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e Board of Supervisors
Fry i
Board of Supervisors
CHAS. C. VAN KIRK, ' - Clerk.
ITHACA, N. V.:y t
OF TOMP] I1\ti co1UTTY -7890.
The Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County having met
pursuant to call, at a special session thereof held in the Super -
visors' Room at the Court House in Ithaca; on - the loth day of
August, 1890, said call having been made for the purpose of_
considering the carrying into operation oPthe new election law,
John E. Beers, of Danby, in the chair.
On the call of the roll all of the Supervisors of the several
towns were present.
By reason of the absence from.the county of the Clerk of
the Board, A. G. Geuung was duly-,elected Clerk on motion of
Mr. Kennedy, of Dryden.
Mr. Kennedy offered the following resohhtion,. which on,
motion was adopted :
Resolved : That our County Clerk be authorized and empowered to pro -
cure the necessary tickets for the next ensuing election from some one of
our local prititers, and to buy them from such local printer as will furnish
therm for the lowest price.
On motion adjourned until 2 o'clock, P. M.
Board met pursuant to adjournment. ,
A, delegation from the Baptist Society asked permission of
the Board to build a stone wall connecting the Baptist Church
with the Court House.
The following resolution was offered by Mr. Pierson of Ulys
ses, which on motion of Mr. Kennedy was carried
Resolved : That there be levied and assessed upon the taxable propertyofTompkinsCountythesumofonehundreddollars, for the purpose of
defraying the expenses, in whole or in part, for building a stone or brick
wall at least eleven and one-half feet high, between the north wall of the
Park Baptist Church and the Court House.o
The foregoing special session was upon call signed by the
following Supervisors :
F. E. BATES,Caroline
J. E. BEERS,.Darby
J. H. KENNEDY,Dryden
D. W. BAILEY,Enfield
C. W. CONGER,I Groton
R. WOLF,Ithaca
A. G. GENDNG,Itbaea
J. H. CONKLIN,Lansing '
S. A. SEAERING,Newfield
A. H. PIERSON,Dlysse.s
On motion adjourned.
JOHN E. BEERS, Chairman.
A. G. GENUNG, Clerk.
Pursuant' to law, the Supervisors of the several towns of
Tompkins County, New York, convened in Annual Session at
the Supervisors' Rooms in the Court House at- Ithaca, in said
County, on the 12th day of November, 189o, at 2 o'clock, r.
The Board was called to order by N. Pearson, Supervisor
of the town of Ithaca, and on calling, the roll' of towns in the
county, all of the Supervisors responded to their names respec-
tively, as follows
Caroline,FRED E. BATI[S,Brooktou
Dazil>y,JOHN E. BEERS, Danby
ADryden,J. H. KENNEDY,Dryden 7
Enfield,. D. W. BAILEY,Enfield Centre '
Groton,C W CONGER,Groton
Ithaca, (Town). . N. PEARSON,Ithaca
Ithaca; (City) . . A. G. GENUNG,.Ithaca
Ithaca, (City) R. WOLF,Ithaca
Lansing,JOHN II. CONKLIN, . . .. N. Lansing
Newfield,8 A.Newfield
Ulysses,A H. PIERSON, Truumnsburgl
On motion, Mr. Kennedy, of Dryden, was unanimously
elected temporary chairman.
1 e
On notion, Mr. Genung of Ithaca was unanimously elected
teniporary clerk.
On motion • of Mr. Beers, the Board proceeded to an in-
formal ballot for chairman.
The chair appointed Messrs. Beers and Wolf, tellers.
The informal ballot resulted follows: Whole number of
votes cast r 1 ; of which
I. E. Beers received
A. H. Pierson received.2
N. Pearson received 2
5. A. Seabring received 4
C. \V. Conger received
J. H. Kennedy received
On motion, the Board proceeded to a formal ballot, which
resulted as follows : Whole number of votes cast 11 ; of which
J. H. Kennedy received
S. A. Seabring received 3
N. Pearson received i
On inotion, the election of N. Pearson, to the chairman-
ship, was made unanimous.
y On motion, the Board proceeded to an informal ballot for
The informal ballot resulted as follows : Whole number of
votes cast 11 ; of which
Irving D. Lee received 5
Chas. C. VanKirk received. 6
On motion, Chas. C: V anKirk' was declared elected Clerk of
this Board for the year i89o.
On motion, adjourned to Nov. 13, 189o, at ro o'clock, A. M.
SUPERVISORS' PltocEEmNos, 1890.9
The Board met pursuant to adjournment.
Roll call. Quorum present.
Minutes of preceding meeting read and approved.
The chair announced the following :
Constables' Accounts,
Genung, Bailey, Pierson.
Clerks' and Justices' Accounts,; "
Conklin, Wolf, Conger.
Treasurer's Accounts, '
Seabring, Genung, Beers.
Sheriff's and judge's Accounts,
Bailey, Seabring, Kennedy.
Equalization and Assessment Rolls,
Wolf, Conklin, Bates, Pierson, Kennedy.
Superintendent's Accounts and Count' Buildings,
Beers, Wolf, Bailey.
Kennedy, Conklin, Conger.
United Slates Deposit ,Fund and Insurance,
Pierson, Seabring, Beers.
Printing and Printers' Accounts,
Batas, Conger, Genung.
State Charitable Institutions,
Conger, Seabring, Bates.
A communication, in which was incorporated certain reso-
lutions, was received from a Special Committeeof the Board of
Supervisors of Chatauqua County: On motion, the saute was
ordered placed on file.
Mr. Beers offered thel following resolution, which on motion
of Mr. Kennedy was adopted :
Resolved, That the sessions of this Board commence at 9 A. M., and 2
Mr. Kennedy offered the following resolution, which on
notion of Mr. Beers was adopted :
Resolved, That the salary of the Clerk of this Board be fixed at the
sum of -one hundred and fifty dollars.
Mr. Pierson offered the following resolution, which on mo-
tion of Mr. Conger was adopted :
Resolved, That a11. county orders issued by this Board shall be counter-
signed by the Chairman ; and all town orders by the Supervisors of the
several towns, and that no order shall be issued until the adjournment of
this Board.
The following comninnicatiou from the State Comptroller
as read by the Clerk, and ordered spread upon the minutes :
t '
Ar.MANV, , Novinls.R 1st, 1890.
7b the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors:
Sna•: In addition to 'the State Tax of 2 34 -too mills, directed to be
levied as per circular from this office, dated September 3oth, amounting to 1
3 the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins is hereby
required to raise the sum of $472.79 for compensation of the Stenographers
of the Supreme Court in the 6th Judicial District, from October 1, 189o, to
September 30, 1891, as authorized by Chapter 426, Laws of 189o, and Chap-
ter 159, Laws of 1885.
Respectfully yours,
EDWARD WEMPLE, Comptroller.
The following coinmunication from the State Comptroller,
was read by the Clerk and ordered spread upon the minutes:
ALIIANV, S1 TIIDn {$R 30, 1890.
To the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins:
SIR :—I enclose a form of statenfent of the valuation of Real and
Personal Estate required to be made by you, pursuant to Chapter 117 of the
Laws of 1836, and forwarded to this office to the second Monday in
December in each year, under a penalty of fifty dollars. R I also enclose a
fornt,of Return of Incorporated Companies liable to taxation. It is indis-
pensable that this Report be furnished by the time prescribed.r
The Board of Equalization of Taxes, in pursuance of Chapter 312 of the
Laws of 1859, have fixed the aggregate valuation of property in your Countyatthestunof $ upon which amount a State tax of 532,722.43
must be levied for the fiscal year, commencing October 1st, 1890, as pro-
vidcd in said act and aneudments'8tereto by Chapter 35 Laws of 1874,
being 2 34 -100 mills 011 the dollar, for the following purposes, viz :
For Schools l4 100 mill, per Chapter 544,Laws of 189o.For General Purposes. 7 -10 554.1890.
I ^or 6-to 122; 266 and 554, r89oTotals234 -roo mills.
Your obedient servant,
EDWARD WEMPLP, Comptroller:
P. S. —The riou- resident Taxes credited to your County for 1889, amount
h1 $
The following resolution was offered, by Mr. Bailey, and on
motion of Mr: Beers was adopted :
1 t
Resolved, That all resolutions presented to this Board be in writingunlessotherwiseorderedbytheBoard.I
On motion, adjourned. 1 j
Mr. Beers of Danby, in the chair.
Roll call. Quorum present.
Mr.. Conger presented the report of G. M. Beckwith,
Coroner, which was received and placed on. file.
Mr. Pierson offered the following resolution, which on
Motion of Mr. Bates was adopted:
Resolved, That the salary of jail physician he, and the some is hereby
fixed at the suet of $5o for the year 1891.
Mr. Seabring offered the following resolution, which on
notion of Mr. Kennedy was adopted :
Resolved, That the manlier of Grand Jurors be the same, and ap-
portioned among the several towns of the County in the same ratio as in the
year 1859.
Mr. Bates offered the following resolution, which on ulo-
Lion of Mr. Kennedy was adopted :
Resolved, That the price for printing the session laws for the year 1891,
be fixed at twenty cents per folio, and that no local laws except those ap-
plicable to this County shall be paid for.
In pursuance of Chapter 625 of the Lawsof 1887, the fol-
lowing designation of papers to publish the session law's was
uiade :
To the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors:
In pursuance of Chapter 625 of the Laws of 1857, we, the undersigned
Republican members of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, do
hereby designate the Ithaca Weekly Journal to publish the session laws'for
the ensuing year.
Nov. pith, 1890.FRED E. BATES,
To the Clerk of the'Board of Sufiervisors
In pursuance of Chapter 625 of the Laws of 18371 /we, the undersigned
Democratic members of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, do '
hereby designate the Ithaca Democrat to priblish the laws for the
ensuing year.
Nov. 43th. [89o.REINHOLI) WOLF,
On motion adjourned.
twain DAY.
Roll call. • Quorum present.
Minutes of previous meeting read and approved.
Mr. Beers moved the Board proceed to ballot for jail phy-
sician. Motion seconded by Mr. Bates, and carried.
The Board then proceeded to an informal ballot for jail
physician, which resulted as follows : Whole number of ballots'
cast 9 ; of which
Dr. J. W. Brown received 4
Dr. R. L. Smith r e cei v ed . . . . . . .
Dr. J. A. Lewis received •
On notion, the Board proceeded to a formal ballot for -jail
physician, which resulted as follows : Whole nlunber of ballots
east 11 ; of which
Dr. R. L. Smith received.6
Dr. J. W. Brown received 5
Dr. R. L. Smith was declared elected jail physician for the
ensuing year.
Mr. Beers offered the following resolution, which on motion
of Mr. Kennedy was adopted :
Resolved, That the Supervisor of Danby be empowered to levy a tax
on the taxable property of said town, of two hundred and fifty dollars for
maintenance of roads and bridge.
Mr. Pierson offered the following resolution, which on mo-
tion of Mr. Bates was adopted :
Whereas, The contract now in force between the Counties of Tompkins
and Monroe for the keeping and maintenance of prisoners committed from
Tompkins County for a tern of 6o days or more, will expire on Jan. ist,
1891. Therefore be it
Resolved, That the Chairman of this Board appoint a committee to
visit the Superintendent of the Monroe County Penitentiary, and ascertain
on what terms a contract can be renewed with said County, for a period of
one or more years.
The Chair appointed as such Committee, Messrs. Pierson of
Ulysses, and Wolf of Ithaca.
On motion, the above committee were authorized to make
such contract as deemed advisable.
Mr. Kennedy offered the following resolution, which on
motion of Mr. Bates was adopted :
Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board he instructed to petition our
Member of Assembly and our State Senator to use their best endeavors to
have the statute known as Chapter 493 of the Saws of 1890 repealed. h
Mr. Kennedy offered the following resolution, which 'on
motion was adopted :
Resolved, That when this Board adjourns it be to Monday morning at
the usual time.
Su PEIts PROGEF,DINGs, 1890.1n
Mr. Bailey offered the following resolution, which on nlo-
tion of Mr, Kennedy was adopted :
Resolved, That the Supervisor of Enfield be authorized to raise in the
town of ,Enfield two hundred and fifty (250.00) dollars for the purpose of
maintaining roads and bridges in said town of Enfield for the ensuing year.
Mr. Bates offered the following resolution :
Resolved, That the chairman appoint a comutittee of two to visit the
printing houses of this city and receive proposals for printing the reports of
this Board.
Mr. Beers moved to amend by referring to the committee on
printing with power. Amendment accepted by Mr: Rates.
Resolution adopted as amended.
Mr. Genung offered the following resolution, which was
adopted on motion of Mr. Kennedy:
Resolved, That there be levied upon the taxable property of the town
of Ithaca the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars, for the repairs of high-
ways and bridges, as allowed by statute.
Mr. Pierson offered the following resolution, which on •mo-
tion of Mr. -Beers was adopted :
Resolved, That during the present session of this Board, the hours
from II' to 12 A. sr., and from 3 to 4 P. ns., he set apart fer the •reports of
The chairman being obliged to absent himself, at this time,
Mr. Pierson of Ulysses, was called to the chair.
Mr. Genirng, chairman of the committee on constables'
claims, reported the following bill, which on motion of Mr.
Beers, was audited by. the Board :
Bill nutnber4.
On notion, Board adjourned' to Monday, November 17,
1890, at 9 o'clock A. M.
MONDAY, - NOVEMBER 17, 1890.
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
Roll call. Quorum present.
Minutes of previous day read and approved.
Mr. Pearson of Ithaca, filed the reports of Raymond L.
Smith and William J. Totten, Justices of the Peace of the town
of Ithaca.
Mr. Conger of Groton, filed the reports of L. T. White and
G. M. Beckwith, Coroners.
Mr. Conger offered the following resolution, which on mo-
tion of Mr. Kennedy was adopted :
Resolved, That there be assessed upon the taxable property of the
o „
town of Grotou the sum of 4250.00 to be applied by the commissioners of
highways for maintaining highways and bridges of said town.
Communications from the State Asylum for the Insane at
Auburn, N. Y., and the State Commission in\Lunacy at Albany,
N. Y., were read by the clerk, and ordered placed on file.
Mr. Bailey of Enfield, filed the reports of J. M. Canning, F.
B. Aiken, D. M. Searles and S. M. Olt; Justices of the Peace
of the town of Enfield.
Mr. Genung offered the following resolution, which on mo-
tion of Mr. Wolf was adopted
Whereas, , It is the duty of'our sheriff to notify constables to be in at-
tendance at the Court House during our Courts:
lq •
Resolver(, That the sheriff be requested to -notify only so many con-
stables to attend the courts of the county as are actually needed, and that
said constables when notified to attend the Courts shall be'required to
spend their time at the Court House while Court is,in session.
On motion adjourned. ,
Roll call. Quorum present.
Chairman Pearson being in attendance upon a meeting of
the Town Board, Mr. Kennedy of Dryden, was called tgthe chair.
Mr. Conger filed the reports of Newton Baldwin, N.
Stevens, J. M. Montfort and H. S. Hopkins, Justices of the
Peace of the, town of Groton.
Mr. Conklin filed the reports of 13. M. Hagin; Charles
Drake, Frank H. Tarbell and Nelson E. Lyon, Justices of the
Peace of the town of Lansing.
Mr. Bailey offered the following resolution, which on mo
tion of Mr. Beers was adopted :
Resolved, That when a member of this -Board desires to address the
chair Ile shall arise in his place and address the chair according to the rules
governing t'hc. Board of Supervisors.
Mr. Pierson offered the following resolution, which on mo-
tion of Mr. Wolf was adopted : - -
Resolved, That at the request of the County Superintendent of the '
Poor. this Board, as a committee of the whole, visit the County Alms House
of Thursday, Nov_ aotli.
Mr. Bailey moved that the chair appoint a committee to pro-
cure means of conveyance for the members of the Board to the
County Alms House. Motion carried.
18 SuPElri'180it5 PROCEEDINGS, 1800.
The chair appointed as such committee Messrs. Bailey,
Hates and Conklin.
Air. Genung, clmirman of the committee on constables'
accounts, reported the following bills, which upon the motion of _
Mr. Beers were allowed and audited as reported :
Numbers 8, 63, 103, SS, 82, 79, 76.
Mr. Conklin, 'chairman of the committee on clerk's and
justices' accounts, reported the- following bills, which upon the
motion of Mr. Pierson were allowed and audited as reported :
Numbers 5, 49, 54.
Mr. ,Bates stated that a delegation from the town of Danby
desired to appear before the Board on Tuesday, November 18,
i89o, at '2 o'clock, r. sr. The chair requested that a fitil at-
tendance he had at the time specified.
Mr. Pierson filed the reports of J. R. Emory, henry Ilutch-
ings. A. P. Osborn and John N. Barker, Justices of the Peace of
the town of Ulysses.
Mr. Bates filed the reports of John J. Peters, R. G. H.
Speed, W. fir. Personius and John Cross,, Justices of the Peace of
the town of Caroline.
Mr. Bates offered the following resolution, which on motion
of Mr. Beers was adopted :
Resolved, That the County Treasurer elect be required to give bonds in
the amount of two hundred thousand dollars.
Mr. Conklin offered the following resolution, which on mo-
tion of 'Mr. Conger was adopted :
Resofz'ed, - That the amount of trvo hundred and fifty dollars ($25o) he
levied and collected upon the taxable property of the town of Lansing for
the repairs of roads and bridges, as allowed by statute.
SUPERVIsom' Plioesn9HN0s, 1890.19
On motion of Mr. Bates the matter of County Treasurer's
bond was laid upon the table until Tuesday morning at io
On motion adjourned.
Roll call. Quorum present.
Minutes of previous day read and approved.
On motion of Mr: Kennedy the clerk was ordered to print a
compilation of the reports of the several Justices of the Peace -of
the county, with the proceedings of the Board. I
Mr. Conklin asked the privilege of recalling the following
bills for further examination, which request was granted on
l `inotion of Mr: Beers:
Numbers 5, 49, 64.
A 'communication from Willard Asyluni, stating that '
Thomas Faulkner of the town Of Ithaca had been received at
that institution, was read by the clerk and. ordered placed on
A communication, signed by the President and Secretary of
the T. C. V. committee, was read by the clerk and ordered
placed on file.
On motion of Mr. Kennedy the matter of the County
Treasurer's bond was taken up and the required amount thereof
fixed at $zoo,000.
Mr. Pierson offered the following resolution, which on mo-
tion of Mr. Kennedy was adopted :
Resolved, That in accordance with a resolution adopted by the Town
Board of the "town of Ulvsscs on November 8th, 1890, there be levied and
assessed upon the taxable property of the following road districts in said
town : Numbers 3o, 4 26, 33, 65, 11 , 4 6 , 39, 24, 18, 15, 45, 7, 54, 1, 12 ,
35, 4 4, 23, 5, 8, 62, 21, 17, 5 9, 7 22 , 28 , 25, 53, t0, 26, 14, 49, 57, 43,
the sum of four hundred and ninety -four dollars and seventy -five cents
494.75) ; the same to be applied by the Commissioner of Highways of •
said town, in payment of notes given for road machines purchased in the
above named districts.
Mr. Kennedy filed the reports of E. F. Weaver, A. S.
Smiley, Geo. E. Monroe, Win. E. Brown and G. E. Underwood, •
Justices of the Peace of the town of Dryden.
Mr. Beers presented the petition of Samuel True of the
town of Danby, which was received; and, on motion of Mr.
Kennedy, ordered referred to the committee on erroneous assess-
ments when appointed.
On motion of Mr. Beers, the chair appointed as a commit-
tee on , erroneous assessments : Messrs. Seabring, Bailey and
Mr. Seabring filed the reports of the Supervisor and of the.
railroad commissioners of the town of Newfield.
On motion of Mr. Pierson the same were received and
ordered printed with the reports.
The following resolutions were offered by the committee on
printing and printers' accounts :
To the Board of Supervisors.-
Your committee appointed on printing respectfully report we have
received proposals to print the reports•of this Board, (5,00o) five thousagd
copies same paper, style and type used last year. And whereas the Ithaca
Journal's pi is as low as any received. Therefore
Resolved, That the Ithaca Journal be authorized to print five thousand
copies same as per specification, at two dollars and twenty -five cents per
page. To be completed and ready for distribution by Jan. to, 1891.
Whereas, The committee appointed to obtain proposals for printing the
proceedings of this Board, have received bids for the same, and as the bid
of the Ithaca Deiocrat is as low as any, $2.25 a page.
Resolved, That the Ithaca Democrat be authorized to publish (s,000)
five thousand copies of the proceedings of this Board, provided that the
same shall be done in the saiue form, type and quality of paper as in 1889.
The same to be complete and ready for distribution on or before January
loth, 1891, and be allowed $2.25 a page.
Mr. Seabring moved the adoption of the minority report.
Mr. Pierson moved the adoption of the majority report.
Motion seconded by Mr. Conger.
Mr. Wolf seconded the Motion of Mr. Seabring.
Mr. Beers called for the ayes and noes.
The vote upon the adoption of the majority report resulted
as follows :
Ayes : Bates, Beers," Kennedy, Conger, Pierson -5.
Noes : Bailey, Genung, Wolf, Conklin, Seabring, Chairman
Pearson -6.
Motion lost.
The vote upon the adoption of the minority report resulted
as follows :
Ayes: Bailey, Genung, Wolf, Conklin, Seabring, Chairman
Pearson -6
22 SUPETtVro:tts' PROCEEDINGS, 1890.
Noes : Bates, Beers, Kennedy, Conger, Pierson -5.
Motion carried.
The contract for printing the proceedings of the Board was
declared awarded to the Ithaca Democrat.
Mr. Kennedy, chairman of the committee on county claims,
reported the following bills, which on motion of Mr. Beers were
allowed and audited as reported
Numbers 67, 66, 68, 59, 65, 62, 61, 60, 5 5 54, 5 5 4 43, 45, 44,
93, 43,. roo, 96, 101, 99, 39, 9 22 , 97, 9 47, 33, 3 35, 18, 2, 7, 17, 9, 24.
A. B. Dale, one of the assessors of the town of Ithaca, 'ap-
peared before the Board and made certain statements in regard
to erroneous assessments in said town.
On motion adjourned,
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
Roll call. All present.
Mr. Bates moved that the regular business of the Board be
laid aside, and attention be given •to the delegation from the
town of Danby. Carried.
M1' Denman and Mr. Graves of the town of Danby, ap-
peared before the Board and presented a memorial, asking that i
What is known as the "Coddington District" in the town of
Danby, be set off and made a part'of'the town of Caroline, for
the convenience of the taxpayers and inhabitants of said dis-
trict, said memorial. being signed,by 26 voters of the district, of
whom zo were freeholders.
On motion;of Mr. Pierson the memorial was received by the
Sumutvzsois' PROCEEDINGS, 1890.23
Board and laid upon the table until Tuesday, November 25th,
189o, at 2 o'clock, n. nt.
Mr. Bates, chairman of the committee on printing, asked to-
have the action of the Board rescinded as to the printing of the
proceedings, stating that the report of the committee was made
under a misapprehension.
Mr. Pierson moved to rescind the action of the Board here-
tofore taken in regard to printing of the proceedings. Seconded
by Mr. Beers.
Mr. Bailey raised the point of order that Mr.'Pierson had
voted with the minority upon 'such action.
The chair sustained the point of order raised by Mr. Bailey.
Mr. Seabring moved to rescind the action of the Board
awarding the contract for printing the proceedings of the Board
to the Ithaca Democrat. Motion seconded.
The ayes and nays being called for the vote resulted as fol-
lows :
Ayes: Messrs. Bates, Beers, Kennedy, Conger, Genung,
Pierson -6.
Noes : Messrs. Bailey, Wolf, Conklin, Seabring-4.
Motion carried.
Mr. Genung moved to make• the matter of printing the
proceedings of the Board the order of business for Io o'clock
Wednesday morning, provided all members. were present. Car -'
Mr. Bailey called to the chair:
Mr. Conklin chairman of the committee on clerk's and
justices' accounts, reported the following bills, which on motion
of Mr. Conger were ordered allowed and audited as reported :
Numbers 7 73, 10, 71, 70, 11, 102.
Mr. Genung, chairman of the committee on constables' ac-
counts, reported the following bill, which on motion of Mr.
Kennedy was allowed and audited as reported :
c. Number 13.
On motion of Mr. Beers, the Clerk *as directed to order
printed 500 blanks for the use of the Superintendent of the Poor,
On motion adjourned.
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
Roll call. Quorum present.
Mr. Wolf filed the reports of M. N. Tompkins and J.. P.
Merrill, Justices of the Peace of the town of Ithaca.
Mr. Wolf offered the following resolution, which on motion
of Mr. Bailey was adopted :
Resolved, That the Ithaca Democrat be authorized to publish 5,000
copies of the ,proceedings of this Board, provided that the same shall he
done in the same form, type and quality of paper as in 1889. The same to
be complete and ready for distribution on or before January loth, 189', and
he allowed $2.25 per page.
Mr. Conklin called for the ayes and noes upon the resolution
of Mr. Wolf.
Mr. Kennedy moved that the committee upon printing be
allowed to make a new report. Motion seconded by Mr..
Mi Seabring called for the ayes and noes.
The vote upon the motion of Mr. Kennedy, resulted as fol-
lows :
Ayes : Messrs. Bates, Beers, Conger, Kennedy, Pierson -5.
Noes : Messrs. Bailey, - Genung, Wolf, Conklin, Seabring,
Chairman Pearson -6.
Motion lost.
Mr. Conklin called for the original motion.
The vote upon the original resolution of Mr. Wolf resulted
as follows :
Ayes : Messrs. Bailey, Genung, Wolf, Conklin, Seabring,
Chairman Pearson -6.
Noes:- .Messrs. Bates, Beers, Kennedy, Conger, Pierson -5.
Motion carried.
The contract for printing the proceedings of the Board was
declared awarded to the Ithaca Democrat.
Mr. Conger of Groton, called to the chair.
On motion adjourned.
Roll call. Quorum present.
On motion,' resolved, .that when the Board, adjourns on
Friday afternoon it be t6 Monday morning, November 24th,
189o, at ro o'clock.
i,ir: Pierson offered the following resolutions, which upon
motion of Mr. Kennedy.were adopted :
Resolved, That there be levied and collected upon the taxable property
of the town of Ulysses, the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars ($25o.00)
for the repairs of roads and bridges in said town, as allowed by statute.
Resolved, That the amount of one- thousand dollars ($c000.00) be
levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the town' of Ulysses, for
o the purpose of building iron bridge near Perry City, and repairing other
bridges. This amount having•been appropriated at the annual town meet-
ing held in said town in February, 189d..
Mr. Conger offered the following resolutions, heretofore
read; signed by the Town Board of Groton, which on mo-
tion of Mr. Kennedy were received and ordered spread upon the
minutes :
The following is a copy of the list of resolutions and appropriations as
passed by the Board of audits for the town of Groton, State of New .York.
Nov. 6, 189o:
Resolved, That we as a Board of town audits of the town of Groton,
Tompkins Co., N. Y., .do hereby authorize C. W. Conger, Supervisor of
said town, to appropriate the sum of $148.18, surplus now in his hands to
pay for the town lockup.
Nov. 6, 189o.
Motion made and carried to appropriate the.suun of Poo for the Grand
Army Post of McLean, N. Y., same to be raised by tax.
Moved and carried to appropriate the sum of $200.00 to repair roads
and bridges of said town. Saone to be collected by taxes from the town of
Groton, N. Y.
1 0
Bridges specified : One on Baker Ave.; one by John Walpool, one by
Lavern Teeter, one by James Morris.e
C. W. CONGER, Supervisor.o
H. 8. HOPKINS,11} justices.NN:W BALDWIN,
1 . • 'W. M. AvEity, Clerk.
Mr\Conger offered the following resolution, which on mo-
Lion of Mr. Kennedy was adopted :
Resolved, That the following bills numbers 9 97, 9 99, 100
102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, he added to the town ,audits
of the town of Groton.. Amount, $"118.01.
Mr. Wolf presented the report of the Railroad Commission-
ers of the town of Ithaca, which on motion of •Mr. Bailey was
received and ordered printed with the reports:
Mr. Kennedy offered the following resolution, which on
notion of Mr. Pierson was adopted :
Resolved, That the sum of eleven hundred fifty -five and, 12 -100 dol-
lars be levied and collected upon the taxable property of the town of
Dryden;'for the repair of highways and bridges in-accordance with reso1n-
Lions passed by the town board of said town and audited Nov. 6, 189o.
Mr. Kennedy offered the following resolution, which on
notion of Mr. Pierson was adopted :
Resolved, That the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars•be levied and
collected upon the taxable property of the town of Dryden as allowed by
statute for highways and bridges.
Mr. Kennedy offered the following resolution, which on
motion of Mr. Bates was adopted :
Resolved, That • the • sum of (,$9o.00) ninety dollars be Levied and
collected upon the taxable property of the town of Dryden to pay for head-
stones furnished for indigent deceased soldiers.
Mr. IKennedy offered the following resolution, which on
motion of Mr. Bates was adopted': •
Resolved, That the sum of thirty -five dollars be levied and collected
upon the taxable property of the town of Dryden to pay for burial of
deceased soldiers.
Mr, Kennedy offered the following resolution, which' on
motion of Mr. Pierson was adopted :
Resolved, That the sum of three hundred and twenty -five dollars be
levied and 'collected upon the taxable property of the town of Dryden for
the support of the poor of said. town.
Mr. Kennedy, chairman of the committee on County Claims,
reported the following bills, which, on motion of Mr. Pierson,
were allowed and audited as reported :
Numbers ro5, 28, 33, 26, 16, rob, - roy, am, 109, 55.
Mr. Conklin, chairman of the committee on, clerk's and
justices' accounts, reported the following bills, which, on mo-
tion of Mr. Kennedy, were allowed and audited as reported :
Numbers 89, 113.
Mr. Genung, chairman of the committee on constables' ac-
eounts, reported the following bills, which, on motion of Mr,
Conger, were allowed and audited as reported :
Numbers 84, 95.
Mr. Conger offered, the following resolution, which on motion
of Mr. Wolf was adopted :
Resolved, That the sum of seventy -five dollars be'levied and c
upon the taxable property of the town of Groton to pay for headstones of
deceased soldiers.
On motion adjourned.
Board met pursuant to adjourhment.
Rbll call. Quorum present.
o •
Mihutes_of previous day read and approved.
On motion of Mr. Bailey, of E,,nfield, the Board took a
recess to reconvene at the County Alms House 12 o'clock, M.
Board met at the County Alms House at 12 o'clock, M.
Superintendent Jas. S. Eyke and Keeper Enos E. Brown, were
found in waiting, and proceeded to receive the Board in due
and ancient form.
The members of the Board discussed the condition of the
house and out - buildings, while the committee were 'examining
the books and accounts of the Superintendent.
After partaking of an elaborate dinner, the Superintendent
conducted. the Board through the various apartments of the
house, and an opportunity was had of seeing the inmates at
dinner, which 'appeared to be. substantial in character and plen-
tiful in 'quantity. It was the opinion of the Board that the
Superintendent and Keeper slake the utmost of the facilities af-
forded them.
After a thorough inspection of the house and Hospital, a
committee made an examination of the barns and out - buildings,
which were found to b neat and attractive in appearance, well
Painted and cared ;for,, while an abundance of suitable fodder
gave assurance that the sleek stock would be well provided for1
during the coming winter.
30 SUPERVISORS' PuocEEnINes, 1890.
On motion adjourned to meet at the Supervisors' Room Fri-
day, November zest, 189o, at 10, A. 11.
FRIDAY, NoVEMBER\2 1, 1890.
Board met pursuant to 'adjournment. •
Roll call, Quorum present.
Minutes of previous day read and approved.
Mr. Seabring offered the following resolution, which on
motion of Mr. Pierson, was adopted :
Resolved, That the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars be levied and
collected against the taxable property of the town of Newfield for the re-
pair of highways and bridges.
Mr. Pierson offered the following resolution, which on mo-
tion of Mr. Seabring • was adopted :
Resolved, That the County Superintendent of Poor be authorized to
employ a Chaplain for the County Alms p}ouse for the year beginning Jan.
rst, 189r, at a s not exceeding; fifty dollars ; the same to be paid by an
order drawn by the Superintendent upon the County Treasurer.
Mr. Pierson, of Ulysses, presented a communication from
the Monroe County Penitentiary, and stated to the Board that
the committee heretofore appointed would report on Monday,
November 24th.
Mr.' Kennedy, chairman of the committee on county claims
reported the following bills, which on motion of Mr. Wolf were
allowed and audited as reported :
Numbers 34, 115, 57, 29, 20, 14, 25.
Mr: Bailey moved as an amendment to the resolution of Mr.
Kennedy that the Board adjourn to Monday, November 24th,
189o, at 10 o'clock, A. M.
Mr. Kennedy accepted the amendment.e
Motion carried.
An adjournment was ordered accordingly.
Roll,call. Quorum present.
Minutes of previous day read and approved.
The forenoon was consumed in committee work.
On motion adjourned.
Roll call. Quorum present.
Mr. Bates offered the following resolutions, which on vac-
tion of Mr. Kennedy, were adopted, the amounts therein set
forth ordered levied and assessed, and added to the audits of the
town of Caroline :
Resolved, That the sum of p5.15 be assessed against the taxable
property of the town of Caroline to pay bill of. Booth &, Williams for
relief of Hiram Freer.
Resolved, That the sum of six dollars he levied and collected against
the taxable property of the town of Caroline to pay the amount allowed on
Dr. Dixon's bill relief of Hiram Freer.
Resolved, That the following bills be added to the town audits of the
town of Caroline.
F. A. Snow, Excise Commissioner 3.00
Francis Earsley, Assessor 34.00
Mr. "Seabring offered the following resolution, which on
motion of Mr. Kennedy was adopted :
Resolved, That the sum of $35, be levied and assessed against the tax-
able property of the town of Newfield for the payment of the expenses of
the burial of Amasa Ganung, a deceased soldier.
Mr., Kennedy, chairman of the committee county claims,
reported the following bills, which on motion of Mr. Bates were
allowed and audited as reported :
Numbers 53, 4r, I18, 92, 21, 116, 40, 112, 90, 42.1
Mr. Bates, chairman of the committee on printing, reported
the following bills which on motion of Mr. Kennedy, were al-
lowed and audited as reported :
Numbers 23, 3o.
Mr. Genung,.chairnlml of the committee on constables; re-
ported the following bills, which on motion of Mr. Seahring were
allowed and audited as reported :
Numbers So, 77. 85, 130 ,74, 125. 7 87, 94, 117, 75.
Mr. Conklin, chairman of the committee on_ clerk's and -jus-
tices' accounts, reported the following bills, which n motion of
Mr. Bates were audited and'allowed as reported :
Numbers 124, 126, 128, 129.
On motion adjourned.
SUPERLVIeolts' - PROCEEDINGS, 1.89(1.33
r TII$9DAY, NOV $MB$R, 25, 1890.
Roll call. Quorum present.
Minutes of previous day read and approved.
An informal discussion was had in reference to extending
an invitation to the board. of supervisors of Cayuga county to
visit Ithaca as guests of this board.
Mr. Beers moved that a committee of three be appointed by
the chair to extend an invitation to the board of supervisors of
Cayuga county to visit Ithaca as the guests of this board and to
make arrangements for their entertainment, and that the chair-
man of the board bea member of such committee.
Motion seconded by Mr. Kennedy and carried.
The chair appointed as additional members of such cony
mittee Messrs. Conger and Seabring.
Superintendent of the Poor, Jas. S. Lyke, appeared before
X the board and stated that the next state convention of superin-
tendents of the poor would be held in Ithaca on -the second
Tuesday of August, 1891, and that such convention would be '
attended by the superintendents of the several charitable institu-
tions of the state, and the secretary of the state board of chari-
ties. Mr. Lyke asked that provision be made and authority
granted hint to properly entertain the delegates tosuch conven-
Mr. Bates offered the following resolution, which on motion
of Mr. Beers was adopted :
Resotred, That there be levied /against the taxable property of the
town of Caroline thirty -five dollars burial of Edward J. William's, a deceased
On motion adjourned.
Roll call. Quorum present.
The bill of- J. P. Merrill in the case of the county vs. Ed.
Smith, was recalled and referred to the superintendent of the
A delegation from the east portion of the town of Danby,
appeared before the Board, in favor of the petition asking that
portion of the town to be set off to the town of Caroline.
Mr. Denman and Mr. Graves represented the petitioners.
J. E. Beers and others spoke against the petition being
Mr. Pierson moved that the chair appoint a committee of
three to inquire into the circumstances !relating to the matter of
the petition, to report to the Board at its annual session in 1891.
Carried unanimously.
Messrs. Pierson and Wolf, the committee appointed to visit
the Monroe county penitentiary, reported as follows :
To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County :
Your committee appointed to visit Monroe county .pe,nitentiary and
ascertain on what terms they will receive the prisoners from this county
committed for a period of sixty days or more would state that they have
performed the duty assigned to them, and that arrangements have been
made.by which Monroe county is ready to enter into a,contract With this
county to admit such prisoners into said penitentiary for one, t*o or three
years, Tompkins comity to pay One 75 -100 ($i.75) dollars per week for care
and maintenance. All fines paid by said prisoners to the penitentiary to he
credited to Tompkins county.
A. H. PIERSON, 1 Committee.R. WOLF,
Mr. Bailey presented bills numbers 15 and 114 for the con-
sideration of the whole Board:
Mr. Kennedy moved that the bill of Judge Elston be allowed.
Mr. Bailey proved as an amendment that Judge Elston be
allowed eight dollars per fdr thirty days.
Mr. Pierson moved as an amendment that the chairman be
authorized to- engage S. D. Halliday to write a legal opinion
regarding the special county judge's bills, provided Mr, Halli-
day would write such an opinion for a fee of twenty -five dollars.
Amendment accepted and motion carried.
Mr. ,Kennedy offered the following resolution, which on
motion of Mr. Pierson was adopted :
le sabed, That the chairman and clerk of this Board enter into a con-
tract with the sheriff of Tompkins county to convey all criminals who may,
he sentenced to the Monroe county penitentiary, and to the New York State
Industrial school at Rochester from this county from January ist, 1891, to
January ist, 1894, for the following compensation
For conveying one prisoner ($ro.00) ten dollars, and for each additional
prisoner taken at the same time the sum of ($4 :oo) four dollars.
That the said chairman and clerk shall also enter into a' contract with
the sheriff to convey all persons sentenced to the Buffalo house of correction, •
he to receive therefor ($15.00) fifteen dollars for one person, and ($5.00) five
dollars for each additional person taken at the same time.
Mr.' Genung, chairman of the .committee on constables"
accounts, reported the following. hill, which on' motion of Mr.
Beers was allowed and audited as reported :
Number Si.
Mr. Wolf presented the audits of the town of Ithaca, and
asked that the same be audited by the Board of Supervisors.
which upon the motion of Mr. Bailey was ordered, and the
amounts thereof ordered levied and assessed agaiust the taxable
property of the town of Ithaca.
On motion adjourned.
Roll call. — Quorum present.
Mr. Seabring offered the following resolution, which on
motion of Mr. Conger was adopted :Q
Resolved, That the county treasurer be authorized to raise by note the
sum of twenty ,-five hundred dollars ($25co) for the period of sixty days to
pay the deficiency in the Willard asylum fund.
In the matter of the petition t set off a certain east portion
of the town of Danby to the town of Caroline, the chair ap-
pointed as a committee to report at the annual session in 1891,
Messrs. Pierson, of Ulysses, Seabring, of Newfield, and Conklin:
of Lansing.
Mr. Pierson offered the following resolution, which on
motion of Mr. Conger was adopted :
Resolved, That the following bills be added to the town audits of the
town of Ulysses :
Wm. Austin, house for election to oo
A.H. Pierson, supervisor 7 64
T. H. King, surveying road in 1889 14. 00
L. H. Richardson, recording marriages 2 5o
SUPNBV isous' PxoCEEDINGs, 1890.37
Mr. Pierson presented the town audits of the town of Ulysses
for the action of the Board.
Mr. Kennedy moved that the same be received, and the
amount thereof levied and collected upon the taxable property of
the town of Ulysses.
Motion carried.
Mr. Pierson offered the following resolution, which on
motion of Mr. Kennedy was adopted :'
Resolved, That George Wallenbeck be authorized to sell the iron water y
pipe now on hand at the county alms house farm, for the hest price he can
get. He to receive for his services 20 per cent.' of the amount of the sales, 1
and be required to settle with this Board at their annual session in 1Sg1.
Mr. Kennedy offered the following. resolution, which on.
motion of Mr. Pierson was adopted :
Resolved, That there be added to the town audits of the town of Dryden,
hills numbers 93 to 103 inclusive, as they appear in said audits.
Mr. Kennedy. presented -the town audits of the town of
Dryden, which on motion were received, and the amount thereof
ordered levied and collected upon the taxable property of the
town of Dryden.I
Mr. Bates offered the following resolution, which on motion
of 'Mr. Seabring was adopted :
Resolved, That the following amounts be added to the town audits of
the town of Caroline :
Haywood & Baldwin 15' oo
Commissioner's note 212 0
Mr. Bates presented the town audits of the town of Caro-
line, which on motion of Mr. Seabring, were received, and the
amount thereof ordered levied and collected upon the taxable
property of the town of Caroline.
The grand jury Iists of the several towns were presented by
their respective supervisors, and ordered filed in the office of the
county clerk of Tompkins county.
On motion adjourned to Monday, December 1, 189o, at 10
o'clock, A. M.
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
Roll call. Quorum present.
The balance of the forenoon was taken up by the work of .
the several committees.
On motion adjourned.
Roll call. Quorum present.
Mr. Thomas W., Burns appeared before the Board, and
urged that the private entrance at the county clerk's office
should be guarded by a strong, thoroughly bhilt iron door or
gate for better security and protection against fire.
On motion of Mr. Pierson the matter was referred' to the
committee on ordinary repairs.
The chair appointed as a committee on returned road tax,
the following members :
Messrs. Genung, Bailey and Pierson.
SUw.E { RV ISO ns' PROCEEDINGS, '18911.'39
Mr. Pierson presented the reports of the bonding•comulis-
sioner and of the supervisor of the town of Ulysses which' on
motion of Mr. Bailey were received and ordered printed with
the reports.
Wm. H. Smith appeared before the Board in regard to an
erroneous assessment, and on motion of Mr. Bailey the sum of -
24.13 was ordered refunded to Mrs. F. M. Bates.
Charles Ingersoll, county treasurer elect, appeared before
the Board and presented his bond for approval.,
Mr. Bailey moved that the bond be accepted and approved.
Motion seconded by Mr. Beers and carried unanimously, and
the clerk was directed to have the same recorded in the office of
the Totpkins county clerk.
A communication was received from Halliday & Finch giving
an opinion as to the legality of the bills of the special county a.
judge. Also enclosing hill for $5.00 for same.
Mi Kennedy moved that the opinion be received and placed
on file.
Motion seconded by Mr. Beers.
Mr. Conger moved that the opinion be printed in the min-
utes of the proceedings.
The chair ordered a vote by ayes and noes on the original
motion, which resulted as follows
Ayes — Messrs. *Bates, Beers, Kennedy, Bailey, Geuung,
Conklin, Seabring, Pierson. Chairman Pearson -9.
Noes— Messrs. ,Conger, Wolf-2. Carried.
Mr. Bailey reported bill number 114, which on motion -of
NIr. Pierson was audited as 'reported.r
40 SLw RVisous' Pno n 1 ntvrs, 1890.
Mr. Bailey presented the reports of the bonding commission-
er and of the supervisor of the town of Enfield, which on motion
of Mr. Beers were received and ordered printed with the reports.
Mr.,Bailey moved that the suns of $5.00 be added to the
County Budget, and that an order be drawn therefor to Halliday
and Pinch in payment of services above referred to.
Motion seconded by Mr. Beers and carried.
A communication from the clerk of the Board of Supervis-
ors of Cayuga county, accepting the invitation heretofore ex-
tended to become the guests of this Boa on the 3d of Decem-
her, was received and read by the clerk.
Mr. Bates, chairman of the committee on printing and
printers' accounts, ieported the following bills, which on motion
of Mr. Beers, were allowed and audited as reported :
Numbers 13 133, 132, 140. 30, 31, 32.
Mr. Bates asked that the Board go into a committee o f the
whole for the consideration of bill number
So ordered upon motion. `
Mr. Beers moved that.the bill be passed and audited a the
sum of $423. r5.
Motion seconded by Mr. Kennedy.
Mr. Seabring called for the ayes and noes, which were or-
dered, and the ballot resulted as follows :
Ayes— Messrs. Bates, Beers, Kennedy, Conger, Wolf, Pier-
son, .Chairman Pearson-7.
Noes— Messrs. Bailey, Genung, Conklin, Seabring -4.
Motion carried.
On motion adjourned.
Sui'Eltv [so its' PRoaEEDrNGS, 1890.41
Roll call. Quorum present.
Minutes of previous day read and approved.7
Mr. Bates called up the matter of the action of the Board
upon the bill of special county judge J. A. Blston.
Mr. Kennedy moved that the bill be audited at the amount
Motion seconded by Mr. Bates.
Mr. Beers moved as an amendment that the first item of
8.00 be stricken out, and that the bill be audited at the sum of
496.00. Amendment accepted by Mr. Kennedy, seconded, and
motion carried as amended.
Mr. Kennedy moved that the clerk be directed to extend an
invitation to the members of the Tompkins county bar to meet
the members of this Board at 7:30 P. M., Wednesday, December
3d, for the purpose of an informal discussion relative to the '
duties and privileges of the special county judge.
Motion seconded by Mr. Bailey and carried.
Mr. Bailey offered the following resolution, which on mo-
tion of Mr. Conger was adopted, and the several amounts there-
of ordered levied and collected as therein set forth :
Resolved, That the sums set opposite the several names in tRe following
lists in Road Dist. No. 3, R..17 ; Dist. 1, R. 14 ; ,Dist. 1 R. 12 ; Dist. 2, R.
17 ; Dist. 1, R. 2 ; Dist. I, R. '7 ; amounting to sixty dollars.
42 Sui Env 1sous' PitoCEEDING6 1890.
Also Dist. 3, R. 25 ; Dist. 2, R t ; Dist. 3, R. 1 ; Dist. 5, R. 5 ; Dist. t.
R. i6; Dist. 4,34. T8 ; amount collected,$6o.
Also. Dist. 2, R. 12 ; Dist. 2, R. 16 Dist. 2, R —; Dist. 2, R. to ; Dist.
2, R. 4 ; Dist. 3, R. 4 ; be levied and collected in the same manner as other
taxes are raised, for the purpose of paying for road scrapers.
Mr. Conklin presented the town audits of the town of Lan-
sing, which on motion of Mr. Beers were received, and the
amounts thereof ordered levied and collected upon the taxable
property of the town of Lansing.
Mr. Conklin offered the following resolution, which on mo-
tion of Mr. Pierson was adopted, and the several items thereof
ordered levied and collected upon the taxable property of the
town of Lansing.
Resolved, That the following bills be added to the town audits of the
town of Lansing :
No. 76 28 go •
No. 77 t 5o
No. 7S - 20 50
No. 79 5 76
56 66
On motion adjourned.
Roll call. Quorum present.
Mr. Pierson presented the supervisor's report of the town
and county poor of the town of Ulysses, which was received and
placed on file.
Mr. Beers presented the supervisor's report of the town and
county poor of' the town of Danby, which was received and
placeU on file.
SUPEitvrsoltS' PltoCEEDYNGS, 1890.43
1 Mr. Conklin presentedthe supervisor's report of the town
and county poor of the town of Lansing, which was received and
placed on file..
Mr. Pierson offered the following resolution, which o n mo-
tion of Mr. Conklin, was adopted :
Resolved, That no bills, except those made during the session of this
Board, be received for audit after Friday, December 5th,' 189o, unless by
unanimous consent of all the members present.
Mr. Genung offered the following resolution, which-on mo-
tion of-Mr. Wolf, was adopted :
Resolved, That the attentioonof the justices of the peace be called to •
Section 165, Article 7, Chapter 56q of the laws of 18go. That no fees shall
p ' t be allowed either as a town or county charge to a magistrate orother officer
for services in a criminal action or proceeding, ,before a magistrate of one 1 t
town for or on account of an offense charged to have been committed in l
another town and which a court of special sessions has jurisdiction to try, ////A%
or which a magistrate has jurisdiction to hearand 'determine-7 >Y
Mr. Conger presented the reports of the supervisor and of
the bonding commissioner of the town of Groton, which on mo- r
tion of Mr: Beers, were received and ordered printed in the re-
Mr. Pierson offered the following resolution, which on mo-
tion of Mr: Beer was adopted :
Resolved, That tlie'coilectors of the several towns of Tompkins county
be required to settle with the county treasurer, -• and the sin of their
respective town, on or before the loth day of February, (891.
Mr. Seabring offered the following resolution, which on
motion of Mr.. Kennedy, was adopted :.
Resolved, That at the request of the board of town audits of the town of
Newfield that the sums set opposite the following road districts of above
named town be levied and assessed against the taxable property of said
District No, 58, 11 38
District No. 25,9.
District No. 74,15 75
District No. i8,5 7
District No. tog,2 28
District No. 53,8 05
District No., 26,1 05
District No. 83, 21 88
District No. 48, . . . . . . . . . . .to 33
Mr. Wolf offered the following resolution :
Resolved, That the hoard of all prisoners confined in the county jail
shall be and the same is hereby fixed at three dollars per week, the same to
take effect January 1st, 1891.
Mr. Pierson moved the adoption of the same.
Mr. Kennedy moved that the question be laid upon the
table until Friday morning at to o'clock.
Motion seconded and carried.
Mr. Almy appeared before the Board in regard to the erron-
eous road tax of Amos Shafer of the town of Newfield.
Mr. Pierson moved that the matter be held open until Tues-
day next at 2 o'clock P. Mr. Almy to notify Mr. Shafer, and
Dr. Seabring to notify the overseer of highways of the town of
Newfield to be present at that time.
Motion carried.
Mr. Conger, of the committee on entertainment, reported
that the Board of Supervisors of Cayuga county, would arrive
on the 8:2o Cayuga Lake train.. •
On motion it was resolved that the entire Board meet the
visitors at the Ithaca Hotel at 9•o'clock Wednesday morning.
Mr. Pierson moved that when this Board adjourns it will
be until 8 o'clock Wednesday.
Motion carried.
Mr. Genung, chairman of the committee on constables' ac-
counts, reported the following bills, which on motion of Mr.
Bailey,-were allowed and audited as reported:
Numbers 136, io8, 12, 141.
On motion adjourned.
Board called to order, Mr. Pierson,. of Ulysses, in the chair..
Roll call. Quorum present.i
Minutes of previous day read and approved.
The committee on entertainment heretofore appointed were
excused for the purpose of receiving the Board of Supervisors
Of Cayuga county.
The clerk read a communication from the clerk of the Board '
of Supervisors of Cayuga county, which on motion of Mr. Ken-
nedy, was received and•ordered placed on file.
The district attorney appeared before the Board, and pre -
sented his annual report, which on motion of Mr? Bailey, was
received and ordered printed with the reports.1
Mr. Kennedy, chairman of the committee on county claims,
reported the following. bills, which on motion of Mr. Bailey were
allowed and audited as reported :
Numbers 143, 127, 134, 137, 144.
On motion the Board took a recess until 9:3o P. M.
Roll call. Quorum present.
The committee on entertainment; reported that, according
to direction, they received the members of the visiting Board
from Cayuga county upon their arrival in this City, and escort -
ed them at once to the Ithaca Hotel, which, hostelry was made '
the headquarters for the :day. That a portion of the time
placed at their disposal was spent in a v to:Cornell University,
made pleasant, profitable and extremely interesting through the
kindness and courtesy. of Treasurer E. L: Williams.
At 1:3q P. n1. the members of both boards met at the Ithaca
Hotel for the discussion of a dinner prepared in the best style of
Landlord Freer, and after a pleasant hour spent to the accom-
paniment of cigar smoke, with a lively exchange of compliments
and jokes, our visitors, after having expressed themselves vs,;e11
pleased with their reception -and care, :departed on their return
pilgrimage to "the loveliest village, of the plain."
Wni. N. Noble appeared before the 'Board, and served a
copy affidavits and order to show cause why a peremptory man-
damns should not issue compelling this Board to audit the bill
of Moses Coit Tyler, administrator with the will annexed of
John Tyler, deceased. Said, copy, affidavits and •order to show
cause, were made returnable. before Hon. Walter Lloyd Smith,
at the Tompkins Couuty Court House, Friday, Nov. 5, 189o, at
9 o'clock, A. P4.
On motion of Mr. Pierson it was
Resolved,' That the clerk ofthis Board he ordered to place the matter of
proceeding for mandamus above referred to in the charge 'of Halliday` &
Pinch, with full power to take all necessary action in the premises.
A meeting/was had with members of the Tompkins County
Bar and an informal` discussion had relative to the duties and
privileges of the Special •County Judge.V •
On motion adjourned to meet as a committee of the whole
at the Willard Asylum,' at Ovid, N. Y:, on the morning of
Thursday, Dec. 4, 189o.
Pursuant to resolution heretofore adopted, the members of
the Board, as a committee of the whole, visited the Willard
Asylum for the Insane, at Ovid, N. Y.
After' breakfast at the Prager : House, one of the officers of
the Asylum notified the Board that the officials of the Asylum
were in readiness to receive it.
The members of the Board were then shown through the
different wards and rooms of the main building, and were given
the opportunity of seeing and conversing'with,a majority of the
patients from Tompkins County.
At the invitation of- the steward the Board dined at the
After dinner the Board was shown.. over the extensive
grounds of the institution, and an opportunity afforded it to
visit and inspect the other large buildings.
48 SunRvIsons' PliocEEDINOs,
The members of the Board were satisfied from their inspec-
tion that all patients from this count • were comfortable and well
cared for. • Board returned to Ithaca on evening train:
Board met pursuant to adjournment._
Roll call. Quorum present..'
Minutes of previous day read and approved.
Mr.. Bailey, chairman of the committee on judge's and
sheriff's accounts, reported the following hill, which on motion
of Mr. Bates was audited and allowed as reported :.
Bill nuiinher 27.
Mr. Kennedy presented the Supervisor's report of the
town and county - poor , of the town of Dryden, which was
received and ordered •placed on file.
Mr. Kennedy offered the following 'resolution. which on
Motion of Mr. Pierson was adopted i
Resolved,• That the sum of $,8.5o, eighteen and 50-too dollars be
levied and collected from the tax- payers of School District No, 13, m the
town of Dryden, and in such amounts as 'are'set opposite their respective
names upon the returns for uncollected school tax as made by the Trustees '
of said School Dist. No. 13, to the Supervisor of the said town for the years
1889 and 789o, and that said sum of eighteen and 30-mo dollars be added to
town budget of - said town. •i
The resolution of Mr. Wolf fixing the amount to.be- paid
for the board of jail prisoners, was taken from thetable.
11 s ;
c Mr. Pierson moved the adoption of the same.
Motion seconded by Mr. Kennedy, and carried.
Mr. Beers offered the town audits• of town of'Danby,
and, asked that bills number 6o to 62 inclusive he added thereto.
Mr. Kennedy moved that the same be added thereto,' and
that the amount thereof, together with the town audits, be
received and ordered levied and collected upon the taxable
property of the town of Danby.4
Motion seconded by. Mr. Genung, and carried.
On motion adjourned.
Roll call. Quorum present. %
The time was taken up with committee work until the hour,
for reports of committees.
Mr. Kennedy, chairman of the committee on county claims,
reported the following bills, which on motion of Mr. Bates were
audited and allowed as reported :
Numbers 135, 139, 145, 147, 148 , 146.
Ou motion adjourned to Monday - morning at 10 o'clock.
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
Roll call. Quorum present.1
Minutes of previous y read and approved.
The clerk read a communication from the Clerk of the'
Board of Supervisors of Cayuga County, inviting the members
of this Board to visit, the city of Auburn. during the present '
On motion of Mr.,Kennedy the communication was received
and ordered placed on file ; arid• the matter of an acknowledg-
ment of the same laid over for further. consideration.
The balance of the morning session' was taken up by the
work of the•several committees. '
oOn motion adjourned.
Roll call. Quorum present.
rMr. Bailey offered the following resolution, which.on ino-
tion of Mr. Kennedy was adopted :
Resolved, That the followdng bills be added to the,town audits.of the
town of Enfield :a .
Grant Curry, ballot clerk 16.00
Richard Griffin, assessor.30.00
D . W. Bailey, adding assessment roll 3.ob
D. W. Bailey, one day with state assessor b t 2.00
Interest on R. R. bonds 1176.00
T. J. Jones,k. R. Conq._, i
Mr. Bailey presented the town audits of the town of Enfield,
which, on motion of Mr. Conger, were allowed and audited as
presented, and the amounts thereof ordered levied and collected
upon the taxable property of the town Of Enfield.
Mr. Conger presented the Supervisor's report of the town
and county poor of the town of Groton, which was received and
placed on file.
ScPERVisoxs' PROCEEDINGS, 1890. 51
Mr. Pierson presented the following report, which' on motion
of Mr. Kennedy was received and. ordered spread upon the
minutes :
To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County:
Your committee on U. S. Deposit Fund and Insurance would respect:
fully report that they have examined the accounts of Cornelius Leary, one
of the Loan Commissioners of this county, and that we find that securities
have been paid and ancelled during the last year amounting to 52,573.00
and. that no new securities have been taken. For more definite information
in regard to said fund, we refer you to the report of the loan commissioner,
which is herewith submitted. '
We would also report that we find the county buildings insured for the
sum of 59,000 and that no policies will expire before the amoral session-
of the Board of Supervisors in 1891.
Dated, December 8th, 189o_
S. A. SEAI3RING, Committee.
On motion of Mr. Pierson the report of the U. S. Loan
Commissioner, submitted with the foregoing, Was ordered printed
with the reports.
See. reports.)
Mr. Bailey, chairman of the committee on sheriff's and
judge's accounts, reported the following bill, which on motion
of. Mr. Wolf was allowed and audited as reported :
Number ',sr.
Mr. Bates presented the Supervisor's report of the town and
county poor of the town of Caroline, which was received and
placed on file.
Mr. Pierson offered the following resolution, which ,on
motion of Mr. Bates was adopted :
Resolved, That at. the request of the Trustees of the First Baptist
Church of the city of Ithaca, permission is hereby.given, for them' to lay a
new gas pipe through the jail yard from Mill Street to their church.
On motion adjourned.
r i
Board met pursuant to adjournnient.
Roll call. Quorum present.
Mr. Bailey presented the report of the town and county
poor of the town of Enfield, which was received and ordered
placed on file:
Mr. Pierson requested the privilege of presenting the bill of
Frank Barber, which request, on motion of Mr. Kennedy, was
granted, and the bill referred to the committee on constables'
Mr. Kennedy offered the following •resolution, which ou
motion of Mr. Wolf wasc adopted
Resolved, That the sum of ($35o) three hundred and fifty dollars be
allowed the sheriff of the county to pay for the services of janitor of the
Court House, and engineer and fireman for the county jail for the year 1891.
Mr. Conklin offered the following resolution, which upon
motion of Mr. Pierson was adopted, and the amount ordered
levied and collected upon the taxable property -of the town of
Lansing :
Resolved, That there be added to the town audits of the town of Lan-
sing the following bill :
Charles Gillett, excess of tax 1889 51,70
Mr. Bailey offered the following resolution, which on motion
of Mr. Bates was adopted, and the amount thereof ordered
levied and collected upon the taxable property of the ,town of
Enfield, in the manner therein specified :
Resolved, That the sums set opposite the following names he levied
and collected in the same manner as other taxes are collected for the pur-
pose of paying fifty-six 25 -100 dollars for road scraper, viz.:
District 2, R. io;' Dist. 2, R. 1 t ; Dist. 2, R • Dist. z, R. 10
Dist. 2, R. 4.
Mr. Pierson moved that the clerk be directed to answer the
communication heretofore received from the clerk of the Board
of Supervisors of Cayuga County, stating that owing to press
of business, and the limited time remaining to this Board, it
must decline the invitation extended to visit the city of Auburn
during the present session.
Motion seconded by -Mr. Kennedy, and carried.
Mr. Genung, chairman of the committee on constables'
accounts, reported the following bill, which on motion of Mr.
Kennedy was audited and allowed as reported :
Nnaiiber 152.
Mr. Seabring offered the following resolution, which on,
motion of Mr. Bates was adopted, and the several amounts
therein set forth ordered levied and collected upon the taxable
property of the town of Newfield :
Resolved, That the following items be added to the audits of the town
of Newfield
54 SuiEuvISols' PROaEDTNos, 1890.
G. W. Apgar, Printing 1.75
Aaron Alexander, rent of room for election purposes . . . ts.00
Mr. Shaver, of the town of Dryden, appeared before the
Board, and stated that owing to the indiscriminate slaughter of
wild game in said town, grubs, beetles, and other destructive
agencies were allowed to work unobstructedly. Mr. Shaver
asked in the name of the farmers of said town that this Board
take some action upon this matter.
On motion of Mr. Bailey the chair appointed the following
committee to investigate the foregoing matter and report : •
Messrs. Bailey, Beers, Kennedy, Conger.
On motion adjourned.
Roll call. Quorum present.
Mr. Seabring chairman of the committee on erroneous
assessments, presented the following report, which on motion of
Mr. Kennedy wks adopted, and the several amounts thereof
ordered levied and assessed as therein recommended
To the Honorable, Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County:
Your committee on erroneous assesments, to which were referred the
several matters hereinafter set forth, beg leave to roport as follows :
On the petition of the assessors of the town of Newfield, to correct the
assessment roll of 1888 of said town, in the case of Samuel Drake, your
committee report in favor of said petition; and that the sum of fourteen
and 8—too dollars ($4.o8) be added 4o the budget of the town of Newfield,
and the same should lie returned to the said Samuel Drake.
Also on the petition of the assessors of the town of Newfield, to correct
the assessment roll of 1889 of said town in the case of Dier Cornish, your
committee report in favor of said petition, and •that the sum of two and
16-roo dollars ($2.16) be added to the budget of the town of Newfield, and
the same should be returned to the said Dier Cornish.
A. H. PIERSON, Committee.
Mr. Pierson moved that the Board go intoicommittee of the,
whole for the purpose of considering the natter of an erroneous
road tax of District No. 8 of the town of Newfield.
Motion carried.
Amos D. Shafer, and overseer of highways of above district,
Chas. A. Smith, came before the Board and submitted sworn
statements in regard to the controversy in question:
Mr. Wolf offered the following resolution :
Resolved, That care and custody of all indigent insane'iesidents of
Tonnpkins County, placed in any insane asylum, pursuant. to Sec.-14, Chap.
446 of the laws of 1874, as amended by Chap. [64 of the laws of rSSo, shall
be, from the date hereof, a county charge.
Dated, December 9, 189o.
Mr. GenungJmoved the adoption of the same. Motion
Mr. Wolf called for the ayes and, noes, which were ordered,
and the ballot resulted as follows : •
Ayes : Messrs. Genuug, Wolf, Chairman Pearson-3.
Noes; Messrs.- Bates, Beers. Kennedy, Bailey, Conger,
Conklin, Seabring, Pierson -8.
Resolution lost.
Mr. Kennedy, chairman of the committee on county claims,
reported the following bills, which on motion of Mr. Pierson
were allowed and- audited,as reported :
Numbers -153, 149, 155, 15o.
Mr. Wolf offered the following resolution, and moved the
adoption of the same: i
Resolved, That the expenses of the burial of deceased soldiers and fur-
nishing headstones shall be a charge upon the county..
Motion seconded by Mr. Genung.
Mr. Kennedy moved' that action upon the resolution be
indefinitely postponed. .
Motion, seconded by Mr. Bates.
Mr. Wolf called for the ayes and noes, and the ballot
resulted as follows :
Ayes Messrs. Bates, 'Beers, Kennedy, Bailey, Conger,.
Genung, Conklin, Seabring, Pierson -9.
Noes : Mr. Wolf, Chairman Pierson -2.
Motion to postpone carried.y •
Mr. Wolf offered the following resolution :
Resolved, That the charge for the maintenance of Henry A. Coe, who
is now a deaf mute in the Western New York Institute at Rochester, N. Y.,
is he;ebj• made a comity charge.
Mr. Genung moved that the sane -be adopted. Motion
Mr. Kennedy moved that action upon the resolution be
indefinitely postponed. Motion seconded by Mr. Bailey.
Mr. Wolf called for the ayes and noes, which were ordered,
and the ballot resulted as follows :
Ayes : Messrs. Bates, Beers, Kennedy, Bailey, Conger,
Conklin, Seabring, Pierson -8.
Noes : Messrs. Genung, Wolf, Chairman Pearson -3.
Motion to postpone carried.
Mr. Conger, chairman of the committee on charitable
institutions, presented the report of the committee, which on
notion of Mr. Pierson was accepted' and ordered printed with
the reports.
See Reports.)
On motion adjourned.
Board niet pursuant to adjournment.
Roll call. Quorum present.
Mr. Wolf called'to the chair.
Mr. Wolf presented the town audits of the town of Ithaca,
which on notion of Mr. Kennedy were accepted, ordered
prihted with the reports, and the amount thereof ordered levied
and collected upon the taxable property of the town of Ithaca.
See town audits.)
On motion adjourned..
Roll call. Quorum present.
Mr. Seabring, chairman of the committee on erroneous
assessments, presented the following report, which, on motion of
Mr. Kennedy, was adopted and ordered spread upon the
minutes :
To the Board of Supers isors of Tompkins Couinsty: i
Your committee on erroneous assessments to were referred the
several matters hereinafter set forth beg leave to report as follows :
On the petition of the assessors of the town of Ithaca, to correct the
assessment roll of 1889, of said town in the case of John S. Kirkendall,
your committee report in favor of said petition, and that the sum of twelve
and II-too dollars ($12.11) should be returned to the said John 5, Kirken-
dall, and the same be added to the budget of the town of Ithaca.
Also in the petition of the assessors of the town of Ithaca to correct .
the assessment roll of 188§ of said town in the case of Christopher J. Brown,
your committee report in favor of said petition, and that the sum of three
and 64 -loo dollars ($3.64) should be returned to the said Christopher J.
Brown, and the same should he added to the budget of the town of Ithaca.
A. H. PIERSON, Committee.
blr. Genung, chairman of the committee on returned.road
tax, submitted the report of the committee, which on motion' of
Mr. Kennedy was adopted, ordered printed with the reports,
and the several amounts thereof ordered levied and assessed
against the different persons of the respective towns therein
Mr. Wolf offered the following resolution, which on motion
of Mr. Kennedy was adopted, and the amount thereof ordered
levied arid collected upon the taxable property -of the town of
Ithaca :
Resolved, That the following bills, to -wit :
Numbers 291 to 297 inclusive, amounting to the sum of $427 be gilded
to the town audits of the town of Ithaca.
Mr. Genung " moved that bill No. 6, of Wm. H. Lester, $5.4o,
which had been mislaid, be audited at the sum of $5.40, and
added to the county audits.
Motion seconded and carried.
Mr. Bates, of the committee on ordinary repairs, submitted.
4 the following ' report, which on motion of Mr. Conger was
accepted and ordered spread upon the minutes:.
To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County:
Your committee on ordinary repairs would report : That upon the com-
plaint of the superintendent of the poor, your committee visited the county
almshouse and made a thorough examination. We found the water pipes
rusted full atiPworthless. Therefore your committee have caused about
nineteen hundred feet of one and one -half inch galvanized pipe to be laid,
which delivers the water to the hydrant and direct to the kitchen and bath
rooms of said house.. The said buildings are furnished with an abundant
supply of both lard and soft water. The whole amount expended for water
at almshouse, repairs on jail barn and jail repairs is three; hundred and
twenty -five dollars ($325), all of which is respectfully submitted.
A. H. PIE,RSON, Committee.
On motion adjourned.
Go SuvFItvisolis' PROCKEDINGS, 1890.
Roll call. Quorum present.
Minutes of previous day read and approved..
Mr. Pierson offered the following resolution, 'which on-mu-
tion of Mr. Kennedy, was adopted :
Resolved, That the tax for the present year be apportioned upon the
property of this county in the same manner as it was in the year 1889.
Mr. Kennedy stated that the committee appointed at the
session of 1889 to report upon the advisability of bdilding a new
county house, would.be ready to report at the afternoon session.
On motion adjourned.
Roll call. Quorum present. '`
The clerk read a communication from Sheriff -elect Tibbetts
asking the privilege of presenting to the Board his views as to a
proper allowance for board of prisoners at the county jail.
On motion of Mr: Pierson the clerk was directed to state to
Mr. Tibbetts that the Board would listen to him 'at any reasona-
ble time.
Mr. Seabring, chairman of the committee on treasurer's ac
counts, presented the following report,. which on motion of Mr.
Kennedy, was accepted and ordered spread upon the minutes :
7o the Board of Supervisors of Tomfikins County :
Your committee on the county treasurer's accounts for the year 1890
hereby report that we have examined the accounts of Geo. H. Northrup.
county treasurer,also his annual report and the vouchers submitted, and find
them to be correct ; and that we,find a balance of $7o6.o7 belonging to the
various funds as shown in this report.
Your committee have also examined the accounts of surplus moneys re-
ceived and disbursed by the county treasures' during the year ending Nov.
15th, tSgo, with the vouchers accompanying the same, and find them correct,
and that there remains in said treasurer's handslja balance of $2,13x^86 be
longing to such fund.
Pony committee have also examined the securities held by the county
treasurer in trust for the infant heir fund and find the several securities iu
his possession as represented in report of said fund.
JOHN E. BEERS, Committee.
Mr. Seabring also presented the report of the county treas-
urer, which on notion of Mr. Pierson, was received and ordered
printed with the reports,'
See reports.)
Mr. Kennedy, chairman of the committee heretofore ap-
pointed to investigate upon the advisability of building a new
county house, submitted the following report:
The committee to whom was referred the question as to the advisability
of rebuilding the present county almshouse or purchasing a new site and
erecting a new one would respectfully report :
That they have given the subject careful and earnest consideration, and
the committee have come to the conclusion that inasmuch as the present alms-
house is in much better condition from repairs already'made than it was at
the time the committee was appointed, as well as from the depressed condi-
tion of the.agricultural interests of the county who have a very Large pro-
poition of the taxes to pay, that it is inexpedient at this time to burden the
taxpayers of this county with a sum that would be necessary to buy a new
site and build a new almshouse, or to make such extensive repairs :upon the
present almshouse that when completed would not only satisfy the wants of
the county but their pride also for an almshouse that ivould at least rank
equal to those of the counties adjoining our own.
Your committee are also of the opinion that as between the question of
purchasing a new site and removing the county almshouse or retaining the
present site and rebuilding the almshouse there, that the arguments are in
favor of retaining the present location, and that the best interests of the
county will be promoted by so doing.
Your committee think that the question of rebuilding the present alms-
house or buying a new site and building a new one is of sufficient import-
ance that this Board should carefully consider this question before deciding
definitely upon changing the site or not.
R. A. CROZIER, Committee
Mr. Bailey moved-that the report .of the committee be ac-
Motion seconded.
After discussion of the question by the several members of
the Board, Mr. Bates called for the question.
Mr. Wolf called for the ayes and noes; which were ordered,
and the ballot resulted as follows :
0 A'yes : Messrs. Bates, Beers, Kennedy, Bailey. Conger,
Gexiung, Conklin, Seabring, Pierson -9.
Noes: Messrs. Wolf, Chairman Pearsbn-2.
Chairman Pearson stated in explanation of his vote that he
could not approve of the entire report and therefore voted no.
Mrs. Rowe appeared before the Board and made application
fora return of erroneous tax.
On motion adjourned.
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
Roll call. Quorum present.
Minutes of previous day read and approved.
Mr. Pierson offered the following resolution, which on mo-
tion of Mr. Bates, was adopted :
Resolved, That the five thousand copies of the journal of proceedings of
this Board be apportioned among the several towns of this county as fol-
Ithaca god, Dryden 650, Groton 575, Enfield 40o, Ulysses 625, Danby
425, Lansing 500, Newfield soo, Caroline 425 ; and that the clerk of the
Board be authorized to notify the supervisors'of the various towns as soon
as the sane are ready for delivery. ,
Mr. Pierson offered the following resolution, which on mo-
tion of Mr. Bates,, was adopted : • ,
Whereas, Provision has heretofore been made for the payment of a
salary to a clerk of the surrogate's court, such clerk to be appointed by the
Resolved, That the 'surrogate of Tompkins county be respectfully re -
quested to appoint a competent Ind suitable person to the office of clerk, hetokeepthesurrogate's office open at all reasonable hours in the absence of
the surrogate.
Mr. Bailey, chairman of the committee ou sheriff's and
judge's accounts, • reported the sheriff's board bill and recom-mended that the saute be audited and allowed at the sum of
On motion of Mr. Pierson the sheriff's board bill was audited
and allowed at the amount recommended by the committee.
Mr. Conklin called to the chair.
Mr. Genung offered the following resolution'.
Whereas, Through misapprehension or otherwise, and contrary to
chapter 325, laws of 1863, and the acts amendatory thereto, laws, of New
York, there has been levied on the town of Ithaca for care and main-
tenance of Henry A. Coe in the Western New York institute for deaf mutes
the sum of five hundred twenty 83 -100 dollars ($52o.$3) ; therefore
Resolved, That the above mentioned sum of five hundred twenty 33-mo
dollars shall become a charge on the county and - not a charge on the town
of Ithaca.
Mr. Wolf moved the adoption of the resolution.
Mr. Pierson moved that the resolution be laid on the table
until Monday, December 15, r89o, at. 2 o'clock 1', )t, and be
made a special order of business for that hour.
Motion seconded by Mr. Kennedy and carried.
On motion adjourned.
Roll call. Quorum present.
The afternoon was entirely taken up by the work of the
several committees,
On motion adjourned to Monday, December 15, 189o.
SUP IIitvlsolts' PROCEEDINGS, 1890.6.5
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
Roll call. Quorum present.
A request having been presented to the Board, that a com-
mittee of the Central New York game and fish association might
be allowed to appear before the Board for 'the purpose of sug-
gesting certain amendments to the game laws; on motion'of Mr.
Pierson the clerk was directed to inforjn such committee that an
opportunity would be given them to be heard at 2 o'clock Tues-
day afternoon.
The conlnrittee on equalization retired to the committee
room and entered upon their duties.
On motion adjourned.
Mr. ,Beers, chairman of the committee on superintendent's
accounts and county buildings, presented the following- report,
whicli on motion of Mr. Bailey was accepted and ordered spread
upon the minutes:
To the Roam of Supervisors of Tompkins County:
Your committee on superintendent's accounts and county buildings re-
port as follows :
After edunining the report furnished by the superintendent of the poor
and comparing the same with his books and vouchers. we find that there
was appropriated by the Board of Supervisors during its regular session of
1889 the sum of $4,600.00, and that there were no funds in the hands of the
Superintendent at the beginning of the year ending November Isth, 189o.
We find that the said sum of $4,600.00 was insufficient to pay all the ex-
penses of maintaining the poor for the year ending November 15th, 1890,
and that there now existsa deficiency of $2x2.68 which it will be necessary
to provide for in addition to the amount to be raised for the ensuing year.
Those who wish to know just what has been received, and for what it has
been expended, during the year just past, and the amount of farm products
raised and consumed, we would refer to the carefully itemized report of
Superintendent Lyke, and do commend the same to the careful attention of
the taxpayers of Tompkins county.
Your committee has made estimates for funds required to maintain the
1 almshouse in its several departments for the year ending November 15th,
89r, and recommend that the amounts estimated be levied and collected
upon the taxable inhabitants of Tompkins comity on the next ensuing tax- '
roll of said county :
Deficiency Nov. 15th, 1890 5222 68 ,
County at almshouse 65o 00
Services of overseers 210 00
Transportation of paupers 45 00
Out -door relief C4 00
toStoves and furniture loo 00
Salary of keeper 300 00
Total to be raised by county 2,917 68
For the support of town poor by towns:
Caroline 22
Danby 172 9
Dryden 3 44
Enfield 44 4
Groton..119 9
tliacl i,o14 85
Lansing 110 64
188Newfield 9
Ulysses 102 66
Total by towns z,216 41
Your committee find that the county buildings, with the exception of
the - almshouse, are in fair condition. The court -house roof needs some
slight repairs, which the committee on ordinary repairs should he instruct-
ed to attend to. We believe the steam - heating boiler now located in the
jail basement sufficiently large to heat the court-house in- addition to what
is now required of it, and would recommend that changes necessary to bring
about such service he made. The jail and county clerk's office meet the
present requirements.
If the location of the almshouse is to remain unchanged and the present
building retained to shelter our county and town poor, it should be put in
much better condition than it is•at present. The whole afterpart should be-
torn away and a commodious, well arranged kitchen, dining and bath- rooms,
with hot water and steam boiler fixtures should be built and put in good
running order during the ensuing year The amain building with a few
changes could be put in .good condition. Tour committee have every
reason to believe that the whole expense of such improvements could he
made for less than $g,oeo.00.
The sanitary condition of the present building is not absolutely bad, but
it is not as good as your eoriuuittee would have it.
When you consider the character, age, and physical condition of the
average inmate of an almshouse, you cannot help being surprised and grati-
fiedwith the very low death rate during the year just past.
Your committee believe that the inmates of the almshouse have whole-
some food, sufficient iii quantity, and that the sick do, and can, have what-
ever the attending physician may prescribe for their comfort and welfare,
all'of which is i'espectfully subvnitted.
D. W. BAILEY, Committee. '
Mr. Beers also presented the report of Jas. S. Lyke, superin-
tendent of,fhe poor, which on motion. of Mr. Pierson, was ac-
cepted and ordered printed with the reports.
I •
See reports.)
A • representative of the Office Specialty Manufacturing Com-
pany, of Rochester; N. Y., appeared before the Board and ex-
plained the working of a new and complete index which he was
desirous of placing, in the office of the county clerk.
Mr. Bailey moved that a special committee he appointed to
investigate the desirability of such index, and report to the
Mr. Conklin moved 'that the chair appoint Messrs. Bates.
Pierson and Beers as such committee.
Mr. Seabring moved as an amendment that the chairman
be added to the committee.
Amendment accepted by Mr. Conklin.'
The chair thereupon appointed upon such committee Messrs.
Bates, Pierson, Beers and Pearson.
The equalization committee returned from the committee
room, and Mr. Conklin 'stated that the committee were ready_ to
The report of the comtittee was read by Mr._ Kennedy.
Mi. Wolf stated that he had not signed • the report by reason
of the undoubted injustice done the town of Ithaca by the sanie.
Mr. Pierson moved that the report be 'laid upon the table
until 9 o'clock Wednesday morning, Deceinber 17, 1890, and to .
be then made the special order of business.
Motion seconded by Mr. Bailey and carried.
Dr. Beers called to the chair.
Mr. Pearson, of Ithaca, requested the clerk to read the fol-
lowing resolution :
Whereas, Illegally and contrary to law this Board, by its action and
vote, has shown ,a disposition to levy upon the town of Ithaca the care and
maintenance of the indigent insane, and for the burial of deceased soldiers,
and the provision of headstones for the sane, and one deaf mute by the
name of Coe, who is now in the Western New York Institute for deaf mutes
at Rochester, therefore be it
Resolved, That the same is, and of right, should be made a- county
Mr. Pearson, of Ithaca, moved the adoption of the resolu-
Motion seconded by Mr. Wolf.
Mr. Pierson, of Ulysses, moved that the matter be laid upon
the table and made a special order of business for'Tuesday •
morning, December. i6, 1890, at 9 o'clock.
Motion carried.
On motion adjourned.
Roll call. Quorum present.
Minutes of previous day read and approved.
The resolution heretofore offered by Mr. Pearson, of Ithaca,
was. from the table and made a special order of business.
liMr. Pierson, of Ulysses, offered the following as a substi-
tute for the original resolution : -
kereas, By a recent decision of a 'superior court it has come to our
knowledge that the indigent insane are a county charge, while the pauper
insane are chargeable, to the towns from which they are committed ; and
Whereas, This Board has no means of knowing at the present time the
number of indigent insane now confined in the various asylums of this
I •
state, who by this decision become a county charge, and the number of
pauper insane who are a proper charge upon the various towns, therefore
be it
Resolved, That a connmittee of three be elected by this Board to investi-
gate and decide the number of pauper and indigent insane that are now
being supported at the expense of the county, and the several towns thereof,
and that they be instructed to prepare a record of the same ; also to decide
as to the persons sent from this county to the different charitable
institutions of the state are or are not wholly chargeable to the county or
to the towns in which they reside. Said committee to make a full report to
this Board of Supervisors on Monday, December 22d, at 2 o'clock i. ar.
Mr. Beers moved the adoption of the substitute to the origin-
al resolution.
Motion seconded by Mr. Kennedy.
Mr. Bailey called to•the chair.
The motion to adopt the substitute to the original resolution
was carried.
Mr. Kennedy moved that Messrs, Beers, Pierson, Seabring,and Genung be elected such committee.
Motion seconded and carried.
Mr. Pearson, of Ithaca, moved that the expense for burial
of deceased soldiers, and headstones for the graves of the same,
should be made'a county charge.'
Motion seconded by Mr. Wolf and carried.
Mr. Genung offered the following resolution, which on nto-
tion of Mr. Kennedy, was adopted
Resolved, That the comrnon council of the City' of Ithaca, be petitioned
to grant Robert T.'Hugnnan police authority (without compensation) at the
court house and adjacent to the premises belonging to the county.
On motion adjourned.
SuPLrltvlsolts' PROCEEDINGS', 1 71
Roll call. Quorum present.
Mr. Beers presented the following act to amend an act, etc.,
whic1 was passed by the following vote :
Ayes— Messrs. Bates, Beers,' Kennedy, Bailey, Conger.
Genuhg, Wolf, Conklin, Seabring, Pierson—m.
roes —a
An,,act to amend an act of the Board of Supervisors passed, December
4th, 1889, entitled An act for the protection of quail and fish in f.he county
of Tompkins, etc."
Passed December 16, 1890 three- fourths being present.) •
Th people of the county, of Tompkins, represented in the Board of
Supervisors, do enact as follows :
That section i of the aforesaid act of December 4th, 1889, which reads
as folio :
No person shall catch, kill or have in his or her possession any quail
caught or killed iii this county for the period of five years from the passage
of this act :" is hereby repealed.
This et shall take effect Jan. 1st, 1891.
Mr. Bates offered the following resolution:
Resolved, That the publication of the town and county audits, and.
the statement of Supervisors' accounts be given to the Ithaca Weekly Jour -.
ual at 25 cents per folio.
Mr. Pierson moved the adoption of the same.
Mr. Bailey offered the following as a substitute for the reso-
lution!of Mr. Bates :
Resolved, . That the printing of county audits and town audits, also the
report of the equalization committee, the statements of Supervisor's claims,
and all notices required by law be given to the Democrat at twenty -five
cents per folio.
Mr. Wolf moved the adoption of the substitute., (Motion
seconded and the ayes and noes called for.
The .ballot on Mr. Bailey's substituted resolution resulted
as follows
Ayes— Messrs. Bailey, Genung, Wolf, Conklin, Seabring,
Chairman Pearson -6.
Noes — Messrs. Bates, Beers, Kennedy, Conger, Pierson -5.
Mr. Genung offered the following resolution, which on mo-
tion of Mr. Bates, was adopted :
Resolved, That the use of the court house for the purpose of holding a
farmers' institute be donated to the Tompkins County Agricultural Society.
Mr. Bates offered the following resolution, which on motion
of Mr. Pierson, was adopted :
Resolved, That the following amounts be stricken from the town audits
of the town of Caroline :
Burial of Edward J. Williams S35 00
Headstone for Carl Cannon 15 o0
And that the same be, added to the County Budget.
Mr. Bailey, chairman of the committee on ; sheriff's and
judge's accounts, stated to the Board that in regard to bill No. 154,
which had been withdrawn for correction,' after a careful exam-
ination of the same he was of the opinion that the sum of $33.28 '
should be added to the previous audit.
Mr. Kennedy moved that' the bill be allowed and audited as
Motion seconded and carried:
On.motion adjourned.
Lioll call. Quorum present.
Minutes of previous day read and approved. -
Mr.. Bailey moved that the Board take up the special order
of business laid over for Tuesday morning ; the same being final
action upon the reportof the equalization committee. 4
Motion seconded and carried.
Mr. Pierson moved the adoption of the report of the com-
mitt and called for the ayes and noes.
Mr. Wolf entered a• formal protest against the adoption, of
the report..
Mr. Pierson's motion was seconded, and the ayes and noes
ordered.' The ballot resulted as follows :
Ayes— Messrs. Bates, Beers, Kennedy, Bailey, Conger,
Conklin, Seabring, Pierson -8.
Noes— Messrs..Genung, Wolf, Chairman Pearson -3.
IIThe report of the equalization committee was declared
adopted, and is as follows :
Ir 1
TOWNS.No. Acres. Valuation. Personal. Aggregate.
Hanaline, 34,747 35,500 9
Dryden 33, 632,702 30,910 663,6.2 0
Enfield,58,192 1,058,135 F 53,4 1,111,540
22,007 549,937 34,4 5Groton,Ithaca,30,725 2 , 91,454 133, 000 1,330,470
Lansin 19, 233 2 ,9111 ,, 154. 53 3,443,9g -37,7 989,988 114,300 1,104,288Newfield,3 4 31,220 515,015Ulysses,19,8.8 1,051,390 237,410 1,288,800
Totals .. 9,7 $ $
We, the undersigned committee, would respectfully recommend that the
following be and is hereby declared to be the equalized valuation_of the real
estate in the county of Tompkins for the year 1890 :
TOWNS.No. Acres. Valuation. Personal. Aggregate.
Caroline,34,747 • 4Danby, '493 35,5 54,523
Dr den,
33,286 319,51,9 30,910 494,523Enfield58,192I, 3,6 53,405 1,372,994
22,007 381,627 34, 416,027Groton,30,725 133,000725899, 897 1 1,032 8Ithaca,83
Eansing,19, 233 - 3,443,4 53 3
Newfield,37,789 1 : 256 , 147 1 1 ,370 ,447
Ulysses 3 473,373 31,220 504,59319,818 1 , 054, 109 237,410 1,201,519
Totals;9,76o,271 $1, 20z, 905 $10963,176 •
A. H. PIERSON,Committee.
Mr. Genung offered the following resolution :
Whereas„ The committee on equalization, heretofore appointed by thechairmanofthisBoard, .have by a majority of said committee submitted
their report and
Whereas, In and by said report, so submitted as aforesaid, a manifest
injustice to the town of Ithaca, is and will be done by said report, and theadoptionthereofbythisBoard, therefore be it
Resolved, That the action of this Board heretofore taken upon the re-
port of the equalization committee be, and the fame hereby is' rescinded, .and b it further
r Resolved, That the basis of equalization adopted for the several towns
of Tompkins county for- the year 1889 be and the same hereby is made the,
equalization of the same for the year 1890. ,
Mg Kennedy raised the point of order, that it was imposs'i- ble td thus get the matter before the Board' Furthermore that
Mr. Genung's resolution to rescind, incorporated in the forego-
ing, was clearly out of order, he having voted with the minority '
against the adoption of the report.
i The chair sustained the point of order.
Mr. Kennedy called to the chair.—
IMr. Wolf offered the following resolution :',
1 ITHACA DECEM131 17;189o.
li hereas, By the action of the numerical strength of the Board of Supen-
visorsfi f the county of Tompkins; Ithaca is called, upon to pay $35.28 ofstateandcountytax,and whereas,as Ithaca should be entitled to all that for
whichlshe pays her money, therefore, be it resolved as the sense of thisBoard }of Supervisors, Ithaca is entitled to 1764 of the books or pamphlets oftheproceedingsoftheBoardofSupervisorsofTompkinscounty.
Mr. Pearson moyed the adoption of the same.
Mr. Bailey called the attention of the Board to the fact, that.
the reports of the proceedings of the Board of Supervisors, were
i apportioned - to the respective towns from their grand jury lists,
and riot from their assessment rolls.
Mr. Pearson called for the ayes. and noes.
I the chairman ruled the whole subject out of order.
Mr.- Seabring offered the. following resolution, which on
motion of Mr. Bates, was adopted
f l •1
Resolved, That the s ni'of $35:oo for the buiial. of Amasa Ganoung, a
soldier, be stricken fromithe town budget of Newfield, and the same be
added to the budget of the county.
Mr. Seabring offered the follotbi resolution, which on
motion of Mr. Pierson, was adopted:
Resolved, That there be levied and assessed the amounts set oppo-
site the names of such persons owning property situated in school district
number nine, Newfield, as appear in the transcript rendered by the collector
and trustee of said district for unpaid school taxes.•
Mr. Pearson offered the following resolution, which on 1110-
1 tion of NIr. Wolf, was adopted.:
Resolved, That the care and maintenance of all indigent insane.persons,
residents of the county of Tompkins, now in tine care and custody of any in-
sane asylum of this state, be and the same is hereby made a county. charge;
also, that the care of the deaf mute in the Western New York institute for the
care of deaf mutes at Rochester, N. V., be and the same hereby is made a
county charge.
Mr- Pierson offered the following resolution, which on mo-
tion of Mr. Kennedy, was adopted :
Resolved, That the committee elected yesterday, and ordered to make a
report to this Board on Monday next at 2 o'clock 1'. an., be continued; .and
athat said committee be instructed to make such report to the next Board of
Superviors, at their annual session; and be it further
1 o Resolved,' That should it be found by said report that any bills for the
care and maintenance of any insane persons committed to an asylum from
this county, or any other bills which have been audited by this Board, and
levied upon the property of the county, are properly a town or city charge.
then, the amount so erroneously levied, shall be assessed upon the towns or
city to which it is a proper charge ; and the full amount sd levied shall - -be
paid over to the county treasures, and placed to the credit of the county.
Judge Lyon appeared before the Board and submitted a
statement in regard to the appointment and salary of the clerk
of the surrogate's court.
t t
Mr. Pierson moved that all moneys heretofore appropriated ,
for the salary of a surrogate's clerk, and now remaining iit the
hand of the county treasurer, as well as the hereafter to
be appropriated for the same purpose for the year 189r, be placed
at the disposal of the surrogate for the purpose of employing one l;
1 or more clerks for the ei snitig year.0
Motion'seconded by Mr. Kennedy and carried.
Mr. Pierson moved that when this Board adjourns over the
present week, such adjournment be to Saturday, December 27,
189of at io o'clock 'A. m.
Motion seconded and carried. •
i On motion adjourned.
Roll call. Quorum present.
FltMr. Seabring, chairman of the committee on erroneous
asses presented the following report, which on motion of
Mr. Kennedy was accepte and ordered spread upon the mid n-
ute's 11 •
Your committee on erroneous assessments to whom were referred the
petitions of George Riker, Samuel True and'Hiratn Struble, of the town of
Danbb, and also the petition of David Robinson, of the town of Groton,
asking that certain property be stricken from the. assessment rolls of their
respective towns, as said property or some parts thereof, has been paid for
with moneys received from the U. S: government as bounty and pension
Your committee are of the opinion, that from the facts as set forth in
9thesepetitions, and the evidence which has been submitted to this commit- ,
Yee, that they would not be justified in asking that the prayer of said peti-
tioners be allowed.
We would therefore recommend that said petitions be referred back to
the assessors and town boards of the towns of Danby and Groton, who by
law are authorized to adjust any grievance which'said petitioners may have
by reason of said as§essments.
A. H. PIERSON, Committee,
Mr. Pierson moved that there be added to the county budget
the sum of$ioo.00, to pay for the new wall built between the
Baptist church and the court house.
Motion seconded by - Mr. Bates and carried.
On motion adjourned..
Roll call. Quorum present.cy
Minutes bf previous day read and approved.
Mr. Conger, chairman of the committee on charitable insti-
tutions, presented the following corrected report / of the commit-
tw, which on motion of Mr. Bates, was accepted and ordered
spread upon the minutes:
To Ike Honorable Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County
Your committee appointed to examine the accounts of the several
charitable institutions would respectfully report the following resolution :
Resolved, That in accordance with chaper 446, title 4, section 6, laws of
1874, there be assessed and levied upon the taxable property of the
county of Tompkins the sums set forth in the annexed schedule.to_reirn-
1 ,
II 1
burse the county treasurer for amounts of money paid to the Willard Asylum
for Insane Criminals, and the Western New York Institute for Deaf Mutes :
Michael Sweney X33 16
I,ina iRowen 135 01
Thomas Northrop '135 41.
Anna it. Welch, self supporting, $ 06.
S. Harriet'Crego 136 6,
Patience Stark 120 6,
Jatne Bremen 135 4
Mary iJ. Sweazy 222 86
Henry Gibson I72 85
Orvil A: St. John 44 13
Mary Stevens 191 6o
MarylE. Wood, cr. Mary E. Wood $.96.
James Cortright 195 00
1 Martha Baker 158 95
John '-McGrade 129 86
Hora D. Morgan, self supporting, 127.21.
Harriet P. Ross 120 91
Franklin A. Pierce 129 36
Joachim Atwater 134 66 3
Hamiah Kirby 8o 88
MaryliA. Culligan 1 4 91 , -
Margaret Moore f3 °;79
John iW. Ryant 1 145 85
Sarah P. Sutliff, self supporting, $149.7o.
Caroline I,. Tripp, self supporting, 144.10.
Priscilla Thompson 138 11
Hannah Winn 87 75
James Kellogg 3 139.88
Harley Kellogg 132 31
Patrick J. Casey 132 10
Fan G. Barber 132 16.
Fay T. Mapes 157 75
Sarah Niver, cr. by $6.75 107 72
Norah A. McKeon 165 00
Brig Montgomery 135 9
Edgar D. Wright 104 89
Patrihk McCarthy .n I 133 81
Benjamin 1I. Pratt . -127 81
Josephine Dean, self supporting, $124.46 I
Lillian J. Wood
l 1 56
Francis A. Drake 1 181 57,
Helen Bancroft 124 11
Dewitt'Savercool 151 41
James Fish, self supporting, $128 86.
Prank Carpenter 133 86
Wm. Porter 154 15
Catherine Collins 13o 86
Charles D.. Bowers . -r36 16
Nancy Schooleraft 186 jo
Priscilla Demond .. .
T45 90
Melissa Mott 55'
Amanda ,11cCaughcuy 116 25
Charles Whipple, Cr. by $3 85 189 67
James Saudwiek, Cr. by $23 14 75 -33
Emily C. Smith
135 40
Ira. W. Dwight, self supporting, $ 35.'I
Hattie Smith 146 65
Bartola Lynch h 135 81
Margaret' Raymond 137 g6
Jennie Dilon 138 66
Laura Saxton, self supporting, $131 66.
Phebe Ann Baker
149 75
Carrie A. Dew 151 6o
Sarah A. Wisner, cr. by $18 32 102 99
Garrison M. Moore 152 65
Frank E. Fuller, self supporting, $1o4 12.
Mary A. Slack, selfsuliporting,'$37- 6o.
Kate Fallon 37 62
Chauncey Gasper, cr. by $6.'o -8o 44'.
Mary Stephens 145 20
James M. Ingersoll 107 18
George W. Everts Sy 28
Lizzie Flynn 9 53
Mary Ann Russell .71 45
Henry A. Coe
Cr. by
59 a
o ,\
Balance 8288 74 •
f 1
Res That in accordance with a resolution of the Board of Super-
visors,. passed Dec. 7th, 188o, there be.assessed and levied upon the taxable
property of the following towns, the sums set forth in the annexed scheduletoreirnbnrsethecountyforamountsofmoneypaidtot'he several eharita-
ble inatitutimrs in said schedule named, viz :
Rose Vedder, N. Y. S. Institute for the Blind 93
Michael Keenan, Auburn Orphan Asylum 73 00
Jo Wilsey, S. V. H.51 00
Elora E. Harding 9 00
Nettie 16i 50
Mathew Shane, Auburn Orphan Asyluin 73 00
Johnnie Shane, 73 00
Eva Shane,73 00 ,
Charles Tubbs, Ithaca Home for Children . . . ... 5o 00
George Dutton, 67 5 l
1 Edward Tubbs, or 65 00
Henr A. Coe, Western N. Y. Institute for Deaf Mutes 520 00
2 98 •
O -p000 98
Juliu Casterline S. V H.'9 25 I .
Int. S. V. H., . , . 3 58
94 83
ULYssi s.
Prank Baines 91 25
Mrs. IPiatt, Ladies' Union Benevolent Society, of Ithaca . . . .52 00
Int to S. V H.3 58
146 83 •
e• .
Warren Frear, S. V. H ,9 25
Leander Stevens
91 251
Harry Miller qr 25
Int. S. V. H ,TO 63
284 38
S7 A. SEABRING, Committee.
On motion adjourned.
f .
Roll call. Quorum present.
The greater portion of the day was taken up in making and6"perfecting the county' and town budgets.
Mr. Bailey offered the following resolution, which on mo-
tion of - Mr. Kennedy, was adopted :
Resolved, Tlfat there be $io.00 added to the county budget for the
clerk of this Board for compiling the comptroller's report and for the extra .
or unusual work caused by the lengthy session.
Mr. Kennedy, chairman of the committee on county claims,
reported the following bills, which on motion of Mi. Pierson, ,
were allowed and audited as reported :
Numbers 1j8, 159, 16o, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, [66, 167, X68
On motion adjourned.
Roll call. Quorum present:
Minutes of previous day read and approved.
Mr. Wolf, chairman of the committee on equalization and
assessment rolls, submitted the'following report, which ,on
motion of Mr. - Pierson, was adopted and ordered 'spread upon
the minutes:
i U
Resolved, That there be levied'and collected from the taxpayers of
TmnPkins County the sums herein set forth for the following purposes :
For Schools 14,543 30
General Purposes 9,788 76
Canals.8 ,390 37NC 3 43
County audits 11 ,441 13
County Judge's salary 2,500 00
County Treasurer's salary.goo 00
Clerk of Supervisors.150 00
Superintendent of poor.2,917 68
Chaplain of Alms House 5o 00
eClerk's postage.15 00
District Attorney's salary.boo oo
District Attorney's office rent 200 00
Notes' Payable on Infant Heir Fund, and interest.4,849 69-
Willard Asylum, $7868 74.7, 74
Susquehanina Valley Home r 284 38
Bills Payable, deficiency 2,500'00
Coureexpenses, note Soo oo
Puel and gas 900 oo
Clerk of Surrogate's Court 250 00
jail Physician's salary 50 00
Supreme Court, Stenographer's` salary.472 79
Sheriff, Janitor's account.350 00
School Commissioner's salary'.400 00
Surrogate's Janitor account.75 00
Special County Judge's salary 50 00
Sheriff's office rent 35 00
County Treasurer's postage account.15 oo
Court expense account 3,000 00"
Wall for Court House too 00
Deaf Mutes, N. Y. Institute 225 00
Auburn Asylum, criminal insane ' •195 00
Clerk, compiling Comptroller's report.10 00
41,2o4 47
State tax 1 ,570 68
County tax 1,977'81
Town audits
1 , 054 19
Superintendent of Poor 1541
Highways and bridges 1,500 00
Support of poor 35 00
Relief of indigent sokiie ^s 75 00
Return tax 37
Commissioner's no J 212 00
7.208 77
State tax 1 ,554 3
County tax 1,957 21
Town audits.2,021 41
Highways and bridges 250 00
Superintendent of Poor 172 93 ,
Unpaid taxes 37 80
55,993 7
State etax 4,4 07
County tax 5,57 84
Town ',audits 2,024 13Addebyresolution8560
Superintendent of Poor 308 44
Unpaid taxes
Highways and bridges 1,405 12
Overs of Poor.325 ob
II 75
1 State Itax '1,279 45
County tax 1,61r 09
Townliaudits 1 ,497 43
Highways and bridges 250 0o
Interest on 14. R. bonds.r,176 00
Added by resolution 1
17 00
State institute for ,Riind 23 93
5, 90
State tax.3,017 01IL
County tax .3,79905
Town °audits 1495'7.3,1
Superintendent of l'oor 119 9
Highways and bridges.450 00
Por G. A. 14. Post 100 00
Interest on I4. R. bonds 1,050 00
Sinking fund 150 00
Unpaid taxes 19 44
Auburn Orphan Asylum 73 00
Added Eby resolution rr9 01
State tax •11 ,544 47
County tax 14,536 9
Town audits 15,714 44
Superintendent of Poor.1,014 85
Highways and bridges 250 00
Susquehanna Valley Home and interest 79 48
Auburn Orphan Asylum 219 00-
Ithaea Home for Children 182 50
L & A. Interest on R. R. bonds 5,625 00
Interest on R. R. bonds, G. & I 7,000 00
Sinking fund, I. & A 15,000 00
Tax Receiver's salary 4 00
Added by resolution loo 02
Unpaid taxes 139 27
7 95
State tali 4,211 37
County tax 5,3 00
Town audits 9,7 85
Superintendent of Poor.110 64
Unpaid taxes.696 14
Highways and bridges 250 00
State tax 1,587 04
County tax 1 ,998 4
Town audits 2,626 87
Added by resolution 16 75
Superintendent of Poor.183 29 '
Susquehanna Valley Home 94 83
Erroneous taxes 2 16
Erroneous taxes 14 08
Highways and bridges 250 00
Interest on R. R. bonds 3,206 00
Unpaid taxes 10 54
9,994 97
State Max 3,534 02
County tax 4,450 08
Town audits 1,252 51
FIighways and bridges 1,230InterestonR. R. bonds 3,743 00
Superintendent of Poor.102 66
Ithaca Home 32 00
Susgt hanna Valley Home i. 94 83
Unpaid taxes.36 28
Mr. Bailey offered the following resolution, which on motion
of Mr. Wolf,' was adopted :
Resolved, That the thanks of this Board are due and are hereby ten-
dered Tito the clerk of this Board, for the able, efficient and gentlemanlymannerinwhichIlebasdischargedthedutiesofhisofficeduringthis11
Mr. Pierson offered the following resolution, which on mo-
tion of Mr. Wolf; was adopted:
Resolved, That the thanks of this Boartl are due and are hereby ten -
dered 10 our chairman, N. Pearson, for the able and efficient manner in
which the has presided through the present session.
Mr. Seabring offered the following resolution, which on
motion of Mr. Bailey, was adopted :
Resolved,. That the thanks of the members of this Board be tendered to
the Ithaca Jounnal-Association for their courtesy in supplying us with the
IthacaCDaily Journal.
Mr. Bailey offered the following resolution, which on mo-
tion of Mr. Conger, was adopted :
Resolved, That the county treasurer be instructed in settling with Une
collector of Enfield, that he be allowed to retain $
On motion adjourned to Saturday, December 27th, 189o, at
1 to o'clock A. M.
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
Roll call. Quorum present.
Minutes ofprevioirs day read and approved.
The .uiembers of the Board having duly prepared and signed
the tax warrants, and there being further business before the
Board, the minutes of the day's proceedings were read and ap-
proved, and on motion the Board adjourned, .sine die.
I hereby certify that the,followingabstract comprises all the
bills and accounts against the County of Tompkins presented to ,
the Board of Supervisors of said county at its annual session for
the year• 1890, showing the name of each claimant, the true
nature of the,account, the amount originally claimed, and the
amount as finally allowed and audited by said Board.
No.Name,. Nature of claim.Claimed. ( Allowed.
T State Asylum for Insane Criminals, (See County
Budget).195 o0 $
2 1,. T. White, Coroner 5 5 5 5
3 W. N. Y. Inst. for peaf Mutes (See County Budget) 52o 83
4 E. 1 Weaver, Constable 95 95
5 Geo. E. Monroe, Justice of the Peace 19 00 17;75
6 Wm. H. Lester; Constable, ass'd to J. H. Kennedy 5 40 5 40
7 G. M. Beekwihh, Coroner 22 85 22 85
8 F. f,. Tarbell, Constable.1 70 r Io
9. Ira J. Smiley, expense of witness (disallowed) .3 00
10 H. S. Hopkins, Justice of the Peace 8 7o 8 70 4.
1 [ H. S. Hopkins, Justice of the Peace 165 1 65
12 R. Pierce, Constable 30 7 30'7
13 R. Pierce, Constable 25 90 18 3o
14 Banks Brothers, session laws 2 50 2 50
15 J. A. Elston, Special County Judge 504 00 496 00
16 Simon Maloney, jail ccss pool s 6 6o 6 6o
17 A. C. Byers, brooms for jail 2 25 2 25
18 Dr. E. H. Kyle, lunacy pro.. .12 00 10 00
19 Chas. Ingersoll, carriage for Coroner (disallowed)2 50
20 Hawkins & Todd, supplies for jail 21 00 21 00
21 Godfrey & Gilbert, repair jail fence 6 90 690
22 E. H. Bostwick, Coroner's juror 2 00 2 00
23 E. D. Norton, City Directory' County Clerk's Office, 2 50 , '2 5
24 E. C. Stewart, supplies for Court House ,11 60 11 6o
25 C. T. Stephens, supplies jail 7, 75 7 75
26 Dr. A. Chase, hmacy pro 10 00 10 00
k 27 E. P. Bouton, Under Sheriff 74 9 749
28 1,. P. Pease, ,Coroner's juror 2 00 2 00
29 Jamieson & McKinney, plumbing and supplies, Jail
and Court House 99 01 99 01
3o Ithaca Journ l,l'roceedings Board of Supervisors 1889 _396 00 96 0o t
31 Ithaca Journal, Session Laws 1890 744 4 744 4
32 Ithaca Journal, general county printing 645 79 645 79
3 Wm. McKinney, Coroner's juror 2 00 2 00
34 A. E. Chipman, supplies 19 25 17 5
35 E. 31. Hall, supplies Court 73ouse and Jail 41 36 41 36
36 Schuyler Grant, supplies Surrogate's office . .
4 , .75 75
37 J. Will Tree, book binder 7 00 7 00
38 Clinton Ayres, cleaning and disinfecting Jail . .24 00 24.00
39 D. W. Burdick, Coroner's juror
2 00 2 00
40 Tremau, K & Co., work and materials, Jail, C
House and Surrogate 28 65 28 65
41 Dr. Ed. Meaney, medical service 13 00 8 00
42 F. P. Randolph, labor and material Jail 9 95 9 95
43 Dr. S. H. Peck; ex. lunacy pro 0 5 00 ( 5 00
44 Haskin & Todd, supplies Sheriff . . . . . . . . . 5 10 5 to
45 N. V. & P. Telephone Co., service 4 w 42 00
46 Dr. I). White, 3 ex. lunacy pro 15 00 15 00
47 H. L. Raskin, Coroner's juror 2 00 2 00
48 Ithaca Water Works Company 170 00 Go 00
49 3I. N..Tonpkins, Justice of the Peace 44 44 44 44
50 D. M. Besemer, ex. in lunacy pro -5 00 15 00
51 Di - . Eugene Baker, ex. in lunacy pro 45 00 40 00
52 Joseph Fowles (returned for verification)2 20
53 Dr. J. A. Lewis, medical attendance and ex. in Inn-
acy pro.; assigned to W. N. Noble 87 5 87 50
s4 Dr. R. L. Smith, ex. in lunacy 15 on 15 00
55 Dr. S. P. Sackett, ex. in lunacy pro 5 00 5 00
56 Drs. Morgan.& Bishop, lunacy pro.ro 0o Io 00
57 Eiiz & Miller, bill for County Clerk 41 85 4 85
58 Dr. Prank A. Kerst, ex. in lunacy pro 20 00 • ' 20 no
59 Dr. J. S. Kirkendall, ex. in lunacy pro .5 00 5 00
6o Dr: J. L. Babcock, medical service 20 00 15 00
61 C.' A. Smith, sprinkling to 5o io 50
62 Monroe County Penitentiary, board bill prisoners 338 70 1338 70
63 City of Ithaca, officers' service bill 86 65 • - 86 65
64 City of Ithaca, Recorder's bill 39 15 39 IS
65 George Small, work at County Clerk's office.' .1 35 1 35
66 Dr. J . W. Brown, Coroner 69 95 67 flo
67 Andrus &t Church, Stationery Co. Judge.72 96 72 96
68 Weed, Parsods & CO., 78 poll lists 16 25 16 25
69 N. Y. State Institute for Blind (See County Budget). 23_93
7o J. P. Merrill, J. P., assigned to W. H. Willson . . . 14'30 14 30
71 J. P. Merrill, J. P., assigned to W. H. Willson 5o 25 50 25
72 J. P. Merrill, J. P., assigned to W. H. Willson.. . . 9 So 9 8o s
73 J. P. Merrill, J. P., assigned to W. H. Willson..- . . ri 5o II So
74 A. Krum, Constable, to' W. II. Willson 5 6 5 5o
75 A. Krum, Constable, to W. H. Willson 2 00 2 00
76 E. G. Phelps, Constable, assigned to W. II. Willson4 40 4 40
77. E. E. Phelps, Constable, assigned to W. H. Willson 50 9 8o
78 E. G. Phelps, Constable, assigned to W. H. Willson6 05 5 75
79 C. H. Sage, Constable,•assigued to W. H. Willson 5 95 4 95
8o C. H. Sage, Constable, assigned to W. H. Willson 5 5 75
81 Webb Wallace, Constable, assigned to W. H. Willson8 45 - 8 45
82 Webb Wallace,Constable, assigned to W. H. Willson, 5 25 5 25
83 J. F. Tetley, Constable, assigned to W. H. Willson. 6 90 6 90
84 J. F. Tetley, Constable, assigned to W. H. Willson . 146 o6 46 o6
85 H. E.Baker, Deputy Sheriff, assigned to. W. H. Will-
son 8 85 8 85
86 H. L. Baker, Deputy Sheriff, returned to Town of
Ithaca 20 15
87 Wm. Sullivan, Constable, assigned to W. II. Willson25 So 25 8o
88 Albert Van Auken, Constable; assigned to W. H
Willson'. , 7'20 7 20 1 .
89 Raymond L. Smith, Justice of the Peace, assigned to
W. H. Willson 4 75 . 4 75
go Rankin & Son, for Jail 2 25 , 2
91 J. H. Jennings, Coroner's juror 2 00 2 00
92 Dr, W. R. Oradorff, expert witness 75 00 . 75 00
93 O. D. Mulks, Constable 2 50 2 50 .
94 George Muir, •Constable t 7 35 . 7 35
95 C. H. Tarbell, Constable 7 35 7 35
96 Perry IIanshaw, Coroner's juror 00 2 00
97 Luther•Greenfield, Coroner's juror 2 00 2 00
98 Cleon Toudeau, Coroner's juror 200 200
99 W. J. Shaver, Coroner'sjuror 2 00 l 2 00
too George G. DeI'uy, Corouer'sjuror 200 200
for Charles W. Parker, Coroner's juror 1 oo 1 00
102‘F. B: Aiken, Justice of the Peace.8 oo 8 00
103 M. D. Hausner, Constable 7 3o ' 7 3o
104 Auburn Orphan Asylrun (see County Budget) .292 00
io5 Dr. J. Flickenger, ex. in lunacy to o0 to 00
rob Biggs & Co., supplies County House 154 22 154 22
107 M. E. Bolton, Coroner's juror 2 00 2 00
rob Willis Shurter, Constable 47 25 47 25 -
tog A. H. Pierson, Supervisor 30 o8 ' .30 08
Ho R. Wolf, Supervisor .9 00 9 00
111 Benjamin Rich, (returned to Superintendent Poor) . 9 62 -
r12 White & Burdick, supplies 3 20 3 20
113 R. G. H. Speed, Justice of Peace '6 15 6 15
114 Moses Coit Tyler, Administrator etc., of John Tyler
disallowed)208 33
115 Dr. F. B. VanBuskiik, ex. lunacy 5 00 5 00
rib Geo. Wallenbeck, labor' County House, assigned to
E. D. Norton 21 28 .. 21 28
t17.'Al. Van Aiken, Constable 27 65. 27 65
118 Andrus & Church, Stationery.47 59 47 59
119 Susquehanna Valley Home (See County Budget.) .
120 Susquehanna Valley Home (See County Budget.) .
121 Susquehanna Valley Home (See County Budget.) .
122 Susquehanna Valley Home (See County Budget.) .
123 Susquehanna Valley Horne (See Coutity Budget.) .
124 Frank H. Tarbell, Justice of Peace 2 6o 2 60
125 James C. Larmor, Constable. 27 25 25
126 A. Snyder, Justice of Peace. . . . . . ... . ... . 6 00 6 00
127 Sheldon & Bliven, livery 10 00 no 00
128 L. H. VanKirk, County'Clcrk 996 65 • 900 65
129 L. H. VanKirk, County Clerk •6 15 . 627 15
130 Paul Ewers, Constable '23 34 23 3
131 Ithaca Democrat, printing 241,800 ballots and express 449 to 4 15
132' Ithaca Democrat, general printing •107 o8 167 o8
333 Ithaca Democrat, Session Laws 744 4 744 4
134 Wm. A. Glazier, Coroner's juror,2 00 2 o0
135 James S. I,ylce, Superintendent Poor.231 00 231 bo
136 Charles Tarbell, Constable .6 6o 6 69
137 James S. Lyke, labor at County Rouse 26 00 26 00
138 Ithaca Democrat, stationery.15 00 15 00
159 D. B. Stewart & Co., supplies "10 00 10 00
140 Weekly Ithacan, printing official canvass, &c.22 75 22 75
141 Wm. J. Hallock, Constable h 22 20 14 65
142 Halliday & Finch (see resolution.)..5 00 5 00
143 Charles Ingersol, livery 5, 00 5 00
144 Dr. J. Winslow, examination in lunacy.10 00 10 00
145 G.. W. Slocum, jail supplies 2 50 2 50
146 E. L. Brown, extra work County House 50 00 5o. ool
147 M. W. Quick, jail supplies.2 75 2 75,
148 C. - C. Va11Kirk, legal services and expenses.,. . . . 36 6o 36 6o
149 O. A. Perry, jail supplies 3 5 3 5
15o N. Pearson, Supervisor 8 o8 . 8 o8
151 J. K. Follett, Sheriffs service bill 624 17 62 17
152 Frank Barber, Constable..7. 70 7 7
153 R. A. Crozier, Supervisor 3 00 300
154 J. K. Follett, prisoner's board bill 1757 75 3534 22
155 Halliday & Finch, services on motion for mandamus 17 5o 17 50
156 Withdrawn
157 Withdrawn
158 Fred T. Bates I 22 • 11 1 22
159 John E. Beers 100 61 100 61
16o John II. Kennedy.x 126 6o 126 60,
161 C. W. Conger.110 42 110 42
162 N. 1'earsou 128 72 128 72
163 R. Wolf 87 00 87 00
164 A. H. Pierson. 117.2xr92. ,117 226165A. G. Gennng,87. 69 87 oo
r66 D. W. Bailey 1p3hs7 103 17
167 J. Il: Conklin.105 92 1105 . 92
68 S. A. Seabring 104 96 104 96
4 13
h K
94 Suvmtvlsops' PROCEEDINGS, 1890.
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Abstract of the names of all persons' who presented
accounts to be audited by the Board of Town Auditors of the
town of Caroline, on the 6th day of Noveinber, 189o, with the
amount claimed by each, and the amount finally audited and
allowed each
No,Name.Nature of Service.Claimed. Allowed.
1 Joseph Hamilton, erroneous dog tax r oo $ 1 o0
2 Henry Jansen,100 00
3 D. M. Bowman,r on 1 00
4 John S. Head, excess tax. %8 82 8 82
5 L. D. Bacon, making election booths,. and hall rent
town meeting.l 6o 00 6o 00
6 G. S.9liggius, Inspector and Messenger 15 7 15 7
7 John J. Norris, Inspector.to oo 10 00
8 D. C. Krum, Llspector and stationery.10 95 10 95
9 Bowne Mulks, Inspector 10 0o to 00
to Harry Davis,'Poll Clerk 4 00 4 00
11 J. I). Schutt, Inspector.to o0 10 oo
12 P. N. Patch, Polk Clerk 4 00 4 00
13 M. L. Hover, Poll Clerk 4 00 4 00
14 . E. P. Legg, Inspector 16 0o 10 00
15 Wm. S. Snow, Inspector 16 oo 10 o0
16 John Davis, - Inspector and Messenger.22 65. r6 65
17 Geo. W. Hawkins, Inspector 16 00 j 10 00
18 John J. Peters, Inspector 16 00 10 00
19 0. D. Mulks, Poll Clerk 1
400 400
zo John Hurd on registry board.4 00 2 00
21 I. N. Foote, Poll Clerk 4 00 4 0o
22 E. D. Shurtdr, Poll Clerk.4 00 4 00
23 Geo. H. Richardson, Inspector 4 00 4 O
24 \Vm. B. Wolcott, Inspector.16 00 10 00
25 Wm. T.•Gralmin, Inspector.20 10 i6 to
26 E. F. Vorhis on registry board 8 00 4 00
27 R. E. Brink, hall'ren'12 O t2 00
28 W. K. Boice, Excise Commissioner 3 00 3 00
29 James \links, Ex. Overseer of Poor.7 00 7 00
30 Geo. C. Whitley, Overseer of Poor IS 00 16 00
31 George Wolcott, Assessor 32 00 32 00
32 Halliday & Pinch, legal services .38 S0 38 So
33 G. K. Donglity, Assessor.32 00 32 00
34 W. E. Davenport, Constable,5 7 5 7
35 Samuel Woodhull, Inspector 16 00 . 10 00
36 Penton Huson, Inspector.16 0o to 00
37 John Cross, Justice of Peace 7 5 7 5
38 George Vaple, excess tax.3 24 3 24
39 James S. Voting, Overseer of Poor 5 00 ' 5 00
40 I). P..A. Reid, reporting births 1• 75 1 75
41 John J.•Peters, Justice of Peace.20 6o 20 6o
42 W. V. Personius, Justice of Peace. ' c. ' 45 20 45
43 ,D. P. A. Reid, medical services for poor.8 5o 8 50
44 L. 13. Phillips, Ex- Commissioner Highways 24 00 24 00
45 Willis Shurter, Constable.26 55 26 55
46 D. M. White, Commissioner Highways 233 0O 233 00
47 R. G. H. Speed, Justice of Peace 14 5 14 5
48 P. E. Bates, Supervisor 27 3 27 3
49 Fred 13. Lounsbery, Town Clerk 74 83 74 83
5o S. L. Clark, damage to Horse and wagon 5o 00 20 00
51 A. D. Foote, hall rent 12 00 • 12 00
52 George F. Pratt, damages to horse 5 00 35 00
04 $94 04
We the undersigned, Board of Town Auditors of the town. of Caroline,
do hereby certify that t1n foregoing accounts were audited by us this 6th
day of November, 1890..
FRED E..BATES, Supervisor.
P. B. LoUNSIIEnv, Town Clerk.
W. V. Ih:RSONIns, Justices.K. G. H. SPEED,
Resolved, That the following amounts be added to the town audits of
the town of Caroline :
53 Haywood &.Baldwin 15 00
54 Convnissioner note 212 00
55 Dr. <Diron 6 oo
56 Booth & Williams..15 f5
57 Francis Earsley 34 00
58 P. A. Snow.3 00
59 Ed. Louusberry.Iz 00
Peb. 25, 1890, for highways and bridges, resolution adopted at
town meeting 7 50
April 7, resolution, special meeting Town Board 5 00
Sept. 20, resolution, special nesting Town Board 3 00
Allowed by law.z 50
15 o0
Feb. 25, for suppout of the poor 3 50
Nov. 6, soldiers' relief fund 75
22 25
P. B. LOUNSBERY, Town Clerk.
The following is an abstract of the names of all persons
who presented accounts to be audited by the Board of Town
Auditors of the town of Danby on the 6th day of November,
189o, with the amount claimed by each, and the amount audited -
and allowed' each:
No.Name.Nature of Service.Claimed. Allowed.
1 Ithaca Journal, printing 5 00 $ 5 00
2 Andrus & Church, blank assessment ......... Go 6o
3 M. A. Diumond, reporting births 3 25 3 25
4 M. Dumond, medical services '9 00 9 00
5 Charles Howland, Justice of the Peace •z. oo . z o0
6 Charles Howland, Clerk of election and lights.. .4 50 4 50
7 Charles Howland, Justice of the Peace 12 24 12 24
8 George Morris, Assessor 26 00 26 00
9 Levi L. Beers, Clerk of Election 4 00 4 00
to Will Bierce,supplies for poor 311 311
I Wm. H. Baker, Town Clerk 67 76 67 76
2 Win. H. Baker, Clerk of Election 4 00 4 00
13 John Mosher, Clerk of Election 4 00 4 00
14 D. H. Ostrander, supplies for poor t 70 1 70
15 Theodore Brown, Overseer of Poor 5 98 5 98
16 W. '1. "Kellogg, supplies for poor 10 40 10 40
17 W. T. Kellogg, supplies for poor 7 50 7 50
18 J. B. Thatcher, Justice of the Peace.12 00 12 00 '
19 J. B. Thatcher, Justice of the Peace.6 70 6 70
20 Jacob Wise, Justice of Peace 6 55 6 55
21 Jacob Wise, Justice of Peace 3 3 3 3
22 Jacob Wise, Justice of Peace 11 00 11 06 - •
23 Jerry Dorn, Constable 4 60 4 60
zq Sheldon Bierce, Ex- Overseer of Poor 7 75 7 75
25 0. J. Weed, Inspector and Messenger 15 8o is 8o
26 W. T. Kellogg, supplies for poor 20 15 20 15
27 W. T. Kellogg, hall rent and supplies.12 00 12 00
28 D. M. Kellogg, Clerk of Election.4 00 4 00
29 Henry P. Hutchings, Clerk of election 4 00 4 00
3o Fred Crane°, Inspector.10 00 10 00
31 C. J. Bruce, Inspector 10 00 10 00
32 J. P. Thatcher, Inspector 10 00 10 00
33 D. E. Palmer, Inspector TO 00 0 CO
34 C. A. Cooper, Inspector 10 00 10 o0
35 Charles B. Beers, assigned to John E. Beers, Inspector
and Messenger 15 48 15 . 48
36 Aaron L. Beers, Inspector l0 00 10 00
37 Samuel L. Kirkendall. Inspector 10 00 10 00
38 Geo. M. Meaker, blacksmith bill 16 40 ' 16 40
39 Geo. -M. Meaker, Highway Commissioner services. 222 00 222 00
40 Zebulon E. Smiley, Inspector and labor.12 00 12 00
41 C. E. Bruce, Ex- Constable 10 65 10 65
42 Jeremiah Thatcher, Ex- Justice of Peace.3 '0 3 10
43 Lucian B. Beers, Inspector, Messenger and moving
booths.18 16. 18 16
44 D. R. VanEtten, Ex Justice of Peace 6 00 6 00
45 II. S. Beardsley; supplies for poor.3 00 3 00
46 C. 1I. Sage, assigned to W. H. Willson, Constable . . 9 40 9 40
47 T. W. Slocum, 'Justice of Peace.It CO 11 00
48 1'. W. Slocum, Hlspector and Messenger.19 4 19 48
49 H. S. Beardsley, Ex -Town Clerk 5 00 5 00
5o O. S. Jennings, booths, ballot boxes, &c 7o 00 7o 00
51 S.' D. Sincebaugh, Constable x8 -15 18 15
5 J. G. Smith, Overseer of Ithaca, supplies for poor. .16 76 16 76
53 C. II. Ostrander, Inspector 10 oo to 00
54 T. R. VanGelder, Inspector and Messenger 15 00 15 00
55 John E. Beers, Supervisor 3 01 38 01
56 John E. Beers, medical services.15 75 15 75
57 Commissioner of highways, roads and bridges. .to66 18 1o66 18
58 Wm. Howland, Inspector and labor.12 00 12 00
59 Charles Howland; rent polling place 5 00 5 00
5 4 5 4
6o Horace Elyea, Assessor (services). . . . . .. . . . . . 22 00 22 00
61 Supervisor, for postage.8 00 8 0o
62 Theron S. Ward, Assessor 24 00 24 00
52021 41
1 '
We the; ndersigned, comprising the Board of Auditors of the town of "
Hanby, do certify, that we have examined the accounts here presented this
day, and have passed upon the saute, and have entered the names of the
persons presenting said accounts, the amounts claimed and the amounts
allowed in the proper colnnms of the foregoing abstract.
Nov. 6th, 189o.
JOHN E. BEERS, Supervisor.
WM. H. BAKER, Towa Clerk.
1 hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of an abstract now ou
file in my office.
WM. H. BAKER,'Town Clerk.
1 At a meeting of the ,Board of Town Auditors of the town of
Dryden, held at the Centre House in said town, on the 6th day
of November, eighteen hundred and ninety, the following bills
were audited :
No.Name.Claimed. Allowed.
1 Samuel McI {ee, Lnspector..16 00 .$ 16 oo
2 George E. Goodrich,.Inspector and Messenger.. .23 zo 23 20 •
3 Will Mespell, Poll Clerk- .4 00 4 014
4 J. Dolph Ross, Poll Clerk.4 00 4 00
5 Chester D. Burch, Hlspector 16 oo 16 oo
6 Daniel M. white; Inspector"16 oo 16 oo
7 Wm. M. Park,Inspector 16 oo 16 o0
8 A. M. Clark, Poll Clerk 4 00 4 00 '
f 9 James Pnrgerson, Poll Clerk 4 00 4 00
to Geo. H. Hart, Inspector 16 on 16 00
Chas. F. Pitts, Inspector 16 00 16 00
12 D. R. Montgomery, Inspector 16 00 16 00
13 James B. Fulkerson, Inspector 16 00 . 16 00
14 George E. Monroe, Inspector and Messenger .• . . 22. 96 22 96
15 henry Wattle, use of house.10 00 10 00
16 Bradford Snyder, Poll Clerk 4 00 4 00
17 Wm. H. Middaugh, Inspector 16 00 16 00
18 Jacob McKinney, Inspector .. . . . 16 00 16 00
19 Milton E. Snyder, Inspector and i\[essenger.. .17 5o 17 5o
z0 J. T. Morris, Poll Clerk and use of house and building
ballot boxes. 41 00 41 00
21 P. S. Snyder, Inspector and Messenger 21 32 16 00
22 Jesse M. English, Inspector and Messenger 21 32 21 32
23 Otis E. Wood, Poll Clerk.4 00 4 00
24 C. F. King, Inspector and Messenger 17 00 17 00
25 H. C. Warriner, Poll Clerk 4 00 4 00
26 Omer K. Rhodes, Inspector 16 00 16 00
27 Theron Johnson, Inspector and Messenger 21 64 i6 oo
28 Albert W. Overacker,- Inspector 16 00 16 oo
29 E. R. Gaston, Inspector and Messenger 21 . 64 21 64
3o J. 1,. Platt, Poll Clerk and stationery 4 25 4 25
31 Frank W. Smith, .Inspector 16 0o' 16 0o
32 Wm. J. Smith, Inspector r6 00 16 0o
33 Henry C. Sutliff, Inspector and Messenger 18 00 - 13 oo
34 Russell L. Sager, Inspector.16 00 • x6 00
35 Frank E. Brown, Inspector and Messenger 21 72 21 72
36 Charles B: Bills, Poll Clerk and Registry Clerk . .12 00 12 00
4 37 Solomon L. Howe, Inspector 16 00, 16 00
38 Joel B. George, Inspector.x6 00 16 oo
39 Henry A. Dearman, Inspector k 16 00 16 o0
4o Fred E. Darling, Inspector and 'Messenger.21 88' 21 88
41 James M. Carr, Poll Clerk 4 15 4 15
42 Willard Shaver, Poll Clerk 4 00 4 00
43 Orron Lother, Inspector and Messenger:17 5o 17 5o'
44 Etna Cemetery Association 5 oo
45 W. W. Sherwood 2 00 2 00
46 R. M. Smiley 2 00 2 00 -
47 Gardner Gibson, use of,house for town Meeting..3o 00 30 00
48 Frank Hutchinson, Constable 7 45 7 45
49 Solomon L. Howe, Ex- Commissioner 31 3o \ 31 39
5o Willow Glen Cemetery Association 7 50 7 50
51 Homer Genung 35 00 . 35 00
52 Horner Genung 4 00 4 00
53 J. II Ross, recording marriages.1 00 1 00
54 George 13. Goodrich 5 00 5 00
55 Thaddeus Drell, damages to wagon.1r 25
56 Bradford Snyder.26 00 26 00
57 Bradford Snyder 10 00 10 00
58 Benjamin Sheldon 78 00 78 0b
59 R. M. Smiley 7o 00 . 70 00
6o Alvah Ewers 64 00 64 00
61 George H. IIoutz 16 05 16 65
62 J. J. Montgomery 43 16 43 t6
63 J. J. Montgomery 5 50 5,50
64 George E. Monroe 24 00 24 00
65 George E. Monroe 27'35. 27.35
66 G e o r g e 13 . Underwood . . . . . . . . . 16 00 16 00
67 A. L. Smiley 29 20 29 20
63 Alfred R. Mock, assigned to Sarah M. Bower : . .14 75 14 75
69 Wm. E. Brown •20 00 20 00
79 Aretas S. lox to 00 10 00
71 Abner A. Haskins 22 00 22 00
72,G. L. Rood 2 35 2 35
73 Edward R. Gaston.16 oo x6 00
74 N. H. Vanl3tten 6 6o 6 6o
75 / Wm. Bryant.26 75 26 75
76 H. C. Warriner 97 65 97 65
77 T. A. Gifford, use of house .to 00 to 00
78 B. L. Robinson 2 00 2 O
79 Milo Snyder, material and building -28 booths. . . to6 40 too 40 •
8o M. J. Bickle, assigned to E. E. Ellis.2 00 2 00
81 Grant Fox, assigned to E. E. Ellis 5 00 5 00
82 Wm. W. Sherwood.70 0o 7o 00
83 Wm. W. Sherwood. 288 00 288 00
84 Wm. W. Sherwood.31 oo 31 00
85 John H. Kennedy 4 00 4 00
86 Everal P. Weaver, Constable 18 55 18 55
87 Everal F. Weaver, Justice bill 20 00 20 00
88 R. L. Robison 9 25
89 James C. Loaner, Constable 8 85 8 85
90 James C. Lormer, Poor Master 20 00 20 00
91 Alviras Snyder 7 5o 7 5o
92 A. C. Stone, use of hall to 00 10 00
2024 13
I certify the within to be a true copy of the names of all persons pre-
seatingbills for audit before the - Board of Town Auditors of the town of
Dryden, November 6th, 189o, with the amount claimed and allowed.
H. C. WARRINER, Town Clerk.
Resolved, That the following bills be added to the Town Audits of the
town of Dryden :
93 W. H. Lester, assigned to J. H. Kennedy.5 4
94 A. M. Ford.3 00
95 George C. Sweet 32 00
96 Dryden Cemetery Association 5 00
97 Cynthia Leets, assigned to E. E. Ellis to 00
98 Andrew Cole 6 00
99 D. R. Montgomery, President to 00
too A. Snyder 3 05
tot Paul Ewers. 2 15
m2 B. B. Cook, assigned to j: H. Kennedy.5 00
81 Go
to3J. H. Kennedy 4 00
85 6o
J. H. KENNEDY, Supervisor.
The following appropriations have been made for bridges :
1 For erection of bridge on Lewis st., Dryden Village .125 00
2 For the erection of bridge near Reagin, West Dryden •7 00
3 For the erection of bridge at Willow Glen.75 80
4 For the erection of bridge near Alvah Ewers 7 00
5 For the erection of bridge near Bradford Snyder. .125 00
6 For iron joists for the Seager iron bridge..10o O0
7 For iron joists for the Shaver iron bridge 100 O
8 For iron joist for fork of the creek iron bridge.. .coo 00
9 For repairs on bridge near C. F. King.29 40
10 For repairs mt bridge near Smith Stevens 28 65
11 For repairs on bridge near Leonard Griffin to 25
12 For repairs on bridge near D. H. Cornelius 11 25
13 For new bridge near Burlingantcs.97 10
14 For new bridge near Sickmores. •20 40
15 For repairs on Thomas bridge 13 02
16 For repairs on Factory bridge to 5o
17 For repairs on Tannery bridge 14 5
18 For repairs on Ernest Snyder bridge 24 5
19 Repairs on Frank German 20 00
zo Repairs on bridge near 13. 13. Cook 28 5o
21 Repairs on bridge near Starr Stanton to 00
22 Repairs on Forks bridge 20 75
23 Repairs on Shaver bridge.20 75
24 Repairs on Seager bridge.20 75
1155 12
Resolved, That the suer of eleven hundred fifty-five and 12 -100 dollars
in addition to the two hundred and fifty dollars allowed by law be raised for
the Commissioner of Highways.1
I certify the above to be a true copy of appropriations for highway pur-
poses on file in my office for 1890 up to date.H. C. WARRINER, Town Clerk.
Resolved, That ,the sum of three hundred and twenty -five dollars be
raised by tax for the support of, the poor for the ensuing year.
J. H. KENNEDY, Supervisor.
H. C. WARRINER, Town Clerk.
GEO. E. MONROE, -Justices.
A list of names of all persons who presented accounts to
the Auditing Board of the town of Enfield on the 6th day of
November, 18go, together with the amounts claimed and the
amounts allowed each one:
No.Name.Nature of Service.Claimed. Allowed.
1 Note in favor of Everett Smith.64 4
2 C. E. Georgia, Inspector of Election 16 00
3 Johnson Updike, Inspector of Election 16 oo
4 O. H. Poster, Inspector of Election 16 0o
5 James Hine, Inspector of Election 16 00
6 Edwin W. Noble, Assessor 32 00
7 James McCracken, Poll Clerk.4 00
8 E. R. Osterhout, reporting vital statistics 5o
9 M. L. Harvey, house for election purposes 15 00
ro W. S. Bower, Inspector of Election.16 0o
11 John Russell, Jr., Poll Clerk 4 00
12 J. H. Theall, Poll Clerk 4 00
13 Edwin Bailey, Inspector of Election, assigned to D.
W. Bailey r 21 99
14 Prank Barber, 1st services at ton'n meeting 2 00
15 Munson Potter, Excise Commissioner.3 00
16 J. N. Wortman, building and putting up booths, $c 5 57
17 J. Van Tlarter, Assessor 32 00
18 Charles Wright, supplies for booths.r 8
19 Wm. Ammack, Excise Commissioner 3 00
20 Eldred Frost; services equalizing assessment..200
21 L. Van Marter, Special Constable at town meeting .2 00
22 Wm. T. Wright, Poll Clerk, and Member of Board of
Health 6 00
23 Fremont Wilson, Excise Commissioner 3 00
24 Edwin Owen, Inspector of Election 16 oo
25 Everet Smith, Excise Commissioner 32 32 00
26 James l3roas, Inspector of Election r6 oo 16 oo
27 F. G. Sumrnerlon, excess of dog tax, 1889. •42 00 2 00
28 Mark Hausner, Special Constable at election . . .3 00 3 CO
29 Simeon Smith, legal services 5 00 5 00
3o James McCracken, Ex- Overseer of Poor.14 0o 14 00
31 Dr. L. T. White, reporting vital statistics 11 e0 11 00
32 James Quigley, for lumber 148 88 143 88'
33 Wm. H. Amulack, Bonding Commissioner.24 50 24 50
34 J• S. Miller, Ex- Supervisor 9 12 9 12
35 Albert Clark, Special Constable.2 00 2 00
36 A. Griffin, Overseer of Poor •12 00 12 00
37 Riley Wright, peace officer, and work on booths,
assigned to Charles Wright 5 00 5 00
38 Frank A. Barber, Ex -Town Clerk 17 40 17 40
39 W. V. Ramsey, Inspector and Messenger 21 94 21 94
40 J. G. Wortman, house for election purposes 35 00 35 00
4r I3urr Ramsey, for lumber 17 04 17 04
42 D. W. Bailey, equalizing school district, 1888 . . . . 2 92 2 92
43 1). W. Bailey, for lumber furnished by J. H. Quigley
in 1339 47 67 47 67
44 J. M. Limning, Justice of the Peace 31 25 31 25
45 D. M. Searles, Justice of the Peace'20 00 20 00
46 F. 11. Aiken, Justice of the Peace 31 5o 31 5o
47 S. M. Oltz, Justice of the Peace.29 00 29 00
48 J. N. Wortman, Commissioner, personal service. . 154 00 154 00
49 D. W. Bailey, Supervisor 3 44 3 44
5o G. K. Darragh, Town Clerk 111 25 111 25
51 D. W. Bailey, Supervisor. dividing town, and services
under.new election law 16 00 16 00 -
52 J. N. Wortman, Commissioner Highways 193 24 193 24
53 Authorized to be raised by Supervisor for Commis-
sioner of Highways.100 00 100 00
353 28
Added by resolution 17 00
We the •undersigned, composing the Board of Town Auditors of the
town of Enfield, do hereby certify that tlrc above is a correct list of all
claims presented and allo*ed by us against said town.
D. W. BAILEY, Supervisor.
Gno. K. DARRAGH, Town Clerk.
F. 13. A1KEN,
J. M. LANNING, Justices.D. M. SEARI,ES,
S. M. 01,rz,
54 D. W. Bailey, assessment roll.3 0o
55 D. W. Bailey, 1 day with State Assessors 2 00
5 Supervisor, interest on R. R. bonds.. i176 00
57 T. J Jones, R. R. Commissioner 12 00
The following is an abstract of the names of all persons
who presented accounts to be audited by the Board of Town
Auditors of the town of Groton on the 6th day of November,
189o, with the amount claimed by each, and the amount finally
allowed :'
No.Name.Nature of Service.Claimed. Allowed.
D. H. Tanner, Constable 5 75 5 75
2 C. H. Tarbell, Constable 7 40 7 40
3 L. J. Townley, printing 57 o8 57 o8
4 C. O. Rhodes, chloroform 40 40
5 Nelson Underwood, Overseer of I'oor 20 53 20 53
6 Gabriel Rummer, supplies for poor.10 oo to CO
7 C. W. Conger & Co., supplies . . . ... . . . . . . 9 8o 9 &1
8 D. R. Watson, marriages 00 - 1 00
9 Dr. M. D. Goodyear, doctor 7 75 17 75
10 Warren Jones, back dog tax 1 oo 1 oo-
11 J. J. Booth, ballot boxes.20 00 20 00
12 C. W. Conger, Supervisor 35 0o 35 00
13 Nelson Harris, Assessor 42 00 42 on
4 A. J. Conger, Assessor.26 00 26 0o
r5 S. W. Hyde, board of poor 5 00 5 00
16 Alvin Howard, Assessor 35 00 35 00
17 J. J. Weeks,. Clerk 4 00 4 00
18 A. M. Francis, Board of Health 2 00 2 00
19 J. H. Green, board of poor 55 • 55
zo B. L. Robinson, certificate.1 75 1 75
21 S. R. Reniff, Inspector 2 48 2 48
22 V. B. Gross, Clerk 400 400
23 Wm. A. Smith, marriage 2 50 2 50
24 Joel J. Hough, excess tax 8 25 8 25
25 J. M. Montfort, Justice 2 75 2 75
26 E. A. Hand, Board of Health and vital statistics .9 75 9 75
27 S. H. Pennoyer, Po C1eek 4. 4 0
28 Jay Conger, Inspector.400 4 00
29 Wm. D. Baldwin, Poll Clerk.4 00 4 00
3o F. L. Tarbell, Constable.1 85 1 85
31 C. A. Townley, Excise Commissioner . . ,. .3 00 3 00
32 W. M. Avery, Town Clerk, 1890. . . . . . ... . . 51 17 5 17
33 Charles II. Tarbell, Constable 260 •, 2 6o
34 ,Charles H. 'Parboil, Constable 2 .70 2 70
35 Charles H. Tarbell, Constable 3 70 3 '7o
36 Charles H. Tarbcll, Constable., .2 70 . 2 70
37,R. J. Pierce, Constable . 12 2012 20 '
38, R. J. Pierce, Constable 20 .37 19 37
39 R. J. Pierce, Constable 14 49 .. 14. 49
40 R. J. Pierce, Constable.. . r ...1'95' 1 85
41 E. R. Nye, town hall '35 ap 35 00
42 H. D. Spencer, Excise Commissioner.. 3 00 , 3 00
43. Newton Baldwin, Justice 22 00 22 00
qq J. M. Montfort, Justice .20 ao 20 00
45 ..H, S. Hopkins, 17 bills in criminal cases 4 45 4 45
46 Mrs. W. H. Barto, care of poor ; . . .17 5o 17 5o
47 Nelson Stevens, Justice 6 oo 6 00
48.11. S. ,Hopkins, Justice Town Board ..•. . n w 22 00
49 B. Williams, rent 27,50 27 5 •
51 Newton Baldwin, burial permits.3 75 3 75
52, E. G..Galloup, mdse. furnished G. A. R . 59 79 59 79
53 Allen Howard, Inspector . . ...16 00 16 00
54 Fred J. I'erLee, Inspector 16 00 16 00
55 H. S. Hopkins, Dnspector 16 00 i6 00
56 B. R. Williams, Inspector 16 00 16 oo
57 Floreri W: Crittenden, Inspector.16 00 16 00
5 Lavern Teeter, Inspector 16 00 f6 00
59 James McGrail, Inspector
8 16 o0 16 oo
6o S. R. Reniff, Inspector 16 00 16 00
61 Gabriel Rummer, Inspector and Register.. . . .22 44 22 44
62 P. W. Allen, of Election'
63 Marion McElheuy, Inspector and Messenger. .22 04 . 22.
64 Edd Metzgar, Inspector and Messenger 18 00 18' oo
65 Alvin 8. Stearns, Inspector 16 00 16. 00
66 H. N. Kimple, Inspector 16 oo r6. oo
67 R. N. Mount, Inspector t6 00 ' x6 co
68 Giles Benson,.Register and Messenger 22 00 22 00
69 Wnt. M. Ellis, Register 12 00 12 CO
70 N. Stevens, Clerk of Election 4 00 4 00
7x George Pickens, groceries for poor 9 3 9 3
72 W. H. Rostenbader, Register and Inspector .' .22 28 22 28
73 . Wm. H. Burnham; Inspector Clerk, Assessment Clerk to 0o Lo 00
74 Marvin C. Youngs, Registry Inspector 16 co 16 00
75 H. B. Stevens, Town Clerk, 1889.25 12 25 12
76 E. J. Watrous, excess of tax.9 54 9 54
77 J. W. Jones, Supervisor, 1889 to 5o 10 50
78 Henry D. Hyde, mdse. for poor 1 31 1 31
79 William Webster, use of hall for registration. .10 0o to 00
8o• Woman's C. T. Union, use of room for registration to 0o to 0o
81 F. A. Sherman, Poor Master.12 05 12 05
82 J. S. Love, house rent for poor.24 00 24 00
83 J. M. Montfort, mdse. for poor.46 52 46 52
84 C. W. Conger, Supervisor, cost of booths, cash ad-
vanced for booths.8o 07 8o 07
85 F. A. Sherman, Overseer Poor.40 00 40 00
86 H. B. Stevens, mdse. for Overseer 2 75 2' 75
87 G. M. Beckwith assigned to M. D. Goodyear, doctor-
ing poor..48 00 48 00
88 G. M. Beckwith, assigned to C. W. Conger, vital
statistics 4 4
89 G. W. Davey, Inspector and Register z6 ao 16 00
90 Jones & Goble, stoves, locks, ' &c.6 So 6 8o
91 Ward D. White, services as commissioner-68 do 68 00
92 E. A. Stearns, stone by order Commissioner. . .6 24 6 24
93 G. M. Beckwith, doctoring poor, assigned to C. W.
Conger 35 00 20 00
94 Newton A. Collings, mdse. for poor 2 40 2 40
1 C. W.'CONGER, Supervisor.
W. A. AVERY, Town Clerk.
96 Dana Rhodes, Board Registry 12 00
97 T. G. Beach, poor supplies 3 50
98 Dr.A. M. Baldwin, Register vital statistics.. 4 75
99 E. B. Hoagland, Tompkins House, Overseer Poor. .8 00
too A. B. Rogers, room, Registry and Election 11 00
rot Newton Baldwin, Justice Peace 1 70
102 Dr. C. F.- Griswold, Register vital statistics.. . . r So
103 Daniel Sullivan, poor supplies 500
104 J. G! Smith, pool supplies.7 58
05 D. McLachlan, coal 50
106 Dr. C. A. Boyce, medical attention, per contract . •45 00
107 P. J. Tanner, Inspector Election 4 CO
1o8 P. E. Pitts, Clerk Election 4 CO
109 S. A. Wait, poor supplies 2 48
no Rev. J. W. Barr, vital statistics 100
111 C. W. Conger, assessment roll and balance 7 00
1614 74
At a meeting of the Board of,Auditors of the town of Ithaca,
held at the Town Clerk's office on the 6th day of November,
189o, the following accounts were examined, audited and allow-
ed as per statement below:
No.Name. Nature of Service.Claimed. Allowed.
1 G. A. R., relief 635 9 $ 635 9
2 Murray Caldwell, erroneous tax to 61 10 6z
3 Horace Brown, highway service bill 4 00 4 Co
4 Barr Bros., highway expense , •16 93 - 16 93
5 L. A. Burritt, stationery, postage, &c 8 84 8 84
6. Stephen M. Vorhis, Constable 68 40 68 40
7 Dr. J. A. Lewis, medical, assigned to Wm. N. Noble. - 25 00 25 00
8 C. S. Wattles, cement.2 85 2 $S
9 Holmes Hollister 157 44 157 44.
to George Small.24 20 _ 24.20
11 Dr. D. White, Health Officer .5o 00 5o 0o
12 Treman, King &`Co., bridge paint, &c 51 29 51 29
13 John J. Williams, Excise Commissioner 9 00 9 00.
14 A. 0. Hart, Excise Commissioner 45. 450
15 J. P. Moore, Excise Commissioner 36 ao 36 ai
16 C. Hanshaw, Excise Commissioner 45 00 45 00
17 A. 13. Dale, Assessor 322 00 322 00
18 John J. Williams, Assessor.0.'.' .'.j..: rob 0o 1o8 00
19 Luther Lewis, Assessor 5o 00 5o 00
20 Dr. E. Meany, medical Sz oo 52 m
21 Dr. Reuben Smith, recording births and deaths. .2 5o 2 50
22 'C. J. Rumsey & Co., highway supplies 8 47 8 47
23 Ithaca Journal, printing 199 42 199 42
24 Estes Rockwell, lumber for bridge 6o o0 6o oo
25 J. W. Kline, lumber for bridge. . . . 52 27 52 27
26 Alva D. Brown, lumber for bridge 153 15 153 15
27 W. J. Totten, Town I3oard 65 8o 8o
28 J. B. Taylor 215'63 215 63
29 M.. N. Tompkins, Justice of Peace 18o'30 18o 30
30 Wm. McKinney, Citizen Member Board Health: . 6 oo 6 00
31 Hiram .Baker, Constable 4 40 4 40
32 E. P. Bouton, Under Sheriff 8 00 8 00
33 Spence Spencer, office rent 5o 00 5o 00
134 Simeon Smith, legal 5 00 5 00
35 E. D. Mowry, Inspector •20 00 2000
36 Dr. J. W. Brown, Inspector .20 00 20 00
37 John P. McCormick, Inspector 20 00 20 00
38 George N. Pew, Inspector 20 00 20 00
39 J. L. Dick, Inspector 20 00 20 00
40 T. ' S. Thompson, Inspector 20 00 20 00
41 John Donnavan, Inspector 20 00 20 00
42 Stephen Kennedy, Inspector r6,00 16 00
43 J. W. Preswick, Inspector.16 00 r6 oo
44'J. J. Williatirs, _Inspector.20 00 20 00
45 C. H. Slocum, Inspector 20 00 20 00
46_N. M. Gillett, Inspector zo 00 20 00
47'C. H. Slocum, Inspector 20 00 20 00
48 John Barden, Inspector. . . zo 00 20 00
49 J. G. Burns, Inspector 40 00 40 00
5o A. S. Fisher, Inspector 8 00 8 0
51 D. L. Burt, Inspector i6 00 16 0o
52 Henry J. Brown, Inspector • •16 0o r6 00
53 Sanford Manning, Inspector . . 16 00 r6 00
54 G. W. Baker, Inspector 20 0o 20 00
55 D. M. Fowler, Inspector.20 00 20 00
56 Spence Spencer, Hlspector ao'o0 20 00
57 Holmes Hollister, Inspector: . 20 0o ' 20 ob
58 Joseph W. Miller, linspector.20 00 20 •
59 H. L ;Haskin, Inspector 20 00 20 00
6o E. II. Bostwick, Inspector 20 00 • 20 °°
6r P. Pearson, Inspector r6 0o x6 oo
62 Salein Twist, Inspector, assigned to J. L. Baker CO 20 00
63 H. L. Stewart, Inspector 20 00 20 00
64 E. J. Brown, Inspector; assigned to W. H.•Willson ` 20 00 20 00
65 J. E. Van Natta, Inspector, assignied to W. H "'
Willson,20 00 20 00
66 C. H. Wilson, Inspector; assigned to W. H. Willson 20 00 20 CO
67 Lewis Coryell, Inspector, assigned to W. H. Willson . 20 00 : 20 00
68 E. H. Mowry, Inspector, assigned to W. H. Willson . 20 ix) • 20 00
69 John E. Van Natta, Inspector, assigned to W.
Willson 20 00 20 00
70 J. L. Goldsmid, Inspector, assigned to W. H.
1 20 00 20 00
71 J. C. Warren, Inspector, assigned to W. H. Willson . 20 00 20 00
72 J. H. Selkreg, Inspector, assigned to W. H. Willson - . - 20 00 20 00
73 H. J. Wilson, Hnspector, assigned to W. H. Willson'.' 24 96 24 00
74 A. DI. Parrott, Inspector, assigned to W. H. Willson : 24 0o' 24 00
75 W. H. Martindale, Inspector, assigned to W. H. '
Willson 20 0o io 00
76 Theron D. Davis, Inspector, assigned 'to W. II.
Willson 20 00 20 00
77 C. A. Gibbs, Clerk, assigned to W. H. \Villson. .20 00 . 20 00
78 G. A. Tappenden,. Inspector, assigned to W. H.
Willson 20 .00 20 00
79 Frank R. Burton, Inspector, assigned to W. H.
Villson . . 20 oo ... 20 00
So E. J. Brown, Inspector, assigned to W. H. Willson .. 20 00 20 CO
8' M. J. Acton, Inspector, assigned to W. H. \Villson . zo w 20 00
82 John J. Williams, Idspector, assigned to W. H.
Willson .....20.00, zo 00
83 M. J. Acton, Inspector, assigned to W. H 20 90 20 00
8q C. S. Dean, Inspector, assigned to W. H. Willson , 20 00 20 o0
85'D. M. Vowler, Inspector, assigned to W. II. Willson . 2000 20 00
86 'George I,. Vorhis, Inspector, assigned to W. H. ,,
Willson . . . . ... . 20.00 20 00
87 H. S. Miller, Iinspector, assigned to W. H. Willson , 20 CO 20 00
88 C. H. Wilson, Clerk, ,assigned to W. H. Willson, 20 00 20 00
Sq Thos. Barker, Inspector, assigned to \V. H. Willson . 20 00 • 20 00
90 A. N. Ackley, Inspector,assigued to W. H. Willson.. ; 20 00 20 00
91 W. H. Harrington, Clerk, assigned to W. H.
Willson 20 00 20 00
92 Myron M. Crandall, Constable, assigned to W. H. .
Willson 7 20 7 " 20
93 E. G. Phelps, Constable, assigned to W. H. Willson. 1 00 1 00
94 E. G. Phelps ;, Constable, assigned to W. H.
9 to 9 to
95 J. F. Tetley, Constable, assigned to W. H. Willson . 32 o8 , 32 o8
96 Chas. Bundy, room rent, assigned to W. H. Willson . 20 00 20 oo
97 T. W. Burns, Town Council, assigned to W. H.
700 700
98 Webb Wallace, Constable, assigned to W. H.
75 45 75 45
gg H. E. Baker, Constable, assigned to W. H. Willson. 1 95 1 95
too IL E. Baker, Constable, assigned to W. H. Willson . 3 90 3 9
tot Wm. Sullivan, Constable, assigned to W. H. Willson. 40 8o 40 8o
102 Myron M. Crandall, Constable, assigned to W. H
Willson 8 30 8 3o
103 Wm. Sullivan, Constable, assigned to W. H. Willson. 46 65 - 46 65
104 Wm. Sullivan, Constable, assigned to W. H. Willson. 23 55 23 55
105 Myron M. Crandall, Constable, assigned to W. H.
Willson 7. 90 7 90to6H. E. Baker, Constable, assigned to W. H. Willson. 14 80 14 80
to7 H. E. Baker, Constable, assigned to W. H. Willson. 1 70 1 7o
to8 M. M. Crandall, Constable, assigned to W. H.
7 80 7 So
109 H. E. Baker, Constable, assigned to W. H. Willson . 12 go 12 go
no H. E. Baker, Constable, assigned to W. H. Willson . 12 0o a 00
1t1 Wm. Sullivan, Constable, assignedto.W. H. Willson 77 85 i7 8
712 J. B. Taylor, Town Clerk, assigned toW . H. Willson. 110 45 110 45
113 J. B. Taylor, Town Clerk, assigned to W. H. Willson. 71 41 71 4
114 Raymond L. Smith, Justice of no 5o no 5o
115 D. F. Finch, stationery 20 95 20 95116Andrus & Church, assessment books. '16 0o t6 ,00
117 Spence Spencer, Messenger 8 oo 8 00
t t8 L. H. Van Kirk, County Clerk.2 8o 2 8o
119 M. N. Tompkins, Town Council 73 00 73 00
120 John Shehey, stone, highway 5 75 5 75
121 J. P. Merrill, assessment roll, assigned to W. H
79 00 . 79 00
122 J. P. Merrill, Justice of the Peace, assigned to W. H
Willson 8 m 8 oo
123 J. P. Merrill, Justice of the Peace, assigned to W. H. ,
Willson 330 10 330 10
124 Ed. Jackson, Clerk 20'00-• r_20 00
125 W. S. Crittenden, Clerk
126 D. Lawton, Clerk, assigned to Geo. Small 20- 06,=_:20 00
127 Ed. Jackson, Clerk 20 00 20 00
i28 Randal Donovan, Clerk 4 00 ' 4 00
29 W. H. Parker, Clerk 20 CO 20 00
130 J. Hanshaw, Clerk 4; 4 00
131 Ai Brown, Clerk 16 0o 16 00
132 John J. McGowan, Inspector •r6 16 00
33 Hugh T. Burt, Clerk 4 00 4 00
134 Theron VanInwagen1 Clerk 4 0o 4 00
135 G. H. Fisher, Inspector 12 00 12 00
136 C. H. Brooks, Inspector 20 nn " "20 00
137 Frank Cole, Clerk 4 00 4 00
138 L. C. Perry, Clerk 400 4 00
139 Percy Wood, Inspector 8 00 8 00
140 H. S. Wright, Inspector 36 nn 36 00
141 O. P. Hyde, Clerk 20 00 20 00
142 Eugene Terry, Inspector, &c • •22 50 22 50
143 O. P. Hyde. Clerk 4 00 4 00
144 A.C. Burnett, Clerk 4 00 4 co
r45 W. P. McClune, Clerk 4 00 4 00
146 G. P. London, Clerk 20 00 20. 00
147 Patrick Shannon, booth rail 75 75
148 Dixon & Robinson, booths, &c.3 9 3 9
149 John Bolger, Inspector 20 00 20 00
15o John E. Clapp, Clerk 4 00 4 00
151 P. H. Groody, Inspector, assigned to J. H. Rhen . . zo 00 20 00
152 A. W. Randolph, Inspector 20'00 20 00
153 W. G. Brasher, Inspector 20 00 20 00
154 E. E. Ingalls, Inspector, assigned to W. H. Willson. ' '2o 00 20 00
155 J. II. Rhen, Inspector 20 00 - 20 00
156 Ed. C. Wolf, Constable 27 65 27 65
57 Chas. Ingersoll, room rent 20 00 20 00
r58 F. E. Tibbetts, roost rent, assigned to J. M. Heggie . 20 00 20 00
159 A. M. Cradit, roost rent 20 00 20 00
160 Sprague Steainer Co., room rent 40 0b 40 00
161 G. A. R., room rent_40 00 - 40 00 '
162 Sawyer & Glenzer, room rent 20 00 20 00
163 Myrou VanOrman, room rent 20 00 20 00
164 J.. \V. Tibbetts, room rent, assigned to J. M. Reggie. zo 00 20 o0
165 II. W. Stej>hens, room rent assigned to J. 11. Reggie 20 00 20 00
66 J. Beardsley, room rent, assigned to J. 11. Ileggie.. 20 CO 20 ao
167 Horace T. Miller, Inspector. assigned tor M. Reggie 20 00 20 o0
168 Adrian M. Bellis, Inspector, assigned tor M. Heggie 20 00 20 00
169 Wm. Mack, Inspector, assigned to J. 1f. Heggie . . 20 00 20 00
7o Chas. Terwilleger, Dnspector, assigned' to J. M.
Reggie.20 00 20 00
171 John H. Staley, Inspector, assigned to J. M. Heggie., 20 00 20 00
172 J. C. Warren, Inspector, assigned to J. 11. Heggie 00 20 00
173 W. W. Montgomery, Inspector, assigned to J. 74.
Heggie 1 20 00 20 00
174' Chas. ,Terwilleger, Clerk, assigned to J. M. Heggie20 00 20 20
175 :Fred'S. Shaw, Clerk, assigned to J. 1f. Reggie . .20 00 20 00
176 E. C. Tichenor, Clerk, assigned to J. M. Reggie .20 00 20 (0
177 F. A. ,Van Vradenburg, Clerk, 'assigned to J. M.
Heggie.20 00. 20 CO
178 ,,W. P. McCI.ine, Clerk, assigned to J. M. Heggie .20 00 20 00
179 L. S. Mc/{ay, Inspector, assigned to J...51. Heggie 20 00 20 CO
180 E. P. Davenport, Inspector, assigned tor M. Heggie. 20 00 . 20 00
181 F. A. Van Vradenburg, Clerk, assigned to J. M.
Heggie.16.00 16 00
182 E. P. Davenport, Inspector, 'assigned to J. M ,
Heggie.20 00 20 00
183 E. C. Tichenor, Clerk, assigned to J. M. Heggie .400 4 00
84 N. Pearson, Supervisor . . . . . .214 27 214 27
85 City o£ Ithaca,• Police 555 35 555 35
r86 John G. Smith, to balance of debts as Overseer
Poor 73 73 73 73
187 City of Ithaca, Recorder's bill 671 55 , 671 55
88,F. E. Tibbetts, supplies for room, assigned to J. M.
Heggie . . . .500 500
189 First National Bank, for Commissioner Highways828 00 828 00
90 John Terwillerger, room rent 20 00 20 00
19i C. S. Dean, Inspector, assigned to W. H. Willson.20 00 20 00,
192 Robert Reed, Inspector 1 20'00 20 00
193 C. H. Van Hooter, Inspector, assigned to Rober4
Reed.20 00 20 00.
194 C. II. Van Router, Clerk, assigned to McCrea &
Reed.20,00 20 00
195 Robert Reed, Inspector. . • . . . 20 00 20 00
196 Reuben Gee, fnspector, assigned to Robert Reed.20 00 20 00
197 Ithaca Democrat, printing.r73 35 173 35
098 A. M. Parrott, Inspector, assigned to W. 19. Wllson. 20 00 . 20 00
199 Cl1a4. Bundy, room rent.20 00 20 00
200 E. G. Phelps, Coistable,assigied to M. N. Tompkins. 7 00 7 00
201 J. A. Elston, Counsel in tax case.15 00 15 00
202 W. F. Purdy, Inspector, assigned to Robert Reed4 00 ' 4 00
203 Alex. Smith, room rent 20 00 20 CO
204 John A. Fisher, Clerk.4 00 4 00
205 Loma Rouillion, Clerk 4 00 4 00
206 Mkelune & Fisher, medicine 63 63
207 Will Ilausner, Inspector.20 00 20 00
208 E. C. Wolf, Constable 9 35 9 35
209 Raskin & Todd, Overseer Poor, medicine 7 45 • 7 45
210 A. B. Brooks, medicine 4 5 4 Si
211 E. R.hngalls, shoes,6 50 6 5o
212 E. D. Norton, printing 2 00 2 00
213 C. S. Seaman, lack, &.c.0o 10 rw
214 A. J. Beers, undertaker 20 00 20 00
215 Frost & Brown, groceries 111 00 111 00
216 J. J. A. Dimling, groceries 2 00 2 00
2r7 Fred Atwater, groceries 63 00 63 00
218 Thos. Estes, nurse, assigned to M. N. Tompkins .3 63 3 63 ,
219 Chas. Bundy, grocer 29 i0 29 00
220 L. V. Coal Company, coal.55 13 550 13
221 D. L. & W. Coal. Co., coal.177 7 477 7
222 E. C. Stewart, grocer 2 00 2 00
223 A. Tompkins, carting &c k1 40 85 4o 85
22¢ H. 1'erwilleger, Carting &c 3 55 3 55
225 C. A. Smith, carting &c 68 41 68 41
226 Dr. E. Meany, 8 months medical services . . . . 165 07 165 07
227 D. Randolph, groceries 2 50 2 50
228 Thos. Ryerson, groceries 14 00 14 00
229 Westervelt Coal Co , coal 131 35 - 131 35
23o James Dick, coal 261 41 261 41
231 John G. Smith, office rent, assigned to M. N.
Tompkins 32 00 - 32 00
232 E. J. Beutly, groceries.I 335 5 335 5
233 W. George, groceries 14 00 14 00
234 1. C. Andrews, groceries.52 c0 52 00
235 1'. Kinney, mdse 12 50 12 50
236 \Vest Brothers, shoes 3 5 3 5
237 Shelden & Bliven, hack &c 7 50 7 50
1 1
238 W. l3. Krum, coal.27.0o 27 00
239 C. M. Stanley, shoes 8 5o 8 5o
240 Jas. Norton, groceries.60 25 8o 25
41 Davenport 13ros., groceries 142 50 142 50
243 G. B. Harland, groceries 76 5o 76 5o
244 George Grant, hoard 1 5o 1 5o
245 I'. Clynes, grocer 121 50 121 50
246 Sawyer & Glenzer, grocers 279 5o 279 5o
247 F. T. Greenly, grocer 1o6 0o ro6 00
248 George Stephens, grocer 189 00 189 00
249 Drake & Townsend, grocers 126 5o 126 50
250 E. S. Jackson, grocer 66 00 66 oo
251 George Buck, grocer 16o 65 16o 65
252 D. Naughton, grocer -116 5d 116 50
253 T. S. Thompson, grocer 16o 00 16o 00
254 Blackman Bros•, grocers 196 75 196 75
255 Naughton Bros., grocers 9 5 9 5
256 Jerome Norton, cemetery 18 00 18 00
257 0. A. Perry, clothing 9 00 9 00
258 M. Mabee, carting, &c 52 to 52 )o
259 Dr. J. W. Brown, medical 10 00 10 o0
z6o A. Seaman, wood, assigned to B. J. Doolittle.18 38 18 38
261 Dixon & Robinson, wood 62 67 62 67
262 P. Wall, shoes m o0 10 00
263 Jos. Fowles, wood.53 62 53 62
264 1). H. Wanzer, grocer 48 00 48 00
265 H. W. Stephens, grocer 7 50 7 50
266 M. Shepard, grocer 1 00 1 00
267 M. Shepard, grocer, assigned to D. B. Stewart . . . 6 oo 6 00
268 J. K. Bradford, grocer, assigned to D. B. Stewart. . 168 5o 168 5o
269 C. Price, grocer, assigned to D. 13. Stewart 135 5 133 5
270 E. I. Moore, grocer, assigned to D. B. Stewart . . . - 50 00 5o 00
271 J. R. Comings, undertaker, assigned to J. M. Hcggie. 56 so 56 5o
272 A. A. Hungerford, grocer, assigned to J. M. Heggie. 53 00 53 00
273 H. W. Stephens, grocer, assigned to J. M. Veggie . 11 00 11 00
274 W. H. Wattles, coal, assigned to J. M. Heggie . . . 152 45 152 45
275 J. W. Stephens, grocer, assigned to J. M. Reggie . . 98 00 98 00
276 Thos. Culver, grocer, assigned to J. M. Reggie . . 12 00 12 00
277 C. E. Sheffer, grocer, assigned to J. M. Heggie. . . 74 00 • 74 00
z78 W. Conway. grocer, assigned to J. M. Heggie . . 121 •00 121 00
279 Warner & Co., grocers, assigned to J. C. Stowell
Son 3 25 3 25
o 28o Chas. Griffin, grocer, assigned to J. C. Stowell & Son 21 00 21 00
281 13. F. Marsh, grocer, assigned to J. C. Stowell & Son. 26 00 26 00
282 Hyle & Weglnan,• grocers, assigned to J. C. Stowell
Son 1o6 0o ro6 0o
283 E. Tree, grocer, assigned to J. C. Stowell & Son .37 00 37 no
284 C. P. Strong, grocer, assigned to J. C. Stowell & Son 21 00 21 00
285 C. F. Strong, grocer, assigned to E. C. Stewart. . . 5 00 5 co
286 R. \Volf, Supervisor.1 8 oo 8 no .
287 J. F. Tetly, Constable,,assigned to W. H. Willson6 90 6 90
288 W. J. Rouser, Clerk.4 00 4 00
289 Jo. Fowles, lime 2 20 2 20
290 James Lynch, Clerk.4 00 4 00
815,714 44
We, the undersigned, the Town Board of the town of Ithaca, do hereby
certify that the foregoing is a correct list, and the statement of all accounts
examined, audited or rejected gat the meeting of said Town Auditors, held
the Town Clerk's office on the above dates in November, 189o.
N. PEARSON, Supervisor.
J. B. TAYLOR, Town Clerk.
291 Hiram Baker, Constable, assigned to W. H. Willson. 20 15 20 15
292 Torrent -Hose Co., rent of 200111 20 00 20 00
293 A. Merrill, coal.3 51 3 5
294 Jeremiah Mitchell, land for highway, Mrs. J. Mitchell 10 00 10 00
295 A. G. Genung, with State Assessors 4 00 4 00
296 Mrs. F. M. Bates, erroneous tax .24 13 24 13
297 N. Pearson, with State Assessors.2 48 2 48
298 J. S. Kirkendall, erroneous tax 12 11 12 11
299 Christopher J. Brown, erroneous tax 3 64 3 64
5100 02
Disbursements as per statement of L. F. Colegrove,
from Nov. 1, 1889, to Mar.' 1, 1890 .149 20
From services 39 75
From cash paid over to Brown 61 05
2jo oo
Disbursements from Mar. 1, 1890, to Nov. 3, 1890, as
per statement of Horace A. Brown 1 1037 46
1287 46
Receipts from different sources as per statement of
L. F. Colegrove, Nov. 1, 1839, to Mar 1, 1890 . . 25o 00
Receipts per statement of Horace A. Brown, Mar. 1,
1890. to Nov. 3, 1890 1162 43
1412 43
Cash in hands of Coumrissioner Brown 124 97
1287 46
Disbursements as per statement of J. G. Smith, Nov
1, 1589, to Nov. 5, i890 4980 77
Casll on hand 117 00
5 77
Receipts from all sources as per statement, Nov. 1,
1889. to,Nov..5. 189o.5 77
Outstanding bills as per statement 681q 23 •
Received from N. Pearson 5097 77
Cost of support for the year 11912 00
Amount of outstanding bills Nov. 3. 1S90 6814 23
Less amount refunded by J. G. Smith and applied
on outstanding hills by N. Pearson 492 00
Less excise motley and fines, by N. Pearson .Bq 49
681 49
Amount to be raised 46132 74
SlnERVZsblte' 1 119
Abstract Town Audits of the town cif Lansing, November
6th, 1890 :
No.Name.Nature of Service. Claimed. Allowed.'
t, Henry M. Field, Excise Com missioner 3 00 $ 3'00
2 Wm: A. Singer, 6 ballot boxes 8 20 - 8 20
3 John J. Booth, burial of Erastus Benson.20 00 20 00
4 Nelson E..Lyon, election supplies.1 82 1 82 .
5 B. M. Hagin, election supplies 10 0o to 0o
6 C. G. Benjamin, poor supplies 4 94 4 94
7 C. G. Benjamin, poor, supplies 3 00 3 00
8 C. G. Benjamin, poor supplies 4 50 4 50
9 Nelson E. Lyon, poor supplies 8 43 8 43
to Roswell Beardsley, poor supplies 45 57 45 57
11 Roswell Beardsley, hall for election.to 'or) 10 00
12 Henry Blakeley, keeping Sally Jacobs.65 00 65 00
13 Rensselaer Miller, supplies for poor.20 73 20 73
14 C. E. Robinson, supplies for poor 1 55 1 55
15 C. E. Robinson, Assesor.46 00 46 oo
16 Rodolpluts Miller, voting booths and plank 85 25 85 25 /
17. Barnes, Assessor 46 50 46 50
a8 -Old Ladies' Home, keeping Libbic Howard 52 07 52 07
19 Lewis DeCatnp, Commissioner's service bill 84 oo 84 00
20 Jonathan 'Norton, Inspector.16 oo 16 00
2r John Boyer, plank 2 50 2 5
22 A. H. Clark, Excise Commissioner 3 00 3.00'
23 Dr. W' H. Loc keiby, medical services, Mrs. James
Clark 23 00 23 00
24 Dr: 4V. H.'Locketby, medical service; Fanny Patcheu. 40 50 40 5o
25 Dr. W. H. Lockerby, medical service, Erastus Benson. 6 or; 6 00
26 Dr. W. H. Lockerby, medical service, Sinton Burger. to 5o 0 5o
27 Dr. W. H. Lockerby, medical services. Mrs. G. •
Miller -525 • 5 25
28 T. H. Pierson, Ex Comutissioner service bill 47 '00 47 00
29 J. G. Buck, Assessor 44 00 44 00
30 Daniel Sullivan, Overseer Poor service bill `107 75 107 75
l31 Albert Van Aukcn, Constable.3 to 3 to
32 W: H. L.ockerby, registering births and deaths . . . 6 00 6 00
33 Ithaca Journal, printing '3'75 3 75
34 Orlando White, Poll Clerk . . . .4 00 4 00
35 Ed. 'Emmons, Poll Clerk 4 co 400
36 Michael Egan, Inspector i8 o0 18 co .
37 Ben 0. Brown, Inspector and Messenger . • . . ...24 04 24 04
38 Wm. Metzker, Inspector 16 on i6 00
39 Hiram Bower, Inspector 16 00 16 00
40 O. B. Drake, Inspector n 16 00 16 co
41 F. M. Wooley, Inspector.16 00 16 00
42 C. A. Haskin, Inspector 18 o0 18 0o
43 Dennis Kelley, Inspector.1. . .12 00 12 00
44 Frank Harring, Inspector 16.0o 6 co
45 Wilson D. Williams, Inspector and Messenger. 21 04 21 04
46 Benton M. Halliday, Inspector 16 oo 16 oo
47 Chas. G. Hagin, Inspector 16 00 16 00
48 John W. Pratt, Inspector 16 5o 16 5o
49 Frank H. Tarbell, service hill.16 00 16 00
5o Charley Drake, service hill 16 00 16 00
51 II. M. Hagin, service bill 16 00 16 00
52 Nelson E. Lyon, service bill 16 00 16 00
53 Frank H. Tarbell, criminal bill 1 75 . 1 75
54 T. H. Pierson, balance due on settlement 21 78 21 78
55 Nelson E. Lyon, agent, hall rent 25 00 25 00
56 J. H. Conklin, service hill, R. R. matter.16 40 16 40
57 J. H. Conklin, service bill, R. R. matter.26 40 26 40
58 Rev. F. Dewitt, registering marriages 1 75 1 75
59 C. E. Wood, recording births, deaths and marriages 11 5o 11 50
6o F. H. Tarbell, Excise Commissioner 3 00 1 3 00
61 J. M. Smith, use of hall election 1 5 co 5 w
62 C. E. Wood, service bill 45 00 45 00
63 A. J. Conlon, Clerk of Election-4 00 4 00
64 Wm. M. Dates, Inspector and Messenger 21 8o 21 80
65 Prank H. Tarbell, Clerk of Election 4 00 4 00
66 John H. Conklin. Clerk of Election.4 00 4 00
67 J. P. Knettles, Clerk of Election 4 00 4 00
68 C. E. Wood. money paid out 4 40 4 40
69 John H. Conklin, percentage 27 70 27 70
70 Supervisor to pay note given by late Commissioner to
Bartholomew 153 4 153 4
71 Supervisor Conklin, to pay Ex- Supervisor Brown . 184 81 184 81
72 Overseer of Poor for poor fund loo 00 loo 00
73 Supervisor to pay judgment and costs in Ingersoll suit. 468 3o 468 3o '
74 Supervisor to pay H. V. Howland.7455 00 7455 00
75 Chas Baker 28 85 8 co
76 J. M. McKinney, plank.28 90
77 J. H. Ross, registering marriages 1 ,50
78 Bradford Snyder, Overseer l'oor of Dryden 20 50
79 J. H. Conklin, service bill 5 76
8o Chas. Gillette, extra tax 1 7o
9,7 85
I hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy of the Town
Audits, audited by the Town Board November 6th and 7th, 189o.
C. E. WOOD, Town Clerk,
Town audits as allowed by the Board of Town Auditors,
November 6th and 7th, 1890 :
No.Name.Nature of Claim.Claimed. Allowed.
i Daniel Gore, Clerk of Election, District No 2. .4 00 $ 4 00
2, Alvah D. Brown,• Clerk of (Election, District No. 2. . 4 00 4 00
3 Jerome Swartwood, Inspector, District No. 2.. . . . 16 00 16 00
4 E. M. Swartwood, Inspector, District No. 2 16 oo 16 00
5 L. L. Carman, Inspector, District No. 2 16 oo 16 00
6 Alvah Brown, use of house for election 7 00 7 00
7 George Grover, Inspector and Messenger, District No.2 21 96 21 g6
8 Augustus Patterson, Inspector, District No. 2 . . . . 16 00 16 00
9 A. 1'. Crane, Inspector, District No 1 i6 oo 16 oo
to A. 1'. Crane, for ballot boxes and supplies 6 45 6 45
11 George W. Osman, error in assessment, IS89 . . .4 o6 4 o6
12 George W. Swartwood, Ex- Commissioner services.40 00 40 00
13 R. Horton, Inspector, District No. 1 r6 00 16 00
14 A. II. Palmer, Inspector, District No I 16 oo 16 00
15 J. W. Dean, Inspector and Messenger, District No. 3. 21 64 21 64
16 G. W. Ham, Assessor and Poll Clerk 34 25 34 25
17 C. W. McCort', Excise Commissioner 3. 3 00
rS Martin Brower, Constable 9, 6o 9 Go
122 SurEltvisoits' PROCEEDINGS, 1890.
19 John Lamkin, Commissioner of Ilighway, services276 00 276,00
20 Corideu Cornwell, assigned to John Van Riper. .12 85 12 35
21 Wm. H. Anderson, Inspector, District No. 3.. 16 0o 16 00
22 David V. Congdon, Inspector, District No. 3.. . . . 16 00 16 00
23 DeLos Cutter, Inspector, District No. 3 v 16 00 16 oo
24 Benjamin Starr, Inspector, District No. 3 16 . 00 16 00
25 John C. Thompson, Poll Clerk, District No 3.4 00 4 00
26 J. F. James, repairing bridge, by order of Commissioner. 5 76 5 76
27 \V. E. Bush, Inspector and Messenger, District No. 1. 21 64 21 64
28 James Stamp, Excise Commissioner.3 00 3 00
29 N. C. Cook, supplies 2 28 2 2S
3o L. T. Carpenter, Assessor.34 25 34 25
31 Cook & Kellogg, use of rink 20 00 20 00
32 Mrs. Henry Piper, care of Eber Brill 65 13 65 13
33 Simeon Sinsebaugh, Constable 3 00 0 00
34 Frank Carpenter, repairs of bridge 1 25
35 'f. B. Palmer, R. R. Commissioner 7 30 6 70
36 Andrew Smith, Ex- Overseer Poor.18 21 IS 21
37 A. D. Brown, lumber furnished Commissioner High-
ways in 1887 S ro S to
38 George W. Swartwood, Ex- Commissioner of High-
ways, interest 5 17 5 12
39 John C. Thompson, Assessor 34 00 34 00
40 James W. Douglass, Overseer Poor 47 26 47 26
41 Benjamin Starr, booths.64 00 64 00
42 Ezra T. Rumsey, Inspector, District No. 1 16 oo 16 oo
43 Estus Patterson, supplies and Ex -Town Clerk. . .7 75 7 75
44 Estus Patterson, Poll Clerk, District No. 1 4 00 4 00
45 W. I3. Van Ostrand, Justice 1 75 1 75
46 John Boyer, erroneous assessment 21 22 21 22
47 Abner H. Stamp, Justice fee bill . . . 16 00 16 00
48 W. H. Van Ostrand, Justice fee bill iS o0 1S oo
49 Frank Seaman, Poll Clerk, District No. 1 4 Oil 400
5 Prank Seaman, Justice fee bill 6 00_ 6 00
51 S. A. Seabring, Supervisor 66 40 66 40
52 Benjamin Starr, services as Town Clerk J
21 00 . 21 00
53 A. K. Allen, Justice 23 00 23 00
54 Benjamin Starr, services as Town Clerk 74 25 74 25
55 Elvin Keen, Justice service bill 1 12 00 12 00
56 Elvin Keen, Justice costs.5 40 5 40
57 John Baufield, lumber furnished Commissioner 0f
Highways ISS9 14 34 14 34
58 John Lamkin, Commissioner of highways; borrowed
money 1555 00 1555 00
283r 32 $2826 37
Less two.hundred dollars, amount received by Super-
visor from estate of Dewitt Savacool 200 00
2625 37
I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct abstract of the
amounts claimed and allowed, as audited by the Board 'of Auditors in said
town on November t11, 189o.
Nov. 8t11, 1890.
The following is an abstract of all bills presented to the
Town Auditing hoard, November 6th, 7th and 8th, 1890,
with the amounts claimed and allowed :
No.Name.Nature of Service. •Claimed. Allowed.
G. E. Orton, M. D., vital statistics .......... 1 50 1 502G. H. Airily, Inspector and Messenger.22 04 22 043C. C. Sears, Clerk Election
4 00 4 00
4 Elias Smith, Clerk Election, 1889.4 00 4 00
5 Thomas Kirby, Inspector Election 16 00 16 e.1
6 E. A. Snow, Clerk Election 8 00 8 00 1
7 W. E. Dean, inspector Election . . . . . . ... . • 4 0 4 PO8J. S. Hixon, Ex- Overseer Poor 5 75 5 75
9 Mrs. H. K. Van Order, room for election 10 00' 10 00
10 E. T. Stewart, Overseer Poor 28 00 28 00
11 A. B. Smith, Inspector and Messenger 22 04 • 22 04
12 C_ L. Adams, printing 8 75 8 75
13 Henry Williams, Inspector and Messenger 22 04 22 04
Iq Fred Pinckney, Inspector r6 00 16 00
15 Rev. J. E. Rhodes, vital statistics 1 00 1 0o
t6 J. M. Stout, Inspector 16 oo 16 0o
17 C. Van Amburg, Inspector 20 00 20 00
IS J. Flickinger, M. 1J., vital statistics 3 5o 3 5o
20 11. C. Ring, Excise Commissioner 3 00 3 00-
21 H. G. Cooper, Inspector and Messenger.9 40 9 40
22 A. A. Beard, stationery, Se.2 10 2 10
23 L. W. Carpenter, vital statistics.5 5 5 5o
24 S. L. Stone, Inspector 16 00 . 16 00
25 N. R. Gifford, Inspector 21 96 21.,96
26 F. W. Osborn, Overseer Poor 16 5o 16 5o
27 E. M. Corcoran; Inspector 16 00 16 00
28 F. M. Kerst. vital- Statistics.s.5 75 5 75
29 F. M. KerstS town physician .7 5 7 5
3o F. ll. Kerst, health Officer 4 00 / 4 00
31 ,George Wolverton; room for election 20 08 20 00
32 L. W. Carpenter, Excise Commissioner 6 0o 6 0o
33 J. B. Spaulding, I3xcise Commissioner.6 oo 6 00
34 C. F. Hunter, Inspector Election 16 00 6 00
35 Willis Dintick, Inspector 16 00 16 00
36 I'urley F. Sears, Inspector 20 00 20 00
37 O. M. Wilson, Clerk of Election -. . . . . . 4 00 4 00
38 J. D. Smith, Clerk of Election, fie 8 X50 8.50
39 J. R. Emery, Justice and Town Board 18 75 18 75
go E. P. 13outon, Deputy Sheriff 12 75 12 75
41 E. P. Houton, Deputy Slteritf.1 50, i 5o
42 Leroy Trembley, rooms for Town Board.8 oo 8 00
43 E. S. Teed, Town Clerk 62 55 62 55
44 A. H. Pierson, Supervisor 72 6o 72 6o
45 John N. Barker, Justice and Town Board 12 00 12 00
46 A. P. Osborne, Justice and Town Board 26 40 26 40
47 John N. Barker, Clerk of Election 4 00 4 00
48 W. H. Morgan, Assessor 5o 00 5o 00
49 J. W. Kirby, Assessor 53 25 53 25
5o L. B. 'Curry, Assessor 5 75 5 75
5 Rev. J. 13. French, vitalstatistics 1 25 r 25
52 F. M. Austin, ExTown Clerk 8 35 8 35
53 S. A. Sherwood, sexton services..5 00 1 5 00
54 E. C. Almv, Inspector, house for election, &c. . . • 33 84 33 84
55 Rev. W. E. Allen, vital statistics 1 00 1 00
56 J. Flickinger, town physician.42 60 42 6o
57 S. A. Sherwood, sexton services 8 00 8 00
58 E. T. Stewart, uudertakiug.1
20 00 20 00
59 E. T. Stewart, undertaking 1 16 00 16 00
6o E. T. Stewart, undertaking. 20 00 20 00
6t H. Ilutchings, Justice and Town Board 14 00 14 00
62 Seneca Spicer, Constable.6 So 6 5o
63 John Vaobuskirk, undertaking 24 00 24 00
64 L. H. Could, booths &e., for election 91 15 91 15
65 W. H. Ganoung, Coulnlissioner'IIighways.3 37 3 37
66 J. D. Smith, Attorney, Purdy case 14 82 14 82 „
67 William Austin,- Attorney, Stannard and other cases. 4o 00 4o 0o
68 William Austin, Inspector Election 20 25 20 25
69 W. I. Sherwood, Ex- Overseer Poor 31 86 31 86
1218 37 $1218 37
We, the undersigned, comprising the Board of Auditors of the town of
Ulysses, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true list of all bills audited
by then at the annual meeting November 7th, 8th and 9th, 1890.
A. H. PIERSON, Supervisor.
EUGENE'S. TEED, Town Clerk.
JOHN N. BARKER, Justice's. 4A. P. OSIIORN,
70 Wm.- Austin, house for election to 00
71 A. H. Pierson, Supervisor,7 64
72 T. H. King, surveying road 1889 14 00
73 L. H. Richardson, recording marriages 2 5
I 1 34 r4
Resolved, That pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 791, Laws of 1868,the stuns in the following schedule be levied and assessed upon the taxablepropertyofpersonsincludedintheseveraldistricts, and in the sums
respectively named in said lists, as submitted to the -Board, and fur-nished to the Supervisors of the several towns named in the schedule, bytheOverseersoftheHiglnvaysoftheroaddistrictsincludedtherein.
Road District No. 49, l'eter Howard, 2 daysRoadDistrictNo. 82, Reuben Anthony,
3 00
3 3/z days 5 5RoadDistrictNo. 54, Archie McKeller, 5% days.8 25DistrictNo. 18, Arthur Walpole, 1;,( days
25RoadDistrictNo. 4, Frank B. Brown, 1% days 2'
2 25
Road District No. gg, William P. Carl, 3 days 4 50RoadDistrictNo.99 Lyman Ellis, iX days 3 75RoadDistrictNo. 99, Isaac Hunt, 134 days
Road District No. 99, Will Hunt, 1 day
2 5
Road District No. 99, Wm. H. Cooper, 3 days
1 50
Road District No. 9r, Erdley I,ewis, 3 days
4 50
Road District No. 72, Gordon Johnson, 5 days 4'5
Road D Johnson, No. 72, Mrs. Gordon 7 50
days 5 Road District No. 72, Adelbert Johnson, 1 day.1 5o
Road District No. 3, Wilbur J. Bates, Executor Jacob Bates estate
4 5
Road District No. q, M. D. Stilwill, r% days r 88
Road District No. 44, R S. Roberts, I days z6 05
Road District No. 8, Amos Sheffer, 17;4 days 26 25RoadDistrictNo. 8, 'Truman Bishop, 2 days 3RoadDistrictNo. 30, C. C. Cook, 3 days 4500
Road District No r, John M. I3aker, 4 days 6 7$Road District No. s, CharlesSrick, z/ days 3 75RoadDistrictNo. 1, Mary J. Baker; 4 day 75RoadDistrictNo. r, Lewis Rollisou, 3. day r r3
Road District No. 19, 'Thomas McManus estate, 6,q days 6 zRoadDistrictNo. 84, Martha Emery, days
Y r Y 2 25
D. W. BAILEY, Committee.
The undersigned, Treasurer of Tompkins County, respect -
fully submits his annual statement of receipts and disbursements
of the County funds from Nov. r2th, 1889,, to Nov. 12th, 1890,
as follows :
The receipts from all sources, including balance on hand
Nov. 12th, 1889, amount to the sum of 1o6,322 0l o
The disbursements for the same period amount to the sum of to5,615 94
Leaving a balance in my hands of 706 07
1 certify that there stands this day on the books of this hank to the
credit of Geo. 41. Northrup, County Treasurer, the sum of $7o6 07.
Nov. 12th, 1890.
C. W. MAJOR, Book- keeper,
First Nat'l Bank of Ithaca, N. Y.
Geo. H. Northrup being duly sworn, says that the following statement
is correct to the best of his knowledge and belief, and is a true report of all
moneys received and paid out by him, as County Treasurer, since his last
annual report, excepting moneys belonging to the Infant Heir Fund and Sur-
plus Moneys.
G1 O. H. NORTHRUP, •County Treasurer.
Sworn•to before me Nov. 14th, 1890.
L. H. VAN KIRK, County Clerk.
Cash on hand Nov. 12t11, 1889 474 75
One per cent fees on State tax 370 22
Prom Supt. of Public Instruction for receiving and
disbursing school moneys raised in this County 129 78
On account of the tax levy of 1889:
f.Town of Caroline,4,9 53
Danby 4.470 59
Dryden 12,136 04
Enfield 3.325 o6
Groton 8,180 18
Ithaca 30,328 42
Lansing 10,309 82
Newfield 4,900 90
Ulysses 9,787 81
88 ,349 35
Front taxes returned unpaid by Town Collectors :
Town of Danby 23 99
Dryden 13 90
Enfield 88
Su1ERvisa<s' PI:ocEEDINGS, 1890. 129
Lansing .18,13
Newfield I 9
Ulysses 36 83
94 64
Non - resident school tax, Dist No. 9, Newfield . ' .3 34
Self supporting patient at Binghamton Asylum . .103 53
From the Executors of the following named estates
for collateral taxes :
Estate of Caroline Lanning, deceased . .42 20
Estate of Mary Barnard, deceased 315 6o
357 80
Fines from Justices of the Peace :
Newton Baldwin 2 00
II. S. Hopkins 1 69 00
A.-I,. Smiley 1 00
S. M. Oltz 3 00
J. P. Merrill 50 00
Geo. E. Monroe 8 oo
133 00
Fines from E. 1'. Houton, Under Sheriff 150 00
From Supt. of Public Instruction 13,860 22
Self-sinpporting patients at Willard Asylum . .867 20
School taxes froin R. Rs.634 86
Proceeds of note discounted at. the First National
13ank for Court expenses 789 10
Refund from Binghamton 'Asylum 1 2 22
Interest 'on deposits 2 00
106,322 01
State tax paid Comptroller 37,022 08
School moneys :
To Caroline 2,218 99
Danby 1,850 41
Dryden o- 3,603 0
1 ,376 .74
Groton 3,008 20
Ithaca 8,647 61
Lansing 2,270 37
Newfield 2 ,478 55
Ulysses 2,489 26
27,943 13
District Attorney's office rent zoo ooSheriff's office rent
35 00
Canandaigua Home
104 00CountySuperintendentofthePoor4,509 63
Prank H. Drake, Trustee of School District No. g,
Binghamton Asylum 103 53
Asylum for Insane Criminals 195 00N. Y. State Institute for the Blind 3 5
Postage and stationery 13 34
5,49 35TreasurerofN. Y. State, collateral taxes . . . . 356 o6Peesonabove1874
Bills payable and interest
374 80
Coal bills 4,430 94
Gas bills :59 35
Jail 205 17
Clerk's Office 431 16
Court Mouse 55 67
292 00
Paid Supervisors the fines received from Justices of
the Peace:
C. W. Conger 71 00
J. H. Kennedy • 4
9 00
D. W. Bailey 300
N. Pearson
25 CO
io8 oo
Willard Asylum 6,297 10Refundtoself-supporting patient 18 32
Salaries :6, 315 4
Marcus Lyon, County Judge 2,50o 00
Geo. H. Northrup, County Treasurer . . .goo 00
C. 13. Fish, Supervisors' Clerk 150 00
Chas. VanMarter, School Commissioner .200 00
E. W. Knapp, School,Commissioner 200 00
J. H. Jennings, District Attorney 600 0o
Rev. H. T. Giles, Chaplain at County House 5o 00
Truman Noble, Surrogate's Clerk 62 50
W. B. Estabrook, Surrogate's Clerk 52 o8
Supreme Court Stenographer 400 45
J. W. Brown, Jail Physician 90 00
J. K. Follett, Sheriff, for Janitor 350 00
J. A. Elston, Special County Judge . . .50 00
5, 03
Susquehanna Valley Home 754 59
Auburn Orphan Asylum 254 00
Ithaca Home 52 00
r,o6o 59
Burial of the following named deceased soldiers,
535.00 each : Calvin Genung, Egbert Stevens,
Sidney Marshall, Edward J. \Villiamson,Fran-
cis Flood, Theo. Puderbaugh, Irvin C. Jones,
Dominick McCue, Aaron Van \Vagen . . . . 315 00
Headstones for the following named deceased sol-
diers at $15.0o each : A. Sherman, John G. Ap-
gar, Tiernan Estes, Isaac Fl. Leonard, John G.
Ludlow, James Wisner, Sidney. Marshall,_
Egbert Stevens 120 00
Court Expenses :
Trial Jurors.2,372 90
Grand Jurors 554 95
Constables 5 75
Witnesses 146 73
Stenographers 455 97
Sheriff attendance at Court 144 00.
Under Sheriff, attendance at Court.185 40 1
Justices of Sessions 201 30
Meals to Jurors 54 6o
District Attorney's expenses 47 26
J. T. Newman, Referee, examining Treasurer's
accounts for 1859 42 00
Crier 1 138 10
4,93 9
School District Collectors 634 86
County Audits 9,952 21
Clerk's postage account 15 00
Inci,i.:ntals, Surrogate's' office 75 00
Repair: on County House 325 00
Refund to self-supporting patient at Binghamton
Asylum 2 22
11,004 29
Cash on hand.706 07
106,322 01
Cash on hand.7o6 (17
Due the Treasury from the town of Caroline. .14 87
Danby. . .45 75
Dryden. .265 02
Enfield . .57 05
Groton . .19 44
Ithaca. . .139 4
Lausiug.700 67
Newfield . .42 51
Ulysses . . .79 65
County Supt. of Poor .159 63
Fuel and gas 88 35
Court expenses . . .314 86
Total assets which belong to the following ac-
Fines for violation Game Laws 25 00
N. V. Institute for the Blind 17 74
Salaries 135 4
Repairs on County House 75 00
Willard Asylum.2,378 42
Postage and stationery r 69
27 2,633 27
To the Honorable, The Board of,Supervirors of Tompkins County:
Cash on hand November 15, 1889 1 1,238 39
Cash in the Ithaca Savings Bank November 15, 1889 2,516 45
Bonds and mortgages November 15, 1889. 38,308 18
Deposited by, order of Court for the account of
heirs of Paul Layton 269 97
Ada' P. ]hackman 8o5 00
John and Alice Van Inwagen 6 94
Minnie E. and Mabel L. King 156 58
Elena and Julia Seely 4.1 00
1 , 699 49
Interest received on bonds and mortgages. . . . 2 , 157 59
45.97 10
Paid out on Court orders to the following named
heirs 21 years of age in full :
Heirs of Ira H. EllisI 139 So
Charles Spaulding 134 6o
Ernest Hanfoi 190 o8
Mary McGowen 52 32
Asa Ballow 859 51
Smith Carpenter 194 41 1
R. Victor Crittenden (in part)273 3
Willie S. Korts 2 , 030 53
John Drake.15 IS •
Jennie Clock 400 00
H. II. Keator.687 5o
4,97 94
Interest on investments paid to heirs or their gen,
eral guardians.1,396 38
Principal paid Orlando White, guardian of Lizzie
Teeter '(in part).113 30
Cash in First National Bank November 15, 1890 1,105 22
Cash in Ithaca Savings Bank November 15, 1890 • 5,408 13
Bonds and mortgages, see schedule B., November
15, 18 3 13
45,97 10
I certify that there stands this day on the hooks of this bank to the
credit of the Infant Heir Fund -the sum of $1,105 22.
Nov. 15th, 139o.
CHAS. W. MAJOR, Book - keeper,
First National Bank of Ithaca, N. Y.
1 certify that there stands this day on the books of this bank to the
credit of Geo.' 1.1. Northrup, County Treasurer, as Trustee, the suni of
5,4 13.
Nov. 15th, 1890.
WM. J. STORMS, Treasurer,
Ithaca Savings Bank.
T +*
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SUPERVISORS' PRO° E EmiNtos, 1890.137
Cash on hand November 15th, 1589 3, 9
From Marcus Lyon, Surrogate, estate of Mary Ann Jackson,
deceased 3 4
From J. 1'. Newman, Attorney, estate of John Learn, deceased132 24
From T. W. Burns,' Referee, case of Sarah Parsons, vs. Loretta
Walker.21 92
From W. W. Hare, Referee, ease of Elcazor Ilurlburt. vs. •
Edward E. Buck 7 7
From T. \V. Burns, Referee, case of Geo. W. Cowdry. vs.
Lydia Ervy.5 34
Front D. M. Dean, Referee, case of J. L. Baker, vs. Rosa J.• 0
Brown, et. al 380 08
Interest on deposit withdrawn from the U. S. Trust Co . . .3 75
4,494 4
Case of Voile, vs. Heustis 1,701 65
Estate of John Learn, deceased 114 7
Fstate of Mary Ann Jackson, deceased.3 4
Case of Bogardus vs. Bogardus 7 27
Case of Tompkins vs. Tarbell 158 43
Cash on hand.2,131 86
4,494 4
Geo. H. Northrup, being duly sworn, says, that the foregoing reports
marked respectively Schedules A, Ti and C. are correct to the best of his
knowledge and belief. Schedule A is a true report of all moneys received
and paid out on account of the Infant Heir Fund from November 15th, 1889, •
to November 15t11, r89o.
1 j
Schedule B represents the condition of the securities and investments of
the Infant Ileir Fund November 15th, 189o, excepting worthless and insuf-
ficient securities taken prior to 1878, a list of which appears in his report of
November 16th, 1886, (see Supervisor's Proceedings of ;886, page too.)
Schedule C is a report of ail - surplus moneys received and paid out from
November 5th, 1889, to November n5th, IS9o.
GEO. H. NORTHRUP, County Treasurer.
Sworn.to before me November loth, IS9o.
L. H. VAN KIRK, Comity Clerk.
I certify that there stands this day on the books of this bank to the
credit of Geo. H. Northrup, County Treasurer, account of "Surplus
Moneys," the sum of $1,622 92
2 Nov. rsth, 1E9o..
CHAS. W. MAJOR, Book - keeper,
First Nat'l Bank of 'Ithaca, N. V.
pp NEW YORK, Nov. r5th, 139o.
This is to certify that there is on deposit•in this company to the credit
of Geo. H. Northrup, Treasurer of Tompkins County, N. Y., account of
Surplus Moneys," the suet of five hu udred and nice and 44 -100 dollars.
H. L. THORNELL, Secretary.
5 °9 44
k'.The undersigned, Superintendent of the Poor of Tornpkills
County, respectfully reports that from the 15th day of Nov.,
1889, to the 15th day of Nov., I8go, the following named per-
sons have been supported in the County Alms House:
Names.No. of days. Nantes.No. of days.
Edward Boyne 169 Lena Collins 365
Richard Ting.365 Eliza Dawson.
Moses Myers 365 Charles Doyle 7
Albert Downer 365 Frank White 2
James Hewit 365 Thomas Bums 5
Frederic Davids.345 John Wilson
Henry Burns 2 James.Doyle 3
Patrick Lee.2 Joseph McGinty 3
Thomas White 45 henry Boston.2
John Peters.44 Charles Cohan 2
George Mansfield 2 Frank Hudson 2
Fred St. Clair.2 Jaynes Rilland 2
Patrick Welch 2 Daniel Hooper 3
James Evans 2 Charles Wilber 3
Hugh Collins 83 Fred Austredam 3
Patrick Gregg 2 Martin Tiernan 3
James Moore -2 William Casey
Thomas Mason 2 John Murphey 3
Derris Stephens.2 Nathan Wilson 3
Patrick Reed 2 James Wright.3 _
John Barto.2 Thomas Hong 2
Freddie Manly
9 Prank Wiliamson 3
Henry Miller 2 John McBride 3
Charles Danavan 3 Bill Taylor 3
Prank Cline 3 Thos. Miller 3
George Wilson 3 John Kir 2
Phomas Dola11 3 John Roach.2
James Hrley.3 Daniel Gleason r 2
Fred Newkirk 2 Daniel Feely
Felix Sanders._ -2 Fred White.2
Patrick 'Boyle.2 Oliver Stafford . 19
Thomas Glen.3 Wm. Griffin 2
Jaynes Newman.2 l'at. Demsey 24
Henry 'Church 2 John Jump 2
Thomas Brady 4 Samuel Scronske 13
i. John McGinty 2 Helen Wells .4
Joseph Galliger 2 Frank Murray 2
Leonard Griffin 2 Pattie Scout 19
Charles, Hays 2 John Lewis.2
l3. Colliris 2 Stephen Fowler. i5
Frank Burns 2
3 , oro.
Flod. Whitehead 365 Peter Nelson 365
Daniel McClune 365 Emily Van Austine 365
Daniel Carney 195 Mary Lyne 137
Seth. R: Peak 32o Celia F[yatt.137
Rghert Stephens 47 Irena Hyatt 137
Abram Shepard.139 Daniel Cook 365
John Myres 124 John Carrol.31
George Thompsoni 365 John Sullivan.. ... . . . 215
Win. Thompson.23 D. Pangburn 206
Joseph Jones 365 Lizzie Flynn 8
R. R. Taylor 365 Willie Cumings 47
Henry Howe 11 Carrie Carpenter 6
Prank Flood ......... 2
James Furg`son 253 John Cook 114
Jackson Purdy 109
Evaline Frost.59 Averell Kellogg 88
Floyd Foot.59
Barney Moor 113 Simon Burger.35
Lorenzo Kent. •365
Jerusha Cronce 365 Ira I). Nichols 72
Elnora Cronee 365
Richard Vreeland.365 Michael Corbert 143
Sarah J. Vreeland.365
Svcret Iioyer 350 Mrs. Z. Venerable 365
Hiram Dodge.365 Nicholas Styres.143
Frank Corcoran.365 Elias Wilcox 350
Charles Bodine 16 David Pinch 175
Thomas Glenorc r6
1 ,430
John McCarty 365 Rebecca Butler 191
The whole number of clays said paupers. have been sup-
ported in the County Alms (louse was thirteen thousand two
hundred and eighty -six, (13,286.)'
No. Days.Cost of Board and Clothing:
County 3010 649 23
Ithaca 4705 1 85
Dryden.1430 3 44
Caroline 715 154 22
Newfield 873 188 29
Daub)?802 772 98
Groton 556 91
Lansing 513 11 064
Ulysses 47 102 66
Bhfield 206 44 42
13,286 2,865 66
142 SUPImvISDR* - Ppo0EEDINGS, 1890.
The amount of drafts drawn on the County Treasurer for
bills audited by the Superintendent for the support of the insti-
tution during the said year over and above the proceeds of the
farm was $3,26o.68, of which $368.52 was for improvements,
and miscellaneous bills amounting to $26.50, leaving a balance
of $2,865.66, for the expenses of the house.
The following accounts have been audited by the Superin-
tendent of the Poor, and drafts drawn on the County Treasurer
for expenses incurred from the 15th of Nov., 1889, to the r5th
of Nov., 1890:
December 4, 2 1110111as Kirby,mess pork 11 15
14 Ch Wood,6 95
15 James \Iulverhill, fresh pork'22 45
16 William Breman, 59 03
December 12. 17 'Henry Hausuer,
18 William Anunock,11 40
19 Elias Smith,17 3
zo H. banning,29 95
21 Clarence Clark,11 35
22 Harris Wilkins.17 9
23 J. I. Lanning,29 65
24 Charles Wilkins. 26 05
25 Mary Updike, 22 50
26 John Andrews,24 05
27 David Colgrove,16 25
28 1). Wilkins,r6 31
29 Enter Carman,12 30
3o Irving Trowbridge,25 10
31 Prank Carman,28 37
32 Arnold Vincient,z3 30
33 William Harrington,6 91
34 Philo Smith,16.90
35, Web Pinkuey,90 60
36 J. E. Rolfe,'3 90
37 Isaac Newman.11 40
38 Orin Clark,15 17
39 R. L. Brown,19 TO
40 Willis H. Morgan,16 55
41 Charles Foot,4 eO
42 Levi Newnan,20 05
43 A. J. Williams,
4 r7 20
44 M. Brawn,9 55
45 Joseph Andrews;55 25
46 A. B. Woodworth,12 65
47 D. Underdown,23 65
48 L. B. Curry,9 74
December 24, 49 Jay Briggs,19 55'
5o M. Gray, 16i6 20
51 James H. Moss,20 55
52 J. M. Lansing,25 68
January 1, 54 A. L. Wets, fresh meat 41 92
56 George Batty,28 10
62 C. B. Owen, mess pork 15 5
February 5, 71 George Hopkins, fresh pork 44 7o
May 7,84 George (fatty,fresh meat 7 8q,
August 6, 95 A. L. Wets,12 42
October ,, 1o6 • A. L. Wets,24 79
November 4. I I I George Batty.13 21
1,093 20
December 4, 5 E. C. Almy 9 18
7 D. B. Stewart & Co 49 12 •
January 1, 57 Manning Atwater 23 9
58 Drake & Townsend,93 20
59 D. B. Stewart & Co 21 26
6, John Kerst 47 5
January 4, 63 Hawkins, Todd & Co 64 9
February 5, 65 D. B. Stewart & Co •5 17
69 Frost & Brown.44 3
April v,79 D. B. Stewart & Co 14 85
82 Drake & Townsend 3 04
May 7,86 P. C. Airily 17 43
June 4,90 John Kerst 40 02
August 6, 96 D. B. Stewart & Co '9 0o
September 3, ro3 1). B. Stewart & Co 4 43
October 1. 104 1). B. Stewart & Co 18 83
107 D. 13. Stewart & Co 14 30
November 4, 104 - E. C. Almy 22 18
I o D. 13. Stewart & Co 15 15
December 4, 9 Fowler & Farrington, coal . . . 75 4
io George D. Vann, coal to 68
March 5, 75 Fowler & Farrington, coal 49 53
March 7, 85 Fowler & Farrington, coal 66 5o
July 2,92 Charles Seaman, wood 32 00
August 6, 97 Fowler & Farrington, coal i5 07
September 3, 99 Fowler & Farrington, coal 1 49 61
318 85
December 4, 8 Treman, King & Co 45 60
December 13, 13 Barr Bros 23 32
January 1, 53 \Vm. Allen, blacksnlithing 19 98
February 5, 64 W. J. Nixon, phosphate 29 7o
67 Biggs & Co 3 8
7o Win. C. Snow, repairing truck io 85
June 4,91 J. W. & C. W. Dean, lumber io 28
September 3, 98 R. A. Snow, papering 5 4 1
too C. S. Wattles, grass seed 400
for R. J. I -Iuut, insurance 119 or
102 Biggs & Co 28 44
October 1, 105 Treman, King & Co, iron bedsteads.5o 00
November 4, lob John Lineh, repairing stone wall 22 OS
37 5
December 4, 3 Horton & Holton 19 65
February 5, 68 White & Burdick 4 53
May 7.73 F. A. Kerst, house physician 73 50
July 2,94 W. J. Marsh.3 00
142 68
December 4; 6 Henry Almy, repairing.12 50
Iz C. M. Stanley, boots and shoes 32 25
February 5, 66 Chapman Sc Becker, clothing.to 00
72 Henry Allay, repairing 5 65
Mar. 5,74 C. H. Wilcox, receiver 21 48
April 2,8o Mosher Bros., clothing 45 70
81 Henry Almy 7 48
814377,83 C. M Stanley, boots and shoes 19 6o
Juts 4,88 H. C. Almy 9 95
164 61
November zo, 1 Simeon Rolfe, salary.too 00
December 4, 11 C. I,. Adams, printing 3 00
January 1, 6o J. T. Newman, counsel fee 23 50
March 5,76 Simeon Rolfe, salary 25 00 •
April 2,77 Sinieon Rolfe, salary.100 00
78 Simeon Rolfe, salary.175 00
June 4,89 Samuel Riddle, grinding to 43
January 1, 55 Caleb Carman, threshing 20 42
457 35
December 4, 4 Jesse McKell, potatoes .25 00
May 7,87 Edward Wood, potatoes a 94
September 3, 93 C. B. Owen, potatoes 40 74
77 68
Total 3,26o 68
The suns expended for out door relief was 1,612 00
Of this amount there was paid to Overseers of the Poor
and others 1,401 00
For services of Overseers of the'1'oor 170 8o
Transportation of paupers.40 20
1,612 00
The following.amounts have been audited and drawn
on the County Treasurer for bills contracted' for temporary
relief of county paupers, out of the County Alms House from
the 15th day of Nov., 1889, to the 15th day of Nov., 1890 :
December 4, i W. I. Sherwood, relief of Mrs. C.
Murphy and tramps.13
2 Sheldon Bierce, Danby, relief tramps 1 00
3 Wm. Chandler, burial expenses of
C. H. Day.20 00
4 5. A. Sherwood, digging grave for
same 3 00
January 1, 5 Mary Wood, board and care of Geo.
Mead 19 50
6 A. McCracken, Enfield, care tramps.1 25
7 Mrs. E. A. Apgar, care Dutton child.36 co
8 Edward Gaston, relief tramps . . .1 - 00
R. L. Smith, M. D., physician Co.
poor of Ithaca.. . . . . 15 00
to Daniel Sullivan, service in Drake in-
sanity case 4 69
February 5, 11 W. I. Sherwood, relief Whiting fam-
ily, and Mrs. C. Murphy 26 75
12 G. C. Whitley,• board and extra care
Agnes \fillet 24 00
G. C. Whitley, funeral expenses
Agnes \fillet 18 00
G. C. Whitley, digging grave, Agnes
Wiliet.3 00
G. C. Whitley, relief - F. I'ersonius .
and Cleveland family 22 50
67 50
13 . A. J. McCracken, relief tramps . . .1 oo
14 M. R. Bennett, carriage for C. II.
Day, funeral.3 00
15 F. E. Tibbetts, transportation ex.
16. Edward Gaston, relief tramps . . .2 00
March 5, 17 John G. Smith, Ithaca, funeral ex-
penses Mrs. Mileage 17 50
John G. Smith, Ithaca, funeral ex-
penses J. Stage's child 3 75
John G. Smith, Ithaca, funeral ex-
penses Mrs Tubbs .20 50
John G. Smith, Ithaca, funeral . ex-
penses Sherwood child 14 50
John G. Smith, Ithaca, nurse for Mrs.
Tubbs.12 00
John G. Smith, care county poor,
frown Aug. '89, to Feb. '90.283 00
John G. Smith, transportation ex.
soldiers 8 90
John G. Smith, relief of tramps .20 20
39 35
8 Lehigh Valley Co., coal for county
poor, Ithaca 5
9 T. J. Harrington, carting wood and
coal.26 05
20 Edward Gaston, relief tramps .6 50
21 Daniel Sullivan, relief tramps . .2 00
22 W. H. Lockerby, M. D., service to
Hokpins family 8 oo
23 G. C. Whitly, relief F. Personius and
Cleveland family.27 63
24' Manning Atwater, relief Mrs. C. H.
Day and family . . . ... . . . .20 89
25' Mary Wood, board and care George
Meade 19 50
26 F. A. Kerst, M. D., medical attend-
ance, G. Mead 5 50
24 Sheldon Bierce, Danby, relief tramps 9 65
April 2,25 Bradford Snyder, Dryden, relief
Stanford family 3 00
Bradford Snyder, Dryden, medical
attendance 1 5o
Bradford Snyder, funeral expenses
of Mrs. Stanford.21 40
25 9
26 Bradford Snyder, relief tramps. . .3 00
27 W. I. Sherwood, relief Mrs. Murphy.3 75
28 W. I. Sherwood, relief tramps . . .3 75
29 E. T. Stewart, Ulysses, relief Wit-
eneg family 2 50
30 J. S. Hixon, Ulysses, relief tramps .q oo ill
May 7, 31 J. C. Whitley, Caroline, relief Per-1 '
sonius and Cleveland family.. . . .22 00
32 Bradford Snyder, Dryden, relief
11 tramps 4 5
June 4,33 Daniel Sullivan, Lansing, relief
tramps 2 25
34 Mary Wool, board and care George
Meade 19 50
July 2,35 J. C. Whitley, Caroline, relief Per-
sonius and Cleveland,18 00
J. C. Whitley, Caroline, relief tramps 2 25
20 25
August 6, 36 E. R. Stewart, Ulysses, relief Whit- i
ing family, Mrs. C. Murphy . . . .42 00
37 R. S. Smith, M. D., service county
poor, Ithaca.15 cb
3S Man Wood, board and care George
Meade 13 50
September 3. 39 • G. C. Whitley, relief Personius and -c
Cleveland family.18 0o
40 John G. Smith, Ithaca, relief county
poor from March ist to Oct. ist, '90.205 02
October 1, 41 T. J. IIarrington, carting wood and
coal 23 55
November 4, 42 Daniel Sullivan, Lansing, relief
tramps 2 25
43 Lehigh Valley coal for county poor,
Phan 40 5
44 G. 0. Whitley, relief Personius and
1 ...
Cleveland family.17 00
45 Manning Atwater, relief of Mrs. C.
It Day and family from February 8,
to 00101.101' 31, 1890.41 27
51,401 00
The following statement shows the amount of bills audited
by the Superintendent of the Poor to the Overseers of the Poor
from the 15th day of Nov., 1889, to the Ijth day of Nov., IS9o.
for their sen-iees to the county :
December 4, 1 W. I. Sherwood, Ulysses, I day . 2 00
2 F. A. Sherman, Groton, insanity case 8 40
January 4, 3 Daniel Sullivan, Lansing. . . . . . 4 00
February 5, 4 G. C. Whitley, Caroline 10 00
5 F. A. Sherman, Groton, lunacy..8 40
March 5, 6 John G. Smith, service from Oct. 1,
889, to April 189o.52 00
7 Daniel Sullivan, Lansing. . . . .2 00
8 G. C. Whitley, Caroline 4 00
April 2,9 Bradford Snyder, Dryden 2 00
10 W. 1. Sherwood, Ulysses -2 00
II J. S. Nixon, Ulysses 2 00
May 7,12 G. C. Whitley, Caroline 6 oo
13 Bradford Snyder, Dryden.2 00
June 4, 14 Daniel Sullivan, Lansing.4 oo
July 2,15 G. C. Whitley, Caroline 4 c0
October 1,_ 16 John G. Smith, service from April r,
to October 1.52 00
November 4, 17 Daniel Sullivan, Lansing..2 00
18 G. C. Whitley, Caroline 4 00
170 Ro
Names of persons 'transported to the County Alms House-
during the year ending November 15, 1890, with the bills and
names of those transporting them as per transportation book,
and where chargeable:
By whom brought. Name of Pauper. Where chargeable.
July 7,John G. Smith . . . Daniel Cook Ithaca. . 1 50-•
November 16, Daniel Sullivan.. . Simeon Berger. . Lansing . . 3 00'
December 7, F. A. Sherman. . . Frederick Davids . . County . . 3 6o
January 9, Andrew Smith . . . Michael Corhit.. . . Newfield.. 2 25
February 11, Sheldon Fierce. . . Freddie Manley . . . Danby. , . 3 00
July 7,John G. Smith . . .'Daniel Carney. . . . Ithaca. . , 1 50 -
May 6,John G. Smithy . . . John Sullivan . . . . Ithaca. . . I so
April 19, Nelson Underwood.John McCarty . . . . Groton.. . 3 45
April 24, John G. Surith. . . D. Pangburn.. . . . Ithaca. . , r so
April 29, Bradford Snyder . . _Elias Wilcox.. . . . Dryden . , 2 25
June 26,. John G. Surith. . . Lizzie Flynn._. . . . Ithaca. . . 1 50
July 7,John G. Smith . . . Willie Cumings . . . Ithaca. 1 5o
August 20, A. W. Griffin. Averell Kellogg . . . Enfield .90
September 6, John G. Smith. . . Samuel Scronke. . . Ithaca. . . i 5o
September 4, William Howland.. Iva D. Nichols. . . Denby. . . 3 75
September 12, John G. Smith. . . Helen'Wells Couniy . . 1 50
October 28, John G. Smith. . . Pattie Scout County . . 1 5o
November 5, Daniel Sullivan... . Simeon Burger.. . Lansing. • 3 0o
November 9, John G. Smith . . . Carrie Carpenter. . Ithaca. . . 1 50
40 20
Amount of grain and produce raised on the farm during
the year, and amount now on hand :
On hand.
6o tons hay 55
223 bushels wheat 161
65 barley .7o
300 oats 35o
500 corn ears 4
300 potatoes 250
8 beans 6
z0 sweet corn .4
5 onions 0
5 tomatoes 00
12 beets 10
co apples 00
0o heads celery 00
600 " cabbage 300
0o barrels cider co
00 vinegar 2
6 loads pumpkins 0n
oo loads corn stalks from 9 acres
Stock on farm :
2 horses belonging to keeper. ' Belonging to county : 7 milch cows, i
yoke oxen, 10 fattening hogs, 2 brood sows, 1 hoar hog, 8 pigs wintering,
150 common fowls.
Farm tools belonging to county :
1 grain drill, truck wagon, 1 spring toothed harrow, 1 pair lob
Supplies on hand :
6 sheets, 6 pillow cases, 5 chemises, 3 pairs drawers, 3 aprons, 2 sacks, 6
pairs stockings, 3 pairs socks, 2 bed ticks, 4 pillow ticks, 3 night dresses, 3
night caps, 8 handkerchiefs, 4 towels, 3 shrouds, 8 yards factory, 4 yards
muslin, to yards deultam, 3 new comfortablcs, 2 flannel skirts, 3 yards
gingham, 4 yards ticking, '/'chest tea, 25 pounds coffee, 1 barrel molasses,
2 barrels sugar, 1 barrel pork, 1 barrel beef„ 25 pounds tallow, 30o pounds
butter, 4 barrel soft soap, barrel soap chips, 1 box hard soap, 2 wash-
boards, 2 mop sticks, lo basins, 1 wash dish, i4 dozen knives and forks,
dozen teaspoons, n dipper.
I further report the number of deaths.6
Number of births oo
Number discharged 45
In House November 15, 18go 36
Received during the year.87
Average number in Alms House during the year36 146 - 365
Average expense of.each pauper supported above
the proceeds of the farm 78 59
Average weekly expense for board and clothing .150 99
Amount expended for support of poor in County
House 2,865 66
Improvements on property and furniture 368 5
Miscellaneous expenses 26 5o t
Out -door relief.1,401 00
Services of Overseers 17o 8o
Transportation of paupers 40 20
4,872 68
Amount appropriated by the Board of Supervisors
for support of poor 4,600 00
Appropriated for iron bedsteads.5o 00
4, 00
4eaving a deficiency of 5222 68
In conformity to the 3oth Section, Title ist, Chapter zo, of
the Revised Statutes, I respectfully report to the Board of Sup-
ervisors, that I estimate the expense of the county and town
paupers in the Alms House for the ensuing year, $2,500.00.
Expense of transportation 5o 00
Expense temporary relief of county paupers not in
Alms House 1 ,500 00
I estimate the expense of Overseers of the Poor
for services to county paupers 250 00
I estimate the expense of Keeper's salary .. . . .300 00
The following statement shows the amount of money re-
ceived by the Superintendent of the-Poor, and how the same
has been disbursed :
Amount on hand November 15, 1589 19 99
December 29, From sale of cow 30 00
January 29, Sale of pigs 8 no
February 14, J. Wortman, pork 62 90
February 22, Joseph Knight, grease 68 75
June 7,Lard 4 50
November 4, I'igs and hams 6 18
2e +1 32
Conveying patients to Willard Asylum 5 93
Postage and stationery 9 29
Traveling expenses.43 00
Assessment on road machine 6 77
E. P. Banton, in Ives D. Nichols case 6 00 r
Bringing John Cook from Canandaigua 3 54
i!W.J. Nixon, boar hog 10 00
Conveying Flora E. Harding to S. V. Home.. . ..5 00
Bread slicer for kitchen 3 55
Wm. Hazlett, clover seed:8 69.
Telephone expenses 6 17
Paid hand to work on ditch 1 5o
For two lard packages '50 1
162 94.
Leaving a balance 'of cash on hand Nov. 15, 1890 . .I $37 38
The following' amount of money was received by
Ex-Keeper Rolfe from November 15th, to April
II:.1st, and expended for supplies as per book.y 28
The following statement shows the amount of money re -,
ceived by Keeper Brown for sales from April 1st to November.
rsth, iS9o, and expended'for supplies as per keeper's book.:..
Butter 1g j6
Hams a hides 12 19
Lard 21 45
Veal calves 18 48
Pigs 17 5
88 38
JAMES S. LYKE, Superintendent of the Poor.
James S. Lyke, being duly sworn depose:: and says, that the foregoing
report shows the moneys on laud November r5th, 1890, and all moneys
received up to the 15th of November, 1890, and all moneys expended dur-
ing that time, and also all products of the farm received and expended dur-
ing said time, according to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Sworn to this 20th day of Nov., 189o.
JOHN E. BEERS, Notary Public.
Report of the Superintendent giving the location of those
taken to asylums and homes, and where chargeable :
November 15, Miss Martha Baker, Enfield Willard
December 3, Francis A. Drake, Lansing
December 5, . Mrs. Mary A. Slack, Ithaca
January 6, Frank E. Fuller, Ithaca
February 13, Charles Whipple, Dryden
February 14, Mary Stephens, Itlaca . - •
February 14, John W.•Ryaut, Danby
March 6,Kate Fallon, Ithaca.
March 24, Chancy Gosper, Ithaca •
March 27, Amanda Mecoghery, Ulysses
April 8,Melissa Mott, Ulysses
May [o,James W. Ingersoll, Ithaca
May 29,Mary Wood, Ithaca
Jenne 28,George W. EN-arts, Ithaca.
July 3,Lizzie Flynn, itlaca
Septentber5, Mary Ann Russell, Ithaca.
September 6, Hannah Kirby, Enfield
September 8, Emma Austin, Ithaca.
August 25, Flora E. Harding, Ithaca S. V. Home, Binghamton
Names of persons died and discharged from Willard I ,
Asylum during the year ending November 15, 189o:
December 2, Frank E. Fuller, discharged Ithaca
February 5, . Mary E. Slack, discharged
June 9,Sarah Niver, died
July Chancy Gosper, absconded
July 27,Thomas C. Strong, died, Binghamton Asylum.
September 27, Mary E. Wood, died, Willard Asylum.
September 29, Frank E. Fuller, discharged, Willard
October 28, Mary Ann Russell, died, Willard
November Charles Whipple, discharged
Reports of the Justices of the. Peace of the various towns of
the county, of all fines aucl•penalties by them collected respect-
ively, during the past year :
Rec'd. Co. Treas.
John J. Peters reports no money received
R. G. 11. Speed
W. V. Personius "
John Cross
G. E. Underwood reports no money received
Wm. E. Brown
A. L. Smiley r 1 0o 1 oo
Geo E. Monroe 8 oo
E. I. Weaver no money received . . . .
S. M. Oltz reports 3 In 3 OD
D. M. Searles " no money received . ... . . . .
I. B. Aiken
J. M. .tanning "
Newton Baldwin reports 2 00 2 o0
Nelson Stevens no money received
H. S. Hopkins 69 co 69 00
J. M. Montfort no money received
J. Totten reports no money received
M. N. Tompkins
Raymond 1,. Smith "
J. P. Merrill 50 00' - 5o 00
B. M. 1-login, reports no money received
Prank H. Tarbell"
Charles Drake
Nelson E. Lyon "
Henry Hutchings reports no Money' received . . .
A. P. Osborne
J. R. Emory
John N. Barker
oo 175 00
To the Comptroller of the State of Nem York,
November ist, 1889, there was remaining in our •
hands as principal 59
Deducting therefrom the Hart Farm 1,500 00
It would leave as interest bearing principal 59
Front November 1st, 1889, to October ist, 189o, there
has been paid of this principal sum :
Nov. 5, '89, mortgage 195, Eli Hamblin . .384 o0
mortgage I97, Samuel T. Willson . 339 00
22, '89, mortgage 702, John Pettigrove .300 0o •
Feb'y4, '90, mortgage 817, Ellen Howard . .400 oo
mortgage 709, Samuel B. Willy. . I,000 00
May 15, '9o, mortgage 655, Benj. Starr 150 00
52 ,573 00 5,573 00
Leaving interest bearing principal Oct. 1, '9 .5 59
Prom Oct. r, '9o, to November 1st, 1890, there has
been paid of principal :
Oct. 6, '90, mortgage 777, John Pettigrove . . Poo 00
9, '9o, mortgage 757, Eliza Pierson . .50 00
14, '9o, mortgage 694, Wm. Tompkins . . . 85 00
00 235 00
Leaving interest bearing principal November 1, '9 523,543 59
Adding thereto the Hart Farm 1,500 00
We have as total principal Nov. 1st, 1890 525, 043 59
We charge ourselves as follows :
The interest on the interest bearing principal
October 1st, 1990, 523,778 59 51 ,426 71
Principal paid as detailed above 2,808 00
Interest on principal paid 125 12
Rent of Hart Farm, 1889 70 00
54,4 83
We credit ourselves as follows :
With commissions on 527,851 59 5201 76
With N. Y. draft May 19, '90 1 ,532 4
5,734 i8 1 ,734 18
Balance on hand 52,695 65
With N. Y. draft November 28, '90, to balance . .52,695 65
1 hereby certify that the foregoing statement and report is correct.
Dated November 28, 1890.
CORNELIUS LEARY, Loan Commissioner.
Pursuant to the prbvisions of law, I make report of all
fines imposed in the various Courts of said County, since the
date of my last report.
Persons Fined.Offense. -Amt.
George Smith Ass•mlt, gd Deg zoo oo
The above is the only fine imposed since my last 'report,.
and was paid, I am informed, to the Sheriff or Clerk of the
County. No fines were paid to' nle, nor has anything been
collected by me on forfeited recog All of which is'
respectfully submitted,
Dated Nov. list, 1890 ::
District Attorney.
We, the bonding Commissioners of the town of Enfield.
respectfully submit to you the following, our annual .report.:.
The amount of'honds issued. agaiizst said: town in
of the Pa. and Sodas Ray Railroad is . . 25,000 c0
Amount of principal paid S,2oo 00•
Amount outstanding and unpaid . z6, Boo 00
The amount of interest to become (Inc the coming year is
1,176, and we request that you cause to be raised by tax on
said town the above sum to pay said interest when it becomes
There is now on hand and deposited in the Ithaca
Savings Bank a sinking fund amounting to . t' 9b6 56
Enfield, N. Y., November 28th, 1390.
T. JONES,W. H. AMMACK, Commissioners.
o Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 28th day of Nov., 1890.
F. B. AIKEN, Justice of the Peace.
In accordance with Chapter 552, of Laws of 1870, I hereby
report the bonded debt of the town of Enfield to be as follows :
Amount of bonds issued for Penn and SodasBayR. R 0 25,000 on
Principal paid 8,200 00
Outstanding bonds.16,Soo oo
Sinking fund in hands of Commissioner 1,906 56
16,Soo, less $1,906.56.14, 893 44
Nov. 28th, 1890.
D. W. BAILEY, Supervisor.
DEAR SIR : —The undersigned, Commissioner of the town
of Groton, appointed under the Act passed May 18th, 1869,
Laws of New York, Chapter 907, would respectfully submit the
following report :
That the amount of town bonds issued in aid of the
Ithaca & Cortland Railroad (known now as the
Elmira, Cortland & Northern) amounted to the
sum of fifteen thousand dollars 15,000 00
That interest on same to become due February, 1891,
amounts to 5 00
That interest to become due August 1st, 1891;
amounts to 525 00
That I hold a sinking fund as follows, viz :
Town bonds oC the town of Groton 300 00
Mortgages on real estate in said. town 1,025 0'0
Certificates of deposit ist National Iiank,Groton .2,500 00
Total sinking fund on hand 3,825 00
I have also cash on hand for coupons not presented 92 65 ,
That tiie interest received during the year is.. . .336 25
Therefore, I respectfully ask for an appropriation
to pay interest on said bonds February ist, 1891 525 00
Also to pay interest on said bonds due Aug. tst,1891 525 00
Also to provide a sinking fund of 1 per cent. 150 00
Total 1,200 Q0
I therefore ask. that the soul of twelve hundred'dollars as
above be levied and collected 011 the town of Groton, to he paid
over to the Commissioner of said town, to be expended for the
above purpose.
D. H. MARSH, Commissioner.
1, 1). II. Marsh, being duly sworn says that the foregoing report signed
by himself as Conunissione'r, is a just and true report in every particular, so
far as deponent has knowledge of the facts stated, and in other respects de-
ponent believes it to be true.
Sworn and subscribed before Inc , this ist day of December, 189o.
H. G. WOE, Notary Public.
In accordance with the Laws of 187o, Chapter 952, I hereby
report the public debt of Groton to be as follows :
Bonds issued by the Commissioners of the now E.
C. & N. Railroad, bearing 7 per cent. interest
semi-annual payment 15,000 00
Interest coming due February t, 1891 525 00
Interest conning due August 1, 1891 525 00
One per cent. for sinking fund 15o 00
160 StInitvIsoBS' PROCEEDINGS, 1.890.
Resolved, That at the request of the Bonding Commissioners of the
town of Groton, there be levied and collected for said town the sum of one
thousand two hundred dollars to be applied as follows :
For interest as stated.r,oso od
Sinking fund 150 00
C. W. CONGER, Supervisor,
The undersigned, Commissioners of the town of Ithaca, for
bonds of said town issued in aid of the,. Geneva &Ithaca Rail=
road, beg leave to submit their twentieth annual report as'
follows :
Amount of bonds paid and outstanding , -foo,000 m'
The interest on said bonds falls due as follows :
April 1st, 1891'3.5 oo
October 1st, 1891 - • •3,500 00
We therefore request that the sum of seven thousand dol-
lars, required to pay interest on said bonds as stated above, be
levied and assessed upon the taxable- property of the town of
Ithaca: •
We would further report that the sinking fund maintained /
for the purpose of sleeting the principal of said bonds at their -
maturity amounts at this date to $59,351.o4 as follows
Amount at date of last report.. . 5 54,93 95
Received from Supervisor r,odo oo.
Received for interest 3,710 64
Less applied on premium account.290 55 3,4 09
59.35 04
Which is invested as follows :
Town of Ithaca 7 per cent bonds 49,000 00
Town of Ithaca 5 per cent bonds 43,000 00
Schuyler County, Illinois, 5 percent bonds 4,000 00
Adelbert Holden, Lansing, Mortgage 700 00
In Ithaca Savings Bank 651 04
Premium account 2,000 00
Total as above stated.59.35 04
The present bonded indebtedness of the town of
Ithaca, for the purpose above mentioned, ex-
elusive of sinking fund is $40,648 96, a reduc-
tion'since last report of 54,4 09
As the bonds of the town or village of Ithaca cannot he procured except
at a very high premium, the undersigned recommend that for the present,
no additional sum be raised for the sinking fund.
11. B. LORD,11 Commissioners.GEO. R. WILLIAMS, 1
Ithaca, Nov. 1, 189o.
November 1, Balance see last report 73 95
January t, From Ithaca Savings Bank . . .8 65
February 17, Prom Supervisor.I,000 00
February 17, Por interest on $49,000 7s •1,715 00
March 1, For interest on $3,000 5 75 00
May 16,For interest on $4.9,000 7s 1,715 00
July 8,For interest on Schuyler Co., $4,000. 100 00
September 2, For interest on $3,000 5s 75 00
September 2, From Ithaca Savings 1 34
October 1, From Ithaca Savings 20 65
5,44 59
January 21, Paid for Holden mortgage 700 00
February [7, Paid for Schuyler County Bonds .4, 55
Balance as stated 65r 04
5.44 59
January 1, Received from Ithaca Savings Bank. $ ' 8 65
Septenlher 2, Received from Ithaca Savings Bank.1 34
October 1, Received from Ithaca Savings Bank.20 65
February 17, Received interest 011 549,000 7s. . . 1,715 00
May 16, Received interest'on $49,000 75 . . . 1,715 00
March r, Received interest on $3,000 5s . . .75 00
September 2, Received interest on 53,00o 5s . . .75 00
July 8,Received interest on Schuyler Co
bonds, 54,000 •100 00
53,7 64
February 19, Applied on premium. ,290 55
Balance as stated 3,420 09
3,7 64
November Balance, see'last report. 52,200 00
February 17, Paid on Schuyler Co. bonds . . .90 55
February 17, Cash taken from interest 5290 55
Balance as stated 2,00o 00
2,2 55
The undersigned being duly sworn, do depose and say that the within
report to which they have subscribed their names is true to the best of their
knowledge and belief, and that the statements of account 'therewith sub -
mitted are correct.
Sworn and subscribed before me, this loth day of November, 189o.
C. \V: GAY, Notary Public.
The undersigned Commissioners of the town of Ithaca for
the funding bonds issued to pay off bonds issued' in aid of the
Ithaca & Athens Railroad, beg leave to report as follows :
Amount of 5 per cent bonds issued '2S5,000 00
Amount of 5 per cent bonds redeemed x65,000 00
Amount of 5 per cent bond§ outstanding 12o,0w o0
Amount of bonds due March 1st, 1891.15,000 w
Amount of interest due March 1st, 1891.3,000 00
Amount of interest due September 1st, 1891.. .2,625 00
520,625 00
SUPElty solts' PItooEEDINOS, 1890.163
We therefore request that fifteen thousand dollars to pay the principal
of bonds falling clue Marclr 1, a8gr, and five thousand six hundred and
twenty -five dollars to pay interest, be levied and assessed on the taxable
property of the town of Ithaca.
LEVI KENNEY,Commissioners.
Personally appeared before me, O. H. Gregory, Levi Kenney mid John
C. Gauntlett,. who swore that the above statement by their subscribed, is
true to the best of their knowledge and belief .
H. L. HINCKLEY, Notary Public.
We, :the undersigned Commissioners of the town - of New-field, duly appointed under the provisions of an Act of the
Legislature of the State of New York, authorizing towns to
subscribe to the capital stock of railroad corporations, and, to
issue bonds therefor, do respectfully report, that it will be
necessary for said town of Newfield, to raise by tax the sum of
three thousand two hundred and six dollars ($3,2o6,) to pay
interest from September 1st, 189o, to September '1st, 1'891, on
bonds of said town of Newfield, torthe amount of $45,
issued to aid in the construction of the Pa. , St S. B. Railroad.
Said interest to he paid semi - annually on the first days of March
and September of each year.
We further report that we have no balance on hand.
I. B. PALMER,, Commissioners.
C. W. McCORN, }
C. W. McCorn being duly sworn deposes and says he is one of the
Railroad Commissioners of the town of Newfield, N. Y., and that the above
report is in all respects correct and true.C. W. McCORN.
Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 17th day of Nov., 189o.
PRED N. DEAN, Notary Public.
In accordance with Chapter '552, Laws of 187o, I hereby.
report the public debt of Newfield to be as follows :
Amount of bonds issued 5 000 00
Amount of principal paid to November Est. 189o . 6, 00.
Balance unpaid
545,800 co
Amount of interest due March 1st, '1861 1,603 00
Amount of interest due September rst, 1.891. .1,603 00
53,206 00
Resolv'ed That at the request oC +the Bowling Commissioners of the
town of Newfield there be levied and collected from the taxable property 'of
said town the sum of three thousand two hundred and six dollars as interest
on the above named fronds.
8. A. SEABRING, Supervisor.N
GENTLEMEN : —The Bohd Commissioner of the town of
Ulysses submits the following report :
The amount of bonds issued by said town of Ulysses under
Chapter 9o7, Laws of 1869, and laws amendatory thereof, was
75,000.00, dated March 1st, 1871, due March 1st, 1901, with
semi - annual interest at 7 per cent per annum, payable on the
first days of March and September.
Amount of principal paid I 20 Boo 00
Amount of' coupons due and unpaid.59 5
There is deposited with Union ,Trust Co., New York, $59.5
for the payment of past due coupons.
There is a, balance of $51.00 'deposited in the Banking,House of L. P. Wheeler & Co.. Trumansburgh, N. Y.
There remains outstanding bonds to the amount of 754,`
One year's interest on $54,200 00 .3,794 00
Less balance On hand 5 00
3,743 00
it As the town voted at the spring election of 1887, to discon-
tinue the raising of a sinking fund, I therefore recommend that
the sum of $3,743.00 be raised by tax assessed to said town for
interest only.
1 I,. P. WHEELER, Bond Commissioner.
Dated, Trumanshurgh, N. Y., Nov. 1st, 189o.
L. P. Wheeler being duly swore, says that the following report is cor-
rect to the best of his knowledge and belief.
Subscribed and sworn to before ane, this ist day of November, 1890."
J. R. EMERY, Justice of the Peace.
In, accordance with Chapter 552, Laws of 187o, I hereby
report the public debt of the town of Ulysses to be as follows:
Amount of bonds issued by Bonding Comm
Mch. ist, 1371 1 _'l 75, 00
Amount of principal.paid.20,80o 00
Amount of principal' unpaid 54, oo
Amount of interest clue March ist, 1891 1,897 do
Amount of interest due September 1st, 1891. .1,897 00
total aluount oCindebteduess,ISeptewber 1st, 18 57,994 00
Amount of money no* in hands of Bonding Conk
iissioner to apply on interest 51 eo ,
Resolved, _ That at the request of the Bonding Commissioner of the town
of Ulysses, there be levied and collected on the taxable property of said -
town. the sum of three thousand seven hundred and forty - three dollars,
3,743.00) to pay interest on the above named bonds for the year beginning
Sept. Est, 189o.
A. 11. I'IERSON, Supervisor.
GENTLEMEN : —On the 27th day of May, 18go, I was called
as one of the Coroners of Tompkins County, to view the body
of Gideon C. Wilson, of Groton, N. Y. Deciding that all in-
quest was unnecessary, none was held. All money and effects
fouled on his person were delivered to his executor of his will. j
Erank Green, of Groton, N. Y.
GEO. M. BECKWITH, M. D., Coroner.
August 26th, 189o, I was called to view the body of Mary
Gleason, who was killed while trespassing upon the railroad
track of the Lehigh Valley Railroad and was killed.
The following named persons were called as jurors : Geo.
DuPuy, S. S. Hoff, Luther Greenfield, Perry Hanshaw, W. J.
Shaver, M. E. Holton, W. A. Glazier, A. B. Lamont, Clion
Touden and Mr. Parker. The jury adjourned the inquest
until the 28th, and held the inquest on that day. Rendering
their - verdict which has been filed in the office of the County-
Clerk, at Ithaca, N. Y. Money to. the amount of 2 75—too
dollars was found and delivered to her brother, the Rev. W. A.
Smith, of Groton, N. Y.
GEO. M. BECKWITH, M. D., Coroner.
Sworn to before me, this 12th clay of November, 189o.
H. G. MOE, Notary Public.
I hereby certify that no money' or other Valuable things
have been found upon the persons of whom inquests have been
held by me; one of the Coroners of the County .of Tompkins,
for and during the year 189o. .
I,. T. WI-IITE, Coroner.
Su Pk: HMSO its' PLto0EEDus G$, 1890.107
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Sul'RRVISORS' Pttoorl,n1NGs, 1890.171
General Election: The First Tuesday after the first Mon-
day in November ; i Revised Statutes (7th Ed.) page 379.
Annual Town Meeting : Last Tuesday in • February. Pro-
ceedings of Board of Supervisors, 1880.
Annual School Meeting in neighborhood : First Tuesday in
August ; Laws of 1889, Chap. 245.V
Annual meeting of Board of Town Auditors, comprising
the Supervisor, Town Clerk and Justices of the Peace, 'or any
two of the said Justices: The First Thursday after the General
Election, at which time all accounts for charges and claims
against their respective towns must be presented to them for
audit; 1 Revised Statutes (7th Ed.) page 835, Laws of 1840,
Cl ap. 305.
Annual meeting of the Board of Town Auditors, as above
designated, to examine accounts of Town Officers : On the last
Tuesday preceding the Annual Town Meeting to be held in each
town ; Laws of 1863, Chap. 172.1
Annual meeting of the Supervisors of the County as a
Board of County Canvassers: First Tuesday succeeding the
General Election : 1 Revised Statutes, (7th Ed.) page 39o.
Annual meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the County :.
Immediately after the completion of the Canvass, or at such.
other time as they as a Board, shall fix ; 2 Revised Statutes.
7th Ed.) pages 926 -931.
P °"s.rr- 77" itil i ^v,' n +i
Annual Meetings of Supervisor, Town Clerk and Assessors
of each Town, to designate the place in each election district in
the Town, at which elections shall be held during the year, and
to give notice, written or printed, to be posted in at least eight
public places'in each district, containing descriptions of the
places so designated, and of the time of opening and closing the
polls : On the first Monday in September in each year. Laws
1881, Chap. 137.
Meeting of Supervisor, Town Clerk and Assessors of each
Town, for the purpose of making lists of Trial Jurors : On the
first day of July of third year after July 1st, 1878, at a
place in the town appointed by the Supervisor, or in his absence
or vacancy in office by Town Clerk ; or, if they fail to meet on
that day, they must meet as soon thereafter as practicable; Code
of Civil Procedure, S 1035. The next meeting for this purpose
will be held July 1st, 1893.
County Superintendents of the Poor meet at the County
House: The first Wednesday in each mouth: The object of
these meetings is to audit bills payable from the County Poor
Each Supervisor must execute to, and deposit with, the
County Treasurer, a bond for the accounting of all school mon-
yeys which may come into his hands, before entering upon the
duties of his office.
Each Supervisor must make and deliver to the Town Clerk
of his town, his bond for the faithful discharge of his official du-
ties, and to account for all moneys coming into his hands as
such Supervisor:
The Trustees of School Districts shall make a report to
uper visor:
The Trustees o
between the 25th day of July and the
first Tuesday of August in each year ; Chap. 245, Laws 1889.
I '
The school moneys are apportioned annually by the School
Commissioners, on the third Tuesday in March.
The Commissioners of Highways must execute a bond to
the Supervisor of their town within ten days after their election.
Overseers of highways must file a statement of all unworked
highway tax with the Supervisors of their respective towns, on
or before the first day of October.
The Tax Collector or Receiver shall, within eigbt days after
receiving notice of the amount of taxes to be collected by him,
execute to the Supervisor of the town, and lodge with him, a
bond in double the amount of said taxes, to be approved by the
Supervisor. The Supervisor shall, within six days thereafter,
file the said bond in the office of. the County Clerk of this
The Assessors must complete the Assessment Roll on or be-
fore the first day of August, and leave a copy thereof with one
of their number, and immediately thereafter cause notice thereof
to be posted in three or more public places in their town or ward.
When, the line between two towns, wards or counties di-
vides.a farm or lot the same shall be taxed; if occupied, in the
town, ward or county where the occupant resides ; if unoccupied,
each part shall be assessed in the town, ward, village or county
where the saute shall lie." haws 1886, Chap. 315.
The Assessors shall meet on the third Tuesday in August to
review their assessments, and hear the complaint of any person
conceiving himself aggrieved. An affidavit .to the roll by the
Assessors, made prior to the third Tuesday of August, is a nul-
lity. The Assessors must deliver the corrected Assessment Roll
to the. Supervisor on or before the first day of September, there.
to remain for a period of fifteen days for public inspection, and
the Assessors shall forthwith give public notice by posting .the
same in at least three of the most public places in the town, or
by publishing the same in one or more newspapers published.
therein, that such Assessment Roll has been finally completed,..
the officer to which the saute has been delivered, and:the place
where the same will be open to public inspection. Said fifteen
days, within which any assessment may be reviewed by cer-
tiorari, sha11 commence on the day of the first publication. The
Assessor cannot enter the name of a person On his Roll who be-
came a resident after thefirst day of Jzdy.
When the Assessors or a majority of them, shall have cony
pleted their Roll, they shall severally appear before any officer
of their County authorized by law to administer oaths, and shall
severally nfake and subscribe before such officer, an oath in the
following form which must be strictly followed :
We the undersigned, do severally depose and swear that'
we have set down in the foregoing Assessment Roll, all the real
estate situate in the town (or cvard as the case may be,) accord-
ing to our best information ; and that, with the exception of
those cases hi which the value of the said real estate has been
changed by reason of proof produced before us, we have esti-
mated the value of the said real estate at the sums'which a ma-
jority of the Assessors have decided to be the full value thereof,
and also that the said Assessment Roll contains a true statement
of the aggregate amount of the taxable personal estate of each
and every person named in such Roll, ever and above the
amount of debts due from such persons, respectively, and ex-
cluding such stocks as are otherwise taxable, and such other
property as is exempt by law from taxation, at the full value
thereof, according to our best judgment' and belief." Which
oath shall be written or printed on said Roll, signed by the As-
sessors, and certified by the officer. Laws 1885, Chap. 364.
The Supervisor must report to the County Treasurer; on the
first Tuesday in March, the amount of School Moneys remaining
in his hands.
Each Justice of the Peace must execute a bond with "two
sureties conditioned for the payment on demand to' the Proper
officer all moneys received by the Justice, by virtue of his office,•
which bond must be approved by the Supervisor of the town,
and filed in the Town Clerk's office.
Each Justice of the Peace shall make a report in writing,
verified by oath, each year, bearing date the first clay of Novem-
ber, to the Board of Supervisors, at their annual session, in
which he, shall state particularly the thine when, and the name
of the person or persons from whom, any money has been re-
ceived; and also the amount and on;what account the same was
received'; also all sums remaining due and unpaid ; and that all
moneys by him received have been paid to the officer duly em-
powered by laiv to receive the sane.
Each Justice of the Peace must pay all moneys received by
him for fines, within thirty days after its receipt, to the County
Treasurer. Criminal Code, Sec.'726.
Overseers of the Poor cannot furnish supplies to a•Counta
pauper to exceed the sunk of ten dollars, without an order from
the County Superintendent authorizing further disbursements
for such purpose.
All bills payable by towns must be presented to the Town
Auditing Board for audit.
All bills for supplies furnished to county paupers, must be
presented to the County Superintendent of .the Poor, for audit.
All bills presented to the Board of Supervisors or any And-
iting Board, must be verified by oath, stating that the same are
correct'. in every particular, and that no compensation has been
received for the same, or any part thereof, except as therein
AcT Amendment to, for protection of Quail and Fish .. . .71
ALMS HOUSE, COUNTY — Visit of Ifoard to 29
Chaplain for 3o
Report of Committee on 6,
TowNs— Caroline.95
Danby 97
Dryden too
Enfield 104
Groton 1o6
Ithaca 09
Lansing 119
Newfield 121
Ulysses 123
Poo added to, for Jail Wall.78
CAROLINE — Audits Of 95
Added Audits 3 37
Tax of 84
Resolution for Levy.32
Stricken from Audits 72
CHAIRMAN Election of 8
Complimentary to 87
CLERIC Election of 8
Complimentary to . . ... . . 87
Salary of to
In re Comptroller's Report 82
Report of, to Comptroller.167'
COMPTROr.r.ER— Communication from t0
COMMITTEE Regular appointed.9'
On Returned Road Tax . . . . . . . . . . . .38'
On Erroneous Assessments 20
To visit Monroe Co. Penitentiary.14
On Wild Game 54
On Ordinary Repairs 59
On Index for Co. Clerk's office.68
CoMMirr$$s, REPORTS of —On Treasurer's Accounts 6o
On U.S. Deposit Fund and Insurance.51
On State Charitable Institutions .78
On Equalization 74
On Supt.'s Acc'ts and Co. Buildings.65
On Erroneous Assessments
o 58
I c,"77
I On Ordinary Repairs..59
On Advisability of building new
Ii Alms House 61
itOn Charitable Institutions 78
On Equalization and Assessment
Rolls 83
On Returned Road Tax 126
COUNTY TREASURER — A Report of 127
r Iload of 18
To place surplus at disposal of .County
Judge 77
To retain 523.93 for Collector of Enfield 87
i COLLECTORS —To Report,43
D.1NRY— Audits of .97
Added to 49
f Tax of 1 84
Appropriations for Highways 14
DRYDEN— Audits of 100
Added to 37
Tax of .85
Appropriations for Highways 27
Headstones 27
Support Poor 28
Uncollected School Tax 48
EQUALIZATION — Report of Committee on 74
ENFIELD— Audits of 1 104
Added to 1 5o
Tax of .85
Appropriations- for Highways 15
Levy for Road Scrapers 41
GROTOx— Audits of 106
Added to .27
Tax of 85
Appropriations for, I-Iigllway 16
Lock -up 26
Highways 26
G. A. R. McLean 26
I " Headstones.... . . 28
ITHACA- Audits of 109
Added to 59
Tax of 86
Appropriations for Highways 15
JAIL PHYSICIAN— Salary of 12
Appointed 13
JUSTICES OF THE PEACE —Clerk to compile report 19
Attention of, called to Chap. 569 L.
1890 43LANSINGAuditsof
Tax of 8653I.
Appropriation for Highways . . 18MONROECOUNTYPENITENTIARY— Committee to visit 14
0 •Report Of 34
Sheriff's Contract to convey to 35NEwFrELi)— Audits of .121
Added to . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . .
Appropriations for Highways 3oLevyforFuneralExpensesofSoldier .32DistrictLevy43 1StrickenfromBudget76PRINTINGProceedingsofBoard15 -Resolution in regard to . . . . . . . . . . . . .24DistributionofMintedProceedings63PRISONERS— Contract for board of 34Sherifftoconvey35REPORTSofCOMMITTEES —On Printing Proceedings of Board 21
Printing Awarded , . . . . . . . ,25TovisitMonroeCountyPenitentiary34
On Entertainment of Hoard of Cayuga
CountY 46
U. S..Deflosit Fund and Insurance 51BEPORTSofCOUNTYOFFICERS — Treasurer
Superintendent of Poor . . . .38
Justices of the Peace 154
U. S. Loan Commissioner . . .155
District Attorney 157
Bonding Commissioners . .
and Supervisors.157 -16
Coroners 166
REPORTS —Of Committee on Returned Road Tax 126
Of Tompkins County Treasurer 127OfSuperintendentofPoor . . . . . . 138OfJusticesofthePeace154OfU. S. Loan Commissioner .155OfDistrictAttorney157R. R. Bonding Com. and Supervisors— Enfield . .157
Groton . .158
Ithaca . E6o
Newfield. . 163
Ulysses . .164OfCoronerst66
Of Clerk ,Board of Supervisors to Comptroller, State
of New York 167
RESOLUTIONS AUTHORIZING— Contract with Monroe Co. Peni- '
teutiary i4
Contract with Sheriff for Convey-
mace of Prisoners 35
RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING—County Treasurer to raise $2,500 ,
by note to pay Willard As-Ii yhnu 36
Geo. AVallee beck to sell iron pipe
at County House 37
Price to he paid for board of Jail
Prisoners 44, 49
Clerk to employ counsel to air
r.swc mandamus of Moses
Coit Tyler 47
Care of Indigent Insane to be
made a County Charge . .55
Expense of Burial of Deceased
Soldiers 56
1 Care of Deaf Mutes 56
RHSOLCTro!a— On- Apportionment of Tax.6o
v On Distribution of printed Proceedings 63
f On appointvrcnt of Surrogate's Clerk . . : . .63
To make Care of Deaf Mute a County Charge .76, 64
be re Indigent Insane and Deaf Mutes. 76, 68, 69
For appointment, K. T. Hugman, Special I'olice .70
For panting Town and County Audits -71
Stimoi e— Conveyance oflPrrsoners 35
To receive for board of prisoners 44
Allowed $350.00 for Janitor 52
SileuRvtsoxs —Names of, laid Postof[ce Addresses 7
1 'Of Cayuga County 44
Accounts o'f 94
Sxsslos LAWS—Price for3Printing. 12
1 Designation of Papers.13
y Ur,rsses— Audits of II I 123
i Resolution to add to 36
Tax of I 87
Resolution to paV - for Road Machines.20
Appropriation for Highways 26
I ,AVlr,r,ARD ASYLUM— Authorizing Co. Treasurer to raise $2,500.00
by note to pay to36
Visitg of Board to 47
II •
klROFFICIALCANVASSofTompkinsCounty. --ta
the several Election Districts in the Con n tvo1,Toln Ilerfor Asao5iato Judge or toe Gott • Of AppelMemberofAssembly, For County Treasurer, For Sheriff, For 6esslmis, For Coroner, For School'
II 11or Associate .7.17 Rep. in llict. (1
grese (FUr 4mnbur 05' For Ooumy
Assembly. Treasurer. '1 ForourtofAppe87s. 286h Distr
m o SD010 4 cboa
m G
o V 0 2 O •
TOWNS. -c ti v G c E 3 ^' 'm c7 c azEm7EcE77CCc5a •
v - N i-1 .'"'.c m m
o o z
L A = L j _ mP N O m ,. .t ii F
G i g m Y C g ilf 70 • 837 Z 0 Ci i
1 161 142 14 5 157 62 Hi 11 183 70 '9 3 171 74 04 3 171
2 199 188 5 2 204 76 117 6 203 78 111 6 202 78 114 4 202 '
3 240 227 8 4 210 131 99 8 240 116 117 6 241 129 101 8 240 1.
4 243 228 11 2 213 101 127 9 24 01 137 - 7 243 103 128 8 19 115310300730911916363183331291727309122177609316287275428715112542871071411t2871531253287
1 9'RACA 7 241 2'1 11 239 116 122 11 236 1 120 11 239 114 114 11 230 1
8 29 271 16 290 121 351 1.5 '29'2 12303 1'54 15 291 140 113 11 287 0
9 1453 142 3 148 72 71 5 147 1 81 5 148 72 70 6 114102452851521412010112441181121321412410711281 11
311112,108 2 112 53 54 3 1 1 2 46 61 3 112 41 6i 2 112 t
12 168 158 7 165 73 6 76 48 6 164 4
85 MI 7
Tot'1 2644 248 113 4, 26,163812111.30808 98 26,66060 4151 1157 86 2040 12/5 1'110 811 2 ;43 127
1 121 110 7 2 1'21 51 51 65 521 54 57 7 121 51 631 3 121 •GA$OLINE2 206 204 4 0 209 OF 83 3 20 1 92 201 Alf 5 200 t
3 154 147 7 91 56 . 0 151 01 53 6 153 91 5t 6 152 88 56 8 fit
Tot'1 ,483 461 14 2, 483 269 193 15 183 261 2011 14 8182 27i 207 161 493 21
1 106 152 11 O 105 92 62 6. 166 76 62 6 161 7e 76 0 1,5 9
LANSING2 122 118 3 1 322 03 56 3 122 70 40 3 121 32 87 2 122 5'3 1 . 8 165 1 2 0 178 83 8 ( 1 1 179 83 84 11 178 69 06 1 170 -
Tot'I '455 435 26 1 465 238 201 23 467 240 195 20 465 l 0 254 23 466 232
2 98 93DA-)1111-1 3
93 2 0
1 1 193 111 71 7 1 103 74 3 1 1
98 60 37 29860235 5 43 30 2 988 43 22 2 0 4
Tot') .755 3)1 14 2 3641 216 ! 120 13 304 221 131 11 363 214 129 15 311) 22
5164 152 8 2 164 81 72 7 163 78 1 75 0 183 77 75 7 164 8211512760133066341640062413455 63 4 135 63181 .155 13 . 3 1 103 56 12 179 107 63 0 178 107 58 13 177 10
DRYDEN4 85 73, 11 ' 1 84 40 27 11 81 46 27 11 84 46 27 11 84 4
6 176 162 14 I 0 176 88 73 1; 176 89 79 13 176 ` 96 74 14 178 9fi1761621401768873111767579131767e12651788
ToCI 91. 841 04 7 913 488 357 61 910 477 371 551 910 4781 312 64 910 48
1 137 113 23 1 130 83 31 22 130 .ro 29 (7 136 70 31 23 137 1
2 208 190 14 2 214 123 01 12 21 130 65 10 235 122 69 14 207 0:GROTON3' 308 261 36 11 303 180 97 33 t6 181 89 1 101 174 93 33 333 141
1 4 193 184 8 0 141 101 82. 8 113 103 RI 8 194 Mt 8, 0 194 10Tot'1 844 748 81 14 817 481 2'2 75 440 803 204 61 835 479 271; 79 811 40
82 8 130 166 18 6 230 101 78 6 232 130125424581250
1.75 8. Re. " Tot'1 688 604 24 4 634 403 243 2 6841 4 240 22 138 11.139
18 24 21 638 495
171 07
Cut'1 79' 085 13 11,..485 290 212! 13 487 239 212 13 487 280
13 167 113
by 231
I 150 145
ITotI 105 146
91 10 2 390 144 148 81 3 154 134 9 1 303 151 13 t 301j 168661
70: 3
Total II 19 117106167331 3531 751171721372013975 830117)90[370,1:31;31] 209(17) 7613LL4,11.31511 32311717813702
BLANK AND SCATTERING VOTES.—For 1188061810 Judge of the Court of Appeals, Blank received tbildistrict, Blank received forty -five (45) votes; henry Noyes received one (1) vote; Nelson Stevenreceivedforty -nine (49) voles, Isaac C. Andrews received eleven votes Q3), Charles W. Gay receiSilasTuckerreceivedone(1) vote. For County Treasurer. !Blank received lilty -three (53) vote+.Sessions, Blank received one hundred and twenty -seven (1271 votes, Walter V. Personlous roe^iv•
received one [1] vote. For Coroner, Blank received fifty -thee (53], Dr. White receive) one 1I1 ye4eivedninety- eight [98] votes and Wt F. Marsh received one [1] vote.
1 A