HomeMy WebLinkAbout1893PROCEEDINGS OF THE F-- Board of Supervisors C OF THE 1--- COUNTY OF TOMPKINS. 1893. 1 ANNUAL H SSICN. PROCEEDINGS DF . THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF- THE COUNTY OF TOMPKINS, FOR THE YEAR 1893. RANDOLPH HORTON, CHAIRMAN, . . . NEWFIELD, N. Y. HUGH T. BURTT, CI ERK ITHACA, N. Y. ITHACA, N. Y.: PRESS OF THE ITHACA DEMOCRAT. 1893 0 0 ANNUAL SESSION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF TOMPKINS COUNTY - 1893.; Pursuant to law, the Supervisors of the several towns of Tompkins Co., New York, convened in annual session at the Supervisors' Room in the Court House in the city of Ithaca in said county, on the 15th day of Nov., 1893, at to o'clock A. M. The Board was called to order by F. L. Clock,'Clerk of the Board of 1892, and on calling the roll of the towns in the county the following answered to their names respectively, viz.: TOWN.SUPERVISOR.P. 0. ADDRESS. Caroline, JOHN Bum.,Slaterville Springs Danby,F. A. TODD,West Danby Dryden,J H. KENNEDY,Dryden Enfield,LEvr J. NEWMAN,Ithaca Groton,DANA RHODES,Groton Ithaca (town), . . NICHOLAS PEARSON Ithaca Ithaca (city), E. S. CARPENTER,Cliff St., Ithaca Ithaca (city), L. G. TODD,Ithaca Ithaca (city), T. S.,TrroMPSON, . . 29 W. Mill St , Ithaca Ithaca (city), J. E. VAN NAT'rA, . . 61 E. Mill St , Ithaca Lansing,J. H. CONKLIN,North Lansing Newfield, . . . . R. HoxroN,Newfield Ulysses,EDWARD CAMP Trumansburg 1 . 4 SuPERV ISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1893. Moved by Mr. Pearson that Mr.` Bull, of Caroline, be elected temporary chairman: 1 Mr. Pearson's motion, on being seconded by Mr. Kennedy, ° was carried. Moved -by Mr. Kennedy • that Mr. Horton be elected for permanent chairman. Mr. F. A. -Todd offered as an amendment to Mr. Kennedy's motion that he be elected by acclamation. Th motion on being seconded was carried. An inforutal ballot for Clerk was moved by Mr. Rhodes. This motion on being seconded by Mr. Bull was carried The' wliole number of votes, cast was thirteen of which H. T. .Burtt received 7 F. L. Clock received 6 Moved by Mr. Pearson that Mr. Burtt be declared Clerk of the Board of Supervisors for the ensuing year: This motion on being seconded was carried. The following communication from the Comptroller was read by the Clerk, which on motion was ordered spread upon the minutes: STATE OF NEW I'ORR,1 COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE, ALBANY, • SEPTEMBER 30, 1893. To Me Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins, Ithaca, N. Y.: S[R: I enclose 'a forrii cif statement of the valuation of Real andPersonal Estate required to be made by you, pursuant to Chapter 117 of the Laws of 1836, and forwarded to this office previous to the second Monday in December in each year, under a penalty of fifty dollars. I also euelose a form of Return of Incorporated Companies liable to taxation. It is indispensable that this Report be furnished by the time prescribed. i c c SUPiE1t4ISOIts' PROCEEDINGS, 1893.5 The Board of Equalization of Taxes, in pursuance of Chapter 312 of the Laws of 1859, have fixed the aggregate valuation of property in your County at the sum of $12,766,138 upon which amount a State tax of $32,936.64 must be levied for the fiscal year, commeucilig October 1st, 1893, as provided in Aid act and amendments thereto by Chapter 351, Laws of 1874, being 58 -100 mills on the dollar, for the following purposes, viz.: For Schools 98 -loo mill, per Chapter 572 Laws of 1893.. - . . . 12,51o.82 For State Care of Insane, 33j4 -Ioo mill, per Chapter 214 and 565, Laws of 1893 r 4, ?55.38 For General Purposes 89 -loo mill, per Chapfir 572, Laws of 18931 16, 17o. 44ForCanals37 -T00 mill, per Chapter 89 and 572, Laws of 1893' Total, z 58 -loo mills 3 Your obedient servant, FRANK CAMPBELL, Comptroller. , P. S. —The non - resident Taxes credited to your County for 189; amount to $86:80. The following resolution, offered by Mr. Kennedy, was on motion of Mr. Rhodes adopted: Resolved, That until otherwise ordered the following shall constitute the standing committees of this Board, namely: Constables' Accounts, Clerks' and Justices' Accounts, Coroners', Coroners' Juries', and Printers' Accounts, County Treasurer's Accounts, Sheriff's,- Judge's, and District Attorney's Accounts, Miscellaneous Claims, Jurisprudence and Erroneous Assessments, Equalization and Footing Assessment Rolls, Superintendent of the Poor's Accounts, Appropriations and County Buildings, 13. S. Deposit and Insurance, State Charitable and Penal Institutions; t o 4 6 SUPERVISORS'' PROCEEDINGS, 1893. Resolved, That each of said committees shall consist of three.members, except the committee on equalizdtion, which shall have seven members; and the member first named on each committee shall be the chairman thereof. Mr. F. A. Todd offered the following resolution, which on motion of Mr: Van Natta was adopted: Resolved, That the salary of the Clerk of this Board be fixed at $15o.00 • for the ensuing year. The following resolution, offered by Mr. Camp, was on motion of Mr. Pearson adopted: Resolved, That unless otherwise ordered, the daily sessions of the Board shall commence at 9:00 o'clock A: M. and at 2:00 o'clock P. M. Mr. F. A. Todd offered the following resolution, which on motion of MI. Kennedy was adopted: Resolved, That all resolutions offered to this Board be in writing and • signed by the names of the members introducing them. On motion adjourned until Thursday, Nov. 15, at to o'clock, A. 1i. SECOND DAY. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1893. Morning Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call. Quorum .present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. A communication from the Comptroller was read by the. clerk, which was referred td the committee on appropriations. SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1893.7 The chairman announced the following committees: o Constables' Accounts, Van Natta, Newman, Rhodes. Clerk's and Justices' Accounts, Thompson, Kennedy, F. A. Todd. Coroners', Coroners'iJuries' and Printers' Accounts, Pearson, Van Natta, Carpenter. County Treasurer's Accounts, Bull, Camp, Pearson. Sheriff's, fudge's and District Attorney's Accounts, Kennedy, Carpenter, L. G. Todd. Miscellaneous Claims, F. A. Todd, Bull, Thompson. furisprudence and Erroneous Assessments, , Rhodes, Bull, Camp. Equalization and Footing Assessment Rolls, Conklin, Pearson, Bull, Newman, I,. G. Todd, Kennedy, F. A. Todd. Superintendent of the Poor, Camp,• Pearson, Rhodes. Appropriations and County Buildings, L. G. Todd, Rhodes, Conklin, U. S. Deposit and Insurance, Carpenter, Thompson, Camp. State Charitabl and Penai Institutions, Newman, Conklin, Van Natta. Mr. Canip offered the following resolution, which on motion of Mr. Pearson was adopted: Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed to examine the Court Room and report to this Board during its present session what is needed to meet the demands of the judges as to ventilation, heating, arrangement of seats, etc. The chair appointed as such committee Messrs. Camp, Pear - t son and Bull. 8 SUPERVTSORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1893. The following resolution, offered by Mr. F. A.• Todd, was on tnotion of Mr. 'Kennedy adopted: o Resolved, That the hour front 3 to 4 P. M. be set apart for the auditing of bills and accounts of this Board. Mr. Camp presented the report of the bonding commission- ers of the Town of Ulysses, together with his report as Supervis- . or of the bonded indebtedness of said Town. On motion the reports were accepted and the resolution subjoined thereto adopted. Mr. Rhodes .presented the reports of Newton Baldwin, Nelson Stevens, Herman S. Hopkins and J. M. Montfort, Justice's of the Peace of the Town of Groton, which on motion were received -and filed. Mi. Kennedy offered the following resolution, which on i motion - bf Mr. Bull was adopted: Resolved, That a committee on printing be appointed and instructed to crake a contract for printing 5,000 copies of the Proceedings of the Board' of Supervisors at a price not to exceed the price paid in 1892, and that they be printed in the same form, type and upon paper as good as that used i 1892, and that they shall be ready for delivery on or before January to, 189'4. . On motion adjourned. Afternoon Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. . Roll call. Quorum present. The chairman announced as the special committee cin print- ing Messrs.-Kennedy, Conklin and Bull_ Mr. _Kennedy read communications from F. A. Dunham, civil engineer, relative to cost, - etc., of improved -roads, which were placed on file. SUPERVISORS' PPOCEEDINGS, 1893.9 Mr. F. A. Todd presented reports of J. B. Thatcher, Z. Smiley, T. W. Slocum and J. Wise, Justices of the Peace of the Town of Danby, which were received and placed on file. Mr. Conklin presented reports of Chas. Drake, Frank H. Tarbell, Nelson E. Lyon and B. M. Hagin, Justices of the Peace of the Town of Lansing, which on motion were received and filed. Mr. Newman presented reports of W. F. Smith, E. G. Willis, J. H. Hine and F'. B. Aiken, Justices of the Peace of the Town of Enfield, which were received and placed on file. o The following resolution, offered by Mr. F. A. Todd, was on motion of Mr. Kennedy adopted: Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board be allowed $1,5.00 for postage for the ensuing year. On motion adjourned. 4 THIRD DAY. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17,. 1893. Morning Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. Mr. Kennedy, chairman of the special committee on print- ing, presented his report, which on motion was received and adopted. 4 1 10 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1893. The following resolution, offered by Mr. Kennedy, was on motion of Mr. Camp adopted: WHEREAS, There is a question as to the legality of the assessment roll of the City of Ithaca as presented to this Board ; Resolved, That it be referred to the committee on jurisprudence and an early report requested. In accordance with the foregoing resolution, the committee on jurisprudence reported as follows: Your committee to whom was referred the assessment roll of the city. of Ithaca would respectfully report — That the said assessment roll is defective and not properly certified to as the law directs. We recommend that it be re- turned for correction and proper certification. DANA RHODES,. JOHN BULL, EDWARD CAMP. On motion of Mr. Kennedy said report was accepted and recommendation adopted.0 On motion adjourned. Afternoon Session.' Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call. Ouorunr present. Moved by Mr. Camp that this Board visit the County Altus House Thursday, November 23. Mr. Camp's motion on being seconded was carried. On motion adjourned. 1 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1893.11 FOURTH, DAY. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1893. Morning Session. Board metpursuant to adjourmnent. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. Mr. Camp presented reports - of A. P. Osborn, Henry Hutchings, John N. Barker, and N. R. Gifford, Justices of the Peace of the Town of Ulysses, which were accepted and filed. The report of John Flickinger as coroner was presented by Mr. Camp which on motion of Mr. Bull was received and placed on file. Mr. Newman presented the report of the bonding commis- sioner of the Town of Enfield and his report as Supervisor of the bonded indebtedness of the said Town together with subjoined resolution, whictl on motion of Mr. Camp was accepted'and said resolution adopted. Mr. Kennedy offered the following resolution which on mo- tion of Mr. Bull was adopted: Resolved, That the question of the necessity of the certificate of both of the assessors of the City of Ithaca to be attached to the assessment roll of said city be referred to the committee on jurisprudence, and if they deem it necessary are hereby authorized to procure an opinion of a competent law- yer on this question for the benefit of this Board and report to this I3oard at the earliest time practicable. On motion adjourned. i 12 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1893. Afternoon Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. a Roll call. Quorum present. Mr. -F. A. Todd offered the following resolution, which on motion of Mr. Kennedy was adopted: Resolved, That the apportionment of Grand Jurors in the several towns be the sane as in the last preceding year excepting the Town of Ithaca, which is given nand Ithaca City 79. Mr. Camp offered the following resolution, which on motion was adopted: Resolved, That bills certified by the Town Board of Ulysses as' having been audited by them Nov. u, 1893, he allowed and that the amount thereof be assessed upon the taxable property of the town of Ulysses. Mr. Camp offered the following resolution, which on motion was adopted: Resolved, That the following bills of W. H. VanOstrand, Commissioner 2o 52 J. IC. Follett,e 37 00 Fred A. Atwater,is 49 Truman Nobles, Stenographer 15 39 J. F. Bradley, Surveyor 2 50 Total 73 9 Be audited, for the amounts claimed as above and the amount assessed upon the taxable of the Town of Ulysses, in accordance with the pro- visions of the Highway Laws, , 93, page 3 Mr. F. A. Todd offered the following resolution, which - on motion of Mr. Newman was adopted: Resolved, That our chairman appoint a committee to confer with the authorities of Monroe and Onondaga county penitentiaries relative to the maihtainance of our county prisoners. SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS,, 1893. r 13 The following resolution, offered by Mr. Newman, was on motion of Mr. Kennedy adopted: Resolved, That the following bills of Fred A. Stevens, Commissioner P8 49 W. 11. VauOstrand,20 52 J. K. Follett,17 00 Truman Nobles, Stenographer 15 39 J F. Bradley, Sumeyyiug 2 5o Be audited for the amounts claimed as above and the amount assessed upon the taxable property of the Town of Enfield, in accordance with the pro- vision of the highway laws. Mr. F. A. Todd, chaitman of the committee on miscellan-. eous claims reported the following bills, which on motion of Mr. Kennedy were allowed and andited,at the amounts recommended by the committee: Bills Nos. Si, 9, 8 „ 23. On motion adjourned. 0 FIFTH DAY. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1893 Morning Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of preceding meeting read and approved. Mr. Bull offered the following resolution: In pursuance of laws of 1875, Section 7, Sub. 3, Chapter 482, It is resolved that the Ithaca D is selected and designated by this Board to publish the official canvass as determined and declared by the Board of • county canvassers on the L6t1 day of November, 1893. J 14 SuPERvlsolts' PROCEEDINGS, 1893. Moved by Mr. Thompson that the resolution be adopted. Here followed a discussion on the resolution. Moved by Mr. Pearson that the special committee on print- ing, ascertain the price of printing the official canvass and report to this Board and that said resolution be laid over until z o'clock this afternoon. Mr. Pearson's motion, ou being seconded by Mr. F. A. Todd, was carried. Mr. L. G. Todd offered the following resolution, which on • motion was adopted: WHEREAS, A general strike has been ordered, and is now on of all the employees of the Lehigh Valley R. R. System: Resolved, That Sheriff Tibbetts be instructed by this-Board to take every precaution necessary to prevent, if attempted, the destruction of any property within the limits of Tompkins County and that the clerk serve a certified copy of this resolution upon the sheriff. Mr. F. A Todd presented the town audits' of the Town of Danby, together with the following resolution, which on motion was adopted: Resolved, That the audits of the town of Danby herein presented be audited by this Board as recommended by the town auditors. Mr. Bull offered the following resolution, which on motion of Mr. Camp was adopted: In accordance with resolutions passed by the electors of the Town of Caroline at the town elections held in said town on the 14th day of Febru- ary, 1893. It is resolved that the sum of five hundred dollars be levied and • assessed upon the taxable property of the town of Caroline for the support of the poor of said town; and that the' stun of five hundred dollars also be assessed upon the taxable property of said town of Caroline for the en- suing year. SupEnvlsons' PROC,EEmixos, 1893.6 Mr. Bull offered the following resolution, which on motion was adopted: 0 Resolvent, That the town audits of the town of Caroline, as trade and certified to by the board of town auditors of said town, be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the town of Caroline. Mr. Newman offered the following resolution, which on motion of -Mr. Kennedy was adopted: Resolved, That the town audits of the town of Enfield, as an dited by the town board of said town, be allowed by this Board and the amount thereof be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the town of Enfield. On motion adjourned. Afternoon Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call: Quorum present. o,The'time having arrived for taking the unfinished business left over from the morning session that matter was called up. The special committee on printing reported as follows: t Your special committee to whom was referred the matter of printing the official canvass would respectfully report that the Ithaca Democrat offers to print said canvass for the sum of .$3o.00 and we recommend the acceptance of their proposal. J. H. KENNEDY, JOHN BULL, J. 11. CONKLIN. Moved by Mr. L. G. Todd that the report'-be accepted and recommendation adopted and the Ithaca Democrat be, authorized to print the official canvass; at a -price not to exceed $3o.00. • Mr. Todd's motion on being seconded was carried. 1 J 16 SupERVJSOns' PROCEEDTNGS, 1893. Mr. L. G. Todd presented the reports of the bonding com- missioners of the old town of Ithaca, and the supervisor's report aof the bonded indebtedness of said town, together with subjoined resolution, which on motion of Mr. Pearson were ,received and aid resolution adopted. Mr. Conklin presented the town audits of the town of Lan- sing, together with the following resolution, which on motion were received and resolution adopted: Resolved, That the town audits of the town of Lansing be accepted as audited by the Town Board, and the amounts thereof levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the town of Lansing. Mr. F. A. Todd, chairman of the committee on miscellaneous claims, reported the following bills: Hill No. 7o, which on motion was ordered returned to person presenting the same; also bills Nos. 117, 54, 80, 9 88 , 33, 24, 43, 100 3 which on motion were allowed and audited at the amounts recommended by the corn- mittee. On motion adjourned.o SIXTH DAY. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1893. Morning Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of preceding meeting read and approved. The following resolutions, offered by Mr. F. A. Todd, - were on motion of Mr. Kennedy adopted: SuPE1Ly iso us' PROCEEDINGS, 1893.77 Resolved, That the sum of $252.00 be levied and assessed against the taxable property of the town of Danhy for repairs of highways and bridges, as allowed by the statute. Resolved; That the sum of 5100 be levied and assessed against the taxa- ble property of the town of Danby for repairs on Town Hall, as per resolu- tion of Towu Board. On motion adjourned. Afternoon Session. Boardmet_pursuant to adjournment. Ro11'6all. Quorum present. Mr. Thompson, chairman of the committee on justices' ac- couli {s,'reported the following bills, which on :motion• 61 My. Camp were allowed and audited at the amounts recommended by the committee: Bills Nos. 4r, 77, 60, 79. The committee•on constables' accounts recommended the fol- lowing bills to the Board for action: Bills Nos. u3 and 115. On motion of Mr. Camp, said bills were allowed and audited at the amounts claimed. Mr. F. A. Todd, chairman of the committee on miscellane- ous claims, reported the following bills, which on motion were allowed and audited at the amounts recommended by the cony mittee: Bills Nos. 118, 47, 83, 62, 69, 3 53. 56 and 90. On motion the recommendation of said committee' disallow- ing bill No. 67 was adopted. On motion adjourned. 6 18 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1893. SEVENTH DAY. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1893. Morning Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call. Quorum present. On motion adjourned to visit the County Alms House as a committee of the whole,. On arriving at the Alms House the Board was received by the County Superintendent,-James S. Lyke. The committee on superintendent's accounts examined the bills and accounts -of the Superintendent. . After partaking of an elaborate dinner the Board inspected the various rooms of the buildings, found them neat and clean, and were satisfied that the inmates were well and comfortably' • cared for. At 4:3o the Board left for Ithaca. 1 . EIGHTH DAY. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1893., Morning Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of preceding days read and approved. e 1 7 SUPERVISORS' P1 OCEEPINGS, 1893.19 Mr. Van Natta, chairman of the committee on constables' accounts, reported the following bills, which on. motion of Mr. Camp were allowed and audited at the amounts recommended by the committee : Bills Nos. 4 73, 85, I ro, 103, 75, 45. 13, 2 , 4, 7, 6 , ro, 3. The reconrmendation•of said committee disallowing bill No. 82.iyas'on motion adopted. The,committee on erroneous assessments made the following report: ' • Your comniittee to whom was referred the application of Rev. Platt T. Huglrston, of Ulysses, to have his dame stricken from the assessment roll of that town on the ground that said property was exempt (he being a min- ister of the Gospel occupying said land and it being assessed for $r,300), re- spectfully report, that they find the facts to be in accordance with said peti- tion, and they recommend that the ' name of Rev. Platt T. Hughston be stricken from the assessment roll of said town. DANA RHODSS, EDWARD CAMP, JOHN BULL. On notion of Mr. Kennedy the recommendation of • said committee was adopted. 1 The committee on jurisprudence reported as follows: Your committee to whom was referred the question as to what consti- tutes a legal city assessment roll from the city of Ithaca, would respectfully report that, in accordance with the instructions of this board, they have sub- the questions therein to Hon. Samuel D. Halliday, of Ithaca, N. Y., for an opinion, which opinion is herewith,submitted and made a part of this report. We fully concur in the opinion - therein expressed, and recommend the adoption of a city assessment roll which shall he an exact copy of the orig- inal and certified to by both Brown and Dale, or by Brown, and lie (Brown) stating, as the statute requires, the reason why Dale refuses to sign it, if he does so refuse. DANA RHODES, JOHN BULL, o EDWARD CAMP. 1 20 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1893., I2nAC.A, N. Y., Nov, 22. I8g3. Al;-. Dana TV. Rhodes, Chairman Committee, etc.: DBAR Si R: I have examined the questions submitted to rue by you in regard to the assessment for the City of Ithaca, and I have arrived at the following conclusion : To make a correct assessment,roll for Town' and: County the proposed City Roll should be copied. An independent assessment, roll varying from the city roll would not be good, whoever might sign it or swear to it, or certify it. Therre is no doubt that kir. Brown .is a'city aSsessor; and a copy of the city assessment roll certified to properly by him, giving the reasons why Mr. Dale does not join if he does not, would be legal: There are reason- able and grave doubts as to whether Mr. Dale was a legal city assessor. A copy of the city assessment roll - certified to • by Dale and Bro3vn Would be _ unquestionably correct, and I have no doubt about the legality of the roll if it is so signed by Brown, stating as the statute requires that Mr. Dale re- fuses to sign if he does so refuse. Very truly yours, S. D. HALI.IDAV. Moved by Mr. Pearson that the report be accepted and recommendation adopted. Mr. Pearson's motion on. being seconded was carried. The following resolution, offered by Mr. Conklin, was" on notion of Mr.• Canip adopted: Resolved, That the sum of five hundred dollars be levied and collected against the taxable property of the town of Lansing for the repair of high- ways and bridges, as allowed.by statute. The' following resolution, offered. by Mr. Kennedy, was on motion adopted: Resolved, That the lists of names of persons selected and presented by - the Supervisors oC,the different towns and. city of the county to act as Grand. Jurors for. the ensuing year are hereby approved, and declared to be the o Grand Jury list for 1893-94. On motion adjourned. r E1 SUPERVISORS' uvISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1893.21 Y NINTH DAY.' MONDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1893. Morning SessioriL Board met pursuant to adjournment. Rolf call Quorum present... i Minutes.of preceding clay read and approved. Moved by Mr. Kennedy that the question of the appeal of John Davis from the of Town Auditors of the town of Caroline to this Board be referred to the committee on juris- prudence. Mr.'Kennedy's motion.on being' seconded was carried. Mr. Camp offered the following resolution, which on motion was adopted: • Resolved, That the sum of forty -one 75-100 dollars ($4 75 -100) be here- by levied and assessed upon. the taxable property of the following road - districts of the town of Ulysses, viz: 14, 16, 43, 49, and 57, for the purpose of paving for road machines as provided by statute. - Afternoon Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment.. Roll call. Quorum present. The following resolution, offered by Mr.' Kennedy, was on motion adopted'." Resolved, That the committee on county buildings be authorized and instructed to also investigate the advisability of changing the location of the bath room at the County House with the probable cost of the salve and report to this Board as soon as practicable. 1 22 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS,. 1893. Mr. Pearson, chairman of the committee on coroners', coroners' juries' and printers' accounts, reported the following bills, which on motion of. Mr. Camp were allowed and audited at the amouuts.recommended by the committee: Bills Nos. 12, 4 63, 74, 37, 107, 130, 111, 46, 120, 106, 109, 108, 122, 127, 11, 49. Mr. F. A. Todd, chairman of the committee on miscellane- ous claims, reported the following bills, which on motion of Mr. Kennedy were allowed and audited at the amounts recommended • by the committee: Bills Nos. 28, 93, 3 3 72 . 35. 26. On motion bill No. 58 was laid on the table. Mr. Thompson, chairman of the committee on justices' accounts, reported the following bills, which on motion of Mr. Kennedy were allowed and audited at the amounts recommended by the committee. Rills No 14, 25,. 116, 125,, Moved by Mr. Pearson that bill No. 58 be allowed. Mr. Pearson's motion on being seconded by Mr.. Kennedy was carried. The following resolution, offered by Mr. Newman, was on motion of Mr. Kennedy adopted: Resolved,. That in accordance with the action of the Board of Auditors of the town of Enfield, the sum of two hundred and seventy -nine 2 -100 dol- lars ($279 2 -loo) be levied on the taxable property of the. following road districts in said town for payments on road machines purchased by said districts: District 3, Road 4, D. 2, R. 12, D. 2, R. n, D. 2, R. o, 'D. 2, R. 4, D. 2, R, lo.62.63 r SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDI'NG'S, 1893.23 D. 2, R. 2, D. 2; R. 7, D. 5, R. 1, D. 4, R..7, D. 2, R. 25, D. z, R. 3..20.61 D. 1, R. 17, D. r, R. 2, D. 1, R. 4, D. 2, R..17, D. 3, R. 17, D. I, R. 12 54,24 D. 5, R. 6, D. 1, R. 13, D. 1, R. 20, D. 1, R. 11, D. 3, R. 6. . .40.67 11 R. o, D. 3, R. 7, D. 4, R. 16, D. 2, R. 15, D. 1, R. i8, D. 1, R. 23, D. 1, R. 16 44-57 D. 3, R:-25, D. 2, R. 6, D. 3,-R. 1, D. 5, R. 5, D. 1, R. i6, D. 4, R. 18 56.0 5279. 02 Mr.i Yates, an expert on ventilation, appeared before the Board and explained his system of heating. ventilation, etc. On motion adjourned. TENTH DAY. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1893. Morning Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of preceding day read an& approved. Mr. F. A. Todd offered the following resolution, which on motion of Mr. Kennedy was. adopted: a Resolved, That the Recorder of the city of Ithaca be requested that all orders, processes or mandates by him issued that are a legal charge on the county be placed in the hands of the sheriff or other official :outside of the city limits, duly authorized to serve or execute the same, and that,a certified copy of this resolution be served on said Recorder by the clerk of this Board. 1 24 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1893. Mr. Kennedy, chairman of the committee on sheriff's and judge's accounts, reported the following bills, which on motion of Mr. Rhodes were allowed and audited at the amounts recom- mended by the committee: Bills Nos. 1, 119.84, 29, 63, 124,,123. Mr. Kennedy presented the town audits of the town of Dry- den, which on motion were received and the amount thereof ordered levied and collected against the taxable property of the town of Dryden. Mr. Kennedy offered the following resolution, which on mo- tion of Mr. F. A. Todd was adopted: Resolved, That in accordance with resolutions passed'at the annual Town Meeting, held February 14, .893, and resolutions subsequently passed by the town board, the sum of ($1697.84) sixteen hundred and ninety -seven and 84 -100 dollars be levied and collected upon the taxable property of the town of Dryden, for highways and bridges. and that said sum he paid to the commissioner of said town. Mr. Kennedy offered the following resolution, which on mo- tion of Mr. Rhodes was adopted: Resolved, That in accordance with a resolution adopted by the Town Board of the town of Dryden November 25, 1893; there be levied and -col -' leeted upon the taxable property of the following road districts in said town the sum of $731.65, the same to be paid to the Highway Commissioner of • said town; to be by hint applied to the payment of notes given by the over- seers of highways for the purchase of road scrapers for said road .districts: . Districts Nos. 41, 8, 44, 29. 3 4 102, 6, r7, 148 , 43, 134' 132, 134, 13S, 129, 45, 103, 121, 127, 111, 112, 113, 118, 120;116, 119, 122, 1, 3, 9, 124, 74, 156, p, 7 82 , 87, 69, 86, 85, 33, 35, 3 34, 3 5, 64, 63, 65, 68, 62_54. 139, 101, 140, loo, 99, 9 155, 93, 9 9 9 94, 97, 95, 77, 7 89, 57, 46„57. Mr. Rhodes presented the audits of the town of Groton,. which on .motion of Mr. P. A. Todd were received and ordered that the amount thereof be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the town of Groton. SuPERvlsoRS' PROOEED1NGS, 1893.25 Mr. Kennedy being called to the chair, Mr. Horton presented the report of the bonding commissioners of the town of Newfield, and his report as the supervisor of the bonded indebtedness of said town, with subjoined resolution, which on' motion of Mr. Rhodes were received and said resolution adopted. Mr. Horton presented the reports of Seymour Grover, Abner H. Stamp, A. K. Allen and W. -H. Van Ostrand, justices of the peace of .the town of Newfield, which were received and placed on file. Mr. Horton presented the following certificate from the Town Board of the town of Newfield, together with subjoined resolution, which on- motion of Mr. Conklin was received and said resolution adopted: To me Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County: The undersigned Town Board of the town of Newfield, do hereby certify that it will be necessary to raise the sum of $376.67 to apply in payment for road machines purchased by the following named districts, for the ensuing year, viz : Districts Nos. 28, 3o, 1, 29, 43, 45, 4 5, 10, 5 32, 61, 73, 67, 7 24, 82 , 94, 101 99, 84, 85, 108, S9, 86, 81, 71, 13, 12, Io6, 15, 68, 14, 19, 22 and 2I. R. HORTON, Supervisor. IIOWARD McDANIELS, Town Clerk. ABNER H. STAMP, SEYMOUR GROVJtR, 11l Justices of Peace. W. H. VAN OSTRAND, J Resolved, That the sum of $376.67 be levied and collected from the tax- able property of the following road districts in the town of Newfield, being to apply in payment for road machines, viz: Districts Nos. 1, 28, 3o, 29, 67, 24, 61 , 7 73, 5 3 4 45, 43, 21, 22, 19, Io6, 12, 13, 14, 68, 15, 10 , 5, 7 85, 82, 81, 94, 89, 86, tot, 108, 99 and 84.. Mr. Horton presented the town audits of the town of New- field, which on motion were received and ordered that the amount thereof be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the town of Newfield. 1 On motion adjourned. 1 26 SUPERVISORS' PROCJEEllINGS, 1893. Afternoon Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call. Quorum present. The following resolution, offered by Mr. Rhodes, was on motion of Mr. F. A. Todd adopted:. Resolved, That the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars be levied and assessed against the taxable property of the town of Groton, for the repair of highways and bridges in said town as allowed by statute. Mr.. Newman offered the following resolution, which on motion of Mr. F. A. Todd was adopted: Resolved, That the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars be levied and collected upon the taxable property of the town of Enfield for the repairs of highways and bridges in said town, as allowed by statute. Mr. F. A. Todd, chairman of the committee on miscel- laneous claims, reported the following bills, which on motion of Mr. Kennedy were allowed and audited at the amounts ,recom- mended by the committee: Bills Nos. 59, s9, [29, 57, 70, 66. Mr. Rhodes offered the following resolution, which on notion of Mr. Kennedy was adopted: Resolved, That the bond presented by Chas. Ingersoll, County Treasurer elect of Tompkins County, be and the same is hereby approved both as to its form and the amount and sufficiency of the sureties thereof. On motion adjourned. SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1893. 27 ELEVENTH DAY. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1593. Morning Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. Mr. Kennedy was called to the chair, whereupon Mr. Hor- ton offered the •following resolutions, which on motion were adopted: Resolved, That the sum of two hundred and .fifty' dollars be levied and collected against the taxable property of the town of Newfield for the repair of highways and bridges. Resolved, That the sum of fifty dollars be levied and collected upon the taxable property of the town of Newfield for the support of the poor. Pursuant to a resolution heretofore adopted Mr. Rhodes, chairman of the committee on jurisprudence, submitted the fol- lowing report, which on motion of Mr. Kennedy was received and recommendation adopted: Your committee to whom was referred the bill of John Davis, as in- spector, of the town of Caroline, which bill had been disallowed by the town board on the ground that inspectors sitting as a board of registry were only entitled to two dollars (one day's pay) for their services from 9 o'clock A. M. to 9 o'clock P. M. (and the said John Davis having appealed from the decision of said town board to this Board), would respectfully report, That we think that under the law inspectors are entitled to pay for two days' work for such service, and consequently this bill of the said Davis should bade been allowed by the town board, but this Board has no author- ity to hear and determine appeals of this nature. We therefore recommend that the appeal in this case be dismissed for want of jurisdiction. DANA RHODES, JOHN BULL, EDWARD CAMP. 28 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1893. The following resolution, offered- by Mr. Camp, was on mo- tion of Mr. Kennedy adopted: , Resolved, That the sutra of five hundred dollars ($5oo.00) be hereby levied and assessed against the taxable property of the town of Ulysses for highway purposes, as provided by law. A committee representing the several towns of this county, with Prof. S. G. Williams as chairman, appeared before the Board and spoke in favor of adopting a system of county roads. The chairman at this time being obliged to absent himself Mr. Bull was called to the chair. A discussion on the subject of county roads here ensued. On motion adjourned. Afternoon Session. Board met pursuant to ddjournntent. Roll call. Quorum present. Mr. Bull, of Caroline, in the chair. The following resolution offered by Mr. Kennedy, was on motion of Mr. Pearson adopted: Resolved, That the construction of the law in regard to the powers of the Board of Supervisors iu relation to the appointment and control of a superintendent of county roads, for the construction and maintenance of the same, he referred to the committee 011 jurisprudence to submit the same to some lawyer of this city of acknowledged ability. Mr. Kennedy being called to the chair, Mr. Bull presented the reports of John Cross, 'John J.' Peters, W. V. Personius and R. G. H. Speed, Justices of the Peace, of the town of Caroline, which on motion were received and placed on file. SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1893.29 The following resolution, offered-by Mr. L. G. Todd, was on motion of Mr. Pearson adopted: WHRRgAS, It appears that three children by the name of Steinmeyer, the support of whom has been charged from time to time to different towns, when they really should be a county charge; therefore, Resolved, That the matter be referred to Superintendent Lyke for investigation, aid an opinion as to whether they are a town or county charge. Mr. Pearson, chairman of the committee on coroners', cor- oners' juries' and printers' accounts, reported the following bills, which on motion of Mr. Rhodes were allowed and audited at the amounts recommended by the committee: Bills Nos. 51, 52. On notion adjourned until Monday, -Dec. 4, 1893. TWELFTH DAY. MONDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1893. Morning Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. Clarence L. Smith,'recorder of the City of Ithaca, appeared before the Board and explained a resolution heretofore adopted by this Board referring to warrants issued by him. Mr. Kennedy presented the reports of G. E. Underwood, Wm. E. Brown, Geo. E. Hanford, J. Dolph Ross and S. S. Hoff, Justices' of the Peace of the town of Dryden, and the reports of Bradford Snyder and J. C. Lormer; Overseers of the Poor of said town, which were received and placed on file. i 30 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1893. Mr. Bull read a communication from the assessors of the town of Caroline which on motion of Mr. Pearson was referred to the committee on erroneous assessments. Mr. Camp offered the following resolution, which on motion of Mr. Pearson was adopted: Resolved, That the committee on County Buildings be authorized and directed to place a water tank of such size as their jndgement shall dictate in the County Alms House, and connect the same with the force pump now used for the steam boiler,.if it be found suitable. The following resolution, offered by Mr. Thompson, was on motion of Mr. Camp adopted: Resolved, That the sum of three hundred and fifty dollars be allowed the sheriff of this county to pay for the services of janitor .of the Court House and engineer and fireman for the countyjail for the year 1894. Mr. Camp presented a report of John Flickinger, coroner, of the town of Ulysses, which was received and filed. Mr. Camp offered the following resolution, which on motion of Mr. L. G. Todd was adopted: Resolved, That the sum of fifty dollars be hereby appropriated and allowed the Superintendent of the Poor to pay a chaplain for the Alms House. Mr. Pearson offered the following resolution, which was on motion of Mr. Camp adopted: Resolved, That Dr, Eugene Baker be appointed the jail physician at a salary of fifty dollars for the year beginning January ist, 1894, to January 1st, 1895. The clerk read a communication from Chas. A. Webster, Superintendent Monroe County Penitentiary, which was filed. On motion adjourned. f SUPERvisoRS' PROCEEDINGS, 1893.31 Afternoon Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call. Quorum present. A difference of opinion having arisen in regard to certain sections of the Highway Law, Professor C. A. Collin appeared before the Board and rendered an explanation of the sane. Ex -Mayor St. John, representing leading tax- payers of the • city of Ithaca, appeared before the Board and spoke in favor of an improved system of highways. The following resolutions, offered by Mr. Camp at the re- quest of Prof. Collin were on motion of Mr. Kennedy adopted: Resolved, That it is the judgment of this Board that the following amenduients to the county road law are desirable: Q.) Amend e 58 of the highway law so as to make the change to the money system of taxation of towns take effect at once so far as the fixing the amount of tax and levying the same at the next annual meeting of the Supervisors, but that until after such taxes are so levied the labor system shall be pursued in the towns. 2.) Amend 56 by striking out the words "so far as practicable" from the last sentence so as to make compulsory the proportionatetexpenditure in each to\vn. 3.) Amend the law so as to give the Commissioner of Highways of towns the right to call on the County Engineer for engineering services and advice generally, within a certain reasonable range, without further com- pensation to the engineer therefor. Mr. Rhodes, chairman of the committee on erroneous assess ments, rendered the following report, which on motion was re- ceived and the recommendation of said committee adopted: Your committee to whom was referred the petition of the assessors of the town of Caroline, asking that the assessment roll of that town be cor- 32 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1893. rected by striking from the said assessment roll the name of Celotus H. Stevens where it is placed a second time, and in which he is assessed on seven acres Poo, on twenty -five acres $600, and on five acres $5B, would respectfully report, That the said second assessment is evidently a duplicate of the first one, and consequently a manifest error. We therefore recommend that the name of Celotus H. Stevens be stricken from the said assessment roll in the place where it is a duplicate of a previ- ous assessment. DANA RHODES, EDWARD CAMP, JOHN BULL.1 Mr. Pearson, chairman of the committee on coroners', coro- ners' juries' and printers' accounts, reported the following bills, which on notion of Mr. Kennedy were allowed and audited at the amounts recommended by the committee: Bills Nos. 14o, 141, 142 , 143, 144 Mr. F. A. Todd, chairman of the committee on miscellaneous claims, reported • the following bills, which on motion of Mr. Conklin were allowed and audited at the amounts recommended, by the committee: Bills Nos. 9 34 39, 55, 40, 104. On motion adjourned. THIRTEENTH DAY. TUESDAV, -DECEMBER 5, 1893. Morning Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1893.33 Mr. Kennedy offered the following resolution, which on mo- tion of Mr. Thompson was adopted: Resolved,. That the chairman and clerk'.of,.this Board enter into . a con - tract with Mr. Chas. Seaman, the sheriff elect, for the board of prisoners in the County Jail during his terms of.ofliice, and -that he be allowed forty -three cents per day for the board of said prisoners Mr. Kennedy offered the following resolutions; which on mo- • tion were adopted: Resolved, That the sheriff be•allowed $12:oo for the transportation of a single prisoner to the Monroe County Penitentiary, the State Industrial School at Rochester, and $3.o0 for each additional prisoner taken at the same time. Resolved, That the chairman and clerk of this Board'. enter into a con- tract with the Sheriff elect to convey all persons sentenced to the Buffalo House of Correction ; he to,receive therefor ($rs.00) fifteen dollars for trans- porting one person and ($5:oo) five dollars for each additional person taken at the same time. Mr. Rhodes presented the report of the Bonding Commissioner of the town of Groton, and his report as Supervisor of said town, which on motion was received and the resolution subjoined thereto adopted. Mr. Pearson presented the town audits of the Town of Ithaca, which on motion of Mr. Kennedy were received and the 'amount thereof ordered levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the Town of Ithaca. -r, On motion adjourned. Afternoon Session. Board met phrstiant to adjournment Roll call. Quorum present. Mr. Pearson, chairman of the committee on coroners', torn- Hers' juries' and printers' accounts, reported bill No. 105, which on motion was allowed and audited at the amount recommended by the committee. 34 SuPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1893. Prof. C. A. Collin appeared before the Board and made further explanations in regard to the highway law. Mr. F. A. Todd, chairman of the committee on miscellaneous claims, reported the following which on motion of Mr. Kennedy were allowed and audited at the amounts recommended by the committee: e Bills Nos. 68, 145, 147, 148 . 44, 61, 139, 146, 121. Moved by Mr. Kennedy that bill No 64 be allowed at twenty - five dollars. Mr. Kennedy's motion on being seconded was carried. On motion adjourned. FOURTEENTH DAY. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1893. Morning Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. Mr. Thompson, chairman of the committee on clerk's and justices' accounts, reported following bills, which on motion of Mr. Camp were allowed and audited at the amounts recom- mended by the committee: Rills Nos. 153, 154. The forenoon was consumed in committee work. On motion adjourned. SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1893.35 Afternoon Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call. Quorum present. Mr. Carpenter, chairman of the committee on U. S. Deposit and Insurance, submitted the following report, which on motion of Mr. Kennedy was received: 7b the Board of .Supervisors of Tompkins Co.: Your committee on U. S. Deposit Fund hereby report that they have examined the accounts and books of Messrs. Brown and •Shannon, the loan commissioners of this fund, and also the original mortgages in the Gounty Clerk's Office. We find that there has been paid during the past year the sum of Apo, and that no new securities have been taken during the year. The report of loan commissioners,.containing more definiteinformation, is herewith submitted. E. S. CARPENTER, T. S. THOMPSON, l Committee. EDWARD CAMP, For loan commissioners' report, see Reports. The various members of the Board were engaged -in commit- tee work during the afternoon. On motion adjourned. 36 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1893. FIFTEENTH DAY. THURSDAY., DECEMBER 7, 1893. Morning Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of preceding day read -and approved. In pursuance of Chap. 'j15 of the laws of 1892, the following. designation of papers to publish the Session Laws for the ensuing year 'was made: In pursuance of Chap. 715 of the Laws of 1862, we, the undersigned Republican members of the Board of Supervisors of 1'ompkins'Counly; do hereby designate the Ithaca Weekly Journal to publish the Session Laws for the ensuing year. Dated Dec. 6th, 186,3. DANA RHODES,• J. H. KENNEDY EDWARD CAMP, L. G. TODD, J. E. VAN NATTA, P. A. TODD. Im pursuance of Chap. 715 of; the laws of 1892, we, the undersigned Democratic members of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, do r, hereby designate the Ithaca Democrat to publish the Session Laws for the ensuing year. Dated Dee. 6th, 1899. R. NORTON, T. S. THOMPSON, E. S. CARPENTER, J. H. CONKLIN, N: PEARSON, JOHN BULL, L. J. NEWMAN. On motion adjourned. SUP ERN' ISO RS' PROCEED I'Q8, 1893.37 Afternoon Session.- Board niet pursuant to adjournment: Roll call. Quorum present. The following resolution, offered by Mr. Camp, was on mo- lion of Mr. Kennedy adopted : Resolved, That the committee on County Buildings are hereby author- ized and directed to purchase and erect at the County Alms House a wind mill, to be used to fill the water tank that they are to put in said building. Mr. Camp offered .the following resolution : W ngx xs, The books of the County Treasurer show each year a large amount of interest money paid Land whereas, such interest money is caused by the collectors of the city of Ithaca and some of the towns not collecting and paying over the taxes, as required bylaw, thereby forcing the Treasurer to borrow large sums with which to meet bills payable; and whereas, this interest money has heretofore been charged against the whole county, there- by causing gross injustice to some of the towns of the county ; therefore, 0 Resolved, That commencing with the present year, there shall be each year levied rigaiust the city of Ithaca and the several towns of the County, one 'year's interest upon all taxes due. from the city and such towns, the Treasurer, and paid within sixty days from the date fixed in the tax war- rant for such payment, the Treasurer's books to determine the amount of such unpaid taxes. The above not to apply to non - resident taxes. Moved by Mr. Kennedy that the resolution be adopted. A discussion' on said resolution here ensued. Moved by Mr. Bull that the matter be referred to the com- mittee on jurisprudence. Mr. Bull's motion on being seconded by Mr. Kennedy was carried. 38 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1893. Mr. F. A. Todd, chairman of the special committee appointed to ascertain on what terms prisoners committed for a term of 6o clays or more could be received into some penitentiary, sub- mitted the following report, which on motion of Mr. Rhodes was received and recommendation of said committee adopted: To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County : Your committee appointed to ascertain the tenns by which this Board could contract with some penitentiary for the maintenance of County prisoners committed for 6o days or more, hereby report, that through correspondence, arrangements have been made whereby Monroe County Penitentiary is ready to contract with.this county to admit such prisoners to said Penitentiary for one, two or three years at P.76 per week for board and maintenance. All fines paid after a prisoner is received into said penitentiary to he retained by such penitentiary. Your committee hereby recommend that the chairman and clerk of this Board enter into a contract with said penitentiary for three years on the herein specified terns. F. A, TODD, T. S. THOMPSON. On motion adjourned. SIXTEENTH DAY. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1893. Morning Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll calla Quorum present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. Mr. Pearson presented the reports of Jason P. Merrill and Murray E. Poole, Justices of the Peace of the town of Ithaca, which were received and filed. Mayor Bouton appeared before the Board and made explana- tions in regard to the joint bills against the town and city of Ithaca. e SUPEBVISons' Pltoo1 EDiNGS, 1893. 39 On motion of Mr. Camp the recommendation of the commit- tee on printers' - accounts disallowing bill No. 86 was adopted. Mr. Thompson, chairman of the committee on clerk's and justices' accounts, reported the following bills, which on motion of Mr. F. A. Todd were allowed and audited at the amounts recommended by the committee : Bills Nos. 156, 157. On motion adjourned. Afternoon Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call. Quorum present. Mr. Rhodes, chairman of the committee on jurisprudence, submitted the following report, which on motion of Mr. Kennedy as received and recoumendation adopted Your committee, to whom was referred the petition of the assessors of the town of Newfield to have the sum of four hundred dollars added to the Assessment Roll of that town, and that the same be placed opposite the name of David Curtiss (Iris name baying been omitted for the current year), would respectfully report: - That the only case in which the Board of Supervisors is authorized to place the name of a,person (omitted from the Assessment Roll by the assessors) upon stick assessment roll is, where the said lands were upon the assessment roll of such town for the preceding year, in which case they are authorized to place such lands on the assessment roll for the current year at the valua- tion of, the preceding year. This land does not appear upon the assessment roll for the year 1592, consequently this Board has no authority to comply with the request in the said petition. We therefore recommend that the request of the petitioners be denied for want of jurisdiction. DANA RHODES, JOHN BUI,L. O • 40 SUPEItV [SCR S' PROCEEDINGS, 1893. 1 b Mr. Kennedy, chairman of the committee on sheriff's accounts, reported the following bills, which on motion of Mr:, Thompson were allowed and audited at the amounts recommended by the committee: Bills Nos. 15o, '55, 131 . Mr. F. A.Todd, chairman of the committee on miscellaneous claims, reported the following bills, which on motion of Mr. Kennedy were allowed and audited at the amounts recommended by the committee: Bills Nos. 17; 138, 136 ,.78 , 133, 135, r34, 7 87, (3 Mr. Rhodes offered the following resolution : Resolved. That from and after this date, the fee allowed physicians ap- pointed by the Comity Judge in l uiacy proceedings, be fixed at five dollars for an examination and ten cents a mile for every mile necessarily traveled in excess of three miles; but no traveling fees shall be allowed for making and delivering a report of such examination to the County Judge. Dated Dec. 8, 1893. 011 motion of Mr. Kennedy, the matter was laid on the table until Monday, Dec. it, at 2 o'clock P. M. Mr. F. A. Todd offered the following resolution, which on motion of Mr. Thompson was adopted: 0 Resolved, That this Board refuse to receive bills for audit after Dec. 12, unless otherwise ordered. On motion adjourned. SuPERvISoRs' PROCEEDINGS, 1893.41 SEVENTEENTH DAY. MONDAY, DECEMBER Ii, 1893. a Morning Session.e Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. Mr. Bull read a communication from the Town Board of the Town of Caroline, and offered the following resolution, which on motion of Mr. Kennedy was adopted : Pursuant to highway laws of 1892, section 6, and in accordance with the certificate of the town board of the- town of Caroline, be it resolved, that the sum of fifty -seven and 65 -coo dollarsbe levied upon the property of road districts Nos. 48, 61 and 66, in the town of Caroline. Mr. Thompson offered the following resolution : Resolved, That the county of Tompkins contract with the Brush —Swan Electric Eight Co. of Ithaca, N. V., for one arc light of 2000•nonlinal candle power, for the term of ten years, to be placed at a point.to be designated by said Board of Supervisors, and to be lighted 365o hours each year at 30 cents , for each night so lighted, payable quarterly. A discussion on the resolution here ensued. Moved by Mr. Pearson that the resolution be laid upon the table and made a special order of business for Tuesday, Dec. 12, at 2 o'clock P. - nt. Motion carried. Mr. Bull offered the following resolutions, which on motion of Mr. Camp were adopted: Resolved, That there be levied and collected in the several towns in the County from those persons whose names were duly returned by the Overseers of the several road districts in the towns, as required by law, the following 5111118 : r 49 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1803. DANA'. District No. 6o, 4$ days 6 75 District No. 76, 10 days 15 00 DRYDEN. District No. 9, 254 days 3 75 CROTON. District No. 4, I5 days 52 25 District No. 16, 654 days 9 75 District No. 77, 2;_( days 4 12 LANSING. District No. 7, 3 days 4 50 ULYSSES. District No. 5, 6y days I $9 75 Resolved, That the returns made by the Overseers of the following named road districts in the several towns herein after named be rejected, for the reason that some of such returns were made after the ist day of October of this year, and in others the subjoined affidavit does not comply with the re- quirements of the statute : ENFIELD. District No. 1, 6 days .9 m ITHACA. District No. 3, 3 days .4 50 LANSING. District No. 44, 4 days 6 oo District No. 13. [o days . .IS oo. ULYSSES. District No. 5o, 5 days 7 50 On motion adjourned. Afternoon Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call. Quorum present. The time having arrived designated for action on the resolu- tion offered by Mr. Rhodes relative to the fee allowed physicians in lunacy proceedings, that matter was called uD. Moved by Mr. Kennedy that the resolution be adopted. Sum in'isoits' PROCEEBING3, 1893.43 Mr. Kennedy's motion, on being seconded by Mr. Camp, was carried. Mr. Kennedy, chairman of the committee on sheriff's accounts, reported the following bills, which on motion of Mr. Camp were allowed and audited at the amounts recommended by the cam- mittee : Bills Nos. 149, 158 . Mr. Van Natta offered the following resolution, which on motion-of Mr. Camp was adopted: Resolved, That the resolution disallowing bill No. 82 be rescinded, and that the same be a1lowBd at the sum of $ On motion adjourned. EIGHTEENTH DAY. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1893. Morning Session. Board met pursuant to adjournmeut. RolI call. Quorum present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. Mr .Northcote, representing the Suread system of ventilation, appeared before the Board and made explanations in regard to said system of heating, ventilation, etc.. Moved by Mr. Camp that the first order of business for Fri- day, Dee. 15, be the receiving of bids for heating and ventilating the Court House. Motion seconded and carried. 44 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1893. Mr. Conklin offered the following resohition, which on mo- tion of Mr. Kennedy was adopted : Resolved, That there be levied and collected upon the taxable property of the town of Lansing the sum of six hundred and seventy -two dollars and fifty cents ($672.5o),for the commissioner of highways,to pay expenses of the laying out of highways in said town. On motion adjourned. Afternoon Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call. Quorum present. The chairman called up the special order of business left over from yesterday's session. Moved by Mr. Camp that the resolution be laid on the table indefinitely. Mr. Camp's motion on being seconded was carried. Mr. Kennedy offered the following resolution, which on mo- tion of Mr. Camp was adopted Resolved, That there be paid to the clerk of this Board $25.00 ascom- pensation for making such reports to the Comptroller of the State as he may be required by law to make. Mr. Pearson presented the report of Wm. J. Totten! Justice of the Peace of the Town of Ithaca, which was received and filed. Mr. F. A. Todd, Chairman of the committee on miscellaneous claims, reported the following bills, which on motion of Mr. Camp were allowed and audited at the amounts recommended by the committee: Bills Nos. iot, 22, IS, 34. 0. SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1893.4EI Mr. Kennedy, chairman of the committee on sheriff'seccounts, reported bill No. 159, which on motion of Mr, -.F. A. Todd was allowed and audited at the amount recommended by the com- mittee. Mr. Van Natta, chairman of the committee on constables' accounts, reported the following bills, which on motion of Mr. Kennedy were allowed and audited at the amounts recommended by the committee : Bills Nos. [02, 50, 137, 114, 126. The various members of the Board were engaged in com- mittee work during the 'afternoon. On motion adjourned. NINETEENTH DAY. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1893. Morning Session. Board niet pursuant to'adjournment.I o- Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. A discussion on the County Road system by the several members of the Board consumed a large portion of the forenoon, while the remainder was taken up by the work of the several committees. On motion adjourned. 46 SIIPls1FISOB3' PROCEEDINGS, 1893. Afternoon Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call. Quorum present. Committee work occupied the attention of the several ntem- bers'of the Board during the entire afternoon. On motion adjourned.. TWENTIETH DAY. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1893. Morning Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. The County Road System was further discussed by members of the Board. Mr. L. G. Todd offered the following resohition, which on motion of Mr. Keniiedy was adopted : Resolved, Pursuant to Chap. 338, laws 1893, that there be levied and raised from the taxable property of the city of Ithaca and paid into the city • treasury the sum of ten thousand dollars for the support of poor of said city; that being the sum designated by resolution of the Common Council of said city. The balance of the morning session was taken up by the work of the several committees. On motion adjourned. SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1893.47 Afternoon Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call. Quorum present. A question having arisen as to the settlement of a child by the name of Loomis, who is being cared for at the Syracuse' Institution for feeble minded children, that matter was discussed by different members of the'Board. Moved by Mr. Camp that the question be referred to the com- mittee on jurisprudence. Motion seconded and carried. Mr. L. G. Todd presented the audits of the city of Ithaca, which on motion of Mr. ,Kennedy were received and the amounts thereof ordered levied and assessed against the taxable property• of the city of Ithaca. On motion adjourned. TWENTY -FIRST DAY. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1893. Morning Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. Mr. Northcote. representing the Smead system of ventila- tion, having missed his train the special order of business for this morning's session was deferred runtil 2 o'clock this after -, noon. 48 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1893. Moved by Mr. Kennedy that the resolution heretofore adopted by this Board in regard to the audits of the City of Ithaca be re- considered, and referred to the committee on jurisprudence. Mr. Kennedy's motion on being seconded by Air. Camp: was carried. Mr. Brill presented petitions from the business men of the City of Ithaca, requesting the Board to adopt the County Road Law, which were read and placed on file. Mr. Bull offered the following preamble and resolution: WHEREAS, Various delegations have appeared before this Board urging the adoption of the County Highway Law enacted in 1893, Resolved, That it is the sense of this Board that a reason he assigned why no action at the present time be taken. After a thorough discussion of the law with Prof. Collin defects were noted that would not in the opinion of the Board justify theta in adopting the system. Amendments were sug- gested, which will doubtless become a law in the near future, and 101en practically amended it is the opinion of this Board that the law should be adopted, as being in the hest interest of the towns, county and city, when applied as a system of staking and maintaining proper gravel and dirt roads. Mr. Camp moved the adoption of the same. Mr. F. A. Todd offered as an amendment to Mr. Camp's motion that the matter be laid on the table and made a special order of business for Tuesday morning, Dec. 10, at 10 o'clock. Mr. Todd's notion on being seconded' by Mr. VanNatta was carried. Mr. Camp offered the following resolution, which on motion of Mr. Bull was adopted: Resolved, That the committee on county buildings are hereby in- structed to take out the partition between the Supervisors' room and the ladies' retiring room adjoining, and to erect a new ladies' room in the lobby or hall adjoining the District Attorney's roost, which ladies' roots shall include one lobby window. SUPEw'1solts' PROCEEDINGS, 1893.49 Moved by Mr. Pearson that this Board hold a session Satur- day, Dec. 16., Motion seconded and carried. Mr. Camp offered the following resolution, which on motion of Mr. Bull'was adopted: Resolved, That the sum of five hundred dollars be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the town of Ulysses for the town poor. Mr. Camp, chairman of the special committee on Court House repairs, explained drawing& submitted by Architect W. H. Miller for remodelling the Court House. Mr. L., G. Todd, chairman of the committee on county buildings, offered the following resolution: Resolved, That the sum of $350. or as much thereof as may be neces- o sary, be appropriated to make such repairs on resident part of County Jail as specified by committee on county buildings. L. G. TODD, DANA RHODES, J. H. CONKLIN. On motion of Mr. Camp the resolution was laid on the table and made a special order of business for Tuesday, Dec. 19, at 2 o'clock P. M. On motion adjourned.o Afternoon Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call. Quorum present. The chairman called up as the special order of business set apart for this afternoon's session the heating and ventilation of the Court House. 1 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1893. Suggestions were made by different members of the Board as to the method to be adopted for receiving plans, specifications,' bids, etc., of the competitors. Moved by Mr. F. A. Todd that each person competing for heating and ventilating the Court House submit his plans, speci- fications; guarantees and bids to the Board in private, the result of the same not to be communicated to the other competitors. Motion seconded by NIr. Bull and carried. Mr. J. M. Jamieson, of Ithaca, representing a system of steam heating and' ventilation, and Messrs. Yates & Northcote, representing respectively the Fuller and Warren and Smead sys- tems, appeared before the Board in turn and presented their respective plans, specifications, etc., with accompanying bids. Said competitors having taken up the entire afternoon in explaining their respective plans,: specifications, etc., the Board • was on motion adjourned.- TWENTY- SECOND DAY. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1893. 0 Morning Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. The chairman announced as the first order of business the heating and ventilation of the Court House. SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1893.51 A discussion by the different members of the Board on the three systems of heating and ventilation asheretofore mentioned consumed the forenoon. Moved by Mr. F. A. Todd that the matter be deferred for final action until Tue Dec. 19, at 2 o'clock. Motion seconded by Mr. Rhodes and carried. On motion adjourned. TWENTY -THIRD DAY. MONDAY, DECEMBER 1S, 1893. Morning Session. 0 Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call. • Quorum present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. The chairman being called out of town the chair was occu- pied by Mr. Bull of Caroline. Mr. Rhodes, chairman of the committee on jurisprudence, submitted the following report, which on motion of Mr. F. A. Todd was received and the recommendation of said committee adopted: Your coilunittee to whom was referred the question as to the settle' ment of Carl R. Loomis, a child now in the "Syracuse State Institution for feeble minded children," would respectfully report, That this Board has no authority to pass upon the settlement of such questions, such powers being wholly vested in the Superintendent of the Poor. We therefore recommend that this question be referred to James S. Lyke, County Superintendent of the I'oor, for settlement. DANA RHODES, EDWARD CAMP, JOHN BULL. 52 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINo6, 1893. Committee work occupied the attention of the several cam: mittees during the forenoon. On motion adjourned. . Afternoon Sessiot. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call. Quorum present. Mr. Bull in the chair. Mr. Camp, chairman of the committee on superintendent's accounts, rendered the following report, which on motion of Mr. Kennedy was received and ordered spread upon the minutes and the amount, thereof ordered levied and collected against.the tax- able property of the county: To Me Honorable Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: Your committee on Superintendent's accounts would present the fol- lowing report : Bal. in hands of County Treasurer, Nov. 15, 1892 44 35 Amt. of appropriation, Nov., 1892 4,75 00 4794 35 Amt. paid on orders of 18go 52 00 a 1891 69 14 9 ', 18 3,95 44 4, 5 4, 5 7 77 Orders given in 1891 outstanding — No. 13 n87 Orders given in 1892 outstanding — No. 15 4 00 29 39 75 31 14 50 7 12 Q i SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1893.63 Your eonrmittee have examined the Superintendent's estimates of the amount needed to maintain the County Alms House and. care for the poor' during the ensuing year, and would recommend that there be assessed and levied upon the taxable property of the'eounty for such purposes the sum of three thousand three hundred and ninety -seven 35 -100 dollars . . 53,397 35 To which add balance remaining in hands of Treasurer after pay- ing all outstanding orders 652 65 Making totalappropriation for year 54,050 00 . For County Alms House 1,256 96 For out door relief 850 00 For services of Overseers 150 00 For transportation, 50 00 52,306 96 For support of town poor by towns : Caroline 5123 87 Danby 124 55 Dryilcn 237 67 Enfield °40 44 Groton 0 68 42 City of. Ithaca 895 o6 Lansing 6o 57 Newfield 124 55 Ulysses 67 91 1 ,743 04 54, 00 f EDWARD CAMP, DANA RHODES,Committee. NICHOLAS PERSON, Mr. Wallenbeck, manufacturer of wind mills, appeared be- foreothe Board and spoke in the matter of furnishing a wind mill for the County House. Mr. Ingersoll, County Treasurer, appeared before the Board and made a statement in regard to the percentage on the school fund coming into his hands as County Treasurer. Mr. Camp offered the following resolution: 0 54 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1893. ResoI::cd, That the County Treasurer he allowed the sum of one hun- dred dollars per year for office rent, fuel and light, to take effect Jan. 1st, 1894. Mr. Rhodes moved the.adoption of the same. Mr. Conklin moved as•an amendment to Mr. Rhodes' mo- tion that said resolution be laid on the table. Mr. Conklin's motion seconded and carried. Mr. Camp, chairman of the committee on Superintendent's accounts, reported bill No. 132, which on notion of Mr. Newman was alowed and audited as recommended by the committee.. On motion adjourned. TWENTY- FOURTH DAY. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1893. Morning Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. ' The chairman announced as the first order of business ac- tion on_the resolution heretofore offered by Mr. Bull in regard to the Highway Law. Mr. F. A. Todd offered the following resolution• as a -sub stitute to Mr. Bull's resolution : WHEREAS, Delegations have appeared before this Board, with petitions signed by citizens of Tompkins Co., requesting the adoption of tlie "New County Road Law," and SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1893.55 WHEREAS, Certain defects are known to exist in said law, making it inoperative and impracticable, be it therefore, Resolved, That it is the.. sense of this Board that action should be de- ferred until by revision, said law may become practical and just. Mr. Carpenter moved the adoption of the saute. . On calling for the ayes and noes the vote on Mr. Todd's resolution resulted as follows : Ayes —F. A. Todd, Newman, Carpenter, Thompson, Van Natta, Horton -6. Noes- 13u11, Kennedy, Rhodes, Pearson, L. G.' Todd, Conklin, Camp -7 Resolution lost. The'chairin'an called for the ayes and noes on the original resolution, the vote resulting as follows: Ayes —Bull, Kennedy, Rhodes, Pearson, L. G. Todd, Conk- lin, Camp -71 Noes —F. A. Todd, Newman, Carpenter, Thompson, Van Natta, Horton -6. Mr. Bull's resolution declared adopted. Moved by Mr. Rhodes that the resolution heretofore offered by Mr. Camp in regard to office rent for the County Treasurer be taken from the table and considered. Mr. Bull in the chair. A discussion on the resolution by different memliers of the Board here ensued. Moved by Mr. Pearson that said resolution be laid on the table indefinitely V 96 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1893. Mr: Pearson's notion was seconded by Mr. Horton. Different members of the Board made statements explaining how they should vote and the reasons therefor. Mr. Bull, chairman pro fern., called for the ayes and noes on Mr. Pearson's motion, the ballot,resulting as follows:, Ayes —F. A. Todd, Newman, Pearson, Carpenter, Thomp- son, Conklin, Horton -7. Noes —Bull, Kennedy, Rhodes, Todd, Van Natta, Camp -6. Motion carried. 0 Mr. F. A. Todd, chairman of. the committee on miscellan- eous claims, reported the following bills, which on motion pf Mr. Kennedy were allowed and audited at the amounts recom- mended by the committee: Rills Nos. 16o, 16i. Moved by Mr. Kennedy that four thousand dollars ($4000) he appropriated by the county for court expense account. Mr. Kennedy's motion on being seconded by Mr. Camp was carried. Mr. Bull, chairman of the committee on County Treasurer's accounts, submitted the following report, which 'on, motion of Mr. Kennedy was received and'ordered spread upon the minutes: To the Board of Supervisors of Me County of Tonrfikins Your committee of County Treasurer's accounts respectfully report: That they have thoroughly examined' and verified the accounts of Charles Ingersoll, 'rreasurer'of• the. County. They have also,examined his` report herewith submitted, and find it to be a correct synopsis of his ac- - o counts as treasurer. SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1893.57 Your committee have also examined the securities held in trust by the County Treasurer for the Infant Heir Pund, and report them correctly tabulated in the report also herewith submitted. Tons BULL, EDWARD CAnrP,Committee. NICHOLAS PEARSON, 0 For report of County Treasurer see reports. On motion adjourned. Afternoon Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call. Quorum present. Mr. Kennedy offered the following resolution, which on motion of Mr. F. A. Todd was adopted: Resolved,, That the .sum of fifteen dollars be raised by tax upon the County to pay postage incurred by the County Treasurer. The hour having arrived designated for action on the reso- lution heretofore offered by Mr. L. G. Todd, relative to an ap- propriation for repairs on the resident part of the County Jail, that matter was called up. On motion of Mr. Camp said resolution was adopted, and the amount thereof ordered' levied and collected upon the tax- able property of the County. The chairman called up as the next order of business, the ° heating.and ventilation of the Court House. Mr. Camp, chairman of the committee on Court House re- pairs, reported the result of the visit of said committee to• the Campus" for the purpose of inspecting the system of heating and ventilation in operation in the University buildings. 1 7 1 68 SUPERVISORS' PRoat:EDr 1.893. A discussion on the three systems of heating and ventila- tion as heretofore mentioned here ensued. Mr. Kennedy offered the following resolution: Resolved, That the contract for heating and ventilating the Court House be awarded to- Mr. Yates;'.in accordance with the proposition made to this Board by him. Moved by Mr. Camp that the resolution be adopted. Mr. L. G. Todd offered as a substitute to Mr. Kennedy's resolution the following resolution, which on motion of Mr. Rhodes was adopted: 1 Resolved, That the committee on repairs of Court House confer with Messrs. Jamieson & McKinney and ascertain as -to the guarantee of their heating and ventilating system if applied to the Court House and Jail. Mr. Rhodes, chairman of the committee on jurisprudence, submitted the following report: Your committee to whom was referred the question of the legality of the so- called City of Ithaca "tax budget," would respectfully report: That the City of Ithaca, by its charter, is allowed to levy in each year . a tax not exceeding thirty thousand dollars for city purposes, which amount, as your committee believes, was intended to cover everything excepting such sums as may be allowed by law for a specific object, such as that al- lowed for the support of the poor and for the support of schools. Your committee believe that this Board has no authority, to levy 'a tax upon the taxable property of the inhabitants of the City of Ithaca for general election purposes or anything other than that allowed for specific purposes not otherwise provided for. We therefore recommend that the amount asked for in the so-called city budget be disallowed. DANA RHODES, JOHN BULL,Committee. EDWARD CAMP, Moved by Mr. Kennedy that the report be received and the recommendation of said committee adopted. I SUPT) {VISORS' Pnom:r.Dlsn, 1893.59 On calling for the ayes and noes the vote resulted as fol- lows: Ayes —Bull, F. A. Todd, Kennedy, Newman, Rhodes, Pearson, Carpenter, L. G. Todd, Thompson, Van Natta, Conk- lin, Horton, Camp —c3. Noes —o. Motion carried. Mr. F. A. Todd, chairman of the committee on niiscellan- eous claims, reported bill No. 162, which on motion of Mr. Kennedy was allowed and audited as recommended by the com- mittee. Moved by Mr. Kennedy that the committee on equalization retire to the committee room to-morrow 'at 9:30 o'clock. Motion seconded by Mr. Pearson and carried. ° Moved by Mr. Camp that the repairs and improvements on the County House be referred to the Committee on County Buildings with power. Motion seconded by Mr..Kennedy and carried. Mr. Newman, chairman of the committee on Charitable and Penal Institutions, submitted the following report, which on motion of Mr. F. A. Todd was receiSed and the amounts thereof ordered levied and assessed against the taxable property of the City of Ithaca and the several towns in the County: 4 ' To the Honorable the Boaril of Supervisors. Your committee appointed to examine the accounts of the several charitable and penal institutions, would respectfully report as follows: Resolved, That in accordance with a resolution of the poard of Super- visors, passed December 7th, ISSo, there be assessed and levied upon the Ell SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1893. taxable property of the following towns, the City of Ithaca, and county the sums set +forth in the annexed schedule, to reimburse the county for amounts of money paid to the several charitable and penal institutions in said schedule named, viz.: CAROLINE. Maud Leonard, Children's Home 69.70 Willie Leonard,78.00 147.75 DRYDEN. May Woolever, Susquehanna Valley Home 91.25 Interest 3•42 Fred Cook, Syracuse State Inst. for Feeble Minded Children .30.00. 124.67 DANBY. I,izzie Bishop, Syracuse State Inst. for Feeble Minded Children . 30.00 ITHACA CITY. Maud Bracy, Children's Home . 9.00 Edna Gifford, Children's Home 9.03 Eddie Johnson, Children's Home .9 Ada Stenacker, Children's Home 9.00 Eva Murphy, Shelter for Unprotected Girls . .71.14 Wm. H. Minton, N. Y. S. I. for Blind 20.85 Frank Raney, Susquehanna Valley Horne . .77.0 Interest 2 .59 t Theodore Steinmeyer, Children's Home 63.75 Bert Steinmeyer, Children's Horne .1.50 Bert Steinmeyer, Susquehanna Valley Hone . . . . . . . .77.50 Interest 2,59 John Lynch, Home for Catholic Children 2.79 Wm. Malin, Home for Catholic Children Bertha Rundle, S. S. I. for Feeble Minded Children . . . . . . 30.00 Mary Conway, Auburn Orphan Asylum 146.00 John Shane, Auburn Orphan Asylum . . .10.0D Eva Shane, Auburn Orphan Asylum 1o.00 Sarah Cleary, Auburn Orphan Asylum 16.00 5 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1893.61 LANSING. Tony Haller, Ithaca Children's Home 20.25 Nora'Lamphear, Ithaca Children's Home 38.25 Eva Lamphear, Ithaca Children's Home o • 51.0o 109.50 NEWFIELD. - Julius Casterline, Susquehanna Valley Home . . . .91'•25 Interest 3.42 94 ULYSSES. Frank Baines, Susquehanna Valley Home 91.25 Interest 3.42 94. TOMPKINS COUNTY. Sabra Tubbs, Children's Home . . .9.00 Lealider Stephens, Susquehanna Valley•Home 44.50 Interest 2.12 Harry D. Miller, Susquehanna Valley Horne . •91.25 Interest t 3•42 Monroe County Penitentiary from Nov. ist, 1891, to Oct. ist, 18 " 459.58 Monroe County Penitentiary from Oct. 1st, 1892, to Oct. 1st, 1893 287.73 Carl R. Loomis, S. S. Inst. for Feeble Minded Children jo.00 927.6o All of which is respectfully submitted. L. J. NEwMAN, J. H. CONKLIN, J. E. VAN NATTA. Mr. Rhodes, chairman of the committee on jurisprudence, rendered the following report, which on motion of Mr. Kennedy was received and recommendation adopted: Your committee to whom was referred the resolution of Edward Camp in regard to levying each year against :the City'of Ithaca and the several towns of the county one years interest upon all taxes due the Treasurer from the city and such towns, and not paid . within sixty days from the date fixed in the tax wahaut for such payment, and would respectfully report 62 SUPERVISORS' PnodEI:DINcs, 1893. That in ourr opinion this Board has the authority to make such levy, and we recommend the adoption of the said resolution with the following amendment_ That the words "within sixty days from the date fixed in the tax warrant for such payment" be stricken out, and the words "on the first day of May after such tax shall have been levied" be inserted in its stead, so that it shalVread one year's interest upon all taxes due the Treasurer from the cif) and such towns and not paid on.the first day of May after such tax shall have been levied: DANA Rrronss, JOHN Burs„ Cb nmittee. EDWARD CAMP, On motion adjourned. TWENTY -FIFTH DAY. WEDNEsDAV, DECEMBER 20, 1893. Morning Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment.1 Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. Mr. Kennedy offered the following resolution, which on motion of Mr. Camp was adopted: Resolved, That in case of a deficiency in court expenses for the ensu- ing year the County Treasurer and the Supervisors of the City of Ithaca he authorized to borrow, on the credit of the county, an amount of money suf- ficient to meet contingencies until the meeting of the Board of Supervisors. The committee on equalization retired to the committee room and entered upon the discharge of their duties. The other committees were also engaged in committee work. i SurravtsoRs' PROCEEDINGS, 1893.g3 The committee on equalization returned from the committee room and presented the following report : Your committee on equalization would, respectfully report that they have examined and compared the assessment rolls of the several towns of the county and the City of Ithaca, and find them correct as to form and footings, and would respectfully recommend that the following be and is hereby declared to be the 'equalized valuation of the real estate in the county of Tompkins for the year 1893: TOWNS Acres Real Personal Aggregate. Ratio Caroline . . • 34,747 456,691 43 4489,241 0462 Danbv.33,286 45 43,40 495, Dryden . . 58,192 1,285,060 75, 1,360,103 1300 Enfield 22,007 37 42 , 200 4 0376 Groton..3 865,933 142,850 1,008,783 0876Ithaca (town) . 16,293 4 3 5 Ithaca (city) . 2 ,940. 3, 5 3,7 3314 Lansing... • 37,789 1 . 1 ,222,784 77, 1 ,300 , 034 1237 Newfield . . '. 3 4 32,220 493, 0467 Ulysses . . . 19,818 1,025,083 212,310 1, 237.393 1037 Totals. . 292 ,794 49,885,078 41,208,705 e 7 ' ' JOHN H. CONKLIN, 1 • NICHOLAS PEARSON, JOHN BULL, L. J. NEWMAN, L. G. TODD, P. A. TODD, J. H. KENNEDY. The assessed valuation of the several towns as per assessors of Tomp- kins County for the year 1893: Towns Acres.Real. Personal. Aggregate. Caroline 34,747 4 43 Danby .33,286 625, 254 43,4 668 , 654 Dryden . . ., . . . . 58,192 1 , 051 , 895. 75, 1 , 126 ,940 Enfield 22,007 53 42,200 573,693Groton30,725 1,110,220 142,850 1,253,070 Ithaca .16,293 5 3 607,310 City .2 ,940 2 ,599,376 5 3,111.531 Lansing.37,7 997, 77,250 1,074,340 Newfield -3 488,670 32,220 520,890 Ulysses 19,818 1,061,000 212,310 1,273,310 Totals 292 ,794 9,885,078 $1,208,705 411,093,783 0 1 64 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1893. Moved by Mr. Van Natta that the report be laid on. the table and made a special order of business for Thursday, Dec. 2!, at 2 o'clock P. M. Motion' seconded and carried. On motion adjourned. Afternoon Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call. Quorum present., Mr. Camp, chairman of the special committee on Court House repairs, reported on the result of the conference ofisaid committee with Messrs. Jamieson and McKinney. Mr. F. A. Todd offered the following resolution: Resolved, That the resolution asking for office rent for the County Treasurer, which was tabled indefinitely, be taken up for - reconsideration. b Mr. Pearson moved the adoption of the resolution. The chairman called for the ayes and noes, the vote result ing as follows: Ayes —Bull, F. A. Todd, Newman, Rhodes, Pearson, Car- penter, L. G. Todd, Thompson, Van Natta, Conklin, Camp —t I. Noes—Horton—I. Mr. Todd's resolution declared adopted. Mr. F. A. Todd offered the following resolutidn as a sub- stitute to,the original resolution: Resolved; That whenever the County Treasurer shall incur an extra ex- pense of one hundred dollars or more in fitting or procuring a fit and corn= modicum office for transacting county business in excess of the requirements of an office to conduct his own legitimate business, he be allowed one hun- dred dollars per year office rent. f 1 SUPERV ISOAS PROCEEDINGS, 1893.65 Mr. Van Natta moved the adoption of the resolution. On calling for the ayes and noes the vote resulted as follows: Ayes —Bull, F. A. Todd, Newman,' Rhodes; Pearson, Car- penter, L. 0..Todd, Thompson, Van Natta, Canp =io. Noes— Conklin, Horton -2. Resolution adopted. Mr. Rhode's presented the following' act, which was passed by the following vote: !! Ayes —Bull, Newman, - Rhodes, I,. G. Todd, Thompson, Van Natta, Conklin -7. Noes — Horton, Camp, Pearson, F. A. Todd, Carpenter -5. ACT NO. 1. AN ACT for the protection of birds in the County of 'Tompkins, made under the provisions of Section 273, Chapter 488, of the Laws of 1892, and known as the Game Laws. Passed Decenrher 20, 1893, three - fourths being present. The people of the County of Tompkins, represented in the Board of Supervisors, do enact as follows: Sec. 1. Ruffed grouse, commonly known as partridge, or any member of the grouse family, shall not be hunted, shot at, or killed, in the County of Tompkins, between the first day of December and the first day of Septem- tier ; nor had in possession or sold between the first day of Pebruary and the first day of Septernber. And possession thereof between the first day of December and the first day of February is forbidden and shall be deemed a violation of this section,' unless it be affirmatively proved by the one having possession or selling, that said birds were killed within the lawful period for killing the same, or out of the County of Tompkins. o Sce. 2. Any violation of the provisions of this act is hereby made a misdemeanor, and punishable accordingly ; and in addition thereto, the violator is liable to a penalty of twenty -five dollars for each bird killed, sold or had in his possession contrary to the provisions of this act. 66 SUPFRviso1s PROCEEDINGS, 1893., Sec. 3. All fines recovered under the provisions of this Act and belong- ing to the county, shall be paid to the Treasurer of said county, to be kept by him as a separate fund, and to be used and applied for the purpose of the enforcement of this act, -bva payment of costs, and in such other manner as the Board of Supervisors of said county may direct. Sec. 4. This act shall take effect the first day of July, 1894. Mr. Rhodes offered the following resolution, which on mo- tion of Mr. Camp was adopted : WHEREAS, by Chapter 32, Laws of 1885, the various collectors and tax receivers of Tompkins County are required to make return of their war- rants on or before the first day of May to the Treasurer of said County; and WHEREAS, It has been the custom heretofore, for some of tlie said col- lectors and tax receivers to invariably neglect to make such return accord- ing to law, and allow the same to drag along for many months after such return should have been made ; therefore be it Resolved, That the Count Treasurer be requested hereafter to enforce the law in regard to the return of such warrants, and that in case any of such collectors or tax receivers .shall neglect to pay to the several town officers of his town', Or to the County Treasurer,' the sums required by his warrant to be paid to them respectively, or either of them, the County Treasurer shall, within twenty days after the time when such payments should have been made, issue a warrant under his hand and seal, directed to the sheriff of the county, commanding him to levy such sum as shall re- main unpaid and unaccounted for by such collector or tax receiver of the goods and chattels, lands and tenements of such collector, or tax receiver, and to pay the same to the County Treasurer, as provided by law. Mr Pearson presented the report of Wm. O. Newnan, a Justice of the Peace of the town of Ithaca, which was received and placed on file. Mr. Bull offered the following resolution, which on motion of Mr. Camp was adopted: s Resolved, That the Treasurer be and is hereby authorized and directed to close the following accounts by covering them into Court expense, viz: County Audits, $92.53; Willard State Hospital, $4027.48; Insurance Court House, $loo.00; County fines, $125.00. On motion adjourned. SUPERVISORS' , PROCEEDINGS, 1893.67 TWENTY -SIXTH DAY. THURSDAY, DECEMrntR 2I, 1893. Morning 'Session. Board net pursuant to adjournment. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. Moved by Mr. Kennedy that when this Board adjourns to- morrow it adjourn until Friday, Dec. 29. Motion seconded by Mr. Camp and carried. Mr. Camp presented.' the following certificate from the county treasurer: ITHACA, DECEMBER 21, 1893. I certify that there was due the County of Tompkins on the Est day of May, 1893, from the collectors of the following towns, the sum of four thousand three hundred and fifteen and r4 -100 dollars, as follows : Drterest. Danby .91 o6 Dryden 39 67 2 37 Groton 4 001 24 Lansing 52 02.3 12 Ithaca 3,4 15 205 68 Newfield R 27 22 1 63 Ulysses 269 6o 16 ,7 Caroline 5.3 Ithaca (town)488 30 29 29 4,3 14 258 77 CHARLES INGERSOLI „ County Treasurer. Mr. Camp offered the following resolution, which on motion of Mr.,Kennedy was adopted: 0 68 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1893. Resolved, That one year's interest on the Various amounts reported by the County Treasurer, as reported above, as due from the several towns and City of Ithaca, be assessed and levied upon the taxable property of the City of Ithaca and towns respectively. Moved by Mr. F. A. Todd that bill No. 7 t be allowed at the amount claimed. Motion seconded by Mr. Camp and carried. Mr. F. A. Todd, chairman of the committee on miscellan -. eons claims, reported the following bills, which on motion of Mr. Kennedy, were allowed and audited at the amounts recom- mended by the committee Bills Nos. 175, 174, 173, 172 , 171 , 17o, 169. 168, ,66, 167, 164, 163, 165. On motion adjourned. Afternoon Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call. Quorum present. Moved by Mr. Camp that the report of the committee on equalization be adopted. Mr. Camp's motion seconded by Mr. Bull and ^carried. Mr. Kennedy offered the following resolution, which on mo- tion of Mr. F. A. Todd was adopted: Resolved, That the collectors of the several towns, and the tax collector of the City of Ithaca, be required to settle with the County Treasurer on or before March tst, '894. Mr. Rhodes offered the following resolution, which on mo- tion of Mr. Camp was adopted : u o I SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1893.69 Resolved, That in the distribution of the proceedings of the Board of Supervisors for the present year, Caroline shall receive l 35o copies Danby 325 Dryden 750 Enfield 30O Groton 6r5 Ithaca (town) shall receive . . . .300 Ithaca City ist Ward shall receive 150 Ithaca City 2 Ward 265 Ithaca City 3d Ward 260 Ithaca City 4th Ward 200 Lansing 475 Newfield 450 Ulysses 56o Mr. Pearson offered the following resolution, which on mo- tion was adopted ; Resolved, That there be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the inhabitants of the following road districts in the town of Ithaca the sum of three hundred and twenty -five dollars ($325), for the purpose of pay- ing for road machines, namely: Districts Nos. 7, 8, 17, 18, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 42, 44, 4 49, 5 The following resolution, offered by Mr. Kennedy, was on motion of Mr. Bull adopted : Resolved, That in accordance with Chapter 686 of the Laws of 1892, the clerk of this Board be instructed to cause to be printed in the Ithaca Democrat, an abstract of the accounts furnished by the town auditors, an abstract of all county accounts, the number of days the Board was in ses- sion, and the service bill of each member of the Board of Supervisors for the year 1893. Mr. L. G. Todd, chairman of the committee on appropria- tions, submitted the following report, which on motion of Mr. Camp was adopted : 70 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1893. To the Board of Supervisors: a Your committee on appropriations respectfully report the following: Resolved, That there be levied and collected 'upon the taxable property of the several towns and City of Ithaca, comprising the County of Tomp- kins, the suns herein set forth for the following purposes. L. G. TODD, DANA RHODES, J. H. CONKLIN. STATE TAX. Schools 412,510 82 Insane 4, 3 General purposes 16,170 44 Total 32,936 64 COUNTY TAX. Stenographers 499 02 County Audits 12,145 61 Syracuse State Institution for feeble minded children . . .3o 00 Salary Clerk of Supervisors 150 00 Clerk's postage account .15 00 Chaplain of Almshouse 5o 00 Salary Jail Physician 5o 00 Salary Sheriff's Janitor 35o 00 Clerk of Supervisors, Comptroller's report 25 00 County Judge's salary 2,50o 00 County Treasurer's salary goo 00 Court expense account 4,005 00 Clerk of Surrogate's Court 50o oo, County Treasurer's postage 15 00 District Attorney's salary Goo oo District Attorney's office rent 200 00 County fuel and gas account 75 00 Susquehanna Valley Home 141 29 School Commissioner's salary 400 00 Surrogate Janitor's account 75 00 Special County Judge's salary 50 00 Sheriff's office rent 35 00 0 SupEav PROCEEDINGS, • 1893.71 Superintendent of Poor 2,306 96 Interest due March r, 1894, G. M. Pierson •125 00 J. A. Elston 50 00 Supervisor of Ithaca . . . . .140 00 and principal L. D. VanPelt . .3,55o 00 L. ,G. O'Daniel 1,028 15 Crozier & Feeley 518 20 Fred E. Bates 367 02 u Monroe County Penitentiary,747 3 Appropriation for repairing resident •part of jail 35 00 • County Treasurer's office rent too 00 Total i 32,868 56 I CAROLINE. State tax 1,521 67 County tax 1,518 53 Town Audits 1 ,o56 3 I-Iigh*ays and bridges 500 00 Overseer of town poor 500 00 Superintendent of the Poor 123 87 Returned tax 1 7 Ithaca Children's Home 147 75 Interest on unpaid taxes 3 Total . .5,37o 29 DANNV. State tax a . . 1 ,505 21 County tax,1,502 09 Town Audits 826 27 Highways and bridges 250 00 Superintendent of the Poor 124 55 Returned tax 9 Town Hall, per resolution Town Board-100 00 Syracuse Institution for feeble minded children (clothing),. 3o 00 Interest on .unpaid taxes o6 Total 4,339 09 1 72 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1893. DRYDEN. State tax 4,281 76 County tax 4, 9 Town Audits I 2.291 90 Susquehanna Valley Home 94 67 Superintendent of the Poor 237 67 Highways and Bridges, as per resolutions 1,697 84 Re- assessed tax 39 67 Syracuse State Institution for feeble minded children . .. . . .30 00 Interest on unpaid taxes 2 37 Total. . . _12,948 80 ENFIELD. State tax 1 , 238 4 County tax 1 , 235 87 Town Audits 1,890 20 Highways and Bridges -25o 00 Interest on R. R. Bonds 1,176 oo Superintendent of the Poor 4 44 Total 5, 93 GROTON. I State tax 2,885 25 County. tax 2 , 879 23 Town Audits 2,466 89 Superintendent of the Poor 68 42 Highways and bridges 250 00 Returned tax 4 08 Interest on unpaid taxes 24 Interest on R. R. bonds 1,050 00 Sinking fund . .150 00 Total 9,754 11 ITHACA (TOWN). State tax 1,561 20 County tax . ... 1 ,557 98 Ithaca and Athens R. R. Sinking Fund j4 of $15,000.00 . .1,875 on Ithaca and Athens R. R. Interest on Bonds y of $3,375. .421 88 Ithaca and Geneva R R Interest on Bonds of $5,950.00 . .743 75 Q e SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1893.73 Returned tax 7x 02 Susquehanna Valley Home . ... . .2 45 Home for Catholics 2 12 Children's Floine 5 81 Shelter for Unprotected Girls 75 Auburn Orphan Asylum . 13 12 Interest on unpaid taxes . . . .29 37 Dotal 8 ,961 45 • ITHACA (CITY). State tax 10,915 20 County tax 10,892 65 Ithaca and Athens Sinking Fund 35 of $15, 0o Ithaca and Athens Interest on bonds'% of $3,37500.. ... .2,953 12 Ithaca and Geneva Interest on bonds rs of $5,950.00 . .. . .5,206 25FormerTownAudits3of $ • • • ... .. • 2,064 19 Returned tax 1,1 3 Iirterest on unpaid taxes 205 62 Superintendent of Poor .895 o6 Susquehanna Valley Home 157 73' Syracuse State Institution for feeble minded children 30 00 Home for Catholics 17 6o Children's Home 59 44 Shelter for Unprotected Girls . . . ... ... ... .70 39 New York State Institution for the blind 20 So. Auburn Orphan Asylum . ... ... ... . 168 88 Bal. amt. poor fund, as per res. Com. Council ., .. _ S,58o 10 10,000 00 Total . • . . . . ... .5 26 LANSING. State tax •4,074 26 County tax 4,065 85 Town Audits 9, 97 Superintendent of the Poor 60 57 Highways and Bridges 500 00 Laying out Highways 6 50 Return tax 52 02 Ithaca Children's Home 109 50 Interest on unpaid taxes 3 12 Total . . . 79 1 74 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1893. NEWFIEI D. State tax 1 ,538 14 County tat 1 ,534 97 Town Audits 2,45 3 Highways and Bridges 25o 00 Superintendent of the Poor 124 55 Interest on R. R. Bonds 3,206 00 Susquehanna Valley Home 94 67 Overseer of the Poor 5o 00 Unpaid taxes 27 22 Interest on unpaid taxes . .1 63 > Total 9.285 56 ILSSSI ?S. State tax 3,4 53 County tax 3.4 47 Town Audits ..1,308 43 Interest R. R. Bonds 3,794 00 Highways and Bridges 500 00 Overseer of the Poor 500 oo Superintendent of the Poor 67 9 Susquehanna Valley Home 94 Returned tat 236 15 Interest on unpaid taxes 16 17 Mr. Pearson offered the following resolution, and moved its adoption': Resolved, That the contract for heating and ventilating the Court House with steam heat in connection with jail, be awarded' to Messrs. Jamieson S McKinney, in accordance with the bid, plans specifications and, guarantees submitted by the special committee on heating and ventilation. provided the said. Jamieson S McKinney shall enter into such a contract with this Board as this Board has been given to understand they have offered to do, said contract to be submitted to this'Board for approval. Motion second&d by Mr. Thompson. On calling for the ayes and noes the vote resulted as fol -' lows: Sul'ERVISORS' PROCEEDINdS, 1893.75 Ayes —F. A. Todd, Newman, Rhodes, Pearson, L. G. Todd, Thompson, Van Natta, Conklin -8. Noes —Bull, Kennedy, Carpenter, Horton, Camp -5. Resolution declared adopted. On motion adjourned. TWENTY- SEVENTH DAY. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1893. Morning Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. Moved by Mr. Conklin that the chairman appoiut a special committee to procure thcontract from Messrs. Jamieson & Mc- Kinney for heating and ventilating the Court House, - and to take charge of the building until the same shall be completed. Motion seconded by Mr. Camp and carried. The chair appointed as such committee .Messrs. Camp, Bull and Pearson. Mr. L. G. Todd presented the audits of the former town of Ithaca, which were received and filed. 0 The following resolution, offered by Mr. Kennedy, was on motion adopted unanimously : 76 SUPERvTrsoRS' PBOOEEDINGS, 1893. Resolved, That in appreciation of the ability, impartiality, and courtesy with which he has performed his duties as presiding officer, the thanks of the members of this Board are cordially extended to oitr chairman, Mr. Randolph Horton. Mr. Rhodes offered the following resolution, which on mo- . tion was adopted unanimously: Resolved, That we hereby extend to our clerk, Hugh T. Burtt, our thanks for the efficient and prompt manner in which be has discharged the duties of his office during thesession of this Board. Mr. Rhodes offered the following resolution, which on mo- tion was adopted unanimously: Resolved, That the thanks of this Board are due, and hereby tendered, to the Ithaca Journal for its courtesy in supplying us with the Ithaca Daily Journal during this session. On motion adjourned. TWENTY - EIGHTH DAY. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1893. Morning Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. Mr. Kennedy offered the following resolution: Resolved, That the special committee on repairs on the Court House be authorized to make such repairs on the court room as may be required, ac- cording to the plans submitted by Architect Miller. f e SuPEkvfsolts' PROCEEDINGS, 1893.77 Mr. Pearson proved the adoption of the resolution. Mr. Kennedy called for the ayes and noes, the vote result -, ing as follows : Ayes —Bull, Kennedy, Newman, Pearson, Carpenter, Thomp- son, Van Natta, Horton, Camp —g. Noes—F'. A. Todd; Rhodes, L. G. Todd -3. Resolution adopted. Mr. Rhodes offered' the following resolution, which on mo- tion of Mr. Pearson was adopted. Resolved, That the chairman and clerk of this Board be authorized to execute in our behalf, the contract with Jamieson & McKinney for heating and ventilating the Court House, when such contract shall be presented to them by the special committee on heating and ventilating Court House. Mr. Camp offered the following resolution, which on mo- tion of Mr. F. A. Todd was adopted : Resolved, That the committee on County Buildings are hereby author- ized to borrow upon the credit of and for the county such amounts of money as may be necessary to make any improvements that they have becn °di- rected to have made... On motion adjourned. Afternoon Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call. Quorum present. Mr. Kennedy offered the following resolution, and moved the adoption of the satne: 78 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, - 1803. Resolved, That the special committee on the heating and repairs of the Court House be authorized to borrow, as may be necessary, on the credit of the county, a sum sufficient to pay for the same. Mr. Kennedy's notion was seconded by Mr. Camp and • carried. Mr. Camp, chairman of the special committee on Court House repairs, presented the contract between Messrs. Jatinieson S McKinney and 'the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, for heating andveutilating the Court House. Moved by Mr. Camp that the contract, as presented by said committee on Court House repairs, be signed by the chairman and clerk of this Board. Motion seconded and carried. The minutes of the day's proceedings were read and approved.. • There being no further business, the Board was, on motion, . declared adjourned sine die.' HUGH T. BURTT, Clerk. e 0 COUNTY AUDITS. 1 I STATE OF NEW YORK,ss_ COIINTV ON TOMPKINS —BOARD OF . SUPERVISORS, I hereby certify that the following abstract comprises all the bills and accounts "against the county of Tompkins presented to the Board of Supervisors of said county at its annual session for the year 1893,' showing the name of each claimant, the true nature of the account, the amount priginally claimed, and the amount as finally allowed and audited by said Board. HUGH T. BURTT, Clerk. No. Name.Nature of service.Claimed. Allowed. t J. K. Follet, Deputy Sheriff .'6 20 6 20 2 S. D. Sincebaugh, constable 6 30 6 30 3 C. E. Bruce, constable 4 05 4 05 4 C. E. Bruce, constable '9 25 9 25 5 Syracuse State Institution for feeble minded children (County Budget) 6 C. E. Bruce, constable .' .12 00 12 00 7 R. J. Pierce, constable 4 3 ' 4 3 8 E. A. Hand, lunacy proceedings to 00 5 00 9 , S. P. Sackett, lunacy proceedings .to 00 10 oo to Marshhll Woodbury, constable . ... ... ... .t 50 1 50 • tt. ID. Hubbell, coroner's jury . . . . . . . . .1 oo 1 00 12 N. A. Collings, coroner's jury.. ... ... .. . .00 1 oo 13 'C. H. Tarbell, constable 5 85 5 85 14 H. S. Hopkins, Justice of the Peace- ... . .6 20 6 20 15 Susquellanoa Valley flame (see County Budgets) 80 Suilx.BVlsolts' PnooEE0iNos, 1893. r6 Susquehanna Valley Home (see County Budgets) t7 Jared T. Newman, Iegal services 16 o0 r6 00 18 Fred E. Bates, services building committee . .49 04 49 04 19 Susquehanna Valley Home (see County Budgets) 20 Susquehanna Valley Home (see County Budgets) 21 Susquehanna Valley Home (see County Budgets) 22 R: A. Crozier, services building committee .37 84 37 84 23 E. Davis Allen, lunacy proceedings 5 00 5 00 24 D. L. & W. R. R. Co., coal for jail and court house 115 58 115 58 25 R. G. H. Speed, Justice of the Peace 4 15 4 15 26 N. D. Chapman, medical services . .10 00 2 00 27 E. D. Norton, printing, ass'd M. N. Tompkins , 36 00 36 00 28 S. H. Peck, lunacy proceedings . . .00 15 00 29 H. H. Miller, Deputy Sheriff, ass'd W. H. Willson 7 45 7 45 . 39 Eugene Baker, M. D., lunacy proceedings . . 45 00 45 00 31 Crozier & Feeley, supplies for jail 2 75 2 75 32 Chas. Ingersoll, livery . 16 00 16 oo 33 N. Y. & P..T. & T. Co., telephone at jail . 42 00 . 42 00 - 34 Chas. Ingersoll, livery . . .to oa. 10 00 35 G. C. McClune, stone County Clerk's office . .28 15 28 15. 36 Ithaca Water Works, water ... . . . , .. . . . 115 00, 115. 00 37 J. P. Fahey. medical services ..........5 00 5 00 38 A. H. Pierson, services building,cornmittee . . . 53 7 53 7 39 Chas. A. Smith, sprinkling . . . . . . . . .... .6 5o 6 so 40 Enz and Miller, supplies . . . 87 15' 87 15 41 Nelson E. Lyon, Justice - of the Peace .85 85- 42 E. S. Tichenor, coroner's jury 2 00 2. 00 43 E. S. Tichenor & Son, supplies for jail 22 45 22 45' 44 City of Ithaca, Recorder's services 6 15 6 15 45 Albert VanAuken, constable 6 55 6 55. 46 H. A. Mosher, coroner's jury 7 00•7 00, 47 Chauncey P. Biggs, lunacy proceedings . , .r5 00 15 00 48 Clayton Bower, constable 35 35 49 J. W. Brown, coroner 107 40 100 90 5o City of Ithaca, police services 3 55 3 55 5x Ithaca faun's], printing t,119 to 1,119 52 Ithaca Journal, printing 1;127 05 1,127 05 - 53 The Bool Co., supplies 66 23 66 23 54 Saml. J. McKinney, plumbing 15 8o 15 So 55 C. II. & H. J, Willson, painting, ass'd W. H. Willson 67 91 67 91 56 Andrus & Church, stationery 27 25 27 25 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDIINGS, 1893.81 57 Wm. B. Estabrook, stenographer 11 00 11 oo 58 A. B. Dale, architect.6 0o 6 oo 59 J. Will Trec, book 6 00'6 o0 6o J. P. Merrill, Justice of Peace, ass'd J. M. Heggie 27 45 27 45' 61 Jamieson & McKinney, supplies 22 53 22 53 62 Barr Bros., supplies 5 84 5 84 63 Geo. H. Northrup,coroner's jury 2 00 2 00 64 John Winslow, lunacy rtoceedin s4JlunacyIb 55 00 25 00 65 H. H. Miller, Deputy Sherif ass'd W. H. Willson 3 75 3 75 66 E. J. Morgan, Jr., lunacy proceedings 20 00 , 15 00 67 R. E. Potter, Overseer of Poor 2 00 - 0 00 68 J. S. Kirkendall, lunacy proceedings . . . 40 00 40 00 69 Elnta Griggs, lunacy iproceedings 20 00 20 00 70 B. A. Kerst, autopsy to oo 5 00 71 Chas. Ingersoll, livery .5 00 5 00 72 P. A. Kerst, lunacy proceedings 10 00 10 00 73 Chas. \V. Earl. constable 6 05 6 05 74 J. F. Tetley, coroner's jury, ass'd W. H. Willson 2 00 2 00 75 Stephen W. Vorhis, constable 8 6o 8 6o 76 Geo. Small, lumber 2 53 2 53 77 Jason P. Merrill, Justice of Peace, ass'd W. H. Willson 28 45 28 45 73 Arthur B. Brooks, supplies Co. Clerk's office .2 25 2 25 79 M. E. Poole, Justice of the Peace 46 25 4 25 , 8o Judson B. Todd, supplies 9 90 9 90 81 Richard E. Lusk & Sop, book 8 00 8 oo 82 Webb Wallace, constable 24 . 40 20 95 85 M. Besemer, lunacy proceedings 45 00 45 00 • 84 A. J. Coe, Deputy Sheriff 7 50 7 50 85 Frank L. Tarbell, constable 2 50 2 50 86 Weekly Ithacan, printing 35 25 00 00 87 White & Burdick, paint 25 22 25 22 88 Rothschild Bros., supplies for jail 4 00 , 4 00 89 C. M. Bliveu, livery 16 00 10 00 90 Richard Nash, repairs" Surrogate's office . . .26 80. 26 8o 91 Ithaca Democrat, printing 128 14 128 14 92 Edward Meany, lunacy proceedings'10 00 10 00 93 'E. D. Norton, printing 2 55 2 55 94 Stenographers, (see County Budgets) 95 New York State Institution forBlind, (see County Budgets 96 Society for protection of destitute Catholic ' 1 82 1SUPFRVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1893. children, (see County Budgets) 97 Western New York Institute for Deaf Mutes (see County Budgets) 8 .95 Western New York Institute for Deaf Mutes (see County Budgets) 99 Shelter for unprotected girls (see County Budgets) loo City of Ithaca, pavement tax 5131 5 513r 5 tot R. Horton, services building committee . . .56 42 56 42 102 A. M. Dederick, constable 6 85 6 85 103 Samuel Frazier, constable 9 70 9 •0 y 104 J. Flickinger, lunacy proceedings . 10 00 , 10 00) 105 J. Flickinger, coroner . 96 90 96 90 106 W. I. Sherwood, coroner's jury . . . .7 00 7 00 107 E. P. Bouton,.corover's jury . 7 00 7 00 io8 M. Atwater, coroner's jury . . . ... . 4 00 4 00 109 R. J. Hunt, coroner's jury i 6 oo t 6 00 Ito Seneca Spicer, constable 29 95 29 95 111 Andrew J. Howland; coroner's jury 7 00 7 00 112 Children's Home (see County Budgets) . ... . 113 C. M. Wixoni, constable 25 30 25 30 114 E. C. Wolf, constable.13 15 13 15 115 C. M. Wixom, eonstale 6 80 6 8o 116 F. B. Aiken, Justice Peace 16 30 16 30 l 117 Hawkins & Todd, supplies for jail . ... . ..38 25 38 25 118 'Treman, Ring & Co., supplies for jail . . ... . 41 12 41 12 119 J. H. Jennings, services as Surrogate . ... . .6 00 6 oo 120 Samuel G. Dimick, coroner's jury 7 00 7 00 121 Driscoll Bros., Labor and material for County House 172 86 158 49 122 James Worsen, coroner's jury, ass'd L. R. Lyon 1 00 1 00 123 J. W. Tibbetts, board of prisoners 2,047 16 - 2,047 16 124 J. W. Tibbetts, Sheriff 7 9 7 9 125 J. P. Merrill,Justice of Peace,ass'd W. H. Willson S8 0o 88 00 126 A. S. Fox, constable 4 35 2 75 127 J. J. Montgomery, coroner 16 00 16 00 128 J. W. Brown, lunacy proceedings 10 00 10 00 29 Chas. S. Seaman, livery 10 00 10 00 130 Geo. A. Ilopkins,coroner's jury 7 00 7 00 131 Hiram E. Baker, Deputy Sheriff 13 20 13 20 132 James S. Lvke, Supt. of Poor 723 00 723 00 133 James S. L }•ke,grading 72 00 72 00 134 Win. Severn, team work at County I -Iouse . . 29 20 29 20 i Suv PROCEEDINGS, 1893.83 135 David Harrison, team work at County House . 24 00 24 00 136 Philo Smith, team work at County House .15 00 15 00 437 Demont Anderson, constable 28 85 28 85 1 138 J. J. Montgomery, lunacy proceedings to 00 5 00 139 J. 3. Montgomery, lunacy proceedings : . . .10 00 5 00 140 Fred L. Clock, coroner's jury 2'00 2 00 41 Ithaca Journal, printing official canvass . . .63 go 63 142 Ithaca Democrat, publishing official canvass .30 00 30 00 143 Wm. P. Biggs, coroner's jury 7 00 7 00 144 S. L. Stone, coroner's jury, ass'd kA. H: Pierson 9 00 9 00 145 A. J. Brink, Sheriff's jury 2 00 2 00 146 Ed E. Buck, Sheriff's jury 4 00 2 00 147 A. D. Schenck, Sheriff's jury 2 00 2 00 148 R. Miller, Sheriff's jury . . . .2 00 2 00 149 J. W. Tibbetts, Sheriff 30 20 30 20 150 Chas. -W. Earl, Deputy Sheriff 24 00 24 00 151 Monroe County Penitentiary (see County Budgets)' 152 Monroe County Penitentiary (see County Budgets) 153 L. H. Van Kirk, County Clerk .499 67 499 67 154 L. H.,Van Kirk, County Clerk goo 76 goo 76 155 H. E. Baker, Deputy Sheriff . . . 2 00 2 00 156 City of Ithaca, Recorder's fees . . . ... . . . 8o 20, So 20 157 City of Ithaca, Police officers' fees . _ . _ . . . 9 3 9 3 158 Albert Neideck,1 7 ... ... . 17 40 I40 159 Chas. E. Turk, Under- sheriff 9 90 9 90 16o Edward Camp, services building connnittee .X31 68 31 68 61 John Bull, committee work 5 44 5 44 162 Eugene Terry, making index 65 oo 65 oo SUPERVISORS' SERVJCR BILL 163 R. Horton, service bill 143 7 143 7 164 J. H. Kennedy,.159 3 159 3 65 P. A. Todd 136 20 136 20 166 T. S. Thompson, 116 00 116 00 167 E. S. Carpenter,116 0o 1 00 168 John Bull,136 30 136 3o 169 J. E. Van Natta,6 0o 116 00 170 Nicholas Pearson,127 45 127 45 171 L. J. Newman,135 4 135 41 172 L. G. Todd,1 171 02 171 02 173 Edward Camp,147 7 7 174 Dana Rhodes,149 7 149 7 175 John H. Conklin, . 143 85 143 85 Total 12271 78 $12145 61 1 84 SUPERVISORS' PROOEEDTNC S, 1893. 40 , T a ganlloads I Y m n w o u aa . Sya poQ moi I- '' n o Ti_..- u l'Iopaq aryl -,03 11 no S7l to al on o cma foP 119l:g oo c x Ng a,,., Ill Oal E;i 5 TEE E E Ti FS I z 2y. O U ui o. i ?i- ...c»U` O a.. u V` m aaS 10 ]111101117 IulOW P. -"`c.° J"` Ci-R P ^d'^1..,, - 1j (l J 5 F 0L..° 5 p i eu PuQ IIcBr t- O v.,. 7 uawssas stl ddop -- ^OE^ n F OP. -•C 911 IV . : Om v m v O F al on -tad ET- 8 c C5. v « a a+ ssua0 pq.Yia qv •2°0111c. ..., x n m ° « d 11 4 i.:EJ)T. 11. N r . c m E£88E8__EE88 E m p a U Stpaad tee -t.x 7E -tie -a ez C EC •- 011:3'1 ( wEicsuadtUO :j :::..7.. . :...-.-. : :....... -46 = ° • X11 " N N .t J C W 5 E ~H ^' N y w M 110!ss0S Lulu tE'y . . U IId '[I,IQO$II'l1.tl S$IIQ C a ".].E.t CV CtN L =_ 1 r a ^.q,. m. m O mom' 4 0111I1 aad cn -g o ` slue:"Q avalg ^ O x i= -^ C ry 0 o 11 77^Ir. --o o, C A « S v sup sod EEESESaf Sg8 13 n N u w m T n W - t$ O7 uoulusuadwoaurii O n o m saastI s n......C' 2, wit ^ . UQnoplims, SVd I - O o F y s.I oi m n k 1 w ti Cuo I IN'a Pi C F u c 5 - 5or,W A y v V. H C n '•: 6 S X11 7 _"C W t-,--,-.00,7 U:i•°nv c.. - 1 C C M -5.5o 1v1 "aNy CH'Ca 0 n ry CE LO N 9 N ^E;EIIF n^.aC l .0 ( -4 :::-..o ,0 9 . e,.., -7,1 v r rC = _ ;: - '4 ««. ate 7...„,„,,, C 11 '=1 _ . .0.. 0 . C -. WH . N ii4Li Cn^.Ftlyl,I mss dA o- .0RL`,.°..'. z5 O co G .TOWN AUDITS: 4. CAROLINE. Abstract of the navies of all persons who presented accounts' to be audited by the Towi1 Board of the town of Caroline on the 9th clay of November, 1893, with the amounts claimed by each and the amounts audited. and allowed each. No. Name.Nature of service.Claimed. Allowed. Geo. C. Whitley, Overseer of l'oor 16 00 16 00 2 Wm. Clark, deputy constable . ... _ . .. .1 [5 1 15 3 R. E. Brink, hall rent 12 00 12 00 4 John Davis, ballot clerk 4 00 , 4 00 5 John Davis,inspector '90 and '91 10 00 6 Clarence Nixon, poll clerk 4 00 4 00 7 I Henry Winehall, poll clerk 4 00 4.00 8 John Jenks, inspector 17 96 17 96 9 William Clark, inspector 12 00 12 00 10 Abram G. Haskin, inspector n 65 12 65 11 Jay R. Preston, ballot clerk 4 00 4 00 12 Ithaca Journal, printing IS So 18 8o 13 Milo Yates, excise commissioner 6 oo 600 14 Harry A. Davis, inspector . ..13 20 13 20 15 O. D. Mulks, inspector 12 00 12 00 16 D. C. Krum, poll clerk 4 00 4 00 17 W. C. Gallagher, poll clerk 4 00 4 00 • 18 George Nelson, Overseer of Poor . . . . . . .10 00 10 00 re. H. A. Hildebrant, assessor 1892 34 6o 34 6o 20 H. A. Hildebrant, assessor 1893 34 00 34 00 86, SSUPERVISORS' PROOEEDINGS. 1893. 21 C. R. Lounsbery, assessor 3 75 53 75 22 Mason J. Clark, constable . ... 24 55 15 55 23 A. M. Dedrick, constable 12 45 10 95 24 E. H. Card, hall rent 12 00, 12 00 25 Ira Bogardus, ex- connnissioner highways . .14 00 4 00 26 Geo. H. Richardson, inspector . 12 00 12 00 27 C. A. Lull, ballot clerk 4 00 4 00 28 B. M. Valk, poll clerk 4 00 4 00 29 W. T. Graham, inspector 17 56 17 56 30 • F. B. Lounsbery, ex -Town Clerk 25 00 25 00 31 Chas. E. Meeks, Town Clerk 5 47 5 47 32 John J. Peters, Justice of Peace 33 15 33 15 33 DeF. A. Ried, M. D.. .4 75 4 75 34 R. L. Denman, inspector 12 00 12 00 35 Geo. R. Peck, poll clerk 4 00 4 00 36 Edward Lounsbery, hall rent •12 00 12 00 37 F. G. Ault, ballot clerk 4 00 4 00 38 Chas. W, Personius, service . ... . . ... .6 25 6 25 39 F. A. Patch, assessor 20 38 20 38 40 Jolm Cross, Justice of Peace 7 75 7 75 41 R. G. H. Speed, inspector and messenger . . ".9 72 9 72 42 Dr. Christopher, assigned John Cross .2 25 2 25 43 R. G. H. Speed, Justice of Peace r6 5o i6 50 44 E. E. Legge, damages .12 CO 12 00 45 R. G. H. Speed, Justice of Peace . . . . . . .8 00 8 00 46 R. F. Abbey, excise commissioner.. .6 oo 6 00 47 R. C. Clark, commissioner of Highways loo 00 100 00 48 Dr. Christopher, medicine 75 75 49 Clarkson Davis, ballot clerk . ... . ... . . .4 00 q 00 50 M. N. Tompkins, counsel fees . . to oo 10 oo 51 Geo. E. Harris, Overseer of Poor 6 00 6 oo 52 C. T. Lawrence, ballot clerk . •4 00 4 00 53 R . V. Personius, Justice of Peace.. . .. . .49 75 49 75 54 R. G. H. Speed, inspector of election 226 60 226 60 55 Jahn Bull, Supervisor .34 39 34 39 56 N. G. Spalding, highway manuals.. . 1.39 5 39 50 Total 51,076 88 51,056 38 Bills 53 and 54 are for service, and for moneys expended in defending town in suit brought by F. $. Bates, ex- Supervisor, also for expense of re- storing town records, and for purging town audits of illegal bills. e SUPERVISORS' PleocEEuIKGS, 1893:87 We, the undersigned, composing the Town Board of the town of Caro- line do hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct statement of the ac- counts audited by us this 9th day of Nov., 1893. JOHN BULL, Supervisor. JOHN CROSS, 1 • JOHN J. PETERS,W. V. BERSONIUS, Just of the Peace. R. G. H. Si %an, C. E. MEERS, Town Clerk. Resolutions adopted at the annual town meeting held Febru- ary r4, 1893: Resolved, That there be raised for the support of the poor' for the ensuing year five hundred dollars l$soo.00). Resolved, That there be raised for highways for the ensuing year five hundred dollars ($So0.00). CAROLINE, NOVEMBER 14, 1893. I hereby certify that the foregoing statement is correct. CHARLES E. MEEKS; Town Clerk. DANBY. Abstract of the names of all persons who presented accounts to be audited by the Board of Town Auditors of the town of Danby on the 9th day of November, 1893, with the amount claimed by each and the amount finally audited and allowed each : No. Name.Nature of service.Claimed. Allowed. I George E. Morris, assessor 23 00 23 00 2 Horace' Elyea,25 00 25 00 3 Lucian B. Beers,23 00 23 00 4 Theron S. Ward, ex- assessor bill of 1891.. . ..20 00, 20 00 5 Ithaca Journal, printing 13 70 13 70 6 Bennett & Brock, book crates for Clerk's office .8 5o 8 5o 7 Levi L. Beers, surveying 6 00 6 00 8 Levi L. Beers, poll clerk 4 00 4 00 9 ' Judson iJennings, ballot clerk 4 00 4 00 10 Arthur Beardsley, ballot clerk 400 4 00 88 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1893. 1 Nathan M. Beers, inspector 8 oo 8 00 12 Edward E. Swartout, inspector and messenger 13 48 13 48 13 John E. Beers. medical services 50 25 l0 25 14 Benj. W. Genung, reporting births and deaths 3 25 3 25 15 Theron W. Slocum, Justice of the Peace . . .24 95 24 95 16 Jacob Wise,12 So 12 80 17 Jacob Wise, inspector 8 00 8 oo 18 Aden Wm. Hayward. ballot clerk 4 00 4 00 19 Prank A. Todd, Supervisor 28 44 • 28 44 zo Joseph - P. Thatcher, ballot clerk . . 4 00 4 00 21 George M. Meaker, highway supplies 100 00 100 00 22 George M. Meaker, blacksmith bill 12 25 12 25 23 George M. Meaker, highway commissioner . .116 00 116 00 24 Chas. J. Weed, inspector 8 oo 8 00 z Enos A. Briggs, inspector and messenger . .13 So 13 So 26 Fred B. Lewis, inspector 8 oo 8 o0 27 Pred A. Fairbrother & Co., rent of hall and election supplies 10 00 10 00' 28 D. M. Kellogg, clerk of election 4 00 4 00 29 Henry F. Hutchings, clerk of election 4 00 4 0• 30 Myron Wilcox, inspector and labor l0 00 10 CO 31 1 Zebulon Smiley, clerk of election and supplies 4 10 4 to 32 Jas. O. Wilcox, ballot clerk 4 00 4 00 33 Charles Hamilton, poll clerk 4 00 4 00 34 Floyd Wilcox, rent of hall 8 oo 8 oo 35 John B. French, Overseer of Poor of Ithaca .22 00 22 00 36 Olin C. Larue,•ballot clerk 4 00 4 00 37 Nelson Mosher, inspector 3 0o 8 oo 33 Frank D. Smiley, inspector and messenger .13 8o 13 80 39 Jerry B. Thatcher, Justice of the Peace . . .8 00 " 8 co 40 Theodore Brown, Overseer of Poor and supplies 16 50 16 50 41 Zebulon Smiley, Justice of the Peace 8 00 8 oo 42 Clarence Slocum, constable 7 95 7 95 43 Percy W. Wood, ass'd to M. D. Bruce, insurance of hall, 1892 18 75 IS 75 44 Chas. E. Bruce, constable 9 15 9 15 45 Wm. H. Baker. 'Town Clerk 90 0o go 00 46 Wm. H. Baker, supplies 23 6o • 23. 6o 47 Supervisor, for road law books to be paid when - hooks are delivered according to law of 1893 .42 00 42 00 Total 826 27 826 27 1 SUPERVISORS', PROCEEDINGS, 1893.89 We, the undersigned, the Town Auditors of the town of' Danby, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct list and statement of all accounts examined, audited or rejected at the meeting. of said Board of Auditors held at the Town Hall on the above named date, Nov. 9th, 1893. P. A. TODD, Supervisor. T. W. SIACUM, 1 JACmI WISE' I/ Justices of the Peace.Z. SmipRv, J. B. THATCHER, WM. H. BAKER, Town Clerk. I certify that the above is a true copy of an abstract ofbills audited and now on file in this office. WM. H. IBAKER, Town Clerk. 1)ANRv, November 9t11, 1893. Resolved, That the Supervisor be authorized to raise one hundred dollars for repairs on Town Hall. We certify that we have this day adopted the above resolution. Dated, Nov. 9th, ' P. A. TODD, Supervisor. Z. SMIr,EV JAcoaWIS, E, ly Justices. Wm. (BAKER, Clerk. I certify that the above is a true copy of a resolution adopted at a meeting of the Town Board of the town of Danby. WM. H. BAKER, Clerk. 1, 1 90 Suntuvison PROCEEDINGS, 1893.r DRYDEN. The undersigned Town Board of said town, pursuant to Section 170 of the town law, hereby certify that the following is a correct abstract of the names of all persons who have presented to said Board accounts to be audited, the amounts claimed by each of said persons, and the amounts audited to them respec, tively. No. Nance.Nature of service.Claimed. Allowed. 1 Fred C. Evans, inspector election, District No. 1 4 00 4 00 2 Albert Devenport, inspector and messenger to Town Clerk, District No. 1 14 00 14 00 3 Oscar Snyder, inspector, District No. 1 .4 00 4 00 4 Joseph Snyder, inspector, District No. t . .4 00 4 00 5 C. H. Griffin, ballot clerk, District No. 1 .. . .4 00 4 00 6 I). H. Cornelius, inspector, District No. 1 . . .12 00 12 00 7 O. T. Ellis,inspector and messenger Co. Clerk, District No. 1 i 17 32 17 32 8 H. P. Bonfield, inspector, District No. t . . .4 00 4 00 9 O. T. Ellis, inspector, District No. 1 6 oo 6 00 to J. T. Morris, ballot clerk and use of house for 24 00 24 00 11 J. T. Morris, making booths and use of house for election 1892, assigned to R. W. McCutcheon 25 00 25 00 12 Robert Schutt,inspector, messeuger,District No.2 14 00 00 13 Theron Johnson, poll clerk, District No. .2 . .4 00 ' 4 00 14 Chas. Palmer, inspector election, District No. n, 1892 4 00 4 00 15 R. Stanley Miller, poll cleric District No. 2 4 00 4 00 16 H. C. Warriner, poll clerk, District No. 2.. . .4 60 4 00 17 Earl P: Rliodes, inspector, messenger Town Clerk, District No. 2 12 00 12 00 18 H. C. Warriner, poll clerk and supplies Dis- trict No. 2 . . . .4 28 4 28 19 E. Gaston, inspector and messenger Co. Clerk - District No. 2 18 66 17 56 zo B. Snyder, poll clerk, District No. 1 . . ..8 oo 8 00 21 Theron Johnson, poll clerk, 1892, District No. 2 4 00 4 00 22 Bradford Snyder, Overseer of l'oor 44 00 44 00 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1893.91 23 Corry Deusenbury, poll clerk; District No. 2 . . 4 00 4 00 24 A. A. Seager, inspector, District No. 2 ...10 00 10 00 25 G. L. Burlew, use house for election, District No2 20 00 20 CO 26 J. B. Fulkerson, poll clerk, District No. 3 . . .12 00 12 00 27 J. D. Ross, ballot clerk, District No. 3 _4 00 4 00 28 D. R. Montgomery, inspector, District No. 3 i6 o0 16 00 29 G. W. Bradley, ballot clerk, District No. 3 .0.4 00 4 00 3o Chas. Fitts, inspector and messenger County Clerk, District No. 3 25 6o 25 60 31 C. D. ]lurch, inspector and messenger Town Clerk, District No. 5 6 00 6 00 32 G. E. Goodrich, hall for election, District No. 3 20 00 20 00 33 F. W. Smith, inspector 1892, District No. 4 . .4 00 4 00 34 A. Bishop, inspector 1892, District No. 4 . 4 00 4 00 35 Lintford Sutliff, inspector assigned to F. E. Darling, District No. 4 .4 00 4 00 36 Horatio Smith, poll clerk, ,District No. 4 . • 4 00 4 00 37 Frank Douglass, inspector and messenger Town Clerk, District No. 4 18 35 18 35 38 Geo. Primrose, inspector, District No. 4 • • • •12 00 12 CO 39 H. C. Sutliff, inspector, District No. 4 10 00 10 00 40 J. L. Platt, ballot cleric 4 00 4 00 41 F. E. Brown, ballot clerk,4 00 4 00 42 John L. Platt, inspector and messenger County • Clerk 13 72 13 72 43 E. T. Brown, poll clerk, District No. 4 .,. • .12 00 12 00 44 James Hoffman, use of arouse for election, Dis- trict No. 4 22 50 20 00 45 Geo. E. Monroe, poll clerk and supplies, Dis- trict No. 3 8 50 8 50 46 Leroy Scott, poll clerk, District No. 5 4 00 4 00 47 Fred Space, ballot clerk, District No. 5 . . .4 00 4 00 48 H. M. Givens, poll clerk, District No. 5 . . . .4 00 4 00 49 II! Lormor, ballot clerk, District No. 5 . . .4 00 4 00 50 Samuel McKee, inspector, District No. 5 . . .16 00 16 00 51 D. M. White,16 od 16 00 52 G. H.Hart,1600 1600 53 Geo. E. Goodrich, inspector and messenger County Clerk, District No. 5 4 25 24 25 54 H. A. Root, use house for election, 1892, Dis- trict No. 2 10 00 10 00 55 H. Wavle, use house for election, District No3 25 00 25 00 1 1 92 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 1893. 56 S. L. Howe, ballot clerk, District No. 6 .4 00 4 00 57 C. H. Monroe, ballot clerk, District No. 6 . . .4 00 4 00 58 W. E. Sutfin, poll clerk, District No. 6 . . _ _8 oo 8 00 59 J. AI. Carr, poll clerk, District No. 6 4 00 4 00 6o W. J. Shaver, Jr., inspector and messenger Dis- trict No. 6 t8 00 18 0o 6i H. N. Willey, inspector, District No. 6 . .4 00 4 00 62 F. E. aIiueali, inspector and messenger County Clerk, District No. 6 23 90 23 90 63 E. B. Heffron, inspector, District No. 6 . . .12 00 12 00 64 W. W. Sherwood, interest 15 Go 15 60 65 G. L. Rood, vital statistics 5 75 5 75 66 Luther Simons, excise commissioner 9 00 3 00 67 1). 31. White, excise commissioner 12 00 12 00 68 D. Bartholomew, excise commissioner ,6 oo 6 oo 69 Leonard Griswold, excise commissioner . . '. .9 00 9 00 7 J. G. Ford, printing, 1892 . . . . 29 70 ' 29 70 71 J. G. Ford, printing . . . .25.95 25 95 72 E. D. Allen, vital statistics, t 892 '2 75 2 75 73 E. D. Allen, vital statistics, 1893 2 75 _ 2 75 74 J. P. Pierce, recording marriage certificate . .1 25 1 25 75 William Tripp, claim for illegal tax 111 92 11 92 76 H. M: Miller, constable, assigned W. H. Wilson'6 20 6 20 77 Jesse Ofield, special officer, ass'd J. H. Kennedy 2 00 2 00 78 Obed Linsey,special officer, ass'd J. FI. Kennedy 2 00 2 00 79 Ithaca Journal, printing election notices . . .2 00 2 00 So Geo. E. Monroe, attorney 28 00 ' 28 00 81 David Hammond, labor 6 on 6 00 82 1. A. Savocol, constable 2 55 2 55 83' J. J. Montgomery, healthofliccr 3 00 3 00 84 J. J. Montgomery, medical services . ... . .74 00 I 74 00 85 J. J. Montgomery, vital statistics 4 25 4' 25 86 Benj. Shelden, assessor 64 00 64 00 87 R. M. Smiley, assessor '66 00 66 00 88 Alvah Ewers, assessor 64 00 64 00 89 G. C. Sweet, undertaking 45 00 45 00 90 Geo. E. Goodrich, attorney 5 00 5 00 91 12. M. West. labor 2 00 2 00 92 J. H. Ross, recording marriage certificate, ass'd J. D. Ross 1 75 1 75 1 93 J. C. Lornlor, Overseer Poor 1 34 00 34 00 94 J. C. Lonnor, constable I 4 80 4 8o I SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 7893.93 95 N. G. Spaulding, highway manuals 8o 5o 80.50 96 Homer Genung, medical services 83 oo 83 00 97 Homer Genung, vital statistics 4 50 4 50 98 Horner Genung, use hall election 20 00 20 00 99 C. Bartholomew, material and labor 39 9 33 9 TOO J. H. Kennedy, Supervisor 48 73 48 73 101 S. E. Smiley, highway commissioner 5o 00 50 00 . 102 S. E. Smiley, highway!comntissioner i 3t9 00 319 00 to3 G. K. Overbough, damage to wagon and family 50 00 40 00 104 John W. Parkin, damages 3,00 0 00 105 M. D. Roe, injuries to horse 150 00 50 00 to6 F. E. Darling,Town Clerk 138 76 138 76 107 W. Ti. Brown, Justice of . . . . . 8 oo 8 oo 108 Geo. E. Hanford, Justice of Peace 10 25 TO 25 ro9 Geo. E. Hanford, vital statistics 8 30 8 30 110 Geo. E. Underwood, Justice of l'eaee 10 50 10 50 111 Paul Ewers, constable t1 05 11 05 112 J. D. Ross, Justice of, Peace 14 50 14 50 113 J. D. Ross, justice criminal cases 7 15 7 15 114 S. 5. Hoff, Justice 16 o0 16 00 115 M. F. Saxton, illegal tax 6 o6 6 o6 116 Sylvester Hill,inspector election, District No6 4 00 4 00 117 Fred S. Hiller, vital statistics 6 00 6 00 Total 2,320 50 $2,291 90 • Appropriations voted for and carried at Town Meeting held February 14th, 1893: No. 1. 135.00. Resolved, That one hundred thirty -five dollars be appropriated to place iron joists upon Mill street bridge in Dryden Village. No. 2. 235.00. Resolved, That two hundred thirty -five dollars be appropriated to repair road south of Etna. No. 3. 40.o0. Resolved, That forty dollars be appropriated for bridge near Charles Bryant's. No. 4. 1oo.00. Resolved, That one hundred dollars be appropriated to repair road near Milo Williams'. 94 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1893. No. 5. ioo.co. Resolved, That one hundred dollars be appropriated for paint for bridges. No. G. 3co.00. Resolved, That three hundred dollars be appropriated for fence wire to prevent drifted roads. The following sums were authorized to be raised by the Town Board as follows: 212.84. Resolved, That the sum of two hundred twelve dollars and eighty -four cents be raised in addition to the five hundred dollars allowed by law, for extraordinary repairs incurred by the commissioner of high- ways. 75.00. Resolved, That seventy -five dollars be appropriated for repair- ing banks of creek near Philander Bush's and sluice near Richard Duryea's.. J. 1I. KENNEDY, Supervisor, F. E. DARLING, Town Clerk,. GAO. E. UNDERWOOD, J J. D. Ross, GEO. E. HANFORD, Justices of Peace_ Wm. E. BROWN S. S. HOrF,J Dated, November 9, 1893. ENFIELD. Abstract of the names of all persons ivho presented accounts to be audited by the Board of Town Auditors' of "the town of Enfield on the 9th day of November, 1893, With the amount claimed by each and the amount audited and allowed. No. Name.Nature of service.Claimed. Allowed. t T. Jones, ex- Supervisor . ..12 00 12 00 2 George Hopkins, corn. to discontinue highway .12 00 12 00 3 L. S. Colgrove, corn. to discontinue highway ..12 00 12 00 4 1. H. Newman, com. to discontinue highway . .12 00 T2 00 5 Jared T. Newman, services counsel discontinue highway 15 0o 15 00 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1893.95 6 S. D. Halliday, services counsel discontinue highway 30 00 30 00 7 D. M."Searls, Justice 2 00 2 00 8 Miles Rumsey, filing marriage certificate .1 75 1 75 9 Joseph Quick, putting up booths, ass'd to J. M. Russell 1 5o 1 50 to Arthur Nobles, damages for alteration of high- way 25 00 25 00 11 Miles Rumsey, damages for alteration of high- way 100 00 o0 00 1 12 Wheeler Smith, cash loaned corn. highway. .too 00 , too 00 13 Jared T. Rumsey, for lours to J. N. Workman, coat. highway 3 9 3 9 14 Wm. M. Alnly, inspector 12 00 12 00 15 Wm. Barber, citizen member of Board of Health 2 00 2 00 16 Wm. H. Ammack, R. R. commissioner. . .18 50 18 50 17 Seth Cowen, excise commissioner,3 00 3 00 t8 Kirk Fowler, inspector and messenger, 1st Dist.16 8o 16 80 19 O. H. Foster, inspector and messenger, 2d Dist.17 8o 17 8o 20 Frank Barber, constable of election 4 00 4 00 21 A. W. Griffin, excise commissioner 3 00 3 00 22 Frank A. Barber, ballot clerk 4 00 4 00 23 Edwin F. Bailey, poll clerk 4 00 4 -00 24 Henry Welling, service hill 32 00 24 00 25 Henry Welling, poor expenses 32 01 32 01 26 M. 1,. Harvey, hall for town and election pur- poses . .33 00 33 00 27 James McCracken. ballot clerk 4 00 4 00 28 James McCracken, assessor 30 00 30 00 29 Wm. T. Wright, inspector, 1st District .12 00 12 00 30 Edwin 1'. Owen, inspector, tst District .12 00 12 00 31 Lewis VanMarter, ballot clerk 4 00 4 00 32 Michael Norton, inspector 2nd District . . .72 00 12 00 33 J. M. Russell, poll clerk 4 00 4 00 34 John Johnson, ballot clerk . . . . . 4 00 4 00 35 David Farrington, assessor 30 00 30 00 3 George Kirby, poll clerk 4 ai 4 00 37 Ambers Babock, constable at election 8 o0 8 oo 38 J. G. Workman, hall for election 25 00 25 00 39 Charles Wright, stationery 4 83 4 83 4o N. G. Spalding, highway manuals 41 00 41 00 41 Wm. Drake, assessor 32 00 32 00 96 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1893. 0 42 Ithaca Democrat, for printing.14 00 14 00 43 Charles E. Davis, M. D., services to poor 8 o0 6 5o 44 John Sebring ,6 00 6 oo 45 Riley Wright, ex -Town Clerk, ass'd to Charles Wright IS 67 18 67 46 1,. H. VanICirk, filing town bonds 1 00 1 00 47 Charles Vernooy, M. D., health officer , , ...14 75 14 75 48 Wm. F. Smith, ex- Supervisor 33 25 33 25 49 Borroughs Oltz, service bill of 1892 38 00 ' 38 bo 5o Borroughs Oltz, labor and material 363 00 363 00 51 Borroughs Oltz, service bill of 1893 136 00 136 00 52 Charles Rothernich, constable'1 35 1 35 53 Eugene G. Willis, justice of Peace 25 00 25 00 54 F. B. Aikin, Justice of Peace 25 00. 25 00 55 F. B. Aiken, Justice in criminal action .3 95 3 95 56 W. F. Smith, Justice 27 50 27 50 57 James H. Hine. Justice 25 0o 25 00 58 L. J. Newman, Supervisor 26 50 26 5o 59 Cory Harvey, Town, Clerk 96 58 96.58 Total 1,899 7o 1890 20 L. J. NEWMAN, Supervisor. F. B. AIKEN, WM. F. SMITH, JAN, S HINE, Justices of the Peace. EUGENE WILLIS, J GROTON. Abstract of navies of all persons who presented accounts to be audited by the Board of Town Auditors of the town of Groton on the 9th day of November, 1893, with the amount claimed by each and the amount finally audited and allowed each. No. Name.Nature of service.Claimed. Allowed. 1 J. H. Mount, supplies for poor 10 94 10 94 2 C. A. Townley, excise commissioner . ... ..9 0o 9 00 3 J. M. Montfort, supplies for poor . , . ... . .6 5o 6 50 4 Mosher Bros., supplies for poor 7 29 7 29 r SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1893.97 5 C. O. Rhodes, supplies 4 55 4 55 1 6 M. D. Goodyear, vital statistics 12 75 12 75 7 141. D. Goodyear, doctoring town poor •45 00 45 00 8 B. L. Robinson, vital statistics . 2 75 2 75 9 B. I,. Robinson, doctoring town poor . ... .40 00 40 00 to C. A. Stout, supplies for poor acid rent of hall 19 00 i9 00 11 C. A. Stout, inspector' of election . .12 00 12 00 12 Win. Waters, supplies for poor 8 00 8 00 13 Milo E. Gillen, inspector and messenger 18 6o 18 6o 14 Thos. PSsher, constable 5 35 5 35 15 A. E. Howard, assessor 33 2 33 00 16 G. F. Francis, ballot clerk 4 00 4 00 17 Allen Howard, poll clerk 4 00 4 00 18 V. B. Gross, poll clerk 4 00 400 19 J. 0. Fitts, poll clerk 4 00 4 00 , 20 • Newton Baldwin, vital statistics 3 5 3 5 21 Newton Baldwin, Justice's fees 3 85 . 3 85 22 J. M. Montfort, supplies for poor 62 72 ' 62 72 23 John S. Love, Poormaster 79 00 • 79 c0 24 John S. Love, rent for poor 36 00 36 00. 25 Frank Hedden, ballot clerk 4 00 4 00 26 Irving Stevens, inspector and messenger . 18 28 18 28 27 R. F. Talmadge, inspector.14 00 14 00 28 H. 0 Stevens, ballot cleric 4 00 4 00 29 Leo Metzgar, inspector and messenger . . .14 00 14 00 30 3V. C. Allen, rent of hall 15 00 15 00 31 J. Morris, •poll clerk 4 00 • 4 00 32 A. J. Conger, assessor 26 00 26 00 33 1V. 0 Allen, caring for booths 3'00 • 3 00 N 34 Stevens & Townley, election supplies .. . .86 86 35 Wm. Spencer, inspector 12 00 r2 00 36 J. M. Montfort, supplies 5 00 5 00 37 Rowland Sears, excess tax 12 57 72 57 38 Nelson Harris, assessor ..42 00 42 00 39 Win. H. Burnham, assessor's clerk . ...6 oo 6 oo 40 Win. H. Burnham, inspector and messenger .18 36 1S 36 41 L. J. Townley, printing . . .61 98 61 98 42 J. I. Booth Si Son, burying town poor 23 00 23 00 43 J. I. Booth & Son, burying town poor 25 00 ' ' 25 oo 44 J. J. Dougherty, ballot clerk 1892 4 00 4 00 45 E. P. Hart, excise commissioner 1891 3 00 3 00i46MarshallWoodbury, gate tender town meeting 2 00 2 CO 98 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1.893. j T. 47 G. O. Bowen, inspector 12 00 12 00 4S E. A. Hand, vital statistics 7 5 7 5o 49 Amos Avery, labor on booths and town meeting ' 12 00 12 00 t':` 5o Geo. B. Close inspector .12 00 12 00 51 Lou Streeter, ballot clerk 4 00 4 00 t 52 Sam Pennoyer, poll clerk 1892. . . .4 00 4.00 53 Sam Penuoyer, poll clerk 1893 4 00 4 00 54 Bion 5. Vfliitinan, poll clerk 4 00 4 00 55 Wm. D. Baldwin, poll clerk . ... .4 0o 4 00 56 P. B. Sawyer, ballot clerk 4 00 4 00 57 S. B. Parker, labor on booths 8 o0 8 00 58 ' Stevens, & Gale, supplies for poor . ... ...2 50 2 50 id" 59 M. A. Downing, poll clerk 4 00 4 00 6o M. J. Anthony, board for poor 23 00 23 00 6r F. C. Atwood, supplies for poor 15 00 15 0o 62 F. W. Baird, ballot clerk 00 . 4 00 2s 63 C. H. •Tarbell. ballot clerk 4 co 4 00 pF 64 M. A. Downing, Town Clerk 4 96 Go 96 6o 65 Spencer & Stevens, supplies for poor . ...27 00 27 00 66 S. C. Reynolds, rent of room for election .20 00 20 00 67 Porter Morton, excise commissioner 6 00 6 co3` L.,. 63 Pickens & Lowe, supplies for poor 1892.9 3 9 3 69 V. C. Lowe, ballot clerk 1892 4 00 4 00 70 0. P. Mosher assigned to C. W. Conger & 06 , ballot clerk 1892 4 4 00 71 H. S. Hopkins, Justice's fees 1 30 T 30 72 H. S. Hopkins, Justice's fees 1 05 1 05 73 H. S. Hopkins, Justice's fees 6 95 6 95 74 H. S. Hopkins,.Justice's fees 4 95 4 95 j 75 Nelson Stevens, Justice of the Peace . . ...26 00 26 00- 76 Newton Baldwin, Justice of the Fence 20 00 20 00 77 J. M-. Montfort, Justice of the Peace.. ... . .26 00 26.00 78 N. A. Collings, medicine for poor . . . . . . .1. m 1 10 79 Begent•& Crittenden, Iumberi for booths . . . .47 47 So Lewis Ogden, excise commissioner 600 6 00 81 G. M. Stoddard, legal services . ro 00 10 00 c : ' 82 Geo. Fitts, hoard for Oliver Williams . .3o 00 3o 00 4.-' ? 83 C. W. Conger & Co., supplies for poor 42 63 42 63 84 Newton Baldwin, inspector, Messenger and labor i on booths 23 00 23 00 . ra 35 C. B. Tarbell, inspector and messenger . r8 44 18 44 1. 86 A. M. Baldwin. vital statistics and health officer 9 75 9 75 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1893.99 87 • A. M. Baldwin, vital statistics 18 5 5 5 5 38 F. R. Nye, rent of hall 42 50 42 50 89 C. W. Hall, carting booths 1 00 90 Regent & Crittenden, supplies 6 28 6 28 191 Ezra Halsey, gate tender election . . . . . .2 00 2 00 92 Groton Bridge & Mfg. Co., bridges supplies 80 14 8o 14 93 D. R. Watson, assigned to Jones & Gobel, vital statistics 00 3 00 94 Jones & Gobel, supplies 163 41 163 41 95 Simeon Gray, highway commissioner 129 00 129 00 96 John M. Blanchard, health officer 6 00 6 oo 97 C. H. Tarbell, constable 7 95 7 95 98 Mrs. R. Ramsey, assigned to 1st National Bank, rent of room for election 1392. . . ... . .16 Io 16 to 99 Wm. A. Smith, vital statistics 4 00 a04 loo C'. M. Meyer, vital statistics 1 50 1 50 cos R. J. Pierce, constable 25 45 ' 25 45 102 Lucien Holcomb, inspector . .12 00 12 00 103 P. R. Atwood, supplies for poor .2 25 2 25 104 H. S. Hopkins, town board and legal services . 39 15 39 15 105 Pickens & Lowe, supplies for poor 8 55 8 55 Io6 Dana Rhodes, Supervisor . ..33 44 33 44 ADDED BY RESOLUTION. 107 Simeon Gray, stone' for highway 44 98 44 98 rob Simeon Gray, bridges 311 30 311 30 I09 Dana Rhodes, safe 75 00 75 00 110 Dana Rhodes, poor fund 100 00 00 00 111 Dana Rhodes, indigent soldiers loo 00 loo 00 Total 2,466 89 2,466 89 We, the undersigned, the Town Auditors of the town of Groton, do hereby certify that the above is a correct list of bills presented with amount claimed and allowed. DANA RHODES, Supervisor. NELSON STEVENS, J. M. MONTFORT, H. S. HorlclNS, I7 Justices Of Peace. NEWTON BALDWIN, J M. A. DOWNING, Town Clerk. i 100 SUPERVISORS' PBOCEEDINCS, 1893. ITHACA. Abstract of the natnes of all persons who presented accounts to be .audited by the Board of Auditors, of the town of Ithaca, with the amounts claimed and the amounts audited and allowed. No. Name.Nature of service.Claiu,ed. Allowed. 1 John J. Williams, assessor 5120 00 560 50 2 Stephen Kennedy, assessor 5o 50 50 50 3 Ithaca Journal, printing 56 so 56 50 4 Samuel Thompson, road scraper repairs . . .2 00 2 00 5 A. B. Dale, assessor .S o0 8 00 6 AVm. McKinney, services 2 00 2 00 7 H. T. Burtt, Town Clerk 87 34 87 34 8 M. E. Poole, Justice of Peace 5 95 50 95 9 John Vant, Sr., office rent 4 5 4 5 ro Andrus Fi. Church, book 8 00 8 oo 11 N. G. Spaulding, highway manuals 26 5o 26 5o 12 H. T. Burtt, office rent 22 00 22 00 13 Wm. J. Totten, Justice Peace 15 3 15 3 14 Andrus & Church, supplies 21 97 21 97 15 Frank King assessor 40 50 40 50 16 L. F. Colegrove, assessor 2 00 2 00 17' Wm. J. Totten, Justice of Peace 6 00 6 on 18 Geo. Small, lumber 35 12 35 12 19 S. V. Graham, supplies 8 oo 8 oo zo Myron VanOnnau, rent 40 00 40 00 21 Sanford Manning, ballot clerk-4 00 4 00 22 A. M. Cradit, polling place 20 00 20 00 23 R. R. Hazen, poll clerk 8 00 8 00 24 L. W. Nelson. inspector and messenger . . .17 24 17 24 25 H. S. Wright, inspector 16 00 16 00 26 T. J. Byrnes, inspector 8 0o S o0 27 Ezra C. Brown, inspector 12 00 12 00 28 J. J. Hanshaw, inspector 21 24 21 24 29 FredNorthrop, inspector 17 50 17 50 30 Walter Hopkins, poll clerk 4 00 4 00 31 D. A. Hopkins, inspector 4 00 4 00 3 D. A. Hopkins, ballot clerk 4 op.. 4 00 33 Chas. H. Palmer, ballot clerk . ... 4 00 4 00 11 34 Chas. B. Gibbs, ballot clerk .4 00 4 00 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1893.10]. 35 J. W. Toiirtellot, poll clerk 4 00 4 00 36 A. F. Van Gordcr, inspector 12 00 12 00 37 H. T. Burtt, inspector 8 00 8 00 38 Wm. O. Newman, Justice of Peace .4 00 4 00 39 Geo. E. Stevens, road supplies . . . ..., . . .17 99 17 99 40 Driscoll Bros., road supplies . : . ... ... . . 101 50 ror 50 41 Geo. 0. Williams, excise commissioner . 18 00 9 00 42 L. A. Clapp, printing 10 00 00 43 Comfort Hanshaw, excise commissioner . . . .24 00 00 44 H. A. Brown, excise commissioner, . . . ... .18 0o s8 oo 45 C. J. Rurnsey, supplies 5 84 5'84 46 J. P. Merrill, Justice of Peace assigned W. H. Willson 0 90 11 90 47 R. C. Wolf, constable 3 10 3 10 48 R. S. Pearson, poll clerk 4 00 4 00 M 49 Holmes Hollister, supplies 66 83 , 66 83 50 0. H. Davis, lumber .15 45 15 45 51 M. N. Tompkins, attorney 5 00 5.00 52 S. W. Vorhis, constable 8 65 8 65 53 J. P. Merrill, Justice of I'eaee ass'd W. H. Willson 4 00 4 00 54 J. P. Merrill,Justice of Peace,ass'd W. H. Willson 57 10 57 10 55 E. D. Norton, printing 1 50 r 50 56 S. W. Vorhis, constable, assigned E. C. Wolf10 50 10 50 57 M. E. Poole, Justice of Peace 5 25 5 25 5 Stephen Baker, constable 4 30 4 30 59 John Sheehe, supplies . 93 25 93 25 6o Fred Middaugh, lumber assigned Geo. Burlew 3 4 3 4 61 D: P. Williams, commissioner assigned Geo. Burlew 381 00 381 00 62 D. F. Williams, commissioner assigned Geo. Burlew 154 75 • 154 75 63 Sanford Manning. labor and supplies assigned J. J. Hanshaw . . .28 50 28 50 64 Eugene Smith, services, assigned Geo. Burlew .42 00 42 00 65 John Hart, services, assigned Geo. Burlew .r68 00 r68 00 66 5. W. Vorhis, constable 9'20 9 20 67 M. E. Poole, Justice of Peace 6 40 6 40 68 H. H. Miller;Deputy Sheriff, ass'd W.'H. Wilson 4 05 4 05 69 Wm. 0. Newman, Justice of Peace 4 00 4 00 7o N. Pearson, Supervisor 24 26 24 26 71 Wm. J. Totten, Justice of Peace 6 00 6 oo 72 S. W. Vorhis, constable, ass'd M. M. Sweetland 22 55 22 55 L l 0 102 'SOPERvisoi s' PROCEEDINGS, 1893. 73 S. W. Vorhis,consta 4 35 4 35 , 74 J. P. .Merrill, Justice of Peace, ass'd W. H. Willson 2 00 2 00 75 Treman, I {ing & Co., supplies . . 75 75 76 H. T. Burtt,' Town Clerk 6 00 6 00 The total indebtedness against the old town of Ithaca is 2,359 7 -100 dollars of which the town of Ithaca agrees to pay 294 88 -coo dollars it being 5- of the above amount. 77 City of Ithaca 294 88 294 85 Total 2,73o 00 $2,677 00 We, the undersigned, the Town Auditors of the town of Ithaca, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct list of all the accounts audited or rejected at the meeting of said Board of Auditors held Nov. 9, t6 and 25, 1893. N. PEARSON, Supervisor. Wm. J. TOTTEN, lJASONP. -M]RRII,r., Justices.M. E. POOLE, W. O. NEWMAN, HUGII T. BURTT, Town Cleric. CITY AND TOWN OF' ITHACA. The following is a list of bills against the Town and City of Ithaca, of which the town agrees to pay 0 and the city the remaining -A : No. Name.Nature of service. 1 City of Ithaca, police bill 45 2 City of Ithaca recorder 281 20 3 Edward Meany 135 5 4 Hiram H. Miller, ass'd W. I3. Willson 3 6o 5 Isaac Dodd 12 00 6 Edward Meany 35 oo 7 W. P. Harrington, ass'd Wm. Spence . ..114. 21 8 Wm. J. Totten 14 00 9 Dr. Townley 63 00 10 Hoagland & Lacey . ..2 50 It Barr Bros.25 82 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1893. 103 12 C. lr;. Bruce s 4 5 13 M. E. Poole 77 82 14 C. M. Bliven •2 50 15 Samuel Frazier 13 70 16 Sherman Dennis, ass'd P. F. Sears 4 00 17 M. E. Poole 2 27 18 A. N. Ackley 3 00 19 E. E. Winchell 2 00 20 J. F. Moore, ass'd Blackman Bros.3 00 21 J. F. Moore, ass'd Blackman Bros.9 00 22 A. Tompkins 27 75 23 Holmes Hollister 8 69 24 W. G. Brashier, assigned W. H. Willson 20 00 25 Town of Ulysses, assigned W. H. Willson 12 00 26 P. F. McAllister, assigned Kate L. McAllister 4 00 27 M. W. Quick 48 00 28 J. P. Merrill, assigned Wm. H. Willson 21 20 29 J. P. Merrill, assigned W. H. Willson 20 75 3o J. P. Merrill, assigned W. H. Willson 4 00 31 Mary Hearson 17 00 32 Blair Hazen 41 24 33 Jerome Norton, assigned City of Ithaca 21 00 34 D. B. Stewart 137 00 35 Bentley & Eaton lo6 00 36 Sawyer & Glenzer 48 00 37 A. N. Ackley 200 38 Davenport Bros 36 00 39 T. S. Thompson 44 00 4 George Buck 12 00 41 George W. Prost 14 00. 42 E. S. Jackson 3 00 43 J. C. Stowell & Son 90 00 44 Driscoll Bros 7 8o 45 Ithaca Journal 37. 46 Ithaca Democrat 40 13 47 Elma Griggs 9 75 48 D. H. Wanzer to 00 49 Naughton. Bros 74 00 50. Catherine Degan .8 00 51 Blackman 13ros. .24 00 52 A. C. Vail 4 00 53 Chas. Ingersoll 5 00 8 104 SDPERVisoRs' PRocEEn1NGs, 1893. 54 E. N. Sabin t 50 55 J. J. A. Durling 11 o0 56 D. M. Fowler 4' 00 57 H. Hill, est., F. C. Terry, Attorney . •. . . . . . . . .31 00 58 Crozier R Feeley 124 00 59 S. W. Vorhis ass'd 1;. C. Wolf r 75 6o C. M. Titus 12 00 6r Ithaca City Hospital . . . ... . . ..13 00 62 C. M: Titus 6 00 63 Dixon & Robinsoii 12 o6 64 C. R. Ballwin Y '2 00 65 J. S. Kirkendall 1 75 66 C. M. Sharp 6 62 67 Andrews & Slocum 25 00 68 Salem Twist 0 69 Jason P. Merrill, ass'd W. H. Willson 14 So 70 E. C. Wolf.5 25 71 J. P. Fahey •41 66 Total 07 We th2'Town Board of the town of Ithaca certify that we have exam- ined the joint bills herewith and find the totalsto be as above, for which we add to our town budget ($294.88) it being of $2,359.07. N. PEARSON, Supervisor. JASON 1'. MERRII,L, M. E. POOLE'Justices of Peace_RTilt. J. TOTTEN, W. O. NEwM N, Hvcn T. PRATT, Town Clerk. The following bills also were examined and found correct, the town of Ithaca agreeing to pay and the city of Ithaca 7 of the same : 72 E. B. Hoagland, assigned City of Ithaca 53 25 73 A. A. Hungerford, assignedJ. M. Heggie 6 co 74 1). Naughton, assigned J. M. Heggie /28 50 75 T. S. Culver, assigned J. M. Heggie 25 00 76 Dr. J. W. Brown 6 75 77 T. J. Barrington 2 00 78 Dr. Townley 56 00 f. 0 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, - 1803.105 LANSING. Abstract of the names of all persons who presented accounts0tobeauditedbytheBoardofTownAuditorsofthetownof Lansing on, November 9th and roth, 1893, with the amount claimed by each and the amount finally audited and allowed each. No. Name.Nature of service.Claimed. Allowed. r Eli Buck, for sand 1 50 1 50 2 R. Beardsley, use of hall . • . . . . 10 0o ro 00 3 Daniel Lane, poll clerk, District No. 2 4 00 4 00 4 A. M. Tarbell, ballot clerk, District No. 2 4 00 4 00 5 Frank Moran, ballot clerk, District NO. .2 . .4 00 4 00 • 6 Frank Haring, poll cleric, District No. 2 . . .4 00 4 00 7 D. A. Tarbell, inspector 12 00 12 00 8 Henry J. Bowser, inspector 12 00 12 00 9 A. J. Brink, inspector and messenger 20 04 20 04 ro L. A. Dickerson, inspector 12 00 12 00 11 Frank 184Bower, inspector 14 00 14 00 12 Arthur C. Wooley, inspector and messenger .17 8o 17 8o 13 O. S. VanPatten, ballot clerk 4 00 4 Oa 14 N. E. Lyon, ballot clerk 4 00 4 00 15 H. W. Bower, poll clerk 4 0o 4 00 16 L. J. Townley, printing 14 50 14 50 17 Charles Crance, use of hall and labor 12 50 12 50 r8 I,. R. Lyon, use of hall and putting up booths 30 00 30' 00 19 Wm. Mead, supplies to poor,1892, assigned Wm. Dates 51 0o 51 00 20 N. E. Lyon, supplies to poor'5 00 - 5 00 21 Thomas R. Wright, repairing road scraper . . . ,1 50 1 50 22 Wm. Dates, labor by order highway coin . . .10 65 , ro 65 23- Charles G. Benjamin, poor supplies, 1892 . .2 00,2 00 24 ' Charles G. Benjamin, water lime by order high- way commissioner B 25 18 25- 25 F. N. Howell, repairing highway 15 5o 15 5o 26 Dana Singer, excise commissioner 3 00 3 00 27 Dana Singer, excise commissioner, 189r and 1892 6 oo . 6 00 28 Rodolphus Miller, plank 22 09 22 09 29 Nancy Murphy, stone 12 00 5 00 30 Eliza Morey, stone and timber 4 25 40 00 31 Ithaca Journal, printing 2 00 2 00 106 SupEnvlsous' PltocE':DINOS, 1893. 32 John Mack, plank 103 75 75 33 Egbert & Wildman, plank 112 77 112 77 34 N. E. Lyon, criminal bill . 35 3 35 3 35 Lafayette Teeter, plank 89 07 89 07 Q 36 Ered S. Moore, paint and oil, ass'd J. M. Heggie 36 22 36 22 47 Milo Howell, service bill, 1892, ass'd to W. H. Willson 154 00 154 00 38 Dr. N. D. Chapman, medical service bill . . .10 00 10 00 39 Dr. N. D. Chapman; medical service.5 25 5 25 40 Dr. N. D. Chapman, medical service . . . _ .1 5 1 5 41 N. E. Lyon, poor supplies 14 04 14 04 42 Fred N. Townley, inspector and messenger . .19,64 19 64 ' 43 C. E. Miller, inspector 12 00 12 oo 44 C. M. Egbert, inspector 12 00 12 00 45 A. L. Hagin, poll clerk 4 00 4 00 46 A. J. Coulon, poll clerk 4 0o 4 00 47 C. M. Buck, ballot clerk 4 00 0o, 48 W. B. Morgan, plank 12 00 12 00 49 E. A. Stearnes, stone for sluices 20 10 20 10 5o Albert VanAnken, constable service 35 45 35 45 r 51 Groton Bridge Company on bridge 62 0o • 6200 52 M. D. Goodyear, registering statistics 3 5 3 5 53 N. D. Chapman, registering and health officer . ' 11 25 11 25 54 Dr. J. V. V. Lewis, medical services J. Benson .2 75 2 75 55 Dr. J. V. V. Lewis, medical services 1 00 1 00 56 Dr. J. V. V. Lewis, medical services . to 50 10 5o 57 Henry Learn, plank 46 25 46 25 58 Dr. N. D. Chapman, medical service .... ... .8 00 8 00 59 J. M. Beard, lumber 10 55 . to 55 6o N. E. Lyon, supplies for booths 2 12 2 12 61 R. A. Smith, commissioner service bill . ...196 00 196 00 62 James G. Buck, assessor's service bill . ... .37 00 37 00 63 R. Beardsley, poor supplies 10 00 10 00 64. Peter Hunt, ballot clerk 4 00 4 00 65 John Hunt, assessor's service 32 00 32 00 66 S. I . Barnes, assessor's service 38 oo 38 oo 67 G. C. Gifford 2 50 2 50 I . 68 Horatio Brown, plank and expenses of witness 35 25 35 25 69 G. M. Hopkins, poor supplies . ... . . ... .18 65 5 00 70 Renselar hiller, poor. supplies . . ... ... . .15 4 15 4 71 Dr. F. L. Washburn, medical service . . - . .8 oo 8 o0 1 72 Dr. F. L. Washburn, medical service . ... . .19 5 19 5 0 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1893.107 73 Milo Howell, service bill 4 00 2 00 74 John Sharpsteen 28 00 28 on 75 Prank L. Davis, plank 3 5 3 5 76 Hiram Herrick, Overseer of Poor . . _ . . . .2 17 2 17 77 Avery &. Peckharix, burying Sally Smith . :.40 00 20 00 78 Sivenus Reynolds, digging grave Sally Smith .3 00 3 00 79 Dr. N. D. Chapman, medical service .23 00 23 00 8o Frank H. Tarbell, service bill . . . ... ... .x8 oo 18 oo 81 N. 13. Lyon, service bill x8 0o 18 on 82 B. M. Hagin, service bill r8 00 x8 00 i 83 Chas. Drake, service bill r8 00 18 00 84 Jackson Coe, constable 95 95 85 Dr. W. H. Lockerby, health officer . . . . . 10 no 8 0o 86' Dr. N. D. Chapman, medical service . . .. r6 50 116 50 37 ` Dr. N. D. Chapman, medical service . . . .. .27 5o - 27 5o 88 G. M. Hopkins, poor supplies 8.68 8 68 89 John Conklin, percentage 1892 and 1893 . 59 5 59 5 90 John Conklin, school matter . . . . . . . . . -2 48 2 48 91 G. M. Hopkins, poor supplies ... . . ... . .15. 34 15 34 92 G. M. Hopkins, poor supplies . . . ... ... .33 67 10 98 93 John Conklin, service bill . . . ... . ... . .67 12 67 12 94 Dr. E. L. Washburn, medical service . . .7 5o 7 50 95 Hiram Herrick, service bill.30 00 26 00 96 Supervisor to pay H. V. Howland, legal service . 6,323 98 6,323 98 97 J. M. Heggie, note by resolution'of board . . . 623 13 623 13 98 C. E. Wood, hardware bill 2 11 2 11 99 C. E. Wood, poll clerk 4 00 4 00 roo C. P. Wood, disbursements 5 96 5 96 rox. C. P. Wood, registering statistics ... ... . .1r 5o xr 50 102 0. 13. Wood, service bill 47 00 47 00 103 J. W. Pratt, registering marriage . ... .50 50 104 N. R. Lyon; registering marriage 50 50 Total 9, 5 9, 97 I hereby certify that this is a true copy of the Town Audits, audited by the Auditing Board of the town.of Lansing, at the annual meeting, ,Nov. 9th and Toth, x893. C. E. WOOD, Town Clerk' • Q ir a kxY i,a.t 108 SUPI:ItvJsoR3' PROCEEDINGS, 1893. - 0 NEWFIELD. Abstract of the names of all persons who presented accounts to be audited by the hoard of Town Auditors, of the town of t Newfield, on the 9th clay of November, 1393,, with the amount claimed by each and the amount finally audited and allowed 1: each. No Name.Nature of service.Claimed. Allowed. 1 Wm. H. Savercool, inspector, District No 1 .12 00 12 00 2 Smith J. Douglass, inspector and messenger, District No. 1 17 64 17 64 3 A. H. Palmer, inspector, District No. 1 - . .12 00 2 00 4 Sylvaufis Cornish, ballot clerk. District No. a 4 00 4 0o is 5 Wn1. Weatllerell, ballot clerk, District No 1 . .4 00 4 00 6 I. N. VauOstrand, poll clerk, District No 1 _4 00 4 00 . t 7 Irvin Ilolinan, poll clerk, District No. r .4 00 4 00 8 Wm. H. Anderson, inspector and messenger,Dis- trict No. 3 17 64 17 64 9 Jay T. Kellogg, inspector, District No. 3 .12 00 12 00 10 E. S. Van Kirk, inspector, District No. 3 . .12 00 12 00 1 r C. A. Smith, ballot clerk, District No. 3 .4 00 4 00 12 Milton Peck, ballot clerk, District No. 3 . .4 00 4 0 13 Geo. W. Ham, poll clerk, District No. 3 . . . . 4 00 4 00 14 D. V. Congdon, poll clerk, District No. 3 . . .4 00 4 00 15 Chas. W. McCorn, R. R. commissioner 6 00 6 00 16 A. H. Palmer, R. R. commissioner . . .. -6 7o 6 70 17 1'. S. Starr, excise commissioner .3 -00 3 00 18 Chas. McCorn. excise commissioner 3 00 3 00 19 Hester Smith, excise commissioner . . ... .3 00 •300 20 C. A. Cook, inspector and messenger, District No.i7 96. 17 96 21 5' D. Rockwell, inspector, District No. 3.. . .12 00 12 00 22 Jerome Russell, inspector, District No. 2..12 00 12 00 23 Peter Doran, ballot clerk, District No. 2 . .4 oo 4 0o 24 Fred Thompson, ballot clerk, District No. 2 .4 00 4 00 0 i 25 A. 0. lirowu,'poll clerk. District No. 2 . ...400 400 26 AVtn. Sunderliu, poll clerk, District No. 2.. .4 00 4 00 27 Alvah Brown, use of house for election purposes' 10 00 10 00 28 C. R. Sebring, highway commissioner service bill 76 00 76 00 sr, - SUPERVISORS' PItOOEEDINGS, 1893.109 Y 29 A. D. frown assessor.34 35 34 35 3o G. E. Hutchings, assigned to listus Patterson vital statistics 2 50 2 50 31 R. Horton, Supervisor services and expenses in town case 69 50 69 50 32 C. R. Sebring, commissioner for roads and bridges 1,300 00 1,300 0o 33 'N. C. Cook, supplies 2 10 2 10 34 Cook & Kellogg, use of building for town pur- poses one year 20 00 20 00 35 Benj. Starr, :ss'd to N. C. Cook ex -Town Clerk for services 23 04 23 04 36 Wallace Starr, services at town meeting . . . .3 0o 3 00 37 Aaron 'Alexander, use of building for election purposes . .to oo Io 0o 38 J. U. Douglass, Overseer of poor, supplies for the poor X52 72 52 72 39 J. U. Douglass, Overseer of Poor for services .26 00 26 00 40 13. R. Osterhout, vital statistics . . . . . .8 25 8 25 41 J. E. Beers, medical expert in town case . '. .75 0o 75 00 42 W. C. Gallagher, medical expert in town case 75 00 75 00 43 Edward Hitchcock, medical- expert in town case 6o o0 6o oo- 44 Theo. C. Rose, copy of minutes in town case . .68 oo 68 00 45 G. W. Apgar, printing bill . 16 25 16 25 46 A. K. Allen, Justice m 0o 10 06 47 Win. Payne, assessor e34 35 34 35 48 John Thompson, assessor 37 85 37 85 e . 49 W. H. Van Ostrand, Justice . ... ... 16 0o 6 00 5 Seymour Grover, Justice 12 00 12 00 51 A. H. Stamp, Justice 1400 14 00 52 R. Horton, Supervisor 66 68 . 66 68 53 Howard McDaniels, Town Clerk .65485 65 85 54 N. G. Spaulding, highway manuals, pursuant to Laws 1893, Chap. 655 56 0 56 co 55 Watson blcDaniels, ex- commissioner of highways 19 00 9 co 5 3 5245 3 I Hereby certify that the foregoing-is a true and correct abstract of the amount claimed and allowed, as audited by the Board of Auditors in said - 1 town of Newfield on Nov. 9, 1893. HOWARD MODAx1R1,S, Town Clerk. 1 1 110 SuPEIVISOHS' PROCEEDINGS, 1893. ULYSSES. The following is an abstract of all the' bills audited by the Auditing Board of the town of Ulysses, Tompkins Co., N. Y., at its sessign held Nov. 9, 10 and i t, 1893, at the Trem- bly House, in the village of Trumansburg, in said town : No. Name.Nature of service.Claimed. Allowed. 1 Biggs & Co., supplies . . . ... . . ... . .63 63 2 J. W. Kirby, assessor 54 25 54 45 3 S. R. Wickes, inspector of election .22 04 22 04 4 'E. P. Bouton, inspector of election . . . ... .22 04 22 04 5 Geo. A. Hopkins, supplies .3 5 3 5 . 6 O. G. Noble, house for election to 00 10 00 7 W. H. Ganoung, commissioner of highways .32 30 32 30 8 G. A. Hopkins, clerk of election 4 00 4 00 9 • Samuel Frazier, constable . . . ... . . ... .41 00 4100 10 David Colegrove, inspector, of election . ... .r6 00 16 00 It William Austin, "legal services to 00 10 00 12 V Austin legal services. . . ... . . .69 43 69 43 13 Geo. M. Pierson, poll clerk,. 4 00 4 00 14 Horton S. Holton, supplies 5o 5o 15 Henry Williams, poll clerk 4 00 4 00 16 Daniel Harrison, board of health,2 00 2 00 17 Alex. Updike, ballot clerk 4 00 4 00 18 C. L. Adams, ex -Town Clerk assigned to A. H. Pierson 26 65 26 65 19 C. L. Adams, printing, assigned to A. H. Pierson 19 25 19 25. 20 Fred Hadley, inspector of election . . ... . .16 oo 16 00 21 A. V. Van Liew, commissioner of excise . . . .6 00 0 00 22 Warren S. Bates, commissioner of excise . . 6 00 0 00 23 John A. Milne, clerk to excise board 6 00 0 00 24 Elias Smith, inspector and messenger . 6 15 6 15 25 R. R. Updike, inspector of election 8 00 8 oo 26 Haney Updike, inspector of election 16 oo 16 00 27 J. R. Cusack, inspector of election . .17 88 17 88 28 E. C. Almy, house for election and supplies . .21 05 21 05 29 F. W. Osborn, Overseer of the Poor 29 25 29 25 3o E. S. Johnson, ballot clerk .4 00 4 00 31 E. A. Snow, clerk of election ass'd J. Kerst & Co. 4 00 4 00 3 J. M. Stout, clerk of election 4 00 4 00 f SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1893.111 33 William McCoy, ballot clerk 8 oo 8 00 34 H. Van Order, house for assessors 2 00 2 00 35 E. A. Snow, poll clerk 4 00 4 00 36 Edward Dean, inspector of election .12 00 12 00 37 C. W. McMurray, Block Knot commissioner assigned to C. L. Clock . 5o 00 5o 00 38 W. I. Sherwood, Overseer of Poor . ... ... .10 00 10 00 39 J. G. McLallen, poll clerk assigned Chapman & Becker 4 00 400 4o - A. P. Allen, printing •13 75 13 75 41 W. D. Dimick, inspector of election 8 00 ' 8 00 42 L. W. Carpenter, medical services . ... ...25 00 25 00 43 L. W. Carpenter, vital statistics .1 00 1 00 44 S. L. Stone, inspector of election assigned A. H. Pierson 16 00 16 00 45 J.,T. Howe, house for election 10 00 10 00 46 W. I. Sherwood, Overseer of the Poor 63 23 63 23 47 E Stewart, undertaking 20 00 20 CO 48 E. T. Stewart, undertaking 20 00 20 00 49 E. T. Stewart, undertaking 20 00 20 00 50 13. T. Stewart, undertaking 26 00 20 00 . 5 E. T. Stewart, undertaking 6 00 6 00 52 H. C. Ring, commissioner of excise 3 00 3 CO 53 W. J. Nixon, commissioner of excise 3 00 3 00 54 S. A. Sherwood, digging graves 9 00 9 00 55 P. F. Sears, ballot clerk 4 00 4 00 56 Seneca Spicer, constable 23 88 2388 57 S. A: Sherwood, digging graves 600 6 00 58 M. T. Rolfe, assessor 46 00 46 00 59 N. G. Spaulding, highway manuals 37 00 37 00 6o A. G. Stone, ballot clerk 4 00 4 00 6i Fred Vanl3uskirk, inspector of election . . .16 00 16 00 62 Geo. H. ellmy, poll clerk 4 00 4 00 a 63 J. Flickinger, town physician 14 58 14 58 64 Clark Otis, medical services 8 oo 8 o0 65 F. A. Kerat, medical services 14 00 14 00 66 J. Flickinger, medical services 5 5 • 5 5 67 J. Flickinger, medical services 5 oo 5 00 68 Geo. Wolverton, house for election and labor 25 0o 25 00 69 M. T. Smith, poll clerk 8 oo 8 oo 70 John S. Allen, Black Knot commissioner, ass'd to Frank VanBuskirk 37 00 37 .00 7 112 SuPEuvisoRs' PIOCEED1NGS, 1893.3' 71 F. A. Kerst, vital statistics 4 5 4 5 72 \V. H. Morgan, assessor 54 00 54 00 el . , 73 J. Flickinger, vital statistics . . ... . . . . .5 00 5 00 74 W. C. Detlerer, Black Knot commissioner . .34 24 34 24 75 John N. Barker, Justice of the Peace 26 00 26 00 76 N. R. Gifford, Justice of the Peace 54 50 54 50 77 N. R. Gifford, poll clerk 4 00 4 00 78 A. 1'. Osborn, colinscl 2 00 2 00 79 Edward Camp, Supervisor 89 96 89 96 V: "So A. P. Osborn, inspector of election. assigned to Clinton Horton 12 co 12 00 81 J. N. Barker, clerk of election 14 00 14 00 82 A. P. Osborn, counsel fees, assigned to Clinton Horton 7 66 7 66 l 83 I.,. Trembly, house for town board T2 00 1 00 1 84 A. P. Osborn, Justice of the Peace 3 75 3 75 85 Henry Hutchings, Justice of the Peace . . -. .18 00 18 00 86 W. G. Farrington, commissioner of excise . . .3 00 O 3 CO 87 F. M. Austin, Town Clerk 78 S8 78 SS Total 649 .45 Ve, the undersigned, composing the Board of Town Auditors, of the town of Ulvsses.do certify that we have exaMined and audited the accounts in the foregoing list, and have entered in the proper column the amounts • claimed and allowed. Dated, Nov. I1, 1893. ED WARD CAMP, Supervisor. A P. GSI1ORN, JOHN N BARKER, HENRY HUTCHINCS. li Justices of the Peace. NORMAN R. GIFFORD, J F. M. AUSTIN, Town Clerk. a p r. I 0 I o i J a REPOR I'S. REPORT OF SUPERINTENDENT OP THE POOR. I To the Honorable Board of Sufervisors'of Totzfikins County} The Superintendent of the Poor of said County, respectfully reports that from the 15th day of Nov., 1892, to the 15th day of Nov., 1893, the following nanied persons have been supported in the , County Almshouse. COUNTY. Names.No. Days. Names.No. Days. i Isaac Chapman 365 Amos Seldon . . 2 Richard 3 6 5365 John Calton .2 Moses Myres . . ..365 Charles Winters . ... 261 Lena Collins . 365 Ilerbert Van Aulstine . . . . 61 Fredric Davids .365 Henry Sherman . . ... • •14 Clara J. Curran 365 Eliza Dawson 93 Ira D. Nichols . 365 Michael Doyl . . . . . 1 John Myres 159 Henry Clifford - ..1 John Munger '1 Mike Nelligan.. ..1 Jane Munger 1 Patric Shanon . . . ... . . 1 Thomas Flynn.. . ... . . . 1 James Cornell . ... ... . . Ezra Bishop . ...1 Henry Horton . ... . ... . 1 Theron Thomas 1 Mable Foot, infant , ..73 James Morris ..1 James Bowen . . 6n John Johnson 1 Edward Johnson ....... 17 Thomas Monroe 1 . Tim Mc Mannius . ... . . . 2 k Thomas Andrews . . .1 Jim Maloney . 1 Lorenzo Fanner ... .1 Frank Creque ......... 38 Jefferson Mosher . 1 Joseph Ihill 2 1 .Amos Steam 2 Thomas "Burns 1 1 Abram Frazier . ... . ._ . . 2 Patrick Sampson . . . . . . , . . . 1 1 1 Mrs. Charles Stafford . .... . 32 Theodore Bean . . . ... 1.'1 Francis Fletcher . ... ... 2 John Maloney 1 W 1 o 114 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1893. James Leroy . . . ...2 Mary Murphy 92 Amos Cutter . .... . . ... 2 Edward Bethel . . . ... .4 Thomas Kimple 2 Mary Carter .......... 36 George Young . .. 2 J. 8. Carter 65 Samuel Thorn . . ... ... . 2 Harry Taylor 12 John Thompson 2 • Dennis McCarty 49 Myron Thorn I John Peters 42 Caroline Adler . ... ... . . 7 John Burk 1 James Butland ... . . ... . 3 Thomas Donovan Charles Hooper . . . . . . . 3 James Moore 2 George Thayer . . . ..... . r Thomas Means 2 Tom Thorn . . H e n r y - Bailey I Wm. Osborn 3 Jacob Henry 30 James Maloney . I John McGinnis 2 George Prager . . .. , ...1 Henry Taylor John Galliger . . . . . . . . - 2 Charles Crawford r Tom Scott 2 Milo Dunlap 1 James Thorp 2 Geo. Beckwith Mike Flinegan I James Maloney 1 Francis Monger r Patrick Sullivan . . Washington Reed 1 George Patterson 2 Edgar Thomas 2 Frank Smith 2 Jerome Taylor . ... .... . 2- Mary Labar . . .38 Tota • .082 CITY OF ITIIACA. Horace Whitehead 365 Pat Murphy 124 Daniel McClune r87 Henry Waight 117 Abrarn Shepard 17o John Gilroy 50 George Thompson 48 Henry Crawford.99 A. R. Taylor 365 Charles Schuyler 57. Emily VanAulstine 365 Cornelius Mahoney too John Sullivan 365 Edgar Collins 76 Peter Nicholson . . . . . . . 365 Charles Monroe 21 Daniel Carney C 365 Alice Twine 36 Abram Pelham . . . ... . . 365 John Whiting . . . 232 o George Short 365 William Dibble •163 John Bishop '365 Owen' Galligan 99 Frank Raney 10 John Russell 7 Mary Synn 36 I Total 5,246 l• SUIPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1893.115 r. DRYDEN. Frank Corcoran 365 Chas. Hoglaud 102 Elisha Wilcox 293 David Finch 79 William Ashby . . . . . . . 125 Sealy VanSicle 23 Silas Tucker 365 Nathan Scofield 4r Total . .1 ,393 LANSING. Ada Hahn 15 Web. Thompson 2r Hattie Hahn 7 Sidney B. Morey 23 Barney Moor 289 Total 355 GROTON. John McCarty . . . 365 David Oderkirk . . ...... . 36 Total 401 DANBY. Jernsha Cro 365, Elnora Cronce . .. . . ... . 365 NEWFIELD. Sarah Vreeland 365 Michael Corbit . . . . . . . 365 Total 730 I ENFIELD. Morgan Wallenbeck 77 Ann Kirby 16o Total 237 0 116 SUPLBVISO]:S' P1 ooEEDINGS, 1808. CAROLINE. Mrs.'' /..Venerable 365 James Perry. . . ... 206 James H. Shoonmaker .. . 134 Michael Ward 21 Total 726 ULYSSES. Savilla Trowbridge . 7 John Mahoney . . . H. N. Smith 320 Total J98 The whole number of days said persons have been supported iu the County Almshouse is 14,298. Towns.No. Days.Cost of Board and Clothing. County 4,082 696 46 City of Ithaca . . . .. . . . . 5,246 895 o6 Dryden .1 ,393 t 237 67 Lansing 355 6o 57 Groton 401 -68 42 Dmlbv 730 124 55 Newfield 730 124 55 Enfield 237 4 44 Caroline 726 23 87 Ulysses 398 67 91 14,298 13 The ainount of drafts drawn on the County Treasurer for - bills audited by the Superintendent of the Poor, for the support of the institution during the year,was $3,052.90, of which $613.4o was improvements to buildings and furniture, leaving a balance Of $2,439.5o for the support of the house. The following accounts have been audited by the Superin- tendent of the Poor, mad drafts drawn on the County Treasurer for the expenses of the house incurred from the 15th of Nov.. 1892; to the 15th of Nov., 189'3:`. Sui PROCEEDINGS, 1893.117 CLASS A— MEATS. Date.No. order. Dec. 7, 1892 7 A W. O. Wilson 18 13 13 A. L. Wets. A 44.47 14 Geo. Batty 15 7 Dec. 26, 1892 18 J. W. Kirby 14 21 Jan. 3, 1893 21 Warren G. Farrington 24 50 zz S. P. Thompson 18 69 23 Edward Gould 24 J. Briggs 31 10 25 • Frank Carmon . . .22 82 26 A. J. Williams 22 40 ' 27 Thad ]Sower 20 51 28 Frank Pinch 61 32 29 Mike Bainbridge 3 52 30 Charles Foot 19 04 31 Thomas Kirby 26 25 32 W. H. Pinkney 26 95 33 Edward Boyer 3 99 34 Hiram Thomas 19 46 35 . Col. VanKirk -22 19 36 Harrison Laming 47 69 Jan. 3, 1893 37 Fremont Willson 19 13 38 Joseph Andrews. ... ..22 89 39 Elisha Church 29 96 40 John Bailey . , ...20 96 41 James Bower 32 48 42 • Edward Wood 18 97 46 Olin Miller 26 04 1 47 Elam Rolfe c 57 96 48 David Colgrove 21 70 Aug. 14, 1893 102 Geo. Batty 15 03 Nov. 3, 1893 11T Geo. Batty 12 20 Total 8o7 94 1 CLASS B— PROVISIONS AND DRY GOODS" Dec. 7, 1892 5 A D. B. Stewart 1X Co. .34 05 i 9 E. C. Almy 38 38 10 Hook Bros.4 10 a John Kerst & Co.. . . . . ... . . .31 32 r l 1 118 SUPERVISORS' . P 3 ooEFDTNCS, 1893. Dec. 26, 1892 20 A E. Townsend 12 78 Jan. 4, 1893 49 John Kerst & Co.26 1 r - 52 1 . Hook Bros.1 6o 53 D. -11. Stewart & Co.7 27 55 Hawkins Todd . . . 19 10 Jan. 10, 1893 59 J. T. Howe 58 89 62 D. B. Stewart & Co.. .... ... . . .8 75 Feb. 15, 1893 68 . Stowell & Son 5 o8 Feb. 16, 1893 69 D. B. Stewart & Co.. 14 80 April 4. 1893 76 D. B. Stewart & Co.. ... ... . . .13 83 April 17, 1893 82 John Kerst & Co.54 01 lay 3, 1893 87 D. B. Stewart & Co.. . ... ... . . 14 25 June 5, 1893 91 E. C. Almy 42 69 June 7, 1893 92 J. C. Stowell & Son 23 77 93 D. B. Stewart & Co. 26 07 July 5, 1893 95 J. T. Howe 55 65 496 Rothschild Bros 21 92 98 D. B. Stewart & Co.3 75 Aug. 2, 1893 99 D. B. Stewart & Co.. . . ... ...31 00 ioo J. C. Stowell & Son 16 o8 Oct. 4, 1893 105 John Kerst & Co.18 42 106 D. B. Stewart & C o .49 Nov. 1, 1893 108 Maning Atwater . . . ... . . .... .28 43 109 D. B. Stewart & Co.21 06 110 J. C. Stowell & Son 400 Total e 677 65 CLASS .C—FUEL. Nov. 19, 1892 1 A Fowler & Farrington . . . . . . . . z6 52 Dec. 16, 1892 16 Fowler & Farrington .71 38 . Jan. 4, 1892 56 Fowler & Farrington 56 50 Feb. 5, 1892 67 Fowler & Farrington 66 16. March 1. 1892 ' 7o Geo. II. Vann 5 67 71 P. & R. R. -R., freight on coal . . .16 54 7 72 Fowler & Farrington 33 86 1 73 W. E. Brown & Co., two carloads coal 68 28 April 4, 1892 79 Fowler & Farrington 24 99 June 30, 1892 94 Geo. H. Vann 24 23 Total 394 15 1 i r • 1 4 1 SuPKRVISOIs' PROCEEDINGS, 1893.119 CLASS D— IMPROVEMENTS TO FARM AND FURNITURE. Dec. 7, 1892 2 A Richard Cussic, well stone 4 50 3 J. W. & C. W. Dean, lumber 5 4 . 4 Biggs & Co., hardware 8 52 8 Wm. J. Nixon, fertilizer 27 00 12 Treman, King 58 Co., hardware H 49 79 Dec. 16, 1892 15 J. W. & C. W. Dean, lumber 4'3i Dec. 26, 1892 17 B. F. lease, yoke oxen 100 00 19 Theron Allen, blacksmithing .12 00 Jan. 4, 1893 5o W. C. Snow, repairs 011 truck . . .4 30. e 5'Pinkney Bros., fertilizer . . . 17 8o 54 H. S. Bates, hardware 1 75 Jan. 10, 1893 61 Biggs &Co., hardware 10 72 Jan. 24, 1893 64 Edward Pyle, repairs on spring . .r5 00 March 22, 1893 74 J. Myers. boiler man employed by coin 25 00 April 4, r893 e 77 . Rothschild Bros.. lamps and dishes . 41 64 78 Biggs & Co.; hardware 2i 46 April 17, 1893 83 John Kerst & Co., extra bedding . .39 95 April 27, 1893 86 Mrs. E. L. Brown, making bedding .33 00 May 3, 9893 88 Geo. Small, material and labor on table 23 6o May 17, 1893 89 J. W. & C. W. Dean. shingles smoke house.6'25 • July 5, 1893 97 Biggs & Co., hardware 35 I0 August 7, 1893 ro4 R. J. Hunt, insurance 1o6 50 Nov. r, 1893 112 Hook Bros., grass seed 8 8o1 Total 613 40 CI,ASS E— CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES AND REPAIRS. Jan. 4, 1893 57 A Mosher Bros. & Co 94 3 Feb. r, 1893 65 J. S. Murphy, repairs 3 70 March 22, 1893 75 H. C. Almy, repairs 4 85 1 May 17, 1893 90 J. S. Murphy, repairs 3 05 Sept. 30, 1893 103 H. C. Almy, repairs 5 So Oct. 4, 4 , 293 104 Chapman & Becker i 16 50 Total 127 98 i f 120 'SGPERvIS0RS' PROCEEDINGS, 1893. CLASS F— MEDICINE AND ATTENDANCE. • Dec. 7, 1892 6 White & Burdick 20 61 Jan. 10, 1898 6o Horton & Holton 3 34 Feb. 1, 1393 66 F. A. Kerst, house physician 61 74 April 11, 1893 8o A. Chase, house physician Io 00 total 123 69 CLASS G —II ISCELLANEOOS. Jan. 4, 1393 * 57 Edward Boyer, threshing . . 20 72 Jan. 10, 1893 63 E. L. Brown, salary, keeper .• .... . . 425 00 April 17, 1393 Si Kitchen cook 5 00 84 J. Van Buskirk, burial service 3o 25 35 E. L. Brow, salary, keeper . . . . . k.n 125 00 Oct. 4; 1893 107 James Moss; grinding 2 75 Total 308 72 Whole amount expended for support of house. Class A —Meats -8o7 94 Class B— Provisions and dry goods 677 65 Class C —Fuel 394 15 Class D— Clothing, boots, shoes and repairs 127 93 Class E— Medicine and attendance u 123 . Class P—Miscellaneous 308 72 Total 2,440 13 This amount divided b'y the whole number of days' hoard, gives an aver cost per day of 17 -o,61 -too. Cost per week 1 19-42. Cost per year 62 09. Whole number in house, Nov. 15, 18 3 Received during the year 10 Rona .1 147 Died -6 Discharged 93 99 Number remaining in house Nov. 15, '93 43 I Daily average during the year, 39 63.365.ii SUPERVISORS', PROCEEDINGS, 1893.121 OUT DOOR RELIEF.• The following amounts have been audited, and drafts drawn, on the County Treasurer for bills contracted for temporary relief of county poor out of the Almshouse, from the 15th day of November, 1892, to the 15th day of November, 1893 : Date No. Order. Name.Amount. Dec. 7, 1892 1 13 J. U. Douglass, 0. P., Newfield .14 00 z J. Flickenger, M. D., medical service 33 5 3 G. J. Nelson,- 0. P., Caroline 4 00 Dec. 17, 1892 4 J. S. Love, 0. P., Groton . . .. 12 37 5 Cornelius Leary, coal 4 00 j,, 6 H. Herrick, 0. P., Lansing, relief of tramps to 00 7 R. L. Smith, Co. physician,.Ithaca.15 00 8 • J. S. Love, 0. P., Groton 4 64 9 E. R. Brink, relief l'ersonius family5 00 9 Mary Wood, board Geo. Mead . . .25 50 10 W. I. Sherwood, O. P., Ulysses .. .31 00 it John E. Coy, 0. P., Ithaca . . .. • • 146 24 Jan. 30, 1393 12 R. IL Stone, for coal . . ... . . . .8 so Feb. 15, 1893 13 Theo. Brown, O. P., Danby, ex. in bastardy 4 00 14 J. S. Love, 0. P., Groton . . . ...12 30 Deb. i6, 1893 15 Bradford Snyder, 0, P., Dryden . .3 11 March 1, 1893 16 Mary Wood, board Geo. Mead . . .12 00 April 4, 1893 17 John E. Coy, 0. P., Ithaca . ...38 25 18 Mosher & Sears, relief J. Slaught .5 00 • 19 W. I. Sherwood, 0. P., Ulysses . .14 75 20 John S. Love, 0. P., Groton . . .25 01 April 19, 1893 21 J. I. Sharpstine, 0. P., Lansing .3 00 May 22, 1893 22 M. Atwater, relief Day family . . .5o 09 June 7, 1893 23 Bradford Snyder, 0. P., Dryden. 1 3 50 24 John S. Love, 0. P., Groton 3 00 25 Mary Wood, board Geo. Mead . . .21 00 1 Aug. 14, r893 26 J. B. French, 0. P., City of Ithaca 154 00' 27 Benj. Mintz, clothing for insane . . .11 20 Oct. 3, 1893 28 Mary Wood, board of Geo. Mead ..24 00 Nov. 3, 1893 29 J. Flickenger, medical service scarlet fever 39 75 122 -SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1593. Nov. r1, 1393 3o B R. H. Stone, coal for Co. poor . . . . 5 63 Nov. . 1893 3 W. I. Sherwood, O. P. Ulysses...14 50 Total 757 84 SERVICES OP OVERSEERS. The following is the amount of bills audited by the Superin- tendent, to the Overseers -cfor their services, from the Isth of Nov., 1892, to the 15th day of Nov., 1893: Date. No. Order.Name.Amount. Nov., 1892 1 C , John S. Love 3 25 Dec. 29, 1892 2 James C. Larmore 2 00 Jan. 4, 1893 3 John S. Love 2 00 4 W. I. Sherwood 2 00 5 G. C. Whitley 2 00 jail. 13. 1893 6 John E. Coy 26 00 Feb. 15, 1893 7 John S. Cove 4 00 Feb. 16, 1893 3 Bradford Snyder . . . . . ... . .4 oo April 4, 1893 9 John E. Coy . . . . . 26 00 10 W. I. Sherwood 4 00 11 John 5. Love 2 00 Aug. 14, 1893 12 John B. French 34 00 Oct 24, 1893 13 Bradford Snyder 2 00 Oct. 30, 1893 14 John B. French 26 00 Nov. 13, 1393 15 W. I. Sherwood..4 00 Total 143 25 TRANSPORTATION. The following orders have been drawn on the County Treas- urer for transportation from the 15th of Nov., 1892, to the 15th day of Nov., 1893:i Dee. 7, 1892 1 D John E. Coy . . ..Pat Murphy . . . 1 50 2 Hiram Herrick . . Barney Moor . . 3 15 Dec. 29, 1892 3 J. C. Larmore.. ..C. Hogland. . . .2 85 4 Hiram Merrick . . Web Thompson...75 Jan. 4, 1893 5 John E. Coy . . ..Mrs. Stafford . . .1 5o SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1893.a 123 Jan. 4, [893 6 D W. I. Sherwood . .Savilla Trowbridge. 1 00 7 W. I. Sherwood,. .H. N. Smith . . ..1 00 Jau. 12, 1893 8 J. C. Larmore . David Finch..2.85 March I, 1893 9 John S. Love . . . Charles Winters ...3 75 April 15, 1893 10 Henry Welling . . Ann Kirby . 75 April 19, [893 a J. I. Sharpstine . . Barney Moor..... 3 3o April 26, 1893 12 W. C. Gallagher ..James Perry . . ...2'25 May n, 1893 13 W. C. Gallagher Michael Ward.. .3 6o June 7, f893 14 J. B. French . Wm. Dibble. . .1 50 June 29, 1893 15 J. I. Sharpstine . . Barney Moor .3 30 10 J. B. French 1 5o June 26, 1893 16 John 13. French . . J. Bowen 1 50 Sept. 16, 1893 17 John B. French . . Harry Taylor . . .r 50 Oct. 4, 1893 18 J. I. Sharpstine . . Barney,Moor . . .3 3o Oct. 6, 1892 19 J. C. Larmore.. N. Scofield . .2 85 Oct. 12, 1893 20 J. S. Love . ... D. Ourderkirk.. .4 20 Oct. 23, 1893 21 3. 1. Sharpstine . . S. B. Morey . ...3 15 Total 54 05 RECAPITULATION. Amount on hand at last report Whole amount appropriated 4,75 23 Expended for maintenance of house 2,44o r3 Improvements 613 40 Out door relief 757 84 Services of overseers 143 25 Transportation 54 05 Total 4,008 67 Amount unexpended 741 56 By a reference to page 68 of the proceedings of the Board of Supervisors of 1892, it will be seen that instead of a surplus in the Superintendent's account as reported, the committee, after a careful comparison of his account with that of the County Treas- urer, found that the amount had been entirely exhausted in the payment of outstanding orders issued the previous years and the ainount of$8t.or still remaining unpaid. 124 SuPERVISbRS' PROCEEDINGS, 1893. The extraordinary amount expended in improvements was necessitated because of the danger from infection with vermin by the use of the old bedding and furniture,in the new building. As a result of this precaution and constant care, w;•. have a clean house free from infections of any kind. STATEMENT. Statement of cash received, and how the same has been expended:0 On hand last report 37 99 Received from sale of hams and lard r8 98 Joseph Knight, old grease 45 50 Joseph Knight, old stove 3 00 William Smith, hay 84 92 Pine in bastardy case 175 00 3 39 Nov. 22d, taking child to Binghamton . . . . . . . .. $ 5 16 Nov. 25th, Prank Raney and Bert Stynemyre S. V. home 5 46 Feb. 7th; Bertha Rundell to Syracuse 8 25 Feb. 7th, paid John Myres, order comty'2 50 June 26, paid Charles Hoffmyre for sow and pigs " . " 34 00 June 26, A. H. Pierson, seed buckwheat 3 00 July 6th, transportation of Eliza Dawson 2 00 Aug. 5th,, Chas. B. Owens, seed oats rl 20 Sept: ist, paid cost in bastardy case 73 30 Oct. 6th, expenses taking Carl Loomis to Syracuse .8 so Oct. 18th, expenses taking Lizzie Bishop to Syracuse 8 25 Paid kitchen cook 54 7 Postage and stationery 12 35 Travelling expenses 45 94 Supplies for house 30 29 In insanity cases not paid by commission 13 20 In matters of contentious of settlements 16 oo Telephone and delivery 4 27 338 3 Balance on hand 27 01 1 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1893. 125 STATE OP NEW YORK, COUNTY OF TOMPKINS, } SS : On this day of November, 1893, personally appeared before me, James S. Lyke, Superintendent of the Poor of the County of Tompkins, and who being duly sworn, deposes and says that the foregoing report shows the amount of money on hand November 15th, 1893, and the amount received and the amount expended as per report, is just and true to the best of his knowledge and belief. JAMES S. LYRE.' Sworn and subscribed to before me this day of November; 1893. T. J. MOEI,HENv, Deputy County Clerk. STATEMENT. Statement of cash received by Keeper Brown, from the 15th day of Nov., 1892, to Apra 1st, 1893: On hand last report 17 07 Received from the sale of hams and lard 8 , 46 Total . . . .25 53 Amount expended for supplies and other' necessary expenses as per Keeper's book 31 71 Due Keeper Brown 6 i8 STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF TOMPKINS, } SS E. L. Brown, being duly sworn, deposes and says that the amount of receipts as above stated are correct, and that the amount expended is just and true to the best of his knowledge and belief, and that no part of the balance has been paid or satisfied. Signed]E. L. BROWN. Sworn and subscribed to before me this zoth day of April, 1893. JAMES S. LYKE, Superintendent of Poor. 126 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1893. In conformity to the 3oth section, Title 1st, Chapter zo, of the Revised Statutes, I respectfully report that I estimate the expense of the Town and County Poor to be supported in the Almshouse during the ensuing year 3,000 00 Pemporary relief of County Poor not in Almshouse Soo 00 Services of Overseers 150 00 Transportation 5o 00 Total 4.000 00 GRAIN AND PRODUCE. The following is a statement of the amount of grain and produce that has been raised oii the' farm during the year, and the amount now on hand: On hand_ 14o bushels wheat. .200 450 oats 400 So buckwheat So 50 barley 750 25 beans 25 35o, potatoes 275. 8 onions-7 10 carrots Soo corn 700 3o sweet corn 5 tomatoes .i zo beets 10 90 apples So 40 tons hay 36 . 200 heads celery 175 200 heads cabbage 175 4 casks cider 4 2 casks vinegar 2 15 loads pumpkins fCornstalksfrom9acresNearlyallonhand. The stock on farm consists of three horses belonging to Keeper,. one yoke oxen, 7 milch cows, 2 yearling heifers, 12 fatting hogs, 2 brood sows, 1 hoar hog, zoo common fowls belonging to county. SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1893.127 Name and residence of patients who have been' sent to the Willard State Hospital, from the 15th day of Nov., 1892, to the 1st day of Oct., 1893: Nurne of patient.Date of death or discharge. Residence. Nov, 26, 1892 Elizabeth Jewell, died June 12, 1893 Ithaca Nov. 28, 1892 Ben . Morse, discharged June 7, 1893. ... . . Ulysses Dec. 31, 1891 Jarrtes L. Kimball Ithaca March 8, 1893 Mrs. Mary Butting Ulysses March 29, 1893 Charles Whipple Dryden April 8, 1893 Miss H. Chandler Ithaca April 14, 1893 Isaac N. Miller Groton April 29;41893 Frank E. Fuller Ithaca May 5, 1893 Lizzie Collins, self supporting .Ithaca May 9, 1893 Amelia Mitchell, self supporting Ithaca May 12, 1893 Catherine Carmody, self supporting Ithaca May 12, 1893 Charles Cooper, self supporting discharged July 28 Caroline May 13, 1893 Charles R. Smith Ithaca May 17, 1893 Lymon Hammond Dryden July 21, 1893 Edward Williams Ulysses Aug. 21, 1893 Leroy Worden Ithaca Sept. 26, 1893 James McKinney Lansing Mary Barnard, discharged Nov. 18, 1892 ... . Ithaca Anna L. Bower, discharged Nov. 25, 1892 . . . . Lansing Joseph Spor, discharged Dec., 1892 Groton Garrison Moor, died Dec. 28, 1892 Ithaca J. A. E. Burling, discharged Feb. 8, 1893 Ithaca Fred S. Clock, died Feb. 10, 1893 . ...Lansing Phebe L. Cooper, died Feb. 13, 1893 . .Caroline J. Lambertson, died Feb. 19, 1893 Dryden S. Roper, discharged March 11, 1893 Danby Chas. W. Poyer, died April 22, 1893.Newfield Benj. F. Pratt, died May 11, 1893 Groton James Fish, died May 24, 1893 Seymour Moso, discharged June 28, 1893 . . . Dryden Frank E. Fuller, discharged Aug. 31, 1893 . . Ithaca Josephine Perry, discharged Sept. 2, 1893 . . . Ithaca John B. Kellogg, died Sept 26, 1893 Ithaca Wm. Z. Fuller, died Oct. 6, 1893 Lansing Sarah Sutliff, died Nov. 8, 1893 Dryden i 1 128 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1893. Name and residence of children committed to institutions: Nov. 25, 1892 Frank Raney, from County House to S. V. Home Ithaca Betty Stynmyre, from Children's Home, Ithaca, to S. V. Home Danby Feb. 6, 1893 Bertha Rundell, to hone for feeble minded, Syra- case Ithaca Oct. 6, 1893 Carl Loomis, to home for feeble minded, Syracuse Caroline Oct. 18, 1893 Lizzie Bis hop, to home for feeble minded, Syracuse Danby The three last named are in a State institution, and the only expense to their respective towns is for necessary clothing. COUNTY CLERK'S REPORT. ITHACA, N. Y., Nov. 27, 1893. To /he Board of Sufervisors of Tolnfikins County: I have to report to the Board of Supervisors that since the date of my last report, I have received money for Tompkins County as follows: Fred E. Bradbury, fine (Jan., 1893, Term of Sessions)Too 00 James Briggs, fine in excise case (May, 1893, Sessions 25 o0 Total 125.00 The above amounts paid County Treasurer as per receipts herewith. Very respectfully, L. H. VAN KIRK, County Clerk. TOMPKINS COUNTV, SS: L. H. VanKirk being duly sworn, says that he is the Clerk of the County of Tompkins, and that he has received no moneys except those set r forth in the above report, as fines for said County. L. H. VAN KIRK. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 27th day of Nov., 1893. GEORGE B. DAVIS, Notary Public. SUPYAIVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1893.129 ITIIACA, Jan. 25, X893. Received of 1,. H. VanKirk, County Clerk, one hundred dollars, fine in case of Fred E. Bradbury.e CHAS. INGERSOLL, County Treasurer. ITHACA, May 31 , ' 893. Received of L. II. VanKirk, County Clerk, twenty -five dollars, fine of James Briggs, of Danby. CHARLES INGERSOLL, County Treasurer. DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S REPORT. I - To fhc Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: Pursuant to law, I make report of all fines imposed in the various Courts of Record of, said County since my last report : Persons fined.Offense.Amount. Fred Bradbury selling obscene articles 5100 00 A. R. Mack assault 5o 00 James I. Briggs violating excise law 25 00 All the above lines have been paid, I am informed, 'to the Sheriff or Clerk. No fines have been paid to me nor has anything been collected by . me on forfeited recognizances. J. II. JENNINGS, District Attorney. ' 1 JUSTICE OF THE PEACE REPORTS. Reports of the Justices of the Peace of the several towns of the County, of all fines and penalties by them collected respec- tively, during the past year: S CAROLINE. John J. Peters reports no money received. W. V. Personius reports no money received. R. G. H. Speed reports no money received. John Gross reports no money received. 0 130 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1893. DANBV. J. B. Thatcher reports no money received. Z. Smiley reports no money received.Rec'd. Pd. Co. Treas. T. W. Slocum reports 15 00 15 00 J.'Wise reports 5 00 5'00 DRYDEN. S. S. Hoff reports no money received. . J. Dolph Ross reports 10 oo 10 0o G. E. Underwood reports no money received. Geo. E. Hanford reports no money received. Win. E. Brown reports no money received. r ENFIELD. i F. B. Aiken reports no money received. E. G. Willis reports no money received. J. H. Hine reports no money received. Wm. F. Smith reports no money received. I GROTON.i J. M. Montfort reports no money received. di. S. IIopkins reports no money received. Nelson Stevens reports no mcyney received. Newton Baldwin reports money received: C 1 ITHACA. Jason P..Met-rill reports no money received. Murray E. Poole reports no money received. Wni. J., Totten reports no money received. Wm. O. Newman reports no money received. LANSING. I Nelson E. Lyon reports no money received. B. M. Hagin reports no money received. S Chas. Drake reports no money received. Frank H. Tarbell reports no money received. NEWFIELD. ' Seymour Grover reports no money received. Miner H. Stamp reports no money received. A. K. Allen reports no money received. W. H. VanOstrand reports 553 00 553 00 il 1 SUPERVISORS PROCEEDINGS, 1893.131 ULYSSES. Henry Hutchings reports no money received. A. P. Osborn reports no money received. John N. Barker reports no money received. N. R. Gifford reports 7 25 7 25 Total amounts .90 25 LOAN COMMISSIONERS' REPORT. ITHACA, N. Y., November 15, 1898. To Supervisors of Tompkins County, State of New York: As per our report of November ist, •1892, there was in our charge as,Loan Commissioners, real estate and sundry mortgages to -wit : One piece of real estate styled the Hart farm, valued 1,500 0o Sundry. interest bearing mortgages amounting to 21,824 34 34 As per following list : No. M't'g. Ain't Principal.Am't Principal pd. • Interest paid. 54 . . . 200 CO 10 00 822 r5o 00 i 7 403.700 00'35 00 • 736. . . . 600 oo 30 00 728. . . . 600 oo 30 00 655.100 00 5.00 516.350 00 17 5o 768. . : . 400 00 20 00 665.325 00 Pd. onprincipal,Feb. 28 ,'93$50 00 14 80 829. . . . 400 00 20 00 777.200 00 10 00 686. . . . 250 00 12 50 683. . . . • 210 00 10 50 708. . . . boo oo 30 00 478. . . . 340 00 17 00 770. . .500 00 25 00 769. . . . 500 00 25 00 I wf? .1 132 SUPERVISORS' PP.00EimIyGs, 1893. 79 500 00 25 co 782 . . . . 535 00 26 75 750. . . . 500 00 25 00 F`' 710.250 00 12 50 706.300 00 .15 00 692.100 00 5 00 688.S5o 00 4 5 621.250 00 12 50 r . 6142 500 00 25 00 573 300 00 r 00 62 ( . 757.50 00 2 5 837 . . . Soo 00 4 00 669 200 00 10 00 628. 1,200 00 6o oo 241 738. . . . goo 00 45 co 01 150 00 7 5 8r5 .400 00 20 00 63r . . . . Soo oo 40 00 Sob .400 00 20 00 7 _ - _ 700 00 35 00 t`.; 755 300 00 15 00 656 .700 00 35 00 4 783.250 w Oct. 1 , paid on prin.. . . . $50 00 12 50 713 150 00 7 S 714.1,000 00 50 oo j 534. . . . 300 00 15 00 20 00 672.300 00 15 00 666 . -450 00 22 , 50 610.300 00 15 00 574.164 34 8 21 • 753.600 00 30 00 i 305.500 00 25 CO 478.150 00 Paid in full April 1, 1893 . . $r5o 00 3 75 21,674 34 interest paid 1 o78 51 Add 1Pt',q 726 fore- ar cl'd Feb. 7, '93 15o 00 Interest hi default . . . . . . . . 18 53 Ain't m't''s $2 r.824 34 Total principal paid .250 00 Total amount interest c 097 04 1: Su PE RV S ORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1893.133 We charge ourselves as below : With mortgages as above 21,824 34 With interest on same 1,097 04 With principal paid in 2$0 00 With Hart farm 1,500 00 Witli amount Hart farm in default 70 00 With C. H. Genoung place 238 64' Total 24,980 02 We credit ourselves as below • With Hart farm 1,5oo 00 With amount Hart farm in default 70 00 With interest in default 853 With cost publishing in Ithacan foreclosure of mortgage No. 726 sale not had by reason of resignation of one commissioner 23 63 With publishing sale in, Democrat by present commissioners .23-63 0 With serving notices by commissioners 2 50 With fees of commissions 10 00 With clerk's search 7 35 With paid for appraisal 3 o0 With draft to Comptroller. April 24, '93 203 73 Witli our commissions T74 93 With C. H. Gauoung.place 238 64 With draft to Comptroller •879 7 With total amount mortgages 2r,824 34 Total 02 RECAPITULATION. . MORTGAGES. Total amount of mortgages in our charge Nov. 1, 1892 . . , 21,824 34 Deduct payment on principal of mortgage No. 665 . . . $50 00 Deduct payment on principal of mortgage No. 783 . 5o 00 Deduct payment o1 principal of mortgage No. 478 . . . i5o 00 Deduct C. H. Genoung mortgage No. 726 foreclosed Feb 7, 1893 150 00 400 00 Total amount of mortgages in our charge Nov. i 1893 21,5, 93 434 34 1 134 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1893. REA1, ESTATE. Hart farm, valued 1,5oo 00 C. HI Genoung place, valued 238 64 Total amount of rcalestate in our charge Nov. 15, 1893 64 Total amt. real and personal in our charge Nov. 15, 1893 $23,162 9S We hereby certify that the foregoing statement is correct. Dated Ithaca, N. Y., November 15. 1893. C. B. BROWN,I1 Loan PATRICK SPIANNON. J Commissioners. COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT. To the Honorable, tke Board of Supervisors of Tom1bkins County: The undersigned Treasurer of Tompkins County respectfully submits his annual statement of receipts and disbursements of th'e County funds from November 12, 1892, to-Nov 14th 1893, as follows: RECEIPTS. Balance on hand November 12, 1892 2 , 044 75 1 per cent from Superintendent of Public Instruction . . .127 00 Note discount Tompkins County Bank 2 ,953 5o Collateral tax 6,832 46 School districts 498 86 Willard State Hospital 292 ,50 Justice fines 214 00 Superintendent of Public Instruction 15,213 27 Caroline 3,576 82 Danby 3,44 00 Dryden 9,7 00 Enfield 2 , 807 97 Groton 6,271 73 Ithaca 28,923 10 Lansing 9,94 49 Newfield 3,539 08 Ulysses 7,431 40 Note discount Tompkins Co. Bank 4,872 50 Cash received J. H. Conklin, Sup..500 oo Total 1o9,211 23 o l SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1893. 135 DISI3URSEMEN'1'S. County Audits 16,153 3 , Note Tompkins Co. Bank 3,00o Go Comptroller N. Y. State 12,341 21 Supervisors' school moneys •28,439 69 Willard State Hospital 14,879 99 Court expense account 5,635 21 Collateral tax 6,941 03 Building Committee, County House.5,213 TO Salary account 6,858,o5 District Attorney's office rent 200 00' Susquehanna Valley Houle 474 65 School districts 570 i4 Interest to Elston &. Pierson 131 40 r Ithaca FIonme for children 68i 1.5 Fuel and gas account 691 46 e J. H. Jenning's state game account ;63 72 Clerk's postage 1 n5 00 County Supt. l'oor 4,071 58 Fines to Sup. Conklin $7, Kennedy FT, Rhodes $48 . .66 00 Society destitute Catholic children '47 35 N. Y. State Institute blind 45 21 Syracuse Institute Feeble - minded children 26 00 Postage account C. Ingersoll 15 85 Sheriff's office rent 35 00 Cash on hand 759 27 Cash in Tompkins Co. Bank f,855 89 Total 109,211 23 I certify that there stands this day on the books of this hank to the 1 credit of Charles Ingersoll, County. Treasurer, the• sum of 51,855.89, November 14, 1893.GEO. MOWRY, Book - keeper, Tompkins County National Baixk. TOMPILINS CO: 5S: Charles Ingersoll being duly sworn says that the foregoing statement isicorrecttothebestofhisknowledgeandbelief, and is a true report of all moneys received and paid out by,him as County Treasurer since Nov. 1, 1892, to Nov. 14, 1893, excepting moneys belonging to the Infant IIeir Fund and surplus moneys. i CHARLES INGERSOLL, County Treasurer. Sworn to before inc this 401 day of December, 1893. 1 A. G. STONE„ Notary Public. 136 SupmtvIsoEs' Puoc1 EDIVGs, 1893. cr, WI APPROPRIATIONS• AND OLD BALANCE ON HAND. zn' , County Audits 16,245 9 516,153 38 County Superintendent 4,794 35 4, 5S Willard State Hospital 27,657 65 23,757 34 Pnel and Gas 750 00 729 89 Insurance on Court House 100 00 Repairs on County House 5,04639 5.21310 Court expenses 4, 7 5 , 115 53 Pines 214 00 66 00 Interest 251 90 131 40 Salaries 6,149 02 6,899 02 Criminal Insane 121 11 121 00 Appropriations in excess disbursements 23T 30 Total 5 03 5 03 Uncollected taxes as follows: Caroline 5. 5 27 Danby 91 Dryden 39 67 Groton 4 o0 Ithaca 2,214 44 Lansing 52 07 Newfield 64 12 Ulysses . .236 T5 2,616 63 Cash balance in Treasury 2,615 16 55, 79 Tompkins Co. Rank Note 5,000 00 231 - CHARLES INGERSOLL, Co. Treas. zs -> 1 0 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1893.137 INFANT HEIR REPORT. To Ike Honorable the Board of Supervisors : 1893 —Dec. 13. ist Mtge. Geo. Simpson . . Oct.' 29, ' 3,3 94 Dan I,ane pr. 20, '91 2,000 00 1 & 2 " Bell Miller Apr. 9, '92 Sept. 1, 93 . . 1 ,950 00 Estella L. Gowey . Apr. 15,'92 1,700 00 1 Mrs. O. J. Seely . . Oct. 2, '93 2,725 62 1 Hanford I'. Morgan . Mch. 28, '92 July 14, '91 . . 1,00o 00 1'. &J. Driscoll . . . Mch. 12, '89 2 ,376 23 2 " Mary I3.' Ingersoll . . Mch. 22, '92 2 ,337 23 1 Laura A. Chase . . . Apr. 4, '83 259 00 1 William Dates. . . . Oct. 17, '85 831 97 Edwin Gillett June 19, '80 8o1 44 1 Carrie A, Smith . . . Mar. 28,'82 500 00 • 2 Jan'y 26, 'SS loo 00 2 100 00 John Sincebaugh . . Apr. 24, '91 900 00 1 13. C. VaoICirk . . . Jan'y 23,'72 85o 00 Martha Wooden. . . Oct. 10,'76 826 3 1 C. M. Titus Mch. 11, '91 Soo 00 1 Catherine C. Wick. Apr. 18, '82 500 oo M. Butts Oct. 13, '92 600 00 Cash in Ithaca Trust Co.5!334 43 Cash on hand 907 11 Cash in Tompkins Co. Bank. . . • 97 46 0 00 6 ,339 00 33, 96 STA'en OP N1LW YORK, TOMPRINS COUNTY, 5S: 1 Charles Ingersoll being duly sworn, says that the foregoing account of Infant Heir Funds in my hands is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.CHARLES INGERSOLL, Treas. Tompkins Co. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 14th day of December, 1893. L. H. VAN KIRK, County Clerk. 1 138 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1.893. RAILROAD BONDING COMMISSIONERS' AND SUPER- VISORS' REPORTS. ENFIELD. To Levi J. Newman, Supervisor of the Town of Enfield DEAR SIR: —The .undersigned Bonding Commissioner tor the Town of Enfield would respectfully submit to you the fol- lowing report : The amount of bonds issued for said town of Enfield under chapter 907 laws of 1869 and laws amendatory thereof, was 25,000), dated March 1, 1871, due March 1, 1901 with semi- annual interest at 7 per cent per annum, payable on the first days of March and September. There has been paid and cancelled of said bonds ($8,200), leaving outstanding and unpaid ($16,800). The amount of interest to become due the coming year is 1,176), and we request that you cause to be raised by tax on said town the sum of ($1,176), to meet said interest when it becomes due. We "have now on hand a sinking fund of ($2,108.25), depos- ited in the Ithaca Savings Bank. November 16, 1893. W. H. AMMACK, Commissioner. STATE OF NEW YORR,SSCOUNTYOFTOMPKINS,f • S Wm. H. Ammack being duly sworn, says that the above report is in all respects true to the best of his knowledge and belief. P. B. AIIKEN, Justice of the Peace. SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1893. In accordance with chapter 852 of laws of 1870, I her report the bonded debt of the town of Enfield to be as followviz: Amount of bonds issued to Pennsylvania and Soclus Bay Railroad 25,000 00 Principal paid 8,200 00 Outstanding bonds 16 Soo 00 Sinking fund in bonds of commissioner 2,108 25 Unpaid bonds less sinking fund 14,691 75 Resolved, 'I'hat at the request of the Bonding Commissioner of the town of Enfield there he levied and collected on the taxable property of said town the sum of one thousand one hundred and seventy -six ($1, 176) dollars, to pay the interest on the above named railroad bonds for the year 1864. L. J. NEWMAN, Supervisor. GRO'fON. Dana Rhodes, Esq., •Suficniisor of the Town of Groton, 1V. Y.: DEAR SIR: —The undersigned Commissioner of the town of Groton, appointed under the act passed May 18th, 1869, laws of New York, chapter 907, would respectfully submit.the following report: That the amount of bonds issued in aid of the Ithaca & Cortland Railroad (known now as, the Elmira, Cortland & Northern), amounted to the sum -of $15,00o. That interest on same to become due Feb., '94, is$525. That interest to become due Aug. 1, '94, amounts to $525. That I hold a sinking fund as follows : Town hands of the town of Groton 30o 0o ttesonMortgagesrealestate in said townga 7 75 Certificates of Dep. 1st National Bank, Groton 3,566 34 Note due March 4, 1894 250 00 Total sinking fund on hand 4,884 09 140.SuIERvlsoRs' PROCEIIDIyGS, 1893. I have also cash on hand for coupons not presented 19 43 That interest received during the year is 204 52 I therefore ask for an appropriation to pay interest on said bonds Feb. 1, 1894 5 00 Also to pay interest ou bonds due - Aug. t, '9t 5 00 Also to provide a sinking fund of per cent 150 00 Total 1,zoo oo I therefore ask that the sum of twelve hundred dollars as above be levied and collected on the town of Groton, to be paid over to the commissioner of said town, to be expended for the above purpose. D. H. MARSH, Commissioner. STATE OF NEW FORK, t1 Ss: Tooi'KINS Courc,l I, D. H. Marsh, being duly sworn, say that the foregoing statement signed by myself as Commissioner, is a just and true report in every par - ticular, so far as deponent has knowledge of the facts stated, and in other respects deponent believes it to be true. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 28th day of Nov., 18g3. H. G. MOE, Notary Public. To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: In accordance with the laws of 1870, I hereby report the public debt of Groton to be as follows : Bonds issued by the Commissioner of the now E. C. & N. Rail- ' road bearing 7 per cent interest semi - annual payment . . $15,000 00 Interest coming due Feb. 1st, 1894 5 0o t Interest coating due Aug. 1st, 1894 f 525 00 Amount to provide sinking fund 150 00 Resolved, That at the request of the Bonding Commissioner of the town of Groton there be levied and collected for said town the sum of twelve hun- dred dollars to be applied as follows : For interest as stated 1,o50 00 For sinking fund 150 00 DANA RHODES, Supervisor. r ' SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1893:141 ITHACA. To Ike Board of Su`fi'ervzsors of Tompkins County: The undersigned Commissioners of the town of Ithaca for bonds issued by said town in aid of the Geneva and Ithaca Rail- road and having charge of the sinking fund maintained for the payment of said bonds, beg leave to submit their annual report as follows : lhe amount of bonds issued is 100,000 00 The rate of interest thereon is seven 0) per cent, payable semi - annually on the first days of April and October in each year. The bonds are dated Oct. 1st, 1871, payable thirty years from date maturing Oct. 1st, ryor. As appears from statement hereinafter appearing the amount of the sinking fund is 70,563 8i From this should be deducted premium paid on bonds . . .1,400 00 Net amount of sinking fund 69,163 8' 9'he sum yet to be raised by taxation or to be earned by the sinking fund is, therefore •30,836 19 An annual addition of $3,852 to the present amount of the sinking fund for the eight years which the bonds have yet to run, will, it is evident, provide for their payment. The undersigned are of the opinion that the necessary funds for this purpose can be obtained by an annual levy upon the taxable property of the town of Ithaca of a suns sufficient to pay L.the interest on eighty -five thousand ($85,000) dollars of the bonds in question or five thousand nine hundred and fifty ($5,95o) dollars, and we accordingly ask that this sum be levied and assessed for the corning year for the purpose of paying the inter - est said bonds as above stated, and for the further purpose of maintaining a sinking 'fund for the payment of said bonds at maturity. If your honorable • body adopt our recommendation the undersigned would at once cancel fifteen thousand ($15,000) dollars of the forty -nine thousand (S4.9,000) mf said bonds now held by the sinking fund. 142 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1893. The statement of account for the sinking fund for the year ending Nov. ist,,is as follows: Amount at date of last report 66,694 35 Interest on Lucas Co. bonds r8o 00 Interest on F7olden mort 35 00 Interest on Schuyler Co. Illinois bonds 200 00 Interest on $49,000 Ithaca 7 per cent 3,43o 00 Interest on $1,000 Ithaca 5s 50 00 Interest on Vigo Co. bonds Soo 00 Interest on Fayette•Co. bonds 120 00 Interest on Cherokee Co. bonds .100 ao Interest from Ithaca Savings Rank 27 75 Dotal 7 10 Less:— Premium and interest on Fayette Co. bonds 32o 00 Interest on Cherokee Co. bonds 53 29 Amount 'applied in former premium account 200 00 $ 573 29 Amount as hereinbefore stated 70,563 81. Invested as follows: Holden wort 700 00 Lucas Co. Ohio bonds 4 4 per cent 4,00o 00 Vigo Co. Indiana bonds 5 per cent 6,000 00 Fayette Co. Indiana bonds 6 per cent 4,000 00 Cherokee Co. Iowa bonds 5 per cent 4,000 00 Premium account 1,400 00 Cash on hand in Ithaca Savings Bank 363 81 Cash on hand in First National Bank 100 00 463 81 Ithaca 5s 1,000 00 Ithaca 7s 49,000 00 Total as above stated 7o,563 Sr A reduction of the debt from last year of . . . . . . . ,. . . . $3,869 47 Leaving a balance yet due of 19 On adding premium account 1,400 00 Balance due as hereinbefore stated 30,836 19 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1893. 143 The undersigned also submit herewith statements of accounts for the current year. Ithaca, Nov. 1o, 1893.H. B. LORD, O. H. GREGORY,Commissioners. GEO. 12. WILLIAMS, STATE OP NEW Y0RK, 1toMPI{rNs COUNTY,) S5 The undersigned being duly sworn depose and say that the report here - with submitted, and the statements of accounts accompanying, are true and correct to the best of their knowledge and belief.H. B. LORD, O. H. GREGORY, GEO. R. WILLIAMS. Subscribed and sworn to this 11th day of November, 1893, before me. C. W. GAY, Notary Public. CASH ACCOUNT. 1892 Nov 1, Bal. (see last report)394 35 1893 Jan. 5, Lucas Co. int 90 00 Jan. 14, Schuyler Co. int too, oo Jan. 18, holden morn 35 00 March 4, Ithaca 5s int 25 00 March 18, Ithaca 78 int .3,43 00 July 1, Lucas Co. int 90 00 July 7, Schuyler Co. int 100 00 July 7, , Schuyler Go. principal 4,000 00 July 8, Vigo Co. int 300 00 July 12, Payette Co. int 120 00 Sept. 1, Ithaca 5s int 25 00 Oct. 2, Ithaca Savings Bank int 27 75 Oct. 3, Cherokee Co. int T00 00 Total 8,837 to Nov. 1, Balance (see report)463 Si 1893 , March 18, Fayette Co. bonds 4,320 00 Aug. 27, Cherokee Co. bonds 4, 29 Bal. (see report)i 463 8r Total 8 837 to 144 SUPERYrS0RS' PROOEEDINGS, 1893. PREMIUM ACCOUNT. 892 Nov. 1, Bal. (see last report)1,600 00 1893 March 8, Fayette Co 320 00 Aug. 28, Cherokee Co 53 29 Total .29 Nov. 1, Bal. (see report)1 4co 00 1893 Nov. I, Chg. sinking fund 573 29 Balance 1 400 00 Total 5 29 To Me Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: The undersigned Conunissioners of the town of Ithaca for the funding bonds issued to pay off the bonds issued in aid of the Ithaca and Athens Railroad beg leave to report as follows : Amount of 5 per cent bonds issued 285,000 00 A109 DI of 5 per cent bonds redeemed 210,000 00 Amount of 5 per cent bonds outstanding 75,000 00 Amount of bonds due March 4, '94 15,000 00 Amount of interest due March 1, '94 1 , 875 00 Amount of interest due Sept. 1, '94 1,500 00 Total .18 ,375 00 We therefore request that fifteen thousand dollars to pay the principal of bonds clue March i, '94, and three thousand three hundred seventy -five dollars to pay interest, be levied and assessed on the taxable property of the town of Ithaca.. 0. A. GREGORY, LEVI KENNEY,Connnissioners. JOHN C. GAUNTLETT, ) Subscribed and sworn to before me this twentieth day of October, 1893. H. L. HINCKLEY, Notary Public. Pe i I SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1893.145 lo the Bo of Supervisors of Tompkins County:i In accordance with chapter 552 of laws of 1870, we hereby 1 report the debt of the city and town of Ithaca to be as follows 4 Amount of 5 per cent bonds issued in aid of the Ithaca and Athens R. R 285,000 00 Amount redeemed 210,000 00 Amount outstanding 75,000 00 Amount of 7 per cent blinds in aid of the Geneva and Ithaca R. R. $roo,000 no Amount sinking fund, less premium paid on bonds 69,163 81 a 41Amountoutstanding30,836 19 il Resolved, That as per report of 'Bonding Commissioners of the former town of Ithaca, that the sum of five thousand nine hundred and fifty ($5,95o)be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the city and town of Ithaca, to pay the interest falling due April rst, 1894, and October rst, 1894, and to provide a sinking fund for bonds issued to the Geneva and Ithaca Railroad Company, and the further sum of fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000)aaitopaybondsissuedtotheIthacaandAthensRailroadCompany, falling t duedue March rst, 1894, and the further sum of three thousand three hundred and seventy -five dollars ($3,375) to pay interest due March 1st, 1894, andSeptember1st, 1894. L..G. TODD,1 Supervisor City.T. S. THOMPSON, E. S. CARPENTER, J. E. VAN NATTA, N. PEARSON,Town. NEWFIELD. To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins Co.: We, the undersigned Commissioners of the town of Newfield, duly appointed under the provisions of an act of the Legislature of the State of New York authorizing towns to subscribe to the capital stock of Railroad Corporations, and to issue bonds there-q for, do respectfully report, that it will be necessary for the said 4. v 9 .dax t 146 SuPERhisois? PROCEEDINGS, 1893. town ofNewfield to raise'by tax the sumlof three thousand two hundred and six dollars ($3,206) to pay interest from Sept. 1st, 1 1893, to Sept. 1st, 1894, on bonds of the said town of Newfield to the amount of $45,Soo, issued to aid in the construction of the a,, Pa. (Sr_ S. B. Railroad. Said interest to be paid semi - annually on the first days of March and September of each year. 1 ` ; .We further report that we have no balance 011 hand. a, i Nov. 18, T893. A. H. PALMER, CommissionersC \V. McCORN, COL \Tv oP TOMPI<ISs, 55:' A. H. Palmer being duly sworn, says he is one of the Railroad Commis- sioners of the town of Newfield, N. V., and the above report is in all respects correct and true. z» A. H. PALMER. 1 3`Sworn to before me this 13th day of Nov., 1893. R. HORTON, Notary Public. 7'o the Board of Sujervisors of Tomfikins Coup h': In accordance with chapter 552 of laws of 1870, I hereby report the public debt of Newfield to be as follows: Amount of bonds issued 52,000 00 Amount of principal paid to November 1, 1893-6,200 00 4 Balance unpaid 45,E o0 Amount of interest due March 1, 1894 1 , 603 oo Amount of interest due September 1, 1894 1,603 00 i Total . .3.206 00 Resolved, That at the request of the Bonding Commissioners of the town of Newfield there be levied and collected from the taxable property of said town the sum of three thousand two hundred and sit dollars, as interest on the above namlal5 bonds. I .R. HORTON, Supervisor. Pi r97 g"7,mr -'4"a x'";.141 i ' ",'? i'a 4 i4ry i SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1893.147 11 ULYSSES. To Ike Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, N. Y.:L GENTL1tbtEN: —The Bond Commissioner of the town of Ulysses submits the following report:1 The amount of bonds issued for said town of Ulysses under chapter 907, laws of '1869, and laws amendatory thereof, was 75,000.00, dated March 1, 1871, clue March 1, 1901, with semi- annual interest at 7 per cent per annum, payable on the first days of March and September.4' Amount of principal paid 20,800 00 Amount of coupons due and unpaid 213 5o There is deposited with the Union Trust Co., New York,t,44 213.50 for the payment of past due coupons.1 There is a balance of $51.00 deposited in the Banking House of L. J. Wheeler & Co., Trumansburg, N. Y. p si There remains outstanding bonds to the amount of . . . . . . $ 54,20o oo One year's interest on $54,200.00 3,794 00 t Less balance on hand 51 00 Total 3,743 00 j I recommend that the sum of $3,743.00 he raised by tax assessed to said town for interest. L. J. WHEELER, Bond Commissioner.if L. J. Wheeler being duly sworn, says the preceding report is correct to the hest of his knowledge and belief. I, J. WHEELER. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1st day of November, 1893.1 1 148 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1893. In accordance with chapter 552, laws of 1870, I hereby report the public debt of Ulysses to be as follows : Amount of bonds issued by Bonded Commissioners March ist, 18 75,000 co A of principal paid 20,800 00 mount unt of principal unpaid 54, 00 Amount of interest due unpaid 213 50 Amount deposited with Union Trust Co., New York, for the payment of past due coupons 213 50 Amount of interest due Sept. ist, 1894 3,794 00 Amount in hands of Bonding Commissioner 51 00til Resolved, That at the request of the Bonding Cornalissioner of the town of Ulysses there be levied and collected on the taxable property of said town the sum of three thousand seven hundred and ninety -four dollars ($3,794- to pay interest on the above bonds for the year ending September 1st, 1894. EDWARD CAMP, Supervisor. tpi Ott xR b SuyLiavieolts' PPOCELDINC+S, 1893 149 pOaiO 0 O 8 N 4'Sco F a l+xeJ, Joy ¢ nouny g n.. 0 Oct N cis v w yb 1 888 8 8°,' n rn o CC 0n .. N ya `ao I I c CO N oc- o0.I e 0 00 O w a ;e 88 eog g U sag fo oo uA passassy M x gv t F 5 " v sasodmd Its co' O m vo ins paol o; pal Ains .f ;aado.rd termsF I AI A a v aag JO anlep ssassy 3a A vi nI LL o W 04 u U,.ti v N L N U 4, 24A LO A0 A q w n yv .9 W .,v utt W 7 m ro O c' 7c o 4:1 yro a 0. O Q x .v. y o 8 O P. - h N 4 rg M T 4OOC.0 0. 00r.40 7 Z 77 7 wva0. r o ro x a FF as FHA 2 , ,,ha u 0t . yT > C.ea o y 7,F AW v °v O cd aa ;> UUrF1:71 0u T 0 'X 04 o0 t gx,9 o W C F.a a'I N o a, v.A m AGCyi -. U 22 2, g O V 0. A v v N N F N 5> g. w v U i mob nEoaS a,H 0 OWo WO rg. mU `°moo.kI v A7 i-1 pO g V Ax1127F4811GFOvueAmF .. Cw rcJ NtC F. e1WNay7a . ..> 00 jai 'v d a .8 F H dF u;vGF.. 1r4".8 I .o p.-.i PC F IU qal 3 150 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1893. 8,1;',9,),`,.? W b O h 0 O O 0 0 O OMMM00O08ti0mm- v+8 800 V0.1- N N t. v: n M + M M 0'0 0 M' 00 OHO M1 N VpNV0t.n .O h `O M N p r N M Q pp 88R000003,888 8 8 0 0 8 F)-80 V O 88 J Oi NN aJ M10 ep. v;.p V h M .. b h N W V O a .• y N M NM n v 00 08080 Cry 8 0 00 D 8008.N N OW'O v v0 M ., N OJ y n kd m V, 00 V-0 bob9J • NN N 0 J G a E v a G a a C a ti 01 T 0 + • rJ O + O x 8 CCC e L p 2. fl O v O 0n L . y v p A. c v v v , i o c. varonNNaaa :.Ga NN N o rtd n- p. C4 C: ?.F C fir N. .. F E. a' E • d E . o . y . • 0 v • • 9 • "O M • w .VJ J ,N UN TTO Vu n0 Q n on; Yiu T rJ VNVaa0. a a au n. a o o N. c 2 a N F..U n T, - bVVO ' r • N.L v ..t a vF g E V a 0 • V y . y ra P• Can it o e .- A ?' . UGlaiCzLvo'L' 0. o0r7 Fa.J cry Ea v W.',' ^a tqa pU vaJ' M ^ 7C v 0w C OO t'1 . i E rGv.. w . ) oa... as 1 .4 _ GpE1001 0 0 E L 0 L N L 0 S F gL ^. u- p CJ ^a v " ' . G . >. 00,1•:11.1- 09 C.. t0 hn..,U aHT, Ca v _ u u E v m m v 9 C v v a1 tuQ c7CVmEI7 r6 WD u p 4 o nF a c I rsTr tirrg'um °a-,r 01,22 11 SIIPLRVIS0 PROOFED INus, 1893.151 8 0 8 0 : C18 •`-2 0 0 n O,O 0 W 'S098cc4i't 0o, nv.. ON amNCvN0' ti 0,0 0 1,-1-.71 a' 0'P, V 0 , 001 04. 10 v)..„N V V Lno vO 040IT 01 p 8 p p p p p p p p p800100,0 . 0- 00 8 0 0 00 0 0 8888880 0 0 0.0 vJHN c; MM UJ V MOM.7010:0 N O .. N oi IC0000 rO eltro o O 0 0 M n C O O n o 00o O i080NOIOO000080 MMi- M N 00 h0 M O; I N N I \•7vJ 4-. O OO0000 a 4 8 0 80 8 V N N m I ka 1 i N m r6 O r ii.00 Ci >, C: . 0 4 L I 4 M C id.ko t; O bot b9 8 Y i y i i bo vvwv U oO0r oo Ov v y..b t 6 C. 6 mdw ci ,0 R ' o Ory . UPer n Tw O G . .. A n bo»t 7 ro i > i P. v .Y r 1 0 .54U P. o tea' b911O010c.e.o m v n -. o,,o.o.h Ca o u o o'-0oe y r oy .2,.'11 W C o o V v s+I a R4. O qi N V f'r.1 L: J r 1 T m I a+ rd A F iii c a g a ' r m c cc r o g ii Tr N y rU 2 0 A>.,i. e>.>.C. . 0. T '8•q . u °vF 4 1'(/l Q O tl.. i,U T v 51$ 0 Li 88 P -1p g8. 8Ub IT` L3 v O aaod r F o aa' o ii: (0 JV 0, •5 .CA O O M e g i WU ' C'4 0 P ¢; V Z r O O o v o 1 ji N.r.I 0.a ro.m ONC vai y,C r.. m.. N« 2U a ro'pPq . K ivl W a; aagO.Orory C'(1, Oiaa .p0 m n.ermroMna..,.i0 a- oi6 iv Cy.Ca ' y,ayyS' 4i 4 4s] 00C i44H 8!=, 2 71 0 7 152 SUPEltv!sons' PROCEEDINGS, 1893. . Qo' tr 8 8 8 r 81 x O M P Cr.2 W C N .0 Q •69 4TH O V 00 00 0 8 0 o1-7., recMi M8 8 0 n 8 m it_ R. .. n 6 •h 6 wrti a G9 4 M F p 8 p u 3 N. ry 8 0 O O 8 0 8 8 I W o y F rn M O c p O O u rr d' ^ t 00 N 0' O UrN t o 9E° vw= a wto'04 , , r i' To .a o O v :-0 V Y I • v O re' h rr. N N C O f " a.ti r 0 O O'O a v: r -, p c e`c^ o a 0 w H m 4) V o n1 .0 Y c O u v v 1. 1 8 „ vgCF'. c4 H a: F a a n 60 8 o .d > V T . tlOt.. 0 E-. 0 O Va.E4 . . U . 0 a ad.4 . j v mom' dux °' ava L3.7,,av yN abY J u.p,.F a,v.'O 0.F 41(.4C"14 F + wyQuv0i" O C .1)::1=2 p O A N v GG m.°_ t7,'"1.1." P. ^ vi ro o F.. " ai c m Vi N "'0F''yH vF co y 1 N , n . > 7. rCV, L 'i.. ttl.ti5v.° r.R za.10 Y ,w K F C Lvr2m vv5i^ O >I n ro ue p y xy.0 0 4.4 0 4) v .v 0 5 PO a m v VV N N 0 V Y Y w•, po1lantEn 1S uoxe;3O O ;Eg '2 C ° ^ <oo .,o a d I O O O o 0 )6.'8. 0 0 O 1 a NOW0 n . Ev 0PA0 -Y/nN In..vuTm7.OVNO nt`w 7 0 m , U 1101 10x04 olefloiteliv t0 n °.w to 0''0 N n 0' m 00 r.o 47 r,' n01oe w 01 "n V' F n ...Fr 7 a/ of C k„ T c4 y r I .0 V° O t'- t, N n N w , r 0 r` Cb 0IIP.spt ;O -DIED O. N -0 m= m 5 alms Io; xel owls 30 ;nnotny h n 40 C q L,, - 7 ro 6 "me 0 inw (TOO CO v v AU'1 -.uE ;I `x 1:; gao;0ads o rn" o n vw w 7 u D a u; aaogs p saagdi.r duals 1 C4-00 o CO `O 11 0 .C. ° 0 N .. x 061E `sasodand luaauaA pm,g =a to 8 t c a ' v °' Into° ao; saxol 00.s 30 ;unotuy N n N co °„ .v. y 0 4* N o z 012 ` 7 " 70.00 r>w .07 O I W ' S to O b M.O to .41-. O OOL os.10 xE O E O pnOlil O ° 7 7WII .103 l'l 367 l V 70,11 -n n 5;r. V r. N I- N I, nw t; 0 ONO n O.0 ,n n I bInOCOCCIN0COO. V In v N vJOI r- N Vm l 00 NTsaxo; ,iluno) 30 o ro h n 0x0 n 0 00 w "i to CO tnw 0 ..(3 -1 00 01 m C O. O. N7 , nN it00 nnOCrA .. tO . o N V t0 0 11 N s.l ,E 0" 710 0 N 10 N N saxE; umoy ;o 1u11o1uV n 0, Cnw 7 7 n r= n aOunO.wt'CI In o p, 4 30 C d 71 wu . 0, . 0-.4,- 0 00 4 o tG n 7 7 0 -0 w N O O w O G v 0 LEUOSaad pn0.TEaa 0' 0 o' w i 6 n,. 0 0 I N 'uogEnl0 a ; Edaa88E pazgenb1 -mm7lo 0 '0vo w N 1 t- ° i,i Fn O n o 0 V 9 r sasodand I[E a0; n o N 00 ' O r ,N n o I o .0 v id o ti' u0gnxul Fool o; ;aafgns .ilea N n.n N N d; r ,. N N al a O n 71 7V M t t O 0 3 It m -doad LEnosiod ;o an1En passassy »rn o P., 'a m z . 3SSOSS111 00•1011.0F Once - I o • N.+ -yxm v° w N I, I o w E11osaad o art U 0E 0 V l'...- V 7 ` i ne N O 1)-r 03IiLlyVi v 4, 0 u; o ° suo171'aodaos 70 aluisa (Val o t O. C .0 m.0 o o 'N GW ey ° pni ,Claadoada5011A`ntpnla Ell e -' ,n.. nw n hN .. ,n m'd ° 00 PV' VJ N .D N w ° pafGyale ;sa teal 3o 9110011 pazRunba 7 el mw 7 N N 7 O / m g m .,x7 h 0 o I t I Tv a 1) ,11110 T 'CI-.Ca,E Cr suogBaod.loa ;o a ;E ;sa 1091 v co M N 1 o to 0 8 O o f u p11E tilaadoad a&1t1. t`4E11pnlo o , r. " 0 co m r.0, - s; y ,cE - m'almsa IEaa 9111011passassy a . ow0 - 0 'nmvo 0 vonn tt O • N V . LW 11 0 — 0 11`0 n ro o la. ` U o rt a ` 0110170 sa.t°y S Mr e 6.c e -, 6 r Cr) v r1 O o 040 1n/ t0 Mro.. o iy 0 X4.4 N 4.m H ym i WE vi o y en w v' ' O l N O .m N 1.k.. Z.13.... 1.0 y .° o 37 8 v n ° w ° .21. 0d m v! '" a, 4 0 U Ow 01--... i-I m 1 1 G w'7^ o p r 7 tqrm •. A. tit= el u C- 7co-'FO Mo O J.1. • n 47 r p a 2: w - • v- o m T ti Ti-. - `T r O Or, OOOO 0 W4r 3 o- n 'Po o orn o ro 4 Fqz 0 - 000 . [ v 0L0000V o ^F 7a cc ry 0OVo.,n4i o. , 7... 0F6f1r7t.n NVyr .viV x .v H aF G xxx 00 x O 9.,,-"E:O 0 oF1 . n7- C - Y TF O N aJi y ^ y .^. bG± m p 5 CI p rTi. 0O I. 0 rZ O.V.^' u VrJ 0 O0 v r' m e c( W o a C i I w0 - owww ^J C 2t1 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 0 ` .0 0 0 0: 2 4 i x a . :'± u..: ^0 7 . a , a 0.Q r. r, r F o ^ O. F F O .0 O v J v. E. b N w p N N OUvz7 . . . . . . e Ooo w V C 0 F F a. .49..,,ToVti , ='7,d 0 t C m ot z o CI h , 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 o c 0 c., a uod7C .too U Z 1 •7 ) V 4 M N Y W A Y O 11.11'V 'o' n 0 O.. r aoLaX08 y N al'' 0 9=4+ 0 n rn yq /., in O to - YZ0 . 0 y o' -^, } .a ^ _wC o_G x 0_,r O a. 47« roo83 o a'> 7 -too o mF 1 0oc =y u- , 50-..x r v4H7.+ ..n rc0 - - w e¢ POLITICAL DIRECTORY. AND GUIDE TO TOWN OFFICER$.9r, General Election : The First Tuesday after the first Monday in November. Revised Statutes (7th Ed.) page 379. Annual Town Meeting: Second Tuesday in February. Section So, Article 2, Chapter 569, Laws of 189o. Annual School Meeting in neighborhood: Fourth Tuesday e in August. Laws of 1893, Chapter 500.1 t Annual Meeting of Board of Town Auditors,: comprising the Supervisor, Town Clerk and Justices of the Peace, or any two of the said Justices: The First Thursday after the General Election, at which time all accounts for charges and claims against their respective towns must be presented to them for audit r Revised Statutes (7th Ed.) page 835, Laws of .1840, Chapter 3o5. Amended, Laws of 189o, Chap. 569, j 160, 161, 162. Annual meeting of the Board of Town Audits as above designated, to examine accounts of Town Officers: On the last Tuesday preceding the Annual Town Meeting to be held in each town. Laws of 1863, Chapter 172. Amended, Laws r89o.a Chap. 369, § 16o, 161. J 150 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1893. Annual meeting of the Supervisors of the County as a Board of County Canvassers: First Tuesday succeeding the General Election. 1 Revised Statutes (7th Ed.), page 39o. Annual meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the County Immediately after the completion of the Canvass,. or at such_ other time as they as a Board, shall fix. 2 Revised Statutes 7th Ed.) pages 926 -931. Annual meeting of Supervisor, Town Clerk and Justices of each Town; to designate the place in each election district in Town, at which elections shall be held during the year: On the first Tuesday of September of each year. Laws 1892, Chapter 680. Meeting of Supervisor, Town Clerk and Assessors of each . Town, for the purpose of making lists of Trial Jurors: On the first day of of each third year after July 1st, ;878, at a place in the town appointed by the Supervisor, or in his absence or vacancy in office by Town Clerk; or, if they fail to meet on that da they must meet as soon thereafter asy practicable. Code of Civil Procedure, 1035. ,The next meeting for this purpose will be held July' 1st, 1896. County Superintendents of the Poor meet at the County House: The first Wednesday in each Month. The object of these meetings is to audit bills payable from the County Poor Fund. TOWN OFFICERS. Each Supervisor must execute to, and deposit with, the County Treasurer, a bond for the accounting of all school moneys which may come into his hands, before entering upon the duties of his office. t- lI SL 11 1 CrsOlis' Pi ocrnnrNG8, 1803.157 Each Supervisor must make and deliver to the Town Clerk 4. of his town, his bond for the faithful discharge of his official i duties, and to account for all moneys coming into his hands as such Supervisor. The Trustees of School Districts shall make a report to the q- School Commissioners between the 25th clay of July and the. first Tuesday in August in each -year. Chapter 245,_Laws, 1889.ei The school moneys are apportioned annually by the School Cotmissioners, on the third Tuesday in March. The Commissioners of Highways ,must execute a bond to the Supervisor of their town within ten days after their election. Overseers of Highways must file a statement of all unworked highway tax with the Supervisors of their respective towns, onI or before the first day of October. The Tax Collector or Receiver shall, within eight days after receiving notice of the amount of taxes to be collected by him, execute to the Supervisor df the town, and lodge with him, a bond in double the amount of said taxes, to be approved by the Supervisor. The Supervisor shall, within six days there- after, file the said bond in the office of the County Clerk of this County.9 *) The Assessors must complete the Assessment Roll on or before the first day of August and leave a copy thereof with one of their number, and immediately thereafter cause notice thereof to be posted in three or more public places in their town or ward. When the line between two towns, wards or counties divides a farm or lot the same shall be taxed, if occupied, in the town, ward or county where the occupant resides; if unoccupied, each part shall be assessed in the town, ward, village or county where the same shall lie." Laws 1886, Chapter 3 r ^. f 153 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1893. The Assessors, shall meet the third Tuesday in August to review their assessments, and hear the complaint pf any person conceiving himself aggrieved. An affidavit to the roll by the Assessors, made prior to the third Tuesday of August, is A nullity. The Assessors must deliver the corrected Assessment Roll to the Town Clerk on or before the first day of September, there to remain for a period of fifteen days for public inspection, and the assessors shall forthwith give public notice by posting the sanie in at least three of the most public places in the town, or by publishing the same in one or more newspapers published therein, that such Assessment Roll has been finally completed, the officer to which the same has been delivered, and the place where the sane will be open to public inspection. Said fifteen days, within which -any assessment may be reviewed b}' certiorari shall continence on the day of the first publication. The Assessor cannot enter the name of a person on his Roll who became a resident after the first day of July. When the Assessors or a majority • of them, shall have completed their. Roll, they shall severally appear before any officer of their County authorized by law to administer oaths, and shall severally make and subscribe before such officers, all oath in the following form 'which must be strictly followed: We the undersigned, do severally depose and swear that we have set down in the foregoing Assessment Roll, all the real estate situate in the town (or ward as the case may be), accord- ing to our hest information ; and that, with the exception of" those cases in which the value of said real estate has been changed by reason of proof produced before us, we have esti- mated the value of said real estate at the sums which a majority of the Assessors have decided to be the full value thereof, and also that the said Assessment Roll contains a true statement of the aggregate amount of the taxable personal estate of each and every person named in such Roll, over and above the amount 1 i i Su E1wrsoxs' PROCEEDINGS, 1593.159 of debts due from such persons respectively, and excluding such stocks as are otherwise taxable, and such other property as is exempt by law from taxation, at the full value thereof, accord- to our best judgment and belief." Which oath shall be written or printed on said Roll, signed by the Assessors, and certified by the officer: Laws 1885, Chapter 364, zo1. The Supervisor must report to the County Treasurer, on the i first Tuesday in March{ the amount of School moneys remain- ing in his hands. I Each Justice of the Peace must execute a bond with two sureties conditioned for the payment on demand to the proper officer all moneys received by the Justice, by virtue of his office, which bond must be approved by the Supervisor of the town, and filed in the Town Clerk's office. Each Justice of the Peace shall make a report in writing, verified by oath, each year, bearing date the first day of No- vember, to the Board of Supervisors, at their annual session, in which he shall state particularly the time when, and the name of the person or persons from whom, any money has been received ; and also the amount and on what account the same was received ; also all sums remaining due and unpaid; and that all moneys by him received have been paid to the officer duly empowered by law to receive the same. Each Justice of the Peace must pay all moneys received by 6 hint for fines, within thirty days•after its receipt, to the Oounty Treasurer. Criminal Code, Section 726. Overseers of the Poor cannot furnish supplies to a County pauper to exceed the sum of ten dollars, without an order from the County Superintendent authorizing further disbursements for such purpose.g i 160 Sc1'611,visons' PR0CEEDINca, 1893. All bills payable by town must be presented to the Town Auditing Board for audit. All bills for supplies furnished to County paupers must be presented to the County Superintendent of the Poor, for audit. All bills presented to the Board of Supervisors or any Aud- iting Board, must be verified by oath, stating that the same are correct in every particular, and that no compensation has been received for the same, or any part thereof, except as therein stated. INDEX. PAGE ACT 1 +OR PROTECTION OF BIRDS 65 ACCOUNTS OF SUPERVISORS 84 ADJOURNMENT 78 ALMS HOUSE— Salary of Chaplain 30 Water Tank for .o Windmill for 87 To change Bath Room of 21 APPORTIONMENT OF GRAND JURORS 12 AUDITS, COUNTY 79 TOWNS— Caroline 85 Danby 873,Dryddn 90M Enfield 94 Groton 96 Ithaca (Town)100 Ithaca (Town and City)102 Lansing 105 Newfield ro8 Ulysses 110 i BOARD OF SUPERVISORS —Hours of meeting of 6 BUDGET— COUNTY 70 CAROLINE— Audits of 85 Appropriations for Highways 14 District Levy 4 Tax of 7 CHAIRMAN— Election of 4 1 162 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1893. CHAIRMAN— Complimentary to 76 CLERK Election of 4 Salary of 6 Postage for 9 Compensation for Report to Comptroller 44 Report of Equalization to Comptroller 153 Report of Corporations to Comptroller 149 , Report of Bonded Indebtedness to Comptroller 154 COLLECTORS — To settle 68 Coa1MUN I CATIONS— Comptroller 4 COMPTROLLER— Communication from 4 CommITTEES— Regular • Appointed 7 On Court House Repairs 7, 75 On Printing 8 1 A COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF THE POOR— Report of 113 COUNTY ROAD LAw— Relative to 3 4 54 COUNTY TREASURER— Report of 134 Postage Account 57 Approval of Bond of 26 CoINTV JAIL— Repairs on Resident Part of 49 COUNTY TAX 70 COUNTY CLERIC— Report of 128 COURT HOOsE— Janitor's Salary 30 Bids for Beating and Ventilation of 5o Contract for Heating and Ventilation of, awarded 74 DAs/UV— Audits of 87 • Appropriations 17 Tax of 71 DISTRICT ATTORNEY — Report of 129 DRYDE_N— Audits of go Appropriation for Highways 24 District Levy 24 Tax of 72 ENFIELD— Audits of 94 Appropriation for Highways 26 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1893. .'163 ENFIELD —Added to 13 District Levy 22 Tax of 72 J'QOALIZAT10N— Report of Covunittee on 63 ° GRAND JURORS— Apportionment of 12 GROTON— Audits of 9b Appropriation for Highwsys 26 I Tax of 92 ITHACA (Town)—Audits of 1 too p District Levy 69 Tax of 72 4 PfHACA (City)— Audits of 102 I Assessment roll of 10, t9 Tax of 73' t, Res. for support of Poor of 46 1 JAIL. PIIYSICIAN— Salary of 30 Appointment of 30 JUSTICES OE THE PEACE—Reports of 129 t LUNACY PROCEEDINGS —Fee allowed in 40 NEWFIELD— Audits of IoS rig,Appropriation for Highways 27 3,4d Appropriation for Support of Poor 27 District Levy 25 t1 Tax of 74 POLITICAL DIRECTORY 155 t @@@ .PRINTING— Proceedings of the Board 8 County and Town Audits, etc.69 Official Canvsss 15 Session Laws 36 PRISONERS —Terms for Maintenance of 12, 38 Conveyance of 33 REPORTS Or CovlMIt2Iuts —Ou Printing 15 Jurisprudence and Brroneons Assess- ments to, 19, 27, 3 39, 5 58, 61 t\ On U. S. Deposit and Insurance . .35 l i 164 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1893. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES —To Ascertain Terms for Maintenance of County Prisoners 38 On Superintendent's Accounts.. , 52 On County Treasurer's Accounts . ,56 On Charitable Institutions 59 On Equalization and Assessment Rolls 6 jOn Appropriations 70 REPORTS OF COUNTY OFFICIALS - County Superintendent of the Poor County Clerk 128 County Treasurer 13q District Attorney 129 r Loan Commissioners 131 REPORTS —Of Clerk. of Board of Supervisors to State Comptroller • 149 Of Justices of the Peace 129 Of R. R. Bonding Commissioners and Supervisors — L Enfield 1 138I Groton 139 Ithaca 141 j _41 Neiifield 1 145 Ulysses 147 SESSION* LAWS -- Designation of Papers to Publish 36 SHERIFF Conveyance of Prisoners 33 Allowed $350 for Janitor 30 STATE TAN 70 L SUPERVISORS —Names of and Post Office Addresses 3 Service Bill 83 Accounts of 84 ULvssES— Audits of no Appropriations for Highways 28 added to 12 Resolution for Support of Poor of 4 District Levy 21 Tax of -74 UNPAID TAXES 37, 61 Q t SITU Xat_fl STA.TLME+ NT m Le several Election District. In We County of Tompkins. •at General Election held 1"."a bar said n 8mmbm a_°._e__ 8 v,,. ,nc=._ Jah" J. Jn°L,V of November, IBid, lot Secretary of State, Comptroller, Treasurer. Attorney-General. that. E amm d:: 5,....,.-... 5,....,.-... am m_.,°mmn Timm.. H. Conley SSm Aaamlate Judge of he Court ul Appeals. Deleeatm at -Latt m a to the ConstitutionalConstitutional Convention. the zT.Int"tlomap9o hoolConva PaelvuevretoLEDsiYBtlehBlrl"lec trici. Member of Assebly, Sheriff, County m 8.. G-m_ yN. wrnm +Dr Edward B. FooteElon >or-m.e +r.v w.. _. _ D. C 3 2 c c o 4 - g is °'E mEdm__ N. m_ a . Eva „Scudder, n m Q p H.- mnmt>m .- Al iler Joe E F„ Fm 8_e8 - m>, 'Alden axma. a as ac a • ° •I -= ur d_ ......... charts, H.Mstchett al - _-E.._Fre aHek Ge Dlelrlmc_5 _mmIuuii...,...„.........„,... ii...,...„.........„,... ii...,...„.........„,... ° C•oSehAlrertnoomNr ia" a e ®'$8a6Wee ° fasre ..:s -a--Ja a'c wcl,nln l lvootm Imw 9 ,,, ,,;ta <:N. oSchcmm n.fEKNmaagEarb$ f h e 1CfSS$ a °v3 cPi'S= HmGEg John Psim n 9.__ma <mm.<_ anaUst Heim, H nrul" 8° BgaS a =E H88a ° 8284 2 ='Sbtff Sao G3v ;m2a O ,d meter 4, I . `5 _ _ -- _ li tek).1 .a 2 m J Wright J 4Y 3 fw d 1l&L 4,4 Homo l l wan, ocatai-at tot- , menace a, .....= 5;i:a F$D 11n Le Y 1 6 P1I t : 3V," J m 3 u 1 tl Crl iJV9PdabaEa8hABgill g9 C S S d: E E Ea9a 8 II. CIbH J k AI JN f, d @ r.l 'm' S 9 5 SI a s s8a E!$ B$ 9 f A T t 1 ! 1 l 1 4a iittiaEErasamgsa5E55,,I Nb -gNNh v • 1de2, t. - - .4i' s€ s 4 E a E488 EE sE ,s s ,ned, Jc ,41.t:-.1° { ah " ' tt.,as •d • ,Wcea s sae>"88e8e9 arse aBeeGGEx Gag J:ma AB"m ' W .9 E ' s m s c vet .._sae VE Kg .. s E 4nt ` IE 11 t g ` • a> g95a a 888 2a G atS BaaG $a 8k Fran' vblljt. eJ L N 2 3E E 9Ee Ea 8a - • 58 wT\Vrd it t TF . • P +P De. \ [t tl F A E E 2 S N £r' ff E as 8va s9 f WHIIk Yy - ' t i._m ,< M „ 3t 1 v2 4 J m ; a E e 9aa5a p 8 = y{a I ICIN k '" i •y( o4: u4 Sjiswith4PN 2 8 8-.018 98..... ga g Stanley B Roberta f t, i t • m G.. i 8 98 $8 a8m 9 C 5 Georg; T CL t E P S m 8 8 a H4`e 8t3 ...,end 88.:°1 Tb e G Sa) r L r" f'aG H ett, Bw de t gtit $4 S m 4n>t 8 E °JS'8 4688:44.454 Fret F Wg 1 n1 r°1 3 7 ' w s 6 ,E 8 Es as d - &Er ag wha tl fvte oil' 2 s a s..1 m 424 t ..a E E°1,Aa .8 88 .9 5 taint; 1[ NI I. e ?_a -ERE 88`:a 8 ®r ®r s 4 Aawo B col... r s n • , re4ttw s -m B e m> ff ra E naa 9n e 44.44 e noel a .e d . E as i as p Sv S t G S' IR E aEi e p war Hethb 11, IND, aP" E Elitth Y$G OYd KM a E '4' Hugh n HY? r!. Y O • aav F J -S 4a G a r E 448 ua 8 5 Elbert xA h i gridm2_ _m°.,. er ;Lill; YUr ir. 6P I y G k 8 G8 B13 d..; ,3 Iee x ear J i ' • b T 'ALa Ea..WW1 FBt IF IL..L e. g r G Yy 4 E 988 'AB a 'E .GS rs waH P H t A' 1 a w6 af€ BRoa E2a8 . INN" `.esBG 9 _•s. 89 - - - I V t e i y 4c mm., - . Al k d ring ; In : gaa €'alai Fac Lwrs Near NGao N.,..E 58P$s §Jas agEoec e.ac EE ln"'&"" Pp; aea ee I% d8. •a -- -a- Whole F f v t ' . : i'n_ 8 sE t?g a 8E) a >s _= - s s 8ya E gel=s 2a 'sa€ eeo< "B n f N. E."1 r 1-%". hi R d Ee a A X -- FIE a g E .YgP ragas 5: G $ a. ' E 5.-ZI Pa \ V B a ' )^d Pd ae g VGe ksas' EG m9 8EEEa6 EJa E a F.': YG sE£"ant":""a""1 :, C f . f I 1 f.d ,E84 1 E 11 Use 2RG gEa9 E ae aa a ER9& a $ a E '"sra EEEE a nk E iibhette de i t4u • N e wed B w x o i 1- t as arm E S5 E $a 4 . 4s • 28% 9 tote,@% E E ads 8 ae a c e B Co H S ; It 1 1 7 e I ._a 8_- I rea 1 kee it. a i ti 8:ae_E tE 4-.- s a c - 8 msaa EEti 1I!IctE 1. Ea®`c E4 °sera P le B rev r r s I F 1 t •'` : • 1". 4 .. 9 e a re ae aEm 8 Ed CE : W: E t e a 41 eyD J k rar , 1 ) Erse 4CE ffiGS Naar a as Ea -linage9ge as ®a4 64cT 4 - a 9 1 eeE lc, vIa eF nr r ;ESE H g SH E 1 as9 ;4486 .,4,44 E wh I N ry w N i' B8 5 ffi 4 B8 a as 8eS 8 980 @Edam C«Eat WaRG Y a8 1 Maddens W Collins. 7 E 8 Qe aaP Effi8 a3 ar g8 25 Eg C mpheuw ea iL 8G a$ 5 4ba8 a8 ESa Hasa 884E 8 tE t4 JSY sl 8rPrd J a t c .'Y \J 1 .1 '• pR g sr 7, d ' es,,,- SS a4 ., M tl Bb k " i IN NC68 a 4S 1 S a8-9S' E as E8aa4 Etra r ~ 9a9:G aa ^ """""^"'"%%'"r5 EN t t "l" f`, • i 4 ffi of J laarynn 8? U' l V v a,Yh A It W be1e4 • 1 J a J v q". un y e,5 8 yo""gaW S Ith, g# Y. J m 1. I .. a a 8 fv ' 'ef I L -a F.}'A CI t Y 6 + 1 • I r 5 2 aaa c8? 1t. °.'C t satB g w k h Nrr' .av,^ E rW 8 R•'o wn( rd L n o f_d yikw b s rAr.-r+4. who* da a 1 k) e • G -' .5 k;:".:::- -144 ,4 L 8a .'..mo are ah" y C f jgo h: GEg_ 3a E >E P.83 a L` \Vh 1 N IV r4 D t " r ' E 22, _ '- r..6% 1 tar Bank na Scattering , • rj 4emsea .- 8 18' a - - t j s rr_w w .... ni'1T"lkiet • '4.4 .3Ea 1Fg Ss al 15 it .. 3 E I3a5'g gE m' H m Y 1 E k FD2 ErG$ G aR !tree: a v.9PS i'EE 4:4 i8 t .z t g L rleal`. aex1 1' oc. iPe mac o i 93G 88G S E &D_= Ba.aEd4',is.d_8 §252F.."4":".4.:811.1. JI evm EI.enyou Is:: Freo"1 Gera. 7y m>_ m : _ L- 0 ay__mh_ am .r.__-0100,00 Jmar E. 'Newman, 99 l s5. 8e, t« «5 amov, b..m P --Ng a JB e, JenrwBarris4 :m mL,cue W. Maso c I^i4 E c__3 ^. _e `m m „lank and S`ceCerloY u. G"_ Ula k n "iscnttarieg 3$' • C-S m la 11 %hole >'c.or YOtet m ° . a _aE -G Fagg ` -e "E S E 8m8 Elm_€ iyz8-m E 5 nS5£ E s ^':g H C4V n 'td DrD . p t °f - d - DNEelEVP$ WUnie N ". al COte y m m E y,Ethyl' L'. atawar0 >Yc5gardaWecs4E4S,E-9 a.m Gri aLj EEt E9aen4.8.-s g Eaaa 5ast' Nigh* a a a -$ m_mmtta'm "I"" ""age.g 9" a EG^ %Jan 5Yad $P.PE'. t '8 $ 4 Ja . r:ND 8 D5 imiisRG$ed Soh' ll,l.nk"eIE g 54 y8 9NE§ geard'ag5.1TailEagar Emhu ith"y ; =ti 588 45 =• 8= .k % L°__m_Y= 5aaar g «sE__ . td'2aaa2rc. 0 Henrrnl. Ftela.H:Ja _=yge$g9nES .4E EaacEloa58 g""'" Lanwrbach.c {{- rc - Et` t z ! ' . '' F su - y ° . 5Nn .boleN - ..lank endSOCUUnnw ~ -c -- _ -' Iee6a JnLUnon.d = ^966: aaam VJ SmE c ==nmw 5 iM1B'=-1ae=a 4Ve1EK1O.o0Votae.a?, __ @ SEo_ ' 9E89d' `NersS atS= •E85!<.'>' 4aaa' ENcc.. E. a _ # . 1:1.AF d --E NrederickW.11ulle.ar 43'al'E' Eras Naase:8:': --' ®4e :&g$3 •d9d- mra =iE. 1° =a "'y Pl gP m 1 8 5$_. gE:EE 9= ?' °= e - G4'. -1 =5ia s Thomp. iPI= d' ° `H "he'111 Hlrwhbere E -° 4 -a + «-4 ^ - °ia".IP aE m° X88 +8a E= 9 8= 6 e +G= 88°'88 _'8e" n. r8eadeue A Ba. . -- 92fid_EGr8-14£Ea Hleher" a TevlCr,1 '- I EEgr. 'H:Ie r C F arr GEsat' 5 « °.E #E =C12V=1 lFGmm mS8 "" EYEmaaN £GkSata...6'J 2 -_ n' ° 9 a _ Jar. m::aB- 'x £ 415= 188 EE m 8= _m .mm wmOk endScatted. iScatted. _ i5_3egEv®ffg_a17:4:2•dG..E ' r tE= Join'1'. mcuco ° 'gh 51_ _m - t< t>_094 p'un. 2 of J68oa a YimE =' _ ='s5 _ s8's' _ rt8 ? °z8a't - 8s 88E S wh °' "N'" " ta,,Eml- eaeSE_t - £= ass°a8rataEaaGaaJOhvm.t- rancid,e'y _m t_la' v Seac =assr<s -.t2ffi zsaaL =EaNe 2vzae:: a:;Ga s - 1Eea_Fi =E I'R.Juh" F. Parkhurst.1aE;Sg_5 .gatee'Ia =BrmBH :4_': m'aEa CN4 'S « = =ad• a8q'. E- E• S_e$ 95:1 ='I ,a224 =a5 =S258_2S9a Ea "eor 11. Baknr. p C. Blank eJa9Liy'a 3c.mw°dure1vaa derSlea -_ eE96ffe- w..m= dl. t4£Ea=t = ti & 8Lir ,.tiP. BGL « =a as... H49Eava88`:a8 E9ffi S2caRku,t 9mrge Sma tl. G I,. L. rr !!a Bb "k andScatteringtieg$_ g E6 Ra 9= 'm YF_9 =t'a ` mE9 John I.m ___ _ x -..,o qI m Jaa .r a °6^ RPgu el "i Prank.9 ta "_E•< ^-1 3NN .loll'''' owe.ea,..,a `e_arzsrze:aaa£4Nc5=E$ ""mam aa 9aE? e,6« -5E` E2a ;..sP,'J.._ a8EE_ a ij f L-E vt111nm P' Uuoell °. r I EtaES,Egraft graftm,_EE =$° -Ilea «° ea-JratO 8 Barnard dl. Ha61v.a P.. «SB e5$ ° 88888 sJ =. r, Na_'`ean9 = lGaEa Unold H. Mumman. I 8 E aS r B. Grover.l <- - r_38_`YY4G35X14- 5 5fi89= P 28_. «2d:: dC_a4- .- E$SE €3o4aP.JE- Seym °" odEa`3 - O'G Geor G, Hav lPI4444 '_ E >. c442 E F __ E edeua Beu m GG G88C__a a2 « r. a„ oY_8 fYGaB _a ESY2.Eaa g, , , «_ 11'k e t deal. '+>_SaXi '.'.E.)`i+'m4u EaG nn anddt" t ternF Henr Lncun tt°u I me. Ye mm a.° m . -.ep_a„ el 8 -gae;ay4 $cs5ata ?as'ce8S:5a8«is555E ^5e'a r ES E =_E9 -8 "" aqe 8„ e8"GEsBaa i ' m'=.g"sEiiwh ole - ''Cv"Im •M EJ 00R gaEE 3 G a ff P 8 EE Cha 1 E P Sri g € .-. L GE 98 8R2S 9 Se3aaa l 88 9 68 '- P 089Y6aG$sffiR J h FII kl g • a G E Beam ' G a aG a ° $ 8E J h H Y ii vIX i L 9 u 4 - , PI " l bl l k t L as eGmE a &k. 8 aba EI &GEu, '-x IS LnPF-;‘,"--:^1--"-%15147' 8•8 Ati am Vh 4lIt Yr'' l • aP _ _ E , In el Ga° Bd-,S T' $8346. i 8 on d -,. EGg 91m_a yak° '' r i Ch - : I mD ; r " t ^ I '< i• Sat .EedE`9d_ ' f421E i2a 'r2• _. , tz - _ r B _-, Mitt D Hmaarwn. m a m _ _Charlest•r v 86x4GO^ @ _ £a Y a =45 E:c sko FEa- E_R tn. , k add Scattering Ver """ r. H _6Jeard H. Hurt O i a, aw 5„ k addEgZ,64 = 5a_SGaai>Ea2'8a«4e, 1 Whnla Nu. of VOtna.E' git sa3E4 a a = sEae;la Gem" J.,vagee a2 Erb EG @t=€ 7 - r o cf..o EE51'51°8 E , 45E°m_:l _ mT= 1C -5rI:Charles van pietist - AJ8Ee,9 2 i SAz 6E ,__ G8 C E5Di&WEREL'2,82 r Agnes ' Darragh. sR'ES6a4a ai' aG. jg C ES-tJ at. le Hlnnt andsg. attenug -"11 1 S G - I sf i a EEaa° t F"BLANKS AN VCAI I or lIt o d b SA'tet,r' a Ir of &tone, BIa"k receive Btt) vi le vistas, ("rGtm oloolo erm lllk Jd - + RLI$m,$p4 Jt t l • s J . H 1Em' 11 tval : Iv3 G r ml nok C o 1 - e " kt°r eBtaw bndneer " d1Bleechedrver. Blank leechedelaiiyl Awo ate,, for Pi I- 'la: ES:9d° 2ya8- L :Cu'.+•' fi;Ed 71"'Ammlato ' Judge of the Appeals. HO raeiaa one .I wandvote. Blank W . Dude. received ono vote, andBlankra-Y.l3s ^+3«1e d tl d 1 FlankO t01; IHenry Y Willi V V i ll 1' t 1 build' 1 d t MI D I 4 4 r H 1 Convention. BlankrConnorall - rv'${4 Bvi G: $ t tithe 11 I1 l for a- GIDIII rlin a tEAnG0 " vat seventy I Hb k - 1 ',lusty. f - e Member [ . 11 Baker a W plankcob'edOtto-received tl yen' k Barnum.tor t' Te ttt 11 6 1 a " H. H k. 1 1 vote, d HInk .nha oIedA• - J R E a ff E B 8 n, t County '1 1 t 11 received a Blank receivedsixty-seven; Inc tea; fo r SchoolamMartelr1WaBlankdflrt> for Sessions, Blank recvtrqae1+tY (our votm, [or SeLaol Cam w m -j m__ mma llanx..KHee"bnntIF51"n 1 tDle41n1 ilxnk 1 nl tlnnlY __ 4' u ruweror .du& at a.amns, l.awner.Ycnooi Cetu Ialaner- lstllletrICL • s I.p 0,s g c c 1 om8Cgg V S C. y a Y' a i C O e.__ m nee . 1 a a a° Ns € ag w 4M1 a +_ d EP-_B.-H-c'- v 3'a' °' ce N"`"Ema Ea. ut \tee -snBa?m: 'Etta ERE ?'rsEm uesm EPEE - =4-,aa vE?ek. I _ 1 ° -w r- Sint" Ent Etna EngNs °g Parts as mE6a John 1alu 6 =, _+ - : !.,Iaiag arolmee m - e--Ms's Nigel ea can 86P9 NseO a;n: e':0£ mama a'8 °86 T_Lmb =fi n8 ^m'.3] °.Y'. c.',d me"' s Ire m a P..mmc 6.- m..m__ . -m .. James Wright.m.. 9 - -- a 5_ f$n_wcs D„oe111e amp.l mwwlmm_- msrcm . -a__,: + -,:F_ Pm m - -i2DI Nts-, -, aman:aagrma JOeeeb A.Bcandue.. E Ph_S_mte lmttm _££= m5 -a," Etl'_3Nvwmsm_mm m' 86 r m..w bak m,dmatal g _Pmt 6. 6:.6!9 ::m_8:'.'=BG =YNa 38 Ego NNE NEE ??e:m: ajz gggg.a__ ma €mE Ps =.v mam:Nagt' « +?`k whits N,. o YOt s mart 6 -, . .a' a6 cm 6_w .si ® 8 art. . , ,mm aH: c ..l¢ r r a , ri l- - .- z, m Pc€ en tl ag E aaF , gg"a$a ar $ a a6s$ s A none . 1 S ' f; N c s • v e m N 66,68 etl aN" f t a D' gesl w a • as as rag a d c: a s ar,. -. Er k 0 ,„g„.a9" m ", e a ff v e c m 4Re s6 l -1 s i t a ytG a u1 8 E ak 4'' g,;2-._,‘6 6e e a 6 62 H8 s3:4 a ij p -6 m g a v n •n' am whhen •.N': g 6 P a 6 ensign eta 8e • . m Ilaa'ar s - mm 9a'. -a'6 elm BC°ig 8 ; . em m4m_u. .,.1; g I. Cl ester t. m Para'_ 6 ma leer.._X, 6 6 cn BU 608. a. , . - ian a'vw E.nt and Eee,teiibg g - __s:m6' -'m- a'6 °w_, Pi : l„o6- `9.1' 81.3..- ,-,umsbc b ` az "s maG!ee_c - &5 = y= _ - t ru m utE Whole No.or Vote.g6 _PmS t-.wm s=art emcee 4_d 6cs6n =ss.,.,_.wmeaaa - des' a,6Y a... a Hr=a Enn K ;..° c " 3:, Man 6 a8_ar^:ss_8t5`9 cn6a g 6a'__ 6_s_ara!:mcm m_6a g_y6866- , „.,. le H' •"9LS _88 ° _E_w 51-arm Par ear 6mw-. .,668 -4 p. -. -, ° m fftK _.-. S6P^.'H_ 99da y. yy Hu Hnff q g =_m-,w f agara _I v A 8SR 8m'e P S g L'm6 t- 1wm 66 =art Sar -ar 6mw a,N66 -eN_ la - 5 +D. - m go. u_ .,.mm. Frank H, parch, 6 m re-.m o t. - !Pm. -m mm 6a' 8:..ai d BLS'- .- ._„•,m 48.g. a m m w -. m w. s 4.7-et :s8,-. - 68.666 2 woke. l:. H.U•1= . 10 02 005; oob 0 uEF.Eld0E V"z'go o'f'Sa_e ILE W a. P- me m d.. k .I ,CAtItrifle 1 g t a w n !^nPS ?.,,$e c daI °sg 6 "amp §_n.6:`cs g Nil md g_a i. an?[22 tinN EFENa: d iEWN ta'aEagg4d2k '' 1 1'nt Vmt I gag g e E_5 "a "s Stan "? =ax r4mal__, 66eao Ns:af:tie$ itE 1 68e Yea aP fr ei tI8a8 it -gRa 6111=8 a Ti0.S_ _8 [LeWOre E. Hanco k ^1c_1 ,fee - gt& s - 6i rses Maa = -ma y v ag$aare z.la6ee:.$e`6 21411 ac:= B 1A S = - Ir , - a_P! am E•^"'' ytla£- - ar ill - Slim. w tt^eena l . a 1 ,g CG P a, - a m,.gag a6 4 > "ae_ee. -.sa a eg.ra 6:aas € "a; ram- x ._aura Ihd'" l b. W.ka o 2 urn area r:ma a : 66ean 39._66¢ tai s_ w Y mar mY. -m S'''' +_m Is. - - .,.ww„ + F ea I kBennette ql a 3 =3 CEa stets ‘6,81.4 6nHP lEg °8 Enna B8a86lt =idCYt. 868 grand!, fo U 6 66666 88 d 8 EIwi Cs English' F 9G _8E_02_P96kaam9_dP . e maraa 86686 g:V 69t9 E Blank d& L I E d d _m- - - n8 ry - N aPY'dd-P wL 1 N IY t c -s 6 -,tn „8a, =aOs €a - 1 nee giant t8ets bt a 1 aQ a$s ,a6 Campbell W Ado t '.v uEa x =Pe Naga 98a Ea.C1 ' bins eaang tNPt° _ tl'n°G aPSA Pb x e G`wr .e __P6_Fde " sea t 6 w s bn _aP a =" ed @R _ e G s - SPR6e 5e H nch ck.H Ens "'dPP. aG,HY' Hkaa.l °,' P6 5$96 mnna ¢6666 m gas ri, I Jh A It web YN [ e Ch 1 k WI I1 a 1 - aaaa i11i 11 i s, r' - I f t P eJn A b 3 cn t B ldma'I4 i l 8 1 (( f,N I Y II Sw+r a r 3 1 I e' i s r{r I Y ee J r k 44tjy ..nte• „ _ - aP 1"d 8 a a %rd ge'E YdII Lid d$ea o. 4" 9dSn wha : leg I, Vot SS,,t' $ f 1 7"Yv 38 rsrx a ..ad der Fa6 V -.n "p t ' . .I_m. , fin ;n ngt 3 - ..- ,.i -- i: d_ ' m H. Maynard.4 uu - j : &,.# =r , aF . iB .e8 ma' +1 =Q il 5'hr.am g l ]fCPalll ur, ,ah >& Y , =a JJ = -' a8eg. 3X38 sena vYna d8ati; s6 al nt Fp m..m .. m. - 1.t _ m Ru. 1 t m y are., I. a re t.GS rkaes 8mtem 85x6 8$b'ski 81"km"8"teinY Fe e 6 O g l 1 Ys:- m igg -sea s_ca g .'sPi xP'.Yf '1-- e,d.. v. SL a,i 6aa= eE9aaEI _ _ ?bmr6 er4 - ed E11'L NO OI votes.a E80se Egan "gattas Em',7. °E± ti =nail' Wa33C gm.6.,'$g, +6! 1.:a " wa g SSE g $ a a • 6 ,e_ara' Jwa.l.H ` sill ^ate.g_.6::::: ran 02rs aePe_=a>i. 'a:- e_en_: =fir 1 += •' RBUA._'_ ' : _ -7.5 _£16 Root .Ttat m: =`_'m l±t +° 662:. "uBN: 3:'Yat:es ' ' 8 =g6£3d g99 <a='a 39E56n:15688 2 6a'.ta8 Lf 2 I5 ea n>E 1r.....er ,^r'rrerLOS2i, G; a x- A66Y15666 Fit.er l 1.a a.5= ;m a g a' ,':ma Johntnn Ig aeea GtEa ss °a=m a NEd6 NENEN, t e• 4111X!:4.6:3a : se eb r _ E= •8666'1668$ E lf a 4eti 9 w £et ba_6 _$a Able _. _t `°c HStE 656$ ender" N hull'.8e. - a'8$ Agree beg °raa8 0.8e4 $ai:`- _as8 - 9tWa a q e al nlwa6E t1„---155 - 5nb80c = 88 a e R£ 6t88 nvmhe 1 !! 111wohbnrs 6H '_ 66 E'®a86 h06 f aaea:a= 8P6rtat BIa coa 5 P. - la 6 - 8 8n;t U3° i N: °m ma8s :: nee . 8E'6N8trn . =E V, le 2P.tl *_a I 2 06.6. 3 L a9 F G 688 H V ow m,..0o 3 r:G "$' m ' -c oR ®'ve a ar :0d 1 ' - a 1' mn8x J I uono 6h a E' s 111••4 -ma Ears:, °5_a -_Ed Sw85 5'.ao E. '-°TPa t F.'eiE fR' .. Ee =a dlt. •s _ " ega tE ae= .ad°a58e = :s$aJ h 3l F ncle.ar_ Y m r._ B xP : John F. P.rkh,trst. 6 y . 5., 0 r-:YP::c caaa N aaaE EnENa EJnonnta' via:a ac 3 5 _36:ip 69 =f:arCB 80fr56616688 s van azkx la`.;BmuJ'" °88 dd,3° ae0 8 • 6 ."m 8 ® =nk s__- 3. 4 mm.a. rev Yoder u Gas asI a g- n+m:.a RtV,845t88 'it t =4 68L tK +9 8G5 =n6 a ^ >c m 6_ Nt nee nennn64 Csn S $4g etaes8v3j. _ LEE s E8°2"' Ygw e :Ja.49.X 09F.t'm6- 1'v68J."21."8bert d °_ - -- a arum m gEt ._13 P =6s I:;9aeL_a3 g3sg gaggb s=a.g.s Egnat6 =:6.66 Ah Fitnc.d = aatr dra = mW34 .=.`sw =g: NUN= ii 9ii4:cF`a'ae.m w1€ 88 d n 12,i ae 53 b gaama' s +;1666`8- 166a 81111., 8. I r`. He . r. a PEnt. msaa WEe 'i' °- n_ " a ma 366 EGE fl l 1 l! McMillan. r 1 11kk 3 Y 3 P:Mt A E an 118 a 38 $b ' E 3 a 88 9IG f nn nr..sse 12- 8 a Egg.”:- 3 dada h - 23.88 a =s all e8 ' a 86 a ddd b a8F a as E nt Elan 8 - Sa n 0. 11 cL r F 6 86 h 86 a 6c Kr, d a bag sad aJ -4' 6..La`. N e Par E e2P aE: a ` e d as 6 as li 1 B rL P 1 r Ea' t i 'lea a pia b dig'88P Inning a 888 Rs $ 8n Vh 1 E I tlewa }' 0l'ar.se mb l F 8 68 4 ' 8 8 ' GPI EN EE N're+$'aa _E E' i'V 's%t 'xX„ s f. ,11h n n«:le 1' !" gas 66 #6P a assal Em arr1? f'r i `',, I G a e re t eq A26- 6' stye 6a E6 a_w g r 4_ el z aa m s a _aa621?'.d =g P 6 2 r. -a r Nk6i3,Cr4Jr3 r_ - gtal . - 8 P • aa = - .aa_ 8266588 stn 686"---'6°'" $ l kt d.: g tti E82L 8P a_„m 8aY6. t - 8 ° e rC66( 3 -8Gg s, 6661 gs Par ae a 9 8R gRa f a : haw F $ J h nll d 'n 6 s art..b'f rho P5V d ea Yi 1 -mb.a E R Es ]n_d JFI Hoyt. I l I 8se =a br.'_ °:;dse' creae e:G6 uwr Me4ee a3 $6m av s. tsG'IJ!". a °18 °: zearit td 5aaNtA:.1 44:•06`1 8 Lync 685!it:13a.E.r5 t d P a a %aeEgged; . 6bY a.' m I .coL w i? a Nee amt Enna x A 8 6 C 1 St I s5 12 r v 8 Halbert S a m r 33af_*i F H iL reecho., BLANKS AND IATTFI IN 1 F S t- f State. Malik recalled' m elute-three I i 1 ut k Treasurer.i l Blank e B.-le E me .nnvows; reeolved i Am I J s f C I V1 I i I 41 W a I k 0F-is 1 n$ S - Z kd 'a l i 1 V tl I N (`Y kY let 1' I • 10 H yy I Nlll,earl lx t, vll I 4lt1 1 1 d y les tot 111141 Dolt trq t k Fm y-I P tE lei 1 1. 1 1 1 t t t HUIDist . ti Henry VLField received IB k 811 t. f Member (Assembly, Ed St r 21".""' Fnrnum wve t th f L Irt Ch. 7w 11 volts. G 1 Ban , ly P K8 2& - -_I - eel'£..roa'd F • $seven: I County T n E - 1 1 I ote dBl k receive' e N. I ed d Blank 1 fif tor Sessions. Blank rc, v a He.... s.,„ _ 1 (Dims K IlewLae mlesloner. 1st District. Wank rrvblood pin y elx t t,. G IlanrY' A. Illcke.The IhrardP do ts..`anvneenr having metNovember,1 t o t 0,e 141h day or omber, canvass and Pet111 W vW WV. nelWV. In the e etrlek 5. O`tleney,at t f the y of the 'halmY ^, ederalElectionatni[L day of November. A. D. do hereby en a -u° -a -statement and f the - . t et said Election t thea p. Po x IEI agar:v .,,__„_ _ George F. Clark,Bated Ithaca,[ Y., Nov.10. 1011 .EDWARCAMP, , Ms L H. KENUEOF, w m.a.w - - ..- -- kmm mm_ Ya'_ _ Jnhn T.Ra..NADA RHDANARHODES.E es m 4a'_`m__¢.m u•-- .w fenrua Gifford.B. THOR. STATE OF NEW YC T. B THOr1Pmm to.- no empa d th . COUNTYfn 11witht e °DO p.:to caa,ify.ecttrhave Amhr^e84N s le transcript ,mnqurcdtm a fIthofthe whole I,uohhtl euwqm8metaa' -_ A: Yw.. .that t same correct ail ee ( se t n cale L such Solosrnun-v hand „ e om i seal nmaa, this :a iu[h aav o and nlne[ Y -Wr 58 an - a 3" g y'mm maesC _1C g e d m - = - -m H_. -e_m, wt.JBase Jana.: R' v a E a En-w E-- o-no "a ue:en :eltl. y6G k 5,mm. - -- t D ' . r Ohnrl H . ' lavdm ..1 a norm s.hmlalr 1 Y.-- . ed. ; gory EE9g Alters. mil. rea& 683 ?eaam magoEEEEYEEz`a'n EaEYEEEE- wha.NOofvpta.mre. i y a 4. _Johnachoc gk183 G_3 E83E3 e-3r E3 iw =EEEEE.EBE Jnhn Palmer, m ,I _ __= 5 1Y• w lu,nrle.\Va "d5`n.Y a re_.........__ Aeeea Heim..q` 93: 8333 e903.83 533383E35 £ = 9043r83 :°EW °'" Meyer, 4 awwww.. Hetak Y. '11 e i°momm . t.a. Jemm Wright..4,.__e'_wmw.Frde6chae 4 w Henr l n,. 11 ' § 9 . u $. www. Dan1 1 B Lao . m Ik 3 3mrem 5.3roni N !t 3N38tl e 9 5 38 ¢1`I pgn XHg $ s P 5 s S Y 3 Le 8 as3 Etl d$ -,9 H :OI tilu l8 / 4 ': 2 •• 3 a° 3tc -• =' £ w a Y 3 333-138 "A$ 38 "9 c l 43 A T t 1 W v4:$ ncV' • ' t e' . E j k "wn1 v fvt J. r tl e 5 3 $ a 3m s A , ace 1 r 1,1 e .g 3J 38ft ®8983 et 3 E 68t58a E J e-Ryl»f11 S 9 8 'S'33‘ 8 9N $ 4tl 8$ %Th 1 BI ll y J E ; e SC gig" - g8 8384 Ewe 5 533 3®3{ B arg F ,0 pbeBl, 9 H a P 6 5 Y 8C9$g Etl 38 ei 5C wtT w ed IJ" 8 If n{ au, r.v L'u- u Bg ` 1 -) E_ i° 6Y s al, ,t 3 8r rc ES 8A 9 5 r'_'vaW H 11 k¢ gy9- - 3w_,.09 ark BF Is2 g"v m 9 _ 8 8 -$$dR m588m-,°' tlG.. - OIZLFDVk 44 .44 % i. .r .E J WHL E 9 N 3 3E36tl S$ % 594 1 u fa J t AJ L:, Hf ei e98 8tl 1198 '9 5 fJO rg T Ch t I. i ` fti ' Z' _ 0 s 9 G 3 L 8 $38F9 8$ ' 9 S 1 um, fir, Ad ,a h g J to Y 1 Rr b thank ds t I ti 1 2 55.445;5. $ 8 ¢133 3 r IF Wh 1 lu 1 rJ IJ,tt 1 F E 3 .., es g8 agd yEEggrg whl N fV w. 1 E P 33;5 9 G 8 3E E8 33 9 6 'S ;morn H NI Jrl Jl ,) i B is eae$.,ei sag 433 = 3 e> „ s0 ' at- -..s' al n 1 Y's a 33E5 a 3$e cl c f I 347 1,Add B , he 0. 1 F' `, E 5.7.- t.e.,gr. b 3 3- B..=.6°,89 %3tl 3$ 5 wlllln Bo[ hh J f . C• . ,G g 8 - 3a38003 9:5 i4t 33 3081 Bg 8Y tl ghOH 14•3 m r kE6e-. i S Y In 3 9u$ g3.-i ee m$e' +-,mSC,am8 "Inert h B h r 4d .i° c Frhvk H 8W-433-3-; , t 1 Lr-t 1 i ee 9 3' B' 8 8$ 8$9 H "Inert J. Romeo.. t 8d • Z a 13 +•- a wml X 9t A J' 11 x ".1 4 Yr I i Ng tl §=s $P°t§ EYEY nYi 15 E`YEcY a Nig K -E wh'N t v t J H 8 3 8tl g 9 wuu r H a k iJ ' N $9 P 14 k8 tie 1 Tip , L E'r w • at k a In¢ " / jt'; g e E g Hti 0 ` 0-E NE83 F 5 3 S'BBme .§Bat9 3 ¢-'^i g5E 88 1 hu W OBI i 4 ;"; y gh5 '. c s aN a aw i:21 • gr8 rt wh 1 N r vr .yl t ' E 3es '1 a a gP9 tl ss r a _ 5 .seam ar s R ka ss H . .e R D t Li ; `,fi f 4 j-a. _ ' LLag 5 a341L r 3 !,11 "adecfs iti WoreE irgniaek I. xSJ N gas rag 14E1 Rsas gig g'= ma -55 gs &98 €.Jam s s.-a EEEEEss zrenk H H B A yl V'' e 393 s 3 w 9 84-'3,33 . east a W H d 1 L isf g gee= gt E 1 Ee5 ° ss 3e -s 9 43383 ' a a s g 3:33.333323.35 F "EIS TIbhelle 13 6 N ' i8 J4 : 4, } k, 7. L g u a HYV k BJ L i5isaa 3945 a9 tlasc g ks S6s33a'g a sea inpi4 rre ss 4 ' r= RC lL 3d D, 1 1 y red e tG f 1 ' ' , m F i kB Cl' 9 $s9 6 Pn 3 s ,g13 s a m 3 3sa3mG x$ 90 ®a as a'# Pn.la H m 1 >11..4.1," t 59 I m 3"8:45mf 3eag3 a s c - mwr cE,gwh. by 1 m g eE 03 - "ray 5 as .e u s® l t is ®®sEG9yEskg die9DJ k it oy 1rk e I • a - ten EE Blak soft le 1 5338 3.3., ,e3a E323 e Enge 33330. g 3883 r8a0.Rr.088 Mu l Y t , • 535€ E _5 r 8 331 V a 6B9 dramm3. -- wh N f v to 3 K J c tl & 5 3see 383 4_ 3.IBr9 B Yt t88 c. ...w Ad d ;338 s s .9s r8 Y3 63 g3 ®B . tl4-48-44 02444185E•heed v cOnl e. _; A 833 s tl t 2 3 u tl S h k - : :y V ° s g ® E P 3 tl3 •-ass as 3 *ga . g3a435 - El32r 63arx eR • In n + fd t Ka ., k d1,14,111•7,1,, _ t , m e.. ': u.- Mt me «B Wehetu ' tt a err hi W. Smith. a ji 1 , Jrr3Plal1t 1 y 91 d 8 d Iyy • r-911 F w1 J] S q 31 s A 741 i Z' F.Lewis A of w l vd 4ky V • gN9 k'J 8'm 9 Ch' Baly¢ ld I " I 4 F .= C.-.".C. 8' k 8 Il Mail' L*Mail' LD 1 ",' l . • F 4 V V: r stank dy- ttering 4 1 + i m k @'mOm ar P Ith E_ . ) . _ E55.9 'Ps-. a li Yg' d38§ 833 ,J'aE ` a Y Wh I *N t Yams!" at .1 I a -D.. 1 A :' =ik8 03 M1R _ .t E. - 81 ..3. Wo2C[ Blank ang Scattering a l J T.,. •".'. r, NJ r , 3X98 g£S5 ._ _ 1 S_3438:-.853E3 heel r ' sLo • 15 -3 9 5 s 3 5 5r Y3 °a"n tl. Mayuera.y ¢ ,_6 34 3Y.Sfr 5 &fr mH m3 348 3 Y9RN a • 0,,,„,,,,,,,,,,,, `ILnivl`u Grilue' Inl ''' g 0 a v.'. ` -S 5338. 95.13 3 u`C 3. 13R_3u 83 E_3' gEIVE a._e.8kl, B"'"1" Ile L K"""' 'I; m ima 8,m'.+ -v_ m_,.- - -, _m 0u e am.' E. Newman. 4 °_ m 3z and =w R.-4....4r.'452 8c343 E_ -.aq 5 E -John \1'. Rertue. c Eli... - -e h3- 't__ri._ hdas W. Matron. @ o a --3_ e •-c m -'e Blank and Scat:e,ing_Blank and Scattering h egg EY So -' F _- mv 13` i a' o,,,,. y Ie Yeas€ 6g .mrE S g - a € fit ar -a r bol H$ t t' yr4 S WLab[:o or vows y ,,E In V Jtewu[ 413Aga3s €s s5 _. rtEm O_ r r, 333 -2 atl5a_x Mmaa m:sg Ed3E Ei 413 il3 fi g _ss e_tt -s-e c 3E gnat g83338"3 irge+3 «_5_'ja.anh H. Choate.4 'gvec At4 m;. ae_5c:' s 4:'45 E°aga I1YCeg'rs ?_:G ?=_ = John H. Conklin, W Y,H m nl F'rla5.`3"" 38333 °3 3 3 A JZR:C' Ic668 ""h" Ilea{ e t = u$A ", .,.'IL 8r.. 3 £:J'_m L'u -e eE'tk "ub'H" - 4 o, Nl'- - 5" P.l4 .1 3t ..3_ C$g4 is t¢i-le£a Ed Lanherbach .i _ u_ _¢' _ _ - • P - u,_ -'v .__ d 44 m_ Waal; anti mat erlvg • aeew IoLn.nn I5g.SBea VIII 3s°tl'='Gd E wk5 Yam EEmime °m H,Y8'g`Et2Y.3a 1` LOIe NO orvnleaa iSE ' ssfs= er PS6sx6tss a t _ asa '3'83 gE e' "as =Ye xs =92d3?3°: = a 383°h.rlr: Beaman, tl t 56 '+98 &c Ia'S0$ grederl':k W Holla fLeddelu 5. Thomp 3 r3S 53 °6 V MICLe'l u Hlrmhhsr¢ 8 838 3a3 G -3 33353 33E3 x898 Vag3 -.3888 =33553{ gam- R8_88_5 ten-a d3§' 3_55 =-s ii =EE` : :te!Richard I;. Taylor. v Is SEE 3E 3E3' 538`` E F:=6'.'.5to°s5$5, g'3 «_5'u 3 y , e3p gE' J. Rider Cad -leek an se.'steel3tE"P.i'. =3 kF'`n .. P Vi y e a Vhole NO. of\ tee. ii -_ - 3= - = r335 _ 36E'.gg >_er 85"4" l• "1"""""hh t acs'`' tl ra"E EEEE sa = EcEE €5E151'LEE- YE41'.G3 -4 8 a '63gj° €5341:4 6,°.9£gYa-'at38JOhnM.Francis'a ., Et - i 9 lee mgeraan3E = d _..0 =5{:5.X93 ik.6'8 G8 °' ET R,Y =9K_ mdo BGm PiY °33 =3vG9fr Chari :13= 3iPEEz. 3_3E9531_PEEE= 1PE88JaLDF•v -k'"'E fail9_E3XX6_86ssP is 8_'99333George H. Baker. Eggs; a 5P36 -734 6335 m wMnree -vmaer rergeSm,B- Se8 & € ° 9Pt6vJ6t8E :tt = - G3l 3__Y SEES H= °8` =93w -C98 RS3"i8 -R'e g S 5 mu_ - _ _ .'-e_ " , , Hl.nk and Smattering P. eL3g p">_p ' Ze )] RS E:= 3t9ffrigy R= «$':= 1 ^aboo g • G11LnrL g m e r`- 3 a,ngaalna "an'.5 _ YssYa33 EEE YE5E =g =s WaEa ir- - a5%E taagEE gYEY- YYY4n -€ Wh,anNn,Of vale'.iB:= r- 3'4 5 g8g3g 3_aG_'K i' R ;E:va 88 4 -- 5 William 1'. Goodell'.I Y$. °. 03$ =3'8 £EdH mOaR = 3 °+ ' '$ °'ue =: 3 G%38.-- IIEBf<3F Barnard ![. Bath'.8ffi &8 € -aY_ ° GBt68d5F8F T Seymour B. Grover I =^90 ` 5E -c'Dm "' H. --maw' ^413- 5 93%34 W23G g4_IY 3454 G5V51 dEdB« P.t41$432 3895..345P_ES -c F48 u`:S3I a Jar_ &_EmF-ia Efts tl r -Gem E. Hanford. w E 3da3'a'_Ea_ 3@e a "' C. 10eoh 1 ;k &elf t6 -:3 3X:a a .a , .a W =33 U_3 8YY3gdg EaYS- fipgB = `.itka8855 "' _6ti yl ®8{53 8EG au tvetlerng Henry Bacon. m wu a a Fgg 35 s 5 3 00 aEum 4148 -r 3 Sa n 0.+g 3 g a I 3E34tmE3 5a - 4=n: -S Whole N tvl tea_ fi538W $aeJ6 rt 343 48'o¢Ed. -`eBE2 Jo b l E t i 31 -5 Ef3 .1438311 4026 83 : B'J ENR 3 E''°I Job„F kl 2 A3Ea83085EIt53xee- eEEaEs4 so H k y. .G 4 kJ, 3 8 Ab Ghee 3 A nt5 Itrt 8I in) 'a E 3. 0330-6 St s09 EE .BE -- -mar 1 JIB k S 1 3S EN R 3Et ERE E."9 E8 -. 8 3 g$ 3E 8388{5gm: 3 A M4 B s - ga6b t !& r P € 3883 Yr 3 E T5 i OGkrl D v y R' re 58 Jnhu I Hendamun 19 Charles D • v Y,3 a - - .P_ 3808802= te3.t, 8.388 d 4'0 m. 48 eh,r BInkadScatwring jd t • - 3ft Edx'aN H tluYt a ue.. z3 =$z = s S =R' aP.grc E -- -`Es t r 1 tau t whole ND. of Votes. v. GmrveJ • Ma S E4 fg n 8308« t e 6 8g 88 N Chary V M w . -$ mar LYE"'ii m8E3 1 -0E > = 3 5- P - egg- 546 0 6s- Agnes Darragh. I'Jacob stern Egg E =5F8 Iee3E IN E 1 8k = a«B J gP3eo: G 6t: 0E 8_a e s L lank nd scattering p 83813 r333, Hall IN ( IsaY. i 'a34345 -mli BI A ! y ". r'A C ' NU.-For tl t r 0 Ift1 vntee ror /'t oa los•t24' B.Pbels a] 3 JH 1611 . - gone you, andll Oki j' Be kI 9La I HI k ' L IS t - Ble al LL ll idee w vote - k I ror Nd u J fate..1 e dodge of tl eCou r AVV I H l d and Nlmk reaat saves ty eta, for Dalegntes-at laree A E J 5 f4-b0 3'L d 1 co 11 If` LI P' k4.1111 1 Hem YWD t received ono le, andelavk • µ't { null 1 NI d ty tea t' District D1 t 1 ft1 Oo tin. Blank received in s¢ ij •v5lm b 58._c8u 8C 1 l d l 1 Ili Lk a vote,: l inTsty B 1 mk District, Henry Aily 104 Field , I i vote, EdmundBlanO'Connor ce v I_Clarence A. Naruvu',seventy is f, -L iK <1 '1 1 G S ll k 1 el t d Blank received Aftl i Ve ,- C .4I$F,7i0ftu'3! 00tt5:z8 for CountyTre.orer (Thor elsEt.glesonr,coo.sil vote. and Stank received I for Coroner. Charles Van xI - e -rm. 0 'Dooms n K HrooLer M t+ r 1 ed end 11 k 1 1fifty-six f Sessions. Blank received sixty votes, for Hcbool Com 3e_mlaeranar.lmL k- a Monryl ed doetysia\ teaBtlnr y A , Dicks.Wi l de The said counts,5 6. e.+' uu' +ntbeH'h d AN at November, le¢L oanv wElaomidtkevotesgivenIn the tlnn Dist ofsakicounty V- p Patrick 8. O'Heey.at a General Election held on the 7th day of November, A. D. 1511, do hereby aertlly that the foregoing lea truetabularlmeC "'e- u -a -„o . -nm.c statement and footlessof the vote. cannatsaidElectionforLbe Veave ape officers named hereon and for each ofthem.Gmryn F. Clark.Dated Ithaca. B. Y.. Nov. 00,10114.EDWAND CASIO. Chairman, L. J. NEWMAN,JOHN E. VAN NATTA.mJnhn' 1'a.ff. -R. MORTON,Nor_ 6 - u'_m _ _a_I[ DANA RHODES..JOHN BULL, - - _ - agoner. 6 - meDennni"rCARPENTER . 8. CARPENTER,F. d. TODII. m tto T. 9 THOMPSON,N. PEARSOSO gr_ 3muaa.'wpmJohnJ. Llrl•STATE OF NEWYORK- Tourcm'eCOUNTYCL.5'e DOrrm1,,.ive hereby certify. that ILava nnmparedthe foregoing with the originala remaining on Hie In this office, ena me.e - -v:mm__.wm hr """ 1 " N"`"°'that the same Is a correct transcrlvt therefrom. and of line wholeOta'lcIIongln•I•Witness my Lan'( and official seal at Vaasa. this 133E day of November, tho,eand fighthundredvae8ea44m-- aw.... Edmord 0. Had.LL. 8.1 andninety-three.T.J. OIIEL.HENV, Deputy