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sclp. SpE 7 ' o' i N 1 c`00 o f 2 IN4- E t''40, 02 ,S: w I J 5 r 1`yu ti. -Tompkins Co. Clerk Offic re - FILED AND ENTERED SEP 30 1892 Geri PROC DINGS he Board of Supervisors erka Office, J .EC AN EffT.Lt; C Be TApa'EP Be 18 i " L'LVTG x ", COUNTY, OF TOMPICIN. V 1591 8miikins to. Clerks ()flee, c FILED AND Eel FRED SaLeY SEP 26,1892 ' 1 4 Yo O r Sj ONr 03)t . 00 rpl Ydiii01 0 ANNUAL SESSION. PROCEEDINGS OF THE Board o Supervisors OF THE COUNTY OF TCR'IPI+CINS, FOR THE YEAR 1891. JOHN H. KENNEDY, Chairman, Dryden, N. Y. FRED L. CLOCK, Clerk, Ithaca, N. Y. I ITIIACA, N. P: JOURNAL BOOK AND JOB PRINTING HOUSE. 189]. m cid 1 Q A A t e 1 zos.NNTJ. L, SF',SSION OF THE , BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF TOMPKINS COUNTY - -189 Pursuant to law, the Supervisors of the several towns of Tompkins County, New York, convened in Annual Session at the Supervisors' Rooms in the Court. House at Ithaca, in said county, on the rrth day of November, 1891, at 10 o'clock, A. 1w. The Board was called to order, and, on calling the roll of the towns in the county, all of the Supervisors responded to their names respectively, as follows : TOWN.MEMBER.I'. O. ADDRESS. . Caroline,FRED E. BATES, . Brookton Danby,JOHN E. BEERS,Danby Dryden,.J H. KENNEDY,.Dryden Enfield, . T. JoNp:S,Mecklenburg Groton,..C. W. CONGER,Groton Ithaca, (Town). . . CHAS. M: TITTJS,Ithaca Ithaca, (City) .R. A. CROIER, 1 Ithaca . Ithaca, (City) : . R. WOLF,Ithaca Lansing,JoIIN H. CONKLIN, . . . . North Lansing Newfield,RANnoLM1 HORTON, . . . . . . Newfield Ulysses, .. . A. H PIERSON,Trumansburg r o o 6 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1891. On motion Mr. Beers of Danby was elected temporary chairman. Mr. Pierson of Ulysses moved an infprmal ballot for chair-4man. Mr. Horton of Newfield moved to. amend by nominating J. H. Kennedy Of Dryden, for permanent chairman. Amendment accepted by Mr. Pierson. Mr.'Wolf of Ithaca moved an immediate ballot for perman- ent chairman. Motion seconded by Mr. Conklin of Lansing. Mr. Horton moves as permanent chairman, Mr. Kennedy of Dryden. Motion seconded by Mr.'Wolf of Ithaca. Motion carried. Mr. J. H. Kennedy of Dryden declared elected permanent chairman. Mr. Beers of Danby moves a formal vote for clerk. Mr. Bates of Caroline seconded the motion. Eleven ballots were cast, of which C. C. Van Kirk received 4 F. L. Clock received 7 On motion of Mr. Wolf the election of F. L. Clock was made unanimous, t 1 SUPERVISORS' P.ROCEEDINGS, 1691.7 Mr. Beers offered the following resolution, which on mo- tion was adopted : Resolved, That the salary of the clerk of the Board of Supervisors be • 150.00 for the ensuing year. The following communication from the State Comptroller was read by the clerk and ordered spread upon the minutes - : STATE OE NEW YORK, COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE, ALBANY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1891. To the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, of the County • of Tompkins, Ithaca, N. Y. SIR :—I enclose form of statement of the valuation of Real and Personal • Estate required to be made by you, pursuant to Chapter 117 of the Laws of 1836, and forwarded to this office previous to the second Monday in December in each year, ruder a penalty of fifty dollars._ I also enclose a form of Return of incorporated Companies liable to taxation. It is indispensable that this Report be furnished by the time prescribed. The Board of Equalization of Taxes, in pursuance of Chapter 312 of the Laws of 1859, have fixed the aggregate valuation of property in your County at the sum of $12,737,971.00 upon which amount a State tax of $17,514.71 must be levied for the fiscal year, colitmencing October 1st, 1891, as provided in said act and amendments thereto by Chapter 351, Laws of 1874; being 1g mills on the dollar, for the following purposes, viz : For Schools . . . 1 Mill per Chapter 389,Laws of 1891 , $ 97 For Canals . % mill per Chapter 50, 129 and 389, Laws of 1891, 4,776 74 TOTAL 1 mills. 17,514 71 Your obedient servant; EDWARD WEMPLE, Comptroller. P. S. —The non- resident Taxes credited to your County for 1890 amount to SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1891. Mr. Beers offered the following resolution, which on mo- tion was adopted : Resolved, That the hours of meeting of this Board be and are hereby fixed at 9 o'clock, A. s. and 2 o'clock, P. M. On motion adjourned. SECOND DAY. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER T2, IS91 Morning Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call. Quorum piesent. The chair announced the following : STANDING COMMITTEES. Constables'' Accounts, Bates, Conger, Wolf. Clerks' and justices' 'Accounts, Wolf, Jones, Bates. - Treasurer' s Accounts, Conklin, Titus, Pierson. Slzer;fj's and judge's Accounts, Conger, Beers, Horton. Equalization and Assessment Rolls, Beers, Conger, Bates, Conklin, Crozier. Superintendent's Accounts and County Buildings, Titus, Pierson, Conklin. as 113 v,1 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1891.9 County Claims, Pierson, Titus, Crozier. U. S. Deposit Fund and Insurance,' Jones' Conger; Horton. Printing and Printers' Accounts, Crozier, Bates, Titus. State Charitable Institutions, Horton, Beers, Jones. Mr. Horton offered the following resolution, which on mo- tion of Mr. Bates was adopted Resolved, That all county orders issued by this Board shall be counter- signed by the chairman, and town orders by the Supervisors of the respective towns, and that no order shall be issued until the adjournment of the Board. IMr. Pierson offered the following resolution, which on motion of Mr. Titus was adopted : 1 Resolved, That the hour from 4 o'clock to 5 o'clock, P. m., be set apart for the auditing of Bills and Accounts by this Board. Mr. Conger offered the following resolution : Resolved, That when a member of this Board desires to address the chair, be shall arise in his place and address the chair 'according to the rules govern- ing the Board of .Supervisors. Mr. -Titus Moved as an amendment that thelast clause be stricken out. Amendment seconded by Mr. Wolf.l Amendment accepted by Mr. Conger. Resolution as amended carried. Mr. Titus presented the petition of Phmbe Snow which was received, and on motion of Mr. Beers ordered placed on file. t 4.: 10 SUPERVISORS'' PROCEEDINGS, 1891. Mr. Horton offered the following resolution which on mo- tion of Mr. Pierson was adopted : Resolved, That the chairman appoint a committee ofhhree upon errone- ous assessment. The chairman appointed as such committee : Randolph Horton ; Charles M. Titus ;`A, H. Pierson. Mr. Pierson presented the reports of John M. Barker, A. P. Osborne, Henry Hutchings and Norman R. Gifford,,Justices of the =Peace of the Town of Ulysses, which on motion of Mr. Horton were ordered filed. Mr. Jones presented the reports of D. M. Searles S. M: Oltz and Win. F. - Smith, Justices of the Peace of the Town of Enfield, which on motion were ordered filed. , Mr. Conger presented the reports of Nelson Stevens, H. S. Hopkins, J. M. Montfort and Newton Baldwin, Justices of the Peace of the Town of Groton, which on motion were ordered filed. Mr. Titus offered the following resolution, which on mo- tion was adopted : Resolved, That the salary of Jail Physician be fixed, and hereby is fixed, at fifty dollars for the year 1892. Mr. Titus moved that Dr. R. L. Smith be elected Jail. Physician. Motion Seconded by Mr. Wolf. Mr. Horton moved .that the election of Jail Physician be deferred until Monday, November 16th, at 2•P. AI. Mr. Pierson moved that the chair appoint a committee of three to draft resolutions on.the death of Supervisor S. A. Sea - bring of.Newfield. x r 'E" r ; aT.,at 4 ; ' t q4, n SUPEItVJSORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1891.ti The chair appointed as such committee, Mr. Pierson, Mr. Beers and Mr. Wolf. On the motion of Mr. Bates, Mr. Horton's name was add - ed as a member of the committee. Mr. Bates offered the following resolution, which on mo- tion of Mr. Pierson was adopted : Resolved, That all resolutions presented to this Board be in writing unless otherwise orderecl by the Board. Tlie chairman being obliged, at this time to absent him- self, Mr. Beers of Hanby Was called to the chair. Mr. Wolf offered the following resolution which on motion of Mr. Bates was adopted : Resolved, That the price for printing the Session Laws for the year 1892 be fixed at twenty (2o) cents per folio and that no local laws except ,those ap- plicable to this county, shall be paid for. Mr. Wolf offered the following resolution, which on motion was adopted : Resolved, That the number of Grand Jurors be the same, and apportioned among the several towns of the county, in the same ratio as in the year 1890. On motion adjourned. Afternoon Session. Roll call. Quorum present: Mr. Horton presented the reports of W. H. Van Ostrand, A. K. Allen, A. H. Stamp and Seymour Grover, Justices of the Peace of the Town of Newfield, which on motion were or- dered filed. i2 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1891. Mr. Horton presented an abstract of the Town Audits of the Town of Newfield, which on motion were accepted and ordered audited at the several amounts claimed. i\Ir. Titus presented a communication from Geo. R. Wil- liams; which was read by clerk. Mr. Wolf offered the following resolution which on motion of Mr. Conger was adopted : Resolved, That there be levied upon the taxable property of the town of Ithaca, the sung of Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars for the repairs of highways and bridges as allowed by statute. Mr. Pierson presented the report of the Bonding Commis- sioner and of his report as Supervisor of the bonded • indebted- ness of the town of Ulysses, which on motion of Mr. Horton were received and ordered printed with the reports, and that the amount asked for be levied on the taxable property of the town . of Ulysses. Mr. Conklin offered the following resolution which on mo- tion was adopted : Resolved, That the sum of Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars be levied and collected against the taxable property of the town of Lansing for the repair of highways and bridges in said town as allowed by statute. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. Ou motion adjourned. 9 0 0 O STJPEI ?VlSO:RS' PROCEEDINGS, 1.8411.13 a THIRD DAY. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1891. Morning Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. 4 Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of preceding meeting read and approved. The County Treasurer appeared before Board with coin muuication from Willard Asylum. Chairman read communication. . fiHerefollowedadiscussionofcommunication. Report of Overseer of the Poor of the town. of Groton, presented by Mr. Conger and filed. In pursuance of Chapter, 625 of the Laws .of 1887, the fol- lowing designation of paper to publish the Session Laws for the ensuing year was made : In pursuance of chapter 625 of the Laws of 1887, we the undersigned Re- publican Members of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, do here- by designate the Ithaca Week &j& journal to publish the Session Laws for the ensuing year. FRED E. RATES, A. H. PIERSON, C. M. TITTJS, C. W. CONGER, JOHN E. BEERS, T. JONES, J. H. KENNEDY. Mr. Pierson moved that when this Board adjourns to -day, it adjourns until Monday, November 16th. . Q F 14 SUP,ER4i SORS' :PROCEEDINGS, 1591. 1 Motion seconded by Mr. Conger. Motion carried. Mr. Horton offered the following resolution, which on mo- tion of Mr. Pierson was adopted : Resolved, That the County Clerk elect, execute a bond to the Board of Supervisors of this county, with at least two sureties in the sum of 55,000.00, in the usual form, conditioned that he will faithfully execute and discharge the duties of County Clerk, and will truly account for all moneys deposited with him pursuant to the order of any Court, or by his predecessor in office, and pay them over as directed bylaw or by order of Court. On motion adjourned. FOURTH DAY. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16, x89t. Morning Session. Board caret pnrstiant to adjournment. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of the preceding meeting read and approved. In pursuance of Chapter 625 of the Laws of 1887, the fol- lowing designation of paper to publish the Session Laws was made : In pursuance of Chapter 625 of the Laws of 1887, we the undersigned Democratic Members of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, do 1 Kw SUPERVISORRS' PROCEEDINGS, 1891. .L5 hereby designate the Ithaca Democrat to publish the Session`Laws'for the en- suing year. Dated Nov. 13, 1891.R. HORTON, J. H. CONKLIN, R. A. CROZIER, R. WOLF. A communication from the Comptroller was read by clerk which on motion of Mr. Pierson was received and ordered filed. A communication from the Superintendent of, Willard State Hospital read by the clerk and filed. Mr. Wolf presented the reports of Win. J. Totten and Jason P. Merrill, Justices of the Peace of the town of Ithaca, which were'received and ordered filed. D'Ir. Pierson offered the following resolution, which on mo- tion of Mr. Conger was adopted : Resolved, That this Board as a Committee of the whole, visit the County house, November T9th. Mr. / Kennedy presented the reports of A. L. Smiley, Geo. E. Monroe, Wm. E. Brown, G. E. Underwood, E. F. Weaver, Justices of the Peace of the town of Dryden which were filed. Mr. Pierson offered the following resolutions which on mo- tion of Mr. Crozier were adopted : Revolved, That there be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the town of Ulysses the sum of Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars, as allowed by statute, for the repairs of highways and bridges. Resolved, That there he levied and assessed- upon the taxable property of the town of Ulysses, the sum of Six Hundred Dollars; said amount having been voted at the annual town meeting in February last, to erect an Iron Bridge at or near Clayton Jones', and known as the Pope Bridge. SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1891.° Resolved, That there be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the town of Ulysses the sum of Two Hundred Dollars, for the. purpose of pay- ing the necessary expenses for repairing the Daggett Bridge, this amount hav- ing been voted at a regular meeting of the Town Board on the 5th day of'No -' vember, 1891. Mr. Horton presented, the report of the bonding commis- sioner of the town of Newfield and his report Supervisor of the bonded indebtedness of said town, which were on motion of Ir. Crozier received and ordered printed with the reports of the Boaid of Supervisors and' that the amount asked for be levied on the taxable property of the town of Newfield. Mr. Conger presented the report of the Bonding Commis- sioners of the town of Groton and his report as Supervisor of the bonded indebtedness of said town, which on motion of Mr. Horton were - accepted and ordered printed with the reports of the Board of Supervisors and that the amount asked for be lev- ied on the taxable property of the town of Groton. Jas. S. Lvke appeared before the Board and presented his report as Superintendent of the Poor. On motion adjourned. Afternoon Session. Roll call. Quorum present. Mr. Jones presented the.report of F. B. Aiken, Justice of the Peace of the town of Enfield which was filed. J. Warren Tibbetts presented his report as Sheriff of Tompkius County. Moved by Mr. Beers that this Board proceed to an inform- al ballot for Jail Physician. SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1591.17 f Motion; carried. The chair appointed as tellers, Mr. Pierson and Mr. Wolf. Vv hole number of votes cast, ten of which R. LL. Smith received . . . 5 J. W. Brown received 4 Blank received ,. On motion of Mr. Beers the Board proceeded to a formal ballot for Jail Physician. Whole number of votes cast it of which R. L: Smith received:7 j..W. Brown received 4 Dr. R. L. Smith was declared duly elected Jail Physician' for'the ensuing year. Mr. Pierson's motion that this Board visit the County House as a'Committee of the whole November 119th. Carried. On motion of Mr. Beers the chair appointed the following couunittee to secure conveyances for the visit to the County House • Mr. Beers, Mr. Bates and Mr. Titus., Mr. Beers presented a list of the Grand Jurors'for the town of Danby for the ensuing year Mr. Kennedy presented a list of the Grand Jurors for the town of Dryden for the ensuing year. Mr. Horton presented a list of the Graiid Jurors for the town of Newfield for the ensuing year. Mr. Conklin presented a list of the Grand Jurors for the. town of Lansing for the ensuing year. Mr. Wolf filed the report of M. E: Poole, a Justice of the Peace of the town of Ithaca. 18 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1891. Mr. Conger presented a list of the Grand Jurors for the town of Groton for the ensuing year. Mr. Titus offered the report of the Superintendent'of the Poor which on motion of Mr. Beers was accepted and ordered referred to the proper committee. 1\'Ir. Titus presented a list of, the Grand Jurors for the town of Ithaca for the ensuing year. Mr. Wolf, chairman of the connnittee on clerk's and jus- tices' accounts, reported the following bills, which on motion of Mr. Pierson were allowed and audited as reported Nos. 114, 57, 4, 9 3 Mr. Pierson, chairman of the committee on county claims,- reported the following bills, which on motion were allowed and audited as reported : Nos. 77, 64, 69, 7 7 5 3 23, 22, 28, 3 27, 26, 29, 17, 95, 53, 54, 3 25, 20. o Mr. Bates chairman of the committee on constable's ac- counts, reported the following bills, which on motion were al- lowed and audited as,reported : Nos. 14, 87, 100, 101, 102, 103, 86, 123, LoS, Mr. Jones presented a °list of the Grand Jurors for the town of Enfield,for the ensuing year. Mr. Wolf 'offered the following resolution, which on mo- tion of Mr. Pierson was adopted : Resolved, That the County Superintendent of the Poor be authorized to employ a chaplain for the county Alms House for the year beginning January ist, 1892, at a salary not exceeding fifty dollars, the same to be paid by an or- der drawn by the Superintendent, upon the County Treasurer. o SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1891.19 f Mr. Horton offered the following resolution which on mo- tion of Mr. Conger was adopted : WHEREAS, There exists in the opinion of this Board, much uncertainty as to the power of the State Commissioners of Lunacy to fix arbitrarily the week- ly,expense for the care of the pauper and indigent insane in the Willard Hos- pital and other similar institutions of the State without any reference to the actual cost of maintenance. Resolved, That the clerk of this Board shall ascertain from the Attorney General of this State his opinion as to the power of such commission to so fix the price of maintenance and to compel the counties to pay the same. On motion adjourned. FIFTH DAY. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1891. Morning Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of preceding meeting read and approved. Mr. Pierson presented a list of the Grand Jurors for the town of Ulysses for the ensuing year. Mr. Jones offered the following resolution, which on ino- tion of Mr. Bates was adopted : Resolved, That there be assessed 'upon the taxable property of the town of Enfield the sum of $25o.00 to be applied-by the commissioners of highways for maintaining highways and bridges of said town. 0 e 20 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1 i Mr. Conger offered the- following resolution, which on mo-I tion of Mr. Wolf was adopted : Resolved, That there he assessed upon the taxable property of the town of ' Groton, the sum of $25o.00•o be applied by the commissioners of the highways o for maintaining highways and bridges of said town. Mr. Bates presented a list of the Grand Jurors for the town of Caroline for the ensuing year. On motion adjourned. Afternoon Session. Roll. call. Quorum present. Mr. Bates offered the following resolution, which ou mo- tion of Mr. Beers was adopted : Resolved, That the sum of Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars be assessed and levied on the taxable property of the town of Caroline for the mainten- ance of roads and bridges as the statute provides. Mr. Titus offered the following resolution : The Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County learn with very great pleasure that through a generous benefaction a city hospital in the city of Ith- aca has been provided, and Vnrneas, A communication fo the Board from Mr. Geo. R. Williams of the Hospital, igformiug the Board that the City Hospital is now nearly ready to receive patients heeding cafe and treatment; also requesting that -a rate per day or week which will appear to the Supervisors to be proper and satis- factory for such care and treatment be fixed ; wherefore; - Resolved, That it is the sense of this Board that the county as well as any town of the county may well avail itself of this fortunate asylum for their sick, and being requested to do so, we herewith suggest a sum of six dollars per week would seem fairly reasonable as a charge for the care and treatment of county and town patients.1 a SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1891.21 Mr. Beers moved that the resolution be adopted. Motion seconded. JJJ Here followed a discussion on the resolution. ' Mr. Crozier moved as an amendment 'that the words "not to exceed" be, inserted. ri.Amendment accepted by Mr. Titus. Resolution as amended adopted. Mr. Horton offered the following resolution, which on mo- tion of Mr. Conger was adopted : Resolved, That the sum of Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars be levied and collected against the taxable property of the town of Newfield for the repair of highways and bridges. The several members of the Board were engaged in coin- . mittee work during the day. On motion adjoilrned. SIXTH DAY. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, I89I. Morning Session.e Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of preceding meeting read and approved. s 0 22 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDII\GS,i 1691. A communication was received from the clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Broome county; with hill of C. R. Baldwin . for burying the 'bode of Albert Prame. On•motion of Mr. Pierson the, bill and communication were returned to Mr. Baldwin. Mr. Wolf offered the following resolution, which on nlo- tion of Mr. Conklin was adopted : Resolved, That the sum of Three Hundred and Fifty Dollars be allowed the sheriff of the county to pay for the services of,janitor of the court house and engineer and fireman for the county- jail for the year 1892. On motion adjourned. Afternoon Session. Roll call. 4Quorum present. Mr. Crozier offered the following report afid resolutio "ri, which on motion of Mr.. Beers was adopted : To the Honorable Board of Supervisors: We visited the different printing houses in the city soliciting bids for print- ing the proceedings of this Board in pamphlet form, as customary, with the following result : Ithacan Office— Proprietor not in ; Andrus & Church — Declined to bid ; E. D. Norton — Declined to bid ; Ithaca Democrat —$2.6o per page 5,000 copies; Ithaca Journal —$2.55 per page 5,000 copies; therefore Resolved, That the Ithaca Journal be and is hereby authorized to publish. 5,00o copies of the proceedings of this Board, same 'forth, type and quality paper as 1389, at $2.55 per page; the same to be complete and ready for distri- bution by January loth, 1892. R. A. CROZIER, C. M. TITUS,Committee. F. E. BATES, SUPFILVTSORS' Pt OC] Et INGS, 1801.93' 7 J. H. Jennings appeared before the Board and presented his report as district attorney. 1! ti On motion of Mr. Beers tlic report of the district attorney was accepted and ordered printed with the reports. Mr. Titus presented the reports of the railroack commission -. ets of the town of Ithaca, which Were accepted and ordered printed with the reports. Mr. Titus offered the following resolutiods Resolved, That the sum of Fifteen Thousand Dollars to', pay principal ofronds falling due March 1, 1892 15,000 The stun of Four Thousand Eight Hundred and Seventy -five Dollars to pay interest due March 1, 1892 and September T, 1892 in i acct. Ithaca and Athens Railroad . . .4,875 Resolved, That the sum of Seven Thousand Dollars be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the town of Ithaca to pay interest upon the bonds issued to the Geneva and Ithaca Railroad and falling due the ensuing year. On motion of _vlr. Horton the resolutions were adopted and ordered that the amounts asked for, be Iedied upon the taxable property of the town of Ithaca. Mr. Pierson, chairman of the committee on county claims reported._the following bills, which on- motion- of ;Mr. Horton were allowed and audited as reported. . Nos. 21, 120, 18, 66, 45, 118 15, 127, 48, 82, 39, 4 3 43" Mr: Bates, chairman of the committee on constables' ac- counts reported the following bills which on motion of Mr. Pierson were allowed and audited as reported, No 19, 125, 87, 81, 12, 11, 9, 13, 89, 88, 6. On motion adjourned. a o o 24 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1891. SEVENTH DAY. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1391. Morning Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call. Quorum present; Minutes of preceding day read and approved. A communication from the Western New York Institution for Deaf Mutes to the county treasurer was read by the clerk. Consideration of the communication was deferred until Friday, November loth. On motion of Mr.' Horton the Board adjourned to recon- vene at the county alms house. Board met at the county alms house where they were cor- dially welcomed by Superintendent Lyke and Keeper Brown: While the committee were examining the books and ac- counts of the Superintendent the various other members of the Board were engaged in examining the buildings and discussing the condition of the inmates. The members of the Board materially assisted Keeper Brown in reducing his supplies for the coming winter by par- ticipating with him in demolishing an elaborate dinner. The .Board started to return to Ithaca about 3 :30, reaching the city in reasonable time. e c t SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1801.25 I EIGHTH DAY. Li FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1891. Morning Session. , Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call. Quorum present. - Minutes of preceding day read and approved. Mr. Pierson offered the following resolution, which on mo- tion of Mr. -Bates was adopted : Resolved, That the five thousand .copies of the journal of proceedings of this .Board; Abe apportioned among the several towns of the county, the sauce as they were in 18go. Mr. Titus offered.the following resolution, and asked that it be laid ob the table until the afternoon session of the Board: wn}2n$ns, The present dilapidated condition of the county house is such as to present to this. Board the fact that immediate action is necessary whereby more comfortable and wholesome quarters for our county and town- poor may be provided ; therefore, Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed by the chairman,'whose duty it shall be tb give immediate consideration to the subject of a county house ; whether in its judgment the present county house can be built over and repaired so as to serve all the needs of a proper home fox our unfortunate poor, or whether a new and substantial structure with change of location, will. be expedie`iit and natural ; together with manner and mode of procedure and other dubjeet matter associated therewith, and to•report the same to Board early in the coming week. Mr. Conger offered the following resolution, which oft. mo- tion of Mr.'°Hortori was adopted and the several items thereof, ordered levied -and collected upon the taxable property of the town of Groton : t 4 96 SIWERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1891. Resolved, That the following bills be added to the town audits of the town of Groton :' No. 84 7 00 No. 85 6 35 No. 86 6 io No. 87 r 25 No. 88 n r8• No. 89..20 00 No. 90 3 95 No. 91 r z5 • = 97 08 Mr. Conger presented the town audits of the town of Groton, which on motion of Mr. Horton were . received and or- dered that the amount thereof be levied and collected -upon the taxable property of the town of ,Groton. Mr. Pierson offered the following resolution, which on mo- tion of Mr. Conger was adopted : Resolved, That no bills except such as have been contracted during the session of this Board, be received for audit after Monday, Nov. 3oth, unless by consent of the members present. Mr. Wolf presented the report of Rav>,nond L. Smith, a Justice of the Peace' of the town of Ithaca, which was filed. Mr. Jones presented the town audits of the town of Enfield; which on notion of Mr. Wolf were received, and ordered that the amount asked for be levied upon the taxable property of the town of Enfield. Mr. Kennedy presented an abstract of the town audits of the town of Dryden, which on motion of Mr. Bates were re-' ceived, and ordered that the amount asked for be levied upon the taxable property of the town of Dryden. SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1891.27 On motion of Mr. Bates the following bills were added to the town audits of the town of Dryden : Nos. 87, 88, 89, 9n, 9r, 9 k Mr. Kennedy offered the following resolution, which on motion of Mr. Horton was adopted : Resolved, That the sun of $250.Oo be levied and collected upon the taxa- ble property of the town of,Drvden for the maintenance of roads and bridges, as allowed by the statute. Mr. Crozier, chairman of the committee on printing and printers'aecounts, reported" the following bill`s; which on um- tion were,allowedand audited reported Nos. 137, 55,.n3. Mr. J. T. Morrison appeared before the Board and extend- ed to them an invitation fo visit him on any evening •they might choose. On motion Mr. Morrison's invitation was accepted and Tuesday evening, November 24th, was selected as the evening on which they would visit Mr: Morrison at his residence.' On Motion adjourned. Afternoon Session. Roll call.., Quorum present. Mr.'Titus presented the town audits of the town of Ithaca, which on motion were accepted, and ordered that' the' amount asked for be levied upon the taxable property of the town of Ithaca.. The resolution of MT. ; Titus asking that a. committee be appointed to examine and report as to the advisability of ,re- ae 1 n 2R SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1891. 0 pairing the present county alms house or building, a new one, was taken from the table. Mr. Wolf movedlthe adoption of the sane. 1 Mr. Horton moved as a substitute. First, That the location of the county alms house be not changed. Second, That the present county alms house be repaired in such a manner as the Board shalPdetermine. Mr. Horton's motion was'seconded by Mr. Bates. Here followed a discussion on the resolution. Mr. Crozier moved as a substitute to the'original inotion, that further discussion on this question be deferred until.T'ues day, November 24th, at 2 P. M - the discussion to be taken up in the following order : First —as to location ; Second — whether to build anew county almshouse or to' repair the present one. Mr. Crozier's motion was seconded by Mr. Titus. Mr. Crosier's motion carried. The following coinmunication was read -by the clerk AUBURN, N. Y. Nov. 17, 1891. Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: o DEAR SIR —In accordance with a resolution this day presented by Super- visor Browmof Ledyard, the Board of Supervisors of your county are - most cordially requested to visit the Board of Supervisors of Cayuga County at Au- burn, N. Y., upon any day that you may select: Please extend the invitation to Supervisors of last year:Respt'y yours, E. M. HART, Clerk of the Board. P. S. —I would suggest you select a date later than Dec. it as we hold no session next week. 1 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 7.891 29 On motion of Mr. Pierson, the clerk was directed to inform the Supervisors of Cayuga county that their invitation was ac- cepted by this Board and that Thursday, December 3d, was the day selected to visit the city of Auburn. 1VIr. Pierson, chairman of the committee on county claims, reported the following bills, which on motion of Mr. Horton were allowed and audited as reported : Nos. 42, 76,I 2, 4 129, 1149. 33, 4 4 9, 59, 9, 79, 58, 74• Mr. Bates, chairman of the committee on constables' ac- counts, reported -the following bills, which on motion of Mr. Pierson were allowed and audited as reported : Nos. 104, 83, 68 , 7, 113, 138. Mr. Conger, chairman of the, committee on sheriff's and judges ascot nts reported the following bills„ which on motion of Mr. Bates were allowed and audited as reported : Nos. 122, 135, T36, 121, 9 97, 9 99. Mr. Conger presented the report of J. W. • Tibbett as Sheriff of Tompkins county, which on motion of Mr. Horton was accepted and ordered printed with the reports. ' Mr. Bates presented the reports of John J. Peters, R. G. H. Speed, Walker V. Personius and John Cross, Justices of the Peace of the town of Caroline which were filed. The chairman being obliged to absent himself at this time, Mr. Beers, of Danby, was called.to the chair. Mr. Bates offered the following resolution, which on mo- tion of Mr. Jones was adopted : •1 may 30 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDT.NGS, 1891. Resolved, ,That the following'bills be added to the town audits of the town of Caroline, and the amounts therein claimed be assessed and levied against the taxable property of the town of Caroline : No. 48, J. K. Doughty .32 6o No. 49, D. M. White 21 00 No. 5o, Geo. E. Harris .12 00 No. 51, F. E. Bates, . :.. 600 No. 52, 0. D. Mulks.6 10 Total S1 7o Mr. Bates presented the town audits of *the, town, of Caro- line, which on motion of Mr. Horton were received and ordered that the amounts asked for be le upon the taxable property of the town of Caroline. Mr. Wolf, chairman of the committee on clerk's and just - ices accounts, reported the following bills, which on motion of Mr. Pierson were allowed and audited as reported. Nos. 145, 146. On motion adjourned. NINTH DAY. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 21; 1891. Morning Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Mr. Beers of Danbv in the chair. Roll call. Quorum present. FM y o SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1891.31 Minutes of preceding day read and approyed.e Mr. Titus offered the fo110- ring resolution, which on mo- tion'of Mr. Horton was adopted, and - ordered 'that the amount ,/ asked for be levied upon the taxable property of the town of Ithaca: e Resolved, That the sum of $25o.00 be levied. upon the taxable property of t the town of Ithaca to Le expended upon the improvement of the highways. i i Mr. Pierson, chairman of the committee on.county claims reported the following bills which on motion of Mr. Wolf were allowed and audited as reported i . 4 Nos. 14o, [41, [ 7 io8, 47, 4 34, 54 1 , 67, 73, 65, 6o, 16. l i Mr. Pierson moved that when this Board adjourn it adjourn until Monday, November 23d, at 9 o'clock. Mr. Pierson's notion on being seconded was carried. F-During the morning session the various members were en- gaged in committee work. On motion adjourned. TENTH DAY. AtoNDAY NOVEMBER 23, 1891. Morning Board'inet pursuant to adjournment, Roll call. Quorum present. 0 4 32 •SUPERVISOR PROCEEDINGS, 1891. U Minutes of•preceding. meeting read;and approved.' Mr. Conger offered the following resolution which on mo! tion of Mr. Wolf was adopted Resolved, That the following bills be added to the town audits of the town of Groton Nos. 92 and 93, amount $2z04. Mr. Pierson offered the following resolution, which on mo- tion `of Mr. Conger was adopted : Resolved, That there be added to the town audits of the town of Ulysses the following bills: No. 57, Frank Terry, Inspector of Election 12 o0 No. 58, S. E. Stone, 16 00 No. 59, C' F. Hunter, 20 20 No. 6o, E. M. Corcoran, "16 00 No. bi, Thomas Kirby.26 88 No. 62, M. T. Ward,r6 oo No. 63, W. 11. Van Dine, " 12 00 No. 64, N. R. Gifford,22 20 No. 65, Clermont Sears, " 1200 No. 66, John M. Barker, "8 on No. 67, Mrs. Wm. Hall, Errors Tax, 1890,13,08 No. 68, A. 11. Pierson, Supervisor 8 48 No. 69, T. H. King, Drawing Map and Surveying . . rz o0 84 On motion adjourned. Afternoon Session. Roll call. Quorum present. Mr. Pierson presented the town audits° of the town of Ulysses, which on motion were audited as reported and ordered that the amount asked for, be levied upon the taxable- property of the town of Ulysses. ax Kxr+' t t 77 4TE n n C o SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS: 1891. 33 Mr. Conger, as •Supervisor of the town of.Groton presents ed a claim in favor of said town demanding that the Board of Supervisors now in session, pay over to the town of Groton all moneys collected from the Southern Central Railroad and thePPP Elmira Cortland and Northern Railroad, for the past six years, as taxes, levied upon tlie assessed valuation of the property of said railroad corporations situate in the town of Groton' amount- ing to $2,889.28 less whatever sum was levied from school and road purposes. Mr. Pierson moved that a committee of three, with Mr. Horton of Newfield as chairman, be appointed to investigate the legality of the claim and report to the Board. Mr. Pierson's motion was seconded by Mr. Wolf. Motion carried. c. The chair named as such committee : Mr. Horton of New - field; Mr. Titus of Ithaca; and Mr. Pierson of Ulysses. Mr. Conklin presented the town audits of the town of Lan- sing, which on motion of Mr. Pierson, were audited as reported and the amount thereof ordered levied and collected upon the taxable property of the town of Lansing. Mr. Conklin offered the following re "solution, . which on motion of Mr. Titus was adopted i Resolved, That the following bills be added to the town audits of the town of Lansing 0 No. to To the Overseeer of the Poor for the support of the poor of said town.,o oo No. 71, James L. Baker, Legal Services 29 00 No. 7z, A. H. Clark, Excise Commissioner ,3 00 + . Sz o0 34 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1891. 1 Mr. Jones presented the report of the bonding commission- er of the towniof Enfield, and his report as Supervisor, of the Bonded indebtedness of said town, .which on motion were re-X ceived and ordered printed with the reports. Mr. Pierson, chairman of the committee on county claims reported the following bills, which on motion of Mr. Titus were allowed and audited as reported : Nos. 153, 45 3, z, rrz, 126, 24, 116, 63. i The various Members of the Board were engaged, during the day, in committee work. On motion adjourned. 1 ELEVENTH DAY. T,uEsDAv,'NovEMBER 24, 1891. Morning Session., Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of the preceding day read and approved. Mr. Jones, chairman of the committee on the U. S. De- posit Fund and Insurance, called the attention of the Board to the matter of insurance on County buildings. - Mr. Pierson offered -the following resolution, which on mo- tion was,adopted : SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS 1891.35 Resolved, That there be levied and assessed upon, the taxable property of the town of Ulysses the sum of three hundred dollars, for the support of the poor of said town. likt On motion adjourned. Afternoon Session. Roll call. Quorum present. Tfie substitute of Mr. Crozier . to the resolution offered by Mr. Titus was called up as unfinished business. Mr. Titus spoke in favor of changing the location of the County Alms House from its present site to the town of Ithaca. Mr. Pierson offered the following resolution and moved that it be adopted : Resolved, That it is the judgment of this Board that the site of the County Alms House shall not he changed, Motion seconded by Mr. Horton of Newfield. 1 Mr: Crozier withdrew the first part of his substitute to the resolution offered by -Mr. Titus: Mr. 'Pierson called for the ayes and noes on his resolution. Mr. Beers moved that Mr. Titus' resolution and thesu'bsti- Lute of Mr. Crozier be indefinitely postponed for the.purpose of offering a resolution. Motioti carried. Mr. Titus moved that the question of location be stricken from Mr. Crozier's substitution. ` Mr. Beers rose to a point of order. e r 88 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1$01. Mr. Beers offered the following resolution Resolved; That a committee of four members of this Board be appointed . by the chairman for the piir}?ose of investigating -the propriety of repairing 1 the old or building a newt County Alms House. That such committee shall have power to employ competent persons to make estimates upon the costs of suitably repairing the old, or building a new building. That said . committee shall report to this Board on or before the 1591 (lay of January, 1892. That this Board shall convene in special session upon the call of said committee on or before the above mentioned late.H Mr. Pierson called for a vote on his resolution. Mr. Beers arose to a point' of order. On Motion of Mr. Bates the resolution offered by Mr. Beers was adopted.e Mr. Horton gave notice that he would offer a resolution.on Wednesday morning, at 9 o'clock, in regard to, changing the location of the County Alms House. The chairman announced that he would name the mem- bers of the.committee on Wednesday morning, Nov. 25th. In response to an' invitation o from the Board, Mayor St. John,'of the city of Ithaca, spoke in °favor of moving the County Alms House from its present location to a point nearer the center of the county. On motion of Mr. Horton, the Board proceeded to the reg ular order of business. On Motion adjourned. ° t G • SURERVISORS' PIiOCE.EDINQS, 18019 37 TWELFTH DAY., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1891. •Ir e Morning Session. Board islet pursuant Co adjournment. Roll call. Quorum,present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. Mr. Horton offered the following resolution : P Resolved, That it is the judgment of this Board, that the present site of the County Alms house be not changed. Voting on Mr: Hortou's resolution was deferred until a later hour in the forenoon so that all the members might be present. Mr. •Ingersoll, County Treasurer,- appeared before the Board and read a, communication front the Superintendent of Westehiu New .York Institution for Deaf Mutes: Mr. Jones offered the following resolution,' which ou mo- tion of Mr. Crozier was adopted : • Resolved, That in case 'of a deficiency' in court expenses for ensuing' year the County Treasurer and the Supervisors of the town of Ithaca be au- thorized to borrow on the credit of the county, an amount of money sufficient " , to meet contingencies, until the meeting of the Board of Supervisors. Mr. Titus, chairman of the committee on superintendent's accounts and county buildings, reported the following bill, which on motion of Mr. Pierson Was audited at the amount recommended by the committee : No. 148. q 38 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 1891. L. H. Van appeared before the Board and presented his bond as County Clerk. On motion of Mr. Horton the bond was approved and ac- cepted and ordered filed with the clerk.' NIr. Pierson, chairman of the committee on county claims reported the following bills, which on motion of Mr. Bates were 'received and audited at the amounts recommended by the committee : Nos. 105, 35, 94, 50, no, 72, So, 143, 13 Mr. Horton called for his resolution. Mr. Titus moved as a substitute to the original, that the matter be indefinitely postponed. The substitute offered by Mr. Titus seconded by Mr. Wolf. . Mr. Pierson called for a vote on the substitute offered by Mr. Titus. Substitute lost. Mr. Wolf called for the ayes and noes on the-original res- olution which were ordered, the - ballot resulting as follows : Ayes–Bates, Beers, Jones, Conger, Crozier, Conklin, • Horton, Pierson, chairman Kennedy ... . . 9 Noes— Titus, Wolf 2 Resolution adopted. 0 Mr. Bates, chairman of, the committee on constables',ac- counts reported the ' following bills, which on motion of Mr. Crozier were audited at the amounts recommended by the com- mittee : R v • RSUPERZVISOS' PROCEEDINGS, 1891.t9 eea Nos. 155, 144, 84, 157, 149, 134, 154, 156. Mr. Conger,, chairman of the committee on sheriff's and judge's accounts reported the following bill, which on ,motion i f of Mr. Pierson was audited at the amount recommended by the committee : No. 151. The chairman announced the following - committee to in- vestigate the propriety of repairing the old, or building. a new 1 County Alms House : - o John E. Beefs, R. A. Crozier, Fred E. Bates; Randolph , Horton. Moved by Mr. Bates that when this Board adjourns, it ad-i jourh to Monday, November 3oth at 9 i Motion seconded by Mr. Crozier. Motion carried. On motion adjourned. N. V THIRTEENTH DAY.r MONDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1 Afternoon Session. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of preceding meeting read and approved. The clerk read a communication from the Attorney General Y at y 10 SUPER TSORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1891 o of the state, which on motion of Mr. Pierson was received and ordered filed with the clerk of the Board. Jas.. S. Lyke appeared before the Board and presented his bond as Superintendent of the Poor. Ou motion of Mr. Crozier the bond of the Superintendent • of the Poor was approved and accepted and ordered filed as the law directs. Ir. ;Beers presented the report of T. W. Slocum, a Jus- of the Peace of the town of Danby, which was filed. Mr. Conklin offered the following resolution, which on motion of Mr. Crozier was adopted : Resolved, That there be :idled to the town audits of the town of Lansing the following bill : No. 73, Chas. H. Bacon, Ballot clerk 4 00 1 Mr. Conger offered the following resolution, which on in- tion of Mr. Titus was adopted : Resolved, That the following bill be added, to the town audits of the town of Groton : No. 94, win. A. Smith .. .2 25 1r. Pierson offered the following resolution, which on mo- tion of Mr. Crozier was adopted Resolved, That in accordance with a resolution adopted by the Town Board of the town of Ulysses on November 6th, 1891; there be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the following road districts in said town : Nun1- bers 3 4 26, 33, 65, 18, 4 39, 24. 15, 45, 7, 54, 10 , 25, 28 , 53, 4, 23, 5, 8 , 62, 164 14, 49, 37, 43, the stun of two hundred and eleven dollars and fifty -four cents ($2rr.54); the same to he applied to the Commissioner of Highways of said town in payment of notes given by the Overseers, of Highways in said districts for road machines.' 1 r, I SUP . ERVTSO RS' 1 G' 1891.41 1 Mr. Bates, chairman of the connnittee of constables' ac- counts, reported the following bill which on motion of Mr. r/ 'Beers was allowed and audited at the amount recommended by the committee : No. 164.e Mt. Jones offered the following resolution, which on ma-, lion of Mr, Horton was adopted : 1 7 Resolved, That the following bills be added to the town audits of the town of Enfield: No: 6q, T . Jones 3 00 No. 70, Grov Updike.2 00 No. 71, Frank S. Stevenson, .4 00 q oo On motion adjourned. FOURTEENTH DAY. TUESDAY, DECEMBER - I, I891. t Morning Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. I Roll call. Quorutn present. 1 Minutes of preceding day read and approved 1 . Mr. Horton, chairman of the committee on erroneous assessments, presented the following report, which on motion of Mr. Beers was accepted and ordered spread upon the min- utes, and that the amounts,recomumended by the connnittee be lallowed O 42.SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1891.J To the Board of Supervisors:l Pour committee duly appointed to investigate and report concerning the refunding of taxes illegally and improperly assessed and the'correcting of er- roneous assessments wouid respectfully report : That the following named persons have been illegally or improperly as- sessed upon the assessment roll,of the town of Ithaca, and have paid the sums set opposite their respective names, to -wit Martin'Oltz 6 47 Daniel Marion 3 4 I James Co e 6 ¢t til Hiram Gee 31 35 4I John Kennedy. .2 oo Harmon"Hili 13 to o Lyman S. Ellis 7 75 1 Your committee would therefore recommend that the several amounts above hauled be refunded to the said persons respectively, and that the same be and collected upon the taxable property of the town of Ithaca, N. Y. Your committee would further report that in regard to the claim of Luther G. Genung of .the town of Dauby, the mortgage in said claim described hav- ing been taken solely in the name of said L. G. Genung, being under his ab- solute control, and being payable to ]rim alone, the amount unpaid upon the sarne was, prima facia, liable to taxaiiou as property of said Genung. That if said Genung owed certain sums to other parties that, by consent, had been included in said mortgage, his remedy was to appear before the assessors upon t grievance day" and prove the facts of such indebtedness'; and he having so appeared, and the assessors having judicially passed upon that question, his remedy, if any, was in certiorari to the courts, and this hoard has no power to grant any relief. This matter is essentially different from that of Boardman s. Board of Supervisors, (85 N. Y., 36o), which has been urged upon our attention. Your committee would further report that the application of Lyman S. E1- lis for the correction of errors in the assessment roll of the town of Ithaca for the current year has been duly examined, and they find that the alleged 'er- rors are sustained and recommend that the same be corrected by the Supervis- or of said town in accordance with the prayer of the petitioner. All of which is respectfully submitted. D R. HORTON 0. M. TITUS, A. H. PIERSON, Committee. P SUPEliVJSO1IS' PROCDEDIISGs, Mr. Pierson, chairman of the committee appointed to inves- tigate and - report the number of pauper insane confined in charitable institutions, presented' the following report, which on - motion of Mr. Crozier was accepted and ordered spread up- on the minutes : To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County : Your eommitteeappoiuted to make an investigation, and report to this - Board, the number of pauper insane confined in the charitable institutions of this state would submit the following report We find that there are in Ovid Asylum the following named persons charged to Tompkins coulity, who properly belong to the above named class 1 Mary Stevens, John McGrade, Chauncey' Gasper, Kate Fallon, Mary A. Stevens, Liceie Flynn, John B. Kellogg, Everett Boyer, Jannet Butler, Lewis Snyder. We would further report, that we find no other pauper insane; credited to 1' Tompkins County, in any of the Charitable institutions of the State: JOHN K. BEERS, A. FI. PIERSON, Committee. Mr. Jones, chairmen of the committee on U. S. Deposit Fund and Insurance, offered the following resolution, .which on motion of Mr. Pierson was adopted : Resolved, That it,is the judgment of. this. Board, that no insurance be placed upon the County Clerk's office or the County Jail, such insurance being unnecessary on account of their isolated situation and fire -proof condition ; and that the policy upon the Court FIonse be reduced to $x,000. Mr. Kennedy presented the following act to provide for the holding of Town Meetings by election districts in the of Dryden, which was passed by The following vote: Ayes— Bates, Beers, Jones, Conger, Titus, Crozier, Conk- lin, Horton, Pierson, Cli'airman Kennedy -ro: Noes —o. o i 44 SUPDRVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1891. AN ACT to provide for the holding of '('own Meetings by election districts in the Town of Drprleu. The Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, in pursuance of the power conferred upon them by subdivision twenty -six of section xst of Chapter 452 of thetaws of the State of New York, passed June 5th, 1875, do enact as follows : S1 ?c• 1. Hereafter all Town Meetings in the Town of Dryden shall beheld by election districts. Such election districts shall be the same as are set apart in said town for the holding of State elections. The duly _elected inspectors of election in each district shall provide a suitable place for the holding of town elections in said town, and act as inspectors of election at all town meetings held in said town, and shall be governed by, the same rules, have the same powers and receive the same compensation as are now allowed said `inspectors for services at State elections. A statement of votes cast at any town meeting 0 shall be duly certified by the inspectors, and said statement shall be delivered to the Supervisor of the town within twenty -four hours after the same shall have been so subscribed, by one of their number deputed for that purpose, and such messengers shall receive the suns of two dollars each for delivering such statement to the Supervisor. if there be no Supervisor, or he shall be disabled from attending the Board, of Town Canvassers. such statement shall be delivered to the town clerk of said town 11?. The Board of town canvassers shall consist of the Supervisor and the two Justices of the Peace having the longest tercets to serve, - and they shall meet at at A. M. on the second day subsequent to the holding of any town meet- ing, at the office of the Town Clerk of said town, and choose one of their num- her as chairman. The following oath shall then he administered to them by some person qualified by law to administer the same : I do solemnly swear that P' will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New Fork, and that 1 will faithfully discharge the duties of the office of canvasser oft the votes of the town of Dryden, according to the best of n'y ability.. They shall then proceed without delay or adjournment to canvass all the votes cast at said town meeting, and declare and record the result in the book of records of said town. 3. Whenever any Commissioner of Highways or other officer authorized so to do, shall make an application for money to be voted for at any town meet- inglor any special purpose, it shall be the duty of the inspectors of election in each district to prepare a box for that purpose upon which shall be written or 0 r r' tri P +rs .v¢ v @i'"fe' `.c vr ' r U SUI:WRPISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1891 '4F labeled " In regard to raising money for The ballots upon I such question shall be in the following form : "In favor of raising dol- lars for or, "Against raising any sure whatever for In wh1 case the vote in favor of raising any particulanamount shat] be greater than the vote in favor of raising any other particular amount voted for at that town meeting, such unount shall be declared to be the amount voted to be raised for the purpose required. In case the votes against raising any sun' whatever shall exceed the whole number of votes cast' in favor of raising any stun, then the town canvassers shall declare and record that no sun' whatever has been voted to be raised for purpose -named. The votes upon this question shall he c counted and returned in the same manner as directed in the first section of this aet 4. All reports heretofore or hereafter directed to be wade at any town iueeting shall be made in each election district by the Supervisor or by some e j one duly authorized by him to make such report. The chairman read a communication presented- by the sheriff. On motion of Mr. .Beers the matter was laid on the table until Wednesday afternoon „Dec. 2d, at 2 o'clock. . i On motion of Mr. Titus the amount of the District Attor- ney's bond was fixed at $I,000. On motion adjourned. Afternoon'Session, Mr. Conklin of Lansing in the chair. Roll call. . Quorum present. Mr. Titus offered the following resolution, which on mo- tiou,of Mr. Pierson was adopted, and ordered that the - amount asked for be levied upon the taxable property of the town of Ithaca : i Resolved, That the fol lowing bills be added to the town audits of the town of Ithaca :L 4i; -SIIPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1891. No. 316 James Norton . xo 00 No. 317 F. R. Benton, assigned to Phillip Harris ... . . .8 oo No. 318 P: F. McAllister, "o I. o 4 00 No. 319 H. H. Miller„5 Ho 37 80 -© Mr. Jones, chairman of the committee on insurance, pre- sented the following report, which on motion of Mr. Crozier was accepted and ordered spread Upon the minute s : To the Board of Supervisors. The committee on insurance would respectfully report, that they have ef- fected insurance on the county buildings for three years as follows: The insurance on the jail and county clerk's office has been withdrawn. Htsurance on the court house CmnQamy.Agents.Amt. of Policy.Premium. Continental. Gray & Patterson,2,000.00 3o.00 T. JONES, C. W. CONGER, l HORTON, Committee. Mr. Jones offered the following resolution, which •on tno- tion of Mr. Pierson was adopted : Resolved, That the sum of $30.0o be Ievied and collected upon the taxe- hle property of Tompkins county for the purpose of paying the above amount of premium. On motion adjourned. Tn: STJI',E,RVISORS' PRObEEDIN GS, 1891.47 FIFTEENTH DAY. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1891. Morning Session.I/ Board inet pursuant to adjournment. Mr. Conklin of Lansing in the chair. Roll. call. Quorum present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. On notion of Mr. Pierson, the chairman of the committee on Superintendent's accounts and county buildings was author-s ized to obtain estimates on the -cost of removing the boiler from the jail to the basement of the court house, and on the cost of heating and repairing the court house, and to report to the Board early in the coming week. Mr. Bates, chairman of the committee on. constables' ac- counts, reported the following bill, which on motion of Mr. Horton was allowed and audited at the amount recommended by the committee i No. 115. Mr. Pierson, chairman of the committee on county claims, reported the following bills, which on motion were allowed and audited at the amounts recommended by the committee : Nos. 109, 117, 131 , 161, 159, 162 44, 163, , SS, 165. Mr. Crozier, chairman of the cotnniittee on printing and printers' accounts, reported the following bill, which on mo- tion of Mr. Horton was allowed and audited at the amount rec- ommended by the committee : 48 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1891., No. 127. On motion adjourned. Afternoon Session. Roll call. Quorum present: Mr. Jones offered the following resolution, which. on .}110- tion of Mr. Conger was adopted and the amount thereof order - ed'levied and collected upon the taxable property of the town of Enfield : Resolved, That tl(e following bill be added to the town audits of the town of Enfield: No. 72, Ithaca Democrat c •X22 00 Mr. Jones, `chairman of the committee on U. S. deposit fund and insurance, presented the following report, which on motion of Mr. Crozier was accepted and ordered spread upon the minutes :1 To The Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County. Your committee on U. S. Deposit Fund and Insurance would respectfully report that they have examimed'the accounts of Cornelius Leary, one of the Loan Commissioners of this county, and that we find tharsecurities have been paid and cancelled during the last year amounting to $697.00, and that no new securities have been taken. For more definite information in regard to said fund, we refer von to the report of the loan commissioner, which is •herewith• submitted. T. JONES, R. HORTON, C. W. CONGER, Committee. For report of Joan cominissioner, see reports.) The various members of the Board were engaged during the day in Committee work. On [notion adjourned. SUPERV1SORS' PEOOF1ErDFN(1S; 1891. •49 li SIXTEENTH. DAY. PRIDAv, DEc1',MrhR 4, 1891. Morning Session.I,! Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of preceding meeting read and approved. Mr. Pierson offered the following,resolution,' which 011 Ino- tion of Mr. Bates was adopted : Resolved, That the collectors of the several towns of Tompkins county be required to settle with the County Treasurer, and the Supervisors of their re- t spective towns, on or before the 19t11 day of February, 1892. 1 Mr. Jones offered the following resolution, which. on motion of Mr. Beers was adopted : O " Resolved, That there be levied and collected in the several towns in the county, from those persons whose names were duly returned by the overseers of the several road districts, as required by law :o CAROLINE. District No 44, to days 00 1 DANDY. District No. 76, 2 days . 3 00 DRYDEN. District No. 140, 6 .l. days 9 75 District No. 44, 3 ' days o4 50 District No. 3o, 1 'day 1 40 75 GROTON. District No. 49, 2 4 -10 days 3 6o o I Your committee would further report tliat there were sev- eral returns, made by'overseers after Oct. 1st, which had to be 50 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, '1891. rejected, because the statute provides that such returns must be made on or before Oct. rst. Mr. Kennedy offered the following resolution, Which 011 motion of Mr. Horton was adopted : Resolved, That the sum of 5468.94 be levied and collected front the taxa- ble property of the town of Dryden, located in the several road districts in said town, as per the schedule"following, and that the said sum of $468.94 be paid 1 . toy the collector to the commissioner of highways, to be used by him for the If reduction of notes given by the overseers of highways for road scrapers for the 11ge of said districts. SCHEDULE. District No. 147 5 5 103 16 on 127 ,16 5o u 121 13 00 51 00 District No. 29 8 42 7 8 76 8 3 51 1q8 2 . 38 102 II 62 24 7 63 6 1O q6 30 8 41 600 44 12 76 43 3 75 84 o6 District No. 122 511 75 1 375 116 18 88 120 4 75 n 118 19 W • 5 - r3 0 tpp 4 i STJPERVTSORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1991.51 District No. 9 13 5o M 3 8 75 124 13 50 6 1 4025 yf 76 00 District No. 69 15 50 i 87 11 50 46 6 75 85'19 75 • 53 5 District No. 45 3 25 138 1 5 134 3 75 132 11 129 1 5 5 131.10 00 45 75 District No. 74 15 50 156 5 75 84 9 25 70 11 25 I712075 . j 62 5o District No. 112 8 5o 111 17 25 113 12 25 38 00 Total 4 94 On motion adjourned. Afternoon Sesion. Roll call. Quorum present. Mr. Pierson, chairman of the committee on county claims, reported the following bills, which on . motion of Mr. Jones i 0 53 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1891. were allowed and audited at the amounts recommended by the committee : 0 Nos. 132, 1r1, rob. The several members of the various committees were en- gaged in committee work during the day. On motion adjourned. SEVENTEENTH DAY. SATURDAV, DECEMBER 5, 1891. Morning 'Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call. Ouormn present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. Mr. Horton offered the following resolution, which on mo- tion of Mr.. Bates was adopted T Resolved, That the sum of $77.26, be levied and collected from the taxable property of the following Road Districts in the town of Newfield, being in payment for road machines, viz : Districts Nos. 58, 25, 74, '8, ro9, 53, 26, 83 and 48. The clerk read a communication from the Comptroller, which on motion of Mr. Pierson was received and ordered printed with the reports. The committee' appointed to examine the accounts of the several charitable institutions, presented the following report, i , SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1891.53 which, on motion of Mr.. Conger was received and ordered 1 I spread upon the minutes and that the several sums therein 1. named be assessed and levied upon the respective towns charge -v able therewith : 7b fhe Honorable the Board of Sutervisw- : Your committee appointed to examine the accounts of'theseveral chari- table institutions, would respectfully report as follows: Resolved, That in accordance with Chapter 446, Title 4, Section 6, Laws of f X874, there be assessed and levied upon the taxable property of the following towns for the support of pauper insane, and the county of Tompkins for in - -' diget t insane and county paupers, the sums set forth in the annexed schedule to reimburse the county fo•amounts of money paid to Willard State Hospital, viz: Jcitarn INh. Everet Boyer .0 126 89 DRYDEN. John B. Kellogg 3 t ITHACA. Mary Stevens 221 61 Mary A. Stevens 221 61 Kate Fallon 221 61 . Lizzie Flynn 221 61 Lewis Snyder 51 61 James Butler 56 46 994 5 COUNTY. Charles B. Bower -130 36 Hannah Winn 130 36 Patience Starks 130 36 James Brennan 130 36 Thomas Northrup 130 3 Prank Carpenter 130 36 Benjatnin F. Pratt .130 36 I Patrick McCarthy 130 36 Bartoli Lynch 130 36 i.s 54 SUP PROCEEDINGS, I. Sill. Precilla Thompson 3 57 Mary A Culligan 130 36 Michael Sweeney 130 36 Joachim Atwater 130 36 James Fish .A 130 36 Anna L. Welds, self supporting 130 36 Harley Kellogg . e 130 36 Lillian J. Wood ;130 36 Emily C. Smith . .130 36 Harriet P. Ross 130 36 Laura Saxton, self supporting .130 36 Mary J. Sweezey 130 36 Jennie Dillon 1 1 130 36 l Catherine Collins .130 36 Briggs Montgomery . .130 36 Margaret Raymond .130 36 4 , Fanny G. Barber 130 36 Helen I. Bancroft 130 36 1 Emma Austin 272 22 Thomas Fulkerson 5 90 Charlotte Olney Miller 208 86 Ferdinand A. Partenheinler 193 68 Ruth Ann Hurlbert .131 75 0 Eleuora N. Bush 121 43 Lydia L. Linton .214 14 Arthur S. Williams roz 6o Albert Munroe 9 89 John Walker 89 55 Mary Meuzie 88 64 John G. Smith 8 57 John C. Bovier 78 93 ° Margaret Moore 130 36 Franklin Pierce 130 36 Dewitt Savacool .67 86 Edgar D. Wright 130 36 Lina Rouen 130 361 Pat?ick J. Casey 130 36 Josephene Dean, self supporting.130 36 Horatio E. Morgan, self supporting 130 36 Hattie Smith .130 36 v e" pC' u SUPERVISORS' P$10CEEDINGS, 1891.57, j, 0 I Ira W. Dwight, self supporting 149 85 h Wm. Porter 165 6u Henry Gibson 171 36 S. Harriet Crego, self .130 3 i Pliebe A. Baker k •221 1 Carrie A. Dean .221 61 Garrison M. Moore .221 6r' Sarah Sutliff, self supporting 221 61 , , Amanda McCahghenev 221 61 • Frances A. Drake .2216r Hannah A. Kirby 221 61 I PriscillaDemond 221 61 Caroline L. Tripp, self supporting •136 00 Fay T. Mapes.1 9 3 J Nora A. Kew 221 6r Martha Baker.10 32 John W. Ryaut .119 00 0 Melissa Mott 37 01 Palmer W. Shirley 72 25 i Nancy M. Schoolcroft.48 58 James M. Ingersoll 221 61 9 95' CREDIT I Mary A. Russel 38 85 1 Charles Whipple 32 7 George W. Everest 5 4 , 77 09 Total to be raised by County °9,452 86 Less self supporting 1,159 26 6o Resolved, That in accordance with a resolution of the Board of Supervise ors, passed December 7th, 1880, there be assessed and lebied upon the taxable property of the following towns and county, the sums set forth in the annexed schedule, to reimburse the county for amounts of money paid to the several ' charitable institutions in said schedule uatired, viz : 4 E Rose Vender, N. Y . S. I. for blind 21 94 1 56 SUPERVISORS' PROCEED]:NGS, 1891. ITHACA. Flora Harding, S. V. H 23 00 Interest 1 40 Berdie Carpenter, (Children's Home)5 25 1 Theodore Steiumeyer 9 00 Berdie Steinmeyer 9 00 Sabra Tubbs 23 25 Pdward Tubbs .42 00 Edna Gifford 12 00 Emma Cummings t 33 00 George Dutton, (Children's Home).11 50 Thomas Nagle, S. D. D. C. C.71 36 Johnie Shaul Auburn Orphan Asylum.73 00 Eva Shane, . 73 00 MatthewShane, "41 20 Marc Conway, "18 40 NERBI Ar.D. Julius Casterline, 5. V. H 9t 25 Interest 3 47 94 7 ULYSSES.1 Frank Baines, S. V. H.91 25 Interest 3 47 i947 Mrs. Pratt, The Home 52 00 TOMYISINS COUNTY Leander Stevens, Susquehanna Valley Home.94 7 Harry D. Miller,94 72 Warren Frear,13 9 James Cortright, Asylum for 1 'sane Criminals 121 11 DRYDEN. Mary \Voolever, S. V. Home.27 11 All of which is respectfully submitted., a R. HORTON, JOHN E. BEERS, T. JONES. 1. r.,r n SIIP1 RVJSORS' P.ROCFEDIIVGS, 1891.5 i Mr. Horton offered the following resolution, which on mo i tion was adopted : G Resolved, That pursuant to a resolution of the Board of Supervisors of 1890, o there he levied and collected from the taxable property of the respective towns hereinafter named, the sinus herein set forth to reimburse the comity for moneys paid to Willard State Hospital for the following pauper insane p TTHACA. John McGrade 129 86 Mary Stevens 1 191 6o Mary A. Stevens 145 20 IKate Fallon 62 Lizzie Flynn 90 53 81 DRYDF,N, John 13, Kellogg 139 S8 On motion adjourned to Monday, December 7th, 1891. EIGHTEENTH DAY. MONDAY, DE :CF,MBAR 7, 1891. Roll cat /. Quorum present. Minutes of preceding sleeting read and approved. Mr. Beers presented the town audits of the town of Danby and,requested that bills Nos. 47, 48 and 49 be added thereto, which on motion were received, and ordered that the amount thereof be levied and collected out of the taxable property of .i the town of Danby.6 l Mr. Conger offered the following resolution, which on mo- tion of Mi._Bates was adopted 1 58 SUPERVISO PROCF.EDI:NGS,kt39t. Resolved, That the sum of 9! cents be added to the assessment ro11 of the town of Groton against the estate of David Ouderkirk for school tax. The members of the Board were engaged in con I work during the day. On motion adjourned. f NINETEENTH DAY. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1891. Morning'Session. Board stet pursuant to adjournment. r Roll call. Ouoruur present. Minutes of the preceding day read and approved. Mr. Bates presented a petition of Wm. N. Noble, - which oh motion of Mr: Pierson was referred to the committee on er- roneous assessment. On motion of Mr, Bates and in accordance with a resolu- tion of the Board of Supervisors, passed November 26th, 1890, George Wallenbeck was authorized to dispose of the ballance of *ale old iron pipe remaining ou hand at the County Alms House. Mr. Aluty, County;Judge elect, appeared before the Board in regard to the matter of increasing the salary of 'the Surro- gate's Clerk and also the matter of court expenses. On motion of Mr. Pierson, the matter of increasing the the Salary of tite Surrogate's Clerk, was trade a special order of business of the afternoon session at three o'clock. f SUPERVISORS' I'ItOOE]LDIVGS, t8U1.59 4 Mr. Bates offered the following resolution, which on 1110- Lion of Mr. Wolf was adopted : Resolved, That the following bill be added to the town audits of the town of Caroline. No. 53, 0. D. Mulls,1 n 35 1 On luotion adjourned. 1 Afternoon 'Session, Roll call. Quorum present. Mr. Elston appeared before the Board and made a state- lneut in regard to the matter of the Miller mortgage. Tlie chairman called up the special order of business laid over from the morning, session in regard , to the salary of the i 'Surrogate's Clerk. Mr. :Crozier offered the following resolution, which ou nro- tiou of Mr. Pierson was -adopted : Resolved, That incoming County Judge and Surrogate be authorized to secure a'competent clerk at a salary not to exceed the sum of Five Hundred Dollars, and that above suer he included in the county audits for said purpose ; and the County Judge is respectfully requested to omit•the summoning of a Grand Jury at the May term of the County Court and Court of Sessions. Mr. Pierson offered the followiugresolution, -which on mo- tion of Mr. Crozier was adopted : WIERICAS, It appears upon further investigation, that John McGrade is a county charge instead of a- town charge, therefore, be it Resolved, That the sum of one hundred and twentymine dollars and eighty -six cents, be made a county charge and stricken from the town of Rh- aca budget. I 3 W i 60 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1891. The committee on erroneous assessment presented the fol- lowing report, which on motion of Mr. Crozier was adopted : 7'o are Gourd of Supervisors:' Your committee on erroneous assessments would report that they have in- vestigated the petition in regard to the improper assessment of property of Wm. N. Noble and report in favor of said petition, and that the sum of nine 1' dollars and ninety -seven cents should be returned to said Wm. N. Noble, and and the same be levied and collected upon the taxable property of the town of Ithaca. R. HORTON, C. M. TITUS, Committe. A. H. PIERSON, Mr. Titus offered the following resolution, which on nlo- tion of Mr. Bates was adopted : Resolved, That the committee on ordinary repairs be instructed to change the steam heating boiler from the jail to the basement of the Court House, and to cause to be made the necessary connections and radiators to properly heat the said buildings; also to make such other needed repairs to the Court House as may appear necessary, and the sum to be so expended shall not exceed the sum of eleven hundred dollars, and said committee shall have power to raise 4 1 the amount so expended on the credit of the county. Mr. Conger, chairman of the committee on Sheriff's and Judge's Accounts; reported the following bill, which on mo- tion was allowed and audited at the amount recommended by the committee : Bill No. 150. The committee on equalization retired to the. committee room and entered upon the discharge of their duties. Mr. Horton offered the following resolution, which on mo- tion was adopted and ordered that amount asked for be levied and collected upon the taxable property of the town of New, field. SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 189].. Resolved, That the sum of fifty dollars be levied and collected upon the taxable property of the town of Newfield for the support of the poor. The committee on equalization returned from tile• coin- mittee room and presented their report. On ]notion of Mr. Pierson the report was laid on the table until Thursday morning at It o'clock.e On motion adjourned. TWENTIETH DAY. WEDNESIAV, DlicEMn2R 9, 1391. Morning Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call. Ononnn present. Minutes of preceding -day .read- and approved._ ibfr. Conklin, chairman of the cotntnittee ou Treasurer's accounts, presented the following report, which on motion of Mr. Crozier was accepted and ordered spread upon the minutes. To the G'oardof Supervisors of Tompkins County: We the undersigned committee on County Treasurer's accounts respectful- ly report that we have carefully examined the accounts of Charles Ingersoll, County Treasurer, together with his report and accompanying vouchers here- with submitted, and find them correct, and that we find a balance of $562.91 in his hands belonging to the various funds as shown in this report. Your committee have also examined the securities held by the County Treasurer in trust for the Infant Heir Fund and find the several securities in his possession as per his report of said fund. JOHN H. CONKLIN, A. H. PIERSON,Committee. . C. M. TITUS. On motion adjourned. 1 ri StiPE7RVISOPS' PIROCEED[NGS, 1891. Afternoon Session. Roll call. Quorum present. Mr. Jones offered the following resolution, which on 1110- tion of Beers`was adopted and the amount thereof ordered levied and collected upon the taxable property of the several districts mentioned in the resolution : Resolved, That there be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the following road districts in the town of Enfield; viz. District No 3, Road 6 ; District No. 5, Road 6 ; District No. 1, Road ii ; District No. 1, Road 13; District No. 1, Road 20. ° Amount to be raised in these Districts 39 9 District No. 3, Roado; District No. 1, Road 23; District No. 3, Road 7 ; District No. 1, Road 3 ; District No. 2, Road 15 ; k j District No. 4, Road 16 ;District No.,1, Road 18. Amount to be raised in these Districts 47 00 District No. 3, Road 25 ; District No. 2 Road 1 ; District No. 3, Road 1 ; District No. 5, Road 53 District No. 1, Road 16 ; District No. 4, Road 18. Amount to be raised in these Districts 70 80 ai District No. 1, Road 17 ; District No. 1, Road 2 ; District No. 1; Road i4 ; District No. 2, Road 17 : District No. 3, Road 173 District No. 1 „Road 12. Amount to be raised in these Districts 66 00 Districts Nos. 2 and 3, Roads 4, 12 and 11 ; New Road 4 and 10. Amount to be raised in these Districts 56 25 Total Amount - 97 Mr. Titus offered the following resolution, which on :no- tion of Mr. Hortou, was adopted : - Resolved, That the sum set opposite the following road districts of the town of Ithaca, be levied and assessed against the taxable property of said districts : 4 V r Ynr,Xr°7 4 Y 91°.".'- % I i' e SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 189 , 1.8 District No. 33, ;District No. q ; District No. 6 ; District No. 15 ; I District No. 38. Amount 566 37 Mr. Conklin presented the reports of Nelson E. Lyon, Charles Drake, and B. M. Hagin, Justices of the Peace of the, town of Lansing, which were filed. The various members were engaged in committee work during the day's session. i On motion adjourned. 1 TWENTY-FIRST DAY. e THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1891. Morning Session. s i Board met pursuant to adjournment. Mr. Conger of Groton in the chair., 1 Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of preceding clay read and approved. Mr. Pierson presented the following petition, which 011 motion was granted : To the Boar( of Supervisors of Tompkins ;Couvty. l We, the undersigned, assessors•of the town of Ulysses, _respectfully petition 1 your Honorable Body, that the following described property,he added to the assessment roll of said town for the year 1891, the same having been left off by 1 mistake : 1 l 64 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1891. Dr. Clark Otis, on lo[ 2, House and lot, valuation $1,55o oo. Dated Ulysses, Dec. 7th, 1891. W. H. MORGAN, M. T. ROLFE, J. W. KIRBY, Assessors of the town of Ulysses. Ir. Titus, chairman of the committee on superintendent's accounts and county buildings, presented the following report, which on motion of Mr. Bates, was adopted and ordered spread upon the minutes: To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: Your committee to whom was referred the report of the Superintendent of Poor would respectfully report that there was set apart by the Board in 1890 for use of the Superintendent of County Alms House the sum of $5, [34.09, and that with the exception of $44.42 unpaid by the town of Hnfieldh the above named amount was collected and placed to the credit of the Superintendent on Ithehooksof 'County Treasurer. We further find that of this amount $222.68 was - to pay . a deficiency as shown by the report of said Superintendent for the year 1889— leaving to the credit of said Superintendent for the year beginning November 15th, 1890, the sum of $4,866.99: We also find that from the 15th day of ,November, 1890, to the [5th day of November, 1891, orders were drawn by the said Superintendent upon the 1 County Treasurer amounting to $4,642.2o. We further find that their is in the ]lands of said Superintendent the sums of $21.58 received from sales of produce of County House farm.1 Your committee have carefully estimated the amount that will be request- ed to maintain the County Alms House in its various departments for the ensu- ing year to be the sum of f .$4,835.89 and therefore do recommend that the amount so estimated be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the county. The County at Alms House.5 i J Services of Overseers 150 00 Transportation of paupers 50 00 Out door relief . . .1050 00 1 Salary of Keeper 500 00 2604 58 0 i 1 I SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1891 65 r 1 For the su of town poor by tows Caroline ..12o 72 Danby 217 19 Dryden 255 49 Enfield 47 4 Groton 1 67 35 Ithaca 1129 86 Lansing .103 00 Newfield 199 66 Ulysses 90 56 2,231 31 Your committee upon a careful inspectioin of 'county buildings do find the court house to be in such condition as to require at the present time more or less repairs. The steam heating boiler now located in the jail basement, we believe sufficiently large to supply heat for the court house and jail. We therefore recommend that said boiler he placed in the basement of the court house and f 'all the changes necessary to bring about this double service be made. We also suggest that the jury rooms and reception room for witnesses be newly floored and the walls thereof kalsomined and otherwise put in a clean t and proper condition. The matter of the County Alms House having been referred to a special committee for its consideration and recommendation, your committee feels that-it is not incumbent upon them to make any recommendation thereto. Signed,C. M. TITUS, 1 1 A. II.. I'IERSON,Connnittee. JOHN H. CONKLIN, l Ithaca, Dec. 9th, 1891. Moved by Mr. Pierson, that when this Board adjourns to- morrow, it adjourn to Friday; December 18th, at 9 o'clock.' The motion on being seconded was carried. Mr. Conklin offered the following resolution, which on motion of Mr. Beers was adopted : Resolved, That the sum of $1o.00 be added to the county budget for the Clerk of this Board for compiling the Comptroller's Report and for the extra or unusual work. f i 0 7 i 1 1 i BO SUPERVISORS PROCEEDINGS, 1891.1 The hour having arrived designated for action on the re- port of the cominittee on egnalization,,the same was called up. Moved by Mr. Hortot that the report be adopted. l'Iri Conger stated that the reason he had not signed the report was because of the injustice done the.town of Croton by the same. A The ayes and noes on the adoption of the report being or- dered, the ballot resulted as follows : Ayes, Messrs. Bates, Beers, Jones, Titus, Wolf, Crozier, Conklin, Horton, Pierson, Chairman Kennedy — JO.1 Noes —Mr. Conger —r. The.report of the committee on equalization was.declared adopted, and is as follows : REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON IEQUAI,IZATION. ie IIE ASSESSED VALUATION OF'THE SEVERAL TOWNS AS PER ,ASSESSORS 011 11 TOMPRINS COUNTY FOR YEAR 189 TOWNS.No. Acres. Valuation. Personal. Aggregate Caroline °347,47 33,3 - $9 Danby 33, 625,222 31,800 657,1 Dryden . . .58,192 1,062,050 56,710 i,1I ,760' Enfield.22,007 2 545,272 27,550 572,822 Groton _3 1 , 150 , 045 150 ,760 1 ,300 , 805 Ithaca 19, 233 { 2 ,935,750 5 3,44 Lansing 37,789 1 9 9 1 , 0845938 Newfield 3 4 36,190 520,550 Ulysses.19,818 1 , 047,535 201,260 1 , 248 ,795 Totals 19,7 $1,138,980 $[ 1 We the undersigned committee would respectfully recommend that the following be and is hereby declared to be the equalized valuation of the real etate in the County of Tompkins, for the year 1891: i A e4 t<r e r . a , 1 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1891.67 1 a1 I 1 TOWNS.No. Acres. Valuation. Personal. Aggregate ICaroline I 34,747 4 $ 33,3 $ 499, Danby 33, 461,506 31,800 493,3 Dryden 58,192 1 1 ,313,583 56,710 1 ,370 , 293 Enfield 22,o07 379, 27,550 4 Groton 30,725 895,802 150,760 1,046,562 Ithaca.19, 233 3,4 5 3,93 Lansing.37,7 1 , 250 ,430 9 1 ,347,380 Newfield 3 47 3 5 i Ulysses 19,818 1,049,312 201,260 1,250,572 Totals,9,7 $1,138,980 $ JOHN E. BEERS, JOHN H. CONKLIN, 1 FRED E: BATES, R. A. CROZIER. 1 Mr. Wolf offered the' following resolution : Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed by the chairman to in- vestigate examine and report to this Board at its next session the amounts which have been wrongfully charged upon a paid by the different towns during the year r885, 1886, 1887, 1888, 1889, for the support of the indigent in- sane which should have been paid by the county, and that the sums so found to be improperly paid by each town to - be refunded to the towns from the county. Moved by Mr. Titus that the resolution be adopted. o ' Moved by Mr. Horton that the matter be indefinitely post poned. Mr. Hortou's motion was ,seconded by Mr. Beers and carried. i Mr. Pierson, chairman of the committee on county claims, reported the following bills, which oil motion were accepted 1 and audited at the amounts recommended by the connnittee. Nos. r660, 167 170 , 171 , 172, .173, 174, 175, 1 177, 178,,68, 169. r On motion adjourned. 0 68 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1891. Afternoon Session. Roll call. Quorum present. The various members of the Board were' engaged •(luring the afternoon session in apportioning the state and county taxes on the various towns of the county. On motion adjourned. t TWENTY- SECOND DAY. 1 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11th, 1891. Morning Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of preceding day read and approved. Mr. Peers, chairman of the committee on equalization and assessment rolls, presented the following report, which on mo- tion was adopted and ordered spread upon the minutes : Resolved, 'that there be levied and collected from the tax payers of Tomp- kills County the sums heteiu set forth for the following purposes : STA TAX. For Schools 12 ,737 97 For Canals 4776 74 7r c 0 o 3 • 1 StrPEIZ.VTOP,;' 1'i E1)I 1S - /"1.1 fig i COUNTY TAX. Auburn Asylum for Criminals 121 11ICounty,Audits,9,86217 County Judge's salary 2,50o 00 County Treasurer's salary goo 00 • Clerk of Supervisors' salary 150 00 Chaplain of Alms House 5o 00 Clerk's postage account 15 00 Court expense accouiR 4,000 00 Court expense account, deficiency,2,500 00 Clerk of Surrogate salary 500 00 County Treasurer's postage account a 15 00 1 District Attorney's- salary 600 00 1 District Attorney's office rent '200 00 Fuel and gas account 750 00 Insurance on Court House,30 00 Jail Physician's salary 1 5o 00 Susquehanna Valley Ilone 203 39 i l Supreme Court Stenographer's salary 501 70 Sheriffs Janitor salary 350 00 School Commissioner's salary 400 00 i Surrogate's Janitor account 75 00 Special County Judge's salary 5o 00 Sheriffs office rent 35 00 i Superintendent of the Poor appropriation 0 2,604 58 Willard Hospital for indigent insane 7,5 77 Willard Hospital, deficiency 3,068 59 Monroe County Penitentiary 518 12 Clerk Board of Supervisors' Comptroller's report 10 00 37, 43 CAROLINI +.. State tax 340 71 County tax =1,8o 12 Town audits 1 798 30 Superintendent of the Poor 4 120.72c. ' Highway Commissioner u 250 00 Support of Poor 300 00 Relief of indigent soldiers 75 00 i J . r 1 76 SPRVREISO PROCEE DI 13gN, 18U 1ir Return tax 4 26 Highway Commissioner by resolution 750 on Willard Hospital .126 89 • r 5,073 00 DANRV. State tax 33194, County tax 1,788 34' Town audits 1 ,325 23 vHighways and bridges 250 00 Superintendent of the Poor 217 19 Unpaid taxes 3 99 I1 4,4 69 ,i DRl'DF,N. State tax 2 ,367 99 County tax 5,090 o6 1 , Town audits . .1 ,943 3 Superintendent of the Poor. .255 49 Unpaid taxes 38 27 i Highways and bridges 256 00 Highways and- bridgesby resolution 570 00 Willard Hospital 130 3 I Susiluehanna Valley Horne 27 1' To reimburse county for Willard Hospital 139 88 I 10,812 48 RNPI$i.D. State tax 684 83 1 County tax -1,472 05 Town audits 3,816 95 Highways and bridges 250 00 _ Interest on R. R. bonds 1,176 00 Superintendent of Poor 47 46 N, V. S. I. for blind 21 94 Superintendent of Poor which should have been raised -last year 44 42 N. V. S. T. for the blind which should have been raised last year .23 93 7,537 5 J yx r J STIYERV1HORS I'ROCC+Ii;JINGS, 1891.77 GROTON. State tax r,62 County tax 3,47 18 Town Audits 2,219 22 Superintendent of the Poor.i 67 35 Highways aild bridges 250 00 Interest on railroad hoods 1,050 00 Sinking fund 150 00 Unpaid taxes 27 07 School:District, No. 19 (unpaid tax)91 8,8s0 59 PrIIACA, 1 State tax 6 , 179 19 County tax I 13,282 36 r Town Audits 17,011 96 , 1 Superintendent of the Poor 1,129 86 e Highways and bridges 250 00 If Susquehanna Valley Home 24 40 Auburn Orphan Asylum 205 6o, Ithaca Home for Children 145 00 Ithaca & Athens interest on railroad bonds 4,875 00 Geneva & Ithaca interest on railroad holds 7,000 00 Ithaca & Athens sinking fund 15,000 00 Tax Receiver's salary 400 00 Unpaid taxes 2,217 19 Willard Hospital 994 51 Society for Destitute Catholic children 71 36 To reimburse county on Willard Hospital account .5 45 88. LANSING. State tax 2,254 15Ir County tax 4, 3 Town Audits 1,258 43' Superintendent of the Poor 103 00 Unpaid taxes 76 25 Highways and bridges 250 00 1 S SUPERVISORS' PROOEEDIlVGS, ISO i.l NEWFIELD 1 State tax 849 46 • County tax 1 , 825 . 94 Town Audits 1 53 Superintendent of the Poor.199 66 Susquehanna Valley Home 94 7 Highways and bridges .25o 00 Interest on railroad ponds 3,206 oo Unpaid taxes 38 64 Overseer of the Poor 50 00 95 ULYSSES. I State tax 1,891 58 Ii County tax 4,066 03 Town Audits 1,121 81 • Highways and Midges 1,050 00 Interest on railroad bonds 3,743 00 Superintendent of the Poor 90 58 l Ithaca Home 52 00 Susquehannah•Valley Home 94 72 Support of .Poor by resolution 300 00 Unpaid taxes 0 195 00 12604 72 County Clerk Van Kirk appeared'before the Board and pre seated his report, which on motion of Mr. Horton, was ac- cepted and ordered printed with the reports._ Moved by Mr. Titus, that the Sheriff be allowed $12.00 for transportation of a single prisoner to the Monroe County Pehi- tentiary and the State Industrial School at Rochester, and $3.00 for each additional prisoner at the same time. Mr: Titus' motion, on being seconded, was carried. 1VIr. Horton offered the following resolution, which on mo tion of Mr. Crozier, was adopted :c tY FYI kw: o SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1801.78 o Resolved, That the hearty thanks of this Board be extended to our chair- man, John H. Kennedy, for the thoroughly able and impartial manner with which he has presided over our deliberations during the present session. Mr. Pierson offered the following resolution, which on 1110- tion of Mr. Jones, was adopted : Resolved, That we hereby extend to our clerk, Fred 1,. Clock, our hearty thanks for the efficient; faithful and prompt manner in which he hasdischarged the duties of his office during the session of this Board. Mr: Crozier offered the following resolution, which on nio-i tion, was adopted : Resolved, That the thanks of this Board are due and hereby tendered to the ITIEACA JOURNAL, for its courtesy in supplying us with the ITriACA DAtr.v JOURNAL during the session. On motion the Board adjourned to meet Friday, Dec. 18th at 11 o'clock. f TWENTY DAY. FRIDAY, DECEMBER I8, 1891. I Morning Session.e Board cruet pursuant to adjournment. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of preceding meeting read and approved. Mr. Beers offered the following resolution, which on mo- tion of Mr. Wolf was.adopted : e 1 74,STJPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1891. Resolved, That according to Chap. 369, of the Laws of 1839, the clerk of this Board be instructed to cause to be printed in the ITHACA JouR NAL, the service bills of the members of •this Board, of the report of' the assessed and equalized value of the real and personal property of the several towns of the county, the bills against the county as audited by the Board and all notices re- quired by law, at a price•not to exceed twenty -five cents per folio. C Mr. Beers called the attention of the Board to_the matter of compensation for copying papers filed in the Surrogate's office. On the motion of Mr. Wolf, the matter was indefinitely postponed. Moved by Mr. Pierson, that any surplus moneys turned over to the County Treasurer by the collectors of the several towns be placed to the credit of the court fund. Mr. Pierson's•motiou, on being seconded was carried. The members of the Board were engaged during the fore- noon in signing the tax warrants for the collectors of the sever- al towns. The minutes of the day's proceedings were read and ap- proved. I On notion of Mr. Titus, the Board adjourned sine die. FRED L. CLOCK, Clerk. 1 1 u ?r s a fyi.P 2 ISn rWientoru or. DR. SAMUEL A. SEABRING, j A member of this Board, representing the Town of Newfield, 1pTelb, 1 20th, 1891, Aged 45 years. i 1 1 ' 1 76 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1891.l County Audits. STATE OF NEW FORK. COUNTY OF TOMPKINS —BOARD OF .SUPERVISORS, } s5,t I hereby certify that the following abstract comprises allthebillsandaccounts'against the county of Tompkins, present-1 ed to the Board of Supervisors of said county at its annual ses- sion for the year 1891, showing thelname of each. claimant, the tree nature of the account, the amount originally claimed, and the amount as finally allowed and audited.by said Board.1 FRED L. CLOCK, Clerk. i 1No. Name!Nature of claim.Claimed. Allowed 1 J. Flickinger, lunacy proceedings 00 IS o0 1 Talmadge D. Fulkerson, Coroner's Jury r r 00 o I .00 3 L. F. Colgrove, coroner's jury zoo I o0 • 4 11. S. Hopkins, Justice of the Peace 9 05 9 055S. IIopkius, (disallowed)7 00 A 6 . Anson Wait, constable 70 77R. J. Pierce, constable 2 05 2 058R. J. Pierce, constable 45 459R. J. Pierce, constable 35 3510R. J. Pierce, (disallowed)6 Ia 1r1" R. J. Pierce, constable i oo 100 12 J. L. Fisher, constable • 13 J. L. Fisher,'coustable I3 00 6o 1 00300 '.. 1z o014ThomasFisher, constable 15 15. ' 15 15 I 1 i i • SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 18 i1.I' 15 H. S. Hopkins, coroner's jury 1 00 If 1 o0 16 M. 1). Goodyear, autopsy 10.00,ro oo.. Y 17 Geo. M. Beckwith, assigned to C. W. Conger, coroucr 31 70 31 70 1 ' 18 M. Woodbury, coroner's jury 1 00 • 100 19 M. Woodbury, constable 1 70 1 70 20= James McGrail, coroner's jury 1 00 1 00 21 C. W. Conger, coroner's jury 1 00 1 00 22 Allen Howard, coroner's' jury 2 00 2 00 23 Clms: A. Hart, coroner's jury 2 n2 00 24 Chas. Hyde, coroner's jury 1 00 1 00 25 D. \V. Rowley, coroner's jury 200 2 00 26 Morris Frances, coroner's jury 2 00 2 00 27 D. C. Johnson, coroner's jury 2 00 . 2 00 28 V. 11. Gross, coroners jury 2 00 2 00 1 29 E. G. Galloup, rent of hall 6 w 6 00 3o F. II. Sanford, coroner's jury ,2 00 2 00I • 3r Alvin Howard, coroner's jury 2 00 2 00 1 32 C. II. Dayton, coroner's fiery 2 00 2 00 33 Eugene Baker, lunacy proceedings 31 00 25 00 34 A. 13. Brooks, supplies 2 25 2 25 1 35 Jamieson & McKinney, plumbing alid supplies 35 81 35 8r I 36 J. Will Tree, ruling blanks 2 00 2 00 l 1 37 l'erry & Co., returned to county superintendent 1 30 i 38 Raymond L. Smith, assigned to W. H. Willson, Justice of i the Peace 37 25 36 90 ' 39 Schuyler Grant, supplies for Surrogate 1 10 1 ro 40 G. M. Beckwith, assigned to W. H. Willson, coroner r9 65 • 19 65 4 Judson 13. Todd, supplies 7 10 7 10 42 , Edward Meamy, professional services o 5 00 5 00 43 Euz & Miller, supplies to County Clerk 5 31 5 3 44 F. R. Benton, assigned to W. H. Willson, (disallowed) 10 00 45 Reynolds & Lang, supplies and work 4 36 ' 4 36 46 Andrus & Church, supplies to Surrogate 18 71 • 18 71 47 Andrus,& Church, supplies to County Treasurer 1 54 1 54 48 Andrus & Church, supplies to Sheriff 5 00 5 00 49 Morgan & Bishop, lunacy proceedings 10 00 10 00 2 So Edward Meauy, professional services 61 oo 55 0o 51 Theodore J. Balser, coroner's jury .2 00 2 00 52 F. P. Randolph, work on court house and jail '3 55 3 55 i 53 - G. C. McClune, labor and material 28 54 28 54 o 1 0 0 1 7s SUPERV1SOfS' PR.OUEED7Nc 18 '61. 54 The Bool Co., chairs and table 44' $ 44 00 i 55 The Ithaca Journal, printing 1 , 277 9 1 . 277 9 56 O. D.•Mulks, (disallowed)11 85 57 Jason P. Merrill, assigned to \V. H. Willson, Justice of the Peace 1o6 3o 1o6 30 A 58 Rothschild Bros., supplies for jail 1 1 00 13 00 59 S. H. Peck, lunacy proceedings l 10 00 10 00 Go William L. Mitchell,•corouer's jury 2 00 2 00 61 • I. Dodd, returned to Superintendent of the Poor Si - 62O. D. Mulks, (disallowed)6 10 63 J: \V. Brown, coroner 8o 75 8o 75 64 George Small, supplies 8 85 8 85 i 65 Charles Bassani, coroner's jury 2 00 2 00 f 66 J. S. Kirkendall, lunacy proceedings 10 01 5 00 67 Henry I -I. Angell, coroner's jury 2 00 2 00 1 68 Stephen W. Vorhis, constable 12 50 12 50 1 69 Jas. H. B1oo111, coroner's jury 1 00 1 00 uI 70 Jay L. Platt, coroner's jury 1 00 1 00 71 T. M. Teeter, coroner's jury 1 00 1 00 72 Bush & Dean, supplies 17 17 17 17 73 Augustus Titus, coroner's jury 2 00 2 00 f 0 74 Martin Besemer, lunacy proceedings 25 00 25 00 75 Society for the protection of destitute Catholic children j See Town Budget) 76 Office Specialty Co., supplies to County Clerk 30 00 30 on 77 Merritt Stoddard, coroner's jury 2 00 2 00 1 , 78 Reuben I,. Smith, lunacy proceedings 30 00 30 00 79 David White, lunacy proceedings 10 00 10 00 8o Ithaca Water Works Co., water supply 170 00 170 00 if S1 Edward C. Wolf, constable 57 15 57 15 I 82 Halliday & Pinch, legal services 6o 00 6o oo 1 83 Webb Wallace, assigned to W. H. Willson, (disallowed) ' 24 40 84 E. G. Hance, assigned to W. H. Willson, constable 5 05 5 05 S5 A. J. Krum, assigned to W. H. Willson, constable ,10 10 10 10 86 Stephen W. Vorhis, assigned to W. H. Willson, constable 9 40 9 40 1 87 H. E. Baker, assigned to W: H. Willson, constable 3 8o 3 80 f 88 H. E. Baker, assigned to W. H. Willson, constable 3 So 3 8o 89' Hiram Baker, assigned to W. H. Willson, constable 25 6o 25 6o 90 H. E. Baker, assigned to W. H. \Villsou, constable 3 6o 3 6o 9i R. L. Smith, assigned to W. H. Willson, Justice of the Peace 24 95 22 55 t o l{ It 1 1.7 1 St7PPy,RV1SOIRS' PROCEEDINGS, 1861.79 i 1 92 R. L. Smith, assigned to W. H. Willson, (disallowed) 56 00 93 R. L. Smith, assigned to W. H. Willson, (disallowed) 53 3 94 J. A. Lewis, assigned W. II. Willson, lunacy proceedings 6o 00 45 00 95 Geo. M. Beckwith, assigned to W. H. Willson, coroner! 24 35 24 35 f 96 H. H. Miller, assigned to W. H. Willson, Special Deputy Sheriff 4 00 • 4 00 97 H. H. Miller, assigned to W. H. Willson, Special Deputy Sheriff 4 00 400 98 H. FL Miller, assigned to W. II. Willson (disallowed) 5 8o i99 Chas. W. Earl, Under Sheriff 73 6o 73 Go 100 Henry C. Cair, assigned to W. 11. Willson, State Gamer 100 1 Constable 8 oo 800 '' 1 101 Henry C. Carr, assigned to W. H. Willsoi4 State GameIConstable 8 o0 800 102 Henry C. Carr, assigned to W. H. Willson, State Game I I Constable n 00 a 00 I 103 Henry C. Carr, assigned to W. H. Willson, State Game tConstable 11 00 11 00 1 104 City of Ithaca, service bill 69 55 69 55 I i105City of Ithaca, Recorder's bill 61 45 61 45 1o6 Frank W. Knapp, postal cards 4 00 4 00 107 Children's Home, (See Town Budgets) . 108 Wm. G. Gibbs, coroner's jury 2 00 2 00 j109 Treean, King K Co., supplies 103 19 103 19 110 John Winslow, service and lunacy proceedings 35 00 15 00 1 1 1 Edwin M. Hall, supplies court house and jail 45 23 45 23 112 Uri Clark, repairing clock 1 5o 1 50 113 The Ithaca Democrat, county printing 977 4 977 4 114 M. E. Poole, Justice of the Peace 32 40 32 40 115 Thank E. Pickering, game constable 12 70 12 70 0 116 Aldin Horton, certificate in lunacy 7 00. 5 00 i 117 D. F. Van Vleet, legal services to 00 10 00 I 118 Crozier & Feeley, supplies for jail 26 55 26 55 i 119 H. L. Haskins, supplies 15 98 15 98 120 W. C. Gallagher, lunacy proceedings 19 40 16 00 121 J. Warren Tibbetts; board of prisoners 1 ,592 5 1,592 5 122 J. Warren Tibbetts, sen•ice bill 502 04 502 04 123 Seneca Spicer, constable 5 65 5 65 124 Cornell Library Association, Library Hall, convention . County Superintendents 40 00. 40 00 I 1 0 •SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS; 12191: 125 Frank F. Gillett, constable 53 17 53 17 126 Town of Dryden, self supporting patients at Willard Asylum 114 114 50 127 Dudley F. Finch, supplies 17 So 17 80 128. Western New York Institution • for'Deaf'Mutes,l See Town Budgets) 129 Geo. Rankin & Son, supplies for court house ,1 45 1 45 130 L. 5. Mackey, work on court house and jail 19 6o 19 60 131 Patrick Wall, shoes by order of Sheriff 2 25 2 25 132 New York & Pennsylvania Telephone and Telegraph Company, rent ofitelephone 42 00 42 00 j 133 W. C. Gallagher, coroner 27 30 27 30 134 George Muir, constable 3 65 1 95 135 J. A. Elston, Special Surrogate 24 00 24 00 11 136 J. A. Elston, Special Surrogate 1 96 00 9 0o I 137 The Ithaca Journal, printing official canvass, 1891 38 40 38 40 1 138 J. C. Lormore, constable 6 05 6 05 139 Susquehanna Valley Home, (See Town Budgets) 14o, . C. A. Boyce; autopsy 10.00 10 00 1 141 J. Hermiston, lunacy proceedings 1 7 00 7 00 142 F. A. Kerst, lunacy procedings 1000' 10 00 143 Barr Bros., supplies for Sheriff and County Clerk 25 39 25 39 1 144 .R. J. Pierce, constable 95 95 145 .L. II. Van Kirk, County Clerk 590 31 590 31 1 146 L. H. Van Kirk, County Clerk 766 52 766 52 147) The Weekly Ithacan, publishing list of nominations 5 25 5 25 148 Jas. 5. Lyke, Superintendent's account 231 00 231 00 149 E. G. Hance, constable 3 3 2 35 1 150 J. K. Follett, Ex - Sheriff 26 50 • 26 50 151 J. K. Follett, Ex -Sheriff 107 42 - 107 42 152 J. R. Broome, lunacy proceedings 10 00 10 oo 153 Alexander Minturn, labor and material 22 bo 22 6o 154 , Paul Ewers, constable 5 70 3 60 155 Charles Tarbell, constable 3 45 1 85 156 Demont Anderson, constable 2 25 2 25 157 -E. G. Hance, constable, assigned to W. H. Willson 4 85 4 85 158 White & Burdick, supplies for clerk's office 18 03 18 03 159 Charles Ingersoll, conveyauce to County House 5 00 5 00 5 16o Andrus & Church, supplies for Board 55 11 50 00 161 Charles A. Smith, sprinkling bill 5 5 5 5 1 o e SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDING, 1891. 81 r62 P. A. Brown, assigned to N. and P. Pearson, labor 7 oo163JohnBlanchard, coroner's jury r on 7 oo164WillisShurter, constable 29 0o 29 0o r 165 ' H. J. Wilson, painting county clerk's oihce assigned to W. H. Willson 39 6o 39 6odi166AuburnOrphanAsylum (See Town Budgets) 167 1.. 'Prembly, supplies.•e 2 00 2 00 SUPF,RVISORS' SERVICE I1ILL. 168 John $. Beers, i 169 R. Horton, 84 58 84 6888688868 170 R: Wolf,63,00 63 00-171 1 P. Bates,89 9 . Iz 89'12172T. Jones,85 So 85 So , 173 C. M. Titus, 117 13 117 13174C. W. Conger, 175 J. Kennedy, l I093393 3jH. Ioo 84 o 84176J. H. Conklin,88 28 88 28 I 177 A. H. Pierson,98 02 99 02IRA. Crozier, i 72 o0 72 oo Total 1 9,931 9 449,862 17 I 4 i J t, 1 i 82 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1891. G . 0 N PAsaIaads ,r-,?..,,,,,....1, - x I C ,q o sa. xwu° x y, I 3 a ,dnaapopaqeuoci )o weN".oq'9! 46 °.°, 1-1 o x c o .,z:;727t=88wnc 0 r;i Ow be?Mg m tly _ 0 a a5 rvnomy Ie,o_l.mSs:C ''d'm 8 71 O I Uten,o ° o saiunpuadoa Pie o'x° c . o v, h n a.raft s, n"ligas,Iy r t U s o 6'0 _ saw Pn"'°8O -d oC c ya 'pnana put 2u ms m ,: 4 b pal luawssas.tr :77770 7a, , °'_ 17 - 1 ,s Y a a ma r o 4n0,0m oCNuad Wan8 W E o o. ahoy( aanwwoa u2u>11uQ ti per 8 8 8 8 u',5 ° o I v _e a a aad OK) ES `uopasu v .. O 1 b a -0 0 r u7 C7 .. ";A ° 5m,aau1.176 4Puc.ysS e CI R O fi d p •. ooaan,w,uuJ 4ym v(I -r. W O 61 E v y r.al!uy ice I w s japco7i,ad nua s n: u57111U 1221......I ,'I t OOr ; 4..8888$888888 I r.,-- ,1 0 le ` Opasuadwo ' -n_t ir,27` . al -iOC _. G. E F Y3'i 8 U cr.m -yu, 8 wwsuuS P uu s?r54,..c°e m uy Preofl 4,,,k s.,„n I ci O o lit= o q 9aasen F E N ua .(ouuoD yun. sSe F Ca 0.8 e• i 2 . 2 In o. ;- ' m 0 1 a W o »v.c 1 O., 3-:?: I aooy, ^ .Yy Fl C c' c .v;A O N N d O u W 0 MO,1 t m C a Pi J Ng a 5e' w a rn 0 E CI n 'J= 0 .a y arc o' = c': I 1:4 _ ' Ea -'oto .a...4 o,b} G: ',Fb czzo 0 o 00 A O 4I w ^ p :..,V 2 el C U? 3' - -i E vF'O. O W - ti 6 I a o coom; N m n;I i j m e uxcOZAOvs n c t , g m E s U m W u C^ e w C.cE m . 0 n F,.. t« n 3 00 E- a,--:-..-to b G O'C 9 0 O fn u• N O'd ['. to • ou, -•UU a'.43 0 e 0 q giCdM G y L 7.7.0-70u 2ce9F+ o pE n 2 ...oP?,a0aamc3 r o .. .. w I aa,00 0 0Ci OGC'WD."- i..., =7.6 Q 3a 2 1 sfJrnt isoiS' E'R.00EED1N1i S, 1891.88 0 Down . Au ts . CAROLINE. j Abstract of the names of all persons who presented ac- counts to be audited by the Board of Town Auditors of the i town of Caroline, on the 5th day of November, 1891, with the • amount claimed by each and the amount finally audited and ' allowed each. No: • Name. ,Nature of service.Claimed. Allowed' 1 I). M. Bowman, excess tax 9 08 9 o8 2 Geo. J. Nelson, Overseer of Poor 8 00 8 00 3 George Wolcott, Assessor 26 So 26 8o I 4 John L. Mandeville, Excise Commissioner 9 00 9 00 5 Wm. K. Boise, Excise Commissioner.. 3 00 3 00 6 James S. Young, Overseer of Poor 4 ob 4 oo 7 Pearl Legg, Ballot Clerk . 4 00 4 00 8 Will E?Siiow, Ballot Clerk.4100 4 0o 9. Richard Whittaker, Poll Clerk 4 00 4 00 10, J. E. Lawrence, Ballot Clerk 4 00 4 00 II Harry Davis, Poll Clerk 4 00 4 00 12 George R. Peck, Poll Clerk 4 00 4 00 13 E. D. B. Shurter, Poll Clerk 4 0o 4 00 14 Hehry D. Thomas, Poll Clerk 4 00 4 00 15 C. L. Crandall, Ballot Clerk 4 00 4 do 16 Prank N. Patch, Poll Clerk.4 00 4 00 17 John J. Norris, Inspector.12 o0 8 00 18 C. J. Hamilton, Inspector, etc.12 45 8 45 19 John Besemer, Inspector and Messenger I 44 14 44 1 1 84 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDJNGS, 1 zo John Davis, Inspector and Messenger .18 56 14 56 i 21 George W. Hawkins, Inspector ..12 00 S 00 22 Frank V. Davis, Inspector 12 00 S 00 23 George H. Richarltson, Inspector .8 00 6 00 ill24W. T. Graham, on Registry Board and Ballot Clerk . . 12 00 10 00 25 R. E. Brink, rent of hall 12 00 12 00 26 F. B. Lounsbery, Clerk of Registry Board . . . . . . 4 00 2 00 27 John Cross, Justice of the Peace 9 25 9 25 23 R. F. Abbey, Excise Commissioner 3 00 3 00 29 W. V. I'ersonius, Justice of the Peace. 11 00 - 11 00' 3o John J. Peters, Justice of the Peace _8 50 8 5o 31 F: Huson, on Registry Board and Ballot Clerk . . . . 8 oo 6 00 32 L. D. Bacon, rent of rink town meeting .8 oo 8 oo 1 33 O. D. Mulks, Constable 7 45. 7'45 34 Samuel Woodhull, Inspector and Messenger.13 56 11 56 35 William R. Wolcott, Inspector 8 00 4 00 1 i 36 S. B. Landon,' damage to wagon 10 00 10 00 37 Ira Bogardus, Commissioner of Highways.172 no 172 00 38 Fred B.' Lounsbery, Town Clerk .61 26 61 26 39 George C. Whitley, Overseer of Poor 14 no • 12 00 1 40 R. G. H. Speed, Justice of the Peace 13 504 113 50 41 Ithaca Journal, printing 47 20 31 30 42 Edward Lounsbery, hall rent .12 00 12 00 43 D. P. A. Reid, M. D., medical service to poor .. . . . 5 75 58 75 t 44 Fred F,. Bates, Supervisor.37 95 37 95 45 A. D. Foote, hall rent 12 00 12 00 46 H. A. Hildebrant, Assessor.36 00 36 00 7 75 $716 85, We the undersigned, composing the Board of Town Auditors of the town of. Caroline, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct statement of the accounts audited by us this 5th day of November, 1891. i FRED E. BATES, Supervisor.1 WALKER V. PERSONIGS, JOHN CROSS,Justices. •2 JOHN J. PETI RS, R. G. H. SPEED.1 1FRIEDBLOIiFSBERV, To Clerk.1 I c. SI i STtPERVTSO P[ OO EDINGS, 1891.1 A 01)11D al' l( lsor,on ON OF BOARD OF 813•lia VISORS. 47 A. H. Laudon, .4 ra 4 C:. K. Doughty,32 6o 49 I). M. White,21 00 50 Geo. E. Harris,12 00 51 F. P. Bates,6 a1 52 O. D. Mulks, -6 10 53 O. D. Mulks,I1 85 1 93 55 rtI 0' i DANBY. t 1 J 1 Abstract of the names of all persons who presented ac- n counts to be audited by the Board of Town Auditors of the town of'Danby, on the 5th day of, November, 1591, with the amount claimed by each and the amount finally' audited and Iallowed each. 1 No. _Name.Nature of service.Claimed. Allowed 1 J. B. Thatcher, Justice of the Peace and Ballot Clerk . . 12 25 12 25• 2 L. G. Thatcher, Inspector and Messenger 13 8t1 13 8o 3 M. A. Dumlond, Health Officer 2 00 2 00 i 4 W. T. Kellogg, supplies for poor and rent of hall . ..22 85 22 85 5 C. J. Bruce, Inspector 8 00 8 00 6 Chas. Snyder, Ballot Clerk 4 00 4 00 7 Chas. D. Allick, Inspector 8 00 8 00 r 8 T. J. Hutchings, Poll Clerk . .4 00 4 00 9 DeWitt Allick, Poll Clerk 4 00 4 00 10 John J. Cooper, Inspector and labor.16 00 10 o0 ti Frank D. Smiley, Ballot Clerk 4 00 4 00 12 Geo. T. Howland, Clerk of election .4 00 4 00 i 13 Zehulon E. Smiley, Justice, Inspector and labor . . .r8 00 18 oo I 14 Geo. E. Morris, Assessor and book at 65 ' 21 65 15' Frank Brock, Ballot Clerk 4 00 4 00 1 86 SUPERVISO1,tS' PROCEEDING-S, 1891,II 16 Horace Elvea, Assessor and book . 16 65 16 65 17 Wm. Howland, Overseer of Poor 2 00 2 00 18 Sarah Jennings, Election supplies 65 65 19 Geo. F. Howland, serving criminal warrant 6 00 6 00 I 20 Wn,. Howland, Inspector, Messenger and labor . . .h6 So 16 So 1 21 L. L. Beers, surveying highways 8 50 8 so 22 T. W. Slocum, Justice of Peace.2 00 2 00 23 Z. E. Smiley, Trustee, rent of scliool house No. 2 . .5 00 5 on 24 John E. Beers, Supervisor 29 56 29 56 25 John E. Beers, reporting births and deaths 5 00 5 00 I 26 Levi H. Hollister, Inspector 8 on 8 on 11 27 Robert A. Grant, Inspector and Messenger 13 52 13 52 28 A. W. Bennett, Ballot Clerk 4 00 4 00 j .29 Prank Fuller, Ballot Clerk, assigned to. J. E. Beers.. . 4 a) 4 00 I 3o H. S. Beardsley; Clerk of election 4 0° 4 00 3t Chas C. Mabee, Inspector 8 00 8 00 32 T. W. Slocum, Justice of the Peace 5 9 5 9 33 Clarence Slocum, Constable 8 35 8 35 1 34 T. W. Slocum, Justice of the Peace S 0o S 00 I 35 Jacob Wise, Justice of the Peace ... . . ... . . . . . 8 oo 8 00 36 Will Bierce, supplies for poor .06 6o 16 60 37 Ithaca Journal, printing and tickets.33 00 33 00 38 Wm. H. Baker, 'Down Clerk and clerk of election . . . So 50 So 50 39 Wm. 11. Baker, chairs for town hall .15 00 15 00 40 Geo. M. Mealier, plank, labor, material — highways . 55 64 55 61 i 41 Geo M. Meaker, blacksmithing on bridges, &e.. . .26 50 26 5o 42 Geo. M. Meaker, Highway Commissioner .182 00 182 on 43 Theodore Brown, Overseer of the Poor 17 50 17 50 44 H. S. Beardsley, burial of pauper .28 0o 28 oo 45 Town of Ithaca, supplies for poor.20 50 20 50 1, 46 Chas H. Ostrander, Clerk of election 4 00 4 00 - ADDED n \' RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD On SUPERVISORS. 47 Enz. S. Miller, books for town records 6 35 6 35 I 45 Town of Ithaca, Overseer of Poor °38 16 38 16 i, 11 11 We the undersigned. comprising the Board of Town Audits of the town of 1 1)auby; do certify that we have this day examined the acconnts here presented and have passed upon the same 0111 have entered the name of the person pre- is N i 1 UPERVISORS' PROCEED IN C1 1S91..Si I tf settlingI the account, and the amounts claimed and the amounts allowed in the proper columns of the foregoing list. JOHN .E. BEERS, Supervisor. Dated Damhy Nov. 5, 1891.J. B. THATCHER( JACOB S Justices.Z10411LONON SMILEV, 1 T. W. S1.UCUM. VM. II. BAB ER, Town Clerk.1 1 f 1 certify that the foregoing is a true copy of an abstract now on file in my office. 1 1 VM. II. BAKER, Towv Clerk. t r 1 DRYDEN. 1 1,Abstract of the names of all persons who presented .ac= counts to be audited by • the Board of Town - Auditors of the town of Dryden, on the dtll dap of•Noi =ember, 1891, with the I amount claimed by each and the amount `finally audited and allowed each. i.No. Nance.Nature of service.Claimed. Allowed 1 A. C. Hanford, house rent i y oo 6 00 2 W. W. Sherwood, interest on $qoo for 8 months, on 30o for 6 mouths 25 00 125 00 j 3 W. W. Sherwood, Commissioner of Highways . . . 377 00 377 00 4 Geo. H. IL1rt, Inspector of electioli 1 00 12 o0 5 Chas: T. Fitts, Inspector of election •12 00 12 00 1 6 D. R. Montgomery, Inspector of election and Messenger . 18 96 18 96 1 7 A. M. Clark, Ballot Clerk 4 00 4 00 8 James B. 1 >ergusml, Ballot Clerk 4 00 4 00 9 Geo. E. Monroe, Poll Clerk 4 00 4 00 1 10 J. B. Fulkersom, Poll Clerk .4 00 4 00 It H. C. Warriner, P611 Clerk .4 00 4 00i l 12 Prank Sheldon, Ballot Clerk 4 00 4 o 13 0. K. Rhodes, Inspector and Messenger.17 5 17 56 1 Iq A. A. Seager, Inspector of election 12 00 12 00 i r ic "r'7yR'r. !x,4 er 1 4 SS F_:3 Ill PP. RVISO:RS` t-'JtOCEEn C\GS, 1891. 1 1 Is Corry G. Dusenhery, Inspector election and Messenger 13 65 65 1 16 Bradford Snyder, Poll Clerk 4 00 4 m• 17 Chas. II. Palmer, Inspector and Messengee 017 3 17 3 . 18 S. U. Dennis, Inspector and Messenger 13 5 5o 19 W. J. Sherwood, Inspector 12 00 12 00 20 Milton E. Snyder, Ballot Clerk .4 00 4 00 i 21 Wm. U. Middaugh, Ballut Clerk 4 00 4 00 i 22 J. T. Morris, Poll Clerk and house for election . . . 16 50 i6 50 23 J. D. Ross, Ballot Clerk'4 00 4 00 I 24 F. D. Hill, Ballot Clerk 4 00 4 00 i' 25 H. M. Givens, Poll Clerk 4 00 4 00 l 26 Geo. E. Goodrich, Poll Clerk and stationary . . . . . 4 10 4 10 27 C. D. Burch, Inspector and Blesseugcr .19 04 19 04 23 Daniel M. White, Inspector 12 00 12 00 29 S. McKee, Inspector .12 00 12 00 30 H. C. Sutliff, Inspector and Messenger 14 oo 14 rLI 31 Frank W. Smith, Inspector and Messenger 17 72 17 72 I 32 Alfred Bishop, Inspector 12 00 12 00 iI 33. E. T. Brown, 1'011 Clerk 4 no 4 on 34 Linlford Sutliff, Ballot Clerk .4 00 4 00 i 35 Frank Douglass, Poll Clerk and Stationery 4 25 4 25 36 Geo. H. Houtz, Poll Clerk 4 00 4 00 37 Geo. F. Primrose, Ballot Clerk 4 00 4 00 33 Wm. Cady, Poll Clerk 4 00 4 00 1 7 39 W. E. Sutfin, Poll Clerk 4 00 4 00 40 W. J.,Shaver, Jr.,,Inspector and Messenger 14 24 14 24 1 41. F. E. Mineah, Inspector and Messenger,17 So a7 So 42 Sylvester Hite, Inspector .12 00 12 00 43 JamesHoffman,15 00 12 50 44 Geo. H. Hart, Special Officer —Town Meeting 2 00 2 00 45 Geo. W. Sutfin, Special Officer —Town Meeting . . .2 00 2 00 46 Geo. L. Beslen, house for election 17 5o 12 50 47 Jacob McKinney, Special Officer —Town Meeting . . . 2 00 2 00 43 G. C. Sweet, undertaking 61 50 36 5 49 Andrew Cole, Excise Commissioner. 9 00 9 00 5o D. M. White, Excise Con 13 08 13 08 j 51 O. Luther, Excise Commissioner and Ballot Clerk. . . 7 00 7 00 1 52 Luther C. Simons, Excise Commissioner 15 00 15 00 A Ithaca Democrat, i 53 95 75 95 75 • 54 J. C. Larmore, Constable 7 75 7 75 e 1 1 p II.. . b e r 7 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1891.89 0 7 55 Geo. E. Monroe, Justice 9 9 56 Geo. E. Monroe, Town Board 14 00 14 00 57 Geo. E. Monroe, Attorney's services 20 00 20 00 58 Dr. J. J. Montgomery, Medical services 74 00 74 00 59 Dr. J. Beach, Vital Statistics' '6 oo 6 oo 6o J. C. Larulore, Overseer of Poor 36 od 36 00 1 61 Dr. J. J. Moutgourery, Birth and Death Certificates . . 4 25 4 25 62 Ben. J. Sheldon, Assessor.64 00 64 00 1 63 Paul Ewers, Constable 13 75 13 75 64- H. A. Strong, Constable 3 75 3 75 65 C. W. Parker, Attorney Speer case 5 on 5 00 1 66 W. J. Shaver, house rent, Gould fancily 39 00 00.00 67 J. PL Kennedy, service hill,41 64' 41 64 I,68 Gardner Gitsen, house for town meeting, assigned to J. 11. Kennedy 40 00 40 00 69 II. 0. . Warriner, Town Clerk, 1890 26 30 26 30 j 7o A. L. Smiley, Justice .23 50 23 50 i 71 W. E. Brown, Justice. •16 0o r6 00 e 72 W. H. Richardson, Excise Commissioner 3 00 3 00 f 73 E. F. Weaver, Justice .14 00 14 00 t 74 G. E. Underwood, Justice 14 00 14 00 1 75 Geo. E. Underwood, Justice 4 5 4 50 1 76 F. E. Darling, Town Clerk .52 02 52 02 1 77 A. Ewers, Assessor . . .58 00 53 00 73 R. M. Smiley, Assessor.58 oo 58 0o • 7 F. E. Ellis, Constable 290 290 3o Bradford Snyder, Overseer of Poor 46 00 46 00 31 M. J. Owen, -Marriage Certificates. 1 5o t 50 32 Theron Johnson, Ballot Clerk.4 00 4 00 83 Mariette Bogart, caring Pool family.to 0o to 00 84 Dr. Homer Genung, Vital Statistics.. . .5 25 5 25 85 Dr. Homer Genung, hall for election 12 50 12 50 36 Dr. Homer Genung, Medical services 6o 0o 6o oo I 1 9 1 48 Lt The foregoing is a true abstract of all claims presented to and audited by the Town Board of Dryden, November 5, 1891. r F. E.IDARLING, Town Clerk. I e 90 SUPERVISORS' .PROOEEDINGS, 1 I ADDED BY RESOLUT10N OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. 87 Dryden Village, to use of hall 12 5 88 Henry Wavle, to use of hall 15 0o 89 W. W. Sherwood, Conmiissioner 133 34 yo Solomon L. Howe, Ballot Clerk'4 00 91 Geo. E. Goodrich, services. 5 00 1 92 J. 11. Kennedy', service bill .12 (Mu 181 84 An abstract of appropriations voted at the town meeting iheldatDrydenCenter, February 24 and 25, 1891.i • 1241.00. For iron joists for iron bridge near John Keenait's. 120.00. For iron joists for iron bridge at Malloryville.'1 80.00. For iron joists for bridge near Eugene Weaver's.i 40.00. For bridge near widow, Dixon's. 1 60.00. For bridge near James Sutfin's. r5o.00. For widening road near Philander Bush's. Total 570.00. c.i The above is a true abstract of the appropriations Voted at the town meet- , ing, held at Dryden Center House, on February 24 and 25, 1891. F. E. DARLING, Town Clerk. ENFIELD.i. Abstract of the .names of all persons who presented ac- counts to be audited by the J3oarcl of Town Auditors of the town' of Enfield on the 5th and 6th day of November, 1891,r with the amount claimed by each and the amount finally audit-F ed and allowed each.j No. Name.Nature of service.Claimed. Allowed I I Dewitt Lanning, Ballot Clerk.4 00 4 00 2 George W. Budd, erroneous tax.1 114 1 114 1 F I i I j ' r/SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1891.91 r' 3 Jared T. Rumsey, Interest on Commissioner's Notes . . 17 28 17 28 4 Wm. T. Wright, Inspector of election 12 00 12 00 5 Chas. Miller, Inspector and Messenger 17 8o 17 So 6 John M. Russell, Poll Clerk 4 00 4 00 7 J. C. Wetherby, Inspector and Messenger 17 So S0 8 W. H. Smith, notifying Jurors, Justice fees for new road 8 10 8 10 . 9 A. S. Nobles, Town Clerk and Jurors fees for new road 16 00 16 00 to \Vm. H. Drake, Assessor.34 00 34 00 11 Joseph Van,Marter.32 00 32 00 12 Chas. Wright, stationery .3 55 3 55 i j 13 John Holley, Note and Interest by Commissioners .. . 77 25 77 25 14 Wm. H. Drake, erroneous tax 5 00 5 00 15 Fred Warren, erroneous tax 8 13 8 13 16 Esther Smith, Interest on Commissioner's Note . . . . 6' 00 6 00 17 J. G. Wortman, use of hall for election and services . . 11 5o 11 50 i18 Mark Hausner, Constable, services at town meeting . . 2 00 2 00 19 Grant Curry, Inspector of election 12 00 12 00 20 . John Russell, putting up booths.1 5o 1 50 21 Wm. Barber, Citizen Member Board of Health.. . 2 00 2 00 22 G. O. Hine, Constable, services at town meeting.. . . 4 00 4 00 23 M. Norton, Ballot Clerk 4 00 4 00 I 24 Ambrose Babcock, Constable at election.4 00 4 00 25 Lewis Van Marter, Constable at election 4 00 4 00 26 Walter S. Brewer, Poll Clerk of election 4 00 4 00 28 Dr. L. T. White, Health Officer, etc 14 75 14175 1 28 James Mcliracken, Poll Clerk 4 00 4 00 29 M. I,. Harvey, house for town purposes and care of booths 33 00 33 00 30 Corey J. Harvey, Ballot Clerk •4 00 400 31 J. F. Tracy, Surveying new road, etc 8 5o 8 5o 32 Everett Smith, Assessor 36 00 3 00 33 J. H. Theall, Poll Clerk 4 00 4 00 34 Alfonso Griffin, Overseer of Poor and personal service 8 o0 8 00 1 35 John King, for sand 3 00 3 O i 36 Edwin M. Owen, Inspector, of election 4 00 4 00 37 Chas. F. Swick, filling in bridge 600 6 w 38 Levi Ervey, work on bridge, assigned J. G. Wortman . 6 5o 6 5o J9 Alfonso Griffin, Overseer of Poor for supplies 8 50 8 5 40 Geo. K. Darragh, Ex -Town Clerk.. . . ... . . . . . 22 15 22 15 41 F. Barber and J. N. Wortman, putting up booths . . . 3 00 3 00 42 - James M. Owen, Overseer of the Poor..20 50 20 50 1 92 SUPERVISO1tS' PROCEEDINGS, 1891.t 43 Ella M. Babcock, caring for Mrs. Cooper, assigned to J. G. Wortman e37 43 37 43 44 J. H. Newman, Commissioner of Appraisal . . . . . . 7 5 7 5 O 45 L. P. Colegrove, Commissioner of Appraisal.7 5 7 5C' 46 G. H. Hopkins, Commissioner of Appraisal .7 50 7 50 47 J. T. Newman, Legal services.ro 00 10 00 r48T. Jones, Ex- Bonding Commissioner 6 oo 6 00 49 Wm. Ammack, Bonding Conmiissioner 15 5 15 5 5o J. M. Owen, Overseer of l'oor for supplies.2 00 2 00 51 J. N. Wortman, Ex- Commissioner— Blacksmitlting Reconsidered November 14, and rejected).. . . . 15 95 00 00 52 J. N. Wortman, Ex- Commissioner and personal' service 66 00 66 00 53 J. N. Wortman, Ex- Commissioner and team work . . . • 33 00 33 00 54 11- H. Launing, Excise Commissioner.3 00 3 00 55 Geo. W. Budd 8 00 8 00 56 C. H. Bubble, Commissioner, labor and material.. . 790 78 790 78 57 F. B. Aiken, Justice of the Peace 23 5 23 5o 58 T. Jones, Supervisor 8 0o 8 oo 59 T. Jones, Supervisor 35 5 35 5 6o Fremont Willson, Excise Commissioner.3 00 3 00 61 D. M. Searles, Justice 21 00 21 00 62 Chas. 11. Hubbell, Commissioner of Highways .176 00 176 no 1 63 John Russell, Town Clerk 101 88 to, 88 • 64 S. M. Oltz, Justice and house for use of town z 0o 32 o0323 i Assessment of damages for new road5 974 01 974 01 66 Chas. H. Hubbell, Commissioner of Highways, and building new road . •870' 870 40 67 Wm. P. Smith, Justice of the Peace.41 50 4 50 68 George Kirby, Inspector, assigned to Grant Curry . .12 00 12 00 3.Soi 9 $3,7 95 We the undersigned, town auditors of the town of Enfield, do hereby certi- fy that the above is a correct list of bills presented with amount claimed and allowed. t T. JONES, Supervisor. W. F: SMITH, i D. M. SEA Rt, ES, C S. M. OLTZ,Justices. F. B. AIEEN. J. M. RUSSELL, Town Clerk. 1 i > f t I SUPERVISORS' PttOCEEb INCA .1891.9$ l ADoler BV 11880I,1'PIOF OF BOARD OF 8I1 i'1 ?RVISORS. 69 7'. Jones, Supervisor 1 3 00 70 Grover Updike, erroneous tax 2 00 71 Fnmk S. Stevenson, Ballot_ Clerk .4 00 1 I 72 Ithaca Democrat, printing 22 00 31 00 i CROTON. j Abstract of the names of all persons who presented ac- t counts to be audited by the Board of/ Town Auditors of the y town of Groton, on the 5th day of November, 1891, with the t amount claimed by each and the amount' finally audited and I allowed each. I No. Name.Nature of claim.Claimed. Allowed I 1 M. A. Downing, Inspector 4 (10 4 00 2 W111. L1. Koslenbader, Poll Clerk 4' 00 4 00 3 Win. H. Burnham, Inspector and Messenger.t8 36 18 36 4 Ward D. White, Inspector and Messenger.18 36 18 36 5 Samuel Peuuoyer, Poll Clerk.4 0 4 on 1 6 Edgar Bush, Ballot Clerk 4 no 4 00 i 7 11. J. Stevens, Registry and'Inspector. 12 00 12 00 8 Benn Townley, Ballot Clerk, .4 00 4 00 9 A. J. Conger, Poll Clerk and booths.6 00 6 ! on 4toR. W. Allen, Ballot Clerk 4 no 00 11 W. II. Buckley, Registry, Inspector and Messenger . . 14 00 14 00 12 F. W. Crittenden, Ballot Clerk .4 00 4 00 13 P. W. Allen, Inspector and Messenger 8 ao 18 Go 14 A. 5. Stearns, Poll Clerk .4 00 4 00 l 15, H. S. Hopkins, Poll Clerk 4 no 4 00 16 C. P. Mosher, Ballot Clerk 4 00 4 00 17 j110. J. Young, Inspector 12 00 12 00 r8 M. F. McElheny, Inspector.12' 12 00 . T9 Daua Rhodes, Inspector and Justice town Meeting 12 00 12 00 20 Wm. D. Baldwin, Poll Clerk 4 on 4 00 21 W. C. Allen, hall for election.12 00 12 00 t. 1 tea Sx Y.Pr 4. 1 ' Y 1. 1 04 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1891. 1 0 22 W. H. Lockerby, Medical service (Knapp)21 00 00 00 23 Wm. Williams, Overseer of Poor 35 54 35 54 24 Nelson Harris, Assessor 44 00 44 00 25 M. D. Goodyear, Vital Statistics 10 00 10 00 26 M. D. Goodyear, Doctoring I'oor, as per contract . .45 00 45 ca i 27 C. A. Townley, Excise Couunissioner.6 on 6 00 28 E. A. Iland, Vital Statistics.8 75 8 75 26 Reuhin Anthony, board and care 1). Ouderkirk, as- signed to Wm. Williams 33 00 33 00 3o John I. Booth S. Son, Undertaking Poor.22 CO 22 00 3, John I . Booth S. Son, Undertaking Poor.. . . . ... . 15 50 15 50 32 John I. Booth & Son, Undertaking Poor.23 00 23 00 33 John 1. Booth & Son, Undertaking Poor.15 50 15 50 1 34 J. 31. Montfort, Merchandise for Poor.27 93 27 93 35 J. M. Montfort, Merchandise for Poor.41 56 41 56 i 36 J. M. Montfort, Justice .17 So 17 So 37 I.G. Hinman, room for election 10 00 10 00 38 C. W. Conger, Supervisor.48 38 48 38 1 39 H. S. Itopkins, Justice, 10 bills criminal cases .. . . . 57 05 57 05 40 L. J. Townley, printing 65 61 65 61 1 41 J. H. Gunn, Poll Clerk and Poor 5 on 5 00 1 42 Wm. Webster, hall and booths 15 00 15 00 43 V. B. Gross, Poll Clerk 4 00 4 00 1 44 Luther Grey, Inspector and Messenger 15. 65 15 65 . 45 Francis Webster, Inspector and Messenger 19 00 19 00 46 Jean I. Weeks, Inspector.12 00 12 00 47 Allen Howard, Ballot Clerk.4 00 4 00 l • 48 F. J. I'er Lee, Ballot Clerk 4 00 4 00 49 T. L. Fisher, Constable.1 So 1 So 5o L. 31. Ogden, Excise Commissioner.6 00 6 00 1 51 H. D. Spencer, Excise Commissioner .6 oo, 6 00 52 Newton Baldwin, issuing permits .5 00 5 00 53 Newton Baldwin, Justice,5 45 5 45 54 Newton Baldwin, Justice .4 95 4 95 55 B. L. Robinson, Vital Statistics and contract 43 75 43 75 I, 56 Juo. J. Young, Town Clerk .68 33 6S 331 57 Wm. H. Burnham, Assessor's Clerk . .6 oo 6 oo 58. Alvin Howard, Assessor 37 00 37 00 59 A. M. Baldwin, Vital Statistics 2 75 2 75 6o A. J. Conger, Assessor 28 no 28 00 1 i SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 189 1.95 61 Ward D. White, Commissioner of Highways.6 00 6 oo 62 Wm. M. Ellis, Inspector 12 00 12 00 63 Marshall Woodbury, Constable .4 45 4 45 64 E., G. Galloup, Undertaking and Merchandise .. . .20 55 20 55 65 Geo. M. Beckwith, Vital Statistics and services, assigned to C. W. Conger.7 75 7 75 66 Nelson Stevens, Justice.4 25 4 25 67 Newton Baldwin, Justice . ... . ..14 00 14 00 68 Simeon Gray, Commissioner of Highways.46 00 ' 46 00 • 69 Begeut & Crittenden, Merchandise 46 85 46 85 70 Jones & Gobel, Merchandise 1 74 74 86 71 A. E. Lanning, rent of house.10 00 10 00 72 P. A. Sherman, Constable 41 50 41 5o 73 C. W. Conger & Co., Merchandise for Poor . ...6o 94 6o 94 74 R. J. Pierce, Constable and lockup 38 67 38 67 1 75 J. S. Love, rent 36 00 36 00 1 76 Simeon Gray, money borrowed for town.175 00 175 00 77 E. G. Galloup, Merchandise G. A. R.57 69 54 69 78 E. G. Galloup, Merchandise G. A. R.15 42 o0 00 79 I). R. Stout, Merchandise G. A R.3 59 3 59 8o E. R. Nye, use of hall 35 00 35 00 Si Groton Bridge and M'f'g Co., Bridge and Merchandise 354 9 354 9 82 H. S. Hopkins, Justice .16 00 16 00 83 C. A. Boyce, Medical service by order G. A. R. . . .35 75 35 75 27 $ 85 C. W. CONGER, Supervisor. J. M. MON'I'FORT, 1 II. S. FIoF1 NS,S} Justices.NELSON STEVENS, NEWTON BAI,DWIN, JNO. J. YOUNG, Towu Clerk. I ADDED BV RESOLUTION OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. 84 H. S. Hopkins, Justice .7 00 85 H. S. Hopkins, Justice .6 35 86 R. J. Pierce, Constable .6 to 87 J. W. Barr, Registering Marriages.1 25 88 Wm. M. Avery, Ex-town Clerk. .22 18 0 9(1 t SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1Si)I. 39 U. Underwood, Ex- Overseer of Poor, assigned to Regent & Crittenden .20 00 yo Anson Wait, Constable.3 95 91 D. R. Watson, Registering Marriages 1 25 I 97 u8 ADDED BV RESOLUTION OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. 0 1 38 92 C. II. Tarbell, rent of house G. A It 15 93 Mount & Moe, G. A. R., for Wm. Trim .6 16 1 I 94 Wm. A. Smith .2 25 1 29 ITI-IACA.I Abstract of the names of all persons who presented ac: counts to be audited by the Board of Town Auditors of the town of Ithaca, on the 5th day of November, 1891, with the amount claimed by each and the amount finally audited and 1 allowed each. No. Name.Nature of service.Claimed. Allowed I G. A. R., relief.641 o8 $641 os 2 Bentley & Eaton, Groceries,I 462 5o 462 5o 3 W. P. Harrington, Town Clerk, assigned Wm. Spencer 174 00 174 00 4 D. B. Stewart & Co., Groceries . ..589 00 589 00 5 City of Ithaca, Police t io76 75 1076 75 6 City of Ithaca, Recorder .1311 20 1311 20 7 J. H. Tichenor, Clerk 4 00 4 00 8 E. H. Bostwick, Inspector, assigned M. N. Tompkins . 8 oo 8 00 9 Kearney Bros.; O. P. . . .3 5 3 5 10 Morgan & Bishop, Physician .6 5 6 5 II A. B. Kennedy, Supplies 1 5 ` 1 5 12 J. P. Merrill, Clerk.4 00 4 no 13 Wm. P. Harrington, Cash for supplies.25 35 25 35 q 24 Len Leonard, cartage, assigned Wm. H. Willson. 12 30 12 3o 15 Ingalls & Co., Supplies, O. P.9 25 9 25 1 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1 97 16 Luther Lewis, Assessor 5o 00 $ So co 17 J. P. Merrill, Justice, assigned W. H. Willson 321 25 321 25 t8 J. 13. Taylor, Ex -Town Clerk,187 33 187 33 19 J. J. Williams, Assessor.114 00 114 00 k 20 R. L. Sniitll, Justice Peace, assigned W. H. Willson 1/4 .- 4 • I 00 41 00 21 20 00 20 00 22 20 00 20 00 I 23 A. N. Ackley, Canvass tax payers "200 2 00t. 24 F. R. Benton,2 00 2 00 25 Martin Besemer, Vital Statistics i oo 1 00 26 Ithaca Journal, Printing 225 97 225 97 27 Euz& Miller, supplies 14 20 14 20 28 M. N. Tompkins, Attorney.So 00 So 00 I29 R. L. Smith, Justice Peace, assigned W. H. Willson .59 10 59 10 • I 30 M. N. Tompkins, Attorney 24 00 24 00 31 George Frost, Groceries 0. P 67 00 67 00 32 D.L.& W. R. R., Coal O. P 31026 31026 C 33 Charles Bundy, Groceries 0. P 12 00 12 00 f 34 Ithaca Democrat, Printing 490 I I 490 11 35 McCluue & Fisher, Supplies 0. P.6 35 6 35 36, Andrus & Church, Supplies.15 5o 15 50 i 37 Spence Spencer, Office Supplies.12 83 12 83 38 J. C. Westervelt, Coal 0. P •47 25 47 25 j 39 J. C. Stowell, Son & Co., Groceries 0. P. 164 00 i 164 00 j 40 J. C. Stowell & Son, Groceries 0 P.1o9 00 109 00 41 E. D. Norton, Printing.2 99 2 99 42 Dr. White, Health Officer 5o oo 5o 00 43 R. L. Smith, Justice Peace, assigned W. 11. Willson : 32 00 32 00 44 E. B. Hoagland, Jury Board 5 6o 5 6o 45 Wm. P. Harrington, Town Clerk, assigned Wm.'Spence 64 00 64 00 46 Comfort Hanshaw, Excise 45 00 45 00 47 James F. Moore, 45 00 45 00 48 Amos O. Ilart,9 9 00 49 P. E. Tibbetts, Clerk and Polling Place .45 00 45 00 5o Sawyer & Glenzer, Groceries, 0. P.3 So 3 5i51Crozier & Feely,5 o0 500 co 52 Andrews & Slocum 149 00 149 00 53 Melvin W. Quick, -170 00 170 co 54 Isaac Dodd, Overseer of the Poor.182 05 182 05 I 55 A. A. Hungerford, Groceries 0. P., assig'd J. M. Reggie 90 00 90 00 1 e 98 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1891. 56 :Naughton, Bro's, Groceries 0.,P 207 $207 00 57 Wm. II. Wattles, Coal, O. P., assigned J. M. Heggie 54 00 54 00 58 H. W. Stephens, Groceries O. P.,28 00 28 00 I 59 E. S. Jackson,67 00 67'00 6o C. W. Earl, Under Sheriff 190 40 190 40 61 T. S. Culver, Groceries O. 1'., assigned J. M. Heggie .23 00 28 00 62 M. E. P 252 25 252 25Poole, Justice Peace 000 50 00 63 E. Tree & Son, Groceries O. P 5 64 Geo. E' Buck,277 25 277 25 65 Crozier & Feely 31 00 31 00 1 66 A. Tompkins, Cartage 95 00 95 00 67 James Dick, Coal 51 00 51 00 1 68 Walter Conway, Groceries O. P., assigned J. M. Heggie 122 00 122 00 69 Hill & Poster,I I I 00 111 00 7o Thad. S. Thompson, 112 00 112 00 1 71 George Stephens, • 262 co 262 00 72 Deavenport Bros., 178 o0 178 00 73 Holmes Hollister, Lumber Highways .207 46 207 46 74 C. S. Wattles, Lime Highways 6 So 6 So 75 C. J. Rumsey, & Co., Supplies Highways 4 -10 4 io 76 Jacob W. Kline, Lumber Highways .4 00 4 00 1 77 Webb Wallace, Constable service, as'd Wm. 11 Willson 11 3o 11 30 78 E. G. Hance, 11 3o 11 So Io So w So 79 11 6o 11 6o So 1 81 8 75 8 75 82 22 95 14 45 83 21 95 6 .95 84 41 S 20 8 20 85 u u u 20 0 20 00 86 Stephen W.Vorhis, "1 95 1 95 87 14 35 14 35 88 17 30 17 30 89 E. C. Wolf 25 So 25 So 90 19 30 . 19 30 i 91 H. II. Miller, - W. 11. Willson 1 95 1 95 92 Adrian M. Bellis, 8 oo 8 oo 8 0o 800 94 94 3 io Szo 95 . H. E. Baker,14 9 14 90 I I f SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1891.00 I 9 E. C. Wolf, Constable service,112 6o $112 6o 97 J. W. Tibbetts, Sheriff, 68 7o 68 70 4. A. Krum,9 J.constable,assigned W. H. Willson a 25 0 25 99 Adrian M. Bellis, Constable, assigned W. H. Willson 8 20 8 20 100 Wm. Sullivan Deputy Sheriff,42 25 42 25 101 Mrs. Cath. Deegan, Groceries O. P.15 00 15 00 102 Chas. Hausuer, Deputy Sheriff . .4 00 4 00 103 H. L. Haskins, Supplies O. I' '1 50 1 50 104 J. W. Brown, Medical O. P 11 o0 11 00 105 Dr. Winslow, 48 50 38 50 1 106 Dr. E. Meauy, 129 00 129 00 1 107 Dr. J. A. Lewis, Poor Doctor, assigned W. N. Noble 146 35 146 35 I lob J. R. Comings, Undertaker O. P J. M. Heggic 20 50 20 50 109 Dr. Meany, Poor Doctor 83 33 83'33 110 C. R. Baldwin, Undertaker O. I'38 25 . 38 25 111 Albert Niedeck, Deputy Sheriff 12 00 12 00 112 Dr. E. Baker,140 00 . 140 o0 113 E. F. Marsh, Groceries O. P., as'd J. S. Kirkendall .i5 00 15 00' t)114 Joseph Fowles, Wood O. P . .2 75 • 2 75 115 A. J. Beers, Undertaker O. P.25 00 25 00 I 116 Thomas Ryerson, Groceries O. I'.6 00 6 00 117 A. B. Dale, Assessor 303 ((1 303 00 118 Jamieson &. McKinney, Highways supplies 4 00 4 00 119 F. A. Warner & Co., Groceries O. P 19 00 . , 19 00 120 Tillott Kenney, Dry Goods O. I' .3.00 3 00 I 1 121 D. H. Waltzer, Groceries O. P.32 00 32 00 11 122 L. A. Clapp, Printing . .8 00 8 00 , - i23 Geo. N. Pew, Stone Highway 59 80 59 80 124 I'atrick Clines, Groceries 0...72 00 72 00 125 Dixon & Robinson, Supplies Highways 27 70 27 70 126 M. A. Townley, M. D., Medical 15 00 15 00 127 Charles M. Titus, Supervisor 38 77 38 77 128 Horace A. Brown, Commissioner Highways 405 00 405 00 t ,129 'Wm. J. Totten, Justice of Peace 7o 00 7o 00 130 F. E. Tibbetts. rent polling place, as'd J. M. Reggie 29 00 29 00 131 W. F. McClune, Clerk of election, "4 00 4 00 132 Wm. Mack, Inspector Election, assig'd W. H. Willson 20 00 20 00 133 E. I. Brown, Inspector' Election, as'd 4 00 4 00 134 A. M. Parrott,400 400 i 135 A. W. Randolph,8 oo 8 00 I 136 J. C. Warren, ,8 oo 800 I 1 1 1 4 1.00 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINUS. 1891. • I 137 H. I,. Stewart, Inspector Election, as'd W. II. Willson 8 oo 8 00 ,1 138 Thad Thompson,Boo Boo 139 E. E. Ingalls, t I ' 8 00 8 00 140 John Bolger,4 00 4 00 141 Wm. Mack,8 00 8 o0 142 II. S. Miller,S o0 8 oo 143 F. J. Woodruff,4 0o 4 00 144 W. G..Brashear,S 00 8 00 1 145 A. N. Ackley,8 00 8 00 146 Fleury B. Illston,4 no 4 00 1 L 147 J. I'. McCormick, 1 8 (.40 , 8 co 148 E. H. Mowry S 00 800 149 Will Hausner,S oo 8 oo 111 150 Geo. N. Pew,8 oo 8 oo 151 • E. P. Deavenport, 8 00 8 00 152 Geo. A. Tappenden, 8 oo 8 oo 53 L. S. Mackey,S oo S oo 154 Geo. L. Vorhis,8 oo 8 oo 155 E. S. Jackson, Jr., Poll Clerk,8 00 8 00 1 156 A. M. BelliS, Inspector Election, S oo 8 oo 1 157 P. H. Groody,8. oo 8 o 158 Joseph W. Miller, 8 00 8 oo 159 'Sanford Manning, 4 00 4 00 16o Chauncey S. Dean, S o0 8 oo 16r M. J. Acton,8 o0 8 00 1, 2 162 T. J. Barker,Soo 800 163 Win. \V. Montgomery "8 u0 8 00, 164 Charles Terwilliger, 8 00 8 00 165 E. S. McCarthy,4 00 4 00 166 Chas. L. Tabor, - 20 00 20 00 167 Will Hausner,20 00 20 00 168 M. J. Acton,20 00 20 00 169 F. J. Barker,20 00 20 20 170 F. R. Benton,20 00 20 00 I 171 F. J. Woodruff 20 00 20 00 172 II. Seward Miller, 20 00 20 00 I 173 J. C. Warren,20 00 20 00 174, H. B. Illston,20 00 20 00 175 Chauncey 5. Dean, zo 00 20 00 176 \V. G. Brashear,20 00 20 00 177 11. Seward Miller, 10 00 10 00 . I 1 1 F r St l:11VISORS' ft 00 EEDINUS, '1 1 101 1 178 J. W. Stephens, Inspector Election, as'd W. H. Willson 4 00 4 00 179 John E. VanNatta,28 00 28 00 18o Louis Rouillion, Clerk Election, assig'd W. FL Willson 4 00 4 00 r8r W. S. Warren,4 00 4 00 182 . Prank Cole,.400 400 183 Bundles Donovan, 400 400 n84 W. S. Crittenden,4 o0 4 00 r85 A. A. Hungerford, 4 00 4 00 86 John Toomey,4 00 4 00 ' i87 C. H. Wilson, ,8 00 8 oo 1,,8S E. C. Tichenor,4 011 4 cm 189 F. 11. Fortner,4 00 400 190 Ed Nourse,4 00 4 00 191 II. E. Scout,4 00. 4 00 192 Wm. H. Harrington, 8 no , 8 oo 193 Wm. W. Montgomery, "20 00 20 00 I194 E. C. Tichenoi, 20 011 20 00 195 P. C. McWhorter, 16 0o 16 oo 196 R. J. Brown,20 00 20 00 '' 197 Fred 8. Shaw,4 00 4 w 1 198 A. W. Randolph. 4 00 4 00 199 Chas. H. Wilson,4 00 4 00 200 Mrs. Jeff Beardsley, rent polling place fi o0 800 201 Charles Bundy,20 0n 20 00 202 20 00 20 00 203 Chauncey S. Dean, excise commissioner 1 I 36 00 g6 00 204 R. L. Smith, Justice Peace,15 45 15 45 1 zos 26 50 600 1 206 Jason P. Merrill,10 00 • ro 00 J 207 Adrian Bellis, Constable deputy,8 00 8 oo 208 L. S. Mackey, District roll tax payers 2 00 2 209 Jacob Peters, Poll Clerk Election,6 oo 6 00 210 H. S. Wright, Inspector 18 oo 18 00 211 P. H. Groody, assigned W. S. Blue 20 a, 20 00 f 212 James Dick,28 00 28 00 • 213 J. P. Tuthill, 20 00 20 00 214 D. L. Burtt, Clerk 16 0o r6 00 215 C. H. Van Houter, inspector Election 20 00 20 00 216 J. J. Williams,8 00 8 00 217 L. B. Gross,20 00 20 00 218 N. M. Gillett,8 no Soo 2 1 tot SUPERVISORS' PROOF :EDDIGS, 189t. 219 J. G. Burns, Inspector of Election, ..S oo 8 00 220 Chas. Terwilliger, John Terwilliger 20 00 20 00 221. John 1'. McCormick,20 00 20 00 22 Gilbert H. Fisher, 16 00 16 co 1 223 Leouarl Baldwin,. 20 00 20 00 224 D. M. Fowler,28 00 28 00 225 Dr. J. \V. Brown,23 00 28 00 226 Chas. II. Slocum,8 00 8 00 227. J. \V. Preswick,4 00 4 00 228 Chas. II. Brooks,8 o0 8 oo 229 E. 11. Mowry,20 00 20 00 230 Frank Ford,It 20 00 20 00 231 John J. McGowen, 4 00 4 00 I 232 L. S. Mackey,as'd Jaynes Dick . 20 00 20 00 233 John M. Wilgus,M. M. Sweetland 20 00 20 w 234 Gen. N. Pew,20 00 20 00 235 1 I. L. Hoskin,12 00 12 00 236 H. L. Stewart,20 00 20 1 237 Wut. O. Newvmu, 4 00 4 00 238 Chas. J. Sanford, Clerk,20 00 20 W 239 Eugene Terry,12 00 12 00 240 Arthur J. Baldwin, 1w 4 001 241 Fred D. Johnson, 4 00 4 00 242 Bundles Uouovnn,4 00 4 00 t . 243 John Donovan,4 00 4 00 244' F. Van Vradeuburg, ns'd Will Tree . 4 00 4 00 245 Jeff 12heu,8 co s 00 246 O. P. Hyde,20 00 20 00 247 400 400 l 248 Jesse W. Stephens, 4 00 4 00 249 W. L. Vent,4 00 4 00 250 J. M. Welch,4,4 00 4 00 251 .James L. Murphy, 4 00 - 4 00 252 •` T. S. Thompson, 4 00 4 00 253 A. S. Fisher,4 00 4 0o 254 H. J. Wilson,44 4 4 CO 1 255 John. J. Hanshaw, 400 400 256 Ches. A. Ives,4 00 4 00 257 Chas. Stanion,II 4 00 4 00 258 11. H. Miller,4 00 4 00 259 J. D. Beardsley, •4 00 4 00 t, l N t l f SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1891.103 i 260 W. J. Critteudeu, +Clerk of Election i 00 12 00 261 Edwin Hoagland, 4 00 4 00 262 W. G. Hull,m qoo 11 263 H. J. Brown, Inspector,4. 4 00 264. N. M. Gillett, Clerk,4 ar 4 00 265 A. S. Cole, 4 00 4 00 266 John Donovan, 20 00 20 00 267 H. T. Butt, Poll Clerk 4 00 94 00 268 Prank Cole, Clerk 4 00 4 00 269 J. H. Rheas,4 00 4 00 270 J. M. Stewart,20 00 20 w 1 271 J. 1). Beardsley, 4 00 4 00 272 1;)IJacksou, Jr., 20 00 20 00 273 Stephen Kennedy., "4 oa 4 c 274 City of Ithaca, Polling place 45 o0 45 1)0 rt 275 William McKinney, Board Health .8 oo 8 00 j I 276 Mrs. Helleu Beardsley, polling place, as'd Prank Cole 20 00 20 00 i 277 W. R. Morey, distributing boxes .2 00 2 00 278 Jo Terwilliger, rent pulling place 28 00 28 00 279 Chas. Terwilliger, Deputy Sheriff, as'd W. H. Willson 4 00 4 00 ' 280 Spence Spencer, registration. 8 on 8 co 281 Sawyer & Glcnzer, rent polling place 40 00 40 00 I282 John Vant, rent Town Clerk's Office .40 00 40 00 283 1 Co. No. 5, rent polling place .40 00 40 00 S.-- 284 Myron Van Orman, rent polling place 20 00 20'00 285 Chas. Ingersoll, rent polling place.20 00 20 00 286 Sprague Steamer Co. No. 6, rent polling place . . .40 00 40 00 287 A. M. Cradit, rent polling place 20 00 20 00 : 288 George Dodd, Constable Deputy, as'd Chas. Ingersoll 1 70 1 70 289 Jason P. Merrill, Justice Peace .4 co 4 10 290 A. N. Ackley, Inspector, assigned Blackman Bros.. . 20 00 20 00 291 Fred McWhorter, Poll Clerk,4 00 4 00 292 Geo. Lattimore, Inspector, assigned Rothschild Bros. 8 00 8 00 293 Helen Leonard, erroneous tax 1890 9 64 9 64 294 Cornelius Leary, coal and wood O. P 43 4 43 46 295 Robert Reed, Inspector 8 00 8 00 296 Michael Mitchell, Clerk Election, as'd McCrea & Reed 8 00 8 00 297 0. H. Van Houter, Inspector, 8 oo 8 00 298 Godfrey .& Gilbert, road scraper and plow 15 30 15 3o , 299 James Lynch, Poll Clerk 4 00 4 00i 30o E. C. Wolf, Constable.2 55 2 55 i . 1 104.SUPERVISORS' PROOEEDP.NGS, 1891. 301 Nicholas Pearson, Ex- Supervisor 46 00 46 00 302 R. 1;. Smith, Justice, assigned W. H. Willson . . .56 0o 56 no 303 53 3 5 4 304. C. H. Van Houter, Inspector 8 oo 800 3 J. J. Ayers Durling, O. P. orders .11 00 11 00 306 0. A. R. rent polling place 40 00 40 00 s " 307 John Id. Staley, Inspector .3 oo 3 00 308 Robert •larvey, Supplies 5 35 5 35 309 Note, Ilighways,250 00 250 oo 310 RlackmmmBros., O. P. orders 114 Oil 114 0.1 31 1 - Drake Sc Townsend, O. 1'. orders 107 00 107 00 312 P. T. Greenly, O. P. orders 42 00 42 no 3'3 L. V. Coal Co., O. P. orders coal and wood :74 93 74 93 314 C. M. Titus, ,iu account with the town I of Ithaca in excess of excise)100 75 too 75 315 T. J. Biere°, Deputy Sheriff, as'd Tremau, King Co. . . 4 00 4 00 1 16 We the undersigned, the Town Auditors of the Town of Ithaca, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct list, and the statement of all accounts examined, audited or rejected at the meeting of said hoard of Auditors, held at the Town Clerk's office on the above date, _November, 1391. C. M. TITUS, Supervisor. JASON Y. DIERRIi.i., M. E. POOLE,Justices. Wm. J. TorrEN, i W. P. HARRINGPON, 'Town Clerk. ADDED BY RESOLUTION OF HOARD OF SUPERVISORS. 1 316 James Norton, "supplies overseer of Poor 20 00 317 F. R. Renton, Inspector, assigned Phillip Harris . .8 ou 318 P. S. McAllister, Clerk of Election, as'd W. H. Willson 4 00 319 H. H. Miller, Deputy Sheriff, assigned W. H. Willson 5 So 37 8o r '. I o SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDING }S, 1.891.1Q5 • 7 STATEMENT OP ISAAC DODD, OVERSEER Op THE POOR. Receipts as per statement Of John G. Solidi, Nov. 5 to Dec. 20t11 189o. Y C ash in Bank r 17 00 Towns Ulysses and Danby . . .85 0o 5202 00 Disbursements as perStatemeut of J. G. Smith, . 87 41 Crab on Fland 114 59 5202 00 1 Receipts as per Statement N. M. Gillett, Dec. 20, 1'1 1890, to Peb. 17, 1891 from all sources 5222 17 Dist nrseIn cuts 217 69 Cash on Hand, Feb. 17, 1891.0 448 5222 17 1 i Receipts as per Statement Isaac Dodd from March 1, 1891, to Nov. 1, 1891, from all sources 5328 28 1 C. M. 'Cites, Excise receipts .4,54 57 Cash .100 75 1 54• 3 l 4,5 60 Disbursements as per Statement Isaac Dodd from March 1, 189x, to Nov. 1, 1891 328 28 C. E. Titus, audited Feb. 17, 1891 . . .4,255 3 054,5 60 STATEMENT, OF COST OF THE POOR. Outstanding Bills as per Statement, Nov. 1, r86r .57,018 27 C. M. Titus, disbursements audited Feb. r7, 1891 .4, 3 I 59 Disbursements of J. G. Smith and N. M. Gillett • from Nov. 5, 189o, to Feb. 1891. . 5305 10 Cost of Support of Poor 11,578 69 ii* j 106 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1891 I STATEMENT OF HORACE A. BROWN CO3IMISSIONER HIGHWAYS. Receipts from all sources from Nov.5, 1890 to Feb. 17, 1891. Cash on Hand Nov. 5, 1890 97 C . Disbursements Nov. 3, 1890, to Feb.' 17, 1891 .N7 75 Services Nov. 5, 189o, to Feb. 17, 1891 .56 on Cash on Hand, 17 Feb., 1891 21 22 124 97 Receipts from all sources from March 1st, to Nov.1 4th, 1891.583 63 Cash on Ranch:eh. 17th, 1891 21 22 6o4 85 1 Disbursements as per Statement from March ,st to . Nov. 4t11 1591 425 44 Cash in Commissioner's 14auds 179 41 1 604 8 I 1 LANSING. Abstract .of the names of all persons who presented ac-I counts to be audited by the Board of Town Auditors of the town of Lansing, on the 5th day of November, 1891, with the amount claimed by each and the amount finally audited and allowed each.i No. Name.Nature of service.Claimed. Allowed 1 James G. Buck, Service bill 36 oo 36 00 2 H. A. Teeter, Commissioner, Service bill 53 00 53 00 3 M. W. Searles, Town supplies 30 12 30 12 4 R. Beardsley, rent for hall to 00 to 00 5 J. M. Smith, Service and use of hall 10 50 10 50 6 Henry Field, Excise Commissioner.3 00 3 00 7 J. W. Pratt, Poll Clerk and services . . .4 25 4 25 8 Hiram Bower, Poll Clerk . .4 00 4 00 9 H. W. Bower, Inspector 12 00 12 00 10 Wm. Dates, Inspector and Messenger .17 8o 17 So 1 f SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1891.107 I 11 Chas. Barger, Inspector 12 00 12 00 k 12 Chas. G. Hagin, Poll Clerk.400 400 13 Glen L. Bacon, Inspector and Messenger 20 08 20 08 14 Fred Townley, Inspector and Messenger 19 64 19 64 15 Will Davis, Inspector 12 00 12 00 16 F. M. Wooley, Poll Clerk 4 00 4 00 17 Wm. A. Singer, Clerk of Election 4,00 4 .00 18 " Geo. Ryan, Poll Clerk 4 00 4 00 19 C. G. Benjamin, Supplies to Poor.. .47 87 47 87 20 B. M. Hagiu, Criminal Bill.6 45 6 45 21 C. G. Benjamin, Board of Health,4 00 4 00 22 C. G. Benjamin, Office rent.9 50 9 50 23 A. J. Conlin, Poll Clerk 4 00 4 00 24 Frank Singer, Inspector r 2 00 12 00 25 John Conklin, Election Clerk 4 00 4 00 26 Samuel Hudson, Inspector and Messenger . . . . . 14 00 14 oo 27 Frank 'Michell, Election Clerk 4 00 4 00 1 28" Chas. E. Robinson, Service bill .37 00 37 00 26 L. R. Lyon, use of hall 25 00 25 00I o Earl Teeter, plank .16 00 16 00 31 R. Beardsley, Poor supplies 41 54 4 54 i32 N. E. Lyon, Criminal hill 3 90 3 90 33 Wm. Mead, Poor supplies 44 00 ' 44 00 34 Ithaca Journal, Printing hill 63 00 63 00 35 Albert V311Attken, Constable .19 94 19 94 36 P. L. Smith, Poor supplies l0 65 10 65 37 0. S. VanPaten, Ballot Clerk 4 00 , 4 00 38 Willson D. Williams, Inspector .12 00 12 00 39 Henry Blakley, Poor supplies 1 5 00 5 00 40 W. H. Lockerby, Medical service.4 50 4 50 41 W. A. J. Osman, plank 3 34 13 34 42 L. R. Lyon, Poor supplies 11 84 c1 84 43 Dr. A. Rosencrans, Medical service . .17 25 17 25 44 Dr. A. Rosencrans, Medical service 30 00 5 00 45 Daniel Sullivan, damage .7 00 5 00 46 W. H. Barr, Medical service 4 00 4 00 47 W. H. Barr, Statistical report 1 25 1 25 48 W. H. Barr, Medical service 2 00 2 00 49 W. H. Barr, Medical service 25 00 25 00 5o W. H. Lockerby, Medical service .16 5 16 50 51 W. H. Lockerby, Medical service .16 00 = 16 00 f a 4 108 SUPERVISORS' PROCE:E•DINGS, 16'91. 52 W. H. Lockerby, Medical service 10 5o l0 5 53 S. J. Barnes, Assessor .46 00 46 00 54 G. M. Hopkins, Poor supplies 4 78 41 78 55 Ben Golden, damages 11 o0 a oo 56 Daniel Sullivan, Service bill .64 36 I0 00 57 C. W. Conger, & Co., Poor supplies 9 90 9 90 58 Hiram Herrick, Service bill 44'00 44 00 59 C. E. Wood, Town Clerk, Service bill .40 00 40 00 6o C. E. Wood, Disbursements and registering.9 82 9 82 61 J. H. Conklin, Percentage 28 83 28 83 62 J. H. Conklin, Service bill 27 68 27 68 63 N. E. Lyon, Service bill 10 00 10 0o 64 B. M. Hagin, Service bill 12 uo 12 00 65 Charles Drake, Service bill .12 00 12 DU 66 Frank Tarbell, Service Bill .10 00 10 00 67 N. E. Lyon, Ballot Clerk 4 00 4 00 68 G. C. Gifford, Legal service 15 00 i0 00 76 C. S. Gifford, Legal Service, assigned G. C. Gifford . . 51 00 35 00 1 79 $1 I hereby certify that the above is a true copy of the bills audited by the Board of Audit of Lansing on the Slh day of November, rSgl. C. E. WOOD, Town Clerk. ADDED RV RESOLUTION OF BOARD 01 SUPERVISORS. 7o To Overseer of Poor for support of Poor of said Town 5o 00 71 Jones L. Baker, Legal services 29 00 72 A. H. Clark, Excise Commissioner 3 00 73 Chas. H. Bacon, Ballot Clerk .4 00 86,' o NEWFIELD: Abstract of the names of all persons who presented ac- counts- to be audited by the Board of Town Auditors of the town of Newfield on the nth and 6th days of November, 1891, 1 i 1 f SUPERVISORS' PTOC2FED11V11S, 1891.109 with the amount dunned by each and the amount finally audited 1t and allowed each. No. Nacre.Nature of service.Claimed. Allowed 1 A. H. Palmer, Inspector, District No. 1 .12 00 12 00 2 ' C. R. Seabriug, Inspector, District No. 1 12 00 12 00 3 Smith Douglass, Inspector and Messenger 17 64 17 64 4 W. R. Rush, Ballot Clerk 4 00 4 co 5 Wm. H. Payne, Ballot Clerk .4 00 4 00 6 I. N. Van ()strand, Poll Clerk 4 00 4 CO 1 7 F411.1114 Patterson, Poll Clerk 4 00 4 c 8 Peter Dont, Inspector and Messenger, District No. 217 96 17 96 9 G. W. Osmum, Inspector, District No. 2 . . . . . .12 00 12 00 J 10 Julius Stamp, lnspector, District No. 2 . . . . . .12 00 12 00 1 r George Swartwood, Ballot Clerk, District No. .2 . . .4 00 4 00 12 Alfred Conklin, Ballot Clerk, District No. 2.4 cx) 4 0( 1 13 A. D. Brown, Poll Clerk, and Clerk Registering .. .8 00 8 00 14 ' Wm. Snnderlin, Poll Clerk 4 00 4 00 I Alvah Brown, rent of house for election 700 700 1 16 I. B. Palmer's Estate, Rail Road Commissioner .6 70 6 70 17 A. J. Starks, Inspector and Messenger, District No. 3 . 17 64 17 64 1 18 Frank B. McAllister, Inspector, District No. 3 .. . .12 00 12 ra 31 16 Delos Cutter, Inspector District No, 3 12 00 12 00 20 J. C. Thompson, Ballot Clerk, District No. 3'400 4 00 v J. W. Dean, Ballot Clerk, District No. 3.4 00 4 00 22 ' Milton Peck, Poll Clerk, District No. 3 4 00 4 00 23 Benj. Starr, Poll Clerk, District No. 3 4 00 4 00 i 24 I;. T. Carpenter. Assessor 37 5 37 50 25 R. Horton, Attorney and expenses in matter between County of Schuyler and and Town of Newfield . . . 49 45 49 45 26 Frank Seaman, Ex Justice of the Peace '4 00 4 00 27 Andrew Smith, expenses and services" in the Schuyler County case .10 46 10 46 28 John ',anthill, Ex- Commissioner Highways IS 00 18 00 f 29 James W. Douglas, supplies for poor 314 02 314 02 3o James W. Douglas, Services as Overseer of Poor . .30 a) 30 00 31 8. A. Seabring Estate, Ex-Supervisor . . .21 14 21 14 32 C. W. McCorn, Railroad Commissioner for 1890 and 91 12 00 12 00 33 Edgar A. Brown, Excise Commissioner, for 1890 and 91 6 00 6 00 34 . C. W. McCorn, Excise Commissioner .3 00 . 3 00 I 1 110 SUPERVISORS' PROC.BIay[YcFB, 1891, 35 James Stamp, Excise Commissioner 3 00 3 00 36 Aaron Alexander, use of house for *election . . .15 00 15 00 37 George W. Apgar, Printing tickets, etc 29 00 29 00 38 F. F. Gillett, Constable s 13 25 13 25 39 Aaron Poyer, Services at town meeting 3 00 3 00 40 N. C. Cook, use of rink for election 15 00 15 tx, 41 N. C. Cook, Supplies for election .3 46 3 46 42 Newfield Sign Works, for painting signs 4 00 4 00 43 L. H, Tabor, Assessor 3 25 3 25 44 P. S. Dudley, use of hall for election "28 oo 28 00 45 John C. Thompson, Assessor 38 6o 38 6o 46 Martha M. Smith, erroneous assessment 2 27 2 27 47 Martin Iirower's Estate, Constable 4 00 4 00 48 J. W. Dean, Health Officer 2 00 2 (J0 49 C. C. Cook, Medical services 4 00 4 00 5 Mrs. J. I.,. Stoughton, erroneous tax 13 00 13 00 7 5 Simeon Sincebaugh, Constable 3 00 3 00 52 Ezra' 1'. Rumsey, Com'r •liglnvays, borrowed money . 614 io 614 io 53 Ezra T. Rurnsey, Commissioner Highways 132 00 132 00 54 Benj. Starr, Towu Clerk 15 00 15 ao I 55 R: Horton, Supervisor 47 3 47, 3 56 A. H. Stamp, Justice . .18,00 18 o0 57 Benj. Starr, Town Clerk 37 03 37 003 5 W. H. Van Ostraud, Justice 20 20 20 20 j 59 A. K. Allen, Justice 19 60 19 Go tGoBenj. Starr, Town Clerk 59 3 59 3 6 Seymour Grover, Justice 10 00 to to r,88S 53 I certify that the foregoing is a true copy of an abstract now on file in my olhce, BENJ. S tut, TOw,i Clerk. ULYSSES. Abstract of the names of all persons who presented ac- counts to be audited by the Board of Town Auditors' of the I SUPERPiSORS 'PROCEED 1891.L1.1 I /town of Ulysses, on the jth and 6th clays of November, 1891, with the amount claimed by each and the amount finally audited and allowed each. No. Name.Nature of service.Claimed. Allowed 1 William Austin, Inspector q 00 4 00 2 James G. AleLallcu, Clerk of Election 4 00 4 00 3 William Austin, Legal service 23 00 23 CO 4 11. Van Order, use of Louse 2 00 2 00 5 F. W. Osborn, Overseer of Poor 30 10. 30 10 r 6 J. R Emery, Estate 2 00 200 7 J. W. Kirby, Assessor 36 00 36 00 1 a 8 M. T. Roll, Assessor 47 25 47 25 9 Elias Smith, Poll Clerk 4 00 4 00 ro O. M. Wilson, Poll Clerk . ..8 o0 8 oo 1 it George II. Airily, Poll Clerk 8 00 8 00 f.12 1'. F. Sears, Ballot Clerk 4 00 4 00I 13 Albert G. Stone, Ballot Clerk 4 00 4 00 r4 1i. C. King, Excise Coinmissio,ier 3 00 3 00 r5 E. 5. Teed, Ex-Town Clerk, assigned A. IL Pierson .14 5o , 14 5 r6 (2. L. Adams, Printing, assigned, A. H. Pierson . . .33 00 33 oo 3 17 J. Barton French, Vital Statistics .3 00 3 00 18 A. F. Allen, Printing 11 45 11 45 i 19 • E. A. Snow, Ballot Clerk, assigned E. C. Almy . . .4 00 4 00 I3 20 William Austin, Legal services .40 00 4o 00 21 E. A. Snow, Ballot Clerk 4 00 4 00 22 C. L. Adams, Printing 1 5 25 5 25 1 23 \V. L. Hall, Photographing Bridge 8 00 8 00 24 A. A. Beard, Stationary 65 65 25 George Wolverton, use of lull 22 00 22 00 26 E. T. Stewart, Overseer of Poor 15 52 15 52 27 E. T. Stewart, Undertaking 16' oo 16 oo 28 E. T. Stewart, Undertaking 10 00 10 00 29 Seneca Spicer, Constable.14 5 14 5 I , 3o S. A. Sherwood, digging graves ,12 00 12 00 3 r E. C. Aliny, Ballott Clerk and use of hall 29 to 29 to i 32 W. I). Uimmick, Inspector and Ballot Clerk.8 00 8 00 I 33 A. B. Smith, Ballot Clerk 8 00 8 00 34 Charles Vat Antburg, Ballot Clerk . . . . .. 8 oo 8 00 35 W. H.,Gauoung, Commissioner Highways 3 75 3 75- ti o I 1 1.12 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. I 36 J. Flickinger, M. D. Physician .38 oo 38 00 37 J. Flickinger, M. D., Physician to 00 10 1w 38 J. Flickinger, M. D., Vital Statistics •4 25 4 25 39 Leroy Trembly, use of house .8 00 S oo 4o F. A. Kerst, M. D., Vital Statistics 7 5o 7 50 , 41 Henry Williams, Inspector, Poll Clerk and Messenger 13 00 13 00 42 John Van Buskirk, Undertaking 20 00 20 00 43 W. G. Farrington, Excise Commissioner 3 00 3 00 44 Willis H. Morgan, Assessor 54 75 54 75 45 A. H. Pierson, Supervisor, Services in the Durliug and Atwater Cases 13 79 13 79 46 W. I. Sherwood, Overseer of Poor so 16 5o 16 47 F. A. Kerst, 51. D 7 50 7 50 48 E. T. Stewart, Undertaking 20 00 20 00 49 A. H. Pierson, Supervisor 55 3 55 3 so J. R. Broome, Vital Statistics . . 7 00 7 00 51 John Kerst, Towu Clerk 62 98 62 98 52 Fleury Hutchings, Justice and Town Board 8 oo 8 00 53 A. P. Osborn, Justice and Town Board 36 -65 36 65 54 N. R. Gifford, Justice and Town Board 4 00 4 00 55 John N. Barker, Justice and Town Board 24 00 24 00 56 \V. II. Ganoung, Commissioner Highways 2 00 2 00 S 9 97 $9 97 We the undersigned, comprising the Board of Auditors of the town of Ulysses, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true list of all bills audited by us at the annual meeting, November 5th and 6th, 1891. A. 11. PIERSON, Supervisor. A. P. OSBORN, e N. R. GIFFORD,Justices.JOHN N. BARKER, HENRY HUTCHINGS, JOHN KERST, Town Clerk. ADDED HY RESOLUTION OF THE HOARD OF SUPERVISORS.,i• 57 Frank Terry, Inspector Election 12 00 I 58 S. L. Stone, Inspector Election .16 00 59 C. F. Hunter, Inspector Election 20 20 6o E. M. Corcoran, Inspector Election .16 oo i AT s o f 11 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1891.113 di' 1 61 Thomas Kirby, Inspector Election 26 88 62 M. T. Ward, Inspector Election 16 00 63 W. H. Van Dine, Inspector Election 12 00 64 N. R. Gifford, Inspector Election .22 20 65 Clermont Sears, Inspector Election .12 00 f 66 John M. Barker, Inspector Election ...8 00 - 67 Mrs. Wm. Hall, erroneous tax, 1890 T3 08 68 A. H. Pierson, Supervisor 8 48 69 T. II. King, Surveying and Drawing Map .12 00 94 84 j i i i ° 1 oes ° 'o 1 e o e o. skt 1 4 a i o I 1 2 I I 1 7:1 SUPERV(SORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1891. Reports REPORT OF COUNTY TREASURER. Supplemental Report of Geo. H. Northrup, County Treas- urer from November 12, .89o, to January- 1, 1891, of County Business. RECEIPTS.1 Cash ot.haud Nov. 12, 1890.706 07 From Comptroller of New York State for non - resident taxes accepted . .141 70 J. 13. Conklin, Supervisor on account of unpaid taxes .4 4 J. H. Kennedy, Supervisor on account of unpaid taxes .4 47 Self supporting patients at Willard Assylum 392 8395 Fine from H. S. Hopkins, Justice of Peace,5 00 School taxes from railroad 1 47 Proceeds of note discounted at First National Bank . . .2,431 10 3,9 87 DISBURSEMENTS. U To C. W. Conger, Supervisor, fine 5 00 To N. Pierson, Supervisor, fine 25 00 D. W. Bailey, Balance clue Enfield 1. 23 1 School District Collectors.170 47 Willard Asylum 3,056 21 Gas bills 47 12 F. E. Bates, Supervisor, headstone for Corryell Cannon, a deceased soldier 15 oo Salaries 135 42 i 11 1' SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1891.11.5 T. J. Stephens, headstones for John Patterson; George Cur - tis and Thos. Flood, deceased soldiers e $ 45 00 Court expenses 189 09 ' C. J. Rumsey & Co., braid box 1 00 Cash -paid Chas. Ingersoll, County Treasurer 215 33 3,9 87 Infant Heir Report from November 15, 1890, to January 1, 1891. RECEIPTS. Cash in First National Bank, November 15, 1890 '1,105 22 Cash in Ithaca Savings Bank, November 15, 1890 5,408 13 Bonds and Mortgages on hand November 15, 1890 . . . .3 13 Interest received on bonds and mortgages.62 93 39,54 4 DISBURSEMENTS. Paid Lizzie Teeter, 21 years of age ,554 83 Interest on investments paid to heirs or their guardians .143 48 Paid on account of Laura M. Sexton, lunatic 142 84 Cash paid Chas. Ingersoll, County Treasurer,996 02 Cash in Ithaca Savings Bank transferred to Chas Ingersoll, County Treasurer 4,789 : 11 Bonds and Mortgages, turned over to Chas. Ingersoll, County Treasurer 32,920 13 39,54 4 Surplus Moneys Report from November 15, 189o, to Janu- ary 1, 1881. RECEIPTS Cash in First National Bank, November 15, 1890 1,622 92 Cash in U. S. Trust Co., November 15, 1890 508 94 Received of C. R. Woolcott, Referee case of St. John, vg.. Curtis, executor, et al 290 24 2,422 I0 116 -SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1891. DISBURSEMENTS. o Case of Baker vs Brown, et al 380 08 Cash paid Chas. Ingersoll, County Treasurer 1 ,533 oS Cash in U. S. Trust Co., transferred to Chas. Ingersoll, County Treasurer, exclusive of accrued interest... . .508 94 2,422 10• TOMPKINS COUNTY, 5S:I - Geo. H. Northrup being duly sworn, says that the foregoing Reports of County Business ", "Infant Heir Fund" and "Surplus Moneys" are correct to the best of his knowledge and belief and are true statements of all moneys received and paid out by him as County Treasurer from Nov. 1201 and 15th, 1390, to Jan. 1, 1891. 14 GEO. It. NORTHRUP, County Treasurer. Sworn to before me Jan. 5th, 1891. I L. H. VAN KIRK, County Clerk. To the Honorable, the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County:- The undersigned Treasurer of Tompkins County respect- fully submits his annual statement of receipts and disburse- ments of. the County funds from January 1, 189r, to November 12, 1891, as follows : The receipts from all sources including balance on hand January. 1, 1891, amount to the sum of . .95,0 99 The disbursements for the same period 94,520 03 Balance in any hands In Tompkins County National Bank 478 5 On hand 84 39 562 91 I SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1561.119 1 0 I certify that there stands this day on the books of this bank to the credit of Charles Ingersoll, County Treasurer, the suns of $478.52, Nov. 12, 1891. GEO. C. MOWRY, Book - Keeper Tompkins County National Bank. TorulacrNs COuNTV, ss: Charles Ingersoll being duly sworn, says that the following statement is correct to the best of his knowledge and belief, and is a true report of all moneys received and paid o. t by him, as County Treasurer since January t, 1891, to November 12, 1891, excepting moneys belonging to the Infant Heir Fund and surplus moneys. CHARLES INGERSOLL, County Treasurer. Sworn to before me this seventeenth day of November, 1891. i ALBERT G. STONE, Notary .Public. RECEIPTS. Balance from G. H. Northrup, Ex- County 'Treasurer 215 33 One per cent. fee on State tax 181 79 On account of the tax levy 1890: Town of Caroline 3,7 3 fauhy 3,7 63 Dryden,0,357 25 Enfield 2,838 00 Groton .t 7,001 34 Ithaca 25,648 8o Lansing 10,240 27 Newfield 3,809 87 Ulysses . .8,o16 04 7533 5 Superintendent of Public Hlstruction .14,721 43 Self supporting patients Willard State Hospital . .461 74 Fines from L. H. Van Kirk, County Clerk 150 00 1 Avails of note discounted at Tompkins County Na- • tional Batik, Credit Court Expenses . .2,461 25 School Taxes from railroad 348 01 y x 118 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1891.. 1 Fines from Justices of Peace : T. W. Slocum 3 0o A. S. Smiley,3 00 •I H. S. Hopkins.10 00 A. P. Osborne 3 00 J. M. Montfort.500 J. P. Merrill .13 00 37oo Interest for Tompkins County National Bank .. .1 00 State Game Constable '250 ou, Collateral Inheritance: ilI. Van Cleef, Attorney estate of Mary Barnard r44 53 G. C. Chambers, estate Sophia B. Barney . . . .422 75 5567 28 Non - Resident taxes, allowed from State _ `351 64 082 D r DISBURSEMENTS. 95, 99 Paid Comptroller of New York State 18,179 13 Superintendent of Poor orders 4,929 76 District Attorney's office rent 200 00 Willard State Hospital .7,766 39 Susquehanna Valley Horne.553 52 i Fuel and Gas: Coal 553 08 Gas .230 56 5783 64 Sheriff office rent 35 00 Postage and Stationery 15 00 New York State Institute for Deaf Mutes 225 00 Auburn State Asylum Criminal Insane 195 0o Auburn Orphan Asylum 292 00 Ithaca Home 52 00 4 Ithaca Home for children 182 5o Clerk's postage r5 00 Court orders. 4,199 80 t SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 189 110 Burial of Geo. R. Williams and Owen Brady . 7o 00 Tombstones for the following deceased soldiers: Gabriel R. Ballart, Geo. Gruesdall, Enos Cook, Horace Root, Patrick H. Hart, James II. Cook, Albert Sanford, A. E. Van Inwagen, C. A. Van Vradenbnrg, A. E. Cashier, Wallace Sandbar!), Owen Brady, G. R. Williams, Chas. L. Wood,, II. H. Straight, John L. Robinson, Albert Thomp- son, Ebenezer Perry, Joseph T. Estes, Edward Williamson, Albert frame, henry Mastin, Chas. Cornwell, N. Gosline, L. Shaw, II. H. Philes, Jno. Smith, A. C. Gosline, A. B. Harrington, at t5 each .435 00 Court Etpenses: Stenographers 260 66 District Attorney's expenses 26 34 Surrogate,s Once 2 50 Hon. H. J. Mead, holding court .70 00 J. T. Newman, Examining County books 1890 . . .36 00 5, 30 Bills Payable : Note, First National Bank, Ithaca, N. V.2,1,51, 54 Note, First National Bank 2,500 00 Note, M. N. Tompkins 1,368 15 Note, cash paid John I3oice 2,100 00 69 Collectors of School Districts.24 Paid Supervisors fines received from Justices 37 00 State Game Constable 223 38 Collateral inheritance ; Draft State Treasury .92 Commission on above 28 36 5 28 County Audits .73 Court House repairs roo 00 4 sX K?t„; y a a i ij r I 120 SUPF,R ISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1891. Salaries :Ael County Judge 2,500 00 County Treasurer 900 0o Clerk of Supervisors . J.150 00 1 Chaplain of Alms House . .50 00 District Attorney 600 00 Clerk of Surrogate's Court .250 00 Jail Physician 5o 00 Sheriff's Janitor account 350 00 School Commissioners .400 00 Surrogate's Janitor account 75 00 Special County Judge 50 00 Clerk compiling Comptroller's report ro co Court Stenographer, (paid to state) .47 79 5, 79 i.. School Moneys:1, Caroline . .2,544 22 Dauby 2,151 59 Dryden 3, 5 1 Enfield 1,586 41 Groton'3,116 10 Ithaca S,o65 87 Ii Lansing.2,542 25 Newfield 2,832 58 1 Ulysses 2,531 13 73 Cash on hand 562 91 95, 99 1 Trial Balance, County Treasurer, November 12,1891 : Cash ou hand 562 91 Due county from Caroline 4 26 Dauby 3 99 1' Enfield 23 97 Groton 27 07 Ithaca 2,067 69 Lansing.80 88 Newfield 38 64 Ulysses 210 48 r 0 1 i SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1891..12I Fuel and gas account 19 11 County Audits.too 6o 3. 60 Due Town.of Dryden i i 85 Superiutendpnt of Poor 28 Willard State Hospital 2 ,759 9 Postage and Stationery 64 New York State Institute for blind .4 67 Court Expense 129 79 - School Districts.1 93 77 State Game Constable .26 62 Repairs on County House 75 00 3, 60 I INFANT HEIR FUND— Sc1EDur.a A. i Report of Chas. Ingersoll as County Treasurer from Janu -• ary, 1, 1891, to November 15, 1891. 1 RECEIPTS t From G. H. Northrup, Ex- Treasurer, Ithaca Savings Bank 4,7 11 Cash on hand 996 02 3,7 13 Bonds and Mortgages 3 [ 3 Deposited by order of Court for the account of the Babcock Heirs.700 00 McAllister vs. McDonald, et al 424 46 1124 46 Interest received on Mortgages, etc .14 55 4 27 DISBURSEMENTS. Paid out on Court Orders to the following named heirs 2r years of age, in full John E. Smith.3 77 i 1 . 22 .SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1891. Eliza C. Metzgar 29 16 Frank E. Seagar.47 28 107 21 ' P. 6. Ellsworth, Attorney McAllister vs. McDonald,134 04 Willard State Hospital, bill of Laura M. Sexton . .130 36 Catherine McDougall, her share of principal . 20 16 Interest paid out to the heirs or to their general guardians 868 71 Cash on Land 19 15 In Tompkins County National Bank . 3, 79 Bonds and Mortgages, see Schedule B Nov. 15, 1891 36,382 85 41,296 27 I certify that there stands this day on the books of this bank to the credit of the Infant Heir Fund, the sum of $3, H. L. fIINCKI,F;P, Cashier Tompkins County National Bank. November 15, 1891. INFANT HEIR REPORT— SCIIEDULI? B. Amount Amount Investment. MORTGAGOR. DATE. HEIRS INTERESTED.of of Interest. Mortgage 1st Mortgage. Jacob Bates.Feb. 4, 'A2 Mabel McNeil 558 18 John1st. Mortgage.ter 58 54OarenCarpenter, , heirs of J. D. 07 5 1 54 Carpenter, r or, aeirs of 611 011 501 951stMortgage. Hannayy. Jan. °, '91 Heirs of Noah ]iaut or 0, or 1259 12 217 1st M Tamortgage.A. Chase. ar. 17 'tei Chae fro 311 07 1t Mortgage. 55 M. hates. . Oct. 17, ( 4 Heirs off 97 1 J. D. Dales.831 !1; 831 971stMHirestortgage. Hiram A,Dacennort.7uue 5, '86 heirs of Paul Layton. 61 Mortgage. Mortgage.Mabe Meer.5119 111 let ortgagu.Mabell McNeil 519 82 smith heirs.370 POMaV.l heirs. 103 81stMortgage. P. R J. Driscoll. Mar. 12, `89 Heirs Crittenden.ret. 170 08 2511 106Dudgwm107500175 001stMortgage. D. II. Gregory. w. May L' 8 John H. ts-130 00 13 00CM M1st ortgage.Feb. . '84 Heirs ]eir..Siminnn. 44 8110 00444 1st M SarahJS,a tnri Dec. 31. '89 ar tai,2444 2t 2777 441stMortgage. Maryry 13. . nIngersoll. July 14. 19, '9 '9 Goodspeed heirs of 805 23 777 1st Mortgage. 8. Edwin Johnson June 19, '8.9 Carpenter, ed 4 heirs Ihm'1 heirs 301 44 301 (41stMortgage. S. and N.C. .lhson Ad l 7I Carpenter, heirs of ) a 300 ls^ 314)1st Mortgage. and N.C. r Julyuley 7, , ' '87 Carpenter, of Dan't '1 40 W 00 M L 0 408 001stMortgage. Louisa Tune 7, 1 Wyckoff r heirs. he 11151113 1150 00 1st Mortgage. John .cMcArthur. fillenenur. F 7, 7884 VanLyn Hon. Pickens. 15111 82 15111t :M1sortgage. Car. Pickens. Fab. eb. 88 Camera heirs 10 Wr, 'Mortgage. 'Mortgage. s 511 82 511 82 let Mot Carriee PickeSMar. Carpenter. ll heira thing 00 AO 2tgage. gage. Carrie A. . Smith. Jan. _ 2 Jan. 20,, '88 '89 F e da P. . Bun P.1000 00 1st Mortgage.g. ag e. Sam'l A. Seabring. .iuneat, '85 bled Bunnell : Iandeville heirs 99 1 77 73 73 779 7377973 1 1, I SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINCIS, 1.801.123 il IINFANT HEIR REPORT—SCHEDULE B. (Continued). • Amo Am rat . f Investment. MOK'1'GAGOR. DATE. I HEIRS INTRIIESTRn.of a of Interest. Mortgage v let illnrtg :wc. J01.111 Sincebnugh April 24,'91 John Bruits.42 1! 11)rake, heirs of Catherine 4678 Clara Searles.541 19 Mary and Lizzie Teeter. 42 81 Fleming heirs.347 70 N,:Allister & DlcDowtld. 200 42 14'111031 13. Pickens.78 111 Mq 00 1st Dlorlgage. Douglas Selovr.r. April 1, '89 McKee heirs.14881 Young heirs.323 00 Wyckoff heirs.100 00 John Manning.272 88 Lam N. Patch.450 07 Lillian Kirkendall.100 09 Jennie Al. Thomas.243 75 I olive Shurter.80 88 15110 00 1st Mortgage. Geo. Simpson. Oct. 24, '83 Elizabeth Simpson 11388.94 3388 IH 2t1 Mortgage Alma. E. Stanford. Apill 1, '84 Clara Searles.8.V, 29 Mahe' McNeil.39 33 McKee heirs of John. 105 38 1IXN1 00 14 Mortgage. Diary S. and H. 11.FMar. 31, '86 Laura Al. Sexton 258 28 1 Thompson.Carpenter, heirs of .1. 1). 13131 1 Carpenter, heirs of Dual 411 181Fullerheirs4990 Mary Hughes & children 88 33 Tithes heirs 795 110 Lora M. Patch.285 00 20011 00 1st \lorlgage. baron C. Vaul{irk. Jan. 20,'72 Carpenter, heirs of J. D. 400 (4)Griffin 98 U) Ada P. Blackman.176 W O'Brien, heirs of ,Inns 170 00 820 181 Is1, Mot Igago. Wm. 11. AVold. Feb. 10, '86 China Searles,174 IX) 174 no 1st Mortgage. Martha Woodi11. April 5, '711 D. and DI. AVoodin 826:11 826111 N'le of J. A. Elsl on and Fred E.O'Brien, heirs nfJane 49 133 Bates.Pe," heirs.43 411 Fred Brown.21 18 heirs Jane Whitlock. 185 48 John Manning.18 56 Fred Bunnell.613 38 i Mabel McNeil.373 60 McKee, heirs of John 619 57 Carpenter, heirs of Dail 450 00 Wilgus heirs.154 75 E. & .Julia Seeley. ,481 00 M. E. &31. 1.. King.155 56 Keator Bros.9'32 6D Elden heirs.115 411 Fisk heirs.171 1t 3,1a.nniug vs. -Kano.75 79 3590 110 Note lhairgel Simpson. Ella111ans,Carpenter. heirs of .1. 11, 100 W Frank Ihuts. C.H anford heirs.41110 I. 131iven.lone O'Brien.150 011 Clara Searles 100 00 Susie G. Van horn.100 00 5510 00 Nola of C. M. Titus, secured by Fogarty heirs 420 43 nt't' of C. A. Ives McKee, heirs of John ' 282 71; and 1. 1. Osborne.Kittle Axford 9681 60000 Note Wilcox, Sbmnm &. George,Carpenter, heirs of J. D. 534 24 secured by first Ada P. Blackman .529 00 mtg. flan id' Lone.Fogarty heirs 98 86 Clara Searles.237 11 1. 13. Warren.i 82 Simpson, heirs of Chas. 37 00 Hanford heirs 115 98 1500 110 Carpenter, heirs of .l. D. 50900 58100 Total amount invested in Mortgages, etc 316,382 85 J I I I 124 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1891. SURPLUS MONEYS — SCHEDULE C. RECEIPTS. Cash on hand U. S. Trust Company 85 94 January 1, 18 1 ,533 08 Receiver) of H. S. Hopkins, Attorney for Joseph Harris vs. Herbert C. Newton 73 82 Received of Jared T. Newman, Attorney estate of Austin D. Mallory .26 27 Received of Judge Ellsworth, Attorney Vaples vs. Monroe 109 04 Received of Judge Ellsworth, Attorney Jonathan P. Purdy and others 59 13 Received of W. G. Gibbs, administrator estate of Geo. W. Sherman 1,550 00 Received of Manning vs. Shaw '568 26 1 Received from Geo. R. Davis, Referee Sweetland vs. Dewitt 848 00 Received of M. Van Cleef, Attorney Townley vs. Townley 24 73 I 5,832 27 DISBURSEMENTS. John Learn estate 17 46 David R. Torrey estate .290 24 Cowdry vs. Ervy 5 34 Parsons vs. Parsons 87 67 Vaples vs. Mowers.109 04 G. W. Sherman estate 1,550 00 Harris vs. Newton 73 Ss Sweetland vs. Newton 724 00 Cash on hand 1,952 76 U. S. Trust Co 508 94' 5,832 27 TODD'KINS COUNTY, S5: Charles Ingersoll being duly sworn, says that the foregoing reports Marked respectively A, 13 and C, • are correct to the best of his knowledge and belief. I• 1 t '. 1 1 1 1 . SUPERVISORS' PROOEED[NOS, 1801.136 Schedule A is a true report of all moneys received and paid out on ac- count of the infant Heir Fund, from January I. 189i, to November 15, 1891. Schedule B represents the condition of the securities and investments of e the Infant Heir Fund November 15, 1891, excepting worthless and insufficient t 'securities taken prior to 1878, a list of which appears in the report of November 16, 1886 (see supervisors' proceedings of 1886, page too). Schedule C is a report of all Surplus Moneys received and paid ont by him W from January r, 1891, to November h6, 189r. CHARLES INGERSOLL, I Treasurer of Tompkins Comity. 1 t Sworn to before Inc this second day of 'December, 1891. 1 I ALBERT O. STONE, Notary I'ublic. I certify that there stands this flay on the hooks of this bank to the credit of Chas. Ingersoll, County Treasurer, account of " Surplus Moneys" the suet I of $ H. L. HINCKLEY, iII4 ,Cashier Tompkins County National Bank. c 1 November 16, 1891. 1 UNITED STATF,S TRUST COMPANY OF NEE- YORK. 4. Nos. 45 and 47 Wall Street 1 a NEW YORK, Nov. 29t11, 1891. This is to certify that there was on deposit in this company on this date at the opening of business to the credit of the Treasurer of Tompkins County, the sum of five hundred and twenty -four dollars and sixty -four cents, "Surplus Moneys ". H. L. THORNELL, 524.64 Secretary. a' on S LIRE IRVISORS' PHoCEEDrNcis, 1891. COUNTY CLERK'S REPORT. ITHACA, , Y ., Dec. Io, 1891. To the Board of Supervisors, Tompkins County:. I have to report that since the 1st day of January, 1891, to date, I have received for Tompkins County, stoney as fines, • and paid the same to County Treasurer as follows, Treasurer's receipts herewith : r ; Willard t'redumre, fine, (sentenced at January terns of sessions)35 00 Prank Cummings, fine, (sentenced at May term of sessions)6o 00 Jerome Towner, fine, (sentenced at May term of sessions)55 00 150 0o TOMPKINS COUNTS', SS, Leroy H. Van Kirk being duly sworn, says that he is the Clerk of the County of Tompkins and that he has received nb moneys as files or otherwise I( for said county, except those set fdrth in the above report. L. H. V AN KIRK. Sworn to before me this. 11th day of December, 5891. DEWITT C. ROTJTON, Notary Public TOMPKINS COUxTv TB, ASIIRER'S OFFICE. Ithaca, N. V., Jan. 30, 1861 Received from L. H. Van Kirk, County Clerk, thirty -five dollars on ac- count of fine of Willard Predmore, January Court of Sessions. 35.00 CHARLES INGERSOLL, County Treasurer. TOMPKINS COUNTY TRIASUR ER'S 0 FIT LC] ;. Ithaca, N. V., May 12, 1891. Received from L. H. Van Kirk, Clerk, by T. J. McElheny, sixty dollars for fine of Frank Cummings. 6o.00 CHARLES INGERSOLL, County Treasurer. 0 SUi'IERV1SORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1891.127 I'UMPRINS COUNTS TREASIIRER'S OFFICE. Ithaca, N. Y., June, to, 139 E. Received from T. J. \IcElhenv, Deputy Clerk, fifty -five dollars fine of Jerome Towner. 55.00 CFIARI4ES INGERSOIJ,, County Treasurer. SHERIFF'S REPORT. I certify that the following fines have been paid to inc and that the saute have been turned over to the parties mentioned below, viz : i491, Sept. 28. 'Turned over to Chas: Ingersoll as County Treasurer, Ilenrp Iiougur's five k0 00 Cie!, 2. Turned over to C. L. Smith, as Recorder, 1 Nelson Grover's fine 20 00 70 00 I' Nov. 2, 1391.J. W. 'l'IBBETTS, Sheriff. SUPT RINTENDENT'S REPORT. i'' the •Hono the Roam' of .Supervisors lo/ Tompkins Connly : The undersigned Superintendent of the-Poor of Tompkins County, respectfully reports that from the 15th day of Novem- ber, 189o, to the 15th day of November, 1891, the following named persons have been supported in the County Alms House : w I IN i28 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINNGS, 1891. BELONGING TO COUNTY. Names.No. Days,Nantes.No. Days. Richard King.365 Frank Barber I Moses Myers 365 John Mahan .2 Albert Downer 365 'Robert Whipple .2 James Ilewitl 290 Frank Milburn 2 Lena Collins, (colored)365 Joseph Theron 2 Frederick Davids 365 Abram Collins 4 Pattie Scott, (colored)365 John Maney . .2 Stephen Fowler. (colored) . . . . 9 John Meginty .. . . .. . . .t Samuel Fincll.1 George Puff .r John Smith 1 Win. Thomas 2 Edward Johnson s 145 Francis Blue '. . ..2 John Sanders 1 James Strong 2 John Davis I John Ryon r iJohnCanon . .1 Charles Cummings 1 Frank Duncan 1 George Sanders 1 James Kelly,1 John Warren 2 Wm. Collins 350 Philip Barnum.3 Thomas Carter ---------- 2 James Bush 3 Wm. O'Brien 2 Charles Reed 1 I Frank Burns 2 Amos Reed 1 i Albert Benton.1 Amos Sanders:I Robert Smith r Case Reynolds I John Farrine 1 Thomas McCarty r Frank Wilson .1 Joseph Sullivan .1 James Nelson 1 George Strong . .2 Thomas Flynn 4 Robert White 1 Charles Monroe .55 Charles Monroe 2 David Campbell .3 Philander O'Connor 2 Samuel Scott 2 Thomas Strong 2 Peter Skinner .I Hiram McDonald 2 James Strong 2 Charles Maney 2 Thomas Theron I Maggie Sutherland I George -Whiteiug 11 Edward Johnson 1 Thomas Miller 11 James Flynn 2 Ira Suthard 19 Thomas Strong 2 Jeruma Streight .239 George Thomas 2 James Schnit 82 Charles Monroe 2 n k a I SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1.891..139 1 j John Meginty 2 John Bishop 2 R John Merrill 2 Eliza Dawson 114 VWm. Whipple.34 James Carroll 2 Thomas Lane 33 Charles Reede 1 James McCarty 31 .Charles Monroe . •r F Paul Scott, (colored) .239 James Scavenger 3 Willis Sanders 1 George Reede.1 L..Thomas O'Brien... .1 Isaac Johnson .1 John Tompkins 1 Joni Jones 1 Abner Slack 2' Thomas Jefferson 1 Francis Obdel .2 Alson Strong 3 James Oaknian z John Stout 1 Charles Smith r Thomas Finch 2 Isaac Chapman 252 James Thorn 2 Josephh Scott .J P 3 Edward Crumb 2 Wm. Barrett .3 George Hance.2 James Collins 1 James Fletcher 3 Frank Williams 1 John Thomas 2 John Brown .1 Theo Stout 2 John Mahone n Loran McGegan.r Robert Whipple .1 Erastus Snook z Edward Simmons 78 Aaron McRean 2 1 Edwin Grunner .r Jim Stone .I Total County 4,340 ITIIACA Horace Whitehead 365 Bertie Carpenter 187ii.:Daniel McClune.365 Charles Wilkison 69 Seth R. Peak 157 John Quinn 33 Abram Shepard .186 Mrs. Wm. Dyer .1 George Thompson.365 Bella Swan (colored)103 Joseph Jones 365 Daniel Carney 126 A. R. Taylor 365 Abram Pellum r61 d Emeline VanAlstine . .365 Avimic Swan (colored) . . . . 71 Daniel Cook So George Short 153 John Sullivan .365 George Ferguson 94 ay Dyer Pangburn .365 John Bishop . . .89 Carrie Carpenter 213 Frank Ranney 84 Peter Nicholson 365 Cora Swortwood.65 Le1 Ewa , ! S.r r R..._ z f7 qi 130 SUPERVISORS' 1'ROCEED[NOS, 1891.4. Nelson Wright 78 Robert Swortwood.39 Abram Case 140 James Wilson . .23 Charles Schuyler 355 Total Ithaca .5,7 DRYDEN. Iiiram Dodge . . . 365 Akis Burton 142 Frank Corcoran . . 365 Silas Tucker .6o lr.lisha Wilcox . . . ... . . . . 365 Total Dryden 1,297 CAROLINE. Everett Boyer ..202 Michael Ward 46 Mrs. Z. Venerable.365 Total Caroline 613 GROTON. John McCarty 342 ULYSSES. James Ferguson .310 Jackson Purdy . . . . . . . Igo Total Ulysses,460 a ENFIELD. Everell Kellogg.2I4 Morgan Wallenbeck 23 13meline Auble q Total Enfield zqI LANSING. Barney Moore 99 Sally Peters .59 Lorenzo Kent .365 Total Lansing 5 23 DANBY. Jerusha Cronce 365 Bertie Steiumyre . . 4 Elnora Cronce 365 -- Steiumyre 4 Ira D. Nichols . . .365 Total Danby .I io3 FRP f 11 r SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1891.131 r NEWFIELD. Richard Vreeland 354 Michael Corbit.295 SarahJ. Vreeland 365 Total Newfield 1014 The whole number of days said paupers have been sup- ported in County Alms House, 15,67T. No. Days .Cost of board and Clothing County 4,34 58 Ithaca . 5 73 1, 129 86 Dryden 1 , 297 255 49 Caroline .613 . .120 72 Groton 34 67 35 Ulysses 460 90 58 Enfield 241 47 4 Lansing 523 103 00 Danby .1,103 217. 19 Newfield 1 014 199 66 15,67 3, 89 The amount of Drafts drawn on the County Treasurer for bills audited by the Superintendent for the support of the in- stitution, during the said year over and above the proceeds of the farm was $3,397.45, of which $314.93 was for improve- t ments, leaving a balance of $3,o82.52 for the expenses of the house. The following accounts have been audited by the Superin- tendent of the Poor, aid drafts drawn on the County Treasurer for expenses incurred from the 15th day of November, 189o, to the 15th day of November, 1891. Date No. order.CLASS A— Meats. Dec. 3, I8g0 5 A. L. Wets, fresh meat .20 29 Dec. 20, °9 W. H. Morgan, pork 6 49 1 1'A%' [77 x "erry r . "1 132 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1691.If 1 Dec. 20, 1390. 10 W. T. Nixon, pork .91 ti\ 11 Frank Carman, "19 97 12 Henry Andrews "20 34 13 Wm. Kelsey,30 19 14 1 Jno. Vanderbilt, "31 46 15 A. J. Williams, 14 19 16 C. J. Fletcher,22 78 17 John Theal, 23 10 18 Joseph Andrews, " 42 90 19 J. P. King, 27 23 zo Henry Hausner, "16 11 21 Martin Hausner, "24 91 1 22 Elam Rolfe, 34 44 23 James S. Lyke, "17 99 24 H. A. Bower, 33 5 25 'Thomas Kirby, "32 07 26 S. M. Paddock, "68 86 27 Tertulas Jones, 14 72 28 Clarence King, "28 82 29 Michael Branan, "22 39 30 Henry Swartout, "10 02 31 L. B. Curry, 14 04 32 John Sherwood, "14 63 33 Edward l'yle, 61 10 34 • Arnold Vincieut, "13 95 35 J. H. Moss, 45 7 36 Robert Whipple, "21 40 37 Wm. T. Newman,r/ 73 15 38 Elias Smith, 7.40 39 David Colgrove, "15 95 March 4, 1891 64 Geo. Batty, fresh pleat io 6r 72 Jonah Kirby,7 75 Oct. 7. 1891 100 Geo. Batty,14 87 Nov. 4, 1891 1o6 A. L. Wets,9 62 107 Wm. Stebbins, mess pork 4 05 1o8 Charles B. Owen, 9 90 8993 3 CLASS B— Groceries and Provisions. Dec. 2, 1890 1 J. W. Kirby . . . •84 00 t , 1.z r/ t a v - 0 ii SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1891.1:38. Dec. 3, 1890 6 J. C. Stowell .S 63 P 8 E.,, C. Stewart. . .119 67 Dec. 20, 1890. , 40 J. 11.,Moss Dec. 25, 1890. 44 John Kerst 37 50 69 SrA. r Jan. 7, 1891.' 52 D. B. Stewart & Co I 12 58 53 Hawkins & Todd 6o 01 56 Manning Atwater . . . .78 27 57 Frost & Brown 15 18 59 J. C. Stowell & Son 14 01 Jan. 14, 1891. 63 Drosley Pease 10 63 Feb. 4. 1891. 65 E. C. Almy 17 03 , 66 James H. Moss 6 4o March 4, 1891. 70 James H. Moss 2 6o • 73 J. C. Stowell & Son 14 40 74 Clinton Westervelt 6 00 April 1, 1891. 76 D. B. Stewart & Co 10 76 May 6, 1891. 78 J. T. Howe 22 79 8o J. C. Stowell 8 68 8, D. B. Stewart & Co 39 62 June 3, 1891. 83 John Kerst 25.50 July i, 1391. 85 E. C. Almy 25 13 July 1', 1891. 86 Jacob Vanderbilt 18 12 87 James H. Moss 6 58 ySept. 2, 1891. 95 D. B. Stewart & Co i 114 98 Oct. 7, '891. 99 D. B. Stewart & Co 10 32 Nov. 4, 1891. 103 D. B. Stewart & Co . . .38 22 104 Hook Bros.4 75 1 Nov. 12, 1891. 110 D. 13. Stewart & Co 3 53 i CLASS C —Fuel. 73 i Jan. 7, 1891. 54 Fowler & Farrington 115 54 March 4, 1891. 68 Fowler & Farrington 90 82 ° April z, 1891. 75 Charles Seaman u 34 00 May 6, 1891. 79 Fowler & Farrington 35 99 July 1, 1891. 90 Geo. H. Vann 9 04 Aug. 5, 1891. 92 Geo. H. Vann 10 9 Oct. 7, 1891. 97 Geo, H. Vann .46 26 Nov. 4, 1891: 105 Geo. H. Vann t1 48 1 354 11 1 134 SUPERVISORS' PROCEF1DINGS, 1.891.j CLASS D— Improveuteuts. 1 Dec. 3, 1890. 2 H. V. Bostwick pork barrels 45 25 3 Treman King Co.5 07 Dec. 25, 1891. 41 R. H. Stone, fertilizer 25 00 0 43 Cole & Pinkney, fertilizer 10 8o 42 J. W. C. C. W. Dean, lumber 41 32 Jan. 7, 1891. 45 \Vm. Allen, blacksmithing.9 4 46 Wm. Snow, repairing track 18 05 47 Bedell Smith, labor 20 85 58 Treman King•&. Co. iron beds 42 00 62 Fred Smith, labor 3 25 Aug. 5, 1891. 91 E. A. Snow 12 05 Sept. 2, 1891. 94 B. Smith, repairing stable 5 225 96 Hook Bros., grass seed 5 28 Oct. 7, .189i. 98 J. Van Buskirk, repairing furniture 10 65 101 J. C. W. Dean, lumber 7 7 Nov. 1 2 , 1891: 1 1 1 Treman, King & Co.15 93 3 93 CLASS E— Medicine and Attendance. Jan. 7, 1881. 5o Horton & Holton, drugs 26 96 55 Gauntlett &Brooks, drugs 5 23 6o F. A. Kerst, M. D. 74 5 Jan. 24, 1891. 64 White & Burdick . .41 o6 75 CLASS P— Clothing, Boots, Shoes and Mending. Dec. 3, 189o. 3 Benj. Rich, clothing .9 62 Jan. 7, 1891. 49 H. C. Almy, mending 6 7 Dec. 3, 1891. 4 C. M. Stanley, boots and shoes . . . . . • . • 13 45 Jan. 7, 1891. 51 Mosher Bros. & Co., clothing .82 09 Feb. 4, 1891. 67 H. C. Almy, Mending 4 75 May 6, 1891. 82 H. C. Almy, mending 5 00 June 3, 1891. 84 Chapman & Becker 48 12 July 1, 1891. 89 11. C. Almy, mending 4 55 Aug. 5, 1891. 93 H. C. Altny, mending 4 10 Nov. 4, 1891. 102 H. C. Ahny, mending 13 33 73 SUPERVISORS' .PROCEEDINGS, 1891.135 CLASS G— Miscellaneous. Jan. 7, 1891. 48 Edward Boyer, threshing 16 29 61 E. L. Brown, keeper 15o oo April 1, 1891. 71 E. L. Brown, keeper .140 00 June 30, 1391. 38 E. L. Brown, keeper.125 00 55 29 The following alnou been audited and drafts drawn on the County Treasurer for bills contracted for temporary re- lief of county paupers out of the County Alms House from the 15th day of November, 1890, to the 15th day of November, 1891 : Dec. 3, 1890. r E. T. Stewart, relief Mary Murphy and ` trarnps . r2 55 i2L. W. Carpenter, M. D. Medical service 13 75 3 John Flickinger, M. D., Medical service, Mrs. Day 5 00 4 J. M. Douglass, o. P., Newfield, exp. Julia Goslin 12 25 5 J. C. Larmore, 0. P., Dryden, caring for tramps 9 40 Dec. ,8, 1891. 6 John G. Smith, O. P., Ithaca, caring for tramps 22 51 7 John G. Smith, 0. I'., Relief county poor . . . 112 75 Jan. 7., 1891. S G. C. Whitley, Q. P., Caroline, relief county poor 9 00 9 Mary Wood, for board and care Geo. Mead . . . 25 50 • to R. L. Smith, M. D., service 15 oo Jan. 15, 1891. 11 E. T. Stewart, o. P., Ulysses, for Kate Kelly, confinement.15 00 12 John Sirrine, relief Whiteing family 12 47 Jan. 24, 189 t. 13 Bradford Snyder, o. P., Dryden, relief tramps . 4 50 Feb. 4, 1891. 14 Daniel Sullivan, 0. P., Lansing relief tramps . . 2 25 15 Theodore Brown, O. P. Dauby, relief Cavanaugh family I Soo t6 George Whitley, 0. P., Caroline, Jeruma Streight 8 40 17 L. V. Coal Co., furnishing coal to county paupers 37 50 March 4, 1891. iS '1'. J. Harrington, drawing coal and wood . . . . 21 50 19 M. N. Gillett, O. P., Ithaca, relief Co. paupers . toe 00 20 G. C. Whitley, O. P., Caroline, relief Personius . n'32 21 Bradford Snyder, 0. P., Dryden, relief tramps . . 4 00 22 James S. Young, 0. P., Caroline, relief tramps . 1 50 23 A. W. Griffin, 0. P., Enfield, relief Summons . . 8 go r.r,e,!egt7.°r l 1313 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1891. March q, 1391. 71 Mantling Atwater, relief Mrs. Day and Slack fam $47 16 i 24 L. V. Coal Co., furnishing coal for county poor . 40 5o 25 Mary Wood, board•and care Geo. Mead 15 00 April r, r8g1. 26 James M. Owen, 0. P., Enfield relief Palmer fam 7 90 r 27 Bradford Snyder, relief tramps 3 50 28 E. T. Stewart, relief Mary Murphy and tramps 28 00 29 Theodore Brown, relief tramps 1 75 3o Mary Wood, board and care Geo. Mead 4 50 May 6, 1891. 31 A. W. Griffin, relief Palmer family 4 05 32 Mary Wood, board and care Geo. ,Mead 6 oo 33 W. I. Sherwood, relief Slack, Murphy and tramps 18 00 34 A. N. Ford, relief Personius and Cleaveland . . nS 5o July 1, 1891. 35 R. L. Smith, M. D., service to county poor . . . 15 00 o 36 Bradford Snyder, relief tramps and expense con - veyiag Woolever child to S. Valley Home 6 12 Aug. 5, 1891. 37 L. V. Coal Co., furnishing Co. poor of Ithaca.4 5o 38 W. I. Sherwood, relief Mrs Murphy and tramps t0 65 Sept. 2, 1891. 39 Mary Wood; board and care Geo. Mead 25 5o Oct. 7, 1891. 40 Wm. T. Wright, care Ormsby family 15 00 f 41 Isaac Dodd, expense county poor, Ithaca . . . 193 5o 42 Isaac Dodd, tramps 5 90 43 Albert K. Allen, funeral expenses Mrs. Silas Bailey 17 00 Nov. 4, 1391. 44 Manning Atwater, relief Mrs. C. H. Day and fam 54 85 45 Mary Wood, board and care Geo. Mead'13 50 Nov. 13, 1891. 46 W. I. Sherwood, relief Mary Murphy and tramps 11 5o 93 The following statement shows the amount of bills audited by the Superintendent of the Poor to the Overseers of the Poor for their services to the County, from the 15th of Nov., 189o, to the 15th day of Nov., 1891 : Nov. 3, 18go. E. T. Stewart, Ulysses 6 oo Dec. 31,2 John G. Smith, Ithaca 27 00 Jan 7, 1891.3 G. C. Whitley, Caroline 4 00 24,4 Bradford Snyder, Dryden 2 00 Feb. 4,5 Daniel Sullivan, Lansing 2 00 4,6 Theodore Brown, Danby 2 00 4,7 0. C. Whitley, Caroline 4 00 1 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1891.137 r • Peb. 4,8 M. N. Gillett, Ithaca .57 Mar. 4,9 G. C. Whitley, Caroline 200 4,10 A. W. Griffin, Enfield 2 00 q,Ti Theodore Brown, Danby .2,00 April 1,12 James M. Owen, Enfield 4 00 May 6,r3 W. I. Shenvood, Ulysses 2 0 6,14 E. T. Stewart, Ulysses 4 0 July 1,r5 Bradford Snyder, Dryden 2 00 Sept. r,16 Isaac Dodd, Ithaca 52 00 Oct. 7,17 James M. Douglass, Newfield . . . ..8 oo Nov.13,18 W. I. Sherwood, Ulysses 3 5 07 ' Names of persons transported to the County Alms House during the year,ending Nov. 15, 1891, with the bills and names of those transporting them, as per transportation book, and where chargeable : Date.By Whom Brought. Name of Pauper. Where Chargeable. Nov. 17, '90. 1 G. C. Whitley . . Stephen Fowler . County . . . . 3 30 18,2 John G. Smith. Nelson Wright.. Ithaca . . . . 1 5o 24, 3 Abram Case . . . Ithaca . . . . 1 5o Dec. 1, 4 Charles Schuyler. Ithaca . .i 5o. Jan. 24, '9 5 J. N. Douglass . . Michael Corbit. . Newfield . .3 75 27, 6 G. C. Whitley . . Jeruma Streight . Caroline . . . ° 3 45 May 7,7 Theodore Brown . Isaac Chapman . County . . . . 1 95 7, 8 Bradford Snyder . Akis Burton . . .Drydeu . . .z 40 Mar. 23, 9 H. Herrick . . . Barney Moore . . Lansing . . . . 3 0o Apri123, 10 Isaac Dodd .. . . Mrs. Wm. Dyer . Ithaca . . . . 1 5o May 13, 11 Belle Swan . . _Ithaca . . . . 1 50 June 8, 12 Abram Pelham .. Ithaca . . . . 2 50 22, 13 Bradford Snyder . Akis Burton . . . Dryden . . .2 85 July 14, 14 Isaac Dodd . . . George Ferguson. Ithaca . . . . 1 rso Aug. 22, 15 Bradford Snyder . Akis Burton . . . Dryden . . . . 2 x85 Sept.25, 16 J. C. Larmore . . Silas Tucker . . . Dryden . . . . 2 85 18, 17 11. Herrick . Sally Teeter . . . Lansing .. . . 2 25 25, 18 Theodore Brown . Bertie Stinemyer Danby . . . . 25, IS Stinemyer Danby . . 1 95 138 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1891.E Aug. 17, 19 Isaac Dodd . . . Cora Swartwood . Ithaca . . . . 1 so June 16, 20 George Short 1. . Ithaca . . . . 1 5o Oct. 17, 21 Cora Swartwood . Ithaca . . .1 5o 24, 22 James M. Owen . Morg wallenheck Enfield 9 Nov. 7, 23 H. Herrick Barney Moore . . Lansing . .3 00 13, 24 Bradford Snyder . Akis Burton . . . Dryden . .2 85 5 35 Amount of grain and produce raised on tlie farad during the sear, and amount now on hand. On hand 55 tons of hay.5o 33o bus. wheat .28o 95 barley.55 oats unthreshed. 25 bus. buckwheat 25 500 " corn —ears 450 400 " potatoes. •350 15 beans 12 25 sweet corn . .4 12 onions 6 io tomatoes 20 beets 15 200 " apples . .200 200 heads celery .150 1, 700 cabbage Soo 8 casks cider 8 - 5 loads pumpkins . . . . Corn stalks from nine acres Supplies on hand : 3 shrouds; . 6 chemise ; 4•pair drawers ; 4 pillow ticks ; 6 pillow cases ; 6 towels ; 5 skirts ; 3 shirts ; 1 coat ; 25 yards calico ; io yards denim ; 4 yards cotton flannel ; 6 handkerchiefs ; r/ barrels - sugar ; % barrel molasses ; - 2 barrels pickles ; 300 pounds butter ; to tons coal ; 2,000 pounds coarse salt. I further report the number deaths 4. The number births 4. 1I • j SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1891.139 1 The number discharged 89. The number absconded 4. In house November 15th, 44. Received (luring the year 141./ Average number in House during year 42 341-365. Average yearly expense of each pauper $71.86.85. Average weeklyexpense of each pauper $$r.37.83. Amount expended for the Maintenance of inmates of house . . . 53,076 92 Improvements to property and furniture 314 93 Expended for out door relief 1 , 048 93 Services of Overseers -1 '49 07 Transportation of paupers to Alms House .5 35 54,642 zo Amount appropriated by Supervisors 4,911 41 Surplus on hand .5269 21 Stock on farm : 1 3 horses belonging to keeper. Belonging to county, 7 mileh cows, 1 year- ling heifer, r yoke oxen, 10 fatting hogs, 2 broods sows; 1 boar hog, 11 pigs wintering, 150 common fowls. Farm tools belonging to county :. 1 grain drill, 1 truck wagon, 1 spring toothed harrow, r pair bobsleighs. In conformity to the 3oth Section, Title tst, Chapter 20, of the Revised Statutes, I respectfully report that I estimate the expense of the town and county paupers' to be supported in the Altus House during the ensuing year, $3,000. Temporary relief of County paupers not in Alms House, S1, 200. 0 9 TIN7t sJ :n 3,a r .t 140 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1801.1 Services of Overseers of the Poor, $2oo.i\ keeper's salary, $500. Transportation expenses, $50. The expense for improvements, altliough somewhat in ex- cess of other years, had become an absolute necessity. The old water closets which had become a menace to the lives of those who were obliged to use them, from their decayed condi- tion, have been replaced by three new earth closets, which are thoroughly cleaned frequently during the, year, thus ob\t'iating the danger before alluded to. The sleepers of the horse stable had rotted off, the floor giving way in consequence, which ne- cessitated a complete repair of that apartment. These with some other minor improvements make up the st total of 3 The following statement shows the amount of money re- ceived by the Superintendent, and how the same has been dis- bursed : Nov. 15, r89o. Cash on hand 1F37 3 26,Received from fine, bastardy case . . .50 00 Jan. 5, 189r. Joseph Knight, for grease r9 oS . Mar. 12,22 00 May 6,For hams and lard . . .ro 6o 1 June, 16,From Keeper Brown . .20 00 159 06 The following disbursements have been made : Nov. 26, 189o. M. N. Tompkins counsel fee in bastardy case, £25 00 26,J. P. Merrill, Associate Justice 20 00 Dec. 3,J. C. Stowell & Son, supplies 5 32 27,ft /racaJournal, letter heads and envelopes,2 50 Jan. 26, 1891. Expense in Mary Kane insanity case . . . 2 00 5 fr 1 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1891.141 i` Feb. 16,Expense in Mrs. Handy matter 5 00 4 -June 5,Expense in Carrie Carpenter case i 00 Le u,Exp. taking Everett Kellogg to S.'S. Home, 9 July 3,Expense in Urilla Tubbs ease 3 16 Aug. 4,Paid Geo. Small acct..90 9,Taking Tom Harris to S. S. FIome 8 90 Postage and stationery F 70 Traveling expenses 4 75 Paid telephone and delivering dispatches 4 40 4 Leaving a balance on band Nov. 15, 189i 21 58 The following statement shows the auiount received by Keeper Brown, from sales, from Nov. 15, 189o, to Nov. 15, 1891, and which has been expended for supplies, as per Keep- er's book : k_ - ?.Hams and lard 9 87 Veal calves 1 3 63 Poultry 11 15 i 146 65 STATE OF NEW YOwK,}SS'TOMPKINS COUNTY k James S. Lyke, being duly sworn, deposes and says that the foregoing re-i ,port shows the moneys on hand Nov. i5, 1890, and all money received up to Nov. 15th, 1891, and all moneys expended during that time, and also all the products of the farm received and expended during said time, according to the best of my knowledge and belief.JAMES S. LVKE: Sworn and subscribed to before inc this 16th of November, 1891. • 3'I T. J. MCELHENY, Notary Public. The following named children have been placed in perma- nent homes, from the Orphans' Home, at this place, which from the number of inmates is a good showing ; and I would recom- a c, 4 . 142 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINCS, 1891. mend the Overseers' throughout the county to arrange with the managers for- the reception of any of this class who may come under their charge. The cost of maintainance is less than at other places, and quite a sum is saved in transportation : HAVE BEEN GIVEN PERMANENT HOMES. Maude Miller .Ithaca. George Dutton County. Urilla Tubbs Charles Tubbs Eddie Tubbs Envna Cummings . Bertie Carpenter Report of the Superintendent giving the location of those taken to asylums and homes, and v'here chargeable : Nov. 15, 189o. Thomas Falkincr,Ithaca Willard. jail. 22, 189I. Charlotte O. Miller Feb. 16,Ferdinand A. Partenheimer . 1 April 28,Lewis Snyder May 29,Ruth Ann Hurlburt June 6,Everett Boyer Caroline . . I15,Elnora Bush Ithaca . . . . . . 27,Lydia L. Linton, self-supporting July 15,Arthur L. Williattts Ulysses . Aug. 1,Albert Monroe Dryden 6,John Walker,County . 9„Mary Menzie . . . . Ulysses 13,.John G. Smith Ithaca . . . . . . 24,John C. Bovier Sept. 4,Palmer Shirley 14,Nancy Schoolcraft . . Newfield 30,Jaunett Butler . . .Ithaca 30,James Brown, private patient . Oct: Io,Charles Whipple Dryden 12,Ortha Allen "Ulysses Mary Woolever Dryden S. V Home. Bertie Carpenter . . . . . . Ithaca . . . . Ithaca Home M 4b o 0 fii 1 .1 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1591.143 t' Bertie Stinemyer Caroline . . . Ithaca Home Theodore Stinemeyer Nantes of persons who have died or have been discharged from Willard State Hospital during the year ending with Nov. 15, 1891: j i Dec. 23, 18go. George W. Evarts Died Ithaca. 8 •Feb. 19, 1891. Thomas Faikiner Discharged May 2,Melissa Mott Ulysses. p ' 'April 2,Priscilla Thompson . . . . Ithaca. June II,Fay T. Mapes Lansing. Jnly 9,DeWitt Savacool. . . . . Died 1 Newfield. 15,John W. Ryant . . . . . . Da 2 1 ,Lewis Snyder . . . . . . . Discharged Ithaca. Aug. 24, Caroline L. Tripp Dryden. Nov. 2,Arthur L. Williv'ns Ulysses. 7.James Brown, private patient, Died Ithaca. Nov. lo,Albert Monroe Discharged Dryden. l ii.DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S REPORT. 1 To the Board of Supervisors, of Tompkins County: Pursuant to the provisions of law, I make report of all fines imposed in the various Courts of Record of said county since the (late of nn' last report. P lined. Offense.1 Amount. George Van Dentark,petit larceny .15o 00 Julius Hurwit>,petit larceny 25 00 Willard Predmore,assault, 3d degree 35'00 Frank E. Cummings,violating excise law 6o 00 Jerome Towner, . .violating excise law 63 00 Henry Houser,violating exdise law a 25 00 Henry Houser,keeping gambling house .. . . . 25 00 F,.:.283 00 r' e.ti 144 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1891.1 The fires imposed upon Willard Predmore, Frank E. Cummings and Henry -1 Houser, were paid, I am informed to the Sheriff or County Clerk. Jerome Towner has paid $55.00 of the fine imposed upon him, and $8.00 remains unpaid. Julius Hurwitz has appealed from the judgment of conviction against trim, which appeal is now pending. No fines have been paid to me, nor has anything been collected by me on forfeited recognizances. All of which is respectfully submitted. Dated Nov. 21st, 1890. J. 11. JENNINGS, District Attorney. LOAN COMMISSIONER'S REPORT. ' To the Comptroller of the Stale of New York November ist, 189o, there was remaining as principal 59 Deducting therefrom the Hart Farm 1,50o 00 It would leave as interest- bearing principal 59 From November ist, 189o, to October ist, 1891, there has been paid of this principal sum, as follows : November ,5th, 189o, Harriet L. Hausuer, mortgage, No. 771 67 00 December loth, 1890, George W. McWhorter, mort- gage, No. 573 100 00 April ist, 1891, William S. Root, mortgage, No. 740 300 00 467 0o Leavingas interest- bearing principal October ist, 1391 23,076 59 From October 1st, 18go, to November ist, 189o, there has been paid of principal : Mortgage, No. 694, William Tompkins 115 00 Mortgage, No. 68o, Jacob S. Green 115 00 23o 00 s t t h Y5 A v u a w a M1i i ,SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1891.145 rDeducting this therefrom it would leave as interest- bearing principal November 1st, 1891 .e 22,846 59 Adding thereto the Hart farm 1,500 00 We have as total principal November 1st, 189!59 We charge ourselves as follows : With interest on the Interest - bearing principal Octo- her rst, 189o, $ 59 0 S Principal paid as above detailed 697 00 Interest on principal paid 10 17 Rent of Hart farm, (unpaid)7o 00 2,161 76 We credit ourselves as follows : With commission of $ • • • • • , - - •7 With rent of Hart Farm, 1890 (unpaid)70 00 With interest on the Calvin H. Genung mortgage No. 726, (in default)9 00 266 72 We credit ourselves with New York draft to 'balance 1,895 04 2,161 76 I hereby certify that the foregoing statement and report is correct. Dated November 28th, 1891. t,CORNELIUS LEARY, r„Loan, Commissioner. R .1 k RAILROAD BONDING COMMISSIONERS' AND SUPERVISORS' REPORTS. ENFIELD. e To T Jones, Esq., Supervisor of tlae Town of Enfield ri DEAR SIR : —The undersigned Bonding Commissioner for the town of Enfield; would respectfully submit to you the fol- a';lowing report : 1415 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1891. The amount of bonds issued by said town according to r chapter 907, laws of 1869, 'and exchanged for capital stock of the Pennsylvania and Sodus Bay Railroad, was twenty -five thousand dollars. Said bonds were dated March ist, 1871, and will become due March ist, 1901, with interest at seven per cent. per annum, payable semi_ annually on the first day of March and September of each year. There has been paid and cancelled of 'said bonds, eight thousand two hundred dollars ($8,200.00) leaving outstanding and unpaid sixteen thousand eight hundred dollars ($16,800.00). The aznount of interest to become due the coining year is one thousand, one hundred and seventy -six dollars ($1,176.00), and we request that you cause to be raised by tax on said town the said sum of $1,176.00 to meet said interest when it becotnes due. We have now on hand a sinkingfund,of nineteen hundred ' eighty -six dollars forty -two cents ($1,986.42) deposited in the Ithaca Savings Bank., November 16t11, 1891. W. H. AMMACK. STATE OF NEW YORK, l TOMPKINS COUNTY, f 5S ' Wm. H. Ammack, being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is Bonding Commissioner of the town of Enfield, and that he signed the above report and that it is true and correct to the best of his knowledge and belief. W. H. AMMACK. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 18th of November, 1891. F. B. AIKEN, Justice of Peace. In accordance with chapter $52 of laws of 1870, I hereby report the bonded debt of the-town of Enfield to be as - follows : SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1891.147 Amount of bonds issued to Pennsylvania and Sodus Bay Railroad 25,coo (x) Principal paid .8,2oo coo Outstanding bonds . . . .16,Soo oc:1 Sinking fund in bonds of Commissioner 1,986 42 16,Soo.00 leas 1,986.42 44,813 58 NOV.. 23, 1891. Rcsoived, the sum of $1, i j6 be assessed and levied oil the taxable property of the town of Enfield to pay interest on Railroad Bonds for year 1892. T: JONES, Supervisor. GROTON. GROTON N. Y., Nov. 14, 1891. Corydon N! Conger, Esq., Suj'ervisorof Me town of Groton DEAR SIR :— The undersigned cotntnissioner of the town of Groton, appointed under the Act passed May 18th; 1869, Laws of New York, Chapter 907, would respectfully submit the following report : That the amount of bonds issued in the aid of the Cortland Railroad, (known now as the Elmira, Cortland & Northern) amounted to the sum of $13,000. That interest, on same to become due February 1892 is 5 : that interest to become due August 1, 1592, amounts to $525.0o. That I hold a sinking fund as follows : Town bonds of the town of Groton 300 00 Mortgages on real estate in said town 925 00 148 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1891 Certificates of deposit in First National Bank, Groton 2,95o 00 Total sinking fund on hand .4,175 00 I have also cash on hand for coupons not presented 16 56 That the interest received during the year is 244 o6. Therefore I respectfully ask for an appropriation to pay interest on said bonds, February 1st, 1892, $525.00 : also to payinterestonbondsdueAugust1, 1892, $525.00 ; also to provide a sinking fund of one per cent. $15o.00. Total $1,200.00. I therefore ask that the sum of twelve hundred dollars as above, be levied and collected on the town of Groton, to be paid over to the commissioner of said town to be expended for the above purpose. D. H. MARSH, Commissioner. STATE ON NEW VORK,l TOMPKINS COUNTY, f I D. H. Marsh, being duly sworn, say that the foregoing report signed by myself as Commissioner, is a just and true report in every particular, so far as deponent has knowledge of nth facts stated, and in other respects deponent believes.it to be true. D. H. MARSH. Subscribed and sworn before me this 14th day of November, 1591. H. G. MOE, Notary Public. To the _Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County : In accordance with the laws of 187o, chapter 552, I hereby report the public debt of Groton to be as follows : Bonds issued by the Commissioners of the now E. C. & N. railroad, bearing7 per cent. interest semi - annual, pay- ment . . . . 8 00 I k iI S[JPERVISORS' PROCF.EDINGS, 1.891. 149 le Interest coming due February 1, 1892 ,5 00 Interest coming due August i, 1892 5 00 IOne per cent. for sinking fund 150 00 Y. Resolved, That at the request of the Bonding Commissioners of the town of Groton, there be levied and collected for said town the sum of one thousand two hundred dollars to he applied as follows For interest as stated I,o5o 00 For sinking fund 150 00 C. W. CONGER, Supervisor. ITHACA. We, the undersigned Commissioners of the town of Ithaca, . s /for bonds issued in aid of the Geneva and Ithaca Railroad, beg Leave to subinit their twenty -first annual report as follows : Amount of ponds issued too,000 oo The interest on said bonds falls due as follows : April 1, 18 3,5 00 October 1, 1892 3,5 00 We therefore report that there will be required to pay in- terest on said bonds for the ensuing year, the stun of seven thousand dollars and would ask that the saute be assessed and levied upon the taxable property of the town of Ithaca. We would further report that the sinking fund maintained for the purpose of extinguishing the principal of said bonds . amounts at this date to $63,o48.24, as follows : Amount at date of last report . . .559,35 04 150 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1591. Received for interest on securities on sinking fetid 3.948 30 34 Deduct interest and premium on bonds bought 5t to Deduct premium account charged hack 200 00 251 10 Amount as above stated 63,o;8 24 Above.amount is invested as follows : Town of Ithaca, 7 per cent. bonds 49,000 00 Town of Ithaca, 5 per cent. bonds 3,000 uo Lucas County, Ohio, 4F per cent. bonds 4,000 0o Schuyler County, Illinois, 5 per cent. bonds.4,000 00 A. Holden, mortgage, 5 per cent.700 00 Cash in Savings Rank 548 24 • Premium account I,Soo 00 Total 63,048 24 The present bonded debt of the town of Ithaca, for the purpose above mentioned is therefore exclusive of sinking fund 36,95 or reduction since last report of $3,697. 20. For reasons stated in last report we do not think it advis- able to raise any portion of the principal of said bonds during the ensuing year. HENRY B. LORD, 0. H. GREGORY, Commissioners. GEO. R. WILLIAMS,) jj STATE OF NEW YORK, TOMPKINS COUNTY, The undersigned being duly sworn depose and say that the within state- ment to which their names are subscribed as commissioners of the town of Ithaca and the statement of accounts therewith submitted are true and cor- rect to the best of their knowledge and belief. HENRY R. LORD, 0. H. GREGORY, GEO. R. WILLIAMS. Subscribed and sworn to this 5th day of November, [891. C. W. GAY, Notary Public. ge SUPERV.ISGRS' PROCEEDINGS, 1891.151 t d CASH ACCOUNT, 1890 -1891. Nov. ,, 1390. Cash on hand 65 i 04 Veb. 3, 1991. Interest on Holden mortgage . . .35 on March 2,Interest on Ithaca 5 per cent. holds 75 oo Interest on Ithaca 7 per cent. bonds . 3,430 00 June 12,Interest on Schuyler Co., '5 per ct. bonds too W July 6,Interest on Lucas Co., per ct. bonds 90 00 July 13, Interest on Schuyler Co., 5 per et. bonds 1000 r :Sept. 1,Interest on Ithaca 5 per cent bonds . . 75 oo Ithaca Savings Bank .43 3 4,599 34 Feb, 26, 1891. . Paid for Lucas County Bonds.. 54,051 to Balance in Savings Bank.549 24 54.599 34 INTER I.S'r ACCOUNT. 1890-i891 Leiden mortgage 535 00 Ithaca 7 per cent. bonds 3,430 00 Ithaca 5 per cent. bonds 150 00 Schuyler County 5 per cent. bonds 200 00 Lucas County 43.4 per cent. bonds 90 00 Ithaca Savings Bank .43 3 53,94 3 Accrued interest on bonds 55 10 Applied on premium account 200 00 Balance (see statement)3,697 20 53,94 3 I'a13:11U M ACCOUNT 1890 -1991. Balance (see last report)52,000 00 2,000 W Charge to sinking fund 200 00 Balance as per report 1,900 00 52,000 00 1 r 152 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1891. To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County The undersigned Commissioners of the town of Ithaca for the funding bonds issued to pay off bonds issued in aid of the Ithaca and Athens Railroad, beg leave to report as follows : Amount of 5 per cent. bonds issued -5285,000 00 Amount of 5 per cent. bonds redeemed 18o,000 00 Amount of 5 per cent. bonds outstanding 1o5,000 00 Amount of 5 per cent. bonds due March i, 1892 15,000 00 Amount of interest due March 1, 1892.2,625 00 Amount Of interest due September 1, 1892 2,250 00 5 00 We therefore request that fifteen thousand dollars to pay the principal of bonds falling due March ist, 1892, and four thousand, eight hundred and seventy -five dollars to pay interest, be levied and assessed on the taxable property of the town of Ithaca. O. H. GREGORY, LEVI KENNEY,Commissioners. JOHN C. GAUNTLETT, appeared before me this 5t11 day of October, 1881, O. H. Greg- ory, Levi Kenney and J. C. Gauntlett, Railroad Commissioners of the town of Ithaca, being duly sworn, depose and say that the above report to which they have subscribed their names is true to the best of their knowledge and belief. H. L. HINCKLEY, Notary Public NEWFIELD. To the Honorable, the Board of Supervisors of Tonipkinis County: I, the undersigned Commissioner of the town of Newfield, duly appointed under the provisions of an Act of the Legisla- if SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1891.153 ture of the State df New York, authorizing towns to subscribe to the capital stock of railroad corporations, and to issue bonds therefor, do respectfully report that it will be necessary for saidit r "' town of Newfield to raise by tax the stun of three thousand two hundred and six dollars ($ 3,206.00) to pay interest from September 1st, 1891 to September rst, [892, on bonds of said town of Newfield, to the amount of $45,800.00 issued to aid in the construction of the Pa. & S. 13. Railroad, said interest to be paid semi - annually on the first days of March and September of each year. 1 further report that we have no balance on hand. C. W. McCORN, Cmumissiouor, STATE Of NEV.' YORK, TOMPIKINS COUNTY J SS ' C. W. McCoru being duly sworn, says he is the Railroad Commissioner of the town of Newfield, N. V., and the above report is in all respects correct and true. C. W. McCORN. Sworn to before me this 1411 of November, 1891. R. HORTON, Notary Public. To the Board of Supervisors, of County: In accordance with chapter 552 of laws of 1870, 1 hereby report the public debt of Newfield to he as follows : Amount of bonds issued 552,0011 oo Amount of principal paid to November 1st, 1891 6,200 00 Balance unpaid 45,800 0o A:nount of interest due March 1st, 1892.1,60 00 Amount of interest due September 1st, 1892 1,603 00 53,206 00 15 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1891. Resolved That at the request of the Bonding Commissioners of the town t 2 b fi of Newfield there be levied and collected from the taxable property of said town the sum of three thousand two hundred and six dollars as interest on the above named bonds. R. FIORTON, Supervisor. ULVSSES. To the b'oara' of Supervisors of 1onOkins County, AC Y GENTLEMEN—The Bond Commissioner of the town of Ulysses submits the following report : The amount of bonds issued by said town of Ulysses un- der chapter 907, laws of 1869, and laws amendatory thereof, was $75,000.00, dated March 1, 1871, due March 1, 19or, with semi - annual interest at 7 per cent. per annum, payable on the first days of March and September. Amount of principal paid, $20, Soo. oo. Amount df cou- pons due and unpaid, '$84.00. There is deposited with Union Trust Co., New York, 84.00 for the payment of past due coupons. There is •a balance of $5r.00 deposited in the Banking House of I.,. J: Wheeler & Co. Trumansburg, N. Y. There remains outstanding bonds to tire' amount of 54, 200.00. Oue year's interest on $54,200 00 53,794 cu Less balance on hand 5 o0 3,743 00 As the town voted at the spring election of 1887, to discon- tinue the raising of a sinking fund, I therefore recommend that kSUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1891.155 the sum of $3,943.00 be raised by-tax assessed to said town for interest only. Dated Trummnsburg, N. V., November 2, 891. L. J. WHEELER, Bond Commissioner. I,. J. Wheeler being duly sworn, says that the preceding report is correct to the best of his knowledge and belief. L. J. WHEF,f,ER. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 211d day of November, 1891. NORMAN R. GIFFORD, Justice of the Peace. To the 13oard 1f Supervisors of Tompkins County: In accordance with Chapter 552, Laws of 187o, 1 hereby report the public debt of the town of Ulysses to be as follows : Amount of bonds issued by Bonding Commissioner March 1, 1871 475,000 00 Amount of principal paid 2(1,800 '0o Amount of principal unpaid 54,200 00 Amount of interest due March ist, 1892 1,897 cur Amount of interest due September ist 1892.1,897 00 Total anoint of indebtedness September ist, 1892 .•457,994 00 Amount of money now ill hands of Bonding Coummissioner to apply on interest 451 00 Resolved, That at the request of the Bonding Coummissioner of the town of Ulysses, there be levied and collected on the taxable property of said town the sum of three thousand seven hundred forty-three dollars (43,743.00) to pay iuterest.mu the above named bonds for the year beginning September ist 891. A. H. PIERSON, Supervisor. JUSTICES OP THE PEACE REPORTS. Reports of the Justices of the Peace of the various towns of the county, of all fines and penalties- by them collected re- spectively, during the past year : 15U SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1891. CAROLINE. c Walker Personius, reports no money received. John Cross reports no money received. R. G. H. Speed, reports no money received. John J. Peters, reports no money received. DANBS Rec'd. Pd. Co. Treas. Theron W. Slocum, reports 3 oo 3 00 DRYDEN. Wm. E. Brown, reports no money received. G. E. Dnderwood,treports no money received. H. F. Weaver, reports no money received. Geo. E. Monroe, reports no money received. A. I,. Smiley, reports 43 00 3 00 EN El EI,D. F. B. Aiken, reports no money received. S. M. Oltz, reports no money received. Wm. F. Smith, reports no money received. D. M. Searles reports no money received. GROTON. Nelson Stevens, reports no money received. Newton Baldwin reports no money received. J. M. Montfort, reports 5 00 5 00 H. S. Hopkins, reports 55 00 1,5 00 ITHACA. Jason P. Merrill, reports .13 00 13 o0 Wm. J. Totten, reports no money received. M. E. Poole, reports no money received. Raymond L. Smith, reports no money received. LANSING. Chas. Drake, reports no money received. B. M. Hagin, reports no money received. Nelson E. Lyon, reports no moneys received. S VERVISORS' P.ROCF,EDINCtS; 1891.15 NE W FIELD.' 0,A. H. Stamp, reports no moneys received. A. K. Allen, reports no moneys received. V. 11. Van Ostrand, reports no moneys received. Seymour Grover, reports no moneys received. ULYSSES. Ree'd. I'd. Co. Treas. Henry Ilutchings, reports no moneys; received.. Norman R. Gifford reports no moneys received. John N. Barker, reports no moneys received. A. P Osborn, reports 3 co 3 oo Total amounts 42 oo 42 oo Jacob \Vise, Zebulon Smiley and Jeremiah Thatcher, Jus- tices of the town of Dauby. and Frank I -i. Tarbell, a Justice of the town of Lansing, failed to report. Their attention is re- spectfully called to Chapter -404 of the Laws of 1863, as amend- ed by Chapter 341, Laws of 1864. STATE OF NEW YORK. COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE,, Albany, Oct. 31, 1891. To the Clerk of the Board rf Supervisors of Tompkins Co.: SIR : —In addition to the, State Tax of one and three- eighth mills, directed to be levied as per circular -from this office, dated Sept. 23d, amounting to $17,514.71,, the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins is hereby required to raise the sum of $501.70 for compensation of the Stenographers of the Supreme Court in the Sixth Judicial District, from Oe- sober 1 1891, to September 30, 1892, as authorized by Chapter 426, Laws of 1890. Respectfully yours, EDWARD WEMPLE, Comptroller. u 155 SUPS Et VISORS' PRUCEEl)IN(_TS. 1991. m a, w v nogenlun I ,r roo 8 0- 2 `ooo•I$$ no Xr.Z Jo alum $ 00 0 0 0 o 8 o `O ,v ct . I g.o O girt 0I : O vNr .O a -nol;EXel, a ;e2al9Xv O y° v O O M ve c0 0• O u rMot Srrvn y 0 Al - N . '.xE8 M O M[) b N P.0 O n 21d, O O e N 00 a o aalsnOXa MM- OW.01nr g .- saes ally's Jo innoluv fig 1-,. N ycq.O N t0 N 9KI.Ma o ^S .' M - 0 •- 0W P Jo ^U V - OyPMhr ca D,O 61°°113S lo} Nw 7 Et r: 'elf, mvONPrPM -r n C nu awls Jo 1t 1loul\I at) rye -t' 0 M r ro `o.S a a!° 5,3-0 v .tyv YS r 0 pvry1111x011rnro:n^ - s o vv , y - 11111103 JO nn01[I \: 0- k o Ky -4O - '1, - VI u:ti M.. MMa_ -s G to g W^I r 44 -)F MM9 M- 0' C yyrn M.O 1 M- P UKQ " o t^1Mb yO yPrrr N Lv 0 sa YES IIM0S}O IiinOInN N P-n On00 N e r x y O z Ol M Me. t.en.p re.p N y P+ F w t..., a ki aT MONyozoi 0 a ieUOSlad O 24:4-.,,9,;-,%41,•••-, Q p p w V.pug ream 'uogenlen o.36 'dc - I<o n c PPrO Zr J n L - v , t, y ' alEalgE pa ;Jal[ V y M y P M M N W 0 ' C4m d aPiM_ roa o . pOY' -' V O O C eo. 2 C..OD cc.8 0 0 a e r, c alelsa LEnds e 1C o 4.6 r' - v.; a 0°0 ct . lad Jo. anrun passassy MMN ^o - - o M o Q:' o`n `wv bOoowax slwgelod v, el O N n os 0 en t- 11' '0 a L., _ lob }o allsg luau o O rPM tn ri o v p L c flue Alladuld a8u1 r i i d ,5 y r h x orN.O y, 0' Tco ° ' yl. + °mpnlaul'a ;e ;s'i r, F Pero I o g- • s , luau Jo ante. passassv N 4 0 v y Ov I ^ 0 . 0 n M P c0 - I y v O y•o pe'I }o salav' V MA O o Pub T t\ U N ur '5,3 I cnMY)N M- ^.M- I P el- tu 4 • .0 Z.I et F ..t r L t,0 OLUOU.NL O gU F Q 1 r Y uaa ` ucai5. L.,„,, k SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1.8731_159 C a o 0 t ' C NOJ O N O pco I I O U M I O o 'tA t. c/a M v, 1-.. e2 cr$ IN7OyR ,N Lc •in N94-1 tic, • I;...C)!s oa c,o 41 o 1 yVvj N y 00 OO 8O C 2n N. O OT O0000OO8OI1.O IO O O n>Q'N N V Pry%O • a N o o n O Liao u p k1 a a F O v.! _. I 0 0 N -_tZrsFL KE.Caro wF I. O m v K 11s4) rtoa Li0., wen KF 4 a O w O v a v v V a 02.0 b . - y 'O b O eaUJD m .. '-' m W O N N O c O p OWI0.n F a.F a. L UZa _ o K c K . 8 . m Ti' "'m 'O w V rov a ' um ,. a , au ., a a c 0 v O O.o i.a L` K E- 0 O v. 0 p'a, . V 0 c v V 000 F 0020 . a . 0 ' a. O T o..: a ,N 0 mti -c O F6 K C . F o a au ova, K • ' - ' a0. • rp 0 O Fi^ -F F8 V. 028. Al N O'8 0, 5.'60 .0 N 0 O F . Tj O x a c• a m . tea .. n a' ^V o'v° a .FVv 'c a • 0 c Li m a 4 z a a Ka Li a K m y v ro a v Li o • K 1—: 1—: «• , o . W g pa., P4,-1 h K p, 0 m • t O a aco5.2 K;.,u 00 K a.. K v 0v0..O Z F., wU'0 7.-.o m'8 F ^ 0 nI ^. 4'FCJ F - ^ ,a a 0.0.2 v5 y a .y.5 • m p P. "5 I4 ce Z v .aOP n °wv' 3 ° Sronn0.vla v v u fi 7; 8 v oor.c w 3 o cz3 a w n e3 C F— v W0 k c a n F u 0 A 160 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1891. 8,8 O o b i t`'8 t0 P. • N 83 21.2 , O V N O' c0 .n 8,8'8 . 0 j. • n n % N. N M • .n0 N N Thu) o °. N I- N 0 - ' M O M00 0. . C 00 N MN'0' 0 0 N M N n M h Q. tt. N W V' O° . `n ° n t. O n O M O O N y. O , •o t- ..N N 6 V N 05 M V V)N O 8 O .GOO No O N NN4- . N N 00 O go 8,8 .. 8 8 §8§ a 6e•err h o 4i n to T T y T F 0 . v . - -'mn. . n .a R EG N . HU o . N a...... a...... 5 . G G .-6 0. .°V 0 G • • . i G'U V L F .J AU t ) a O O P 0. v m z a N . ^ u O m o w P .3yOLy0V .. o U J . • .. tit .V i . v • m . a y s m 0 - v G.=I x mv a5 yZ ' v m • c vw at, d.. U +. ' 6 . . Q m G. G m 0 v A ' T T T t-0 m 0-.0 m T n vUl v.: ? F m Lo ^nyTV E '' m •m 0 • ' .0 -va'n • a o e v0 d Z. 0.-0-a•raVIS?17. v 6_ W m a ,_ a0 , y "m0 . a -. : c ro mo a v am m m v .-_v v vG ° •pO6 at zoo • F m. = FOOV v 0 C m F" m - v or " o o .0 O?ai pn m m,y 0 )21,9 oe ,°., cm-,° ° °' Tam a m A m oo4'0 o, P.Pcotior14: 0.---,.- 0 0 ^V 0 . ' v x.am nU 8m Qv vv.c v a 'v v vu v G.GG ^v 14 al 67 3f 6000W to 0 0 Z. 00 7.0 CC0O 0o v 0 y F V Um a 5 a z a A k z y y . q SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1891.161 0 c . .88 )nMV]VV 1 in N. NMHn in W 4 n o N t o t,' 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 00 I oO. O O„ v O to N nn n O O N M .n - In o0ON W 8 n § §8 8 . 88$$ § ^- N 88888IZ8 tl t lNO ) OS .3 n Cl. O ON N ti M NNin +0 o F. 8 .. '8 .g .8 ...§ . ..8 r M.a x N. • P3 00 00 ... 0 • Q' 0n M . V N 0 . . OO 10 . 0 88S0 . n. n. 66 OP t0 t l C 0 If H H of M N-V')44 0 0 CU . ' U c' N • W T ti O p GO 0 .U c .0 0 n 0 . m TU 1 • . • A •' O F • T G O • N , E x. a .roa,. a .v•.ro u° . ' ) . cOJs0,0.0 . ' = T F. w v •:fl e .' T O . P. - _••-,,cu Fug.q C V « O4 ri uOiv PitFU b8i. ., . 0 ,1 l m 0 W o. .,0, ] 0 0 y.? v v U O n a . a .“)7 uo ctc cadf 6C WV 0.v Amy' f" ro0Mmn0.uYrvuaa.aamv Sao^ 0H t--W• 00 t4xv. WHFSvNaUF+F o vn01 e au 0 b Political , Directory, AND GUIDE TO TOWN OFFICERS. General Election : The First Tue after the first Mon- day in November; i Revised Statutes (7th Ed.) page 379. Annual Town Meeting : Last Tuesday in February. Pro- ceedings of Board of Supervisors, 1880. Annual .School Meeting in neighborhood : First Tuesday in August; Laws of 1889, Chapter 245. Annual Meeting of Board of 'Town Auditors, ,comprising the Supervisor, Town Clerk and Justices of the Peace, or any two of the said Justices: The First Thursday after the General Election, at which time all accounts • for charges and claims against their respective towns trust be presented to them for audit; r Revised Statutes (7th Ed.) page of 1840, Chapter 305. Amended, Laws of 189o, Chap. 569, fi 16o, 16r, 162. Annual meeting of the Board of Town Auditors, as above designated, to examine accounts of Town Officers : On the last Tuesday preceding the Annual Town Meeting to be held in each town ; Laws of 1863, Chapter 172. Amended, Laws 1890, Chap. 569, a r6o, 161. Annual meeting of the Supervisors of the County as a Board•of Comity Canvassers: First Tuesday succeeding the General Election : 1 Revised Statutes, (7t11 Ed.) page 39o. Annual meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the County : Immediately after the completion of the Canvass, or at such other time as they as a Board, shall fix ; 2 Revised Statutes 7th Ed.) pages 926 -931. Annual meetings of Supervisor, Town: Clerk and Assessors of each:`own, to designate the place in each election district in c• n;,:1 •i-« nag' ae s.. 1 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDT 1891.163 . 1f the Town, at which elections shall be held during the year, and o-to give notice, written or printed, to be posted in at least eight i ;public places in each district, containing•descriptions of the places so designated, and of the time of opening and closing the polls: On the first Monday in Sejiteinher in each' year, I,aws 1851, Chapter 1B7. Meeting of Supervisor, Town Clerk and Assessors•of each Town, for the purpose of making lists of Trial Jurors : On the first day of July of eadh third year after July 1st, 1878, at a i place in the town appointed by the Supervisor, or in his absence or vacancy in office by 'Powu Clerk ; or, if they fail to meet on that day, they must meet as soon thereafter as practicable: Code of.Civil Procedure, §1035. The next meeting for this purpose will be held July 1st,. 1893. County Superintendents of the Poor meet at the County i house : The first Wednesday in each month. The object of 1 these meetings is to audit bills payable from the County Poor Fund. 1 TOWN OFFICERS. Each Supervisor must execute to, and deposit with, the County Treasurer, a bond for the accounting of all school mon- eys which may come into his hands, before entering upon the duties of his office. Each Supervisor must make and deliver to the Town Clerk of his town, his bond for the faithful discharge of his official duties, and to account for all moneys coming into his hands as such Supervisor. The Trustees of School Districts shall -make a report to the School Commissioners between the 25t11 day of July and the first Tuesday of August in each year: Chapter 245, Laws 1889. The school moneys are apportioned annually by the School Commissioners, on the third Tuesday in March. 164 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1891.1 The Commissioners of Highways trust execute a bond to the Supervisor of their town within ten days after their election. Overseers of Highways must file a statement of all unwork- ed highway tax with the Supervisors of their respective towns, on or before the first day of October. The Tax Collector or Receiver shall, within eight days after receiving notice of the amount of taxes to be collected by hint, execute to the Supervisor of the town, and lodge with hint, a bond in double the amount of said taxes, to be approved by the Supervisor. The Supervisor shall, within six days there- after, file the said bond in the office of the County Clerk of this County. The Assessors must complete the Assessment Roll on or before the first clay of August, and leave a copy thereof with one of their number, and immediately thereafter cause notice thereof to be posted in three or more public places in their town or ward. When the line between two towns, wards or counties di- vides a farm or lot the saute shall be taxed, if occupied, in the town, ward or county where the occupant resides; . if unoccu- pied, each part shall be assessed the town, ward, village or . county where the same shall lie." Laws 1886, Chapter 315. The Assessors shall meet on the third Tuesday in August to review their assessments, and hear, the complaint of any per- son conceiving himself aggrieved. An affidavit to the roll by the Assessors, made prior to the third Tuesday of August, is a - uullity. The Assessors mast deliver the corrected Assessment Roll to the Town Clerk on or before the first day of September, there to remain for a period of fifteen days for public inspection, and the assessors shall forthwith give public notice by posting the saute in at least three of the most public places in the town, or by publishing the sa in one or more new'spapers publish- ed therein, that such Assessment Roll has been filially com- k? i"0p.`i SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1891.165 rA is pleted, the officer to which the same has been delivered, and r the place where the same will be open to public inspection. Said fifteen days, within which any assessment may be review- ed by certiorari, shall commence on the day 'of the first pub- lication. The Assessor cannot enter the name of a person on his Roll who became a resident after the first day of July. When the Assessors or a majority of there, shall have com- pleted their Roll, they shall severally appear before any officer of their County authorized by law to administer oaths, and shall severally make and subscribe before such officer, an oath in the following form which must be strictly followed : We the undersigned, do severally depose -and swear that we have set down in the foregoing Assessment Roll, all the real estate situate in the town (or ward as the case may be,) accord- ing to our best information ; and that, with the exception of those cases in which tlie value of said real estate has been changed by reason of proof produced before us, we have esti- mated the value of said real estate at the sums which a majority of the Assessors have decided to be the full value thereof, and also that the said Assessment Roll contains a true statement of the aggregate amount of the taxable personal estate of each and every person named in such°Rol1, over and above the amount of debts due from such persons, respectively, and excluding such stocks as are otherwise taxable, and such other propertytr as is exempt by law from taxation, at the full value thereof, according_to our best and belief." Which oath shall be written or printed on said Roll, signed by the Assessors, and certified by the officer. Laws 1885, Chapter 364, 201. The Supervisor 'mist report to the County Treasurer, on the first Tuesday in March, the amount of School moneys re- maining in his hands. Each Justice of the Peace must execute \a bond with two sureties conditioned for the payment on demand to the proper r 160 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 189E officer all moneys received by the Justice, by virtue of his office, which bond must be approved by the Supervisor of the town; and filed in the Town Clerk's office. Each Justice of the Peace shall make a report in writing, verified by oath, each year, bearing date the first day of No- vember, to the Board of Supervisors, at their animal session, in which he shall state particularly the time when, and the name of the person or persons from whom, any money has been received ; and also the amount and on what account the same was received ; also all sumps remaining due and unpaid ; and that all moneys by him received have been paid to the officer duly empowered by law to receive the same. Each Justice of the Peace must pay all moneys received by hi in for fines, within thirty days after its receipt, to the County Treasurer. Criminal Code, Section 726. Overseers of the Poor cannot furnish supplies to a County pauper to exceed the suns of ten dollars, without an order from the County Superintendent authorizing further disbursements for such purpose. Allbills payable by towns must be presented to the Town Auditing Board for audit.' All hills for supplies furnished to County paupers, n t be presented to the County Superintendent of the Poor, for audit. All bills presented to the Board of Supervisors or any Aud- iting Board, must be verified by oath, stating that the same are correct in every particular, and that no compensation has been received for the same, or any part thereof, except as therein stated. 1 „ i,./;;,. .,\.,,, ‘.;;., :„. t xE- " .` fir. • 4i M INDEX. PAG Act— Providing for holding 'town Meetings in 'fawn of Dryden . .44 ACCOUNTS —of Supervisors 82 1 ADJOURNMENT 74 Aims HousE— Chaplain for 38 Visit of Board to 24 Resolution in matter of 25, 28 , 35, 3 37 Committee to investigate matter of 39 ANNUAL SESSION OE BOARD 3 AUDITS, COUNTS 76-SI TowNs - Caroline 83 Daoby 85 Dryden .87 Enfield 90 t Groton 93 n"Ithaca . .96 Lansing.ro6 Newfield rob Ulysses rro G . BOARD OF SUPERVISORS —Hours of meeting of 8 Brr,r,s —Hours set apart for auditing 9iz BOND— County Clerk's .14 t .BUDGET— County 68 CAROLINE—Appropriation for Highways 20 Audits of 83 Added to 3 59 Tax of . . '69/ CHAM RDIAN— Election of .6 Complimentary to 73 CLERK—Election of 6 Salary of 7 In re Comptroller's report 65 Report of —On Equalization to Comptroller . . . . . . .358 Report of —On Corporations to Comptroller 159, 16o, 161 r 1.113 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, '1891.x, CLERK— Complimentary to 73 COMMUNICATIONS—Comptroller 7, 157 Cayuga County Supervisors.28 COMPTROLLER— Communication from 7, 157 COMMTTTCI!S— Regular Appointed 8 On Erroneous Assessment .10 To draft resolutions .I I To investigate claim of town of Groton 33 To investigate matter of County Alms House . . .39 COUNTY CLERK —BOIRI Of 14 Report of.126 COUNTY SHERIFF —Report of.127 COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF THE POOR— Report of 127 COUNTY TR1;ASURER— Report of 114 COUNTS' TAX,69 DA NRl'— Audits of 5 Added to .57 Tax of 70 DISTRICT ATTORNEY— Report of 143 DRvogx— Appropriation for Highways -21 Audits of 87 Added to 27 District levy 5o fax of 1 70 ENFIELD— Appropriation for Highways=19 Audits of 90 Added to •41, 48 District levy 62 Tax of 70 EouALIzATIoN— Report of Committee on 66, 68 GRAND JURORS— Apportiontnent of.11 GROTON— Appropriations for Highways 20 Audits of 93 Added to 26, 32, 40 Resolution adding to Assessment Roll 5 Tax of 71 ITIIACA Appropriations for Highways 12, 31i Audits of 1 96 . Added to 45 District levy 62 a L....‘ Y I SUPERVISORS' PROCIEEDINGS, 1891.169 S% ITIIACA— Stricken from ,59 Tax of 71 ITHACA CITY /HOSPITAL— Resolution in regard thereto.20 JAIL PHYSICIAN— Salary of IO Election of 1 17 JUSTICES OF THE PEACH; Reports of 155 Attention of called to Laws 157 LANSING. Appropriation for Highways . . ,e 12 Audits of 1o6 Added to 33, 4 Tax of . .7 MEMORIAL' TO DR. S. A. SEARRING .75 VIONROE COUNTY PENITENTIARY — Conveying prisoners to by Sheriff 72 NEtvF14trn— Appropriations for Highways o 21 Audits of 108 District levy 52 Resolution for support of poor of 61 Tax of 72 OR nERS— County and town to be countersigned 9 PETITION of Assessors of town of Ulysses 63 POLITICAL, DIRECTORY'.162 -164 PRINTING— Proceedings of the Board.22 Distribution of Printer) Proceedings 25 PRISONERS Conveyance of 72 RElOR'rs OF COMMLrrEE —On printing proceedings of Board . . . ,22 On Erroneous Assessment.. . 42, 6o To investigate the number of pauper in- 1 sane, etc .43 On Insurance 46 On U. S. Deposit Fund'and Insurance .48. Ou Charitable Institutions 53 On County Treasurer's Accounts .' . . .61 On Superintendent's Accounts 64 On Equalization and Assessment Rolls . 66, 68 RETORTS OF COUNTY OFFICIALS — County Treasurer.114 County Clerk . .r26 Sheriff.127 County,Superintendent of Poor 127 District Attorney 143 U. S. Loan Commissioner . .144 170 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1891. REPORTS —Of Clerk Board of Supervisors toy State Comptroller . . 258 -16 Of Justices of the Peace .255 Of R. R. Bonding Commissioners and Supervisors .. . Enfield 145 Groton 247 Ithaca 249 Newfield 252 Ulysses 284 RESOLUTION AGrHORI- ISG— Comtnittee on ordinary repairs, etc. .6o County Superintendent to employ Chaplain for County Alms House 18 Clerk to obtain' opinion of Attorney . General .t 9 Comity Treasurer and Supervisor of Ithaca to raise money in case of a de- ficiency in court expenses 37 RESOLUTIONS —On R. R. Commissioner's report of Ithaca 23 Ou Distribution of printed proceedings 25 In matter of County Alms House . . ... . . 25, 2S, 35, 36, 37 In matter of Insurance on County Buildings 43 On returned road tax 49 To reimburse county for money paid . . . . . .55 To reimburse county for pauper insane . . . .57 In matter of Surrogate's Clerk 59 For printing County Audits etc . . . .74 SESSION LAWS—Price for printing 22 Designation of papers to print 23, 24 SHERIFF — Allowed $35o.00 for janitor 22 Conveyance of prisoners 72 Report of 127 STATE TAY 7, 68 SUPERVISORS —Names of and Post Offices addresses 5 Of Cayuga County, communications from 28 Accounts of 82 ULYSSES— Appropriations for Highways 15 Audits of 110 Added to 32 Resolution for support of poor of 35 District levy . . . .40 Tax of . . .72 nc iy'a' i1 c I 1 l J r J v r L tl y 0. 1=11 7 i • \ k TABUBLAR STATEMENT Of the votes cast at a General Election held on the third day of November, 1891. in the several election districts of the County ofTompkins, State of New York, for Governor, for Lieutenrnt Governor. for Secretary of State, for Comptroller, for Treasurer, for ,Attorney General, for State Engineer and Surveybr, for Justice of the Supreme Court, for State Senator 26th District, for \Membero2Assembly, for County Clerk, for District Attorney, County Judge, for Superintendent of the Poor, for Justice of Sessions and for Coroner : h E'o oo o o g o o o o y a S 20 mg o. g w o e g'r m iuri wm- its_ wiv'r+ UJNr “iv.- taw.YWiJ Smm-a wanPw tv - DISTRICTS. a' n h 10 wm - o-r F3 o4oli o Whole No. of Votes,V.s : °nro,o n^ °- .4= 800= smc,^ >° O0,, BciG °p Gm- , =..',` -°t„ , r o , P "" C.- m wolq to w__ s-00,1,.. , r_,- - r5„ 5.s =o_ - Jacob Slot Fassett 0m- MSS = -ic s c F.:af': owmtvi'. S. -Sw_Es R P. Flower. Pir °M 0ia1 -, ? .00N FL 14S, ^ 'r w ° e-'7 t` AR_c3 $SaSOiitUrt-- s iisimil M,0 o w ,- 0n w 0c0 wc.r - -, oss-r- c 00°000 2wwwo<, +- amam -icrn,n o Joseph W. Bruce. s mm m -- ta-- - __,.+,., - i.-ao- atz,,- x..- c u.-.- _ - , a.-o- Daniel DeLeon. o mt tiro +t — t* ttl 0 5S _ hraFYZ,5 Whole No. of Votes.0-,- ' SM: -0 S,,.. iT. -J;o5 tt °+ i-aott . 3:.; Pa- °o Yi. c: -+- ce ra wzs -, FOP Walt?. '.$-.-,-/ to;1w mcgo; -,°'77'41 5w- i",,,= 008' - m,. -ue,w e, John W . Vrooman. G F ! tr'og or..... - o e, i?S$;S s o - 1 $E-;fl? = #in'i'.c'1oc +-2a ,"' 1_,ct William F. Sheehan o H a: '- u,o.- s- ,s-w ow0w:a_ --1 - taw4. 1m=` s: :.5a -+55o0 Vm tt.Z -,aaao George W. Ifallock. i c Gs, 0 m- - .ea,. -w - 1_000 sits, t m .- w .. , i- Pi- 1 r to Sa Frank Geyser. e cai.- w yam <w S .-ro! re m 0 cL" `b o `om GtcS m --Whole No. of Votes. a0Gm_ 3W. `: n.-o- oY:- -' c5f5 >-- rte,. -`e e 50 , S -m; ww N p w t° c Eugene F. O'Connor. °Cr ' vcima 'X ,z se. w a $mm_,.. cath # - - _- ,._ -=w.y 00 Dui'_ o a m ° c c ' e , ot t e - 4JA- e F R .A' f 2 C.'''. r. .'moo. n w 0-,000 a 0001x. °mlen m.- .- o.. womnmawm William E. } ;ootlt. i min t.- - n i_ , -tc.- an:.- t c ,- «.- 77 74 t: «. -ro ..moo, n Bennetts - mit n E at:C,] '.- ^mwwlcw'Gamireta -E; ern-aks . ° .,a,.. Sa,. ..,7 -000 _m `,wsi.4 - 8:tsc o,1 -,^ ,W- 7 ' =o =1 -, -MMus Whole No. of Votes. ii 0 e 5_ m, `„... _,,.. ,,S ,,,,,,,- 5 ogc '`S:t,1 g5a_, ":0,R ° C0E-24w - Wade' oe-a Arthur C.0 o k o 00`00°-w `J' ; _m t Frank Campbell. o isa= . - ° n -?: d. -- . '0'0.°0 i3 i..- g0wc - -.- d ° ' ' =o ov . - a_c.rc - . - ,c.oo ti 00- t_woo i7.-_,,..,, 0vw0 «0 - -, 011,7 - cwoomm a.eomo.a - iemaa William W. Smith. il isiis m -s - w - -t 4- w•o•.- ts-- 1,n -mw -• 00 Henry Vitaltus. a1 ° to . i^ - os FtEmc s - c; #w c c 5Mr _ 0 -,0 c °_ E-4 wU^' °l Whole No. of Votes, i< " c - w - c t. Ira \ T. Hed es. 3 a ,.- ..' 5.C:,a -,2 tom ° ..,._ 8 :, a_ E'cm_i r,le a - ° :, -g a g 0 mgr n ao r Elliot Danforth. ry,y--' u „ _ o Ow.. -w- - $ 0100 : 7m -m mm.,.,,. -, ,c. m'O_i -7407 i, icaa -,v. s 0 io_c. Z -,iaw 1-i0c om --, c: n- ° CdcoO7,4oc, maom0m -rww w Franbis Crawford. t+, mr. m -- m . one-- _ - m ,. stu t 0 - 7.000 - w James Withers. 0^'owo ammm <,m# - m htv i s E iLi '- o igi ' mia.ammpw,a Whole No of Votes. .Py2, ` s,.,...:,LIS ^ --I5 ....6 1tt - w,coll e$.0.--14 amw =to . - ?; - 0s , c w__ s- 7w- '2_:`. rem10 i t. ,, 2c - - 050::tIc; - -_, ,.iowa Wm. A. Sutherland. y 3 i .i ' T 3 00 - iit : = F .". o ° _nnwc. csno-,u its 30w_-t r,- y-- -7: Shnon W144 Rosendule. ; 5 mc,. cc 0 0<, --, S +-w 'wow : wc. Nmmw<._ Calvin S. Crosser. P ism is w- - 00-; _ -mw ..fm- "As' o - a - taw - m >n Henry G. Wilshire. 1 a7,774 _ morn c m a ro- «tsw r = -p ' o_an_,_ --= s ir c- iCEst,7,. _EcGsa , l_: tvx5_.: c -"' Whol No, of Votes. w w E',.,.o., .N^.,`Y7- , '.. ° <1= ._kis zo.._ c.c.- wo. si c.ETsigw -j: Ver- anek Colvin. c t C'‘c Kwp. 15-5 oy ; m -T. t =o sue c , o ' -• IMartia Schenck. def? skip -o . a -c3:: i- w i -,."., `,°...':,Wig' 7- ot °ms &9 Aa :'_,oc... iww n- o -s - --, ota - ."- z55,.mc' ao wmwNO0w0,0 Henry P. Forbes. n E ioi, m -- is -• - - -'- _" _, - .v,. t. -- o fr., _ - . - a rmm -m m -a, Charles Wilson.y a 1 swu 6 w- O#l.Ei , Mee : - _p0 Nw rc -w Wit. tciv \Vnale No. of Votes. •c 1 ate w U' Lien.4747. 0-,- .,,_ .,. .,.._.._- w7. -,..w'a, c r -,t t fYalora E. Martin. t a 700 0 - _m w -,y a' ri Celora E. Mart #u. 60 g1 ;--mNOa t ^< c_ w c _ Whole No, of Votes.c.`- b;c3 c,m - - : 0i`m mc,,.ate 81, x.Lo, _w to a. . vo a:8 k $x--- yom'a' ' ,r c, 1 ow lhamas Hunter. FO G . 3 ° _,.._ i. .--« - o' .Zr,",g' w --,max- _ c _ tryyva. _ t , p William Hulse Shaw. m D a : _ w_ ,- ; -gw ,: `i'- - g-_,a c =000 _1 ° eoiGO - . S .4 Whole No. of Votes. o zw..t„ 1O c,ffit'G @;ma m" Albert H . Pit:omit ei a 5535 c_ -w - 1 coo - c0_2 N ' wort rok,,. - w -,Charles J. Ramsey. Vi E._ T -v.i is ' m v-' ,-. ? s c_, _•10: ° oe nw -on0w a ww -, oe. 00- 1_ 000 , t- 'c'^oy'aoc- i (a `"mc,m ,-i, nwno John G. Cobb. La-- OmN ;v o,icom o_,_err i.''..- o- o08w_ ati ia7 r-sr Whole No. or Votes n T _ — o_wY mcc 1u2 -0 i -t-. -,w t8wo .._tc ?B c,0'0 0000% ocwo Leroy" H. Van Kirk. cticg0u033 " gSc m o-' -.-,n S 'L , 'wS - - _0001 r5I stets,; `t • 'Jmnes \V. Reed. pzoEt , - c 74 m m _ c _m 0n.n.ao '7"--"'''''''"8 .rs v omw.., oowo < oco 00- ,meat¢ Herman C. King. r c'VA its 1a. ; -'mw" _ 19 . _ -_-• , - - tor" ^l 'iw W ?c - i - \Thole No. of Votes. 1S w VI tzo5- 'w -3, um -.. a - t,w- erw,.,.,, e_s- Jesse H. Jennings. o .i:o -: ' 01^ : 7g iv:o,wa „`-'#5F' `ae ic1 - m `'#'r'ci', =c Er- nc7$7- ;.ui_ Win. Hazlitt Smith. p. w r--0- 0000» t-ix -m `5-1 -. -0 W'm >a, gmwo-. oa.a7-r_, t °c- ,c0 William E. Mount. uiJ E igE: °. 13 §w _ -e ! m Eo'" o _ 0§- _ 11s-° t Whole No, of Eu;Votes. Q 2 ' urS : . Y.gam is ''F. - .,..,» -m ., Ga -' of • -:.- m c a - ' : 77 `0 -7 ;Ett*AImy. F sir s -cNNgcwA " "-="'!'^- George B. Mavis. a.a= amicm &uiEO o ^.7 -"c: ,C i,: `i;m - d u. ° _„_ . o °:= '.3- - 5r- w - ' . r- 5t °` -a C. 0 x,oa oc +v c'c'w 0 - c, --s 0m•• E- = .om0c. -,xcmo William W. Hare. m a 1SJ - 26;1 m1w`Co' -'.,t,1c,a; Wit`?-- _ 3^iRe .- a-wm,e .. Whole No. of Votes. P g5_ 2.' °.. row = sc ° .1:] ooiil ` tiit0 % 8 tze .,,5#$w dames S,I, ke S.077mA o o:' Fo`v s + o . qg 1 - Bli O . Newman. woo ro „,-,. ct x.n 4c.o<o o n Hidden BIOR y = sz 1 8 e `w Y yr -w w C t g a - 8- - s -Tt V.hole No. of Votes' —ogff: „,,,0- L' co C-" a-n ° s —. = 4+750 co - . P°- Pc 16x3 ou % .- i `= `+: -. - 1 : Smtm` ? =y' -0ticiG ate- ,a- Walker V. l'orsonias0g5sa ma 301 aSOSts w . - 800_, i—t±ga V o°- 03i o° ' - _`tiiE - .b.u7. y ^- o% a, -, t.- i Albert 1C, Alien. a^.. tO, S ,w6S V -110. 500--} or-- Sm ° m Fi• ,sice go0' may «1.00000- a-ecrno George E Hanford. G o;; q,t ..±9,± u 51.5, -°- -, 1 Ko4E, E}t_w a 6 .-70 00 «w m w ii---a. - - ' SO - x ° Whole No. of Votes Tr-It mi3w -,w .- le t 1Y.-. > S i? «5= c - 1QOT - Walter H. Lockorby.Y.: r od 1 - 7w " 'Su._;,,dw o o..::c- ,m. --`,Q w 0 0- <,`" i -- Q y,0...??, a ° i - e - t . 10 ft; 'g - ' ctw ` James P. Fahey o3_i: ire i'?SzL g' wwmwwf3Ng8, -y E n o . - m o cm-T..-vet‘ emwc, ES„,_, stow.. $m c.. cc,o a0nm0- w-,wac,m Thoo,.r.Harrington. ' ' j BLANKS AND SCATTERING. -For Governor, J. S. Fassett received one vote and Flour received one vote; Blank received twovotes. For Lieutenant Governor. Blank received five votes. For Secretary of State, Blank received two. For Comptroller, Blank received one. For Treasurer, Blank received two. For Attorney General, Blank received two. For State Engineer and Surveyor, Blank received two. For Justice of the Supreme Court, Blank received fifty -five. For State Senator, Blank received fifty -five, Thomas C. Platt received one, Albert H. Plersou received one. For Member of Assembly, Ramsey received ono, Nicholas Pearson received one, and Blank received nineteen. For. County Clerk, Blank received twelve. For District Attorney. George I3. Davis received one, and Blank received thirteen. For County Judge, B. Ahuy received one, Blank received twenty -six. For Superintend-r/out of the 0. OJ. JPoor. Newman received one. Win. Newman received one, Blank received tweutS- eight-. For Justice of sessions,Blank resolved 0. Jive. For Coroner, Blank received nineteen.j The Board of County Canvassers of the County of Tompkins, having met at the Office of the Clerk of so Co t}', OIl th jQtl/ Election held on the 3rd day of November, D. 1891do thereby certify that the foregoing /. a true ta I OrOaunty ; at Cr of the votes cast at said election for the portions and officers named hereon and tor each of them,ar statement and fo JOHN lI. CONKLIN, Chairman.L. H. VAN KIRK, County clerk me sec.etarp-- STATE OF NEW YORK, f TOMPKIRS COuNTV CLERK'S OFFICE., {I thereby certify that I have compared rho foregoing with the original statement remaining on Me in this office, and that th1sameisacorrecttranscripttherefrom, and of the whole of such original. Q,. S.1 Witness my hand and official seal at Tthncn, this eleventh day of November, one thousand night hundred and ninety.T. 3. BICELHENY, Deputy Clerk.