________ 49 M. J. Owen, Vital Statistics______ ____ ____ 5o J. H. Thompson, Inspector____ 5t John Barker, Rent of Polling .Place______ ____ ____ _ 52 John Barker, Putting up Booths_. Claimed Allowed 200 200 10 00 10 00 2 50 2 50 10 00 10 00 1S 04 18 04 4 00 4 00 18 04 18 04 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 2 31 2 31 4 00 4 00 12 00 12 00 4 00 400 4 00 4 00 12 00 12 00 10 00 10 00 1 25 1 25 6 00 6 00 12 00 12 00 4 00 400 4 00 4 00 101 00 10I 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 400 12 00 12 00 3 15 3 15 425 425 33 So 33 80 925 925 28 39 28 39 4 00 400 50 00 50 00 24 27 24 27 33 13 33 13 5 20 5 20 14 00 r4 00 3 04 3 04 1 50 150 2 88 2 88 25 00 25 00 400 4 00 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 19o¢ 173 No. Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 53 E. T. Stewart, Casket for Frank Slaght's Child___ to oo to oo 54 Chas. Delahant, Inspector __ 14 88 14 88 55 E. T. Stewart, Casket and Opening Grave for Mr. Clark 22 22 50 22 50 56 John N. Barker, Justice of the Peace . 39 20 39 20 57 O. G. Noble, Criminal Bill 3 20 3 20 58 O. G. Noble, Lighting ofyolling Place__ _ 50 50 59 O. G. Noble, Acting Town Clerk ____ ____ ____ ____ _ 19 74 19 74 6o Eugene Terry, Service Bill . 63 40 63 40 61 Henry Williams, Service Bi11 _-___. _..____ ____ ____ 33 40 33 40 62 Henry Williams, Service Bill, Assigned to A. H. Pierson _ to 0o to 00 63 O. G. Noble, Service Bill ______ ______ ____ ____ ____ 36 8o 36 So 64 C. B. Douglass Estate, Geo. P. Norton, Adminis- trator, Livery 9 00 9 00 65 Fred Gee, Inspector_____ 3 05 3 05 66 Eugene Thorpe, Overseer Poor 6o 00 6o 00 67 Eron Dans, Inspector____ _ 22 94 22 94 68 C. C. Page, Register Vital Statistics __ __ 30 25 30 25 69 George Wolverton, Storing Election Booths__ 5 00 0 00 70 Ithaca Publishing Co., Printing_____ 57 20 S7 20 71 C. C. Page, Service Bill__ __ ____ ____ ____ ____ _ 71 10 71 10 72 C. C. Page, Expense Bill ______ ____ ____ ____ 29 96 29 96 73 Ladies' Union Benevolent Society, Board Mrs. Pratt 52 52 00 52 00 74 M. T. Rolfe, Assessor. 55 75 55 75 75 M. T. Ward, Truant Officer ______ ____ ____ 12 00 12 00 76 W. I. Sherwood, Casket for John H. B. Clark____ _ 20 00 20 00 77 M. T. Williamson, Service Bill____ 2 00 2 00 78 Mosler Safe Co., Safe _ 83 04 83 04 79 Geo. Chase, Assessor____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ 68 10 68 10 8o O. G. Noble; Legal Service 3 00 3 00 81 E. R. Stillwell, Assessor____ So 10 So to 82 C. B. Ganoung, Highway Commissioner_ 442 50 442 50 $1,937 26 $1,932 26 COUNTY of. TOMPKINS, TOWN Or ULYSSES, SS : I, C. C. Page, Town Clerk of Ulysses, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct list of the bills audited by the Town Board of Ulysses at their meetings for such purpose held November loth, 11th and 25th, 1904. C. C. PAGE, Town Clerk of Ulysses. 174 The Supervisors' Proceedings, -1904 REPORTS. COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT. To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County I have the honor of submitting the following report of monies received and disbursed by me as Treasurer of Tompkins County, from November 16, 1903, to and including November 16, 1904 : RECEIPTS. Cash on hand November 17, 1903 (See report 19o3)_ $ 1,346 34 FROM TOWN OF CAROLINE, JACOB W. PERSONIUS, COLLECTOR. Receipts from town officers, town audits____ _ $ 1,295 09 Receipts from town officers, support of poor 15o 00 Receipts from town officers, bridges and creeks1,250 00 Receipts from town officers, notes and interest2,240 00 Receipts from town officers, memorial 20 00 Receipts from town officers, books _________ _____. 15 00 Receipts from town officers, high ways ____ ___.1,770 00 Receipts from town officers, poll tax_ 464 00 Receipts from town officers, dog tax_ Receips from town officers, surplus monies_ Taxes returned, 1903 _ Cash received from Collector____ Amount of Budget, 1903 Ito 25 15 o6 75 12 2,657 18 $ 2,657 $10,041 70 FROM TOWN OF DANBY, C. E. HOLLISTER, COLLECTOR.. Receipts from town Receipts from town Receipts from town Receipts from town Receipts from town Receipts from town Receipts from town officers, town audits officers, highways and bridges officers, support of poor__ officers, deficiency in dog tax officers, highway tax money_ officers, poll tax officers, dog tax _ $ 1,694 500 17 00 225 00 135 00 1,532 76 368 00 96 00 18 The Supervisors' Proceedings, rgo4 175 Receipts from town officers, surplus monies_ 145 97. Taxes returned, 1903_ 141 22 Cash received from Collector 2,445 34 $ 2,445 34 Amount of Budget, 1903 $ 7,283 46 FROM TOWN OF DRYDEN, D. B. HAMMOND, COLLECTOR. Receipts from town officers, town audits_______ $ 2,644 07 Receipts from town officers, town poor_ loo 00 Receipts from town officers, roads and bridges___ 500 00 Receipts from town officers, highway monies_ ____ 3,631 o6 Receipts from town officers, poll tax 637 00 Receipts from town officers, dog tax 205 00 Receipts from town officers, surplus monies______ 348 74 Taxes returned, 1903-__. - 49 70 Cash received from Collector____ 7,556 55 $ 7,556 55 Amount of Budget, 1903 .._ $15,672 62 FROM TOWN OF ENFIELD, W. A. COWEN, COLLECTOR Receipts from town officers, town audits____ Receipts from town officers, highways and bridges Receipts from town officers,' bonded indebtedness_ Receipts from town officers, dog tax ______ Receipts from town officers, surplus monies . Taxes returned, 1903 Cash received from Collector______ Amount of Budget, 1903 $ 2,541 90 250 00 1,767 50 71 50 137 16 29 86 2,283 25 $ 7,081 17 2,283 25 FROM TOWN OF GROTON, al. L. JONES AND C. BURR TARBELL, COLLECTORS Receipts from town officers, town audits Receipts from town officers, plank and bridges ____ Receipts from town officers, support of poor _ Receipts from town officers. Memorial Day_ Receipts from town officers, voting machines _ Receipts from towti officers, Bowker note_ ____ Receipts from town officers, highway monies_____ Receipts from town officers, poll tax _ Receipts from town officers, Sandford notes Receipts from town officers, surplus monies_ Receipts from town officers, indigent soldiers Receipts from town officers, dog tax _ $ 2,806 97 1,000 00 loo 00 50 00 270 00 I,115 00 1,017 38 555 00 1,109 02 27 28 100 00 169 00 176 The Supervisors' Proceedings, I901 . Taxes returned, 1903. Cash received from Collector Amount of Budget, 1903_ 70 09 5,999 00 $14,353 74 FROM TOWN OF ITHACA, T. J. BYRN, COLLECTOR Receipts from town officers, town audits_____ ____ _ $ 1,890 51 Receipts from town officers, highways and bridges 250 00 Receipts from town officers, support of poor 25 00 Receipts from town officers, Memorial Day 10 00 Receipts from town officers, highway•tax____ ____ _ 2,109 28 Receipts from town officers, poll tax 367 00 Receipts from town officers, dog tax ____ 86 00 Receipts from town officers, surplus monies 143 03 Receipts from town officers, road machine____ ____ 96 85 Receipts from town officers, tax, A. H. Tucker____ 10 50 Tax returned, 1903 _. __ 2S 83 Cash received from Collector 2,928 03 Amount of Budget, 1903_ $ 7,945 03 FROM TOWN OF LANSING, GEORGE D. HAGIN, COLLECTOR. 5,999 00 2,928 03 Receipts from town officers, town audits _ $ 2,246 04 Receipts from town officers, highway monies 2,367 87 Receipts from town officers, poll tax 689 00 Receipts from town officers, d'og tax 117 00 Receipts from town officers, surplus monies 23 38 'fax returned, 1903_ 56 05 Cash received from Collector _ 5,202 94 $ 5,202 Amount of Budget, 1903 _ $10,702 28 FROM TOWN Or NEWFIELD, CHAS. B. BONE, COLLECTOR. Receipts from town officers, town audits___ Receipts from town officers, town library Receipts from town officers, Memorial Day_____. Receipts from town officers, bonded indebtedness_ Receipts from town officers, town poor_ ______ Receipts from town officers, highway monies Receipts from town officers, poll tax_______ Receipts from town officers, dog tax_ Tax returned, 1903 _:___ ____ .___ ____ ____ Cash received from Collector____ Amount of Budget, 1903_ 94. $ 8,417 8S 100 00 10 CO 3,435 00 • 50 00 1,555 87 354 00 Iso 00 538 29 2,495 67 $ 2,495 67 $17,066 71 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1901 FROM TOWN OF IILYSSI;S, E. J. FARRINGTON, COLLECTOR. Amount of town audits_.. $ 1,840 83 Amount of Memorial Day_ 5o 00 Amount of Wixon bridge 40 00 Amount of error in audits, 1902 100 00 Amount of highway and bridges25o 00 Amount of town poor ______ ____ 250 00 Amount of indigent soldiers Ioo 0o Amount of bonded principal ____ _. 2,00o 00 Amount of bonded interest_____ 1,575 00 Amount of highway tax monies1,6t t 29 Amount of poll tax _____. 364 on Amount of dog tax 103 00 Amount of Surplus monies_ __ 218 16 Receipts furnished by Collector.__ Short receipts____ Taxes returned, 1903 Cash received front Collector______ Amount of Budget, 1903 $ 8,502 28 8,186 97 315 31 177 8,186 97 315 31 35t 02 4,721 32 $ 4,721 32 $13,574 6z FROM CITY Or ITHACA, E. N. CORBIN, COLLECTOR Receipts from city officer, support of poor__ ______ Taxes returned, 1903_ Cash received from Collector_ Amount of Budget, 1903___ Credited to City of Ithaca_ 1903 Dec. 18—Check front First National Bank for State and County tax, 1903 Dec. 3o—Check from First National Bank of Dry- den for State and County tax, 193____ _ Dec. 30—Check from Mechanics Bank of Groton for State and County tax, 1903 ____ Dec. 31 --Check from First National Bank of Gro- ton for State and County tax, 1903 Dec. 31—Check from Tompkins County Bank of Ithaca, for State and County tax, 1903____ $ 7,000 00 1,474 67 24,136 02 $32,610 69 32,590 35 $ 20 34 • 24,136 02 3,353 84 258 03 894 38 1,558 18 2,251 5o. 178 The Supervisors' Proceedings, Zl901 1904 • Feb. 4—Refund from Electric Light Co. discount on January, 1904, bill .. 30 May 12 --School monies received from State of New York,19o4- - 30,173 36 June 2—Highway monies received from State of New York, 1904 __-- 8,305 67 June 21—School monies received from State of New -York Sup. appl. for Districts No. zo, Dryden, and No. 2, Caroline_ ___ 273 13 Sept. 23—From Chas. S. Seaman, money for Bond of Lewis Moore ____ _ _ ____ ___._ I00 00 CITY OF ITHACA By 1903 taxes paid to County Treasurer Amount taxes returned, 1903 ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ $ 1,474 67 Check for parcel 46, sale r9o3___:___ _ Io 58 Check for parcel 45, sale 1903_ ____ 18 30 Check for parcel 6, sale 1902 _ 9 43 Check for parcel 27, sale, 1904____ ____ ____ to 89 $ 1,523 87 Amount bal: due City, 1903 ____ ____ $ 162 84 Amount overpaid budget, 1903._______-_ 20 34 Taxes paid Co. Treasurer, 1904 ___-__ 1,380 66 r,563 84 Balance due City ______ _ $ 39 97 TOWN OF CAROLINE. By 1903 taxes paid to County Treasurer____ Amount of taxes returned, 1903 Balance due town- $ 16 09 TOWN OF DAN13Y. By 1903 taxes paid to County Treasurer Amount of taxes returned, 19o3_ Balance due County______ $ 44 38 TOWN OF DRYDEN. By 1903 taxes paid to County Treasurer Amount of taxes returned, 1903. Balance due County $ 19 o8 $ 75 12 $ 141 22 $ 49 70 ,380 66 $ 91 21 $ 96 84 $ 30 62 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1901 TOWN OF ENFIELD . By 1903 taxes paid to County Treasurer.___ Amount of taxes returned, 1903 _ Balance due County_ $ 6 69 TOWN OF GROTON. By 1903 taxes paid to County Treasurer Amount of taxes returned, 1903 ______ Balance due County____ ________ _____. $ 4 76 TOWN OF 1THACA. By 1903 taxes paid to County Treasurer Amount of taxes returned, 1903 _ Balance due County $ 9 96 TOWN OF LANSING. $ 29 86 $ 70 09 $ 28 83 By 1903 taxes paid to County Treasurer____ Amount of taxes returned, 1903 _ _ $ 56 05 Balance due County $ 38 75 TOWN OF NEWFIEI,D. By 1903 taxes paid to County Treasurer____ Amount of taxes returned, 1903. Check expense, Putman Teeter, Double As- sessment _ Balance due County $ 130 98 TOWN OF ULYSSES By 1903 taxes paid to County Treasurer Amount of taxes returned, 1903 _ Balance due County_________$202 90 Amount unaccounted for DISBURSEMENTS. 1904 Jan. 15—Paid First National Bank, Ithaca, note given for Catskill Turnpike, note and interest_ $ 538 29 $ 10 35 $ 351 02 179 $ 23 17 $ 65 33 $ 19 17 $ 17 30 $ 417 66 148 12 9 02 $111,239 13 $ 4,060 co 18o The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1904 • Jan. 15—Paid City of Ithaca, share of Bank tax, 1903 3,109 to Jan. 18—Paid J. P. Merrill, extending City Budget, 1903, City of Ithaca________ 74 56 Jan. 19 --Paid D. M. Gillespie, Order December 28, 1903, report 52 00 Jan. 20—Paid Bert T. Baker, Clerk, salary, postage and reports -___ _-__ ____ 215 00 Jan. 22—Paid A. S. Robinson, City of Ithaca Budget 116 00 Jan. 23—Paid J. J. Montgomery, share of Dryden Bank tax due Board of Education, Dryden, N. Y. 109 84 Jan. 23—Paid J. H. Pratt, share of Bank tax, Dry- den, due the Village of Dryden _ 48 03 Jan. 23—Paid H. G. Moe, Treasurer, share of Bank tax, Groton, due the Village of Groton _ _ -_ 1,051 58 Jan. 23—Paid Ashbel Landon, Treasurer Board of Education, share of Bank tax, Groton, N. Y. 649 76 Jan. 25—Paid J. W. Stephens, Treasurer Board of Education, Ithaca, share of Bank tax_ ____ -_ 1,413 39 Feb. 1—Paid County audit No. 112, 1902 ____ _ 75 • Feb. 2—Paid Tompkins CountyiBank, interest on • judgment, October 3, 1903, to February 2, 1904. Resolution January 26, 1904.----- ----- 59 66 Feb. 2—Paid County Treasurer, postage_ __.__ 15 00 Feb. 2—Paid extra service of Bert T. Baker. Reso- lution January 26, 1904 ___ _.__ 25 00 Feb. 4—Paid fee on Bank tax, 1903 ______ ____ ____ 83 16 Feb. 4—Paid Chas. M. Benjamin, City of Ithaca Budget -- - 15 00 Feb. 10—Paid J. H. Hine, Supervisor, Town of Enfield, board of paupers _. __ ____ 72 21 Feb. 11—Paid Ithaca Children's Hone, orders 41. 50, 51 - 290 94 Feb. 17—Paid Ithaca Children's Honie, orders 42, 43,- 48 230 91 Feb. 18—Paid Chas. H. Blood, for books for Judge's office -- 295 00 Feb. 18—Paid Chas. 1-I. Blood, repairs on Judge's office.. _ 50 00 Feb. 25—Paid Monroe County Penitentiary order 25 1,118 87 Feb. 26—Paid Auburn Orphan Asylum order 47-- 146 00 Feb. 26—Paid Syracuse Institute Feeble Minded Children, order 82________________ _— 80 00 The Supervisors' Proceedings, Feb. 29—Paid Western N. Y. Society Homeless Children, order 83 March r—Paid Matteawan State Hospital, order 85 March 2—Paid Ithaca Savings Bank for notes given for $Soo and $700 for purchase of stone ya'rd and interest ______ March 2—Paid for school tax, Dist. No. 8, Town of Ithaca, Hitchcock March 2 --Paid for erroneous tax, Town of Lansing, F. C. Sperry and A. M. Sperry March 9—Paid Western New York Institute for Deaf Mutes, order 84 April 1 --Paid Craig Colony, order 44 - April 1—Paid Susquehanna Home, orders 45 and 46 April 5—Paid Phillip S. Snyder for H. \V. Roe,. order for Supervisor April 6—Paid R. N. Mount, Supervisor, Bank tax S. and C., 1903, Town of Groton ____ -________ May 5—Paid Webb Corbin, Supervisor, Bank tax, S. and C., 1903, Town of• Dryden June 2—Paid W. C. Gallagher, Supervisor, High- way money, Caroline _ June 2—Paid W. H. Baker, Supervisor, Highway June 2—Paid Webb Corbin, Supervisor, Highway money, Dryden — June 2—Paid R. N. Mount, Supervisor, Highway money, Groton June 2—Paid John J. Hanshaw, Supervisor, High- way money, Ithaca_ June 2—Paid B. M. Hagin, Supervisor, Highway money, Lansing_ June 2—Paid John C. Thompson, Supervisor, High- way money, Newfield _ _ June 2—Paid Eugene Terry, Supervisor, High- way money, Ulysses . June 14—Paid E. N. Corbin, Treasurer City of Ithaca, share of Bank tax S. and C. ____ July 23—Paid Eugene Terry, per resolution of Board of Supervisors, April 18, 1904, visiting County building to apply on $400. Budget repairs on County Clerk's Office _ Aug. 4—Paid Erroneous tax, Town of Ulysses, A. G. Phillips _ Aug. 24—Paid Erroneous tax, Town of Ulysses, • Wm. Bain 1904 181 102 69 39108 1,553 34 8o 12 43 316 67 48 64 139 50 14 79 726 70 97 07 8S5 10 776 38 1,815 53 1,017 37 1,054 64 1,183 94 767 07 805 64 1,026 79 150 00 5 00 7 19 -182 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1904 Oct. 17—Paid Susquehanna Valley Horne, Budget 1903- 140 00 Nov. 5—Paid taxes and expenses on 8 parcels bid in at 1904 Tax Sale_ 94 6o Paid Checks charged to City of Ithaca, on Tax Sale 1903_ 49 20 Paid Check charged to Town of Newfield Tax Sale 1903, doubly assessed _ 10 35 STATE OF NEW YORK. For Canals, 1903 ____ __$ 2,044 49 1904 For Stenographers and Clerks 1,154 09 Feb. 4—Check sent to State - 3,198 58 $ 3,198 58 SUPERINTENDENT OF POOR. County and Town appropriation, 1903 9,500 00 Less over drawn last year_5 69 $ 9,494 31 Amount orders paid __ 9,054 27 Balance due fund $ 440 04 TOMPKINS COUNTY COURT. County appropriation 1903 7,000 00 Balance on hand last report _ 232 o8 $ 7,232 o8 Amount of orders paid__5,388 96 Balance due fund ______ _ $1,843 12 TOMPKINS COUNTY AUDITS. Amount of audits, 1903____ Paid orders -------- -------- Order No. 15 not paid and $5o. raised more than audits. FUEL AND LIGHTS. Amount of appropriation, 1903 - Balance of 1902____ . Paid orders Balance on hand $ 13 57 $17,839 96 1,80o 00 8 I2 17,781 II 1,794 55 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1904 183 INDEXING MORTGAGE FUND. Balance of Fund, 1903 -_-- Paid orders _ Balance due fund.___ __$178 oo IMPROVEMENT OF HIGHWAYS. 1903. Dec. 29—Paid order No. 1075 Catskill Turnpike, Section 1, No. 72, Chas. Quareau______ 1904. June 20—Paid order No. 1112 Catskill Turnpike, Section 1, No. 72, Chas. Quareau____ July 20—Paid order No. 1135 Catskill Turnpike, Section 1, No. 72, Chas. Quareau_ STATE SCHOOL, MONIES, 1904. May 12—James H. Hine, Supervisor, Enfield May 12-3. M. Hagin, Supervisor, Lansing May 12—Jesse W. Stephens, Treasurer, City of Ithaca May I2—John J. Hanshaw, Supervisor, Ithaca May 12—R. N. Mount, Supervisor, Groton_ _ May 12—Eugene Terry, Supervisor, Ulysses May 12—William H. Baker, Supervisor, Danby May r2—Webb Corbin, Supervisor, Dryden May 12—John Thompson, Supervisor, Newfield May I2—Wm.' C. Gallagher, Supervisor, Caroline 332 5o 154 50 1,300 00 700 00 1,200 00 3,200 00 1,676 o6 2,966 26 6,751 19 1,129 54 3,237 38 2,666 2I 2,358 45 4,020 81 2,978 83 2,661 76 $ 30,446 49 SOLDIERS' BUR IA LS AND TOMBSTONES 1903 Dec. 2—Burial, Frank E. Smith, Newfield Dec. 8—Stone, Martin V. Cook, Ithaca____ Dec. 1 r—Burial, E. L. Horton, Ulysses_ 1904 Feb. 1—Burial, Chas. A. Conger, City of Ithaca__ March 2—Burial, A. J. Swartout, City of Ithaca_ April 25—Burial, Henry Crawford, City of Ithaca_ _ June 4—Stone, A. J. McGraw, Ithaca June Io—Burial, Sylvester Odell, Dryden June Io—Stone, A. J. Swartout, City of Ithaca____ June rt—Burial, Mrs. Henry Howser, Lansing___ June 24—Stone, S. Odell, Dryden _ June 24—Stone, John Stacks, Lansing____ $ 35 00 15 00 35 00 35 00 35 00 35 00 15 00 35 00 15 00 35 00 15 00 15 00 184 The Supervisors' Proceedings, r9c4 July 9—Stone, James E. Lobdell, City of Ithaca_ July 16—Burial, Moses Hulbut, Ulysses Aug. 9—Burial, Geo. H. Carpenter, City of Ithaca Aug. 26—Stone, Moses Hulbut,. Ulysses Aug. 3 r -Burial, Loren Demorauville, Dryden____ Sept. 9—Stone, Loren Demoranville, Dryden_____ Sept. 12—Stone, Geo. H. Carpenter, City of Ithaca Sept. 23—Burial, Wm. Tompkins, City of Ithaca__ Oct. 5—Burial, John Krist, Ulysses_ _ Nov. 7—Stone, Harrison Sovacool, Newfield__..__ Orders paid Appropriations, 1903 Balance last report__ Amount overdrawn_ 15 00 35 00 35 00 15 00 35 00 15 00 15 00 35 00 35 00 15 00 $ 570 00 570 00 $ 400 00 35 00 435 00 FUND WORKING PRISONERS 1904 Jan. r9—Check for stone, Minturn .___ ____ _ _ _ March 2—Check for stone, estate of D. Boardman_ March 5—Check for lumber, F. T. Brock____ ____ _ June 16—Check for fence posts, E. J. Loomis__ July 8—Check for material, Jos. Fowles____ $ 135 00 $ 11 19 5 62 53 57 15 00 3r 81 Amount paid $ 117 19 117 19 Amount 1903 Budget $ 25o 00 Balance due fund_ $ 132 8r SALARIES AND OFFICE RENTS. Judge Bradford Almy, Oct. 1, 1903 to Jan. 1, 1904_ Judge Chas. H. Blood, Jan. 1, 1904 to Jan. I, 1905 County Treasurer, Chas. M. Benjamin, Oct. 1, 1903 to Jan. 1, 1904______ County Treasurer, Chas. M. Benjamin, Jan. 1, 1904 to Jan. 1, 1905__-- - - County Treasurer, office rent, Oct. 1, 1903 to Jan. 1 , 1905 District Attorney, Chas. H. Blood, salary and office rent to Jan. 1, 1904___ -- -----_--_-- District Attorney, Willard M. Kent, salary and office rent to Oct. r, 1904 Special Judge, S. Edwin Banks, salary July 1, 1503 to July. 1, 1904..---- --- 625 00 2,500 00 225 00 900 00 125 00 . 250 00 750 00 50 00 The Supervisors' Proceedings, rq0¢ 185 Chaplain Alms House, Melvin J. Owen, salary, Oct. 1, 1903 to Oct. 1, 1904 -____ __ ____ ___- -_-- 100 00 School Commissioner, E. W. Updike, salary, Oct. 1, 1903 to Oct. 1, 1904 200 00 School Commissioner, Libbie J. Sweetland, salary, Oct. I, 1903 to Oct. 1, 1904 _----- ---- ---- __-- 200 00 Clerk of Surrogate, D. M. Gillespie, salary, Jan. 1, . 1904 to Nov. 1, 1904 --__ - ---- ---- ---- ---- 291 61 Clerk of Surrogate, Fred L. Clock, salary, Nov. 1, 1903 to Jan. 1,1904---------_-._-- 83 32 Superintendent of Poor, David Bower, salary, Nov. 1, 1903 to Nov. 1, 1904. __-- __-- 391 66 Keeper of Alms House, Mrs. David Bower, salary, Jan. 15, 1904 to Oct. 1, 1904 _ ---___ 425 00 Sheriff, office rent, Grant Curry, Oct. 1, 1903 to Oct. 1, 190_1 - loo 00 Sheriff, janitor, Grant Curry, Oct. 1 1903 to Oct. 1, 1904 350 00 Stenographer, Judge, Zaidee H. Stone, Jan. 1, 1904 to Nov. 1, 1904__--_-- 500 00 Janitor, Clerk's Office, Luther Ennis, Nov. 1, 1903 to Nov. 1, 1904 __-- _-_-- __-- ---- __-- - 120 00 Total receipts _ 111,239 13 Total disbursements ____ _-__ ____ __-- ____ ____ -___ 106,446 51 Cash on hand AMOUNTS YET TO BE PAID 1903 BUDGET. Balance due Court Fund Balance due Superintendent of Poor_ - Balance due County Audits__ ____ _______ Balance due Fuel and Lights - Balance due Indexing Mortgages_ Balance due Salaries and Office Rents_ Balance due City of Ithaca____ Balance due Town of Caroline_ Balance due Repairs Clerk's Office_ Balance due Expenses of Superintendent__ __ 1,843 12 440 04 8 85 13 57 17S o0 899 14 39 97 16 09 250 00 50 00 $ 3,738 78 8,186 59 $106,446 51 $ 4,792 62 186 The Supervisors' Proceedings, Ego¢ AMOUNTS DUE THE COUNTY FROM RETURN OF TAXES, 1903. Town of Danby_ 44 38 Town of Dryden_ 19 o8 Town of Enfield____ ____ _ 6 69 Town of Groton 4 j6 Town of Ithaca 9 66 Town of Lansing_ 38 75 Town of Newfield_ __ 130 98 Town of Ulysses_ _ 202 90 $ 457 20 Feb. [7, Received from Grant Curry, Sheriff, fine imposed on Janes Barry of which one-half was. paid to Town of" Groton and balance to State of New York 300 00 May 16, Received from L. H. Van Kirk, County Clerk, fine imposed on John B. Herson, of which one-half was paid to Town of Groton . and balance to State of New York _ _ 25o 00 Nov. 16, Received from L. H. Van Kirk, County . Clerk, fine imposed on J. Steward Caldwell of which one-half was paid to Town of Lansing and balance to State of New York _ _ 300 00 Nov. 17, Received from L. H. Van Kirk, County Clerk, fine imposed on William H. Graverly of which one-half was paid to Town of Groton and balance to State of New York _ 25o 00 STATE OF NEW YORK, 1 ss. COUNTY OF TOMPKINS, j I, Charles M. Benjamin, Treasurer of the County of Tompkins, do solemnly swear that the foregoing statements are true, and that the schedule accompanying the same are correct to the hest of my knowledge and belief. CHAS. M. BENJAMIN. [LS] Subscribed and sworn to before me this 28th day of No- vember, 1904. W. W. VAN SLYKE, Notary Public. The Supervisors' •. Proceedings, 1904 187 NOVEMBER 30, 1904. It is hereby certified that there stood to the credit of the Treasurer of Tompkins County, on the books of this bank at the close of business on the 16th day of November, 1904, the sum of four thousand, eight hundred two dollars and five cents ($4,8o2.o5), C. W. GAY, Cashier. Bank statement November 16, 1904, showing balance__ $ 4,802 05 Check No. 2946 not returned at date of statement_____ 9 43 Balance shown by County Treasurer's report____ _ $'4,792 62 CHAS. SPRIGG, J. C. THOMPSON, JOHN J. HANSHAW, Committee. REPORT OF SUPERINTENDENT OF THE POOR. 1903-1904. To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County : The undersigned, Superintendent of the Poor of said County, respectfully reports that from the r5th day of November, 1903, to the 15th day of November, 1904, the whole number of days board at the County Alms House was 16,476, the cost of which to the County of Tompkins, including both board and clothing, was $3,622.6o, with which the county and several towns are respectively chargeable as follows : COUNTY. No. DAYS BOARD. COST OF BOARD Isaac Chapman _ 366 Lena Collins_______________________ 366 Clarence Mackey 366 188 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 190¢ William Twine ____ 366 Fred Cook ____ 366 John Mayerers________________________212 Mable Fuller 46 David Dewey 167 Albert Downer_ 137 Claude Harris__ 112 John Donavan_ ____ ____ _. 2 R. W. Cooke __-- __-- -- 11 James Nolan - 2 Clem McManus__-- __-- _-- ---- __-- 7 John Doe - 2 James Barry ______ _ 82 Herman Snyder 2 Harriet Cumings _ 208 Thomas Higgins 3 John O'Tool ____-- __-- __-- ro Cealo Wosler (Sweed) 37 Harry Larence _ 2 Denis Griffen . 9 James Leonard ____ 2 William Watson ____ _ ____ --_- ________ __-_ 2 2,885 ITHACA CITY. Horace Whitehead_ 366 John Bishop - 366 Lucinda Reed _ 7.7 Carry Tabor ______ 366 William Nixon 366 George Short _ 182 William Gifford 366 Bridget Sullivan.. 366 Lizzie Flynn _ 332 Louisa Curtis _____ 350 Alex. Marion _ 366 Martha Chambers.___ ____ .. ____ ____ ____ 214 William Williams_ 366 Elizabeth Dade 22 Angeline Beers 138 Joseph Reede_ 143 Lewis Bloom 17 Richard Highland, Jr. _ 200 John Reede_ _ 16o Clarence Dreamer 135 The Supervisors' Proceedings, rgo¢ 189 Mathew Carr _ 97 Pat Murphy io8 Henry Crawford 13 Richard Hiland, Jr 38 Carrie Reede _ 112 Styles B. Ayres 7 Elizabeth Atherton 7 Maude Oatnlan .___ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ __ 8 43 Frank Schoonmaker 13 ITHACA TOWN Hiram Freer 366 Alva Mosher_------------------------_--- 366 LANSING Cyrus Norwood 366 Barney Moore __ __ ____ ____ ____ ____ 366 Marque Smith ____ ___- ___.. ____ ____ 366 Isaac H. Williams_________________ 175 DRYDEN Silas Tucker___._ __ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ _ 366 Isabell Oakley • 366 Chas. Oakley__--___---__--•__--_ 366 Mary Sperry -- 229 Robt. Messer ____ ______ 172 GROTON William Sherwood_______________________ 225 Jane Chase_ 95 DANBY Elnora Crance____ ______ ____ ____ ____ ____ _ 366 Benj. Shaw - - — 366 S. D. Wall -- -- - 366. Joe Etten ____ ____ _ 5 NEWFIELD. Helen Edgecomb____ ____________ _._-___— 366 Wesley Cavanaugh__ __ 366 5,344 732 1,273 1,499 320 1,103 r 90 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1901 Clarence Cavanaugh____ _ David Brill__'__________ Calvin Martin Hariet Worden______ CAROLINE. Albertine Brailey _ ENFIELD. John Lovell George Wilkins. William Thatcher ULYSSES. 366 210 353 65 366 366 79 280 James Tarpee — 366 Charles 0' Flynn_ 8 Owen Galligher, (Self Support) 77 Elsworth Durling_ 52 SUMMARY. 1,726 366 725 503 16,476 NO. DAYS BOARD. COST OF BOARD AND CLOTHING. County 2,885 $ 634 33 City 5,344 1,174 99 Ithaca -Town ________ 732 160 94. Lansing 1,273 279 89 Dryden 1,499 329 59 Groton _ 320 70 36 Danby _ __ _ 1,103 242 53 Newfield 1,726 379 50 Caroline 366 8o 47 Enfield__ _ 725 159 41 Ulysses 503 110 59 Total ____ 16,476 $3,622 6o In addition to the amount expended as above set - forth There has been paid satisfaction of bills outstand- ing prior to the 15 day of November, 1903, the sum of -- - - Making a total of_ $3,622 6o 2,991 69 $6,614 29 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 19o¢ 191 which has been paid out as per accompanying vouchers audited by the Superintendent, by drafts drawn on the County Treasurer, classified as follows : Class "A"—Meats _ _ $. 41885 48 Class "B"—Provisions and Dry Goods____ 1,440 16 Class "C"—Fuel1,1S6 45 Class "D"—Medical _ SS9 00 Class "E"—Clothing, Boots and Shoes 273 788 Class "F"—Employes 1,165 21 Class "G"—Miscellaneous 121 54 $5,561 62 Class "H"—Improvements _ 1,052 67 Total expenditures $6,614 29 Diligent effort was made to have in all outstanding bills of the present year up to November 1st, 1904, so as to make such date the close of the fiscal year for which the report is made ; but because of the large number of pending current accounts and the impossibility of securing bills of every item brought down to the date desired, the Superintendent has thought it best to include all bills that have come in to him up to the close of the twelve months on the 15th day of November, 1904. This report being made as of the 15th day of November, 1904, the bills that have been subsequently presented and audited are herewith submitted for the inspection of the Board. CENSUS OF INMATES Whole number remaining in house November 15, 1903 52 Admitted during the year 36 Died during the year 18 Discharged __ 3o Remaining in house November 15, 1904 88 48 40 The average cost of maintenance per day has been about 21/ cents ; per week, $1.23 ; per year $79.28. The average daily attendance has been 45 3-366. 192 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1901 OUT DooR RELIEF The amount expended for the relief of County poor persons supported outside of the County Alms House, including the services of Overseers of the Poor and transportation of the poor, as per bills audited, is as follows : NAMES. AMOUNT. NO. OF ORDER. E. T. Stewart, burial of child $ 10 00 12 O. M. Newell, O. P., Ulysses 4 00 16 Homer Ganoung, M.D., Dryden ____ 6 00 17 Charles Gallagher, M.D., _ ___- 14 00 18 Brown & Barnard, Sup't Co. Poor, Ithaca 119 00 34 Bentley & Brooks, Sup't Co. Poor, Ithaca 75 00 35 E. J. Bentley, Sup't Co. Poor, Ithaca.___ 33 00 39 T. S. Thompson, Sup't Co. Poor, Ithaca_ 25 00 41 Dixon & Robinson, Sup't Co. Poor, Ithaca _ __,__ 14 53 44 E. R. Osterhout, M.D., Medical Attend- ance, Trumansburg 11 5o 57 A. P. Davenport, Sup. Co. Poor, Ithaca4 00 58 W. E. Sutfin, O. P., Dryden_ 38 23 _ 59 Manning Atwater, Sup. Co. Poor, Trum- • ansburg 2 00 6o N. E. Drake, Sup. to Co. Poor, Ithaca___ 36 00 61 J. E. Shea, Ithaca, Burial_ _ 20 00 62 D. B. •Stewart & Co., Atwater, County Orders ____ __ ____ ____ ____ ____ 124 00 66 Baker, Smith & Co., Fuel, County Poor, Ithaca ___-- 21 97 72 W. E. Sutfin, O. P., Dryden_ _ 22 00 75 John J. Trench, Fuel, Co. Poor, Ithaca23 89 76 Charles Wood, Supt. Geo. Meade 39 00 79 G. \V. Peck, O. P., Newfield _.. 43 35 So W. P. Gallagher, M.D.____ _____ 4 00 81 C. E. Davis, M.D. _ __ _ _ 46 00 83 D. C. Brooks, Supt. Poor, Tioga Co., re- lief Trip family 6 8o 85 F. M. Davis, O. P. City, service____ .___ 52 00 101 F. M. Davis, O. P. City, out door relief_ 36 66 102 F. 51. Davis, O. P. City, out door relief_ 49 40 103 Bradford Snyder, O. P. Dryden, Sup. to Co. Poor _____ 24 70 lob D. B. Stewart & Co., Atwater Orders____ 73 00 Ito , The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1904 J. W. Brown, M.D., County Physician, Ithaca • Brown & Barnard, Sup. Co. Poor, Ithaca B. Snyder, O. P. Dryden, Sup. Co. Poor, 50 00 6 oo 112 216 I�ryaen - .15 35 122 B. Snyder, O. P. Dryden, Transportation 2 25 123 G. L. Gardner, Ithaca 1 50 128 Rothschild Bros., Ithaca, relief Co. Poor 6 75 130 Bradford Snyder, O. P., Dryden, relief Co. Poor __-- _--- __-- .. 24 75 131 W. Shangle, O. P., Newfield, relief Co. Poor _ 62 00 13¢ D. B. Stewart & Co., Co. Orders-___ 70 15 142 Baker & Smith, Fuel, Co. Poor, Ithaca59 34 142. Dixon &Robinson, Fuel, Co. Poor, Ithaca 37 13 148. G. W. Peck, O. P. Newfield____ ____ 13 6o • 16t George Sutfin, O. P. Dryden, tramps7 50 164. B. Snyder, O. P. Dryden, relief to Co. Poor 26 00 166 B. Snyder, O. P., Dryden, relief to Co. Poor -_-- -_-- .--- 20 00 191 Geo. Sutfin, O. P. Dryden, tramps 5 25 200 D. B. Stewart & Co., Atwater Orders26 00 212 Isaac Labarr, relief Co. Poor, Ithaca18 o0 218 D. C. Brooks, Supt. Poor Tioga Co.__....._ 53 82 223 N. E. Drake, relief Co. Poor, Ithaca35 00 224 Brown & Barnard, relief Co. Poor, Ithaca 4 00 225 D. C. Brooks, Supt. Tioga Co., Trip family _ ___ 3 50 230 Total _ $1,526 92 193 STATEMENT OF BILLS ACCRUED PRIOR TO THE 15TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 2903, SINCE AUDITED AND PAID. December 22, 1903, C. W. Bower, Assistant____ ____ ____ ____ December 31, 1903, William Brown, Employe December 31, 1903, John Mayeres, Employe________ January 7, 1904, Everell Church, Supplies January 9, 1904, William Stebbins, Supplies January 12, 1904, E. T. Stewart, Out Door, Burial January 15, 19o4, 0: M. Newell, O. P. Ulysses, Out Door January 13, 1904, Batty & Breen, Imp.__ $ 180 00 22 50 5 00 5 12 171 51 10 00 4 00 15 23. 194 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 19o¢ January 14, 1904, C. E. Davis, M.D., Med. January i6, 1904, A. F. Mosher, I3. & S. Supplies January 17, 1904, H. G. Genung, M.D., Out Door January 18, 1904, Charles Gallagher, M.D., Out Door January 19, 1904, Horton & Holton, Medical January 14, 1904, Fred Pinckney, Supplies January 15, 1904. Philo Smith, Supplies January 15,. 1904, J. 13. Todd, Med.__-- January 15, 1904, H. S. Harrington, Sup.__ January 15, 1904, Treuran, King & Co., Imp. January- 15, 1904, J. C. Stewart & Co., Sup. January 15, 1904, C. J. Rumsev & Co., Imp. January 16, 1904, A. Chase, M.D., Med. January 19, 1904, H. Bortz, Iump. January 19, 1904, William Allen, Imp. January 19, 1904, T. Allen, Imp. January 19, 1904, Floyd Brown, Meat January 19, 1904, Brown & Barnard, Out Doors January 2r, 1904, Bentley & Brooks, Out Doors January 21, 1904, A. B. Smith, Fuel January 21, 1904. W. J. Davis, Sup. January 21, 1904, J. T. Howe, Sup. January 21, 1904, E. J. Bentley, Out Door____ January 21, 1904, 13iggs Co., Inmp. January 22, 1904, T. S. Thompson, Out Door_ January 22, 1904, Dixon & Robinson, Out door_ January 26, 19)4, Mrs. C. 13. Owen, Iurp. _ January 26, 1904, Edward \Vood, Sup. _ January 30, 1904, E. R. Osterhout, M.D., Med. February 2, 1904, E. P. Davenport, Out Door_ February 2, 1904, W. E. Sutfin, Out Door.___ February 2, 1904. N. E. Drake, Out Door ____ ______ _ ____ February 2, 190.1, Barr Bros., Irnp. February 2,1904, Rothschild Bros., Supplies____ February 2, 1904, D. B. Stewart & Co., (Atwater Orders), Out Door February 3, 19o4, \Vhite & Burdick, Imp. February 3, 1904, F. H. Atwater, Sup. February 3, 1904, Joseph Knight, Meats February 3, 1904, J. G. \Vortman, Meats - February 3, 1904, Baker & Co., Fuel, Out Door February 3, 1904, Mosher Bros., Supplies_ February lo, 1904, Charles \Vood, Out Door. February 11, 1904, G. W. Peck, Out Door Relief.___ February 15, 1904, W. C. Gallagher, M.D., Out Door Relief___ 12 00 14 50 6 00 14 00 41 70 32 90 20 05 131 55 7 85 51221 2 43 104 40 43 65 164 75 2 20 5 55 20 95 44 95 219 00 75 00 284 45 134 41 15 64 33 00 126 19 25 00 14 53 15 00 10 50 273 50 400 38 23 368311 00 1 90 Ir 04 61 00 12 63 20 76 34 6o 6 77 10 14 52 75 39 00 43 35 4 00 The Supervisors' Proceedings, rpo¢ 195 February 15, 1904, C. E. D.tvis, Out Door Relief . 46 00 February 15, 1904, H. S. Bates, Supplies._____ 9 46 February 18, 1904, H. Colegrove, Bull Service._______ 5 00 February 27, 1904, F. R. Bundy, Threshing wheat, oats and rye 36 3o February 11, 1904, F. M. Davis, Out Door Relief_ 38 58 February 11, 1904, F. M. Davis, Out Door Relief ____ 36 66 February 31, 1904, E. S. Johnson, Supplies_____ 6o oo April 21, 1904, B. Snyder, O. P. Out Door Relief____15 35 February 5, 1904.4. J. Trench, Out Door ---------------------23 89 August 11, 1904, 0. L. Clock, Supplies .__ 18 78 February 2, 1904, C. M. Stanley; 13. and S. Sup. ____ ______ 26 00 February 2, 1904, E. R. O.sterhout, M.D., Out Door_ _ 11 5o December 26, 1903, Ben Mintz, Clothing _ 2S 99 Total - - - - $2,991 69 The following orders given prior to November 15, 1903, have also been paid out of the appropriation for 1903-4 Order No. 595, June 4, 1903, J. C. Stowell & Co., Supplies___ $ 6 25 Order No. 612, July 18, 1903, F. J. Wilson, Labor_ 5 00 Order No. 613, July 29, 1903, H. C. Almv, Mending 4.50 Order No. 616, Aug. 21, 1903, Ora J. Beardsley, Supplies 1 52 Order No. 622, Aug. 31, 1903, \V. T. Vann, Fuel.- t1S or Order No. 623, Aug. 31, 1903, \V. T. Vann, Fertilizer 73 28 Order No. 624, Aug. 31, 1903, F. Brown, Supplies 30 73 Order No. 625, Sept. 3, 1903, B. Snyder, Outdoor 2 10 Order No. 626, Sept. 8, 1903, E. S. Johnson, Supplies_ 172 19 Order No. 627, Sept. 9, [903, O. K. Dean, Improvements 23 00 Order No. 628, Sept. to, 1903, Rothschilds, Supplies 51 95 Order No. 631, Sept. 10, [903, H. S. Harrington, Supplies 15 75 Order No. 632, Sept. 10, 1903, J. G. \Vortman, Supplies 7 74 Order No. 633, Sept. 10, 1903, Ben Mintz, Clothing 12 90 Order No. 635, Sept. 16, 1903, 13. Snyder, Outdoor 72 05 Order No. 637, Sept. 16, 1903. 13. Snyder, Outdoor 48 28 Order No. 638, Sept. 29, 1903, F. J. Wilson, Labor 5 oo Order No. 639, Oct. 2, 1903, J. Van Buskirk, Iulprovements130 75 Order No. 642, Oct. 8, 1903, Fred Atwater, Supplies 25 38 Order No. 615, Oct. 8, 1903, Sears & Co., Supplies__ 15 14 Order No. 646, Oct. 8, 1903, J. C. Stowell & Co., Supplies111 47 Order No. 64S, Oct. 8, 1903, D. B. Stewart &.Co., Outdoor87 5o Order No. 649, Oct. 8. 1903, D. 13. Stewart & Co., Suppliesto 5o Order No. 650, Oct. 8, 1903, F. B. Aiken, Outdoor 9 39 Order No. 651, Oct. 13, 1903, C. W. Bower, Labor _ 25 00 Order No. 652, Oct. 16, 1903, \Vm. Brown, Labor 30 00 196 The Supervisors' Proceedings, rgo¢ Order No. 653, Oct. 22, 1903, D. Sears, O. P., Outdoor Order No. 6J4, Oct. 24, 1903, D. B. Stewart & Co., Supplies Order No. 6J5, Nov. 2, 1903, Geo. Wilkins, Medical Order No. 658, Nov. 10, 1903, C. Briggs, Improvement Total 12 50 34 35 18 6o 42 16 $1,202 99 The actual surplus on hand Nov. 15, 1904, was $155.80. The following orders had not then been presented to the County Treasurer : Order No. 13r, May Outdoor $22.50 Order No. -178, Aug. Order No. 194, Oct. Order No. 221, Nov. Order No. 223, Nov. Outdoor Relief Order No. 225, Nov. Order No. 226, Nov. Order No. 227, Nov. Order No. 22S, Nov. Order No. 229, Nov. Order No. 230, Nov. Co., Outdoor Order No. 231, Nov. 14, 1904, B. Snyder, Transportation $2.25 ; 3o, 1904, W. J. Davis, Improvements_ ____ 3, 1904, Lang & Button, Improvements___ 5, 1904, Stover Hardware Co. 5, 1904, D. C. Brooks, Supt. Tioga County 14, 1904, Brown & Barnard, Outdoor_.___ 14, 1904, The Biggs Co., Improvements___ 14, 1904, C. M. Stanley, Boots and Shoes_ 14, 1904, John Flinn, Supplies_ 14, 1904, Horton & Holton, Medical 14, 1904, D. C. Brooks, Supt. Poor Tioga >r, J. B. Todd, Medical. • Total Add actual surplus on band, as above_ Amount in Treasurer's hands Nov. 15, 1903_ R13CAPITULATION. Amount appropriated Expended for Outdoor Relief and services of Overseers 1____ $ 1,526 92 For maintenance, as classified above 3,622 6o For orders given subsequent to November 15, 1903, for bills incurred prior to that time 2,991 6g For orders given prior to November 15, 1903, and then outstanding __ 1,202 99 $ 24 75 51 41 1 03 4 41 53 82 400 63 45 2 75 10 o6 19 25 3 50 51 5o $289 93 155 So $445 73 $ 9,500 00 9,344 20 Surplus $ 155 8o The Supervisors' Proceedings, r90 z 197 The following is a statement of bills incurred prior to No- vember 15, 1904, not presented in time to be included in the annual report for the year ending on that date. This statement includes all items ordered or incurred so far as known : D. D. Bower, Plumber J. B. Todd, Drugs__. C. J. Updike, Coffee Mrs. Felech, Board of Old Soldier C. M. Stanley, Shoes W. J. Davis, Commissioner Farrington Bros., Feed Arthur Lyke, Services Blackman Bros. D. L. & W. Freight Bill of $8.10 not included, because County expense W. H. Allen, Blacksmith H. Bortz, Harness Supplies W. L. Tucker, Overseer Enfield, Rumsey Case____ C. L. Clock, Flour and Feed William 1-Iasard, Lumber Tremae, King & Co., Oil, etc. ______ ____ ___ _____. Halseyyille Mills, Grinding Mosher Bros. & Co., Clothing City of Ithaca____ Dixon & Robinson, Telephone ____ Frank Bundy, Thresh Bill, Estimated____________ Ben Mintz, (Tel.)___ --__--__-- Employees, Brown, IZ mo. _ _ $ 7 50 W. Bower, IX mo._____ ______ Io 00 Mrs. Coy, at $5 per week_ ___ 25 00 A. Bower, at $3 per week____ 20 00 Jas. Stanion, Blacksmith, Est. _ Town of Enfield, Rumsey case_ Fred Atwater, Groceries, • (Tel.), $2.67 W. H. Burnham, O. P. Groton.________ Edw. Johnson, Estimated. _ Legal services, Rumsey, Teeter and Beerman cases. White & Burdick, Tel. $ 23 57. 51 5o 5 8o II 00 17 6o 25 72 64 35 6 00 84 00 4 25 5 95 4 00 70 5o 20 66 LS IO 3 70 5 75 136 74 5 64 25 00 18 8o 62 5o 5 00 35 00 2 67 29 43 I0 00 16 00 7 95 $ 777 18 Amount paid out for maintenance as stated above_ 3,622 6o Amount paid out for outdoor relief and services of Overseers____ ______ _ ______ 1,526 92 Total expenses for the year $5,926 70 198 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 59OI CROP REPORT. Amount of hay, grain and vegetables raised on the fartn,. their estimated value, and amount now on hand. KIND OF GRAIN. Wheat Hay Oats Corn -stalks from to acres _ Heads Cabbage____ Cucumbers____ Turnips Squashes _ Sweet Corn_ Beets_____________ Parsnips_ Tomatoes Potatoes____ Apples Peas _ Butter ____ _ Pork, Shoats Brood Sows Fattening Hogs Heads Poultry__ 2 Veal Calves Drop Veals_ • Eggs - AMOUNT ESTIMATED RAISED. VALUE. 100 bus. $I00 00 5o tons 400 00 500 bus. 200 00 200 bun. 3o 00 2000 hds. 6o 00 to 00 3o bus. 9 00 40 bus. to 00 to 00 6 bus. 1 So 10 bus. 5 00 to 00 600 bus. 240 00 150 bus. 5o 00 25 00 170 36 20 100 00 2 40 00 11 137 50 zoo Hd. too 03 300 lbs. 18 o0 4 6 oo 700 doz. 126 oo Now ON HAND. 150 bus. (5o bus. old wheat). 40 tour 450 bus. All on hand 44 41 (Estimated) All on hand 11 14 14 11 11 11 600 bus. All on hand (Estimated) (Amt. made since May 15). (Estimated) On hand Estimated used in house Estimated used in house SUPPLIES ON HAND. Old Pork, bbls. Old Shoulders Old Lard, lbs. Sugar, bbls. Cider, casks Cucumber Pickles, bbls. Chowder, bb]s. Old Beans, bu. Hard Coal, tons Steam Coal, tons 5 18 15 231 2 18 20 20 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 190¢ STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS OWNED BY COUNTY 199 9 cows, I team horses, 1 set double harness, ri fattening hogs, 2 brood sows, 20 shoats, zoo head poultry, i farm wagon, I grain drill, r pair sleighs, I wheel cultivator, I spring toothed harrow and i land roller. EXPENSE ACCOUNT The following is a statement of the amount of moneys re- ceived from sale of produce and the manner in which the same has been expended : RECEIPTS Ham and Lard $ 8 45 Drop Veals 6 00 Butter 8r 44 EXPENDED Telephone $ 2 3o Postage 7 50 Postal Telegraph 25 Freight • 25 Transportation 3 50 Supplies 21 12 Repairs to Farm Property 2 00 Labor 17 50 $ 95 89 54 42 Surplus $ 41 47 In conformity to the 3oth Section of the Revised Statute, I respectfully report, that I estimate the expense of the Town and County Poor to be supported at the County Alms House the ensuing year to be $5,000 00 Outdoor Relief 1,30o 00 Services of Overseers 15o 00 Transportation_ 5o 00 Total $6,5oo 00 Respectfully submitted, DAVID BOWER, Superintendent of Poor. 200 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1904 STATE OF NEW YORK, sS. COUNTY OF TOMPKINS, f David Bower being duly sworn, says that the foregoing report by him presented is just and true and the foregoing account is in all respects just and true to the best of his knowledge and belief. DAVID BOWER. [I,. S.] Sworn to before me this 28th day of November, 1904. EUGENE TERRY, Notary Public. TOMPKINS COUNTY JAIL. Located al Ithaca. Inspected 6y the Secretary November 18, 1904. The number of inmates on the day of inspection was four, all men. Three of these were serving sentence, and one await- ing transportation to a State institution. The highest number of inmates in this jail at any one time during the past year was 17 ; the average has been about to ; and the lowest 4. There has been no considerable change in this jail since the last inspection. The criticisms made in the last report are still applicable. The windows are small, and the cells are dark and gloomy. The jail needs more sunlight. There are very few female inmates. No woman has been sentenced to this jail in five years. Occasionally a woman is committed temporarily from the city police courts. Prisoners who work are served three meals a day, and the others two. They are furnished with plenty of good reading in the line of magazines and daily papers. Improvements : Electric .lights have been installed in the jail ; the entire interior and exterior has been repainted. The Supervisors' Proceedings, /90¢ 201 The jail was found clean, and in good sanitary condition. There are closets in each cell, and a stationary wash basin in each corridor. The beds consist of woolen blankets on wire springs. New men get clean blankets. Religious services are held regularly. The office of sheriff is a fee office, and the Supervisors allow $3.00 a week for board .of prisoners. Employment : The prisoners work on the highways, mostly • in the township of Ithaca. This township constitutes a fringe surrounding the City of Ithaca. This township is in the center of the county ; all the other towns bordering upon it. Some- times the work of prisoners is extended into the surrounding towns. This work has now been continued for several years, and has sensibly improved the highways leading from the sur- rounding towns to the county seat. The number working varies from three to nine. They are in charge of a deputy, who also acts as foreman under the general direction of the Commissioner of Highways. This work is done without expense to the towns. The men do good work. Last year the number of day's work was 1,330. This year the number of days has been about the same. Respectfully submitted, GEORGE McLAUGHLIN, Secretary. November 18, 1904.. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE Reports of the Justices of the Peace of the various Towns of the County of all fines and penalties collected by them during the past year 202 The Supervisors' Proceedings, tgo¢ CAROLINE Frank M. Bull reports received Gardner M. Doughty reports no money received. F. A. Snow reports no money received. E. H. Mitchell reports no money received. DANBY T. W. Slocuw reports no money received. Z. E. Smiley reports no money received. J. B. Thatcher reports no money received. F. D. Smiley reports no money received. DRYDEN $20 00 John B. Shaver reports no money received. J. D. Ross reports no money received. Paul Ewers reports received ------------------------$3o 00 G. E. Underwood reports no money received. ENFIELD R. V. Egbert reports no money received. John J. Johnson reports no money received. H. A. Rockwell reports no money received. James McCracken reports no money received. GROTON J. M. Montfort reports no money received. Nelson Stevens reports no money received. Newton Baldwin reports no money received.. H. A. Brooks reports no money received. ITHACA L. F. Colegrove reports received $6o 00 Jake Wilcox reports no money received. S. M. Updike reports no money received. Frank McPherson reports no money received. The Supervisors' Proceedings, r9o¢ 203 LANSING D. D. Winn reports no money received. L. V. Main reports no money received. Casper Fenner reports no money received. Wellmor Townley reports no money received. NEWFIELD. Glenn M. Keene reports no money received. Seymour Grover reports no money received. William Weatherell reports no money received. Daniel W. Gore reports no money received. ULYSSES. M. T. Williamson reports received____ $Io 00 John N. Barker reports no money received. Henry Williams reports no money received. 0. G. Noble, no report. BANK TAX STATEMENT This statement shows the amount of stock assessed in each Village or City, the amount of tax to be paid thereon, and the proportionment thereof less the County Treasurer's fees for collecting and disbursing same. CITY OR VILLAGE Name of Bank v o1 4.3 V) � O aM r.6 117°J. V1 01 py o51 0,. „ m o 0 0 00 g „O V O U OL v„ '0'.-'1,^ 0.J1 O,O.O 0i1.2. p..,4-' N� Ithaca ____ Ithaca Groton ____ Groton ____ Dryden _ __ jot National Pomp. Co. Natl.__ 1st National_ Mechavica 1st National $344.696 59 217,745 00 119,523 69 93.311 15 27,213 11 $3 446 96 t 2,177 4511 1,195 24 l 933 11 J 272 13 956 24 21 28 2 72 9945 47 93,029 53 91,593 17 468 25 827 21 811 61 71 94 93 06 99 41 Dated, January 7th, 1905. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk Board of Supervisors. STATEMENT OF THE AGGREGATE VALUATIONS OF REAL AND PERSONAL ESTATE, AND AMOUNT OF TAXES LEVIED IN THE SEVERAL TOWNS AND WARDS IN THE COUNTY OF TOIIPKINS, AS CORRECTED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AT THEIR ANNUAL MEETING IN THE YEAR ONE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED AND FOUR. TOWNS. Acres of Land. Caroline ____ __.:___ 34,747 Danby __-- _ 33,286 Dryden 58,192 Enfield_ ____ 22,007 Groton _.30,725 Ithaca (City) 2,940 Ithaca (Town)._16,293 Lansing _ 37,789 Newfield_ 36,997 Ulysses19,818 $816,620 727,860 2,114.569 533,820 1,340,495 6,517,915 1,043,297 1,oS5,1o6 804,035 r,oSS,58o Totals_ ____ ____ 292,794 26,077,347 f689,71S 159,150 676,856 19,50o 1,942,144 140,230 559,492 23,540 1426,061 133,85o 6,609, 397 650,150 776,536 46,150 1,430,8S4 71,750 689.7.18 32,950 1,276,541 126,050 $59,150 19,500 140,230 23,540 133,850 650,150 46,15D 72,78 32,950 126,050 16,077,347 1,303.350 1,303,350 Amount of Town Taxes fI $748,768 696.356 2,082,374 583,032 1,559,911 7,259.547 522,686 1,502,664 722,66S 1.402,591 $4,081 2S$1,601 22 2,626 36 1,489 77 4,045 95 4,450 72 3.756 95 1,244 56 5,284 10 3.332 47 8,597 3415,518 o8 4,647 76 1,760 97 2,315 89 3,209 87 8,621 65 1,545 49 8,072 51 2,998 to $105 35 98 02 292 85 81 89 219 27 1,021 05 115 87 211 20 101 69 197 28 17.380,697 52,050 29 37,151 25 2,444 47 0 0 Y $50 10$5,837 95 46 61 4.26o 76 139 24 8,928 76 38 94 5,122 34 104 26 8.940 10 485 49 25,622 46 55 09 6,579 69 100 42 5,837 38 48 35 10,317 18 93 79 11,361 68 1,162 2992,808 3o cl a 0 o 0 O c4 .0067 .0058 .004 .0093 .006 .00356 .co6 .0052 .0105 .0094 I, BERT T. BAKER, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins, do hereby certify that the preceding is a true statement of the aggregate valuation of Real and Personal Estate in the several Towns and Wards in said County, as corrected by said Board of Supervisors, at their annual meeting in the mouth of December, 1904. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. P. O. Address, Ithaca, N. Y. STATEMENT OF THE INDEBTEDNESS OF THE COUNTY OF TOMPKINS AND OF. EACH TOWN, CITY, VILLAGE, SCHOOL DISTRICT AND UNION FREE SCHOOL DISTRICT THEREIN. . I hereby certify that the following is a true statenient of all the indebtedness of the County of Tompkins, and of each sub -division thereof, and of the facts related thereto as reported to me pursuant to the County Law (Chapter 656, Laws of 1892, as amended by Chapter 31o, Laws of 1S95, and Chapter 406, Laws of 1897.) In witness whereof, I have hereto subscribed my name this 3oth day of December, 1904. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, Ithaca, N. Y. County, Town, Village or School District. City of Ithaca___ City of Ithaca_________ City of Ithaca_________ City of Ithaca_ City of Ithaca City of Ithaca_________ City of Ithaca City of Ithaca—School District_______ For What Purpose Created. Under -What Law. Deficiency _ ____ Deficiency ____ Emergency, Flood __ Sewerage __ ___--_-- South Hill Bridge___ Voting Machines ___ Water System _ • School Bldg. Annex Chap 462,Lawsof 1901 Action Coni'n Council Chap.463,Lawsof 1902 Chap. 162,Lawsof 1895 Chap.66o.Lawsof 1895 ChaP.466,Laws of 1899 Chap.181,Laws of 1903 Laws of 1893 Bonded Debt. 10,000 15,000 128,000 20,000 50,000 o � a) � v 4% 6°0 .033 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% Other Debt. Total Debt. 10,000 10,000 10,000 15,00o 128.000 20.000 2,000 2,000 50,000 2,000 2,000 Sinking Fund. Net Debt. 10,000 10,000 15,000 125,000 20,C00 2.000 50,E 2,000 When Payable. 1905 1405 1907 1925 1925 1907 1944 1905 Town of Caroline______ Town of Enfield_ ______ Town of Newfield _ Town of Ulysses Village of Dryden. Village of Dryden_____ Village of Dryden Village of Groton Village of Groton Village of Groton Village of Groton Village of Groton__ Village of Groton__ Village of Trumansburg Town of Ithaca Town of Lansing Town of Groton - Town of Dryden-_ Town of Danby_ Village of Freeville Village of Newfield Total Emergency, Flood__ Aid Pa. & S. B. R. R. Aid Pa. & S. B. R. R. Aid Pa. & S. B. R. R. Supervisors, 19o2,____ Chap.685,Lawsof 1S92 Chap. 54, Laws of 1897 Chap. S4, Laws of 1897 $9,80031;% 40,00o 44,0003)2% 4% 31% $4,000 $4,000 9,80o 40,000 44,000 ____ $4,o00 9,800 40,000 44,000 1906. 7 years 20 years 22 years Water Works _ Chap. r75,Lawsof 1881 19,000 4% 19,000 19,oco 3o years Lighting ChaP.414,La«-sof 1897 2,500 3;% 2,500 450 2,050 10 years Lighting . ChaP.414,Lawsof 1897 2,500 3% 2,500 2,500 20 years Water Works Chap.18i,Laws of 1SSr 16,000 31% 16,000 16,000 1919 \Vater Works_______ Chap. ISI,Laws of 1881 3,0003.',-% 3,000 3,000 1920 \Vater Works Chap. 1Sl,Laws of 1881 4,00o3% 4,000 4,000 1922 Electric Lighting_ Chap.414,Lawsof 1597 11,0003' % 11,000 - 11,000 1926 Village Building____ Cha1.414,Lawsof 1897 8,000 31% 8,000 __ S,coo 1919 Village Building____ Chap.414,Lawsof 1S97 3,000 4% 3,000 3,000 1929 Road Improvements_ Sec. 129, Village Law 15,000 3a% _____ 15,000 __-- 15,000 1939 No Indebtedness ____ No Indebtedness - -- No Indebtedness - - No Indebtedness_ No Indebtedness____ No Indebtedness____ ________ No Indebtedness -- -- - 400,800 _ 18,000418,800 450 418,350 ---- ---- ---- REPORT OF THE CLERK OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TO THE COMPTROLLER OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. A STATEMENT of the several Incorporated Companies liable to taxation in the County of Tompkins, the amount of Real and Personal Estate belonging to each as the sane is set down in the Assessment Rolls, and the amount of Tax assessed upon each for year One thousand nine hundred and four. TOWNS. Caroline_ Danby NAME OF INCORPORATION. Caroline Telephone Company _ Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad Conpany.--- Lehigh Walley Railroad Company, E., C. & N. Division _ N. Y. &. Pa Telephone and Telegraph Company____-_ \Western Union Telegraph Company__ Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad Con! pany_ Farmer's Dairy Dispatch Inter -Ocean Telephone and Telegraph Company ------ - ------ ------ . --- Ithaca \Vater Works Company Lehigh Valley Railroad Company Western Union Telegraph Company__ NATURE OF BUSINESS. Telephone _ Railroad Railroad Telephone Line_ _ Telegraph Liue Railroad _______. Dairy Telephone Line_ ______ City \Vater Supply____ Railroad _ Telegraph Line $ 1,500 $10 05 42,700 42,700 2S6 09 47,700 47,7 319 59 2,OCO 2,000 13 40 400 400 2 68 16,250 16,250 94 25 1,200 1,200 6 96 200 200 1 16 1,200 1,200 6 96 49,140 49,140 285 01 150 150- 87 Dryden__ American Telephone and Telegraph Company_ _--- ------ ---- ---- -___ Telephone Line - -=__-- $4,240 $4,240 $16 9 Cortland Home Telephone Company_ Telephone Line 814 814 3 2 Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad Company._____ ____ ____ Railroad ____ ____ . 3,000 3,000 12 0 Dryden Opera House Company-____. Opera House____ 1,500 1,500 6 o Dryden Telephone Company ____ ____ Telephone ____ ____ ____ 900 900 3 6 Farm & Village Telephone Company_ Telephone ______ 300 300 1 2 Farmer's D.iiry Dispatch ____ ____ ____ Dairy_ _ Boo 800 3 2 First National Bank of Dryden ______ Banking _-__ ______ ____ 1,200 1,200 4 8 Gee Hill Creamery Company __-_ ____ Creamery _ 300 300 1 2 Inter -Ocean Telephone and Telegraph Company_ . Telephone Line_ 1,035 1,035 4 1 - Ithaca, Auburn & Western R. R. Co.__ Railroad _ 150 150 E Lehigh Valley Railroad Company, E. C. & N. Division-__--_ Railroad________ 110,500 110,500 442 . Lehigh Valley Railroad Company, Southern Central Division_ ______ - Railroad ____ 73,700 73,700 294 8 New England Telephone Company___ Telephone Line_ 125 125 5 N. Y. & Pa. Telephone and Telegraph . Company_ _ Telephone Line _ 1;820 1,820 7 '1 Philadelphia Milk Supply Company__ Milk Dealers__ .___ ____ 1,000 1,000 4 c The Etna Creamery Company _______ Creamery .___ ____ ____ _ 1,200 1,200 4 8 Western Union Telegraph Conipauy__ Telegraph Line_ 1,450 1,480 5 c Enfield__ American Telephone & Telegraph Co. Telephone Line_ 25 25 ' Trumbull's Corners Telephone Co.___ Telephone Line 500 500 4 E Ithaca Water Works Co. _ _ _ _ City Water Supply • 500 500 4 f N. Y. & Pa. Telephone and Telegraph Company ____ ____ ____ .___ __ ____ Telephone ____ 75 75 Inter -Ocean Telephone and Telegraph Company__ Telephone 150 15o to 6 6 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 2 8 0 0 0 4 5 5 0 0 3roton __ American Road Roller Co. Crandall Machine Company C. \V. Conger Company_ Farmer's Dairy Dispatch .___ ____ Farm and Village Telephone Co First National Bank of Groton, N.V. _ Groton Carriage Company _ Groton Creamery Company _ ____ ____ Mfr's Road Rollers._ __ Mfr's of Typewriters___ Produce Dealers_ _____ Dairy_ ____ ____ _ Telephone Line_____. _ Banking .___ . ___ ______ Mfr's of Vehicles _____ Creamery ____ ____ _ $3,000 Soo $35,000 5,000 6,720 1,000 1,700 ' 16,450 25,000 1,600 $35.000 5,000 6.720 1,000 2,500 16,450 25,000 1,600 $210 oc 30 00 58 32 6 oc 15 0C 98 7c 150 00 9 6c Home Telephone Company ____ .._____ Telephone 30 300 330 1 98 Lehigh Valley Railroad Company, Southern Central Division_ ______ Railroad______________ 50,000 50,000 300 oc Groton Bridge Company ____ ____ .___ Mfrs. of Bridges ______ 16,000 16,000 96 oc Lehigh Valley Railroad Company, E. C. _. N. Division_ Railroad______________ 12,000 12,000 72 0c McLean Elgin Creamery Company___ Creamery___ 1,500 1,500 9 oc N. Y. & Pa. Telephone and Telegraph Company Telephone Line _______ 200 1,400 1,600 9 6c Standard Butter Company_.___ ______ Creamery____ 500 500 3 00 \Vest Groton Dairy Association. Creamery.____ __ 500 500 3 0C Western Union Telegraph_Company__ Telegraph Line _ 200 200 1 2c :thaca Alpha Tau Omega _-____ _ Social and Literary____ 9,000 9,000 .32 04 City___ American Telephone and Telegraph Company _ Telephone Line 1,200 1,200 4 35 Alpha'Delta Phi ____ Social and Literary____ 20,000 20,000 71 20 Beta Theta Pi_ _ Social and Literary____ 10.000 10,000 J5 60 Cascadilla Preparatory School _ School ______ 12,000 12,000 47 72 Cayuga Lake Transportation Co._ ____ Lake Transportation I,000 1,000 3 56 Chemung Canal Bank Banking ______ ____ ____ 7,000 7,000 24 92 Chi Psi Fraternity __ __.____ Social and Literary____ 26,000 26,000 92 56 Chi Phi .___ _____ .___ ____ Social and Literary____ 10,000 10,000 35 60 Cornell Athletic Association_ _ University Athletic gr's 4,500 4,800 17 09 Cornell Navy Association _ ______ Aquatics.___ .___ 2,000 2,000 7 12 Cornell Heights Land Company _ ____ Building Lots ____ _ 1,000 1,000 3 56 Ithaca City___ Continued Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad Company Delta Chi __-- Delta Tau Delta ------------- Delta Kappa Epsilon______ Delta Epsilon Delta Phi.. First National Bank of Groton_______ First National Bank of Ithaca____ Ithaca Calendar Clock Company_ ____ Ithaca Gas Light Company Ithaca Water Works Company Ithaca Street Railway Conipany Ithaca Wall Paper Company__ Ithaca Savings Bank ______ Ithaca Telephone Conipany Ithaca Publishing Company _ Ithaca Trust Company Ithaca Ice Company Ithaca Electric Light Company Kappa Alpha- --- Kappa Sigma Lehigh Valley Railroad Company, Main Line________ Lehigh Valley Railroad Company, Cayuga Lake Division_ Lehigh Valley Railroad Company, E. C. & N. Division_ .___. _ Mutual Loan and Building Society___ National Salt Company N. Y. & Pa. Telephone and Telegraph Company Phi Delta Theta _ Phi Gamma Delta_ __-_ Phi Kappa Psi______ Phi Sigma Kappa Railroad Social and Literary____ Social and Literary._._. Social and Literary____ Social and Literary____ Social and Literary____ Banking Banking Mfr's of Clocks ______ _ City Gas Supply City Water Supply . Electric Street'Railway Mfr's of Wall Paper_ __ Banking Telephone Line Publishers ____ ____ Banking Dealers in Ice_ Electric Lighting ____ _ Social and Literary__ Social and Literary____ Railroad __ Railroad____ Railroad Loaning Money Mfr's of Salt . Telephone Line Social and Literary____ Social and Literary Social and Literary.__. Social and Literary..___ 20,000 3,000 9,000 $29,000 $29,000 $103 24 S,000 8,000 28 48 8,000 8,000 2S 48 9,000 9.000 32 04 9,000 9,000 32 04 8,000 S,000 32 04 Soo Soo 2 85 400. 400 1 42 8,000 S,000 28'48 6o,000 60,000 213 6o 134,800 134,Soo 479 89 28,000 48,000 170 88 3,000 to 68 45,000 45,000 16o 20 17,000 17,000 6o 52 6,000 6,000 21 36 17,000 17,000 6o 52 4,500 4,500 16 50 20,000 20,000 71 20 9,000 32 04 I0,000 I0,000 J5 6o 38,700 38,700 137 77 14,050 14,050 53 22 5,000 5,000 17 So 2,200 2,200 7 83 40,000 40,000 142 4o 20,500 20,500 7298 8,000. S,000 28 48 16,0oo 16,0oo S7 16 9,000 9,000 32 04 16,000 16,000 S7 16 Ithaca City___ Continued Postal Telegraph Company ______ ____ Psi Upsilon Sigma Phi • - -- Sigma Chi Sigma Alpha Epsilon _ _ Standard Oil Company____ _ _ Syracuse University_ ____ ____ ____ ____ The Mutual Glass Company_ ____ ____ The Lyceum Company ______ ____ __ _ The R. T. Booth Company_ __-_ _ _ The Fa11 Creek Milling Company____ The Ithaca Glass Manufacturing Com- pang Telegraph Line _ ______ Social and Literary-___ Social and Literary Y ---- Social and Literary--_- Social and Literary____ Oil Station __ College Mfr's of Glass Opera House-.____- Mfr's of Hyomei Mrf's of Flour ____ Mfr's of Glass _ $9,000 3,000 3,000 $ 700 9,000 12,000 9,000 29,000 5,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 $ .700 9,00o 9,000 12,000 9,000 3,000 29,000 5,000 15,000 3,000 10,000 5,000 • $2 4c 32 04 32 04 42 72 32 04 10 6S 106 44 17 8c 53 4c to 68 35 6o 17 8c The Autophone Company • Mfr's of Musical Inst's 6,000 6,000 21 36 Theta Delta Chi Social and Literary___. io,000 10,000 35 6o Tompkins County National Bank ____ Banking _ _ 10,000 10,000 35 60 University Preparatory School _ ______ Welsbach Gas Light Company. _. School ______ Lighting - 8,700 500 8,700 500 30 97 t 78 Western Union Telegraph Company__ Telegraph Line _ 1,550 1,850 6 59 Zeta Psi_ Social and Literary 15,000 15,000 53 40 Ithaca American Telephone and Telegraph - Town__ Company___ ______ ____ __ _--_ __ Cascadilla School__ _ Telephone Line _ ______ School 1;525 1,500 1,525 1,500 9 15 9 00 Cornell Heights Land Company City Lots 1,400 1,400 8 40 Country Club_ _ Social and Athletic____ 1,80o I,800 to So Delaware Lackawanna and Western Railroad Company__ ____-_ Railroad _____ ____ ____ 66,500 66,500 399 00 Ithaca Telephone Company ____• Telephone Line 1,700 loo 1,Soo to 8o Ithaca Water Works Company City Water Supply ____ 32,180 32,180 193 o8 Ithaca Street Railway Company _ ____ Electric Railway _ 4,000 4,000 24 00 Lansing Telephone Company____ ____ Telephone Line 50 50 30 Lehigh Valley Railroad Company, E. C. & N. Division ______ _ _ Railroad ____ 37,600 37,600 225 6o Ithaca Town__ Continued Lansing Newfield Lehigh Valley Railroad Company, Main Line Lehigh Valley Railroad Company, Ithaca and Auburn Division N. Y. & Pa. Telephone and Telegraph Company_ New England Telephone Ccmpany Renwick Park and Traffic Company__ The Remington Salt Company Western Union Telegraph Company__ Cayuga Lake Cement Company Farm and Village Telephone' Com- pany Lansing Telephone Company____ Lehigh Valley Railroad Company, Auburn Division _ Ludlowville Telephone Company National Salt Company North Lansing Creamery Company __ Orchard Creamery Company ____ Standard Butter Company_ - American Telephone and Telegraph CompanyInter-State Conduit Conduit and Brick Com- pany ---- Lehigh Valley Railroad Company____ N. Y. & Pa Telephone and Telegraph Company_ Trumbull's Corners Telephone Com- pany - -- - Railroad Railroad ____ Telephone Line Telephone Summer Park ____ _ Mfr's salt ;electricpower Telegraph Line_ Mfr's of Cement Telephone Line Telephone Line Railroad __ Telephone Line ___ 1\Mfr's of Salt____ Creamery Creamery Creamery Telephone Line _ Mfr's of Brick_____ Railroad___. Telephone Line Telephone Line _______ $500 $49,087 $49,087 $294 53 16,920 16,920 Ior 52 2,325 2,325 13 95 400 400 2 40 15,600 15,600 93 6o 50,000 50,000 300 00 500 500 3 00 6o,000 6o,000 312 00 700 700 3 64 450 450 2 34 81,696 81,696 424 82 200 200 1 04 50,000 50,000 260 00 500 500 2 6o 500 ,500 2 6o 500 500 2 6o 1,000 1,500. 15 76 r1,o00 11,000 115 50 46,000 46,000 483 00 I,200 1,200 I2 60 1,850 1,850 18 90 Ulysses__ American Agricultural Chemical Fer- tilizer Company_ _ _ Mfr's of Fertilizers____ $o 5o $o 50 $o 47 Empire State Telephone Company_ __ Telephone ______ .._____ 75 75 71 Farmer's Dairy Dispatch Company__ Creamery__._- _________ 1,250 1,250 II 75 Inter -Ocean Telephone and Telegraph Company- ---- -___ ---- ------ ---- Telephone __-- . 1,Soo ',Soo 16 92 Lehigh Valley Railroad Company ___ Railroad ______ _ ______. 78,000 7S,000 733 20 Milson Phosphate Company_ ____ Mfr's of Fertilizers____ 8o So 75 New England Telephone Company __ Telephone Line. 600 600 5 64 N. Y. & Pa. Telephone and Telegraph Company Telephone Line ______ _ 1,200 1.200 II 28 Standard Oil Company_ Oil Station_ 250 250 2 35 Stover Hardware Company-___ ______ Hardware ______ ____ ___ $I,000 100 1,100 10 34 Trumansburg Electric Company _ ____ Electric Lighting 3,000 3,000 28 20 Trumansburg Band _ ____ ____ ____ ____ Musical____ ____ _ 200 200 i 88 The Ulysses Electric Light and Power Company___________ Electricity ____..__ 7,300 7,300 68 62 UlyssesOperativeTelephone Company Telephone ____ ____ 150 150 1 42 I, BERT T. BAKER, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins, do hereby certify that the preceding is a true statement of the several Incorporated companies in each of the Towns and Wards in the County of Tompkins, together with the Valuation of Real and Personal Estate for each, as set down in the returns of the local Assessors in their last Assessment Roll, and also the Amount of Tax to be levied. DECEMBER 3o, 1904. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk, Post Office Address, Ithaca, N. Y. SPECIAL SESSION To Berl T. Baker, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County We, the undersigned, wish you to call a Special Session of the Board of Supervisors to be held at the Supervisors' Rooms,. Ithaca, N. Y., on Saturday, February I ith, 1905, at to A. M. R. NEWTON MOUNT, Chairman, WM. H. BAKER, W. C. GALLAGHER; JOHN J. HANSHAW, A. N. MILLER, H. C. FAIRBANKS, CHAS. SPRIGG, WILLIAM H. PARKER, J. C. THOMPSON, WEBB CORBIN, EUGENE TERRY, C. E. WOOD. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY IITH, 1905. Morning Session Roll Call. All members of Board present but Mr. J. H. Hine of Enfield. The Clerk read the call for the meeting. By Dr. Gallagher : 1. WHEREAS, at a meeting of this Board held on the 8th day of December, 1904, a resolution was adopted that provision should be made for the improvement of that portion of the highway commonly known as. Catskill Turnpike, Section 3, Towns of Dryden and Caroline, Tompkins County and described as follows : From the bridge at the east end of Road No. 338,. easterly to the bridge over Six Mile Creek, at Slaterville Springs, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 115, Laws of 1898 ; and, 2. WHEREAS, the State Engineer and Surveyor has investigated and determined that a section of said highway is of sufficient public importance to merit improvement in accordance with the provisions of said law, and has certified his approval of the said resolution ; and, The Super/visors' Proceedings, 1901 215 3. WHEREAS, said State Engineer and Surveyor has caused a section of said highway, which section is described as follows : From the bridge at the east end of Road, No. 335, easterly to the bridge over Six Mile Creek • at Slaterville Springs, a distance of 4 44-100 wiles, in the Towns of Dryden and Caroline, Tompkins County and known as ,the Catskill Turnpike, Section 3, Road to be surveyed and mapped, and has caused plans and speci- fications and an estimate of cost to he made for said improvement, and has transmitted the same to this board ; 4. Resolved, That the highway above described in paragraph one, be improved and constructed in that portion thereof above described in para- graph three in accordance with the maps, plans, specifications and estimate prepared for such improvement by the State Engineer and Surveyor under the provisions of Chapter 115 of the Laws of 1898. This said work be done under the charge, care and superintendence of the State Engineer and Sur- veyor, and that said maps, plans, specifications and estimate prepared by said State Engineer and Surveyor for said work, are hereby duly approved and adopted by this Board ; 5. Resolved, That the sum of Twenty-two thousand, two hundred dollars ($22,200) being one-half of the estimated total cost, which amounts to $44,400 be and the sante is hereby appropriated for constructing and improving, under the provisions of Chapter 115 of the Laws of 1898, said road described in paragraph 3 hereof ; and the County Treasurer of Tomp- kins County is hereby authorized and directed to pay said sum upon the requisition or draft of the State Engineer and Surveyor, said suns being hereby made immediately available for such purpose; and if he should find it necessary said County Treasurer is hereby authorized and empowered to borrow all or part of said sum on the obligation of said County issued by him for, on behalf of and in the name of the County of Tompkins and acting for and on behalf of said County. On motion the same was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Hanshaw, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson, Terry and Wood -8. Noes -1 -Messrs. Baker, Corbin and Fairbanks -3. By Dr. Gallagher : Resolved, That the Chairman of this Board appoint a committee of three, which committee is hereby authorized to secure the requisite right of way for the section of the Catskill Turnpike, Section 3, in the Towns of Dryden and Caroline, County of Tompkins, N. Y., which is to be improved 216 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1904 in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 115, taws of 1898. That said committee is authorized to obtain said right of way, either by dedication or legal proceedings, as niay be necessary, in order that said right of way shall conform to the boundaries of the section of said Catskill Turnpike, Section 3, as laid out in the maps and plans prepared •for the improvement of said road under the direction of the State Engineer and Surveyor, wherever the boundaries,of the proposed new section of said road deviate from the present bondaries and cross the present section of the existing highway. The said committee are directed to procure such right of way at the earliest time practicable, and as soon as the same is secured, the Committee shall report to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, who shall notify the State Engineer and Surveyor in writing ; this notice shall be considered proof that the Board of Supervisors have complied with paragraph 7 of Chapter 115 of the Laws of IS9S. On notion of Mr. Miller the same was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Gallagher, Han- shaw, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson, Terry and Wood—r i . Noes—none. The Chairman appointed as such commiteee Messrs. Galla- gher, Corbin and Parker. The Clerk read the following petition : To the Honorable Board of Supervisors: . The undersigned petitioner, Henry J. Price, respectfully petitions to the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, N. Y., to grant to bin] a Kennel License as he is engaged in breeding thorough bred dogs, and such business cannot he conducted with financial success under the present dog tax rate. Petitioner lives and his place of business is in the Town of Ithaca, Tompkins County, N. Y., and he is responsible for any and all damage done by his dogs. He desires to raise and breed Boston Terriers, a kind which does not bother or annoy sheep. Said dogs to be kept in a yard and to be out only when accompanied by the owner or attendant. HENRY J. PRICE, Petitioner. The Supervisors' Proceedings, 190¢ 217 • By Dr. Gallagher : Resolved, That the petition of Henry J. Price be received and filed and that his application for a Kennel License be granted on the conditions con- tained in said petition, and if the terms upon which this special grant is given are observed that a tax of twenty-five cents each be assessed and col- lected on account of each and every dog he may own over four months old, and Resolvedfurllier, That this act be contained in force and effect unless the terms thereof are violated by the said Henry J. Price or until the same is repealed by the Board of Supervisors of this County. On motion of Mr. Terry the same was adopted. By Mr. Baker : Resolved, That the County Treasurer of Tompkins County be authorized to pay from any available funds in his hands a claim of $71.80 in favor of Williams Bros., of Ithaca, N. Y., against Tompkins County being for materials and labor in repairs of County property. On motion of Dr. Gallagher the same was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Gallagher, Han- shaw, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson, Terry and Wood—i 1. Noes—none. On motion the Board adjourned to 1:15 P. M. Afternoon Session Roll call. Quorum present. The Clerk read a petition by the owners of a majority o1 the lineal feet on the Catskill Turnpike from the west end of the bridge across Six Mile Creek at Slaterville Springs in an easterly direction to the County Line, a distance of 3% miles, asking for the improvement thereof under the provisions of Chapter 115 of the Laws of 1898, which on motion of Mr. Baker was received and ordered filed. 218 The Supervisors' Proceedings, rgo¢ By Dr. Gallagher : WHEREAS, On the r rth day of February, 1905, there was duly presented to this Board, pursuant to Sections 1 and 2 of Chapter 115 of the Laws of 1898, a petition from the property owners of the majority of the lineal feet fronting on the section of a certain highway situate within the County of Tompkins, and which section is herein described, setting forth that the petitioners are such owners, and asking that said section of the highway be improved under the provisions of the Act referred to ; and WRI REAS, Such description does not include any portion of the high- way within the boundaries of any city or incorporated village ; therefore Resolved, That public interest. demands the improvement under the provisions of Chapter 115 of the Laws of IS9S of the section of that public highway situate in the Town of Caroline, County of Tompkins, and de- scribed as follows : That portion of the Catskill Turnpike, so called, which extends from the west end of the bridge across Six Mile Creek where said creek passes through or adjoins the premises upon which the hotel known as the Fountain House in the Village of Slaterville Springs is constructed, in an easterly direction to the County line of the County of Tompkins, being a distance of about three and one-half :miles, the said road above described being known as a part of the Catskill Turnpike. Resolved, That the Clerk of this hoard is hereby directed to forthwith transmit a certified copy of the foregoing resolution to the State Engineer and Surveyor. On motion of Mr. Parker the sane was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Gallagher, Han- shaw, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson and Wood—ro. Noes—none. The Clerk read a petition by the property owners of a ma- jority of the lineal feet on the Creek Road beginning at its inter- section with the Town line 9f Dryden and running thence in a southeasterly direction through the hamlet of Brookton and thence in a northeasterly direction to its intersection with the Catskill Turnpike at Krutn's Corners, a distance of about 278 miles, asking that it be improved under the provisions of Chapter 115 of the Laws of 1898, which on motion of Mr. Sprigg was received and ordered filed. The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1901 219 By Dr. Gallagher : WHEREAS, On the firth day of February, 1905, there was duly presented to this Board, pursuant to Sections 1 and 2 of Chapter 115 of the Laws of 1898, a petition from the property owners of a majority of the lineal feet fronting on the section of a certain highwaysituate within the County of Tompkins, and which section is herein described, setting forth that' the petitioners are such owners, and asking that said section of the highway be improved under the provisions of the Act referred to, and WHEREAS, Such description does not include any portion of the high- way within the boundaries of any city or.incorporated village, therefore Resolved, That public interest demands the improvement under the provisions of Chapter 115 of the Laws of 1898 of the section of that public highway situate in the Town of Caroline, County of Tompkins, and de- scribed as follows : Being a part of what is known as the "Creek Road" and beginning at the intersection of said road by the south line of the Town of Dryden, and running thence in a southeasterly direction through the hamlet of Brookton ; and thence in a northeasterly direction to the inter- ' section of said "Creek Road" by the Catskill Turnpike at what is known as Krum's Corners, being a distance of two and seven -eights miles. Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to forthwith transmit a certified copy of the foregoing resolution to the State Engineer and Surveyor. On notion of Mr. Sprigg the same was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Fairbanks, Gallagher, shaw, Miller, Parker, Sprigg, Thompson, and Wood—lo. Han- Noes—none. The Minutes for the day read and approved. On motion the Board adjourned. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. 220 The Supervisors' Proceedings, [904 CLERK'S CERTIFICATE I, ‘Bert T. Baker, Clerk of the Board �f Supervisors of Tomp- kins County, do hereby certify that I have compared the fore- going Journal of the Proceedings of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County with the original record thereof and that the • same is a full and correct transcript therefrom of the transactions of said Board at the annual sessions of said Board during the year 1904, and special session of February i ith, 1905, as far as the same is required to be printed (typographical errors to be excepted.) In xVitness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand this 11th day of February, 1905. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. The Supervisors' Proceedings, ryo¢ 221 POLITICAL DIRECTORY AND GUIDE TO TOWN OFFICERS. General Election : The first Tuesday after the first Monday in November. Revised Statutes (7th Ed.), page 379. Annual Town Meeting : Second Tuesday in February, bien- nially. Section to, Article 2, Chapter 569, Laws of 1890. Annual School Meeting in Neighborhood : First Tuesday in August. Laws of 1893, Chapter 500. Annual Meeting of Board of Town Auditors, comprising the Supervisor, Town Clerk and Justices of the Peace, or any two of the said Justices : The first Thursday after the General Election, at which time all accounts for charges.and claims against their respective towns must be presented to,them for audit. 1 Re- vised Statute (7th Ed.), page 835, Laws of 1840, Chapter 305•. Amended, Laws of 1890, Chapter 569, 16o, 161, 162. Annual Meeting of the Board of Town Auditors as above designated, to examine accounts of Town Officers : On the last Tuesday preceding the annual Town Meeting to be held in each town. Laws of 1863, Chapter 172, Amended, Laws 1890, Chapter 569, 16o, 161. Annual Meeting of the Supervisors of the County as a Board of County Canvassers, first Tuesday succeeding General Elec- tion. 1 Revised Statutes (7th Ed.), page 390. Annual Meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the County : Immediately after the completion of the Canvass, or at such other times as they as a Board, shall fix. 2 Revised Statutes (7th Ed.), pages 926-931. Annual Meeting of Supervisor, Town Clerk and Justices of each Town, to designate the place in each election district in Town at which election shall be held during the year : On the .first Tuesday of September each year. Laws 1892, Chapter 680. 222 Tite Supervisors' Proceedings, 190¢ Meeting of Supervisors, Town Clerk and Assessor of each Town, for the purpose of making lists of Trial Jurors : On the first day of July of each third year after July i, 1878, at a place in the town appointed by the Supervisor, or in his absence or vacancy in office by Town Clerk ; or, if they fail to Meet on that day, they must meet as soon thereafter as practicable. Code of Civil Procedure, 1039. The next meeting for this purpose will be held 1905. TOWN OFFICERS. Each Supervisor roust execute to and deposit with the County Treasurer, a bond for the accounting of all school moneys which may come into his hands before entering upon the duties of his office. Each Supervisor must make and deliver to the Town Clerk of his town, his bond for the faithful discharge of his official duties, and to account for all moneys coming into his hands as such Supervisor. The Trustees of School Districts shall make a report to the School Commissioner between the 25th day of July and the first Tuesday in August in each year. Chapter 245, Laws 1889. The school moneys are apportioned annually by the School Commissioners on the third Tuesday in March. The Commissioners of Highways must execute a bond to the Supervisor of their town within ten days after their election. Overseers of Highways in the several Towns of the County must be appointed on the first day of March of each year. Overseers of Highways must file a statement of all unworked highway tax with the Supervisors of their respective towns on or before the first day of October. The Tax Collector or Receiver shall, within eight days after receiving notice of the amount of taxes to be collected by him, execute to the Supervisor of the town, and lodge with him, a bond in double the amount of said taxes; to be approved by the Supervisor. The Supervisor shall, within six days thereafter, file the said bond in the office of the County Clerk of this County. The Assessors must complete the Assessment Roll on or before the first day of August and leave a copy thereof with one The Supervisors' Proceedings, .1.90/ 22 of their number, and immediately thereafter cause notice thereof to be posted in three or more public places in their town or ward. "When the lines between two towns, wards, or counties, divides a farm or lot, the same shall be taxed, if occupied, in the town, ward or county where the occupant resides ; if unoccu- pied, each part shall be assessed in the town, ward, village or' county where the same shall lie." Laws 1886, Chapter 315. The Assessors shall meet on the third Tuesday in August, to review their assessments and hear the complaint of any person conceiving himself aggrieved. An affidavit to the roll by the Assessors made prior to the third Tuesday of August, is a nullity. The Assessors must deliver the corrected Assessment Roll to the Town Clerk on or before the first day of September, there to re main for a period of fifteen days for public inspection, and the Assessors shall forthwith give public notice by posting the same in at least three of the most public places in the town, or by pub- lishing the same in one or more newspapers published therein, that such Assessment Roll has been finally completed, the officer to which the same has been delivered, and the place where the same will be open to public inspection. Said fifteen days, within which any assessment may be reviewed by certiorari, shall com- mence on the day of the first publication. The Assessors cannot enter the name of a person on his roll who became a resident after the first day of July. When the Assessors, or a majority of them, shall have com- pleted their roll, they shall severally appear before any officer of the County authorized by law to administer oats, and shall sev- erally make and subscribe before such officers, an oath in the following form which must be strictly followed : "We, the undersigned, do hereby severally depose and swear that we have set down in the foregoing Assessment Roll, all the real estate situate in the town (or ward as the case may be); .ac- cording to our best information ; and that, with the exception of those cases in which the value of said real estate has been changed by reason of proof produced before us, we have estima- ted the value of the said real estate at the sums which a majority of the Assessors have decided to be the full value thereof, and also that the said Assessment Roll contains a true statement of 224 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1904 the aggregate amount of the taxable personal estate of each and every person named in such Roll, over and above the amount of debts due from such persons respectively, and excluding such stocks as are otherwise taxable, and such other property as is exempt by law from taxation, at the full value thereof according to our best judgment and belief." Which oath shall be written or printed on said roll, signed by the Assessors, and certified by the officer. Laws 1885, Chapter 364, tor. The Supervisor must report to the County Treasurer on the first Tuesday in March, the amount of school moneys remaining in his hands. Each Justice of the Peace must execute a bond with two 'sureties conditioned for the payment on demand to the proper officer all moneys received by the Justice, by virtue of his•office, which bond must be approved by the Supervisor of the town, and filed in the Town Clerk's office. Each Justice of the Peace shall make a report in writing, verified by oath, each year, bearing date the first day of Novem- ber, to the Board of Supervisors'at their annual session, in which he shall state particularly the time when, and the name of the person or persons from whom any money has been received ; and also the amount and on what account the same was received also all sums remaining due and unpaid ; and that all moneys by hint received have been paid to the officer duly empowered by law to receive the same. Each Justice of the Peace must pay all money received by him for fines, within thirty days after its receipt, to the County Treasurer. Criminal Code, Section 726. Overseers of the Poor cannot furnish supplies to a County pauper to exceed the sum of ten dollars without an order from the County Superintendent authorizing further disbursements for such purpose. All bills payable by town must be presented to the Town Auditing Board for payment. All bills for supplies furnished to County paupers must be presented to the County Superintendent of the Poor.for audit on or before November ist of each year. All bills presented to the Board of Supervisors or any Audit- The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1901 225 ing Board must be verified by oath, stating that the same are correct in every particular, and that no compensation has been received for the same, or any part thereof, except as therein stated, and presented on or before November 25th. All bills for repairs or improvements of County Real Estate must be endorsed by some member of the Committee on County Buildings ; and all bills for repairs or improvements of any other County property must be endorsed by the County officer authorizing the same before it will be audited by the Board of Supervisors. REPORT The Clerk of every incorporated village and city in the County shall report to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors on before November ist of each year -all indebtedness of such village or city, specifying for what purpose created, under what law, rate of interest and when payable. O INDEX. PAGES Assessment Rolls, Correction of 143 143 Alms House, Committees to visit 74 Report of Superintendent 187 Installation Acetylene Plant 9, 11, 114 Heating Plant inspection.. 85 Pumping Plant 12, 31, 52, 58, 78, 79, 82 Audits, County 45 Confirmation of 13 Bills, Auditing of 17 • Time for receiving extended J7 Board of Supervisors, Annual Session 15 Special Sessions 3, 8, 13, 214 Hours of each clay annual session . 17 Members 15 Table 151 Building, Joint County and City 7, 13 Committee on 7 Report of Committee 9 Bett's Highway Manuals 44, 45, 47, 66 Bank Tax 203 Caroline—Audits Budget Poll Tax 152 136 43 Report of Supervisor on Town indebtedness 24 Resolutions to raise money for Town purposes 28 Tax to work highways under money system 28 Canvass, Official, Designations for Publication of___ 41, 42 Chairman, Election of ' 15 Communication from City Clerk 104 State Engineer and Surveyor 52. Ithaca Publishing Company 72 Comptroller 19, 20 Board of Supervisors, St. Lawrence County____ 30 Rochester Herald Company 44, 66 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1901 227 Catskill Turnpike, Tax 115, 116 Clerk, election of 15 Authority to buy necessary stationery 16 Allowance for Postage____.. i6 Certificate 220 Salary _ 16 Compensation for Report to Comptroller 19 Collectors, Time required to settle with County Treasurer 67 Comptroller, Communications from 19, 20 Report on Corporations to 207 Report of Valuations to_ 204 Report on Indebtedness 205 County order, to be countersigned 20 Not to be issued until adjournment - 20 Committees, Standing ____ r8 Additional member on Committee on Superintendent of Poor . 69 County Fuel and Lights 21 Insurance County Buildings 123 Printing of Proceedings 23 Repair Clerk's Office 44 To sell property bought on Tax Sales 144 To buy supplies for Prisoners worked 31 Committee on Superintendent of Poor 144 To visit County Alms House 74 County Clerk, Report of _. _ _ 63 Office, Repairs to 6, 38, 44, 71 County Judge, Special, Petition for raise of salary 38 Salary 76, 85, 91 County, Audits 145 Bills for repairs to be endorsed 50 Budget 135 Burial Indigent Soldiers and Sailors 63 Clerk's Salary 16 Clerk's Postage 16 County Treasurer, Office Rent, etc. 25 County Treasurer's Postage____ _ 65 Contract with Monroe Co. Penitentiary.. 68 Court Expenses 84 District Attorney, Office Rent __._ 84 Fuel and Light appropriation 21 Jail Physician 53 Chaplain Alms House, Salary 88 Acetylene Gas Plant, Alms House 114 Janitor County Clerk's Office 47 Sheriff's Janitor 25 228 The • Supervisors' Proceeding -s, 190¢ Sheriff's Office Rent 86 Sheriff's compensation for taking prisoners to Rochester91 Sheriff's compensation for board of prisoners 121 Support of the Poor 125 Stone for stone yard 89 Appropriation for insurance 123 Reimburse Groton and Ithaca 117 Surrogate's and County Judge Stenographer 84 Surrogate's Clerk 85 County Farms, Committee on 12 Appropriation Williams Bros. Bill ' 217 u Danby—Audits 1S4 Budget 136 • Highway Tax 59 Poll. Tax • 57 Tax for Town Purposes 56, 59 Dryden—Audits 156 Budget 137 Bank Tax Statement 81, 203 • Highway Tax 124 Dog Tax 70 • Poll Tax 70 Tax for Town Purposes 62 Dog Tax 34, 76 District Attorney—To detain witnesses 1o6 H; Equalization Table 108 Enfield—Audits ,6o Budget 137 Highways and Bridges 22 Road Machines _ 32 Report of Supervisor on Town Indebtedness 74 Tax for Railroad Bods 85 Fuel and lights, Appropriation for 21 Committee on 21 G Grand Jury, Appointment of 34 Lists of 120 The Supervisors' Proceedings, /904 229 Good Roads, Resolution on Bond Issue 129 Petition for Iuiprovemeut,,Lake Road____.. 3 Petition for Improvement, Wyckoff Road 4 J. L. Mandeville 69, 83 Delegates to Good Roads Convention 55, 58 Petition for improvement, Catskill Turnpike 59, 217 Resolution for Survey, Lake Road 4 Resolution for Survey, \Vyckoff Road 18 Resolution for Survey, Catskill Turnpike 59 Resolution for Survey, Five Mile Drive 130 Appropriation for Spencer Road and Lake Road - 99 Appropriation for Wyckoff Road ' ioo Appropriation on Catskill Turnpike 214 Bond on Wyckoff Road 107 Catskill Turnpike Tax 115 Committee to get right of way 215 Resolution'for Survey, Creek Road 218 Groton—Audits__ _ _ 162 • Budget 138 Poll Tax. 40 Highway Tax 40 Tax for Town purposes J9 Bank Tax Statement_ _ 27, 203 Reimbursed, erroneous Tax, 1903 117 1� Highways, Commission on monies paid by Supervisors 90 1 Ithaca (City) Assessment Roll Copying 129 Budget 138 Binding Assessment Roll 126 County Treasurer for collecting Taxes 62 Distributing Proceedings 109 Services of A. S. Robinson 72 Support of the Poor 104, 105 Bank Statement 46, 203 Reimbursed, erroneous Tax of 1903 117 Ithaca (Town) Audits 164 Budget 139 Highway Tax 38 Tax for Town Purposes 33 Poll Tax 37 Kennel License 216,217 23o The Supervisors' Proceeding -s, 1901 Jail, Chaplain 90 98 State Inspector's Report Zoo Physician, Compensation of 47, 53 Election of 44, 47, 53 Register 58 Inspection by Board Lake Road, appropriation for Lansing—Audits Budget 99 166 139 Highway Tax 44 Poll Tax 40 N Newfield—Audits 168 Budget 139 Bonding Commissioners' Report 95 Highway Tax 89 Poll Tax 89 Supervisor's Report of Bonded Indebtedness 96 Tax for Railroad Bonds__.. 96 Tax for Town Purposes 76, 77 Property added assessment roll 49 O Orders, County and Town to be countersigned 20 1P Prisoners, Working of Distribution stones broken by Supplies for prisoners worked Sending to,Penitentiary IO2 73 73, 89 68 Proceedings, Bids for printing same 41 Contract for Publication .41 Distribution of 34 Number of copies 24 Resolutions for Bids and Committees 23 Printing, Bids for 112 The Supervisors' Proceedings, [901 231 Reports, Committee on installing laundry, Alms House 133 Committee on State Charitable and Penal Institutions 127 Committee on County Treasurer's Report 61 Committee on Equalization____ _ 108 Committee on Appropriations 134 Committee on Erroneous Assessments 118 Committee on Superintendent of Poor 131, 1J4 Committee on United States Fund 124 Committee on working Prisoners 88 Committee on [assurance 122 County Treasurer 174 County Clerk 63 Dryden Banks S1 Groton Banks_ 27 Ithaca Banks 46 Inspection of Jail 98, 200 Batik Tax 203 Corporations 207 Valuations, etc. 204 Indebtedness of Subdivisions of County 205 Indebtedness of Enfield 74 Indebtedness of Newfield 96 Indebtedness of Ulysses 103 Indebtedness of Caroline 24 Justice's .... 201 Superintendent of Poor 187 Sheriff's 110 Surrogate's Clerk 75 Resolutions, Appropriations and bills to lay on table 17 Death of T. S. Thompson 4 Death of Geo. J. Dixon 8 Death of Barnard M. Hagin 82 On Superintendent of Poor Report 68 Sheriff, Compensation of Janitor 25 Compensation for taking prisoners to Rochester, etc. 91 Office Rent 86 Boarding Prisoners 121 Committee to buy supplies 31 Session Laws, Designations for publication of 23, 29 Sealer of Weights and Measures 38 232 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 19.91 Superintendent of Poor, To be three Superintendents 68, 70 Report of Committee on 131, 134 Report 187 Bills to he itemized 68 Expense bill acted upon 132 Supervisors, Members _- 15 Commissions on highway monies 90 Table 151 Special County Judge, salary 76, 85, 91 T Tax Collectors, Settlement with County Treasurer 67 Dog 34, 76 County 135 Returned School Taxes reassessed 141 State 135 Rates of 144 Bank 203 Telephone Service, County offices 5, 133, 141 Thanks, vote of to Chairman 130 Clerk - 126 Town Order, to be countersigned 20 Ulysses—Audit 171 Budget_-. 140 Report of Supervisor on R. R. Bonds 103 . Tax for R. R. Bonds 104 Tax for Town Purposes 111 Highway Tax 111 Poll 'fax 117