HomeMy WebLinkAbout1889ANNUAL SESSION. E1 .00E DINGS OF THE Board of Supervisors OF THE COUNTY OF TOI[PI.INS, FOR THE YEAR 1889. JOHN E. BEERS, Chairman, Danby, N. Y. C. B. FISH, Clerk, Ithaca, N. Y. ITHACA. N. Y. JOURNAL BOOK AND COMMERCIAL PRINTING HOUSE. 1 e P. T 0 • ANNUAL SESSION. PPiOCEEDINGS OF THE Board of Supervisors OF THE COUNTY OF TOIZIPIINS, FOR THE YEAR 1889. JOHN E. BEERS, Chairman, Danby, N. Y. C. B. FISH, Clerk, - Ithaca, N. Y. ITHACA. N. Y. JOURNAL BOOK AND COMMERCIAL PRINTING HOUSE. 1089. ANNTJAL SESSION OF THE (- BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF TOMPKINS COUNTY -1889. Pursuant to law, the Supervisors of the several towns of Tompkins County, New York, convened in Annual Session at the Supervisors' Rooms in the Court House in Ithaca, in said county, on the 13th day of November, 1889, at 2 o'clock, P. M. The Board was called to order by C. B. Fish, Clerk of the Board of 1888, and on calling the roll of towns in the county, all the Supervisors answered to their names respectively, as follows : TOWN. MEMBER. P. O. ADDRESS. Caroline, . FRED E. BATES, Caroline Depot Danby, JOHN E. BEERS, Danby Dryden, . . . JOHN H. KENNEDY, Dryden Enfield, JOSHUA S. MILLER, . . Enfield Center Groton, . JOHN W. JONES, Groton Ithaca, (Town) . NICHOLAS PEARS9N, Ithaca Ithaca, (City) . . RICHARD A. CROZIER, Ithaca Ithaca, (City) . . HORACE M. HIBBARD, Ithaca Lansing, HORATIO BROWN, . . Ludlowville Newfield, . . . SAMUEL A. SEABRING, Newfield Ulysses, . ALBERT H. PIERSON, . . Trumansburg 6 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, . 1889. On motion of Mr. Pierson, Dr. Seabring was unanimously elected temporary chairman. On motion of Mr. Kennedy the Board proceeded to take an informal ballot for chairman. The chair appointed Messrs. Kennedy and Hibbard tellers. The informal ballot resulted as follows : Whole number of votes cast II ; of which • Mr. Kennedy received 3 Mr. Crozier received - 3 Mr. Pierson received . 3 -Mr. Beers received 1 Mr. Jones received 1 Moved by Mr. Jones that the Board proceed to a formal ballot for chairman. Carried. The first formal ballot resulted as follows : Whole number of votes cast II ; of which A. H. Pierson received . 5 Dr. J. E. Beers received 6 Moved by Mr. Pierson of Ulysses that the election of Dr. Beers be made unanimous. Motion unanimously carried. On motion of Mr. Pierson the Board proceeded to take an informal ballot for clerk. The informal ballot resulted as follows : Whole number of votes cast II ; of which Cary B. Fish received 6 Monroe M. Sweetland received 4 Eugene Terry received SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. On motion Mr. Fish's election was made unanimous. 7 The Clerk read the following communications ; which were ordered spread upon the minutes : STATE OF NEW YORK, COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE. ALBANY, Si•;PTEMBER 16, 1889. To the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins : SIR :—I enclose a form of statement of the valuation of Real and Personal Estate required to be made by you, pursuant to Chapter 117 of the Laws of 1836, and forwarded to this office previous to the second Monday in December in each year, under a penalty of fifty dollars. I also enclose a form of Return of In- corporated Companies liable to taxation. It is indespensable that this Report be furnished by the time prescribed. The Board of Equalization of Taxes, in pursuance of Chapter 312 of the Laws of 1859, have fixed the aggregate valuation of property in your County at the sum of $14, 518,465, upon which amount a State tax of $51,105 must be levied for the fiscal year, commencing October ist, 1889, as provided in said act and amendments thereto by Chapter 351, Laws of 1874, being 3 52-100 mills on the dollar, for the following purposes, viz : For Schools 97-10o mill, per Chapter 311, Laws of 1889. For General Purposes . 1 81-100 " " 311, " 1889. For Canals 74-100 " " 309, 311 and 335, " 1889. Total . . 3 52-100 mills. Your obedient servant, EDWARD WEMPLE, Comptroller. P. S.—The non-resident Taxes credited to your County for 1888 amount to $134.82. STATE OF NEW YORK, COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE, )} ALBANY, OCTOBER II, 1889. To the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County : SIR :—In addition to the State tax of 3 52-10o mills, directed to be levied as per circular from this office, dated September i6th, amounting to $51.105, the 1 • 8 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins is hereby required to raise the sum of $400,45, for compensation of the Stenographers of the Supreme Court, in the 6th Judicial District, from October 1, 1889, to September 3o, 189o, as authorized by Chapter 159, Laws of 1885, and Chapter 569, Laws of 1889. Respectfully yours, EDWARD WEMPLE, Comptroller. Mr. Pierson of Ulysses offered the following resolution, which on motion was adopted : - Resolved, That the Chairman be impowered to arrange the Committees as he sees fit. Mr. Pierson of Ulysses offered the following resolution, which on motion of Mr. Kennedy was adopted : Resolved, That this Board convene at 9 o'clock, A. M., and 2 o'clock, P. M. Mr. Kennedy offered the following resolution, which on motion of Mr. Crozier was adopted : Resolved, That all county orders issued by this Board shall be counter- signed by the Chairman ; and all town orders by the Supervisors of the several towns, and that no order shall be issued until the adjournment of this Board.. Mr. Crozier offered the following resolution, which on motion of Mr. Kennedy was adopted : Resolved, That all resolutions presented to this Board shall be in writing, unless otherwise ordered by the Board. On motion adjourned. SECOND DAY. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1889. MORNING SESSION. Roll call. Quorum present. SUPERVISORS; PROCEEDINGS, 1889. Minutes of preceding meeting read and approved. The clerk read the report of W. B. Estabrook Surrogate's Clerk, which on motion of Mr. Crozier was adopted and order- ed printed with the reports. (See Reports). Mr. Kennedy offered the following resolution, which on motion of Mr. Miller was adopted : Resolved, That there be no session of this Board held on Saturdays unless otherwise ordered by the Board. Mr. Pierson of Ulysses offered the following resolution, which on motion of Mr. Kennedy was adopted : Resolved, That the Chairman appoint a committee to visit the Monroe County Penetentiary and ascertain on what terms they will receive prisoners for this county, committed for sixty days or more. The chair appointed Messrs Pierson of Ulysses, and Pearson of Ithaca as such committee. The chair announced the following : STANDING COMMITTEES. Constables' Accounts, Pierson, A. H., Bates, Pearson, N. Clerk's and Justices' Accounts, Bates, Kennedy, Brown. Treasurer' s Accounts, Hibbard, Jones, Seabring. Sherif's and Judge' s Accounts, Crozier, Jones, Pearson, N. Equalization and Assessmeut Rolls, Jones, Pierson, A. H., Crozier, Seabring, Miller. I0 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. Superintendent's Accounts and County Buildings, Pearson, N., Kennedy, Miller. County Claims, Kennedy, Pierson, A. H., Crozier. U. S. Deposit Fund and Insurance, Brown, Seabring, Bates. Printing and Printers' Accounts, Miller, Hibbard, Pierson, A. H. State Charitable Institutions, Seabring, Hibbard, Brown. Mr. Kennedy offered the following resolution, which on motion of Mr. Crozier was made a special order for Wednesday at 2 P. M.: Resolved, That the salary of the jail physician be the same as last year, and is hereby fixed at the sum of ninety dollars for the year 1890. Mr. Hibbard offered the following resolution, which on motion of Mr. Pierson of Ulysses was made a special order for Thursday, November 2lst, 1889, at 2 P. M. Resolved, That the fee of the examining physician in lunacy be five dol- lars, and no fees be allowed for mileage. Mr. Pearson of Ithaca offered the following resolution, which on motion of Mr. A. H. Pierson was adopted : Resolved, That the price for printing the session laws for the year 1890, be fixed at twenty cents per folio, and that no local laws except those applicable to this county shall be paid for. Mr. Miller offered the following resolution, which on mo- tion of Mr. Pearson of Ithaca was adopted : Resolved, That during the present session the hours from 11 to 12 A. M., and from 3 to 4 P. M., be set apart for the consideration of the report of com- mittees. SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. II On motion adjourned. AFTERNOON SESSION. Mr. Pearson of Ithaca in the chair. Roll Call. Quorum present. Mr. Pierson of Ulysses offered the following resolution, which on motion of Mr. Kennedy was adopted : Resolved, That the number of Grand Jurors be the same, and appointed among the several towns of the county, in the same ratio, as in the year 1888. In pursuance of chapter 625 of the laws of 1887, the fol- lowing designation of papers to publish the Session laws was made : To the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors: In pursuance of Chap. 625, of the Laws of 1887, we, the undersigned Re- publican members of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, do hereby designate the Ithaca Weekly JOURNAL to publish the session laws for the ensu- ing year. Nov. 14th, 1889. FRED E. BATES, J. W. JONES, A. H. PIERSON, J. H. KENNEDY, J. S. MILLER, JOHN E. BEERS, HORATIO BROWN. To the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors : In pursuance or Chapter 625, of the Laws of 1887, we, the undersigned Democratic members of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, do hereby designate the Ithaca Democrat to publish the session laws for the ensu- ing year. Nov. 14, 1889. N. PEARSON, S. A. SEABRING, H. M. HIBBARD, R. A. CROZIER. 1 t2 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. Mr. Kennedy chairman of the committee on county claims, presented the following bills, which on motion of Mr. Pierson of Ulysses were audited by the Board in accordance of the rec- ommendation of the committee : Bills numbers 6i, 19, 39, 37, 33, 36, 38, 35, 34, 32, 40, 28, 31, 27, 41, 26, 25, 23, 24, 22, 20, 16, 17, 25, 24, 13, 12, II, I0, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, I. M. Pierson of Ulysses chairman of the committee on con- stable's accounts, presented the following bills, which on mo- tion of Mr. Bates were audited by the Board in accordance with the recommendation of the committee : Bills numbers 47, 52, 53. On motion adjourned. THIRD DAY. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1889. MORNING SESSION. Mr. Lyke Superintendent of the Poor, appeared before the Board and extended to it an invitation to visit the County House. Moved that this Board, as a committee of the whole, visit the County Alms House on Thursday, iNovember 21st, 1889. Carried. Superintendent Lyke presented the bills for burial expen- ses of Mr. Day, and for the board of a child at the Children's Home of Ithaca, and asked for instruction with regard to pay- ing the same. SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. t3 Moved by Mr. Pierson of Ulysses that the Superintendent be instructed to pay these bills from any moneys now in his hands. Carried. Moved by Mr. Pierson of Ulysses, that the Board of Super- visors grant the use of the Court House for the meeting of the Annual Convention of the N. Y. State Dairymen's Associa- tion; Dec. 1o, 11 and 12, 1889. Carried. Mr. Pierson filed the reports of A. P. Osborne, Henry Hutchings, John N. Barker, J. R. Emery, Justices of the Peace of the town of Ulysses. (See Reports.) Mr. Jones filed the reports of Nelson Stephens, J. M. Mont- fort, Newton Baldwin, and H. S. Hopkins, Justices of the Peace of the town of Groton. Mr. Kennedy, by the unanimous consent of the Board called up the resolution of Mr. Hibbard, which was set down as a special order for Thursday afternoon, and moved its adop- tion. Carried. Mr. Bates offered the following resolution, which on mo- tion of Mr. Kennedy was adopted : Whereas, It is the duty of our Sheriff to notify Constables to be in attend- ance at the Court House during our Courts, and Whereas, It has been reported that more Constables are in attendance than are needed, and a useless expense is made. Therefore be it Resolved, That the Sheriff be requested to ' notify only so many Constables to attend the Courts of the county as are actually needed ; and that said Con- stables when notified to attend our Courts, should be required to spend their time at the Court House while Court is in session. Mr. Bates chairman of clerk's and justices' accounts, pre- sented bill number 55, which on motion of Mr. Pierson of Ulysses was audited as recommended by the committee. On motion adjourned. 1 I4 SuPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. AFTERNOON SESSION. Roll call. Quorum present. The committees were engaged during the session in com- mittee work, and in making out their Grand Jury lists. On motion adjourned. FOURTH DAY. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1889. MORNING SESSION. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of preceding meeting read and approved. Mr. Bates chairman of the committee on clerk's and jus- tices' accounts, reported the following bills, which on motion of Mr Kennedy were audited as recommended by the commit- tee : Bills numbers 56, 57, 58, 59. On motion adjourned. AFTERNOON SESSION. Roll Call. Quorum present. The committee appointed to visit the Monroe County Pen- itentiary, made the following report, which on motion of Mr. Crozier was accepted and ordered spread on the minutes, and the committee discharged : SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. 15 To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County : Your Committee appointed to visit the Monroe County Penitentiary and ascertain on what terms they will receive the prisoners from this county com- mitted for a period of sixty days or more, would state that they have performed the duty assigned to them, and that arrangements have been made by which Monroe County is ready to enter into a contract with this County to admit such prisoners into said Penitentiary, for one, two, or three years ; Tompkins County to pay $r.75 per week for care and maintenance. All fines paid by said prisoners at the Penitentiary, to be credited to Tomp- kins County. A. H. PIERSON, }Committee. N. PEARSON, 1 Mr. Miller chairman of the committee on printing and printer's accounts offered the following resolution, which on motion of Mr. Hibbard was adopted : Resolved, That the ITHACA JOURNAL be authorized to publish 5,000 copies of the proceedings of this Board, provided that the same shall be done in the same form, type and quality of paper as in 1888. The same to be complete and ready for distribution on or before January loth, 189o, and be al- lowed $2.75 per page. Mr. Bates offered the following resolution, which on mo- tion of Mr. Kennedy was adopted : Resolved, That this Board refuse to consider bills presented for audit after Monday, Nov. 25th, unless by unanimous consent of the Board. The hour having arrived for the reports of committees, Mr. Pierson of Ulysses, chairman of the committee on con- stables accounts, reported the following bills which on motion of Mr. Jones were audited as recommended by the committee : Bills numbers 81, 8o, 79, 73, 72, 70. Mr. Kennedy chairman of the committee on county claims, reported the following bills, which on motion of Mr. Bates were audited as recommended by the committee : 16 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. Bills numbers 18, 21, 30, 62, 43, 63, 68, 76, 69, 75, 88, 91, 83, 85, 97, 77, 65, 95, 82, 86, 87, 89, 9o, 84, 96. On motion adjourned. Roll call. FIFTH DAY. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1889. MORNING SESSION. Quorum present. Minutes of the preceding session read and approved. Mr. Pierson presented the report of the bonding commis- sioners of the town of Ulysses, together with his report as Supervisor, of the bonded indebtedness of said town. On motion of Mr. Kennedy the reports were accepted and the resolutions subjoined thereto adopted. (See Reports.) Mr. Bates chairman of the committee on clerk's and jus- tices' accounts, reported bills numbers 92, 67 and 93 which on motion of Mr. Kennedy were audited as recommended by the committee. Mr. Kennedy chairman of the committee on county claims, reported bills numbers Ioo, 99 and 64 which on motion of Dr. Seabring were audited as recommended by the committee. On motion adjourned. AFTERNOON SESSION. Roll call. Quorum present. SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. 17 Mr. Pierson of Ulysses presented the following resolutions, . which on motion of Mr. Kennedy was adopted and ordered levied upon the taxable property of the town of Ulysses. Resolved, That there be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the town of Ulysses, the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars, for the repairs of highways and bridges, as allowed by Statute. Resolved, That in accordance with a resolution of the Town Board, adopt- ed Nov. firth, 1889, there be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the town of Ulysses, the sum of eighty dollars, to repair the bridge known as the Pennsylvania & Sodus Bay bridge situated on Cayuga Street in the village of Trumansburg. Mr. Hibbard presented the report of the bonding commis- sioners of the town of Ithaca, together with his report as Super- visor of the bonded indebtedness of said town. On motion of Mr. Kennedy the reports were accepted, and the resolutions subjoined, thereto adopted. (See Reports.) Mr. Seabring filed the reports of Elvin Keen, John W. Dean, A. K. Allen and W. H. Van Ostrand, Justices of the Peace of the town of Newfield. (See Reports.) On motion adjourned. SIXTH DAY. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1889. MORNING SESSION. Roll call. Quorum present. Dr. Beers presented the following resolution, which on mo- • tion of Mr. Pierson of Ulysses was adopted, and ordered levied upon the taxable property of the town of Danby : 18 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. Resolved, That the Supervisor of Danby, be empowered to levy a tax on the taxable property of said town of two hundred and fifty dollars for maintenance of roads and bridges. The different committees were busy 'the remainder of the session at committee work and making out Grand Jury lists. On motion adjourned. AFTERNOON SESSION. Roll call. Quorum present. Dr. Seabring offered the following resolution, which on motion of Mr. Crozier was adopted and ordered levied upon the taxable property of the town of Newfield : Resolved, That the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars be levied and collected from the taxable property of the town of Newfield, for repairs of highways and bridges as allowed by the Statutes. Mr. Kennedy's resolution in regard to the salary of the Jail Physician, which was made a special order for 2 o'clock this afternoon, was called up by the Chairman, and on motion of Mr. Pierson of Ulysses was laid on the table to be called up at some future time. The several committees were engaged in their cominittee work, during the remainder of the session. On motion adjourned. • 1 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. 19 SEVENTH DAY. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1889. MORNING SESSION. Roll call. Quorum present. On motion of Mr. Kennedy, Supervisor Pierson of Ulysses was elected chairman, pro tem. Moved by Mr. Bates that this Board adjourn to visit the County Alms House. Carried. On arriving at the Alms House the Board was received by the Superintendent, James S. Lyke and Keeper Simeon Rolfe. The Board discussed the condition of the house and out -build- ings, while the committee were examining the books and ac- counts of the Superintendent. After this was completed, the Superintendent conducted the Board through the various apart- ments of the house, where everything was found in a neat and clean condition, and the inmates were found to be comfortable and well provided for. At 5 P. M., the Board returned to Ithaca. EIGHTH DAY. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1889. MORNING SESSION. Dr. Seabring in the chair. Roll call. Quorum present. 20 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. Minutes of preceding session read and approved. Win. H. Smith, Esq., appeared before the Board, and pre- sented a petition in behalf of Mrs. F. M. Bates, asking that a tax of $24.13 which was erroneously assessed to her in 1888, be refunded. Moved by Mr. A. H. Pierson that this petition be received and laid on the table until next Monday at 2 P. M. Carried. Mr. Pearson of Ithaca, chairman of the committee on printing the official canvass, reported that he had received bids from several papers, and moved that the paper published in the city of Ithaca whose bid is the lowest, be awarded the printing of the official canvass—which is the Ithacan—at $25.00. Mr. Crozier moved to amend by laying on the table until this afternoon. The ayes and nays being called resulted as follows : Ayes—Kennedy, Crozier -2. Nays—Bates, Miller, Jones, Pearson, Pierson, Seabring-6. The chair declared the amendment lost. The vote on the original motion resulted as follows : Ayes—Bates, Kennedy, Miller, Jones, N. Pearson, Crozier, Seabring, A. H. Pierson -8. Nays—o. The chair declared the motion carried. SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. 21 Moved by Mr. Pierson of Ulysses, that we take up the matter of the contract with the Penitentiary of Monroe County for the maintenance of our prisoners for one year, from Dec. 1st, 1889. Carried. Mr. A. H. Pierson offered the following resolution, which on motion of Mr. Bates was adopted : Resolved, That the clerk of this Board be authorized to make a contract with Monroe County Penitentiary for the maintenance of our prisoners for one year. The chair announced Messrs. Kennedy, N. Pearson and A. H. Pierson as a committee on erroneous assessments. Mr. Bates filed the reports of John Cross, W. V. Personius, John J. Peters and R. G. H. Speed, Justices of the Peace of the town of Caroline. On motion adjourned. AFTERNOON SESSION. Roll call. Quorum present. Moved by Mr. Kennedy, that the Grand Jury lists as made out by the several Supervisors is hereby declared to be the list of Grand Jurors for this county, for the ensuing year. Carried. Frank Leary, Esq., appeared before the Board in behalf of Amos D. Shaffer of Newfield, and asked that $19.70 returned highway tax be refunded to him. The petition was referred to the committee on erroneous assessments. Mr. Pierson of Ulysses offered the following- resolution, which on motion of Mr. Bates was adopted : 22 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. Resolved, That the Supt. of the Poor be directed to employ a Chap- lain for the County Alms House, for the year 189o, said chaplain to conduct one or more services, during each month, and also to visit the sick, and officiate at funerals at the house when requested by the keeper to do so. For such services the Superintendent to pay a salary of fifty dollars ; the same to be paid by an order drawn on the county treasurer. Mr. Hibbard, chairman of the committee on treasurer's accounts, presented the reports of George H. Northrup, county treasurer, which on inotion were accepted and ordered printed with the reports. (See Reports.) Mr. Hibbard, chairman of the committee on treasurer's ac- counts presented the following report, which on motion of Mr. Kennedy was adopted : To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County : The committee appointed by your honorable body to examine the accounts of George H. Northrup, county treasurer hereby report that they have examin- ined the statements, vouchers and reports of the said treasurer, and find the same correct as exhibited. Also that the securities, as shown in his exhibit of the Infant Heir Fund, are valid and in his possession. H. M. HIBBARD, J. W. JONES, Committee. S. A. SEABRING, Mr. Bates chairman of the committee on clerk's and jus- tices' accounts, reported the following bills, which on motion of Mr. Kennedy were audited as recommended by the committee. Bills numbers 114, 98, 103, 111, 94. Mr. Kennedy, chairman of the committee on county claims, reported the following bills, which on motion of Mr. Bates were audited as recommended by the committee : Bills numbers 115, x16, io8, I01, 104, 102, 105. SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. Moved by Mr. Pierson of Ulysses, that bill number IIo be allowed at $3.0o. Carried. Mr. A. H. Pierson, chairman of the committee on con- stables' accounts, presented bills numbers 54 and 107, which were audited as recommended by the committee. Moved by A. H. Pierson, that when this Board adjourn on Wednesday, Nov. 27th, it be to meet again on Monday, Dec. 2d. Carried. On motion adjourned. N I NTH DAY. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1889. Board called to order at 2 o'clock, P. M., Dr. Beers in the chair. Roll call. Quorum present. Mr. Kennedy filed the reports of Alviras Snyder, Geo. E. Monroe, Geo. E. Underwood, Wm. E. Brown and A. L. Smiley, Justices of the Peace of the town of Dryden. Mr. Pearson presented the town audits of the town of Ith- aca, which on motion of Mr. Kennedy were received, ordered spread upon the minutes, and the amounts thereof ordered lev- ied against the taxable property of the town of Ithaca. (See Town Audits.) Mr. Pearson offered the following resolution, which on motion of Mr. Kennedy was adopted, and ordered levied against the taxable property of the town of Ithaca : SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. Resolved, That there be added to the Town Audits of the town of Ithaca, the following bills : Dixon & Robinson, bill of lumber $ 8 58 11. S. Miller, Clerk of Register, . 16 00 Jamison & McKinney, bill, . 5 28 Mr. Beers presented the abstract of the audits of the town of Danby, which on motion of Mr. Kennedy were accepted, and the amount ordered levied against the taxable property of said town. (See Town Audits.) Mr. Jones presented the town abstract of the town of Gro- ton, which on motion of Mr. Kennedy was accepted and audit- ed, and the amount ordered levied against the taxable property of said town. Mr. Jones offered the following resolution, which on motion was adopted and ordered levied against the taxable property of the town of Groton : Resolved, That the following bills 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, be added to the town a udits, of the town of Groton. Amount $69.69. Mr. Bates presented the abstract of the town audits of the town of Caroline, which on motion of Mr. Seabring, were re- ceived, ordered spread on the minutes, and the amount thereof ordered levied against the taxable property of the town of Car- oline. (See Town Audits.) Mr. Bates offered the following resolution, which on motion of Mr. Seabring was adopted, and ordered levied upon the tax- able property of the town of Caroline : Resolved, That the following bills be added to the town audits of the town of Caroline : No.46 $3oo No. 47 15 00 ti SUPERVISORS5 PROCEEDINGS, 1889. Mr. Miller offered the following resolution, which on motion • of Mr. Bates was adopted, and ordered levied on the taxable property of the town of Enfield : Resolved, That there be added to the town audits of the town of Enfield, the following sums : Richard Griffin Assessor, $30 00 J. S. Miller, footing assessment roll, 3 00 T. Jones, labor on highway, 7 5o Leroy H. Van Kirk, filing and certifying town bonds, i oo E. L. Burton, Inspector of Election, 4 00 Mr. Pearson of Ithaca presented petitions of residents of the city of Ithaca and vicinity, petitioning the Board of Super- visors to pass an act for the preservation of game and fish for this county. Moved b`y Mr. Pierson of Ulysses; that the petitions be re- ceived and laid on the table. Carried. „Mr. Jones offered the following resolution, which on motion of Mr. Bates was adopted : Resolved, That the amount of $156.79 be levied and collected upon the tax payers of the town of Groton, whose names appear upon a list returned by the Highway Commissioner, as uncollected tax, to pay the balance due on road scraper note. Dr. Seabring presented the report of the Bonding Com- missioners of the town of Newfield, and his report as Supervi- sor, of the bonded indebtedness of the town. On motion of Mr. Jones the reports were accepted and ordered spread on the minutes and the resolution subjoined thereto adopted and or- dered levied against the taxable property of the town of New- field. SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. Mr. Kennedy presented the town audits of the town of Dryden, which on motion of Mr. Crozier were received, and the amounts thereof ordered levied against the taxable property of the town of Dryden. (See Town Audits.) Mr. Pierson of Ulysses offered the following resolution, which on motion of Mr. Kennedy was adopted : Resolved, That there be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the following Road Districts, in the town of Ulysses, No's. 4, 23, 5, 8, 62, Io, 25, 28, 53, 71, 22, 9, 21, 51, 17, 12, 1, 35, 42, 15, 45, 7, 54, 18, 41, 6, 39, 24, 30, 40, 26, 33, 65, 11, the sum of four hundred forty-three dollars and twenty-five cents (443.25) to apply as part payment on road machines purchased in and for said Road Districts ; the same being in accordance with a resolution adopted by the Town Board of said town on Nov. 11th, 1889. • Mr. Kennedy offered the following resolution, which on motion of Mr. Bates was adopted and ordered levied on the tax- able property of the town of Dryden : Resolved, That there be added to the audits of the town of Dryden the fol- lowing sums : Wm. Fitch, doctor's bill, . ... ... . Asa Cain, E. E. Fortner, . J. H. Kennedy, $ 7 50 4 50 3 00 4 00 $19 00 Mr. Bates offered the following resolution, which on motion of Mr. Kennedy was adopted : Resolved, That the sum of fifteen hundred and twenty-five ($1525.00) dollars, be levied upon the taxable property of the town of Caroline, and be added to the town budget as per resolution, of the town board. SUPERVISORS PROCEEDINGS, 18809. 27 Mr. Kennedy, chairman of the committee on county claims reported the following bills, which on motion of Mr. Bates were audited as recommended by the committee : Bills numbers ii8, 117, 120, 123, I19, 42. On motion adjourned. TENTH DAY. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1889. MORNING SESSION. Roll call. Quorum present. Dr. Eugene Baker appeared before the Board and explain- ed his bill No. 4 of last year, and No. 11 this year, and asked that he be recompensed for his time in going to Ulysses to ex- amine Richard Mason. Ex -District Attorney C. L. Smith, Esq., also made a statement that it was necessary to the admission of the testimony of Richard Mason de benne esse that this examin- ation be made. The several committees were engaged in committee work, and upon their rising on motion the Board adjourned. AFTERNOON SESSION. Roll call. Quorum present. Dr. Seabring offered the following resolution, which on motion of Mr. Kennedy was adopted : SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. Whereas, Tompkins County has about seventy insane persons under the care of the Willard Asylum, and Whereas, The proper care of this large and unfortunate class demands our best efforts, and is yearly engrossing more attention throughout the state ; therefore, in order that we may be the better prepared to perform our duty in the premises be it, • Resolved, That this Board visit Willard Asylum in a body on Tuesday, Dec. 3d. Mr. Pierson of Ulysses offered the following resolution, which on motion of Mr. Kelinedy was adopted and ordered lev- ied upon the taxable property of the town of 'Ulysses : Resolved, That the following bills be added to the town audits of the town of Ulysses : Fred Barto, Clerk of Election $4 25 A. H. Pierson, Supervisor 8 24 W. H. Ganoung, Road Commissioner 2 00 H. M. Thompson, Excess of tax 1888. 5 73 Mr. Bates offered the following resolution, which on mo- tion of Mr. A. H. Pierson was adopted and ordered levied upon the taxable property of the town of Caroline : Resolved, That the following amount be added to the town audits of the town of Caroline. Six dollars and sixty-eight cents. ($6.68.) Mr. Pierson of Ulysses chairman of the committee on con- stables' accounts, presented the following bills, which on mo- tion of Mr. Kennedy were audited as recommended by the com- mittee : Bills numbers 44, 48, 78, 121, 113, 49, 51 and 5o. On motion adjourned. SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. ELEVENTH DAY. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1889. MORNING SESSION. Mr. Crozier in the chair. Roll call. Quorum present. Mr. Pierson, of Ulysses, presented the abstract of the town audits of the town of Ulysses, which on motion of Mr. Ken- nedy, were audited and ordered levied upon the taxable prop- erty of the town of Ulysses. (See Town Audits.) Dr. Seabring, offered the following resolution, which on motion of Mr. Kennedy was adopted : Resolved, That at the request of the Board of town audits of the town of Newfield, that the sums set opposite the following road districts of above named town, be levied and assessed against the taxable property of said districts : District No. 58, $to 86 District No. 48, to 86 District No. 53, 8 75 District No. 25, It 73 District No. 26, t o5 District No. tog, 2 28 District No. 18, 4 91 District No. 74, �5 58 District No. 83, - 20 83 Mr. Pearson, of Ithaca, presented the report of James S. Lyke, Superintendent of the Poor, together with his report as chairman of the committee on superintendent's accounts and county buildings, which on motion of Mr. Pierson, of Ulysses, was adopted, the amounts named in the subjoined resolutions, SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. thereto, were ordered levied upon the taxable property of the several towns of Tompkins County. To the Honorable, the Board of Supervisors : Your committee, to whom was referred the report of the Superintendent of, the Poor would respectfully report : The No. of inmates in the County Alms House, Nov. 15, 1888, was . . . 34 Received during the year . 59 No. of births . . . • 3 Total 96 Deaths, during the year 6 Discharged 46 Total 52 Inmates at date of this report Whole number of days inmates have been maintained in the County House during the year 44 Alms 13459 Number of days chargeable to the county, 2694, cost . . $516 53 Number of days chargeable to Town of Caroline . . . 614 at a cost of $ 118 6o Dryden . . . 1453 280 66 Groton . . . . 913 176 35 Ithaca . . . . 5170 998 67 Lansing . . . . 345 66 63 Ulysses . . . 573 II0 68 Enfield . . . 30 5 79 Newfield . . 826 159 54 Danby . . . . 861 166 31 Total in -door expenses, aside from the farm $2599 76 Total paid by the towns $ 2083 23 The average daily attendance during the year was 36 319-365 The average weekly expenses . $1.3512 I SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. 31 The average annual expense 70.264 Received by the Superintendent for disbursements Appropriation by the county $2385 56 Appropriation by towns 1511 52 Products of the farm 243 73 Ex -Superintendent, Elias Smith 15 23 Schuyler Co., in Ellen Coyle case 181 87 Total receipts Entire disbursements for the year as follows : Indoor expenses $2599 76 Outdoor relief 1640 to Services of Overseers of Poor 179 75 Transportation of paupers 79 33 Improvements to property 170 07 $4337 91 Total $4669 01 Deficiency for 1889 and 1890 $ 331 to We estimate for the ensuing year the sum of $4600.0o as follows : Indoor expenses by county . $ 516 53 Indoor expenses by towns 2083 23 Services of Overseers of Poor 250 00 Transportation of paupers 50 00 Salary of Keeper . . 500 o0 Temporary relief 1200 24 Total $4600 oo Less amount by towns. Caroline $118 6o Dryden 280 66 Danby . . . . 166 3! Enfield 5 79 Groton 176 35 Ithaca 998-67 32 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. Lansing Newfield Ulysses . Total raised by towns Total raised by county 6 Deficiency for the years 1888 and 1889 66 63 159 54 Ho 68 82083 23 • 8331 10 $2083 23 2516 77 $4600 00 To provide for the deficiency, and to defray the estimated expenses for the coming year, your committee offer the follow- ing resolutions : Resolved, That the sum of two thousand five hundred sixteen dollars and seventy-seven cents ($2516.77) be levied and collected upon the taxable proper- ty of Tompkins County for the purpose above named. Resolved, That the sum of three hundred thirty-one dollars and ten cents ($331. io), be levied and collected upon the taxable property of Tompkins Coun- ty, for the purpose of meeting the deficiency named above. Resolved, That the sum of two thousand eighty-three dollars and twenty- three cents ($2083.23), be levied and collected upon the taxable property of the several towns of Tompkins County, in accordance with the foregoing statement. Your committee also report, that upon a careful investiga- tion of the County Alins House, we found the inmates comfor_ table, and that they seemed to be well cared for. NICHOLAS PEARSON, l J. H. KENNEDY, } Committee. J. S. MILLER, 111 On motion adjourned. • SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. TWELFTH DAY. MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1889. Board called to order at 2 P. M., by Chairman Beers. Roll call. Quorum present. 33 Mr. Pierson, of Ulysses, offered the following resolution, which on motion of Mr. Bates was adopted and ordered levied upon the taxable property of the town of Ulysses : Resolved, That there be added to the town audits of the town of Ulysses the following bill : A. J. Able, excess of tax, 1888 $2 12 • Mr. Bates of Caroline presented the following resolution, which on motion was audited and ordered levied upon the tax- able property of the town of Caroline : Resolved, That the following bill be added to the town audits of the town of Caroline : F. B. Lounsbury, Town Clerk, blank record books $6 75 On motion adjourned. THIRTEENTH DAY. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1889. Pursuant to a resolution heretofore adopted this Board, as a committee of the whole visited Willard Asylum. • • 34 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. After an examination of the affairs of the Asylum and the methods employed in the care and support of the patients, the members were shown through the different wards and buildings of the institution. Upon visiting the several patients from Tompkins County, they were found to be comfortable and well cared for ; and the present management of the institu- tion commends itself to the Board and the taxpayers, as well as to the relatives of the unfortunates there confined. At a late hour the Board adjourned and returned to Ithaca. FOURTEENTH DAY. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1889. MORNING SESSION. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of preceding meeting were read and approved. The clerk read the report of L. H. Van Kirk, in regard to all fines received by him as County Clerk, which on motion of Mr. Pierson of Ulysses was accepted and ordered printed in the reports. (See Reports.) Mr. Bates offered the following resolution, which on mo- tion of Mr. Pierson of Ulysses was audited and ordered levied against the taxable property of the town of Caroline : s . Resolved, That the sum of two hundred and fourteen dollars be assessed against the taxable property of the town of Caroline, for the purpose of paying SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. 35 a certain promissory note given October 29, 1887, by Henry D. Thomas as com- missioner of highways, for two hundred dollars and interest from the 29th day of October, 1888, to Mrs. Louise Thomas, and that the same be added to the budget of the town of Caroline. Mr. Jones presented the report of the bonding commission- ers of the town of Groton together with his report, as Supervi- sor of the bonded indebtedness of the said town. Dr. Seabring presented the Town Audits of the town of Newfield, which on motion of Mr. Miller were accepted, ordered spread on the minutes, and the amount thereof ordered levied against the taxable property of the town of Newfield. (See Town Audits.) Dr. Seabring offered the following resolution, which on motion of Mr. Miller was audited and the amount therein order- ed levied upon the taxable property of the town of Newfield : Resolved, That the following bill be added to the town audits of Newfield : Benj. Starr, use of sand screens for three years $6 00 Mr. Pearson of Ithaca] chairman of superintendents' ac- counts and county buildings, presented bill No. 129, which on motion of Mr. A. H. Pierson was audited as recommended by the committee. On motion adjourned. AFTERNOON SESSION. Roll call. Quorum present. Mr. Pierson of Ulysses offered the following resolution, which on motion of Mr. Kennedy was adopted : Resolved, That the ITHACA JOURNAL be authorized to publish the town and county audits, statement of Supervisors' claims, and the proceedings of this 36 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. Board upon the equalization of the assessment rolls, and to receive for the same 0 the sum of thirty-five cents per folio. District Attorney, J. H. Jennings, presented his report, which on motion of Mr. Pierson of Ulysses was received and ordered printed in the reports. Mr. Kennedy, of Dryden, offered the following resolution, which on motion of Mr. Pierson, of Ulysses, was adopted : Resolved, That a committee of three, and that the chairman be one of said committee, be appointed by the chairman who shall have power to investigate the subject of repairing or rebuilding the County Alms House, also the project of selling the present Alms House and farni and locating the same in some other place in the county. That said committee shall have power to employ a com- petent architect to draw plans for said Alms House, with specifications for same, and to make a full report of such investigation to the next Board of Supervisors. Resolved, That this committee order the Superintendent of the Poor to make such temporary repairs upon the house as seems to he necessary to make it comfortable for the ensuing year. The chair appointed Supervisors Kennedy and Crozier as additional members on this committee. Moved by Mr. Pearson, of Ithaca, that bill number 131 be allowed at the amount .claimed, which was carried by the fol- lowing vote : Ayes—Bates, Beers, Miller, Jones, N. Pearson, Crozier, Hibbard, Brown and A. H. Pierson -9. Nays—Kennedy-1. Mr. Hibbard moved that bill number 130 be audited and allowed at $8.55, which on motion of Mr. Bates was laid on the table until next Friday. SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. 37 Mr. Miller, chairman of the committee on printing and printers' accounts, reported the following bills which were au- dited as recommended by the committee : Bills numbers 6o, 71, 74 and 126. Mr. Pierson, of Ulysses, chairman of the committee on con- stables' accounts, reported bill number 128, which was audited as recommended by the committee. Mr. Crozier, chairman of the committee on Sheriff's and Judge's accounts reported the following bills, which were audit- ed as recommended by the committee : Bills numbers 1o6, 112 and 133. Mr. Kennedy, chairman of the committee on county claims, reported the following bills, which were audited as recommend- ed by the committee : Bills numbers 124, 127, 109 and 132. Mr. Pearson, of Ithaca, presented the following act, which was passed by the following vote : Ayes—Bates' Beers, Kennedy, Miller, Jones, N. Pearson, Crozier, Hibbard, Brown and A. H. Pierson—Io. Nays—o. AN ACT for the protection of quail and fish in the County of Tompkins, made under laws of 1879, Chap. 543, Sec. 37 and amendment thereto. [Passed December 4th, 1889 : three-fourths being present.' The People of the County of Tompkins, represented in the Board of Supervisors, do enact as follows : SECTION I. No person shall catch, kill, or have in his or her possession, any Quail caught or killed in this County, for the period of five years from the passage of this Act. 38 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. SECTION II. No person shall fish by any means or device whatsoever, in that portion of Fall Creek between•the Lake Street bridge and the Ithaca Falls, including the Pool at the foot of the Falls, for a period of five years from the passage of this Act. SECTION III. Any person violating any provision of the above Sections shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall he punishable as provided in Section 9, Chap. 534, Laws of 1879, and Laws amend- atory thereto. SECTION IV. All fines recovered under the provisions of this Act or regulation, and belonging to said County, shall be paid to the Treasurer of said County, to be kept by him in a separate account, and to be applied to the en- forcement of this Act, by payment of costs, and in such other manner as the Board of Supervisors of said County niay direct. SECTIO\ V. This Act shall take effect immediately. On motion adjourned. FIFTEENTH DAY. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1889. MORNING SESSION. Roll call. Quorum present. Mr. Brown presented the town audits of the town of Lans- ing, which on motion of Mr. Crozier were accepted, and the amounts thereof ordered levied upon the taxable property of the town of Lansing. (See Town Audits.) Dr. Seabring presented a petition from the assessors of Newfield, petitioning that a clerical error in the assessment roll be corrected. Referred to committee on erroneous assessment. SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. 39 Mr. Brown offered the following resolution, which on mo- tion of Mr. Kennedy was adopted, and the amount thereof ordered levied upon the taxable property of the town of Lansing: Resolved, That the amount of two hundred and fifty dollars be levied and collected upon the taxable property of the town of Lansingfor the repair of roads and bridges, as allowed by statute. Dr. Seabring offered the following resolution, which on motion of Mr. Crozier was adopted : Resolved, That the committee on ordinary repairs shall have discretionery power in the matter of removal of boiler and necessary arrangement for heat- ing by steam, the Court House in connection with Jail. Mr. Bates offered the following resolution, which on motion of Mr. Kennedy was adopted, and the amounts therein ordered • levied upon the taxable property of the several road districts of the towns therein set forth : Resolved, That pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 791, of the Laws of 1868, the sums placed in the following schedule be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of persons whose names are included in the several districts, and in the sums respectively named in said lists, submitted to the Board and furnished to the Supervisors of the several towns named in the schedule, by the Overseers of the Highways of the road districts included therein : Road district No. 4o, 1134 days . Road district No. 142, 43 days DRYDEN. $ 17 25 6 38 ENFIELD. Road district No. 2, 6 days $ 9 00 GROTON. Road district No. 4, 1'+ days Road district No. 41, 2/ days Road district No. 24, 1 day NEW FIELD. Road district No. 28, 4/ days. Road district No 13, 4 days . $ I 88 3 75 $ 1 5o 6 75 6 00 SUPERVISOR'S' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. Mr. Jones offered the following resolution, which on mo- tion of Mr. Kennedy was adopted, and the amount thereof ordered levied upon the taxable property of the town of Groton Resolved, That the amount of two hundred and fifty dollars be levied and collected upon the taxable property of the town of Groton for repair of roads and bridges in said town. Supervisor Jones offered the following resolution, which on motion of Mr. Kennedy was adopted, and the amount therein ordered levied upon the taxable property of Tompkins County : Resolved, That the sum of fifty dollars, ($5o.00) be appropriated for the purpose of purchasing, (under direction of County Superintendent of Poor) ad- ditional iron bed -steads for use in Alms House. J. H. Jennings, Esq., District Attorney, appeared before, the Board and made a statement in regard to the Barber trial, and recommended that a committee be appointed to make ar- rangements and contracts with experts for the next trial. On motion adjourned. AFTERNOON SESSION. Roll call. Quorum present. alaryMr. Kennedy called up the resolution in regard to the sal- ary of the jail physician. Resolution adopted. Moved by Mr. Pierson of Ulysses, that we proceed to take a formal ballot for jail physician. Carried. Mr. Hibbard was appointed teller. The vote resulted as follows : Whole number of votes cast 9 of which Dr. J. W. Brown received 8 Dr. White received. r SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. 41 Mr. Pierson, of Ulysses, offered the following 'resolution, which on motion was adopted : Resolved, That the board of all prisoners confined in the county jail, shall be and the same is hereby fixed at three dollars per week, the same to take ef- fect, January 1st, 1890. Mr. Kennedy presented the following resolution, which on motion of Mr. Pierson, of Ulysses was adopted : Resolved, That the chairman and clerk of this Board, euter into a contract with the sheriff of Tompkins County to convey all criminals who may be sen- tenced to the Monroe County Penitentiary, and to the New York State Indus- trial School at Rochester, from this county, from January 1st, 1890, to January ist, 1891 for the following compensation : For conveying one prisoner $10,' and for each additional prisoner taken at the same time the sum of $4. That the said chairman and clerk shall also enter into a contract with the sheriff to convey all persons sentenced to the Buffalo House of Correction, and receive therefor $15 for one person, and $5 for each additional person taken at the same time. Bill No. 130 being called from the table, was audited at $8.55. Mr. Kennedy, chairman of the committee on county claims, reported bill No. 122, which on motion of Mr. Hibbard was audited as recommended by the committee. Bill No. 46 on being referred to, the committee of the whole, on motion, was disallowed. Mr. Pearson, of Ithaca, offered the following resolution, which on motion of A. H. Pierson, was adopted : Resolved, That this Board invite Mr. Geo. B. Davis and A. A. Hungerford, attorneys for Barber, to appear before this Board for conference in regard to said Barber's case. 42 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. Mr. Kennedy, chairman of the committee on erroneous as- sessments made the following reports, which on motion of Mr. Bates was adopted : To the Honorable, Board of Supervisors of Tompkins: Your committee on erroneous assessments to which were referred the sever- al matters hereinafter set forth, beg leave to report as follows : TOWN OF NEWFIELD. On the petition of the assessors of said town of Newfield, to correct the as- sessment roll of 1889 of said town by adding to the assessment roll the following names and amounts. Your committee report in favor of said petition, and that the amounts be added to the roll as follows : NAME. ACRES. VAI,. Alvah D. Brown, 100 $1,5o0 Hannah Merricle, 3 40 Lyman Roberts, 36 18o Stephen Horton, 67 900 Harry Horton, 55 92o Harry Horton, 22 15o All of which is respectfully submitted. Dated Dec. 5, 1889. J. H. KENNEDY, A. H. PIERSON, } Committee. N. PEARSON. JJJ To the Board of Supervisors : We the undersigned committee, appointed to investigate and report in regard to erroneous assessments, would respect- fully report : We find that Mrs. F. M. Bates was assessed upon the assessment roll of Ithaca for 1888, upon one thousand dollars personal property, and paid the tax thereon. SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. 43 That it appears from the affidavit of said Mrs. F. M. Bates, that such assess- ment was unjust and illegal, and that the sum of twenty-four dollars and thir- teen cents was paid on said assessment, and should be returned to said Mrs. F. M. Bates, and that the same be added to the town budget of Ithaca. J. H. KENNEDY, l N. PEARSON, } Committee. A. H. PIERSON. 1 Mr. Pierson, of Ulysses, chairman of the commitee on con- stables' accounts, reported bill No. 45, which on motion was • audited as recommended by the committee. On motion adjourned. SIXTEENTH DAY. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1889. MORNING SESSION. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of preceding meeting were read and approved. Mr. Crozier offered the following resolution, which on mo- tion of Mr. Pierson, of Ulysses, was adopted : Resolved, That there be levied and collected upon the taxable property of Tompkins County, the sum of four hundred dollars, said amount to be placed to the credit of the committee recently appointed, to make necessary repairs at the Alms House, and that they be empowered to use any or all such appropria- tion in making said'repairs. J. H. KENNEDY, R. A. CROZIER, Committee. JOHN E. BEERS. Upon the invitation of the Board, Messrs. G. B. Davis, A. A. Hungerford and the District Attorney, visited the Board and made statements in regard to the disposition of the Barber case. 44 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. On motion adjourned. AFTERNOON SESSION. Roll call. Quorum present. Mr: Miller offered the following resolution, which on mo-\ tion was adopted :. Resolved, That the following amounts be audited and levied against the taxable property of the town of Enfield, to reimburse the county treasurer for deficiency in last year's tax : (Advanced by him) $3o 00 To last year's returned tax 3 17 $33 17 Mr. Miller offered the following resolution, which on mo- tion was adopted, and ordered levied upon the taxable property of the town of Enfield : Resolved, That there be assessed and levied upon the taxable property of the town of Enfield, the sum of $250 to be applied by the commissioner of high- ways, for maintaining highways and bridges of said town. Mr. Miller presented the abstract of the audits of the town of Enfield, which on motion were received, and the amounts thereof ordered levied against the taxable property of the town of Enfield. ed: On motion adjourned. SEVENTEENTH DAY. MONDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1889. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of the preceding meeting were read and approv= SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. Mr. Crozier, chairman of the committee on sheriff's and judge's accounts, referred bill No. 66 to the committee of the whole, which on motion of Mr. Kennedy was allowed at $111.72. Mr. Kennedy, chairrnan of the committee on county claims, reported bills numbers 125, 135 and 134, which on motion of Mr. ,Pierson, of Ujysses, was adopted as recommended by the committee. Mr. Miller presented the report of the bonding Commission- ers of the town of Enfield together with his report as Super- visor of the bonded indebtedness of said town. On motion of Mr. Pierson, of Ulysses, the reports were accepted, and the res- olution subjoined thereto adopted, and the amount thereof, or- dered levied upon the taxable property of the town of Enfield. (See Reports.) Mr. Kennedy, chairrnan of the committee on erroneous as- sessments, made the following report, which on motion of Mr. Crozier was accepted , To the Board of Supervisors : Your committee on erroneous assessments to whom was referred the matter of Amos D. Shaffer, for alleged over assessment of highway tax, report that they have examined the same, and it is the unanimous opinion of your commit- tee that this Board has no jurisdiction over the matter. Dated Dec. 6, 1889. J. H. KENNEDY, N. PEARSON, } Committee. A. H. PIERSON. JJJ Mr. Pierson, of Ulysses, offered the following resolution, which on motion of Mr. Kennedy was adopted :. Resolved, That the collectors of the several towns of Tompkins County, be required to settle with the County Treasurer, and the Supervisors of the various towns, on or before February 20, 189o. 46 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. Mr. Kennedy offered the following resolution, which on motion of Mr. Pierson, of Ulysses, was adopted : Resolved, That the District Attorney be authorized and he is hereby em- powered to employ such expert testimony as in his judgment he thinks neces- sary for the successful conduct of the impending Barber trial, and to settle the amounts which such expert witnesses are to receive for their services. Mr. Brown, chairman of the committee on U. S. Deposit Fund and Insurance, presented the following report, which on motion of Mr. Pierson, of Ulysses was adopted : To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County : Your committee on U. S. Deposit Fund, hereby report that they have ex- amined the accounts of Cornelius Leary and Henry H. Houpt, loan commission- ers of said county, and find that none of the securities have been canceled or new securities taken during the past year. The report of the Loan Commissioner, containing definite information as to the condition of the State Loan is herewith submitted. On motion adjourned. HORATIO BROWN, S. A. SEABRING, FRED E. BATES. 'EIGHTEENTH DAY. TUESDAY, DECEMBER IO, 1889. MORNING SESSION. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of preceding session read and approved. On motion Board adjourned until 4 P. M. 1 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. 47 AFTERNOON SESSION. Board called to order at 4 P. M., pursuant to adjournment. Roll call. Quorum present. Upon the rising of the Equalization Committee, Mr. Mil- ler submitted the majority report, which on motion of Mr. Jones was laid on the table until to -morrow at 4:3o P. M. Dr. Seabring, chairman of the committee on State Chari- table Institutions, presented the report of such committee, to- gether with the subjoined resolutions, which report was on mo- tion of Mr. Pierson, of Ulysses, accepted and ordered spread upon the minutes and the resolutions adopted. Said report and resolutions are as follows : To /he Honorable Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County : Your committee, appointed to examine the accounts of the several Char- itable Institutions, would respectfully report the following resolution : Resolved, That in accordance with Chapter 446, Title 4, Section 6, Laws of 1874, there be assessed and levied upon the taxable property of the following towns, and the county of Tompkins, the sums set forth in the annexed sched- ule to reimburse the county for amounts of money paid to Willard Asylum, viz : CAROLINE. Ira W. Dwight. Self supporting. $122.27. Hattie Smith $1�4 07 Bartoli Lynch 131 22 George Gates. Self supporting. $39 46. Chas. Vandemark 73 68 $328 97 DRYDEN. Chas. Whipple $24 58 Helen Simmons 2 90 48 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. — James Sandwich 127 87 Emily C. Smith Hamlet F. Pierce. Self supporting. $30 83 Benjamin F. Pratt 119 82 , Thos. McKenna 9 90 James Kellogg 145 62 Hannah Winn 121 22 Caroline; L. Tripp 62 67 Sarah P.'Sutliff 51 83 91 55 $757,89 Cr. By Thos. McKenna, $13 5o " Albert Monroe . 28 28 41 78 $716 11 DANBY. Briggs Montgomery $123 72 Edgar D. Wright 127 02 $250. 74 ENFIELD. William Marshall. Self supporting. $61 Io.. Mary L. Johnson . Barney Kirby 3 86 35 98 $39 84 Cr. By Mary L. Johnson ,25 07 $14 77, GBOTON. Horatio D. Morgan. Self supporting. $123 07. Ella M. Schofield $71 13 Eliza M. Baker. Self supporting. $86 92. Franklin A. Pierce 127 27 Dennis B. Conlon 6 5o Nelson Wesley Allen . 50, 32 Webster R. Miller 27 91 Fay T. Mapes 62 8o Norah A. McKean 40 18 Cr. By Dennis B. Conlon $386 II 21 21 $364 90 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, I889. 49 ITHACA. John McGrade $140 52 Harriet P. Ross 117 32 Joachim Atwater 144 22 Mary A. Culligan 127 52 Margaret Moore 134 42 Priscilla Thompson. 126 02 Susan Patterson 40 73 Harley Kellogg 161 17 Thaddeus H. Obert 67 00 Patrick J. Casey 124 82 Fannie G. Barber .. 128 67 Mary McCarthy . 98 Patrick McCarthy 136 42 Sarah Niver 123 07 Margaret Raymond 126 02 Jennie Dillon . • ... . .. 130 62 Laura Saxton. Self supporting. $120 62. Morris Weiss 46 83 William Derrick. Self supporting. $26 01. Phoebe Ann Baker 125 99 Carrie A. Dean 76 88 Sarah A. Wisner 66 37 Garrison M. Moore 100 07 $2,245 66 LANSING. Charles W. Jacobs $3 30 Josephine Dean. Self supporting. $1i7 94. Lillian J. Wood 128 77 132 07 Cr. By C. W. Jacobs 5 78 $126 29 NEWFIELD. DeWitt Savercool $153 92 James Fish. Self supporting. $132 47• Frank Carpenter 126 32 William Porter 123 37 Chas. D. Bowers 140 82 $544 43 50 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. ULYSSES. Helen Bancroft . $12I 22 Catherine Collins 123 62 Priscilla Demond 91 48 Melissa Mott - to 42 Jesse Blue. Self supporting. $133 93. $346 74 COUNTY. Michael Sweaney 128 32 Lina Rouen 121 72 Thos. Northrup 126 92 Anna L. Welsh. Self supporting. $131 62. S. Hariet Crego. Self supporting. 123 97. Patience Starks 123 12 James Brennan 136 97 Mary J. Sweazy . 123 12 John H. Larkin 61 6o Henry Gibson 133 87 Orville A. St. John 114 68 $1,070 32 Resolved, That in accordance with a resolution of the Board of Supervisors, passed December 7th, 188o, there be assessed and levied upon the taxable prop- erty of the following towns, and the County of Tompkins, the sums set forth in the annexed schedule, to reimburse the county for amounts of money paid to the several Charitable institutions in said schedule named, viz CAROLINE. James Cortright, Asylum for Insane Criminals $195 00 DRYDEN. S. 0. Harris, S. V. Home 42 17 Interest 1 63 $43 80 ENFIELD. Rose Vedder, N. Y. S. Inst. for the Blind 32 51 73 00 GROTON. Michael Keenan, Auburn Orphan Asylum SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. 51 ITHACA. John Wilsey, S. V. Home $97 74 Nettie Beebe, " 86 6o Interest 7 15 Matthew Shane, Auburn Orphan Asylum 73 00 Johnnie Shane, ,I3 00 Eva Shane, l435 00 $372 49 LANSING. Flora Lawton, S. V. Home . 4 00 Interest 16 $4 16 NEW FIELD. Julius Casterline, S. V. Home 97 75 Interest . .. 3 76 MOI 51 ULYSSES. Frank Bains, .S. V. Home 97 75 Interest 3 76 Mrs. Pratt, Ithaca Home 52 00 John Cook, Ontario Orphan Asylum 104 00 $257 51 COUNTY. Warner Frear, S. V. Home . 97 76 Leander Stevens, 97 75 Martin Hough, 62 76 Harry Miller, 42 25 Interest . 11 60 $312 12 S. A. SEABRING, l 11. M. HIBBARD, } Committee. HORATIO BROWN. JJJ On motion adjourned. • 52 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. NINETEENTH DAY. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER I1, 1889. 'Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of the preceding session were read and approved. The report of the committee. on equalization, heretofore presented and laid over until this time, was taken up for con- sideration. The majority report is as follows : REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON EQUALIZATION. THE ASSESSED VALUATION OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, PER ASSESSORS FOR 1889. TOWNS. No. Acres: Valuation. Personal. Aggregate. Caroline, 34,747 $ 882,18o $ 37,730 $919,910 Dryden, . 58,192 1,003,340 45,260 1,048,600 Danby, . 33,286 641,820 14,835 656,655 Enfield, 22.007 548,437 36,300 584,737 Groton, 30,725 1,236,670 130,950 1,367,620 Ithaca, 19,233 2,890,665 512,163 3,402,828 Lansing, 37,789 1,059, 920 129,050 1,188,970 Newfield, 36,997 484,190 34,340 518,530 Ulysses 19,818 1,070,500 182,10o 1,252,600 Totals, $9,817,722 $1,122,728 $10,940,450 We, the undersigned committee, would respectfully recommend that the following be and is hereby declared to be the equalized valuation of the real estate in the county of Tompkins for the year 1889 : TOWNS. Caroline, Dryden, Danby, . Enfield, Groton, Ithaca, Lansing, . ... . . . Newfield, Ulysses, Totals, . Valuation. Personal. Aggregate. $ 515,431 1,371,535 495,795 398,600 915,012 3,218,250 1,307, 721 495,794 1,099,584 $ 37,730 45,26o 14,835 36,300 130,950 512,163 129,050 34,340 182,100 $9,817,722 $1,122,728 $ 553,161 1,416, 795 510,630 434,900 1,045,962 3,730,413 1,436, 771 530,134 1,281,684 $10,940,450 J. S. MILLER, R. A. CROZIER, Committee. S. A. SEABRING. 1 1 P SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. 53 Mr. Pearson, of Ithaca, moved the adoption of the major- ity report. Mr. Jones called for the ayes and nays, which re- sulted as follows : Ayes—Bates, Beers, Miller, N. Pearson, Crozier, Hibbard, Brown, Seabring, A. H. Pierson. Nays—Kennedy, Jones. Moved by Mr. Pierson, of Ulysses, that when we adjourn to -morrow night it be until Thursday, Dec. 19th, at II o'clock. Carried. Mr. Kennedy, chairman of the committee on county claims, reported the following bills, which on motion were audited as recommended by the committee : Bills numbers 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146. On motion adjourned. TWENTIETH DAY. THURSDAY, DECEMBER I2, 1889. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of the preceding meeting were read and approved. Mr. Jones, chairman of the committee on equalization and assessment rolls, submitted the following report, which on mo- tion of Mr. Pierson, of Ulysses, was adopted and ordered spread upon the minutes : 54 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. Resolved, That there be levied and collected from the tax payers of Tomp- kins County the suns herein set forth for the following purposes : STATE TAX. For Schools. $ 14,082 92 For General purposes 26,278 41 For Canals 10,743 67 COUNTY BUDGET. 51,105 00 County audits $9,952 21 County Judge's salary 2,500 00 County Treasurer's salary 900 00 Clerk of Supervisors . 150 00 Superintendent of Poor. 2,516 77 Chaplain of Alms House 5o 00 Clerk's postage and stationary 15 00 District Attorney's salary . 600 00 District Attorney's office rent . 200 00 Superintendent of Poor for new bedsteads . 50 00 Note payable on Infant Heir Fund 4,000 00 Interest due on notes 430 93 Willard Asylum 1,070 32 Susquehanna Valley Home . 312 12 Superintendent of Poor, deficiency 99 23 Bills payable, deficiency 15 57 Fuel and gas. 833 38 Monroe County penitentiary 48 64 Susquehanna Valley Home, deficiency 28 07 Court expenses, deficiency 731 18 County audits, deficiency . 26 63 Clerk of Surrogate's Court 250 00 Jail Physician's salary 90 00 Supreme Court Stenographer's salary 400 45 ' Sheriff's Janitor account 350 00 School Commissioner's salary. 400 00 Surrogate's Janitor acccount 75 00 Special County Judge's salary . 50 00 Sheriff's office rent. 35 00 Treasurer's postage account. 15 00 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. 55 Court expenses. ' 3,500 00 Repairs on County House. 400 00 $30,095 50 CAROLINE. State tax $2,683 01 County tax 1,580 02 Town audits . 765 27 Superintendent of Poor. 118 6o Unpaid taxes. 19 8o Highways and bridges . 750 00 For road scraper . 225 00 For support of the poor. 35o 00 For relief of indigent soldiers . 200 00 For no*P ^` ' interest to Mrs. Louis Thomas 214 00 Willard Asylum 328 97 Asylum for insane criminals 195 00 $7,429 67 DRYDEN. State tax. $7,139 37 County tax. 4,204 34 Town audits 1,722 09 Superintendent Poor 28o 66 Unpaid taxes. 3o 68 Highways and bridges 1,550 00 Willard Asylum 716 II Susquehanna Valley Home . 43 80 .$15,687 05 DANBY. State tax. $2,58o 8o County tax. 1,519 82 Town audits . 445 76 Superintendent Poor . 166 31 Unpaid taxes. 15 6o Highways and bridges 250 00 Highway Commissioner's notes . 1,869 71 Willard Asylum 250 74 $7,098 74 56 SUPERVISORS} PROCEEDINGS, 1889. • ENFIELD. State tax. $2,074 86 County tax. 1,221 89 Town audits 1,372 21 Superintendent Poor 5 79 Unpaid taxes. 33 17 Highways and bridges • 25o 00 Willard Asylum 14 77 N. Y. State Institute for the blind . 32 51 Interest on R. R. bonds. 1,176 oo Sinking fund. 250 00 $6,431 zo GROTON. State tax. $4,762 99 County tax. 2,804 90 Town audits . 1,207 20 Superintendent Poor . 176 35 Highways and bridges 1,578 6o Willard Asylum 364 90 T. Dwight Allen Post. 5o 00 J. C. Hatch, Post. , 100 00 Interest on R. R. bonds. 1,050 00 Sinking Fund 150 00 Unpaid taxes. 17 48 Auburn Orphan Asylum 73 00 ITHACA. State tax County tax. Town audits Burial of soldiers and headstones Superintendent Poor Highways and bridges Willard Asylum Susquehanna Valley Home . Auburn Orphan Asylum Interest on R. R. bonds, I. & A Interest on R. R. bonds, G. & A. $12,335 42 $16,752 22 9,865 30 21,913 88 I10 00 998 67 250 00 2, 245 66 191 49 181 00 • 6,375 7,000 00 00 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, I889. 57 Sinking fund, I. & A. 15.000 p0 Sinking fund, G. & A. I,000 oo Tax receiver's salary 400 00 Unpaid taxes. 123 48 Added by resolution 29 87 $82,436 57 LANSING. State tax $6,So7 19 County tax. 4,008 72 Town audits . 7,687 61 Superintendent Poor . 66 63 Unpaid taxes 12 65 Highways and bridges 250 00 Willard Asylum 126 29 Susquehanna Valley Home .. 4 16 $18,963 25 NEWFIELD. State tax. $2,580 80 County tax 1,519 82 Town audits . 2,198 31 Superintendent Poor . 159 54 Unpaid taxes. 37 31 Highways and bridges 25o 00 Willard Asylum 544 43 Susquehanna Valley Home 101 51 Interest on R. R. bonds. 3,206 00 $10,597 72 ULYSSES. State tax $5,723 76 County tax 3,370 70 Town audits . 773 69 Superintendent Poor . la) 68 Highways and bridges 330 00 Willard Asylum 346 74 Unpaid taxes, 1888. 72 51 Interest on R. R. bonds 3,743 00 Canandaigua Home 104 00 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. Ithaca Home. 52 00 Susquehanna Valley Home . rot 51 $14,728 59 Mr. Kennedy offered the following resolution, which on motion was carried, unanimously : Resolved, That the thanks of this Board are due to our chairman Mr. Beers for the impartial manner in which his decisions have been rendered, and his courtesy and fairness to the members of this Board during the present session. Mr. Jones offered the following resolution, which on mo- tion was adopted, unanimously. Resolved, That we hereby extend to our clerk our hearty thanks, and that we appreciate the efficiency and uniform kindness in which he has discharged the duties of his office. Mr. Kennedy offered the following resolution, which on motion of Mr. Pierson, of Ulysses, was adopted, unanimously : Resolved, That the thanks of this Board be extended to the Ithaca JOURNAL, for their courtesy in furnishing the Daily JOURNAL throughout the session to each member of the Board. On motion adjourned. TWENTY-FIRST DAY. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1889. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. 1 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, I889. 59 Mr. Brown offered the following resolution, which on mo- tion of Mr. Kennedy was adopted : Whereas, The town Board, the town of Lansing, has passed a resolution authorizing the Supervisor of the said town to raise $7,000 by notes, therefore be it Resolved, That the Supervisor of Lansing be allowed to raise $7,000 in two notes on the credit of Lansing, of $3,500 each to satisfy a certain claim of Horace V. Howland for legal services rendered said town in R. R. bond suits. Mr. Kennedy offered the following resolution, which on motion was adopted unanimously : Resolved, That the sheriff be notified by the chairman, that the Supervisors' room must not be used for any other purpose except for holding the sessions of the Board of Supervisors, except by the permission of chairman of same. Dr. Seabring offered the following resolution, which on motion was adopted : Resolved, That the clerk be authorized to prepare blanks to be used in the con,i2itment of any person consigned to a State Charitable Institution, said blanks to contain all the information necessary in preparing reports upon these institutions. el' Resolved, That the Superintendent of the Poor is hereby required to use them in all commitments, and in every instance to file a copy at the institution to which the person is consigned, and also a duplicate with the clerk of this Board who shall keep them for the use of its members. The members duly prepared and signed the tax warrants, and there being no further business before the Board, the min- utes of the day's proceedings were read and approved, and on motion the Board adjourned, sine die. C. B. FISH. Clerk. 6o SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. COUNTY AUDITS. STATE OF NEW YORK, l} ss. COUNTY OF TOMPKINS—BOARD,OF SUPERVISORS, J I do hereby certify that the following abstract comprises all the bills and accounts against the County of Tompkins present- ed to the Board of Supervisors of said County at its annual ses- sion for the year 1889, showing the name of each claimant, the true nature of the account, the amount originally claimed, and the amount as finally audited and allowed by said Board. C. B. FISH, Clerk. No. Name. Nature of claim. Claimed. Allowed. I J. B. Taylor, coroner's jury 2 Jesse M. Baker, " " 3 Herman L. Estabrook, coroner's jury 4 C. B. Fish, 5 Richard Emmons, 6 E. M. Ellis, 7 Jerome B. Teed, 8 E. K. Johnson, 9 Morgan & Bishop, examination in lunacy 10 C. E. Van Cleef, II Eugene Baker, 12 J. A. Lewis, " 13 John Winslow, " CC 14 S. H. Peck, 15 J. W. Brown, $.200 $200 2 00 2 00 2 00 200 2 00 200 2 00 2 00 400 200 2 00 200 2 00 200 25 00 15 00 5 00 300 4o 00 19 6o 23 00 13 28 3 00 300 6 00 600 15 00 9 00 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. 16 J. W. Brown, coroner's bill 17 J. Flickinger, examination in lunacy 18 . Monroe County Penitentiary, board of prisoners 19 Andrus & Church, stationery 20 << 21 Enz & Miller, 22 Bush & Dean, supplies 23 Wilson & Mackey, painting 24 Alex. Mintern, work at County Clerk's office 25 Wilson & Mackey, Painting 26 F. P. Randolph, contractor 27 D. F. Finch, Stationery 28 F. W. Beers, map for County Clerk 29 F. W. Beers, " " " 30 E. S. Tichenor, & Son supplies for jail 31 Ithaca Water Works Co., 32 Crozier & Feeley, supplies for jail 33 N. Y., & Penn. Telephone & Telegraph Co., 34 Geo. Small, supplies for County Clerk's office 35 Dr. J. Beech, ex. of P. Layton by request of coroner 36 Banks Bros., books for County Judge 37 Elias Smith, Ex -Superintendent of Poor 38 J. Will Tree, repairing books 39 Gauntlett & Brooks, Ink 4o Theo. Dobrin & Son, blankets 41 H. Bool, supplies for Supervisor's room 42 J. R. Cummings, assigned to J. M. Heggie, coffin & attend- ing funeral 43 E. S. Tichenor & Son " " " supplies for jail 44 J. F. Tetley, assigned to W. H. Willson, constable 45 it " << 44 46 It " <1 << 47 '. Murray, r. << 48 John Johnson, " " 49 I. D. Emmons, ' " J. M. Heggie 5o I. D. Emmons, " W. H. Willson, 51 John Shepherd, 52 Lewis Puff, 53 J. E. Vandemark, 54 J. C. Lormor, 61 76 85 76 85 20 20 20 00 33 40 33 40 4 21 4 21 44 45 44 45 52 94 52 94 20 00 20 00 9 74 9 74 19 50 19 50 4 85 4 85 15 51 15 51 18 04 18 04 I0 00 I0 00 10 00 00 00 8 25 8 25 170 00 170 00 7 25 7 25 42 00 42 00 31 92 31 92 5 00 500 32 00 32 00 42 45 42 45 2 50 2 50 75 75 28 50 28 50 200 00 197 50 25 00 25 00 38 25 38 25 4 25 00 00 16 8o 14 00 3 00 00 00 2 20 2 20 I05 I05 14 25 5 25 460 460 6 60 6 6o 4 90 490 4 70 4 70 5 40 5 40 SLTPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. 55 Geo. E. Monroe, Justice 5 75 5 75 56 R. L. Smith, assigned to W. H. Willson, " town charge 16 25 00 00 57 9 30 8 45 58 8 65 7 90 59 " <" 8 30 7 45 6o Ithaca Jour nal, printing 921 90 921 90 61 Jamieson & McKinney, plumbing 5o 15 50 15 62 Edwin M. Hall, supplies 73 00 73 00 63 John I. Sharpsteen, coroner's jury 1 00 1 00 64 Barr Bros., supplies 39 19 39 19 65 Dr. M. A. Dumond, examination in lunacy 3 64 3 64 66 W. B. Estabrook, Special County Surrogate 111 72 111 72 67 Newton Baldwin, Justice 18 95 13 95 68 G. M. Beckwith, M. D., examination in lunacy 10 20 9 96 09 it it coroner 14 50 14 50 70 Thomas Fisher, constable 13 95 13 65 71 Ithaca Journal, printing 597 11 594 81 72 D. H. Tanner, constable 6 50 6 50 73 Omar Mulks, " 18 50 18 50 74 Ithaca Democrat, printing 569 40 567 90 75 Dr. J. S. Kirkendall, examination in lunacy 9 00 9 00 76 Treman, King & Co., supplies 137 77 137 77 77 Hawkins, Todd & Co., " 7 65 7 65 78 E. G. Phelps, constable 13 70 13 70 79 A. Van Auken, 5 00 5 00 8o Eugene Terry, " 9 4 20 4 20 81 City of Ithaca, for police service 58 90 58 90 82 S. P. Sackett, M. D., examination in lunacy 3 00 3 00 83 Wm. Mespell, coroner's juror 2 00 2 00 84 Martin Besemer, M. D., examination in lunacy 6 oo 6 oo 85 Wm. Frear, supplies 5 67 5 67 86 J. C. Burritt, " 50 50 87 C. J. Rumsey & Co., supplies 2 20 2 20 88 W. C. Gallagher, M. D., expert in Barber trial 135 00 90 00 89 Wm. Fitch, M. D., examination in lunacy 5 00 3 oo 90 J. J. Montgomery, M. D., examination in lunacy 5 00 3 00 91 J. A. Genung, wood for Court House 51 75 51 75 92 S. M. Oltz, Justice 8 8o 7 8o 93' M. N. Tompkins, Justice 41 40 41 40 94 City of Ithaca, for recorder's services 56 90 56 90 95 A. M. Baldwin, examination in lunacy 6 oo 6 oo SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. 96 Crozier. & Feeley, supplies 2 75 2 75 97 A. Chase, M. D., examination in lunacy 3 00 3 00 98 M. M. Sweetland, Ex -County Clerk 550 94 550 94 99 A. H. Pierson, expenses on committee 18 98 18 98 ioo Henry C. Carr, State Game Constable 11 oo 11 00 Io1 F. A. Kerst, examination in lunacy 28 3o 27 44 102 J. Will Tree, assigned to W. M. Smith, binding & repair- ing books 6o 90 6o 90 103 Leroy Van Kirk, County Clerk . 609 99 609 99 104 G. C. McClune, Flagging, etc., 17 5o 17 5o 105 Dr. J. W. Brown, coroner II 00 II 00 ro6 E. P. Bouton, Under Sheriff 35 55 35 00 107 Geo. W. Mead, constable 1 35 135 Io8 D. F. Finch, stationery 7 6o 7 6o 109 C. C. Cook, M. D., examination in lunacy 5 00, 3 80 I io David Brill, post morten examination of horses 29 00 3 00 III L. H. Van Kirk, County Clerk 393 69 393 69 112 J. K. Follett, Sheriff, service bills 484 54 484 54 113 E. F. Weaver, constable 36 6o 35 6o. 1i4 A. Snyder, Justice 31 90 31 90 115 W. H. Lockerby, M. D., examination in lunacy 4 25 4 25 116 Wilmor Townley, coroner's juror - i oo r o0 117 Andrus &Church, stationery 118 Chas. S. Seaman, livery 119 Dr. E. H. Kyle, viewing body, etc., 120 Dr. H. Genung, examination in lunacy 221 Newton Corey, constable 122 Demont Anderson, livery bill 123 J. W. Jones, coroner's juror 124 Dr. J. Beech, examination in lunacy 125 Dr. L. T. White, examination in lunacy 126 Weekly Ithacan, printing official canvass 127 Chas. S. Seaman, livery 128 Adam Hilsinger, constable 129 James S. Lyke, Superintendent of Poor 130 William Sullivan, constable X31 << ,, <c 132 W. H. Lockerby, examination in lunacy 233 J. K. Follett, Sheriff board bill 134 C. B. Fish, Legal services and expenses 135 D. W. Bailey, Ex -Supervisor and committee work 4 08 4 08 15 00 15 00 10 00 800 300 300 8 55 8 55 3 00 000 1 00 I 00 5 00 500 5 40 5 24 25 00 25 00 I 00 100 6 3o 6 io 213 00 213 00 13 05 • 8 55 31 85 3r 85 Io 00 5 oo 2216 68 2216 68 38 75 38 75 11 4o 11 4o 64 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. 136 Horatio Brown, Supervisors' service bill 137 R. A. Crozier, 138 F. E. Bates, 16 ' Cl 139 J. H. Kennedy, " 140 A. H. Pierson, ,, 141 J. W. Jones ,, ,, 142 Nicholas Pearson 143 J. S. Miller, 4444 144 H. M. Hibbard, " 145 S. A. Seabring, 146 J. E. Beers, 85 47 85 47 66 oo 66 oo 86 73 86 73 92 74 92 74 92 38 92 38 87 74 87 74 125 16 125 16 8o 88 8o 88 66 oo 66 oo 82 54 82 54 84 34 84 34 $9,952 21 •6881 `g16T aaquiaaaQ pawBQ •11saIC 'HS13 •fT •,) t� � S5y�GG Zig' o -' o ao°tr ppC o Fe G p,•? NrEgM mlley 9 9orC m "pr Eg a> p 0 5;A'-`00. ...p OC ty�p P+m` a0 y •G o,M..0 oC�m� orgws yF+.. M• �M O � r � C "E p C 5 v 0•% 1b M C y.a p 0 O o ▪ 0 ° c a �a ? po aM 2 C • mP O.: m m 0o 2 N g°, A o 0 m ? p <o N Caroline... Danby.... ..... ..... .. Dryden Enfield Groton Ithaca Ithaca, (City) Ithaca, (City) Lansing.... ... ..... .... . Newfield 17lysses . .... TOWNS. Frederick E. Bates John E. Beers John H. Kennedy IJoshua S.. Miller IJohn W. Jones Nicholas Pearson Richard A. Crozier Horace M. Hibbard Horatio Brown.... Samuel A. Seabring Albert H. Pierson Total SUPERVISORS. Days with County Can- vassers. tot..,tot.,tatoatoro 'Days with Board. An- nual Session -1 8.8Zh8'.8g88cgne 8 88888888888 gwww.. ;nt.;e,i,'. 8 4� 8848 Compensation, at $3.0o per Day. Mileage at 8 Cents per Mile. Days with Committee Work and Special Meeting -1 .., 0 .'ta to wen 8 8 8 88 Compensation, $3.00 per Day. Mileage Committee Work, 8 Cents per Mile. ."zo 44 m Copying Assessment Roll and Extending Tax. IT 00 O °'wc 8wat� OOC .W+ 888881:?, Miscellaneous Services and Expenditures. c0e, rE oe 8, 8 m g EnT,8g5.9.5ga4 a'c -tea 8 8 c'+ � m A ri. 00o c 000g Q',:.� cm om - r°D,"' Total Amount Service 1:11. Rate of tax on the dollar for the several towns m- spectively. S9 •6881 'SeNIaa OO Id tS IOSIAxaanS • V! Ml Y w 0 rrn 0 Ul 0 % P 66 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. TOWN AUDITS. CAROLINE. Abstract of the names of all persons who presented accounts to be audited by the Board of Town Auditors of the town of Caroline, Tompkins County, N. Y., on the 7th day of Novem- ber, 1889, with the amount claimed by each, and the amount finally audited and allowed each. No. Name. Nature of service. Claimed. Allowed. z D. C. Krum, Inspector of election $ 4 00 4 0o 2 John Besemer " 400 400 3 D. B. Drummond, Clerk of election. 4 00 4 00 4 Wm. B. Wolcott, Inspector of election and Messenger to Supervisors 5 00 5 00 5 Geo. H. Richardson, Inspector and Messenger . 9 8i 9 8i 6 Fenton Huson, Clerk of election 4 00 4 00 7 Chas. W. Personius, Inspector of election 4 00 4 00 8 Wm. E. Mandeville, Clerk of election 4 00 °4 00 9 John Davis, stationery, and Clerk of election 4 30 4 30 10 U. L. Robins, Inspector and Messenger. io 04 RD 04 II R. C. Clark, Inspector 4 00 4 00 12 .Wilson Westfall, Inspector 4 00 4 00 13 John Wolcott, Clerk of election 4 00 , 4 00 14 A. D. Foote, hall for election . 8 oo 8 oo 15 A. D. Foote, Deputy Constable 2 35 2 35 i6 John J. Peters, Clerk of election 4 00 4 00 17 Wm. K. Boice, Excise Commissioner . 6 00 6 oo i8 L. D. Bacon, hall for election . 8 oo 8 o0 19 R. E. Brink, " 8 oo 8 00 r SUPERVISORS -PROCEEDINGS, 1889. 20 George. Wolcott, Assessor . 35 35 35 35 21 William Jones, Assessor 32 00 32 00 22 H. D. Thomas, Ex -Commissioner Highways 2 00 2 00 --- -- Willis Shurter, Constable 12 65 12 65 24 Wm. E. Davenport, Constable - II 8o 11 So 25 L. B. Phillips, Trusiee, hall rent for town meeting. ro 00 •Io oo 26 JamesBoice, Ex -Supervisor. 1 1 5o 1 1 5o 27 M. N. Tompkins, legal services 22 75 22 75 28 Omar D. Mulks, Constable 44 6o 41 6o 29 James Mulks, Overseer of Poor 7 20 7 20 3o James Mulks, Deputy Constable. 9 20 9 20 31 Hugh McGrath, excess tax 1 50 1 .5o 32 Francis Earsley,'Assessor. 34 00 . 34 00' 33 George C. Whitley, Overseer of Poor - 42 00 42 00 34 Luman B. Phillips, Commissioner of Highways 161 00 161 00 35 L. D. earns, Inspector of election, Messenger 9 64 9 64 36 George E. Harris, Overseer of Poor . 10 00 10 00 37 W V. Personius, Justice of Peace. 18 90 18 90 38 John J. Peters, Justice of the Peace - 24 70 24 70- 39 John Cross, Justice of the Peace. To 5o 10 5o 40 R. G. H. Speed,.Justice of the Peace 35 .00 35 00 41 F. B. Lounsberry, Town Clerk 65 20 65 20 42 R. Johnson, M. D., Birth and Death Certificates 3 25 3 25 43 F. E. Bates, Supervisor. 8 oo 8 oo 44 F. E. Bates, supplies 6 5o 6 5o 45 Jas. E. Vandemark, Ex -Constable 12 85 12 85 $740 59 $740 59 We the undersigned, Board of Town Auditors of the town of Caroline, in theoCounty of Tompkins, State of New York, do hereby certify that the fore- going accounts by them at their annual meeting, held November 7th, 1889, is correct. FREDERICK E. BATES, Supervisor. W. V. PERsoNIus, JOHN J. PETERS, JOHN CROSS, Justices. R. G. H. SPEED, FRED J. LOUNSBERRY, Town Clerk I certify the foregoing to be a correct copy of the original, as filed in this office. FRED B. LOUNSBERRY, Town Clerk. 68 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. ADDED BY RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. 46 Frank Snow, Excise Commissioner $ 3 00 47 C. M. Haywood, Burial of B. Wade . . 15 00 48 F. E. Bates, Supervisor . 6 68 49 F. B. Lounsberry, blank record books . 6 75 $31 43 Appropriations for the town of Caroline for 1889, by reso- lution of the town Board : For highways and bridges $750 00 For road scraper . 225 00 For support of poor 350 00 For relief of indigent soldiers. 200 00 $1,525 00 I certify the foregoing to be correct as recorded in this office. F. B. LOUNSBERY, Town Clerk. Nov. 8th, 1889. Resolved, That the above amounts be levied on the taxable property of the town of Caroline, and be added to the town budget. DANBY. Abstract of the names of all persons who presented accounts to be audited by the Board of town Auditors of the town of Danby, on the 7th day of November, 1889, with the amount claimed by each, and the amounts audited and allowed each. No. Name. Nature of Service. Claimed. Allowed. 2 John E. Beers, Supervisor. $ 2I 61 21 61 3 " medical services 6 oo 6 oo SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. , 69 4 D. A. Everest, service. 2 00 2 00 5 Willis T. Everest, Inspector and Messenger, Dist. No. 1 9 48 9 48 6 Sheldon Bierce, Overseer of Poor 26 5o 26 5o 7 George Meaker, Commissioner Highway . 138 25 138 25 8 Horace Elyea, Assessor. 19 00 19 00 9 Wm. Howland, Overseer Poor 12 50 12 50 10 Fred Crance, Inspector Dist. No 2 4 00 4 00 I1 W. T. Kellogg, Inspector and Messenger 9 80 9 8o 12 T. J. Hutchings, Inspector Election Dist. No. 2 4 00 4 00 f3 W. T. Kellogg, rental hall Dist. No 2 . 4 00 4 00 14 Chas. Allock, Clerk election t'st No 2 4 00 4 00 15 F. A. Todd, Ex -Supervisor 6 oo 6 00 16 H. F. Hutchings, Clerk election Dist. No. 2 . 4 00 4 00 17 Jacob Wise, Justice of the Peace. 8 oo 8 00 18 Chas. Howland, Justice of the Peace. 12 24 12 24 19 H. S. Beardsley, Clerk of election Dist. No. ‘1 4 00 4 00 20 H. S. Beardsley, Town Clerk 49 17 49 17 21 C. F. Mix, Ex -Town Clerk. 7 45 7 45 22 Jeremiah Thatcher, Justice of the Peace. 10 00 10 00 23 M. A. Demond, medical service . 3 75 3 75 24 " Health Officer . 2 66 2 66 25 R. J. Thomas, Inspector election Dist. No 1. 4 00 4 00 26 H. S. Beardsley, Town Clerk 16 35 16 35 27 Chas. Curtis, Clerk election, Dist No. 1 4 00 4 00 28 Andrus & Church, blank assessment rolls 600 600 ADDS") BY RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. 29 R. A. Grant, Assessor 3o C. A. Cooper, Inspector. 31 T. S. Ward, Assessor $23 00 400 20 00 $445 76 We the undersigned comprising the Board of Auditors of the town of Danby, certify that the above abstract of town accounts is correct. JOHN E. BEERS, Supervisor. H. S. BEARDSLEY, Town Clerk. CHARLES HOWLAND, JEREMIAH THATCHER, Justices. JACOB WISE, 70 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. DRYDEN. At a meeting of the Board of town Auditors of the town of Dryden, held on the 3d day of June, 1889, the following res- olutions were duly passed : Resolved, That the sum of $35o.00 or so much thereof as shall be necessary, be appropriated for the erection of a bridge near Bradford Cook's. The sum of $15o.00 or so much thereof as shall be necessary for the erection of a bridge near Thomas Space. The sum of $15o.00, or so much thereof as is necessary to build two bridges on North Street, Dryden. The sum of $150.00 or so much thereof as is necessary to build a bridge near Wm. Sherwood's at Etna. At a meeting of the Board of Town Auditors, held on the 22d day of June, 1889, the following resolutions were duly passed : Resolved, That the sum of $75.00 or so much thereof as may be necessary, be appropriated for the purpose of rebuilding the culvert near Lafayette Sweet - land's. The sum of $25.0o or so much thereof as may be necessary to rebuild a culvert near Mr. Bucklin's. The sum of $200.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary to build an iron bridge near Hiram Sear's place. The sum of $200.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary to build an iron bridge near Archibald Miller's. • The sum of $25. oo, or so much thereof, as may be necessary to rebuild a culvert near Sanford Smiley's. The sum of $25.00, or so much thereof, as may be necessary to rebuild a culvert near M. J. Robertson's. The sum of $Ioo.00, or so much thereof, to rebuild a bridge near David Cornelius'. The sum $15o.00, or so much thereof, as may be necessary for the purpose of building a bridge on the highway North of James Fox's. J. H. KENNEDY, Supervisor. A. SNYDER, A. L. SMILEY, GEO. UNDERWOOD, Justices. W. E. BROWN, GEO. E. MONROE, C. B. SNYDER, Town Clerk. SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. 71 At an annual meeting of the Board of town Auditors of the town of Dryden, held at the Dryden Centre House, on the 7th day of November, 1889, the following resolutions were du- ly passed : Resolved, That the sum of thirteen hundred dollars, $1,300, in addition to the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars $25o.00, as allowed by the Statutes, be levied and collected in said town for highway purposes, in accordance with ap- propriations previously made by the said Board of Town Auditors. Resolved, That the sum of $800.00 be levied and collected in said town for the support of the poor. J. H. KENNEDY, Supervisor. WM. E. BROWN, A. SNYDER, GEO. E. UNDERWOOD, Justices. A. L. SMILEY, GEO. E. MONROE, GEO. H. Houtz, Town Clerk. Abstract of the names of all persons who presented ac- counts to the Board of town Auditors of the town of Dryden, at their annual meeting held at the Dryden Centre House on the 7th day of November, 1889, with the amounts claimed and ' the amounts finally allowed : No. Name. Nature of service. Claimed. Allowed. I Dr. J. Beach, Physician. $6o 09 $6o o9 2 G. H. Sweet, Undertaker 97 00 77 00 3 Geo. H. Houtz, Town Clerk to o6 to 06 4 Dr. J. Flickinger, Physician. to 0o io 00 5 B. Snyder, Ex -Overseer of Poor. 26 00 26 oo 6 Alfred R. Mack, assigned W. W. Sherwood 28 75 z8 75 7 G. W. Gibson, use of house for town meeting 3o 00 3o 00 8 Henry Newman, do Election to 0o Io 00 9 J. T. Morris, do do Io 0o to 00 to T. A. Gifford, do do Io 0o Io 00 • 72 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 189. • ix Lester Mallery, Attorney 35 00 15 00 12 Geo. E. Goodrich, do 25 00 25 00 13 Edward R. Gaston, Overseer of Poor 32 00 32 00 14 B. B. Cook, highways. to oo t0 00 15 C. B. Snyder, Ex -Town Clerk. 40 75 40 75 16 B. Sheldon, Assessor 62 00 62 00 17 R. M. Smiley, do 58 oo 58 00 18 Orson Luther, do 58 00 58 00 19 Village of Dryden, house for election to 0o to 00 20 M. E. Crutts, Clerk of Election. 4 00 4 00 21 B. Snyder, do do 4 25 4 25 22 J. W. West, do do 4 30 4 30 23 W. W. Sherwood, do do 4 00 4 00 24 Geo. E. Goodrich do do 4 35 4 35 25 J. B. Fulkerson, do do 4 00 4 00 26 John L. Platt, do do 4 00 4 00 27 C. B. Bills, do do 4 25 4 25 28 D. W. Banfield, Inspector do 9 32 9 32 29 S. E. Smiley, do do 5 50 5 50 3o James Richard, • do -do 4 00 4 00 31 Edwin Snyder, do do 9 56 9 56 32 Henry Warriner, do do 4 00 4 00 33 L. A. Hemingway, do do 5 00 5 oo 34 Ed. French, do do 4 00 4 00 35 George Hart, do do 4 00 4 00 36 D. R. Montgomery, do do 11 40 11 40 37 George Primrose, do do 9 72 9 72 38 Ai Vanhorn, do do 6 oo 6 00 39 Fred E. Mineah, do do 4 00 4 00 4o Wm. Grover, Excise Commissioner . 3 00 3 00 41 Rev. F. Ellsworth, assigned A. Snyder. 50 50 42 L. C. Simonds, Excise Commissioner 300 3 oo 43 E. F. Weaver, Constable 11 10 00 00 44 Dr. J. W. Montgomery, Physician. 11 75 11 75 45 Dr. H. Genung, do 76 00 76 00 46 Dr. Geo. L. Rood, do 38 00 38 00 47 James C. Lormor, Constable 23 90 23 90 48 Dewitt Depuy, do 4 8o 4 8o 49 A. A. Harkin, do 7 05 7 05 5o E. F. Weaver, do 53 90 53 90 20 00 20 00 51 Wm. E. Brown, Justice. SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. 73 • 52 A. Snyder, Town Board 22 00 22 00 53 A. L. Smiley, do 31 70 31 70 54 Geo. E. Monroe, do 20 00 20 00 55 Geo. B. Davis, Attorney . 16 75 16 75 56 Geo. E. Monroe, do 26 5o 26 5o 57 Dr. E. D. Allen, Physician . 9 75 9 75 58 Geo. E. Underwood, Justice. 18 00 18 00 59 Jas. E. Lormor, Overseer of Poor. 84 00 84 00 6o A. Snyder, Justice . 30 20 30 20 61 Geo. E. Monroe, do 75 15 75 15 62 John E. Ellis, damage to horse 3o 00 3o 00 63 W. W. Sherwood, Commissioner of highways 329 00 329 00 64 J. H. Kennedy, Supervisor 45 84 45 84 65 W. W. Sherwood, Commissioner of highway 3o 00 3o 00 $1,703 09 We the undersigned, comprising the Board of town Auditors of the town of Dryden, do hereby certify that the foregoing abstract is correct in all respects. Dated Nov. 7th, 1889. J. H. KENNEDY, Supervisor. WM. E. BROWN, A. SNYDER, G. E. UNDERWOOD, Justices. A. L. SMILEY, GEO. E. MONROE, GEo. H. HoUTz, Town Clerk. I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the original now on file in my office. G. H. HOUTZ, Town Clerk. ADDED BY RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. 66 Wm. Fitch, doctor's bill $7 50 67 Asa Cain, 4 50 68 E. E. Fortner 3 00 69 J. H. Kennedy, 4 O0 $19 00 • 74 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. ENFIELD. Abstract of the names of all persons who presented ac- counts to be audited by the Board of town Auditors of the town of Enfield, on the 7th day of November, 1889, with the amount claimed by each, and the amounts audited and allowed each : No. Name. Nature of service. Claimed. Allowed. 1 Miles Rumsey, excess tax. $14 85 $�4 85 2 Munson Potter, Excise Commissioner 3 00 3 00 3 Euz & Miller, Supplies. 9 00 9 00 4 J. C. Weatherby, Assessor. 26 00 26 oo 5 T. Jones, Bonding Commissioner 6 oo 6 oo 6 J. R. Updike, Clerk of Election . 4 00 4 00 7 William Barber, Member of Board of Health. 2 00 2 00 8 Geo. Budd, note for labor on highway in 1888 102 49 102 49 9 Simeon Smith, legal services. 12 00 10 00 10 Wm. H. Ammack, R. R. Commissioner 9 00 9 00 11 E. W. Nobles, Assessor. 30 00 30 00 12 James McCracken, Overseer of Poor. 24 00 24 00 13 James Marshall, Excise Commissioner. 3 00 3 00 14 Andrus & Church, Supplies. 2 50 2 50 15 Ithaca Journal, printing election notices i 50 1 50 16 D. W. Bailey, Ex -Supervisor 11 00 6 00 17 J. H. Quigley, lumber 148 48 148 48 18 L. H. Van Marter, Inspector of Election. 4 00 4 00 19 J. W. Steel, reporting marriages, assigned to J. S. Miller 1 75 1 75 20 S. A. Seabring, Equalizing in Dist. No. 15, for 1888-9.. 3 44 3 44 21 Geo. W. Budd, Timber 15 00 7 00 22 First National Bank of Ithaca, for fence built 30 00 30 00 23 D. W. Bailey,. R. R. Commissioner for 1888.. 14 00 14 00 << 24 1889 18 00 18 00 25 C. W. Stringer, Inspector of Election 4 00 4 00 26 L. T. White, Health Officer and services. 7 25 7 25 27 Burr Rumsey, plank furnished in 1888. 8 88 8 88 28 John Russell, labor on highway 5 50 5 50 29 M. L. Harvey, house for elections. 20 00 20 00 3o J. M. Lanning, Justice of Peace. 33 00 33 00 31 S. M. Oltz, 39 20 39 20 • SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. 75 32 F. B. Aiken, Justice of the Peace 35 00 35 00 33 Daniel Searles, " 25 00 25 00 34 Wm. V. Rumsey, Ex -Town Clerk . 15 00 15 00 35 " " " Inspector and Messenger. 9 99 9 99 36 M. L. Harvey, expense in Leonard case 2 50 2 50 37 F. A. Barber, Town Clerk. 73 40 73 40 38 E. R. Osterhout, reporting deaths and births. 2 25 2 25 39 J. S. Miller, Supervisor . 29 92 29 92 40 E. Smith, Commissioner of highways. 26 99 26 99 41 services 148 00 148 00 42 Alvah Godding, Excise Commissioner 1888 34 00 34 00 43 Albert Brower, mason work on highway. 56 79 56 79 44 F. A. Barber, 1st, labor on highway . 29 15 29 15 45 " " ` ' ` Constable . 16 5o 16 5o 46 Charley Brower, labor on highway 86 13 86 13 47 L. C. Van Marter, " " 42 50 42 50 48 Cornelius Brower, 23 75 23 75 49 C. D. Wallenbeck, " 15 00 15 o0 5o C. M. Williams, " CC CC 50 25 50 25 51 Harry Curry, 6 75 6 75 ADDED BY RESOLUTION OP THE BOARD Or SUPERVISORS. 52 Richard Griffin, Assessor 53 J. S. Miller, footing assessment roll 54 T. Jones, labor on highway 55 L. H. VanKirk, filing and certifying town bonds.. . 56 E. L. Burton, Inspector of Election $1,326 71 $3o 00 300 7 5o 1 00 400 $1,372 21 We the undersigned, composing the Board of town Auditors of the town of Enfield, do certify that the foregoing is a correct list .of all claims presented and allowed by us against said town. J. S. MILLER, Supervisor. J. W. LANNING, S. M. OLTz, D. M. SEARLES, F. B. AIKEN, FRANK A. BARBER, Town Clerk. Justices. 76 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. GROTON. The following is an abstract of the names of all persons who presented accounts to be audited by the Board of town Au- ditors of the town of Groton, on the 7th day of November, 1889, with the amount claimed by each, and the amount finally allowed : No. Name. Nature of Claim. Claimed. Allowed. 1 James McGrail, Inspector of Election. Po 28 $10 28 2 H. T. Newell, 4 00 4 00 3 Ward White, 4 00 4 00 4 M. E. Gillin, and Messenger . 12 00 12 00 5 Geo. Sickman, Clerk of Election and Stationery. . . . 4 25 4 25 6 Jerome Fitts, " .. 4 25 4 25 7 Carlos Baldwin, Inspector of Election and Messenger.. 6 oo 6 oo 8 S. R. Reniff, 4 00 4 00 9 F. A. Begent, and Messenger . 6 oo 6 00 to Geo. Hamilton, to 00 10 00 11 Perry Allen, 4 00 4 00 12 Ben Townley, Clerk of Election. 4 00 4 00 13 Dwight Allen Post, for poor. 95 72 95 72 14 A. S. Stearnes, Clerk of Election 4 00 4 00 15 S. C. Reynolds, " and Stationery 4 25 4 25 16 J. W. Joues, Supervisor. 31 22 31 22 17 Chas. Townley, Excise . 3 00 3 00 18 Chas. Bowen, Assessor 40 00 4o 00 19 Edwin Fish, 33 00 33 00 20 A. J. Conger, 24 00 24 00 21 Nelson Stephens, Justice of Peace. 12 00 12 00 22 H. S. Hopkins, 40 00 40 oo- 23 023 J. M. Montfort, 14 00 14 00 24 Newton Baldwin, " J9 6o 39 6o- 25 025 F. A. Sherman, Constable. 9 14 9 14 26 R. J. Pierce, 13 90 13 90 27 F. A. Sherman, 20 00 20 00 28 Thomas Fisher, It 3o 1130 29 A. M. Baldwin, Reg. Vital Statistics. 5 25 5 25 30 M. D. Goodyear, i Doctoring poor, as per contract, assign - 31 G. M. Beckwith, f ed M. D. Goodyear.. . . . .. . . . . 5o 00 5o 00 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. 17 32 M. D. Goodyear, due on last year's doctoring 16 6o 16 6o 33 " Reg. Vital Statistics 8 00 8 00 34 Geo. M. Beckwith, Reg. Vital Statistics . 8 5o 8 5o 35 E. A. Hand, " 1 75 1 75 36 B. L. Robinson, doctoringlastyear and Reg. Vital Statistics 33 25 33 25 37 F. C. Atwood, mdse. 8 74 8 74 38 Jones & Goble, hardware, highway 20 13 20 13 39 S. R. Reniff, mdse 6 74 6 94 4o H. B. Stevens, " poor 9 5o 9 5o 41 J. H. Gunn, " poor 12 41 12 41 42 N. A. Collins " highway 8 5o 8 5o 43 Manson Metzgar, Excise Tax . 3 19 3 19 44 G. M. Beckwith, Health Officer . 5 25 5 25 45 D. McLachlan, mdse. highway 12 21 12 21 46 A. B. Rogers, rent polling place. 8 20 8 20 47 E. R. Nye, " " " 35 00 35 oo 48 Wm. Webster, " 13 00 13 00 49 C. W. Conger & Co., mdse. poor. 17 15 17 15 5o D. McLachlan, Health Officer. 2 00 2 00 51 R. J. Pierce, service highway 9 20 9 20 52 F. A. Sherman, rent (Chas. Davids) 42 25 42 25 53 J. H. Gunn, supper for Jury. 2 45 2 45 54 W. A. Smith, Reg. Vital Statistics. 1 00 1 00 55 E. G. Galloup rent polling place to 0o 10 00 56 L. J. Townley, printing. 30 00 30 00 59 Weeks & Cossum, assigned H. B. Stevens 4 00 4 00 58 Mount & Moe, mdse. to Taylor 6 41 6 41 59 Tyler Morse, rent poor . 8o 00 8o 00 6o Episcopal Parsonage, excess tax. 6 S4 6 54 61 H. B. Stevens, Town Clerk 68 93 68 93 62 H. S. Hopkins, Justice of Peace, Board of Auditors .. . L4 00 14 00 63 David Watson, Reg. Vital Statistics. 100 1 00 64 John Love, service Commissioner of highways . 184 00 184 00 65 " for Commissioner. 1,328 601,328 60 66 Delos Tanner, Constable 34 65 34 65 JAMES M. MONTFORT, NEWTON BAL,DWIN, J. W. JONES, H. S. HOPKINS, J. P. NELSON STEVENS, J. P $2,566 31 Town Board. 78 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. ADDED BY RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. 67 Wm. D. Baldwin, highway services 1888. 68 N. J. Metzgar, excess tax 69 Jonathan Bothwell, excess tax 7o Dr. Dana, counsel in Welam case 71 E. P. Hart, Excise Commissioner 72 J. W. Barr, Registering Vital Statistics. 73 Gersham Fuller, teaming arid plank for highway. . 74 Giles M. Stoddard, legal services 75 J. W. Jones, footing ass't roll and settling with collectors 76 W. H. Burnham, Assessors and Election Clerk. 77 F. L. Tarbell, Constable services ITHACA. $16 oo 6 77 3 12 700 300 75 6 oo 400 700 10 25 560 $69 49 $2,635 8o At a meeting of the Board of Auditors of the town of Ith- aca held at the town clerk's office on the 7th, 8th, 9th and iith of November, 1889, the following accounts were examined, audited and allowed as per statement below : No. Name. Nature of Services. Claimed. Allowed. I Wm. McKinney, Assessor :4 00 $84 00 2 A. B. Dale, " assigned to W. H. Willson 138 00 138 00 3 Spence Spencer, rent of office 5o 00 5o 00 4 Andrus & Church, assessment roll, etc 15 78 15 78 5 Geo. W. Frost, Supervisor . 39 00 39 00 6 John Barden, Inspector 20 00 20 00 7 Lewis Coryell, assigned to Hiram Gee 20 00 20 00 8 H. S. Wright, Clerk. 40 00 40 00 9 J. H. Selkreg,Inspector. 20 00 20 00 I0 Wm. F. McClune, Clerk. 20 00 20 00 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. 79 11 J. C. Warren, Clerk 20 00 20 00 12 Salem Twist, " 20 00 20 00 13 J. E. VanNatta, 20 00 20 00 14 John J. Williams, Inspector 20 00 20 00 15 J. L. Goldsmith, Clerk. 20 00 20 00 i6 Pliny Hall, Inspector . 20 00 20 00 17 J. A. Tompkins, 20 00 20 00 18 E. M. Jackson, Jr., Clerk 20 00 20 00 19 James G. Burnt, Clerk and Inspector. 40 00 40 00 20 M. J. Acton, Inspector. 20 00 20 00 21 O. P. Hyde, Clerk. 20 00 20 00 22 20 00 20 00 23 Chas. H. Slocum, Inspector 20 00 20 00 24 cc cc20 00 20 00 25 E. M. Latta, 20 00 20 00 26 Holmes Hollister, 20 00 20 00 27 John Barden, 20 00 20 00 28 John E, McIntosh, Clerk 20 00 20 00 29 Fred S. Shaw, " assigned to J. M. Heggie .. 20 00 20 00 3o Wm. F. McClune 20 00 20 00 31 Ed. C. Tichenor, l420 00 20 00 32 John Kelchner, 20 00 20 00 33 F. A. Van Vradenburg, Clerk, assig'd " 20 00 20 00 34 Ed. P. Davenport, Inspector 20 00 20 00 35 Ed. P. Davenport, it20 00 20 00 36 Sydney Post, G. A. R., rent of room 40 00 40 00 37 H. W. Stephens, 40 00 40 00 38 Sprague Steamer Co., 40 00 40 00 39 Eureka Hose Co., 40 00 40 00 4o Alex Smith, 20 00 20 00 41 J. W. Tibbetts, 40 00 40 00 42 Chas. Bundy, 20 00 20 00 43 D. Lawton, Clerk and lime 27 30 27 00 44 Luther Lewis, Assessor 40 00 40 00 45 Peter Van Houter, rent and lumber 57 05 57 05 46 J. L. Baker, drawing assignment . i oo 1 00 47 A. O. Hart, Excise 51 00 51 00 48 John J. Williams, Excise. 51 00 51 00 49 Comfort Hanshaw, " 36 0o 36 00 5o M. N. Tompkins, Town Counsel . 209 6o 209 6o 8o SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 188 9. 51 Isaac D. Emmons, Constable, assigned J. M. Reggie.. 4 60 4 60 52 Webb Wallace, 32 40 32 40 53 Robt. Reed, Clerk and Inspector. 20 00 20 00 54 " " Inspector 20 00 20 00 55 C.. Van Houter, Clerk, assigned to Robt. Reed . . 20 00 20 00 56 " 20 00 20 00 57 David White, Health Physician 37 50 37 50 58 Cynthia Gardner, Mid Wife 2 00 1 25 59 Wm. J. Totten, work on assessment 34 00 34 00 6o Chas. Farrell, distributing boxes, assig'd John E. Brown 2 00 2 00 61 Gauntlett & Brooks, oil 56 56 62 A. Clapp, printing ,. . . 32 25 22 00 63 J. F. Tetley, Constable, assig'd to W. H. Willson . . . . 6 8o 6 8o 64 John Johnson, " " 7 75 6 75 65 Spence Spencer, Justice Peace assig'd to W. H. Willson . 18 33 18 33 66 Raymond L. Smith, " " " 27 50 " 27 50 67 Hiram H. Miller, Constable 9 45 9 20 68 " `• 6 70 6 70 69 4 10 3 30 70 Spence Spencer, Justice Peace, " 6 6o 6 6o 71 6 20 6 20 72 Chauncey S. Dean, Inspector " 20 00 20 00 73 John Johnson, Constable, 4 05 4 05 74 J. F. Tetley, " 6 6o 6 6o 75 D. F. Finch, stationery, 18 32 18 32 76 J. F. Tetley, Constable, 10 45 10 45 77 7 00 7 00 78 6 80 6 80 79 29 55 26 55 8o John Johnson, 4,6 20 6 zo 81 J. F. Tetley, ". " 700 700 82 3 30 3 30 83 T. J. Bierce, Dept. Sheriff at fair 9 95 8 00 84 Chas. H. Hillick, registry books " 37 50 37 50 85 Wm. Mack, Inspector 8 oo 8 00 86 C. H. Wilson, " 8 0o S 00 87 John J. Williams, Clerk, 20 00 20 00 88 Albert Van Auken, Constable county charge, assigned to W. H. Willson . 7 65 00 00 89 A. B. Dale, Assessor, assigned to W. H. Willson . 120 00 120 00 " " " it " " . •. 46 00 46 00 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, I889. 81 91 John E. VanNatta, Inspector, assig'd 20 00 20 00 92 Fred D. Johnson, " " 20 00 20 00 93 Win. Mack, 20 00 20 00 94 J. W. Clawson, 20 00 20 00 95 H. J. Wilson, Clerk, tt It If20 00 20 00 96 C. H. Wilson, Inspector, 4,20 00 20 00 97 E. H. Mowry, << 20 00 20 00 98 E. C. Tichenor, 20 00 20 00 99 John A. Fisher, Town Clerk, ` " 122 32 122 32 100 C. L. Taber, Inspector, <` " 20 00 20 00 101 H. G. Hagin, 20 00 20 00 102 A. M. Parrott, 20, oo 20 00 103 Spence Spencer, Clerk, 20 00 20 00 104 W. H. Lyon, Inspector '< . . 20 00 20 00 105 F. A. Van Vradenburg, Clerk, " `< 20 00 20 00 106 R. W. Sheffer, `< . . 20 00 20 00 107 M. J. Acton, . . 20 00 20 00 1oS Chas. Terwilleger, Inspector, 20 00 20 00 109 E. J. Brown, " It 20 00 20 00 110 E. J. Brown, It 20 00 20 00 III Lewis Coryell, 20 00 20 00 112 W. H. Martindale, 20 00 20 00 113 Chas. Bundy, room rent 20 00 20 00 114 Raymond L. Smith, Justice Peace assig'd W. H. Willson 5 25 5 25 115 l<�< �� <c << II I0 II 10 116 6 70 6 70 117 7 45 7 45 118 Willis Shurter, Constable 3 75 3 75 119 Wm. Sullivan, <` assig'd R. A. Crozier. 71 45 71 45 120 Edward Meany, medical . . 19 00 19 00 121 Clarence A. Gibbs, Clerk 20 00 20 00 122 Thos. J. Barker, Inspector, assig'd M. M. Sweetland . 16 00 16 oo 123 J. L. Tichenor, work on assessment roll. 20 00 20 00 124 Chas. Terwilliger, Clerk. 20 00 20 00 125 Martin Besemer, medical, Swansbrough 25 00 25 00 126 Jason P. Merrill, Justice Peace, assig'd W. H. Willson78 25 78 25 127 Trenlan, King & Co., hardware 6 95 6 95 128 E. H. Mowry, Inspector, assigned W. H. Willson . . . 20 00 20 00 129 W. J. Totten, Justice Peace. 52 30 52 30 130 S. P. Sackett, death reports. . 8 oo 8 oo 82 SUPERVISORS/ PROCEEDINGS, I889. 131 Ithaca Journal, printing . 223 12 223 12 132 Ithaca Democrat, " 67 75 67 75 133 D. F. Finch, supplies 14 20 14 20 134 Webb Wallace, Constable 46 94 43 89 135 M. N. Tompkins, Justice Peace 225 10 225 Io 136 George Small, lumber 18 31 18 31 137 Wm. Spence, sand. 4 45 4 45 138 Enz & Miller, supplies. 21 21 21 21 139 John Hook, Excise 15 00 15 oo 14o B. J. Doolittle, lumber. 199 93 199 93 141 L. F: Colegrove, highway service. 475 75 475 75 142 F. E. Tibbetts, Commander, relief claim G. A. R. . . 772 20 772 20 143 City of Ithaca, Recorder Service . 599 65 599 65 144 " Police 461 47 461 47 145 John G. Smith, to pay balance of debts as Overseer Poor, 2934 56 2934 56 146 Eugene Terry, copying, etc 66 55 66 55 147 L. F. Colegrove, Commissioner of Highways 25 65 25 65 148 H. H. Miller, Constable, assig'd to Seamon Bros.. 8 25 8 25 149 G. C. McClune, stone 146 35 146 35 150 Theron D. Davis, Inspector . 20 00 20 00 151 Spence Spencer, Messenger 8 o0 8 oo 152 E. G. Phelps, Constable . 36 00 36 00 153 Chas. S. Seamon, Hack 2 00 2 00 154 R. L. Smith, Justice Peace, assig'd W. H. Willson 8 00 800 155 41 18 6o 18 6o 156 " " " " 12 00 12 00 157 James B. Taylor, Town Clerk 229 72 229 72 158 N. Pearson, Supervisor 162 44 162 44 159 First National Bank, note Overseer of Poor 2313 63 2313 63 16o John Bloom, estate, " " 2120 00 2120 00 161 Gospel and School fund, 265 00 265 00 162 N. Pearson, Sup'r, for money paid to Com. of Highways 778 5o 778 5o 163 Sylvester Norton, two notes—pap—pp interest 17.50. 367 5o 367 5o 164 J. M. Heggie, five notes and int. up to ist Feb., 1890.. . 1573 66 1573 66 165 Chas Livermore, note and int. 1050 00 1050 00 166 Chas. Hayden, 525 00 52500 167 John Ryan, " t. 630 00 630 00 168 M. N. Tompkins Executor " 657 48 657 48 169 Mrs. C. T. Carpenter, note int.. .. 525 00 525 00 170 Jas. L. Baker, 318 00 318 o0 171 Mary Conway, 525 00 525 00 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, i889. 83 172 Estate of Ward Gregory, printing 35 75 35 75 173 Eugene Baker, Medical 41 00 41 00 174 J. W. Brown, medical 2 00 2 00 175 Daniel F. Fowler, Inspector 40 00 4o 00 176 Ruben Gee, " 12 00 12 00 177 C. H. Wilson, 12 00 12 00 $21,942 58 $21,813 88 We the undersigned, the town Auditors of the town of Ithaca, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct list, and the statement of all accounts ex- amined audited or rejected at the meeting of said town Auditors, held at the Town Clerk's office, November 7th, 8th, 9th and Lith, 1889., NICHOLAS PEARSON, Supervisor. WM. J. TOTTEN, ' JASON MERRILL, Justices. M. N. TOMPKINS, RAYMOND L. SMITH J. B. TAYLOR, Town Clerk. ADDED BY RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. 178 Dixon & Robinson, Lumber $8 58 179 H. S. Miller, Clerk of Registration . 16 oo 18o Jamieson & McKinney, supplies 5 28 $29 86 $21,943 74 STATEMENT OF JOHN G. SMITH, OVERSEER OF THE POOR. • Disbursements as per statement of F. B. Howes Nov. 1st, 1888, to Feb. 2oth 1889. • $4,206 78 From Feb 2oth, 1889, to Nov. 1st 1889,as per statement of J. G. Smith 284 82 Services . 416 00 $4,907 6o CASH RECEIPTS NOV. I, 1888, TO FEB. 20, 1889. Feo. 2oth, 1888 cash receipts as per statement of F. B. • Howes from town board Casal on hand Feb. 2oth, x888 to Nov. 1st 1889, cash receipts as per state- ment of J. G. Smith, from all sources Balance due J. G. Smith 188 o8 18 70 700 6o 22 $4,907 6o 0 84 • SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. . STATEMENT OF COSTS OF SUPPORT OF POOR. Bills from Nov. 1st, 1888, to Feb. 2oth, 1889. (Howes) . . $4,2o6 78 From N. Pearson, Supervisor . 7oo 60 Bal. due J. G. Smith 22 Outstanding bills as per statement of F. B. Howes .. . 243 88 Outstanding bills as per statement of J. G. Smith . . . 6,88o 46 $12,o31 94 Amount to be raised $7,124 56 Less excise money this day paid by the supervisor to the Overseer of the Poor . 4,190 00 Amount to' be raised for outstanding bills $2,934 56 STATEMENT OF LOCKWOOD F. COLEGROVE, COMMISSIONER OF HIGHWAYS. Disbursements from Nov. 1st, 1888, to Feb. 2oth, 1889, . 8207 88 Disbursements from Feb. 2oth, 1889, to Nov. ist, 1889. . 963 42. $1,171 30 Cash receipts Nov. ist, 1888, to Feb. 2oth, 1889, from all sources $250 00 Cash receipts Feb. 2oth, 2889, to Nov. 1st, 1889, from all sources 895 65 Bal. due L. F. Colegrove, to be raised for outstanding bills 25 65 LANSING. Abstract of the names of all persons who presented accounts to be audited by the Board of Town Auditors of the town of Lansing on the 7th 8th and 9th days of November, 1889, with the amount claimed by each and the amount audited and al- lowed each. No. Name. Nature of Service. Claimed. Allowed. $1,171 30 1 Jonathan Norton,. $236 00 $236 Oa 2 Henry Blakely, supplies to S. Jacobs 60 oo 6o 00 3 Old Ladies' Home 52 00 5¢ 00 4 Seymour Riggs, damage on carriage 19 90 29 90 5 A. H. Clark, Excise Commissioner 3 00 3 00 6 Frank Tarbell, excise 3 00 3 00 7 L. R. Lyon, rent of hall 15 00 15 00 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. 85 8 J. W. Pratt, marriage registration . 50 50 9 J. G. Buck, service bill . 36 co 36 oo to S. J. Barnes, " 42 00 42 00 11 John Collins, " " 40 50 40 50 12 Daniel Sullivan Poor Master 112 00 112 00 13 Albert Van Auken, service bill 18 50 18 50 14 N. E. Lyon, criminal service bill 41 I0 41.10 15 Wm. Mead, town service 7 75 7 75 16 E. E. Brown, lime and sand 2 75 2 75 17 R. Beardsley, supplies to poor. 17 50 17 50 18 R. Miller, supplies to poor 19 47 19 47 19 David M. Dean, criminal bill . 10 00 10 00 20 Andrew Teeter, laying out road . 13 25 13 25 21 W. A. J. Osmun, Commissioner to lay out highway. . . 2 00 2 00 22 John Conklin, Commissioner to lay out highway.. . . 2 00 2 00 23 Harry Miller, use of house ' 15 00 15 00 24 Frank Tarbell, Justice service bill. 10 20 10 20 25 Charles Steinburg, Commissioner to lay out highway. . 2 00 2 00 26 R. Beardsley, use of hall 5 00 5 00 27 C. G. Benjamin, board of health bill. 200 200 28 Jacob Shoemaker, laying out road. 13 25 13 25 29 Henry Fields, Excise Commissioner and Clerk. 10 00 10 00 3o Albert Van Auken, service bill 35 25 35 25 31 C. M. Buck, Inspector and Messenger 6 o0 6 oo 32 Miles S. Brown, " 9 56 9 56 33 John H. Conklin, Inspector 4 00 4 00 34 Hiram Bower, " 4 00 4 00 35 Wank Tarbell, tf4 00 4 00 36 Erwin Davis, 4 00 4 00 37 Henry J. Houser, Inspector and Messenger 12 04 12 04 38 Lucius Holden, " 4 00 4 00 39 Charles H. Dates, Inspector and Messenger 6 oo 6 00 40 Charles Drake, 9 64 9 64 41 Lamson Hedden, Inspector . 4 00 4 00 42 John W. Pratt, 4 00 4 00 43 William Searles, " 4 00 400 44 Daniel McCarty, Clerk of election 4 00 4 00 45 W. H. Lockerby, medical service 17 00 17 00 46 Miles Goodyear, " 20 00 20 00 47 W. H. Lockerby, " " 9 00 9 00 86 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. 48 W. H. Lockerby, medical services 12 75 12 75 49 W. H. Lockerby, " 44 00 44 00 5o T. H. Pierson, Commissioner service 170 00 170 00 51 Albert Van Auken, Constable. 10 10 10 10 52 David M. Dean, legal service 25 00 25 00 53 Samuel D. Halliday legal service . 25 00 25 00 54 . J. T. Newman, legal service. 69 49 69 49 55 C. E. Wood, Clerk for Assessors. 10 00 10 00 56 G. C. Gifford, criminal service bill 32 00 32 00 57 L. J. Townley, printing. 10 00 10 00 58 M. A. Townley, medical service. 6 75 6 75 59 T. C. Rose, Stenographer 20 00 20 00 6o Charles Drake, service bill 20 00 20 00 61 B. M. Hagin, " 22 00 22 00 62 Frank Tarbell, " " 22 00 22 00 63 N. E. Lyon, 22 00 22 00 64 Horatio Brown, paid on E.—case 142 94 142 94 65 Horatio Brown R. R. bond suit 1229 01 1229 01 66 Horatio Brown, paid W. S. Doolittle, counsel 404 12 404 12 67 Horatio Brown, percentage 26.95 26 95 68 Horatio Brown, service bill . 28 00 28 00 69 C. E. Wood, service bill 34 00 34 00 70 T. H. Pierson, Rdad Commissioner 1035 34 1035 34 71 For poor purpose, resolution 150 00 150 00 72 Wm. Mead, service bill. • • ' 4 00 4 00 73 Radolphus Miller, plank . 53 00 53 00 74 M. E. Sperry, plank 13 8o 13 8o 75 Horatio Brown, plank 25 00 25 00 76 Frank Tarbell, service bill 6 oo 6 00 77 B. M. Hagin, " " 7 44 7 44 78 N. E. Lyon, " " 7 69 7 69 79 Charley Drake " 7 44 7 44 8o C. E. Wood, " 200 200 81 Horatio Brown, " 17 63 17 63 82 H. V. Howland, for legal service in part on Lansing R. R. bond suit 3000 00 3000 00 $7,687 61 $7,687 61 Whereas, This town Board has this day audited the bill of H. V. Howland attorney in the Lansing Rail Road Bond Suits, for the sum of fifteen thousand dollars, conditioned to pay the sum of ten thousand dollars on or before Janu- SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. ary 1st, 1890, and the remaining five thousand dollars to abide the successful termination of the suit now pending in the United States Supreme Court of the Town of Lansing, vs. John T. Lytle, now be it hereby Resolved, That the sum of three thousand dollars be included in the tax of the present year, and that the Supervisor of this town be directed to raise the remaining seven thousand dollars by two notes given by the said Supervisor f& the sum of thirty-five hundred dollars each, one note to be payable one year after date of February 1st, 189o, and one note payable two years after date of• February 1st, 189o. Lansing, Nov. list, 1889. HORATIO BROWN, Supervisor. NELSON E. LYON, FRANK H. TARBELL, B. M. HAGIN,_ CHARLES DRAKE, Justices. I hereby certify that the above is a true copy of resolution passed by town Board, Nov. 2lst, 1889. • C. E. WOOD,. Town Clerk. At the request of Daniel Sullivan, Overseer of the Poor of the town of Lansing, to raise the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars for supplies for poor, it is by this town Board hereby • Resolved, That the sum of oue hundred and\ fifty dollars be raised for sup- plies for poor to be expended by Overseer of Poor.. Lansing, Nov. 21st, 1889. HORATIO BROWN, Supervisor. NELSON E. LYON, FRANK H. TARBELL, ( Justices. B. M. HAGIN, CHARLES DRAKE, S, I hereby certify that the above is a true copy of resolution passed by the town Board Nov. 21st, 1889. the • C. E. WOOD, Town -Clerk. HORATIO BROWN, Supervisor. NELSON E. LYON, CHARLES DRAKE, Justices. FRANK H. TARBELL, - Ihereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the Town- Audits passed - by the town Board of. Audits, Nov. 2lst, 1889., C. E. WOOD, Town Clerk, Per. H. E. WOOD,'Dept.. Clerk: 88 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. NEWFIELD. At a meeting of the Board of Auditors of the town of New- field, November 7th and 8th, 1889, at the Newfield rink the fol- lowing accounts were examined, audited and allowed, or reject- ed as appears below : No. Name. Nature of Services. Claimed. Allowed' I A. N. Palmer, Inspector of election Dist. No 1 $4 00 $4 00 2 Ezra Rumsey, " " " " " 400 400 3 Wm. Anderson, Inspector and Messenger 9 64 9 64 4 Geo. Woodling, Inspector of election Dist. No. 2 4 00 4 00 5 James D. Grover, " " f f " "• . . • 400 4 00 6 Jerome Swartwood, Inspector and Messenger Dist. No 2 9 96 9 96 7 C. C. Cook, recording births and deaths 4 o0 4 00 8 E. R. Osterhout, " " " 3 50 3 50 9 M. A. Dumond, " 00 I 00 10 Rev. F. D. Hainer, recording marriages 25 25 II Rev. Geo. Fosbinder, " 3 25 3 25 12 Alvah Brown, Clerk of election Dist. No 2 4 00 4 00 13 A. H. Stamp, " " " " 400 400 14 Benj. Starr, " " " " 1 4 O0 400 15 John W. Dean, " " " " " 400- 400 16 Andrew Smit1I, Overseer of Poor services 36 33 36 33 17 L. T. Carpenter, Assessor, services 32 25 32 25 18 J. C. Thompson, Assessor, services 36 25 36 25 19 Eugene Davis, Assessor, services 29 50 29 50 20 F. E. Holman, Ex -Town Clerk, services . 10 61 Io 61 21 Jno. Beardslee, Ex -Overseer of the Poor, services. . . 8 oo 8 00 22 Jno. W. Dean, Justice fee bill . 8 00 8 00 23 Elvin Keene, <` 12 00 12 00 24 A. K. Allen, 12 00 12 00 25 W. H. Van Ostrand, Justice fee bill . 12 00 12 00 26 Andrew Smith, supplies for poor 296 52 296 52 27 I. B. Palmer, R. R. Commissioner, services 6 70 6 70 28 Chas. McCorn, " " • 6 00 6 00 29 G. W. Swartwood, Commissioner of highways, money expended 534 40 534 40 3o G. W. Swartwood, Commissioner of highways, services 133 00 133 00 31 Nelson Cutter, Excise Commissioner, services 3 00 3 00 32 Chas. McCorn, " f f f300 300 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. 89 33 Aaron Poyer, Ex -Commissioner of highways, services . . 34 Note given April 27th, 1886, by Com. of highways . . . . 35 Alvah Brown, use of house for election. , 36 Cook and Kellogg, use of rink for town purposes.. . . 37 Geo. A. Lord, supplies on order of Jno. Beardslee, Ex - Overseer of the Poor . 38 L. E. Kirtland, printing 39 Jas. Stamp, Excise Commissioner, services. 40 S. A. Seabring, Supervisor, 41 Estus Patterson, Town Clerk, 4000 40 00 742 00 742 00 7 00 700 3o 00 3o 00 II 84 II 84 2 00 200 300 300 58 58 58 58 54 73 54 73 $2,192 31 $2,192 31 We, the undersigned, Board of town Auditors of the town of Newfield, in the county of Tompkins, do hereby certify that the foregoing statement of ac- counts audited by them at their annual meeting held November the 7th and 8th, 1889, is correct. S. A. SEABRING, Supervisor. ELVIN KEENE, JOHN W. DEAN, Justices. A. K. ALLEN, W. H. VANOSTRAND ESTuS PATTERSON, Clerk. ADDED BY RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. 42 Benj. Starr, sand screens $6 00 ULYSSES. The following is an abstract of the names of all persons who presented accounts to be audited by the Board of town Auditors of the town of Ulysses, on the 7th and 8th days of November, 1889, with the amount claimed:by each, and the amount finally allowed : No. Name. Nature of Service. Claimed. Allowed. 1 L. W. Carpenter, Excise Commissioner $12 00 $12 00 2 J. B. Spaulding, Excise Commissioner for 1888 and 1889, . 21 00 21 00 3 W. G. Farrington, " '87 '88 and '89 .. . 21 00 21 00 4 A. F. Allen, printing . 5o 5o 5 C. L. Adams, printing 4 75 4 75 6 W. I. Sherwood, Overseer of the Poor. 41 28 41 28 7 Dr. J. Flickinger, Town Physician. 49 00 49 00 8 Dr. J. Flickinger, reporting vital statistics . 7 5o 7 5o 9 L. W. Carpenter, 2 00 2 00 10 G. E. Orton, 2 75 2 75 II D. P. Terry, "4,5o 5o 12 H. L. Strowbridge, Clerk of election 4 5o 4 5o 13 W. E. Dean, Inspector and Messenger. 9 64 9 64 14 Wm. Austin, 14 26 14 26 15 R. C. Taylor, Inspector of election 4 00 4 00 16 O. M. Wilson, Clerk of election. 4 00 4 00. 17 P. F. Sears, Inspector of election , . 400 400 90 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. • 18 Daniel Williams, Inspector of 'election 4 00 4 00 19 J. B. Russell, 8 00 S 00 20 Elias Smith, Clerk of election 4 00 4 00 21 Thomas Kirby, Inspector of election. 4 00 4 00 22 Wm. Austin, legal services 10 00 10 00 23 S. A. Sherwood, digging graves . 6 00 6 00 24 J. W. Kirby, Assessor. 36 6o36 6o 25 E. S. Johnson, Assessor. 8 o 8 6o 26 W. H. Morgan, " 62 00 62 00 27 Aaron McKeel, Ex -Overseer of the Poor II oo II o0 28 John Van Buskirk, undertaking. 20 00 00 00. 29 Clerk of Election . 8 00 8 0o 30 Dr. F. A. Kerst, Town Physician 8 678 6o 31 Asa D. Wilson, Ex -Commissioner of highways. 2 0 2 07 32 W. J. Nixon, labor. 2 25 2 20 33 E. P. Bouton, Under Sheriff. 9 50 955 34 S. A. Sherwood, digging grave 200 200 35 John N. Barker, Clerk of election . 400 4 00 36 Geo. Wolverton, use of house for election . 20 00 20 00 37 H. Van Order, 20 00 20 00 38 E. T. Stewart, undertaking. 3o 00 3o 00 39 J. S. Hixson, Overseer of the Poor 9 00 9 00 4o Charles Van Amburg, Inspector and Messenger 9 24 9 24 41 S. G. Williams, Constable 5 6o 5 6o 42 A. H. Pierson, Supervisor 64 86 64 86 43 J. R. Emery, Justice of the Peace 27 55 27 55 45 Henry Hutchings, Justice of the Peace 16 4o 16 40 46 A. P. Osborn, Justice, assig'd to Clinton Horton 16 5o 16 5o 47 John N. Barker, Justice of the Peace 19 48 19 48 48 F. M. Austin, Town Clerk, 55 17 55 17 49 W. H. Ganoung, Commissioner of highways. 26 25 26 25 5o L. Trembly, use of house for town Board 8 oo 8 oo $771 35 $751 35 We, the undersigned, composing the Board of town Auditors of the town of Ulysses, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct list of all bills au- dited by us at the annual meeting, November 7th, 8th and Ilth, 1889. A. H. PIERSON, Supervisor. J. R. EMERY, HENRY HUTCHINGS, ( JOHN N. BARKER, Justices. A. P. OSBORN, F. M. AUSTIN, Town Clerk. ADDED BY RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. 51 Fred L. Barto, Clerk of election $4 �5 52 A. H. Pierson, Supervisor 8 �4 53 W. H. Ganoung, Commissioner of highways. 2 00 54 H. M. Thompson, excess of tax 1888 55 A. J. Able, 5 73 2 I2 $22 34 $773 69 a SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. I REPORTS. COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT. To the Honorable the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County : The undersigned, Treasurer of Tompkins County, respect- fully submits his annual statement of receipts and disbursements of the County Funds from Nov. 12th, 1888, to Nov. I2th, 1889, as follows : The receipts from all sources, including balance on hand Nov. I2th, 1888, amount to the sum of. $104,721 38 The disbursements for the same period amount to the sum of . 104,246 63 Leaving a balance in my hands of 474 75 I certify that there stands this day on the books of this Bank to the credit of Geo. H. Northrup, County Treasurer, the sum of $474.75. Nov. 12th, 1889. CHAS. W. MAJOR, Book -Keeper, 1st National Bank, Ithaca, N. Y. TOMPKINS COUNTY, SS.: Geo. H. Northrup, being duly sworn, says, that the following statement is correct to the best of his knowledge and belief, and is a, true report of all moneys received and paid out by him as County Treasurer since his last annual report, excepting moneys belonging to the Infant Heir Fund and Surplus Moneys. GEO. H. NORTHRUP, County Treasurer. Sworn to before me Nov. 15th, 1889. L. H. VAN KIRK, County Clerk. II SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. RECEIPTS. Cash on hand Nov. 12, 1888 $476 76 One per cent fees on State tax 249 75 From Supt. of Public Instruction for receiving and dis- bursing school moneys raised in this County . 154 17 ON ACCOUNT OF TAX LEVY OF 1888. Town of Caroline . ffi4 789 11 " Danby 4339 II " Dryden 11,782 19 " Enfield 3,525 55 " Groton 7,872 22 " Ithaca . 29,197 32 " Lansing 10,687 85 " Newfield 4,490 56 " Ulysses 9,318 45 $86,002 36 FROM TAXES RETURNED UNPAID By Town Collectors, including amount received from Comptroller for non-resi- dent taxes accepted : Town of Caroline 76 " Danby 6 58 " Dryden 14 02 " Enfield 58 77 Ithaca 43 63 " Lansing 1 86 " Newfield 29 48 " Ulysses 829311 1 98 School taxes from Railroads and Western Union Tel. Co. Refunded from N. Y. State Inst. for the Blind Fines from Sheriff County Clerk ° Joseph Bishop . . Pees from Surrogate's office . . . Prom District Attorney, penalty in the case of the Peo- ple vs. David Lyon and Chas. Mitchell . $598 14 17 74 65 00 125 00 365 00 1 45 1,21500 $237 o8 $2,387 33 81TPBRVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, i889. III INHERITANCE TAXES. Prom the executors or administrators of the following named estates for taxes on collateral inheritances : Estate of Leonard Tremae $208 32 Susan H. Colburn 115 72 Paul Layton 45 o6 Wm. Pierson. 529 72 Sarah T. Markham 17 00 FINES PROM JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. $915 82 A. P. Osborn 35 00 H. S. Hopkins. 7o 00 W. V. Personius to 00 Nelson Stevens to 00 Newton Baldwin 13 00 N. E. Lyon 200 J. R. Emery 19 35 159 35 From Supt. of Public Instruction 12,749 19 Self-supporting patients at Willard Asylum 1,334 59 Binghamton . 54 98 1,389 57 $104,721.38 DISBURSEMENTS. State tax paid Comptroller SCHOOL MONEYS. To Caroline $2, 344 65 " Danby 1,86o 26 " Dryden 3,68o 11 " Enfield 1,431 90 " Groton 2,957 95 " Ithaca 8,343 67 " Lansing 2,403 o6 " Newfield 2,576 39 •' Ulysses 2,567 90 $24,975 05 $28,165 89 • IV SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. County Audits 10,329 14 Incidentals, Surrogate's office 75 00 Bridges on County Line , . . ... . . . 12 38 District Attorney's office rent 200 00 Sheriff's office rent 35 00 !$1o,651 52 Canandaigua Home . $ 104 00 Insurance 130 00 St. Mary's Orphan Asylum . 90 61 County Superintendent of the Poor 3,996 31 Binghamton Asylum• 54 98 Asylum for Insane Criminals 195 00 School District Collectors . . 598 14 N. Y. State Institute for the Blind 42 35 Rubber stamps 4 15 Postage and stationery . ... 10 85 COURT RXP$NSES. Trial Jurors Grand Jurors Constables Witnesses . ... . . Stenographers Sheriff, attendance at Court Under -Sheriff, " Justices of Sessions Meals to Jurors District Atty, expenses Crier Jared T. Newman, Referee examining Treasurer's ac- counts and disbursements for 1887 and 1888 . Ward Gregory, printing Barber case. . . M. M. Sweetland, services in Barber case L. H. Van Kirk, services in the case of the People vs,, Edward A. Havens . $ 2,212 75 540 00 651 6o 186 25 516 40 157 94 188 40 207 70 46 67 57 67 147 00 154 70 969 00 217 52 $5,226 39 �4 56 $6,268 16 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. V HEADSTONES FOR THE FOLLOWING NAMED DECEASRD SOLDIERS, $15 EACH. J. W. Golden, Wm. Van Dine, Chas. Wilcox, James Norton, Hiram E. Hawks Burial expenses of John Paterson a deceased Soldier L. H. Van Kirk, County Clerk, cleaning Clerk's Office Horatio Brown, Supervisor?as per resolution of the Board Nov. 23d, 1888 Treasurer of N. Y. State amount collected in taxes on collateral inheritance . „ Fees on above Bills payable and interest . Coal bills GAS BILIS. $75 00 35 00 I2 00 30 00 152 00 $1,310 72 68 97 $1379 69 $11996 51 • 416 4o Jail 154 28 Clerk's Office 40 09 Court House 22 61 $216 98 Paid Supervisors the fines received from Justices of the Peace in their respective towns : A. H. Pierson $54 35 J. W. Jones 93 00 F. E. Bates 10 00 Horatio Brown 2 00 Monroe County Penitentiary $548 64 Buffalo School for Catholic children . - - 12 42 Willard Asylum 7, - Susquehanna Valley Home 555 99 Auburn Orphan Asylum 351 00 $159 35 VI SUPERVISORS3 PROCEEDINGS, r889. Ithaca Home Postage Supervisor's Clerk SALARIES. 25"00 15 00 $8,848 05 Marcus Lyon, County Judge $2,500 00 Geo. H. Northrup County Treasurer 900 00 C. B. Fish, Supervisors' Clerk 150 oo Rev. H. T. Giles, Chaplain 50 00 Marcus Lyon, Surrogate, for Clerk 250 00 C. L. Smith, District Attorney 150 00 J. H. Jennings " 450 00 Supreme Court Stenographer 400 64 J. K. Follett, Sheriff, for Janitor 350 00 School Commissioners 400 00 J. W. Brown, Jail Physician 90 00 W. B. Estabrook, Special County Judge 45090 0 92 M. E. Poole 9 08 John Tyler for 1887 " 50 00 Cash on hand Cash on hand Due the Treasury from the Town of Caroline $5,790 64 $474 75 $104,721 38 $474. 75 19 80 Danby 22 66 Dryden 30 68 " Enfield 33 17 " if Groton 17 48 Ithaca 123 48 ifCt Lansing 15 63 " t it Newfield .. 38 22 •' " `< Ulysses .. 94 90 " County Supt. of Poor. . 99 23 Bilis payable. 15 57 " Fuel and Gas.. 33 38 SUPERVISORS' PV.00EEDINGS, 1889. , VII Due the Treasury from the Monroe Co. Penitentiary.. . 14 4t Susquehanna Valley Home . Court expenses. County Audits 48 64 28 07 731 18 26 63 TOTAL ASSETS BELONGING TO THE FOLLOWING ACCOUNTS: ' Interest N. Y. State Institute for the blind Postage Taxes on Collateral Inheritances Willard Asylum INFANT HEIR FUND. 1 00 17 74 02 17 00 1,817 71 $1,853 47 $1,853 47 To the Honorable, the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: Investment. MORTGAGOR. DATE. HEIRS INTERESTED. Amount . Amount of 1 of Interest. J Mortgage lst Mortgage. lst Mortgage. lst Mortgage. • 1st Mortgage. lst Mortgage. 1st Mortgage. 1st Mortgage. lst Mortgage. 2d Mortgage. 1st Mortga'e. lst Mortgage. Geo. Angus. Jacob Bates. Tamar A. Chase. Simeon Coon and others. Catherine and F. S. Cook. Lina M. Durling. Win. M. Dates. Hiram A.Davenport Hiram A.Daven.port HiramA.Davenport P. & J. Driscoll. May 5, '88 Feb. 4, '82 Mar. 9,'83 June 26, '85 Feb. 16, '89 Mar. 29, '86 Oct, 17,'85 June 5, '88 Oct. 6, '88 Nov. 13, '88 Mar. 12, '89 O'Brien, heirs of Jane Mabel McNeil Asa Ballou Chas. Spaulding Wilgus heirs Broas " Carpenter, heirs of J. D. Chase heirs Carpenter, heirs of J. D. Drake, heirs of Catherine Van Horn heirs Clock heirs Carpenter, heirs of Dan'l Fleming heirs. Carpenter, heirs of Dan'l Dates, heirs of John D. Georgia Lormor. Carpenter, heirs of Dan'l Mary and Lizzie Teeter. Mc&ilivery, heirs of Geo. VanHorn heirs R. Victor Crittenden Hanford heirs Fisk McKee, heirs of John Whitlock, heirs of Jane Clara Searles. Carpenter, heirs of J. D. Young heirs. McKee, heirs of John Dudgeon, heirs of Marg't 150 00 561 43 116 .7a 119 12 153 22 67 96 81 54 259 07 100 00 50 00 50 00 400 00 290 00 310 00 500 00 831 97 231 96 252 12 993 83 583 03 300 00 381 06 464 54 171 14 182 11 76 36 105 85 641 00 359 00 200 00 2376 03 150 00 1100 00 259 07 200 00 1000 00 500 00 831 97 2742 00 1000 00 1200 00 2376 03 VIII SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. st Mortgage. D. W. Gillow. Feb. 11'84 Simpson heirs of Chas. 387 00 387 0 st Mortgage. O. H. Gregory. May 1, '86 John H. Molt 1035 00 1035 0 St .Mortgage. W. H. Hillery. Nov. 13, '84 Clock heirs. 400 00 400 0 st Mortgage. Mary L. Hook. Oct. 8, '85 Fogarty heirs 420 43 McKee, heirs of John 182 76 Kittle Axford 96 81 Laura M. Sexton 200 00 900 0 st Mortgage. Edwin Jillett. June 19,'80 Goodspeed heirs 801 44 801 4 st Mortgage. Sarah and N. C. July 5, '87 Carpenter, heirs of Dan'l 300 00 300 0 Johnson. May 4, '87 50 00 50 0 st Mortgage. John McArthur. April 11.'74 Van Horn heirs. 1150 43 1150 4 st Mortgage. Louisa A. Miller. June 7, '86 Wykoff 2400 00 2400 0 st Mortgage. N. T. Mabee. Oct.. 4, '81 Carpenter, heirs of Dan'l 400 00 400 0 st Mortgage. Jacob Prame. April 19,'86 Mabel McNeil 200 00 200 0 st Mortgage. Geo. P. Pickens. Feb. 8, '88 Pickens Lyman Burt 511 82 511 8 st Mortgage. John Rumsey. Sep. 7, '81 Griffin heirs 2 41 44 2444 4 st Mortgage. Geo. Simpson. Oct. 24, '83 Elizabeth Simpson 3388 94 3388 9 st Mortgage. Myron A. Sexton. June 20, '81 Keator heirs 2750 00 2750 0 st Mortgage. Anna E. Stanford. April 1, '84 Searles " 855 29 Mabel McNeil 39 33 McKee heirs of John. 105 38 1000 0 st Mortgage. Sam'l A. Seabring. June 11, '85 Mandeville heirs 779 73 779 7 st Mortgage. Carrie A. Smith. Mar. 28,'82 Carpenter, heirs of Dan'l 500 00 500 0 d Mortgage. Jan. 26. '88 Asa Ballou 100 00 Fred Bunnell 100 00 200 0 st Mortgage. Douglas Selover. April 1, '89 Willie S. Korts' 1500 00 1500 0 lst Mortgage. Town of Ithaca 5 Asa Ballou 266 94 per cent. Bond, se- Fogarty heirs 98 75 ries of 1891, No. Carpenter, heirs of J. D. 393 23 170, $1,000. Clara Searles 219 14 Warren, heirs of J. B. 21 94 1000 1 lst Mortgage. Mary S. and H. M. Mar. 31,'86 Laura M. Sexton 256 28 Thompson. Carpenter. heirs of J. D. 134 31 Dan'l. 411 18 Fuller heirs 49 90 Mary Hughes & children 88 33 Tobey heirs 795 00 Lora M. Patch. 265 00 2000 0 lst Mortgage. Eron C. VanKirk. Jan. 20, '72 Carpenter, heirs of J. D. 400 00 Griffin 98 00 Asa Ballou 176 00 O'Brien, heirs of Jane 176 00 8 50 l lst Mortgage. Martha Woodin. April 5, '76 D. & M. Woodin 826 31 826 lst Mortgage. Wm. H. Wood, Feb. 10, 86 Willie S. Korts. 168 04 Clara Searles, 55 96 224 4 1st Mortgage. ElizabethWhitaker Nov. 6, '89 Mabel McNeil 690 62 McKee, heirs of John 309 38 1000 t Total amount invested in Bonds and Mortgages ........$38,308 18 TOMPKINS COUNTY, SS. Geo. H. Northrup,being duly sworn says, that the foregoing statement is correct to the best of his knowledge and belief, and represents the condition of the securities belonging to the Infant Heir Fund on the 15th day of November, 1889. GEO. H. NORTHRUP, County Treasurer. Subscribed and sworn to before me Nov. 19th, 1889. L. H. VAN KIRK, Clerk. SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. IX • SURPLUS MONEYS. To the Honorable the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County : RECEIPTS. Cash on hand Nov. 16th, 1888 . From F. E. Tibbetts, Referee, case of M. N. Tompkins vs. Doctor Tarbell, et. al From J. K. Follett, Sheriff, case of Mary E. Van. Marter, vs. Syl- vanus Van Marter From P. G. Ellsworth, Referee, case of Richard Dudgeon vs. Mar- garet Dudgeon, et. al. From D. P. Hodson, Referee, case of John Day et. al. vs. Mary E. Rockwell, et. al. From Marcus Lyon, Surrogate, estate of Louisa M. King, deceased From Martin .Besemer, Administrator, estate of John R. Davis, deceased . From J. K. Follett, Sheriff, case of John M. Smith vs. DeEtta Ken- yon, et. al. From Marcus Lyon, Surrogate, case of James G. Burns vs. Hiram T. Foote From Geo. E. Goodrich, Attorney, case of John E. Hiles vs. Reuben J. Meyers Assignee of Oliver and John E. Cady, et. al From W. W. Hare, Attorney for G. A. Wilson estate of Lydia A. Wilson deceased. From O. P. Hyde, Ex -County Clerk in the matter of the petition of the first National Bank of Groton for Surplus Moneys deposited with Connty Clerk From T. W. Burns, Referee, case of Parsons vs. Parsons From Mynderse Van Cleef, Referee, case of John Yohe vs. Lorenzo S. Heustis, et. al. DISBURSEMENTS. $,I18o 25 1S5 82 195 16 2,376 03 348 39 400 00 350 00 271 04 -35 93 250 00 1,458 75 489 16 87 67 170I 68 $9379 88 Case of Barber vs. Van Order $ 34 45 Case of Beardsley vs. Van Order . 65 88 Case of John Keneely vs. Bridget Sage . 68 o6 Case of Richard Dudgeon vs. Margaret Dudgeon transfered to In- fant Heir Fund . 2376 03 X SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. Estate of John R. Davis, deceased 35o 00 Case of Mary E. Van Marter is. Sylvanus Van Marter 175 16 Case of James G. Burns vs. Hiram T. Foote 262 95 Case of John Day, et. al. vs. Mary E. Rockwell, et. al 348 39 Estate of Louisa M. King 349 04 Case of John M. Smith vs. DeEtta Kenyon, et. al 271 04 Estate of Israel Luce, deceased. 11 12 Case of Manning vs. Raub, transfered to Infant Heir Fund . . . 75 87 In the matter of the application of the First National Bank of Groton for Surplus Moneys 489 16 Estate of Lydia A. Wilson. 1,458 75 Cash on hand. 3,043 98 TOMPKINS COUNTY, SS : $9,379 88 Geo. H. Northrup being duly sworn, says that the foregoing statement is correct to the best of his knowledge and belief, and is a true report of all Sur- plus Moneys received and paid out by him as County Treasurer from Nov. 16th, 1888, to Nov. 15th, 1889. GEO. H. NORTHRUP, County Treasurer Sworn to before me Nov. i9th, 1889. L. H. VAN KIRK, County Clerk. I certify that there stands this day on the books of this Bank to the credit of Surplus Moneys the sum of $2,308 09. Nov. 15th, 1889. CHAS. W. MAJOR, Book-keeper, First National Bank, Ithaca, N. Y. I hereby certify, that there stands this day on the books of the United States Trust Company of New York, to the credit of Geo. H. Northrup Treas- urer of Tompkins County N. Y., acct. of Surplus Moneys, the sum of seven hundred thirty-five dollars eighty-nine cents. ($735.89). UNITED STATES TRUST CO. OF NEW YORK, Nov. 15th, 1889. BY N. T. THORNELL, Sec'y. SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT. XI To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County : The undersigned Superintendent of the Poor of Tompkins County, respectfully;report that from the 15th day of Nov. 1888, to the 15th day of Nov. 1889, the following named persons have been supported, in the County Alms House : BELONGING TO THE COUNTY. Names. No. of days. Names. No. of days. Edward Boyne 365 Moses Myres . 365 Richard King 365 Lena Collins 365 Albert Downer 365 William Tyndal 6 Albert Benton 14 Denis McCarty . 13 Edward Conway 99 George More . 15 John Doyle. 7 Ira Sullivan . . . 5o Jack Burns . 3 Charles Adams . 38 . Hattie O'Conor. 78 Jasper Hunt 2 Jobe Freeman 2 Joseph Mills . 2 John Hamilton . 2 John Grey . 3 Lawrence Gardner 26 Mike Carney . 3 Michael Kieff 89 James Hewitt. 155 Charles Stone 2 Patrick Brady 4 Amos Clough. 2 Eliza Dawson 66 Mike Shern, 3 William Farnum . . .. . . 3 Maggie Sullivan 4 Joseph Welch 3 Thomas Brean .. 5 John Conway 3 Robert Dolan 2 Thomas Bowyer 2 Ellen Coyle 15 Edward Johnson 123 James Shanon 3 John Maloney 2 674 CAROLINE. Edward E. Boyer. 249 Mrs. Z. Venerable 365 614 XII SUPF;RVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. DRYDEN. Hiram Dodge. 365 Frank Corcoran 365 Eunice A. Harris . 225 Peter Harris 133 Sylvester D. Harris . 9 Charles Bodine . 235 Thomas Glenore 32 Nicholas Styres. 28 W. C. Payne 25 William Trim 16 Eliza Wilcox . 17 David Finch 3 1453 GROTON. Francis Wilcox. 191 John McCarty 357 Rebeca Butler 365 913 ITHACA. Horace Whitehead 365 Daniel McCune 365 William Dibble. 203 Henry Howe . 365 Daniel Carney 265 John Patterson . 295 Abram Shepard. 151 Egbert Stephens 176 Joseph Jones 365 Charles W. Schuyler . 72 Peter Nicholson 352 Mary Syrme 365 Emily Van Austine . 365 Seth R. Peake 194 A. R. Taylor. 322 Nathan Sanders 89 Celia Hyatt. 296 Irena Hyatt 162 George Thompson 164 Frank Flood 96 John Myres 76 William Thompson.. . . . 67 5170 LANSING. Barney More . 154 Joseph Boyle . 103 Frank Croft 46 Lorenzo Kent 42 345 ULYSSES. James Furgeson 286 John Mahoney . 134 Henry Sherman 142 Jackson Purdy . II 573 SUPERVISOR& PROCEEDINGS, 1889. xIII ENFIELD. Hattie Clark . 15 Adelia Clark .. 15 30 NEWFIELD. Richard Vreland 353 Sarah J. Vreland 365 Elizabeth Casterline 1o8 • 826 DANBV. Jerusha Cronce. 365 Elnora Cronce 365 John Peters 131 861 The whole number of days said paupers have been support- ed in the County Alms House was 13,459. The amount of drafts drawn on the County Treasurer for bills audited by the Superintendent for the support of the insti- tution during the said year over and above the proceeds of the farm was $2,779.02 of which $170.07 was for improvements, leaving a balance of $2,6o8.95 for the expenses of the house. The sum expended for outdoor relief was $ 1640 Io Services of Overseer of the Poor 179 75 Transportation of Paupers . 79 33 Improvements 170 07 Total $4,678 20 The following bills have been audited by the Superintend- ent of the Poor, and drafts drawn on the County Treasurer for indoor expenses and improvements on property from the 15th day of Nov. 1888, to the i5th day of Nov. 1889. December 5 Manning Atwater, supplies . 44 88 Frost, Becker & Brown supplies 34 00 Barr Bros., Hardware 65 90 XIV SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. Horton & Holton, supplies . 14 90 Stowell & Son, supplies 69 40 E. C. Still, clothing 1 45 December io White & Burdick, supplies 27 02 J. Flickinger M. D., amputation. 6 50 A. J. Williams, pork 21 70 Clarence Clark, pork . 18 83 James Y. Smith, pork 10 99 Almy & Carmon, pork 21 70 December 20 Clarence King, pork 16 52 S. E. Rolfe, pork. 25 48 Caleb Carmon, pork 23 58 Alfred Jermer, pork 27 30 Thomas Nash, pork 96 oo December 29 Edward Wood, berries 4 65 Geo. Vaun, phosphate and coal . 43 53 F. A. Kerst, house physician 6o oo W. G. Farrington, pork 20 37 December 31 E. C. Still, Clothing 3 20 Simeon Rolf, on salary 44 40 January 2 Fowler & Farrington, coal 66 21 Harrison banning, Pork 68 95 A. Creque, pork 8 75 Edward Riddle, grinding 3 6o Winton & Stewart, supplies 33 25 December 20 Simeon Rolf, salary loo oo John Cline, pork. 16 38 J. B. Owenk, pork 47 95 Harvey Updike, pork. 14 91 Oliver Ganoung, pork 18 27 Charles Wood, pork 12 21 Wm. Brotherton, threshing and pork 49 20 L. H. Van Kirk, pork 9 80 Edward Pyle, pork. 13 37 M. Branan, pork z6 74 Charles Foot, pork . 64 89 Wm. Humiston, pork 17 97 December 22 Jesse McKeel, pork. 29 40 John R. Sage, pork. 22 29 B. L. Almy, pork. 21 07 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. KV December 29 J. I. banning, pork. 19 32 John Lynch, laying wall 15 75 Hawkins & Todd, supplies 39 52 Fred Pinkney, fence wire . I0 72 John Kerst, supplies 30 07 Henry S. Friece, pork 19 94 W. H. Willson, caps . 500 January 2 Henry Rolf, pork 30 73 Stowell & Son, supplies 3 30 January 12 L. B. Curry, pork 20 38 Stowell & Son, supplies 44 50 February 6 Drake & Townsend, supplies 27 14 Ithaca Journal, order book 8 50 W. A. Barnum, making cider . 7 61 Geo. H. Vaun, coal • • 71 73 March 6 Geo. Batty, meat. 5 26 C. M. Stanley, boots 26 75 Simeon Rolf, salary 125 00 April 3 E. C. Stewart, supplies . 64 52 D. B. Stewart & Co., supplies . 28 20 John Kerst, supplies 23 69 Elias Smith, pork I0 23 May I D. B. Stewart & Co., supplies . 5 69 June 5 Geo. H. Vaun, coal 18 00 E. A. Snow, labor and material 22 28 Fowler & Farrington, coal 52 27 July 3 Benj. Rich, clothing 5 00 Simeon Rolfe, salary . Ioo 00 Henry Almy, repairing boots and shoes 24 40 Stowell & Son, supplies 175 John Kerst, supplies . 33 14 September 4 D. B. Stewart & Co., supplies . 4 25 October 2 D. B. Stewart & Co., supplies . 5 00 E. C. Almy, supplies . 13 79 November 6 Geo. Wolverton, meat II 50 Geo. Small, lumber 19 92 February 6 D. B. Stewart & Co., supplies. 2I 28 Jesse McKeel, pork 26 6o March 6 Geo. H. Vaun, coal. 20 37 Slocum & Still, clothing 16 31 XVI SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, I889. March 26 James S Lyke, 3o bushels of wheat 31 50 April 3 Geo. H. Vaun, coal 16 6o W. D. Brinkerhoff, grinding 22 37 Chas. Seaman, wood . 41 00 Slocum & Still, clothing 16 57 June 5 Chas. Chapman, clothing. 9 40 Stewart & Co., supplies. _4 50 Almy & Carman, supplies 28 98 Wets & Beard, meat 2 98 July 3 Stowell & Son, supplies. 24 to August 7 Geo. Batty, meat. 13 14 Slocum & Still, clothing 14 35 D. B. Stewart & Co., supplies . z8 33 Almy & Carman, supplies 18 20 September 4 Wets & Beard, meat 32 15 October 2 Geo. H. Vaun, coal 36 71 November 6 D. B. Stewart & Co., supplies . 32 08 Stowell & Son; supplies 4 85 Thomas Kirby, salt pork 5 to $2,769 83 The following items make up the amount under the head of improvements : Barr Bros., hardware $65 90 John Lynch, laying wall 15 75 George H. Vaun, fertilizer. 30 8o Fred Pinkney, fence wire 10 72 E. A. Snow, labor and material 2 28 George Small, lumber . 19 92 John Kerst, fence wire. 4 70 $17o 07 The whole amount of drafts drawn for the Expenses of House and Farm $2,769 83 Improvements. 170 07 Leaving a balance for support of house $2,599 76 SUPERVISORS PROCEEDINGS, 1889. XVII The whole amount of indoor expenses from Nov. 15th, 1888, to Nov. 15, 1889, was as follows : No. of days board. Cost of board and clothing County. 2674 $516 53 Caroline 614 118 6o Dryden 1453 28o 66 Groton . 913 176 35 Ithaca 5170 998 67 Lansing 345' 66 63 Ulysses. 573 rio 68 Enfield. 30 5 79 Newfield 826 159 54 Danby 861 166 31 13458 $2599 76 The following bills of the Overseers of the Poor and others have been audited by the Superintendent, and drafts drawn on the County Treasurer for bills contracted out of the Alms House for temporary relief of county paupers, from the i5th day of Nov. 1888, to the i5th day of Nov. 1889 : Dec. 5, 1888. J. C. Laramore, relief tramps. $ 12 5o Daniel Sullivan, relief tramps 4 50 L. W. Carpenter, M. D., medical service 7 5o T. J. Harrington, wood and coal, Ithaca 14 75 I. W. Sherwood, relief of Murphy Whiting and others 53 8o F. B. Howes, relief of tramps 4 50 Dec. 10. J. H. Horton, coal in Ithaca . 16 88 Dec. 29. Mary Wood, care George Mead 18 75 T. J. Harrington, drawing coal and wood . 2 4o Floyd B. Howes, relief county paupers 299 00 F. A. Kerst, M. D., Medical service to Geo. Mead .. . 3 00 Dec. 31. L W. Sherwood, relief Whiting, Murphy and others . 24 13 Jan. 2 1889. G. C. Whitley, relief Willet Personius and others . . . 16 05 Feb. 6 Floyd B. Howes, relief tramps 2 5o John Beardsley, relief Marcus Cronce, Newfield .. . . 10 75 XVIII SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. W. T. Kellogg, supplies to Geo. Ahle, Danby 6 26 Daniel Sullivan, relief tramps 5 25 Eugene Baker, county physician, Ithaca 40 00 F. E. Tibbetts, transportation ex -soldiers . 3 07 W. A. Demond, M. D., medical service to Geo. Ahle . 8 5o G. C. Whitley, relief Hattie O'Conor 2 50 G. C. Whitley, relief Willet and others 28 45 Eugene Baker, M. D., medical service to Frank Pool . 7 5o Bradford Snyder, relief tramps 4 35 Floyd B. Howes, relief county poor, Ithaca . 81 '5o ' I. W. Sherwood, relief Murphy Rockinstyre and others 20 38 Mary Wood, board and care Geo. Mead. 13 5o April 3.. Wm. Cronce, board and care Marcus Cronce 40 00 Sheldon Bierce, board tramps r o0 John G. Smith, board county poor, Ithaca 48 15 I. W. Sherwood, relief Rockinstyre and others . 13 25 F. E. Tibbetts, transportation ex -soldiers , 3 22 Geo. Harris, relief tramps 7 5o E. P. Bouton, service in Ellen Coyle case.. . 2 5o G. C. Whitley, error in last month's settlement . I 00 May 1. Daniel Sullivan, relief tramps 3 75 Lehigh Valley Coal Co., coal in Ithaca . 83 25 W. T. Kellogg, supplies to Geo. Ahle. 14 27 G. C. Whitley, relief Personins and others 27 95 John G. Smith, relief county poor, Ithaca 38 00 Mary Wood, board and care Geo. Mead. 12 00 June 5. S. A. Seabring, M. D., medical service to Marcus Cronce 35 5o Geo. M. Beckwith, M. D., reducing fracture and attend- ance on Michael Kieff . 5o 00 R. L. Smith, county physician, Ithaca 15 00 D. A. Nichols, board of Ira D. Nichols 10 00 W. H. Allen, Nursing Michael Kieff 42 00 Irena Hyde, board Michael Kieff. 20 00 John G. Smith, relief county poor and tramps . 31 50 July 3. D. A. Nichols, board Ira Nichols . 15 00 G. C. Whitley, relief Personius and others 32 16 August 7. I. W. Sherwood, relief Rockinstyre, Murphy and others 32 or September 4. John M. Flickinger, M. D. medical service to Conway H. Day and family . 20 00 Samuel Manning, nursing Conway H. Day . 20 00 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. XIX G. C. Whitley, relief of Willet, Personius and others . . 31 5o Mary Wood, board and care Geo. Mead. 25 5o John G, Smith, relief county poor, Ithaca. 128 65 T. J. Harrington, wood and carting same . 26 79 October 1. Mary Wood, board and care Geo. Mead. . . 7 50 November 6. Edward Gaston, relief tramps 1 5o Frank E. Tibbetts, transportation ex -soldiers 7 38 W. 11. Lockerby, M. D. attendance on H. Hopkins, fever case 31 00 Daniel Sullivan relief tramps 3 00 G. C. Whitley, relief Cleveland, Personius and Willet 35 50 L. W. Carpenter, medical service county poor Ulyssesio 5o $1640 10 The following statement shows the amount of bills audited by the Superintendent of the Poor to Overseer of the Poor from the i5th day of Nov. 1888, to the 15th day of Nov. 1889, for their service with the county : Dec. 5. 1888. Floyd B. Howes $ 8 00 Daniel Sullivan 2 00 J. C. I,aramore . 12 00 I. W. Sherwood 2 00 December 20. James McCracken 8 00 Floyd B. Howes 14 00 Jan. 2. 1889 G. C. Whitley 8 00 February 6. John Beardsley. 2 00 Daniel Sullivan 6 00 Floyd B. Howes. 18 00 Sheldon Bierce. 2 50 March 6. G. C. Whitley 6 00 Bradford Snyder 2 00 I. W. Sherwood 2 00 April 3. Sheldon Bierce. 3 25 Daniel Sullivan 2 00 May 1. G. C. Whitley 4 00 F. A. Sherman. 4 00 my 3 G. C. Whitley 6 00 XX SUPERVISOR& PROCEEDINGS, 18$9. August 7 I. W. Sherwood 4 00 G. C. Whitley 4 00 November 6. Daniel Sullivan 2 00 • G. C. Whitley 4 00 Andrew Smith . 2 00 John G. Smith . 52 00 $179 75 Names of paupers transported to the County Alms House during the year ending Nov. 15th, 1889, with the bills and names of those transporting them as per transportation book, and where chargeable : Name of Pauper. By whom brought Where chargeable Eunice A. Harris. James Laramore.. Dryden . . . . . $4 56 Sylvester D. Harris. . " Joseph Boyle. Daniel Sullivan ..Lansing 4 50 A. R. Taylor. F. B. Howes Ithaca. 2 00 Celia Hyatt " . . _ 1 50 Hattie O'Conor G. C. Whitley. County 3 30 Charles Bodine Bradford Snyder. Dryden 5 00 Abram Shepard John G. Smith Ithaca . . . . . . 1 50 Thomas Glenore . J C. Laramore Dryden 3 00 Frank Croff Daniel SullivanLansing 4 35 Lawrence Gardner . I W Sherwood . County 1 00 Michael Kieff F. A. Sherman •7 6o Henry Sherman I W Sherwood Ulysses . . . . 100 Charles Bodine Edward Gaston Dryden . . . 2 Io John McCarty Daniel SullivanLansing. 3 15 Daniel Carney . John G. Smith Ithaca . . 1 50 Elizabeth Casterline Andrew Smith Newfield . 2 25 Frank Flood. John G. Smith Ithaca . . 1 50 Edward E. Boyer G. C. Whitley . Caroline 3 30 N. C. Payne J C. Laramore Dryden. 4 50 Seth R. Peak John G. Smith Ithaca . . . . . . 150 John Myres William Thompson I So SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. XXI Nicholas Styres J C. Laramore Dryden . Lorenzo Kent Daniel Sullivan Lansing. Thomas Glenore James Laramore Dryden Elias Wilcox. Barney Moore Daniel Sullivan Lansing. David Finch . J C. Laramore Dryden 300 3 15 4 92 3 15 300 $79 33 Amount of grain and produce raised on the farm and amount now on hand : On hand 50 tons hay 47 220 bus. wheat 153 180 " barley 150 500 " oats 500 760 " corn ears 700 205 " potatoes 100 13 " beans 13 50 " sweet corn.- 5 27 " Onions 20 5 " Tomatoes 00 Ioo heads celery 70 1200 heads cabbage. 1000 xo bus. beets. 10 20 " apples 15 2 barrels cider . 6 loads pumpkins Corn stalks from 11 acres . Stock on farm: 3 horses belonging to keeper. Belonging to county : 8 milch cows ; 2 year old bull ; i yoke oxen; 12 hogs fattening ; 2 brood sows ; 4 shoats ; 10 pigs wintering; 106 common fowls. Supplies on hand : 5 pairs woolen mittens ; doz. plates ; doz. brooms ; doz. basins ; wash boards; doz. mop -sticks ; Yi box soap ; 6 hats ; 20 lbs. coffee ; 1 chest XXII SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. tea ; 6 pairs sheets ; 2 pairs boots ; 4 fire shovels ; 7 shirts ; ro chemise ; 6 pil- low cases ; 8 towels ; 8 aprons ; 8 pair drawers ; 3 night gowns ; 5 bed ticks ; 4 pillow ticks ; 4 pair pants ; 2 vests ; r coat ; 3 night caps ; i doz. handker- chiefs ; 2 pairs overalls ; i pair slippers ; 4 new pillows ; 3 new comfortables ; 17 yds. flannel ; io yds. shirting; 3o yds. factory ; ro yds. muslin ; ro yds. prints: 3 overshirts ; 5 yds. gingham ; ro yds. denham ; 7 pairs socks ; 6 pair hose ; ro yds. ticking ; 5 yds. soft flannel ; r barrel soft soap ; ]2 barrel molasses ; barrel sugar ; 5 doz. candles : 250 lbs. butter ; 3Z barrel pickles ; zo lbs smok- ing ; 1 barrel vinegar ; 2 pair men's shoes ; 2 pair women's shoes ; 28 tons coal; 12 cords stove wood ; r pair crutches ; 7 new woolen blankets ; 3 coffins ; 500 ft. pine lumber ; 4 shrouds ; doz. knives and forks. Fann tools belonging to county : r grain drill ; r truck wagon ; r spring toothed harrow ; r pair bob sleighs. I further report the number of deaths 6. Number of births 3. Number discharged 46. In House Nov. 15th, 1888, 34. Received during year, 59. In Alms House Nov. i5th, 1889, 44. Average number in Alms House during the year 36 319-365. Average expense of each pauper supported above the pro- ceeds of the farm, $7o.26-4. Average weekly expense, 135-219. In conformity to the 3oth Section, Title ist, Chapter 20, of the Revised Statutes, I respectfully report to the Board of Sup- ervisors, that I estimate the expense of the county and town paupers in the Alms House for the ensuing year, $23oo.00. I estimate the expense for the transportation of paupers at, $50. oo. SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. XXIII I estimate the expense of temporary relief of county pau- pers not in the Alms House at, $I,Soo.00. I estimate the expenses of Overseers of the Poor for ser- vices to county paupers $25o.00. I estimate the keeper's salary $5oo.00. Total amount of estimates $4,600.00. Money received from all sources : January 2. From Ex -Superintendent Smith $15 23 " John Linch, for pork . 1 90 " Nat. Ward, for pigs. 3 00 April " Sale of cow .. . . 32 00 Schuyler County in Ellen Coyle case . 181 87 May 17. " Joseph Knight, for grease 32 64 " Veal calves. 54 81 " Hams 76 24 " Lard and grease . . . 43 14 $440 83 The money received has been disbursed as follows : Conveying Patients to Willard $48 27 Harvey D. Miller, to S. V. Home 5 51 Elizabeth Casterline, to Newark State Custodial House .. 4 82 Traveling Expenses 42 19 Assessment to State Convention S. of P to oo Postage, stationery and telephone . 4 45 J. C. Stowell & Son, grass seed 15 82 Edward Riddle, grinding 88 J. T. Newman, counsel fee in Ellen Coyle Case. 42 5o Patrick Cassidy, 24 19-6o bush. wheat @ 1.05 25 53 Jacob Vanderbilt, 45 5-60 " " • • 47 34 Edward Wood, on order Chas. Thompson, pleat 5 00 James Moss, grinding. 6 75 William J. Nixon, fertilizer . 29 7o XXIV SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. Improvements on property and furniture. Supplies as per bills 94 21 37 87 Leaving a balance of cash on hand $420 84 $19 99 I further report that there are unsettled accounts at this date $76.54 Report of the Superintendent giving the location of those taken to Asylums and Homes and where chargeable : Mrs. Phebe Baker Taken to Willard .. . . Charge Ithaca Orville E. St. John.. . County Charles Vandermark .. Caroline Garret Moore Ithaca Wm. Derrick Ithaca Priscilla De Mond `` Ulysses Carrie A. Dean. " Ithaca Mrs. Melissa Mott " Ulysses Barney Kirby itEnfield Sarah Wisner Ithaca Caroline L. Tripp Dryden Fay T. Mapes Groton Rev. Dr. Strong " Binghamton Ithaca Sarah Sutliff.. . ... Willard Dryden Nora A. McKeen. it it Groton Mary Stephens. Ithaca Nancy Schoolcraft .. Newfield Frank E. Fuller. . . , . It Ithaca Harry D. Miller Binghamton Home .. County Elizabeth Casterline . . State Custodial Home . .. Newfield SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. xxv COUNTY CLERK'S REPORT. ITHACA, N. Y., Nov. 20, 1889. To the Board of Supervisors Tompkins County I have to report that since the ist day of January, 1889, to this date I have received money for Tompkins County, as fol- lows : February, 2d, 1889, Abram Dennis, fine, (sentenced at January term of sessions) $125 00 Amount paid to County Treasurer, (same day) as per receipt herewith. Very Respectfully, L. H. VAN KIRK, County Clerk. TOMPKINS COUNTY, SS : L. H. Van Kirk being duly sworn, says that he is the Clerk of the County of Tompkins, and that he has received no moneys, except those set forth in the 'above report, for any fines for said county. - L. H. VAN KIRK. Sworn to before me this loth day of November, 1889. MARCUS LYON, Tompkins County Judge. TOMPKINS COUNTY TREASURER'S OFFICE. Ithaca, N. Y., Feb. 2, 1889. Received from L. H. Van Kirk, County Clerk, one hundred twenty five dollars fine in Dennis case: ($125). GEO. H. NORTHRUP; County Treasurer. SHERIFF'S REPORT. To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County I, have to report that I have. not collected any fines during the year ending November 27, 1889. J. K. FOLLETT, Sheriff. XXVI SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE REPORTS. Reports of the Justices of the Peace of the various towns of the county, of all fines and penalties by them collected re- spectively, during the past year : CAROLINE. John J. Peters, no money received John Cross, reports no money received W. V. Personius, whole amount received Paid County Treasurer. R. G. H. Speed, whole amount received DANBY. Jacob Wise, no moneys received DRYDEN. George E. Monroe, no moneys received Alviras Snyder, 4, A. F. Smiley, It t " Wm. E. Brown, " G. E. Underwood, " " ENFIELD. J. M. Fanning, no money received S. M. Oltz, P. B. Aiken, GROTON. $Io 00 I0 00 2 00 Nelson Stephens, whole amount received. oo Herman F. Hopkins, wholg amount received 70 00 Paid County Treasurer. 70 00 Newton Baldwin, whole amount received . 13 00 Paid County Treasurer. 13 00 James F. Montfort, no moneys received ITHACA. J. W. Totten, no moneys received • SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, I889. XXVII LANSING. Frank H. Tarbell, no moneys received Charley Drake, " " Nelson E. Lyon, whole amount received NEWFIE,D. Albert K. Allen, no moneys received Elvin Keene, John W. Dean, " W. H. Van Ostrand, no moneys received . ULYSSES. John N. Barker, no moneys received. A. P. Osborne,' Henry Hutchings, " " J. R. Emery, whole amount received 2 00 $19 35 Paid County Treasurer. 19 35 LOAN COMMISSIONER'S REPORT. To the Comptroller of the State of New York The United States Deposit Fund Commissioners for'Ibmp- kins County report as follows : November 1st, 1888, there was remaining in our hands as principal $28,740 34 Deducting therefrom the Hart farm 1,50o 00 It leaves remaining as interest bearing principal.. . From November 1st, 1888, to October 1st, 1889, there has been paid of this principal sum as follows : Dec. 7; 1888, on mortgage No. 771. $ 88 75 April 5, 1889, mortgage No. 8o8 300 00 Sept. 21, 1889, mortgage No. 767 500 00 Leaving as interest bearing principal Oct. 1, 1889. . . • $888 75 $27,249 34- $888 75 $z6,351 59 XXVIII SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. From October 1st, 1889, to Nov. 1st, 1889, there has been no payment of principal. Adding so the interest bearing principal, the Hart farm We have as total principal November 1st, 1889 We charge ourselves as follows : The interest on $26,351 59 $1,581 09 Principals paid as above 888 75 Interest on principals -paid 39 37 Rent realized from Hart farm, i888 69 00 Rent of Hart farm, 1889, (uncollected) 7o 00 We credit ourselves as follows : The commissions on $28,74o 34 . $ 206 20 Rent of Hart farm 1889, uncollected. 70 00 Interest on mortgages, Nos. 709 and 817, (defaulted) . 84 00 With N. Y. Draft to balance 2288 01 Dated November 2d, 1889. $1,500 00 $27,851 59 $2,648 21 $2,648 21 CORNELIUS LEARY, Loan Commissioner. REPORT OF SURROGATE'S CLERK. To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County : I hereby report that I have received fees for copies of records, etc., as Clerk of the Surrogate's Court of Tompkins County, since my last report, Nov. 1st, 1888, and the date of my resignation, March i5th, 1889, as follows : Dec. 17, certified copy will of Eben Lobdell $1 oo Feb. 12, 1889, copy inventory estate Maria L. Hildreth 1 00 Feb. 16, certified copy will of John P. Hart 5o $2 50 • 31 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. XXI' And I have paid out as follows : Dec. 19, 1 quart ink of Andrus & Church $ 5o Dec. 19, box of matches of Gauntlett & Brooks. 3o Aug. 8, 1889, 1 tumbler Iocts. and matches I5cts. 25 Aug. 12, 1889, paid County Treasurer 1 45 $2 5o TOMPKINS COUNTY, SS : W. B. Estabrook being duly sworn, says that the above statement is correct to the best of his knowledge and belief. W. B. ESTABROOK. Sworn to before me this 9th day of November, 1889. MARCUS LYON, Surrogate. TOMPKINS COUNTY TREASURER'S OFFICE, Ithaca, N. Y., Aug. 12, 1889. Received from W. B. Estabrook, one dollar forty-five cents for Surrogate Clerk fees. ($1.45) GEO. N. NORTHRUP, County Treasurer. By JOHN NORTHRUP. DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S REPORT. To the Board -of Supervisors of Tompkins County : Pursuant to the provisions of law, I hereby report the amount of fines imposed in the various Courts of record since January ist, 1889, the beginning of my term of office, and also of all sums collected by me on forfeited recognizances : Persons Fined. Offense. Amount. Joseph Bishop, assault, 3d degree . $ 375 oo Abram Dennis, assault, 3d degree . 125 00 William H. Barr, seduction under promise of marriage, i,000 00 $1,500 00 XXX SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. The above statement contains a list of all fines imposed since the commence- ment of my term of office. The fines imposed upon Joseph Bishop and Abram Dennis of $375.00, and $125.00, respectively, were paid as I am informed, to the Sheriff or Clerk of said county. The fine of $1,000 imposed upon William H. Barr has not been paid, the defendant having appealed from the judgment imposing the fine, which ap- peal is now pending. Collected of Michael McMahon and Michael Kelly, on forfeited recogniz- ances of David Lyon and Charles Mitchell $I,215.00, which amount I have paid over to the County Treasurer and hold his receipt therefor. STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF TOMPKINS } SS: J. H. Jennings being sworn, says that he is the District Attorney of Tompkins County, that the above report contains a true statement of all fines imposed by Courts of Record of Tompkins County, and the disposition thereof since the commencement of his term of office, and of all moneys collected by him upon forfeited recognizances, and of all moneys received by him in his official capa- city and belonging to the county of Tompkin.. J. H. JENNINGS. Sworn to before me this 21st, day of November, 1889. DEWITT C. BOUTON, Notary Public. RAILROAD BONDING COMMISSIONERS' REPORTS. ENFIELD. To Joshua S. Miller, Supervisor of the Town of Enfield: We, the bonding Commissioners of the town of Enfield, respectfully submit to you the following, our annual report : There have been issued against said town of Enfield bonds to the amount of twenty-five thousand dollars, ($25,000), to aid in the construction of the Pa. and Sodus Bay Railroad. SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. XXXI Amound of principal paid, eight thousand, two hundred dollars, ($8, zoo), which leaves outstanding and unpaid, sixteen thousand, eight hundred dollars, ($16,800). The amount of interest to become due the coming year is one thousand, one hundred and seventy-six dollars ($1,176), and we request that you cause to be raised by 'tax on said town the above sum, to pay said interest when it becomes due, and also that you cause to be raised in like manner the sum of two hund- red and fifty dollars, ($25o), to ,be used as a sinking fund toward the final payment of said debt. There is now on hand a sinking fund amounting to sixteen hundred and eleven dollars and seventy-four cents, ($1,611.74). This amount is deposited in the Ithaca Savings Bank to the credit of D. W. Bailey, one of the Commissioners. Enfield, N. Y., December 5th, 1889. W. H. AMMACK, 1 Commissioners. T. JONES, W. H. Ammack and T. Jones being duly sworn, depose and say that they are two of the Bonding Commissioners of the town of Enfield, and that the above report is true in every respect to the best of their knowledge and belief. W. H. AMMACK, T. JONES. Subscribed and sworn to Dec. 5th, before me. T. J. McEI,HENY, Notary Public. To the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins : In accordance with Chapter 552 of haws of 187o, I hereby report the public debt of Enfield to be as follows : XXXII SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. Amount of bonds issued Amount of principal paid by redeeming bonds . Balance outstanding and unpaid Interest due March ist, 1890, " " Sept. 1st, 1890 $588 00 588 oo $25,000 00 8,200 00 . 16,800 00 $I,176 00 Sinking fund on hand at this time 1,611 74 Total indebtedness at this time $15,188 26 Resolved, That there be levied and collected from said town the sum of on& thousand, otte hundred and seventy-six dollars ($1,176.00) to pay interest, and also two hundred and fifty dollars ($25o), as sinking fund, toward the final pay- ment of said debt. J. S. MILLER, Supervisor. GROTON. John W Jones, Esq., Supervisor of the Town of Groton, N. Y.: DEAR SIR :—The undersigned, Commissioner of the town of Groton, appointed under the Act passed May i8th, 1869, ]taws of New York, Chapter 907, would respectfully submit the following report : That the amount of town bands issued in aid of the Ithaca & Cortland Railroad, (now known as the Elmira, Cortland & Northern) is $15,000. That interest to become due Feb. 1St 1890, is $525 ; that interest to become due Aug. ist, 1890, is $525. That I hold a sinking fund invested as follows : Town bonds of the town of Groton $300 00 Mortgages on real estate . . . 1,025 00 1 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. XX%III Certificate of Deposit, ist National Bank, Groton 1,15o 61 903 02 Cash' on hand for coupons not presented 2i 26 $3,399 89 That the interest received during the year is $87.58. There- fore I respectfully ask for an appropriation .to pay interest on said bonds Feb. ist, 1890, $525 ; ,also to pay interest on said bonds, due Aug. 1, 1890, $525 ; also to provide a sinking fund of one per cent., $150. I therefore ask that the sum of twelve hundred dollars, 41,200) as above, be levied and collected, on the town of Groton, to be paid over to the Commissioner of said town, to be ex- pended..for the above .purposes. Dated Groton, N. Y., Dec. 3, 1889. D. H. MARSH, Commissioner. STATE OP NEW YORK, l TOMPKINS COUNTY, f SS.: I, D. H. Marsh, being duly sworn, says that the foregoing report signed by himself as Commissioner is a just and true report in every particular, so far as deponent his knowledge of the facts stated, and in other respects deponent be- lieves to be true. D. H. MARSH. Sworn and subscribed before me this 3d day of Dec., 1889. HIRAM G. MOB, Notary Public. To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County : In accordance with the Laws'of 1870, Chapter 552, I hereby report the public debt of Groton to be as follows : XXXIV SUPERVISORS PROCEEDINGS, 1889. Bonds issued by the Commissioners of the now E. C. & N. Railroad, bearing 7 per cent. interest, semi-annual payment $15,000 00 Interest coming due Feb. 1, 1890 525 00 If " " Aug. 1, 1890 525 00 One per cent. for sinking fund 150 00 Resolved, That at the request of the Bonding Commissioner of the town of Groton there be levied and collected from said town the sum of one thousand two hundred dollars, to be applied as follows : For interest as stated $1,050 00 Sinking fund 150 00 J. W. JONES, Supervisor. ITHACA. To Me Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County : The undersigned Commissioners of the town of Ithaca for the funding bonds issued to pay off bonds issued in aid of the Ithaca Athens Railroad, beg leave to report as follows : Amount of 5 per cent. bonds issued $ 285,000 00 " redeemed 150,000 00 " outstanding 135,E 00 Amount of bonds due March ist, 1890. $15,000 00 " interest due March ist, 1890 3,375 00 CI " September ist, 1890. 3,000 00 $21,375 00 We therefore request that fifteen thousand dollars to pay the principal of bonds falling due March 1st, 1890, and six thousand three hundred and seventy-five dollars to pay interest, be levied and assessed on the taxable property of the town of Ithaca. • 0. H. GREGORY, LEVI KENNEY, Commissioners. JOHN C. GAUNTLETT, c • 1 1 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. XXXV Personally appeared before me this 29th day of October, 1889, O. H. Greg- ory, Levi Kenney and John C. Gauntlett, Commissioners of the town of Ithaca, who swear that the foregoing statement by them subscribed is true. H. L. HINCKLEY, Notary Public. To the Board of Suj5ervisors of Tomj5kins County : The undersigned, Commissioners of the town of Ithaca for bonds of said town issued in aid of the Geneva and Ithaca Rail- road, beg leave to submit their nineteenth annual report as follows : Amount of bonds issued and outstanding $100,000 oo The interest on said bonds falls due as follows : April 1, 1890 October ist, 1890 $3,500 00 3,500 00 We therefore request that the sum of seven thousand dol- lars, required to pay interest on said bonds as stated above, be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the town of Ithaca. We would further report that the sinking fund, maintained for the purpose of meeting the principal of said bonds amounts at this date to $54,93o 95, as follows : Amount at date of last report - $51,658 99 Received from Supervisor . 1,000 00 for interest $3,499 95 Less applied on premium account for accrued interest on bonds 1,227 99 2,271 96 Which is invested as follows : Town of Ithaca 7 per ct. bonds „ „ 5 „ $54,930 95 $49,000 00 3,000 00 X%XVI 8UPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1.1889. Premium account 2,200 00 Cash in Ithaca Savings Bank, uninvested 730 93 Total $54,930 95 The present bonded indebtedness of the town of Ithaca, exclusive of sinking fund, is therefore 45,069 05, a reduction since last report of $3,277 96. The undersigned ask that the sum of one thousand dollars be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the town of Ithaca, to maintain a sinking fund to extinguish at maturity the principal of the aforesaid bonds. H. B. LORD, 0. H. GREGORY, Commissioners. GEO. R. WILLIAMS, Ithaca, Nov. 8, 1889. The undersigned being duly sworn do depose and say that to the best of their knowledge and belief the within report to which they have subscribed their names is true, and that the statements of account therewith submitted are correct. H. B. LORD, O. H. GREGORY, GEO. R. WILLIAMS. Sworn and subscribed before me this 8th day of November, 1889. C. W. GAY, Notary Public. INTURF,ST ACCOUNT. Received on $3,000 Ithaca 5s' Received on ,;.9,000 Ithaca 7s Received from Ithaca Savings Bank. Applied on premium account Accrued interest on bonds. Balance as reported. $ 15o 00 3342 50 7 45 I147 8o Io 2271 96 89 $3,499 95 13,499 95 1 1 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. XXXVII • CASH ACCOUNT. Balance at date of last report . $ 262 6o Received from Supervisor. I,000 00 Received for interest,(see interest account). 3,499 95 Paid for $3,000 Ithaca bonds including accrued interest on same Cash in Savings Bank as reported 4,031 6o 730 95 $4,762 55 $4,762 55 PREMIUM ACCOUNT. Balance as reported. $2396 39 Premium on bonds, (see cash account) Charge sinking fund Balance as reported. 951 50 1,147 89 2,200 00 $3,347 89 $3,347 89 To the Board of Supervisors : In accordance with chapter 552, Laws of 187o, I hereby report the public debt of the town of Ithaca to be as follows : The balance on bonds issued by the commisioners of the Ithaca & Athens Railroad as per last report was . $150,000 00 Less ainount paid 1888 15,000 00 Balance at 5 per cent The balance on bonds issued by the Geneva & Ithaca Railroad as per last report was $ 48,341 01 Less reduction 1888 3,271 96 $135,000 00 Balance at 7 per cent $45,o69 05 Total bonded indebtedness $18o,o69 05 Resolved, That as per report of Bonding Commissioners of the town of Ith- aca there be levied and collected upon the taxable property ofisaid town : 0 XXXVIII SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. For sinking fund on Geneva & Ithaca R. R. bonds .. For interest on Geneva & Ithaca R. R. bonds For sinking funds on Ithaca & Athens R. R. bonds .. For interest on Ithaca & Athens R. R. bonds Total to be raised this year NEWFIELD. $ I ,000 00 7,0oo o0 15,00o 00 6,375 00 . $29,375 00 H. M. HIBBARD. To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County : We, the undersigned Commissioners of the town of New- field, duly appointed under the provisions of an. Act of the Leg- islature of the State of New York, authorizing towns to sub- scribe to the capital stock of railroad corporations, and to issue bonds therefor, do respectfully report, that it will be neces- sary for saidtown of Newfield to raise by tax the suns of three thousand, two hundred and six dollars, ($3, 206), to pay interest from Sept. 1, 1889, to Sept. 1, 189o, on bonds of said town of Newfield, to the amount of $45,800, issued to aid in the con- struction of the Pa. and S: B. Railroad. Said interest to be paid semi-annually on the first days of March and September of each year., We further report that we have no balance on hand. I. B. PALMER' Commissioners. C. W. McCORN, } STATE OP NEW YORK, l TOMPKINS COUNTY f SS C. W. McCorn being duly sworn, deposes and says he is one of the Rail Road Commissioners of the town of Newfield, N. Y., and that the above report i is in all respects correct and true. C. W. MccORN, Subscribed and sworn to before me this 16th day of Nov. 188g. FRED N. DEAN, Notary Public. 0 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. XXXIX • To Me Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County : In accordance with Chapter 552 of Laws of 1870, I hereby report the public debt of Newfield to be as follows : Amount of bonds issued $52,000 00 Amount of principal paid to Nov. 1st, 1889. - 6,200 00 Balance unpaid. $45, 800 oo Amount of interest due March Ist, 1890 $1,6o3 00 Amount of interest due Sept. 1st, 1890. 1,603 00 $3,2o6 00 Resolved, That at the request of the Bonding Commissioners of the town of Newfield, there be levied and collected from the taxable property of said town, the sum of three thousand two hundred and six dollars as interest on the above named bonds. S. A. SEABRING, Supervisor. . ULYSSES. To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County : GENTLEMEN :—The Bond Commissioner of the town of Ulysses submits the following report : The amount of bonds issued by said town of Ulysses, under Chapter 907, Laws of 1869, and Laws amendatory thereof was $75,000.00, dated March 1, 1871, due March, 1901 with semi- annual interest at seven per cent. per annum, payable on the first days of March and September. Amount of principal paid, $20, Boo. 00. Amount of coupons due and unpaid $56.00. There is deposited with Union Trust Co., New York, $56.00 for the payment of past due coupons.. There is a balance of $51.00 deposited in the Banking House of L. J. Wheeler & Co., Trumansburg, N. Y. XL SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. There remains outstanding bonds to the amount of $54, 200.00. One year's interest on $54,200.00, . $ 3,794 00 Less balance on hand. 51 00 $3,743 00 As the town voted at the spring election of 1887, to discon- tinue the raising of a Sinking Fund, I therefore recommend that the sum of $3,743.00 be raised by tax assessed to the town, for interest only. Dated Trumansburg, N. Y., Nov. 1, 1889. L. J. WHEELER, Bond Commissioner. L. J. Wheeler being duly sworn deposes and says that the foregoing report is correct to the best of his knowledge and belief. L. J. WHEELER. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1st day of November, 1889. J. R. EMERY, Justice of the Peace. To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County : In accordance with Chapter 'S52, Laws of 1870, I hereby report the public debt of the town of Ulysses to be as follows : Amount of bonds issued by Bonding Commissioners, March 1, 1871 $75,000 00 Amount of principal paid. 20,800 00 Amount of principal unpaid. 54,200 o0 Amount of interest due March 1st, 1890 1,897 00 Amount of interest due September ist 1890. 1,897 00 Total amount of indebtedness, September ist, 1890 57,994 00 Amount of money now in hands of Bonding Commissioner to ap- ply on interest . $51 00 Resolved, That at the request of the Bonding Commissioner of the town of Ulysses, there be levied and collected on the taxable property of said town, the sum of three thousand seven hundred and forty-three dollars, ($3,743•oo), to pay interest on the above named bonds for the year beginning September ist, 1889. A. H. PIERSON, Supervisor. • POLITICAL DIRECTORY, AND GUIDE TO TOWN OFFICERS. General Election : The First Tuesday after the first Mon- day in November : 1 Revised Statutes.(7th Ed.) page 379. Annual Town Meeting : Last Tuesday in February. Pro - proceedings of Board of Stipervisors, 1880. Annual School Meeting in neighborhood : First Tuesday in August : Laws of 1889, Chap. 245. Annual meeting of Board of Town Auditors, comprising the Supervisor, Town Clerk and Justices of the Peace, or any two of the said Justices ; the First Thursday after the General Election, at which time all accounts for charges and claims against their respective towns must be presented to them.for audit ; i Revised Statutes (7th Ed.) page 835, Laws of 1840, Chap. 305. Annual meeting of the Board of Town Auditors, as above designated, to examine accounts of Town Officers : On the last Tuesday preceding the Annual Town Meeting to be held in each town ; Laws of 1863, Chap. 172. Annual meeting of the Supervisors of the County as a Board of County Canvassers ; First Tuesday succeeding the General Election : i Revised Statutes, (7th Ed.) page 390. Annual meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the County : Immediately after the completion of the Canvass, or at such other time as they as a Board, shall fix ; 2 Revised Statutes (7th Ed.) pages 926-931. Annual Meeting of Supervisor, Town Clerk and Assessors of each Town, to designate the place in each election district in the Town, at which elections shall be held during the year, and XLII SUPERVISORS/ PROCEEDINGS, 1889. to give notice, written or printed, to be posted in at least eight public places in each district, containing descriptions of the places so designated, and of the time of opening and closing the polls : On the first Monday in September in each year. haws 1881, Chap. 137. Meeting of Supervisor, Town Clerk and Assessors of each Town, for the purpose df making lists of Trial Jurors ; on the first day of July of each third year after July 1st, 1878, at a place in the town appointed by the Supervisor, or in his absence or vacancy in office by Town Clerk ; or, if they fail to meet on that day, they must meet as soon thereafter as practicable ; Code of Civil procedure, § 1035. The next meeting for this purpose will be held July 1st, 189o. County Superintendents of the Poor meet at the County House ; The first Wednesday in each month. The object of these meetings is to audit bills payable from the County Poor Fund. TOWN OFFICERS. Each Supervisor must execute to, and deposit with, the County Treasurer, a bond for the accounting of all school mon- eys which may come into his hands, before entering upon the du- ties of his office. Each Supervisor must make and deliver to the Town Clerk of his town, his bond for the faithful discharge of his official duties, and to account for all moneys coming into his hands as such Supervisor. The Trustees of School districts shall make a report to the School Commissioners between the 25th day of July and the first Tuesday of August in each year ;, Chap. 245, Laws 1889. SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. XI,tII The school moneys are apportioned annually by the School Commissioners, on the third Tuesday in March. The Commissioners of Highways must execute a bond to the Supervisor of their town within ten days after their election. Overseers of Highways. must file a statement of all unworked highway tax with the Supervisors of their respective towns, on or before the first day of October. The Tax Collector or Receiver shall, within eight days after receiving notice of the amount of taxes to be collected by him, execute to the Supervisor of the town, and lodge with him, a bond in double the amount of said taxes, to be approved by the Supervisor. The Supervisor shall, within six days thereafter, file the said bond in the office of the County Clerk of this County. The Assessors must complete the Assessment Roll on or be- fore the first day of August, and leave a copy thereof with one of their number, and immediately thereafter cause notice thereof to be posted in three or more public places in their town or ward. "Whets the line between two towns, wards or counties di- vides a farm of lot the same shall be taxed', if occupied, in the town, ward or county where the occupant resides ; if unoccupied, each part shall be assessed in the town, ward, village or county where the same shall lie." Laws 1886, Chap. 315. The Assessors shall meet on the third Tuesday in August to review their assessments, and hear the coniplaint of any person conceiving himself aggrieved. An affidavit to the roll by the Assessors, made prior to the third Tuesday of August, is a nul- lity. The assessors must deliver the corrected Assessment Roll to the Supervisor on or before the first day of September, there to remain for a period of fifteen days for public inspection, and the Assessors shall forthwith give public notice by posting the XI.IV SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. same in at least three of the most public places in the town, or by publishing the same in one or more newspapers publi§hed therein, that such Assessment Roll has been finally completed, the officer to which the same has been delivered, and the place where the same will be open to public inspection. Said fifteen days, within which any assessment may be reviewed by cer- tiorari, shall commence on the day of the first publication. The Assessor cannot enter the name of a person on his Roll who be- came a resident after the first day of July. When the Assessors or a majority of them, shall have com- pleted their Roll, they shall severally appear before any officer of their County authorized by law to administer oaths, and shall severally make and subscribe before such officer, an oath in the following form which must be strictly followed : "We the undersigned, do severally depose and swear that we have set down in the foregoing Assessment Roll,, all the real estate situate in the town (or ward as the case may be,) accord- ing to our best information ; and that, with the exception of those cases in which the value of the said real estate has been changed by reason of proof produced before us, we have esti- mated the value of the said real estate at the sums which a majority of the Assessors have decided to be the full value there- of, and also that the said Assessment Roll contains a true state- ment of the aggregate amount of the taxable personal estate of each and every person named in such Roll, over and above the amount of debts due from such persons, respectively, and ex- cluding such stocks as are otherwise taxable, and such other property as is exempt by law from taxation, at the full value thereof, according to our best judgment and belief." Which oath shall be written or printed on said Roll, signed by the Assessors, and certified by the officer. Laws 1885, Chap. 364. SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, I889. XLV The Supervisor must report to the County Treasurer, on 'the first Tuesday in March, the amount of School moneys remaining in his hands. Each Justice of the Peace innst execute a bond with two sureties conditioned for the payment on demand to the proper officer all moneys received by the Justice, by virtue of his office, which bond must be approved by the Supervisor of the town, and filed in the Town Clerk's office. Each Justice of the Peace shall make a report in writing, verified by oath, each year, bearing date the first day of Novem- ber, to the Board of Supervisors, at their annual session, in which he shall state particularly the time when, and the name of the person or persons from whom, any money has been re- ceived; and also the amount and on what account the same was re- ceived ; also all sums remaining due and unpaid ; and that all moneys by him received have been paid to the officer duly em- powered by law to receive the same. Each Justice of the Peace must pay all moneys received by him for fines, within thirty days after its receipt, to the County Treasurer. Criminal Code, Sec. 726. Overseers of the Poor cannot furnish supplies to a County pauper to exceed the sum of ten dollars, without an order from the County Superintendent authorizing further disbursements for such purpose. All bills payable by towns must be presented to the Town Auditing Board for audit. All bills for supplies furnished to County paupers, must be presented to the County Superintendent of the Poor, for audit. All bills presented to the Board of Supervisors or any Aud- iting Board, must be verified by oath, stating that the same are correct in every particular, and that no compensation has been received for the same, or any part thereof, except as therein stated. INDEX. PAGE. AcT—For the protection of Quail and Fish 37 ALMS HOUSE COUNTY—Chaplain of, Salary 22 Resolutions that Board visit 12 Visit of Board to 19 Appropriation for iron bed -steads. 40 Appropriation for repairs of 43 Resolutions to investigate, report, etc. . 36 ANNUAL SESSION OP BOARD 5 AUDITS, COUNTY 6o TOWNS 66 to 90 Caroline 66 Danby 68 Dryden . 70 Enfield. . 74 Groton . 76 Ithaca 78 Lansing 84 Newfield 88 Ulysses. 89 BUDGET, COUNTY. 54 CAROLINE—Audits of 66 Resolution adding to audits 24, 28, Tax of Appropriation for Highways CHAIRMAN—Election of Complimentary to CLERK—Election of Complimentary to . ' To prepare commitment blanks COMPTROLLER—Communications of, to Board COMMITTEES or BOARD—Formation of and duties 8 Appointment of COMMITTEES SPECIAL On repairs of County Alms House 43 Heating Jail and Court House 39 On erroneous assessments 2I To visit Monroe County Penitentiary . . 19, 15 COMMITTEES REPORTS or—Treasurer's Accounts. 22 U. S. Deposit Fund and Insurance. . 46 State Charitable Institutions 47 Equalization and Assessment Rolls . 47, 52 Superintendent's Accounts 30 33, 36 55 26 6 58 6 58 59 7 9 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. COUNTY TREASURER—Annual report of i Report of Infant Heir Fund vii COMMUNICATIONS—Comptroller 7 CONSTABLES—To be in attendance at Court 13 CoLLEcTORs—Required to settle 45 COURT HousE—To be heated with steam 39 DANBY—Audits of 68 Tax of 555 Appropriations for Highways. DRYDEN—Audits of 70 Resolution adding to. z6 Tax of 55 DISTRICT ATTORNEY—Report of xxix ENFIELD—Audits of . • 74 Resolution adding to 25, 44 Tag of 56 Appropriation for highways 44 Report of Railroad Commissioners. xxx Report of Supervisor xxx ERRONEOUS ASSESSMENTS 21 Reports on . 42, 43, 45 EXPERT TESTIMONY . 46 Fee for examination in lunacy 1o, 13 GRAND JURY. II, 2I GROTON—Audits of. 76 Resolution adding to . 24 Report of Railroad Commissioners xxxii Report of Supervisor. xxxiii Tax of Town. 56 Appropriation for highways. 40 HIGHWAY TAXES—Returned unworked . 29, 39 ITHACA JouRNAL—Complimentary to . 58 ITHACA—Audits of . 78 Added by Resolution to Audits. 24 Tax of 56 Report of Railroad Commissioner xxxiv Report of Supervisor xxxvii INFANT HEIR FUND—Report of County Treasurer . vii Report of Committee 22 JAIL PHYSICIAN—Election of . 40 Salary of . Lo, 18, 40 LANSING—Audits of 84 Resolution adding to . 39 Tax of. 57 Appropriation for Highways 39 Resolution for Supervisor to raise money by notes . . . 59 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1889. MONROE COUNTY PENITENTIARY—Committee t0 visit 9, 15 Contract with. 21. Sheriff to convey prisoners . . 41 NEWFIELD—Audits of 88 Added to by Resolution. 35 Tax of. 57 Appropriation for Highways 18 �9 Report of Railroad Commissioners xxxviii Report of Supervisor xxxix Orders to be countersigned 8 PRINTING—Proceedings of Board 15 Session Laws io, 11 • Legal notices, claims, etc.,. 35 Official canvass 20 PRISONERS—To be sent to Penitentiary 21 Board of. 41 Sheriff to convey all prisoners to Rochester 41 ROAD TAX UNWORKED 25, 26, 29, 39 J REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. IO REPORTS, COUNTY OFFICERS—County Treasurer . i District Attorney xxix County Supt. of Poor . xi Justices of the Peace xxvi Loan Commissioners xxvii Sheriff xxv Surrogate's Clerk . xxviii County Clerk. xxv REPORTS, RAILROAD COMMISSIONERS AND SUPERVISORS. Enfield xxx Groton ii Ithaca . xxx Newfield. xxxiv xxxviii Ulysses xxxix RESOLUTIONS—To be in writing. 8 SUPERWSORS—Names and residence of 5 Accounts of 65 Room not to be used 59 SESSIONS OF BOARD 8, 9, TAxEs—State and County 54 to 57 ULYSSES—Audits of 89 Resolution to add to . 28, 33 Tax of. Report of Railroad Commissioner xxxix Report of Supervisor.xl Resolution to pay for rad machines. 26 Appropriation for Highways and Bridges 17 WILLARD ASYLUM—Resolution to visit 28 Visit to 33, 34 OFFICIAL CANVASS of Tompkins Count'''''"TABULAR STATEMENT of the votes given at the General Election held on the F11 • State Senator, Member of Assembly, Coroners and School Commissioner for the Second District ins for Secretary of State, Comptroller, State Treasurer, Attorney General, State S(`ATTERING VOTES.—For Secr)':ary �f.State Blank received five votes. For Comptroller Blank received ten. For State Treasurer Blank received six. For Attorney General : ciate Judge of the Court of'Appeals!r31ank received two. For Special County Judge Blank received three, Murray Pont received two. For State Senator Blank received one. For 1 Lewis received one. For Justice of Sessions Blank received eleven, J. Watson Brown received one, James A. Lewis received one. For School Commissioner Blank received one a The Board of County Canvassers of the County of Tompkins having met at the office of the Clerk of said County ou the 12th day of November in the year aforesaid, do certify th. election tfor the persons and officers named hereon and for each of them. R. A. CRO$IE L. A. VAN KIRK, County Clerk and Secretary. 1 Secretary of state. 11 Comptroller. State Treasurer. 11 Attorney General. (State Eng.&Surveyor.IIAss.J.CourtAp'IsllSpecial Co.Judgen Senat TOWNS. °n Whole number of votes. John I. Gilbert. V 84 Thomas K. Beecher. Jesse H. Griffin. - Whole number of vales. Martin W. Cooke. Edward Wemple. John B. Sullivan. BQnjamin L. Rand. Whole number of votes. Ira M. Hedges. Elliot Danforth. is Pi o 0 Joseph W. Bruce. Whole number of votes;) James M. Varnum. Charles F. Taber. James Wright. Coleridge A. Hart. Whole number of votes. Wm. I. VanRensselaer. John Bogart. Leonard Henkle. Alpheus B. Kenyon. Whole number of votes. Albert Haight. Denis O'Brien. Walter J. Farrington.. Whole number of votes. Judson A. Elston. Murray E. Poole. George E. Hanford. Whole number of votes. Thomas Hunter. m..11..- ITHACA 1 2 3 4" 5 6 7 Tot'] Tor] 378 413 339 391 308 338 342 2509 164 206 164 201 121 150 157 1163 203 197 164 172 181 175 173 1265 - 2 1 1 4 11 8 10 18 6 12 8 73 377 413 337 387 307 338 342 2501 164 206 183 205 122 148 157 1165 202 197 163 164 179 174 192 1251 2 3 1 4 11 8 10 . 18 6 12 8 73 377 413 338 390 308 338 342 2606 164 206 163 205 121 160 168 1167 202 197 164 167 181 176 171 1257 2 1 1 4 17 8 10 18 6 12 8 73 377 413 337 387 :08 '338 342 2602 164 206 163 205 122 150 157 1167 202 197 163 164 180 174 172 1252 2 1 1 4 11 8 10 18 6 12 8 73 377 413.206 338 390 368 338 34k 2506 163 160 202 121 149 157 1158 263 197 167 170 181 177 172 12F 7 - 2 1 1 4 11 1 10 18 6 11 8 72 • 0d,1-004000 0000, 0N 167 210 164 209 122 157 if 1189 197 194 162 161 179 169 171 1233 11 10 11 13 7 12 7 76 374 .416 334 387 3(8 334 390 2493 1t5 193 176 203 118 141 156 11'8 198 7 37- 213 10 414 148 10 336 166 18 389 185 7 309 .174 12 339 175 7 343 1257 75 2907 159 206 159 198 132 164 : 161 ;- 1169 1: DR YDEN 1 2 3 4 Tot'I 197 194 418 121 930 103 101 249 80 533 89 77 137 26 329 1 4 4 9 4 12 28 16 59 197 194 417 121 929 103 101 249 80 533 89 77 137 26 329 1 4 3 8 4 12 28 15 59 197 194 419 121 930 .103 101 249 80 533 89 77 139 26 730 1 4 3 8 4 12 - 28 15 59 197 194 417 121 929 103 101 247 80 531 89 77 139 26 331 1 4 3 8 4 12 28 15 69 197 194 418 121 930 103 101 249 80 533 89 77 138 26 330 1 4 3 8 4 12 28 15 59 196 190 418 116 920 102 103 -247 78 530 89 '77 143 26 335 6 10 28 12 55 194 190 418 116 918 106 102 247 78 527 89 78 143 96 336 6 1( 28 12 55 19e 191 418 126 925 171 101 246 1 77 525 1 GASOLINE. 1 2 Tot'l 138 205 489 67 124 2 8 55 77 169 2 2 14 4 20 1381 2c4 488 66 124 1297 56 76 37 Y 9 2 2 14 4 20'7 138 205 4189 67 124 107 2 8 55 77 37 169 2 2 14 4 2 20 138 67 56 2 14 205 124 77 4 146 37 2 298 169 21 20 138 67 205 124 146 07 489 2107 55 2 14 77 4 169 2J 20 138 204 146 488 68 123 108 299 56 77 36 169 14 4 2 20 138 201 146 488 68 123 105 296 66 77 73 170 14 4 4 22 136 205 42 85 64 121 105 290 1 GROTON 1 2 3 Tot') 190 437 227 '804 95 262 126. 483 23 110 89 222 - 3 1 4 22 62 11 95 140 436 226 801 9b 263 126 484 23 108 88 219 '3 3 22 140 61 437 12 229 95 806 95 270 127 492 29 102 90 216 3 3 22 62 '12 96 140 436 226 802 95 263 126 484 '23 708 88 219 3 3 '22 �62 12 96. 190 436 227 803 95 263 126 484 23 ,108 89 220 22 3 62 12 \3 96 141 432 228 801 92 264 127 483 26 108 89 222 24 60 12 96 141 432 228 801 94 264 127 495 26 107 89 221 22 61 12 96 740 -936 228 803 93 262 1 123 478 2 LANSING 1 2 3 Tot'l 145 144 189 47 8 95 75 91 261 46 62 94 201 4 1 2 6 2 2 8 8 145 144 189 478 96 73 9l 259 45 64 94 203 4 2 2 8 1 5 2 8 146 144 189 478 96 75 91 261 95 62 94 201 4 '2 2 8 . 1 5 2 8 145 144 189 478 95 75 91 261 45 62 . 94 201 4 2 2 8 '1 5 2 8 145 194 189 478 96 76 91 261 46 62 94 201 4 2 22 8�D 1 5 8 141 142 187 470 97 • 76 93 266 48 61 93 197 1 6 1 7 141 142 186 969 97 75 92 264 43 62 93 198 1 6 1 7 143 149 189 476 99 76 92 267 2 ULYSSES 1 rot') 460 176 636 311 4 11 38 64 202 22 11 635 4131 1:3 198 10 12 22 460 176 636 312 0 4 12 136 64 2 0 11 12x19361 '23 312 76 100 412 135 64 199 2311 636 4111 2011 1 23j 63411 ) 4091 203 221 1634 408 203 23 636 411 2 NEWFIELD1 T t'11 401 4999 187 229 210 266 4 4 401 499 42 2229 210 56 266 4 4 401 48 99 189 42 231 208 58 264 487 Oa 1 499 14872 229 2106 266 4 4 403 98 601 187 42 229 56 2681 4 4 403 98 601 187 42 229 210 56 266 6 6 403 508 1 186 0 226 211 56 267 6 6 903 98 501 188 2 42 230 2 1 291 DANBY 2 T t'1 376 6 169 62 231 4 12 129 4 12 291 85 376 leo 2 31 106 23 129 4 4 12 12 291 169 106 85 62 29 376 231 1 12 41 12 106 62 23 33 761 2311 129 4 12 4 12 291 85 376 169 62 231 15 29 4 121 289 373 109 22 231 131 11 11 11 82 60 31 11 13701 2281.1 2891 85 62 1 374 2301 ' ENFIELD1 1 11 3111 153 147 2 . 9 3111 153 147 2 9 1 3111" 1531 1471 21 91 3111 1531 1471 21 9 1 3111 1531 1471 21 ;911 3071 1511 1471 911 3071 1511 1471 91 3091 1511 1 1701813764129111 811 202117081Is77AI909I Q1l Qnnl anoomvacinoiol 4,I onnlinnanioncolononi vn RnoIlannAIQQQn lnnnoi on'II.,OQ11Q'Av9OVAI QAQIMmulnSRlwn TOTALII 11703213762 2930 33 302 S(`ATTERING VOTES.—For Secr)':ary �f.State Blank received five votes. For Comptroller Blank received ten. For State Treasurer Blank received six. For Attorney General : ciate Judge of the Court of'Appeals!r31ank received two. For Special County Judge Blank received three, Murray Pont received two. For State Senator Blank received one. For 1 Lewis received one. For Justice of Sessions Blank received eleven, J. Watson Brown received one, James A. Lewis received one. For School Commissioner Blank received one a The Board of County Canvassers of the County of Tompkins having met at the office of the Clerk of said County ou the 12th day of November in the year aforesaid, do certify th. election tfor the persons and officers named hereon and for each of them. R. A. CRO$IE L. A. VAN KIRK, County Clerk and Secretary. • 1 1 day of November, A. D..1889, in the several Election Districts in the County of Tomp- gineer and Surveyor, Associate Judge of the Court of Appeals, Special County Judge u, Aa r. II Assemb.v. II II ° "' oW 1 Coroners Jus'sSessionsI1 School Com'r. Isaac C. Andrews. Whole number of votes. Nelson Stevens. Nicholas Pearson. flpheus H. Porter. Whole number of votes. J. Watson Brown. Lysander T. White. William Fitch. James A. Lewis. P; a aa. o a o 5 Daniel Atwell. Whole number of votes. Walker V. Personius. Stephen M. Oltz. Whole number of votes. Frank W. Knapp. IAlbert H. Overacker. 0 O X v al 7 11 7 10 :5 12 8 23 0 7 4 11 3 9 4 83 379 415 335 391 309 3:9 341 2509 142 201 148 193 117 141 147 1089 DSW � CO -00--1 10 9 10 16 6 9 9 69 771 820 666 778 616 672 674 4997 189 208 161 204 133 153 185 1233 174 205 161 203 138 152 159 192 202 195 161 160• 167 169 165 1225 184 192 161 167 166 172 147 1189 11 10 11 19 6 13 9 79 10 10 11 19 6 13 9 78 372 403 322 371 301 324 341 2434 170 208 160 203 137 165 160 1193 202 194 162 167 164 169 170 1228 9 6 9 11 4 28 9 19 2 58 197 194 418 120 029 104 97 249 79 529 28 87 194 31 351 5 10 25 10 50 310 389 835 240 1849 101 101 250 79 531 101 101 251 79 532 89 77 138 25 329 89 77 138 25 324• 6 19 29 16 64 5 14 29 16 64 190 178 389 104 861 101 101 251 79 532 89 77 138 25 329 197 191 412 118 •8 94, 107 240 74 511 14)2 71 145 33 351 5 13 26 1I 65 14 4 18 14 4 18 121 201 144 466 6! 123 104 292 5 ' • .37 204 145 1436 24 116 91 232 104 84 38 22f 9 4 14 27 14 1 5 • 2 I 21 138 205 146 489 61 123 103 287 65 78 41 184 12 4 2 18 274 410 288 972 66 123 109 293 67 123 104 294 57 78 40 176 55 78 40 174 23 60 12 95 23 60 12 95 117 366 214' 69 9? " • +5 89 218 144 100 487 267 228 128 809 495 24 106 88 218 20 64 12 96 4 29 3 60 7 18 4 101 145 444 229 818 117 304 131 562 12 92 89 198 16 48 9 73 280 847 456 1583 93 268 127 478 93 268 127 478 24 105 89 218 24 106 89 219 5 1 6 6 1 6 7 ! • 12 466 44 61 96 201 141 98 143 79 188 95 472 272 43 58 92 193 6 1 7 4 1 7 5 1 1 8 144 147 189 480 99 98 90 287 45 46 98 189 3 1 4 282 286 478 996 97 77 92 266 97 77 92 266 44 61 96 201 44 61 96 201 13 12 25 1' 3I1 ' ' +I 99 .3 410 139 64 203 1 12 4 10 B 22 463 174 637 310 98f 408 142 64 206 11 12 23 926 350 1276 311 99 410 311 97 408 139 64 203 139 65 204 14 198 98 1_ 496 188 40 228 210 58 268 1 4 6 7 4 405 98 503 174 36 210 225 62 287 6 6 806 196 1002 187 90 227 187 90 227 203 58 261 210 58 268 10 11 13 13 11 291 85 376 169 58 227 109 13 27 136 13 582 170 752 169 169 62 62 231 231 110 23 133 110 23 133 12 12 12 12 279 85 364 169 62 231 110 23 133 i91 911 3091 1331 1691 711 6161 1471 1t5 151 135 91 911 300 127 173 I 71 31711705013722130631 2631113993138161379312896128621 3221 3121�6700�370 lank received eight. For State Engineer and Surveyor Blank received six. For Asso- ember of Assembly Blank received two. For Coroners Dr. Brown received one, J. A. d Alice Mount received one. the foregoing is a true Tabular Statement and footings of votes cast at said , Chairman Board of County Canvassers. a tir6 .°a .4 1-4 � 1-40 Az O� 4 • 7€1' d mog 6. d a+5 ZF Era A a.a o-•i.p 14 b ° cy W -V UO �m A Oy ma �l) z gra .1 A ao • w Fe"' O a++ Uy m Ham a wSo O�q0 HaloO 4:411 • ^ O V. a Ea t7 z.3mdb o ;a -a C &471 Fpm aQ M�a • 4 0