HomeMy WebLinkAbout1895COUNTY OF TOMPKINS PROCEEDINGS OF THE Board of Supervisors ANNUAL AND SPECIAL SESSIONS 1895. r.li.. ill r r 9 t SPECIAL AND ANNUAL SESSIONS: . PROCEEDINGS OF THE Board of . Super OF THE County of Tompkins, 1 FOR THE YEAR 1895. W; H. VAN OSTRAND, Chairman, Newfield, New York. ARTHUR G. MARION, Clerk,Ithaca, New York. r 1 11'f 11ACA, N, I 1•N I:SSOR JOURNAL. JOB 111;YARTMENT.v o G'18 u s_ 0 r ae e I t 0 m NINEM. A I 1 u r r • e THE SPECIAL SESSION OF THE BOARD - OF SUPERVISORS OF TOMPKINS, COUNTY -1895 To Fred L. Clock, Clerk of the Board ofSul5'ervisors: We, the undersigned, request you tocall a special meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, to be held at the Court House in the city of Ithaca, N. Y., on the ¢tl1 day of June, 1895, at rO A. M. C. F. HOTTES, JARVIS GANOUNG, J: H. CONKLIN, JNO. J. YOUNG, A. O. HART, H. F. HUTCHINGS, L. J. NEWMAN, J. H. KENNEDY, W. P. HARRINGTON, WM. K. BOICE, L. G. TODD. , Pursuant to the above call the' Board, of Supervisors of Tompkins County met at the Court House in the city of Ithaca, N. Y., on the 4th day of June,- '895, at 'o A. M. I r 6 The S4ervisors' Proceedings for 18g5. On calling the roll of towns the following answered to their names respectively, viz.: Caroline .William K. Boice Hanby . . a .Henry F. Hutchings - Dryden J H Kennedy Enfield .Levi J. Newman Groton l'John J. Young Ithaca (town)A. O. Hart Ithaca (cit-)C. F. Hottes Ithaca (city)L. G. Todd Ithaca (city)T. SThompson Ithaca (city)W PHarrington Lansing 1 J H Conklin Newfield . . W. H. Van O.strand Ulysses Jarvis Ganoung' The clerk read recommendations of the committee on county buildings. Superintendent of the Poor Lyke before the Board and addressed it in regard to the suggested changes. On motion adjourned to 2 V. M. Afternoon Session. Roll call. Ouoruui present. Messrs. Geo. B. Davis and.Simeon Smith appeared before' the Board and spoke in regard to suggested changes in the Court House.• '1 i On motion of Mr.- Todd the matter was referred' to the committee on county buildings with power. ilk 1 The' Supervisors' Proceedings for 1895.7 Moved by Mr. Todd that the committee on county build- , ings cause to be painted the roof oC the County .Clerk's Office and also that said committee cause a stone sidewalk .to be laid on the north of the Court House, said walk to be six feet wide aid to be laid on grade. Mr. Todd's motion on being seconded by Mr. Van Ostrand, t. was carried.t On motion of Mr. Conklin, the committee on connty build- ings was instructed to remove the shed in the rear of the jail: o A) Mr. Todd offered the following resolution which, •oti motion of Mr. Hutchings, was adopted : Resolved, That the matter of ditching on the Alms House farni and the purchasing of fire pails for the building be left to the connnittee on county buildings with power: On motion of Mr. Barrington the committee on county buildings was instructed to have the tramp ]rouse moyed not less than one hundred feet west of the county 'Alois House. I Mr. Kennedy offered the following resolution which, on motion of Mr. Thompson, was adopted : Resolved, That the committee on county buildings he and are hereby in- ail structed to have a hospital room fitted up in the south end of the pew brick, portion of the County House, twenty by forty feet in size and that said hospital be provided with a suitable bath room. Also a porch or stoop twelve feet wide be built across the south front of the proposed hospital room with a door connecting said room with the porch.' Said committee are hereby instructed to have the above work done by contract. s e I iii The nrilintes of the day's proceedings- were read and ap- proved. On motion adjourned. I o T1-IE ANNUAL SESSION OF THE BOARD OF SUP'FIR VISORS OF TOMPKINS COUNTY -1895. Pursuant to law, the Supervisors of the sederal towns of Tompkins County, convened in annual session at the Super- visors' Rooms in the Court House in the city of Ithaca on the 13t11 day of November, 1895 at 9 A. M. On calling the roll of towns the following answered to their names respectively, viz.: Toms,SUPERVISORS.P. O. ADDRESS. Caroline, WII,I,IAb1 K. BOICE, Slaterville Springs Danby, . . . HENRY F. HUTCI -ZINGS, . ! . . West Danby Dryden,J H. KENNEDY, .Dryden Enfield, . . LEVIJ. NEWMAN, .Ithaca Groton, . . JOHN J. YOUNC, 'Groton Ithaca (town),. A. O. HART,Ith'wa Ithaca (city), . C. F. HOTTES, . Lehigh Valley House, Ithaca Ithaca (city), 1 .. L. G. TODD,E. State St., Ithaca Ithaca (city), . T. S. TitomPso , . . 29 W. Mill St., Ithaca Ithaca (city), . W. P.- HARRINGTON, 92 N. Aurora St., Ithaca Lansing,J H. CONK1.1N,_North Lansing Newfield, . . W. H. VAN OSTRAND Newfield Ulysses, . . JARVIS GANOUNG, . . . Ithaca 1 1 4 The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1895.9 Moved by J. H. Kennedy thatMr. Conklin be elected teth- porary chairman. Mr. Kennedy's motion on being seconded by Mr? Hutch- ings, was carried.', Moved by Mr. Harrington that the Board proceed to an in- formal ballot to elect a permanent chairman. rMr. Harrington's motion on being seconded bNl . Kennedy was carried. Whole number of votes cast 12 of which W. H. Van ()strand received . :3 J. H. Kennedy received . . r L. G. Todd received z ; T. S. Thompson received r Blank received 3 On motion of Mr. Kennedy the Board proceeded to a formal ballot for chairman. 1 11 4 Whole number of votes cast .12 of which W. H. Van ()strand received io J. H. Kennedy received r ' Blank received i W. I37 Vau Ostrand was declared elected permanent chair- man. Mr. Thompson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption :s ro The, Supervisors' Proceedhzgs for 1895. f Resolved, That the salary of the clerk of this board be fixed at $25o.00 for the ensuing year. Mr. Thompson's motion was seconded by Mr. Hart. Moved by Mr. Conklin as an amendment that the salary of the clerk be fixed at $tyd.00 for the ensuing year, said sum of 175.00 not to include the report to the Comptroller nor the clerk's postage. Mr. Conklin'snmotiou on being seconded by Mr. Todd was carried by the following vote : ' Ayes— Boice, Hutchings, Kennedy, Newman, Young, Hart, Hottes, Todd, Harrington, Conklin, Van Ostrand and Gap Dun I2. • Noes— Thompson —r. Resolution as amended carried. On motion of Mr. Kennedy,' seconded by Mr. Todd, the clerk was directed to.'cast one ballot for Arthur G. Marion as clerk of the Board for the ensuing year. Arthur G. Marion was declared duly elected clerk for. the ensuing year. • The, clerk read the following coinnnunications from Clte. Comptroller, which on motion of Mr. Kennedy were received and ordered spread upon the minutes. STATE OF NEW YORK, COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE, ALBANY, SErTE iEER 1895. To the.Clerk of the Roard of Supervisors of County of Tompkins, Ithaca, N. Y. SIR : -1 have forwarded to-day under separate cover a form of statement of the valuation of Real and Personal Estate required to be made by you, pur- t 9 i The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1895.°rr scant to Chapter 686 of the haws of 1892, and forwarded to this office previous to the second blouday in December in each year under ,a penalty of fifty dol- lars.° f have also forwarded forms of Return of Bonded Indebtedness_ aivi In- corporated Companies liable to taxation. It is indispensable that these reports bcfernivhed by the' time prescribed The Board of Equalization of Taxes, in pursuance of Chapter 312 of the haws of 7854, have fixed 'the aggregate valuation of property in your County at the sum °I upon which amount a State tax of $42,051.51 must be levied for the fiscal year, commencing October 1st, 1895, as provided in said act and amendments thereto by Chapter 351, Laws of 1874, being 3 24 -100 mills on the dollar, for the following purposes, viz.: , For Schools 94- Toomill per Chapter 8o8 Laws of 1895, 12,200.13 For State Care of Insane 1 693 1885, 12,978.86 For General Purposes . 94 -100 "8o8 1895, 1y 16,872.52 n For Canals. •36 -100 " 282 and8o8 " 1895, f u, 42,051 :51 Total 3 24 -100 The non - resident Taxes credited to your County for 1894 amount to V Your_ obedient servant, s WM. J. MORGAN, Deputy and Acting Comptroller. E. S.— Kindly acknowledge at once the receipt of this circular and of the blank forms. STATE OR NEW YORK, COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE, ALBANO, OCLOm3R 25, 1895. To Clerk Board of Supervisors, County of Tompkins Six : —ht addition to the State Tax of 3 24 -loo mills directed to be levied as per circulae from this office, dated September '3001, amounting to $4 the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins is hereby required to raise the suns of $506.51 for compensation of the Stenographers of the Supreme 0 I The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1895. Courtin the Sixth Judicial District, from October n, 1895, to September 30, 1896, as authorized by Chapter 426, Laws of 1890 and Sections 258 and 259 of the Code of Civil Procedure. Respectfully yours, WM. J. ,IIORGAN, Deputy Comptroller. The clerk read a communication from the State Forest Commission which, on motion, was ordered filed. On motion adjourned. 1 1 SECOND DAY. THURSDAY, NOVF,n1BER 14', 1895. Morning Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call. Quorum present. The Chairman announced the following standing coo mittees : Constables' Accounts, Hait, Hottes, Thompson. Clerk's and Justices' Accounts, Newman, Harrington, Hdttes. Coroners', Coroners' fztries, and Printers' Accounts, Hottes, Hart, .Conklin. County Treasurers' Accounts, Conklin, Kennedy, Hottes. ilik is The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1895.r5 Sheriff s, Judge's and District Attorueyts Accounts, . Thompson, Todd, Ganoung, Miscellaneous Claims, 7 • 7odd,'Htitchiugs, Young. Jurisprudence and Erroneous Assessments, Young, Newnan, Harrington. Equalization and Footing Assessment Polls, Hutchings, Todd, Kennedy, Hart, Newman, Young, Conklin. Superintendent of the Poor. Kennedy, Harrington,' Boice. Appropriations and County I3ualdiiags, Harrington, Hutchings, Thompson. U. S. Deposit and Insurance,a Ganoung, Boice, Kennedy. Slate Charitable and Penal Institutions„ Boice, Hutchings, Ganoung. The clerk read a communication from the State Commis - sion of Prisons which, on motion of Mr. Harrington, was re- ceived and ordered filed. The dlerk read a Communication from the Department of Public Instruction which, on motion of Mr. Boice, was received , and ordered filed. Mr. Newnnan offered the following resolution wliich, on motion of Mr. Harrington, Was adopted. Resolved, That all resolutions offered to this Board. be in writing and signed by the member introducing the same. 1\I '1 oice t the following resolution which, on motion of Mr. Hart, was adopted : The Sufiervisors' Proceedings for r895. Resolved, Thai unless otherwise ordered the daily sessions of the Board shall commence at 9 o'clock A. M. and 2 o'clock P. M. Mr. Hart offered the following resolution which, on motion of Mr. Hutchings, was adopted : Resolved, That the clerk be authorized and empowered to procure the proper and necessary statiottei"y and supplies for the use of this Board. Mr Thompson offered the following resolution• which, on motion of Mr. Kennedy,- was adopted : Resolved, That the compensation for Jail Physician be fifty dollars for the year commencing. January ist, 1896, and ending January 1st, 1847. Mr. Thompson 'offered the following resolution which, on motion of • Mr. Kennedy, was adopted : Resolved, That the suer of $350.00 be allowed the Sheriff of this county to pay for the services ofjauitor of the Court House and engineer and fireman for the Court House and county jail for the year 1896. On motion adjourned. r ' Afternoon Session: Roll call. Quorum present. - iVfr. Hart offered the following resolution which, on motion of Mr. Hutchings, was adopted : Resolved, That a committee on printing he appointed' by the chairman and instructed to make a cone :act for printing 500o copies of the.proceedings of this Board at a price not to exceed the price paid in 1894 and that they be printed in the same form and type and upon paper as good as that used in [894 and that said reports shall be ready for delivery on or before January 15th, 1 896. The chairman appointed as such committee Messrs. Hart, Hutchings, Young. kik o r , .r.7„St",'re T 7rZ,:. l; 7?3w 5 wn f A The'Sztperviso s' Proceerlutgs for 1895. ` 15 Mr. Boice offered the following resolution which, on motion of Mr. Hart, was adopted.: Resolved, That the hour from'3 to 4 o'clock it nz, he set apart for the audit-1( ing of bills and accounts of this Board. 0 Professor John L. Morris of _Cornell University; trustee of the ,Willard State Hospital, appeared before the' Board and made a few remarks in regard to patients from Tompkins County who are confined in said institution. 011 motion adjourned. 9 1 THIRD DAY. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1 i i li Morning Session. . Board met pursuant to adjournment. r f Roll call. Qnornrn present. Miuutes,,of preceding d; y read and approved. Mr. Gahoung presented the reports of John N. Barker, N. R. Gifford and M. T. Williamson, Justices of the Peace of the town of Ulysses, which, 011 motion of Mr. Kennedy, were re- ceived and filed. In pursuance of Chapter 715 of the Laws of 1892, the fol- lowing designation of papers to publish the Session Laws for the ensuing year was made : 1, e zb Tiee Supervisors' Proceedings for 1895. In pursuance of Chap. 715, Laws of 1892, we, the undersigned, Republican members of the Beard of Supervisors of Tompkins County, hereby designate the ITHACA WEEKLY JOURNAL to publish the Session Laws for the - ensuing year. Dated November 15, 1895. J. H. KENNEDY, L. G. TODD, I-1. F. HUTCHINGS, W. P. HARRINGTON, C. Y. HOT TES, A. O. HART, W. H. VAN OSTRAND. In pursuance of Chap. 715, Laws of 1892, we, the undersigned Democratic members of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, hereby designate the Ithaca Democrat to publish the Session Laws for the ensuing year. Dated November 15, 1895. JARVIS GANOU"NG, L. J. NEWMAN, WM. K. BOICE, J. H. CONKLIN, T. S. THOMPSON, • JNO. J. YOUNG. On motion adjourned. Afternoon Session. Roll call.' Quorum present. Mr. ,Conklin offered the following resolution which, 011 1110- tiou of Mr. Kennedy, was adopted : I Resolved, That the apportionment of Grand Jurors in the several towns and city of Ithaca be the same as in the last preceding year. Mr. Conklin offered the following resolution which; on mo- tion of Mr. Young, was adopted : Resolved, That the clerk of this Board be allowed fifteen dollars for post- age for the ensuing year. o 9. The Supervisors' Proceedings for '895.17 Mr. Hart offered the.following resolution which, on motion or Mr. Boice, was adopted : i Peto/ved, That the County Treasurer be allowed the sum of one hundred dollars for office rent, fuel'and light from January 1, 1896, to January t, 1897. , li f Mr. Boice offered the following resolution which, on 1110- tion of,Mr. Harrington, was adopted : 6'esol there be paid to the clerk of this Board $25.00 as compen- sation for making such report to the Comptroller of the State as required by law. Motion made by Mr. Kennedy that when this Board ad- journs to -day, it adjourns to meet Monda}',' November i8, 1895,I e- at 9A. M. I Mr.. Kennedy's motion on being seconded by Mr. Hutch - ings, was carried. Mr. Boice, chairman of the committee on state charitable and penal institutions,- reported the following bills which; on motion of Mr. Kennedy, were allowed and audited at the r amounts recommended by the committee.1 Bills Nos, 2, 4, 5, 40._s t p Mr. Hart, chairman of the Icomtnittee on constables' ac- ' counts, reported -the following bills which, on motion of Mr. Kennedy, -were allowed and audited at, the amounts recom- N mended by the committee. 1. Bills Nos. 3 3 4 ' t Mr. Hutchings of the committee on miscellaneous claims, reported the following bills which, on motion of Mr. Harring- ton, were allowed and'audited at the amounts recommended by 1 the committee. Y I r8 The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1895. Bills Nos. 6, 7, 8 , 9, ' 15 , 13, 14, 15, 16, '7, 18, 59, 20, 21, 22, 28, 27, 26, 29, 44- On motion adjourned. FOURTH DAY. MONDAY, NovIDIBER tb, 1895. Morning Session. Board Islet pursnaut to adjournment. Roll call. Ouoruin present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. Mr. Newman presented the reports of H. A. Graham, En- gene Willis, F. B. Aiken and James H. Hine, Justices of the Peace of the town of Enfield which, on notion of Mr. Hart, were received and filed. The clerk read a communication from the Treasurer of the Susquehanna Valley Houle regarding unpaid bills against, the county. Remarks were made by members of the Board regard - ii1g same. Dr. «r. B. Erader,,the jail physician, appeared before the Board and made a statement regarding his duties of the past year. Moved by Mr. Harrington that an informal ballot be taken for the eledtion of a jail physician for the ensuing year. Mr. e 1 r ` Y'T, r n r s a:, ' t T•r y,9Pw t. +.v The Supervisors' Proceedings for r r9 Harrington's motion on being seconded, was carried. The chairman appointed as tellers Messrs. .Hart and Young. Whole number of ballots cast .. ...' 12 of which Dr. W. B. Brader received Dr. •Victor Crittenden received r 011 inotioii of Mr. Kennedy the informal ballot was de-, clared formal and Dr. W. B. Brader was declared duly elected jail physician for the ensuing year. Mr. Lyke, Superintendent of the Poor, presented his re- port which, -on motion of Mr. Hart, was ordered referred to the committee on superintendent's accounts. Mr. Harrington offered the following resolution which, on utotion of Mr. Hutchings, was adopted., WHEREAS, Certain improvements have been made at the Alms House in accordance with the suggestions or recommendations of the State / Beard of Charities who now assumes the charge of the matter,/ Resolved, That this Board visit the Alms House as a committee of the whole on November 2Ist, for inapectioy of said improvement as to its final acceptance or rejection of its work or alteration., On Motion adjourned. Afternoon Session. Roll call. Quorum present. t . Mr. Harrington, chairman of the committee on appropria- tions and county buildings, rendered the .report of said com- mittee which, on motion of Mr. Kennedy, was fecei-ied and filed.t 20 The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1895. 7. The report of the Loan Commissioners of Tompkins County was presented to the Board and ordered referred to the coil- mittee on U. S. deposit and insurance. On motion - the chairman appointed Messrs. Thompson, Conklin and Hart a committee to prochre conveyances to con- vey the members of the Board to the County 1 -louse on Novem- ber 21, ' Mr. Hart offered the following resolution which, on motion of Me.' Thompson, was adopted : Resolved, That this Board refuse to receive hills for audit .after November 28, 1895, unless otherwise ordered. Mr. Gangling offered the following resolution which, on motion, of Mr. Boice, was adopted : Resolved, That the sum of tso.00 he appropriated and allowed for services for a chaplain for.the Alms House for the ensuing year. Mr. Hutchings being called to the chair, Mr. Van Ostraud presented the report of ,the bonding commissioners of the town of Newfield and his report as supervisor of the bonded indebted- ness of said town which, on motion. of Ir. Kennedy, was; re- ceived and ordered printed with the reports and thatthe amount asked for be levied upon the taxable property of the town `of Newfield. NIr. Van O`strand presented the reports of Seymour Grover, Wm. H. Weatherell, Wnl. H. Van Ostrand and Charles Brown, Justices of the Peace of the town of Newfield, which, on motion of Mr. Kennedy, were received and filed. Mr. Hart, chairman of the special committee onprinting, rendered the following report, which, on motion of Mr. Boise, 1 ' O ft 1 1'i 1 ,vo 1 The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1 21 was accepted and' ordered spread upon the minutes and the committee discharged :1 y To the Honorable Jloard of Supervisors of Tomj5kins County :. GENTLEMEN : Your special committee appoiirted to make a contract for printing the Proceedings of the. Board of Supervisors for the year 1895, respect- fully report that they have nude such contract with the publishers of the ITHACA JOURNAL at an agreed price of $2.55 per page for 5,00o copies, the above'price being the same as that paid the past year for the sane number of\copies. A. O. HART, i 1 JNO. J. YOUNG,Ii H. F. HUTCHINGS,1 1 Committee.r Mr. Todd, chairman of the committee on miscellaneous . 1 claims, reported the 'following bills "which, on motion of Mr. II Thompson, were allowed and audited tat the amotulf recom- mended by the committee : Bills Nos. 45, 55, 5 48, 5 57, 54, 23, 63, 1 , 5 43, 64. On motion adjourned. 4! . t FIFTH DAY.it ii TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1895. Morning Session.1 , 6 Board et pursuant to adjournment.1 r "me Roll call. ,Quorum present.il . Minutes o£ preceding day read and approved. i e' 0i az The, Supervisoirs' Proceedings for 1895. Mr. Ganouug presented the reports' of the bonding coin- 1 inissioners of the towu'of Ulysses and his report, as Supervisor, of the bonded indelifedness of said town which, on motion of Mr. Kennedy, was received and ordered printed with the re- ports and that the amount asked for be levied upon :the taxable property of the town of Ulysses. o Mr. Hart presented the town audits of the town of Ithaca which, on motion of Mr: Kenned }-, were received and ordered that.the amount thereof be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of said town. Mr. Harrington spoke in reg2rd to building a storm door to the boiler room of the Court House. On motion it was re- ferred to the committee on connty buildings with power. Mr. Conklin presented the town audits of the town of Lansing which, on motion of Mr. Hart, were received and or- dered that the amount thereof be levied and assessed upon the faxable property of said towir. O motion adjourned. r Afternoon Session. Roll call: Quorum present., Mr. Ganoung offered the 'following resolution, which, on motion of Mr. Hari, was adopted : Resolved, That in accordance with Chapter 686 of, the Laws of 1892, the clerk of this Board he instructed to cause to be printed in the ITHACA \Exxr,v- JOURNAL anhabstract of the accounts furnished by. the town auditors, an ab- 1 stract of county accounts, the number of days the Board was inkession and the sdrviee bill of each member of the Board of Supervisors for the year 1895. Mr. Thompson, eliairmait of the committee on judge's ac- e 1 le 1 i 1 The Supervisors' Proceedings for _23 ii i counts, reported the following bill which, on motion' of Mr. Kennedy, was allowed and audited at the amount' recommended by the committee.a Bill No. 30. IS Mr. Hones, chairman of the committee on printers' ac- it counts, reported the following bill which, on motion of Mt.' Boice, was allowed and audited at the amount recommended. by the committee. , Bill No. 39 1 Mr. Todd, chairman of the committee on miscellaneous ii claims, reported the following bills which, on motion of Mr. Kennedy, were allowed and audited at the amounts - recom- mended by the committee : Bills Nos. 75;68, 7 2 ., 66 , 73. Mr. Hurt, chairman of the committee on constables' ac-o counts, reported the following bills which, on motion of Mr. Hottes, were allowed and audited at the amount recommended by the committeeby Bills Nos. 37, 69. The members of the Board were engaged on committee work during the clay. On motion adjourned. SIXTH DAY.t li WEDNEseAv, NOVEMBER - 20, 1895. t N' Morning Session.1 Board met pursuant to adjournment. Jr ft z¢The Sufervisors' Proceedings for 1895. Rol?call. Quorum present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. MrGanoung offered the following resolution which, on motion bf Mr. Boice, was adopted : Resolved, -That all county orders issued by the Board shall be coulter- signed by the chairman and all town orders by the Supervisors of the respec- tive towns and that no order shall be issued until the adjournment of this Board. Mr. Boice offered the following resolution which, on motion of Mr. Kennedy, was adopted : Resolved, That pursuant to Chapter erg, Laws of 189e, the price of printing the Session Laws of a local nature applicable to this county_ be fixed at twenty -five cents per folio that being the minimum price permitted by said Act. On motion adjourned. Afternoon Session.. Roll call. Quorum present. Mr. Ganoung presented a list of the Grand Jurors for the town of Ulysses for the ensuing year.. Mr. Newman presented a list of the Grand Jurors for the town of Enfield for the ensuing year. Mr. Van Ostrand pr a list of the Grand Jurors for the town of Newfield for the ensuing year. Mr. Conklin presented a list of the Grand Jurors for 'the town of Lansing for the ensuing year. Mr. Hart presented a list of the Grand Jurors for the town of Ithaca for the ensuing year. The Supervisors' Proceedings fora 25 Mr. Hodes presented a list of the Grand Jurors for the city g of Ithaca for the ensuing year. • I II Mr. Hutchings presented a list of the Grand Jurors for the town of Danby for the ensuing year..1 i Mr. Young presented a list of the Grand Jurors for the town of Groton Tor the ensuing year. Mr. Kennedy presented a list of. the'Grand Jurors for the town of Dryden for the ensuing year. Mr. Boise presented a list of the Grand Jurors for the town I: of, Caroline for the ensuing year. a Mr. - Ganouug offered the following - resolution which, on motion of Mr. Kennedy, was adopted : Resolved, Tliat the list of names of persons selected and presented by the I Supervisors of the different towns and city of the county to act as Grand Jurors k for the ensuing year are hereby'approved and declared to be the Grand Jury list for 1895 add 1896. •1' n Mr. :Hutchings of the committee of miscellaneous claims h ' reported the following bills which, on motion of Mr. Kennedy,t, were allowed andtaudited at the accounts recommended by the committee : Bills Nos. 53, 8o, 24, 25, 79, 5 83, 74, 82:P The members of the Board were engaged in l oininittee work during, the day. On motion adjourned.1 { k 1 N - 26 The Supervisors' Proceedings for rS95. SEVENTH DAY. THURSDAY, N0VE MRNR 21, 1895. Morning Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call. Quorum present. On motion the Board adjourned to meet at the County • Alms House. Board reconvened at said place. The committee on superintendent's accounts were engaged in examining the accounts of Superintendent Lyke during the day while the other members were inspecting the buildings and farm and the improvements thereon. After the completion of their work the Board returned to Ithaca. EIGHTH DAY. FRIDAY, NOvF,IUBER 22, 1895. Morning Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call, Quorurn present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. r l rri 7441 flr TIM The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1 27 Mr. Young presented the reports of Newton Baldwin, Nel- son Stevens, J. M. Montfort, and H. S. Hopkins, Justices of the Peace of the town of Groton which, on motion, were re- ceived and filed. Mr. Boice presented the report of the Overseer of the Poor of the town of. Caroline which, on motion 'of Mr. Kennedy, was received and placed on file. 4 Mr. Conklin presented the report of the Overseer of the Poor of the town of Lansing which, on motion' of Mr. Hutch- ings, was received and filed. Mr. Hutchings presented the report of the Overseers of the Poor of the town of Danby, which, on motion of Mr. Hottes, was received and filed. On motion adjourned.I Afternoon Session. Roll call. Quorum present. Mr. I3oice presented the reports of R. G. H. Speed, Geo. H. Nixon, Walter V. Personius and John J. Peters, Justices of the__ Peace of the town of Caroline which, on motion, were'reeeived and filed. Mt. Newnan presented the report of the Bonding Commis - sioners of the town of Enfield and his report as Supervisor of the bonded indebtedness of said town which, on motion of Mr. Kennedy, was received and ordered printed with the reports ' and that the amount asked for be.levied upon the taxable prop= erty the town of Enfield. Mr. Newman; chairman of the committee • on justices' ac-r counts, reported the following bills which, on motion of Mr. 1 28 The Supervisors " Proceedings for 1895. Young, were allowed and audited at the amounts recommended by, the comini ttee. Bills Nos. 3 33, 4 56. On motion adjourned. o NINTH DAY. MONDAY, Nov n[BFR 25,IS95. Morning Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. Mr. Newman presented the report of the Overseer of the Poor of the town of Enfield which, on motion of Mr. Boice, .was received and filed. Mr. Ganoung presented the report of the Overseer of the Poor of the town of Ulysses which, on motion, was received and filed. Mr. Hart presented the reports of Lockwood B. Colegrove, Alfred Hasbrouck, Geo. H. Hopkins and W. O. Newnan, Jus- tices of the Peace of the town of Ithaca which, on motion of Mr. Hutchings, were received and filed. Dr. J'. W. Brown presented his report as coroner which, on motion of Mr. Todd, was received and referred to'tlle 'proper committee. s e The Supervisors' Proceedings far . i On motion adjourned. Afternoon Session. Roll call. Oporui i present. Mr. Kennedy presented the reports of J. D. Ross, G. E. Underwood, Win. E. Brown, E. M. Seager aid G. E. Hanford, Justices of'the Peace of the town ° of Dryden'which, on notion of Mr. Thompson, were received and filed.A-f Mr. Ganoung offered the following resolution which, on motion of Mr. Hart, was : Resolved, That the suer of forty -three dollars and fifty cents ($43.5o) be 1 fleviedandassesseduponthe,taxable property of the following road districts o the town of Ulysses to apply as payment ou a road machine purchased by the said districts, viz.: Districts Nos. 43, 49, 57, 61; 7 1 Mr. Kennedy being called to the chair, Mr. Van Ostrand presented the report of the Overseer of the Poor of the town of Newfield which, on notion of. Mr. Harrington, was received and filed. Mr. Van Ostrand offered th'e following resolution which, on' motion of Mr, Hittchings, was adopted : t P Resolved, That the sum of $150.00 be levied upon and coi lected from the o taxable property of the town of Newfield, for the support of the poor of said town. Mr! Van Ostrand offered the following which, on • motion of Mr. Hart, was adopted : Resolved, That the sumdof $25o.00 be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the town+ f Newfield for the repair of highways and bl idges. o Tie Suter visorsL Proceedings for z Mr. Boice offered the following resolution which, on motion of Mr. Thompson, was adopted : Resolved, That in accordance with action taken by the town Board of Car- oline that there be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the follow- ing road district•in said town the sum of fifty -five dollars and twenty-six cents 455 26 -too) as payment on a,road purchased by said districts, viz.: Nos. 48, 61, 66 and 83. Mr. Newman, chairman of the committee on justice's ac-,A'c- ' counts, reported the following. bills which, on motion of Mr Hart, were allowed and audited at The amounts recommended by the con Bills Nos. 7o, 71, 84, 88. Mr. Hart, chairman of the committee on constables' ac- counts, reported the following bills which, on motion of Mr. Hutchings, were allowed and audited at the amounts recom- mended by the conllnittee : • Bug No's. 89, 93, ro5. The following communication was read by' the clerk which, on motion of Mr. Kennedy, wds laid over for further .consid- eration : ITHACA, N..Y., NOVEMBER 22, 1895. To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County : GENTLEMEN : The followingresolution was presented to the Court by the Grand Jury sitting at the October (1895) term of the Court of Oyer and Terminer : Resolved, That the Grand Jury recommend that an iron grating be placed over the west corridor on the second floor of the jail to prevent the escape of prisoiiers. The Sufservisors' Proceedings for 2895.3r . By order of the Court the above resolution was spread upon the minutes of the Court and the clerk directed to .forward a certified copy thereof to your honorable bony. The resolution here given is a true copy. Veryrespectfully, 1 H. VAN KIRIK, County Clerk. The balance of the afternoon was devoted to / committee work by the members of the Board. On motion adjourned. TENTH DAY. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1895. Morning Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call. Quoruin present. Minutes of, preceding day read and approved. Mr. Hutchings presented the town audits of the town of Darby accompanied by the resolutions of the town Board which, on motion of Mr. Kennedy, were received and ordered that the amount thereof be levied and assessed against the taxable pro- petty of the town of Darby. Mr. Gandung offered the following resolution which, on motion of Mr. Hart, was adopted 0 82 The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1895. Resolved, That the sum of $500.00 be raised by tax Upon the taxable pro- perky of the town of Ulysses for the repair of highways and bridges agreeable to a resolution adopted by the town hoard of said town November 7th, 1595. Mr. Hart offered the following resolution which, on motion of Mr. Kennedy, was adopted : Resolved, That the suet of $143.50 he levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the following road districts of the town of Ithaca to apply in pay - ment for road' machines purchased by said districts, as audited by Town Board viz.: Nos. 8, 7, 46, 47; 49; 5 17, 44. On motion adjourned. Afternoon Session. Roll call. Ouortun present. Messrs. Blood and Goodrich appeared before the Board and spoke regarding the claims of commissioners and others of the proposed highway from Ithaca to Glenwood. Mr. Hutchings of the conunittee. miscellaneous claims reported the following bills which, !on motion, were allowed and audited at the amount's recommended 'by'the cotiunittee : Bills Nos. 99, tot tog, 98, 102, 46, 67\92 , 103, 87, 91, 9o, 112, 100, 96. Mr. Young presented the town audits of the'towu of Groton which, on motion of Mr. Hutchings were received and ordered thatthe'amouuts thereof be levied and assessed 'against the tax- able property of the town of Groton. Mr. Todd offered the following resolution which, on 1110- tion of Mr. Hutchings; was adopted ; Resolved, That the hills of the commissioners and their stenographers ap- pointed by Judge Almy to lay out a roadway along the west shore of Cayuga y.,ryp.-r iE>> , y t eS M ,p 4 rst..v ^'Rri 7 R "a The Sufervi ors' Proceedings for r 33 Lake through the city and town of Ithaca and tow ;t of Ulysses be referred to the committee on jurisprudence to take counsel and report to this Board as to the legality of the same. On motion adjourned. • ELEVENTH DAY. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, i,895: Morning Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call. Onorum present. Minutes of Preceding,day read and approv,ed. Mr. Gauoung presented the town audits of the town of Ulysses which, on motion of Mr. Kennedy, were received and ofdered that the amount thereof be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the town of Ulysses. o Mr. Newman offered the following resolution' which; on , motion of Mr. Boice, was adopted : 4 Resolved, That iu accordance with the action of the Board of Auditors of the' town of Enfield the sum of $8S.37 be levied and collected on the taxable property of the following road districts in said town for payments ou road machines purchased by said districts, viz.: Dist. 3, Road,4, D. 2, R. 12, D. 2, R. xr, D. z, R. o, D. 2, R. 4, D. - 2,43 85 Dist. 3, Road o, D. 3, R. 7, D. 4, R. 16, D. 2, R. 15, D. x, R. 18, =D. x, R. 23, D. 1, R. 16 44 5 31 The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1895. Mr. Hart offered the following resolution which, on motion of Mr. Hutchings, was adopted Resolved, That in case of a deficiency in Court expenses for the ensuing year the County Treasurer and the•Supervisors of the city of Ithaca be author- zed to borrow on the credit of the county an aniount of money sufficient to meet contingencies until the meeting of the Board of Supervisors. Mr. Boice offered the. following resolution which, on mo- tion of Mr. Kennedy, was adopted : Resolved, That in accordance with a resolution adopted at the annual town meeting held February 12th, 1895, that the sum of two hundred dollars be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the town of Caroline for the support of the poor of said town.l Mr. Conklin presented the report of N. D. Chapman, Cor- oner, which, on motion, was referred to the 'proper committee. On motion adjourned. Afternoon Session. Roll call. Quorum present. Mr. Horton appeared before the Board and spoke regarding, the levying of taxes on a road machine in the town of New- field. On. motion of Mr. Kennedy a committee consisting of Messrs. Young, .Newman and Harrington was appointed by the chairman to investigate'the same. Moved by Mr. Harrington that when this Board adjourns to -day, it adjourns till Monday, December 2, 1895, at 10 A. M. Mr. Harrington's motion on being seconded was carried. 1 . t The Supervisors' Proceedings for v 35 Mr. Hutchings of the committee on miscellaneous claims, presented the following bills which, on motion of Mr. Ken- nedy, were allowed and audited at the, amount recommended by the committee : Bills Nos. 114, u6, 36, 85. Mr. Boice offered the following resolution which, on mo- ' tion•of Mr. Hutchings, was adopted : Revolved, That there be!levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the county the sum of $too.00 to pay the County Clerk for the services of jani- tor for the County Clerk's building. Off motion adjout TWELFTH DAY. 1 MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1895. Morning Session. Board met puisuaht to adjournment. Roll call. Quorum present. P Minutes of preceding day read and approved. Mr. Kennedy presented the reports of the overseers of the Poor of the•towin of Dryden which, On motion of Mr. Thomp- son, were received' and filed. Mr: Harrington presented the following resolution which, on motion of Mr. Thompson, was adopted :' Reso lved, That there be levied and collected upon the taxable property of the county the sum of $55.00 for Sheriff's office rent. On motion adjourned. 36 The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1895. 1• Afternoon Session. Roll call. - Quorum present. Mr. John L. Mandeville appeared before the Board and Made afew remarks regarding the "County Road Law." Mr. Kennedy offered the following resolution which, on motion, was adopted : Resolved, That the sum of $614.51 be levied and collected from the taxable . property in certain road districts in tlie town of Dryden to pay on certain notes given in payment for road machines purchased for said districts and numer- ated below. The foregoing claims were duly audited by the Town Board of Auditors of said town and certified to this Board by the town clerk of said town. • Road Districts Nos. 131, 132, 134, 138 , 129, 45 55 25 118, 120, 116, 119, 122 53 5 74, 156 , 7 70, 82 40 76 87, 69, 86, 85 45 00 33, 35, 3 34, 3 5 •5o 25 64, 63, 65, 68, 62, 54 52 00 139, Id, too, 99 1 5 75 77, 76, 89 45 75 57,4 49 75 80, 75, 81, 83, 88, 79, 84 40 00 13, 12, 14, 15, 21, 20, 151, 22 83 00 3 5 3 27 48 50 1Ir. Newman'preseuted the town audits of the town of En- field which, on motion of Mr. Boice, were received and ordered that the amount thereof be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the town of Enfield. Mr. Boice presented the following petition accompanied by the resolution which, on Motion of Mrr. Hart, was adopted : • 1 K,+u, 'T5'MP`... .,e tin rte r. Fq¢' f1 1 r I . The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1895. •37 1 SLATRRVIILN SPRINGS, November 7, 1895: 1 t<To Me Honorable Board of Supervisors of Tompkins Courtly : I We, the undersigned Board of Assessors, respectfully pray that the 'farm belonging to John. S. Head, known as the Kirby Farm, and- the house and lot belouging Carrie Spaulding Laving been omitted from the assessment roll , be added by this Board oCSupervisors at the assessed value of last year. H. Al. HILDEBRANT, D. C. HANFORD, P. N. PATCH, Assessors. Resolved„ That in accordance with a petition made by the Board of Asses- - sors of the town of Caroline that the farm belonging to John' S. Head, known as the Kirby Farm, and the house and lot belonging to Carrie Spaulding hav- ing bee•omitted from,the assessment roll be added by the Boardvof Super- visors at the assessed value of last 5 •ear. 1 Mr. Hart, chairman of the colinnittee on constables' ac- , counts, reported, the following bill ' which, on motion- of Mr: Young, were allowed and audited at the amounts by the committee : 1 Bill No. 95. Mr. Young, of the committee on miscellaneous claims, re- ported the following bills which, on motion of Mr. Hart, were allowed and audited at the amounts recommended by the coin= ' mittee : t I t 1 Bills Nos. 112, 121, 120, 119, 123. i Mr. Kennedy presented the twn audits of the town, of Dryden which, on motion of Mr. Hart, were received and or- dered that the amount, thereof be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the town of Dryden.1 7 t i 1-.. e. 38 The Supervisors' Proceedings for [ Mr. Kennedy offered the following resolution which, on r•motion of Mr. Young, was adopted : Resolved, That the sum of $1,681.22 be levied and collected upon the tax- able property of the town of Dryden to pay bills incurred by, the Commis- sioner of Highways for the repair of roads and bridges in said town agreeably • to resolutions adopted at the annual town meeting and by the town Board of said town. ' e Moved by .Mr. Kennedy tliat the tax on dogs for the ensu- ing year in Tompkins' County be as follows : One dog '1 I 5o Each additional dog ' 1 One bitch 3 0o e Each additional bitch 5 0o 0 Mr. Kennedy's motion on being seconded was carried: Mr. Boice offered the following resolution which, on 1110- tion of Mr. Newman, was adopted :. Resolved, That in accordance with a resolution adopted by the town Board November 70, 1895, that there be levied and assessed upon the taxable property,of the town of Caroline the suns of seventy -five dollars for the relief r of indigent soldiers and their families for the ensuing year. On motion adjourned. A1, A THIRTEENTH DAY. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1895. Morning Session. Board /net pursuant to adjournment. 1 1 I 1 The Supervisors' Proceedikgs for 1895. 39 Roll call: Quorutil present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. Mr. Newman offered the following resolution which, on motion of Mr. Boice,!was_adopted : Resolv - That the sum of $25o.00 be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the towu'of Enfield for the repairs of highways and bridges as al_ . lowed by statute. Mr. Galloting offered the following resolution' which, on' motion of Mr. Thompson, was adopted Resolved, That the sui $5o.00 be levied upoh and collected from the taxable property of the town of Ulysses for the support of the .poor of said town. Mr. Bice presented the town audits - of the town of Caro- tii line which, on' motion of 1Vir. Kennedy,. were received and ordered that the amount - thereof be levied and. assessed upon the taxable property +of the town of Caroline. 1 Mr: Kennedy offered the. following resolution which, on motion of Mr: Hart, was.adopted • : Resolved, That the County Treasurer be and he is hereby authorized and instructed to sell to the best advantage`a11 the _right, title and interest that 1 he, as Treasurer of Tompkins County, may hold in. a certain piece of real estate that was sold upon aimortgage foreclosure sale by Geo. 11. Northrup as County Treasurer of this county and hid in by him at such sale for the county mud by him turned over to Chas. Ingersoll, his successor in office. Mr. Todd offered the following 'resolution which; on mo- tion of Mr. Hutchings, was adopted-: 2 . Resolved, That pursuant fo Chap. 338, lags of 1893, there he levied and assessed upon the taxable p of the city of Ithaca the sum of $7;5oo.od for the support of the poor in said city, and pay into the city treasury $6,289 .35 1 , 1 o 1 1 1 o'The Sxfierrisors' 'Proceedings for 1895. being balance of oo after paying. the city'sg7.5 P 1 g'1 'ortion for care of the countyP poor, designated by a resolution of the Common Councilof said city. Mr. Todd 'offered the following resolution which, on mo- tion of Mr. Thompson, was adopted : Resolved, That the sum of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) be paid to the Ithaca Democrat for publishing the official canvass. On motion adjourned. Afternoon Session. Roll call. Quorum present. Mr. Conklin being called to the chair, Mr. Van Ostrand presented the town audits of the town of Newfield which, on motion of Mr. Kennedy, were received and ordered that the amount thereof be levied and assessed upon the taxable pro- perty. of the town of Newfield. l 117r. Van Ostrand offered the;followingresolution which, on • motiorof Mr. /Kennedy; was adopted : Resolved, That the sum of fourteen hundred and fifty -three dollars and ninety -nine cents ($1,4$3.99) be levied upon and collected from the taxable property o fthe town of Newfield to apply as payment on the claim of Rzra Marion against the said town of in accordance with the terms of set- clement of the said claim. Mr.' Van Ostrand offered the following .resolution which, on motion of Mr. Thompson, was adopted : Resolved That the following bill be added to the town audits of the town of Neivfield : No..73, Warren Tompkins, constable io 05 1 Mr. Van Ostrand offered the following resolution which, on Motion of Mr..Hutchings, was adopted : o The :Supervisors' Proceedings for z895.z'' Peso/yea', That in accordance with a resolution adopted at'the annual town 11 meeting held in and for the town of Newfield, on the i2th day of, February, 1895, the sunr of one hundred dollars ($loo.00) be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the town of Newfield, in aid of the Newfield town library. On motion adjourned.. , e i FOURTEENTH DAY.. 1 WEDNI{sDAy, DEtIn1EFR 4, 1895. Morning Session. P Roll call. thiamin present. r Minutes of preceding day read and approved.t Mr. Hart presented the report of the Overseer of the Poor of the town of Ithaca which, oli motion of Mr. Hutchings, was received and filed. Mr. Young presented the report of the Overseer of the Poor of the town of Groton which, on motion of Mr. Thomp- son, was received and filed. 1 County Clerk Van, Kirk appeared before the Board and pre- sented his report which, on motion of Mr: Newman, was accepted and ordered printed with the reports. Mr. Hart offered the following resolution which, on motion of Mr. Hutchings, was adopted : Resolved, That the sunr of $r5 00 he appropriated to pay postage incurred by the County Treasurer.I z The Supervisor? Proceedings for .1895. Mr. Hart offered the following resolution which, on mo- tion of Mr. Ganoung, was adopted : Resolved, That the Collectors of the several towns of Tompkins County and the Tax Collector of the city of Ithaca be required to settle with the County Treasurer and the Supervisors of their respective towns on or before illarch tst, 1896. JZr.Conklin offered the resolution which, on mo- tion of Mr. Hutchings, was adopted : Resolved, That there be levied and collected in the several towns in tlie county from those persons whose names were duly returned by the Overseers of the several road districts in the towns as required by law, the following sums : PRYDF, \. District No. 99, 7' /a days ro 88 DANRI'. District No. 56, 6$ days i9 75 NEWPnir.D. District No. 67, 2% days 3 75 District No. to, q days 6 75 10 5o GROTON. District No.' 4, t,( days t SS, 1 Mi. Young, chairman of the committee appointed to inves- tigate the clatter relating to the compensation of the commis- sioners, etc., presented the following report which, on motion of Mr. Todd, was laid over and made a special order of business for Friday, December 6, 1895, at it o'clock A. M: The Supervisors' Proceedings far 1895.43 To the Board of Supervisorss of Tompkins County : • Your committee who were appointed to ascertain the facts as to the valid- ity of the bills presented by the commissioners, stenographers and surveyors to this ]loud concerning the Gleuwood'or Lake road would respectfully report that the Ilon. S. D. Halliday with whom the coimittee conferred after consid- eratiou rendered an opinion that the bills are legal and are collectable. not only for what has been done, but all duty that may be performed that is necessary by the commissioners until the courts shall pronounce the commission illegal. Therefore, this committee would recommend that the matter be referred to the Book for their action. ' Signed, JNO. J. YOUNG, L. J. NEWMAN, W. P. IIARRINGTON. On motion adjourned. Afternoon Session. Roll call. ' Quorum present. Mr. Harrington presented the reports of the Bonding Com- missioners of the city and 'town of Ithaca which, on motion of Mr. Hottes, were received and, ordered that the amounts asked for be levied and collected out of the taxable property of the city and town of Itliaca, in accordance with said report. Mr. Young offered the following resolution which; on mo- tion'of Mr. Hart, was adopted : Resolved, 'Chat the sum of $25o.00 be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the town of Groton for the repair Of highways and bridges. Ir. Hottes, chairman of the committee on printers' ac- counts, reported the following bills which, on motion,) were allowed and audited at, the amount recommended by =tile com- inittee : Bills Nos. 12;65, '25, 81, 117.I o The Supervisors' .Proceedings for [895. Mr. Hutchings, 'of the committee on Miscellaneous claiins, reported the following bills which, on motion of Mr. Thoulp- son, were allowed and audited at the - amount' recommended by the committee : Rills Nos. 127, ro6, 132, 126, 131, 135,,,i28, 136, 135, 129: I Sheriff Seaman appeared before the Board and spoke rek gardiug the transportation, of prisoners to the Monroe County , Penitentiary and other institutions. - Mr. Thompson offered the following resolution which, on motion of Mr. Hutchings, was adopted : Resolved, That the Sheriff be allowed $15.00 for the transportation of a single prisoner to the illonroe County Penitentiary, the Onondaga County Penitentiary and State Industrial School at Rochester and $3.0o for each additional prisoner taken at the same time from January 1, 896. On motion adjourned.1 FIFTEENTH DAY, THURSDny, DECEMBER 5, 1895. Morning Session. Roll call. Quorum present. 1 t Minutes of preceding clay read and approved. Mr. Harrington' offered the following resolution which, on motion of Mr. Thonipsou, was adopted : Wn4'REA5, Examination has proven that it is less expensive to Tompkins• County to retain prisoners in jail under three Months' sentence than iu Monroe County'Peulteutiary, therefore, ' Cj TV Y`.. kRe}wlM,ed"t -t'(^,2a 0 1 The Sulervisors' Proceedings for 1895 .45 1 Resolved, That the officers in this county, who have jurisdiction to try and r sentence prisoners to penal institutions, be petitioned by this Board to sen- tence.to Monroe County Penitentiary, only those that receive a sentence of three months or more. - Mr. Boice offered the following resolution which; on No tion of Mr. Hittchings? was adopted : Resolver!, That in accordance with a resolution adopted at the annual town meeting held February rzth, 1895, that there be levied and assessed 1 upon the taxable property of the town of Caroline the sum of seven hundred . dollars in additon td the amount allowed by la* for the repairs of roads and bridges in said town. The committee of U. S. Deposit Fund rendered the follow- ing report which, on motion of Mr. Thompson was received and ordered spread upon the minutes: To Me Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County : Your committee on U. S. Deposit Fund hereby report that they have ex- ariiined the accounts and books of Messrs. Dick and Babcock, the Loan Com- missioners of this county, for said fund, and find them correct in every respect. Your committeehas also examined the original mortgages in the County Clerk's office and they find them correct. We find that $92'5.00 of principal - was paid to Commissioners Dick and Babcock during the past,year and that no new securities have been taken during Ole past year. For Report of Loan Comniissimrers see Reports. . JARVIS GANOUG, WM. K. BOICE, e J., H. KENNEDY Committee. Ori motion adjourned.' Afternoon Session: - Roll 'call. Quorum present. Mr. Conklin' presented the reports of Nelson E. Lyon, Frank H. 'Barbell, B. M. Hagin and Charles Drake, Justices of l i toy;° 1 6 The Sufiei visors' Proceedings for 1895. the Peace of the town of ! Lansing which, on motion of Mr. Pouua, were received and filed. Superintendent Lyke appeared before the Board and re- ferred to bills pertaining to the Ithaca Hospital. n Moved by Mr. Kennedy that Supt. Lyke be given author- ity to settle said bills. Ir. Kennedy's motion ou being seconded by Mr. Hutch- ings, was carried. Mr. Newman, chairman of the committee on clerks „and justices' accounts, reported the following bills which, on mo- tion of \Ir. Thompson, were allowed and audited at the amounts recommended by the committee : Bills Nos. 94, 134. Mr. Hutchings, of the committee on, miscellaneous claims, reported the following bills which, on Motion of Mr. Harring- ton, were allowed and audited at the amounts recommended by the committee : s Bills Nos. 139; 137, 143, 141 , 140. 0 . Mr. Hart, chairman of the committee on constables' ac- counts, reported the following bills which, on motion of Mr. Hutchings, were allowed and audited at the amounts recom- mended by the committee : 13i11 No. 144. 1 On motion adjourned. 1 d 4 1 • 1 The Suliervisor's' Proceedings for '17 SIXTEENTH DAY. hx pay, Drcrmisr . 6; 1895. 1 Morning Session. 1 1 Rdll call. Ouornln present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved.1 n Mr. Conklin, offered the following resolution which, on motion of Mr. Boice, was adopted : Resolved, That the sum of five hundred dollars ($job.00)be levied and as- sessed against the taxable property of .th e town of Lansing for the repair of ' highways and bridges in said town as allowed by statute. f 1 Judge Ahiiyappeared before the Board and made a few ie- marks in regard to certification of papers in Surrogate Court. 1 Mr. Kennedy, offered the following resolution which, on motion, was adopted : Resolved, That the Surrogate may omit to charge residents of this county any fee'for certified copies of letters testamentary, of administration and of guardianship. The time having arrived designated for action upon the hatter relating to the Glenwood road the same was called up by the chairman. On motion of Mr. Harrington the matter was laid over and made a special order of business for.Mohday, December 9, 1895, ` : at 2 1'a M.1 i1 t Mr. Conklin --offered the following resolntion''which, on r motion of Mr. Hutchings, was adopted : Resolved, That in with the action of the Town Board there -be levied and assessed anon the taxable property of the following road districts in 1 1 el8 The Supervisors' Ifroceedings for 1 the town of Lansing the sum of three hundred and ninety dollars ($390.00) to apply in payment of road `machines purchased by and for the following road . districts in said towns : Districts Nos. 1, 2 , 3, 4, 5, 6 65 oo , 14, 16 17 18 20 65 00 27, 31, 3 33. 5 65 oo 25, •37, 54 65 00 59, 60, 61 68 65 00 7 73, 74 6500 39 00 Moved by Mr. Kennedy that the owners of Bills,Nos. 107 and rob be allowed to withdraw them. Mr. Kennedy's motion on being seconded, was carried. On motion adjourned. Afternoon Session. Roll call. Quorum present. The chairman called Mr. Kennedy to the chair. Mr. Boice moved that when this Board adjourns to -day it adjourns to meet Monday, December 9, 1895, at to A. u. Mr. Boice's;lotion on beingseconded,,was carried. The members of the Board were employed on cofnutittee work during the balance of the afternoon. On ;lotion adjourned. w. vy ngn +.city+nCr v ....i.:e=a: prpyo-, The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1895.9 SEVENTEENTH DAY. MONDAY, DECEM1iitR 9, 1895. - i Morning Session. Roll call. • Oltorunl present. Minutes o preceding day read and approved. Mr.' Thompson having been called to the chair, Mr. Young, chairman of the committee appointed to investigate the matter of taxation of road machines, presented the following report which, on [notion of Mr. Boice, was adopted : To the iloard of Supervisors of ToupLins Colrty: Your committee to whom was referred the matter of taxation in payment of road machines, report that machines purchased prior to May, 1895, are not subject to the law of that date. JNO. J. YOUNG, L. P. NEWMAN, W. P. HARRINGrON, Committee. Air. Van ()strand offered the following resolution which, on notion of Mr. Kennedy, was adopted : fr- Resolved, That in accordance with the report of the committee, the sum of $376.00 be levied upon and collected from the taxable property of the for- lowing road districts in the town of Newfield, being to apply ili payment on road machines, purchased by said districts, viz:: 1 Districts Nos. 67, 24, 61, 7 73, 5 3 85, 7 36, Si, 84, 99, 108, 101, 89, 94, 82, 15, 21, 22, 19,.106, 12, 13, 14, 68, 36, 63, 5 59, 88 , 27, 17, 8, 9, 7, 4 45, 43, 5, 10. Mr. Harrington offered the following resolution which, on motion of Mr.. Kennedy, was adopted : cl oaxz r ' 50 The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1895.' Resolved, That the resolution passed December 5th, concerning the seu- tencing of prisoners to Monroe County Pehiteutiary be rescinded on account of a contract made by the Board of 1893, contracting with said it' euiteutiary for three years for all prisoners sentenced for 6o days and upwards. Ir. I -Iart offered the following petition and resolution which on motion of Mr. Hutchings,' was adopted : To the Honorable Board of Supervisors : 1 WHERE s, An error having been made in copying the assessment roll of the town of Ithaca in the year 1894 whereby the name of James Quigg was omitted from the assessment roll, we, therefore petition your honorable body to enter upon the tax roll of this year the said property of James Quigg at the same assessment that was made for the year 1894 and that the tax be levied at the tax rate for that year, 1894. STATE 01 NEW YORK, COUNTS' OF TOMPKINS, SS : TORT OF ITHACA, H. T. Rurtt being duly sworn deposes and says that the matter set forth iu the foregoing petition is true in every particular. 1 H. T. BURTT. Sworn to and subscribed before me this third day of December, 1895. 1 I,. F. COLEGROVE, Justice of the Peace. Resolved, That in accordance with a petition made by H. T. Burtt, clerk of the town of Ithaca, that the farm of James Quigg having Been omitted from the assessment roll of 1894 that it be added by the Board of Supervisors at the assessed value of the year 1894. On utotion° °adjourned. Afternoon Session. Roll icall. Quorum present. ' The time having arrived for action designated regarding the claims of the commissioners, etc., the sanie.was called up by the chairman. ti " The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1895.y1 Mr. Clapp of The 'Ithacan appeared before the Board and made a statement regarding his claim against the county. On motion of Mr. Harrington, the claim was referred back• to the committee for further consideration. Moved by Mr. Kennedy that the report of the committee to investigate the claims of the commissioners be! accepted. Mr. Kennedy's motion on being seconded by Mr. Conk- j lin, was carried., r: Moved by Mr. Kennedy that the claims of the commission- ers be referred to the committee on miscellaneous claims. Mr. Kennedy's motion on being seconded, was carried. On motion adjourned.i EIGHTEENTH DAY. TUESDAY, DECEMBER io, 1895. r 1 Morning Session. Roll call. ° Quorum present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. The chairman referred fo the matter of the County, Road Law. Moved by Mr. Kennedy that this Board extend an invita ; a. Lion to the sub- committees appointed by the - last Legislature regarding the County Road Law that they meet in this city for 52 The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1895. a public meeting and that they, be given, use of the Court House for such meeting. The report of the Surrogate having been presented to the Board was, on motion of Mr. Kennedy, received • and ordered printed with the reports. The report, of the District Attotney was presented to the Board, and on motion of Mr. IKennedy, seconded by Mr. Hart, . the report was received and ordered printed with the reports.s The committee on erroneous taxes made the following re- port which, on motion, was accepted : To The Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County : Your committee on jurisprudence and erroneous assessments to whom was referred the application of Wilbur G. Fish of the town of Ithaca, who claims that in 1894 Mrs. J. D. Fish was assessed ninety odd acres of land at something less than $3o.0o an acre to this deponent, that the tax collected of thisdeponent was the sum of $49.20 plus the fee of 5o cents ;,that in the year 1893 the same property was assessed to Mrs. J. D. Fish as 51 oeres on which a tax of $22.37 was collected hence deponent claims $27.33 due from said town and upon a pe- tition of the assessors from the above named town statingthe error of the assessment. Therefore, the committee recommends that the town of Ithaca reimburse said Wilbur G. Fish. JNO: J• YOUNG, L. J. NEWMAN, W. P. HARRINGTON. Mr. Hart offered the following resolution which, on motion of Mr. Hutchings, was adopted : Resolved, That according to the report of the committee on erroneous as- sessments that tlkere he levied and collected out of the taxable property of the town of Ithaca the sum of $27 23-100 to reimburse Wilbur G. Fish for excess Of tax.t k o On motion adjourned. J at , The Supervisors' Proceedings for, 1895.53 Afternoon iSession. Roll call. Quorum present. 1 a Mr. Boice offered the following resolution, which on mo- tio11 of Mr. Young, was adopted : • i Resolved, That in the distribution of the proceedings'of the Board of Supervisors for the present year, Caroline shall receive 350 copies Dauby 3 Dryden 750 Enfield 2 , goo Groton 615 Ithaca —town shall receive.300 Ithaca —city, ist ward shall receive 11 i5o Ithaca —city, 2(1 ward 265 Ithaca —city, 3d ward 260 j Ithaca —city, 4th ward.W Lansing shall receive 475 Newfield 450 Ulysses,56o 1 • Moved by Mr. Hutchings that the owners of Bills Nos. 113,, III, 110, 1og,relating to the cotnmissiolieis, etc., have the privilege of withdrawing them from further consideration of this Board. Mr. Hutchings' motion on being seconded, was carried. '' Mr. Hutchings, of the committee on miscellaneous claims, reported the following bills which, on motion of Mr. Hart, werer allowed and dudited at the amounts recommended by,the corn- inittee : Bills Nos. 146; 147, 150 , 151 , 148 , 115, 152 , 153• • Mr. Newman, chairman of the committee on clerks' ac- counts, reported the- following bill which, on motion of Mr. r W 54 The Suficrvisors' Proceedings for rS95. Conklin, were allowed and audited at the aniouuts recom- mended by the committee : 1 t Bill No. 149. Mr. Kennedy, chairman of - the committee on Superintend- ent of the Poor, reported the following bill which, on motion of Mr. Hutchings, was allowed and audited at the amount recom- mended by the comtftittee : 1 Bill No. 133.I Mr. Hottes, chairman of the committee on printers' ac -, counts, reported -the lfollowing bill which, on motion of Mr. Hart, was allowed and audited at the amount recommended by the committee : Bill \o. 145. Mr: Hutchings offered the reports of '1'. W. Slocum, J. B. Thatcher, Z. Smiley, and Jacob Wise, Justices of the Peace of the town of Hanby, which, 011 motion of Mr. Boice, were re- ceived and filed. Mr. Hottes,:ehairman of the committee on printers' ac- counts; reported Bill No. 87 which, on motion of Mr. Hart, was referred to the Board for action. Moved by Mr. Kennedy that the bill remain as originally audited by- the'Board. Mr. Kennedy's motion on being seconded was carried: On motion adjourned. an hr i r,,..,cs n ^T a. The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1895.55i NINETEENTH DAY. WEDNESDAY, PFCEMBER Sr, 1595: Morning Session. , Board met pursuant to adjournment. 4 Roll calf.. - Quorum present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. Mr. Young presented the report of the bonded indebted- ness of the town of Groton accompanied by a resolution which, on motion of Mr. Hart, was received and ordered printed with the reports and that the amount asked for be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the town of Groton. Mr. Kennedy, chairman of the committee on superintend - ents' accounts, rendered the following report which, on motion of Mr. Hutchings, was adopted and ordered spread upon the minutes To the i-Ionorabte of Supervisors of Tompkins County Your 'committee on accounts of Superintendent of the Poor respectfully submit the following report: The total amount of orders drawn by the Superin- tendent during the year was 4,939 49 Amount of appropriation for the year 4,500 00 Deduct for amount of deficiency for the preceding, year 259 57 Actual appropriation for the year 1895 4, 43 Showing a deficiency for the year in the support of the poor of the county of . , . ...699 o6 e Your committee have examined the superintendent's estimates of the amount needed.for utaintaining the County Alms House and care of the poor 9o 1 56 The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1895. I for the coming year, and in accordance with those estimates we would recom- mend that there he levied and collected 'from the taxable property of the county, for the following purposes : To cover deficiency the suns of 699 06 For support of County Alms House for the year 1895 . . . 4,650 o0 Total appropriation for the year 1895 5,349 o6 For deficiency for 1895 699 OG For County Alms House 1 1,381 87 For out door relief Soo oo For clothing for insane 150 00 For transportation So 00 For Overseers of the Poor 150 oo FOR SUPPORT OF POOR BY TOWNS. Caroline r00 10 Hanby 110 14 Dryden '247 4 Enfield 48 85 Groton 48 85 Ithaca 69 99 City of Ithaca ,1,o66 62 Lansing 51 65 Newfield 142 66 Ulysses'231 79 Total 'appropriation 5.349 06 Signed, J. H. KENNEDY, W. P. HARRINGTON, WM. K. BOICE, Committee. On motion adjourned. Afternoon Session. Roll call. Quorum present. V F The Suftervisors' Proceedings for z'57 The committee on equalization retired to the committee room and entered upon the discharge of their duties which consumed the balance' of the /afternoon while the remaining members were reviewing their work. ,' n 1 On motion adjourned. i TWENTIETH DAY: THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1895. Morniing Session. Board met pursuant to adjournnieut. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of preceding dayiread and approved. The equalization committee again retired to their room to resume their work while the otherI, members' were bttdily, en- gaged with their duties. i The committee 011 equalization returned from the commit- tee room and presented their report. On motion of, Mr. Kennedy the report was laid' on the table for one day.L On motion adjourned. 1 Afternoon Session. • Roll call. Quorum present. Mr. Conklin, Chairman of the',committee on county treas 1 C 0 58 The Sufiervisors' Proceedings for 1895. urer's accounts, 'rendered the following report which, on 1110- tiou of Mr. Newman, was adopted and ordered'spread upon the minutes: db the Board of Supervisors of the Couennty of Tompkins L Your committee on county treasurer's aeounts,l respectfully report that i they have thoroughly examined and verified the accounts of Charles Ingersoll, treasurer of the•eouuty. They have also examined his report herewith sub - n,itted and find it to be a correct synopsis of his accounts as treasurer. JOHN H. CONKLIN, J. H. KENNEDY, C. A. IIOlTES, Committee. Mr. Boice, chairman of the committee on State charitable and penal institutions, presented the following report which, on motion•of Mr.'Hart, was received and ordered spread upon the minutes and that the several sums therein named he levied a and assessed upon_the respective towns, city and county; barge- . able therewith : 70 the Honorable Board of Sup visors of Tompkins County ; Your committee appointed to examine the accounts of the several charita- ble and penal institutions would respectfully report as follows : Resolved, That in accordance 'Ali a resolution of the Board of Supervisors passed December 7th, 1SSo there be levied and assessed upon the taxable prop- erty of the following towns, the city of Ithaca and county of Tompkins the sums set forth in the annexed schedule to reimburse the county for amounts of stoney paid to the several ch @ritable and'pcuah institutions, viz.c, ° CAIOLINE. • Maud ',colloid, Childreu's Home 21 00 Willie Leonard, Children's Home '25 5o , Viola Bell, Children's Home 19 50 Total?66 00 t i i The Supervisors Proceedings for 159 t May Waiver, Susquehanna Valley Horne 94 66 NEW R1$LD, Julius Casterline, Susquehanna Valley Home . . . . 94 66 ULYSSP;S. Willie Maloney, Auburn'Orphan Asylum 21,00 j Prank Baines, Susquehanna Valley Hone 59 • Chailes Warfield,_HorneChildren's Ho 82 3o Total nANRY. Bertie Steenmyre, Susquehanna Valley Home 94 66 1 1TIIACA —CITY. Mary Conway, Auburn Orphan Asylum .92 8o Frank Raney, Susquehanna Valley Home 91 23 1 03 ° . TOMPRINS COUNTY. Bill No 78, Monroe County Penitentiary 986.18 i o Hatt Ausbern, Onondaga County Penitentiary 40 00 Harry D. Miller, Susquehanna Valley Home . R . .• i7 22 Interest 0n Billsdor 1894; Susquehanna Valley Home . .20 52 Eva Murphy, Institution for Unprotected Girls 19. 5 Charles Ifnbbs, Children's Home 78 0o I Edna Gifford, Children's Home 21 00 Wm. Minton, Institution for the Blind 3 20 88 Sarah S. Parker, N. Y. State Instiffition for Deaf Mutes •' . 30 00 rl Total 1,233 3 Grand total 4 WM. K. POICE, H.P. , HUTCHINGS.` J. GANOUNG, Committee. i 0 I 60 The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1895. Mr. Hutchings of the committee on miscellaneous claims, reported the following bills which, on motion of Mr. Hart, were allowed and audited at the amounts recommended by the tcommittee : I Bills Nos. 130, 156, 1s5.l Mr: Thompson, chairman of the committee on sheriff's counts, reported the following bills which, on motion of - Mr. Kennedy, were allowed and audited at the amounts recom- mended by the committee : Bills Nos. 142, 154. Mr. Hutchings offered the following resolution which, on motion of Mr. Voting, was adopted : - Resolved, That one year's interest ou the various amounts reported by the County Treasurer as due from the several towns in the county and the city' of Ithaca on the first day of May in eac}i year be assessed and levied upon the taxable 'property of the city of Ithaca and the towns respectively, until other- wise ordered by the Board of Supervisors? I MI'. Newman offered the following resolution which, on motion of Mr. Boice, was adopted : Resolved, That the taxes returned to this Board by the County Treasurer shall he levied and assessed upon the city and several towns as follows; to reim- burse the county. Caroline' -5 8.3 Danby 1 13 45 r Dryden 34 46 Enfield ro 82 Groton'8 33 ' Ithaca 300 87Ithaca —City 504 50 Newfield 36 48 Lansing 47 19 Ulysses rso 50\ On motion adjourned. I - The Supervisors' Procccdin s for [895.6r TWENTY -FIRST DAY. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1895. Morning Session. I Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of Preceding day read and approved. Mr. Kennedy offered the following resolution which, on motion of Mr. Young, was adopted : Resolved, That there be levied and collected npou the taxable property of the town of Dryden the sum of three hundred dollars ($800.00) to pay for fence wire agreeably to a resolution adopted at the annual town meeting held Feb- ruary 12, 1895. Mr. Kennedy offered the following resolution which, on motion of Mr. 'Thompson, was adopted : Resolved, That there be borrowed upon the credit of the county the sum of 9,000.00 for two years at not to exceed five per cent. annual interest to take up the same amount of county notes coming due between the dates February 1st, 1596, and March ist, 1896, and that a committee of three of which the man ofof this Board shall be one, be appointed to secure the loan and make and sign the notes. The chairman appointed as -such committee Messrs. Ken nedy and Todd. The hour having arrived for action upon the ieport of the committee on equalization, the report was taken.up. • Moved by Mr. Kennedy that the report of the committee on equalization be adopted. 62 The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1895. J i1lr. Kennedy's motion. on being seconded by Mr. Hart, was carried by the following vote : Ayes — Kennedy, Boiee, Hutchings, Newman, Young, I-Iart, Conklin, Van ()strand, Ganonng 9 1 Nays - Hottes, Todd, Thompson, Harrington'. . . . 4. The report of the committee on equalization was declared adopted and is as follows : Your, committee on equalization would respectfully report that they have examined and compared the assessment rolls of the several towns of l the county and the city of Ithaca, and find them correct as to form and footings, and would respectfully recommend that the following be and is _ ' hereby declared to be the equalized valuation of the real estate in the county of,Touinpkins for the year 1895: TOWNS Acres Real Personal 1 Aggregate Rate Caroline 34,747 443,7 27,600 471,316 $ . Hanby . . . . . . . 33,286 43 31,800 4 0438 Dryden 58.192 7,248,386 89.455 1337, 1252 Enfield . .22,007 360 ,955 4 402,485 0362Groton • 30.725 360,955 138 , 090 979, 0844' Ithaca 16,293 455, 24,93 480,611 Ithaca —city 2,940 3,554,7 5 4,064,7 3565 Lansing 37,7 1 , 187,563 64,410 1,251,963 1191 Newfield-s 3 445.7 29,920 ' 475, 0447 Ulysses . . . . .19,818. 996,117 195,700 1,191,817 0999 r 'totals . .1292 ,794 $9.97 $ $11,.124,618 1-I. T. HUTCHINGS, J. H.. KENNEDY, J. H. CONKLIN, L. J. NE \VMAN, A. O. HART,1 ' J. J. YOUNG, Committee. • 7 1 R" sx zyeIxA 3'm•y";7?"•a[r.,r 5°, The Szejicrvisors' Proceedings for 1895.63 The assessed valuation of the several towns and city of Ithaca as per • as- sessors of Tompkins County for the year 1895:1. TOWNS Acres Real ' Personal Aggregate I i 1 Caroline .34,747 27,6 Dauhy . .33,286 625,210 I 31,800 657,010 Dryden 5 1 , 055, 205 89,455 1 1 , 144, 660 Enfield . . . ... 22,207 521,820 4 5 Groton.30,725 1,116,700 138,090 1 , 254,790 Ithaca .16,293 609,735 24,930 634,668 Ithaca -city 2,940 2,672 635 510,055 3,182,690. Lansing .37,7 985,120 64,400 1,049,520 Newfield 36,997 480,410 29,920 510,330 Ulysses 19,818 1 , 064,595 195,700 1,260,295 Totals.292,794 1 1,153,480 11,124,613 On motion adjourned.l i Afternoon Session. Roll call. Quorum present. Moved by Mr. Kennedy that when this Board adjoin to- ` morrow it adjourns to sleet Friday, December 20, 1895, at to 1 A. M. Mr. Kennedy's motion on being seconded, was carried. Mr. Kelnledy',offered the following resolution which, .011 Motion of Mr. Hottes, was adopted : •e Resolved, That the committee on county buildings be instructed to exam- ' inc the jail in regard to some repair/ that were suggested by the . last Grand Jury as being necessary to be done to guard against the escape of prisopers, t and to report upon the sante to this Bound forthwith, , Mr.Poung offered the following resolution which, on mo- tion of Mr. Kennedy, was adopted : ' 6.f The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1895. Resolved, That there be paid from the funds of the county to the trustee of School District No. 7 of the town of Groton, the sum of $r.76 for unpaid • taxesreturnedbythecollectorof 'said school district and that said sun be levied and collected from the,taxable property of the town of Groton to reim- burse the county for said sun so paid ;. and that the Supervisor of said town he authorized to reassess said unpaid taxes upon the assessment roll of said town against the delinquents of said Impnpaid taxes in School District No. 7. Ott motion adjourned. TWENTY- SECOND DAY. rSATURDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1895. Morning Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of preceding clay read and approved. The committee on county buildings examined the jail in regard to some repairs that were suggested by the last Grand Jury and reported that in their opinion such repairs were neces- sary to prevent the escape of prisoners. Moved by Mr. .Kennedy and seconded by Mr. Young that' the report of the committee be accepted and, that they be au- o thorized to contract with some responsible party to do that work. Motion unanimouslyunaniulously carried. Mr, Kennedy offered the following resolution which, on notion, was adopted : 0 i The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1895.65 Resolved, That the bondsmen of the several ta collectors of the county i be required to justify in double the amount of taxes to be collected. 1 On motion of Mr. Kennedy, ordered that the rules for au- diting bills between 3 and 4'o'clocic p. M. be suspended.1 1 Mr: Hutchings, of the committee on miscellaneous. claims, reported the following bills which, on mo &ion of Mr. Kennedy, Were allowed and audited a•the amounts recommended by the committee : 1 1 Bills Nos. 162, 166, r 157, 158, i64, 16o, 167, 166, 168, 161, 165, 159. Mr. Harrington; chairman of the committee on appropria- tions' presented the following report which; on' motion, -was adopted and ordered spread upon the minutes : To'the Board of Supervisors: Your committee on appropriations respectfully report the following : Resolved, That there be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the several towns and city of Ithaca, comprising the county of Tompkins, the sums herein set forthth for the follbwiug purposes : W. P. HARRINGTON H. F. HUTCHINGS, i T. S. THOMPSON. STATE TAX - 1895, For Schools r 12,200 13 For Insane 12 ,978 86 Por General Purposes 16 5 1 For Steuographers'506 4 o2 COUNTY TAX, County Audits .93 Salary Clerk of Supervisors l 175 00 - e 0 66 The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1-895. . Clerk's Postage accouirt r5 00 Chaplain of Alms House,5o 00 Salary Jail Physician 5o 00 Salary Sheriff's Janitor 350 00 Clerk of Supervisors, Comptroller's Report .a5 00 County Judge's salary 2 ,500 00 County Treasurer's salary 900 00 Court expenses,4,000 00 Clerk of Surrogate's Court 500 00 1 County Treasurer's postage 15 00 District Attorney's salary 600 00 District Attorney ?s Oiflce rent 200 CO County fuel and gas account 750 00 Susquehanna Valley Honie 37 74 t .Special County Judge 5 00 1 Sheriff's office rent 35 00 1 • Su erintendentof the Poor1 '3, 93 Monroe County Penitentiary 986 18 County 'Treasurer's office ren 100 00 Onondaga County Penitentiary 40 00 l Syracuse Institute for. Feeble Minded Children Children's Home 99 00 Janitor, County.Clerk's Building 100 00' Interest on bill, Susquehanna Valley Home 20 00 Shelter for Unprotected Girls 19 50 New York State Institution for Blind 20 88 New York State Institution for Deaf Mutes 30 00 J. H. Kennedy, Supervisor, interest due January 23, 1896 25 00 Ithaca Savings Bank, interest due January 23, 1896 . .5o 00 1, M. E. Tripp, interest due January 24, 1896 loo 00 ,,1 Mrs. O. H. Gregory, interest due January 14, 1896. 56 00 ` O. H. Gregory ititerest due January 14, 5896 . .25 00 Mrs. W. K. Boice, interest due February 1, 1896 40 00 A. O. Hart, interest due February r, 1896 . . . . 47 75 Mrs: H. A. Burritt, interest due February 1, 1896. . .io6 00 1 Mrs. H. A. Brirritt, principal and interest due February 1, 1896 1 , 049 7 Ithaca Savings Bank; principal and iuteiest clue March 1, 18 3,15o 00 G.M. Peirson, principal and interest due March 1, 896.2,625 00 t The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1895.67 J. A. Elston, principal and interest due March 1, 1896 . . $ 2,625 00 I Ithaca Trust Co., principal and interest due February 3, 1896 5,142 36 43,84 89 Less extension of notes 1 9,000 00 34,846 89 CAROLINE TAX. State tax 1,893 83 County tax 1 ,55o 68 Town Audits 1,057 27 j Highways and bridges, 00 Overseer of Town Poor 200 00 Superintendent of the Poor too to l Return Tax 5 83 Children's Home 66 00 Appropriation for Indigent Soldiers . . . . . ... . .75 00 Interest on returned tax 35 School Commissioner's apportionment 23 85 Y 1 9 DANBY TAX. State tax 1,864 05 County tax 1,526 29 Town Audits 9 44 Highways and bridges 442 30 Superintendent of the Poor 110 14 i t . Returned tax 13 45 Interest on unpaid taxes 78 f School Commissioner's apportionment 31 03 Susquehanna Valley Home 94 66 Appropriation road machine 1 %220 00+ 5, 14 DRYDEN TAX. State tax 5,3 26 County tax 4,362 83 Town Audits 2,682 04 t 1 r 7- a e:..s .a c W'r* > "._ ;s7-- £ 4v' e 68 The Silpervisors' Proceedings for 1895. Susqu Valley Home 94 66 Superintendent of the Poor 247 48 Highways and bridges 1,681 22 Re- assessed taxes l 34 4 Interest on unpaid taxes 2 04 School Commissioner's apportionment 67 o9 , Appropriation fence wire 300 00 , J 1 14,800 o8 1 ENFIZLD TAX. State tax 1,540 6o County tax 1,261 46 Town Audits 1,3 25 Highways and bridges 250 00 Interest on railroad bonds 1, 176 00 Superintendent of the Poor 48 85 Unpaid taxes'10 82 Interest on unpaid taxes 65 School Commissioner's apportionment 26 66 i 5,702 29 GROTON TAx. State tax 3•59 9 County tax 2,941 08 Town Audits 3,182 48 Superintendent of the Poor 48 85 Unpaid taxes 8 33 Interest on unpaid taxes 50 Interest on railroad bonds 1,050 00 Sinking fund 150 00 1SchoolCommissioner's apportionment 45 23 Highways and bridges 250 00 11,268 37 I'tIACA— TOIVN. State tax 1,944 90- County tax I 1,592 51 Town Audits 1,031 99 Returned tax 300 87 1 1 The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1895. _69 Interest on unpaid tax 1 18 00 School Commissioner's apportionment 31 84 1 Superintendent of the Poor 69 99 Erroneous tax refunded 27 3 e Ithaca & Athens R R bonds sinking fund and interest 16 1-10 of $16,875 2,716 88 Geneva & Ithaca R. R. interest on bonds 16 1 -10 of $5,95o 957 95 8,692 26 y ITHACA —CITY i State ax 15.171 93 County tax 12,422 92 Ithaca & Athens R. R. bonds. sinking fund, and interest 83 9 -10 of $16,875 14, 158 12 Geneva & Ithaca R. R. interestbn bonds 83 9 -10 of 5,95 . • •4,99 05 Interest on unpaid taxes 3 24 , Returned unpaid taxes -5 5 Auburn Orphan Asylum 72 80 Susquehanna Valley Horne 71 23 Superintendent of the Poor I,o66 62 Balance amount poor fund as per resolution' Common Council 6,289 34 - 1 1 7,500 00 54,779 7 LANSING 'PAX. State tax i 5,o6S 66 County tax 4,150 26 Town Audits 2,126 95 Superintendent of the Poor 51 65enen Highways and bridges 500 00 Returned tax 47 19 Ithaca Children's Home 1 Interest on unpaid taxes 68 School Commissioner's apportionment 63 83 22 1 iio nwt/3..tattnwiux..d.; ,a + s,,.. 1 yo The' Supervisors' Proceedings for 1895. EEwEIELD TAX. State tax 1,902 34 County tax 1 ,557' 66 Town Audits 1 1 ,582 94 Highways and bridges 250 00 Superintendent of the Poor 142 66 j Interest on railroad bonds 3, 0o Susquehanna Valley Home . . . . . . . . 94 66 Overseer of the Poor 50 goo1 Unpaid taxes 36 48 Interest on unpaid taxes 2 19 School Commissioner's apportionment 31 5 Appropriation for town library 100 00 Payment on claim Ezra Marion 1 ,453 99 10,410 43 ULYSSES TAX. State "tax 4,251 55 s ' County tax 3,481 21 Town Audits 1,597 69 Interest on railroad bonds 3,743 00 Highways and bridges 500 00 Overseer of the Poor 5o o0 Susquehanna Valley Home 23 59 Returned tax 180 5o Interest on unpaid taxes 1 10 83 Superintendent of the Poor 231 79 School Commissioner's apportionment 78 96 Children's Home 82 5o Auburn Orphan Asylum a 00 14,252 62' . Adopted. W. 11. VAN OSTRAND, t Chairman. Mr. Boice introduced'the following resolution which, on motion, was adopted : o The Suj5ervisors' Proceedings for . i 7r . I Resolved, That the thanks of this Board are ,due and hereby tendered to the ITHACA JovrtNAr, for their courtesy in supplying us with their daily papers during this session. 1 Mr. Newman offered the following resolution which, on . t motion of Mr. Hart, was adopted : Resolved, That the thanks of this Board are due and are hereby tendered to the chairman for the kind and courteous manner in which he has treated l each and every member thereof, for his just and impartial rulings and for the able and efficient manner in which he has discharged the vaiious and impor- l taut duties devolving upon him during the several sessions of the Board now about to close. 1 Mr. Young introduced the following resolution which, on motion of Mr. Thompson, was adopted : Resolved, That a unanimous vote of thanks be extended to Arthur G. Marion for the able, efficient and gentlemanly, manner in which he has dis- charged the duties as clerk during this session. On motion adjourned to December 20, 1895, ro A. M. a TWENTY -THIRD DAY. r RIDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1895. Board met pursuant to adjournment. i Roll call. Quoium present.r Minutes of preceding day read and approved. The members were engaged in preparing and signing war- rants for the tollectors of the several towns. 72 is The Szt ervisors' Proceedings for 1895: Mr. Kennedy offered the following resolution 'which,.on motion of Mr. Thompson, was adopted : Your committee to whom was referred the matter of reindexiug some of the records in the County Clerk's office respectfully report that they have exi. N.amined into the matter and they find the books much worn and in very bad l condition and should be rewritten and we therefore, offer the following reso- lution : Resolved, That the present County Clerk be and he is hereby authorized k,.to have the indexes of the records running- from the year 1817 down to the year 1843 inclusive rewritten and to have the same done by competent copy- ists who shall be employed by day labor, and the clerk is to have such work done at a total expense to the county, not exceeding one cent per line for such copying. Also keep an exact account of the cost of doing such work and the same to be rendered to the next Board of Supervisors. J. II. KENNEDY, L. G. TODD, W. H. VAN OSTRAND. There beina'no further business to come before the session of the Board the same was, on motion, declared adjourned sine die. ARTHUR 1G• MARION, Clerk. d'3W Ct<'RLwxS.. .... vs .n .a _ - .X e..- we -..., e._ i i h The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1895.73 i COUNTY AUDITS.44. t,STATIt OF Nrw YORK,Ss.i COUNTY ON TOMPKINS —BOARD Or SUPERVISORS, I I I hereby certify that the .following abstract comprises allJ/ the bills and accounts against the county.of Tompkins present- ed to the Board of Supervisors of said county at its .annualses> . sion Tor the year 2895 showing the naine;of each claimant, the. true nature of the account, the amount originally claimed, and the amount as finally allowed and audited by said Board. I ARTHUR G. MARION, Clerk. I No. Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed Ii G. F. Dudley, M.D., estate, Ex. in lunacy proceedings p,Io 00 fio oo 2 Onondaga Peniteirtiary. (See county budgets.) 3 Auburn Orphan Asylum. (See town budgets.) 4 Institution for Shelter for Unprotected Girls. See County budgets.) 5 New York State Institution for Blind. (See county budgets.) 6 J. Will Tree, supplies i 8 oo 8 oo 7 W. G. Hull, repairs on county house,'assigned to C. F. Hottes 8 13 8 13 8 E. S. Tichenor Sr Son, supplies 53 75 t 53 75 9 H. W. Norton, supplies 2 45 2 45 to H. Genung, M.D., Ex. in lunacy proceedings 5 00 5 00. i I h 71 The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1895. I zr E . R. Osterhout, M.D., Ex. i lunacy proceedings 15 00 15 00 12 The Ithaca Journal, election bill 1 , 253 85 1 , 253 85 h.13 MPD.'Goodyear, M.D., Ex. in lunacy proceedings 18. 5o 18 5 14 A. M. Baldwin, M.D., Ex. in lunacy proceedings 16 oo ' 16 00 15 C. J. Rumsey & Co., supplies 7 24 • 7 24' 16 J. Beach, M.D., Ex. in lunacy proceedings 11 00 11 od 17 A. B. Brooks, supplies 3 9 3 90 18 Ithaca Water Works Co., water and supplies for county 11 buildings 133 00 133 00 j 44 19 C. P. Beaman, M.D., Ex. in lunacy proceedings 10 00 10 00 20 C. T. Stephens, supplies t 4 92 4 92 21 A. Thayer, Agt., supplies 2 90 ' 2 20t ' I 22 R. E, Lusk & Son, supplies 14 40 14 40 t 23 Geo. E. Monroe, legal services ' 20 00 20 00 1 24 L. A. Campbell, supplies t ,4 to 4 10 25 Treman, King & Co., supplies for clerk's office 17 75 17 75 26 Elms. Griggs, M.D., Ex. in lunacy proceedings 10 00 10 00 27 A. B. Brooks, supplies for clerk's office 4'25 4 25 28 A. 11. Kennedy, thermometers 5 5 00 't 29 C.T. Stephens, repairs and labor 1 25 1 25 r .3o James L. Baker, acting surrogate 56 oo 56 oot ; 31 Eugene Savercool, constable 3' 15 3 15 6..32 H. S. Hopkins, justice '1 75 1 75 r,33 Nelson E. Lyon, justice 8 10 8 10 34 E. C. Marsh, constable, assigned to W. H. Wilson (not county charge)4 35 0 00 t 35 H. A. Strong,33 57 33 57 36 Albert Van Auken, constable, assigned to W. H. Wilson 8 45 8 45 37 Albert Van Auken, constable 15 15 15 15 38 D. B. Way, constable (not county charge)1 1495 00 00 39 L. J. Townley, printing 5 75 5 75 40 Central New York Institution for Deaf Mutes. (See county budgets) 41 G. W. Ham, constable 5 So 5 8o 42 Wm. Weatherell, justice 2 CO • 2 00 i 43 Reynolds & Lang, supplies and labor on county house and jail 7 15 7 15 44 Dr. S. H. Peck, Ex. in lunacy proceedings to oo to 00 45 J. W.' Brown, M.D., Ex. in lunacy proceedings.So 00 50 00 1 4'6 Jamieson & McKinney, repairs and labor on county it buildings 45 26 45 26 j i, i M 9Yavl&'W +< a. .t'.9(X+c'fGlexT4e:hlii4l:a ud+A ti1''J s:k The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1895. 75 47 J.J Brown, coroner 47 40 47 40 48 R. A. Heggie & Bro., repairing seal, county clerk's office 2 00 2 00 49 Sawyer & Glenzer, supplies, county house, referred to I Supt. of poor 50 J. C. Van Auken by Admr., team hire 2 50 2 so 5/ White &Burdick, supplies_17 54 17 54 52 H. B. Besemer, Ex. in lunacy proceedings 5 00 5 oo 53 Holmes Hollister, labor and repairs for county buildings 34 86 34 86 54 E. J. Morgan, Ex. in lunacy proceediugs 25 00 25 00 55 N. Y. & Pa. Telephone & Telegraph Co., rent of telephone 42 00 42 00 56 Murray. Poole, justice 8o 8o X57 G. C. McClune, stone walk, court house 5o 34 5 34 58 Martin Besemer, Ex. in lunacy proceedings 1 20 00 20 00 59 Susquehanna Valley Home. (See county budgets, emerged in bill No. 61) 6o Susquehanna Valley Home (emerged in bill No. 61) 61 Susquehanna Valley Horne (emerged in bill No. 61) 62 . Susquehanna Valley Home (emerged in bill No. 61)t 63 Hawkins &Todd, supplies 32 o8 32 o8 64 Matthew Bender, election maiiuel 1 50 1 50 65 Ithaca Democrat, printing;157 73 157 . 73 66 H. L. Haskin, supplies,7 5 7 5o 67 F. P. Stewart, work and material on county house 17 40 t ' 17 40 68 Eugene Parker, M.D., Ex. in lunacy proceedings 40 00 40 00 69 Henry E. Carr, game protector' '22 00 22 00 70 John N. Barker, justice 8 55 8 55 . 71 John N. Barker, justice 10 15 10 15 72 Andrew Barto, labor on county clerk's office 1 00 1 00 73 L. R. Wardwell, work and material on county buildings 59 49 59 49 74 Jenks - & Lamkins, work on county alms house, per contract 677 36 677 36 1 75 C. P. Biggs, Ex. in lunacy proceedings 10 00 io oo 76 Susquehanna Valley. Home(emerged in bill No. 61) 77 Susquehanna Valley Home (emerged in bill No. 61) 78 Monroe County Penitentiary. (See county budgets) 79 ,Edward Meany; Ex. in lunacy proceedings 33 8o 33 8o ' So Godfrey & Gilbert, labor and material on county buildings 91 52 91 52 81 Weekly Ithacan, printing list of nomination and officers 3o 00 2 00 r 1 76 7'he Szejeraisors' Proceedings for z 8i E. H..Kyle, Ex. in lunacy proceedings Po 00 io• 00 83 W. 2.'I,ockerby, Ex in lunacy proceedings 54 80 54 80 84 S. S: Koff, justice •7 35 7 35 85 N. D. Chapman, coroner 1 165 ' ' 11 65 86 N. D'. Chapman, coroner rl '30 11 30 1 87 E. Davis Allen, Ex. in lunacy proceedings 5 00 5 00 88 J. D. Ross, justice 13 13 8o 89 E. E. Bonfield, constable 9 45 9 45 1 90 Ithaca Plumbing and Steam Fitting Co., labor and ma-f terial on county clerk's office r 12 00 12 00 91 Ithaca Plumbing and Steam Fitting Co., labor and ma- p 1 terial on county jail and court house 60'54 6o 54 j 92 Ithaca Plumbing and Steam Fitting Co., labor and ma- ' terial on county jail and county house 61 17 - 6f 17 93 M. M. Barker, constable 14 10 14 10 94 City of Ithaca, Recorder E. C. Vail Kirk, recorderfees roe 5 toe 50 95 City of Ithaca, Police Officer John Conley, police officer fees 68 95 68 95 96 En7. & Miller, supplies 143 95 143 95 IT 97 Children's Home. (See town and county budgets.) 98 Brush -Swan Electric Light CO., lighting county buildings 43 21 43 99 John Flickinger, Ex. in lunacy proceedings 10 00 10 00 too John Flickenger, coroner 5 00 5 00 101 J. :J Montgomery, coroner 5 6o 5 6o 102 J. J. Montgomery, Ex. in lunacy proceedings 5 s-oo Io3 F. A. Kerst, Ex. in lunacy proceedings 5 06 5 00 104 J. E. Beers, Ex. in lunacy proceedings 5 oo 5 oo 105 Ambrose Babcock, constable 4 85 4 85 co6 J. W. Brown, medical services 10 00 10 CO r 107 Sarah B. Chase, stenographer fees, withdrawn 6 85 to8 Truman'Nobles, stenographer fees, withdrawn" 109 Geo. E. Goodrich, comtissioner, withdrawn iro John W. Jones, commissioner, withdrawn III John E. Beers, commissioner, withdrawn 112 C. T. Stephens, supplies 1 30 1 30 113 C. L. Crandall, surveyor and expenses, withdrawn 4 114 C. A. Smith, labor 1 50 1 50• 115 W. C. Gallagher, Ex. in lunacy proceedings 45 00 45 00 1 Ir6 C. A. Smith, sprinkling, county buildings 6 so • 6 50 1r7 The Ithaca Journal, election bill 949 13 949 13 5s The ,Supervisors' Proceedings for 1895.77 118 W. L. Baker, not county charge 5 00 o 00 119 A. M. Baldwin, Ex. in lunacy proceedings 5'oo 5 00 I20 M. D. Goodyear, Ex. in lunacy proceedings 5 3 5 3 121 James Mulverhill, laboF at alms house 72 5o 72 50 • 122 Matthew Gray, labor at alms house 82 00 82 00 123 J. S. Kirkendall, Ex. ill lunacy proceedings-10 0o 10 00 • • 124 Crozier & Feeley, supplies for jail 22 45 22 45 125• The IthacaJournal, election bill, special election, 1894 - 281 15 281 15 126 Andrew Miller, sheriff's jury 2 00 2 00 • 127J. H. Kennedy, committee work 12 48 12 48 r 128 W. P. Harrington, committee work 43 95 43 95 a 129 L. G. Todd, committee work 16 00 16 00 i 130 Colegrove & Vann, supplies for county house 133 22 133 22 131 James P: Fahey, medical, testimony .10 00 10 00 132 James P. Fahey, Ex. in lunacy proceedings 10 00 10 00 133 Tames S. Lyke, Supt. of the poor 1,086 -oo 1,086 00 1 134 L. H.`Vau Kirk, county clerk t 882 882 86 l 135 A. Chase, Ex. in lunacy proceedings 10 00 10 00 136 T. 8. Thompson, committee work 8 00 8 00 • 137 C. F. Hottes, committee work 36 00 36 00 138 A. G. Hart, committee work I. 00 4 00 139 J. H.'Conkliu, committee work 12 00 ' 12 00 140 Geo. Small, labor and material, county clerk's office • 8 '42 8 42 14t - Win. .K. Boice, committee work 12 00 12 00 i 142 C. S. Seaman, service bill -664 38 664%38 143 C. S. Seaman, hacks, etc.51 00 51 00 144 Frank Barber, 1st, constable 5 20 5 20 145 Ithaca Journal, pitblishing official canvass and judg- ment book's, county clerk's office 98 70 98 70 146 r City of Ithaca, amount of bill erroneously paid by city of Ithaca for maintenance of Edna Gifford, 1893-94 n8 5o 118 5o 147 'J. S. Lyke, extra services 56 77 56 77 148 C. S. Seaman, expenditures 6o oo 6o 0o p' 149 L. 11. Van Kirk, county clerk 627 34 627 34 150 Jenks & Larnkin, material i 9 54 9 54 151 J. B. Todd supplies 1 25 1 25 1 152 E. M. Hall, supplies 10 00 10 00 153 E. M. Flail, supplies.68 85 68 85 154 C. S. Seaman, board of prisoners 2,692 71 2,692 71 155 . Root Co., supplies 29 63 29 63 156 C. Ingersoll, hack hire 1 28 00 28 00 12 ,335 19 412,282 89' 1 1 1 " , " 17 , 1, 11111 wl "TRW" 3 i ii 1 78 The Supervisors.' Proceedings for ' SERVICE BILLS. ' 157 W. P. Harrington, services ioo 00 Ioo 00 158 Jno. J. Young, services 133 07 138 07 159 C. F. Hates, services i 100 00 100 00 160 W. H. Van Ostrand, services 131 79 131 79 i 161 L. G. Todd, services 16o 64 160 64 162 T. S. Thompson, services •100 00 100 00) 163 Jarvis Gauomig, services 129 78 129 73 164 A. O. Hart, services 116 61 n6 61 165 H. F. Hutchings, services 124 03 124 03 166 Wm. K. Boise, services 123 22 123 22 167 L. J. Newman, services t 120 39 120 39 168 J. H. Conklin, services 133 84 133 84 169 J. H. Kennedy, services 144 5 144 5 Services 1,622 94 $1,622)94 Total Audits 1 12,335 19 12,28289 Grand Total 9 i The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1895.79 co 9 rs 4,UM0 .. a-',58`,21 ,y 9 NQQex ? , d OM uo-riz g z o ooupep8 .c ^ ^o0 o- " r 4 OM uo ar: Jo o' > :-, 8 T be'k8u°'Sa8388 .°'m I5 o , « , a -m E-..-8 . oz WS 50 '4tz luio,7. : '. P .,: g 8 -.- J 5:-, a U m ° aP. 5mpuals;q pum T1o41 i o c a unnessessy nu7deoq -e: ; -i -, .c oio a li g I y b d 3d swop 8 'fR 9„efs c1 n-r co c d> r sa isnoads anuaRl v > -w ti ^,4 V) a'"cs;p and 888888888888818 tiro ° i p E as oots ,mumb modulo° -, "aaewawe ex aq Fin . CO, -48 q m ,soosses Nioads o5mo o y m c ti a a W0.% v sloop na'.c8'2 -3 C° -.c--,8 3 / a ti m p..w md s7uao g7s, i7Ar i »..w cm n..400, wFOENmo ` top and 8888888888888 8 Q.-,P' 0dE N j h - 0 n m v 10'FE mogusuoduiop r . "_- se;c3;`V,,E-Lla.,"o.`.R.SIb 8 1 m F d _d,° 0..0 imossas Mau giKM c Ki S3g3F'ixte ,a Ao ,,8 aE utl ' p poop{ glint s.fud cs v M " alms w txN -r' m$ M 8JdAsodslumpg )u enua[!Tt ir3. m 'P q m Po L to T imp pod 8888888888888 8 a m A m m vno tte,aeiw,o--nese,c »« m c! dcymWiE4' 7 O<'a m m O °to o Y a + 4- d 0.l -sxassui S y,.,...+A m wNErnNmiJ,IPfID m S'Oa _ "" i"'W o00 c I o rowFQvdqo ` o m o _ a y otodd001HooroNwm2 °. a'ro o FJOro W y y Ep . 1 oo'_Rg hW cro'm'dro P 4 ° cEc oFgj , o.NBNNc N B °_m i4 c0 ooiF bAC d CC 013 mTE, ¢0¢-, m " . 0 us 00 o p d G t off d wF00 0 1 vz5. °^GL° -COa OGmI ry y o "> C zCcl1 , °Pma^mcF G24sacaz7ipz aa°m3tm0rUvmndWaFgmmmc 1 I os d 7 pHF a.'t .o_t r roU °'O g0.a,. e,A V mob E+cUOUV D.. 0,17 s.. `m.o droll 1 E. o FcP'8'-m g885ZinA z ro a 0 0 1 oa,o' Q o o o / ce o dq arc P i O0 ad U C ooCaC1WC7...c,...".."„77 J V ea ,q 4 Ff 8o The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1895. I 1 1 TOWN AUDITS... 1 CAROLINE. Abstract of the names of all persons who presented accounts to be audited by the :Town Board of the Town of Caroline on the 7th day of November, 1895, with the amounts claimed byeachandtheaniountsauditedandallowedeach : No. Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed t Wm. C. Gallagher, Jr., inspector.12 00 12 00 2 Harry Davis, poll clerk . . .., ]4 00 4 00 3 W. E. Manderville, poll clerk 4 00 4 00 4 Henry Winchel, inspector 26 46 26 46 1 5 W. E. Mauderville, inspector f3 8o 13 So 6 Harry A. Davis, inspector 8 00 8 00li 7 Marvin Hover, inspector .12 00 12 00 18 Richard Whittaker, poll clerk 8 0o 8 o0 9 W. C. Gallagher, Jr., poll clerk 8 00 8 00 l ; to George H. Nixon, justice of peace . . . . 4 "00 4 00 i IT C. L. Crandall, ballot clerk 400 4 00 1 12 Prank Pettigrove, ballot clerk 400 4 70 13 John J. Peters, ballot clerk . . . .4 00 4 00 14 John J. Ford, inspector 12 00 12 00 15 Hermon Blackman, ballot clerk 4 00 4 00 i6 Chas. Wright, inspector T2 00 12 00 17 Mason Clark, ballot clerk 4 00.4 o0 i8 Hubert Chambers, refund tax 3 65 3 65 19 F. A. Snow, poll clerk 4 00 400. 20 H.'A. Hildebraut, assessor 34 00 34 00 i is R The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1895.8r 21 P. N: Patch, assessor n 75 22 75 22 D. C. Hanford, assessor 28 o0 . 28 00 23 Wm. P. Snow, ballot clerk ...4 00 4 00 , 24, ,George J. Nelson, overseer of poor 18 00 18 00 25 Wm. P. Deveuport, inspector 8 00 - 8 00 26 M. H. Quick, ballot clerk 4 00 4 00 27 Dr. R. Johnson, births and deaths 3 75 3 75 23 Mason Clark, constable, 1893 , .r 6o 1 6o 29' R. F. Abby, excise commissioner .3 90 ' 3 00 30 John Davis, inspector 15 o6 r4 o6 31 Wm. Clark,. constable 24 24 65 32 Ira Bogardus, • commissioner 180 00 1So 00 ' 33 Joseph Ridgway, inspector.20 25 20 25 34 Curtis J. Sliurter, inspector i6 oo 16 00 35 C. L. Davis, poll clerk 4 00 4 00 36 George H. Richardson, inspector, 1891, 1894 and7895, 24 00 24 00 37 George -R. Peck, inspector, special election 18 56 18 56 38 -D. F. Roe, inspector :26,56 26 56 39 E. F. Legg, inspector, special election 1 8 0o 8 00 40 W. T. Graham, poll clerk 14 00 14 00 41 Charles Personius, carting 10 75 10 75 42 A. M. Hedrick, con 21 70 21 70 43 John J. Norris, inspector 8 00 8 00 44 W. V. Personius, justice of peace . • .l0 00 10 00 45 G. H.- Nixon, justice of peace 14 25 14 25 1 46 J: D. Schutt, inspector, 1890 4 00 4 00 47 C. J. Hamilton, inspector, 189'4 00 4 a0 48 D. C. Krum, inspector, 1890 4 00 4 oo 49 John J. Peters, justice of peace . .44 8o 44 8o 5o G. S. Higgins, inspector, 1890 400 4 00 5 E. H. Card, constable i 3 55 3'55 52 Bowen Mulks, inspector, 1890 •4 00 4 00 53 ]ohn J. Norris, excise t 3 00 3 00 ' 1 54 $12 &Miller, books 500 5 oo 55 H. 0. Rich, inspector I 12 90 12 90 56 Fenton Huson, 1890 and 1891 3 00 8 00 57 Fenton Huson, ballot clerk 4 00 4 00 58 C. W. Vandemark, inspector . .14 00 14 00 - 59 E G. Anil, poll clerk, special election 4 00 4 00 1 .' ' 6o W. C. Holland, inspector 25 72 t 25 72 4 61 W. A.Pnrguson, ballot clerk . . t 4 00 4 00 r 5 1 82 The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1895. 62 R. G. H. Speed, town board 16 oo 16 oo 63 E. H. Card, hall rent 5 00 5 0o 64 C. E. Meeks, hall rent 22 00 17 00 65 Win. K. Boice, Supervisor 16 5o 16 5o 66 R. E. Brink, hall rent 20 00 15 00 67 W. J. Cares, hall rent to 00 10 00 68 C. E. Meeks, town clerk .85 8r 85 81 69 John W. Yaples, inspector 12 00 12 00 70 A. T. Lott, counsel r 00 i 00 71 R. G. H.' Speed, justice 14 90 14 90 72 M. N. Tompkins, counsel fees 5 8o 5 8o 73 Ithaca Democrat, printing .Ir 5o It 50,r 74 Francis V. Davis, Hrspector 4 00 4 00 o68 27 $ 27 We, the comprising the Town Board of the Town of Caroline do hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct statement of the accounts audited by us this 7th day of November, 1895. WM. K. BOICE, Supervisor. C. E. MEEKS, Town Clerk. JOHN J. PETERS, R. G. H. SPEED, W. V. PERSONIUS, Justices of the Peace. I hereby certify the foregoing to be a true copy of the original as on file in my office. C. E. MEEKS,i Town Clerk of Caroline. DANBY. The following is an abstract of the names of all persons who presented 'accounts to be audited by the Board of Town Auditors of the town of Danby; at the annual meeting Novem- v 1 The Supervisors' . Proceedings for z 83 be 7t11, x895, with the amount claimed by. each and the amount allowed. No. ' Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed J 1 Jantes 0. Miller, overseer of poor . . 4 00 4 00 2. Sheldon Bierce; overseer of poor 13 5o 13 5o 3' Theodore Brown, ex- overseer of poor 12 12 25 4 Ithaca Journal, printing ,18 to 18 to 5 _ John E. Beers, medical and reporting deaths . . . • 5 00 ' 5 00 • 6 Jacob Wise, justice of the peace to 0o to 00 7 Theron W. Slocum, justice of the peace 12 00 12 00 ' 8• • Theron W. Slocum, justice of the peace 7 25 7 25 o J. B. Thatcher, justice of the peace . . . .,m 25 to 25 lIo J. B. Thatcher, justice of the peace 6 40 6 40 , 11 Zebulon Smiley, justice of the peace a2 00 12 00 12 Nelson T. Williams, commissioner of highways • . 120 00 120 00 • 13 Nelson T. Williams, highway supplies 102 88 102 88 14 Levi H.-Hollister, inspector and messenger special election 11 48 11 48 i5 Thos. J. Hutchings, inspector and messenger special election Is 80 ri 8 t6 ' Jas. S. Wilcox, inspectorand labor .13 88 13 88 i 17 'Wm. A. Howland, inspector, assigned to C. H. Os- trander 6 00 600 18 John J. Miller, inspector 8 00 6 00 1q Wni. S. Welch, inspector 6 oo 6 00 zo Chauney B.Thomas inspector, assigned toJ.P.Thatcher 6 0o 6 co 21 ,Jos. P. Thatcher, inspector 6 00 6 00 22 1 Chas. Snyder, inspector 6 oo 6 00 23 . Judd Dorn, inspector 6 0o , 6 o0 f 24 Oliu C. Larne, inspector 6 00 6 00 25 . Nelson Mosher, inspector 6 oo 6 00 26 Adelbert Shephard, ballot clerk, assigned to C. H. Ostrander 4 oo 400 27 Chas. D. Sabin, ballot clerk 4 00 400 28 David Bogart, ballot clerk ,4 00 4 4 0o 29 Myron Wilcox, ballot clerk and hall rent 12 00 12 00 1 3o Fred J. Crance, ballot clerk 4 00 4 00 31 Henry Pairbrother, ballot clerk, assigned to D. W. Gilloit -e 4 00 400 i I i 8¢The Supervisors' Proceedings for z895. 32 Jas. O'Conor, poll clerk ffiq 00 q o0 33 Z. Smiley, poll clerk 4 00 4 00 i 34 Wm. H. Baker, poll clerk 4 00 4 00 35 Henry S. Beardsley,.poll clerk 4 00 4 00' 36 H. C. Thatcher, poll clerk 4 00 4 00 37 F. A. Todd, poll clerk 4 00 4 00 38 Judson Jennison, inspector and messenger 13 5 13 5 ' 39 DeWitt'Siucebaugh, inspeetor and messenger . . .13 8o 13 8o 40 Seth O. Sanford, inspector and messenger N 13 88 . 13 88 I 41 Samuel L. Kirkendall, inspector 8 00 8 00 42 Clarence A. Baker, inspector 8 00 8, oo l o 43 Wm. R. Beers, inspector 8 00 8 00 44 Jas. G. Wilcox, inspector and labor 9 00 - 9 00 45 David Birch, inspector 8 oo 8 00 46 David Bogart, inspector ,8 oo 8 oo 47 Jos. P. Thatcher, inspector 8 00 8 o0 48 Chas. Snyder, inspector 8 00 8 oo 49 Dwight A. Beach, inspector • 8 oo 8 oo, 5o Fred B. Lewis, ballot clerk . ... .4 00 4 00 51 Henry Fairbrother, ballot clerk 4 00, 4 00 52 Olin C. Larue, ballot clerk 4 00 4 00 53 ' Myron Wilcox,•ballot clerk and rent of hall . . .12 00 12 00 AI 54 Arthur W. Beardsley, ballot clerk 4 00 4 _00 • ' r 55 Levi H. Hollister, ballot clerk '4.00 4 00 - 56 Levi L. Beers, poll clerk and surveying 6 00 6 oo 57 Wm. H. Baker, poll clerk 4 00 4 00 58 Z. Smiley, poll clerk 0 4 00 4.00 59 Nelson Mosher, poll clerk 4 00 4 00 ` 6o H. C. Thatcher, poll clerk 4 00 4 00 61 F. A. Todd, poll clerk •4 00 4 00 • 62 Z. Smiley, care of hall 2 00 2 00 63 Wm. H. Baker, justice's dockets, blankets, etc.. .zo co 20 00 1 164Wm. H. Baker, town clerk 98 75 , 9 75 65 Wm. A. Wilcox, assessor 18 00 18 00 1 66 Geo. E. Moriis, assessor 21 00 21 00 67 E. E. Swartout, assessor ;19 00 19 00 68 C. H. Sloeum, constable i 3 9 3 9 69 S. D. Sindebaugh, constable 4 65 4 65 70 Jas. Bruce, refunded tax 2 64 2 64 71 F. A. Fairbrother & Co, hall and election supplies - 20 00 20 00 72 F. A {Fairbrother & Co. supplies for the poor . . - . 2 00 2 00 1 M r ° ^t ay.:•:7r- 7"v.-y*x;k}aa t Yrix??Wr vi,`rm rImir, The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1895.85 i 73 Henry F. Hutchings, supervisor 39 47 i , 39 47 1 9 44 9 44 v We, the undersigned, the Town Auditors of the town of Danby, do hereby "' certify that the foregoing is, a correct list of all bills audited by us this 7th day of November,1395. We also certify that the following resolutions were adopted : Resolved, That there he raised in the town of Dauby for highways and i1 bridges for the ensuing year two hundred and fifty dollars ($250.00); for debts incurred during the past year for highway's and bridges; one hundred and ninety- two'dollars and thirty cents ($192.30). I 1 i Resolved, That two hundred and twenty dollars ($220) be raised to pay for road machine purchased the last year. H. F. HUTCHINGS, Supervisor. WM. H. BAKER, Town Clerk, J. B. THATCHER,- T. W. SLOCUM, 1 J. WISE,I Z. SMILEY, 1 Justices of the Peace: ' I I certify that this a correct copy of an abstract of bills audited and of reso- , lutions,adopted by the above named board and now on file in this office. WM. H. BAKER,. Town Clerk. 1 1 DRYDEN.1 At a meeting of the Town Board convened as'a Board of 1 Town Auditors at the Town•Clerk's office November 7, 1895• The following is a list of all the names of persons who presented bills against the Town with, the amount claimed and the amount as allowed by said Town Board : 86 The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1895. No. Name Nature of Service 1 Claimed Allowed r J. T. Morris, house for election -.14 10 14 to 2 Herman Brown, ballot clerk 4.00 4 00 3 J. T. Morris, house for election ....18 00 18 00 4 Frank Powers, inspector . .12 00 12 00 5 R.M. Smiley, inspector 12 00 12 00 6 W. J. Sherwood, ballot clerk 4 00 4 00 7 Albert Davenport, inspector 14 25 14 25 8 Ernest Snyder, inspector and messenger. 17 32 17 32 9 Clark Griffin, ballot clerk 4 00 4 00 10 James Robinson, ballot clerk .r 4 00 4 00 u Theodore Johnsou, poll'clerk 8 00 8 do ! 12 George Warner, ballot clerk 4 00 4 . 00 . 13 B. Stanley Miller, inspector 30 00 30 00 14 • Robert Schutt, inspector . . .12 00 12 00 • _ 15 Earl Rhodes, inspector . . . .17 56 17 56 16 E. R. Gaston, inspector 16 00 16 oo 17 W. H., Van Pelt, inspector 12 00 12 00 x8 William Lumbard, ballot clerk .4 00 4 00 19 Corry Dusenbury, inspector 17 56 17 56 20 A. Sherwood, ballot clerk CO00 4 0 21 • AlbertSeager, poll clerk and inspector 16 ob 16 0o 22 Henry C. Warner, poll clerk . .12 00' 12 00 23 D. C. McGregor, inspector 24 00 24 00 24 William Miller, inspector 13 76 13 76 25 George E. Monroe, poll cler k 16 75 16 75 26 Elias Fulkerson, ballot clerk . 8 0o 8 00 27 D. R. Montgomery, inspector 24 00 24 00 28 Charles T. Fitts, inspector 16 zo ' 16 20 29 -J. B. Fulkerson, inspector and poll clerk 1 16 00 16 oo j 3o J. D. Ross,rballot clerk 112 00 12 00 31 George H. Hart, ballot clerk and inspector 20 00 20 00 32 C. W. Monroe, inspector . I _14 56 14 56 33 - Horatio Smith, poll clerk 12 00 12 00 34 James Hoffman, use of house .20 00 _ 20 00 35 Albert Bishop, inspector, assigned to M. M. Sweet- land 4 00 4 00 36 Milo B. Smith, inspector, assigned to Geo. Primrose 12 0o 12 00 37 Franklin Douglass, ballot clerk 8 0o • 8 00 38 Charles Morgan, use of house 10 00 10 00 ir $.,rntrc : 4 s• 'w f7 W.' e The Supervisors' Proceedings for '895.87 , 1 39 George Primrose, inspector 24 00 z4 00 40 Nathan Lockwood, ballot clerk ,4 00 4 00 41 H. T. Bishop, ballot clerk 4 8 00 8 00 42 P. T. Brown, poll clerk 1'2 o0 12 oo 43 John L. Platt, inspector and messenger . . . 17 7z 17 72 44 A. W. George, ballot clerk '4 00 4 00 45 J. L. Platt, inspector and messenger 31 72 3 7 46 George E. Goodrich, inspector . .i6 25 i6 25 47 Hiram M. Givens, inspector 32 oo 32 00 48 Eugene,Space, inspector 1 32 12 t 32 12 49. D. M. While, inspector 24 00. 24 00 5o F. D. Wheeler, inspector 20 00 20 00 5f Orrin I3ile,' poll ' clerk •12 00 12 00 52. George W. Bellinger, ballot clerk 4 8 oo 8 00 o 53 Frank Burch, ballot clerk 8 oo• : 8 00 W. Shaver, ns ector54J.Jr., 7 P 35 60. 35 6o 55 I. H. Monroe, inspector 24 4 24 48` 56 L. Simon, ballot clerk 8 oo • 4 S oo 57 Wm. M. Monroe, poll clerk 12 00 12 00 SS W. E. Sutfin, poll clerk 4 iz oo iz oo 59 E. B. Hefron, inspector 24 00 24 00 Go P. D. Cotanch, inspector . . .24 00 d 24 00 6i Alex. McKinney, ballot clerk 4 00 400 62 Bradford- Snyder, poll clerk rz z5 iz z5 63 _ Alviras Snyder, inspector 26 00 • '- 26 00- 1 64 E. F. Weaver, constable 27 8o 27 80 65 A. W. George, assessor t 59 oo 59 00 4 66 Daniel Bartholomew, excise commissioner 6 00 6 00 4 67 J. 13: Kennedy,i supervisor 58 90 58 90 r 68 D. C. McGregor, excise commissioner 3 00.3 00' 69 E. Bonfield, constable 3 00 3 oo 70 R. M. West, putting up booths 3 o6 3 06 71 Andrew Lonnor, excise commissioner 6 00 6 00 1 I 72 J. C. Lonnor, overseer of poor 18 00 i 18 00 1 i 73 Williamson Law & Book Conipauy 10 0o io 00 r' h 74 B. Snyder, insurance 6 0o 6 00 ‘t 75 13. F. Weaver, constable . -. . .12 70 12 70 76 Leonard Griswold Est of, excise commissioner . . . 3 00 300 77 Rev. George II. Britten, filing certificates .50 50 78 Benj. Sheldon, assessor 62 o0 62 0o' 79 A., M. Baker, use of opera house 20 00 20 00 r r 38 The Supervisors' Proceedings for -1895. t 8o Knight of Pythias Hall, use of house Po 00 Po 00 8r -H. Genung, hall for election . 10 00 . 10 00 82 W. H. Drake, putting up booths 2 10 2 I0 83 M. Townley, M :D., vital statistics 1 75 1 '75 84 Dr. 3. Beach, statistics 5 5 5 5 85 Ithaca Journal, printing es7 6 7 00 86 G. C. Sweet, undertaking .P 3o 0o 1 87 H. A. Strong, constable 2 55 I 3 55 88 IJ. W. Mason, constable 1 33 86 33 86 89 Aretus L. Fox, constable . . .6 95 6 95 90 Dr. J. J. Montgomery, treatmeutof poor 74 00 74 00 ' 91 Dr. J. J. Montgomery, statistics .2 75 2 75 92 Dr. J. J., Montgomery, health'officer 2 00 2 00 o. 93 Homer Genung, M.D., contract 83 00 83 00 94 Homer Genung, statistics 8 00 95 John M. Ellis, town clerk 124 63 124 63 96 Hiram Root, use of house 36 83 3 83 : 97 Bradford Snyder, overseer of the poor 38 00 38 00 98 E. Davis, Slaterville, care of A F. Lewis 5 oo 5 oo 99 City of Ithaca 2 75 20 75 loo H. A. Strong, constable t 12 6o 00.00 lot Eugene Savercool, constable I1 ....... ,. . . 15 00. - 0000 102- John Yates, refunded tax 2 25 2 25 103 Alvah Ewers, assessor 58 00 58 oo 104 E. D. Branch, constable'127 05 127 05 1105 Geo. E. Hanford, justice of peace 32 00 32 00 Io6 J. D: Ross, statistics and services 16 i5 16 25 107 L. A. Sherwood, inspector 12 00 12 00 rob Sanford E. Smiley, coinmissioner t 54 00 54 00 109 George L. Rood, M.D., statistics.3 75 3 75 uo 5. P. Smiley, commissioner 323 00 323 00 1 III', S. S. Hoff, justice of peace 6 00 6 oo 112 E. M: Seager, justice of peace'7 10 7 10 113 E.pl. Seager, board of tramps So 8o 114 Wm. E. Brown, justice of peace . . . . . 6 00 6 oo 115 G: E. Underwood, justice of peace 14 50 14 50 ' l,. 116 George E. Hanford, justice of peace . . . . . .14 00 - 14 00 . 117 J: D. Ross, justice of peace 131 75 13 75 118 George E. Monroe, legal services rd do 1 10 oot - t 119 Geo. E. Goodrich, attorney 15 00 15 00 120 Chas. Carpenter, damage on wagon . 20 00 10 o0 f . 1 1 The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1895.89 I I 121 J. Giles Ford. printing 3 05 3 05 122 E. Davis Allen, vital statistics 5 oo 5 00 123 Joseph Snyder, inspector 12 00 12' 00 124 Jacob McKinney, inspector 1 19.32 19 3 125 C. D. Williams, use of hall 20 00 20 00 2,692 04 $2,682 04 JOHN KENNEDY, Supervisor. 1 JOHN M. ELLIS, Town Clerk. G. E. UNDERWOOD, I WILLIAM 5, BROWN, ,,,i' GEORGE 5. HANFORD, ' E. M. SEAGER, ". o J. D. ROSS, 1 Justices of the Peace. •I 1 I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the claims presented to the Town Board of Auditors of the Town of Dryden with the amounts , claimed and the amounts as audited by said Board., Dryden, November 9, 1895.1 • J. H. KENNEDY, Supervisor. a ENFIELD. Abstract of the names of all persons who presented accounts to be audited by the Board of Town Auditors of the Town of Enfield with the amounts claimed and ,the amounts audited and allowed : No. Name , .Nature of Service Claimed Allowed j Kirk.Fowler, inspector special election . . ..3 00. 8 00 2 George B. Willson, inspector special election .8 oo 8 oo 3 Wm. H. Jones, inspector special election 8 oo 8 oo 4 Charles Barlett, inspector special election 9 00, 9 00 C 1. 90 The Su0ervisors' Proceedings for 1895• 5 Lewis Van Marter, inspector and ballot clerk . . . ,. 12 00 12 00 6 C. D. Wallenbeck, inspector and messenger . . . . 13 64 13 64 7 Charles Fletcher, .inspector 25 64 25 64 8 Prank Barber; rst, constable at election 2 3 20 3 20 9 Lewis Wallenbeck, constable at election 4 0 4 00 to Edgar Brewer, notarypublic fees 2 00 . 2 00 II Wm. Wright, inspector and messenger 21 64 21 64 12 Herman Wallenbeck, citizen member board of health, 2 00 2 00 13 C. H. Hubbell, overseer of the poor r4 00, 14 00 14 David Farrington, assessor 30 00 30 00 15 J. O. Carman, assessor 27 25 27, 25 ii t16FrankBarber, 1st, guard at election 4 00 4 00 17' Rossie Havens, poll clerk; assigned to G. A. Lord 4 0o 4 00 18 Frank Teeter, house for town purposes'32 5o 32 50 19 George Briton, Reg. of marriages 75 75 29 Edwin Bailey,•poll clerk, 1894.4 00 4 00 21 Geo. Kirby, oll clerk, assigned to E. Bailey,-1894Pgy, 94 .4 00 ' 4 00 22 James McCracken, poll clerk 4 00 4 00 23 Wm. H. Jones, Jr., ballot clerk l 4 00 4 00 24 James McCracken, assessor . . . .23 00 2S 00 25 A. R. Wyckoff, criminal dockets 14 00 14 00 26 George A. Lord, poll clerk 2 4 00 4 00 27 Wm. H. Jones, burial of Samuel Wright 25 -oo 1 25 00 28 Geo. Kirby, inspector of election 12 00 12 00 29 Harry Curry, poll' clerk, 1894 4 00 4 00 3o B. F. Osterhout, ballot clerk general and special elec- troll, 2894.8 00 8 oo s 31 Frank Lanniug, inspector of election 12 00 12 00 32 E. F. Owen, ballot clerk, 1894 4 00 4 00 33 C. E. Georgia, inspector of election 12 00 12 00 34 Ebenezer Havens, inspector; 1894 and'1895''25 64 25 64 35 Corey I-Iarvey, poll clerk 4 00 4 00 36 Jerome Georgia, ballot clerk 4 00 14 00 1 37 Floyd Nobles, inspector. of election 12 00 . 12 00 38 C. M. Williams, ex- commissioner of highways . . . Ir oo -- it 05 39 Chas. E. Davis, vital statistics 2 05 2 05 1 40 C. D. Wallenbeck, road work 8 o0 r 6 00 41 L. H. Van Kirk, filing coupons 3 00 - 3 00 42 Marcus Barker, constable 3 70 3 30 1 43 Rev. T. F. Brodrick, registering marriages 3 5 3 5 44 Dean-& Horton, foreclosure services 75 00 75 00 1 1 The Supervisors' Proceedizzgs for r895. f 91_ r, N 1 45 J1 0. Carman,fence viewers 4 00 4 00 . 46 James McCracken, fence viewers 8 ob 8 00 47 John M. Ressell, poll clerk special election'... . . . 4 00 4 od 48 Edward Havens, poll clerk special election , ... . . 4 00 4 00 49 Newman & Blood, Counsel fees in Smith case . ,5 00 5 00 50 Ithaca Journal, printing i 25 45. 23 95 51 Wni. H. Ammack, bondin commissioner r8 32 - ' 3 j 52 Horace Lanuiug, erroneous tax 7 7 i 53 Mrs. J. G. Wortnran, use of house 40 00 20 00 54 Frank Stevenson, inspector 12 00 12r 55 S. J. Kelsey, interest on land taken for road .8 47 8.4 56 C. D. Walleubeck!commissioner of highways , 1 76 00 76 00 57 Cour4 •note for iron bridge 395 00 395 00 i 58 C. D. Wallenbeck, fence viewer 8 00 8 00 59 C. D. VerNooy, health officer . . . . . . ... . . 12 50 12 50 6o Prank B. Aiken, justice of the peace -27 75 27 75 61 Wm. Barber, town 1 i 11 90 in 90 62 James Hines, justice of the peace 25 00 25 00 63 A. W. Griffis, excise commissioner 3 00 3 oo, 64 I,. J. Newman, service Smith case 22 00 22 00 65 Henry A. Graham, justice of the peace 23 00 23 00 66 I J. Newman, supervisor .28 00 - 28 00 67 Eugene Willis, justice of the peace 27 25 ' 27 25 1 85 I do hereby certify that this is a true copy of the Town Audits, audited b'y the Auditing Board of the town of Enfield at their annual meeting, November 7, 1 v,, WM. BARBER, Town Clerk. 1 3 1 1a i .-,GROTON. r5 1 Abstract of names of persons who presented accounts to.e be audited thy the Board of Town Auditors of the town of Groton, on the 7th day of November, 1895, with the arhount I I f N it 4 x "5J:.Is7se,. ,, ., .. snexi, .c ,aa 1. n: ::'. „en w” 92 The Supervisors' Proceedings for zSpS. claimed by each and the amount finally audited and allowed each. No. Name.Nature of Service. -Claimed. Allowed c r C. A. Hart, inspector 10 00 10 00 2 H. E. Van Sickle, poll clerk 4 00 • 400 1 3 Henry R. Bliss, ballot clerk 4 00 4, oo 4 Dan Morgan, poll clerk 4 00 4 00 5 Allen Howard, inspector 8 00 8 00 6 J. C. Fitts, inspector and messenger 32 24 32 24 7 Adelbert Hamilton, inspector 12 00. 12 00 3 3. R.'Reniff, inspector and messenger 14 00 , 14 00 9 Elwin Clark, inspector 12 00 12 00 to Allen Howard, inspector 12 00 12 00 1i G.B.Sickmon, assigned to E.G.Galloup, poll clerk 4 00 . 4 00 12 C. E. Ogden, poll clerk 4 00 4 00 r3' Nelson Stevens, poll clerk 8 oo 8 00 14 D. W. Rowley, ballot clerk 4 00 . 4 00 15 Manson Metzgar, ballot clerk 4 00 4 00 16 Geo. W. Hamilton, ballot clerk 4 00 4'00 _ 17 B.S. Whitman, ballot clerk 4 00 4 00' 18 Eugene Starkey, ballot clerk 4 00 4 00 19 Milo E. Gillen, ballot clerk ,4 00 4 00 20 E. N. Loomis, ballot clerk 4 00 4'00 21 Maurice Harrington, ballot clerk 4 00 4 00 22 Fred W. Mosher, ballot clerk 8 00 8 oo 23 F. Webster, poll clerk 8'oo 8 00 24 Leo Metzgar, poll clerk 4 00 400 25 Jas. 13. Morris, poll clerk A 4 00 4 00 i 26 E. G. Galloup,.poll clerk .4 00 4 oo ' 27 Ed Metzgar, poll 'clerk 4 oo ' 4 o0 28 C. B. Tarbell, poll clerk 4 00'4 0 29 Fred B. Sawyer, poll clerk 4 00•4 30 M. A. Downing, poll clerk 1 4 00 4 00 31 A. J. McMahon, inspecto 12 00 12 TO 132 Lyman Holladay, inspector and messenger. . .14 36 - 14 36 33 B.S. Whitman, assigned to F.W.Ndsher, inspector 8 no 8 00 34 W. D. White, inspector 12. 00 12 00 35 H. J. Stevens, inspector 12 00 12 00 1 1 w 1 y{ .. ro R e 717,'4 s 17 s 7 ,,j The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1895.93 1 36 Fred Apgar, assigned to C. W. Conger & Co.; in- spector 14 00 14 00 • 37 Ed Metzgar, inspector and messenger .. . . 1900 1 19 00 38 William D. Baldwin, inspector 8 00 8 do 39 C.A. Darling, inspector 12 00 12 00 40 S. W. Penooyerr, inspector and poll clerk 16 oo 16 00 41 M. L. Jones, inspector and poll clerk 12 12 00 42 Geo. 13. Close, inspector ,12 00 12 00 43 M. A. Downing, inspector 8 00 • 8 oo e 44 E. N. Woodward,12, 00 12 00 e 45 Wm. D. Baldwin, inspector and messenger . . . • . 18 44 18 44 46 L. Gray, administrator for Simeon Gray, highway commissioner 1 6 00 6 00 • 47 Wm. C. Allen, rent of hall . . . . . .30 00 3o 00 48 C. A. Boyce, doctoring town poor 35 00 35 00 49 F. C. Allen, caring fo • booths 4 19 • , ' 4 19 5o Alvin Howard, assessor 33 00 33100 51 C. W. Hall, commissioner of highways 132 00 132 00 52 Mathew Bender, election manuals 1 5 oo 5 00 53 B. L. Robinson, rent of hall 3o 00 3o 00 54 John S. Love, rent for Hastings sisters 36 00 36 00 55 John S. Love, overseer of poor 31 31 5o 56 M. A. Downing, town clerk 99 75 99 75. 57 M. D. Goodyear, doctoring town poor 45 00 45 00 158 M. D. Goodyear, vital statistics 12 50 12 50 59 C. 0. Rhodes, stationery 1 5o 1 5o ' 6o Commercial printing Co., printing . . , . . . . . v12 75 12 75 61 Nelson Harris, assessor 4 00 42 oo • 62 S. B. Parker, work on booths . . 4 00 4 00 l 63 Amos Avery, work on booths 8 oo 8 0 64 C. H. Tarbell, guard 2. 00'2 00 65 Eugene Cook, inspector and messenger I to 00 10 00 66 F. 13. Carrington, inspector and messenger, assigned to U. f3. Marsh,f 1¢ 4S 14 28 : 67 Marshall Woodbury, constable .2 95 2 95 68 Marshall Woodbury, constable 3 25 3 25 69 Marshall Woodbury, constable 1 95 1 95 70 Marshall Woodbury, constable 2 00 71 Nelson Stevens; justice 1 18 oo 18 00 72 J. M. Montfort, -burial permits 50 5o 73 J. M. Montfort, justice 1 16 00 16 'oo o r 91 The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1895. 74 E. R. Nye, rent of hall 1 57 5 57 5 75 Wm. E. Duckenfield, inspector and messenger .18 ,44 18 44 76 Pioneer Hose, rent of room 15-00 15 00 77 J. W. Mason, constable 3 65 3 65_ 78 J. W. Mason, constable 4 55 4 55 79 J. W. Mason, constable 5 75 5, 75 8o J. W. - Mason, constable s 6 20 6 20 81 Newton Baldwin, justice 4 95 • 4 95 1 82 - Newton Baldwin, justice 1 82 1 82 83 Newton Baldwin, justice 11 l0 11 10 84 Newton Baldwin, justice 13 75 13 75 85 H. S. Hopkins, justice 4 00 4 00 86 H. S. Hopkins, justice 2 65 2 65 87 II. S. Hopkins, justice 1 25 1 25 88 H. S, Hopkins, justice ,2 25 2 25 89 H. 8. Hopkins, justice 3 's 3 15 96 H. S. Hopkins, justice 4 45 4 45 91 H. S. Hopkins, justice 2 90 2 90 92 H..S. Hopkins, justice 2 75 2 75 93 H. 8. Hopkins, justice 2 25 2 25 94 H. S. Hopkins, justice 3 35 1 3 35 95 C. W. Hall, livery 5 5 5 5 0 Fred Hopkins, ballot clerk 4 00 4 00 97 Andrew Sloan, excess tax 50 50 98 A. M. Baldwin, vital' statistics 4 00 400 99 J. A. Blair, vital statistics r0 00 10 00 100 H. S. Hopkins, service bill 17 00 17 00 101 S. W. Goodrich, excess tax 3 i8 3 18 102 F. L. Tarbell, constable 5 5 - 5 5 1103 Porter Morton, excise commissioner 3 00 ,. 3 00 rod Newton Baldwin, justice -16 00 16 00 104;4 Newton Baldwin, vital statistics 1 75 1 75 105 Groton Bridge &Mfg. Co., bridge supplies 42 01 42 01 1o6 L. N. Streeter, ballot* clerk -8 00 , 8 00 107 E. F. Lefler, ballot clerk l400400f rob J. B. Losey, poll clerk 4 00 4 00 1091 A. B. Buck, ballot clerk 4 00 4 00 rro F. R. Atwood, room for election 15 00 15 00 111 Ellard Buck, inspector 8 o0 8 00 112 Jno. J. Young, supervisor 39 00 , 39.00 . 113 D. 0. Clough, overseer of poor 43 5 43 5 sl. 8 v rI The Supervisors' Proceedings for r 95 I 114 Begent & Wilcox, highway supplies 26 66 26 66 115 Wm. II. Burnham, assessor's clerk 6 00 6 oo 116 Wm.' I3. Bunlhanl, inspector 8. oo 8 00 117 Geo. O. Bowen, inspector 8 oo 8 0o y l . 1 118 R. J. Pierce, assigned to Begent & Wilcox, constable 2 95 2 95 119 R. J. Pierce, assigned to "Regent & Wilcox, constable ro 00 io 00 120 R. J. Pierce, assigned to Begent & Wilcox, constable 6 25 , 6 25 121 R. J. Pierce, assigned to Begent & Wilcox, constable 1 75 1 75 i 122 R. J. Pierce, assigned to Begent & Wilcox, constable 95 95 1 123 Chas, I3. Tarbell, constable 12 6o 12 6o 124 Wni. H. Bulkley, assessor 34 00 i 34 00 1 125 L. 3. Townley, printing 39.37 _ , 39 37 126 W. A. Smith, vital statistics 1 75 1 75 1 127 Jones & Gobel, highway supplies 266 55 266 55 128 J. I. Booth & Son, burying town • poor 4 00 4 00 129 D. B. Conlon, inspector 8 00'8 00 130 Added by resolution, for highway purposes . . . 1,156 84 1,156 84 i 131 Added by resolution, for G. A. R. poor 10o 00 I 100 00 132 Added by resolution, Memorial Day 50 00 50 oo 3, $3, 48 We, the undersigned, the Town Auditors of the town of Groton, do hereby certify that the above is a correct list of bills presented ' with amount claimed and allowed. JNO. J. YOUNG, Supervisor, NELSON STEVENS, J. M. MONTPORT, i NEWTON BALDWIN, Justices of Peace. M. A. DOWNING, Town Clerk, I hereby certify that this is a true copy of the Town Audits audited by the Auditing Board of the town of Groton at their annual meeting, November 7 1895 M. A. DOWNING, Town'C1erk. f 1 •o f s t ,a • 0 p6 The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1895. ITHACA. Abstract of the names of all persons who presented accounts to be. audited by the Board of Town Auditors of the Town of Ithaca with the amounts claimed aiid the amounts audited and allowed :' 1.1 No. Name Nature of service Claimed Allowed . 1 A. Hasbrouck, justice of' peace 8 00 8 00 1 2 G. H. Hopkins, justice of peace y 4 00 4 00 3 Myron -Van Orman, rent of polling place.40 00 40 00 4 Lyle W. Nelson, inspector, 1894 4 00 4 00 5' H. S. Wright, inspector 24 00 24 00 6 H. T. Burtt, poll clerk .14 00 14 00 7 D. A. Hopkins, ballot clerk 1200 12 00 8 E. D. Shurter,.poll clerk 12 00 12 00 9 W. F. McClune, inspector 77 od 17 to Fred Northrop, rent of polling place ., 40 00 40 0o - 11 H. T. Burtt, office rent •. . . .26 00 1 26 00 i 12 Wm. O..Newman, justice of peace 10 00 10 00 13 A. F. Van Gorder, inspector 24 00 24 00,' 14 ,S. M. Thompson, inspector and ballot clerk 21 30 21 30 215EdgarMasters, inspector . . .12 00. 100 16 Chas. B: Gibbs, ballot clerk.4 00 4 00 17 J. W. Tourtellot, inspector and messenger . . .0 29 56' 29 5 18 Chas. N. Palmer, inspector .1 . ' 16 00 ° , 16 00 19 Frank Mitchell, citizen member board of health . . 4.00 4 00 20 John J - . Williams, fence viewer 6 00 - 6 0o1 21 Geneva Docket Co., dockets for justices 9.00 9 00 22 Andrus & Church, blank books . . . .4 5o 4 50 1 23 H..1'. Burtt, vital statistics 1 6 no 6 00 ' 24 E. H. Green, ballot clerk I2 00 12 00 25 Lyle W. Nelson, ballot clerk . .1 4 00 4 00 i 26 John J. Hanshaw, excise commissioner e 12 00 12 00 , 27 A. W. Kline, poll clerk 12 00 12 00 28 Enz & Miller, election supplies t 4 19 4 •19 29 John J. Hanshaw, i n s p e c t o r. . . . . . . . . . ..29 00 29 00 - 3o David Van Natta, ballot clerk •8 00 8 00 31 Ezra C. Brown, inspector 27 00 27 00 i1 The Supervisors' Proceedings for r 97 32 Martin Cremer, poll clerk 1 12 12 00 33 .Fred Northrop, inspector 24 00 24 00 34 H. A.. Brown, excise commissioner 72 00 I i 00 35 Wni. McKinney, gravel for highways . . . . . 5 4 5 40 36. L. F. Colegrove, justice of peace 44 77 44 77 37 H. T. Burtt, town clerk 96 82 96 82 38 M. E. Poole, justice of peace . . 11 45 11 45 39 Howard Korts, overseer of poor . . •6 75 6 75. r 40 A. O. Hart, supervisor . .28 05 28. 05 41 Ithaca Journal, printing . . . .5 00 5 00 42 Ithaca Democrat, printing 23 95" 23 95 7 43 Moses Snook, fence viewer 14 00 14 60 44' Wm. Van Order, constable .2 00 2 00 45 1V. G. Fish, M.D., health officer, 1894 and 1895 23 5 23 5 46 Frank H. Nelson, fence viewer . . .12 00 12 00 47 J. J. Williams, inspector 48 00 43 00 48 Frank H. Nelson, assessor 36 00 36 00 Fr 49 H. T. Jones, assessor 32 00 32 001 c, 5o Moses Snook, highway commissioner . . .137 5 1 137 5 51 Re A. S. Fiske, vital statistics 125 125 I,a3 99 o3 99 'I We, the undersigned, the Town Auditors of the Town of,Ithaca, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct list of all the accounti audited or rejected at the meeting of said Board of Auditors held Thursday, November 7;1895. t I •A. O. HART, Supervisor. H.' T. BURTT, Town Clerk. W. O. NEWMAN, ALFRED HASBROUCK, G. Id. HOPKINS,l I T. F. COLEGROVE. Justices of the Peace. r I t 1 2.8 The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1895.' LANSING. Abstract of the names of all persons who presented ac- i counts to be audited by the Board of Town Auditors of the town of Lansing, with the amounts claimed and the amounts audited and allowed. No. Name Nature of Service -Claimed Allowed 1 Ithaca Journal, printing bill 27 41 27 41 i 2 H. M. Field, excise bill 3 00 300 3 C. E. Wood, registering statistics' .15 75 15 75 4 Frank Haring, inspector 8.00 8 00 i. 5 R. Beardsley, use of hall, Dist. No. 2 10 00 10 00 6 Daniel McCarthy, inspector, 1894 8 00 8 00 7 Daniel McCarthy, inspector, 1895 12 00 . 12 00 8 Geo. Lnterman, inspector, 1894 1 8 00 8 00 9. Laverne Main, ballot clerk, 1894 . 4 00 4 00 10 Laverne Main, poll clerk, 1895 .4 00 4 00 Ir Orlando White, poll clerk 4 00 4 00 12 C. E. Wood, poll add ballot clerk, 1894 and 1895 .,8 oo 8 00 13. C. M. Buck, poll clerk, 1894, inspector, 1895 17 oo ' 17 00 14 J. W. Platt, inspector and messenger, 1894 and '95 26 8o 26 8o 1 15 Arthur Wooley, poll clerk; 1894 4 00 4 60 16 Elmer Shoemaker, inspector : . . 12 00 • 12 00 17 Dana Bush, ballot clerk 4 00 4 00 18 F. A. Townley, inspector, 1894 . .8 00 8 oo 19 A. J. Conlin, poll clerk, 1894 and '95 8 00 8 00 20 Holt Teeter, inspector and messenger, 1894 . . . .9 00 9 00 ' 21 W. H. Curtis, inspector . . . \ . . .12 00 12 00 22 W. A: Field, poll clerk . . .400 4 00 1 23 John Hunt, ballot clerk, 1894 4 00 4 00 1 24 MicbaeiEgan,•inspector and messeuger, '94 and '95 31 28 31 28 25 N. E. Lyon, poll clerk, 1894 and 1895 . . . . . .8 00 8 co 26' Samuel Hudson, inspector and messenger, 1894 . . 14 80 14 8o 27 John Hunt, assessor's service bill 30 00 30 00 23 ,H. W. Bower, inspector L ' 12 00 12 00 29 Lewis H. Dickerson,. inspector 12 00 12 00 3o Gleu Bacon, iuspector messenger 20 04 20 04 31 Gleu Bacon, ballot clerk, 1894 4 00 4 00 • 1 S _..fin' A n v The Shhervisors' Proceedings for; ; "99 32 Fred Edsal, inspector .12 00 12 00 33 Henry Karn, inspector and messenger, '94 . .28 04 27 04 34 Henry Karin, ballot clerk, ' 95 4 00 q 35 Newtoh Lane, inspector 12 00 12 00 36 Chas. A. Brown, inspector 1z oo` 12' oo 37 D. A. Tarbell, inspector, 1894 8 00 8 00 38 \ Frank Moran, ballot clerk 00 if14400 39 Chas. Bacon, inspector, '94, ballot clerk, '95 . , I .r2 00 12 00 40 , Frank J. Beardsley, poll clerk, '94 4 oo 4 00 41 r H. , W. Bower, inspector, '94, assigned, to C. G. Benjamin 800 800 42 • Dr. A. Rosecrans, medical service 3 75 3 75 43 C. E. Wood, hardware bill 21 82 21 82 44 Maib SE. Townsend, poor supplies . . . . ... .3 20 3 20 45 Nelson E. Lyon, poor supplies 24 03 24 0434 3 46 Chas. Egbert, poor supplies 3 00 ' 3 00 47 Thomas Miller, burial of John Mabee 26 00 26 00 48 N. E. Lyon, criminal bill 38 80 r 38 So 49 Chas. Benjamin, poor supplies, Norwood 5 0o 5 oo 5o Chas. Benjamin, poor supplies, Mrs. Roberts . .5 00 5 00 51 'Prank H. Tarbell, criminal bill .3 25 3 25 52 E. Woodruff, constable bill 1 25 1 25 53 N. E. Lyon supplies .I 59. 1 1. 5954JamesG. Buck, assessors' bill i 34 00 34 00 55' Wm. Drake, plank 20 00 17 00 s 56 N. E. : Lyon, use of hall 4 0 00 40 00 57 C. E. Wood, disbursements .8 So 8 50 58 C. E. Wood, copying for assessors 8 00 8 00 f• 59 C. H. Bacon, plank 6 oo r 6 oo 6o• F. H. Tarbell, poll clerk ...4 00 , 4 00 " 61 -Dr. F. L. Washburn, medical service .as 62 Dr.'F. L.AVashburn, medical service ) ' 8 50 8 50 l 3 5 3 5163 ' Dr. F. I,. Washburn, medical service 7 50 - 7 50 64 Di. F. L. Washburn, medical service 1 27 00 27 00 - u 1 65 Dr. F. L. Washburn, vital statistics 3 00 3 00 66 S. I. Barnes, assessor 36 0o 36 00 97 Chas. Crance, use of hall ,.20 00 20 00 ' i 68 Harriet Butler, keeping Fanny Parker . . ., . .52 00 52 00 69 P. V. Egbert, plank 9 / 9 3 1 I. 70 D. C. Haring, poormaster, service bill .56 00 56 oo 71 Albert Van Auken, constable bill '.3 8o 38 So r 1 s .t I 1 0 zoo The Srcpervisors' Proceedings, for x895. 72 Dr. N. D. Chapman, medical service •15 00 15 00 73 Dr. N. D. Chapman, medical service 7 00 7 00 74 Dr. N. D. Chapman, medical service 5 5 5 50 75 Dr. N. D. Chapman, medical service 6 25'6 25 76' it.. N. D. Chapman, medical service . ., . 3 5 3 5 77 Dr.,N. D. Chapman, medical service 3 00 - 3 00 78 Dr. N. D. Chapman, medical service 25 ....75 25 75 79 Dr. N. D. Chapmaxi, medical service 15 00 15 00 8o Dr. N. I). Chapman, vital statistics.,7 5 7 5 81 Mrs. J. H 0Fisher, overpaid tax returned 3 0- 3 00 8z R. Miller, lumber.107 00 X107 00 83 Quinton Boyles, care of Job Boyles 1 20 00 20 00 84 Dr. M. D. Goodyear, Medical service 9 75 9 75 85 City of Ithaca, by order Sidney Post, G. 4. R. .23 75 23 75 86 City of Ithaca, by order J. B. French.. . ... . . .51 3 5 87 G.' C. Gifford, attorney bill 23 00 23 00 88 Frank H: Tarhell, service bill 18 0o 18 00 89 Chas. Baker, constable .3 90 C. H. Corwin, care of John Mabee . 40 00 25 00 91 Dr. A. Rosecraus, medical service .5 00 3 00 92 Ahnou Beach, damage to horse . . .to 00 10 00 i -93 Chas. Baker, constable bill . . . 3 15 0 00 94 - Chas. Drake, repairs for bridge . . . . .. . . . .1 00 1 00 95 Rxulolphus Miller, plank c 3 90 3 00 96 M. E.-Lyon, justice, service hill 20 00 20 00 97 C. E. Wood, towu clerk, service bill..48 00 48 00 98 Milo Howell, commissioner, service bill 229.00 229 00 99 J. H. Conklin; service bill 29 20. 29 20 oo B. M: Hagiu; plank .16 84 r6 84 101 B. M. Hagixl, service bill 20 00 20 00 102 Driscoll Bros., service 'pipe 182 12 182 12 I 103 G. Alexander, bill for damages 150 oo - 40 00 104 B. M. Hagin, supplies . . . . . . . . ..'. . . .75 75 105 Joseph Myers „damages to horse and wagon . . .50 "ax 40 oo to6 Eli Wooley, stone 3 50 2 50 107 Dean & Horton, legal service 5 0b 5 108 Chas. Drake, service bill 20 00 20 00 , 2,282 10 $2,126 95 I hereby certify that this is a true copy of the Town Audits audited by the ' Board of Audits, November 7th, 1895. C. E. WOOD, Town Clerk. f 09 1 The Supervisors' Proceedings for .1895.roz N13WFIEI;D. t The following abstract is acbrreet statement of all accounts audited against the town of Newfield at the annual .meeting , . of the Town Board November 7111, 1895, with the amounts claimed and the amounts allowed. No. Name Nature of Service Clai Allowed lY1Johnathanijnderdowu, health officer 1 4 00 4 00 2 Theodore Kresga, inspector Dist. No. 1, senatorial election '8 00 8 0o I. 1 3 Win. Savercool, ballot clerk, Dist. No. 1, senatorial 1 election 4 00 • 4 00 1 4 A.S.Brown, poll clerk, Dist. No. 2, general election . 4 00 4 oo , 5 A.D. Brown, poll clerk, Dist. No.2, general election . : 4 00 4 00 6 Burt Drake, ballot clerk, Dist: No. 2, general/ elec- tion . .... .4 0 4 00. 7 Geo. Swartwood, ballot clerk, - Dist. No. 2, generalsi i election . , .4 00 4 00 8 Vern Swartwood, inspector, Dist.. No. 2, general election'. .17. 96 17 9 9. Charles Brdwn, inspector, Dist. No. 2, general elec- tion f 12 00 i 12 00 ro Fred Maybe, inspector, Dist. No. 2, general election . 12 00 ' 12 00 11 Peter Doran, inspector, Dist. No. 2, general elec-z 1 tion ! '12 W 12 00 12 Carmi W. Cook,, inspector, general election, Dist.i i N0.3 1200 1200 13 C.A. Smith, inspector, general election, "Dist. No. 3 . 12 00 12 00 14 Chas. A. Tompkins, inspector,'general election,. Dist. No. 3..12 00 12 oo 15 C. W. James, inspector and messenger, general elec -' tiou, Dist. No. 3 7 88 17 88 I 16 ' J. C. Thompson, ballot clerk; Dist. No. 3 4 00 4 00 17 Frank Allen, ballot clerk, Dist, No. 3 4 00 4 00 18. Seymour Groverrpoll clerk, Dist. No. 3 4 00 4 00 . 19 Walter Shaffer, poll clerk, Dist. No. 3 . 4 00 . q oo 20 Carmi W. Cook, inspector, senatorial election, Dist. No. 3 Soo 8 oo . I 1 I r:r r 7 l 1 102 The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1895.. 21 Chas. ,A: Tompkins, inspector, senatorial election, Dist. No. 3 8 oo 8 00 22 Augustus Patterson, inspector, senatorial election, Dist. No. 3 23 C. A.' Smith, inspector and messenger, senatorial election, Dist. No. 3 13 64 13 64 24 John C. Thompson, ballot clerk, senatorial election, Dist. No. 3 4 CO 4 00 25 G. W. Cox, ballot clerk, .senatorial election, Dist. No. 3 4 00 4 00 - 26 David Congdon, poll clerk, senatorial election, Dist. No. 3 4 00 4 .00 27 Elmer Alexander, poll clerk, senatorial election, Dist. No. 3 4 00 4 00 28 W.P.Taber, inspector, general election, Dist.No.1 . . 12 00 12 00 1 29 Smith J. Douglas, inspector and messenger, sena-8 torial election, inspector, general election, Dist. No. 1 25 64 • 25 .64 - 30. A. H. Palmer,•inspector, senatorial election, inspec- tor and messenger, general electiou,Dist,No.1 . . 25 6q. 25 64 31 Estus Patterson, inspector, general and senatorial I election, Dist. No. I.20 00 a 20 00 32 Will Puff, poll clerk, general and - senatorial election, Dist. No. 1 8 00 8 00 33 I. N. Van Ostrand, poll : clerk, general and senatorial election, Dist. No. 1 i 8 00 8 oo 34 Wm. Weathe4e11, ballot clerk, general aud senatorial Election, Dist. No. 1 8 00 , 8 oo 35 Minor McDaniels, ballot clerk, general election, Dist No. 1 '4 00 400 36 Alonzo Bower, assessor 3 35 3 . 37 Wm. H. Payne, assessor 29 6o 29 6o is 1 38 E; R. Osterbout, M.D., vital statistics 8 so 8 so 39 N. C. Cook, for supplies '1 79 1 79 40 Estus Patterson, excise commissioner 6 oo 6 oo 41 Ithaca Journal, printing 28 28'21 42" L.' H.'Taber, excise commissioner 6 oo 6 00 43 A. H. Palmer, bonding commissioner 6 70 6 70' 44 Aaron- Alexander, use of building for election •pur- poses 15 00 15 45 Rev. H. C. Andrews, vital statistics . ... . . 2 00 2 00 gI d the Szcfervisors' Proceedings for 1895.iod , 46 Chas. H. Brown, justice 12 00 12 00 y 47 W. H. Vat' Ostrand, supervisor . . 36 40 36 4o 1 48 Wn2.,Weatherel, justice •12 12 00 49 E. Swartout, lumber sr o0 5 00 5o Irvin Holinan, commissioner of highways 517 00 517 00 . 51 J.7 & Son, Bridge plank . . . ._ .. '. I .26 77 26 77 • 52 Irvin Holman, commissioner, service bill 84 00 84 00 53, A. D. Brown, rent of building for election 15 00 15 00 1 54 A. II. Stamp, assessor 3 35 3 35 I 55 'Davie] W. Gore, poll clerk, Dist. No. 2 400 4 00 56 A. D. Brown, 11o11 clerk, Dist. No 2 4 00 4 00 57 Bert Drake, ballot clerk, Dist. No. 2 400 4 00 58 .Iron Updyke, ballot clerk, Dist. No. 2 4 00 ' 4 00 59 Fred Thompson, inspector of election, Dist. No. 2 .8 oo 8 oo 6o Harrison Cook, inspector of election, Dist. No. 2 . 8 00 8 oo 6r E. D. Rockwell, inspector of•election, Dist. No. e .: 8 oo' 8 00 62 John Rosehrook,inspector and messenger,Dist. No.2 . 13 96 13 96 63 G. W. Peck, overseer of the poor; service bill . : . . 3 00 3 oo' 64. Seymour Grover, justice, service bill 12 00, 12 00 65 G. W. Peck, overseer of the poor, supplies and med- • ical services for the poor 193 02 193 02 ' 66 . Charles W. McCort', R. R. commissioner 1 d 6 oo 6 00 67 Nelson Bush,, excise,commissioner 6 00 6 00 68 N. Cook & Kellogg, use of rink . .30 00 30 do 69 Wm. Weatherell, justice fees in ,criminal case . - .8 o 8 3o 7o Geo. W. Ham, countable 12 85 12 85 71 • Howard McDaniels, town clerk 114 38 114 38 7 Estate of,G. F. Dudley, M.D., vital statistics and health physician 8'00 8 00 1,688'94 $r,688 94 ' We the undersigned, Town auditors of the town of ,Newfield, hereby cer_1 tify that the foregoing is a,correct statement of the accounts audited by us this 7th day of November, 1895. . 1 'W. II. VAN OSTRAND, Supervisor, HOWARD MCDANIELS, Town Clerk, . SEYMOUR GROVER, ' CHAS. H. BROWN,1 WM. WEATHERELL, Justices of the Peace. 1 zo¢The Supervisors' Proceedings for r895. , The following resolution was adopted at the annual town meeting held February Izth, 1895:N Resolved, That the sum of one hundred dollars be appropriated to the Newfield Public Library for providing library facilities, books, and otherwise maintaining its support and free use. HOWARD MCDANIELS, Town Clerk. Amount forward 1,688 94 ADDED BY RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD. 73 Warren Tompkins, constable to 05 99 Less available funds in hands of the Supervisors from dog fund applicable to the support of the poor.. . 66 00 Less amount received from Superintendent Lyke for re -, lief furnished Calvin Van Mil 46 00 Io6 00 I 99 Payment and interest on claim of Ezra Marion 1 ,453 99 3,046 93 ULYSSES. Abstract of the names of all persons who presented accounts to be audited by the Board 'of Town Auditors of the Town of Ulysses, on the 7th and 8th days of November, 1895, with the amount claimed and the amount finally audited and allowed each : No. t Name "Nature of Service 'Claimed Allowed r Alexander Updike, inspector of election,8 oo 8 00 2 E. J. Farrington, poll clerk 4100 4 00 t 3 Alvah Updike, inspector of election 4 00 4 00 1 w• I _ ... P v _ .'n'sy Jt 0 r w 9 $Vt np T SUpervisors' Proceedings for 1895.1 1 4 Charles Arden, inspector of election 12 00 1 \ 12 00 5 J.. 13. Spaulding, excsie commissioner 15 00 15 00 6 Jacob Stilwell, excise commissioner 15 00 1 15 00 1 7 A. W. Van Liew, excise commissioner 15 00 15 00 8 M. Truman Smith, inspector of election •16 oo. 16 00 9 J. W. Kirby, assessor . . .3 75 3 75 10 Clarence Clark, inspectior of election .17 88 17 SS Li E. M. Corcoran, inspector of election . . .20 00 20 00 12 A. P. Osborn; inspector of election 12 00 - 12 00 I 13 S. R. Wickes, poll clerk 4 00 400 14 5. R. Wiikes.i assigned, I,. J. 'Wheeler &Co18 to S 10; 15 IW. I. Sherwood, overseer of the poor 56 05 56 o5 16 J. B. Turner, treasurer of old ladies' bonne . . .52 00 52 001 17 Frank Terry, inspector of election 12 00 12 00 18 George Wolverton, Loose for election . .52 50 52 50 19 E. P. Bouton, ballot clerk 8 o0 8 00 20 ' C. H. Tunmison, clerk of election 8 00 8 00 1 21 Samuel Frazier, constable A •.13 8o - 13 8o 22 'Edward Updike, ballot clerk 4 00 4 -00 23 George A. HbpkinS, supplies .`.2 15 2 15 y • 24 Stephen Baker, constable 10 5o 10 50 25 M. T. Williamson, clerk, election .16 oo 16 do 26 Seneca Spicer, constable . . . . . .57 10 - 57 10 27 I3anford S. Bates, inspector and clerk 16 00 6 28 Minor T. Rolfe, assessor,1 38 6o 38 6o. 29 George•Britten, vital statistics 2 50 - 2 50 - 30 S. A. Sherwood, digging graves-r1 0o - 11- oo 31 A. F. Alleu,,printing 16 75 16 75 32 A. Snow, inspector of election, assigned to E. C - Almy . . Soo 8 oo 33 George M. Pierson, ballot clerk . 1. . . . 8 oo 8 oo 34 W. II. Ganouu , commissioner of highways 20 6o 1 20 6o 35 D. P. Terry, medical service 13 00„ 13 00 ' • 36 Williaun Austin, legal Services 20 00 20 00 i 7 Fred E. Vau Buskirk; inspector and messenger . . _ 20 70 e 20 15 38 12. W. Osborn, overseer of the poor 26 70 26, 70 39 R. A . Snow, inspector of election . . .6 o01 6 00 40 Charles Van ,Amburg, poll clerk ,8 00 8 00'. 4, Haryey N. Updike, inspector of election. 25 64 25 64e. 42 IL F. Smith, inspector of dlectioii 12' 00 12 00 43 Horace S. Walter, inspector of election . . . 17 88 17 88 . 1 u ..3F duo:•._ io6 The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1895. 44 E. C 'Aimy, house for election 31 00 31 00 45 Marcus 51. Barker, constable ... . .1 40 ' 1 40 46 J. R. Cusack, inspector of election r ' 14 90 ' • 14 00 47 George Walleubeck, ballot clerk 1 4 00 4 00 48 F. A. Kerst, vital statistics 4 25 4 25 0 F. A. Kerst, vital statistice 7 25 7 25 5o F. A. Kerst, health officer .y . ,4 00 4 00 51 W. E. Dean, inspector of election 24 00 ^ 24 00 52 Howard Church, poll clerk 4 00 53 James G. McLallen, poll clerk, assigned to Mosher r r 1 Brothers 8 ob 8 00 54 Fred W. Van Order, ballot clerk ,8-oo 8 00 r 55 A. 11. Pierson, storing and moving booths .. ... . . 5 co 5 00 56 Mrs. H. Van Order/house for assessors 2 000 200 57 J. T. Howe, house for election 20 00 20 00 58 Williamson Law Book Co. t4 00 14 00 59. A. Chase,•medical service 1 16 75 16 75 6o A. Chase, medical service 55 5 • 55 50 61 E. T. Stewart„ undertaking 20 00 20 00 1 62 E: T. Stewart, undertaking 20 00 4 20 00 63 E. T. Stewart,. undertaking .20. 20 00 64 Frank Quinn, ballot. clerk 4 00 4 00 65 J. T. Morgan, assessor 1 75 85 75 85 66 N. 11.'Gifford, inspector of election 20 00 20 00 0 67 N. R. Gifford, justice of the peace 45 00 , 45 00 68 Robert Carberry, inspector of election -24 00 ` 24 00 X69 S. L. Stone, inspector of election, assigned to M. T. Williamson 20 00 20 00 7u. Fenton F. Bower; inspector of election, assigned to i M. T. Williamson '14 12 14 12 71 Fenton F. Bower, inspector of election, assigned to M. T. Williamson - '4 00 4 00 72 C. A. `,Voorhees, printing, assigned to M. T. Wil-t liamson . . .14 So 14 50' 73 C. H. Tunison, ballot clerk, assigned to M. T. Wil- Samson . .4 00 4 00 74 W. 1 Hall, inspector of election, assigned to M. T: Williamson 2 ' 4 00 4 00 75 Fred E. Van Buskirk, inspector of election, assigned to M. T. Williamson 8 00 8 00 i 9 v .ar ron 74 isr 2"1 -Ft. ;re -`",w -. ^ r .,,.1 i 1 1 . i The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1895.toy s 76 Fred F. Vau Buskirk, inspector of election, assigned' t to,M. T. Williamson . . . ..4 00 4 00 77 Willis D. Dimmick, inspector of election 4 00 I 4 oo j8v John N. Barker, justice of the peace . . . 16 00 76 00 9 John N. Barker, justice of the peace 3 65 3 65 8o John N. Barker, clerk of election and supplies x ,22 00 22 00 81 John N. Barker, justice of the peace 4 10 4.10 82 L. W. Carpenter, vital statistics . .1 75 T 75 r 83. N. R.'Giffoid, justice of the peace 14 00 14 00 84 E. C. Alry, board of health .2 00 2 00 85 M. T. Williamson, justice of the peace 4 60 • 4 6o , 86 M. T. Williamson, justice of the peace . . 14 65' 14 65 I 87 N. 'R. Gifford, room for election and town board- meetings 29 30 19 30 88 'Jarvis Ganoung, su : • .28 00 28 00 n 89 J. Flickinger, vital statistics . . .3 75 . 3 75 9o, J. Flickinger, town physician 26 00 26 00 t 91 J: Flickinger, surgical services .4o 00 40 00 92 1M. T. Williamson, election services and supplies . I . 13 29 13 29 i 93 F. M. Austin, town clerk . .85 33 l 85 33 24 69 We, the undersigned, the Towu Auditors of the Town of Ulysses, do here_ by certify that the above is a correct list of bills presented with amounts claimed and allowed: o JARVIS GANOUNG, Supervisor. F. "M. AUSTIN, Town Clerk. M. T. WILLIAMSON, NORMAN R. ,GIFFORD, JOHN N. BARKER, Justices of the Peace. I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of all bills audited by the Auditing Board of the Town of Ulysses, at their annual meeting, November 7th and 8th, 1895.1 F. M. AUSTIN, Clerk. 1 1 7 -rtr, ecwE q. c1 z.79115,7 7; r; we,51 N rob The Supervisors' Proceedings for r895.G o 1 REPORTS. COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT. To the Honorable, The Board of Supervisors of the County, of Tompkins : The undersigned, Treasurer of Tompkins county, respect - fully submits his annual statement of- receipts and disburse- ments of the county funds from November 12, 1894, to Novena ber 18, 1895, as follows : RECEIPTS. Balance on hand from January 1, 1894 3, 95 Treasurer's fees, state tax 16o 19 Superintendent of Public Instruction, 1 per cent.. 125 1 i Ulysses 7,745 82 Newfield 3,594 4 Lansing 9,087 91 Caroline 3,624 66 Danby 3,512 Si Dryden 9,73 25 Enfield 2,772 22 Groton 4to 95 Ithaca —town 3, 9 Ithaca —city .41,888 37 .. Ithaca Trust Co.5,000 00 Supervisors Todd and Kennedy 9,000 00 School districts 1,o18 07 \ Collateral taxes 3,681 33 r:- 0 The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1895.fop I • Justice's fines 278 00 Sale of seats, fence, etc., at Court House 25 00 Superintendent of - Public Instruction 15,650 47 , 53 DISBURS$MF,NTS. School funds to supervisors t 28,o23 26 State tax 16,919 5r Children's Home, Ithaca 296 25 Shelter, Syracuse, N. Y.r 78 00 Institute for children, Syracuse, N. 1 125 90 Reimbursement' foi city and town, Ithaca . '.464 91 Postage, clerk of Board of Supervisors 15 00 Postage, County Treasurer 15 00 .. Office rent, District Attorney 200 00 ' Susquehanna Valley Horne 547 5 Slterif's office rent - '35 00 r. Interest on notes 903.81 Notes 18,903 11 I Home for Catholics 19 7 Catholic Protectory 57 86 Auburn Orphan Asylum'72 8o N. Y. State Institution for Blind 25 6o Penitentiary, Syracuse, N. Y.160 78 Monroe County Penitentiary .86o 78 Repairs on C ounty Clerk's office 1,556 47 Account of Godfrey & Gilbert 100 75 Office rent of County Treasurer x00 CO r Insurance on boilers) •100 90 u Fiuesto Supervisors 233 00 Collateral taxes to 'Comptroller 3,681 33 School Districts C I,or8 1E17 . Court expenses . . ... . . r . 6,454 62 G., I. & A. R. R. bonds 4,777 86 Geneva & Ithaca R. R. bonds 14,125 88 Fuel and gas account 1 949 95' County Superintendent's account 5,049 25 Salary account 6,194 02 County, Audits 160355 85 6 . ^_- Ito The Supervisors'• Proceedings for 1895: r Balance of casli on hand 79 51 Balance of cash, Tompkins County Bank 2,207 26 53 228677 Balance from Ithaca city 2,208 39 1 I certify that there stands this day on the hooks at this bank to the credit of Charles Ingersoll, County Treasurer, the sum of $2,207.26. Ithaca, November 18th, 1895. H. L. HINCKLEY, Cashier Tompkins Co. Nat. Bank. TOMPKINS COUNTY, SS: i Charles Ingersoll being duly sworn, says that the foregoing statement is • correct to fhe best of his knowledge and belief, and is a true report of all u oneys received and paid out by hint as County Treasurer, since November 12, 1894, excepting moneys belonging to the infant heir fund or court funds. CHARLES INGERSOLL, Treasurer Tompkins Co. • Sworn to before me this 2d clay of December, 1895. H. L. HINCKLEY, Notary Public. REPORT. OF THE SUPER OF THE POOR. To `the Honorable, the Board of Sufiervisvrs of To»zfikins County, — The undersigned Superintendent of the Poor -of Tompkins County, respectfully reports, that from the 15th of November, 1894, to the 45th November, 1895, the following named.per- sons liave been supported in the County nlmahouse. . i 1 v .3.. „CWT The -Supervisors' Proceedings for r895..rrr • COUNTY. r 1 e Names.No. Days. Nacres.3 No. days Isaac Chapman 365 Richard King .365 Moses Myers 365 Lena Collins . .365 Frederic Daviils . . . . . .365 Clara J. Curran 3 Ira Dl Nichols r 365 Charles Winters 1365 1 Herbert Van Aulstine "86 Mary Murphy f 365 Stephen Moore 11 193 Enlnla Moore , i Albert Downer . . . . . . .365 Edward Johnson 30 John' Rodgers . . .' . . . ...4. Fraucis Hurley ;2 Thomas Verney 2 Henry Arnold 2 James Hoye 2 Henry Walters 2 Edward Blake 2 Mike Regan 4 Henry Allen,r 1 2 William Brown .2 Ferdinand Rover 2 Mike Gibson . . . 2 1 John Welch . . ..r 2 George Gibson 2 Laurence Sullivan , . . .3 John White 1 Patrick Breenan T Frank Malone 1 George White 0 r Henry Arnold 2 Frank Murray 2 Hugh Morgan . . .r 239 Hugh Connor'5 John Kelly ro i Wm. Johnson 1 George Gallagher ,r r John Regan r Thomas O'Neal r Frank McDonald 1 Laurence Barrett . .r Wm. Mathews r r / Harry Magee r Frank Hawkins'1 Thomas Kelly 2 1 II 1 W. A. Brown 2 Thomas Anderson . 2 i James Tracy 1 x William Doyle . x Frank J. Smith . . . ... . . , i4 John Rafter 1 0 i Edward Malcher 8 Charles Wilson r x r George Mee' alien 1 Edward Darken •r Adam Holmes x" Pat Duffy .....1 Ea. Thompson 1 Edwin Bruce . .1 Frank Moore . , 1 James Mayes r x Henry Shaw 2' William Williams 2 John Prior . .2 Henry Willis z John Scott 2 James Sherlock 2 James Gorman 2 Thomas Flynn ..... - . Charles" Furgeson 2 Pat Flynn 2 Lo b.a4 1 r•2 The Supervisors' ..Proceedi?zg fur 1895. Thomas Nolan 2 James Divine 2 Thomas Kelly 2 James McDonald 2 Edgar•Holmes . . r Henry Arnold r Michael Regan - . . . . ... .. 1 Frank Odell . . . . .1 Charles Lawrence 1 I'at Donevau 1 Edward Hamlin 1 George Patrick 1 Par Lazier a, r. John Adler 49 Caroline Adler 49 Charles Green 1 Thomas Goff 1 James Brown ,2 Robt. Cummings 1 John Mathes 1 Edward Page 2 John Sherridan 2 James TynerJy q 'Heury Allen Bee Shannon 2 Edward Hawkins -2 James Caroler 2 Fred Brown 2 Frank Williams 2 Henry Durkee i George Nelson 2 Jacob Baldwin'56 Claude Harris 87 George Hanson 2 • Ed. Merrill 2 Frank Renshaw 2 John Gilroy 2 George Jackson 1 Andrew Hawks 1 henry Blair 1 John Morris 1 Edward Daken 1 James Martin.r Wm, Smith 1 Henry Ashton 1 Michael Kelly 1 Henry Wallis 2 Frank Downey 2 George Ackart 2 Henry Osborn 2 William Burns , •2 George Scoden 2 Joseph- Brooks 2 T11on1as'Johnson 2 William Miller 2 Orrin Dawson 2 Michael Early 1 Henry Sherman 7 _ Mike Hickey 1 Thomas Martiu 1 Charles /Davis 1 lieury Macky 6 Thomas Jennings 1 John Maguire John Clark 1 William Pratt 1 John. Bart -1 James Brown 1 James Larey 1 Ann Cramer • 105 F. A. Williams t i Charles - Lewis 1 Jamescarsou 1 2 George McDonald : . ' .2 John Gleason 2 Henry Johnson 2 - James Brown 2 Peter Connor 2 John Campbell 1 John Holly 2 Frank Pry' or .z 2 Thomas Mullet 2 iI The Supervisors' Proceedings for . 1895.11 Thomas Bossworth John Reynolds 2 John / Flynn 1 John Rodgers . . . ... . . .1 Jacob Shaffer PI 1 Jacob 'Knowlton 1 John McKnight 1 Thomas Ryan 1 2 Charles Smith 2 George Whetmore 2 ' Charles Me Snowden 1 r John O'Brine 1 Jaumes Way . . . ... . . .r Thomas Leaver i Joseph Hines 1. William Bailey i Joseph Small 1 Edward Carson 1 George Rodgers 1 George Hickman 1 Edward Clawson c 1 John Mixon r. John Vantassel 2 ; Prank 2 James Oatman -2„ Frank Cope 2 John Rodgers 2 Ed Slater '2 Iliram Andrews 2 John Larkins w 2 John Roe ., .2 • 1 James O'Leary 2 James Stanton Wm. Morgan 2 William Reed 2 James McNulty 1 Edward Campbell 1 Eugene Gordon . . . . . . .2' Charles Hamilton 2 Joseph Quinn 2 Mark Anthony 2 Bert Gibson 2 Bd IIamlin 2 George Slausou . . i .1 Samuel Howley . .1 1 Samuel Iladley 1 Thomas Gleason 2 i Charles Smith 2 Henry Ashby I, 2 James McNulty . ' .1 . 1 George Hagerman ,.! . : .1 James O'Douald`1 Eugene Dayton 1 John Tabor 1 Aggie Peterson 219 Thomas Mitchell 2 Wm. Johustou 2 Dennis McCarthy 74. John Rodgers 2 Thomas Mehau 2 George Clark 2 James Gage z John Conley 1 John Kelly 97 "Charles Smith r Henry Mackey 1 Henry Magee 1 James Oatman i 'Ira Smith 1 1 Horace Link 1 Harry Miller 1 Henry Walling . . . . 1 ...2 Henry Ward . .2 Edward Jones 1 Robert Cattell . i 1 Robert Wells 1 George McMichaels go John O'Brian 1 George Bowen 1— Charles Quinn . . 2 Luther Greenfield . _ . .' . 16 1 1 1 o t I 4 , 4 s;ri- 7 1 rr¢ The Supervisors' Proceedings for 7895• , 1 1 Mary E. Greenfield 16_ Laura M. Greenfield . . . . 16 Charles M. Greenfield . .16 Eli Coleman 1, Laura Simmons 6 Michael Liuch 1 1 Patrick Slatterly r John Mayeres . , l Si George Martin,i John Boylis 1 Michael Seno . 66 Wm. McKnight . _ . . . .1 James Kelly 1 Henry Williams .2 " Charles Johnson r 1 George Fisher . 4.1 John Robinson 1 Henry Lawler . . 1 George Brooks 2 Wm. Roberts 2 John Wyman i Frank 1 Fred Wafters 1 Thomas Leonard .1 Edgar Collins 16 2 ,740 1 1 1 3059 1 Total; County ` . .5,7994 i.ITHACA — CITY. Names.No. Days. Names.No. Days. Horace Whitehead 365 A. R. Taylor Emily .Vanaulstine 150 Daniel Carney 365 Peter Nicholson . .365 John Sullivan . .365 Abram Pelham 365 George Short . , . . . . . 365 John Bishop 365 Pat Murphy 357 John Whiteing 365 William Dibble . . . . .635 John Russell 365 Cornelius Mahoney I 365 Owen Galligan 365 Lucinda Reed 353 Mary Ann Bowen . . . .120 Charles W. Schuyler .723 John . . . ... . . 298 ,Dora Spicer .165 Ezra Bishop .61 William Reed .2 Martha Chambers . . . 174 Henry Crawford . . . . ,. . • 81 Harrison Smith 181 William Williams . . . . . 204 William Gifford.. . 298 John Gilroy •75 John Green 86 Joe Reed Abram Shepard , •48 Henry B. .Wait . . . . ...138 Mary Synn 19 Anna Sherwin 21 Seth R. Peak' .Ij Eli Obert . •121 Lizzie Quinn 46 4,3,917 • d Total, City 7,97 1 1 r1 ern x. ,S ra - rep v,f I The Supervisors' Proceedings for 7895. -175 ITHACd —TOWN. Nantes.No. Dais. Names.No. Dar s. George B. Dean 121 t Eli Iti•hnp 77 • Hiram Freer 83 Mary Freer 1 . I 83 • Ira Bishop 56 3 ,i60 Total, Town . .523. c DR\DEN. I d Frank Corcoran .' . . . . . . 365 Elias. Wilcox ... 288 Silas Tucker ....... 365 Nathan Scofield _ . . 195 Sealy Vansickle .365 Charles Hoagland' . . .24 Eddie Sherman 209 Harriet Cummings 28 A. F. Lewis .8 2,3(2 535 Total, Dryden . •1 847 i 1 1 I ;ANSING. Barney Moore. .159 Sidney B. Morey 41 Ada Hahn 48 Joseph Boyles . •138 • 207 9 179 I Total, Lansing - -386. I ray GROTON.I 1 John McCarthy - ,365 nANBV. Jerusha "Crowe 98 Elnora Crouce 365 Benj. Shaw .. •253 Calvin Martin . .107 I 35 462 Total, Darby 8 0 ll N$WFIEI,D. Sarah J. Vreeland 365 Michael Corbit 365 Z. H. Waldruff 1 79 'John ferry,150' 1 i lsdu.i,.....+,. a u.a.AY...bA zz6,The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1895. 1 Lillie Brill 35 Easter Brill . . . ., . . . . 35 . Anna Brill 22 David Brill' ' 15 1 501 5 Total, Newfield i o66 ENPIBLD. 1 Ann Kirby 3 CAROLINE. t Mrs. Z. Venerable 3 J. H. Shoonmaker 225' James Perry 155 1 52323 Total, Caroline 74 ULY5SES. • N. H. Smith 344 John Mahoney 357 Willie Mahoney 216 Ella Martin 22 David Bracy .317 Charlotte Wortmau 271 Cliester Bracy . .17 John Manion 207 894 837 Total, Ulysses 1 73 ITHACA —CITY. Horace Whitehead. . 365 A.' R. Taylor 3 Emily Vanaulstiue 15o Daniel Carley 365 Peter Nicholson 365 John Sullivan,365 Abram Pelham 365 George Short 365 John Bishop'365 Pat Murphy 357 John Whiteing 365 William Dibble ,265 John - Russell 365 Cornelius Mahoney 365 Owen Galligan 365 Lucinda Reed . . . . . . . 353 Mary Auu Bowen . . 120 Charles W. Schuyler . . . . 123 John H. Russell'295 Dora Spicer.165 Ezra Bishop 61 William Reed 29 Martha Chambers 174 Henry Crawford . Sr 1 S f The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1895.117_ Harrison Smith 18r William Williams . 204 William Gifford..20 John Gilroy . ! .75 John Green . .86 Joe Reed 6o Ahrani Sheparrb 48 Henry 13. Wait 138 Mary Synn 19 Anna Sherwin sr Seth R. Peak . . . . 17 Eli?Obert . 121 Lizzie Quinn 46 4,053 3,9 Total, City r 7 97 ITHACA —TOWN. George 13. Dean .124 Eli Bishop . .77 Hiram Freer -83 Mary Freer i 83 Ira Bishop . .166 I i i6o 3 r Total, Town 523 1 i DRYDEN. Frank Corcoran . .365 Elias Wilcox 288 1SilasTucker365NathanScofield195 Sealy Vansickle . 365 Charles Hoagland : .24 Eddie Sherman . . . . 209 Harriet•Cummings r28 A. F. Lewis 8 '-- i 1 538 1 ,312 ' Total, Dryden'1 847 The whole number of . days that said persons have been supported in the Alms House is 21,624. COST OP MAINTENANCE. Towns.Whole No. Days Board.Cost of Board and Clothing N County .5,799 776 o8 Ithaca —City 79,7 '1,066 62 Ithaca —Town 523 6 9 . 6999 Dryden 1 , 847 f 18 Lansing 386 51165 r i t 1 o 118 'The Supervisors' Proceedings far 1895. Groton '3 48 85 Danny 1 823 1 l 14 Newfield 1,066 142 66 Enfield ,365 148 8,5' Caroline .748 too 10 Ulysses . 1 231 36 21,624 91. The amount: of drafts dr on the County Treasurer for - . a bills audited by the Superintendent for the support of the insti- tution during the year, over and above the products of the' t ., farm, was $3,4o3.o2, of which $509.11 was for improvements, leaving a balance of $2,893.91 for the support of the house. ACCOUNTS AUDITED. The foll accounts have been audited and drafts drawn on the County Treasurer for the support of the institution from the 1,5th-day of November, 1894, to the 15th day of November, L CLess "A' — Meats. No. Order. 110 A. L. Wets . . 1 i 35 14 II George Batty 17 66 T 9 Pilo . , G. Smith 15 4 , 20 Horace Laning .45 '20 21 0. B. Ganoung . . . . . . .- . 36 23 23 H. Colgrove 19 32 23 D. Colgrove 14 07 • 24 W. H. Morgan 4 15.28 25 Minor Rolfe 11 55 26. N. Stephens '18 48 • 27 Willis Cowen, . : 36 12 4 28 Jay Briggs '4 29 61 29 John Sherwood 20 48. , 1 o I Th Supervisors' Proceedings for rags:rig 1 , 30. John Bailey „6 62 1 31 Henry Husner .12 6o 32 Thomas Kirby 17 85 r. 33 Clarence King 29 29 34 E: G. Willis 35 W. G. Farrington 1 5 19 36 Joseph Andrews 23 68 37 C. C.'Mattison IS 75 38 A. J. Williams 18 90 39 James Bower 1 i9 40 Pied Swartout 10 92 41 J. W. Kirby Ii 83 r 42 Audreiv Crawford 22 78 43 7' I: leaning .. ... . . .1764' 44 ' Pinckney Bros •17 7 45 Will'Campell .r, 20 47 46 Fremont Willson 1 a 9199 47 Grant Cole 20 58 48 Howard Morgan 16 of 49 A. H. Platt 2945 93 W. G. Farrington °. . Tota1,,Meat 1 733 68. CLASS `B "— Provisions and Dry Goods.I No. Order. i. 3 J. M.' Eggleston 5 47 12 D. B. Stewart & Co 14 J• C. Stowell & Sou 289 1" 0 W. D. 'Brinkerhoff r 19 55 I 18 John Kerst & Co 28 41 o 5o George Wallenhack 51 Fred Frazier 16 35 54 E: C. Almy 36 58 . 56 Edward Pyle 3 00 r 57 Charles Wood g w 61' E. Young & Sou . . j 60 63 J. C. Stowell & Son - .' .28 or 65 D. B. Stewart & Co.40 , 66 ' Rothschild Bros. 36 36 e 1 in ,e..,a:: v r.- .r s .. . M 120 The Supervisors' Proceedings for / 67 Hawkins & Todd n 65 69 F. F. Van Buskirk 53 99 70.. J.-I,. Stone 1 50 76 Pinckney Bros.,77 80 77 J. H. Moss 6 SS 79 J. C. Stowell & Son 2 00 8i D. B. Stewart & Co.12 63 182 J. T. Howe 31 23 y 85 G. S. Tacker 1 4 90 l 86 D. B. Stewart & Co.73 4 SS J. C. Stowell & Son 9 83 I 89 Kerst & Carberry 800 go George Wallenbeck'5 00 91 C. L. Teed - '6 75 95 John Kerst & Co.19 34 99 D. B. Stewart & Co 6 40 s .100 j. C. Stowe]] & Son to 13 1 103 D. B. Stewart & Co.1S 37 1°6 D. B. Stewart & Co 12 99 107 J. C. Stowell &'Son . .3 9 108 J. H. Moss 9 4 III J. Van Buskirk . . . e 15 4 112 D. B. Stewart & Co 245 113 E. C. Altny .18 83 115 Rothschild Bros.7 22 117 Hook Bros.4 89 120 John Kerst & Co 23 Sr 121 J. C. Stowell & Son . .15 13 122 D. B, Stewart & Co 4 82 ' 132 J. C. Stowell &Son 16 23 ' 131 D, B. Stewart & Co 66132 136 J. C. Stowell & Son . . . . 1 13 5 135 D. B. Stewart & Co i 35 7 137 Hook Bros 1 1 25 Total, Provision and Dry Goods 9 94 CLASS "C" —Fuel. No. Order 1 i 2 William Severn 5 00 . 5 Colgrove & Vann 101 48 1 G 7n'7xaL`o9 v,s N—'7-7711 The Supervisors Proceedings for 1895.121 j William Severn 11 00 75 Colgrove & Vanu 96 00 83 Fowler & Farrington u 5 03 84 Colgrove &,Vann 1r5 57. 92 Colgrove & 'Vann 76 09 97 Colgrove & Vann r 8o 60 105 Wm/Severn 2000 125 Colgrove & Vann 5 65 127 Wm. Severn l0 00 13o Wm. Severn 5 00 133 Colgrove & Vann 42 5o i Total Fuel 620 73i CLASS "D "— Improvements: No. Order 1 4 John Quick 5 00 9 Bool' Co., mattresses 62 67 14 C. Van Amburg S9 28 i5 Edwin Hall 19 88 16 Charles Northrup 16 50 53- Sidney Spicer 5 62 i 55 Pinckney Bros 55 14. 58 J. W. & C. W. Dean 15 5 59 Biggs & Co.85 164 64 Treman, King & Co.7j g 9' 7r Wm. Allen 9 o5 r 8o E. Holcomb 3 50 119 J. W. & C. W. Dean 26 17 123 W. P. Biggs 36 00 124 S.- Spicer 2 25 126 W. H. Allen 10 00 128 H. B. Pearsall 7 50 129 E: C. Almy 17 50 Total, Improvements r 509 11 CLASS"'E " Clothing; Boots, Shoes and Mending. No. Order n r 1 Henry Airily 4 9 u 6o Mosher Brothers & Co.73 15 122 The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1895. 8 Henry Aim).3 60 62 C. M. Stanley 23 75 73 Ben Mintz 6 55 78 ,George H. Stover 4 70 87 Chapman &Becker 40 50 C94 George H. Stover i o5 98 C. M. Stanley 21 30 l09 L. Gleason 3 45 110 Ben Mintz 9 75 116 C. M. Stanley 13 75 134 Ben Mintz 3 37 Total,Clothing,Boots,Shoes and Mending . 238 82 CLASS "F "— Medicine and Attendance. No. Order 1 62 Abram Chase, M ID ,68 41 68 Horton & Holton 4 34 72 White &Burdick 5 90 114 Abram Chase, M.D.63 34 118 J. B. Todd •5 15 Total Medicine and Attendance 44 CLASS "G "— Miscellaneous. No. Order 6 Edward Boyer 16 77 74 Alice Twine . . .14 00 96 Fred,Smith 4 25 o uu Alice Twine .16 oo ioi Alice Twine 13 00 104 Alice Twine 17 18 Total Miscellaneous 81 20 1 O0TDOOR RELIEF. The following amounts have beets audited and drafts drawn on the Conn by Treasurer, for bills con traded for temporary e The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1895.:123 relief of 'County Pa out of th Alms House from the isth day,of November, r894, to the isth day of November, 1895: I Date.No. Order. Name. 1 r Amount. Nov. '24, 1894, 1 B. T. Stewart, burial Slaught child ,9 38 Dec. 5, f 2 - J. Flickinger „M.D., medical attendance .26 25.o 17,5. R. Snyder, 'relief tramps 8 25 17 6 Tho. Brown, O. P.,tramps 2 00 17, . , 7 B. D. Allen, M.D:, attendance Shaffer case 17 5o 17,8 John S. Love, O. P., tramps . . `,2 75 Jan. 8,9 John S. Love, O. P., tramps, 16,10 IIoward Korth, O. P., tramps 4 00 17, ' , ' ., n ' B. Snyder, O. P., tramps . . . , 17,12 P. A. Fairbrother, relief Tanner family . . ' . 8 99 28,13 J. B. $reach, county poor, Ithaca . ,251 45 Feb. • 6,14 . John S. Love; O. P., tramps,13 00 6,15 J. 0: Miller, O. P., tramps 6o op i 6,46 Mary Wood, board and care Geo. Mead . 27 00 19, . 17 G. J.Nelson, O. P., relief Whitmarsh family It 03 March 1,18 Benj. Dawson, nurse, Bunto case . . .5 00 6,19 B. Snyder, O. P. trarnps ' . . . 9 5o 6,20 F. L. Washburn, M.D., medical service . 29 6, 1 22 . J. 5. Love, O. P., relief Gosper family . .5 68 11,23 S. Bierce, O. P„ tramps . . . .10 so 11,24 D. O: Clough, O. P.„tramps 16 75 r 11,25 B. Snyder, O. P., tramps ..... 6 5o 11, • 1 26 M. Atwater, relief Mrs. Day's family .. .44 61 1I', 27 Theo. Brown, 0 P., relief tramps . . i 50 t 13,28 I. W. Sherwood; 0 P., tramps 10 75 29 ' D. O. Clough, O. P., tramps,15 50. I 27,3o R. H. Stone, coal 2 75 April' 1,21 J 73. French . O.P., relief county poor,Ithaca 223 57' 3, t 3 5 . Bierce, 0 P., relief tramps ' '12 75 3, 33 . 2. Snyder, O. P., relief tramps . ... .19. 5o , id,35. _ W. H Jones, burial Mrs. Leigh , " ..25 00' 10,36 ' H C' Thatcher, M D., service Bunto family i 11, 48 f 20,37 ' J. C. Larmore, O. P., relief tramps 6o 5o '. May 1, •38 B. Snyder, O. P., relief tramps 5 75 t 1,39 D. O. Clough, O. P., relief tramps . '. .17 5o 15,40 F. A. Fairbrother, relief Bunto family . . 12 81 121 The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1895. 15,4 S. Bierce, O. I'., relief tramps 2 25 15.4 City Hospital, typhoid fever case . . 15,43 Mary Wood, board and care Geo. Mead ,21 00 24,44 Mrs. C. Snyder, nurse in confinement : .10 00 24,47 A. K. Allen, burial suicide 10 oo 3 4 J. H. Bowman, relief tramps 5 25 June 5,49 Delos Harring, relief tramps . .4 25 July 3,51 D. O. Clough, 0. P., tramps 3 45 _ 3,54 B. Snyder, O. P., tramps 2 8o Sept. 4,55 B. Snyder, O. P., tramps 3 25 4,56 Mary Wood, board and care Geo. Mead .25 5 4,57 E. H. Mills, relief Whitmarsh family . .10 00 4, 1 59 I). O. Clough, relief tramps . ... . . . .3 45 Nov. 6,61 D. Q. Glough, relief Gilspie woman : .3 6o 6,62 I). Snyder, relief tramps 3 20 6,63 J. Beach, medical services, May Smith . .17 75 6.64 M. Atwater, relief Mrs. Day's family . . . • 48 30 1,167 65 9 CLOTHING POR THE INSANE. Acting under the iustructiou of the Board of Supervisors; • the following orders have been drawn on the County Treasurer for clothing for the insane —in conformity to the stattite —and for which no appropriation was niade : Date,No. Order. Name. Amount. Dec. 17, 1894, 3 Mosher Bros. & Co 19 62 17, •4 Sam Harrison 15 75 March 6,21 Rothschild Bros 6 35 10,34 Rothschild Bros.8 45 May 24,45 P. Rascover . . .16 75 24,146 Beu Mintz, two suits 21 8o - July 3,5o Rothschild Bros 2 10 3,52 West Bros.1 25 3,53 C. M. Stanley 11 85 Sept: 4,58 Rothschild Bros 1 82 Oct. 2,6o Ben Mintz 6 95 I The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1895.725 Nov. 6,63 Ben. Mintz to 80 o 123 49 SERVICES. 1 The following is the amount of bills audited by the Super- intendent, to the Overseers for their services, from the 15th day of November, 1894, to the 15th day of November, 1895. Date.No. Order! Name.Amount. - Dec. 7, 1894, 1 B. Snyder 6 oo Jan. 1, 1895, 2 J. B. French 26 00 March 6, 1895, 3 - B. Snyder 8 oo 11,4 S. Bierce 2 00 1 n, ' 5 D. O. Clough 2 00 Feb. 13,, 6 I. W. Sherwood 2 00 March 27, 7 D. O. Clough . . . . A . . . . . 27,8 G. W. Peck 2 00 i April 1,9 J. B. French 26 00 3,10 B. Snyder . . . .6 00 3,1 11 S.5 75 1 12,12 J- C. I 20 00 May 1,13 • D. O. Clough,goo 15,'14 S. Bierce 75 1 June 29,15 J. 13. French 26 00 July 3,i6 D. O. Clough 1 00 Sept. 4,17 B. Snyder . 1 400 o 4,18 D. O. Clough .2 00 v 3o,19 J. B. French 26 00 Oct. 11,20 D. O. Clough 4 00 Nov. 4,21 C. H. Hubble 3 00/ 1 i8o go 1 r TR The following bills for transportation have been audited from the 15th day of November, 1894, to the 15th day of No- r26 Ph'he Supervisors' Proceedings for vember, 1895, and' orders drawn on the County Treasurer for the same : Date.No. Order. To whom.For whom.Amount. Dec. 13, 1895, r - J. 13. French, Geo. B. Dean r 50 23, -z J. B. French, Wm. Williams 1 50 Jan. lo,3 , J. B. French, Ada Hahn 150 4,4 Howard Korts, Eli Bishop 1 05 16,5 Howard Korts, Hiram . Freer Howard Korts, Mdry Freer 2 22,5 ' J. 13. French, Wn,. Gifford 1 50 Feb. 7,•6 J. 13. French, Jacob Baldwin 1 50 26,7 J. B.'French, Henry Sherman 1 50 27,8 J. 13. French, Ann Crammer 1 50 28,9 J. B. French, John Green 1 50 March 4,to J. 13. French, Chester Bracy 1 ' 23,11` J. 13. French, Ira Bishop 1 50 April 20,12 J. C: Larmore, Eddie Sherman . . . 1 2 85 22,13 I. W. Sherwood, John .Manion . . ,. . 29, ,14 J. 13. French, iJ. Baldwin 1 50 June 8,15 S. Bierce, C. C. Martin 2 10 12,i6 G. W. Peck, John Perry 1 8o t 25,17 J. B. French, Lucinda Reed 1 50 29,18 J. B. French, Hugh Morgan 50 I July , 1,19 Delos Harring `Jos Boyles 4 05 4,20 D. B. Way, Apr..I 1, Aggie Peterson . . May ' 8,D B. Way, May, 8, John' Adler 8,D. B. Way, May 8, Caroline Adler . . . 1 30,D. 13. Way, May 30, Joe Reed June 15, .D. Way, June r5, Ira Bishop 7 50 July 17,21 D. O: Clough, Lizzie, Quinn 3 45, 15,22 C. Seaman, J. and C. Adler . . . . . • .3 00 24,23 C. Seaman, George MCMichaels 1 50 F Aug. 19,24 B. Snyder, Harriet Cummings . . . . .3 75 Sept. 7, 25 - J. B. French, Martha Chambers 1 50 14,26 J. 13. French, Michael Seno 27,27 J. B French, Lizzie Quinn 1 50 ` Oct. 11,28 Geo.. W. Peck, Lillie and Easter Brill .2 35 19,29 B. Snyder, A. F. Lewis 4 25 I f l N i L. I 1 The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1895•127 o e RECAPITULATION. Expended for maintenance of house 2,893 91 Improvements 509 11 Out door relief ' .1,167 65 Clothing for insane 123 49 Services of overseers 180 5o Transportation 64 83 4939 49 1 Appropriation, 1894 4, 43 1 Deficiency 699 o6 Whole number in house November 15, 1894 61 Admitted during year 1 .281. Born . o 34 Died during'year 1 12 Discharged'275 287 Whole cumber in house November 15th 55 Daily average 57 3 -3 The amount expended for the'house $2,893.9r) divided by the whole number days board (21,624) gives as the cost of maintenance over and above the products of the farm :A Per day 13 - 3 -8 - 3 r Per. week 93 -6 -8 -1 1 Per ye l 48 85 SUPPLIES ON HAND. Five casks pork, one bbl. sugar, two casks vinegar, two caddies plug; two eases smoking tobacco, one chest tea, two boxes soap, one doz. brooms,- one - fourth bbl.'fish. Statement of cash received and how the same has been ex- pended : n; y$ 4, 2. 128 The Supervisors' Proceedings' for 1895. For hams and - lard r Iu settlement Ewers bastardy case '125 00 Of A. L. Wets for beef + cattle 58.80 204 o3 Paid kitchen cook 25 00 Postage and stationery '15 6o Freight and express 3 So Supplies for house 30 81 , Telephone and delivery 12 So e William Allen, toward cow 35 00 i E. C. Aluiy, toward cow 15 00 ° Expenses incurred in insanity cases . . 13 00 Assessment to State Convention 5 00, Conveying children to homes 25 21' Traveling expenses 64 58 245.80 + y Due Superintendent 41 77 . The following named children have been sent to homes and institutions, who were otherwise uuprovided for Herbert Vanaulstine, Industrial School, Rochester, N. Y. Anna Snyder, Dr. Carsdn's School, Syracuse, N. Y. Willie Mahoney, Catholic Home at Auburn, N. Y. GRAIN AND PRODUCE RAISED ,ON - FARM AND ON HAND. ISO bushels wheat,; 5oo bushels oats, 750 bushels - potatoes, 700 bushels corn, 5o bushels beans, 25 bushels turnips, Ioo•bushels beets, 5o bushels car - rots, 65 bushels onions, 30 bushels tomatoes, 150 bushels apples, -80o heads cabbage, 25 tons hay, 4 barrels cider, cornstalks from seven acres.e r STATE OF NEW YORK, 1 ss.1 i COUNTY OF TOMPKINS, f On this 18th day of November, 1895, personally appeared before me James S. Lyke, Superintendent of the Poor for the county aforesaid, and who•being , dul} sworn deposes -and says the foregoing report shows the amount of money' F YItr The Sufiervisors' Proceedings for 1895•129 received and the amount expended is just and true to the best of his knowl- edge and belief. 1 y • JAMES LYKE,.ST Superintendent of the Poor. 1Swornandsubscribedtobeforemethis 'Sth day of November, iSgs. I L. H. VAN KIRK, , 1County Clerk. - In conformity, to the Both Section, Title 1st, Chapter 20, of - the Revised Statutes, I'respectfully report that I estimate the z,, expense of the town and county poor to be supported in the Alms House during the ensuing year to be '3,5oo'oo Temporary relief of county poor not in Alms House . . . Soo. oo Services of overseers rho 00 Clothing for inkane i 150 00 Transportation 50 00 1 4,650 .00 All of which is respectfully submitted. JAMES S. ' LYKE, Superintendent of the Poor. 1 S -J i a 1 o • DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S REPORT.1 ryITHACA, N. Y., DECEMBER ' I0, 1$95. 4 A To tfie Board of Supervisors of Tompkins Counly': -o Pursuant to law, I make report of all fines imposed in the various Courts of Records in said cou since my last report : ra e 1 1 " A t, SE:ae.•,reatix a e t. 41,: 21,+ I 130 The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1895 Persons Fined.Offense.Amount. e Charles D. Holden . . . . violating the excise law ... — .4o 00 Charles Griffin --violating the excise law 45 00 Henry Wavle violating the excise law 60 0o Arnold T. Niver violating the excise law 45 00 James H. Cole violating the excise law ..45 00 All the above fines have been paid, I am informed by Leroy H. Van Kirk, the County Clerk of Tompkins County, into Court and into lthe hands of the said County Clerk of Tonip- kins Coilnty. No fines have been paid to me, nor has anything t been collected by my'on forfeited recognizance. All of which is respectfully submitted: CHARLES H. BLOOD, District Attorney, SURROGATE'S REPORT. SURROGATE'S OFFICE IN ACCOUNT WITH TOMPKINS COUNTY. r RECEllQS. 6 1895.I 1 2 Certificdtes,.v 50 t Certificate t 25 II Certified copy, will . .1 1 00 t 1 .Certificate 25 1 2 Certificates t Certificate '25 i Certified copy, petition 75 i Certificate • (25 l 3 75 1 1 7 n rw Y'•k"^t's4?K' , 7',-a,mcwm'rr•: The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1895.ICI DISBURSEMENTS. 1 A Postage O3 d Brass tacks 'Io t Eyelits Seals 25 3 45 ,. RECAPITULATION. '11 Total amount of receipts 3 75 - Total amount of disbursements . . . . .3 45 Balance due county 30 v STATE OF NEw YORK,1 1 COUNTY OF TOMPKINS, } SS. I Eugene Terry being duly sworn says :that he is the Clerk of the Surrogate's Court of said comity. That the foregoing is a true and correct statement, of . , all fees received of charged by him for services or expenses since the last day of December, 1894, to the present date, together with all disbursements charge- able against the same or to the county, stating, particularly each item thereof. EUGENE TERRY.• 1 Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9th day of, December, 1895 T. J. MCELHENY, - Notary Public.' 1 6. To Me Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County:o I certify and report that since my last report I have received rib moneys in the way of fees or otherwise as Surrogate ; the sums paid out for postage and telephone I have kept no account of, although paid out of my own pocket. The fees of the Surrogate's office are collected by the Clerk, and I believe the Iwithinreportmadebyhinrtobecorrect. t December gth, 1895. BRADFORD ALMY, 1 I Surrogate. 1 I g e r t 32 The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1895. 1 r 1 i JUSTICE OF THE PEACE REPORTS. Reports of the Justices of 'the Peace of the vai'iottsaowns of the county, of all fines and penalties collected by them respectfully, during the past year. CAROLINE. George A. Nison reports no money received. W. V. Personius reports 1io money received.Received. Pd. Co. Treas. John J. Peters reports to 00 • - io 00 R. G. H. Speed reports no money received. DANBY. Jacob wise reports no money received. Z. Smiley reports no money received. T. W. Slocum reports no money received. J. B. Thatcher reports no money received. DRYDEN. G. E. Uunderwood reports no money received.Received. Pd. Co. Treas. , George E. Hanford reports z 00 z 00 J. D. Ross reports ,103'00 103 00 E. M. Seager reports no money received. ENFIELD. H. A. Graham reports no money received. Eugene G. Willis reports no money received. James H. Hine reports no money received. F. B. Aiken reports no stoney received. GROTON. Received. J. Newton Baldwin reports 3 0o Pd. Supervisor. H. S. Hopkins reports.a6 0o { Pd. Co. Treas. $16 00 Pd. Supervisor 10 00 Nelson Stevens reports no Loney received. i / . J. M.- Montfort reports no money received. The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1895.33 ITHACA. r 0 G. H. Hopkins reports uo money received. 1AlfredHasbrouckreportsnomoneyreceived. Wm. 0. Newman reports no money received. L. F. Colegrove reports no money received. LANSING. Received. Pd. Co. Treas. N. E. Lyon reports..55 00 55 00 F. H. 'Tarbell reports uo money received. B. M. !login reports no money received. Charles Drake reports no money received. P'1 NEWFIELD. W. H. Van ()strand reports no money received: Charles H. Brown reports no money received. Seymour Grover reports no money received.Received. Pd. Co. Treas. i Wm. Weatherell reports i oo5 r $5' o0 ULYSSES. . John N. Baker reports no money received. -Received. Pd. Co. Treas. M. T. Williams reports 300 3 N. R. Gifford reports no money received. LOAN COM11IISSJONE12S' REPORT. ITHACA, N. Y. NOV IMBER 1, 1895. To tIze Board (1-Supervisors of Tompkinskins County, N.- Y..: We, as the Commissioners for loaning certain moneys of the United States, of Tompkins County, N. Y., submit the fol- t .lowiing,as our report•for the year ending November 1st, 1895 : 00 J 13¢The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1895. On hand November 18th, 1895, as per last report, interest bear- iug mortgages 21,324 34 One piece real estate, known as the Hart Farm 1,5oo 00 One piece real estate, known as the Genouilg Place 238 64 23 062 98 r November 1st, 1895; interest bearing mortgages, to -wit : t No. Mortgage., Name. Principal. t Interest.. . 1 403 Daniel C. Carr 700 00. •35 00 735 Marion Seager boo 00 3o 00 822 L. H. Young 150 00 7 5o 546 George C. Whitney .200 00 10 00 655 Benjamin Starr . . .100 00 ir 5 00 7ro Stephen Dissance 250 00 12 815 T. J. McElheny r 400 20 1 816 W. H. Quick 35o 00 17 5 843 Mary R. Tucker 400 00 20 00 498 George Havens 34 00 17 00 829 R. F. Abbey 400 00 20 00 782 Nancey Patterson . . o .' 26 75 686 James and John Shep 25o 00 12 8o 777 John Pettigrove 200 00 10 00 683 James R.•Grant 210 00 10 5o 688 Peter Reach 85o 00 42 50 791 .Andrew Chaffee 500 00 25 00 611 John Cranee 250 00 12 50 i c 73 James H. Cook . ,goo 00 45 00 624-752 Reuben H. Carpenter . .500 00 25'00 692 John Van Riper 100 00 5 00 652 -725 Ezra Weaver 1 700 00 35 00 768 Hellen Vandemark'400 00 -20, 00 708 John Harker . .600 00 3o 00 628 John G. Payne 1,200 00 6o 00 75o David Sullivan . . . 500 00 25 00 769 Benjamin Vandemark .5 00 25 00 t 77o Isaiah Vandemark 500 00 25 00 755 - 734 John yail - -300 00 15 00 706 Jediah Brown t 3 O 15 00 757 Eliza Pierson 50 00 2 50 The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1895.135 l'7 Abram Leonard 600 oo j3o - 0o 301 Daniel Bower 150 00 7 50 672 Wm. Nixon 1 300 00 15 '00 I 305 William and Charles Hinckley . . .500 00 25 00 7 John Kingsbury 200 00 10 00 669 WM. Crance 200 00 10 00 573 - George W.'McWhorter 300 00 15 00 681 J. M. Miller ,Soo oo 40 00 75 Nelson Savag e 600 -oo 30 00 714 Hiram Vandemark .. . . . . . . . . 1,000 00 50 00 - 656 John A. Saxton 700 00 35 00 837 _ Charles L. Evary .Soo 00 40 00' 534 ' Amandah Moore 300, 00 15 00 713 Davis Balding 150 00 7 50 574 John. H. Crance 164 34 8 22 806 W. R. Beers 400 00 20'00 1 Total amount of interest bearing mort- gage, November 1, 1895. . . . . 34 97 Interest, October 1 to 19 48 665 Charles Fowler, paid October 16, 1895 ., 175 0o r '. 8 7 1 y i Total amount of interest bearing mart- gage, October 1, 1895 34 . Total amount interest collected, October 1 , '1,029 20 666 Mary E. and Chas. Bundy paid April 8, X895 450 00 11 610 J. S. Reynolds,; paid Nov. 30, 1894' . ,300 00 2 50 Total amount of mortgages on hand 1 November 15, 1894 34 DEBTOR.i Principal paid inr.925 00 Interest paid in 1,029 20 1 i Interest received by B. & S 25 0 1 45 1 1 e 36 The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1895. t I CREDITOR. 1 1 • Interest, B. & S.r4 25 Paid principal 925 00 Commissioners . .167 35 Draft to Comptroller '861 85 45 RECAPITULATION. 4 l i Total interest bearing mortgage, November 3, X .34 Less payment, Bundy Mortgage . Less payment, Reynolds' mortgage . . .360 00 Less payment, Fowles mortgage 175 0o . 9 25 Making total interest mortgage in our charge Novem- ber 1, 1895 34 Hart farm valued at 1,5oo 00 Genonng place valued at 238•64 1,738 64 1 Total amount, real and personal in our charge, No-i 1 vember 1, 1895 . .22,137 9 1Wehereby certify that the foregoing statement is correct. JAMES DICK, G. W. BABCOCK, Loan Commissioners. STATE OR N1 YORK, L ssTOMPKINSCOUNTY, G. W. Babcock being duly sworn, says that the -items in the foregoing account by him presented are correct. G. W. BABCOCK, Loan Commissioner. Sworn to before me this 5th day December, 1895. T. J. McELIIENY, Notary- Public. I i, w The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1891.,137 v ' , COUNTY CLERK'S REPORT. I"rFACA, N. Y., DECEMBER 2, 1895.t i To Ike Board of Supervisors of Tompkins' County: I have to report to the Board of Snpervisors that since November 28th, 1894, the date of last report, I have received' moneys Jor and clue Tompkins County as follows-: Charles Holden, fine (excise), January 189,5, Court of Sessions . . . 4o 00 - Henry Wavle, fine (excise), May, 1895, court of Sessions i 6o 00 Charles Griffin, fine (excise), May, 1895, Court of Sessions 45 00 Arnold T. Niver, flue (excise); September, ,895; Court of Sessions . 45 00 it James H. Cole, fine (excise), September, 1895, Court of Sessions d 45 00 00 The above amounts paid to County Treasurer, as per receipts herewith! Very respectfully, L. H. VAN KIRK, County Clerk. - TOMPKINS 'COUNTY,. SS.: Leroy H. Van Kirk, being duly sworn, says that' he is the Clerk of the t County of Tompkins and that he has received no moneys 'except those set forth in the above report as to fines for said county. L. H. VAN KIRK. ' Subscribed and sworn to before ate this 4t11 day of December, 1895. 1 DAVID M. DEAN, 1'Notary Public. A ITH9cn, N. V., Jn NUAnV 24, '899. Received from L. H. Van Kirk, County Clerk,.forty dollars for;-fine of Charles Holden, violating excise laws. CHARLES INGERSOLL, 1 County Treasurer. is dman 1 . n 1 The Supervisors' Proceedings for',189g. 1 Received of L. H. ( Van Kirk, one hundred and five dollars, fines — Charles Griffin and Henry Wavel, $6o.00 —Town' of Dryden, $45.00. CHARLES INGERSOLL, County Treasurer. ITHACA, N. V., SEPTEMBER 18, I Received of L. H. Van Kirk, County Clerk, forty -five dollars, fine in the ease of People vs. Arnold T. Nier, September Court of Sessious. CHARLES INGERSOLL, 1 'County Treasurer. ITHACA N. V., SEPTEMBER 18, 1895. Received from L. H. Vani Kirk, County Clerk, forty -five dollars, fine in the case of People vs. James H. Cole, September Court of Sessions. CHARLES INGERSOLL, s .County/Treasurer. RAILROAD BONDING COMMISSIONERS' AND SUPERVISORS' REPORTS. ENFIELD. To tfie'Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County The undersigned, Bonding Commissioner for the town of Enfield, would respectfully submit to ,you the following -re- I port : The amount of bonds issued for .said town of Enfield in in aid of the Pa. &_Sodus Bay Railroad • under Chapter 907, Laws of 1869, and laws ainendatory thereof, was $25,00o, dated March 1, 187r, due March I, - rgoi, with semi- annual interest at 7 per cent. payable on the first days of March and September. ' 0 e 1 1 The- Supervisors' Proceedings for 1895.139 There has been paid and canceled of said bonds 1$8;zoo, leaving outstanding and unpaid $16,800. ' The amount of interest to become due the coming year is 1',176 anid,we request that you cause to be raised by tax on , said town,the sum of$1,176 to pay said interest when it shall become due.o The amount of the sinking fund now, on hand is $2,262.91,' deposited in the Ithaca' Savings Bank. November 4, 1895. W. H. AMMACK, Commissioner. STATE OF NEW YORK, 1 Ss. 'TOMPK?NS COUNTY, Wm. H. Ammack, being by me duly sworn, says that the above report is 1 true to the best of his knowledge and belief. 1 r Subscribed and' sworn to before me this November 5th, 1895. F. B. AIKEN, Justice of the Peace: 1 In accordance with Chapter 552, of Laws of 1870, I hereby report the bonded debt of the town of Enfield to.be as follows, ' viz.: i Amount of bonds issued to Pennsylvania and Sodus Mayo yRailroad 00 Principal paid 8,200 .00 Outstanding bonds 16,Soo oo Sinking fund in -hands of Commissioner 2 91 Unpaid bonds, less sinking fund 14,537 09 Resolved, That at the request of the'Bonding Commissioners of the town of Enfield „there be levied and collected on the taxable property of said town the sum of one thousand, one hundred and seventy -six (1,176.00) dollarsto pay the interest on the above railroad bonds for the year 1896. 1 L. J. NEWMAN, Supervisor. r r¢a The Supervisors' Proceedings for d-895.- GROTON. To the Board of Supervisors ofTompkins County: I In accordance with Chapter 552 of the Laws of .i870, I hereby report the' public debt of the town of Groton to be as follows : Bonds issued by the commissioner of the now E. C. $•N. Railroad bearing 7 per cent. interest semi- annual payments 15,000 00 Interest coming -due February 1st, 18 5 Interest coating due August. 1st 1496 d 5 00 Amount to provide sinking fiord 150 00 Resolved, That there be levied and collected for said town the sum of twelve hundred dollars to be applies: as follows :1 For interest as stated 1,050 oo For sinking fund 150 00 I JNO. J. YOUNG, Supervisor. ITHACA. To the the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins Cortnly The undersigned, Conunissiouers of the Town of Ithaca for the funding bonds issued to pay the bonds that were issued in aid of the Ithaca and. Athens Railroad, beg leave to report as follows : Amount of 5 per cent. bonds issued . .285,00o 00 Amount of 5 per cent. bonds redeemed . . . .240,000 00 Leaving amount;of bonds outstanding . . .45,000 00 Amount of bond due March ,st, 1896 r5,000 oo Amount of interest due 3/arch 1st, 1896. 1,225 00 Amount of interest Inc September lst 1896 .750 00 16,875 00 i9 h.- kis IY. I U• W: i&} l v £ x r ',. Y 1 0 t. The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1895.1¢t• ' a 1W therefo request your honorable Board, that fifteen thousand dollars to pay the principal of bonds falling due March 1st, 1896, and eighteen hundred and seventy -five dollars to pay the interest falling due March 1st and September 1st, I896, levied and assessed on the taxable property of the City and Town of Ithaca.r And in accordance 'with the Statute (Chapter -336, Laws of r8So) regulating the proper division of the amount, to be paid by the City and the'Town severally, ask you to apportion to the City of Ithaca the su i of $14;158.12, and to the Town of Ithaca 1 l the sum of $2,716.88. Total, $16,875.00.I STATE Or NEW YORK, ) S9 , S IOMPKINS COUNTY, Levi Kenney, J. C. 'Gauutlett, H. I,. Hinckley, Commissioners for the City and Town of fthaca being duly sworn sayeth that the foregoing statement is correct to the best of their knowledge and belief. LEVI: KENNEY, JOHN C. GAUNTLETT, H. L. HINCKLEY, Commissioners. 1 Subscribed and sworn to before me this 14th day of November, 1895. it A. G. STONE, Notary Public. CASH ACCOUNT. 1894 Balance tsee-last report)27 70 I Dec. 29 Payette county, interest I 120 00 Jan. 10; 1895 Lucas conuti, interest 1 90 00 22.Holden, interest . .35 00 i March 1, Ithaca, interest 55 . . . .1 . 25 00 16, • Jennings, interest ou town bonds 210 00 April r.Clrerokee county, interest'too 00 I Town of Ithaca, interest 2,380 00 29, - Ithaca Savings Bank, interest . . 1 4.00 o r I c JF l 742 The. Suftervisors' Proceedings for '895. June 6,Vigo county, interest goo 00 27,Fayette county, interest 120 00 July 12, " Lucas county, interest 90 00 • Sept. z,Ithaca, interest 5 00 f 12,Berrien county, interest 99 99 i - Oct..1,Ithaca Savings Bank', interest 19 864 . 3,74 55 April 12, 1895 Berrian county bonds 3, 47 Cash on hand J 559 08 3,746 55 Cash on hand (see report)559 08 PREM1UM ACCOUNT. I I 1895 Balance (see last report r zoo 00 April 29,Premium and interest on Berrian county bonds . .187 47 47 r Charged sinking fund (see report) $187.47 ; $2013 3 47 Balance'(see report)1,000 00 47 Balance . . . . ,.1,000 00 To the Board of Supervisors of TonzAkins County : The undersigned, Commissioners of the Town of IthacaS by bonds Issued for said town in aid of the Geneva and Ithaca 1 Railroad and having charge of the" sinking fund maintained for the payment of said bond, beg leave to submit their annual report as follows Amount of bonds originally Lsued '100,000 00rDeductamountcancelled (see last report)1500000 Balance outstanding 85,00o 00• I 1 0 o i The ,.Supervisors' Proceedings for 1-895.143 The interest on said bonds for the years 1896 is $5,950.00. ' Payable as follows : April 1, 1896 , $ ; October 1st, 1896, 2,975• We therefore request that the sum of five thousand nine hundred and fifty ($5,950) dollars be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the Town and City of Ithaca in the pro - portions fixed by Chapter 336 of the Laws of 1880, to pay the interest on said bonds, viz : Upon' the Town of Ithaca, 957.95; upon the city of Ithaca, $4,992.05. Total, $5,96o. We would further report that the sinking fund maintained for the purpose of extinguishing the principal of said bonds amounts at this date to $61,759.o8, as follows : Amount of sinking fund at date : of last report 58;427 70 ti o Add interest received on securities 3,7 85 l 62,146 55 Deduct premium and accrued interest on Berrien, county bonds 187 47 Amount charged off from premium account 200 00 , 3 47 Balance as above stated 61,759,08 The amount 'due as principal of said town,in excess of sink ing fund is tlerefore $23,240' 92. To this add balance of pre -. mimn account, $1,000. Total amount due, $24,240.92, being a reduction from last 'year of $3,531.38• The investments of the funds are as follows : Holden mortgage 700 -00 Lucas county Ohio bbnds, 4/ per cent. ,4,000 00 Vigo county Indiana bonds, 5 per cent.6,000 oo Cherokee county Iowa bonds, yper cent.4, 00 Payette county, Indiana bonds, 6 per cent. 1 q,000 00 Berrien county Michigan. bonds, 5 per teat.3, 00 1m r Ri' w 1 r r¢¢The S4ervisors' Proceedings for '1895. Town of Ithaca bonds, 5 per cent 1,000 00 Town of Ithaca bonds, 7 per cent 34,000 00 Jennings Township Ohio bonds „6 per cent 3,500 00 60,200 00 Premium account 1,000 00 Deposited in Ithaca Sayings Bank 459 0S Deposited in First National Bank .Joe 00 Total as above stated . 61,759 oS o We also submit herewith statements of accounts for the current year. H. B. LORD, • GEO. R. WILLIAMS, Commissioners. Ithaca, Nov. 7, 1895. To the Board rj Supervisors : Resolved, That as per reports of the Bonding Commissioners of former Town of Ithaca, that there be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the City and Town of Ithaca the sum of $15,000.0o to pay bonds issued in aid of the Ithaca & Athens Railroad Company, falling due March 1st,'1896, and the sum of $1,875 to pay interest, or bonds falling due March 1st, 1896, and the further sum of $5,950 to pay interest on bonds issued in aid of the Geneva & Ithaca Railroad Company, falling due April rst,and October rst, 1896. That the amount fixed of the above, $83 9 -10 for the City of Ithaca for pay Ithaca & Athens Railroad Company $14,158 12. Genera & Ithaca Railroad Company $4,992.o5, and the'Town of Ithaca r6 r -o, Ithaca & Athens Railroad Company $2,716.88, and Geneva& Ithaca Railroad Company $957.95 A! O. HART, Town. L. G: TODD, W. P. HARRINGTON, T. S. THOMPSON, C. F. HOTTBS, City. I The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1895.r¢5 NEW FIELD. To th Board of Supervisors (f Tompkins County : We, t undersigned Bond Commissioners of the town of Newfield, duly appointed under the provisions of an- act of the Legislature of the State of New York, authorizing towns, to subscribe to the capital stock of railroad corporations and to issue bonds therefor, do respectfully. report, that it will be necessary for said town of Newfield to raise by tax, the sum of three thousand, two hundred and six dollars ($3,206) to pay interest from September 14t, ,1895, to September 1st, 1896, on Bonds of said town of Newfield to the amount of _$45,800, issued to; aid in the construction of the Pa. and .S.B. Railroad. Said interest to be paid semi- annually on the first days of March and September of each year. F ' We further report that we have no'balance on hand. 1.A. H. PALMER, C. W. McCORN, Commissioners. TATli NFkv VORK,COUNTY, OK TOMPKINS, A. H. Palmer being duly sworn, says he is one of the Bond Commissioners of the town of Newfield, N. Y.,and the above report is in all respects correct to the,best of his knowledge and belief. A. 1 {. PALMER. Sworn to before me this 16th day of November, 1895. W. II. VAN OSTRAND, Justice of the Peace. To the Board of Supervisors of Tothfikins County : In accordance with Chapter 552 of the Laws of ' 1870, i hereby report the public debt of the town of Newfield to be as fol- - lows, viz.: a yJ A 17777 0 r¢6 The Supervisors"'Proceeadings for 1895. Amount of bonds issued 5z 000 00 Amount of principal paid to Noveuiher 1st, x895 6,20000 Balance unpaid 45, 00 Amount of interest due March xst, '1896 1,6o3 00 Amount of interest, due September 1st, 18 1,603 00. 3,206 oo Resolved, That at the regfiest of the Bonding Commissioners of the town of Newfield, the sum of three thousand, two hundred and six dollars ($3,206.00) be levied and collected from the taxable property of said town to pay the interest on the above named bonds. FF. VAN OSTRAND, Supervisor. i ULYSSES. To the Board ofSupervzsors of Tompkins County .• GENTLEMEN: — The1 bond 'commis'sione'r of the town- of Ulysses submits the following report : The amount of bonds issued for-said town of Ulysses, un- der Chapter 907 „Laws of 1869, and laws _amendatory thereof, was $75,000, dated March 1, 1871, due March 1, 1901, with semi- annual interest at 7 per cent. per annum, payable on the first days of March and September.t Amount of principal paid 20,800 00 Amount of coupons due and unpaid 29:85o There is deposited with the Union Trust Company, -New York, $290.5o for the payment of past due coupons. There is a balance of $5r.00 deposited in the' banking House of L. J. Wheeler & Co., Trumansburg, N. Y. 1 The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1895.i¢7 There remains outstanding bonds to the amount of . . ,. . . . . - $54,2oo - bo One year's interest on $54,200`3,794 00 Less balance on hand 51 o0 11 1 3,743 00 - I recommend that the stem of $3,743.00 be raised by tax assessed to said town for interest. L. J. WHEELER, Bond Commissioner. L. J. Wheeler being duly sworn, says the preceding report is correct to the best of his knowledge and belief. L. J. WHEELER. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1st day of November, 1895 JAS. K.. WHEELER, Notary -Public. To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins Colinly: In accordance with Chapter 552, Laws, of '87o, I hereby report the public'debt of, the town of Ulysses to be as follows : Amount of bonds issued by bonded commissioner March 1, 1871 75,000 00 Amount of principal paid 20,800 00 Amount of coupons due and unpaid 290 50 Amount deposited with the nion Trust Co., New York .- : a 290 50 Amount in hands of bonding commissioner 5 r oo There remains outstanding bonds to the amount of 1 54,20o 00 One year's interest on $54;200 is 3,794 00 Less balance on hand 51 00 Amount of interest due September t, 1896 43,743 00 Resolved, That at the request of the Bonding Commissioner of the town of Ulysses, there be levied and'collected upon the taxable property of said town the sum of three thousand, seven hundred and forty -three dollars ($3743.00) to pay interest on the above bonds for the year ending September 1; 1896. JARVIS GANOUNG; Supervisor. i 1 1t. 148 The Supervisors' . Proceedings for 1895. o O.M. N MO 0 aw 08Eyj01UU011lyeM g4 N N S 1 0 pOp 8 O O 8O9,808OqalO0JM0n .. O_ O y, uollenleA leaoy 6 M n W P.I vs o 0.0k O Fv"o O o0 000 880810oUvanew00no88 , 8 0 m° W v a'c ,'nM r. F - « 0 Ieag jo anieA passa"ssy ux 0 sasodind Ile ao;F Y i 42 uonexul leaol of pal dD o c qns t iadoad woos O N mtadJoamen pas ysass i w v W y a ~1 C .z v v ' CJ • W v 0 HH 00 GvV! Z.WFu0 N4 4 NIII O O^ v O o o. ro oo V i>. la- CO . a F .2.,,t5'Q r 74 v v mn v v e0 g 60 F C il!d, c4 FN a'CCN NNw 1 a v 6.a v t . x w 1 • E -O b8o E • cz m FJ M N I t . ' :' -, xl' 0 a WO a ^N a N . ' o 7...,'-'6., "x CG "6 iiv. N F N•O x O O a 5 THa.N LLN fi N W d O C yj c. mE+OGI c) v U o a Fq X 03 •5 q :1S T d 44 W u`O a' v V G Z a" 2 `W v F 0 ,-. -0 Fora -I . x g P ro Q O44 oF. of 7. t>x 3 m'av ; , 1:2.„.a 3vN Z N 0 0 0 y o 0 0 0 A F F N n W i, i > Q J o 7. 1 H {4 C4 m a m I v w Fo0 I .o a caxo of 0 6 F Iu a t s iT' - vN^ 5 T'S - ' r it',T1YA -I il i The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1895. 49: 1 t n 'a•nm ono 8,8P..88 mnvHINn .o .n,o v w v> 22 8 g',:::3 w °v o - n O W torn., L....,0,, N ,,,O N,O O0 01 r CO CO 1"O V V 1` M NO-.4 VOW M ,O C rr N N M,M 1 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 0' 0 0 0 0 pp I ire 0 0 0,0PO0 ,0 NN 0 1, 74)0WW O -r o 0 It] ON 80000M1 V W u_ O 1i 0 0 0 0 0MHNWIMVO\N P.M)p, N n NNM w.w3,go 3.89,8 000OO 1100 88 8r 88888N00M0W0 ,- N O_ MC R W h 01 R O O M In i 4 h 1-'1 M N M V; M O,N V M. 0, N n' Cr 0 q b N G y y 0 ti p A aJ] p a '7 .4 W v jN 4 0 ro ro ro O O' O N Ti v _b9 GC•t ro a G , ro' 'ro ro ro 0.i> 0.9 782RA R A W w i„ N R O R O R 82 8.2> v ^ ..NON e d v v'"' a N n. R' 4v v e Nv p 1PSC4ti'hE+ Hi 0 cGg FE: E• ', x c41:4' c“+maB A .Oti '0 Rv.. • . • Cy - v .>, o r, . • 20 . U N . L V y . O . F, a V y .. q N y a .coy . Fi. P&' . . ,. cr a.. R•c_iR 0 a a .' °6°' . U •a o 6 v . o CG t3 .. o.a c. tea - a U U QA U a.E +mN.F U U. l4a . A N mo 'yY • ' >• 0 o 0 ° ..,x V v 2F, 6 . a 0 oc4a CE" 0 c'^ v / = a' • C ^ O N O E' . 6 0S .4 A ',5 O .ti , » G :4 u d) d 2,- .L . F'o aUF 1 v` 'CmiUO.E W ; ,1 Yam : -Cym --w. I -'U W ... m a o c O U... (U C:b , p, (n o o R R'FJ R A maRono-o a R g_ U a tou ".decd " " NNa; v " oe ^ s. ' R - v " ^OV R.nAAv „ y i05v9roe .. v o 1. .. c4 ocx„ ra agiyy14oyE9.-. E., y0V 0 a . wa Sz mm, ocou Bc w ' wn 4 . ./ BAHw b o e O a o iMi S 1 e i 150 1 t The Supervisors'i' Proceedings for 1895. 0000 M o 0 0 0 o M o o^ ' o M M tn W v, o r () in M O in M UnN ,0 0 0 c2 M M 0 f, M N O\ V) M 1. 0 V M V b'0 MIO . r. D` M P"D t7.. 00 ,1 N N'D t- M M O 01 V , -M o,W .M \D WdVJ r_nr nne. I't VN'D 4U) f t.i0oo0g08088000° 00 .8 go M .. N i)[n -t c0 Vn Oa' V O O)'v o N r N. t nr SG ' 08888 88'8 00-0080°no M N M). W V' O n6'MW Otn 6 Pth N p Oii 8 O 0 0 S ry v V nm -o n 1 TU V• a v • • v o y'a ICI bo pp b0 . - o 11 7 t ,v , ' o t Pr. C'aU F '. a . 1. • P.d vA y ,dw7 N a y a a ro• - .,C a)-5 N . N y a 0 tE 1•9. .. N Te.' m ,.% T,.ro. x T ?• N . 30N N a 5.°2 ' C`:OW...A a Oo0 oppa'aro -+v N O.NAi As--.a a 8A v mN OOO o e.C ro v aa o 00W . - d' . 0 nv v oo• Ed nroNa0. -. o voor, vmo c+: M'.IHF v)C)rn aac4 c47,;4Ornm al ' FIn T o 0 n 0 C ( 111 v v . • , a 0 P4 C-1_; p . . • . - • E" . • az c au . .. n .0 •emu o.,.o.a a' ;I ,• SaT0 v TVn . ' m Ai MY. ' on . .„ T.4 to d Nr. 0a`° 71 0 m .x ^'u=?. : .O0Vn0..-`12. D vy Zw u)ON na,y'rnm04)_000 o',..,-• a•v-°:. vm¢'av ., ;i >1:,My- ea F F U E " . - 15 x a , _ .34,- o S. o a.- oA V ^ H B I - Jo .o . b nl a = o m 6= m m a v, .1 U 1-,,413, • ^'d • t^ ro n a y a u 0 U 2 c4 m ' N > . a N s ' ar <,)'" ,- '' ,- ct ' v k' rn W ° ¢ o o..= v o v o . . cQ,4 c, CA Q ^ ro a ;° > an 51,'S m roro m 'Q¢C`P,am'G u m 7 Et G a v vuc+a . u u ' 4Vm0 0 0 0 a . T ^ N N V K O N N. a C) ow o 0 0v, v '".7 as v v u m T.- AA ro d A A O o w wa ¢ w 'uaG tz a FF v y al a! m 5F° \ m 1 g A w i u S, k, F sr-' 77ze Supervisors' Proceedings for ' ,151 n N O M'D O M M o0 10 O O 8 O 0 0 ry T c pryT,+MUJNbb M NO O O M OM ab H O„ 4,00.60 b K airy! OM vJ c,,,,,,-YO y eR N M a rl 2 0e 88888888 o n 8 o 8 Oo o ai 10 '01 Ob NO V0..M 8 h in 8 80 10 . o v Yv 8 r 1 N t` c6 a Y N- co ry N r, O .r N P '••- H / CVNM N ° " adi. cF vYup t 8 \0°882 K8 k8 88 88 Ew cFO N a CO E 40 F r 6 I °zcVac eso " wOW m . Om; Ma L W N E9 Y Y Y 0 '0,0,,...° A- 1 .a A a a a o v a a Y v P.Ri - a•o A co • .c 6Mo , b 0 a W -aoo ° a M.N,t1 a a. O bGa a a9 P„ 2 6 ' y ,ii 0 i • m d o" a Y of c Y c Y Y. Y- v O y mYOg" O m FmwFmepa " F a H N Ha H o >- • . r..v ro >ro • O a. O 60 60 .7,,, v m G 0 .. I Pq N y 13 tie -6(5 • 1 • • c6+w'v,• C4W U' .F.1om ao = w Qy • • • p: ma ` i Ceq .n . '' a •>vcG °.'-'a g al u 00 Eq;p 0.a C9'^ F. >, O r' a v . a u J/ N Y Y M N a a .`' '. v 0 tl N N m.a w .0 °., -. N ft N y a Y .C• m o . ro .F m cF F o 2.o v°o ." 'a >,u °'s "._m a" p•a my - ro cVJZ•oF m'^ a.Od1...".8 "ro 4e ,2p,. m C m• 3 Y 7 a a.an..:a.;_,• • mvvp -iq8 mm5 m,45 ' acv mVa Ugpo pvt.a.co.q' ^ ro ;dA u i v UovWOT 'U. MW 7. Z 3M W Yf-, 1 00 c 0.G 0 I i• t 152 The Snfiervisars' Proceedings for 1895• v S.P 0 a o Ar. A rd iE a"p rw O U P. A j g. O A TN a+.O O a -+ a'^ c..• m 0 u 4 y e u P - .M y P t9 ^9 M u ' a n .. J 'C. 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M0,1 00 P ,.0 - cosnogesoclaoojoalelsa1E41pueco't m rn e 1 °JO n o ..v w Z' padoad adefliA dntjmimtt o co 0 60-4,1 .o..0 EAo n 1000 Q P Gants.] was jo only° pazgrabl a Q nom Q M- Q 6 r G' o o 7,6 • o M 0 i 0 al . 0 oun too o oo i m 0000nn .n o 001M v ot, - sttograodaoa jo alelsa was r- e4 v;w 1.1--10 - Q in 1 cl c pu• 61.1adosd. agepm dtnpna din .1: 10 d N in d a ." V ' co cc 0 in 0 1-4 - o 1'0 0 G u • t19:74! -III `alelsa teas jo antra passassy 0 10 0 20 Ol Q 0 o x u v i ,g, n 4-.ry m O N :,b,, 1 Vo0 O , on ryv$O Q01 4 0°u00100_ 0n .011.O,W d 110 NF' 6 piuEj j0 Sony Q 6 SW N t.dd d Z 0° t t_ (MMIn0J M.. MM.. 0 0 , „ OngO0¢1 d b f w o' ^' . ' V m o `p J0 z 0 .44.01 to t74 W 0 rC C y N O C O m UG G W04' .1ZD m ro 4 t O u POLITICAL DIRECTORY. AND GUIDE TO TOWN OFFICERS. General Election : The first Tuesday after the first Monday in November, Revised Statutes (7th Ed.), page 379. Annual Town Meeting : Second Tuesday i .February. t Section io, Article,2, Chapter 569, Laws of 1896. , Annual School Meeting in Neighborhood : First Tuesday/ in August. Laws of 1893, Chapter 50o. Annual Meeting of Board of Town Auditors, comprising' the Supervisor, Town Clerk and Justices of the Peace, or any two of the said Justices : The first Thursday after the General Election, at which time all accounts for charges and claims against their respective towns must be presented to them for audit. 1 Revised Statutes (7th Ed.), page 835, Laws of 1840, Chapter 305. Amended, Laws of 1890, Chapter 569, § 16o, 161 162: Annual Meeting of the Board of Town Audits as above designated, to examine•accounts of town officers : On the last Tuesday preceding the annual Town Meeting to be held in each town.` Laws of 1863, Chapter 172. Amended„ Laws 189o, Chap. 369, § 160; 161. 1 Annual 'meeting of the Supervisors of the County as a I Board of County Canvassers , First Tuesday succeeding the a General Election. 1 Revised Statutes (7th Ed.), page 39o. • 1 I 1 The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1895.. Annual meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the County Immediately after the completion of the Canvass, or at such - other time as they as a Board, shall fix. 2 Revised Statutes' 7th Ed.) pages 926 -931. Annual meeting of Supervisor, Town Clerk and Justices of each Town, to designate the place in each election district in Town, at which elections- shall be held" during the year i .0n the first Tuesday of September of each year. haws 1892, Chap- ter 680. Meeting of Supervisor, Town Clerk and assessors of each Town, for the purpose of making lists of Trial Jurors : On the first day, of July of each third year after July 1, 1878, at a place in the town appointed by the Supervisor, or in his absence or vacancy in office by Town Clerk ; or, if they fail to meet on that day, they must meet as soon thereafter as practicable. Code of Civil Procedure, § 1035. The nett meeting for this. purpose will be held July 1st, [896. County Superintendents of the Poor meet at the County House : The,First Wednesday in`'each month. The object of these meetings is to audit bills payable from the County Poor Fund.1 TOWN OFFICERS. Each Supervisor must execute to and deposit with, the County Treasurer, a bond for the accounting of all school moneys which May come into his . hands, before entering upon the duties of his office. Each Supervisor must make and deliver to the Town Clerk Of his town, his bond for the'faithful discharge of his official duties, and to account for all moneys coming into his hands Gs such Supervisor. The Trustees of School Districts shall makea report to the, School Commissioner between the 2561 day of July and the first Tuesday in August in each year. Chapter 245, Laws 1889.p. s 156 The Supervisors' Proceedings for 2895•- The school moneys are apportionedannually by the School Commissioners oh the third.Tuesday in March. The Commissioners of Highways must execute a bond to the Supervisor of their town within ten days'after their elec- tion. Overseers of highways must file _a statement of all nn- worked highway tax with the Supervisors of their 'respective • towns on or before the first day. of October. The Tax Collector or Receiver _~hall, within eight days after_receiving notice of the amount of taxes to be collected by him, execute to the Supervisor of the town, and lodge with him, a bond in - double the amount of said taxes, to be approved by the Supervisor. The Supervisor. shall, within six days thereafter, file the said bond in the office of the county clerk of this-County. The Assessors must complete the Assessment Roll on or before the first day of August and leave a'copy thereof with one of their number, and immediately thereafter cause notice there- of to be posted in three or` more public places in their town or ward. When the line between two . towns, wards or counties divides a farm or lot the same shall be taxed, if occupied, in the town, ward or county where the occupant resides ; if inoccu- pied, each part shall be assessed in the town, ward, village or county where the same shall lie. % Laws 18S6, Chapten3i5. The Assessors shall irreet on -the third Tuesday in August to review their assessments, and hear the complaint of any per - som conceiving himself aggrieved. An affidavit to the roll by l •tlie'Assessors, made prior td the third.Tuesday of August, is a nullity. The Assessors must deliver the corrected Assessment Roll to the Town Cleric on or before the first day of September, there to remain for a period of fi fteen days for public inspection; and the Assessors shall forthwith give public notice by posting n. 1 e The Supervisors' Proceedings for rRgg.57 the same in at least three of the most public places in the town, or by 'publishing the same in one or more newspapers published therein, that such assessment roll has been finally completed, the officer, to which the same has been delivered, and the place where the same will be open to public inspection. Said fifteen days, within which any assessment maybe reviewed by certior hrishall commence on the day of the fi publication. The Assessor cannot enter the name of a person on his roll who be- came a resident after the first day of July. 1 When the Assessors or a majority of, them shall have cam i pleted their roll they shall severally appear before any officer of the County authorized by, law to administer oaths, and shall severally make and subscribe before such officers, an oath in the following form which must be strictly followed : We, the undersigned, do severally depose and swear that we have'set down in the foregoing Assessment Roll, all the real estate situate in the town (or ward as the case may be), accord- 1 ing_to our best informatioi ; and that, with the exception 'of, those cases in which the value of, said real estate has been changed by reason of proof produced before us, we have esti- mated the value of said real estate at the sums which a major- ity of the Assessors have decided to be. the full value thereof,' and also that the said Assessment Roll contains a true statement of the aggregate amount of the taxable petsonal,estate of each and every person fiamed in such Roll, over and above the amount of debts due from such persons respectively, and excluding such stocks as are otherwise taxable; and such other 'property as is exempt by law from taxation, at the full value thereof, .accord- to ing to our best judgment and belief.'-' Which oath shall b written or printed on said Roll, signed ,by the Assessors, and',„ certified by the officer. yaws 1885, Chapter 364 , The Supervisor utnst report to the County Treasurer, on the first Tuesday in March, the . amount of school moneys remain- ing in his hands. 1 i A 0 158 .The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1895. Each Justice of the Peace must execute a bond with two sureties conditioned for the payment on demand to the proper t officer all moneys received by the Justice, by virtue of his office, which bond must be approved by the Supervisor of _the town,, and filed in the Town Clerk's office. Each Justice of the Peace shall make a report in writing, verified by oath, each year, bearing date the first day of Novem= ber, to the Board of Supervisors; at their annual session, in which he shall state particularly the time when, and the name of the person or persons from . whom any money has been re- ceived ; and also the amount and on what account the same was received ; also all sums remaining due and unpaid ; and that all moneys by him recived have been paid to the officer duly em- powered by law. to rec the same. Each Justice of the Peace must pay all moneys received by him fines, within thirty days after its receipt, to the County Treasurer. Criminal-Code, Section 726. Overseers of the Poor cannot furnish supplies to a County pauper to exceed the sum of ten dollars, without an order from the County Superintendent authorizing further disbursements I for such purpose. All bills payable by towu must be presented t the Town Auditing Board for audit: All bills for supplies furnished to County paupers must be presented to the County Superintendent of the Poor for, audit. All bills presented to the Board of Supervisors or any And- iting Board, must be verified b9 oath, stating that tbe same are correct in every particular, and that no compensation has been . ceived for the same, or any part thereof, except as thereinMated. s i 1 A V 1 The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1895.159 INDEX. I 1 I PAGE AL HOUSE— Repairing 7 ACCOUNTS ON SUPERVISORS 78 ADJOURNMENT' 7 ALMS HUUSC Salary of Chaplain 20 AUDITS, COUNTY J 73 TOWNS—Caroline 8o Danby 82 Dryden 85 , Enfield . .89 Groton 91 Ithaca —Town 96 Lansing 98 1 Newfield tot I Ulysses 104 BUDGET— COUNTY . . . . 5 65 CAROLINE— An(IitS of So Soldiers' Relief 38 Vox of 7 Highways 34 - 45 CHALRMAN— Election of 9, e CLERK —OF BOARD— Election of to Salary of to Postage for 16 4 FI I Id;A 160 The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1895. COMMISSIONERS Relating to, etc.32-43-51 CLERK—Compensation for Report to Comptroller 17 Report of Equalization to Comptroller 153I Report of Bonded Indebtedness to Comptroller 152 Report of Corporations to Comptroller 148 COLLECTORS —To Settle 43 • CommUNICAT1oNs— Comptroller 10 COMPTROLLER Coulmmullicatious from 10-11 Conlnn'r971Es— Regular Appointed 12 1 COUNTY CLERK of 137 Copying books in of of 72 Janitor for 35 COUNTS' SUPERINTENDENT OF THE POOR — Report of 1 COUNTS' TAX I 6 COUNTY NOTES — Relating to 61 COUNTY TREASURER— Repurt of 108 Office Rent for 17 Postage Account 41 Leave to sell Real Estate . . .I 39 COURT HOUSE Janitor's Salary 14 DANIIY— Audits of 82 Appropriations for Highways 58 Tax of 67 DISTRICT ATTORNEY— Report of 127 DRYDEN— Audits of 3$ Fence Wire for 6, I Appropriations for Highways 38fTaxof6T Doc TAX, ETC 3 ENFIELD— Audits Of 89 Tax of 68 Highways . ,39 1 1