HomeMy WebLinkAbout1898U }} '7 f , . y +F 1 tD r0dmn M 4 6 J v I Q PIKINS cou$r w 1808 1, WILLIAM H. VAN OSTRAND,Chairman Newfield, N. Y ARTHUR G. MARION; Clerk,Ithaoa,' N Y ITNACA, N Y: A rfE5$ Or THE ITNACA JOURNAL I Y- 1894 f,,jj s 3 6 AT ITHACA, N. Y. PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF: TOMPKINS. 808 • WILLIAM H. VAN OSTRAND, Newfield, N. Y., 2 CHAIRMAN ARTHUR G. MARION, Ithaca, N. Y., CLERK E ITFIACA, N. V. PRESS OP THE DANN AND WKKKLC JOURNAL. 1898 JOURNAL OF PROCEEDINGS NNUAL SESSION FOR THE YEAR 1898. WIMNxSDAV, NOV•EMpER 16, 1898. The I3oard of Supervisors of Tompkins County convened in annual session at the Supervisors' room in the Court House in the City of Ithaca, in said county, on Wednesday, November 16, 1898. The :Board was called to order at 2 o'clock, P. Ar. by A. C. Marion, Clerk of the Board. On calling the roll the following members answered to their names : TOWN.NAME.P. 0. ADDRESS. Caroline F. A. SNOW Caroline Center Danby J. E. BEERS Dauby Dryden J. B. WILSON Dryden Enfield JAMES HINE ____..Trumbull Corners Groton V. M. FRANCIS McLean Ithaca (town)NICHOLAS I'EARSON Ithaca Ithaca (city)L. F. NOXON Ithaca Ithaca (city)G. W. FROST Ithaca Ithaca (city)T. 8. THOMPSON Ithaca Ithaca (city) 'WM. P. HARRINGTON Ithaca Lansing B. M. HAGIN South Lansing Newfield___WM. H. VAN OSTRAND Newfield Ulysses W. H. PINCKNEV Trumansburg The Clerk stated that the first business in order was the selec- tion of a temporary chairman, at the pleasure of the Board. 4 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1898 Moved and seconded that Nicholas Pearson be elected tempor- ary Chairman. After thanking the members for the honor, Mr. Pearson asked' their further pleasure. Moved and carried that the Board proceed to an informal ballot for perhianent Chairman. Messrs. Brost and Hagin appointed to act as 'tellers. The informal ballot for Chairman resulted as follows : Whole number of votes cast 13, of which W. 1-I. Van Ostrand received 5 J. E. Beers received 4 G. W. Brost received- _1 V. P. Harrington received r • Blank c Second ballot resulted as follows : Whole number of votes cast 13, of which V. H. Van Ostrand received - -_. -__6 J. E. Beers received 5 G. W. Frost received Blank bfbved and carried that the Board now proceed to a formal bal- lot for Chairman. Mr. Beers stated to the Board that he was not to be considered a candidate for Chairman and wished to withdraw his name. The Snfiervfsors' Proceedings, 1898 5 Formal ballot resulted as follows : Whole number of votes cast 13, of which W. H. Van Ostrand received G. W. Frost received Blank The Chairman declared W. H. Van Ostrand duly elected Chair- man. Mr. Pearson moved that the salary of the Clerk of Board of Supervisors for the ensuing year be fixed at the same amount as last rear. Carried by following vote : Ayes— Pinckney, Hine, Van Ostrand, Hagin, Pearson, Beers, Francis, Wilson, Snow, Noxon, Harrington,- Thompson, Frost. Noes —o. Moved by Mr. Beers that the Board now proceed to an.informal ballot for Clerk. Carried. Whole number of votes cast for Clerk 13, of which Arthur G. Marion received 8 Marshall A. Downing received 3 Walter A. Shaffer received - - - -..2 Moved that the Board now proceed to a fornial ballot. Carried. Whole number of votes cast 13, of which 6 The Sufiervisors' Proceedings, 1898 Arthur G. Marion received 12 Walter A. Shaffer received ______i The Chairman declared A. G. Marion to be Clerk for the en- suing year. Coroner J. W. Brown appeared before the Board and made.a . few remarks regarding the obtaining the services of a stenographer for an inquest to be held at the City Hall. Moved by Mr. Beers that Mr. Brown be empowered to obtain a stenographer to act at the inquest above referred to. Carried. By Mr. Thompson Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board be authorized to procure the neces- sarysupplies for the use of the members at the present session. Carried. Ir. Harrington, -of the Committee of County Buildings, read a report of said committee, which on motion of Mr. , Pearson, 'Was received and filed. Moved and carried that Board adjourn till to- morrow at 9 A. )1. A. G. MARION, Clerk. The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1898 7 SECOND DAY. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1898. Morning Session. Board met at 9 o'clock, A. M. Quorum present at roll call. The minutes of yesterday read and approved.. The Clerk read the following communication from 'the State Comptroller, which on motion of Mr.Harrington, was received and ordered printed with the minutes. STATE 'OF NEW YORK, COMPIROLLER'IS OFFICE, ALBANY, S82I'TEMHRR 23, 1898. To The Clerk. of the Board of Supervisors of the Count' of. "l'onzpkins, Ithaca, SIR : I have forwarded to-day under separate cover a form of statement of ' the valuation of Real and Personal Estate required to be made by you, pursu ant to Chapter 117 of the Laws of 1836 and forwarded to this office previous to the second Monday in December in each year, ender a penalty of fifty dollars. T have also forwarded forms of Return of Bonded Indebtedness and Incorpor- ated Companies liable to taxation. //is indispensable that these Reports be fur - nisked. by the time prescribed. The Board of Equalization of Taxes, in pursuance of Chapter 908'of the Laws of 1896 „have fixed the aggregate valuation of property in your County at the sum of $16,224, t66 upon which amount a State Taz of $33,746.27 must be levied for the fiscal year, commencing October 1st, 1898, as provided in said act being 2i;f mills on the dollar, for the following purposes, viz : For Schools 9 mill, per Chapter 6o8, Laws of 1898, $13,628.30 For State Care of Tnsaue _ i ";ia 636;1898, 13,141.38 For Canals i'rt„ ° 506„550 and 6o8,1898, 6,976.39 Total 2M mills. G13 et $33,746 . 277 / 170 o 3, t / 337`C. 7 6 - e .9y 8 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1 The non- resident Taxes credited to your County for 1897 amount toy • Your obedient servant, r JAMES A. ROBERTS, Comptroller. P. S.— Kindly acknowledge at once the receipt of this circular and of the ' blank forms. - The following.conii unication was received b3+ the Clerk, which on motion of Mr. Noxon, was received and-ordered printed with the minutes : STATE OF NEW PORK, COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE, A1,BANT, QCTORER 27, 1595. To the Clerk Board of Supervisors, County of Tompkins.. SIR : In addition to the State 'Pax of 2N, mills directed to he levied as per circular from this office, dated September 23d', amounting to 533,746.27, the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins is hereby required to raise the suns of $1,324.98 for compensation, to September 3oth, 1899, of the atenog- ' raphers of the Supreme Court in the Sixth Judicial District, as authorized by Sections 238 and 239 of the Code of Civil Procedure, and for the confidential clerks appointed by the Justices of the Supreme Court, pursuant to Chapter - 326, haws of 1898. CJ/7'yy(Respectfully yours, 7 — • • 4 /1643P JAMES A. ROBERTS,' Comptroller. On motion of Mr. Snow, the clerk was ordered to correspond with the State Comptroller regarding the amount to be raised for services of stenographers and confidential clerks of the Sixth Judi- cial District. On motion of Mr. Noxon, it was ordered that all resolutions presented to this Board shall he in writing acid signed by the meal - hers offering the same. The Supervisors' Proceedings, r898 9 By Mr. Pinckney : Resolved, That the daily sessions of this Board commence at 9 o'clock, A. M. and 2 o'clock, P. AI., unless otherwise ordered by the Chairman. - Carried. By Mr. Snow : Resolved, That the )tour from three to four each afternoon be devoted to the auditing of bills presented to this Board. Declared adopted. The Chairman announced the appointment of the following standing committees : Constables' Accounts, Pinckney, Hine, Snow. Clerk's and Justices' Accounts Hagin, Beers, Thompson. Coroner Conners' Juries, and Printers' Accounts, Francis, Thompson, Frost. Country 't'reasurer's Accounts, Frost, Pearson, Harrington. Sheriff's, judge's and District Attorney's - Accounts, Thompson, Hagin, Harrington. Afiscellaneous Claims, Wilson, Beers, Noxon: jurisprudence and Erroneous Assessments, Hine, Noxon, Pinckney. Equalization and Footing Assessment Roils,' Beers, Frost, Hagin, Pinckney, Francis, Pearson, Hine. Sujterinlendent of the Poor, Pearson,'Snow, Pinckney. Appropriations and County Buildings, Harrington, Hagin, Thoipson. 0 10 The Supervisors'' Proceedings, 1898 U S. Deposit and Jnsurance, Snow, Wilson, Francis. Stale Charitable - and Penal.Inslilu/ions,. Noxon, N Pearson. By Mr.. Thompson : Resolved, That this Board receive no bills for audit after December ist, 1893, except by special order and ,the Clerk have said resolution published in the Ithaca daily papers. Carried. By Mr. Hine : Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board be allowed the sum of $15.00 for postage. and the further sum of $25.00 for making the report to the State Comptroller. Carried by the following vote : • Ayes —Snow, Wilson, Francis, Beers, Hagin, Pinckney, Hine, Noxon, Harrington. Thompson, Frost —u. Noes —o. Superintendent James S. Lyke appeared before 'the Board and extended an invitation 'to the members to visit the County Alms_ House. On motion of Mr. Beers, the invitation was accepted and Thursday, December 1st, 1898, was selected as the day for the annual visit. On motion a recess was taken till 2 o'clock,. p. M. Afternoon Session. Roll call. , Quorum present: A petition from the Assessors of the town of Newfield was read' by,the Clerk and on motion of Mr. Wilson was received and referred to the Committee on Erroneous Assessment. The Supervisors' Proceedings, rSpS 11 A petition from the Assessors of the town of Caroline was read by the Clerk, and on motion of Mr. Pearson, was received and referred to the proper committee. Mr. Hagin, Chairman of the Committee on Justices Accounts, reported the following hi11s, which on notion of Mr. Francis, were allowed and audited at the amounts recommended by the committee. Bills No. 2, 7, 53. Ayes —Snow, Wilson, Francis, Harrington, Noxon,' Hagin, Hine, Pinckney -8. Noes —o. On motion adjourned. A. G. MARION, Clerk. THIRD DAY. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER, 18, 1898. florning Session. Roll call., Quorum present. Minutes of yesterday's proceedings read and approved. The Committee on Erroneous Assessments reported favorably the petition of the Assessors of the town of Newfield, which on motion of Mr. Snow, was received and adopted. By Mr. Harrington : Resolved, That a Committee on Printing be appointed by the Chairman, and such Committee he instructed to ascertain the price that 5,000 copies of the Proceedings of this Board will be furnished for. 12 The Supervisors' Proceedings; rape Declared adopted: The Chairman appointed the following members to constitute such committee : Messrs. I-Iarrington, Frost and Hine. By Mr. Frost : Resolved, That the Grand Jury List of the county be apportioned among the several towns and city of Ithaca, the same as in the year of 1S9j. Declared carried. By Mr. Snow : Resolved That this Board hold no session on Saturday unless otherwise ordered. Carried. The reports of Messrs. Graham, Fletcher and Hine, Justices of the Peace of the Town of Enfield, were presented by Mr. Hine, and on motion, were received filed. Mr. Francis presented the reports of Messrs: Stevens, Montfort, Hopkins and Baldwin, Justices of the Peace of the Town of Groton, • which on motion, were received and filed. The reports of Messrs. Nixon, Speed, Wolcott and Clark, Jus- tices of the Peace of the Town of Caroline, were presented by M.r. Snow, and on motion, were received and filed. On motion the Board adjourned to the County Clerk's office as a Board of County Canvassers. A. G. MARION, Clerk. The Supervisors' Proceedings, c898 13 FOURTH DAY. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1898. Morning Session. Chairman called Board to order. Roll call. Quorum present. The journal of Friday's proceedings read and approved. A communication from the State Comptroller in answer to the ' letter sent regarding the stenographers and clerks of .the Sixth Judi- cial District read by the Clerk. The report of the Overseer of the Poor of the Town of Caroline was presented by Mr. Snow, which on motion of Mr. Harrington, was received and filed. Mr. Hine presented the report of the Overseer of the Poor of the Town of Enfield, which on motion, was received and filed. The report of Dr. R. Johnson, coroner, was presented and on motion, was received and referred to proper committee. NIr. Francis presented the report of the Overseer of the Poor of the 'I'own of Groton, which on motion, was received and filed. Mr. I- Iarrington called the attention of the members to the mat- tern regarding the Court Fund. Oii motion adjourned. Afternoon Session. Roll call. Quorum present. Mr. Burr appeared before the Board and spoke regarding a book entitled "Tax Collection, etc." I 14 The Supervisors' Proceedings, r898 R. M. I,ove appeared before the Board and made a statement regarding the right of way adjacent to the County Clerk's office. Moved by Mr. Thompson and seconded by Mr. Harrington that the matter be made a special order of business for Wednesday, November 23, 1898, at 2 o'clock, r. Carried. Mr. Hagin, Chairman of the Committee on Justices' Accounts, reported the following bill, which on motion, was allowed and aud- ited at the amounts recommended by the committee. Bill No. 83. Ayes- Snow, Wilson,' FIine, Francis, Noxon, Frost, Thompson, Harrington, Pinckney, Hagin - to. Noes -o. Mr. Wilson, Chairnan of the Committee on Miscellaneous Claims, reported the following bills which were allowed and audited at the amounts recommended by the committee. Bills Nos. 5o, 76, 74, So, 66, 65, 67, 71, 64, 16, 55, 54, 3, 4, 27, 43, 39, 3 5, 13, 33, 34, 45, 44, 8 , 35, 37, 3 28, 5 Ayes - Snow, Wilson, Hine, Francis, Noxon, Hagin, Frost, Thompson, Harrington, Pinckney -to. Noes =-o. Mr. Pinckney, Chairman of the Committee on Constables' Ac- counts, reported the following bills, which on motion were allowed and audited at the amounts recommended by the Committee. Bills Nos. 52, 51, 85, 1, 17, Ayes =Snow, Wilson, Hine, Francis, Noxon, Frost, Thompson, Hagin, Pinckney, Harrington -1o. Noes -o. Mr. Wilson asked permission to withdraw bill No. 30 from action by the committee. The Supervisors' Proceedings, /898 •15 On motion the request was unanimously granted. Mr. Noxon, Chairman of the Committee on Charitable , Institu- tions, reported the ,following bills, which on, emotion, were allowed and audited at amounts recommended by the committee : Rills Nos. 41, 42. Ayes —Snow, Beers, Wilson, Hine, Francis, Noxon", Frost, Thompson, Barrington, Pinckney—io. Noes —o. 011 motion adjourned. A. G. MARION, Clerk. FIFTH DAY. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, ISO. Morning Session. Ro11call. Quorum present. Journal of yesterday's proceedings read and approved. The Clerk read the following designating the newspapers to publish the Session Laws for the ensuing year. In pursuance of Chapter 715, Laws of 1892, we, the Republican members of the Board of Supervisors of . Tompkins Comity, hereby designate the Ilhara Weekly Journal to publish the Session haws for the ensuing year. Dated November 23d, 1598. Signed GEORGE W. FROST,, M. I'. HARRINGTON, B. M: HAGEN, A. M. FRANCIS, F. A. SNOW, J. R. WILSON, . JOHN T. BEERS, W. H. 1'INCKNI &Y, W. H. VAN OSTRAND. 16 The Supervisors' Proceedings, iS9S In pursuance of Chapter 715, Laws of 1892, we, the Democratic members of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County hereby designate the Ithaca B/eekly Democrat to publish the Sessions Laws for the ensuing year. Dated November 23d, •898. Signed T. S. THOMPSON, L. F. NOXON, J. H. HIN ;, N. PEARSON. On motion, the foregoing were received and filed and the Ithaca Journal and Ithaca Democrat were declared to be the papers to pub - lisp the Session Laws for the ensuing year. By Mr. Hine : Resolved, That the sum of (5250) two hundred and fifty dollars be levied and assessed against the property of the Town of Enfield, for the repairs of highways and bridges in said town as allowed by statute. On motion, the resolution was adopted by the following vote : Apes —Snow, °Wilson, Hine, Francis, Pearson, Frost, Hagin, Pinckney —S. Noes —o. Mr. Hine presented the report of the Bonding Commissioners of the Town of L;nfield together with subjoined resolution which, on notion of Mr. Snow, was received and the amounts asked for be • levied and collected upon the taxable property of said town., See Reports. Vote resulted : Ayes —Snow, Wilson, Hine, Francis, Pearson, Noxon, 'Frost, Hagin, Pinckney -9. Noes —o. Mr. Hagin presented the report of the Overseer of the Poor of the Town of Lansing which, on motion of Mr. Wilson, was received and filed.1 The Srrfiervisors' Proceedings, 1898 17 By Mr. Frost : Resolved, That all County Orders issued by this Board shall be counter- signed by the Chairman, and all Town Orders shall be countersigned by the • Supervisors of the respective towns and that uo orders' shall be issued until after the adjonrmnentof this hoard. On motion of Mr. Pinckney, the same was declared adopted. On Motion adjourned. Afternoon Session. . Roll call. Quormil present. The matter relating to the right of way adjacent to County Clerk's office, which was made 'a special order of business for this hour, was called up by the Chairman. • Moved by •Mr. Pearson and seconded by Mr.' Pinckney, that • this matter be laid upon the table indefinitely. Carried unanimously. Mr. Harrington, Chairman of the Special Committee on Print- ing, rendered the following report : To the Board Supervisors : Your Special Committee appointed•to ascertain at what price 3,000 copies of the Proceedings of this Board for 1898 can be obtained, would report that we have received the following bids : Ilkaca Daily Journal 2.38 per page Ithaca Democrat — _ —_2 .40 Dryden Herald 2.40 The sauce to be printed on book paper equally as good as the year 1897, and the workmanship and formation of book not to be inferior to the production of the last issue. W. P. HARRINGTON, GIiORGE W. FROST, J. 1-I. HINE. r8 The Supervisors' Proceedings, ISO By Thompson : Resolved; That the report of the Special Committee on Printing of the Pro- ceedings of this Board he received, and that they be authorized to contract for 5,000 copies of the Proceedings of the Board of Supervisors and the contract to be awarded to the Ithaca Journal, and the said copies of the proceedings to be ready for distribution on or before January Goth, 1899. On motion declared adopted. Mr. Pearson presented the report of Messrs. Palmer, Hasbrouck and Colegrove, Justices of the Peace of the Town of Ithaca which, on motion of. Mr. Pinckney, were received and ordered printed with the report. Mr. Pinckney, Chairman of the Committee.on Constables' Ac- counts, reported the following bills which, on motion, were allowed and audited at the amounts recommended by the committee. Bills Nos..22, Go: Ayes —Snow, Pearson, Noxon, Frost, Thompson, Harrington, Hagin, Pinckney -8. Noes—o. DIr Hagin, Chairman of the Committee of Justices' Accounts, reported the following bill which, on notion, was allowed and aud- ited at the amount recommended by the committee. Bill No. 91. Ayes —Snow, Pearson, Noxon, Frost, Thompson, Harrington, Hagin, Pinckney -8. Noes —o. Mr. Thompson moved that the Chairman appoint a committee for the purpose of obtaining necessary transportations fdr the mem- bers on their annual visit to the County Alms House, December 1st, 1898. Carried. The Sujiervisors' Proceedings, 1898 r9 The Chairman appointed to constitute such committee, Messrs. Thompson, Pinckney and Wilson. On notion, the Board adjourned till Monday, November 28th, 1898, at to o'clock, A. M. A. G. MARION, Clerk. SIXTH DAY. MONDAV, NOVEMBER 28, 1898. Morning Session. Roll call. Quorum present. Journal of last Wednesday read and approved. The members of the Board were engaged during the forenoon, in preparing lists of Grand Jurors for the several Towns, also' in footing the Assess -• ment Rolls. On motion adjourned. Afternoon Session. Quorum present at roll call. Mr. Beers presented the report of the Overseer of the Poor of the Town of - Danby which, on motion of Mr. Hine, was received and filed. Mr. Pearson presented the Town Audits of the Town of Ithaca which, on motion of Mr. Francis, were received and ordered that the amount thereof be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of said Town. 20 The Suftervisors' Proceedings, 7898 Ayes —Snow, Beers, Wilson, Hine, Francis, Pearson, Noxon, Frost, Thompson, Harrington,• Hagin-11. Noes —o. Mr. Hagin presented the Town Audits of the Town of Lansing which - , on motion of Mr. Pearson, were received and ordered that the amount thereof be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of said Town. Ayes — Snow,' Beers, Wilson, Hine, Pearson, Noxon, Frost, Thompson, Harrington, Hagin —ro. Noes —o. Mr. Hagin, Chairman of the Committee on Justices' Accounts, reported the following bills which, on motion, were allowed and arid- ited at the amounts recommended by' the committee : Nos. 97, 30. Ayes —Snow, Beers, Wilson, Hine, Francis, Pearson, Noxon, Frost, Thompson, Harrington, Hagin —r t. Nays —o. Mr. Wilson, Chairman of the Committee on Miscellaneous Claims, reported the following bills which, on motion of Mr. Snow, were allowed and audited at the amounts recommended by the com- mittee : Nos. roo, rob, 103, 104, 96. Ayes —Snow, Beers,- Wilson, Hine, Francis, Pearson, Noxon, Frost, Thompson, Harrington, Hagin —r r, Noes —o. The Audits of the Town of Caroline were presented by \'Ir. Snow which, on motion of Mr. Frost, were received and ordered that the • amount thereof be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of said Town. Ayes —Snow, Beers, Wilson, Hine, Francis, Pearson, Noxon, Frost „Thompson, Harrington -1o. Noes —o. On motion adjourned. A. G. MARION, Clerk. The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1898 21 SEVENTH DAY. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, ,1898." Morning Session. Roll call. Quorum present. Journal of yesterday read and approved. Mr. Wilson presented the Town Audits of the Town of Dryden which, on motion of Mr. Snow, were received and ordered that the amount thereof be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of that Town. Ayes —Snow, Beers, Wilson, Hine, Francis, Noxon, Frost, Thompson, Harrington, Hagin, Pinckney -1 i. Noes —o. Mr. Beers presented the Town Audits of the Town of Danby which, on motion of Mr. Pearson, were received and ordered that the amount thereof be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of said Town. Ayes —Snow, Beers, Wilson, Hine, Francis, Noxon, Pearson, Frost, Harrington, Thompson, I-Iagin, Pinckney -12. - Noes —o. The report of the Bonding Commissioner of the Town of 1] ysses was presented by Mr. Pinckney with subjoined resolut- ion which, on motion of Mr. Hine, was received and ordered that the amount asked for be levied and assessed upon the taxable pro- perty of said Town. See Reports: Ayes —Snow, Beers, Wilson, Hine, Francis, Pearson, Noxon, Frost, Thompson, Harrington, Hagin, Pinckney -12. Noes—o. On .motion adjourned. 22 The Supervisors' Proceeding-s, r898 Afternoon Session. Roll call. Quorum present. Mr.'Hagin, Chairman of the Committee on Justices' Accounts, reported the following bills which, on motion, were allowed and audited, at the amounts recommended by the committee : Nos. 113, 114, 115, 116. Ayes —Scow, Beers, Wilson, Hine, Pearson, Frost, Thompson, Harrington, Hagin, •Pinckney, Francis -11. Noes —o. Mr. Pinckney, Chairman of the Committee on Constables' Ac- counts, reported the following bill as disallowed, and on motion, the report of ;the committee was adopted. Ares —Snow, Beers, Wilson, Francis, Hine, Pearson, Frost, Thompson, Harrington, Hagin, Pinckney -11. Noes —o. Mr. Wilson, Chairman of the Comntittee on Miscellaneous Claims, reported the following bills which, on motion, were allowed and audited at the amounts recommended by the committee : Nos. 62, 117, 111, 95, 94. 38. Also reported bills Nos. 20 and 9 as disallowed. Ayes— Stiow, Beers, Wilson, Hine, Francis, Pearson, Frost, Thompson, Harrington, Hagin; Pinckney-1 1. Noes —o. The members were engaged the remainder of the afternoon in performance of their duties. On motion adjourned. A. G. MARION, Clerk. The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1898 23 EIGHTH DAY. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1898. Morning Session. Board islet at usual flour. Roll call. Quorum present. Journal of yesterday read and approved. Mr. Frost presented the report of the Bonding Commissioners of the Town of Ithaca and his report of the bonded indebtedness of said Town with subjoined resolution and, on motion of Mr. Snow, the report was received, and the amount asked for was ordered levied and assessed upon the taxable property' of the Town of Ithaca and City of Ithaca. See Reports. Ayes — Messrs. Snow, Beers, Wilson, Hine, Francis, Pearson, Noxon, Frost, Harrington, Hagin, Pinckney—i 1. Noes —o. Mr. Hine presented the following certificate of the Town Clerk of Enfield together with the resolution. which, on motion of Mr. Pinckney, was adopted: To the Town Board* the Main of Enfield : I hereby certify that it is necessary to' assess upon the taxable property of road districts Nos. 1 Road 23, 2 Road 5, 2 Road 22, and 4 Road 25, the suns of 28.96 to apply as payment 011 road machine purchased by said districts and also the sum of $15.64 upon the property in districts Nos. 2 Roa1'11, 2 Road 4, 2 Road 12, 2 Road 0, 2 Road [q 3 Road 0, to pay for repairs on road machine owned by said districts. Dated Enfield, November 18th, 1898.H. D. BAILEY, Town Clerk. Resolved, That in accordance- with the foregoing certificate of the Town Clerk of the Town of Enfield and the action of the Town Board thereon, the 24 the Sufiervisors' Proceedings, iSgd' suns of twenty -eight and y'di dollars be levied. upon and collected from the tax- able property of the following road districts in the Town of Enfield to apply as payments on road machine purchased by said districts, viz: Nos. 1 Road 23, No. 2 Road 5, No. 2 Road 22, and No. q Road 23. Also that the sum of fifteen and 5 dollars' be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the following road districts in the Town of Enfield, to pap for repairs for road machine purchased by said districts, viz : Nos. 2 Road' 11, No. 2 Road 4, No. 2 Road 12, No. 2 Road 0, No 2 Road 10, No. 3 Road o. Ayes— Messrs. Snow! Wilson, FIine, Francis, Pearson, Noxon, Frost, Thompson, Harrington, Hagin, Pinckney —I t. Noes —o. Mr. Pinckney presented the reports of Messrs. Noble, William- son, Barker and Williains, Justices of the Peace of the Town of Ulysses which, on motion, were received and ordered printed. Mr. Francis presented the Town Audits of the Town of Groton which, on motion of Mr. Frost, were received and the amount thereof ordered levied and assessed upon the taxable property of said town. Ayes — Messrs. Snow, Wilson, Hine, Francis, Pearson, Noxon, Frost, Thompson, Harrington, Hagin, Pinckney —t1. Noes —o. Hv Mr. Francis : Resolved, That the County Treasurer be allowed the sum of one hundred dollars for rent, fuel and light from Jannary st, 1Sg9 to January 1st, 1 900. Aces — Messrs. Snow, Wilson, Hine, Francis, Pearson, Noxon, Frost, Thompson, Harrington, Hagin, Pinckney -1r. Noes —o. Declared adopted. The report of the Superintendent of the Poor of the County was presented and, on motion of Mr. Wilson, was received and ordered referred to the proper committee. Mr. Hagin called to the chair. • The Supervisors' Proceedings, r48 25 Mr. Van Ostrand presented the certificate of the Toivn Clerk of the Town of Newfield together with the following resolution which, on motion of Mr. Snow, was declared adopted: NEWFIELD, NOVEMBER 'o, r8g8. I certify that it will be necessary to raise 5137.43 to apply as payments for the current year, on road machines purchased by the following road districts in the Town of Newfield : Districts Nos. 36, 63, 5o, 59, 27, r7, 8, 9 and 7. ESTUS PATTERSON, Town Clerk. Resolved, That in accordance with the certificate of the Town Clerk of the Town of Newfield, the sum of one hundred and thirty -seven and rya dollars 5137.43) be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the follow- ing road districts in the Town of Newfield, to apply as payttients on road machines purchased by said districts, viz, : Districts Nos. 36, 63, 5o, 59, 27, 17, 8,9and 7. Ayes— Messrs. Snow, Wilson, Hine; Francis, Pearson, Noxon • Frost, Harrington, Van Ostrand, Pinckney —io. Noes —o. By Mr. Van Ostrand : Resolved, That in accordance with a resolution adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Newfield, and Chapter 378, Laws of 1892, the sum of 5100.00 be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the Town of New- field, in aid of the'Newfield Free 'Town Library-. On motion of Mr. Frost, the amount asked was declared adopted by following vote : Ayes'— Messrs. Snow, Wilson, Hine, Francis, Pearson, Noxon, Frost, Harrington, Van Ostrand, Pinckney —io. Noes —o. By Mr. Van Ostrand Resolved, That in accordance with a resolution adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Newfield, the sum of 550.00 be levied upon and collected front - 26 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1898 the taxable property of the Town of Newfield to apply in supporting the Poor of the said Town. On notion of Mr. Pinckney, the same was declared adopted. Ayes—Messrs. Snow, Wilson, Hine, Francis, Pearson, Noxon, Frost, Harrington, Van Ostrand, Pinckney —io. Noes —o. By Mr. Van Ostrand: Resolved, That the sum of $25o.00 be levied upon and collected front. the taxable property, of the .Town of Newfield for the repair of highways and bridges of said Town as allowed by statute. On motion of Mr. Snow, the same was declared adopted. Ayes — Messrs. Snow, Wilson, Hine, Francis, Pearson, Noxon, Frost, Harrington, Van Ostrand, Pinckney —to. Noes —o. By Mr. Snow: Resolved, That in accordance with a resolution adopted at the Annual Town Meeting held in and for the Town of Caroline, or the Sth day of Febru- ary, 1898, the sum of one thousand ($1,000.00) dollars be levied upon and col- lected from the taxable property of the Town of Caroline, for the repairs of highways and bridges of said Town. On notion of Mr. Van Ostrand, the same was declared carried. Ayes — Messrs. Snow, Wilson, Hine, Francis, Pearson, No5<on, Harrington, Van Ostrand, Pinckney, Frost —to. Noes —o. By Mr. Snow : Resolved, That in accordance with a resolution adopted by the Town Board of the Town. of Caroline, at a meeting held September 6th, 1898, and also in accordance with statute relating thereto, there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of said Town, the sum of two hundred dollars 200.00) for the repairs of highways and bridges. Oti motion of Mr. Pinckney, the same was declared carried. Tite Szefiervisors' Proceedings, 1898 27 Ayes— Messrs. Snow, Wilson, Hine, Francis, Pearson,.Noxon, Frost, Harrington, Van Ostrand, Pinckney —io. Noes —o. On motion adjourned. Afternoon Session. The Board called to order by Mr. Hagin. Quorum present at roll call. Members of the Board were engaged during the afternoon in performance of their duties. Mr. Wilson, Chairman of the Committee on Miscellaneous Claims, reported the following bills which were, on motion of Mr. Snow allowed and audited. at the amounts recommended by the committee : Nos. 18, 86, 92, 109, 26. Ayes— Messrs. Snow, Beers, Wilson, Francis, Pearson, Noxon, Frost, Thompson, Harrington, Pinckney -1o. Noes —o. On motion adjourned. A. G. MARION,' Clerk. NINTH DAY. THURSDAY, DECEMBER I , 1898. Morning Session. Chairman Van Ostrandcalled the Board to order. Quorum present at roll call. 28 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1898 On,motion, the Board adjourned to reconvene. at the County Alms House. The Board met at County Alms House pursuant to adjournment. Th•Committee of Superintendent's Accounts were in conference with the Superintendent, while the remaining members were in gen- eral conversation relative to the condition of the inmates and the county•huildings. After a very fine dinner the Board made an in- spection of the buildings and found them in a very net and clean condition and the general opinion among the members was that the inmates were being well and properly eared for. After adjournment, the Board started for Ithaca, arriving at about 6 P. M. A. G. MARION, Clerk. TENTI-I DAY. FRIDAV, DECEMBER 2, 1895. Morning Session.. Board met at usual hour. Quorum present at roll call. Journals of Wednesday and Thursday read and approved. _ The . report of Dr. N. D. Chapman, Coroner, was presented and, on motion of Mr. Pinckney, the same was received and re- ferred to the proper committee. Mr. Pinckney presented the reports of the Overseers of the Poor of the Town of Ulysses which, on ,motion of Mr. Snow, were received and filed. Tice- Sufierssisors' Proceedings, 2898 29 By Mr. Hagin : Resolved, That in accordance with the action of the Town Board of the Town of Lansing, there be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the following road districts in said Town of Lansing, the sum of ($361.,'x three hundred sixty -one and rn" dollars to.apply on road machines purchased by aitd for the following road districts : Nos. 1, 2 , 3, 5 and 6 58 27 14, 16, 17, t8 and 20 Go n 25, 34 and 37 6o 21 27, 3 3 33 and 52 61 37 7 73, 74 and 75 59 8o 59, 60, 61 and 6S 61 40 3 16 On motion, the saute adopted by the following vote : Ayes- Messrs. Snow, Beers, Wilson, Hine, Francis, Pearson, Noxon, Frost, Thompson, Hagin, Pinckney -n. Noes -o. By Mr. Francis : Resolved, That the sum aof two hundred and eighty dollars (5280.00) be levied upon and collected from the following road districts of the Town of Groton agreeably to the action of the Town Board of said Town, viz : 34, 54, 8 , 32, 36, 20, 22, 84, 23, 73, 79, 16, 14, 6, 18, 9, 35, 15, 67, 45, 75, 7, 21, 70, 62, 82, , 83, 19,37, 7 3 5, 74, to, 78, 6r, 66, 12, 27, 69, 26 , 5 47, 4 57, 59, 60, 5 5 39, 3 49, 80 , 5 3, 77, 44. 4 4 4 5 53, 17, 85, 64, 11 , 7 63, 68, 55, 45, 43 4 65, 3 25, 1 , 7 33. On motion of Mr. Pinckney, the same was declared adopted. Ayes - Messrs. Snow, Beers, Francis, Pearson, Noxon, Frost, Thompson, I-Iagin, Harrington, Pinckney-1o. Noes-o. By Mr. Hagin : Resolved, That the suer of (5250.00) two hundred fifty'dollars be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the Town of Lansing, for the repair of highways and bridges of said Town as allowed by statute. 30 The Super - visors' Proceedings, 1888 On motion of Mr. Snow, the resolution was adopted. Ayes— Messrs. Snow, Beers, Francis, Pearson, Noxon, Frost, Thompson, Harrington, Hagin, Pinckney —to. Noes —o. By Mr. Pinckney : Resolved, That in accordance with the action of the Town Board, there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the following road dis- tridts in the Town of Ulysses, the sung of twenty -two dollars and eighty -one cents ($22.81) for the purchase of road machines by the following road districts : No. 27 and No. 29 in said Town. On motion of Mr. Thompson the same was declared carried. • Ayes — Messrs. Snow, Hine, Beers, Francis, Pearson, Noxon, Frost, Thompson, Harrington Hagin, Pinckney -1 i. Noes —o. On motion adjourned. Afternoon Session. Roll call. Quorum present. A communication was received from Sarah Deming, relating to Erroneous Assessment in the City of Ithaca, which was read by the Clerk and, on motion, was referred to proper committee. On motion of Mr. Frost, the rules were suspended regarding the receiving of bills, and the bills which were on the Clerk's desk, were received and referred to the proper committees. The report of Dr. J. W.T. Brown, Coroner, was presented and, on motion, was received and referred. Mr. Thompson, Chairman of the Committee on District Attor- ney's Accounts, reported the following bills which; on motion of Mr. Pinckney, were allowed and audited at the amounts recommended by the committee. Nos..72, 87. The Supervisors' Proceedings, [898 g1 Ayes— Messrs. Wilson, Pearson, Noxon; Frost, Thompson, Hagin, Pinckney -7. Noes—o. On motion of Mr. Wilson, bills Nos. 12 and 108 were allowed to be withdrawn by unanimous consent. Mr. Wilson, Chairman of the Committee on Miscellaneous Claims, reported the following bills which, on motion of Mr. Thomp- sbn, were allowed and audited at the amounts recommended by the committee : Nos. 58, 124, 89, 99, 78, 68, u. Ayes— Messrs. Wilson, Pearson„ Noxon, Frost, Thompson, Hagin, Pinckney -7: Noes —o. Mr. Pinckney, Chairman of the Committee on Constables' Ac- counts, reported the following bills which, on motion of Mr. Wilson, were allowed and audited at the amounts recommended by the com- mittee : Nos. 14, 82. Ayes — Messrs. Wilson, Pearson, Noxon, Frost, Thompson, Hagin, Pinckney -7. •Noes —o. On motion adjourned. A. G. MARION, Clerk. ELEVENTH DAY. MONDA DECEMBER 5, 1898. Morning Sesion. Chairman Van ()strand being unable to be •present, Mr. Har- rington was chosen to act as temporary Chairman. 1 32 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1898 Roll call. Quorum present. Journal of Friday read and approved. By Mr. Francis : Resolved, That the sum of three hundred and fifty dollars be allowed the Sheriff of this County to pay for the services of janitor for the Court House and as engineer for Jail and Court House. On motion of Mr. Thompson, the resolution was declared adopted. Ayes — Messrs. Snow, Wilson, Francis, Pearson, Noxon, Frost, Thompson, Pinckney -8. Noes —o. By Mr. Pinckney : Resolved, That the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars ($250.00) be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Ulysses for the repair of highways and bridges as allowed by statute. On motion of Mr. Snow, the sane was declared carried. Ayes— Messrs. Snow, Wilson, Francis, Pearson, Noxon, Frost, Thompson, Pinckney -8. Noes —o. By Mr. Snow : Resolved, That in pilrsuanee to a resolution of the electors of the Town of Caroline, adopted at the Annual Town Meeting, held February Sth, 1898, there be levied and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Caroline, the sum of one hundred ($ioo.00) dollars, to apply in the support of the Poor of the Town. On motion, the same was declared adopted. Ayes— Messrs. Snow, Wilson, Francis, Pearson, Noxon, Frost, Thompson, Pinckney-8. Noes —o, The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1898 33 By Mr. Pinckney : Resolver!, That in accordance with a majority of the votes of the electors , cif the Town of Ulysses, at its Annual Town Meeting held in said Town, Feb- ruary, 1 898. That there be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of said Town, the sum three hundred dollars ($3oo) for the purpose of painting highway bridges. The resolution was declared carried on motion of Mi. Thompson. Ayes— Messrs. Snow, Wilson, Francis, Pearson, Noxon, Frost, Thompson, Pinckney -8. Noes —o. By Mr. Noxon : Resolved, That the Board of Supervisors designate the Ithaca Democrat as the paper to publish the determination of the Board of Canvassers. On motion of Mr. Frost, the same' was declared adopted. On motion adjourned: Afternoon' Session. NIr. Harrington in the chair. Roll call. Quorum present. Mr. Hagin presented the reports of Messrs. Jacobs, I- Iowell, Drake and Brown, Justices of the Peace r of the Town of Lansing which, on motion of Mr. Pinckney, were received and filed. See Reports. Mr. Francis presented the report of the Bonding Commissioner of the Town of Groton, together . with subjoined resolution which, on motion of Mr. Pinckney, was received and the amount thereof was ordered levied and collected upon the taxable property of said Town. See Reports. 34 The Supervisors' Proceedings, zSpS • Ayes— Messrs. Snow,. Beers, Wilson, Hine, Francis, Pearson, Noxon, Frost, Thompson, - Hagin, Pinckney —ii. Noes —o. Mr. Wilson presented the report of Messrs. Seager, Underwood, Ross, Brown and Snyder, Justices of the Peace of the Town of Dryden which, on motion of Mr. Snow, were received and filed. See Reports. By Mr. Wilson : Resolved, That the suns of four hundred dollars be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the Towu of Dryden, for the support of the Poor as per resolution of the Town hoard. Declared carried on Motion of Mr. Thompson. Ayes— Messrs. Snow, Beers, Wilson, Hine, Francis, Pearson, Noxon, Frost, Thompson, Hagin, Pinckney —r,t. Noes —o. By Mr. Wilson : Resolved, That the sure of three hundred dollars be levied upon and col- ' lected from the taxable property of the Town of Dryden, for the 'repairs of highways and bridges as allowed by statute. On motion of Mr. Pinckney, the same was declared carried. Ayes— Messrs. Snow,'Beers;'Wilson, Francis, Pearson, Noxon, Frost, Thompson, Hagin, Pinckney, Hine —rr. Noes—o. By Mr. Wilson Resolved, That in accordance with a vote taken at the Annual Town Meet ing held February 8th, 1598, the sum of $25o.00 ($15o for Tripp bridge and $rco for Griswold bridge) in addition to amount allowed by statute, be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Dryden, for the repair of said bridges in said Town. On motion of Mr. Snow, the resolution was declared adopted. Ayes= Messrs. Snow, Beers, Hine, Wilson, Francis, Pearson, Noxon, Frost, Thompson, Hagin, Pinckney —n. The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1898 35 By Mr. Wilson : Resolved, That in accordance witli a vote of the electors of the Town of Dryden at the Annual Town Meeting held in and for the Town, on the 8th day of February, 189S, the sum of three hundred dollars be levied and collected from the taxable property of the Town for fence wire. On motion of Mr. Pinckney, the same was adopted. Ayes— Messrs. Snow, Beers, Hine, Wilson, Francis, Pearson, Noxon; Frost, Thompson, Hagin, Pinckney —i r. Noes —o. Mr. Hagin, Chairman of the Committee of Justices' Accounts, reported the following bills which, on [Motion of Mr. Wilson, were allowed and audited at the amounts recommended by the committee : Nos. 129, 141. Ayes — Messrs. Snow, Beers, Wilson, Hine, Francis, Pearson, Noxon, Frost, Hagin, Pinckney —to. Noes —o. Mr. Wilson, Chairman of the Committee on Miscellaneous Claims, reported the following bills which, on motion of Mr. Pinck- ney, were allowed and audited at the amounts recommended by the committee : Nos. 7o, 88, 9o, 69. Ayes— Messrs. Snow, Beers, Wilson, Hine, Francis, Pearsofn, Notion, Frost, Hagin, Pinckney —to. Noes —o. Mr. Pinckney, Chairman of the Committee on Constables' Ac- counts, reported the following bill which, on motion of Mr. Frost, was allowed and audited at the amount recommended by the corn- mittee : No. 59. Ayes— Messrs. Snow, Beers, Wilson, Hine, Francis, Pearson, Noxon, Frost, .Hagin, Pinckney —to. Noes —o. 36 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1898 Mi. Francis, Chairman of the Committee on Coroners, Cor- oners' Juries and Printers' Accounts, reported the following bills which, on motion of Mr. Snow, were allowed and audited at the amounts recommended by the committee : Nos. 107, 3 25, 93, Do. • Ayes — Messrs. Snow, Beers, Wilson, Hine, Francis, Pearson, Noxon, Frost, Haigin, Pinckney—to. Noes —o. On motion adjourned. A. G. MARION, Clerk. TWELFTH' DAY. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1898. Morning Session., Mr. Van ()strand in the chair. Quorum present at roll call. Journal of yesterday read and approved. On motion of Mr. Snow, bill No. 141 was reconsidered. Ayes •Messrs. Snow, Wilson, Francis, Frost, Thompson, Har- rington, Hagin -7. Noes — Messrs. Beers, Hine, Noxon, Pinck- ney -4. On motion of Mr. Harrington, the bill was referred to the Com- mittee on Justices' Accounts. Declared carried. The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1898 37 13y Mr. Snow : esolved, That pursuant to a resolution adopted at a meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Caroline, held November loth, 1898, there be levied and collected from the taxable property of said Town, the sum of fifty ($50.0o) dollars' for Soldiers' Relief Fund. On motion'of Mr. Beers, the same was declared carried. Ayes— Messrs. Snow, Beers, Wilson, Hine, Francis, Pearson, Noxon, Frost, Thompson, Harrington, Hagin, Pinckney -12. Noes —o. By Mr. Thompson : Resolved, That there be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the County of Tompkins the sum of thirty -five dollars ($35.00), the same being for the payment of rent for the Sheriff' office. On motion of Mr. Pinckney, the resolution was declared adopted. Ayes— Messrs. Snow, Beers, Wilson, Hine, Francis, Pearson, Noxon, Frost,, Thompson, Harrington, Hagin, Pinckney —r2. Noes —o. 13v Mr. Wilson : Resolved, 'chat in the distribution of the Proceedings .of the Board of Supervisors for the present year, Caroline shall receive 35 copies Danby Dryden 695 " Enfield 3 Groton 6m0 " Ithaca —town shall receive 295 Ithaca —city, ist ward shall receive 150 " Ithaca —city, 2d ward Ithaca —city, 3d ward 245 ` Ithaca -city, 4th ward i85 Lansing shall receive Newfield 45 " Ulysses 55 '• Clerk of the Board of Supervisors shall receive 75 5000 38 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1 On motion of Mr' Snow, the same was declared carried. By Mr. Pinckney Resolved, That there be levied and collected in the several towns in the County, from those persons whose names were duly returned by the Overseer of the several road districts in the Town as required by law, the following sums : DANDY. District No. 25 3 00 67 2 25 76 17 25 NEWFIEr,D. District No. 57:300 38 1 5o 22 5 63 On motion of Mr. Snow, the same was carried by the following vote : Ayes— Messrs. Snow, Beers, Wilson, Hine, Francis, Pearson, Noxon, Frost, Thompson, Harrington, Hagin, Pinckney —t 2. Noes —o. On motion adjourned. Afternoon Session. Quorum present at roll call. By Mr. Beers : Resolved, That the salary for Jail Physician be fifty dollars for the year commencing January [st, 1899 and ending December 3rst, 1900, and that the Physician shall attend to all cases desired of him and in his absence will pro- cure service of another physician at his own expense. Ayes — Messrs. Beers, Wilson, Hine, Francis, Pearson, Frost, Thompson, Harrington, Hagin —g. Noes —o. The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1898 39 On motion, the Board proceeded to the election of Jail Physician. On motion of -Mr. Thompson, Dr. A. D. Eadie was unani- mously elected Jail Physician for the year 1899. Mr. Hagin, Chairman of the Committee on Justices' Accounts, reported bill No. 141 to the Board for action without recon tion. Mr. Beers roved that the hill be audited at the sum of $8.15 balance town charge) which, being seconded, was declared carried • by the following vote : Ayes— Messrs. Beers, Hine, Pearson, Frost, Thompson, Har- rington, Hagin, Pinckney -8. Noes— Messrs. Wilson, Francis —z. Mr. Francis, Chairman of the Committee on Coroners, Coroners'- Juries and Printers' Accounts, reported the following bills which, on motion, were allo and audited at the amounts recommended by the committee : Nos. 133, 135, 138 . Ayes — Messrs. Beers, Wilson, Hine, Francis, Pearson, Frost, Thompson, Harrington, IIagin, Pinckney —to. Noes —o. Mr. Wilson, Chairman of the Committee of Miscellaneous Claims, reported the following bill .and moved that' the sane be allowed and audited at the amount recommended by the committee : No. 98. Ayes— Messrs. Beers, Wilson, Hine, Francis, Pearson, Frost, Thompson, Harrington, Hagin, Pinckney -1o. Noes —o. Declared carried. Mr. Wilson, Chairman of the Committee on Miscellaneous Claims, reported bill No. 61, and recommended that item No. 1 be audited at $25.00. 40 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1898 On motion, the saute was allowed and' audited at the amount recommended. Ayes—Messrs. Beers, Wilson, Hine, Francis, Pearson, Frost, Thompson, Harrington, Hagin, Pinckney —to. Noes —o. Mr: Wilson, as Chairman, recommended that item No. 2 in above bill, amount $25.00, be allowed and audited at $ i 0.0o. On motion, the item was allowed and audited at the amount recommended by the committee. Ayes— Messrs. Beers, Wilson, Hine, Francis, Pearson, Frost, Thompson, IIarrington, Hagin, Pinckney-1 Noes —o. On motion adjourned: A. G. MARION, Clerk. THIRTEENTH DAY: WEuNusoAv, DECEMBER 7, rS98. Horning Session... Roll call. Quorum present. Journal of yesterday read and approved. Chairman Van Ostrand called Mr. Frost to the chair. Mr. Van Ostrand presented the Town Audits of the Town of Newfield which, 011 motion of Mr. Snow,.were received and ordered that the amount thereof be levied and assessed against the taxable property of said town. The Supervisors' Proceeding's, 1898 .41 Ayes— Messrs, Snow, Wilson, Hine; Francis, Noxon, Thomp- son, Harrington, Hagin, Van Ostrand, Pinckney —ii o. Noes —o. Mr. Van Ostrand presented the report of Messrs. Brown, Puff, Weatherell and Dean, Justices of the Peace of the Town of New - field which, on motion of Mr. Hine, were received and filed., See Reports. Mr. Van Ostrand presented the report of the Bonding Commis- sioners of the Town of Newfield, together with his report of the bonded indebtedness, and subjoined resolution which, on motion, were received and the amount.asked for ordered levied and assessed upon the property of said town. See Reports. Ayes— Messrs. Snow, Wilson, Hine, Francis, Noxon, Thomp- son, Harrington, Hagin, Van Ostrand, Pinckney —io. Noes —o. By Mr. Pinckney : Reso(vcd, That the sum of fifty dollars ($50.00) be lei'ied auii collected from the taxable property of the County of Tompkins, as salary for chaplain of Alms House. On motion of Mr. Thompson, the same was declared carried. Ayes— Messrs. Snow, Wilson, Hine, Francis, Pearson, Noxon, Thompson, Harrington, Van Ostrand, Pinckney —to. Noes —o. On motion adjourned. Afternoon Session. Mr. Van Ostrand in the chair. Quorum present at roll call. On motion of Mr. Frost, the rules relating to the receiving of bills for audit, were suspended, and the bills which were on the Clerk's desk were received and referred to the proper committees. 42 The • Supervisors' Proceedings, 1898 By Mr. Snow : WHEREAS, The Town Board of Caroline, at a meeting held November lo, 1898, authorized the Supervisor of the Town, if he deem it necessary, to raise sufficient money by tax to pay for damages done to sheep by dogs, over and above the amount of the Dog Fund, therefore be it Resolved, That there be levied and collected from the taxable property of said Town, the sum of one hundred and twenty -five dollars (5123.00) fib apply in paving damages done to sheep by dogs. On motion of Mr. Harrington, the same was allowed and ordered collected from the taxable property of said Town. Ayes — Messrs. Snow, Beers, Wilson, Hine, Francis, Pearson, Noxon, Frost, Harrington, Hagin — no. Noes —o. The Clerk read a certified copy of resolutions adopted by the last Grand Jury of the Counts-, relating to improvements in County Jail which, on motion of Mr. Pearson, was received and ordered re- ferred to the Committee on County Buildings to report at next Annual Session of the Board of Supervisors. Mr. Francis, Chairman of the Committee oh Coroners, Coroners' Juries and Printers' Accounts, reported the following bills which, on motion of Mr. Thompson, were allowed and audited- at the amounts recommended by the committee : Nos. 137, 140 , 134, 136, 126. Aves— Messrs. Snow, Beers, Wilson, Hine, Francis, Pearson, Noxou, Frost, Thompson, Harrington, Hagin, Pinckney —1 2. Noes —o. Mr. Wilson, Chairman of the Committee on Miscellaneous Claims, reported the following bills which, on motion, were allowed and audited at the amounts recommended by the committee : Nos. 128, 130. The Supervisors' Proceedings, 18 43 AyesMessrs. Snow, Beers, Wilson, Hine, Francis, Pearson, Noxon, Frost, Thompson, Harrington, Hagin, Pinckney— n 2. Noes —o. Mr. Wilson reported bill No. f 25 as follows: Items No. r and No. q, amounts $5.00 each ; allowed, $5.00 each. On motion, the item was allowed as recommended. Ayes — Messrs. Snow, Beers, Wilson, Hine, Francis, Pearson, Noxon, Frost, Thompson, Harrington, Hagin, Pinekney —iz. Noes —o. Item No. 2, amount'$25.00 ; allowed $io.00. On notion, the item was audited as recommended. Ayes_ Messrs. Snow, Beers, Wilson, Hine, Francis, Pearson, Noxon, Frost, Thompson, Harrington, .Hagin, Pinckney -12. Noes —o. Item No. 3, min $15.00; allowed$no.00. On motion, the item was audited at amount recommended. Ayes- Messrs. Snow, Beers, Wilson, Hinie, Francis, Pearson, Noxon, Frost, Thompson, Harrington, Hagin, Pinckney —I2. Noes —o. Item No. 8, amount $25.00 ; allowed $io.00. On motion, the item was audited at amount recommended. Ayes — Messrs. Snow, Beers, Wilson, Hine, Francis, Pearson, Noxon, Frost, Thompson, Barrington, Hagin, Pinckney -12. Noes —o. Item No. no, amount $25.00; allowed $no.00. 44 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1898 On motion, the item.was audited at amount recommended. Ayes - Messrs. Snow, Beers, ' Wilson, Hine, Francis, 'Pearson, Noxon, Frost, Thompson, Harrington, Hagin, Pinckney -72. Noes -o. Items Nos. 5, 6, 7 , 9, I I and it 2, amounting to $39.00, were disallowed. On notion, the items were ordered disallowed as recommended. Ayes- Messrs: Snow, Beers, Wilson, Hine, Francis, Pearson, Noxon, Frost, Thompson, • Harrington, Hagin, Pinckney -r 2. Noes -o. By Mr. Pearson : Resolved, That the sum of fifty -four dollars and fifty cents be levied and collected from the taxable property of the following road districts in the Town of Ithaca, for road machines, agreeable to the Law, on the following_ districts': 7, 8 and 46. On motion, the same was allowed and ordered levied and _col- lected as per resolution. Ayes- Messrs. Snow, Beers, Wilson, Hine, Francis, Pearson, Noxon, Frost, Thompson, Harrington, Pinckney -r r. Noes -o. s By Mr. Wilson : Resolved, That the sum of three hundred forty -five and 1'4 dollars ($345 NIT ) be levied upon and collected from the following road districts of the Town of Dryden, agreeable to the action of the Town Board and certificate of the Town Clerk of said Town, viz : 33, 35, 3 34, 3 5, 77, 7 89, 80, 75, 81, 85, 88 , 79, 84, 13, 12 , 14, 15, 21, 20, 151, 22, 3 5 3 27, 4 47, 55, 49, 5 136 , 53, 5 107, - 106, 105, 117, 104, 109, 123, 108 74, 83, 7 87, 69, 86, 85. On motion of Mr, Pearson, the same was allowed and declared adopted. Ayes - Messrs. Snow, Beers, Wilson, Hine, Francis, Pearson, Noxon, Frost, Thompson, Pinckney -ro. Noes -o. i The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1898 45 By Mr: Snow Resolved; That there be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the County the sum of one hundred dollars to pay the County Clerk for the ser- vices of janitor at the County Clerk's building for the year [Soo. On motion of Mr. Pinckney, the same *as declared carried. Ayes ; Messrs. Snow, Beers, Wilson, Hine, Francis, Pearson, Noxon, Frost, Thompson, Pinckney —Iq. Noes —o. On motion adjourned. A. G. MARION, Clerk. FOURTEENTH DAY. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1898. florning Session. Quorum present at roll call. Journal of yesterday's proceedings read and approved. 1 The report of L. H. Van Kirk, County Clerk, was presented, and on motion of Mr. Harrington, was received, filed and ordered printed., Mr. Pinckney presented the list of the Grand Jurors of the Town of Ulysses for the ensuing year. Mr. Wilson presented the list of the Grand Jurors of the Town of Dryden for the ensuing year. Mr. Snow presented. the list of the Grand Jurors of the Town of Caroline for the ensuing year. I 46 The Supervisors', Proceedings, 1898 Mr. Van Ostrand presented the list of the Grand Jurors of the Town of Newfield for the ensuing year. Mr. Pearson presented the list of the Grand Jurors of the Town of Ithaca for the ensuing year. Mr. Beers presented the list of the Grand Jurors of the Town of Danby for the ensuing year. Mr. Noxon presented the list of the Grand Jurors of the City of Ithaca for the ensuing dear. Mr. Francis presented the list of the Grand Jurots of the Town of Groton for the ensuing year. Mr. Hine presented the list of the Grand Jurors of the Town of Enfield for the ensuing year. Mr. Hagin presented the list of the Grand Jurors of the Town of Lansing for the ensuing year. On motion, of Mr. Beers the lists were received and filed. Mr. Hine offered the following which, on motion, was adopted :i Resolved, That the lists of names of persons selected and presented by the Supervisors of the different towns and city of the County to act as Grand Jurors ' for the ensuing year are hereby approved and declared to be the Grand Jury list for 1898 and 1899.. On motion of Mr. Pinckney the same was adopted. Mr. Hine presented the Town Audits of the Town of Enfield which, on motion - of 'Mr. Beers, the same were received and the amount thereof was ordered levied and collected froin the taxable property of said town. Ayes — Messrs. Snow, Beers, Wilson, Hine, Francis, Noxon, Harrington, Hagin, Pinckney -9. Noes —o. The Supervisors' Proceedings, rS9S 47 By Mr. Pearson : WxEEb The State•Tax Commissioners of the State of New Fork have directed and instructed that all property shall be assessed at its full value, and WirEus :As, The assessors of the several towns of Tompkins County and the City of Ithaca do not, to the best of our knowledge and belief, assess the rail- roads at a uniform value in the several towns, therefore be it Resolved, That it shall he the duty of the several assessors of the different Towns of Tompkins County to assess all main lines passing through the several Towns of the County and the City of Ithaca not less than 512,000 per mile, and all branch lines not less than 550,000 per mile, and all sidings at one-third of main line. Moved by Mr. Pinckney and duly seconded that the resolution be adopted The members entered into a general discussion regarding sane, after which a vote was taken and the resolution was declared carried. I On motion adjourned. Afternoon Session. • Quorum present at roll call. The Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts were in session in relatiot% to the Treasurer's report. Mr. Thompson, Chairman of the Committee on District Attor- ney's Accounts, reported the following bill which, on motion of Mr. Hine, was allowed and auditediat the amount recommended by the - committee' : No. 13c.I Ayes— Messrs. Snow, Beers, Wilson, Hine, Francis, Thomp- son, Harrington, Hagin, Pinckney -9. Noes —o. Mr. Hagin, Chairman of the Committee on Clerks' and Justices' Accounts j reported the following bills which, on motion of Mr. 48 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1898 Pinckney, were allowed and audited at the amounts recommended by the committee : Nos. 84, 57. Ayes— Messrs. Snow, Beers, Wilson, Hine, Francis, Thomp- son, Harrington,' Hagin, Pinckney -9. Noes —o. Mr. Francis, Chairman of the Committee on Coroners', Coroners' Juries' and Printers' Accounts, reported the following bills which., on motion of Mr. Hine, were allowed and audited at the amounts recommended by the committee : Nos. 1o5, rot, 118, 120. Ayes — Messrs. Snow, Beers, Wilson,' Hine, Francis, Thomp- son, Harrington, Hagin, Pinckney —g. Noes —o. All Wilson, Chairman of the Committee on Miscellaneous Claims, reported the following bills which, on motion of Mr: Pluck- ney, were allowed and audited at the amounts recommended by the committee : Nos. 75, 147.. Ayes— Messrs. Snow, Beers, Wilson, Hine, Francis, Thomp- son, Harrington, Hagin, Pinckney -9. Noes —o. Mr. Wilson also reported bill. No. 102 as disallowed (reason town charge) which, on motion of Mr. Hine, the same was ordered disallowed as recommended. Ayes — Messrs. Sno >v, Beers, Wilson, • Hine, Francis, Thomp- son, Harrington, Hagin, Pinckney -9. Noes —o. On motion adjourned. A. G. MARION, Clerk. The Szi ervisors' Proceedings, 1898 49 FIFTEENTH DAY. FRIDAY, D>;ccn 13>:R 9, 1898. Morning Session. Quorum present at roll call. Journal of yesterday's proceedings read and approved. Mr.; Beers moves that bill No. 82 be reconsidered. Declared carried. By Mr. Barrington : Resolved, That bill No. 82 be referred to the Committee of Constables' Ac- counts for further consideration. Declared carried.. By Mr. Pearson : Resolved, That the Clerk be anthorized to obtain a stamp for cancelling vouchers and general use for the committees. Declared adopted. By Mr. Harrington : Resolved, That there be levied and collected on the taxable property`of the several Towns and the City of Ithaca, comprising the County of Tompkins, the sum of ten thousand dollars as a Court Fund, to liquidate any and all ex- penses that may have occurred heretofore by increased amounts caused by statuatory proceedings, and the balance of the said amount to be applied to the Court Fund of 1899. Mr. Harrington moved the adoption of the resolution which was seconded by Mr. Pearson. 5o The Supervisors' Proceedings, zSg8 By Mr. I-Iine : Resolved, That action on the same be deferred till Tuesday, December 13, 1898, at 2 r. M. Declared carried. By Mr. Frost : To the Board of Supervisors WHEREAS, The Board of Education of 'the City of Ithaca having delivered to the County Treasurer a list of unpaid school taxes of the City for 1596 and 1897, and WHEREAS, Said list has been handed to this Board by the County Treas- urer, now be it Resolved, That a County Order for said amount of unpaid taxes; viz : five hundred fifty -one and s04V,,($551.65) dollars be given to the Collector of School Taxes of the City of Ithaca. By Mr. Beers : Resolved, That the resolution be accepted and action be deferred until Wednesday, December 14, 1898, 2 P. M. Declared carried. By Mr. Snow : Resolved, That the Clerk be authorized to obtain an order book for Town Audits. Carried. By Mr. Harrington : Resolved, That the Clerk be authorized to have the Proceedings of the Board of Supervisors for the years 1894, 1895, 1896, 1897 and 1898 colledted in a suitable binding for preservation. Declared carried. On motion adjourned. The Supervisors' Proceeding 1898 5 Afternoon Session. Quorum present at roll call. Mr.,Snow, Chairman of the Committee on U. S. Deposit dnd - Dlsurance, presented the following report which, on motion, was received and accepted. To The Board of Supervisors Your committee on U. S. Deposit Fund respectfully report that they have examined the records in the County Clerk's office, and also the books and vouchers of the Loan Commissioners, Messrs. Dick and Babcock, and find that according to said records, books and vouchers, the status of the Pund is as follows : The total amount of outstanding interest bearing Mortgages November 1, 1897 was 5 34 Hart Farm __ ...41,500 00 Aviount of Principal paid between November 1, 1897 and November T, 1898 700 00• Principal forwarded to State Treasurer 700 00 Leaving total amount of interest bearing mortgages, Nov- ember 1, 1898 5 34 Interest received between November 1, 1897 and November 1, 1898 - _ _- -5885 33 Forwarded to State Treasurer_73 43 Commissions __139 62 Balance on hand 15 28 : 5,885 33 F. A. SNOW, A. M. FRANCIS, J. B. WILSON, Committee. Mr. Snow, Chairman of the Committee on U. S. Deposit and Insurance, presented the following report, together with the resole- 52 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1898 tion which, on motion of Mr. Frost, the report was accepted and the resolution adopted. To The Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on Insurance would respectfully report that there is a polidy of $5,000.0o each on the County Altus House and Court house, insuring against loss to that amount from explosion of the boilers used in heating said buildings; the above policies are' issued by the "Hartford Steam Boiler, In- spection and Insurance Co., and expire November 3o, 19oo. There are also policies insuring against loss by fire and lightning, on the County Alms House Buildings _ _ro,000 00 Court House S000 oo Which policies expire June 1, 1899. In connection herewith your committee offer the following resolution : Resolted:That the Committee on County Buildings, be, and are hereby authorized to reinsure the alms House and Court House on the expiration of the present policies, June 1, 1899. F. A. SNOW, A. M. FRANCIS, J. B. WILSON, Committee. 13v Mr. Pearson : Resolved, That there be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the City of Ithaca, to reimburse the County of Tompkins, five hundred thirty- two dollars and forty -eight cents, in compliance with a resolution adopted by the Board'of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins, December 10, 1897. By Mr. Snow, and seconded by Mr. Hagin, that resolution be, adopted. By Mr. Frost, and seconded by Mr. Noxon, that action be deferred until Monday, December 12, 1898, at 3 P.. M. Declared adopted. The Supervisors' Proceedings, T 53 Mr. Wilson,. Chairman of the Committee on Miscellaneous Claims, reported the following bills which, on motion of Mr. Har- rington, were allowed and audited at the amounts recommended by the committee : Nos. 143, T26. Ayes— Messrs. Snow, Wilson, Francis, Pearson, Noxon „Frost, Harrington, Hagin -8. Noes —o. On motion adjourned. A. G. MARION, Clerk. SIXTEENTI-1 DAY.. MONDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1898. florning Session. ' Quorum present at roll call. Journal of yesterday read and approved. Mr. Harrington presented the following certified resolution from the City Clerk with the resolution by himself: CITY OF ITHACA, OFncr, 0!' THE CITY CLERIC. ITHACA, N. Y., DECEMBER 12, 1898. To the Honorable Toard of Supervisors. of Tompkins County: At a regular meeting of the Common Council of the City of Ithaca, N. Y., held December 7th, 1898, the following resolution was unanimously adopted and approved by the Mayor. 54 The Supervisors' Proceedings, r8528 Resolved, That the Compton Council of the City of Ithaca request the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County that there_ be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the City of Ithaca the sum of six thousand 6,o)o) dollars, to be paid over to the City Treasurer to be used for tha support of the Poor of said City, for the corning fiscal year. I hereby certify the above to be a true copy. A. W. FORCE, L.S.]City Clerk. That in accordance to a resolution passed by the Compton Council of the City of Ithaca and approved by the Mayor of said City, and pursuant to Chap- ter 358, Laws 1893, Resolved, That there be levied and collected from the taxable property of the City of Ithaca, the sum of $6,000 for the support of the Poor of said City, and that the amount of said appropriation be paid to the Treasurer of the City for disbursement. On motion, the same was declared carried by the following vote : Ayes— Messrs. Snow, Wilson, Francis, Pearson, Noxon, Thompson, Frost, Harrington, Hagin, Pinckney —io. Noes —o. The report of the Surrogate was received and, on motion of Mr. Snow, was received, filed and ordered printed. Mr. Wilson, presented the report of Bradford Snyder, Overseer of the Poor of the Town of Dryden which, on motion of Mr. Pinck- ney, was received and filed. The Clerk read a communication from Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Putnam County, N. Y. which, on motion, was received and filed. By. Mr. Pearson : Resolved, That the following resolution passed by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Putnam, this State, be, and the same are hereby adopted and enacted by the Board of Supervisors of 'Tompkins County. The Supervisors' Proceedings, 28 55 WHEREAS, Section 64 of Chapter 565, of the Laws of 139o, known as the General Railroad Law, as amended by Chapter 754 'of the Laws of 1897, pro- vides that, "When a highway crosses a railroad by an overhead bridge, the frame work of the bridge and its abutments shall be kept in repair by the rail- road company, and the roadway therefor and its approaches thereto shall be. maintained and kept in repair by the municipality in which the same are situ- ated ;" land WnaREAs, The railroad companies construe said Law as requiring Towns to keep in repair such roadways over bridges theretofore built; and WHEREAS, At the time such bridges were built the Law required the rail- road companies to maintain then) and consents for such crossings were given on that understanding ; now therefore, Resolved, That the Senator from this District and the Member of Assembly from this County he and are hereby earnestly requested to use their best endeav- ors to have said Section repealed, or so amended as to require railroads to main- tain all such bridges, roadways and approaches; and Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions he sent to Ole Senator of this District and to the Member of Assembly from this County. On motion of Mr. Snow, and seconded by Mr. Pinckney, the same was declared carried. A petition from Orrin Cornelius, relating to an illegal assess- ment in the Town of Dryden, was received and ordered referred to the proper committee. On motion adjourned. Afternoon Session. Quorum present at roll call. The privilege of the floor was given to Messrs. John L. Mande- ville and R. G. H. Speed, who spoke regarding the Good Law. By Mr. Snow : Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed by the Chairman to investigate merits of the Town Road Law relating to Good Roads, and report their views to the Board at this Session. 56 The Sufiervisors' Proceedings, r8g8 On motion, the same was declared adopted. The Chair appointed Messrs. Snow, Pearson and Hagin to con- stitute said committee. The matter relating to the resolution introduced by Mtn Pear- son last Friday, which was made a special order of business for to -day at 3 a. al., was called up by the Chairman. By Mr. Pinckney, and seconded by Mr. Hine, that the resolu- tion be adopted. Ayes — Messrs. Snow, Beers, Wilson, Hine, Francis, Pearson, Noxon, Frost, Thompson, Harrington, Hagin, Pinckney —i z.- Noes —o. Mr. Beers was called to the Chair. By Mr. Van Ostrand : Resolved, That the sum of eleven hundred eighty dollars ($r r80.00) be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Newfield, to apply as payment on the claim of Ezra Marion, against the said Town of Newfield, in accordance with the terms of settlement of the said claim, and in accordance with a resolution adopted by the Town Board of the Town of New- field, on the Loth day of November, 1898. On motion of Mr. Harrington, and duly seconded,. the resolu- tion was adopted. Ayes— Messrs. Snow, Nilson, 'FIine, Francis, Pearson, Frost, Thompson, Harrington, Hagin, Van °strand, Noxon, Pinckney -12. Noes —o. Mr. Hagin, Chairman of the Committee on Justices' Accounts, reported' the following bill which; on motion, was allowed and aud- ited at the amount recommended by the committee : No. 149. The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1898 57 Ayes — Messrs. Snow, Wilson, Hine, Francis, Pearson, Noxon, Frost, Thompson, Harrington, Hagin, Van Ostrand —t t. Noes —o. Mr. Wilson, Chairman of the Committee •on Miscellaneous Claims, reported the following bills which, on motion of Mr. Snow, were allowed - and audited at the amounts recommended by the committee : Nos. 127, 145, 148 , ,50, 152. Ayes— Messrs. Snow, Wilson, Hine, Francis, Pearson, Noxon, Frost, Thompson, Harrington, Hagin, Van Ostrand —ii. Noes —o. On motion adjourned. A. G. MARION, Clerk. SEVENTEENTH DAY. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1898. Morning Session. Mr. Van Ostrand ill the chair. Quorum present at roll call. Journal of yesterday read and approved. By Mr. Harrington : Resolved, 'that when this Board adjourns for the purpose of the extension of the tax, that the day designated.to reconvene shall be December 27, t8g8. Adopted. 5 The Sej5ervisors' Proceedings, r898 By Mr. Francis : Resolved, That in pursuance to a resolution of the Town Board, that the . sum of one hundred dollars ($roo.00) be levied and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Groton for the support of the G. A. R. Poor. On motion of Mr. Harrington, the same was declared carried. Ayes— Messrs. Snow, Beers, Wilson, Hine, Francis, Pearson, Frost, Thompson, Harrington, Hagin —to. Noes —o. By Mr. Francis : Resolved, That in pursuance to a resolution of the Town :Board, that the sum of four hundred fifty dollars be levied and collected from the taxable pro- perty of the Town of Groton, for the repair of highways and bridges of 'said Town. On (notion of Mr. Beers, declared carried. Ayes— Messrs. Snow, Beers, Wilson, Hine; Francis, Pearson, Frost, Thompson, Harrington, Hagin —lo. Noes —o. By Mr. Francis : Resolved, That in pursuance to a resolution of the Town. Board, that the suns of fifty dollars ($5o.00) be levied and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Groton in aid of the observance of 'Memorial Day, as allowed by statute. On notion of Mr. Snow, declared carried. Ayes — Messrs. Snow, Beers, Wilson, Hine, Francis, Pearson, Frost; Thoinpson, Harrington, Hagin —io. Noes —o. By Mr. Harrington : WHEREAS, The law amended in 1897 requiring the Board of Supervisors to authorize the publication of the Official Canvass of the County each year, Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board be instructed to have published in the IthacaJounml and Ithaca Demon-al the Official Canvass for the year 1898. The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1898 59 Declared adopted. Mr. Pearson, Chairman of the Committee on Superintendent of the Poor Report, presented the following report which, on motion of Mr. Frost, was received, accepted and recommendation declared adopted. To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County : Your Committee of Superintendents of the l'oor respectfully submit the following report : The total amount of appropriation for the year 1897 was 5,000.bo Total amount of orders drawn for the year 1897 was 4,40 04' Amount unexpended 59 9 5,0oe 00 For support of county poor 682 23 For improvement to property and furniture 4 7 For outdoor relief 533 or For services of overseers 134 5 For transportation 27 15 1,866 67 FOR / SUPPORT OF P0012 BY TOWNS. Ithaca (city) 1,202 17 Ithaca (town) 214 33 Dryden 266 53 Lanising 89 85 Groton 118 64 Darby 200 10 Newfield 101 39 Enfield 52 67 Caroline 147 27 Ulysses X41 42 4,4 04 Unexpended 59 96 5,000 00 6o The Supervisors' Proceedings,' r898 Pbur committee would recommend that there be raised for the support of the County Alms Flouse, for tlie year 18g8, S4,000. N. PEARSON, F. A. SNOW, W. FL PINCICNEY. By Mr. Pearson : VA'nsxr:As, The County of Tompkins has paid in former years, the sung of one hundred thirty -four dollars and twenty -five cents ($I34: which was for the support of certain children chargahle to the City of Ithaca, therefore be it Resolved, That said amount, $l34i'Eh be levied 'and collected from the tax- able property of the City of Ithaca and paid to the County of Tompkins.. On motion of Mr. Wilson, the sanle was declared carried. Ayes — Messrs. Snow, Beers, Wilson, Hine, Francis, Pearson, Frost, Thompson, Harrington, Hagin, Pinckney —u. Noes —o. BY Mr. Hine : Resolved, That there be added to the Town Audits of the Town of Enfield, the sum of $ $17.15, the amount of Frank Barber's bill as Constable in criminal proceedings in said Town, allowed by statute. On motion declared adopted. Ayes — Messrs. Snow, Beers, Wilson, Hine, Francis, Pearson, Noxon, Frost, Thompson, Harrington, Hagin, Pinckney -12. . Noes —o. On motion adjourned. Afternoon Session. Quorum present at roll call. The special order of business relating to the resolution intro- duced by Mr.' Harrington on last Friday, and which was made a special order of business for this hour, was taken up. O The Sicfiervisors' Proceedings, ISO'61 Mr. Harrington asked permission to withdraw his resolution, which was given him by unanimous consent. By Mr. Pinckney : Resolved, That there be levied and collected upon the taxable property of the several 'Downs and the City of Itliaca, comprising the County of Tomp- kins, the sum of $9,000. $6,0 o of this suns, or as much thereof as is necessary, . shall be used to pay-the expenses of the court for the year 1899, and the balance to cancel that proportionate part of the claim known as the Court Fund Indebt- edness, heretofore incurred by the enactment of additional statuatory pro - ceedings. Mr. Pinckney's resolution was duly moved and seconded. Mr. Pearson offered the following as a substitute to Mr. Pinek- ney's resolution : Resolved, That there he levied and collected from the taxable property of the County of Tompkins, the suet of $$9,336.48. to pay the deficiency that has accrued in the Court Fund and further, that there be levied and collected from the taxable property of the County of Tompkins, the sum of three thousand dollars to defray the court expenses for the year 1899. Mr. Beers moves that the substitute offered by Mr. Pearson be adopted. Seconded by Mr. Pearson. Mr. Pinckney moved to amend the resolution offered by Mr. Pearson so as to read as follows : , Resolved, That there be levied and collected from the taxable property of The County of Tompkins, the suns of nine thousand ($9,0 o) dollars, of which seven thousand three hundred thirty -six dollars and forty -eight cents (57,336.48) to pay the deficiency that has accrued on the Court Fund, and the balance, one thousand six hundred sixty -three dollars and fifty -two cents ($1,663.52.) to be n / paid on the Court expenses for the ensuing year." The result of the vote on Mr: Pinckney's amendment was as follows : c, 01 X-%t by / , 4\ 6z •The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1898 Ayes— Messrs.•Snow, Wilson, Hine, Francis, Noxon, Frost, Thompson, Harrington,' Hagin, Pinckney—to. Noes— Messrs. Beers, Pearson -2, The vote on Mr. Pearson's substitute as amended, carried by the following vote : Ayes— Messrs. Snow, Beers, Wilson, Hine, Francis, Pearson, Noxon, Frost, Thompson, Harrington, Hagin, Pinckney —I2 Noes —o. Mr. Wilson, Chairman of the Committee on Miscellaneous . Claims, reported the following bills which, on notion of Mr. Snow, were allowed and audited at the amounts recommended by the committee : Nos. 15, 151, 139, 742 , 19, 1[2. Ayes— Messrs. Snow, Beers, Wilson, Hine, Francis, Pearson, Frost, Thompson, Harrington, Hagin, Pinckney —r 1. Noes —o. Mr. Wilson also reported bill No.,99 as follows : Items 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, to, 11 were allowed at full amount. On motion, the recommendation of the committee *as adopted. Ayes — Messrs. Snow, Beers, Wilson, Hine, Francis, Pearson, Noxon, Frost, Thompson, Harrington, Hagin; Pinckney —r2: Noes —o. • Items Nos. r and 3 in bill No. i9 were disallowed. Ayes— Messrs. Snow, Beers, Wilson, Hine, 'Francis, Pearson, Noxon, Frost, Thompson, Harrington, Hagin, Pinckney —r2. Noes —o. Mr. Wilson reported bill No. 73 as follows : Items Nos. 1, 3, 5 allowed in full. The Se %fiervism s' Proceedings, iSpS 63 On motion, recommendation of committee adopted. Ayes— Messrs. Snow, Beers, Wilson, Hine, Francis, Pearson, Noxon, Frost, Thompson, Harrington, Hagin, Pinckney —r2. Noes —o. Item No. 2 in sane bill, amount $15.00 ; allowed $1o.00. Item No. 4, amount 525.00 ; allowed $io.00. Item No. 6, amount $;25.00 ; allowed $co.00. On motion, recommendation of committee was adopted and the vote on each item above was as follows : Ayes— Messrs. Snow, :Beers, Wilson, Hine, Francis, Pearson, Noxon, Frost, Thompson, Harrington, Hagin, Pinckney -12. • Noes —o. Item No. 7, same bill was disallowed. City charge). Ayes— Messrs. Snow, I3eers, Wilson, Hine, ,Francis, Pearson, Noxon, Frost, Thompson, Harrington, Hagin, Pinckney -12. Noes —o. Mr. Wilson reported bill No. 132 as diallowed. (Town charge). On motion the recommendation of the committee was adopted. Ayes— Messrs. Snow, Beers, Wilson, Hine, Francis, Pearson, Noxon, Frost, : Thompson, Harrington, Hagin, Pinckney -12. Noes —o. Mr. Pinckney, Chairman of the Committee on Constables' Ac- counts, reiiiorted bill No. 82 as disallowed (reason, unable to ascer- tain whether Town or County charge).' On motion, the recommendation of the committee was adopted. 64 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1898 Ayes — Messrs. Snow, Beers, Wilson, Hine, Francis, Pearson, Noxon, . Frost, Thompson, Harrington, Hagin, Pinckney -12. Noes—o. Mr. Pearson, Chairman of the Committee on Superintendents' Accounts, reported the following bills which, on motion of Mr. Harrington, was allowed and audited as recommended by the corn- mittee : Nos. 154, 156. Apes— Messrs. Snow, Beers, Wilson, Hine, Francis, Pearson, Noxon, Frost, Thompson, Harrington, Hagin, Pinckne3-12. Noes —o. By Mr. Pinckney : Resolved, That the sum of two hundred fifty dollars ($25o) he levied and collected frown the taxable property of the Town of Glosses, for the support of l'oor. On motion of Mr. Harrington, the saute was declared ;adopted. Ayes— Messrs. Snow, Beers, Wilson, I"Iine, Francis, Pearson, Noxon, Frost, Thompson, Harrington, Hagin, Pinckney —t2. Noes —o. Mr. Hine, Chairman of the Committee on Erroneous Assess- ments, presented the following, report which, on notion of Mr. Wil- son, was received, adopted and ordered printed in the reports. To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: Your Committee on Erroneous Assessments to which was referred the peti- tions of the following persons, viz : Wm: Bannette's estate, Munson Potter, Dudley Cook and others, have considered them and report as follows : In the petitions of Win. Bannette's estate and Munson Potter of Enfield, we find from the certificate of the assessors of said Town, that through a cler -. ical error in each case, the Bannette estate in 1387, paid an excessive tax amounting to three and f dollars ($3 — ) and that Munson Potter in 1367, paid an excessive tax amounting to one dollar and -'= ($1.2o). The Su ervisars' Proceedings, r8g8 65 We therefore recommend that Barnette estate be reimbursed in the suns of three and dollars ($3a And Munson Potter be reimbursed in the sum of (51.20), and that the amounts be levied upon and collected front the taxable property of the Town of Enfield. In the petitions of John P. Smith of the City of .1thaca, we have examined the assessment rolls of the city and advise the petition be not granted. Upon exaniination of the petition of Dudley Cook, who pays tax upon pro - perty on East Buffalo street in the City of Ithaca, we find from the certificate of the assessors that this property was properly assessed at $r,Soo, but in copy ing an error crept in, by which Mr. Cook was compelled to pay a tax on this property at a valuation of 53,600. We therefore recommend that Dudley Cook be reimbursed in the sum of 513.86, and that this antount be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the City of Ithaca. In our investigation of the petition of Abel Cooper of the Town of New- field, we find from the certificate of the assessors that Mr. Cooper was duly notified to appear of the day fixed by law for reviewing the assessment roll, and there make his application for relief. It appears that this he failed to do. We therefore recommend that this petition be not granted. In examining, the petition of Sarah Deming of No. 9 East Green street in the City of Ithaca, we find from the certificate of the assessors that she paid an • erroneous tax amounting • to 546.20. We therefore recommend that Sarah Deming be reimbursed in the suns of 546.2o. And this amount he levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the City of Ithaca. In the numerous other petitions coining into our hands we find this Board has no jurisdiction. JAMES H. HINE, W. • H. I'INCKNEY, L. 1. NOXON. By Mr. Frost: In accordance with the report of the Committee on Erroneous Assessments and the recommendations of the saute, he it Resolved, That there he assessed, levied upon and collected from the tax- able property of the Town of Enfield, the suns of one and 51.20) dollars to reimburse Munson Potter, also the sum of three and -' 53.98) dollars to reimburse estate of William Bannette. Resolved,' That there be levied and collected from the taxable property of the City of • Ithaca the suns of $46. to reimburse Sarah Deming, also the sum of $13.86 to reimburse Dudley Cook. 66 The Supervisors' Proceedings, r898 On motion of Mr. Snow, the same was declared adopted. Ayes — Messrs. Snow, Beers, Wilson, Hine, Francis, Pearson, Noxon, Frost, Thompson, Harrington, Pinckney -11. Noes —o. Mr. Noxon, Chairman of the Committee on State Charitable and Penal Institutions, presented the following report which, on motion of Mr. Snow, the same was accepted and the amount be levied and collected from the various Towns, City of Ithaca and the County of Tompkins. Ayes — Messrs. Snow, Beers, Wilson, Hine, Francis, Pearson, Noxon, Frost, Thompson, Harrington, Pinckney-12. Noes —o. REPORT OF STATE CHARITABLE AND PENAL INSTITUTIONS. To the Honorable Board of Suferz isors of Tompkins County:. Your committee appointed to examine the accounts of the several charitable and penal institutions would respectfully report as follows : Resolved, That in accordance with a resolution of the Board of Supervisors, passed December 7, /BSo, there be levied and assessed upon the taxable property . of the following Towns, the City of Ithaca and County of Tompkins the sums set forth in the annexed schedule to reimburse the County for money paid to the several charitable and -penal institutions, namely : DRYDEN. May Woolever, Susquehanna Valley Home-ql 2S Interest 00 same 3 41 Fred Cook, Syracuse Institute Feeble Minded Children 20 00 114 66 DANBY. Norman Hart, Syracuse Institute Feeble Minded Children 20 00 Lizzie Bishop, Syracuse Institute Feeble Minded Children 20 o0 40 00 The Supervisors' Proceedings, '898 67 TOWN OF ITHACA Anna E. Snyder, Syracuse Institute Feeble Minded Children 520 00 Edith ValZoil, Syracuse Institute reeble Minded Children____ 20 00 40 00 Florence Ranssqu, self supporting. . CITY OF ITHAC. \, Eddie Bishop, Susquehanna Valley Horne 9 25 Harry Bishop, Susquehanna Valley hone 91 25 Priscilla Bishop, Susquehanna Valley IIonme__28 25 Myrtle Hogan, Susquehanna Valley Horne 4 75 Interest on same 7 76 Bertha Rundle, (Feeble Minded) burial expenses at Syracuse 17 00 5240 26 LANSING. Harry McAllister, Susquehanna Valley Hone 526 75 Interest on same 48 527 23 NEWINELP. Lillian Brill, Syracuse Institute Feeble Minded Children 20 00 ULYSSES.. Charles Bracy, Syracuse Institute Feeble Minded Children____. 520 00 Willie Maloney, Auburn Orphan Asylum 73 00 493 00 COUNTY OF TOMPE12S. Alice Dyer, Susquehanna Valley l•rome 5 87 00 Maud Hogan, Susquehanna Valley Horne 3 00 Interest on same 3 54 Monroe County Penitentiary 1,366 87 T,izzie Auison, Manhattan State Hospital 128 57 Henry A. Coe, Western New York Institute for Deaf Mules 30 00 Cora Parker, Central New York Institute for Deaf Mutes 60 00 John E. McElroy, Rochester Truant School 41 86 Alfred J. Adams, Craig Colony 1 14 42 68 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1898 Austice Barnes, Craig Colony 1 2 qo Fredie Sullivan, Auburn Orphan Asylum 73 00 Mattie Farley. Auburn Orphan Asylum 73 00 Martin,Cushmmn, Children's Home_75 00 Clarence Buck, Children's Horne 21 00 Lillian Buck, Children's Horne ______— - - -21 00 Lee Ruck, Children's Home 2! 00 2,022 16 Grand Total 2597 31 L. F. NOXON, N. PEARSON, J. B. WILSON. Mr. Snow, Chairman of the special Committee on the Good Road Law, presented the following report which, on motion of Mr. Frost, was declared unanimously adopted. To The Board of Supervisors The committee appointed to consider and report on the Money System of Taxation for the repair of highways, would respectfully offer the following pre- amble and resolution : WHEREAS, The Legislature of the State has recently enacted a law grant- ing to each Town of the State which adopts the Money System of Taxation for working and repairing its highways, a sum of money equal to 25 per cent. of the amount raised by such Town the previous year for the repair of its high - ways, therefore be it Resolved, That we, the Board of - Supervisors do recommend the Moniey System of Taxation for the .repair of highways, and urge its adoption by the Towns of the County. F. A. SNOW, N. PEARSON, B. M. HAWN, Committee. By Mr. Hine : WHEREAS, The existing election laws, requiring that the election districts. of the State shall be so constituted as not 'to contain more than four hundred. The Supervisors' Proceeding's, 1898 69 voters as shown by the registry of each district, entail upon towns and m lici- paities where personal registration is not required, in many instances, an un- necessary expense from the fact that a large percentage of the voters whose names appear on the registry in districts where personal registration is not • required, do not vote, thus making the number of election districts as now required by law, unnecessary, therefore, Resolved, That the Honorable' Theron Johnson, Member of Assembly for the County of Tompkins, and the Honorable Chas. L. Willis, State Senator for the 4ot11 Senatorial District, he and they are hereby requested to use their influence in favor of the enactment of a law to the effect that those towns and municipalities of the State where personal registration is not required, shall be so redistricted as not to contain more than 400 voters to each election district as shown by the actual vote cast in each district, at either preceding gubernatorial or presidential election. On motion of Mr. Pearson, the same declared adopted. On motion adjourned. A. G. MARION, Clerk. EIGHTEENTH DAY. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1898. Morning Session. Quorum present at roll call. Journal of yesterday read and approved. The report of the County 'Treasurer was presented and, on notion of Mr. Snow, the same was received, accepted and ordered printed with the reports. See Reports. Mr. Frost, Chairman of the Committee on Treasurer's Accounts, presented the following which, on motion, was received and filed yo The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1898 To the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on County Treasurer's Accounts would respectfully report that we have examined the report of the County Treasurer with the vouchers accompanying the same and we find it to be correct. GEORGE W. FROST, N. PARSON, WM. I'. HARRINGTON. Mr. F. A. Todd, Chairman of Finance Conunittee of 1897, ren- dered the following report : To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County : Pursuant to a-resolution adopted by the Board of Supervisors, 1896, the County Finance Committee duly authorized thereto, hereby report the standing county indebtedness to March i, 1899, to Be as follows: Outstanding notes maturing March 1, 1899: Mary L. Gregory __1,125 00 Interest to March 1, 1899, 5%6 25 Mary L. Gregory as executrix 500 00 Interest on same 25 oo H. A. Burritt 2,120 00 Interest on saute 1o6 oo Ithaca Savings Bank .1,500 00 Interest on' same 75 00 Theron Johnson as Supervisor Town Dryden 500 00 Interest on same 25 00 Mrs. W. K. Roice Soo 00 Interest on same- ___40 00 N. Pearson as Supervisor Town Ithaca 955 00 Interest on same 47 95 7,5 00 2375 00 Total amount due March 1, 1899 7,875 00 Outstanding notes maturing Marc][ 1, [goo: Mary L. Gregory ____Loco 00 Interest on saute to March 1, 1899, 5%S5o 00 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1898 71 L. G. Todd 1 ,500 o0 Interest on same 75 00 II. A. Burritt 3,0oo oo interest on same____150 00 Mary L. Gregory 2,000 00 Interest on same 100 o0 57,5 00 5375 00 Total amount maturing March '1, 1, ____... ___$ 7, 00 Grand total indebtedness, principal and interest to March T, 1899 15,750 00 . We ask that there be levied and collected from the taxable property of Tompkins County the sum of 5755.00, to meet interest folly due March 1, 1899. F. A. TODD, B. M. HAGIIN, W. I-I. VAN °STRANG, Comity Finance Committee. On motion of Mr..Snow, the salve was received and accepted. By Mr. Harrington in compliance to the recommendation of the Finance Co, mittee, Resolved, That there be levied, assessed and collected in the several Towns and the City of .Ithaca, comprising the County of Tompkins, the sum of 5750 as interest on the amount of indebtedness against Tompkins County, and due March 1, 1899. On motion, the same was declared adopted by the following vote : Ayes — Messrs. Snow, Hine, ' Francis, Pearson, Noxon, Frost, Harrington, Hagin, Pinckney -9. Noes —o, On motion adjourned. Afternoon Session. Ouoruul present at roll call. The matter relating to the resolution introduced by. Mr. Frost, last Friday, which was made a special order of business at this•hour, 72 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1898 was taken up, and on motion of Mr. Beers, action 011 the same was ' deferred until to- morrow at 2 o'clock, P. Al. The Committee on Equalization retired to their rooms for delib- eration, at 3 P. M. The Equalization Committee, by Mr. Beers, Chairman, pre- sented their report at 6 o'clock, P. ar. which was read by the Clerk, and on motion of Mr. Harrington, the same was laid over for-twenty- four hours. By Mr. Frost : Resolved, That the Chairman appoint a Committee comprising three nteut- hers to be known as the Finance Committee, of which he shall be Clmirmau. Carried. The chair appointed Messrs. Beers and Hagin. On notion adjourned. A. G. MARION, Clerk. NINETEENTH DAY: TI {URSDAV, • DECEMBER 15, 1898. Morning Session. Quorum present at roll call. Journal of yesterday read and approved. By Mr. Beers : Resolved, That the bill of T. W. Slocum a Justice of the Peace of the Town of Danby, for services in a criminal action be allowed, and the amount thereof 4.7o) be added to the town audits of the Town of Danbc. The Supervisors Proceedings, r898 73 On motion of Mr. Snow, declared carried , Ayes— Messrs. Snow, Beers, Wilson, Hine, Noxon, Frost, Harrington, Hagin, Pinckney -9. Noes —o. By Mr. Wilson : Resolved, That the correction of clerical errors in the several assessment rolls of this County, the assessments and valuations as corrected on said assess- ment rolls, in accordance with the recommendations of the Committee on , erroneous assessments, and the changes made necessary, in describing non- resident property in conformity with the requirements of the law, he, and the same are hereby ratified, confirmed and legalized. On motion of Mi. Hine, the resolution declared adopted: By Mr. Harrington : Resolved, That the Chairman and Clerk of this Board be empowered to stake and sign a contract with the Monroe County Penitentiary for the hoard of prisoners sentenced to that institution from this County, contract to be same as present contract with the institrition. Declared adopted. By Mr. Hine : Resolved, That in case of a deficiency in the fund set apart for court ex- penses for the ensuing year, the County Treasurer and the Supervisors of the City of Ithaca be authorized to borrow on the credit of the County an atnotutt sufficient to meet emergencies until the next meeting of the Board of Supervisors. On motion of Mr. Snow, declared adopted. On motion adjourned. Afternoon Session. Quorum present at roll call. The special order of business, action on which was deferred until to -day at 2 P. M., was taken up, and the same being put to a vote was declared carried. 74 The Supervisors' Proceedings, [898 Ayes— Messrs. Snow, Beers, Wilson, Hine, Francis, Noxon, Frost, Thompson, Harrington, Hagin—lo. Noes —o. By Mr. Frost : Resolved,. That in accordance with Chapter 556, Laws of 1894, the several sums of unpaid School taxes of the City of Ithaca for the years 1896 and 1897, together with seven per cent additional, be reassessed levied upon and collected from the property upon which said sums were formerly imposed. On motion of Mr. Snow, the same was declared adopted. Ayes— Messrs. Snow, Beers, Wilson, Hine, Francis, Noxon, Frost, Thompson, Harrington, Hagin —ro. Noes —o. Mr. Beers presented the report of Mr, T. W. Slocum, one of the Justices of the Peace of the•'hown of Danby which, on motion,. was received and filed: Mr. Francis, Chairman of the Committee on Printers' Accounts, reported the following bill which, on motion of Mr. Pinckney, was allowed and audited at the amount recommended by the committee : No. 158 a. Ayes— Messrs., Snow, Beers, Wilson, Hine, Francis, Noxon, Frost, Thompson, Harrington, Hagin, Pinckney =r r Noes —o. Mr. Wilson, Chairman of the Committee on Miscellaneous Claims, reported the following bills which, on motion of Mr. Frost, were allowed 'and audited at the amounts recommended by the committee : Nos. 155, 153, 158 , 157, 169, 16o, 171, 169 168, 159, 165, 161, 166, 167, 170, 163, 164. Ayes— Messrs. Snow, Beers, Wilson, Hine, Francis, Noxon, Frost, Thompson, Harrington, Hagin, Pinckney -1r. Noes —o. Mr. Thompson, Chairman of the Committee on Sheriff's Ac- counts, presented the following bills which, on motion of Mr. Har- rington, were allowed and audited at the amounts recommended by the committee : Nos. 63, 31. The Supervisors' Proceedings, [898 75 Ayes — Messrs. Snow, Beers, Wilson, 'Hine, Francis, Noxon, Frost, Thompson, Harrington, Hagin, Pinckney -11. Noes —o, On motion adjourned: A. G. MARION, Clerk. TWENTIETH' DAY. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1898. Morning Session. Quorum present at roll call. Journal of yesterday's proceeding read and approved. The report of the Equalization Committee was taken up for action. Moved by Mr. Pearson and seconded by Mr. Thompson, that the report of the Committee on Equalization be adopted. Mr. Hagin • arose and remarked in his opinion, the Town of Lansing was unjustly equalized and that he had intended to submit a minority report, but time did not permit him to do so. He con- tended that the Town should be lowered and advanced arguments in support of his opinion. A general discussion ensued. Upon being placed before the Board for a vote, the report of the committee was declared adopted. Ayes— Messrs. Snow, Beers, Wilson, Hine, Francis, Pearson, Noxon, Frost, Thompson, Harrington, Pinckney, Chairman Van , Ostrand -12. NoesMr. Hagin. l 6 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1898 Tlie report of Equalization Committee is as follows : To the Board of Supervisors of Tomphini Courtly : Your Committee on Equalization respectfully submit the following report : The assessed valuation as made by the assessors of the various towns of Tompkins County and City of Ithaca for the year 1898: Toms J Acres Real - Personal Aggregate Caroline 34,747 827,150 5 885,445 Danby 33,286 - 7 27 , 570' 7 Dryden 58,192 2,090,070 170.000 2,269,070Enfield22,007 5 5 355.Groton 30,725 1!296,90r 204,680 1,501,581Ithaca -City 16 , 293 6;290,859 1,122,050 7 -Ithaca -Town 2 ,940 939,66,500 1,0o6,f27 Lansing 37,7 9 84,640 1,069,660Newfield3937,5 5 995 : Ulysses 19,88 1,072,390 183,450 1,255,840 Total 15,723,646 2 , 033, 670 17,757,316 Your committee would respectfully report that they have examined the Assessment Rolls of the several towns and City of Ithaca and find them correct in form and footings. The committee recouunend that the following schedule he adopted by the Board and that the saute he declared to be the equalized valuation of the real estate in the County of Tompkins for the year of 1898 : TOWNS • 1 Acres Real Personal Aggregate Rate I_- 1 Caroline 34,747 699,792 5 757.997,. 5.'445-. 1Danby33,286 088 ;696 27,570 716;266 0438 Dryden 58,192 1,968;601 170,000 - 2;138,601 1252Enfield22,007 5 58,85' 627,38 0362,.,Groton 4 230,725 1,327,076 204,680 1 ,531 ,756 o8_Ithaca -City 16,293 . 5,605,480 1,122,050 6 ,727,530 ' 35Ithaca -Town 2,940 718,570 66,500 785,070 0457 1 Lansing 37,7 1,872,686 84,640 1 ,957,326 1191Newfield3758,300 7N + Ulysses 19,818 1 ,570 ,793 183,450 11754, 243, 09991 ' Total 15,723,6461 2 , 033, 670 17,7572316 1.00L JOHN E. BEERS, 0E0. W. FROST, W. H. PINCKNEY, hy.A. tlf FRANCIS, ic ?$'' -N. PEARSON, J. H.. HINE, Committee. L 722,7L// 61 The Supervisors' Proceedings, r8g8 77 By Mr. Wilson : Resolved, That the sutra of $5ao be levied upon and collected from the tax - able property of the Town of Dryden,•for the repairs of highway and bridges, as allowed by statute. On motion of Mr.. Pinckney, the same was declared carried. Ayes — Messrs. Snow, Beers, Wilson, Hine, Francis, Pearson, Noxon, Frost, Thompson, Harrington, Hagin, Pinckney -1 Noes —o. Mir. Harrington, Chairman of the Committee on Appropriations, rendered the following report which was read by the Clerk : To The hoard Supervisors: Your Committee on appropriation respectfully report the following : Resolved, That there be levied and collected on the taxable property of the several Towns and City of Ithaca, comprising the county of Tompkins, the sums hereii7 set forth for the following purposes : STATE TAX, For Schools 13,623 30 Care Insane 13,147 58 Canals -6 ,976 39 Stenographers, Supreme Court 1 ,324 9 35, COUNTP TAX. Salary Clerk Board Supervisors• •00 Clerks Postage and report to Comptroller 40 00 Chaplain Alms House 50 00 Salary Jail Physician____50 00 Salary Sheriff's Janitor 2350 00 County Judge's Salary 2,500 00 County Treasurer's Salary goo 00 Court I ?xpenses 1,663 5 I ' , Clerk of Surrogate's Court 500 00 D 0 ..b b d3 78 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1898 County Treasurer's Postage 15 00 District Attorney's Salary Soo oo District Attorney's Office Rent 200 00 County Fuel and Gas Account 75o 00 Susquehanna Valley Home 93 54 Special Comity Judge 50 00 Sheriff's Office Rent 35 00 County Treasurer's Office Rent___.too 00 Janitor County Clerk's Building Too 00 Superintendent of the Poor. .1,866 67 Monroe County Penitentiary 1,366 87 Children's home (Ithaca)____.____.__138 00 New York State Institute Deaf Mutes 6o 00 Western New York Institutes Deaf Mutes _30 00 Auburn Orphan Asylum 146 00 Rochester Truant School _ 41 86 State New York Craig Colony 17,32 Matteawau State Hospital 128 57 To Liquidate Court Fund Indebtedness 7,336 4S Interest on County Indebtedness 750 od County Audits 12,494 36 3 19 CAROLINE. TAX -1898. State Tax_1,560 67 ) o l'19CountyTax1 ,457 29 L7 IJ Town Audits 839 59 Highway and Bridges 1,200 00 Overseer of the Town Poor too 00 Superintendent of the Poor _147 27 , Returned Tax..16 02 Interest on Returned Tax 4 1 02 Soldiers and Sailors Relief Fund 50 00 School Commissioner's Apportionment 23 85 Appropriation Dog Fund 125 00 5,520 71 DAN131' TAX -1898. State Tax 1,536 12 County Tax 1 ,434 37 Town Audits 1,449 76 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1898 79 Highway Bridges 50000 Superintendent of the Poor 200 10 Returned 'fax 12 16 School Commissioner's Apportionment 31 03 Institute Feeble Minded Children (Syracuse)40 00 15, 54 DnVDON TAX -1898. p State Tax____________4,390 92 6 ti p?,7 County Tax 4,10007 g /y / Town Audits 2,165 19 Susquehanna Valley Homne 94 . 66 Superintendent of the Poor 266 53 Returned Tax 35 62 Interest on Returned Tax 2 13 School Commissioner's Apportionment 67 09 Highway and Bridges Soo 00 Fence Wire 300 00 Overseer of the Poor 400 00 Institute Feeble Minded Children (Syracuse)20 00 The Tripp Bridge 150 00 The Griswold Bridge 100 00 12,892 21 ENFIELD TAX -1898. State Tax_11,269 58 County Tax 1,185 49 Town Audits 1 ,490 99 Highway amt 250 c0 interest on Railroad Bonds 1,176 00 Superintendent of the Poor I 52 67 Unpaid Taxes __8 29 Interest on Unpaid 'faxes._.__________ :.54 School Commissioners Apportionment 26 66 Refunded Tax (Wm. Bonnette Estate)3 98 Refunded Tax (Munson Potter).1 20 5,4 4 GROTON TAX—I898. State Tax 2,96o 02 County Tax 2 ,763 95 8o The Siohervisors' Proceedings, 1898 1 Town Audits 2 , 653 77 1 Superintendent of the Poor____I8 64 Unpaid Taxes_13 79 Interest on Unpaid Taxes 84 School Commissioner's Apportionment 45 23 Highway and Bridges 450 00 Sinking Fund 150 00 Interest on 'Railroad Bonds 1,050 00 Appropriation Indigent Soldiers 10'00 Appropriation llemoria]'1T,1y 50 00 I0,356 24 ITHACA —TOWN TAX -1898. 3 7 % f 4/ / State Tax 1,6o2 761 t y County Tax 1 ,496 59 3 7 9, 5 Town Audits 2,262 Returned Tax 47 92 Interest on Returned Tax 2 88 School Commissioner's Apportionment 31 S4 Superintendent of the Poor 214 33 Geneva and Ithaca Railroad Bonds, Interest on Bonds, 16? of $5,95o.co-957 95 Institute Feeble Minded Children, Syracuse 40 00 6,656 7o ZTHACA —CTTV Taff -1898. State Tax 312,5o2 90 Z G 9 6 . p 01 County Tax 11,674 73 2,y/ 7 7, - 37ReturnedTax55 Interest on Returned Tax 118 5o Geneva and Ithaca Railroad Bonds, Interest on Bonds, 831'c of $5,95 4,99 05 Appropriation City Poor, per Resolution Council 6,o00 0o Appropriation to reimburse Tompkins County for Charit- able Institutions 532 00 Dudley Cook, Refunded Tax 13 86 Sarah Deming, Refunded Tax 46 20 To Reimburse Tompkins County for Support Bishop Children in the year 18 134 25 Susquehanna Valley Home ___223 36 Syracuse Institute Feeble Minded Children, Burial Bertha Rundle 17 00 3 40 The -Supervisors' Proceedings, 1898 8 r LANSING TAX -1898. State Tax 4,176 98 County Tax 3,9 3i 2 l Town Audits 1,449 14 Superintendent of the Poor 89 85 4,114#(7HighwayandBridges ___.._250 00 Returned Taxes 99 80 Interest on Returned Tax 6 00 432 1 School Commissioner's Apportionment 63 83 Susquehanna Valley Home _27 23 10,063 14 NEWFIELD TAX -1898. q State Tax 1,56768 q 99 County Tax 1,463 85 3 31.) D Town Audits 1,371 23 Highways and Bridges 250 00 . Superintendent of the Poor 101 39 Interest on Railroad Bonds _____— - __3,206 bo Overseer of the' Poor 5o 00 Returned Taxes 146 89. Interest on Returned Taxes 8 82 School Commissioner's Apportionment 31 51 Appropriation Town Library 100 00 Payment on Claim Ezra Marion_—1 00 Syracuse Institute Feeble Minded Children 20 00 • 9.497 37 ULYSSES TAX -1898. State Tax 3,5o3 62 yCountyTax3, 54 b77 G Town Audits 1,690 72 . Interest on Railroad Bonds 3,743 00 Highways and Bridges 250 00 Overseer of the Poor 250 00 Returned Taxes 111 22 Interest on Returned Taxes 6 72 Superintendent of the Poor 141 42 School Commissioner's Apportionment 78 96 A ubnrn Orphan Asylum 73 00 S2 The Supervisors' Proceedings, tSyS Institute Feeble blinded Children 20 00 fainting Bridges 3oo 00 13440 20 WM. P. IiARRINGTON, 13. M. HAGTN, T. S. THOMPSON, Committee on Appropriations. Moved by Mr. Snow and duly seconded, that the report be adopted and the sums therein named be levied and collected from the taxable property of the Counts of the various Towns and the City of Ithaca. Ayes — Messrs. Snow, Beers, •Wilson, Hine, Francis, Pearson, Noxon; Frost, Thompson, Harrington, Hagin, Pinckney, Chairman Van Ostrand -13. Noes —o. By Mr. Frost : Resolved, Thal the Collectors of the several Towns of the County of Tomp- kins and the Tax Receiver of the City of Ithaca, be required to settle with the County Treasurer and the Supervisors of their respective Towns or or before March 1, 1899. Moved by Mr. Pinckney and duly seconded that same be adopted. Declared carried. By Mr. Erost : Resolved, That the Chairman and Clerk of this Board be requested and authorized to cause to be published in the Ithaca Weekly journal and Ithaca Weekly Democrat any contract that they may make ddth the Monroe County Penitentiary for the keeping of prisoners in that Institution in compliance with the law. Declared carried. The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1888 83 By Mr. Pearson : Resolved, That the thanks of this Board are due, and are hereby tendered to the Chairman, Mr. Wm. H. Van Ostrand, for his uniform courtesy, and impartial rulings, during the session of this Board. On motion declared adopted. By Mr. Hine : Resolved, That a vote of thanks be tendered Arthur G. Marion for the uniform courtesy and kindness extended by him to each member of this Board and also for the efficient manner in which he has performed the duties of Clerk. On motion declared carried. By Mr. Harrington : Resolved, That the thanks of this Board are due, and are hereby tendered to Messrs. Priest & Benjamin, proprietors and publishers of the Ithaca Daily Journal, for their courtesy in supplying us with the paper during this Session. Declared carried. On motion adjourned. A. G. MARION, Clerk. TWENTY -FIRST DAY. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1898. Morning Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Quorum present at roll call. Journal of proceedings of Friday, December 16, 1898, read and approved. 84 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1898 The members were engaged in preparing and having the war- rants signed for the collectors of the several Towns and City of Ithaca. On motion adjourned.. Afternoon Session. Roll call- Quorum present. By Mr. Frost : Resolved, That the tax as extended upon the tax rolls of the several Towns and City of Ithaca, presented in this Board by the Supervisors of the said Towns and City, that the same he confirmed and that warrants be issued to the Collectors of such Towns and City of Ithaca, for the collection of the same. On motion of Mr. Pinckney, the same was adopted. The report of S. J. McKinney, Sheriff of Tompkins County, was presented, and on motion of Mr. Harrington, was received,, accepted and ordered printed. See Reports. The report of C. H. Blood, District Attorney, was presented, and on . motion of Mr. 1-Iine, was received, accepted and ordered printed., See Reports. The Board having finished the business of the Anneal Session, the proceedings of to -day were read and approved. On motion of Mr. Harrington, the Annual Session of the Board of Supervisors for 1898 was declared by the Chairman adjourned sine die. I, Arthur G. Marion, Clerk of the hoard of Supervisors of Tompkins County, do hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing journal of the Proceedings of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County with the original record thereof, and that the same is a full and correct transcript therefrom of the transactions of said Board at the annual session of said Board during the year ISO, so far as the same is required to be printed (typographical errors to he excepted). In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand this 27th day of Decem- ber, TS9S. ARTHUR G. MARION, Clerk. The Supervisors' Proceedings, [898 85 COUNTY AUDITS. STATE OS NEW .Posh, COUNTY OF TOMPIUN_S —BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, 85. I hereby certify that the following abstract comprises all the bills and accounts against the County of Tompkins presented to the Board of Supervisors of said county at its annual session, for the year 1898, showing the name of each claimant, the true nature of' . the account, the amount originally claimed, and the amount as finally allowed and audited by said Board. ARTHUR G. MARION, Clerk. No.Name Nature of Service Claimed. Allowed I Charles Hyde, Constable_____ ------- - -_ - -- $ 3 9 3 90 2 H. S. Hopkins, Justice 2 70 2 70 3 F. A. Regent, ex- Supervisor 6 72 6 72 4 Chas. R. Davis, services___- — -1 00 1 00 5 Ithaca Rubber Stamp works „seal for surrogate's office, 20 00 20 00 6 Central Institute for Deaf Mutes. See county and town budget.) 6o 00 7 M. H. Ingersoll, Justice 3 95 3 95 8 The Bool Co., supplies____________16 55 16 55 9 Sidney Palmer, caring for Albert Palmer 18 00 10 M. M. Robbins, Constable to 50 11 The Bool Co., supplies 9 5 9 5 12 The Bool CO., supplies, (withdrawn)1 50 13 Andras & Church, supplies 100 1 00 86 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1898' No.Name Nature of service Claimed Allowed 14 Bradford Snyder, •services as Deputy Sheriff 15 20 15 20 15 M. D. Goodyear, examination in lunacy 12 00 12 00 16 M. A. •Adsitt, M'g'r., supplies 12 39 12 39 17 Lewis Luce, Constable 4 00 4 00 18 George Rankin, supplies 3 76 3 76 r9 A. M. Baldwin, lunacy proceedings 12 00 12 00 20 Truman Noble, services as stenog0'apher (city charge), 14 00 21, Rochester Truant School. (See county and town budget)41 86 22 E. C. Marsh, constable, assigned to W. H. Willson4 Go 4 60 23 Western New York Institution for Deaf Mutes. (See county and town budget)30 00 24 Craig Colony. See county and town budget)14 42 25 Henry Hochman, Coroner's Jury 1 00 1 a1 26 C. J. Runlsey C Co., supplies 2 00 2 00 27 C. J. Rtvnsey & CO., supplies.___ _33 81 3 Sr 28 Andrus Si Church, supplies-1 00 1 00 29 Mattettan State Hospital. (See county and town budget). 128 57 3 O. H. Lindsey, Constable 6 to 6 10 31 The Bool Co., supplies_S 78 5 78 32 C. A. Smith, freight - _5 50 33 Norton Si Hanford, supplies 2 50 2 50 34 Truinan Noble, services as stenographer 10 00 i0 oo 35 E. D. Norton,• supplies_2 50 2 50 36 M. M. Dayton, printing 2 85 2 85 37 Norton & Hanford, supplies 2 50 2 50 38 C. A, Smith, sprinkling 6 00 6 00 39 Philip Rascover, supplies 5 25 5 25 40 Ithaca • City Hospital, services for May Robinson withdrawn)_ _..16 a1 41 Ithaca City Hospital, services for W. Lamkin3.00 3 00 42 Ithaca City Hospital, services for Mrs. Korts 13 co 13 00 43 Comings & Hulbert, supplies 5 w 5 00 44 Bool Co., supplies 1 02 1 02 45 C. T. Stephens, supplies 1 70 1 70 46 Susquehanna Valley Home. (See county and town budget)90 00 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1898 87 c. No. ' Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 47 Susquehanna Valley Home. Sec county and town • budget)97 5 48 Susquehanna Valley Home. See county and town budget) 33 75 49 Susquehanna Valley Home. See county and town budget) 103 25 • 50, Wm. Austin, legal services 30 0o 30 00 5 Prank Doane, Constable, assigned to N. 'C. Cook 8 95 8 95 52 Jacob Conklin, Constable i7 8o 17 ``o 53 John W. Dean, Justice of Peace______6 75 6 75 54 White & Burdick, supplies 2 70. ' 2 70 55 R. F. Slocum, supplies 75 75 56 Alex. Minton, work County Clerk's office 22 85 22 85 57 L. H. Van Kirk, County Clerk 642 53 642 53 58 Jamieson & McKinney, labor and supplies__- _- _33 74 33 74 59 City of Ithaca, Recorder's hilt 55 . 75 55 75 6o City of Ithaca, Recorder's hill 53 53 00 61 Luzerne Coville, 74.D., expert testimony and examina- don, .case of Dempsey 50 co 35 00 62 N. Y. & Pa. Tel. & Tel. Co., telephone in slteriff's office 36 00 36 00 63 S. J. McKinney, Sheriff, hoard of prisoners 2,286 96 2,286 96 s 64 C. F. Hotter, ex- Supervisor, committee work 4 oo 4 co 65 N. Y. & Pa. Tel. & Tel. Co., telephone in county jail_ 36 00 36 00 66 N. Y. & Pa. Tel. & Tel. Co., telephone in alms house6o 00 6o no 67 N. Y. & 1'a. Tel. &Tel. Co., telephone in court house36 00 36 00 68 Jamieson & McKinney, labor 'and supplies io6 37 lob 37 69 Treman, King & Co., supplies, etc.26 97 26 97 70 Taylor & Carpenter, supplies 6 - so 6 no i 7i F. P. Randolph, labor, 'etc.2 24'. 2 24 72 C. H.. Blood, District Attorney, disbursements____. 32 88 32 88 73 C. 1'. Beaman, M.D., examinations and expert testimony 83 00 43 00 74 Dixon & Robinson, supplies 7 5 7 5 75 Fnz & Miller, supplies 159 21 159 21 76 M. A. Adsitt, M'g'r., services 1 65 1 65 77 Syracuse lnstittution for Feeble - Minded Children. See county and town budget)177 00 78 West. Disinfecting Co., supplies_' __ .10 co l0 00 79 E. J. Morgan, M.D., examination ;Ind medical services, 37 O 27 88 The Supervisors' Proceedin - s, /8g8 No.Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 8o Truman Noble, Stenographer 10 00 $ 10 00 • 81 S. J. McKinney, Sheriff, service hill 1,258 78 1,258 78 82 Henry Lynie, Constable 7 70, 83 J. D. Ross, Justice 8 8o S So 84 L. H. Van Kirk, County Clerk 7 7 7 7 85 Charles Baker, Constable, subpoenaing witnesses _____ 3 6o 3 60 86 Matthew Bender, supervisbr's manual__5 25 5 25 87 J. L. Baker, services as special County Judge _- - _ 48 0048 co 88 T. S. Thompson, committee work 4 00 4 00 89 Brush -Swan Electric Light Co., lighting court house, 37 65 37 65 90 J. R. Brown, labor on alms house____ ___'2 CO 2 00 91 John N. Barker, Justice of Peace 3 45 3 45 92 M. T. Williamson, Truant Officer 67 70 67 70 93 J. FL Rhen, Coroner's Jury 2 00 2 00 94 S. W. Priest, services _____ -5 00 5 00 95 C. M. Stanley, supplies 1 50 1 So 96 T. J. Stephens, tombstones for soldiers 30 00 30 00 97 John N. Barker, Justice of Peace 3 10 3 10 98 H. D. Watson, .M.D., medical services, assigned to N. D. Chapman 1 00 17 00 99 R. Al. Wool, services 2 00 2 00 100 Ithaca Water Works Co., water supply county buildings 133 rx1 133 00 1w1 Ithaca Journal, election printing 974 61 974 6r 102 W. C. Gallagher, M.D., examination i17 lunacy pro- ceedings. Town charge)5 00 03 Randolph Horton, legal services 25 00• 25 00 104 Wm. P. Harrington, services county building 28 00 28 00 105 Ithaca Democrat, printing, etc.93 00 93 00 106' C. J.• Rumsey, services 50 50 107 N. D. Chapman, coroner's services 5 So 5 80 io8 J. M. Townsend, M.D., examination in lunacy pro - ceedings. Withdrawn)5 00 109 Hall & McChesney, books for County Clerk's office225 00 225 00 110 J. Flickenger, M.D., Coroner 5 00 5 00 111 T. S. Thompson, supplies-14 30 14 30 112 Chas. Ingersoll, conveyances 25 00 25 00 113 John N. Barker, Justice of Peace______5 5 5 - 50 T14 John N. Barker, Justice of Peace 3 45 3 45 The Supervisor,' Proceedings. 7898 89 No.Name Nature of Service Claimed - Allowed 115 M. T. Williamson, Justice of Peace- - _2 So 2 So 116 O..G. Noble, Justice of Peace 5 05 5 05 117 F. A. Todd, ex- Supervisor, committee • work 5 6o 5 6o 118 Ithaca Journal, printing 22 00 22 00 119 Auburn Orphan Asylum. (See county and town budget)219 00 12o Ithaca Journal, printing, etc.1,137 12 1,137 12 121 Craig Colony. See county and town budget) ___2 90 122 Children's Home,. Ithaca. See county and town budget)138 00 124 13. M. Hagin, committee services 5 04 5 04 125 John Winslow, M.D., Medical services as expert, etc., 135 00 50 00 126 M. M. Dayton, printing, etc 23 5 23 5 127 J. Will Tree, books for County Clerks office 23 95 23 95 128 G. S. Tarbell, services as examiner 75 4 75 4 iie R. G. H. Speed, Justice of Peace_5 75 5 75 130 John 11. Richards, Stenographer 5 00 5 00 131 C. H. Blood, expenses and disbursements •20 38 20 38 132 Bradford Snyder, Overseer Poor, transportation. lbws charge)7 8o 133 J. W. Brown, Coroner 132 45 132 45 134 E. O. Godfrey, services coroner's jury, Bush case . 2 00 2 00 135 Charles A. Brown, services coroner's jury, Bush case, 2 00 2 00 136 Charles H. Brooks, services coroner's jury, Bush case, 2 00 2 00 137 Judson 11. Todd, services coroner's jury, Bush case2 00 2 00 138 P. 1,. Clock, services coroner jury, Bush ease 00 2 00 139 W. H. Van Ostrand, services committee 5 28 5 28 140 C. T. Stephens, services coroner's jury, Bush case2 ao 2 00 141 F. L. Clock, ex- Justice Peace_11 35 8 15 142 Burns Bros., services 1 2 1 25 143 Charles Ingersoll, conveyances.__10 00 10 00 144 Monroe County Penitentiary. (See county and town budget)1,366 87 145 Charles Ingersoll, conveyances 8 oo 8 00 146 Charles S. Seaman, conveyances 17 00 17 c'o 147 Charles Ingersoll, conveyances 2 00 2 00 148 Ithaca Rubber Stanip Works, supplies 2 95 2 95 149 E. N. Jackson, Justice of Peace 2 95 2 95 150 Hawkins & Todd, supplies 3 44 • 3 44 90 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1898 No. • Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 151 Carpenter & Small, decorating, assigned to Crozier & Stevens 2 6o S 2 6o 152 Rothschild Bros., supplies 6 30 6 30 153 S. R. Tisdell, supplies_ 1 2 0o 2 00 154 J. S. Lyke, Superintendent of the Poor, salary and services 1,125 00 1,125 00 155 C. W. Conger & Co., supplies 15 6 15 6 156 J. S. Lyke, Superintendent of Poor 84 97 84 97 157 Wm. H. Burnham, services 21 40 21 40 158 W. G. Hull, supplies 1 30 1 30 15Sa Tthaca Journal, session laws 36 6o 3 6o SERVICE RILLS. r 759 N. Pearson, service hill 124 6o 124 60 16o \V. P. Harrington, service bill 100 00 100 00 161 F. A. Snow, service bill 126 00 126 162 J. B. Wilson, service 'bill 148 41 148 41 163 J. E. Beers, service hill 122 53 122 55 164 J. H. Hine, service bill 125 all 125 o8 165 B. M. Hagin, service bill____135 16 135 16 166 W. H. Pinckney, service bill_138 64 138 64 167 W. H. Van Ostraud, service bill 136 64 136 64 168 - L. F. Noxon, service bill_100 00 100 00 169 T. 5. Thompson, service bill_100 ,00 100 00 170 G. W. Frost, service bill_ .___177 54 177 54 171 A. Al. Francis, service hill ___140 62 140 62 36 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1898 91 30 0 ia7 ,-, r.mCd 1 0'q0o p WPR. a. >.na, Priffrapz2.:P2 Orbit0no x R c 24 o —y I s ` P In m y jam:. z O µv Cra t'0.0.2-0g-.0-goon.,-0.--0 ,r0 d 0 Croa oPS,C O SP , o F w b x e i mwr. o ro ° 17I'p i O O pr •2 Prvm° w f A 0. Oo'''.1 r oormo loJ VI n bF;72‘...,12:' 7 ' G a t III0. 0 o d d M o ON o. of Days Can .mx OL' 1 c a x w ingSoldie sV<tv ! O P uw 0 'a- +- +- o-+-+ - >fi Com Pe at $4.00 0 o F s ! cr.+per Day. w y R a s a .8x 8EP -8 1 G OCilclu'eat8 cents perTo p ''7 ,o o 211i10. 1 c Days with County 0. • o. + c_ e., o.w+o,., ,.. .:<.ro Canvassers.r' m 0 9-r am 0a wwayr n "' A'P w Compensation at $l. lq o c B' 884 °o€= =8Ub888 per dap.o 9w ~a L Allinage at8rents Per y e.IIIPP M 1 _ _..___ ____.= o p rcrowvsrowroam rero Waal Sessi ml-v ti • r B m' • +r"- ia3x" -xw-mw Compmisiti $ 5; N b o 888'a888888888a' Per day?5 o ^ oo x Mileage et 8 cents per ro a P y a0.00 t229 Mile.57a:SROe wDays Spe with Board.m=,'SpecialSes sions'.Ino m x c PI Y Compensatlon$l.g _p +.4'4' w> w W C ay 8I ¢825888°E88°088 Per day.Ce ro CO Alil eage 9Pecial Ces-yonxwr'eious lit 8 runtspero - °2,01,.,. ° mile.m O 9 y =nw` Copying Assessment y0rm=andExtending' Roll o wmM1 r' • K Ibtal amount of 9cry 1 5 ( 1 ep O _ 4. 1 88 - i '= -' = = vice Bill. GO t d c9 oy 1. for Rate of tax the offp Adftheseseveral 7 towns. 92 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1898 TOWN AUDITS. CAROLINE. We, the undersigned, the Town Board' of the Town of Caroline, do hereby certify : That the following is an abstract of the names of all persons who have presented to said Board accounts to he aud- ited, the amounts claimed by each of said persons and the amounts finally audited respectively to -wit : No.Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 1 Daniel Slater, Oversee] of Highways, Excess Tinie_ 5 8 5 S 50 2 W. D. Earsley, Ballot Clerk 400 4 00 3 R. E. Brink, hall rent 12 00 12 00 4 E. H. Card, hall rent 12 00 12 00 5 C. W. Personius, erection of booths__ _•6 25 ; 6 25 6 C. W. Personius, Assessor 27 00 27 00 7 Elmer Allen, Inspector 12 00 12 00 8 'G. P. Ellis, Poll Clerk 400 4 00 9 Chas. Vreeland, Poll Clerk 4 oo 4 00 TO Henry Winchell, Ballot Clerk 4 00 4 00 11 L. A. Patch, Assessor..3T 10 31 10 12 Geo. Nixon, Justice 12 00 12 00 13 Ira Bogardus, ex- Commissioner of Highways 46 a 46 00 14 Geo. J. Nelson, Overseer of Poor 20 00 - 20 00 15 Geo. R. Peck, Inspector and Messenger IS 56 IS 56 16 Geo. Beard, Poll Clerk _4 00 4 00 17 W. T. Graham, Poll Clerk 4 00 4 00 IS Chas. E. Mix, Registry and Ballot Clerk 8 00 8 oo 19 Fenton Iieson, inspectr 4 00 4 00 20 Curtis Shurter. Inspector 12 00 12 00 The Supervisors' Proceedings, k8g8 93 No. Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 21 Arthur Green, hall rent 5 io 00 5 io oo 22 Dewitt F.-Roe, Inspector 12 00 12 00 23 Dewitt F. Roe, Truant Officer 40 00 40 00 q Ira Bogardus, Inspector 400 4 00 25 Samuel Woodhull, Ballot Clerk 4 00 4 00 26 W. A. House, 4 marriage certificates 1 00 1 00 7 W. B. Christopher, births and deaths 4 5 4 5 28 Richard Whittaker, ballot clerk _ _4 00 4 00 29 Frank Maple, Inspector and Messenger'18 12 18 12 30 Byron Wattles, Inspector 12 00 12 00 31 Frank Rightmire, Inspector 12 00 12 00 32 G. K. Doughty, Inspector 12 00 12 00 33 8. B. Turner, Treasurer Old Ladies' Houle 52 00 52 CO 34 Philo Wilcox, Assessor 24 00 24 00 35 R. Johnson, death and birth certificates 3 25 3 25 36 W. C. Gallagher, 84 burial permits 21 00 21 00 37 W. K. Boice, ex- Supervisor 10 8o 10 So 38 Geo. Nixon, Justice 1 75 1 75 39 Geo. Wolcott, Justice 14 00 14 00 40 Jonas Rhoode, Poll Clerk _'4 00 4 00 41 J. H. Best, Inspector _12 00 12 00 42 H. A. Davis, Poll Clerk 4 00 4 00 43 W. P. Rich, Ballot Clerk 4 00 4 00 44 W. 18. Mandeville, inspector and Messenger 17 7 17 7 45 Geo Phillips, Inspector 12 00 12 00 46 Ithaca Journal, ballots and supplies -22 07 20 00 47 F. A. Snow, Supervisor _..6 00 6 00 48 R. G. H. Speed, Justice 22 25 • 22 25 49 Mason J. Clark, Justice 12 00 12 00 ' 5o Wm. A.Ferguson, Town Clerk ___68 91 68 91 51 James Mulks, Commissioner of I1igllways 141 38 141 38 52 H. N. Van Densen, 6 marriage certificates 1 5 1 5 5841 66 1 59 I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the orig- inal on file in this office. Dated November 14, 1898.WM. A. FERGUSON, l Town Clerk. t t it. K99_ 7Z // 94 The Supervisors' Pioceedings, 1898 DANDY. We, the undersigned, the Town Board of the Town of Danby, do hereby certify : That the following is an abstract of the names of all persons who have presented to said Board accounts to be audited, the amounts claimed by each of said persons and the ainountsfinally audited respectively, to -wit : No.Name Nature of Service Clainied Allowed 1 Williamson I,aw Book Co., Sup's. Manuel 5 25 5 25 2 Ithaca Journal, Printing 23 07 23 07 3 Lucian B. Beers „Assessor 28 00 28 oo 4 George E. Morris, Assessor 26 50 26 50 5 E. E. Swartout, Assessor 23 00 23 00 6 Samuel L. Kirkendall, Inspector and Messenger;15 5 15 5 7 Alonzo Beach, Inspector and Messenger 15 8o 15 8o 8 Lewis E. Cooper, Inspector and Messenger_ -..15 88 25 88 9 Geo. E. E. Button, Inspector to 00 10 00 - ro Harrison Thayer, Inspector to 00 10 od 11 Charles C. Wafer, Inspector 10 00 10 00 12 Herman P. Hayward, Inspector, assigned to P. A. Todd, ro 0o to 00 13 DeWitt Allick, Inspector 10 00 10 00 14 DeAlston Snyder, Inspector 10 00 • 10 00 15 Grandison Ryant, Inspector 10 00 10 00 16 John M Ryan, Inspector 10 00 10 00 17 Elbert B. Hill, Inspector 10 00 10 00 18 Levi H. Hollister, Poll Clerk 400 4 w nI Arthur W. Beardsley, Poll Clerk 4 W 4 QD 20 Frank A. Todd, Poll Clerk 4 «1 4 00 21 Ralph E. Thatcher, Poll Clerk 4- 00 ' 400 22 Reuben VanOrder, Poll Clerk 4 00 400 • 23 Marcus J. Hill, Poll Clerk 400 4 24 Arthur J. Tubbs, Ballot Clerk 4 00 400 25 John Elyea, Ballot Clerk 4 00 4 26 Clarence Hayward, Ballot Clerk, Ass't. to P. A. Todd,4 00 4 00 27 Charles D. Allick, Ballot Clerk 4 00 40028• Jacob Wise, Justice of Peace 10 00 10 00 29 J. B. Thatcher, Justice of Peace 12 00 12 00 3o T. W. Slocum, Justice of Peace 10 00 10 00 Tke Supervisors' Proceedings, 1898 95 No. Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 31 Z. E. Smiley, Justice of Peace •0 00 10 oo 32 William Howland, Overseer of Poor ___ .___20 01 20 01 33 Sheldon Bierce, Overseer of Poor 37 00 37 00 34 Charles L. Wright, Overseer of Poor' .15 5 15 5 35 Levi T,: Beers, Surveying 3 00 3 on 36 John E. Beers, Supervisor___22 44 22 44 37 John E. Beers, Medical__ _ ___15 5 15 5 33 T. W. Slocum, Justice account 9 75 9 75 39 FairbrotheT & Snyder, hall rent to 00 10 00 40 Z. E. Smiley, hall rent lo 00 to 00 41 John J: Johnston, Constable 13 35 13 35 42 F. A: Todd, ex- Supervisor 5 00 5 O0 43 A. S. Apgar, Board of Pierce Children____ ___ -125 5 125 5 , 44 S. D. Sincebaugh, Constable 6 25 6 25 45 Parker Birch, Ballot Clerk 4 00 4 00 46 Havilla Dorn, Ballot Clerk 4 00 4 00 i 47 William H. Baker, 'town Clerk 77 00 77 00 43 William H. Baker, supplies 13 00 13 00 49 William H. Baker, Vital Statistics 12 00 12 00 50 F. L. Nourse, Highway Commissioner __134 00 134 00 51 E. L. Nourse, supplies..579 59 579 59 52 John B. Welch, Erroneous tax 3 10 _ 33 06 $ 06 Resolved, That the stun of five hundred dollars ($500'oo) be raised by tax for highway purposes. In witness whereof we have hereunto subscribed our names this loth day of November, 1393.JOHN E. BEERS, Supervisor, WM. H. BAKER, Town Clerk, JACOB WISE, T. W. SLOCUM, Z. SMILES, J. B. THATCHER. Justices of the Peace. ADDED BY RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. V 53 -T. W. Slocum, Justice of Peace -70 96 The Supervisors' Proceedings, x898 I certify that this is a correct copy of an abstract now on file in my office. . • Dated Danby, November 19, 1898. IVM. H. BAKER; Clerk. DRYDEN. We, the,undersigned, the Town Board of the Town of Dryden, do hereby certify : That the following is an abstract of the names of all persons who have presented to said Board accounts to be and- ited, the amounts claimed by each of said persons and the amounts finally audited respectively, to -wit : No.Name Nature Of Service Claimed Allowed' 1 J. T. Morris, house for election and Poll Clerk 14 00 14 00 2 W. P. Richards, Inspector Election District No. I12 00 12 00 3 Joseph Snyder, Inspector Election Dtstrict No. 1 00 12 00 4 George W.'Brow1t, Inspector Election District No. r72 00 12 oo 5 Frank Whitman, Inspector Election District No. L4 00 4 00 6 Fred Crutts, Inspector Election, District No. 1.4 00 4 co 7 Arthur Cornelius, Inspector Election and Messenger_ 6 00 6 00 8 Oscar Snyder, Inspector Election and Messenger_4 00 4 00 9 Shemtan Dennis, Poll Clerk, District No. 1 8 oo 8 oo 10 Chas.. Foster, Ballot Clerk, District No. 1___4 m 4 00 11 Arthur R. Snyder, Ballot Clerk, District No. 1 4 00 4 00 12 Jacob McKinney, Inspector Election and Messenger, NO.1 1924 1924 13 Elory Stanton, Ballot Clerk, District No. ? _ _4 00 4 00 14 Albert A. Seager, Ballot Clerk, District No. 2___..4 00 4 00 15 John F. Dart, Inspector Election District No. 2 12 00 12 00 16 William Tichner, Inspector Election District No. 2, assigned to B. McArthur , •4 00 4 m 17 Henry C. Warriner, Inspector Election District No. 2_ 19 80 19 8o 18 O. K. Rhodes, Poll Clerk, District No. 2 8 m 8 00 19 W. H. Vanpelt, Inspector Election District No. 2 00 4 co 20 Frank Sheldon, Inspector Election District No. 2 00 4 00 The Supervisors' Proceerlivgs, iS98 97 No.Name Nature of Service Clamed 'Allowed 21 Corry G. Dusenberv, Inspector Election and Poll Clerk, District No. 2 _____10 oo ro 00 22 E. R. Gaston, Inspector Election District No. 2_16 00 16 oo 23 Chas. G. Pitts, Inspector Election District No. 2 12 00 12 00 24 Chas. T. Fitts, Inspector Election District No. 3____ _ 4 00 400 25 Geo. H. Hard, Inspector Election District No. 3, as- signed to Geo. E. Monroe 4 00 26 Geo. 1. Monroe, Poll Clerk, District No. 3____.8 00 8 00 27 James Fulkerson, Poll Clerk, District No.'3_8 00 8 00 28 William Miller, Inspector Election, District No. 3 . 2 00 12 00 29 Charles Runnner, Inspector Election District No. 3 00 12 00 30 Chas. 1. Green, Inspector Election District No. 3 00 12 00 31 J. I). Ross, Ballot Clerk, District No. 3 4 co 4 00 32 R. F. Chappins, Poll Clerk, District No. 3 4 00 4 00 33 D. C. McGregor, Inspector Election and Messenger17 96 17 96 34 R. L. Weaver, Ballot Clerk, District No. 34 00 4 00 35 D. T. Wheeler, Opera House for election 20 00 20 00 36 R. M. West, putting up booths Districts Nos. 3 and 5- 4 00 4 00 37 Horatio Smith, Inspector Election and Poll Clerk, District No. 4 8 oo 8 on 38 F. W. Smith, Poll Clerk, District No. 4 8 00 8 oo 39 E. T. Brown, Inspector Election and Messenger, Dis- trict No. 4 '14 00 14 00 40 henry Newman, house for election_20 00 20 00 41 N. Lockwood, Ballot Clerk, District No. 4 4 00 4 00 42 C. H. Richardson, Inspector Election District No. 4_ 12 00 12 c0 43. J. T. Morris, house for election and Poll Clerk, as- signed to N. R. McCutcheoin 14 00 14 00 44 Geo. E. Goodrich, legal services 38 10 38 10 45 Fred D. Space, Inspector Election District No. 5__.__ 12 00 12 00 46 Avery Hile, Inspector Election District No. 5_ -12 00 12 00 47 Robert Stillwell, Poll Clerk District No. 5 4 00 4 ao 48 Hiram Givin, Inspector Election District No. 5 16 00 16 00 49 Geo. W. Ballinger, Ballot Clerk District No. 5 4 00 4 00 5o, Frank Burch, Ballot Clerk District No. 5 -_4 00 4 00 51 A. M. Clark, Inspector Election District No. 5 4 00 4 co 52 Will Mespel, Inspector and Messenger District No. 5 6 oo 6 oo 53 Daniel 31. White, Inspector, Messenger and Poll Clerk, District No. 5 24 12 24 12 98 The Suj5ervisors' Proceedings, 1898 No.Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed J4 A. M. Baker, Inspector, District No. 5, assigned to W. H. Baker 4 00 400 55 J. H. Pratt, hall for election 20 00 20 00 56 Sylvester Ilile, Inspector Election District No. 6- - _ 12 00 12 00 57 Geo. S. Monroe, Inspector Election, District No. 6___ 4 00 4 00 58 F. E. Bush, Inspector Election, District No. 6 4 00 4 00 59 C. II. Monroe, Inspector and Messenger and repairing booths District No. 6 15 00 15 00 6o Alex. McKinney, Jr., Inspector and Messenger, Dis- trict No. 6 17 So 17 So 61 L. C. Simons, Inspector Election District No. 6 12 00 12 00 62 R. L. Sager, Inspector Election District No. 4 6 00 6 00 63 A. C. Stone, hall for election, District No. 6__ _10 00 10 00 64 W. M. Monroe, Inspector and Poll Clerk District No. 6_ 8 00 8 00 65 John J. Cole, Ballot and Poll Clerk, District No. 68 o0 8 00 66 •C.WillManroe,Inspector and Messenger DistrictNo.4. 21 So 21 So 67 Albert Rummer, Inspector District No. 6 4 00 4 00 68 Fay Skillings, Inspector and house for election 14 00 14 00 69 .Allen O. Sager, Inspector, District No. 4, assigned to R. L. Sager 12 00 12 00 7o Edmund Smith, Poll Clerk, District No. 6 4 00 4 00 71 W. J. Shaver, Ballot Clerk, District No. 6 4 00 4 00 72 Gardner Gibson, house for caucuses 1500 1500 73 Ithaca Journal, printing_2 14 2 14 74' E. C. Smith, printing, assigned to F. P. Darling_____ S 50 8 50 75 E. G Smith, printing, assigned to F. E. Darling 5 00 5 00 76 Williamson Law Book Co., book and blanks 12 65 12 65 77 Humphrey Williams 1 25 1 25 78 L. E. Hennningway, repairing road scraper 1 50 1 50 79 Benj. Lillis, Truant Officer __..I So 1 8o 80 L. N. Sutliff, Ballot Clerk District No. 4 4 00 4 0 SI F. E.. Dlineah, Constable 3'55. 3 55 82 E. F. Weaver, Truant Officer 6 00 6 00 83 J. Beach, Vital Statistics and per contract 30 67 30 67 84 Homer Genung, Vital Statistics and per contract 35 67 35 67 85 G. L. Root, Vital Statistics and per contract 29 16 29 16 86 J. D. Ross, Vital Statistics 5 5 5 5 87 C. H. .Westervelt, house for election 20'00 20 00 83 Theron Johnson, ex- Supervisor 14 40 14 40 The Sutery sors' Proceedings, 1898 99 No.Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 89 L. Ii. Hemmiugway, Constable 6 95 6 95 90 L: N. Sutliff, damage to wagon 2 75 2 75 91 F. H. Dickinson, Vital Statistics, assigned to G. E. Underwood .1 75 1 75 92 Alvah Ewers, Assessor, assigned to 13, McArthur64 00 64 00 93 M. E. Crutts, Truant Officer 4 00 4 00 94. Joseph Snyder, Inspector, assigned to G. E. Hanford, 4 00 4 00 95 'P. 11. Dickinson, Vital Statistics 75 75 96 Bradford Snyder, Overseer of Poor • _44 00 44 00 97 S. E. Smiley, Commissioner of Highways •323 00 323 oO g8 G. E. Underwood, Justice •22 25 22 25 99 J. D. Ross, Justice 32 00 32 00 100 J. B. Wilson, Supervisor 39 5 39 5 101 J. C. Lorulor, Overseer of Poor 30 00 3o 00 102 J. J. Montgomery, Vital Statistics and Contract____ 37 9 37 9 103 P. E. Brown, Justice 20 00 20 00 104 P. E. Darling, Town Clerk 121 29 121 29 105 E. M. Seager, Justice 4 90 4 90 ion E. M. Seager, Justice 22 W 22 00 107 F. S. Jennings, Vital Statistics and Contract..28 66, 28 66 1o8 A. Snyder, Jnstiee 10 00 1O 00 109 A. W. George, Assessor 64 00 64 00 110 J. D. Ross, Justice, criminal hill •33 75 33 75 111 E. A. Sovocool, Constable 9 05 9 05 112 E. D. Allen, lunacy proceeding, Eliza Cole 5 So 5 30 113 E. D. Allen, per contract 24 66 24 66 114 11. D. Wheeler, Assessor__70 00 7o 00 115 H. D. Watson, Vital Statistics, assigned to H. Genung 75 116 J. I'. Pierce, Vital Statistics 5o 5o 117 A. Snyder, Justice, criminal bill 10 30 • 10 30 118 B. I,. Robinson, medical services _.100 00 100 00 119 Geo. J. Nelson, Overseer Poor, Caroline___to 25 to 25 120 Zind 13. Dusenhery, damages 1o0 00 75 ao 121 A. Snyder, Vital Statistics 75 75 2;tgo.A9 $2,165 19 JESSE I1. WILSON, Supervisor. • F. E. DARLING, Town Clerk. GEO E. UNDERWOOD, , 1,. I. SEAGER, J. D. ROSS, ALVIRAS SNIDER, Justices of the Peace. 100 The Supervisors', Proceedings, 1898 ENFIELD. We, the nndersigned, the Town Board of the Town of Enfield, do hereby certify : That the following is an abstract of the names of all persons who have presented to said Board accounts to be and- ited, the amounts claimed by•each of said persons and the amounts finally audited respectively, to -wit : No.Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 1 Wm. H. Janes, Jr., Inspector__454 00 54 0 2 Edwin F. Bailey, Inspector and Messenger 17 64 17 64 3 Smith Weatherby, Inspector 12 CO 12 00 4 Horace M. Baker, Inspector 12 00 12 cw 5 Arthur Curry, Inspector and Messenger 17 64 . 17 64 6 W. T. Grant, Inspector 12 00 12 00 7 Chas. Bonnette, Inspector 12.00 12 00 S Wm D, Rockwell, Ballot Clerk 4 00 4 00 9 Kirk Fowler, Ballot Clerk 4 00 4 00 10 Bert Willis, Ballot Clerk 4 m 4 00 11 John F. Bonnette, Ballot Clerk 4 00 4 00 12 John M. Russell, 1'011 Clerk 4 00 4 00 13 Geo. Kirby, Poll Clerk 4 00 4 00 14 Chas, Fletcher, Poll Clerk 4 00 4 00 15 Wm, T. Wright, Citizen member of hoard of Health and Poll Clerk 6 00 6 00 16 John M. Russell, services at Town Meeting in place of G. A. Tard 4 400 17 A. S. Knight, M.D., Vital Statistics 8 00 S o0 Is J. R. Selover, -M.D., Vital Statistics 1 50 1 50 19 Frank Teeter, house for Town purposes 30 00 30 00 20 1,. H. Van Kirk, filing coupons 1 00 1 00 21 Ithaca Journal bill 22 07 22 07 22 J. 0. Carman, Assessor 34 25 34 25 23 Williamson Law Book Co 6 25 6 25 24 Frank D. Fish, Assessor 36 00 36 00 25 - Chas. H. Hubbell, Overseer of Poor 26 00 26 00 26 Herbert D. Bailey, Vital Statistics 22 09 22 09 27 Elmer Rumsey, Inspector 12 00 12 00 28 J. H. Peck, Assessor 32 ao 32 00 The Supervisors' Proceedings, / 898 I01 NO.Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 29 J. H. Peck, Fence Viewer S oo 1$ S oo 3 Silas I3arvey, Fence Viewer 6 0o 6 0o 31 Wm. Ammack, Railroad Commissioner .16 a) 16 oo 32 Silas Harvey, Commissioner's service bill 92 00 92 00 33 W. V. Rumsey, ex -Town Clerk 24 00 24 00 34 Ella Miller, use of hall for election 20 00 20 00 35 F.'11. Aiken, ex- Supervisor a o:) 1 t o0 36 H. A. Graham, Justice of the Peace__5 00 15 00 37 Chas. Fletcher, Justice of the I'eace__13 25 13 25 38 James H. Hine, Justice of the I'eace 9 00 9 00 39 James H. Fline, Supervisor._23 00 23 00 40 H. D. Bailey, Town Clerk, assigned to Chas. Wright_ 64 13 64 13 41 Lewis Austin, Poll Clerk, 1897- •4 00 4 00 42 Itlnica Journal, balance of hill, 18 5 13 5 13 43 J. L. Marshall, Citizen member of Board of Health, 1896.__2 00 2 00 44 Wm. Ammack, Bonding Conlnl ission et' 4 money loaned to ex- Supervisor, November 6, 1896_._- _ 661 48 661 48 45 J. D. Smith, material furnished C. D. Wallenback, ex- Commissioner, in 1897 63 o8 63 o8 46 C. D. Wallenback, ex- Commissioner, for labor 21 06 21 00 47 C. D. Wallenback, ex-Commissioner, service bill 22 00 22 00 48 3. D. Smith, Executor of Mary A. Rumsey's estate, • damages awarded by Commissioner, with interest from 1896 37 33 37 33 5 84 5 84 1D1)IcD I4V RUSOI,UTIOV OF HOARD. 49 Frank Barber, Constable 17 1 50' Wm. Bonnette Estate, excess of tax 3 98 51 _Munson I'otter, excess of tax T 20 In witness whereof, we have hereunto subscribed our names, this 10th day of November, 1898. JAMES H: HINE, Supervisor. HERBERT D. BAII,EV, Town Clerk. CHAS. FLETCHEI-1, Justice of the Peace. H. A. GRAHAM, Justice of the Peace. 102 The. Supervisors' Proceedings, 18p8 GROTON.• We, the undersigned, the Town Board of the Town of Groton, do hereby certify : That the following is an abstract of the names of all persons who have presented to said Board accounts to be audited, the amounts claimed by each of said persons, and the amounts finally audited respectively, to -wit No.Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 1 Newton Baldwin, work on booths 7 00 7 00 2 Newton Baldwin, burial permits 1 50 1 50 3 Newton Baldwin, Justice of the Peace 3 00 3 00 4 Newton Baldwin, Justice of the Peace 7 20 7 20 5 Newton Baldwin, Justice of the Peace z 65 2 65 6 Newton Baldwin, Justice, service____32 30 32 30 7 Nelson Stevens, Justice, service__ __26 0o 26 0o 8 E. R. Haydn, Inspector and Messenger___ ____1S 36 is 36 9 M. E. Miller, Poll Clerk 4 00 4 o0 10 C. A. Hart, Poll' Clerk 4 0 4 o0 is Elwyn Clark, Clerk 4 02 4 oo 12 - H. E. Van Sickle, Inspector 8 oo S o0 13 Andrew McKee, Inspector 14 oo 14 0o 14 Daniel Morgan, Inspector 8 00' 8 00 15 - Henry Bliss,'Inspector and Messenger IS o0 18 oo i6 M. L. Jones, Poll Clerk 4 a0 4 00 17 S. W. Pennoyer, Poll Clerk 4 00 4 00 18 Wm. D. Baldwin, Ballot Clerk____4 00 4 00 19 J. C. Gifford, Ballot Clerk •4 00 20 Geo. 13. Close, Poll Clerk 4 00 4 00 21 E. F. Lefler, Poll Clerk ___ ___4 oo 4 00 22 F. E. Metzgar, Ballot Clerk 4 00 4 00 23 J. B. Losey, Ballot Clerk 4 00 4 o0 24 H. 13. Curtice, Inspector 12 00 12 00 25 B. S. Whitman, Inspector 12 00 12 00 26 P. J. Hopkins, Inspector __12 • 0 12 00 27 D. Boman, Inspector 12 00 12 00 2S E. E. Barney, Inspector, _____________S oo S 00 29 Eugene Starkey, Inspector 4 00 4 a1 3 Frank Hyde, Inspector 12 00 12 00 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 18 103 No.Na me ,Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 31 R. 13. Shaw, Inspector and Messenger 18 20 18 20 32 D: 13. Conlon, Inspector 12 00 12 00 33 Miles G. Tarbell, Poll Clerk •4 00 4 00 34 James Mullen, Ballot Clerk_ —_4 00 4 00 35 Ed. Metzgar, Poll Clerk __4 00 400 36 R. R Townley, Ballot Clerk ____4 00 4 00 37 Chas. Clement, Inspector 12 00 12 00 38 Leroy Smith, Inspector 12 00 12 00 39 Frank Upson, Inspector and Messenger ..21 28 • 21 28 40 Warner C. Allen, stationery 2 10 2 10 41 Wanner C. Allen, hall for election 15 00 15 00 42 Pickens & (Sowers, poor supplies 4 00 4 w 43 S. B. Parker, work on booths- - —8 00 8 00 44 Wm. II. Bulkley, Assessor 34 00 34 00' 45 John S. Love, rent for Town Poor 36 00 36 co 46 J. • I. Booth &Son, burying Town Poor,_- __25 00 25 00 47 Marshall Woodbury, Constable .___1. 40 1 40 S8 :Marshall Woodbury, Constable 2 6o 2 60 49 Marshall Woodbury, Constable 1 95 1 95 5o Marshall Woodbury, Constable 2 00 2 00 51 F. A. Regent, Supervisor, service 8 25 8 25 52 M. II. Sears, Assessor 44 00 44 00 53 C. W. Conger & Co., Poor supplies 12 90 12 90 54 Williamson Law Book Co., supplies 3 00 3 00 55 C. O. Rhodes, stationery 2 63 2 63 56 J. S. Love, Overseer of Poor.22 6t 22 6i 57 J.'I. Booth & Son, burying Town Poor 3 00 3 1)0 58 M. D. Goodyear, doctoring Town Poor __6i 50 6r 50 59 M. D. Goodyear, Vital Statistics 13 5 13 5 6o M. D. Goodyear, room for election purposes 15 00 15 00 6' M. M. Robbins, Constable 4 55 4 55 62 Chas. Hyde, Constable 3 45 3 45 63 Chas. Hyde, Constable 2 00 2 00 64 Chas. Hyde, Constable 4 20 4 20 65 Chas. Hyde, Constable 3 70 3 70 66 Chas. Hyde, Constable ______ .3 7 3 7 67 Chas. Hyde, Constable 2 ,55. 2 55 68 Wm. A. Smith, Vital Statistics 5o r 50 69 C. 1S. Tarbell, excess tax 50 50 104.The Supervisors' Proceedings. 1898 No.Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 70 H. Genung, Vital Statistics 50. $ 5 71 Milo E. Gillen, Assessor 38 00 3 co 72 Milo E. Gillen, supplies for French 4 00 4 00 73 Amos Avery, work on booths Jo 00 10 00 74 Charles Hyde, Truant Officer____33 00• 33 00 75 L. J. Townley & Son, ptinting 40 18 40 IS 76 B. L. Robinson, Doctoring Town 1'oor___31 50 ' 3 50 77 A. M. Baldwin, Vital Statistics 3 00 3 00 78 Frank Harris, Administrator, Assessor, Nelson Harris, 10 0o I0 00 79 D. E. Croft, Vital Statistics 1 75 1 75 So C. A. Stout, hall for election purposes 15 00 15 00 8 E. G. Gallon's, Inspector ________________ 16 oo 16 w 82 George E. Albon, Vital Statistics- -7 75 7 75 83 C. A. Boyce, Health Physician 87 0o 87 00 84 C. A. Hart, Health Officer_____.11 20 11 20 85 E. R. Nye, hall for election purposes___42 50 42 -50 86 E. G. Galloup, supplies 16 70 16 70 87 P. Richford,' assigned to F. 13. Harris, copying for Assessors_..6 00 6 oo 88 E. G. Galloup, Burying Town Poor- -3 00 • 3 00 89 C. A. Boyer, supplies 2 75 2 75 90 M. M. Robbins, Constable__1 90 1 9 91 J. Al. Montfort, supplies.___ _12 00 12 00 92 51. M. Robbins, Constable- - - - - -2 50 2 50 93 J. 31. Montfort, Justice, services 26 00 26.00 9d James Corcoran; time quarantined.19 44 19 44 95 - Joseph Holden, fumigating small pox_8 oo 8 00 96 Nelson Stevens, Justice services •12 00 12 00 g7 H. S. Hopkins, Justice, services - - -4 60 4 60 98 H. S. Hopkins, Justice services 1 95 1 95 99 H. S. Hopkins, Justice services 1 65 165 me H. S. Hopkins, Justice services 95 95 101 H. S. Hopkins, Justice - - - -2 85 2 85 102 H: S. Hopkins, Justice_____________3 75 3 75 103 A. 31. Francis, Supervisor 14 00 14 00 104 Diantha Fuller, care of Poor____..72 00 00 00 105 Wm. H. Burnham, Overseer of Poor 54 00 54 00 1o6 Wm. H. Burnham, Overseer of Poor 11 5 I 50 107 C. W. Conger & Co.. poor supplies __36 00 36 00 Tlae Supervisors' Proceedl' i s, 1898 105 No.Name Nature of service Claimed Allowed 1o8 Regent C Wilcox, highway supplies _248 36 $ 248 36 109 Buck & Gobel, highway supplies.____187 03 87 03 110 C. W. Hall, highway Commissioner 160 00 160 oo 11 r C. W. Hall, livery and labor 20 co 20 00 112 M. A. Downing, Towu Clerk 121 55 121 55 . 113 Regent & Wilcox, poor supplies 16 50 16 50 114 A. M. Baldwin, doctoring Towu Poor 3 co 3 0• 115 Gooding & Halliday, poor supplies 21 02 21 02 116 H. S. Hopkins, service bill 3 00 3 00 117 M. M. Robbins, Constable 2 00 2 00 r18 F. B. Harris, highway supplies 58 82 58 82 1 9 5. H. Gunn, poor supplies .2 67 2 67 120 Wm. R. French, tinge while quarantined 7 00 7 00 121 Groton Bridge & Mfg. Co., Bridges 4 15 4 15 122 F. C. Atwood, poor supplies 19 67 19 67 77 $ 77 We, the undersigned, the Town Auditors of the Town of Groton, do hereby certify that the above is a correct list of all bills presented, with amount claimed and allowed. A. M. FRANCIS, Supervisor. Al. A. DOWNING, Town Clerk. ITHACA. We, the undersigned, the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca, do hereby certify : That the following is an abstract of the names of all persons who have presented to said Board accounts to be audited, the amounts claimed by each of said persons and the amounts finally audited respectively, to =wit : 106 The Suj5ervesors' Poceedings, 1898 No.Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 1 Lyle W. Nelson, Inspector 17 6o 17 6o 2 Esty Landon, Inspector 4 00 4 00 3 S. M. Thompson, Inspector 4 00 4 00 4 Earl Northrop,, Inspector 4 00 _ 4 00 5 John J. Hanshaw, Inspector_21 00 21 00 6 J: S. Bush, Inspector 12 00 12 00 7 T. H. Hildebrant, Inspector 23 50 • 13 50 S Omer Mitchell:Inspector__12 00 12 00 9 Harry Pearson, Inspector and Poll Clerk 8 0o 8 oo l0 Edgar Masters, Inspector ___16 00 16 00 11 W. J. Smith, Inspector_ _.6 8o 6 8o 12 Charles Gibbs, Inspector 12 00 12 00 13 L. B. Frear, Inspector 4 00 4 00 14 Osmun Shevalier, Inspector '12 00 12 00 15 _Martin V. Campbell. Poll Clerk 4 00 4 00 16 E. H. Green, Poll Clerk, assigned to John J, Hanshaw, 4 00 4 00 800 IS C. G. Morgan, Poll Clerk 4 00 4 00 19 A. F. VaoGorder, Ballot Clerk 4 0o 4 00 20 S. R. Dean, Ballot Clerk 4 00 4 00 21 Ellis Manning, Ballot Cleric 8 00 8 00 22 George Whipple, Ballot Clerk 4 00 400 23 Fred Spencer, Ballot Clerk 4 00 4 00 24 Edward Runlsey, Ballot Clerk 4 00 4 00 25 Don A. Hopkins, Ballot Clerk 4 00 4 00 26 Charles Colegrove, Ballot Clerk 4 0o 4 00 27 L. F. Colegrove, Justice of the I'eace 83 55 83 55 28 Alfred Hasbrotick, Justice of the Peace14 00 14 00 29 Charles Palmer, Justice of the Peace 14 00 14 00 30 H. S. Wright, Justice of the Peace 12 00 - 12 00 3, Myron Van Orman, rent of polling place 40 00 30 00 32 Fred Northrop, rent of polling place 30 00 30 00 33 J. W. Preswick, office rent 26 00 26 00 34 Nelson VanOrder, excess of tax 8 o6 8 o6 35 0. 0. Williams, Attendance Officer 10 00 10 00 36 William Perry, Tax returned with Interest 4,11 _ 4 T 37 Frank Mitchell, Health Officer 6 0o 600 38 J. W. Preswick, Recording Vital Statistics 5 5o 5 50 39 N. Pearson, Supervisor 20 00 20 00 The Sutervisors' Proceedings, x898 207 No.Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 40 Fred Williams, Constable 15 4 15 46 41 George V. Curry, Constable 0897) 8 20 8 20 42 Andrus & Church, Assessment Roll 1 25 1 25 43 S. R. Tisdel, keys for ballot boxes 50 50 44 Ithaca Journal, printing 23 7 23 7 45 Ithaca Journal, supplies 9 95 9 95' 46 J. W. Preswick, Town Clerk, Services and Disbnrse- ments-95 5 95 5 47 N, Pearson, Supervisor, Money Advanced 4 74 4 74 48 Prank Mitchell, fence viewing 2 00 2 00 49 Robert Whipple, fence viewing 6 ao 6 00 5o Moses Snook, fence viewing (1897)6 00 6 00 51 H. A. Bro fence viewing 4 00 4 00 52 'Robert Whipple, Assessor 30 00 30 oo 53 Frank Mitchell, Assessor 34 00 34 00 54 W. O. Newman, Assessor i6 00 16 00 55 Howard Korts, ex- Overseer of Poor 15 - 10 5 10 56 A. F. VanGorder, Overseer of Poor 25 08 25 08 57 Moses Snook, ex- Highway Coinuussioner, Services40 40 40 40 58 S. R. Deau, on highway (1897)•6 00 0 00 59 G. O. Williams, plank for bridge (1897)26 00 26 00 6o George T. Stevens, labor on highway (1897)10 45 10 45 61 George Small, lumber for highway (1897)35 35 35 35 62 G. O. Williams, plank for bridges 66 69 66 69 63 C. J. Rumsey C Co.;• hardware -___3 4 3 4 64 George E. Stevens, lumber and labor on highway69 50 69 50 65 Driscoll Bros.' & Co., supplies for highways___— - 183 56 183 56 66 John J. Hanshaw, gravel for highways 8 00 8 00 67 William McKinney, gravel for highways 10 45 10 45 68 H. A. Brown, expense bill for highways_214 65 214 69 H. A. Brown, Iligllway Commissioner, for services___ 292 50 292 50 70 A. J. Coe, labor on highway (1897) -1 50 1 50 71 John Sheehy, for stone 38 00 3 W 72 P. and J. B. Middaugh, plank for bridge 17 20 13 76 • 73 William O. Newman, fence viewing._..2 00 2 00 2,281 87 $2,262 43 1oS The Supervisors' Proceedings, rSpS VVe, the undersigned, the Town Auditors of the Towu of Ithaca, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct list of all the accounts audited or rejected at the meetings of said Board of Auditors held November to and 19, 1895. NICHOLAS PEARSON, Supervisor. J. W. PRES\NICK, Towu Clerk, L. E. COLEGROVE, Justice of Peace. ALFRED HASBROUCK, Justice of I'eace. CHARLES H. PALMER, Justice of Peace. LAN We, the undersigned, the Town Hoard of the Town of Lansing, do hereby certify : That the following is an abstract of the names of all persons who have presented to said Board accounts to be audited, the amounts claimed by each of said persons, and the amounts finally audited respectively, to -wit : No.Nance Nature of Service •Claimed Allowed 1 Delos C. Barring, Overseer, service 6o 00 S6o 00 2 Gardner Gifford, Poll Clerk 4 00 4 00 3 Algeran Stout, Inspector 12 00 12 00 4 Ben O. Seaman, Ballot Clerk 4 00 4 00 5 Gardner Burling, Inspector and Messenger 17 64 17 64 6 Miles Brown, Inspector and Messenger 13 0o 13 00- 7 M. C. Egan, Poll Clerk 4 00 4 00 8, Edward Ozmun, Ballot Clerk 4 00 4 00 9 Hiram Herrick, use of hall io on 10 oo to C. E. Wood, registering statistics _21 25 21 25 I t Ithaca Journal, printing hill 24 10 24 to 12 H. A. Carpenter, returning statistics 1 50 1 50 13 Will E. Davis, Assessor's service bill 32 CO 32 00 14 Albert Van Auken, criminal hill, assigned to C. E. Wood ___ 29 75 29 75 15 Orley Van Marter, Inspector and Messenger 20 12 t9 12 16 Noble Wilson, Inspector 13 00 12 00 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1898 209 No. Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 17 J. Norton, plank..13 °9 13 09 18 Nelson E. I,vou, service bill 2 00 200 19 Nelson E. Lyon, use of hall ___.30 00 30 00 20 John Coy, service bill, assigned to W. H. Willson____ 192 00 192 00 21 O. 8. ;Van Patten, sand 1 5 r 5 22 VVnr. B. Miller, 'Ballot Clerk 4 00 4 00 23 B. M Halliday, Ballot Clerk 4 00 4 00 24 Albert A. Wood, Poll Clerk 4 00 4 m 25 'Frank Jefferson, Poll Clerk 4 00 4 0) 26 Frank J. Woolley, Inspector 12 00 12 00 27 John C. Rasbach, Inspector 12 00 12'00 28 N. C. Holden, Inspector 12 00 12 00 29 D. E. Thayer, Inspector and Messenger 19 . So t8 8o go Driscoll Bros., drain Tile 7 89 7 89 31 John Coy, repairs on road scraper 8 50 8 50 • 32 John \V. Mack, plank 9 6o 9 6o 33 Dr. V. A. Moore, Health Board 5 00 5 00 34 'N. D. Chapman, Health Officer _ 4 00 4 0) 35 N. D. Chapman, statistic returns_ __ - _15 00 15 00 36. 'John Parkins, Ballot Clerk 4 00 4 00 37 'Frank H. Tarbell, Poll Clerk 4 00 4 00 38 Frank Moran, Inspector 12 CO 2 CO 39 B. M. H•gin, plank 15 CO 15 00 40 Carrius Holden, Inspector 12 00 12 00 41 Joim L. Drake, repairing road scraper 3 25 3 25 42 Geo. Howell, plank _6 70 6 70 43 S. LBarnes, Assessor's service hill_____38 00 38 00 44 Albert Van Aitken, constable criminal bill.95 4 95 4 45 John Collins, Assessor's service bill _4 00 4 00 46 Jonathan Lohdell, plank .6 25 13 00 47 Nathan Williams, Inspector 13 5 3 5 48 Charles H. Osborn, plank 79 05 70 12 49 C. E. Wood, clerk for Assessors 12 00 12 00 50 C. E. Wood, Disbursements 4 6o 4 6o 51 Frank Harring, Commissioner's service hill, 1897__.__ 35 00 35 00 52 Dr. W. G. Fish, returning statistics _1 75 r 75 53 Gardner C. Gifford, Attorney's bill 20 00 20 00 54 , John Coy, service bill commissioner, assigned to C. E. • Wood ____ .64 00 62 00 r to The Supedvisors' Proceedings, [898 No.Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 55 Rodolphus Miller, plank 5 o8 5 08- 56 Rodolphus Miller, use of hall_.12 00 12 00 57 Lewis Luce, constable hill___3 '00 3 00 58 Chas. Baker, constable bill, 1897__3 00 3 00 59 C. E. Wood, Town Clerk service bill 42 00 • 42 00 6o Chas. D. Howell, Justice criminal bill 8 85 8-85 61 Will Norton, damage bill 51 00 1500 62 Charles Drake, Justice criminal bill 22 05 22 05 63 Chas. D. Howell, Justice criminal bill____.2 55 2 55 64 Chas. D. Howell, Justice criminal bill 3 00 3 00 65 ' Chas. D. Howell, Justice criminal bill_______2 10 2.10 66 Chas. D.Howell, Justice criminal bill___ ____65 65 67 Lafayette Jacobs, Justice criminal bill 10 35 10 35 68 Charles Drake, Justice criminal bill 2 50 2 50 69 Lafayette Jacobs, Justice criminal bill 3 75 3 75 - 7o Lafayette Jacobs, service hill 16 00 16 00 71 R. H. Brown, service bill 16 00 16 00, 72 Chas. D. Howell, service bill 14 00 14 00 73 B. M. Hagin, service bill -25 12 25 12 74, Charles Drake, service bill 14 00 14 00 75 H. G. Smith, plank 20 00 20 00 3 $ 14 B. Al. HAGIN, Supervisor. CHAS. E. WOOD, Town Clerk. LAFAYETTE JACOBS, CHAS. DRAKE, R. H. BROWN, CHAS. D. HOWELL, Justices of the Peace. I hereby certify that the above is a true copy of bills audited by the audit- ing Board of the Town of Lansing at their annual sleeting, November roth, 1898. C. E. WOOD, Town Clerk. The Supervisors' Proceedings, c898 r1I NEW FJELD. - We, the undersigned, the Town Board of the Town of New- field, do hereby 'certify : That the following is an abstract of the names of all persons who have presented to said Board accounts to be audited the amounts claimed by each of said persons, and the amounts finally audited respectively, to -wit : No.Name Nature of Service Claimed' Allowed 1 Walter A. Shaffer, Poll Clerk, District No. 3_ .___ ____ 4 00 4 00 2 Dr. W. H. Loughhead, Jr., Vital Statistics 2 75 2 75 3 Dr. W. H. Loughhead, Jr., Health Officer 3 00 3 00 4 Fstus Patterson, Poll Clerk, assigned to Geo, Ward , 4 00 4 00 5 Dr. W. A. Smith, Vital Statistics 9 5 9 5 6 Frank Doane, Constable, assigned to N. C. Cook_2 00 2 00 7 W. L. Puff, Vital Statistics 25 25 8 Charles Boice, Poll Clerk, District No. 1 _4 00 4 00 q W. L. Puff, Ballot Clerk „District No. 1 4 00 4 00 to S. W. Bellis, Ballot Clerk, District No. I__4 00 4 00 11 Theo. Kresga, Inspector and Messenger, District No. 1, 1764 17 64 12 A. H. Palmer, Inspector, District No. T _12 00 12 00 13 Geo. V. Smith, Inspector, District No. 1 12 00 12 00 14 S. J. Douglass, Inspector, District No. 1 12 00 12 00 15 W. L. Puff, Justice of the Peace 10 -o0 10 00 t6 David V. Congdon, Inspector, District No. 3 12 CO 12 00 17 Aaron 'Alexander, rooms for voting 10 00 10 00 18 Estus Patterson, Town Clerk, assigned to Geo. Ward87 35 87 35 19 A: H. Palmer, R. R. Bonding Commissioner 6 70 6 70 20 Fred L. Royce, Poll Clerk, District No. 3_ _ _ --4 00 4 00 21 John Rosebr000k, Commissioner, highway note520 83 52o 83 22 John Rosebrook, Commissioner of Highways, services 76 00 76 00 23. James Brown, Ballot Clerk, District No. 2 -__400 4 00 24 George Thomas, Ballot Clerk, District No. 2 4 00 4 00 25 Arthur Doll, Inspector, District No. 2 12 00 12 00 26 James Churchill, Inspector, District No. 2 12 00 12 00' 27 John P. Shaw, Vital Statistics 75 75 28 L. H. Taber, excessive tax 6 01 . 6 or 29 Estus Rockwell, Ballot Clerk, District No. 2 4 00 4 00 3o Daniel W. Gore, Poll Clerk, District No. 2 4 00 4 00 11 2 The Supervisors' s' Proceedings, 1898 • No.Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 3 Jacob Boyce, Inspector and Messenger, District No. 2, 17 96 17 96 32 Sumner F. Rosebrook, Inspector, District No. 2 12 00 12 00 33 Delos Cutter, Assessor, services 3 00 30 00 34 P. S. Dudley, use of hall _--------------------14 00 14 00 35 Alonzo Bower, Assessor, services_ .33 5 33 50 36 Warren Tompkins, Truant Officer, services S 90 S 90 37 Geo. WC Cox, Inspector, District No. 3 _______12 00 12 00 38 Alvah D. Brown, Justice of the Peace, services 12 00 12 00 39 C. A. Smith, Inspector, District No. 2 12 00 12 00 40 William \Veatherell-, Justice of the Peace, services12 00 12 00 41 A. D. Brown, use of house for election 10 00 10 00 42 'John C. Thompson, Ballot Clerk, District-No. 3'4 00 4 00 43 S. S. Vose, Vital Statistics 5 25 5 25 44 William \Veatherell, cost in criminal cases 1 45 1 45 45 Geo. \V. Peck, Overseer of the Poor, supplies62 37 62 37 46 Geo. W. Peck, Overseer of the Poor, services 14 00 14 00 47 Geo. W. Peck, Overseer of the I'oor, Physicians._ 115 00 115 00 43 Geo. \V. James, Poll Clerk, District No. 3 4 00 4 00 49 Oliver Crawford, ex- Overseer of the Poor, supplies__ 4 93 4 93 5o Chas. W. McCorn, R. R. Bonding Commissioner, services_6 00 6 00 51 Oliver - Crawford, ex- Overseer of the Poor, services___ 12 00 12 00 52 A. D. Brown, Vital Statistics__75 75 53 Watson McDaniels, Inspector and Messenger, District No. 3 17 y 17 9 54 Watson McDaniels, ex- Commissioner of Highways, services 14.00 14 00 55 W. H. Van Ostrand. Supervisor, services 15 00 15 00 56 .S. E. Hausner, erroneous tax 7 56 7 56 57 William Shangle, Constable, fees in criminal case5 75 5 75 58 John W. Dean, Justice, fees in criminal case____.9 30 9 30 59 Ithaca Journal, bill for printing 22 52 22 -52 6o William Clark, Assessor, services 36 25 36 25 61 Geo. W. Peck, Overseer of the Poor, care of Helen Edgcomb 40 00 40 00 62 Dr. W. A. Smith, Health Officer, services .2 00 200 63 W. 1'. Taber, erroneous tax 4 50 4 73 $ 73 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1895.11 No.Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed Less amount from Dog Fund on hand, available for support of Town Poor 72 50 23 Excise money, f'63,33, paid by Supervisor to Overseer of the Poor. I hereby certify that the above is a true copy of the bills audited .by the auditing hoard of the Town of Newfield Noventbcr loth, 1898. ES1'US I'ATTERSON, Town Clerk. ULYSSES. We, the undersigned, the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses, do hereby certify : That the following is ail abstract of the names of all persons who have presented to said Board accounts to be audited, the amounts claimed by each of said persons and the amounts finally audited respectftely to -wit : No.Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed T Henry Luckey, Inspector 6 12 6 00 2 Charles Delaliant, Inspector 8 oo 8 00 3 M. T. Smith, Inspector boo 4 00 4 Jacob Stillwell, Inspector 4 0o 4 00 5 N. R. Gifford, rogm for election io 00 10 00 6 Harvey Updike, Inspector 4 0o 4 00 7 E. M. Corcoran, Inspector and Messenger 21 96 21 96 • 8 C. H. Tunison, Inspector 4 00 400 9 E. W. Updike, Inspector,12 00 12 TX) to Frank Terry, Ittspector 4 00 4 00 11 J. T. Morgan, Assessor 72 00 72 00 12 Alexander Updike, Ballot Clerk 4 oo 4 00 13 E. R. Osterhout, Commission in Lunacy 5 00 5 00 114 The Supervisors' Proceedings, r898 No.Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 14 M. T. Rolfe, Assessor - ___3 75 3 75 15 A. Chase, Commission in Lunacy • __5 00 5 00 i6 R. R. Osterhout Services as Physician 7 25 7 25 17 George Curry, Asst. to M. T. Williamson, Constable,1 5 i 50 IS E. R. Osterhout, Health Officer 38 50 38 50 J9 Isaac Murray, digging graves 5 00 5 00 20 - Eugene Thorp, Ballot Clerk 4 00 4 00 21 FL E. VanOrder, Inspector 4 00 4 00 22 A. C. Crawford, Inspector_4 00 400 23 Howard Church, Inspector 12 00 12 00 24 E. C, AlmV Inspector 12 00 12 00 • 25 Elias Smith, Ballot Clerk 4 00 4' 00 26 William McCoy, Dnspector I2 00 12 00 27 Charles VanAmburg, Poll Clerk S o0 8 oo 28 E. S. Johnson, room for election 20 00 20 00 29 Myron T. Almy, Ballot Clerk 4 00 4 00 3o William H. Stevens, Ballot Clerk 4 0) • 4 00 31 William Van Dine, inspector and Messenger 19 19 64 32 Fred Van Buskirk, Inspector____4 00 4 00 33 Janes H. Thompson Inspector i6 oo 16 00 34 C. C. Page, Inspector i6_oo 16 00 35 C. R'. Wolcott, Poll Clerk 400 4 00 36 E. J, Farrington, Poll Clerk 4 00 4 00 37 William Austin, legal services 25 00 25 00 38 A. Chase, medical services 1 oo 1 00 39 K. VanOrder, room for assessors 2 00 2 00 40 A. Chase, medical services 1 75 1 75 41 J-. Flickinger, medical services 1 00 1 00 42 J. Flickinger, medical services 100 100 43 J. W. Kirby, assessor 36 6o 36 6o 44 J. Kirkendall, Commission in Lunacy_ - -5 00 5 oo 45 Horton &Holton, supplies 1 45 s 45 46 Willett Terry, assigned to A. Store, Inspector (rS97) 4 00 4 00 47 William Austin, legal services 35 5 35 5 48 E. R. Osterhout, Vital Statistics- 1 75 1 75 49 O. G. Noble, room for Town Board _8 oo 8 oo 5o O. G. Noble, Justice of the Peace.28 15 28 15 5 J. Flickinger, Vital Statistics ____1 75 t 75 52 J. M. 'Townsend, medical services I2 00 12 00 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1898 115 No.Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 53 J. M. Townsend, medical services 5 00 5 00 54 J. M. Townsend, Vital Statistics____r 25 r 25 55 Henry•Willianls, Truant Officer 2 6o 2 6o 56 D. P. Terry, Vital Statistics r 75 1 75 57 L. S. Boyd, Vital Statistics 3 75 3 75 58 George Hopkins, supplies 45 45 59 N. T. Ward, Citizen Member Board of Health 10 00 10 00 6o F. F. Van Buskirk, undertaking.22 50 22 50 6r A. Chase, medical services 26 50 26 50 62 Hurry Stone, Ass't. to F. F. Van Buskirk, Inspector4 00 4 00 63 F. W. Osborne, Overseer of Poor____8o 40 8o 40 64 L. W. Carpenter, Town Physician-12 50 12 50 65 L. \V. Carpenter, Vital Statistics_75 75 66 W. H. Pinckney, rent of room for election 30 00 3o 00 67 Seneca Spicer, Constable - __ _ -'—15 55 15 55 68 'J. K. Wheeler, storing booths 4 00 4 00 69 J. N. Barker, service bill 16 0o 16 00 7o J. N. Barker, service bill 24 00 • 24 00 71 O. G. Noble, service bill 20 00 20 00 72- 303111 Wetz, Inspector 12 00 12 00 73 Chapman & Becker, - supplies 13 9 13 9• 74 W. H. Pinckney, service bill 38- 13 38 13 75 Henry' Williams, assigned to F. F. Van Buskirk ser- viee.bill____22 00 22 (0 76 Manning Atwater, Town Clerk 6o 50 Go 50 77 H. P. Owen, Commissioner of Highways 6o 00 6o oo 78 M. T. Williamson, Justice of the Peace 6o 45 - Go 45 - 79 Manning Atwater, Town Clerk's Expenditures_- - _ 24 63 24 63 8o J. N. Barker, Justice of the Peace Go , 6o 81 Foster Hewitt,.l3oard of Jury 175 175 82 A. T. Price, Ballot Clerk 4 00 4 00 83 M. 1'. Williamson, service bill 34 00 34 00 84 A. V. Stobbs, Vital Statistics 3 50 3 50 85 Salem Twist, service as Commissioner- -20 00 20 00 86 Myron N. Tompkins, service as Commissioner____20 00 20 00 87 C. 3. Van Auken, Inspector and Messenger 17 96 17 96 88 John E. Beers, service as Conmrissioner 23 0o 19 00 89 3L T. Williamson, supply bill 2 70 2 70 90 James E. Hall, assigned to F. F. Van Buskirk, Inspector 12 00 12 00 116 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1898 No.Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 91 A. P. Osborn, Inspector and Clerk_..5 00 8 00. 92 J. J.. A. Durling, Poor supplies 1q oS 14 oS 93 George A?. Curry, assigned to M. T. Williamson, Constable 5 00 5 00 gq E. T. Stewart, undertaker 17 50 17 50 95 L. W. Carpenter, Medical services_ 9 0o 1 00 96 H. S. Bates, Ballot Clerk 4 00 4 00 97 J. M. Townsend, medical services 15 00 15 00 98 E. T. Stewart, undertaker 20 00 20 00 99 A. F. Allen, printing ____-1 6 1 65 tyro F. S. Ritter, Vital Statistics 2 25 2 25 tot D. P. Tern-, medical services _ _15 00 15 00 102 D. P. Terry, medical services 3 00 3 00 103 G. V. Curry, Constable_____So 7 59 35 104 Maurice Sarsfield, Overseer of Poor __ 132 35 132 35 105 F. F. Van Buskirk, ex-Town Clerk 35 79 25 29 to6 E. R. Osterhout, medical services •10 00 10 00 107 A. F. Allen, printing ballots 79 50 65 01 to8 A. F. Allen, printing_5 00 0 00 109 A. F. Allen, printing 10 65 9'65 1,769 26 $1,690 72 W. H. PINCKNE.Y, Supervisor. MANNING ATWATER, Town Clerk. JOHN N. BARKER, M. T. WILLIAMSON, O. G. NOBLE, HENRY WILLIAMS. Justices of the Peace. 1, Manning Atwater, Town Clerk of Town of Ulysses, do hereby certify that at the annual Town meeting held in and for said Town on the eighth day of February, 1898, the proposition number two, providing for raising three hun- dred dollars for the purpose of painting bridges in said town was carried by a majority of one hundred and two. Dated Trumansburg, N.Y., November 26, 1898. MANNING ATWATER, Town Clerk The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1898 117 REPORTS. COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT. To fife Honorable, the Board of Supervisors o_f the County of Tompkins : The undersigned, Treasurer of Tompkins County, respectfully submits his annual statement of receipts and disbursements of the County funds, from November, 1897, to November 12, 1898, as' follows RECEIPTS. Cash on ]rand 7,812 62 Ithaca —city_51,376 11 Ithaca —town 3,3 30 • Groton —town 5,686 83 Enfield 2 ,542 97 Dryden 8,746 50 Daubs-3,16o 86 Caroline 3,052 07 Lansing 7,889 33 Newfield '3;150 o6 Ulysses _ _6 ,975 77 School fluids - -15,909 50 Discounts __15,000 00 School funds fees 118 23 Commission State fees 228 68 Tines J3 00 134,966 83 118 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1898 DISBURSEMENTS. • • State tax 23.373 9 School funds 27.733 04 County Audits 1 03 Court expenses 6,263 66 County Superintendent 4,455 23 Ithaca & Athens bonds 12,899 63 • Bilis payable 15,413 33 Fuel and gas account 1 ,055 5 Susquehanna Valley Home - _.649 17 Sheriff's office rent 35 00 District Attorney's cc rent 200 00 Monroe County Penitentiary 952 00 County Treasurer's office rent 100 00 Children's Home _____138 75 West New York State Institution Deaf Mutes ___..6o oo' Insurance on boilers 100 00 Appropriation County bridge •103 10 Auburn Orphan Asylum 288 0o interest account 906 98 Salaries 6,425 00 Ithaca city poor fund 8,00o 00 Bills by Harrington 250 17 Postage account County Treasurer 15 00 Clerk of Board 15 o0 Ithaca & Athens bonds.4.99 05 Syracuse Institute Feeble Minded 340 00 R. Williams, refunded tax 29 99 - Fines 38 00 Cash from Ithaca city 1 , 224 3 Tompkins County Bank 4,036 27 Cash on hand 2,859"50. Cash on hand 175 20 i34,966 33 I certify that there stands this day on the boots of this bank to the credit i of Charles Ingersoll, Comity 'Treasurer, the sum of $8,120.09. Ithaca, December 13, 1898. A. G. STONE, Bookkeeper Tompkins Co. Nat. Bank, Ithaca, N. Y. The Supervisors' Proceedings, r898-119 TOMl'IUNS CovxTV, SS Charles Ingersoll being duly sworn, says that the foregoing statement is correct to the best of his knowledge and belief, and is a true report' of all moneys received and paid otit by him as County Treasurer since November 15; 1897, excepting money belonging to Court Fund Account. CHARLES INGERSOLL, County Treasurer of Tompkins County. Sworn to before me this 13th day of December, 1898. A. G. STONE, Notary Public. REPORT OF THE SUPERINTENDENT OE THE POOR. To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County The Undersigned Superintendent of the Poor of said County re -, spectfnlly reports that from the,t5th day of November, 1897, to the 15th day of November, 5898, the amount of expenditures at the County Almshottse as per bills and vouchers has been $3,706.38 of which the sum of $489.78 has been for improvements, leaving a bal- ance of $3,216.60 for the actual maintenance of the inmates. The Whole number of days' board, and the cost to County and respecti de towns is as follows Aggregate days Board. Cost of Board and Clothing. County 4,3 682 23 Ithaca —City 7,600 1,202 17 Ithaca —Town .1 ,355 214 33 Dryden 1,685 266 53 120 The Sufiervisors' Proceedings, r898 Lansing 56S S9 85- Groton 750 118 64 Denby 1,265 200 10 Newfield 641 101 39 Enfield 333 -52 67 Caroline-93 147 27 Ulysses 894 -141 42 Total 20,335 3,216 Go Bills have been audited and drafts drawn on the County Treas- carer for the support of the institution as follows : Class "A," Meats 3 628 72.. Class "II," Provision and Dry Goods_1, !69 01- Class "C," Fuel 798 13 Class "D," Medicine and Attendance 3 79 Class "E," Clothing, Boots, Shoes and Mending 218 07 Class "1'," 7mproeements 489 j8 Class "G," Miscellaneous 32 88 3,7 38 1 OUT DOOR RELIEF. The amount of expenditures for out door relief to County poor persons supported out of the Almshouse as per bills of Overseers of the Poor and other persons. as per accompanying vouchers has been $533,01. Orders on the County Treasurer for the payment of these claims have been drawn to the following named persons : E. H. Kyle, M.D., attendance Marian Case, Hospital 551 50 A. R. Smith, J. Slaught family, fuel i CO Fred 1- Iottes, board Mariah Case 3 25 Ithaca City Hospital, Mariah Case 29 00 Mosher & Sears, supplies James Slaught 15 00 The Sz pervisors' Proceedings, raps?121 Bradford Snyder, O. I'. Town Dryden 61 28 Oliver Crawford, O. P. Newfield 4 25 Manning Atwater, Day and Vose families 5 6o Eugene Baker, M.D., Bogardus case_.. 'S 00 Mary Wood, care of George Mead.21 03 John Flickinger, M.D., medical service I)ay and Slaught families 30 50 Ben Mint., clothing for insane 16 3o S. Bierce, O. P. Danby, tramps 2 00 George Harris, ex-0. P. Caroline 2 00 J. B. French, O. 1'. City County poor 99 68 J. C. Larmore, County -poor, Dryden 44 10 J. W. Brown, M.D., medical service for County poor, City 30 00 Dr. H. Ganoung, service to Buck family 17 50 G. J. Nelson, burial of unknown man killed by railroad 23 00 A. P. Sherwood, relief to sick woman IS 55 533 01 SERVICES OF OVERSEERS. Bradford Snyder, O. P. Dryden 5 800 George W. Peck,. ex-0. P. Newfield 4 00 J. B. French, O. P. City -104100 James Larinore, O. P. Dryden 12 5 A. Van Gorder, O. P. Ithaca Town 600 Total 50 TRANSPORTATION. J. B. French, O. P. City 9 5d Bradford Snyder, O. 1'. •Dryden 12 10 James Larmore 3 20 • S. Bierce 2 25 5 15 RECAPITULATION. Amount appropriated by Board of Supervisors, 1897 55,E 122 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1898 , - Maintenance of the house-3,216 6o i Improvements to property and furniture 489 78 Out door relief 533 6E Services of Overseers 134 50 Transportation 27 15 4,4 04 Unexpended J98 96 Whole number in house November 15, 1397______S4 Admitted during the year 63 117 Died during the year 5 Discharged and absconded J3 S Leaving in house November (5, [SgS J9 Daily average •55 71 -365 The cost of maintenance ($,3,216.60) divided by the whole number days board J20,335) gives as a cost-over and above the products of the farm. Perda3's 1 -8-1 -8 Per week 1- 10 -i -2 -6 Pei• year 57 - 73 The number of acres under cultivations has been largely in excess of that of former years, owing to the condition of the pasture lauds, which had "died out" and had become'alnnost worthless for that purpose. This deficiency has been supplied by a system of soilage, which although requiring a 'greater amount of laboi, is a decided improvement over the old method of pasturing. The amount of land under the plow, and the crops raised is as follows : For Soilage —four acres of oats and peas ; two acres of sweet corn ; five acres of millet. FARM CROPS. Oats -- Eleven acres_360 bushels on hand 360 Potatoes —Six acres Soo bushels_ On hand 750 Wheat— Eleven acres____376 bushels______ on hand 360 Beans —One acre 20 bushels • on hand 20 Corn —Nine acres r ,000 bushels on hand Coo Hay 45 tons on hand 45 Cornstalks from nine acres. The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1898 123 PRODUCTS OF GARDEN. Fifty bushels onions, 20 bushels carrots, beets 65 bushels, turnips, 8o,- 25 bushels tomatoes, 25 bushels peas, 5o bushels green corn, i,200 heads cabbage. The•following is a statement of the amount of cash received, and how the same has been expended : Traveling expenses 73 63 Postage and stationery 77 01 Kitchen help Io 20 Expressage t 7o Supplies_27 72 Expense of Mrs. Barnes to Sonyea___2i 50 Expense of A. J. Adams to Sonyea___ '_9 75 Freddie Horn to S. V. Home 6 63 Telephone and telegraph 1 7 Expenses tb State Convention of Superintendents of Poor 25 03 • Transportation__2 tXh Stenographer, Tioga County case 3 4 Total 36. AMOUNT RECEIVED. Hanes and lard- -22 03 Amount collected from City of Elmira____2 88 Tioga County, Cole case 9 00 Supervisor Sherwood, Schuyler County •14 6o George Batty, veal calves 20 66 Joseph Knight, veal calves 5 85 . Joseph Knight, light pork 4 37 1 39 97 The following subjects have been. transferred to. other institu- tions, who were ineligible to the County Almshouse : I2:J The Supervisors` Proceedings, 1 Blrs: Anstice Barnes, Epileptic Colony, Sonyea. Alfred J. Adams, Epileptic Colony, Sonyea. Freddie Horn, S. V. Honie, Binghamton, N. Y. JAMES' S. LFKE. STATE OG Nnw FORS, COUNTY OE TOMPKINS. I SS. On this 2gth day of \ovennher, 189S, personally appeared before me James S. Lyke, Sfiperintendent of the I'oor for the County of Tompkins, and who being duly sworn deposes and says that the foregoing, report is j ust and true to the best of his knowledge and belief. L. H. VAS I:IRK, County Clerk. In conformity to the Both section, Title tst, Chapter 20, of the revised statutes, I respectfully report that I estimate the expense of the Town and Count } - poor to he supported in the Almshouse during the year to be 3,Soo oo Temporary relief of County poor not in Almshouse t,000 00 Services of Overseers 15o 00 Transportation 5o 00 5, 00 SUPPLIES ON HAND. One barrel sugar, 5 casks vinegar, r barrel cider, r barrel oat flake, r barrel corned beef, J. barrel fish, ioo pounds butter, 2 barrels pickles, 1, barrel chow- der, noo pounds lard, etc. Stock and farming utensils belonging to County : One yoke oxen, 7 milch cows, 2 brood sows, 5 fattening hogs, 125 head poultry, grain drill, truck wagon, spring tooth;ltarrow, and one-half interest in iron roller. The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1898 125 SHERIFF'S REPORT. ITHACA, N. Y., DECEMBER 27, 1898. To the Board of Supervisors of the County of l',mj5kins The undersigned, the Sheriff of the said County, under and pursuant to • the provisions of Chapter 404 of the Laws - of 1863, re- spectfully reports that the following statement contains a true account of all the money received by him on account of any fine or penalty, or other hatter in which the Comity has an interest, and which states particularly the time when and the names of the persons from whom such moneys have been received, and on what account the same has been received, from and inclhding the first day of December, 1897, to date, all of which moneys were duly paid over without any deduction for costs or charges in collecting the same to County Treasurer, as will appear, by the receipts hereto annexed. May 51h, 1898, received of Aaron Crance _ - _- - - - ____x,10 co Dec. 27t11, paid to Comity Treasurer _510 o0 S. J. MCKINNEY, Sheriff Tompkins County. ITHHACA, N. Y., DRC4mrnrx 27, 1898. Received of S. J. _McKinney ten dollars, account of Aaron Crance, fine. CHARI,ES INGERSOLL, 510 un I'er J. 1'. M. C. DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S - REPORT. Prt1ACA, N. Y., DECEMBER, 27, 1898. To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins Comity Pursuant to law, I snake report of all fines. imposed in the var- ions courts of record in said county since my last report, as follows : 126 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1898 All persons convicted of crime have been sentenced to imprison- ment .with the exception of Fred H. Green, who, in March, was convicted of violating section 31 of the Liquor Tax Law and a fine of one hundred dollars was imposed. The defendant has tot paid the fine at the present time. He is absent from the county and has no property which can be. reached, and, by the terms of the judgment inflicted by the County Court, he could not be imprisoned. In the event of his ever returning to the county where a fine can be collected, pursuant to law, if the same is collectable, the proper steps will be taken. No fines in any other cases have been imposed during the past year for the reason, as already suggested, all punishments inflicted have been imprisonments. All of which is respectfully submitted. CHARLES H. BLOOD, District Attorney. COUNTY CLERK'S REPORT. ITHACA, N. Y., DECEMBER 7, 1898. To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins (ou GENTLEMEN : I have to report to the Board of Supervisors that since November 22, 1897, the date of last report, I have received no monies for and due Tompkins Comity by fines or otherwise. Respectfully yours, L. H. VAN KIRK, County Clerk. The Supervisors' Proceedings, r898 127 TOMPKINS COUNT V, SS: Leroy H. Van Kirk being duly sworn, says ,that he is the Clerk of the County of Tompkins and that he has received no monies for said County as stated in the above report, I,. H. VAN KIRK. Subscribed and sworn to before me ti is 7th day of December, 1393. MONROE M. SWEETLAND, Notary Public. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE REPORTS. Reports of the Justices of the Peace • of the various Towns of the County of.ali fines and penalties collected by them respectively . during the past year. CAROLINE. R. G. H. Speed reports, received 55.0o. George Wolcott reports no money received. George H. Nixon reports no money received. Mason J. Clark reports no money - received. DANBV. T. W. Slocum reports, received $5.00; paid County Treasurer $5.00. DRYDEN. Alviras Snyder reports no money received. J. D. Ross reports, received $19.00; paid Supervisor $r9.00. E. M.'Seager reports no money received. G. E. Underwood reports no money received. Frank E. Brown reports'no money received. ENFIELD. e ' H. A. Graham, Chas. Fletcher, and James H. Hine each report no money received. 128 The Supervisors' Proceedings, rS98 CRO•ON. J. M. 'Montfort reports no money received. Nelson Stevens reports no money received. Newton Baldwin reports, received Slimy); paid County 'Treasurer $ro.00. Herman S. Hopkins reports, received $lo.00; paid Snpervisor'$ro,00. Alfred Hasbrouck reports no moue's; received. Chas. H. Palmer reports no money received. L. P. Colegrove reports, received $i6.00 ; paid Supervisor $1 6.00. LANSING. R. H. Brown reports no money received. Chas. D. Howell reports no money received. Charles Drake reports 110 money received. Lafayette Jacobs reports, received $25.00 ; paid County Treasurer $25.00. NL\YNrgui. John W. Dean reports, received $3.00 ; paid County Treasurer $3.00. W. L. Puff reports no money received. William Weatherell reports no money received. A. D. Brown reports no money received. IH,VSSBS. 0. G. Noble reports, received $13.00 ; paid Supervisor $i3.00. Henry Williams reports no money received. M. T. Williamson reports, received $I5.00; paid Supervisor $r5.00. John N. Barke? reports no money received. a The Supervisors' _Proceedings, r898 129 RAILROAD BONDING COMMISSIONERS' AND SUPERVISORS' REPORTS. ENFIELD. To the Board o% Supervisors of Tompkins County The undersigned, Commissioner of the Town of Enfield for bonds issued by said Town in aid of the Pennsylvania & Sodas Bay Railroad, would respectfully submit to you the following report : The amount of bonds issued by said Town -of Enfield was 25,000, dated March 1, 1871, due March 1, 1901, with semi - annual interest at 7 per cent., payable on the first day of March and Sep - tember of each year. There has been paid and cancelled of said bonds $8,200, leaving outstanding and'unpaid $16,800. The interest on said bonds for the year 1899 is $1,176. We therefore request that the sum of $1,176 to pay said interest, be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the-Town of Enfield. The amount of sinking fund now on hand is as follows : Mortgage on real estate 5 00 Note held against the Towu 58 20 Deposited in Ithaca Savings Bank 1 ,382 39 Total sinking fund _2,47 59 W. 1.1. AMMACK, Commissioner. Subscribed and Sworll to before me this 22d Hay of November, 1898. L. TI. VAN KIRK, County Clerk. Resolved, That at the request of the Bonding Commissioners of the Town of Enfield, the sum of one thousand one hundred and seventy -six dollars be levied upon and.collected from the taxable property of said Town, to pay the interest on the above named,bonds. 1 HINE,'Supervisor. 130 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1898 GROTON: FI , N. Francis, Esq., Supervisor of the Tozvu of Grattan, N. Y. DEAR SIci : The undersigned Commissioner of the Town of Groton, appointed under the Act passed May 18, 1869, haws of New York, Chapter go7, would respectfully submit the following report : That the amount of ponds issued in aid of the Ithaca and Cortland Railroad, amounted to the suns of 15,000 00 That interest on same to become due February 1st, 1899, is 5 00 That interest on same to become due August ist, 1899, is 5 00 That f hold a sinking fund as follows : Bonds of the Town of Groton 300 00 Mortgage on real estate, Groton 5 00 Note 250 00 In hank 5,846 26 Total .6,921 26 That interest received during the year was 55 ask for an appropriation to pay the interest due on Feb. 1st, 1899 on said bonds 525 00 Also on Aug. 1st, 1899 on said bonds .525 00 And to provide for the sinking fund of one per cent 150 00 Total i,2oo 00 I therefore ask that the sum of twelve hundred dollars be levied on the Town of Groton and collected, to be paid over to the Commissioner of said Town to be expended for the above purpose. H. G. MOE, Commissioner. Sworn to before me this 28th day of Noveuiher, 1898. G. M. STODDARD, Notary Public. The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1898 131 Resolved, That at the request of the Bonding Commissioners of the Town of Groton, the sum of twelve hundred dollars (1,200.00) be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of said Town, to he paid over to R. R. Com- missioner of said Town to be expended for the above purpose. A. M. FRANCIS, Supervisor. ITHHACA. To the Board of Supervisors of the County of - Tomjikius The undersigned Commissioners of the Town of Ithaca, for the sinking fund maintained for the purpose of extinguishing the bonds of said town issued in aid of the construction of the Geneva and Ithaca Railroad, beg leave to submit their annual report as follows : The original issue of said bonds dated June 1, 1871, due June 1, 19o1 was.Ioo,000 oo Deduct amount paid and cancelled - - ..15,000 00 Balance outstanding oo The amount or interest on said. bonds at 7 per cent. per annum, falling due during the year 1899 is as follows : June 1 00 Dec. 1 2 ,975 00 Total 5,950 00 They would request that the above sum of fifty -nine hundred and fifty ($5,95o oo) be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the Town and City of Ithaca, liable for the payment of said bond as follows : nine hundred and fifty -seven 1 0 (9571 ) dol -. lars in said town of Ithaca, and fortyrnine hundred and ninety-two, o, 4,99 05) in the said City of Ithaca, to pay the interesi on said bonds for the year 1899. 132 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1 The amount of sinking fund maintained for the payment of said bonds at their maturity is $72,919 34 which is invested as follows : Adelhert Holden mortgage 5 per cent.500 oo Muscatine, Iowa, bonds 4y per cent.3,509 00 Ouincy, 171., bonds 454 per cent.2,000 00 Painesville, Ohio, bonds 5 per cent.4,coo 00 Fayette Co., Indiana, bonds 6 per cent.4,000 00 • Vigo Co., Indiana, bonds 5 per cent.6,000 09. Berrien Co., Michigan, bonds 5 per cent.____3,090 00 Jennings Township, Ohio, bonds 6 per cent.3,5 Go Town of Ithaca, bonds 7 per cent. '34,000 00 • United States, 1925, 4 per cent.9,500 0o Premium account 2,109 oS Cash on hand 810 26 2 ,919 34 Total as above stated 7 34 The balance due on the $85,000 outstanding of said bond, is at this date, exclusive of sinking fund, $12,o8o 66 ; a reduction from last year of $3,872 77.. No account is here taken of the premium account (2,109 oS) because at this date the $9,500 U. S. 45 of 1925 included in above statement are worth- more than the said premium °account in excess of their par value. VV also submit, herewith, statements of sinking fund, cash and premium accounts of the preceding year. • Ithaca, November S, 1898. HENRY B. LORD, GEO. R. WILLIAMS, Commissioners. SINKING FUND ACCOUNT. Balance at date of last report 69,046 57 Add interest on securities on sinking fund as follows : Holden mortgage 3 70 Muscatine bonds 78 75 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1898 133 Quincy bonds 90 oo Painesville bonds _200' 00 Fayette County bonds 240 00 Vigo County bonds 300 00 Berrien County bonds 150 00 Jennings bonds 210 00 4 per cent. 1923 bonds 345 oo Cherokee County bonds 134 88 Town of Ithaca 2,38o 00 4, 33 73, 90 Deduct premium account 200 .00 1'remimn 021 35tlse24.i110 bonds 92 56 p 292 56 Balance of sinking fund (see report)37 34 CASII ACCOUNT. Balance (see last report)309 42 Received on Holden mortgage 200 00 Received for interest (see report) _ 4, 33 Received for Cherokee bonds 4,000 oci 8, 75 April 9, 1898, paid for $4,000 U. 8. i 9 4, 93 July 5, 1896, paid for Muscatine bonds 3,59 5 Balance (see report)810 26 58,674 75 November 9, 1898, balance on hand 810 26 PR RMIOM ACCOUNT. Balance, date of last reportt_ - - ___ ___________ - 15 April 9,- 1898, paid on $3,500 U. 8. 4s 77 93 July. 5, 1898, paid on 53,500 Mnscatine 92 56 2,401 64 Charged sinking fund in former account 200 00 Charged fund Muscatine 7 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 9 2bonds ___--- - - - - -------- - --- - - - - 92 56 Balance (see report)2,109 o8 2,401 64 Balance (see report)52,109 o8 134 The Supervisor? Proceedings, r8pS STATE OF NEW 1 oRK, ICOUNTYofTOMPKINS. SS. The undersigned being duly sworn, depose and say that the within report and statements of account therewith subinitted, are true and correct to the best of their knowledge and belief. HENRY B. LORI), GEO. R. WILLIAMS, Commissioners. Subscribed and sworn to before me this loth day of November, 1598. C. W. GAY, Notary Public To Me Board of Supervisors In accordance with Chapter 552, Laws of 1870, we hereby re- port the bonded indebtedness of the former Town of Ithaca to be as follows : Amount of bonds issued in aid of the Geneva & Ithaca R. R. Co.__ $Ioo,000 00 Amount of above bonds cancelled 1$ ,orY> o0 Balance outstanding Ss,coo ,w Amount of sinking fund.7 34 Balance unprovided for Si 2.080 66' Of the above amount the proportion of 83e per cent. of the City of Ithaca, and t6 per cent. the proportion of the Town of Ithaca is as follows :. City of Ithaca 10,13 67 , Town of Ithaca 1 .944 99. 12,o3o 66 Resolved, That as per report of the Bonding Commissioners of the Geneva and Ithaca Railroad for the former' Town of Ithaca, there be assessed and col- lected from the taxable property of the City of Ithaca and the Town of Ithaca, the sun, of.five thousand nine hundred and fifty ($5,950 00) dollars to pay in- - The ,Supervisors' Proceedings, 1893 -135 terest on bonds issued in aid of the said Geneva and Tthuca Railroad, to become due April t, 1899, and Oct. 1, 1899. I,. F. NOXON, Supervisor First Ward, GEORGF, W. PROST, Supervisor Second Ward, T. S. THOMPSON, Supervisor Third Ward, WM. P. HARRINGTON, Supervisor Fourth' Ward, City of Ithaca. N. PARSON, Supervisor of the Town of Ithaca. NltVPFIE; I.D. To the Board of Supervisors of Tonafkins County : We the undersigned, Commissioners of the Town of Newfield„ duly appointed under the provisions of an act of the Legislature of the State of New • York, authorizing towns t subscribe to the cap - ital stock of railroad corporations, and to issue bonds therefor, do respectfully report that it will he necessary for said Town of New- field to raise by tax, the sum of three thousand two hundred and six ($3,2o6) dollars, to. pay interest front September 1, •1898, to Sep tember 1, 1899, on outstanding bonds of the said Town of Newfield, to the amount of $ 5,800. Said interest to be paid semi- annually on the - first days of March and September of each year. We further report that we have no balance on hand. December 1, 1898. A. H. PALMER, MeCORN, Commissioners. CouN'ry OF • 1'OMPKINS, S5: Charles W. McCorn being duly sworn, says he is one of the Bolding Con - vrissiouers of the Town of NeWlield, N. Y., and the above report is in all respects correct and true. December I, r898.C. W. McCORN. GEO. \V. PIECE, Notary Public. 156 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 748 To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County In accordance with Chapter 552 of the Laws of 1870, 1 hereby report the bonded indebtedness of the Town of Newfield to be as follows : Amount of bonds issued 52,000 00 Amount of principal paid to November 1, 1898 6,200 00 Balance unpaid 45, 00 Amount of interest due March 1, 1889 1,603 00 Xnlomlt of interest due September 1, iS99 1,603 00 Total interest to he paid in 1899.3,206 oo Resolved, That at the request of the Bonding Commissioners of the Town of Newfield, the sum of three thousand two hundred and six dollars, be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of said Town, to pay the interest on the above named bonds. W. H. PAN ()STRAND, Supervisor. HA'S: 8s. 7a Ike Board of Supervisors of Tompkins Conn tr, N. 1'. In accordance with Chapter 552, Laws of 1870, I hereby report the public debt of the Town of Ulysses to be as follows : Amount of bonds issued March 1, 1871 75,000 00 Amount of principal paid _20,800 00 Amount of coupons due and unpaid.e 21 00 Amount deposited with Union Trust Co., New Fork 21 00 • Amount in hands of Bond Conunissioner 51 00 There remains outstanding bonds to the amount of 54,200 00 One year's interest m1 «54,200 1s 3.794 00 Less fialance on hand, $5 3,743 00 The Sutervisers' Proceeding z8g8 137 7 recommend that the suns of $3, 743.00 be raised by tax assessed to said Town for interest. L. J. WHEELER, Bond Commissioner. L. J. Wheeler, being duly sworn, s vs the preceding report is correct to the best of his knowledge and belief. L. J. WHEELER. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ist day of November, 1898. JAS. K. WHEELER, Notary Public. Resolved, That at the request of the Bonding Commissioner of the Town - of Ulysses, the sum of three thousand seven hundred and forty-three dollars 3,743. be levied upon and collected froth the taxable property of said Town. W. H. I'INCKNEY, Supervisor. J a O pv J7d3reaR 0. O 1- bo8o4c1io u r „ 2,- 8. RR8 J U a 8 8 d h by,t8888 8 8 t o 0 8 8 8 M °ri"888§ 8g r x m o co lo o o p w 1 h 0 Q O IV V K.0 0 Q Z W I n n v,nnyi o pang; 1.109 S xH anpaR alp o;0 1 x 7 a1qunt dde gui,a. a n e o 0 O IP P rnPEing 1 1_,_ 2$ Qqjiparnaapajspn_oFI f 8 8 8 8'81[8 8 0 Q ;o;¢nocnVws C g; .o rny; n J u IN x v P 5 rn • saaa;nl so a ;RTC in v v i, I-': _•• v v 0. 1 r,v Z 1§ 8- g§§) 3 k' v F 0 Q 4 7. C tn o " ••S'R n : CI EIE o W0 I v o ` 0 Z.-. 0000000wO 5 u W L.O •0 W n C J , ry I": •-• U '7 N J n 0 o ON00. y.: y 00 I a V V .7 4 2.'3000 0 i.v, e^ N 1' to X X L a P4 X !,,,a N 8 n yarn u MC J a y v 0 do tiO C' 9. 2 w 1 cJowo . da!i" o uU ^ ., v 14 r s Q1 v ti n to) to O U' a : v :< t4 v o to iwt v 0 00 0 I it n V w y O O J o C i 0 O v ' rU = • C _m •v 1 r . r+ 0 0 0 0 v 0.. I V 000ac:.u00 o o t"u 5888 J U U U cfl T,' o os 1 o-O-r f v enin en r-, icy Tr.,p hen 30 L N C uopunio.1 39t u0 Xsl 30 al • 18 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 0 1 n y, 400 $00-1- O pw na CC NVI-- . oN 01 P ) O M N . 603 0- O 4 U 4'+'not rtB a eila.lii N o U00 u1 N ni 't V - t q 3 - l l - y ' I n Nm vMN ovc jw %07) °n vi Ni 0-05,' 0 a• or) R. Oap C ' 0-= N CO - 0 00 30 O O I CC P m x 605 4m , o nr - vw vd , , Puusul 3001131 vJ -n _O may! rtec:;1-4 mar v Y aTBIS 403 xsl awls 30 limouly li v ., v 0-3 ash M n m t7 0 a o x o a;a {ds1.4o3lalS oo. ' 0- ", n . ° -* ro o co M 0 • '05114 `sasodand {uiana9 pus O1`',2 8 8 °, F i. 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CO , 6 00 , N l0' ,° — o Y F0ro0-")0 O N M p 6 p.lruoslad pus lsaa o M 0-_ v c v uorlsnleA alu8a.0i u pazgoubg ' i 1, `° i' i 0 d v o ca 1 , no QnSo a 1 o vyo,-. mw 84oup103N , n 0 30- •no- ' 3 074 ..0 V v 1 11°P113;1111 1000[ of 13°[(1115 ApO ry `On n n e m ro o o oin ' I -dog' [suoslac{ 30 attp3A passassy 1.v o p N p 0N005080000 ,8 'S8O 1 'l S 1 Slladoad N •n e o u ,-s ' 30 1 N 00 0- 0 00-4 01 00 0-00 ^ 00 o Fs o x,o luucslad 30 anpn passassy lslo,l, s) N 4 in o N in 00 In o a .n0- C ti - 0 b 0 0 00'' t 0 D 0 L O o, O• •.OJ 0-o] v 0, 0 W ;.,) Nnco6uoll1l1oda0030apelsa ;pal 0 -b 0 V h3O W •t- ,0 y v o ' Ius Slaadoldaia nR[n nl ml D d •-,:,4- nm N o . en n v L II' I m ,o ,o L r o h al sa lra1 30 anlsn pazgsubg X 6 "n "' . ^ w ^ , ° . 1 0 0 80,.74 00 6010..6 t6 44 .• 1100 v, nN N '0g,0O v i N Bllog 30 all:]sa teal 00 0 0 0 ,00 00 V 'n m 0 O 7 " tC 0- D m V , N i M U 99 .oh pup Slladoad al{ullln Rutpnla n g, ti -m'nO V1N Of°Im0- i.o 9. ul p ; a13o anp ; passassy xs} 0 0-Y mbe fi isl - O N c 0 0 000 0 ` ' ' ' 0" a wC04 le 1- - 44 00-T0 x,Fa D pnsl3O sal ay 34 or) JJ or3o •:36`61 1 boy 9 0MoN n 0)00 0 N. o 6.y m . `d .- y F t .1 c .o c. W c r Y' 0- • •ri N ,.. CoOf'V I I CO 7r1 (96 F+^6 7.0 9 3r F+ HovbHo H 00C T ^ 9 .)C V.,No tt 140 The Supervisors' !?roceedings, 1898 L I D O » VOO in o. o.'n c"o or O m 1. JO lniom \'o- a vw p pp I m'M o8888R O o mn crn K nogenlv!A 1 o1.0 O n >.91 -Y O R3 aie1s,[0 to a, 8 8 0 w N) N Oy, T.p:ag Jo anfv, passassy 1/4 4 o F y C v sasodind 1Ce .10 noeey leao7 011aaC O q. 0 C 9ngx9 .igiado1d jeuos O tC r, ad Jo anpv_A passassv H K 2 C=I O m> 0,..O4. . 0. ' o r r v'; : v r 7 vv_ww w w -o s v;v CGC I.C. b" o y xw I 7 S9 5- S. 7 E o fi G : V-v 9.V V J J p O 0 a V a - 9 O O C >.. V 0» r .21 • z w.j G yy K vara,v, f -^. i N V K O of ^ w vs v "U v vO ai CJ • Y.r c o F Q o N V.0 G 0 of , 3 ."i. 2 c., t O.o O7` `r ti 2 o F N K k ii .. v I v O FKc n p a F O i Z O r r ti6 The Supervisors" Proceedings, 1898 141 co iii.' 2)o non un Ti po000M n 00 Ln O 0N0 .8.4-R M oO to O 0 0-0, M 0-O' 01 O M N N u) n MO OOP' -. t VnN irc cv 0 nN 0 0-VVOOOO 21 8$ g. 0 8g§ 8 08 to M M N O '^ O V [2 N c, O]OJ V -m N! . P 1° 8g 8 8 8 1§§§ M n N.. ovt. n Y • 4 q. QQ ro m m U s 6 v v v v. ^'U o O _p,c 0.y 70 '-'71'. ° o o q^'n,F ti 4 L) v m • 71;72O OO i VO it tE 5 ty CbO o 'C. W FV Fig FPO mc g N+ N, G, 2'008 ti i', i E P tl T nqTNrN00p1)- Op ,. TF a cR - a.a 0.,,-; a I Vmroq6E0 r 5 2^ o E ft3 o i 1 C ' J 1 YV ro a 1 , ca o o ro I.9 o U24 3 roo 2E1-4 ? , F.m. u • o , r° m Pti g .w ra oU k vP‘ 9.0F ro ),v. C10 v -) ,V v .Iv aQ'v,v ti O F royroro'C ro ii C rows c°,14 0 f° M:,i.PO p,.I mro do. m'm o ., P'"•' i%oa,i' v, T' Q¢ .. C Ta GJ c Vj wC- m eo en e c.51 m Ce p' b 6 . 041 . P.u'v C. a ovo v , m . 7-1 v i v v v m «" 9 o u v v i v m ..= nP a 0 r.I /. 0 Z I,I wm a; V'Q • .I I I 0 r" -.ak L c w y 0V A N N 142 The Supervisors Proceedings, 5898 tO O O O V n .N. &- tF .00 fl 0 0 2.2 t n V N C O O C r v;nn n 10 0[r nin0o0N n.O Cn t0"A if) oI--n q_ MMM Oj u MM0U .M 14 N I in CO N u N t I 88K 8889§8 § § 88 88 M t-.0 10 • :00 r t, V_ u r N N V 888 88 88 8 §8 §8 §Ck§ 8 tiro nor n no' w Ana ^r r 0 n' nv m b T C ti E1:241 N Y J u 0 9 O ^d C.N. r CCr ca' F " e '"C r° d tE tt .. .. Y N N o Nay O O c 0 .. x . 0 . 0 y 0 , ^ . 0 . 0 ^ . 0 0 ct C E A ^ u O. T 74 P . O w Z.' 0 CO U72. 0 G yE O j N o ,0 N m T G y'w tu v G, O % o V ' O ^i C dro:t0. r 2 It. O .. v • O T y .+' :O T•/] ..v. 0 P. ox1:Er p, c F'y P v0".; oz ENO roo 0,° Gj .aoa` c °';7a rw°.bin fC ¢J . ^...E : vroNx < 'P .' -Ma rVy1 =.,a Uvro ro'm.^.v CLQu uuo. h9p'C ..N,., v u ocGlq p .F+- FillJk% UE.GI,'^iW.ti ZQo= Q roV O roF m The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1898 143 04 m 0 .. •t't 0' 1W0 m1'.t'0 oW N n C 0 0 00 V'0 Ni0 O'-'C0' n'O m NN o N•.mro N tnma to F00 8 9, g8 8 8 8° rn.§g§, 88 o v 4 .n .; o.o pn 0 0 g Q o000 N. 0 0 0 0 '0 8 0 '0 o ON P « 88 000 o 0'0 .° tC w C N U Lieu 14 r1.I 7 FI v o .c p, 0,c rob aaa ro b •ti as O v p F" v tt mm wm1 F m m m Z'ivv m TAP 00 b 0 0 0 voi aEnm Ew ovvE“,1 v v=°ro c c v v v a ,v. H a FF 1P4 FFGQ fx CG F4 FF FOc.)0 C4 E 7. A v NFL y m Z: m M 0 4 Aa v a m a, v UU oU U a V U G V 00 m3.8 84ct m a „' v oo. oQ 2z.,41 Um b G N = v Maas M0' P. v a vW v0v C' oU v•- c cCR'.: c7;,02 v mo 0(-) a caro« ov t)„,) mJ g a • U FVVmom0.r ro v A° m 0 w s v bt q Iro_^vn vh m2 V U 2.1„47,1s 6. P4 : :0 F 1-28pv 0 W Q cC V N x• W ov o •v.x; 0 0 v v v n mvvvcmp o o , v Q 44 5: W 4 -T Q C, 7 QFF OOU.7 b R C v O 0 Q q'0 w Supervisors' sors' Proceedings, r 898 t \ ƒy F « \ y( 0 .. d p..2.. 8 3\ 2 1 1 0 z r ! \ \j G ;" 2 2 3 p 0 e 1 The Su:hervisors' Proceedings, 1898 145 POLITICAL DIRECTORY AND GUIDE TO TOWN OFFICERS. General Election : The first Tuesday after the first Monday in November. Revised Statutes (7th Ed.), page 379. Annual Town Meeting:. Second Tuesday in February. Sec - tion 1o, Article 2, Chapter 569, Laws of 189o. • Annual School Meeting in Neighborhood : First Tuesday in August. Laws of 1893, Chapter 500. Annual Meeting of Board of Town Auditors, comprising the Supervisor, Town Clerk and Justices of the peace, or any two of the said Justices : The First Thursday after the General Election, at which time all accounts for charges and claims against their re- spective towns must he presented to them for audit. r Revised Statute, (7th Ed.), page 835, Laws of 184o, Chapter 305. Amended, . Laws of t89o, Chapter 569,- j 160„ [64 162. Annual Meeting of the Board of Town Auditors as above des- ignated, to. examine accounts of town officers : On the last Tuesday preceding the annual Town Meeting to be held in each town. Laws of 1863, Chapter 172. Amended, Laws 189o, Chap. 569, §16o, 161. Annual Meeting of the Supervisors of the County as a Board of County Canvassers, First Tuesday succeeding the General Elec- tion. 1 Revised Statutes (7th Ed.), page 39o. Annual meeting of the Board of Supervisors. of the County : Lnnmediately after the completion of the Canvass, or at such other times as they as a Board, shall fix. 2 Revised Statutes, (7th Ed.) pages' 926 -931. III 146 The Supervisors' Proceedings, r8p8 , Annual meeting of Supervisor, Town Clerk and Justices of each Town, to designatethe place in each election district in Town, at which elections shall be held during the year : On the first Tues- day of September each year. Laws 1892, Chapter 6So. Meeting of Supervisor, Town Clerk and Assessors of. each Town, for the purpose of making lists of Trial Jurors : On the first day of July of each third year after July r, 1878, at a place in the town appointed by the Supervisor, or in his absence or va- cancy in office by Town Clerk ; or, if they. fail to meet on that day, they must meet as soon thereafter as practicable. Code of Civil Procedure, j to39. The next meeting for this purpose will be held July 1st, 1899. County Superintendents of the Poor meet at the County House : the first Wednesday in each month. The object of these meetings is to audit bills payable from the County Poor Fund. TOWN OPPICERS. Each Supervisor must execute to and deposit with the County Treasurer, a bond for the accounting of all school moneys which may come into his hands •before entering upon the duties of his office. Each Supervisor must make and deliver to the Town Clerk bf his town, his bond for the faithful discharge of his official duties, and to account for all moneys coming into his hands as such Supervisor. The Trustees of School Districts shall make a report to the. School Commissioner between the 25th day of July and the first Tuesday in August in each year. Chapter 245, Laws 1889. The school moneys are apportioned annually by the School Commissioners on the third Tuesday in. March. The Commissioners of Highways must execute a bond to the Supervisor of their town within ten days after their election. Overseers of Highways must file a statement of all unworked highway tax with the Supervisors of their respective towns on or before the first day of October. The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1898 •147 The Tax Collector or Receiver shall, within eight days after receiving notice of the amount of taxes to be collected by him, ex- ecute to the of the. town, and lodge,with him, a bond in double the amount of said taxes, to be approved by the Supervisor: The Supervisor shall, within six days thereafter, file the said bond in the office of the County Clerk of this County. The Assessors must complete the Assessment Roll on or before the first day of August and leave a copy thereof with one of their number, and immediately thereafter cause notice thereof to be posted in three or more public places in their town or ward. When the line between two towns, wards, or counties, divides a farm or lot, the same shall be taxed, if occupied, in the town, ward, or county where the occupant resides ;• if unoccupied, each part shall be assessed in the town, ward, village or county where the same shall lie." Laws [886, Chapter 315. The Assessors shall meet on the third Tuesday in August, to review their assessments, and hear the complaint of any person conceiving himself , aggrieved. • An affidavit to the roll by the As- sessors made prior to the third Tuesday of August, is a nullity. The Assessors must deliver the corrected Assessment Roll to the Town, Clerk on or before the first clay of September, there to re -, main for a period of fifteen days for public inspection, and the Assessors forthwith give public notice by posting the same in at least three of the most public places in the town, or by publish- ing the same in one or more newspapers published therein, thatsuch Assessment roll has been finally completed, the officer to which the sane has been delivered, and the place where the same will be open to public inspection. Said fifteen days, within which any assessment may be reviewed by certiorari shall connnience on the day of the first publication. The Assessor cannot enter the name of a person on his roll who became a resident after the first day of July. When the Assessors or a majority of them shall have completed their roll, they "shall severally appear before any officer of the i I/ 148 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1898 County authorized by law to administer, oaths, and shall severally make and subscribe before such officers, an oath in the following form which must be strictly followed :_ We, the undersigned, do severally depose and swear that we have set down in the foregoing Assessment Roll, all the real estate situate in the town (or ward as the case may be), according to our best information ; and that, with the exception of those cases in which the value of said real estate has been changed by reason,of proof produced before us, we have estimated the value of said real estate at the sums which a majority of the Assessors have decided to be the full value thereof, and also that the said Assessment Roll . contains a true statement of the aggregate amount of the taxable personal estate of each and every person named in such Roll, over and above the amount of debts due from such persons respectively, and excluding such stocks as are otherwise taxable, and such other property as is exempt by law from taxation, at the full valtie there- of according to our best judgment and belief." Which oath shall' be written or printed on said roll, signed by the Assessors, and cer- tified by the officer. Laws 18S5, Chapters 364, 201. The Supervisor must report to • the County Treasurer, 011 the first Tuesday in March, the amount of school moneys remaining in his hands. Each Justice of the Peace must execute a bond with two sure- ties conditioned for the payment on •demand to - the proper officer all moneys received by the Justice, by virtue of his office, which bond nest be approved by the Supervisor of the town, and filed in the Town Clerk's office. Each Justice of the Peace shall make a report in writing, veri- fied by oath, each year, bearing date the first day of November, to the Board of Supervisors at their annual session, in which he shall state particularly the time when, and the name of the person or persons from whom any money has been received ; and also the amount and on what account the same was received also all sums remaining due and unpaid ; and that all moneys by him received. The Supervisors' Proceeding - s, v898 t49 have been paid to the officer duly empowered by law to receive the same. Each. Justice of the Peace must pay all moneys received by him for fines, within thirty days after it receipt, to the Comity Treas- urer. Criminal Code, Section 726. Overseers of. the Poor cannbt furnish supplies to 4 County pauper to exceed the st of ten dollars, without an order from the County Superintendent authorizing further disbursements for such purpose., All bills payable by town mist be presented to the Town Auditing Board for payment. I All bills for supplies furnished to Cotintj• paupers must be pre- seuted to the County Superintendent of the Poor for audit. All bills presented to the Board of Supervisors or any Auditing Board, must be verified by oath, stating that the same are correct hi every particular, and that no compensation has been received for the same, or any part thereof, except as therein stated. 1 The Supervisors' 'Proceedings, 1898 151 INDEX. PAGES Annual Session 3 Assessment Rolls, confirmation of S7 Audits, County Audits, 'Towns 92 Caroline 9 Danby 94 Dryden_96 Enfield Ioo o Groton 102 Ithaca (town)105 Lansing oS Newfield n Ulysses n3 Accounts, Auditing of 9 Alms House, Inspection of by Board 27 Appropriation of $6,00o for City of Ithaca 53 Attorney, District, Report of 125 113 Budget — County 77 Board of Supervisors, Compensation Table 91 Name and P. O. Address 3 Annual Session 3 152 The Supervisors' Proceedings, rS9S C. Contract with Monroe County Penitentiary 73 County Treasurer, Office Rent 24 Court Fund; Appropriations for 49 -61 Collectors, To Settle; etc.t32 Confirmation Tax Rolls 84 Chairman, Election of 4 Resolution of Thanks to __83 Committees, Appointed by 9 Caroline, Audits of 92 Support of Poor 32 Tax of 78 Highways and Bridges 26 Soldiers' Relief Fund 37 Dog Fund, etc 42 Clerk, Called Board to Order in Annual Session__________ -3 Election of 5 0 1'o Procure Stationery 6 Salary of _5 Compensation for Comptroller's Report 0 Allowance for Postage___.0 Resolution of Thanks to 83 Supervisors' Compens Lion Table 91 Report of Equalization to Comptroller 139 Bonded Indebtedness to Comptroller_138 Corporations to Comptroller 140 Certificate as to Proceedings______________ - - -_ __- .______ _____ ____ 34 Committee on Printing Proceedings 11 Communications— Relating to Erroneous Assessments, Sarah Denning 30 From Comptroller Proun City Clerk of Ithaca •53 The Supervisors' Proceedings, 18 153 County Clerk, Report of 126 Compensation for Janitor 45 Collectors, To Settle 82 County Tax__77 Canvassers, County, Publish Determination of 33 Committees, Standing 9 Committee on Finance 7 Chaplain of Alms House, Salary of 4 D Dryden — Audits of 9 Tax of____79 Support of Poor 34 ' Highways and Bridges 34 -77 Road Tax 44' Fence ,Wire 35 Tripp & Griswold Bridges 34 Danhy— Audits of 94 Tax of 79 Deficiency, Authority to Borrow for 73 Enfield— Audits of Tax of 79 Highways and Bridges —___16 Road Tax 24 Pinance, Report of Committee on -70 Committee on _._72 1 194 The Szijiervisors' Proceedings, 1898 G Groton — Audits of -113 G. A. R. Poor 5S Highways and Bridges 58 Memorial Day 58 Road Tax 29 Tax of 79 Grand Jury, Relating to_____ 12 List, Presentation of 45 Grand Jury, Resolution by 42 Ithaca (Town) — Audits of 116 , Tax of So Road Tax 44 Ithaca (City) —Levy of $6,000 for Poor 53 Tax of 8o Unpaid School Tax 5 Jail Physician, Election of.39 Compensation of 33 Jury Lists, Presentation of 45 Approved of 46 Journal, The Ithaca, Thanks to 83 L Lansing — Audits of 108 Road Tax 29 Highways and Bridges____29 Tax of St The Supervisors' Proceedings, 1898 155 N Newfield — Audits. of 111 Support of Poor 23 Highways and Bridges 26 Road Tax 25 Town Library 25 Claim of Ezra Marion 5 Pax of 8 0 Orders, Relating to County 17 Penitentiary, 3lonroe County, Contract with____73 Notice of Contract to'be 'Published Proceedings, Distribution of 37 Petition from Assessors, Town of Newfield 10 Action on Same 11 From Assessors of Caroline Resolution, Regarding Correction of Assessment Rolls 73 Reports of— Superintendent of Poor 1 19 Special Committee on Printing 17 County Treasurer 117 Committee on Superintendent of Poor Accounts 59 District Attorney__125 Committee on Erroneous Assessments -_ __64 Resolutions regarding Erroneous Assessments 65 Committee on Finance 7 Committee of Charitable and Penal Institutions 66 I 156 The SuJ'ervisors' Proceedings, 1898 Committee on Treasurer's Accounts 70 Committee of U. S. Deposit Insurance 51 Committee of U. S. Deposit Insurance 52 Committee on State Charitable and Penal Institutions 66 Committee on Equalization 76 Committee on Appropriations 77 Road Tax, Returned 38 Railroads, Resolution Relating to 47 Roads, Good, Relating to 1_54 -68 Registration, Relating to 68 Sheriff, Services of Janitor 23 Office, Rent of 37 Session Laws, Designation to Publish __15 State Tax 77 T• Treasurer, County, Office Rent 24 Report 117 Tax Rolls, Confirnnition of 84 Ulysses— Audits of 113 Road Tax 303 Support of l'oor 6 Highways and Bridges 32 Tax of g i Painting Highway Bridges 33 J 1 1 - e r c?---0'o 7/ 2 s a y5 y 6 2 : 6 5 - 1 ) D o II I COUNTY OFFICERS sag.Ij Y. i BRADPORD ALIIY_-- Cnuntviudge and Surrogate I EUGENE TERRY Surrogate's Clerk I ) J. L. DAKER Special County Judge I: I LEROY H. VAN KIRK .County Clerk ' THOMAS J. f1cELHENV Deputy County Clerk .. CHARLES. HC BLOOD District Attorney,' - 1 N • SAMUELJ. 7IcKNEV Sheriff I [.- GRANT CURRY Under Sheriff, Ithaca 1 , • II' CHARLES County Treasurer ti I RANSOtI JOHNSON CoronerIJW. BROWN Coroner JOHN FLICKINGER '_ -Coroner. IINEWTONTONDCHAPIIAN'Coroner II NJAES`S: LYKE Superintendent of the Poor 11 GEORGE'W. BABCOCK Loan Commissioner JAI1ES DICK a Loan Commissioner r I MINOR ficDANIFLS School Commis • I.GRANT 11 HALSEY School Commissioner: ASSEMBLY, ; .IaITHIERONJOHNSONfieuiberofAssembly STATE SENATF` I I `" CHARLES T WILLIS State Senator I I loth District). Tyrone; N. Y.II s - ' • ii CONGRESS. 4 GEORGE W RAY Representative In Congress - If'' 26th District). - Norwich, N. Y r t T J ;