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1903 Proceedings
OF TFJ1 C NT NT (..)IF TC)M.PKINS. Flit 2 E TER 1r, Cbairxnan, - Tacksonville, N. Y. BERT T. BARER, Clerk, _ _ _ Ithaca, N. Y. ITHACA, N. Y.: PRESS OF THE ITHACA JOURNAL. 14©3. THE JOURNAL OF PROCEEDINGS FOR TI71� %pecial anb annual %aceione for the pear t003 ..f.,,.T.1..... .1 ..... . 1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+1,,,,1`„. S PIi CIAL SESSION 1.I 1401 11.WI To Bert T. Baker, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County We, the undersigned, wish you to call a Special Meeting of the Board of Supervisors, to be held in the Supervisors' Room. in Ithaca, N. Y., at ro:oo o'clock, A. n1., Saturday, March 21st, 1903. J. 13. WILSON, Chairman. JAMI S H. HINT , JOHN C. THODIPSON, CHARLES SPRIGG, WAI. H. BAKER, EUGENE TERRY, PAUL S. LIVERMORE, JOHN J. HANSHAW, WERB CORBIN, R. N. MOUNT, W. C. GALLAGHER, B. 14 T. HAGIN, W. C. HINE. SATURDAY, MARCH 2I, 1903. . Morning Session. Board called to order by J. B. Wilson, Chairman. Roll call. Quorum present. On motion, L. F. Noxon, B. M. Hagin and W. C. Hine were appointed a committee to estimate the value of the County Build- 4 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 ings and real estate for the United States Census Bureau, which they did to the Bureau's agents there present. The object of the meeting was then stated, which was to hear the report of the committee on the feasibility of the coun- ty's becoming a bidder for the construction of the Catskill Turn- pike. • The committee, consisting of J. B. Wilson, W. H. Van Ostrand and John J. Hanshaw, appointed by 'the Board on December 20, 1902, to investigate the construction of highways under the Higbie-Armstrong Law, through their Chairman, Mr. Wilson, made their report, which consisted of voluminous figures and estimates by engineers. The committee further reporting recom- mended that after a thorough investigation of all the facts obtain- able in so short a time, that it would not be for the best interests of the County to undertake the construction of the proposed Catskill Turnpike. On motion of Mr. W. C. Hine, the report of the committee was accepted and ordered filed. On motion the Board adjourned until 2 1'. M. Afternoon Session. Roll call. Quorum present. By Mr. J. H. Hine : Resolved, That the resolution authorizing the Chairman and Clerk of this Board to make aContract with the Monroe County Penitentiary, adopt- ed by this Board on December 3oth, 1902, be rescinded. On motion the same was adopted. By Mr. J. H. Hine : Resolved, That pursuant to Section 1t of the County Law the Chairman and Clerk of this Board be instructed to continue and make a contract with the Monroe County Penitentiary for one year from the 31st day of March, The Supervisors' ,Proceedings, 1903 5 rgo3, at the rate of ($1.75) One Dollar and seventy-five cents per week each for all prisoners who shall receive a sentence of upwards of ioo days in this County, and that the Clerk attend to the publication and filing of said contract pursuant to law. On notion of Mr. Baker the same was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Hagin, Hine, J. H., 1 -line, W. C., Hanshaw, Livermore, Mount, Noxon, Gallagher, Sprigg, Terry, Thompson, Corbin.—r3. Noe s—none. By Mr. W. C. Hine : Resolved, That a committee of two he appointed by the chair to inves- tigate the working of prisoners when not employed on the highways, to get a place and have them break stones, and if found advisable that the com- mittee have the power to provide such a place. On motion the same was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Hagin, Hine, J. H., Hine, W. C., Hanshaw, Livermore, Mount, Gallagher, Sprigg, Thornpson, Corbin -1 r. Noes—Messrs. Noxon, Terry -2. The Chair names as such committee, Mr. W. C. Hine, Chas. Sprigg and John J. Hanshaw. On motion the Board adjourned. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. SPECIAL SESSION O,,,,,,11,1.1111.1.111!•1.1111.• To Bert T Baker, Clerk of The Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County : We, the undersigned, wish you to call a Special Meeting of, the Board of Supervisors, to be held in the Board of Supervisors' Rooms, in Ithaca, N. Y., at 10:00 o'clock, A. �1., Saturday, April i Sth, 1903. W. C. HINE, JOHN J. HANSHAW, CHARLES SPRIGG, J. C. THOMPSON, PAUL S. LIVERMORE, JAMES H. HINE, R. N. MOUNT, W. C. GALLAGHER, WM. FI. BAKER, B. M. HAGIN, EUGENE TERRY, WEBB CORBIN, L. P. NOXON. SATURDAY, APRIL 18, 1903. Board called to order by J. B. Wilson, Chairman. Roll call. Quorum present. Call for the Special Meeting read by the Clerk. The object of the meeting stated by W. C. Hine, Chairman of the committee on Jail Labor, the object of the meeting being to hear and act upon the report of that committee on their inves- tigations for the working of the prisoners. By Mr. Hanshaw : WFIEREAs. The committee on procuring a site for a suitable building and stone yard report and recommend the purchase of the site as reported by our Chairman, W. C. Hine, be it therefore The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 7 Resolved, That we purchase the site located on West State Street, second lot east of Lehigh Valley R. R. on south side of State Street, with a 6o foot frontage on State street extending south to the Inlet or canal, for the sum of $1500.00, payable March rst, 1904, at 5 per cent interest from June 1st, 1903. Be it further Resolved, That the I inance Committee be instructed and empowered to secure Mr. H. V. Bostwick for the sum of $1500.0o as above stated. On motion of Mr. Baker, the sarne was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Hine, J. H., Hine, W. C., Hanshaw, Livermore, Gallagher, Sprigg, Thompson -8. Noes—Messrs. Hagin, Mount, Noxon, Terry, Corbin -5. On motion the Board adjourned. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. SPECIAL SESSION To Berl T. Baker, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County We, the undersigned, wish you to call a Special Meeting of the Board of Supervisors, to be held in the Board of Supervisors' Rooms, in Ithaca, N. V., at Io.o0 o'clock, A. M., Saturday; April 25th, 1903. W. C. HINE, CHARLES SPRIGG, L. F. NOXON, R. N. MOUNT, JOHN J. HANSHAW, EUGENE TERRY, B. M. HAGIN, W EBB CORBIN, J. C. THOMPSON, PAUL S. LIVERMORE, W. C. GALLAGHER, WM. H. BAKER, J. H. PINE. SATURDAY, APRIL, 25, 1903. Board called• to order by J. B. Wilson, Chairman. Roll call. Null Board' Present. The object of the meeting was stated by Mr. W. C. Bine, which was to pass the necessary resolutions to complete the pur- chase of the lot of H. V. Bostwick. By Mr. W. C. Hine : . WHEREAS, The County of Tompkins has purchased of Hermon V. Bostwick and Eerily D. Bostwick his wife, certain lands and premises situa- ted in the city of Ithaca, for the use and benefit of said County and for the agreed price of One Thousand Five Hundred Dollars, which said suer is to be paid to the said Hermon V. Bostwick on the rst day of March, r9o4, with interest thereon from the date hereof at the rate of five per cent per annum which said agreement to pay shall consist of two promissory notes, one for The Suftervisorr' Proceedings, 1903 9 -the sum of Eight Hundred Dollars and one for the sum of Seven Hundred Dollars. Therefore he it Resolved, That the County of Tompkins be and the same is hereby •authorized and empowered to execute and deliver to the said Hermon V. Bostwick promissory notes for the sum of One Thousand Five Hundred Dollars as security for the payment of the purchase price of said lands and -premises so this day purchased of the said Hermon V. Bostwick and Emily .D. Bostwick his wife. Resolved, That William H. Van Ostrand, Jesse B. Nilson and'Barnard 'M. Hagin, constituting the Finance Committee of the County of Tompkins, be, and they hereby are authorized and empowered in the name of and on the credit of said County to execute and deliver to the said Hermon V. Bostwick, two promissory notes, one for the sum of Eight Hundred Dollars and one for the sum of Seven Hundred Dollars, each payable on the first -day of March, 1904, at the rate of interest of four per cent per annnm,which said notes shall each be made payable at the First National Bank of the •City of Ithaca, N. V. Said notes or obligations shall be signed and execut- ed by the said William H. Van C3strand, Jesse B. Nilson and Barnard M. Hagin, in the name of and for said County of Tompkins. The said William H. Van Ostrand, Jesse B. Wilson and Barnard M. Hagin shall not negotiate the said notes or obligations at less than the par value thereof, and said notes when duly executed, shall be delivered to the said Hermon V. Bostwick. • Resolvcd, That prior to the issuing and negotiation of said notes or obligations the said William H. Van Ostrand, Jesse B. Wilson and Bar- nard M. Hagin, execute, acknowledge and deliver to this Board, by placing .on file with its Clerk, a bond in the penal sum of three thousand dollars with two or more sureties or with 4i duly incorporated insurance company authorized by law to execute bonds of such character, the sureties to justify •in the aggregate sum of three thousand dollars, the said bond as to its sureties, form and manner of execution to be approved by the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County. The condition of said bond shall be for the faithful performance of their duty in issuing the same and the lawful execution of the funds arising therefrom, and of the funds which may be raised by taxes for the payment thereof which may come into their hands. . Resolved, That the aforesaid notes or obligations shall be in the follow- ing form, except as to the amount of each, respectively, and the blank therein shall be filled in with the amount of each note, according to the provisions of the foregoing resolutions, to -wit : • i o The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 ITHACA, N. Y., APRIL 25, 1903. The County of Tompkins hereby acknowledges itself indebted and promises to pay to I-Iermon V. Bostwick, or order, the sung of _ _ - dollars on the 1st clay of March, 1904, at the First National Bank, at the City of Ithaca, New York, with interest thereon from date hereof, at the rate of four per cent per annual. This note of obligation is issued and given for the purpose of securing the payment of certain lands and premises this day conveyed by the said Hermon V. Bostwick and wife, to the County of Tompkins and in pursuance of Sections 11 and 14 of the County Law and resolutions of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County passed at a Special Session held April 25, 1903, and the good faith and credit of said County are hereby pledged for the payment of this obligation. IN \V.1T.1$ss WHERE01:, The said County has caused this obligation to be signed by the Finance Committee of the said County. Finance Committee. Resolved, That there shall be assessed and levied upon the taxable prop- erty of the County of Tompkins in the year 1903, the sum of one thousand five hundred dollars to pay the principal of the obligations falling due March 1, 1904, and also such other sum as may be necessary to raise and pay the interest on said sutra at four per cent from the 25th day of April, 1903, to the 1st day of March, 1904. On motion the same was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Hagin, Hine, J. H., Hine, W. C., Hanshaw, Livermore, Mount, Noxon, Gallagher, Sprigg, Terry, Thompson, Corbin -13. Noes --none. By Mr. J. H. Hine : Resolved, That the bond as to form and sureties be approved and filed with the Clerk. On motion the same was adopted. The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 i i By Mr. W. C. Hine : , Resolved, That the stones broken by the prisoners be distributed until the next annual session of this Board to the Towns of the County free of charge, except the transportation, to those towns who make application for the crushed stones will use them on their main thoroughfares. On motion the same was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Hagin, Hine, J. H., Hine, W. C., Hanshaw, Livermore, Noxon, Gallagher, Sprigg, Thompson—ro. Noes—Messrs. Mount, Terry, Corbin -3. On motion the Board adjourned. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. TEE ANNUAL SESSION -1903 The Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins met in Annual Session at their rooms in the Court House at the City of Ithaca, N. Y., on Wednesday, November I Ith, 1903, and was called to order by Bert T. Baker, Clerk of the preceding Board. All the members responded to their names as follows : TOWN NAME P. 0. ADDRESS Caroline -_WM. C. GALLAGHER__Slaterville Springs Danby -_ WM. H. BAKER -_--Danby Dryden Ct'EBB CORRIN___ -____R. F. D., Freeville Enfield .--- -- ----__-- -----_JAMES H. HINT~____R. F. D., Newfield Groton•_--.____-.-__R. N. MOUNT`--------------- Groton Ithaca (Town)___JOHN J. HANSHAW_-- _Ithaca Ithaca (City) . _ L. F. NOXON ______.______ _ Ithaca Ithaca (City) ____ ____ ____ ______WILLIS C. HIND,_ ___ ____Ithaca Ithaca (City) -___ ____ ____ _ CHARLES SPR[GG_____ _-.__ ___.___ _Ithaca Ithaca (City) _ PAUL 5. LIVERMORE_ ____ ____ ___- Ithaca Lansing _ B. M. HAGIN_____.. ____ ____South Lansing Ulysses ______ _ EUGENE TERRY____ ____ ____ Ithaca On motion of Mr. Hanshaw of the Town of Ithaca, Mr. Liv- ermore was chosen temporary chairman. The Chair appointed Charles Sprigg and Eugene Terry as tellers. Moved by Mr. J. H. Hine that the Board proceed to an in- formal ballot for chairman. Carried. The ballot was taken, and the whole number of votes cast for chairman were 12, of which 14 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 R. N. Mount received B. M. Hagin received Eugene Terry received Moved to proceed to a formal ballot for chairman. Carried. 2 7 12 Mr. Terry withdrew as teller and the Chair appointed Mr. J. H. Hine. Ballot taken and whole number of votes cast for chairman were 12, of which Eugene Terry received____ 7 B. M. Hagin received r R. N. Mount received ..___• 4 12 On motion of Mr. Mount, Mr. Terry's election was made unanimous. Motion by Mr. Mount that the chairman cast one ballot as the unanimous choice of the Board for Bert T. Baker for the office of Clerk of the Board for the ensuing year. Carried. The ballot was cast and the Chair declared Bert T. Baker elected Clerk of the Board for the ensuing year. By Mr. J. H. Hine : Resolved, That the Clerk be authorized to procure the necessary sta- tionery for the use of the Board. On motion the same was adopted. Motion to adjourn until Thursday at 2 P. M. Carried. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. The Supervisors' Proceedings, rgo3 15 SECOND DAY THURSDAY, NOVEMBER C2, 1903. Afternoon Session Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of yesterday read and approved. By Mr. Hanshaw Resolved, That the Salary of the Clerk for the ensuing year be $r75, the same as last year. Or► motion the sante was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Hagin[Hine, J. H., Hine, W. C., Hanshaw, Mount, Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson -8. Noes—none. By Mr. J. H. Hine : Resolved, That the Clerk be allowed $15 for postage for the ensuing year. On motion the sante was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Hagin, Hine, J. H., Hine, W. C., Hanshaw, Mount, Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson ---8. Noes—none. By Mr. Noxon : Resolved, That unless otherwise ordered there he no session of the Board on Saturday of each week. On notion the sante was adopted. 16 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 By Mr. Corbin : Resolved, That unless otherwise ordered the sessions of this Board com- mence at 9 A. M. and 2 P. M. On tnotion of Mr. J. H. Hine the same was adopted. By Mr. W. C. Hine : That the hour from 3 to 4 each afternoon be devoted to auditing bills by this Board. On motion of Mr. Haushaw the same was adopted. By Mr. Thompson : Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board be allowed the sunt of $25 in: compensation for making the report to the Comptroller as required by law. On motion of DIr. Mount the same was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Hagin, Hine, J. H., Hine, W. C., Hanshaw, Livermore, Mount, Noxoti, Gallagher, Sprigg,. Thompson, Corbin -12. Noes—none. The Clerk read the following communication from the Comp- troller, which on motion of Mr. J. H. Hine, was received and ordered printed in the minutes : STATE OF NEW YORK, COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE, ALBANY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1903. To the Chairman of The Board of Supervisors of The. County of Tompkins, Ilhaca, N. Y.: The Board of Equalization of Taxes, in pursuance of Chapter gob of the Laws of 1896, have fixed the aggregate valuation of property in your County at the sum of $15,726,852 oo upon which amount a State tax of $2,044 49 must The Supervisors' Proceeding -s, ryoy 17 be levied for the fiscal year commencing October ist, 1903, as provided in said act, being 13-10o mills, on the dollar, for the canal debt sinking fund, per Chapter 641, Laws of 1903. Yours respectfully, O'i"ro KELSEY, Deputy Comptroller. STATE OF NEW YORK, COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE, ALBANY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1903. To Clerk Board of Supervisors, County of Tompkins SIR : In addition to the State Tax of 13-10o mills directed to be levied as per circular front this office, dated September 15th, amounting to $2,044.49, the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins is hereby required to • raise the suni of $r,154 09 for compensation to September 3o, 1904, of the stenographers of the Supreme Court in the Sixth Judicial District, as authorized by Sections 258 and 259 of the Code of Civil Procedure ; and of the confidential clerks appointed by the Justices of the Supreme Court pursuant to Chapter 326, Laws of 1898. By Mr. Thompson : Resolved, That all county orders shall be countersigned by the chair- man of the Board of Supervisors, and all town orders shall be signed by the Supervisors of the respective towns, and that no order shall be issued until after the adjournment of this Board. Respectfully yours, NATHAN L. MILLER, Comptroller. On motion of Mr. Livermore the sante was adopted. By Mr. Baker : .Resolved, That resolutions carrying appropriations of money, except those in accordance with the actions of the Boards of the several towns and fixed salaries, shall not be acted upon until twenty-four hours after the reading of the saute. Also that no bill shall be audited until it shall have r8 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1-903 laid on the table for the same length of time, except service bills of members of this Board. On motion of Mr. W. C. Hine the same was adopted. The Clerk read a communication from the New York State Conference of Charities and Correction, asking the Board to name a delegate to their convention, November loth, which on motion, was laid on the table. Chairman Terry announced the following committees Constables' Accounts, Sprigg, Thompson, Noxon. Clerk's and Justices' Accounts, Hanshaw, Hine, W. C., Sprigg. Coroners', Coroners' Juries' and Printers' Accounts, Mount, Corbin, Hagin. County Treasurer's Accounts, Thompson, Livermore, Hine, J. H. Sheriff's, Judge's and District Alfoney's Accounts, Hine, W. C., Mount, Hine, J. H. Aliscellaneous Claims, Gallagher, Sprigg, Corbin. Jurisprudence and Erroneous Assessments, Hagin, Thompson, Livermore. Equalization and Tooting Assessment Rolls, Hine, J. H., Hagin, Baker, Thompson, Mount, Noxon, Hanshaw. Superintcizdent of the Poor, Corbin, Gallagher, Baker. Appropriations and County Buildings, Baker, Livermore, Hine, W. C., Hanshaw. U. S. Deposit and Insurance, Noxon, Corbin, Mount. State Charitable and Penal Institutions, Livermore, Gallagher, Hansbaw. On motion the Board adjourned. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. The ,Sufervisors' Proceeding -s, 1903 THIRD DAY F'RII)AY, NOVEMBER 13, 1903. Morning Session Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of Thursday read and approved. The Clerk read a report by A. F. Howard, assessor of the 'Town of Groton, on the banks of the Town of Groton, subject to taxation, which on motion of Mr. Baker was received and ordered -printed in the minutes. 19 To the Board of Supervisors CN:NTL O EN :—From verified statements rendered to me by the First National Bank of Groton and the Mechanics Bank of Groton, doing business in the Town of Groton, N. Y., which are subject to taxation under the pro- vision of Chapter 55o, an Act to amend the Tax Law, I have determined the value of each share of stock to be as follows : THE FIRST NATIONAL, RANK OP GROTON I,000 shares capital stock, par value $1oo,00o 00 Surplus ____-- _-- 20,000 00 Undivided profits____.__ 35,8t8 49 Total $155,818 49 Less real estate ____ -___ 13i65o 00 1,o0o shares of $r42.16849 - $142,168 49 MFCHAN[CS' IIANK OF GROTON -500 shares $50.000 00 Surplus _ 30,000 00 Uudivided Profits. 9,437 99 Total- $89,437 99 No real estate soo shares at $178.87-1- -- _ $89437 99 _Dated Groton, N. Y., June 9, 1903. A. N. HOWARD, Chairman of the Board of Assessors. 20 Tiie Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 The Clerk read a communication from Edward A. Bond, State Engineer and Surveyor, relative to road improvement and the adoption by the Board of a neap accompanying the communi- cation as a County Road Map; which on notion of Mr. Mount, was received and ordered filed. The Clerk read the following report by Mr. Gallagher, Super- visor, on the indebtedness of the Town of Caroline, which on motion of Mr. Baker, was received, ordered. filed and printed in the minutes : To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County GENT1 EMEN :—The undersigned, Supervisor of the Town of Caroline in said County, in compliance with Sections 210 and 211 of the Town Law, respectfully reports, That the indebtedness of the Town of Caroline aforesaid, contracted by authority of resolutions passed by the Board of Supervisors at a Special Session held by said Board January fith, 1902, authorizing said Town to borrow eight thousand dollars or less to repair damage done to the roads and bridges of said Town by the flood of December tit's, tcoi, is as follows : The total principal indebtednes at date of this report is six thousand dollars__ __ ____ ____ __ __ ____ ____ ______ _ $6,000 00 The notes or obligations which have been given for the same are as follows : One note to the Ithaca Savings Bank, dated March ist, 1902, bearing annual interest at 4 per cent, and to mature March ist, 1904 _ $2,000 00 One note to the Ithaca Savings Bank, dated March 1st, 1902, bearing annual interest at 4 per cent, and to mature March 1st, 19o5____ _ 2,000 00 One note to the Ithaca Savings Bank, dated September 171,11, 1902, with interest at 4 per cent, payable March ist each year, said' note to mature March 1st, 19062,000 00 Total ___ _ $6,000 00 The amount to be provided to meet payments coating due March ist,. 1904, is as follows : The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 21 Principal of one note - $2,0oo 00 Interest on six thousand dollars from March 1st, 1903, to March 1st, 1904 240 00 Total _-- $2,240 o0 Dated, November 13, 1903. Respectfully submitted, WM. C. GALLAGHER, Supervisor. By Mr. Gallagher : Resolved, That in accordance with resolutions adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Caroline, there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of said Town the several sums asked for as per said resolutions as follows : At a meeting of the Town Board of Town of Caroline held at Town Clerk's Office, Brookton, November 5th, 1903, the fol- lowing resolutions were adopted : Resolved to raise $rho by tax for support of the poor for ensuing year. Resolved to raise $500 by tax for bridges for ensuing year as allowed by statute. Resolved to raise $750 by tax to pay money borrowed by Town Board for repair of creeks and bridges. Resolved to raise $2,000 by tax to pay a note given to Ithaca Savings Bank, which matures March 1st, 1904. Resolved to raise $240 by tax to pay interest on $6,000 from March 1st, 1903, to March 1st, 1904. Resolved to raise $20 by tax for Memorial Day service. Resolved to raise $r5 by tax to purchase books for use of town officers. Resolved to raise $.00z on each $1 valuation or $1,770.20 for improve- ment of highways for ensuing year. I hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy of the original on file in my office. Dated November Loth, 1903. GEO. H. RICHARDSON, Town Clerk. 22 _ The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 On motion of Mr. J. H. Hine the same was received and the amounts ordered levittd and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Caroline. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hiue, J. H., Hine, W. C., Livermore, Mount, Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson -12. Noes—none. On motion, the Chair appointed Mr. Mount and Mr. 3. H. Hine a committee to investigate why the Bell Telephone Com- pany have failed to install a phone in the rooms of the Board. On motion the Board adjourned. Afternoon Session. Mr. Mount in chair. Roll call. Quorum present. The Clerk read the following designations : In pursuance of Section 19 of Chapter 686 of the Laws of 1892, as amended by Chapter 349 of the Laws of 1898, as amended by Chapter 400 of the Laws of two, we, the Republican members of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, do hereby designate the Ithaca Journal as the official paper for publishing the Session Laws and concurrent resolutions of the Legislature required by law to be published. Igor as per said resolutions as follows : CHAS. SPRIGG, R. N. MOUNT, • W. C. GALLAGHER, B. 1'1. HAGIN, WAI. H. BARER. WEBB CORBIN, PAUL S. LIVERMORE.. In pursuance of Section 19 of Chapter 689 of the Laws of 1902 as amended by Chapter 349 of the Laws of iS98, we, the Democratic members of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, do Hereby designate the The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 23 Ithaca Daily News as the official paper for publishing the Session Laws and concurrent resolutions of the Legislature required by law to be published.. WILLIS C. HINE, JOHN C. THOMPSON, EUGENE TERRY, L. F. NOYON, JOHN J. HANSHAW, JAMES H. HINE. On motion of Mr. Corbin the same were adopted and placed on file. F. D. Lyon of Binghamton was given the privilege of the floor and spoke relative to road improvement and the advisability of the County's making petitions for the improvements of its high- ways under the Higbie-Armstrong Act, and urged the Board to pass a resolution asking the Congressman from this District to support the Brownlow Act, which will give federal aid. On Motion the Board adjourned until Monday at JO A. 1 . BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. FOURTH DAY MONDAY, NovEAin1;1t 16, 1903. Morning Session '1r. Mount in chair. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of Friday read and approved. The Clerk read a report by the Assessors of the Town of Dryden on the First National Bank of Dryden subject to taxation, 24 The Suftervisors' Proceedings, 1943 which on motion of Mr. Baker was received and ordered printed in the minutes. To the Honorable Supervisor of the Town of Dryden : From a verified statement rendered to us by the First National Bank of Dryden doing business in the Village of Dryden, N. V., which is subject to taxation under the provisions of Chapter 550, an Act to amend the Tax Laws relating to the taxation of stockholders of banks and banking institu- tions, we have determined the value of'each share of stock as follows : 250 shares of capital stock, par value _____- S25,00a o0 Surplus 500 00 Undivided profits 302 92 $25,802 92 Real estate-_-___ -_-- I,2oS 75 Total ---- - $24.594 17 1%24,594.17 � 250=9S,374 par value of each share of stock. A. C. SCOTT, A. A. SAGER, H. W. SCOFIELD, Assessors. Dr. Gallagher presented the Town Audits of the Town of Caroline which, on motion of• Mr. Baker were received and the amount ordered levied and collected upon the taxable property of the Town of Caroline. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hattshaw, Hine, J. H., Hine, W. C., Livermore, Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson —11. Noes—none. Mr. Hanshaw presented ihe'Town Audits of the Town of Ithaca, which on motion of Mr. Livermore were received and the amount ordered levied and collected from the taxable prop- erty of the Town of Ithaca. T/ie Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 25 Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, J. H., Hine, W. C., Livermore, Noxon, Sprigg, Thomp- son—ii. Noes—cone. By Mr. Hanshaw Resolved, That in accordance with a resolution passed by the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca, on the fifth day of November, 1903, there be collected by tax : The sum of $25o for highways and bridges. The sum of $25 for the support of the poor. The sum of $ro for Memorial Day. On motion of Mr. J. H. Hine, the amounts were ordered levied and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Ithaca. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, J. H., Hine, W. C., Livermore, Noxon, Sprigg, Thomp- son—, 1. Noes—none. On ,notion the Board adjourned. -Afternoon Session Mr. Mount in chair. Roll call. Quorum present. By Mr. Sprigg \VHRREAs, The chairman of this hoard has incurred the loss of a brother, which we all deeply regret, be it Resolved, That this Board tender to Mr. Terry their sympathy and condolence in his deep bereavement. 26 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 On motion of Mr. Baker the same was adopted and ordered spread on the minutes. Dr. Gallagher, chairman of the Committee on Miscellaneous. Claims, reported favorably on the following bills: Nos. 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 12, 13, 19, 20 and 2I. Laid on the table under the rule. On motion the Board adjourned. BERT T. BAKER,. Clerk. FIFTH DAY TUESDAY, NovEmiutx 17, 1903. Morning Session • Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of Monday read and approved. By Mr. Livermore : Resolved, That there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the City of Ithaca the sum of $L t6.00 for services rendered as set forth in the annexed bill by A. S. Robinson in making descriptions of property of delinquent tax payers of the City of Ithaca in accordance with the provisions of the tax law, as follows : THR COUNTS' oB TOMPKINS NOVEMBER 16, 1903. To A. S. ROBINSON, DR. To searching records of deeds, etc., transcribing descriptions, and locat- ing property in the City of Ithaca to be sold for unpaid taxes in 1903. Total of days 58 at $z.00 per day _ ____ $116 00 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 19o3 27 STAT13 OF NEW YORK, i , S. 'TOUPKINS COUNTY, r A. S. Robinson being dilly sworn says that the foregoing and annexed account is in all respects just and true, and that no part thereof has been paid, and that there are no offsets to the same. A. S. ROBINSON. Sworn to before me this 16111 day of November, l9o3. EDWARD H. FREAK, Justice of the Peace. By Mr. FIagin Resolved, That the chairman of this Board appoint a committee of one member of the Board to provide fuel and lights, for the County Buildings for the year 1904. On motion of Mr. Baker the saute was adopted. The chairman appointed as such committee, Charles Sprigg. Charles Sprigg, as the committee to provide the fuel and lights for the County buildings for the past year, made his report showing that the appropriation for the past year was insufficient, and that the expenditure has exceeded the appropriation by about $258.00. Mr. W. C. Hine, as chairman of the committee for work- ing of the prisoners made the following report, which on motion of IIr. Baker was received and ordered printed in the minutes : ITHACA, N. Y. Nov1:a11ii n 17, 1903. '!'o the Board of Supervisors : As chairman of committee on county prisoners, I make the following report: 1 find that the number of days work from January 1st, to the present time is 974, the average number of prisoners working per day for 189 days is g/. They have made several miles of good roads, which were in very bad condition, as follows : Lansing Road, Teeter Hill, Boulevard, and other smaller jobs, that have been appreciated very much by the people 28 The Supervisors' Proceedings, zgos at large and especially by the citizens of Ithaca. There have been about �o toris of stone delivered at the stone yard at 35'cents per ton. In addition to the above work, the prisoners have put in a concrete floor in cellar under Court House, making room for a year's supply of coal, and have also repaired and made stone yard ready for actual use and it is in operation at the present time. Respectfully submitted, W. C. HINE. \lotion carried that the Board visit the stone yard this afternoon at 2 P. nt. By Mr. Hanshaw : Resolved, that the sum of three hundred and fifty dollars ($J5o.00) be .allowed the sheriff of this county to pay for services of janitor and engineer of Court House and jail for the ensuing year. Laid on the table under the rule. By A1r. Sprigg Resolved, That there be levied and collected upon the taxable property of the County of Tompkins the sum of one thousand, eight hundred dollars .($r,5oo.00) for the purchasing of fuel and lights for 1903 and rgo4. Laid on the table under the rule. By Mr. Sprigg : Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed by the chairman to procure bids for the printing of the necessary number of copies of the Pro- ceedings of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County. That they accept only sealed bids for the same and that no bids be considered except 'those that come through the hands of the said committee. On motion of Mr. J. H. Hine the sante was adopted. The Chair named as such committee Messrs. Sprigg, J. H. Hine and Thompson. Mr, Hagin presented the Town Audits of the Town of Lan- sing, which on motion of Mr. Hanshaw were received and the The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 29 atuonnt ordered levied and collected upon the taxable property of the Town of Lansing. Ayes ---Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, J. H., Hine, W. C., Mount, Sprigg, Thompson—io. Noes—none. By Mr. Corbin : Resolved, Tliat the County Treasurer be allowed the SUM of one hun- dred dollars ($, ioo.00) for office rent, fuel and lights from January 1st, 1904, to January 1st, 1905. Laid on the table under the rule. On motion the Board adjourned. Afternoon Session Roll call. Quorum present. Mr. Hanshaw, chairman of the Committee on Clerk's and Justices' Accounts, reported favorably on Bills Nos. 8 and 28, which were Iaid on the table under the rule. Mr. Mount, chairman of the Committee on Coroner's and Printers' Accounts, reported favorably on Bills Nos. 5 and to, which were laid on the table under the rule. Dr. Gallagher, chairman of the Committee on Miscellaneous Claims, reported favorably on Bills Nos. 4, 16, 17, 26 and 27, which were ]aid on the table under the rule. On notion of Mr. J. H. Hine Bill No. t was ordered audited at the full amount as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, J. H., Hine, W. C., Livermore, Mount, Noxon, Sprigg, Thom pso n-1 2. Noes—none. 3o The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 On motion of Mr. W. C. Hine Bill No. 2 was audited at the full amount as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hag -in, Hanshaw, Hine, J. H., Hine, W. C., Livermore, Mount, Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson—I2. Noes—none. On motion of Mr. Livermore Bill No. 3 was ordered audited at the full amount as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Magill, Hanshaw, Hine, J. H., Hine, 'V. C., Livermore, Mount, Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson—I2. Noes—none. On motion of AIr. J. H. Hine Bill No. 6 was ordered audited at the full amount as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, J. H., Hine, W. C., Livermore, Mount, Noxon, Sprigg, ThoInpson— I 2. Noes—none. On motion of Mr. Hanshaw, Bill No. 7 was ordered audited at the full amount as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Hagin, Gallagher, Hanshaw, Hine, J. H., Hine, W. C., Livermore, Mount, Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson—I2. Noes—none. On motion of Mr. Mount, Bill No. 9 was ordered audited at the full amount as recommended by the committee. Ayers—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Han- shaw, Hine, J. H., Hine, W. C., Livermore, Mount, Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson—I2. Noes—none. The Supervisors' Proceedings, i 9Q 31 On motion of Mr. Noxon, Bill No. 12 was ordered audited at the full amount as recommended by the committee. • Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, J. H., Hine, W. C., Livermore, Mount, Noxon, Thomp- son, Sprigg—I2. Noes—none. On motion of Mr. J. H. Hine, Bill No. 13 was ordered aud- ited at the full amount as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hinshaw, Hine, J. H., Hine, W. C., Livermore, Mount, Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson -12. Noes—none. On motion of Mr. Noxon, Bill No. 19 was ordered audited at the full amount as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, J. H., Hine, W. C., Livermore; Mount, Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson—I 2. Noes—none. On motion of Mr. Hanshaw Bill No. zo was ordered audited at the full amount as recommended by the committee. Ayes- Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, J. H., Hine, W. C., Livermore, 'Mount, Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson ---i 2, Noes—none. On motion of Mr. Noxon Bill No. z i was ordered audited at the full amount as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, J. H., Hine, W. C., Livermore, Mount, Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson—i 2. Noes—none. 32 The Supervisors' .Proceedings, 1903 Superintendent Bower of the County Alms House appeared before the Board and tendered to the Board of Supervisors an invitation to inspect the County Alms House and take dinner with him and Mrs. Bower on Thursday, November igth. On motion of Mr. ,Baker the same was accepted. By Mr. Hanshaw : Motion that the Chair appoint a committee to secure conveyances for the transportation of the Board to the County Alums House. Carried. The Chair appointed as such committee Mr. Hanshaw and Mr. Baker. By Messrs. W. C. Hine, Sprigg and I-Ianshaw : Resolved, That an appropriation of two hundred fifty dollars ($25o.00) be made for the purpose of purchasing stone for the Tompkins County Stone Yard. Laid on the table under the rule. By Mr. W. C. Hine : Resolved, That resolutions carrying appropriations of moneys in which the city and the several towns are affected shall not be acted upon until twenty-four hours after the first reading. On motion the same was adopted. By Dr. Gallagher : . Resolved, That on the 21st day of December, 1903, the Board of Super- visors shall elect a Jail Physician who shall give all persons confined in the County Jail such care, attention and medicine as they shall need. That his compensation shall be fifty dollars and that no other bills shall be paid for such services. These services shall be rendered from Jannary 1, 1904, to January 1, 1go5. On motion the same was adopted. On motion the Board adjourned. I3ERT T. BAKER, Clerk. The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 SIXTH DAY WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1903. Morning Session Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of.Tuesday read and approved. 33 On motion the Board adjourned to the County Clerk's Office to meet as a Board of Canvassers. Afternoon Session RoI! call. Quorum present. By Mr. Mount : Resolved, That the consideration of all bills and resolutions carrying appropriations introduced Monday he deferred until Friday. Carried. By Mr. Thompson : WHKar;As, The members of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County feel the necessity of curtailing expenses as much as possible and that there can be a decided saving by purchasing fuel in large quantities, be it Resolved, That the committee appointed solicit bids for fuel in lots of too tons or more as this committee may deem necessary, and that the com- mittee he instructed to consider the County only in considering such bids. On motion of Mr. W. C. I-Iine the same was adopted. By Mr. Baker : Resolved, That for the next terra of the County Clerk his bond be fixed at the sum of five thousand ($5,000) dollars. On motion of Mr. Livermore the same was adopted. 34 The Supervisors' Proceeding -s, 1903 On motion the Board adjourned to the County Clerk's Office to meet as a Board of Canvassers. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. SEVENTH DAY THURSDAY, Novr:ni1n R 19, 1903. Morning Session Mr. J. H. Hine in chair. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of Wednesday read and approved. On motion the Board adjourned to reconvene at the County Alms House. Tlie Board arrived at the County Alms House at 11:45 o'clock and proceeded to examine the farm buildings, live stock and farm products. The buildings and water supply were also inspected by the members of the Board. After which Mr. and Mrs. Bower served dinner to the mem- bers of the Board. On motion the Board adjourned to meet at their rooms Friday morning at 9 o'clock. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 EIGHTH DAY FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1903. Morning Session Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of Thursday read and 'approved. Mr. J. H. Hine presented the Town Audits of the Town of Enfield, which were laid on the table under the role. Mr. Corbin presented the Town Audits of the Town of Dry- den, which were laid on the table under the rule. Mr. Baker presented the Town Audits of the Town of Danby, which were laid on the table under the rule: 35 The Clerk read the following statements from the Assessor of the City of Ithaca on the banks of said City subject to taxation, which on motion of Mr. Mount were received and ordered printed in the minutes : To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County : GENTI,E BN—From verified statements rendered to me by the First National Bank of Ithaca, N. Y., doing business in the City of Ithaca and subject to taxation under provisions of Chapter 55o, an act to amend the Tax Law relating to the taxation of stockholders of banks and banking institu- tions, I have determiner) the value of each share of stock as follows : FIRST NATIONAL, BANK 2.500 shares capital stock, par value Surplus Undivided profits. Tota 2,50o shares at $134.1538 per share_ November to, 1903. $250,000 00 50,000 00 35,354 00 $335,384 00 $335,354 00 JASON P. MF.,RRILL Assessor City of Ithaca, N. Y.. 36 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County : G8NTr,r.mEN---From verified statements rendered to me by the Tomp- kins County National Bank of Ithaca, N. I'., doing business in the City of Ithaca and subject to taxation under the provisions of Chapter 55o, an act to amend the Tax Law relating to the taxation of stockholders of banks and banking institutions, I have determined the value of each share of stock as follows : TO1MPKINS COUNTY NATIONAL, BANK r,000 shares capital stock, par value____.. _ __ - $100,000 00 Surplus _____- Ico,000 00 Undivided profits_ _.-__ _ 25,15o 23 $225,150 23 Less real estate included in capital stock 15,000 00 Total _ $210,150 23 1,000 shares at $21o.15023 per share $210,150 23 November 10, 1903. JASON P. MERRILL, Assessor City of Ithaca, N. V. By Mr. W. C. Hine : Resolved, That no bill for repairs or improvements of county real estate be audited by this Board unless endorsed by some member of the Com- mittee on County Buildings, and that no bill for repairs or improvements of any other County property be audited by this Board unless endorsed by some County officer authorizing the same. • On motion of Mr. Thompson, the salve was adopted. By Mr. J. H. Hine : Resolved, That the sutn of ($25o) two hundred and fifty dollars be levied and assessed against the property of the Town of Enfield, for the repairs of highways and bridges in said town as allowed by statute. Laid on the table under the rule. By Mr. Baker. Resolved, That the Board act ou all bills reported favorably by each committee each day collectively instead of on each bill. The Supervisors' Proceedings, /903 37 On motion the sauce was adopted. By Mr. J. H. Hine : Resolved, That a committee of two be appointed by the Chairman to inspect the County Alms House at least twice during the coming year. On motion of Mr. Baker the same was adopted. The Chairman appointed as such committee, J. H. Hine and Mr. Mount. By Mr, J. H. Hine : WHI;]t]:A5 the statute allows the Board of Supervisors to fix the date when overseers of highways shall be appointed in the several towns of the County, therefore Resolved, That such appointment be made on the first Tuesday in March of each year. On motion of Mr. Corbin the same was adopted. 13y Mr. Hanshaw : Resolved, That in accordance with the action taken by the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca, that there be levied and collected from the taxable property of Road Districts Nos, it and 37, the sum of thirty dollars and sixteen cents ($3o.16) and on Road District No. 43, the sum of sixty-six dollars and sixty-nine cents ($66.69) making a total of ninety-six dollars and eighty-five cents ($96.85) for payment of road machines purchased for and by said districts. Laid on 'the table under the rules. By Mr. Hagin : Resolved, That in accordance with the action of the Town Board of the Town of Lansing, there be levied and collected from the taxable property of said town the stun of ($1176.41) eleven hundred and seventy-six and 41-10o dollars or one mill on each dollar of assessed property of the Town of Lansing for improving the Highways of said town as per statute. Laid on the table under the rule. r., 38 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 Mr. Hanshaw's resolutions to allow the sheriff $35o.00 for janitor of Jail and Court House introduced November 17th, was taken up for consideration, and on motion of Mr. Noxon, the amount was ordered levied and collected from the taxable - property of the County of Tompkins. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw,. Hine, J. H., Hine, W. C., Livermore, Mount, Noxon, Sprigg,- Thompson— 12 . Noes—none. Mr. Sprigg's resolution approving $1800.00 for fuel and lights, introduced November 17th, was taken up for considera- tion, and on motion of Mr. Hanshaw, the amount was ordered. levied and collected from the taxable property of the County of Tompkins. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, J. H., Hine, W. C., Livermore, Mount, Noxon, Spriggs,. Thompson— I2, Noes—none. Mr. Corbin's resolution appropriating t;loo for office rent, etc. of County Treasurer, introduced November 17, was taken up for consideration, and on motion of Mr. J. H. Hine was ordered levied and collected from the taxable property of the County of Tompkins. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, J. H., Hine, W. C,, Livermore, Mount, Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson --r2. Noes—none. Mr. W. C. Hine withdrew bis resolution appropriating $25o to purchase stones for County Stone Yard, introduced Novem- ber I7th. The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 39 By Mr. Corbin : Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed annually by the Chairman of this Board to beknown as the committee on employment of prisoners. Said committee in connection with the sheriff of this County shall have charge of necessary affairs connected with the employment of prisoners. Resolved, That the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars be levied and collected from the taxable property of the County of Tompkins to be used by the Committee on Jail Labor for the purpose of purchasing stone and other supplies necessary to he used in keeping such prisoners properly employed. Resolved, That stone purchased by said committee and broken by pris- oners be sold by the Committee on Jail Labor at the best terns they are able to make. The price of broken stone to be not less than the cost of rough stone delivered at the stone yard of Tompkins County. The proceeds of such sale to be added to the fund raised for the employment of jail labor. Laid on the table tinder the rule. On motion the Board adjourned. Afternoon Session Roll call. Quorum present. 13y Mr. Hanshaw Resolved, That there be levied upon and collected from the owners and harborers of dogs in the County of Tompkins as listed upon the assess- ment rolls of the several tax districts of said County the sunt of 5o cents for each dog, when only one dog is owned or harbored, and two dollars for each additional dog ; three dollars for each bitch when only one bitch is owned or harbored, and five dollars for each additional bitch owned or harbored by the same person. On motion of Mr. Hogin the same was adopted. By Mr. Hanshaw : Resolved, That pursuant to Chapter 351, Laws of 1898, there be levied a tax of three hundred and sixty-seven dollars on persons in the Town of 40 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 Ithaca liable to poll tax, the same being a tax of one dollar on each person so indicated upon the assessment roll of the Town of Ithaca. On motion the same was adopted." Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin,.Hanshaw, Hine, W. C., Livermore, Mount, Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson—rt. Noes—none. By Mr. Hagin : Resolved, That the sum of six hundred and eighty-nine dollars be col- lected from those persons indicated on the assessment roll of the Town of Lansing Iiable to poll tax, being a tax of onedollar per capita for each per- son as indicated in accordance with Chapter 311, Laws of 1898, in relation tolworking the highways under the money tax system. • On motion the same was adopted. Ayes ---Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, W. C., Livermore, Mount, Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson ---Ir. Noes—none. Mr. Sprigg, chairman of the Committee on Constables' Ac- counts, reported favorably, on Bills Nos, r t, r5, 29, 3o and 31, which were laid on the table under the rule. Mr. Mount, chairman of the Committee on Coroner's, Jur- ies' and Printers' accounts, reported favorably on Bill No. 24, which was laid on the table under the rule. Mr, W. C. Hine, chairinanOof the Committee on Sheriff's and District Attorney's accounts, reported favorably on Bills, Nos. 18 and 22, which were laid on the table under the rule. On motion of Mr. Baker Bills Nos: 8 and 28 were ordered audited at the full amounts as recommended by the committee. The Supervisors' Proceedings, rpo3 41 Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, W. C., Livermore, Mount, Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson - 11. Noes—none. On motion of W. C. Hine, Bills Nos. 4, 16, 17, 26 and 27 were ordered audited at the full amounts recommended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, W. C., Livermore, Mount, Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson— . It. Noes—none. On motion of Mr. Baker, Bills Nos. 5 and to were ordered audited at the full amounts as recommended by the committee. Ayes --Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, W. C., Livermore, Mount, Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson - 11. Noes—none. On'motion the Board adjourned until Monday morning at 10 A. 11. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. != ; ateit-Wal lops✓=#1tcffM1ga.: cV NINTH DAY MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1903. Morning Session Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of Friday read and approved. 42 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 By Mr. Corbin : Wrinanas, Since the present law requires the erection of guide boards. on the highways of this State, therefore, Resolved, That the Committee on Jail Labor have power to purchase necessary.tnaterial for making such guide boards and have the sante made by the prisoners confined in the Tompkins County Jail ; and the Commis- sioners of Highways in the respective towns of this County be requested to furnish said Committee with plans and specifications of guide boards neces- sary in their respective towns. On motion of Mr. Livermore the some was adopted. By Mr. Gallagher : Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed by the Chair to draw a resolution to license dogs in Tompkins County. On motion of Mr. W. C. Hine the same was adopted. The Chair named as such committee Messrs. Livermore,. Gallagher and Baker. The bond of L. H. Van Kirk as County Clerk for the ensu- ing term was presented, and on motion of Mr. Corbin was ap- proved, and ordered filed and recorded in the Tompkins County Clerk's Office. Mr. Mount presented the Town Audits of the Town of Gro- ton, which were laid on the table under the rule. By Mr. Mount : Resolved, That in accordance with the action, taken by the Town Board. of the Town of Groton, there be levied and collected from the taxable property of said Town the amounts specified in the following resolutions of said Board : Resolved, That there be levied on the taxable property. of the Town of Groton the sum of one hundred ($loo) dollars for the support of indigent soldiers and sailors of said Town for the year 1904. Also that there be levied the sum of $5.00 for Memorial Day expenses for 1904. The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 43 Resolved, That the following sura be levied and collected upon the taxable property of the Town of Groton, for plank and for building and repairing bridges the sum of one thousand ($i000) dollars. Resolved, That the accordance with a certificate of indebtedness given to the United States Standard Voting Machine Company by the Town Board of Groton for the payment of Three Voting Machines to be used in the same, there be added to the Town Budget the sum of two hundred ($200) dollars for the payment due for 1903. Also the suer of seventy ($70.00) dollars that being interest on the above named certificate to the 15th day of March, 1904. Resolved, That the sum of one hundred ($100) dollars be levied and collected upon the taxable property of the Town of Groton for support of the Town poor for the year 1904. Resolved, That there be levied and collected on the taxable property of the Town of Groton the following sums : on Fred Sanford notes eleven hundred and nine dollars and two cents ($r [09.02); also 011 three notes held by Fred Sanford against the Town of Groton known as the Bowker notes the suns of eleven hundred and fifteen ($11 15) dollars for principal and interest corning due in the year nineteen hundred and four. Laid on the table under the rule. On notion the Board adjourned. Afternoon Session ]toll call. Quorum present. Mr. Jobn L. Mandeville was given the privilege of the floor and he spoke regarding road improvement. By Mr. Hagin : Resolved, That 5,000 copies of the Proceedings of the Board of Super- visors of Tompkins County be printed for the present session and that they shall be distributed as follows : Caroline ______ 350 copies Danby -- -- -- -- - - -- - 350 copies Dryden __-- __-- ____-- 695 copies Enfield _ 32o copies 44 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 Groton 6To copies Ithaca—Town ____ 295 copies Ithaca—City, ist Ward __-_ _ 15o copies Ithaca—City, 2nd Ward 25o copies Ithaca—City, 3rd Ward 245 copies Ithaca—City, 4th Ward 185 copies Lansing ______- 475 copies 'Newfield____ 450 copies Ulysses 550 copies Clerk of the Board 75 copies On motion the same was adopted. Dr. Gallagher, chairman of the Committee on Miscellaneous Claims, reported favorably and recommended that the full amounts of the following bills be paid—Bills-Nos. 62, 35, 57, 34, 33, 36, 55, 56, 39, 6o, 59, 71, 68, 64, 52, 37, 67, 70, 63 and 58. Laid on the table under the rule. On motion of Mr. Baker Bills Nos, 31, 30, 29, 11 and 15 were ordered audited at the full aniounts as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, J. H., Mount, Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson—Io. Noes—none. On motion of Mr. Noxon, Bill No. 24 was ordered audited at the full amount as recommended by the committee. . Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine. J. H., Mount, Noxon, Sprigg and Thompson ----to. Noes—none. On motion of Mr. Hanshaw, Bills Nos. 18 and 22 were ordered audited at the full amounts as recommended by the committee. Ayes --Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, J. H., Mount, Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson—io. Noes—none. The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 By Mr. Hagin : 45 Resolved, That in pursuance of the action of the Town Board of the Town of Lansing there be Ievied and collected on the taxable property of the Town of Lansing the sunt of three hundred dollars ($300.00)' for the construction of bridges in said town. Laid on the table under the rule. To the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins I hereby certify that it is necessary to assess upon the taxable property of Road Districts Nos. 4, Road 8 ; 2, Road 8; 3, Road t 6 ; 3, Road 3 ; 2, Road 9 ; 6, Road 8, in the Town of Enfield the sum of fifty and 40-100 dol- lars ($50.40) to apply as payment on road machine purchased by said districts. Dated Enfield, November 5th, 1903. By Mr. J. H. Hine : GEO. H. NOBLE:, Town Clerk. Resolved, That in accordance with the foregoing certificate of the Town Clerk of the Town of Tanfield and the action of the Town Board thereon, the sunt of $50.40 be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the following Road Districts in the Town of Enfield to apply as payment on road machine purchased by said districts, viz.: Road Districts Nos. 4, Road 8 ; 2, Road 8 ; 3, Road 16 ; 3, Road 3 ; 2, Road 9 ; 6, Road 8, in the Town of Enfield. Laid on the table under the rule. Mr. J. H. Hine's resolution to levy $25o for repair of high- ways and bridges in the Town of Tanfield; introduced November loth, was taken up for consideration, and on motion of Mr. W. C. Hine, the amount was ordered levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the Town of Enfield. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, J. H., Hine, W. C., Mount, Sprigg, Thompson—Io. Noes—none. Mr. Hanshaw's resolution to levy $96.85 on Road Districts Nos. It, 37 and 43 in the Town of Ithaca was taken up for con- 46 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 sideration, and on motion of Mr. Thompson the amounts were ordered levied and collected. Resolution introduced November loth. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, J. H., Hine, W. C., Mount, Sprigg, Thompson—Io. Noes—none. Mr. Hagin's resolution to raise by tax $1176.41 176.41 to work highways in the Town of Lansing, introduced November 2oth, was taken up for consideration, and on notion of Mr. Hanshaw, the amount vas ordered levied and collected upon the taxable property of the Town of Lansing. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, J. H., Hine, W. C., Mount, Sprigg, Thompson --to. Noes—none. Mr. Corbin's resolution to appoint a Committee on Jail Labor and appropriating $25o to buy supplies for their employ- ment, introduced November 2oth, was taken up for considera- tion, and on motion of Mr. Mount, the same was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, J. H., Hine, W. C., Mount, Sprigg, Thompson—so. Noes—none. Town of Enfield Audits presented November 2oth, taken up, and on motion of Mr. Baker the amount was ordered levied and collected upon the taxable property of the Town of Enfield. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, J. H., Hine, W. C., Mount, Sprigg, Thompson—IO. Noes—none. 'Town of Dryden Audits presented November 2oth taken up for consideration and on motion of Mr. Hansbaw the amount The SupervZsOrs' Proceedings, 1-903 47 was ordered levied and collected upon the taxable property of the Town of Dryden. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, J. 1-I., Hine, W. C., Mount, Sprigg, Thompson—Io. Noes—none. Town of Danby Audits presented November 2oth taken up for consideration and on notion of Mr. Corbin the amount was ordered levied and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Danby. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, J. H., Hine, W. C., Mount, Sprigg, Thompson—to. Noes—none. On motion the Board adjourned. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. TENTH DAY TuxsDAV, NOV>amBER 24, 1903. Morning Session Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of Monday read and approved. By Mr. Corbin : Resolved, That in accordance with the action of the Town Board of the Town of Dryden there be levied and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Dryden the amounts specified in the following resolutions of said Board : 48 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 Resolved, That there be levied and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Dryden one hundred dollars for the support of the poor. Resolved, That in accordance with the vote at Town Meeting the sum of five hundred dollars be levied and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Dryden for the maintenance of roads and bridges during 1904. Resolved, That there be levied and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Dryden the suns of ($soo) five hundred dollars for operating the stone crusher during the year. Laid on the table tinder the rule. By Dr. Gallagher : Resolved, That pursuant to Chapter 351, Laws of 1898, and Chapter i56, Laws of 1902, there be levied and collected a tax of four hundred sixty-four dollars ($464) on persons in the Town of Caroline as indicated on the tax roll by the assessors of said town the salve being a tax of one dollar for each person so indicated. Laid on the table under the rule. By Mr. Hanshaw : Resolved, That the sunt of one thousand and fifty-four dollars and sixty-four cents ($1054.64) or one mill on a dollar on the assessed value of the property of the Town of Ithaca be levied and collected from the taxa- ble property of the Town of Ithaca, for the purpose of working the high- ways under the money system tax in accordance with a resolution adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca and with Chapter 351 laws of 1898. Laid on the table under the rule. On motion the Board adjourned. Afternoon Session Roll call. Quorum present. The Clerk read the following communication from the Prison Association of New York, which o11 motion of Mr. Mount was received and ordered printed in the minutes : The Supervisors' Proceedings, Igo MR. WILLIS C. HINE, ITHAcA, N. V. DRAB SIR : NEW YORK, NoviCMFIER 23, 1903. 49 Deeply impressed with the evils which in the State of New York, as elsewhere, have grown out of the fee system as applied to the compensa- tion of sheriffs in criminal cases, the Prison Association of New York earnestly appeals to you to lend your vote and influence for its abolition. To this end we ask you to support a resolution which we hope may be passed by your Board of Supervisors this fall in favor of staking the office of sheriff a salaried office with respect to criminal cases in your County. Laws have already passed changing the fee to the salary system in J7 Counties. It is hoped that your County will promptly fall into line by sup- porting a special act or a general law to this effect. Enclosed is a brief statement of reasons why the fee system should be abolished, which can be supported by much detailed evidence from various counties. Yours truly, S. J. BARROWS. THE FEE SYSTEM OF COMPENSATING. SHERIFFS Reasons Why it should be Abolished in Criminal Cases i. The fee system is antiquated ; it is founded on a wrong principle. The interest of the sheriff is made paramount to that of the community or the welfare of the prisoner. 2. It has been abolished in 3o counties of the State of New York. It will be superseded by the salary system in seven more at the close of the terns of the present sheriffs. The change has been made in these counties because public interest has demanded it. No county that has changed to the salary system has gone back to the fee system. 3. The fee system is much more expensive than the salary system. The saving in many counties is one-half ; in others one-third of the ex- pense of the fee system. et. With the abolition of the fee system the jail population of various counties has been profitably reduced from 10 to 5o per cent. 50 The Sujervisors' Proceedings, 1903 5. In many counties and in many states the fee system has led to the greatest abuses. It has given rise to practises which are a preservation of law and justice. Rings have been formed to run sten into prison simply to increase the income of the sheriff or the combination. Apple pickers have been run in as tramps for mileage and key fees. Tramps have been passed from county to county. Men are sent to jail who ought to be sent to the penitentiaries where they could have work and exercise in the open air, and where they could be kept at much less expense than in the county jail. 6. The fee system is opposed to the probation system. Under the latter the judge has the opportunity to suspend sentence and save the first offender from the evil associations of a prison life, and the state from the expense of keeping hint. It is for the interest of the sheriff to have as many men in prison as possible and to keep them as long as possible. Many first offenders are thus imprisoned who ought to be placed on proba- tion. In the interest of economy and good administration for the county and in the interest of the reformation of the prisoner. It is hoped that you will lend your influence to change the system in your county from a fee to a salary basis. THE PRISON ASSOCIATION OF NEW YORK, 135 East 13th Street, New York City. CHARLTON' T. L,Ewis, President. SAMUEL, J. BARROWS, Cor. Secretary. The report of WVnt. C. Rogers, Inspector, on condition of the Tompkins County Alms House was read by the Clerk and on motion of Mr. Baker the sane was received and ordered printed in the minutes. Mr. Hanshaw, chairman of the Committee on Clerk's and Justices' Accounts, reported favorably and recommended that the full amount of the following bill be paid : Bill No. 73. Laid on the table under the rule. Mr. Mount, chairman of the Committee on Coroner's and Printers' Accounts, reported favorably and recommended the full amount of Bills Nos. 40 and 66 be paid. The Supervisors' Proceedings, [903 I,aicl on the table under the rule. 51 Mr. W. C. Hine, chairman of the Committee on Sheriff 's, Judge's and District Attorney's Accounts, reported favorably and recommended that the full aruount of Bill No. 36 be paid. Laid on the table under the rule. Mr. Thompson, chairman of the Committee on County Treas- urer's Accounts, reported favorably and recommended that the full amount of Bill No. 49 be paid. Laid on the table under the rule. Dr. Gallagher, chairman of the Committee on Miscellaneous Claims, reported favorably and recommended the full amounts of I3ills Nos. 7o and 77 be paid. Laid on the table under the rule. On motion of Mr. J. H. Hine, I3ills Nos. 62, 35, 57, 34, 33, 30, 55, 56, 39, 6o, 59, 71, 68, 64, 52, 37, 67, 70, 63, 58 were or- dered audited at the full amounts as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, J. H., Hine, W. C., Livermore, Mount, Noxon, Thomp- son -11. Noes—none. Mr. Noxon, chairman of the Committee on Insurance made the following report which on motion of Mr. Baker was received and ordered printed in the minutes : Ti) the. Board of Supervisors Your committee on Insurance respectfully report that there is on file in the County Clerk's Office the following Policies of Insurance on County Buildings : 52 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 One Policy on County Alms House insuring against loss by explosion of Boiler. The said Policy is for the sum of $7,500 and is issued by the Hart- ford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Co., and expires November 3o, 1903. Your committee have also extended for a period of three years the insurance on the Alms House by explosion the same amount as heretofore, namely the sum of $7,5oo which insurance will expire November 30, 1906. One policy on Court House and Jail insuring against loss by explosion on boiler, the said policy is for the sum of $7,500 and is issued by the Hart- ford Stearn Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company, and expires Novem- ber 30, 1903. The contnrittee have also extended the insurance on County •House and Jail by the same company, namely the Hartford Steam Boiler and Inspec- tion Company, the same amount as.specified as heretofore the sum of $7,500 which will expire November 30, 1906. One policy on Court House issued by the Milwaukee Mechanics' Insur- ance Company, which expires June ,st, 1905, the amount of said policy is $s,soo. One policy on Court House issued bytithe Northwestern National Insur. anee Company, said policy expires June 1, 1905. One policy on County Alrns House of $2,5ooissued by the Liverpool and London and Globe Insurance Co., which expires June r, 1905. One policy on Court House of $2,500, issued by the Northwestern National Insurance Company, the said policy expires -June r, 19o5.. • Also one,policy on County Alins House for t15,000, issued by the Con- tinental Insurance Company which policy expires June r, 1905. One policy on Building, Junction street, known as the County Stone Yard for ,$250.00 issued by Etna Fire Insurance Company of the city of Hartford, Conn. Expires June 19, 1904. f.,. F. NOXON, WVEBB CORBIN, R. N. MOUNT. Committee. The Groton Town Audits presented November 23, were taken up for consideration and on notion of Mr. Baker the amount was ordered levied and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Groton. The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 53 Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, J. H.,Corbin, Livermore, Mount, Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson—II. Noes ---nolle. Mr. Mount's resolutions to raise moneys by tax for Town purposes introduced November 23, were taken up for considera- tion and on motion of Mr. Hanshaw the amounts were ordered levied and collected from the taxable property of the Town' of Groton. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, J. H., Livermore, Mount, Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson --Ii. Noes—none. • Mr. Hagin's resolution to raise by tax $300.00 for bridges in the Town of Lansing, introduced November 23, was taken up for consideration and on motion of Mr. J. H. Hine the amount was ordered levied and' collected from the taxable property of the Town of Lansing. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, J. H., Livermore, Mount, Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson -1 r. Noes—node. Mr. J. H. Hine's resolution to raise by tax $50.40 in Road Districts in the Town of Enfield to pay for Road Machine, intro- duced November 23, was taken up for consideration and on mo- tion of Mr. Baker the amount was ordered levied and collected on the said Road Districts in the Town of Enfield. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, J. H., Livermore, Mount, Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson—ii. Noes—none. By Mr. Sprigg : Resolved, That this Board fix the final date for receiving bills against the County of Tompkins at December I sth, 1903, (excepting the bills of the 54 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 members of the present Board which shall he acted upon on the last day of this Session), and that there be no extension of time made beyond the above fixed date, and be' it further resolved, that the clerk of this Board be instructed to advertise the same and that a copy of this resolution shall ap- pear in said advertisement. • On motion of Mr. Mount the sante was adopted. On motion the Board adjourned. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. 'r`.Sc+c;¢r...'r':.....'-]cr.%%.....?........ ELEVENTH DAY WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1903. Morning Session Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of Tuesday read and approved. Mr. J. H. Hine made his report on the bonded indebtedness of the Town of Enfield, which on motion of Mr. Gallagher was received and ordered printed in the minutes. I, James H. Hine, Supervisor of the Town of Enfield and to whom was transferred the duties of Railroad Bonding Commissioners of said Town, do respectfully report as follows : That of the original issue of 10 bonds of one thousand four hundred dollars each, made March 1st, 1901, Nos. r and 2 of said series, each of $1,400, have been fully paid, cancelled and surrendered. 1 further report that the semi-annual interest on said bonds amounting to $222.5o due March 1st, 1903, and the further sum of t196.00 due Septem- ber 1st, 1903, has been fully paid and I hold cancelled coupons for the same.' That by the terms of the contract on which said bonds Were issued, one bond of $[400 becomes due annually in addition to semiannual,interest on balance remaining unpaid. The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 55 1, therefore, report that it will be necessary for the Town of Enfield to raise by tax for the cooling year the sum of $1,767.so to he disbursed as follows : For payment of bond No. 3 clue March 1st, 1904 $1,400 00 For payment of interest due March ist, 1904 ______ 196 00 For payment of interest due September rst, 1904_____ 171 5o $1,767.50 STATE OF NEW YORK l 55. CouNTi or TommiNs f James H. Hine, being duly sworn deposes and says that the above re- port is in all respects true and correct to the best of his knowledge and belief. JAMES H. HINE. Sworn to before me this 24th clay of November, 1903. B. T. BAKER, Notary Public. The clerk read the following designation, which on motion of Mr. W. C. Hine was adopted. Resolved, That the Ithaca Daily News be designated as the Democratic paper which shall print the Official Canvass of Tompkins County at a rate not to exceed thirty cents per folio in accordance with Section 21 and 22, Chapter LS haws of 1892. JOHN J. HANSHAW, WILLIS C. HINE, L. F. NOXON, J. H. HINE, J. C. THOMPSON, EUGENE.; TERRY. 011 motion the Board adjourned. Afternoon Session Roll call. Quorum present. The Clerk read the following designation, which on motion of Mr. Mount was adopted. 56 The Supervisors' Proceeding -s, 1903 Resolved, That the Ithaca Daily ,Journal be designated as the Republi- can paper to publish the Official Canvass of Tompkins County at a rate not to exceed thirty cents per folio in accordance with the provisions of Sec- tions 21 and 22 Chap. 686 Laws of 1892. WEBB CORBIN, B. M. HAGIN, CHAS. SPRIGG, W. C. GALLAGHER, PAUL S. LIVERMORE, WM. H. BAKER, R. N. MOUNT, • Republican Members of the Board of Supervisors. By Mr. W. C. Hine Resolved, That the Report of the Superintendent of the Poor be tnade a special order of business for the Board for Tuesday morning, December 1st, at NI A. M., and Mr, Bower be present at that time. Ou notion the same was adopted. 1'fr. Sprigg, chairman of the Committee on Constable's Ac- counts, reported on Bills Nos. 72, 8o, 81, 74, 54, 53, and recom- mended that the full amounts of same be paid. Laid on the table under the rule. Dr. Gallagher, chairman of the Committee on Miscellaneous Claims, reported favorably on Bills Nos. loo, 87, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, and recommended that the full amounts thereof be paid. Laid on the table under the rule. On motion of Mr. Hagin, Bill No. 73 was ordered audited at the full amount as recommended by the Committee. Ayes—Messrs. Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, W. C., Livermore, Mount, Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson—To. Noes—none. The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 57 On motion of Mr. Hanshaw, Bills No. 40 and 66, were or- dered audited at the full amount as recommended .by the com- mittee. Ayes—Messrs. Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, W. C., Livermore, Mount, Noxon, Sprigg and Thompson—to. Noes—none. On motion of Mr. Noxon, Bill No. 49 was ordered audited •at the full amount as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, W. C., Livermore, Mount, Noxon, Sprigg- and Thompson—to, Noes --none. On motion of Mr. Corbin, Bill No. 35 was ordered audited at the full amount as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, W. C., Livermore, Mount, Noxon, Sprigg and Thompson—to. Noes—none. On motion of Mr. Corbin, Bills Nos. 76 and 77 were ordered audited at the full amount as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, W. C., Livermore, Mount, Noxon, Sprigg and Thompson—to. Noes—none. Mr. Corbin's resolution to levy on the Town of Dryden amounts as authorized by the Town Board of Dryden, introduced November 24, was taken up for consideration, and on motion of Mr. Mount the amounts were ordered assessed upon and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Dryden. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, W. C., Livermore, Mount, Noxon, Sprigg and Thompson—to. Noes—none. 58 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 Mr. Gallagher's resolution to assess and collect $464.00 Poll. Tax in the Town of Caroline as indicated on the Assessment roll of said Town introduced November 24th was taken up for con- sideration and on motion of Mr. Haushaw the same was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw*, Hine,. W. C., Livermore, Mount, Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson -7-m. Noes—none. Mr. Hanshaw's resolution, introduced November 24, to raise by tax $1054.64 in the town of Ithaca to work.the highways was. taken up for consideration, and on motion of Mr. Mount the amount was ordered assessed upon and collected from the taxable• property of the Town of Ithaca. Ayes—Messrs. Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine,. W. C., Livermore, Mount, Noxon, Sprigg and Thompson.zo. Noes—none. On motion the Board adjourned to Monday, November 3oth, at r O A. M. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. rs.%r.�S�e:1cr�3e.ekr�1% r�.c4cltrr.ciV.Ydc TWELFTH DAY MONDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1903. Morning Session Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of November 25th were read and approved. The Clerk read a communication from the State Engineer and Surveyor urging the Board to name delegates to the Fifth The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 59 + Annual Supervisors Highways Convention to be held at Albany January 26th and 27t11, 1904. On motion of Mr. Mount the same was laid on the table. On motion the Board adjourned. Afternoon Session Roll call. Quorum present. By Mr. Corbin : Resolved, That the sum of six hundred and thirty-seven dollars (637) be collected from those persons indicated on the assessment roll of the Town of Dryden, outside of the villages of Dryden and Freeville, as liable to Poll Tax, being a tax of',r.00 per capita for each person so indicated, in accord- ance with Chapter 311, Laws of 1898, in relation to working the highways under the money tax system. Laid on the table under the rule. By Mr. Corbin : Resolved, That the suer of eighteen hundred fifteen and 53-roo dollars ($1815.53) or one trill on the dollar of the assessed property of the Town of Dryden, outside of the incorporated villages of .Dryden and Freeville, be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Dryden, outside of the incorporated villages of Dryden and Freeville, for the pur- pose of working the highways of the said Town of Dryden, outside of the villages of Dryden and Freeville, under the money tax system in accord- ance with a resolution of the Town Board and Chapter 351 Laws of 1898. ' Laid on the table under the rule. 13y Mr. J. H. Hine : Resolved, That in accordance with the Report of the Supervisor of the Town of >~nfield as to the bonded indebtedness of said Town, the sum of $1767.5o be levied against the taxable property of the Town of Tanfield. Laid on the table under the rule. 6o The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 Mr. Hanshaw, chairman of the Committee on Clerk's and Justices' Accounts, reported favorably on Bill No.106 and recom- mended the full amount thereof be paid. Laid on the table under the rule. Mr. W. C. Hine, chairman of the Committee on Sheriff's Ac- counts, reported favorably on Bil: No. 86, and recomtnended that the full amount thereof be paid. Laid on the table under the rule. On motion of Mr. W. C. Hine, Bills Nos, 72, 8o, 81, 74, 54, 53, were ordered audited at the full amounts as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, J. H., Hine, W. C., Mount, Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson -- II. Noes—none. On motion of Mr. J. H. Hine, Bills Nos. too. 87, 91, 92, 97, 96, 98, 99, were ordered audited at the full amounts as re - .commended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, W. C., Hine, J. H., Mount, Noxon, Sprigg, Thontpson- 11. Noes—none. On motion the Board adjourned. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1Q03 THIRTEENTH DAY TUESDAY, DECEMBER I, 1903. Morning Session Roil call. Quorum present. Minutes of Monday read and approved. By Mr. Mount : 6i Resolved, That there be levied and collected on the persons of the Town of Groton the sum of $555, that being the number of polls in said Town liable to a poll tax of one dollar per poll outside of the incorporated Village of Groton. Laid on the table under the rule. By Mr. Mount : Resolved, That in pursuance to a resolution of the Town Board of the Town of Groton and in conformity to the Statute regulating the money tax system of working highways, there be levied and collected on.the real and personal property of the Town of Groton outside the corporate limits of the Village of Groton the sum of $1o17.38, that being a tax of one dollar on every thousand of assessed valuation in said town, for working the high- ways of the Town of Groton outside of the village of Groton. Laid on the table under the rule. On motion the Board adjourned. Afternoon Session Roll call. Quorum present. The Clerk opened the sealed bids for printing the proceed- ings of the Board, which had been submitted to the Committee thereon, and they Were as follows : Ithaca journal. _$4.7o per page. Ithaca News $2.o9 per page. 62 The Supervisors' Proceedings, ryo3 By Mr. Spring • Resolved, That the Ithaca Journal having submitted the lowest bid, that the contract for printing the Proceedings of this Session be awarded to the Ithaca Journal. On motion of Mr. J. H. Hine, the same was adopted. Mr. Corbin's resolution to levy and collect $537.00 Poll Tax in the Town of Dryden, outside of the Villages of Dryden and Freeville, introduced November 3oth, was taken up for considera- tion, and on notion of Mr. Hanshaw; the same was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hanshaw, Hagin, Hine, J. H., Hine, W. C., Mount, Sprigg, Thompson—Io. Noes—none. Mr. Corbin's resolution to collect by tax $815.53 for working the highways of the Town of Dryden outside of the Villages of Dryden and Freeville, introduced November 3oth, was taken up for consideration and on motion of- Mr. Baker the amount was ordered assessed upon and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Dryden outside of the Villages of Dryden and Free- ville. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher,- Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, J. H., Hine, W. C., Mount, Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson— I I. . Noes—none. Mr. J. H. Hine's resolution to raise by tax in the Town of Enfield the sum of $1,767.5o to pay the amount due on the Bonded Indebtedness of said Town, introduced November 3oth, was taken up for consideration, and on motion of Mr. Noxon was ordered assessed upon and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Enfield. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, J. H., Hine, W. C., Mount, Noxon, Sprigg, Thomp- son --I 1: Noes --none. The Sufiervisors' Proceedings, 1903 63 Mr. W. C. Hine read the following communication, which he had received as Chairman of the Committee on a Joint County •and City Building, which on motion of Mr. J. H. Hine was re- ceived and ordered printed in the minutes. I'rHACA, N. Y., NOVEMBaR 24, 1903. W. C. Hine, Supervisor, Ithaca, N. Y. DEAR MR. HINT : Examination of the record regarding the County's title to the Court House property shows that the title is an absolute clear title to the Super- visors of the County of the lot on which the Court House stands, no right •of reversion or other reserve being mentioned in the Deed. There can be no question, therefore, of the right of the county to do what it pleases with this property. The record is found in our own Clerk's Office and the Deed •of this property forms the first record of the first book of deeds after the •organization of the County. Yours very truly, GI:O. R. WILLIAMS. By Mr. Baker : Resolved, That the sum of one thousand three hundred and two dollars •and eighty-five cents ($r,3o2.85) or one and seven -tenths mills on the dollar of assessed property in the Town of Danby be levied and collected from the' taxable property of the Town of Danby for the purpose of working the high- ways of said Town under the lnoney tax system in accordance with a resolu- tion adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Danby and with Chapter 351 Laws of 1898. Laid on the table under the rule. Mr. Hanshaw, chairman of the Committee on Justice's Ac- counts, reported favorably on Bills Nos. 112 and ro8, and recom- mended that the full amounts thereof be paid. Laid on the table under the rule. Dr. Gallagher, chairman of the Committee on Miscellaneous 'Claims, reported favorably on Bills Nos. 114, 113, 102, los, 88; 64 The Supervisors' Proceedings, z9o3 115, Doi, 9o, 107, 87, and recommended that the full amounts thereof be paid. Laid on the table under the rule. On motion of Mr. Mount, Bill No. io6, was ordered audited at the full amount as recommended by the Committee. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin; Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, J. H., Hine, W. C., Livermore, Mount, Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson -12. Noes—none. On motion of Mr. Mount, Bill No. 86 was ordered audited at the full amount as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, J. H., Hiue, W. C., Livermore, Mount, Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson—i 2. Noes—none. On notion the Board adjourned. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. FOURTEENTH DAY WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2, I903. Morning Session Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of Tuesday read and approved. Mr. Wadsworth was given the privilege of the floor and sub- mitted plans and estimates for remodeling the County Clerk's. The Supervisors' Proceedivs, 1903 65 Office with a steel outfit. The estimated cost was $6,3oo.00 for both rooms, or $2,350.00for the front room only. On notion of Mr. Mount the improvement to the County Clerk's Office was made a special order of business for Friday morning at t 1 A. M. The Clerk read a communication relative to the Board's send- ing delegates to the Convention of County Superintendents of the Poor at Patchogue the last week in June, which on motion of Mr. J. H. Hine was laid on the table. The Clerk read a communication from Frank D. Lyon rela- tive to the County's adopting a Road System, which was laid on the table on the motion of Mr. Corbin. The Clerk read the Report of Messrs. J. B. Wilson and J. H. Hine, a special committee to visit the Alms House during the past year which on motion of Mr. Mount was received and or- dered printed. To The Honorable Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: In accordance with a resolution of the Board of Supervisors passed December 10, 1902, the undersigned committee visited the County Alvis House on June 20th, 1903, and respectfully subunit the following report : A thorough inspection of the house and barns was made by the com- mittee, but owing to a very severe rain storm, it was impossible to give the farm as much attention. as the committee desired. The visit was entirely unexpected by the Keeper and everything was as is usual every day, no extra cleaning or preparation having been done in view of the visit. The hospitals, sleeping rooms, dining rooms and bath rooms were clean and com- fortable. The committee is obliged to again make report of inadequate water sup- ply and empty storage tanks—a very small amount of water was in the tanks at the time of inspection—scarcely enough to supply the inmates for • one day and certainly none for use in case of fire. The barns were generally in good repair, looking tidy and well kept. The committee would most respectfully recommend the following im- provements on the County Farm ; 66 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 19°3 . 1st. Better water supply, sufficient to meet all demands of the house for washing, bathing and cooking, for fire purposes, and for watering stock. znd. As was reported a year ago the committee would advise that at least ten dairy cows be kept on the farm and as many as possible be kept in milk during the year, thereby giving the inmates an abundant supply of fresh milk and butter. 3rd. A silo upon the farm would greatly increase the efficiency of the dairy and make it possible to keep a larger number of cows and at less cost. Any advantage that would be for the advantage of the average farmer would be for the advantage of the County. All of which is respectfully submitted. On motion the Board adjourned. Afternoon Session. J. B. [WILSON, J. H. HINT, Committee. Roll call. Quorum present. The following communication from the State Engineer and Surveyor was read by the Clerk and on motion of Mr. J. H. Hine it was received and ordered printed. ALBANY, DECEMBER 1, 1903. Mr. Berl T. Baker, Clerk Board of Supervisors, Ithaca, N. Y. DEAR SIR : I have learned that some of the Boards of Supervisors will adjourn from about December 4th until February, 1904. I should appreciate it. as a per- sonal favor if your Board will take some action in regard to the adoption of a county road system as suggested by my letter of November 14th, which was accompanied by a map showing the several highways throughout your county, before your adjournment or before December Igth, 1903, in order that I miry consider your recommendation and present a proposed State Highway System at the Fifth Annual Supervisors' Ilighway Convention to be held at Albany on January 2601 and 27th, 1904. it is understood that your adoption of a county system as suggested is simply for the purpose of obtaining an•expression from. the present Board as to what it believes to be the best roads to first improve in your county Me Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 67 and does not in any way commit the county to the appropriation of money for road purposes faster than future' Boards of Supervisors may deem wise. Trusting that this matter will receive early attention and that I may hear from you promptly, I am Yours very truly, EDWARD A. BOND, State Engineer and Surveyor. By Mr. Gallagher : Resolved, That a committee of three, of which the chairman shall he one, be appointed by the chair to consider and report to the Hoard on the matter of the Board adopting a County Road System. On motion of Mr. J. H. Hine, the same was adopted. The chair named as such committee to act with himself, Messrs. Hagin and R. N. Mount. Dr. Gallagher, chairman of the Committee on Miscellaneous Claims, reported favorabl.• on 13i11 No. 94, and recomtuended that the full amount thereof be paid. Laid on the table under the rule. • Dr. Gallagher also reported on Bill No. 23, and•recomtnended that the bill be auditecl at $5.00 instead of $to.00 as claimed. Laid on the table under the rule. Dr. Gallagher also reported on Bill No. 14, and recommended that the bill be audited at $3.00 instead of at $io.00 as claimed. Laid on the table under the rule. On motion of Mr. Baker Bills Nos. 108 and t t z were ordered audited at the full amounts as recommended by the committee. 68 The Szfiervisors' Proceedings, 1903 Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, J. H., Hine, W. C., Livermore, Mount, Noxon, Sprigg. Thompson -12. Noes—none. On motion of Mr. Corbin Hills Nos. 114, 113, 102, 103, 88, 115, lot, 9o, 107, and 87 were ordered audited at the full amounts as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, J. H., Hine, W..C., Livermore, Mount, Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson—i2. Noes—none. Mr. Mount's resolution to assess and collect $553 Poll Tax in the Town of Groton introduced December Ist, was taken up for consideration and on motion of Dr. Gallagher the same was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hinshaw, Hine, J. H., Hine, W. C., Livermore, Mount, Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson -12. Noes—none. Mr. 1Ioui is resolution to assess and collect $1,017.38 to work the Highways in the Town of Groton outside of the Village of Groton, introduced December 1, was taken up for consideration and on motion of 1Ir. Hanshaw the amount was ordered assessed upon and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Groton outside of the Village of Groton. . Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, J. H., Hine, W. C., Livermore, Mount, Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson -12. Noes—none. The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 69 Mr. Baker's resolution to assess and collect $1,3o2.85 in the Town of Danby to work Highways, introduced December 1st, was taken up for consideration and on motion of Mr. 'Thompson, the amount was ordered assessed upon and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Danby. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, J. H., Hine, W. C., Livermore, Mount, Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson -12. Noes—none. On motion the Board adjourned. BERT T. I3AKER, Clerk. Mt1Wet:>Cs_,VPSsc019.-1;>f=kMIMUu>:011e FIFTEENTH DAY THURSDAY, Dr CMNIBER 3, 1903. Morning Session Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of Wednesday read and approved. By 11Ir. Livermore : Resolved, That there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the City of Ithaca the sung of $ 5.00 to reimburse the County Treasurer for expenses in collecting delinquent State and County Tax of 1902, as per the following bill : CITY OF ITHACA To CHAS. 14 I. BENJAMIN, County Treasurer, For collecting, printing and stamps 1902 list of delinquent taxes____ 415.00 70 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 STATE OF NEW YORK}SS. TOMPKINS COUNTY Chas. M. Benjamin being duly sworn deposes and says that the account hereto annexed is just and accurate, and that the same has not been paid, nor any portion thereof. CHAS. M. BENJAMIN. Subscribed and sworn to before nye this zoth day of November, 1903. W. W. VAN SLYKE, Notary Public. Laid on the table under the rule. By Messrs. Corbin, Gallagher and Baker : Wrir.a AS, The Committee on Superintendent of the Poor accounts find an immense amount of unpaid bills against the Superintendent and as it is the desire of the said Committee to have those bilis examined by the present Board, therefore be it Resolved, That the following advertisement he inserted by the Clerk of this Board in the daily papers printed in Tompkins County, viz.: • All persons having claims against Tompkins County Superintendent of the Poor, are hereby ordered to present the same, duly verified, to the Clerk of this Board on or before December 15, 1903. On motion the same was adopted. The Clerk read the following Report of the Sheriff of Tomp- kins County, which on motion was received and ordered printed. SHERIFF'S REPORT To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County I, the undersigned, Sheriff of the County of Tompkins, respectfully report that the following is a true statement of all moneys received by me as such sheriff on account of any fine, penalty or other matter in which the said County has any interest, with the time when and the person from whom the saute was received, and on what account, from the ist day of Jan- uary, 1903, to the ist day of December, 1903. DATE. The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 COMMITTRD 71 NAME AND Ot<FENSE TN Ti ROM AMOUNT March 31, 1903, Frank Conlin, drunk and disorderly, Dent, Ithaca __ $to 00 April 4, cgo3, Emery Spicer, drunk and disorderly, Kent, Ithaca __ Io 00 May 13, 1903, Fclward Orr, drunk and disorderly, Kent, Ithaca __ 5 00 Total. - - - - $25 00 And I further report that said suets have been by me duly paid to the Treasurer of the County of Tompkins. GRANT CURRY, Sheriff. STATE OF NEW YORK,1ss. COUNTY or TOMP1 INS. 1 Grant Curry being duly sworn says that the foregoing report by him made is correct and true to the best of his knowledge and belief. GRANT CURRY. Sworn to before me this 3rd day of December, 1903. B. T. BAKER, Notary Public. On motion the Board adjourned. Afternoon Session Roll call. Quorum present. 13y Mr. Noxon : I. WHEREAS, at a meeting of this Poard on the 18th day of December, Igoz, a resolution was adopted that provision should he made for the im- provement of that portion of the highway commonly known as Cayuga Heights Road,—Towns of Lansing and Ithaca, Tompkins County, and de- scribed as follows : Running from the intersection of Stewart avenue with the north line of the City of Ithaca, northerly through Stewart avenue, and thence through private property to a point in the Lake Road at the inter- section of driveway leading to the Esty cottages, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 115, Laws of iSgS ; and 72 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 2. WHEREAs, The State Engineer and Surveyor has investigated and determined that a section of said highway is of sufficient public importance to merit improvement in accordance with the provisions of said law, and has certified his approval of the said resolution ; and 3. \Vriiiiu s, Said State Engineer and Surveyor has caused a section of said highway, which section is described as follows : Running from the intersection of Stewart avenue with the north line of the City of Ithaca, northerly through Stewart avenue, and thence through private property to a point in the Lake Road at the intersection of driveway leading to the Esty cottages, a distance of 3,168 miles, in the Towns of Lansing and Ith- aca, and known as the Cayuga Heights Road to be surveyed and mapped, and has caused plans and specifications and an estimate of cost to be made for said improvement, and has transmitted the sante to this Board ; 4. Resolved, That the highway alcove described in paragraph one, be improved and constructed in that portion thereof above described in para- graph three in accordance with the maps, plans, specifications and esti- mate prepared for such improvement by the State Engineer and Surveyor under the provisions of Chapter Its of the Laws of iS9S. That said work be done under the charge, care and superintendence of the State Engineer and Surveyor, and that said maps, plaits, specifications and estimate prepared by said State Engineer and Surveyor for said work, are duly approved and adopted by this Board ; 5. Resolved, That the sum of eighteen Thousand seven hundred and oo-too dollars ($lS,7oo.co) being one-half of the estimated total cost, which amounts to $37,400,00 be and the same is hereby appropriated for construct- ing and approving, under the provisions of Chapter 115 of the Laws of -j898, said road described in paragraph 3 hereof ; and the County Treasurer of Tompkins County is hereby authorized and directed to pay said sura upon the requisition or draft of the State Engineer and Surveyor, said sura being made immediately available for such purpose ; and if he should find it necessary said County Treasurer is hereby authorized and empowered to borrow all or part of said sum on the obligation of the said County issued by hint for, on behalf of and in the name of the County of Tompkins and acting for and on behalf of said County. Laid on the table under the rule. The Clerk read a petition from 86 citizens and taxpayers of the Town of Lansing asking the Board to make the necessary ap- propriation to build the Cayuga Heights Road, which was filed. A large delegation of citizens of the City of Ithaca were present and the Chairman extended'to them the privilege of the 4 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 73 floor to express their views on the building of the proposed Cayuga Heights Road. Mayor George W. Miller, J. T. Newman, Esq., D. W. Bur- dick, Hon. Charles H. Blood, George B. Davis, Esq., Dr. Eugene Baker all of the City of Ithaca, and John Knettles of Lansing urged the Board to take the necessary steps for building the road. Hon. Charles H. Blood made a proposition to the Board, that the County's per cent of the estitnated cost being 35 per cent thereof or $r3,o9o, that he and Mr. Newman will file with the Board a Bond in the sum of $5,000.00 that they will furnish the funds requisite to pay that portion of the cost imposed upon the County of Tompkins in excess of the sum of Eleven Thous- and seventy-seven Dollars and fifty cents (being $3500 per mile and not including any part of the 15 per cent of the cost which the County advances and collects of property owners under the statute) and shall pay to the County of Tompkins any excess in cost to it over and above the limit aforesaid, which excess is not in any event to exceed the sum of $2,o13.00. In accordance to the said proposition, Messrs. Newman and Blood filed with the Board the said obligation. On motion, the auditing of Bilis on the table was deferred until Friday. On motion, the Board adjourned. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. SIXTEENTH DAY FRIDAY, DECEMBRR 4, 1903. Morning Session Roll call. Quorum present. 1 74 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 Minutes of December 3rd read and approved. By Mr. Baker : Resolved, That in accordance with the resolutions adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Danby and the statute in such cases made and pro- vided, the following sums of honey be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Danby for purposes set forth, viz The "stint of Five Hundred Dollars for bridges by statute. Two Hundred and twenty-five Dollars for support of the Town Poor, One Hundred and thirty-five Dollars to provide for the deficiency in the dog fund. Laid on the table udder the rule. The Clerk read the following report of the Bonding Com- missioners of the Town of Newfield, which on motion of Mr. Baker was received and ordered printed. To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: We, the undersigned, Bonding Commissioners of the Town of Newfield, respectfully submit the following report Refunding Serial Bonds outstanding $42,000.00. Said Bonds mature and become payable as follows ;—$2,000.co on the . first day of March, 1904, and $2,000.00 on the first day of larch in each year thereafter, until the whole amount shall have been paid. Said bonds bear interest at the rate of 3K per cent. per annum payable at the First National Bank of Itlraca, N. ii„ on the first days of March and September of each year. We further report that it will be necessary for the said Town of New- field to raise by tax the sum of $3,435.00 to pay maturing bonds and inter- est on bonds as follows : Principal due March 1st, 1904 $2,000 00 Interest on $42,000 from September 1st, 1903, to March rst, 1904 - 735 00 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 Interest on $4o,000. from March 1st, 1904, to September Ist, 1904- '�--------� - ---- Dated, Newfield, N. Y., November 14th, 1903. STATE OF NEW YORK, tS TOMPKINS COUNTY. f 75 700 00 $3,435 00 A. H. PALMER, JOHN W. DEAN, Commissioners. The undersigned being duly sworn depose and say that the above report is in all respects correct and true to the best of their knowledge and belief. A. H. PALMER, JOHN W. DEAN. Subscribed and sworn to before me this i4th day of November, 1903. t~STUS PATTERSON, Notary Public. The Clerk read the following Report of the Supervisor of the Town of Newfield on the Bonded Indebtedness of the Town of Newfield, which on motion of Mr. Mount was received and ordered printed. To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County In accordance with Chapter 552 of the Laws of 1870, I hereby report the Bonded Indebtedness of the Town of Newfield to be as follows, viz.: Amount of bonds issued____ - ____ ____ _ $52,000 00 Amount of principal paid_ ___ _____________ 10,000 oo Outstanding bonds unpaid____ _ __.___ $42,000 00 Amount of interest to be paid March ist, 1904 $ 735 00 Amount of interest to be paid September 1st, 1904_.700 00 $1,435 00 Payment on principal March 1st, 1904___ __ 2,000 00 Total principal and interest _ $3,435 00 J. C. THOMPSON, Supervisor. 76 The Supervisors' Proceedings, r9o3 • By Mr. Thompson : Resolved, That at the request of the Bonding Commissioners of the Town of Newfield the sum of Fourteen Hundred and Thirty-five Dollars ($1,435•oo) for the payment of interest, and the further sum of Two Thou& and Dollars ($z,000.00) for payment on principal of the above named Bonds be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Newfield. Laid on the table under the rule. Mr. Livermore's resolution to assess and collect from the City of Ithaca, Fifteen Dollars to pay County Treasurer for ex- penses in collecting delinquent taxes of 19oz, introduced December 3, was taken up for consideration, and on motion of Mr. Mount the amount was ordered levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the City of Ithaca, Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, J. H., Livermore, )t'Iount, Noxon, Sprigg, Thotpson,—io. Noes—none. By Mr. J. H. Hine : \VHmuns, a resolution is now before this Board for our consideration appropriating $1S,7ao.co for the purpose of paying what would be the County's share for the construction of about 3 miles of Highway leading North from the Campus through Cornell Heights ; and whereas the mem- bers of this Board have listened to able and exhaustive argument in favor of its adoption from many of the representative citizens of the City of Ithaca, therefore Resolved, That in justice to all interests of the County the further con- sideration of this resolution he deferred until December 16th at 2 P. M., for the purpose of giving the citizens of the rural towns the same chance to be heard upon this question as has been accorded the citizens of the City. Its adoption was moved by Mr. Mount. By Dr. Gallagher : Resolved, That Mr, J. H. Hine's resolution be laid on the table until 2 P. M. The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 On motion the satne was adopted. By Mr. Baker : 77 Resolved, That the steel equipment contemplated in the County Clerk's Office be installed in both rooms not to exceed the estimate given the Board by Mr. Wadsworth. Its adoption was moved by Mr. Sprigg. By Mr. Mount : Resolved, As an amendment to Mr. Baker's resolution that the steel equipment be installed only in the front office not to exceed the estimate given for that office by Mr. Wadsworth. On motion the amendment was lost. Ayes—Messrs. Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Mount —5. Noes—Messrs. Baker, Hine, J. H., Hine, W. C., Livermore, Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson -7. On motion Mr. Baker's original resolution was lost. Ayes --Messrs. Baker, Livermore, Mount, Sprigg-4. Noes—Messrs. Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, J. H., Hine, W. C., Noxon, Thompson ---8. On motion the Board adjourned. Afternoon Session Roll call. Quorum present. On motion the Board went into executive session. Mr. J. H. Hine's resolution to defer the consideration of t]ie appropriation for the construction of the Cayuga Heights road 78 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 until December 16th, was taken up for consideration, and on motion the same was lost. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Hine, J. H., Mount, Thomp- son—S. Noes—Messrs. Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, W. C., Livermore, Noxon, Sprigg-7. - Mr. Noxon's resolution to appropriate $18,7oo.00 to pay the County's share for the construction of the Cayuga Heights Road introduced December 3rd, was taken up for consideration, and on motion of Mr. Hanshaw the same was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, W. C., Noxou, Sprigg, Livermore -7. Noes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Hine, J. H., Mount, Thomp- son -5. On motion of Mr. Sprigg the following Bond of Messrs. Newman & Blood was accepted, ordered filed, printed and recorded in the County Clerk's office. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS That we, Jared T. Newnan and Charles H, Blood, both of the City of Ithaca, County of Tompkins and State of New York, are held and firmly bound unto the County of Tompkins, in the sum of Five Thousand Dol- lars ($5,000.00) to be paid to the said County of Tompkins, or to its Board of Supervisors, attorneys or assigns, in its behalf. For which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors or adminis- trators, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. Sealed with our seals. Dated the 3rd day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and three. THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That, whereas the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County is about to pass the requisite resolutions under the Higbie—Armstrong Law for the iruprovtnient of the Cayuga Heights Road, 3.165 miles in length, at the The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 79 total estimated cost of thirty-seven thousand four hundred dollars {$37,4oO) of which the cost to the County for the per cent of cost chargeable by law to said County, being thirty-five per cent (35 per cent) thereof, is thirteen thousand ninety dollars ($13,ogo). Now, therefore, if the above hounded obligators shall by the aid of pri- vate subscriptions or appropriations from other sources, or otherwise, fur- nish the funds requisite to pay that portion of the cost imposed upon the County of Tompkins in excess of the suns of eleven thousand seventy-seven dollars and fifty cents (tieing $3,5oo per mile and not including any part of the fifteen per cent of the cost which the County advai;ces and col!ects of property owners under the statute) and shall pay to the County of Tomp- kins any excess in cost to it over and above the limit aforesaid, which ex- cess is not in any event to exceed the stem of two thousand thirteen dollars ($2,or3) whenever the- same is required to be paid by the said County of Tompkins for the construction of the road aforesaid, then this obligation to be void ; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue. JARED T. NEWWMAN. [LS.]CHARLES 11. BLOOD. [LSI STATE OF NEW YORK, Ss COUNTY OF TOMPKINS, CITY ON ITHACA. On this 3rd day of December, 1903, before me, the subscriber, person- ally appeared Jared T. Newman and Charles H. Blood, to me personally known to be the same persons described in and -who executed the foregoing instrument, and they severally duly acknowledged that they executed the same. FLORA M. HARVEY, Notary Public. By Dr. Gallagher : I. NVIIF,REAS, at a meeting of this Board held on the 3rd day of December, Igor, a resolution was adopted that provision should be made for the improvement of that portion of the highway commonly known as Cats- kill Turnpike, Section 2, Town of Dryden, Tompkins County and described as follows : Beginning at the intersection of said Turnpike with the line dividing the Towns of Ithaca and Dryden and running east to the intersec- tion of the road leading to the Village of Brookton in the Town of Caro- line, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter Its Laws of ISO ; and 2. WHERRAs the State Engineer and Surveyor has investigated and determined that a section of said highway is of sufficient public importance 8o The SuJervisors' Proceedings, 1903 in accordance with the provisions of said law, and has certified his approval of the said resolution ; and 3. WHEREAS said State Engineer and Surveyor has caused a section of said highway, which section is described. as follows : Beginning at the intersection of said Turnpike with the line dividing the Towns of Ithaca and Dryden and running thence east to the intersection of the road leading to the Village of Brookton in the Town of Caroline, a distance of 1.382 miles in the Town of Dryden, and known as the Catskill Turnpike Section 2 Road to be surveyed and snapped, and has caused plans and specifications and an estimate of cost to_be made for said improvement, and has trans- mitted the same to this Board; 4. Resolved, That the highway above described in paragraph one, be improved and constructed in that portion thereof above described in para- graph three in accordance with the maps, plans, specifications and estimate prepared -for such improvement by the State Engineer and Surveyor under the provisions of Chapter r 15 of the Laws of X898. That said work be done under the care and superintendance of the State Engineer and Surveyor and that said traps, plans, specifications and estimate prepared by said State Engineer and Surveyor for said work, are hereby duly approved and adopted by this Board ; 5. Resolved, That the sum of Seven Thousand Four Hundred Fifty Dollars ($7,45o.00) being one•half of the estimated total cost which amounts. to $14,goo.00 be and the sante is hereby appropriated for constructing and improving, under provisions of Chapter 115 of the Laws of 1898, said road described in paragraph 3 hereof ; and the County Treasurer of Tompkins County is hereby authorized and directed to pay said suns upon the requisi- tion or draft of the State Engineer and Surveyor, said sura being hereby made immediately available for such purpose ; and if he should find it nec- essary said •County Treasurer is hereby authorized and empowered to bor- row all or part of said sum on the obligation of the said County issued by him for, on behalf of and in the name of the County of Tompkins and act- ing for and on behalf of said County. Laid on the table under the rule. On motion the Board arose from executive session. By Mr. Sprigg. Resolved, That the Steel equipment for the front room of the County Clerk's office be installed at a cost not to exceed the cost estimated, viz.:. $2,350.00. The Supervisors' Proceedings, rgo3 St Laid on the table under the rule. On motion the Board adjourned until Monday morning at. 10 A..n1. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. >L"eglZ!Ir;LfMIABlti VitIOtt;;E9 l ;t;Jitl:ff:kSMIVILF SEVENTEENTH DAY M01' DAV, DECEMBER 7, 1903. Morning Session. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of December 4th read and approved. The Clerk read the following- communication from the Com- mon Council of the City of Ithaca, which on notion was re- ceived and ordered printed. To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, Ithaca, N. Y. At a meeting of the Common Council of the City of Ithaca, held at their Chambers in the City Hall of Ithaca, New York, the following resolution was duly passed, via.: "Resolved, That the Common Council of the City of Ithaca notify the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County as required by the Statute that there is required for the support of the poor of the said City during the coming fiscal year the sum of $,7,000.00 and that this Council requests the said sum to be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the City of Ithaca, and being collected that the sante be paid over to the City Treasurer to be expended for the support of the poor of said City in accordance with Sec. 39 of Chap. 225 of the Laws of 1396." 1, John Miller, City Clerk of the City of Ithaca do certify that the above resolution was duly passed by the Common Council at a meeting held at their chambers in the City Hall of the City of Ithaca on December 2, 1903, and that the above is a true and faithful copy of the original resolu- tion and of the whole of said original. 82 The Supervisors' Proceedings, /903 Witness my hand and the seal of the said City this 4th day of Decem- ber, 1903. (Seal) JOHN MILLER, City Clerk. By Mr. Noxon : Resolved, That pursuant to the foregoing request of the Common Coun- cil of the City of Ithaca and upon the certificate of the Clerk thereof, there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the City of Ithaca the sum of seven thousand dollars ($7,oco.00) to he paid over to the Treas- urer of the said City of Ithaca, N. V„ to be expended for the support of the poor of said City in accordance with Sec. 39 Chap. 225 of the Laws of 1896. Laid on the table under the rule. Mr. Baker's resolution to raise in the Town of Danby $500 for bridges, $225 for support of poor and $135 for deficiency of dog fund, introduced December 4th, was taken up for considera- tion, and on motion of Mr. Corbin the amounts were ordered levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Danby. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hanshaw, Hine, J. H., Hine, W. C., Livermore, Mount, Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson -1 I . Noes—none'. Mr. Thompson's resolution to raise by tax in the Town of Newfield $3,435 to pay on the Bonded Indebtedness, introduced December 4th, was taken 'up for consideration and on motion of Mr. Hanshaw the amount was ordered levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Newfield. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hanshaw, Hine, J. H., Hine, W. C., Livermore, Mount, Noxon, Sprigg, Thomp- Son— I 1. Noes—none. On rnotion the Board adjourned. The Suj ervisors' Proceedings, 1903 ti 3 Afternoon Session Roll call. Quorum present. Dr. Gallagher, chairman of the Committee on Miscellaneous Claims, reported favorably on Bills Nos. 114, 120, 116, 119, 95, 117, 1 r 1 , 103, and recommended that the full amounts thereof be paid. Laid on the table under the rule. On motion of Mr. Hanshaw, Bill No. 94, was ordered audited at the full amount as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, J. H., Hine, W. C., Livermore, Mount, Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson -12. Noes—none. On motion of J. H. Hinie, Bill No. 23, was ordered audited at $5.00 as recommended by the committee instead of at $ro.00 as claimed. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, J. H., Hine, W. C., Livermore, Mount, Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson—i 2. Noes—none. On motion of Mr. Baker, Bill No. 14, was ordered audited as $5.00 as recommended by the .committee instead of at $ro.00 at claimed. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, J. IL, Hine, W. C., Livermore, Mount, Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson -12. Noes—none. 84 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 Dr, Gallagher's resolution to appropriate $7,45o.00 for ex- tending the improvement of the Catskill Turnpike, introduced December 4, was taken up for consideration and on notion of Dr. Gallagher the same was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, W. C., Livermore, Noxon, Sprigg--7. Noes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Hine, J. H., Mount, Thomp- son --5. Mr. Sprigg's resolution to install the steel equipment in the front office of the County Clerk's Office at a cost of not to ex- ceed $2,35o, introduced December 4th, was taken up for consid- eration and on motion of Mr. Baker, the same was lost. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Livermore, Mount, Sprigg-6. Noes—Messrs. Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, J. H., Hine, W. C., Noxon, Thompson, Terry -7. Mr. Terry presented the Town Audits of the Town of Ulys- ses, which were laid on the table under the rule. On motion the Board adjourned. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. The Supervz:sora' Proceeding -s, /903 EIGHTEENTH DAY TUESDAY DECEMBER 8, 1903. Morning Session Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of Monday read and approved. By Mr. Baker : Resolved, That the sum of Three Hundred and Sixty-eight (36S.00) Dollars be collected from those persons indicated on the assessment roll of the Town of Danby as liable to Poll Tax, being a tax of $[.00 per capita for each person so indicated in accordance with Chapter 351 Laws of 189S. Laid on the table under the rule. By Mr. Mount : \V -gR As the Sheriff of Tompkins County has notified members of this Board that whatever record of jail limits there might have been at any time established for Tompkins County are lost or destroyed, Resolved, That this Board annul the limits as fortuerly fixed and estab- lish new limits as required by statute. On motion of Dr. Gallagher, the satne was adopted. On motion the Chair appointed Messrs. Mount and Hagin a committee to determine upon and fix new jail limits for Tomp- kins County and report to the Board. The Clerk read the report of George McLaughlin, Secretary of the Commission of Prisons on the Tompkins County Jail, which on motion of Mr. Sprigg was received and ordered printed. By Mr. Hanshaw : Resolved, That in the apportionment of Grand Jurors, the quotas al- lotted to the several towns and the City of Ithaca be as follows : Caroline_ 20 Danby ---- -- 19 86 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 Dryden ______ 43 Enfield - -- 15 Groton 32 Ithaca, City - 79 Ithaca, Town -- -------- -- 12 Lansing x8 Newfield - - 24 Ulysses__._. _ 28 Total 300 On motion of Mr. Thompson the same was adopted. By Mr. Noxon : Resolved, That the compensation of the Sheriff of this County for the board of prisoners for the ensuing year be 43 cents per day and 25 cents per week for each prisoner for washing. On motion of Mr. Sprigg the same was adopted. By Mr. Noxon : Resolved, That Edward R. Gaston of the City of Ithaca, Tompkins County, N. Y., be appointed as Sealer of Weights and Measures for the County of Tompkins for the period of one year beginning with the first day of December, 1903. On motion of Mr. J. H. Hine the same was adopted. By Mr. Hanshaw : Resolved, That the sum of One Hundred Twenty Dollars be allowed the County Clerk of this County with which to pay services of janitor of County Clerk Building, including Judge's office for the year t9o4. Laid on the table under the rule. By Mr. Corbin : Resolved, That the Sheriff or any other officer authorized by hint be allowed $:5.00 for the transportation of a single person to the State Indus- trial School at Rochester, and to all other institutions to which he conveys prisoners, and $3.00 for each additional person taken at the sane tine. The Supervisors' Proceedings, X90 ' 87 On motion of Mr. Noxon the same was adopted. On motion the Board adjourned. Afternoon Session Roll call. Quorum present. Mr. Ilanshaw, chairman of the Committee on Clerk's and Justice's Accounts, reported favorably on Bill No. I2I, and recom- mended that the full amount thereof be paid. Laid on the table under the rule. On motion of Mr. Baker, Bills Nos. I14, 1I1, 103, 117, 95, 119, Iib acid 120 were ordered audited at the full amounts as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, J. H., Hine, W. C., Mount, Sprigg, Thompson—to. Noes—none.. Mr. Noxon's resolution to levy upon and collect from the taxable property of the City of Ithaca $7,000 for the support of the Poor, introduced December 7th, was taken up for considera- tion and on motion of Mr. Hanshaw the sante was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, J. H., Hine, W. C., Mount, Sprigg and Thompson --to. Noes—none. The Town Audits of the Town of Ulysses presented Decem- ber 7, by Mr. Terry, were taken up for consideration, and on mo- tion of Mr. J. H. Hine, the amount was ordered levied upon 'and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Ulysses. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, J, H., Hine, W. C., Mount, Sprigg, Thompson—to. Noes—none. 88 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 By Mr. Baker : Resolved, That there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the County of Tompkins the sum of seven thousand ($7,000) dollars for Court Expenses for the year 1904. Laid on the table under the rule. On motion the Board adjourned. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. NINETEENTH DAY WEDNESDAY, DECEM13ER 9, 1903. Morning Session Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of Tuesday read and approved. Mr. Sprigg, the Committee on Fuel and Lights for the en- suing year requested the appointment of two more members to act with him on the committee, and on motion Messrs. Hagin and J. H. Hine were appointed to act with Mr. Sprigg on the Com- mittee to purchase Fuel and Lights for the ensuing year. By Mr. Thompson Resolved, That in accordance with the resolutions adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Newfield and the statutes in such cases made and pro- vided the following sums of money be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Newfield as herein set forth, viz : The sum of Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($25o.00) for Bridges. One Hundred Dollars ($roo.00) in aid of the Newfield Free Town Library. The Supervisors' Proceeding -s, 1903 Fifty Dollars ($50.00) to aid in support of the Town Poor. Ten Dollars ($10.00) for Decoration Day Observance. Laid on the table under the rule. By Mr. Thompson : 89 Resolved, That the suns of One Thousand and Forty-one Dollars ($1o4r.00) on one and thirty-four hundredths mills (.00134) on the dollar of assessed property of the Town of Newfield outside of the corporate limits of the Village of Newfield be levied and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Newfield outside of the Village of Newfield for the purpose of working the highways of the Town of Newfield outside of the Village of Newfield under the money tax system in accordance with a resolution adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Newfield and with Chapter 351 Laws of 1898. Laid on the table under the rule. By Mr. Thompson Resolved, That the sum of three hundred and fifty-four ($354.00) dol- lars be collected from those persons indicated on the assessment roll of the Town of Newfield outside of the Village of Newfield as liable to Poll Tax, being a tax of $1,00 per capita for each person so indicated in accordance with Chapter 351 Laws of 1S9S, in relation to working the highways under the money tax system. Laid on the table under the rule. Mr. Thompson presented the Town Audits of the Town of Newfield, which were laid on the table under the rule. By Mr. Terry : Resolved, That in pursuance of the resolutions of the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses, the various amounts asked for be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Ulysses, viz: For Memorial Day $50.00. Repair of Wixom Bridge, $40.00. Correction of error in 1902 Audits $roo.(x). Highways and bridges $250.00. 90 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 Poor Fund $250.00. Indigent Soldiers and Sailors $100.00. Laid on the table under the rule. On motion the Board adjourned. Afternoon Session Roll call. Quorum present. By Mr. Hanshaw : Resolved, That the collectors of the several towns and the tax receiver of the City of Ithaca be required to settle with the County Treasurer and with the Supervisors of their respective towns 011 or before March 1st, 1904. The adoption of the resolution was moved by Mr. W. C. Hine. By Mr. Mount : Resolved, As an amendment the date of settlement be March isth in- stead of March 1st. On motion the amendment was adopted. On motion the original resolution as amended was adopted. Dr. Gallagher, chairman of the Committee on Miscellaneous Claims, reported favorably on Bill No. 89 and recommended that the full amount thereof be paid, Laid on the table tender the rule. Mr. Thompson, chairman of the Committee on the County Treasurer's Accounts, presented the following report, which on motion of Mr. Corbin was received and ordered printed. To the Board of Supervisors : Your committee on County Treasurer's Accounts respectfully report that they have closely inspected the report of the County Treasurer and The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 91 have closely examined each of the •numerous vouchers accompanying the same, and further that they have verified vouchers accompanying the same, and further that they have verified the amount of the balance claimed to be in the Bank by receiving a statement from the Bookkeeper of the First National Bank showing the amount in bank to be $1,357.54, and the amount in hand as per report of the County Treasurer to be $r,346.34, plus one check of $11.2o given November 13th, 1903, to David Bower, which makes the accounts balance. J. C. THOMPSON, PAUL, S. LIVERMORE, J. H. HINE, Committee. On motion of Mr. J. H. 1 -line, Bill No. 121 was. ordered au- dited at the full amount as recommended by the Committee. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, J. H., Hine, W. C., Livermore, Mount, Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson -12. Noes—none. The Clerk read the following recommendation to the Board by the Grand Jury on the County Jail and Court House, which , on motion of Mr. Sprigg was received and ordered printed. We, the members of the Grand Jury of the December Term of 1903, do respectfully make the following recommendation to the Tompkins County Board of Supervisors : We feel that the County Buildings located in the City of Ithaca are in poor condition and that extensive repairs on the same will be needed in the near future. Extensive improvements are being asked for on account of the County Clerk's Office and the Prison Commission of the State of New York is persistent in its demands for an improved condition of the County Jail, and in our opinion it would he unwise to expend so large an amount as would be needed for necessary repair of these buildings. We therefore respectfully recommend that the Board of Supervisors cause to be submitted in proper form to the voters of this County the ques- tion as to the desirability of a new County and City Building for the con- venience of County and City Officials. The above resolution was duly passed by the said Grand Jurors. FRIW D. JOHNSON, Clerk. 92 The Supervisors' Proceedings, /90 Mr. Baker's resolution to levy and collect $368 Poll Tax in the Town of Danby, introduced December 8, was taken up for consideration and on notion of Mr. Thompson the same was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, J. H., Hine, W. C., Livermore, Mount, Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson -12, Noes—none. Mr. Hanshaw's resolution, to allow to the County Clerk $12o for Janitor introduced December 8, was taken up for considera- tion and on motion of Mr. Sprigg the same was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Baker Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, J. H., Hine, W. C., Livermore, Mount, Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson -1 2. Noes --none. Mr. Baker's resolution to raise by tax in Tompkins County $7,000.00 for Court expenses, introduced December 8, was taken up for consideration and on motion of Mr. Corbin the same was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, • Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, J. H., Hine, W. C., Livermore, Mount, Noxon, Sprigg Thompson—r2. Noes—none. On motion the Board adjourned. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. The Supervisors' Proceedings, i90; TWENTIETH DAY 93 THURSDAY, DECEMBER IO, 1903. Morning Session Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of Wednesday read and approved. The Clerk read the following report made by the committees on a joint County and City Building, which on motion of Mr. J. H. Hine was received and ordered printed. The committee consisting of members appointed by the Board of Super- visors, and, at their request, by the Common Council and the Business • Men's Association report : That we have considered the question referred to us and are of the opinion that it is desirable that the County and the City possess a joint public building. That we are unable to make specific suggestions as to the building for want of knowledge which county offices and which city offices should be provided for in it. That we are, therefore, unable to fora= an opinion as to the size of the necessary lot. That we respectfully suggest to the Board of Supervisors and to the Common Council each to appoint a committee to confer with the other and to determine these questions and such other details as may need con- sideration. On motion the Board adjourned. Afternoon Session Roll call. Quorum present. Dr. Gallagher, chairman of the Committee on Miscellaneous Claims, reported favorably on Bills Nos. 123, 129, 128, 127 and 79 and recommended that the full amounts thereof be paid. L y4 • The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 Laid on the table under the rule. The Clerk read the following report of the Committee on the U. S. Deposit Fund, which on motion of Mr. Sprigg was received .and ordered printed. To the Board of Supervisors : Your Committee on U. S. Loan Commissioners respectfully report that they have examined the Books, Records and Vouchers of said Commission- ers and find according to records the status of the said fund is as follows THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF PROPERTY HELD BY THE STATE On hand October 1, 1902 $16,199 04 Received on account of principal 62o 00 $15,579 04 Foreclosed Mortgages held by State 750 0o $14,829 04 741 47 • Amount of interest paid to October Less expenses, foreclosure and commissions___ 206 84 Interest paid to State Treasurer_ Respectfully submitted, $ 534 63 L. F. NOXON, WEBI3 CORBIN, R. N. MOUNT, Committee. On notion of Mr. Hanshaw, Bill No. 89, was ordered au- dited at the full amount as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, j. H., Hine, W. C., Livermore, Mount, Noxon, Sprigg, Thomp- son—t i s Noes—none. The Supervisor: Proceedings, 1903 95 By Mr. Thompson : Resolved, That upon the suggestion of the committee appointed by the Board, the Common Council and the Business Men's Association of this City that a committee -of three from this Board be appointed and a commit- tee of three be asked for from the Common Council and that a sum not ex- ceeding one hundred dollars ($ioo) or so much thereof as may be needed be appropriated for the use of said committee in procuring estimated cost of a building that would be suitable for the needs of Tompkins County and the City of Ithaca and after they have procured such necessary information said committee be empowered to request a joint meeting of this Board and the Common Council. Laid on the table under the rule. Mr. J. H. Hine in the chair at the request of Mr. Terry. The Clerk read the following report of Mr. Terry on the Bonded Indebtedness of the Town of Ulysses, which on motion of Mr. Mount was received and ordered printed. I, Eugene Terry, Supervisor of the Town of Ulysses and to which office was transferred the duties of Railroad Bonding Commissioner of said Town, do respectfully report, as follows : That of the original issue of Fifty Bonds of One Thousand Dollars each, made March 1st, 1901, Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4 of said series and each being in an amount of $1,000.00 have been fully paid, cancelled and surrendered. I further report that the semi-annual interest on said Bonds of $84o.00, which became clue March 1st, 1903, and the further sunt of $805.00 interest - which becomes due September 1st, 1903, has been fully paid and I hold receipts therefor, That by the terms and conditions on which said ,Bonds were issued, $2,000.00 of 'the principal becomes due annually on March ist of each year in addition to semi-annual interest on balance remaining unpaid, I, therefore, report that it will be necessary for said Town of Ulysses to raise by tax for the coming year the sum of Three Thousand Five Hun- -dred and seventy-five dollars ($3,575.00) to be disbursed as follows : For payment of two Bonds Nos. 6 and 7, $1,000 each (The above mentioned bonds to become due and pays- ble March 1st, 1904.) $2,000' ... 96 The Supervisors' Proceedings, r 903 For payment of semi-annual interest on $46,000 from September Ist, 1903, to March 1st, 1904_ _ _ $ 805 For payment of semi-annual interest on $,44,000 from March 1st, 1904, to September 1st, 1904__ $ 770 Total -- - $3,575 Dated, Ulysses, N. Y., December roth, 1903. STATE OF NEW YORK t ss. Cour ry of TomPKINs. J Eugene Terry being duly sworn deposes and says that the above report by him subscribed is in all respects true and correct to the best of his knowl- edge, information and belief. EUGENE TERRY, Supervisor. EUGENE TERRY. Subscribed and sworn to before me this loth day of December, 1903. B. T. BAKER, Notary Public, By Mr. Terry That upon the Report of the Supervisor of the TownOf Ulysses there be levied and collected from the taxable property of said Town the sum of three thousand five hundred and seventy-five dollars ($3,575) to pay princi- pal to become due on Railroad Bonds March 1st, 1904, amounting to two thousand dollars ($2,000) together with the further sum of eight hundred and five dollars ($So5) interest to become due March 1st, 1904, and also the further sung of seven hundred and seventy dollars ($770) interest to become due September 1st, 1904, making in the aggregate the suns of $3,575 to be raised for the purpose above set forth. Laid on the table under the rule. The Clerk read the following communication from the State Tax Commissioners, which Charles M. Benjamin, County Treas- urer, had banded to the Board, and on motion of Mr. Mount the satne was received and ordered printed. . STATE BOARD OF TAX COMMISSIONERS, ALIIAN', N. Y., DrcEMBBR 9, I903. CIEIARI.RS M. BENJAMIN, Esq., Treasurer of Tompkins County, Ithaca, N. Y. DEAR SIR In relation to the matter of the assessment and taxation of the banks in Tompkins County, it is called to our attention that a deduction of $15,000 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 97 of real estate valuation was made from the capital stock par value, surplus and undivided profits of the Tompkins County National flank by Assessor Merrill of your City ; and of $IS,oso from the assets of the First National Bank of Groton by Assessor M. A. Avery of that Village in the year 1903. Such deductions, in the opinion of the Attorney -General, as contrary to law : and in conflict with the oral and printed instructions of the depart- ment. Will you kindly communicate that fact to the Supervisors of the tax districts above referred to, as well as to the assessors. It seems desir- able that there should be compliance with the law as the law is construed by the law department of the State. We trust that it is not too late to have these assessments correctly made for the current year. I have the honor to be Very truly yours, GEORGE E. PRIEST, Chairman. Mr. Terry resumed the Chair. Mr. Thompson's resolution to raise by tax in the town of Newfield $25o for Bridges, $loo in aid of Newfield Free Town Library, $5o for Town Poor, $to for Memorial Day observance, introduced December 9, was taken up for consideration, and on motion of Mr. Baker, the amounts were ordered levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Newfield. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, J. H., Hine, W. C., Livermore, Mount, Noxou, Sprigg, Thomp- son—.I I. Noes—none. Mr. Thompson's resolution to raise $I ,o41 to work the high- ways in the Town of Newfield outside of the Village of Newfield, introduced December 9, was taken up for consideration, and on motion of Mr. Noxon, the amount was ordered levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the Town.of Newfield out- side of the Village of'Newfield. 98 The .SuJervisors' Proceedings, 1903 Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, J. H., Hine, W. C., Livermore, Mount, Noxon, Sprigg, Thomp- son -11. Noes—none. Mr. Thompson's resolution to levy and collect $354.00 Poll Tax in the Town of Newfield, outside of the village of Newfield, introduced December 9, was taken up for consideration and on motion of Mr. Hanshaw, the same was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, J. H., Hine, W. C., Livermore, Mount, Noxon, Sprigg, Thonip- sOIl— I I , Noes—none. The Town Audits of the Town of Newfield presented by Mr. Thompson December g, were taken up for consideration and on motion of Mr. W. C. Hine, the amount was ordered levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Newfield, Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, J. H., Hine, W. C., Livermore, Mount, Noxon, Sprigg and Thompson—I 1. Noes—none. Mr. Terry's resolution to raise by tax in the Town of Ulysses $5o.00 for Memorial Day, $4o.00 for repair of Wixom Bridge, $100.00 for. error in 1902 Audits, $,250,00 for Highways and bridges, $25o.00 for Poor Fund and $roo for indigent Soldiers and Sailors, introduced December 9, was taken up for considera- tion and on motion of Mr. J. H. Hine, the amounts were ordered levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Ulysses. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, J. H., Hine, W. C., Liverinore, Mount, Noxon, Sprigg, Thomp- son—II. homp- son—II. The Supervisors' Proceedings, r 9o; Noes—none. Onmotion the Board adjourned. IiIR'1' T. BAKER, Clerk. 9t) TWENTY-FIRST DAY FRIDA V, I)xcEMI HER 11, 1903. Morning Session Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of Thursday read and approved. The members of the Board were engaged in committee work. On motion the Board adjourned. Afternoon Session Roll call. Quorum present. The Clerk read the following report of the committee ap- pointed on the installations of a laundry, etc., at the County Alms House, which on motion of Mr. W. C. Hine was received and ordered printed. To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: Your committee appointed December 27th, 1902, for the purpose of ascertaining the size of the plant required to meet the needs of the County Alms House for laundry use, etc., as embodied in a resolution passed on the above named date by the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, re- spectfully submit the following report : Your committee visited the Alms House on June 6th, 1903, together with F. T. Wells representing the Gould Mfg. Co. of Seneca Falls, N. Y., too •The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 and made necessary observations and took measurements required. We find it unnecessary to build a special building for laundry purposes as the present laundry is of sufficient size to accommodate the machinery needed. Your committee recommend using two 32"x3o" Hydraulic Wood Washers and one 2o" Extractor as manufactured by the Troy Laundry Machinery Co. of Troy, N. Y., or any other make equally as good. As power for driv- ing the laundry plant we recommend the Springfield Gas Engine combined with Goulds 51'xS" Double Acting Triplex pump. Tlie engine as men- tioned before is a 12 H. P. and is sufficient both for laundry uses and also furnish power for pumping pressure for fire protection. Your committee has taken into consideration the natter of fire protection, as well as the laundry, and we consider the laundry a secondary matter in comparison with the need of fire protection at the Alms House. For the use of the above mentioned engine and -pump combination it will be necessary to construct a reservoir for the storage of water. The Goulds Manufacturing Company recommend a cistern of 2000 barrels capa- city. Your committee recommend as sufficient in our estimation a reser voir of the following dimensions, viz., 6o feet long, 10 feet wide and 8 feet deep, capacity about 1,200 barrels. This cistern would supply the pump in case of fire for four hours and we consider that four hours of fire would practically destroy the building, consequently a larger supply of water• would' be unnecessary unless we install a Much larger plant than this one. In recommending two washers the committee have taken into consid- eration the fact that some of the clothing is infected with more or less ver - mine and filth, and we consider it would not be advisable to use the same washer for the family use and for table linen, etc. Your committee again visited the Alms House on August loth, with Mr. Jamieson of the firer of Jamieson & McKinney, Plumbers, and Mr. Shackelton representing the Troy Laundry Machinery Co., and took final measurements for plumbing, etc. The estimated cost of this entire plant is as follows : Estimated price on one 5 in. x 6 in. Double Acting Triplex Piston Pump with Friction Clutch Coupling complete $561 00 One 12 H. P. Springfield Gasoline Engine with friction clutch coupling, complete 450 00 Shafting, Pulleys and Hangers 25 00 Two Hydraulic Wood Washers_ rj0 00 One 20 in. Extractor_ __. ____ 115 00 All necessary plumbing, Hose and hose reels __ 431 00 1200 Bbl. Reservoir, complete, including carpenter work etc., and incidentals ____ ___.. ______ 1273 00 Total - - -- -- $3,005 00 7 he Supervisors' Proceedings, 1905 101 Your committee after careful investigation recommend the above outfit as being, in our estimation, a thoroughly effective plant and sufficient for -all needs at the County House. Respectfully submitted, CHARLES S1'RIGG, JOHN J. HANSHAW, Committee. On motion of W. C. Hine, Bill No. 123, was ordered audited at the full amount as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, W. C., Liver- more, Mount, Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson—to. Noes—none. Mr. Thompson's resolution to appropriate $Ioo.00 for the use of the Committee from this Board on a joint County and City Building introduced December to, was taken up for consideration and on motion of Mr. Sprigg the amount was ordered levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the County of Tomp- kins and the resolution adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, W. C., Livermore, Mount, Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson—rt. Noes—none. Comtnittee appointed by. Chair, Messrs. W. C. Hine, Liver- more and Baker. Mr. Terry's resolution to raise by tax $3,575.00 in the Town of Ulysses to pay on Bonded Indebtedness of said Town, intro- duced December to, was taken up for consideration, and on motion of Mr. Hanshaw, the amount was ordered levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Ulysses. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, W.C. Livermore, Mount, Noxon, Thompson—g. Noes—none. 102 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 The Clerk read the Bond of Charles M. Benjamin given as County Treasurer for the ensuing term in the•sum of $200,000.00, which on motion of Mr. Livermore was referred to R. Horton, Esq., the County's Attorney, for his approval as to form. On motion the Board adjourned to Monday ro A. M. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. TWENTY-SECOND DAY M0N0Av, Di;CEIvIB1.R 14, 1903. Morning Session Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of December rrth read and approved, Members of the Board were engaged in committee work. On motion the Board adjourned. Afternoon Session Mr. Hagin in the chair. Roll call. Quorum present. Mr. Livermore, chairman of the committee appointed to draft resolutions for the licensing of dogs in Tompkins County, reported that after a thorough investigation of the Law that the committee had decided that they could only make such resolu- tion effective in the Towns of the County but not in the City of Ithaca. - Mr. Terry in the chair. The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 103 Mr. L. H. Van Kirk was given the privilege of the floor and explained to the Board the need of improvements in the front room of the County Clerk's Office. 13v Mr. Livermore : Motion to refer to Randolph Horton, Esq., Attorney for the County, the matter of the taxation of bank stocks, and ask that he report tomorrow. Carried. Mr..Hanshaw, chairman of the committee on Clerk's and Justices' Accounts, reported favorably on Bill No. 140, and recom- mended that the full amounts thereof be paid. Laid on the table under the rule. • Mr. Mount, chairman of the Committee on Printers', Cor- oners', and Coroner's Juries' Accounts, reported favorably on Bills Nos. 97, 61, 124, 78, 69, 109, and recommended that the full amounts thereof be paid. Laid on the table under the rule. By Messrs. J. H. Hine and Thompson : WHEREAS, it appears from the report of the State Charitable represen- tative, Mr. William C. Rogers, and from the report of the County Superin- tendent of the Poor that two inmates of the Alms House, namely David Brill of the Town of Newfield and George Wilkins of the Town of Enfield have received from the Superintendent of the Poor $72 oo each for their services during the past year ; and whereas the said amount was paid froin the County Poor Fund ; and whereas it appears from the report of the Superintendent of the Poor that the respective towns are maintaining their respective inmates at a weekly rate of $1.67 1-18, therefore Resolved, That the County of Tompkins appropriate $144.00 for the purpose of reimbursing the Towns of Newfield and Enfield for the services of such inmates as shown in the report of the officials named. Laid on the table under the rule. 104 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 On motion the Board adjourned. BERT T. BAKER, CIerk. rrM.I.cf l rr r_.crr,,1i _r.ltf t:r:�.Irr. TWENTY-THIRD DAY TUESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1903. Morning Session Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of Monday read and approved. Mr. Randolph. Horton, Attorney for the County, was given the privilege of the floor and stated that in his judgment that the real estate of banks was taxable for the bank tax as part of the capital stock. By Mr. Livermore : Motion that the Board proceed in the matter of the taxation of banks in accordance with the instructions from the State Board of Tax Commissioners and the decision of the Attorney -General. Carried. The Clerk read the following substituted statement on the valuation of the Tompkins County National Bank, which on mo- tion of Mr. Livermore was received, ordered filed and printed in the minutes. To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County : G> r.TL nzt;N : In compliance with a recent ruling of the State Board of Tax Commis- sioners concerning`the valuation of the stock of Tompkins County National The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 I 05 Bank of Ithaca, N. Y., as previously submitted by me, I desire to substitute the following : foot) Shares capital stock, par value $Ioo,000 00 Surplus_ 100,000 00 Undivided profits ____ ______ 25,150 23 Total valuation $225,150 23 .1. P. ITHACA, N. Y., December 10, 1903. By Mr. Mount : MERRILL, Assessor. WHEREAS, 'There seems to be a pressing need that something be done -to make the front room of the County Clerk's Office more convenient for the transaction of business as well as to insure the safety of papers and doc- uments which may from time to time be left on the desk of the Clerk, be it Resolved, That the chairman shall appoint a committee of two mem- bers of this Board to obtaimbids for the placing of such improvements in the Clerk's office and let the contract to the lowest bidder at a sum not to •exceed four hundred dollars. On motion of Mr. J. H. Hine the same was adopted. The Chair appointed as such committee Messrs. W. C. Hine and Sprigg. On motion the Board adjourned. Afternoon Session Roll call. Quorum present. Mr. W. C. Hine, chairman of the Committee on Sheriff's Judge's and District Attorney's Accounts, reported favorably on _ Bills Nos. 65 and 144, and recommended that the full amounts thereof be paid. Laid on the table under the rule. 106 The Supervisor's Proceedings, 1903 On motion of Mr. W. C. Hine, Bill No. 140 was ordered au- dited at the full amount as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, J. H.,. Hine, W. C., Livermore, Mount, Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson—to. Noes—none. On motion of Mr. Sprigg Bills Nos. 124, 109, 97, 61, 78, and 69 were ordered audited at the full amounts as recommended. by the Committee. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, J. H., Hine, W. C., Livermore, Mount, Noxon, Sprigg, 'Thompson— to. Noes—none. Messrs. Hine's and Thompson's resolution to appropriate $144.0o to reimburse the Towns of Enfield and Newfield, each $72.00 for pay inmates from those towns had received at the County Alms House was taken up for consideration introduced December 14th, and on motion was laid on the table until the Committee on the Superintendent of the Poor have submitted their Report. On tnotion the Board adjourned. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. c�rx.�rr.�r- errnas... rL�L_rrlcrzrr� c� �L��c TWENTY-FOURTH DAY WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER, 16, 1903. Morning Session Mr. Baker in the Chair. Roll call. Quorum present. The Supervisors' Proceedings, rgoj 107 Minutes of Tuesday read and approved. Mr. Terry in the Chair. By Mr. Noxon : Resolved, That the salary of the Clerk of the Surrogate's Court from November 1st, 1903 to January ist, 1904 be Eighty-three Dollars and thirty- two cents. Laid on the table under the rule. By Mr. Hanshaw : Resolved, That the salary of the Clerk of the Surrogate's Court from January ist, 1904, to January ist, 1905, be Five Hundred Dollars ($5oo.00). Laid on the table under the rule. By Mr. Corbin : Resolved, That the salary of the Special County Judge for 1904, be •Fifty Dollars ($5o.00). Laid on the table ander the rule. By Mr. W. C. Hine : Resolved, That pursuant to Section 11 of the County Law, the Chair- man and Clerk of this Board be instructed to continue and make a contract with the Monroe County Penitentiary for one year from the 31st day of March, 1904, at the rate of ($1.75) One Dollar and seventy-five cents per week each for all prisoners who shall receive a sentence of upwards of 15o days in this County and that the Clerk attend to the publication and filing of said contract pursuant to law. On motion of Mr. Sprigg the same was adopted. On motion the Board adjourned. Afternoon Session Roll call. Quorum present. I08 The Supervisors' Proceedings, /yO; Dr. Gallagher, chairman of the Committee on Miscellaneous Claims, reported favorably on Bilis Nos. 151, 149, 152, 130, 135, 131, 132, 137, 139, 136, 122, 134 and 138 and recommended that the full amounts thereof be paid. I,aid on the table under the rule. On motion of Mr. Sprigg, Bills Nos. 65 and 144 were ordered audited at the full amounts as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, J. H., Hine, W. C., Mount, Noxon, Sprigg and Thompson ---9. Noes—none. On motion the Board adjourned. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. TWENTY-FIFTH DAY TnTjRSDAV, DECEMBER 17, 1903. Morning Session Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of Wednesday read and approved. The Clerk read a communication from Hon. Chas. H. Blood requesting the Board to empower him to purchase not to exceed 35 volumes, consisting of standard digests, etc., for the Judge's office in the name of the County and the books to belong to the County, which on motion was received and placed on file. The Supervisors' Proceedings, I90 t09 13y Mr. Hanshaw : Resolved, That the salary of the District Attorney from October 1st, 1903, to January 1st, 1904, be ($zoo.00) two hundred dollars. Laid on the table under the rule. By Mr. Noxon : Resolved, That the annual salary of the District Attorney during his term of office beginning January 1st, 1904, be eight hundred dollars ($Soo). Laid on the table under the rule, On motion the Board adjourned. Afternoon Session Roll call. Quorum present. The Clerk read a communication from the Superintendent of the Poor which on motion of Mr. Baker was received and ordered filed. Messrs. Mount, and Hagin, the Committee appointed to establish new jail limits made the following report, w11i411 on motion of Mr. J. H. Hine was received and ordered printed : In accordance with the Code of Civil Procedure, Section 147, and after consultation with and the advice of Judge Bradford Alniy, County Judge of Tompkins County, this committee recommends that the jail limits of Tompkins County be established the same as formerly, and bounded and and described as follows : Beginning at a point on the south side of six mile creek where Eddy Street if extended would intersect such creek, running thence Westerly along the south bank of said creek to the east bank of •Cayuga Inlet ; thence in a Northerly direction along the east bank of Cayuga inlet to the south bank of Cascadilla creek ; thence in an Easterly direction along the south bank of Cascadilla creek to the south side of Farm Street ; thence along south side of Farm Street to a point where Farm Street if extended east would intersect the east side of Eddy Street extended north ; thence South along the east side of Eddy Street to the place of beginning. 110 The Supervisors' Proceedings, /903 By Messrs. Mount and Hagin : Resolved, That the jail limits of Tompkins County be established as advised by the County Judge of Tompkins County and as recommended by the committee. Also that the sheriff be authorized as the statute directs, to in some manner mark the boundary of such limits, where there are not already some natural boundaries, and to have the boundaries of such limits printed and hung upon the jail door, and also printed in two of the papers •of this City. On motion of Mr. Sprigg the same was adopted. Mr. David Bower, accompanied by Mr. James Lyke and Dr. A. Chase was present before the Board, and on motion of Dr. Gallagher, the Board went into executive session and as a com- mittee of the whole to consider the bill and report of the Super- intendent of the Poor. On motion the Board arose from executive session. On motion of Mr. Sprigg, the consideration of bills and reso- lutions on the table was deferred until Friday. On motion the Board adjourned. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. TWENTY-SIXTH DAY FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8, i903. Morning' Session Dr. Gallagher in the chair. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of Thursday read and approved: The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 111 Mr. Corbin, chairman of the Committee on the Superinten- dent of the Poor Accounts, read the report of the committee, which on motion of Mr. J. H. Hine was received and ordered printed. To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County Your committee on accounts of the Superintendent of the Poor would respectfully submit the following report : Your committee has made a careful examination of the bills audited by the Superintendent of the Poor and compared them with the stubs of the order books and with the journal of the accounts, and find that the same agree. The report of the Superintendent of the Poor shows that the expendi- tures have been made as in the following classification : Outdoor relief, transportation and services of overseers, $1,208 89 Less the order "No. 512" given to the Overseer of Poor of the Town of Danby and refunded to the Superinten- dent by the Town of Summer Hill __-___ 48 13 • $1,160 76 Iiuprovements to property and furniture-____. ______ _ 1,026 39 $20.87 15 Support of the Poor by Towns and County. County._ $ 623 59 Ithaca—City _ 1672 14 Ithaca—Town ____ ____ ____ 196 49 Lansing . -- __-- 240 42 Dryden____ 597 09 Groton __-- •--- ---- ---- ---- 280 29 Danby 261 43 Newfield 484 65 Caroline ____ 243 04 "infield __-- __-- __-- 274 08 Ulysses _ 128 93 $ 5,002 15 Total $ 7,189 30 Amount appropriated 1902 6,796 12 Deficiency - $ 393 18 t 1 z The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 Your committee would also report that the account of the Superin- tendent of the Poor shows a deficiency of $to.00 in the cash account. Your committee would also report that in retaking as careful an investi- gation as'possible of outstanding debts against the Superintendent of the Poor, we find in addition to the above reported deficiency unpaid accounts to the amount of nearly $2,600.00. Therefore your committee would respectfully recommend that there be raised for the support of the poor as follows : For deficiency as reported above_ __-- _ $ 3,000 00 For maintenance for the ensuing year as recommended by the Superintendent of the Poor the further sum of 6,500 00 Total recommended to be raised__. $9,50000' Your committee would also recommend that the Superintendent of the Poor be required to reimburse the County at large for bills of supplies charged by mistake to Tompkins County which should have been paid by Dir. Bower individually, the sum of $15.20. WEBB CORBIN, W. C. GALLAGHER, WM. H. BAKER, Committee. By Mr. Corbin : Resolved, That for the support of the poor settled in Tompkins County there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the several towns of the County and the City of Ithaca to reimburse the County for the support of. Town and City poor for the year ending November 15, 1903, as follows, viz : - Caroline __ ____ - $ 243 04 Danby _ 261 43 Dryden_____ 597 09 Enfield _____- 274 oS Groton 2So 29 Ithaca -City 1,672 14 Ithaca -Town 196 49 Lansing 240 42 Newfield 484 65 Ulysses 128 93 Total,. $4,378 56 $4,378 56 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 113 And from the County at large for support of poor for the ensuing year and unpaid bills as per report of the committee --------------- _-- $ 5,121 44 Total Laid on the table under the rule. $ 9,500 00 Mr. John L. Mandeville was given the privilege of the floor and he spoke regarding the advisability of the County's adopt- ing a system for road improvement. By Mr. Hanshaw : Motion that the assessors of the Town of Ithaca be permitted to correct an error in the Assessment Roll of the Town of Ithaca, making the assessment of Mrs. Francis Marshall, guardian of Norman Harvey, $2,000 on personal property instead of $2,000 on real property. Carried. On motion the Board adjourned. Afternoon Session Mr. Terry in the chair. Roll call. Quorum present. Mr. Mount, chairman of the committee on Printers', Coro- ner's and Coroner's Juries' Accounts, reported on Bill No. 104, recommending that it be audited at $5.00 instead of at $15.00 as claimed. Laid on the table under the rule. Mr. Mount also reported on Bills Nos. 147, 143 and 148 recommending that the full amounts thereof be paid. Laid on the table under the rule. I 1 4 7Yle Supervisors' Proceedings, / 903 Mr. Gallagher, chairman of the Committee on Miscellaneous Claims, reported on Bills Nos. 147 and 153 and recommended that the full amounts thereof be paid, Laid on the table under the rule. Dr. Gallagher also reported on Bills Nos. 32, 125 and 110, and referred them back to the full Board. On motion of Mr. Mount, Bills Nos. 151, 149, 152, 130, 135, 131, 132, 137, 139, 136, 122,134, and 138 were ordered audited at the full amounts as recommended by the Committee. Ayes ---Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, W. C. Mount, Noxon, Sprigg-9. Noes—none. Mr. Noxon's.resolution making the salary of the Surrogate's Clerk from November 1, 1903, to January 1, 1904, $83.32, intro- duced December 16, was taken up for consideration and on motion of Mr. W. C. Hine the same was adopted. Aves—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, W. C., Mount, Noxon, Sprigg-9. Noes—none. Mr. Haushaw's resolution making the salary of the Surro- gate's Clerk from January i, 1904, to January 1, 1905, $500.00, introduced December 16, was taken up for consideration and on motion of Mr. W. C. Hine the sante was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagir3, Hanshaw, Hine, W. C,, Mount, Noxon, Sprigg-9. Noes—none. Mr. Corbin's resolution making the salary of the Special County Judge for 1904, $50.00, introduced December 16, was The .Su/,ervrgor.s' Proceedings, '90? -115 taken .up for consideration and on motion of Mr. Hanshaw the sane was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, W. C., Mount, Noxon, Sprigg-9. Noes—none. Mr. Hanshaw's resolution making the salary of the District Attorney from October 1, 1903, to -January 1, 1904, Poo, intro- duced December 17, was taken up for consideration and on no- tion of Mr. Noxon the same was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, W. C., Mount, Noxon and Sprigg-9. Noes—npne. Mr. Noxon's resolution making the annual salary of the District Attorney during his term of office beginning January 1, 1904, Poo, introduced December 17, was taken up for considera- tion and on motion of Mr. Mount the same was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin; Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, W. C., Mount, Noxon, Sprigg-9. Noes --none. By Mr. Sprigg : Motion that the Clerk of this Board be instructed to inform Mr. Bower, Superintendent of the Poor, to furnish a new bill to this Board itemizing each charge in detail not later than Tuesday of next week. Carried. On notion the Board adjourned until Monday at 10 A. M. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. [ ;6 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 TWENTY-SEVENTH DAY MONDAY, DECBMB1rR 21, 1903. Morning Session Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of Friday read and approved. By Mr. Corbin : Resolved, That Dr. J. P. Fahey be elected Jail Physician to act from January 1, 1904, to January 1, 1903, under the resolution adopted by this Board on the r7th day of November, 1903, On motion the salve was adopted. By Mr. Noxon : Resolved, That the sum of One Hundred Dollars be allowed the sheriff for office rent for the year .1904. Laid on the table under the rule. By Mr. Hanshaw : Resolved, That the sum of Two Hundred Dollars be allowed the District Attorney for office rent for 1904. Laid on the table under the rule. On motion the Board adjourned. Afternoon Session Roll call. Quorum present. Giles M. Stoddard, Esq., of Groton, N. Y., was given the privilege of the floor and be urged the adjustment by the County of an action brought by Groton against Tompkins County in 1892 to compel the payment to the Town of Groton of all taxes paid The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 I17 the County within six years before the action was brought by railroads in the Town of Groton claiming that those taxes should have gone to said Town to reimburse it for moneys it had paid on railroad bonds. Randolph Horton, Esq., explained the County's position in the action. On motion Mr. Horton was instructed to make further in- vestigations in the case and report to the Board. By Mr. Corbin : \VHF:RAS, The committee on Superintendent of the Poor accounts could find no record of supplies bought or services rendered for the County Altus House, and \VHEREAs, A true financial condition of said institution cannot be as- certained without such a record, therefore be it Resolved, That hereafter no report of the Superintendent of the Poor will be accepted by this Board unless a full statement of supplies bought and services rendered are included in such report. On motion the same was adopted. By Mr. Corbin : WHr R AS the custom of the Board of Supervisors in making an annual visit of inspection to the County Alms House has not accomplished the desired results and as we deein a closer investigation of the accounts of the iustitution necessary, therefore Resolved, That in place of such annual inspection, an inspection be made by two members of this Board each alternate month, and as there are twelve members of this Board and the chairman, the chairman will desig- nate the month in which remembers shall make such inspection, and the time when he himself shall inspect. The object is to have each member make a personal inspection once each year, and a written report of the condition of buildings, crops, care of inmates, etc., together with any other informa- tion necessary, must be filed with the Clerk of this Board by the person making such report. This inspection is to take the place of all other committees appointed by this Board to inspect said County Alms House. On notion the same was adopted. I18 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 By Mr. J. H. Hine : Motion that the Board proceed to the election of a Keeper of the County Alms House by informal ballot. The Chair appointed as tellers, Mr. Noxon and Mr. Liver- - more. On the informal ballot for keeper of the Alms House there were cast eleven votes, of which David Bower received Bradford Snyder received 2 .9 II On motion the Board proceeded to a formal ballot, and 13 votes were cast, of which Bradford Snyder received 10 B: Snyder received 2 David Bower received 1 13 Bradford Snyder was declared elected Keeper of the County Alms House. The Clerk read a petition from the majority property own- ers on the Spencer Road in the Town of Ithaca from the City line to the intersection of the Newfield and Enfield Roads, asking for the improvement of the sante under the provisions of Chap. 113, of the Laws of 1898. On motion of Mr. Sprigg the sante was received and ordered filed. By Mr. Hanshaw : wrinR1;As, ou the 2rst day of December, 1903, there was duly presented to this Board, pursuant to sections r and 2 of Chapter 115 of the Laws of The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 t r g 1898, a petition from the property owners of a majority of the lineal feet fronting on the section of a certain highway, situate within the County of Tompkins, hereinafter described, setting forth that the petitioners are such owners and asking that said section of the highway be improved under the provisions of the act referred to, and \VH1 RAs, such description does not include any portion of the high- way within the boundaries of any city or incorporated village, and whereas it is mandatory on this Board to pass a resolution providing for a survey of said road, therefore Resolved, That public interest demands the improvement under the provisions of Chapter 115 of the Laws of 1895 of the section of that public highway situate in the Town of Ithaca, County of Tompkins, and described as follows : Commencing at the intersection of the Spencer Road with the south line of the City of Ithaca, running thence south-westerly to the intersection of the Newfield and Enfield roads, near the residence of Avery Eellis, a dis- tance of about three miles. Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to forthwith transmit a certified copy of the foregoing resolution to the State Engineer and Surveyor. On motion of Mr. Sprigg the same was adopted. By Mr. Hagin Resolved, That action on the bills on the table he deferred until Tues- day. On motion the same was adopted. By Dr. Gallagher That the salary of the Keeper of the Alms House be six hundred dollars annually. The County to furnish one team, one grain drill and other tools on the farm belonging to the County, and the said Snyder to furnish everything else for the proper running of the County farm, including two horses of his own. Laid on the table tinder the rule. 120 • T/ie Supervisors' Proceeding -s, 1903 By Mr. Baker. Resolved, That there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of Tompkins County the sump of $625 salary for the County Judge and Surrogate from October 1st, 1903, to January 1st, 1904. Laid on the table under the rule. By Mr. J. H. Hine : WH&REAS, The report of the Superintendent and the vouchers accom- panying the same show that an initiate of the Alms House has received $72.21 for his services at that institution ; and whereas the report further shows that the Town of Enfield is charged with the maintenance of this in- mate at the rate of $1.67 1-18 per week, therefore be it Resolved, As a substitute to a resolution offered by J. C. Thompson and myself on December 14th, 1903, that this Board appropriate $72.21 for the purpose of paying the Town of Enfield for the services of this inmate as shown by the report of the Superintendent of the Poor. • Laid on the table under the rule. By Mr. Corbin : Resolved, That the County Treasurer be allowed au annual salary of $900.0o for his term of office. Laid on the table under the rule. By Mr. Baker : Resolved, That -the sum of Four Ilundred Dollars be appropriated for deceased indigent soldiers' and sailors' fund. Laid on the table under the rule. On motion the Board adjourned. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 TWENTY-EIGHTH DAY TUESDAY, DJcEnnirR, 22, 1903. Morning Session Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of Monday react and approved. 121 Hon. Charles H. Blood appeared before the Board and gave a detailed statement just what books the Judge's Office needed and the cost thereof. 13y Mr. Baker Resolved, That the sum of two hundred and ninety-five dollars ($295.00) be appropriated for the purchase of books for the County Judge's office. Laid on the table under the rule. On 'notion the Board adjourned. Afternoon Session Roll call. Quorum present. W. C. Hine, chairman of the Committee on Sheriff's Ac- counts, reported favorably on Bills Nos. '150 and 146, and recom- mended that the full amounts thereof be paid. Laid on the table under the rule. Dr. Gallagher, chairman of the Committee on Miscellaneous Claims, reported favorably on Bills No. 75 and 118, and recom- mended that the full amounts thereof be paid. Laid on the table under the rule. On motion of Mr. Hanshaw 13i11 No. 104 was ordered audited at the full amount as recommended by the committee. i 22 The Supervisor's Proceedings, 1903 Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw,, Hine, J. H., Hine, W. C., Livermore, Mount, Noxon, Sprigg,. Thom pson—i 2. Noes—none. On motion of Mr. Baker, Bills Nos. 141, 142, 143, 148 were - ordered audited at the full amount as recommended by the com- mittee. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagiu, Hanshaw, Hine, J. H., Hine, W. C., Livermore, Mount, Noxon, Sprigg,. Thompson -12. Noes—none. On notion of Mr. Hanshaw, Bills Nos. 147 and 153 were or-. dered audited at the full amount as recommended by the com- mittee. Ayes—Messrs. Baker,• Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw,. Hine, W. C., Livermore, Mount, Noxon, Sprigg,Thompson---11. Noes—none. Bill. No. 132, which had been referred back to the action of- - the full Board was taken up for consideration, and on motion the• same disallowed, Ayes—Mr. W. C. Hine. Noes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, J. H., Livermore, Mount,.Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson -11. Bill No. 145, which had been referred to the action of the full Board by the Committee was taken up for consideration and on motion it was ordered audited at the full amount. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, J. H., Livermore, Mount, Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson -11. Noes—none. The Supervisors' Proceedings. 1903 c 23 Mr. Noxon's resolution, appropriating poo for office rent of the Sheriff, introduced :December 21, was taken up for considera- tion and on motion of Mr. Baker the same was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Corbin, Hine, J. H., Hine, W. C., Livermore, Mount, Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson -12. Noes—none. Mr. Hanshaw's resolution appropriating $200 for office rent of the District Attorney, introduced December 21, was taken up for consideration and on motion of Mr. Noxon the same was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Corbin, Hine, J. H., Hine, W. C., Livermore, Mount, Noxon. Sprigg, Thompson—I2. Noes—none. 1)r. Gallagher's resolution making the annual salary of the Keeper of the Alms House .$600.00, introduced December 21, was taken up for consideration and on motion of Mr. Corbin the same was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hansharv; Hine, J. H., Hine, W. C., Livermore, Mount, Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson -12, Noes—none. Mr. Baker's resolution appropriating 44625 for salary of County Judge and Surrogate from October ist, 1903, to January ist, 1904, introduced December 21, was taken tip for considera- tion and on motion of Mr. Corbin the same was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, J. I -I., Hine. W. C., Livermore, Mount, Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson -12. Noes— none. 124 The Supervisors' Proceedings, i90. Mr. J. H. Hine's resolution that the Board appropriate to pay the Town of Enfield $72.2 r to reimburse it for the services of one of its inmates at the Alms House, introduced December 21, was taken up for consideration and on motion of Mr. Sprigg the same was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Hansltaw, Hine, J.H., Hine, W. C., Livermore, AIouut, Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson—to. Noes—Messrs. Gallagher and Hagin-2. Mr. Corbin's resolution fixing the annual salary of the County Treasurer's salary at $900.00, introduced December 21, was taken up for consideration and on motion of Mr. J. H. Hine, the same was adopted. Ayes---Mesrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, J. H., Livermore, Mount, Noxon, Sprigg— TO. Noes—none. Mr. Baker's resolution to appropriate $400.00 for deceased Indigent Soldiers' and Sailors' Fund, introduced December 2r, was taken up for consideration and on notion of Mr. Livermore, the amount was ordered levied upon and collected from the tax- able property of the County of Tompkins. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, J. H., Livermore, Mount, Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson—rr. • Noes—none. The Clerk read the following report of the Clerk of the Sur- rogate's Court, which on motion was accepted and ordered printed. SURROGATE'S OFFICE IN ACCOUNT WITH TO,IIPKINS COUNTY Balance due County at date of last report - ____ $ 9 55 The following amount has been received for certified copies of records since the date of last report ' . _--_ __-_ 26 go Total receipts $ 35 45 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 125 Laundry Postage DISBURSIMI;;NTS Telephoning Water____-- _-.-- __-- Ice --- --- - Supplies, paper, etc. $ 3 20 10 95 r fio 2 77 24 8 6o 27 36 Balance due County____.__ $ 8 09 STAT); OF NEW YORK, }ss. TomilcINs COUNTY, Fred. L. Clock, being duly sworn says that he is the Clerk of the Sur- rogate's Court of said County ; that the foregoing is a true and correct statement of fees received by him for services for certifying records since the date of last report to the present time, together with all disbursements chargeable against the same. FRED L. CLOCK, Subscribed and sworn to before the this 22nd day of December, 1903. GEO. S. TARBELL, Notary public. To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: I hereby report that the natter of certifying copies of the records of this office is entirely one of the Clerk's duties, and is perfoinied by and fees for same are collected by him. I believe the above report to be correct. Dated December 22, 1903. BRADFORD ALMY, Surrogate. The Clerk read the following report of the County Clerk, which on motion of Mr. Livermore was received and ordered printed, 1 I1ACA, N.Y., D$CEMBIt,R 14, 1903. To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County : GENTr,ItMEN :—I have to report to the Board of Supervisors that since the date of last report, November 4th, 1902, i have received no moneys for or due Tompkins County either as fines or otherwise. Respectfully yours, L. H. VAN KIRK, County Clerk. 126 !/te Supervisors' Proceeding -s, i9o3 TOMI'KINS COUNTY, SS. Leroy H. Van Kirk being duly sworn says that he is the Clerk of Tompkins County, and that he has received no monies for said County, as set forth in his above report. L. H. VAN KIRK Subscribed and sworn to before me this 14th day of December, 1903. FRED L. CLOCK, Notary Public. The reports of the Justices of the Peace of the County were 'submitted, and on 'notion they were received, ordered filed and printed. The undertaking of the County Treasurer for his ensuing term, which had been referred to the County Attorney for his approval as to form, was returned to the Board with his approval, and on motion the same was accepted, ordered filed and recorded in the County Clerk's Office. By Mr. Noxon : Resolved, That the County appropriate One Hundred Dollars ($1oo.00) for payment of salary of Chaplain for County Alms House for the year 1904. Laid on the table under the rule. On motion the I3oard adjourned. BERT T. BAKER, CIerk. Roll call. fLfEIUiii:1WW3ML=1.t.f WSZ:sZ;WW .Z:tlt';1'.SE1 W , TWENTY-NINTH DAY WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1903 - Morning Session Quorum present. Minutes of Tuesday read and approved. The committee on equalization retired to the committee room for deliberation. At it:45 the committee carne in and made the following re- port, which was laid on the table for twenty-four hours : The Supervisors' Proceedings, /903 127 The assessed valuation as returned by the assessors of the different 'Towns of Tompkins County and the City of Ithaca for the year 1903 is as follows : TOWNS Acres Real Fran- chise Real and Personal l'ersonal Aggregate Caroline _ 34,747 817,270 2,000 819,270 55,535 874,805 Danby _ 33,286 734,210 300 734,510 20,40o 754,910 Dryden 58,192 2,086,709 6,475 2,093,184 146,030 2,239,214 Enfield 22,007 536.025 85o 536.S75 23,840 560,715 Groton __ 30,725 1,324,525 2,000 1,325,525 16r,400 1,487.925 Ithaca -City _ 2,9.10 6,244,170 168,070 6,412,240 686,150 7,098,390 Ithaca -Town 16,293 998,842 13,400 1,012,242 42,350 1,054.592 Lansing._ 37.789 1,092,536 1,250 1,093,786 82,63o 1,176,416 Newfield 36,997 884.495 3.325 887,820 41,520 929,340 Ulysses 19,818 1,068,415 5,725 1,074,140 136,000 1,210,140 Total 292,794 15,787,197 203,395 15,990,592 1,395,855 17,3S6,447 Your committee recommends that the following schedule he adopted as to the equalized valuation of the several Towns of Tompkins County and the City of Ithaca for the year 1903 and that the percentage in the right hand column be the ratio of the State and County Tax that each Town and the City of Ithaca shall pay. JAMES H. HINE, R. NI. HAGIN, WM. H. 11AKER, J. C. THO]II'SON, R. N. '4OUN'I', L. F. NOXON, JOHN J. HANSHAW, Committee. Franchise and Real "r v ai w ?1 14 rn a W n P. 3~ mf' F. u bA p.+ O c 2 0 I-' o� TOWNS p O c O O Oa -.2 7 tN. "bC OA ,. 1 Nr., v..Q2o til ~ U Caroline. 34.747 685,996 55.535 741.531 .0429 .0422 Danby _____ ______ 33.286 673.204 20.400 693,604 .0421 .0394 Dryden ____ 58,192 1,931,664 '146.030 2,077,694 .120S .1185 Infield_ 22,007 556,473 23,840 580,313 .0348 .0330 Groton _ _ 30,725 1,418,366 161,400 r,579,766 .0887 .0942 Ithaca -City------ 2.940 6,573.732 686,150 7,259.882 .4111 .4192 Ithaca -Town ____ 16,293 772,345 42,350 514,695 .0483 .0464 Lansing- 37,789 1,423,163 82,63o 1,505,793 .0590 .0857 Newfield ---------36,997 685.996 41.520 727,5:6 .0429 .0414 Ulysses_ .___ 19,818 1,269;653 136,000 1,405,653 .0794 .080o Total ___.._. 292,794 15,990,592 1,395,855 17,386,447 1.0000 1.0000 JAMES H. HINE, R. NI. HAGIN, WM. H. 11AKER, J. C. THO]II'SON, R. N. '4OUN'I', L. F. NOXON, JOHN J. HANSHAW, Committee. 128 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 19493 By Mr. Livermore : Resolved, That there be levied on and collected from the taxable prop- erty of the County of Tompkins the sum of Seventy-six hundred Dollars ($7,600.00) to reimburse the County .Treasurer for monies expended and about to be expended in payment of requisitions or drafts of the State Engineer for improvement upon the Catskill Turnpike. Laid on the table under the rule. On motion the Board adjourned. Afternoon Session Roll call. Quorum present. The Clerk read the following- communication from the At- torney General, which on motion was ordered printed. STATE OF NEW YORK. ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE, ALBANY, DECEMBER 22, 1903. BERT T. BAKER, ESQ., Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, Ithaca, N. Y. DEAR SIR : Its response to yours of the 2Ist inst. I beg to enclose you herewith copy of an opinion recently furnished by this Department covering the question of the amount necessary to be raised under Section 53 of the Highway Law in order to entitle a town to State aid. Yours Respectfully, JOHN CUNNEEN, Attorney General. S. T. C. Enclosure. HIGHWAY LAW:—Under Section 53 Highway Law, towns must raise $I.00 on every $500. assessed valuation .to be entitled to State Aid. ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE, ALBANY, NOVEMBER 24, I903. WILLIAM PIERREPONT WHITE, ESQ., P5 Genesee Street, Utica, N. Y. DEAR SIR : Yours of the 15th inst. at hand. I note that you inquire whether, under Section 53 of the Highway Law, as amended by Chapter 228 of the T/ie Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 129 Laws of 1903, it is necessary that towns in counties other than Nassau and Oneida shall raise a sunt of money under the money system of working the highways which shall be at least one dollar for each five hundred dollars of valuation in order to entitle them to State aid. The question involved is one upon which the Courts have, as a matter of course, owing to the recent amendment of the statutes in question, not passed, and we must turn for an answer to the provisions of the law itself. The whole system of State aid for the construction of highways is one intended for the improvement generally of the highways in the State, and it was doubtless as a further step in this direction that the amendment of [903, was passed. The law before that time simply provided for the raising of an amount of money equal to one-half the commutation rates, but the Legislature evidently deeming that in certain towns this sum would be insufficient for the proper maintenance of the highways, fixed the minimum amount to be raised under the money system at one dollar for every five hundred dollars of valuation. I ant of the opinion, therefore, that the raising of the amount specified by the act is in all those counties, excepting Nassau and Oneida, a condi- tion precedent to the contribution by the State of fifty per cent of the amount contributed by the town. I can readily understand that this will work great confusion in some cases where the town authorities have pro- ceeded with no knowledge of the amendment, but as a strict question of law, it would seem as though the amount prescribed in the statutes must be raised before the State can be forced to contribute. Yours respectfully, Attorney General, The members at the request of the Sheriff trade an inspec- tion of the County Jail. Hon. Charles H. Blood was given the privilege of the floor and addressed the Board in regard to an appropriation of six hun- dred dollars being trade to provide a stenographer for the Judge's and Surrogate's office. Mr. Bradford Snyder was given t]ie privilege of the floor to question the Board as to his duties, etc., as Keeper' of the Alms House. • A general discussion of the service hill of David Bower, Superintendent of the Poor, was had by the Board. r 30 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 Bill No. t to, which had been referred to the full Board was taken up for consideration, and on motion of Mr. Gallagher it was ordered audited at the full amount. Ayes—Messrs. Corbin, Gallagher, Hanshaw, Hine, J. H., Hine, W. C., Livermore, Mount, Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson—to. Noes—none. On motion of Mr. J. H. Hine Bills Nos. 1 t8 and 75 were ordered audited at the full amounts as recommended by the com- mittee. Ayes—Messrs. Corbin, Gallagher, Hanshaw, Hine, J. H., Hine, W. C., Livermore, Mount, Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson—to. Noes—none. On motion of Mr. Livermore Bills Nos, 146 and 150 were ordered audited at the full amount as recommended by the com- mittee. Ayes—Messrs. Corbin, Gallagher, Hanshaw,. Hine, J. H., Hine, W. C., Livermore, Mount, Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson—to. Noes—none. Mr. Baker's resolution to appropriate $295.00 for the pur- chasing of books for the County Judge's office, introduced De- cember 22, was taken up for consideration, and on motion of Mr. Livermore the sante was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Corbin, Gallagher, Hanshaw, Hine, J. H., Hine, W. C., Livermore, Mount, Noxon, Sprigg,Thompson—to. Noes—none. Mr. Noxon's resolution to appropriate $too for payment of salary of Chaplain at the Alms House, introduced December 22, Was taken up for consideration, and on motion of Mr. Mount the same was adopted. The Supervisors' Proceedings, i 90 13i Ayes—Messrs. Corbin, Gallagher, Hanshaw, Hine, J. H., Hine, W. C., Livermore, Mount, Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson—ro. Noes—none. By Mr. 'Thompson : • WEIRRAS, Actual experience in other Counties has clearly demon- strated that the making of the offices of County Clerk and Sheriff salaried ones has resulted in a large saving to those Counties while it secured equally efficient services, and WHEREAs, Various individuals and associations including the Prison Association of New York, also Mr. Frank D. Lyon of Binghamton, who represents the Engineering department of good roads for the State, have recommended this Board to take such steps as may be necessary to bring about such results, therefore Resolved, That it is the sense of this Board that the offices of County Clerk and Sheriff of this County be made salaried offices, and that the Member of Assembly of this County, and the Senator of this District be and they hereby are requested to use all honorable means to secure the passage of 'such acts of the Legislature as may be proper to have the offices of County Clerk and Sheriff made salaried offices. Be it further Resolved, That the Chairman of this Board appoint a committee of three who shall cause the proper measures to be drafted and take all steps necessary to secure action thereon by the Legislature of the State of New York. Its adoption was duly moved by Mr. J. H. Hine. On motion of Mr. J. H. Hine, the matter was made a spe- cial order of business for Thursday morning at to o'clock. On motion the Board adjourned. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. . 132 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 190; THIRTIETH DAY • THURSDAY, DI?CEbxBER 24, 1903. Morning Session Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of Wednesday read and approved.• On motion the rule deferring action on resolutions carrying appropriations and action on bills for twenty-four hours was sus- pended. By Mr. Livermore : Resolved, That there be levied on and collected from the taxable prop- erty of the County of Tompkins the sum of Six Hundred Dollars ($600.00) for Surrogate's and County Judge's stenographer for the year 1904. On motion of DIr. J. H. Hine the same was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, J. H., Livermore, Mount, Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson—i i. Noes—none. Mr. Thompson's resolution on making the offices of County Clerk and Sheriff salaried offices, introduced December 23, was taken up as a special order of business. By Dr. Gallagher : Resolved, As an amendment to Mr. Thompson's resolution, that a com- mittee of three be appointed by the Chair to investigate the advisability of making the offices of County Clerk and Sheriff salaried officesand report to this Board at the next annual session. The amendment was accepted by Mr. Thompson. On motion the sante was adopted. The Supervisors' Proceedings, / 903 133 The Chair named as such committee Messrs, Thompson, J. H. Hine and Dr. Gallagher. By Mr. Mount : Resolved, That the annual salary of the County Superintendent of the Poor shall be four hundred and fifty dollars. Its adoption was duly moved. By Dr. Gallagher : Resolved, As an amendment to Mr. Mount's resolution, that the annual salary of the County Superintendent of the Poor be three hundred and fifty dollars ($35o.00). On motion of Mr. J, H. Hine, the amendment was adopted. Ayes -Messrs. Gallagher, Hagin, Hine, J.H., Noxon, :Sprigg, Thompson -6. — 5- Noes—Messrs_ Baker, Corbin, Hanshaw, Livermore, Mount Mr. Mount's resolution as amended was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Hagin, Hine, J. H., Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson --6. Noes—Messrs. Raker, Corbin, Hanshaw, Livermore, Mount, — 5. By Mr. Mount : Resolved, That in addition to the salary allowed to the Superintendent of Poor he be allowed the sum of fifty dollars ($5o) for traveling fees and •other expenses during each year. On motion of Dr. Gallagher the same was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, J. H., Livermore, Mount, Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson ----rt. Noes—none. 134 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 Hon. Chas. H. BIood was given the privilege of the floor and addressed the Board regarding needed improvements at the Surrogate's Office, estimating the cost not to exceed $too.00, one-half of which he personally agreed to pay. By Dr. Gallagher Resolved, That $5o.00 or so much thereof as may be necessary be appro- priated to pay for one-half of the cost needed in improvements of the Surrogate's Office. On motion of Mr. Hanshaw the same was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, J. H., Livermore, Mount, Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson— t t . Noes—none. The Clerk read the report of the Committee on State Char- itable and Penal Institutions, which on motion of Mr. Baker was received and ordered printed. To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County : Your committee appointed to examine the accounts of the several Penal and Charitable Institutions would report as follows ; and recommend the payment of the claims by the County, charging the same to the various towns as indicated. DANBY Norman Hart, Syracuse Institution for Feeble Minded Children $ 20 00 $ 20 00 . DRYDEN Mary Woolever, Susquehanna Valley Home $- 2 25 Hester Austin, Claude Shaw and Ward Shaw, Western N. Y. Society for the Protection of Homeless and Dependent Children _ 102 69 ENFIELD Chas. Murphy, Susquehanna Valley Home John Murphy, Susquehanna Valley Home $ 45 75 45 75 104 94 91 50 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 GROTON Edward Horn, Susquehanna Valley Home_ ______ $ 45 75 Ruth Lytle, Western N. Y. Institution for Deaf Mutes__ 316 67 ITHACA (Town) Annie E. Snyder, Syracuse Institution for Feeble Minded Children Edith M. Van Zoil, Syracuse Institution for Feeble Minded Children ULYSSES 20 00 20 00 Charles Bracey, Syracuse Institution for Feeble Minded Children __---___--_ __--____--._---____-- $ 20 o0 Lulu Perry, Ithaca Children's Home_ __ ___ __ 6o 75 Henry Perry, Ithaca Children's Home__ _ 92 25 COUNTY OF TOM1'KINS Lizzie Quinn and Geo. Ballon, Matteawan State Hospital_ $J91 o8 Freddie Sullivan and Mattie Farley, Auburn Orphan Lizzie Murphy, Austin Barnes, Florence Gardner, George Van Kirk, Nellie Keeler, George Keeler, Peter Whit- lock, Craig Colony 48 64 Monroe County Penitentiary__-_ _ 1,118 87 Chas. Bacon, Milard Brown, John Bailey, Annie Bailey, Maud Oatlnan, Lulu Carpenter, Chas. Carpenter, Agnes Garry, Lizzie Garry, Joseph Garry, James Garry, and interest on claim, Ithaca Children's Home 368 82 135 362 42 40 00 173 00 $2,073 PAUL S. LIVERMORE, JOHN J. HANSHAW, W. C. GALLAGHER, Committee. By Messrs. Livermore, Gallagher and Hansllaw : 41 Resolved, That in accordance with a resolution of the Board of Silper- visors, passed December 17th, ISSo, there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the foregoing towns, the City of Ithaca and the County of Tompkins, the sums set forth in the foregoing report and sched- ule to reimburse the County for money paid to the several charitable and penal institutions. 136 The Supervisors' Proceedings, /403 On motion of Dr. Gallagher the same was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin,•Hanshaw, Hine, J. H., Livermore, Mount, Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson—rt. Noes—none. The Clerk read the report of Chas. H. Blood as District At- torney, which on motion of Dr. Gallagher was received and or- dered filed. The chairman announced the following committees to visit the County Alms House during the year January—Messrs. W. C. Hine and Sprigg. March—Messrs. Livermore and Noxon. May—Messrs. Mount and Corbin. July—Messrs. J. H. Hine and Hagin. September—Messrs. Thompson and Gallagher. November—Messrs. Baker and Hanshaw. By Mr. Livermore : Resolved, That there be levied on and collected from the taxable pro- perty;of the City of Ithaca $1.25 for binding the assessment roll. On motion the same was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, J. H., Livermore, Mount, Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson—Ir. .Noes—none. . By Mr. Mount : Resolved, That a sum not exceeding $oo be appropriated for repairing and improving the East room of the County Clerk's office. The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 On motion the same was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, J. H., Livermore, Mount, Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson—i r. 137 •Noes—none. On motion the full charge of all affairs pertaining to the keeper of the County Alms House was left with the Committee .on the Superintendent of the Poor, consisting of Messrs. Corbin, Gallagher and Baker. On motion the Board adjourned. Afternoon Session Roll call. Quorum present. The Clerk read the report of the committee on Erroneous .Assessments, which on motion of Mr. J.- H. Hine was received and ordered printed. REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON ERRONEOUS ASSESSMENTS. . To the Board of Supervisors qf Tompkins County: Your Committee on Erroneous Assessments after having investigated all claims referred to such committee respecfully report as follows : We find from the certificate and affidavit of the collector of the Town of Lansing supported liy affidavit of claimant that Mrs. F. C. Sperry of said Town was erroneously assessed $6.51 in the year i o1 which was paid by her on account of personal property. We therefore recommend that the said Mrs. F. C. Sperry be reimbursed in the sum of "6.5i, and that this amount be levied and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Lansing. We find from the affidavit of Adelia M. Sperry of the town of Lansing that she was erroneously assessed $Soo.00 on account of personal property and that on account of such assessment she paid a tax of $5.92 in the. year 1902. We, therefore, recommend that the said Adelia M. Sperry of said town be reimbursed on account of such payment so made by her that there be levied and collected from the taxable property of said town the suxn of $5.92 for such purpose. 138 The Supervisor's Proceedings, 1903 We find from the certificate of Elihu R. Stillwell, Assessor of the Town of Ulysses, that William Baines was erroneously assessed for $ real estate and paid a tax thereon of $7.19. We find further, that said property was exempt because the sante was purchased with pension money. We, therefore, recommend that the said William Baines be reimbursed on ac- count of such payment so made by him and that there be levied and col- lected from the taxable property of the town of Ulysses the sum of $7.19 for said purpose. We find from the certificate of Eliliu R. Stillwell, Assessor of the Town of Ulysses, that Mrs. G. A. Phillips of said town was erroneously assessed. $jOo on personal property and paid a tax thereon of $4.5o. We would,. therefore, recommend that said claimant be reimbursed on account of such payment so made by her, and that the sum of $4.50 be levied and collected from the taxable property of the town of Ulysses for such purpose. The Trustees of School District, No. 20, Groton and Dryden have certi- fied, and such certificate is corroborated by the affidavit of the collector,. that the following is an account of unpaid taxes assessed upon the lands in said School District in said towns. No. of Lot 99, E. Cole, Groton, Real____ _____ $ 13 No. of Lot 99, Mrs. Hattie Smith, Real 1% acres, Groton __ - _-- 3 81 No. of Lot 99, Westeru Union Tel. Co., one-half miles, Groton ---- •----- - - ---- ---- - ---- 1 �7 No. of Lot 8, Western Union Tel. Co. 54orods, Dryden $ 54 No. of Lot 3, Joseph Lautelle, milk station real 6 35 $5 21 6 89 Your committee would, therefore, recommend that the sum of $12.10 be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the County of Tompkins and paid to the Collector of School District, No. 20, Groton and Dryden on account of unpaid school taxes of said district ; and that the SUM so paid be levied upon the lands and property upon which the same are imposed with seven per centum in addition thereto, as provided by statute. We find from the Certificate of School District, No. 2, of the Town of Newfield which certificate is signed by the Trustees thereof and is supported by the Collector's affidavit that the school tax of $cs.00 on property in said town of Newfield and consisting of 144 acres and assessed to George Protts has not been paid although diligent and proper effort has been made to enforce collection. Your committee would, therefore recommend that the sum of $IS.00 be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the County of Tompkins and paid to the collector of said school district on account of unpaid school tax of said district, and that the sum so paid be The .Supervisors' Proceedings, l 903 t39 levied upon the ]ands upon which the sante were imposed with seven per centum in addition thereto, as provided by statute. We find from the affidavit of the Collector of School District, No, 1, of the Town of Danby that the school tax of $2.15 on property in said Town of Danby and consisting of 5o acres and being assessed to Harvey Tripp has not been paid although diligent and proper effort has been made to enforce collection. Your committee would, therefore, recommend that the sum of $z. 15 he levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the County of Tompkins and paid to the collector of said school district on account of unpaid school tax of said district, and that the sunt so paid be levied upon the lands upon which the sante were imposed with seven per centum in addition thereto, as provided by statute. We find from the affidavit of the Collector of District, No. 21, Newfield that the school tax of $4.87 on property in said town of Newfield and con- sisting of 125 acres and being assessed to Fred Drake, has not been paid although diligent and proper effort has been made to enforce collection. Your committee would, therefore recommend that the sum of $4.87 be levied and collected from the taxable property of the County of Tompkins and paid to the collector of said school district on account of unpaid school tax of said district, and that the sum so paid be levied upon the lands upon which the sante were imposed with seven per centum in addition thereto, as provided by statute. We find from the affidavit of the Collector of School District, No, 8, of the Town of Ithaca that the school tax of $.8o on property in said town of Ithaca and consisting of house and lot and being assessed to Professor Hitchcock, has not been paid although proper and diligent effort has been made to enforce collection. Your committee would, therefore, recommend that the sum of $.$o be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the County of Tompkins and paid to the collector of said school district on account of unpaid school tax of said district, and that the sum so paid be levied upon the lands upou which the same were imposed with seven per centutn in addition theretci, as provided by statute. B. M. 1-.IAGIN, PAUI, S. LIVL RMORE, J. C. THOMPSON, Committee. By Mr. Corbin : Resolved, That the report of the committee on Erroneous Assessments be received and printed in the minutes, and that the recommendations therein contained be adopted, viz : That Mrs. F. C. Sperry be reimbursed in the sum of $6.51 erroneously assessed to and collected from the said Mrs. F. C. T 40 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 Sperry and that the same be levied and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Lansing. That Adelia M. Sperry be reimbursed in the suns of $5.92 which was erroneously assessed to and collected from the said Adelia M. Sperry, and the same be levied and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Lansing. That William Baines be reimbursed in the sum of $7.19, which was erroneously assessed to and collected from the said William Baines and that the same sum be levied and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Ulysses. That \Irs. A. G. Phillips be reimbursed in the sung of $5.00 which was erroneously assessed to and collected from the said Mrs. A. G. Phillips, and the sum so paid be levied and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Ulysses. That the sunt of $ t 2.1 o be paid to the collector of School District, No. 20, Groton and Dryden, and the sum so paid be lev- ied upon the lands and property upon which the same were as- sessed with seven per cent in addition thereto as provided by statute. That the stun of $t5.00 be paid the,collector of School Dis- trict, No. 2, in the Town of Newfield, and the sum so paid be lev- ied and collected from the lands and property upon which the same were assessed with seven per cent in addition thereto as provided by statute. That the sum of $2.15 be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the County of Tompkins and paid to the col- lector of District, No. 1, Town of Danby, and the sum so paid be levied upon the lands upon which the same were imposed with seven per cent in addition thereto as provided by statute. That the sum of $4.57 be levied upon and collected from the' taxable property of the County of Tompkins and paid to the col- lector of School District, No. 21, Town of Newfield, and the sum The Supervisors' Proceedings, lei; 14r so paid be levied upon the lands upon which the same were im- posed with seven per centum in addition thereto as provided by statute. That the slim of .So be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the County of Tompkins and paid to the col- lector of School District, No. 8, Town of Ithaca, and the sum so paid be levied upon the lands upon which the same were im- posed with seven per centum in addition thereto as provided by statute. On motion of Mr. J. H. Hine the same was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagan, Hanshaw, Hine, J. H., Hine, W. C., Livermore, Mount, Noxon, Thomp- sott—I 1. Noes—none. By Dr. Gallagher : Resolved, That Dr. Abram Chase be appointed physician of the County Alvis House at an agreed price (+,'225.00) two hundred and twenty•five dol- lars per year from December 17, Igo3. Consultations and major operations not included. No drugs or stimulants shall be used in Alms House except under his orders. On notion of Mr. Mount the same was adopted. Ayes—Messes. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, J. H., Hine, W. C., Livermore, Mount, Noxon, Thomp- son—I 1. Noes—none. By Mr. Livermore : . Resolved, That there be levied on and collected from the taxable property of the County of Tompkins $15.00 for postage and printing of County Treas- urer for ensuing year. On motion of Mr. J. H. Hine the same was adopted. 142 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1943 Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, J. H., Hine, W. C., Livermore, Mount, Noxon, Thomp- son— 1 I. Noes—none. The report and schedules of the Equalization Committee sub- mitted December 23, were taken up for consideration, and on motion of Dr. Gallagher the same were adopted. • Ayes ---Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, J. H., Hine, W. C., Livermore, Mount, Noxon, Thompson —1I. Noes—none. Mr. Livermore's resolution appropriating $7,600.00 to pay for the improvement of the Catskill Turnpike, introduced Decem- ber 23, was taken up for consideration, and on (notion of Mr. J. H. Hine the amount was ordered levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the County of Tompkins. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, J. H., Hine, W. C., Livermore, Noxon, Thompson—Io. Noes—Mr. Mount—I. Dr. Gallagher presented the Grand Jury List from the Town of Caroline. Mr. Baker presented the Grand Jury List from the Town of Danby. Mr. Corbin presented the Grand Jury List from the Town of Dryden. Mr. J. H. Hine presented the Grand Jury List from the Town of Enfield. Mr. Mount presented the Grand Jury List from the Town of Groton. The Suftervisors' Proceedings, 1903 143 Messrs. Noxon and Sprigg presented the Grand Jury List from the City of Ithaca. Mr. Hanshaw presented the Grand Jury List from the Town of Ithaca. Mr. Hagin presented the Grand Jury List from the Town of Lansing. Mr. Thompson presented the Grand Jury List foin the Town of Newfield. Mr. Terry presented the Grand Jury List of the Town of Ulysses. On motion of Mr. J. H. Hine the Grand Jury Lists as pre- sented were accepted and confirmed as the List of Grand Jurors of Tompkins County. By Mr. Noxon Resolved, That the offers of the Ithaca Telephone Company and the Bell Telephone Cotnpany to furnish the County during the year 1904 for $143.00 respectively telephones in the following : Supervisors' Rooms, Court House, Jail, Sheriff 's Office, County Alms House, County Judge's Office, County Clerk's Office, District Attorney's Office and County Stone Yard be accepted. On motion the same was adopted. By Mr. J. H. Hine : Resolved, That all minutes of this session of the Board except the fore- going resolution pertaining to telephone service for the County be expunged from the records. On motion of Mr. Noxon the same was adopted. On motion of Dr. Gallagher the Superintendent of the Poor was recommended to pay the claim of Mr. C. E. Wood for the care of a poor person during the term of office of Mr. Jas. Lyke as Superintendent of the Poor. .1 44 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 By Mr. Sprigg : Resolved, Tliat there be levied and collected from the taxable property of the County of Tompkins the sutra of $74.56 for the purpose of copying and extending the tax roll of the City of Ithaca to be paid to J. P. Merrill. On motion of Mr. Livermore the same was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, W. C., Livermore, Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson—to. Noes --none. On motion of Mr. Livermore, Bill No. 154 was ordered au- dited at the full amount as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, W. C., Livermore, Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson—to. Noes—none. On motion oflIr. Baker, Bills Nos. 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 16o, t61, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166 and 1-67 were ordered audited at the full amounts, as recommended by the committee on miscel- laneous claims. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, W. C., Livermore, Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson—io. Noes—none. By Mr. Livermore Resolved, That there be levied on and collected from the taxable pro- perty of the County of Tompkins $r40.0o to' pay two bills of the Susque- hanna Valley Home for the first two quarters of the year 1903, which are supposed to be lost and that this amount be apportioned among the proper towns at the next session of this Board. On motion of Dr. Gallagher the same was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, W. C., Livermore, Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson --to. Noes—none. The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 145 The service bill of the County Superintendent of the Poor, No. 125, on which the Committee an the Superintendent of the Poor's accounts had recommended that items numbered thereon from i to 39, both inclusive, be disallowed, was taken up for considera- tion. On motion of Mr. Baker, itetn No. r was disallowed as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw,. Hine, W. C., . Livermore, Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson-=ro. Noes—none. On motion of Mr. W. C. Hine, item No. 2 was disallowed as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, W. C., Livermore, Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson—ro. Noes—none. On motion of Mr. W. C. Hine, item No. 3 was disallowed as recomunended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, W. C. Livermore, Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson -9. Noes—Mr. Baker—r. On motion of Mr. Hanshaw, item No. 4 was disallowed as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, W. C., Livermore, Noxon, Thompson -9. Noes—Mr. Sprigg—r. On motion of Mr. Sprigg, item No. 5 was disallowed as recommended by the committee. 146 The Supervisors' Proceedings, '9os Ayes—Messrs. Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hine, W. C., Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson -7. Noes—Messrs. Baker, Hanshaw, Livermore -3. On motion of Mr. Noxon, item No. 6 was disallowed as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, W. C., Livermore, Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson—ro. Noes—none. On motion of Mr. Noxon, item No. 7 was disallowed as recommended by committee. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, W. C., Livermore, Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson—xo. Noes—none. On notion of Mr. Hanshaw, item No. 8 was disallowed as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, W. C., Livermore, Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson—io. Noes—none. On motion of Mr. Noxon, item No. g was disallowed as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, W. C., Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson --9.• Noes—Mr. Livermore—r. On motion of Mr. Noxon, item No. ro was disallowed •as recommended by the committee. Ayes ---Messrs. Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, W. C., Noxon, Thompson -7. - The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 Noes—Messrs. Baker, Livermore, Sprigg-3. On motion of Mr. W. C. •Hine, item No. 11 was disallowed as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw' Hine,W. C., Livermore, Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson—ro. Noes—crone. On motion of Mr. Noxon, item No. r was disallowed as recommended by the Committee. Ayes—Messrs. Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, W. C., Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson -8. Noes—Messrs. Baker and Livermore—a. '47 On motion of Mr. Hanshaw, item No. 13 was disallowed as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, W. C., Livermore, Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson—w. Noes—none. On motion of Mr. Noxon, item No. 14 was disallowed as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, W. C., Livermore, Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson—to. Noes—none. On motion of Mr. W. C. Hine, item No. 1,5 was disallowed :as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, W. C., Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson -8. Noes—Messrs. Baker, Livermore -2. 148 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 On motion of Mr. Livermore, item No. 16 was disallowed as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, W. C., Livermore, Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson—ro. Noes—none. On motion of Mr. Hagin, item No. 17 was disallowed as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, W. C., Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson -8.. Noes—Messrs. Baker, Livermore -2. On •motion of Mr. Noxon, item, No. i8 was disallowed as recommended by.the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Noxon, Thompson -6. Noes --Messrs. Baker, Livermore, Sprigg-3. On motion of Mr. Noxon, item No. 19 was disallowed as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine,. W. C., Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson --8. Noes—Messrs. Baker, Livermore—z. On motion of Mr_ W. C. Hine, item No. zo was disallowed. as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, W. C., Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson ---9. Noes—Mr. Livermore—I. On motion of Mr. Hagin, item No: 21 was disallowed as recommended by the committee. The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 r49 Ayes—Messrs. Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, W. C., Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson -8. Noes—Messrs. Baker, Livermore -2. On motion of Mr. Noxon, item No. 22 was disallowed as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, W. C., Livermore, Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson --to. Noes—none. On motion of Mr. Livermore, item No. 23 was disallowed as recommended by the cotntnittee. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, W. C., Livermore, Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson—to. Noes—none. On motion of Mr. Hagin, item No. 24 was disallowed as . recommended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hine, W. 'C., Noxon, Thompso11-7. Noes—Messrs. Livermore, Sprigg-2. On motion of Mr. Livermore, item No. 25 was disallowed as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hine, W. C., Livermore, Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson—g. Noes—none. On motion of Mr. Noxon, item No. 26 was disallowed as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hine, W. C.; Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson -7. Noes—Messrs, l3aker, Livermore -2. 15o The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 On motion of Mr..Noxon, item No. 27 was disallowed as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Hagin, Hine, W. C., Noxon, Thompson -5. Noes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Livermore, Sprigg-4. On motion of Mr. Hagin, item No. 28 was disallowed as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher. Hagin, Hine, W. C., Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson -8. Noes—Mr. Livermore—r. On motion of Mr. Hagin, item No. 29 was disallowed as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hine, W. C. Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson --8. Noes—Mr. Livermore—i. On motion of Mr. •Noxon, item No. 30 was disallowed as recommended by the committee. - Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hine, W. C., Noxon, Thompson -6. Noes—Messrs. Hagin, Livermore, Sprigg-3. On motion of Mr. Noxon, item No. 31 was disallowed as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Hagin, Hine, W. C., Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson -6. Noes.—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Livermore -3. On motion of Mr. Sprigg, item No. 32 was disallowed as recommended by the committee. The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1943 151 Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hine, W. C., Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson -8. Noes—Mr. Livermore -1. On motion of Mr. Corbin, item No. 33 was disallowed as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hine, W. C., Noxon, Thompson -6. Noes—Messrs. Baker, Livermore, Sprigg-3. No motion of Mr. Sprigg, item No. 34 was disallowed as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hine, W. C., Livermore, Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson --9, Noes—none. On motion of Mr. W. C. Hine, item No. 35 was disallowed as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Gallagher, Hagin, Hine, W. C., Noxon, Thompson -5. Noes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Livermore, Sprigg-4. On notion of Mr. Corbin item No. 36 was disallowed as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hine, W. C., Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson -8. Noes—Mr. Livermore -1. On motion of Mr. Corbin item No. 37 was disallowed as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hine, W. C., Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson -7. Noes—Messrs. Baker, Livermore -2. 152 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 On motion of Mr. W. C. Hine, item No. 3S was disallowed as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hine, W. C., Noxon, Thompson -6. Noes—Messrs. Baker, Livermore, Sprigg-3. On motion of Mr. Livermore item No. 39 was allowed at $3.00 instead of $9.00 as claimed, as recommended by the com- mittee. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Gallagher, Hine, W. C., Livermore, Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson -7. Noes—Mr. Hagin-1. On motion of Mr. Sprigg, Mr. Bower's bill, No. 125, was allowed at $384.00 instead of $504.00 as claimed, as recommended by the committee. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Gallagher, Hagin, Hine, W. C., Livermore, Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson -8. On motion the Board adjourned to Monday morning, Decem- ber 28, at 10 o'clock. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. THIRTY-FIRST DAY MONDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1903. Morning Session Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of December 24th read and approved. The Supervisors' Proceedings, rgo3 By Mr. Corbin : 153 Motion that the Clerk notify Mr. David Bower of the appoint- ment of a Keeper of the Alms House and of other resolutions affecting the Superintendent of the Poor. Carried. By Messrs. Thompson and Hanshaw : WHE:rt AS, The County of Tompkins has been compelled to appropriate $72.21 to pay to the Town of %afield on account of money unlawfully paid an 'inmate of the County Alms House by the Superintendent of the Poor, there- fore Resolved, That the Superintendent of the Poor be required to indi- vidually reimburse the County ou account of such payment made by him without authority. On motion the same was adopted, By Dr. Gallagher : Resolved., That the resolutions heretofore passed by this Board appro- priating certain amounts in each of the several towns of the County except Enfield for the working of their highways under the money system be re- scinded, and that in each of the several Towns of the County except Enfield, pursuant to resolutions by their respective town boards there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property outside of incorporated Villages two mills ou a dollar for working the highways under the nmoney system as required by statute. On /notion the sante was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, J. 11., Hine, W. C., Livermore, Mount, Noxon, Sprigg, Thon]pson—I2. Noes—none. By Mr. Thompson : Resolved, That the resolution adopted by this Board December Loth, to levy upon and collect from the taxable property of the Town of Newfield $25o.00 for bridges be rescinded. 154 The Supervisor's Proceedings, 1903 On motion of Mr. Hanshaw the same was adopted. By Mr. Hagin : Resolved, That the resolution adopted by this Board November 24th, to• levy upon and collect from the taxable property of the Town of Lansing $300.00 for the construction of bridges be rescinded. On motion the same was adopted. By Mr. Corbin : Resolved, That the resolution adopted by this Board November 25th, to• levy upon and collect from the taxable property of the Town of Dryden $soo.00 for operating the stone crusher be rescinded. On motion of Mr. Hanshaw the sante was adopted. By Mr. Sprigg : Resolved, That a committee of one be appointed by the Chairman to• co-operate with the County Treasurer in regard to the property bought on tax sales by the County and to dispose of said property as far as possible to• the best interests of the County. On motion of Mr. 3. H. Hine the same was adopted. The Chairman appointed as such committee Mr. Sprigg. On motion the Board adjourned. Afternoon Session Roll call. Quorum present. By Mr. Hagin Resolved, That the committee appointed by the Chairman to visit the County Alms House in January, 1904, be instructed to make an inventory of all'the property found in the Alms House and on the County Farm be- longing to the County and report the same to this Board. On motion of Mr. J. H. Hine the same was adopted. T/ze Supervisors' Proceedings, 190; 155. By Mr. Sprigg : That a committee of two be appointed by the Chairman with power to solicit bids for an equipment for laundry purposes and fire protection at the County Alois House on the lines of the recommendations of the comrnittee of last year, and to report to the Board of Supervisors at a special meeting not later than August, 1904, and that the committee so appointed be em- powered to issue a call through the Clerk for said meeting, On motion of Mr. J. H. Hine the same was adopted : The Chairman named as such committee Messrs. Sprigg and. Hanshaw. By Mr. Livermore : Resolved, That the County Treasurer be authorized to pay out of any available funds the sum of $52.00 for services of the Assistant Surrogate's - Clerk from November 1st, 1903 to January 1st, 1904. On motion of Mr. Baker the same was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Gallagher, Hagin, Livermore, Mount, Sprigg-6. Noes—Messrs, Corbin, Hanshaw, Hine, J. H., Noxon,. Thompson -5. By Mr. Hanshaw : Resolved, That this Board extend to Chairman Terry a vote of thanks. for the kind and courteous manner in which he has treated each and every member of this Board and for the just and impartial rulings, and for the able and efficient manner in which• he has discharged the various and im- portant duties devolving him as Chairman during the session of the Board. now about to close. On notion of Mr. Sprigg the same was adopted. By Mr. Mount : Resolved, 'That our thanks are due and are hereby tendered to our Clerk, Mr. Bert T. Baker, for his courteous treatment of the members of 156 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 'god -this Board, and for the careful and painstaking manner in which he has discharged the duties of his office. On motion of Mr. Thompson the same was adopted. By Mr. J. H. Hine : Resolved, That the committee on County Buildings have full power to provide sufficient water supply at the County Alnis House. On motion of Dr. Gallagher the same was adopted. Jared T. Newman, Esq., was given the privilege of the floor -on behalf of Mr. Boner and addressed the Board in regard to the salary fixed for the Superintendent of the Poor stating reasons why he considered it too low. Mr. Baker, Chairman of the Committee on Appropriations, presented the following report and resolution : To Me Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County : Lour Committee on Appropriations respectfully reports that it will be necessary to raise in the tax levy of 1903 the sums, as set forth in the bud- gets of the several Towns of Tompkins County, and the City of Ithaca, and -offer the following resolution : Resolved, That there be levied upon, and collected from the several -Towns, and the City of Ithaca, comprising the County of Tompkins, and from the county at large, the sums herein set forth for the following pur- poses STATn TAX -1903 For Canals For Stenographers and Clerks Total COUNTY TAX -1903 Salary, Clerk of Board—f9o3____ Clerk of Board for Postage _ Clerk of Board for report to Comptroller____ Salary, Sheriff's Janitor -19o4_ $2,o44 49 1,154 09 $3,195 58 $ 175 00 15 00 25 00 350 00 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 Salary, Janitor, County Clerk's Building -19o4___-___ Salary, Judge and Surrogate -1904 - Salary, Judge and Surrogate's Stenographer—i504--- Salary, Surrogate's Clerk -19o4_ Salary, Special County Judge -1904------_-_- _ Salary, District Attorney -1904 Salary, County Treasurer -19o4____ Salary, Jail Physician -1904_____ Salary, Chaplain, Almshouse -1904__--__ - Salary, Keeper of Almshouse -1904_ Salary, Superintendent of Poor -1504_________ Expenses, Superintendent of Poor -1904 Salary, County Judge and Surrogate, from October I, 1903 to January I, 1904 - Salary, Surrogate's Clerk, from November i, 1903 to January 1, 1904.___ - Salary, District Attorney, from October 1, 1903 to Jan- uary I, 19o4_ _ Office Rent, Sheriff -1904 Office Rent, Treasurer --1904 Office Rent, District Attorney -1904______.____ Fuel and Lights -19o4_ Court Expenses -1904- ------ Superintendent of Poor, for support of Almsliouse- 1904 - - Fund for Deceased Indigent Soldiers and Sailors_____ Fund for \Vorking Prisoners_ Purchase of Stone Yarcl__-- To reimburse the Town of Enfield for board of pauper Repairs, Judge's offices ___• ____ Repairs, Clerk's offices____ Matteawan State Hospital .-_ Auburn Orphan Asylum Craig Colony Monroe County Penitentiary Ithaca Children's Home____ County Treasurer (postage) Catskill Tnrnpike Improvement____ To reimburse School Districts No. 20, Groton, Nos. 2 and 21 of Newfield, No. 1, Danby, and No. 8, Ithaca Ithaca City, extending tax on roll_ Susquehanna Valley I-Ionie_______ County Audits____ Total_ 157 120 00 2,500 00 600 00 500 00 5o 00 Soo oo 90o 00 5o 00 10o 00 600 00 350 Co 50 00 625 00 83 32. 200 00 ICO 00• 100 00 200 00 1,800 Go 7,00o oo• 5,121 44 400 00 250 00 1,563 75 72 21 50 00 400 00 391 03 146 00 45 64 1,118 87 368 82 15 00• 7,60o 00. 37 92 74 56• 140 00• 17,839 96. $52,931 57 158 the Supervisors' Proceedings, /903 CAROLINE—TAX FOR 1903 State Tax ______ $ 134 98 County Tax_______ 2,233 71 Audits 1,275 09 Support of Poor _ r5o 00 Bridges, by statute--------------------------_--_--- 500 00 Bridges arid Creeks, repairs of (borrowed money)____ 750 00 Ithaca Savings Bank Note due March 1st, 1904 ______ _ 2,000 00 Interest on $6,coo.00 for year due March 1st, 19o4____ 240 oD Memorial Day____ 20 oo Books for Town Officers 15 00 Superintendent of Poor, support of Almshouse_ 243 04 Election Printing_ ' 6o 17 School Commissioner 25 12 Returned Tax__________ 35 28 Total _ $7,682 39 Highway tax money system ___ ____ _• 1,770 20 Poll Tax _____ __- 464 00 Dog Tax 110 25 DANBY—TAX FOR 1903 State Tax $ 126 02 County Tax 2,085 5o Audits _-____-- 1,694 17 Highways and bridges by statute 500 00 Support of poor______-___ _ 225 00 Deficiency in dog fund_____ ___ __� ___.. 135 00 Superintendent of Poor Support of Alms House 261 43 Election printing 57 or School Commissioner_____-______ __•__ 32 85 Returned Tax ___ ______ ____ ____ __ r 45 Syracuse Institution for Feeble Minded Children 20 00 Total _ $5,138 43 Highway tax money system _ 1,532 76 Poll Tax _ 368 0o Dog Tax -- -- ---- -- -- 96 00 DRYDEN—TAX FOR 1903 State tax County .tax $ 379 03 6,272 39 The Supervisors' Proceedings, /903 Audits Town poor Roads and bridges ___ _ Superintendent of Poor, support of Alms House______ Election printing -------.--------____-- School Commissioner____ Returned Tax _ _ _--- --- ---- __-- __-- __-- 'Susquehanna Valley Home____ Western New York Society Homeless Children 159 2,644 07 Ioo 00 500 00 597 09 168 59 70 37 13 84 2 25 102 69 Total - -- -- - $10,850 32 Highway tax money system 3,631 53 Poll tax_ _-- ___ ____ _ -- •._--__ __-- -- --- 637 00 ENFIELD -TAS FOR 1903 State Tax____________ $ 105 55 'County Tax. ___ ____ --__ 1.746 74 Audits __-- - _-- _____ ___-_ __-- ---- 2,541 90 Highways and bridges_ 250 00 Bonded indebtedness _ _ 1,767 50 Superintendent of Poor support of Alms House 274 oS Election printing_____ 47 08 School Commissioner 27 49 Returned Tax_ ______ __-_ 20 67 'Susquehanna Valley Home 91 50 Total_ $6,872 51 GROTON-TAX FOR 1903 'State Tax_____ $ 301 31 County Tax -_-- 4,986 15 Audits __---- - 2,806 97 Plank and Bridges_ __ __ I,000 00 •Support of Indigent Soldiers and Sailors______-_-____ 100 00 Memorial Day so 00 U. S. Standard Voting Machine (Principal) 200 00 U. S. Standard Voting Machine (Interest) 70 00 Support of Poor________________ 100 00 Sanford Notes__________-_ 1,109 02 Bowker Notes_ __ 1,115 00 Superintendent of Poor, support of Almshouse _ 280 29 Election Printing _ __-- 83 45 •School Commissioner____ ____ ____ .___ ____ 53 51 160 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 Returned Tax 1 96, Susquehanna Valley Home_ 45 75 Western New York Institution for Deaf Mutes 316 67 Total -----_-_ ___- _ - - ---_ _ $12,62o oS Highway tax money system 2,034 76. Poll Tax 555 00 ITHACA CITY—TAX FOR 1903 State Tax__ $ 1,340 85.. County Tax 22,185 91 A. S. Robinson for description of property of delinquent taxpayers _ 116 00• County Treasurer, expenses collecting returned tax15 00 Supportof Poor____.. 7,000 oo Superintendent of Poor, support of Alms House- 1,672 14 Election Printing 256 20 - Binding Assessment Roll_1 �5 Total _ $32,590 35 ITHACA TOWN—TAX FOR 1903 State Tax ____ County Tax _ _ Audits Highways and bridges Support of Poor Memorial Day Superintendent of Poor, support of Alms House____— Election Printing School Commissioner_ Returned Tax Syracuse Institution for Feeble Minded Children_ Total $ 148 41 2,456 03. 1,890 5x 250 00 25 00. x0 00 196 49 66 io 38 6o• 11 23 40 00. $5,132 37 Highway tax money system____ _-__ ____ ____ __-- __ _- - 2, 109 28 Poll Tax _ 367 00. Dog Tax 86 00. State Tax County Tax LANSING—TAX FOR 1903. $ 274 12- 4',536 24- The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 161 Audits -- -- -- -- - - 2,246 04 Superintendent of Poor support of Alms House _ 240 42 -Election Printing_______________ 122 20 School Commissioner..___ -___ ____ _ 51 00 Returned Tax ___--____--_-__-- ___ 22 58 F. C. Sperry tax on erroneous assessment_,__ 6 51 Adelia M. Sperry tax on erroneous assessment_ 5 92 Total_ $ 7,505 03 Highway tax money system 2,367 87 Poll Tax --- - 689 00 NEWPIEI,1]-TAX 110R 1903 State Tax $ 132 42 County Tax . 2,191 37 Audits - - - - 8,417 38 Bonded Indebtedness, principal____ 2,000 00 Bonded Indebtedness, interest on 1,435 00 Free Town Library 100 00 Town Poor 50 00 Memorial Day ______ ____ ro 00 Superintendent of Poor, support of Alms House______ 484 65 Election Printing ____ __ __ 59 of School Comumissioner_____ J4 47 Returned Tax -- __-- __-_ 124 35 Total __-- $15,039 15 Highway tax money system_ _ 1,534 13 Poll Tax __-_-- - - 354 O0 1JI,YSS1iS-TAX 1TOR 1903 State Tax _ __ $ 255 89 County Tax ___ ______ 4,234 53 Audits - --- 1,840 83 Memorial Day____ _ 5o 00 Wixom Bridge______ 40 00 Correction of error in audits of 1902 100 00 I3ighways and bridges ___- 250 00 250 00 Indigent soldiers and sailors ___ ____ too 00 Superintendent of Poor, support of Alms House ___-__ 128 93 162 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 Election Printing 1 4 o3 School Commissioner____ _ 66 59 Returned Tax 87 T3 Syracuse Institution for Feeble Minded Children____- 20 00 Ithaca Children's Homme ____ __ __ _. 1J3 00 Bonded indebtedness, principal____ ______ 2,000 00 Bonded indebtedness, interest on___ _ 1,575 00 Wm, Baines, tax on erroneous assessment__ -- 7 19 A. G. Phillips, tax on erroneous assessment__5 00 Total Highway tax money system Poll tax._____ $r1,278 17• 1,611 29 . 364 00 WWM. H. BARER, PAUI, S. LIVERMORE, JOHN J. HANSHAW. On motion of Mr. J. H. Hine the report was accepted and the amounts were ordered levied upon and collected of the several towns, the City of Ithaca, and the County at large the sums as therein set forth. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, J. H., Livermore, Mount, Noxon, Sprigg, Thompson, Terry -12. Noes—none. By Dr. Gallagher : WHEREAS, The people of this State have. decided by popular vote to expend a vast amount of money in enlarging the canals, and incidentally to build a barge canal, which will be a disappointment to all of us, and will increase the burden of taxation ; and tVHI RRAS, It is possible to build a ship canal, which will give all of the benefits of any canal to commerce and. navigation and at the same time develop permanent water power through the whole length of the State, and of a value of a thousand million dollars and such a canal can be made to pay for itself from the smallest tolls upon water power and commerce, and be a source of vast benefit to the State of New York, and be worth its cost to the The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 163 government in opening up a commodious channel for our navy into the Great Lakes, and also be of great benefit to all of the great states bordering on the Great Lakes. Resolved, That while we do not desire to defeat the will of the people •of this State as expressed in the recent vote, and we do not desire to 'delay beginning of work under the act which has been approved by them, we do hereby express our conviction that the surveys for a ship canal ought to be completed, and also detailed studies and a report by experts of the highest grade as to the possibilities of such a ship canal for commerce and creation of water power and the cost thereof and the best plan for its utilization for the benefit of the largest number in the community ; and further Resolved, That we hereby call upon our representative in Congress and upon the Senators of this State to bring the matter before Congress at once and strive to.secure a commission to make a report before the construction of the barge canal has proceeded too far. On motion the same was adopted. The Clerk read the rates of the different Towns and the City of Ithaca as given him, as follows Caroline - .co88 Danby .007 Dryden _ .005 Enfield _ _ .0125 Groton___. _____ .0085 Ithaca -City --•00445 Ithaca -Town - _-_.005 Lansing .0064 Newfield _.0162 Ulysses - - --- .0095 On motion the Board adjourned to Monday, January 4, 1904, at 1 i o'clock, A. M. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. 164 The Supervisors' Proceeding -s, 1903 THIRTY-SECOND DAY MONDAY, JANUARY 4, Morning Session Roll call. Quorum present. 1904. In the places of those Supervisors, whose terms of office had expired January 1st, 1904, Mr. George Dixon was present from the.First Ward of the City of Ithaca, Mr. H. C. Fairbanks from the Second Ward of the City of Ithaca, and Mr. Arthur N. Miller from the Fourth Ward of the City of Ithaca. The minutes of December 28, were read and approved. On motion the Board adjourned to Afternoon Session Roll call. Quorum present. By Mr. Baker : Resolved, That the correction of clerical errors in the various assess- ment rolls of the County, the assessments and valuations as corrected on: said assessment rolls, the taxes levied upon the several property owners of the various school districts of the County, and the taxes levied upon the sev- eral towns in accordance with the recommendations of the committee on erroneous assessments and all changes necessary to be made in order to con- form to the requirements of the law be, and the same are hereby ratified,. confirmed and legalized. On motion of Mr. J. H. Hine the same was adopted. By Mr. J. H. Hine : Resolved, That the tax as extended on the tax rolls of the several' Towns and the City of Ithaca as presented to this Board by the Supervisors. of the Towns and the City of Ithaca be confirmed and that warrants be issued to the Collectors of the various Towns and the City of Ithaca for the• The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 165 collection of the same, signed by the Chairman and the Clerk of this Board and the seal of the County be affixed as required by law. On motion of Mr. Sprigg the same was adopted. By Mr. Mount : WHEREAS, The new law pertaining to the highways of the towns in this County which are under the money system make it obligatory on Super- visors to receive and disburse all money for highway purposes, thereby making it necessary for such Supervisors to give bonds for all money so re- ceived and making much extra work for such Supervisors, therefore Resolved, That each Town Board of the Towns in the County which are working their highways under the money tax system be asked to allow to the Supervisor a fee of one per cent. for receiving and disbursing such fund. Ott ffiotion of Mr. Hanshaw the same was adopted. , By Mr. Mount : Motion that the Clerk be instructed to write to the Attorney General for his opinion, whether the Chairman of the Board holds over after Janu- ary first, if members of standing and special committees, whose terms of office as Supervisor expire January first, will continue members of those committees until the next annual session, and whether the Supervisors of Towns working their highways under the money tax system can pay to their commissioners of highways in lump sums. Oti motion the same was adopted. By Messrs. Sprigg and Miller : ` stganias, In accordance with the general law the Trout Season in ad- joining counties closes September first and opens April fifteenth, and that the Trout Season in Tompkins County closes July sixteenth, and one of the principal trout streams of the County is on the County line, and that Tomp- - kins County should be entitled to the same privileges as other counties adjoining, be it therefore Resolved, That the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County request their representative in the Assembly to use his influence to make the change • of closed season on brook trout from September first to April first, inclusive. On motion the sane was adopted. c 66 77te Supervisors' Proceedings, 1943 By Dr. Gallagher : Resolved, That Mr. Baker be appointed a committee of one to prepare a proposed order book for the use of the Supervisors and Highway Commis- sioners in the various towns working their highways under the money system. On motion the same was adopted. The minutes for the day were read and approved. On motion the Board adjourned sine die. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 167 COUNTY AUDITS. STATE OF NEW YORK. 1 ss. COUNTY ON TonII'KINS—BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, ) I hereby certify that the following abstract comprises all the bills and accounts against the County of Tompkins presented to the Board of Supervisors of said County at its annual meeting for the year 1903, showing the name of each claimant, the true na- ture of the account, the amount originally claimed, and the amount as finally allowed and audited by said Board. BERT T. BAKER. Clerk. No. Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 1 The Tompkins County National Bank, Judgment, Ingersoll Note $2,995 65 $2,995 65 2 Forest City Plumbing Co., Plumbing and Supplies 86 96 86 96 3 Cornell Livery, Ambulance _ I co r o0 4 Bush & Dean, Supplies___-- _--- ---- ---- ---- ---- 18 45 i8 45 5 D. P. Terry, Coroner. 20 80 20 So 6 Charles Smith, Carpenter work and Supplies___ 11 So 11 So 7 Todd, Blackmer & Co., Supplies______ _ 1 87 I 87 8 L. F. Colegrove, Justice of the Peace___________ 14 48 14 48 9 Illston & Parks, Artesian \Vater 5 40 5 40 ro Norton Printing Co., Printing ____ ____ ____ 2 50 2 50 1I L. 0. Williams, Constable___-- _ __-- __-- __-- 2 75 2 75 12 Hu.rlbert-Loveless Plumbing Co., Plumbing and Supplies ___-- _ 18 29 18 29 13 Norton & Hanford, City Directories-___ _-.._ ____ 5 00 5 00 14 H. 13. Ilesenler, 1LD., Medical Examination__ 10 00 5 00 15 Jaynes 1'. Goff, Constable_._-_ _ 8 85 8 85 16 Ithaca Business Men's Association, Sprinkling Street, 19o2____________ 6 00 6 oo 17 Ithaca Business Men's Association, Sprinkling Street, 1903 ---- ---- - 6 00 6 oo 168 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 No. Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed IS Frank Barber, Deputy Sheriff, assigned to J. H. I-Iine ____-----._-- -____- __-- __-- --__ 4 00 400 19 E. O. Godfrey, Supplies 5 29 5 29 20 Jamieson & McKinney, Plumbing and Supplies_ 94 oS 94 o8 21 D. B. Stewart & Co., Supplies 9 5o 9 50 22 J. K. Follett, Deputy Sheriff_ _ _. _ 6 oo 6 00 23 Horace W. Nash, M.D., Medical Examination__ 10 00 . 5 00 24 Wilber G. Fish, M.D., Coroner _ _ 51 75 Si 75 25 Monroe County Penitentiary, Care of Inmates_ ._ Isis S7* 26 Randolph Horton, Legal Services 23 00 27 Driscoll Bros. & Co., Carpenter work and Supplies 312 27 28 T. W. Slocum, Justice of the Peace___ __..--- S 40 29 E. S. Metchart, Constable ___ 9 45 3o F. H. Drake, Constable ____ 37 00 31 F. H. Drake, Constable ____ 22 So 32 J. J. McGuire, Attorney Appointed by Court (dis- allowed) - -- 35 00 33 Trenton, Ring & Co., Hardware Supplies_.._. ____ 74 79 74 79 34 Trenian, Ring & Co., Supplies for Jail____ 14 95 14 95 35 Ithaca Water Works Company, City Water 133 00 133 00 36 Dumont Anderson, Livery Hire .-__,______--___ 2 00 2 00 37 Ithaca City Hospital, Care of J. E. Abbott.._-___ 56 oo 56 oo 38 Aaron Pover, Deputy Sheriff 9 00 9 00 39 E. McGillivray, Photographic Work___________ 3 00 3 00 4o The Ithaca Journal, Printing 866 41 866 41 41 Ithaca Children's Houle, Care of Garry Children 184 44* 42 Ithaca Children's Home, Care of Maude Oatman 4 00* 43 Ithaca Children's Hanle, Care of inmates 205 91x 44 Craig Colony, Supplies for Inulates ____ _________ 4S 64* 45 Susquehanna Valley Horne, Care of Inmates_.___ 70 50* 46 Susquehanna Valley Horne, Care of Inmates____ 69 00* 47 Auburn Orphan Asylum, Care of Inmates_ 146 oo* 48 Ithaca Children's Home, Care of Carpenter C11ild- dren __ .--• --- -----.-__ __—. 21 oo* 49 Charles M. Benjamin, Postage, etc.. 10 82 ro 82 5o Ithaca Children's Horne, Care of Perry Children 69 00* 51 Ithaca Children's Home, Care of Lulu Perry 52 Charles P. Beaman M.D., Lunacy Examination, etc. _______ 20 00 20 00 53 C. B. Tarbell, Constable_ 8 65 8 65 54 C. B. Tarbell, Constable. _ 8 to 8 to 55 Meany's Pharmacy, Drugs____________95 95 56 A. E. Chipman, Supplies________ 3 70 3 70 57 M. A. Dumond, M.D., Examination in Lunacy__ To 0o 10 00 23 00 312 27 8 40 9 45 37 00 22 So • 37 50* ' The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 169 No. Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed .58 J. N. Mead Company, Supplies Chain Gang ____ _ 20 70 20 70 59 J. H. Yaple, Livery Hire _ _____ ____ _ 7 00 7 00 6o Benjamin A. Stevens Painting and Material--___ 25 to 25 10 •6x The Ithaca Journal, Election Printing 694 24 694 24 62 Hulbert -Loveless Plumbing Co., Plumbing etc., at Jail . 1 61 1 61 .63 McPherson & Willson, Filling in Stone Yard, (as- signed to Nellie F. Willson) _ ico 00 100 00 •64 H. L. Haskin, Medicine for Jail___-_ 98 98 65 S. Edwin Banks, Acting Surrogate ______ ______ _ 32 00 32 00 66 Weekly Ithacan, Publishing Nominations_______ 6o 63 6o 63 67 Ithaca Telephone Company, County Phones____ 76 25 76 25 68 C. W. Earl, Mason Work _ _____.. ____ _ 10 50 to 5o 69 The Ithaca Journal, Election Printing, City___.. 256 20 256 zo 7o William H. Van Ostrand, Committee Work 36 96 36 96 71 J. L. Marshall, Repairing Wind Mill 63 46 63 46 72 Seneca Spicer, Constable__. ___ ._.._ 31 68 31 68 73 John N. Barker, Justice of the Peace -___ 8 20 8 20 :74 City of Ithaca, Police Service ____ ____ ____ 105 So 105 8o .75 Thos. G. Miller, Supplies---------_----.__ - _-- 152 33 152 33 :76 Hartford Stearn Boiler Inspection and Insurance Co., Alms House Boiler Insurance_ ___ 5o 00 50 00 .77 Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Co., Court House Boiler Iusurcmce____ _ 5o 00 50 00 :78 The .Ithaca Journal, Election Printing, Groton___ 83 45 83 45 '.79 J. B. Wilson, Committee Work, etc. ____-__ 59 74 59 74 8o John F. Murphy, Game Constable_ 17 no 17 00 81 John P. Murphy, Garne Constable_ 17 00 17 00 '82 Syracuse State Institution for Feeble Minded_ Children, Clothing for Inmates_ 8o ao* 83 Western New York Society Protection of Home less Children, Care of Inmates ______ 102 69* 84 Western New York Institution for Deaf Mutes,_ Care of Ruth M. Lytle ____ _-__ 316 67* .85 Matteawan State Hospital, Care of Inmates 391 08* .86 Chas. S. Seaman, Board of Prisoners._____ ___. 129 23 129 23 87 Chas. S. Seaman, Livery Hire______-__ _____ 24 50 24 50 :83 M. D. Goodyear, M.1)., Extniination in Lunacy5 00 5 00 89 H. Genung , 31.D., Examination in Lunacy 5 00 5 00 .90 Town of Dryden, Rebate Poor Case 7 To 7 to .91 Barr Bros., Hardware Supplies _____. __ ____ _ 104 05 104 05 .92 Syracuse Extract Co., Disinfectant for Jail 12 50 12 50 .93 Ithaca Ice Company, Ice for Jail_ _ 45 10 45 to '94 Luther Ennis, Extra Work Clerk's Office ____ _ 7 00 7 00 17o The Supervisor's Proceedings, 1903 No. Vance Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 95 Empire State klousefurnishing Co., Supplies___ 10 79 to 79. 96 Ithaca Ice Company, Ice at Court House_ ______ 2 36 2 36 97 The Ithaca Democrat, Official Canvass, etc.____ 71 85 71 35 98 N. Y. & Penn. Tel. & Tel. Co., County Phones_ 90 00 90 00 99 Williams Bros., Work and Supplies on Heater__ 258 36 25s 36 100 John L. 3Iandeville, Delegate Good Roads Ex- penses -- - 14 90 14 90. roc F. G. Alexander, Stone for Stone Yard_-__ ____ - 21 54 21 54 102 Thad S. Thompson, Supplies 13 72 13 72 103 C. J. Runisey, & Co., Supplies 6 45 6 45 104 H. T. Rhodes, M.D., Autopsy______ ______ ____. 15 00 5 00• 105 Driscoll Bros. & Co., Mason Work, Court House 8 oo 8 00• Io6 City of Ithaca, Recorder 91 10 91 10 107 Taylor & Carpenter, Supplies _____- ____-_..___ _ 36 07 36 07 108 1'. F. McAllister, Justice of the Peace _____ __.___ 13 7o 13 70- 109 Ithaca Publishing Co., Printing _ 725 32 725 32 110 Charles Green, Supplies for Prisoners ____ _____ 31 o6 31 o6• 1 1 1 J. Will Tree, Binding Books, Clerk's Office (as- signed to George S. Tarbell) ______ ____ ______ 50 00 50 00. 112 Edward H. Frear: Justice of the Peace__-_ _____ 86 45 s6 4J 113 Clinton Terry, Painting at Jail (assigned to Dris- coll Bros., & Co.). _-- 12 50 12 50.. 114 James P. Fahey, _31.D., Vaccinations at Jail-__- 12 00 12 00. 115 Rothschild Bros., Supplies ____ ____ . _ 98 98 r16 B. M. Hagin, Committee 1Vork'and Special Ses- sion__-- __-- 20 16 2a 16 117 C.. E. Seamon, Livery Hlre__--_-_ ___-__ . I0 00 10 00 113 Ithaca Electric Light & Power Co., Supplies___ 2 00 2 00• 119 Small & Bueklin, Supplies __-_ 1 35 1 35 120 Hattie C. Torrey, District Attorney Stenographer 46 75 46 75. 121 L. H. Van Kirk, County Clerk ____ ____ ____ ____ 777 61 777 61 122 William H. Baker, Committee Work alxl Spe- cial Sessions______ 31 12 31 12- 123 J. 11. Hine, Committee Rork and Special Ses- sions______ ______ ____ 27 20 27 20 124 W. G. Fish, M.D., Coroner .___ ___. 6 20 6 20• 125 David Bower, Superintendent of Poor, Service I3ill -- -- ---- 504 00 384 00• 126 David Bower, Superintendent of Poor, Expense Bill (withdrawn) _ __-- _ 56 35 127 Jas. 1'. Fahey, M.D., Examination in Lunacy__ 5 00 5 00 128 Rothschild Bros., Supplies______ _______ 1 09 1 o8 129 Dr. F. A. Reid, M.D., Examination in Lunacy_ 5 00 5 00 130 Lang & Button, Repairing Boiler, County House 15 23 15 23 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 171 No. Nacre Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 131 D. P. Terry, 141.D., Coroner, Sherwood Case___.. 5 8o 5 8o 132 Eugene Terry, Committee Work and Special Sessions ' 59 84 59 84 134 W. C. Hine, Committee Work_____ 98 10 98 10 135 John J. I•iansliaw, Committee Work 33 10 33 10 136 C. H. Howes, Photographic Work_ __ 5 00 5 00 137 W. C. Gallagher, Special Sessions r6 32 16 32 138 Chas. Sprigg, Committee Work and Special Sessions __ 66 5o 66 50 139 1'. Wall &. Son, Supplies, Chain Gang 47 45 47 45 140 L. H. VariKirk. Court Bill____ 599 91 599 91 141 Eugene Terry, Coroner's Jury 1 00 1 00 142 Randolph Horton, Coroner's Jury _ 1 00 1 00 143 J. W. Judd, M.D., Coroner____-. ._____ 133 20 133 20 144 W. A. VanOrder, Department Sheriff_ 408 00 408 00 145 J. M. Townsend, 31.0., Medical Services, Tol- lenson -- -___-- _ _ 20 00 20 00 146 Grant Curry, Sheriff___ _-_.__ __ 2,649 90 2,649 90 147 John C. Thompson, Special Sessions 17 28 17 28 148' Ithaca Journal, Printing______ 64 90 64 90 149 Rubert Roosa, Artesian Water, Jail 13 75 13 75 150 Grant Curry, Service Bill_ ___ ___ 1,213 95 1,213 95 151 J. Will Tree, Binding Index, County Clerk ____ 1 50 1 50 152' Williamson Law Book Co., Supplies County Clerk _ r8 oa 18 00 153 E. W. Wolcott, Supplies, Jail__ 2 50 2 50 154 A. B. Kennedy, Supplies ____ 2 30 2 30 155 Eugene Terry, Service Bill 174 72 174 72 156 Chas. Sprigg, Service Rill______ 132 00 132 00 157 Wm. H. Raker, Service Bill ______ ______ _ 156 35 156 35 r53 L. I . Toxon, Service Bill and Special Sessions_ 140 00 140 00 159 B. M. Hagin, Service Bill____ ______ _ 176 o8 176 08 16o R. N. Mount, Service Bill_ _ _ 175 28 175 28 161 Jas. H. Hine, Service Bill - 152 69 152 69 162 W. C. 1-Jine, Service Bill, Special Sessions_____ 144 00 144 00 163 J. C. Thompson, Service Bill163 62 163 62 164 Paul S. Livermore, Service Bill . _ 148 00 148 00 165 William C. Gallagher, Service Bill 165 76 165 76 166 John J. Ilanshaw, Service Bill 168 00 168 00 167 Webb Corbin, Service Bill ,9S 29 • 198 29 .$17,839 96 *See County and Town Budgets, 172 Tke Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 TOWN AUDITS. CAROLINE We, the undersigned, the Town Board of the Town of Caro- line, do hereby certify : That the following is an abstract of the names of all persons who have presented to said Board accounts to be audited, the amounts claimed by each of said persons and the amounts finally audited respectively, to -wit : No. Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed I James M. Sears, Inspector and Messenger_ .____. 2 George R. Peck, Poll Clerk 3 J. H. Best, Ballot Clerk____ 4 Curtis J. Shorter, Poll Clerk 5 George F. Vandemark, Poll Clerk ____ 6 George Beard, Ballot Clerk______ 7 J. C. Jansen, Inspector of Election 8 W. T. Graham, Inspector and Messenger_______ g R. L. Denman, Inspector of Election to Charles hulks, Inspector of Flection____ II B. J. Silsbee, Inspector of Election____________ 12 Henry P. Winchell, Inspector of Election 13 Richard L. Whittaker, Poll Clerk___ 14 John Davis, Inspector of Flection I.5 L. H. Gallagher, Ballot Clerk____.__ 16 H. A. McGrath, Ballot Clerk 17 H. L. Blackman, Inspector 18 Frank S. I aple, Ballot Clerk 19 Lamont C. Snow, Ballot Clerk____ 20 H. A. Cooper, Ballot Clerk_ ____ ____ ____ ____ 21 Bowne Mulks, Inspector and Messenger_____ 22 A. R. Johnson, Inspector of Election 23 M. H. ,Quick, Inspector of Election_ 24 Harry A. Davis, Poll Clerk 25 R. E. Brink, Hall rent, storing booths 26 George H. Richardson, Hall rent, storing booths $18 12 4 00 4 00 4 00 400 4 00 12 CO IS 64 12 00 12 00 I2 00 12 00 4 00 I2 00 400 4 00 I2 00 400 400 4 00 IS o8 12 00 12 00 4 00 13 00 13 00 $IS 12 4 00 400 400 4 00 400 I2 00 17 64 12 00 12 00 I2 00 12 o0 4 00 12 00 400 4 0a 12 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 IS o8 I2 00 I2 00 400 13 00 13 00 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 173 No, • Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 27 E. H. Card, Hall Rent, storing booths_ 13 0o 23 00 28 Ithaca Journal, Printing ___ ______ _.___ ____ -___ 28 05 28 05 29 A. B. Woodworth, Marriage Certificates_________ 6 75 6 75 3o E. FI. Mitchell, Justice of the Peace 20 50 20 So 31 Theodore Eighmey, Assessor x6 4c 2220668 6 40 32 Francis A. Snow, ex -Supervisor8 oo 8 00 33 Alonzo Gorsline, Overseer of the Poor 38 00 38 co 34 W. C. Gallagher, gxamination in Lunacy and Medical Services_ ________ 8o 51 8o 51 35 Dewitt F. Roe, Truant Officer 25 00 25 00 36 S. B. Turner, Old Ladies' Home, board Drexy Pettigrove______ ___ 52 00 52 00 37 George H. Richardson, Town Clerk 57 70 57 70 38 Frank M. Bull, Justice Criminal Account20 55 20 55 39 jay Phillips, Refunded Dog Tax, paid by Super- visor ---- -- ---- 4o G. K. Doughty, ex -Justice of the Peace_ ____ __.__ 8 75 8 75 41 Henry Lyme, Constable------------------ 46 31 46 31 42 Dr. C. H. Gallagher, Medical Services, Order Overseer Poor__-_ _ _ 18 00 18 00 43 J. D. Schutt, ex -Commissioner of Highway, Ser- vice Bill and Plank 62 00 62 00 44 Frank M. Bull, Justice of the Peace r6 00 16 00 45 William A. Ferguson, ex -Town Clerk26 68 26 68 46 Jay Preston, Appraising Sheep Damages____ 1 5o 1 5o 47 Wallace W. Conrad, Assessor 36 00 36 00 48 Benjamin Rightmyer, Assessor 32 00 32 00 49 Mason J. Clark, Justice of the Peace____ 18 5o 18 5o 5o Benjamin Riglltnryer, Assessment Rolls_ _____ __ 5 00 5 00 51 Dr. F. A. Reid, Examinations in Lunacy and Med ical services 34 75 34 75 52 Ira Bogardus, Commissioners of Highways______ 312 00 312 00 53 Mathew Bender, Town Officer's Manual 6 30 6 30 54 F. C. Vorhis, for Watering Trough 3 00 3 00 55 Jerome Seager, for Watering Trough ____ ___ 3 00 3 00 56 Fred Stevens, for Watering Trough____ _____. __ 3 00 3 00 57 Hiram Vandemark, for Watering Trough 3 00 3 06 58 William Mandeville, for Watering Trough 3 00 3 00 59 Hurbert Wattles, for Watering Trough____ 3 00 3 00 6o Henry Leebody, for Watering Trough_ _ 3 00 3 oo 61 George Northrup, for Watering Trough ____ 3 00 3 00 62 W. C. Gallagher, for Watering Trough3 00 3 00 63 Charles Jones, for Watering Trough ______ 3 00 3 00 64 Richard Quick, Farm Watering Trough _ _ 3 00 3 00 174 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 No. Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 65 Jay Preston, for Watering Trough_____ 66 W. E. Snow, for Watering Trough_ •___ 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 Total - $1,276 09 $1,275 09 In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals this 5th .day of November, 1903. W. C. GALLAGHER, Supervisor. [1. s.] GEORGE H. RICHARDSON, Town Clerk. [L. S.] E. H. MITCHELL, [L. S.] MASON J. CLARK, [L. s.] FRANK M. BULL, [1.. s.] Justices of the Peace. I hereby certify that the above is a true copy of the original on file in my office. Dated November 5, 1903. GEORGE H. RICHARDSON, Town Clerk. DANBY We, the undersigned, the Town Board of the Town of Danby, do hereby certify : That the following is an abstract of the names of all persons who have presented to said Board ac- counts to be audited, the amounts claimed by each of said persons, and the amounts finally audited respectively, to -wit : No. Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 1 Willis Everest, Inspector $12 00 $12 00 2 Eugene Dorn, Inspector I2 00 12 00 3 S. L. Kirkennall, Inspector and Messenger_ 17 56 17 56 4 Frank Martin, Inspector 12 00 12 00 5 Nelson Cornell, Inspector I2 00 12 ao 6 • Wilbert Patchen, Inspector12 00 ' 12 00 7 Fred Crance, Inspector________ .___ 12 00 12 00 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 5903 175 'No. Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 8 Dewitt Allick, Inspector and Messenger____ ____ _ 17 So 17 So g Geo. W. Miller, Inspector_ __ 12 00 12 00 io Clayton Willsey, Inspector and Messenger 17 8o 17 So i i Parker Birch, Inspector . 12 00 12 00 .12 Byron Ackles, Inspector__,,. 12 00 12 00 13 Fred McFall, Poll Clerk 4 00 4 00 14 A. W. Beardsley, Poll Clerk ----- -_-- __-- 4 00 4 00 15 T. J. Hutchings, Poll Clerk------__---_._-.--- ---_ 4 00 4 00 16 Charles Allick, Poll Clerk 4 00 4 00 17 W. 0. Smiley, Poll Clerk_ 4 00 4 00 18 Marcus Hill, Poll Clerk___- 4 00 4 00 19 Fred I1orn, Ballot Clerk _ 4 00 4 00 '20 Theron Elyea, Ballot Clerk ___ __ __ 4 00 4 00 21 Henry Fairbrotller, Ballot Clerk__ ______ _ 4 00 4 00 -22 C. M. Sweetlove, Ballot Clerk-_-_ _ 4 00 4 00 23 Lewis Cummings, Ballot Clerk--__ ____ ____ ___ 4 00 4 00 24 Richard IIinds, Ballot Clerk____ -_ _ _ 4 00 4 00 25 7. E. Smiley, Justice __-- ____-- 17 40 17 40 26 P. D. Smiley, Justice ____._ 12 00 12 o0 -27 T. \LT. Slocum, Justice____ _-__-_ __-_ ____ ______ _ 16 19 162 19 28 J. B. Thatcher, Justice, __---•----__---.15 92 15 92 .29 C. A. Baker, Assessor______ __ 28 00 28 00 3o Geo. E. Button, Assessor_ 26 00 26 00 31 Lewis Cooper, Assessor..__________________ .-__ 24 00 24 00 .32 Williamson Book Co., Book_ 2 50 2 50 33 Andrus & Church, Supplies 7 98 7 98 .34 W. iI. Baker, Supervisor 26 83 26 33 35 W. H. Baker, Receiving and Distributing School fund - -- --- 23 29 23 29 .36 J. 0. Miller, Highrvay Commissioner____ 295 68 295 68 37 J. O. 11liller, Road Machine__-_______ 217 88 217 38 .38 0. S. Jennings, Town Clerk 89 00 89 00 39 O. S. Jennings, Supplies ___ __-- ____ _ 5 05 5 05 .40 O. S. Jennings, Vital Statistic 9 45 9 45 41 John L. Hall, Work on Highway 14 00 14 00 42 Chas. F. Mettler, Overseer Poor 44 84 44 84 43 Jerry Dorn, Overseer Poor 3 6o 3 6o 44 Chas. H. Ostrander, Supplies Town Hall__ 11 31 11 31 45 Chas. H. Ostrander, Supplies Poor ___ ____ 3 86 3 S6 .46 A. J. Snyder, Supplies Poor. ____ 81 45 81 45 47 A. J. Snyder, Hall Rent-_______ ___ _ 10 0o io 00 .48 A. J. Snyder, Supplies Poor_ 42 00 42 00 49 A. J. Snyder, Supplies Poor_ 14 00 14 00 .5o Z. E. Smiley, Hall Rent- 10 00 -ro 00 176 No. Name The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 51 E. E. Ellison, Overseer Poor, assigned to J. B. Thatcher _-____ __ 1,7 10 17 10 52 H. S. Beardsley, Supplies Poor ____ ____ ____ ____ _ 18 89 78 89 33 H. S. Beardsley, Vital Statistic _____ 2 75 2 75 54 H. C. Thatcher, Vital Statistic__ 3 00 3 00 55 H. C. Thatcher, Health Officer ___ 2 00 2 00 56 C. F. Denman, Medical Services_ 2 50 2 50 57 Paul R. Brown, Medical Services ______ ____ ____ _ 8 75 8 75 58 Arthur Sears, House Rent, Poor 8 75 8 75 59 H. S. Beardsley, Watering Trough 3 00 3 00 6o Herbert Jennings, Watering Trough.____________ 3 00 3 00 61 Joseph E. Judson, Watering Trough 6 oo 6 oo 62 Chas, B. Beers, Watering Trough____ ____ 3 00 3 00 63 John F. Ryan, Watering Trough____ ____ ____ 3 00 3 00 6:1 Geo. E. Button, Watering Trough_ 3 00 3 oo 65 Fred Crance, Watering Trough____ ____ ____ ____ _ 3 00 3 00 66 J. J. Johnston, Watering Trough ____ _ 6 oo 6 oo 67 Jerry Dorn, Watering Trough__ ______ ____ 6 00 6 oo 63 John Swansbrougll, erroneous Tax _ _ 2 63 2 63 69 F. D. Smiley, Comm. on Town Hall____ ____ ____ 2 00 2 00 7o City of Ithaca, Supplies Poor_ 27 25 27 25 71 City of Ithaca, Supplies Poor 59 00 59 oo 72 Ithaca Journal, Printing _. ___ 25 25 25 25 73 Frank Grant, Work, Town Hall, assigned to C. H. Ostrander_ __-- __-- __-- _ _-- _ _-- -- _ 20 75 20 75 74 Driscoll Bro's, Material, Town HaII_ 4 65 4 65 75 C. W. Earl, Work, Town Hall_--_ ____ ____ 24 00 24 00 76 Prank Bierce, Work, Town Hall. 37 00 31 00 77 O.S. Jennings, Work and Comm. on Town Hall 9 00 9 00 78 Adelbert Shepard, Work, Town Hall 26 51 26 51 79 James Rooney, Work, Town Hall 21 00 21 00 8o W. A. Howland, Material, Town Hall 80 0o So oo 17 $1,694 17 $1,694 W. H. BAKER, Supervisor. . O. S. JENNINGS, Town Clerk. Z. E. SMILEY, F. D. SMILEY, J. B. THATCHER, T. W. SLOCUM, Justices. The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 177 I hereby certify that the above is a true copy of Bills audited by the Auditing Board of the Town of Danby at their annual meeting November 5, 1903. O. S. JENNINGS, Town Clerk. Dated November 5, 1903. I hereby certify tl.iat the above is a true copy of an abstract of bills au- dited by the Town Board of the Town of Danby at their annual meeting held November 5, 1903, and as corrected by them December 5, 1903, at a special meeting of the Board when Bills No. 36 and No. 71 were audited for the above amounts as they now appear on the abstract. Dated Danby, December 5, 19o3• 0. S. JENNINGS, 'Town Clerk. DRYDEN We, the undersigned, the Town Board of the Town of Dryden, do hereby certify : That the following is an abstract of the names of all persons who have presented to said Board ac- counts to be audited, the amounts claimed by each of said per- sons, and the amounts finally audited respectively, to -wit : No. Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed r J. T. Morris, Ilonse for Election . bio 00 ,$io 00 2 Frank Osborne, Inspector Election, Dist. No. 1__ 4 00 4 00 3 Fred Crutts, Inspector Election, Dist. No. 1_____ 4 00 4 00 4 Frank D. Snyder, Inspector Election, Dist. No. 1 4 00 4 00 5 Harry Middaugh, Inspector Election, Dist. No. i Misc. Town Clerk _.._ 6 oo 6 00 6 Ernest Snyder, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 1 ____ ______ 4 00 4 00 7 Arthur Cornelius, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 1_______- 4 00 4 00 8 J. T. Morris, Ilouse for Election and Poll Clerk, Dist. No. I__ _ _ 14 00 14 00 9 E. S. Burr, Inspector and Messenger, Dist. No. r 19 36 19 36 10 Alford Lampkin, Inspector, Dist. No, 1________ 12 00 12 00 I I Enrniit Whitman, Inspector, Dist. No. T________ 12 00 12 00 12 G. W. McKeon, Inspector, Dist. No. 1 12 00 12 00 13 hemi Mitzgar, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. r 4 00 4 00 178 The Supervisors' Proceeding -s, 1903 No. Name Nature of Service Claiuled Allowed 14 Arthur Cornelius, Ballot Clerk, Dist. No. r_ ____ _ 4 00 4 00 15 Frank D. Snyder, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. r _ 4 00 . 4 00 i6 J. H. Harrington, Inspector Election, Dist. No. 2 4 00 4 00 17 W. H. VanPeltt, Inspector Election, Dist. No. 2_ 4 00 4 00 i8 Geo. Whipple, House for Election, Dist. No. 2.._ 20 00 20 00 19 G. H. Houtz, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 2 4 00 4 00 zo Aubrey Davenport, Ballot Clerk, Dist. No. 2____ 4 00 4 00 21 L. A. Hemingway, Inspector and Messenger, Dist. No. 2 _ 19 SS rg 88 22 H. K. Chatterton, Ballot Clerk, Dist. No. 2_____ 4 00 4 00 23 O. K. Rhodes, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 2 ____ ______ _ 4 00 4 00 24 Geo. E. Mineah, Inspector, Dist. No, 2 ____ ____ _ 12 00 12 00 25 Frank Sheldon, Inspector, Dist. No. 2__________ 16 00 16 00 26 Nolan King, Inspector, Dist. No. 2_ 12 00 12 00 27 A. W. Slights, Inspector, Dist. No, 2_ ______ 4 00 4 00 23 R. M. \Vest, Inspector, Dist. No. 3_ 4 00 4 00 29 W. H. Drake, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 3, assigned to R. F. Chapins______ 4 00 4 00 30 W. H. Drake, Inspector and Messenger, Dist. No. 3, assigned to First National Bank______ ____ 22 40 22 40 31 C. E. Green, Inspector, Dist. No. 3-_____ _ 16 00 16 00 32 Ed Moss, Inspector .Dist. No. 3 12 00 12 00 33 L H. McKinney, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 3________ 4 00 4 00 34 Thomas Lornrer, Ballot Clerk, Dist. No. 3_______ 4 00 4 00 35 J. D. Ross, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 3 ____ 4 00 4 00 36 F. H. Cuykendall, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 3 4 00 4 00 37 R. E. Stilwell, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 3 ____ 4 00 4 00 38 Henry C. Sutliff, Inspector, Dist. No. 4--------- 4 00 4 00 39 W. F. Wallace, Inspector, Dist. No. 4 _____ 8 00 4 00 4o Otis Mosley, Inspector, Dist. No. 4 .. 12 00 4 00 4E Lewis Myers, House for Election, assigned- to Otis Mosley _ ____ ____ 10 00 10 00 42 J. E. Sutfin, Inspector and Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 4 8 oo 8 oo - 43 John Collins, Ballot Clerk, Dist. No. 4 - 4 00 4 00 44 Lee Sickinon, Ballot Clerk, Dist. No. 4-___ 4 00 4 00 45 Truman Teeter, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 4 2 4 00 4 00 46 Lewis Myers, House for Election, I}istrict No. 4, assigned to Chas. Coon_ ____ ____ 10 00 10 00 47 Larkin Smith, Inspector, Dist. No. 4 12 00 12 00 48 Nathan Lockwood, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 4, 4 00 4 00 49 Frank Douglass, Inspector, Dist. No. 4____ 8 00 8 00 50 A, A. Sickmon, Inspector and Messenger, Dist. No. 4 - --- -- - - 19 38 19 88 51 E. T. Brown, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 4 4 00 4 00 The Sufiervisors' Proceedings, 1903 179 No. Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 52 Z. B. Dormer, Inspector, Dist. No. 5 _ 53 F,llory Vunk, Ballot Clerk, Dist. No. 5 •_--_ 54 Durias Given, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 5 55 I3. M. Given, Inspector, Dist. No. 5 56 G. \V. Billinger, Ballot Clerk, Dist. No. 5 57 Thomas Burch, Inspector, Dist. No. 5 ____ _ 58 Leland Burch, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 5___ S9 Hiram 'Foster, Inspector, Dist. No. 5 . _____ 6o D. M. White, Inspector and Messenger, Dist. No. 5 - 6t Eugene Space, Inspector and Messenger, Dist. No. 5 •----- --- - - 62 G. E. Goodrich, Poll. Clerk, Dist. No. 5 __ _ 63 Benj. Ellis, Inspector, Dist. No. 6 64 C. I3. Monroe, Inspector and work, Dist. No. 6__ 65 G. S. Monroe, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 6 _--_ _______ 66 Frank Vanhorne, Inspector, Dist. No. 6 -___ 67 D. H. Cook, Ballot Clerk, Dist. No. 6 68 C. A. Shults, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 6_..__ 69 C. Ray Stanton, Inspector, Dist. No. 6____ 70 5. J. Cole, Inspector, Dist, No. 6_________________ 71 C. I. Hart, Jr., Ballot Clerk, Dist. No. 6___ __ 72 Willard Shaver, Inspector, Dist. No. 73 John W. West, Inspector, Dist. No. 6____ 74 W. J. Shaver, Inspector and Messenger, Dist. No. 6 ---- ---- _- ---- 75 A. C. Stone, Hc -ase for Election, assigned to E. E. Darling• - 76 C. S. Scott, Election Booths_ 77 R. E. Stilwell, House for Election____ 78 J. B. Wilson, Hall for Election 79 M. D. Shaver, Constable_ 8o B. Snyder, Overseer Poor _ 81 Alonzo Gorsline, Overseer Poor, Caroline 82 City Ithaca, Supplies_ 83 Frank Hutchinson, Constable____ 84 Orin T. Ellis, Constable_ 85 G. E. Underwood, Justice Peace, Criminal Bill__ 86 Lewis Crutts, Attendance Officer 87 Frederick Devitt, Vital Statistics 88 A. A. Sager, Assessor _ 89 H. B. Smith, Vital Statistics 90 Milo B. Smith, ex -Justice Peace_ 91 Hooter Gening, Medical Certificate and Statistics ]2 00 I2 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 16 00 16 oo 400 400 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 400 IS oo 18 00 20 12 20 12 4 00 4 oa 12 00 12 00 12 75 12 75 4 00 4 oa 400 400 4 00 400 400 400 I2 00 I2 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 400 4 00 400 4 00 4 00 20 55 20 55 20 00 20 00 3 00 300 20 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 15 00 15 00 58 00 58 00 4 27 4 27 4 88 4 88 36 60 36 60 2 50 2 50 8 6o 8 6o 5 90 590 75 75 67 00 67 00 25 25 2 00 2 00 34 17 34 17 180 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 No. Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 92 John B. Shaver, Justice Service Bill___. 93 N. M. Jackson, Constable_ 94 J. O. Howser, Attendance Officer_ 95 Paul Ewers, Justice Service Bill_______________ 96 Paul Ewers Justice Criminal Bill____ 97 Arelier S. Fox, Attendance Officer 98 E. T. Brown, Justice Service Bill _ 99 G. E. Underwood, Service and Vital Statistics__ too J. J. Montgomery, Medical Certificate and Statis- tics - - ---- tot W. H. Schofield, Assessor____________ toe J. Beach, Medical Certificate and Vital Statistics_ 103 H_ Williams, Rebate____ 104 J. B. Nilson, ex -Supervisor 205 G. S. Rood, Medical Certificate and Vital Statis- tics to6 G. C. Sweet, Undertaking 107 J. D. Ross, Vital Statistics____ 108 J. D. Ross, Service Bill 109 Geo. Sutfin, Overseer Poor____________ Ito Stilwell & Ross, Printing 111 M. D. Goodyear, Vital Statistics 112 M. 1'1. Sweetland, Attendance Officer_____ 113 F. E. Darling, Town Clerk 114 A. C. Scott, Assessor.- 115 G. Rummer, Commissioner Highway____ 116 E. D. Allen, Medical service__________________ 117 F. W. Smith, Assessor ri8 E. D. Allen, Vital Statistics____ 119 New York and Western Society, Care Orphan Children, Randolph, N. Y., Charles Merrill, Secretary 120 J. D. Ross, Criminal Bill_ 121 Webb Corbin, Supervisor 122 T. R. Bryant, Inspector, Dist. No. 4______ ____ _ 123 R. S. Miller, Water Trough 224 John McKinney, Water Trough 125 Harry Trapp, Water Trough 126 George Carce, Water Trough x27 Zina Dusenberry, Water Trough 228 Mrs. Will Davis, Water Trough__1____ ____ 129 Julies Bloom, Nater Trough 230 W. R. Mill, Water Trough___. 132 Mrs. B. Cook, Water Trough 14 00 14 00 19 00 19 00 7 80 7 80 14 00 14 00 16 65 16 65 5 to 5 so 6 00 660 13 60 13 60 39 00 39 00 70 6o 7o 60 41 42 41 42 2 75 2 75 12 88 12 88 28 91 28 91 40 00 40 00 575 575 28 30 28 30 30 15 30 15 114 90 114 90 300 300 6 40 6 40 102 34 1O2 34 62 6o 62 6o 50000 50000 37 00 37 00 4 00 4 00 35o 350 223 7S 223 78 64 50 64 50 41 78 41 78 4 00 4 00 1 5o 2 5o 1 5o 2 5o 1 5o 1 5o I 50 I 50 I 5o 1 5o 2 5o 15o 1 5o 15o t 5o 1 5o I 5o I 5o The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 181 No. Narne Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 133 W. E. Bennett, Water Trough____ 1 50 r 50 134 J. T. Morris, Water Trough_ 1 5o r 50 135 G. W. Gibson, Use House 15 00 15 00 136 Ithaca Children's Home 159 00 159 00 $2,656 07 $2,644 07 WEBB CORBIN, Supervisor. FRET) E. DARLING, Town Clerk. G. E. UNDERWOOI), J. D. ROSS, J. B. SHAVER, E. F. BROWN, PAUL EWERS, Justices. I hereby certify the foregoing abstract is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. F. E. DARLING, Town Clerk. ENFIELD. We, the undersigned, the Town Board of the Town of En- field do hereby certify : That the following is an abstract of the names of all persons who have presented to said Board accounts to be audited, the amounts claimed by each of said persons, and the amounts finally audited respectively, to -wit : No. Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed • 1 H. S. Bullard, Inspector_ 2 Chas. Miller, Inspector___ 3 Fremont Wilson, Inspector 4 Herbert Curry, Inspector_____ 5 Herbert Bailey, Inspector 6 Chas. F. Teeter, Inspector_____ 7 Emery Wallenbeck, inspector____ 8 Corey J. Harvey, Inspector____ $12 00 $12 00 12 00 I2 00 12 00 I2 00 I2 00 I2 00 17 64 17 64 12 00 I2 00 12 00 12 00 17 64 17 64 182 The Supervisor? Proceedings, 1903 No.Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 9 G, H. Miller, Poll Clerk ____ _ 4 00 4 00 10 W. D. Rockwell, Poll Clerk_._____ 4 00 4 00 11 Fred D. Rumsey, Poll Clerk 4 00 4 00 12 Marion Wallenbeck, Poll Clerk__ ._____ ____ ____ 4 00 4 00 13 Willis Cauren, Ballot Clerk____ ____ ____ ____ ____ 4 00 4 00 (4 A. R. Tucker, Ballot Clerk -___ ____ ____ 4 00 4 00 15 Howard Brower, Ballot Clerk___ 4 00 4 00 16 Frank Tanning, Ballot Clerk____ 4 00 4 00 17 J. L. Georgia, Fence Viewing 4 00 4 00 18 J. L. Georgia, Fence Viewing ____ ____ ____ 4 00 4 00 19 J. L. Georgia, Book and Copying ____ ___ 5 00 5 00 20 J. L. Georgia, Assessor___ ___ ____ 34 00 34 00 21 Frank Comming, Fence Viewing 12 00 12 00 22 Frank Conniving, Fence Viewing _ 6 oo 6 oo 23 Frank Comming, Assessor 36 00 36 00 24 Elmer Rumsey, Making a Fill at Enfield Falls, assigned to \\'m. Drake_ _ ____ 59 00 J9 00 25 F. D. Fish, ex -Commissioner ____ _____ 26 00 26 00 26 F. D. Fish, Fence Viewer 8 0o 8 o0 27 A. S. Knight, Vital Statistics 9 00 9 00 28 C. J. Harvey, Use of Hall ____. ____ 25 00 25 00 29 H. S. Bullard, Deputy Town Clerk, assigned to Calori Kirby____ ____ ___ ___ 22 90 22 90 30 Solon Bagley, Citizen Member______ 4 00 400 31 M. M, Dunham, Truant Officer 20 00 20 00 32 Biggs & Co., Sewer Pipe, 1902_________ ____ 11 90 11 go 33 Jamieson & McKinney, Sewer Pipe, 1902_______ 96 57 91 11 34 Biggs Co., Sewer Pipe _ 155 47 155 47 35 Driscoll Bros., Cement __ ______ ____ _ 48 00 48 00 36 Barr Bros., Highway Material 35 00 35 00 37 F. L. Aiken, Fence Viewer__________ ____ ____ 2 00 2 00 38 Patterson & Wright, Piling at 1~a11s________ ____ 223 21 223 21 39 Patterson & Wright', Planks and Material 182 31 182 31 40 F. L. Aiken, Commissioner Labor Matters432 92 432 92 41 F. L. Aiken, Commissioner Highway Labor___- _ 200 10 200 10 42 F. L. Aiken, Commissioner Service Bill__ _-__ _ 224 00 ' 224 00 43 Frank M. Davis, Bagley Case ______ ____ ____ ____ _ 25 07 25 07 44 Amasa Johnson, Duel' Case 20 55 20 55 45 Frank Bagley, L. Bagley Boy_ . 10 00 10 00 46 C. E. Davis, Taulen Case__ 9 00 9 00 47 C. E. Davis, A. Rumsey________________________ 30 00 30 00 48 \Vn1, Tucker, Poor Cases ._____ -___ ____ ____ ___-- 26 32 26 32 49 Wm, Tucker, Service Bill _26 00 26 00 5o Matthew Bender, Highway Book____ 4 00 4 00 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 183 No. Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 51 Williamson Co., Town Clerk Books 52 Ithaca Publishing Co., Ballots and Supplies_____ 53 M. M. Sweetland, Counsel____ .___ ____ ____ ____ _ 54 H. A. Rockwell, Critninal Matter_ 55 J. P. Goff, Constable_ 56 Owego Bridge Co., Steel Sluice 57 H. A. Rockwell, Justice of Peace 58 Chas. Gray, Justice of Peace________..___ J9 Fred Chase, Justice of Peace______ 6o j. H. I-Iine, Supervisor_ -__- 61 Frank Teeter, Use of Hall 62 Geo. H. Nobles, Vital Statistics____.._ 63 Geo. I-1. Nobles, Town Clerk_ 14 18 14 IS 8 95 8 95 2 00 2 00 3 00 3 00 i 6o 1 bo 91 59 91 59 30 00 3o 00 26 00 26 00 24 00 24 00 44 co 44 00 25 00 25 00 If 50 11 5o 88 94 88 94 $2,547 36 $2,541 90 J. H. IIINE, Supervisor. GEO. II. NOIILES, Town Clerk. H. A. ROCKWELL, FRED CHASE, CHAS, GRAY, Justices of the Peace. ..•crL_S':sir'7':'l.=�s_,:.r:1:3-':i;:';.'�:','�.-'.ic': _,^;L=A?: GROTON. We, the undersigned, the Town Board of the Town of Gro- ton, do hereby certify : That the following is an abstract of the names of all persons, who have presented to said Board accounts to be audited, the amounts claimed by each of said persons, and the amounts finally audited respectively, to -wit : No. Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 1 R. N. Mount, Supervisor 2 H. M. Hamilton, ex -Town Clerk _ 3 B. R. Williams, Town Clerk (Deceased) 4 A. Landon, Town Clerk 5 H. A. Brooks, 'Town Board____ ____ __ __ _ 18 00 18 oo 14 10 14 Io 87 21 87 2I 22 48 22 48 26 00 26 00 184 Me Supervisors' Proceedings, No. Name Nature of Service 1903 Claimed Allowed 6 H. A. Brooks, Justice ____ _ 13 So r3 So 7 H. A. Brooks, justice____ 9 25 9 25 8 H. A. Brooks, Justice_ 2 40 2 40 9 H. A. Brooks, Justice_ 3 15 3 15 ro H. A. Brooks, Justice 4 80 4 So rt H. A. Brooks, Justice 2 65 2 65 12 H. A. Brooks, Justice 4 40 4 40 13 H. A. Brooks, Justice____ ____.__ _ 1 90 1 90 14 Newton Baldwin, Justice, etc. _ 41 .70 41 70 15 J. 31. Montfort, Town Board________ 22 00 22 00 16 J. 31. 14lontfort, Poor Supplies____ ____ ____ 12 00 12 00 17 1I. D. Montfort, Photograph of Bridge.- 2 00 2 00 18 Nelson Stevens, Town Board_ _ .22 00 22 00 19 W. B. Sears, I-Iighway Committee_ 420 00 420 00 20 Win. H. Burnham, Overseer of Poor. 70 00 70 00 21 Wm: H. Burnham, Assessor's Clerk, etc._ 20 00 20 00 22 W. H. Buckley, Assessor-_-_ -___-- -_-- __-- 46 00 46 00 23 S. G. Gooding, Assessor_______ 56 00 56 00 24 Alvin g. Howard, Assessor_ ____ ____ ____ ____ 44 00 44 00 25 G. W. P. Hamilton, Constable__ ____ ____ ___ 2 30 2 30 26 Charles Hyde, Constable_ ____ ______ ____ 8 70 8 70 27 Charles Hyde, Constable (Ferguson `Burns)34 5o J4 50 28 Charles Hyde, Constable ____ ______ 8 30 8 30 29 Charles Hyde, Constable 8 85 8 55 3o Charles Hyde, Constable 6 85 6 S5 31 Charles Hyde, Constable 6 95 6 95 32 Charles H}'de, Constable (Sprague Case) __-_ 25 05 25 05 33 Charles Hyde, Constable, (Bowker Case)____ 34 So 34 So 34 Dr. G. I. Albon, Vital Statistics 6 25 6 25 35 Dr. M. D. Goodyear, Lunacy___-____ 11 20 11 20 36 Dr. M. D. Goodyear, Vital Statistics______ 5 00 5 00 37 Dr. A. MI. Baldwin, Vital Statistics, Lunacy, etc. 14 75 14 75 35 Dr. G. M. Gilchrist, Vital Statistics__ 400 4 00 39 Dr. B. L. Robinson, Physician to Poor, etc. 31 00 31 00 40 Dr. Roscoe C. Tarbell, Physician to Poor, etc._51 75 44 75 41 Rev. Win. A. Smith, Vital Statistics_-___ ____ 50 50 42 Eugene Cook, Register and Inspector, Dist. No. 1 12 00 12 00 43 J. L. Jackson, Register and Inspector, etc., Dist. No. 1 -_ -_- 14 00 14 00 44 Ed. G. 3letzgar, Register and Inspector, etc., Dist. No. r _ _-_ _-_ 16 00 16 00 45 F. E. Townley, Register, Inspector and Messen- ger, Dist. No. 1 __-- _ 20 28 20 28 46 E. W. Allen, Poll Clerk; Dist. No. 1_ 4 00 4 00 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 185 No. Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 47 H. C. Stevens, Poll Clerk and Supplies, Dist. No. 1- --- -- --- 4 28 4 28 .48 B. 0. Wilson, Poll Watcher, Dist. No. 1 2 00 2 00 49 Wm. D. Baldwin, Register, Inspector and 1WIes- senger, Dist. No. 2 18 26 r8 26 50 J. C. Gifford, Register, Inspector and Messen- ger, Dist. No. 2__-- ____-- ____-- 12 00 12 00 51 P. L. McGrail, Register, Inspector and Messen- ger, Dist. No. ___ 12 00 12 00 .52 Wm. Spaulding, Register and Inspector, Dist, No. 2 - -- 53 F. F. Cummings, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 2 ___ _..___ 54 F. E. Lefler, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 2_ ____ __ __ ____ 55 Stoyell Alley, Register and Inspector, Dist. No. 3 56 Charles Cooper, Register and Inspector, Dist. No, 3_ ---- 57 Charles A. Hart, Register and Inspector, Dist. No. 3 ._._ 14 00 14 00 .58 Daniel H. Morgan, Register, Inspector and Mes- senger, Dist. No. 3 _ 18 28 18 28 59 D. R. Stout, Rent of Hall, Dist. No."3_______-___ 15 00 15 o0 6o Geo. H. Cooper, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 3_________ 4 00 4 00 61 Morris Francis, Jr., Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 3_-____ 4 00 4 00 62 W. C. Allen, Rent of 1-lall, Dist. No. 1 ____ _ 15 00 15 00 63 Village of Groton, etc., Dist. No. 2 81 26 81 26 64 Mary Kelsey, Rent Scraper Shed Ground_ _____ 6 00 6 00 65 H. W. Buck, Tax Rebate____. 50 50 66 Jay Hubbell, Tax Rebate_ ____ _-.._ __--. ___ 5 50 5 50 67 S. B. Knapp, 'rax Rebate-_-- __-- 50 5o 68 Jacob Knettles, Tax Rebate____ ____ _..__ ___ 1 o1 1 o1 69 Alice McElheny, Tax Rebate ---------------------1 20 1 20 70 WI/1. E. Mount, Tax Rebate_______. __.._____ 1 67 1 67 71 Fred Stickles, fax Rebate_ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ 2 50 2 5o 72 Conger Manufacturing Company Repair to Roacl Scraper -- - -- -- -- 5 76 5 76 73 C. W. Conger & Co., Poor Supplies_ __ ____ _ 26 18 26 18 74 F. 13. Harris, highway Supplies-- _-__ ___. _ 175 56 175 56 75 Buck & Gobel, Highway Supplies____ ____ 185 44 r85 44 76 I,..J, Townley & Son, Supplies 36 26 36 26 77 J. W. Jones, Highway Supplies _. -----------6i 52 6r 52 78 J. W. Jones, Poor Supplies ___ ___ 22 38 22 38 79 E. G. Galloup, Poor Supplies -__- 1 00 1 00 8o Gooding & Halliday, Coal and Sundries____ ____ - 40 26 40 26 81 Wilcox Bros., Poor Supplies ---- _ 18 62 18 622 I2 00 I2 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 14 00 14 00 14 00 14 00 186 The Supervisor's Proceedings, 1903 No. Name Nature of Service. Claimed Allowed: 82 F. C. Atwood, l'oor Supplies_ 66 62 66 62- 83 Andrus & Church, Assessor Rolls_.___ 6 oo 6 00. 84 Matthew Bender, Gilbert's Manual_ .___ ____ 6 3o 6 30• 85 Charles O. Rhodes, Supplies ______ 67 67 86 John S. Love, Rent (Hasting Sisters) 36 00 36 00• 87 Groton Bridge Co., Map, etc., (Bowker Case) ___ 12 50 12 5o 88 Groton Bridge Co., Bridge, Work and Materials_ 294 82 294 82 89 James J. McGrail, Teaming 3 50 3 5o• 90 Peter L. 3IcGrail, Taking Voting Machine to McLean _ __-- ____-- _ _-- ___-- _ 2 00 2 00 91 Chas. L. Hawley (Crandall M. Co.,) Machinist Setting Voting Machines_ 3 75 3 75 92 M. A. Avery, Making out Franchises. 2 00 2 00• 93 Cobb & Cobb, Counsel fees (Bowker Case) 200 00 200 00• 94 Wm. W. Hare, Services (Sprague Case)____ to Co TO 00 95 G. M. Stoddard, Services (Sprague and Adams)_ 12 00 12 00• 96 G. W. Spatford, Undertaking (M. Willis)' 25 00 25 00• $2,813 97 $2,806 97 R. N. MOUNT, Supervisor. A. LANDON, Town Clerk. H. A. BROOKS, J. M. 1IONTFORD, NEWTON BALDWIN, NELSON STEVENS, Justices of the Peace. 1 r c z ri�.rlx efrrXi.. Z. CiZ./C. C -'.S%'.c;'�'�!c"r_' ITHACA. We, the undersigned, the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca, do hereby certify : That the following is an abstract of the names of all persons who have .presented to said Board ac- counts to be audited, the amounts claimed by each of said per- sons, and the amounts finally audited respectively, to -wit : No. Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed I A, F. VauGorder, Overseer of Poor 35 62 35 62 2 L. F. Colegrove, Justice of the Peace_____ 29 85 29 85. The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 187 No. Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 3 M. VanOrina[I, Town Clerk Service Bill______.._ 4 I, B. Frear, Poll Clerk 5 J. W: Tourtelott, Inspector 6 C. 11. Minturtl, Ballot Clerk 7 Fred Eddy, Ballot Clerk 8 Arthur Teeter, Ballot Clerk 9 S. M. Thompson, Inspector____ to W. I. Smith, Inspector_.____- _ I I Geo. B. Sutton, Justice of the Peace____ 12 S. M. Updyke, Justice of the Peace 13 A. J. Beers, assigned to W. H. Willson, Casket for Child 14 A. J. Teeter, Justice of the Peace_.___ 15 Andrus Sc Church, Books for Town Officers.____ 16 Sanford Manning, Fence Viewing__.____ [7 Sanford Mantling, Assessor_ 18 David Vannatta, Ballot Clerk_ 19 W. J. Troy, Inspector and Ballot Clerk_ ____ ___. _ 20 G. Robinson, Map of Klondike____ 21 T. J. Byrn, Searching Records______ 22 Herman Bergholtz, Erroneous Tax 23 W. J. Troy, Road Work and Bridge Plank_ 24 W. N. Post, Voting Place _25 A. W. Kline, Poll Clerk and Inspector_____-__.._ 26 J. W. Preswick, Inspector_ 27 Earl Northrop, Inspector and Ballot Clerk 28 E. H. Preswick, Poll Clerk 29 C. R. Gundernlan, Inspector and Poll Clerk ____ _ 30 E. H. Preswick, for Attendance at Election .___ _ 31 13zra Brown, Inspector 32 Geo. E. Stevens, Assessor and Map 33 Jake Wilcox, Inspector and Poll Clerk 34 James Bush, Inspector 35 John J. Hanshaw, Supervisor 36 A. S. Knight, Vital Statistics____ 37 John J. Trench, Lumber_ 38 M. VanOruhan, Voting Place___- . 39 39 E. O. Godfrey, Repairing Road Scraper_ ____ ____ • 4o Barr Bros.. Water Pipe - 41 C. H. Benjamin, Town Supplies_______________ 42 Driscoll Bros., Tile and other Supplies__ 43 H. A. Brown, Fence Viewing_ 44 R. Whipple, Labor and Fence Viewing____ ____ 45 .S. M. Thompson, Assessor____ ____ 84 72 84 72 4 00 4 00 19 20 19 20 8 00 S oo 8 00 800 8 ao 800 4 00 4 00 2I 6o 2I 6o 14 00 1400 14 00 14 00 I0 00 10 00 14 00 14 00 14 96 14 96 2 00 2 00 34 00 34 00. 4 00 4 00 S oo 8 00• 5 00 5 00 2 00 2 00• 12 57 12 57 39 02 39 02 30 00 30 CO. 24 74 24 74 I2 00 [2 00 8 00 800 4 00 4 00 16 00 16 00• 4 00 4 00- 12 00 12 00 44 50 44 50. 8 co 8 00 4 00 4 00. 35 00 35 00 I 00 I 00• 5 69 5 69 30 00 30 00- 12 30 12 30. TO 87 Io 87 25 02 25 02 323 87 323 87 2 00 2 00- 9 75 0•975 600 38 00 38 co. 188 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 No. Name Nature of Service 46 Frank Mitchell, Health .Officer____ ____ ___ _ _ 47 Geo. Small, Pipe 48 M. VanOrman, Vital Statistics, Office Rent and Disbursements 49 C. A. Teeter, Inspector 50 H. A. Brown, Highway Commissioner, Services and Disbursements _ 51 L. O. Williams, Constable____ 52 L. O. Williams, Truant Officer 53 L. O. Williams, Constable____ 54 Dr. W. H. Lockerby, Services Rendered Gorden Webster and Family__ 55 G. H. Hopkins, Bridge Plank 56 Clyde Manning, Poll Clerk_ 57 G. H. Hopkins, Plank_ 58 Wm. L. Mitchell, Claim for Service on Road _ Claimed Allowed 48 00 48 00 2 40 2 40 33 89 33 89 16 oo 16 oo 514 51 514 51 2 So 2 80 13 00 13 00 3 10 3 10 47 00 47 00 113 73 113 73 4 00 4 00 13 00 I3 00 87 35 25 55 $1,956 o6 $1,890 51 JOHN J. HANSHAW, Supervisor. M. VAN ORMAN, Town Clerk. L. F. COLGROVE, A. J. TEETER, G. B. SUTTON, SYDNEY UPDIKE, Justices of the Peace. �?%c�!!_'r',x }•,�:w_._.c,c1c'-',c�,xi LANSING. We, We, the undersigned, the. Town Board of the Town of Lansing, do hereby certify : That the following is an abstract of the names of all persons who have presented to said Board ac- counts to be audited, the amounts claimed by each of said per • - sons, and the amounts finally audited respectively, to -wit : No. Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed .1 Delos C. Haring, Service, Overseer of Poor 6 oo 6 00 2 Jessie Bush, Excise Tax, 1900_ ____ 2 00 2 00 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 189 No. Nance Nature of Service CIaimed Allowed 3 Harry Herrick, Use of Hall________ 15 00 15 00 4 L. R. Lyon, Use of Hall. ____ ____ 30 00 30 00 5 Dr. C. R. Keyes, Health Officer___ ____ _ 23 00 23 00 6 Dr. Wilbur Fish, Registering Statistics_ _ 6 00 6 co 7 Dr. C. R. Keyes, Poor Doctor____ 5o 00 50 00 8 C. M. Egbert, Supply Bill___-- 5 25 5 25 g Harry Herrick, Repairs on Road Scraper____ 6 00 6 oo ro John Conklin, Plank Bill 47 65 47 65 II Williamson Law Book Co., assigned to C. E. Wood ---- ---- ---- ---- - ---- - 00 7 00 12 B. 31. Hagin, Plank Bili___. 300 40 300 40 13 C. E. Wood, Cash Paid for Safe 6j o0 65 00 14 Frank M. Davis, Supplies to Lewis Lobdell_ .___ 16 25 16 25 15 Frank 31. Davis, Supplies to Ellen Franklin____ 19 50 19 50 16 Orin English, Poor Master Service 34 00 34 00 17 L. V. Main, Justice Criminal Bill____ 4 i5 4 15 18 C. O. Drake, Lumber Bill _ 22 83 22 83 19 C. E. Wood, Registering Statistics ig 00 19 0o 20 C. 31. Buck, Commissioner Service 318 00 31.8 00 21 Frank Jefferson, Poll Clerk- 4 00 4 00 22 Albert \Vood, Poll Clerk 4 00 4 00 23 Sibley Drake, Ballot Clerk ____ ____ ____ 4 00 4 00 24 Chas. R. Bower, Inspector___.______..___ _ 8 00 8 oo 25 Fred J. Bailey, Inspector_ 12 00 12 00 26 John C. VanAuken, Inspector and Messenger___ 19 8o 19 So 27 Frank J. Woolley, Inspector____ 12 00 12 00 28 Harry Herrick, Ballot Clerk _ 4 00 4 oo 29 C.: 31. Buck, Commissioner Service_____ ___ 75 o0 ?5 00 30 0. D. Hewitt, Sewer pipe and Supplies_ _ _ _- ____ 56 32 j6 32 31 C.111. Buck, Supplies for Road Machine 28 00 28 00 32 J. A. McKinney, Sewer .Pipe_ 67 24 67 24 33 C. E. Miller, Assessor Service______ 40 00 40 00 34 W. E. Davis, Assessor Service____ 34 00 34 00 35 C. M. Buck, Supplies Road Machine 17 00 17 00 36 Morris H. DeCatnp, Inspector, Dist. No. 212 00 12 00 37 F. D. Edsall, Inspector, Dist. No. 2 12 00 12 00 38 L. G. Townley, Inspector, Dist. No. z__________ 12 00 12 00 39 C. D. Robinson, Inspector and Messenger, Dist. No. 2____________ 20 I2 20 12 40 Bert Ross, Ballot Clerk, Dist. No. 2 4 00 4 00 41 Nathan Williams, Ballot Clerk, Dist. No. 2______ 4 00 4 00 42 Charles Lobdell, Poll Clerk, Dist. No, 2____ ____ _ 4 00 4 00. 43 Charles Fitch, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 2_•_ 4 00 4 00 44 L. V. Main, Justice Criminal Service.. __ 4 40 4 40 190 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 No. Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 45 D. D. Winn, Justice Criminal Service 6 85 6 85 46 S. I. Barnes, Assessor Service 3S o0 38 00 47 G. C. Gifford, Attorney Service 9 50 9 50 48 Albert VauAuken, Constable gervice r6 20 16 20 49 George Warner, Inspector Dist. No. 3 12 00 12 00 5o George Lanterman, Inspector, Dist. No. 3_ 12 00 12 00 51 John Rasbach, Inspector, Dist. No. 3 12 00 12 00 52 Miles S. Brown, Inspector and Messenger______ _ 19 64 19 64 53 Jessie Bower, I3allot Clerk 4 co 4 00 54 G. C. Gifford, Poll Clerk_ 4 00 4 00 55 Dr. A. Rosecrans, Registering Statistics_________ 7 25 7 25 56 B. M. Hagin, Supervisor, Service Bill _____ _____ 14 00 14 00 57 Jay Mack, Plank_ 32 00 32 00 .58 Charles Drake, Justice Service 12 00 12 00 59 Albert Van Auken, Truant Officer_ 7 51 7 51 6o C. E. Wood, Copying for Assessors____ ____ ____ _ 12 00 12 00 61 C. E. Wood, Disbursements II 50 II 50 62 D. D. Winn, Justice Service 12 00 12 00 63 L. V. Main, Justice Service 14 00 14 00 64 Willinore Townley, Justice Service____ ____ ____ _ 14 00 14 00 65 C. E. Wood, Town Clerk Service 56 76 56 76 66 John Sharpstein, Plank 22 12 22 I2 67 Ithaca Journal, Printing Bill_ 29 8o' 29 So 68 C. M. Buck, Commissioner of Highway to pay Note against Town of Lansing_ 408 00 408 00 $2,246 04 $2,246 04 B. M. HAGIN, Supervisor. C. E. WOOD, Town Clerk, WILLMORE TOWNLEY, D. D. WINN, L. V. MAIN, Justices of the Peace. I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the •original on file in this office. C. I. WOOD, Town Clerk. The S2cuervisors' Proceedings, 1903 191 NEWT IELD. We, the undersigned, the Town Board of the Town of Newfield, do hereby certify : That the following is an abstract •of the names of all persons who have presented to said Board .accounts to be audited, the amounts claimed by each of said per- sons, and the amounts firnalIy audited respectively, to -wit : No. Name Nature of Service claimed Allowed r J. D. Stamp, Inspector, Dist. No. 1_______ $r2 ao $12 00 2 J. U. Douglass, Inspector, Dist. No. 1 _ _ ____ __._ 1 2 00 12 00 3 Watson McDaniels, Dist. No. 1_ 72 00 12 00 4 A. R. Allen, Inspector and Messenger, Dist. No. r 17 64 17 64 5 lent. Weatherell, Ballot Clerk, Dist. No. 1 4 00 4 00 6 S. W. Bellis, Ballot Clerk, Dist. No. 1 ______ 4 00 4 00 7 Estus Patterson, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 1______ 4 00 4 00 8 E. I). Sebring, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 1 _ 4 00 4 00 9 Charles Mix, Inspector and Messenger, Dist. No. 2 - - -- - --.. 18 20 18 20 10 Frank Brown, Inspector, Dist. No. 2_ 12 00 12 00 11 Denner Freese, Inspector, Dist. No. 2 12 00 12 00 12 Emit Cook, Inspector, Dist. No. 2_____ 12 00 12 00 13 A. E. DeGraw, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 2____ 4 00 4 00 14 C. B. Swartwood, Ballot Clerk, Dist. No. 2__._ 4 00 4 00 15 W. A. Doll, Ballot Clerk, Dist. No. 2 4 00 4 00 16 A. D. Brown, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 2 4 00 4 00 17 Geo. Adams, Inspector and Messenger, Dist. No. 3 --- 17 64 17 64 19 E. E. Alexander, Inspector, Dist. No. 3____ _ 72 00 12 00 18 C. A. Smith, Inspector, Dist. No, 3 12 00 12 00 20 Chas. Latlning, Inspector, Dist. No. 3._-_ _ _ 12 00 12 00 21 Augustus Patterson, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 3 4 00 4 00 22 R. J. Raub, Poll CIerk, Dist. No. 3 4 00 4 00 23 Fred W. Payne, Ballot Clerk, Dist. No. 3 4 00 4 00 24 J. M. Peck, Ballot Clerk, Dist. No. 3____________ 4 00 4 00 25 Arthur Decker, Assessor, Services____ 44 6o 44 6a 26 Augustus Patterson, Assessor Services 38 60 38 60 27 L. H. Taber, Assessor Services _ • 46 60 46 60 28 Jonathan Underdown, Health Officer._____ 200 200 29 Watson Mcllaniels, Erroneous Tax 3 00 300 30 E. O. Godfrey, Expert Witness Detrick Case____ 500 500 31 John B. bang, Expert Witness Detrick Case 15 00 15 00 32 Randolph Horton, Legal Services Detrick Case_ 50 00 50 00 33 D. M. Dean, Legal Services Detrick Case 50 00 50 00 192 The Sufiervisors' Proceedings, 1903 No. Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 34 F. H. Drake, Constable Fees, Rathbone Case, as- signed to J. W. Dean__-_ ____ ______ ________ 4 95 4 95 35 Elmer Gallow, Constable Bill ___ ____ ____ TO 6o ro 6o 36 Dr. W. A. Smith, Erroneous Assessment____ ____ 9 86 9 86 37 Albert Dassauce, ex -Commissioner of Highway, Services 3S W. H. VanOstrand, ex -Supervisor, Services_____ 39 Jacob Conklin, Constable Fees_ 40 Jacob Conklin, Fees as Peace Officer, 1902 - 41 Jacob Conklin, Fees as Peace Officer___ ____ 42 A. J. Russell, Constable Bill ____ 43 J. E. Thorp, Truant Officer 44 Dr. A. Knight, Vital Statistics 45 Rev. S. S. Vose, Vital Statistics__ 46 J. W. Dean, Railroad Bonding Committee_______ 47 A. H. Palmer, Railroad Bonding Committee_____ 48 Puff & Dean, Use of Room for Election_________ 49 Lucy A. Dudley, Executrix, use of Hall___ 5o A. D. Brown, Use of House for Election____ ____ 51 Edwin Loveless, Truant Officers.____ 52 John W. Dean, J. P., Fees, Criminal Case_ 53 J. M. Peck, Taking Photograph, Detrick Case___ 54 Geo. W. Peck, ex -Overseer of the Poor, Supplies 55 Abel Cooper, Erroneous Tax___- 56 Dr. J. P. Fahey, Medical Services, Cornell Case_ 57 S. F. Smith, Erroneous Highway Tax 58 Dr. W. A. Smith, Medical Services, Town Poor__ 59 W. S. Shangle, Overseer of the Poor, Service Bill 6o W. S. Shangle, Overseer of the Poor, Supplies __ 61 Williamson Law Book Co., Dockets____ _ 62 Ithaca Journal 63 W. A. Smith, Health Officer______ 64 John Underdown, Health Officer____ 65 D. W. Starks, Erroneous Poll Tax__ 66 EVu1. Cronkrite, Erroneous Poll Tax__ 67 Thomas McGivens, Commissioner of Highway, to Pay Notes given to pay ex -Commissioner Dassance Bills_ 68 Thomas McGivens, Commissioner of Highways, To pay Town Notes___- 69 Thomas McGivens, Commissioner of Highways, Bills for Lumber, Labor, etc. 70 Thomas McGivens, Commissioner of Highways, Services 39 00 39 00 19 38 19 38 1 15 115 2 00 100 2 00 I 00 5 So 5 8o 25 70 25 70 2 75 2 75 I 50 1'50 Soo .Soo S oo 800 TO 00 10 00 20 00 20 00 10 00 10 00 835 835 20 95 20 95 2 00 2 00 3 91 3 91 9 89 9 89 76 00 46 00 3 63 3 63 58 50 58 50 24 00 24 00 29 37 29 37 6 oo 6 oo 23 30 23 30 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 I 00 I 00 928 91 928 91 3,371 09 3,371 09 900 00 900 00 436 00 436 00 The Supervisors' Proceedings, t903 193 No. Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 71 Thomas McGivens, Commissioner of I-Iighways, Expenses --- _ ---- 72 H. C. Fairbanks, Expert Witness Detrick Case__ 73 D. W. Gore, Justice of Peace, Services 74 W. H. VanOstrarrd, Making Abstract for Assessor, 75 Ithaca Children's Home, Care of Geo. Brill 76 William \Veatlrerell, Justice of Peace, Services 77 Jno. W. Dean, Justice of I'eace, Services 78 W. '1. 1'ttff, Justice of Peace, Services__.____ ____ _ 79 Estus Patterson, Town Clerk, Services 8o J. C. Thompson, Superintendent, Services_ io 99 to 99. 25 00 7 5o. 10 00 10 00 5 00 5 oo 78 00 78 00 32 00 32 00 32 00 32 00 32 co 32 00 84 09 84 09 49 43 49 43 Total_ ___-- -- _0,467 38 $8,417 88 J. C. THOMPSON, Supervisor. FSPUS PATTERSON, Town Clerk. W. LT'UF'F, \VM. \V13ATHEREI,I,, JOHN W. DEAN, Justices of the Peace. Yi�?'a1cs=3'�-'i=1�f�_ rar«r'-,cr«.f=1'�r=;`�r:':;i'�'✓et'-_=!%i�f': ULYSSES. We, the undersigned, the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses, do hereby certify : That the following is an abstract of the names of all persons who have presented to said Board ac- counts to be audited, the amounts claimed by each of said per- sons, and the amounts finally audited respectively, to -wit : No. Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed i W. L Sherwood, Inspector of Election $12 oo $12 00 2 V. I3outen, Assistant to L. J. Wheeler S:. Co., Poll Clerk __-- _-- 4 00 4 00 3 C. Delahant, Inspector 16 0o r6 oo 4 John [Vets, Inspector, spring 4 oo 4 00 5 Fred Gee, Inspector _ 12 00 12 00 6 C. W. Selover, Poll Clerk 4 00 4 00 7 A. P. Osborn, Inspector, assistant to E. M. Cor. coran -- - 22 04 22 04 194 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 . No. Nance Nature of Service Claimed Allowed :8 E. M. Corcoran, Ballot Clerk_ ______ ____ ____ ____ S oo 8 00 9 F. E. Selover, Poll Clerk 4 00 4 00 to Robert S. Carberry, Inspector 1902-3 ___ ___ .___ 28 00 28 o0 u Thomas Brown, Inspector, assistant to Mosher Bros. 12 00 12 00 12 Harry Van Order, Constable service bill 14 75 14 75 13 George H. Stewart, Ballot Clerk_ 4 00 4 00 14 C. J. Van Aitken, Ballot Clerk __ 8 oo S oo 15 Eron V. Dans, Inspector of Election., 16 oo 16 00 16 John J. Chase, Inspector of Election.. 12 00 12 00 17 William E. McKeel, Inspector of Election 6 00 6 0o IS W. H. Van Dine, Poll Clerk 8 0o 8 o0 rg H. W. Updike, Ballot Clerk____ ____ 4 00 4 00 20 Horace S. Walters, Poll Clerk 4 00 4 00 21 Newell R. Rodgers, Inspector of Flection_ ___.12 00 12 00 22 Charles Frazier, Ballot Clerk .___ _ 4 00 4 00 23 Wilson R. Van Order, Ballot Clerk ____ ______ ____ 4 00 4 00 24 A. H. Van Order, Inspector of Election_ 4 00 4 00 25 Everel Church, Inspector of Election _ 16 00 16 0o 26 Frank Becker, Ballot Clerk____ ______ __ 4 00 4 00 27 E. T. Stewart, Undertaking __-_ ____ ____ ____ 20 00 20 00 28 E. T. Stewart, Undertaking __ ___ 20 00 20 00 29 W. D. Halsey, Inspector of Election 22 04 22 04 30 George Wolverton, Hall for Election____ ____ ____ 27 50 27 50 31 Demetrius Sears, ex -Overseer of Poor 28 go 2S go 32 William Hazard, Building temporary bridge at Podunk ____ 45 30 45 30 33 O. M. Newell, Overseer of Poor Service Bill88 co 88 o0 34 O. G. Noble, Criminal Bill__ _ 18 05 18 05 35 O. G. Noble, Legal Service 3 00 3 00 36 L. W. Carpenter, Service Town Poor____ ____ ____ 11 45 11 45 37 James H. Thompson, Inspector, assistant to F. Hewitt - __ 16 0o i6 oo 38 Dr. A. Chase, Services Town Poor 1 125 11 25 39 Minor T. Rolfe, Assessor Service Bill 6o 75 6o 75 4o George Chase, Inspector ____ ____ ____ ______ ____ _ 11 64 II 64 41 George Chase, Assessor, Service Bill 52 65 52 65 42 A. F. Allen. Printing, Assessors Notices, etc.____ to 0o Io 00 43 George A. Hopkins, Supplies 4 82 4 82 44 E. R. Stilwell, Assessor, Service Bill_--- _--_ 72 65 72 65 45 J. 31. Townsend, Vital Statistics.___ ____ ____ 2 00 2 00 46 Charles H. Hoflmire, ex -Commissioner Highways 34 00 34 00 47 J. M. Townsend, Medical Services, Town Poor__ 30 00 3o 00 48 William Hasard, Making Ballot Boxes____ ______ 6 5o 6 5o The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 195 No. Naive • Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 49 A. F. Allen, Printing __-- ___-- 102 69 102 69 50 L. W. Carpenter, Medical Services Town I'oor, . assigned to E. F. Morse 25 00 25 00 51 Frank McMurray, Poll Clerk_ __ -- _ 4 00 4 00 52 Henry Williams; Service Bill, assigned to O. G. Noble - - 4 00 4 Co 53 N. R. Gifford, Inspector _ i6 oo i6 oo 54 Henry Williams, truant officer__.,_ 9 00 9 00 55 E. R. Osterhout, Medical Services Town Poor4 00 4 00 56 M. T. Williamson Justice Service Bill_ _ _ 26 00 26 00 57 Biggs & Company, Use of Room for Flection3o 00 3o co 58 C. C. Page, Expenditures for Town___ _ -__- ____ _ 28 07 28 07 59 C. C. Page, Register of Vital Statistics 22 50 22 50 •6o D. P. Terry, Surgical Services Town Poor3 00 3 00 61 D. 1'. Terry, Medical Services Town Poor 7 28 7 28 62 J. N. Barker, Labor on Election Booths 9 00 9 00 63 Ithaca Children's I-Iome, Board of John Cowan__ 55 50 55 50 •64 E:R. Osterhout, Examination in Lunacy 5 00 5 00 65 A. Chase, Examination in Lunacy____ ____ 5 00 5 00 66 Harrison Dimple, Supplies, Assigned to Charles Clock _ _-- __-- __-- __-- 5 00 5 00 67 D. P. Terry, Obstetrical Services .______________ 10 00o s0 00 68 D. P. Terry, Vital Statistics .___ 2 00 2 00 •69 LePine Stone, Service Bill Board of Health_____ 6 00 6 00 7o C. C. Page, Town Clerk Service Bill 95 40 95 40 71 A. Chase, Medical. Service Town Board__ ____ _ 25 50 25 50 72 John Van Buskirk, Undertaking____ 19 00 19 00 73 M. T. Williamson, Poll and Ballot Clerk 8 00 8 oo 74 Henry Williams, Justice Service Bill 12 00 12 00 75 Fred Frazier, Constable Service 13ill 9 90 9 90 76 W. 1. Sherwood, Undertaking 10 10 10 10 77 H. Van Order, Room for use of Assessors______ 2 00 2 00 78 E. R. Osterhout, Services as Health Officer 20 85 20 85 79 E. R. Osterhout, Vital Statistics - 2 00 2 00 80 W. I. Sherwood, Undertaking Burial of William Rickets -- 20 00 20 00 81 W. I. Sherwood, Undertaking Burial of Mrs. Fogerty ___ 20 00 20 00 82 Seneca Spicer, Constable Service Bill 33 15 33 15 83 John N. Barker, Justice of the Peace Criminal Bi11---- --- --- --- --- 29 65 29 65 84 O. B. Genoung, Commissioner of I3ighways Ser- vice Bill _ 182 00 182 00 85 Harlow Talmage, Ballot Clerk______ ____ 4 00 4 00 196 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 No. Name Nature of Service • Claimed Allowed• 86 Ladies' Union Benevolent Society, Board of Mrs. .Pratt _______.________ 52 00 52 00. 87 Floyd Brown, Constable 12 65 12 65 88 Eugene Thorpe, Overseer of Poor 68 00 6S oo• 89 Stephen Baker, Constable Service Bill _ 17 10 13 10 90 John N. Barker, Justice Service Bi11 _--_ ____ 28 00 28 oo• 92 John Van Buskirk, Burial of Mrs. W. S. Rey- nolds __-- __-- _-- _-- 20 00 20 CO 93 F. S. Pope, Poll Clerk, Assigned to M. T. Wil- liamson __-- __-- -_-- _-- _- 4 00 4 00 94 M. T. Williamson, Service Bill_ --_____ 2 00 2 00 95 Henry Williams, Service Bill ______ 2 00 2 00 96 John N. Barker, Hall for Election _--_ _ _ 25 00 25 00 97 O. G. Noble, Justice of the Peace Service Bill26 00 26 00. 98 Eugene Terry, Supervisor Service Bill 47 35 47 35 99 O. G. Noble, Justice Criminal Bill ..-__ 6 75 6 75 too M. T. 'Williamson, Justice Criminal Bill _ __ 16 oo 16 oo. tot O. G. Noble, Telephone Messages__ 2 00 2 00 Total___ $1,844 73 $1,540 83 In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals this 211 day of November, 1903. EUGENE TERRY, Supervisor. C. C. PAGE, Town Clerk. O. G. NOBLE, HENRY WILLIAMS, M. T. `VILLIAMSON, JOHN N. BARKER, Justices of the Peace. I do hereby certify, that the above is a true copy of the bills audited by the Town Board of Ulysses, on November 5th, 13th and 21st, 1903. C. C. PAGE, Town Clerk of Ulysses. 'gia1J `2ia3IVfi ',I, 111aFf 0 0 z N 0 Ops yy I7 0 C ��-I rn� V •0 O ... The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 197 :aro1ine Danbv Dryden tiufield ]rotor fthaca Town Ithaca City, tst Ward :theca City, 2nd Ward :thaca City, 3rd Ward Ithaca City, 4th Ward : ansing Sewfteld Jlvsses • -3 0 r Win. C. Gallagher Wm. H. ]taker .. Webb Corbin J. 11. Hine R. N. Mount J. J- Hanshaw L. F. 1oxott C Hine Charles Spring P. S. Livermore B. M. fragin John C Thompson. Eugene Terry Total ___ CIr 0 N - I „ N �-, ..., ...-. r .. y w ...... Days with County Canvassers i.011]pen tiat1011 at $4,00 per d'.ly A F.AAAAAA?AAA{a,S 0 0'8 8 8 8- 8 8 0 0 8 0 0 J 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 :Mileage at 8 cents per mile a „„„ , N„„„„ AVO AV,AAo.w N is 0' ” m O•F N 4,..... I 44444. 4 . 44.444 w 4441444. 444. .i N N N N„ 43 44 N N 4, N Days with Board Animal Session +A aN o V, ?'ib�04 F; '7�,;•,.,0,,,j,,,,,,, :Nn C0 0 o J o 0 0 p 0 0 8p O o 0 O 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O (......• m pen sat on at 84,00 per day „ ,, ,, N „ „ „ ti N Ao+1°' WQ.�NA.( :Mileage at 8 cents per mile 0 I 0+4404044.440444 044141444, Days with Board Special SesSession8, r, 1.1 N N N N N N N N N N2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8p 0 0- 8 a°•per 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (S 8 0 8 Compensation at$.1.o0 day Mileage at Scents per Wille "14 . 44 „„ac»0,'s” m01.n n• 4. 0 0,............. c00OlNN Ar Copying Asscss111 Ilt Roll and Extending Taxes T I( W „ mti„ u o 1 '- 2".g aao S� o e N 1) 1 .O o .—?-1,4=. AAAA P„ ....4..,::� m O O pp J tY..:n.0 ;A.. j) I U C 8 8 g 8 °0 °O t'O„ ,C a N Total vice Bill of Service ]3]11 o i7 S o 2.2 "2 2 o o `0,, O1, a�'0 N°i" Rate for State and County Tax on the Lollar for the Ser - oral Tax Districts - 00 o 0 aro r. a O 0 500 rG `4: O (4 n K ^Ill o '84.5 r tr 0 4D Q G 40 O 0rQQ Cr,, 0 01 Pa m O R�tY W Z rn� awm w t C' CD m .. m CD rC W A 1:,•• c 4* C } rrt CDcp R M F to 'y n 0 I -I L4 D 0 B- p, '0101 (D rD S C t v ,On a m C Q,G M • Orn 0 198 77u Supervisors' Proceedings, c9o3 REPORTS. COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT. To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of Tompkins Courtly : I have the honor of submitting the following report of monies received and disbursed by me as Treasurer of Tompkins County, from November 17, 1902, to and including November 16, 1903 : RECEIPTS. Cash on hand Nov, 17, 1902 (See report 19o2).____ $3,005 91 FROM TOWN OF CAROLINE, JACOB W, PIIRSONIUS, COLLECTOR. Receipts from town officers, town audits_________ Receipts from town officers, support of poor Receipts from town officers, note and interest Receipts from town officers, bridges and intere'st Receipts from town officers, highway tax monies Receipts from town officers, poll and dog tax Receipts from town officers, memorial____ Taxes returned, unpaid, 1902 Cash received from Collector $ 1,243 89 loo 0D 2,276 44 1,033 16 1,749 97 629 75 25 00 51 77 1,933 o8 $ 1,933 o3 Amount of Budget, 1902_ __ ____ _ $ 9,043 o6 FROM TOWN OF DANBV, W. L. MESSENGER, COLLECTOR. Receipts from town officers, town audits Receipts from town officers, bridges and highways Receipts from town officers, highway tax____ ..__. _ Receipts from town officers, repairs on town hall__ Receipts from town officers, support of poor Receipts from town officers, poll and dog tax_ Taxes returned, unpaid, 1902 Cash received from Collector $ 1.396 31 500 00 1,303 98 25o 00 Ioo 00 457 50 75 98 1,969 o6 $ 1,969 o6 Amount of Budget, 1902_ ______ ____ ____ $ 6,052 83 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 199 FROM TOWN OF DRYDEN, L. C. TTMONS, COLLECTOR. Receipts from town officers, town audits____ $ 2,166 95 Receipts from town officers, bridges, creeks and highways ____ ____ ____ ____ _ 5,060 00 Receipts from town officers, support of poor 600 00 Receipts from town officers, G. A. R. fund..______ zoo 00 Receipts from town officers, highway tax____ _ 1,821 86 Receipts from town officers, poll and dog tax_____ 857 00 Taxes returned, unpaid, 1902_____ _ 28 77 Cash received from Collector __ 5,657 79 $15,657 79 Amount of Budget, 1902- _ $16,292 37 FROM CITY OF ITHACA, J. W. STEI'HENS, coLutc'roR. Receipts from City Treasurer, support of poor____ $ 7,000 00 Taxes returned, unpaid, 1902 _ 1,251 of Cash received from Collector [7,788 7o $17 788 70 Amount of Budget, 19o2_ _____ ____ _ $26,039 71 FROM TOWN OF EN1111$1,13, W. A. COWEN, COILECTOR. Receipts from town officers, town audits $ 1,197 00 Receipts from town officers, highways and bridges 25o 00 Receipts from town officers, railroad bonds and principal_-_-- _1,40o 00 Receipts from town officers, railroad bonds and interest ___ _. -._ ______ _____ 400 00 Taxes returned unpaid 1902-___ 29 3o Cash received from Collector_____-________ 1,8J4 30 $ 1,854:30 Atnount of Budget, 1902- -___-- __-- __-- ____-- $ 5,130 6o FRO:I1 TOWN OF CROTON, W. C. ALLEN, COLLECTOR. Receipts from town officers, town audits Receipts from town officers, bridges Receipts from town officers, voting machines Receipts from town officers, relief of soldiers Receipts from town officers, Memorial Day Receipts from town officers, support of poor Receipts from town officers, highway taxes monies Receipts from town officers, poll and dog tax $ 2,332 01 1,000 00 131 25 100 00 50 00 100 00 r,o56 71 753 00 200 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 Return of unpaid taxes, 19o2_ - 19 26 Cash received from Collector_ 4,211 IS $ 4,211 I8 Amount of Budget, 1902 $ 9,7$3 41 l FROM TOWN OF ITHACA, T. J. BYRN, COLLECTOR. Receipts from town officers, town audits____ Receipts from town officers, road machine_______ Receipts from town officers, support of poor_ Receipts from town officers, highways and bridges Receipts from town officers, Memorial Day_ Receipts from town officers, highway tax monies__ Receipts from town officers, poll and dog tax_____ Taxes returned unpaid, 1902 Cash received from Collector _ $ 2,555 27 238 50 25 00 250 00 10 00 1,052 90 45r 00 77 57 2,120 61 $ 2,120 61 Amount of Budget, 19o2 _ $ 6,78o 85 TOWN 011 LANSING, C. B. J111iVERSO N, COLLECTOR. Receipts from town officers, town audits______ -_-_- $ 3,061 25 Receipts from town officers, highways and bridges 25o 00 Receipts from town officers, highway tax monies__ 1,142 54 Receipts from town officers, poll tax 633 00 Return of unpaid taxes, 1902 . ____ 1oS 77 Cash received from Collector_ 3,744 SS $ 3,744 88 Amount of Budget, 1902 $ 8,940 44 TOWN OF NEWFIELD, GEORGE A. KRESGE, COLLECTOR. Receipts from town officers, town audits____ Receipts from town officers, payment of railroad bonds Receipts frorn town officers, interest on railroad bonds- - Receipts from town officers, bridges____ Receipts from town officers, -library____ Receipts front town officers, support of lioor Receipts front town officers, decoration day_ Receipts from town officers, Highway money tax Receipts front town officers, poll tax Return of unpaid taxes, 1902 Cash received from Collector_ Amount of Budget, 19o2 _ $ 3,595 19 1,420 15 1,505 00 250 00 I00 00 50 00 10 00 1,042 94 384 00 600 03 1,616 IS $ 1,616 18 $10,873 49 The Supervisors' Proceeding -s, 1943 201 TOWN 00 U1XSS1 S, W. A. 611,45, CO7,1,I CTOR. Receipts from town officers, town audits____ $ 1,312 96 Receipts from town officers, payment of railroad bonds _ 2,000 00 Receipt from town officers, interest on railroad bonds _ _- 1,645 00 Receipts from town officers, highways and bridges 250 00 Receipts from town officers, support of poor 250 00 Return of unpaid taxes, 1902 99 38 Cash received from Collector_.___ ___ 3,639 85 $ 3,639 85 Amount of Budget, 1902___________ $ 9,197 19 1902. Nov. 18—Check from David Bower for amount due the County from ex -Supt. of Poor Lyke-_____ 30 00 Dec. 23—State and County Tax First National Ilank, 1902 3,317 90 Dec. 3o—State and County Tax Tompkins County National Bank, 1902 2,039 41 Dec. 3o—State and County tax, Mechanic Bank Groton, 1902 836 91 Dec. 31—State and Couilty Tax, First National Bank, Groton, 1902 ____---.___-- _ 1,325 17 1903. Cash received L. A. Johnson, Deed Parcel, No. 3, 'fax sale, 1903, Lot 302____ _ 17 35 Feb. 19—Cash from David Bower, Supt. of Poor___ 48 13 May r3—Check from State of New York School monies _ 30,732 89 June 2—Check from State of New York, new ap- portionment ____ ____ _ _ __.____ 290 00 June 4—Check from State of New York for High- . way Monies, due towns_ 6,015 51 July 30—Check from State of New York supple- mentary appropriation of school monies Dist. No. 15, Danby 48 37 Sept. 8—From City of Ithaca for Tax Certificate, No. 49, 1902 Sale __-- -_____ 9 71 Sept. 25—Return of School Tax, Asa Soule, Heirs 1 85 Oct. i6—Avail of note given three months from date to Charles W. Gay, Cashier First National Bank Ithaca, by County Treasurer, pursuant to resolution of Board of Supervisors, Feb. 27; 1901, as to Road Improvements State of New York 4,000 00 202 The Supervisor's Proceedings, .1903 Nov. 11—Check from Sheriff Grant Curry for Fines 1903 - -- '--- -------- Nov. 11—Check from ex -Sheriff Charles S. Seaman for Fines, 1902 Towr'r OF DANE'S'. By 1902 taxes paid Lo County Treasurer Amount of taxes returned _ Balance due County _ _______ ____ __ $1 45 TOWN OF CAROLINE. By 1902 taxes paid to County Treasurer Amount of taxes returned Balance due County $35 28 TOWN OF DRVDEN By 1902 taxes paid to County Treasurer Amount of taxes returned Balance due County __-_ ____ _______ ___ $r3 84 TOWN OF ENFIELD. By 1902 taxes paid to County Treasurer_ Amount of taxes returned____ Balance due County ______ ____ ____ ___ $20 67 TOWN OF GROTON. By 1902 taxes paid to County Treasurer Amount of taxes returned_________ Balance due County___________ $1 96 TOWN OF ITHACA. $ 75 98 $ 51 77 $ z8 77 29 30 19 26 By 1902 taxes paid to County Treasurer____ _____ _ Amount of taxes returned_ $ 77 57 Balance due County_________________ $11 23 TOWN OF LANSING. By 1902 taxes paid to County Treasurer ______ Amount of taxes returned_ __ ____ $ io8 77 Balance due County $22 58 25 00 100 00 74 53 16 49 14 93 8 63. $ 17 30. $ 66 34 $ 86 19 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 203. TOWN OF NIEWPII;LD. By 1902 taxes paid to County Treasurer Amount of taxes returned_ $ 600 03 Balance due County $124 35 TOWN Of UI.YSS$S. $ 475 68 By 1902 taxes paid County Treasurer_ $ 12 25 Amount of taxes returned_ ____ ____ $ 99 38 Balance due County____ ____ ____ $ 87 13 CET,/ 01* ITHACA. By 1902 Taxes paid to County Treasurer Balance of 1902 Bank tax due City Amount of taxes returned____ Paid County Certificate, Parcel 49 (wrong de- scription) ____ Check J. L. Baker, Parcel 59 - Check Expense, Parcel 5-51, 1903 -__-- Balance due City____ $162 84 DISBURSEMENTS. $ 1,251 01 9 71 22 50 17 51 $ 1,300 73 $ 1,077 33 336 24. $98,615 65. Jan. 6—Paid W. H. VanOstrand, Supervisor, due Town of Newfield______ $ 10 09. Jan. 8—Paid J. W. Stephens, Treasurer City of Ith- aca, Bank tax, 1902____-_ _ __. ____ 2,651 74 Jan. 8—Paid J. W. Stephens, Treasurer Board of Education, City of Itllaca, Bank tax, 1902____ 1,650.10 Jan. 8—Paid Fanny R. Durpliy, city of Ithaca, Budget -- ---- 15 0o Jan. 9—Paid Bert T. Baker, Clerk of Board of Su- pervisors, salary, stamps and report to Comp- troller, 1902 ____-- --__-.-- _..- 215 00. Jan. 13—Paid County Treasurer, postage ____ 15 0o Jan. .15 --Paid A. L. Robinson, City of Ithaca Budget 90 00 Jan. 15—Paid Charles M. Benjamin, City of Ithaca Budget ---- - - 15 00 Jan. 17—Paid B. M. Bagin, Supervisor due Town of Lansing --- 5 05. 204 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 Jan. 19—Paid Auburn Orphan Asylum, Order 139_ Jan. 22—Paid Arrearage for Janitor, Order 14J_____ Jan. 22—Paid Monroe County Penitentiary, Order 136 - Jan. 26—Paid Central N. Y. Institute Deaf Mutes, Order 137_____ Jan, 27—Paid Susquehanna Valley Home, Order 142 Jan. 27—Paid Western N. V. Homeless Children__ Jan. 27—Paid one per cent on Bank tax, 1902____ Jan. 27—Paid Charles O. Rhodes; Treasurer Village of Groton, Bank Stock, 19o2______ _ Jan. 29—Paid B. R. 'Williams, Treasurer Board of Education, Groton Bank tax, 1902 Jan. 29.—Paid \latteawan State Hospital__-_ Feb. 1 I. --School Dist. 21, Newfield____ Feb. 1I.—School Dist. 15, Danby,___ Feb. 24.—Paid R. N. Mount, Supervisor Town of Groton, Bank Tax, 1902-._-- ---_---- __-- Feb. 27. ---Paid Craig Colony Order____ Mch. 3.—Paid Syracuse State Institute Feeble- minded Children _ Apr. 24.—Paid School School Dist. No. 14, Newfield June 4.—Paid E. N. Corbin, Treasurer, part of Bank • tax, State arid County, Ithaca City June 6—H. A. Brown, Commissioner of Highways, Town of Ithaca, share of State Monies, High- ways June 6—J. O. _Miller, Commissioner of Highways, Town of Danby, share of State Monies, High- ways ---- ---- - June 6—Thomas M. Givens, Commissioner of Highways, Town of Newfield, share of State Monies, Highways____________ June 3—Gabriel Rummer, Commissioner of High- ways, Town of Dryden, share of State Monies, Highways June ,o—Clarence M. Buck, Commissioner of High- ways, Town of Lansing, share of State Monies, Highways-.__ June r6—Ira Bogardus,Cornmissioner of Highways, Town of Caroline, share of State Monies, High- ways 146 00 40 00 1.379 05 300 00 486 42 63 16 75 19 895 57 752 36 327 33 3 6o 55 492 3 113 02 8o oo 78 645 66 $10,439 50 710 96 767 05 74347 1,247 43 887 77 374 98 The Supervisors' Proceedings, x903 205 June r8—W. B. Sears, Commissioner of Highways, Town of Groton, share of State Monies, High- ways 313 85 July 29—Daniel 1~, Marsh, insurance, Junction street property, Policy No. 7736__________ 7 81 Balance of Bank Tax, 1902, State and County, due City of Ithaca, credited 386 24 Nov. 11 --Pay expenses and taxes for 20 parcels bid in Tax Sale, 1903, see Certificate 202 87 Charge to City of Ithaca, expense parcel 54, Tax Sale, 1902_____ _ .____ 22 50 Charge to City of Ithaca, expense parcel 5-21, Tax Sale, 1903--____-- 17 51 Charge to City of Ithaca, expense parcel 49, Tax Sale, 1902 _-- ----__ __-- 9 71 49 72 STAT1i OP Nnw YORK. 1903 State Tax for Canals, 1902___ ____ ____.__ ______ $ 2,046 8o State Tax for Stenographers and Clerk, 1902 _ 1,161 62 Jan. 3o—Paid State____ __ NOTES AND INTER1ST. $ 3,208 42 $ 3,208 42 Mch. 4—Paid Town of Ithaca, note____ ______ ---- _ $ 955 00 Paid town of Ithaca, note interest_ 38 20 Mch. ro—Paul Town of Dryden, note ____ 2,800 00 Paid Town of Dryden, note interest-__ 112 00 3,905 20 $ '3,905 20 Appropriatiolr, 1902 _-- __-- __-- __-- __-- 3,905 20 StinRINTENDTNT OP POOR. County and Town appropriation $ 6,796 12 Appropriation, 1902, for fences_ 150 00 Balance on hand, last report, 1902 101 Cash received frons Superintendent Bower____ ____ 48 13 Paid orders Overdrawn $569 $ 6,995 26 $ 7,000 95 .206 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 TOMPKINS COUNTY COURT FUND. Balance on hand, last report, 1902____________ $ 726 98 Appropriation, 1902 _ 6,500 00 Paid order 7,226 98 $ 6,994 90 Balance clue fund____ _ __.__ $ 232 o8 T'OMPICINS COUNTY AUDITS. Amount of audits, 1902 $13,321 7S Paid Orders_______ 13,316 05 $ 13,316 05 Balance on hand PM', AND LIGHT. 5 73 Appropriation, 1902_ ______ $ 1,200 CO Paid orders,- coal and gas_________________ 1,191 88 $ 1,191 86 Balance on hand _ • I`1D1♦~XING .MORTGAGE I1UND. 8 12 Balance an hand, 1902 $ 566 50 Paid orders_ Balance due fund 1903. 234 00 $ 234 00 _-- $ 332 50 I1IPROv1h'1ENTS OP HIGHWAYS COUNTY AND' STATE. • Aug. 14 --Paid Order, Sec. r, No. 72___ Sept. 15—Paid Order, Sec. 1, No. 72 Oct. 16—Paid Order, Sec. i, No. 72____ Nov. J1—Paid Order, Sec. 1, No. 72 No. 865, Catskill Turnpike, No. 939, Catskill Turnpike, No. 965, Catskill Turnpike, No. 1006 Catskill Turnpike,. $ Soo oo 900 00 2,300 00 1,800 00 $ 5,800 00 SOLDIERS' BURIAL AND TOMBSTONES. 1902. Nov. 18—Burial, W. P. Richard, Town of Dryden_ $ 35 00 The Supervisors' Proceedings, [903 207 Dec. lo—Stone, Charles S. Shaw, City of Ithaca__ 1903. Jan. 3—Burial, Thomas B. White, City of Ithaca__ Jan. 27—William Ricketts, Town of Ulysses I eb. 14—Joseph Peek, City of Ithaca____ Mch. 15—Stone, Isiah Bacon, Town of Caroline Mch. 2S—Stone, Thomas B. White, City of Ithaca_ May 7—Stone, Washington Sherman, Town of Dry- den - May 27—Stone, William Ricketts, Town of Ulysses May 23 --Stone, Charles Thomas, Town of Ulysses_ May 2S—Stone, D. H. Snyder, Town of Dryden___ July 1—Burial, D. H. Snyder, Town of Dryden__ Aug. 26—Stone, Albert P. Tubbs, Town of Danby_ Aug. 26—Stone, John Ault, Town of Caroline_____ Sept. r4—Stone, John Lowell, Town of Dryden__.__ Sept. 14—Stone, O. H, Lindsey, Town of Dryden_ Sept. 17—Stone, E. E. Hubbell, Town of Ulysses__ Nov. 5—Burial John Tailby, Town of Ulysses_-__ _ .Nov. lo—Burial Obed Lindsey, Town of Dryden__ Balance on hand, 1902 -_____ ____ ___.. _$ 6o 00 Appropriation, 1902 Paid Orders Balance_ 400 00 $ 460 00 425 00 _4 35 00 SCI•IOOI, MON1$VS. 'Paid James H. Hine, Supervisor, Enfield 'Paid B. M. Hagin, Supervisor, Lansing______ _ _ Paid Jesse W. Stephens, Treasurer Schools, City of Ithaca --- - --- Paid John 3. Hanshaw, Supervisor Town of Ithaca Paid R. N. Mount, Supervisor Town of Groton____ Paid Eugene Terry, Supervisor Town of Ulysses__ Paid W. H. Baker, Supervisor, Town of Danby___ Paid Webb Corbin, Supervisor, Town of Dryden__ Paid John C. Thompson, Supervisor, Town of New- fisld_-- .Paid W. C. Gallagher, Supervisor, Town of Caro. - line____ 15 00 35 00 35 00 35 00 15 00 15 00 15 00 15 00 15 00 15 00 35 00 15 00 15 00 I5 00 15 00 15 00 35 00 35 00 $ 425 00 425 00 $ 1,b84 93 3,010 49 6,958 11 1,145 21 3,277 52 2,732 83 2,329 53 4,135 58 3,136 19 2,660 87 $31,071 26 208 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 SALARIES AND OFitICRENTS. Judge Bradford Almy, Oct. 1, rgo2, to Oct. t, r9o3- $ 2,50o 00 County Treasurer Chas. M. Benjamin, Oct., [902, to Oct. I, 1903- -•--- 900 00 County Treasurer office rent, Oct. r, 1902, to Oct. I, 1903 -- - too 00 District Attorney, Chas. H. Blood, Oct. I, 1902, to Oct. r, I903 __-• 800 00 District Attorney, office rent, Oct. r, 1902, to Oct. 1, 1903 -- --- -- - zoo .00 Jail Physician, A. B. Eadie, Jan. 1, 1903, to Jan. 1, 1904 - --- 5o ao Superintendent of Poor, David Bower, Nov. 1, 1902, to Nov. 1, 1903___-- ----.----____-- boo 00 Clerk of Surrogate, Fred L. Clock, Nov. 1, 1902, to Nov. 1, 1903 --- ---- 393 00 Clerk of Surrogate, D. M. Gillepsie to Nov. 1, 1903 2S7 0o Special County Judge, S. Edwin Banks, July 1, 1902, to July I, 1903__-- -_-- __-_ _-_ __-- __-- _ 5o 00 Chaplain, Almshouse, Melvin J. Owen, Oct. I, 1902, to Oct. 1, 1903 - 87 5o School Commissioner, E. W. Updyke, Oct. 1, 1902, to Oct. 1, 1903----••---------__ Zoo 00 School Commissioner, Libbie J. Sweetland, Oct. I, 1902, to Oct. I, 1903_ ____ ____ ____ 200 00 Sheriff's office rent, Chas. S. Seaman, July 1, 1902, to Jan. 1, 1903 __-- _ __-- 5o 00 Sheriff's janitor, Chas. S. Se:uran, July 1, 1902, to Jan. 1,1903- - --- 175 o0 Sheriff, office rent, Grant Curry, Jan. r, /903, to Oct. 1, 1903 - --- --- - 75 00 Sheriff, janitor, Grant Curry, Jan. 1, 1903, to Oct. 1, 1903 262 50 Janitor Clerk and Judge's office, Luther Ennis, Nov. r, 1902, to Nov. 1, 1903 120 00 7,020 00• Total disbursements Total receipts_ Total disbursements Cash on hand $ 97,269 31 98,615 65. 97,z69 31 $ 1,346 34 The Supervisors' Proceedings, (903 209 A1ioUNTS DUE Tun COUNTY FROM RETURN OF TAXES, I902. Town of Caroline-___ $ 35 28 Town of Danhy _ 1 45 Town of Dryden ____-- ____-- 13 84 Town of Enfield ____ _ 20 67 Town of Groton _ 1 96 Town of Ithaca 11 23 Town of Lansing._-- -___-- __-- 22 58 Town of Newfield_ 124 35 Town of Ulysses _ _ 87 13. $ 318 49 A,l1OUNTS YE'/".00 RE PAID 1902 131JDCET. Balance due Court Fund______ Balance due County Audits Balance due Fuel and Light____ Balance due Indexing Mortgages____ ____ ____ _ Balance due Soldiers, I3urials and Tombstones-___ Balance clue Salaries and Office Rents ____ Balance due Ithaca City on 1903 Budget_ 232 08 5 73 8 12 332 50 35 00 715 82 1,329 25 162 84 $ 1,492 09 MONEYS TO RE RAISED 13Y COUNTY. To pay Note given by Treasurer for $4,000 and in- terest --__---_-- To pay Order paid by Treasurer $r,Soo No. 1006___ 4,06o oa 1,Soo 00 For Highway Improvements Catskill Turnpike___ $ 5,86o oo SIDE PATI3 FUND, Dec. 29, 1902, Received from F. H. \Varner, Treas- urer $ 66 62 Paid order_ 66 62 $ 00 00 2 10 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 :STATE OF NEW YORK, ss. COUNTY OF OMPKINS, I, Charles M. Benjamin, Treasurer of the County of Tompkins, do sol- emnly swear that the foregoing statements are true, and that the schedule .accompanying the same are correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. CHARLES M. BENJAMIN. ;L. S.] Subscribed and sworn to before me this iSth day of Novem- ber, 1903. W. W. VAN SI,IKE, Notary Public, REPORT OF SUPERINTENDENT OF THE POOR 1902-1903, To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County : The undersigned, Superintendent of the Poor of said County, respectfully reports that from the isth day of November, 19oz, to the t5th day of November, 1903, the whole number of days board at the County Alms House was 20,952, of which the County and Towns respectively are chargeable as follows : COUNTY. No. DAYS BOARD. COST of BOARD. Chapman, Isaac 365 Collins, Lena ____ _ 365 - - Mackey, Clarence _______m__ 365 'Twine, William 365 •Cook, Fred _ 365 Mayerers, John 365 :Downer, Albert 365 Bell, John ____ 3 'Harris, Claude 9 :McGraw, John 3 Kraus, Frank _ 3 The Supervisors' Proceedings, r9o3 211 Dewey, Davis ---- ---------._-- �5 Smith, Anna - 2 Crown, John 2 Fuller, MebelI ___ 20 -- Total 26[2 $623 59 ITHACA CITY, Whitehead, Horace 365 Bishop, John __- 351 Reede, Lucinda 365 Taber, Carrie __.____ _ 365 - Nixon, William _ 365 Pelham, Abram 365 .Short', George ____ 365 Gifford, William 365 Sullivan, Bridget _ ____ ______ ____ _.-_--___ 365 Russell, John B.------__-- 233 Flynn, Lizzie _-_-- ____ 365 Curtis, Louisa ____ 365 Tate, Lewis - -- -- 150 Marion, Alex. ____ ____ __ 261 Chambers, Martha _ 185 Murphy, Pat .___ , 149 Williams, William ___ 365 Dade, Elizabeth __ 365 Beers, Angeline 365 Reede, Carrie ____ _-__ 88 Sammons, Honora 121 Quick, Frank ____ ____ 12 Dreamer, Clarence 79 Gator; Joseph ____ ____ 35 Wood, Calvin ____ 90 Prince, Lottie ��7 Sherman, Henry t 51 Fulkerson, Allie 153 Babe 102 Colwell 5 Reede, Joseph ___- _ 62 Highland, Dick ____ _ 5 ITHACA TOWN. Freer, Hiratn 365 Mosher, Alvah 365 Doe, John 92 7004 1672 14 823 195 49 212 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 LANSING. Norwood, Syrus Moore, Barney _ Smith, Marque Williams, Isaac H. DRYDEN. 365 1 8o 365 97 -- 1o07 240 42 Tucker, Silas - 365 Onan, Alex. __ 360 Oakley, Isabel _ 365 Oakley, Charles _ __ 365 Cummings, Charles ____ ______ 244 Perry, Mary S. --- 365 Lisdell, George J. z89 Messer, Joseph 148 GROTON. Sherwood, William Chase, Jane Magee, Lewis Dedrick, Jacob DANBV. -- 2501 597 09 365 365 275 169 Cronce, Elnora__________ -- _-- 365 Shaw Bes1J - -- 365 Wall, S. B. - 365 NEWFIELD. l;dgcomb, Hellen ___ .___ 365 Cavanaugh, Wesley _ ____ 365 Cavanaugh, Clarence _____ 365 Brill, David _ _ _ 285 Brill, Anna -____ 179 Martin, Calvin 230 Brink, Abram 151 Carpenter, Permelia 81 CAROLINE. Krum, Stephen ____ ____ ____ ____ 9° 316 French, L. O. 1174 280 29. 1095 261 43.. 2030 484 65 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 2 [ 3 Buckley, Fred ____ 247 Braley, ltlberteen 365 ENIIEr,D. Wilkins, George Lovell, John Thatcher, William Naughton, Mike U rz ssES. Wagener, Jerry Bell, John _ Tarpy, James Davis, Maude Davis, Martha Davis, Mary SUMMARY. No. DAYS BOARD. I018 243 04 365 327 355 91 — TT4S 274 o8 32 131 365 4 4 4 540 128 93 COST Olt BOARD AND CLOTHING County 2612 $ 623 50 Ithaca City ________- 7004 1672 14 Ithaca Town 823 196 49 Lansing _ 1007 340 42 Dryden ____ 3501 3501 597 09 Groton--.------- 1174 280 29 Danby _ _ 1095 261 43 Newfield 2030 484 65 Caroline _ 1018 243 04 Infield ____ --- 1148 274 os Ulysses 540 12S 93 Total ----- 20952 ,$5002 15 The whole amount expended for the support of the insti- tution has been $6,o28 54, of which amount $I,o26 39 was for improvements, leaving the sum of $5,002 15 for actual main- tenance. This is classified as follows as per accompanying vouchers, and have been audited by the Superintendent, and drafts drawn on the County Treasurer for same. 214 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 Class "A"—Meats____ $ 713 79 Class "B"—Provisions and Dry Goods 1,337 o6 Class "C"—Fuel ____ _ 9S2 S7 Class "D"—Medical 722 45 Class "E"—Clothing, Boots and Shoes 241 93 Class "F"—Employees ______ _ _ 922 25 Class "G"—Miscellaneous _ 36 So $5,002 15 Class "H"—Improvement to property and furniture 1,026 39 Total Expenditures, ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ 6,028 54 CENSUS OF INMATES, Whole number remaining in house November 15th, 1902 64 Admitted during the year 35 Born 1 Tota] __-- — 100 Lied During Year 12 Discharged3 6 Total — 48 Remaining is house November 15th, 1903 52 The average cost of Maintenance has been per day $.23 37-4 ; per week $1.67 1-18 ; per year $56 90. The following is a statement of the amount of Money receiv- ed, and how the same has been expended : C. F. Briggs, sale of Beans $r 14 22 L. H. Bailey ______ _ 10 oo Drop Weals------- -- -------- -- -- -- 3 00 Total $127 22 Cash for Traveling Expenses____ $ 58 23 Cash for Employes____ ____ 26 45 Cash for Postage and Telegraph____ 11 75 Cash for Supplies 34 66 Cash for Transportation_ 6 77 Total$137 86 Deficiency_ $10 64 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 215 OUT DOOR RELIEF. The amount of expenses for the relief of County poor per- sons supported outside of the County Alms House, including the services of Overseers of the Poor and the transportation of the poor, as per bills of the Overseers and others is as follows : AMOUNT. NO. 0P ORD8R. B. Snyder, 0. P., Dryden-----_---____-- $ 34 75 435 B. Snyder, 0. P., Dryden.. __,__ 24 00 436 B. Snyder, 0. P., Dryden ____ ____ 17 75 438 H. W. Nash, M. D., Lunacy. 5 oo 446 I. S. Bagley.. • 128 00 451 Pierce Coal Co_-__-. ____ --- --- ________ 15 89 475 James Lynch- - -- - 28 56 477 D. B. Stewart & Co. - - _ 14 00 488 D. B. Stewart &Co____..-__ ____ __ 15 00 445 E. C. Ellison, 0. 1'., Danby. 48 25 512 Dixon ii. Robinson, Duel______ ____ _____ 12 27 515 B. Snyder, 0. 1'- - 42 42 52o W. P. Harrington, Expenses, O. P_ 13 70 526 John J. Trench _-.-- _ _ 37 25 527 W. 1'. Harrington, Expenses, 0. P 52 00 535 B. Snyder._-------- -- ------------- ---- �6 74 541 D. I3. Stewart & Co --.- 27 G0 545 B. Snyder, 0. P.-___ ____ 44 50 55o T. S. Thompson -__ ____-- _-- 66 38 559 E. S. Bagley. - --- - 59 00 56o J. W. Brown, M. 1).___ 5o 00 563 Baker & Smith, Fuel 43 94 564 B. Snyder. 0. P. _ 32 78 576 N. E. Drake.___ _ 44 0O 579 D. 13. Stewart & Co________________.____ bz o0 600 C. P. Metier, 0. P.. Danby_--. .3 29 6o8 B. Snyder, 0. 1'2 10 625 James Lynch, Fuel to 75 627 Pierce Coal Co____- 4 82 63o G. W. Gardner 1 5o 634 B. Snyder, 0. P 72 05 635 J. Beach, M. D., Lunacy______.---____-- 6 50 636 B. Snyder, 0. 1' ___ _ 48 28 637 D. B. Stewart & Co __-- ___-• __-- _-- _ __-- S7 50 648 F. B. Aiken, Fuel_ ____ ____ ____ _..- 9 39 650 0. Sears, Expenses, 0. 1' -___ ______ ____ 12 50 653 TOW --------- -- $1,208 39 216 The Supervisor? Proceedings, 1903 REcAPITuLATIOS. Expenses for Maintenance of I•Iouse $5,002 15 Improvements to Property and Furniture _ 1,026 39 Out Door Relief, Transportation and Services of Overseers r,2o3 89 Total --- $7,237 43 Amount Appropriated 6,796 t2 Deficiency. _-__ __-- $44r 3r CROP R?:PORT . ACREAcn. AMOUNT RAISi;D. ON HAND, s : Wheat _ to 335 bus. 290 bus. Oats 17 804 675 Rye ---- 1 �5 , ' ��5 ' Corn 4 Beans _ 1 estimated zo " 20 " Potatoes. 4 500 " 450 Onions — to " 10 ,, Apples __.. 150 ', 15o Beets 30 " 30 " Squashes, Hubbard -___ 20o - 200 Cabbage ___ 2,000 heads 2,000 heads Hay, Estimated_ ______ __ __ - 40 torts 35 tons Millet, Estimated 10 " 10 " Buckwheat ______ ____ ____ _____ _ 50 bias. 5o bus. Carrot --- ---- 7 ' ` 7 In conformity to the 3ot11 section of the revised statute, 1 respectfully report, that 1 estimate the expense of the Town and County Poor to be sup- ported at the County Alms House the ensuing year to be ___- $5,000 _ Out Door Relief _-__ ____ ____ _ 1,300 Services of Overseers______ 150 Transportation- -------- - -- _--- ---- ---- 50 Total 6,5oo DAVID BOWER, Superintendent of Poor. The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 2(7 :STATE OF NEW YORK, 1, SS COUNTY Olt TOMPKINS, y ' David Bower being duly sworn says that the foregoing report by Trim presented is just and true and the foregoing account is in all respects just -and true to the best of his knowledge and belief. DAVIT) BOWER. [L. S.] Sworn to before nie this 17t11 day of November, 1903. B. T. BAKER, Notary Public. NOTES OF INSPECTION OF THE TOMPKINS COUNTY ALMS HOUSE. I. TI•iE BEJII,]]INGS. Capacity, too. Estimated value, $3o,000. General Character and Condition of the Buildings The male inmates occupy the two-story brick building, •which is connected on the west with the frame two-story struc- ture, occupied by the Superintendent and by the women inmates, by a brick building of one story used as kitchen and dining rooms, and, in the basement, by the steam plant including the laundry. The men's building is admirably constructed, the in- side being bricked. The other buildings are in good repair, and all are kept in good order. Recent I:mproven]ents : A new wheel for the windmill. One .hundred and twenty-five rods of "Page" wire fencing. Contemplated Improvements : A steam pump to supplement •the wind power ; a steam laundry ; completing fencing of farm ; removal of the horse barn to a safer distance from the almshouse. 218 The Supervisor's Proceedings, 1903 Heating : By steam, direct radiation. Lighting : By kerosene lamps. A safer lighting system should be installed. Ventilation : By doors, windows, and, in the men's build- ing, open fire places. Ventilation is good at this season, but poor in winter. Water Supply : Spring water is collected in a covered stone reservoir about one-fourth mile distant, and flows by gravity to the lower floors of all the buildings, For the upper floors a windmill raises the water to tanks in the attic. The tanks were full ; each contains fifty barrels of water. A rain water cistern is in the women's building.' Bathing facilities : Iron tubs for each sex. The tubs need painting. Shower baths should be supplied. Laundry Appliances : Tubs, boiling vats and hand washers. 'rhe laundry is beneath the kitchen. Drying is done out of doors except in bad weather. Drainage : By five inch cement -joint tile drain to soakage cesspool about thirty rods in rear of the almshouse. Liquids are raised by chain pump and discharged on the farm, The cesspool was overflowing ; it is not sufficiently removed. Precautions against Fire : Standpipes with one-half inch rubber hose on all floors of the inmates' buildings. Two liquid extinguishers and six dry powder extinguishers. Means of Escape in the Event of Fire : By interior stairs, and by wooden veranda on the women's building with two flights of stairs to the ground. II. THE FARM. Number of Acres of Land and Adaptability of the Soil. One hundred acres. Estimated value, $5,000. The Supervisors' Proceedings, (903 219 Adapted to general farming. Crops are good this year. Barns and Outbuildings : In good repair and well removed frost the almshouse except the horse barn. The barns and out- buildings were in good order, except the piggery. Dairy, and the Disposal of its Products : Six cows. The products'are for the inmates. The herd should be increased. Employment of the Inmates : About one-tenth of the in- mates are able to do work regularly, though it is inefficient. III. THE CENSUS. Number of Inmates______ _ __Males 37, vemales 14, Total 51 Children under 2 years ___.._.--_Males 1, Females o, Total r Children between 2 and 16.__ ____ ____ _Males o, Females 0, Total 0 Number of Blind .____._ __ __ ____Males t, Females r, Total 2 Number of Deaf Mutes.___ Males o, Females 0, Total o Nuniber of Feeble Minded dales 4, Females 4, Total 8 Number of Idiots___._ _______ Males 1, Females 0, Total i Number of Epileptics __.____ Males r, Fetnales 1, Total 2 Persons over 70 years old ______ ____ ..3[ales 21, Females 3, Total 24 Demented ____ __--Males 1, Females o, Total t Means for Separation of the Sexes Indoors : Separate build- ings and separate dining rooms. Means for Separation of the Sexes Outdoors : Enclosed yard for women. IV. CARE OF TIIE SICK. Hospital Accommodations : Separate rooms set apart for both sexes, with closets and bathing facilities. A room for the isolation of sick women has been partly completed in the attic with dormer windows. There is no isolation ward for men. A male consumptive who is present should be isolated. Medical Services, by whom performed : Dr. Abram Chase, of Jacksonville, one and one-half utiles distant. Calls three times a week and as summoned by telephone. 220 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 Hospital 'Supplies, Diet, Medicine, etc., how furnished : By the County except some medicines which are supplied by the physician. Number of Paid Hospital Attendants : (inmates) Male, two, Female, none. Total 2. V. RECORDS. State Board of Charities Record of Inmates : Properly kept. Last entry No. 227, July 17, 1903. . Almshouse Register of Inmates : Kept by towns. Last entry July 17, 1903. State Board of Health Record of Vital Statistics : Not kept properly. Dr. Chase usually attends to the filing of death certi acates. Deaths since last Inspection, January 27, 1903 : Males, six, Females, none. Total 6. Births since last Inspection : Males, one, Females, none. Total 1. VI. SALARIES, WAGES AND LABOR. David Bower, Resident Superintendent and Keeper_ $600 00 Mrs. David Bower, Matron____ _________ 125 00 Carl Bower, General Assistant _ _ ___ 240 00 Wesley Bower, Farm Hand____ ______ ____ azo per month for 8 months Mrs. John Coy, Inmates' Cook____ 26o 00 William Brown, Farmer___ 180 00 , Officers' Cook.______ ____ 130 00 Abram Chase, M. D., Physician 225 00 Rev. Melvin Owen, Chaplain ______ ______ _ too 00 George Wilkins, (Initiate) Hospital Caretaker 72 00 David Brill, (Inmate) Hospital Caretaker 72 00 VII. REMARKS. The inmates appear to be well cared for except the sick, who should be cared for by responsible attetidatits. Better hospital facilities for isolation are needed. The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 22r 'I'lle grounds are in good order except in tl-ie rear of the buildings, where there is some litter and a large pile of ashes. The outdoor closets, though little used, require attention. Superintendent Bower and the other officers and employes seem thoroughly competent, and devoted to the interests of their charges. The general financial condition is satisfactory. Religi- ous services are held once a month. NE I ps. r. .A. better lighting system. 2. Adequate hospital equipment. 3. Shower baths. 4. A steam laundry in a detached building. 5. Removal of the horse barn from dangerous proximity to the Alms House. 6. Ice house and cold storage room. y. A bake oven for bread. 8. Increased herd of cattle. Respectfully submitted, (Signed) WILLIAM C. ROGERS, Inspector. Dated August 6, 1903. TOMPKINS COUNTY JAIL. Located at Ithaca, inspected August 13, 1903. The number of inmates on the day of inspection was io, all men, classified as follows 222 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 Court prisoners, 6 ; serving sentence, 4. The highest number recently confined in this Jail at any one time was 22 ; the average is about t4. Since the last inspection the heating plant of this jail has been repaired and the boiler reset. The jail is being painted on the exterior. There have been no changes in the interior of the jail itself. The recommendations trade in the last report of inspection are repeated. The cells on the first floor are very dark ; all the sentenced and some of the Court prisoners are kept on this floor and comin- gle in the common corridor. The other Court prisoners are kept on one side up stairs. All the inmates in this department charg- ed with crime, whether serious or trifling, associate together while awaiting trial. There is one other department up stairs known as the woman's department. When there are no women prisoners it is used forjuveniles and civil prisoners. When there are women prisoners the juveniles and civil prisoner have to be confined with the other men prisoners, a condition of things very undesirable as well as illegal, as the law expressly prohibits the confinement of civil prisoners with criminals, and requires the separation of juveniles from adults. The entire jail is anti- quated in arrangement, the windows are small and are obstructed with flat iron bars. Recommendations : First : The windows of this jail should be enlarged, and the present flat iron bars should be replaced with smaller iron bars of hard steel, admitting more light to the jail. Second : An annex should be constructed furnishing sepa- rate quarters for women, juvenile and civil prisoners. The pres- ent women's department should be fitted up as additional quar- ters for Court prisoners. This would make it possible for the Sheriff to separate prisoners serving sentence from those awaiting trial, and also to confine first offenders in a department separate from that occupied by hardened and professional criminals. This The Supervisors' Proceedings, /903 223 jail as at present arranged might very properly be criticised as a school for instruction in crime. The jail was found to be clean and well cared for. The office of Sheriff in this county is a fee office. He is usually allowed forty-three cents a day for the board of prisoners. Employment : For sometime past the jail convicts in this county have been employed in repairing highways. The Board of Supervisors are now constructing a stone yard near the jail. It is the intention to work the prisoners in this yard hereafter. This will give them employment in winter as well as summer. Respectfully submitted, GEORGE McLAUGHLIN, Secretary. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. Reports of the Justices of the Peace of the various Towns of the County of all fines and penalties collected by them during the past year : CAROLINE - Frank M. Bull reports received Mason J. Clark reports no money received. E. H. Mitchell reports no money received. DANBY. F. D. Smiley reports no money received. Z. E. Smiley reports no money received. T. W. Slocum reports no money received. J. B. Thatcher reports no money received. $50 00 224 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 DRYTDEN. E. Taylor Brown reports no money received. John P. Shaver reports no money received. G. R. Underwood reports no money received. Paul Ewers reports received J. D. Ross reports received EN FIELD. Fred Chase reports no money received Charles Gray reports no money received. H. A. Rockwell reports no tnoney received. Janes McCracken reports no money received. GROTON. H. A. Brooks reports received Newton Baldwin reports no money received. J. M. Montfort reports no money received. Nelson Stevens reports no money received. ITIIACA. 5 00• 23 00 I2 00. L. E. Colegrove reports received $20 00 A. J. Teeter reports no money received. Sydney M. Updike reports no money received. George B. Sutton reports no money received. LANSING. D. D. Winn reports no money received. L. V. Main reports no money received. Charles Drake reports no money received. Willnxore Townley reports no money received. NEWFIELD. John W. Dean reports no money received. W. L. Puff reports no money received. The Suj'ervisors' Proceedings, 1903 225„ Daniel W. Gore reports no money received. William Weatherell reports no money received. ULYSSES. 0. G. Noble reports no money received. John N. Barker reports received 3, oo> Henry Williams reports no money received. M. T. Williamson reports no money received. STATEMENT OF TIIE INDEBTEDNESS OF TIII: DISTRICT AND UNION FREE SCHOOL DISTRICT THEREIN. 0 0 :.f f 0 OA - y Y J7 _ C 0 0' — L Fes. ..... v-.7: v - 6 ,C P. 0' 0'O,O10, CT� 0,0'0 ,0 0, 0, O,a'0,0, 3-0 R ra-Y 0000080 8888880-8oe888 1 -..- 000 0 0 OOQ 0 0 0 n- 8 C 0 0 0 0 .0u 000 .-)00 -0CGGa C7 c Nc.'D — N ,C G, ^ r'; 4-•JM CC N /-.1 N N . •--, r.d l" .9 .M.." 0 •�' CO 1 I I 1 1 i ' 1 1- I 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i 11 1 C+O . 1.1 1 C 1 1 1 11 1 i Q 0 •1 1 n. I 1• 1 1 1 i ••••i 1v I I 1; 11 y 0 m <1 ,Q d a O Q '-'1 0 o p 00 '000 0_ 033,100000000u00 Go [tea 0. 3 r N v. — N 1n (-,p. n; 7 --s M V) 1-, N .� ., o' C C ..pp Y", N n1 pp i 1 i 1 C C 0 i i 1 i i i i I 1 I ! 1 0 O I. O 1 1 1 I ! 1 I 1 l 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 E Cp G 4. - JO 01E -ti MO\\ •\\v \,\ \\\ \\\;saialui o v v , v \ . M M M M M M [..']-(4.) y,p ,74 Y c pp 0 p i i i ' pp 0 0 O G coo O G O O 0 O O0C O O M O , 4N 1f; c,,G Mc-ryM N 1 . 1 1 -- V1\N Cl. I I ppy C C/A 0 Udder What Law • NIn 1f) 01 . 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M aopenleA le;oI 8 8 8 ci N88849 V) .: .; o. •aaeisa leag ;o an;elf passass�. 8 8 4,4 8 N N8884 'O ` ` v •sasodand;;'e aoj uoilexzd, leao'J 0l goat •qng .C1iado1d lBnos -.tad Jo anl0A passassV NATURE OF BUSINESS '0 00 O ."-4 "0 00 O g .J — c „ r' " ro! 00 ' C CG i ' •1 i v o , .. P. '1-. wI 0 07 ... J 1 rd 4. > cC i 12 J g E. • NAME OF CORPORA.TION Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad Company__-_____ Lehigh Valley Railroad Company, E., C. & N. Division N. Y. & Pa. Telephone and Telegraph Company-- _-- Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad Company T'anner's Dairy Dispatch Ithaca Telephone Conmpany. _ Ithaca Water Works Company_______ Lehigh Valley Railroad Company____ Western Union Telegraph Company__ M zC,' E. J rd 0 i A 00 Q The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 229 O Np 0 0 0 0 m v) 0 0 M 0 0 C In '0 0) 0 ,,n0 0 v) v7 t` v) ') '0 v7 0 0 v) O\ rr) V)'0 VSO .-+ kn N CO 0 CO ' h I+] .-+ n N #} in M +.0 0' App 1� M M M °w 00008u. 8 =nom 0 °00N rnn 0 l N M �0 .. 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I 1 L U' i r .17:. :I' 1 1 ;r O M v: .-"I I --I ri I--^ F-1 j U ✓, ! 1--1 1 1 ry 1--1 0 c' r 0 • y o y .q" O 0 0 0 d.'-4. 0 O m to s ct J; e; r 0 m rR w '-',;':.._47 1 1 1 ,111 1 I 1 I 1 1 � I I .. I 1>,J '.1 IC i 1r L I 1 r' 1I " r.:.) . .^..��ei..e.' ' C ^ '8 I GL .-. yQ 1 1 1 1 p.�l Y ".' C I o Ecb u ▪ ,a0� �FGU 8. I . J. u r. u� am M n L .y. .y. .U. y. d ... vi v4 -N SA uG^Ay y' I i i 1 l I I I I 1 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 233 M 0 0 0 0 0 700 ,002 0 0 0 0n 0 070 0 (+3opDo - '0 '0 o 0) 0 c44.0 co N 0 N'0 N 0 i0 N LO M 7UJ GO LO •5 . ON 7 +:) N N.0 M0, 0 N 0) ,n 0 l� 7 02 w ,n 0) N N N '0- V 7 .. N N N) ,n 0"7 n f'- mO O000Oa00 O 0 0Ln 00 0 ��� 0 0) ,00 0On) O 0, 0)O n O �o v %ON 0 .+7 In N 0^ 0 ▪ 7N N O, N O O � O• .. .. 6...6 n' .. Mi Cr .. ,n '0 02 In d• m 0 NBOO g 00 rno$°og 0000 00 n 0)024) O a, M 00) 0 ▪ '0N 00)0) [' 0^0 +n 7 N N a, ,.O c4-6 OO - O •�O N .... C/: O o ,n ,7 7 �n 11* 0 121 N 0 I 0.) v _"E i = V 1 I 0 O v i1 v w bu0 Go ,t4.0 .0 r4 En O - .0 C,150 w G' • v =1:4;11FU-1 ',-, :J v 234 The SprviwsProceedings, r0 N »&«$a& \38 RrS).S@ _ 0N k $1938027 r,56745 000• EI 00 )0 Q 2 kr2\,CO k \ 0 Q 001 the Towns and Wards in the of the County of Supervisors Estate for each, as set down in the re - of Real and Personal 2 \ turns of the local Assessors in their last Assessment Roll, and also the Amount of 'Fax to be levied. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk, Post Office Address, Ithaca, N. Y. The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 235, CLLR.IC'S CERTIFICATE. I, Bert T. Baker, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Tomp- kins County, do hereby certify that T have compared the fore- going Journal of the Proceedings of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County with the original record thereof, and that the - same is a full and correct transcript therefrom of the transactions. of said Board at the annual session of said Board during the year 1903, as far as the same is required to be printed (typographical: errors to be excepted.) In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand this 4th clay of January, 1904. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk.. 236 Phe Supervisors' Proceedings, 190; POLITICAL DIRECTORY ANA GUIDE TO TOWN OFFICERS. General Election : The first Tuesday after the first Monday in November. Revised Statutes (7th Ed.), page 379. Annual Town Meeting : Second Tuesday in February, bien- nially. Section 10, Article 2, Chapter 569, Laws of 1890. Annual School Meeting in,Neighborhood : First Tuesday in August. Laws of 1893, Chapter 500. Annual Meeting of Board of Town Auditors, comprising the Supervisor, Town Clerk and Justices of the Peace, or any two of the said Justices : The first 'Thursday after the General Election, at which tinge_ all accounts for charges and claims against their respective towns must be presented to them for audit. 1 Re- vised Statute (7th Ed.), page 835, Laws of 1840, Chapter 305. Amended, Laws of 1890, Chapter 569, ,6o, 161, 162. Annual Meeting of the Board of Town Auditors as above designated, to examine accounts of Town Officers :. On the last Tuesday preceding the annual Town Meeting to be held in each town. Laws of 1863, Chapter 172, Amended, Laws 1890, Chap- ter 569, 160, 161. Annual Meeting of the Supervisors of the County as a Board of County Canvassers, first Tuesday succeeding General Elec- tion. i Revised Statutes (7t11 Ed.), page J9o. Annual Meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the County : Immediately after the completion of the Canvass, or at such other times as they as a Board, shall fix. 2 Revised Statutes (7th .Ed.), pages 926-931. Annual Meeting of Supervisor, Town Clerk and Justices of each Town, to designate the place in each election district in Town at which election shall be held during the year : On the .first Tuesday of September each year. Laws 1892, Chapter 680. The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 237 Meeting of Supervisor, Town Clerk and Assessor of each Town, for the purpose of making lists of Trial Jurors : On the first day of July of each third year after July i, 1878, at a place in the town appointed by the Supervisor, or in his absence or vacancy in office by Town Clerk ; or, if they fail to meet on that day, they tnust tweet as soon thereafter as practicable. Code of Civil Procedure, 1039. The next meeting for this purpose will be held 1905. 'tOWN OF 'ICI RS. Each Supervisor must execute to and deposit with. the Coun- ty Treasurer, a bond for the accounting of all school moneys which may come into his hands before entering upon the duties of his office. Each Supervisor must make and deliver to the Town Clerk of his town, his bond for the faithful discharge of his official duties, and to account for all moneys corning into his hands as such Supervisor. The Trustees of School Districts shall make a report to the School Commissioner between the 25th day of July and the first Tuesday in August in each year. Chapter 245, Laws 1889. The school moneys are apportioned annually by the School Commissioners on the third Tuesday in March. The Commissioners of Highways must execute a bond to the Supervisor of their town within ten days after their election. Overseers of Highways in the several Towns of the County must be appointed on the first day of March of each year. Overseers of Highways must file a statement of all unworked highway tax with the Supervisors of their respective towns on or before the first day of October. The Tax Collector or Receiver shall, within eight days after receiving notice of the amount of taxes to be collected by him, execute to the Supervisor of the town, and Iodge with him, a bond in double the amount of said taxes, to be approved by the Supervisor. The Supervisor shall, within six days thereafter, file the said bond in the office of the County Clerk of this County. The Assessors must complete the Assessment Roll on or before the first day of August and leave a copy thereof with one 238 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 of their number, and immediately thereafter cause notice thereof to be posted in three or more public places in their town or ward. "When the lines between two towns, wards, or counties, divides a farm or lot, the same shall be taxed, if occupied, in the town, ward or county where the occupant resides ; if unoccu- pied, each part shall be assessed in the town, ward, village or' county where the same shall lie." Laws 1886, Chapter 315. The Assessors shall meet on the third Tuesday in August, to review their assessments and hear the complaint of any person . conceiving himself aggrieved. An affidavit to the roll by the Assessors made prior to the third Tuesday of August, is a nullity. The Assessors must deliver the corrected Assessment Roll to -the Town Clerk on or before the first day of September, there to re- main for a period of fifteen days for public inspection, and the Assessors shall forthwith give public notice by posting the same in at least three of the most public places in the town, or by pub- lishing the same in one or more newspapers published therein, that such Assessment Roll has been finally completed, the officer to which the same has been delivered, and the place where the same will.be open to public inspection. Said fifteen days, within which any assessment may be reviewed by certiorari, shall com- mence on the clay of the first publication. The Assessor cannot enter the name of a person on his roll who became a resident after the first day of July. When the Assessors, or a majority of then, shall have com- pleted their roll, they shall severally appear before any officer of the County authorized by law to administer oaths, and shall sev- erally make and subscribe before such officers, an oath in the following form which must be strictly followed "We, the undersigned, do hereby severally depose and swear that we have set down in the foregoing Assessment Roll, all the real estate situate in the town (or ward as the case may be), ac- cording to our best information ; and that, with the exception of those cases in which the value of said real estate has been changed by reason of proof produced before us, we have estima- ted the value of the said real estate at the sums which a majority of the Assessors have decided to•be the full value thereof, and also that the said Assessment Roll contains a true statement of The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 239 'the aggregate amount of the taxable personal estate of each and every person named in such Roll, over and above the amount of debts due from such persons respectively, and excluding such 'stocks as are otherwise taxable, and such other property as is exempt by law from taxation, at the full value thereof according to our best judgment and belief." Which oath shall be written or printed on said roll, signed by the Assessors, and certified by the officer. Laws 1885, Chapter 364,2o1. The ,Supervisor must report to the County Treasurer, on the first Tuesday in March, the amount of school moneys remaining in his hands. Each Justice of the Peace must execute a bond with two sureties conditioned for the payment on demand to the proper officer all moneys received by the Justice, by virtue of his office, which bond must be approved by the Supervisor of the town, and filed in the Town Clerk's office. Each Justice of the Peace shall make a report in writing, verified by oath, each year, bearing date the first day of Novem- ber, to the Board of Supervisors at their annual session, in which he shall state particularly the time when, and the name of the person or persons from whom any money has been received ; and also the amount and ou what account the same was received also allsuets remaining due and unpaid ; and that all moneys by him received have been paid to the officer duly empowered by law to receive the sane. Each Justice of the Peace must pay all moneys received by hitn for fines, within thirty days after its receipt, to the County Treasurer. Criminal Code, Section 726. Overseers of tlx: Poor cannot furnish supplies to a County pauper to exceed the sum of ten dollars, without an order frorrl the County Superintendent authorizing further disbursements for such purpose. All bills payable by towu trust be presented to the Town Auditing Board for payment. All bilis for supplies furnished to County paupers must be presented to the County Superintendent of the Poor for audit on or before November ist of each year. 240 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 All bills presented to the Board of Supervisors or any Audit-- ing Board, must be verified by oath, stating that the same are correct in every particular, and that no cornpensation has been received for the same, or any part thereof, except as therein stated, and presented on or before November 25th. All bills for repairs or improvements of County Real Estate must be endorsed by some member of the Committee on County Buildings ; and all bills for repairs or irnprovements of any other County property must be endorsed by the County officer author- izing the same before it will be audited by the Board of Super- visors. APPENDIX ..rl.l•Y.r..r.Yrrl.r •Ylrl rl'lirl rl'Ir l., 1.1. r1'�r SPECIAL SESSION To Bert T. Baker, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County We, the undersigned, wish you to call a meeting of the Board of Supervisors to be held in the Supervisors' Room in Ithaca, N. Y. at Io o'clock, A. IDT. on the I ith day of January, I goo. EUGENE TERRY, Chairman. WM. H. BAKER, CHAS. SPRIGG, A. N. M[LLER, J. C. THOMPSON, H. C. FAIRBANKS, R. N. MOUNT, JOHN J. HANSHAW, GEO. J. DIXON, W. C. GALLAGHER, B. M. HAGIN, J. H. HINE, WVEBB CORRIN. SATURDAY, JANUARY II, 1904.. Morning Session. Board called to order by Mr. Terry. Roll call. Quorum present. The call for the meeting was read by the Clerk. The resignation of Bradford Snyder as Keeper of the Tomp- kins County Alms House was react by the Clerk, and on motion of Mr. Hagin the resignation was laid on the table until the afternoon session. The Clerk read a communication frorn Geo. G. DePuy of Freeville making application for the position of Keeper of the 242 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 Alms House, which on motion of Mr. Baker was received and filed. The Clerk read a communication from Geo. Underwood of Varna recommending the appointment of Lewis Crutts, of Varna as Keeper of the Alms House, which on motion of Mr. 3. H. Hine was received and filed. The Clerk read a communication from Joshua Dans of Peru- ville making application as Keeper of the Alms House, which on motion of Mr. J. H. Hine was received and filed. Mr, R. N. Mount presented the name of Mr. Ray Teeter of Peruville as Keeper of the Alms House. Mr. H: W. Simpson of Ithaca appeared before the Board and made application for the position as Keeper of the Alms House. Mr, Baker made a verbal report as the committee appointed to prepare order books for the use of Supervisors and Highway Commissioners in towns working highways under the money system, which was accepted and Mr. Baker was instructed to order the books for such towns. Mr. John Mandeville of Brookton was given the privilege of the floor and suggested that the Board appoint a delegate to the Highway Commissioners' Convention to be held at Albany January 2601. Jared T. Newman, Esq. , was given the privilege of the floor and addressed the Board regarding Mr. Bower. On motion of Mr. J. H. Hine the Board adjourned to 2 P. M. to meet in executive session. Afternoon Session. Ro11 call. Quorum present. On motion Mr. Snyder's resignation as Keeper of the Alms House was laid on the table. The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 By Mr. Thompson : 243 WHr,ahAs, It appears from an impartial and careful investigation of the accounts of David Bower, Superintendent of the Poor, that said official has been wasteful, careless and extravagant in the conduct of his official •duties, and that his accounts are kept in an unbusiuesslike, loose and unintelligible manner, therefore -Resolved, That this Board hereby condemns such administration as careless, wasteful and extravagant and unworthy the confidence of its members. On motion of Mr. J. H. Hine the same was adopted. By Mr. J. H. Hine : WH1R1 AS, the committee on County Superintendents accounts and the Board of Supervisors as a committee of the whole of which was referred the accounts and also the service bill of the Superintendent, have been censured by some for appointing a Keeper of the Alms House, as we be- lieved the law clearly gave us the right to do, and believing as we do that this was the mildest course we could take after a careful review of the situation at that institution, and believing that the criticism obviously arises from the fact that the Board, with, perhaps, some impropriety have kept from the public the reasons for making the office of Superintendent of the Poor and the office of Keeper of the Alms House two distinct offices, and whereas we believe this action of the Board is fully justified by the accounts and service bills of the Superintendent of the Poor for several years past, therefore Resolved, That the Chairman and Clerk of this Board be instructed to have published in pamphlet form in at least the two official papers of the County all the accounts and service bills of the Superintendent of the Poor of 1903 and all others obtainable. On motion of Mr. Hanshaw the sane was adopted. By Mr. A. N. Miller : Resolved, That we, the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, hereby fix the date of the Annual Meeting of the Board of Supervisors to be held on the first Monday in March in 19°4, and on the first Monday in March in each year thereafter. Its adoption was moved by Mr. Sprigg. 244 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 On motion of Mr. Sprigg, Mr. Miller's resolution was laid on the table until the next meeting of the Board. By Mr. Hine : Motion the Chairman and Clerk get the Attorney General's opinion as to whether or not the Board has the power to appoint a Keeper of the Alms. House other than the Superintendent of the Poor. Carried. By Mr. Dixon : Resolved, That the places on Standing and Special Committees, now held by former members of this Board whose terms of office have expired, be declared vacant and the Chairman be requested to fill the vacancies at once. On motion Mr. Dixon's resolution was laid on the table until the next meeting of the Board. On motion the reading of the minutes was dispensed with until the next meeting of the Board. On motion the Board adjourned until Monday, January i 8th, 1904, at 10 A. M. BERT T. BAK$R, Clerk. ADJOURNED SPECIAL SESSION •.il..l'1, 1111•1.11ii•1.1.11,h1•11.F.1.. MONDAY, JANUARY 18, 1904. Morning Session. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of January lith read and approved. On motion the Board adjourned to 1:30 P. M. Afternoon Session. Roll call. Quorum present. The Clerk read a communication from David Bower, Super- intendent of the Poor which, on motion of Mr. Baker, was ac- cepted, ordered filed with the Clerk and printed. To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: The unusual action of the Board at its meeting on Monday last, con- cededly taken, not because of any new provocation on my part, but in order to justify members of the Board against the criticisms of outsiders, either did me great injustice, or it did not go far enough. I should either be re- moved from the office to which I have been elected by the people, or should receive that• treatment to which every official entering upon the discharge of his duties in a co-ordinate department of the public service is entitled. In November last my accounts as Superintendent of the Poor, in the receipt and disbursement of $7,189.3o expended on account of the poor, in- cluding outdoor relief, transportation and service of overseers, were pre- sented, examined at length by the committee for the purpose, accepted and passed by this Board exactly as rendered (with the exception of an item of $ig.2o erroneously included), and with full knowledge of all the facts that were before the Board on Monday last. I am informed that it is princi- pally by reason of dissatisfaction with this account, and the aggregate of expenditure thus involved which it was thought indicated extravagance and wastefulness, that the Board bases its subsequent action ; for if I am cor- rectly informed, the items that were stricken out of nay service bill, reduc- 246 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 ing it from $504 to $388 for the work of the year as superintendent, would probably have been allowed had it not been for dissatisfaction with the main account. Permit me to say now in my own behalf that this account contains no unusual items, and shows no other extravagance at all comparable with that one which the invariable custom of your Board for many years has sanctioned and practically compelled ; and furthermore, that your commit- tee acted under misapprehension in assuming that the amount expended last year exceeded the amount expended in former years by any extent not warranted by changed conditions. Faulty as the custom may be, it has never been found practicable to get in all the bills for the year in time for payment and presentation to the board on November 15t11. So there has never been a year when there has not beet carried forward into the new year bills that had been incurred prior to the last annual settlement, The same thing is true, I am sure, in the conduct of the affairs of many cities and towns, as well as of private individuals. When I came into the office three years ago, the amount of such bills taken over from my predecessor incurred prior to his last settlement and paid out of my appropriation for the following year, was not less than $r,869.78. It is not true that $800 or any other amount was appropriated one year ago to clear up the bills of 1902, as so many of you have been led to suppose. The SUM of $796.12 was appropriated to satisfy orders that had been actually given for bills which were at thattime audited and approved by your board, in excess of the amount appropriated therefor. There were at that very time $r,766.49 in outstanding bills that had not yet been presented, and which have been paid out of the regular appropriation for the current year. The deficiency in the appropriation to meet bills audited this year was $393.18 as against $86o.68 last year ; so that the outstanding bills to -day as reported do not indicate that there has been so large an increase in expenditure during the year just closed as has been represented ; and such increase as there may be, is almost wholly due to the increased price of coal and of medical services. I grant that I am not an accomplished bookkeeper, and that my service account particularly is not expressed as it should be ; but I deny that there has been any intention to charge for service not rendered, and am glad to be able to state that I have now instituted measures which I trust will over- come any objections to the form or sufficiency of the accounts in the future. Whether it was due to misapprehension or otherwise ; whether just or unjust, the Board saw fit at that time to install another keeper, or at least to attempt so to do, and to fix the salary of the superintendent where it must remain during my terns at least,,at $35o, a suns which a majority of your Board have conceded is too low. At the same time this Board was careful to say that there was no indi- cation of any dishonesty whatsoever in any of these transactions. The members of the committee assured my counsel that the Board would pass The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 247 any resolution to that effect that he cared to present ; and, I understand, the chairman of your Board still asserts that no one claims that I have made any money for myself out of these transactions. That was four weeks ego. What has happened in the meantime to jus- tify the action of Monday last? Have I been guilty of any new offence? I moved out of the Alms House, on short notice, at great inconvenience to myself, and considerable loss to the county it must be said, to make way for the Keeper whom the Board sought to install. I call you to witness that my request for a reconsideration of the resolution fixing the salary at $350, was made respectfully and without any criticism of the action of the Board in other respects. Was it fair. because the people without my instigation were blaming some of you for the action taken, and because the citizens of the town of Ulysses, where my life has been spent, saw fit to express anew their confi- dence in nre, that in order to save the reputation of certain members of your Board and justify them in the eyes of the people you should by resolu- tion seek to defame me still more—a resolution not passed to accomplish any useful end, but for the sole purpose of self justification. I can tell you a better way. In a forum where we can meet on common ground, I ant ready to face whatever charges you see fit to prefer. And I demand that instead of passing defamatory resolutions under the cover of your official positions, you refer the accounts which I have presented and the evidence relating thereto, together with this statement, either to a committee of your board, from which members who have expressed decided prejudice must be rigorously excluded, or to a disinterested committee of competent outsiders, before whom I may be heard, either to frame charges for presentation to the Governor for my removal, or to report back to this Board that the facts as I have stated them here are substantially true. To that part of the resolution which relates to the publication of the accounts, I have no objection, so long as you see fit to incur the expense. But I ask that they be not garbled. If anything is published, let all be published together. I further request in fairness to use, that this statement be given the sante publicity that has been given to the resolutions of censure. Dated, January 18, 1904. D LVID BOW TM, Superintendent of the Poor. By Messrs. Mount, Gallagher and Corbin : WHBREAs, It appears front a decision rendered by the Attorney General of the State that the Board of Supervisors had no power to appoint a Keeper for the County Alms House unless it be the Superintendent himself, there- fore, • 248 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 Resolved, That any action that has been taken to appoint a Keeper and fix a salary for the an be rescinded and stricken from the minutes. On notion of Mr. J. Hine, the same was adopted. By Mr. Hine : WHEREAS, The condition of the accounts of the Superintendent of the Poor and the management of the affairs of said office by this official are un- satisfactory to this Board and are regarded as extravagant and wasteful and prove the incompetency of David Bower, Superintendent of the Poor of this:county for the performance of duties of said office, and \VHI R1,As, We owe it to our constituents and the county at large to take steps to remedy the condition that exists in the administration of said office, therefore Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board be instructed to communicate with David Bower, Superintendent of the Poor of this county, and ask that he file his resignation as Superintendent of the Poor with the Clerk of this Board or the County Clerk of Tompkins County on or before the 25th day of January, 1904. Further Resolved, That in the event of the refusal or neglect of said David Bower to resign from said office on or before January 25th, 1904, that a committee of three he appointed by this Board whose duty it shall be to act with the county attorney in formulating charges against the said David Bower for his removal from the office of Superintendent of the Poor of Tompkins County. Oti motion of Mr. Dixon, the adoption of the resolution was lost. Ayes—Messrs. Hanshaw, Hine, Dixon and Thompson -4. Noes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Fairbanks, Miller, Mount and Sprigg-8. By Dr, Gallagher ; WHEREAS, Mr. David Bower has asked this Board for an investigation of himself and accounts, therefore Resolved, That this Board meet on Tuesday, January 26, 1904, at 10 A. M. for such investigation, and that the Clerk be instructed to notify Mr. The Supervisors' Proceeding -s, 1903 249 Bower to meet before them on that day for that purpose and that this Board have power to employ counsel for such investigation. On notion the sane was adopted. By Mr. Baker : WHEREAS, An appropriation was made in December, 1903, of $295,00 for the purchase of law books for the County, for the use of the County Jndge and Surrogate's Office and for visiting judges of the Supreme Court ; and WIrEREAS by an oversight the same was not included in the 1903 budget ; and WHEREAS a contract was made by the County Judge for the purchase of books, to be paid within sixty days : Now, THEREFORE ni IT RESOLVED, that the County Treasurer be, and he hereby is authorized to pay out of any moneys that may be in his hands at any time prior to the fall of 1904, and which may not be needed for the meeting of expenses to be incurred in accordance with the budget already adopted, the sum of $295.00, the same to be paid to the County Judge and Surrogate for the purposes above mentioned. On motion of Mr. Corbin the sante was adopted. By Mr. Gallagher : WHEREAS, County Audit No. r, the judgment in the Ingersoll matter, was audited only for the face of the judgment, and whereas by law the judg- ment bears interest from the date of its entry, therefore Resolved, That the County Treasurer of Tompkins County be authorized to pay from any available funds in his hands the interest on said judgment from the date of its entry to the date of the payment of County Order, No. 1, together with the County Clerk's fee for the certified copy of said judgment. On notion of Mr. Baker the same was adopted. On motion of Mr. Baker action of the resolutions of Mr. Miller and of Mr. Dixon, which were on the table, and the reading of the minutes as deferred until the meeting of January 26th. On motion the Board adjourned to January 26th at to A. M. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. ADJOURNED SPECIAL SESSION.. I•..•..1.1.•1.1y..1.1.1.•I.I.I..I.I•I..,.I•I..S.1•10,.1,1 TUESDAY, JANUARY 26, 1904. Morning Session. Not a quorum present. Afternoon Session. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of the meeting of the Board held January 18, I904,_ were read and. approved. Dana Rhodes, Esq., was given the privilege of the floor and. addressed. the Board relative to the claim- of the Town of Groton. against the State of New York for refunding of taxes paid by Railroads to the County and the County Treasurer. to the Treas- urer of the State. By Mr. Mount : Resolved, That Dana Rhodes, Esq., of Groton, Tompkins County`' N. Y., be authorized and empowered to act as attorney for and to prosecute - and collect in behalf of the County of Tompkins any and all claims of the - Town of Groton against the State of New York, arising under the provi- sions of Chapter 336 of the Laws of 1899, but without cost to the said County of Tompkins. On motion of Mr. J. H. Hine, the same was adopted. By Mr. Mount : Resolved, That each of the Supervisors of the several Towns of Tomp- kins County and also the four Supervisors of the City of Ithaca be author- ized and empowered to employ attorney for their own Town and the City of Ithaca, respectively, to file and collect any and all claims in the name of Tompkins County arising under the provisions of Chapter 336 of the Laws of 1899, but without any cost to the said County of Tompkins. The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 On .motion the same was adopted. By Mr. Corbin : 25 r Resolved, That the County Treasurer of Tompkins County be author- ized to pay from any unappropriated funds in his hands a claim of $14.79. in favor of Harris W. Roe against Tompkins County, being for money paid out by him in the fall of 1902 in tracing, capturing and convicting James, Smith of forgery and who is serving a sentence in State Prison for said crime. On motion the same was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw,. Hine, Fairbanks, Miller, Mount, Dixon,.Sprigg, Thompson—t2. Noes—none. The Clerk read a communication from David Bower, Super- intendent of the Poor. By Mr. Mount : Motion that the communication be received. Lost. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Mount, Sprigg--4. Noes—Messrs. Gallagher, Hagin, Hanshaw, Hine, Fair banks, Miller, Dixon, Thompson -8. By Mr. Hanshaw : Resolved, That this Board hereby adopt and make the following charges• against David Bower, Superintendent of the Poor of Tompkins County,. namely : (1) We charge said official with having deceived the Committee on. Superintendent of the Poor Accounts in the annual session of 19oz, in repre- senting and causing it to appear that the sum of $996.12 represented- the - total indebtedness of the county, and that an additional appropriation for that amount; in excess of $6,000, would pay all outstanding bills contracted. 252 The Supervisors' Proceedings, /903 by said Superintendent and his predecessor and balance his account with the county, while, in truth and in fact, it only represented the amount of excess in which said official had exceeded his appropriation of the year previous. (2) We charge said official with having ignored the resolution of the Board of Supervisors passed on the 18th day of December, 1901, which reso- lution makes it mandatory on said official to require the presentation of all bills contracted by him, by intentionally disregarding and neglecting to call in all bills as required by said resolution. (3) We charge said official with having been neglectful of his official duties by omitting to make entries of purchases made by him in behalf of the county and in his failure to make record of a single item bought by him, so there is absolutely no way in which the obligations of the county con- tracted by this official can be determined. (4) We charge said official with dereliction of duty in omitting, refus- ing and neglecting to convey to the proper committee of the Board of Super- visors the fact that this county was obligated to the extent of more than $3,000 on account of bills contracted by said official or his predecessor. (5) We charge said official with having violated his contract with the county in failing to provide the necessary machinery for properly carrying on the farming, and charge him with having employed, at the expense of the county, and contrary to such contract, the necessary machinery for working said farm and paying therefor from county funds appropriated for other purposes. (6) We charge said official with having violated his contract with the county as Keeper of the Alms House, by maintaining two or three road horses in excess of the number allowed him under such contract, and main- taining such horses as to care and feed at the expense of the county. (7) We charge said official with having employed on a salary paupers that were being maintained either at to«n or county expense contrary to law and public policy. (8) We charge said official with having permitted paupers to be main- tained at the County Alms House at public expense while at the same time such paupers were being employed outside of the county farm for wages, no part of which were used or applied to reimburse the towns which were maintaining them at such institution. (9) We charge said official with having administered drngs and nar- The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 253 cotics to the inmates of said institution contrary to law and without a phy- sician's prescription. (to) We charge said official with having permitted intoxicating liquors to he brought upon said premises and drank by the inmates of said insti- tution with his knowledge and consent. (it) We charge said official with having put in the bill $S to for alleged services in overseeing the building of a wire fence on the county farm while at the sante time he was drawing a salary of $boo per annum as Keeper of the County Alms House and a part of his duties as keeper was the management of said farm. (t2) We charge said official with having, contrary to public policy, salaried each and every member of his household at the expense of the county. (13) We charge said official with having made extravagant use of public money in the employment of farm help at the county farm without any or slight returns for the money so expended. (14) We charge said official as being incompetent and inefficient and lacking ability to employ for the benefit of the county inmates of said institution. (15) We charge said official with having purchased cows in the name of the county and maintaining them at. the county farm at the expense of the county and finally appropriating thein to his own use claiming that they were purchased for 11111 individually. (16) We charged said official with having purchased at the expense of the county articles, other than provision, for his own use and comfort and for the benefit of the members of his family. (17) We charge said official with having been wasteful and with fail- ing to observe ordinary rules of good husbandry in failing to gather crops in season so that the same were ruined by the frost and rendered of no value. (18) We charge said official with having neglected to provide suitable quarters for the fowls kept upon said premises and that said foals were allowed to suffer from intense cold for want of proper accommodations. (19) We charge said official with having purchased an unreasonable and an unnecessary quantity of whiskey for use at said institution without proper authority or directions from a physician. 254 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 Its adoption was moved by Mr. Thompson. By Mr. Baker : WHEREAS, This Board did at itsla'st meeting January iSth, I9(34, fix the 26th day of January, Igo4, as the day of hearing any explanation Mr. Bower might have to make as to the manner of keeping his accounts and .as to other things for which this Board has seen fit to censure him and WHEREAS, Mr. Bower has declined to appear before this Board, and WHEREAS, This Board has never charged or intended to charge Mr. Bower with any dishonesty or other willful offence, and is not itself under the statute in any event the proper body to pass upon charges emanating from any source and made against any Superintendent of the Poor, and WHEREAS, This Board did fail to appoint the Superintendent of the Poor Keeper of the Alms House, and the appointment of such Keeper is now wholly within the power of said Superintendent, and WHEREAS, Mr. Bower has requested that a committee be appointed by this Board with whom he could confer in regard to the purchase of sup- plies, employment of help, keeping of accounts and the general manage- ment of the Alms House and farm, now therefore Resolved, As a substitute to Mr. Hanshaw's resolution, that the Board chose three members to act as such committee. On motion the same was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Fair- banks, Miller, Mount, Sprigg-8. Noes—Messrs. Hanshaw, Hine, Dixon, Thompson -4. On motion of Mr. Sprigg, Messrs. Baker, Corbin and Dixon were chosen to act with Mr. Bower, Superintendent of the Poor, in regard to the purchase of supi)lies, etc. under the foregoing resolution. Mr. Miller withdrew his resolution introduced January I1, 1904, fixing the date of the Annual Meeting of the Board in March of each year. The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 255 Mr. Dixon's resolution introduced January r t, 1904, declar- ing the places on standing and special committees, now held by former members of the Board, whose term of office had expired, vacant, and requesting the Chairman to fill the vacancies on suc]i •committees at once, was taken up for consideration, and on motion the same was adopted. The Chairman announced that for the places made vacant on .all standing and special committees, he appointed, respectively, •on such committees, the successors in office of those members whose terms of office had expired. By Mr. Hagin WHF?RUAS, Many extra duties and services have devolved upon the Clerk of this Board during the unusually long regular session and the special 'sessions, be it therefore Resolved, That the County.Treasurer pay to the Clerk of this Board in .addition to his regular salary $25.00 for said extra services from any availa- ble funds in his hands. On motion the same was adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Baker, Corbin, Gallagher, Hagin, Hine, .Fairbanks, Miller, Mount, Dixon, Sprigg, Thompson, Hanshaw -12. Noes—none. Minutes read and approved. On motion the Board adjourned. BERT T. BAKER, Clerk. INDEX. A • Assessment Rolls, Correction of 164 Confirmation of 164 Alms House, Report by Inspector______ ____ ____.__ _ 217 Report by Committee to visit 65 Report, Superintendent_ _ 210 Annual Inspection by Board____ 34 Keeper, election of_118 Keeper, Salary____ 119 Physician_ 141 (See Appendix) Audits, County _ 167 Pa GES B Board of Supervisors, Annual Session _ _ 13 Special Sessions_____- 3, 6, 8 Hours of each day annual session 16 Members __-- __-- __--13 Table - - ---- ---- - 197 Building, Joint County and City, Report of Committee on - 93 Recommendations, Grand Jury____ 91 c Caroline—Audits ____ ______ _ 172 Audits presented ___ 24 Budget 158 Poll Tax---- ---- ---- ---- - 48 Report of Supervisior on Town indebtedness 20 Resolutions to raise money for Town purposes_ 21 Tax to work highways under money system_ 21, 153 Canvass, Official, Designation for Publication of_. _- ___ 55, 56 Chairman, Election of ____ ___ ___ ____ ____ 14 Court House Property, title to____________ 63. Communication from City Clerk _____ SI State Prison Association 49 State Engineer and Surveyor66 Geo. R. Williams_ 63 State Tax Commissioners_____ _________ 96. The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1963 257 Cayuga Heights Road, Appropriation for____ ___ 71, 76 Bond on.____ 78 Catskill Turnpike, Appropriation for____ 79 Clerk, election of ..____ 14 Authority to buy necessary stationery_ 14 Allowance for Postage______ ___ ______ 15 Certificate ____ 235 Salary -- --- 75 Compensation for Report to Comptroller 16 Collectors, Time required to settle with County Treasurer_ _ _ 90 Comptroller, Communications from ____ z6, 17 Report on Corporations to___ 228 Report of Valuations to 227 County order, to be countersigned____ 17 Not to be issued until adjournment_ . 77 Committees, Standing__ __ _ 18 County Fuel and Lights _ 27 Joint County and City Building _ 95, ioi Printing of Proceedings____ _ 28 Repair Clerk's Office__-._ ____ _____ 105 Transportation of Board to Alms House____. 32 To adopt County Road System 67 To work prisoners -.._ 39, 42 On Improvements of Alms House 155 To visit County Alms House 177, 736 County Clerk, Bond of 33 Report of 125 Office, Repairs to _ _ 64, 77, 80, 105 County, Audits . --__-- - 767 Bills for repairs to he endorsed 36 Budget __-- 156 Books for County Judge 121 Burial Indigent Soldiers and Sailors___ 120 Clerk's Salary 15 Clerk's Postage- - - -- 75 Chaplain, Alms House, Salary __.___ 126 County Treasurer, Office Rent, etc. 28 District Attorney, Office Rent_ i 16 District Attorney, Salary109 County Treasurer's Postage______ 141 County Treasurer, Salary 120 Contract with Monroe Co. Penitentiary____ 4, 107 Court Expenses_______________ 88 Fuel and bight appropriation 28 jail Physician _ 116 Jail limits_-- 85, 109 258 The Supervisors' Proceeding's, 1903 Janitor County Clerk's Office____ ____ 86 Sheriff's Janitor ._____ _ ______ 28 Sheriff's Office Rent __-- __-- __-- _ ____-- ---- ---- ---- ---- 116 Sheriff's compensation for taking prisoners to Rochester____ 86 Sheriff's compensation for board of prisoners__ _____ 86 Support of the Poor ___ _ 112 Stone for stone yard -___ ______ _ ______ 32 Stone yard, appropriation for_ ___ ____ ____ __ ____.__ to Reimburse Enfield, labor of Pauper __________ 103, 120, 153 Surrogate's Clerk and Stenographer_________. 107,132 D Danby—Audits -- -- -- - 174 Budget --- - 158 Highway Tax __- -- ____-- 63, 153 Poll Tax 85 . Tax .for Town Purposes-_-- -_-••_- _-- _-.- 74 Dryden—Audits ______ __. ___ ______ _ 177 Budget . i58 Highway Tax - -- - 59. 153 Stone Crusher, Operating of_ 154 Poll Tax -- -- - 59 Tax for Town Purposes _-__ 47 Dog Tax - --- -- ---- 39 Committee on licensing 42 Report of____.____. 102 E Equalization Table _._____ . -___ ____ __.____ 127 Enfield—Audits __-- __-. __-- ____-- ____-- _ .___ 181 Budget---- ---- ---- ------ -- - -- - 159 1•lighways and Bridges_ _ _ ..___ _ 36 Road Machines __-______ 45 Report of Supervisor on Town indebtedness_______ ___. ____ 54 Tax for Railroad Bonds_ _.._ 59 1{ Fuel and lights, To ask for bids on Appropriation for______ Committee on _ G 33 28 88 Grand Jury, Apportionment of ______ _ _. ____ 85 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 259 Good Roads, F. D. Lyon----_-_. ---_-._-- •--- ------ ------ ---- ------ J. L. Mandeville____ _-_-_- Delegation - --•...-- Petition for improvement, Spencer Road__..__. Groton—Audits Budget - Poll Tax Highway Tax -- 6i Tax for Town purposes._____ 23 43 72 118 183 159 6( 153 42 Highways, Taxes for, Opinion Attorney General _ 128 1 Ithaca (City) Assessment Roll Copying ___..__ 144 Budget --- 160 County Treasurer for collecting Taxes_ ____ ______ ______ 69 Services of A. S. Robinson . __ _ 26 Support of the Poor____ _____. ____ __ ._____ _ 82 Ithaca (Town) Audits.__ ___ _•__ r86 Audits Presented ____ 24 Budget --- -- r6o Highway Tax - -- - -- 48, 153 Road Machines - -- -- -- - -- 37 Tax for Town Purposes______ ____ ____ ____ 25 Poll Tax - - 39 J Jail Physician, Compensation of_ 32 5.1;lection of __-- •_-- __-- __---_-._-- 116 Lansing—Audits. Audits presented Budget -- -- - Highways and Bridges Highway Tax._______ Poll Tax L 188 2S 16o 45, 154 37, 153 40 N Newfield—Audits ____ _ _ 191 Budget_ __-- _ _- 161 260 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 Bonding Commissioners' Report _ . 74 Highway Tax --- - -- 39, 153 Poll Tax 89 Supervisor's Report of Bonded Indebtedness 75 Tax for Railroad Bonds_ __ . ___ ____ ____ .___ ____ ___. 76 Tax for Town Purposes 88, 1,53 O Overseers of Highways, Appointment of P 37 Prisoners, Working of ____ ____ ______ ._____ 5 Distribution stones broken by 11, 39 Stone Yard for working__._ ____ _ 6, S Supplies for prisoners worked _ 39 Sending to Penitentiary 4, 107 Proceedings, Bids for printing same 61 Contract for Publication 62 Distribution of _._____ ____ 43 Resolutions for Bids and Committees____ ____ ______ 28 • R Reports, Committee on installing laundry, Alms House ___ 99 Committee o11 State Charitable and Penal Institutions_____. 134 Committee on County Treasurer's Report_-__ -____. 90 Committee on Equalization____ _ 127 Committee on Appropriations____ ____ ____ ____ 156 Committee an Erroneous Assessments _ 137 Committee on Superintendent of Poor 1 r 1 Committee on Fuel and Lights____ ._ .. 27 Committee on United States Fund ____ _ 94 Committee on working Prisoners ____ 27 Committee on Insurance_ 51 Committee on building Catskill Turnpike______ 4 Committee to visit Alms House____ ____ __. 65 County Treasurer________ 198 County Clerk ____ ____ ____ ______ 125 Dryden Banks____ ____ ____ .__ 24 Groton Banks_ -- 19 Ithaca Banks__________ J5, 105 Inspection of jail___221 Inspection of Alms House__ ______ 217 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1903 261 Indebtedness of Subdivisions of County____ 226 Indebtedness of Enfield____ __... _ 54 Indebtedness of Newfield_..__ ____ _ 75 Indebtedness of Ulysses.____. 95 Indebtedness of Caroline____ ______ ____ ____ 20 Justice's_ _-_- -- -- -_-- _-__ ___.. _.. 223 Superintendent of Poor_ ___ ____ _ 210 Sheriff's _ ____ ____ _ 70 Surrogate _..__ _____ -___ ____ _ 124 Resolutions, Appropriations and bills to lay on table ---------------[7, 32 Of sympathy to chairman____ ____ ____ _ 25 On Superintendent of Poor Report____ ____ _ 1]-7 To make offices Sheriff and Clerk salaried____ _-____ [31, 132 To expunge from minutes__ 143 s Sheriff, Compensation of Janitor ._ __ ____ ______ ____ _ ____ ____ ____ 28 Compensation for taking prisoners so Rochester, etc.___. ____ 86 Office Rent- -- -- -- -- 116 Boarding Prisoners 86 Session Laws, Designations for publication of. ___.____.____ 22, 23 Sealer of Weights and Measures __ ___.__ _r-_ 86 Snperintendent of Poor, Salary____ ____ ____ __ __-- ____ ______ ______ 133 Invitation to Board. _ __ _ ____ __ ____ _ 32 Entertained.by. _ 34 Report of Committee on__..___ ____ ____ ____ ._____ .___ [t1 210 Report special order of business_____ .___ ____.__ ______ 56 Service bill acted on 145 (See Appendix)______________ Supervisors, Members______________ __---- - ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 13 Table - ---- - 197 r r Tax, Dog - _____ 39 County ____-- s56 State_ ____ ___ 156 Rates of _ 163 Telephone Service, Contracts for 143 Resolutions expunged from minutes_ 143 Thanks, vote of to Chairman_____--_ 155 Clerk -__ - 155 Town Order, to be countersigned 17 262 The Supervisors' Proceedings, [903 U Ulysses—Audits----------------------____-- Budget - --- - -- ---- Report of Supervisor on R. R. Bonds____ Tax for R. R. Bonds______ Tax for Town purposes______.________ Highway Tax __ - - INDEX TO APPENDIX 193 161 95 96 89 153 Alms House, Appointment of Keeper rescinded ___ 247 Applications for appointment as Keeper of -------------24J Resignation of B. Snyder as Keeper __. 241 Appropriations, Books for County Judge's Office._______ ____________ 2A9 Extra services of Clerk ___ ____ .__. 255 Interest on Ingersoll Judgment _ _ 249 H. W. Roe bill.- -- - -- 251 Claims against State, Appointment of Attorneys for towns_ ____ __ ___- 25o Committees, Standing and Special. vacancies on filled, ____ ______ 244, 255 Superintendent of the Poor, Communication from______________ 245,251 Committee to act with in buying supplies______ 254 Publication of accounts of_ 243 Resolution of censure _______ 243 Resolution asking resignation of____ __•____--_ 248 Resolution preferring charges against___ ___ ._ 251 Resolution for investigation of ___ _ 248 Resolution for Attorney General's opinion on ap• - pointment of Keeper _ 244. n?' 0 0 aa. ° q G I I I I I Superintendent I Canal QuestionAssociate memberof Assembly County Judge County Clerk. District Attorney. County. Coroner. of Appeals feoor. Submitted. I m sd w V�1 G� d en cu oc a ee ey .a •� q � m Vl oa Q 7 t7 .0,0 H YJ. W :yyi iO�OE. VOvpi �,omoO Paa °S Ama qoa :: qm `mq' mo-f0.�•6 �IW�m OmWF Uq T ° � q -- >, t� m o W o a 7CTOWNS. - 0 uA O O m ° Wx7C O A xb �U im A o Yo >0'i-2, mq q Z. W P3O W C m W a ° 4 O vi O First Ward 1 270 254 11 2 3 260 132 1271 1 258 120 137 1 258 133 124 1 259 138 120 `i : 260 129' 131 260 131 128 11 261 133 126 2 71 23 48 0 o w y W 7 W G O 1 2 302 287 8 6 1 1 297 1151 1761 6 2951 1 L11 179 5I 2981 120 1721' 61 291 130 158 61 298 115 177 6 207 115 1761 6 297 118 173 6 52 311 21 d m 4 u U . W z v d 1 328 316 4 7 1 323 187 129 7 322 165 150 7 323 L92 125 6 323 181 135 7 324 182 135 7 321 181 133 71 323 181 135 7 145 34 111 m d m m�+A� CITY Second Ward 2 '306 ,298 3 4 1 307 149 151 3 4I 303 121 176 1, 5 309 152 149 4 4 303 159. 136 3, 5 '34)8 135 163 3 7 310 143;-160 31 4 309' 146 156 3 4 113 26 87 m �' 6 w 13 471 452 6 12' 1 1 464'1 211 243' 101 4621 1841 270 8 465 223 232 10' 4681 222 2371 9 465 209 245 11' 467 211 245 11 4671 206 251 10 245 74 171 00-0. C Q t OF ( 1 306 294 6 4I 2 306, 1601 1331 4 9 306 143 1471 31131 3061 1621 1301 4110 3061 166 t28' 4 8 30ti1 1531 142 4I 7 306 1581 138 41 61 306, 1601 _135 41 7 194; 551 1391 o m y o pi v, Third Ward{( 2 415 389 11 13 2 416' 189 213' 14 414 156 248 10 4l4 192 210 12, 414, 210 192 12 413 186, 214 13 415 190 211 14 414 189 212 13 111 27 114 _ 0-.. ITHACA. 3 315 328 12 2, 3 337 169 167 1 336 153 151 2 333 174 158 1 3331 177 155 . 1 334 1651 168 1 333 169 162 2 334 168 165 1 158 53 105 m ° 'Y .. Fourth Ward J 1 248 240 3 5 1 246 140' 102 4 1 244 128 113 3 246 140 103 3I 1213 132 108 3 245 130 112 3 244 138 t02 4 245 133 109 3 1421 20 122 p= Q 1 2 13571 334 10 11 1 11 357 191 1461 9111 357 182 156 7 12 367 200 13S 9 10: 357 211 126 8�12I 337 187 151 9 10 357 695 142 9 11 357 193 146 9 9 122 26 96 a m p 7 C Total........ 3348 3192 74 66 13 3 3313 1613 1587, 59 24 3297 1163 1757 47 30 3309 1688 1541 56.24,3300 1726 1495 5412513310!1591 1638 57 24 331'3 1634 1597 61 21 3313 1627 1608 58 20 1383 369 1014 DRYDEN ............1111. 2 143 134) 9 10 143 74 62 B 17 891� 4 1731 144 71 89 69 4 143 73 Gl 9 143 75 60 8 143 73 61 9 143 67 174 91- 67 9 143 75 59 173 94 1 91 140 2 138 ° 6 75 m a O C 1 4 1 100, 3 175 7971 ( 3 1 199 152 44 13 101 153! 45 3 102 133 671 2 101 19 46 9 173 157 421 21 1001 157 411 2 100 157 40 31 1001 1561 411 9I 1 10511 81 1641 O�m7W Total .......:......1 5 1 958 908 9 41 1 179 170181 ' 1091 62 10 180 108 62 10 180 106 65 9 180 107 63 l0i 180 106 65 9 181 108 64 9 179 106 64 9' 179 41- 175 a F a a 0 1 CO G 6 1881 178 101 1 1S1 119. 58.10 1881 120 601 8 188 122 581 S 189 134. 46 9 1 1881 t25 54 9 188 125 541 9 1 187 1241 541 9 1 1871 4 183 p p 1 958 557 353 48 961 558 366 37 960 549 3ti6 45 960 588 326 46 957 570 343 44 . 959 568 348 43 954 573 334 47 967;125 842 CiUZ,» U ; _ (lxoxox 11113 414 . • • 37 33 12�3 150305 58 -150, 1 25 26 158 328 142 2701 478 335 82 136 27 478 337478 13.5 135 26 478 335 137 26 4�8 82' 28 21 131 82 28 21 131. 82 28 21 116 36 -6 447 3 113 m m q ° z Z a t 7 1 7651 505 2291 31 7681 961 581 4 158 91; 1-8 1 7671 515 220 321.1 158 100 35 la3 5 1 767! 5171' 218 32 767 5171 218 32 871 50 6371 ..Total .............. 1 793 731 41 321 26 765 509 225 31 .7651 5l6 218, 31 767 517 218 _ 32 y 5 158 99 54 5 124 14 110 ,d too O OC w' O CAROLINE ............... 1 120 1201 120 80 40 120 75 45 121 83 38 120 81 39 120 77 43 120 79 41 1 120 81 39 1231 3 120 m = w to C 2 1 2221 2161 6 1 222 123 931 61 1 220 1161 99 5 222 1`271 901 5 222 126 92 4 222 124 94 4I 1 2`L2 119 '97 61 1 2211 1231 921 61 1 2181 81 2101 W q 3 165 159 R 165 109 50 6 165 96 63 6 165 1'10 50 5 165 105 56 5 165 111 49 5 l65 105 53 7. 165 109 50 6 1.591 4 155 aR �+ Total .............. 507 405 6 61 507 3121 183 12 505 287 207 11 . 508 320 178 10 507 312 186 9 507 312 186 9 507 303 191 13, 506 313 181 12 500 15 485 f+m my p 3 249 240 3 6 247 139 102 6 251 143 104 4 248 124 118 6 183 111 67 5 185 111 69 5 184 111 68 5 185 113 67 5 192 121 180 p m e u Yt LAN81N6 ..............121 1 183 1771 11 51 1 '1 110 69 ti 1 1841 1001 79 5 186 112' 691 5, 145 78 '64 3 185 83 62 3 145 75 67 3 146 81 tit 3 155 1 154 pq o m �, a 145 141 1 3 146 78 6•; 3I 147 63' 8 22 147 81 63 3O 247 148 93 6 247 143 '98 6 248 145 97 6 249 153 91 5 2Cf� i O Total .............. 577 558 5 14 57S 327 2361 15. 582 306 265 11, 581 317 250 141 575, 337 224 14 580 337 229 14 577 331 232 14 580 347 220 13 603 38) 565 m o p pW fr NEwr7ELD .............. 1 . 166 161 5 _ 167 60 102 5 169 44 123 2 167 56 107 4 168 59 105 4 167 59 103 5 167 55 108 4 167 58 104 5 162 3 159 O M y 3. 172 1a9 1 2 17361 47 391 10 96 44 49 3 96 46 40 • 10 96 46 40 10 96 47 39 10 96 45 41 10 96 . 47 39 10 97 2 95 ` 1 1 1 99 72 '2 176 75 100 11 1 1731 100 70 3 1 170 101 671 2 1 171 97 72 21 1 171 92 7'1 2) 170 100 68 2 1 1741 7 1671 0,0-0-0 M�[4}j�p� « O C Total .............. 2 436 416 2 17 1 436 206 2131 17 4411 1631 272 6 436 2011 217 17 434 206. 212 16 434 203 21 t. 17 434 192 226 16 433 051 211 17 433 12 421 1 0 oU m o CO. C _ O DAxsY .................. 1 211 202 9 212 1278 5 76 9 212 119 84 9 210 126 75 9 212 128 75 9 211 124 78 9 270 123 78 9 211 125 77 9 215 10 205 r,A 4j 31�. Total..............1 2 1 351 3371 : 21 121 11 350 216 112 121 1 3501 2021 1381 101 1 3481 215 122 11 380 219 120 11 349 214 624 11 348 2121 1241 12 -1 3491 2151 1221 12 1 3531 17 3361 3 54 49 2 3 52 34 15 3 52 28 23 1 52 34 16 2 52 36 14 2 52 35 15 2 52 34 15 3 52 35 14 3 56 56 00 . b 17LY88E8 1111... • • • • • • • 1 225 222' 139 71� 2 20 211 8 194 1 12 1 207 124 721 11 2121 11111� 24 3 90 9 206 127 69 l011 9l 205 125 69 1 1 11 207 '1139 23 72 12 2 22 1`2 119 84 50 66� 19 206 126 68 1.2 214 11 203 H D AA Z C Total .........-,,• 1 3 1 2391 2251 1 1.1 1 1 240 137 89 14 2411 1311 971 131 1 240 138 88 14 241 139 88 14 240 136 90 14 240 1401 Sri 14 1 240 1371 89 14 1 235 171 218 O•� U o 0 672 631 1 39 1 671 398 2361 37 677 371 275 31 068 404 228 36 671 403 231 '37 670 398 235 37 678 409 236 33 668 401 228 39 676 44 632 W a mew 167 167 75 S 167 8 C C r iTaACTotal 1111..--_1111.2 329 319 11�51 2 161 83 7136 6 21 1316 281 1531 1891 61 1601 911 77 2 1 160 871 7 71 21 1601 876 5 167 82 75 3 1 160 S9 71 7 73 3 3 51 1 161 82 167 831 '76 3I 164 81 19.145 a 11 ( 1 3281 163 158 7 327 167 153 327 173 147 _ 7 327 162 157 8 327 161 158 8 328 165 155 8 3221 411 281 U q '-U. w m mommy. ExMTotal..............1 2 1 2861 2821 11 31 1 1 2821 145 601 134 3I I-,284 144 13815 352 85 153 84 1 2 2861 1 7 1311 681 l 2 132 11 1 154 902 1 2 2831 1491 13.2 2 1 113 2+4I 1471 134 3 1 286 146 1301 61 124 1 11, 139, -1 1 2831 85 1441 136 2 2I 294 9 28515 64 3 1 z o b q m N 7 p Cduma� O TOT AL..................1 1825717809110512371 431 31818814472134511241124181901415613812,192130181881453013405122912418174146251329312281251818514451134781232,24181961447313469123312118181145071341212401221621SI720154981 .b c88 r!2 > « �acAa m Y O 4i w rn 7 pOFH � gA o� ,