HomeMy WebLinkAbout1888 Proceedingsr 'v_.a...ae, ANNUAL SESSION Board of Supervisors. ToMPKINS COUNTY. 1888. r , ,pkins Cor Clerk's Office, FuL.EU b1vTERED. P _.. •,ice-..�- _- _- A rrrr�rr- ter s ssr s rrr rrr�^s ANNUAL SESSION. }.PROCEEDINGS .—I O ' 'I'HI IC— BOARD OF SUPERVISORS —) uF THE (— COUNTY, Of ToMPIINS;' FOR THE YEAR 1888. AutERT H. PII RSON, Chairman, - Trzdynansbmg, 217. C. B. Frsil, Clerk, - ' - - Ithaca, ITHACA. N. Y. JOURNAL ROOK AND COMMERCIAL PRINTING HOUSE. Iaaa. 1 . ANNUAL SESSION —) OE' 1'1IP: (— BOARD .OF SUPERVISORS OF TOMI KINS COUNTY -1888. Pursuant to law, the Supervisors of the several towns of Tompkins County, New York, convened in Annual Session at the Supervisors' Rooms in the Court Horise at Ithaca, in• said county, on the i4th clay of November, 1888, at 2 o'clock, P. m. The Board was called .to order by J. H. Jennings, Clerk of the Board oft 0387, and on calling the roll of towns in the county, all the Supervisors answered to their names respectively, as follows : TOwN.' 3II011Wll. I', O. ADDREs.s. Caroline, JAa1F:s Bots N`, Slaterville Danby, . .PRANK A. TODD, .......West Danby .Dryden, . . Jo1IN H. KENNEDY*, . Drydeii Enfield, . DANIEL W. BAILEY, . . . Enfield Center Groton,. . JoIIN W. jONFS, . .. Groton Ithaca, GEORGE W. FROST, Ithaca Lansing, HoaA'rro, BkowN, . Ludlowville Newfield, . . . . SAMUEL A. SEArrzrNG, .. ... . Newfield Ulysses, . ALBERT H. •,PIERSON, . . Trumansburg- Ori motion of AIr. Forost, i11r. 13oice was elected as tempor- ary chairman. r PROCEEDINGS OF T1I1; SUPERVISORS. On motion of Mr. Bailey the Board voted to proceed to an informal ballot for chairman. Mr. I3ailev then moved to amend the motion by adopting a ,resolution that Albert 1-i. Pierson be unanimously chosen as chairman. Motion unanimously carried. On motion of Mr. Brost the Board proceeded to take an in- formal ballot for clerk. The informal ballot resulted as follows : ry Whole number of votes cast 9 ; of,which Hobart Hagin received . 3 i Cary B. Fish received 4 E. C. Van Kirk received 2 ; Moved by- Mr. Kennedy that the. Board proceed to a formal ballot for clerk and that the balloting continue until a clerk is elected, unless otherwise ordered by the Board. Carried. The first formal ballot resulted as follows : Whole number of votes cast q ; of which llr. Hagin received 3 Mr. Van Kirk received 2 Mr. Fish received 4 The second formal ballot resulted as follows : Whole num- ber of 'votes cast 9 ; of which Mr. Hagin received.. . • 2 Mr. Van Kirk received . Mr. Fish received 4 3 PROCEEDINGS of :PH SUPERVISORS. 7 The third formal ballot resulted as follows : Whole num- bei of votes cast,i9 ; of which Mr. Hagin received I Mr. Van Kirk received Mr. Fish received 3 J On motion of Mr. Kennedy the election of Mr. Fish was ]rade unanimous. The chair appointed Mr. Jennings as a committee to notify Mr. Fish of his election. - Mr. Frost offered the -following resolution, which was adopted : Resolved, That this Board convene at 9 o'clock, A. M. and 2 o'clock, P. 3I. IVlr. I3oice presented the following resolution, wllicll'on mo - 'tion was adopted : Resolved, That the Conunittees of this Board be organized the sante, and the duties be the same, as in the year 1887. • Mr. Bailey offered the following resolution, which was adopted : Resolved, That in addition to the usual committees there be a committee of three appointed to which shall be referred all hills of a doubtful character as re- gards the question of town or county charges. 1�1r. Frost offered the following resolution,' which was adopted : -..Resolved, That all county orders issued by this Board shall be counter- signed by the Chairman ; and all town orders by the Supervisors of the several towns, 'and that no order shall be issued until the adjouruuient of this Board. r 8 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SUPERVISORS. ti The Clerk read the following communications, which on motion of Mr. Frost were accepted, and ordered spread upon the • minutes, as follows.: STATE OF NE\V YORK, COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE;, ALBSANY, OCTOBER 4, 1858. To the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of The County of 'Tompkins : SIR :—I enclose a form of statement of the valuation of Real and Personal Estate required to be made by you, pursuant to Chapter 117 of the Laws of 1836, and forwarded to this office previous to the second Vlouday in December in each rear, under a penalty of fifty dollars. I also enclose a form of Return of In- corporated Companies liable to taxation. It is indispensable that this Report be furnished by the time prescribed. The Board of Equalization of Taxes, in pursuance of Chapter 312 of the Laws of 1859, have fixed the aggregate valuation of property in your County at the sum of $15,416,705, upon which amount a State tax of $4o,391.77 must be levied for the current fiscal year, connnenciug October 1st, 1888, as provided in said act and amendments thereto by Chapter 35t, Laws of 1874, being 2 62 -too mills on the dollar, for the following purposes, viz : For Schools .. . . 1 hill, per Chapter 303, Laws of 1885 For General Purposes, 97-100 " " 303, r888 For Canals, . 65-10o 150, 303 and 304, 1 888 Total 2 62-100 mills. Youi- obedient servant, Z. S. WESTBROOK, Dep. Comptroller. P. S.—The non-resident '!'axes credited to your County for 18872. amount to 7135.14. STATE OF NEW YORK, COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE, ALBANY, OCTOBER 10, ISM. To the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors <f Tompkins County': SIR :—In addition to the State tax of two and 62 -too mills directed to be lev- ied as per circular from this office, dated October 4th, amounting to r4o,391.77, 1 • 11/ PROC1;I;DINGS O1' Tit SIJPERVISORS. the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins is hereby required to raise • the sum of 1,400.64 for compensation of the 'Stenographers of the Supreme Court in the 6th Judicial District, from October ist, i8S8, to September 30t11, 1889,as authorized by Chapter 159, Laws of 1885, and Cliapter 269, Laws of 1888. Respectfully _yours, EDWARD \v1~1'I1'I,E, Comptroller. Mr. Bailey offered the following resolution, which was adopted : I Resolved, That all resolutions presented to this Board shall be in writing; unless otherwise ordered by the Board. On motion of Mr. Frost the Board adjourned. i 0 SECOKD DAY., THURSDAY, NOVk:M13ER 15, I888. MORNING SESSION. . Roll call. Members all present. Minutes of preceding meeting read and approved. The clerk read a communication from 'iThe I"adies 8f the Tompkins County Visiting Committee, requesting the.Board to appoint a day on which they would receive the members of the � aforesaid committee. mittees oftlle Board : • The chairman announced the following standing .com- • 0 i 10 PROCF,1?DINGS OF THE SUPERVISORS. Constables', Clerk's and justices' Accounts, Boice, Jones), Todd. Treasurer's, Sheriff's, and juclg-e's Accounts, Kennedy, Bailey, Frost. Ey'ualt2ation and flssessrncnt Rally, Jolles, Frost, Kennedy, Boice, Brown. Superintendent's Accounts and County 13uiddings, Bailey, Brown, Frost. Count)' Claims, Frost, Kennedy, Seabring. United S`fates Deposit Fund and Insurance, Brown, Seabring, Todd. Public Printing, Todd, Boice, Kennedy. Slate Charitable Institutions, Seabring, Bailey, Jones. i 9 The clerk read the following' communications which on motion were accepted and ordered spread on the minutes, as follows : STATE OF NEW YORK, WIr,1,ARD ASYLUM FOR THP: INSANE, s • WILLARD, OCTOSI;R 1, 1888. To the Board of Sripervisors of the County of Tompkins I transmit herewiththe 'tallies of patients remaining in the Asylum at this date, together with such other facts and information as the statutes require to , he reported at this time. At a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Asylum, held September 4, 1888, the following resolution vas adopted : r b r a� } 1 OC1?EDINGS O1; E SUPT tzVISORS. li Resolved, That the weekly rate of Maintenance for patients in the Willard Asylum for the coining year (commencing October 1st, proximo), be, and is hereby fixed aitd determined at two dollars and twenty-five cents (;42.25) each. By direction of the Board, 1'. M. \VISE, Superintendent. \VIT.I,ARI] ASYLUM POR THE INSANE, Txl;_lslixl;R'3 OI1r1c1:, Ovl.n, N. Y., OcroBitR 1, 1888. To Me Treasurer and Clerk of Board 'of :Super visors, County of 'I'o,ujkins Von are requested to present the following communication to your Board of Supervisors at the ensuing session : The number of -insane persons in the Asylum chargeable to the County of Tompkins at this date is 59. It is estimated there will be required for the maintenance of patients now in the Asylum, for the ensuing year, the stun of $6,9o3 ; and for clothing, $826... Total, $7,729. In order to comply with the spirit and letter of the law, which requires that all purchases for the Asyluth be made for cash, and prohibits the Trustees from contracting debts, the Board of Supervisors is respectfully requested to Make the requisite provision for the support of patients in the Asylm, to enable the Treasurer to meet the current expenditures as they occur. Respectfully yours, J. B. THOMAS, 'Treasurer. R F1tR1;NCNS :—Chap. 446, Laws' of 1874. Title iv., sec. 6. n Chap. 541, Laws of 1872. Chap. 272, Laws of 1879, page 359. The chairman appointed as 'the committee on doubtful county or town bills, Mr. Frost, Mr. Bailey and Mr. Kennedy. - Mr. Seabriug offered the following resolution, which was adopted : Resolved, That during the present session the -hours, from 11 to 12 A. M., and from 3 to 4 P. M., he set apart for the consideration of the report of n committees, PROCEEIINGS OFF •ri-ii Surr;RvisoRs. • Mr. Cook, of Ulysses, appeared before the Board and made a statement to the effect that he was erroneously assessed for $500. Mr. Todd offered the following resolution, which was adopted : Resolved, That the Chairman of this Board appoint a committee of three to act on erroneous assessments. Mr. Todd, Mr. Jones and Mr. Boice were appointed as such committee. On motion adjourned. 9' AFTERNOON SESSION. Roll call. All members present. i\Ir. Brown offered the following resolution, which was adopted : Resolved, That the Board proceed to an informal ballot for the election of a Jail Physician for the ensuing; year. Mr. Seabring was appointed teller. The result of the ballot was as follows : Whole number of votes cast 9 ; of which • Dr. Brown received Dr. Baker received . a. • 5 4 On motion Mr. Brown's election was made unanimous. Mr. Frost presented the report of the Bonding Commission- ers of the town of Ithaca, and also his report as Supervisor, of the bonded indebtedness. On motion of Mr. Bailey the report was accepted, and the resolution annexed thereto, adopted. (See Reports.) PROCl;EDINGS OPTILL SUPERVISORS. I3 \Ir. Pierson, filed the reports of A. P. Osborne, Henry Hutchings, John N. Barker, J. R. Emery, Justices of the Peace of the town of Ulysses. (See Reports.) Mr. Iioice filed the reports of John Cross, John J. Peters, 11V. V. Personiotts, Justices of the Peace of, the town of -Caro- line. (See Reports.) IIr. Kennedy offered the following resolution, which was adopted : . J,'esolved, That the price for printing the Session Laws for the year 1889 be fixed at twenty cents per folio, and that no local laws except those applicable to this.county shall be paid for. In pursuance of Chapter 625 of the laws of 1887, the fol- lowing designation of papers to publish the Session laws. was made : • I To the Clerk tf the Board of Supervisors : In pursuance of Chap. 625, of the Laws of 1887, we, the undersigned Re- publican members of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, do hereby designate the Ithaca Weekly Journal to publish the session laws for the ensu- ing year. Nor. 15, 1888. e r U O. W. FROST, J. W. JONES, • A. H. PIERSON, HORATIO BROWN, J, H. KENNEDY, F. A. TODD. To Me Clerk of the Jloard of Saftervisors In pursuance of Chapter 625, of the Laws of 1887, we, the undersigned Democratic members of the Board of Supervisors of Totnpkins County; do hereby designate the Ithaca Democrat to publish the session laws for the ensu- ing year. Nov. 15, 1888. JAMES BOICE, I). W. BAILIE', S. A. SEABRING. On motion adjourned. I PROCEEDINGS OP ' ilE Sli1'1 RVTSORS. THIRD DAY. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER, 16, r888. - MORNING SESSION. Roll call. Quorutn present. • h• • Minutes of last meeting read and approved. Mr. Bailey filed the reports of S. M. Oltz, J. M. Lanning, F. B. Aiken, W. F. Smith, Justices of the Peace of the town of Enfield. (See Reports.) Mr. Todd filed the reports of Jacob Wise, John. J. Miller, Chas. Howland and Jerome Thatcher, Justices of the Peace of the town of. Danby. (See Reports.) , Mr. Boice, Supervisor of Caroline, presented a petition of the Assessors'of the town of Caroline, which was referred to the committee on erroneous assessments. Mr. Frost, chairman of the committee on county claims, reported the following bills, which on motion of Mr. Bailey were audited by the Board, in accordance with the recommend- atiou of the Committee Bills numbers 20, 3, 32, 55, 29, 47, 1, 15, 51, 45, 23, z8, "36, 2, 13, 56, 35,.41, 38, 31, 37, 40, 39, 24, 34, 26, 33, 30, 53, 48, 49, 52, 54 - Mr. 'Todd, chairman of the committee on public printing, offered the following resoltitions, which on motion of Mr. Frost were adopted : Resolved, That 'the Ithaca Journal Association be authorized to publish 5,000 copies of the proceedings of this Board, provided that the- same shall be clone in the same form, type and quality of paper as in 18S7. The same to be complete and ready for distribution on or before January loth, 1889, and be al- lowed $2.75•per page. PROCFFDTXGS OV THE SUPERVISORS. I5 Resolve'd, That the Ithaca Journal Association be authorized to publish the tabulated statement of the official canvass of ti888 in the weekly editions, and be allowed forty-five cents per folio. OR motion adjourned. A1rrERNOON SESSION. . Roll call. Quorum present. \Ir. Kennedy presented the town audits of the towti of Dry- den, which on motion of Mr. Bailey were received, and the amounts thereof levied against the taxable property of the town of Dryden, and ordered spread upon the minutes. (Sec Town Audits.) Mr. Kennedy offered the following resolution, which was adopted : R'esolve'd, 'Flint the following- bills he added to the i tow audits of the town of Dryden : ° • A. A. Baskin $1 o0 �lhti. Grover 3 on A. S. Smile, 2 50 John Goodyeiir t O0 Boice,` cliairntan of the committee 'on Constable's, Clerk's and Justice's Accounts, presented the following bills, which on motion of 'Mr. Kennedy were audited by the Board in accordance with' the recommendation of the committee Bills numbers 88, 79, So, 78, 77, 82, 89, 8r, 83, 9o, 84. Mr. Seabring presented the report of W. B.. Estabrook, Clerk of Surrogate's Coin:, of .his receipts and expenditures for the year ending Nov. 21, r888. (See Reports.) • On motion adjourned. PROCEEDINGS Ok' 'PHi: SUPERVISORS. FouRTtI DIY. SATURDAY, NOVI:JIRI:R I7, 888. MORNING SESSION. 1 Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of preceding meeting read and approved, Ir. Smith, Superintendent of the Poor, appeared before the Board and extended to it an invitation to visit the County_ House. Mr. Bailey offered the folio\s-ing resolution, which was adopted : Resolved, That this Roam visit the Cocunty alms House 011 7`hiursdar, Nov. .22d. The remainder of the session was consumed in preparing Grand Jury lists, and in committee work. On motion the hoard adjourned until next Monday at 9 • o'clock, A. M. FIFTH DAY. MON DAV, NOVE,,\rHER 19, r888. - MORNING SESSION. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of Saturday's proceedings read and/approved. Mr. Kennedv offer -ed, the following resolution, which on motion was adopted : • Reso/zied, That 'the sum of five dollars and sixty-two cents be assessed against James 1I. Bloom, of tine town of Dryden, for his highway labor returned against hien in the year i886, and omitted to he put in the tax roll of 1887. n PROCEEDINGS OF 'riri• SUPERVISORS. - I% , iVlr. Kennedy moved that the Committee on Superintend- ent's Accounts and County Buildings he authorized to procure suitable conveyances to carry the Board to the County, Alms House. Carried. The various committees were engaged during the rest of . the forenoon in committee work. C)n Motion 'adjourned. AFTERNOON SESSION. Roll call. Otioruni present. IVIr. Todd'offered the following resolution, which on motion was adopted :' • Resolved, That•the County Clerk elect he required to furnish n bond in the sum of $2o,000, iii accordance with Chapter i i8.of Taws of 1SSi,-ami to present the same to this Board for their approval. \i.r. Roice offered the following resolution which was adopted : Whereas, In accordance with resolutions adopted by the Board of Supervi- sors, December 5th, 1582, relating to supplies and repairs, and all bills pertain- ing to the same, should be accompanied by the order of the Chairman of the Comm/flee ou ordinary repairs ; that such resolutions have been ignored by peroses making bills for such supplies and repairs, by not consulting the Cliair- man or receiving an order for the same. Therefore, he it Resolved, 'I'hat.when such bills appear in the different cotniiiittecs, not ac- companied by the order of the chairman, that this Board do not audit such bills unless signed by the chairman of committee on repairs and -supplies. William N. Noble, Esq., appeared before the Board in re- gard to the mill of the Special County Surrogate. Mr. Jones presented the town abstract of the town of Gro- ton, which on -motion of 1VIr. Kennedy was accepted and audit- ed. (See Town Audits.) 8 PROCEEDINGS OF` TH•ii: SU'PERVISOR'S. The following resolution was offered by \-ir. Todd, which on motion was adopted Resolved, That in accordance with Chapter 337, Laws of 1854, the District Attorney elect, of Tompkins County, be required to give a bond in the sum of $i,000, to be approved by the Judge of said county. Ir. Seabring offered the following resolution, which on motion was adopted : Jr _i Resolved, That the boml of the Superintendent of the Poor elect, be fixed at the sum of $ro,000. The County Treasurer appeared before the Board, and the i+ committee. on Treasurer's Accounts was engaged with him dur- ing the remainder of the Aession in examining his accounts and vouchers, and•upon the committee rising, on motion the Board adjourned. SIXTH DAY: TUEsn:AV, NovEarnl IZ 20, x488. MORNING1 SESSION. 1� Roll call. ,Quorum present. Minutes of yesterday's meeting read and approved. llr.' Seabring filed the. reports • of Elvin 'Keen, John W. Dean, A. K. Allen and Benjamin Starr, Justices of the Peace of the town of Newfield. (See Reports.) \Ir. Boice, chairman of the committee on Constables', Clerk's and Justice's Accounts, reported the following bills, which on motion of Mr. Kennedy were audited by the .Board in accordance with the recommendations of the committee : Bills numbers 167, 120, 72, I61. TrEt • PROC1:Ef,DINGS OI' THE- SePliRVISORS, 19 1Ir. 'Kennedy moved that the connitittee on Constables', Clerk's and Justices' Accounts summon John Johnson and J. F. Tetley to appear before said committee in regard to their bills. Carried. On ]notion adjourned. AF'1`IRITOON SESSION. - Roll call. Quorum present. `The Ladies of the Tompkins County Visiting Committee of the State Charitable Aid Society appeared before the Board to confer with then] in regard to the County Alums House. Mr. Jolles presented the report of the Bonchng•Con1111.Ission- ers of the town of Groton, together with his report as Supervi- r sor, -of the bonded indebtedness of said town. On motion of Mr. Frost the reports were accepted and the } resolutions subjoined thereto adopted. (See Reports.) Mr. Pierson presented the report of the Bonding Conlntis- sioners of the town of Ulysses, together with his report as Su- , pervisor, of the bonded indebtedness of said town. On motion of 1•Ir. Boice the reports were accepted and the resolutions subjoined thereto adopted. (See Reports.) Mr. Boice presented the abstract of the Town Audits of the town of Caroline, which on ]notion of Mr. Todd, N'vere received, ordered spread on the'mninutes, and the amount thereof ordered levied against the taxable property of• the town of Caroline. (See Town Audits.) IIr. Boice presented the following resolution which on mo- t tion was adopted Resolved, 'That the Supervisor of the town of Caroline he and is hereby au- thorized to add to the .abstract of said town accounts the bills of Orson Snow, ex -Constable, $5.60, and O. D. Milks to the amount of $5,25. l�lYf��ls�t.,r 20 PROCEEDINGS OIC • THE:SUPERVISORS. Mr. Todd presented the abstract of the audits of the town of Danby, which on motion of Mr. Frost were accepted, and the amount ordered levied against the taxable property of -said town. (See Town Audits.) _ Mr. Todd offered the following resolution, which on motion was; -adopted : Jiesolved, That there be added to the Town Audits of the town of Hanby the following bill ; Horace Ely -ea, Assessor, $ao. Mr: Bailey presented his report of the bonded indebtedness of the town of Enfield. (See Reports.) • On motion of Mr. Kennedy the report was adopted and the resolutions subjoined thereto adopted. Mr. Kennedy, chairman of the committee on Treasurer's, Sheriff's and Judge's Accounts, presented the reports of the County Treasurer, which on motion were accepted. NIr. Kennedy, chairman of the committee' on Treasurer's Accounts presented the following report, which was adopted ti To the Roan/ of Supervisors o/ 7ompkius County • The committee who was appointed to examine the County Treasurer's Ac- counts for the year 1888, hereby respectfully report that we have made a careful examination of the accounts of said George H. Northrup, County Treasurer, and also his annual report and vouchers submitted, and find them correct, and that we find a balance of $476.76 in his bands belonging to the various funds, as shown in this report. Your committee have also examined the securities held by said Comity Treasurer in trust for the Infant Heir Fund and find the several securities in his possession as represented in report of said fund. In concluding this report it is with great pleasure that we call the attention of the Board to the systematic and. careful manner in which the different ac - r ;7 f. is -1: Z4471 1 L ROCS DINGS OF 'FEW, SUI'1 RV1SORS. 21. • , counts are kept, and for the faithful discharge of the many' and perplexing duties pertaining to the office. J. IL KENNFI)Y, • GEO. W. FROST, Committee, 1). W. RAILF,Y, I Ir. frost offered the following -resolution, which on motion was adopted Resolved, That the number of Grand Jurors be apportioned among the sev- eral towns of the county the sauce as in the year 1887. On motion acljotirttecl. SEVENTH DAY. WF,DNI;SDAV, NOV1• NIII1 R 21, 1888. MORNING SESSION. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of preceding meeting read and approved: 0 - Mr. ,Kennedy offered the following resolution, which on motion was adopted. Resolved, That the salary of the Jail Physician he and is hereby fixed at the sutra of $50 (fifty dollars,) for the ensuing year. Mr. Seabring offered the following resolution, which on motion was adopted : Resolved, That the compensation of the Clerk of this.Board be the siun of one hundred and fifty dollars. • 22 PROCEEDINGS rS OF 1'1373 SUPERVISORS. ?[r. Frost, chairman of the committee on county claims, .reported the following bills, which on motion of Mr. Todd were' . audited in accordance with the recommendation. of the coria- mittee : (11 Bills num,5 110. 27, 171, i6, 97,105, 99, 19, 96, 107, roS. • Mr. Todd, chairman of the committee. on public printing, reported bills numbers r68 and 169, which on motion of Mr. Frost were audited in accordance with the recommendation of Mr. Boice, chairman of the committee on Constables', Clerk's ,and Justices' accounts, reported the .following bills, which on motion of Mr. Bailey were audited in accordance with the recorrimendation of the committee : the committee : Rills numbers J9; 69, 6S, 66, 76. On motion adjourned. AFTERNOON SFSSIOI. Roll call. 'Quorum present. The. different coninlittees were engaged on committee work most of the afternoon. Upon their rising, Mr. Frost, .chairman of the committee on county claims, reported the" following bills, which on motion of Mr. Todd were audited, according to the recommendation of the committee : Hills numbers 160, 162, 100, 21, 135, 127, 124, 158, 131, 157, 155, 151, 150, 156, 148, 154, 145, 146, 149, 140, 142, 143, 144, 139, 137. 134. 147, 135. 136, 128, 106, 103. 98, 18. On motion Hoard adjourned to meet at the County. House to -morrow at r2 :\I. M i ILL PROCEEDINGS OF '1'1-1F SUPERVISORS.. 23 EIGHTH DAY. TEIURSDAY, NOV FM B ?R 22, 1888. Pursuant to adjournment the Board met -at the County Alms House at 12 o'clock, M. Quorum present. Superintendent Elias Siuith, and Keeper Simeon Rolfe, were on hand to receive the Board. After an informal discussion among the Inembers_as to the condition of the farm and buildings, the amount of produce raised upon the farm, as well as the amount on -hand, the ex- penses of •the past year and tl}e nunlber'"of inmates, (which was reported to be, thirty-eight at the present time), the committee upon Superintendent's accounts .entered 'upon an examination of his books and accounts. s. After this was completed the Superintendent conducted the Board through the various apartments of the ]louse, where the inmates were found to be comfortable, and everything in a neat and clean condition. At 4 P. Al. the.Board adjourned to return to Ithaca. NINTH DAY. ° 11RIDAV, Noy-XM}:>:,a 23, ,iSSS. MORNING SESSION. • By request of chairman Pierson, Mr. Frost took the •chair. Roll call. Quorum present. 24 PROCEEDINGS OFA ,rnh: SUI'l1:RvIsoRS. Minutes of the preceding meetings of November 21st and 22d were read and approved. Mr. Boice introduced the following resolution, which on motion of M. Kennedy was adopted : Resolved, That there be added to the audits of the town of Caroline the hill of John Cross, Justice of the Peace, for the sum of $6.00. Mr. Todd offered the following resolution, which on tion of Mr. Kennedy was adopted : 1110 - Resolved, That the list of Grand Jurors now prepared and made out by the several Supervisors is liereby..declared to he the list of Grand Jurors required for this County for the ensuing year. Mr. Todd, chairtilan of the committee on erroneous assess- ments, made the'foliowillg report, which on motion of Mr. Ken- nedy vas received and accepted : To the ioard of Supervisors : The committee upon erroneous assessments, to which was referred the peti- 'tion of Andrew Cook, of the town of Ulysses, for the correction of errors in the assessment of tSSS, report that they have examined the same, and find the alleged errors not sustained in that said petitioner failed in conforiniug to Chap. . 536, Laws 1857, thereby waiving all rights of adjustment by the powers con- ferred by the statute to this Board. 1'. A. TODD,. J. W. JONES, Committee. JAMES I3OICE. + Mr. Pierson offered the following resolution, which on mo- tion of Mr. Kennedy was adopted and the request therein granted : • Resolved, That there be levied and collected upon the taxable property of the town of Ulysses the suis of two hundred and fifty dollars, for the repairs of roads and bridges in said town. 1 1., -e PROCEEDINGS or THE .SUPI,RvISORs. 25 Mr. Pierson offered the following resolution, which oI1 1110 - tion of Mr. Kennedy Was adopted and. ord''ered .added to the town audits : - - Resolved, That the following hills he added to the Town Audits of town of Ulysses : Stewart Bros $12 so A. H. Pierson 6 o0 Mr. Pierson presented the towii''audits of the town of Ulysses,• which on motion of Mr. Todd were accepted, ordered spread upon the minutes and the amounts thereof ordered• lev- ied against the taxable property of the town of Ulysses. (See Town Audits.) Mr. Brown presented the following resolution, which on motion was adopted : Resolved, That the County Treasurer be and hereby is directed to pay to the Supervisor of the town of Lansing the suns of thirty dollars ($3o) out of the county fund, being the amount of fine in his hhands belonging to said town paid by George L. Humphrey on conviction of a misdemeanor in said town of Lansing. Mr. Kennedy filed the report of G. E. Underwood, A. Sny- der. Wm. E. Brown, Justices of the Peace of the town of Dryden. 011 motion adjourned. AFTERNOON SESSION, Roll call. Quorum present. Mr. Bailey offered the following resolution, which on motion of Mr. Boice was adopted : Resolved, That -the printing of the official a.canvass be given to the Demo- crat in addition to the/ou»ra/. 26 . PROCEEDINGS DINGS OF TI -IE, SUPERVISORS. 1 Mr. Frost presented the, town audits of the town of Ithaca, which on motion of lir. Todd were received, ordered spread upon the minutes, and the amounts thereof ordered levied against the taxable property of the town of Ithaca. (See Tow<<u Audits.) Mr. Frost, chairman of the committee on county claims, presented the following bills, which on motion of Mr. Sea - bring were audited by the Board, in accordance with the recom- mendation of the committee : . Bills numbers 183, 164, 379, 175, 170, 176, 102, 177, 152. Mr. Todd, chairman of the special committee appointed. on erroneous assessments, offered the following report, which on motion of Mr. Kennedy was. adopted and ordered as recom- mended in the report : To the Board of Supervisors': • Your committee on - erroneous assessments, to which were referred thc mat- ter hereinafter set forth, report as follows : Ou petition of the Assessors of the town of Caroline to correct the assess- ment roll of 1555 of `said town, the names of George W. Silsbee, D. M. Bow- man and George E. Sanders being omitted from said assessment roll, your com- mittee report in favor of said petition, and recommend that $1,890 be added to the assessment roll of said town, as follows 1 \MES. George W. Silsbey; D. 'M. Bowman, George E. Sanders, ACRES. VA L. 100 . $1,250 r2 140 These'assessnlents being the salve in amount as in 1857. . 500 $1,890 F. A. TODD, JAMES BOICE, } Committee. f PROCEEDINGS O1' THE SUI'13RVISORS. 27 Mr. Bailey offered the following resolution, which on mo- tion of Dr. Seabring was adopted Resolved, That when this Board adjourn on Wednesday, Nov. 28th, it\sltall he to Monday, December 3E1. On motion adjourned. TENTH DAY. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1888. MORNING SESSION. Roll call. Quorinn present; Minutes of yesterday's meeting read and approved. Mr. Todd offered the following resolution, whicll on mo- tion of Mr. Boice was adopted, : 'Resolved, 't`hat this Board refuse to consider bills presented for audit' after Monday, Nor, 26t1t, unless by unanimous consent of the Board. 1 Mr. Brown presented the town audits of the town of Lan- sing, which on motion of Mr. Kennedy .were accepted, ordered spread upon the minutes, and the amounts thereof ordered lev- ied against the taxable property of the town of Lansing. (See Town Audits.), Dr. Seabring presented the report of the Bonding Comtnis- sioners of the town of Newfield, and his report as Supervisor, of the bonded indebtedness of the town. On motion of Mr. • Boice the reports were accepted and ordered spread on the Inin- fi O l 28 PROCEEDINGS OF -TI-3E SUPERVISORS. utes and the resolution subjoined thereto adopted and ordered levied against the taxable -property of the town of Newfield. Elias Smith, Superintendent of the Poor, appeared before the Board in regard to the settlement of a suit now pending be- tween Elias Smith as Superintendent of the Poor of Tompkins County, against the County of Schuyler. The remainder of the session was taken tip in footing assess- ment rolls. On motion adjourned till Monday, Nov. 26th. i ELEVENTH DAY. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1888. MORNING SESSION. Mr. Kennedy took the chair at the request of Mr. Piers'on. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of preceding meeting read and approved. The committees were engaged during the session invcont- tuittee work, and upon their.risin , on motion adjourned. AFTERNOON SESSION. Roll call. Quorum present. J. L. Baker, Esq., appeared before the Board in regard to a judgment now standing against one Willard Van Hooter. Mr. Bailey presented the following resolution, which oti mo- tion of Mr. Boice was adopted unanimously': • 4 .' 1 PROCF,F,1)INGS Oh 'I'iU Su1'I RVISORS. • 29 Resolved, That the chairman he authorized and iustrtucted to discharge the judginent now standing against Willard Van Flouter. t Mr. Todd offered the following resolution, which on mo-' tion of Mr: Kennedy was adopted, and the antbunt levied against the taxable property of the town of •Daubv : Resolved, That the sum of $25o be levied and collected from the taxable property of the town of Danby, for repairs of highways and bridges, as allowed by the statutes. Resolved, That by a resolution of the Town Board, adopted Nov. Sth, i888, • there be levied and collected from the taxable property of the town of Danby, the suns of $685.56 to satisfy certain judgments rendered in favor of Frederick E. Bates against Oscar Jennings as Commissioner of Iiigltways of said town. Mr. Boicepresented a petition pray=ing that this Board de- tach bots Nos. 91, 92 and 93 from the town of Dryden, and that the said Lots be annexed to the town of Caroline. Whereupon Mr. Boice offered the following preamble and resolutioil. WTu1ou.As, A large number of the residents of the southern tier of Lots 9i, 92 and 93, of the town of Dryden, in this county, have. petitioned this Board to change the boundary line bet' eeu said town of Dryden and the town of Car- oline, in this county, so as to place said boundary line one mile north and there- ' by transfer and annex to the said town of Caroline hots Nos. 91, 92 and 93 of said town of Dryden ; therefore be it Resolved, That this Board hereby grants the request of said petitioners, and hereby establishes said boundary line along the north line of said Lots above mentioned, extending to those already annexed to Caroline. • 1\ir. Boice•presentedthe following resolt.ttion, which on mo- tion of Mr. Kennedy was adopted unanimously Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed, from the towns outside of Caroline and Dryden, to ascertain the facts concerning said petitioners, and report at the present session of this Board. PROCEF.DTNGS OF THE SUPERVISORS. 1 The chair appointed Messrs..Bailey, Jones and Frost as such committee. Mr. Kennedy, chairman of .the committee on Treasurer's, Sheriff's and Judgt>'s accounts, reported bills numbers 91 and 92, which on motion of Mr. Bailey were audited according. to the recommendation of the committee. Mr. Frost, chairman of the committee on County Claims,) reported bills numbers Tor, i86, 159, 193, which on motion of Mr. Bailey were audited according to the recommendation of ithe committee. Mr. Kennedy presented the following resolution, which on motion of Mr. Frost was adopted and the ainounts asked for be levied upon the taxable property of the town of Dryden : Resolved, That the following scups be added to the town audits of the town of Dryden : ; A. M. Ford $3 50' G. V. Keichel 1 5o Elliot E. Fortner 6 oo c J. H. Kennedy 4'00 On motion adjourned. TWELFTH DAY. TUESDAY, `OVEMBER 27, 1888.' MORNING SESSION. • Roll call. Quorum present. • 11Ir. Seabring presented the report of J. K. Follett, Sheriff, of all fines collected by hint during the year ending Nov. 22, PROCEEDINGS OIC 'I'I1F SUPERVISORS. 3I 1888. On motion of Mr.• Kennedy the report was accepted and ordered spread upon the minutes. (See'Reports.) Mr.' Frost .offered the following • resolution, which on mo- tion of Mr. Kennedy was adopted, and the amounts ordered levied upon the taxable property of the town of •Ithaca : Rcsol;cd, That the following hills be added .to the town audits of Ithaca. R. T. •Jones, "reporting •marriages $1 0o J. K. Underhill, " . • 2 .50 Michael Naughton, Inspector 16 op f . S.,'ichcnor, ballot boxes 24 90 Cataract Hose Co., No. 7, polling place 't e 20 0o Williarn_Speuce, sand 4 ro - "Dixon Sr. Robinsotc; lumber 10 34 Mr.. Boice, chairman of tlie conilnittee on Constables', CIerk's and Justice's Accounts, reported the following, bills, which on motion of Mr. Kennedy were audited as' recommend- ed by'the committee : Bills numbers 58; 64, 185,' 57, 71, 74, 65, 75, 73, Mr. Frost, chairman of the comrilittee on County Claims, reported the following bills, which on motion of Mr. Todd were audited as recommended by the committee Bills numbers 17, 141, 198, 199, 192, 129, 153, 191, 194, 126, 13o, 132.. Mr. Jones filed the reports of Nelson Stevens, J. M. Mont- fort, Newton Baldwin, and H. S. Hopkins, Justices of the Peace of the town of Groton. • Mr. Todd offered the following resoltition, which on'Inotion of Mr. Kennedy was adopted unanimously : Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board be allowed the suin of fifteen dollars for postage ainl stationery for the ensuing year. • 32 PROCEEDINGS OF' TIE SUPI;RvrsoRS. Upon invitation of the Sheriff, the Board . on motion ad' jaunted, to visit the jail. AFTERNOON SESSION. Roll call_ Quorum present. , Mr. Boice presented the repcirt of County Clerk, Monroe M. Sweetland, of all fines received by him during the vera ending November 27th, 1888. Ou motion of'Dr. Seabritig the report was accepted and or- dered placed among the reports. (See Reports.) f' Mr. Boice, chairman of the Committee on Clerk's Accounts, presented bill number 197, which on motion of Dr. Seabring, vas audited in accordance with the recommendation or the conl- .s. tnittee. • Mr. Kennedy, chairman of the Committee on Sheriff's .Ac- counts, presented bill number 173, which on motion of Mr. Todd .vas audited in accordance with the recommendation of the committee. Mr. Todd was called to the chair, whereupon Mr. Pierson presented the following resolutions, which on motion of Mr. Kennedy were adopted : Resolved, That the Superintendent of the Poor be authorized to employ a Chaplain for the County dims House for the year 1589, at a salary not exceed- ing fifty dollars, the same to be paid by an order of the Superintendent upon the County Treasurer ; and that the. Superintendent be required to report to the Board of Supervisors at their Annual Session, the number of limes services have been held during the year. • Resolved, That there be levied and collected upon the taxable property of the town of Ulysses, the sum of three hundred' dollars, for the, support of the poor for the ensuing,year. On motion adjourned. 1 PROCEEDINGS OF` THF; SUPERVISORS. •THIRTEE]\TTH DAY. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2S,• 1888. "MORNING SESSION. • Roll call.,Quorum present. 33 Minntes• of last meeting read and approved. . Mr. Boice presented the following resolution, which on motion of Mr. Bailey, was audited and 'ordered levied upon the taxable property of the town of Caroline : + . Resolved, That in accordance with resolutions adopted at the last town meeting, and subsequently by the town Board, the stmt of seven hundred and fifty dollars, in addition to two hundred and fifty dollars allowed by the statute, he levied and collected upon the taxable property of the town of Caroline for highways and bridges ; also, the sum of three hundred dollars for the relief of the poor ; and the further sum of one hundred dollars for the relief of indi- gent soldiers' families ; as per resolution passed by the town ]Board Nov. Sth, t888, in accordance with legislation applicable to such organizations. Mr. Todd, chairman of the committee on Public 1?rinting, offeree] the following resolution, ,which on motion of Mr. Boice was adopted unanimously : { Resolved, , That the Ithaca Jontne/ Association be authorized to publish the town and county audits, statement of Supervisors' claims, report of the Com- mittee on equalization, and all notices required by law ; and he allowed twenty- five cents per folio. Resolved, That the /ticaca Democrat be authorized to publish all such no- tices as the statute requires to be published in two newspapers in the county. and be allowed twenty-five cents per folio.' Mr. Frost offered the following resolution, which on ,mo- tion of. Mr. Bailey was adopted : • Resolved, That the resolution fixing the salary of the Jail Physician at $5c.4 per annum be reconsidered. r, 1 .'/ 34 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SUPERVISORS. • 'Air. Frost presented' the following resolution, which on motion of Mr. Kennedy was adopted unanimously Resolved, That the salary of the Jail Physician for the ensuing year be fixed at the sum of $yo. \'Ir. Brown presented the following resolution, which on niotion of Mr. Kennedy was adopted and the amounts named therein be assessed upon the taxable property of the town of Lansing : Resolved, That there be added to the audits of the town of Lansinrg the ful- 1 lowing items : _ 1 James G. Buck, Assessor $40 Frank 11I. Wooley, Ex-Conuuissioner r2 Messrs. Bates and Van Etten appeared before the Board in regard to an erroneous assessment against .said parties in the town of Danby. - Mr. Kennedy,. chairman of the committee on Sheri$'s Ac- counts, .reported bill No. 172, which on motion of Mr. Todd was audited as recommended by the committee: • Mr. Frost, chairman of the committee on Comity Claims, reported bills Nos. 18o, i8I, 182 and 200, which on motion off iVlr. Todd were audited as recommended by the committee. Mr. Cain appeared' before the Board and presented a peti- tion for the refunding of .taxes on personal propertywhich was erroneously assessed, and'on motion of Mr. Kennedy it was re- ferred to the committee on erroneous assessments. On motion adjourned till Monday, Dec. 3d. cs• { •PROCE~:EDINGS OF TIIE SUPERVISORS. FOURTEENTH I)AY. 35 MciNl)Ayi Dl.cEriFcr:tz, 3, 1888. . MORNING SESSION. At the request of the chairman, Mr. Bailey took the chair. Roll call. Quorum present. The Inlinutes of Wednesday's proceedings were read and approved. Mr. Frost presented the following resolution, which on mo- tion of Mr. Kennedy was adopted unanimously. • Rcsoivcd, That hereafter 110 headstones that shall be furnished by the coun- ty of Tompkins for any, soldier shall be less than the following dimensions.: z�z fectlong, i/ feet wide, 3 inches thick; and that said headstones shall be set in a stone lase, and that the material for such headstone shall he a white marble slab. ' ' Mr. Frost presented the following resolution, which on mo- tion of Mr. Bailey was audited and ordered levied upon the tax- )s able property of the town of Ithaca : l Resolved, That the following hill he added to the audits of the town of t'i Ithaca : - Rosa Nichols, reporting births % $2 on /1. Mr. Kennedy presented the following resolution, which on motion of, M. Boice was audited and ordered levied upon the + Itaxable property of the town of Dryden I Resolved, That the bill of J. J. Montgomery for $1.50 he added to the town l audits of the town of Dryden. On motion adjourned. 1 36 PROCEEDINGS OF' THE SUYERVISORS. • AVTERNOON SESSION'. Roll call. Uuoruin present. James S. Dyke, County Superintendent 'of the Poor, elect, appeared before the Board and• submitted his bond, which on motion of Mr. Bailey was approved and ordered filed. ro1teMr. Boice called up the resolution introduced by hien, pro- testing sting against the amount paid D. M. Dean,, Esq., as counsel in the Richard Barber case. Moved by Mr. Bailey that a committee he appointed by the chair to investigate in the matter of Mr. 33oice's resolution. Carried. The chair appointed as such committee 'Messrs. Bailey ,and Boice. ° llr. Brown presented the following resolution, which on motion of Dr. Seabrinti was adopted : liesvlved, That pursuant to the provisions of Chapter ,qi; of the Laws of [868, the sums placed in the following; schedule be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of persons whose naives are included in the several districts, and in the sums respectively named in said lists. submitted to the Board and furnished to the Supervisors of the several towns named in the schedule, by the Overseers of the Highways of the road districts included therein. i CA RO LI N I?. Road District No. 14, 2 days ,5 300 Road'District No. 38, i day . 1 5o Road District No. 65, 4. days 6 75 ITHACA , Road District No. 27, 5 days Road District No. 38, 3 clays 1>ANRY. Road District No, 69. 2 days N ENFIELD. Road District No: 8,13 days Road District No. 72, 4 days Road District No. 23.4 dace 7 50 4 50 3V0 18 50 6 o0 6cx> i fgowirifgwrifF ri • ) . J PROCEEDINGS Ott iii: SUPERVISORS.' 37 • Mr. Jones presented the following resohltion,,which o11 1110 - tion of Mr. Kennedy was adopted and the amount ordered lev- ied upon the taxable property of the town of Groton : , Resolved, That the suui of two hundred and fifty dollars be levied and col- lected upon the taxable property of the town of Groton for:highways and bridges, as provided by statute. i.Ir. Frost, chairman of the committee on County Claims, reported bills Nos. 6 and 201, which on notion of Mr. Boice were audited as recommended by the committee. Mr. Todd, chairman of the committee on Public Printing, reported bills Nos. 169 and 188, which on motion of Mr. Boice were audited as recommended by the committee. - Mr. Kennedy, chairman of the committee on Sheriff's ac- counts, reported bill No. 94, which on motion of Mr. Todd was audited as recommended by the committee.• On motion adjourned. FIFTEENTH DAY. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1888. MORNING SESSION. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of the preceding meeting were read and approved. Mr. Bailey presented the town audits of the town of En- field, which on motion of, Mr. Frost were accepted and the amount thereof ordered levied against the taxable property of the town. of Enfield. • signing -their town auult. On motion adjourned. i PROCEEDINGS Or TH} • SUI'FRVISORS. Mr. I3ailev presented the following resolution, which on : motion:of Mr. Frost was adopted and the aiTlount thereof order- ed levied against the taxable property of the town of Enfield : h'esoived, That there be added to the town audits of the town of Enfield the following sums : Richard Griffin, Assessor Po 00 D. W. P,nilev, adding assessment roll . '. 3 00 The sutra of two hundred and fifty dollars for the Commissioner of Highways 250 00 Also, the suer of five hundred and eighty-eight dollars for in- terest due March ist, ISSy, next 5SS no Also, the sum of live hundred and eighty-eight dollars for inter- est due Sept. 1st, [S89 5S8 00 Also, the sunt of two hundred and fifty dollars, sinking fund '250 00 Dr. Seabriug presented the Town Audits of the town of • Newfield, which on .inotion of 1'Ir. Boice, were accepted, ordered spread on the minutes, and the amount thereof ordered levied against the taxable property of the town of Newfield. (See Town Audits.) The committee to which was referred the petition for the change of town line, was engaged in hearing arguments for and against said resolution. On motion adjourned. A lr 1`ERNOON SESSION, Roll call. All members present:. - The following request was.read by the Clerk : To the &izrd'af Supei•insors of the Couxtt''ofTompkins: The assessment of Mrs. E. R. Buckley's personal is an error, and should hate been omitted from the arse stttent roll. The error occurred in making a copy of the roll, and it was understood and agreed that there ,hould -be no as - D r,„:.,,„,,,,, „..,„,, PROCEEDINGS o1: THE SUPERVISORS. w a va•i�'"asc:A� 39 sesstneitt of that character. we respectfully request your honorable body to make the proper correction. Dated Trunnansburg, N, v., I)cc. i iR$R. W. H. 'MORGAN, ! Assessors;. S.•JOHNSON, The Supervisors of Seneca county were announced, and after an informal reception their ch.airmart, Charles K. Heniou, made a.few remarks and closed by inviting the members froin Tompkins to visit thele at any time. Mr. Todd, chairman of the committee on erroneous assess- ments, submitted the following report, which on motion of Mr. Ir. Kennedy' was adopted unanimously • To Mc I1oar-d .of Supervisors : Your Committee on erroneous assessments%to which were.referred the mat- ter hereinafter set forth, report as follows : • ' On petition of a majority of the Assessors of the town of Ulysses, recoru_ mending that the assessment of Mrs. E. R. ]3ucklcy tie stricken from the assess- • ment roll of said town on account of a clerical error ; Your committee have examined the same and recommend that said peti- tion he sustained,. E. A. 'TODD, JAMES 13OICF, } Counnrttee. The committee on the changing of. the town ,line between Dryden and Caroline were in session in tlleir committee room during the remainder of the afternoon. The rest of the Board were engaged in comparing and signing their town audits._ • On motion adjourned. PROCEEDINGS OF THE, SUPERVISORS. SIXTEENTH DAY. • WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER MORNING 'SESSION. 5, 1888. The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and ap- proved. Mr. Todd presented the report of. District Attorney C. L. Smith, Esq., of all fines received by hint for the year ending December 3d, i888, which on motion of Mr. Bailey were re- ceived and ordered printed in the reports. Mr. Frost presented the following resolution,. which on motion of Mr. Jones was adopted and .ordered levied upon the taxable property, of the town of Ithaca : Resolved, That there be levied upon and collected from the taxable proper- ty of the town of Ithaca the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars for highways and bridges. Dr. Seabring presented the following- resolution,. which on motion of Mr. Frost was adopted : WHER1;As, The contract between Tompkins county and the Monroe Comi- ty Penitentiary has expired ; therefore be it Resolved, That the Chairman of this Board be authorized and instructed to proceed to.Rochester in person, and act in the premises as his judgment dic- tates. Mr. Todd presented the following resolution, which on mo- tion of Mr. Boice was adopted' : Resolved, That when this Board adjourns on Friday it he to meet again on the following Monday. 1 Mr. Bailey presented the following resolution, which on motion of Mr. Frost was adopted : 1 1 PROCEEDINGS 014-141E SUPERVISORS. Resol<'cd, •That the chair appoint a committee to wait on judge Smith and ascertain how far his jurisdiction extends in regard to ordering the payment of claims .against Tompkins county. The chair appointed Messrs. Bailey and 'Boice as such Com- mittee. Mr. Frost, chairman of the committee on County; Claims; presented bills numbers 202 and 203, which on motion of Mr. Boice were audited_ as recommended by the committee. Mr. Frost also reported bill No. 133, which on motion of Dr. Seabring was rejected unanimously. • Mr. Boice, chairman of the committee' on, Clerk's Ac- - counts, presented bills No. 204 and 205, which.on motion of Mr. Bailey were audited as recommended by the committee. On motion adjourned. AFTERNOON SESSION. Roll call. All present. The Loan Commissioners submitted their report to the committee on U. S. Deposit Fund, which Was in session during the afternoon. • , The other committees were engaged i in committee work the remainder of the session. • On motion adjonrhed. SEVENTEEIVTi3 DAY. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1888. MORNING SESSION. Roll call. All present.. Minutes of the preceding meeting were read and approved. PROCEEDINGS OF THi: SUPERVISORS. D. M. Dean, Esq., appeared before the Board and made an explanation in regard to ltis'bill as counsel in the Barber case. Mr. Kennedy, chairman of the committee on Sheriff's Ac- counts reported bills Nos. 93 and fol, which on motion of. Mr. Boice were audited as recommended by the committee. Mr. Bailey, chairman of the committee on Superintend- ent's accounts, reported bill No. 163, which on motion of Mr. Kennedy was audited as recommended by the committee. Dr. Seabring presented the following resolution, which on motion of Mr. Kennedy was adopted. Resolved That there lie assessed and levied upon the taxable property of ' the town of Newfield the sum of Pso to bel applied by the contiuissioner of highways for maintaining highways and bridges of said town. On motion adjourned. AFTERNOON SESSION. Roll call. All present. Mr. Todd, chairman of the committee on erroneous assess- ments, made the following report, which on motion of Mr. Ken- - nedy was adopted : 7o Me L?oard of Supervisors Your committee upon erroneous assessments, to whom was referred the peti- tion of Abram Bates, asking that a tax levied in the year 1887 on lands owned and occupied by him, lying in the town of Danby, be' refunded to said Bates from said town, on grounds of illegal and erroneous assessment, report : • That they have heard the statements pertaining to such assessment, and have examined the facts relating to it, and find that said land was at that time legally occupied by Joel Van Etten, and by such occupation was .taxable in the town of Danby. Your committee would recommend that said prayer and peti- tiQn be denied. 0 s 1 PROCEEDINGS 01� '[`HE SUPERS 1SORs. P Mr. Brown presented the following resolution, `Bich osi motion of.Mr. Kennedy was adopted : Resolzed, That the following items beadded to the Town Audits of Lansing : Horatio Brown, percentage on school money, $29 54 •Wm. N. Noble, Esq., appeared before the Board and asked that they waive the eight day's notice before arguing on ,the writ" of mandamus. Moved by Mr. Bailey and amended by Mr. Kennedy, that a committee of two be appointed, the chairman to be one of said committee, to confer with counsel in regard to Mr. Noble's proposal. ' Carried. The chair appointed Mr. Kennedy on said committee. Mr. Bailey moved that a committee be appointed. to wait upon the Recorder and ascertain how many of his convictions were for violation of the city ordinances. ; Carried. The chair appointed as such committee Messrs. • Bailey, Brown and Seabring. Mr. Brown, chairman of the committee on.. U. S. Deposit Fund made the following report, which on motion of Mr. Frost was received and ordered spread upon the minutes .To the Honorable Roan" rf Supervisors of Tompkins County Your committee on U. S. Deposit Func3 hereby report that they have es: amined the accounts of Cornelius Leary and Henry H. Houpt, Loan Com:nis- sioners of said county, and find that several securities have been cancelled and no new ones taken during the past. year. The report of the Loan Commissioners, containing definite information as . to the condition of the State Loan, is herewith submitted. H. BROWN, S. A. SEABRING, - Committee.. F. A. TODD. 44 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SUPERVISORS. 1Ir. l-oice, chairman cif the Committee.on Justices' Accounts reported bill number 121, which on motion of Air. ,Bailey was audited as recommended by the committee. 11r. l3rown, chairman of the committee on Insurance, made the following report, which on motion of Mr. Bailey was ac- cepted and the amount asked for in the subjoined:resolution or- dered levied and collected on the taxable property of Toinpkins county : To the Board of Supervisors ofeToorpkin.e County The committee on'insurance would respectfully, report that they have effect- ed insurance on the County Buildings for three years as follows : COMPANY. JAI4. A &1'r. OF POLICY. PR) M10\I. Franklin, Pa }red Phillips, Agent . $2000 $40 00 COURT HOUSE. Williamsburg City . . Percy Wood, Agent.. . . 2000 ; 30 o0 Continental . R. E. Post, Agent . . . 2000 30 o0 Phoenix 1.1 A. St. John, Agent . to(x) 15 Oo CLERK'S OFFICE. North British Ins. Co. . ti. J. Grant, Agent, . . 2000 15 00 Total amount of premiums $130 cxr Resolved, That the sum of $13o be levied and' collected upon the taxable property of Tompkins County for the purpose of paying the above amount of premiums. I -I. BROWN, S. A. S> ABR1NG, -Committee. F. A. '1•OI)l). On motion adjourned. .01 PROCEEDINGS INGS 01+ iii SUPT, :VI.SORRS. . t.. EIGHTEENTH D', [Y. t! ,• 1'RIDAV, D: CFM BER 7, T888. 45 MORNINGSF,sSION• Roll call., All present. . Minutes of the preceding meeting read and approved. On motion of Mr. Kennedy, the request of .Mr. Noble was denied. Mr. Bailey, chairman of the conl'ntittee on the annexation *of a part of Dryden to Caroline, submitted the following report, which on motion of Mr. Todd was accepted : W1n REAS, In view of the fact that there is much difference of opinion in regard to the advisability of setting off the three Lots of the town of Dryden and annexing the same to tate town of Caroline, by the residents of said lots, we, the. committee do not feel competent to decide the question, therefore, . Resolved, That the matter be referred to the whole Board for further action. D. W. BAILEY, G. \V. FROST, . Committee. J. W. JONES, Mr. Boice introduced the. following bill : AN ACT to authorize the Board of Supervisors to annex Lots Nos. 91, 92 and 93 to the town of Caroline. The Board of Supervisors I f Tompkins County do enaf as follows Sec. t. Lots No's. 91, 92 and 93 of the town of Dryden, in said comity of Tompkins, at present constituting the \Vest three remaining lots of the South tier of lots of said town of Dryden and annexed to and made a part of the town of Caroline, in said county, and the north boundary line of the town of Caro- line is established so as to coincide with the present South line of lots Nos. 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89 and 90 of the said town of Dryden. 2. Nothing in the above act shall be construed so as to invalidateithe tax levy for the year 1883, and the taxes for the current year shall be collected as the sante are assessed and levieii by the present Board of Supervisors. 3. This act shall take effect January Ist, 1389. 46 PRc F.F.DINC=S OF ;rviv, SuPERVISo12s. Boice moved that the above bill be adopted. The ayes and nays being called, resulted as follows : • Ayes—Bailey, Boice, Brown, .Seabring. I Nays—Frost, Jones, Pierson, Kennedy, Todd. The chairman declared the act lost. Mr. Brown moved that the bill of Dr. Forci -be audited at $25 per day. Carried. Moved by Mr. Bailey that the bill of Dr. Crego be audited at $145. And amended bS•Mr. Todd that it be audited at $200. Mr. Bailey called for the ayes and nays, which resulted as follows : Ayes—Frost, Jones, Kennedy, Todd. Nays --Bailey, Boice, Brown, Pierson, Seabring. The chairman declared the amendment lost. The vote on the original motion resulted as follows : Ayes—Bailey, Boice, Brown Frost, Joneg, Pierson, Sea - bring, Todd.`• Nays ---o. i\Ir. Boice moved that Dr. Wey's bill be audited at $25 per day. Mr. Bailey called for .the ayes and rays, which resulted as follows : Ayes—Bailey, Boice, Brown, Frost, Jones, Pierson, Ken- nedy, Seabring,, Todd. Nays— On motion adjourned. • PROCF,F,DINGS OF TI -1v, SIIPERvTSORS. •tiEVETEENTH DAY: MONDAY, DEC1,MBF,,R TO, 1 $88. ' MORNING S1.,SSION. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of Friday's meetings' were read and approved. Mr. Jones offered the following resolution, which on mo- tion of Mr: Boice was adopted and ordered- levied upon the tax- able property of the town of Groton : Resolved, That the following bilk be added to...the town audits of the town of Groton : 0 1. It.. Streeter, one day 1-1;xci'ic Comm L;° 1'. Hart, " X17 �t3 00 _i 00 The Members were at work in the different committees dur- ing the remainder of the session. On motion, adjourned. AFTIRNOON SESSION. R611 call. Quorum present. \Ir. Boice, chairman of the committee on Constables,.. Clerk's and Justices' accounts, reported the following bills, which on motion of Mr. Todd were audited as recommended by the committee : Rills No. 112, 210, 61, 122, 196, 63, 62, 22, 70, 174, 114 Mr. Todd, chairinati, of .the Committee on Public Printing, reported the following bills, which on motion of Mr. Bailey were audited as recommended by the committee.: Rills No. 209, 20S and rS7. 4 cs PROCiEDINGS OF 'rr{E SUPERVISORS. Mr. Bailey presented the bond of, Leroy H. Van Kirk; County Clerk, elect, which onanotiou of Mr. Boice was accept- ed and ordered filed. Mr. Todd moved that a committee he appointed to confer with the Sheriff in regard to boarding all the County prisoners. The chair appointed as such committee Messrs. Todd, Ken- nedv and Boice. • ° The• various committees were engaged during the remain- der of the session in committee work. On motion adjourned. TWENTIETH ,DAY. TUESDAY, IDECENIl3ER 1I, 1888. MORNING SESSION. Roll call. Quorum present. itIinutes of yesterday's proceedings were read and approved. Mr. Tarbell appeared before the Board and made a state- tnerit in regard to the fuel in the County Clerk's office. Mr. Prost offered the following resolution Resolved,. That the salary of the District Attorney of the County of Touip- kips is fixed at the sum of $12oo per annum ; and furthermore said County shall not be liable in any amount for ait:t additional counsel that may he neces- sary in the prosecution of the ditties of said office. Moved by Mr. Frost that the expert" physicians of Tomp- kins County living outside of Ithaca be allowed $ro per day, and the physicians living in Ithaca be allowed $8 per day in the Barber case. PROCLEDINGS OF THA: SUPT RvISORS. ' 49 ltr. Frost -offered the following resolution, which o11 motion of i1Ir. Kennedy was adopted and ordered levied upon the tax- able property of the town of Ithaca : Resolved, That the following bill be added to the town audits of the town of Ithaca : Eureka Hose Company, No, 4, polling place $20 W Mr. Frost, chairman of the committee on County Claims, reported the following bilis, which on motion of Mr. Bailey were 'audited as recommended by the coninlittec : �� ]sills Nos. 7, 11, 4, S, 10, 43, 46, 211 jMr. Boice, chairman of the committee on Constables' Ac- counts,.reported the following bills, which on motion of Mr. Kennedy were audited as recommended by the committee dills No. 76, 111, 113, 125, 123 � I 011 lnotion'adjourned. AFTERNOON SESSION. Roll call. Quorum present. Mr. Pierson, chairman of the special committee on.Monroe County Penitentiary, submitted the following report, which o11 motion of Mr. Kennedy was accepted and ordered spread upon the minutes : 7o the HnuoralVe Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County Ufg1VT1,1111:r, :—In accordancetwith 11 resolution adopted by this Board re- questing the Chairman to visit the Monroe County Penitentiary, and take such action in rcl;arti to renewing the contract for the maintenance of prisoners from this County as he might dean proper. 1 will state that on Saturday, the lull inst,, 1 went to Rochester .and met with the Superintendent and Directors of said Penitentiary and informed theni 50 PRO(:F3$F)1\GS.0F '1'Hl; �1SbRS. fr that we were .ready to renew our contract with;ountytor-;:ll.nersonscom- mitted to their:Peniteutiary for sixty days or snore, oh the same terms nanitd in present contract. They stated that on account of all contracts for the lahor of their prisoners expiring during; the present mouth, and believing that in ,the future they will not be allowed to work the prisoners on contract labor, that from the first of January, ISSg, they would receive prisoners from Tompkins County for a period of sixty days or more for two dollars per week i the County of Tompkins to receive all fines, if any, paid by the persons committed from said County. Under the circumstances your committee did not feel warranted to snake such contract, and refers the matter to this Board for consideration. - - Your committee would further state that on the first of January, 1888, there was a credit upon the hooks of said Penitentiary of the sunt of rt io, helonging; to Tompkins County. Arrangements were made with the Superintendent, and their form.. of con- tract is hereby submitted to the Board, so that if you decide to renew a contract it calf he consuattnated by mail. :111 of which is respectfully submitted. A. 11, PIERSON, Committee. Mr. Boice offered the' following resolntion;> which on mo- tion of Mr. Kennedy was adopted : 11:r1ERNAS, There appears before the committee on Constables, Clerk's and Justices' accounts a bill of extraordinary character, therefore, Resolved That bill No. 184, claiming $43.65, be referred to the special com- mittee appointed by this Board to examine such bills, and report Lo said Board. Mr. Todd offered the following resolution, which on mo- tion was adopted : Resolved, That the Collectors of the several towns of Tompkins County he required to settle with 'the County Treasurer and other officers designated in collector's ai.arrants of their respective towns on or before the doth day of Feb- ruary. 1889. - Mr. Brown offered the following resolutions, which on Ino - tion of Dr. Seabring were adopted : - t PROCEEDINGS OF THE SUPERVISORS. 51. • Resolved, That in case of a deficiency in Court expenses for the ensuing year; the County Treasurer and the Supervisor of the town of Itltaca'he authorized to -borrow, on the credit of the county, an amount of money stifficient, to meet contingencies in Court expenses until the, meeting of the Board of Supervisors. Resolved, That the sunt of two hundred and fifty dollars be added to the town audits of the town of Lansing, for the repair of roads and bridges. On motion adjourned. TWENTY-FIRST DAY. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1888. MORNING SESSION. s ' Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of the preceding Ineeting were read and approved. Mr. Boice, chairman of the committee on Constables', Clerk's and justices' `accounts, reported the following..bills which on motion of Mr. Seabring were audited as recommend -, y ed by the colninittee ; Bills No. 86, 189, 6o, 175, :15, t to, 195, i 9o• Mr.' Frost, chairman of the committee on County Claims, reported the following bills, which on motion of Mr. Kennedy° were audited as 'recommended by the committee : . ' , 1;ills No. 21 1, 212,, 213. • Mr. Todd moved that bill No. 104 be audited at $75. Mr. Boice called for the' ayes and nays, which resulted as follows : s 52 PIZOCE▪ EDINGs OF 'my. •SUPERVISORS. Ayes—Frost, Kennedy, Todd. Nays -Bailey, Boice, Brown, Seabring, • The chairtnait declared the motion lost. \Ir. Boice moved that the, bill be audited at $32. ,Mr.. Kennedy amended by staking the amount $5o. The vote on the atnendntent'resulted as follows : Ayes—Frost, Kennedy, Todd. Nays—Bailey, Boice, Brown, Seabring. , '11ie chairman declared the amendment lost.• - The vote on the original motion then resulted as follows t }'es—Bailey, Brown, Boice, Seabring. Nays—Frost, Kennedy, Todd. The chairman declared the inbtion carried. ?Ir. Todd, chairman of the special committee, made the following report, which on motion of Mr. Bailey was received and spread Upon the minutes : To the Pourel rf.Srr/ervisois : -\'our. committee, appointed to investigate and report in matter of erroncpus assessuteiLs, would respectfully report : \Ve find that Minerva J. \\'oodruf, prior to the month of March, 1887, was assessed upon the assessment roll of the town 0r Ithaca, to twenty shares, of hank stock of the Tompkins County National flank, and pail the taxes thereon. \1'e also find verified by the looks of said Bank, that in redaction 'of the capital stock, made March 31st, 1887, the petitioner. Minerva J. \Voodittff surrendered eight shares of said stock, which reduction was not corrected upon the asscss- ment roll of said town. That on certificate of the assessors of said town, and the affidavit of the petitioner, your couimittec recommend that the stun of $8.o2 he refunded to the sail Minerva J. Woodruff, and.that the same be added to the audits of, the town of Ithaca.- , We thaca.- \Ve also find that A. W. Knapp, on the 2d day of May, 1887, exchanged and transferred to Marr J. Teeter, lot No. 72, situate in the town of Ithaca, for lands situate iti the town of Danby. We also find that said Mary J. Teeter was 6 f •f } 1 • PROCEEDINGS oE, Ti- ; SUPI RVISoRs.. 53 released from taxation 011 said land in said town of Danby hy reason of said ex- change ; and upon the 4f acts set forth by the petitioner, A. W.. Knapp, duly verified by the records in the Tompkins County Clerk's office, your committee find that the said A. W. Knapp neither owned nor occupied nor had any right, title or interest in the said lot No. 72 after May 2, 1887 ; and on certif Cate of the assessors of the town of Ithaca as to the alleged error your committee rec- ounneud.that the sunt of $2.35 be refunded to the said A. W. Knapp, and that the sante he added to the audits to the town of Ithaca. F. A. TOD1_), 1 Committee. JAS. 1101 CE, On notion adjourned. • APTIRNo0N SESSION. Roll call. Quorum present. 'Dr.' Seabring presented the following resolution, which on motion of Mr. Bailey was adopted and the amount ordered lev- ied upon the taxable property of the town ,of Newfield :• • Resolved, That•the following items he adc.led•to the audits of the town of Newfield : Note of Aaron Boyer, Coin. of Highways . . Interest on sante • .$712 00 " 30 97 Benj. Starr, J. P. 5 12 Rev. D. Keppel, registering marriage 25 Mr. Kennedy, chairman of the special committee on peni- tentiaries and the disposition of prisoners, made the following report, tivllich on motion of Mr. Bailey was adopted- : The committee appointed to investigate the ]clatter of consigning prisoners. to the Monroe County Penitentiary, respectfully submit the following report That we believe it will he to the advantage of the county that such prison= ers as have heretofore been sent to the penitentiary shall hereafter be confined in the County Jail, 011(1 would submit the following resolution Resolved, That the board of prisoners cottsigned'to the County Jail he and the same is hereby fixed at three dollars and fifty cents per week for all prison - . i 54 • PROCEEDINGS OF THE SUPERVISORS. ers whose terms of sentence are for thirty Hays or less, and three dollars per Week for all prisoners whose terms of sentence are for more than tliirty days. The same to take effect January fst, 1889. J. H. KENNEDY, l Committee.J.13010E, f Dr. Seabriing, chairman of the committee on . State Charit- able Institutions, presented the report of such cglnmittee, to - Tether with the subjoined resolutions, which report was on lno- tion of Mr.. Bailey accepted and ordered spread upon the - min- utes and the resolutions adopted. Said report and resolutions are as follows : To the Honorable, the Board of Supervisors : Your committee, appointed to examine the accounts of the several Cbarit- able institutions, would respectfully report the following resolution Resolved, That in accordance with Chapter 446, Title 4, Section 6, Laws of 18?4, there be assessed and levied upon the taxable property of the following towns, and the County of Tompkins, the sums set forth in the annexed sched- ule to reimburse the county for aiuounts of Money paid to Willard Asylum, via. CAROI,1N7~. John L. Robinson . Ira W. Dwight. Self supporting. $28.68. Hattie Sulith 135 10 I3artoli Lynch. 123 44 10312 I,3 $ 53 59 DRYDb.N. Charles Whipple $ 117 79 Helen Simmons 104 g6 John B. Sperry Cr. .33 James Sandwick Emily C. Smith Hamlet F. Pierce. Self supporting. $33.85. Benjamin F. Pratt a 173 91 90 64 130 04 • } • ?ROCEEDINGS OF THE SUPERVISORS. 55. Thorhas McKeuiia 130 54 James Kellogg 136 49 Hannah Winn I?o 19 • Albert Monroe ., 43 30 $1041 86 DA MIN' • Emma Krum $65 .59 Briggs Montgomery 1?4 49 Edgar D. Wright -134 74 $324 82 ENFIELD, 1 Margaret Holmes. Self supporting. $29.25. William H. Marshall . ' - 54 00 Mary L. Johnson 117 '91 L171 91 GROTON. Horatio D. Morgan. Self supporting. $151.14. Ella M. Scofield $125 39 Eliia M. Baker. Self supporting.. $122.74. Frankie A. Pierce 133 44 Dennis B. Conlon ioi oo Nelson Wesley Allen • 122 64 ITHACA, Helen Dorsey Cr. $6.38 James Moore. 'Self supporting. $5.99. Julia J. Grant Mabel Weed John McGrade Harriet P. Rose ' Joachim Atwater . Mary A.'Culligan Susan E. Fisk. Self supporting. $97.39. Margaret Moore 82 47 1 ,ft lo "66 I "64 148 91 84 69 129 14• . •. . . . . . 122' 84 141 24 Priscilla Thomson 137'59 56 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SUPERVISORS. Susan Patterson 32 .'.'24 • Harley Kellogg 132 94 134 99 132 39 Thaddeus H. Obert Patrick J. Casey . Mary Kane. Self supporting. 411.25. Edwin Beebe Fannie G. Barber Mary McCarthy. Patrick McCarthy Sarah Niver Margaret Raymond Jennie Dillon Laura Saxton. Self supporting. $1I8.o4. Edwin Weed . John Richards Peter Picket LANSING. 119 09 13o 84 129.64 134 49 120 74 125 59 128 89 57 47 29 10 46 21 $2324 39 Mark Jacobs $65 fir Charles W. Jacobs 134 04 Josephene Dean. Self supporting. $117.64. Rush L. Newman 7 6o 7 illiau Jane Wood . 134 29 FIV1111 D. DeWitt Savercool . Wealthy A. Van Ostrand. Self supporting. $19.6r. James J. Fish.• Self supporting. $125.44. Frank Carpenter William Porter Charles B. Bower • U1XSsr,S. 'S'341 74 . $162 99 130 84 83 40 134 29 $511 52 Helen Bancroft 120 54 Catherine Coiling 120 94 $241 48 J t PROCEEDINGS OF THE SUPERVISORS. COUNTY. Cc1ia Emmons . . Cr. 14 70' - ' Michael Sw•eaney ' Lina Rouen • . ,Anna L. Welch. Self supporting.. $125.14. S. Harriet Crcga. Self supporting. 5129.69. 'Phomas Northrope 121 09 - Jerome B. Freeman . 36 64 Patience Starks 123 09 James Brennan 133 99 Mary J. Sweazy 119 79 John H. Larkin 98 22 Henry Gibson 75 90 57 5130'•34 • 122;14 5946 50 •ti A'esoived, That in accordance with a resolution of the Board of Supervisors, passed December 7th, 1SSo, there be assessed and levied upon the taxable prop ..� erty of the following towns, and the County of Tompkins, the sums set forth in the annexed schedule, to reimburse the county for amounts of rnortey paid to the several Charitable institutions in said schedule named, viz : CAROLINE. James Cortright, Asylum for Insane Criminals . 5195 00 Cora Dentin', S. V. Horne 17 43 t;:� r•i r}t.b. Rose Vedder, N. V. S. Inst. for the Blind . . . . . Arena Bennett. S. V. Horne Interest 31. • 54? 35 ITHACA. Auburn Orphan Asylum. 5212 43 • iz4 6r 17 43. • Nellie Dunn, Matthew Shane, Johnnie Shane, Sarah Cleary, Eddie Cleary, 57100 50,00 ... . . . 50 00 41 60 41 60 — EnFreld.. . . 1So 31 20 Newfield . 589 roo So Groton . 868 148 So By towns 7. .. $15r1 52 58 PROCEEDINGS OF 'riIE SUPERVISORS. Charles Farrell, Buffalo School for Catholic Children Richard Fahey, 16 6; ' John and Jane Shane, St. Mary's Orphan Asylum, Rochester, . 90 6i John Wilsey, S. V. Home104 5S Nettie Beebe, 88 29 Jennie Reed, 49 43 Interest 4 71 55 79 GROTON. Michael Keenan, Auburn Orphan Asylum $1664 24 $96 8o • $96 8o • ULYSSF:,S. • John Cook, Ontario Orphan*Asylum f104 00 Frank Bains, S. V. Home 10 72 Richard Dorsey 2 (-7.x:2) Interest185 Mrs. Thomas Pratt, Ithaca Hoene 25 no NEWEI1:LD. Julius Casterline, S. V. Home • $234 57 $9 14 Interest acct. at - i6 COUNTY. - Warner Frear, S. V. Home Leander Stephens, " • Martin Hough, Interest, ,All of which is respectfully submitted. $9 30 $104 58 32 57 9 14 2 32 $148 6r S. A. SEABRING, I'Committee. . J. 1t'. JONI S, '• 1). W. BAILEY. Mr. Hailey, chairman of the committee on Superintend- • ent's accounts, presented the report of Elias Smith, Superin- ti • PROCEEDINGS 01: THE SUPERVISORS. 59 tendent of the • Poor, and also the report of said committee, which reports,'on motion of Mr. Kennedy, were accepted. The report of the committee was as follows : To the Honorable Hoard of Supervisors of Tompkins County :. Your committee to whom was referred the report of the Superintendent of the Poor, would respectfully report : Inmates in County House Nov. 15, 1887, were Received {tiring the year ' 'total Discharged Absconded Deaths Births Remaining at this date 45 4 31 59 90 8 57 33 34 Average number during the year . . - ' 33 5-73 Averageexpense of each pauper .$62 43 Average weekly expense 1 20 ' The number of days said inmates have been supported in the County 1 -Louse during the year is t 2070 Chargeable to County . • 3262' Chargeable to Towns 8808 ICas fo]]ows County, . . 3262 at a cost of $ 559 25 Town of Caroline . 730 $ [25 16 . Dryden . 935 16o So • Danby . . 930 . — • , 125 .r6 Lansing •. [67 28 So Ulysses . 872 150 00 Ithaca . . 3737 640 So Enfield. . [So 31 20 I Newfield . 589 [o0 So } Groton . . 865 148 8o Sy towns r $15“ 52 tib, >x: •_ .. , c: ":.. .,..,. I 6o PROCEEDINGS OF I`HB SUPERVISORS. County and towns 112070 77 Transportation of paupers 40 00 Keeper's salary 500 00 Services Overseer Poor . . .t. • 200 00 Temporary relief 1159 23 $4000 00 The indebtedness from last year was Pi1.81, There was a it_alanee cash on hand, 148.23. Leaving actual deficiency of 33 58 Less received frons Schuyler, County Total amount'to be raised, as follows : :4033 58 136 50 $3897 08 By Towns $151I 52 By County 2335 56 $3897 08 All.of which is respectfully submitted. 1), W. I3AII,I;V, l: [ 0. W. vRC)ST, Committee. rIORATIO BROWN. 1111r. Bailey moved that bill No. 841. be returned to the as- signee of said bill, and when it is returned to this Board, to be in proper form and accompanied with vouchers therefore. Carried. On motion adjourned. TIVENTY-SECOND DAY. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1888. MORNING SESSION. Roll call. All members present. 1 • 1 PROCEEDINGS OIC THE SUPERVISORS. 61. The Mintites of the preceding sleeting were read and ap- proved. • The committee on -Equalization repaired to the -committee rooms and remained in session during the forenoon. The others were engaged in examining, cotliparing• and signing town audits. ' On motion adjourned. AFTERNOON SISSION. Roll call. Quorntil present. The connnittee on Equalization rose at 4 P. M., and Mr. Jones, chairman of said committee, submitted the majority 're- port, which on motion of Mr. Kennedy was laid 'on the table, until to-n►orrow at 4 o'clock. Mr. Kennedy offered the. following resolution, which oii motion of Mr. Frost was adopted : Resolved, That A. H. Pierson, chairman, S. A. Seahring, Horatio Brow, James Rice, D. W. Bailey, and Lhe Clerk; he appointed a comntittee' to visit \Villard Asylum to ascertain ltow the patients front this county are cared for. On motion adjourned until, to -morrow. at 2 o'clock. TWENTY-THIRD DAY. FRIDAY, DECEMBER MORNING SESSION. 1888. Roll call. All members present. Minutes of the preceding meeting were read and approved. Mr. Kennedy offeiecl the following resolution, which on. motion of Mr. Frost was adopted : $2 PROCEEDINGS OF 1'HF, SUPERVISORS.. Wesolved, That the chairman of this Board be authorized to employ coun- sel to defend any suit that nlay.be brought against the county by John Tyler to enforce payment of any claim made 1.4 him for services as special County Judge. Mr. Kennedy offered the following- resolution, which o►n motion of Mr. Todd was adopted : VHIER1•AS, This Board having concluded to have all prisoners hereafter confined in the County Jail, instead of sending them to penitentiaries,as here- tofore, therefore be it Resolved, That the Chairman and the Clerk of this Board be' and hereby are authorized to make such contract with the corporation of the City of Ithaca as they may deem best, for the employment at hard labor of prisoners that are or may be sentenced to confinement in the County Jail ; and the same to he done without extra expense to the county for Sheriff's or Turnkey's fees. Moved by Mr. Todd that the Clerk be requested to prepare' a suitable form for the -Superintendent of the Poor to make oitt his bill by. ; said form to he submitted to Mr. Bailey for his ap- proval. Carried. The report of the committee on Equalization, heretofore presented and laid over until this •time, was taken up for con- sideration. The' majority report is as follows.: REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON EQUALIZATION. THI; ASSESSED VAI,UA'1'10N Olt TIM DIFFERENT TOWNS, PER ASSESSORS NOR ISSS. TOWNS. 1 No. .Acres. Valuation. Personal. Aggregate. Caroline 34747 $ 880555 $ 34330 $ 914885 Dryden ... • 58192 1065553 52980 1118533 Danby 33286 643695 17635 661330 Enfield. 22007 549090 39225 588315 Groton 30725 122533o 17412o 1399450 Ithaca • 19233 282368o 492835 33r6515 Lansing 37789 1121255 134300 1255555 Newfield 36997 491490 33900 525390 Ulysses " 19818 1o6o115 197000 . 1257115 Totals $986o763 $1176325 $11037088 • k it .T � - • e � v r PROCEEDINGS OF TIM SUPERVISORS. 63 . We, the undersigned committee, would respectfully recommend that the • following be and is hereby declared to be the equalized valuation of the real estate in the county of Tompkins for the year 1888 : • Caroline TowNs. •Valuation. Personal. Aggre'ate. $ 551217. $ 34330 $ 585547 Dryden.1456434 52980 1509414 Danby540370 17635 558015 Enfield. 4486641 39225 487889 Groton 838165 174120 1012285 Ithaca 3125862 49z835 3618697 Lansing. 1337120 134300 1471420 Newfield 5236o7_ 33900 557507 - Ulysses. 1030324 197000 1236324 Totals. $9860763 $1176325 $11037088 J. W. JONES, J. H. KENNEDY, - Committee. G. W. FROST, The minority report is as follows We, the minority of the committee on Equalization, considering ourselves aggrieved by the report of the majority of Said committee, offer the following as a substitute for the majority report, believing it to be in accordauce with just- ice and equality : TOWNS. No. Acres: Real. Personal. Aggregate. 'aro1ine. . 34747 $ 539598 $ 34330 $ 573928 ]anby 33286 , 540841 17635 558476 )ryden 58192 1456893 52980 1509873 ?nfie1d 22007 414503 39225 454728 sroton 30725 837980 174120 1012100 thaca. 19233 3203485 492835 3696320 £ulsillg 37789 1314869 134300 1449169 slew field 36997 523472 33900 557372 Jlysses 19818. 1028116 197000 1225116 Totals. $9860757 $1176325 $110J7088 JAMES I3OICE, 11ORATIO BROWN. Committee. • 4 64 PROCJ EDINGS OF THE S[iPr RVISORS. Air. Jones Moved that the majority report be adopted. Mr. Bailey moved that the minority report be adopted as a substitute for the majority report. The matter was discussed at some length by Messrs. Bailey, Boice, Frost and Kennedy. Air. Kennedy called for the ayes andays on.the minority report,' which resulted as follows : Ayes --Bailey, Boice, Brown. Nays—Frost, Jones, Kennedy, Todd, Pierson. - The chairman declared the substitute lost.- The ost:The vote on 'the majority report resulted as follows : Ayes—Frost, Jones, Kennedy, Todd, Pierson. Nays—Bailey, Boice, Brown, Seabring. The chairman declared the majority report adopted. Moved by Mr. Kennedy that when we adjourn to -morrow• it be until Saturday, Dec. 22d'at II o'clock. Carried. ivIr. Frost, chairman of the committee on County Claims, reported the following bills, which on motion of Mr. Kennedy were audited as recommended by the committee : •• Bills Nos. 215, 216, 217, 21S, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224. On motion adjourned. I • Roll call. PROCI;1?DINGS OF , t1; SUPERVISORS. TI'VENTY-FO SATU :MORNING{ On orturi presen' Minutes of .the preceding i RTII .DAY. AY DECEMBER 15, 1888. SS1ON. 65 ..ting were read and approved. Qt. Seabrittg, chairman of ie committee on Willard Asy- 1tiiii, submitted the following/ }ort; which on motion of Mr. Kennedy was adopted : f i'o the hoard of Supervisors rf Tompkins County : Your committee visited \Villard Asylum December c.}tlt. They [trade as thornugh an cxantivation of that institution as the time at their disposal per- mitted. They also trial to see each Tompkins county patient personally-. We found all the imitates well cared for, and would especially commend the kindly manner of their treatment—as we were assured that there' was not an inmate subjected to ally unusual restraint. S. A. SEAIIRING 11. BROWN, J. 1101C1,' D. W. BAILEY, C. B. FISH. Committee. Mr. Bailey, chairman of the special committee to investi- gate the Sheriff's aucl Recorder's bills, Made the following report, which on motion of Dr. Seabring was adopted : R'rrr{KF;,ts, Your committee to whore was referred the Sheriff's and Re- corder's bills would respectfully report : That from a thorough 'exatuimttiou of the Recorder's hook shows that a large part of the Sheriff's bill for board is•properly chargeable to the town of Ithaca, therefore • Resolved, That the Sheriff's and Recorder's 'bills be brought before the Board for further consideration. 66 'PROCEEDINGS OF THl? SUPI:R.V1SORS. • \Ir. Kennedy moved that a committee of One be appointed to further investigate the bills of the Recorder and Sheriff, and report at the next meeting., Carried. The chairman appointed Mr. Bailey as such committee. \'Ir. Jones, chairman of the committee on Equalization and Assessment Rolls, subinittecl the following report', which on mo- tion of \[r. Frost was adopted and ordered spread upon the min- utes : Resolved, That there be levied and collected from the taxpayers of Tomp- kins County the sums herein set forth, for the following purposes : STATE TAX. For Schools $i54r6 70 For General purposes 14914 20 For Canals. 10020 55 COUNTY nura;Err. c s4039r 75 County audits $I0302 5t County Judge's salary + 2500 00 County Treasurer's salary. ; goo 00 Clerk of Supervisors . 15o 00 Chaplain of Alms House 50 00 Clerk's postage and stationery 15 00 Clerk of Surrogates Court salary 250 00 District Attorney's salary . Goo 00 District Attorney's office rent . 200 00 Fuel and gas account 600 00 Interest due on notes,680 94 Notes payable on jail.ccouilt 3000 00 infant heir fund 2W0 ao Jail Physician's salary, - 90 00 Supreme Court Stenographer's salary, 400 64 Sheriff's Janitor acct 35o 00 School Commissioner's salary 400 00 Superintendent of Poor account 2385 56 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SIJPI;RVISORS, 67 Surrogate's Janitor account , 75 00 Special County Judges salary 50 00 Sust{uehanna,Valley Home . 148 61 Sheriff's Office rent 35 00 Treasurer's postage account 15 00 Willard Asylum account 975 60 Bills payable 630000 •Insurance on County buildings 130 00 Fuel and gas, deficieuc3' 130 9E Bills payable, 47 79 Court expense, 661 41 County audits " 00 Monroe County 1'enitelitiary deficiency' 500 00 Superintendent of the Poor, deficiency 16 75 Court expense . { 3146 61 cAam,INI1 State tax • County tae $37112 33 $2142 1968 90 90 Burial of indigent soldier 35 00 Town audits - 700 69 Highways and bridges moo 00 Overseer of Poor / 30o 00 Willard Asylum 312 13 Unpaid taxes 13 r15 Supt. of Poor 125 16 'Susquehanna Valley Home • 17 43 Asylum for Insane Criminals 195 00 Relief of indigent soldiers' ,families . 100 on $6910 36 State tax $2042 07 County tax 1876 3o Town audits / 451 95 - Highways and bridges 250 00 • Superintendent of Poor 125 r6 Willard Asylum 324 82. Balainee on road scraper 155 35 6S PROCEEDINGS -ON THE SUrERvisORS. . To satisfy judgments rendered in favor of Frederick F. Rates against Oscar Jennings as Commissioner of Highways .........6S5 56 $591I 21 State tax ' 1)RVI11S7T .$5523 96 County tax 5075 466 Town audits . 1901 82 Highways and bridges +� 2200 00 Superintendents of Poor 16o So _ Willard Asylum. . . 10rb 0..n Vncaliecteil tax, 13t7 - 25 73 Overseers of Poor . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . S5o 00 $16778.71 nti 1 1111,11. State tax $1785 50 County tax 1640 53 '1..own audits . 497 07 Highways and bridges 250 00 Interest on R. R. bond< 1176 00 Sinking fund 250 00 Willard Asylum 117 91 . N. Y. Inst.for the Blind 42 35 Superintendent of Poor 3r 20 $5790 6,3 r u.o'rc)N. State tax.$3704 6o County tax• 3403 85 Town audits 1110 97.. Highw>at•s and bridges . . 707 8o \Villard Asylum ti 482 47 Unpaid taxes 3 1,5 Burial of indigent soldiers 50 00 Overseer of Poor 200 o0 Judgment on R. R. bonds 1050-00 Sinking.fttnd 150 00 'Superintendent of Poor 714.8 So Auburn Orphan Asylunt 96 So $1r1oS 47 } { PROCEI';1)INGS OF T1' E 8UP1 RV15ORS: ITHACA.. r i State tax *13243 i5 County tax 12167 97 r 1 1 Town audits 7492 42' Highways and bridges 250 00 Superintendent of ,Poor . 640 80. Willard Asylum . 2295 29 ' Interest on R. R. bonds, 1. & A 7.125 00 ,Interest on R. R. bonds, G. S 1 7000 uo Sinking fund of 1. & i5ex10 oo Sinking fund of G. & I moo ou . 'rax Receiver's salary • 400 00 Burial of soldiers and headstones ! 280 od Unpaid .taxes reassessed 53 41: 1l. L. & W. R. R. note for coal . . . . . . . , . . . . 256 87. Lehigh. Valley R. B. dote for coal ' 23r oci,, Overeer of Poor note 5058 66 .1 f James Dick note for coal 231 (*2 ' Outstaindiug hills, Overseer of Poor . . . . . . . 4875 191 i .. Commissioner of Hig11waivti - 134 06 • 1+..M. Leary, note 212' 00 J. M. Heggie, note 3I 8o' Van Order, old.note 530 c),$ G. A. R. orders, note - 401 75 G. A. R. fund . - 400 00 Susquehanna Valley` Hoine • .. -. . . . . . . ' . °. . . . . 247 01 Auburn Orphan Asyluin . 25q 20 Buffalo School for Catholic Children ' "72' 42 St. Mary -Orphan Ast)luna 90 61 .Erroneous taxes 10 40. ' $79987 01, I,A SIN(:• State tax $5384 85' County tax 4947 70' Town audits '1288 05 Superintendent of Poor _ 28 $a• Unpaid ''tax 2 25. Highways and bridges 2,50 00 70 PROCEEDINGS OF ,THE SUPERVISORS. Willard Asylum Overseer of ,Poor 341 74 I50 00 $13393 39 NAWb•1r;r,1). State tax $2040 3o County tax 1874 42 , Town audits 1432 68' Highways and bridges 250 00 Superintendent of Poor zoo 8o - Willard Asylum 51 1 52 Unpaid taxes 21 92 Interest on R. R. bonds. 3206 00 'Susquehanna Valley- Home 9 30 $9496 94 t1LVSsES. State tax $4524 50 County tax 4157 20 Town audits 1156 33 Highways and bridges • 250 00 Willard Asylum ' , 241 48 ' Unpaid taxes 187 58 ` Overseers of Poor 300 00 Interest on R. R. bonds 3730 33 Superintendents of Poor 150 00 Canandaigua Home ., .. . . . . . ... . . . .. . . . . 104 00 Ithaca Hotne 25 00 Susquebanna Valley Home 105 57 $14931 99 Mr. Tarbell appeared before the Board and asked that it pay him for the coal used in the County Clerk's office during - his term as County Clerk. -On motion adjourned till Saturday, Dec. 22d at II o'clock. - G;g 1 I'ROCi- EDIN(;S O1 THE SUPERVISORS. TWENTY-FIFTH DAY. SATTJRPAV, Dec. 22, I$SS. MORNING SESSION. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of the preceding meeting were read and approved. ?Ir. Boice offered the following resolution, which, on motion' of Mr. Kennedy was adopted unanimously : Wi-tnx.E,As, In looking over the assessment of the town of Caroline, there appears upon the assessment roll of the town of Caroline the sum of twenty - live hundred dollars exempt from taxation for ministerial exemptions, therefore be it Resolved, That the town of Cscroline receive from the County of Tompkins $11.30 with interest for one year from the adjournment of this Board. Mr.. Bailey offered the following resolution, which on niotion of kr. 'Todd 'vas adopted : • Resolved, That the County Treasurer he authorized to advance to the town of Enfield f3o.00 out of the court expenses, the said County Treasurer to be re- imhursed next year or to he adjusted from the Willard fund belonging to 'said town. Mr. Bailey, of the special committee on sheriff's and re- corder's bills, submitted his report, which on motion of Mr. Kennedy,, was laid upon the table until the afternoon session. • On motion adjourned. AFTERNOON SESSION. Roll call. All members present. Mr. Boice presented the following resolution, and Mr. Bailey moved its adoption : t 72 PROCEEDINGS of THE SuPERvISORs. \VHERI S. The services rendered to David M. Dean in assistance to District Attorney Smith, and such service bill was audited and ordered pair[ by Judge Smith, by order on County 'Treasurer ; and such order not Irving given by any distinction of law, but by precedent, it is not in the opinion of this Board in ac- cordance with Chapter 196, Laws of 1882, conferring the auditing power upon the Board of Supervisors. Therefore be it Resolved, Should future occasions require such assistance to be rendered to the District Attorney, the bill for cost and expenses arising from such assistance shall be presented to the Board of Supervisors, and such compensation shall be deemed sufficient, audited by them before,being paid bv the County 'Treasurer. The Chairman ordered the aves and,Ilay's, which resulted as follows Ayes—Bailey, Boice, Brown, Prost, Kennedy, Pierson, Sea - bring and Todd. Nays—None. Dr. Seabri.ng offered the .following ,resolution, which on Itlotion of Mr. Bailey was adopted : Resolved, That in case of any deficiency ill amounts appropriated for the State Charitable Institutions that the County Treasurer he authorized to pay 'the same from the Court fund. Mayor Stewart and several other members of the Common Council then appeared before the Board in regard to the em- ployment of prisoners. The report of Mr. Bailey was taken from the table, and on motion of Mr: Kennedy was referred to the Supervisor from En- field for further consideration, and to be reported at the next an- nual session. IIi-. Kennedy offered the following resolution, which on . motion of Mr. Jones was adopted : Resolved, That the thanks of this Board be extended' to the Ithaca Journal Association for their courtesy in furnishing the Daily Journal throughout the session to each member of the Board. 1 a 0 1 1 PROCx:i;DI\GS OF TI'II: SUPI',RvI } RS. 73 • • Dr. Seabring offered the following resolution which on motion of Mr. Frost was adopted : Resolved, That the thanks of this Board are due to ,:hairnian Pierson for the impartial -manner in which his decisions have been r7 ndered and his cour- tesy and fairness to the members of this Board dtiriiig the Present session. Mr. Todd offered the following resolution,}�n-hicll on motion of Mr. Boice was adopted : f solved. That we hereby extend to our Clerk our Beal,} thanks, auil our appreciation of the efficiency anal uniform kindness with NS.hicliiie has discharged the duties of his office. 'rite members duly prepared and sighed the tax wants, and there being no further business before the Board, the iniiitttes of the day's proceedings were read and approved, and on motion the Board adjourned, sinc rfic. C. B. DISH, Clerk. 0 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SUPERVISORS. 75 19 Andrits SI Church, supplies 64 rho 64 OS 20 Gen. W. Teeter, coroner's jury 2 00 I 00 21 1). 11. Stringham; filing stamp 7 50 7 50 22 J. M. Creque, constable 6 45 6 45 23 J7 FlickitlAcr,'ex. in lunacy 8 oo 8 txr 24 Andrus & Church, supplies and stationery 2 02 2 02 25 Haskin &•Todd, supplies 14 95 14 95 26 I1. Bool,-waste basket and work 1 55 . 1 55 27 F. 1'. Randolph, work and supplies 17 �5 17 15 28 C. J. Romsey & Co., supplies 4 13 4 13 29 John G. I,atttkin, coroner's jury 1 00 1 00 30 E. S. Ticliinor & Sou, repairing cots for jail and supplies 19 5o 19 50 - 31 I Doctor 'rubel], coroner's jury - 4 00 2 00 32 C. 13. Brown. repairing clock in County Clerk's office 2 00' 2.00 33 J. W. Bowser, coroner's jury t l 1 00 34 Wm. Singer, 1 1xix1 1 00 • 35 N. F. Lyon, 1 00 1 00 36 Trenton, Waterman . Co., materials and work for jail to 89 to 89 37 Mosher Weaver, coroner's jury t 00 t 00 38 Alonzo Fritts, coroner's jury, assigned to 1,. R. Lyon - 1 00 1 00 39 Wttt. W. Clark, „ :` 1 00 ` I '00 40 Chas.. A. Baker, " 1 00 1 00 41 Bloom 3,altarre, `. .. " - ,`. 1 00 1 00� 43 C. C. Cook, M. I).; expert in Barber triat 105,00 70 00 - 44 David Brill • 45 J. Davis Or.nuto, autopsy, assigned to W. A. J. Ortntut .lo oo to oo. 46 E. J. Morgan, M. 1)., expert on Barber trial 30 00 16 00 47 Benj. Sheldon, coroner's jury 2 0(4 2 00 �t I). F. Bower, 2 00 2 00 49 F. Minealt 1 00 1 00 3o 1'. S. Crego, M. 1)., expert on Barber trial 495 00 145 00 51 Ithaca Water Works Co., water - 170 rx0 170 01) • 52 W. IV. Sherwood, coroner's jury 1 00 1 00 53 Oliver R. Cady, 2 00 2 0o 54 1). C. McGregor, z tx 2 oa 55. Samuel McKee, `: . " 2 00 2 1°)('-') 56 C. E. Van Cleef, ex. in lunacy .i on 3 /)0 57 Wni. E. Davenport, constable to on 8 70 58 Albert Van Aitken, assigned to J. M. Heggie 5 35 5 35 59 H. H: Miller. 3 20 . 3 20 6o 20 .95 i6 65 76 PROCEEDINGS OF THF. SUPERVISORS. 61 S. G. Williams, constable, 6 5o 6 50 62 V. L. Tarbell, 1 95 i 6o 63 Prank ldarring. 2 10 1 '$n 64 J. C. ',armor, 24 05 1 S 40 65 J. F. Tetley, " assigned to W. H. Willson 51 55 5T 55 66 H. H. Miller.. 2 5o 2 40 67 18 95 18 95 6S , 7 30 6 sic, 69 T. U. Sint:ehaugh. 1 25 1 25 70 J. P. Tetley, assigned to W. H. Willson 18 3o 18 o5 71 1, ,1 ;<l 65 33 65 72 Patrick Mnrray, 2 35 2 35 !3 .J. P. Tetley, assigned to W. H. Willson 9 15 9 S5 74 „ 1 3 75 1.3 75 75 John Johnson, 1 75 1 75 76 '• ° .` •, 20 00 20 00 77 H. H. Miller 10 60 10 60 78 „ 900 900 79 10 80 to So • tin 9 So 9 80 81 E. P. Weaver, 49 24 48 54 82 A. A. Raskin, " 6 5o 6 50 83 Nathan Thompso11, 2 45 1 .85 84 F. L. Tarbell, 3 05 3 05 S5 S. L. Fisher, hill returned 86 A. Suyder, justice of the peace S7 A. L. Smiley, SS Spence Silencer, jttstice, assigned to Wm. H. Willson 7 55 7 55 S9 • Raymond L. Smith, justice 34 05 34 05 90 Jason Merrill, justice [1 So 1 1 So 91 J. W. Tibbetts, sheriff, assigned to J. H. Reggie 62 95 62 91 92 ., ,: ,: ., .. 107 25 107 25 1 93 E. 1'. Houton, under Sheriff 251 40 250 4]) 94 N. Underwood, deputy sheriff 16 50 16 50 95 Weekly Ithacan, printing 9 30 9 30 96 Chas. 1-i. Rillick, printing and hook for clerk's office 12 50 12 50 97 „ 29 50 29 50 98 Andrus & Church, printing and stationery 24 30 24 91 99 7 25 7 25 too 5. P. Sackett, ex. in lunacy 6 00 6 no 6 So 6 3o PROCEEDIT4GS OF 'THE SII1 1 VISORS. \ 77 tot. Judson Beach, coroner 76 55 76 50 102 F. B. Howes,.work - 4 50 4 50 , [03 Albert Van Aukcn, cor's jury, assig'ed to J. M. I-Iegg'ie 1. 75 - 1 75 104 J. 1-I. Jennings, assistant district attorney [0o o0 52.00 / 105 Wul. Fitch, M. D., ex. in lunacy l 5 00 3 00 , *1o6 D. F. ]`inch, stationery and Supplies 6:1 30 64 30, 107 Feltz & Miller, supplies - _ 2 05 . 2 05 ` io6 Daniel Sullivan, coroner's jury- rrcxl . 1 00 709 1)ainiel Sullivan ' 110 "'Judson Beach, M. 1)., ex. ill lunacy 4 00 ' 4 00 11 o A. Van Aitken, constable i 70 ' 1 70 112 Omar Mulks, constable ' 1 17 55 17 55 0 113 Eugene Terry, I 1 10 11 to 114 S. D. Bailey, constable, assigned to W. II. Wilson 28 25 . 28 25 1 s5 Theron D. Davis " 21 05 21 05 116 Otis E. Wood '11 50 11 50 , 1 20 M. N. Tompkins, justice 37 25 37 25 21 City of Ithaca, services of Recorder 78.30 1 76 55 122 " ' • for services of Police 33 95 33 75 , 123 " for transporting prisoners 224.00 224 00 124 John Goodyear, M. D.,' ex. in lunacy 7 60 7 60 125 F. A. Sherman, Overseer of Poor 1 S• 05 18 05 126 M. D. Goodyear, autopsy ! 2 25 /2 25 127 C. \V. Hall, team for coroner's jury 3 1x1 . 3 00 128 G. M. Beckwith, M. D., autopsy, assig'll to V. R. Atti•ood 1' 10 00 10 00 129 j. T. Morrison, supplies 9 13 9 13 130 White & Burdick, supplies 9 78 9 78 t 131 Hnz & Miller, toilet paper 2 OCT 2 00 132 Tremau, King & Co., supplies for jail and clerk's ollice , 110 82 110 82 133 jo11n'Tyler, Special County Judge : 208 33' 000 cx1 134 Henry Larnlor, cor'oner's jury 4 00 4 00 135 J. B. l>erguson, " " 4 00 4 00 '' 136 George Hart, 2 00 2 00. 137, John Mct;lhany., 4 00 4 00 138 G. M. Rockwell, to meet Ithaca Trustees 4 92 4 92 , 139 J. J. Montgomery, ]lost mortem examination 5 00 5 00 • I' 00 1 00 140 Charles Murphy; coroner's jury 141 Geo. E;. Monroe, counsel to coroner 142. Isaac Holton, coroner's jury 143 J. T. -Howe, 144 H. A. Mosher, l0 00 10 0U 00 J 00 1 00 1 00 I U0 1 01) 1• O 75' PROCEEDINGS OF THE,SCFPERVISORS. • 145 E. Sisson, coroner's jurv, 1 00 -1 c10 ' 146 • W. 1. Sherwood, " 1 0o 1 00 . 147 S. R. Wicks, " 1 00 100 148 M. Atwater, " 1,60 1 60 149 A. H. McKean, " e 1 00 1 00 4/ 156 J. R. Emery " ] 00 1 00 151.• J. H. Jennings, 1 00 1 00 152 Mrs. 1]. E. Mason, ex. in .unaeY 7 60 7 6o 153 CharIes Winters, opening grave 5 00 5 00 134 C. W. Hall, coroner's jury -.I 00 - 1 00 155 N. A Collins, ' ` r 00 1 00 156 N. Underwood, , 1,00 . 1 00 157 • F. R. Atwood, " 1 o0 1 00 158 'Sar i W. Hyde, " 1 0o i 00 l59 John- Flickeuger, coroner 58 15 55 15 16o A. Blakeslee, re -painting sign for surrogate 2 00 200 r" 161 George`E. Monroe, justice 30 25, 30 25 162 A. Minturn, work 011 jail 6 40 6 4o 163 Elias. Smith, Snperinteudent of Poor 229 45 226 45, b 264 Solomon Howe, referee ' 9 00 9 00 167 Thomas L. Fisher, constable 13 25 13 25 168 Ithaca Journal Association, printing proceedings !, 385 00 383 00 169- " ' printing 261 45 259 70 i7! W. H. Barr, M. Il., attending inquest 5 00 5 r 0 171 E. C.:Stewart, supplies - 10 53 Io 53 172, J. K. Follett, sheriff 1273 50 1273 50 • 173 567 79 567 54 174 Johii Johnson, constable, assig'd to 8. J. Rolfe ' 11 85 -11 85 • 175 1 05 1 05 176 Winton & Stewart, soap for jail 300 8 oo 177 F. A. Kerst, ex. in lunacy _ 3 00. 3 017 178 E. H. Lord, coroner's jury 4 00 4 (10 , 179 A. J. Dewitt, 100 100 f _180 31. B. Van Buskirk,' ex. in lunacy 16 00 13 00 1ST W. H. •Lockerby, 16 00 12 80 182 J. C. Van Auken, livery 20 00 17 cw 183 John Van Auken, coroner's jury 1 00 °1 00 184 T. J. Bierce, constable 185 Frank Carpenter, constable 15 65 9 o5 .rS6 E. E. Fortner, coroner's jury 2 00 2 110 r 17,2 • 1�12OCFEDI NGS o> TFiI SUPERVISORS. , 187 Ithaca Journal, printing session laws 188 Ithaca Democrat, printing , 189 Chas. H. Tarbell, constable' 190 11. H. Miller, constable, assig'd to C. E. Still 191 Marsh•& Hall, supplie's for jail' [92 193 D. B. 13aucus, coroner's jury 194 Seaman Bros., livery 195 George,Muir, constable [96 J. 13..Van Denlark, constable 197 Monroe M. Sweetland, County. Clerk 198 George E. Goodrich, counsel 199 S. A. Seabring,, M. D., for professional services •200 John McArthur, coroner's jury 201. Chas. J. Sperry, 202 Wn. 203 S. P. Sacket, ex. in case of lunacy 204 M. M. Sweetland, County 'Clerk - 205 P. J. Parteuheisner estate, past County Clerk 206 Silas Hovencanlp, snaking draft ou Mason house 207 J. W. Strowbridge 208 Ithaca Journal, printing official CanV1[SS 209 Ithaca Democrat, " 210 Frank Barber, constable ,211 Horatio Brown, Coroner's jury 212 A. H. Pierson, expenses to Rochester 213 Dr. E. Baker, ex, in lunacy 214 Dr. J. A. Lewis, " ' " 215 C. B. Fish, expenses of committee Lo \Villanl' 216 James Boice, Supervisor 217 • F. A. Todd, " 1 g J, H. IiC'IEIieYly, " 219 . D. W. Bailey, 220 J. W. Jones, 221 G. W. Frost, 222 Horatio Brown, 223 S. A: Seabring, 224 A. H. 'Pierson, " i 79 476 00 476 00 822 85 SI1'5o 5 45 5 45 18 65 15 45 61 50 61 5o r 6a 1 6o 1 00 1 00 10 01) 10 oo 525 ' 400 12 40 12 40,' 0 611 2I 611 21 10 00 10 00 500 500 I oo 1 00 2 00 2 00 .1 00 1 00 6 00 6 oo 469 21 469.21 121 75 121 75 2 50 2 50 60 Go 99 90 99 90 99 90 99 90 3 65 3 15 1 001 00 925` 9 25 3 00 3 00 300 ' 3 cxo • 12 Go 12'60 97 02 97 02 97 55, 97 55 ] 11 28, -111 2y 96 32 - 96 32 107 66 107 66 '124 00 124 (10 102 24 102 24 89 56 89 56 lob 31 106'31 $11856 82 k10302'57 �(1 Eyauv • a0� .o�� r (1 td C Jv ; Vs 1) y O O C u y 0 0 C71 :13 V C ry J,1-43-1 `- A Y y m vU-. G w.y C7 0 ro C� G1� 0 • C � y C Viz m 4 D c Cao C y Cn v7� v 0 t':36:2 .. C row coc.)oz. C O� •O• .� E 6) y a (l1 1.1 V C'! O,y .�. r ? r C C J y • w C 0 a� w � ca zy m % V C cl E 167 Q O cl -0 0 0 O w y O • E,0 M U cW O PRQCE,EDINGS OF THE 5UPF,RVISQRS. .(la�!loads -as suntol lean,+as ag3 .703 Jt op asp up 7rel .{o al1Zl lScH aainzag . lunezny S'.So�x 6oC qs: "sy.an3tpuadn',I Pae saa!n.caS s«oanalpaS3p -xtiy %u!pualx jT pue Ira luau1ssassy 3n!rldop al!lQ tad slug) g `7!sor4A aall!wzun7 aEra[?I'i 'dEC] sad oo4: `uo!lesuaclmop ilu!saa Jt reppds. pne js°A1 aall!7uuzo) l�lz:t 5.(E(1 sad slug) 8 ;e aeal!lA e fa person, with- 073. 0 r_ • "Suo sad aa -E% 11 .ueousuadusop •uo!ssaS luno -uv •psues“ c{lent sSuCl ..S.MSS1A -1117 .(luno) tp!.M s.(E(1 SUP1JtV ISORS. z A �SSXxs�8��S A,mmxCE,CFxx _z t PRUcEEDINGS OF '1'11Ii, S1JPI RVISORS. 81 • TOWN AUDITS. CAROLINE. Abstract of the names of Ill persons who presented accounts to be audited by the .Iioarcl of Town Auditors of the tdwn of Caroline, N. V., on the 8th clav of November, 1888, with the • amount claittled by each and the amount audited and allowed each. No. Nantc. Nature 01 service. Claimed. Allowed.. 1 1 George Wolcott, clerk of election Dist. No. 3 $ 4 00 $ 4 00 . 2 Spencer H. Jansen, Inspector and Messenger to Super- visor, Dist. No. 3 6 no - 6 00 3 William Wolcott, Inspector anti Messenger, Dist. No. 3 9 56 f 9 56 4 Ricll;3.rd Whittaker, foil Clerk, Dist. -No. 1 4 00 4 00 j V. N. Patch, " c' ii No, i 4 00 4 00 6 -.John Davis, Inspector, Dist. No 1 4 00 4 co 7 Wtn. Ii. Whitley, Inspector, Dist. No. 1 ., 4 00 4 00 S L. 13. Phillips, Inspector awl Messenger, DAt. No. d 10 45 . 10 45 9 h. A. Show, Commissioner of Excise 3 01) ,3 00 to J. L. -Mandeville, " 6 co 6 co ii Geo. I. Harris, Overseer of i'our 34 74 34 74 12 Simeon Smith, legal services. 12 25 12 25 13 Geo. II. Richardson, Inspector Dist. No. 3 4 00 4 co 14 H. fl:T11oinas, ex -Commissioner of Highways i0 0o to 00 15 R. L. Denman, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 3 4 0o 4 110 . 16 Wm. E. Davenport, constable t So 1 So 17 Chas. H. Randall. Inspector and stationery-, 2,1 Dist. 4 50 4 50 IS C. M. Rlewer, Poll Clerk, 24 Dist. 4 00 4 00 t ti 82 PROCEEDINGS OF THF SUPERVISORS. 19 William Jones, Assessor 20 R. Johnson, M. D., birth and death certificates 21 C. Lonnsbery, Assessor 22 1-I. H. Robinson, excess tax 23 David Sullivan, 24 J. O. Lillibridge, Poll Clerk, 2d I_)ist., and stationery 25 Johnson Quick, Commissioner of Highways 26 Arthur Beseuler, Inspector and Messenger, 21 Dist: 27 Alfred Lawrence, Inspector, 26 Dist. 28 Francis Earsley, Assessor 29 A. B, Woodworth, marriage certificates . 3o Geo. C. `Whitley, Overseer of Poor 31' H. I). Foote, use of Hall for election 32 R. f;. Brink, " 33 L. D. flacon, use of Mall for election and torn meeting and ttiaking'ballot box 34 F. S. Roberts. horse injured in bridge 35 J. K Vandemark, Constable J. W. Gass. et Justice, assigned to \V. V. Pei -myth -Is 37 W. V. l'etsonius, Justice • 38 John J. ['eters, " 39 R. G. H. Speed, ex-Superz isor 40 James Boice, Supervisor .41 •F. B. Lounsbery, Town Clerk. Tans • 34 6o 4 50 75 2 73 .) .)/ 4 25 123 00 9 64 4 0 34, oto S 00 32 00 10 00 10 00 21 00 11x) 00 6 25 24 45 24 85 24 50 12 75 35 28 61 62 34 60 4 5a 30 75 2 .73 3 37 4 25 123 00 9 64 400 34 00 S 00 32 00 S 00 8 on 17 Un 40 00 6 25 24 45 24 8S 24 50 12 75 35'28 61 62 $751 84 P83 84 We the undersigned Board of Town Auditors of the town of Carolinein the county of Tompkins, do hereby certify that the foregoingstatentent of accounts audited be therm at their animal meeting held November 8th, 1888, is correct. JAMES BOICE, Supervisor. JOHN J. PETERS, \\r. V. PY.RSONIus, } Justices. R. G. H. SPEED. 1'. 13. LouNsn}CRv, Town Clerk;. I hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct copy of the original as filed in this office. F. B. LOUNS1Il RV, Town Clerk. .47r, -177"'"7"11171111r 41, PROCF,F.,DI\GS' OF i'rn SUPERVIsoi s, S -'.i A I)J)1 1) BV R1?SOL1UT1ON l)1 TrilS FIOA RD. 42 Orson Snow. ex-Conslahle 43 0. T..), Mulks 44 . John Cross, Justice of the Peace $:560 6560 525 525 6 o0 6 on 5r6 8,5 $16 85 Certificates of sheep damage credit by Town hoard Nov. Silt, r888: !,antuel Jones, $ 1[ on $i t nr. 1)AN13V. Abstract of the names of all persons who presented accounts to be audited by the Board of town Auditors of the town of ' Danby, ori the SLIT day of November, 1888, with the amount: claimed by each, t[n.l the amounts audited and allowed each. No. , N i[ne. Nature of service. Claimed. Allowed. c• 1 C.-c.o. M. liieaker, balance on road scraper $ 155 33 $ 155 35 2 Geo. M. Meaker. Road Commissi(ner hill 101 20 101 20 3 0. S. Jennings, Inspector of election 400 400 4 Ithaca Journal Ai1ociation,.for printing election notices 1 50 1 50 5 R. A. Grant, Assessor's hill 23 60 23 6o _- 6 L. L. Beers,' Iiupectclr' Clerk of election 4 00 • 4 00 7 D. W. Giilow,•Inspec.tor's Clerk 4 00 ' q 00 5 I). M. Kellogg, 4 00 4 00 g C. A. Decker, Inspector of election , 4 00 4 00 to Cortland Mynard, Inspector and Messenger 9 So 9 So I r A J. Suyder, inspector of election 4 00 4 00 12 C. F. Mix, Clerk of Assessors lull Inspectors 10 00 10 on 13 Fred Van Etten, refunded dog tax 50 50 [4 T. J. Bierce, Constable hill, assigned to W. Ii. Willson 4 00 4 00 [5 M. A. Freers, Inspector of election 4 00' 4 00 r6 1. 3. Smith, recording marriages 1 50 • 1 50 - 17 L. B. Beer's, Assessor's hill 20 00. ', 2o. on , IS -Jacob Wise, Justice bill rI 75 Jt 75 • Jgc F. A. Todd, Supervisor's bill . 37 27 37 27 1 0 P 1 84 PROCF,F;DINGS OF THE SUPERVISORS. 20 J. J. Miller, Justice hill 21 S. D. Sincehaugli, Constable bill 22 Jeremiah Thatcher, Justice bili i 23 2.1 J. J. Miller, 25 Chas. Howland, " 26 Joseph Blauvelt, poor hill 27 W. T. Ke1logg,.11all rent for election 28 M. A. 1)uniolid, Health Officer 29 M. A. Dimond, recording births 3o C. F. Mix, Town Clerk's bill r• ; r Shelden ilierce, Overseer of Poor bi I I 32 J. E. Beers, medical service for poor 33 J. E. Beers, ex -Supervisor 34 W. G. Fish, Inspector and Messenger 35 J. 1). Fish, refunded dog lax S Soo 11 15 11 15 4 • 1r 00 '11 00 13 20 13 20 6 So 6 So .12 41) 12 40 3 no 4 tx) 4 00 2 00 2 00 5 00 5 1x1 .5(80 5 1 S0 14 OD 14 00 25 50 25 50 Eco 6uo y48 948 2 50 2 ,50 $123 28 5120 28 1Fe the undersigned Town Board of Danby. Tompkins county, do certify that the foregoing statement of accounts represent the amount of claims, and the amount allowed by us this Silt din• of November, rSSS. F..8. TODD, Supervisor. C. F. Mix, Town Clerk. C11.‘121,n1.: HOlyi,.lxi., j ]011x J. M11.1.i R, t!- ustice.. J�+Ri:atl:tri 1'H_1 •rC 11�R. JACOB wisp.; ADDED BY RESO1,UTi02 Or THE; B0ARD. 37 Horace Elyea, Assessor 20 00 DRYDEN. Abstract of the names or all persons wlto presented bills to Board of town Auditors of the town of Dryden on the 8t11 da.; of November, 1888, with the amounts claimed by each -and the 0 , amounts finally allowed. a 4 PROCEEDINGS i)1' '1'131? SI3PEi2VISORS. $j No.. Nance. Nature of service. Claimed, Allowed. H. A. Stewart, Inspector 2 N. R. 3IcCutcbeou, Inspector 3 11. P. Bonfield, Clerk 4 J: B. Middaugh, Inspector 5 Joseph Snyder, Clerk 6 E. E. Ellis, 7 1`rank Sheldon; 1nlpecLor 8 W. W. Sherwood, Clerk 9 Edwin Snyder, iuspectgr to Edward Gaston, "- 11 George K Goodrich, Clerk 12 I). R. Montgomery, Inspector 13 W. 13. McClintock 14 Daniel White, 15 N. C. French 16 J. M..Carr, Clerk 17 C. F. Bills, 18 Edward Darling, Inspector 19 Frank S. Brown, " 20 Fred C. 11linneall, 21 Jerome Heffron, for chasing 1-i. Pew 22 Henry tiewlnali, use of house for election 23 Gardiner Gibson, use of house for town purposes 24 Theron Morris, use of house for election 25 Village of DrydeIl, 115e of -Town Mall 26 Chas. F. Snyder, excess of dog tax 27 Russell Nest, Constable 28 N. 11. Slinncah, Excise COnn111Ssioner 29 Orson 1,idher, Asscseor for 1888 30 G. M. Watson, Excise Commissioner 31 8.1M. Smiley, Assessor 32 A. S. Siniley, justice 33 Bradford Snyder, Overseer of four 34 N. H. Thompson, Constable 35. A. H. Hoskin 36 W. E. Brown, Justice 37 Alviras Snyder, " 38- Dr. Horner Genuug J9 Dr. J. Beach $ 9 32 .b 9 32 4 00 4 00 4 00... 4 00 5 00 5 00 425 425 4.35 4 35 4 00 4 00 4 O0' 400 5 00 5 00 9 00 9 IX1 4 55 4 55 11 46 11 46, 400 400 40x1. 400 400 400 6 00 4 Oct. 4 25 4 25 400 4 00 4 00 4 .00 9 72 9 72 25 00 10 00 10 00 30 c.)0 30 00, 10 00 10 00 10 11(1 10 00 3 50 3 50 • 1 � OU 3 ov 6 oo 6 co 52 0), 52 00 300 300 56 oo 56 oo 11 50 11 50 48 00 48 oc1 4 0 4 00 5 00 2 06 15 55 15 55' 50 90 50 90, 71 �5 71 25i 10I 25 94 50 1 86 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SUI'>HRVISORS. 40 Dr. W. Fitch 41 Geo. H. Houtz, 'Town Clerk 42 C. B. Snyder, 43 Geo. E. Underwood, justice 44 Dr. J. Beach, -Reg, B. M. D. 45 Benjamin Sheldon, Assessor 46 J- veral F. Weaver, Constable 47 J. C. Larnior, • 48 " Overseer of I'oor 49 Dr. J. J. Montgomery - 50 Dr. J. J. Montgomery, Reg, M. B. 1). 51 E. R. Sherwood, Commissioner of I-Iighways 52 T. A. Gifford, use of house for election 53 Geo. Si. Rockwell, Supervisor 54 G. C. Sweet, Undertaker 55 J. H. Kennedy, Supervisor 56 Estate of A. Stickels, for since 57 Geo. E. Monroe, Justice 58 Solomon L. Howe, Commissioner of Highway's 59 Solomon L. Howe, Commissioner of Highways expenses 6o Dr. Geo. L. Roocl 21 00 1 I 50 21 85 21 85 33 40 33 40 ]4 0o 14 00 3 25 3 25 62 00 62 00 40 50 32 5o 4 40 4 40 30 00 30 00 .10 50 10 50 z 75 2 75 46 00 46 00 10 00 10 00 12 42 12 42 72 00 72 00 54 76 54 76 20 25 20 25 27 50 27 50 245 14 245 14 531 00 J31 00 47 50 44 50 $1.764 25$1,710 92 J. 13. KENNEDY, Supervisor. GE0. E. MoNKoi;, ti ARTI,Mus Sii1IL1?S', U'a1. E. BkowN, Justices. AI,v1RA5 SN'YDER, ' GEO. UNDERWOOD, C. B. Sxv!,1 k, Town Clerk. I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the 'Town Audita as audited by the Town hoard Nov. 8th, 1888. C. B. SNYI:)1",R, Town Clef.. A11D10) 13V RESOLUTION' OF '1118 HOARD. 61 A. A. Haskin 62 Wm. Grover 63 A. S. Smiley 64 John Goodyear 45 A. 11. Ford $ 1 00 3 00 2 50 1 CO 3 50 Puocriuirkos os THE SUPERVIS0101'. 87 66 G. V., Reichel 67 Elliott E. Fortner 68 J. H. Kennedy 89 J. J, Montgomery EN l<IEI,I). 1 50 6 o0 .400 1 50 x;24. 00 A list of names of all persons who presented accounts to be audited by the Board of towu Auditors of the town of Enfield on the '8th day'of November, 1888, with the amounts claimed by each and tlle•an ouut audited arid, allowed. No. • Name. r Nature of service. , 1 Geo. W.Budd, ex -Railroad Commissioner` 2 Edgar Brewer, 3 Edwin F. Bailey, Clerk of election 4 J. G. Jones, Jr., Inspector of election 5 James McCracken, Overseer of Poor 6 Munson Potter, Excise Commissioner 7 \Vsn. H, An1111ack, " Charles Miller, Inspector of election 9 Charles F. Stringer, Inspector and Messenger 10 J. G. \Vortnia11, Hall for town purposes 11 Alvah Dodding, Coullnissioner of Highways services 12 •Geo. S. fowler, Assessor 13 J. C. Weatherby, • 4 \Vm. Barber, citizen, 011 Board of Health 0 Fletcher, ex -Commissioner of Highways 16 I,. T. White, Certificates and Health Officer 17 C. E. Georgia, Constable 18 J. W. Worden, " 19 Burr Rumsey, ex -Supervisor 20 Andrus & Church, Assessor's roll 21 J. L. Marshall, Excise COullnissioner 22 W. V. Rumsey, ex -Town Clerk 23 W. V. Rumsey, Town Clerk Claimed. Allowed. 600 $ 600 9 5° 9 50 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 14 0o 14 00 3 00 300 3 oo 300 5 00 5 00 10 89 10 89 25 00 25 00 96,00' 96 00 30 00 30 00 3000, 3000 2 OU 2 00' Boo Soo 925 92,5 85 85 2 00 2 00 14 12 14 12 1 25 1 �5 3.00 300 .14 25 [4 25. '57 00 57 0v 88 PROCEEDING OF THE SIIPERVISORS. 24 J. M. banning, Justice of the Peace •F. B. Aiken, 26 S. M. O1tz, " " 27, \V. F. Smith, Justice and Clerk of election • 2S 1). W. Bailey, Supervisor 19 25 19 25 20 cio 20 00 19 00 19 00 25 56 25 50 26 21 26 221 $464 07 $464 07 We the undersigned, Board of Auditors for the town of infield, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct list of bills presented with the amounts claimed and the amount allowed. D. W. BAILEY, Supervisor. \VM. F. Smrra, 1. B. AIKE;r; rJusliccs. , S. M. OLTZ, J. 11. I, -a xa'N[:, \V. V. RUMS]'., Torso Clerk. ADDED WV RESOLUTION OF THE HOARD, • 29 Richard Griffin, Assessor 30 D. W. Bailey, adding assessment roll Commissioner of Highways he r'esoluti0ci GROTON. •$ 30 00 . 3on $497 07 $250 00 .The following is an abstract of th names of all persons who presented accounts to be audited by the Board of town Auditors of the town of Groton, on the 8th, clay of November, r888, with the amount claimed by each, and the amount finally allowed. ' • No. - Name. Nature of service. Claimed. Allowed. 1 John Goodyear, medical services 2 A. j. Conger, Assessors 3 John,McKeller, " ' 4 Edwin Fish, - " $ 12 00 $ I1 25 26 00 26 00 42 00 42 00 31 00 31 00 i PROCEP,IIINGS OF THE SUPERVISORS. 39 5 Nelson Stevens, Just.icc of the Peace 6 II. S. Hopkins, '' (nine bills) 7 J. M. Montfort, S Newton Baldwin, " "1 9 H. S. Hopkins, services with 'I'ow.11 Boar,} 111 Bratsk Green, excess tax 11 \Vns, D. Baldwin, Commissioner of 1-1igltsvays 2 1-1. B. Stevens, Town Clerk 13 H. R. Stevens, mdse. 14 Newton -Baldwin, Justice of the Peace 15 G. A. Wilson, house rent Shaw 16 G. M. Stoddard, service- verscer of the Poor 17 Daviel Meade, Board of J. 51._`.arLhv 18 Dwight Allen Post, Veteran Relief 9 C. W. Conger .\. Co., mdse. 20 Thomas harry, digging grave for Sirs. McCarthy 21 J. M. Dlontfort, Hulse. • 22 John W. Jones, Supervisor 23 1,. J. Townley, printing for.town 24• Frank Tanner, Inspector of election 4, 25 Chas. Gregg, Inspector of election atol•ltlessettger 26 John Jackson, 27 Othello Dickinson, " 28 James McGrail, " 29 M. D. Pitch, . 30 Allen Howard, " 31 Frank Panghurn, " 32 George B. SickuTaii, •Clerk of election 33 Rich Morgan, 34 Renn. Townley, 35 O. C. Clark, 36 J. II. Gunn, J7 Win. H.'liursshaln, Clerk of election and Assessors 38 Win. Webster, use of Hall 39 A. 13. Rogers, " 1 40 13. R. Nye, 41 E. R. Nye, use of Hall for Court 42 Nelson Underi'ood, Deputy Sheriff • 43 44 Delos Tanner, Constable 45• 10 00 LO 00 4083 4053 16 00 16 0o 19 75 19 75 11 00 , 11 00 15 63 15 63 78 00 78 cio 63 70 63 70 3 50 3 50 620 620 30 00 30 00 2500 250x, 7 00 7 00 150 00 150 00 482 .4 82 1 50 1 50 4015. 4015 �5 21 25 21 22 67 22 67 10 25 10 25 6 00 '6 oo 10011 1000 6 oo 6 00 400 400 400 400 4 00 400 4 00 400 4 25 4 25 1 4 00 400 4 00 400 4 00 4'00 4 25 4 25 10 od To 00 10 00 10 00 8 20 8 20 25 00 35 00 " 5 25 5 25- 975 975' 2 70 2 70 370 370 4 95 4 95- 20 E(1. H. Mowry, " assig'd to' -NP. 1-L"�l'illsoii' c6'oo ' 16 tin 21 51. J. Acton, .. ., .. i6-00 ' ' .16 cx, 22 A. H. Parrott, " " '1'6 u0 16'00 }°l[ILZ' Ball. •• , 20 00 20 00 • PRoc1 rni os Oil THE SUPERVIYSOR_S. 73 Dr. Seabring offered the following resolution, which on motion of Mr. Frost was adopted : • Resolved, 'Chat the thanks of this Board are due to ;Chairman Pierson for the impartial' manner in which his decisions have been rendered and his cour-- • 1 tesv and fairness to the members of this Board tlttriiig t1i present session, r. Todd offered the following resohitiou,':which on motion of I'Ir. Boice was adopted : •h'esolved, ']'hat eve heireby extend to our Clerk our hearty thanks, acid our appreciation of tate efficiency and. uniform kindness with which; \lte has discharged the duties of his office. The members duly prepared and signed the tax wa'r'rants, and there being 110 further business before the .Board, the minutes of the day's proceedings were read and approved, and on 'motion the Board adjourned, sine rfie. r' O C. F. I ISH, Clerk. 6 311 r 4 74 PREEDIXGS ON' TUE SUPERVISORS. i1 COUNTY AUDITS. STATI; OF NEW YORK. Co TV Oft TOa PKENS—BOARD OF SI;I I RVLSORS, � -• • 1 do liete,by certify that'tlie following abstract comprises all the hills ant'] accounts against the County of Tompkins present- ed to the Board of Supervisors of said County at its annual ses- sion Cor the year LSSS, shoving the name of each claimant, the true nature of the account, the amount originally claimed, arid' the amount as finally audited and allowed by said Board. C. P. FISH, Clerk. No. Name. Nature of claim. Claimed. Allowed. ' E. C. '1'ichcnor, coroner's jury, assig'd to J. 51. Reggie $ 5 oo $ 500 2 C. H. Hillick, deed hook and supplies 27 50 27 50 i 15. J. Morgan, 51. I3., examination in lunacy 3 0o 3 00 4 Eugene Baker, M. 1.)., cxf)ert on trial of (Barber 134 00 614 00 5 \V. E. Ford, M. D., ". •• 500 a) 2po a0 6 L. H. Gould., surveying and making map 70 So• 7o So 7 J. 'Flickinger, M. D., expert on Barber trial 39 So So 0o 8 J. Winslow, 1I. ID., 220 40 75 00 a g Wm. C. Wey, M. I)., 350 oo ,75 0a 10 J. W. Brown, M. D., `• .. 120 00 64 00 , ) c J. E. Beers, M. D., 120 00 So 00 13 N. V. C Penn. Telephone Co., rental of telephones & line 42 ac) 42 ex) 15 5. H. Peck, 31. D., ex. in lunacy l 6 o0 6 00 16 Jamieson & McKinney, work and supplies 130 10 130 10 17 J. A. Lewis, ex. in lunacy. 45 10 41 10 IS J. W. Brown, coroner 117 40 117 40 £" `� 3 :' �„y 'g• " P b 4 PROCEEDINGS Oh THE SUPERVISOR. 5 Nelson Stevens, Justice of the. Pace 10 oo 10 00 6 H. S. Hopkins, " (nine dills) ,lo 83 . Flo S,, 7 J. M. Montfort, 1.6 00 16 (X) •;i Newton Baldwin, ''t 19 75 19 75 9 H. S. Hopkins, services With Town Board 11 00 r [I 00 `10 Plrank Greet, excess tax 15 63 t3 63 11 Wm. I), Baldwin, Commissioner of Highways 78 00 78 cio 12 H. R. Stevens, To„°r1 Clerk 63 70 63 70 t3 H. B. Stevens, mdse. 3 50 3 50 14 Newton 'Baldwin, Justice of the Peace 6 20 6 20 15 (3. A., A'Nihon, }rouse rent Shaw 30 07 30 00 16 C.. M. Stoddard, services i01 Overseer of the Pour 25 00 25 00 [7 David Meade, Board of J. McCarthy 7 00 7 o0 18 Dwight Allen Post, Veteran Relief 150 00 t50 00 19 C. W. Conger S Co.. mdse. 4 82 , 4 Sz 20 Thomas Barry, digging- grave for Mrs. McCarthy 1 50 t 50 21 J. M. Montfort, mdse. • 40 15 40 IS 22 JOI1I1 W. Jones, Supervisor '' 25 21 25 21 23 L. J. Townley, printing for, 1011 1 22 67 22 67 24 1ilrattk'father, fuspector of election to 2,5 [o 25 25 Cl aS. Gregg, Inspector of election and•Mcasenger 6 oo f6 00 26 john Jackson, io 00 10 00 27 Otliellol)ickinson, " 6 uo 600 s 28 James McGrail, 4 00 4 00 29 M. D. Pitch, . 4 oo ) 4 00 30 Allen Howard, " 4 0) 4 00 3t Prank Panginiru, } 00 400 32 George B. Sickxua6,.Clerk of electicin ' 4 25 4 25 33 Rich Morgan, "' 4 00 4 00 311 Beim. Townley, " 4 00 4 00 35 O. C. Clark, „ 4 00 4.00 36 J..11. G111111, i ° " 4 25 4 25 37 IVi i. H.'Burnham, Clerk of election and Assessors to ad to 00 38 Wm: Webstei-, use of Hall . Io 00 to 00 39 A. 13. Rogers, " t 8 20' 8 20 40. I. R. Nye, 25 00 25 00 41 E. R, Nye, use of Hall for Court • ' 5 •25 5 2.5 42 Nelson Underwood, Deputy Sheriff 9 75 . 9 75' 43 2 70 2 70 44 Delos Tanner,.Constable 3 70 3 70 45 : 4' 95 4 95. • s 90 PROCEEDINGS OE _TETE, SUPERVISORS. 46 Thomas :Fisher, constable. 47 F. A. Sherman, " • 48 Overseer of Poor 19 1'oor .:Easter` 50 • house rent for Royle: .5 Wni. A. Smith, recording marriages 52 J. H. Sage, 53 C. A. Townley, Commissioner of Excise 54 Geo. M. Beckwith, medical services 55 13. L. Robinson, 56 Miles 0. Goodyear, recording vital statistics 57 • lnledical services 58 fir Chas. Sutliff 5 8o 5 8o 21 40 21 40 27 00 27 CO 10 00 10 00 30 00 30 00 4 75 475 1 25 1 25 ,; 00 5 o0 4 25 4 25 7 2? 7 25 11 50 II 50 58 34 58 34 3 50 3 50 (1,01.7 .5.5 p,T,017 55 We. the undersigned Board of ':'own r t11litors•of the town of Groton. do certify that the above accounts were audited by us this Sth day of November. SSSS. J. W'S''. JONES, Supervisor. N 1?:,SON STIeI-I NS. . 1. M. MONTFORT, j, Justice IL S. HOPK-Ns, NsovTora BALuwrN, Fl. B. ST10,ENS, Town Clerk. l hereby certify the above is a correct copy of bills audited II. B. STEVENS, Tows. Clerk. -Resal; cd, That the following hills he added to the 'fowl' Audits of the Town of Groton. J. 1F. JONES, Supervisor. An11r:D 1lV aESOLOTION 00 Tit:: -HOARD. 59 James Gaston, excess tax 6o A. M.,F3aldwin, registering vital statistics 61 E. G. Galloup, supplies for poor 62 Mount & Moe, 63 Wesley Albright, Inspector and ::Fes,enger 64 Frank J. Tanner, b5 N. Underwood, Constable's services 66 J. W. Jones, footing assessment roll •$_ 1 93 5 25 39 88 3 91 10 00 3 00. 9 45 400 $ 1 93 5 25 39 88 3 91 10 oo ;0n 9 45 4 00, 1'ROCF?ED[\t,5 .01' THE SCPli;IZVISOR5. 67 John Rlaltcharcl,.liigltway Commissioner 68 Mrs. 0..E. Mason, registering 4i.it<al statistics 69' [)r. I?. k. Weaver. - 7o N. k. Streeter, Excise Commissioner 71 E. P,.1[art - ' 1THACA. Soo Soo 1",75 1, 75' 25 .25 00 3 oxo 3 W' 3 Oo `93:42 $9:3 <lz At a meeting of the Board 1.tf Auditors of the town of _Itllaca, held Nov. Stix; 9t11, Ioti1 and tztlt, i888,, at the Towti Clerk's office, the following- accounts were ekatnined, aildited and'al- r lowed or rejected, as stated below. No. .Name. # ' Nature of service. Ciainre61. ` Allowed. • i Chas. 1lillick, registry books, (Lssi<g'd to W. H. Willtioil $ 41 20 $ 4.1 20 2 Andrus S.L'C;hurcll, stationery, etc. 28 37 25 37 Win, J. Totten, copving assessment roll 34 ob 34 00 4 C. J. Riuusey- & Co., hardware . 4 61 4 01 5 'Mcu4erse Van Cleef, counccl ; 00 . :3 oc3 ;6 G. W. Prost, Supervisor 181 .5.5 1 S 1 55 , 7. Julius Casterliue, eri-6ncous'ta1.-: - rr• S r7 54 .8 C. L. Crandall, surceviug .,1.1 o '41 00 . 9 'M.N. Tompkins, counsel 116.6 116 oo ro P. H. Carroll, Inspector's Clerk,essig'd to J. M. Hegkie 16 oo ' ..i6 06 C. H. Wilson, Inspector, assigned to W: H. Willson16`6 n 16 66 r2' J. I). Vorhis, Inspector's Clerk, assig'd to J. M. Heggie " i6 6"o ., 16 66 r3 W. n: Lvov.„ 16 _ r6 00 II.s I'' W. P. rrCc1une, • •` i6 o(i4 IT i6 ori r i E. C. Tichenor, luspnctor, 'i'ii od 16 66 i6 S. B. Rolfe ” " ... 16.60 • ` r6 00 6'OJ 'i6 d 16 oo - r6 oo 36 do • • 36 cici assig'd to'W. H. Willsoii" "i6o6 i6 6c1. 'i6:66 16 0'0 i6 cio . ' 16 66 ._- 17 Chas. Terwilliger, 03 C. I.,. 'raliet, 1.5; Louis Coryell, 26; ]?d. FL Mowry, 21 .111. J. a(t"oti, 22 A. H. Parrott, 23. 1'liiaq t- a11, • 215 150 H2O cid 0 92 PROCEEDINGS OE THE SUPERVISORS. 24 W. F. \IcClune, Inspector's Clerk - 20 00 20 00 25 John Kelchner, Inspector 20 00 20 00 26 W. H. Lyon, . assig,to W. H. Willson 20 00 20 0 27 C. L.,Taber, _ d 0 t '. 20 00 20 00' 28 R. W. Sheffer,�Inspcctor's Clerk, "' 20 00 20 00 29 F. A. Van Vradenhurg, Inspector, " " 20 00 20 00 30 Holmes Hollister, t 6 15) 16 00 31 E. P. Davenport, assig'd to 1. M. Reggie 1.6 -0o 16 oo 32 J. H. Tichenor, Inspectors Clerk, " 20 '00 20 00 33 J. W. Clawson, " " 20 00 20 m 34 - J. W. Clawson, Inspector,, r6 oo 16 oo• • 35 E. J. Brown, Inspector's Clerk, 16 no 16 00 36 .E. J. Brown, Inspector, 20 xi 20 00 37 R. G. Hagin; Inspector's Clerk, " 20 00 20 00 38 H, G. Hagin, .. 16 00 r6 00 39 C. A. Van Vradenhurg, Inspector. " 16 00 t6 00 40 Frank E. Price; rent poling place. • • 20 00 20 00 41 H. W.- Stephens, " r 20 ai 20 00 42 1)- M. Fowler, Inspector 36 00 36 oo 4,3 11. S. Wright, Inspector's Clerk• 36 oo ;6'00 44 M. J. Acton,• 20 00 20 00 45 Sprague Steamer Co. No. 6, rent polling place 40 00 40 00 46 N. T. Mabee, carting ballot boxes 4 50 4 50 47 J• F. Tetley, Constable. assig'd to W. H. Willson 6 5o 6 50 48 Patrick Murray, 3 40 .3 -40 49 Patrick Murray, " .. 8 65 8 65 jo Patrick Murray,. 12 00 12 CO 51 John Johnson, 2 6n • 2. 6o 52 E. G. Phelps, 660 660 53 J. P. Tetley, 6 4o 6 4o 54 J. F• Tetley, " 4 25 4 25 55 J. F. Tetley, 9 90 9 90- 56 Patrick Murray, 4 00 4 00 57 Patrick Murray, " 9 20 '9 20 58 John Johnson. •. 9 30 430 59 John Johnson, - assig'd' to M. N. Tompkins 8 40 8 40 6o Rich'd Emmons, PoliceConstable, ". " 9 '35 9 35 6r John Johnson, Constable. assig'd to W. H. Willson 2.95 .2 95 62 -H. H. Miller, t8 &o TS 5 63 •4.1. R.; Miller, . '• •8 4o R 4o • 0 PROCI;I?DIN0S O1~ THE SUPERVISORS. ' 64 H. IL Miller; Constable, 65 H. H. Miller, • 66 H. H. Miller, 67 H. H. Miller, 68 T. J. Bierce, 69 Willis Morton, Inspector' 7o C11as. Hunt, ' 7 1 Robert Reed; Inspector 72 H. H. Miller, Constable, 73 H. H. Miller, 74 H. H. Miller, 75 O. P. Hyde, Inspector's Clerk 76 Robert Reed, Inspector 77 C. H. Slocum, { 78 John Barden, 19 O. 1'. Hyde, Inspector's Clerk So Chas. Slocum, Inspector 31 Johrl.Barden, " 82' Stephen Kennedy, Assessor 8, S. J. McKinney, Inspector, assig'd to Robt•• Reed 84 J. A. Fisher, Town Clerk -85 J. A. Fisher, " " 86 "E. M. 'Latta, Inspector .87 E. T. Heustis, " 88 J. A. Fisher, Town Clerk, assig'd to \V. H. 'Willson t. 89• 'J. H. Ticheltor, Inspector's Clerk, assig'd to C. J. kumsev 90 - J. G. Burns, 91 John Spence, Inspector, assig'd to W. H. Willson 92 J. C. Warren, , 93 J. A. Tompkins, " 94 John Hook, Excise Commissioner - . 95 J. Will Tree, registration books y6 M. N. Tompkins, Justice of the Peace 97 Geo. Small, lumber 98 ' L. F. Colegrove, Commissioner of Highways 99 A. L. Chipman, snaking ballot boxes 10o T. Hollister & Son, lumber 101 Treman, Ding & Co., hardware .102 Reynolds & Lang, repairs '1o3 Weekly Ithacan, .printing • assig'd to W. 11. \'L'illson • • s Clerk, assig'd to Robt. Reed rr 5 15 7 •65 390 2 00 6 05 16 00 assig'd to C. 0. Selover 20 00 16 00 2 20 5 95 8 70 20 00 20 00 16 00 16 oo 16 16 oo 16 20 CO 20 20 00 20 2 00 2 16 00 117 92 31 25 400 4 16 00 • 16 142 00 142 16 6o 16 36 00 36 t6 00 16 16.00' 16 X36 ao .. 36 48 00 _48 6 50 .6 • 139 00 139 4937 338 00.. 15 76 13 8 15 12' 10 . 38 75 assig'd to .\V. H. Willson.. 93 3 15 7'65 3 90 2 1)0 6 16 20 16 2 5 3 20 20 16 05 00 00 o0 20 95 90 00 00 00• 00 , 00 00 (5) 16 00 119 31 49 338 76 8 i2 10 38.75 92 ?5 1x1 oho 00 oo oo oo 6o 0v (Jo 1 50 00 37 00 25 13 15 94 PROCEEDINGS OF THE STJI'14-`,ELVISORS. • 104 C. S, AWattles, lithe 105 E. G. Phelps, Constable,, assigned to J. 51. Reggie sob C. W. Hausner, 107 Fred Labar, Town Clerk ° 1o8 Enz & Miller, stationery - i119 Martin Besemer, Health Officer 110 H. H. Miller, Constable, assig'd to W. H. Willson . 111 H. 13. Miller, , assig'd to J. M..1-Ieggie 1[2 H. H. Riper, 113 J. J. Williams, inspector's Clerk • 114 Spence Spencer, " assig'd to AW. H. A\iillsiul ,115 John E. McIntosh, Inspector 116 E. P. Davenport, assig'd to J. M. Reggie .117 A ;17, Parrott, assig'd to W. H. Willson 118 E. T. Heustis, Messenger 19 Lehigh Valley Coal Co., coal 120 D. L. & W. Coal Co., coal .121 J. J. Williams, Excise Colunlissiwler 122 A. O. Hart, Excise Commissioner .123 Wm. Mack, Inspector, assig'd to W. H. Willson 124 Spence Spencer; Inspector's Clerk, " t 25 Janleeon & Mcliinney sewer pipe 126 J. H. Collins, Excise Commissioner 127 Luther Lewis, Assessor 128 R. L. Smith, Justice of_the Peace 129 City of Ithaca, Recorder's services 13o City --of Ithaca, Porlice services „131 Spence Spencer, rent.ofTo. wn Clerk's ofliee to Jan1. 1,'8c} 132 Spence Spencer, labor on assessment role 133 Spence Spencer, work on road warrants, assigned to W. H. 'Willson 134 Spence Spencer, Justice of the Pe aee, assigned to W. H. Willson 135 J. A. Lewis, medical services 136 A. J. Evans, recording- marriages 137 John Johnson, Constable, assigned to M. N_ 'Tompkins 138 Eugene Terry, Inspector and copying 139 Eugene Baker. recording births and deaths 140 J. W. Brown, 141 Cavuga'FTose Co. No. 1, rent polling place 17 10 If 10 66x1 - 66o 14 25 14 25 94 31? 94 30 12 01 12 01 50 01) 50 00 -6 6o 6 6o 440 440 70 70 20 00 20 00 206>0 2000 20 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 20 O5) Boo, 800 237 38 237 .35 325 26 325 26 51 00 51 00 3b o0 36 00 20 01) 20 00 16 00 16 ou 12 34 12 84 15 90 .15 0(1 42 75 42 75 52 30 52 30 669 50 669 50 618 29 6[8 29 41 67 41 67 25 (s.: 25 00 53 00 53 00 169 65 169 65 40 Oct 40 00 6 25 6 25 459 450 51 30 51 3o 5.75 . 5 75 525 535 25 00 20 061'. PROCEEDINGS .()1 'I`t1E, SUPERVISORS. 95 142 Albino Flunter, recording births and deaths 3 0(1 3 oo 143 Edward Meany, '. 2 25 2 25 144 Sykes & 'Fowler, repairs -7 oo00 7 145 J. E. Van Natta, Inspector 20 00 20 00 146 Chas. Bundy, rent polling place 20 00 20'0u 147 F. I). Johnson, Inspector's Clerk 211 00 20 01 148 Chas. Terwilliger, Inspector 20 00 20 00 149 D. Lawton, Inspector's -Clerk, lime, etc. 38 5o 38 50 [5o Edward Mowry, Inspector, assig'd to C. G. Selove1- 20 00 20 00 151 S. H. Peck, registering births and deaths 1 25 t 25 152 Peter Van router, rent polling place 40 00 40 oo 153 C. H. Von Flouter, Inspector's Clerk 20 06 20 00 154 Peter Van Router, lumber 21 25 21 .25 ' 155 Trenton, Waterman .8.7, Co., repairs 70 70 ;11 1'6 T. J. 'tierce, Constable, assigned to W. H. Willson 4 oo 4 00 157 T. J. Bierce, " 8 00 8 0o 158 Fred Marsh, Constable services, 6 40 6 40 159 11:H. ,Miller, Constahle. ' o 3 40 3 40 i 60 H. T. Jolles, stone 26 no 26 00 161 Ward Gregorv1 printing 193 5R 19.3 50 162 Ithaca Journal Association, printing- 298'81 298 81 163 H. A. Clark, recording marriages 1 00 1 00 164 Spence Spencer, Justice of the Peace, assigned to \V. 1-1. Willson 10 00 10 00 165 J. S. Kirkendall, recording births and deaths 12 50 12 50 166 J. Winslow, medical services 20 25 20 25 1117 Eugene Baker, " 13 00 13 cru 168 J. A. Lewis, '' '' 72 715 72 75 169' Drs. Baker & Mean V, " 25 00 25 00. 170 Edward Meany, 64 75 64 75 171 Eugene Baker, " 23 0o 23 00 172 Eugene Baker, 44 00 44 00 173 Marlin Reserver, " .° 25 oo 25 oo 174 T. W. Rums, Justice of the Peace, assigned t0 W. II, Willson 11 00 11 u0 175 Joseph Fowles, lime 4 50 4 50 176 Wm. McKinney, Assessor and Health Officer 76 00 76 oo 177 J. P. Merrill, Justice of the Peace, assigned to W. H. Willson 22 25 22 25 96 PROCEEDINGS GI: 'THE SUPERVISOR. I 178 J. P. Merrill, Making clap of town, assigned to W. H. Willson 179 J. P. Merrill,. making trap of districts, assigned to W. H. Willson 180 J. P. Merrill, Justice of the Peace, assigned to 'W. H. Willson 181 White & Burdick, drugs .182 S. B. Beers, Assessor; assigned to Hiram Gee 183 Sydney Post, U. A. R., rent polling, place 184 Cary B. Fish, Constable services • 185 Henry W. Stephens, rent polling place 186 J. Warren Tibbetts, " " 1541 (10 15o 00 95 00 95 00 65 6o 2 23 250 00 40 0(1 4 75 20 oo 20 00 65 Go .2 23 250 0l1 40 0o 4 75 20 00 20 00 $7,404 28 $7,394 48 ',rows CI,ERei's OFFicH, ITIIACA, November 13th, 1888. We the undersigned, the Town Auditors of the town- of Ithaca, do hereby• certify that the foregoing is a correct list, and the statement of all accounts, ex- amined, audited or rejected at the meeting of said Town Auditors, lield'al the' Town Clerk's 'office, Nov. 8, 9, 10, and 12, 1888. GEO. W. FROST, Supervisor, J. P. MERRILL, M. N. TOw'IPK1NS, Justices. SPENCE; SPENCER, \\\ 1-1.AVNIOND L. SMITH, JOHN A. FISHER, Town Clerk. • ADDED RV RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD.. 187 R. T. Jones, reporting marriages $ 1 00 188 J. K. Underhill, " ". 2 50 - 189 Micheal Naughton, Inspector. 16 00 ego E. S. Tichenor, ballot boxes 24 0o 191 Cataract Hose Co. No. 7, polling place o0 192 William Spence, sand 4 10 193 Dixon & Robinson, lumber to 34 194 'Rosy Nichols, reporting birth 2 00 PRoCF.i+,r r GS OF THE SUPE?RVISORS. 97 11'11n12..t, Nnvenlbcr 1301, 1555. At a meeting of the Board of Auditors of the town of Ithaca. held Nov. 12th, _t he following resolution was unanimously adopted : Resoled, 'chat the amounts hereinafter set forth, clue for notes and certifi- cates of indebtedness, ;liven by the Supervisor, Highway Commissioner alis. Overseer of the Poor, pursuant to resolutions of the Town Board, be and the same are hereby audited and ordered paid. Notes for -Overseer of Poor and interest • $443t 66 :, 627 on Lehigh Valley Coad Co., node and interest, .231 00 1). 1. S.: R". • • 256 87 • _ladles Dick, 231 1 Outstanding bilis, (Overseer of Poor) 4875 19a " (Commissioner of highway's) 134 06 V. M. Leary, (Note) 212 00 J. M. Hcggie, note and interest 31 .So Van Order, note and interest 530 Lo 1_;. A. R. orders 5 401 75 G. A. R. fund! • 4°f 00 GEO. W. FROST. Supervisor. • M. N. To31PKINS, ) SPENCe SPI:\CSCR, Justice,. RAYMOND L. SMITH, JOHN A. FISIMR, Town Clerk. STATEMENT OF LOCKWOOD F. COT,EGROVE, COMMISSIONER OF HIGHWAYS. Disbursements, as per statement of John Linderbery, from Nov. 1, 1887. to Fell. 21, 1888 $1,S8q 21 Disbursements from Feb. 21, 1588, to Nov. 8, 1888, as per • statement of Lockwood F. Colegrove t,o81 31 $2,97o 52' Receipts from different sources as per' statement of John Linderhery, Nov. 1, 1887, to Feb. 21..188S $1,S76 18 Receipts, per statement of Lockwood F. Colegrove. 17eh. 2s, 1888, to Nov., 8, 1888 960 28 .Amount to he raised for outstanding bilk 134 06 10;970 32 4. X PROCEDINGS OF 'rill', SUPERVISORS: • STATENIENT OF OVERSEER. OF POOR. CASH r liCEIPTS FROM S uv. r, 188'7, To vg,B. IS, 188S. I SSS from Town lionpl ISO 82 Feb. r8, [888. to Nov. r. 1-888, from all sources 4,174 36 $8.3.5,.; TS liisbursMuents fs•otp Nov. 1, 887, to VC)). S. ISSN $4,1841 8.i " Feb. 18, :888, to Nov. 1, 1888 • 4,068 12 Cash omhand 106 24 STATFNINNT OPc STS i srn,rowr IA, Poi IR, 110111 Nov. 1. 1867, tn leli. IS, INNS From Geo. Prost, Supervisor Town of 1J1 - Rank note Ontstatirling 111 1 Coal LANSING. $4.180 82 3.392 63 .30 Go� oo 4,981 43 937 64 $8,355 £14,14i 65 AbFitract of the names of all persons who presented a.cconnts to be audited by the Board of Town Auditors of the town of 1;ansing.on the 8th gth and 17th days of No,enibef, r888, :With the amount claimed by each and the antouut audited and al- lowed each-. NO, Nati-ie. Nature orvice. Claimell. Allom•e41, 11,'• 1 • Jonathan Norton, Commissioner's service bill $ 79 SO $ 79 50 2 J0110 Collins, Assessor ,38 oo 38 oo ' 3. A. 11. Clark, service railromi suits 34 38 34 35 4 Frank H. Tarbell, Excise Commissioner. IS,S7 aini rS* 61)(I 6 oo 5 A. H. Clark, Excise Cominissiouer ' 3 oo, 3 00 6 Henry M. Field. Inspector of electiMi. 4 01 J.... 4 oo .. ... • 7 NV. A. Field, inspector of election and Messenger • 6 oo 6 oo , S- OrlaM14 White, itivector am! stationery - 4 40 4 PROCEI?DINGS OE THE; SUPERVISORS. 9 Andrew J. Conlin, Inspector anti stirtc h;i1iot boxes so Sampson 1-.Iedden, Clerk of election . sr Charles Drake, s2 J. H. Conklin, s3 John W. Smith, 14 Ed. Emmons, Inspector and Messenger • 15 M. W. Bitckl r6 Clayton Flower, 17 Stephen r. Barites, Assessor 18 13.M. Hagin, supplies for poor 19 Henry Miller, use of hoose For election 20 Newman & .McLaughlin, services 21 Itlulca Journal, printing 22 J. R. Murray, stet' grapher 23 Truman Nrohlc, services 24 R. Beardsley, use of Hall -for election . 25 Hiram Herrick, water trough 26 E. A. Sterns, for stone ' 27 Sohn H. Conklin, services 28 Rennssalaer Miller, supplies for poor 29' Cicero Miller, Inspector of election 30 D. A. Tarbelt, 31 A. J. Brink, , • 32 A. M. Tarbell, Inspector and Messenger •33 D. Sullivan, Poor Master, money paid out 34 D. Sullivan, service Poor Master 35 O. S. Van Patten, witness 36 J. C. Beebe, ex -Poor Master 37 N. E. Lyon, use of Hall 38 Albert Van Aukeu, service hill court 39 Devoe Hodson 4o 'H. Blakesley, keeping Mrs. A. Jacobs 41 Monroe M. Sweetland, County Clerk. 42 N. E. Lyon, supplies for Lamphier 43 C. G. Benjamin, supplies for Hopkins 44 •\\'. H. Lockerby, statistical reporting .45 W. 1-1. I,ockerby, medical services for G. Miller 46 W. H. Lockerby, " Sally Jacobs 47 W. H. Lockerby' Mark Jacobs 48 W. H. Lockerby, Croft 49 W. H. Lockerby, " • Chas. Jacobs 99 to 75 to 75 4 00 400 400 400 4 00 4 `0 4 00 400 980 9 80 9 64 9 64 6 00 6 oo 40 00 , 40 00 7 65 7 65 r5 00' 15 00 65 62 65 62 70 50 '70 50 .15 00 1500 10 15 10 15 500 500 5 00 500. 3 00 3 00 2 00 2 CO' 20 63 20 63 4 00 400 4 00- 400 4 00 4,00 12 04 12 04 44 86 44 86 ,56 00' 56 oo 3 c0 300 to6 08 to6 o8 15 00 15 00 2 55 2 55 to 00 to 00 40 00 40 00t 9 50 9 5o 2 64 2 64 2 25 2 20 450 4 50 33 75 33 75 14 00 14 00 5 00 500 350 350 600 600 • 100 • PROCEEDINGS OF TIE SUPERVISORS. yo W. H. Lockerby, medical services for Mrs. James Clark 51 W. H. Lockerby, Will Covert 52 1b. 1,. Reynolds, Court 53 D. L. Reynolds, 54 D. L. Reynolds, " 55 D. L. Reynolds, " 56 F. N. Howell, Court, assigned to J. M. Ileggie 37 J. A. Burr, expenses to Auburn, R. R. suits 58 J. Norton, Road Commissioner 59 W. H. Barr, medical services 6o J. W. Pratt, marriage returns 61 Charles Drake, Justice of the Peace 62 13. M. Hagin, Justice of •the l'eace service bill 63 Horatio Brown, service hill 64 Horatio Brown, R. R. suits 65 Wm. Mead, Town Clerk 66 Horatio Brown, Ingersoll against tite town of Lansing 67 F. 1,. Tarbell, Court 68 N. F. Lyon, Justice of the Peace, criminal hill 69 N. E. Lyon, service bill 70 P. h. Smith, supplies for poor 7 [ Frank H. Tarbeil, service bill 17 00 . 17 00 20 00 20 00 16 15 i6 15 4 95 4 95 6 35 6 35 3 00 • 3 00 10 50 10 50 8 75 8 75 515 00 515 CO 400 400 75 75 32 85 3? S5 1601, 16 00 29.68 29 68 331 68 351 68 4S 1U 48 10 [36 68 [36 68 4 95 4 95 16 45 16 43 16 0s 16 00 2 50 2 0U 601 6o0 $2,127 98 $2,127 98 LULLS AUDITED AT A S1't:CIAt, nr1;i;TLNC [1111.1) Nov. [7, 1888. 7? Charles Drake, supplies for Mrs. Jacobs 73 Harriet Butler, keeping Nancy Parker 74 H. M. Hutuistotl 75 Horatio Brown, footing assessment roll 76 For poor purposes. (resolution) $ 15 78 $ 15 78 52 0o 52 00 875 2 00 150 00 8 75 2 00 150 00 $2.356 51 I hereby certify that the above is a true list of audits made by the Auditing Board of the town of Lansing on the Sth, 9th and t7tlidays of November, i888. WM. MEAD, Town Clerk. PROCEEDINGS OF THE SUPERVISORS. ADDED BY R1:SOLIn'iON OF THE BOAT 1. James G. Buck, Assessor Prank I\1. Wooley, ex -Commissioner H. Brown per centage on school money ICI 40 00 I2 00 29 54 $8I 54 \Ve the undersigned, Auditors of the town of Lansing, audited the above claims Nov. Sth,.9tlt and 17701, 1888. -HORATIO BROWN, Supervisor, NELSON I';. LYON, CHARLES D1AI:N., Justices. BARN-ARDII ARD M. AGIN, I'S RANK H. TARB1?IJf„ \VaM. MEAD, Town Clerk. 1, \Vut. Mead, Town Clerk. of the town of Lansing, do hereby certify that the above is a true copy of accounts audited by the Auditing Board of the town of L,ansiug on the Stlt, 9t11 and 17t11 days of November, 18SS. WWI. MEAD, Town Clerk of the Town of Lansing. Sworn and subscribed before me November 17, 1888. FRANK H. 'I'ARIlELI,, Justice of the 1!eace. NEWF.IELI). '1`he following- is an abstract of navies of all persons who presented accounts to be audited by the Town Auditors of .the town of Newfield on the 8th and 9th days of November; r888, with- the alnotint claimed and finally allowed. • No. Name. • Nature of service. / 'Claimed. I A. H. Palmer, Inspector of election, 1st Dist. 2 S. Duilley, \i'u1. Anderson, inspector and Messenger ,` 400 4W 9 64 Allowed. $4x1 4 ov 9 64 102 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SUPERVISORS. 4 Wm. Hartranft, Clerk 5 John W.. Dean, " 6 George Thoma, Inspector of election, 211d Dist. 7 George Seabring, " 8 George Woodliu, Inspector and Messenger 9 Abner Stamp, Clerk to A. D. Brown, " 11 Charles McCorn, Railroad Commissioner 12 I. B. Palmer 13 Charles McCorn, Excise Commissioner 14• Nelson Cutter 15 Hesler Smith, 16 P. S. Dudley, use -of Hall for town purposes [7 Alvah Brown, use of house for election / 18. J. C. Thompson, Assessor 19 Eugene Davis, " . 20 A. D. Brown, 21 S. D. Cook, ex -Town Clerk 22 L. E. Kirtland, printing election notices 23 Daniel T. Fish, erroneous tax 24 R. Horton, ex -Supervisor 25 Henry Piper, board for Eber Brill 26 - Andrew Smith, ex -Overseer of Poor 27 John Beardsley, Overseer of Poor 28 E. R. Osterhout, reporting births and ileatli 29 M. A. -Dumond, 30 C. C. Cook, 31 Aaron Payer, Commissioner of Highways, service bill 32 Jay Carpenter, damages sustained by bridge breaking down 33 J. L. Puff & Co., account of S. I). Farrington, ex-Cont- niissioner of Highways 'J4 A. K. Allen, Justice fee bill 35 Elvin Keene, , 36 J. W. Dean, " 37 Benj. Starr, " 38 F. E. Holman, 'Town Clerk 39 S. A. Seabring, Supervisor 4 00 4 00 4 00 . 4 on 4 00 4 00 400 4 00 996 996 400 4 00 4,00 4 110 6 00 6 oo 7 00 6 oo 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 oo 00 300 40 00 40 00 10 00 I0 00 36 40 36 40 30 40 30 40 33 80 33 80 8 20 S 20 2 00 2 00 687 6`s7 t2 56 12 56 42 00 42 15) 16 00 12 00 13 00 13 04'1, 1 75 1 75 1 75 1 75 300 3 0 202 00 190 00 55 00 30 00 20 00 18 00 f8 75 18 75 14 00 14 00 18 0o r5 00 18SS, 1888 47 90 47 90 51 48 51 48 $777 34 $734 34 1 0 • • PROCEEDINGS OF 'I'IHE SUPERVISORS. 103 We the undersigned, members of the Board of Towu Auditors, of the towit of Newfseldz, County of 'Tompkins, do hereby certify that the above statement of accounts, audited by us at okn• annual meeting November 8th and 9tb, 1888, is correct, - j S. A. S1 ABRING, Supervisor. JonN W. D1AN, 1 L:I,V11F K1':IEN13, fusticcs. A. K. AI,I, i , R1iNJ. S'1'ARR,• E. E. Hot.aLw, 'Town Clerk. ' ADDED !iY RRSOLUITI(!) 01 '1'Il} ROA RD. - 40 Pen]. Starr, Justice of the Peace 41 Rev. Kepple, reporting Marriages 42. Note of Aaron Payer, Commissioner of Ilighwaya 43 Interest on same ULYSSES. $ 5 12 25 712 00 30 97 $748 34 At a meeting of the Board of Auditors of the town of Ulysses, held November 8th and '9th, 1888, at the '1'reinbly House, the following accounts were examined, audited, and al- lowed or rejected, as stated below. No. Name. Nature of service. Claimed. Allowed. I J. G. Mcl,allen, Inspector of election assigned to L. J. Wheeler & Co. 2 Joshua Hinckley, digging grave 1 • 3 R. C. Taylor, Inspector of election,, assigned to J. • , Kerst & Co. 4 F. A. Kerst, town physician 5 C. W. Caruwan, Inspector and Messenger 6 Chas. Van Amburg, Inspector of election 7 Will I. Smith, Inspector and Messenger 8 'Thomas Kirby, Inspector of election 9 J. M. Stout, $40U $4'00 3 00 3 00 4 20 4 20 15 43 15 43 9 99 9 99 4 00 400 9 24 9 24 400 400 1 4 00 400 104 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SUPT RVISORS. to F. A. Kerst, Cleric of election 4,00 4 00 it E. 1'. Bouton, Under -Sheriff to, 30 to 3o 12 A. F. Allen, printing 30 50 t3 W. I. Sherwood, Overseer of the Poor 41 00 4i 00 14 \V. H. Morgan, Assessor 52 75 52 75 15 Asa D. Wilson, Commissioner of Highways 22 00 22 00 16 H. Van -Order, house for election and assessors 22 00 22 00 17 L. W. Carpenter, vital statistics '5 00 5 00 18 H. G. Cooper, Clerk of election S 00 S 00 t9 I. N. Corey, Constable 5 90 5-90 20 L. \V. Carpenter, town physician r 25 00 19 oo 21. John Van Buskirk, Clerk of election 4 00 4 00 22 Aaron McKeel, Overseer of the Poor 50 55 50 55 23 J. \V. Kirby, Assessor 3660 36 60 24 E. S. Johnson, " 45 25 45 25 25 C. L. Adapts, printing 4,25 4 25 26 L.- \V. Carpenter, Commissioner of Excise 9 0O 9 U0 27 O. M. Wilson, Clerk of election 4 00 4 00 28 F. W. Carman, Cotttmisiouer of Excise 3 00 3 00 29 Geo. Wolverton, house for election 20 00 20 00 30 E. A. Snow, Inspector and repairing ballot boxes 9 oS 9 oS 31 E. '1'. Stewart, undertaking 20 00 '20 00 32 Geo. B. Davis, Attorney, 190 90 190 90 33 Henry Hutchings, Justice of the Peace. 4 65 4 65 34 A. F. Osborn, Justice, assigned to F.: 51. Austin 44 05 44 05 35 J-. R. Emery, Justice of the Peace 16 45 16 45 36 Henry Hutchings, S o0 8 oo 37 A. H. Pierson, Supervisor 59 90 J9 90 38 William Austin; legal services . 56 50 56 50 39 C. H. Everts 66 50 66 50 40 John N. Barker, Justice of the Peace 6 oo 6 60 41 F. M. Austin, Town Clerk 40 27 4o 27 42 James AI. Creque, Constable 25 6o 25 60 43 Edmund Barber, judgement 63 5o 63 50 44 Leroy Trembly, use of house for Auditors 4 00 4 00 45 S. G. -Williams, Constable, assigned to L. J. Wheeler & Co. 4 zo 4 20 46 J. Flickinger, medical services 6 oo 6 oo 47 J. Flickinger, town physician 28.56 2S 56 48 W. 13. Teed, ex -Overseer of the Poor 20 00 20 00 49 B. F, Tonnpkins, Clerk of election 4 00 4 oo So. H. A, Mosher, Inspector of election 8 oo 8 oo PROCEEDINGS Or 'riii, SUPERVISORS. 10' 51 it -auk Hatfield, Clerk of electio+t 52 Win. Austin, Inspector and Messenger 53 J. IS- Russell, Inspector of election al 00 14 71 4 00- 4 00 14 71 S un $1,143 53 $1,137 S3 • \Ve the•undersignetl, composing the Board of Town Auditors of the town of Ulysses, do certify that the foregoing is a correct list of all claims presented and 'allowed by us against said iown, ! A..- 1I. PIERSON, Supervisor, J. R. ! O1 RV, l 1-1. FJUITCHINc.s, JOHN N. BARF:EIi� Justices. P. OSBORN, • F. M. AUSTIN, Towii.Clcrk. a IIF)1 11 ill' RtiSp1.UTl4N Or THE IIW RU. 5,1 Stewart Bros., undertaking 55 A. H. Pierson, Supervisor i $ 12 50 Fi 00 $JS 50 1 1 o6 PROCEFDINGs O1' THE SUPERVISORS, • REPORTS. COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT. To the Honorable the Board r f .Supervisors of Toonpkiu s County : The undersigned Treasurer of. Tompkins County respect- fully submits his annual statement of receipts and disbursements of the County Funds from Nov. 1.2th, 1887, to Nov. 12th, 1888, as follows : The receipts front all sources, including balance on hand Nov. 121h, 1887, amounts to the sutra of il1O3,077 91 The disbursements for the same period amount to the sum of . . 102,6ot 15 Leaving a balance in uiy hands of 476 76 I hereby certify that there stands this day to the credit of Geo11. Northrup, County Treasurer. on the hooks of this Rank the sunt of476 76 Nov. 12th, t888. C. W. GAV, Teller, First National Batik, Ithaca, N. Y. TOMPKINS COUNTS'. S.S. Geo. H. Northrup, being duly sworn, says that the following statement is correct, and is a true report of all moneys received and paid out byhim. as County treasurer since his last annual report, excepting moneys belonging to the .Infant Heir hand and Surplus Moneys. GEO. H. NORTHRUP, County Treasurer, Sworn to before me Nov. t4th, 1888. ' I. M. SWEETLAND, County Clerk. ii PROCEEDINGS Oh THE SUPERVISORS. x lit lL1 I•"1'S. Cash on hand Nor, 12t11, 1887 One per cent fees on State Tax From Superintendent of Public Instruction for receiving and disbursing school moneys raised in this County ON AccO(JNr 011 TAX 1,10:1. 011 1887.. d Town of Caroline $ 4,374 51 Danby- 4,256 48 Dryden l 10,621 90 Enfield 2,961 70 ,• 6.rr)to11 7,382 50 Ithaca 27,393 93 Lansing 9,555 o6 Newfield 4,004 72 Ulysses 8,407 30 107 $ 1,989 55 2A7 21 169 96 $78,958 10 1+k1\1. TANKS xl:11112N1,D UNPAID i11 T0\VN c01.1.1:CTUxs. Including. amount received from tltc Conlptr1otlerof New Vork State for non- ` resident taxes accepted :, Town of Danby $ 6 32 , Dryden • i 43 Enfield , 52 50 Groton 3 53 Ithaca • 9 37 1.`aitsing 2 95 Newfield 30 56 Ulysses 57 19 From 1.. W. Carpenter, Commissioner excise penalties School taxes from Railroads' Self-supporting patients at Willard Asylum Fine from County Clerk Fine from Sheriff • • 1 Proceeds of five notes discounted at the First National Rank fot Court expenses $ 472 92 557 o6 1,639 62 2 00 75 00 $163 55 6,213 3o . $R,966 ro . IOS PROCEEDINGS OF THE SUPERVISORS. 1\111;firEst C1.. TAXES, • From the executors of the following estates for taxes on collateral inheri- tances Estate of t1.4lsoet B. Stickle, deceased c " " Susan 1I Colburlt, " " Minerva C. Ranstead. " " Nancy S. Thomas, " " Maria Trench, " J eonard:Trelnan.. " Isaac Briggs, " Maria 1,. Hildreth, 227 65 5 42 tS6 39 192 67 44 89 9 5o 450 00 .i0 S7 $1,147 39 VINES Vitt 04 jG5T1C1;S o1+ THE MACE. Chas. Drake $ 7 00 3.. 1'. Oshurn ? 00 J. 14. Conklin 2 00 .' 1virus Snyder 1,5 oto Jacob Wise ' 3 00 • 1I. S..Hopkins 67 00 J. J. Peters 4 700 Newton Baldwin 10 00 Henry Hutchins ro SS M. N. Tompkins 20 oa From Superintendent of Public Instruction Fees from Surrogate's office • • Interest on deposits State tax. paid Comptroller U1SBURS1?l1E\TS. SCHOOL. MONTO.S. To Caroline $2.391 5S " Dauby 1.987 or " Dryden 3,717 92 ,r Enfield . 1,551 17 " Groton 2,822 77 `. Ithaca . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . S,o53 01 Lansing 2,518 .88 146 S5 1 1. 274 J5 20 55 t ao $103,077 91 It.24,721 07 r To Newfield ' } PROCEEDINGS. OF 'PHE SUPERVISORS; 109 2,659 97 " Ulysses 2,567 78 - $28,270 09 F. A. Todd, Supervisor, balance slue Danby $ t6 • 17. W. Bailey, " Enfield 1 50 $1'66 County audits $8,922 73 Postage, Supervisors' Clerk' 15 00 Susquehanna Valley Home 596'19 Incidentals, Surrogate's office 75 00 Onondaga County Penitentiary 154 64 Baric at the jail 75 00 District Atty's office rent 200 00 Sheriff's 35 00 $t0,073 56 Western Institute for Deaf Mutes. . . . . . . . . . 434' 99 Canandaigua Home i ' 150 84 A. H. Pierson, Supervisor, excise penalties 472 92 St. Patrick's Orphan Asylum 47 00 St. Mary's :, 94 00 - $1,199 75 County Superintendent of the Poor 4 071 48 5n1,ARIF:S. Marcus Lyon; County Judge $ 2,500 00 Geo. H. Northrup, County Treasurer 9o0 Do J. FI. Jennings, Supervisor's Clerk 150 00 .Rev. S. A.Chubbuck, Chaplain . 50 00 Marcus Lyon, Surrogate, for Clerk 250 00 C. L. Smith, District Attorney 600 00 Supreme CouryStenographer _425.86 Janitor f 350 CO School Commissioners 4ott 00 J, W. Brown, Jail physician 90 00 -- $5:715 Asylum for Insane Criminals $ '195 00 School District Collectors 557 06 N: Y. State Institute for the Blind - 28 61 t. 86 110 r FROC1s1;DINGS OF THF SUPERVISORS. County Treasurer's seal 530 Postage and stationery ... . . . . . . . . 10 49 Willard Asylum 7,2395 66 . - -- $8.692 12 COURT EXPENSES. Trial Jurors4,015 63 Grand " 620 05 Constables $ 1,129 7o Witnesses 330 37 Stenographers - 1,341 27 Sheriff, attendance at Court 244 40 Under -Sheriff, attendance at Court 174 00 District Atty's disbursements 244 Sb Justices of Sessions 240 So Crier '89 O0 Board of Jurors ' - 326 50 I). M. Dean, assisting Dist. tltt'' in Barber trial . 860 do 11AR111$R LUNACY COMMISSION. W. C.'Wey • * 200 00' W. E. Ford 200 00 Marcus Lyon 200 00 ' W. B. Estabrook, Stenographer 6o 00 9,65E 52 - $660 oo eIJ R1A1, rx PENSF.S OF THE FOLLOWING- NAMED DECEASED SOLD 1ERS AT 351;AC1[. John Higgins, Herman Ii,stus, Hiram Hawks, C.' A. Van Vradenburg, Jaynes Norton,- Jo11n. 1,- Rollinson,• Wallace Sanbonl $245 0a 111;ADSroSi4s'F0R THE FOI,I.OWING NAM HD DECEASED) SOLDIERS AT $15 E .C.H. 'l'lheo. C. Smith, Peter Hausner, Albert Terrell, John. R. Dunham, Heury Slaughter,' John lliggins, Chas. H. v Laudon, Daniel Diplon .$120.09..: . 4. 5120„oU- I PROCEEDINGS OF' THE SITPI!;RVISORS. r Treasurer of New York State, cash received for takes du Collaterallitheritauces 1,713 76 Fees on above 90 19 $1,8c03 95 Appraisers fees estate of Anson B. Stickles 6 00 Maria Trench 2 (10 $8 oo Bills payable and interest $5,978 73 1 ' GAS 1sr1,L„ti. Jail $ 146.11 Clerk's office 31 35 Court House 36 48 Coal bilis X21.3 94 X412 00 Paid Supervisors the fines received from Justices of the Peace 111 their re- spective towns : A. H. Pierson '$ 15 85 . Horatio Brown ' - 9 00 Geo. M. Rockwell 15 oci James Boice 7 60 F. A. Todd 3 00 Geo. W. Frost20 00 J. W. Jobe~,i \ 77 oo Monroe County Penitentiary; $ 500 od Buffalo School for.Catbolic children 1 io 57 $610 57 Casts on hand $476 76 $146 85 Cash on hand $ 476 76 • Due the treasury from the 'Town of Caroline 13 i5 Dryden 25.73 df ' Groton 3 18 Ithaca 72 89; Lansing- 2 25 Newfield 21 92• Ulysses, 187 58. $103,077 91 County Audits 3 US (7— I I 2 es' I12 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SUPERVISORS. Due the treasury from the Court expenses Bilis playable . . Fuel and goo County Supt. of the Poor 661 41 '4779 1,31) 91 1b 75 TOTAL ASSIyCS BELONGING TO THE FOLLOWING ACCOUNTS-: Interest $ 1 o0 Bridges on County line 12 38 Salaries 50 00 Taxes on Collateral Inheritances - 480 87 Willard Asylum 1,119 16 $1,663 41 x;1,663.41 INFANT HEIR FUND. To the Honorable, the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: zatment. ° MORTGAGOR. / • �j LATH. Halzea Ix -r Hx IrSTEn. 1- Amount of Interest. Amount1114 of Mortgage • lit Mortgage. Uew- Angus. Mat. 5, '96 O'Brien, heir$ of Jane 150-09 15) 00 1st Mortgage. Jacob hates. Feb. 4, -82 Mabel 'McNeil 061 4e3 Kate M. Chittentien 100 45 ' Chas. Spaulding 114 41 Wilgus heirs 153 22 l3roas 67 410 Willis Hayward 93 52 • 1100 000 tat Mortgage. Tamar A. Chase. Mar. 0,'83 Chase heirs 259 07 2:19 07 Int Mortgage. Simeon Coon and June 26,'80 Carpenter, heirs of .1. D. 100 00 others. Drake, heirs of Catherine 510 1)I) Van Hort heirs ,"A CO tall 1H] 1st Mortgage, let Mortgage. Lina M. Darling. Mar_ 29,'86 Wm. M. Dates. Oct. 1:. '85 carpenter, heirs of Dan'. Dates, heirs of John D. 610 00 831 ''7 650 Ou 531 97 1st Mortgage. Hiram A.Oavenprnt..Tune 5.'89 Georgia Lormor. 131 16 Carpenter, heirs of Dan'l 252 12• I Mary ann Lizzie Teeter. 9973 873 McGilivery, heirs of 'Geo 06.3 113. VanHorn heirs 300 (I) R. Victor Crittenden 381 116x3 on :d Mortgage. Hiram A.Davenport Oct. 11. '88 Hanford heirs • 44)4 31 Fisk 171 14 • McKee, heirs of John '182 11 - Kate M. C.hittendeu 76 7113 Clara Searles. 105 SS 1000 00 1st Mortgage. 1). W . Dillow. Feb. 11.'84 Sirnpson,heirs of Chas. 387 00 387 ix 1st Mortgage, O- H. Gregory. May 1, '86 John H. Bolt 10:15 00 10:35 0( 1st Mortgage. W. H. Hillery. Nov. 13, '84 Clock heirs 600 00 WO 4)1 let, Mortgage. Jlery L. Hook. Oct. 8, '80 Fogarty heirs 420 43 • McKee, heir's of Jahn 8`,3 76 - Kittie .Axford 90 81 • Laura M. Sexton :300 00 000 01', 1st Mortgake, Edwin Jiliett. .lune 10,'80 Goodspeed heirs 801 44 0013¢1 1st Mortgage. Sarah and N. C. July 5, '87 Carpenter, heirs of Dan'l :100 00 300 of ist Mortgage. Johnson. May 4, '87 " - J` 2.50 14) 250 19] 1st ,Mortgage. John Letts. April 6, '77 Carpenter, heirs of .1. D. 150 091 • 150 tit let Mortgage. John McArthur: April 11.'74 Van Horn heirs. 1150 41 . 1150 4:. lit Mortgage. Louisa. A. Miller. June 7, '86 Wykotf 2400 W 2400 to let Mortgage. N. T. Mabee. Oct. 4, '81 Carpenter, heirs of Dan'l 400 00 .400 14 f PROCEEDINGS OF THE SUPERVISORS. 113 ,1 st. 3Iortga.go. 1st ,Mortgage. 1st 3lortgagr.. 18t. Mortgage. 1st Mortgage. 1st Mortgage. 1st. Mortgage. I sl Mortgage. 1sa Mortgage. 140 5[r,rtgage. 1st Mortgage. 241 Mortgage, 1st. Mori gage. 1st 41nr)gage. laced) Prange. Campbell Preston. (1eo.1' Pickens. john ileo. Simpson. \lary Sart ming. Myron A. Sexton. Anna E. Stamford. Sttnt'1 A. ~calming. 1Yn1.Harletl. Sruit$t. Carrie A. Smith. Town of Ithaca 5 Per eent,9innd. se- ries of 1891. No. 170, $1,001. Mary S, u.o,i [1.:l[ Thorn psmr. 9:ron (7. 5'anKirk. gat, \Iortgni;e. Carrie \'an,\uken. 1st. Mortgage. Martha \\'oodin. 1st 3lorlga•'e. 11'21. 11. \Ci sl 1st ,llortRIge. Flirabeth\5'hitaker April 19,'88 1,'7..' rub. 8, '88 Sep. 7, '81 1)4l. 24, '88 Feb. 17, '83 June 20, '41 April 1. '8I .Iune11,'85 ,len. 44, 'RI Slar.'8,'82 .11111, 2.15, '88 Mar'. 31, '811 lam• '20,'72 Sep. 28. '78 April 5. '715 Feb. 10, 86 9une.5,'86 Mabel 31eNeil 31cl:ee, heirs of John Pickens Lyman Rust . Hritlin heirs Elizabeth Simpson Mary L. Seabring Mott1 or heirs Searles " Mabel McNeil 5IcKen heirs u1' John. Mandeville heirs Willie S. Korts Whitlock, heirs of .Jane Asa liallou Carpenter, heirs of 1)x2'1 Asa 1?rtllou Erell. littered I. Kale M. Chit tenden Fogarty heirs ' Carpenter, heirs of J. 1). ASH. Ballon Searles heirs Warren. heirs of .1, R, Laura 31. Sexton Mary Hughes 18 children Carpenter. heirs o1' .1- D. Dan'l. Fuller heirs ToheY heirs Carpenter, ter, heirs of .1. 14, (Ind ftin " Asa Balton O'Brien, heirs of ,lane :debut McNeil 11.Si: 31.Wood in Willis S. Korty. Searles heirs. Kate M. Chill o!Ideal Asir Bailee - ii eagar hen's Searles " \Yykot' " Slcltno, heirs of .lohn. Mr:Gowen heirs Young " Kirkendall " Carpenter, heirs of .1. D. Fred Bunnell John Manning , Total amount invested in Bends and Mortgages ;010 00 1010 0p0�) 511 8`2 2444 44 3388 Al 5066 2I 2750 00 5.35 29 .{ 1 33 105 38 779 73 141841 34 150 57 1159 00 500 110 100 00 100 00 58 75 '98 75 '1143 23 ;18 19 208 18 32� !8) 25!) 28 88 73 134 31 Ill 18 49 00 10E10 00 400 00 90 00 1715 00 176 00 1)51 00 5241 31 1(06 04 55 911 08 10 R5 i :i7 107 74 100 (11 lib: 45 4.3 18 412 {X) 200 00 541 00 2.2 37 '.39 73 200 00 !11110 00 ;511 02 2414 44 :Yi88 O4 &4114! 24 2750 00 101511 0(4 779 73 2011) 05 5011 00 2111 Oa) 1 ^ 21100 (Xl $74) lX) 073 00 14::1) "71 221 00 2350 00 342,921 311 n Tom PKI NR Cotii•Tv, RS.+ • ("leo. H. Northrup, being duly sworn says, that the foregoing statement is correct. to the hest of Itis knowledge and belief. and represents the condition of the securities belonging 1 o the Infant Heir Fund on the 15th day of November, 1888, excepting worthless and in- sufficient aecuritios, taken prior to 1876, a list of which appears in his report of Nov. ItIth, 18841, (see Supervisors' proceedings 1880, page 1151.) GE0. II. NORTHRUP, County Treasurer. Subscribed and sworn to before see Nov. 18th. 1888 ALICE SWEETLAND, Dep. Clerk. 1 I14 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SUPERVISORS. SURPLUS MONEYS. %o the Honorable, the Roo rd o% .Supervisorsrf 7brrtpkiu.v 6onofi: RY.0 to PTS. Cash on hauxl Nov. From Marcus Lyon, From Chas. Givens, deceased 17, 18N7 Surrogate, estate of John W. Pickering, deceased administrator of the estate of Thomas Givens, From firatlford Almy, Referee, case of 1). R. Stewart vs. Silas R. Wickes From J. W. Dean, administrator of the estate of Joseph W. Starr. deceased 185 oo From Simeon Smith, Referee, case of David,\Tanning vs. Elizabeth_ Raub, et. 11 81 6o From \Vnt. Hazlett. Smith, Referee, case of James G. Burns vs. Hiram T. Foote, et. al From I). P. Hodson, Referee, case of John Kennedy vs. Bridget Sage 68 06 $1498 og 292 6o 263 84 . 2483 52 262 95 tonjauRsi nENTs. On account of order of distribution, estate of/Israel Luce, deceased $ 2So 70 Estate of John W. Pickering, deceased 292 6o Case of Morgan vs. Purvis 53 02 Case of Niver vs. I'erigo 391 or, Estate of Joseph W. Starr, deceased 185 00 Estate of Thos. Givens z63 84 Case of Stewart vs. Wickes 2483 52 Case of Manning vs. Raub Cash on hand rrso �5 $5[35 66 5 73 TOMPKINS COUNTY, SS : Geo. H. Northrup, being duly sworn, says that the foregoing statement is correct, to the best of his knowledge and belief, and is a true report of all Sur- plus Moneys received and paid out by him as County Treasurer. from Nov. 16th, 1887, to Nov. r6th, r888. $5135 66 GEO. H. NORTHRUP, County Treasurer. Subscribed and sworn to before me, Nov. 16th, '888. ALICE SWEETLAND, Deputy Clerk. `%. PROCF,EDINGS OE•TIIN, SUPERVISORS. .115 I certify that there statins this day on the books of this Bank to the credit of Surplus motleys the sunt of $t,1 So 25. NOV. 16th, [888. C. W. GAN", Teller, First. Nat'l Bank, Itltaca,.N. V. DISTRICT AT`TORNEY'S REPORT. ,7 Mc Board o ,SlOcr-Ilsl)l"s if 1 oINpkIlls %ollllly.• Pursuant to the provisions of law, I make report of the dis- position of fines imposed in- the various Courts of Record of said County since the date of my Iast'report : e ' SC HI; DU 1,E. Persons Pined, ilffcuse. Amount. Ezra Voting, Jr Disobeying Subpoena $ 2 00 f atnes I -I. Bowman Gambling House 5o 00 Eugene Scars " 5o 00 kleury Jewell z,25 00 $t27 00 The above statement contains a list of all fuses imposed since the ..date of 'iuv last reporL.�'I'hese fines were paid as I ant informed to the Sheriff or Clerk of said County. . • No fines were paid to nie. Nothing:has been collected by me on' forfeited recognizances except the costs and disbursements in the case of the People vs, Ahagail Dennis ; the,penalty in that action having been remitted by order of the Court. An action, is now pending and at issue for two penalti s of $60o each against Hannah A. havens 011 recognizances given by Milton R. Wet- more.. This action cannot he tried until the March terns of the Circuit Court. All of which is respectfully submitted to your Honorable Board. Dated Dec. 3, ISSS. C LARENCE, L. SMITH.. District Attorney. J I16 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SUPERVISORS. REPORT OF SURROGATE'S CLERK. To the Board of Snfiervt.+'ors n/' '!'on, kzns County I, W, 13. Estabrook, Clerk of the Surrogate's Court of Tompkins County, do respectfully report that I have received fees for copies of records, etc., as sitch Clerk, since nn- last re- • port, Nov. 21, 1887, as follows Nov. 28, 1887. Copy will of John R. Gregory $ 50 Dec. 6, Concerning Alex. Lewis' estate 1 00 Feb. 2, 1888. Copy petition and order, E. W. Cady estate 1 50 6, Ex+11p. copy will of Benj. F. Barney 2 01.1 13, Copy will of H. K. Clark 1 00 16, Cert. Copy Letters adm. est. 0f 11. 1'arteniteimer . 23 18, ", 1'. J. Partenheimer 25 24, Copy will of Lyman Kingsman1 75 29. Copy will of Allen Gray 75 •Mur. 12, Twelve Cert. copies Letters Adm. John Southworth 3 on 14, Decree on accounting estate of John Southworth , . 2 ao 16, Order removing Exr, of E. W. Cady 50 16, Copy Testimony in Cady case on above order r 75 22, Copy will of Sarah Converse 1 00 " 23, Exinp. copy will of John Southworth 3 00 28, Copy order, estate William Perrigo 25 Apr. '12, Copy will of Betsey Quinn . . . . . . . . 50 30, Three copies will of J. Bates , 1 25 Aug. 13, Copy will of Catharine Hart. 25 " 14, Copy will of William Peirson 1 00 Oct. 29, Copy Will of Samuel Woolever 1 00 And'k have paid out as follows : Jan. 31, 1888. One-half ream paper $ 1 05 4, Spring for door 20 May 28, Matches J5 June 14, Pail to Sept. 28, Ink eraser 25 $24 50 • u PROCEEDINGS OF 'THE SUPERVISORS, 117 Nov-. 1, . Paid cash to County Treasurer 20 55 l'ostage . 2 00 Ila 50 TO]MMPKINS COUNTY, SS : W. B..Fstabrook being -duly sworn, says, that the above statement is correct, to the hest of his knowledge and belief. W. 13. I;STA ItR OOK. Sworn to before me this 1st .lay of Nuvenil;er, 1888. HC)BART C. HAGIN, Notary I'ub}ic. $20 55 •TOHPKINS COUNTY TRI'sASUR1:R'S OFFICE, ITIIACA, N. Y., Nov. 1, 1888. } . Received from W. 13. 1 stabrook twenty and 55-10o dollars for fees in Surro- gate's office. ) CEO. H. NORTHRUP, County Treasurer. SI-IERIFF'S REPORT. To flu! Board of Supervisors of. Tompkins Counly : • I have to report that during the year ending Nov. 27, -1888, I have collected as Fines the sums of money, to -wit Henry Jewell, Ithaca $25 00 James H. Bowman, Ulysses 50 u0 Theodore Outhout, Ithaca ]0 00 John Purdy, Ulysses 5 00 E. 11. Sears, Uiysse • 50 00 $14o 00 Dated Nov. 27, t888. J. K.FOLLETT, Sherif: $75 00 TOMPKINS COUNTY TREASURER'S OFFICE, ITfIACA, N. Y. Juue 4, 1888. Received from J. K. Follett, Sheriff, seventy-five dollars, ( James Bowman $50 00, Henry Jewell $25 0o fines.) f GT~O. H. NORTHRUP, County Treasurer,• • 1p 11S PROCEEDi1`GS'OF '1'111; 5111'.rRviS0ks. S 00 TOOPKINS C0UN1`y 'J'R1;ASURf?R'S QI ] rCf ITr1ACA, N. 1'., Nov. 26, 1858. Received from J. K. Follett sixty-five dollars, (John Purdy $5 on, E. 1 . Sears P5 no, Theodore Outhout, X10 0o, Dec. 13, $5 oo.) GEO. 11. NORTHRUP, County Treasurer. r LOAN COMMISSIONER'S REPORT. I'i•HACA,' N. Y., Nov. 14, 1888. Th the C'o»1j5/rol/er rf the State oI New Kirk: The United States Deposit Yurid Commissioners for Tomp- kins County report'as follows November 1st, 1887, there was retraining 111 our hands as principal This amount included the Hart farm at The Meiritt Ring mortgage at The Lavina Collins mortgage at Making, of non-interest bearing principal So that the interest bearing principal Nov. I st, [ S87 was From Nov. 1, 1357 to October 1, 188S, there vas paid of this principal suns : Nov. 2S, 1887, Mortgage No. 563, Edward D. 1'Iart, . . Leaving as the interest bearing principal Oct. 1, 1885. . From Oct. 1, r88S, to Nov. 1, [SSS, there was paid of the principal sunt as follows :Mortgage No. 757, Eliza Pierson " 68o, Jacob S. Green $11500 00 300 00 Soo no $100 00 140 00 $30280 34 2600 00 p76&I 34 200 00 $27-180 34 240 00 Leaving as interest bearing principal Nov. 1, 1835, - $27240'34 • From the $2600 o6 before mentioned as non-interest bearing principal it is proper• to,eliutivate the Merritt King. Mortgage, $300, and the Lavina Collin, • 4 PROC$1;DINGS OF '1'If[I; SUYF.RvISORS! 11C9 mortgage, Poo,. making in all $t too, because we have no authority over the land which they represent, as we understand the salve has been conveyed by. the State ; so it leaves .$1506i the Hall •farm, as all the non-interest bearing principal Nov. 1st, 1888. . To $27240 34 add the above $1500 and we have $2874o 34 15' the principal' remaining Nov. 1,1888, We charge ourselves as follows : The interest 0u $28740 34 Principal paid Interest on.$2o0, paid by I;,(1ward 1). Hart on mortgage No. 563; • Nov. 20, .1887 t 92 - Interest unpaid in 1887 72 120 Rent of Mart tarns, (yet uncollected) 75 00 $1648 52 440 00 $2237 74 We credit ourselves with : The commissions 011 $30280 34 $2 t3 90 New York draft, April a8; 1888 345 92 Rent of Hart farce (unpaid yet). 75 00 $634.82 We charge ourselves with $2237 74 " credit -634 82 Balance . 1602 92 We credit ourselves': N: V. draft .1602 92 COBNIiI,]US L1 ARY, 1-1NRYF,H. 1IOUY•1' Canutlissirnlers. • RAILROA'I] I30NDING COM1'IISSIO.NERS' REPORT. ]:?NY1E1,D. To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County,: In accordance with C]Iapter 552, Laws of 1870, I. -hereby re- port the public debt of the town. .of Enfield. to. be, as follows, I 2 PROCEEDINGS OF 'I'ITF. SUPERVISORS. viz : Bonds issued to the Pennsylvania & Sodus Bay Railroad Company,- under the act to facilitate the coustruction of Rail- roads, passed by the Legislature of r8so and amended May 18th, 1869: Amount of bonds issued at 7 per cent $25000 00 Amount of principal paid by redeeming Bonds 8200 oc; Balance outstanding and unpaid 16800 00 Interest due March 1st, 1889 $588 00 Interest Sept. 1st, 1889, 588 a0 $4176 oo Sinking fund on hand at this time 1311 96 Total indebtedness $15.188 04 Resolver(, That there be levied and collected from said town the sum of one thousand, 'one hundred and seventy-six dollars ($1,176) to pay interest, and also two hundred and fifty dollars ($25o) as sinking !rind toward the final payment of said debt. 1). W. BAILE',V, Supervisor. (; ROTO \. (_ ROTON, N. Y., Nov. 20, 1888. John ldj. Jones, Esq., Strpervrsoi of fere "Town of Groton D1;Alt SIR : The undersigned Coiiimissioner of the town of Groton, appointed under the Act passed May 18th, 1869, haws of New York, Chapter 907, would respectfully submit the fol- lowing report : That the amount of Town Bonds issued in aid of the Ithaca & Cort- land Railroad is $15000 00 That the amount of bonds exchanged for the stock in the Ithaca & Cortland Railroad (now E. C. ‘& N.) is 15000 00 • t PROC1=,EnrNGs O11' TFIE SUPF:RVISORS. 3 2 That interest to become due February 1st, 1889, is . . . . . . That interest to become Clue August ist, 1889, is A That I.hold a sinking fund invested as follows, viz : Town Bonds of the to«'it of Groton Mortgages on real estate Certificate of Deposit in the First National Bank of Groton . Certificate of Deposit in the First National Bank of Groton . Certificate of Deposit in the First National Rank of Groton . Cash on hand for coupons not presented . . . . . . . . . . That the interest received during the year .is Therefore 1 respectfnll} ask for an appropriation to pay interest on said bonds Feb. 1st, 1889 ,Also to pay interest on salve bonds clue August Est, 1889 Also for sinking fund of one per cent 'Total . 523 00 525 00 $ 300 00 1025 00 cr50 61 503 02 (05 00 6055 207 83 525 a1 325 on 150 OO $1200 00 1 therefore ask that the stub of twelve hundred dollars as • above be levied and collected, on the town of Groton, to be paid over to the Commissioner of said town to he expended for the above purpose. Dated Groton, N. Y;.,• Nov. 20, r888. 1). H. MARSH, Commissioner. STATE or Nuw YORK, 1 ss T0MPKINS COUNTS. 1). H. Marsh, being duly sworn, says that the foregoing report signed by himself as Commissioner, is a just and true report in every particular, so far as deponent has knowledge of the facts stated, and in other respects deponent he- lieves it to he true. ' D. H. MARSH. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 2oth clay of November, r888. HIRAM G. MOP, Notary Public. To tire" Hoard of Sn. ervisors of Tompkins Courtly In accordance with the Laws of z87o, Chapter 552, I here- by report the public debt of Groton to be as follows : 122 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SuPERN."ISOI s. • Bonds issued by the Commissioners of the noir i;, C. & N. R. R. hearing 7 per cent interest, septi -annual payment $150o0 ob Interest coming due Feb. 1. 1889 , 525 00 r. ai " Aug. 1, 1889 525 00 -One per cent for sinking fund 150 00 h'�5nlrcd Thatat the request of the Ponding Cotmnissionars of the Town uC Groton there be levied and collected ft't101 said town the sunt of one thousand two hundred dollars; to be applied as follows : For inlcrest as stated $1050 ext! For sinking fnnri 150 000 J. W. JONES, Supervisor. ITI iACA. To Mc Board of Suficr„isors of TomfX'ins C'ou.v(t: The undersigned, Commissioners of the town of Ithaca, for the Funding bonds issued to pay off the bonds issued in aid of the Ithaca & Athens Railroad beg leave to report as follows : Amount of bonds issued .$285009 do redeemed 135000 00 If ” ai1Lstsmliing 150000 00 Amoulit of bonds due March ist, IS89 15000 o0 Amount of interest due March 1st, t8S9 3750 ext " Sept. ist, 1889 3375 00 $22125 00 We therefore request that the suns of fifteen thousand dol- lars'to-par the principal of bonds falling due March rst, ISSN, and the surn of seven thousand, one hundred and twenty-five dollars to pay interest, be levied and assessed upon the taxable. property of the town of Ithaca. 0. FI. GREGORY,` • JOHN C. GAt7NTI.I rr. j} Commissioners. LEVI KENNI Y, Subscribed and sworn tti before me this 17th day- of October, -i858. H. L. HINCKLEY. Notary Public. PROC1 FDFKGS 01: T1I3$ SIIPF,RVISORS. 123 C'.�511 Ac.C11U\•1'. Balance at elate of 'last report $ 565 86 *Received frwn Supervisor 2500 00 Received for iuteresf, (see interest account) 3224 23 Error in interest on'ILhaca 5s, (1887) . . . . . - Paid for $5000 Ithaca hoods Cash 011 hand P121011 UNI ACCOUNT- $ 25 00 6002 49 262 60 $6290 09 $6290 09 Balance at elate of last report • $2396 39 Premium on $5r'0o Ithaca 7s 100c cxa Interest applied in reduction Balance a�'rN:x1;,r ACCOUN•1'. • 1teceived 011 $3'>' 1'11140 .7:i 5s $ 150 041 Received on $46000 Ithaca ,s • 3045 or). Received from Ithaca sarins 29 23 F rrorin interest (1887) $ 25 00 Amount applied on premium account 1000 0o raid accrued interest on Loads . 2 49 Balance as stated 2196 74 $1000 on $3396 39 $3.396 39 $3224 2,3 To the Board of :_ icbervi core of .T nuafikius Courrh $3224 23 The undersigned, Commissioners of the town of Ithaca, for ' bonds of said town issued in aid of the Geneva & Ithaea Rail= •road, beg- leave to Submit their eighteenth annual report as fol- lows : 1 . Amount of bonds issued and outstanding . . . . . . . . . . The interest on said bonds. falls due as follows : $1000(0 0) April 2d, 1889 3500 00 October 1 Ct, 1589 ' 35 0 .00 • 124 PROCEEDINGS OE TF1l? SUP RVISORS: We therefore request that the sunt of seven thousand dol- lars, required to pay interest on said boncls as stated above, htb levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the town of Ithaca. We would further report that the Sinking I:.tnd maintained for the purpose of meeting the. principal of said bonds amounts at this date.to $31658 99 as follows : a Amount at date of last report $46.962 25 Received froth Supervisor 25no 00 Received for interest $3224 23 Less alumna applied on premium account . . . . . . . . _1027 49 2196 74 Total. $51,658 99 \Vltich is invested as follows : Town of -Ithaca 7 per cent bond, $46,00o o0 Town of Itlaea 5 per cent bonds Topp 00 Premium acct +•, 2396 39 •Lash on hand uninvested 262 6o • Total as above $51,655 .99 The present bonded indebtedness of the town of Ithaca for the purpose above mentioned, exclusive of Sinking I<und, is - therefore $48,341.01, a reduction since last report of X4,696.7}. The undersigned are of opinion that in the future the ac- cumulation of the Sinking Fund as invested, will he sufficient to extinguish the bonds at maturity, provided the minimum •amount of principal (one per cent) fixed by the statute he here- after included in the tat levy-. 'I'hev therefore ask that the sunt of one thousand dollars be „levied -and assessed upon the taxable/property of. the, town of • PROCEEDINGS OT 'l.'HF, SUPER E � , 125 Ithaca for the purpose of maintaining a Sinking.I- un.d for the Purpose stated above. H. B. I;ORD, } Commissioners. O. H. GREGORY, The undersigned, .being duly; sworn, do depose and say that to the best of their knowledge and belief the within report to which they have subscribed • their names is true, alit that the statements of•account therewith submitted are correct. H. B. LORD, O. H. GREGORY. Sworn to and sUbscrihel before tide this 9th day of November, 1884. C. \V. GAY, Notary Public. T.) Mr; 13r>ard (/ Sir/ ervrsoI s In accordance with Chapter 552, .Laws of 1870; I. hereby. report the public debt of the town of Ithaca to be as follows : '1'he balance on bonds issued by the Commissioners of the Ithaca & Athens Railroad as.per the last reportwas $1:6;5oo 00 Less amount received in 1887 7,500 00 Balance at 5 per cent . . . r5,oix) oo • The balance on bonds issued by y the Geneva & Ithaca Railroad as per the last report was Less amount of reduction in [887 Balance at 7 per cent -153,037 75 4,696 74 $48,341 0I 'total bonded indebtedness - $198,341 01 Resolved, That as per report of the Bonding Commissioner of the town of Ithaca there be levied and collected on the taxable property of said town : , For sinking fund on Geneva Sc.. Ithaca Railroad bond~I000 00 } I For interest on said bonds at 7 per cent . . . •. . . . . . . . 7000 00 For principal on Ithaca & Athens bonds • $15,000 00 Interest on said bonds 7125 00 Total to lie raiser[ this year $30,125 00 GEO. W. FROST, 'Supervisor. 1 • .126 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SUPERVISORS. NE\V I1. 1,1). To S. _ 1. Seahrin , .Sn'pr.i-v or of i'hr! I nuwu t f Arr,'7r ' eld : We the undersigned, Commissioners of the town of Nev. field, duly appointed under the provi4ions of an act of the I,eg- islature of the State of New York aluthorizing towns to sub- scribe to the capital stock of Railroad corporations, and to issue bonds therefor, do respectfully report that it will he necessary for said town of Newfield to raise by tax the sum of three thousand, two hundred and six dollars ($3,206) to pav interest from September rst, 1888, to September. ist, 18S9, on bonds of said town of Newfield to the amount of $45,800, issued to aid in the coustruction of the Pa. & S. 13. Railroad. Said interest to be paid semi-annually on the first days ofMarch and Septem, ber of each vear. We further report that we have no balance on hand. 0 1. F:. PALMER' Coaunissiouers. C. W. McCOR\, TOMPKI\S COUNTY, Ss : - 11 . C. W. ;4riCorn, being duly sworn, says that he is one of the Railroad Bond- ing Counnissioners in and for the town of Newfiald, and that the above report i6 in all respects just and true. C. W. McCORN. Sworn to befora Inc this cztli day of November, ISSR. 1. \. 1)IiaN, Notary Public. To. the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins Corr/rly O. lti•accordance with Chapter 552 of Laws of r87o, I hereby " report the public debt of Newfield to be as follows : O • PROCi4-''S`1. 'I'l[I •SliPb;ltVISORS. [27 Amount of bonds issued $52,000 0u Amount of principal paid. Lo Nov. 1st, 1S8$ 6200 oo Balance unpaid • $45,800 00 Amount or interest due March 1st, [859 1603 00 Sept. R[st, [889 1603 0O $49,006 00 Resolved, chat at the request,of the Bonding Commissioners of the town cif Newfield, there be levied and collected from the taxable property of said town the sum of three thousand, tivo hundred and six dollars as interest on the above named bonds. S. A, SEABR1NG, Supervisor, Ui,VSSi*. To the Board u% Supervisors n/ Tompkins Couliiy,• GNNTl,i;alr : The Bond Commissioner of the town of Ulysses submits the following- report : The amount of bonds issued by said town of Ulysses, under Chapter 907, Laws of 1869, and Laws amendatory thereof was 75,00u.00, dated March 1, i87i, due March 1, Bpi,' with se[ni- diurnal interest at seven per cent. per annum, payable on the first days of March and September. Amount of principal paid, ,120,800.1.)0 Amount of coupons cluc and unpaid, .136.50. D J k There is deposited with the Union Trust Company of New York $136.5o for the payment of past dire coupons. There is a balance of $63.67 in the Ranking- House of L. J. Wheeler & Co. f i 211 PROCEEDINGS 014' THE, S111'i IZVISORS. There. remains outstanding bonds to the amount of $54,- 200. 00. One year's interest on $,54,200 00 ,'$3794 t ) Less balance on hand 63 67 $3730 33 As the town voted at the spring election of 1887 to discon- tinue the raising of any Sinking N und, I therefore recommend that the Slnn of $3730.33 he raised by tax assessed to the town, for interest only. Dated Tru111ansburg, .N. Y., Nov. 1, 1588. 1,. J. WHEELER, Bond Commissioner. Levi J. wheeler, being duly sworn, deposes and says that the foregoing re- port is correct to the best of ins knowledge and belief. LEVI J. W11F$1,ER. Subscribed and sworn to before le this 1st day of November, ISS8. J. R. E14IERV, Justice of the Peace. To the Board tf Supervtsors of Tntunkitts Colt Jt ty In accordance with Chapter 552, Laws of 1870, I hereby re= port the public debt of the town of Ulysses to be as follows Amount of bonds issued by Bonding Commissioners March r, 1371 $75,000 00 Amount of principal paid 20,300 00 Amount of principal unpaid 54,200 00 Amount of interest due March 1, 1889 1597 <*0 Amount of interest due Sept. 1st, 1889 1897 00 Total amount of indebtedness September 1st, 1559 J7,994 00 Amount of money now in hands of Bonding Commissioners to ap- ply on interest 63 67 RFOCEEDINGS OF '1'1IN SUPRA -VISORS. 1.29 / e.N.o/ved, That rtt the request of the Itonding Commissioner of 1110 town of Ulysses, there he levied and collected on the taxable property of said town, the suns of three, thousand, seven hundred, thirty dollars and thirty --three cents, ($373o.33) to pay interest on the above named bonds for the year 1389. A. 1-!. 1'IERSON, Supervisor. COUNTY CLERK'S REPORT OF F1NES RECEIVED. TO1iP'KINS CO. CLERK'S O1 Nlc1 , Ithaca, N. Y. the Board of Srrj5ervr;rors of Tompkins : The whole amount of money received by me from fines is the sunt of tivo dollars, which stun was paid to me at the May Court of Sessions, and by me paid to the 'County Treasurer of said county the salve day ; whose voucher i hold for that amount. Mt.ONROE M. SWE TI,:1N1), County Cierk. CORONER'S REPORT. ITIIACA, Nov. 17, 1888. , 7ie /he Honorable Board of Supervisors: GENTLEMEN : I haven() valuables in my possession except those which have been claimed by legal representatives. Yours Respectfully, J. W. BROWN, Coroner. PR CEEDINos 01 THF, STJPE1iVISOR.S. STAT V, OY \ r+,tt' Vortl; I ss ; Top1r 1Ns C1iIFNTv. �' ti J. W. Brown being sworn, say's that tate items in the foregoing account by him presented, are correct, and that the services and dishursemenss charged therein have been made and rendered, •and that 110 part thereof has Leen paid or satisfied. Sworn to 1.clore Ine this r Lil day of tioventiier, 1SSS, F. •A. 'FC)D1J, Notary Public. .JUSTICES OP THE PEACE Ri-:POR'LS. Reports of the Justices of, the Peace of the various towns of the county, of all lines and penalties by them collected respect- i\gel\-,\during the past year : CAROM NIL JohllJ, Peters, chole ainount rec'+l 7. 00 Pai;i County Treasurer 7 00 John Cross reports no moneys received. W. V. Personins " " " R. G. H. Speed " DANBV. Jacob \Vise, 1ehiile. amount received costs, $S.23, fine, Paid Count' Treasurer J. J. Miller reports no moneys received. Jeremiah Thatcher Chas Howland " Alt Vi) FN. - G. E. Underwood reports no moneys received. W. F,. Brown " ItNF11,1.L. .F. P. Aiken reports no uumeys received. W. F. Smith J. M. Lanning " S. M. fltx, ' „ 3 (v PROCEEDINGS -OI ,TH1, SUPI,RVISORS. , t,KoroN. 13.1 I•}opkitis, whole amount received $67 00 Paid County Treasurer w - 67 0J Newton Baldwin, whole 011101101 received To 00 1•%tid County Treasurer t0 W J. M. IIontford reports no tuoney°s received. r,A1csI NG. Charles Drake reports no uwtteyvtceived. Nelson:I;. I,yoit„ " R:1 . Hokin " v N I- WI+IIf34ll. A•. K. Allen reports 00 money received. Jo1111 \V..1)caii " Elvin keener '' Benj. Starr tit.vssES. A. 1'. Osborn., whole acuottet received 35 00 •` Paid County Treasurer • 35'00" 'Henry Hutchings, whole amount received Paid County'I'reasurer to S. J. R. E,ntery reports 110 nioneye received. John N. Barker •` 1 The, Justices of. the town of Ithaca failed . to snake any reports. SUPERINTENDENTS REPORT. To floe Honorable the Board of Supervisors o/' Tompkins County The undersigned, Superintendent of the Poor of Tompkins County, respectfully- reports that from the 15th day of Novent- i 13:2 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SUPERVISORS., her, 1887, to the 1 jt11 clav of .November, 1888, the following named persons have been supported in.the County Alms House, viz: Names. 131?I,ONr[NG TO THE COUNTY. No. of days, Names. No. of days. Edward Boyne 365 Wm: Kelly 14 •Moses Myres 365 jack Burks 14 Lena Collins 365 Wm. Smith . . 13 .Elbert Downer . . . 365 Joseph Ward 13 Ellen Coyle 365 John Kelly 13 Richard King . 365 Thomas Blake . 2 Floyd Auble 146 Patrick .Reed 2' Jack Burns 1 i Elias Williams 3 Lydia Edgerly , 237 John Iiamilton 4 Wm. Griffin . 27 Patrick Sullivan 4 Henry Gibson . . 1 t36 Thomas Connell 14 John Holland , 3 John Peters 42 Samuel Berry 4 Elizabeth Dutton 53 Tim Casey- . . . . . . . . . . 15 Martin Dutton . . . . . . . 57 Win. Cafferty 6 George Button 49 Albert Benton 31 Grove W. Woolford ' 26 Charles Ewers . 4 John Gray 3 Frank Lynch . . . . . . . . 4 Edgar Johnson 29 James Hughs 4 Jay Bills 2 Samuel Ryan ' . . . 4 Maggie Brown t5 Richard Mahoney . . `•? 4 s. Edward Norton . . 14 3262 CARO1,1N1 . Mrs. Venable . . 365 Everett Boyer 365 Total Frank Corcoran John P. Allen Hiram Dodge Wm. Steres . . . DRYDEN. .365 Robert 1'. Joiner 45 ` '344 104 a 730 77 935 d PROCAN.D1NGS OF THE SUPERVISORS. DAN1W. Jeru511a Cronce . . 365 111Lora Csonce . . . . . . . 365 Total LANSING. Barney Moore 167 1 � U 1,\'SSk1S. James Ferguson 297 Bridget O'Neil 12 Henry Raymond 158 John Mahoney 136 Jerry Wagner Wm. Coshun • 50 1i72 133 730 Charlotte Doty . . . . 205 ITHACA, Horace Whitehead 365 Mary Allen . . . 91 Daniel McCune 365 Mary Syne 365 Daniel Carney 282 Abraham Shephard 130 Henry P. Flowe 365 Joseph Jones . . . . 223 Abram Case 10 Morris Flynn 21 Wm. Dibble 365 Margaret Brown . 23 Seth R. ,Peak 1,4.0 Fgbert Stephens .. 7 Peter Christine 172 Charles Schuyler 7 John Patterson . 365 - Daniel Cook _ 76 , 3737 Enmity Vanalstine 365 H;NHI8T D. • Arena Bennett . . T18 Adelia Clark Hattie Clark 31 31 18n- NF,W1 1l 1,]1. Elizabeth Casterline . .. . . Too Richard Vreeland 123 Julius Casterline . . . . . .,. 127 Sarah J. Vreeland 123 Alice Casterline zoo i,oie Croute 5 589 Wtu. Porter 11 I34 PROCOEDINGS OF THR SUPERVISORS. GROTON. 'Rebecca Butler 365 John McCarthy " i38 Frances Wilcox 365 868 The whole number of days said. paupers have been support-' ed in the County House was 12,070. The amount" of drafts drawn on the County Treasurer for bills "audited by the Superintendent for the support of the insti- tution daring said year, over and above the proceeds of the farm was $2,264.33, of which $202.29 was for improvements ; leaving a balance of$2,062.04 for the eXpenses of the House. The suis expended for outdoor relief was Services'of Overseer of the Poor j Transportation of paupers Improvement of property and furniture $14-44 r i 246 (10 48 5'- 202 29 X4002 96 -, The following items make up the amount ander 'tl1e head of improvements on property : Phosphate and grass seed $55.60 Repairs on stove and furniture \ 54 �2 Repairs on house and fence 85 62 ' Hay car, fork and pulleys 6 95 y',202 29 The following bills nave been audited by the Superintend- ent of the Poor, and. drafts drawn on the County Treasurer for indoor expenses and improvements on property from the i5t1) day of November, 1887 td the 15tH day of Novethber, 1888 : Dec. 6, [887. J. Kerst i"Co. supplies '$69 52 E. A. Snow, painting and papering 13 Si . Willis Morgan, Pork -30' 62 • PROCEEDINGS OF THE SUPERVISORS. t35 Stowell & Sou, supplies' 26 18 Wm. Farrington, boots and shoes • 9 35 Slocum- & Boyer, melt 1 31 E. K. Johnson, supplies 14 74 Marsh & Miall, 9 53 Sawyer & Glenzer, supplies 5 14 Ira Rockwell, lumber 16 53 1,eroy Fletcher, pork . 32110467 7 65 ' l)ecetnberp7. Henry Hausner, pork 14 47 Edward I'yle, phosphate 20 40 31 Simeon Rolfe, salary 1ocr0o Jan. 4, 1858. Fred Trumbull, pork . 18 19 Fowler & Farrington, coal 142 38 '1'retnau, King & Co., repairs 45 55 Sawyer & Glenzer, supplies 2 13 W. C. Snow, repairs on wagon - 3.00 C. M. Stanley, shoes 9 25 Winton & Stewartrsupplies 23 00 Geo. Batty, treat IS 23 Manning Atwater, supplies . . 18 47 Wi1i. Farrington, shoes . . . 2 55 S. F;. Rolfe, pork 23 61 F,mor Carinail, pork 31 75 Joseph I. Lanning, pork, 27 69 E. L. Brown, pork ' 23 25 9. A. Kerst, house physician 82 50 C. E. Thotnpson, ineat 28 743 ]Morton & Holton, supplies 12 20 Levitt Pinckney, cut 17 acres of wheat 17 00 January 12. Sitneon Rolfe, on' salary 40 00 February 1. Simeon Rolfe, on salary 55.00 Hawkins, Toad & Co., supplies 33 20 Gauntlett & Brooks, supplies 2 55 W. Humiston, pork 13 21 \Vinton & Stewart supplies 9 65 Slarclt 7, Mosher Bro. & Co., clothing 77 60 E. K. Johnson, supplies 7 69� C. E. Still, clothing 9 10 April 4. Stowell & Son, supplies 26 95 Fowler &. Farringtoit, coal 94 43 • 136 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SUPERVISORS. L. F. Noxou,.clover and garden seed 12 85 C. E. Still, clothing 6 go Charles Seamon, wood 48 44 Simeon Rolfe, on salary too u0 May 2. Geo. Small, fencing 5 92 D. J. Pinckney, posts 9 00 C. E. Still, clothing y o0 November 7. Trentau, King .& Co., repairs 8 57 June 6. J. W. & C. W. Dean, lumber 4 60 a Kerst & Co., supplies 53 24 . July 4. Stowell & Son, supplies 7 oS C. E. Still, clothing 4 16 J. Van Buskirk, coffili 9 50 August 1. Slocum & Boyer, meat 21 33 Marsh & Hall, supplies 3 56 Stowell & Son, supplies 34 85. George'Vanu, phosphate � 25 20 Aaron Mekeel, supplies 24September 5. \V. I3. \Villson, hats °00Geo. Batty,meat56Slocum& Boyer, meat15Yowler & Farrington, coal:6.9375i 49 Stowell & Sou, supplies 13 90 C. M. Stanley, shoes 13 00 Simeon Rolfe, pay kitchen girl .10 00. Simeon Rolfe; on salary • 100 00 October 3. E. A. Snow, papering 2 07 C. I.,. Chapman, clothing 13 20 Geo. Batty, meat 23 53 C. B. Owen, pork 18 20 Stowell & Son, supplies 1 32 5r Geo. Small, lumber 9 11 J. Kerst & Co., supplies 57 66 'October 12. Simeon Rolfe, on salary 6o 00 November 7. Drake & Townsend, supplies Ill 28 31 Fowler & Farrington, coal and repairs • 79 09 $2,264 33 S PROCEEDINGS OF' THE SUPERVISORS. The whole amount of drafts drawn : 137 'louse and fartit $2264 33 1 ntproventcnts on property- 202 29 Leaving a balance for the support of the House above the proceeds of the farm of $2062 04 The whole amount of indoor expenses from Nov. 1, 1887 to Nov. 1, 1888, was $2,o62.o4. No. Days Board. CosL of Board and Clothing. County' 3262 Caroline 730 $557 27 124 71 i Dryden . 9,35 159 74 llatibv 710 124 71 Groton 868 148 30 Lansing . 167 28 53 Ulysses • 872 148 97 Enfield. . do 30 77 t8 lthac•t 3737 638 4 ;ANewreld 589 loo 63 • Total . $12,07o $2062 04 The following- bills of the Overseers of the Poor and oth- ers have been audited by the Superintendent, and drafts drawn on the County Treasurer for bills contracted out of the Poor House for temporary • relief of county paupers, from the 15t11 day of Nov. 1887, to the 15th day of Nov. 1888 : Dec. 6, 1887. Bradford Snyder, relief tramps $3 00 T. J. Barrington, draw coal in Ithaca 15 70 Andrew Smith; relief Waterman Abram C"11ase, medical service r 1,. W. Carpenter, Sheldon Bierce, relief tramps G. C. Whitley, relief Agnes Willets and others 22 IO Jacob Vise, relief Mrs. Personius . 21 45 3 co 4 45 7 75 65 138 PROCEEDINGS OF TIIi'. SUi'1•;ltVISORS. H. S. Beardsley, to 15 Dec. 3l. Floyd R. Howes, relief Tillie Lester is 00 jati. 4, iSSS. - poor in Ithaca 1i- 07 J. A. l,e�ris, surgeon for Tompkins 15 o0 J. H. Horton, coal in Ithaca 11 25 Geo. 1;. Harris, relief Gin -finer 23 00 W. H. Teed, relief Whiting and others 39 56 J. C. Beebe, relief Rush Newman 5 i1 Andrew Smith, relief tramp 75 January 13. Supt. expenses with Geo. Mead to I-Iospital 50 8o February 1. F. R. IIowes, relief of poor 29 85' Fd. I4leany, physician for Compton family, fever case 31 so Eugene Raker, physician oti salary 20 00 J. H. Horton, coal in Ithaca 24 75 J. A. Northrop, physician, assigned to Ticheitor 21 150 W. H. 'I'ec,l, relief of Whiting and others . . . . 15 68 W. H. Lockerhy, physician to Harriet Baker . . 21 0(1 • March 7. Thomas Miller, burial of E. Baker . . . . . . . 18.IKi Geo. C. Whitley, relief of A. \Willets and others . . 32 10 J. R. Cummings, huryiug poor in Ithaca 38 00 Bradford Snyder, relief tramps 4 IN.,. Sheldon Rierce, " i cxr Andrew Smith, 156 J. H. Horton, coal in. Ithaca 3S 25 W. H. Teed, relief Whiting and other 17 50 Geo. E. Orton, physician to Rockinstyre 4 25 April 4. Bradford Snyder, relief I'ersonins 6 cxi Eugene .Baker, physician in Ithac-i 35 00 Floyd R. Howes, relief poor ill Ithaca 268 67 T. J. Harrington, drawing coal and woo111 14 6o April 21. H. H. Miller, conveying Whipple to Willardto 00 May 2, J. H. I-Iorton, coal in Ithaca 18 c>n Geo. E. Harris, relief Gardner 30 25 Eugene Raker, extra salary, typhoid fever 15 25 F. R. Howes, relief tramp 1 95 June 6. Daniel Sullivan, hurial and relief of Hoyt 25 18 W. H. Lockerhy, physician for Hoyt • 13 oo E. R. Howes, relief tramps 4 65 W. 1. Sherwood, relief.Geo. Mead15 00 G. C. Whitley, relief Agnes Willets and others . . 15 30 Bradford Snyder, relief Freeman 6 sic, • PROCEEDINGS OF TI -IE SUPERV1s012S. 139 July 4. 1^'. B. Howes, relief truuirli 50 She Bierce, relief Nichols 3 W Frank Todd, relief Nichols t7 50 G. C. Whitley, relief WiIiets and Personius 15 16 C.,L. 1)avis, burial of Pool . 18 00 Bradford Snyder, relief of L ooS 15" 55 August i. 1-1. H. Miller, conveying; Larkin to Willard 5 00 Mriry Wood, relief of Geo. Mead 10 00 J. H. Horton, coal in Ithaca r6 12 G. C. Whitley, relief Martha Cleveland sent to Balti- more 20 25 Geo. 1. Harris, relief Gardner { 22 75 September 5. Geo. E. Harris, relief and Burial of Gardner. " 34 25 LH, Horton, coal in Ithaca 2%25 Geo. C. Whitley, relief Willets and Personius . . . 25 80 J. C. Lormor, Quinlf 56 00 Sept. 14. W. L Sherwood " Rockiugstyre • 16 oo Oct. 3. F. B. Homes' " tramps; 4 46 F.E. 'Tibbetts send soldiers to Elmira 9 51 'Bradford ~Hyder, relief tramps 4 05 Mary World, care Geo. Mead 10 00 November 7. IJaniel Sullivan, relief tramps 2 75 J. H. Horton, eoal in Ithaca 20 25 John Beardslee, burial of Waterman . . . . . 12. +.10 " relief of . . . . . 6 50 F. 1i. Howes, relief of poor 6 0o Geo. C. Whitley, relief A. Wiliets and others 15 30 $1444. r1 The •following statement sifows the amount of bills audited liy the Superintendent of the Poor to the Overseers 6f the Poor, frons the i5th day of Nov. 1887, to the 15th day! of ,Nov. 1888, for their services with county paupers•: ` Dec. 6,"1887.' Floyd B. Howes $16 eo - G.•0. Whitley . ' 8 00 Jan. 4, r888. W. H. Teed 400 Geo. E. Harris . I 4 ext Peb. 1. Floyd B. 1"lowes 26 00 - \V..H..'feeii 2 eo' I40 PROCEEDINGS OF TFIE.SUPEr.VISORS. March 7. G. C. Whitley 4 00 Bradford Snyder, 4 00 W. H. Teed - 2 o0 April 4. John Baker . 17 00 Bradford Snyder 6 oo F. B. Howes . t6 oo . ' May 2. Geo. E. Harris . • 4 00 F. B. Howes S on June 6. ^ Daniel Sullivan 7 00 'F. B. Howes .• S c0 G. C. Whitley - to 00 July 4. 'F. 13. Howes. . . • S oo G. C. Whitley 4 a0 Sheldon Bierce 14 00 Bradford Snyder _ 6 00 James McCracken 4 ixo August 1. F. 13. Howes S• o0 Geo. E. Harris 4 oo Sept. 5. Geo. E. Harris 4 00 F. 13. Howes.. S 00 G. C. Whitley 6 oo Oct. 3. F. B. Howes S 00 Bradford Snyder 4 00 Nov. 7. Daniel Sullivan 4 00 / John Beardsley 6 oo F. B. Howes • S o0 G. y C. Whitle\.1_ 4 00 S246 no Names of paupers transported to the County House during - the year ending November r5t11, 1888, with the bills and names of those transporting then], as pe•` hook of transportation, and where chargeable : Name of paupers. By whom brought. Where chargeable. Lydia Edgerly , F. 13. Howes ' County ¢t 50 •Hiram Dodge Bradford Snyder Dryden . .. . z io John McCarty Nelson Underwood Croton ; 6o . Elizabeth Casterline and 2 . children . .Andrew Stnith • Newfield 4 50. r PROCE1 DINGS 01•` THE SUPERVISORS. 1 • I4.1 1 Barney MooreJ C. Beebe I,alisitlg 2 85 Robert Joiner Bradford Snyder Dryden 2 55 Daniel Cook Andrew 'Smith County •2 25 . Arena Benet. James McCracken . . Enfield. . . . . 90 , Wm. Coshun. . W. I. Sherwood Ulysses '75 Joseph Jones • F.- B. Howes Ithaca ' 1 50 Barney Moorr.` Daniel SullivanLansing •' 3 30 Charlotte Doty . . 'W. I. Sherwood Ulysses 1 00 Lowe Cronee John ileardslee Newfield 2 70 0 Wm. Porter " 3 00 ,Abram Shephard . . •Sheldon Bierce ' Ithaca t 2 00 Elizabeth and Martin Dut- ton _James McCracken . . . County 1 20 George Vreeland and Sarah . J. Vreeland . . . . , John BeardsleeNewfield 5 X28 Grove W. Wolford'. . . . F. B. Howes 1 County 1 50 Sohn Mahoney . 1 . . . W. I. Sherwood Ulysses 1 00 John McCarty F. A. Sherman Groton 3 6o Hattie and Adelia Clark . Japes McCracken i- ntield 1 44 $48 52 'Amount •of' grain and produce raised on the farts, and -amount now on hand : O11 hand. 40 tons hay ' 35 13o bus. wheat 30 200 " barley. 25 604 " oats - 564 990• " corn ears - S90 640 "4' potatoes 540 7 " white beans All ! 30 sweet corn . None 32 " . onions 30 to ` tomatoes None 100 heads celery . { 75 1250 " cabbage 1200 to bus beets •10 115 winter apples 115. '6 barrels'cider All 25 loads corn stalks ' 1 X 142 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SUPERVISORS. ' Stock on farm t 3 horses belonging to keeper. To County : i yoke of oxen ; S milch cows ; r hull ; i yearling heifer ; 13 hogs fattening ; 7 shoats Wintering ; So common fowls ; 2 turkeys. Supplies on liand i 4 barrels sugar; 32 barrel molasses ; barrel vinegar ; bar soap ; 350 lbs. butter ; 15 lbs. tallow ;.14 doz. candles ; 50 16s. coffee ; chest of tea ; 2 caddies tobacco ;. 1 wringer ; 4 under -shirts ; 3 over -shirts ; 3 coats ; 7 pair drawers ; S pair hose ; to pair socks ; 3 pair pants ; 4 pair shoes ; 2 vests ; .7 hats to yds. ticking ; 2f) yds. calico ; 15 yds. gingham ; 30 yds. factory ; 8 yds. muslin ; 2 yds. shirting ; S vds. toweling ; '8 17enhams ; 4 yds. skirt flannel ; 7 towels ; 3 .pair boots ; 2 pair men's shoes ; 4 washboards ; 3 brooms ; 2 mop sticks ; 8 coinfortables ; 7 blankets ; 9 pillows ; to straw ticks ; 6 shrouds ; 3 night gowns ; 2 doz. handkerchiefs ; to aprons ; 4 sheets ; 12 pillow cases. I further report the number of, births -in the County House • at I: Number of deaths, 8. Nurnber in the County House Nov. I5, 1887, 31. Received- during the year, 59. Discharged during the year, 45. Absconded, 4. In the County House Noy. 15, 1888, 34. Average number in the County House during the year was 33:5-7,3. Average expense of each pauper supported, above the pro- ceeds of the farm, was $62.43. The average weekly expense, 51.20 3-52. • In conformity to the 3oth Section, .Title 1st, Chapter 20, of the Revised Statutes, I respectfully report to the Board of Super- visors that I estimate the expenses of the county and town pau- pers in the County Poor House for the ensuing year at $2,200.00. c .1 PROCEED]NGS OF 'Il -JE SUPERVISORS. ' 43, 1 estimate the expense for transportation. of paupers to .County House at''4o.00. 1 estimate the expense for •teutporary relief of county pau- pers not in the County House at $1,500.00. I estimate the expense for services of C)verseers of the Poor with county paupers at $250.00. I estimate the Keeper's salary, $500.00. Total amount of estimates, $4,490.0O. The cash 011 band and unsettled accounts reported last year, amounting to $t23:154, have been expended as follows : Keeper on salary 46 lo Convey patients to Willard 17 82 Supplies for House 7 78 Still unsettled 'I 84 Statement of produce sold and money received : lior veal calves sold X49 So Pigs, lard, hauls and grease 140 69 Grain, (barley) 110 94 Judgement from Schuyler County 388 00 Accounted for as follows Convey Children to Hoines $ 29 02 • Supplies as per hills , 208 71 Stock 28.00 Traveling and Telephone Expense.. 45 62 Postage and stationery w 3 75 Supplies'for house and farmX70 57 Attorney fees in Schuyler' County. case . . `. 88 54 Unsettled accounts 67 05 Cash on, hand 48'23 $123 54 x"689 43 $f89 43 [44 PROCEI?WINGS OF '1'H[ 1UPE'RVISORS. • 'I'lhe Superintendent further reports that the, expenses for the care of the poor in the County House, and. for temporary relief of those not in the County.House, for the year ending Nov. -15, 1888, together with the repairs, was $4,002.96. Appropriation, $3,921.15. heaving an indebtedness of $81.8r. Report of the Superintendent giving the location of those taken to Asylums and Homes and where chargeable for their support Hattie Smith Taken Co Willard Charge Caroline Rush Newman Lansing John Robinson • Caroline lra Dwight Caroline I.I. Jacobs _ I,ansinlr Chas. Whipple . Dryden Edwin Weed Ithaca Dennis Conlan - " Groton John Richards . . . • ... County Larkin . . . . . . . . . County Wm. Porter t Newfield Jerotne Freeman " .. . Dryden .Henry Gibson County Albert Monroe Caroline George Gage C troliue Sarah and Edward Clary. . Auburn Horne Ithaca .Arena Berndt Binghamton H. Enfield Julius Casterline Newfield Martin Dutton County George Dutton Ithaca Home . County A 1' PROCKEDINGS OF' THE SUPERVISORS. 145 SPECIAL SFSSION —)OF THE (— • } BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF TOMPKINS COUNTY --1888. The Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, having met at an extra session on Friday, March ad, 1888, -pursuant to, a call Made for the purpose of considering and passing' upon the sufficiency of the official bond of the County Clerk, appointed to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of Phillip J. Parten- heimer. Oti toll call the following Supervisors responded to their names TowN: MI3M B1.R. Caroline, JAMES Borer . Danby, . . .. FRANK A. TODD, Dryden, . . .. . . JOHN H:' KENNEDY, Enfield, . DANIEL W. BAILEY, Groton, . . JoriN W. JONES, , ' Ithaca, Lansing, Newfield, SAM"uEL-A. SEABRING, Ulysses . . P. O. AnDRNss. . . Slaterville West Danby Dryden ... Enfield Center Groton OE01tGE W. PROST, Ithaca HORATIO BROWN, dlo'wville° On motion of porary chairman. Newfield ALBERT H. PTERSON, . . . .Trumansburg Mr. Kennedy Mr. Pierson was chosen tem- 146 SPECI:ll, SESSION, BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. The Clerk stated the object of the cal!, and presented to the Board the official bond of ,Monroe M. Sweetland, County Clerk. .4 • NIoved by Mr. lioice,and seconded by 1Ir. Frost, that the bond filed by the County Clerk•be approved and accepted. Motion carried. There•being iio`furtl,er business before the Board, the min- utes of the day's proceedings were reacl•and approved, and the Board adjourned without day. J. H. JEN,NINOS, Clerk. [The foregoing was handed in to the printer too late to be . placed at the beginning of the Proceedings, where, in the order of date it properly belongs.] i 1 � 1 � PRoCt;Enixc,5 017 T1W,, Stirs;izV1;;013.S. 14.7 POLITICAL D`IREC +ORY, AND GUIDE TO TOWN OFFICERS. • k General ];lection : .The First Tnesdav after the (t;st Mon_ dark i i November : t Revised Statutes (7th. Ed.) page 379. . Animal Town fleeting : Last Tuesday in Pebrtiarv. Pro- ccedings of Board of Supervisors, 1880. Annual School Meeting in neighborhood : East Tuesday.in August : haws of 1883; Chap. 413. Annual ineeting,of Board of 'Town Auditors, comprising - ' the Supervisor; Town Clerk and ;Jiistic_es of the Peace, or 'any - two of the said Justices,; the first 'Thursday after the Genei-al Election, atwltich time all accounts for charges and claimsagainst \ -their respective towns nlust be presented to theni for -audit' ; t. .Revised ,Statutes (7thrEd.) page 833; Laws 1840, Chap. -30.5 9 Annual uieetitg'of the Board of Town Auditors, as above • designated, to examine accounts of Town Officers : On the last Tuesday preceding- the -Annual Town Meeting to be held in each . town ; haws of 1863, Chap. 1.7.a. 4 'Annual meeting of athellSupervisors - of the County as a Board of County Canvassers 17 rst' Tuesday succeeding the General Election : t Revised Statutes, (701:Ed.) page 39o. Annual iueetin; of the 'Board of Supervisors of the Couuty Imntediatelv..after the completion! of the Canvass, or at such • 4 ° 14.8 PROCEEDI GS OF THE SUPERVISORS. other tilde as they as a board, shall fix ; 2 Revised Statutes (7th Ed.) pages 926-931. fAnnual Meeting,of Supervisor, Town Clerk and Assessors of each Town, to designate the place in each election district in the Town, at which elections shall be held dining the year, and to give notice, written or printed, to be posted in at least eight public places in' each district, containing descriptions of the places so designated, and of the time of•openingand closing the polls : On the first Monday in September in each year. Laws 1681, Chap. 137. :Meeting of Supervisor, '1'own Clerk and Assessors of each ToWn, for the purpose of remaking lists of Trial Jurors ; on the first day of July of each third year after July ist, 1878,' at a place in the town appointed by •the Supervisor, or in his absence or vacancy in office by Town Clerk ; or, if they fail to meet on that day, they must -meet as soo11 thereafter as practicable ; Code of Civil procedure, § 1oi,5. The next meeting for this purpose will be held July rst, 1890. County Superintendents of the Poor meet at the 'County House ; The first Wednesdaj- in each month. The object of these meetings is to audit bills payable from the County Poor Fund. • TOWN OFFICERS. Each Supervisor must execute to, and deposit with, the County Treasurer, a bond for the accounting of a school moneys which play come into his hands, before entering upon the duties of .his office.• Each Supervisor in•ust make and deliver to the Town Clerk of his town, his .bond for the faithful discharge of his official duties, and to account for all moneys coming into his hands as such Supervisor. • 417, ti. PxocEEJINcs ou"r1r`E,: ' Sti pERvisois. 149 The Trustees of School districts shall make a report to the School Commissioners between the 2oth day of August and the. last Tuesday of August in each year ; Cliap. 49, Laws 1884. The school moneys are apportioned annually by the School Comtnissibners, on the third Tuesday in March. The -Commissioners of Highways must execute a bond to the Supervisor of their town within ten days after their election.. Overseers of Highways must file a statement of all unworked • highway tax with the Supervisors of their respective towns, on or before the first day of October. The Tax Collector or Receiver shall, Within eight days after \-- receiving notice of the amount of taxes to .be collected by execute to' the Supervisor of the town, and lodge with him, •a bond in double the amount of said taxes, to he approvedby,the Supervisor. 'Tie Supervisor shall, within six days thereafter,` file the said bond in Lhe office of the County Clerk of his County. The Assessors must complete the Assessment Roll on or be- fore the first day 'of August, and leave a copy thereof with otie of their nuniber, and immediately thereafter cause notice thereof to •be posted, iu three or more public places in. their town or ward. "When the line between. two towns, wards or counties di- vides a farm or lot, the same shall be taxed, if occupied, in the town, ward or county where the occupant -resides ; if unoccupied, each part shall be assessed in the town, ward, village or county where the same shall lie." Laws 1886, Chap. 315. • The Assessors shall meet on the third Tuesday in August to review their assessments, and hear the complaint of any person conceiving himself aggrieved. An affidavit to the roll by the ▪ 'Assessors, made prior to the third Tuesday of, August, is a nul- lity. The Assessors must -deliver the corrected Assessment Roll to the • Supervisor on or before the first day of September, there }50 PROCEEDINGS OP T1 -l}; SUPERVISORS. to remain for a period of fifteen days for public' inspection, and the Assessors shall - forthwith give public notice by posting the - same in at least three of the most public places ,in the town, of by publishing the same in one or more newspapers published therein, that such Assessment Roll has been finally completed, the officer to whom the same has been delivered, and the .place where the same will be open to public inspection. -Said fifteen days, within which any assessment may be reviewed by certiorari, shall commence on the day of the first publication. The Assess- or cannot enter the iianie of a person on his Roll who became a resident after ticefirst day rf July. When the Assessors, or a majority of them, shall have coni - 'Acted their Roll, they shall severally appear before any officin- of their/County authorized by law to administer oaths, 'and shall , severally make and subscribe before such officer, an oath in the following form, which must be strictly followed : iz "We, the 'undersigned, doseverally depose andswear that we have set down 'in the foregoing 'Assessment Rdll, ,all the real' estate situate in the town (or ward as the case may be,) accord- ing to our best inforritation ; and that, with the exception of those cases in which the value of the said real'estate has' been changed by reason of proof produced before us, we. have .esti- plated the value of the said real estate at the sums which a majority of the Assessors have decided to be the full value there- of, and also that the said, Assessment Roll contains a true state- ment of the aggregate amount of the taxable personal estate of, each and every person named in such.Roll, over and above the amount of debts' due from such, persons, respectively, and ex- cluding such stocks as are otlieriVise taxable, and such other property as is exempt by law from taxation, at the full value thereof, according to our hest judgment and belief." Which. oath shall be written or printed on .said Roll, signed by the Assessors, and certified by the 'officer. Laws1885, Chap. 364. • l PROCE1:DTNGS O>< THE. 81IPER\'TSORS. 151 The Supervisor Muist report to the County Treasurer, on the first Tuesday in i1Iarclt, the amount of School moneys retraining in his hands. . Each Justice of the Peace must execute a bond with two. sureties conditioned for the payinent on demand to the proper officer all monies received by the Justice, by virtue -of his office, which bond must be approved by the Supervisor of the town, and filed in the Town Clerk's office. Each Justice of the Peace shall make a report ill writing-, verified by oath, each year, bearingdate the first day of Novem- ber; to the Board of Supervisors, at their annual session, in which he shall state particularly the time when, and the name of the person or persons from whom, any money has been re- ceived ; and also the amount and on what account the same was re- ceived ; also all sums retraining due and unpaid ; and that all moneys by hint received have been paid to the officer duly em- powered by law to receive the same, • Each Justice -of the Peace nlllst pay all moneys received by him for fines, within thirty days after its receipt, to the County Treasurer. Critniii d Code, Sec. 726. Overseers of the .Poor cannot liu-uish supplies to a County Pauper to exceed the sunt of ten dollars, Without an order from the County Superintendents authorizing further disbursements forsuch4purpose. , • All bills payable by towns . must be presented to the Town Auditing Board for audit. Al] bilis for supplies furnished t6 County paupers, must be presented to 'the County Superintendents of the Poor, for audit, All -bills presented°to the Board of Supervisors or.any Aud- iting Board, must be verified by oath, stating that the saute are correct in every particular, and that no compensation has been ' received for the sante, .or any part thereof,, except as therein stated. rnnuu w i,c aci\.... ...,,- 1AN1,v—Audits of Resolution adding to audits Tax of Appropriations for ITighways DRYUI,N---Audits of Resolution adding to TaX. of Assessment added by resolution 1lrSTRrcr ATroxn1;V—Report of Bond of Salary of Assistance EN 1+11:].1) --Audita of Resolution adding; to Tal of Appropriation for Highways Report of Supervisor ERRONt30017S ASSESS,IT]'r r' Reports oil ExrrrRT T]:STIMe.7Nv 1. 46, 48 (1r1ZAND JURY 21, 24 GRoroN—Audits of 88 Resolution adding to 37, 47 Report on Railroad Commissioners . . . . . . . . . "120 Report of Supervisor o 121 Tax of Town 68 Appropriation for Highways 37 Hre:FrwAVTAXES--Returnee] unworked 16, 36 TTHACA—Audits of 91 ' - Added by Resolution to Audits 31, 35, 40, 49 Tax of 69 Report of Railroad Commissioner . . . . . . . . . 122 Report of Supervisor 123 Appropriation for Highways 40 INFANT HEIR Eu$p—Report of County Treasurer 1/2 Report of Committee 20 SJ 20, 29 67 29 84 , 15, 30, 35 68 16 115 r8. 48 72 87 38 68 38 119 12 24 26. 39, 42, 52 JA II, PHYSICIAN—Election of Salary of -IImG,MENT vs. W. Van flouter, discharged 12 2r, 33, 34 29 LANSING_Audits of 98 Resolution adding to 34, 43, 51 Tax of '69 Apppropriation for:Highways 51 6 • PROCEEDINGS of THE. SUPERVISORS. r51: The Supervisor tittist report to the CountyTreastirer, on the first Tuesday iii March, the amount of School moneys remain in in. his hands. •. . "'Each Justice of the Peace'niust execute a. bond with two. sureties conditioned for the payment on demand to the proper officer all monies received by the Justice, by virtue -of his office, which bond must be approved by the Supervisor of the town, and filed in the Town Clerks office. Each Justice of the Peace•sliall make a report in writing, verified by .oath, each year, bearing date the first clay of Novem- ber; to' the Board of Supervisors, at their annual session, in which he shall state particularly the time when, and the name of the person or persons from whom, any money has been re- ceived ;• and also the amount aiid on what account the same was re- ceived ; also all suras remaining dne and unpaid ; and that' all moneys by him received have,been paid to the officer duly eat -- powered by law to receive the same. . Each Justice -of the Peace must pay all moneys received by him for fines, within thirtv-days after .its receipt; to the County Treasurer. Criminal Code, Sec. 726. Overseers of the , Poor cannot furnish supplies to .a County Pauper to exceed the stun of ten dollars, Without an order froth the County Superintendents authorizing further disbursements for suchlpurpose. i . All bills payable by towns must be presented to the Town1 Auditing Board for audit. All bills for supplies furnished to' Cotttity 'paupers, rrtust be presented to*the County Superintendents, of the Poor, for audit, All bills presentedrto the' Board of Supervisors orally And- . iting Board, must ,be verified by oath, stating that the same are correct in •every particular, and that no compensation has been received for the same, or any part thereof„ except as therein stated. eAGn. AC`r-To annex lots to Caroline . . . . . 45 ALMS Housr, COUNTY—Chaplain of, Salary . 32 Resolutions that Board visit 16 Visit of Board to 23 ANNUAL SF:sSION OF -BOARD 5 AUDITS, COUNTY 74 TOWNS S i 10 105 Caroline Si Danby 83 Dryden 84 4 Enfield . S Groton . 88 Ithaca 9J Lansing ........................9 9S. Newfield . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .l i o f a Ulysses .. 103 BOND OF COUNTY CI,ERx 17 District Attorney ' S Supt. of Poor .. • 18 Bunwrr, COUNTY 66 CAROLIN--Audits of - 81 Resolution adding to audits . . . . . . . . . . _ [9, 24, 33 Tax of , = 67 Appropriation for Highways 33 CHAIRMAN—ElectiOf of 1 61 To visit Rochester 40, '49 To employ Counsel 62 CLIiRK—Election of 7 COMPTROLU R—Conimunications of, to Board 81 COM2LLTT)=,E5 OF BOARD—Formation of and duties . 7 Appointment of ;o COMMITTEES, REPORTS OF—Treasurer's Accounts U. S. Deposit Fund and Insurance . State Charitable Institutions Equalization and Assessment Roils Superintendent's Accounts 20 44 54 62 to 63 59 CouNTY I nsURER---Annual report of io6 Report of Infant Heir Fund 112 INDF;X. tI' Co,tarTxtcATloss—Comptroller- 8 Tompkins County Visitiog Committee 9 \Villard Asylum . 10 to s COLT,xcToRs—Required to settle 50 Cot1R'r 1x1'i,N'sl3s—Deficiency in 51 1 Enfield to he advanced $30 71 D,tNnv—Audits of 53 Resolution adding to audits 20, 29 Tax of 67 . Appropriations for I-ii};hwacs . . . . . . . 29 Duv1J N—Audits of • 84 i Resolution adding to 15, 30, 35 'fax of '68 • Assessment added. by resolution 16 Drs iti.cr Ar'tORNyx---Report of 115 Bond of • r8. Salary of 48 fI Assistance .. . . . . . . . 72 1?�1r+IF?1,31—,Ai.ldits of / L 87 Resolution adding to38 Tax of 68L' Appropriation for Highways ` S Report of Supervisor . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 119 / ERRONE0IIS ASSESSMENTS ' I 12 • Reports on 24 26, 39, 42, 52 k;xr-RRT TESTI,7,1oNv 46, 48 GRAND JURY 2r, 24 (1woTDN—Audits of / SS Resolution adding to 37, 47 Report on Railroad Commissioners '120 Report of Supervisor a T21 Tax of Town 68 Appropriation for Highways 37 H It;1{\vAYTAxEs—Returued unworked 16, 36 ITHACA---Audits of 9t Added by Resolution to Audits 31. 35, 40, 49 Tax of 69 Report of Railroad Commissioner 122 Report of Supervisor 123 Appropriation for Highways 40 INFANT HEIR FOND—Report of County Treasurer 1 1 2 Report of Committee 20 • }AII, PI2VSJCrAN—Election of 12 Salary of v 21; 33, 34 J[IDG?AEI T vs. W. Van Flouter, discharged 29 LANSING --Audits of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Resolution adding to . . . . . . . .1 . . . . . . Tax of ' Apppropriation for_Highways 98 34:43+ 5r '69 51 r - IND1?S. N -; vi'iiir.n—Audits of i0r Added to by Resolution 4=, 53 Tax of 70 - Appropriatiorr for Highways 42 Report of Railroad Conituissioners ' 126 Report -of Supervisors 126 rinITION to change Town line of Caroline . . . ... . . . PRINTING—Proceedings of Board Session Laws Legal Notices 29, 45 14 13 3,3 Official Canvass 15, 25 1'RO1:e1i1INGS OF BOARD]—Distribution of • 12 PRISONERS—To be,kept in County Jail •7.; Board of - 53 Contracts for labor of 62 Rb.\nTAX UNwORRp1) . 16, 36 R1-4,0 RI's; or' Co2rMIrr1:1?s I I I�1•;POxTS, COUNTS' OvI rCKi<S—Coling- Treasurer 1061 • District Attorney 1 r5 County Supt: of Poor, r 3 Justices of the Peace , i3c1 ' Loatt.Cotnniissioners i iS Sheriff ' 1 1 7 ' \. Surrogate's Clerk . , 116 County Clerk r29 Coroner 129 • RFepoi,Ts, RArLRoA1, COM nISSION'ERS AND &1PY,RVISORS• Enfield (19 Groton ' 120 Ithaca 122 Newfield 126 Ulysses •127 RI;SOLuTI0Ns to be in writing SPEct I. SPSSION • SUPTUIVISORS—tiarlles atul residence of Accounts of Of Seneca County visit of Sul'PLI1:S A:ND REr'Af Rs • SI34SIONS Ob' BOARD SOLDIERS' HF AnSTON 1Oy TA31?S—State and County 9 145 So 39 r7 7 35 •• _66. 70 Ui,vssts—Audits of l03 Resolution to add to - 24, 25, 32 Tax of • - 70 -Appropriation for Highways and Bridges . . . . 24 . [Vii,r,;tAn ASVLIi:Nr—Visit to 61, 65 (i