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TOITiPKIiiS CO, CLEFTS GFH CE, Fad an Etiterati . ANNUAL S,,SSIQN aAD a OF U PRVI R . 01VIPKINS COUNTY. .1887. Tompkins Co, Clerk's office, L ANii `(V TEREO. eft -1 J��� `]'"1"�"'-"••Y • 1 r I ANNLJAI, SESSION. � RSC I EDINGSf 0 - —) OF THE (— . BIOAID 01 SUPERVISOfS —) OF THE (— COUNTY OF' TOM PkINS, .FOR , THE YEAR .1887.' 0 GEO. M. ROCKWELL,• Chairman, J. FT. JENNINGS, Clerk, } • } • ( ITIIACA, N: Y. OF TTIF: I'I'LCACA. JOITTtNAL. ' 1887:' • - Dryden, N. Y. a - Ithaca, N. Y. • r . l • • s • • a 1 • < � r ANNUAL sESSIOTN —) OF THE (— :BOAR') OP SUPERVISORS: ;OF' TOMPKII1IS COUNTYI—S87. Pursuant to Iaw, the Supervisors of the several towns of Tompkins county, New York, convened in annual session at the Supervisors' Rooms in the Court House at Ithaca, in said county, on the 16th day of November, 1887; at 2 o'clock P. M. 1 The Board was called to order by M. N. Tompkins, Clerk of the Board of 1886, and on calling the roll of towns in the county, all the Supervisors answered to their names respectively, as follows :. TOWN. MEMBER. P. O. ADDRESS. Caroline, ROBER'i'•G. H.. SPEED,' Slaterville Danby, - JOHN IE BEERS, . Danby Dryden, GEORGE M. ROCKWELL, Dryden Enfield, BURR RUf vISE1', Trumbull's Corners Groton, JOHN W. JONES, Groton Ithaca, GEO. W. FROST, r Ithaca �' Lansing,. . HORATI0 BROWN, .... Ludlowviile Newfield,. RANDOLPH HORTON, ... Newfield Ulysses, ALBERT H. PIERsON,.... ..._.Trumansburg On motion of Mr. Beers, Burr Rumsey was. unanimously chosen temporary chairman. 0 J • SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDIN'OS. Moved by Mr. Horton, and carried, that the Board . proceed ,to an infoimal.ballot for chairman. Messrs. Horton and Jones were appointed tellers. The result of the ballot was as follows : ' Whole number.of votes cast, 9, of which Rockwell rec'd ,1 4 Pierson " - 4 Beers ,, Mr. Beers stated thathe was not a candidate. . Thereupon, Mr. Frost moved that a formal ballot be .taken • for chairman. Carried. ! r i \IThole number of votes cast, g, of which l r . Rockwell rec'd 5 4 - Pierson . Mr. Pierson moved that Mr. Rockwell be unanimously cho- sen as chairman. Carried. Mr. Rockwell took the chair and thanked the Board for the cornpliment.conferred upon him.• Mr. Horton moved that the Board proceed to take an in- formal ballot foi- clerk. Carried. The result of the informal ballot was as follows : Whole number of votes cast, 9 ;' of which J. H. Jennings received 3 Hobart Hagin •... 4 R: C. Van Vradenburg received Porter -B. Jones received z The first formal ballottresulted as follows: Whole number of votes cast 9 ; of which Jennings received 4 Hagin4received 4 VanVradenburg received 1 iF �3s SUPERVISORS" PROCEEDING S. Moved by Horton to ,continue balloting until a cierk chosen, unless otherwise ordered by the Board. I The second formal ballot.resulted as follows: Whole nutn-. bee of • votes cast, 9 ; of which 1. Jennings received . •.. * 5 Flagin received •• 4 J. H.. Jennings was chosen clerk. -s The chair appointed Mr. Horton as a committee to notify Mr.. Jennings of his election. Mr. 'Rumsey offered the • following resolution, -which was carried : Resolved, 'That this Board convene at y o'clock, A. ni , and 2 o'clock, P. M1' • The following resolution was offered by Mr. Frost, and - adopted': Resolved, That all resolutions of this Board, presented by. the members thereof, be in ‘writing, and signed 13');- the Supervisor presenting the same, unless otherwise ordered by the Board. • p Mr. Pierson offered the following 'resolution which was adopted : l Resolved, That ail county orders issued by this Board be countersigned by the chairman, and all town orders by -the Supervisors of the several towns ; and that•no order shall be issued without the consent of the Board until after the final adjournment of this Board. • The clerk read the following communications, which onvmo- tion of Mr. Horton were accepted and ordered spread upon the minutes as follows STATE OF NEW YORK, COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE.;' JALI3ANY, OCTOBER II, I857. To the Clerk of the lioara of Supervisors of Elie County of Tonmpkins. SIR: -1 enclose a form of stateaient'ot the valuation of Real and Personal Estate, required to be made by you; pursuant to Chapter I1'7 of the Laws of 1536, • i t • SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDL' GS. and forwarded to this office previous to the second 'Monday in December in each year, under a' penalty of fifty dollars. I also enclose a form of Return or Incor- '' porated Companies liable To taxation. It is indispensable that 'this Report be frir- raished by Me lime presc7ibed. The Board of Equalization of Taxes, in pursuance of Chapter 312 of the Laws of 185g, have fixed the/aggregate valuation of property in your County at the sum of $15,450,67o,upon which amount a State tax of $41,716.81 must be levied for the current fiscai year, commencing October rst,1887, as provided in said act and amendments thereto, by Chapter, 351. Laws of 1874, being 2:7 -to mills on the dollar, for the following purposes, viz • For Schools i I-io mill, per Chaper 638, Laws of 1887. For General Purposes 9 -To " 638, " 1887.' For Canals 7 -to " " 160,527 and 638" 1887. Total 2 7 -Io. mills. Your obedient servant, - C. R. HALL, Dep. Comptroller. P. S.—The non-resident Taxes credited to your County for 1886 amount to $164.52. STATE OF NEW YORK, COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE. ALBANY, OCTOBER Ilth, 1887. To •Clerk of .Board of .Supervisors, Tompkins Co. 7 SIR ;=in addition to the State Tax of two and seven -tenth mills, directed to be levied,as per circular from this office, dated this day, amounting to $:11,716.81; the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins is hereby required to raise the sum of 8:425.86, for compensation of the Stenographer of the Supreme Court, in the 6th Judicial District, from October 1, rh87, to September 30, 1888, as au- thorized by Chapter 159, Laws of ,1$85, and Chapter 195, Latvs of 1887./ Respectfully yours, G. R. h1ALL, Dep. Comptroller. S a , Mr. Speed' offered the following resolution. which was adopted : - Resolved, That the committees of the Board be organized in the carne man- ner, and that their duties be the same as in the year 1886.+ • On motion the Board adjourned. { SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 'SECOND DAY. THURSDAY, Nov. r7, 1887. - MORNING SESSION. Roll call. Quorum present. • Minutes of preceding meeting read and approved. The chairman, announced the following standing committccs of the Board : COMMITTEES OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS,'18S7. Chairman—G. M. ROCKWELL. Clerk—J. H. JENNINGs. Constables', Clerk's and Justices' Accounts, . Pierson,Frost, Horton. Treasurer's, Sheriff's and Yudge.'s•Accouizts, Jones, Speed, Brown. 'Equalization and Assessment Rolls, `. Beers, Frost, Horton, Pierson, Rumsey. . Superintendent's Accounts and County Buildiizgs, Rumsey, Pierson, Jones. County Claims, Speed, Horton, Beers, • U. S. Deposit Fuzzd and Insurance, , Brown, Beers, Speed. Public Printing, Frost, Brown, Jones. State Charitable Institutions, - Horton, Brown, Rumsey. 0 7hf . Rik �" N `;� ty 10 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINC-tS., The committees were engaged during the morning session in their various duties. ' On motion adjourned. i e AFTERNOON SESSION. Roll call. Quorutn present. The various committees were• engaged during the afternoon in committee work. a THIRD DAY. FR1I5Av', Nov.'18th, 1887. MORNING SESSION. • ti Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of yesterday's meeting read and -approved. " Mr. Brown filed ,the reports of Nelson E. Lyon, Charles Drake and John H. Conklin, Justices of the Peace of the town of Lansing. (See Reports.) . The morning session was occupied in revising the Grand- Jury lists of th'e various towns of the county, and in committee work. ' Mr. Frost presented the report of the Bonding Commis- sioners of the town of) Ithaca, and also his 'report as Supervisor of the bonded. indebtedness. • On motion of Mr. Horton the 'report was accepted, and the resolution annexed thereto adopted. (See Reports.) On motion adjourned. 0 O t. 0 • SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. . 11. , 1 AFTERNOON SESSION. Roll call. A1I members present. Mr. Jones, filed the reports of James M. Montfort:H. S. Hopkins, Newton Baldwin and Nelson Stevens; justices of the Peace of the town of Groton. (See.Reports). The clerk read a communication fromt]. D. Smith, request- ing the Board to set a day on which they would receive a peti-, tion concerning the removal of. Grove Cemetery of Trumansburg. Moved by Mr. Pierson that the clerk be instructed to -inform Mr.'Smith that the Board would rete ive the petition on the.3oth inst. Motion carri4ed, " Mr. Speed, 'chairman of the `committee 'on county claims, reported the following bills, which on motion of Mr. Pierson, were audited ,by the Board in accordance with the recommenda-, tions of the committee : 1 1 y r Bills numbers 23, 26, 241, 25, 31, 32, 33, 49, 50, 51, 52, 54, 56, 68; 61, 58,'63, 67, 69, 7, 19, 18, 16, 8, 9, 1001, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 20, 21, 22. • Also the following bills which'were recommended,to.be rc- jetted, Nos. 41, 55: On motion of Mr. Rumscy so ordered. Also No. 65, which on inotion of Mr. Joiics was audited as recommended. . , On motion adjourned. FOURTH DAY: ' F . SATURDAY, Nov. 19, IS87. • MORNING SESSION.1' Roll call. Members all present. . Minutes of preceding meeting read andapproved. Y • -SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS.' •t Mr. Speed filed the reports of John L. Peters, W. V. Per- sonious, John Cross and Joh'n W. Gass, Justice's of the Peace of town of Caroline. (See Reports.) a Mr. Horton filed the reports of Albert K. AIlen, Wm. H. Hartranft, I3enj. Starr and John W. Dean, Justices of the Peace of the town of Newfield.' (See Reports.) • Mr. Smith, Supt. of the Poor, appeared before the Board and extended to it an invitation to visit the County House. Mr. Pierson offered the following resolution `which was adopted : Resolved, That this Board as a Committee of•the whole, visit the County Alms House, on Tuesday, Nov., 22nd, and that the chairman and clerk of this Board be authorized to procure suitable conveyances for that purpose. - Mr. Frost offered the following resolutions which were adopted: Resolved, That the Ithaca Journal Association be authorized to publish 5000 copies of the proceedings of this Board, and the tabulated statement of the official canvas in pamphlet form; provided that the same shall be done in the same form, type, and quality of paper as in 1856, the same to be completed .nd ready, for distribution on or before Jan. loth, .ISSS ; and be allowed two and 75-100 dollars per page. • Resolved, That the Weekly Ithacan be authorized to publish the county audits and the statement of the Supervisors' claims and to receive for the same the suns of thirty cents per folio. o Resolved, That the Ithaca Journal Association and the Weekly Democrat be authorized to publish all notices required by law to be published, and that' the Journal Association and Democrat receive for the same the sum•of thirty-five -cents per folio for the first insertion and thirty cents for each subsequent insertion. Mr. Pierson offered the following resolution, which was adopted : • . Resolved, That the s000 copies of ptoceedings of this Board be apportioned r among the several towns of the County in the sante ratio as in theyear 1S56, and that when ready for delivery the clerk of the Board shall examine the same, and if found correct, he shall distribute them to the Supervisors of the several • towns• Mr. adopted. f,; SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 13- /. Frost offered the following ing resolution, which • was 1 Resolved, That the price for printing the session laws for the year, 1858, be' fixed at twenty cents per folio, and that no local laws except those applicable to this.county shall be paid for. • The following resolution was offered by Mr. Jones, and adopted : Resolved, That when this board shall adjourn on Wednesday, Nov. 23rd, the adjournment shall be until Monday, Nov. 28th, at 2 P. M. In pursuance of Chap. 625, of the laws of 1887, the follow- , designations of papers to publish the laws were made To Lice Clerk of the Board of Supervisors : • In pursuance of Chap. 625, of the Laws of iS87, we, the undersigned Re- publican members of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, do hereby designate the Ithaca Weekly Journal to publish the session laws for the ensuing year. Nov. ig, 1887. G. M. ROCKWELL, JOHN E. BEERS, GEO W. FROST, ' JOHN W. JONES, R. G. 1-I. SPEED, HORATIO BROWN, ALBERT H..PIERSON, • To the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors : --. ' In pursuance of Chap. 625. of the Laws of 1887, we:\ the undersigned Dem- ocratic Members of the Board 'of Supervisors of Tompkins County, do hereby designate the Ithaca Democrat to publish the session laws for the ensuing year. Nov. 19, 1887. R. HORTON, BURR RUMSEY. On motion the Board adjourned until Monday, November 2Ist, at 2. P. M. 14 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS.' • FIFTH DAY. MONDAY, Nov. 21, 1887. Roll call. Members all present. Minutes of preceding meeting read, and approved. •W: B. Estabrook, clerk of Surrogate's Court, filed 'a report of his receipts and expenditures for the year commencing Nov. 23d, 1886. (See Reports.) . Mr. Pierson filed the reports of r J. Barker, J. R. Emery, ' Henryl Hutchings and A. P. Osborn, Justice of the Peace of the town of Ulysses. .Mr. Rumsey filed the reports of W. F. Smith,"J: M. Lanning, 1 and F. B. Aiken, Justices of the Peace of the town of Enfield. Mr. Horton presented the report of the Bonding Commis-' sioners of the town of Newfield, and also his report as Supervi- sor, of the bonded indebtedness. On motion of Mr. Beers the 'report was accepted, and the resolution subjoined thereto adopted. ,.(See Reports.) -The following resolution was presented by Mr. Rurriscy, 'which was accepted : Resolved, That pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 74r, of 'the Laws of ,868, the sums placed in the following schedule be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of persons whose names are included in the several districts and in the sums respectively named in said lists, submitted to the Board and furnished to the Supervisors of the several Towns named in the schedule, by the Overseers of the Highways of .the road districts included therein. ca1Eor,INE. • Road district No. 21, 53+ days Road district No. 44, 3;/ days Road district No. 23, 2 days DRYDEN. Road district No. 15, t 3Z days.... 2 25 Road district No. 6, 134 days 2 �5 X787 4 87 3 oo O • SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDING -S. Road district•No. 35, 5•days ' 7 •50 Road district No. 4o, I2)4 days 18 75 'Road district No. 48, 3 days .... 4 50 • LiANHY. Road district No. 66, 2'.F days.... Road district No. 32, x day ' Road district No. 6o, 13 days {Road distiict No. 73. 3 days . _ NEWFIF.t"D. Road district No: 137, 2;4 days • 3 75 i 5o 'r9 50 4 50 3 75 Road district No. 72, / day:.. .. • • ................ • • 75 1 GROTON. Road district No. 49...3X days .5 25 Motion made by Mr. Pierson . that the Board adjourn to. meet at the County Alms House, to -morrow at II o'clock, A. M. Carried. 1' • SIXTH DAY. TUESDAY, Nov. 22, 1887. Pursuant to adjournment the• Board met at the County Alms House at I I o'clock, A. i t. The 'members were all present. • Elias Smith, county superintendent of the poor, appeared before the Board and presented his 'report for'the year, which was examined by . Messrs. Rumsey, Pierson and Jones, Commit- tee on superintendent's accounts. The Board, as a committee_of the whole, then inspected the buildings, macliinery, tools, live stock, etc. Everything was found in'a condition that reflected' much credit upon the,preserit effi- cient management. After partaking of .a most bountiful repast provided by Keeper Rolfe, "the Board adjourned. - •ti • + SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDING S. SEVENTH DAY.' WEDNESDAY, Nov. 2�, ISS]. Roll call. All members present. Minutes of preceding meetings of Nov: 21st and 22d were read and approved. Mr. Pierson presented the following resolution, which was adopted. Resolved That the Superintendent of' the Poor be, and he.is hereby author. ized, to employ a Chaplain for the County Alms House, for the year beginning .Jan. rst, x888, at a salary not exceeding fifty dollars ; and that the same be paid by an order of the Superintendent drawn on the County Treasurer. • Mr. Pierson, chairman of the committee on Constables', Clerks', and Justices' accounts, reported the foilo,ving bills, which were audited in accordance with the recommendations of the committee : BillsNos'28, 29, 43, 44, 71, 77, 79. 1 - Chairman Rockwell called Mr. Pierson to the'chair, while he offered the following resolutions which were adopted : ' Resolved, That the following sums be levied and collected on taxable property of the town of Dryden. $250. Two hundred and fifty dollars for highway purposes as 'allowed by statute. / $300. Three hundred dollars for building and repairing abutments of the bridge at Red Mills, as per resolution of town Board. $too. One hundred dollars for the purpose' of repairing highway, near 13. B. Cook's residence, as voted at Town meeting. A $800. Eight hundred dollars for reconstruction of the Bridge at Varna, and re -planking, raising abutments,'and filling approaches to the same, as voted at Town meeting. - $t800. Eighteen hundred dollars for the purpose of erecting a bridge at Red Mills as per resolution adopted at Town meeting. t.4 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. $1odo. One thousand dollars for the support of the poor, and unpaid in: debtedness of overseers as per resolution adopted by town board. Resolved That the following bills be added to ,the audits of the'town of Dry- den : 64., C. A. Boyce, physician $ 3 00 13 5o 3 5o 3 00 16 40 39 40 Mr. Rockwell at the same time presented the town audits of the town of Dryden, which on motion were received, and the amounts thereof ordered levied against the taxable property of the town of Dryden, and ordered spread upon the minutes. (See town audits.) 1 Mr. Brown offered the following resolution, which was adopted: 65. ., ,. ., 66. J. C. Lormor, constable 67. R. Seager, excise com'r 68, Albert Monroe, constable. Resolved That there be added tol-tlie audits of the town of Lansing, the fol- • `lowing items 76. Horatio Brown, interest paid First Nat. Bank of Ithaca.... $ 7 31 77• John Gallagher, deputy sheriff.... 9 85 78. Ithaca Journal, printing; 1886 to 00 79. Albert Van Auken, constable, assigned to W. H. Wilson16 go 44 06 Mr. Jones,l chairman of the committee on Treasurer's ac- counts, offered the following report, which was adopted :y To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins county The committee on the County Treasurer's accounts for the year,1887, hereby respectfully report that we have carefully examined the accounts of George H. Northrup, County Treasurer, and also his annual report and vouchers submitted, 1 1 r 1,13 , SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS: and find them to be correct. And that we find a balance,of.5r,g88.55, in his hands, belonging to the various funds as shown in this report. Your committee have also examined the accounts of surplus moneys re- ceived and disbursed by the Countyi Treasurer during the year ending Novem_ ber 17, 1887, with the vouchers accompanying same, and find them correct, and that there remains in said Treasurers's hands a balance of $1,498.69 belonging to such fund. ti Your committee have also examined the securities held by the County Treasurer in trust for the infant heir fund, and find the several securities in his possession as represented in report of said fund. I In concluding this report we wish to commend our Treasurer for his careful and systematic methods of keeping and verifying his accounts, and for the faith• ful discharge of the many and perplexing duties pertaining to his office. 101 -IN W. JONES, B. G. H. SPEED. ` Committee. HORATIO-BROWN, J Mr. Jones presented the reports of the County Treasurer,, which on motion of Mr. Pierson were adopted, and ordered spread , upon the minutes. (See, Reports.) Mr. Rockwell filed the reports of Alviras Snyder, Wm. E. Brown, A. L: Smiley, G. E. Underwood and Geo. E. Monroe, Justice's of the Peace of the town of Dryden. ,{See Reports.) On 'motion Board adjourned until "Monday, Nov -28, at lz 'o'clock, A. M. 1 • DAY. EIGHTH DAY. MONDAY, Nov. 28, 1887: . Roll call. Quorum present. • Minutes of preceding meeting read and approved. Mr. Beers presented the report of District Attorney Clarence L. Smith of fines imposed in the various courts of record during the past .year, and.collected by him. STJP7�RVISOBS' PROCEFA5INGS. • . On motion' of• Mr.lRumsey, the report was received and or- dered spread upon the minutes.. (See Reports). i Mr. Jones presented the report of Sheriff J. W. Tibbetts of , all fines by him collected during the year ending`•Nov. f9, 1887. On motion of Mr..Pierson: the report was accepted, and ordered spread upon the minutes. (See Reports.) Mr. Speed presented, the town audits of the town of Caro. line, which on motion of Mr. 13eers were received, and the amounts thereof ordered levied against -the taable property of • the'town of Caroline, and on motion ordered upon the minutes. (See town audits.) Mr. Frost presented the town audits of the town .of 'Ithaca, • which on motion of Mr. Rumsey were received, ordered spread • upon the minutes, and the amounts thereof ordered levied against the taxable property of the town of Ithaca. (ee -town audits.) . ' Mr. Frost offered the following resolution, which on motion of Mr. Pierson was adopted Resolved, That the following sums he levied and assessed to the taxable property of said town For highways and bridges, as allowed by law '$ 250 00 Certificates given by W. Mack, O. P., Feb. 15, 1887 2,170 44 Outstanding bilI's of Floyd B. Howes, O. P 2,905 43 Note and interest for coal, D. L. (4t W. rail road 4o7 6o Note and'_interest for coal, L. V. rail road • °203' So Note and interest held, by First Nat. Bank for Spencer road improvement _ , 250 00 Note and interest for Spencer road improvement 157 50 To cover deficiency in gospel and school fund and interesttoo 25 Tax receiver's salary 400 00 Mr.. Pierson presented the town audits of the town of Ulys. ses, which on motion of Mr. Beers were received, and . ordered • spread uponithe minutes and the amounts tiaefeotf ordered levied 4 a 20 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. t i against the taxable property . of the town of Ulysses.' (See Ajo, town audits.) -Mr. Pierson offered 'the following resolution, which on , ino- tion of Mr. Speed was adapted : • Resolved, That there be'added to the town audits of the town of Ulysses„ • the following bills : . ' #E Lewis McWhorter, constable 1 $ 4 40 L. W. Carpenter, excise com'r • 3 00 V Geo. Foote, erroneous tax` . 2 13 •$.9 53 Mr. Rumsey•presented the town audits of the town of En- , l . field, which on motion of Mr. Speed were accepted, ordered spread upon. the minutes, and the amounts thereof ordered levied against the taxable property of the town of Enfield. I Mr. Rumsey offered the following resolutions, which on mo- tion of Mr.Beers were adopted : (See town audits.) 4 Resolved, That there be levied against the taxable property of the town of Enfield the sum of 1250 for the maintenance of roads and bridges, Resolved, That the following bills be added to the audits of the town of Enfield, to -wit : 32. Charles Stringer, clerk of election and stationery' $ 4 35 33. L. M. Gates, recording marriages . • 1 5o • 34. Ward Gregory, printing commissioners' blanks for i885.... ' r 5o t 17 35 Mr. Speed chairman -of the committee on county ;claims re -- ported the following bills, which were audited according to the the recommendations,of the committee. Bills Nos. 72, 75, 83, 84, 86, 87, 88, 92, 94, 95, 96, 97, 99, too, i08, tog, no. On motion Board adjourned : .a S[7PF.RVTSOES' PROCEEDINCTS. 21 NINTH DAY. TtrEDAv, ,Nov. 29, 1887. Roll call. Quorum present. • Minutes of preceding meeting read,and approved. Mr. Jones presented the town audits of .the town of Groton • *hick on motion of Mr. Speed, were received; ordered spread on the minutes, and`the amount thereof ordered levied against the taxable property of the town of Groton. (See town audits.) , 1 Mr. Jones presented the following resolutions which'on mo- tion of .Mr. Speed were adopted : • Resolved, That the sum of $4,642.45 be levied and collected on -the taxable property of_ the town of Groton, as authorized by the town board of said town ' for,bridgos,'as follows Mill St. bridge (new) $ 600 0o r. Mason work on same - 1,750 00 • Pileing and making apron..., 'too 00 Erecting Mill St. Bridge at Woolsey's crossing iso 00 Work•in creek and grading -for bridge'at A. M. Francis', Fall. s Creek 250 00 Small bridge at A. M. Francis', Fall Creek . 200 00 Large " "_ " 1,30o 00 Repairs on Lafayette bridge roo ow t $4,450 00 Interest on the above from Sep. 11, 1887, to Feb. 1st, 1888.. 103 83 r Bill for lumber ... 79 30 " hardware. 9 32 $4642 45 Resoeved, ,That the sum of $200 be levied and collected on the taxable prop- erty of the town of Groton'for,,the support of the Poor, 1� 0w a 1 r • `52 SUPRVfSORS' PROCEEDINGS. Resolved, That the following bills be, allowed, and'added to the a audits of 7AO;, the,town of Groton: 61. S. P. Way, registering marriage lii 5o 62. F. Sherman, rent of house for poor 17 50 63. Charles Townley, excise com'r • 3 00 .64. Wm. H. Burnham, assessor's clerk......... ....... 6 00 65, Miles D. Goodyear, excess tax - 12 53 66. W. W. Hunt, registering marriages 2 25 Board adjourned. . AFTERNOON SESSION. Roll call. Quorum present. The following resolution was presented by Mr. on motion of Mr. Rumsey was adopted : 41 78 Pierson, and Resolved, Thafin addition to the two hundred and fifty dollars, allowed by law, there be levied and collected- from the taxable property of the town of Ulysses, three hundred dollars ; said sum being the.amount voted at the last town meeting forrepairs of roads and bridges in said town. j Resoloed, That in accordance with a resolution adopted at the last annual town meeting, there be levied and collected from the taxable property of the town of• Ulysses, the sum of four hundred and six dollars, to meet a deficiency in the highway accounts for the -year 1885. Resolved, That there be levied and colleted from the taxable property'of the town of Ulysses, the.sum of five hundred dollars, the same to be applied by the overseers of the poor for the support of the poor in said town. Mr. Speed, chairman of the committee on county claims reported the following bills, which were audited according to the recommendations of the committee. Bills Nos. 1, 3, 4. 57. 59, 74, 89, 9o, 91, 113, 114, 115, 119,. 122, 128, 129, 133 144. Mr. Beers presented the following resolution, which on mo- tion of Mr. Pierson was -adopted : r • SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 23' Resolved, That all claiins for return of taxes erroneously levied, or collected` against the several taxable inhabitants of Tompkins Co„ before the Board of Supervisors, be examined and audited by a special committee appointed by the 1 • Chair. In compliance with the, above re oIution, the chair appointed as such committee Messrs. Beers,' Horton and Pierson. ' • Moved by Mr. Pierson and seconded by Mr. Speed, that the election of a jail physician be the special order of business' for to -morrow- at ten o'clock, and that he be elected by written ballot. Motion carried. On motion, Board adjourned. .TEATTH • DAY./ WEDNESDAY, Nov. 30, 1887. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of preceding meeting read and approved. • . Mr. Speed offered the following resolution, which on motion of Mr, Beers, was laid on the table to be considered -at son1C future tithe:, - Resolved, That all criminals, who may hereafter be sentenced to the Monroe County Penitentiary, from this county, shall be conveyed there by the sheriff or other officer authorized by law, and that he shall receive therefor the following compensation : for conveying one prisoner ten dollars, and for each additional prisoner taken at same time the sum of four dollars. That he shall also convey all persons sentenced to the Buffalo House of correction, and receive therefor fifteen doltiars for one prisoner, and five dollars for each additional one taken at the same time. J. D. Smith, Esq., appearedbefore the board and presented a.petition asking for authority to remove the bodies buried in .. the old cemetery, in the village of Trumansburg. • a ` 1 29: • SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 1 • Moved by Mr. Pierson that the consideration of this peti• tion be made a special order of business, for Monday, Dec. 5th,) at" 2 o 'clock: Motionlca'rried. On motion 'Board adjourned. AFTERNOON SESSION: "Roll call. Quorum present. Mr. Speed introduced the following resolution, which on motion of Mr. Horton. was adopted : 'Resolved, That the following bill be added to the town audits of the town of Caroline: Harry Deitrick, constable / ' S5 The Board was occupied during the afternoon session ,in caamining the accounts of the Superintendent of the Poor, and the Willard Asylum,claims against the county, for board and. . care of patients. On motion Board adjourned. 0 ct 1 • ELEVENTH D.I.Y. THURSDAY, Dec. 1, 1887. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of preceding meeting read and approved. Moved by Mr. Pierson that the: Board proceed to an infor-` mal ballot for the election'of a .jail physician for the ensuing year. Motion carried. The result of the informal ballot was as follows: 'Whole number of votes cast, 9, of which Dr. Eugene Baker received... i Dr. J. W. Brown, 6 Dr. Reuben Smith . " 2 t3' so O O 'SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. ' 215 formal l= .. On motion of Mr. Speed the Board proceeded to a . ballot with the following result : Whole number of: votes cast, 9, • of Which Dr. Brown received . I 3 " Smith- " 2 Baker ItI Northrup received Dr. Brown was thereupon declared elected. Mr. Pierson offered the following resolution, which on mo- tion,of Mr. Frost was adopted: S i Resolved, That there be appropriated the sum of ninety,dolla▪ rs, to pay J. W. ' Brown, jail physician, for services and medicine. The following resolution was introduced by Mr. Brown, and , on motion of Mr. Hortbii was adopted : , Resolved, That there be levied upon and collected from the taxable properly of the town''of Lansing,'the sum of `two hundredand fifty dollars, the same to be applied by the commissioner of highways for the improvement of roads and bridges. • +Board adjourned. AFTERNOON SESSION. The afternoon session was devoted, by the various commit- tees to committee 'work, and the discussion of the equalization'. problem. TWELFTH DAY. FR[Dmr, Dec. 2, 1887. ' Roll call. Members all present. Minutes read and approved. a 26 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Mr. Pierson presented the report of the bonding commis- sioners of the town of Ulysses, together 'with his report as su- pervisor, of the bonded indebtedness of the town. On motion of .Mr. Horton the reports were accepted, and' the resolution subjoined thereto was adopted.. (See Reports.) , Mr: Horton presented the town audits of the pwn of" New- , field, which on motion of Mr. Frost were accepted, ordered spread upon the minutes, and the amount thereof ordered levied against,the taxable property\of the town of Newfield. •� -p Mr. Horton also presented the following- resolution, which on motion of M. •Brown was adopted : , • , Resolved, That there be assessed and levied upon the taxable property of the _town of Newfield the sum of $25o, to be applied by the commissioner of high- ways for maintaining highways and. bridges of said town, and 'that the further sum of $3o•he so assessed and levied, said last named sum to be applied forthe support of the poor of said town. • The Board visited the county jail in a body, and adjourned: AFTERNOON SESSION. • Quorum present. Mr. Jones presented the report of the bonding court-nission- ers of the town of Groton, and his report, as supervisor, of the bonded indebtedness of the•town. On motion of Mr. Horton the reports_ were accepted, and the resolution•subjoined thereto adopted. (See Reports.) .Mr. Speed, chairman of the committee on'county claims, reported the following bills which on motion of Mr. Rurnsey were audited. according•to the recommendations of the com- mittee : 'e • Bills Nos, 6, 53, 6o, 62, 64, 70, 73, 85, 112, 117, 120, 121, 123, 136. f SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 1 . ' 27, `Mr. Jones, chairman of the committee on sheriff's account's, reported bill No.1 117, ,which on motion of Mr. Horton, was audited on recommendations of thecommittee. Mr. Jones also reported bill No. _116, the consideration of which, on motion of Mr. Beers, was, made a special order of business for to -morrow at ten o'clock. Mr. Frost, chairman of the committee on printing, reported the following bills, which, on motion of Mr. Pierson, were audited according to the recommendations of the committee:: • 0 Bills Nos. 81, 104, io5, ro6, 124, 125, 126, 127, Mr. ,Pierson, chairman of the. comrnittee on Constables'; Clerk's and Justices' accounts, reported th6 following bills, which on motion of Mr. peed, were audited according to the recom- mendations of the committee. Bills Nos. 2;.5, 27, 37, 38, 42, 66, 82, 101, 107, • • On motion -Board adjourned. - THIRTEENTH DAY. SATURDAY, Dec., 3, I887. • - Roll call. Members all present. Minutes read and approved. Moved by Mr.' Horton and carried, that the Board visit Wil. lard Asylum,. Thursday, Dec. Sth. , Mr. Pierson. chairman of the committee on Constables', Clerk's and Justice's accounts, reported'the following.bills, which on -motion of Mr. Horton, were audited, according to„the,recom menda.tions of the committee : k" Bills Nos.136, 35, 36; 40, 48, 78, 98, 102,.103. 0 a 0 • 0 • 28 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. / , Mr. Rumsey, chairman of the committee on Superintendent's accounts, presented the,report of Elias Smith, superintendent of the poor, and also the report of said committee, together' with the subjoined resolution, which reports, on motion of Mr.- Hor- ton were accepted, and the resolutions annexed adopted. The report of -the committee and resolutions were as fol- lows : • 12 The committee on the report of the Superintendent of the Poor, Would re- spectfully report as follows : • - The number of inmates in the County Alms House, Nov. 15, 1886, was. 42 Received during the year.. ' ` 48 Number of births ' 2 — 92 Deaths during the year 8 Absconded 7 Discharged 46 — 61 Inmates at the date of this report 31 Whole number of days inmates have been maintained in the Coun- ty Alms House during the year 13,110 Number of days chargeable -to county 3973 Cost $847'38 • Caroline 730 155 69 •4 Danby •:...: ''746 159 10 ' Dryden. ' ' 1012 -215 84 t " l{ Enfield " Ithaca 4357929 29 - r Groton ' 1 985 210.08. Newfield 262. 55 88 – .. '• r Lansing 174it 37 12 • "• " Ulysses 875 185 77 0 ,, Total indoor expenses, (aside from farm) ' $796 15 " paid by the towns ... ,:... ... . 1948 77 10 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS: • Received by Superintendnt,for disbursements : 29 Appropriation by'county $4005 16 Apropriatian by.towns 1958 74 Products of farm 538 26 „ Total receipt 65o2 16 Entire disbursements for the year : y ' , f' Indoor expenses - $2796 15 Temporary relief 1358 59 Services of'Overseers of -Poor. 186 77 Transportation of paupers 35 76 Luprovements to property 489 58 'Uncollected bills of ir886 94 70 Work and utensils 48 fio Transportation of insane and children.... 47 or Supplies for house... rho 52 Traveling expenses • r 57 S9 Paid to Keeper -17 65,, Suit with Schuyler Co • 78 85'` ° Cow, postage and poor law 33 04' - ' Deficiency for 1885 and 1886 127t 00 6676 11 Deficiency for 1886 and 4887 173'95 We estimate for the ensuing year the sum of .$,},000 as follows • Indoor expenses by county ' $ 847 48 " " towns • 1148 77 Services of Overseers of the poor / 175 00 4 Transportation of paupers 3o op r Salary of Keeper 500 00' Temporary relief... '1298 75 4000 0o r Lesstamount by towns : ' • Caroline Dryden $155 69 : , 215 84 • r • 0 SUPERVISORS, PROCEEDINGS. Danby 159 ,to u Enfield Groton 210 o8 Ithaca • 929 29 Lansing.. 3p 12 Newfield 55 88 t -.Ulysses. 185 77 Total to be raised by towns 1,948 77 " " " count y 2,051 23 • • 61 4000 00 Deficiency for the -year 1886 and 1587.... ... . .. . 173 85 To provide for the deficiency, and to defray -the estimated" expenses for the corning year, your committee offer the following resolutions : Resolved, 'That the sum of two thousand fifty=one and 23-Ioo dollars (2051,23) be- levied and collected -upon the taxable property of Tompkins county for the purpose above claimed. Resolved, That the sum of one hundred seventy-three and 85 -too dollars (173.85) be levied and collected upon the taxable property of Tompkins county, for the purpose of' meeting the deficiency above named. • Resolved, That the sum of nineteen hundred forty-eight and 79-Ioo dol- lars (1948.77) be levied and collected upon the taxable property of the several towns of Tompkins county in accordance with the foregoing statement. Your committee also report that upon a careful examina- tion of. the different departments of the County Alms House, we found themto in fair condition, and the inmates comfort- ably cared for. Among the improvements we commend the proper sewerage that has been prosvided during the past year. BURR RUMSEY, A. H. PIERSON. -Committee. JOHN W. JONES. - t On motion of Mr. Horton the $oard• adjourned until Mon.. day, Dec. 5th, at 2 P. M. SUPERviSORS' PROOEEDINGS. FOURTEENTH DAY. MONDAY, Dec. 5th, 1887. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes read and approved: , George H. Northrup appeared before the Board and submitted his bond as County Treasurer of Tompkins County, in, the penal* sum of $2oo,000,twhich on motion of Mr. Speed was approved by the Board and ordered fildd as required by law. Mr. Pierson called up the special order of business set down for the day, it being the consideration of the petition presented to the Board by J. D. Ssnith, praying for an order authorizing' the removal of the bodies buried in the old cemetery, in the village. of Trumansburg. Mr. Pierson moved that the, prayer of the' petitioners be granted, and that portion of the order hereto annexed be spread upon the minutes. On motion of Mr.Beers the ayes and nays were called. The members present and voting were as follows : Ayes --Speed, Beers,,Rockwell, Jones, Frost, Brown, Pierson. —�. Nays—o. ORDER: • Z , WHEREAS, Upon presentation, readingjand filing of {he verified petition of Grove Cemetery of Trumansburg, N. Y., The First Presbyterian • congregation of Ulysses, Tompkins county, N. Y., the village of Trumansburg,.Tompkins ti county, N. Y., the town of Ulysses,Tompkins county, N. Y., asking for the au- • thority to•remove the interred bodies, from the abandoned cemetery in the vil- lage of Trumansburg, in the town of Ulysses, and county of', Tompkins, and state of New York, and for authority to sell and convey such abandoned ceme- tery lot, an`d,to appropriate the proceeds of such sale to the payment of the ex- penses and to the purchase of new.grounds. Now, therefore, in pursuanceof the statute in such case made and provided, be it • . Resolved, That the' prayer of the said petition_ be and the,same is hereby , granted, and authority is hereby given the said petitioners to remove the human • remains buried in the icemetery lands bounded and'described as follows : All 11 •: <3 2 1 • SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. that tractor parcel of land situated in the village of Trumansburg, in the town of Ulysses, county of Tompkins, and state of New York, bounded on the north by Main street in. the said village ; east by lands . of Mrs. Bancroft ; south by lands.of Mrsa Case, Huson King and D. G. Clark ; west by lands of Samuel, Almy, Clinton Ayres and Esther Ayres ; and that said lands may be sold and conveyed by the said petitioners, when the said -remains are so removed, and that the proceeds of such sale •may be used to the payment of the expenses of such removal and reburial, and to:the purchase of .new cemetery grounds and the payment.of obligations incurred on account of purchase for such purpose made A before the removal oflthe bodies. Mr. Rockwell offered the following resolution, which on motion of Mr. Beers was adopted : Resolved, That there be raised 'upon taxable property of'the person named in the report of unworked -road tax, furnished the Supervisor of the town of Dry- den,,by the overseer of ,highway, in District No, 15, .the ruin of $5..62, being .for 3' days unworked road tax. • Board adjourned. • FIFTEENTH DAY. • TUESDAY, Dec. 6, x887. Roll call.' Quorum present. 114inutes read and approved. Mr. Speed presented the• following resolution, which on mo- tion of Mr. Pierson was adopted : t • a • Resolved, That in accordance•with the act of the legislature of 1883, in re- gard to the expense of constructing and repairing bridges over county bounda- ries,:there be appropriated the sum of twelve 38-roo dollars ($/2.33) to pay one- r `l sixth of the cost incurred by the town of Caroline, during the past year, in re- pairing the bridge over the Willow Creek -at Speedsville. i - 3 • Mr. Rumsey presented the report,of the Bonding Commis- sioners of the town of Enfield, together with his report •as Supervisor, of the bonded'ndebtedness of said town. • • <%7 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. i On motion of Mr. Pierson the reports were accepted, and the resolutions subjoined thereto adopted. (See Reports.) , i Board adjourned., / ` . s AFTERNOON SESSION. Quorum present. Mr: Brown offered the followindresolution, which on motion of .Mr, Beers was adopted : r , Resolved, That the following item be added to the town audits of the town of Lansing. .. 1 Horatio Brawn, percentage on school moneys " $25 82 i / i l t 6 'Mr.• Speed offered the following resolution, which on ? ,N, motion of• 'Mr. Pierson was adopted; w ' . , �, 1 Resolved, That in accordance with resolutions adopted at the last town meet- • ing, .and subsequently by the Town Board, •the sum of eight hundred dollars be • levied and collected upon the taxable property of the town of Caroline, for tiigh way purposes ; the sum of Three hundred fifteen dollars for the relief of the poor:" and the further sum of one hundred dollars for the relief of indigent soldiers' families, as'per resolution passed by the Town Board•, Sept. r3th and Nov, loth, • 1887, in accordance with recent legislation, applicable to\such cases. Mr. Speed, chairman of the co`mmittee on county, claims, re- ported the following bills, which on motion of Mr. Jones were audited,faccording'to the 'recommendations of the committee.: Bills Nos. 131, 138, 137. t 1 Mr. Brown presented the town audits of the town of Lan- sing, whicli on rhotioit of'Mr. Horton were accepted, ordered _.,•spread upon the minutes, and the amounts thereof ordered levied against the,, taxable property of the, town of Lansing,. (See ,town audits.) ••, Mr. Frost offered the following'resolution, which on.motion of Mr. Beers/was ordered laid upon the table, and made special' special order of Business for Friday, Dec, gth, at '10 o'clock : 4 0 3� �% SUPERVISORS', PROCEEDINGS. Resolved, That'the Ithaca Street Railway Company be authorized to use elec- tric power for the propulsion of cars outside of the corporation of. Ithaca, but within the bounds of the town of Ithaca, in accordance with Chap. 432 of the Laws of 1873. " Mr. Speed called up . the resolution introduced. by him, pro- . viding for the conveyance of prisoners to Monroe County Peni— tentiary and other prisons, for. the consideration of the. Board. . After considerable discussion Mr. Beers moved 'the previous , question which was lost. On motion of Mr. Pierson the resolu- tion was tabled, and made a special order of business for to -mor- row at ten o'clock. . • + ! The committee on Con'stables', Clerk's, and, Justices' ac counts reported the following bills, which on motion of Mr. Rum- sey we6e audited according to the recommendations of said r � committee. Bills Nos: 34, 39. 47. 111, 118, 135. On motion Board adjourned. e - i - SIXTEENTH DAY. WEDNESDAY, Dec. 7, 1887. Roll call. Members all present. i Minutes read and approved.. iMr. Jones, chairman of the committee on Sheriff's accounts reported the following bills, which on motion of Mr. Horton; were audited according ' to the recommendation§ of the com- mittee Bilis Nos. 45, 46, 76, 93.116, 130, 132. Mr. Beers'presented the following resolution : , p Resolved, That the sum of $75 be paid to J. W. Tibbettsfor materials fur- nished in construction of barn on.jail'pretnises, upon'his executing and deliver- ing to the chairman of. the Board a proper release and conveyance thereof. i 4� %w • STJPET�VISOl?S' PROCEEDINGS. 35 t The chairman called for the ayes and nays on •the adoption of the resolution. The members Voted as follows:. •Ayes ----Beers, Rockwell, Rumsey, Jones, Frost, . Hrton. Nays—Pierson. • Messrs. Speed and Brown wcrc.excused from voting. l Mr. Horton, chairman.of the committee on State charitable institutions, presented the report of such committee,.,together with the subjoined resolutions, which report„ was on motion of Mr. Pierson accepted and ordered spread upon the minutes and, the resolutions adopted. Said report and resolutions are as follows': To the Iaoilorable, the Board of Supervisor's ., Your committee, appointed to examine the accounts of the , •.several charitable institutions, would respectfully report the fol- - 4 / lowing resolutions : t • Resolved, That in, accordance with Chapter 446, Title 4, Section 6, Laws of 1874, there be assessed and levied upon the taxable property of the following towns, and the countq of Tompkins, the sums set forth in the annexed schedule, to reimburse the county for amounts of money paid to Willard Asylum, viz: CAROLINE:- 1 3 Bartoli Lynch A $126'62 Minnie Stevens 128 Sr • Total to be raised by town • $255 73 jM DANI3Y. rl Briggs Montgomery�� $127 47 jr Edgar B. Wright 146 24,' Emma Krum...... 117 82 Bemis Pew 113 48 - ,Total to'be raised by town • $505 02 DRVDEN. 1 „ '�. 1 John B. Kellogg $132 77 Hannah Winn, .... '' t 116 77 1 1 .• ,1 3fi SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Wallace Wait - - 77 73 George D. Pratt, $74 59. Self-supporting.' Benjamin F. Pratt .131 26 Thomas McKenna 124'87 Hamlet F. Pierce. 114 72., Self-supporting, John B. Sperry 135 62 Total to be raised by town $719 02 ENFIELD. Margaret A. Holmes, $rib 4z. Self-supporting. Mary L. Johnson $134 08' Total to be raisedby town ' ' GROTON. $134 08 Frankie A. Pierce $I25 17 Nelson W. Allen I2I.92 „fir Ella M. Schofield 126 17 Eliza M. Baker, $128 27. Self-supporting. Anthony O'Malley, $1o2 00. Self-supporting. ti David Ireland... 90 51 ', Charles Sutliff, $12 58. Self-supporting. , Horatio E. Morgan, 81o6 55. Self-supporting. Lizzie Quinn 37t 24 'Chester W. Barry 1 128 Total to be raised by town' \ $502 29 -1 ITHACA. Laura Saxton, $127 32. Self-supporting. Peter Picket $i24 87 •Jennie Dillon 125 67 Sarah Niver 125.72 Margaret Raymond ' F 128 92 _ , Fannie G. Barber I22 42 Mary McCarthy 124 27 Patrick McCarthy I23''77 Margaret Moore,........ 120 77 Priscilla Thomson I26 87 • William H. Munson..'. 41 25 Mary A. Culligan . .122 32 _ Joachim Atwater l 137 57 Mary Kane, $115 37. Self-supporting. a t Susan Patterson - 124 47. 4 { SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 37 1 . James L. Moore, $try 37. Self-supporting. Edwin Beebe 123 97 Thaddeus -.Obert • - 127 47 Patrick J. Ca1sey 119 97 Harley Kellogg 122 63 Susan E. Fish, $121 17. Self-supporting. Fannie B. Andrus, $66 7o. Self-supporting. Helen Dorsey • 85 79 Susan H. Dickenson 52 59 John McGrade 46 27 Mabel Weed ................ 39 40 Hairiet P. Ross, $32 95. Self-supporting. Total to be raised by town ' $2,266 98 LANSING. - .. - Charles W.lJacobs 838 47 'Josephine Dean, $121 21. Self-supporting, Lillian J., Wood 79 79 Total to be raised by town... $118 26 NEWFIE_LD, Charles B. Bower • $138 42 • Frank Carpenter ° . 126 67 Dewitt Savercool 144 72 James S. Fish, $1i6 32. \Sell -supporting. Mary Freese 30 53 Weltha VanOstrand, $6o 09. Self-supporting.. Total to be raised by town. .. • • • • 8439 94 • ULYSSES. Catherine Collins 121 22 Helen I. Bancroft.... 115 52 Total to be raised by town $234 74 A 'COUNTY. Mary J. Sweazy " $118 92 Patience Starks 123 62 ' James Brennan 126 97 Thomas Northrup 131 92 Michael Sweany 126 97 Lina Rowen 119 77 Luthera Johnson 103.68 38 SUPERVISORS' PROCEED.INGS:. Lydia M. Arn• old S. Harriet Crego, $118 57. Self-supporting• . Annie L. Welch, $123 07. Self-supporting' Armenia Penny.... . . tS 39 Celia Emerson.. 30 49 Total to be'raised by County $413 46 • Reraved, That in accordance with a resolution of the Board of. Supervisors;, y passed Dec. 7th, 788o, ;there be assessed and levied upon the taxable property of the following towns, the sums set forth in the annexed schedule, to reimburse the county, for amounts of money paid to the several charitable institutions in said schedule named, viz-: - t 13 33 V CAROLINE.• r Joseph Cortright, Asylum for Insane Criminals..:. $195 00 i. Cora Demun, S. V. Horne • 78 56 Interest acct, at 2 96 ;� .13 • Total amount to be raised by town - $276 52 ENFIELD. Rose Vedder, N. AT. S. Inst. for Blind $27 25 Total amount to be raised by town.. - $27 25 ITHACA. Cora VanOrder, N. Y. S. Inst. for Blind....• !.. / $ —I 36 Charles Farrel, Buffalo School for Catholic Children 76 93 Richard Fahey, 33 64 John Wilsey, S. V. Home..,. 104 30 Lulu Johnson, 62 29 Nettie Beebe, r 89 44 Maud Dygert, 41 43 Int. on acct. at r2 43 Nellie Dunn, St. Patrick's Orphan Girls' Asylum 47 00' James Shade; St. Mary's Orphan'Boys' Asylum 47 00 John Shade,' " 47 00 Susie IC. Warner,r W. N. Y. Inst. for Deaf -Mutes r 434 49 Total amount to be raised by town $997 Si LANSING. Flora Lawton S. V. Home... $ _6 57 Lulu Lawton 6 57. Int. acct, at 4 45 • Total amount to be raised by town $ 17 59 0 • SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. " 39 r � ULYSSES. 'r John Cook, Ontario Orphan Asylum • $ 104 00 46 84 Henry Sherman, " ' Total amount to be raised by.town' $i50 8 4 COUNTY. Sarah Frear, S. V. Home $ 80 00 Warner Frear, ' 1O4 30 Int: acct. at 2 89 Total amount to be,raised by county, ' $187. 19' 'All of'which is respectfully submitted. R. HORTON, H. BROWN, Committee. BURR RUNISEY, • • Mr.. Speed called up the special order of business for the day, it . being the consideration of the resolution 'providing for -the transportation of prisoners sentenced to Monroe County Peni- tentiaryand Buffalo House of Correction; and moved to amend the"sane by inserting after the word sheriff the ;'following "or other officer authorized by law." Motion carried.'; !'Mr. Brol:Vn offered the following resolution as a substitute for the one offered by Mr. Speed : Resolved, That the compensation of all officers authorized by law to take or convey persons to any house of refuge, house of correction,. penitentiary, or other place to which they may be sentenced,to imprisonment, be as follows : To such officers who received a fixed salary or compensation, the actual and"' necessary expenses incurred to convey such person or persons/to such place of Confinement. And such officers who do not receive a fixed` salary or compensa- tion the sum -of $ro for one prisonerand $4 for each additionalto the Roehester0 • Penitentiary, and tfie sum of $12 for one prisoner, and $5 for each additional to the House`of Correction at Buffalo. r For the purpose of Wringing the substitute to to vote Mr. Beers moved the adoption 'of the substitute presented by Mr. _1. 40 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Brown and called/for the ayes and nays. The members voted as follows Ayes—Brown. Nayes—Speed, Rockwell, Rumsey, Jones, Frost, Horton, Pierson. Ayes—i. Nays -7. • Mr. Beers was excused from voting.- Substitute lost! The ayes and nays were then called on the resolution intro- - 1 duced .by Mr. Speed, as amended. The members voted as fol - E lows : Ayes.Speed, Beers, Rockwell, Rumsey, Jones, Frost, Hor- ton, Pierson. Nays. ---Brown. Ayes -8. Nays—I. Resolution adopted. AFTERNOON SESSION. ') Roll call. Quorum present. Mr. Beers presented the abstract of . the audits of the town 'of Danby,twhich on motion of Mr,- Horton were accepted, and the amount ordered levied against the taxable property of said town. Mr. Pierson, chairman of the committee ,on Constables', Clerk's and Justices' accounts reported the following bills, which were audited by the Board, in accordance with the recommenda- tion of 'the committee. ✓. Bills Nbs.`139, 140. , • - Mr: Pierson 2ffered the following resolution; which on !no- tion of Mr. Frost was adopted. Resolved, That the Collectors of the several towns of Tompkins County be required to settle with the county Treasurer, and the town officers of their re- spective towns, to whom they are authorized'by their warrant to pay moneys' collected by them, on or before the 2oth day of February, 1888. ,The balance of the afternoon was occupied by the various Supervisors in adding assessment rolls, and committee work. Board adjourned. I r SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 41 SEVENTEENTH PAY. THURSDAY, Dec. 8, 1887. " • Pursuant to a resolution adopted on the 13th day • of the present session the 13oard, as a comrnittee,of the wholeAthis day visited Willard Asylum. After a thorough inspection of the buildings and grounds, and on examination of the ways and means employed by the officers in the management of the institution, the members -of the board were convinced, that considering its 'magnitude, and the many and varying details essential to the care and comfort of,.its two inmates, the present management of`thc Asylum is conducted upon a plan that commends itself botli tto the tax payers and to the friends and relatives of the unfortun- ate patients there confined. EIGHTEENTH PAY. ' 1 FRIDAY, Dec. gth, 1887. . Roll call. Members all present. Minutes read and approved. t Mr. Frost introduced the following' bill AN ACTfor the preservation of quail, woodcock and partridge in Tompkins county, under authority of chapter 482, of the,laws of 1875," as amended by chapter 257 of the Laws of 1876, ands by chapter 77 of the Laws of 1878, as amended by chapter 534 of the Laws of 1878, as amended by chapter 531 of the Laws of 18So. The Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County do resolve and enact as follows: SEC. I. No person or persons shall sell, or expose for sate, any quail, wood- cock or partridge in' Tompkins county, or receive any money, valuable thing or consideration, directly or indirectly at any place, for any quail, woodcock or partridge taken, caught or killed in Tompkins county, at any time 'within three years from the passage of this act ; and no person or persons, express company or corporalion,'shall carry take or send any such game, or allow any such to be 42 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. carried, taken or sent out of Tompkins county for profit, for sale, or for any purpose whatever, and no person shall receive any money or valuable thing, or in anyway make any profit for hunting, taking, catching or killing any quail, woodcock or partridge, in Tompkins county, within the aforesaid three years. § 2. Any person orpersons, express company or corporation, who shall violate anyof the provisions of this act, shall be liable to a fine of ten dollars, or be imprisoned in the county jail for a term not exceeding ten da} s, or may be punished by both such fine and imprisonment. Such penalty may be sued for by any person or perons, in the name of the people, before any Justice of the Peace, and collected by execution against property and imprisoment of.the de-. fondant. 1.. 3. This ordinaneeshall be pubished-in the paper i'n which the session laws are published in this county, and a certified copy thereof filed with the clerk of said county. 4. This act shall take effect immediately. Board adjourned. AFTERNOON SESSION. Roll call. All present. `Mr. Jones presented the report of;•IV'. 13. Estabrook, Surro- gate's Clerk, which on motion of Mr. 1I'orton 'was received and ,ordered spread upon the minutes.. (ee reports.) • - Mr. Horton offered the following resolutions, which on mo- tion of Mr. Frost Was adopted : Resolved, That the thanks of this Board be extended to Dr. P. M, Wise, Sup't of the Willard Asylum, and his able corps of assistants, for the courtesies extended to the Supervisors of this County, on the occasion of their visit to that institution yesterday. Also • Resolved, That it is the unanimous opinion of this Board, that the insane patients from Tompkins county are in 'lie best of hands and in an institution, the management of which, seems to us, to be beyond criticism. IIr. Frost's resolution regarding the Ithaca Street Railway Company, which was made a special order for today, was called up, and on motion of Mr. Pierson, was unanimously adopted. • , 'f • SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. �, 43` Mr. 'Horton, chairman of the 'special committee appointed - on erronebus assessments, offered the following report; which, on motion of Mr. Speed was adopted : To Me Board of• Supervisors R , We, the undersigned committee appointed to investigate and report .in re- ` g-ard to erroneous assessments, would respectfully report 1st.' We rd that LeonardTreman, as executor of Henry J. Grant, deceased, ',was assessed upon the assessment roll of the town of Ithaca for the year 1886, upon twenty-five shares of bank stock,•in the First National Bank of Ithaca, and paid the tax thereon. That it'appears there was not at thebtime of such assess- ; ment, and for more than five years prior thereto, any stock in said Bank, owned by the said Henry J. Grant, now deceased ; that it further appears from the cer- tificate and statement of the assessor that said assessment was erroneously as—; sessed, and was made through a clerical error'on the part of the assessors of • such town. We further find that the sum; of $28.22, should be returned to the said Leonard Treman, as ex'r, and that the same be added to the town budget of the town of Ithaca. 2nd. We find" that C. M. Titus was assessed upon the assessment roll of Ithaca upon 42 shares of stock in the Tompkins County National' Bank, and paid the tax thereon. That it' appears from the affidavit of the assessor that '.� ,such assessment was a clerical error, made in copying such assessment roll.. That the sum of x:1r.09 should be returned to the said C. M. Titus, and the same be added to the town budget of the town of Ithaca. • • • R. HORTON, ) J. E. BEERS, Committee: ,A. H. PIERSON,S „ • 'Mr. Brown, chairman of the committee on the U. S. deposit • fund and,insurance, submitted the following report, together with the report of one of the loan commissioners, both of which, on c. Motion of Mr.'Rumsey, were accepted. (See reports.). To he 13oerrf of Supervisors of Tompkins County : - Your committee on U. S. Deposit Fund and Insurance `hereby report that they have examined the accounts of CorneliuswLeary, one of the Loan'Comn:iis- - • 1 • { 44 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGIS. . F stoners of this county, and find that several securities have been cancelled,•and no new onFes taken during the past year. % ' - Also that no insurance policies upon county buildings expire during the present year, The report of .the Loan Commissioner, containing, definite information, as to the condition of the State Loan is herewith submitted. H. BROWN, ) J. E. BEERS, - (- Committee. R. G. H. SPEED.) f Mr. Speed reported bill No. 141, which was audited as re- . commended. Mr. Rumsey moved the passage of Mr. Frost's bill regard- • ing sale of •birds. 1 4 . Mr. Beers moved that the bill be laid upon the table.; Carried. . Board adjourned. - NI1NETEENTH DAY. SATURDAY, Dec. 10, 1887. Roll call.. All members present. l Minutes of preceding meeting read and approved. Mr. Pierson, chairman .of the committee on Justices' and Constables' accounts, asked permission•to withdraw Bill 135 for reconsideration, which request was -unanimously granted. Mr. Pierson afterward reported the bill, which on motion of Mr. Beers was ,re -audited, according to the recommendation of the committee. The members of the Board were occupied during the morn- ing session in examining, comparing and signing the town, orders. iA - l s SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. ; • Oti motion the Board adjourned until Monday; Dec. I2th, .at,t r o'clock, A. nn. TWENTIETHDAY. MONDAY, DCC. I2•, 1887. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of preceding meeting read`and approved. The members were engaged during the day in committee work, in•discussing the question of equalization, and exa mining, comparing and signing the county orders. On motion the Board adjourned. TWENTY-FIRST DAY. TUESDAY, Dec. i3th, 1887. Roll call. Minutes read and approved. ' The committee on equalization and assessment rolls retired to their room, and remained out during the day. The 'other members were engaged in signing orders and other work during the balance of the day. On.motion Board adjourned. TWENTY-SECOND DAY. WEDNESDAY; Dec. 14, 1887. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes read and approved. The committee on equalization reported as follows : • 46 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON EQUALIZATION. TILE ASSESSED VALUATION OF THE SEVERAL TOWNS, AS PER ASSESSORS, FOR 1887. We, the undersigned committee, would respectfully recommend that the fol- lowing be and is hereby declared to.be the equalized valuation of the real estate in the county of Tompkins for the year 1887 : TOWNS. r i TOWNS. - No. Acres. Valuation. Personal. Aggregate. $ 55r,166 Danby499,426 ' 16,835 t . Dryden 1,361,796 Caroline , 1,417,161 Enfield..-. 34,747 $ 878,570 $ 34.930 $ 913,500 Danby 169,700. 1,091s410 33,286 643,600' 16,835 660,435 Dryden . 1,319,271 139,350 58,192 1,069.870 55,365 1,125.235 Enfield 1 1,128,402 22,007 ` 549,108 46,415 $ 595,523 Groton $ 11,118,244 Totals 30,725 1,206,800 169,700 1.376,500 Ithaca 19,233 2,797,911 494 640• •3.292,551 Lansing 37,789 1,209.985 139,350: 1,349 335 Newfield f 36,976 491,810 34.620 526,430 Ulysses 14,818 1,041,935 236,850 • 1;278.785 Totals $909,589 $ 1,228,705 $ 11,118.294 We, the undersigned committee, would respectfully recommend that the fol- lowing be and is hereby declared to.be the equalized valuation of the real estate in the county of Tompkins for the year 1887 : TOWNS. r i Real Estate. Personal Estate, Aggregate Valuation. Caroline.... $ 516,236 34,930 $ 55r,166 Danby499,426 ' 16,835 516,261 Dryden 1,361,796 55,365 , 1,417,161 Enfield..-. 401,517 46,415 447.932 ;rotor' 921,710 169,700. 1,091s410 Ithaca 3,241,807 494.640 3,736,447 Lansing - . 1,319,271 139,350 1,458,621 Newfield 499,424 • ' 34,620 534,044 Ulysses 1,128,402 236 850 1,365,252 $ 9,889.589 • $ 1,228,705 $ 11,118,244 Totals JOHN E. BEERS; GEORGE.W. FROST, R. FHORTON, . A. H. PIERSON, BURR RUMSEY. Committee. •` c' • J ft On motion` of Mr. Beers the report was,laid over until 4 o'clock this P. M. i TATIF.A*777.117,77! 4 ' SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 47 Mr, Speed, chairman of the committee on county claims, • reported .the following bilis, which on motion of Mr Beers,' were ,audited according to the recommendations of the committee: , Bills Nos. 142. 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 15o. Mr. Beers called up the report ,of the committee on equal- { ization, which was this morning laidover until this hour, for further consideration. , Mr. Horton moved that the report- be accepted as presented by the committee. Mr. Beers called for the ayes and nays•on Mr. Horton's motion. The roll being called the members voted as follows : r , Ayes—Beers, Rockwell, .Rurnsey, Frost, Horton, Pierson. Nays—Speed, Jones, Brown Ayes=6. Nays -3. The motion was declared carried. ' Mr.,Horton 'offered the following resolution, which on.mo- tion of Mr. Beers was adopted : Whereas, A fine of 25o paid by Willard Van Houter to the officers.of the Onondaga County Penitentiary, belonging to the county of Tompkins; has been withheld by such officers,' therefore ' } Resolved, That the bill or claim of said Penitentiary against the county of Tompkins for the sum 'of. $4o4,64 be audited and allowed at $154.64, such de - I ,duction being on account, and in satisfaction of, the said fine so retained. On motion Board adjourned. r _ TWENTY-THIRD DAY. THURSDAY, Dec. 15, 1887. Roll dalI. Members all present. Yesterday's minutes read and approved. • 1. S 48 SUPRVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. • Mr. Beers, chairman of the committee on equalization and assessment rolls,presented and read the county budget, which on motion of Mr. Horton was approved,and adopted by the Board. Said budget is as follows: /• Resolved, That there be levied and collected frgm the taxpayers of Tomp- kins county, the sums herein set forth for the following purposes : STATE T.? X. For Schools $16,995 74 For General purposes, 13,go5 Go For Canals ro,8r5 47 $41,716 81 County audits COUNTY BUDGET. County Judge's salary County Treasurer's salary Clerk of Supervisor's salary Chaplain of Alms House Court expense account Clerk postage account Clerk of Surrogate's Court salary District Attorney's salary ... office rent Fuel and gas account Interest due on notes Notes payable on jail account - " infant heir account Onondaga penitentiary account Monroe Co. Physician's salary for jail Supreme Court, Stenographer's salary Sheriff's janitor account School Commissioner's salary Superintendent of poor account " deficiency account Surrogate's incidental account' Special county Judge's salary Susquehanna Valley Home account Sheriff's office rent - $8,918 73 2,500 00 goo 00 150 00 50 00 3,000 00 15 00 250 00 400 •0o i. 200 00• G00 00 857'75 3,000 00 2,000 00 - 554 64 500 00 go 00 425 86 350 00 400 00 2,051 23 173.85 75 O0 50 oa 197 19 35 00 • is ' SUPRVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 49 Treasurer's postage account 15 00 Willard Asylum account ... ..'.... 903 46 Burial of deceased soldiers 35 00 Bridge on county line at Speedsville For barn at jail 12 38 7500 $28.485 09 CAROLINE, - ' k State tax. •'$2,177 62 County tax . 1,486 92 Town audits 633 70 Highways and bridges Boo 00 Overseer of Poor 315 0o Willard Asylum 255 73 Unpaid taxe 20 Superintendent of poor x55 67 Burial of indigent soldier.... ...... 35 00 Relief of indigent soldiers'ffamilies loo 00 Susquehanna Valley, Home Sr 52 Asylum for Insane Criminals 195 00 r $6,236'36 DANBY, State taxes ..... , .' .•.• $2,106 7o County taxes 1,4$8' 52 Town audits 538 00 Highways and bridges 35o 00 Superintendent of poor 159 10 Willard Asylum 505 or Unpaid taxes. 3 31 J. McGuire's attorney account 157 27 Smith Brothers, " " 353 18 A. M: Ford, printing 17 25 Buricl and head stone, deceased soldier... 5o 00 $5,678 34 DRYDEN, _ 'State tax $5,744 40 County tax 3,922 39 Town audits 1.639 5o Highways and bridges . 3,25o 00 Overseer of the poor x,000 00 • • 50 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS: Supersntendent of the poor Willard Asylum Unpaid taxes.... ,INFIELD. State tax 1 ... $1,693 7o • Cotinty tax.... _ 1,156 419 Town audits 591 46 • Highways and bridges i 1 250 00 Interest on.R. R. bonds - 1,176 00 Sinking fund .... t,000 00 Unpaid taxes r 18 Willard Asylum.... .... 134 oS N: Y. Institute"for blind 27 25 • $6,o3o 16 GROTON. . State tax - ' $3,888 of ` County tax • 2,654 8r 1 Town audits r 1,310 19 Highways and bridges 4,642 45 Superintendent of poor..,.. - . Zro 08 Willard Asylum 5oa 29 Unpaid taxes..'.. 4 02 Burial of soldiers and tomb stones , 13o 00 Overseer of the poor 200 00 Interest on. R. R. --bonds 1,050loo Sinking fund .. 15o 00 215 84 719 02 ' 47 41 $16,538 56 t •. $14,74185.. • : ITHACA. • State tax........ : $13,674 77 County tax '{ - 9,337 41 • Town audits. - - ... 6,655 63 • Highways and bridges — 250 00 Superintendent of poor i g29 29 Willard Asylum 1 2,266 98 Interest on R. R. bonds (1. &A,)' 7,875 op " (G. & I.) 7,006-06 Sinking fund (1. & A.).... 15,000 .00 ,. (G. & I.) 2,500 00 Tax receivers salary 409 00 • 1 j SUPEERVISORS' PROCtEDINGS. 51' Burial of soldiers and head 'stones I 1 182 5o Susquehanna Valley Horne' E 309 89 . Unpaid taxes 87.52 } • Note payable to D. L. & W. (coal) 407 6o , " " L. V. (coal) ' 203 Bo Spencer road improvement ' 357 50 r; Overseer of Poor (Howes)2,905 43 , r „ (Mack) .2 ,170 44 ' Deficiency in G. & S. fund 1 t I00'28 N. Y. State -Institution for blind 1 t 36 • r Buffalo School for Catholic Children uo 57 Leonard Treman, erroneous tax 28 22 C. M. Titus. erroneous tax ................ . 41 09 St. Patrick's Orphan Asylum 47 00 St. Mary's Orphan Asylum 94 00 •,,,I `C ' Western Insiitute for deaf mutes.... 434 99 1 1 . i $73,371 27 t , t LANSING. State Tax $5,565 02 County tax i 3.799 91 Town audits 2,596 8o Superintendent of poor 37 52 Unpaid tax _ 7 36 I-Iighways and bridges' • 25o oo}, Willard Asylum lig 26 •"Tombstone for soldier 15 oo Susquehanna Valley Home 17 59 State tax $2,1o6 7o N. County tax... 1,A38 50 Town audits,.. - 2,625 11 • Highways and bridges 25o 00 . Superintendent of poor 55 88 Willard Asylum '439 94 Unpaid taxes..:. r6 18 Interest on R. R. bonds 3,206 00 Overseer of poor '5o 00 $10,188 31 NF.w1IELD. $12,407 06' 2 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. ULYSSES. $4 1 State tax - County tax Town $9 3,250 r4 Town audits , 782 0.1 Superintendent of poor 185 77 Willard Asylum 236 74 Interest on R. R. bonds.... 3.794 00 Highways and bridges 956 00 /Canandaigua Home 150 84 Overseer of poor 500 00 Unpaid taxes ', 68 69 $14,684 08 Mr. Speed presented the following resolution, and Mr. Frost moved its adoption. Resolved, That the Chairman and Clerk of this Board be, and are hereby au- thorized to make such contract with the corporation of- the `village of Ithaca as ' they may deem best, for the employment at hard labor of prisoners that are or may be sentenced to hard labor in our county jail. Mr. Beers called for the ayes and nays on the adoption of the resolutions. The roll being called the members voted as follows Ayes—Speed, Rumsey, Jones, Frost, Brown, Horton, Pierson. - 1 Nays Beers, Rockwell. Jt .The resolution was declared adopted. ' On motion, of Mr. Beers, the Board adjourned until Thurs.. day, Dec_ 22, at It o'clock A. X11 TWENTY-FOURTH DAY. THURSDAY, Dec. 22, 1887. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. r' t SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 53 Mr. Pierson presented the following resolution, which on motion of Mr. Beers was adopted : Revolved, That the County Treasurer and the Supervisor 'of. Ithaca, be, and they are hereby authorized, to supply any deficiency- in,the C��ourt expense ac,-` count, by note on the credit of the county. Mr. Speed offered the following resolution, which -ion motion — of . Mr. Beers was adopted : Resolved, That Caleb Bartholomew, of Etna be and is- hereby•appointed as Sealer of Weights and Measures for Tompkins county, for the ensuing year, or until his successor is elected. Dated Dec. aznd, t887. Board'adjourned until 2, o'clock P. M. AFTERNOON SESSION. Roll call. All 'members present. Mr. Horton offered the following resolution, which on mo- tion of';Mr. Pierson was adopted` Resolved, That the cordial thanks of this Board be and they are hereby ex-' tended to our Chairman, for the impartial, able and courteous manner, with which he has presided over the present session, iltr. Pierson preesnted the following motion of Mr. Frost was (adopted : resolution, which on Resolved, That we hereby extend to our Clerk our hearty thanks; and our appreciation of the efficiency and uniform kindness with which he has discharged the ditties of his office, Mr. Frost presented the following resolution,- which was adopted : Resolved, That the thanks of this Board be extended to the Ithaca Journal Association for their courtesy in furnishing the Daily Journal throughout the' session to each member of the Board.. ' The members duly prepared and signed the. tax warrants, and there being no further business before the Board, the minutes of the day's proceedings were read and approved, and on motion the Board adjourned, sine die. J. H. JENNINGS, Clerk. • • • si4 - SUPERVISORS'. PROCEEDINOS. , . 1 • • COUNTY AUDITS. STATE OF NEW- YORK. • ss: COUNTY OF,TOMPKINS—BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, S - 1 do hereby certify that the 'following abstract comprises all the bills and accounts against the county of, Tompkins, pre_ • sented to the Board of Supervisors of said County at its annual session for the year 1887, showing .the name of each claimant, , the true inature of the account, the amount originally claimed,, and the amount a`'s finally audited and allowed by said Board. • No. Name. J. H. JENNINGS, Clerk. Nature of claim. Claimed. Allowed. `.I ' White S.: Burdick, medicines $ 2 -30 $ 0 00 2 George Muir, constable fees - ' 1 35 1 35 3 J. J. Montgomery, corn. in lunacy 5 00 3 00. 4 Wm. Fitch, " " " ' r 5 00 ' 3 00 5 G. E. Underwood, justice peace. 5 75 5 75 6 C. C. Cook. coin. in lunacy 13 64 ' 13 64 ' 7 Spence Spencer, coroner's jury, assig'd to W. H. Wilson 2 00 2 00' , a 8 David Barnard, " ".. 14,2 00 `2.00 9 J. Cosgriff;" " 2 00 2 00 Io. -Ambrose Bull, • 2 00 2 00 ,- II Ir Ai G. Seaman, - " " " " " 2 00 2 00 12.E H. D. Johnson, ; " -, " 2 00 2 00 13 E. A. Wagener, " / 2 00 2 00 • { • .11 a r •,. F' 1 .I SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 14 A, L, Runisey, coroner'sljury, assigned to W' H. Willson. z 00 2 001 15 John H. Sykes, " 2 00 2 00 � 16 H. W. Warren, •I." " •' ' " 2 00 2 06 , f 17. Patrick Shannon, 'r2 00 2 00 IS C. Hickey, " it " 2 00 2 00 • rq E. G. Phelps, " 1f "2 00 2 00 20 John Donavan, " • " 2 00 r 2 00 2I E. L. Burton, " " '• - 2 00 4 00 22 Spence Spencer, 2 00 2.00 23 W. J. Percival, " _ 2 00 2 00 24 C. C. Williams, .. 44 zoo 2 00 25 E.C.1Marsh, " " 2 00 2 00 26 Edmund H. Kyle, coroner, assigned to W, H. Willson 22 85 22 85 27 • J.•F, Tetley, constable,' " 8 70 8 7o , 28 Spence Spencer, justice of peace, "" 7 50 . 7, 50 ' 29 Spence Spencer,7 90 ' 7,90. 30 J. p.,Merrill, " 17 _P o S 17 OS 31 'Geo. M. Beckwith, physician, - rti oo 10 00 32' Geo, M. Beckwith,`" 5 00 5 00 33 • Geo. M. ' Beckwith, " " 5 005 00 1 34 Albert Van Auken, constable, „. 1 16 90 16 90— 35 Frank Preston, ' ‘‘36 Spence Spencer, justice of peace, " " ' 16 05 10 20 6 95. 6 95 37 E. 1-lildehrant, constahle, " 3 20 zo 38 E. I4ildebrant, 7 75' 7 751 39. Jno. Gallagher, " 7 95 7 95 4o Jno.-Gallagher, 1= "r 27 77 20 20 } . 41 Frank Preston, coroner's asst. ' " 2 00 0 00 42 P. ,onstable, " Y 9'85 9 85 .43 P. Murray, "100 I 00 44 P. Murray, " 4 35 • 2 55 , 45 John Gallagher, dep. sh'ff, . ! " 38.54 38 54 46` John Gallagher, " " " • 55 A 19 80 19 8o ( 47 E. Hildehrant,constable, r " 52 30 41 to ' 48 A. A.Hungerford,justice of peace " 4 tO 10 _ 4 '.j * 49 M. N. Tompkins, legal services' ix 00 it o0 so rN'onrse & Wilson, repairing clockin Surrogate's office.. i 5o I so ' 51 H, Boot, furniture and fixtures..•, . ..... 63 3 0 6 o , 52 Treman, Waterman &, Co., material and repairs on jail. 15 32 15.32 53 Reuben L. Smith, physician, ex, in lunacy 5 00 "3 00 54 Chas. Ingersoll, transportation of coroner's jury 5 00 5,00 56 C. J t Rumsey & Co., labor and material, ... . ... 7 55 7 55 fir)' i � $ s 1 • • 56 SUPERVISORS' PROCEED r 0 55 Dr. H. li. Coleman- expert testimony 3 10 00 00 o0 :' 57 Jamieson & McKinney, plumbers 76 of 75 51 58 Richard E. Lusk & Son, stationers 22 00 22 00 i sq• T. A, Lewis, M. D 24 00 19 00 6o Geo. M. Beck will?, M. D., ex. in lunacy 6 oo 6 00 61 , E. S, Tichenor & Son, furniture.,. 22 75 ?2 75 , 62 D. White, AI. D. ex. in lunacy • 10 00 6 00 63 • Gideon C. McClune, referee on highway 6 5o '6 50 64 j. W, Brown, physician .. .. ... ......... . ...... SS 48 71 48 65. Mynderse Van Cleef, referee on highway • 10 25 6 25 66 L. Breirenbecker, chief of police Si, 00 St 00 _ {l 67 Fred W. Brooks, clock and repairs 12 00 12 00 6S W. F. McClune, coroner's jury 2 00 2 00 69 Andrus & Church, bookbinders and.stationers.... 61 09 6r 09 7o Andrus & Church, • ': " " .. " 97 04 97 04 71 D. F. VanVleet, police justice 39 05 39 05 -) ti1 72 L. F. Noxen, coroner's juror.... 2 00 2 00 73 ET S. Tichenor & Son, furniture 1 3 0O 3 0o 'C,], ./4 J. Will Tree, book binding, assigned to Geo. W. Frost61 oo 61 0o , .l 75 William McKinney, coroner jury 2 00 — 2 00 _ . 76 Chas Klausner, dep. sheriff... 4 00 0 00 77 The Village of Ithaca,. 78 T. G. Brokaw, constable...., 79 The Village of Ithaca, services of Police justice..... .. So C. M. Titus, erroneous taxes (sec town budget) . St Walter G. Smith, printing, assigned to J. M. I-ieggie.... 82 Frank ti :Howell, constable. " „." ... .tS3 1. A, Lewis, coroner 84 M. A. Duntond, M. D., ex. in lunacy 85 J. T. Morrison - 86 J. R. Comings. undertaker 87 Euz & Miller, stationery.... . -' 88 J. W. Winslow,' physician, .. • . Sg Eugene Baker, physician 9t J. S, Kirkendall, " 92 Crozier. Feeley, supplies for jail 93 John Gallagher, dep, sheriff, assigned to T. C. Stowell 94 Ithaca Water Works 95 Chas. Ingersoll, coroner's jury 96 Treman, King & Co., supplies for county houseand jail 187 00 187 00. 5 40 5 40 8 60 8 6001 38 77 00 00 95 i6 87 65 12 00 12 00 J `l 10 00. 19 00 3 20 3 16 r8 65 r8 p5 45 00 00 00 4 00 4 00- 7o 9 56 6 oo 0 0o ty 57 or) 12 00 600• 60o 20 15 20 15 f4 46 38 46 38_ 170 00 17o no, 5 00 5 00 13 73 13 73 • - i 1 SI/TER-VISORS' PROCEEDINUS. .57 /. 97 L. Tretuan, ex'r of H. J. Grant, erroneous tax (see town Budget) 26 62 00 00 , 98 E. L. Tarbell, constable r_ 1 50 1 50, 99 J. A. Northrup, physician 21 00 00 00 roc) Enz & Miller, stationers, 7 15 7 15 1o1'' John H. Staley, constable,.... , 32 o5 31 85 102' Nelson Underwood, constable.... ...... 20 75 -20 75 103 Thomas Marnney, constable, assigned to H. Underwood 18 77 18 77 104 Ithaca Journal Association,"printng 576 80 432 6o 105 } .h' ; 387 85 387 85 rob !198 50 196 25 107 Alrnon M. Tarbell, constable - • 7 5o 5 00 ro8 .N. B. Van Buskirk, M. D, ex. in lunacy 15 a0 9 oo 109 W. H. Lockerby, M.. D., ex, in lunacy ; 12 a0 . 11 40 r1o• 3. R. Comings, cot fo' jail 2 50 . 2 50 111 A. A. Harkin, constable• t 2 75 2 75 112 Elias Smith,.Supt. Pour . 222 15 212 25 113 -J. Flickenger, coroner q 6 oo 6 oo. • fr4 N. Y. & Penn.,Telephone and Telegraph Co. 42' 00 42 00 115 George W. Frost, coroner's jury, " 2 00 2 00 116 J. W. Tibbett's sheriff • S8o 1S 880 18- - Ir7 1,689 00 1,689 oo 118 T. W. Burns, justice , 74 65 74 65 119 Raskin & Todd, supplies 17 50 17 50 120 S. P. Sackett, ex. in lunacy r . 3'00 3 0? 121 Truman Nobles, stenographer. ,..•. 5 oo` 5 00 122 A. H. Pierson, supervisor 13 88 13 88 123 Dr. W. C. Gallagher, ex. in lunacy . 13 32 13 32 124 Ithaca Democrat, printing - 534 80 401 10 125 t 358 25 348 75 126 Ithaca Journal Association, printing 57 10 57 10 127 Ithaca' Democrat, printing • '1 44 10 44 10 I28 A, G, Chapman, ex-Supervisor....22 88 22 88 129- B. R. Williams, coroner's jury, and as assignee of C. W. '! , Conger, Marcus Sears, Alfred Underwood, Newton Dick and Grant Gillespie, coroner's jurors • 12 no 12 00 . 130 S. D. Bailey, dep, sheriff y 85 o0 85 oo 131 J. W. Brown, coroner f 9 50 . 6 50 132 J. K..Follett, under sheriff 64 00 64 00 133 R.`G. H. Speed, supervisor556 5 56 234 Seaman Bros., livery........ ... 10 00 10 00 135 T. J. Bierce, constable, assigned to W. H, Willson.... 62 8o 54 50 58 • SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. r36 Dr. J. Beach, coroner 137 Town of Groton 138 Enz., Sr. Miller, supplies i Io i ro 139' P. J. Partenheimer, county clerk '634 66, 634.66 140 r „ 524 56 524 56 r41 C. A. Boyce, ex,'in lunacy.....,.. 6 5o 3 00} 142 R. Horton, supervisor. 112 04 112 04 143 J. E. Beers, ' " ro9 6o 109 6o 144 G. M. Rockwell " ... . ...... ........ . roS oo.f ro8 00 145 A. H. Pierson, " 98 83 ; g8 S3 146 Horatio Brown, " r 98 3o 98 3o 147 R. G. H. Speed, " 93 42 93 42 148 J. W. Jones, " 93 76 . 93 76 149 Burr Rumsey, " Sg 61. 59-61 15o Geo. W. Frost, " 123 46 123 46 I2 00 I2 00 boo 600 - .9,493.38 $8,918 73'. s 7 ' • A.� tti+.l Li }1 i'. • •. ° O rc+ C A •B .. z Ed O c p O . V G0 uC t4" `FT a hr ts: iia c SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. •r(Ianiaoads -aa su,rioa reaanas ay;..roj ▪ e!lop ay; uo x0a Jo a;e?I 'Mg ao!n IDS ;unoucy IOao,I, 488. 88:;,2 6=i3�tic O 'som-mpuadxg pu0 saornaos sraoau0l!aas! V -xe , 2U!puaax4 pun [lo -a ;uouassassy nu!RcloI •lod saiaoj g aaupanuo7 apuom, J ar! •oo'£$,' 'uoi;esuadruo2. nlaaali p:!oads pan) -.1' W. aaaa!unnoo i[;!m s60(i H " al!I�T and sumo g ae .0.eou1P oo•Cg t- `uoFau uadtan3. 8888 'max {EO . 'uo!ssag 101111 -uv •paEofi. glint 5.t0(1 Si.!.‘ -1107 rtauno) yacm s�Cz(I 888888888l 8 0 c�i CkCe C[na SUPERVISORS. • d 7.C�0 'mG'F7 nuay m•�3i+crF��GI^. r -V 59 a -� a� V' ... C w O •LJ N U ' U V-1„* 0. •v rn nFir° .- z 0.0. • 0 C, 7 V q Z E p, • ctl %1 •E. O rdi. 4 1Y7O� C ° ✓ V y O yv E C v ca .6 V F .-, 'B''''' -ca -O N y 2. m -o. 2. E : - a.) T.a O 0 N 0'... C ,:-O ✓ :.=. s. .=..-o ....21 O 8 ?'O G. p. .a ti C C O c V'10 Ey^n N 2 1:4„.,, r1�' y .;as m f t.,'1 -W-,1 ......... ¢iA V ” -8..n� a 0,ir✓ v ,..c1 V O V'N 2 L g .".2't,1 17, F-3" hBN-u Y .y. 0. - C: 'J_ aJ -.'' x to-.�g�, r w bn' ,, ca O d i4 0 ,C 0. C• '.• 9-.'0.2',9'''' o t^ W 1• 0 0V 1'11 7 y. v O ?aON v Wa 8▪ .'5.` ,'Ym 2 E. VIN a; -0 ti , cH} • ,-,,°J 3ro ?'-:,.2 O A)Oy.vq .-p,D.0vCas r. a• L. z.,.),-1 A p....::216.c4 C U . :2C :d6o .'1 .1 f 60 t rJ SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDIN(+S.' 'TOWN AUDITS. CAROLINE. Abstract of the names of All persons who presented accounts .to be audited by the Board of Town Auditors of the town of Caroline, N. Y., 'on the loth day of November, 1887, with the amounts claimed by each, and the amounts audited and allowed each. No. Name. Nature of Service. Claimed. Allowed. t John Davis, Inspector and Messenger, Dist. No. [ £'ro 21 ,$ r0 21 2 B. F. Curtis, Inspector election,' Dist. No. 1 4.00 4 00 3 .U. L. Robins, Inspector,Dist. No. r 4 00 4 00 4 Geo. H. Nixon, Poll Clerk, Dist, No. 1 4 00 ` 4 00 5 F. A. Snow, ' - " No. 1 4 00 4 00 6 L. D. Carns, No, a 4 00 4 00 7 D. B. Drummond, " " " " No. 2 4 00 4 00 8 Alfred Lawrence, Inspector znd Dist., and making 6 bal- lot boxes 8 oo' 8 00 9 John R. Cooper, Inspector and Dist 4 00 4 00 [o D. C. Krum, " and messenger, znd Dist g 64 9 64 �y ?xi Willis Shurter, and supplies, Dist. No. 3 4 43 4 43 • r 1 4 12 E. WALandon,and messenger to Supervisor," 3d Dist ' ' f 6 00 500 13 ' George Wolcott. Inspector and messenger, 3d Dist 9 56 9 56 14 John Wolcott, Poll Clerk, 3d Dist 4 00 4 00 r5 W.T."Graham, " 3d Dist.... , 4 00 : 4.00 , 1 r6 ' William K. Boice, Commissioner of Excise - 3 00 3 op 17 F. A. Snow,• „ " '3 00 3 00 '} IS J. A, Elston, Legal services r CO id 00 S {f Si • • 4 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDING-. (51, .to R. E. Brink, use of hall, -town meeting. tole° to 00 24) R. E. Brink, . •' " election, ist. Dist to.o0 . ro 00 21 Georg -6 C. Whitley, Overseer of Poor 24.00 22 00 22 I-1. N. Id.uminston, Legal services, assig'd to R. E, Brink t000, to 00 23 R. Johnson,' M. D., birth and death certificates 5,25 5 25 24 John Cross,' Justice of Peace, 12 50' 12 50 25 Wiiliant Jones, Assessor.... 3o 00 30 00 26 Cantine Lounsbery, Assessor ' 38' o0 38 00 zj George Muir, constable.... 3, 00 3 00 25 A. D. Foote, use of hall, election, zd Dist.... . .... to.00 10 00 I 29 r L. D. Bacon, use of hall, election, 3d Dist 1.•. to-; oo to 00 - 30 Geo. 1-1. Richardson, ex -Town Clerk • 1825 18 25 31 Francis Earsley, Assessor.... • 34 00 34 00 32 C. L. Davis, burial of g;runer... t5• oo t5 no 33 George E. Barris, Overseer of Poor 36 95 33 95 34 1-loury D. Thomas, Commissioner of I-lighways 114 00 0 114 00 35 Omar D. Mulks, constable, ...' 8'S0 8'So 36 , John J. Peters, Justice , 8' 00 8 00- 37 John GV. Gass, '24 05 38 F. B. Lounsbery, Town'Clerk • 52. 06 52 o6 39 , R. G I -I. Speed, Supervisor 40 W. V. Porsonius, Justice 24 05 . Total • , 47 70 47 70 16 75 16 75 $.63S 15 $632 15 We the undersigned hoard of Town Auditors of the town of^Caroline, in the county of Tompkins, do hereby certify that the foregoing statement of ac- connts audited by them at their annual meeting held November loth, r887, is correct. R. G. H. SPEED, Supervisor. JOHN CROSS, W. V. PERSONIUS, (e Justices of JotiN- J. PETERS. S the Peace JORN W. GASS. ' FRED B. L0UNSHER-,.TOWn Clerk. ADU1t1) RY RESOLUTION. 4t •Harry Dederick, constable • L t 55 t 55 ' Dog'fund for 1887 $107 00 . Unpaid orders of t886.... ....... ........... .... 9 37 11 • Balanc '$97 63 P i r 62 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 1 Certificates of -sheep damage audited by the Town Board, Nov. to, 1887. Henry Krum $39 ,00 1 John S. Head... to 25 , I's) . Wm. H.' Baker ° 13 00 •john Parker 23 00 - t 1( Jno. W. Thomas 3 5o John S. Head s 30 0o P Isaac Whitley 8 oo $131 75 li Deficiency in fund $34 t2 3 DANBY.s f f y1_ , ' . Abstract of the names'of all persons who,presented accounts to be •audited by' the Board of town Auditors of the town of Danby, on the loth day of November, 1887, with the "amount claimed by each, and the amounts audited and allowed each. No. Name Nature of Service. i Claimed,' Allowed. I John Banfield, supplies for poor $ 6 00 $ 6 00 ' l '2 W. T. Kellogg, hall for election 3 3 00 3 00 (} o 3 S. D.jSincebaugh, constable 'services' 7 90 7 90 4 M. A. Dumond, return of births .1 50 t 50 • 5 M.A.:Dumond, medical attendance G 2 50 2 50 ` 6 Dwight Beach, Inspector of election `° 4 00 4.00 i \ 7 I. B:Thatcher, 4:00 4 00 8 A. J. Snyder, 4 00 4 00 g D. W. Gillow, clerk of election 4 00 4 00 0 to A. J. Snyder, messenger, filing election, etc 7 00 7 00 r1 R. A. Grant, assessor 27'00 27 00 12 T..J. Bierce, wood bill 1 3 00 k 13. T. J. Bierce,'constable services 7'20. 6.00 _ 14 Wm. R. Guriderman, poor supplies z o5 2 05 15 Chas. F. Mix, janitor services .....• . ... , r1 30 11 30 16 John Baker, overseerof poor t4 2 • r' S 125 2 17 S. B, Bierce, .;4 50 4 50 r8 Jacob wise,.townaccount 12 00 12 00, `• 19 John:J. Miller,.town account .. / 11 00 - 11 oo ' . . . - SUPERVISORS; PROCEEDINGS. ti. 20 D. M. Kellogg, clerk of election 4'' 00 4 00 zt F. H. Todd,'Arsessor 30, 60 3o 6o 22 C. F. Mix clerk of election 4100 4',00 ! 23. George M. Meeker, c,ty, missioner of highways 86 'oo 86 o0 24 Chas Howland, town account.... ,,IS'FSo 1580 25 O. S. Jennings, Inspector of election 4'00' 4 00 26 •J. J, Jennings, Inspector and messenger of election9. 48 9 48 27, Win. Weed, overseer of poor II 4o II 4o ' 28 Jeremiah Thatcher, town account 7'00 " ' 7 00 29 D. H. Ostrander, ex -Town Clerk...., ....::. 7 90 ' .7 go 3? Dr. Dearborne, assigned to D. H. Ostrander28,, oo 18 06 31, L: L. Beers,•surveying.... 8' 00.. ' 8 00 32 H. S. Beardsley, funeral expenses. 28 50 28 50 33 11. S. Beardsley, supplies for poor • 4 57 4 57 34 C. L., Brooks, care of poor 25:00t 10 00 35 H. S. Beardsley, funeral expenses 2 5. 00' 25 A. { 36 T. W..Slocum, constable service z' 20 120 37 J. la. ,Beers, Supervisor services 33 6o , 33 6o 38 . T. J. Bierce, assigned to J. M. Heggie 2 So i. 39 Wm, A. Howland, Inspector of election 4 oo. 4 oo 40 C. F. Mix; town clerk 40 92 , 4o 92 4I Rev. Horten, return of marriage 25 , 25 42 A. W. Bennett, clerk of election 4 00 4 00 1 I. 43 Geo. M. Meeker, for settling Fogerty road suit..., 10 48 10 48 44 C. M Benjatnin, for printing - 150' 1 50. 45 Jeremiah Thatcher, town 'account 6 30.' ' 6 3o 46 L, B. Beers, assessor , l 254 oo 25 00 47 I. J. Smith, recording marriage.. 150 1 50 48 T. W. Slocum, constable • • 2' 00 '' 2 00 49 Sam'l Johnson, reporting marriages 75 75 5o • T. J. Bierce, constable, asssigned to J. M. Heggie ' 2 8o _'_2_8o a $538 oo We,'the undersigned Town Board of Danby, Tompkins county, do certify that the foregoing statement of accounts represents the amount of claims, and the amount allowed by us, this loth day of November, 1887. • JOHN E. BEERS, Supervisor. CMAs. F. Mix, Clerk. .4 JACOB WISE, , JEREMIAH THATCHER,•JGStLCeB, CHAS. HOWLAND, JOHN J. MILLER, • 0 0 1 64 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDNGS. , DRYDEN. Abstract of the names of all persons who presented accounts to the Board of town Auditors of the tot6 of 'Dryden, at their annual meeting, held at the Dryden Center Hot/se, on the loth day of November, 1887, with the amounts claimed by each, and the amounts finally, allowed. , No. Names. Nature of Service. Claimed. Allowed. i Dr. Wm. Fitch.z4 00 24, oo 2 Dr. H. Genung 50 25 50 25 3 •Dr. G. L. Rood 35 75 35 75 4 Dr. H. Ge/hung 4 28 4 28. • 5 Dr. D. Allen, assigned to E. D. Allen, 2 00 2 004411 6 Dr. B. L. Robinson 6 oo 6 .00 7 Dr. B. L. Robinson 49 75 49 75 8 Dr. B. L. Robinson 21 75 2 25 9 Dr. B. L. Robinson .... 7 40 2 90 to Dr. B. L. Robinson 41 25 41 25 it H. H. Miller, constable, assigned to J. M. Heggie " 9 10 ' 5 bo 12— E. F. Weaver, constable, 14 35 14 35 t3 G. C. Sweet. undertaker 122 00 122 00 14 Wm. E. Brown, justice 12 00 12 00 15 B. Snyder, assessor, 39 00 39'' 00 16 G. M Rockwell, supervisor,. 78 17 78 17 t7 Geo. H. Houtz, town clerk 47 88 47 88 18 E. R. Sherwood, commissioner of highways........ 308 00 308 00 19 J. T. Morris, use of house.for election 10 00 10 00 20 B. Snyder, overseer poor 10 00 10 00 2I George E. Goodrich, agt., error in assessment. 24 32 24 32 22 B. Sheldon, assessor 58.00 58 00 23 John E. Coy, use of house for election to 00 30 00 . 24 Henry Newman, , do. assigned to E. E: Eli!, s to 0o to, 0o i 25 A. Snyder, justice 6 oo 6' oo zb E. F. Weaver, constable 17 05 17 05 27 A. M. Ford, printing 3 .75 3 75 . 28 A. L. Smiley, justice, 13 00 13 00 29 Orsen Luther, assessor 52 00 52 00 3o G. W. Gibson, use of house for town meeting, etc 30 00 30 00 31 G. E. Underwood, justice 10 75 10 75 a y , '1 • A r • J • SUPERVISORS' "PROCEEDINGS. a9: GJ 32 ,G. M: Watson, excise commissioner 6 00 6 00 33 A. Snyder, justice 35 50 35 50 34 Geo. E. Monroe, justice..... 41 45 41, 45 35 A. A. Hoskin,' constable 2 75 2 75 36 R. M. Smiley,assessor, 56 00 56.00 37 J. C. Lormor, overseer of poor "50 00 5o pot 38 Dryden Village, use of hall for election 10, oo Io 00 39 W. H. Lester, inspector of election.... . /.........:lo 96 io g6 40 A. MClark, � " 4. 00 4 00 _ 41 Wm. Parks, 4 00 4 00 42 Wm. E. Sutfin, 6 oa. 6 00 V 43 .L. N. Sutliff ' " 9 72 9 72 44 Frank E. Brown, " 7 75 7 75 45 Geo, B. Ogden, " • 4 oa 4 00 46 D. W. Bonfield, " 9 32 9 32 47 Jas. G. Peitchard 5 00 5 00 48 Corry Dusenbury," 5 00 ' 5 00 49 Edwin Snyder, " 9 o0 9 00 5o A. W. Overacker," 4 00 • 4 00 51 B, Snyder, clerk of election 4....... 4 25 ' 4 25 52 Jos. Snyder, " " 4 00 4 00 53 W. W. Sherwood, clerk of election ' 4 00 ' 4 00 54 C. B. Snyder, 1" 4 0o 4 00 55 Chas. B. Bills, " " 4 25 4 25 56 D. M. White, R ,f ,. ... , . _ ..... 4 4 6 0 4 00 4 90 57 Geo. E. Goodrich, " 4 30 4 30 58. Frank Douglass, .... 4 00. 4 coo 59 Smith Stevens,,damages to engine, 30 00 3o 00 '., 6o,: E, R. Sherwood, deficit on bill of 1886 , 84 8o° 84 So 61 'Dr. J. Beach,... "' ' ...... 62 25 62 25 62 Dr. J. J. Montgomery • 9 75 9 75 63 Rev. G. V. Reichel, 'recording marriages, 1 75 1 75 $x,628:60 $1,600 ro We the undersigned, 'comprising the Board of •Town Auditors of the town of Dryden, do hereby certify that the foregoing abstract of accounts audited by 'them is correct. G. M. ROCKWELL, Supervisor. G. H. HouTz, Town clerk. WM. E. BROWN, GEo. E. MONROE, GEo. E. UNDERWOOD, Justices. A. L. SMILEY, A. SNYDER, ii N SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. ADDED BY RH.SOLU.TION OF THE BOARD. 164 C.,A. Boys, physician $ 3 00 65 C. A. Boys, 13 50 66 J. (,. Lormor, constable , 3 50 67 R. Seager, excise com'r 3 00 68 Albert Monroe, constable 16 40 •r $ 39 40 Amount above 1,600 to Total :$1,639 50. ENFIELD. • A list of names of all persons wlio presented account's to be audited by the Board of Town Auditors of the town of ,Enfield, l,on the Toth day of November, 1887, with the amount claimed by each, and the amount audited and allowed each. , No. Name. Nature of Services, Claimed. Allowed. t- t Edgar Brewer, 'bonding commissioner. . $12 75 ' $12 '75 2 Everett Smith, ex-comrof highways 24 00 24 00 3 George W. Budd, bonding commissioner g oo g o0 4 Edwin S. Ford,Jerroneous tax 1 0o 100 5 Munson Potter, excise commissioner 3 00 3 00 ,' 6 James McCracken, overseer of the poor 2 00 ' 2 00 7 James Marshall, excise commissioner. . 300 3 00 8 C. T.,Kelsey, erroneous tax ' • 36 zo 36 zo g Geo. Johnson, ' `1 4 8o ' 4 8o ro Frank Barber, 2d- clerk of election .... 4 00 4 00 it T. Jones, ex -supervisor 6.00 6 00. 12 Edwin Bailey, inspector of election 4 00 4 00 13 Leroy C. Fletcher, service bill. commissoner of high- ways - 107 0o 107 00�� 3o 00 30 00 '14 Leroy Fletcher, commissioner of highways, for labor.... 96 62 96',62 15 J. C. Weatherby, Assessor ' 16 Geo. S. Fowler, 36 0 X36 00 1k SUPERVISORS: PROCEEDINGS. 67 r7. -,Wm. Drake, Assessor 3o oo 30 00 18 Seth Cowen, excise commissioner 3 00 '3 00 ig H. Wallinghack, ex -overseer poor '' 2 00 . 2 00 20 W. S. Brewer, inspector and messenger..... ', 9 64 9 64 21 H. T. White, health officers . - .14 5o 14 50 22 Fred Ball, inspector of election ' 4 00 4 00 23 E. R. Osterhout medical services (McDaniels' case) 37 00- 37 00 24 E. R. ,Osterhout, registering births 50 50 25 J, G.- Wortman; use of hall and services on Board of health ,29 0o . 29 00 26 J. N. Wortcnan, ex=overseer of poor . 4 00 4' 00 27 J. M. La,nning, Justice of the Peace 12 00 12 00 28 W. F. Smith, " ' " "... y ?5 25 15 25 29 F. B. Aiken, „ •' '15 -25 15 25 30 Burr Rumsey, supervisor' ... 18 50 18 5o 31 Frank Barber 2d. ex -town clerk 14 10 14 10 $584 r1 We, the undersigned auditors of the town of Enfield, hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct list and true statement of all accounts examined and audited at the meeting of said Board, held in the town of Enfield, on the loth day of November, 1887. BURR RUMSEY, Supervisor. I. M. LANNtNG,) Wit. F. SMITH,: Justices. F. B. AtKEN, ) • W. V. •RuitsFv,Town Clerk. ADDED BY RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD. 32 Charles Stringer, clerk of election $ 4 35 33 L. M. Gates, recording marriage r 50 34 Ward Gregory, printing _ 1 5o $7 35 Amount above ............ 584 114 • Total _ - $591 46 GROTON. The, following is an abstract of the names of all persons who presented.accounts to be. audited by the'l3oard of town Auditors of .the town of Groton, on the loth day of November, 1887,with the amount claimed by each, and the amount finally allowed. r• did f;3 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. lig No. , Name. Nature of Service. Claimed. Allowed i 'Henry' Newel, inspector of election 4 00 $ 4 00 2 D. V. Linderman . ` 4'00 4'00 3 M. D. Fitch, clerk of election 4 00 4 00 4 Bunn Townley, inspector of election , t 4 00 4.00 5! H. B. Stevens, clerk. 4 00 4,00 6 Francis Webster, inspector of election and messengerto 44 10 44 7 Jerome Fitts, `` " 6 oo 6 00 8 Rich Morgan, ' " , I. 6 00 ,6 00 9 R. N. Mount, ICI 20 t0 20 to Lucius Davis, "il I. 4 00 4 00 II M. C. Youngs, clerk of election ! . 4 00 4 00 12 V. B. Gross, " _ 4 00 4 00 13 D. A. Rogers, ' " 4 00 4 00 14 Owen,Clark, 4 o0 4 00 15 N. R. Streeter, excise commissioner 3 oo. 3 00 16 A. M. Francis, " " . 3100 3 00 17 A. B. Rogers, use of hall for election.... 8 oo 8 00 18 Wm, Webster, " 8.00 8 oo 19 E. R. Nye, 25.60 ' 25 00 20 John McKeller; assessor ' ' 40 00 , 40 00 21 'A. J. Conger, 28 50 " 28 50 22, Edwin D. Fish, . " 3r 25 31 25 23 A. M.:Baldwin, medical services' for Mrs. Knapp' and family ` . 5 25 5 25 24 A. M. Baldwin, registering vital statistics 5 oo 5 00 25 D. E. Mason, -medical services ' 47 25 47 25 26 D. E. Mason, registering birth and death certificates, and examination of Lizzie Quinn - 27 B. L. Robinson, .,medical ,services, Eliza Sherwood.. , 28 B. L. Robinson, " Geo. Oakley's family.4 29 B. L. Robinson, - " " Geo. Sherman and family 3o B. L. Robinson, registering vital statistics, 31 C. A. Boyce, tnedical services,Mrs. Geo. Oakley 32 John Goodyear. " " • John McCarthy and wife 33 John Goodyear, " " Mr. W. Rowley, - 34 John Goodyear, " " Wilder boy 35 John Goodyear, registering vital statistics.... 36 J. 1. Booth, burial services 37 E. G. Galloup. burial and supplies for poor 5 20' 5+`20 6 00 6 00 26 25 26 25 19 25 - t9 25 400f 400 67 25 67 25 II 50 tt 50 • 755- 755 24 25 24 25 50 25 39 00 39 00 22 93 22 93 1 1 • SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDING -S. 38 E. G. Galloup, suppliesfor poor 39 J. M, Montfort, Justice of .Peace + 40 H. S. Hopkins, " 41.. Newton Baldwin, " 42 `Nelsen Stevens, " ' 5 75' `1 10 oo' 1.1 15 85 14 6o 10 00 G4i 5' 75. 10 00 �5 85 .14 6o 10 00 43 L. 3. Townley, printing r 38 68 3$ 65 44 John W. Jones, town clerk ... .... 20 21 20 21 45 H..13. Stevens, town clerk i, 37 o1 37 o1 46 s Miles D. Goodyear, examination Chas. Sutliff and Lizzie 'Quinn, and medicine I1 Oo II 00 / 47 Miles D. Goodyear, registering, vital statistics 10 00 10 ou 48 Will. Niver, house rent ' 53 00 5o 00 49 Duncan McLachlan, wood and coal for poor 14.35 14 35 50 Mount &,Moe, Merchandise for poor 59 55. 58 05 51 G. A. a ilson, house rent. . 25 00 25 00 52 -C. W. Conger & Co., house rent " 36 00 36 eo F. L. Tarbell 'summoning jury, � a 7 2'75 2 755 54 L. Dwight Alien Yost, poor soldiers 33 00 33 00 ' 55 „ a 41 25 41 25 56 Nelson Underwood, overseer of;'poor r84 77F 84 77 .57 Tyler Morse, rent of House • 26 64 26 64 58 John W. Jones,. supervisor .12 00 •• •• 12 00 59 John' Blanchard, highway service bill 191 00 191 00 6o G. W. Davey, inspector of election, messenger and ' ' mileage 'I 10.28 Io 28 • $1,272 81 !1,268 41 We, the undersigned Board of Town Auditors of the Townl of .Groton, do certify that the above accounts were audited by us this Loth day of Nov.,' 1887. r J. W. JONES, Supervisor. NELSON STFV11NS, NEWTON BALDWIN, 5 r HERMAN HOPKINS, �J115tlCC5, R JAMES MONTFORT. I'loaIE STEVENS, Towii Clel'k. • ADDED BY RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD. 61 S. P. Way, registering marriage- . " $ 50 62 F. Sherman,' rent of house for poor 63 Charles Townley, excise cof1'r... , 3 00 �7 50, 1'. a 1 J - 1• 70 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 64 Wm. H. Burnham, assessor's clerk ' 6 00 65 Miles D. Goodyear, excess tax 12 53 66 W. W. Hunt, registering marriage 2 25 $41 78 'Amount above 1,268 41 Total $1,3to 19 I ITHACA. A t, a meeting \ of the Board of Auditors of the Town of Ithaca, held Nov. loth, l Ith,-,I2th and i4th, 1887, at the Town Clerk'soffice, the following accounts were examined, audited and allowed or rejected, as stated below. No. Name. Nature of Service. Claimed. Allowed, 1 i Geo. F. Landon, insp. election, Dist. No. 1, assigned to J. M. Heggie $8 00 $ 8 0o 2Geo. F. Landon, inap. election, Dist. No. r, assigned to ` J, M. Heggie.... 8 00 / 8 00 i 3 Chas. L. Taber, insp. election, Dist. No. r, assigned to - W. H. Willson -, 16 00 16 o0 4 J. A. Tompkins, insp. of election, Dist. No. 1 • 1 16 oo r6 00 5 J. G. Burns, " 32 00 32 00 6 D. M. Fowler, 16 0o 16 00 7 A. W.' Goldsmid, Clerk " assigned to J. M. Heggie - - 8 00 8 oo • 8 Geo. Sholar, clerk of election, Dist. No. i 16 00 16 00 g E. J. Brown, " " " assigned to W. H. Willson 8 o0 8 00 ro H. B. Illston, clerk of election Dist. No. 2, assigned to J. T. Morrison 16 00 16 oo 1j II W. F. McClune, clerk of election Dist.No,2 assigned to G. C. McClune 16 0o 16 00 12 W. F. McClune, clerk election, Dist,A'No. 2, assigned to Hawkins, Todd 3 Co - Id 00 .id 00 I , ' ' • SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. , r 1 , 13. Willis' Morton, clerk election, Dist.' No, 2, assigned to 1 _ i Robert Reed , 8 oo 8 00 14 Willis Hausner, clerk election, Dist. No. 2, assigned to Chas. Ingersoll .'' 16 oo 16 00• 15 Fred E. Illston, clerks election, Dist. No. 2. assigned ,T r u to C. J. Rumsey & Co 16 00 16 00 16 Robert Reed, insp. election, Dist. No.2 32' 00 / 32 00 17 S. B. Rolfe, " " " 2,, 16 00 16 00 . . 18 S. B. Rolfe, / " " " 2, assigned to Robert Reed ,16 00 16 00 rg S. J. McKinney, insp. election, Dist. No. 2, assigned to Robert Reed.... rx6 oa 16 00 20 Spence Spencer, clerk election; Dist. No. 3, assigned to W. H. Willson........ 16 oo 16 00 21 Spence Spencer, clerk election, Dist. No..3, assigned to / W. FI. Willson.. 16 oo 16 00 22 Chas. H. Slocum, insp. election, Dist No. 3 16 0o t6 00 23 Chas. H. Slocum, " " . " " 3 16 00' r6 oo 24 0. P. Hyde, clerk election, Dist. No. 3 t6 00 16 00 25 O. P. Hyde, " " " 3 16 .00 16 00 26\ M. Naughton; insp, " 3 16 0o 16 00 27 M. Naughton, " " 3 16 0o t6 o0 26 H. Hollister, " / 3 r6 00 16 00 29 H. Hollister, " "c.3........ z6 0o 16 00 3o J. D. Vorhis, clerk " " 4, assigned to W' 16 0o t6 00 H, Willson 16 0o 16 0o 31 C. H. Wilson, clerk election, Dist. No. 4, assigned to W. H. Willson ' 46 00 16 00 32 J. W. Clawson,insp. election, Dist. No. 4, assigned to C. ' ' Ingersoll • 1 16 00 [6 o0 33 Chas. Terwilliger, insp. election, Dist. No. 4 16 oo r 16 o0 34 J. W. Clawson, " 1" "' 4, -assigned to J. M. Heggie - ' 16 00 16 00 35 E. H. Mowry, insp., election, Dist. No. 4, assigned to J. S' H. Collins _' 32 0o 32 00 37 C. A. Van Vradenburg, Unsp. election, Dist. No. 5, as- signed to W. H. Willson r6 0o i6 00 38 C. A. VanVradenburg, insp. election, Dist. No. 5, as- k , signed to W. H. Willson 8+ oo 8 oo 39 C. A. VanVradenburg, insp. election, Dist. No. 5, -as- signed to W. H. Willson' ,` 8 00 ,8 00 72 STIPERVISORS' PROCEEDINCTS. 40 Wrn. J. Totten, clerk of election, Dist. No. 5, assigned to J. E. McIntosh 4 00 4 00 41 J. E. McIntosh, clerk of election, Dist.' NO. 5. 12 00 1200 42 'C. L. Dean, insp. election,+dist. No:5, assigned to W: _ H. Willson, 4 00 4 00 43 Frank Preston, clerk election, Dist. No. 5, assigned, to W. H. Willson 16 00 16 00 44 Myron Labar, insp. election, Dist. No. 5, assigned to W. H. Willson. s 12 00 12 00 45 y E. P. Davenport, insp. el ection, Dist. No. 5, assigned to W. H. Willson 16 00 16 oat 46 W. H. 'Lyon, clerk election, Dist. No./ 5, assigned, to W.H. Willson 16 00 16 00 47 J. H. Tichenor, clerk election, Dist. No. 5, assigned to J. M. Heggie. .. 16 00 16 00 48 E. C. Tichenor, Insp. election, Dist, No. 5' r6 00 16 un 49 Sprague Steamer, No. t, rent of polling place..... 40 00 40 00 So Torrent Hose, No_ 5, " \ 4o nu 40 00 51 Sam'I Livingston, 40 00 4000 52 Cayuga Hose, No 1, ,' .... 20 00 20 00 53 Eureka 1 -lose, No. 4, .. .... , 20 00 ' 20 00 54 Chas Bundy. " assigned to W. H. Willson 20 00 20 00 55 Chas. Bundy, rent of polling place 20 00 - 20 00 • " 56 • Chas. H. Hillick, blank registry books, etc. ' assigned to W. H. Willson .. 43 00 43 00 57 J. F. Tetley, constable, assigned to, W. H. Willson.... 6 00 6 00 58 J. Gallagher, "" 5 85 S Sr T59 C. W. Hausner, " assigned to 1. M. Heggie . - 6.6o .. 6 50 6o C. W. Hausner; " " " .. JO 65' r0 65 6r H. H. Miller, " •. • 4 20 2 70 62 H. H. Miller. " " 23 20 22 90 63 H. H. Miller, , 15 75 15 75 64 H. H. Miller, ' " 19 88 - 19 88 65 J. F..Tetley, • , " to W. H: Willson ' 30 25 30 25 66, Fred Shaw, clerk election, Dist. No. 4 4 00 4 00 67 H. S. Wright, " " " t 32 00 32 00 -68 H. H. Miller, constable, assigned to J..M. Heggie 13 05 , 13 05 69 H.H. Miller, " . " ' W. H. Willson, 16 to .1 16 ro 7o Pairick Murray, " • '' 2 65 2 65 71 Patrick'Murray, '' " 9 65 9 65 - ' 1 1 1 1 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. , •. 73 72 Patrick Murray assigned to W. H. Willson.... 4 00 4 00 • - 73' Patrick Murray;. " `;" • • 7 6o 7 6o 74 Patrick Murray, " ..13 50 13 50 75 Patrick Murray, " " 4 00 4 00 76 E. G.. Phelps, . r.,M. Reggie!... 9 25 7 35 ' 77 E.' G. Phelps, .... 6 70 6 70 78 E. G, Phelps, .... 14 00 14 o0 79 Frank Preston, " " W. H. Willson.... 22 95 19 95 ' So Frank•Preston, 4..Io 65 .to 65 81 E. C. Marsh, 1 95 1 95 Sz E. C.. Marsh, " 39 00 32 00 1 f 83 Elihu Hildebrant," : • • • 22 45 22 45 84 Elihu Hildebrant, " • 9 55 9 55 85T. J. Bierce; ,<01 8o 3 So 861 Gardner Brokaw, " 11' 01 11 or 87 Village of Ithaca8-L. Breitenbecker, C. P..... .. ... 57 35 57 35 88 Village of Ithaca, D. F. VanVleet, Rec 98 6o '98 6o 89 Village of: -Ithaca, Services of police .466 8o 466 So 90 • Village of Ithaca,M. N. Tompkins, P. J... 481 45 481 45 91 Village of Ithaca, cemetery lot 'I0o 0o roo 00 92 A..M. -Parrott, insp. election, Dist. No. 4, assigned to W. • H, Willson, 16 oo 16 00 93 J. J. Williams, insp: election, Dist. No. 4, ,assigned to J. H; Collins t6 oo 16 00 ( 94 E. L. Burton, insp. election, Dist: No. 5, assigned to J. , , H. Collins • • • • 16 oo 16 00, $ 95 Chas. Terwiiliger,_clerk election, Dist. No. 4, assigned ' { t. to J. H. Collins ' • - 16`oo 16 00 z 96 ' J. 1-1. Collins, Excise,com'r ` 4z 00 4z o0 .97- Johti Hook, " - i 39 00 • 39 00 98 C. Hanshaw, " j" " } 9 00g o0 99 J: J. Williams - 33 00 33 00 zoo J.J. Williams, Assessor ... `, 4 00. 4 00 1 for Stephen Kennedy, " 84 00 84 00.. 102 Sam'1.B. Beers, " assigned to Hiram Gee.... •.... , 25o oo 25o 00 " ii ' 103 Sani'1_B.' Beers, ' " 34 00 34 00 104 .Wm: McKinney, 88 75 `8 75 ros E. G. Phelps; constable 3 00 3 00 1o6 'E. G. Phelps, 1 " i . 15 20 15 20 107 John Linderbery, Com'r of Highways 330 50 .330 50 rob C. ,L. Crandall, engineer 5o oo 5o•oo l • 1 74 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. • log Seaman Bros„liver} ........ ..... . . . ......... 6 50 6.50 Ito J. H. Hymes, omnibus j ' 72 50 12 50 tr1 Eugene Baker, medical service 33 0(1 38 00 .112 Eugene Terry, copyist r3 87 13 87 113 W. P. Beers, hack ' 2 50 2 50 114 Ira C. Rockwell, lumber. 2 69 2 69 try Treman, King & Co„ hardware Ingo ii 90 rr6 Treman, Waterman & Co.; supplies and work 7 2g 7 2g 117- J. J. Renwick, gravel.. . _ .. - ro 75 10 75 1r8 R. A•.Crozier, desk for 0. P 10 o0 1n 00 Irg R. A. Crozier, supervisor.... 36 00 36 06 120 C. H. VanHouter, lumber, assigned to Crozier&'Feeley 121,52 121 52 121 Geo, Simpson, supplies • • 4 00 . 4 00 122 Sydney Post, G. A. R., case of Jennie Sherman 45 00 45 00 123 Andrus & Church, stationery .... 42 98 42'98 124 Simeon Smith, attorney fees ...1 3 00 3 o0 125 L. H. Campbell & Co., desk for town clerk, assigned W. H. Willson - 23 50 23 50 126 G. C. McClune, stone. 66 6o 66 66 127 H. Bool, desks for excise com'r, assigned to W. H, = Willson 24 50 24 50 128 E. H. Kyle, bal. salary, health officer, assigned to W. H. Willson 16 67 -16 6'7 129 J. C. Gauntlett,, stone r 2 5 ‘1 25 r3o T. Hollister & Son, lumber 92 91 92 91 131 Almy & Bouton,legal services .... .. ....... . 8o 00 So 0o 132 Reynolds & Lang, supplies and work ....... .... ... 8 02 8 02 193 •Driscoll Bros., stone ' • , . - 1. 79 31 79 31 134 T. H. Coddington, lumber e. 1r 97 11 97 135 W. J. Percival, serving notices, assigned to W. H. Will- son 4 00 4 no 136 Danl.W, King, Board Health 12'00 12 00 137 John Diltz, . 16 oo 16 00 138 E, C. VanKirk, hoard bill, assigned to Hawkins, Todd Co 16 5o 16 50 139 T. W. Slocum, constable.. 1 00 ► 00 140 Wm. Spence. sand 8 05 8 05 141 C. S. Wattles, supplies 38 85 38 85 142 • Geo. Small, lumber 30 87 30 37 143 W, J. Totten, assessment roll 34 00 34 00 144 Fred Labar, registrar, assigned to J. M. Heggie 42 90 42 90 145 Gauntlett & Brooks, supplies 3 6a' 3 f>4 — •. i i SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDING'S. \ 75 146 F. P.>Feeley, registry clerk 8 0o 8 00 147 N. T. Mabee, omnibus and express ' / '5 50 5 5o ti 148 Spence Spencer, rent town clerk's office....... ... :... 5o oo 50 00 149 J. A. Lewis, salary, health officer 50 00 5o 00 rso D. F. 'Finch, stationery 13'89 3 89 151 Geo. W. Frost, supervisor r64 88 164 88 152 J. P. Merrill, Justice of the Peace, assigned to W. H.' Willson 125 35. 725 35 153 M. N. Tompkins, Justicetofthe peace 62' 75'. . 62 75 154 Spence Spencer, >` " . assigned to W. H. Willson II 12 00 12 00 155 Spence Spencer, Justice of the peace, assigned to W. H. ' Willson \ 6 00 -6 00 156 Spence Spencer. Justice of the peace, assigned to W. H. '' Willson 10 5o 10 50 157 Spence Spencer, Justice of the peace, assigned to W. H. Willson ' ' 304 30 304 30 158 ` Spence Spencer, ongassessrnent roll 30 00 30 00 159 Spence Spencer, Justice of the peace, assigned to W. H. Willson 22 30 22 30 rho J. P. Merrill, Justice of the peace, assigned to W. H. H. Willson- .... 14 00 . 14 00 161- A. A. Hungerford, Justice of.the peace, assigned to W, H. Willson.... 29 95 29 95 162 A. A. Hungerford, Justice of the peace, assigned to W. :i I3: Willson 12 7o •12 70 13• A. A. Hungerford, Justice of the 6peace, assigned to W. H. Willson.....: 'f '8 io 8 TO., 164 Fred Labar, town clerk 300 on 300 00 165 Fred Labar, registrar.... 42 38 42 38 166 Harry Dederick, constable 2 75 2 75 j67 Sam'] Livingston, Jr., messenger, assigned to W. H. ' . Willson "',8 00 8 00 r68 Weekly Ithacan, printing ; 7' 50 7 50 169 Ithaca Democrat, --* 115 5o 115 50 170 Ithaca Journal Ass'n, printing 133 6o r33 6o 171 J. Winslow, M. D.,rep. births and deaths, med. services, assigned to Marsh & Hail 30 75 30'75 172 Rosa Nichbis, rep. births and deaths 2 00 2 00 173 S. P. Sackett, M. D., re'p. births and deaths 7 50 7 50 174 E. J. Morgan, Jr., M. D., rep. births and deaths' 6 25 6 25 175 E. J. Morgan, 'Sr., M. D., " ' " - 2 75 2 75 ',i 76 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDING -S. 176 S. H, Peck, M. D., rep. births and deaths.. .... ...... 2 5o 2 5o 177 Eugene Baker, MD., • �' _' " 8" oo 8 00 1.713 J. A. Northrup, M. D,, ' + ...... r 25 1 25 179 M." Besemer, M. D., 7 50 . 7 50 ,18o B. A.. Potter, M. D. " " ,,6 251 6 25 181 G. M. $eckv'ith,'M. D., 2 50 2 So 182 J. W. Brown, M. D., . " " •rued. serv- ., ices...... _ .... 4 75 4 75 183 J. S. Kirkendall, M. D. rep.. births and deaths 16 00. 16.00 . 184 D. White, M. D.. rep. births and deaths 9 So 9 5o 185 A. Hunter, M. D., " "med• .services18 75 16 75 41 II 186 J.A. Lewis, M. D.," "1o3 25 103 25 187 G. M. Beckwith, medical attendance, assigned to Marsh - & Hall 25 00 25 00 188 Rev. F. Dusenbury, reporting marriages........ ...... • ‘4.75,„ 4 75 189 Rev. J. K. Underhill. 75 75 190 Rev. A. S. Fiske. ' " 6 75, 6 75 19r Rev. H. A. Clark, r` _ 2 25 - 2"25 192 Rev. R. D. Munger, assigned to C. M. Benjamin 3 50 3 50 1 193 • Rev. R. T. Jones, reporting marriages 2 25 2 25 144 T. W. Burns, Justice of the peace 133 45- 133 45 195 Jas. Sullivan, supplies 6 oo 6 oo 196 T. W. Burns, attorney fees:. , , 5o 00 ' 5o 00 197 T. W. Burns, • " " . 40 00 40 00 1g6 T. W. Burns, counsel fees . P 60 00 6o oo 199 James Cosgritfi, dcputy.sherifF 4 00 ' 4 00 200 S. D. Sincepaugh, constable r `25• 1 25 $$6,669 33 x$6,655 63 At a meeting of the Board of Auditors of the town of Ithaca, held Nov. 1o, 11, 12 and 14, 1887, the following resolution was unanimously adopted : / F Resnlvert, That the amounts hereinafter set forth, due for notes and certificates of indebtedness, given. by the Supervisor, Highway Commissioner and Over- seer of the Poor, pursuant to resolutions.of the Town Board, he 'and the same are hereby audited and ordered paid. , r , • 1 • SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 4 'pit:, - 7.7 • it Td cover certificate and interest given by Wm. Mack,Overseer of poor " , Feb. 15, 1887 . -$2.170,44 To cover outstanding bills, Nov. r, 1887 of Floyd B. Howes, Overseer of po0'r • 2,905 43 To cover note and interest, held by D. L. & W. R. R. Co., given by , G"V. Frost, Sup., for coal '407 Go "I'o cover note and interest held by L. V. R. R. Co., given by G. W. Frost, Sup.; for coal ° 203 8o '-To cover note and interest held by 1st Nat'l Bank, given for Spencer road improvement .. . / 25o 00 To cover note held by given for Spencer road improvement 157 50 To rover deficiency in Gospel and School Fund, and 'interest thereon 10o 25 • STATEMENT OF WM. MACK, OVERSEER OF POOR, Ca,sli receipts from Nov. r, '56, to Feb. 15, `876.... •'• • •. • • • $2,489 56 Disbursements `i 1, '86 to Feb. 15. '87 • • 2,489 56 STATE.}1RM1'P OF F. 0. HOWES, OVERSEEROF POOR. 'Cash receipts from Mar. 1. '87, to Nov. r, '87 ' $3,624 43 Disbursctnents " " 1,'87, to Nov. 1,-'87 3,114 23 Service hill from Mar. f,'87, to Nov..r, '87 ' 422 16 $3,536 36 Cash on hand Mar. 1, 1887.•... $88 07 STATEMENT OF COST OF SUPPORT OF 1000. Amount of bills by Wm. Mack as above $2,4119 56 " " G. W. Frost, Supervisor 137 00 " " " " F. B, Howes, overseer of poor 3.536 Outstanding hills as per statement rendered f 2,905 4335 $9,068 '35 STATEMENT O!•' JOHN LINDERI3ERY COMMISSIONER „ OF. HIGI'l- 1 WAYS. '• • Disliursemeuts from Nov. 1, 1886, ,to Feb.45, 1387 $272 for " Feb.'15,,1887,•to Nov,"1, 1887 1,422 02 -- - ;, $1.694 03 1 TS SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Receipts from different sources as per statement " " note Aug. 13, 1877 " Supervisor and Tax receiver Amount to be raised, as reported Bill No. 107 $274 70 600 00 488 83 $1,363 53 - $330 50 We the undersigned, the Town Auditors of the town of Ithaca, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct list, and the statement of all accounts, ex- 4 amined, audited or rejected at the meeting of said Town Auditor, held at the Torun Clerk's office, Nov, ro, 11, 12 and 14, 1887. GEORGE W. FROST, Supervisor. FRED. LAeAR, Town Clerk. T. W. BURNS, SPENCE SPENCER, JASON ME_RRILL, M. N. Tole '[e[Ns, LANSING. usticess. Abstract of the names of, all persons who presented accounts to be audited by the Board of Town Auditors of the town of Lansing on the Toth, and T r.th days of . November, 1887, with the amounts claimed by each, and the amounts audited and allowed. each. , No, Name. Nature of Service, Claimed. Allowed. t Tillman Bower, inspector, assigned to Dana Bower 2 Hobert G, Tlagin,clerk election 3 John W. Bower, " 4 Marvin Buck, inspector election 5 Andrew J. Conlin, inspector and messenger. 6 Oliver Williams, 7 J. H. Conklin, clerk election 8 D. A. Tarbell, inspector and messenger g Benton M. Halliday, inspector election 10 Dana Bower, clerk election $ 4 00 4 00 4 00 '4 00 9 64 6 00 4 00 12 04 4 00 4 00 $ 4 00 4 00 4 00 •4 00 9 64 '6 00 4 00 12 04 00 4 00 II 12 O. F. Hamilton, clerk election and stationery. 13 Isaac Hillyare, inspector election 14 Fred D. Voorhees, inspector and messenger 15 Charles Drake, clerk election 16 John Collins, assessor 17 Josiah Todd, sheep killed by dogs 18• Fred A. Townley, sheep killed by dogs rg JAL. Baker, services att'y, agt. E. V. Howland. .. '2o Charles Drake, supplies for poor 21 Culver Blue, sheep killed by dogs. ,22 James H. Ross, recording marriages 23 Emmett Woolley, sheep killed by dogs 24 Dr. W. W. Barr, statistical reporting 25 N. E. Buck, assessor 26 S. I. Barnes, 27 ' G. C. Gifford, services 28 J. C. Beebe, burial 'of Mathews and children:... ...... 29 Rensalaer Miller, -supplies for G. Miller 30 Charlotte M. Jacobs; boarding Sally Jacobs.... 31 Harriet Butler, caring for Nanny Parker 32 David Crocker, ex -supervisor, R. R. expenses 33 Dr. W.H. Lockerby, medical 'services of poor. 34 : Harriet Butler, care of Nanny Parker 35 J. C. Bebee, services poor master............ 36 `John Gallagher, care of Lawton children.... 37 Horatio Brown supervisor' 38 Wm, Mead, supplies for poor 39 Wm, Mead, clerk for assessor 4o Wm, Meadtown clerk 41 H. M. Field, excise com'r 42 A. H: Clark, excise com'r, expenses to Auburn with Supervisor 43 O. S. VanPaten, ex R. R. commissioner ...: 44 Henry Miller, use of house for election 45 Roswell Beardsley, use of hall, election 46 A. Ensign, reporting marriages 47 D. L. Reynolds, constable 48 D. L. Reynolds, " 49 Ithaca Journal Association 5o Simeon Smith, services in Turner case............ 51 Wm. Dates, cost and expenses, road at Myers SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Charles, R. Bower, inspector and messenger g' 8o 4 25 4, 00 6'Cm 4 00 • • • • 36; o0 44 00 8' 00 25,50 18'34 8 5o x 5o TO 50. 3, 50' 40;00 42; 00 IO 00 '20;,00` 1356 '46,22- 35 00 557 70 69; 5o 57' 00 56 86 5' oo 712 10 7' 15 00 30 75 4 00 79 9 8o 4 25 4 00 6 oo 4 00 36 00 44 00 8 00 21 50 18 34 8. 5o z 5o 10 5o 3 50 40 00 42 00 IO 00 20 00 13 56 48 22 35 00 557 70 6g 5o 0o oo 56 86 5 00 712 10 7 15 10 00 30 75 3 00 5 00 5 00 32 00 32 00 15 00 15 00 5 oo 5 00 75 75 3 6o - 3 60 2 50 2 50 I 50 150 37 25 30 00 3o 00 25 00 / • .4 8() SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. • 52 T. W. Burns, att'y for Lawton children 30 o0 20 00 53 Wm. Hazlett Smith, services'' 17 44 17 44 54 Horatio Brown, auditor 4 00 4 09 55 Charles Drake, services 12 00 12 00 56 B. M. Hagin, services 12 00 12 00 57 W. E. Lvon,services / 12 00 12 00 ` :58 John H. Conklin, services 12 00 12 00 59 L. R. Lyon, use of hall one year 15 00 15 00 6o J. H. Conklin, justice..., ........... . 6 25 6 25 61 Dr. W. 11. Lockerby„ medical services, poor 16 25 16 25 62 N. E. Lyon, Justice 4 00 4 00 63 N. E, Lyon, " criminal bill 62 55 _62 55 64 A. M. Tarbell, constable '2 So 2 So • " 65 Charles Drake, criminal bill 8 45 8 45 66 George M. Letts,ex-town clerk, assigned to J. M.Heggie 10 50 10 50 67 Frank N. Howell, constable, assigned 'to J. M. I-Ieggie 20 .15 20 15. 68 Albert VanAuken, ,ex -constable, assigned " 23 95 2305 6g Frank N. Howell, constable . 17 90 - 17 90 70 Daniel Sullivan, ex -Poor Master, 44 50 4o 00 71 H. N. Humiston, damage , 8 75 00 00 72 Wm. Mead,' registry .l• • - .. • . 5 50 • 5 50 73 Dr. W. H. Lockerby, reporting births - 5 50 . 5 5o 74 F. M. Woolley, road corn. services 122 00 114 00 75 Horatio 'Brown, Hulburt & Underwood hill ._... .... .. 138 92 131. 92 $2,659 42 $2,597`92 We the undersigned, composing the Board of Auditors of the town of Ian - sing do certify that the foregoing is a correct .list of all claims presented and allowed by us against said town. HORATIO BROWN, Supervisor. NELSON E. LYON, CHARLES DRAKE, - Justices of the Peace. JOHN H. CONKLIN, J Wm. M. MEAD, Town Clerk. ADDED BY RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD, 76 Horatio Brown, int. paid ist. Nat. Bank $ 7 31 77 John Gallagher, dep. sheriff. .. 9 85 78' Ithaca Journal, printing ro oo SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. - . 81 i 79 Albert VanAuken constable, assigned to W. H. Willson.....'.. 16 go 8o J Horatio Brown, Supervisor, paying and receiving public school monies ` 25 82 $6985 Amount above ' $2,597 92 Total • - $2,667 8o • Less,amount of bills No. 17, 18, 21, 23 • 71 00 ,$2,596 8o NEWFIELD. Abstract of names of all persons who presented accounts to be audited by the town Auditors of the town of Newfield, at their annual meeting, held.Nov. ioth and f ith, 1887, with the amount claimed and the amount finally allowed. h . 1. No. Name. Nature of Services. ' . ' Claimed. `Allowed. t I C. A. Smith, inspector of election, Dist. No. 1 $ 4 00 = $ 4-00 2 L. H. Tabor, " and'rnessenger election, Dist.NO, r g 64 9 64 3 William H. Payne,,inspectorelection, Dist. No, r -4 00 4 00 4 A. H.'Palmer, clerk, " " i ` 4 00 4 00 5 j. W. Dean, " "` " 1 " r.. , �, 4 0o 4 00 6 W. H. Dimond, messenger and 'inspector, Dist. No. 2 ,9 96 9 96' .7 Abner H. Stamp, inspector Dist. No: 24 00 4 00 � B = George Thomas, " " " 2 "4 00 4 00 g jay, B. Phenix, clerk," " 2 4 00 4 00 10 Alva D. Brown "? " : -. " " 2 4 00 4 00 it Nelson Cutter, excise commissioner - 3 00 3 00 12 Edgar Brown • ` 3 00 3 00 13 Hessler Smithg o0 3 00 14 I. B. Palmer, R.. R. Commissioner -7 00 7 00 15 Charles McCorn " ' " - 6-oo 6 oo 16 P. B. Roper, reporting death 25, '25 i17 .C. C. Cook, " births and deaths 5 25 5 25 t t8 M. A. Dumond, " • " " 1 50 150 ,t , f 6 82 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Ig E. R. Osterhout " 3,75 : 3 75 26 - B. K. Douglas, reporting marriages, assigned to S. D. Cook 75 i X75 21 George Fosbinder, reporting marriages 1 5o r 5o 22 Ward Gregory, printing election notices 1886 anda8874 00 4..o0 23 Hiram Cornish, erroneous tax 1886 5 46 5 46 2.41.7- Alva Brown, use of house for election ro 0o to 00 25 P. S. Dudley. " " for town purposes ' 40 00 40 00 26 Jonathan Stamp, note and int. for roads and bridges,r886 258 35 r58 35 27 J. L. Puff & Co., bill of O. A. Seeley, com 307 7.3 307 73, 28 S. D.Farrington, corn. of highways, fee bill.:.. 220 00 220 00 29 S. D. Farrington, " " . roads and bridges1,189 57 1,189 57 '3o O. A. Seely, ex-com. of highwayways 40 00 ' 40 00 32 Andrew Smith, overseer of the poor fee bill 38 00 38 00 32 Andrew Smith, " " " supplies i58 63 158 63 33 J. T. Kellogg, assessor 39 65 3g 65 34 Alvah D. Brown, assessor `" 34 30 34 30 35 E. A. Davis, assessor...'.- 28 00 28 00 36 J. M.{Heggie; interest on note... 42 00 42 00 37 A. K. Allen, Justice fee bill 26 00 ' 26 00 38 William H. Hartranft, justice fee bill 21 00 .21 00. 99 J. W. Dean, ]ustice fee bill 14 00 14 00 40 Benj. Starr, " . " " 28 00 at 28 00 41 R. Horton, supervisorG4 71 05 71 05 •42 S. D. Cook, town clerk .62 77 62 77 r � $2,625 II $2,625 II The undersigned, Board of Town Auditors of the town of Newfield, do hereby certify that the . foregoing abstract of accounts, audited by them, is correct. R. HORTON, Supervisor. • - "BENI. STARRY J. W. DEAN, Justices of the Peace. • W. H. HARTRANFT, A. K. ALLEN. ' S. DUDLEY Cook, Town Clerk. ULYSSES. The'following is an abstract of names of all persons who presented accounts to be audited by the town Auditors of the SUPERVISORS' PROC,EEDThictS. 83 town of Ulysses on the loth and t ith days of Noverriber,'i887, with the amount claimed, and filially allowed. No. Name. Nature of services. Claimed • Allowed. i F. W. Osborn, inspector and rnessenger $5 24 $ 5 24 2 J. M. stout, inspector '.4 00 4 00 3 E. S. Johnson, assessor 38 00 _ 38 00 1 4 J. W. Kirby; " t , 42 25 42 25 5 E. S. Pratt, Bonding Commissioner ... .. 18 00 18 00 { 6 T. Boardman, " 27 50 27 50 ,7 L. J. Wheeler, 18 00 18 00 8• Jas. G. McLalfen, inspector 8 oo 8 oo 9 J. D: Smith, clerk of election ,4 50 4'5°' 10 John VanBuskirk, clerk of election '4 00 4 00 . 11 F. A, Kerst, inspector of election '4 00 4 000 ilfr; 12 F. A: Kerst, clerk of election 4 00 4 00 13 W. H. Ganoung, ex -commissioner of highways 2 00 2 00 14 F. A. Kerst, town physician, 2nd Dist 16 65 16 65 15 L. W. Carpenter, town physician, 1st Dist 68 33, . 68 33 , '16 Aaron McKeel, overseer of poor.............r: ...... • r9 50 19 50 17 'Geo. Wolverton, house for election 20 00 20 00 1 " 18 'Sarah VanOider, house for election 20 00 20 00 i r9 O. M. Wilson, clerk of elec4ion 8 oo 8 00 ii 20 Asa D. Wilson, Com. of highways ..... 20 00 20 00 11 21 G. 13. Stewart, agt., undertaking' 16 00 16 00 r 22 G, H. Stewart, agt., 12 00 '12 00 23 Wm. Lyke, Com. of highways 20 00 20 00 ' 24 E. P. Bouton, inspector of election 1 4 00 i.'' . 4 00 S ` 25 C. L. Adams, printing • 9 50 9 50 26"G. E. Orton, reporting births and deaths....4 00 4 00 27 L'. W. Carpenter, 5 00 5 00 28 William Austin, inspector and messenger 14 46 r4 46 29 Jason B. Russell, insp. of election 4 00 • 4 00 30 Mrs. C. H. McLallen, admin. of G. J.'McLatlen...... 12 00 12 00 31 E. S. Pratt, assessor 49 75 49 75 32 A. `H. Pierson, supervisor 87 97 87 97 1. 33 F. M. Austin, town clerk 43. 17 43 17 , 34 Elias Smith, clerk of election 8 oo 8 oo 35 E. A. Snow insp. of election' 4 40 4 40 36 John N. Barker, Justice of the peace7 15 7 15 37 Henry Hutchings, " ....... 8 00 8 00 1 y E i } 84 . SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 38 J. R. Eater}, Justice of Peace,. ' •14 05 14 05 39 A. P. Osborn, assigned to F. M. Austin 12 So 12 So' qo W. H. Teed, overseer of •the poor... 51 00• 51 oo • 41 J. H. Bowman, use of house for auditors.... • 4 00 4 00 42 F..A. Kerst, medical services - 5 00 5 00 43 Will I. Smith, insp. and messenger 9 64 9 64 44 James'M. Creque, constable 3 00 3 00 45 H: A. Mosher, clerk of election i 4 17 4 17 46 S. G. Williams, constable ' 7 45 7 45 $772 4S.$772 '4S • We the undersigned, composing the Board of Town Auditors of the town. of Ulysses, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct list of all bills audited by us at the annual meeting, Nov. to And n, 1887. e A. H. PIERSON, Supervisor.. F. M. AUSTIN, Town Clerk. J. R. EMERY, • I-lBNRY HUTCHINUS, r JOHN N. BARKER, A. P. OSBORN. Justices of the Peace. ADDED BY RESOLUTION OF TEE BOARD. t � 47 Lewis McWhorter, constable $ 4 40 43 L. W:. Carpenter, excise com'r 3 00 49 George Foote, erroneous tax 2 14 $9 53 • Amount above 772 48 Total 5782 01 1• r 1 1i 1 It SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 85 • • REPORTS. COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT. To the honorable the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County : .The undersigned, Treasurer of Tompkins County, respect- fully submits his annual statement of receipts and disbursements of the County funds from Nov. ioth;.i886; to Nov: 12th, 1887, as follows • The receipts from all sources, including balance on hand Nov. Loth, 1886, amountg to the sum of $too,o96 67 The disbursements for the same period amount to the sum of 98,108 13 Leaving a balance in my hands of r,988 55 I hereby certify that there stands this day on the books of this Bank the sum of nineteen hundred, eighty-eight, 55 -too dollars ($1,588 55) to the credit of Geo. 'It Northrup, County Treasurer.. t' Nov. r2th,+1887. CHAS. W. MAJOR, Book-keeper, t ' First. National Bank, Ithaca,N. Y Tc»u'KINS COUNTY, SS. : Geo, H..Northrup, being duly sworn, says that the following statement is cor- rect, and contains a true report of all moneys received and paid out by him as County Treasurer since his last annual report, except'moneys belonging to the Infant Heir Fund and Surplus Moneys. • ' GEO. H. NORTHRUP, County Treasurer. - Subscribed and sworn'to before me Nov. 15th, 1887. P. J. PARTENHEIMER, Clerk. a 1 r 1 D 811 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. RECEIPTS. %Cash on hand,;Nov. Loth, 1886 $ One per cent. fees on State`Tax.... ...... $ 271 03 ,' From Treas. of N. Y. State, for receiving and disburs- ing School Moneys, in 1885 and 1886 312.52 AMOUNT OF TAX LEVY OF 1886 Towrl of Caroline $4,221 35 Danby ' 4.327 66 Dryden....... .... 11,288 17 Enfield 2,915,18 Groton 7,409 37 • Ithaca 28,061 37 Lansing 9,823 43 Newfield 4,137 23 Ulysses 9,112.76 FROM TAXES RETURNED UNPAID BY TOWN COLLECTOR. Town of Caroline Danby " Dryden Groton . . . Ithaca.......... • Lansing Ulysses Front Comptroller of N. Y. State, non-resident taxes accepted for 1886 From salve for 1887 + Less Ithaca taxes cancelled (heretofore admittted) From Supt. of Public Instruction...... . Self- supporting patients at N. Y. State Lunatic Asylum " Willard Asylum Fine from County Clerk Fines from Sheriff Fees from Surrogate's Office E. C. & N. and S. C. R. R. school taxes 939 8o / 583 55 $31,297 52 $12 94 23 3 94 31 88 y 05 31 o0 45 19 $134 23 '• $t64 52 39 95 143 98 1,907 76 20 00 • 320 00 27 50 $19-5-36 5124 57 $1.1,042 78 tr. $2,051 74 $367 50 $527 07 1, ti Sl7PERVISO.RS' PROOEEDINGS. 87 FINES FROM JUSTICES OF THE •PEACE, Chas. Drake _.. N clson'E. Lyon.... ....... Jeremiah Thatcher Newton Baldwin . J. R. Emery 'Geo, E. Monroe Interest on deposits 5 ao 59 00 7 00 4 0o 10 00 10 00 $95 50. 1 00 INHERITANCE TAXES. Froin t▪ he executors or administrators of the estates of the following named deceased persons, for taxes -on collateral.inheritances Estate of Abia Webb , $1,83 24 " "•Sarah A. Cummings . 71 22- " Nancy Thomas • 950 00 40 00 58 29 Esther B. Bessac ," Susan H. Colburn " Person D. Ogden " John L. Whiton 293 75 28 " Michael McManus _ 78 " Sarah T. Markham 1,032 AISRURSI;MENTS,' State tax paid Comptroller.... SCHOOL MONEYS. To Caroline $2,320 74f ' " Danby 1,959 50 " Dryden., -' 38r8 86 " Enfield 1,568. 93 ". Groton..,. 2,849., 00 " Ithaca 8.r2o 58 Lansing 2,581. 98 "'Newfield 21.595 84 U ysses 2,543 37 75 92 38 $2,736 55 $too,096 67 $27,iO3'36 $28.358 82 - 88 SUPERVISORS' 'PR0CEEDIIT(GS. t County audits $9,171 82 Postage, Supervisor's clerk 15 0O Susquehanna Valley t-lome 379 33 75 00 Incidentals, Surrogate's Office Onondaga County Penitentiary Bridges on county line Bilis payable and interest 3,4;,6 81 :$13,652 50 558 71 16 13 • District Att'y's office rent Sheriff's office rent 35 00 Western Institute for Deaf Mutes 710 83 , A. G. Chapman, supervisor, amount due Groton from Western Institute for Deaf Mutes 30 00 € Canaudaigua I•Iomc 208 00 N, Y. State Lunatic Asylum 143 98 Erroneous taxes 108 96 Si. Patrick's 0 phan Asylum 47 00 Si. Mary's 94 00 $1,577 77 200 00 Jail' GAS BILLS. Clerk's office Court1House Coal and wood Paid,orders of the county Supt.'of poor $116 29. 39 15 23 38 $178 82 $463 34 5,836 31 BURIAL. EXPENSES OF THE FOLLOWING DD•CFASED SOLDIERS. Joseph Metzler 35 00 Nathan Conklin - 35 00 Dan'l Dimon - 35 00 • Adam Cronce 35. 00 Benjamin Letts 27 50 ,..Chauncey Hemingway 35 00 Squire B. Crane ' " 35 00 ' i237'50 • • •1 lJ „ Meals to Jurors. ........ ,r .a I District Atty's disbursements ' ,f Examination of Treas. accounts' SUP.] VISORS' PR,OCELDINUS. ' . S9 rIEAosroNRs FOR THE: FOI.I.OWING DECF.ASRD SOLDIERS AT t5 EACH. Horace Smith, Nelson Coe, - Chauncey 1-Iemmingway, Joseph Metzler, A lex Sherman, Thos. Russell, Joitn Ludlow, Benjamin Letts, Serreil Thompson, Jeremiah Bishop, Chas. Brown, • Reuben Dodd, Wm. Dwyer, John H. Boout- S•mcon Srnith, Att'y costs, case of People vs.,. John Durham] COURT EXPENSES. Trial Jurors o5 Grand " 419' 25 Crier 108, 00 Sheriff attendance at court ro9 50 '•Under sherittattendance at court - ros o0 Stenographers 428 00 Justices of Sessions 199 8o Constables. 369 95 Witnesses ` t ra o6 25 40. :38 67 60to David Crocker, Supervisor Fines 55 00 J. E. Beers, 4,7', 00 Iloratio Brown — r .. 9 oa II J. W. Jones, 4 00 A. H. Pierson, ro oo George M Rockew,e`ll, Supervisor Fines........ ro oo , 11 SALARIE=S. ' Marcus Lyon, County,Judgc. X2,500 00 Geo. 11. Northrup, county Treasurer........ . goo 00 M. N. Tompkins, clerk of Supervisors r5o' o© Rev. S. A. Chubbuck, County House Chaplain.... 50 00 Marcus Lyon, Surrogate for Clerk 250 00 jl 210 00 $50 00 $3;204 U4 25 DO SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. • C. L, Smith, Dist. Att'v Geo. M. Beckwith, jail physician, 90 00 J. W. Tibbetts, for janitor's salary.... .... .......... 350 00 A. G. Genung, school com'r 200 00 f S. L. Howe, zoo no John Tyler, special county judge 5o 00 Treasurer of N. Y. State, for Stenographer of the 6t11 Judicial Dist 764 16 $6,104 16 Asylum for Insane Criminals ........... .. $195 00 R. G. H. Speed, Supervisor, amt. due Caroline from above account 40 00. $235 ou School District Collectors 582 79 N. Y. Stale Institute for the blind 22 47 A. A. Terrell, painting jail roof 6 43 Postage and stationery, Co. Treas.... TO o6 $622 25 Willard tis}'lum 7,864'82 Rebate to self-supporting patient ... ... . _... • ri 05' 5 $7875'87 Treasiu-er of N. Y. State,ltaxes on collateral inherit- ances' $4,575 64 Fees on above 15 48 $1,791 12 Laura M. Sexton fund, transferred to Infarct Heir Fund $Ito 00 J.E. Beers, supervisor, balance due Danby...' i8 T. Jones, " Enfield r 57 $r 5 Cash on hand. $1,988 55 $rao,096 67 600 00 0 Cash on hand. .. $1,988/55 Due ilie treasury from the town of Caroline - 20 .. ' Danby 3 3i o ,. Dryden 47 41 °• - Enfield '-.. i t8 Groton ... 4 02 , Ithaca ....... ..-. 87 52 Lansing.... 7 36 Newfield ' 16 r3 " Ulysses 68 6o County'Supt.of the poor 119 10 . " " Court expenses.... 66 05 •' Fuel and gas 104 97 r. O SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. e TOTAL. ASSETS -BELONGING TO THE FOLLOWING ACCOUNTS: County audits Repairs on Jail. . .... ..... ....... Postage and stationery ...... Willard Asylum Taxes on Collateral Inheritances Bills payable $2,514 54 INFANT I-IEIR FUND. To the f/nnoralle, the Board of Supervisors 'of Tompkins County:_ • 01 $1 04 10 44 79 1,253 69 1,145 431 73 19 i2,514'54 _•(I t n,estlnCnt MOIZ1(.AC:Vk, DATII. I -JI 141.125 INTERESTED. ' Ain punt •' of Interest. Amount of .1.10.-tgace • , 1st' "Mortgage. Gen. A.Agus. May 5, '813 O'Brien, heirs of Jane 150 00 150 0( ear Alortgagu. Plata.) Bierce. '• 1,'80 IIanford heir's r 464 51 ' Fisk 171 14 Kate M. Chittenden 70 36 . McKee, heirs of John 4310 72. 1148 7l lot 5 ortgage. Jacob Bates. Feb. 4,'82 ?debut McNeil 5(31 43 Kate hi. Chittenden • 108 45 Morton heirs 1420 90 Wilgus 153 2'2 I3roas Chas. Spanlding 07 66 .33 i1 � ' Millis Hayward • 113 iia 1 2501 01 st Mortgage. 'I'alnar A. Chase. Mar. 9,'83 Chase heirs 518 14 018 L st Mortgage, Simeon Coon and Jitne 20,'85 Edwin Gillow ' 103 911 others. . Hans haw heirs 10(1 400 200 Cs '(314) st 'Mortgage. Lina, M. DurlhLg. Mar. 29,'80 Carpenter, heirs of Dan'l (050 00. 01 st Mortgage, st Mortgage; Wui. M. Dates. D. W. Clihow!. Oct. 17; '55 Eel). I1,'04 Dates, heirs of John I). Simpson,.' " Chas. 831 '1 337 all 831 9' 337 (3 54 Mortgage. O. H. Gregory. Tay 1, '86 lotus IL Holt 1035 00 t 1085 0. sl. Mortgage. st Mortgage. W. H. hiller-, Thar, L. hook. • Nov. 15, '84 Oct. l3, '8u Clock heirs " r Fogarty 1reirs 600 00 200 00 42(1 43 ..00 1)I • Haddock heirs -82 70 Kittio Axford :Is 81 - Laura 11. Sexton - 4(10 (5) 1.2,10 4 LA 3lortgu.„ e;. 1 clwia, Tillett. June .1`1., .`i0 Goodspeed heirs 801 44 801 4 1st Mortgage. Sarah and N. C. July 5, '87 Carpenter, heirs of Dah'l 3300 00 ' 300 0 .Johnson. ist Mortgage. John Letts. April 6, '77 Siort.on hears 150 00 1 • 150 0 1st h;nrtga:g8..John ',McArthur. April 11,'71 5'anllol•nlheirs 1901 24 11(01 2 1nt Mortgage. 1.UI110111 A. 'Miller. June7,'86 Wykoll 2400 00 ' 2500-0 Int Mortgage. N. T. D10,1)ee. Ont. 4, 'lit Carpenter, heirs of Dan' l 4030 0(I 400 0 Ist'Mortgage. Jacob Prame. April Lly'551'Iabel McNeil. - 200 (10 200 (1 1st Mortgage. Campbell Preston. , '72 MOKec, heirs of John 1(1410 043 1000 (1 1st Mortgage. John Rurnsey- Sep. 7. '81 (rri]Ttn heirs 9414 44 2444 4 1st Mortgage. Geo. Simpson. Oct 24,'83 Elizabeth 5irnpson 488 Sts 1388 11 1st Mortgage. Mary Seahring_ . Feb. 17, '63 Mary L. Seahrtng - N3(4, 24 50505 2 1st Mortgage. Myron A. Sexton. June 20, '81 ICeator heirs 27550 00 2750 0 1st Mortgage. Anna E. Stanford. April 1, '84 Searles. " 855 21 l :Mabel McNeil 39 33 . - McKee heirs, of John 105 .381 1000 0 / 41'3 SUPERVISORS" PROCEEDINc1S. INFANT ,HEIR FUND. To the Honorable, the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins Coun/ ' investment. MORTGAGOR. DAT,. 1-1BU,S TNTGRIS5THD. Antolini of lot, reds. Ansonia , o{' Sinrt>;a¢e 1st Mortgage. Sam'l A. Seabring. June 11,'85 Mandeville heirs 770 73 • .• • VanHoi i " 300 00 . •, r R. Victor Crittenden 381. 60 , Drake, heirs of Catherine 41 01 150; OC 1st Morl gage. \\'tn.liazlett Smith. Jan. 6, '81 Willie S. Korts 1680 34 \l'hitlnrk, heirs of, Jane 150 57 •st • Asa Ballot] ]Fill 1)9 2000 (1) Mortgage. Carrie A. Smith. Mar. P8, '13.2 Carpenter, heirs of 17an'l 500 00 500'00 1st Mortgage. - Sarah and N. C: Johnson. May 4, '87 Carpenter, heirs of 11an'1 25;) 00 ' 239 141 Town of Ithaca • 5 Kate M. Chittenden 58 75 per cent. Bond, se- Fogarty heirs 68 75 ries of 1851, No. McKee, heirs of John. 6] 26 170, $1,000. Edwin Dillow \ 28 52 Asa Ballon 208 19 • - Searles licirs 208 18 • Warren, heirs of J. B. Morton Heirs 30 SKI 13034.5 10011 IMI 1st Mortgage. Mary S. and 11. M. Mar. 31, '80 Laura M. Sexton _ 256.28 Thompson. Mary Hughes & children 88 33 Mor'ton'heirs r) 23) _ McKee, heirs of John — SI 02 ' .' " fuller heirs 49 90 Carpenter, heirs of Dau'l 411 18 ']obey heirs 4 1060 00 2000 of 1st Mortgage. Eron C. \'anKirk. Jin. 20, '12 Morton " 400 00 Griffin " 98 00 Asa Ballou 176 01 O'Brien, heirs of Jane 170 041 850 04: 'At: Mortgage. Carrie VanAuken. Sep. 28, '78' Mabel McNeil , 073 (10 4)73 OC 1st Mortgage, Martha Woodin. -Whitaker April 5, '70 1). & M. Woodin 820 31 824; 81 1st Mortgage. Elizabeth June 5; '86 Kate M; Chittenden 68 16 Aa Bln' , 85 52 Seagar heirs 37 85 Se•arles 1)17 14 ' \V -kof " '100 06 McKee, heirs of John 322 45 , TcGowen heirs 43 18 Young " 723 00 Kirkendall "200 00 a_ Morton " • - 300 00 r- Fred }Bunnell i 22 37 John Manning! 239 73 . 2250 (NI Total a nourif, invested in Bonds anti Mortgages .42,825 itis TOM PRINS COUNTY, 85. Geo. H. Northrup, being duly sworn says, that the foregoing statement. is correct to the' best of his knowledge and belief, and represents the condition of the 'securities belonging to the Inf:I,nt Heir Fund on the 76th day of November, 1887, excepting worthless and in- sufficient securities, taken prior to 1875, a list of which appears in his report of Nov. 16th. 1886, (see Supervisors' proceedings of 18t E3, page 100.) GEO. 11. NORTHRUP, County Treasurer: Subscribed and sworn to before enc Norv. 16th, 1887. • • 1'. J. PARTENHEIMER, Clerk." I 1 • SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. ®• :18 SURPLUS MONEYS. To the "Ilannroble 13oarrl of Supervisors of Tompkins Cornzly : RECESIPTs' I IJ 2,153 22 Cash on hand, Nov. 2 t, r886 From E. C. Tichenor, Referee, Case of Beardsley vs. Van•Order65 88 From Geo. E., Goodrich, Alt'y, case of Phoebe Morgan vs. Sarah Purvis.. . • .. 1,473 13 From J. D. Stniih, Att'y, case of Edmund Barber vs. VanOrder and Boyd, collectors 36 61 From D. P. Hodson, Referee, case of Hayden vs. McDonald ase of Caleb Earl vs.'Phoobe Pringle e B. Davis, Referee, � ll From G o. a rti , From J. L. Baker,' Referee, case of Jesse English vs, Henry N. Sayles Froin Geo. N. Luce, administrator of 'the estate of Israel Luce, deed Frorn.C. A. VanVradenburg, Referee,case of Geo: Townley vs. Smith k , Townley.... 57o 83 3 46 ' 297 98 974 14 5,628 85 r !I From Wm. M. Dates, executor of the estate of John D. Dates dec'd 3,756 00 From Geo. E. Goodrich, Referee, case or Nelson Morgan Estate vs. J. B. Van Matter ... 16 67 •From Wm. Harzlett Smithy Refere, case of E. K. Bogardus vs. Hen- rietta Bogardus 71,13 ($14,447 90 DISBURSEMENTS. Case of Ogden vs. VanDenmore 22 00 Case of Dopper vs. Syracuse Savings Bank.... 504 73 Case of Cogbshall vs. Lucas - • 117 6t On account 'of order•of distribution, case of Morgan vs. Purvis,::.'.. 1,340 52 Case of Earl vs. Pringle 297 98 Case of English vs. Sayles .974 14 On account of order of distribution, estate of Israel Luce deceased r . 4,737 03 Case of Wade vs. Wade 628 97 , Case of Townley vs. Townley 570 83 Estate of John' D. Dates, deceased 3,756 00 Cash on hand 4,498 09 '14,447 90 f' _ tl4 , SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. TOMPKINS COUNTY, SS : ' • Geo. H. Northrup, being duly sworn, says that the foregoing statement is correct, to the best of his knowledge and belief, and is a true report of all Sur- plus Moneys received and paid out by him as County Treasurer, from Nov. tzth, i886, to Nov. 16th 185 ` - 7, inclusive„ GEO. I -I. NORTHRUP, County Treasurer. Subscribed and sworn to before me, Nov. 17th, 1887. P. J. PARTENHEIMER, Clerk. I certify that there stands this day on the books of this Bank to the credit of Surplus Moneys the sum of $1,498 09. Nov. 1701, 1887. .CHAS. W. MAJOR, Bookkeeper, First Nat'1'Bank, Ithaca -N. Y. DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S REPORT. To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County : Pursuant to the provisions of law, I make report of the dis- position of fines'imposed in the various Courts of Record of said County, since the date of my last report : . . Persons Fined. Nov. 15, 1886. C. W. Manchester " 16, W. E. Duttenfield Dee. 22, G. H. Humphrey, April 15, 1887. Elisha Grant„ June 1, Robert Downing, " 1, James Grace, " .1, Austin P. Saunder " 1, Isaac Shirley, S. SCHEDULE, Offense. i , ' Amount Gambling House. Sao Oo Violating excise law 4o 00 Assault and battery 3o 00 Violating excise law 30 00 , u e, 1.1 40 00 40 •09 40 00 125 90 $365 00 1 1 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 95 0 The above schedule contains a statement of all fines imposed its matters per- taining to my office ; and were paid to the Sheriff or the Clerk of said County., • No fines were paid to me, nor,has anything been collected by me on forfeited recognisances. All of which is respectfully submitted. Dated Nov. 26, 1887. CLARENCE L.1SMITH, • District Attorney. ' REPORT OF SURROGATE'S CLERK. • To /IIe ]3oard of Supervisors of Tompkins County : r 1, W..' B. Estabrook, Clerk of the. Surrogate's' Court, of 'Tompkins County, do- respectfully report to your, honorable - Board that I have received fees .for copies of records, as such clerk, since rny last .report, Nov. 23d, 1886, as follows ` �. • Feb. to. ` 2 copies order, Chas. Linderberry estate $ 50 Mar. I.. . Copy will of.Sarah Kirby ' , r o0 Apr. 6. Copy letters testamentary, est. john Giles. 50 14. Copy will of- Harriet E. Plver,.exemplitied 2 50 May g. Copy will of Nicholas Rappieye •( 50 16. Copy letters Adm. and decree, E. W. Payne est.... .... .. 1 50 Sept. 12. Copy,will of Arnold McIntyre 2 25 17. Copy will David C. White and letters test..... i 50 28. Copy will Warner Brownell... 5o Oct. 7. Copy will of Ann E. Horton and Letters Test - 1 o0 . 21. Copy Letters Testamentary, est. Harriet E. Flyer.... 50 r ' ,N ' $r2 25 1Apr. 6. Paid for postage 50 Nov. 9. Paid to County Treasurer $'I 75 " 17. . Received and paid for copy will of.Julia Atwater.`.....:.... I o0 P ,06 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. •1 TOMPKINS COUNTY, SS : t f � W. B. Estabrook being duly sworn, says, that the above statement is correct,. to the best of his knowledge and belief. W. 13. 1;STABROOK. Sworn to before me this 21st day of November, 1887. JOHN E. BEERS, Notary;Public. in 75 TOMI'K1NS'COUNTY TREASURER'S OFFICE:.. ITHACA, N. Y., -Nov. 9, 1587. c Received from W. }3. Estabrook eleven and 75-100 dollars fees in Surro- , gate's office. GEO. H. NORTHRUP, County Treasurer. t SHERIFF'S REPORT. To the Board of Supervisors of ' Tolupkins County ._ I haveeto'report that during the' year ending Nov. 19, 1887, I have collected as fines the following sums of money, viz : Nov. 20, 1886. Wm. Duckenfield $ 40 00 Apr. 6, 1887. E. R. Grant... 3o 00 May 3, Rob't Downing 40 00 3, .. George Humphrey 3o 00 ' 11 " 3, " i James Grace.. 40 00 " 3, A. P. Saunders 40 00 °' 1 Isaac Shirley _ 125 00 1, Dated. Nov. 19, 1887. $345 00 J. W. TIBBETTS,-Sheriff. i • The principal paid . 2,317 00 The Int. on principal paid 39 90 The Int. unpaid in 1886 54 00 . • The rent of the Hart farm • 75 00 $4,228 74 0 0 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 97 LOAN COMMISSIONER'S REPORT.,,_ To Me Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County .F The balance remaining Novxst, 1886 �' $32,597 34 Deducting the Hart farm $r,5oo 00 " Merritt King mortgage I 300 00 Lavina Collins " 800 00 $2,600 00 Leaving as Int. bearing principal, Nov, x, x886.... $29,997.34., . . r From Nov..r, x886, to Oct. x, x887. there has been paid of this principal sum, a's follows 773 -S. G. Brown and others.... $450 00 540 E. A. Lucas 200 00 718 ojarnes M. Miller 300 00 $950 00 . $950 00 829.047 34 Int. bearing principal, Oct: 1st, x887 From Oct. x, '87, to Nov. if '87, there has been paid No. 771 -.Harriet L. Havens $ 120 00 680 Jacob S. Green ...: 247 00 ' 841 Herman B. Palmer x,000 oa $1,367 00 $11367 00 • Principal Nov. x, 1887 $27,680 34 To this add now interest bearing principal 2,600 00 Leaving principal in all, Nov. 1,.'86.................... $30,280 34 This year the following are in default. No. 681 James M. Miller, interest .... . $48 00 • 817 Ellen Howard; interest 24 00 $72 oo We charge ourselves with : The interest on $29,047 34 • • $1,742 84 A 1 f38 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. We credit ourselves with : Our commissions on $x32,597 34 • $225 48 • Int. unpaid this year 72 00 1,243 24 N. Y. draft, Sept 23, '87 1 $1,540 73 We'charge ourselves with. $4.228 74 " credit " • r r Balance With%N. Y. Draft, November 18, '87 Respectfully, 1,540 72 $2,)88 92 2,658 02 CORNELIUS LEARY. 1, Cornelius Leary, one'of the Loan Commissioners of Tompkins County do certy that the foregoing is correct. - CORNELIUS LEARY. RA ILROAD 'BONDING COMMISSIONERS' REPORTS. ENFIELD. To Burr Rumsey, Esq., Supervisor of tice Town of Enfield We the undersigned, Bonding Commissioners of the Town •of Enfield, respectfully submit to you the following, our Annual Report : . There has been issued against said town of Enfield, Bonds to the atnount'of Twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) to aid in the construction of the Pa. and Sodus Bay R. R., and ex- changed for Capital Stock of said R. R. Company. These Bonds are dated March ist, 1871, and will become due March ist, 1901, and bear interest at seven per cent., payable semi-annually upon the 1st day'of March and Sept. of each year at the office of the Union Trust Company in New York City. We have purchased of said Bonds to the amount of eight thou- . k::Z f 1 I, , SUPERVISORS' PROCIPEDINCIS. -99 r 1 ! sand two hundred dollars ($8,200) and cancelled the' same which' leaves outstanding and unpaid si,teen thousand,Eeight hundred dollars ($16,800). The amount of .interest to become due the coming year is " one thousand, one hundred and -seventy-six. dollars ($076), and request that you cause to be raised by tax on said Town -the above sum of one thousand; one hundred and seventy-six dol-: tars ($1,176) to pay, said interest when it becomes due, and also that you cause to be.raised in like manner the sum of one thou-, sand dollars'($t,000) to be used as a sinking fund towards. the final payment of the debt. ' We now have on handy a sinking fund amounting, to three hundred and three 21-io0 dollars ($3o3,21:) Enfield Centre, Nov. ioth, 1887. 1 SrATJ: OF Is:IEW Y oRK, TOMPKINS COUNTY, EDGAR BREWER, 7 Corrii:zissinrRers. GEORGE W. BU UD, r Edgar Brewer being duly sworn,' deposes and says, that he is one of the Bonding Comniissic,ners of the Town of Enfield, and that the above report is true in every respect, to the best of his knowledge and belief. EDGAR 13REWVER. •Subscribed and sworn to this 22d day of Nov. 1557, before me, JOHN N. BARKER; Justice of the Peace, i To the I3nard of Supervisors of Tompkins County In accordance with Chapter 552, Laws of 1870, I hereby re- port the public debt of the town of Enfield,to be as follows, viz: Bonds issued.to Pa. & Sodus Bay Railroad Company, under. the act to facilitate the construction of railroads, passed by the t.. Legislature of .i 85o, and amended May 18th, 1869:. • f• , 7",51+ ': `�, 7 } L `p : ._y i. 100 k SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Amount of Bonds issued, rate of interest, 7 per cent.... Amount of principal paid by redeeming bonds Balance yet outstanding and unpaid Interest due March 1st, 1858 .. .. 1588 " " Sept."1st, t8S8 588 ..... ...$25,00; 00 , 8,290 00 , $16,Soo 00 $1,176 In addition to the above, according to the Commissioners' report, they have now on hand as a sinking fund, amounting to $3o3 21 • Total indebtedness $16,596 79 Resolved, That at the request of the Bonding Commissioners of the town of Enfield, there be levied and collected from said town the sum of one thousand one hundred and seventy-six dollars ($1,176) to pay said interest, and also the sum of one thousand dollars to be used as a sinking fund towards the final pay- ment of the original debt. t • 1 GROTON. BURR RUNISEY, Supervisor. To Sohn W. ,ones, Esq. Supervisor of the Town of Groton, N. Y. ; Dear Sir :—The undersigned, Commissioner of the Town of "Groton, appointed under the act passed May, 18th, Laws of New York, Chapter 907, would respectfully submit the following report : _ That the amount of Town Bonds issued in aid of the Ithaca and Cortland Rail Road is $15,00o ; that the amount of bonds exchanged Ifor stock in the 'Ithaca and Cortland Rail Road (now E. C. & N. R. R.), .is $15,000. That3 interest to become due February 1st, 1888, is $525 ; that the interest to become due Aug. 1st, i888, is $525, That I hold a sinking fond invested as follows, viz : J 1 i \ SUPE+ RVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. , 1. 101 Town Bonds of the town of Groton $ 300 00 Mortgages on real estate 1,025 0o Note on -Board of Supervisors, dated Dec. 18, 1885 1,000 00 Certificates of deposit, 1st Nat. Bank of Groton .... ........... 488 85 Cash on hand for coupons not presented -28 00 Interest received during the year,(included in last item) $72 40. Therefore, I respectfully ask for an appropriation to pay in- terest on said Bonds, February'rst,,1888, $525 ; also to. pay in— terest on same Bonds, due Aug. Ist, 1888, $525 ; also for sinking fund for, one per cent. $15o.. Total $1.200. .. I therefore ask that the sum' of twelve hundred (1,200) dollars as above, be levied 'on the town of Groton and collected, to be paid over to the Commissioner of said town, to be ex- pended for the -above purposes. . Dated Groton, N. .Y., Dec. 2nd, 1887. - • - 0. II. MARSH, Commissioner. S1'A'I'E OF NEW YORK } T0,7 F'KINS COU�i'Y SS : D. H. Marsh being duly sworn, says that the foregoing report signed by himself as Commissioner, is a just'and true report in' every partidular, so fur as • deponent has knowledge of the facts stated, and in other respects deponent be- lieves it to be true. • • D. H. MARSH. Sworn to and subscribed before me this and day of Dec., 1887. E. A. MARSH, Notary Public. To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County t `In accordance with the laws of 1870, I'hereby- report the • public debt of the 'town of Groton to be as follows,: i 71,1171,. • .I t 102 STJPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. / Bonds issued by the commissioners of the now E. C. &.,R. R.,bear- ing 7 percent interest, semi-annual payment. $i5,000 00 Interest coming due Feb. 1st, 1888 525 00 " " Aug. 1st, 1888 525 00 One percent. for sinking fund r5o oo , Resolved, That at the request of Bonding Commissioners of the town of Groton there be levied and collected from said town the sum of one thousand - two hundred dollars,.to be applied as follows : For interest as above $I,o5o 00 For sinking fund ' 15o 00 JOHN W. JONES, Supervisor. • • ITHACA. To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County.: - The undersigned, Commissioners of the town of Ithaca for Bonds of said town issued in aid -of the Geneva and Ithaca Rail- road, beg leave to submit their seventeenth annual report as fol- lows : Amount �f Bonds issued and outstanding 10o,000 00 The interest on said bonds falls due as follows : April ist, 1888 - 3,500 00` Oct. 1st, '1883 3,500 00 We therefore request that the sum of seven thousand dol- lars, required to pay interest on said bonds, as stated above, be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the town of Ithaca. We would further` report that the sinking fund maintained for the purpose of meeting the principal of said bonds amounts at this date•to-$4.(5,962.25, as follows : SUPF RVISO S' 103 Amount at date of last report:. $2,505 26 Received from Supervisor 2,5 oo 00 • Received for interest $2,924 38 963 39 1,960 -99 . . 046,962j 25 Less amount credited Prctaium acid Int Which is invested as follows Town of it)iaca, 7 per cent. Bunds $4t,000•oo Town of Ithaca, 5,per cent, Bonds - 3,00o 0o Premium acct 2,396 39 Cash on hand uninvested 4 565 86 $46,962 25 The present bonded indebtedness of, the town of Ithaca, for the purpose above mentirined, is therefore, exclusive of sinking fund, $53;o37 75-1.00, a reduction since last report of 84,460 99 too• In ,pursuance of the provisions of the. act under which the bonds aforesaid were issued, .ae ask that the sum of twenty-five hundred --dollars, being two and one-half per cent. of the principal of said bonded debt, be levied and assessed .upon the taxable property of the town.,of Ithaca, -for the purpose of.maintaining a sinking "fund for. the payment of the principal of said bonds. f • . ' H. B. LORD, ? Commissioners. O. H. GREGORY, f I[haca, Nov, 9th, 5887. 1 The undersigned being duly sworn, do depose and'say that tlic within report to which they have subscribed is true and accurate, aird that the statements of account_therewitti subscribed are correct, to the best of theirknowledge and be- . • lief. il{ H. 13..LORD,5 O. H. GREGORY,' Sworn and subscribed before me this roth'day of Nov., 5887. r+ • . • C. W. GAY, Notary Public: `777.74EVATIPMM.Pri. 7-74" 104 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. CASH ACCOUNT. 1837? Balance at date of last report S 404 87 1 Received from Supervisor 2,5oo 00 Received for interest, (see int. acct.) 2,924 38 Paid for $4,500 Ithaca Bonds. as . Ch on hand $5,829 25 $5,263 39 565 86 $5,829 25' rituttUMt ACCOUNT. Balance at date of last report $2,596 39 Paid Premium on $4.5oo Ithaca Bonds ,d75o 00 Interest applied on reduction $ 450 00 Balance 'b 2,396 39 $3,346 39 83,346 39 INTEREST ACCOUNT. 1887. Received on $3,000 Ithaca 5s. i ........... .... 150 00 41,000 7s 2,765 no " of Ithaca.Savings Bank ,, Paid Premium on bends purchased .$'i 950 " acct. interest 13 39' Balance as stated 1.960 99 9 38 $2,924 38 i2,924 38 . To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County The undersigned, Commissioners of the town of Ithaca,•for the' Funding bonds issued to pay; off the bonds issued in aid of the Ithaca & Athens Railroad, beg leave to report as follows: Amount of 5 .per cent. bonds issued . 1f " " Redeemed $285,000 ' 120,000 • ' " " ,1 " . ` Outstanding.. X165,000 Amount of Bonds due March' Ist,:t88S " y interest due March Ist, 1.582 t• Ais`• Sept. 1st, 1888 $15,000 4,125 3,750 $22,875 • i SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. ' • 105 • We therefore request that the sum of fifteen thousanddol- lars to pay the principal of 'bonds falling due March tst, i8.88, and the sum of seven thousand, eight hundred and seventy-five dollars to pay interest, be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the town of Ithaca: - O.' H. GREGORY, Commissioners. LEONARD TREMAN, Subscribed and'sworn to before me this 26th, day of October, 1887. f O. P. HYDE, Notary Public. To the Board of Supervisors of Tmiipi4ins county : c , In accordance with 'Chapter 552, Laws,o{ r870, I hereby -re- • port the public debt of the town of•Ithaca to be as ,follows:. The, balance on Bonds issued by Commissioners of the ` Ithaca & Athens.R. R:, as per last report was $18o,000 Less amount received in 1887 - 15,000 Balance at 5 per cent • The balance on Bonds issued by Geneva & Ithaca R. R., as per last report was Less amount of reduction in 1887 Balance at 7 per cent Total bonded indebtedness • $05.000 57,498 74 41460 99 53,037 75 $218,037'75 Resolved, That as per report of the Bonding Commissioners of the town of 1 Ithaca, there be levied and collected on the taxable property of said town : f 'For sinking fund on Geneva & Ithaca R. R. Bonds, Two thousand and five hundred dollars $ 2,500 00 • \ • For interest on said Bonds at 7 per cent 7,000 00 $9,500 00 'For principal of Ithaca & Athens Bonds. fifteen thousand dollais... 415,000,00 For interest on said Bonds 7,875 o0 Tota] to be raised this year $32,375 00 GEO. W. FROST, Supervisor. • • 106 . S UPEIVISORS' Pi- OCEEDINQS. NEWFIELD. • • To R. Morton, Supervisor of the 'Town of Newfield We the undersigned, Commissioners of the town of field, duly appointed, tinder the provisions°of an act of the .1-,eg. islature& of the State of NcwYork, authorizing towns to subscribe to the capital stock'of railroad corporations, and' to issue bonds herefore,.do respectfully report • that it will be necessary for said town of Newfield to raise by tax the ruin of $3,206 to -pay interest,from Sept. 1st 1887, to Sept. 1st 1,888, on Bonds of said' town.of Newfield; to the amount of i345.800 issued to'aid in the• construction of the Pa. and.Sodus Bay R. R. Said interest to be paid semi-annually on the first days of March and Sept. of each year. We further report that we have no balance on hand. Ncw- Dated Neww,field, N, Y., Nov. 21, i887. 1. 13. PA LM ER' 't Commissioner -s. C. W. McCORN, • t , TOMPKINS Cou T1, "ss : . C. W, McCorn being duly sworn, says that he is one of the Railroad Bond- ing Commissioners, in and for the town Of Newfield and that the above report is in ail respects just and true. Sworn to before me this zrst day of Nov. 1837. 1 . C. W. McCORN. R. HORTON,'Notary Public. To the Board of ,Supervisors of Tompkins County : ' In accordance with Chapter 552 of Laws of 1870, 1. hereby report the public debt of the town of Newfield to be as follows: 1 t 8UP.ERVTSORS' P1 OCEEDIN(S. 1u7 Amount of Bonds issued $52+090 00 Amount of principal paid to Nbv. t, 1887 - 6,200 o0 Bal. unpaid .$45,800 00 Amount of interest due March 1st, 1588 1;603 00 " " 'Sept. 1, 1838 1,603 no ;49,006 0o Resolved, That at the request -of the Bonding Commissioners of the town of Newfield, there be 'levied and collected. from the taxable property of said town- , she sum of three thousand two Hundred and. six dollars as interest on.the above named hoods, • - R. IIORTON, Supervisor. f7f.1'SSEs. To the Board of Supervisors of +Tompkins County Gen/Imo/ : The Bondin Commissioners of. the town of Ulysses submit the following report : • The amount of bonds issued by said town of Ulysses, under Chapter 907, • Laws of 1869; and laws amendatory thereof, was seventy-five thousand dollars, dated March 1,, 1871.. due. March 1st, 1901, with sc 1i -annual interest, at seven per cent. per. an: num, payable on the first days of March and September. , Amount o#'principal paid, twenty thousand eight- hundred dollars (J2o,800.00). Amount of coupons due and uizpaid, one Hundred nine -two dollars fifty cents ($192.50.) There is deposited with the Union Trust Company of New Vork,,ohe, hued ed and ninety-two: dollars fifty cents' for the payment Of the overdue coupons. • • There is loaned on interest, eight hundred fifty dollars ($850) • for the b'enefit'of' the sinking•fund. • There is a balance in L. J. Wheeler & Co.'s Bank, for twelve dollars`sixty-seven. cents. O L 108 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. One year's interest on $75,000 One per cent. for sinking fund $5,25o 00 750 00 We recommend that six thousand dollars be raised by tax x assessed to the town for interest and sinking fund. Dated Trumansburg, Nov. 1, 1887. L. J. WHEELER, T. BOARDMAN, Commissioners. . E. S. PRATT. • Truman Boardman, being duly sworn, says the foregoing report ist correct the best of his knowledge and belief. T. BOARDMAN. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1st day of Nov., 1887. J. R. EMERY., Justice of the f'eace. • To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: r to In accordance with Chapter 552, Laws of 187o, I hereby report the public debt of the town of Ulysses to be as follows Amount of )Bonds issued by Bonding Commissioners, Mch. 1, 187r 475,000 00 Amount of principal paid Nov. 1st, 1887, as reported by Bonding Commissioner 20,800 00 Amount of. principal unpaid Nov. 1st, 1887 54,200 00 Amount of interest due M'ch rst, x888 1,897 00 • Amount of interest due Sept. 1st, 1SS8 1,847 00 _ Total amount of indebtedness,September 1st, r888. 57,994 00 - At the last annual town meeting a resolution was adopted ' .to discontinue the raising of a sinking fund. Therefore, 1 1 T Ruolved, That there be levied and collected on the taxable property of said town. the sum of three thousand •seven hundred and ninety-four dollars (3,794.00), to pay interest on the above named Bonds, for the year 1888. r •• A. H. PIERSON, Supervisor. SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS.. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE R'ET ORT Reports of the Justices of the Peace of .the various towns of • the County, of all fines• and penalties by, them collected respec- tively, during the past year..• • CAROLINE. John W. Gass, whole amount`rec'd $5 00 Paid R. G. H. Speed, Supervisor 5 00 John W. Peters reports no moneys rec'd \V. V, Personius John Cross DRYDEN. Alviras Snyder, whole amount rec'd ;$15 00 Paid.County Treasurer 15 nu George Monroe, whole amount reed ro 00 Paid County Treasurer ro 00 A. L. Smiley, whole amount rec'd.:.. i o0 Paid G. M. Rockwell, Supervisor i o0 G. E. Underwood report no moneys rec'd ,r Wm: E. Brown " " " t GROTON. Newton Baldwin, whole amount rec'd $ 4 00 Paid County Treasurer — r 4 0u, James M. Montfort reports no rnoneys recd ! , H. S. g.." ti amount -NelsonHopkins Stevens " j . ENFIELD. T. B. Aiken, reports no moneys reed J. W. Canning reed. W. F. Smith " 1/4 LANSING. S. Cha \ rlesDrake, whole Paid County Treasurer ed $ 700 7 0o • . Nelson E. Lyon reports the following fines by him collect- s r4 J 110 SUPERVISORS' PRO0EEDTNGS. • E. V. Howland. $5o ou John VanAuken S oo Henry A. -House [ oo William H. Price .. t 3 00 Whole amount rec'd ¶5r 00 Paid Supervisor and County Treasurer 59 o0 J. 1-1. Conklin, whole arnount rec'd . 2 00 Paid County Treasurer + 2 00 -i • NEWF1ELD.S, Albert K. Allen, reports no moneys rec'd Benj. Starr 4. Wm. H. Hartranft John W. Dean • ULYSSES.. j. R. Emery amount rec'd $10 00 Paid C1iuilry Treasurer 1 to ou A. P. Osborne, amount rec'd $ 5`00 Paid County Treasurer 5 00 Ji Barker reports no moneys rec'd Henry Hutchings, " " '• • The Justices of the towns of Ithaca and Danby failed to report. • SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT. 7o the Board of .Supervisors of Tompkins County : The. undersigned Superintendent of the Poor of Tompkins county, respectfully reports that from' the i5th day of Nov. 1886, to the 15th day of -Nov. ;1887, the following named persons have been supported in the County -Poor House, viz BELONGING TO TICE COUNTY. Names.• No. of days Name No. of days Edward Boyne 365 James Smith. ...... ' s Moses Myers 365 Wm. Finnegan - z • • r • STJPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. '111 Lena Collins 365 ' George Frear 33 + t John Green zzo ' Martin Frear Albert Downey 365 Ellen Coyle... 265 James Hewitt 186 Bertha Smith , 6o Daniel Cook 225 Wm. Smith 92 John Clark 246 John [Iollcnback 4 Frank Herrick v { 65',Stephen Foster ; 6 ' Wm Murpliy. 3 John Stilman '2 Harry McGuire,... 3 Wm. O'1-Iara.... . ' 7 Arthar Jenks' 34S John Hamilton,........... - 6• Elizabeth Wilson. 20 Smith Hancock 3 John Sullivan 2 Wilson Knapp 94 - Thos. Foley 4 . Richard King r86. Charles, Murray 3 Henry Davis ........ .3 ' John Ilughs • 3 Chas. Wade 3 , Wm: Wilson........ 3 ,Rye.Cummings 3 Lawrence Gardner.........._. .... 2 John Gray.... - 3 ' Daniel Dolan F IS Daniel Kirby 8.' `Mary Frear ... `50 Ellen Kirby 8 Emiline Auble.... 39 Jesse Conners ' ... .. ,3 Floyd Auble ' 1 275 Patrick Casey. 2 3,973 / 3. CAROLINE, Everett Bower • 365 . MLrs. Z. Venable t 365 Total t 730 L 'DRYUEN. llp • Charier White 167 James Scutt... JO John P. Allen.:.. 365 Akis Burton 28 Frank Corcoran 365 Edward, Wheeler Wm. Trim 36 r Ilenry Waite 36 1,012 DAN➢V. • /1 / Jerusha Cronce 365 • Benjamin Hardy. ' 16: Elnora Cronce 365/ , . 79,6 e 1 112 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. ULYSSES. James Ferguson 365 Henry Raymond ............... 302 Mary Cavannaugh 92 \ — ' John Manion ' 112 - S71 , Rebecca Butler Eleazer Tidd.... 0KOTON. 365 Francis Wilcox 255 ITHACA. 365 .985 • l•Iorace Whitehead — 365 Sarah Cameron 136 Daniel McCune 365 Emily Vanalstine. 365 Daniel Carney 156 Elsie Johnson 64 Henry P. Howe 365 Leona Johnson.... 64 Abram Case 365 Mary Syne... _ ... 365 Wm. Dibble 365 Theodocia Anderson 98 Seth R. Peck r65 Peter Christine 250 Abram Sheppard 125 _Nathan Sanders 60 Patrick Dunn. 104 Mary Allen 0... 309 Edward Huson 3 John Patterson 178 t Egbert Stevens... 40 NEW FIELD. Anna Brill i 1t4 Richard Vreeland Lyla Brill ' 112 David Brill 26 LANSING, 4,357 ` 1u 262 • Barney Moore. 174 Total number of days r3,I10. The whole number of days said paupers have been supported ,in the County House was 13,tlo. The amount of drafts drawn on the County Treasurer for bills audited by the Superintendent for the support of the insti. tution during said year, over and above the proceeds of the farm, was $2,796 I.5 ( $568 43 The following bills have been audited by the Superinten- dent of the_ poor, and drafts drawn on the County Treasurer, for indoor expenses and for improvement, ,from the 15th day of Nov. 1886 to the i 5th day of Nov., 1887 : SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDING -S. 113 The sums expended for out -door relief $r,358 59 Services of Overseer of the Poor 186 77 'I'ratisportation of paupers 35 76 Improvements on property and furniture 489 58 Law suit with Schuyler county 78 85 $4,945 70 The following items'make'up the amount under the head of improvements on property : Phosphate and grass seed $97 07, • Repairs on stoves and furniture to6 49 Repairs on house and fence 81 47 Moving and repairs on hog house 5o 00 Insurance on buildings for 5 years' '1o6 97 Referee and lawyer fees in Schuyler Co. case 78 85 Lurnber and paint, corn house ..... .. 47 58, f No. of draft. I Chas. B. Owen, pork • $ 18 72 2 Stowell ,Sr. Son, supplies '... 9 24 3 • E. K. Johnson, 3o 57 • 4 Manning Atwater, " 14 38 5 Marsh 8 Hall, " 4 64 55 6 George Hopkins, pork 100 00 7 .Edward Pyle, pork and phosphate 102 07 8 John Theall, pork . 17 02., 9 Horton Sr Holton, supplies r1 9r ro C. J. Rolfe, paint corn house.. - 4 38 11 Winton &Stewart, supplies 18 72� 12 Era Rockweli,lumber... 43 20 13 Jared Newman, counsel 45 00 11.4 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 14 Winton & Stewart, supplies 23 64 15 R. 13; Harrison, pork I1 76 % 16 M. D. Stilwell, " 22 65 17 Alvah Thomas, 23, 73 18 Henry Andrews, " 4251144442 22 Harrison Wilkin, " 23 ilorace Smith, 44 40 19 David Wilkin, r4 60 20 Welcome Letts, 10 75 2r Caleb Carman, ' 161 59 12 1795 t 54 30 24 Leroy Fletcher, " 14 23 25 C. C. Smith, 2.1 { 26 S. W. Vanburen, 20 45 27 N. T, Ward, " 20 95 28 ()lin Miller, 21 80 29 Seth Cowen, " 3/ 02 3o Frank Stevenson, " 7 25 31 Charles Miller, ( 31 75 32 H. D. Colegrove, " , 20 75 33 Thomas Spencer, 26 17 65 34 Jesse Mekeel, " 15. 4535 35 Henry- Ilausner 36 Daniel Frazier, 9 22 37 Simeon Rolfe, on -salary 50 00. 3S I1. F. Owen, meat 9 52' 39 Ed. Murphy, " _ 76 94 40 Benj. Rich. clothing........ 4 69 41 Stowell & Son, supplies - 2 10 42 W. J. Nixon, pork 23 90' 43 C. S. Wattles, salt and grass seed 6 66 44 Win. Farrington, shoes and mending 9 2'345 Nourse & Willson, clock 2 .50 46 S. V. Graham, pork 51 09 47 Mosher Bros. & Co. • .. • • " . 5.4 55 48 • F. A. Kerst,'house physician 50 83 49 J. Kerst kC Co.,'supplies.... 49 75 50 Levitt Pinkney, seed wheat &c .36 32 51 Caleb Carman, thrashing 21 00 52 Fred'Trumbul, wood 33 o0 0 53 B. L. Almy, boots and mending 10 49 54 J. J. A. Durling, supplies . Io 8o 55 Treman, King t Co,, supplies and repairs 71 78 SUPERVISORS' PROF EEDIN[S. •115 • ,, 56 E. K. Johnson, supplies 25 11 57 Winton & Stewart, supplies 14 90 - 58 Marsh & Wheeler, t... 51 78 -59 H. V. Bostwick, pork barrels 7 so 6o Hawkins, Todd & Co., supplies 36 78 61 C. E. Still, clothing 15 42 62 W. W. Esty, salt / 7 70 63 W. D. Brinkerhoff, feed and grinding_._ 45'38 64 Fowler & Farrington, coal 13o 66 65 Wm. Farrington,mending 2065 66 Henry lIausner, beef 7 84 t 67, S. E. Rolfe, bal. on seed barley 4 i4 68 Henry Almy, mending .•• • 6 35 69 James A. Burr, 4 coffins, 10 50 7o L. S. McWhorter, supplies 8 02 .71 Geo. Palmer. pork 9 oo ' 72 Simeon Rolfe, on salary, loo 00 bSimeon Rolfe, bal. on salary lou 00 74, John Lynch, laying wall, etc 41 27 75 E. K. Johnson, supplies ' -16 43 76 Jesse Mekeel, hay 37 31 77_ White & Burdick, supplies and repairs 13 15 78 Geo. Small, lumber for coffins 22 i6 .79 J. H. Horton, coal' • 7 uo So Edward Pyle. potatoes 12 z0 81 Winton & Stewart, supplies 4 00 82 Wm. Allen, potatoes and work 13 61- 83 Mary Miller,.kitchen girl.... 28 05 84 C. S. Wattles, grass seed. etc 20 25 85 F. A. Kerst,'surgeon for colored man 5 00 86 Supt. to pay referee • S3 85 87 Winton & Stewart, supplies 44 92 88 J. Kerst & Co:, ' 25 53 89 Simeon Rolfe, on,salary - / 30 00 . 90 L. 11. Gould, ceiling for pantry ' + 9' 16 91 Wm. Farrington, shoes and mending ... 10 tg 91i. Florence Fish, bat. for moving hoghouse 48 20 93 Simeon Rolfe, on salary 95 00 94 Winton & Stewart, supplies 6o 38 95 E. K. Johnson, 14 40 M g6 Gauntlett Sr Brooks, " 10 27 ,06 97 C. S. Slocum, -meat 10 73 110 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 98 C. E. Still, clothing •.... 7 85 gg E. A. Snow 7 64 roo Fowler & Farrington,coal 50 90 tot C. M. Stanley, shoes : . . 9 �5 102 C. B. Owen, supplies 16 84 103 John Vanbuskirk, supplies 12 64 I 104 C. S. Wattles, supplies 2 30 I 105 R. J.' Bunt, insurance rob 97 to6 C. E. Still, clothing 13 02' 107 E. K. Johnson, supplies 10 83 108 Ed Murphy, meat 23 83 log Simeon Rolfe, on salary 65 00 1 to Winton & Stewart, supplies 4 00 r 111 Edward Wood, 3 25 112 Barr Bros., repairs and furniture 41 99 ti. 1 113 C. L. Chapman,clothing 27 85 •I 114 C..S. Slocum, meat.... .. 13 97 115 Ed. Murphy, bal. on meat 15 00 116' Simeon Rolfe, on salary ., 6o 00 117 White & Burdick, supplies 12 61 118 J. J. A. Durling, 22 04 119 C. S. Wattles, grass seed... .... 4 72 120 Nourse & Wilson, clock........ 2 50 121 Slocum 8t Boyer, meat 6 73 122 Winton & Stewart, supplies 21 75 123 E. K. Johnson, , " 14 73 124 Chas. Northrop, fixing chimneys 11 00 b $3,364 58 For indoor expenses $2.796 15 Improvement on property ,489 58 Expenses in Schuyler Co. case 78 85 $3,364 58 Tite whole amount of indoor expense, from Nov. 15, i S8G, to Nov. 15, 1887', was$2,i96.r5. 1 a No Days Board. Cost of Board and Clothing. County 3973 $847 38 • Caroline 730 155 69 Dryden 1012 215 84 Danhy 746 159 10 SUPERVISORS' :P.ROCEEDTNG-S. 117 Ulysses.... 872 ' 185 77 ' Groton 985 210 o8 Ithaca 4357 929 29 Newfield 262 55 88.., Lansing 174 37 12 1 1 Total 131t0 $2796 15 The following bilis of Overseers of the Poor arid others, have been audited by the Superintendent, and drafts drawn on the County Treasurer, for bills contracted out of the poor house, for the temporary relief of county paupers, from the r 5th day of Nov., t886, to the 15th day.of Nov.. 1887 : _ i Daniel Sullivan, relief of Barrington $ 32 25 2 J. 11. Horton, coal in Ithaca "`6 00 • 3 Bartholomew & Fulkerson, relief of poor - 1 75 4 Miles D. Goodyear, phy. for Barden boy to 50 • 5 E. K. Weaver, phy. for Bodine 24 00 6 .Geo. E. Harris, relief of Gardner 26 so 7 W. II., Teed, relief of Mead and others. 38 31 8 Bradford Snyder, relief of tramps 4 75 9 F. A. Kerst., phy. for Mead 4 00 to Geo. C. Whitley, relief Agnes Willetts, Sc 37 40 'It J. C. Lormor, relief tramps 15 87 12 L. W. Carpenter,/physician in Trumansburg 18 75 13 J. H. Northrup, bal. as physician in Ithaca 30 00 14 Daniel Sullivan, burying Barrington 15 00 15 T. J. Harrington, drawing coal in Ithaca 11 00 16 W. H. Teed, relief of Mead and others. 29 12 17 Bradford Snyder, relief of tramps 2 00 IS J. H. Horton, coal in Ithaca IS 00 19 Win. Mack, relief of poor in Ithaca 192 56 20 W.I-1. Teed, " " Mead and others / 16 62 21 Daniel Sullivan, relief Jane Harrington 7 85 22 John Baker, relief of Frear family 20 30 23 Geo. E. Harris, relief of Gardner and others.... 25 25 24 G. M. Beckwith, physician in Ithaca 21 50 25 W. H. Teed, relef Whiting and others 33 44 26 Bradford Snyder, relief tramps 3 25 ?7 Floyd B. Howes, " poor in Ithaca 191 55 SUPRVISORS' PROCEEDING -S. -23 Andrew Smith, relief of Poor in Newfield. 5 00 29 J. H. Horton, coal in Ithaca,. 12 40 3o G. C Whitley, relief Agnes \Villas, &c. 28. 90' 3t W. H. Teed, relief Whiting and °biers 32 88 32 Floyd B. Howes, relief poor in Ithaca 18 50 -c=t .. • 33 G. E. Harris, relief Gardner and others 42 75 34 John Vanbuskitk, burying John Church 26 00 35 J. H. Horton, coal 12 72 36 G. C. Whitley, relief Gardner and others 22 00 ( 37 J. C. Beebe, ", Lillian 'Wood 12 12 33 W. H. Teed, relief Mead and others 41 37 39 Floyd B. Howes, relief Mrs. Tubbs 14 50 40 John Baker. relief Grace Johnson 1 10 4i W. H. Teed, relief Mead and others. 21 37 42 Floyd B.Howes, relief poor in Ithaca 150 55 43 Ed. Meany, medical services 5 oo l 44 George E. Harrisrelief Gardner 25 75 J.C. Beebe, relief Jacobs 46 Bradford Snyder, relief Emily Smith 3 26 47 J. H. Horton, coal in Ithaca,. ..., 18 6; I go , 43 W. IL Teed, relief Whiting and others 2...t o r 49 Supt. bill, conveying Jacobs and others to asylum. 13 30 0 4 1,35S59 The following statement shows the amount of bills audited John Beardsley Daniel Sullivan $ 10 00 4 00 Geo. E. Harris 4 00 by -the Superiniendent of the poor for their services -with county ._--- paupers, from the 15th day of Nov., 1886, tO the t5th day of NOv.,1887 : W. H. Teed 4 oo Bradford Snyder 2 00 J. C. Lormor 2 00q Wm. Mack.... 26 00 John Baker \ 12 77 WmMack 8.00 1 W. H. Teed 4 00 Daniel Sullivan 4 00 1 • SUPEriVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. iij "John Baker Geo. E. Harris 4 00 • W. H. Teed 4 00 Floyd B. Howes 32 00 Andrew Smith . 2 00 Geo. C. Whitley, t 6 oo W. H. Teed 4 00 Geo. E. Harris %.. '4 00 James' McCracken 4 00 1 Geo. C. Whitley 5 00 . W. H. Teed • 4 00 Floyd B. Howes 2i 00 Joint Baker. A 5 oo W. H. Teed, 2 00 Geo. E. Harris 4 00 •t, W. H. Teed' ' 2 00 $166 77 • Names,of paupers transported to the county house during - t he year ending Nov. I5, 1887, with the bills and names of those. transporting them, as - per transportationbook, and where• . chargeable : iNames of paupers. Elizabeth WiIson.... Mary Allen Anna Brill . Nithan Sanders Geo Frear. Bertha Smith Floyd a Howes....County V 1 50 Henry B. Wait.... ...... Bradford Snyder ; Wn. Mack. John Baker. 1-3, whom brought. Andrew Smith.... t• Where chargeable. Dryden ' $2 40 Arthur Jenks,. County County.— ..... 2 4o Ithaca County Ithaca Newfield , ' 2 55 2 10 2 I0 I 50 1 50 I 50 Mary Frear. N. Richard Vreeland.. Andrew Smith Newfield ' 2 55 Etta Smith • Floyd 13. Howes 'County. 1 50 John Patterson . Floyd B. Howes Ithaca I 50 Akis Burton ' Bradford Snyder ' ' Dryden ' 2' 25 Daniel Cook FlOyd B. Howes ' County.... .. 1'5o Peter Christine.... Floyd 13, Howes Ithaca 1 50 0 120 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Daniel Kirby and wife.... J. C. Lormnr County 4 56 Barney Moore J. C. Beebe Lansing 2 85 $35 76 Amount of grain and produce raised on .the farm, and amount now on hand : 23 tons hay on hind. 20 26o bus. wheat 26o 385 " oats 300 154 " barley - 50 875 " corn ears 500 3So " potatoes 300 25 " 'sweet corn .. 1 too " winter apples 8o 15 " onions 12 6 " peas 54 25 " beets... 25 to " tomatoes 0 11 " carrots tr 12 " turnips 10 9 loads of pumpkins , 0 Soo heads cabbage 600 497 " celery 450 6o Hubbard squashes.... 50 675 lbs. of butted 275 Stalks from 11 acres corn. 5 casks of cider. Stock on farm : 3 horses belonging to keeper. To County : 1 yoke of oxen ; 8 milch 'rows ; 1 yearling heifer ; stag fattening ; 12 fat hogs ; 3 brood sows ; 6 shoats; too fowls and 3 turkeys. Supplies for the house 5 casks of pork ; 20 tons coal ; 3 casks grease ; 18 cords stove wood ; chest of tea ; 35 ]hs of coffee ; ( barrel sugar ; cask of soap ; 30 yds factory ; to yds sheeting ; To yds shirting ; 20 yds calico ; 5 yds gingham ; 5 yds flannel ; 5 yds muslin ; 6 pr. hose; 12 pr. socks ; 11 comfortables ; 6 shirts ; 10 bed blankets ; . gl 1 r f SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 121 6 wrappers ; 2 hoods ; 3 pr. boots ; 7 pr. shoes ; 6 pr. pants ; 5 pr. overalls ; 4 vests ; 3 coats ; 4 over shirts ; 6 brooms ; 3 'washboards.; 2 dust pans ; 12 doz. candles ; 25 lbs,tallow ; t dress ; to pillow cases ; 6 bed ticks ; 6 sheets ; 6 che- mise 6 hd'k'fs, 3 pr. drawers, 4 pillow ticks, 7 towels ; 7 3Prons ;.4 night dresses 6 night caps, to yds. toweling. I further report the number of births in the County House to be 2. Number of deaths, 8. Number in the County House Nov. 15, i886, 42. Received during the year, 48. Discharged during the year, 46. Absconded, 7. In County House, Nov. 15, 1887, 31, Average number in the County House during the year was 35 3o-365. Average expense of each pauper supported, above the pro- ceeds of the farm, was $77.84. • The average weekly expense.. x[.49 9-13. In conformity to the 3oth Section, Title lst, Chapter 2"o, of the Revised Statute, I respectfully report to the Board of Super visors that I estimate the expense for the support of the county and town paupers in the County House for the ensuing year at $2,360. 1 -estimate the expense for transporting paupers to the County House at $40 00. I estimate the expense for temporary relief of those not in the County House, $1,4o0 00. -� I estimate the expense for service of Oversccr with County paupers, $200 oo. I estimate the Keeper's salary, $500 00. Total amount of estimates, $4,9Bo. Statement of farm produce sold, and how applied Cow and veal calves Barley, 109.49. Pigs, 45.15 $ 63 5o 154 67 122 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Hams and lard 251 00 Grease, butter and wheat 69 09 Accounted for as follows Work and utensils Supplies for house Travelling expenses Conveying insane to asylum, and children to home Cow, $25 00 ; postage and poor law Keeper on salary Unsettled accounts Cash on hand $538 26 $ 45 ho 160 52 57 89 47 01 33 o4 17 fi 5 94 70 75 85 5538 26 The cash on hand at the last report, and unsettled accounts, amounting to $126 to, have been expended as follows : For work and accounts $ 38 66 Supplies for the house 42 75 Still unsettled 44-69 $126 10 Report of the Superintendent giving the location of those taken to the Asylums and Honies, and where chargeable for their support : I3erais N. Pew Taken to Willard Charge Danby Mary L. Johnson t" _ Enfield Mrs. Josephine Dean Self support. Lansing Arrnenia'Perry, Newfield Harley Kellogg "Ithaca Susan Fisk - Self support. Ithaca' Fanny Andrus 64 Self support. Ithaca Helen Dorsey.... Ithaca Susan Dickinson " Ithaca Lilliari Wood " " „ Lansing Miss VanOstrand s " Newfield John McGrade. " " Ithaca Mabel Weed Ithaca 1 1 1 1 i 1 0 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDING -S. 123 C, W. Jacobs ' ` Taken to Willard Lansing Harriet Ross... . ........ " Ithaca Celia Emmerson ,, t" .County Cora and Lottie Stevens Binghamton, Self-support. Ithaca Flora and Lulu.... .... ..... " ' Lansing Frank Bains Ulysses . Lizzie Reed Ithaca The Superintendent further reports that the expenses, for the care of the poor in, County House, and for temporary ,relief of those not in the County House, for the year ending Nov. 15, 1887, amounts to $4,377 27. Appropriation, $4,692 90 ; leaving an excess of $315 63, to apply on bill of repairs, amounting to $568 43. Indebtedness on repairs yet remaining $252 80. 1 OMPKINS COUN ry Sti 1 Elias Smith, Superintendent of the Poor of Tompkins County, du solemnly swear that the foregoing report is true, according; to my best knowledge and belief. ELI AS SMITH. Sworn to before me this 22nd day of November, ISS7. R. HORTON, Notary Public. • 124 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDInicS. POLITICAL DII1ECTORY, AND GUIDE TO TOWN OFFICERS. General Election : The First Tuesday after the first Monday in November : i Revised Statutes (7th Ed.) page 379. Annual Town Meeting : I.,ast Tuesday in February. Pro- ceedings of Board of Supervisors, 1880. Annual School Meeting in neighborhood : Last Tuesday in. August ; Laws of 1883, Chap. 413. Annual meeting of Board of Town Auditors, comprising the Supervisor, Town Clerk and Justices of, the Peace, or any two of the said Justices ; The first Thursday after the General Election, at which.tirne all accounts for charges and claims against their respective towns must be presented to them for audit ; z Revised Statutes (7th Ed.) page 835,. Laws 18.4o, Chap. 305. Annual meeting of the Board of Town Auditors,,as above designated, to examine accounts of Town Officers : On the last Tuesday preceding the Annual Town Meeting to be held in each town ; Laws of 1863, Chap. 172. Annual meeting of the Supervisors of the County as a l3oard of County Canvassers ; First Tuesday succeeding the General Election : 1 Revised Statutes, (7th Ed.) page 390. ' Annual meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the County: Immediately after the completion of the Canvass, or at such other time as they, as a Board, shall fix ; 2 Revised. Statutes _ (7th Ed.) pages 926-931. 1 I 0 /111 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 125 Annual Meeting of Supervisor, Town Clerk and Assessors of each Town, to designate the place in each election district in the Town, at which elections shall be held during the year, and to give notice, written or printed, to be posted in at least .eight public places in each district,, containing descriptions of the places so designated, and of the time of opening and closing the polls: On the first Monday in September in each year. Laws r 881,,,Chap. 137. Meeting of Supervisor, Town Clerk and Assessors of each Town, for the purpose of making lists of Trial -Jurors ; on the first day of July of each third year after July 1st, 1878, at a place in the town appointed by the Supervisor, or in his absence rr o'r vacancy in office by Town Clerk ; or, if they fail to meet on that day, they must meet as soon thereafter as practicable; Code of Civil procedure, 1035. The next meeting for this purpose will be held July 1st, 1890. County Superintendents of the Poor meet at the County if -louse ; The first. Wednesday in each month. The object of these meetings is to audit bills payable from the County Poor Fund. TOWN OFFICERS.. Each Supervisor must. execute to, and deposit with, the County Treasurer, a bond for the accounting of all school neon- cys which may come into his hands, before entering upon the duties of his office. Each Supervisor must make and deliver to the Town. Clerk of his town; his bond for the faithful discharge of his official du- ties, and to account for all moneys coming into his hands as such Supervisor. The Trustees of School districts shall make a report to the School Commissioners between the 20th day of August and the last Tuesday of August in each year ; Chap: 49, Laws 1884. The school moneys are apportioned annually by the School Commissioners, on the third Tuesday in March. - 1 4 126 • SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGIS. The Commissioners of Highways must execute a bond to the Supervisor of their town within teri days after their election. Overseers of Highways must file a statement of all unworked highway tax With the Supervisors of their respective towns, on or before the first day of October. The Tax Collector or Receiver shall, within eight days after receiving notice' of the amount of taxes to he collected ':.by him, execute to the Supervisor of the town, and Iodge with him, a bond in double the amount of said taxes, to be approved by the .Supervisor. The Supervisor shall, within six days thereafter. file the said bond in the office of -the County Clerk of his County, The Assessors must complete the Assessment Roll on or be- fore the first day of August, and leave a copy thereof with one ' .of their number, and immediately .thereafter cause notice thereof to be posted in three or more public places, in their town or i ward. "When the line between two towns, wards or counties di- vides. a farm or lot,. the same shall be taxed, if occupied, in the ' town, ward or county where the occupant resides ; if unoccupied, each part shall be assessed in the town, ward, village or county inhere the same shall Iie." _Laws 1386, Chap. 315. • The Assessors shall meet on the third Tuesday in August to review their assessments, and hear the 'complaint of any person conceiving himself aggrieved. An affidavit to the roll by the Assessors, made prior to the third Tuesday of August, is a nal lity. The Assessors must deliver the corrected Assessment�Roll to the Supervisor on or before the first clay of September, there to remain for a period of fifteen days for public inspection, and the Assessors shall forthwitli,give public noticeby posting the' same in at least three of the most public places in the town; or, by publishing the same in one or more newspapers published therein; that such Assessment Roll has been finally completed, the officer to whom -the same has been delivered, and the place' where the:same will be open to public inspection. Said fifteen • f 1 SUPE+ RVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 127 clays, within which any assessment may be reviewed by certiorari, shall commence on the day of the first publication. The Assess- or cannot enter the name of a person, on his Roll\who became a resident .after the' first day of Jtdy. When the Assessors, or a majority of themshalLhave com- pleted their •Roll, they shall severally appear before any officer' of their County authorized by law to administer oaths, and shall' severally n-iake and subscribe before such officer, an oath in the following form, which must be strictly followed " We, the undersigned, do severally depose and swear thatwe have set'down in the foregoing Assessment Roll, all the real es, tate situate in the town for ward as the case may be,) according to our best information ; and that, with the exception of those - cases in which the value of the said real estate has been changed by`roason of proof produced before "us, we have estimated the value of the said real estate at the 'sums which a majority of the Assessors have decided to be the full value thereof, and also that the said Assessment Roll contains a true statement of the aggre= gate amount of the taxable personal `estate of each and `every person named in such Roil, over and above the amount of debts •due from such persons; respectively, and excluding such stocks as are otherwise taxable, and such other property as is exempt by law from taxation, at the full value thereof, according to our best judgmcnt'and belief." Which oath shall be written pr printed on said Roll, signed by the Assessors and certified by the officer. Laws i885, Chap. 364. • • The Supervisor must report to the County -Treasurer, on the first Tuesday in March, the amount of School moneys remaining in his hands.` . Each Justice of the Peace must execute a bond with two sureties conditioned for the payment on demand to the proper officer all monies received by the Justice, by virtue of his office, "which bond must be approved by the Supervisor of ' the town, and filed in the Town Clerk's office. Fc. 123 SUPERVISORS'. PROCEEDINGS. lEach Justice of the Peace shall • make a report in writing, verified by oath, each year, bearing date the first day of Novem ber, to the Board of Supervisors, at their.annuaI session, in which he shall state particularly the time when, and the name of the persons or persons from whorn, any money has been received ; and also the amount and on what account the same:was received ; also all sums remaining due and unpaid ; and that a1I moneys by him received have been paid to the officer duly empowered by law to receive the same. Each justice of the Peace must pay all moneys received by him for. fines, within thirty days after its receipt, to the County 'Treasurer. Criminal Code, Sec. 726. Overseers of the Poor cannnot furnish supplies to a County pauper to exceed the sum of ten dollars, without an order from the County Superintendents authorizing further disbursements for such purpose. All bills payable by towns must he presented to the Town Auditing Board for audit. All bills for supplies furnished to County, paupers, must be presented to the County Superintendents'of.the Poor, fo•r audit. All bills presented to the Board of Supervisors or any Aud_ iting Board, must be verified by oath, stating that the same are correct in every particular, and that no compensation -has been received for the same, or any part thereof, except as therein stated. 1 • INDEX. PAGE. ALMS Housx, COUNTY—Chaplain of, Salary r6 Resolutions that Board visit....... ...... 12 'Visit of, kioard to 15 ANNUAL SESSION OF BOARD 5 . AUDITS, COUNTY 54 TOWNS Go 10 84 Caroline Go Danby 62 Dryden 64 Enfield 66 Groton........ 67 Ithaca 70 Lansing 7`l• Newfield, 81 Ulysses 83 BUDGET, COUNTY 48 CAROLINE—Audits of 6o Resolution adding to audits 24 .Tax of 49 Appropriation for I-Iighways and Poor.... 33 CHAIRMAN—Election of 6 CLERK—Election of 6 CoMPTxoLLER—Communications of, to Board 7, 8 COMMITTEES of BoAKD—Formation of and duties 8 Appointment of 9 • II INDEX. CEMETERY, removal of . COMMITTEES, REPORTS OF --Treasurer's Accounts l7. S. Deposit Fund and Insurance State Charitable Institutions Equalization and Assessment Rolls.... Superintendents' Accounts . 0 COUNTY TREASURER -.Annual Report of Report of Infant Heir Fund COUNTY LINE, building Bridge on • COMMUNICATIONS—Comptroller COLLECTORS—Required to settle.... DANEY—Audits of Tax of DRYDEN—Audits of Resolution adding to Tax of Appropriations for Highways and Bridges DISTRICT ATTORNEY—Report of EiFIELD—Audits of Resolution adding to Tax of Appropriation for Highways Report of, Railroad Commissioners Report of Supervisor ERRONEOUS- ASSESSMENTS GAME—Act to preserve GROTON—Audits of Resolution adding to cReport of Railroad Commissioners Report of Supervisor Tax of Town HIGHWAY TAXES—Returned unworked 31 17 43 35, 39 46 28 85 91 32 7 40 62 49 64 17 :19 16 94 66 20 50 20 98 99 23, 43 41 62 22 1,00 101 50 14 1 INDEX. •III i ITIIACA—Audits of Tax of.... Report of Railroad Commissioner Report of Supervisor - INFANT HEIR FUND—Report of County Treasurer 70' 5o 102 104 91 Report of Committee 17 JAIL PHYSICIAN—Election of 25 Salary of 25 LANSING—.milts of. ............... .... ' Resolution addirig to Tax of NEWFIELD—Audits of........ ... Tax of Report of Railroad Commissioners Report of Supervisors.... . 78 17. 33 51 Si 51 I06 1o6 PRINTING—Proceedings of Hoard 12 Session Laws 13 Legal Notices 12, 13 PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD—Distribution of 12 PRISONERS—Transportation of 23, � 39 Contracts for labor of 52 ROAD TAX UNWORKED 14, 32 REPORTS, COUNTY OFFICERS—County Treasurer 1 85 District Attorney 94 County Supt. of Poor rio Justices of the Peace.................. 109 Loan Commissioners 97 Sheriff ' 96 Surrogate's Clerk 95 rio- P INDEX. REPORTS, RAILROAD COMMISSIONERS AND SUPERVISORS. Enfield 98 Groton too Ithaca toe Newfield. 444 . . 106 Ulysses 107 SUPERVISORS ---Names and residence of 5 Accounts of 59 SESSIONS OF BOARD STREET RAILWAY—Consent to build TAXES State and County ULYSSES—Audits of Resolution to add to.... Tax of • Appropriation for Highways and Bridges WILLARD ASYLUM --Visit to WEIGHTS AND MEASURES—Appointment of Sealer of. ........ .... 7 34 48, 52 82 20 .52 22 41, 42 53 t 3 C" 7:2-'4W-1 ..,!-.1+ �� a' ' ,&i- :i%o ...gym -� .aro =' o r� i �J,i n �iMM _i :D.+1- i .•saloA;osagruiiAOIPTTA - m, ^ `cc%i — ^ i 37: m' �! c0 —, - _ — c ., �a i — — ry —;. r - a ,=,r, ''' 7, is a ,r < C — — a ' d — re cq. .- a a - .a[l.ro;I '�' 271Px� ='l t,/, mz.in ^l.k=••V�5 �5 _lr�-5fw ''''O rimd�j .-i cq ?`�'=G �r-ry '- inD�t�'�5 l_.F'-.4�1'Y �, -- (Y� ^3&t. ^3 o.,,c, •r c,— �H'm'. -c14 Qs • '.1 a`].lii�] '`'�] iia I11:1]p DC,t-.e..-ton --- - N.., ,i_ -,-,_, u� cOGC^+ - w,t'^ -v�-M rn, m V .• "liagil;) •-�� Si`Jlf'Ii.i3 C�»,. fig n. 1M?` cl'Vr. .;...2,,,-,-..p.:„.-5-=;n cnOC ';,1.. ,__,Z,--•.! C3 74,;-.:-.:n-''-. N��� N p cr.D y S:1 o Q N {1„1 -,2.--F,.;!.7.'-`-; x e.J�p •'� �e, c W p� C,M,. o�r[C1 �,i ,, ��NN ^r a'•..]G ej-. wy0 — L 0 1 Tr.1r'}l 'JI JUEOu1A9!rl M w. Q c' c!!'I - ^ ^ .- y ',1YrJ) •-) iigop '.;.^1,..--'-A .}i CT ci ctin dJ [~. nep q�,.8, C3C.r :0., r-�— yo -N .,y ='� Cf_' et e� 9 e. -7 %1 ' UU[u1rusl •V UtAkpa .r C"J r,.-1 ,"'n1-+ N WUJ r, r, cat L '5110Z110,-..) •31 2,1011' 1'W -v.e, ,--, . C.1 -5,;!!r, H , 3-c� e . -C1 — R__.,4-5. G7 n�.no� -,a ``: .7-7.... -- �e.`5,� 0=0 m ' ']lilo SaAI II' p'cl'H IO =f .r trt1., r a'. N. cc�.x'".': C[ c1 ^ouewic'. C2 n.^w,,54.4,F7.7.2.=7„.=_w....:4 .. -� c'rnm ,^'h' P• • l• fI111101.-,`;t41;.,•?.: ,'^' g- i•v.a�4i :Q1a g nS X3. 0 .�.[ c oe`�.�° c[ c,,;.^e. �i-�,t- a.,,--7,-,--,-.1.,-.>,c N cn i 1 1 Secretary of State. 1 Comptroller•. 1 State 'treasurer. Attorney General. 1 ?.tate •sca90.,i 301a{1TTIrllt.110,1211 -`i4,0 -« ....c:,d.,-.c. 1•/ 52 ” ^•.r r -m1-.: ,,,..',Lr`-". 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C t..,N FIELD 1- 1 1 Grand Total1 1p E. o E-,© r E FA E ti F Y O F c. a E- ULYSSES ' Total NEW FIELD • TOtal 0 Q M 'a01.10ls8l lrruop 1OOIlas p1113 'SUO[s86y ;o sa o138 ur 'lauoaop `aaanszra ry ,tlunup ',Linage `d (quias 'y ;o Jag-moy.q '1ogl: uas 8lvls 'latlop aluoadns ol]l ;o oo!)bill' 'dosaArls 1)uv ioaUinuj 011115 'l'FsaUP{) £auio4 V 1011sua1 mins. `dalioJIdutop 'ams JO Savjnaoas .103 'sucydutoy ;o .iquuop cop u[ uoTloala mtanos oql ul '2661'Q 'V '•laqu[o:wi ;O Lop l0 #[a ogq. no plod uu,loal;,l I oua-o can 1.13 uon.S saloa e[ll x0 a INaNTIVLS.x��flHV [ } t7 0 O] W 00 8 0 00 O 00 5 0 ,44 4,4 m r- 0 C. G H-. - ea 'Z. - Z.,. 0 -t H- G: 0 40 y0:30 t -4,440 P0] C 00 a C J W ^1c • L a� LiCl O.._ 000000 401 40 Orta --r Y G w b r-0 V CG 4P% N'. 04OC Y .0...Q., 1,, Z.?" oiv G]ruv'�av N+ G \� Omnis C. Feely. ' Silas W, Mason, O-,0, a0a;4. CA w -t Ot J r �xxN G: C1 COo n1§ -g b NO ,,pp fv ca 00 NEA Vt H-0 14,- -4 P -4 µ-000m Gi 0-t$C rW` 30 tic ;W. ZZ Cc, 0.f-3'c0M- 0- Z.. 4,114Gr -eco a _ i•• m W 40 00 r -,4-O 0CFOJ 0 ( IUY y p Q T 01 1-4,;-1421.p9.2. ero'.p°' iu rc,F• 4:1 , OG 4,-, Lot u 01. 1.h. � V Q 8-82 --0,-' w _ Y CID GO , rr V,N�C�S Ntym •.'r OF r0 ive N11�-w CJj 004010 O 0Y �w -r �-t �iJ Iy iy^Y� r�ag1D3uz?}Ep Franklin B. Bernard. Whole Number of Votes. John liog;art.= .. ._- Oliver H. P. Cornell. Matthew K. Cmtzzons. Edwin A. Stillman. .John G. [Tray. 11nyinnna F. Barnes. Wl_ole Number of Votes. 'Franois II. Gilbert. Charles E, Parker. Gerin A. Forbes. Whole Number of Votes. Monroe II\1.,Sweetland. William L. Sweet. John W. 13arrne. Whole Number of Votes. Alonzo H. Clark. Frank .J. Enz. Cornelius Sweet. Whole Number of Votes. lbiali E. St:oo p:' - John K. Follett,. Tames H. Fox.• Whole Number of Votes. Willis D. Crittenden. George H, Northrup. John book. Whole Num bor of Votes. James A. Lewis. William C. Gallagher. Eugene Baker, 'Whole Number of Votes. Albert K. Allen. Nelson .Stevens, Whole Number of Votes. Amara C, Gerling, Charles VanMarter. a 00 1.1 1 n x .• n fl� n O 5 44 SCATTERING VOTES. For Secretary of State, Edward Dail re- ceived two; blank received seven. For Comp- troller, Herbert A. Barker received two; hhink received eight. For State Treasurer, Henry Emrich received two; blank received eight. For Attorney General, Thaddeus B. 'Wakeman akeman received two ; blank received eight. For State Engineer and Surveyor, hlank received eight. For Justice of tho Supreme Court, Charles Stevens received two; Wm. J. Totten received one; Emanuel L. Burton received one; blank received seven. For Member of Assembly, blank re- ceived four; "no priest" received ono. For State Senator, blank received two. For Sheriff, blank received eleven. For County Treasurer, John Northrup received one; 0 l` George liurcholl received one; blank re- ceived four. For Coroner, C. C. Cook re- ceived one; blank received nine. For Jus- tice of Sessions, blank received twenty, Emanuel S. Burton received one. The Board of County Canvassers of lie County of Tompkins, having Filet at the office of tiro County Clerk of said comity, on the lGth day of November, 1887, to canvass and estimate the votes givers in the aoveral Elec- tion Districts of said County at the, General Election_ held 021. the 8th day of November, in tlio year aforesaid, Flo hereby certify that the foregoing is a true Tabular Statement and footings of the votes given at tho said Election for ti_e oihcers above named, and for each of them. R. HOB.TON, Chairman, P. J. PARTENHEJJIER, Clerk, trTTATI .�. i G( 1