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ITOWIPIKIINS (Uq)ITNg 'W- OF T KIE, a OF THE :bard of Supervisors IFOR THI 1 MAR R@@3• 0 DAVID CROCKER, - - - - - Chairman. D. P. H®DSOM, - - - - - Clerk. ITHACA, N. Y.! Democrat Steam Book and Job Printing House. 1888. NNUAI, SESSI0TI . ol • er r� OAR OP SUPERVISORS '0F TOMPKINS COUNTY-1883. Pursuant to law, the'suliervisors of the several towns of Tomp- kins County, New York, 'convened in annual session at the Super- visors' Rooms in the Court House, at Ithaca, in said County, on the t4th day of November,] 883, at 9 o'clock A. M. The Board was called,to order by Devoe P. Hodson, Clerk of the Board of 7.882, and on calling the roll of towns in the County, all the Supervisors answered to their names respectively, as follows: TO. N. MEMBER. P. O. ADDRESS. Caroline JAMEs BoicE - - - - SlaterVille Danby JOHN E. BEERS - - - Danby Dryden GEORGE M. ROCKWELL - Dryden Enfield - DANIEL W. BAILEY - - - Enfield Groton ALBERT G.' CHAPMAN - Groton Ithaca , - RICHARD A. CRoziER - - - Ithaca Lansing DAVID CROCKER - Five Corners, Cayuga Co. Newfield RANDOLPH HORTON - - Newfield Ulysses LEvz J. WHEELER - - Trumansburg On motion of Mr. Crocker, Daniel W. 'Bailey was unanimously chosen temporary chairman. B SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. On !notion of Mr. Chapman, the Board proceeded to an informal ballot for permanent chairman. Messrs. Beerst and Wheeler were appointed tellers to superintend the ballots. The ballot resultycl m follows; Whole number of votes; cast,, 9'; of which David Crocker received 5;`John E. Beers, 2; George M Rockwell,. 1; Blank, 1. On motion of Mr. Chapman the election of Mr. Crocker was made unanimous. Mr. Crocker then addressed the Board as, follows: GENTLEMEN OF THE BOARD: In rising to thank you for this honor conferred,. I can do no less? than say that I esteem it a high compliment to be chosen to this position by the vote of the entire Board, and it i.s all the more gratifying because bestowed voluntarily, unsought and unasked. In return I will endeavor to the best of my ability to avoid all par- tiality to parties or sections. I assure you I will endeavor to treat all with courtesy, fairness and respect. We must bear in mind that we are convened at this time to take in charge the material interests of the whole county, and, as I remarked on a former occasion, I trust all bills and claims presented for audit will be carefully con- sidered in order that taxpayer and claimant.may alike receive jus- tice at our hands. Gentlemen, I now await your further Measure. a On motion of Mr. Beers an informal ballot for Clerk was taken, with the following result: Whole number of votes cast, 9; of which Devoe P. Hodson re- ceived 7; James McLachlan, 1; Blank 1. On motion of Mr. Beers, Mr. Hodson was declared- unanimously elected Clerk. Mr. Hodson briefly thanked the Board for its unanimous action, and accepted the office of Clerk; whereupon the Chairman declared the. Board duly organized, and ready to proceed to business. Mr. Horton presented the following resolution, which was, on motion of Mr. Boce, adopted: ANNT AIL SESSI®T4 13OARD10F SUPERVISORS OF TOMPRINS COUNTY-1883. Purnant to law, the supervisors of the several towns of Tomp- lins County, New York, convened in annual session at the Super- visors' Rooms in the Court House, at Ithaca, in said County, on the 1 4th day of November, 1883, at 9 o'clock A. M. The Board was called,to order by Devoe P. Hodson, Clerk of the Board of 1.882, and on calling the roll of towns in the County, all the Supervisors answered to their names respectively, as follows: TOWN. MEMBER. P. O. ADDRESS. Caroline JAMES BoicE - - Slateryille Danby - . JOHN E. BEERS - - - Danby Dryden GEORGE Al. ROCKWELL - Dryden Enfield - DANIEL W. BAILEY - - - Enfield Groton - ALBERT G. ' CHAPMAN Groton Ithaca RICHARD A. CRoziER • - - - Ithaca Lansing DAVID CROCPER - Five Corners,' Cayuga Co. Newfield RANDor.PH HORTON - - - Newfield Ulysses LEVI J. WHEELER - Trumansburg On motion of Mr. Crocker, Daniel W. Bailey was unanimously chosen temporary chairman. i 6 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. On motion of Mr. Chapman, the Board proceeded to an informal ballot for permanent chairman. Messrs. HeEns• and.Wheeler were appointed tellers to superintend the ballots. The ballot resulted as follows: Whole number of votes; cast,, 91; of which David Crocker received 5;`John E. Beers, 2; George M Rockwell,1; Blank, 1. On motion . of Mr. Chapman the election of Mr. Crocker was made unanimous. Mr. Crocker then addressed the Board as follows: GENTLEMEN OF THE BOARD: In rising to thank you for this honor conferred,. I can do no less than say that I esteem it a high compliment to be chosen to this position by the vote of the entire Board, and it is all the more gratifying because bestowed voluntarily, unsought and unasked. In return I will endeavor to the best of my ability to avoid all par- tiality to parties or sections. I assure you I will endeavor to treat all with courtesy, fairness. and respect. We must bear in mind that we are convened at this time to take in charge the material interests of the whole county, and, as I remarked on a former occasion, I trust all bills and claims presented for audit will be carefully con- sidered in order that taxpayer and claimant may alike receive jus- tice at our hands. Gentlemen, I now await your further Measure. a On motion of Mr. Beers an informal ballot for Clerk was taken, with the following result: Whole number of votes cast, 9; of which Devoe P. Hodson re- ceived 7; James McLachlan, 1; Blank 1. On motion of Mr. Beers, Mr. Hodson was declared unanimously elected Clerk. Mr. Hodson briefly thanked the Board for its unanimous action, and accepted the office of Clerk; whereupon the Chairman declared the. Board duly organized, and ready to proceed to business. Mr. Horton presented the following resolution, which was, on motion of Mr. Biice, adopted: SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Resolved, That all resolutions of this Board by the members thereof; be pre- sented in writipg and'signed by the Supervisor pre a tmg the same, unless otherwise ordered by the Board. Mr, Boice offered thefollowi�ng resolution, which was, on motion of Mr. Beers, opte"d; Resolved,%That the salary of the CleAt of this Board be fixed at the sum of one'hn dyed and fifty dollars ($00). Mr. Morton offered the following resolution, which was, on iu6, tion of Mr. Chapman, adopted: Resolved, That all county orders issued by this Board be countersigned by. the Chairman, and all town orders by the Supervisors of the several towns; and that -no order shall be issued without the consent of the Board until after the final adjournment of this Board. Mr. Bailey presented the report of Clarence •L. Smith, District Attorney, as to fines imposed and collected in criminal cases, pros= ectited by him since January 1st, 1883, which report Was; on mo= tion of Mr. Boice, accepted and ordered spread upon the minutes; (See Reports.) Mr. Beers offered the following resolutions, which were, on motion of Mr. I3orton, unanimously adopted: Resolved; That the Committees of this Board be formed the same as they were in 1882. Resolved, That it shall be the duty of the Committee on Constables', Clerk's and Justices' Accounts, to audit all claims of said officers. Resolved, That it shall be the duty of the Committee on Treasurer's, Sher- iff's and Judge's Accounts to audit all claims and carefully examine all re- ports and accounts of such officers. Resolved, That it shall be the duty of the Equalization Committee to equal- ize the assessments of the several towns; to examine the affidavits of the asses- sors to the several assessment rolls and to carefully scrutinize and foot said rolls. Resolved, That it shall be the duty of the Committee on Superintendents' Accounts and County Buildings to visit the alms -house at least once during the session of this Board; to examine and report upon said officers' accounts to examine the county buildings and report upon the condition of the same. Resolved, That it shall be the duty of the Committee on Qougty (laigis tq audit all claims against the county, except such claipgs a$ are otherwise pro; vided for is thcsc resolutions. S SUPERVISORS' PROCEFDIXGS. Resolved, That it shall be the duty of the Committee on U. S. Deposit Fund and Insurance to examine the accounts of such officers and to see that the County Buildings are properly insured. Resolved, That it be the duty of the Committee on, Printing to procure -anti arrange for all printing authorized .by this Board, and to audit all bills and claims against.this county for printing that may be presented for audit. Resolved, That it shall be the duty of the Committee on State, Charitabre Institutions to audit and examine, and report upon all Maims and reports of such institutions which may have claims or have reported to this county. Mr. Wheeler offered the following resolution, which was, art motion of Mr. Boice, adopted: Resolved, That this Board et>nvene at 9 o'clock a. to. and 2 o'clock p. m. At 22 o'clock, on motion, Board adjourned. ` Afternoon Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call —Full Board. Mr. Crozier offered the following resolution: Resolved, That the Ithaca Democrat and Ithaca Journal be designated as the newspapers in which the current proceedings of this Board be published. On motion of Mr. Beers action upon the' above resolution was deferred until to -morrow (Thursday) morning at ten o'clock: Mr. Wheeler offered the following resolution, which was secon- ded by Mr. Beers: Resolved, That, by and with the consent of the Board of Supervisors, the Supervisor of each town may name the amount of dog tax to 'be levied and collected in such.town for the present year, provided that such tax shall not be less than fifty cents on each dog. On motion of Mr. Rockwell, action on the .above resolution was deferred until to -morrow (Thursday) morning at 10 o'clock. Mr. Chapman offered the following resolution, which was, on motion of Mr. Horton, adopted: Resolved, That in accordance with Cbap. 247, Laws of 1883, the Board of Supervisors do hereby designate the Commanders of the several Grand Army . Posts in this county as the proper pArsons to act when applied to in case of SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 9 burial of indigent deceased soldiers,-andthat-they be governed by Sections 1 and 2,_Chapter 247 Laws of 1883, in performing such services, and that the expense so incurred shall be a town charge in the town wherein such soldier may have gained a residence. The communication to the Board from the State Comptroller was read by the Clerk, and was, on motion of Mr. Horton, accepted, and ordered spread upon the minutes, and is as follows: STATE OF NEW YORK, COMPTROLLER'S, OFFICE, ALBANY, October 12th, 1883. To the Clerk.of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins SIR:—I.enclose a form of statement of the valuation of.ReIal and Personal estate required to be made byyou, pursuant to Chapter 117 of the Laws of 1836, and forwarded to this office previous to the second Monday in December in each year, under a penalty of fifty dollars. I also enclose a form of Return of Incorporated Companies liable to taxation. D is indispensable that. this re- port be furnished by the time prescribed. The Board of Equalization of Taxes, in pursuance of Chapter 312, of the Laws of 1859, have fixed the aggregate valuation of property in your County at the sum of $13,115,499, upon which amount a State tax of $42,625.37 must be levied for -the current fiscal year, commencing October 1st, 1883, as provi- ded in said act and amendments thereto, by Chapter 351, Laws of 1874, being 3 25-100 mills on the dollar, for the following purposes, viz.: For Schools................1 079.1000 mills, per Chapter 376. Laws of 1883. For general purposes..:...1 1241000 " 376, " . 1883. For Canals................1 047-1000 " " 373, 471 and 495, Laws of 1883, Total ........ 3 25100 mills. « Your obedient servant, IRA DAVENPORT, Comptroller. P. S.—The non-resident taxes credited to your County for 1882, amount to $128.09. At six o'clock, on motion, the Board adjourned. 0 10 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS.. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER loth. Morning Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call —Pull Board. Minutes of yesterday's proceedings read and approved. The Chairman announced the following standing committees of the Board: Committees of the Board of Supervisors, 1883. Chairman—DAVID CROCKER. Clerk—DEVOE P. HODSON. Constables', Clerk's and �Tustices' Accounts, Crozier, Bailey, Chapman. Treasurer's, Sheri .F's and Nudge's Accounts, Rockwell, Wheeler, Boice. . Egualization and Assessment Rolls, Horton, Beers, Crozier, Rockwell, Bailey. . Superintendent's Accounts and County -Buildings, Bailey, Wheeler, Chapman. County Claims, Beers. Horton, Boice. U. S. Deposit Fiend and Insurance; Wheeler, Chapman, Crozier. Public Printing, Chapman, Beers, Crozier. State Charitable Institutions, Boice, Rockwell, Horton. Mr. Wheeler presented the report of the Bonding Commissioners of the Town of Ulysses, as also his report as Supervisor of 'the bonded indebtedness of said town, which were, on motion of Mr. Crozier, accepted. (See Reports.) On motion of Mr. Horton, the resolution heretofore offered by 0 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. lI Mr. Crozier, relative to the -publishing- of`the current proceedings _— ==of-this`Board was referred to the Committee on Public Printing, with power. Mr. Bailey offered the following resolution, which was, on mo= tion of Mr. Boice, adopted: .Resolved, That whenever it shall become necessary for the District Attorney in the discharge of his duty as such officer to incur necessary expenses in the discharge of his duties outside of the county, he may present the same to the County Treasurer, accompanied with an affidavit as to their correctness, -and the Treasurershall pay the same out of any moneys in his hands, not otherwise specially appropriated. , Such account shall be presented to the, next Board of Supervisors to be -audited by items the same as other county bills. The following petition, presented by Mr. Boice was, on motion of Mr. Crozier, accepted, and the prayer of the petitioners granted: We, the Assessors of the Town of Caroline, would respectfully) petition your honorable body, the Supervisors of the County of Tompkins, that. you make the following changes of the real estate in the assessment roll of 1883, of said town, to -wit: the U. I. & E. Railway depot, to Reuben Tucker; the D. L. & W. rail- way depot to Alvin Merrill; the Besemers depot to Josiah Besemer; the par- sonage, M. E. Church, Speedsville, to Trustees; the parsonage, M. E. Church, Slaterville, to Trustees; the parsonage, Baptist Church, Brookton, to Trustees; the parsonage, Dutch Church, Boiceville, to Trustees; the valuation remaining the same, and oblige J. O. LILLIBRIDGE, CANTINE LOUNSBERY, Assessors. HORACE E. PATCH, Mr. Beers, Chairman of the Committee on County Claims, re- ported the following bills, which were audited, seriatim, by the Board, in accordance with the recommendation of the committee: Bills 1, 2, 3. 4, 6, 7, 18, 19. Mr. Rockwell presented the abstract of Town .Audits for the town 'of Dryden, which was, on motion of Mr. Iiorton, accepted. (See Town'Audits.) o Mr. Rockwell also offered the following resolutions, which were, on motion of Mr. Bailey, adopted: Resolved, That in accordance with resolutions adopted at othe Town Meet- Q 12 SUPFRVISORSI .PROCEEDINGS. ing held at Dryden Centre, Feb. 27, 1883, the sum of (t500) five hundred dol- lars be levied upon taxable property of the town of Dryden, for the support, of the poor. Resolved, That the sum of ($606.55) six hundred and six and 55.100 dollars be levied and collected in the town of Dryden, tor.tbe payment of the purchase . money authorized by resolutions passed at said Town Meeting, for four Pen- nock road scrapers. Resolved, That the appropriations ordered by resolutions at said Town Meeting be levied and collected in the town of Dryden for the following pur- poses- ($250) two hundred and fifty dollars as allowed by statute for support of roads and bridges; ($75) seventy-five dollars for a culvert in District No. 159; ($150) one hundred and fifty dollars for a culvert near the residence of Mr. Anthony Davenport; ($50) fifty dollars for a culvert near the residence of Mr. George Hanford; ($75) seventy five dollars for repairing dug way near the residence of Mr. Charles Givens; ($50) fifty dollars for the construction of an 'abutment at Iced Mills. Resolved, That in accordance with a resolution adopted by the Board of Town Auditors at Dryden Centre, Nov. 8, 1883; the sum of ($1080) one thous- and and eighty dollars, for the purpose of defraying the expenses of the con- struction of an iron bridge across Virgil Creek on Mill street in Dryden vil- lage, be levied and collected in the town of Dryden, the Commissioner Hof Highways having been authorized to construct said bridge by the Board of Auditors, April 7tb, 1883. The communications to the Board from the Willard Asylum for the Insane were read by the Clerk and, on motion of, Mr. Boice, were accepted and ordered spread upon the minutes, and are as follows: WILLARD ASYLUM FOR THE INSANE, TREASURER'S OFFICE, OVID, N. Y., Sept. 30, 1883. To the Treasurer and'Clerk of Board of Supervisors, County of Tompkins: You are requested to present the following communication to your Board of Supervisors at their ensuing session: The number:of insane persons in the Asylum chargeable to the County of Tompkins at. this date is 61. It is estimated there will be required for the maintenance of patients' now in the. Asylum, for the.ensuing year, the sum of $8,405.80; and, for clothing, $854. Total, $9,259.80. In order to comcply with the spirit and letter of the law, which requires that all purchases for the Asylum be made for cash, and prohibits the trustees G SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDI\GS. IS from contracting debts, the Board of 'Supervisors is respectfully requested to, make the requisite provision for the support of patients in the asylum, to en- able.the Treasurer to meet the current expenditures as they occur. Respectfully yours, JAMES B. THOMAS, Treasurer. STATE OF NEW YORK, WILLARD ASYLUM FOR THE INSANE, 1 _ WILLARD,. October 1, 1883. - To the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins: At a meeting of the trustees of the Willard Asylum for the insane, held. Sept. 40b, 1883, the Board, as required by law, fixed the rate to ,be charged for the maintenance of patients for the ensuing year,. commencing this .day, at two dollars and sixty-five cents each, per week. ($2.65.) By direction of the Trustees, JOHN B. CHAPIN, Medical Superintendent. Mr. Boice presente'Xthe abstract of Town Audits for •the town of Caroline, which was, on motion. of Mr. Horton, accepted. (See Town Audits.) At 12 o'clock, on motion, Board adjourned. Afternoon Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call —all present. The following resolution, offered by Mr. Boice, was, on motion of Mr. Crozier, adopted: Resolved, That after Friday, November 24th; this Board will receive no more town or county bills during this session, unless they be bills that have been or may be incurred by this Board. The greater part of the afternoon session was occupied by the several committees at their Work. At six o'clock, the committees having risen, on motion Board adjourned. 14 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16th. Morning Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call —Full Board. Minutes of yesterday's proceedings read and approved. Mr.'Beers, Chairman of the Committee on County Claims, re- ported the following bills which were audited, seriatim, by the Board, in accordance with the recommendation of the Committee: Bills numbers 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 29, 32, 36, 37. Mr. Crozier, Chairman of the Committee on Constables', Clerk's and Justices' Accounts, reported the following bills, which were audited, seriatim, by the Board, in accordance with the recommen- dation of the Committee: Bills numbers 8, 10, 11, 13, 14, 17, 20, 21, 27,.30. Mr. Wheeler presented the abstract of Town Audits for the Town of Ulysses, which ' was, on motion of Mr. Beers, accepted. (See Town Audits.) Mr. Wheeler also offered the following resolution, which was, on motion of Mr. Beers, adopted: Resolved, That there be assessed and levied upon the taxable property of the Town of Ulysses the sum of $250; said amount to be applied by the Commis- sioners of Highways for maintaining highways and bridges. Mr. Bailey presented the abstract of Town Audits for the Town of Enfield, which was, on motion of Mr. Morton, accepted. (See Town Audits.) At 12 o'clock, on motion, Board adjourned. Afternoon Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call —all present. The resolution heretofore offered by Mr. Wheeler, relative to dog tax, was. Galled from the table, whereupon Mr. Beers moved SUI'ERVISORS' PROCE DINGS. 15 that action upon the same be indefinitely p.ostponed, which was carried, Mr. Bailey o(l;ered the following resolution,_ which_ was. on r— motion of-l�Ii: Boise; adopted Resolved, That at the request of the Supervisor of the Town of Ulysses, the 3 tax on dogs for the ensuing year for that town be fixed at one dollar on single dog, two dollars on second dog and three dollars on bitcb, in accordance with o a resolution of the Board of Supervisors, passed Nov. 22d, 1876, and act amendatory thereof, passed Dec. 9th, 1878. Mr. Horton presented the abstract of Town Audits for the town of Newfield, which was, 6n motion of Mr. Beers, accepted. (See Town Audits.) Mr. Horton also presented the report of the Bonding Commis- sioners of the town of New field,. as also his report, as Supervisor, of the bonded indebtedness of said town, together with the subjoined resolution, which reports were, on motion of Mr. Boice, accepted, and the resolution -adopted. (See Reports.) Mr. Horton also offered the following resolution, which was, on motion of Mr. Beers, adopted: Resolved, That there be assessed and levied upon the taxable property of the town of Newfield, the sum of $250.00; said amount to be applied by the Commissioner of Highways of said town for maintaining highways and 1 bridges. Mr. Boice offered the following resolutions, which were, on mo- tion of Mr. Rockwell, adopted: Resolved, That there be levied and collected from the taxable property of the town of Caroline, the sum of three hundred and sixty-one dollars and eighty cents ($361.80), for the purpose of paying the damages and interest awarded to .John A. D. Cooper and William Personius, in laying out a high- way through the premises of said Cooper and Personius, said damages and interest to be paid to Commissioner Spencer H. Jansen, who has charge of the payment of said damages. Also Resolved, That in accordance with a vote at the last annual Town Meeting there be levied and collected upon the taxable property of the town of Caro- line, in addition to the two hundred and fifty dollars allowed by the statute, the sum of four hundred and fifty dollars ($450), two hundred dollars ($200) of said sum to be appropriated by the Commissioner for opening the new 16 SUPRRVISORS' PROC1.I; MGS, road, extending from Brookton to Bald Hill; and the remaining two hundred and fifty dollars for extraordinary repairs of roads and bridges. Also Resolved, That in accordance with a resolution adopted by the Town Board June 22d, 1883, there be levied and collected upon the taxable property of the town of Caroline, the sum of five hundred dollars (8500) for extraordinary_ re, pairs of roads and bridges in said town. Also Resolved, That in accordance with a resolution adopted at the last annual Town Meeting, that the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars ($250) be levied and collected upon the taxable property of the town of Caroline, for the sup- port of the poor of said town. Also Resolved, That there be levied and collected upon the taxable property of the town of Caroline, the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars ($250), the amount allowed by law. Mr. George H. Baker, Overseer of the Poor of the Town 'of Ithaca, appeared *before the Board and asked that by reason of the usefulness at the County Alms House of Daniel McCuun, a pauper chargeable to the Town of Ithaca, he be transferred and charge- able to the County of Tompkins. Whereupon Mr. Crozier offered the following resolution: -Resolved, That the,applicatiou of the Overseer of the Poor of Ithaca in re gard to Daniel McCuun (inmate of County House) be referred to the Commit- tee on Superintendent's Accounts and County Buildings to investigate and report. On motion of Mr. Bailey, action upon the above resolution was deferred until to -morrow (Saturday) morning at ten o'clock. Mr. Crozier, Chairman of the Committee on Constables', Clerk's and Justices' Accounts, reported favorably upon the following bills, which were audited, seriatim, by the Board, in accordance with the . recommendation of the Committee: . Bills numbers 71, 75, 68, 43, 55, 105, 65, 16, 85, 89, 15. Mr. Crozier also recommended that bills numbers 90_and 54, both in favor of the grillage of Ithaca, for services of the police of Itha- aca as constables, be audited at the sums of ,$39.20 and $207.20 respectively. Whereupon Mr. Beers offered the following resolution which, on motion of,Mr. Horton, was adopted: SUPERVISORS' PROCREDINGS. 17 Resolved, That bills Nos. 96 and 54 be and are hereby. referred back to the proper Committee with instructions that they refer them to the Committee of the Whole. At six o'clock, on motion,,Boardadjourned. SATURDAY, NOV'EMBER 17th, Morning Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call —Full Board. The following communication was read by the clerk: Son. David Crocker, Chairman Board Supervisors: DEAR SiR-. A committee. from -the Tompkins County visiting committee, a branch of the State Charities Aid. Association, desire to meet with the Board of Supervisors; will you kindly indicate what time during your session will be convenient for you to receive their committee. Reapectful,ly, Ithaca, Nov. 17, 1883. A. S. APGAR, Sec'y. On.motion of Mr. Beers, the time forreceiving such committee was fixed for next Wednesday morning (November 21st) at ten o'clock. Mr. Horton offered the following resolution, which was, on mo- tion of Mr. Crozier, adopted: Resolved, That the Board proceed to elect a Jail Physician for the ensuing year. On motion of Mr. Boice an informal ballot was taken for • Jail Physician, with the following result: Whole number of votes cast, 9; of which E. H. Kyle received 4; J. S. Kirkendall received 2; G. M. Beckwith received 2; Blank, 1. A formal ballot was then taken; with the following result: Whole number of votes cast, 9; of which E. H. Kyle received 6; J. S. Kirkendall received 1; G. M. Beckwith received 1; Blank, 1. The Chairman declared Dr. Kyle duly elected Jail Physician for the ensuing year. IS SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Mr. Rockwell offered the following• resolution, which was, on motion of Mr. Crozier, adopted: Resolved, That the compensation of the Jail Physician, including medicines, be ninety dollars for the year, commencing Nov. 25th, 1883, and the above amount, be appropriated for the payment of the salary of said Jail Physician. Air. Crozier offered the following resolution, which was, on mo- tion of Mr. Horton, adopted: Resolved, That the Committee on County Buildings investigate a request by County Clerk for book case, to which to keep valuable books now scattered. Also, to decide who are to be custodians of three volumes of Revised Statutes (about to be purchased by county) when not in use at Court House. Mr. Horton offered the following resolution, which was, on mo- tion of Mr. Bailey, adopted: Resolved, That the matter of printing the official canvass be referred to the committee on printing with power. . Mr. Rockwell, Chairman of the Committee on Treasurer's, Sher-. iff's and Judge's accounts, reported favorably upon the following bill, which was audited by the Board, in accordance with the rec- ommendation of the committee. Bill Number 74. Mr. Beers, Chairman of the Committee on County Claims, report- ed favorably upon the following bills, which were audited, seriatim, by the Board, in accordance with the recommendation of the com- mittee: Bills numbers 58, 59, 41, 69, 72, 92, 38, 91, 102, 84, 83, 100, 78, 87, 40, 62, 77, 44, 64, 70, 60,•63, 35, 53, 57, 56, 46, 28, 48, 97, 82, 96, 73, 93, 52, 66, 103, 50, 67, 45, 47, 99, 95, 101: , At twelve o'clock, on motion, Board adjourned to reconvene on Monday afternoon, November 19th, at two o'clock. SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 19 MONDAY, NOVEMBER 19th. Afternoon Session. Board met pursuant to adjourn-- t. Roll call —all present except Chairman Crocker, Jn-the-absence of Chairman Crocker, Mr. Beers was appointed "Chairman pro tem. Minutes of -last day's proceedings read and approved. ' The greater part of the -afternoon session was occupied by the several committees at their work. At six o'clock, the' committees having risen, Mr. Crozier offered the following resolution, which was, . on motion of Mr. Horton,. adopted: Resolved, That the Committee on Superintendent's Accounts and - County. Buildings, visit the County Alms House on Tuesday, November 20tb. There being no present business, on motion, Board adjourned. TU'ESDAY, NOVEMBER 20th. Morning Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call —all present except Chairman Crocker. In the.absence of Chairman Crockeri Mr, Beers was continued as _ Chairman pro tem. Mr. Crozier presented the following petition, which was, on mo- tion of Mr. Bailey, accepted, and the prayer of the petitioners granted: To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: The,petition of the undersigned, the Assessors of the town ,of Ithaca, re- spectfully shows: That by mistake and inadvertence an assessment for $1,000.00; personal es- tate, was assessed against Theodore Dobrin, of Ithaca, N. Y., and now stands, on the assessment roll of said town for this year.. Wherefore your petitioners 20 SUPERVISORS' PROCEVMIVGS. a' pray that the said assessment roll may be corre8ted, and, the .said assessment be stricken from said assessment roll. Dated November 20, 1883. S. B. BEERS, Assessors. PETER KLINE, Subscribed and sworn to before me, Nov. 20, 1883. D. P. HODSON, Notary Public. Mr. Bailey offered the following resolution, which was, on mo- tion of Mr. Boice, adopted: Resolved, That there be 5,000 pamphlets of the proceedings ' of this Board printed and that we dispense with the printing of the same in the papers, on the ground that they are printed at so late date, that as a matter of news they are stale and uninteresting to the reading public. Mr. Wheeler offered the following ,resolution, which was, on motion of Mr. Rockwell, adopted: ' Resolved, That the Grand Jury list be apportioned among the several towns (based upon the census of 1880) as follows: Caroline, 20; Danby, 19; Dryden, 43; Enfield, 15; Groton, 32; Ithaca, 91; Lansing, 26; Newfield, 24; Ulysses, 30. Mr. Bailey offered the following resolution, which was, on mo- tion of Mr. Boice, adopted: Resolved, That the pamphlets of the proceedings of this Board be appor- tioned among the several towns in the following manner, and that there be 5,000 copies printed: Caroline, 400; Danby, 400; Dryden, 700; Enfield, 400; Groton, 550; Ithaca, 1,000; Lansing, 450; Newfield, 500; Ulysses, 000. Mr. Rockwell presented the Report of the Surrogate of Tomp- kins County, as to fees received by him since November 29th, 1882; and, on motion of Mr. Bai'.ey, action thereon was deferred until to -morrow (Wednesday) morning, at 10 o'clock: The time having arrived for the visit to, and .inspection of the County Alms House buildings, the Committee on Superintendent's Accounts and County Buildings repaired thereto, while the remain- ing members of the Board occupied the time in making lists of Grand Jurors and examining Assessment Rolls. At 12 o'clock, on motion; Board adjourned. 0. a StrrnvISORs' PROCEEDINGS. �1 Afternoon Session,, — - ___Board met=puri4nant to adjournment. _ Roll call —all present except Chairman Crocker, and .Messrs. Bailey, Wheeler, and Chapman, committee- on Superintendent's Accounts and County Buildings, who are, as such committee, in- specting the County Alms House buildings. The entire afternoon session' was occupied by the. remaining members of -the Board footing their assessment rolls and examin- ing the County Treasurer's reports and vouchers. At six o'clock, on motion, Board adjourned. • WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 21st, Morning Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call —all present except Messrs. Chapman and Beers. Minutes of yesterday's proceedings read and approved. - The Board received Miss Hardy, Airs. Apgar, Mrs. Williams, Mrs. McGraw, and. Mrs. Morgan, the local visiting committee of the State Charities Aid Association, and listened to arguments by them in recommendation of certain improvements at the County Alms Rouse, and in furtherance of the comfort of its inmates. On their retirement, Mr. Rockwell offered the following resolu- tion, which was, on motion of Mr. Wheeler, adopted: � Resolved, That the ladies of the visiting committee of the State Charities Aid Association be requested to present in writing a statement of such changes . as in their judgment are needed at the County Alms House. Mr. Wheeler offered the following resolution,, which was, on motion of Mr. Boice, adopted: .Resolved, That there be appropriated the sum of $50 as compensation for - Chaplain's services at the County Alms House for the 'ensuing- year, and that in case of -any-death occurring"at said Alms House, the Chaplain be required to officiate at the burial. 22 SUPERVISORS' -PROCEEDINGS. Mr. Bailey presented the report of the Bonding Commissioners Of the town of Enfield, as also his report as Supervisor, together with the subjoined resolutions relative to the bonded indebtedness of said -town, which reports were, on motion of Mr. Crozier, ac- cepted, and the resolutions 'adopted. (See Reports.) Mr. Crozier presented the reports of the several Bonding Com- missioners of the town of Ithaca, as also his report as Supervisor, together with the accompanying resolutions, of , the bonded in- debtedness of said town, which reports were, on motion of -Mr. Hor- ton, accepted, and the several resolutions adopted. (See Reports.) At twelve o'clock, on motion, Board adjourned. Afternoon Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. e Roll call -Full Board. The following resolution was offered by Mr. Boice: • Resolved, That this Board in making their appropriations for the services • ,of Janitor and incidental expenses of the .SurrogaLe's office, do hereby appro- priate the sum of fifty dollars for the ensuing year, and that ao fees coming into said Surrogate's hands shall be used or retained by him, but shall be paid Over to the County Treasurer for the liquidation of debts of said county. €On motion of Mr. Horton, action on the above resolution was de- ferred until next Monday morning at 10 o'clock. Mr. Wheeler presented the following petition, which was, on motion of Mr. Crozier, accepted, and the prayer thereof granted: To the Board of .Stiperviwm of Tompkins Co.: We the undersigned Assessors of the town of Ulysses, respectfully ask your • honorable body to make the following addition to the assessment roll of said town for the year 1883 (such addition having been asked by three taxpayers), the same having been omitted in 1882. Name. Lot. Acres.' Val. Samuel Burlew. 19. 22-1. $668. D. H. McI;ALLEN,) Assessors L. B. CURRY, )} of the J. W. KIRBY, Town of. Ulysses. Dated Ulysses, Nov. 17th; 1883. P SUPERvISORS'.. PROCEEDINGS. 23 The several committees occupied the remai_ning_part-=of=the—af- ternoon session, at'their work,_ —= o =At-six"o'clock, the committees having risen, on motion,.Board adjourned.. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22d. Morning Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call -=all present except Mr. Horton, excused.. Minutes of yesterday's proceedings read and approved: Mr. Crozier, Chairman of the Committee on Constables', Clerk's and Justices' Accounts, reported favorably upon the following bills, which were audited, seriatim, by the Board,' in. accordance witi the recommendation of the committee: • Bills numbers 107, 112, 120, 122, 88, 12, 113,.129, 8.3, 130. Mr. Rockwell presented the report of George H. Northrup, as ' County Treasurer of Tompkins County, as also his .report of the' condition of the Infant Heir Fund, which reports were, on motion of Mr. Bailey, accepted. (See Reports.) Mr. Rockwell also presented the report of the committee on Treasurer's, Sheriff's and Judges' Accounts,. which was, on motion of Mr. Bailey, accepted, and ordered spread upon the minutes, and is as follows: To the Board of Supervisors: We the undersigned,' Committee on Treasurer's Accounts, respectfully re- port that we`ha6e carefully examined the accounts of George H. Northrup, County Treasurer, together with his report and accompanying vouchers here- with submitted, and find them in all respects correct, aril we find a balance of $2,.120.36 in his hands belonging to the various funds as. shown'in the 3d schedule of the County Treasurer's report. 24 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Your committee have also examined the securities held by the County Treasurer intrust for.the Infant Heirs Fund and find tbeaseveral 'securities in his possession as reported in his report of said fund. The committee would beg to add that this report would be incomplete without an honorable mention of the care and efficiency shown in the ac- counts of Mr. Northrup whereby the labors of this committee have been ma terially lessened. G. M. ROCKWELL, L. I. NVHEELER, • Committee. JAMES BOICE, ) Mr. Boice offered the following resolution, which was, on motion of Mr. Wheeler, adopted: Resolved, That there be added to the town audits of the town of Caroline, the bill of Benj. M. Lawrence. Ex Town Clerk, for the sum of twenty-two dollars and thirty cents ($22.30). Said bill -being approved by majority of the Town Board. The following communication was read by the Clerk: Son. David Crocker, Chairman Board of Sapervisorsi In accordance with the resolution adopted this morning, by your honora- ble body, I submit the following list of articles which the visiting committee respectfully ask may be purchased for the County Alms Rouse: ; doz. small frocking chairs, with arms; J doz high back rocking chairs- for the hose:tal;. coarse woolen blankets, one for each bed; 5 yds. rubber cloth for sheets, for hospital use. The committee hope that the matter of religious services for the dead may beconsidered (as was suggest:d by one of your Board) i❑ your report on the Alms House. Respectfully, A. S. APGAR, Ithaca, Nov. 21, 1883. Sec'y T. C. V. Com. On motion of Mr. Beers, the matters contained in the above coni- munication were referred to the Committee on Superintendent's . _ Accounts and County Buildings, with power. Mr. Bailey, Chairman of the COmTtlitte6 on Superintendent's Ac- counts and County Buildings reported favorably Upon thcafollowing bills, which were audited, seriatim, .by the Board, in accordance, with the recommendation of the committee: Bills numbers 141, 49, 140, 130, .138, 144, 143. SUPERV ISOI S' PROCEEDINGS. 25 The various committees immediately retired 'for deliberation. At 12 o'clock, the committees having rim ,-oil motion, Board ad- journed. ! --'Afternoon Session, Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call=Full Board. The Committee on State Charitable Institutions was busy dur- ing the entire afternoon session examining the several bills of such institutions, and in preparation of their annual budget of appropria- tions, while the remaining members of the Board were footing and verfying their assessment rolls. At five o'clock the members of the Committee on State Charita- ble Institutions returned to the Board. Whereupon Mr. Chapman offered the following resolution, which was, on motion of Mr. Wheeler, adopted: Resolved, That there be added to•the audits of the town of Groton, bills numbers 71 to 78, inclusive. (See Town Audits.) , Mr. Chapman also presented the abstract of town audits for the town of Groton, which was, on motion of Mr. Crozier, accepted. (See Town Audits.) Mr. Chapman then presented the report of the Bonding Com- missioners of the town of Groton, as also his report as Supervisor," together with the subjoined resolution of the bonded indebtedness of said town, which reports were, on motion of Mr. Horton, ac- cepted, and the resolution adopted. (See Reports.) - 'At 5:30 o'clock, there being no present business, on motion, Board adjourned. 26 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23d. Morning Session. Board.met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call=Full Board. Minutes of yesterday's proceedings read and approved.' Mr. Rockwell offered the following resolution, which was, on motion of Mr. Crozier, adopted: Resolved, That pursuant to tke provisions of the statutes, the sums placed in the following schedule be levied and agsessed upon the taxable property of the persons named in the lists submitted to the Board, and furnished to the • Supervisors of the several towns, by the Overseers of Highways of the , road districts named in said Schedule: CAROLINE. Road Dist. -No. of Days. Tax. 48..............................81.............................12.37 NEWPIELD. Road Dist.. No. of Days. Tax, 13.............................2..... 3.00 • -DRYDEN. Road Dist: No. of Days. ' Tax. 29.............................3............. ,_ ............. 4.50 ITHACA. Road Dist. No. of Days.'. Tax. 27.............................21.............:...............31 . .50 LANSING. Road Dist. No of Days. Tax. 42........................... .. 4... ...........�............. 2....... :.................... 3.00 a DANBY. e Road Dist. No of Days. Tax. 60.......... .................... 2 ............................. 3.00 7..... 1...............::....... ... 2.25 76.............................111............................17.25 76........... .... 1 Nonresident.. ........ a SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 27 e _ GROTON. ,. - Road Dist. No. of Days.-- Tax.. 43...........................; : 2............ 3.00 29 ......:..... _:.:... .... ..... 2 k ............................... 3.75 71 — ":....... 2,.. ........................3.38 4 .. ... .............................2 ........................... .3.00 Mr. Rockwell presented the report of J. K. Follett, Sheriff of Tompkins. County, as to fines received by him during the past year, Which report was, on motion of Mr. Crozie%, accepted. (See Reports.) Mr. Rockwell, Chairman of .the Committee on Treasurer's, Sher- iff's, and Judge's accounts, reported favorably upon the following bill, which was audited, according to the recommendation of the committee: Bill number148. Mr. Chapman, Chairman of the Committee. on Public Printing, reported favorably upon the following bills, which were audited, seriatim, by the Board, in accordance with the recommendation of the committee: Bills numbers 126, 34, 132, 133. Mr. Boice offered the following resolution, which Wae, on motion of Mr. Horton, adopted: Resolved, .That the Supervisors of the several towns be authorized to reassess the unpaid tapes upon their respective assessment rolls of last year, at the same:., amounts as returned to them by the County Treasurer. At 12 o'clock, on motion, Board adjourned. Afternoon Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call —Full Board. Mr. Wheeler offered the following resolution, which was, on motion of Mr. Beers, adopted: 28 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Resolved, That there be added to the audits of the town of Ulysses, the fol ]owing bills, the same havin_; been approved by the Town -Auditors: Wm. Chandler & Sons, undertakers ........................ $4 0") A. T. Osborne. justice of the peace ........................ '27 00 Henry Hutchings 18 00 E. A. Wager 16 00 J. R. Emery ....................... 33 45 L. J. Wheeler, supervisor ................................. 68 63 Aaron McKee]; judgment .................... ... .. 44 26 Emmdr Carman, constable ................................ 5 95 Samuel Manning .................................. 9 20 F. M. Austin, town clerk... 38 87 $265 36 The several committees immediately retired for deliberation, atld remained at their work until six o'clock, when, on motion, Board adjourned. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 24th. Morning Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call —Full Board. Minutes of yesterday's proceedings read and approved. Mr. Wheeler, Chairman of the ,Committee on U. -S. Deposit Fund and Insurance, presented the Report of the Loan Commis- sioners of Tompkins County, which was, on motion of Mr. Rock- well, accepted. (See Reports.) Mr. Wheeler also presented the Reports of said Committee on the U. S. Deposit Fund, and Insurance, which were, on motion of Mr. Rockwell, severally accepted, and ordered _spread upon the minutes, and are as follows: To the Boawd of Supervisors'of Tompkins Co.: The Committee appointed to, investigate the condition of securities of the SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 29 State Loan in said county, respectfully report that they baye_examined the _ said securities of the'Loan Commissioners since the last report and find the same correct, and to correspond with the report`tbereto annexed. jv L J. WHEELER, ) s,- A'. G.' CHAPMAN, }Committee. It. A. CROZIER, ) TO thH onof' b e,' the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins' Co2rnty: 'The Committee on Insurance would 'respectfully report that the County Buildings were in 1882. insured for three years and the premiums paid in full as follows, as per report of 1882: JAIL. Company. Amt. of Policy. Premium. Lorillard. Gray & Wood, Agents.......... $1,500,00 $30.00 Rochester German, Gray & Wood, Agents.. 1,500.00 30.00 f 60.00 ' COURT -HOUSE. Company. Amt. of Policy. Premuim. Liverpool, London & Globe, A. Burritt, Agt..$2,500.00 37.50 Springfield, John L. Whiton, Agt........ .... 1,500.00 22.50 Phoenix; Henry A. St. John, Agt............ 2,500.00 35.00 $95.00.., - CLERK'S OFFICE. ' Company. Am6. of`Policy. Premium. t Liverpool, London and Globe, A. Burritt, Agt.$1,000.00 $7.50 North British, 1-I. J.'Grant, Agt............... 2,000w00 16.00 $23.50 Total amount of premium.... .................... .... $178.50 L. J. WHEELER, ) A. G. CHAPMAN, }Committee. R. A. CROZIER, Mr. Crozier, Chairman of the Committee on Constables', Clerk's, and Justice's Accounts, reported favorably, upon the following bills, which were audited', se7•iathn, . by the Board, in accordance with the recommendation of the Committee: Bills numbers RM, 79, 152, 146, 154. Mr. Chapman offered the following resolutions, which were; on motion of NIr; VVh eler, adopted: Resolved, That in accordance with a resolution passed by the.Board of* Au- 30 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. ditors of the town of Groton, there be levied and collected upon the taxabie property of said town, the sum of two hundred dollars, for the support of the poor. Resolved, That the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars (as. allowed by -statute) be levied and collected in said towny for the support of roads and bridges. i At five o'clock, on motion, Board adjourned, to reconvene next Monday afternoon (November 26th), at 2 o'clock. Q MONDAY, NOVEMBER 26th. Afternoon Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll Call —all present. Minutes of last day's proceedings read and approved. Mr. Boice offered the following resolution, - which was, on motion of Mr. I3orton, adopted: Resolved, That there be added to the abstract of the town of Caroline the sum of three dollars and twenty five cents, the same being the bill of Theodore Tryon in the case of The People of the State of New York against James E. VanDenrark. -AIr. Beers offered the following resolutions, which were, on motion of Mr. Borton, adopted: Resolved, That the moneys (�110.44) received by County Attorney Tibbetts from the collector and his bondsmen, of the town of Lansing, to satisfy a claim in favor of TompkiV County, arising from certain suits brought by the G. I. & S. R. R. Co. during the year 1881, be delivered to the County Treas- urer, and that the said officer charge the court fund account with the same. Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board be, and is hereby directed to furnish copies of the above resolution to F. E. Tibbetts and George.I3. Northrup. The following preamble and resolution were offered by Mr. Wheeler: SUPERVISORS' -PROCEEDINGS. 31 -Whereas, .The expense of maintaining the insane of Tompkins County at Willard Asylum for the ensuing year is estunate_d_by=the-Trustees thereof at upwards of $9,000.00, and whereas it lias-=been recommended by the Super- iniendent of said Asylum, that-tifis Board, in the interest of.the county, vis- it said Asylum. _ Therefore, Resolved; That this Board visit said Asylum' in a body on Friday next, _:— 'November 30111. On motion of Mr. Beers, action upon the above resolution was deferred until to -morrow (Tuesday-) morning, at 10 o'clock. Mr. Rockwell* offered the following resolution, which was, on motion of Mr. Crozier, adopted: 0 Resolved, That the following bills be"added to the audits of the town of Dryden Martin Besemer, physician..... .......................... $1 00 G. M. Lupton, excise commissioner ......................... 3 00 D. G. Howell, 3 00 "Dryden Village, use of ball for -election ...................... 10 00 J. E. McElheny, auditor ...............:.................... 3' 00 Wm. Hungerford,.bl'dgculvert, byorderJ.J. Ellis.Com. h'wys. 53 00 $73 00 Mr. Crozier, Chairman of the Committee on Constables', Clerk's and Justices' accounts, reported favorably upon. the following bills, which were audited, seriatim, by the Board, in accordance with the 'recommendation of the committee: Bills numbers 156, 54, 90. MI. Crozier presented the Abstract of ,Town Audits, for the town of Ithaca,' which was, -on motion of Mr. Chapman, accepted. (See. Town Audits.) Mr. Boice presented the abstract of Town Audits for the town of -Lansing, which- was, on motion of Mr. 6rozier, accepted. (See Town Audits.) At 5:30 o'clock, there being no present business, on motion, Board adjourned. 32 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 27th. Morning Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call —Full Board. Alinutes of yesterday's proceedings read and approved. Mr. Crozier offered the following resolution which was, on mo- tion of Mr. Rockwell, adopted: Resolved, That the following bills he added to thoe Town Audits of the town of Ithaca: John Coy, endorsed by•m.+jortty of Town Board, highway damages.. $75 00 1llarsh & Hall, assignees of Win. S. Crittenden, Inspector of Election 10 00 E. E. Robinson, Inspector of Election.... .. .. ........ 16 00 Andrus & (hurch, chattel mortgage book .......................... 12 50 Warner k Co, Iise of house for eleet ion ............................ 20 00 $139 50 The resolution heretofore offered by Mr. Wheeler, relative to the visit of this Board to Willard'Asylum, wascalledup, and on mo- tion of Mr. Bailey, was unanimously adopted. (See yesterday's pro- ceedings.) Mr. Chapman, Chairman of the Committee on Public .Printing, referred back to the whole Board the matter of publishing the Pro- ceedings of this Board in pamphlet forth, whereupon Mr. Horton offered the following resolution, which was, on motion of Mr. Beers, adopted: Resolved, That•the printing of 5,000 copies of the Proceedings of this Board in pamphlet form, Including the official canvass, be awarded to ward Gregory. at the price named by him•($3.00 per page), such pamphlets to be printed up- on the same kind of paper, with the same kind of type, and in the same gen- eral style as the Proceedings of 1882; the same to be ready for delivery January 15, 1884; and in default of the Proceedings being ready for delivery upon the date named, that the sum of five dollars be deducted from the contract price for each and every day thereafter that the same shall not he ready for delivery. Mr. Chapman also, as Chairman of said Committee, reported SSUPERN'ISORS' PROChTPINGS. 33 favorably upon the following bill, which was accordingly audited. by the Board, in pursuance of the recommendation ,of the Com- mittee: Bill number 159. At-1-2-o c ock, on motion, Board adjourned. Afternoon Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call -Full Board. Mr. Beers, Chairman of the Committee on. County Claims, re- ported favorably upon the following- bills, which were audited, seriatim, by the Board, in conformity witb the recommendation of the Committee: B.11s numbers 158, 153, 81, 80,,109, 31, 104, 5, 51, 116, 117, 115, 1-8, 114, 147, 149, 131, 124, 137, 127, 125, 134; 145, 136, 151, 110, 108, 39, 121, 106, 76, 9, ill, 86, 118, 119, 94, 98, 155, 157. Mr. Bailey of the Committee on Constable's, Clerk's and Jus- tices' Accounts, reported favorably upon the following bill, which was accordingly audited by the Board, in pursuance of therecom- mendation of the Committee: Bill number 160. The balance of the afternoon was consumed by the Committee on State Charitable Institutions at their work, while the -remaining members of the Board were informally discussing the various matters before the Board, yet to•be .acted upon. At six o'clock, said committee having risen, on motion, Board. adjourned. a s 34 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 28th. in Morning Session. Board met ' pursuant to adjournment. e Roll. Call —Full Board. Minutes of yesterday's proceedings read and approved. The greater part of the morning session was occupied by the Board in examining and discussing the report of the County Super- intendent of the Poor, and the support of the inmates at the County Alms House. At twelve o'clock, on motion, Board adjourned. - e Afternoon Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call —Full Board. Mr. Bailey presented the following petition, which was, on mo- tion of Mr. Beers, accepted, and the prayer of the petitioners granted: To the Honorable, the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, N. Y.: We the Assessors of the town of Enfield, do hereby most respectfully re- quest that the property belonging to Mrs. Ledra P. Sexton, which has been omitted from the Assessment Roll of the town of Enfield, be placed upon the Assessment Roll of said town at the same valuation of last year, to wit:. Mrs. Ledra P. Sexton, lot 60, acres 48,, valuation $1200„together with other. cleri- cal errors which appear on said roll, viz: property of S. B. Bristol, H. V. Bostwick, Caleb Miller., Geo. Bundy, Azariah Abel, F. B. Akins. GEO. S. FOWLER, Assessors. JOHN W. SHEFFIELD, Mr. Bailey offered the following resolution, which was, on mo- tion of Mr,' Boice, adopted: Resolved, That the-' Abstract of Fees " books be distributed in the following manner, viz.: Forty copies to each of the eight towns, aside from Ithaca, leaving a balance'of 180 for the town of Ithaca and the county. " SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 35 ti-o Mr. Beers offered the following resolution, which was, on motion" of Mr. Boice, adopted: Resolved, That there be a tax of $250.00Aevied on the taxable property of the town of Danby, and that -said -amount be appropriated ,for the repairs of roads and bridges=-v . _ Mr: Beers then presented the Abstract of Town Audits for the town of Danby, which was, on motion of Mr. Boice, accepted. (See Town Audits.) Mr. Beers also offered the following resolution, which was, on motion of Mr. Bailey, adopted: Resolved, That there be added to the Town Audits of the 'town of Danby, the following bills: Martin Besemer, reporting births and deaths. ............. $1 75 Chas. J. Weed, clerk...... 3 00 Theron Slocum, constable .................................... .6 65 John J. Miller, justice of the peace .......................... 12 60 $24 00 Mr. Crocker presented the following petition, while Mr. Beers was temporal ily in. the chair, which was,. on, motion of Mr. Bailey, .. accepted, and the prayer of the petitioners granted: To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: The undersiened respectfully request that you correct the Assessment Roll of the town of Lansing in this, to -wit: That the assessment against Edwin Bush now stands on said roll at 150 acres of reatestate, at an assessment of $3,800, whereas the same should be 104 acres, valuation $2,800.00. Dated Nov. 28th, 1883. Yours respectfully, A. H. CLARK, Assessors, G. W. MILLER, Mr. Bailey offered the -following resolution: ;. Resolved, That the deficiency, as stated in the account of the County Super- intendent of the Poor, of $1,850, for the past year, be apportioned -in the fol- lowing manner: $1,850 (less attorneys' fees, Almy & Bouton, $500), $1,356. 3 7 County ............................................. $596 00 4.7 to Towns, as follows: o 36 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Caroline ................. •...................... :. $61 05 Danby............................................ 116 45 Dryden ............... . 155 12 Ithaca ....... :............................... :... 211 00 Ulysses .......................................... 155 20 Lansing......... ...... 18 02 Enfield .......................................... 6 63 Groton ........................................... 30 53 $754 00 On motion of Mr. Beers, action upon the above resolution was deferred until to -morrow (Thursday) morning, at 10 o'clock. r At six o'clock, on motion, the Board adjourned. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29th. Morning Session. Board -met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call —All present except Mr. Horton, excused. Minutes of yesterday's proceedings read and approved. Mr. Rockwell presented the following petition, which- was, on motion of Mr. Chapman, accepted, and the prayer of the petitioners granted: DRYDEN, TomPxiNs COUNTY, N. Y., Nov. 26, 1883. To the Boawd of Supervisors of said County: We your petitioners, would ask you to assess to Martin E. Tripp, the sum of $1,300 dollars omitted in the column of the.personal to make up the sum of $4,855 dollars as appears on Dryden assessment; the $1,300 is assessed but does not appear on town book as we understand it. We hereby certify the above $4,855 dollars is correct. A. BURLINGAME, Assessors. CYRUS KNAPP, Alanson Burlingame being duly sworn, says the above assessment of $4,855 is correct, and that he is one of the assessors of the town of Dryden. A. BURLINGAME. Dated and sworn to before me this 28th day of Nov., 1883., L. A MALLERY, Notary Public. Cyrus Knapp, subscribed and sworn this, the 26th day Of Nov., 1883, before me. W. MARSH, Notary Public, SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 37 A continuation of the discussion begun yesterday,-con"cerning the support of the inmates of the County Alms -House, was indulged in by the Board, which, with the footing of the Assessment Rolls by some of the members, copied the greater part of the morning s- session. y At twelve o'clock, on motion, Board. adjourned. Afternoon Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll Call —Fall Board: Mr. Boice offered the following resolution which was, on motion of Mr. Wheeler, adopted: Resolved, .That there be added to the Abstract of the town of Caroline, the bill of James E. VanDemark, amounting to thirteen dollars and twenty-five cents ($13.25), approved by a majority of the Town Board. The balance of• the afternoon was occupied by the several com- mittees at their work. At'six o'clock, the committees having risen, on motion, the Board adjourned. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 30th. In pursuance of the resolution heretofore adopted, the entire Board of . Supervisors made an official visit to the New York State Asylum for the Insane, located at Willard, Seneca County, New York, where the whole day was spent, as guests. of Dr. John B. Chapin, the Superintendent of the asylum. The freedom of the entire institution, with its various depart- ments, was accorded to the Board, which was accepted by them, as also special attention on the part of Drs. Wise, Hopkins,-Nellis, Bristol, and others, of the medical staff of the asylum, in visiting each.of the sixty-one patients in the asylum from Tompkins Countty. 38 SUPERVISORS'. PROCEEDINGS. In the afternoon, Dr. Chapin and Steward Gilbert tendered their services to the Board, in conducting them through the various stores, meat market, laundry, .dining -rooms, and kitchen connected with the asylum., giving the Board an opportunity, which they embraced, of making a personal examination of the methods employed by the authorities in the care and maintenance of the patients. Later on in the afternoon the visit was further extended to the farm, farm buildings, and the different kinds of stock, and in every instance a detailed .explanation was given by Dr: Chapin of the workings of every department visited. Returning to the Superin- tendent's apartments, tea was served, after which, and when the Board had assembled together, Mr. Boise, Chairman of the Conf- mittee on State. Charitable Institutions, moved that the Chairman of the Board, Hon. David Crocker, call upon Mr. Hodson to thank Dr. Chapin and his assistants, for the manner in which the Board had been received and entertained by them: Mr. Hodson then addressed- Dr. Chapin, and after expressing the thanks of the Board for the genial hospitality and. uniform tour-, tesy extended to them during the day, said: It has been the sentiment of all' the members of this Board of b Supervisors, many times expressed during the day, that the respon- sibility of this great institution, with all its different departments and varied interests, rests most worthily upon the present Superin- tendent. And this Board will return home to -night with the feel- ing that the unfortunate insane from Tompkins County are in kind "and. good hands, and with the knowledge that their treatment and maintenance is in every respect excellent." Dr. Chapin responded in a few well chosen remarks, in which he said: "I do not appropriate to myself any credit for attention shown you during the day; I have only done what I believe to be my'duty as an officer of this institution, and I feel amply repaid for all that I have done for you, by your showing such a marked interest.in the affairs of the asylum, and: so thoroughly investigating the meth- .1 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 89 ods employed in the care and support of the patients. This has been done by you to a greater exte t-than by any other Board of Supervisors that has visited the asylum." At seven -o'clock p. in. the Board took their leave of Dr. Chapin __Sn_ his assistants, and returned to Ithaca, feeling amply repaid by the events of the day, for the time spent. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1st. Morning Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment.- Roll call —Full .Board. Minutes of yesterday's proceedings read and approved. . Mr. Bailey offered the following preamble and. resolution, which were, on motion of Mr. Beers, adopted: Whereas, It appears from report of-R. R. Commissioners of the town of En- fleld, that a sum in excess of one per cent is requested to be raised to apply as a sinking fund for the"ultimate payment of bonds issued to aid in the con- struction of railroads in said town. And Whereas, In accordance with a law passed by the Legislature, May 11th, 1874, no sum greater than one per cent can be legally raised without first sub- mitting such question to the qualified voters of he town. Now therefore, - Resolved, That we, as a Board, consider it illegal and impolitic to raise the sum requested by said commissioners until the conditions of the law above cited be fully complied with. i Mr. Wheeler offered the following resolution; which was, on -mo- tion of Mr. Horton, adopted: Resolved, That there be appropriated -the sum of $175. as compensation for janitor's services for the ensuing year, whose duties shall be to keep the Court House clean, lighted and warmed during the sessions of Circuit, Special Term, and County Courts, Supervisors' sessions and School Commissioners' meetings, and all other duties connected with thebuilding during sessions and meetings; and that no extra compensation shall be allowed for any service§ by the jani- tor -in connection with said Court House, t r 40 SuPERVISURs' PROCEEDINGS. Mr. Rockwell offered the following resolution, which was, on motion of. Mr. Boice, . adopted: Resolved, That we proceed to the election by ballnt, of Janitor, for the Court House for the ensuing year, beginning Dec. 19t. The Chairman directedthat an informal ballot be taken, and zppointed Messrs. Wheeler and Chapman, tellers. The informal ballot resulted as follows: Whole number of votes cast were 9, of which William E. John- J son received 7, George Guinn received 2. On motion of Mr' . Rockwell, the ballot taken was declared formal, and the Chairman declared Mr. Johnson duly elected janitor of the Court House for the ensuing year. Mr. Horton offered the following resolution, which was, on mo- tion of Mr.'Wheeler, adopted: Resolved,. That all applications for the,use of the Court House during the ensuing year be referred to the Supervisor of Ithaca and the 'County Treas- urer, with power. The resolution' heretofore offered by Mr. Boice, relative to the appropriation of fifty dollars for incidental and janitor's expenses at the Surrogate's office, was called up, and a vote thereon being had, .it was unanimously adopted. t .Mr. Rockwell called up the Report of the Surrogate, heretofore presented by him, which was, on motion of Mr. IIorton, accepted. (See Reports.) Mr. Rockwell then offered the following resolution: Resolved, That the balance of $10.95 reported on hand by the Surrogate be turned over by him to the County Treasurer to the credit.of court expenses, and that the sum of twenty-five dollars be added to the appropriation for the Janitor's services in Surrogate's office for the ensuing year. On motion of Mr. Boice, a vote was had thereon, by taking the ayes and nays, -which resulted as follows:" SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. rr 41 Ayes: Beers, Rockwell, Chapman, Crozier, Wheeler. Nays: Boice. Mr. Bailey requested to be excused from voting on this resolu- tion,' and there being no objection thereto, he was accordingly ex- cused. The Chairman declared the resolution duly adopted, a ma- jnrity of the members of the Board having voted in favor thereof. Mr. Rockwell offered the following resolution: Resolved, That the Board proceed to designate by ballot, two newspapers in which the election notices issued by the Secretary of State shall be published for the ensuing year. Mr. Horton offered the following resolution, as an amendment -to the one offered by Mr. Rockwell (which amendment being accepted by 'Mr. Rockwell), .the original resolution, so amended, was, on motion of Mr. Beers, adopted: Resolved, That there be inserted after the words "notices " the words " and all notices required by law to be printed." A ballot being taken, resulted as follows: Whole number of votes cast were 9, of which the Ithaca Demo- crat received 6, and the Ithaca Journal received 3. The Chairman declared the Ithaca Democrat and the Ithaca Journal as the two newspapers duly designated by the Board, under the above resolution, in which to publish the election notices and all notices required by law to be printed for the ensuing year. Mr. Chapman 'offered the following resolution, which was, on motion of Mr. Boice, adopted: Resolved, That the price to be paid for publishing the session laws be fixed. at fifteen cents per folio, and that the Board now proceed to designate, by bal- 1 a, two newspapers to publish the same for the ensuing year. A vote by ballot being taken, under the above resolution, resulted as follows: Whole number of votes cast 9, of which the Ithaca Democrat received 6, the Ithaca Journal received 3. 42 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. The Chairman declared the Ithaca Democrat and the Ithaca Jour- nal as the two newspapers duly designated by the Board in which to publish the session laws for the ensuing year. Mr. Rockwell offered the following resolution, as a substitute for the resolution heretofore offered by Mr. Bailey, relative to the ap- propriation for, and apportionment of, the deficiency reported by the Superintendent of the Poor of the county, in his report of the support of the inmates at the County Alms House for the_ past year: Resolved, That the sum of $1,850 be appropriated to cover the deficiency re- ported by the Superintendent of the Poor, and that said amount be added to the County Budget according to precedent heretofore established. Mr. Chapman moved the adoption of the resolution, as offered by Mr. Rockwell, and a vote, by calling for the ayes and nays, be- ing had, resulted as follows: Ayes=Beers, Rockwell, Chapman, Crozier, Wheeler. Nays=Bailey, Crocker, Horton. Mr. Boice requested to be excused from voting, and there being no objection raised, he was excused accbrdingly. The Chairman declared the substitute duly adopted, a majority of the members of the Board having voted in favor thereof. Mr. Crozier offered the following resolution, which was, on mo- tion of Mr. Bailey, adopted: Resolved, That the Count;; Treasurer be, and is hereby authorized to pay from the Court Fund any deficiency that may occur in the Willard Asylum Fund for the coming year. Mr. Crozier offered the following resolution, which was, on mo- tion of Mr. Horton, adopted: Resolved, That the compensation of stenographer of the County Court and Court of Sessions for the ensuing year, commencing Dec. 1st, 1883, be, and hereby is, fixed at $5.00 per day, the stenographer to furnish all- stationery. At twelve o'clock, on motion, Board adjourned, to re -convene on Monday next (Dec. 3d), at two o'clock p. •m. SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 43 MONDAY, DECEMBER 3d. Board -met pursuant to adjournment. Roll Call —Full Board. Minutes of last day's proceedings read and approved.. Mr. Bailey offered the following resolution, which was, on mo- tion of Mr. Beers, adopted: - Resolved, That the County Clerk take charge of the three copies of the Re: vised Statutes paid for by the county,_and that.he be held responsible for their safe keeping, subject to the.order of the Board,of Supervisors. Mr. Boice, Chairman of the Committee on State Charitable. Insti- tutions, presented the report of such committee, together with the subjoined resolution; which report was, on motion of Mr. Crozier, accepted,.and ordered spread upon the minutes, and the resolution adopted Said report and resolution areas follows: Zo the honorable, the .Board of Supervisors Your Committee appointed to examine the accounts of the several Charitable Institutions, would respectfully report the following resolution: Resolved, That in accordance with Chapter 446, Title 4, Section 6, Laws of 1874, there be assessed and levied upon the taxable property of the following towns and the County of Tompkins, the sums set forth in the annexed sched- ule, to reimburse"the county for amounts of money paid to Willard Asylum, viz: CAROLINE. Bartoli Lynch ........ :............. :..................... $39 42 ......................................... 41 25 •........................................ 3483 36 23 $151 73 44 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS.' Daniel W. Wattl„s...................................... $34 07 ...............:........................ 36 15 ..................................:..... 1 60 $71 82 Less by credit ........................................... 719 Less self supporting...........' .... ... ......... ... $64 63 Amanda J. Rightmire..... ..... ............... ...... $58 68 $58 68 Less self•supporting ........................ I ............ $275 04 ..... 12331 Total to be raised by town ......... •...................... 9151 63 DANBY. Rachel Jefferson ........................................ $36 57 ........................................ 3445 ........................................ 3718 ........................................ 3908 $147 28 Briggs Montgomery ..................................... $42 37 ........... 3445 ....................:................... 3493 ........................................ 3613 -- $146 88 Mary J. Hazen .......................................... %46 19 365 -- $49 84 Less by credit .......................................... 1552 Less self-supporting........-...,... $34 32 Edgar D. Wright..........; ........ ...................:. $40 51 $40 51 Less self-supporting... ......................... $368 99 Less self-supporting. .... Total to be raised by town ............................... $294 16 SUPERVISORS' 'PROCEEDINGS. 45 DRYDEN. Benjamin F. Yratt......... ::.: ................. $40 97 ' 34 95 ....................................... 36 13 ................................ 3493 -- $146 98 Thomas McKenna ....................................... $40 82 ....................................... 5550 ....................................... 39 93 ......................................... 35 38 -- $151 63 John B. Kellogg ................ .................... $48 87 38 65 .......................................... 35 63 ....................................... 3543 -- $158 58 George D. Pratt ............... ...................... $34 37 34 45 .................................... 3483 3.5 18 -- $138 83 Less self-supporting ........................ .......... Wallace Wait..... ..................................... $44 57 i................................... 36 05 3728 ...................................... 3603 -- $153 93 a Hannah Winn......... ..................................... $38 55 .................. 37 57 ..................................... 3888 ................................... 36 48 $151 48 IsaacMiller ................ •......................:...... $34 07 ....................................... 4095 ........................................ 3) 03 ......................................... 41 68 �. $151 73 46 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Lykinda L. Tyler ....................................... $3 03 Less self-supporting ................................. ... _ $3 03 Nettie Harris.......... .. ......................... $37 86 $37 86 $1,094 05 Less self-supporting ..................:.................. 14186 Total to be raised by town,....... $952 19 GROTON. Jane Shaver ............................................. $34 07 ....................................... 13 58 $47 65 Less by credit .......................................... $2 27 2 27 $45 38 Frankie A. Pierce ...........................:.......... $40 47 ........................................ 3590 :...................................... 3693 . ....................................... 3728 ` $150 58 Nathan A. Parker ...................................... $42 22 4895 .... ....................... ......... 41 23 .......................:................ 3903 ` $171 43 d Nelson W. Allen.. ........... 83528 3713 ..........I............................. 3590 ..................................:..... 4067 $148 98 Ella M. Schofield ....................................... $10 90 ............................... ... 4770. $58 60 Less by credit....... ... . .. ...................... $6 81 681 $51 79 SnrEnrzaoRv PnooFEooNoe 47 . ^ ` Marietta Clark ��...........'..'..... ..... .�.��...�... �17z ` '.��.._._...^�..........._....—.. 6603 ........................................ 545 $12319 — ' Credit '_�a�oo ��o9...��..�...��..................�.....�.�..�.. � ——$8820 Eliza M.Baker '''^—'''r`^`'^'..`''.—''-.''... $5752 ' ..�__� ...�... ���.`_.._..........'3483 � ............................. ............ . 40o8 — $13293 .Self-unyyvrting....................... ''''''''''''.''.'' ' Anthony 0'Maley....... ............. '......`........... $6801 xo(u ----- $oo80o Self-supporting ................................. .......... Less wJ,*nnnv*iag..^.......... ...............,...... 19494 Total mborai�a���mvu.... .................. ........ $75�89 � uLyuSES. � � . Cu�ur�oOoDmo......._...�.......�...�.��...�.�.�.��3o% _ . .. «o u9 � ..'............'—...—_..`. ... , ��...'...~,,...�......'—....—. 3483 ^ '.....,.._,,..,,............�_�... 4345 ----- $107 8 Helen . � . Bouoroft................'...$3417 � ....' 3475 . . �..—...��.�'��.�......�..',— .........�_�....._.._.._........... 3643 . � ..._._..�._...... 3480 � ----- $14018 ' . � � 48 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Thomas M. Bower.... ........................... ... $5792 .............. ................... 3445 ..................................... 5413 $14650 Less credit.., ...................... .................... $3294 32-94 Self-supporting. ................................. ........ $11356 Robert Newcomb.. $3786 -3786 Self-supporting. . ......................................... $458 68 Less self-supporting ...................................... 15142 Total to be raised by town . ........................... $30726 NEWFIELD. Armenia Cook ........................................... $3667 ............. ........................... 259 $3926 Less credit ........................................ ... $2309 23 09* $1617 Charles B. Bower: ..... .............................. $3787 .......................................... 5668 ........................................ 4625 ......................................... 3763 $17843 Frank Carpenter ......................... ............... $4118 ........................... ! ............. 4023 ......................................... 3427 ........... : ........ ................ 3660 $15228 DeWitt Savacool ......................................... $3559 ..................... I .................. 4488 ........................................ 4053 $12100 Lesscredit ............................. ........... ... $303 303. $11797 Total to be raised. by town ............................... $46485 � 8nrFnrrSOnRS, PnonErnzNee ' � 49 .� LANSlN8. . $3403 ...... 4085 .'.......`.......'—. 0407 ................................... 460 � ___ $11445 .�.—....'...............�.......�.—'~. $1803 1303 '— � -00O80. Self-supporting ...........'..'..'.................... - Charles W. Jacobs ...... ................................ $1065 .......................................... 41 fz72 — ~ $uunT O,ubt.......'./........,..'.'....—...... ......... *303 003 1�otalwhoraised hytown: ........................... ... ---- � ' - _ B Zr�O�. - -. . - Peter �Pickett ............... ............................ $051X^ ........................................ 4808 ..........—......................`..— «2,07 '''''''��'�.�..'......,......,—..... 3025 � ' ---' $15738 ' 8vmu Nmvu......,.. ...... ..............`.—....� $8483 � ' ...........+—............—'......... 3.407 . ~ _ . . .. . . . . . . _ . . . . . ' . . . — — . . . — . 3483 ........................................ 3445 , ----' $13018 � ' . William Mvjor.........^..~....'........ ..'....... 0«�o8 ............................ ............ 3977 � ................................... 8778 ___.,._...—................�.. 3045 Margaret R^rmou0.......'..................-........ $37 mm � ........................ 3808 . ....__ .........``........'....',... or«J � ......_............................... 4028 � ---_. $znnm 50 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 0 Laura Saxton .................... .................... $37 68 ........................................ ' 3483 ............ .... 8407. .......................................... 35 55 -- $142 13 Self supporting........ ................................. Joacbim Atwater ....................................... $34 92 .............. 3893 ........................................ 39 05 ........................................ 25 $113 15 Less credit .............................................. $28 39 2839 $84 76 Henry Merrill.......... .................................. $34 95 ................................... 3483 ....... .... ........................... 4082 ......................................... 39 V. $150 33 Jennie Dillon ........................................... $35 33 ........................................ 3407 ......................................'.. 3848. ........................................ 3910 -- $146 98 Fanny G. Barber ....................................... $36 93 .....:':..................... 3845 ............... ... 3697 .......... ............................ 3483 $147 18 Bridget Ready........... ..... - ..... ............. $34 83 ..................................... 3885 ........................................ 41 38 ..................................:..... 3812 -- $153 18 James Sbanahan........................................ $36 07 36 07 Credit ..............' .............. ... 1514 1514 $20 93 SUPERVISORS PROCEEDINGS. 51 Mary McCarthy.... .... .... _..: _.... _..- • $34 83 _ • — 1 .... ................ 42 32 ........................................ 3633 ........................................ 4155 T-- $155 03 Patrick McCarthy.. ......................:......:.... $38 52 ...................... 4113 34 4;i ............................... ........ 3663. -- 815073 Margaret Moore ........................................ $36 68 .................................. 4122 ........................................ 3513 ......................:............ 3745 $150 48 Priscilla Thompson ................................. ... $37 28 ........... 3852 :.......................... 3780 .......................... 3483 $148 43 '. Winfield Coleman........ $6 30 Less credit ........... :.................. ............... 1287 $6 57 Alonzo Sears............................................ $8. 00 4167 ......................................... 3445 , -- $84 02 Credit.... ......::.................... $29 53 2953 $54 49 William H. Munson. ........................ ............ 63483. ...................... 8493 ............. $ 6097 30 73 -- 1 Harriet S. Dennis ......................................•.. $36 34 . .................................. 3893 -- $75 27 52 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. William S. Knapp..:......::............... ............. $35 33 .................................:...... 4072 ......................................... 3538 ........................................ 3845 -- $149 88 Harriet P. Rosa .............:................ Credit .............•.....: Less credit...... . s Russell C. Williams......... .............................. $9 25 ........................:............... 3952 $48 77 Less credit........... $ 44 644$42 33 James Harrigan...... I .................................. $39 57 ........................................ 3598 .......... :............................... 4275 .................................... 3738 $155 68 Jolin Leach........ ... $45 43 ... 3713 ......:................................. 3943 ........................................ 4095 -- $162 94 Mary A. Culliggan.......... $35 33 •......................................: 5224 ........................................ 35 93 -- $123 50 JohnRaymond ......... :.................................. $70 47 ..................................... .. 4488 ..... . ........... 890 812425 Less credit...:...... ................................... $22 34 2234 $101 91 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 53 Henry Thompson ....................................... t46-19' ... . ............. -. - _y 1505 $6124 Susan Dickinson... ................. ........... $76 82 $76 82 Mary. Kane.......... ...... ' .. $65,41 --Self -supporting. ............................. . Mary A. Stephens....... .. $17 76 - $17 76 Lena Townley .....................:...................... 83634 $36 34 Selfsupporting .......................................... Total .....................:.. :................. .$3 2 79 37 Less self-supporting .............. 24388 Total to be raised by town... ........t::............... $3,035.49 COUNTY OF TOMPKINS. . Benjamin Vanderpool ....:............................... $35 28 ........................................ 3918 .............................. I.......... 4117 ................................... 3585 $151 48 Mary J. Sweezy........................ ..... ........... 4$34 83 ' ........................................ 3955 .......................................... 35 13 ....... .... 3107 $143 58 Patience Starks .....................................:... $34 83 ........................................ 3733 ........................................ 3952 3575 $147 43 George Graham ........................ I.................. $39 18 ........... ::........ :...::... 42 23 ........- ........................:.... 35 17 ................•....................... 3925 $155 83 54 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. S. Harriet Crego. $34 83 ....... 3445 I....... 3407 ......................................t. 3483 James Brennan .............................. $39 78 ........................................ 0 4032 ........................................ 4558 ........................................ 3700 -- $162 68 Thomas Northrop............ ....... $35 78 .........„....................... ...... 3643 ........................................ 3540 ........................................ 3807 . -- $145 68 Josepbine-Williams..................................... $37 82. ............................. ........ 800 Credit........... . " ........ -- $45 82 .719 7 19 $38 63 `Luthera Johnson ......................................... $34 45 .......... :............................. 3483 ........:................•............... 3573 .......................:................. 3837 • -- $143 38 Self-supporting .............................. LydiaM. Arnold ....................................... $34 07 ...... 3493 ........................................ 8445 ..... 34 83 -- $138 28 Michael Sweeney ......................................... $59 99 $59 99 Hugo Su meely.......................................... $37 10 S37 10 Total .................... :......................... $1,46224 Lessself supporting .............................. ....... 143.38 Total to be raised by county•.,.. 81,318 86'. SUPERVISORS PROCEEDINGS. 55 _ Resolved, That in accordance with a resolution=of-the Board of Supervisors, passed Dec. 7th, 1880, t_h_ere-be=assessed and levied upon the taxable property of the_following-towns, the sums set forth in the annexed schedule, to reim- burse the County for amounts of money paid to the several charitable institu- tions in said schedule named, via; DRYDEN. Samuel Greenfield-, S. V. Home ..................:....... $18 75 Will Greenfield, S. V. Home ............................. 1875 Interest deficiency, ....................................... 720. $44 70 Total to be raised by town for S. V. Home. ......... $44 70 Frederick Gleason, Canandaigua Home ................... $78 00 William Greenfield, Canandaigua Home ...... .:............ 31 93 Samuel Greenfield, Canandaigua Home ................... 6900 Clothing for children ................... .............. 1 65 $180 58 Total to be raised by town for Canandaigua Home......... $180 58 CAROLINE. r Marilla Genung, S. V. Home...... .. ... e.. ... $18 75 Richard Genung, S. V. Home ......................:..... 1875 Interest deficiency.. .... .. 01080 $48 30 Total to be raised by town, for S. V. Home ............... $48'30 Marilla Genung, Canandaigua Rome ...................... $49 50 b Clothing .................... ................ '............ 108 Richard Genung, Canandaigua Home ..................... 69 00 Clothing... ...........:.. 55 -- $120 13 Less credit from Western Institute for deaf mutes......... $30 00 3000 Total to be raised by town for Canandaigua Home......... $90 13 . GROTON. Susan E. Peck, Western N. Y. Institute for deaf mutes... $300 06' • Total to be raised by town for Western Inst. for deaf mutes.. $300 00 56 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. ULYSSES. Grant Robinson, S. Y. Home, interest deficiency.......... $3 60 Total to be raised by town for S. V. Home ................ $3 60 John Cook, Canandaigua Home ............................ $67 50 John Cook, clothing, Canandaigua Home ................. 55 Augusta Cook, Canandaigua Home ....................... 1200 Augusta Cook, clothing, Canandaigua Home.. ...........: 655 -- $86 60 Total to be raised by town for Canandaigua Home........ $86 60 DANBY. _ Mattie McWilliams, Canandaigua Home ................... 1800 Total to be raised by town for Canandaigua. Home......... $18 00 GROTON. Horatio E. Morgan, N. Y. State Lunatic Asylum .......... $106 34 ., ......... 11514 -- $221 48 Self-supporting .......................................... ITHACA,. Hattie Van Houter, S. V. Home ......................... Interest deficiency........ .. $3 60 360 ' John Brewst4r, S. V. Home ........................ Interest deficiency........ 360 Elmira Tripp, S. V. Home.... ..... ..... 3 60 Julia Tripp, S. V. Home.... .......................... 360 , -- $10 80• Jennie Thompson, S.X. Home ............................. Interest deficiency ...... ................................ $3 60 y Walter Thompson, 8. V. Home ... ...................... 11 75 Interest deficiency ......:....:........................... 3 60 Verna Thompson, S. V. Home....... .............. 11 75 Interest deficiency ....................................... 3'60 $34 30 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 55 Resolved, That in accordance with a resolution of the Board of Supervisors, passed Dec. 7th, 1880, there be assessed and levied upon the taxable property of the following towns, the sums set forth in the annexed schedule, to reim- burse the County for amounts of -money paid to the several charitable institu- - _tions.in_said.schedule.namedvvia — — — — — — - DRYDEN. Samuel Greenfield; S. V. Home ........................... $18 75 Will Greenfield, S. V. Home ............................. 1875 Interest deficiency,'.. 720. $44 70 Total to be raised by town for S. V. Home ...........:...... $44 70 ' Frederick Gleason, Canandaigua Home ................... $78 00 William Greenfield, Canandaigua Home...........'....... 31 93 Samuel Greenfield, Canandaigua_ Home .................... 69 00- Clothing for children ........... ....... ...... 1 65 $180 58 Total to be raised by town for Canandaigua Home......... $180 58 CAROLINE. Marilla Genung, S. V. Home...... ... ... •.. _ ... $18 75 Richard Genung, S. V. Home ............................ 1875 Interest deficiency....... ... . .......................... ,10 80 $48 30 Total to be raised by town. for S, V. Home ............... $48.30 Marilla Genung, Canandaigua Home ..................... $49 50 b Clothing ...................:............................ 108 Richard Genung, Canandaigua Home .................... 6900 Clothing ................ ................... ....... 1 55 -- $120 13 Less credit from Western Institute for deaf mutes......... $30 00 3000 Total to be raised by town for Canandaigua Home......... $9613 GROTON. Susan E. Peck, Western N. Y. Institute for deaf ,mutes... $300 00' Total to be raised by town for Western Inst. for deaf mutes.. $300 00 I 56 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. ULYSSES. Grant Robinson, S. V. Home, interest deficiency.......... $3 60 Total to be raised by town for S. V. Home ................ $3 60 John Cook, Canandaigua Home.... ...................... $67 50 John Cook, clothing, Canandaigua Home ................. 55 Augusta Cook, Canandaigua Home ....................... 1200 Augusta Cook, clothing, Canandaigua Home .............: 655 -- $86 60 Total to be raised by town'for Canandaigua Home........ $86 60 DANBY. Mattie McWilliams, Canandaigua Home ................... 1800 Total to be raised by town for Canandaigua. Home......... $18 00 GRO•T.ON. Horatio E. Morgan, N. Y. State Lunatic Asylum .....:... $106 34 ......... 11514 -- $221 48 Self-supporting........... ............................... ITHACA, Hattie Van Houter, S. V. Home ......................... Interest deficiency....... . $3 60 360 ' e John Brewst4r, S. V. Home ........................ Interest deficiency ............................... ......... 360 Elmira Tripp, S. V. Home......... ..... 360, Julia Tripp, S. V. Home.... _ ...................... 360 , -- $10 80 Jennie Thompson, S:=V. Home........., .. ..................... Interest deficiency ...... ................................ $3 60 Walter Thompson, 8. V. Home ... ........:............. 11 75 Interest deficiency......: ................................. 3 60 Verna Thompson, S. V. Home....... ................. 11 75 Interest deficiency. ......... . ...................... 360 $34 30 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 57 John Vanlnwagen, S. V. Home ......................... $18 75 Interest, deficiency......... , ... 360 $22 35 Sarah Housteen,_.S V. Home ............................. Interest deficiency, .. , .... 6360 $3 60 Harry Rennie, S. V. Home ................ :...,,_ 1875 Lena Rennie, S. V. Home................... ........... - ---•6.00__- . Addle Rennie, S. V. dome... .... ... 17 50 ` "- Freddie Rennie, S. V. Home... .... 925 . .................... Interest deficiency for Rennie children ................... 1440, $69.50 Total to be raised by town for S. V. -Home ................ $140 55 Willie Saxton, Canandaigua Home ....................... $78 00 Harriet Ostrander, Canandaigua Home................... 66 64- Harry Renny, Canandaigua Home......'. 6900 John Van Inwagen, Canandaigua Home .................. 25 93 Walter Thompson, Canandaigua Home ................... 6900 Jennie Thompson, Canandaigua Home ..................... 6900 Henry Sherman, Canandaigua Home ..................... 67 50 Sarah Houston, Canandaigua Home.... .............`.. 686 Clothing for 5 boys, at55c. each ......................... 2 75 E$454 68 Total to be raised by town for Canandaigua Home........ $454 68 . TOMPKINS COUNTY. Charles McDonald, S. V. Home. .................. ...... $18 75 Interest deficiency.... ...... 3 Q -- $22 37 Total to be raised by county for S. V. Home............,. $22 37 Charles McDonald, Canandaigua Home. $69 00 Charles McDonald, clothing, Canandaigua Home.......... 55 --. $69 55 Total to be raised by county for Canandaigua Home...... $69 55 All of which is respect fully.submitted for your constderation. JAMES BOICE. G M. ROCKWELL, Committee. RANDOLPH HORTONJ 5$ SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Mr.- Boice also offered. the following preamble and resolutions, which•were, on motion of Mr. Horton, unanimously adopted: Whereas, The Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, in response to an invitation extended by Superintendent Chapin, of Willard Asylum, to visit said institution in a body, did make such visit on Frida}?, Nov. 30th, 1883; and, Whereas, A thorough inspection of said asylum, its general management, and, -the care of the patients therein, was made by this Board; and,. Whereas. Through the courtesy of Superintendent Chapin and his able corps of assistants, this Board was admitted to every department of said institution, and received a detailed statement. and explanation of the workings of the same; now, therefore, . Resolved, That Superintendent Chapin is entitled to the thanks of this Board for the uniform courtesy extended to them on such visit, and he is also enti. fled to the commendation of the people di large, for the ability and care dis- played by him in the general and detail mauagement of such institution. Also; Resolved, That we cheerfully vouch for the careful treatment, comfortable maintenance, and wholesome support of the patients in.said asylum from this county. 0 Mr. Beers offered the following preamble and resolution, which .were, on motion of Mr. Horton, adopted: Whereas, From certain 'items in a bill presented by Sheriff Follett against Tompkins County,.it appears that the county has been charged for maintain- ing prisoners which were placed in charge of said sheriff for violating the provisions of the charter of the village of Ithaca; and, Whereas,. It is the sense of this Board that such items should be paid.and provided for by the village of Ithaca; therefore, Resolved, That the Committee on Treasurer's, Sheriff's, and Judge's Accounts be, .and is hereby instructed to strike out from said bill all such items as should be adjusted by the village of Ithaca. At six o'clock, on motion, Board adjourned. y C. SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 59 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 4th. Morning Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. A Roll Call —Full Board. Minutes of yesterday's proceedings=read-and approved -- - - Mr. Horton offered the following resolution, which was seconded by Mr. Boise:' - Resolved, That the medical fee for examination in lunacy cases for the ensu- ing year, commencing December 4th, 1883, be, and the same is hereby fixed at. a sum not exceeding three dollars. Mr. Rockwell. then offered_ the following resolution, which was seconded by Mr. Beers: Resolved, That the resolution of Mr. Horton be amended, by striking out the words`•three dollars'.' and., insert,ing-the __words "five dollars," as competent physicians would undoubtedly decline to act in lunacy cases for the moderate fee proposed. Mr. Chapman moved to lay both resolutions upon the table, which motion was seconded by Mr. Beers. The ayes and nays on the vote upon said motion being called fori the vote resulted as .follows: Ayes —Beers, Rockwell, Chapman. Nayes—Boice, Bailey, Crozier, Crocker, Horton, Wheeler. The Chairman- declared the motion lost, a majority of the mem-, bers of. the Board having voted against the same. The resolution offered by Mr. Rockwell being in order, the ayes and nayes on the vote upon said resolution being called for, the vote resulted as follovds: Ayes —Beers, Rockwell, Chapman. Nays—Boice, Bailey, Crozier, Crocker, Horton, Wheeler. o 60 SUPERVISORS' PROCFEDINGS. The Chairman declared the resolution offered by Mr: Rockwell not adopted, a majority of the members of the Board having voted in the negative. The original resolution offered by Mr. Horton being called.up, and i:n being,put to vote, it was adopted. Mr. Wheeler offered the following resolutions, which were, on mo- tion of Mr. Bailey, adopted: Resolved, That the collectors of the several towns In this county be required by this Board to.settle with the County Treasurer on or before Feb. 20, 1884. Resolved, That the County Treasurer be authorized to extend the time for the collection of taxes in any town in this county, where such extension may be necessary, as provided in Sec. 1, Chapter 482, of the,Session Laws of 1875. Mr. Beers, Chairman of .the Committee on County. Claims, re- ported favorably upon the following bills, which were audited, seriatim, by the Board, in accordance with the recommendation of the committee: Bills numbers 42, 164, 163, 123, 142. 61, 161, 162. Mr. Bailey offered the following resolution, which was, on motion of -Mr. Beers, adopted: Resolved, That in case of a deficiency Ln Court Expenses, the Committee on Ordinary Repairs be authorized to borrow, on the, credit of the county, suffi- cient to meet contineencies in Court expenses, until the meeting of the Board of Supervisors. At 12 o'clock, on motion, Board adjourned. Afternoon \Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll•calt--Full Board. The Committee on Equalization. and Assessment Rolls. immedi- ately retired to then room for deliberation, while the remaining members of the Board occupied their time in comparing town ab- stracts and countersigning town orders. ,At six o'clock, said committee having returned to the Board without completing their labors, on motion, Board adjourned. c o , SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. E 1 WEDNESDAY; DECE`MBER.5th. Morliing Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll Call —Full Board. Minutes of -yesterday's proceedingsread andapproved_ Mr. Horton offered the following resolution, which was, on motion . of Mr. Crozier, adopted: Resolved, That the following items be added to the -town audits of the town of Newfield, to -wit: Jas. F. Linderman, excise commissioner, .................... $3 00 I. N. VanOsfrand, ex -constable ...:.......... - The Committee on Equalization and Assessment Rolls again re- tired .to their room, while the remaining members of the Board busied themselves- with countersigning town orders. At twelve o'clock, said committee returned to the Board, their labors yet uncompleted, and on motion, Board adjourned. Afternoon Session.- ° Board met pursuant to adjournment. ` Roll call —Full Board. The Committee on • Equalization and Assessment Rolls immedi- ately retired to their room for deliberation, and at six o'clock, ..with- out completing its work, returned to the Board, -,vhen, on motion, Board adjourned. 62 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. THU'RSDAY, DECEMBER 6th. Morning Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call —Full Board. Minutes of yesterday's, proceedings read and approved. Mr. Horton offered the following resolution, which was, on mo- tion of Mr. Beers, adopted: Resolved, That the sum of $249.00 be rejected from the Sheriff's board bill, as rendered by him, for the reason that the charges therein are for prisoners convicted under the charter of the village of Ithaca for violation thereof, and that'the same is not a county charge. • The Committee on Equalization and Assessment Rolls immedi- ately retired to their room for further deliberation. At twelve o'clock, the said committee rose and returned to the • Board, whereupon Mr. Horton, the Chairman of said Committee, presented and read their reports which report was laid over for one day, in conformity with the rule of the Board heretofore established. There being no present business, on motion, Board adjourned. Afternoon Session. • Board met pursuant to adjournment.' Roll call=Full Board. The following resolution was offered by Mr. Crozier, and, on mo- tion of Mr. Bailey, adopted: Resolved, That.there be levied and collected on the taxable property of the town of Ithaca, two hundred and forty two and 55-100 dollars, to satisfy, a claim of the Ithaca Savings Bank against said town on account of a tag that was erroneously collected. from said bank•on the tax levy of 1882. Mr. Bailey, Chairman of the Committee on Superintendent's ' Accounts and County Buildings, presented the report of said com mittee, together with the subjoined resolutions, which report was, SUPERVISORS` PROCEEDINGS. 63 on motion of Mr. Boice, accepted, and the several resolutions adopted-. Said report and resolutions are as follows, viz.: Your Committee to:whom was referred the report of the Super- intendent 'of the Poor, would respectfully report: The number of inmates in the County A•Ims House, Nov. 15th, 1882, _ -- was .................•........................ 8 ItecelVed during the year ...... 60 -" — . . 108 Deaths during<Ehe-year................ _-Absconded ......... . Discharged during the year.:..... ... .......... 63 — 73 Inmates at date of this report ..............................:....... 35 The number of days said inmates have been maintained in the Alms House during the year was 15,580. Number of days chargeable to County.'. .....0 .. 6,991, r91.26 9 52, $1,202 72 Ulysses.......... 1,826, " 82824 '. " Ithaca...: ....... ..... 2,483, "" 44633 " Caroline...." 730, " 13122 r< Danby.:........:. 1,370, 24627 . Lansing.......... 212, 3812 Enfield........... 78, 1403 Groton...•........ 365, .6562 Dryden .......... 1,825, 32806 Total paid by the towns ..... :.............. .....:............... $1,597 89 Total indoor expense, aside from products of farm ..........:.....: 2,800 61 Received by the Superintendent for disbursements: By appropriation ............................ . ...... , . $2.500 00 ,By towns .............. ......... • 1,14678 Products of farm ............................. 36072 From ex-Supt. and cloth .............................. 60 12 Ex -Suet. and O. P. Dryden. 19 19 Note by Committee............ I ....................... 1.,000 00 From Brooklyn......... ................. 100 00 -- $5,186 81 , 64 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Entire disbursements for the year: _ Indoor relief .......................................... $2,800 61 Temporary relief, outdoor ............................ 1,52111 Services of O. P...................................... 210 28 Attorneys' fees, Almy & Bouton........................ 53505 Improvementson. farm ................................ 372 00 Stock repairs ............... ........................ 12251 Supplies for house .................................... 21882 Superintendent's expenses...........:. c ..:............ 19765 Transportation paupers ................................. 38 78 Balance in hands of Supt....... ........................ 3383 . —= $6,050 64 . Disbursements and balance exceeds the appropriations.. , 86383 The $1,000 note is also deficient of last year, together with the interest, $20, which is to, be provided for, less bal- ance, $33.83... ............................ 1,85000 We estimate for the ensuing year the sum of $4,172.73, as fol- lows, viz: Indoor.expeDses by towns ........:............... ... $1,644 40 County expenses,indoor ............................... 1,29333 Overseers of Poor...... ............... ............. 2 00 00 Transportation ........................................ 3500 Temporary ou ;door relief ............................ 1,00000 -- $4,172 73 Less amount by towns: n Ulysses ............................................... 33781 Ithaca................... ................. ........ 459 35 Caroline ................................ ............ 13500 Danby.:.............................................. , 5345 Lansing... ........:................................. 39 22 Enfield..................................•....•...... .. 14.43 - 6lroton.............................................. .6752 Dryden.; ............................... ............. 33762 $1,644 40 $1,644 40 $2,528 33 Together with the note $1,020.00 and $830.00.. equals $1,850.00, the real deficiency of last year........... $1,850 00 Total amount raised this year .......................... 4,172 73 -- $6,022 73 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS.. 65 To meet the deficiency now existing, and to provide for the com- ing year, your Committee would offer the following resolutions: Resolved, That the sum of twenty-five hundred and twenty-eight and 33 100 dollars be levied and collected in Tompkins County, to be expended for the .purposes named in the estimates given above. Resolved, That the sum of sixteen hundred and forty-four 40 100 dollars be levied and collected on the several towns in this county, according _to=thestate= — i- - __ - ment above, as furnished _by-the=Superintendent. ' We further report the barn in a bad condition, and at the request of the Superintendent, we would ask the Board to make an appro- priation for the building of a new barn. ' We further report the house to be kept in a clean and Healthy condition, the inmates well fed with well cooked and wholesome food. - Resolved, That hereafter the Superintendent be required to keep the account of each department separate, so that he can determine just what is indoor and out -door expense; and in case of deficiency there will be no 'question in re gard to what ,are county and what are town charges. ` D. W. BAILEY, L. J. WHEELER, Committee. • A. G. CHAPMANl Mr. Bailey alao offered the report of Wm. O. Newman, County Superintendent of the Poor, which was, on motion of Mr. Horton, received, and ordered spread upon the minutes. (See Reports.) Mr. Rockwell, Chairman of the Committee on Treasurer's, Sher- iff's, and Judge's Accounts, reported the following bills, which were audited, seriatim, by the Board, in accordance with the recommen- dation of the committee: Bills numbers 140 and 165. Mr. Boice offered the following resolution, wbich was, on motion of Mr. Chapman, duly adopted: Resolved, That we proceed to designate, by ballot, two newspapers, in which to publish the Report of the Equalization Committee for the current year. The Chairman appointed. Messrs. Wheeler and Rockwell tellers. The ballot. resulted as follows: 66 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Whole number of votes cast were 3, of which the Ithaca Demo crat received 5,• the Ithaca Weekly Journal 3, and the Groton and Lansing Journal 1. The Ithaca Democrat and Ithaca Weekly Journal were declared by the Chairman to be duly designated by the Board- as the two newspapers in which to publish the report of the Equalization Committee. . Mr. Rockwell offered the following. resolution,. which was, on motion of Mr. Wheeler, adopted: Resolved, That the Superintendent of the Poor, be requested to provide the articles for the County Alms House, as heretofore requested by the ladies of 'the local visiting committee of the State. Charities Aid Association.._ s At six o'clock, on motion, Board adjourned. t FRIDAY, DECEMBER• 7th. Morning Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call —Full Board. Minutes of yesterday's proceedings read and approved. Mr. Bailey, of the Committee_ on Constables', Clerk's, and Jus tices' Accounts, and one of the members of the Board who voted in favor. of auditing bill number 54 at the sum of $207.20, being the bill of Albert Norton, Chief of Police of the Village of Ithaca, for the services of the police of said village as constables, moved to reconsider the vote taken by the Board on the passage of said bill, which motion, on being put to vote, was carried; whereupon • Mr. B,oice offered the following resolution, which was, on motion of Mr. Horton, adopted: Resolved, That the Committee on Constables', Clerk's, and Justices' Ac counts 'be, and are hereby instructed to deduct from bill No. 54 the sum of SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 67 seventy-three. dollars and fifty cents ($73.50), for donveying prisoners to the Onondaga Penitentiary, convicted and sentenced under the charter of the vil- lage of Ithaca, the same not, being a county charge. In pursuance of the above resolution, Mr. Crozier, Chairman of the committee therein named, presented said bill number 54, and moved that the same be audited at the sum of $133.70, which mo- tion"was carried..-_-___ Mr. Crocker. offered the following resolution, --while- Mr: Bailey.- was temporarily in the chair, which was, on motion of Mr. Wheeler, adopted:. Resolved, That there be assessed and levied upon the taxable property of the town of Lansing the sum of $256.00, said amount to be applied by the Com- missioner of.Highways for maintaining highways and bridges. At 12 o'clock, on motion; Board adjourned. Afternoon Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call —Full Board. Mr. Beers, Chairman of the Committee on County Claims, re ported favorably upon the following bills, being, the bills of the several Supervisors for services and mileage, as members of. the Board, and which were audited by the Board, in accordance with the recommendation of the committee. Bills numbers 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174. Mr. Crozier offered the following resolution, which was, on motion of Mr. Rockwell, adopted: Resolved, That County Clerk Partenheimer purchase and pay for, for Tomp- kins County, the street waterworks and hydrant connected with the. County Clerk's office, provided the same can be .purchased for twenty-five dollars. Mr. Crozier offered the following resolution, which was, on mo- tion of Mr. Wheeler, adopted: Resolved, That the committee hereinafter named be, and is hereby author- ized to borrow a sum not to exceed one thousand dollars, at times and in 11 68, SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. amounts discretionary with them, for the purpose of erecting a barn at the County Alms House, and that the following named persons be the committee 'to build said barn and take entire charge thereof: Messrs. Bailey, Wheeler,, Chapman, and County Superintendent'Newmao. Mr. Horton offered the following resolution, which was, on mo- tion of Mr. Wheeler, adopted: Resolved, That the County Audits be printed.in the Ithaca Democrat. At six o'clock, on motion, Board adjourned. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8th. Morning Session. Board'met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call —Full Board. Minutes of yesterday's proceedings read and approved. Mr. Horton, Chairman of the Committee on Equalization and Assessment Rolls, presented and read the report of said committee, which was, on motion of Mr. Crozier, unanimously adopted. Said report is.as follows: To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: Your Committee on Equalization respectfully report that the assessed valuation of the several towns, as reported by the assessors for the year 1883, is as follows: Towns. No. Acres. Valuation Real Est. Valuation 'Personal, I Valuation Aggregate. Caroline.... ................. 31,349 $784,640 $30,375 $815,015 Danbya.:...................I 33,286 648,195 20,712 668,907 Dryden. ................... 61,320 - 1,093,036 51,435 1,144,471 Enfield. 22,007 554.090 63,600 617,690 Groton. 30,725 1,306,985 202,570 1,509,555 Ithaca ...................... 19,233 2,642,398 575,840 3,218,238 Lansing ..................... 37,781 1,841990 146,1301 1,488,120 Newfield ........ 36976 499:490 35,630 635,120 Ulysses ..................... 19,818 1.033,154 • 185,118 1,218,272 $9,903,978 $1,311,410 �11,215,388 M SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. e9 We, the undersigned, the Committee on Equalization, would "respectfully report the following to be the equalized valuation of __-- the real estate in the County of. Tompkins for .the year 1883: mowxs. --- _ -- Valuation "Real Estate. Valuation Personal. Valuation Aggregate. Caroline. ................... ..... $438,746 I $301375- $469,121 Danhy ................ ............ 539.767 20,712 560,479 Dryden ........... :................ 1,391.510 51.435 1.442,945 Enfield.......... .......... ....... 404082 63.600 467,682 Groton..... ......................... 916,214 202,570 1,108,784 Ithaca .............................1 3,248,505 578,840 3,824,345 Lansing ............................ 1,329.114 146,130 I 1,475.244 Newfield .......................... 51.5,0U6 35.630 550,636 Ulysses .......:............:....... 1,131,034 185,118 1,316,152 $9 903.978 $1, 311.410 $11.215,388 R. HORTON, JOHN .E. ]SEERS, R. A. CROZIER, Committee. G. Al. ROCKWELL, o D. W. BAILEY, .. J 7o th6 Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County. - Tour Committee appointed to examine the Assessment Rolls of the several towns in said county, report'that they have' performed such duty, and find the footings therein correct,'.and that the oaths of the Assessors attached thereto are in accordance with the statute. R. HORTON, J. E. BEERS, R. A. CROZIER, Committee. G. M. ROCKWELL, - D. W. BAILEY, Mr. Horton then presented and read the County Budget, which was, on motion of Mr. Wheeler, unanimously approved and adopted by the Board, and the resolutions incorporated therein adopted. Said budget and resolutions are as follows: Resolved, That the following be assessed and.levied on the taxable property of the County of Tompkins, for the purposes herein set forth 70 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. The State Board of Equalization of Taxes having fixed the aggregate valua- tion,of property n the County of Tompkins at the sum of $13,115,499.00,'up- on which amount a tax of $42,625.37 must be levied for the current fiscal year, commencing October 1st, 1883, for the following purposes, viz For Schools, 1 0791000 mills ............. .p .$14,151 62 For General Purposes, 1,124-1000 mills.. .............. 14,741 93 . For.Canals, 1 047.1000 mills ................ 13,731 82 Total, 3 25-100 mills ....... :....... $42,625 37 County Judge's salary ................................ $2,500 00 Countv Treasurer's salary ............................... 90000 ' Clerk of Supervisors' salary ........................... 15000 Chaplain to Alms House salary ........................ 5000 Court expenses ....................................... 3,50000 County audits .................................. ..... 9,48878 Clerk's postage account..... .....................:.... 1500 District Attorney's salary ............. ............... 60000 Fuel and gas fund .................... ............... 50600 Janitor of Court House ..................:............ 17500 Onondaga County Penitentiary.. ...... ....... ...... 39010 Physician to jail ....................... ............. 90 00 School Commissioners' salary ......................... 40000 Superintendent of Poor ............................... $4,172 73 Less amount by towns ................................ 1,64440 2, 528 33 . Surrogate's office, incidental expenses.. ................ 7500 Treasurer's stationery and,postage account ............. 1500 Willard Asylum ..................................... 7,33276 Less amount by towns........... ...................... 6,01390 — 1,31886 Special County Judge's salary..: ...................... 5000 Clerk of Surrogate's Court, salary ..................... 25000 ' Notes payable, on account of Court expenses........ .. 2,00000 District Attorney, office rent, fuel, etc ............... 2,000 Note payable on account of Supt. of Poor .............. 1,02000 Canandaigua Home.* .................................. 92899 Less amount by towns ................................ 85999 — 6900 Susquehanna V. Home ............................... 25952 Less amount by towns ................................ 237 15 -- 2237 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 71 Deficiency in Court expenses.. .,1;000 00 Less one per cent. for disbursing school moneys. _:.. 132 44 86756 M. King, services in Courtright case, by order of Court... 20000 Sberiff, office rent.: ::..... ...................... 3500 $27,410 00 14soived. That the following sums be levied and collected upon the taxable properly of the several towns of the County of Tompkins, for the purposes herein named: CAROLINE. State tax ........................................ .. $1,888 30 Countytax ...................................................... 1,21424 Town audits ................ :.................................. 65716 Highways and bridges.......... .- ..:.. ...... 1,56180 Overseer of Poor .......... :.................................... 25000 Superintendent of Poor ....................................:.... 13500 Willard Asylum ...........................:..................... 1517 Canandaigua Home........ Unpaid taxes. . ........................ 335 S. V. Home ................................................ 4830 66,000 03 DANBY. State tax .... ........ ... :..................................... $2,323 08 Countytax ...................................................... 1,49384 Townaudits ................................. ................. 42399 Highways and bridges ..............:.....'...................... 25000 Superintendent of Poor .......................................... 25345 Willard Asylum....—....' ............. 29416 Unpaid taxes .......:....................................... 70 Canandaigua Home .......... ....... 1800. 65,057 22 DRYDEN. State tax.. :........... ............ .... $5,988 88 Countytax ...................................................... 3.851 11 Town audits :................................. ............ . 1,246 72 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Highways and bridges .............. I......:..................... 1,73000 Overseer of Poor .............................................. . 500 00 Superintendent of Poor ........................................... 33762 Willard Asylum.... ......... . 95219 Canandaigua Home ............................................ 180 58 Road scrapers..............:................P................... 60655 Unpaid taxes .:........... ..................... I............... 29 88 S. V. Home... .:... ........ 4470 e $15,468 34 ENFIELD. State tax ........ ...... ................... :................... $1,739 11 County tax...... ...... 1,11832 Town audits. ....... udits..........:............87244 Highways and bridges ............................................ 25000, Superintendent of Poor.......` ....................•............... 1443 Interest on railroad bonds ....................................... 1,42100 Sinking fund.... ...... 25000 $5,665 30 OROTON. - Statetax. ..................................................... $3.900 12 County tax ............................ ......................... 2,50801 Town audits ......................:.............................. 80881 Highways and bridges .................... 25000 Overseer of Poor ................................................ 20.000. Superintendent of Poor ......................................... 6752 Willard Asylum.... ........ .... I ...... 75888 Interest on railroad bonds., : ............................... 1,05000 Sinking fund .. ................................................ 45000 Western Institute for Deaf Mutes .......................:........ 30000 $9, 993 34 ITHACA. State tax.................................................:.....$18,981 12 County tax.... ............................ . 8,990 50 Town audits.............. ....:..::.............................. 7,34817 Highways 9114 $ridges.... ,..........:.........,,..... ,,,....... 25000 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 73 Superintendent of Poor ........ ................................5935 Willard' Asylum .....................:...................: ... 3,03549 Interest on railroad bonds, I. & A........... 10,875 00 i Interest on railroad bonds, G., & I...... -- ` 7,00000 Sinking fund, I. & A .:......... .. ........................... 15,000 00 i Sinking food, G. & L .. ................................... 2,50000 Tax Receiver's salary.- .................................'........ 400 00 Canaudaigua-Rome............. ................................... 45468 Unpaid'taxes........... .....:...:..................,............ 7588 'S: V. Home .................................. ..................... ,. 14055 $70, 510 74 LANSING. - Statetax ....:.................................................. $5. 72 0 32 County tax ............................:..'.. .... 3,67842 Town audits .............................::...................... 2,80015 Superintendent of Poor ........:..: ........... .. 3922 Unpaid taxes.......... ................ 1910 Willard Asylum... ......... .................................... 4934 Highways and bridges.........: 25000 $12,550 55 NEWFIELD. State tax .:.............................. $2 216 52 Countytax ...................................................... Town audits...:...... ............... 4,06849 .................... ..... Willard Asylum ............... 46485 Interest on railroad bonds ............. :......................... 3,29000 Sinking fund.:....... ........ Highways and bridges ................ ... .. ................. 25000 Unpaid.taxes..........:..................................... . 3108 $12,026 24 • . ULYSSES, . State tax ................... ..................................... $4,867 83 County tax. .:.................. 3,13 0 22 Town audits ................................................ 1,25920 Superintendent of Poor .......... . ............................ 33781 744 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Willard Asylum ........................ .......... .......... 30726 Interest on railroad bonds ........... :........................... 5,25000 Sinking fund ................................... ........ 1,000 00 Highways and bridges......., .................................. 25000 Unpaid taxes .....................................:............. 4090 Canandaigua Home........ ...................................... 8660 S. V. Home... ................................... I ............360 y $16,533 41 There being no present business, on motion, Board adjourned, to re -convene on Saturday next, December 15th, at 11 o'clock a. m. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 15th. Morning Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll Call —Full Board.. Minutes of last day's proceedings read and approved. .The brief morning session was occupied by the Board in signing the tax warrants for the collectors of the several towns. Just previous to adjournment, Chairman Crocker, 'on behalf of the Board, presented to the Clerk a handsome gold pen arid pen- cil combined, and in presenting the same, Mr. Crocker said: Xr. Hodson: It is gratify'ng to me to present to you, in behalf of this Board, this pen and pencil. It being a symbol of your office, it is intende as a souvenir to remind you of the esteem and approbation of the members of this Board. I am sure you will appreciate its value, not for its intrinsic worth, but for the signifi- cance of its presentation. Mr. Hodson briefly thanked the Board for the valuable gift, as well as for the sentiment of confidence and good will that accom- panied it. At twelve o'clock, on motion, Board adjourned. SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 75 Afternoon Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment,.,-� Roll Call —Full Board. Mr. Beers off ered-tlie following preamble and resolution, which as, on motion o Mr. Crozier, adopted-. lte eas, It has become frequent for officers and persons, who have no au- ority in such matters, to order medical examinations in lunacy cases; now, erefore, Resolved, Tuat the Board of Supervisors will not audit the bill of, any phy- ician for such examination, unless such bill distinctly shows on its face that e same was authorized by the proper officer, as designated to chapter 446, ws of 1874. Air. Rockwell offered the following resolution, which was, on notion of Mr. Boice, adopted: Resolved, That a unanimous vote of thanks be extended to Devoe P. Hodson; sq., for the capable manner in which he has discharged the duties of Clerk f this -Board. Mr. Horton offered the following resolution, which was, on mo- tion of Mr. Wheeler, adopted: Resolved, That the earnest thanks of this Board be tendered to our Chair - an, Hon. David Crocker, for the efficient and impartial manner with which be has presided over our deliberations during the present'seasion. On the adoption of the above resolution, Chairman Crocker ad- jdressed the Board as follows: Gentlemen: —It is unnecessary for me to say, that I feel grateful for this vote of thanks. If I have performed the duties of presiding officer acceptably during this session, it is, in•a measure, owing to your forbearance and courtesy. I felt at the time you selected me to preside over your delibera- tions, that you had extended to me an unmerited compliment. I have endeavored, to the best of my. ability, to maintain with a P 76 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Strict impartiality the dignity of the chair, and the. observance order, and am happy to believe that in. so doing no sting has be left behind. The course which you have pursued to carry.out much need reforms, and to obliterate old party precedents, will, I believe, w a plaudit greater than,I can give.them; the approval of a majori of your constituents; and all efforts of interested parties to crea an adverse sentiment will prove unavailing. It is a matter of congratulation to you, as a Board, that notwitl standing the State tax for this county is upwards of $13,000 mor than last year, yet by your care and economy the county expense have been correspondingly decreased the present year. Again, gentlemen, I thank- you for the past, and crave your bes wishes for the future, and if there be no further business we wi] listen to the reading of the minutes of the day's proceedings; pre paratory to the final adjournment of the Board. There being no further business, the minutes of the day's pre ceedings were accordingly read and approved,,when, on motion, th Board adjourned without day. DEVOE P. HODSON, Clerk. COUNTY AUDITSO STATE . OF NEW YORK, ss COUNTI OF TOMPIiINS—BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, do hereby certify that the following abstract comprises all the Is and accounts against the County of Tompkins, presented -to Board of Supervisors of said county, at its Annual' Session for year 1983, showing the name of each claimant, the true nature the account, the amount originally Claimed, and the amount as ally audited and allowed by said Board. DEVOE -P. HODSON, Clerk. o. Name. Nature of Account. Claimed. Allowed. 1. George'il'I. Beckwith, examination in lunacy......... $11 00 $10 00 2. Elt'red R, Barney, examination in lunacy............ 2000 2000 . 3. Fred J. Marsh, coroner's juror ................. .`..... 100 100 4. William H. Reed, coroner's ;juror,' assigned to James M.IReggie.......... I ......................:..... 1 00 1 00 5. Banks & Brothers, Revised Statutes,.7th ed.......... 19 50 19.50 6. Euz & Miller, Supervisors' supplies'.... 1 05 105. 7.,James J. Wallace, coroner's juror, assigned to James 31. Heggie........................................ . 1 00 1 00 8. Wm:, Whitlock, constable, assigned to J. M. Heggie.. _. 1 86 000 9. E. J. Morgan,.Jr., Coroner, and examination in lu- nacy, assigned to James M. Heggie................. 5635 46.35 10. A. A. IIungerford, Justice of the Peace, assigned to James M. Heggie................................. 3225 3225 11. J. S. Cody, Constable, assigned to James M. Heggie.. 1 85 1 85 12. Jas. S. Cody, Constable, assigned to James M. Heggie. 1145 1745 13, Jas. S. Cody, Constable, assigned to James 31. Reggie. i 10 U0 1000 781SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Y 14. Elihu Hildebrant, Constable, assigned to James M.. Heggie........................................... 4740 4 15. Elihu Hildebrant, Constable, assigned to.James M. Reggie ........................................... 15130 15 16. Elihu Hildebraut, Constable, assigned to James M. Reggie ............. :.............................. 7770 4 17. John J. Peters, Justice of the Peace :.......... ..... 4 75 18. George Leonard, coroner's juror .................... 1 00. 19. Fred Leonard, coroner's juror...:.........:........ 100 20. George K. Steele, Constable ......................... 2 90 ' 21. George Muir, Constable ............................ 565 22. R. W. Ellis, examination in lunacy ................... 500 23. J. M. Farrington, examination in lunacy............ 500 24. At. D. Goodyear, examination in lunacy ............. 900 25.. E. R. Weaver, examination in lunacy ... ......... 5 00 26. Marion F. McElneny, coroner's juror... 200 1 27. William E. Mount, Justice of the Peace ............. 6 65 6 28. William W. Hare, services as attorney... 29. A. M. Baldwin, examination in lunacy.............. 400 4 30. D. O. Clough, Constable ...... . .................... 2755 20 31. J. S. Gibbs, examination in'lunacy........... ....... 2300 23 32. S. U. Jones, examination in lunacy ................. 1500 - 15 33. C. B. Tarbell, Justice of the Peace ................. 165 1 34. Asahel Clapp, public printing ...................... 88 25 61 35. The New York Stencil Works, Surrogate's seal....... 13,70 13 36. Hudson J. Wilson, repairs on jail... ................. 710 7 37. John Flickinger, examination in lunacy...........,.. 15 00 15 38. Albert Neidick, coroner's juror,assigned to J.M. Reggie 400 4. - 39. F. P. Randolph, repairs on Jail ..................... 5578 49 40. Jeremy Smith, coroner's juror.... . . I ....... 400 4 41. E. J. Morgan, examination in'lunacy...........:.... 500 5 42. Doctor Tarbell, repairs at County Clerk's office...... 26 97 00 43 Wm. Barto, Constable, assigned to Clarence L. Smith. 490 4 44. Andrus & Church, supplies to County Clerk......... 201 70 188 45. Andrus & Church, supplies to County Treasurer.... 8 47 8 46. Andrus & Church, supplies to Supervisors........... 361 3 - 47. Andrus & Church, supplies to County Judge........ 3245 32 48. Audrus & Church, supplies to County Clerk........ 300 3 49. Newman and McLachlan, Counsel to Co. Supt...... 800 3 50. Solon P. Sackett, examination in luoacy............ 1000 10 51. N. Y. & Pa. Telegraph and Telephone Co:, telephone at jail and Clerk's office ........................... 8400 84 1-1 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 79 2. Treman, King & Co., supplies to County buildings.. 86 54 -86 54 3. M. A. Dumond, examination for Coroner ..........,..--- 5 00 500 4. Albert Norton, Chief of Police of Ithaca services of - Police as Constables........ ........ 20720 13370 5. Thomas W. Burns, .Justice -of the" Peace ............ 46 75 46 75 6. F. A. Kerst, examination in lunacy.,... 500 500 7. F. A. Kerst :............... 500 5 00 . 8. ,E: 'J_Morgan, Jr., examination in lunacy............ 2000 20 00 9. White & Burdick, supplies to jail .................. 463 388 0. C. E. VanCleef, services on Coroner's in.quest........ 3000 2000 1. Truman H. Squires, expert for defense in Court- right,case.................. .................. .. 2500 0000 2. William H. Sutfin, coroner's juror ........... ...... 200 100 3, Frank M. Smith, ................... 200 1 00 4. Clarence L. Smith, disbursements as District Attorney_ 9337 9337 5. Amasa A. Hungerford, Justice of the Peace'.._.. 3965 3965 6. W. C. Gallagher, examination in lunacy............ 1000 10 00 - 7. S. B. Bristol, coroner's juror ......................... 200 200 8. William F. Smith, Justice of the Peace .............. 200 200 9. Timothy Dailey, coroner's ,juror . ................ 400 406 0. Uri Clark. 11" .................... 400 400 1. Patriek.Murray, Constable .......................... 2350 2350 2. Frank 31inturn, repairs on County Jail, assigned to R. 'Wolf..:.......... ..... .......................... 1375 1040 3. S. H. Peck, examination in lunacy .................. 500 500 4. D. F. VanVleet, Deputy Sheriff.................... 1750 1750 '5: George E. Fox, Constable, assigned to ClarenceL. Smith 1 60 1 60 '6. George Whitlock, work at Court House, assigned to Frank P. Feeley ................................... 500 500 '7. Harrison Howard, repairs at County Judge's office .... 75 78 '8. John A. Rortbup, examination in lunacy 4000 4000 19. A. J. Gunn, constable services .. . .......:........... 4210 2000 A Wm. E. Johnson, extra services as janitor, assigned to P. 0. Ellsworth:.........., ...... ........ ..... 4400 3200 31. William E. Johnson, extra services as janitor........ 5000 3500 32. Eoz & Miller, supplies to county officers ............. 1679 1679 S3. J. W. Brown, Coroner... .. ...................... " 57 80 39 80 34. D. W. Burdick, Coroner's juror ........ ............ 8 00 Soo 15. James H. Tichenor,, Justice of the Peace, assigned to Deforest Williams ................................... 131.84 13184 16. Norman S. Dennis; repairs on jail, assigned to P. G. Ellsworth .......................................:.. 600 -600 a 80 SUPERVISORS° PROCEEDINGS. 87. J. A. Lewis, examination in lunacy .... "........... 150,0 15 88. Squire B. Rolfe, ex County Clerk .................. 5440 54 89. Edward C. Marsh, Constable ........ . ........... 25 60 25 90. Hudson J. Wilson, Chief of Police of Ithaca, services of Police as Constables ........................... 3920 39 91. Henry Boo], repairs at County Judge's office........ 291 2 92. R. L. Smith, examinatio❑ i❑ lunacy.... 1000 iC 93, White & Kirkendall, examinatio❑ in lunacy.... ... 5000 35 94. Hudson J. Wilson, reward for prisoner ............. 25 00 25 95. Clarence L. Smith, disbursements as. District Att'y.. 4300 42 96. Treman, `iTater•man & Co., repairs on jail ..... - .. . 458 4 97. H. Al. Straussman, clothing for prisoners ............. 13 60 1� 98. Jamieson & McKinney, repairs, county buildings..... 140.42 . 14C • 99. John R. Gregory; examination in lunacy.....:...... 2500 25 100. Marsh Hall, supplies to jail .. .................. 1050 1C 101. Marsh &. Hall, supplies,' county buildings...... ... 3369 38 102. Marsh & Hall, supplies to jail.... .. ................. 61 88 61 103. Ithaca Water Works Co., water for county. buildings. 8200 82 104. Henry Boo], supplies to Supervisors .........:...... 100 1 ' 105. Thomas W. Burns, Justice of the Peace ............. 3645 36 106. James AfcLachlan, Jr., services as attorney in crimi- nal case ......................................... 10*00 00 107. J. P. Pierce, constable ........ ..................... 235 2 108. John A. Northup examination in lunacy............ 5 00 5 • 109. Frank VanHorn, coroner's juror ............ :... ... 200 1 110. N. H. A'Iinneah, coroner's juror ... :........ ........ 200 1 ill, S. M. Skilliogs, coroner's juror .... ................ 2 00 1 112. Theron W. Slocum, constable ....................... 415 4 113. James,H. Tichaoor, Justice of the Peace............ 500 5 114, James G. Sutfin, coroner's juror ... ...::...........: 260 1 115. Enz & Miller, supplies to Supervisors.......'.:....... 205 2 116. Norman S. Dennis, work on jail, assigned to P. G. Ellsworth. ....................................... 500 5 117. J. D. Carpenter, burying pauper .................... 26 50 00 118. J. D. Carpenter, supplies to jad........ .... !....... 3265 32 119. Joseph A. Genung, wood for jail; ............... ... 2200 22 120. A. A. Haskins, constable ....:...................... 1 55 1 12.1. Nelson G. Bothwell, services for 'constable...... .... 200 1 122. L N. VanOstrand, constable ....................... 10 10 . 10 _ 123. Alerritt King, legal services for Board ............... 521 75 25C 124. Judson Beach, coroner...... ...................:... 1260 11 125. John Iohe, coroner's juror ......................... 200 2 SUPRRPISORs' PROCEEDINGS. 126. The Ithaca Journal Association, public printing..._ ..... --793`20 127. Gauntlett & Brooks, supplies to jail....: . ....... .. 407 128., L. W. Carpenteir,autopsy uhn inquest. .:..........._ 1000 129. P..J.=Pai•tenheimer, County Clerk. 89786 130. P. J. Partenheimer, County Clerk .......... ........ 20038 131. J. D. Carpenter, repairs at Court House......... ... 275 132. _Ward Gregory, public printing ...............:....... 71310 133. Ward Gregory, publishing Proceedings of Board,1882 384 75 134. S. J. Parker, autopsy on inquest .... ............... 1000 135. Albert, Van Auken, constable ....................... 260 136. S. P. Sackett; examination in lunacy ................ 500 137. Illston,Ice Company, ice at Court. House............ 280 138. Wilii:lm O. Newman© County Superintendent of the Poor .........................:................::. 20655 139. John I Booth, burying pauper. . 21 00 140. Miles D. Goodyear, medical attendance on pauper.... 11 15 141.,_Peter Clark; burying- pauper..' ....................... 400 142. P. G. Ellsworth, legal services for Board .:.......... 150,00 1143. E. R. Weaver, medical attendance on pauper ....... 656 j 44. Elias Smith, ex County Superintendent of the Poor.. 5220 145. Alexander Minturn, work at jail ............. ...... 700 46. Samuel Manning, constable ..................... . 525 47. J. D. Egbert,.coroner's juror ....................... 1 00 48. E. P. Bouton, Under -Sheriff ........................ 10015 49. Finch & Apgar, supplies to County 'Officers .......... 4954 50. J. K. Follett, board of prisoners at jail .....:....... 163000 51, D. J. Seaman, hack !o County House ............... . 400 152. Theron J. Bierce, constable ....... .................. 715 153: Devoe P. Hodson, legal services for Board... :... - .. 10000 154. Patrick Murray, constable ........... ....... ...... 305 155, Thomas Reed, Coroners juror.... . ................. 1 00 156. William E. Davenport, constable.... ............... 1345 157. J ,bn R. Gregory, examination in lunacy.......:..... 500 158. F. E. Tibbet.is, legal services for Board .............. 2000 159. Ward Gregory, -printing Digest of Fees .............. 4875 160. James E. Vandemark, constable .. ................ 335 161. No &. Conklin, printing for County Officers...... 3 50 162. Asahel Clapp, printingrOfpicial Canvass, 1883........ 4000 163. Williamson & Higbie, 4th vol. Revised Statutes...... 6 85 164. E. J. Morgan, Jr., examination in lunacy.. . . - . . . 1000 165. J. K. Follett, services as Sheriff ..................... 68366 166. Levi J. Wheeler, services as member Board Supervisors 95 28 81 68080 407 1000 89786 200.38 275 59970 38475 1000 260. 500 280 20655 2.100 , 11 15 400 15000 650 5220 700 525 1 00 100.15 49 54' 1381 00 ' 400 7 15 10000 305 100 1345 500 ° 2000 48 75 335 3 50 4000 685 500. .67366 9528 82 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 167. Geo. M. Rockwell, " " 9446 94 4f 168. Albert G. Chapman, " 9646 96 4t 169. Ran 'olph Horton, 8772 87 7, 170. Richard A. Crozier, " 123 3l 171. David Crocker, " 1112335 9017 901, 172. Daniel W. Bailey, 8890 8891 173. James Boice, 9310 93 11 174. John E. Beers, 8598 85 9! Total ............................ , ................ $9488 7! a SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 83 'i l06IIM0] W Fci ci t_cim mm_ cmo�:c o'w ,. - w O y C Y � IJ [E aASs a111 jl 1oj 1njjOP �' c o oo • o 0 o m � � � C ❑ > ''A'1 uo xm Jo a'Jnsl ,`• c. O '> p,,, Y t•<-`� lunowd Inlo1 »u±enrommm=r-u] �m���a orn u] 00 alnllpuadxg pan saa m m � m m l� '> c °= 3 y, -In.[aS snbauiillaasjty w� c� A Y ❑ e U OJ 0 _ 7 6 Y dalpualxa Pun 11011 m G rn > lilatussassv Auj5do;l �,^ I w o Y Y P+ •atTlti lad slaa;) 8 `K1oM Tf1 c 4' Y a, � . 7 pa •� oFu o Vl •v GC Q aalljirlulo'i aAua'jty a Y Y o •.vnP lad oo•st 'aojivsuadu ) ° I � H— '° o w p a � .,,.c a`l W ❑ A b rt I a •o a -lnritanl gliM R.Clln v.0 O c. Z3 T7 Y Y O Il tgd Im _ _ ❑ '-� slaaa, 8. 1� `a9eal[Itiy�> m:amca ,o u»m rrz % 'n E "' y !:•: U❑ �cooco=oo o C m ��._❑ lad s� P oo `aojlnsuadWOO vcaacccmaw m I YCGs Yw c :a __ra In _.�� r-�---- C s.w � •u0jSs,3S jnnUaH •P1nON i1lIM syv(l mm NMmm�P1M w 00 a ^ur' •-� •p O w R• '6a^eeUi,l SlaA'ilm sRnn — - — - --- - I cm. ❑°�; ..°p. "Va ❑ c8a Y 0no,) "e l �vY EC m . �C C �.v. O m Y❑ y V I C ❑C .� F C o np H s .O m YaabY y�ya p I camyyp > y �•�•j x x .r �S•. • I c, ♦.� W t�C bA y� O m w� p A C O� a W g FcaJw PWi m : g A ar ❑p � moo,` L° I •� Y 110 O o a, I Qho ,,c p y 4q co O y o n a _❑o°ate>G> 7a ~ c [Jx yoaa ay _oTzcx-� I m m Y O Y❑ y .. 4r-1 hG0❑�Y ' Wa, ��❑.�� a A �O ❑_"❑ate vi I v❑U > �F >o❑arc 8 � o� c•a a Go ����sz Y 07•_p° O I O r.. m... y yavya A wEY" U❑ E+ ac❑G' yC vy C E� °� p❑Y❑ a roac °a� 0 TOWN AUDITJ DRYDEN. The following bills were audited by the Board of Town Auditors at Dryden Center, Nov. 8th. 1883. No. Name. Nature of Service. Claimed. Allowed. 1. D. K. Allen, Physician ............. a... $50 10 $50 10 2. G. E. Monroe, Attorney ............................... 2500 2500 3. G. C. Sweet, Undertaker .............................. 3400 •34 00 4. Almon Robinson, Physician .............................. 750 750 5. a ........ 500 500 6. H. F. Pierce & Son, Undertakers ........... .......... 2700 2700 7. H. C. Loomis, Sexton ................................. 500 500 8. Geo. E. Goodrich, Attorney..... ....I ................. 1500 1500 9. J. C. Vanderhoof, Overseer of Poor .......... ........... 4610 4670 10. R. Marsh, ConstAble................................... 590 590 11. Orson Luther, Commissioner of Highways..... 20500 20500 12. Alanson Burlingame, Assessor .......................... 5600 5600 13. ' A. W.' George, Assessor ............................... 4275 4275 14. E. Gibson, house, town meeting ....................... 3060 ' 30 00 15. J. D. Lamont, Inspector of Election .................... 1121 1121 16. Lee Bartholomew, " .................... 400 400 17. L P. Ferguson, ................... 4.00 400 18. Geo. E. Goodrich, Clerk ................... 435 4 35 19. D. U. Banfield, Inspector of Election .................. 932 932 20. J. T. Morris, Clerk 1f Election ......................... 400 400 21. Geo. B. Ogden, Inspector of Election...... ......... 400 400 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 85 22. Bradford Snyder, Clerk of Election ......... .......... 400 400. 23. Oscar Snyder, Inspector of Election .................... 5 00 .500 24. Willaed Shaver, Inspector of Election .................. 500 500 25. Frank E. Brown, Clerk of Election. ' 400 460 26. A. S. Fox, Inspector of Election ....................... 400 400. 27. J. M. Carr, (assignee S. Vanderhoof) Insp'ct'r of Election 972 9 72 28. J. M. Carr, Clerk of Election ....... .................. 4 25. 4 25 29. W. D. Ellis, fuse, election ............. ............... 10 CO 1000 30. C. H. Howe, " ..... ....................... 10 00 1000 31. A. A. Haskins, Constable.... .... ............ .. .... 35 50 2050 32. Judson Beach, registration, births and deaths............ 400 400 33. Judson Beach, -Physician ............... ... _ 500. 5 00' - 34. ............................ 4 00 400 35. 14 0G 1400 36. ............................. 1800 1800 37. L. A. Hemingway, Inspector of Election ................ 500 500 38- A. L. Tyler, Clerk of Election ......................... 400 4 00 39. Jos. V. Rose, Inspector of Election .................... 964 964 40. Walker Marsh, Clerk of Election ....................... 4115 415 41. Wm. E. Brown, Justice of the Peace...... ............. 400 400 42. Walker Marsh, Auditor . ............................... 3.00 300 43. J. J. Montgomery, Registration, births and deaths...... 2 75 275 44. Geo. H. Houtz, Town Clerk..o. .. . . ..................... 23,68 23 68 45. Cyrus Knapp, Assessor..... ........................ 4400 4400 46. E. B. Fulkerson, house, election ....................... 1000 1000 47. Lafayette Dusenbury, Constable .................. 140 ' 140 48. O. S. Ensign, Registration, births and deaths.......... 1 75Not verlid 49. Stanley Miller, Inspector of Election ................... 400 400 50. G. E. Hanford, Justice of the Peace .................... 1655 1655 51. G. E. Monroe, 11 11 1 ................... 5705 57 05 62. Orson Luther, cash advanced,. Road Commissioner....... 6943 6943 53. 1. S. Briggs, Physician ........................ ....... 5 00 500 54. Aubrey Rhodes, board and attendance on pauper by. order of Overseer. . 2500 2500 55. R. M. Smiley, Constable .............................. 1610 1610 56. Bradford Snyder, Overseer of Poor .................... 4200 4200 57. Elly R. Sherwood, Constable .. ...................... 560 560 58.11" ex -Road Commissioner.............. 2800 9800 59. Azel Lawrence, Excise Commissioner .................. 300 300 60. W. J. Shaver, Justice of the Peace .................... 400 400 61. Oakley Robertson, Overseerof Highways.......... :.... 1500 1500 62. Spencer A. Allen, Constable ........................... 1125 1126 86 SUPERVISORS° 'PROCEEDINGS. 63. G. M. Rockwell, Supervisor..,...............: .... I ...... 3168 31 68 ' 64. J. A. Genung, Auditor........:. .......... 300 300 65. W. J. Shaver, ................................... 200 2 0 ) 66. Gen. E. Moproe. .. ..........................:...... 200 200 67. G. E. Hanford, .. ........... ..................... 225 225 68. Wm. E. Brown . .............................:..... 200 200 a. $1173 83 DRYDEN CENTER, Nov. 8, 1883. We, the undersigned, the Board of Town Auditors of the Town of Dryden, do hereby certify that the within is a correct abstract of the Audits of said Town of Dryden for 1883. e G. M. ROCKWELL, 1 GEo. E. MoNRoE, y W. J. SHAVER, } Auditors. Wm. -E. BRowN, " G. E. HANFORD, j" ' ADDED BY RESOLUTION OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. 69. Martin Besemer, Physician.... ............... $1 00 70. G. i1. Lupton, Excise Commissioner ................... 300 71. D. G. Howell, ................... 300 72. Dryden Village, use of hall for election ................. 1000 73. J. E. McElheny, Auditor .............................. 300 74. Wm. Hungerford, building culvert, by order of J. J. El - Us, Commissioner of Highways ..................... 5300 $73- 00 Amount of Town Audits ............................ 1,173 88 Total ........................... :............ ...... $1,246 83 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. /ems 87 . CAROLINE. The following is an abstract of the, names of all the -persons who presented accounts to be audited to the Board of To o-A d tors of the Town of Caro- p line, on the 8th day of November, 883 with the amount claimed by each, and the amount finally allowed No. Name. Nature of Service. Claimed. Allowed. 1. J. 0._Lillibridge, Assessor ............................. $30 50 3050 2-0intine Lounsbury, Assessor......., .................... 2600 2600 .3. Horace E. Patch, Assessor ............................ 2950 2350 4. W. H. Leonard, Inspector of Election ................... 500 500 5. Rev. Kinner Hollister, excess of tax .................... 11 28 1128 6. Wm. E. Snow, Inspector of Election.: .:: ............. 400 4 00 7. Frank A. Snow, Clerk of Election........ . 400 400 8. AbelT. Lott, Clerk of Election..:..... 425 425 9. C. L. Wattles, Inspector of Election ...................., 400 400 10. R. E. Brink, use of Hall for election....... .............. 1000 1000 11. 13. 1). Haskins, Excise Commissioner ........ .......... 30.0 300 12. George W. Atwood, Inspector of Election .............. 964 964 13. J. A. R. Curtis, Inspector of Election .................. 1040 1012 14. B. M. Valk; Inspector of Election ...................... 400 400. 15. Henry Krum, 2d., Clerk, of Election ... ................ 400 400 16. Chas. W. Personius, Excise Commissioner .............. 800 800 17. Spencer H. Jausen, Commissioner of Highways ......... 18000 180 00 18. John J. Schoonmaker, ex -Overseer of Poor ............. 1800 1800 19. Theodore Trvon, Constable............ .......... 450 4.50 20. Martin Besemer, vital statistics ......................... 525 526 21. 11. H. Robinson, Overseer of Poor ...................... 5800 5806 22. Orville J. Tucker, Excise Commissioner-'. . ........... 300 300 23. John J. Freer, use of house, Town Sleeting and Election 2000 2000 24. George Muir, Constable ................................ 340 340 25. S. D. Halliday, Att'y, fees U. I. & E. R. R. case......... 1250 1250 26..Joh❑ Cross, Justice of the Peace........... .......... 1665 1665 27. John J. Peters, Justice of the Peace .................... 11 00 - 1100 28. W. V. Personius; Justice of the Peace................... 11 75 1175 29. James, Boice, Supervisor .............................. 8029 3029 30, George E Harris, Town Clerk ..:...................... 4653 4653 31. John W. Gass. Justice of the Peace ..... ....:.......... 1620 1620 32. George C. Whitley, Overseer of Poor ................... 1600 1600 33. W. T. Graham, Inspector of Election .................... . 400 400 $618 36 -1 0 88 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS.. We, the undersigned, Board of Tnwn And of the Town of Caroline, do hereby certify that the above abstract is correct. JAMES BOICE, Supervisor. Josh W. GAS S, JOBN J. PETERS, - J JOHN CROSS, ustices of the Peace. WALKER V. PERBONIIIB. I hereby certify the above abstract is correct. GEORGE E. HARRIS, Town Clerk., ADDED BY RESOLUTION OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. 34. Benjamin M. Lawrence, Constable ...................... $22 30 2230 35. Theodore Tryon, Constable ............................. 325 325 36. James E. Vandermark, Constable ....... : .............. 1325 1325 $38 80 ° Amount of Town Audits ........................... 61836 Total ............................................... $65716 a ULYSSES. List of bills audited by the Auditing Board of the Town of Ulysses, Nov. 8th and 9th, 1883. No. Name. Nature of Service. Claimed. Allowed. 1. T. Boardman, Bonding Commissioner ............ . ... 3450 3450 2. E. S. Pratt, .................. 2700 2700 3. G. J. McLallen .................. 2700 27 00 4. D. J. Pinckney, Town Auditor, 1882.:................. 600 600 5. Willis H. Morgan, Commissioner of Highways........... 600 600 6. G. H. Stewart, Undertaking ............................ 5400 5400 7. J. W. Kirby, Assessor ................................ 3260 32 60 8. Clinton Horton, Druggist ............................. 25 25 9. A. B. Smith, Inspector of Election ....................... 800 800 10. S. P. Thompson, Excise Commissioner ............. .... 1500 1500 11. A. L. Abel, " " ... 1500 1500 12. Ithaca Democrat ....................................... 525 525 13. J. M. Farrington, M. D., births and deaths...... ..... . 2 25 225 .14. J. M. Farrington, r4edical services ..................... 2400 2400 1 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 89 15. J. G. McLallen, Clerk of Election and stationery........ 4 25--�f 4 25 16. L. Trembly, use of house for election.................... -fo 00 1000 17. G. E. Orton, M. D., births and deaths...........:.. 525 525 18. L. W. Carpenter, M. D., medical services;- . ......... 460 400 19. 4 .. .............. 900 900 20. .. ,. ;.� <, ............... 825 825 21. r' .............. 1725 17 25 22. ...... 1000 1000 23.E . .............. 1000 1000 24�<. .....:........ 1075 1075 25. David Bower, Commissioner of Highways ............... 2200 2200 26. H. M. Thompson, ' ` ............... 1200 1200 27. ,W. H. Ganoung, ............... 1800 1800 ` 28. B. F. Tompkins, Overseer of the Poor ................. 6800 -68 00 29. Benj. Dunning, medical services .......... ............ 2300 2300 30. visit to J. S. Abel, for B. of H......... 1000 1000 3L J. Flickinger, medical attendance ............. r ........ 2000 32. ....................... 1000 .2000 1000 88. 300 300 34. ...... 7 50 7 50 33. William Austin, Inspector of Election and stationery.... 850 8 50 36. " . Counsel High. Comr's.................. 1000 1006 37. 0. M. Wilson, Inspector and Messenger ................. 1396 1396 38. Aaron McKee], Overseer of Poor ....................... 500 5 00 39. James M. Creque, Constable .......................... 3310 3310 40. R. W. Ellis, M. D., medical services .................... '8 00 8 00 41. F. M. Austin, Clerk of Election..*............... 400 4 00 42. D. H. McLallen, Assessor ........ ...................... 46 85 46 85 43. William Chandler, Undertaking ........................ .8 00 800 44. C. L. Adams, Printing ................................ 650 6 50 45. Wm. Chandler, robe for Mrs. Sherer, :$4.00, referred to Board of Supervisors ................................ 46, J. H. Bowman, use of hou,§e for Auditors, Nov. 1883, and Town Meeting, 1883.... ................. . ......... 1600 .1600 47. E. P. Bouton, Clerk, Town Meeting .................... 400 4 00 48. Jay C. Mott, Inspector of Election, District No. 2....... 4 00 - 4 00 49. F. A. Kerst, M-. D., medical services .................... 1025 1025 50. Clerk of Election, Nov. 6, 1883............ 4 00 4 00 51. Feb. 27, 1883 ........... 406 4 00 52, Health Officer ............................. 2000 2000 53, Hezekiah VanOrder„ use of house for election two days.. 20 00 20 00 54. J. M. Stout, Clerk of Election .......................... 4 00 . 400 90 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 55. F. W. Osborne, Inspector of Election .................. 400 400 56. A. J. Williams, Inspector of Election ................... 400 400 57. H. A. Bower; ex Supervisor.. ; ...... .................. 2444 2444 58. John VanBuskirk, Undertaking., ...................... 6386 6386 59. A. Chase, M. D., medical attendan6e ... * .......... 29 25 2925 60. L. B. Curry, Assessor and Board of. Health ..... 4275 4275 61. W. A. VanOrder, Inspector and Messenger ............. 1026 1026 62. ............. 632 632 63. R. C. Taylor, Inspector of Election........, 800 800 64. Samuel Almy, Inspector of Election, 1883 ....... ..... 400 400 65. E. T. Stewart, Constable ....... : ..................... 270 270 66. Win. J. Nixon,,Excise Commissioner, 3 years........... 21 00 21 00 67.. J. T. Howe, Inspector of Election ...................... 400 400 $99384 We, the undersigned, composing the Auditing Board of the Town of Ulys see, do certify that the foregoing is a correct list of all claims 'presented and'allowed by us against said town. Dated, Nov. 9, 1883. L. J. WHEELER, Supervisor. F. M. AUSTIN, Town Clerk. J. R. EmERY, Justices A. P. OSBORN, of the Peace. ADDED BY RESOLUTION OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. 68. Wm. Chandler & Son, Undertakers .. ........... * ...... 400 400 69. A. P. Osborne, Justice of the -Peace .................... 2700 2700 70. Henry Hutchings, 1800 1800 11. E. A. Wager, ........ ........ 1600 1600 72. J. R. Emery, 8345 .3345 73. L. J. Wheeler, Supervisor ............................... 68 63 68 63 74.. Aaron McKee], Judgment ............................. 44 26 44 26 75. Emmor Carman, Constable ............................ 5 95 595 76, Samuel Manning, 11 ............................ 920 9 20 77. F. M. Austin, Town Clerk .............................. 38187 38 87 1 $26536 Amount of Town Audits ............................ 993 84 Total..... ............................ ........... $1,25920 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 91 ENFIELD. At a meeting of the Board of Auditors of the Towri'of Enfield, held at En - held -Center, Nov. 8, 1883, the, following accou is were examined, audited and allowed as stated below. �� 1 No. Name. .Nature of Service. Claimed. Allowed. 1. Frank Barber, -Constable ....... ....... $6 10 $6 10 2. John. Darraugb, Excise Commissioner ................. 300 300 _ H. Jones, Inspector of Election ................... 3.Wm 400 400 4 Charles R. Nobles, Assessor ............................ 26 00 2600 5.-Burroughs Oltz, Com. Highways, disbursements.:...... 41600 41600 6. Burroughs Oltz, services, Com. Highways .............. 3800 38 00 7. John W. Sheffield, Assessor ............................ 2760 27 60 8. Smith Bros., attorneys (highway matters) ................ . 250 250 9. Moses L. Harvey, hall for town purposes ................. 4000 4000 10. Charles C. Rolfe, Clerk of Election.... 400 400 11. Oscar Rolfe, Excise Commissioner ...................:.. 300 300 12. Dr. Lysander T. White, certificate deaths and births..:.. 450 .450 13. Dr, Asa J. White, certificate deaths and births........... 200 200 14. Lewis S. Ball, overpaid tax of 1882..................... 1010 1010 15. John J. Abel; ex Supervisor 1882....................... 700 700 16. A. J Pritchard, Justice of the Peace ................... 1200 1200 17. Byron Jackson, Overseer of Poor ....................... 2300 2300 18. Andrew B. Gibbs, Inspector and Messenger .............. 96.4 964 19. J. Horton Willis, Inspector ............................ 400 400 20. E. Brewer,.Clerk election . ............................ 4 20 4 20 21. Ithaca Journal Ass•-)ciation, printing .................... 4'00 4 00 22. Ward Gregory, printing ................................ 350 200 23. Geo. S. Fowler, Assessor.. .... ..................... .3800 3800 24. Amos F. Curry, Com. Highways ........................ 1000 800 25. Edgar Brewer, R. R. Com .............................. 1550 1550 26. Geo. W. Budd, R. R. Coth ...................'......... 900 9 00 27. Daniel. W. Bailey, Supervisor.... I ..................... 3170 31 70 . 28. John Burton, Justice of the Peace ...................... 1900 1900 29. Burr Rumsey, Justice of the Peace ................. ... 1700 1700 30. Wm. P. Srnith, Justice of the Peace..... L.. -1 .......... 2335 ' 23 35 31. J. N. Wortman, Town Clerk ...........::............. 5825 5825 $872 44 We, the undersigned, Board.of Town Auditors of the Town of Enfield, do P a 92 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. hereby certify the above abstract is correct, showing the amount claimed and the amount finally allowed. D. W. BAILEY, Supervisor. Wm. F. SMITH, BURR Ru.s., } Justices of the Peace. JOHN BURTON, j J. N. WORTMAN, Town Clerk. NEWFIELD. No. Name. Nature of Account. Claimed. Allowed. 1. Charies Bailey, Ex. Corn.... $3 00 $3 '00 2. J. C. Everhart, Assessor............ ................ 3900 3900 3. N. B. Dunning. R. R. Com ............................. 600 600 4. C. O. Hanmer, recording marriages .................... 1 25 1 25 5. J. C. Everhart, error on assessment roll ................. 1898 1898 6. A. J. White, registering deaths and births .....:........ 325 325 7. S. F. Dudley, Inspector, Dist. No. 1.................... 400 400 8. George W. Ham, Inspector Dist. No. 1................. 400 4 00 9. Wm. Hartranft, Clerk of election, DisONo. I........... 400, 4 00' 10. Almira Kinney, interest on note ........................ 4896 4896 11. Cornelia E. Smith, recording births, etc ................ . 4 35 435 12. Ithaca.Journal Association, special election notices...... 260 260 13. Leonard Kresga, Inspector of election .................. 964 964 14. Tompkins County National Bank, promissory note ...... 1033 50 103350 15. John Boyer, Assessor.............. ................... 8600 3660 16. John W. Dean, ex Towri Clerk and Clerk of Election.... 11 10 1110 17. Moses McCorn, Assessor ............................... 3420 3420 18. Ward Gregory, printing, 1882.................... ...... 1575 1000 ' 19. P. S. Dudley, use of hall ...................... ........ 4000 4000 20. R. H. Carpenter, Overseer of the Poor.. ..............: 2103 21 03 21. R. H. Carpenter, Pierson, Puff & Co., for supplies....... 11037 11037 22. Nelson Bush, *error in tax .............................. 1 74 174 23. Mary. Gregg, note and interest .......................... 1336 47 133647 24. C. R. Sebring, ex Corn. Highways ...................... 26 Q7 2607 25. Mary Gregg, note and interest .................. . ..... 16471 16471 26. C. C. Cook, medical services, etc ....................... 1750 1750 27. M. A. Dumond, registering births and deaths........... 100 1 00 28. S. A. Sebring, medical services ......................... .27 00 2700 29, Joseph Kellogg, Com'r of Highways ................... 17400 17400 a SUPERVISORS, PROCEEDINGS. 93 9 � - ' 6 30. E. M. Swartwood, Inspector and Messenger, No. 2...... y' 9 96-9'96 31. G. W. Swartwood, Inspector No. 2..................... . 4`00 400 32. Samuel Drake, Inspector No. 2... .. :. 400 400 33. A. S. Brown, Clerk of -Election, No. 2...... ....... 400 400 34. J. M. Swartwood, Clerk of Election, No. ............. 400 400 35. Alvah Brown, use of house for -election ................. 1000 1000 36. S. D. Cook, Town Clerk: �f............................ 5042 5042, 37. R. S. McCorn,live y .... ..... ............ 1300 800 38. C. W. McCorn, R. R. Com... ........................ 606 600 39. J.-B. _&lmer, R. R. Com ....:......................... 600 600 40. Ward Gregory, printing, 1883................. ......... • 750 710 --�"� 41. Humpbrey Tabor, note and interest ................•.... 55935 55935 42. R. Horton, Supervisor ................................. 5897 _ 5897 43. E. C. Thorn, Justice of the Peace ...................:.. 1000 1000 . 44. Alva D. Brown, Justice of the Peace...... ,.a .......... 2000 2000 45. Benj. Starr, Justice of the Peace ...........:........... 3589 3589 46, B. B. Anderson, EX. Com............................. 300. 300 47. P. T. Hughston, registering marriages ..............::. 2.50 250 48. Lewis Ferris, Constable ................... .............. 3000 �. 3000 49. A. K. Allen, Justice of the Peace ...................... 2963 2963 ti -- $4, 056 54 We, the undersigned, members of the Board of Town Auditors of the Town of Newfield, County of Tompkins, do hereby certify that the above statement of accounts, audited by us at our annual meeting, Nov. 8th and loth, 1883, is correct, R. HORTON, Supervisor. ALVAH D. BROWN, ELVE C. `hROlIN, Justices of the Peace. BENJ. STARR, ALBERT K. ALLEN. S. DUDLEY COOK, Town Clerk. ADDED BY RESOLUTION OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. 50. James F. Linderman, Excise Commissioner ............. $3 00 $3 00 51. I. N. VanOstrand, ex -Constable............. .......... 895 895 $11.95 Amount of Town Audits. ....... $4,056 54 Total......... ...... $4,068 49 .94 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. o GROTON. Board of Town Auditors met at Justice Mount's office for the purpose of auditing town hills., Present, A. G. Chapman, .Supervisor, Dudley An-. drews, Wm. E. Mount, Joseph Mount and Hugh Halsey, Justices. A. G. Chapman, Chairman; J. W. Jones, Clerk. .The following bills were present- ed and audited by said Board. No. Name. Nature of Service. Claimed. Allowed. 1. M. D. Fitch, Inspector of Election ...................... . 400 400 2. Lyman Meizgar, " " ... .............. . .: 4 00 400 3. Andrew Metzgar," and conveying returns.......... 600 600 4. Charles Tarbell, '` .......... . 900 900 5. A. B. Rogers, use of hall. 1882', for election ............ . 800 800. 6. A. B. Rogers, Clerk of Election ........................ 400 400 7. Stoddard & Sherman, Undertaking for Rowley family... 1800 18 00 8. Rev. W. A. Smith, registering marriages ............... 300. 3 00 9. Dr. A. Al. Baldwin, " births and medical services 675 675 10, Tbomas Morgan, use of hall for election .......% ....... 8 00 Soo 11. Lucius Davis, Inspector of Election ................. 400 400 12. Milton H. Webster, Inspector of Election .............. 400 400 13. Henry E. VanSickle, " . 425 425 14. V. B. Gross, .............. 400 400 15. Dudley Andrews, Justice services ...................... 460 460 16. John W. Booth, Undertaking ...... ..................... 10 00 1000 17. . .. .. ................ I......... 1000 1000 18, Jenks & Fields Bro's, Mdse. for Town................. 6 .-5 6 55 19. H. S. Hopkins, Inspector of Election .................... 400 4 00 . 20. William Williams, Town Auditor .... I ................ 300 300 21. Giles M. Stoddard, Inspector of Election ................ 400 400 22. legal services........................ 10 00 1000 23. James M. Montford, member Town Board .............. 400 400 24. Daniel O. Clough, Constable services ................... 9 90 9 90 25.. .......... 1460 1460 26. ............... 675 675 27. N. R. Streeter, Inspector of Election, and .conveying re- turns to County Clerk ................. .............. 1028 10 28 281 S. U. Jones, medical services . ........................ 8 50 850 29. " registering births and deaths .............. 575 575 30. medical services .........................1 1.50 150 '31. ,. 2 00 200 32. .. ., ...................... 1000 1000 33. . ........ .................. 2225 2225 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 34. Dr. Miles D. Goodyear, bill. withdrawn,.... . 0000 0000 35. . " medical services-.- :........... 1450 14 00 36. 11,a` ............ 2900 2900 37. ,Inspector of Election...... s'... 400 400 38. '%5K medical services ................ 3000 30 00 $9. Andrew Xefz r, excess tax..........' .................. 591 5 91 40. Henry T. Newell, Town Auditor .... . ....... .......... 300 .300 41. Lewis M. Ogden, " Assessor ..................... 25 00 25 00 42. W. W. White, Highway Commissioner ................. 4900 49 00 43. Daniel O. Clough, Constable services ................... 1565 1565 44. Everett Smiley, Town Assessor ......................... 3600 3600 45. William H. Burnham, Inspector of Election ............. 400 400 46. Clerk of Town Assessors......... 600 600 47. Joseph Mount, Justice services ....... ................. 380, 380 48. William E. Mount, member Town Board............... . 400 400 49. Justice services- .................. 410 410 50. E. R. Nye, use of hall for town purposes ................ 2500 2500 51. William E. Mount, Justice services...... ....:.......... 295 295 52. J. L. Gibbs,• registration births and deaths. 225 225 53. William E. Mount, Justice services.... ................ . 2 60 .260 54. - . ............... 490 490 55. member Town Board .... ... ....... 200 200 56. Dudley Andrews, Boari of Health services...... ...... 1 05 , 105 57. Giles M. Stoddard, legal services.... ............ ...... 500 500 58, Alison J. Conger, Town Assessor .... 2400 2400 59. Dr. J. S. Gibbs, medical services ...................... 1950 16 25 60. .( „ ............ 750 750 61. Spencer & Hatch, Mdse. for Town...................... 1643 1643 62. Dudley Andrews, member Board ........:.............. 800 800 63. Joseph Mount, Town Auditor ........................... 200 200 64. William E. Mount, Town Auditoi`.. .................. ..2 00 200 65. Hugh Halsey, member Town Board ..... • • • • , ......... 1800 1800 66. George Tracy, taking care of tramps .................... 2400 1000 07. J. W. Jones, Town Clerk .............................. 5556 5556 68. W. W. Hare, legal services ............................ 1000 1000 6$. Williams & Fields, excess tax ..... ............. .:... 15 00 00,00 $683 63 We, the undersigned, Board of Auditors of the Town of Groton, do hereby 96 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. certify that the foregoing bills were audited by us this 8th day of Nov. 1883. A G. CHAPNLkN, Supervisor. o HUGH HALSEY, . JOSEPH MOUNT, Justices. WM. E. MOUNT, DUDLEY ANDREWS, J. W. JoNEs, Town Clerk. ADDED BY RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 70. E., R. Weaver, medical services .. .................. 1015 71. M. C. Young, Inspector and Messenger ....... ........ 1220 72. Chas. Winters, digging grave ....................... .. 400 73. Mrs. Goodyear, rent of house ........................... 3000 74. A: G. Chapman, Supervisor........ 42 83 75. D. O. Clough, Constable ................................ • 700 76. Hatch Bros., supplies to poor :.................:....... 400 77. D. H. Marsh, R. R. Commissioner ..................... 1500 $125 18 Amount of Town Audits ........................... 68363 Total ............................................... $808 81 ITHACA. TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE, Ithaca, November 23, 1883. At a meeting of the Board of Auditors of the Town of Ithaca, held at the Town Clerk's office, Nov. 8th, 9th, loth, 12th and 13th, 1883, the following accounts were -examined, audited, and allowed or rejected, as below. F. C. SHEPHERD, Town Clerk. No. Name. Nature of Claim. Claimed. Allowed.. 1. John M. Nompkins, Inspector Dist. No. 1, Jan. and Feb., assigned to J. M. Heggie ..................... $22 00 $22 00 2. John M. Tompkins,. Inspector Dist. No. 1, Oct. and Nov., assigned to J. M. Heggie...................... 1600 16 00 3. Joseph A. Tompkins, Inspector Dist. No, 1, Jan. and Feb.,, assigned to J. M. Heggie...................... 1600 1660 4. H. S. Wright, Inspector Dist. No. 1, Jan., Feb., Oct. andNov... .....................................:. 3800 8800 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. ---9!' 5. Aubrey S. Tompkins, Poll Clerk -.Dist: No. 1, Feb. as- signed to J. Al. 400 400 6. Edward.E -Dian, Clerk Dist. No. 1, Oct. and Nov..... 1600 1600 D. Johnson, Inspector Dist. No. 2,.Jan., Feb., Oct. and Nov ..................................:........ 2400 2400 8. W. F. McClune, Inspector Dist. No. 2, Jan., Feb., Oct. and Nov ................... ........................ 3200 3200 9. R. Wolf, Inspector Dist. No. 2, Oct. and Nov......:.. 1600 16 00 10. Edmund H. Watkins Inspector, Dist. No. 2, Oct. and Nov: ............................................... 1600 . 1600 11. Charles C., Wood, Clerk Dist. No. 2, Jan. and Feb., as- - signed to. J. M. Reggie ............................... 1200 12 00 12. L. A. Burritt, Clerk Dist. No. 3, Feb .................. 16 00' 1600 13. F. P. Feeley, Clerk Dist. No. 2, Jan., Feb., Oct......... 2000 2000 14. Ed. S. Hoagland, Clerk Dist. No. 2, Oct. and Nov...:.. 1600 1600 15. Ed. S. Hoagland, Clerk Dist. No. 2, Feb., assigned to J. M. Reggie ......... :............. :............... 4P00 400 16. C. A. Elliott, Inspector Dist. No. 3, Jan. and Feb...... 1600 1600 17. D. P. Hodson, .Inspector Dist. No. 3, Jan. and Feb..... 1600 1600 e 18. Edward C. Marsh, Inspector Dist. No. 3, Oct. and Nov: 1600 16 00 19. O. P. Hyde, Clerk Dist. No. 3, Jan. and Feb........... 1600 1660 20. O. P. Hyde, Clerk Dist. No. 3, Oct. and Nov........ , .. 1600 1600 21. C. H. Slocum, Inspector Dist. No. 3, Jan. and' Feb..... 1600 , 16 00 22. C. H Slocum, Inspector Dist. No. 3, Oct. and Nov..... 1600 1600 23. F. A. B. Ridgway, Inspector Dist. No. 3, Oct. and Nov. 1600 1600 24. E. H. Shepherd, Clerk Dist. No. 3, Oct. and Nov., as- signed to J. M. Reggie........... ................... 1600 1600 25. J. H. Tichenor, Clerk Dist. No. 3, Jan. and Feb., as- " signed to J. M. Reggie .............................. 1600 1600 26. A. C. Redden, Inspector Dist. No. 4, Jan. and Feb..... 1600 1600 27. Edward H. Mowry, Inept. Dist. No. 4, Oct. and Nov... 1600 1600 28. John Spence, Inspector Dist. No. 4, Oct. and Nov...... 1600 1600 29. C. H. VauHouter, Inspt. Dist. No. 4, Jan. and Feb..... 1600 16 00 30. J. E. Van Natta, Inspt. Dist. No. 4,. Jan., Feb., Oct. and Nov................................................ 3200 3200 31. C. H. Wilson, Clerk Dist. No. 4, Oct. and Nov., assigned to J. M. Reggie ....................... ............ 1600 1600 32. Willis H. Moses, Clerk Dist. No. 4, Oct. and Nov...... 1600 1600 M. F. C. Hawkins; Inspt. Dist. No. 5, Jan. and Feb....... 1600 1600 34. F. C. Hawkins, Inspt. Dist: No. 5, Oct. and Nov. ..... 1600 1600 35. Fox Holden, Inspt. Dist. No. 5, Jan. and Feb., 1882.... 1400 1400 36. H. H. Philes,, Inspt. Dist. No. 5, Oct. and Nov..:...... 16 00 1600 98 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 37. Ed. C. Tichenor,_ Inspt. Dist. No. 5, Jan. and Feb., as- signed to H. M. Strausman ........................... 1600 1600 38. Ed. C. Tichenor, Inspt. Dist. No. 5, Oct. and Nov...... 1600 1600 39. F. P. Randolph, Clerk Dist. No. 5, Jan. and Feb........ 1600 1600 40. H. H. Philes, Clerk Dist. No. 5, Jan.'and Feb., assigned to John L. Whiton.................. ... .... I...... 1600 1600 41. John S. Gay, Clerk Dist. No. 5, Jan. and Feb., assigned to J. M. Heggie ...... ....,... ....:............. 1600 16 00 42. John S. Gay, Clerk Dist. No. 5, Oct. and Nov.......... 1600 16 00 43. Charles C. Wood, Clerk Dist. No. 5, Oct. and Nov., as- -I signed to J. M. Heggie.... 16 00 1600 44. James O. Burns, Clerk Dist. No. 1, Oct. and Nov...... 16 00 16 00 45. Martin Harty, Clerk Dist. No. 1, Oct. and Nov......... 16 00 1600 46. E. R. Barney, registering births and deaths, and pro- fessional services, health officer ....................... 77 17 77 17 47. Gao. M. Beck with,registering births and deaths, assigned to Charles Ingersoll ................................. 4 25 4 25 48. J. W. Brown, registering. births and deaths............ 40.0 400 49. John R. Gregory, '` ............ 700 .700 50. E. J. Morgan, 250 250 51. John A. Northrup," ............ Soo 800 52. S. H. Peck, " " " ....... .8 25 825 53. Bina A. Potter, 2 00 2 00 j 54. White & Kirkendall, registering births and deaths. :... 2100 21 00 55. S. P. Sackett, registering births and deaths, and prof'1 services .................. .......................... 20 25 .2025 56. E. J. Morgan, Jr., M. D., registering births and deaths, and prof'1 services, assigned to James M. Heggie..... 6 75 6 75 57. J. A. Lewis, M. D., Professional Services....... 950 9 50 58. Augustus W. Green, registering marriages .......:..... 825 8 25 59. Robert T. Jones, ............ 3 00 .300 60. Morse Patten, judgment ag'st Overseer of Poor in excise a case, assigned to P. G. Ellsworth .................... 7157 . 71 57 61. J. S. Cody, Constable, assigned to James M. Heggie .... 14 90 1440 62. " .... 1860 1860 63. ` ' .... 15 95 15 95 64. " .... 10 25 10 25 65. 10 00 1000 66. 1225 1225 67. .... 2955 1955 68. .. .. ,. .. 2495 24 85 69. .... 26 05 26 05 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. .99 - - -- 70. Elihu Hildebrant, Constable, assigned to_J.. M. Heggie. 6470 6470 71. " " _ -- --_ " -r - 19600 17940 • 72. E. C. Marsh,. -Constable ..... ..... :.................... 600 600 -----73=--- "_- .. • ., ............................... 222 56 '222 56 74. Patrick Murray, Constable, assigned to J. M. Heggie.. 615 615 75. 25635 25635 76. E. G. Phelps, Constable .............................. 1480 295 77. .. - ............................ 2280 22 80- 78. Riley Updike, Constable, assigned to J. M. Heggie...... 715 715 79. Albert VanAuken, Constable ........................ 250 250 80. William Whitlock, assigned to J. M. Heggie. • 8 40' 795 81. H. J. Wilson, for Village of Ithaca, police bill, by Wil- son; C. P............................................ 7255 7255 82. A. Norton, C. -P., for Village of Ithaca,- police bill, by Norton, C. P...........:..:r:......... ...... ...... 401 80 89885 83. T. W. Burns, Justice .................................. 9935 9935 -84. .. ................................... 5750 5750 85................................... 14485 14485 86. ....... 27590 27360 87. ....... 2795 2770 88. ....... ........................... 119 65 ' 119 65 89. Charles G: Day, .. ..............•..................... 10550 10550 90. assigned to James M. Heggie...... 7560 75 60' 91. .. 2400 2400 92. A. A. Hungerford, Justice, assigned to James M. Heggie 13910 13910 93. " 17525 17525 94. .......................... 1195 1195 95. v assigned to J. M. Heggie:.. 13100 131 00 96. 11to. E. C: Marsh..,. 117 70 99 70 97. to J. M.. Heggie... 59 50 3950 98. J. H. Tichenor, " " " 6290 6290 99. Wm. J. Totten, Justice ............................... 8735 8735 100. search records and making tax roll 4600 46 00 101. Almy & Bouton, lawyers' costs ........................ 1000 1000 102. T. W. Burns, " ..:.................... 2000 2000 '103. James L. Baker, " ..... .................. 1500 750 104. " ` 14400 14400 105. Charles G. Day, " ,..................:.... 56200. 00000 106. S. D. Halliday,. ......... 5625 5625 107. P. G. Ellsworth, .. .................... •60 00 50 00 .108. Devoe P. Hodson, " :.............. 15536 153 36 109. Devoe P. Hodson, " 4500 ' 1500 100 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 110. L. E. Warren, .... 3350 3350 .111. Ithaca Journal Association, Advertising -and Printing.. 169 64 125 78 112. Ithaca Democrat, Advertising and Printing............ 8475 8475 113. Aaahel Clapp, ....... 3700 250 114. Andrus & Church, ............. 885 885 115. E. S. Atwood, room rent for. elections ................. 4000 4000 116. C. R. Baldwin, "• ................. 23 00 2000 117. Livingston & Selover, room rent for elections........... 2000 20 00 118. A. C. Ostrander, '' . • " 42 00 40 00 119. S. Brewer, room rent for Clerk's office ................. 32 35 32 35 120. J. C. King,.Agt., lumber ............................. 3 46 3 46 121. .. .......................... 8832 8832 122. W. A. J. Ozmun, ... 28 59 28 59 123. Ira.C. Roekwell, ............................. 3318 3318, 124, George Small, ......I ....................... 69 50 69 50 125. C. H. VanHouter, . 2601 26 01 126. Theron H. Coddington, lumber ............:...:.:.... 2 40 2 40 127. David Gray, stone ................................. .. 500 500 128. Enz & Miller. stationery ............................. 3 05 3 05 129. Finch & Apgar, " .............................. 40 58 40 58 130. Treman, King & Co., supplies ............ ........... 61 77 61 77 131. H. Halsey, Agt., water lime ........................... 13 50 13 50 132. Aaron C. Hedden, gravel ...... ........... :.............. 19 50 0000 133. Charles M. Bliven, Excise Commissioner .............. 6000 60 00 134. A. H. Minturn, .•....... .. 6000 6000 135. Michael Mertens, .............. 51 00 5100 136. John J. Williams, Auditor ............................ 200 .. 200 137. Henry Willetts, a......... 2 00 200 138. D. W. Burdick, .................. _ ... 6 00 6 00 139. P. Pearson, ............................ 600 6 00 140. A. W. Goldsmid, ...................... .10 00 .1000 141. J. H. Tichenor, Board of Health ...................... 800 400 142. A. A. Hungerford and Town BoarJ....... 2600 26 00 143. Wm. J. Totten, ......1 3825 38 25 144. T. W. Burus, • ........ 3400 3400 145. S. B. Beers, Assessor ................................. 25000 25000 146. Peter Kline, ................................. 78 00 7800 ........................... 147. Luther Lewis, . 40 00 40 00 148. P. J. Partenheimer, County.Clerk..................... 294 2 94 149. N. T. Mabee, collectieg ballot boxes.... ............. 1 50 1 50 150. Seaman & Co. livery ................................. 9 50 950 151. Sheldon•& Bliven, livery .............................. 500 400 0 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 101 152. J. FL Hymes' livery...,_ .,.....,-:: : .: . ::....:... --- 250 - ---2 SO ------=—153:—J: 1C.—Follett, Sheriff .................................. 245 245 154. John A. Williams, overpayment of taxes ............... 65 93 0000 155. F. C. Shepherd, Town Clerk .......................... 21300 21300 156. C. A. Ives, Town Clerk, assigned to J. M. Hezgie..... 7940 7940 157. • • `' 11 ..... 1720 1720 158. R. A. Crozier, Supervisor ......................... ... 14300 14300 159. F. C. Shepherd, Town Clerk ........................... 6275 • 62 'SS) 160. .......... 800 800, 161, A. B. Stamp, meals to prisoners at Police Station...... 39 75 39) 751 i62. J. L. Whiton and Leonard Treman, R. R. Com'rs...... 4600 46,00, 163. Benj. Gould, certificate by Town Board ............... 23600 25.6 00i 164. John Lmderberry, Commissioner of Highway: Disbursements....::..* .... $261 38 Service bill ................... 155 50 $416 88 Receipts in cash ... ............ 35545 61 43; 6143 165. H. Hoffman, Overseer of Poor: ' Disbursements from Nov. 1, '82, a to Felr.'17, 83..............1699 65 Disbursements from Feb. 17, '83, to March 2, '83......... 1(8 25 Service bill 92 days at $2.CO... 18400 (a 12 11 ;. ... 2400 ' Paid to G. H. Baker.......... 400 201990 Receipts cash. From F. P. Rundell.... •..... 10000 From Excise penalty......... 5000 From S. Burke....213 From Supervisor.............1867 77 2019 90 166. G. H. Baker, Overseer of Poor: Receipts cash. _ From Supervisor.............3351 03 From Leonard on bond....... 800 From J.K. Follett on Leonard bond .... ................. 2500 Co. Tress, on excise fines..... 40000 378403 Disbursements. a As per bill rendered to. this Board......................8334 53 Expense sect., stationery, etc. 1 50 209 days service $2.00......... 41800 375403 i' Balance on hand.............• 3000 102. SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Also on band 1213 4 tons coal . at $4....................... 48700 $7,208 67 We, the undersigned, the Town Auditors of the Town of Ithaca, 'hereby certify that the foregoing is a. correct list and a true statement of all accounts examined and audited or rejected at the meeting of said Board _in the Town Clerk's office in the said Town of Ithaca,. Nov. 8th, 9th, loth, 12tb, and 13th, 1883. Dated Ithaca, N. Y., Nov. 23d, 1883. R. A. CROZIER, Supervisor. CHARLEs G. DAY, Wm. J. TOTTEN, Justices of the Peace. T. W. BURNS, . . A. A. HUNVERFORD, F. C. SHEPHERD, Town Clerk. s ADDED BY RESOLUTION OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. 167. John Coy, (endorsed by majority of Town Board) High- way damages ...................................... $75 00 168. Wm. S. Crittenden, Inspector of Election, assigned to Marsh & Hall.. :................ .................. 1600 169. Edmund E. Robinson, Inspector of Election........... 1600 170. Andrus & Church, chattel mortgage book ............. 1250 171. Warner & Co., use of house for election' ............... 2000 $139 50 Amount of Town Audita ............................ 7,208 67 Total ...................................:.......... $7,348 17 b SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 103 LANSING. - a -y =--""- LUDLOWVILLE, Nov. 8th, 1883. We, the undersigned, members of Town Auditing Board of the Town of Lansing,-=in"the. county of Tompkins, State of New York, do hereby certify -,,- -that the following statement of accounts audited by them at their annual meeting held the 8th and 9th of November, 1883, is correct. . No. Name. Nature of Service. Claimed. Allowed. 1. Ithaca Journal Association, printing .................... 250 250 2. Albert Vanauken, constable ............................ 1495 - 1495 3. Gardner C. Gifford, copying for Assessors........ ..... 600 600 4. Alonzo H. Clark, Assessors' book and services........... -- 674 674 5. Alonzo H. Clark, Assessor ........................'..... 3725 3725 6. George.W. Miller, " ........ ..::.:............ .. 48'00 4800 7. Nelson E. Lyon, Justice services ........................ 795 7.95 8. Charles Baker, constable ................. ........ 1000 1000 ' 9. Dr. W. H. Barr, statistical reporting..... ,.......... 2 50 250 10. Dr. D. T. Barr, health physician... .................... 1000 1000 11. Samuel B. Feld, Excise•Commissioner.................. 300 300 12. Benton B. 'Brown, auditor 1882......................:.. 300 300 13. Charles Steinburg, • " ......................... 300 300 14. Henry Miller, use of house for election ................. 1500 1500 15. Egbert Williams, excise commissioner .................. 300, 300 16. A. B. Rogers, supplies for poor. :....................... 400 400 17. Daniel Sullivan, Overseer of the Poor .:..............:. 25643 256 43 18. L. J. Townley, printing election notices ................ 200 206 19. M. E. Sperry, for plank in 1882.......'..... ... ....... 2384. 2384 20. Rev. John E. McLallen, registering marriages........... 1 00 106 21. Newton Robinson, assessor ................. ........... 3850 3850 •-, 22. Dr. W. H. Lockerby, medical services .................. 25 00' 2500 23. .................. 3600 c6 00 24. registering births and deaths...... 650 650 25. C. G. Benjamin, Health Officer ......................... 800 8 00 26. N. T. Allen, use of hall one year ............... ....... 1500 1500 27. W. A. J. Osmun, for plank, by Commissioner........... 16053 . 16063 28. John C. Beebe, Commissioner .......................... 2088 2088 29. Harriet Butler, keeping pauptr............:.:.:........ 22 57 2257 30. Charles Steinburg, inspector and messenger ............. it 04 11.04 31. George E. Fields, ............. 400 400 32. Hiram Bowen, ....... 500 500 33. Henry M. Field,inspector ............................. 400 400 104 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 34. L. A. Farlin, clerk Town Meeting .................. . ... 400 400 35. F. B. Jefferson, clerk election....., ..................... 400 400 36. Harvey Teeter, inspector......' ............... :.:...... 400 400 ................... . 37. Charles Drake, " ......... 4 00 4 00 38, Charles Drake, messenger ....... .... .................. 580 580 39. William M. Dates, clerk election.... .............. 400 400 40. Lamson Hedden, " 41: John H. Conklin, ........... ........... 400 400 42. George W. Miller; . 400 400 43. Henry Howser, inspector .......................... ... 400 400 44. Benton M. Halliday, 11........................... 4 00 400 45. R. Beardsley, use of hall for election .................... 500 5 00 46. C. C. Platt, inspector and messenger .................... 500 500 47. James Mathews, constable ................. ........... 1035 1035 48. Hurlbut & Underwood, R. R. counsel .................. 11708 11708 49. Lafayette Teeter, inspector and messenger ............... 964 964 50. Wilson D. Williams, auditor ........................... 300 • 300 51. Franklin Hedden, Commissioner; 1880.................. 2176 0006 52. Moses C. Lowe, Commissioner service bill ........... .. 111 00 111 CO 53. Moses C, Lowe, . " town bill .................. 1372 84 137284 54. Ithaca Democrat, printing ............................. 1050 1050 55. Miss Arvilla Berger, for money in laying out road....... 830 830 56, Mrs. Betsey Neyhart, ....... 2100 2100 57. John W. Smith, Justice bill ............................ 2710 2710 ......................... 58. Nelson E. Lyon, ... 27 00 27 00 69. Dana Bower, ' 860 860 60. Dana Bower, service bill .............................. 24 00 2400 61. James M. Woodbury, Justice bill ...................... 2025 2025 62. David Crocker, service bill .... ........................ 4981 49 81 63. David Crocker, Supervisor, R: R. suits.... ........:.... 5320 5320 64. George M..Letts, Town Clerk....... . ........... ...... 5350 5350 $2800 15 DAVID CROCKER, Supervisor. GEORGE. M. LETTs, Town Clerk. • NELSON E. LYON, DANA BOWER,- Justices of the Peace. • JOHN W. SMITH, JAMES M. WOODBURY. SUPERVISORS' PROdERDINGS. 105 --�-_--=------DANBY: --- ----------- --- No. Name. Nature of Service.. Claimed. Allowed. 1. Levi Hollister, Inspector ............................... $4 00 $4 00 2. D. A. Everest, .........I .............. ....... 400 400 3; H. F. Hutchings, ........:............'........... 300 300 4. F. B. Lewis, ............................... 300 300 5. S. L. Kirkendall. ............................... 400 400 6. M. A. Dumond, Messenger .......... .................. 580 580 7. D. A. Everest, ............................. . 548 548 8. M. V. B. Sweetlove, Clerk of Election .... .......:..... 300 300 9. L. L. Beers, .................. 400 4 00- 10. Benj. Jennings, .......:.:......... 400 400 11. L. L. Beers, Surveyor ................................. 600 600 12. Ira Pateben, supplies for poor .......................... 800 800 13. M. Handy, Assessor.... ........................... 1900 1900 14. John D. Fish, I ........ 2230 2230 , 15. Jacob Vise, ................................... 1660 1600 16. M. A. Dumond, Inspector ............................. 300 300 17. Ithaca Journal, printing ............................... 300 300 18. D. H. Ostrander, supplies for poor ..................... 300 300 19. Lemuel Jennings, Justice ..:.......................... $ 00 800 20. Josiah McFall. Overseer of Poor ..... :................. 1500 15 00 21. Jones Ostrander, supplies for poor.: ......... ; .......... 175 175 22. M. A. Dumond, reporting deaths and births ............. 225 225 23. Cligs. Howland, Justice .......................... I... 1100 11 00 24. John J. Miller, " ................... 925 925 25. Jeremiah Thatcher, .. ................................ • 1225 1225 26. John E. Beers, Supervisor ............................. 25 10 2510 27. John E. Beers, medical bill .... r..... .................. 800 800 28. Samuel Johnson, reporting marriages ................... 1 75 175 29. M. A. Dumond, medical bill ............................ 121 50 2150 30. C. F. Mix, Janitor of hall- ....................... .... 1900 1900 31. M. H. Smith, reporting deaths and births. .............. 650 650 32. Oscar Jennings, Commissioner ......................... 5900 5900 83. Thomas Howell, supplies for poor ...................... 2489 2489 34. Josiah Hawes, ...... * 417 417 35. Benjamin Jennings, Clerk .... ......................... .5000 5000 $399 99 106 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. We, the undersigned, comprising the Town Board of Audit, certify that we have this day audited, and allowed the amounts as shown in the last column of•this Abstract. Dated Danby, Nov. 9, 1883. JOHN E.-BEERS, Sapervisor. BEND. JENNINGS, Clerk. JEREMIAH THATCHER, CHAS. HOWLAND, Justices. JOHN J. MILLER, ADDED BY RESOLUTION OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. 36. Martin Besemer, reporting births and deaths.... . $1 75 37. Chas. J. Weed, Clerk .:................................ 300 38. Theron Slocum, Constable ............................. 665 39. John J. Miller, Justice .................................. 1260 $24 00 Amount of Town Audits ............................ 39999 Total........ $423 99 I REPORTS. RAILROAD BONDING COMMISSIONERS' REPORT. ENFIELD. To the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins: We, the undersigned, Bonding Commissioners of the Town of. Enfield, would respectfully report as follows: That bonds to the amount of twenty-five thousand dollars against said town were issued pursuant to Chapter 907, Laws of 1569,.to aid in the construction of the Pa. & Sodus.Bay R. R. Said bonds will become due March 1st, 1901, and bear interest at 7 per cent. per annum, payable semi-annually on the first day of March and of September of each year. We have purchased, canceled, and turned over to the proper authorities, four thousand seven hundred dollars of these bonds, leaving twenty thousand three hundred dollars still outstanding and unpaid. It will require fourteen hundred and twenty-one dollars to pay the interest on said bonds for the coming -year; and we request that you raise by tax on said Town of Enfield the. sum offourteen hundred and twenty-one dollars to pay said interest; and also the sum of one thousand dollars to be used as a Sinking Fund towards the final liquidation of the original debt. 108 , SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. We would further report, that we now have on hand as a Sink- ing Fund, one thousand dollars in Covert Town Bonds and seventy and 17-100 dollars in the Ithaca Savings Bank. Enfield, November •7th, 1883. EDGAR BREWER, Commissioners. GEORGE W. BUDD. ToMP%INS COUNTY, SS.: Edgar Brewer being duly sworn deposes and says, that he is one of the 'Bonding Commissioners for.the Town of Enfield; that he signed the above report, and it is true to the best of his knowledge and belief. EDGAR .BREWER. Subscribed and sworn to this 7th day of Nov., 1883, before me. WM. F. SMITH, Justice of the Peace. To the .Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: In accordance with Chapter 552, Laws of 1870, I hereby report the public debt of the Town of Enfield to be as follows, viz.: Bonds issued to Pa. & Sodus Bay Railroad Company, under the act to facilitate the construction of railroads passed by the Legis- lature of 1850, and amended May 18, 1869: Amount of bonds issued, rate of interest 7 per cent ............. $25,000 00 Amount of principal paid by redeeming'bonds....:.............. 4,70000 Leaving bonds outstanding ....................... $20,300 00 Interest due March 1st, 1884.................................... 71050 Interest due September 1st, 1884........ ....... 71050 In addition to the above, according to the Commissioners' report, there is in the hands of the Commissioners a Town of Covert Bond of one thousand dollars ............................... :. $1,000 00 In the Savings Bank, cash.......... ............................ 7017 $1,070 17 Total indebtedness ............................................. $19,229 83 In view of the action of this Board prohibiting the :raising of more than one per cent. of the bonded debt without a vote of the town; therefore, Bewlved, That there be raised for the purpose of a Sinking Fund, $250. - D. W. BAILEY, Supervisor. SUPERVISOR&--PRQ.QFI'aDINGs, 109 GROTON. To A. G: Chapman, Esq., Supervisor of the Town of Groton: We, the undersigned, Commissioners of the Town of Groton, appointed under the act passed May 18th, 1869, Laws of New York, Chapter 907„would respectfully submit the following report: That the amount of Town Bonds issued in aid of the Ithaca & Cortland Railroad is.. i ........... $15,000 00 That the amount of bonds exchanged for stock in the Ithaca -& Cortland (now U. I. & E.) is .................................. 15,000 00 That the interest to become due Feb. 1, 1884, is .................. 52500 That the interest to become due Aug. 1, 1884, is ................. 52500 That we have a Sinking Fund, invested in Bonds of Town of Groton.................. .................................. 30000 That we have in -mortgages on real estate . .......... ........... 1,02500 ., certificate of deposit for mature coupons........ 126 17 . ........ 45000 cash for matured coupons ............ • . • . • • • • • • 5047 Interest received during the year,.$73.16, included in the above $450.00 certificates ..................................... ..... Therefore, we ask for an appropriation to pay interest on said bonds, Feb. 1, 1884 ................... ....................... 52500 'Also, on same bonds, Aug. 1, 1884 .. ........................ 52500 Also, on Sinking Fund of one per cent .......................... 150,00 Total.................................................... 1200 00 We therefore respectfully ask that the sum of twelve hundred dollars, as above, be levied upon the Town of Groton and collected, to be paid over to the Commissioners of said Town to be expended for the above purpose. Dated, Groton, N. Y., Nov. 21, 1883. D. H. MARSH, ) H. K. CLARK, jj Commissioners. A. BACKUS, 110 SUPERVISORS' .PROCEEDINGS. STATE OF NEW YORK, j TompKiNs COUNTY.,j ss" D. H. Marsh, one of the aforesaid Commissioners of the Town of Groton, being duly sworn, deposes and says, that the foregoing report stgn'ed by him- self, H. K. Clary, and A. Backus, is a just and true report in every particular so faf as deponent has knowledge of the facts therein stated, and in other re- spects deponent believes it to be' true. D. H. 1VIARSH. Sworn and subscribed before me this 21st day of Nov., 1883. E. A. MARSH, Notary Public. To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: Im accordwice with Chapter 552, Laws of 1870, I hereby report the public debt of the Town of Groton to be as follows: Bonds issued by Commissioners for the I. & C. (now U. I. & E.) Railroad, bearing 7 per cent. interest, payable semi-annually... $15,000 00 Interest coming due the ensuing year, Feb, 1st, 1884............. 52500 Aug. 1st, 1884.............. 52500 One per cent of Sinking Fund on amount of bonds ... ........... 15000 Total................................................... $1,200 00 Resolved, That in pursuance of the provisions of Chapter 907 of the Laws of 1869, and notice baying been served upon this Board by the Railroad Com- missioners of the Town of Groton, there be levied and assessed upon the taxa- ble property of said town of Groton the sum of one thousand and fifty dollars, for the purpose of paying the interest on the railroad bonds issued under this act in the Town of Groton; also, the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars for the purpose of creating a Sinking Fuud according to instructions in said Chap- ter 907, Laws of 1869, and that when collected the same be paid to the Rail. road Commissioners of said town appointed under this act, to be expended for the above purposes. A. G. CHAPMAN, Supervisor. SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS-_-----__ 111 ITHACA.•' To the Supervisor of the Town of Ithaca: The undersigned, Commissioners of the Town of Ithaca, in pur- suance of an act of the Legislature, passed June 27th, 1877, to facilitate .the redemption of outstanding bonds issued in aid Of the Ithaca - &, Athens Railroad, and authorizing the issuing of new Funding Bonds .at a lower rate of interest, do report as follows: Amount of old bonds issued ................................... $300,000 00 Less amount redeemed March 1st, 1879................ 15,000 00 o $285,000 00 A like amount of Funding Bonds at 5 per Cent. semi-annual in- terest, both principal and interest payable in the city of New York, are issued in series of $15,000 each: Payable in March each year ................................... $285,000 00 Less amount redeemed respectively March,1880, '81, '82, and '83. 60,000 00 Balance .............. $225,000 00 We therefore respectfully report that there will be required for the coming year the sum of $15,000 on principal of said bonds, and the sum of $10,875 for interest due on bonds March 1st, 1881, and Sept. 1st, 1884, and ask that the same may be assessed and levied upon the Town:. On principal ................................................... $15,000 00 On interest .................................................. 10,875 00 Total ................................................... $258 75 00 JOHN L.-WHITON, LEONARD TRENAN, Commissioners. ORESTUS H. GREGORY, TOMPRINs COUNTY, SS.: On this 21st day of Nov., 1883, personally appeared Leonard Treman, to me known, who being duly sworn deposes and says, that the foregoing statement, made by himself, John L. WhitoD, and 0. H. Gregory, Commissioners, is cor. rect and true, to the best of his knowledge and belief. O. P. tiYDE, Notary Public. 112 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Resolved, That in pursuance of Chapter 645 of Laws of 1866, and of notices served upon this Board by the Commissioners of the Town of Ithaca for the Ithaca and Atbens Railroad, there be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the Town of Ithaca, the sum of ten thousand eight hundred and seventy-five dollars ($10,875.00,, for the purpose of paying interest upon Town Bonds issued in aid of said railroad, to become due March 1st and Septem- ber 1st, 1884, and the sum of fifteen tbousand dollars, for the purpose of redeeming an equal amount of said bonds, which will mature March 1st, 1884, and that the Supervisor of said town pay -said sums to the Town Commission- ers for said railroad, to be expended for the purpose herein mentioned. R. A. CROZIER, Supervisor. The undersigned, Commissioners of the Town of Ithaca for bonds issued in aid of the Geneva and Itliaca Railroad, beg leave to sub- mit their thirteenth annual report, as follows: Amount of bonds issued and outstanding ............... $100,000 00 The interest on said bonds falls clue as follows: April 1, 1884.... ..............$3,5o0 00 ........................ October 1, 1884........................................... 3,50000 We therefore request that the sum of seven thousand dollars, as above stated, needed to pay interest on said bonds, be levied and assessed upon the Town of Ithaca. a We would further report, that the Sinking Fund, raised for the purpose of paying the principal of said bonds, amounts to $29,102.29, as follows: Amount at date of last report ..........................:........ $25,000 30 Received from Supervisor ....................................... 2,50000 Received for interest ........................................... 1,60199 $29,102 29 And is invested as follows: In Town of Ithaca 7 per cent. Bonds ............................ $25,000 00 5 per cent. Bonds ............................ 2,00000 Interest of Sinking Fund, in a $1,000 7 per cent. Ithaca Bond.... 760 90' Premium account....... ... .......................... 1,341 39 $29,102 29 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. . 113 INTEREST ACCOUNT.-- - ,Njarch 1, 1883, On $1,000 Ithaca 5's... ............. $25 00 April 2, 1883.-0n=$23,000 Ithaca 7's, .........."........... 80500 -Sept. 1, 1883, On $2,000 Ithaca 5's .... . ... . . .......... 5000 Oct. 1, 1883, On $25,000 Ithaca Ts. . . 87500 On $760.90 Ithaca 7'9 ....... ............ 2494 " On temporary loan of Oct. interest...... 7558 " In Savings. Bank ....................... 677 ' $1,862 29 April 1, 1883, Paid accrued interest on Ithaca 5's....... . $4 17 May 10, 1883, " Ts....... 2613 Oct. 1, 1883, Paid on premium account ................ 230-00 Balance as above stated ................ 1,60199 . $1,862 29 -- --` - CASH ACCOUNT. Nov. 1, 1882, Cash on hand (see last report)............ $87 05 rich. 1, 1883, Int'at on $1,000 Ithaca 5 per cent, bonds.. 2500 April 2, 1883, Int'st•on $23,000, 7 per cent. bonds....... .80500 " From Supervisor, raised by tax.......... 2,50000 Sept. 1, 1883, Interest on $2,000 Ithaca 5's............. 5000 Oct. 1, 1883, $25,000 Ithaca Ts............ 87500 $760.90, part of bond belong- ing to Sinking Fund as above stated...... 2494 " Interest received on temporary loan of Oct. 'interest money .................. ......... 7558 " Interest from Savings Bank .............. 677 $4,449 34 . Accounted for as follows: April 1; 1883, Paid for Ithaca 5 rer cent. bond $1,000... $1,062 31 May 16, 1883, Paid for Ithaca 7 per cent, bond $2,000, and the int'st of Sinking Fund of $760.90, as above staied....... I ................... 3,38703 $4,449 34 PREMIUM ACCOUNT. Nov. 1, 1882, Balance, as per last report ............... $913 25 April 1, 1883, Paid on Ithaca 5's... I..................... 58 14 - May 16,1883, Paid on Ithaca 7's ....................... 60000 $1,571 39 1.14 . SurERYISORs' PROCEEDINGS. Oct. 1, 1883, Interest applied .......................... $230 00 Balance as above stated ............... 1,341 39 $1,571 39 The present bonded debt of the Town of Ithaca for the purpose above mentioned is therefore, exclusive of Sinking Fund, 870,897.71, a reduction since last report of $4,101.99. ' In pursuance of the provisions of the act under which said debt was created, we ask that the sum of twenty-five hundred dollars, being 2 1-2 per cent. of the principal of said debt, be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the Town of Ithaca, for the purpose of maintaining -a Sinking Fund for the payment of the . principal of said debt. H. B. LORD, Commissioners. O. H. GREGORY, Ithaca, November 1, 1883. The undersigned being duly sworn depose and say, that the above state- ment to which their Dames are subscribed as Commissioners of the Town of Ithaca is true, and that the statement of account therewith submitted are cor- rect, to the best of their knowledge and belief. H. B. LORD. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 14th day of November, 1883. C. W. GAY, Notary Public. Resolved, That in pursuance of Chapter 907, Laws of 1869, entitled an " Act to authorize the formation of railroad corporations, and to regulwte the same," passed April 2, 1850, so as to permit municipal corporations to aid in the con- struction of railroads, passed May 18, 1869, and a request served upon this Board by the Commissioners of the Town. of Ithaca, for the Geneva & Ithaca Railroad, there'be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the said town the sum of seven thousand dollars ($7,000) for the payment of interest upon the Town Bonds, issued in aid of said railroad, to become due April 1st and Oct. 1st, 1884, and the sum of two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500) for the Sinking Fund for said bonds; and that the Supervisor of said town pay said sums to said Commissioners, to be expended for the purposes herein named. R. A.• CROZIER, Supervisor. SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. • 115 To the. Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: In accordance with Chapter 552, Laws of 1870, I hereby report the public debt of the Town of Ithaca to -be as follows: Bonds issued March 2d, 1869, by Commissioners of Ithaca & Athens R. R.;—liearibg interest-at=7-per-cent,—were.............._ .A300,000 00 Less ain't redeemed March 1st, 1879............ ------ ....$15,000 1880................ 15,000 1881................. 15,000 1882................ 15,000 1883............... 1�,000 Q 75,000 00 Bal. outstanding, refunded at 5 per cent ................... $225,000 00 Bonds issued by Commissioners of Geneva & Ithaca R. R., Oct. 1st, 1871, payable Oct. 1st, 1901, were ............... $100,000 00 Less Sinking Fund in hands of Commissioners, as per their _.--.. report...-. ............................................ 29,102 29 Bal. Geneva•& Ithaca R. R................................ $70,897 71 Total on above R. R. bonded indebtedness less sinking fund is ........................ .... $295,897 71 Required tp be raised on account of R. R. bonds for sinking fund for Ithaca & Athens bonds.. 15,000 00 For Geneva & Ithaca bonds ............... ... 2,500 00 -- -- $17, 500 00 For interest on Ithaca & Athens bonds......... $10,875 00 " " " Geneva & Ithaca bonds......... 7,000 00 $17,875 00 Total amount required for 1884.. $35,375 00 R. A. CROZIER, Supervisor. NE.WFIELD. To R. Horton, Supervisor of the Town of Areirfaeld J We, the undersigned Commissioners bf the town of Newfield, duly appointed under the provisions of an act of the Legislature of the State of New York, authorizing towns to subscribe to the cap- 115 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. ital stock of railroad corporations and to issue bonds therefor, do respectfully report that it will be necessary for said town of New- field to raise by tax the sum of $3,290 to pay interest from Sep- tember 1st, 1883, to September 1st, 1884, on bonds of said town of Newfield to the amount of $47,000.00 issued to aid in the construe- tion of the Pa. & S. B. R. R., said.,interest being payable semi- annually on the 1st days of March and September of each year. Also, to raise, as aforesaid, an additional sum of W9.98 to pro- vide for the payment of the balance due for town bonds of said ® town purchased March 1st, 1883. We further report. that we have. received from the Supervisor of the town of Newfield the sum of $815.00,. being money collected by him in 'an action by said town against Percival S. Dudley, and others. We further report that we have purchased with the said $815.00 and with the sinking fund, ten $100.00 Newfield town bonds and one $500 Newfield town bond, at thirteen and two-thirds per cent. premium, and duly canceled the same. We further report ,that we have no balance on hand. Dated, Newfield, Nov. 9, 1883. C. W. MCCORN, I. B. PALMER, Commissioners. N. B. DUNNING, T oMP%INS COUNTY, SS.: I. B..Palmer, being duly sworn, sass that he is one of the Railroad Bond- -Ing Commissioners in and for the town of Newfield, and that the above re- port is in all respects just and true. I. B. PALMER. Sworn to before me this 9th day of November, 1883. R. HORTON, Notary Public. To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: In accordance with Chapter 552, Laws i870, I hereby report the public debt of' -the Town of Newfield to be as follows: Amount of bonds issued, rate of interest 7 per cent............ $52,000 00 Amount of. principal paid to November 9, 1883................. - 5,00000 $47,000 00 _- ---= SUPERVISORS° _PROCEEDINGS. 117 Amount of interest due March 1st, 1884...................... 1,64500 " September 1st, 1884................... . . 1,645 00 $50,290 00 Resohed, That at the requgst of the Bonding Commissioners of the Town of Newfield, there be levied.and collected from said Town the sum of two hundred and seventy-nine and 98-100 dollars, to. be applied as a sinking fund, and the sum of three thousand two hundred and ninety dollars, as interest on the above named bonds. I R. H'ORTON, Supervisor. ULYSSES. To the Board ,of Supervisors of Tompkins County: The Bonding Commissioners of the Town of Ulysses;, subz%aif jo, you the following report: Amount of bonds issued by said town of Ulysses; imcler Chapter 907, Laws of 1869, and laws amendatory thereof, was, seventy-five thousand dollars, dated March 1, 1871, due March 4 1901, with semi-annual interest at seven per cent per annum,, payable .on the first days of March and September. Amount of principal paid,, thirteen thousand dollars; amount of coupons, due and unpaid, twenty-four, 50-100 dollars. There is deposited with: the Union Trust Company of New York, twenty-four 5,0-100 dollars, There is loaned on interest one thousand one hundred four,, 71-100 dollars for the benefit of the sinking fund. t One year's interest on $75,000.00 is .................... $5,250 00 One per cent for sinking fund.......... 75000 $6,000 00, If two hundred and fifty, dollars be added to the sinking fund it will enable us. to purchase two thousand dollars of the bonds, and for that purpose we recommend that six thousand two hundred fifty dollars be assessed on the town for interest and sinking fund, Dated Trumansburg,'November 1, 1883. T. BOARDMAN, Bonding Cormissioners E. S. PRATT, for the G. J. McLALI Town of Ulysses, 118 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Truman Boardman being duly sworn says the foregoing report is correct to the best of his knowledge and belief. T. BOARDMAN. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 8th day of November, 1883. J. R. EMERY, Justice of the Peace. To the .Board of Supervisors of Tompkins Co. In accordance with Chapter 552, Laws of 1870, I hereby report the public debt of the Town of Ulysses to be as follows, viz: Bonds issued to Pennsylvania & Sodus Bay Railroad Company under the act to facilitate railroads, passed by the Legislature of 1850, and amended May 18, 1869. Amount of bonds issued, rate of interest 7 per cent. * ............ $75,006 00 Amount of principal paid Nov. 1, 1883, as reportedby Bonding Commissioner........... 13,000 00 Amount of principal unpaid Nov. 1, 1883...................... 62,000 00 Amount of interest due March 1, 1884............... �......... 2,17000 Amount of interest due Sept. 1, 1884.......................... 2,17000 Total amount of indebtedness Sept. 1, 1884....................... 66,340 00 .Resolved, That at the request of the Bonding Commissioners of the Town of Ulysses. there be levied and collected in said Town, six thousand two hundred and fifty dollars for interest and sinking fun . L. J. WHEELER, Supervisor. COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT. d To the Honorable, th,e Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: The undersigned, County Treasurer of Tompkins County, re- spectfully submits his annual statement of receipts and disburse- ments of the County funds from Nov. 17th, 1882, to Nov. 15th, 1883, as follows: The receipts from all sources including balance on hand - Nov. 17th, 1882, amount to the sum of ............. $94944 89 The disbursements for the same period for all purposes amount to the sum of .............................. 9282458 Leaving a balance in my bands of........ 2120 36 SUPERVISORS PROCEEDINGS. 119 I hereby certify that there stands this day to the credit, of Geo. H Northrup, County Treasurer, on thpe books of this bank, the sum of ........................... 212036 Ithaca, Nov. 16tb, 1883. C. W. GAY, Teller 1st Nat. Bank, Ithaca, N. Y. TOMP&INS COUNTY, SS: Geo. 11. Northrup being duly sworn says the following statement is correct, and contains a true report of all moneys received, deposited and paid out, by him.as County Treasurer since his last annual report,' excepting moneys be- longing to the Infant Heir Fund. ---- -- GEO. H. NORTHRUP, County Treasurer. Subscribed and sworn before me November 16th, 1883. P. J. PARTENIIEIbIER, Clerk, Tompkins County, N. Y. ' RECEIPTS. Cash on hand Nov. 17th, 1882........................ $2865 38 One per cent fees on State tax of 1882................ 16253 ACCOUNT OF TAX LEVY OF 1882. Town of Caroline... — ............................. $3248 83 Danby........................... .......... 366714 ............ Dryden ........... . . ........ 962201 " Enfield. ........ ................. 2439 41 �. Groton..... ............................. 622285 �,. Itbaca..................................... 22652 53 0 .� Lansing .................................... 8190 50 Newfield ................................... 3480 76 Ulysses .................................... 7045 64 6656967 FROM TAXES RETURNED UNPAID. Townof Danby..... ............................... 478 Dryden ..................................... 5.26 Enfield............ ................ 4170 " Ithaca............ ........... . 21907 Lansing.... �. Newfield................ ................ 2116 Ulysses........... ....... .......... 5512 342 09 From Wm. 0. Newman, Co. Supt. of Poor............ 110000 Proceeds of note discounted at the First National Bank for Court expenses Nov. 24th, 1882........ . ........ 791 72 Proceeds of note discounted, Dec. 14th, 1882.......... 9946 " "-' Nov. loth, 1883........: 197929 120 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Fines from Sheriff...... .................... ... Nelson E. Lyon, Justice .................. Self supporting patients at Willard Asylum........... Interest on deposits .................................. SURPLUS MONEYS. Estate of David Mulks ................................ Stoddard vs. Bbardmhn, Executor .................... Barber vs. -Mekeel and Hoag, Collectors ................ Estate of Win. Kline, deceased ....................... Smith vs. Mulvahill.................................. Estate of Richard J. Speed, deceased ................ Joseph H. Wilson, .. .................. Credit of James Wager. . . Estate of Joseph Larrison, deceased .................... Reed vs. Reed ....................................... Estate of Henry A. Freese, deceased...' .... .... .... From Supt. of Public Instruction. U. I. & E.,* and I. A. & W. R. R. School taxes........ Self supporting patients at N. Y. State Lunatic Asylum S. G. Williams, administrator of the estate of Eliza M. Baker............................................ Gen. H. Baker, Overseer of the Poor, Town of Ithaca, excise penalties ............... a ..... ............... 51500 555 755 233 100 524724 71700 2,5000 4255 388356 443 79500 127754 284 25000 55527 25749 8040 68 1054890 346 12 22148* 20080 40000 $9494489 DISBURSEMENTS. State Tax paid Comptroller .......................... 1625378 SCHOOL MONEYS. To Caroline .......................................... 1881 72 " Danby ......................................... . 153067 " Dryden .......................................... 2945 84 " Enfield ........................................... 118506 Groton ............................................ 241547- Lansing ........................................... 2018 10 Ithaca ........................ .. I ............ ... 767499 Newfield .... ...................................... 208724 Ulysses ...................... ............ * ....... 2058 63 23792 72 County Audits............ • ...................... 1250421 Postage, Supervisor's Clerk .......................... 1000 Susquehanna Valley Home ............................ 45036 Incidentals, Surrogate's Office ......................... 5000 U SUI'ERVIQC,RS'_P_ROCEEDINGs.= — — 2-1` -- — Paid orders of Co. Supt. of Poor .................. ... 537451 _ A. G. Chapman, Supervisor, fine belonging to town of Groton ............................................ 430 18393 38. SALARIES. - Marcus Lyon, County Judge ......................... 250000 Geo.'H. Northrup, County Treasurer ................. 90000 D. M. Dean, District Attorney .................... ... 150 e0 C. L. Smith, 45000 D. P. Hodson, Supervisor's Clerk ..................'.... 15000 Rev. U. S. Hall, County House Chaplain .............. ,5000 Wm: E. Johnson, Janitor ...................'........ 15000 E. H. Kyle, Jail Physician....: ...........:.......... 9000 Amass Genung, School Commissioner ................. 20000 S. L. Howe, ' .1 ., 20000 J. T. Newman, Special County Judge ................ 50,00 Surrogate's Clerk ...................................... 25000 514000 GAS BILLS. ° Jail....... ...... ................. ................ 10856 Clerk's Office ......................................... 3256 Court House.... .......................... ......... 3948 18060 Coal to County Buildings .... ....................... 30477 Kindling wood to Jail ............................:... 1 55 30632 F. E. Tibbetts, Att'y of G. I. & S. R. R., in satisfaction of judgment against county ........................ 16333 ,COURT EXPENSES. Trial Jurors ............... ......................... 303005 Grand Jurors ........................................ 614 15- Constables .......................................... 65270 Stenographers ................ ...................... .125067 Witnesses......... .................... ... 261 06 Snernff, attendance at Court .......................... 21600 Under Sheriff, attendance at Court ................... 248 20 Justices of Sessions ................................:. 21230 Crier................................................. 16800 Meals to Jurors.... 58 50 Judge Clark ............... :................ ......... 50 00 676163 Onondaga Co. Penitentiary ........................... 25781 Andrus & Church, on acet............ ... I... ... 1000 Stamps and Postal Cards, Co. Treas.................. 650 122 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Willard Asylum Bills .............. :............. ... 8508 20 John ➢i. Smith, amt. due from Willard Asylum....... 559 Geo. Hazen, ....... 1187 Jail Locks ........................................... 3000 8829 47 SURPLUS MONEYS. White vs. White .................................... 166887 Estate of Erastus R. Treman, balance ..... ........... . 10649 Chambers va. Keenan ................................ 85685 Estate of Wm. Kline, deceased ....................... 388856 " Richard J. Speed, deceased ................ 79500 " Joseph H. Wilson, ................ 127754 " Joseph Larrison, ................ 25000 Barber vs. Mekeel and Hoag, Collectors ............... 4255 Stoddard vs. Boardman, Executor..: ................. 25000 James Wager ........................................ 284 . Reed vs. Reed .......:....... ........................ 55527 . Estate of Henry A. Fresse, deceased .................. 25749 995146 Bills Payable,-noteOgiven for Court expense.:......... 80000 11 << <, .< .......... 10000 District Attorney's office rent ......................... 20000 Western Institute for deaf mutes ...................... 48583 Canandaigua Home ... ... ......:................ 268 16 School Districts on the U. I. & E., and I. A. & W. R.R. 38472 N. Y: State Lunatic Asylum.... .................... 221 48 Insurance on County buildings ....................... 17850 R. A Crozier, Supervisor, tax of Mrs. Levi Smith, levy . of1881..................................... : ....... 1225 Geo. H. Baker, Overseer'of the Poor, Town of Ithaca. 40000 D. W. Bailey, Supervisor, Bal. due Town of Enfield . 90 3051 84 Cash on hand ........................................ 212036 9494489 Cash on hand ........................................ 212036 Due the Treasury from Town of Caroline............ 335 < Dauby.............. 70 Dryden ............ 2988 Ithaca .............. 7588 " Lansing ............. 13 10 Newfield............ 3108 " Ulvsses.............. 4090 Co. Supt. of Poor.: ............ 10,01 Postage and Stationary acet.... 1 20 " Willard Asylum: .............. 349 01 SUPERVISORS PROCEEDINGS. _123 TOTAL ASSETS WHICH BELONG TO THE FOLLOWING ACCOUNTS. County Audits ............. ......... ............. 400 Fuel and Gas........ .................... 8754 Cot.rt Expenses.:�............................. 46109 Interest. ............. .............. 100 State Asylum for Idiots. . . . ......... ........... ... 1600 Western Institute for deaf mutes ..................... 1417 Canandaigua Home ................................. 3000 School Districts on the U. I. & E. R. R............... 46 78' Estate of Laura M. Sexton, lunatic.... ............ 121403 Eliza M. Baker, ... ................ 6787 SURPLUS MONEYS. - --- '-- .. Wheelock vs. Wesley ............................... .... 10 Anderson vs. Anderson ............................... 1146 Estate of David Milks, deceased.-. . .71700 Smith- vs. Mulvahill .....:.. ...................... 443 $2675 47 $2675 47 INFANT HEIR FUND, To the Honorable Board of Supervisprs of Tompkins County: Investment. MORTGAGOR. DATE. HEIRS INTERESTED. AIIIUDnI Of Imof interest. Aount Mort L1990. 1st mor6gage Ueo. Alexander. Feb. 6. 187S, rlaDdevtile betrS. c$779 73 Jennie Williams. 423 27 $1,203 00 1st A. E. Albright. Aug. 31, '78. Mary A. Mitchell. 53 29 , McIieeQan heirs. 58 13 Mabel McNeil: 11620 Samuel M. Wilson. 51 S2 Mary Hughes &chldD 88 33 Fred Wood in. 3223 40000 3d mortzage *Geo. H. Bristol. Feb. 25, 176 Chas. Cowen. 767p9 76719 1st " Phoebe Bterce. :May 1, ISSI. Huson heirs. 1,25000 1,25000 1st " F. A. Camp. April 6, '7:i. iamuei bi. Nilson. 400 00 40000 2d F. A. Camp. Mch. T. 176 11 11 `1 20000 20000 1st `( 'Pamar A. (.;base. Mob. 29, '83 Chase heirs. 777 21 77721 2d E. M. Giliam. Dec. IS, 173 Win Morton. 30000 30000 ist `• Ilarriet Hayes. Feb. 11; '70 ;amuel At. Wilson. 95 00 95 00 lst Lydia Ilousell. Oct. 16, '65 Flousell heirs. 43200 43200 2d •` - *Elizabeth Howe. April 1,'7.5. Samuel M. Wilson. 30000 30000 3d * Elizabeth Howe. April 2,'77. " 309 001 30000 2d Wilson I. Hill. Feb. 15, 76. 4urdam heirs. 81 88 8188 Town of Ithaca 5 per Haddock 253 12 cent. Bonds. series Wilcox " 250 00 of 18S5. Nos. 76, ;7, Broas 13592 78, 79, 80• $1,000 each. Lyon " 4529 Adln Morton. 1,764 13 Van 1f orn heirs. 30000 11 uson " 51618 + Frank G1ltner. 10461 Jennie Williams: 117 12 Chas. Spaulding. s3 52 �t Hils Hayward. 93 52 Hattie Axford. 81 69 124 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. E. and A. Gillow. 21939 ' - D. and M. Woodin. 1940 Fred Woodin. 19 40 Dwight A. Allen. 376 51 Searles heirs. 46950 • Samuel M. Wilson. 11414 Hanshaw heirs. 26 56 5,00000 Town of Ithaca 5 per Samuel M. Wilson. 41631 cent. Bond, series of Huson heirs. 231 33 1891, No..70, $1.000, Surdam " 89 94 Hanshaw heirs. M 23 Josephine Stoddard. 7212 Fred Woodin. 6126 Jennie %A 1111ams 5875 1,00000 1st mortgage Edwin J111ett June 19, 180. iloodspeed heirs. 801 44 80144 1st " •John Letts. April 6, 177 Adin Morton. 150 00 15000 1st ` James Labar. Nov. 2. '74. W.'P. Arnold. LOS2 25 1,082 25 3d 'P. J. McElheny. Nov. 1, '77. ?amu,,l M. Wilson. 1 00000 1,000.00 1st " t nenry Mente. Feb. 7, 176._ Halstead Snyder. 29233 Sarah Ha:rrtson. 157 67 45000 let ` John McArthur. April it.114. Van Horn heirs. 1,9'11 29 1,901 29 1st `• Jesse Manning. Feb. 14,'7O. Babel McNeil. 391 3S Samuel M. Wilson. 126 56 McGowen heirs. 2958 ' Stevens � 980 00 Hanshaw 11 139 28 'I'llyou " 21644 Fred Woodin.. 38 22 •1,921 46 1st mortgage Toitn Rumsey. Sept. 7. 181. Griffen heirs. 2,44144 2,444 44. 1st ;Nathan Stevens. MCh. 6,'77. Stevens •` 40000 . 40000 2d " • P. & M. Sneeden. May 19,177.. Howe 37 2= Sovoco01 " 462 72 50000 1st Gen. Simpson. Oct. 23, 183. Elizabeth Simpson. 3.38S 94 3.388 94 1st Mary Seabrfng„ Feb. 17. 183. Mary L. Seabring. 5,06624 5,06624 let " Myron A. Sexton. June 20, 181. Keator heirs. 2,750 00 2,750 00 1st Eron C. VanKirk. June 20, '72. ?,din Morton. 40000 Griffin heirs. 9800 ' CliaS. & Asa Ballou. 352 00 85000 1st Martha Woodin. April 15. 176. D. and M. Woodin. .90500 905 00.- 1st " Stanley O. Ward. May 18,'74. N-right Theirs. 977 50 97 7 60 Total amount Invested In Bonds and Mortgages ....:........... ............ $87,094 84 " Worthless Mortgages. t Mortgage foreclosed and property held for heirs. Deposited in Ithaca Savings Bank, Searles heirs.......... $849 95 " Wilgus heirs.......... 229 82 " heirs of Chas. Simpson 33700 — $1,415 77 I hereby certify that the above amounts stand this day to the credit of the persons mentioned in the above report on the books of the Ithaca Savings Bank. Dated, Nov. 17, 1883. WM. J. STORMS, Treasurer. George H. Northrup being duly sworn, says the foregoing statement, made in pursuance of an Act of. the Legislature of the State of New York in rela tion to Infant Heir Fund§ in the hands of County Treasurers, passed April 12th, 1848, is correct, and represents the condition of the securities belonging to said fund on the 17th day of November, 1883. GEO. 11. NORTHRUP, County Treasurer. Subscribed and sworn before the November 19tb. 1883. 1 B. R. WILLIAMS, Deputy Clerk. SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 125• REPORT. tatement of fees received in Surrogate's Court of Tompkins County since date of last report, Nov. J29th, 1882: 1882. Nov. 29, Bal on hand as shown by last report ..................... $ 1 15 Jan. 1, Rec'd for copy of papers .. ...:........................ 225 1883. Jan, 3................................. 1 50 Jan. 28,................................ 1 10 _ Feb. 14..................................:. 200 March 26, 200 April6. ................................ . ........................ April 19, .. ........ 2 00 May2 .................................. 134 May 12, ................ ....... _ .... 200 May 14, ". Moses' acet...................... 606 May23, .................................. 265 July 20, .... 800 Sept. 3,:............................... 75 Sept. 8. ............... I .................. 1 00 Oct. 12, .......... 200 Oct. 16,................................. 20 Oct. 29, ............... ............ 300 Oct.30, .........:.............. 100 I' $35 50 July 1, 183, Paid out of foregoing. to janitor of Surrogate's office towards her services ................................ 2455 Nov. 17, 1883, Balance on hand......... .......................... $10 95 TOMPKINS COUNTY, SS.: Marcus Lyon, of said county, being duly sworn, says that the above bill is true and correct to the best of his knowledge and belief. MARCUS LYON. Sworn and subscribed before me Nov. 17, 1883. . JARED T. NEWMAN, Special County Judge. 126 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. SHERIFF'S REPORT To the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tgnzpkins : I have to report that during the past year, ending Nov. 15th, 1583, I have collected as fines the following stuns of money, to -wit: Feb. 17tb, 1889, .James Sheltou.................................... $ 25 00 .• " James H. Bowman ............................... 75 00 Oct. 9, Jefferson Beardsley ....:. ........................ 200 00 11 12, William Billings ................................. 25 00 $325 00 All of which I have paid over to the County Treasurer, whose receipts for the same are herewith submitted. TOMPKINS COUNTY TREASURER'S OFFICE, 1THACA, N. Y., Feb. 17th, 1883. Received of J.K. Follett, Sheriff, One Hundred Dollars, fine. GEO: H. NORTHRUP, $100.00. County Treasurer. TOMPKINS COUNTY TREASURER'S OFFICE, 1THACA, N. Y., Oct. 9th, 1883. Received from J. K. Follett, Sheriff, Two Hundred Dollars, fine Beardsley case. GEO. H. NORTHRUP, 6200.00. County Treasurer. TOMP%INs COUNTY TREASURER'S OFFICE, ITHACA. N.Y., Oct. 12th, 1883. Received from J. K. Follett, Twenty-five Dollars, fine. GEO. H. NORTHRUP, $25.00. County Treasurer. I have also received of prisoners confined in the jail, in default, sums of money as fines, to -wit: Nov. 25, Merritt Hurley .... .... : ............ .............. ..... $ 4 00 Nov. 26, Ira Murphy ............. 7 65 May 5, Enos Harrigan ........................................... 4 00 Aug. 15. Joseph Smith ........................................... 15 60 Bal.in my hands. ............... ................................$30 65 J. K. FOLLETT, Sheriff. 0 SUPERVISORS PROCEEDINGS. �= 1'27 DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S REPORT. To the_Boccrcl of Supervisors of Tompkins County: Pursuant to a resolution of the Board of Supervisors of 1876, and also in accordance with Chapter 406, Laws 1867, I hereby report to your IIonorable Board all fines imposed as the result of prosecution in criminal cases, and what disposition has been made of the same, during my term of office, beginning January 1st, 1883. SCHEDULE. The following fines were imposed, and have been"paid to the Sheriff of Tompkins County: PERSONS FINED. OFFENSE. AMOUNT. James Shelton...... Violating Excise -Law ...................... $25 00 James Bowman..... " 7500 Jefferson Beardsley.. Selling and Exhibiting Indecent Pictures.... 200 00 William Billings.... Petit Larceny ............... ............. 25 00 Total amount -of fines paid ................ .........:... $325 00 ' Fines imposed and not paid in cases wherein the defendant either served the term of imprisonment or appealed to the Appellate Courts: r PERSONS FINED. OFFENSE, AMOUNT. Jennie Smith....... .....beeping a•Bawdy House ............. $60 00 Willard VanHouter. ..... ............. 25060 Fines imposed and not paid $310 00 No fines have been paid to me, nor has anything been collected it by me on forfeited recognizances. All of which is most respectfully submitted. CLARENCE L. SMITH, District Attorney. Dated, November 12tb, 1883. ' n 128 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. LOAN COMMISSIONERS' REPORT. To the Honorable, the Board of Szlpervisors of Tompkins County: The following is a statement of the condition of the United States Deposit Fund: The principal sum was at the beginning of ourofficial term, March 3d, 1883, including the Hait farm and the Edwin Sidney mortgage, No. 774....... $41,946 28 The Sydney mortgage was foreclosed and from such sale there was realized .......................... 400 00 Leaving the principal sum placed in our charge, less the $400 realized therefrom. ............... 41,546 28 Of such principal there has been paid up and dis- charged ,the following: Mortgage No. 474 .............................. $ 377 94 620....'_.......:. 53 00 689........ ..................... 100 00 776.............................. 193 00 << 785.... ............... 150 00 786 .............................. 250 00 805.................... ........ 450 00 --- 1,573 94 Leaving in our hands as principal November 1st, 1883, $39,972 34 Amount on which interest was paid October 1st, 1883, $38,472 34 INTEREST ACCOUNT. Interest reed Oct. 1st, 1883......................... $2,287 10 Int, reed since March 3d, 1883... .................. 46 83 Principal rec'd since March'3d, 1883...:............ 1,573 94 The sum realized in the foreclosure of the mortgage No. 774.................... ................... 400 00 Total ... ............................ $4,307 87 'Paid the Comptroller as follows: March 20th..................................... $ 102 78 April4th........................................ 463 65 June 20th .............. ..:.................. 413 40 Sept. 3d ......................................... 394 94 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 129 20th...................'..:......... 365 75 28th ........:..........: .......... 34 25 Nov. 7th........ .................... 2,233 42 . Our commissioti,onl43,236.28, .that being the prinei-. pal,Dec 5tb, 1882 .............................. 278 68 Theme expenses of the foreclosure of mortgage No. 774 21 00 -- $4,307 87 There are two delinquents in interest amounting to'$36. These mortgages have been duly advertised and will be sold in February next unless arrearages have been paid previous to that time. ._ All of which is respectfully submitted. CORNELIUS LEARY, j Loan' Commissioners. HENRY H. HOUPT, I, Cornelius Leary, one of the Loan Commissioners for Tompkins County, hereby certify that. the foregoing statement is correct. CORNELIUS LEARY, Loan Commissioner for Tompkins County. SUP,ERINTENDENT'S REPORT. To the Honorable, the -Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: The undersigned, Superintendent of. the Poor of the County of Tompkins, respectfully reports that from the 15th day of Nov., 1882, -to the 15th day of Nov., 1883, the following named persons have been supported in the Alms House, viz': Hannah Loomis, 77 days; Moses.illyres, 365; Win. Hollinbeck, 365; Nancy Harris, 266; Abram Strong, 254; Daniel McKintry, 153; Chas. Mills, 68; Lena Collins;.365; Evaline Auble, 259; Loyd -Ruble, 259; Almira Merchant, 365; Richard King, 365; John Green, 365; James Malone, 149; Mary Strong, 365; Yeter Joice, 319; Alletta George, 365; A. H. Downey, 365; Michael Sweeney, 5; Fanny Sweeney, 238; Chas. Sweeney, 238; Elias Wegman, 3; John Tracy, 3; Daniel Mead, 5,; Mike Meban, 90; ,1Iary Mehan, 90; John Miller, 77; James Risley, 3; James Farsett, 3; Geo. Simpson, 3; Frank Michel, 3; John Burke, 4; Thos. Wheeler, 4; Daniel Cook, 1.04; James Brown, 2; Thos. Differ, 2; Geo. E. Simpson, 2; Henry Burns, 3; John Dwyer, 3; John Campbell, 5; James Daly, 5; David Todd, 127; Geo. Williams, 6; John Doyle, 3; Tim Casey, 2; Richard Mahanny, 4; Henry Davis, 2; Frank Gard. 130 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. ner, 207; Joseph E. Caarey, 2; Wm. Clark, 3; James Riley, 3; John Daley, 29; John Sheridan, 2; Michael Connell, 4; Dennis McCarty, 51; Andrew Boist, 2; Ida Miller, 122; Geo. Miller, 122; Chas. Adams, 2; Win. O'Hara', 2; Fred Joslyn, 2; John Murphy, 6; John Hamilton, 3; Albert Benton,,2. In mates, 64; days, 6,691... ... .. ULYSSFS.—John Brennan, 365; John Ryland, 120; John Sears, 315; James Ferguson, 215; Daniel Dimmick, 361; Henry Raymond, 71; Connell Kava- naugh, 70; Mary Kavanaugh, 92; Isaac Doty, 28; Charlotte Doty; 28; John Trembly, 161. • Inmates, 11; days, 1,826. ITHACA.—Lyma❑ Savage, 365; John Raymond, 68; Lydia Bower, 365; Daniel McCune, 365; Mary Syne. 225; Horace Whitehead, 365; Peter Chris. tine, 186; Emily Vanalstine; 356; Daniel Carney, 182; Emily Wright, 3; Edward Wright, 3.- Inmates, 11;, days, 2,483. CAROLiNE.—Everet Boyer, 365; Air. Venable, 365. Inmates, 2; days, 730. DANBY.—Chas. Walling, 238: Jerusha Cronce, 365; Elnora Cronce, 365; Wm. Thornton, 365; Timothy Hurley, 37. Inmates, 5; days, 1,370. ENFiELD.—James Christy, 78. LANSING.—Catharine Creeley, 190; Sarah Clark, 22. , Inmates, 2; days, 212. GROTON.—Rebecca Butler, 365. DRYDEN.—Chas. White, 365; John P. Allen; 354; Hannah Allen, '365; Nettie Harris, 311; Frank Corcoran, 244; Henry B. Wait, 52; Chas. Corne- lius, 21; Maggie Cornelius, 27; Frank Cornelius, 27; Lee Stephens, 59. In mates, 10; days, 1,825. Total number of inmates, 107; total number of days, 15,580. The whole number of days said paupers have been supported in said Alms House was 15,580, and the amount of drafts drawn on the County Treasurer for bills audited 'by the Superintendent for the support of the institution during said year,.over and above the pro- ceeds of the farm, was $2,S00.61. The sum expended for outdoor relief .................... $1,653 F9 Services of overseers ............. ...................... 21028 Transportation of paupers. .............................. 8878 Att'y and witness fees in Brooklyn and Steuberi case...... 535 05 Improvement on property ............................... 372 W For indoor relief ..................... 2,800 61. $5,610 61 The following bills in items, make up the above amount under the head of improvement, on property: SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 131 ----- - Phosphate ..............:................................ $104 34 Furniture .............................................. . 19594 Repairs on house........... ........... .... ... 1454 i Utensils.... 2500 Grass seed........: ...................................... 3218 $372 00 The amount of grain and produce raised and on hand: 268 bushels of wheat................'.....................on hand 200 bush. 850 oats ......... ............................. 850 " 475' .corn....... ..... '` 300 410 potatoes :. 350 65 `" onions ...............:.................... 55 ` 20 beets................ ...................... 20 .. 10 tomatoes .................................. 10 beans.......9 , 55 apples ..................... 25 " 25 sweet corn ................................ 800 head of cabbage. . . . ........................... 600.. " 5 bush. of turnips............ ................ 5 .. 150 heads of celery...:...... ..... '` 150• " 25 tons of hay......: ..........................:....... 23 tons. 11 acres corn stalks all on hand. STOCK ON FARM. ' 3 horses belonging to keeper; yoke of oxenbelonging to county; 6 milch cows; 1 bull; 1 cow fattening; 3 calves; 13 hogs fattening; 4 brood sows; 21 store pigs; 100 common fowls; 18 tons of coal; 1 cask vinegar; 2 casks of cider; 42 sheets; 7 chemises; 8 night gowns; 4 caps; 8 aprons; 10 flannel shirts; 6 shirts; 3 overshirts; 4 bed ticks; 2 **rappers;' 7-comfortables; 5 pair pants; 5 vests; 4 coats; 7 yards woolen cloth- 4 pair drawers; 2 .pair overalls; 10 towels; 4 pillows; 13_ pillow, cases; 14 pair socks; 10yards skirting; 36 yards shirting; 12.pair stockings; 6 handkerchiefs; 10 yards bleached muslin; 20 yards ticking; 10 yards canton flannel; 15 yards factory; 18 yards ging- ham; 20 yards, calico; 10'yards denims; 31 pair boots; 6. pair shoes; 3 mop sticks; 3,wash boards; 6 brooms; 6 tin basins; 2 barrels soap,;"1j barrels of sugar; } chest tea; 170 lbs. butter; 1j casks grease; 7 dozen candles. I further report the number of deaths 9. I further report the number of paupers in the County House the 15th day of Nov. 1882, 48-. • a I further rbport the number of paupers in County House on the . 15th day of'Nov. 1883, 35. 132 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. The average number in Alms House during the year was 42 50-73. The whole in. rlber received was 60, discharged 63, deaths 9, absconded 1. The average expenses for each pauper supported above the pro- ceeds -of the farm $65.61. The average expense per week was $1.26 9-52. In conformity to the 30th Section, Title 1st, Chapter 20, of the Revised Statutes, I, the Superintendent of the Poor, respectfully report to the Board of Supervisors that I estimate the expense for the support of the county and town paupers the ensuing year in.the Alms House, at $2,500.00. I further estimate the -transportation of. paupers to the Alms House, at $40.00. I further estimate the.,expense for temporary relief of county paupers not in the Alms House, at $1,600.00. I further estimate the expense for overseers for their services. with county poor, at $200.00. I further estimate for -salary of keeper, the sum of $500.00.' 'Total, $4,840. -The following bills have been audited by the Superintendent of the Poor, and drafts drawn on the County Treasurer, for indoor expenses, from the 15th day of Nov., 1882, to the 15th day of Nov., 1883: Dec. 6, 1882, Thos. Vann, coal............. ......... $150 69 W. W. Esty, salt .................. I ................ 7 50 S. E. Rolfe, pork.... .... • 38'79 Ed'. Wager, pork...-...! ........................... 1830 Jacob Vanderbilt, pork ........:.............:....... 4894 Mrs. Nancy Stevenson, pork ....................... 1588 Edward Pyle, phosphate ................... ......... 17 49 Simeon Rolfe, on salary ............ ........ :....... 5000 Morton Bros., shoes ................................... 1853 Dec. 19, 1882, Wm. Booth, pork............. ................. ..... 6833 Leroy Fletcher, pork ................................ 1356 H. H. Lanning......•.......................:........ •54 38 Frank Townsend ..................................... 2298 HermanDing ................... I .................. 1228 Michael Bainbridge .. ..............'......:......... 7555 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS,-- ------ -- 133 -- T. N. Speuccr .................................... 2417 E. L. Brown ....................:.........,........ 2755 Waiter Tubbs........................... ...,.. 2791 Frank. Snyder ...................................... 1685 Daniel Frazier 70 .3270 Chas. VanAmburg ......................... ......... 22 29 Wm. Kelsey ..................... ..... 10353 Harrison wilkin. :'� .................. ............. 17 07 Edward Boyer ................................... . . 3331 Willis Morgan, bal*ce on pork ............... . ..... 1325 G. F. Wood, balance on pork........_._-........ . , ,....-..... 1504 Homer Hurlbut ..............:. .......... . ....., 30 31 -Simeon Rolfe, on salary. : .................. ... . . .... 50.06 Almy & Bouton, Att'ys on Brooklyn and Steuben case.. 48105 Ed Murphy, meat.. ,......31800 L. B. Curry, pork..., .............................. 22 94 Dec. 27; 1882, J. Kerst & Co., supplies.. . ..........., ...... , ..: 5185. 1... F. A. Kerst, house physician ......................... 1200 Daniel Harrison, pork........ :....... 1518 John R. Brown, pork ....................:......... . 1870 Chas. Chapman, clothing ........................... 1215 Treman, King & Co., supplies and furniture.... .... 13974 Thos. Vann, ' pork .................... •......... •...... 20 81 John Colegrove, pork ............................... 26 64 A.-B. Woodworth,. pork ........ ................... 40 40 B. L. Almy, mending .................................. 739, Simeon Rolfe. salary and account ......... :......... 125 38 Jan. 3, 1883, Manning Atwater, supplies .......................... 9 47 J. J. A. Durling, supplies ........................... 2511 Daniel Frazier, supplies ...............:............. 3 00 Jan. 15, 1882, Caleb Carman, threshing .... ...... ..... 3194 Feb 7, 1883, E. Chase Bagley, meat .............. ..... 11 37 Gauntlett & Brooks, supplies........... ... 43 78 E. K. Jobn30n....... :........... .................. •34 38 Almy & Bouton, referee fees ................. ...... 2500 Marsh & Hall, supplies . . ............... ........... 71 56 Carpenter & Comings, furniture ...................... 7800 J. L. Iredell, wood...'........... � ................... 6238 March 7,1883, Mosher Bros., clothing ....:......... ............... 6990 C. B. Owen, phosphate ............................. 3300 T. W.-Burns, witness in Brooklyn case .............. 2900. April 4, 1883, Simeon Rolfe, balance on salary and account......... 10168 U 7 134, SUPERVISORS PROCEEDINGS. "Newel & Riddle, grinding.. 22 12 Thos. Vann, coal......... ..'....................... 43 34 J. Kerst & Co., supplies ........ ...........:....... .2681 May 2, 1883, J. J. A. Durling, supplies .......................... 2385 June 3, 1883, E. K. Johnson, supplies .......:........ ............ 1384 Manning Atwater.....:.... 5342 July 5, 1883, J' H. Horton, coal.... "..................... . ..... 1892 Aug. 1, 1883, John Vanbuskirk, potatoes ......:.....: . ........... .. 2294 Simeon Rolfe, on salary .... :........................ 6000 . Sept. 5, 1883, J. 11. Horton, coal .. .... ...................... .... 4041 Winton & Stewart, supplies.! ..... ...... ........ . 10524 C. S. Wattles, grass seed ............ ............... 3218 Geo. Rankin & Son, crockery............'............ 450 J.'Kerst & Co., supplies ............................. 6245 J . J. A. Durling.................................... 1251 ...................... F. 'A. gerst, house physician .................. .. 71 00 Z. Tyler, whitewashing...' .................... ...... . 1454 Levi Kenhey; oil -cloth ........ .. ................... 344 Oct. 3, 1883, M. Atwater, supplies ............................'.. 18 34 Nov. 7, 1883, 11. G. Cooper, spring harrow .. ................. ... 2500 E. K. Johnson,supplies ............................ 3008 F. M. Smith, phosphate..,. .......................... 2585 Richard Stone,. phosphate ............................ 2800 $3 707 66 The whole amount of indoor expenses from the 15th day of Nov., 1882, to the 15th day of Nov., 1883, was $2,800.61. - County of Tompkins, days board, 6,691; cost of board and cloth- ing, $1,202.72. Town of Ulysses, days board, 1,826; board and clothing, $328.24. Town,of Ithaca, days board, 2,483; board and clothing, $446.33. Town of Caroline, days board, 730; board and clothing, $131.22. Town of Danby, days board, 13370;' board and clothing, $246.27. ,.Town of Lansing, days board, 212; board and clothing, $38.12. Town of Enfield, days board, 78; board and clothing, $14.03. Town -of Groton, days board, 365; board and clothing, $65A2. "Town of Dryden, days board, 1,825; board and clothing, $328.06. The following statement shows the amount due from the county and each town for the support of their poor in the Alms Rouse from the 15th day of Nov. 1882, to the 15tb day of Nov. 1883: a a It SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS._: Days' Board & Board. Clothing. From the County of Tompkins ............. 6,691............ .. 8.1202 72 Town of Ulysses'........'............ 1,826............... 328 24 " Town of Ithaca .................^... 2,483... .. ........ 446 33 " Town of Caroline ................. 730............... 131 22 " Town of Danby.........:......... 1,370... ........... 246" 27 " Town of Lansing .... ..:..... ... .. 212............... 38 12 Town of Enfield..... .•..:. ....... 78............... 14 03 " Town of Groton .................. 365................ 65 62 " Town of Dryden .................. 1,825....... :.. .... 328 06 ■_ - - c - - - - - - _ 1" 5 The following bills of Overseers of the Poor and others have been audited by the Superintendent, and drafts drawn on the County Treasurer for bills contracted out of the Alms IIouse for temporary'relief of county paupers from the 15th day of Nov. 1882, to.the. 15th da.y of. Nov. 1883:, Dec. 6, 1882. B. F. Tompkins, relief Whiting and others.. ..:.... $60 67 R. H. Carpenter, " Philipine.......:..:. ....... 2050 Geo. C. Whitley, " Personius and others......... 41 50 H. H. Robison, F. Gardner ........... ... .. 5643 J. J. Schoonmaker," 3400 J. C. VandQrhoof, `' tramps ....................... 610 L. W. Carpenter, physician, Trumansburg........... 2600 J. H. Horton, Ithaca, coal .... ........ :............ 1500 Daniel Sullivan, relief White ........................ 250 David White, physician, Ithaca .............. ...... 1000 Geo. M. Beckwith, bal. on salary as physician in Ithaca. 750 Dec. 27, 1882, Henry Hoffman, relief county poor_ ............... 10916 H. J. Wilson, ex O. P., relief of county poor, „...... 400 H. H. Robison, relief F, Gardner and others , .. ..' 1500 Jan. 3. 1883, A. G. Chapman, reimburse Groton (error of 1881). .. 3225 J. H. Iiorton, coal. , ....... . . ..... . ..... • . 2625 Feb. 7, 1883, 13. F. Tompkins, relief Whiting and others. ......... 2826 H. H: Robison, relief F, Gardner.......... ....... . ... .: 500 .March 7, 1883, B. F. Tompkins, relief Whiting and others, , .., ...... 1685 ' J. H, Morton, coal .......... .. ... . . . . . , ...... 2475 H. H. Robison, relief Gardner..... , • •„ .. ......... ° 400. April 4, 1883, -T. J. Harrington, drawing coal, Ithaca,• ............. 15 50 Henry IIoffinan, relief poor, Ithaca,..............:.. `151 70 Bradford Snyder, relief tramps_, „ , , , .. , .... . 6 00 . w 136 SUPERVISOUS' PROCEEDINGS. 3. H. Horton, coal.:..... ... 11. H, Robison, relief Gardner ....................... 400 May 2, 1883, .S. P, Sackett, counsel in poor case .................. 500 B, V. Tompkins, relief county poor.. 4696 July 5, 1883, J. H. Horton, coal .................................. . 1407 J. H. Horton, coal .................................. 940 H. H. Robison, relief Gardner.. ........ 300 , Aug. 1, 1883, Geo. H. Baker, relief Lovelace.and others..... ...... 14 42 Geo. C. Whitley, relief Agnes Willets......... ..... 3000 Aug. 20, 1883, Superintendent's bill, relief Hackett ................ 11 00 Sept. 5, 1883, J. H. Horton, coal..........` ........................ 850 M. H. Smith, physician for Mrs. Lambert..... . .... 2000 Daniel Sullivan, transient poor .......... ... ....... 775 Oct. 3, 1883, B., F. Tompkins, relief Whiting and others ........... 33 79 Bradford Snyder, relief of stranger .................. 300 Bradford Snyder, relief of tramps .................... 250 Daniel Sullivan, relief N. P. Lee ....... .:..... .... 2500 C. G. Benjamiu, relief Mrs. Miller ................... 331 W. H. Lockerby, medical service to Lee .........:... 2100 Jahn Kirkendall, on sal. for county poor, Ithaca...... 2500 C. I. Shinier, medical service ........................ 1000 J. C. Vanderhoof; relief and service.................. 1280 Nov. 7, 1889. H. H. Robison, relief Gardner and others............ 850 H. H. Robison, relief Mrs. Packard..... . 3600 ,. H. H. Robison, relief F. Gardner ...............:.... 200 B. F. Tompkins, relief Murphy and others........ ... 11 68 G. II. Baker, relief county poor, Ithaca .............. 34310 Henry S. Beardsley, undertaker, for Mrs. Curtis:..... 2000 L. W. Carpenter, physician, Trumansburg .......... 46 00 Superintendent's bill, expenses to Willard and the Home, and other traveling expenses ............. 13278 $1,653 89 The following statement shows the amount of bills audited by the Superintendent of the Poor to the Overseers of the Poor from a the 15th day of Nov. 1882, to the 15th day of Nov.'1883, for their .services with county paupers: Dec. 6, '1882. B. F. Tompkins .................... ............... $22 00 R. H. Carpenter .................................... 200 G. C. Whitley ......................................... 1800 Henry Hoffman...... ......... 1800 H. H. Robison ............. ........... ........... 1000 UPE$Y.ISORS� PROCEEDINGS. 137 Bradford Snyder.,...... ...... 250 Feb. 7, 1883. H. H. Robison ....... ........................ . 200 March 7, 1883. B. F. Tompkins....... 1800 , H. H. Robison ...... ............................... 2 00 April 4, Henry Hoffman ..................... . 1700 Bradford Snyder ..... .......... .............. . 2 00 Aug. 1, G. C. Whitley;.. .... .... ..................... 300 Sept. 5,. Daniel Sullivan ..........::........... 4 ............. 1000 Oct. 3, Bradford Snyder ......... 6........ 6......... a ... .... 10,00 Nov. 7 H. H. Robison .......................... ...... . 2 00 Daniel Sullivan...... 2 00 B. F. Tompkins .... ....... .............: :::. ... . . 2200 Geo. H. Baker,.services $54.00, relief $3.78.......... 57 78 $210 28 Names of paupers transported to the Alms House from the 15th day of Nov., 1882, to Nov. 15, 1883, with the bills and names of those transporting them, -as per transportation book: Name of -Pauper. Town. By whom bro't. Ain't Bill. Grace Personius.............. Caroline to Havana. G. C. Whitley...... $4 50 Frank Corcoran..............Dry den.. .......... J. C. Vanderhoof... 250 Henry B. Wait....... ........Dryden............ Bradford Snyder... 324 Paupers to different points .... Ithaca ............ Henry Hoffman .... 8 82 David Todd.' ................. Dryden ............ Bradford Snyder... 250 Cbas. Cornelius ..............Dryden........... . " 2 25 Frank Gardner ................Caroline.... .......H. H. Robison..... .2 00 Mike Sweeney ............... Lansing ...... .•... Daniel Sullivan.... 250 Maggie and Frank Cornelius... Dryden.. ...........Bradford Snyder... 188 Ida Miller. and child ........... Lansing.;.. ....... Daniel Sullivan.... 360 Sarah Clark ..... ............ Lansing ......... .. .230 Lee Stephens ................ Dryden ............ J.'C. Vanderhoof... 2 50' $38 78 The following statement shows -the amount of produce sold from the farm, and how applied: 1185 lbs. hams..: .............:................................... $14 4 q6 667lbs. lard ........................................ :........ ..... 75 60 1465 lbs. grease ........................:..........:.............. ... 95 22 11 pigs ...................... .......... 1950 3 veal calves.............. ............ .2584 $360 72 138 .8UPERYISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Received from 'ex Superintendent Smith.-...*. ................ 1019 Received from O. P. (Snyder) of Dryden.. ............. 900 i $379 91 Paidfor cow ..................................................... Paid for bull..:...:....:..........................3000 Lumber wagon......: .. . 1600 Repairs on the house.......................................... .... 26 91 .. Blanks, postage, and stationery. ............................. • . • . 4 75 Seventy fence posts.....,. ......................................... 560 Supplies for the house ............................................ 21882 Cashon hand ....................................................... 3383 $379 91 The Superintendent further reports that the $57.57 -reported on •. hand at last report, and $2.55 received for cloth sold, making $60.12, was expended as follows, viz: Traveling expenses to Willard ...................................:... $5 96 Expenses to Canandaigua and Rochester .............................. 10 29 Transferring children from Binghamton to.Canandaigua.............. 2596 Supplies and postage....... .......................... ..... 442 Other traveling expenses ............ .. 330 Cash to Supt. Newman .....................................:....... 1019 $60 12 The Superintendent respectfully reports that the sum of $33.83 is in his hands unexpended. R Report of the Superintendent of the Poor to the Board of Super- visors, fixing the location of those taken to different asylums and homes during the year, and the towns chargeable for their support: Dec.. 2, 1882. ' Dennis Conlan to Willard from Groton. John Leach to Willard from Ithaca. Dec. 21, John and Augusta Cook, to Canandaigua from Ulysses. Henry Sherman, to Canandaigua from Ulysses. . Jan. 19; 1883.' Mrs: Clark, to Willard from.Groton. Jan. 22, Henry _Munson, to Willard from Ithaca. John Raymond, to Willard from Ithaca. Feb. 5, Eliza M. Baker; to .Willard, self support, from Groton. Feb. 13, Mrs. Culligan, to Willard from Ithaca. Feb. 21, Ma,ttie McWilliams, to Canandaigua from Danby. March 29, Dewitt Savacool, to Willard from Newfield: • April 25, Cbas. Cornelius, to Canandaigua from Dryden. . 0 SUPERVISORS° PROCEEDINGS.. 139 May 22, Sarah Huson, to Canandaigua from Ithaca. June 1, Henry Thompson, to Canandaigua from Ithaca. Mrs. Hazen, to Canandaigua, self support, from Danby. June 25, Mrs. Dennis, to Canandaigua, from Ithaca. July 11, Susan Dickison, to Canandaigua,°from Ithaca. , July 13, Mary Kane, to Canandaigua, self support, from Ithaca. July 24, Mrs. A. Stephens, to Canandaigua, from Ithaca. { July 30, Amanda Wrightmire, to Canandaigua, self support, from Caroline. Aug. 4, T. M. Bower, to Canandaigua, self support, "from Ulysses. Auk. 9. Michael Sweeney, county. Aug. 10, Anthony Maley, self support, from Groton. Aug. 29, Ella Scoville, to Willard, from Groton. Sept. 15, Edgar Wright, to Willard, self.support, from Danby. Sept. 22, Robert Newcomb, to Willard, from Ulysses. Nettie Harris, to Willard, from Dryden. Sept. 25, Hugo Sumeelye, to.Willard, from county. Oct. 2, Wm. H. Little, to Willard, from Danby. Oct. 23, Joaquin Atwater, to Willard, from Ithaca. Nov. 5, • Ezra Barney, to Willard, self support, from Groton. The whole amount of drafts drawn on the County Treas. was..... $5,610 61 Appropriation made by the Supervisor to defray the ex- penses of this year .................................. $3,646 78 By note of the Supervisors............ 1,000 CO. By cash from Brooklyn case ........................•:.. 10000 -- $4, 746 78 'f Drafts above'appropriation. ......:... $863 83 The following named children have been indentured, and their indenture papers filed in the County Clerk's office, since the last report: Maud Saxton,- Marilla Genung, Edward. Gleason, Mattie McWilliams, Sarah Huson, George Veder. W. O. NEWMAN, Supt. of Poor. TOMPKINS COUNTY, 5s.: 'I,_William O. Newman, Superintendent of the Poor of, Tompkins County, do solemnly swear that the "foregoing report, is true, according to my best knowledge and belief. W. O. NEWMAN, Supt., of Poor. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 16th day of November, 1883. JARED T. NEWMAN, Special Counl.y.Judge. POLITICAL DIRECTORY AND COMPENDIUM OF THE LAW PRESCRIBING THE .DUTIES OF TOWN OFFICERS. [Compiled by direction of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins Co., 1884.] BY DEVOE P. HODSON. General Election: The first Tuesday after the first Monday in November; 1 Revised Statutes (7th Ed.) page 379. Annual Town Meeting: Last Tuesday in February. Proceedings of Board of Supervisors, 1'880. Annual School Meeting in neighborhood: Last Tuesday in August; Laws of 1883, Chap.. 413. Annual Meeting of Board of Town Auditors, comprising the Su- pbrvisor, Town Clerk and Justices of the Peace,. or any'twO of -the said Justices: The first Thursday after the General Election, at which time, all accounts for charges and claims against their re- spective towns must be presented to them for audit; i Revised Statutes (7th Ed.) page s35, Laws 1840, Chap. 305. Annual Meeting of the Board of Town Auditors as above desig- nated, to examine accounts of Town Officers: On the last Tuesday preceding the annual Town Meeting to be held in each town; Laws 1863, Chap. 172. Annual Meeting of the Supervisors of the County as a . Board of County Canvassers: First Tuesday, succeeding the General Elec- tion; 1 'Revised Statutes (7th Ed.) page 390. Annual Meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the County: Im- mediately after the completion of the Canvass, or at such other time as they, as a Board, shall fix; 2 Revised Statutes (7th Ed.) pages 926-931. i IN SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 141 Annual -Meeting of Supervisor, Town Clerk and Assessors of each Town, to designate the place in each election district in the Town, at which elections shall be held during the year, and to give notice, written or printed, to be posted in at least eight public places in each district containing descriptions of the places so des- ignated, and of the time of opening and closing "the polls: On the first Monday in September in each year. Laws 1881, Cbap. 137. Meeting of Supervisor, Town Clerk and Assessors of each Town, for the purpose of making lists of Trial Jurors: On the first day of _.July of each -third-Year after July. lst, J878, at a place in -the .Town appointed by the Supervisor, or in his absence or vacancy -in office by Town Clerk; or, if they fail to meet on that day, they must meet as soon thereafter as practicable. Code of Civil. Procedure, 1035. The next meeting for this purpose will be held July 1st, _ 1884. County Superintendents of the Poor meet at the County IIouse: The first Wednesday in eacJi month. (The object of these meet- ings is to audit bills payable from the County Poor Fund.) DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF TOWN OFFICERS. Each Supervisor must execute to, and deposit with, the County Treasurer, a bond for the accounting of all School moneys"which may come into his hands, before entering upon the duties of his office. Each Supervisor must make and deliver to the Town Clerk of , his town, his bond for the faithful discharge of his official duties, and to account for all moneys coming into his hands as such Super- visor. The Trustees of School Districts shall report to the School Com- missioners between the last Tuesday of August and the first Tues- day of September, and dated August 20th of the year it is'made. The school moneys are apportioned annually by the School. Coin- missioners, on the third Tuesday in March. The Commissioners of Highways must execute a bond to the Supervisor of his town within ten days after his election. - 142 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEILINGS.' Overseers of Highways must file a. statement of all unworked highway -tax with the Supervisors of their respective towns, on or before the first day of October. The, Tax Collector or Receiver shall, within eight •clays , after re- ceiving notice of the amount of taxes to be -collected by him, exe- cute to the Supervisor of the town, and lodge with himi, a' bond in double the amount of said taxes, to be approved bvy the Supervisor. The Supervisor shall, within six days thereafter, file. said bond in the office of the County Clerk of his county. The Assessors must complete the Assessment Roll on or before the first day of August, and leave a copy thereof with one of their number,, and, immediately thereafter, cause notice thereof to be posted in three or more public places in their town or ward. The -Assessors shall meet on the third Tuesday in August, to review their assessments, and hear the complaint of auy person conceiving himself aggrieved. An affidavit 'to the Roll by the Assessors, made prior to the third"Tuesday of August, is a nullity. The Assessors must deliver the corrected Assessment Roll to the Supervisor on or before the first day of September, there to remain for a period of fifteen days for public inspection, and the Assessors shall forthwith give public notice, by posting the same in at least three of the most public places in the town, or by publishing the same,in one or more newspapers published therein, that such As- sessment Roll has been finally completed, the officer to whom the same has been delivered, and the place where the same will be open to public inspection.. Said fifteen days, within which any assessment maybe reviewed'by -certiorari, shall commence on the. day of the first publication. The Assessor cannot enter the name of a person on his Roll who became a resident after the first day of July. When the Assessors, or a majority of them, shall have completed .their Roll, they shall severally appear before one of th-e justices• of the town or city in which they shall reside, and shall severally make and subscribe, before -any- justice .• an oath• in the following, form, which must be strictly followed: "We, the undersigned, do severally depose and swear that we SUPERVISORS' PRO CEEDINGS.»_ —__ —I4 have set down in the foregoing Assessment Roll, all the real estate situate in the Town (or ward 'as the case may be,) according to our best information; and that, with the exception of. those cases in which the value of the said real estate has been changed by reason of proof produced before us, we have estimated. the value of the said real estate at the sums which a majority of the Assessors have decided to be the full and true value thereof, and at which they would appraise the same in payment of a just debt due from a sol- vent debtor, and also that the said Assessment Roll contains a true statement of the aggregate _amount of _the taxable personal estate of each and every person named in such Roll, over and above the amount of debt due from such persons, respectively, and excluding' such stocks as are otherwise •taxable,'and such other property as is exempt by law from taxation, at the full and true value thereof, according to our best judgment and belief." The Supervisor must report to the County Treasurer, on the first Tuesday in March, the amount of School moneys remaining in his ' bands. Each Justice of the Peace must execute a bond to the Supervisor of his town. Each Justice of the Peace shall make a report in writing, verified by oath, every year, bearing date the first day of November, to the Board of Supervisors, at their -annual session, in which he shall state. particularly the time when, and the name of the person or persons from whom, any money has been received, and also the amount, and on what a8count the same was received; also all sums remaining due and unj)aid; and that all moneys by him received have been paicl to the officer duly empowered by law to receive the same. Each Justice of the Peace must pay all the money received by him, for fines or penalties; to the Supervisor of his town. Overseers of the Poor cannot furnish supplies to a County pan- per.to exceed the sum of ten• dollars, without an order from the County Superintendents authorizing further disbursements for such purpose. All bills. payable by towns must be presented to the Town Audit- ing Board for audit. ' All bills for supplies furnished to County paupers, must be pre-• seated to the County Superintendents of the Poor, for audit. All bills presented to any Auditing Board, must 'be verified by oath, stating that the same are correct in every particular, and that no compensation has been received for the same, or any part thereof, except as therein stated. I TINT:= PAGE., ALMS HOUSE, COUNTY —Chaplain of. Salary ........................ e 21 Improvements propQsed at ......... ... P. :. 21-24 Barn at .................................... 67-68 ANNUAL SESSION OF BOARD.. .................................. 5-76 AUDITS, COUNTY ................................................. 77-83 TowN..................... ; . ....................... : ... 84-106 Caroline ........................................... 87 Danby. .............................................. 105 Dryden............................................. 84 Enfield .... 91 Groton............................................. 94 Ithaca............................................. 96 Lansing.......................... ......... .... .... 103 Newfield....................................... .. 92 Ulysseg .............................................. 88 BUDGET, COUNTY.. .......................................... . 69-74 CAROLINE—Audits of-.... 87 Taxof... ................. ................ 71 Appropriations for.. ......... ................... 15 Assessors, Petition of ........................... z ....... 11 CHAIRMAN —Election of .......... .................. ' .............. 6 Remarks of .......................................... 6-75 CLERK —Election of ....... z ............... ...................... 6 Salary of ................. 4.. 7-70 COMPTROLLER—COmmunication of, to Board ..................... 9 COMMITTEES OF BOARD ..................................... ... .. 10 Duties of .................................. 7-8 COMMITTEES, REPORTS OF —Treasurer's Accounts. .... .... 23 U. S. Deposit Fund and Insurance..... 28-29 Printing......... ..... ........ ....... 32 State Charitable Institutions........... 43-57 Equalization and Assessment Rolls..... 68-69 Supt's Accounts and County Buildings. 63 COUNTY CLERK, OFFICE OF —Water Works at ...................... 67 Books to be kept at ...... ............. 43 Bookcase at...... .. ........... 18 COUNTY TREASURER —Annual Report of ........................... 118 Infant. Heir Fund, Report of ........ .... ..... 123 COURT FUND —Deficiency in, How Supplied ......................... 60 I it 14 INDEX. DANBY—Audits of .....................:. ........................ 105 Appropriation for ........................... ........... 35 Taxof ................................................ 71 DISTRICT ATTORNEY —Disbursements Of, Provisio❑ for.......... .. 11 Report of .......................... ....... 127 Salary of ................................... 70 DRYDEN—Audits of. . 84 Appropriations for. .................................. 11-12 Assessors of, Petition ................................... 36 Taxof .. ......................................... 72 ENFIELD—Audits'bf ............................................... ..................................... 91 Assessors of, Petition .... .... :.................... ... . 34 Railroad Commissioners,. Report of... 107 Supervisor, Report of....... ........ 108 _ - Tax of.. .. 72 - GRAND ARMY —Members of, Burial of ............:................ 8 GRAND.JuRY—Apportionment of.. 20 GROToN—Audits of .......... :........... ........................ 94 A ppropriationsfor. ........... 29-30 Railroad Commissioners, Report of ...................... 109 Supervisor, Report of ..................................... 110 Taxof .... ............................................. 7, HIGHWAY TAXES —Returned Unworked ............................ 26 ITanCA—Audits of ............................................. .. 93 Appropriation for Savings Bank ......................... 62 Assessors of, Petition .............................. • •....: 19 Taxof ................................................. 73 Railroad Commissioners, Reports of ...................... 111-114 Supervisor, Report of ................................... 115 INFANT HEIR FUND —Report of County Treasurer .................. 123 JAIL PHYSICIAN —Election of ................... :................ . 17 Salaryof ....................................... 18 JANITOR, COURT HOUsE—Election of.' .�........:................. 40 ' Salary of.. 39 Duties of.. °..... ... ... ... ... 39 LANSING—Audits of .................................. '......... . 103 Appropriations for ... .................................. 67 Assessors of, Petition..... ......................... ` 35 Tax of...........................I.................. .. 73 LUNACY —Cases of, Medical Examinations, Fee for ................ 59 Audit of.Fee for.... ... 75 NEwFIELD—Audits of .......' ................................. 92 Appropriations for ...... ................. ........ 15 Taxof .............................................. 73. Railroad Commissioners,. Report of ................. .. 115 Supervisor, Report of ................................ 116 OFFICIAL CANVASS —Printing of ................................... 18 PUBLIC PRINTING —Proceedings relative to .......... 8-18-20-32-41-6546-68 RAILROADS —Commissioners of, Reports of ....... ................. 1077118 REPORTS —Committees of Board. Treasurer's, Sheriff's, and Judge's Accounts.. 23 U. S. Deposit Fund and Insurance.......... 28-29 State Charitable Institutions................ 43-57 Equalization and Assessment Rolls....: ..... 62-68-69 Superintendent's Ace'ts and Co. Buildings... 62-65. Public Printing ............................ 32 I/ III ' INDEX. REPORTS —County. Officers. Surrogate ................. 125 County Treasurer..'.. w ................ '118 Infant Heir Fund......... 123 District Attorney......... I ....•............ 127 County Superintendent of Poor ............. 129 Loan Commissioners .......... ............ 128 Sheriff .................. 126 R. R..Commissioners and Sulpervisors....... 107-118 Enfield ****'*''*''* nfield...........: 107-108 Groton. :..+........ 109-110 Ithaca......... ... 111-115 Newfield .......... 115-117 Ulysses.. .. _ 117-118 SIIERIFF—Report of .................................... . ..... 126 STATE CHARITIES AID ASSOCIATION—VlSiting Committee of.....17-21-24-56 STENOGRAPHER —County COurt, Compensation of ...........:....... 42 SUPERINTENDENT OF POOR —Report Of ........:.............. ....35-42-129 SUPERVISORS —Names and.residences of ........................... 5 Accounts of ....................................... 83 SURROGATE —Report of ................... 125 Court of, Appropriations for. . 2"0-70 TA%Es—State....................... ............................. 9-70 County....................... .......................... 70-71 Highway, returned unworned..........................:.. 26 Unpaid, reassessment of .........................:........ 27 ULYSSES-Audits Of ............ .................................. 88 Apportionment for.. ................................. 14 Assessor of, Petition ....................................... 22 Railroad Commissioners, Report Of. .....................117 Supervisor, Report of ..................................... 118 Taxof.. ............................... 74 UNPAID TAXES —Re assessment of ................................. 27 WILLARD ASYLUM —Communication from ..............,.......... 12-13 Visit of Board to...........................31-32-37-58 Fund, Deficiency in, How Supplied............ 42