HomeMy WebLinkAbout1894At 4 ; SPECIAL AND ANNUAL SESSIONS.. I 1PROCEEDINGS t OF THE Board of Supervisors OF THE COUNTY OF TOMPPCINS,, e e FOR THE TEAR 1894. JOHN H. KENNEDY, Chairrnan,Dryden, N. Y. FRED. L. CLOCK, Clerk,Ithaca N. Y 1 ITHACA, NEW YORK JOURNAL BOOK AND COMMERCIAL PRINTING HOUSE. 1894, 1 . v., 0 \ 0 1 l W, `T`r 1. `"Rr... ,..N. Special. Ses OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF , TOMPKINS COUNTY -1894. TUESDAY, 'SEPTEMBER u 1894. Pursuant to the following call, the Poard of Supervisors of Tompkins County met in special session at the Court House, on Tuesday, September t 1894, at 10 o'clock, A. M. We, the undersigned, members of the Board of Sfipervis- ors of Tompkins County, hereby request the clerk of said Board to call a special meeting of such Board to be held at the Super- visors' Rooms in the city of Ithaca, on Tuesday, the nth day - of September, 1894, at ro o'clock, A. M., to take action upon the report of a Special Committee upon Repairs of the Court House, and to raise the necessary money to pay for such repairs or some part thereof, and also to take action upon the claim of the W. N. Y. Institute for Deaf Mutes, against the county of Tomp- kins, and for such other business as may properly comebefore such meeting. Dated September 6tli, 1894 E. J. NEWMAN, JNO. J. YOUNG, WM. K. BOICE, f t' 6 The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1 T. S. THOMPSON, H. ,F. HUTCHINGS, C. F. HOTTES, WM. P. HARRINGTON, J. H. KENNEDY, JARVIS GANOUNG, V.. H, VAN OSTRAND. On calling the 'roll the• following members responded to their names Caroline —Wm. K. Boice. Danby —Henry F. Hutchings. Dryden —J. H. Kennedy. Enfield —Levi J. Newman. Groton John J. Young. Ithaca (city) —L. G. Todd. Wm. P. Harrington. C. F. I-Iottes. T. S. Thompson. Newfield —W. H. Van Ostrand. Ulysses — Jarvis Gauoung. The chair was occupied by Mr. Horton, chairman of the Board of 1893, who announced as the first order of business the matter of the claim of the Western N. V. Institute for Deaf Mutes against Tompkins County. A discussion on said claim. bd the different members en- sued. Moved by Mr. Kennedy, that the bill of the Western N. Y. Institute for Deaf Mutes for the support of Henry A. Coe, to , August 7th, 1894, amounting to $1, r,51.66, be paid. Mr. Kennedy's motion was seconded by Mr. Todd and carried. a '3ERP r',fi.14•1 14 ("&'S "F'S /°(':I x„a "'^ Lk. The Supervisors' Proccedin,cs for Ispj.7 Mr. Bull, a member of the special committee on Court House repairs, reported on that matter. On motion adjourned to meet at 2 o'clock at the office of Judge Altny. Afternoon Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll,call. Ouoruml present. Mr. Kennedy offered the following_ resolution which on mo- tion of Mr. 'Todd, was adopted : Wi1i ngAS, The special committee on repairs on the Court House deemed it wise and for the best interests of the county to make certain changes from the written contracts as entered into with such contractors. Now therefore be it r Resolved, That this Board approves of such changes as trade by said emn- mittee or may be made By them. The following resolution offered by Mr. Kennedy was, on motion of Mr. Thompson, adopted. Resolved, That Messrs. N. Pearson and John Bull, a majority of the special committee appointed by the last Board of Supervisors to make repairs upon . the Court House, be authorized and en powered by this Board of Supervisors to raise upon the credit of the county such snots as may' be necessary to settle with the contractors for all sucli work done on the Court House in accordance with the contracts made with such contractors by the committee and the chairman and clerk of said Board of Supervisors. Moved by Mr. Kennedy, that the Committee on County Buildings be authorized and empowered to place water- closets on the first and second floors of the County Clerk's 'office. Mr. Kennedy's motion, on being seconded, was carried. Moved by Mr. Todd, that Messrs. Harrington and Thomp- I S The Supervisors' Prom-dings for 1891. son be empowered to dispose of the Court House furniture, etc., not needed. Mr Todd's motion was seconded by Mr. Kennedy and car- ried. On motion adjourned sine die. MONDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1894. To Hugh T Burnt, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors: The undersigned, members of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, respectfully request that you call a meeting of said Board to lie field at the Court House in the city of Ithaca, ,on the Sth (lay of October, 1894., at to o'clock, A. M., for the purpose of taking into consideration certain repairs on thei County Clerk's and Surrogate's Offices and such other business as may properly come before the meeting. Dated October 1st, 1894. L. J. NEWMAN, J. H. KENNEDY, W. H. VAN OSTRAND; C. F. HO'M'ES, T. S. TIIO\IPSON, IL P. HUTCHINGS, WM: P. HARRING'I'ON, JARVIS GANOUNG, WM. K. I3OICE, - J. H. CONKLIN, A. O. I -TART JNO. J. YOUNG, L. G. TODD, sat 1 The Supervisors' »roceediugs for rSp¢.9 Pursuant to the above call the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County met in special session al: the Court House, on Monday, October 8, 1894. The meeting was called to order by Mr. Horton, chairman of tlfe Board of 1893. On calling the roll the following members responded to their names; viz.: Caroline —Win. K. Boicc. Danby —1 - leery F. Hutchings. Dryden —J. H. (Kennedy. Enfield —I,evi J. Newman. Groton —John J. Young! Itliaea (town) —A. O. Hart. Ithaca (city), rst \yard —C. P'. Holies. 2(1 Ward —L. G. Todd. 3d Ward —'C. S. Thompson. 4th Ward— Wm. 1'. Harrington. Lansing —J. 1-1. Conklin. Newfield —W. 1- -I. Van ()strand. Ulysses— Jarvis Canonng. Moved by Mr. Kennedy, that a special committee consist- ing of Messrs. Harrington and Conklin be appointed with power t enlarge the jury box as they deem advisable. Mr. Kennedy's emotion seconded by Mr. Todd and carried. The remainder of the forenoon was occupied in examining and discussing plans for proposed alterations in Beating and plumbing the County Clerk's Office. 0 • On motion adjourned until 2:00 o'clock, P. u. ro The Supervisors' Proceedings for IS9,,1. Afternoon Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call. Ouorum present. The following resolution offered by Mr. Kennedy was, on motion of Mr. Todd, adopted : Resolved, That the County Clerk's and Surrogate's Building be repaired practically in accordance with the plans and specifications this day submitted by Architect Wood. , Bids for heating and plumbing the County Clerk's and Sur - rogate's. Offices were opened and read by the chairman. The bid of the Ithaca Steamt Heating and - Plumbing Co., • was found to be lowest and was accepted. Mr. Kennedy offered the following resolution tivllicll, on motion of Mr. Thompson, was adopted : Resolved, That the committee on county buildings he authorized and em- . powered to execute a contract with tho Ithaca 1'hnbiitg and Steam Fitting Co., to stake the repairs on the County' Clerk's Office, including putting in the steam heating plant, in accordance with the plans, and specifications as made by Mr. Wood, except that a No. 3o Florida Boiler be used in place of the Dun- ning Boiler, for the snot of ($1,'04) eleven hundred and four dollars. 1'lle minutes of the day's proceedings were read and ap- proved. On motion adjourned sine die. Annual Session OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF TOMPKINS COUNTY- 1894. Pursriant to law; the Supervisors of the 'several towns of Tompkins Cotulty,,convcned in amli al session at the Supervis- ors' Room in the Court I-louse in the city of Ithaca in said county, on the 1,1th day of November, 1894, at 10 o'clock, A. Al. In the absence of the clerk, the Board was called to order by Supervisor Kennedy, and, on calling the roll of towns the following answered to their names respectively, TOwNs.SU I'g It VISOR.1'. 0. A DDR ICSS. Caroline, .WILLIAM K. IIOrci . . . . Slaterville Springs Darby, . . I-IENev F. I- 1UTCHINGS, . . . . AVest Darby Dryden,J H. KENNK1JV,Dryden Infield, LENT J. NEWMAN,Itlrtca Groton, JOHN J. YOUNG,Groton Ithaca (town), . . A. O. HART,1111ICt Ithaca (city), . , C. F. Ho'r!'Es, . I,clligh Valley House, Ithaca Ithaca (city), L. G. TODD,E. State St., Ithaca Ithaca (city), . '. 'h. S. TrronrnSON, . . 29 W. Mill St., Ithaca 1 Ithaca (city), . . W. 1'. HAILRINGTON, 92 N. Aurora St, Ithaca Lansing,J H. CONKI.IN,North Lansing Newfield . . W. II. VAN OSTRAND,Newfield Ulysses,Jk1vIsGANOUNG,Ithaca P w is The .Supervisors' l'lareedngs for iS91. On motion Supervisor Conklin was elected temporary chair- man. On motion an informal ballot was taken for chairman. Supervisors 1-lottes and Thompson being appointed tellers by the chair. lllole number of ballots cast 3 of which J. 1 -1. Kennedy received'7 7,. C. Todd 5 Blank r On / Motion -of Supervisor Todd, the informal 'ballot was declared formal and J. Id. Kennedy was declared elected chair- man. On Motion an informal ballot was taken for clerk Thole number of ballots cast 13 of which I. I;. Clock received g Arthur Marion received 3 Blank received r On Motion of Supervisor Conklin, the informal ballot was declared formal and P. L. Clock was declared elected clerk. Mr. Van ()strand offered the following resolution which, on motion, was adopted Re.voIved, That the salary of the clerk of this Board he fixed at $150.m for I the ensuing pear. I`lle clerk read the following communications from the Comptroller which on motion of Mr. Conklin, were received and ordered-spread Upon the Minutes : The .Supervisors' Proceedings for 189:7.r3 STATE OE NEW PORK, COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE, AI,IIANV', SIII "1'i[I BIM 22, 1894. 7o the Clerk of die Board of Supervisors of County rf '/o npkitls, /Omen N. 1'. SIR : -1 have forwarded to -day under separate cover a form of statement of the valuation of Real and Personal Estate required to he made by you, pur- suant to Chapter 117 of the Laws of 1836, and forwarded to this office previous to the second Monday in December in each year, under a penalty of fifty dol- lars. I have also forwarded forms of Return of Bonded Indebtedness and In- corporated Companies liable to taxation. // is indispensable / /,al these reports be furnished bit the line prescribed. The 'Board of Equalization of Taxes; in pursuance of Chapter 312 of the Laws of 1859, have fixed the aggregate valuation of property in your County at the sum of $[30,239.90 upon which ammmt. a Stale tax of $28,392.30 must be levied for the fiscal year, commencing October 1st, 1894, as provided in said act and amendments thereto by Chapter 351, Lases of 1874, being 2 IR-100 Mills on the dollar, for the following proposes, viz.: For Schools . . . . . 95-1wuull per Chapter 769 Laws of 1894, For Stale Care of Insane 33 -loo "383 1894, 4, 9 For General Purposes . 55 -100 " 760 Ih95 1 11 59 For Canals . . 35 -[00 ''297 and 760 " 1894, I Total 2 18 -100 28,392'30 The non - resident Taxes credited to your County for 1893 amount to Tour obedient servant, WM. J. MORGAN, Deputy ComptMdller. P. S.— Kindly acknowledge al once the receipt of this circular and of the blank forms. The Supervisors' Proceedings for t8pj. STATE OF NEW YORK, COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE, ALBANY, Ocroa¢a 26, 1894. To Clerk Board of Supervisors, C.punlr,nf Tompkins: SIR : —In addition to the State 'fax of 2 18- too Mills directed to be levied as per circular from this office, dated September 22d, amounting to $28,392.30, the Board of Supervisors of the county of Tompkins is hereby required to raise the stun of $509.02 for compensation of the Stenographers of the Supreme Court in the 6th Judicial District, from October 1, 169,4, to September 30, 1895, as authorized by Chapter 426, Laws of 189n, and Chapter 625, Laws of 1894. Respectfully yours, WM. J. MORGAN, Comptroller. Mr. Newman offered the following resolution which, on motion of Mr. Thompson, was adopted : Gesolved, That unless otherwise ordered th daily sessions of the Board Shall cou at 9: o'clock, A. Al., :MI at 2:00 o'clock, c. m. Mr. Newman offered the following resolution which, on motion of Mr. Hottes, was adopted : Resolved, That the clerk be authorized and empowered to procure the proper and necessary. stationery and supplies for the use of this Board. Mr. Van Ostrand offered the following resolution which, on motion of Mr. Conklin, was adopted : Resolved, That all resolutions offered to this Board be in writing and signed by the member introducing Jbe Mt. Thompson offered the following resolution which, on notion, was adopted : Resolved, That the present organization of this Board shall be only for one year. 1 The Supervisors' Proceedings for c394 -r5 The clerk' read a communication from the State Forest Commission which, on motion, was ordered filed. On motion adjourned. SECOND DAY. TIiuesnAV, NOVEMBER z5, I894. Morning Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call. Ouorum present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. The Chairman announced the following standing coal- niittees : Constables' Accounts, Thompson, Hart, Hottes. Clerk's and Justices' Accounts, Newman, Harrington, Boice. Coroners', Coroners' Juries, and Printers' Accounts, Hottes, Todd, Conklin: County Treasurer's Accounts, Conklin, Van Ostrand, Hutchings. Sheriff's, Judges' and District Attorney's Accounts, Young, Ganoung, Hottes.,4 Miscellaneous Claims, Hart, Todd, Ganoung. Jurisprudence and Erroneous Assessments, Hutchings, Conklin, Thompson. rG The Srrjrervlsors' Proceedings for [891. Equalization and Footing Assessment Rolls, Todd, Conklin, Van Ostrand, Young, Hutchings, Hart, Newman. Superintendent n/' the Poor, Van Ostrand, Hottes, Newman. Appropriations and County Buildings, Harrington, Hottes, Boice. U. S. Def'osit and In.girance, Ganouug, vThompson, Hutchings. State Charitable and Pena! Institutions, Boice, Harrington, Young. Mr. Van Karen, of the Harford Steam ,Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company, addressed 'the Board on the question of the insurance of boilers in county .buildings. Mr. 'I'odd offered ,the following resolution which, on ma- tion of Mr. Thompson, was adopted : Resolved, That the matter of the insurance of steam boilers in County Buildings be left to the committee on county hnildi ngs with power. Mr. Hutchings offered the following resolution which, on - motion of Mr. Conklin, was adopted : Resolved, That the hour from 3 to 4 o'clock, P. v. be set apart for the auditing of hills and accounts of this Board. 1\Ir. Ganoting presented the reports of N. R. Gifford, M. T. Williamson, Henry Hutchings and John N. Barker, Justices of the Peace of the town of Ulysses, which on motion • of Mr. Newman were received and filed. Mr. Ganoung presented the report of the Bonding Com- missioner of • the town of Ulysses and his report, as Supervisor, of the bonded indebtedness of said town which, on motion of 0 The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1897.1y Mr. Conklin, were received and ordered printed with the re- ports, and that the amount asked for be levied upon the taxable property of the town of Ulysses. Mr. Hutchings presented the reports of T. W. Slocum, Z. Smiley, J. 13. Thatcher and Jacob Wise, Justices of the Peace of the town of'Dauby, which, on motion of IVIr. Thompson, were received and filed. Mr. Harrington offered the following resolution which, on motion of Mr. 1- Iutchings, was adopted : That the committee on county buildings be authorized and in- structed by this Board to place upon the boilers at the Court liouse and Aluis Mouse all insurance of the Minimum amount offered to this Board by the llar- ford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company. Mr. Young presented the reports of Newton Baldwin, 1-1. S. Hopkins, J. M. Montfort and Nelson Stevens, Justices of the Peace of the town of Groton, which, on motion of Mr. New- ratan, were received and filed. On motion adjourned. Afternoon Session. Roll call. Quoru present. Jas. S. Dyke, Superintendent of tlie Poor, appeared before tlle and invited the members to Make their annual in- spection of the County Alms 1-louse, Thursday, November 22d. Mr. Newman offered the following resolution which, on motion of Mr. Hutchings,-was adopted : Resolved, That the clerk of this Board he allowed $t$oo for postage for the ensuing year. iS The .Supervisors' Proceedings far /Sy /. Air. Thompson offered the following resolution which, on motion of AIr. Hart, was adopted : Resolved, That a committee on printing be appointed by the chairman and instructed to make a contract for printing 5,00o copies of the proceedings of this Board, at a price not to exceed the price paid in 1893, and that they be printed in the same form and type and upon paper as good as that used in 1893, and that said reports shall be ready for delivery on or before January 15th, 895. The cltairimin appointed as such committee Messrs. Todd, Thompson, Van Ostrand.o 011 motion adjourned. THIRD DAY. Vii IDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1894. Morning Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call. Ouoruut present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. r Minutes of special session held September 11, 1894, read and approved. Mr. Boice offered the following resolution which, on mo- tion'of Mr. Hart,, was adopted : Resolved, That the apportionment of Grand Jurors in the several towns and city of Ithaca be the same as in the last preceding year. On motion adjourned. fro i The Supervisors' Proceedin,g for iS9.1. ' Afternoon Session. Roll call. Quonun present. Mr. Harrington offered the following resolution which, on motion of Mr. Thompson, was adopted : Resolved, That the ,Counly Clerk -elect execute a proper bond to the Board of Supervisors of this county in the sum of $5,000.00. Mr. Thompson offered the following resolution which, on motion of Mr. Hart, was adopted : Peso/veil, That there be paid to the clerk of this Board $25.00 as compen- sation for finking such reports to the Comptroller of the State as required by law. Mr. 'Hark, chairman of the committee 011 miscellaneous.miscellaneous. claims, reported the following bills which, on motion of Mr. , Harrington, were allowed and audited at the alnonnts recom- mended by the committee :1 , Bills Nos. 28, 29, 33, 35, 3 37, 3 4 5 53, 54, 55, 5 59, 61, 62, 63, 64.1 Mr. Newman, chairman of . the committee on clerk's and justices' accounts, reported the following bills which, On um- tion of Mr. Todd, were allowed and audited at •the amounts reconnnended "by the committee : Bills Nos. 10, 12, 13.. On tnotioli adjourned. FOURTH DAY. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1894. Morning Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. 20 The Su15ervisors' Proceedings for 1891. Roll call. Ouorum, present. Minutes of- preceding day read and approved. Mr. Hutchings offered the following resolution which, on motion of \Ir. 'Thompson, was adopted : WHEREAS, The Grand Jury at its lastsessiou held in this county, in mak- ing its inspection of the jail, recommended for the consideration of this.Roard, some changes that should be made for the safety of the lives of its keepers. Therefore, Resolved, That the matter be referred to the committee on county build- ing, to report their opinion as to whether any or what changes are necessary. Mr. Van Ostrand presented the report of the Overseer of the Poor of the town of Newfield. t On motion adjourned. 1 Afternoon Session. Roll call. Quorum present. On motion the chairman appointed Messrs. Hart, Thomp- son and Hutchings a committee to procure conveyances to con- vey the members of the Board to the County House on Novem- ber 22d. Mr. Thompson offered the following resolution which, on motion of Mr. Hart, was adopted Resolved, That the County Treasurer be allowed the sum of one hundred dollars for office rent, fuel, and light, from January 1st, x595, to January 1st, 1896. • Mr. Bull, of the committee on county buildings for the year 1893, appeared before the Board and 'rendered a report of that committee. 1 The Sutervisors' Proceedings for i89/.21 Mr. Barrington offered the following resolution which, on motion of Mr. Conklin, was adopted : Resabed, That the compensation for the jail physician be fifty dollars for the year counneneing January ist, 1895, and endingJanuary ist, 1896. Moved by Mr. Harrington, that an infoimlal ballot be taken for the election of a jail-physician for the ensuing year: Moved by Mr. Thompson, as an amendment that Dr..W. B. Brader be elected jail physician for the ensuing year. Mr. Tlloulpson's amendment, on being seconded, was car- ried. Motion as amended, carried. Dr. W. Brader was declared duly elected. jail physician for the ensuing .year. Mr. Thompson, chairman of the committee on constables' accounts reported the following,-bills which, on motion of Mr. Boice, were allowed audited at the amounts recommended -by the committee Bills Nos. 3, 5, 6 ,•7, 8 , 67.. , Mr. Harrington, chairman of the committee on county buildings rendered the report of-. said committee in regard to _ the repairs and necessary in the jail. On motion of Mr. Todd, the coliunittee were instructed to ascertain the probable costs of making the repairs suggested by the committee. in their report. Mr.. Hart, chairman of the committee on miscellaneous claims, reported the followwing bills which, on ]notion of Mr. Thompson, were allowed and audited at the anlounts'recomt- mended by the committee i 777211 . 7 -8n, T, rw^ h .'arnn rte aza"Str"^M1' r? 22 The Sufpervtsors' Proceedings for 1891. Bills/Nos. 7 4 34, 64, 65, 66 , 39, 3 41 27, So, 79, 81, 84, 86, 49, 44, 7r, 69. Mr. Hottes, chairman of the committee on coroners, cor- orner's juries, and printers' accounts, reported the following bills which, on motion of Mr. Young, were allowed and audited, at the amount recommended by 'the committee': Bills Nos. 17, 15, 14, 19, 20, 16, 74, 18, 21, 22, 73, 75. On motion adjourned. FIFTH DAY. o TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, '894. Morning Session. . Board suet pursuant to adjournment. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of 'preceding day read and approved. On motion of Mr. Conklin, the matter of more light 'for the Supervisor's Room was referred to the committee on county buildings, with power. Mr. Todd offered the following resolution which, on mo- tion of 1\Ir. Harrington, was adopted : Resolved, That the Ithaca Democrat be selected and designated by this Board,to publish the official canvass as determined and deemed by the Board of County Canvassers on the 14th day of November, i894, and the price for same be $3o Go, as last year. a The Szej5ervisors' Proceedings for '23 Mr. Van Ostrand presented the reports of Seymour B. Gro- ver, Chas. H. 13rowil, W.' II: Van Ostrand and A.i K. Allen, Justices of the Peace of the town of Newfield, which were filed. Mr. Hart presented the reports of Wm. O. Newman, M. I. Poole, Win. .j. Totten and L. P. Colegrove, Justices of the Peace of the town of Ithaca, which were filed. On motion adjourned. : Afternoon Session. Roll call, Ouornm present. Mr. Todd presented the reports of the bonding comntission- ers of the town of Ithaca which on motion, were received and ordered that the amounts asked for be levied and collected mit of the taxable property of the city and town of Ithaca, in ae- cordance with said report. Mr. Conklin presented the town audits of the town of Lan- sing which, on motion or Mr. Young, were received and ordered -, that the amount thereof be levied and assessed upon the tax- able property of said town. Mr. Conklin presented the reports of N. E. Lyon, Chas. Drake, F. H. Tarbell and B. M. Hagin, Justices of the Peace of the town of Lansing, which were filed. Mr. Ganoultg offered the following resolution which, on motion of Mr. Van Ostrand, was adopted.: Resolved, That the sum of forty -teo dollars and seventy-five cents ($42.75) . be levied and assessed upon,the taxable property of the following road districts of the town of Ulysses, via.: 14, 16, 43, 49 and 57, for the purpose of paying for road machines as provided by statute. ' Mr. Hart, chairman of the committee on 'miscellaneous z¢The Supervises' Proceeding's for 18gz. claims; reported the following bills which, on motion of Mr. Thompson, were allowed and audited at the amounts recom- mended by the committee : Bills Nos. 88, S9, 9o, 9 County Clerk -elect Van Kirk, having presented his bond to the Board, -the same was, on motion of Mr. Harrington, ap- proved and accepted. a On motion adjourned. SIXTH DAY. VIIDNrsnw,' 21, 1894. Morning Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call. Quortun present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. Mr. Ganoung offered the following resolution which, on notion of Mr. Harrington, was adopted : Resolved, That there be levied and assessedupon the taxable property of the town of Ulysses, the sum of $75.00 for the observance of Memorial Day in accordance with a resolution passed by the Town Board of the town of Ulysses at. their annual session, November 9th, 1894. Mr. Newman presented the report of the bonding commis- stoner of the town of Enfield and his report as Supervisor of the bonded indebtedness of said town, which on motion were received and ordered, that the amount asked' for be levied and collected out of the taxable property of said town. ert3 •11arix53,y 4j The,S/rfervisors' Proceedings for 189¢. 25 Mr. Hart offered the following resolution which, on motion of 1Mr. Newman, was adopted :'2 1 Resolved, That Board refuse to 'receive bills for audit after November 28th, 1894, unless otherwise ordered. 4 Mr. Hart offered the following resolution which,' on motion of Mr. Thompson, was adopted : Resolved, That the sum of $35o.00 he allowed the sheriff of this county to pay for the services of janitor of the Corfrt House, and engineer and fireman for the Court House and county jail for the year 1895 2 Mr. Newman offered the following resolution which, motion Ofof Mr. Van Ostrand, was adopted i Resol That the sum of $250.00 he leaiee and assessed upon the taxable property of the town of Enfield for the repair of highways and bridges in said town as allowed by statute. 1 Mr. Ganoung offered the following resolution which, on motion of Mr. Hutchings, was adopted: Resolved, That the serf of $50. Doge appropriated and 0110wed for services fora Chaplain for the Alms House for the ensuing year. Mr Van Ostrand presented the report:of the bonding cotn- missioner of the town of Newfield and his report pis Supei*isor of the bonded indebtedness of said town which, on motion of Mr. Newman, were received and ordered, that the amount asked for be levied and collected out of the taxable property of the town of Newfieid. Mr. Boice presented the town audits of the town of Caro- line, which, on motion of Mr. Van Ostrand were received and ordered that the amount thereof be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the of Caroline. In pursuance of Chap. 715, of the Laws of 1892, the follow- 7 t 26'The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1894. ing designation of papers to publish the Session Laws for the ensuing year was tirade : In pursuance of Chap. 715, Laws of 1882, we, tie undersigned Republican members of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County. hereby designate the ITHACA Wtn!s TV Jouxrrar, to publish the Session Laws for the ensuing year. Dated November 21st, 1899. J. H. KENNEDY, W. P. HARRINGTON, L. G. TODD, II. T. HUTCHINGS, C. P. HOTTES, A. O. HART, W. H. VAN OSTRAND. In pursuance of Chap. 719 Laws of 1892, we, Ole undersigned Democratic members of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, hereby designate the Ithaca Democrat to publish the Session Laws for the ensuing year. Dated November 21st, 1891. JOHN H. CONKLIN, T. S. THOMPSON, JOHN J. YOUNG, WM., K.' BOICR„ L. J. NE \VMAN, JARVIS GANOUNG. On motion adjourned. Afternoon Session. Roll call. Ouoriun present. Mr. Hart presented the town audits of the town of Ithaca which, on motion of Mr. Newman, were received and ordered that the amount thereof he levied and assessed upon the.taxa- ble property of the town of Ithaca. Mr. 'I'hoiupson, chairman of the committee on constables' accounts reported the following bills which, an motioti of Mr. F/.1 1 4,, e it The, Shbervi.sors' Proceedings for 1891.27 Newman, were allowed and audited at the amounts recom- mended by the committee: I Bills Nos. 96,60, 65, 9 94. Mr. Lyke, Comity` Superintendent of the Poor, presented his report which on motion was ordered referred to the commit- tee on superintendent's accounts.4a Mr. Hottes, chairman of the committee on coroners, cor -, l oilers' juries and printers' accounts, reported the following bills which, on motion of Mr. Wiling, were allowed and audited at the atuounts recommended by the colunlitlee : B Nos. 23, 97, 93, 24, 25, 26, 87. Mr. Young, chairman of the committee on sheriffs' ac-i counts, reported the following bills which], on motion of Mr. Thompson, were allowed and audited at the amounts recom- Mended by the committees :a Bills Nos. 1, z. ' Mr. 'Ibrltl,'chairu1en of the special committee on printing, rendered the following report which on motion was ordered. spread upon the minutes : To Me Honorable Board of Supervisors of Tovtpkin.s County: GI1NTLEMEN : Your special committee appointed to snake a contract fo printing the Proceedings of the Board'of Supervisors for the year 1894, respect- fully report that they have made ,such contract with the publishers of the 1'rnACA JOURNAL at an agreed price of $2.55 per page for 5,000 copies, the, above price being the same as that paid the past year for the same number of copies Dated November 2 rst, 1394..r 64 L. G. TODD, T. S. 'fHOMPSON,4 W. H. VAN OSTRAND. e , 1 Ac 28 'The Snfiervisors' Proceedings for 189]. On motion of 1\Tr. Harrington, the report of the committee was accepted -and the committeedischarged. Mr. Conklin offered the following-resolution which, on mo- tion of Mr. Hart, was adopted : r Resolved, That the sum of $5oo.00 be levied and assessed against the taxa- ble property of the town of Lansing for the repair of highways and bridges in . said town as allowed by statute. On motion adjoi reed. SEVENTI-I DAY. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1894. • Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call. Ouorum present. On motion adjourned to meet at the County leis House as a committee of the whole. The Board reconvened at the County Alms House. While the committee on superintendents'. accounts was ex- amining the accounts of Superintendent Lyke the other mem- bers of the Board were engaged in inspecting the various build- jugs and stock on the farm. e After the completion of the inspection the Board returned _ to Ithaca. The Suj5ervisors' Proceerdnrgs for 1897. .29 EIGHTH DAY. JtRrnnv, NOVEMBER 23, 1894. Morning Session. Hoard niet pursuant to adjournment.' Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of two preceding days read and approved. Mr. Ganoung presented thethetownauditsof, t e town of Ulysses which, on (notion of Mr. Boice, were received and or- dered that the-amount thereof be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the town of Ulysses. Mr. Newman offered the following resolution which, on motion of ...Mr. Thompson, was adopted : Resolved, That pursuautto Chap. 715, Laws 1892, the price of printing the Session Laws of a local nature, applicable to this county, be fixed at twenty- five (25) cents per folio, that, being the minimum price permitted by said act. On motion adjourned.1 r. 1 -Afternoon Session. Roll call: Quorum present: c The several of the Board were engaged in com- mittee work during the afternoon. On notion adjourned until Monday, November 26th at 9 A. M. se 1 P o The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1891. 1 I NINTH DAY. MONDAY, Nov1:TIB1?R z6„ 189,1. • Morning Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. 1 Roll call. Ouorunl,present. Minutes of preceding day read.aud appfoved. Mr' Iitttchings presented the town audits of the town of Danby which, on motion of Mr. Van Ostrand were received and ordered that the amount thereof be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the town of Danby. AIr. Van ()strand offered the following resolution which, on ntotion'of Mr. Conklin, was adopted :f Resolved, 'That in accordance with a resolution of the Town Board of the town of Newfield, the sum of $365.91 be levied and collected from the taxable property of the following'road districts in the town of Newfield, being to apply in payment for road m,chiues, viz.: Dists. Nos. 1, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 14, 21, 22, 24, 28 , 29 , 3 3 43, 45, 4 5 61 , 67, GS, 71, 72, SI, 82, 84, 85, S 89, 94, 99, 73, tot, 106, to &. Mr. Harrington offered the following resolution which, on motion Mr. Todd, was adopted : WltrtRIns, The special courtnittee on Court House repairs, appointed at the last session of the Board of Supervisors, failed to•make provisions for light- ing some of the rooms in the Court House, Resolved, That thecommittee on county buildings he instructed to cause to be placed the following uuutberof incandescent lights in the different rooms, as follows: ROOM.NO. OF I.IOHTS. Grand Jury room .. . .2 District Attorney's room I o The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1891. .3r Jury room, No. r 2 k Jury room, No. 2.s v Mr. Ganoung offered, the following resolution which, on motion of Mr. Newman, was adopted : Resolved, That the sum of $25o.00 be levied and assessed against the taxa- ble property of the town of Ulysses for highway purposes as provided by law. D'Ir. Newman presented the town audits of the town of En- field which, on'ulotion of Mr. - Van Ostrand, were received and ordered that the amount thereof be levied and assessed upon the taxable property 'of the town of Enfield. On motion adjourned.1 Afternoon Session. Roll call. Onorwii present. Mr. Harrington offered the following resolution : Resolved, That the following amounts be appropriated, and charged to Tompkins-County to reimburse the city and town of Ithaca for paying the fol- lowing claims through error : , 1890 —Chas. Tubbs,50 co Geo. Dutton 67 5 Ed. Tubbs 65 00 189x —Sabea Tubbs Edward Tubbs 4 00 Edna Gifford 12 00 mina Cummings. l 33 09 Geo. Dutton 11 5o 1892 —Emma Cummings r6 5o Edna Gifford 54 00 i Sabea Tubbs 29 50 1893 —Edna Gifford 9 00 Total 4 25' z The Supervisors' Proceedings' for r89]. 1 , Moved by Mr. Thompson that Mr. Harrington's resolution be adopted. Moved by Mr. Van ()strand that the matter be made a special order of business for December 3d, at 2 r' M. Mr. Van Ostraud's motion, 011 being seconded, was car- ried. 1\Ir. Harrington, chairman of the committee on county buildings, rendered a report of that committee on repairs for the county jail., On notion of Mr. Conklin the report was made a special order of business for Noveinber'28th,at 9 A. M. Mr. Hart, 'chairman of the committee on miscellaneous claims, reported the .following bills which, on motion of Mr. Thompson, were allowed and audited at the amounts recoin- mended by the committee : Bills Nos. 45, 4 5 5 77, 7 76, 82, io6, 30. Mr. Thompson, chairman of the committee on constables' accounts, reported the following bills which, on motion of Mr. Van Ostraud, were allowed and 'audited at the amounts recom- mended by the committee : Bills Nos. 4, 99, 100, 101, 121. Mr. Hottes, chairman of the committee ou coroners', coron- ers' juries, and printers' accounts, reported the following bills which, on notion of Mr. Harrington, were allowed and audited at the amounts recommended by the committee : Bills Nos. 127, 125, 126, 124, 123. f @ A i 1 The Supervisors' Proceedings for 189J.33 Mr. Conklin offered the following resolution which, on ino- timi of Mr. Boice, was adopted : 1 Resolved, That bill No. 100 of Albert Van Auken, constable, to 12.00 for conveying prisoner to Monroe County Penitentiary, be added to the • audits of the town of Lansing.i 011 motion adjoin:tied.• TENTH DAY. 1 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER \ 27, 1894.d Morning Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. . o Roll.call. Quorum present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. Mr. Van ()strand offeredtthe following resolution which, on motion of Mr. Boice, was adopted : ' Resolved, That the suns of $23o.00 be levied upon and collected from the the taxable property of the town of Newfield for the repair of highways and bridges. t On motion adjourned. Afternoon Session. Roll call. Quorum present. Mr. Newman presented the reports of Win. F. Smith, Eugene G. Willis, F'. B. Aiken and Jas. H. Hine, Justices of the -Peace of the town- of. Enfield, which were filed.e sc 31 The Supervisors' Proceedings for c894. Mr. Kennedy presented the reports of Geo. E. Underwood, Win. E. Brown,' J': Dolph Ross;. Geo..E. Hanford, and S. S. Hoff, Justices of the Peace of'the town of Dryden, which were filed. Thomas W. Burns, Esq., appeared before the Board and spoke in regard to recopying the books and records in the County Clerk's Office. The members of the various committees were engaged in committee work during the day. On motion adjourned. ELEVENTH DAY. WEDNESDXV, NOVEMBER 28, 1894. Morning Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call. Quorum present_ Minutes of preceding day read and approved. The chairman called up the special order of business laid over from November 2601. I (On motion the matter was referred back to the committee with power. Simeon Smith, Esq., appeared before the Board, in behalf of Martin Hausner, and asked that taxes collected of hinn by virtue of an erroneous assessment be refunded. The Supervisors' Proceedings Jro f891. 35 On motion the matter was referred to the counilittee on erroneous assessments. Mr. Newman offered the following resolution which, on motion of Mr. Hart, was adopted :1 Resolved, That in accordance with the action of the Board of Auditors of the to wn'of Enfield, the sum of $137.37 be levied and collected on the taxable property of the following road districts in said town, for payments on road machines purchased by said districts, : Districts 3, Road 4, 1). 2, R. [2, I). 2, R. [1, D. 2, R. o, D. 2, R. 4, D.2,R. lo SS 5 D. 5, R. 6, D. 1, R. 13, D. 1, R. 20, D. 1, 14. i1, D. 3, 14. 6 .34 52 D. 3, R. o, 0 . 3 14 . 7 , 13 . 4 . 14 . 16, D. 2, R. r5, 1). 1, R. 18, D. 1, R. 23, I). 1, R. 16 44 70 37 Mr. Van ()strand offered the following resolution Which, on motion of Mr. Conklin, 'as'adopted : Resolved, That the suns of $5o.00 be levied upon and collected from the taxable property .of the town of Newfield for the support of the poor of said town. Mr. Ganoung offered the following resolution which,' on motion of Mr. Conklin, was adopted : Resolved, That the stint of $5o.00 be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the town of Ulysses for the support of the poor of said town. Mr. Todd offered the following resolution 'which; on mo- tion of Mr. Hutchings, was adopted : f WHIRL *AS, Complaint has been made to this Board that the books containing Ole records of certain deeds and mortgages in Tompkins County Clerk's Office are in a had condition by virtue of faded ink and bad penmanship and are greatly impaired and becoming almost, useless as public records. Be it t .. 36 The Supervisors' Proceedings for 189¢. Resolved, That a committee be appointed, consisting of the chairman and two other members of this Board, to examine the said records and report their findings with their opinion thereon to the Board of Supervisors at 'their next session. Messrs. Todd .and Van ()strand •were appointed by the chair as the other meinbers of said committee. Mr. 'Boise presented a list of the Grand Jurors for the town of Caroline.for the ensuing year. Mr. Hutchings presented a list of the Grand jurors for the town of Danby for the ensuing year. Mr: Kennedy presented a list of the Grand Jurors for the town of Dryden for the ensiling year_. Mr. Newman presented a list-of the'Graud Jurors for the town of Enfield for the ensuing year.: Mr. Young presented a list of the Grand Jurors for the town of Groton for the ensuing year. Mr. Igart presented a list of the Grand Jurors for the town of Ithaca for the ensuing year. Mr. Hottes presented a list of the Gravid Jurors for the city.of Ithaca for the ensuing year. Mr. Conklin presented a list of the Grand Jurors for the town of Lansing for the ensuing year. Mr.. Van ()strand presented a list . of the Grand Jurors for the town of Newfield for the ensuing year. Mr. Ganoung presented a list of the Grand Jurors for- the town of Ulysses for the ensuing year. TM I • The Supervisors' Proceedings. for 7891.37 Mr. Hottes offered the following resolution which, on mo- tion of Mr. Conklin, was adopted : Resolved, That the lists of names of persons selected' and presented by the Supervisors of the different towns and city of the county to act as Grand Jurors for the ensuing year are hereby approved, and declared to be the Grand Jury list for 1894 - 95. The atten of the Board was called to the'fact that the insurance on the Court house expires in December, '894. Moved by Mr. Ganoung, that this Board place no insurance on the Tompkins County Court House and that the policy thereon be allowed to.lapse. Mr. Ganouug's motion, on being seconded by Mr. Hutch- digs, was carried unanimously. On notion adjourned. Afternoon •Session. Roll call. Quorum present. Mr Newman offered the following resolution, which, on motion of Mr. Hart, was adopted : WIERF:AS, By an order of Hon. Bradford Almy, Tompkins County Judge, Van Ostrand, Fred A.,Stevens and J. K. Follett, were duly appointed commissioners to determine as to tlte,. necessity of laying out a highway be- tween the towns of Enfield and Ulysses and taassess damages resulting from the same, if such highway should be found necessary, and the said commission- ers having determined that said highway was a necessity, and having assessed the damages of Susan Kelsey at the sum of $r ro.00. Therefore Resolved, That there be levied and collected out of the taxable property of the town of Enfield the sum of Promo to be paid'to -tine commissioner of high- ways of said town to reimburse Susan Kelsey for damages assessed by said commissioners.- rr4 34 The Supervisors' Proceedings for r89¢. Mr..Ganoung offered the following resolution which, on motion of Mr. Hart, was adopted : WHFREAs, Byan order of Hon. Bradford Aimy,-- Tompkins County Judge, V. H. Van Ostrmtd, Fred A. Stevens and J. K. Follett, were duly appointed commissioners to determine as to the necessity of laying out a highway be- tween the towns 0 f, P;ufield'and Ulysses and to assess damages resulting from the same if such highway should be found necessary, and the said commission- ers having determined that _said highway was a necessity, and Laving as- sesed the damages of Mrs. Ann Colgrove at the sum of $100.00, and the dam- ages of Thaddeus Bower at the suer of $40.00, therefore h'eso /ved, That there be levied and collected out of the taxable property of Ulysses the scut of $140.00 to be paid to the commissioner, of highways of said town to reimburse Mrs. Aun Colegrove and Thaddeus Bower for damages assessed by said commissioners. Moved by Mr. Harrington, that when this Board adjourns to -day it adjourns to meet Monday, December 3d, ,1894, at IO A. M. Mr. Harrington's motion, on being seconded by Mr. Hatchings, was carried. County Clerk Van kirk appeared before the Board and presented his report which, on motion of Mr. Todd, was ac cepted and ordered printed with the reports. Mr. 'Hart, chairman, of the committee on miscellaneous claims, reported the following hills which, on motion of Mr. Newman, were allowed and audited at the amounts recom- mended by the committee : Bills Nos. 109, 154, 153, [55, 134, 135, 143 . 145, 159, -151 , 93, 107, 137, ,o8, 143, ?39, 141 , 149 , 4 132 , 140 , 144, 136 , 130 , 131 , 83, 4 47, 85. Mr. Hottes, chairman of the committee on coroner's', cor oilers' juries, and printers' accounts, reported the following bill 7 The Supervisors' Proceedings for fs9¢.39 which, on notion of Mr. Thompson, was allowed and audited at the recommended by the committee : - .. Bill No: 156. On motiou adjourned. TWELFTH DAY. MONDAY, D¢crmlalLr. 3, 1894. I Morning Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call. Ouorunt present. Minutes of preceding clay read and approved. Mr. Harrington offered the following resolution which, on motion of Mr. Thompson, was adopted WIT Et +EAS, The 'Grand Jury at its last session examined the Tompkins 1ItC County Jail and fording, in their judgment, that certain repairs should be made for the safety . of the imitates, and Wn$xEAs, The said Grazed Jury recommended to this Board the necessity of such improvements and WET nit nAs, The committee ott coronty buildings, bj the instructions of this Board, has bees !authorized to wake said improvements, be it Resolved, That the stun of $110.00 be appropriated to make such repairs on said jail as heretofore specified by said committee. 1VIr. Hart offered the following" resolution which, nn wok tion•of.Mr. I3utehinas, was adopted : o The Supervisors' Proceedings for 189¢. Resolved, That all county orders issued by the Board shall be counter- signed by the chairman, and all town orders by the Supervisors of the respect ive towns, and that no order shall be issued until the adjournment of this Board. Mr. Boice presented the reports of John Cross, John J. Peters, R. G. H. Speed and Walker V. Personious, Justices of the Peace of the town of Caroline, which were filed. On 'notion adjourned. Afternoon Session. Roll call. Ouonun present. Mr. Hart offered the following, resolution which, on 1110 - tion of Mr.,Htttchings, was adopted : Resolved, That th'e following bills be added to the town audits of the town of Ithaca: No. 62.' T. J. Harrington, constable, assigned to W. H. Willson . . . . 8 g5 No. 63. H. H. Miller, Dep. Sheriff,3 75 1$12 70 Mr. Boice offered the following, resolutionlwhich, ion mo- tion of Mr. Voting, was adopted : Resolved,,That the following bill be added to the town audits of the town of Caroline: No. 62, A. M. Dederick, constable 32 10 Mr. Boice offered the following resolution which, on mo tion of Mr. Hart, was adopted : Resolved, That in accordance with a resolution of the Town Board of the town of Caroline, there be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the following road iistricts in said town the sum of $58.28 to pay for road machines purchased by said districts : Districts Nos. 48, 6r, 66 and 83. On motion adjourned. 1 The Supervisors' •Proceedings for 1 THIRTEENTH DAY. 1 IIuESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1894.. Morning Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call. Ouorttm present. . Minutes of preceding day read and approved. Mr. Harrington offered the following resolution which, on 4 motion of Mr. Thompson, was adopted : , Resolved, That the sum of $too.00 be appropriated to pay the insurance on j the boilers at the County Court House and County Alms House.j Mr. Hart offered the following resolution which, on tno - tiou of Mr. Ilutchings, was adopted f Resolved, That in case of a deficiency in court expenses for the ensuing 175' year, the County Treasurer and the Supervisors of the city of Ttluaca be author- ized to borrow, on the credit of the county, all :u Count of money sufficient to i meet Contingencies uirtit the meeting of the Board of Supervisors. Mr. Hart offered the following resolution which, on mo- tion of Mr. Thompson, was adopted :• Resolved, That the suer of $358.43 be levied and assessed upon the taxable. property of the following road districts of the town of Ithaca, to'apply in pay- ment for road machines purchased by said distracts: Districts Nos. 17, 5', 44, 47, 49, 4 7, 8, 20, 42, 23,' 21, 26, 25, 24, i8, 6, 15,-- 33, 38 and 9. 1 Mr. Kennedy presented the town audits of the town of Dryden which, on motion of Mr. Hart, .were received and or-t. dered the amount thereof be levied and assessed upon the takable property of the town of Dryden. •0 12 The Supervisors' Proceedings for ing. Mr'. Kennedy offered the following resolution which, on motion of Mr. Van Ostrand, was adopted : Resolved, That there be levied and assessed upon the taxable/property of the town of Dryden the sum of $1,395.00 for the repairs 'of highways and bridges of said town in accordance with a resolution adopted at the animal town meeting held February 13, 1S94, and by the town Board. Mr. Kennedy offered the following resolution which, on mo- tion of Mr. Hones', was adopted : Resolved, That there be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the town of Dryden $300.00 .to pay for fence wire purchased for said town agreeable to a resolution adopted at the annual town Meeting. Mr. Kennedy offered the following resolution which, on motion Of .Mr. hart, was adopted : Resolved, That in accordance with the action of the Town Board there be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the following road districts in the town of Dryden, the sutn of $609.o5 to apply in payment of road machines purchased by and for the following road districts in said town : Districts 4E, 8 , 44, 29, 30, 42, 102, 6 , 17, 148 , 43, 131 , 132 , 134, 138, 12 45, 103, 121, 127, III, 112, 113, r.4, 120, 116, T19, 122, 1 , 3, 9, 124, 74, [56,171, 7 82 , 87, 69, 86 , $5, 33, 35, 31, 34, 3 5, 6 , 4, 63, 65, 68, 62, 54, 139, 101, 140, 100, 99, 9 155, 93, 9 9 9 94, 9, 7, 95, 77, 7 89.1 On motion adjourned. Afternoon Session. Roll call. Quorum present. . Mr. Voting presented the town audits of the town of Groton which, on motion of Mr. Newman, were received and ordered that the amount thereof be levied and assessed against the taxa- able property of said town. Mr. Conklin, offered the following resolution which, on mo- . tion of Mr. Van Ostrand was adopted : The Supervisors' Proc ediitgs for 1894.13 Resolved, That there be levied and collected in the several towns in the county, from those persons whose names were duly returned by the Overseers of the several road districts in the towns as required by law, the following slims : 13NP10,1. District No. 4, 12 days a $r.18 00 LANSING. District No. 10, 12X days 1S 75 District No. 18, 2Y, days . . .3 38 District No. 21, 1 r days,6 50 District No. 24, 2 drys 3 00 District No. 6r, 2% days 3 75 45 3 ur,vSSES. District No. 5, 834 days 12 75 District No. 36, 5% day's 8 25 District No. 4r, 134 days 2 25 District No. 57, T day r So 75 1RO1'(IN. District No. 7, 5 days . . .. . . 8 25 District No. 4, 13i days 'l 88 District4No. 47, 134 days 2 25 District No. 85 2 days 3 00 1 District No. 41, 2 days 3 on 18.38 Mr. Van Ostrand, chairman-of the committee on superin- tendent's accounts, rendered the following report - which, on motion of Mr.`Hart, was adopted and ordered spread upon the minutes : To Me Honorable Board of ,Supervisors of Tompkins County: Your committee o8 Superintendent's accounts respectfully present the fol- lowing report : 'A, JYn: Szcfiervisors', Proceedings for ra'w. . Balance remaining iu the hands of the Co9n ty Treasurer last year and reappropriated .. 652 65 Additional appropriation 3,397 35 Total appropriation for year past 4,050 00 Anmouit paid on orders to November 15, 1894 • • 4,059 27 Orders outstanding as follows No. 113, November 10, 1393. . . 32 24 No. 1 r4, November 13, 1395 135 9 No. 115, November 13, 1893 3 25 No. 116, November 13,.1393 24 25 No. 117, November 13, 1893 24 6o Poo 30 4.3 57 Deducting the amount of the appropriation for the year 4,050 00 Leaving a deficiency for the year 259 57 Your committee Have examined the superintendent's estimates •of the amount needed for maintaining the Comity Alms House and care of the poor for the coming year, and in accordance with those estimates we mould recom- Mend that there be upon and collected from the taxable property of the county, for the above purposes : The sum of 4,24 43 Also, to cover deficiency for past year, the sum of 259 57 - Making total appropriation . . .4,5 00 For deficiency 259 57 For County Alms House •1,206 40 For out door relief Soo oo • For. transportation 50 00 For services of Overseers 150 00 1 1 97 . The Supervisors' Proceedings for 489..5 FOR SUPPORT 01 POOR BY TOWNS. Amount forward 97 City of Ithaca -1,13t'41 Dryden 226 - 52 Lansing . 49 5 Groton 63 11 Darby 120 26 Enfield 45 75 Caroline 139 83 Ulysses . . . . . • .164 36 Newfield 93 17 2 , 034 03 Total 4,5 00 W.,H " -VAN ()STRAND, C. R. HOTTES, L. J. NEWMAN, Committee. On motion adjourned. FOURTEENTH DAY. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1894. Morning Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. On motion of Mr. Hutchings, the matter of alterations on boilers in County Court House and Coquty Alms House was referred to the committee on county buildings, with power. 1. The Supervisors' Proceedira,; s for rd'gd., Mr. Conklin offered the following resolution which, on motion of Mr. Voice, was adopted : Resoliffid, That there he levied and collected upon the taxable property of l town of La nsin the Sall of $1,168'.31 to be paid to the commissioner of highways for the purporse of paying expenses for laying out highways in said town. Mr. Newman offered the following resolution which 011 motion of Mr. Young, was adopted : Resolved, That the collectors of the several towns of Tompkins County. and the tax collector of the city of Ithaca, he required to settle with the County Treasurer and, the Supervisors of their respective towns, on or before March ist, 1895. Mr. C:anouug offered the following resolution which, on motion of Mr. Hart, was adopted_: Resolved, That in accordance with Chap. 686, of the haws of 1892, the clerk of this Board beinstructed to cause to be printed in the ITHAC,v WEEK r,v JumttNAI. an abstract of the accounts furnished by the town auditors, an abstract of all county accounts, the number of days the hoard was in session and the service bill of each member of the Board of Supervisors for the year 1894. On motion adjourned. Afternoon Session. Roll call. Onormn present. 1 Mr. 1 -Tart offered the following resolution which, on mo- tion of Mr. fioice, was adopted : Resolved, That the sums of $l5.eo he appropriated to pay postage incurred by the Comity Treasurer. rhe committee on U. S. Deposit Fund rendered the follow- tug report which, on motion of Mr. Hart, was received and ordered spread upon the uliuittes : The Supervisors' Proceedings for 189/.F7 To Me Goant of Supervisors, of Tompkins Coturly: Your committee on U. S. deposit fund hereby report that they have ex- amined the accounts and hooks of Messrs. Brown and Shannon, the loan emu- missioners of this county for said fund and find them correct in every respect. Your committee has also examined the original mortgages in the County Clerk•( Office: They find them correct except there has been 110 interest en- dorsed on said ;mortgages since :S9o. Your Committee has instructed the loan commissioners to make the proper endorsement. We fad that i1too.00 of principle was paid to Commissioners Brown and Shannon during the past year and that-110 new securities have been taken during the past year. 1 JARVIS GANOUNG, T. S. THOMPSON, H. T. HUTCIIINGS, Committee. For report of loan commissioners see reports. On Motion adjourned. FIFTEENTH DAY. THURSDAY, DI {CEMlixit 6, r894. Morning Session. 1 Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call. Quorum present. Mr. Conklin, chairman of the conuiiittee on county treas- urer's accounts, rendered the following report which, on mo- tion of Mr. Thompson, was adopted and ordered spread upon the minutes : To Me Board of S)tbervisors of Mc Count' of Tompkins: Your committee on county treasurer's accounts respect fully report that they Have thoroughly examined and verified the accounts of Charles Inger- soll, treasurer of the county. The Supervisors Proceedings jar rSg,f. They have also examined his report herewith submitted and find it to be a correct snyopsis of his accounts as treasurer. J. H. CONKLIN, W. H. VAN OSTRAND, H. F. HUTCHINGS, Committee. Mr. Hart offered the following resolution which, op mo- tion of Mr. Bice, was adopted : Resolved, That there be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the town of Ithaca the sum of $1oo.00 to be paid to the commissioner of high- ways to pay expenses for laying out highways. On motion adjourned. Afternoon Session. Roll call. Ouoruin present. Mr. 1- Iutchings offered the following resolution which, on motion of Mr. Newman, was adopted : n1IER HAS, By an order • of Bradford Almy, County Judge of Tompkins County, issued October 4, 1394, Geo. Hopkins, Deforest Williamsmnl \Villiam McKinney were duly appointed to determine whether a highway should he laid out in the town of Hanby and, if found necessary, to assess the damages for the same. And WIIERRAS, The committee found said highway should be laid out, and assessed the damages as follows : 1'. J. Van Ostrand 15 20 Leonard Flewiug 232 o0 F. E. Tibbetts (fee fixed by the court)50 00 George IIOpkius 20 00 William McKinney 20 00 Deforest Williams 20 00 Total 357 20 The Supervisors' Proceedings for 18p.r. t 19 Therefore Resolved, The smim 0f,$337.20 be levied and assessed upon !the taxable property of the town of Danby and paid to the commissioner of 1liglh•ays to pay said damages. II. 1. HUTCHINGS: Mr. Hutchings offered the following resolution which, ou motion of Mr. Van ()strand; was adopted : Resolved, That the sum of lE2oo.00 be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the town of Danby for the repairs of highways and bridges as allowed by statute. Mr. Hart, chairman of the committee on miscellaneous claims reported the following bills which, on motion of Mr. Hutchings, were allowed and audited at the amounts recom- mended by the committee. sills Nos. 174, 164, 133, 104,446, 176, 130, 162, 159, 158 , 177, 166, ,75, 160, 105 163 Mr. Van Ostrand, chairman of .the committee on superin- tendent of the poor'saccount, reported the following bill which, on motion of Mr. Hutchings, was allowed and audited at the amount recommended by the committee : Bill No. 147. Mr. Hottes, chairman of the committee on coroner's, coron- er's juries, and printer's accounts, reported the following bills, which, on.ntotion of Mr. Hutchings, were allowed and audited at the amounts recommended by the committee i hills Nos. 171, 170, 169, 31.. Mr. Newman, chairman of the committee on clerk's and justice's accounts, reported the following bills which, on motion S'o the Supervisors' Proceedthgs jor 1891. of 1\Ir. Hart, were allowed and audited at the amounts recom- mended by the committee : Bills Nos. II, 72, 122, 157, [7 173 and 9.- On Motion adjourned. SIXTEENTH DAY. FRIDAV, DECEMBER 7, 1894. Morning Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. Mr. Todd presented the report of F. L. Clock, Justice of the Peace of the city of Ithaca, which was filed. On motion adjourned. Afternoon Session. Roll call. . Ouorum present. Mr. Young presented the report of the bonding commis- sionerof the.town of,Groton and his report as Supervisor of the bonded indebtedness of said town which, on motion of Mr. Thompson, were received and ordered printed with the reports and that the amount asked for be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the town of Groton. The Supervisors' Proceedings for 189f.5r The members of the Board were engaged in committee work daring the day. On motion adjourned to Monday, December roth, 1894, at 10 A. M. SEVENTEENTH DA'Y. MONDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1894. Morning Session. Board stet pursuant to adjournment. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. Mr. Van Ostrand presented the town audits of the town of Newfield which on motion of Mr. Newindn, were received and ordered that the amount thereof be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the town of Newfield. Mr. Kennedy offered the following= resolution which, on motion of Mr. Hart, was adopted : Resolved,' That there be paid from the funds of the county to the trustee of School District No. 13, of the town of Dryden, the star of $13.37 for unpaid taxes returned by the collector of said school district and that said sum be levied and collected from the taxable property of the town of Dryden, to reim- burse the county for said sum so paid; and that the Supervisors of.said town be authorized to reassess said unpaid taxes upon the assessment roll of said town against the delin yuents of said unpaid taxes in School District No. 13. On Motion, the chairman appointed Messrs. Van Ostrand, Hutchings and Newman a special committee to investigate and report on a claim of the .city of Ithaca against the county. I 52 The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1894. On motion adjourned. Afternoon Session. Roll Ball. Onoruul present. On Motion of Mr. Conklin, several bills presented after November 2Sth were received and ordered referred to the proper committees. Mr. Newman offered the following resolution which, on motion of Mr. Thompson, was adopted : Resolved, That the taxes returned to this Board by the County Treasurer shall be levied and assessed upon the city and several towns as follows, to reim- burse the county : Caroline 8 4 Dauby '.67 Dryden 46 03 ° Enfield to 20 Groton 6 47 Ithaca 55 79 ' Ithaca —cit}•35 85 Newfield 4 4 . Lansing 8o 8o Ulysses 134 73 Mr. Hart, chairman of the committee on miscellaneous claims, reported the following bills which, on motion of Mr. Voice, were allowed and audited at the aii otnts recofumended by the committee : Bills Nos. 179, 138, 178. The special conlmitteeappointed by the chairman Tendered the following report which, on motion of Mr. Conklin, was adopted : 1 The Supervisors' P oceediugs for • ay, ;.53 7b the (Honorable, Ike Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: Your committee appointed to examine into the validity of the claim of the city of Ithaca against the county of Tompkins for the support of the following children, viz.: Charles Tubbs, George Dutton, Ed. Tubbs, Sabra Tubbs; Edna Gifford and Emma Cummings, respectfully report that they have thoroughly investigated the matter, and f in the proceedings of the Boardl of Supervisors, during the years in which these children were inmates ofa charitable institution, that they were reported by Superintendent Lyke as county charges, and that. they were charged to the city of Ithaca through aclerical' error. We have also the certificate'of Superintendent I,yke to the effect that the Tubbs children, George Dutton and Emma Cummings are, and of right should be, chnrgeaLleto the county of Tompkins. i Your committee therefore reconunend that the claim of the city of Ithaca for the support of Charles Tubbs, George Dutton, Ed. Tubbs, Sabra Tubbs and Enupa Cummings be allowed. Iu the matter of Edna Gifford, the evidence attainable has not been sufficient to warrant your committee in making her a county charge, and we - recommend that the claims he disallowed and the amount thereof, $75.00, be deducted from time bill. m '1 We also recommend that the sutra of $6.00 be/deducted from the bill to reimburse' the county for treatment of George Thompson in theIthaca City Hospital. W. H. VAN OSTRAND, H. F. HUTCHINGS, Ib J. NEWMAN, Committee. Mr. Harrington offered the following resolution which, on motion of Mr.. Conklin, was adopted : Resolved, That the following amounts be appropriated and charged to Tompkins County to reimburse the city and town of Ithaca for settling said claims as follows : . 1890. Charles Tubbs 5o no George Dutton 67 50 Ed. Tubbs 65 00 1 SF The Shhervfsoa' Proceedings for iSpy. 189!. Sabra Tubbs .2325 - Edward Tubbs 4 o0 Emma Cummings 33 cw • George Dutton 11 5o • 1892. Emma Cummings 16 5o Sabra Tubbs 29 5o 1 25 k Less bill care of Thompson 6 oo 33 25 Mr. Todd offered the following resolution which, on mo- tion Mr. Hart, was adopted : Resolved, That there be levied and assessed upon the county the sum of 432.56 to reimburse 11i city of Ithaca for their portion of ,the suet raised for the expenses of the school commissioner for the year 1893. On motiotl adjourned. 4 EIGHTEENTH DAY. TuEsn,ti :, DrcEMnHER ri, 1894. Morning Session. Board islet pursuant 10-adjourunlcnt. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. Superintendent of the Poor l.,yke appeared before the Board and presented his bond which, on motion.of Mr. Conklin, was referred to a special committee of two to be appointed by the chairman to examine as to the sufficiency of the sureties thereto. m .oF Y` ..,.....,..yz ., ... - The Supervisors' Pew:cedlugs for 1891.55 Mr. Newman offered the following resolution which, on motion of Mr. Bart; was adopted : Resolved, That in the distribution of -the proceedings of the Board of Supervisors for the present year, Caroline shall receive 35 copies Danby 325 Dryden 750 Enfield Soo Groton 615 Ithaca —town shall receive 300 Ithaca —city, 1st ward shall receive 150 Ithaca —city, 2d ward 265 Ithaca —city, 3d ward 260 Ithaca -city, 4th ward 200 Lansing shall receive 475 Newfield 450 I Ulysses 560' 1 Mr. Harrington offered the follow resolution which, on Motion of Mr. Hart, was adopted : Resolved, That there be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the county the sum of $100.00 to pay the County Clerk for the sen9ces of jan- itor for the County Clerk's building. On motion adjourned. Afternoon Session. Roll call. Quorum present. 1Ir. Boice, chairman of the committee appointed to exam - ice the accounts of the several charitable institutions, presented the- following report which, on 'motion of Mr. Newman was received and ordered spread upon the minutes and that the sev- eral shins therein named be levied and assessed upon, the - • respective towns, city and county, chargeable therewith : r gb The Supervisors' Proceedings for 189/. To the Honorable, the Board of Supervisors: Your committee appointed to examine the accounts of the several charita- ble and penal institutions would respectfully report as follows : Resolved, That in accordance with a resolution of the Board of Supervis- ors passed December 7, 'SSo, there be assessed and levied upon the taxable properly of the following towns, the city of Ithaca and county of Tompkins, the sums set forth in the annexed schedule to reimburse the county for amounts of money paid to the several charitable and penal institutions in said schedule, viz.: 0 CAROLINE. I Maud Leonard, Children's Home .61 5o Millie Leonard, Children's Home 78 o0 Total 5 DRYDEN. May \olver, Susquehanna Valley I -Lone 91 25 LANSING. Eva I,amphear, Ithaca Children's 1 -tome 49 50 NEWT II;LD. c Julius Casterline, Susquehanna Valley Home . .. 91 25 ULYSSES. Frank Baths, Susquehanna Valley Home . . . . 91 25 DA N BY. Bertie Steenmyre, Susquehanna Valley Ilonle i 91 25 1THACA CITI'. 3Iary Conn-ay, Auburn Orphan Asyluvi.72 So Frank Raney, Susquehanna Valley Home 91 25 Edna Gifford, Ithaca Children's Home 43 5 ao7 55 The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1594.57 TOMPKINS COUNTC Monroe County Penitentiary.86o 78 Onondaga County Penitentiary 16o 87 Syracuse State Institution for feeble Minded children . .125 00 Chas. Tubbs, Children's Houle .49 5 Sabra Tubbs, Children's Home Harry 1). Miller, Susquehanna Valley. Home 91 25 William Minton, New York State Institution for blind .25 60 Harry A. Coe, New York State Institution for deaf mutes .36 00 John Lynch, Home for Destitute Catholic children . 57 86 Eva Murphy, Shelter for Unprotected Girls .78 00 Total 11 BINS Nos. 112, 1151, 66. Western New York Iustitutiou for deaf mutes ordered paid at a special sleeting of the Board of Supetdisors of Tompkins County held at Ithaca, Sep- tember It, 1894. WM. K. BOICE, WM. P. HARRINGTON, JNO. J. YOUNG, Committee. Mr. Hutchings offered the following resolution which, on notion of Mr. Young, was adopted : Resolved, That one year's interest on the various amounts reported by the County Treasurer. as due from the several towns in the county and the city of Ithaca 01' the first day of May, 1894, be assessed and levied upon the taxable property of the city of Ithaca and towns respectively. Mr. Todd offered the following resolution which, on 1110 - tion of Mr. Hart, was adopted : Resolved, That there be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of Tompkins County the sum of $1,405.74 to pay for repairing nail furnishing the County Clerk's and Surrogate's building as appears by the report of the county building committee. 58 The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1891. On ]notion of Mr. Todd, ordered that the sheriff be allowed' the same amount for office rent as in the preceding year. V{r. Thompson, chairman of the committee on constables' accounts, reported the following bills which, on motion of Mr. Hutchings, were allowed and audited at the amount recom- mended by the committee i Bills Nos: 102, 103, 128, 181, 167, 16S. Mr. Hottes, chairman of the committee on printers' accounts, reported the following bill which, on motion of Mr. Boice, was allowed and audited at the amount recommended . by the committee : Bill No. 186. Mr. 1-1art, chairman of the committee on miscellaneous claims, reported the following bills which, on ]notion of Mr. Harrington, were allowed and audited at the _amounts recom- Mended by the committee : Bills Nos. 129, 156, 68, 184, 163, 142, 161. On motion adjourned. NINETEENTII DAY. WEDNE5DAI DECEMBER 12, I894. Morning Session. I3oard met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call. Quorum present. The Supervisors' Proceedings for r89{.59 Minutes of preceding day read and approved. 1 g , committee on erroneous assessments rendered the fol- lowing 'report which, on motion of 1\'1r. 1-1 art, was adopted and ordered spread upon the minutes : To the Board of Supervisors, of Tompkins County: Vour committee on erroneous assessments make the following report: t' Vour committee to whom was referred the application of Martin Hausfier, of the town of Enfield, who claims that 1 50 acres adjoining the town iue was, in the years 1893 and 1894, assessed high in the towns of Enfield and hector. Said Hausner asks that his name be stricken from the assessment roll in the town of Enfield 011 said 50 acres and further asks that a tax of $8.25 d which he paid on the same in the year :893 be refunded to him. Vour committee would recommend that the sum of $8.25 be levied and assessed against the taxable property of the town of Enfield and paid to the Supervisor to settle the claim. Pour committee would reject the claim of striking his name from the assessment roll on the ground that this Board has 110 jurisdiction in the natter. In the application of Jonathan Stamp, of the town of Newfield, who claims a reduction in his assessment on the ground that his 'property was pur- chased in part with pension money, your committtee would recommend that his assessment would be reduced from $960 to $31O. In the application of Rev. Asa Piske, of the city of Ithaca, who claims that a tax-of $23.90 which he paid Pebruary 2, 1894, be refunded him on the ground of exemption (he being a minister of the Gospel), your coumti ttee re- ject the application on the ground that thetas levy was made before he pur- chased the property. On the recommendation of S. I. Barnes and John Hunt, assessors of the town of Lansing, your committee would recommend that the clerk of the Board be directed to draw the following orders in favor of Wilmer Stout for the sum of 6 99 William Tucker for the sutu of .6 99 Jaue Pierce for the sum of 4 38 Burr Knox for the sum of 5 25 0 do The Supervisors' Proceedings for 18w. ` Being for erroneous taxes paid by them in the year i 893, and charge the same to the town of Lansing. 11. F. HUTCHTNa , CONKLIN;r`7. T. S. THOMPSON, Committee. Mr. Conklin offered the following resolution which, on motion of Mr. Hutchings, was adopted : Resolved, That according to the report of the committee on erroneous assessments there be levied and collected alit of the taxable property of the town of Lansing the sung of $23.61 to reimburse the following persons for taxes illegally collected : Wilmer Stout, Wm. Tucker, Jane Pierce, and Burr Knox. Ivlr. Newman offered the following resolution which, on motion of Mr. Hart, was adopted : Resolved, That in accordance with the report of the committee on error - eons assessments there be levied and collected out of the taxable property of the town of Enfield the suns of $8.2$ to reimburse Martin Hausner for taxes illegally collected in 1893. The committee on equalization retired to the committee room and entered Upon the discharge of tlfeir duties. On motion adjourned. Afternoon Session. Roll call. Quorum present. . The committee on equalization returned from the commit- i tee room and presented - their report. On notion of Mr. Van Ostrand, the report was laid on the table for twenty -four hours. Mr. Thompson offered the following resolution which, on motion of Mr. Boice was adopted : 1 The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1891.61 Resolved, That pursuant to Chap. 338, Laws of 1893, there be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the city of Ithaca the sum of $7,000.00 for the support of the poor in said city, and pay into the city treasury $5,661.04, being balance of $7,000.00 designated by a resolution of the Couu>Lon Council of said city. Mr. Young, chairman of the committee on sheriff's ac- counts, reported the following bills which, on motion of Mr. Thompson, were allowed and audited at the amounts recom- • mended by the committee : Bills Nos. 182, 183. Surrogate Almy presented his report which, on motion of Mr. Hart was accepted "and ordered printed with the reports. District Attorney Jennings appeared before the Board and presented his report which, on motion of IVIr. Boise, was ac- cepted and ordered printed with the reports. Mr. Young offered the following resolution which, on 1110- Lion of Mr. Hart, was adopted : Resolved, That a special committee, consisting of Messrs.,l'odd, Conklin and Harrington, be authorized to audit the bills that have been incurred for repairing the County Clerk's building, with the exception of the contract with the Ithaca Steam Plumbing Company, and issue drafts on the County Treas- urer to settle the same.I The special committee appointed to investigate as to the sufficiency of the sureties on the bond' of the superintendent of the poor, rendered their report which was adopted. On motion of Mr. Hart, the bond of Superintendent of the Poor Dyke was approved and accepted. On motion adjourned. 0 62-The Supervisors' Proceedings for 5391. TWENTIETH DAY. Tin Ii ItsnAV, 1)ECI- BI R 13, 1894. Morning Sessioii. l3oard met pursuant to adjournment Roll call. Quoruut present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. On motion adjourned. Afternoon Session. Roll call. norm present. The hour having arrived for action upon the report of the committee on equalization, -the report was taken from the table. Moved' by Mr. 'hhothpsou tliat the report of the com- mittee on equalization be adopted. Mr. Thounpson's motion, on being seconded by Mr. 13oice, was carried by the following vote : Ayes— Kennedy; Boice, • FIutchings, Newman; Young, Hart, I- lottes, Todd, Thompson, I- Iarrington, Conklin, Van Ostrand; Ganouug -13. Noes — none —o. The report of the committee on equalization declared adopted and is as follows : Your coum,ittee on equalization would, respectfully report that they have examined and compared the assessment rolls of the several towns of the county and the city of Ithaca, and find them correct as to form and footings, The -Supervisors' Proceedings for 7Sg¢.G3 and would respectfully recommend that the following be and is hereby de- clared to be the equalized valuation of the real estate in the county of Tomp- kins for the year 1894 TOWNS Acres Real Personal Aggregate Rate Caroline 34,747 45 29,500 486,362 0462 Darby 33. 45 35, 4 Dryden . .58,192 1 , 285,541 73,755 1 ,359, 296 1300 Enfield .22,007 371.818 4 4 0376 Groton .30,725 866,257 131 , 255 997,5 0876 Ithaca 16,293 468,728 26,650 495,37 . Ithaca -city 2 ,940 3, 5 3,794,49 33 Lansing 37,7 1 , 223. 243 67,350 1,290,593 1237 Newfield 3 461,806 31,860 493,666 0467 Ulysses 19;818 1,025,466 201,850 1,227,316 1037 Totals 292 ,794 $9, $1,156,942 $ L. G. TODD, JNO. J. YOUNG, J. H. CONKLIN, H. P: HUTCHINGS, W. H. VAN OSTRAND, A. O. HART, L. J. NEWMAN, Committee. The assessed valuation of the severalstowns and city of Ithaca as per as- sessors of Tompkins County for the year 1894: TOWNS Acres Real Personal Aggregate Caroline . .34,747 849,696 29,500 379,196 Dauby . . . . . 33,624,710 35,659,76o Dryden . . . . . . 58,192 1 , 054,315 73,755 1,128,o7o Enfield 22,007 526,091 42,317 568,408 Groton 30,725 1 , 109,30 131 , 255 1 , 240 ,555 Ithaca .16,293 582,976 26,65o 609,626 Ithaca -city . . . . . .2,940 2,611,506 5 3,T Lansing .37,7 993,67,350 1,060,630 Newfield 3 482,610' , 31,860 - 5 Ulysses 19,818 1 , 054, 295 201,850 1,256,145 • Totals . .9. rq:w.z. r. •......r-- vPr..:_v r''''°'9'i 6.1 The Supervisors' Proceedings for '89.1. Mr. Hutchings offered the following resolution which; on motion of Mr. Thompson, was adopted : Resolved, That there he borrowed on the credit of the county the sum of i 2,000.00 and the same to he paid into the County Treasury to be used in paying • certain notes outstanding against the county and clue on 0r before March ist, 1895. Said notes shall bear interest at the rate of 5 per cent. per annum and be- come due as follows : 3,000.00 to become due and payable March ist, 1896, and $9,000.00 to be- come due and payable March 1st, 1897, and said notes to be made and signed by the chairman ,of the Board of Supervisors and the County Treasurer of Tompkins County and Leroy G. Todd, Supervisor of the city of Ithaca. Mr.. Todd offered tlie.following resolution which, on mo- tion of Mr. Hart, was adopted : Resolved, That there be levied and collected upon the taxable property of Tompkins County $10,440.89 to pay outstanding indebtedness of the county. On motion adjourned. TWENTY -FIRST DAY. P 7 FRIDAY, DECEMIIER 14, 1894. 1 Morning Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. v Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. On motion adjourned. 1 The Supervisors' Proceedings for 189g.65 Afternoon Session. Roll call,. Quorum present. Mr. Harrington offered the following resolution which,° on Motion of ivIr. Hutchings, was adopted : Resolved, That a committee of six, consisting of the chairman of this Board and five others appointed by him, to act as a committee of investigation concerning the roads of Tompkins County and to report at the next annual session the advisability of any changes that would be beneficial to Tompkins County. The chairman named as the other members of shell coin tnittee, Messrs. Harrington, Conklin, Hutchings, Van Ostrand and Hart. Mr. Young presented the following act : ACT NO. r. As ACT for the protection of trout in the county of Tompkins, made under the Provisions of Section 273, Chanter 488, of the laws of 1892, and known as the Game Laws. The People of the County of Tompkins, represented in the Board of Super- visors, do enact as follows : S19CtioN 1. It Shall be unlawful for any.person to fish for, kill or have in his or her possession any brook trout, brown trout, or California trout, in the county of Tompkins, from and after the fifteenth day of August until the first day of May in any year. Site Any person violating any provisions of this act shall be liable to a fine of twenty -five dollars for each offense, and ten dollars foe each fish so , taken, killed or in his or her possession, to be sued for and collected by the District Game Protector. Sae. 3. This act shall take effect on the first day of May, eighteen huu -o - dred and ninety -five. t GI 66 Tic Supervisors' Proceedings for iSp ;. On motion of Mr. Newman the'Board went into a commit- tee of the whole for the consideration of said act. Mr. Van °strand called to the chair. On motion of Mr. Kennedy, the bill was passed to a sec- ond reading. On motion of Mr. Kennedy, the committee arose and re- ported "progress on said bill. Chairman Kennedy in the chair. On motion of Mr. Van °strand, the bill was passed to a third reading. Moved by Mr. Todd, that the bill be passed as read. Mr. Todd's motion was seconded. by Mr. Hart. The ayes and noes being called on said motion the bill was passed by the following vote : Ayes— Kennedy, Hutchings, Newman, Young, Hart, Ilottes, Todd, Thompson, Harrington, Van °strand, Oanoung, Noes— none —o. Mr. Hutchings offered the following resolution which, on motion of Mr. Thoinpson, was adopted : Resolved, That the thanks of this Board are due and hereby tendered to the ITHACA JoutNAI., also to the Ithaca Morning I- lerahl, for their courtesy in supplying us with their daily papers during this session. oMr. Conklin offered the following resolution which, on motion of ;Mr. Hart, was adopted : The Sufiervisorsr Proceedings for 189J.67 Resolved, That the thanks of this; Board are due and ate hereby tendered) to the chairman for the kind and courteous manner in which he has treated' each and every member thereof, for his just and impartial rulings and for the able and efficient manner in which he has discharger) the various and import- ant duties devolving upon him during the several Sessions of_the Board now about to close. Mr. Von tg offered the following resolution which, on mo- tion of Mr. Thompson, was adopted : Resolved, That the thanks of this Board are due, and that we hereby ex- tend them to our clerk, Fred L. Clock, for the efficient and painstaking man- ner in which he has discharged the duties of his office. Mvlr. Hart, chairman of the committee on miscellaneous claiins, reported the following bills which, on motion, were allowed and audited at the amounts recommended by the coiu- mittee : Bills Nos. 187, 188, 189;190, 191 , 192 , 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, r98, and 199. 5 r- 2. 0 71 . The committee on appropriations presented the following report which, on motion of Mr. Todd, was adopted and ordered spread upon the minutes : 7o Ike board of Supervisors: Your committee on appropriations respectfully report the following: Resolved, That there be levied and collected upon the taxable property of the several towns and city of Ithaca, comprisuig the county of Tompkins, the sums heiceiu set forth for the following purposes : WM. P. HARRINGTON, C. F. HOTTES, WM. K. BOICE. STATE TAX. Schools 79 Insane - 4, 9 General Purposes 11 59 r 3o 3Y 66' The SnfelviFo s' Proceedings for 'S91. COUNTY TAXES -1894. Stenographers. -509 02 County Audits 16,055 85 Salary Clerk of Supervisors 150 00 Clerk's postage account 15 00 Chaplain of Alms House 50 00 Salary Jail Physician 50 00 Salary Sheriffs Janitor 350 00 Clerk of Supervisors, Comptroller's Report e 25 00 County Judge's salary 2,500 00 County Treasurer's salary 900 00 Court expenses 4,000 00 Clerk of Surrogate's Court 500 00 County Treasurer's postage . . .15 00 District Attorney's salary 600 00 District Attorney's office rent . . . . .200 00 County fuel and gas account . .750 00 x Susquehanna Valley Horne 91 25 Special County Judge 50 00 Sheriffs office rent ., . .35 oo J( Superintendent of the Poor 2,465 97 Monroe County Penitentiary 860 78 County Treasurer's office rent 100 oo Insurance on boilers, county buildings 100 00 County Jail improvement appropriation 110 00 Onondaga County Penitentiary 16o 87 Syracuse Institute for Feeble blinded Children 125 00 1 Children's Home 63 75 New York State Institute for Blind 25 60 New York State Institute for Deaf Mutes 36 00 Catholic Protectory for Destitute Children 57 86 Shelter for Uunprbtected Girls 78 00 Janitor „County Clerk's Building, salary too 00 Repairs and Furnishing County Clerk's Building . . . . 1 ,405 74 Appropriation to reimburse CitF and Town of Ithaca by error, 1890, 1891, 1892 332 25 Appropriation to reimburse City of Ithaca for School Commissioners' expenses, 189;132 56 G. M. Pierson, interest due March 1, 1895 125 00 J. A. Eliston, principal due March 1, '895 . 500 00 I The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1891.69 J. A. Ellston, interest due March I, 1895 150 00 Supervisor, former Towu of Ithaca, principal due March, ' 1 , 1895 . .2,80o oo Supervisor, former town of Ithaca, interest less surplus on hand 128 30 L. D. Van Pelt, principal due March I, 1895 . 1,700 00 • I,. D. Van Pelt, interest due March 1, 1895 .85 00 Raised last year 1,785 00 Less supplies in Treasurer's hands .1o6 25 1 ,678 75 Ithaca Trust Co., principal due February 4, 1895 4,000 00 Ithaca Trust Co., interest due February 4,, 1895 75 5 Ithaca Savings Bank, principal due January 23, 1895 .5,000 00 Ithaca Savings interest due January 23, 1895 . .125 00 Ithaca Savings principal due February 1, 1895 . .447 62 Ithaca Savings interest due February 1, r895 . • •7 94 • Ithaca Savings Bank, principal due February 1, 1895 .boo oo • interest principal 897 00 interest 8 23 principal 400 68 interest 3 Q0 principal 2,557 81 interest 32 68 principal interest 46 67 Mrs: 11. A. Ifurritt, interest due March 28, 1895 50 00 5544 39 Less amount by extension notes 12,000 00 43,44 39 1894— CAROLINE TAX. • State tax 1,311 72 County tax 2,007 o0 Town Aud}ts .1,209 29 Highways and bridges 1,250.00 Overseer of Town Poor 100 00 Superintendent of Poor . .139'83 Return tax 8'41 70 The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1891. Ithaca Children's Home 1 139 50 Interest on unpaid taxes 51 School Commissioner's apportionment 23 52 6,189 78 1394— DANDY TAX. State tax 53 County tax 1,985 27 Towu Audits 1,64$ 07 Highways and bridges 200 00 Superintendent of the Poor 120 26 Returned tax 67 Interest on unpaid taxes 04 School Commissioner's apportionment 31 24 Susquehanna Valley Home 91 25 Damages laying out highways 357 20 5,73 53 1394—DR VDP,N TAX. • State tax 3,691 00 County tax 5,647 3$ Town Audits 2,088 28 4 -Susquehanna Valley Home 91 25 Superintendent of the Poor 226 52 Highways and bridges 1 ,395 00 Re- assessed tax 46 03 Interest on unpaid taxes 2 76 Pence wire appropriation 300 00 School. Commissioner's apportionment -65 77 99 1894 -1 NPIgLD TAX. State tax 11,067 55 County tax 1 , 633 39 Town Audits 1 ,409 44 Highways and bridges .250 00 Interest on railroad bonds 1,176 00 Superintendent of the Poor 45 75 Damages lacing out highways I10 00 The .Supervisors' Proceeding's for ag /.71 Unpaid tax 10 20 Interest on unpaid tax 61 School Commissioner's apportionment 26 56 lirroueous tax 8 25 5,737 75 1894- GROTON '1'A\. State lax 16 County Audits 3,805 4 Town Audits 4,215 90 Superintendent of the l'oor 63 21 Unpaid taxes 6 47 Interest on unpaid taxes 39 Interest on railroad bonds 1,050 00 Sinking fund - . . .150 00 School Commissioner's apportionment 48 26 11.826 85 I 894— ITHACA —TOWN. State tax 79 County tax 2,059 12 Town Audits 1,826 05 Returned tax'55 79 Interest on unpaid taxes 3 35 School Commissioner's apportionment 31 78 Ithaca & Athens R. R. sinking fund [61-10 of 15,000 2,415 00 Ithaca & Athens R. R. interest on bonds r6 t -[o of $2,625 422 62 62 Add difference by. error between Se as per divi- sion, [893, and 16 1 -10 as per chapter 33 Laws of 1580, to pay city 66i 5o 13,499 12 Geneva & Ithaca R. R. interest on bonds 161-10 of $595 957 95 Add difference by error between y as per' divi- sion 1893, and 16 1 -u as per chapter 336, Lows of 1880, to pay city 214 19 14 9993 14 72 The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1891. 1894 —ITi AcA —c1TV. State tax 9,409 22 County tax 14,396 49 I. & A. R. R. sinking fund 83 9 -10 per cent. of 12,585 00 L & A. R. R. interest on bonds 83 9 -10 of 2,625 . .2,202 38 3 Less diference by error between Xr as per divi- sion 1893 and 83 9.10 as per chapter 336, Laws 1880,.to•be paid by town of Ithaca . 66r 50 14,125 SS G. 1. & R. R. interest on bonds 83 9 -10 per cent. of 4 4,99 05 Less difference by error between j4 as per sion 1893, And 83 9-10 as per chapter 336, Laws 1830, to be paid by town k 214 19 - 4,777 S Returned unpaid taxes 35 85 Interest on unpaid taxes 194 00 Superintendent of the Poor 1,131 it Susquehanna Valley Home 91 25 Auburn Orphan Asylum 72 80 Ithaca Children's Home -43 5 Balance amount poor fund as per resolution Common Council 5,661 04 7, o0 50,262 30 1894—LANSING TAX. r State tax 3,512 13 County tax 5,373 7 Town Audits 3, 34 Superintendent of the Poor 49 5 Highways and bridges 500 00 Laying out highways 1,168 31 Returned tai So 80 Ithaca Children's Home 49 1 The Supervisors' Proceedings, for 1891.73 Interest on unpaid taxes 4$ 7 00 School Commissioner's apportionment 62 45 Refunded tax•23 61 3 1894- -NEWFIELD TAX. State tax 92 County tax 2 ,028 71 Town Audits 3,29r 50 Highways and bridges 250 00 Superintendent of the Poor 93 17 Interest on railroad bonds 3,206 00 fSusquehanna Valley Home 91 25 Overseer of the Poor 5o 00 Unpaid taxes 56 X82 Interest on unpaid taxes -3 40 School Commissioner's apportionment 31 67 10,428 44 x895— IJLVSSItS TAX, State tax 2,944 28 County tax 4,504 87 Town Audits 1 ,349 49 Interest on railroad bonds 3,692 00 Highways and bridges,250 00 Overseer of the Poor 00 • Susquehanna Valle}' home -91 25 • Return taxes 134 73 Interest on unpaid taxes 8 o8 Superintendent' of the Poor 164 -36 Memorial Day appropriation 75 00 Laying out highways 140 00 School Commissioner's apportionment 78 75. 13,482 81 Adopted. J. H. KENNEDY, Chairman. On motion adjourned to December 21st, 1894, at 10:30 A. M. 1 f y,/The Supervisors' Proceedings for e89 /: TWENTY- SECOND DAY, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1894. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call. Onoruut present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. s The members were engaged in preparing and signing war- rants for the collectors of the several towns. There being no further business to come before the session of the Board the same was, on motion, declared adjourned sine die. FRED L. CLOCK, Clerk. P I The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1891.75 COUNTY AUDITS. STATE OP NEW YORK, 55.COUNTY OF ' l ' OMI'KINS —BOARD OE SUPERVISORS, l r I hereby certify that the following abstract comprises all the bills and accounts against the county of Tompkins present- ed to the Board of Supervisors of said county at its animal ses- sionfor the year 1894., showing the name of each clainiant, the true nature of the account, the amount originally clainied; and the amount as finally allowed and audited by said Board. FRED 1;. CI,OCK, Clerk. No. Name.Nature of Service.Claimed. Allowed. I J. W. 'Tibbetts, ex- Sheriff, assigne to W . II. Willson, $55 75 55 75 2 J. W. Tibbetts, ex- Sheriff, assigned to W. II. Willson 389' 67 389 67 3 - R. J. Pierce, constable, assigned to Jones & Gobel 2 30 2 30 4 Anson Wait, constable 23 25 15 05 5 Marshall Woodbury, constable 7 90 7 90 6 Marshall Woodbury, constable 1 95 1 95 7 Stephen W. Vorhis, constable 9 6o 9 6o 8 Geo. W. 1 -Iam, constable,3 85 3 85 9 M. E. Poole, justice 56 02 34 3 to H. 8. Hopkins, justice 2 85 2 85 I I J. P. Merrill, justice, assigned to W. II. Willson 22 10 22 10 12 H. S. Hopkins, justice 3 05 3 05 13 H. S. Hopkins, justice 4 05 4 05 14 W. II. Lockerby, coroner 24 6o 24 6o A 76 .The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1891. 15 W. T. Armstrong, coroner's jury ,5 00 5 00 16 Wm. McKinney,.coroner's jury 4 00 4 00 17 Charles H. Blood, coroner's jury 1 00 1 oo 18 George S. Tarbell, coroner's jury 1 oo 1 00 19 C. J. Rumsey, coroner's jury 5 00 , 5 00 20 C. B. Fish, coroner's jury 4 00 4 00 21 D. F. Van Vleet, coroner's jury 4 00 4 oo 22 D. Tarbell, coroner's jury j 1 00 1 00 23 The ithaca Democrat, printing reports, 1893 464 to 464 10 24 The Ithaca Democrat, printing 1SS SS 188 88 25 The Weekly Ithacan, printing 16 25 5 no 26 The Ithaca Journal, election bill 1,418 40 1,418 40 27 W. H. Lockerby, lunacy proceedings,42 00 42 co 28 C.J. , Rumsey & Co., supplies 32 to 32 10 29 Harry Harrington, moving books 5 25 5 25, 30 Truman Nobles, stenographer's services ,36 6o 36 6o 31 Truman Nobles, stenographer's services 39 So , 39 So 32 Edward ?deafly, lunacy .proceedings ,15 00 15 00 33 Ithaca Water Works Co., water for county buildings 125 00 125 00. 34 C. I'. Biggs, lunacy proceedings 10 00 10 00 35 Hawkins & Todd; supplies . .21 92 21 92 36 Judson B. Todd, supplies 1 59 1 50 . 37 Reynolds & Lang;.labor and material 11 73 11 73 b 33 Clark & Wilson, repairing clock 1 50 1 50 39 Bishop & Beaman, lunacy proceedings 15 00 15 00 40 Reynolds & Lang, steel forjail 31 09 31 09 41 , The Bool Company, supplies and labor 105 53 105 53 42 Andrews- Demorest Seating Company, chairs 446 6o 44 6o 43 S. H. Peck, lunacy proceedings 5 0o 5 00 44 Finch's express and storage, moving books 300 300 45 Banks &Brothers, books 22 35 22 35 46 E. D. Norton, supplies 5 00 5 00 47 C. H. Blood, commissioner 35 00 25 00 48 5. IL Peck, commissioner 35 00 25 00 49 Linch & Gray, labor 144 5 144 5 So R. E. Lusk & Sons, certificates 3 00 , 3 00 5i D: H. Striugbmn, supplies 29 09 20 09 52 Dudley F. Finch, supplies 4 3 4 3 i 53 John L. Hagaman, material and labor 3 58 3 33 54 Chas. W. Earl, material and labor 21 11 21 1I 55 W. H. Leckerby, lunacy proceedings 5.5 00 The Supervisors' Proceedings for '89 /.77 56 Ben Mintz, supplies 18 25 - $18 25 57 Clinton Ayres, cleaning vault, assigned to L. H. Van Kirk 12 00 12 00 58 Driscoll Brothers, plaster t 13 00 13 00 59 Clarence I,. Smith, legal services,12 75 1 12 75 6o Henry C. Carr, gauze constable, assigned W. H. Willson 18 5o 18 50 6r Jamieson & McKinuey, Material and labor 55 54 55 54 62 Jamieson & McKinney, material and labor 9 25 9 25 63 Andrew Barto, lumber and labor 14 11 14 11 64 L. C. Foster, sand 75 75 65 M. D. Goodyear, lunacy proceedings 16 6o 16 6o 66 A. M. Baldwi n,,l unacy proceedings 16 6o r6 60 67 Aretas S. Fox, constable, assigned to M. M. Mead 10 20 10 20 68 Edwin M. Hall, supplies 20 69 20 69 69 S. D. Halliday, legal services 500 00 500 00 7o Godfrey. & Gilbert, repair doors at jail 2 10 2 10 71 Wm. P. Harrington, moving books 2 50 2 50 72 George E. Hanford, justice 8 3o 8 3o 73 H. I,. Haskin, coroner's jury 1 00 1 00 74 D. W. Ilurdick, coroner's jury 4 00 4 00 75 J. W. Brown, coroner 218 00 218 00 76 H. L. Haskin, supplies 5 44 5 44 77 Vait Deliogart Paper Box Co., boxes for ballots 12 20 12 20 78 N. V. & N. J. Telephone & Tel. Co., rent or telephone 42 a) 42 00 79 J. 8. Kirkendall, lunacy proceedings 25 00 25 00 So .Elms Griggs, lunacy proceedings 15 00 15 00 81 J.' W. Iirowu, . lunacy proceedings'5 00 5 00 82 The Bool Company, repairing chairs 3 45 3 45 83 J. W. Brown, commissioner 35 00 25 00 I 84 G. C. McChute, stone and labor 13 90 13 90 85 Trepan, King & Co., supplies 49 10 49 10 1 . 86 Treman, King & Co., supplies 7 20 7 20 • 87 The Ithaca Jourual,.comity printing 646 75 646 75 88 C. D. Robinson, sheriff's juror ,2 00 2 00 89 Irving Miller, sheriff's juror 2 00 2 00 90 Dixon & Robinson, repairs 1 00 1 00 91 Nicholas Pearson, ex- supervisor 44 00 44 00 92 Bradford Austin, constable 5 90 3 25 93 Jacob Lobdell, coroner's juror 1 00 1 oo 94 Albert Van Auken, constable 12 00 00 00 95 Albert Van Auken, constable 1S 6o 18 3o 96 , Albert Van Auken, constable 14 70 14 70 a 7S The Supervisors' Proceedings for Mg'. 97 John B. Ramsey, coroner's juror 4 00 4 00 98 Duane D. Owen, lumber •3 3 3 3 99 A. J. Coe, constable, assigned to Sawyer & Glenzer, 4 75 4 75 100 PC' J. Coe, constable, assigned to Sawyer S Glenzer, 6 6o 6 60 for A. J. Coe, constable, assigned to Sawyer fi Glenzer, 7 25 7 25 102 City of Ithaca, officer's bill larder Smith 56 00 39 55 103 City of Ithaca, officer's bill under Van Kirk 70 80 53 45 104 City of Ithaca, Recorder Smith's bill .53 55 25 49 165 City of Ithaca, Recorder Van Kirk's bill 82 55 64 35 io6 L. H. Gould, lumber and labor 1 t 1 50 111 50 107 Lehigh Valley R. R. Co., iron 8 90 8 90 108 Richard Cusack, labor and stone-149 50 149 50 109 John N. Barker, work at county house 2 00 2 00 1 ro N. Y. State Institution for the Blind. (See town budgets). 111 Susquehanna Valley Hoare. (Sceicoanty budget). 112 \Vest. N. Y. Inst. for Dead Mutes. (See town budgets). 113 Onondaga County Penitentiary. (See comity budget). 114 Syracuse State Inst. for Feeble Minded Children. (See comity and town budgets). 115 Shelter for Unprotected GMs. (See town budgets). 1,6 Society for the Protection of Destitute Catholic Children. (See town budgets). 117 Children's Ilome. (See town budgets). 118 Auburn Orphan Asylum. Ste town budgets.) 119 West. N. Y. Inst. for Deaf Mutes. (See town budgets). 120 Monroe Co. Penitentiary. (See county and town budgets). 121 E. F. Weaver, constable 12 15 12 15 122 Nelson E. Lyon, justice 8 0o 8 00 123 Aaron W. Buck, coroner's juror •1 00 1 00 124 Charles Ingersoll, coroner's juror 5 00 5 00 125 Fred I,. Clock, coroner's juror 4 00 4 00 126 C. G. Hoyt, coroner's juror 4 00 4 00 127 H. M. Hibbard, coroner's juror 4 00 4 00 128 Seneca Spicer, constable 1 70 1 70 129 Fred G. Nash, extra work,36 20 36 20 130 E. H. Kyle, lunacy proceedings 5 oo 5 oo 13r E. A. Kerst,lunacy proceedings 10 00 10 00 132 J. J. Montgomery, lunacy proceedings 5 00 5 00 133 Enz & Miller, supplies to county 155 5 155.50 134 Dana Rhodes, legal services l0 00 10 00 135 Dana Rhodes, ex- supervisor 3 SS 30 88 The SupeFVi;sors' Proceedings for r 79 136 .Martin Beseuner, lunacy proceedings 5 00 5 / 137 J. Will Tree, binding books 25 4 25 4 738 Eugene Terry, taking affidavits 2. 00 0 00 139 Charles A. Smith, sprinkling, etc.9 00 9 00 140 Eugene Baker, lunacy proceedings 75 75 00 141 James P. Fahey, post morteus examination 15 Po 15 00 142 Ithaca Pluubingand Steam'Fitting Co., repairing boiler 18 51 18 51 143 1'reman, King & Co., keys for court house 3 25 3 25 144 E. J. Morgan, lunacy proceedings io 00 10 00 i45 John Jinn, ex- supervisor 58 4 58 40 146 ' James S. Lyke; extra services .63 00 63 '00 147 James S. Lyke,•Superintendent of the Poor 9 00 9 00 148 Simon Maloney, labor 17 75 17 75 149 Crozier & Feeley, supplies 17 15 17 15 150 A. Chase, Medical services 5 00 5 00 151 J. II :Conklin, committee work •.27 04 27 01 i 152 L. G. Todd, committee work 40 00 40 00 1 W. P. Harrington, committee work 12 06 12 00 154 Edward Camp, ex- supervisor, assigned to Mrs. Edward Camp 42 56 42 56 155 J. H. Conklin, committee work 17 28 17 28 156 IL H. Angell, coroner's juror 4 00 4 00 . 157 Fred L. Clock, Justice of the Peace 10 35 10 35 i58 George \V. Frost, supplies ' 17 6o 17 60 159 Joseph Fowles, materials 42.30 42 3o 16o T. S. Thompson, committee work 12 oo • . 12 00 161 Eugene Terry, extra services 125 00 5o a0 162. J. Plickinger, lunacy proceedings '10 GO i0 on 163 \Vm. 11. Miller, professional services 128 5o 128 5o 764 R. Horton, ex- supervisor 8 00 8 co 0 165 Barr Bros., supplies 56 90 56 90 66 Benj. A. Stevens, per contract 230 19 230 19 167 Frank Barbryr, constable 6 8o 6 So 168 Charles Bedew, dep. constable 6 85.0 00 16o J. J. Montgomery, coroner 19 on 19 00 170 J. Flickinger, Soroner 5 4 5 4 171 Ithaca Journal, printing official canvass 45 00 45 00 ' ' 772 L. H. Van Kirk, County Clerk 619 58 619 58 173 L. nH. Van Kirk, County Clerk 828 54 , - 828 54 174 A. II. Wood, drinving specifications 33 00 33 00 775 CharlesIngersoll, hacks, etc.10 0o Io 00 t 8o The Suffer- eisors' Proceedings for isg¢. 176 L. H. Gould, work on jury box 89 00 89 - 00 177 Jacob Peters, work on county clerk's building 5 55 5 55 178 John V. Hagadorn, work in jail 28 99 - o oo 179 George Bower, sheriff's juror 2 00 2 00 180 School District No. 13, Town of Dryden, resolution by Board, for returned tax 13 37 13 37 181 E. C. Wolfe, constable 7 20 7 20182CharlesS. Seaman, service bill 817 24 817 24 183 Charles S. Seaman, board of prisoners 93 11857 93 184 Brush -Swan Electric Light Co., wiring court house 241 15 241 15 r85. Brush -Swan Electric Light Co., lighting 11 46 11 46 186 Ithaca Democrat, publishing official canvass 3o 00 30 00 Total,17 $ o8 SERVICIt 11114,5. 187 W. P. Harrington, services io8 oo io8 0o 188 Wm. K. Boice, services 134 64 134 64 189 W. H. Van Ostrand, services 142 14 142 14 190 A. O. Hart, services.122 26 122 26 191 J. 11. Conklin, services 142 81 142 81 192 Jarvis Ganoung, services 140 00 140 00 193 C. F. Hottes, services o8 00 - 108 00 194 L. G. Todd, services 1o8 00 1o8 00 195 L. J. Newman, services 130 47 130 47 196 T. S. Thompson, services 168 0o 168 00 197 J. H. Kennedy, services-159 4 159 4 198 II. F. Hutchings, services 137 4 137 4 199 John J. Young, services .352 57 152 57 o Total Service Bill,77 $ 77 Total Audits,16 ,349 94 16 ,055 85 The Supervisors' Proceedings for '8g¢.6i m W M t HU 001 X 9701 4 E'9 e 0111 110 SI ao rtllou d.-‘2.-.4 A '.o o n a mI9 uo ¢vA. °Icy E 'O [no 3°! ',c'8858,^w481l=E n° o .. tuft oole 4 5 F 21:42 8:t'3_ilo o Jv c P aJs }0 9u notvrt Iti loy (..,_4t0. •m o m n - v Xi a$ °5 th 8 :148'0 od ° o M0.. flu Pu): Iioy„„_c,_, 4 1: ", c c Immtssassv yuiS; co ri^ E- . - Ur tioc ' -c ' . lAT4.124°7'34 7 / 4 2 in e a r'M c s'luoa g au 101004 ,,,.__a w cload a;luo r in.._ .mcs_'3 I B LIS Wi) C r f i: .sari 88888$8388888 8 altod v wDoanIowls1101.0R 110(1010a m .r._.r mor:urorwam^r 0 Fut v ° 2.p I suores t°1° U rommm¢c.•crororovon oc E E 21 dt T ollru c M"J Pn z a0(1eluao A In a;tuolllkt oo W F oE . r' .m it.o • z s ,: [ ), aa aa$s 0 yEYq v n 00' uopmenada:op wnwao w2 ti ee vin oz-St v r v LLOI "'i 1 ti6I1 M r 4-22o•-t- a nh p.n:os 9Iilas.CUp '*.13t$,o ?f et., s "1 €i "$i ?[''`1 ( > ' o V Srr, vN cvi ollur 274E14 H ..v a V o v _ 9 aorl eluw B P: anuouic +..0 m. m a °_ u I2 .2 ' O M N ' L' •o Soi aa°a 88888888&888' 8 0, a - c.r v M . Ig71¢ yu aollcuodumo mm romw- .)mmwm <won e •,a d o,srassn.weD N 6 O o v Symrop rpgm s,Ora „,,,,,,,.. t.,,, . ' . ' - I :1 w W o:n ,n ,c v o,,, 0 r 1) 00°403 C ' H c k a 1, o c h ,a u)1,:.sa:.c W d _ . d ,n r o v 1 ono.8, W o o0daa M F. O - - o "G m rCFz,J E -M-.oEJJm'JI OG Fj'r N F yn . O LC Or. Mi O r .l F c:& 5 i J V • F N r..0 V rz,,4,- C'F+Fi.ai M 0 4.5„,p V 7x JC n uco. C 0 w N EuFMCTw0ZF?C co Gov m.- d °" o. .-F POGO in'q ° oc F C-o'Or FAN^mO UVVV - m L . CE 9 o ocO1.Mn%% I D y Q o COM oof Euuu .d ' . S d.'.O ~ ^ ~ M 1 1 82 77re Supicrvisors' Proceedings for apt.. TOWN AUDITS. CAROLINE. Abstract of the names of all persons who presented accounts to be audited by the Town Hoard of the town of Caroline on the 8th day of November, r894, with the amounts claimed by each and the amounts audited and allowed each : No. Natne Nature of service Claimed Allowed 1 11. A. Hildebrant, assessor 36 00 36 00 z F. N. Patch, assessor 21 00 21 00 3 Henry Wincbel, inspector ,12 00 12 00 4 E. E. Legg, inspector r8 76 18 76 5 - John Davis, inspector 12 00 12 00 6 Wm. 1 . Devenport, inspector 12 00 12 00 7 Charles Wright, poll clerk 4 00 4 pp 8 Richard Whittaker, poll clerk 4 00 4 00 9 Wm. E. Snow, ballot clerk 4 00 4 00 10 Prank Nixon, ballot clerk 4 00 4 00 11 R. E. 13rink, hall rent 12 00 10 00 12 C. -E. Meeks, hall rent 12 00 10 00 13 Milo Yates, 'excise commissioner 3 00 3 1 14 Judson Rounseville, excise conunissioner . . . .6 00 6 00 15 C. L. Crandall, ballot clerk 4 00 4 00 16 Frank Pettigrove, ballot clerk 4 00 4 00 17 R. F. Abbey, excise commissioner 3 00 3 00 18 John 13n11, services as supervisor ,4 00 4 00 19 John J. Nelson, overseer of poor 12 00 12 00 20 John Cross, justice of peace 8 oo 8 00 21 R. C. Clark, ex- commissioner 10 00 10 00 The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1891.83 22 Old Ladies Home 1 43 00 E43 00 23 George R. Peck, inspector 12 00 12 00 24 Dewit Roe, inspector 12 00 12 00 25 George Richardson, inspector 12 00 12 00 26 C. W. Vali Demark, inspector 12 00 • 12 00 27 P. G. Ault, ballot clerk 4 00 4 00 28 C. A. Lull, ballot clerk 400 400 1 . 29 John Norris, inspector 12 00 12 00 30 Wm. Mauden•ille, inspector 21 05 21 05 , 31 E. Card, hall rent 12 00 12 00 32 Harry A. Davis, inspector 14 00 14 00 • 33 E. E. Legg, inspector, 1890 6 oo 6 oo 34 John Davis, inspector,i890 6 00 6 oo 35 Johu Davis, inspector, 1891 4 001 4 00 36 G. H. Hawkins, inspector, 1890 and 1891 0 00 10 00 37 Wm. E. Snow, inspector, 1890 6 00 6 oo . 38 John J: Peters, inspector, 1890 6 00 6 oo 39 John J. Peters, justice of peace 21 00 21 00 40 Chas. Lounsberry, assessor ..2S 00 28 00 41 Mrs. Gutsull, refund tax .4 5 4 5 42 Ira Bogardus, road commissioner 158 00 158 00 43 John J. Norris, inspector, 1890 and 1891 . . 8 00 8 00 44 W. C. Holland, inspector 12 00 12 00 45^ Bax Harding, assigned to C. E. Meeks . . . . .- .5 o0 5 00 46. Wm. K. Boice 1 7 to 7 t0 47 Chas. constable 6 25 6 25 48 Wm. K. Boice, supervisor 6 oo 6 00 49 Clarkson Davis, poll clerk 4 00 4 00 50 Charles W. Personius, work 6 5o 6 5o 51 Dewit Roe, inspector 2 00 2 00 52 John Besemer, inspector 4 00 4 00 53 C. E. Meeks, town clerk . •70 81 70 8i 54 W. V. Personius, justice of peace 12 25 12 25 55 Van Vleet & Bostwick, counselors .X15 00 10 00 56 R. G. H. Speed, justice of peace . •23 95 23 95 57 Sam Woodhull, inspector, 1891 and 1890 10 00 10 00 5 Ira Bogardus, pile driver 80 00 80 00 59 Wm- Wolcott, inspector, 1890 and 1891 10 00 to 00 6o Dr. P. A. Reid, births and deaths 5 oo 500 61 Ira Bogardus, road scraper 210 00 210 00 1 8/The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1891. Motion made and carried to raise $75.00 for the relief of indigent soldiers and their families.575 00 • 75 oo Total . •1,186 19 $1,177 19 We, the undersigned, composing .the Town Board of the town of Car- oline, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct statement of the accounts audited by us this Sth day of November, 1894. W11I. K. BOICE, Supervisor. C. E. MEEKS, Town Clerk. JOHN J. PETERS, JOHN CROSS, R. G. H. SPEED, W. V. PERSONIUS, Justices of Peace. ADDED RV RESOLUTION OE BOARD OP SUPERVISORS. 62 A. M. Dederick, constable 532 10 32 to Resolutions adopted at the annual Town Meeting of the town of Caroline, February 13th, 1594. Resolved, That there be raised in the town, for highways and bridges for the ensuing year awl for payments of debts of preceding two years, the sum of one thousaird dollars in addition to the $250.00 allowed by law. (Carried uoao- inlously.) Resolved, That there be raised in the town, for the support of the poor during the ensuing year, the sum of one hundred dollars. (Carried unaui- nwusly.) The second, recommendations of overseer of poor in favor of taking per- mauent poor to Comity House, adopted. Also the recommendation allowing that the town guarantee the Old Ladies Home of Itlmca one dollar per week for the support of Mrs: Drexie I'ettigrove, the friends of the family agreeing to pay the necessary funds to secure her admission thereto. W. V. PERSONIUS, JOHN. J. PETERS, R. G. II. SPEED, Justice of Peace. I certify the foregoing to be correct. 1 C. E. MEEKS, Town Clerk. The Srepervisors' Proceedings for - 9i.Xg DANBY. The following is an abstract of the names of all persons who presented accounts to be audited by the Board- of Town Auditors of the town of Dauby, on the 8tli day of November; 189¢, with the amount claimed by each and the amount allowed: No. Name Nature of service Claimed Allowed 1 C. A. Murray, medical services 47 00 h $47 o0 2 Johti 1?,. Beers, medical services 9 00 9 o0 3 John E. Beers, vital statistics 2 50 2 50 4 H. C. Thatcher, medical services 67 00 67 00 5 H. C. Thatcher, health officer 2 00 2 00 6 Fairbrother &•Co., supplies for poor 55 5 55 5 7 Pairbrother & Co., rent of hall for election ro or 10 00 8 Thomas". Hutchings, inspector 800. 8 00 q Joseph P. Thatcher, inspector 8,00 8 00 10 Chas. D. Snyder, inspector 8 00 8 00 r Chauney B. Thomas, inspector and messenger . .3 8o 13 30 12 Olin C. La Rue, inspector and messenge?13 93 13 93 13 Levi H. I3ollister, inspector and messenger 13 48 13 48 14 Wm. A. Howland, inspector 8 00 1 8 00 15 John J. Miller, inspector 8 00 8 oo i6 Wm. S. Welch, inspector 3 00 8 oo 17 Jas. G. Wilcox, inspector and care of booths .6 00 6 oo i8 Nelson Mosher, inspector 8 00 - 8 00 19 Willard Wright, inspector 4 00 4 00 zo Judd Dorn, inspector .8 20 8 20 21 Myron Wilcox, ballot clerk 4 00 4 00 22 Henry Fairbrother, ballot clerk 400 4 00 23 Fred Crance, ballot clerk 4 00 , 4 00 24 David Bogart, ballot clerk 4 00 4 00 25 Adelbert Shepherd, ballot clerk 4 00 4 00 X26 Charles D. Sabin, ballot clerk 4 00 4 00 27 Henry S. Beardsley, poll clerk 4 00 4 00 28 Frank At Todd, poll clerk 4 00 4 00 29 James O'Connor, poll clerk 1 4 00 4 00 30 H. C. Thatcher, poll clerk 4 00 4 or 3r 7ebulom Smiley, poll clerk . .4 00 q 00 h 86 The Supervisors' Proceedings for 7894. 32 Wm. H. Baker, poll clerk I '$ 400 4 00 33 Myron. Wilcox, rent of hall 8 0o S o0 34 Henry F. Hutchings, supervisor 29 33 29 33 35 Henry F. Hutchings, repairs on hall 82 55 82 55 36 Henry F. Hutchings, insurance on hall IS 75 18 75 37 Jacob Wise, justice of the peace 17 97 17 97 38 Jacob Wise, hall furniture 5 25 5 25 • 39 Theron W. Slocum, justice of the peace ,to 45 10 45 40 Theron W. Slocum, justice of the peace 12 00 12 00 41 Zebulon Smiley, justice of the peace 14 80 14 So 42 J. B. Thatcher, justice of the peace 12 75 12 75 43 J. B. Thatcher, supplies for poor'21 75 21 75 44 Henry S. Beardsley & Son, supplies fonpoor . . . 14 50 14 50 45 Theodore Brown, overseer of poor, and supplies . . 19 95 19 95 46 D. W. Gillow, coal for poor 86 1 86 47 Lucien B. Beers, assessor.20 00 20 00 48 Ed. E. Swartout, assessor 25 00 • • 25 00 49 George E. Morris, assessor 21 00 21 00 50 Frank A. Todd, ex- supervisor . . . ... . . . . . .3 00 3 00, 51 Nelson T. Williams; highway commissioner • . 121 00 121 00 • 52 Nelson T. Williams, highway supplies . . ... . . . 107 07 107 07 53 Nelson T. Williams, for iron bridge 288 40 288 40 54 Nelson T. Williams, road scraper 235 00 235 00 55 Nelson T. Williams, work on town hall 4 30 4 30 56 D. H. McFall, erroneous tax 3 61 3 61 57 Levi L. Beers, survey hill 8 00. 8 oo 58 Adelbert Shephard, work on hall and board bill .. .6 25 6 25 59 Chas. H. Ostrander, hardware, oil, etc.2 47 2 47 6o Clarence A. Slocum, constable services 1 5 10 5 10 61 Frank Bierce, work on hall 8 00 8 oo • 62 'George C. Bierce, work on hall 1 00 1 00 63 Holmes Iiollister, ballot boxes 3 00 3 00 64• Ithaca Journal, printing 14 05 14 05 65 Jackson .Graves with assessor and surveyor, measur- ing D. L. & W. R. R:200 200 66 Wm. H. Baker, town clerk . .88 15 88 15 . 67 Wm. H. Baker, cartage for hall .2 00 . 2 00 • 68 Wm. H. Baker, town supplies . . . ... 12 00 12 00 69 Charles E. Bruce, constable bills 4 35 4 35 1,648 07 $1,648 07 The Supervisors' Proceedings for 189¢.87 We certify that the above is a correct list of bills audited by us this day, - as a Town Board. Dated Danby, N. Y., November 8th, 1894. 0 A. F. HIITCAINGS, Supervisor. T. W. SLOCUM, J. WISE; ' J. B. THATCHER, Z. SMILEY, Justices of Peace. „ WM. H. BAKER, Clerk. I certify that the above is a true, copy of an abstract of bills audited and on file in this office. WM. H. BAKER, Town Clerk. • DRYDEN. The following abstract is a correct statement of all accounts against the town of Dryden at the auiival meeting of the Town , Board, November 8th, 1894, and, November 3oth, 1894, with the amounts claimed and the amounts allowed : No. Name Nature of service Claimed' Allowed 1 Albert Davenport, inspector of election 6 00 6 oo 2 ' David H. Cornelius, inspector of election 4 00 4 00 3 Phillip H'. Snyder, inspector of election 4 00 • 4 00•.. 4 Joseph Snyder, inspector of election 14 00 14 00 5 Alvirus Snyder, inspector of election . . . . . .12 00 12 00 6 Prank Powers, inspector of election 17 32' 17 32 7 Jacob McKinney, inspector of election . .12 00 , 12 00 8 Herman G. Brown,' ballot, clerk 4 00 4 00 9 Bradford Snyder, ballot clerk 8 20 8 20 . 10 Watson J. Sherwood, ballot clerk • 4 00 400 11 -Fred Baker, constable 2,00 2 00 B8 The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1891. 12 Frank E. Ellis, Constable 2 00 2 00\ 13 John T. Morris, hall for election . . . .30 00 30 00 14 Earl P. Rhodes, inspector, 1893 4 00 4 00 15 Earl P. Rhodes, inspector, 1894 6 00 6 o0 16 Albert Seager, ballot clerk 4 00 4 00 17 Theron Johnston, ballot clerk 8 oo 8 uo 18 R. Stanley Miller, inspector of election 14 00 14 oo 19 Edward R. Gaston, inspector of election 17 10 17. 10 20 Robert Scutt, inspector of election 21 64 • 21 64 21 George L. Burlew, hall for election . .10 00 10 00 22 ' Elias Fulkerson, ballot clerk .4 00 4 00 23 James B. Fulkerson, poll clerk 17 20 17 20 24 George H. Hart, poll clerk 8 o0- 8 oo 25 D. R. Montgomery, inspector of election'16 00 16 00 26 Chas. T. Fitts, inspector- of election . .18 oo 18 00 27 George E. Mouroe, poll clerk 0 8 5o 8 50 2S J. D. Ross, ballot clerk 4 00 4 00 29 D. C. McGreggor, inspe of election . . . . . . 19 So 19 So 3o - Dryden Opera House Co., hall for election 20 00 20 00 31 Horatio Smith, poll clerk 8 oo 8 00 32 Truman Teeter, poll clerk 4 00 4 00 33 James Hoffman, hall for •election 20 00 20 00 34 Franklin Douglass, inspector of election 16 00 . 16 00 35 Frank E. Brown, ballot clerk .4 00 4 00 36. George F. Primrose, inspector of election 21 72 21 72 37 Jay L. Platt, inspector of election 14 00 14 00 38 John L. Platt, inspector of election 16 00 16 00 39 E. T. Brown, poll clerk 8 00 8 o0 40 Daniel M. White, inspector of election 27 3o 24 12 41 George E. Goodrich, inspector of election 19' 50 16 25 42 Eugene Space, inspector of election 15 25 15 25 43 Orrin Hiles, poll clerk 4 00 4 00 44 Samuel McKee, inspector of election 6 oo 6 00 45 H. DI. Givens, inspector of election'23 25 20 00 46 George W. Bellinger, ballot clerk 4 00 4 00 47 Frank L. Burch, ballot clerk 4 00 4 00 48 Enos D. Wheeler, poll clerk 4 00 4 00 49 Fred D. Space, inspector -of election 4 00 4 00 5o Dryden Village, hall for election 20 00 20 00 1 51 Wm. Lombard, poll clerk 4 00 4 0 • 52 H. C. Warriner, poll clerk 4 00 4 00 t The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1891.89 I 53 H. C. Warriuer, poll clerk 4 00 4 00 54 George H. Houtz, poll clerk e 4 00 400 55 W. E. Sutfin, poll clerk 8 00 8 00 56 Lirther Simonds, ballot clerk . . . . . . ... . .. .4 00 4 00 57 Wni. Monroe, poll clerk 4 00 4. 00 S Fred Cotauch,'inspector of election 12 00 - 12 00 59 E. B. Heffron, inspector of election 18 00 18 00 6o J. M. Carr, ballot clerk 8 o0 8 oo 61 C. H'. Monroe. inspector of election 12 00 12 00 62 '11. T. Bishop, ballot clerk 4 00 4 00 63 Fred E. Mineah, inspector of election 4 00 4 00 64 W. J. Shaver, inspector of election i 21 8o 21 8o 65 P. E. Darling, town clerk t 42 72 42 72 66 Homer Genung, hall for election i 20 00 20 00 i . 67 Benj. Sheldon, assessor 70 00 7o 00 ' 63 Alva Ewers, assessor 64 00 64 00 69 A. W. George, assessor 53 00 53 00 7o Homer Genung, medical services 83 0o 83 00 71 Hosier Genung, statistics 4 00 4 00 72 E. D. Allen, statistics 4 75 4 75 73 J. J. Montgomery, medical services . . .74 00 74 00 i 74 John M. Ellis, town clerk 81 67 8i 67 75 G. C. Sweet, undertaking 46 00 46 00 76 Paul • Ewer, constable 2 85 2 85 77 J.•G. Ford, printing 31 85 31 85 78 • S. E. Smiley, commissioner of highways 48 00 48 00 79 5. E. Smiley, commissioner of highways 3 00 319 00 So S. E. Smiley, commissioner of highways 79 95 79 95 81 F. S. Jennings, medical services .6 o0 6 00 82 H. A. Strong; constable IS 3o • 16 10 83 George E. Goodrich, attorney •26 00 26 00 84 D. Bartholomew, excise commissioner 3 00 3 00 85 D. M. White, excise commissioner 3 00 3 00 86 Levarne Griswold, excise commissioner 6 00 6 o0 87 W. H. Drake, election booths 2 33 2 33 88 J. W. Mason, constable 4 65 4 65 89 W. E. Brown, justice of the peace 2 00 2 00 90 • Michael Thomas, returned taxes 2 00 2 90 91 West & Drake, election booths 4 25 3 45 92 C. M., Benjanlini poll list books 5 5 5 5 93 F. L. Hiller, statistics 1 25 1 25 I. 1 go The Supervisors' Proceedings for 18g¢. -, 94 George E. Hanford, justice of the peace IO 00 ro oo I - 95 George E. Hanford, justice of the peace 1 8 l0 8 to 96 George E. Underwood, justice of the peace . . .to 50 10 50 97 . J. H. Kennedy, supervisor 56 36' - 56 36 98 S. S. Hoff, justice of the peace 14 5 14 5 99 8. S. Hoff, justice of the peace 17 05 17 05 too J. D. Ross, justice of the peace 53 20 53 20 for J. D. Ross, justice of the peace 20 50 20 50 102 E. D. Branch, constable 4 55 4 55 103 Bradford Snyder, overseer of the poor . . . 32 00 32 00 104 M. J. Owen; statistics . .2 50 2 50 105 A. W. Lormor, excise commissioner 3 00 3 00 166 J. J. Montgomery, M.D., vital statistics 6 00 6 00 107 Eugene Sovocool, constable . .i 05 2 05 io8 Mrs. Ann Snyder, damages 500 00 40 00 2,56o 96 $2,088 28 I hereby certify that thedoregoing is a true abstract of all the claims pre - sented against the town of Dryden with the amounts claimed and allowed by the Board of Town Auditors at the meetings of said Board held November 8th and November 3oth, 1894 JOHN M: ELLIS, Town Clerk. APPROPRIATIONS. The following resolutions were adopted at Town Meeting, February 18th, 1894: 80.00. Resolved, That eighty dollars be appropriated for two bridges near Mrs. George Dixon's. 75.00. ' Resolved, That seventy -five dollars be appropriated for 'Paint for bridges. 300.00. Resolved, That three hundred dollars be appropriated for fence wire —to prevent drifted roads. 75.00. Resolved, That seventy -five dollars be appropriated to change and repair the road near Gardner Hill. 25.00. Resolved, That twenty -five dollars be appropriated for docking on Six Mile Creek. a *' tt a r -n^gsa •.xz ±a , °aCR"' The Supervisors' Proceedings for z 9c 40.00_ Resolved, That forty dollars be appropriated for bridge near Hem- ingway's school house. F. E. DARLING, Town Clerk. The following resolutions were adopted at the annual meeting of the Town Board of the town of Drydeu, November Sth, 1894 : 200.00. Resolved, That the sum of two hundred dollars be raised by tax for support of the poor.! 51,100.00. Resolved, 'that the sum of eleven hundred dollars be raised by tax, in addition to the snip voted at town meeting, for the commissioner of highways for necessary expenses incurred by him for repairs of highways and bridges. JOHN M. ELLIS, Town Clerk. 1'o Me Board of Supervisors: The undersigned, the Town Board of the town of Dryden, hereby do cer- tify that it will be necessary to raise the sum of $689.05 to apply in payment of road machines purchased for and by the following road districts for the ensuing o year, viz.: 41, 8, 44, 29. 30, 42, 102, 6 , 17, 148 , 43, 131 , 132, 134, 138 , 129, 45, 103, 121, 127, 1I1, 112, 113, 115,.120, 116, 119,122, 1, 3, 9, 124, 74, 156 , 7 7 82, 87,. 69, 86 , 85, 33, 35, 3 34, 3 15, '64, 63, 65, 68, 62, 54, 139, Ioi, Iqo, loo 99, 9 155, 93, 9 9 9 94, 97, 95, 77, 7 89. I hereby certify that the foregoing are correct copies of the resolutions adopted at the annual Town Meeting, held February 18th, 1894, and at. the . . meeting of the Town Board held November 8th and November' 30t11, 5894. Also the certificate to raise money to pay on road machines purchased by the road districts named. JOHN M. ELLIS, Town Clerk. ENFIELD. Abstract of the names of all persons 'who presented ac- counts to be audited by the Board -of Town Auditors of the town of Enfield on the 8th of November, 1.894, with the amounts claimed and the amounts audited and allowed : e. 1 92 The Sufiervisors ' Proceedings for 1891. No. Name Nature of Service Claimed Allowed 1 C. D. Wallenbeck, inspector and messenger , , , , 1j 64 17 64 2 L. C. Van Marter, inspector, Dist. No 1 13 00 13 0o 3 W. H. Jones, ballot clerk 4 00 4 00 4 A, W. Griffin, excise commissioner I 3 00 3 00 5 Wm. 12nu1sey, stationery So i 8o 6 E. Havens, eight ballot boxes 10 o0 10 00 7 Prank Teeter, house for election purposes 33 00 33 00 8 John Bailey, poll clerk 4 00 4 00 9 C. M. Williams, highway commissioner, material and labor . . , , . .u6 oo n6 00 10 Wm. Barber, supplies 3 83 3 83 II Seth Cowen, excise commissioner 3 00 3 00 12 Corey J. Harvey, poll clerk 4 00 4 00 13 L. J. Newman, assessment roll 1 25 - 1 25 14 C. M', Barnett, inspector . .12 00 12 00 15 S.J. Fish, guard at election 4 00 4 00 16 M. L. Harvey, citizen member, health board , 2 00 2 00 17 - E. Havens, inspector and messenger 9 64 9 64 18 J. 0. Carman, assessor 27 00 27 00 19 Corey J. Harvey, ex -town clerk .. 18 74 18 -74 20 Chas. Hubbel, overseer of poor 10 00 , s0 00 21 Chas. Hubbell, overseer of poor 2 77 - 2 77 22 Walter Ferguson, fumigating after scarlet fever E. . ,400 4 00 1 23 J. A, Theall, clerk of election, 1893 3 00 3 00 24 Ithaca Democrat, printing 28 5 18 50 25 Rossie Havens, ballot clerk 4 00 4 00 26 Charles Fletcher, inspector . .12 00 12 00 try H. H. tanning, excise commissioner 3 00 3 a1 28 A. N. Smith, inspector . . .8 0o 8 00 29 Enz & Miller, stationery • . . . . . . . . ... . ,2 63 2 63 30 Wm. Ammack, bonding commissioner IS 50 IS 5 31 Freinont Wilson, constable at election'4 00 • 4 00 3 James McCracken, assessor 29 00 29 00 33 George B. Willson, inspector . . , ,12 00 12 00 34 Fred Ball, constable, town meeting ,2 00 2 00 35 C. M. Williams, commissioner of highways, service bill , , . ,116 5o 116 so 36 John M. Russell, poll clerk 4 00 4 00 37 Dr. C. D. VerNooy, health officer 12 64 12 64 38 W. H. Jones, inspector 12 00 12 00 1 1 The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1894.93 39 Wmi Wright, ballot clerk 4 00 4 oo 4o David Farrington, assessor 30 00 30 00 41 Mrs. J. G. Workman, house, election purposes . .20 00 20 00 42 George Kirby, poll clerk, assigned to Chas. Wright4.00 4 00 43 Ithaca Journal, printing 3 cx 3 00 44 Kirk Fowler, inspector 12 00 12 00 45 Henry Welling, ex- overseer of poor 2 00 2 00 46 13. Oltz, ex -road commissioner 56 oo 56 00 47 C. J. Whiting, excise commissioner 3 00 3 00 48 James Hine, justice 23 oo 23 00 49 Chas. Rothermich, constable at election 2 00 2 00 5 Groton Bridge Co., iron bridge 400 00 400 00 51 Ester Smith, note and iyterest given by J. N. Wort- man .106 00 ro6 00 52 E. G. Willis, justice 24 00 24 00 53 F. B. Aiken, justice 25 50 25 50 54 Wm. F. Smith, justice 23 5 23 5 55 L. J. Newman, supervisor 26 00 26 00 56 Wm. Barber, town clerk 79 00 79 00 44 $ 6409 44 We, the undersigned, the Town Auditors of the town of Enfield, do 'here- by certify that the above is a correct list of Bills presented with amount claimed and allowed. L. J. NEWMAN, Supervisor. J. II. HINE, F. B. AIKEN, W. F., SMITH, E. G: WILLIS, i Justices of Peace. WM. BARBER, Town Clerk. I hereby certify that this is a true copy of the Town Audits, audited by the Auditing Board of thefTown of Enfield at their annual meeting, November Stth, 1894. Signed, WILLIAM BARBER, Town Clerk. j 9¢The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1894. GROTON. Abstract of names of all persons who presented accounts to be audited by the Board of Town Auditors of the town of Groton, on the 8th day of November, 1894, with the amount claimed by, each and the amount finally .audited and allowed each : No. Naute Nature of service Claimed Allowed I Daniel Morgan, poll clerk 4 00 4 00 2 Milo P. Gillen, ballot clerk 4 00. 4 00 3 Francis Webster, inspector . . .12.00 12 00 4 Jerome C. Fitts, inspector and messenger 14 00 14 00 5 'Allen.Howard, inspector 12 00 12 00 6 Wm. Burnham, inspector and messenger '18 36 18 36 7 M. A. Downing, poll clerk 4 00 4 00 8 • Lou Streeter, ballot clerk.4 00 4 00 9. P. B. Carrington, inspector, assigned to Begent & Wilcox 12 00 12 00 10 Eugene Cook, inspector 12 00 12 00 11 R. N. Mount, inspector 12 00 12 00 • 12 H. E. Van Sickle, poll clerk . . . . .4 00 4 00 , 13 George B. Sickman, poll clerk 4 00 4 00 14 E. N. Woodward, poll clerk 4 00 4 00 15 Fred B. Sawyer, poll clerk 4 00 4 00 16 Maurice Harrington, ballot clerk 4 00 4 00 17 S. W. Peunoyer, inspector .12 00 12 00 18 George 0. Bowen, inspector i .12 00 12 00 19 Rion S. Whitman; inspector 12 00 12 00 20^ Lyma Halladay, inspector 12 00 12 00 21 A.B. Buck, ballot clerk 4 00 4 00 22 M. L. Jones, poll clerk 4 00 4 00 23 Fred Hopkins, ballot clerk . .4 00 4 00 24 Ed. Metzgar, ballot clerk 4 06 4 00 25 Thomas C. Conlon, inspector •14 00 14 00 26 Earl D. Buck, inspector and messenger 1S 28 - 18 28 27 Chas. A. Hart, inspector and messenger 21 36 r. 21 036 28 Chas. A. Boyce, rent of hall 10 00 10 00 29 Chas. A. Boyce, doctoring town poor 35 00 35 00 3o Wm. D. Baldwin, inspector and messenger 1S 44 18 44 rvw• q'u y .r n t;F i ^wssnc'X r, '' , il9911i i The Supervisors' Proceedings for .189 1.95 31 Simeon Gray, commissioner of highways 138 co r38 oo • 32 Wm. II. Bulkley, assessor 30 00 3o 00 33 Beach & Marsh, room foe election 15 00 15 00 34 A. M. Baldwin, vital statistics 3 0o ' 3 00 35 Chas. 0. Rhodes, election supplies 3 22 3 22 36 Chas. Townley, excise commissioner 3 oo 3 00 37 B. F. Robertson; room for election 16 oo 16 oo 38 A. J. Baldwin, poor supplies 200 zoo ' 39 W. C. Allen, booths and ballot boxes . .3 00 3 00 40 Stevens & Townley, election supplies ...9•q8 • 41 Wm. 73. Burnham, assessor's clerk 6 00 6 oo 42 M. A. Downing, town clerk 99 25 99 25 0 43 Nelson Barris, assessor'44 00 144 00 44 E. G. Galloup, burial for poor 25 00 25 00 45 L. J. Townley, printing 26 19 26 19 46 E. G. Galloup, poor supplies 25 00 25 00 47 J. M. Montfort, justice 16 oo r6 00 48 Jno. J. Young, supervisor 1 6 oo 6 00 49 Chas. Tarbell, election guard 2 00 5o G. W. P. Hamilton, election guard . . •2 00 2 00 5r\ Amos Avery, guard and 'work on booths ..6 00 6 0o 52 S. B. Parker, work on booths 4 00 4 00 53 Marsball•Woodbury, constable 7 30 7 30 54 Marshall Woodbury, constable 1 4 55 . 4 55 55 Porter Morton, excise commissioner : . .3 00 3 00 56 Miles Morton, ballot boxes r5 00 15 00 57 J. W. West, poor supplies : ... 8 00 8 00 58 C. W. Hall, livery and carting i'12 75 12.75 59 Miles D. Goodyear, doctoring town poor 62 00 • , 62 o0 6o Bradford Snyder, rent for Lewis Knapp It oo 9 oo 61 John S. Love, rent for Hastings sisters 36 00 36 00 62 Begent & Wilcox, coal for poor 5 65 . 5 65 63 R.J. Pierce, constable, assigned to Jones and Goebel 5 45 5 45 64 F. C. Atwood, poor supplies 31 74 3 74 65 H. B. Stevens, poor supplies 1 25 1 25 66 J. M. Montfort, poor supplies 59 7 59 7 67 John S. Love, poor master . .95 80 ' 95 8o 68 Anson Wait, constable . . . . . 6 05 6 05 69 Anson Wait, constable 7 • 05 7 05 1 7o Alvin Howard, assessor 35 00 35 oo 71 H. B. Stevens, inspector, assigned to Pickens & Lowe 8 0o 8 oo 1 ci I 96 'The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1891. 72 George B. Close, inspector 4 00 4 00 73 Spencer & poor supplies 25 00 25 00 74 Pickens & Lowe\ poor supplies 33 5 33 5 75 Gooding Sr_ Hailaday, coal for poor 2 70 2 70 76 Begent Sr_ Wilcox, supplies 21 61 21. 6r 77 Begent & Crittenden, bridge supplies . . . . . .32 21 r 32 21 78 Nelson Stevens, justice . .16 0o 16 00 79 Nelson'Stevens, hb11 clerk 4 00 4 00 So Harry Sandwick, work on ballot machine 6o 6o- 81 H. S. Hopkins, justice . ,4 60 4 60 82 H. S: Hopkins, justice 3 85 3 85 83 H. S. Hopkins, justice 8 8o 8 8o 84 H. S. Hopkins, justice .2 90 2 90 85 H. S. Hopkins, justice .3 4 3 4 86 H. S. Hopkins, justice .3 90 3 90 87 H. S. Hopkins, justice .3 75. 3 ,75 88 E. F. Leifer, ballot clerk 4 00 4 00 S9 Robinson & Gooding, poor supplies 12 10 12 10 go Jones.& Gobel, supplies 117 117 27 91 C. W. Conger & Co., poor supplies .65 33 65 33 92 Dana Rhodes, ex- supervisor 12 00 12 00 93 E. R. Nye, hall for town .42 50 • 42 50 94 Newton Baldwin, justice 19 25 19 25 95 Newton Baldwin, labor on booths 6 50 6 5o 96 Newton Balwin, justice 8 10 8 10 97 Newton Baldwin, justice 3 10 3 10 98 Neivton Baldwin, justice 2 15 2 15 99 Newton Baldwin, justice 2 15 2 15 too E. A. Stearns, work on highway . 10 00 ro 00' for G. M. Stoddard, legal services 20 00 20 00 102 H. S. Hopkins, justice 21 25 21 25 103 HighwaylCom'r, added by resolution, highway . 1,200 00 1,20o 00 104 Highway commissioner, added by resolution, high- way deficiency, 1893 - 94 '1,051 00 1,051 00 105 Supervisor, added by resolution, Memorial Day 100 00 100 00 1o6 Supervisor, added by resolution, indigent soldiers .. 15000 15000 Total 4, 9 $4, 9 r 1 The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1894.97 We, the undersigned, the Town Auditors of the town of Groton, do here- by certify that the above is a correct list of bills • presented with amount claimed and allowed.JNO. J. YOUNG, Supervisor. J. M.MONTFORT, NEWTON BALDWIN, NELSON STEVENS, H. S. HOPKINS, Justices of Peace. i M. A. DOWNING, Town Clerk. I hereby certify that this is a true copy of the Town Audits ,audited by the Auditing Board of the town of Groton at their annual meeting, November 8th, 1894. 1 M. A. DOWNING, Town Clerk. ITHACA. Abstract of the navies of all personswho presented accounts to be audited by the I3oard of Town' Auditors of the town -of Ithaca "with the amounts claimed and the amounts audited and allowed. No. Name Nature of service Claimed Allowed 1 George Small, lumber 49 85 49 85 2 Weekly Ithacan, printing t z oo z oo 3 E. H. Green, ballot clerk 8 oo 800 4 Chas. H. Palmer, inspector 23 24 23 24 5 H. S. Wright, inspector 16 00 16 00 6 J. W. Tourtellot, inspector 18 oo - 18 00 7 Martin Cremer, poll clerk 8 00 8 00 8 H. T. Burtt, poll clerk 9 Soo • - 800 9:' Don A. Hopkins, ballot clerk .8-00 8 00 so Andrew Gibbs, ballot clerk 4 00 4 00 11 S. M. Thompson, inspector 14 00 24 00 - 12 Ezra C. Brown, inspector 19 so 29 50 1 . t mar 98 The 'Supervisors' Proceedings for 1891. 13 R. R. Hazen, ballot clerk j, 400 4 00 i4 E. D. Shurter, poll clerk .4 00 4 00 15 Fred Northrop, inspector 16 00 16 00 16 S. M. Thompson, citizen member, board of health 4 eo 4 00 17 H. T. Burtt, vital statistics 6 25 6 25 18 Fred Northrop, putting up booths 5 oo 5 00 19 A. F. Van Gorder, inspector 23 3 23'30 20 A. W. Kline, poll clerk Soo - 8 oo 21 Warren Tompkins, constable .17 30 13 So 22 Enz & Miller, election supplies 2 1S 2 18 23 Enz & Miller, supplies, town meeting 2 96. 2 96 24 Fred Northrop, rent of hall 20 00 20 00 25 H. T. Burtt, rent, town clerk's office 26 00 26 00 26 Ithaca Democrat, printing 14 00 14 00 27 A. O. Hart, supervisor zo 6o 20 6o, 28 A. M. Cradit, rent of-hall 20 00 20 00 29 A. M. Credit,'rent of hall, 1893 .20 00 20 00 30 Comfort Hanshaw, excise commissioner 30 00 6 oo 31 H. A. Brown, excise commissioner 6 00 6 oo 32 Myron Van Orman, rent, polling place 40 00 40 00 33 H. T. Burtt, town clerk 94 86 94' S6 34 Ithaca Journal printing '29 00 29 00 35, L. F. Colegrove, justice of peace 21 90 21 90 36 H. J. Coe, constable 1 75 1 75 37 Wm. O. Newman, justice of peace;14 00 14 00 38 John J. Hanshaw, inspector and excise commissioner 22 00 22 00 39 A. Van'Horu, labor, 1893, assigned, J. J. Hanshaw.21 00 21 00 40 A. B. Dale, assessor 14 00 00 00 41 City of Ithaca, for year 1893 288 89 , 288 89 42 Wm. J. Totten, justice of peace. 8 oo 8 oo 43 M. E. Poole, justice of peace .44 5 44 5 44 D. P. Williams, highway conuuissioner, assigned, George Burlew 88 .75 83 5 45 D. F. Williams, highway commissioner, assigned, George Burlew 65 00 42 50 46 John J. Williams, assessor 74 00 46 00 47 Stephen W. vorhis, constable, assigned to M. M. Sweetland 3 35 3 35 48 Stephen W. Vorhis, constable 15 6o 9 00 49 Frank King, assessor 46 00 46 00 50 J. Sincebaugh, lumber, 1893 6 92. 6 92 I The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1891.99 51 Frank King, fence viewing 2 00 2 00 52 Frank Nelson, fence viewing 200 2 00 53 Frank Nelson, fence viewing . . .2 00 2 00 54 John J. Williams, fence viewing 2 00 2 00 55 Geo. E. Stevens,•bridge material and labor 56 98 56 98 56 Driscoll Brothers, supplies . .203 02 184 02 57 Frank H. Nelson, assessor 44 00 44 00 5S Frank II. Nelson, fence viewing 2 00 2 00 59 Moses Snook, fence viewing 2 00 2 00 6o Fred Middaugh, lumber 33 82 00 00 61 Moses Snook, highway commissioner 157 5 157 5 Total 1,375 02 $ 35 We, the undersigned, the Town Auditors of the town of Ithaca, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct list of all the accounts audited or rejected at the meeting of said Board of Auditors held Thursday, November 8111, 1894. A. O. HART, Supervisor. M. E. POOLE, W. O. NEWMAN, WiVf. J. TOTTEN, L. P. COLEGROVB, Justices of Peace. HUGH T. BURTT, Tow, Clerk. ADDED BY RESOLUTION 0P BOARD. 62 T. J. Harrington, for 1893, constable, assigned to W. H. Willson 95 S 95 63 H. H. Miller, for 1393, deputy sheriff, assigned to W H. Willson 3 75 3 75 7 $ o5 LANSING. Abstract of.the names of all persons who presented ac- counts to be audited by the Board of Town Auditors of the 100 The Supervisors' Proceedings for r8gg. town of Lansing on November .8th, 1894, with the amount claimed by each and the. amount, filially audited and allowed each. No.Name Nature of service Claimed Allowed 1 A. J. Brink, inspector and messenger . . . .20 04 19 04 2 Daniel A. Tarbell, poll clerk 4 00 4 00 3 Glen L. Bacon, ballot clerk 4 00 4 00 4 Fred Edsell, ballot clerk 4 00 4 00 5 Frank Haring, inspector 12 00 12 00 6 John H. Conklin, poll clerk 4 00 4 00 7 R. Beardsley, use of hall . .10 0o to 00 8 R. Beardsley, supplies to Harriet Butler 5 00 5 00 9 Rev. S. H. Haskell, marriage, returns 2 25 2 25 10 L. J. Townley, printing 1 65 1 65 it D. C Haring, poor supplies 65 1 65 i2 D. C. Haring, service bill 24 00 24 00 13 P. I,. Sinith, shoes for Mrs. Roberts 2 00 2 00 14 F. I,. Washburn, returning, births and deaths .. . .6 00 6 oo 15 F. L. Washburn, medical services to Mrs. Millard . . 17 00 17 00 16 F. L: Washburn, medical services, Harry Myers . . . 31 5o 31 5o 17 F. I,. - Washburn, medical service, Willard Austin .23 00 23 0o I8 F. L. Washburn, medical service, Fay Mapes . . . •6 oo 6 oo 19 John Hunt, assessor, service bill 3o 00 30 00 20 C. G. Benjamin, poor supplies 3 00 3 00 21 C. E. Wood, poll clerk 4 00 4, 22 C. E. Wood, registering statistics . .17 50 17 50 23 C. E, Wood, disbursements 4 22 4 22 24 John Sharpstein, plank and stone 8 5o 3 50 25 John Sharpstein, services 24 00 24 00 26 Dr. N. D. Chapman, medical services, J. Benson .. . 27 00 27 00 27 Dr. N. D. Chapman, medical services, James Clark . 11 25 11 25 28. Dr. N. D. Chapman, Medical and surgical 9 00 9 0o 29 Dr. N. D. Chapman, health officer .to 00 to 00 3o Dr. N. D. Chapman, returning births and deaths . .5 75 5 75 31 Dr. N. D. Chapman, medical services to Emory .. . 22 50 22 5o 32 T. H. Pierson, repairs on road scraper 6 0o 6 oo 33 Holt Teeter, inspector 12 00 . 12 00 34 Michael Eagan, inspector and messenger . . . . . 13 00 13 0o 35 Fred A Townley, inspector and messenger 17 64 17 64 The Sufiervdsors' Proceedings for 1891.col 36 L. R. Lyon, use of ball 30 oo 30 00 37 George Lantermau, inspector 12 00 12 00 38 N. E. Lyou, ballot clerk 4 00 4 -00 39 H. W. Bower, inspector anil Messenger 13 00 13 00 40 John W. Mack, plank 125 00 125 oo 4i James G. Buck, assessor, service hill 33 00 33 00 42 Samuel Hudson, inspector and Messenger 17 So 17 So 43 B. M. Hagiu, supplies to highway/2 50 2 5o 44 Clarence M. Buck, poll clerk.4 00. 4 00 45 A. J. Conlin, poll clerk 4 00 4 00 46 Michael Eagan, stone for bridge 4 00 4 00 47 N. E. Lyon. supplies to poor 22 95 22 95 48 A. C. Wooley, poll clerk 4 00 4 00 49 R. Miller, lumber and repairs on scraper 7 77 7 77 50 I'. V. Egbert, plank 26 57 26 57 51 N. E. Lyon, justice, criminal bill 32 50 32 50 52 N. E. Lyon, supplies to booths 2 25 • 2 25 53 Henry Learn, lumber 37 5 37 5 54 Thomas Wright, repairs on 'scraper 6 28 6 28 55 J. W. Pratt, inspector 12 00 12 00 56 J. W. Pratt, returning marriages 50 5o 57 C. H. Bacon, inspector 12 00 12 00 58 M. A. Farrel, ballot clerk 4 00 4 90 59 G. C. Gifford, legal services 7 5 7 5 6o Horatio Brown, plank 29 70 29 70 • 61 C. II. Bacon, plank 3 60 3 do 62 S. 1. Barnes, assessor, service bill 36 00 36 ob 63 G. S. Van Patten, plank 175 00 175 00 64 C. F. Crance, use of hall and supplies it 50 11 50 65 0. G. Benjamin, supplies to highway 5 to 5 10 66 Laverne Main, ballot clerk .4 00 - 4 00 67 Daniel McCarty, inspector 12 00 12 00 68 I. D. Emmons, service bill -1 50 t 50 69 J. Norton, ballot clerk 4 00 4 00 70 Henry Field, excise commissioner 9 00 9 00 71 C. E. Smith, stone 2 6o 2 6o 72 Albert Van Aitken, constable, service .48 40 48 40 73 James Stearns, excise commi assigned to C. E. Wood .9 00 9 00 74 Prank H. Tarbell, justice bill .75 75 75 Ithaca Journal, printing 28 86 19 11 1 tit i I 102 The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1891. 76 Milo Howell, commissioner, service bill .158 00 15S o0 77 E. C. Stearns, stone 4 8o 4 So 78 Stevens 8: supplies to Harriet Butler . .g 69 ' 9 69 79 Stevens & Townley; supplies to Harriet Butler . .11 14 11 14 8o /Orville Blakely, plank .11 5o iI 50 81 Andrew Miller repairs on scraper 3 5o 3 5o 8i W. A. J. Osmun, plank 6 69 6 69 83 John Conklin, per centage I 29 18 29 18 84 John Parkins, service on highway 3 00 3 00 85 Randall Smith, commissioner, service bill 7o 00 70 00 86 C. E. Wood, town clerk,'service bill 42 00 42 o0 87 C. E. Wood, hardware bill 9 47 9 47 88 Harriet Butler, for keeping Fanny Parker 36 00 36 0o 89, Charles Drake, service bill 22 061 22 o0 90 Frank Tarbell, service bill 22 00 22 00 91 B. M. Hagih, service bill 22 CO 22 00 92 N. E. Lyon, service bill 22 00 22 do 93 J. H. Conklin, service bill 43 •04 43 04 94 W. O. Shepard, returning marriages 2 75 2 75 95 Supervisor J. H. Conklin, to pay]. M. Heggie note.260 25 260 25 g6 Old Ladies' Home 5 00 5 0o 97 5. W. Stout, for damages to himself and wagon and loss of horse, caused by accident - near watering. trough on Lake Hill, near McKinney's 315 0o 175 00 98 First National Bank, commissioner's note 5 3 5 3 99 Groton Bridge & Mfg. Co., commissioner's note . . . 440 18 440 18 3,3 09 $3, 34 JOHN H. CONKLIN, Supervisor. B. M. HAZEN, FRANK TARBELL, CHARLES DRAKE, N. E. LYON, Justices of Peace. I hereby certify that the above is a true copy of the Town Audits audited by the Auditing Board of the town of Lansing at their annual sleeting, Novem- ber 8th, 1894. C. E. WOOD, Town Clei yl v . ... }.: i'. =.neo •'°'T'' .-...r.:e{ x,+ The Snpel visors' Proceedings for 1891.103 AI)DE.I) BY RESOLUTION OF It OF SUPERVISORS. too Albert Van Auken, constable 12 00 12 00 I NEWFIELD. . Abstract of the names of all persons who presented ac- counts to be audited by the Board of Town Anditors, of the town of Newfield, November Sth, 1894, with tlic aiitonnt clailned by each and the amount finally audited and allowed each. No.Name Nature' of service •Claimed Allowed 0 1 James U. Douglas's, ex- overseer of the poor 6 00 6 o0 z Aaron Alexander, building for election purposes.. . ioloo to 00 3 Nelson Swan, board of witnesses in excise case . . .3 25 3 25 4 Jonathan Underdown, health officer.6 00 6 00 5 John E.. Beers, M.D., expert testimony in case of Ezra Marion vs. town of Newfield 30 00 30 00 6 Ithaca Journal, town printing 20 o0 20 00 7 Samuel W. Bellis, subpoenaing witnesses in Marion case in 1893 4 7 4 7 8 R. Horton, ex- supervisor's services -and expenses .3 55 3 55 9 Aaron Poyer, services at Town Meetii)g 3 00 3 m tb Charles M. Beardslee, service bill, overseer of the Poor D 75 11 .75 D. Charles M. Beardslee, overseer of poor for medical services rendered hi 1893, on order of ex- overseer of the poor, Jaiues U. •Douglass 55 to 55 10 iY Charles 1VI. Beardslee, overseer of the poor, medical Services, 1894 44 25 44 i5 lg Charles M. Beardslee, overseer of the poor for slip- plien 86 76 86 76 rq Alvah D. Brown, service bill as assessor 35 60 35 60 15 Alonzo Boiver, service bill as assessor .3 35 3 35 10¢The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1Sgf. 16 Irvin Holman, commissioner of highways, for repairs of highways and bridges 417 60 417 Go 17 Irvin Holman, for bridges bought in 1893 .627 40 627 40 13 William Payne, service bill as asses:or 24 35 24 35 19 Erastus Patterson, services as excise commissioner • 3 00 3 00 20 Erastns Patterson, inspector of election, services, Dist. No. 1 14 00 14 00 21 A. II. Palmer, inspector of election, services, Dist. No. 1 1400 1400 22 Theodore Kresge, inspector of election, services, Dist. No. 1 14 00 14 co 23 Smith Douglass :inspector and messenger, Dist. No. 1 17 64 17 64 24 I. N. Van ()strand, clerk of the polls, Dist. No. 1 . .4 00 4 00 25 William Puff, clerk of the polls, Dist. No. 1 . . . .4 00 4 00 26 William Weatherell, ballot clerk, Dist. No. 1 . . . . , 4 00 4 00 27 William Savercool, ballot clerk, Dist. No. 1 . . .4 00 4 00 23 J. W. Dean, ex- health officer, 1893 2 00 2 00 29 P. S. Dudley, for use of hall for town purposes .25 00 25 00 , 3o E. R. Osterhout, vital statistics 4 75 4 75 31 Estate of AI. M. Waters, legal services in Marion case in 1893 125 00 125 00 32 Ithaca Democrat, for printing appeal in Marion case, 1893 100 00/ 100 00 33 Ithaca Democrat, for printing ballots and law points 26 74 26 74 34 Irvin Holman, service bill and labor 148 00 148 on 35 Alvah D. Brown, poll clerk, Dist. No. 2 . . . .1 4 00 4 00 36 Daniel W. Gere, poll clerk, Dist. No. 2 4 00 4 00 37 Bert Drake, ballot clerk, Dist. No. 2 . . ... . . .4 00 4 00 38 Truing Updyke, ballot clerk, Dist. No 2 4 00 4 00 39 Fred Thompson, inspector of election and messen- ger, Dist. No. 2 . . .19 96 19 96 40 Harrison Cook, inspector of election, Dist. No. 2 . , 12 00 12 00 41 Estus Rockwell, inspector of election, Dist. No. 2 14 CO 14 00 42 John Rosbrook, inspector of election, Dist. No. 2 . , 14 00 , 14 00 43 Alvah 1). Brown, use of house for election purposes, Dist. No 2 10 00 - r0 00 44 C. R. Seabring, ex- commissioner of highways . . . 13 50 13 50 45 Augustus Patterson, iuspector of election, Dist. No. 3 14 00 14 00 46 C. A. Smith, inspector of election, Dist. No. 3 . . . 12 00 12 00 47 C. W. Cook, inspector of election, Dist. No. 3 . . . 14 00 14 00 48 C. A. Tompkins, inspector and messenger, Dist. No. 3 19 64 19 64 The Supervisors' Proceedings for 189¢.05 49 John Thompson, ballot clerk, Dist. No 3 4 00 4 00 50 G ; W. Cox, ballot clerk, Dist. No. 3 4 00 4 - oo 51 Elmer Alexander, poll clerk, Dist. No. 3 ..4 00 4 00 53 David V. Congdon, poll clerk, Dist. No. 3 .4 00 4 00 54 Willis Bush, constable 1 30 1 30 55 P. S. Starr, excise commissioner . . .3 00 3 00 56 A. H. Palmer, bonding commissioner 6 70 6 7o, 57 Charles McCorn, bonding commissioner •6 co 6 00 58 Seymour Grover, justice fees, in criminal cases . .6 40 16 40 59 George W. Ilani, constable in criminal case 3 25 3 25 6o Heidi Alexander, damages to wagon in Marion acci- , dent 20 00 20 00 6i Geo. W. Maur, constable in excise case 25 05 25 05 62 L. H. Tabor, excise commissioner 3 00 3 00 63 Wm. H. Van Ostrand, services in Marion case . .58 00 58 oo 64 Howard McDaniels, town clerk 131 19 121 19 65 5. D. Halliday, for counsel fees, costs, disbursements and expenses in Marion case 750 00 750 00 66 Ithaca Democrat, for printing law points in Schuyler County case in 1893 •to 0o to 00 67 W. H. Van Ostrand, justice, service bill 4 00 • 4 00 68 A. R. Allen, justice, service bill 16 50 16 50 69 Seymour Grover, justice, service bill 22 00 22 00 7o Charles H. Brown, justice, service bill 22 25 22 25 71 W. I3. Van Ostrand, supervisor 59 02 59 02 72 A. I{. Allen, justice, in excise case 18 95 18 95 3, 5 $3, 5 I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of all bills audited by the Town Board of the town of Newfield, at their annual meeting as a Board of Town Auditors, November 15th and 16th, 1894. c HOWARD McDANIF,LS, Town Clerk. ULYSSES. The following is an abstract of the names of all persons who • presented accounts to be audited by the Board of Town , rob The Supervisors' Proceedings for r891. Auditors of the town of Ulysses, on the Sth day of November, i894, with the amount claimed by each and the amount allowed: No.Name Nature of service Claimed Allowed 1 Fenton Bower, inspector of election, assigned to M. ' T. Williamson.t2 00 12 00 2 E. P. Bouton, inspector of election 4 00 4 00 3 Horton & Holton, supplies 72 72 4 E. C. Almy, room for election, etc.26 32 26 32 5 E. A. Snow, inspector of election 16 00 6 00 6 F. W. Osborn, overseer of poor 22 00 22 00 7 Horace Walters, inspector of election 12 00 12 00 S W. E. Dean, inspector of election 18 oo 1S 00 9 Chas. Van Amburg, poll clerk 4 00 4 00 10 J. M. Stout ballot clerk 4 00 400 11 Fred Van Order, ballot clerk .4 00 4 00 12 Harvey Updike, poll clerk 8 0o 8 o0 13 Wm. McCoy, ballot clerk 4 00 4 00 14 F. E. Van Buskirk; inspector of election 16 oo 16 oo 15 Frank Terry, inspector of election !800 800 t6 J. B. Spaulding, excise commissioner 12 00 12 00 17 J. T. Howe, use of room for election 20 00 20 00 18 Henry Williams, poll clerk 4 00 4 00 19 R. R. Updike,ballot clerk 8 0o S o0 20 George A. Hopkins, supplies z 25 2 25 21 Seneca Spicer, constable . 29 94 29 94 22 H. Van Order, use of room for assessors 2 00 2 00 23 Harvey M. Wickes, poll clerk 4 00 4 00 24 George Pierson, poll clerk 8 00 8 oo 25 M. Truman Smith, inspector and poll clerk i6 00 16 oo 26 James G. McLallen, poll clerk 8 oo 8 oo o 27 Old Ladies' Home, board for three years —Mrs. Pratt 156 00 156 00 28 L. W. Carpenter, town'physician 25 00 25 00 29 Fred Hadley, inspector of election 4 00 4 00 30 W. D. Di,nick, inspector and messenger 18 04 18 04 31 John Rudy, excess of tax I1 00 11 00 32 J. W. Kirby, assessor 38 6o 38 6o 33 S. R. Wickes, inspector and messenger 22 04 22 04 34 Sam Frazier, • constable 17 75 17 75 35 C. A. Voorhees, printing, assigned to L. J. Wheeler . 15 00 15 00 1 The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1894.107 36 Free Press, printing 14 05 r4 05 37 A. B. Smith, poll clerk.4 00 4 do 38 II. C. King, excise commissioner . . .3 00 3 00 39 C. A."Voorhees, printing, assigned to M. T. William-o 5011 .15 35 15 35 40 L. S. Boyd, vital statistics 2 00 2 00 4 L. W. Carpenter, vital statistics 3 25 3 25 42 \A. 1'. Osborn, inspector and ballot clerk 8 00 8 00 43 H. S. Bates, erroneous tax 2 53 2 53 44 John A. Milne, legal services 5o 00 00 00 45 H. Sawyer, excess of tax 11 00 00 00 46 E. T. Stewart, undertaking 8 oo 8 oo 47 13. T. Stewart, undertaking xo 00 10 00 48 L. H. Gould, making booths 14 75 75 49 J. R. Cusack, inspector and messenger 22 04 22 04 I 5o A. V. Van Liew, excise commissioner 18 36 18 36 51 John Flickinger, medical services 12 00 t 12 00 52' John Flickinger medical serv .11 6S 11 68 53 John I•'lickinger, vital statistics ,3 5o 3 5o 54 M. T: Rolfe, assessor 47 25 47 25 55 David H. McLallen, erroneous tax 6 67 6 67 56 W. I. Sherwood, overseer of poor 56 62 56 62 57__F. A. Kerst, vital statistics 8 00 8 00 58 F. A. Kerst, medical services .4 00 4 00 59 H. B. Thompson, ballot clerk 4 00 4 00 6o J4. A. Mosher, supplies 4 00 4 00 61 : H. S. Bates, inspector -of election.4 00 4 00 62 J. N. Barker, ballot boxes 21 15 21 15 63 J. T. Morgan, assessor 75 85 75 85 64 George Wolverton, room for election .30 00 20 00 65 S. A. Sherwood, digging graves 15 00 15 00 66 Rev. R. W. McCullough, vital statistics 2 00 2 00 67' W. S. Bates, excise commissioner.9 00 1 0 00 68 I3. S. Bates, inspector of election 12 00 12 00 69 George Whipple, excess of taxes, two years ..17 92 17 92 7o W. H. Ganging, comissioner of highways 18 5o 18'5o 7 Wm. Austin, legal services .36 00 36 00 72 Edward Camp, ex- supervisor .4 00 4 00 73 J. N. Barker, justice of the peace . ,16 0o r6 00 74 M. T. Williamson, poll clerk .4 00 4 00 75 Henry Hutchings, justice of the peace TO CO 10 00 108 The Supervisors' Procecrlings for r89¢. 76 M. T. Williamson, justice of the peace 35 20 35 20 77 N. R. Gifford, justice of the peace 27 25 27 25 78 F. F. Van Buskirk, undertaking 15 0o 15 00 ' 79' N. R. Gifford, putting up booths 2 00 . 2 o0 80 John N. Barker, clerk of election, etc.23 12 23 12 8i Jarvis Ganoung, supervisor 52 9 5 92 82 F. III. Austin; town clerk 68 87 68 87 83 N. R. Gifford, use of room for town board . 5 00 5 00 49 $ We, the Town Board of the town of Ulysses, hereby certify that the above is a correct list of bills presented, with amounts claimed and allowed. JARVIS GANOUNG, Supervisor. HENRY HUTCHINGS, JOHN,N. BARKER, NORMAN R. GIFFORD, M. T. WII,LIAMSON, Justices of the Peace. F. M. AUSTIN, Town Clerk. I hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct statement of all accounts presented to and audited by the the Town Board of the town of Ulysses on the 8th day of November, 1894. F. M. AUSTIN, Town Clerk. 1,'he SuJcrvisor Proceeding-sit-0r rSg¢.109 REPORTS. COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT. To Me Honorable, the Board. of Supervisors of the County of Tompk • The undersigned, Treasurer of Tompkins County, respect- fully submits his annual statement of receipts and disburse- ments of the county funds from November 12t11, 1393, to No- vember 12th, 1894, as follows : RECEIPTS. January 1, 1 per cent. of school funds from superintendent of pub - lic instruction 125 11 1 per cent. of stateltax .2 25 Ulysses 7,104 17 Newfield 3, 36 Lansing.8,284 45 Caroline 3,3 99 Danby 3,162 15 IDryden .8,913 03 Groton 5, 75 Enfield .2 ,504 53 Ithaca —town 3,188 05 Ithaca —city 44,981 72 Collateral tax .2 ,744 54 Justice fines 353 25 Jail and County House of L. G. Todd, supervisor 1 ,447 62 Loan of county treasurer for court expenses 9,000 oo School districts 1 755 67 • 11 The Supervisors' Proceedings for [891. Superintendent of public instruction 15,570 9S Balance on hand from 1893 2;615 16 7 DISBURSEMENTS. County Audits 12,145 61 Salaries .5,499 02 County superintendent of poor .4, 4 Fuel and gas account 969 82 County treasurer's office rent too 00 District attorney's office rent 200 00 Sheriff's office rent 35 00 Sheriff's office rent, to Tibbetts', for 1893 35 00 Ithaca and Athens, funding bonds 16,078 12 Geneva and Ithaca 5,206 25 Court expense account . .7, 69. School districts 755 67 School funds to supervisors 28,131 05 Comptroller's N. Y. state tax 20,4 Sz Collateral -tax .2 ,744 54 Justice fines . 95 25 County Jail and Court House . .1,761 05 Monroe County Penitentiary .r.747 3 Auburn Orphan Asylum 182 CO Deaf Mutes, Batavia 20 85 Institute for the blind, Rochester 1,151 66 Bills payable -10 ,463 37 Susquehanna Valley Home 585 48 Syracuse Institute, for feeble minded children . .120 00 Shelter for Unprotected Girls 71 14 Children's Home 322 50 Interest, account 5 05 Postage, county treasurer 15 00 Postage, Clerk Board of Supervisors 15 00 Tompkins County Bank 3, 05 7 I certify that there stands this day on the books at this bank, to the credit of Charles Ingersoll, county treasurer, the suns of Ithaca, November 12th, I894. A. G. STONE, Book- keeper. The Supeveisors' Proceedings for 1894.111 TOMPKINS COUNTY, SS : Charles Ingersoll being duly sworn, says that the foregoing statement is correct to the best of his knowledge and belief, and is a true ieport of all moneys received and pail out by his as county treasurer, sinceNovember 12th, 1893, excepting moneys belonging to the infant heir fund and surplus moneys. CHARLES INGERSOLL, Treasurer Tompkins Co. Sworn to before me this 4th day of December, 1894. f 11. L. HINCKLEY, Notary Public. REPORT OF THE SUPERINTENDENT OF THE POOR. To The Honorable Board of Sufiervisor..pof Tom L'ins County The Superintendent of the Poor of said County respect- fully reports, that from the 13th day of November, 1893, to the 13th clay of •November, 1894, the following named persons have been supported in the County Ahns House : COUNTY. Names.No. Days. Names.No. Days. Isaac Chapuuan . . . . _ . . 365 Richard King 365 Moses Myers 365 Lena Collins .365 Fredric Davids . .365 Clara J. Curran 365 Ira D. Nichols 365 Charles Winters 365 Herbert Van Alstyne .365 Mary Murphy 365 Mary Carter . . .166. James Carter 166 John Peters 176 Jacob Henry 54 Frank Smith,124 Mary Labar •255 Alice Labar 234 John Barrows 6 Edgar Clawson 2 George Earley . .2 e k Ill The Sufiervisors' Proceedings for 189 ;.1 Samuel Dunn 2 Henry Fowler 2 Edward Thompson ' .2 Dennis McCarthy 99 Barney Morey 1 Edgar Holmes . r Pat Rollins 2 ' George Miller Stephen F. Moore 336 Emma Moore . . . . . 36; John Callahan . . ro George Bentley ro Emma Walker . . .2 Samuel Dawson 2 Edward Murphy . . . 2 John Clawson r Mary Collins 139 Jennie Collins 70 Joseph Blauvelt 2 Jo Maloney Peter Donevan 2, John Donevan . • . . . . . 3 Henry Allen 3 George Bentley 3 Edgar Collins 3 John Ferguson . . . . . i . r Edgar Bentley . .r Benj. Handy r80 Thomas Carr .2 William Osborn 2 James Rorack 2 William Flynn . . Matthew Kieff . .3 r Charles Marshall . '. . . . .r James Carter .T John Smith 1 William Harrison i 1 John Brown George Krum I Frank Cowen r Peter Bentley 2 .William Morgan . . . . . . r Jim Hagerty r.1 Frank Seymour 1 Charles Morgan 2 James Smith . .2 Jogh Bergan . . .r Williavi Flynn 1 Lawrence Levison r William Smith .i' William Murray r Henry Smith John Fantou . .I. James Oakman 2 William Morgan .2 William Murray 2 John Miller 1 Thomas Cleary 2 Thomas Johnson 2 George, Whitmore 2 Frank Allen 2 George Thompson 2 John Kane 2 Thomas Hart 4 Frank Seymour i William Oran 1 Will Dean 2 'George Dutton . . . . . . . 2 Joseph Miller r Harry Labar . . .2 Henry Gleason 2' Edgar Conley 2 George Handy . 5 Silas Grisword . . . . . .r Frank Smith'Thomas Murphy . . . . . . q Henry Austin 4 John Sheridan . .4 George Faulkner George Boyle •4 John Flynn I. Frank Connor 1 The Supervisors' Proceedings for r8gi.113 William Mann . . . .' . .2 Ed McCoy 1 t 2 Thomas Morrell .1 George Miles t, Edgar Johnson . . . . . . . . 1 W. A. Mc %night . 1 John Doyle 1 Henry Bartz . . . . 1 Silas Conway 1 James Oatman . .1 Frank Densmore .1 James Canner 1 William Odell 2 Henry Bailey George Hamlin 1 Edward Boyce . .r Charles Crawford 1 Henry Benton .. . . . . . . 1 Silas Townley 2 Eugene Dayton r Fred Bentley q John McGee, . .1 Samuel Ganore x Edward Carson r Edward Gibson 3 Jili Corrigan . . . . . . . . 1 Prank DeMond 2 James Oatman . .2 William Murray 2 James,Carmer 2 Charles Lamport . . . . . . . . .2 James Hawley 2 John Delehant ...8 Samuel Hunt 2e Henry Snyder 2 Benj. Norwich .2 Edgar Roster x . Peter Donalds 1 Patrick Flynn 1 Michael Harding 1 John Cooley ......... 3 Charles Lawrence 3 George Goodhart . .3 Charles Dailey , .3 William Dauhren 2 John Long .• .2 Jim Ashley . 2 'Pa Cleary . .2 Mike Dawson 2 Thomas Anderson . .. . . . 2 Thomas Finley 2 Francis Hurley 1 George Clark x Henry Bailey 2 George Horton . .2 - John Brown 2 John Burk .2 Frank Hawley 2 Benj. Hawks . . . . . . . . . 1 George Harvey .2 Edward Linch 2 A. C. Autella 6o Charles Godfrey . . x Henry Ainsworth 1 Henry Ehle 1 George Griffin .1 George Brown . . . . . -. . x Edward Bethel .1 John McGtiinu . . .W. A. McKnight 1 James Cornell 2 James Rice •6 Edward Autell r Edward Coe 1 James McMann 1 Eugene Dayton 1 John Nelson . 1 George Burrell . . . . .1 Seth Williams 'x John Oatman 1 Anson Boyle . . .2 Thomas Douglass rz¢ The Sufiervisors' Proceedings for 1 Edward Borden r Silas Harding . . 2 Henry Bowen r Patrick Gray . . . . .9 Edward Coe . . . 1 Mike Grade 1 John Galligher . .1 Henry Saxton '2 George Ford . . . •2 A. A. Miller 1 Charles Bush 1 John O'Brien Joel Boyce .2 Henry Gale 2 Albert Downer . . .87 Jacob Osborn i Daniel Sullivan a John Adler Mrs. John Adler 1 Edward Rodgers-2 J. F. Dilton 1 'Charles Monroe r John Long .1 Joe Reed 1 Edward Bethel .r William Bryant . . . . . .1 Ned Welch 1 John Doyle 2 John Rogers . . . . . . . . . 2 Abe Shepard . . .4 Joseph Slater 1 Edward Coe 1 John Kelly 1 Edward White . . . 1 Joe Reed 2 3,3,260 ITHACA - Crrv. Horace Whitehead . ... . . . 365 Abram Shepard 89 A. R. Taylor .365 , Emily Van Aulstine 365 Peter Nicholson 365 John Sullivan 365 Daniel Carney .L 365 Abram Pelham 365 George Short 365' John Bishop .354 Mary Synn 216 Pat Murphy 292 John Whiting 365 William Dibble 174 John H. Russell 350 Cornelius Mahoney 349, Owen Galligan.345 Henry B. Waight . .. . . • • 145 Seth R. Peak 42 Mattie Elliott . . 5 Cora Prime 178 Lucinda Reed John W. Russell 227 Daniel Bowen 6o Mary Ann Bowen 205 Bertha Smith -155 Charles W. Schuyler 149 - Harry Prime.70 Harold Prime 204 Bessie Smith.xo8 Lizzie Quinn .5o Dora Spicer 118 Ezra Bishop to3 John Reed .8 MarthaChambers . . . . ... , 59 William Reed 44 David Bracy 2 Henry Crawford 2 The Supervisors' Proceedings for • r 1 f5, • DRYDEN. Navies.No. Days. Names.No. Days. Frank Corcoran 365 Elias Wilcox 296 Silas Tucker . . .365. Nathan Scofield 3 Seely Van Sickle 107 Charles Hogland . . 7 837 668 Total „Dryden 1505. LANSING. Barney Moore 139 Sidney B. Morey 190 Total, Lansing 329. GROTON. John' McCarthy 358 David Oderkirk 62 Total, Groton 420. DANBV. Jerusha Cronce 365 Elnora Cronce 365 Benj. Shaw•69 Total, Danhy . . .799. ENFII ?LD. Ann Kirby 304 CAROLINE. - Mrs. Z. Venerable 365 J. H.- Sehoonniaker 192 James Perry 365 George Dean.7 , Total, Caroline 929. ULYSSES. H. N. Smith 365 John Mahoney .365 Willie Maloney 340 Pearl Palmer 4 Herbert Palmer 4 Julia Durling 14 7 3 Total, Ulysses i.1 992. 1 116 The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1891. NJC\VFIELD. I Names.No. Days. Names.No. Days Sarah J. Vreeland 365 Michael Corbit.193 Z. H. Walratb 61 726 193 Total, Newfield 619. Whole No. Days' Board.Cost of Board and Clothing. County 6 516 9 74 Ithaca —city 7 5 1 , 131 /41 Dryden 1 505 226 52 Lansing . . .329 49 52. Groton 420 63 21 Danby .799 120 26 Enfield-3 45 75 Caroline . . .929 139 83 Ulysses 1 092 164 36 Newfield 619 93 17 20,030 3, 77 The amount of drafts drawn on the County Treasurer for bills audited by the superintendent for the support of the in- stitution during the year was $3,176.25, of which $r61.45 was for improvements to buildings and furniture, leaving a balance of $3,o14.77 for the support of the ]louse. t The following accounts have been audited by the superin- tendent, and drafts drawn on the County Treasurer for the ex- penses of the house incurred front the 15th of November, 1893, to the 15th of November, 1894. CLASS "A "— Meats. Date. No. Order. Name.Amount. Nov. 28, 1893 2 Harrison Laning . . . . . . 10 68 The Snipervisors' Proceedings for 1891.r17 Jan. 3, 1894 22 Philo Smith 12 32 23 Harvey Updike 25 69 24 Andrew Crawford 16 87 25 Horace Smitli 56 49 26 A. 11. Pierson 21 00 27 Edward Seeley . .33 47 28 Joseph Andrews 9 5 29 D. C. Arable 28 35 30 Jay Briggs 23 45 31 Arnold Vincent .54 4 32 • Walter Rolfe 19 6o 33 E. C. Curry 25 57 34 W.J. Nixon 31 50 35 C. Van Kirk 21 14 36 Charles Hoffmire 54 18 , 37 John Davis s 25 20 38 John R. Sage . .12 39 39 John Maloney 16 66 40 Caroline Bailey 16 45 41 Simeon Rolfe 0 92 42 Tholuas Spencer 28 49 43 Fred Thompson 18 91 44 Horace Laniug 23 87 45 W. S. Gibbs 33 89 46 Charles Lacing 22 34 47 A. R. Tucker . . .21 00 48 William Thompson . .54 95 49 Will Stebbins 8 20 5o Samuel G. Dimick 20 51 5r Thad Bower 31 50 52 David Underdown 57 70 53 James Bower 27 93 54 Thomas Kirby . ' . . . 6 20 55 W. 1. Sherwood 11 62 Jan. 8, 1894 62 "A" A. L. Wets 55 91 March 22d 76 George Batty 18 15 May 10,85 George Batty .11 64 June 12,90 A. L. Wets 10 36 July 3d,97 George Batty 15 6o Aug. 16,103 George Batty 10 62 31,105 J. W. Kirby ./.4 90 1 IS The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1891. Oct. 3,108 A" George Batty 22 28 Nov. 13,117 Joseph Knight 24 6o Total 1,137 49 CLASS "B "— Provisions and Dry Goods. Dec. 6, I393 6 "A" D. B. Stewart & Co .19 80 8 Crozier & Feeley 17 47 11 C. I,. Teed 2 96 12 Rothschild Bros.43 75 13 Hawkins & Todd 12 44 • Dec. 12,14 Hawkins & Todd . .25 78 26,18 Ezra Young & Son 3 99 Jan. 2,4394 21 E. C. Almy 16 61 3.56 John Kerst & Co.28 8t 8, - -6o D. B. Stewart & Co 40 30 61 Rothschild Bros.7 18 64 Hawkins & Todd 6 ao Jan. 13,65 George Wallenback 5 00 Feb. 7,68 D. B. Stewart & Co.19 90 9,69 W. D. Brinkerhoff 63 02 15,71 A. J. Walling 4 38 March 7,73 D. B. Stewart &,Co... . 15 99 13,75 D. B. Stewart C Co 24 53 April 4,77 D. 73. Stewart & Co. . . . 5 15 20,81 Mosher & Sears . . . . . 11 90 May 2,82 D. B. Stewart & Co..14 93 19,87 D. B. Stewart & Co.18 75 June - i2 91 D. B.. Stewart & Co.23 71 22,94 Ezra Young & Son.29 02 July 3,93 D. B. Stewart &Co.17 62 99 J. T. Howe 23 96 Rothschild Bros 34 88 July 7,101, John Kerst & Co 3 59 27,102, David Hovencamp 5 38 Aug. 20,1o4 D. B. Stewart & Co.19 36 Sept. 21,107 R. C. Taylor 3 00 Oct. 3,109 D. B. Stewart & Co.5 43 110 James II. Moss 16 36 Nov. to,113 J. C. Stowell'& Co .'32 24 737 19 The S'rtfiervisors' Proceedings for 1894. 4 119 C4ASS "C" -Fuel. J Nov. 15, 1893 1 George H. Vann 29 Dec. 6,4 Fowler & Farrington 196 31 9 Carman & Maloney •7 39 Dec. 29,19 George H. Vann . 7 . • . . . . > 73 81 Jan. 3, 1894 57 Fowler & Farringtot 89 99 . Feb. 9,70 W. T. Vann . . .15 30 27,72 W. T. Vann . .107 70 May 9,84 W. T. Vann . .7 32 June 11,91 Fowler & Farrington 24 90 11 ,93 R. H. Stone . . .4 3 26,95 W. T. Vann 18 91 Aug. 8,I11 William Severn t 20 00 Nov. 13, 1 114. Colegrove & Vann . .135 9 7 7 Cr,Ass "D "— Improvements to Farm and Furniture. Dec.6, 1893 3 A" • Charles Van Amburg' ro 30 7 Treman, King & Co 5o o6 30,20 Pin kiley, Bros 24 6o Jan. 8, 1894 63 Biggs & Co 26 99' Apr. ,6,79 W. H. Ganoung .24 00 May 1,83 Nathan Barnum . .12 50 Oct. 29,111 Hook Bros.r3 00 161 45 CLASS "E''— Clothing, Boots, Shoes and Repairs. Dec. 6, .1893 10 "A" C. M. Stanley 700 14,15 H. C. Almy . .3 9 26,17 Mosher Bros. & Co. . . . 133 5 Feb. 7, 1894 t 67 H. C. Almy •. . .3 5 March 9, •74 ' " Chapman & Becker . 47 47 Apr. 16,78 H. C. Almy 5 90 May 16,86 H. C. Almy II 3 30 June 29,96 H. C. Almy 1 4 to Sept. 4,106 H. C. Almy Nov. 13,116 Ben. Mintz 24 25 1 6 97 1 , I 12o The Suf ervisors' Proceedings for 1891. CLASS "F "— Medicine and Attendance. Dec. 6, 1893 5 White & Burdick . . .17 40 Jan. 8, 1894 59 Horton & Holton . .37 77 25,66 Abram Chase, M D 56 03 June 1o,89 Abram Chase, M D 34 65 Nov. 13,n5 J. R. Todd 3 25 149 10 CLASS "G "— Miscellaneous. Dec. 26, 1893 16 Cole & Pinkue•, threshing 1S 28 Jail.3, 1894 58 Theron Allen, blacksmithing 6 05 Apr. 17,So Alice Twine, kitchen cook 10 00 June 9,88 Alice Twine, kitchen cook . . .5 w 39 33 Class "A" Meats Si $• 49 Class "B" Provisions and dry goods 737 19 Class "C" Fuel 715 69 Class "E" Clothing, boots, shoe and repairs . .235 97 Class "F" Medicine and attendance , .149 10 Class "G" Miscellaneous 39 33 3, 77 OUT DOOR RELIEF. The :following amounts have been audited and drafts drawn on the County Treasurer for bills contracted for temporary re- lief of county poor out of the Alms House from the 15th day of November, 1893 to the 15th day of November, 1894. Date.No. Order.Name.Amount. Dec. 6, 1893,1 R. H. Stone, duplicate for Order No. 30, • drawn June 1st, 1892 11 87 Dec. 6,2 B" Salem Twist, relief tramps . . . .2 50 3 Ithaca City Hospital 78 00 m,.. The Snpervisors' Proceedings for 1894. 12/ Jan. 8, 1894,4 B" Manning Atwater, relief Day family 48 92 5 Mary Wood, board and Care George Mead 21 00 6 J. W. Brown, M.D., medical attend-t ante.. .5 00 7 John S. Love, O. P., Groton . i . .5' 75 8 Daniel Sullivan, relief tramps 1 125 9 Bradford Snyder, O. P., Dryden . .3 75 Jan. 21,to J. R. Cummings, burial Wm. Christler 20 00 24,11 W. T. Kellogg, relief Hiram Freer . -5 00 Feb. 7,12 J. U. Douglass, Newfield O. P.. .7 00 13 J. S. Love, Groton, relief tramps . .5 50 10,14 J. C. Larmore, O. P. Dryden . . . . ' 14 00 March 7,15 Jas. Dick, coal for Co. poor, Ithaca .62 23 13,16 J. 13. French, O. I'., city Ithaca 187 68 13,17 W. I. Sherwood, Ulysses 12 75 13,18 W. C. Gallagher, 0. P., Caroline .2 25 April 4,19 J. S. Love, relief tramps 9 90 . 4,zo Bradford Snyder relief tramps 7 50 13,21 G. C. Whitley, ex, in lunacy case .900 19,22 R. E. Potter, O. P., towu.Ithaca . .3 50 20,23 Mosher &Sears, relief Slaght• family to oo May 3,1 24 J. S. Love, relief tramps 4 00 25,25 Mary Wood, board and care Geo. Mead. 30 00 1 25,26 J. C. Larmore, relief Sharp family .56 75 June 12,27 13. Snyder, ex. surgery case 39 00 12,28 J. S. Love, relief damps 5 00 July 17,29 J. B. French, relief county poor .Itio to 21,30 W. I. Sherwood, relief tramps 2 25 Aug. 20,31 M. Atwater, relief Day family . . .50 oo Sept. 3,32 Geo. E. Harris, relief tramps . . '.3 00 21,33 Delos Baring, relief tramps . . . .3 50 Oct. 3,34 Mary Wood, board and care Geo. Mead 27 00 3,35 B. Snyder, relief tramps 2 75 Nov. 13, 1 36 J. S. Love, relief tramps . .,.'. .9 00 95 7o The following is the amount of bills audited by the super- inteudent, to the overseers for their services, from the Isth of November, 1893, to the 15th of November, 1894.. 122 The Supervisors' • Proceedings for 189/. Date.No. Order.Name.Amount. Jan. 8, 1894 1 C" Bradford Snyder 4 00 Feb. 10,1 2 James C. Larnnore .5 00 March 13,3 W. I. Sherwood 2 00 1• 4 John B. French 44 00 Apr. 13,A 5 G. C: Whitley 4 00 19,6 R. E: Potter 4 00 May 5,7 J. C. Larmore'.6 oo June 12,8 Bradford Snyder 4 00 July 7,9 John B. French 26 00 Oct. 3, _10 Bradford Snyder 2 00 11 John B. French .26 00 127,00 The following, orders have been drawn on the County Treasurer for transportation from the 15th day of November, 1893, to the 15th day of November, 1894. Nov. 27, 1893 1 D" JTB. French, C. Malmsey 00 Dec. 16,2 J. B. French, Stephen F. Moore & wife 2 00 22,3 W. I. Sherwood, Palmer children ,. ,.2 00 Jan. 3, 1894 4 J. B. French, Ben. Handy . 1 50 Feb. 7,5 Tom I -[art 1 5 20,6 Mattie Elliot 1 50 Apr. 3,7 John H. Russell . . . .1 50 14, 1 8 H. B. Waight 1 50 25,9 Daniel Bowen and wife . . 2 00 27,10 A. C. Autella 1 50 30, .11 Bertha Smith 1 50 June 12,12 John B. French, Mary Labar . . . . . 1 50 19,13 Lizzie Quinn 1 50 29,14 Dan Carney 1 50 July 21,15 W. I. Sherwood, Julia Durling 1 00 21,16 J. B. French, Dora Spicer 1 50 Aug. 4,ri J. C. Larmore, S. Vau Sickle . . . . . 3 6o 4,18 1 J. B. French, Ezra Bishop 2 25 8,19 J. G. Nelson, George Dean . .3 50 The Sufervisors' Proceedings for 1891.123 Sept. 17,20 D" J. B. French, M. Chambers 1 50 25,21 Delos Harring, S. B. Morey . . ... .2 85 29,22 J. B. French, Liiciuda Reed . . . 1 50 - Oct. 3,23 C. M. Beardslee, Z. H. Waldrulf. . .2 10 29,24 C. M. Beardslee, Mike Corliit . .1 80 Nov. 13,25.Delos Harring, Barney Moore 2 55 15,26 J. B. French, David Bracy 1 „So15, 27 J. B. French, H. Crawford 1 50 49 65 RECAPITULATION. Expended for support of house . .3,014 77 Improvements . . .161 45 Out door relief 956 70 Services of overseers 127 00 Transportation 49 6 14,3 57 Amount of appropriation 4,050 00 57 This amount divided by the whole number of days board, gives an average of Cost per day 1 - 5 Cost per week 1 05 - 35 Cost per year 54 93 Whole number in house Nov. 15, 1893 48' I Admitted during the year 231 Born 5 284 Died . .5 Discharged r 218 223 Whole cumber iu house Nov. t5th, 1894 61 Daily average during year 54 320-365 12J The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1 SUPPLIES ON ELAND. Six bids. pork ; one bbl. sugar; one -half cask molasses; three casks vinegar. Statement of cash received and how the same has been ex- pended : On band at last report 27 or In settlement with Elias Smith 2 00 Pinkney Bros., for old building 25 00 Joseph Knight, for veal calf xo 84 Ham and lard 3 4 97 25 Postage and stationery 11 77 Kitchen cook .29 05 Traveling expenses t 53 4 George Small, as per bill Sr Assessment to State Convention . .5 00 Supplies for house 24 95 Freight 3 44 Telephone x 75 130 25 Due Superintendent 33 00 GRAIN AND PRODUCE. The following is a statement of the amount of grain and produce that has been raised on the farm during the year, and the amount now on hand. On hand. 140 bushels wheat too 35o oats 3 5o barley 5o 45 potatoes 4 boo corn ears 575 So buckwheat . . .8o 20 beans 20 25 tons hay 22 The Supervisors' Proceedings for r8p¢. '125 25 bushels turnips 25 20 beets -•••20 20 onions i 16 25 tomatoes 35 heads cabbage 350 600 heads celery 600 5o bushels apples 25 cornstalks from 7 acres. The stock on farm consists of three horses belonging to keeper Belonging to county : r yoke oxen, 7 milch cows, 2 two- year -old heifers, 2 yearling heifers, 14 pigs, 2 brood sows, r boar hog, and 200 common fowls. on this 2oth day of November, 1894, personally appeared before me, James S. Lyke, Superintendent of the Poor of the county of Tompkins, and who be. big duly sworn, deposes and says that the foregoing report shows the amount of monies received, and the amount expended per report, is just and true to the best of his knowledge and belief. JAMES S. LYKE, Superintendent of Poor. Sworn and subscribed to before me this 2oth day of November, 1894. T. J: MCELHENY, Notary Public. In conformity to the 3oth section, Title rst, Chapter 20, of the Revised Statutes, I respectfully report that I estimate the expenses of the town and county poor to be supported in the Alms House during the ensuing year 3,5oo 00 Temporary relief of county poor not in Alms House . .Soo oo Services of overseers 15o 00 Transportation 5o 00 4,50 00 re6 The Supervisors' Proceedings for 189;. DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S REPORT. To the Board . of Supervisors of Tompkins County : Pursuant to law, I stake report of all fines imposed in the various Courts of Record in said county, since my fast report : Person Fined.Offense.Amount. Nelson Swan violating the excise law 5o 00 Nicholas Rundle violating ttie excise law too 00 Hiram Root violating the excise law 5o 00 Guy Lockerby violating the excise law 25 00 Simpson McCorn violating the excise law 200 00 Warren S. Bates intrusion into public office 300 00 Richard Stone, selling phosphate with false analysis. attached . .too 00 John T. Cuatt, assault in the second degree too 00 ' In'the case of Warren S. Bates, an appeal was taken from the judgment of conviction, and the conviction reversed. In the case of Nicholas Rundle, Richard Stone and Simp- son McCorn, appeals were taken from the judgments of con- . viction, which said appeals are now pending. In the case of John T. Cuatt, his fine of one hundred dol- lars has never been paid, and he is now serving his time in lieu thereof. All the reseal the above fines have been paid, I .am in- formed, to the Sheriff or Clerk. No fines have been paid to me, nor has anything been collected by me on forfeited recog- nizances. J. H. JENNINGS, District Attorney. The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1891.127 SURROGATE'S REPORT. SURROGATE'S OFFICE IN 'ACCOUNT WITH TQMPRINS COUNTY. R$CEIt'TS. Fees for letters 47 Fees for certified copy 5o Certificates 50 Certificate • 25 Two certificates 50 Certificate Certificate 5 Certificate Certified papers Go Certificate 25 Certifiacte . 25 Certificate .I 25 Certificate 25 Certificate . .5 Certified papers in Piske clatter from J. C. Ganatlett 5 00 Certificate . . . 25 e Two.certificates 50 Certificate 25 Two certificates 50 Certified papers r 5o Two certificates 5o Certificate 25 Certificate . .25 Certificate . . 1 75 Certificate . . 25 Certificates I o0 Certificate 1 25 Two certificates 5o Certificate .25 Certified copy, will o0 Certificate . . Two certificates e 1 5° a 12S The Supervisors' Proceedings for /89¢.l Certificate 25 1 Certified copy, petition 75 Certificate . .25 Certificate 25 Two certificates 50 Certified paper 1 75 Certificate . .25 Total .57 SURROGATE'S OFFICE IN ACCOUNT WITH TOMI'KINS 6OUNTV. DISBURSEMENTS. Seals r 20 Consecutive numbers 3 Rubber bands 20 Pens, penholders, pencils, etc.2 7 Tacks .to Eyelets . .10 Ink eraser .4 Letter box . . .4 Armrest 1 So Seals 4 Pens 05 Rubber stamp . . .s 20 Paid T. Nobles for compairing 50 Seals 4 Eyelets . I0 Broom •35 Seals 35 Consecutive numbers r I0 Peather duster . .5 Whisk broom 15 Broom 35 Two cakes soap 20 Seals 45 POSTAGE ACCOUNT. Stamps 50 Stamps 100 The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1 129 Stamps 5o Stamps 50 Stamps 25 Stamps 50 Stamps r 00 Stamps 5o Stamps 251 Stamps 50 Postal cards 25 77 RECAPITULATION. Total amount'of receipts -57 Total amount of disbursements 17 77 , Balance due county 5 80 STATE OE NEW YORK, 55. COUNTY ON TOMI'KINS, f Eugene Terry being duly sworn says that he is the clerk of the Surrogate's Court of said county. That the foregoing is a true and correct statement of all fees received or charged by hint for services or expenses since the last day of January, 1892, together with all disbursements chargeable against the same, or to the county, stating particularly each item thereof. EUGENE TERRY. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11th day of December, 1894. 1 E. H. BOSTWICK, Notary' Public. ITIIACA, N. Y. DEc. 11, 1894. 5 8o• Received of Eugene Terry, Clerk of the Surrogate's Court of Tompkins County, five dollars and eighty cents being due said county by reason of fees as shown by foregoing verified statement. CHARLES.INGERSOLL, Tompkins County Treasurer. Endorsed : I hereby certify that I believe the within to be a correct report. BRADFORD ALMY, Surrogate. 4 130 The Sufiervisors' Proceedings for 1894. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE REPORTS. Reports of the Justices of the Peace of .the various towns and city of the county, of all fines and penalties collected by them respectively during the,past year. CAROLINE. John Cross reports no money received. W. V. Personius reports no money received.Received. Pd. Co. Treas. John J. Peters reports 00 R. G. H. Speed reports I 5 00 .5 00 DANBY. Jacob Wise reports 13 00 13 00 L. Smiley reports 6 00 6 oo T. W. Slocum reports no money :received. J. B. Thatcher reports no money received. DRYDEN. I Wm. E. Brown reports no money G. E. Underwood reports no money received.Received. Pd. Co. Treas. Geo. E. Hanford reports 6 oo 6 0o J. Dolph Ross reports 65 co 65 0o 5. S. Hoff reports 18 0o i8 00 ENFIELD. Eugene G. Willis reports uo money received. Win. F. Smith reports no money received. James 11. Hine reports no money received. F. B. Aiken reports no money received. GROTON. Received. Pd. Co. Treas. Newton Baldwin reports 50 00 50 00 11. S. Hopkins reports 15 00 15 00 Nelson Stevens reports no money received. J. M. Montfort reports no money received: e f " The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1894.131 i ITHACA —TOWN. Received. Pd. Co. Treas. M. E. Poole reports 5 00 5 00 Wm. J. Totten reports no money received. Wm. O. Newman reports no money received. L. F. Colegrove reports no money received. ITHACA —CITY. P. L. Clock reports no money received. LANSING. Received. Pd. Co. Treas. N. E. Lyon reports ro 00 ro oo V. H. Tarbell reports no money received. B. M. Hagin reports no Honey received. Charles Drake reports no money received. NEWFIELD. W. Van ()strand reports no money received. Charles Brown A. reports no money received. Seymour Grover reports no money received.Received. Pd. Co. Treas. A. K. Allen reports 5o 00 50 00 ULYSSES. Henry Hutchings reports no money received. John N. Barker reports no money received.Received. Pd. Co. Treas. M. T. Williamson reports 5 00 5 00 N. R. Gifford reports 10 00 10 00 r LOAN 'COMMISSIONERRS' REPORT. ITHACA, N. Y., Nov. 15, 1894. To the Supervisors of Tompkins County, State of 'New Yorke: As per our report of Nov. 15, '893, there was in our hands, as Loan Commissioners, real estate and sundry mortgages to- wit : rf _p•.v.re z 'FP*•r,/xcm 732 The Supervisors' Proceedings for z8pz. One piece of real estate, styled the Hart farm, valued r,5oo 00 One piece of real estate, styled the C. H. Geuouug place, valued 238 64 Sundry interest hearing mortgages amounting to 21 ,424 34 Total . . . . .23,162 98 1 No. of Amount 1 Principal Interest Mortgage.Principal.Paid.Paid. 54 • •200 00 10 00 822 . . .150 00 7 5 403. . •700 00 35 00 73 600 00 30 00 728.600 00 3o 00 655. . .100 00 500 816 . . .350 00 17 5 768. . .4 00 20 00 665.275 00 Oct. 18, paid on principal, $1no0 13 75 329.400 00 20 00 777 . • .200 00 10 CO 686. . .25o 00 12 5 683. . .210 00 10 50 708. . .600 00 3o 00 47 . •34 00 17 00 770.500 00 25 00 7 • •500 00 25 00 79 • . •5 00 25 00 782 . . .535 00 26 75 75 . •500 00 1 25 00 710 . . .250 00 12 50 706.Sao 00 15 00 692.100 00 -5 00 658.85o 00 42 5o 621.250 00 rz So 624 - 752 . . .500 00 25 00 573 -762. . .300 00 15 00 757 •5o 00 2 5o 837. . 1 •Soo oo 40 00 669. . .200 00 10 00 628. : . 1,200 00 6o oo • 73 • •goo 00 45 00 301.150 00 7 50 1 Tice Subervisors' Proceedings for 1894.133 f 815 400 00 20 00 68r .800 00 40 00 806. . .400 00 20 00 725 -652.700 00 1 35 00 734 - 755 • • •300 00 15 00 656. . .700 00 35 00 783. . .200 00 10 00 713.150 00 7 50 714 • . •r,000 00 50 00 534 300 00 15 00 843.400 00 20 00 672.300 00 15 00 666.450.00 22 50 6ro .300 00 15 00 574.X64 34 8 21 753.600 oo 30 00 305.500 00 25 00 2I,424 34 3100 e0 1,071 21 We charge ourselves as below : With above mortgages '321,424 34 Interest on same 1,071 21 Principal paid in 100 00 • Hart farm . •1,500 00 Rent of Hart farm in default C. H. Genoung place 238 64 19 We credit ourselves as below : Hart farm 1,500 00 Rent•Hart farm in default C. H. Genoung place 238 64 Our commissions 173 7 Draft to Comptroller 997 49 Total amount of mortgages 21 ,424 34, 3 19 13¢The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1891. RECAPITULATION. Total amount of mortgages in our charge,November 15,1893 • 34 Less payment of principal on mortgage No. 665, paid October, 1894,100 00 Total amount of interest bearing mortgages in our charge No- vember, 1394 34 REAL ESTATE. Hart farm valued . .1,500 00 C. H. Genoung place valued 238 64 64 k Total amount of real and personal, in our charge Nov. 15, 1894 23,o62 93 We hereby certify that the foregoing statement is correct. Dated this 15th day of November, 1894. C. B. BROWN, . PATRICK SHANNON, Loan Commissioners. COUNTY CLERK'S REPORT. ITHACA, N. Y:, NOVEMBER 28, 1894. To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County : I have to report to• the Board of Supervisors that since November 27t11, 1893, the date of last report, I have received moneys for and due Tompkins County, as follows : Hiram Root, fine (Nov., 1893, Term of Sessions)5o 00 Guy Lockerby fine (Nov., 1893, Term of Sessions)25 00 Nelson Swan (Jan., 1894, Term of Sessions)50 00 125 00 1 1 4 The Srepervisors' Proceedings for 1894.135 t 9 i The above amounts paid County Treasurer, as per receipts herewith. Signed . L. H. VAN KIRK, County Clerk. TOMPKINS COUNTY, SS.: Leroy H. Van Kirk, being duly swore, says that he is the Clerk of the County of Tompkins, and that he has received no moneys except those set forth in the above report, as fines for said county. i L. H. VAN KIRK. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 28th day of November, 1894. CHARLES D. BOSTWICK, Notary Public. ITHACA, N. Y., DEcEM1iER 6, 1893. Received of L. H. Van Kirk, fifty dollars, fine of Hiram Root; and twenty five dollars on account of Guy Lockerby fine, excise cases, November Court of Sessions. CHARLES INGERSOLL, County Treasurer. TOMPKINS COUNTY TREASURER'S •OFFICE, 0 ITIIACA, N. Y., JAN. 20, 1894. Received, from L. H. Van Kirk, County Clerk, fifty dollars, fine Nelson Swan, Newfield, Court cif Sessions, CHARLES INGERSOLL, County Treasurer. RAILROAD BONDING COMMISSIONERS' AND SUPERVISORS' REPORTS. ENFIELD. To Levi f. Newman, Supervisor of the Town'of Enfield: DEAR SIR : —The undersigned, Bonding Commissioner for the town of Enfield, appointed under the Act passed May 18, r36 The Sufiervisors' Proceedings for 1891. 1869, Laws of New York, Chapter 907, would respectfully sub, mnit to you the following report The amount of bonds issued for said town of Enfield under Chapter 907, Laws of 1869, and laws amendatory thereof, was 25,00o; dated March 1, 1871, due March 1, i9or, with semi - annual interest at seven per cent. per annual, payable on the first' days of March and September,of each year. There has been paid and cancelled of said bonds, $8,200, leaving outstanding and unpaid $16.800. The amount of interest to become due the coining year is 1,176, and we recommend that you cause to be raised by tax on said town the suns of $1,176, to meet said interest when due. We have now on hand a sinking fund of $ depos- ited in the Ithaca Savings Bank. w. 11. AMI1ACK, Commissioner.. STATE OF NEW YORK, l ss.:COUNTY OF TOMPK1NS, W. II. Ammack, being duly sworn, says the above report is in all respects - true, to the best of his knowledge and belief. Subscribed and sworn to before me this igth day of November, 1894. i F. B. AIKEN, Justice f the Peace. ' In accordance with Chapter 552 of Laws of 187o, I hereby • report the bonded debt of the town of Enfield to be as follows, viz : Amount of bonds issued to Pennsylvania and Sodus Bay Railroad 25,000 00 Principal paid 8,200 00 Outstanding bonds 16,Soo oo • Sinking fund in hands of Commissioner 4 215 55 Unpaid bonds, less sinking fund 14,584 45 1 The Supervisors' Proceedings for x 137 Resolved, That at the request of the Bonding Commissioner of the town - of Enfield, there be levied and collected on the taxable property of said town the sum of one thousand one hundred and seventy -six (1,176.00) dollars to pay the interest on the above named railroad bonds for the year 1895. L. J. NEWMAN, Supervisor. GROTON. f. f Young, Esq., Supervisor of the Town If Groton, Groton, N. \Y.: DEAR SIR : —The undersigned commissioner of the town of Groton, appointed under the Act passed May 18, 1869, Laws of New York, Chapter 907, would respectfully submit the fol- lowing report : That the amount of bonds issued in aid of the Ithaca & Cortland Railroad (known now as the Elmira, Cortland & Nor- thern) amounted to the sum of j• That interest on same to become due February 1, 1895, is 525 ; that interest to become due August 1, 1895, -is $5 ; that I hold a sinking fund as follows : Town bonds of the town of Groton 300 00 Mortgages on real estate it said town . .667 75 Certificates of deposit, First National Bank, Groton 3,287 77, Town note 700 00 Note due March 4, 1894 250 00 Total sinking fu on hand . . . 5,2o5 52 I have also cash on hand for coupons not presented . . . 13 8o That interest received during the year is 198 39 Therefore I ask for an appropriation to pay interest on said bonds r February 1st, 1895 525 w Also to pay interest on bonds due August 1, 1895 1 5 00 Also to a sinking fund of 1 per cent . . .150 00 Total . . . -1,200 00 138 The Supervisors' Proceedings for r8pi. therefore ask that the suns of twelve hundred dollars as above be levied and collected on the town of Groton, to be paid over to the commissioner of said town, to be expended for the above purpose. D. H. MARSH, Commissioner. STATE OIL NEW YORK, TOMiKINS COUNTY,755: 1, D. FI. Marsh, being duly sworn, say that the foregoilig statement signed by myself as commissioner, is a just and true report in every particular, so far as deponent has knowledge of the facts stated, and in other respects deponent believes it to to be true. I D. H. MARSH. L. s.J Subscribed and sworn to before me this 28th day of November, 1894 H. G.' MOE, Notary Public. I To The Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County : 4'1 In accordance with Chapter 552 of the Laws of '87o, I . hereby report the public debt of the town of Groton to be as follows : Bonds issued by the commissioner of the now E. C. &. Railroad. bearing per cent. interest semi- annual payments : . . . 15,000 00 Interest corning due February ist, 1895,5 00 Interest coming due August 1st, 1895.525 00 Amount to provide sinking fund'150 00 1 Resolved, At the request of the Bonding Commissioner of the town of1 Groton, there be levied and collected for said town the sum of twelve hundred dollars to be applied as follows : For interest as stated I,o5o 00 For sinking fund 150 oo JNO. J. YOUNG, Supervisor. 1 The Supervisors' Proceedings for 189.1.r39 ITHACA. To ate Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: The undersigned, Commissioners of the town of Ithaca for bonds issued by said town in aid of the Geneva & Ithaca Railroad, and having charge of the sinking fund maintained for the payment of said bonds, beg leave to submit their annual report as follows : The amount of bonds originally issued was f wo,000 oo, Deduct amount cancelled (see last report)ifroo oo Balance outstanding 85,000 On 1'lie interest on said bonds for the year 1895 at seven per cent. is $5,950, payable as follows : April 1, 1895, $ S October 1, 1895, $2,975. We therefore request that the sum of five thousand, nine hundred and fifty (5,950) dollars be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the town and city of Ithaca in the propor- tions fixed by Cliaptei 336 of the Laws of 1880, to pay the in- terest on said bonds. An examination of the assessinentroll of said town of Ithaca, as required by 'the provisions of said stat- ute, shows that the assessed valuation of the taxable property of said town and city for the year 1892, were respectively. 16 1 -ro and 83 9 -ro of the total assessment. The aforesaid sums of five thousand, nine hundred and fifty ($5,95o) dollars should therefore be levied on that basis, viz : $57.95 said town and 4992.15 on said city. Your immediate predecessors, overlooking the provisions of the Statute above referred to, fixed the amounts to be paid in the year 1893 by the town and city respectively, for the pur- puse above mentioned at 36 and " of the whole amount: On 1 Lie The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1891. that basis the amount levied upon the city for that year was 214.19 in excess of the amount fixed by the Statute. We therefore ask that this sum be added to the amount to be as- sessed upon the town as above stated and be deducted from the aiuouut levied upon the city as above mentioned making the aiuouut to be levied upon the town $1,172.14, and upon the city S for the purpose $h777 5 P 1 ose above mentioned. We would further report that the sinking fund maintained for the purpose of extinguishing the principal of said bonds amounts to this date to $58,427.7o, as follows : Amount at (late of last report 70,563 81 Add interest paid on securities in sinking fund 3,403 08 73,9 89 Less :— Ithaca bonds cancelled r3,000 00 , Premium and accrued interest on bonds purchased 339 19- Premiunr account changed off 200 00 19 13alance as above stated 5 7 The amount due on principal of said bond in excess of sinking fund 3 Added premium account . . .1,200 00 Total balance due 27,772 30 Being a reduction of last year of 3,063 89 The investments are as follows : Holden mortgage 700 00 Lucas Co., Ohio, bonds, 4/ per cent.4,000 00 Vigo Co., Indiana, bonds, 5 per cent. .6,000 00 Cherokee Co., Iowa, bonds, 5 per cent.4,000 00 vis•,;., ... r_ w ^ ^... g :gym-:- -= The Supervisors' Proceedings for 18p;.fir Fayette Co., Indiana, bonds, 6 per cent .4,000 00 Jennings Township, Ohio, bonds, 6 per cent.3,5 00 Town of Ithaca, bonds, 5 per cent.1,000 00 Town of Ithaca, bonds, 7 per cent 1 34,000 00 Premium account 1,200 00 Cash in Ithaca Savings Bank . .27 70 Total as above stated . . .58,427 7o Below will be found statements of accounts foi- the current year. H. B. LORD, CEO. R. WILLIAMS, Commissioners. Ithaca, November 17, 1894. , CASII ACCOUNT. 1893 Balance (see last report)463 81 Dec: 28, Received interest on Holden mortgage 35 00 Jan. 6, 1894 Received interest on Fayette Co. bonds .. . .120 CO 15,Received interest on Lucas Co. bonds . . . .90 00 March 1, Received interest on Ithaca 5s 125 00 31, Received interest on Ithaca 78 2,380 00 April 7,Received interest on Cherokee Co. bonds . .100 00 July 5,Received interest on Fayette Co. bonds 120 00 6,Received interest on Vigo Co. bonds.300 00 9,Received interest on Lucas Co. bonds 90 00 Sept. 25,Received interest on Ithaca 5s bonds 25 00 27,Received interest on Cherokee Co. bonds -100 o0 Oct. 1, Received interest from Ithaca Savings Bank .18 o8 3, 89 April 21 Paid for Jennings' Township bonds 3,839 19 Balance as stated in report . .27 70 PRNM I UM ACCOUNT. Balance (see last report)1,400 00 April 21, Paid premium interest on Jenning's township bonds . . .339 19 19 Chgd. sinking fund (see report) $339.19—$200 .539 17 Balance (see report)1,200 00 1 1¢2 The Supervisors' Proceedings for. 1894. 1 STATE Or NEW YORK,SSCOUNTYorTOMrKINS, The undersigned being duly sworn depose and say that the statements of the within report are true to the best of their knowledge and belief, and that the statements of account accompanying the same are correct. II. 13. LORD, GEO. R. WILLIAMS. Subscribed and sworn to this Sth day of November, 1394, before me. C. W. GAY, Notary Public. To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins Cou»ly: The undersigned commissioners of the town of Ithaca, for the funding bonds issued, to pay the bonds that were issued, in aid of the Ithaca & Athens railroad, beg leave to report as follows : Amount of 5 per cent. bonds issued 285,0oo 00 Amount of 5 per cent. bonds redeemed.. . .225,000 00 Leaving amount of bonds outstanding 60,000 oo Amount of bonds due March 1st, 1895 00 . Amount of interest due March 1st, 1895 • • .1 ,500 oo Amount of interest due September 1st, 1595. . . . 1,125 00 17,625 00 We therefore request your honorable Board that, fifteen thousand dollars to pay the principal of bonds falling due March Ist, 1895, and two thousand, six hundred and twenty -five dollars to pay interest falling due March 1st and September 1st, 1895, be levied and assessed on the taxable property of the city and town of Ithaca, and in accordance with the Statute (Chapter 336, Laws of 1880,) regulating the proper divisions of the The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1891.143 amount to be paid by the city and the town severally, ask you to apportion To the city of Ithaca the sum of 14,787 38 1'o the town of Ithaca the sum of 1 2,837 62 00 We also request you to correct the error made by,the Board of Supervisors in their apportionment of the amount to be paid by the city and the town, in their proceedings in 1893, and add to the towe of Ithaca this year the suns of $661.50 and deduct the same amount from the apportionment to the city of Ithaca. STATEMENT. Amount of apportionment to the city of Ithaca 14,787 38 Less overpaid in apportionment, 1893 . .661 5o t 14,125 88 Town of Ithaca apportionment . . .2,837 62' Add error in apportionment, 1393 . .661 5o 3,499 I2 LEVI KENNEY, JOHN C: GAUNTLETT, Commissioners. STATE OF NEw YORK, 1 SS:COUNTY OF TOMPKINS, Levi Kenney; J. C. Gauntlett, Commissioners for the town and city of Ithaca, being duly sworn sayeth, that the foregoing statement is correct to the best of their knowledge and belief. LEVI KENNEY, JOHN C. GAUNTLETT. Subscribed and sworn to- before me this thirtieth day of October, 1894. H. L. HINCKLEY, Notary Public. a The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1891.. NEWFIELD. To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County : We, the undersigned commissioners of the town of New- field, duly appointed under the provisions of an act of the Leg- islature of the State of New York authorizing towns to sub- scribe to the capital stock of railroad corporations, and to-issue bonds therefor, do respectfully report, that it will be ,necessary for the said town of Newfield to raise by tax, the st of three thousand, two hundred and six dollars ($3,206) to pay interest from September 1st, 1894, to, Sept. 1st, 1895, on bonds of the said town of Newfield, to the amount of $45,800, issued to aid in the construction of the Pa. and S. B. Railroad, said interest to be paid semi-annually on the first days of March and September or each year. We further report that we have no balance on hand. A. H. PALMER, C. W. McCORN, Commissioners. November 20, 1894. COUNTY OY TO]IPKINS, SS: A. H. Palmer being duly sworn says he is one of the bond commissioners of the town of Newfield, N. Y., and the above report is correct to the best, of his knowledge and belief. A. H. PALMER. Sworn to before me this aoth day of November, 1394. A. R. ALLEN, Justice of the Peace. To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County In accordance with Chapter 552, of Laws of 187o, I hereby report the public debt of the town of Newfield to be as follows : The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1891.1 '15 Amount of bonds issued . . . . . . . . .52,o0o 00 Amount of principal paid to November 1st, 44 6,2oo 00 Balance unpaid 45,Soo 00 Amount,of interest due march 1st, 1895 e 1,603 00 Amount of interest due September 1st, 1895. . .1,603 00 163,2°6,00 Resolved, That at the request of the bonding commissioners of the town of Newfield, the smn of three thousand; two hundred and six dollars be levied and collected from the taxable property of said town to pay the interest on the above named bonds. W. I3. VAN OSTRAND, Supervisor. J ULYSSES. 7o Me Board rf Supervisors of itora skins Cortnll', C Y.: GENTLEMEN :—The bond commissioner of the town of Ulysses submits the following report : The amount of bonds issued for said town of Ulysses, un- der Chapter 907, Laws of 1869, and laws amendatory thereof, was $75,000, dated March 1, 1871, due March t, 1901, with semi-annual interest at 7 per cent. per annum, payable on the first days of March and September.J Amount of principal paid 2oBoo 00 Amount of coupons due and unpaid 5 50 There' is deposited with the Union Trust Company, New York, $52.50 for the payment of past due coupons. There is a balance of $102.00 deposited in the Banking House of L. J. Wheeler & Co., Truntansburg, N. V. iJ The Shhervisors' Proceedings for 1894. There remains outstanding bonds to the amount of 54,200 00 One year's interest on $54,200.00 3,794 00 Less balance on hand 102 00 3,692 00 I recommend that the - suns of $3,692.00 be raised by tax assessed to said town for interest. L. J. WHEELER, Bond Commissioner. L. J. Wheeler being duly sworn says the preceding report is correct to the best of his knowledge and belief. L. J. WHEELER. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ist day of November, 1894. JAS. K. WHEELER, Notary Public. In accordance with Chapter 552, Laws of 1870, I hereby report the public debt of Ulysses to be as follows : _ Amount of bonds issued by bonded commissioner March r, 1871 75,000 oo Amount of principal paid 20,800 00 Amount of coupons due and unpaid 52 go Amount deposited with Union Trust Co., New fork . . . . .52 50 Amount in hands of bonding commissioners 102 00 There remains outstanding bonds to the amount of 54, 0p One year's interest on $54,200 is 3,794 00 Less balance on hand 102 00 Amount of interest due September 1, 1895 3,692 00 Resolved, That at the request of the bonding commissioner of the town of Ulysses there he levied and collected on the taxable property of said town Lhe suns of three thousand, six hundred and ninety -two dollars ($3,692.00) to pay interest oh the above bonds for the year ending September ist, 1895. JARVIS GANOUNG, Supervisor. The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1894.117 8 8 22 o M tn , 0 D M M w O O 0 seJ, Jo lnnomy , o CON CG w m i r w v arl O pOP:8 o 80 0 0 00881/4 8 M.i O H y c nonmtluA lul 6 co n 74. a c C O F • ' N •" 0 H CI) 2$8 88° o ¢apnsa o M o M 0 °Zp n F 00 A n eaai Jo anquA Pss0ssyo O . • v sasodAnd un ao}F 0 noilvzel [soot 04 PaC 0 • x p l ° .0 lad Jo and A Pas P ' v m w 1 N a 4 0 - c m Cl U1 Z v'N a a a0 CU vO'44 i 4 I4 N A L •N. A c. N O 0 0 N 0 to o N . N o N O ACS • Q (cj a cl °0 O O W v O 2 b bo a 1-•Z a O F o m u x fL a F F a4 c4 H F F m vW o o h a • .' • v 0 2 ••• 6 • N4 W 0 e a 'F n n d 0 - n •w a w 7 v . GLa v .UU i a, . 1.. F O V CI 6 w . a :. W o o°F t $ .. • ° o n w a a.OF z 6'VA" .VNWaCG102.F,, + . .6":',..5.: m 10 Viva.°^' w U t w o OU N gt a m Eo.ice a.'1±: 8, j v q y w m aMm. 0 m o C O Ox'v °m n O ao o ° Iroa.a wU' v O o . O a W o F c v 44° F w n'n a s o 0 t+ m o ma9 ° G'° tO a a17)a w a V a+ 0 a w 0 w Z OOZ 2 O k'C4 o m v P4 tI °"10 0 0 T F w a 0 G al 1¢8 The Shhe visors' Peace olings for [89/. r IObrn TMNYJ 00 J M•• Q Vi 00 M 0 tMvOr'9 C 0 T.O M O T M M r VJ p N V) Q T G D`r MO r- I.rO ^,T TTC`n r0 C M T• MM r0 TV T• M tv n T M V Q V N M J p p 8 p J 0 0 00 000MVJM`JO O\O,f OOO8O r N Q MOMJ. 'nM ^'JJ QM r76 0rnM'O\N NN Y. rr o+U0.00 0u00 08 , ° 0X8 t 0 N 00 00 8° rpoo • M CAM D QM 'N v yb0 y O A A C9 6 N)A u U v w v kv- v m O F 2 v a' 2;0 0 0 0 '- 0.r A A .. p 0 0. C. 0 0 0 o b9pvNvA^ A --_ vv Y m V... S 7J P4 a' w Fi O - qc W'w' 4E F W • c4c4 l c A • • 6 • y p m 6 • o c c v 3xv ••'.a dv c Via. o 26.51 c 6::• c4 .. 0 0 FUU . .A A V U7 ao 4m .F nro . s • • . o 0 .0'6 Ap ro o ^ to 0? i`( OF ^ C V U • a d 00 $ V • • fliflhJaoy711Fc5'. V 0 IT w o FFJfE ..N a O ^J ^ p, o • Oro >roFa.n.0VconAOC.. - O aUAVO UV • 7 1-30-° • 0c'30 A 0 ro `v 2ri ro cl 0v. - bo `A — oo m4vU c4 ?s =V : °vU 3 a vaq^ AG www O, ,o_u 4 'Q Av vv wE Aawommai cUwWX 3 wQ a e F a . o 14 F ' 4.7g7.774(t v.. ":',ear+. „,Ye...,.y r?, ”.v r i . _ The Supervisors' Proceedings for 1891.i19 y `n O V 0 •')`O 71 V in O Mm 0` y 0 N V O N h (0 b n V t )0 0 O O o'c 030 O 'Y 0 NCO V N 0 0 '0 O t`O 0 0'40 0'0 N 0' N W coo V r "S V'OUJ'O OVF N `n V VN n RVJ a - 808 a% 0NIc? 1-4 o 0888 VD < 0080 'OR N Pn b In o4 N M N 00 "j in 6 M"JJ O\ n 0 N i+ N .4 •n IC .n `n _ 1-. co r.:2 is 88 88 pp 88 pp pp I 88 8 80O'O N N. 0000`,n 800 •0 `004 N O •N 8 8 8 V . . . H n N A% v.x m 1 F y O'n o . m •Ca m 4 • •aU , , , ,0 W 5 W `.a . y rT.7 o.7 TT."t y • .44 ::.7.Tu 44 V. mcr. a o as 0, o r..` ? .,.%Z"'r. N. ° • m 2C"1" a o m • P. 0c) to m m m a m .Oa a; a w'3 .m . an m . a ;y n a c ` Om,4 o .°. o o 0'8 5 0 0 . p y QJ 0 y1 y a u ^ y . 0 10 aga a % Ow 'co o 40303 F4wrD F Wm ? I:4 a • o w . . . - y . . . v, . V e U . . . . . . . . . y . .. . m ... . . a . o . j 'ie . 0 O • U . TN . . aaa . 00` ma. . a6 m . p . amU cU a c CCa .a3 . v...,y . ro a.ov0 . N 41: w N . i u a o V o y^ 0a >' m o T ' O 6 . G N Eav -a . ..o.40. y01a. .a ,m u m ymuia aooaro m ro'Fiaai ammo a v>'.ov y W.7 m asiv)X. . nm . o •_ m ., n .aEo5anWw6r0E,oyv m moa . ?mFa7. a Oat r romQ " `O' V °OOmn -CU O moO O,.v ft . 'o3 mVJ ^."^ 4 -A m Ny .4.: N WX a u Q,. O —yCC,yaiUti V4m a y" y «mo ^ ^v ovp L,g7.3 N y 0.MQ...Qm Mm ,,,:l a 'v" c Lxro`` ummvhi) CC m c m m m m mro m - a y a Wa 'COAa .m. a ai y y y y y ca cd) GL i • 09 ro 1-TmmmrommmmaB vvv 00 ; v . vv. OC NG Naa- - A.b .a.aro y P .. f ' ? F' oo aaSU " Q 0 Q 4400 V.. ., .. ..: P.FFF FF JBNFF W eO m U a N N 4 m TSo The Sujherviscrs' Proceccin rs for iS,n V) o p 0 7 0 v v O• Pn O N O c rn 0` S N C t 0 0 vo M t in 0 0 2 r O Y. o Y 0I O 0 0 0 O 0 0 0'y 2 10 0 0 0 0 N N o 0 ca T1- o m V p p N Y t 8 RR O 0 8 0 0 0 O I m O N• N Q O N Q N 0 .'J Ui Ha O W O :L A- V ~ 2.Y v N I P o y N W • O. 2 o Cl CO d u Y. 0 7. U 0 1 ony N a v N •• b WG O R ` N 2 A 0 6 p O Y W . a O O a g 6 0 4 0 v 0 , ti t p 18 2 0 L H ti N W N _ y 2 N P. i C4 F F F c4 H ri+ " . 1:4 0 0 . . p 0 •' 6 N 6 • O 0 a a 4 PU.-.H av O Y ^ 1. m Y2xC4v • dzv-E 2g u •v oztea Y .g y as a x a 0 C G. a C. ^ :, o i. o 0:z., v be0 e v240 o a 0 ti r W v U v c4. v v vJ Y L y v v 0A.111 k t oa'F n ri3F F v FJ aF v .B v a yj m y V 8' •m • O14(1>•'0 W^ 6022 . ^, . '44 waN -2,-g.,0._,1 O ; N 0 y N ci v O 2 6- 0. r^ 2 v 0.V a, I mnV L1 3Oq'vamU a 2 P. a V w a 7 7 0 . o F . 4 5 E9 i00amw0 .Y N 0 0 5 I F a U o 1 O.0GvO' v.. „n d',L.uollen[e.1 I' no rel JO a;ell 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W' t.-• nto mt W 're . N nvm rn muV U]MM Mb e ON VJ M V M Ilui Exo 9 ,1 i133 - i ta.1 1;hM O'0Ove n biW vs M .. I e u o Vp o N M N M.O - Ot a M e tab M t. M.O 1 ' O P. W U j annSnl }o azea O.Ch ,.- O co N M Oe P 0 w • - • 04134S .w} 0134 04E1S Jo 41010111V to .. M N e'n 0 0 1 a'-7aaP r,u0QoCue }4 szol0ads VD GO N...., 7N.n . o 0 w awns' a pus s.lagdtu ouals nod 6. o` ^ 6 .. 6 N 4.6 d 77 P' n .n t - , N. in - t..e n NWa ;^ 05[13 ' sasodand neaaua pen mnMM e o •n o M M N w u v ene0 .10J sax_ El 01E1,5 ) lu nolu; i .e " v a L Net0 0 e ....t0 0. e e CO M 0V,tq 0 I co 0 t N N. 0 N m s 00L 0510 x5 a ;e1S Jo ;intocny o oo $ ° iwi i y `"I 3 1 1 n .a eo M.. toh^ M a 5 I v a 1 v..pfOr. N VD ry 1f. 0 O M V a 11 N , o p e O Cu W O\ l- 1 O. O 1 M.0 co ,o c °' .n v '-.. a vt n p Clutto, }o lunomy O 0 LC .D 1 0 M O B rnassaxe;ao a0 MN 7InN - N a« 0 0 M.. .. - n-n P -o- l'o O O a d O VI N N.nC'.O 0vvw .o M.,I d F v ' v saxe; ustoj,}o;nnotuy,ta CO t ..MMwn N nM u v a.a yjeNO'nMO t-00 M 0 CE 'V t 4Minb.6 VJ 4,45 b Yr'J d N tO yN^b t0 L 0 ,,,b0.0 - VJM et M N. 0'-E,enoszad vat [L le vI 0 .0 64 1C 'n aT 6 M n U N vAlifq'J O. O t g•O. Vuo7len[en a ; e9azAAe p i s ° e N o o. e . t N v„ o 0 aavaCv O C O , n , .. v I.0'On aNI O- v 4 •sasodznd n[s zo) n O -5 tO r e a-Z 0C ti Cr y a.a • 0.o uotporel [saoi 04 laaCgns 6151 se. n M 7.n a : : .o m `o 0,- o .". p nm dozd [EUOSaad }o an7en passassy 1 n N 1 -- v V o o Lot 'n 0 in o oO N Y 'v v N {O'n 'nu tn'n in M,O to' 0a O. G.10int- 2N .O M MCC GO W C4 zadoad min Mr .-.o t: B rA 4 iEUOSaad )o 311113,k passassy p ;o, • NI n e M N . 0 M o 4n v N 0 o t Eaodzoa o a e sa leas I ' .0 ` n V re. ry O' P v soot 1 l; I o . 0 .- N m e I mV, v a1E1sa juaa )o amen pazgunti [ c e N NJ/J e N N_ e o ' VJ V N144 p 0 n . 1 . 0; p . aV00 'n .. 0 , 0 0 0 1 0.m 1 m snopezodzoa }o 1413451 pa." to o o g o. to N . o V 'c V mm0pus .C;aadoad a813pin alilpup d. - 4c o; .: ,- •3 n v CO-m w t' gt..01 'a;elsa [ eaz }o anp:n passassy enw o to ° ” m v on 0 w m L adry °0 w1 N Mo0. 0-' a uv00el 0 7(./) P00POO. . 0.mw P vA a F 'purl }o SO-10yay 0 .5 6.5 N d. .O I - v t o7nM 'nN n.. MM.I 0' O 00 O 0 4 r . . .. V v i W o'=.Z.Q vO Vi U v Oc- v n 4 41 v •0 r i N a N N G N N 0 1 C v 0 p •'O pT.73 o m ca vim F rCv -a F N N.. 0 4..51.11 N N .N O1-UnPP4Or-1 U3 P0 152 The Supervisors' Proceedings for ran. 1 0 w T 'r. I q z A - 0 T F a JG F rt N 0 N R tl U F a O 4 V t --. O m v N .i U • r. N W EC v yxn u u ' x r J .1 • n • .n h o - ,, F, 0.0 0 'C F.V N N R i m N F U QhaT . v O^ vdJ0.0 0000 v i G o rnua Q 'arn•^ HErb: • a 3 8',2..9.9,:-.1 a o m a e8 8288 8' I n 0 w o,n 0 0 _ oNOu, '0 o 0 O y H .. P N C N.O r a V.n u. ON h vi 4 6" a a a b e 0 O c N. ai • vW'RiQ CG Vrd er v x 8:. tL H y i m e • o a O . 11.)AO 1 ' &31 N v. oUCCta .2 y.. ^0 0 o OU ai1 0 0 0 a yohtia"o uv a..d v L. 0 N u V C9 E9 O . y Y07.9A u e .. V R N G J Q O y p O v. 'OUV u 0 tC.. h a...^..0 c 0 ; 0 0 0 a q 0 0 .. 0 .. S O OO 0 0 00 2- 0 0v0n., r.wx p7.v _ v y1 . o 0 " ti V LaY 0 u n .- i . O O 0 y o J 5i 0 U. N 5 i J L .v of U 7, OOO T n a s U 0 L...0 0000.". vi rT W v c4 n 0 0 0 0' 1. m c_ 0 0 0 W .F. O 0 0 OV 0 0 0EOO , CC FF > F a FFm 00=0PC a v d 1 POLITICAL DIRECTORY. AND GUIDE TO TOWN OFFICERS. f 1' General Election: The First Tuesday after the first Monday in November. Revised Statutes (7111 Ed.), page 379. Annual Town' Meeting: Second Tuesday in 'February. Section to, Article 2, Chapter 569, Laws of 1890. Annual School Meeting in neighborhood : First Tuesday in August. Laws of 1893, Chapter 500. - Annual Meeting of Board of Town Auditors, comprising the Supervisor, Town Clerk, and Justices of the Peace, or any two of the said Justices : The First Thursday after the General Election, at which time all accounts for charges and claims against their respective towns must be presented to them for audit. i Revised Statutes (7111 Ed.), page 835, Laws of 1849, Chapter 305. Amended, Laws of 189o, Chap. 569, § 16o, 161, 162. Annual Meeting of the Board of Town Audits as above designated, to examine accounts of Town Officers : On the last Tuesday preceding the annual 'fawn Meeting to be held in each town. Laws of 1863, Chapter 172. Amended, Laws 189o, Chap. 369, § 16o, i6r: 15/The Supervisors' Proceedings for isg¢. Annual meeting of the Supervisors of the County as a Hoard of County Canvassers : First Tuesday succeeding the General Election. i Revised Statutes (7th Ea.); page 39o. Annual meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the County: Immediately after the completion of the Canvass, or at such9 other time as they as a Hoard, shall fix. 2 Revised Statutes 7th Ed.) pages 926 -931. An Meeting of Supervisors, Town Clerk and Justices of each Town, to designate the place in each election district in Town, at which elections shall be held' during the year : On the first Tuesday of September of each year. Laws 1892, Chap- ter 680. Meeting, of Supervisor, Town Clerk and Assessors of each Town, for the purpose of making Lists of Trial Jurors : On the first day of July of each third year after July 1st, 1878, at a place in the town appointed by the Supervisor, or in his absence or vacany in office Sy Town Clerk ; or, if they fail to meet on that day, they must sleet as soon thereafter as practicable. Code of Civil Procedure, § 1035.. The next sheeting for this purpose will be held July 1st, 1896. County Superintendents of the Poor Meet at the County 1-Iouse : The First Wednesday in each month. '•The object' of these meetings is to audit bills payable from the County Poor Fund. TOWN OF FICF;RS. Each Supervisor must execute to, and deposit with, the County Treasurer, a bond for the accounting of all school moneys which may come into his hands, before entering upon the duties of his office. Each Supervisor must snake and deliver to the Town Clerk of his town, his bond for the faithful discharge of his official F rrnT 9 ! 1/4 w, e7ssm 0,vr' ri77. T1 The Supervisors' Proceedings for r 155 t duties, and to account for. all moneys coming into his hands as 1 such Supervisor. 1 The Trustees of School Districts shall make a report to the School Commissioner's between the 25th day of July and the first Tuesday in August in each year. Chapter 245, Laws 1889. 7 The school moneys are apportioned annually by the School Commissioners, on the third Tuesday in March. The Commissioners of Highways must execute a bond to the Supervisor of their town within ten days after their elec- tion.I Overseers of Highways must file a statement of all un- worked highway tax with the Supervisors of their respectiVe towns, on or before the first day of October. The Tax Collector or Receiver shall, within eight days after receiving notice of 1the amount of taxes to be collected by him, execute to the Supervisor of the town, and lodge with hint, a bond in double the amount of said taxes, to be approved by the Supervisor. The Supervisor shall, within six days thereafter, file the said bond in the office of the County Clerk of this County. The Assessors must complete the Assessment Roll on or before the first day of August and leave a copy thereof with one of their number, and immediately thereafter cause notice there- of to be posted in three or more public places in their town or ward. When the line between two towns, wards" or counties divides a farm or lot the same shall be taxed, if occupied, in the town, ward or county where the occupant resides ; if u, occu- pied, each part shall be assessed in' the town, ward, Village br county where the salve shall he." Laws 1886, Chapter 315. 1 i56 The Supervisors' Proccedings for '891. The Assessors sliall meet on the third Tuesday in August to review their assessments, and hear the complaint of any per- son conceiving himself aggrieved. An affidavit to the roll by the Assessors, made prior to the third Tuesday of August, is a nullity. The Assessors must deliver the corrected assessment Roll to The Town Clerk on or before the first day of September, there to remain for a period, of fifteen days for public inspection, and the Assessors shall forthwith give public notice by posting the sauce in at least three of the most public places in the town, or by publishing the same in one or more newspapers published therein, that such -assessment roll has been, finally completed, the officer to which the same has been delivered, and the place where the same.will be open to public inspection. Said fifteen days, within which any assessment may be reviewed by certior- ari shall commence on the day of the first publication. The Assessor cannot enter the name of a person on his Roll who be- came a resident after the first day of July. When the Assessors or a majority of them shall have com- pleted their Roll they shall ,severally appear before any officer of the County authorized by law to administer oaths, and shall severally make and subscribe before stick officers, an oath in the following form which must be strictly followed : We, the undersigned, do severally depose and swear that we hive set down in the foregoing Assessment Roll, all the real estate situate in the town (or ward as the case may be), accord- ing to our best information ; and that, with the exception of those cases in which the value of said real estate has been changed by reason of proof produced before ns, we have esti- mated the value or said real estate at the st which a major- ity of the Assessors have decided to be the full value thereof, and also that the said Assessment Roll contains a true statement of the aggregate amount of the taxable personal estate of each The Supervisors' Proceedings for 189 -f.157 and every person named in such Roll, over and above the amount of debts due from such persons respectively, and excluding such - stocks as are otherwise taxable, and such other property as is exempt by law from taxation, at the fall value thereof, accord- ing to our hest judgment and belief." Whiclr oatli shall be written or printed , on said Roll, signed by the Assessors, and certified by the officer. Laws '83 ,,Chapte'i 364, tor. The Supervisor must report to the County Treasurer, on the first Tuesday in March, the amount of School moneys remain- ing in his hands. Each Justice of the 'Peace must execute a bond with two sureties conditioned for the payment on demand to the properiv officer all moneys received by the Justice, by virtue of his office, which bond must be approved by the Supervisor of the town, and filed in the Town Clerk's office.I Each Justice of the Peace shall mmke a report in writing, verified by oath each year, bearing date the first day of Novem- ber, to the Board of Supervisors, at their annual session, in which he shall state particularly the time when, and the name of the person or persons from whom, any money has been re- ceived ;' and also the amount and on what account the same was received ; also all sums remaining due and unpaid ; and that all moneys by him received Have been paid to the officer duly em- powered by law to receive the Each Justice of the Peace must pay all moneys received by hint for fines, within thirty days after its receipt, to the County, Treasurer. Criminal Code, Section 726. Overseers of the Poor cannot furnish supplies to a County pauper to exceed the sum of ten dollars, without an- order from the County Superintendent authorizing further disbursements for such purpose. 1 ii r5S The Supervisors' Proceedings for r8p¢. All bills payable by town must be presented to the Town Auditing Board for audit. All bills for supplies furnished to County paupers niust• be presented to the County Superintendent of the Poor for audit. All bills presented to the Board of Supervisors or any Aud- iting Board, must be verified by oath, stating that the same are correct in every particular, and that no compensation has been received for the same, or any part thereof, except as therein stated. W r s eX'".... »! fir: , .. • . _ i l INDEX. PAGE ACT FOR PROTECTION OF PISA 65 ACCOUNTS OP SUPERVISORS 80 ADJOURNMENT 84, ALMS HouSE— Salary of Chaplain 25 I o APPROPRIATIONS Clerk's and Surrogate's Building . .57 AUDITS, COUNTY 75 Tow/is—Caroline l 82 Daub 85 Dryden 1 87 Enfield . . . 91: Groton 94 Ithaca —Town .97 Lansing . .99 Newfield 103 Ulysses ; .105 i BUDGET—COUNTY . .68 CAROLINE — Audits of . . . . . . . 82 Added to 40 District Levy 40 Tax of 69 CHAIRMAN — Election of 12 CLERK'S OFFICE Authorizing purchase of Steam Heating Appa- ratus 10 CLERK — OF BOARD — Election of . . . 12 Salary of 12 Postage for 17 i o r:Ti 16(i The Subcrvisors' Proceedings for 'Syj. Cr.ERI:— Compensation for Report to Comptroller .19 Report of Equalization to Comptroller .151 Report of Bonded Indebtedness to Comptroller . . . . .152 Report of Corporations to Comptroller 147 Cor,r.ECxoxs —To Settle 4 COM.IUNICATIONS— Comptroller 13 CoMrTROr,r.ER— Conuuunicatious from 13, 14 COSI AoTTEEs— Regular Appointed 15 Ou Court House Repairs 9 On County Roads . .65 COUNTY CLERK— Report of 134 Bond of 24 Copying books iu office of 35 Janitor for 55 COUNTY JAIL— Repairs on 39 COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OE DIE FuoR— Report of . . . 111 COUNTY TAX 68 COUNTY TREASURI R— Report of 109 Office Rent for 20 Postage Account 46 COURT 1TousE— Janitor's Salary 25 Repairs Authorised 7, 30 Insurance on 37, 4 DANRY— Audits of . . . 85 Damages for laying out Highways . .48 Appropriations for Highways 49 fax of 70 DISTRICT ATTORNEY— Report of 126 DRYDEN— Audits of 87 Fence wire for 42 Appropriations for Highways 42 District Levy . . .42 Tax of 70 ENFIELD—Audits of .91 District Levy . .35 Tax of . . .. 70 Damages for laying out Highways 37 F 11 The Supervisors' Proceedings for 18 16r EQUALIZATION— Report of Committee on 62 GRAND JURORS—List of approved 37 GROTON— Audits of 94 Tax of 71 ITHACA —TOWN— Audits of 97 Added to .I 40 To reimburse . . .31 District Levy . .41 Damages for laying out Highways 48 Tax of 71 I''HACA— Cery —To reimburse 3 53. 54 Tax of 72 Resolution for Support of Poor of 6r JAIL PHYSICIAN— Salary of 21 Appointment of 21 JUSTICES Or THE PEACE — Reports of .130 LANSING— Appropriation for Highways . . r 28 i .Audits of . . . . 99 Audits of added to 33 Laying out Highways, expenses of 43 Tax of , 7 2 NEWFIELD— Audits of . . 103 Appropriation for Highways . .33 Appropriation for Support of Poor . . .35 District Levy . .30 Tax of 73 POLITICAL DIRECTORY —.153 PRINTING Proceedings of the Board . .18 27 County and Town Audits, eta 46 Official Canvass 22 Session Laws 25 PROCEEDINGS— Distribution of . 55 Printing 27 REPORTS COMMITTEES —On Printing 27 Jurisprudence and Erroneous Assess- ments .59 On II: S. Deposit and Insurance 47 To investigate claim`s of City of Ithaca 53 1 162 The Supervisors' Proceedings for rS'p REPORTS of COMMITTEES Superintendent's Accounts 43 On County Treasurer's Accounts . . .47 On Charitable Institutions . . . . .56 Ou Equalization and Assessment Rolls 62 On Appropriations . . .67 REPORTS Or COUNTY OFFICIALS County Superintendent of the Poor itt County Clerk - . .134 County Treasurer . .tog District Attorney . .126 Loan Commissioners 131 Surrogate 127 REPORTS — Of Clerk of Board of Supervisors to State Comptroller . ,147 Of Justices of the Peace 130 Of R. R. Bonding Commissioners and Supervisor — Enfield 135 Groton 137 Ithaca .139 Newfield 144 Ulysses 145 RESOLUTIONS — To borrow Money .64 To raise $to,000 by tax 64 RETURNED TAXES . ...43 SPECIAL SESSIONS . .5 SESSION LAIRS Designation of Papers to Publish . .25 Local Laws . .59 SHERIFF— Allowed $35o for Janitor 25 STATI? TAX 67 . SUPERVISORS — Names of and Post Office Addresses Service Bill . .8o Accounts of .81 UL}SSES Audits of 105 Appropriations for Highways 31 Damages for laying out Highways 33 Resolution for Support of Poor of 35 District Levy . .23 Memorial Day 24 Tax of 73 UNPAID TAXES 52 W Tan - w - S.STATEMENT. of the votes cast in fl,o several Election Districts in the County of Tom Pfir in at a General Election held in and forsaidCountyonthesixthdnofNovember, 159+; for•Gov-ernor, Lien tet.unt-G ornor, Associate Judge of the Court ofAppeals, } representative in CCongress for the 66th Congression of District, Member of ;Assembly, County Clerk, District Attorney, Superintendent of the Yoor, Just bee of Sessions, Coroner, "The p amendment to article sixth of the Constitution relating In County Judges and Court Of Sessions in the County-of King :," "1he proposed avwndnmut to article six of the Constitution, reh,ting to the election of additional Justices of the Su Premc Court," "The RevisedC ' enstitutim, except the provisions thereof relating to Legislative Apportionment and Canal hnprnvement," "Sections two, three, four and live of article three of the Revised Constitution, relating to Legislative Apportionment " "Section tenor article seven of the Revised Consthtution,.relating to tine It of the Canada." nY a S ti• z z o`K hl a n O F. E. 2,rf r P t r C f a t__ ,., w..,- ac- n c,- n,.- e_..... LC,.. - zc,_ . U;w[<.+ee.+ DISTRICTS. Y w. -k E s - k- $"s '- Whole No. of Votes. uPJ- c_ r5ti= l `F ^. _.-9 .. mac - i _' gym., 7" f -" 77F Levi P. Morton. a =c. a__ -` Ic`., , , Ga. „ _ 0 _ i + Pavia B. Ii111.isfr _ _, _ _ a o Et. _c -,_.,- _a. -c _,_ -w h;:oa or.,a> -Francis E: Baldwin. 7 1. Charles B.Jlatthews. mIs" n Chunks Hr'latchett: y - -- --- Everett Y. Wheeler. Blank and Scattering v r m a7 : : 1"5 4 L Whole So. of Votes. i °I'c Charles T. Saxton. 4Yk' "` Daniel _ N. Lockwood. o y ryustusIdler.az". Robert C. Henson. o William F. Steer. S lank an matteringd • tic_,_x_b Whore No. of Votes. hi r*'l , 5I _ :Albert Hai o ' b _ .. .. w x c S Charles F. Brown C o 4- .-... cc.e,r , %aeharrtll P_'1'uylor_ m9c.l cc Tlnad`us R. Wakeman Smac_ _ _ '°_ F r :antis Gerau.e °, Blank and, Shattering m VArhole _ A'° . °f ,Avotes. o g Y tWnee W. JtaY- Z S W -..- m_ cF t 1 _Sherrill E. Smith. O 6 co oo =`m=1,...„;......;:.,...v .. s c.urvc.._ L,._ a .'M1 ' nlJia,nn li. Cessna , P IT '13hmk and Scattering m N tk - z:: _ __ VAhole Nor of Votes.I,,_I. -. r_E, -e. - . „,_ e Edwin C. Stewart. o mb 4_gy AU G. (enunr,. 2 5-- x -,_.- a o v. , mac. Tlmod'e J. Harrington am lo L s, _.Latalette' Crum.w Blank and Seatterhnk rw hole N of Votes. Van --- -c Y..3 1.e C Leroyt H. Link. o s01 O • 1 - -' + - n- --, __ _ _ ,xw John J. Kounsoville. c vm_, -, c f„_, :„,tin„ F , .> o.Edward LonnshcrY. `a w >a,__- -,c.- ,.w_a_a, =_n ic_,__, Wm. J. C. Wismar. fi vi wee.- _.c:' _ -' _ '. F v L.., i m c d , v 2,,, Bank and Scattering nor-0B x'L nude No. of Votes. ty G11 tileZe__ H. Blood. V 'r- IYOJ N r ,,. _ •_"- z_w r-..Thum' E Rrovvn. _ 1 0 . m Blank and Scattering "' 4' - -'d .Whn7ES0. 0f Votes. v'_ e 4 o.. S.',p,,, James 5. dyke.o ,m, 1' _ = __- - 6I._' . __ «,_. If =Ce_ _- [;F s= \ Cillia,nSV.Sherwtod 'ryIwa - 4- 5:: ,.c v c___ _ -- Ga°rgeK • Ifavrigtoi, oG o z Alonzo Culver.P' p,Blank and Scattering mu - ',T VA A of votes. t rte;c c , _Dolph Ross.m"m4 s =a_ aa Jame- Hines.o • 7 e t George E. Ilanford. S ° . Blank and Scattering_ S AWhole No. of Votes. S. Nrc _er; 1 tiE. o- ..,u - t " n• CliaPnan• n Charles D. Vernoov. Co J oseph D. 13ardvaell. ._ _. th,, f r .. r_, . -._. to y P _. ,:ru m ... , ... -..- a 1 -! -... t_ .. Itlauk and Scattering ° l Zo AA 'hole No. of Votes O t y' m - For.Z k .. h Against. s =.for Whole No. of Votes. aria V° 3 Against'm77 • c p . trc `v'e.' - - Whole No. of Votes: 9b For. k 0 o Agftlnet. 4. z Whole No. of Voles. 2- o,,1. For.asr _ _Lacs ___ = 3Agnins0. O AVhole No. of Votes. Osao ,7 r For.m o- .... 5 ria gitinst.Eta1. i ....e- _a- _a__. .nr,.x l.a__n v - s.. I 13fA - NKS YN I1 SCATTERING. -P' Governor,blank iecened eight vote, feu heat ilant Governor_blank -T_ - received three votes, for Associate .Tndge of the Conrt of Appeals, blank received live votes; for Representative in 4Congress."-00, District, Aria G. Gemmng received one vote, Charles E. Brown received one vote, blank received twohundredandthirty - eight; for '.Member of Assembly, Amos (tensing received mm vote, Edward 1.ounsbery receivedonevote, blank received one hundred amt forty-eight , vote fin County Clerk blank received me hundred and thirty -seven Voter. for District Attorney, blind: received one hundred and sixty votes for. Superintendent of • the Poe', James Luke received one vote,Like 1 eceived one vote, blank received one hundred and sixty-two votes; • for a of Sessions. t elm es J oll one vote.t blank received ore vote. B r hundred e thirteenone vote, r N 1 er.. J . cue, v- 13keItike etiy ce eslut H o ceded tanwo norece_ s. hhmn receivedd un taro er and d two forlivrnaamdovote,oarr Votes. Vo,Dr Chapman e recu edone vote, and Grc Cleveland dd and e C nstiive votes, ; blank uc4 gblanknreceivedsunsvenhdredandsotes. For the Kings, prof amendmentarticle er six fthe pr to County Judge's and Court of Sessions e county of Kgs, blank received fiveen votes-; ; theforthe propose relatingamend- vmendtoarticlesixoftheConstitution, 0, rrelating to the election of additional Justices of the Supreme Court, blankreceivedtwovotesfortheIvusedConstitutionexcepttheprovisionsthereofrelatingtoLegislativeApportionment CandCanal Improvement, blank Sectionsreceivedonevote, for Sec ne two, three, Ion and live of Article three of the'Reviseded Constitution, relating to Legislative Apportionment, blank received one vote; o Section ten of Article seven of theRevisedConstitution, relating to the improvement of the Canals, blank received one Con. The Rivard of County Canvassers of he County of. Tomp taxiing met at the orrice of the Clerk of said Countyonthe1:3t11 day of November, A. D. 18!4, to canvass and estimate the votes given in the several Election Districts ofsaidCountyataGeneralElectionheldonthe6111dayof .November. A. D. 1894:. do hereby certify that the foregoing isatruetabularstatementandfootingsofthevotescastatsaidelectionforthepersonsandotlicers -unwed hereon and - for each of them. Dated Ithaca, N. Y., Nov. 14, 1894. JOHN IL CONKIJN, Chairman, T. S. TIIOAIPSON,WM. K. 140104, J. IL KENNEDY.JNO. J. YOUNG,H, F. IIUTCHINGS, W. H. VAN ()STRAND,W. P. HARRINGTON, L. J. NEWMAN, C. F. HOTTES,L. H. VAN KIRK, JARVIS BANDUNG,A. O. IIA R'1',County Clerk and Secretary. • S'T'ATE OF 'NEW PO s ;1 Tomrntns COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE,hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing with. the original statement remaining on fileinthisoffice, and that the same is a correct transcript therefrom, and of the whole of such original. Witness my hand and official seal, at Ithaca, this 11th day of November, one thousand, r.. sal eight hundred and nin -four.T J.- }1OELHENY, 1 ,Deputy Clerk. F. i J l