HomeMy WebLinkAbout1886, •t • --PROCEF DINGS 21ARD —) OF. TIHF (—•— Q 3RVISORS —) OF TUE (— COUNTY OF erOMPKINS, FOE' '11IE YEA F 1880. • A. G. CHAPMAN, Chairman, Groton, N. Y. ' • M. N. TOMPKINS, Clerk, - Ithaca, N. Y. a 0 Ithaca, N. P.: • Journal Association ,Tob Printing TTouse, 8, 10 12 S. Tioga Street. 1886. • • a • ANNUAL ,SESSION — —) OF THE {-�- Sv2ERVISCRS OF TOMPKINS COUNTY ---1886. Pursuant to law, the Supervisors of the several towns iof Tompkins county,'New York, convened in annual session at the Supervisors' Rooms in the Court House at Ithaca, in^said county, on the -loth day of November, 1886, at II' o'clock, A, nt. The Board was called to order by M. N. Tompkins, Clerk of` the Board of 188, and on calling the roll of towns in the county, all the Supervisors answered . to their names respectively, as follows: TOWN. MEMBE0R. Caroline, ROBERT G: H. SPEED, ' D, nb , 0 ,' . BEERS,. • R 0: ADDRESS. rville i• O SUPET;VTSOI�S' I'ROCELDING-S. • 1 On motion of Mr. Beers, David Crocker was unanimously chosen temporary- chairman. • Moved by Mr. Rockwell, and carried, that the Board proceed toan informal ballot for chairman, , Messrs. Chapman and Pierson were, appointed tellers. The result of the ballot was as follows: Whble number of votes cast, g. Beers 3 Speed .... r: Horton Crocker.... I Chapman 3 Mr., Beers moved that Mr. Chapman be choseri as permanent chairman of the Board, and it was unanimously carried., • Moved by Mr. Beers, that Mr. Crozier be empowered to cast the ballot of the Board for M. N. Tompkins as clerk. Carried. Mr. Crozier thereupon cast the ballot of the Board for M. N. Tompkins. - Mr. Speed offered the following resolution, -which was adopted : . Resolver' t the committees of this Board be organized in the same man- ner, a'— ~ be the same as they were last year. s � 6' b On motion adjourned. • AFTERNOON SESSION. Roll call. Quorum present. The clerk read the following communications, which on mo- tion of Mr. Horton were accepted and ordered spread upon the minutes,.as' follows : - ,)STATE OF NEW YORK, COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE. ALBANY,' OCTOBER r, 1886: To the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins : SIR :—I enclose a form of statement of the valuation of Real and Personal Estate required to be made by you; pursuant to Chapter t17 of the Laws of 1836, and forwarded'to this office previous to the second Monday in December in each year, under a penalty of .fifty dollars. I also -enclose a form of Return of Incor- porated Companies liable to taxation. It is indispensible Mat eh s Xeport be fur- nished by the time prescii1ed. The Board of Equalisation of Taxes, in pursuance of Chapter -312 of the Laws of 1859, have fixed the aggregatevaluation of property in your. County at the sum of $15,057,419, upon which amount a State tax of.$44,419.39 must be levied far:the-current fiscal year, commencing October .1st, 1836, as provided in. said acts and amendments thereto, by Chapter 351, Laws of 1874, being 2 45100 mills on' the dollar, for the following purposes, viz For Schools... - r 15-100 mills, per Chapter 486, Laws of 1856. , 1886. For General Purposes1 12-100 486, `,` For Canals 68 -Too " " , 148, 239 and 486, " 1886. Total • 2 95 -zoo mills. • Your obedient servant, C. R. HALL, Dep. Comptroller. P. S.—The non-resident Taxes credited to your County for ,1885 amount to . upretne•Court, in the 6th Judicial District, from January 1st, 1886 to September 3oth, 1887, as authorized by Chap. 159, Laws of 1885, Chap. 330, Laws of i8.S6, and Chap. 413, Laws of 1886. Respectfully yours, C. R. LIA LL, Dep. Comptroller. • WILLARD ASYLUM FOR T1 E INSANE, TRtIASURI1R'S OFFICE, LIVID, N. Y., OCTOBER ist, 1886. }i' To the Treasurer and Clerk of Board of, Supervisors, County of Tompkins You are'requested to present the.following communication to your Board or Supervisors at the ensuing session : The number of insane persons in the Asylum chargeable to the county of Tompkins at this date is 54. ft is estimated there will be required for the maintenance of patients now in. the Asylum. for the ensuing year, the sum of -6,318: and for clothing 8756.' Total, i7,o74.00. • - I In order to comply with. the spirit and leiter of`he law, which requires that all pujchases for the Asylum,be made for cash, and prohibits the Trustees from contracting debts, the Board of Supervisors is respectfully requested to make the requisite provision for the support of patients in the Asylum, to enable the Treas- urer to tneet the current expenditures as they occur. Respectfully yours. J. B. THOMAS, Treasurer, REFERENCES :—Chap. 446, Laws of 1874. Tit. iv, sec. 6. Chap. 541, Laws 1872. - • Chap. 272, Laws '1879, page 359, A communication, signed by Mrs. D. B. Stewart, Mrs. H: V. Bostwick, Mrs. Geo. Apgar and Miss J. L., Hardy, relative to the' • O SUPEIRVISORS' TROCEEDTNGS. 9 ' sanitary.conditio'n of .the County Alms House. was read by the clerk, and -on -motion of Mr. Beers was ordered filed: Mr. Beers presented the report of C. L. Smith, District 'Attorney, which upon motion was received and 'ordered spread upon the`minutes. • (See Reports.) • The chairman announced the following' standing committees of the Board : COMMITTEES OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, i886. Chairman—A. G. Cl-IAPMAN. Clerk—M. N. T0MPKINS. Constables', Clerk's and • ustices' Acoounts, Rockwell, Crozier; Beers. v • , Trtasurer's, Sheriff's and Yudge's Accounts, y Crozier, Pierson, Horton'1 Equalization and Assessment Rolls, • Beers, Crozier, Crocker,Beers,.0 Crozier, Crockerr Rockwell, Speed. Superintendent's Accounts and County Buildings, Pierson Rockwell, Crozier.' County Claims, Speed,eHorton •Beers.~ U. S. Deposit Fund and Insurance, • Crocker Jones, Speed. ■"' Public Printing, Jones, Pierson, Crocker. State Charitable Institutions, Horton Rockwell, Jones. • O stoner of the bonded indebtedness of said town, together with the sub- joined resolution,'which reports were on motion accepted and the, resolution adopted. (See Reports.) Mr. Horton offered the following resolution, which was adopted : Resolved, That a'committee of three be appointed by the chairman, to investi- gate and report to the Boas'd the terms and conditions upon which a ,con'ract for the board of prisoners 'may be made for the ensuing year. : • The chairman appointed Horton, Pierson 'and the Clerk as such*commiittee. Mr. Beers offered the following resolution; ,which was adopted : Resolved, That the chairman appoint a committee of three members of this _ Board to, investigate any or all' appeals to this Board by parties feeling themselves oaggrieved in relation to alleged erroneous assessments: • • The chair appointed Messrs. Beers, Horton and Rockwell. Mr. Pierson offered the following resolution, which was - adopted Resolved, That this Board visit the County Alms House on Wednesday, No- vember 17th. ' • „On motion adjourned. AFTERNOON SESSION. 1 Quorum present at roll, call. ti •• 0 ti 10 sUPERV:I:SOIS' PROCEEDINGS. The committee on county claims reported bills 'numbers 5 bend 9, which were audited by the Board, in accordance with the recommendations of the committee. The committee on public printing retired to consult with the' proprietors of the: various printing houses and 'get bids' for print- ing the ,proceedings, and upon their return the committee re- ported that bids would be made' at to -morrow morning's session. On motion adjourned. SECOND DAY. THURSDAY, Nov. t t, 1_886. MORNING SESSION. Roll call Quorum present. Minutes of yesterday's proceedings read and approved. :The various committees were engaged in their work during the Morning session. On motion adjourned. 12 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Mr. Rockwell presented the _town abstract for the town of.. Dryden, which on. motion of Mr. Horton was accepted and audited. (See town Audits.) Mr. Rockwell offered the following resolution, which was adopted: • Resolved, That the following sums be levied and collected on the taxable property of the town of Dryden : Two hundred and fifty dollars for support of roads andTbridges, as aliowad by statute._ •- Three thousand dollars for the building of an iron bridge near the mill known as Sherwood's mill. Eight hundred dollars for the building of an iron bridge near Dryden Springs. Twelve hundred' dollars for the building of an iron bridge near the Dryden tannery. • All of which sums were voted at the town meeting held at Dryden Center, Feb. 23, i886. The sum of one hundred dollars for the support of the poor. The committee on Constables', Clerk's and Justices' accounts reported the:foIlowing bills, which were 'audited in accordance with the recommendation of the cotrtmittee : Bills Nos, It, 17, 24, 29, 27, 32, 36, 5o, 56, 6o, 76, Bills Nos. 22 and 35 were rejected as being town charges. The ,committee on county. claims reported the following bills, which were audited in accordance with the recommenda- tion of the committee: Bills Nos. 2, 61, 62. 63, 64, 65, 66,68, 69, 70, 73, 74, 77, 78: Mr. Pierson offered the following resolution, which was adopted: < Resolved, That there be added to the town budget of the town of Ulysses the . sum of thirty-five dollars, to re-imburse the county of Tompkins for the burial of James Brown, an indigent'soldier residing in said town. 0 , S'Ui'ERV.1SORS' .C'RocE EDINGS,•, 13 Mr. Pierson offered the following resolution, which was • adopted : /i'esof✓ed That the price for printing the session laws for the'cutning year be Fixed at fifteen cents per folio. c In pursuance of,.Chap. 515 of the Laws of i886, the follow- ing designations of papers to publish the laws were made : To the h(rq of the Board of Supervisors of Tomp�kills County • We, [he undersigned, Republica[i members of the Board of Superviso s of Tompkins (County, do hereby designate the Ithaca Weekly Journal as the paper to:publish the session laws for the ensuing Fear. Nov. 12, t586, A. 1L PIERSON, R.' G. H. SPEED, JOHN E. BEERS, • A, G. CHAPMAN, ,G. M. ROCKWELL, '1'. JONES:. 7b 1he Cf''?'k ems'tke _Board of Supervisors : - i We, the undersigned, Democratic members of the Board of Supervisors, of Tompkins county, do hereby designate the Ithaca Democrat to publish the ses- sion laws for the ensui• g year. Nov. 12, 1886. R. IIORTON, R. A. CROZIER, DAVID CROCKER. The remainder of the session was consumed in the -discussion and consideration of publishing the proceedings of the Board. On motion adjourned. • FOURTH DAY. SATURDAY, Nov. 13,,1886. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of yesterday's proceedings were read and approved. . 0 • ht 0 O 0 • 14 . SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. • Mr. Jones presented the report of the Bonding Commission ers of the town of Enfield, and also his report as Supervisor of. the bonded indebtedness ' of said town, 'together with the sub- joined resolution, which were on motion of Mr: Horton accepted, and the resolution adopted. • (See Reports.). Mr: Crocker offered _the following resolution, which was adopted by a two-thirds vote : Resolved, That .the assessment roil of the town of Lansing, be_ch:cd• and corrected in the following particulars, to -wit : That the assessment of M. M. Mead, 48 acres, for $Soo, be stricken from the said roll, the same being properly - assessable in the town of Dryden. • .Mr. Pierson offered the following resolution, which was adopted : _Resolved, That in accordance with a resolutioft of the town Board; adopted Nov. 5th, 1856, there be levied and collected' upon the taxable property of the town of Ulysses, the sum of three hundred dollars, for the support of the poor. The balance of the session was consumed in footing assess- ment rolls.' On motion Board adjourned until 2 o'clock, Monday after.. ' noon. FIFTH DAY., MONDAY, Nov. 15, 1886. Board met at 2 o'clock, pursuant to adjournment. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of Saturday's proceedings were read and approved. • ' Seymour Bates appeared before the committee with his coun- sel, J. DeMotte Smith, with reference to an erroneous ,assess- ment, and asked that the tax paid thereon be refunded. - . SLTPEE ISORS' PROCEEDINGS: 1.6 The committee, on county claims reported the following bills, which \sere audited in accordance with -the recommendation of the committee ; Bills Nos. 8o, 86, 87, 89. 90, 91; 93, 94, 96, 97,,99; zoo, rim. - • Mr. Crozier,presented the .report of the Bonding Commis- sioners of the town of Ithaca, and,also his report -as 'Supervisor -of the bonded indebtedness of said town, together with the sub: joined resolution, which reports were on motion of' Mr. Jones accepted, and the resolution adopted. (See Reports.) On motion 'Board adjourned. SIXTH DAY. TUESDAY, Nov. 16, 1886, MORNING SESSION. Board met at 9 o'clock, pursuant to adjournment. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of yesterday's proceedings read and approved. Mr. Pierson offered the following resolution,' which was adopted : 0 Resolved, That there be appropriated the sum 'of fifty dollars, (to), to pay for the service of Chaplain at the County Alms House for the year 1887 ; and that the Superintendent be authorized to employ said Chaplain, and,pay him by an order drawn on the county Treasurer, - Mr. Crocker, presented the. town abstract of the town of Lansing, which on motion of Mr. Beers was accepted and aud- ited. (See town Audits.) • • Mr. Pierson presented• the town abstract of the town of Ulysses, which on motion of. Mr. Beers was accepted °and aud- ited. (See,town Audits.) . • 6 0 0 0 16 - SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. • - The various committees were engaged during the forenoon in their respective duties, until noon, when the committees arose, and,on motion the Board adjourned. - AFTERNOON SESSION. Roll call. Quorum' present. Mr. Jones offered the following resolution, which was adopted : f Resolved, That there be assessed and levied upon the taxable property of the town of Enfield, ' the sum of $25o. Said amount to be applied by the Commis- sioner of highways for maintaining highways and bridges. • The committee on county claims reported the following bills, which were audited •by the Board in accordance with the recom- ,rnendation of the committee : 1 Bills Nos. 102. roo, 107, 1o8, r18. Moved ,by Mr. Horton that the chairman and the clerk be a committee to procure conveyances to carry the Board • to the County Alms House. Carried. ? _ The County Treasurer appeared before• the Board, and the corn.' mittee on Treasurer's account's was engaged 'with him during the remainder, of the session in examining his accounts and vouchers, and upon the committee rising, on motion the Board adjourned. SEVENTH DAY. WEDNESDAY, Nov. 17, 1886. Board met at the,usual hour. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of yesterday's proceedings read and approved. In•pursuance of a resolution heretofore adopted, the Board. • adjourned to the County Alms House, to make its annual visit. e sx o• 4 SUPERVISORS' PJ OCEEDING-S. • x7" Upon arrival there the members were received by Superin- . tendent`Elias Smith and Simeon Rolfe, the Keeper. The Board was shown through the main building and hospital, and also in- spected'the barns and out buildings. Its attention was called to the close proximity of the hog house to the hospital. The inmates of the house, which"at the present are forty-two • in number, were found to be comfortably provided for. The committee on Superintendent's accounts was engaged the greater part of the day, in examining the Superintendent's accounts, his•books and vouchers. Mr. and Mrs. Rolfe were extended the thanks of the Board .for their very kind and courteous treatment of its members. At 4 r. M. the Board started on its return to Ithaca, feeling satisfied with its visit, and its members prepared to 'give any in- fortnation desired with reference to -the county poor. EIGHTH DAY. THURSDAY, Nov. 18, 1586, MORNING SESSION• Roll call. Quorum present. ' Minutes of yesterday's proceedings read and approved. Mr. -Jones presented the town abstract' of the town of En- field, which on motion of Mr. Beers was accepted and audited. (See town Audits,)• Mr. Jones also offered the following resolution,which was adopted : Resolved, That the following bills be added to the audits of the town of .En- field, to -wit : . • J. M. Baker, clerk of election. F. Barber, constable fees $ 4.00 3.25 a SUPERVISORS' P1�4GEEDINGS. Mr'. Crocker offered the following resolution, which was adopted: • Whereas, The town Board'of Lansing passed a resolution that them be raised to pay a note of $250 given by the highway commissioner to J. M. Heggie ; a note of $Soo, given by said commissioner to N. T. Allen, interest on said ' nofes /amounting to $:}1.34 ; and also that there be appropriated to build a bridge the sum of $1,400 ; • ' Resolved, That there be levied and collectedon the taxable property of .said town the sum of (2,491.34,) two thousand, four hundred ninety-one and 34-10o dollars, for the purposes aforesaid. Mr. Pierson offered the following resolution, 'which wast • adopetd : o Retolved, That there be added to the town audits of. the town of Ulysses the following bills : S. G. Williams, constable $2.o5 Geo. M. Beckwith, medical services S.00, S. A. Sherwood, digging grave 3.0o +,13-05 The remainder of the session was consumed by the Treasur- er's committee in examining infant heir securities, and 'the other members of the Board were engaged in making grand jury lists. On motion Board adjourned. AFTERNOON SESSION. Roll call. , Quorum present. Mr. Beers presented the Sheriff's report, which was accepted. (See Reports.) ' M. Pierson offered the following resolution, which was adopted : Resolved, That in addition to the two hundred and fifty dollars, the `atnount alloived by law, there be levied and collected upon the. taxable property of the town of Ulysses, five hundred and fifty dollars, ($55o); said sum being the amount voted at the last annual town meeting for repairs of roads and bridges in said town. •o l • S PEP,VISORS' PROCEEDINGS. ' 'THIRD DAY. 11 FRIDAY, Nov. 12, 1886. MORNING SESSION. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of yesterday's proceedings were read and approved. Mr. Horton presented the report of the Bonding Commis sioncrs of the town of Newfield, as also his report as Supervisor of the bonded indebtedness of said town, together with the sub- , joined resolution; which reports were on motion accepted and the. resolution adopted. (See Reports.) Mr. Horton offered the following resolution, which was adopted : Resolved, That a'lcommittee of three be appointed'by the chairman, to investi- gate and report to the Boatd the terms and conditions upon ti'hich a con'ract for the board of prisoners may be made for the ensuing year. The chairman appointed Horton, Pierson 'and the Clerk as such committee. Mr. Beers offered the following resolution, which was adopted : Eesdved, That the chairman appoint a committee of three members of this Board to investigate any or all appeals to this Board by parties feeling themselves aggrieved in relation to alleged erroneous assessments: • The chair appointed Messrs. Bccrs, Horton and Rockwell. Mr. Pierson offered the following resolution, which was - adopted : _Resolved, That tliis Board visit the County Alms House on Wednesday, No- . vember r7th. • ..On motion adjourned. ° AFTERNOON SESSION. ti Quorum present at roll.call. • • • 6 12 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Mr. Rockwell presented the -town' abstract for the town of,. Dryden, which. on. motion of Mr. Morton was accepted and audited. (See town Audits.) • 'Mr. Rockwell offered the/following resolution, which was adopted : ' ' Resolved, That the following sums be levied and collected on the taxable property of the town of Dryden : . Two hundred and fifty dollars for support of roads and bridges, as allowed by statute.. - Thrce•thnusand dollars for the building of an iron bridge near the mill known as Shert'nod's mill.• Eight hundred dollars for the building of an iron bridge near Dryden Springs. Twelve hundred' dollars for the building of an iron bridge near the Dryden tannery. All of which sums were voted at the town meeting held at Dryden Center, Feb. 23, iBS6. The sum of one hundred dollars for the support of the poor. The committee on Constables', Clerk's and Justices' accounts reported the•_following bills, which were 'audited in accordance with the recommendation of the committee : Bills Nos. 11, 17:24.129, 36 27, 32, , 50, 56, 6o. 76. Bills Nos. 22 and 35 were rejected as being town charges. The .committee- on county claims reported the following bills, which were audited in accordance with the recomtnenda- btion of the committee : Bills Nos. 2, 6r, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66,;68, 69..70, 73, 74, 77, 78• Mr. Pierson offered the following resolution, which was adopted : Resolved, That there be added to the town budget of the town of Ulysses the sum of thirty-five dollars, to re-imburse the county of Tompkins for the burial of James Brown, an indigentsoldier residing in said town, • • 0 i SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS., 19 Resolved, That in accordance with an appropriation made by the town -Board,. June 21st, 1886, there be levied and assessed upon the taxableproperty of the town of Ulysses; .the sum of five hundred twenty-five dollars, ($525,) for the pur- pose of re -building an iron bridge over Taughannock Creek, at Podunk. • Resolved, That in accordance with a resolution of the town Board, adopted Nov. 5th, 1886, there be levied upon the\taxable property of the town of Ulysses the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars, {$25o,) for the purpose of repairing the bridges known and designated as the Ayers bridge, and the Dorsey bridge. The committee on county claims reported the following bills, which were audited by the Board in accordance with the recom- mendation of ° the committee : Bills Nos. 123, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129,•130, 135, 137, 138, 142, 143, 147, 148, 149, 154, 155, 156. 'Mr. Speed presented the town audits of the town of Caro- • line, which were on motion accepted and audited. (See town Audits.) On motion Board adjourned. l NINTH DAY. FRIDAY, NOV. 19, 1886. MORNING SESSION. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of yesterday's proceedings read and approved. Mr. Jones offered the following resolution : Resolved, That the latltaca Journal Association be authorized to publish 5000 copies of the proceedings of this Board, in pamphlet form, provided it be done in the same form: type, and upon the same quality paper as in the year 1885, and be completed and ready for distribution on or before January 1o, 1887, and be allowed therefor two and 75 -loo dollars per page. • • Resolved, That the Ithaca Republican Association be authorized to print the town.and county'audits, the statement of the Supervisors' claim's, and all notices 20 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. • required by law to be published, except such as are requited by taw to be pub- lished in the papers' publishing the session laws. Said Association to receive therefor thirty-five cents per folio for the first insertion, and thirty cents per folio for each subsequent insertion. Mr. Crocker moves to amend by adding at the end thereof the following : And that the Ithaca Democrat be authorized to publish the town and' county audits, statement of 'Supervisors' claims, and such legal notices as are required by law to be published, at the same price and rate. t A vote being taken on the amendment, it was carried ; *hereupon a vote was taken upon the original resolution as amended, which was duly carried. Mr. Beers offered the following resolution, which was adopted : - ResoIved, That G. M. Beckwith be employed as jail physician for the year ending Dec. 311t, x887, and that he be paid the sum of $9o.00 for his services; The committee on charitable institutions was engaged on their report, and the other committees on their work during the remainder of the session, and upon their rising the Board adjourned. AFTERNOON SESSION. Roll call. Quorum present. -• Mr. Pierson presented the report of the Bonding Commis- sioners of the town of Ulysses, and also his report as Supervisor of the bonded indebtedness of said town, together with the sub- joined resolution, which reports were on motion accepted, and the resolution adopted. (See Reports.) The attention of .the Board was then given during the great- er part of the session to the consideration of the, petition to change the town line between Dryden and Caroline, and several citizens residing upon the lands proposed to be set over in Caro gift O to 1• ] SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 21 • line appeared'before the Board and presented arguments in favor• of .such change.' , • • s , r , Mr. Speed . offered the following resolutions, -which were adopted: 'Re'solved, That in accordance with resolutions adopted at the last town meet- - ing, the sum of two hundred dollars be levied and collected upon the taxable , property of the town of Caroline for the support of the poor, and the further sung • of two hundred fifty dollars in addition to the amount allowed by law, be raised for highway purposes. • Resolved, That the sum of twelve hundred dollars be levied and 'collected upon the taxable property of Caroline, in accordance with a resolution of the town Board adopted June z&, ISM ; said sum or much thereof as may be need• ed to be used by the commissioners of.highways'to defray the expense of build- ing an iron bridge at Brookton ; the balance, if any, to be applied to other high- way purposes ; also the further sum of one hundred fifty dollars to meet the esti- mated defrciencyin highway accounts for the present year, in accordance with a resolution adopted by town Board Nov. 4th,`r886, On motion Board adjourned. • r TENTH DAY. SATURDAY, Nov. 20, 1886. ' • Roll call. Quorum, present. Minutes of yesterday's proceedings read and approved. . The committees consumed the time until noon upon their reports, wwvhenthe Board adjourned until Monday, Nov. 22d, at 2 P. M. + f ELEVENTH DAY. MONDAY, NOV. 22, 1886. Board met at 2 P. M, pursuant td adjournment. , Roll. call. Quorum present. re, • 1 t ' 22 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDING -S. Minutes of yesterday's proceedings readand approved: Mr. Rockwell presented two petitions, one bearing 174 sig- ` natures and -the ,other 43 signatures, in opposition to the proposed change of the town Iine between Caroline and Dryden, and they were on motion accepted and filed with the clerk. , The committee on county claims reported the following bills, ' which were audited in accordance with the recommendation of the committee : Bills Nos. 4, 14;19, 26. 30, 48, 51. 54, 55, 57, 58, 84, 85, 122, 136, 139, 140, 145, 146, 150, 157, 16x, 162, i63, [64, 165, 173. Mr. Pierson,fchairman of,the committee on Superintendent's accounts, presented the report of said committee, together with .the subjoined resolutions, which 'report was on motion of Mr. Beers accepted, and the.resolutions adopted. Said report and resolutions are as follows : The committee on the report of the Superintendent of the Poor, would re- spectfully report as follows : The number of inmates in the County Alms house. Nov. x5, 1885, was ` 39 Received during the year 67 Number of births r 107 Deaths during the year - 6 Absconded to Discharged.. 49 65 Inmates at date of this report. 42 • Whole number .of days said inmates have been maintained in the County Alms House during the year. 15,781 e► E 0 ertfrY11 641 t 4, Deficiency for 1885 and 1866 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDING -S. Number of days chargeable to County 5120 .Caroline. - 730 Danby . 957 Dryden 12.06 Enfield 7 • Ithaca, .... 4837 Groton 754 " Newfield ..... 137 Lansing 176 Ulysses 1857 t Total indoor ,expenses, (aside from farm) Total paid by the towns Received by the Superintendent for disbursements : Appropriation by county �. �C $2824'26 Appropriation' by towns P.,. 1675 74 Appropriation for hen house, 1885........ y •.. y ,r • 100 GO Products of farm ` ar "C _. 411 94 SVal r2 4 Total receipts Entire disbursements for the year : Art , ' * Indoor expenses nn i'Ln Temporary relief' :,7 tt p. 1531 66 Services of Overseers of Poor )8-4, 211 00 Transportation of paupers J ' % �y. 9 � rJ 23 .Cost. $937 03 ., 134 12 175 83. 22158.. 1 �9 r' 888 73 138 53 25 16 -32 31 " 341 19 $2895 77 s 1958 74 $5.o11 94 . $2895 77 Improvement to property Uncollected hilts of 1885 " Work and Utensils ', , 6.. ra Transportation of insane and children 'spy. '� /Supplies for house{..: Traveling expenses • Paid to Keeper ' ; - '* / . 32 14 1206 53 118 97 . 49 50 '54 44 7o 28 48 84 62 81 $6,282 94 $1271 00 0 1 c Z4 • SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. We estimate for the ensuing year.tiie sum of $4,700.0o, as follows, viz : i' Indoor expenses by county ' ‘ $541 26 Indoor expenses by towns 1958 .74 - Services of Overseers of poor 200 00 Transportation of paupers 40 00 Salary of Keeper 500 00 'Temporary relief - 1460 00 Les amount by towns and cash on hand : Caroline $134 12 Dryden 221 58 , Danby 175 83 Enfield i 29 Groton 138 53 Ithaca ! 888 73 Lansing., 32 31 Newfield 25 16 Ulysses..-......... 341•/9 Total to be raised by towns Cash in hands of Superintendent • f Amount of estimate by county .$2734 i6 Deficiency.for 1585 and, 1S86 1271 00 Total to be raised by county $4,70p 00 $1,958 74 . 7 10 $1,965 84 $4,005 16 (11 To'provide-for this deficiency, and to defray the estimated expenses, for the coming -year; your committee offer the following resolutions: I, Resolved, That the sutn of twenty-seven hundred, thirty°four and 16-roo dol. lays, (2,734.16), be levied and collected upon the taxable properly of Tompkins county, for the purposes above named. - r o 0 SUPERVISORS'. PROCEEDINGS. 25 • Resolved, That the sum of twelve hundred, seventy-one dollars, ( 1,27r,) be levied and collected upon the taxable property of Tompkins county, for the ptr- pose of meeting the deficiency above named. Resolved, That the.sum of nineteen hundred, fifty-eight and 74-100 dollars, (1,958.74) be levied and collected upon the taxable property of the several towns of Tompkins county, in accordance with the foregoing statement. , Your committee would further report .that we firid,the out- , building's on the county farm all new and in good condition ; that several needed improvements have been made during .the last year in the County Altns IIouse ; and that the officials in charge of the same are faithfully laboring for the health and comfort of its inmates. On motion Board adjourned. - Roll call., A. H. PIERSON, G. M. ROCKWELL, Committee. R. A. CROZIER, TWELFTH DAY. TUESDAY, Nov. 23,. 1886. . MORNING SESSION. uorum present. Minutes of yesterday's proceedings read and approved. Mr. Pierson offered the following resolution, which was adopted Resolved, That the 5,000 copies of the proceedings of this Board be appor- tforied among the several towns of the county as follows : Ithaca, q5o ;,, Enfield, 375: Danby, 400: Dryden, 695; Ulysses, 625 ; Lan- sing, 500 ; Newfield, Soo; Groton, 575 ; Caroline, 400. ' And that the clerk of the Board be authorized to forward the same to the Su; pervisors of the respective towns, as soon as they are printed and ready for dis- tribution. r 26 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Mr. Horton. offered the following report, which on m otion•of ' Mr. Pierson was received, and the committee discharged ; To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: The undersigned committee, duly appointed by this Board to procure the passage of an Act of the Legislature in regard to the infant heir defalcations, would respectfully report that they have procured the passage of such an Act, as requested by such Board, the same being Chap. rgr of the Laws of x886. R. HORTON, A. G. CHAPMAN, ( Committee. R. A: CROZIER. J Mr. Crozier, chairman, of the committee on Treasurer's ac- counts, offered the following,report, which was adopted : To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County : We, the undersigned, committee on County Treasurer's accounts, respect- fully report that we have duly examined the accounts of Geo. H. Northrup, County Treasurer, together with his report and.accompanying vouchers herewith submitted, and find them correct ; and that we find a balance of $939.80 in his hands belonging to the various funds, as -shown in this.repori. Your committee have also duly examined the accounts of surplus money's received and disbursed by the County Treasurer during the year ending Novem- ber r2th, 1586, together with the vouchers accompanying the same, and find them correct ; and that the said Treasurer has a balance in his hands of $2,153.22 be- longing to such fund. , Your committee have also examined the securities held by the County Treas- urer in trust for the infant heir fund, and find the several securities in his posses- sion as per his report of said fund. Your committee are gratified to find a continuance of the same careful methods and conscientious discharge of official duties that have hitherto charac- terized the present County Treasurer. - 1 ti • • R.:A. CROZIER, A. I3. PIERSON, }Committee. R.:HORTON. 1 .f y`5 .SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. , 27 " Mr. Crozier presented the reports of, the County Treasurer, which upon motion of Mr, Crocker was • adopted, and ordered spread upon the minutes. (See Reports.) On motion adjourned. AFTERNOON SESSION. Roll ca11r Quorum present. Mr. Crocker in the chair. M. Chapman offered the following resolution : Resolved, That this Board, pursuant to Chap. 19t of Laws 1886, shall adjust and settle such of the infant heir claims arising from the defalcations of George H. Bristol, late a County Treasurer of Tompkins county, as said Board shall hereafter by a vote of two-thirds of the members thereof decide under the pro- visions of said Act, to be just and equitable claims ; provided that the bondsmen of the said Bristol shall in all things 'fulfill and perform upon their part the agreement hitherto submitted to this Board by such bondsmen. After a full .and lengthy discussion of. the above resolution, it was carried by a unanimous vote of the Board. Mr. I-iorton offered the following resolution, which was . adopted : Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed, one of whom shall'be the chairman of this Board, for the following duties : Such committee shall take proof of the existence and amount ofeach several claim arising from the defalcations of Geo. H. Bristol in the infant heir fund. Such committee shall also take proof of the present ownership of each sev- eral claim, and under what circumstances and by whom it is held. • Such committee shall report to this Boardthe proofs taken in regard to each several claim, together with their opinion concerning the same. The chairman named as the other members of such corn-, mittee Messrs. Horton and Crozier. ' Mr. Crozier requested to be excused, and Mr. Beers was ap- pointed in .his stead. , On motion Board adjourned. - • ',28 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. THIRTEENTH DAY. • WEDNESDAY, Nov. 24, 1886: Roll calf. Quorum present. -Minutes of yesterday's proceedings read and approved. The committee on county claims reported the following bills, which were audited in accordance with the recommendation of the committee : • t Bills Nos. 10, 79, 95, 117, 120, 160, 178, 17q, 180. The committee on constables', clerk's and justices' accounts reported the following bills, which were1 audited in accordance ' with the recommendation of the committee-: Bills Nos. 67, 82,,83, 88, 98, 103, 104, 105. I10, III, 1r2, 123, .I14, 119, 141, 159, 172, 175, 276, 177. ,On motion Board adjourned to Monday next, at 2 Y. Al. FOURTEENTH DAY. MONDAY, Nov. 29, 1886. 9 ' Board -.met at 2.o'clock, pursuant to adjournment. • Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of Iast session's proceedings read and approved. Mr. Speed presented a supplementary petition, relative to the change of the town line between Caroline and Dryden, signed by thirty-four residents anld land owners of the tract proposed to be set over in Caroline,`and on motion -of Mr. Horton the same was received and ordered filed with the clerk. 1 • • SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS: GS: • Several residents of the said tract •of land appeared before the Board in 'sup'port of the application t� change said town line. Mr. Horton Presented the town atdits•of the town of. -New- field; and on motion of Mr. Crocker the same was accepted and 'audited. ' (See town Audits.) ' Mr. Horton also offered the following resolution, which was 1 • adopted : - Resolved, That 'the following bills be added to the town audits of the town of • Newfield, to -wit.: • r E. A. Brown, excise commissioner N..]3. Dunning, R. R,,commissioner 6.00 '2J $3.00 Mr. Horton also offered the following resolution, which was , adopted : • Resolved, That there be levied upon and collected from the, taxable property of the town of Newfield the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars, the same to be • applied by the Commissioner of highways for the- improvements of roads and R bridges ; and that the further sum of fifty dollars be levied and collected' on said property, the same to be applied by the Overseer of the poor for the `support of • the'poor of said: town. The committee on printing reported the following. bills, which were audited by the Board: in accordance with the recom •. mendation of the committee Bills Nos. 168 and 218. Mr. Speed offered the following resolution, which was .adopted : 1 ,' • Resolved, That the following bills be added to the town audits of the town of Caroline - •• ' w. K. Boice, excise Commissioner $3.00 U. L. Robbins; ex -town Clerk 21.65 - it $ 24.65 1 30.1 1 a SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Mr. Beers presented the town abstract of Danby, which on motion of Mr. Jones' was accepted and audited. (See town Audits.) • • The committee on county claims reported the following bills; which were audited by the Board in accordance with the recom- mendation of the committee : Bills Nos, 183, 200, 20r, 202, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 222 and 223. Mr. Crozier offered the following resolution, which was adopted : Resolved, That there be levied and collected upon the taxable property of the town: of Ithaca, the sum of $25o, to be applied by the Commissioner of highways for the improvement of roads and bridges. Mr. Horton, chairman of the committee on State charitable institutions, presented the report of such committee, together • with the subjoined resolutions, which report was on motion of Mr. Speed accepted and ordered spread upon the minutes and the resolutions adopted. Said report and resolutions are as follows : To the honorable, the Board of Supervisors : Your committee, axpointed to examine the accounts of the several charitable institutions, would respectfully report the fol- lowing resolutions : • Resolved, That in accordance with Chapter 446, Title '4, Section 6, Laws of 1874, there be assessed and levied upon the taxable property of the following towns and the county of Tompkins, the sums set forth in the annexed schedule, to reimburse the county for amounts of money paid to Willard Asylum, viz : CAROLINE. Barton Lynch Amanda C. Rightmire, $39 9o. Self-supporting. 0 $137 97'. +�y r 0 , SUPERVISORS' PI.00EEDINGS. 31 l _ , DANBY. Rachel R. Jefferson .... $ 42,46 Briggs Montgomery 131 47 Edgar D. Wright 183 29' Emma Krum 133 37 Total to be raised by town $490 59 DRYDEN, t. - John John B. Kellogg : ........................................... $138 57 Hannah Winn - ` 122 52 Wallace Wait x 129 37 Geo. D. Pratt, $ill 47. Self-supporting. Benjamin F. Pratt _ 133 27 Thomas McKenna 130 12 Clarence Wait 43 37 , Hamlet F. Pierce, $118 36. Self-supporting. Clarence Phillips, $xo 42. Self-supporting. John B. Sperry ` 149 67 • Total to be raised by town ENFIELD. ft Margaret A. I-Iolmes, $52 88. Self-supporting. . GROTON. .. $846 89 Frankie A.. Pie rce $x3r 67 Nathan A. Parker ;25 13 Nelson W. Allen' . .. 135 82 Ella M. Schofield x31 02 Eliza M. Baker,',$12r 22. Self-suppor'ling. Anthony O'Malley, $t27 17. Self-supporting. David Ireland ' .. 43 64 Charles Sutliff, $4o 25. ' Self-supporting. Total to be raised by town $467 28 • ITHACA. Laura Saxton, $123 21. Self-supporting. Peter Pickett $138 46 125 9x Sarah Niver 138 or Margaret Raymond': 131 o6 Jennie Dillon 40' 4 • 0 A 32 SUPERVISORS' .PROOEEDINGS.. 1 f. • • Fanny G. Barber 120 36 Mary McCarthy o127 13 Patrick McCarthy f 125 36 . Margaret Moore - 133 21 Priscilla Thompson 132 41 James Harrigan roo 36 William H. Munson 132 g6 • Mary A. Culligan 132 16 Joachim Atwater 137,76 Mary Kane. $51 57. Self-supporting. t Susan Patterson 48 35 John B. Bennett , 22 09 James L. Moore, $55 65. Self-supporting. 'Edwin. Beebe , 144 91 Grace Green 43 26 Thaddeus H. Obert • 165, 82 • Nelson Severn, $t4 13. Self-supporting. Patrick J. Casey 113 Bo 2,213 38 Less credit on acct. Wm. Major... 20 44 Total to be raised by town... $2,197 94 a / LANSING. Sarah Jacobs.... $75 36 I N,E.wrIELD. Charles B. Bower.... Frank Carpenter DeWitt Savercool James Q. Fish, $124 7I. Self-supporting. • Orville W. Hartranft ' ` • $145 86 130 36 139 50 ' 6o 71 Total to be raised by town $476 43 ULYSSES. Catherine Collins $119 47 Helen I. Bancroft r_2j ro Jared Coon 73 21 Nancy M. Dorsey........ 39 55 ' Total to be raised by town 8359 33 v S 1. "1:3v1.0 1 STJPERVISOI3,S' PROCEEDINGS.. CO UMW.. 33 Mary J. Sweazy $120 27 Patience Starks 122 62 James Brennan 13r 67 Thomas Northrup 125 02 Michael Sweeny 133 72 Lina Rowen 128 52 Luthera Johnson 126 22 Lydia M. Arnold 126 12 Harriet Crego, 8119 77. Self-supporting. Anna L. Welch, $58 95. Self-supporting. Total to be raised by county... $1,014 16 Resolved, That in accordance with a resolution of the Board of Supervisors, passed Dec. 7th, r88o, there be assessed and levied upon the taxable property of the following towns, the sums set forth in the annexed schedule, to reimburse the county for amounts of money paid to the several charitable institutions in said schedule named, viz CAROLINE. Joseph Cortright, Asylum for Insane Criminals...... Cora Demun, S. V. Home........... Interest due at $235 00 . • 34 29 1 69 Total to be raised by town $270 98 ENFIELD. -• f Rosa Vedder, N. Y. S. Inst. for Blind $22 47 ITHACA. • Nellie Dunn, St. Patrick's Orphan Girls' Asylum $ 47 00 James Shade, St. Mary's Orphan Boys' Asylum 47 00 John Shade, " •47 O0 Lulu Johnson,'S.'V. Home 71 73 Carrie Johnson, " 36 00 ' Charles McDonnell, " 65 15 John Wilsey, ' " x04 29 Nettie Beebe, I< 12 57 Interest due at 8 49 Susie K. Warner, W. N. Y. Int. for Deaf Mutes Soo 00 Total to be raised by.town $939 23 O 1 34 3SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. LANSING. Permelia Wilcox, W. N. Y. Inst for Deaf Mutes • ULYSSES. John Cook, Ontario Orphan Asylum $104 00 Henry Sherman, " 104 00 $23 33 Total to to be raised by town $208 00 COUNTY. Sarah Frear, S. V. Home $20 86 Warner Frear, " ` 20 86 Interest due at 3 40 $45 12 All of which is respectfully submitted. _ R. HORTON, G. M. ROCKWELL, Committee. T. JONES, ) Mr. Beers offered the following resolution, which was adopted Resolved, That there be levied and collected on the taxable property of the town of Danby; the sum of $450, for repairs of roads and bridges, and $259,70 to pay a note against said town for a Pennock Road Scraper, which was pur- chased by the Commissioner of highways. On motion Board adjourned. • FIFTEENTH DAY. TUESDAY, Nov. 30, 1886. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of yesterday's proceedings read and approved. The committee appointed to investigate the ' infant heir' claims retired to the grand jury room, and was engaged the en- tire day in investigating such claims, and the remainder of the members were engaged in examining county claims. On the committee rising, at 6 I'. m., the Board adjourned. .. UPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. • 35 SIXTEENTH DAY. WEDNESDAY, DEC. 1, 1886. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of yesterday's proceedings read and approved. Mr. Pierson offered the following resolution, which -was ' on motion adopted : Whereas, A committee of the Tompkins County Visiting Association for the • Public Institutions of Charity, has reported to this Board that the drainage about • the County Alms House is defective, and that the location of the hog house is •such as to interfere with the health and comfort of the inmates of said house, t_ therefore be it Resolved. That this report be referred to the committee on ordinary repairs, . and they be authorized to take such action thereon as they may deem proper for • the sanitary condition of said•Alms House. • Mr. Crocker presented the following report of the committee on insurance, which was on motion accepted : To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County The committee on insurance would respectfully report that the county build• ings were in 1885 insured for three years, and the premiums paid in full, as fol_ lows, viz : JAIL. COMPANY. AGENTS. AMOUNT OF POLICY. PREMIUM. •Rochester German, Gray & Wood. $I,5oo 00 $30 00 Philadelphia, " 1,500 00 _ • 3o 00 - $bo 00 COURT HOUSE. ' Etna, George W. Schuyler. 2,000 00 30 00 Springaeld, John L. Whiton. 2,000 00 30 00 Phoenix, H. A. St. John. 2,500 00 37 50 • CLERK'S OFFICE. Liverpool & London & Globe, Abel Burritt, 4,000 00 North' British, H. J. Grant, 2,000 00 a. ° $97 50 , 7 50 15 00 $22 5o Total amount of premiums, $18o 00 . Respectfully submitted. _ •DAVID CROCKER, T. JONES, Committee. R. G. H. SPEED. t • e �; tip-•_ 36 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Mr: Crocker' offered the .following resolution, which was on motion adopted.: Resolved,' That in accordance with laws goyerning in such cases, there be raised upon the taxable property of the persons named in the report of unworked highway tax, furnished 'the Supervisors of the several towns by the Overseers of highways, the sums herein charged against the road districts hereunto' annexed : ULYSSES. District No. 43, 2 days $.3 00 District No. 48 7 days to 50 GROTON. District No. 71, 4 days ' 6 oa District No. IS, 134 days 2 25 District No. 23, / day 75 , District No. 43, 3 days 4 50 District No. 49. 3 days 4 50 NEw3 °IELD. District No. 48, 4 days. 6 00 District No. 72. 2X days. 3 75 District No. 28, 3'4 days 5 25 LANSING. i 1 District No. 20, 10 days 15 00 DANBY. District No. 6o, 732 days it 25 . Non-resident, 234 days. 2 50 District No. 32, 334 days 5 25 District No. 3; 234 days - - 3 75 ENFIELD. District No. r, 19;/ days. 28 87 ITHACA. District No. 36, 8 days 12 00 DRYDr.N. District No. 6, r day r 50 District No: r30, IX days 2 25 District No. 85, 4'z days' 6 75 Mr. Chapman offered the report of the R. R. Bonding Com- missioners of the town of Groton, as also his report as Supervisor of the bonded indebtedness of said town, together with the sub - . r r4 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 37 joined ,resolution,. which reports ,were on motion accepted, and - the. resolution adopted. .. (See Reports.) • Mr. Chapman presented the town audits of the town of Groton, together with the following resolution, which audits were on motion of: Mr. Jones accepted, and directed to be levied and assessed on the taxable property, of said town, and the resolution .adopted : a; ' Resolved, That in, accordance with the resolution passed by the Board of Auditors of the'town of Groton, there be•levied and collected on .the taxable property of the town of Groton the following sums, i.,e.: $8oa 71 to pay town audits ; $1,441 57 to pay for highways and bridges ; $4o3 ro expense new road ; $200 forOverseer of the poor. The,priti ing committee reported the following bills, which were audited,. in 'accordance with the recommendation of the coni- mittee : ' 0 " Bills Nos. i5S and 169. it On motion Board adjourned. SEVENTEENTH DAY. THU SDAY, DEC. 2, 1886. Roll call. Quorum present. ••Minutes of yesterday's proceedings read and approved. Mr. Crozier presented-the„town audits of Ithaca, which on motion of Mi. Horton were accepted and audited, and the amount therof, ordered levied and collected on the taxable property of of said town.'” (See town Audits.) o • Mr. Rockwell offered the following resolution, which- was adopted : - o,. 38 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Resolved, That the following items be added.to the town audits of the town of Dryden : - - • E. L. Weaver, constable $ . f 70 Frederick Hyde, physician ro oo. Wm. Fitch; physician •g 70 Geo, E. Monroe, Atty. for Overseer Poor vs. Harford Richford, - 20 00 W. J. Shaver, Justice of the Peace 4 00 John E. McElheny, board of health 400 J. J. Montgomery, registration of deaths and births 3 00 Rev. C. O. Hanmet, registration of marriages '75 $53 15 The committee on" Superintendent's accounts reported .the following bills, which were audited by the Board in accordance with the recommendation of the committee : Bills Nos. 166 and tfj. Wm. N. Noble, Esq., appeared before the boards and pre- sented a petition in favor of increasing She salary of the Special County Judge, • Mr. I-Iorton offered the following; which on motion was N. adopted : • Whereas, A fine of $250 paid by Willard Van flouter to the officers of the Onondaga County Penitentiary, belonging to the county of Tompkins, has been withheld by such officers, therefore Resolved, That the bill or claim of said Penitentiary 'against the county of Tompkins for the sum of $8o8 -7t be audited and allowed at $558 '71, such deduc- tion being on account, and in satisfaction of, the said fine so retained. Mr. Horton also offered the 'following resolution, which was adopted: Resolved, That the several sums raised by different towns of the county foe the burial of indigent soldiers and procuring monuments for the same, by paid over into the court expense fund by the County Treasurer when the.same shall be received by him. , •- w k 1 1' t SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 39 * . Mr. Pierson ',offered the following resolution, whick) was adopted s IesoZvet, Tliat the Collectors of the several towns of Tompkins county be required to settle with the county Treasurer, on or before February 15, 1887. — x,. Mr. Crocker, chairman of the U. S. Deposit Fund commit - fee, submitted the following report, which was accepted : To the I3oa d of, Su ervisors of Tompkins County The committee appointed to investigate the condition of the State Loan in ,said county, respectfully report that no new securities have been taken during the present year. For further:Information in regard to the condition of said loan' in this coun- ty we would refer to the'report of said commissioners to this Board.' DAVID CROCKER, T. JONES, ? Committee. R. G. H. SPEED. ) . Mr. Crocker also presented the report of the Loan commis- sioners, which was on motion accepted. (See Reports.) " Mr. Speed, chairman of the comrnittee on the application to change town line, submitted .the following report : s SUPE$VISOR'S Room, Dec. 2, 1886. " •-Toythe, Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County : ' - The undersigned, appointed by the Board of 1885 to examine into the facts relating to the petition of certain residents of the south tier of lots' of the town • • of •Dryden in''fa'vor of a change in the town line between the said town of Dry-`• . den,and:the town of Caroline, and •that said,town.line be .changed so as to coin- cide withthe north line of Lots 91, 92,•93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98. 99, too, of said town of Dryden, would respectfully report as follows: We have made a careful investigation into said matter, have examined resi- ,dents of said tier of lots who have appeared before,us, have examined the peti- tions both in favor of and opposed to said change, and find the,,facts tube as fol-. lows ; ' We find fifty-nine petitioners, owning 3,588 acres of land, to.be' •in favor of • .said change, and twenty-six, owning 910 acres of land, opposed.- Of the above 41) SUPERVISORS' PR:OCEEDNG-S. • number, thirty-five residents of said tier, owning 2,440 acres of land, assessed at $28,460, favor the change, and sixteen residents, owning 776 acres, assessed at $12,000 are opposed ;• there are also seventeen non-residents, owning 1,148 acres who favor the change, and two non-residents, owning 140 acres, opposed to said change. • • In view of the above facts, and the further consideration that the residents - of said tier of lois are very remote from the business centers of Dryden, very many of whom being obliged to go from eight to twelve miles and return to vote at town meetings, or elections, or to attend caucuses.; also being very distant from the town clerk's office where town records are kept, and from places of re, ceiving taxes ; and in vieiv of the further fact that these persons wour'd be within easy.reaching distance of the business centers of Caroline; (and with much better roads), if such change were made, and for other reasons not named above, we ` • would report in favor of granting the said petition. R. G. H. SPEED, A. G. CHAPMAN, . Ma}ority of Committee. Thereupon discussion was had upon the matter by Mr. Speed in favor of such change, and Mr. Rockwell and T. J. McElheny in opposition thereto, until 6 P. M., when the matter was held open for further consideration. • ' - And the Board adjourned. EIGHTEENTH DAY. ,FRIDAY, DEC.', 1886. Roll call. Quorum present: . Minutes of yesterday's proceedings read and approved. The committee on county claims reported, the following bills, which were audited in accordance with the recommendation of the committee : • Sills Nos. 15, r8, 20, 34, 71, 72, 75, zo9, 131, 144, 174, 182, 203, 224, 225, 226, 242, 236, 240. Mr. Crocker offered the following resolution, which was adopted : .,/ ll • SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDING -S., 41. , Resolved, That the following bills be added to the audits of the.town of Lan - Ong: • E. Hildebrant, constable r $ao 35 Ithaca •Deniocrat 6 5o a , `Messrs. E. C. Van Kirk and D. W. Burdick apiicared before the Board and presented a statement iii regard to the erection of a County SoldierA' Monument, and the same was upon motion of Mr. Horton accepted and ordered spread upon the minutes, as follows : Mr. clzairnian a,id gentlemen i)1" the Board of Supervisory of the County of 'Tompkins : i - We appear before your honorable body as a committee appointed by Sydney Post, G. A. R. No. 41, and we believe we voice the sentiments of ail the Grand Army Posts of Tompkin's county, as well as all the men of your county who par- ticipated in the war for the Union of the states, and all who sympathized with.the Union arms, to' ask of your honorable body an appropriation of $5,000 or• such a sum as will be sufficient to erect a suitable monument, (to be erected at the county seat), to commemorate the memory of the gallant sons of Tompkins county who fell in the greatstruggle for the unity of the states and the rights of man. i Remembering with pride how generously your predecessors appropriated tens,,yes, hundreds of thousands of dollars to' defray the necessary expenses of placing vour sons and brothers in that wall of steel that protected the persons and property of ::our citizens\from destruction, we come to you now, after the lapse of a quarter of a century, and ask you but for a pittance of the amount ;then poured out like water, to show to the friends of the fallen,'that Tompkins county has not forgotten her illustrious dead ;.and inasmuch as their lives were 'sacrificed for the common benefit of all, it is no more than "just and equitable that all should contribute to this rneinorial. The legislature of this state, •we be- lieve, realizing that this was a proper and 'just procedure, have empowered you by'special legislation to do this honorable act, thereby attesting the appreciation of our people for the sacrifices they made and,at the same time serving as an' in_ centive to future patriotic acts, to the sons of Tompkins county, should the emergency ever again arise, to call her men to arms. We ask for nothing for ourselves, but we do most respectfully request that our fallen comrades may not , be forgotten, and we believe that you will esteem it a privilege to grant our pe talon, and we also firmly'believe it will meet .with the unanimous approval, of your constituents.. E. C. VAN KIRK, D. W. BURDICK, ? Committee. GEO.•W, DZIi,LER, ) On motion Board ' adjourned. - 42 . SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDING. NINETEENTH DAY. SATURDAY, DEC. 4, 1886. Supervisor Beers in the chair. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of yesterday's proceedings read and approved. Mr. Horton presented the following report of the committee .appointed to examine erroneous assessments and taxes, which - was on motion accepted. Said report is as follows: To the Board of Seiliewa SOTS : • We, the undersigned committee appointed to investigate and report in regard to erroneous assessments, would respectfully -report : - 1st, We find that the Psi Upsilon society were assessed on the assessment roll of Ithaca for the year 1885 for the sum of $4,000 ; that the said society should have been assessed at the sum of $2,000, as appears from the statement of a ma- jority of the assessors of said town. That the sum of *47 47 should be returned to said sbciety, and the same be added to the town budget of the town of Ithaca: f 2nd. We find that Miles Rumsey, of the town of Enfield, is a minister of the Gospel, and as such is entitled to an exemption of $.1,500. (a R. S, 952, �y.) That he was not allowed such exemption on the assessment of 1885, and paid the tax thereon for said year. That he is entitled to be repaid the sum of $t6.5 ; and that the sum of $16 85 be added to the town budget of•the town of Enfield. 3d. We find that Mary J. Newman was erroneously assessed on,,the assess- ment roll of the town of Ithaca for 1885 for certain personal estate. That she removed from the county in the month of January, 1885, and was not properly assessable on said roll. That she paid tax upon such assessment to the tax re- ceiver of the town of Ithaca. That Mary J. Newman is entitled to have repaid to her for such tax, so erroneously assessed, the sum of '$30 89, and that such sum be added to the town budget of the town of Ithaca. 4th.' We find that there is an error in the assessment of John Northrup as executor of the estate of Frederick .D. Tucker, deceased. on the assessment roll of Ithaca for the year 1886, and that the same should have.been assessed at $1.000 personal instead of i;2,5o0, and that the'Supervisor of the town of Ithaca be au- thorized to correct the said assessment roll by striking out the said -assessment • of $2.500 and inserting in the place and stead thereof 4.he sum of $1,000. .1) a \ SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 43 � 1 5th. ,We find that Edwin Teeter was:erroneously assessed on certain real estate on the assessment roll of the town of Lansing for the year 1885; and paid the tax thereon. That the said Teeter is entitled to have repaid to him 'the sum of $4 07, and that the same be added to the town budget of the town of Lansing. t 6th. We find that C. W. Hausner was erroneously assessed on certain real , estate on the 'assessment roll of the town of Ithaca for the year '885, and paid the tax thereon: That the said'Hausner is entitled to have repaid to him the suin of $1 zo, and that the same be added to the town budget of the toren of Ithaca. 7th. We find that Seymour Bates was erroneously assessed on the assess- ment roll of the town of Ulysses for the sum of $4,000 personal that he should have been assessed upon the sum of $2,000 personal on said roll. That the said Bates paid the tax upon the said excess of $z,000 assessment, and that he is en- + titled to have the tax so paid,,on the said $2,000 returned to him. 'That the sum of $3o•84, being..such tax, be returned to said Bates,•and added to the town budget ac -the town of Ulysses. Sth. We find that Joel Hough is a minister of the Gospel, and as such is entitled to the ministerial exemption ; that he was not allowed such exemption in• the assessment of 1885 in the town of Groton, and paid the tax upon his assessment in said town. That he is entitled to have repaid to him the sum of $8.34, and that the said sum be added to the town budget of the town of Groton. gth. We find that Wm. H. AIlen is assessed upon the assessment roll of the 'town of Groton1l for the year of 1886, upon •a farm divided by the town and, county line ; that the said farm'fis unoccupied, and that each part should be assessed in the town in *filch the same is situated. Your committee therefore recommend that the Supervisor of.the towil at Groton be authorized to strike from his assessment roll the sum of $3 000' being the assessment on 123 acres, the same being situated in the town of Locke, Cayuga county. All of which is respectfully submitted. • ` J. E. BEERS, R. HORTON, Committee. • Mr. Rockwell offered • the following resolution, which was on motion adapted: . Resolved, That the several recommendations in the report of the committee on erroneous assessments and taxes be adopted. The committee on county claims reported the following bills, -which were audited in accordance with the recommendation of the committee: Bills Nos. 235, 237, 238. 239: On motion Board adjourned until 2 o'clock Monday, Dec: 6. O 44. a; SUPERVISORS' ,PROCEEDING. TWENTIETH DAY. • MONDAY, DEC. 29, 1886. Board convened at 2 o'clock, pursuant to adjournment. Roll call.. Quorum' present. ' ' Minutes of last session read and approved. Mr. Crozier presented the report of the Surrogate's Clerk, which on motion was accepted.' (See Reports.) • • The committee on county claims reported the following bills,. • which were audited by the Board in accordance with the recom- mendation of the committee : Bills Nos. try, 11fi, 132, 184, 165, 186, 187, 188, t9o, 10, 194, 195, 196.197, rg6, 205, 215, 217, 220, 221. • _ On motion adjourned. • TWENTY-FIRST DAY. TUESDAY, DEC. 7, 1886. Roll call. Quorum present. . , Minutes of yesterday's proceedings read and approved. The committee on Sheriff's, accounts reported the following bills,`which were audited by the Board in accordance with the recommendation of the committee: • Bills Nos. 133, 134 and 219. Mr. Tones offered the following! resolution, which wasA adopted Resolved, That the price for all legal notices and reports -which follow the publication of the session laws be thirty five cents per folio for one insertion. Mr. Pierson offered the' following resolution, whicli was adopted : .t t 0 ;SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 45 Resolved, .That the District -Attorney be authorized to employ, at his discre- ii tion, a stenographer for the grand jury when in session, at a salary not to exceed + five dollars per day. And iu case the District Attorney shall at any time require .. a'copy of the minutes,, the same shalt be furnished by the stenographer at eight cents per folio. The com"snittee •appointed to investigate tl4e infant heir . 4. claims made the following report : ' i e . 'Ta the Board of .Szepervisors : t ''The undersigned committee,'appointed to investigate the claims of the 'vari• ous infant heirs, and to report the same for the final action of the Board, would make the following report : . r They have taken proof and fully investigated each claim presented, and find that, each and' every one', of .the following are just and equitable claims, upon ' which your comniittee have computed .interest at the rate, of four'per'cent. per annum from the time'eacli claim was entitled to draw interest, to -wit : ' CLA1i.1ANT. FACE. 1NTI:REST. AMOUNT. Haddock $62 5o ,' _ $27 6o $go to Van Horn....... 143.59' 66 7J 210 32 . 4 Morton. 378 06 166 97 545 03 ,Howe _.. Soo 00 231 65 731 65 . Pugsley �' 76 74 33 85 tro 63 Grey 792 00 . , 358 20 1,150 20 Wilcox '2,752 li 2,752 00 1,261 28 4.013 28 erry 110 00 48 58 158,58' Williams...,.......... .... 3.277 5o 1,545 84 4,823 34 Beardsley 493 62 218 51 ' 712 13 Lamp'kins1; 392 6z •338'78, ' 931 40 ' Mead_..:`. 392 45 218 11 6ro 56 Elyea '' 17'5 09- 9¢ 20 269 20 •,Cowan'. 450 00 243 30 693 30 ,i .- ,i 317 19 171,49 , 488 68. Wyckbam' - 56.00 ,.24 73 80 73 , Apgar.... 162 5o 76 ro 238,o Wilson 1,332,07 '- 649 72 1,981 79 ✓- .4i . $12,063 84 $5,775 68 $17,839 52 All of which is respectfully'submitted•' ' • A. G. CHAPMAN. R. HORTON; Committee. JOHN E. BEERS. 0 0 t 46 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Mr. Jdnes offered"..the • .following resolutions, which were * adopted by a vote of all the members firesent. All being pres- ent except Mr. Rockwell, who was:absent on account of sickness • Resolved, That the report of the committee appointed to investigate the claims of the various infant heirs arising from the defalcations of George, H.Bristol be accepted. - ,4 Resolved, That the claims presented by said report be paid by the County at the sums or amounts set forth'in said report, and that the interest be computed at the rate therein prescribed, provided that the sureties of said Geo., H,. Bristol shall fulfill and perform the agreement.heretufore made to this Board, upon their part. - - _• Resolved, That the said committee be and they are hereby authorized and em- powered to raise the sum necessary to pay off and liquidate the indebtedness or amount assumed by the county, therein, upon the credit of the county, to give such obligations therefor as they may deem advisable, and•such obligations shall 'be and become a charge upon the taxable property of said county, to be levied and collected of the same in manner.hereinafter directed. Resolved, That the sum of $1,8o766'be levied in the year 5887; that the sum of $2,000 be levied in the year 5888 tliat the'sum of 84,000 be levied in'the year 1889, and the sum of $4,000 be levied in the year 1890, with interest, 'at a rate not exceeding- fcveper cent. pera5aaatina, to be paid annually. - Resolved, That the several sums so paid to said, infant heirs shall be taken and received by said heirs respectively in full settlement and satisfaction of any and all legal liability of saidcounty'and the sureties of said Geo. H. Bristol, for or on account -of such claim ; and each of said heirs, or the general guardian thereof Shall upon receiving the sum due tdsuch heir, execute and acknowledge a proper receipt and release, forever releasing and discharging the' said comity and sure- ties of said Geo. H. Bristol from any and all,further liability. Such'receiptsshall be filed by the said committee in the County Clerk's office of said county. The committee or constables' accounts reported .the:.nfollow- ing bills,'which'were audited by.the Board in accordance with the recotnrnendatiott of the committee: - Bills Nos. 92, 170, 571, 189, 241,' 250.. • e The committee on county, claims reported the following bills, . which were audited by the Board .in accordance with -the recom- mendation of the committee Bills Nos. 85, 152, 181, 204,'243, 244, 245, 246, 247, a4a, 249. • SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDIN( S. 47 " Mr. 'Sped'" offered'.'the following resolution, which was. t adopted : ' Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed by the chairman to consider th1qu� question appeal eal from the action of the Board of town auditors of the town of Ithaca. The chairman appointed.Messrs. Jones, Pierson and Horton as such'committee. On motion Board adjourned -.1 r . ti• TWENTY-SECOND DAY. `WEDNESDAY, DEC. 8, 1886. Roll call. Quorum present. ' Minutes of yesterday's proceedings read and approved. Mr. Crozier offered the following .resolution, which was • adopted : Resolved, That the bill, of Willard Van Hooter for $25 33 for fine illegally paid'by him, which bill is recommended•by the town,Boarci, be added to the town budget of the town of Ithaca. Considerable tirne was given by the Board to the discussion' • 4# of the proposed change of the town line between Caroline and • Dryden, by Geo. B. Davis in opposition thereto, and Mr. Speed in support:thereof: ' At the conclusion thereof an in€orrnaI discussion of the mat- ter was had.by the Board'. Thereupbri Mr. Speed offered the following resolution : Resolved, That the majority report of the committee be adopted, and that, the,' town line between':the towns of Caroline and Dryden be changed in accordance with the,recommeridation of said committee and the request of the petitioners, and that the south tier of lots of the town of Dryden be annexed to and' made'a part of -the town of,Caroline. 11 48 STJPER ISORS"• PROCEEDINGS. - • Mr. Rockwell then offered the following resolutions as a sub- stitute for Mr. Speed's resolution Resolved, That in the judgment of this Board, the changing of, the boundary line between the towns of Dryden and Carolina would involve many complica- tions not desirable to the parties most concerned, and would be a more serious step than this Board feels warranted in taking. . Resolved, That any action in the premises would be unwise, and that -the said boundary lines remain undisturbed. Mr. Speed moved that Mr.:RockWell's substitute be laid upon the table. Carried. • Mr. Pierson thereupon offered the 'following substitute for Mr. Speed's resolution : Resolved, That inasmuch as the remonstrance to a change in the town line between Caroline and Dryden contains the name of no person on the east seven lots of the south tier of lots of Dryden, and in view of the fact that the petition in favor of such change contains the names of nearly all the residents of said, • seven lots, and in addition thereto the . nathes 'of fifteen non-residents owning over one thousand acres of land therein, 'thus making said petition practically unanimous in favor of such change, and in view of the great convenience the change would be to the residents of said seven lots, therefore this Board hereby approves and adopts the report of the committee so far as it refers to said seven lots, viz : Nos, -44, 95, g6, 97, 98, 99 and too, and hereby establishes said bound_ ary line so as to annex said seven lots to the town of Caroline, and to leave lots -Nos. 91. 92 and, 93 in the town of Dryden. The ayes and nays on the substitute of Mr. Pierson being called, resulted as follows : Ayes—Speed, Chapman, Crozier, Crocker; Horton, Pierson. Nays—Beers, Rockwell, Jones. The chairman declared the resolution of Mr. Pierson carried, Mr. Speed thereupon offered the following act : . AN ACT to alter the boundary line between the towns of Caroline and:Dry • - ' den, in Tompkins County, N. Y. Passed by the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County on the eighth day of December, eighteen hundred eighty-six ; two-thirds of all the members elected thereto voting in favor thereof. • SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDING; S. 49 The J3oard•of Supervisors of 7omupkisa.r Courtly do enact a.r follows SECTION r. Lots Nos. 9:I, 95, g6, 97, 98, 99 and'roo of the town of Dryden, in said county of Tompkins, at present constituting the east seven lots of the south tier of lots of said town of Dryden, are hereby set off from said town of • Dryden and annexed to and made a part of the town of Caroline,.in said county. And the north boundary line of the town of Caroline is established so as to coin- cide with the present south line of lots Nos. 91, 92 and 93, and the north line of lots.94, 95, 96, 97,98, 99 and too of th9 said town of Dryden. 2. Nothing•in the above act shall be construed so,as to invalidate the tax levy for the year 1886, and the taxes for the currtnt year shall be collected as the same are assessed and levied by the present Board of Supervisors. 3. This act shall take effect January first; 087. Mr. Pierson moved that the above be adopted. The ayes and nays being called, resulted as follows : Ayes—Speed, Chapman, Crozier, Crocker, Horton,' Pierson. Nays–Beers, Rockwell, Jones. The chairman declared the act duly passed. .The committee, appointed concerning the board of prison- ers in penitentiary, made the following report, which was accepted: Your committee, appointed to investigate concerning the board of prisoners in penitentiaries, would respectfully report that the bid received from the Onon- daga County Penitentiary is as follows : $1.75' per week for all under three 'months, and $1.5o per week for three months and over, none but .able-bodied prisoners to be taken. That the bid received from the Monroe County Peniten- tiary is as follows : $1.25 per week for all prisoners of three months and upward, all prisoners to he received. R. HORTON. A.•H. PIERSON, Committee. M. N. TOMP.KINS, • } Thereupon Mr. Crozier offered the following resolution, which was upon motion adopted : Resolved, That the chairman and clerk of this Board be and are hereby em- powered and directed to make a•contract with the proper representatives of the Monroe County Penitentiary tor two years, for the maintenance of such persons as may be sentenced to a penitentiary (by any court having jurisdiction) for a term of not less than three months. r 0 • 50 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDirTGS. Mr. Pierson then offered the .following resolution, which was on motion adopted : Resolved, That the Sheriff or any other officer of. this county, who is _ or may be authorized to convey persons convicted of crime to the Monroe County Peni- tentiary, shall receive the following compensation : for conveying one person so convicted, the sum of twelve dollars ; and for each additional person conveyed at the same time, the sum of five dollars. On motion 'Board adj Burned. TWENTY-THIRD .DAY. THURSDAY, DEC. 9, 1886. Roll call., Quorum present. Minutes of yesterday's proceedings read and approved. The committee appointed on appeals from the audits of the town Board of Ithaca of certain bills, reported that they had ex- amined the same, and Mat the same should be audited at the amounts audited by the town Board. Thereupon said bills were audited�by the Board in accordance with the recommendation of the committee. The'comtnittee on equalization and assessment rolls retired to their room and remained out until 5 o'clock, at which time they returned, and Mr. Beers, chairman of the committee, report- ed that the assessment rolls had all been added, and the footings corrected. ' He also' presented the report of a majority of said committee—Mr. Speed presenting a minority report—which were ordered laid over until to -morrow at 2 The other members of the Board were engaged fn signing orders and other work during the balance of the session. On motion Board adjourned. t' 1' SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. TWENTY-FOURTH DAY.. 4 • Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes of yesterd'ay's proceedings were read and approved. r The committee on erroneous assessments and taxes made the • following further. report, which was on motion adopted : _ To the Board .0 f Supervisors : Your committee, appointed to examine and report concerning erroneous assessments and taxes,'would make the following' further report : • , We find that the following named persons, living in the town of Caroline and ' owning lands intersected by the town line between, the towns of Caroline and Dryden, were, in the year 1885, assessed upon the whole of such lands in the 'town of 'Caroline, and in the town of Dryden for such part thereof as was situ- ated in the latter town, and paid the taxes in both towns as assessed, to -wit : ' Benjamin Genung, Ephraim Krum and Charles H. Duel. Tliat in accordance with the law in force'at the time of such assessment, all ]ands must be assessed in the town in which the same were located, without re- gard to occupancy. We, therefore, find that the town of Caroline should repay to Benjamin Ge- .' flung the sum of $241, to'Ephraim Krum the sum 'of $9.45, and to Charles H. Duell the'sum of $13.26 ; and we recommend that such sums be added to the town budget of the'town of Caroline. • i It is proper, perhaps, to state that the law in regard to such assessments has been changed by the Laws' of i886, Chap. 315• 51 FRIDAY, DEC. iO, '18 86. JOHN E. BEERS, } Committee. / R. HORTON. The reports of the -committee on equalization, heretofore presented and laid over until this time, Were taken up for consid- • erationn The majority report is as follows : Your committee on equalization,and assessment rolls report as follows : f � The assessed valuation of the several"towns, as assessed,by the assessors fore the year 1886, is as follows : • 52 SUPERVISORS'. PROCEEDrNQS. ,REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON EQUALIZATION. , THE ASSESSED VALUATION OF THE SEVERAL TOWNS, AS PER ASSI.SSORS, FOR YEAR 1886: ' o ' TOWNS.` - No. Acres. Valuation Real Est. Valuation Personal. Aggregate Valuation. Caroline .. ,. X11,286,356 3r,349 $ 797,360 $ 30.53-0 $ 827,980 Danby 33,286 644,940, . 13,635• 663,575 Dryden .... 61,320 1,118,479 56,555 ' [,175,06:} Enfield- ..22,007' 546,196 48,225 594,421 Groton 30,725 .1,293,830 •170,540 1,464 370 Ithaca 19,231 2,755,686 5z8,275 3,273,961 Lansing " • 37,789 1,319,915 148,770 . 1.468,685 Newfield ' 36,976 493.910 • 37,910 531,820 Ulysses 19,818 1,053,370 233,200 1.286,570 I 810,023 636 $1,262 670 811,286.356 We, the undersigned committee, would respectfully recommend that the fol- lowing be and is hereby declared to be the equalized valuation of the real estate in the county of, Tompkins for the year 1886: • • ' TOWNS. _ , Valuation ,Real Estate. Valuation Personal Est Aggregate Valuation. Caroline - ,. _ Danby-.-. ,.. Dryden r d7 Enfield406,962 Groton..- Ithaca Lansing ... Newfield Ulysses - , $ 495,170 506,1[ l ' 1,4o8,328 ' 934,203 3,285,764 1.337,159 506,196 1,143,702 $10,023,686 30,530 18,635 56,585 45,225 ' 170,540 518.275 148,770 ' 37,910 233,200 $ 525.700 524.832 1,464,913 435,187 1,104,748 ' 3.804,039 . 1,485,929 544,106 1,376,902 $t.262,67o X11,286,356 • JOHN E. BEERS, DAVID CROCKER,'- Committee. - R. A. CROZIER. 1 The minority report is as follows : The undersigned, a member of the committee on equalization, believing that' 1 the schedule reported by a majority of said committee contains certain changes in valuation that are unwarranted and unjust, hereby submits the following minority report, and recommends its adoption by this Board as the equalized'val- 1 ,uation of real estate in this county for the present year : 1 0 St7PIVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 53 TOWNS. Valuation Real- Estate. ValuatiOn - Personal Est 'Aggregate Valuation. .,• Caroline. Danby... .... Dryden Enfield Groton Ithaca ' Lansing Newfield Ulysses • A $ 454.073, 536,267 ':1,,413•340 t ,4T5 983 I 917,167. . 3, 297,793 1,335,155 521,232 1,132,6j6 • $ ,30,530 18,635 56.585 48,��5. i70,540 515 275 148,770 37:910 2.33,200 810,023,686 1,262,670 $ 484,603 • .554,902., 1,469,925 464.208 1,087,'707 3,816,068' ._14483,925 559.1.42 r;36.5,876 $11,286,356 • i s R. G. H. SPEED. Mr. Horton moved the adoption of the majority report.'.. Mr. Speed moved that the minority report be adopted as a substitutefor the majority report. , Mr., Speed,and Mr: Chapman discussed the matter at some, _ l length; and favored the minority report. Mr. Beers called for .the ayes and nays on the minority, re- port, which resulted as follows : • •Ayes—Speed, Chapman, Pierson. . Nays—Beers, Jones, Crozier, Crocker, •Horton.;;•. The chairman declared the substitute Lost'. • Mr.'Beers thereupon called for the ayes and nays on.the' ma- jo'rity report, which resulted as follows : t ' Ayes-Beers,'Jones,.Crozier, Crocker; Horton.., t.Nays—Speed, Chapman,' Pierson: The chairman declared the majority report,adopted. r Mr. Beers, chairman of',the coinniittee, on equalization and assessnient rolls, presented and-readlhe county budget, which on -- t nnotion of Mr. Dories, was approved and adopted by the Board. 0 0 • • 54 . SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDThT S.• Said budget is as follows' • - Resolved, That the sums herein named be levied and collected from the taxa: ble inhabitants of Tompkins County, for the following purposes : • State tax—For Schools... • $17,316 03 Generalpurfioses 16,864 31 Canals - 10,239 05 $44,419 39 • COUNTY. County audits $9,172 82 ▪ County Judge s'salary , 2,500 00 , / County Treasurer's salary coo 00' Clerk of Supervisors' salary. .150 00 Chaplain Alms House salary 5o 00 Court expenses t 3,000 00, Clerk's postage acct 15 no Clerk for Surrogate's -Court. . 'r 250 no District Attorney's salary 6100 0o - " • - " Office rent 200 00 Fuel and gas !. . Soo 00 Interest due on notes 5ro 00 .Notes payable for jail 3,000. 0o Onondaga Penitentiary 555 71 _ Physician to jail 90 CO Supreme.Court Stenographer....... .... 764 16 Sheriff for janitor Court house _ 350 00 School Commissioner's salary 400 0o Superintendent of -Poor.. 2,734 16 • - Superintendent'of Poor; deficiency 1,271 00 Surrogate's -office incidental expenses 75 00 Special County Judge's salary - 5o op - Susquehanna Valley Home - 45 12' Sheriff's office rent ' 35 00 Treasurer's postage acct . 4 _15 a0 Willard -Asylum 1,014 16 Deficiency on County audit, 1885 9 05 County line bridge 46 13 $z8,275 31 r J SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 55 TOWN OF CAROLINE. State tax.,:. ` $2,194 31 County tax 1.396 80 'rown audits 589 22 Highways and bridges Boo 00 Overseer of the Poor 200 00 Willard Asylum 137 97 Susquehanna Valley Home........ 35 98 •Unpaid taxes 5 31 - Asylum for insane Criminals 2$5 00 Superintendent of the Poor. 134112 Burial of deceased soldier - 35 00 Soldiers' monuments ... 6o 00 Brooktou bridge 1,050 00 Interest on Commissioner's notes 47 ,50 Erroneous tax—B. Genung • 20 41 , E. Krum 9'48 1" -C. Duel .. , ...... 13 26 • $6,964 36 TOWN OF DANNY. State tax ... , 82,243 18 County tax' 1,427 92 Town audits 662 37 Highways and bridges 450 00 Pennock Scraper.,..' 259 70 Superintendent of Poor 145 83 Willard Asylum , 490 59 /• $5.709 59 TOWN OF DRYDEN. State tax 86,240 93 County tax 3.972 68 Town audits 1,263 47 Highways and bridges 5,250 00 Overseer of the Poor zoo 00 Superintendent of the Poor 221 58 Willard Asylum 846 98 • Unpaid taxes 58 41 r f • • $17,953 99 ti 1 44 '0 ea - 56 SUPERVISORS' PROOEEDING.S. TOWN OF ENFIELD. State tax $1,803 43 County tax • 1.147 97 Town audits .. 1, t3.2 21 Highways and bridges ... 250 00 Interest on R. R. bonds r 1,281 00 Sinking fund 1,000 0o N. Y. Institution for the Blind 22 47 Superintendent of the Poor 1 29 , Miles Rumsey, erroneous tax , 16 95 • 4 6 0,655 22. TOWN OF GROTON. i State tax t 4,139 SS County tax. 2,635 25 Town audits 1 . - 802 71 Highways and bridges r 1.941 57 Expense of new road 403.19 Overseer of Poor 200 00 Superintendent of Poor / 138 53 Willard Asylum........... Interest on R. R. bonds........ I,oSo467 0028 Sinking fund ` Iso 00 Burial of deceased, soldiers! # Go so Unpaid taxes 3 83 Joel, J. Hough, erroneous tax 8 34 $12,000 49 TOWN OF ITHACA. State tax $14.56o 68 County tax #9.268 65, Town audits 12,166.26 • Highways and bridges ' - 250 00 Superintendent of the Poor 889 73 Willard Asylum 2,192 94 Interest on I. & A. R. R. bonds 8,625 00 Interest on G.• & 1. R. R. " ' 7,000 00 Sinking fund, I. & A 15,000 00 Sinking fund, G. & 1 2,5oo oti r Tax Receiver's salary , 400 00 For burial of indigent soldiers 105 00 • c SUPERVISORS' PR,OCFEDINfS. 57 f. Susquehanna Valley Home t 298 23 - Unpaid taxes r 65 03 • St.,Patrick Orphan Asylum-' ' l 47 00 'St. Mary's"Orphan Asylum for boys 94 00 Western- lust. for Deaf Mutes:.. , j 50000 Psi Upsiion Society, erroneous tax . 47'47' t • Mary:J. Newman', erroneous tax . . 30 89 Chas. W. Hausner, erroneous tax' 1,20 . W.' Van Houter, illegal fines '.?5'3,3 '.f 1 PI $74,066 41 TOWN ON LANSING. State•tax. ' County tax Town audits ' 2,030 to $ 5,925 54 ,3,771 92 -Superintendents. of Poor 32 31 ' Unpaid taxes , 29 26' Western dnstitute for Deaf Mutes " 23 33. Highways and bridges E 2,491 34 Overseers of Poor ' , too 00 Willard Asylum t ' 75 36 'Ed. Teeter, erroneous tax', " 1 ' .407, $74. 23, F • • TOWN OF NEWFIELD,' F ,, State tax 483 / X2,243 18 County tax' 1,427 91 - _ Torrn audits' - ' 2;72401 . Highways and bridges :25o00•, , Superintendent of Poor, 25 15 Willard ,Asylum . 476.43 +<' Unpaid taxes 12 86 ' ,. Interest on R. R. bonds,......, ' 3,206 oo • Sinking funds,-...:.. - 449 40 • , Overseer of the'P`ar y so 00 f 10, 864' 95 TOWN OF ULYSSES, State tax << County tax 3,226 21 Town audits 891.70 ......... $5,b63.26 • • • '; v -• d • ..�._,,-tea... 16 Alfred Bishop, coroner's juror 1 00 • i 00 �f c�: 58 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDEST-CA-S. :x= Superintendent of the Poor 341 19 'Willard Asylum - 359 33 Interest on R. R. bonds ' 5,250 00 Sinking fund - 750 00 Highways and bridges _1,575 00 , Canandaigua Home 208 00 Overseer of the Pour - - 300 00 Burial of indigent soldiers ' - 35 00 Unpaid taxes.. 48 76 Seymour Bates, erroneous tax. 30 54 $18,o84 29_ • Mr. Speed •offered the following resolittiori, which was adopted : Resolved, That in accordance with an act passed April 3o, 1883, by the legisla- ture of the State of New York in regard to the expense of constructing and re- pairing bridges over county boundaries, there be appropriated the sum of sixteen 13 roo dollars to pay one-sixth the cost incurred by the town of Caroline in re- pairing the bridges at Rawson Hollow and Union Valley over the Willow Creek • during the past•year. . The committee on county claims reported the following -bilks, .vliich were audited in accordance•with the recommendation of .the committee : Bill Nos. 251, 252, 253, 254, 255, 256, 257. 258, 259. On motion Board adjourned. TWENTY-FIFTH DAY. • SATURDAY, DEC. 11, 1886. Roll call. Quorum present. Minutes pf yesterday's proceedings read and approved. • • SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. " 59 t Mr. "Horton offered the following resolution, which was ; adopted,: Resolved, 'rhat•inasmuch as a certain judgment recovered by the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins county for 76,130 95, 'and docketed- in the County Clcrk.s office, July 30, 1577, against Geo, .H. Bristol and others has been fully paid, the chairman of this Board is hereby—authorized `and.directedzto discharge . and satisfy said judgment upon the record in said Clerk's office. ' The Board was engaged'until noon extending l'ax, when the . minutes of the day's proceedings were read and approved, and ' the -Board adjourned to reconvene on Friday next, December • i 7th, at 1 1 o'clock, A. M. ' TWENTY-SIXTH DAY. FRIDAY, DEC. 17, .i 886. Board met pursuant to adjournment. , Roll call.. Quorum present. J. A. Elston .appeared before the'Board with reference to the ciGim of the Hianshaw infant'heirs. • Thereupon Mr. Chapman offered the following resolution, wl. ich was adopted : , .• • ' ° Rei ndved, That the committee appointed to settle the infant heir,claims be • authorized to investigate and take proofs of the Hanshaw or other claims, and i if found to be just and equitable to settle the same in the same manner as the others already reported.• Several residents,of the three'west lots of the south tier of_ the town of Dryden appeared before the Board and presented a petition, numerously signed, and requested that said lots be 'set. A owl into Caroline. Hon. S. D. Halliday appeared and opposed said application; ' 'and_presented a remonstrance, also numerously signed. ' • t .1 .p fiQ • STfPERVISOHS' PR.00EEDIN CSS: x The petition .and remonstrance were duly filed with the Clerk. 'Thereupon, -Mr. Speed offered the following resolution, which was adopted . Resnlvei,' That a committee 01 three be appointed to consider the advisability of granting the petition of .the residents of lots Nos. '91, 92 and 93 of the town of Dryd n, and report at the next session of the Board of supervisors. \ t' r The chairman appointed the Supervisors of the •towns of Caroline, Dryden and Newfield as such, committee. D. F. Van Vlect, Esq., appeared bdfore the Board -with ref- erence to the expense for transporting a child -to Buffalo. Mr. Rockwell offered the fallowing resolution, which -adopted : was , Resolved, That the thanks cif this Board be extended to the Ithaca Journal Association for their courtesy in furnishing the Daily on urnal throughout thea" session to each member of the Board. ' Mr. Crozier offered the following; resolution, which .was adopted :,• , Resolved, That the thanks of this Board are due and hereby tendered to tar.- A.- G. Chapman, for the very able, courteous and unpartial manner in whicl.' he has'discharged the duties as Chairman. Mr. Horton offered. the following resolution, which was adopted . , Resolved, That the cordial thanks of this Board be hereby tendered to M. N. , . Tompkins for the efficient and conrtegus manner in tvhich he has discharged the duties of his office as the Clerk of this-Bciard. • The.members duly prepared and signed the- tax 'warrants, ' and there being no further business before the Board, the minutes of the day's proceedings were read and approved, and on tr iion ' , the, Board adjourned, sine die, o. • -.M. N. TOMPKINS, Clerk; 4 SUPERVISORS' PRROCEED1NGS. 61 i • x '. - COUNTY AUDITS\. STATE OF NEW YORK- )r COUNTY of To lrii1Ns—BoAitD OF SUPER VISORS, ) 11. • 1 d'o,liereby certify that the following abstract comprises all • .the bills and accounts against the county of:Tompkins, presented • to the Board of Supervisors of -said County at' its annual sesSion, .for the year 7886, showing,the name of each claimant, the true, nature ,of the account, the amount originally claimed, and the amount as finally audited and,alloWe'd'by said Board. • M. N. TOMP.KINS,' Clerk. ' ti . •'r • No- Name. ''- Nature of Account. Claimed. Allowed. r` L.H. Van Kirk, Referee to lay aut highway $ 18,24 $ IS 24 ' 2 Luther Lewis, " . i6 32. r ' 16 32r k•4. 3. M. N. Tompkins, " , " r5 a4' 15 04 4' J. T. Morrison,•merchandise.....,. X25 90 I 25 90 \ 5- •Enz 8; Miller, stationery 8 45 8.45 6 - L. A. Edgecoaib, coroner's juror r oo I'oo q John Van Dorn, " r 00 r 00 8 C. 'A. Davenport, 2 00 ' 2 00 g • New York Telephone•Co., jail telephone • 42 00 42 00 io Dr. John Goodyear, ex. in lunacy t . 6 00 . 4 zo Jr.. N. Underwood, constble' ' r5 20o 15 20 14 Dr.•C. A: Boyce, ex. in lunacy' 15 Dr. J. Beach, coroner • t6 Alfred Bishop, coroner's juror • roan • 300 32 52 30 55 r on • IOD r .. b{ t y t V.0 •'x P 0 e , 9'. 62 SUPERVISORS' P.E3OCEEDINGS, 17 E. F. Weaver, constable r s 35 a 35 rS Dr, J. Beach, coroner re,/oo - r4 50 19 Dr.' J. A. Lewis, ex. in lunacy. 57 00 41 00 20\ichardson &•Campbell, work in jail. 70 00 25 00 2r B. Aimy, fegal'services, assigned to P. C. Ellsworth.... 6o 00 6o 00 22 ' E. C,Marsh, constable, ass-. to %V. H.Willson, (town chg.) 6 00 0 00 23 H. J. Smith, coroner's juror 2 00 2 00 24 Elihu 1'iildebrant; constable, assigned to \V. 11. Willson'33.6o 33"60 25 • E. L. Burton, coroner's juror ,3 00 3 00 26 E.,H. Kyle. coroner, assd. ro Hawkins, Todd & Co 37 ro 37,10 27 E, C. Marsh, constable, assigned to W..I-I. Willson.....: 5 95 5 95 ' zS F. J. Marsh, coroner's juror, "z o0 2 00 29 E. Hildebrant, constable, 1.4 70 14 70 30 Dr. J. A. Northrup, ex. in lunacy.... 3 00 3 00 31 G. M. Beckwith, physician ro 00 r0 00 > '-j 32 Frank Preston, constable, assigned to W. H. Willson..... .6 65 6 65 33 E! Ryan, coroner's jury, assigned to W, H, Willson • 3 00 3 00 34 Patrick Feeley, work in jail yard ' '24 90 24 90 35, E. C. Marsh, const. ass'd to W. H. Willson, (toren ehg.).: 4 50 0 00 36 E.- C. Marsh, " " 10 00 . ro 00 37 Silas L..Baker,'coroner's juror r o0 r 00 38 Geo. H. Bishop, r oo t o0 3y Gen F. Dudley, - too r oo' ' 40 John L. Puff, 1 i'oo r o0 41 S. Dudley Cook, - 2 00 - 2 00 . 4. 42 Benjamin Starr, r 00 r 00 43. A. K. Allen,, r oo r o0 . 44 G. N. Alexander, " r 00, r oo 45 A. H. Palmer. - ` r oo r o0 46 Chas. Van Marter, - , . r oo r,00 47 P. S. Starr, r oo z o0 45 .C. C. Cook, ex,,in lunacy 7 6o 7 6o 49 Demont Anderson, team for coroner's jury 2 00. 2 00 5? Lewis Ferris, constable 23 00 23 00 51 Wm. Fitch, ex. in lunacy 5 00 4 00 52 J. C. Lytle, coroner's juror, ass'd to S. Kennedy r oo r oo 53 Edgar Wood, jr. " " . -" x oo r no 54 T. M. Farrington, ex. in lunacy • 3 00 3 00 55 J. Flickinger, 3 00 3 00 al SG S., D. Sincebaugh, constable..:. r '25 ' r 25 57 A. Chase, ex, in lunacy • 4 36 ,4 36 58 E. H. Kyle, coroner, assigned to White & Burdick 21 55. '?r • 55 • • • 4. SUPERVISORS' POCEEDIIITGS. s 63 t oV 59 White & Burdick, supplies County House, 8 94 0'00 6o E. Hildebrant, constable, assigned to W. H. Willson', 4 40 4 40 61 • F. Schoonmaker, coroner's juror, i 3 00 3 00 62 W. Id. Willson, coroner's juror . -r 3 0o 3 00 i• 63 E. C. Marsh, constable, assigned to W. H. Willson 3 00 3 cm 64. Spence Spencer, cor. juror, " 3 00 3 no 65 Frank Preston, _, ", e 3 00 3 00 66 Ives & Ingersoll, bus for coroner's jury..' ........ 2 50 2 50 67 E. Hildebrant, constable assigned to W. H. Willson9'65 6 45• 1 68 : Frank" Dans, coroner's juror, 3 no goo ,.. 11 6g • J..A. Casterline, " 3 0o 3 00 70. A. A: Hungerford, , " " 3 00 3 00� 71 Julia C. Laniring, damage sustained at coroner's inq., &c 'xo 5o to 00 72 Richardson & Campbell, work on jail...., 17`50 13 00 I 73 D. Doyle, coroner's juror, assigned to W. H. Wi3lson...•3'00'• 3 00 74 Crozier &'Feeley, supplies to jail to 3o fro 30 75 Simeon Maloney, work court house yard 51 87 5.t 87 76 A. A. Hungerford, justice, assigned to W. H. Willson32 85 52 Y35,r • -, 77 Oitz & Smith. work on jail, '&c. x8 96-x8 96 y8 A. G. Genung, coroner's-juror2 00 s 2 '00' 79 Carpenter & Cumming, furniture, court house xq 50, xg 50 8o Elias Smith, Supt. of Poor, service bill 206 40 206 40 81 The Village of Ithaca, pd. digging grave f 3 00 0 00 .,82 Spence Spencer, justice, assigned. to W. H. Willson x6 00 r5 15 i . ' , ' 83 Wm. E. Mount, justice 4 50 2`'00 84 Dr. J. S. Kirkendall, ex, in lunacy 3 0o , 3 00 85 Dr. G: M. Beckwith, Physician, 5•00 0 00 ' 86 Chas. G. Day, coroner's juror 3 00 !, 3 00 87 Wm. E. Brown, " and. justice 1 72 x o0 88 A. A. Hungerford, justice, assigned to W. II. Willson... 5't5 5 15 89 Frank Preston, cor. juror and const, ass'd W. H. Willson, •6 25 ' 5 5o 90 Wm. Mack, coroner's juror 2 00 2 00 91 E. H. Kyle, coroner, assigned to W. HWillson 2 00 2 00 92 Patrick Murray, constable 35 85 31 85 93 J. E. Vanatta, coroner's juror 2 00 2 00 `94 John P. Tuthill, coroner's juror . , 2 00 2 00 95 Hoskin & Todd, supplies to jail 8 46 , 8 46 r 96 .Geo. W. Mead, coroner's juror 5 oo r 00 97 J. F. James, " r -t oo x oct' 98 Charles E: Butts, -constable, assigned to C. L. Smith5 15 5 15 gg Andrus & Church, stationery to county offices..., - 154 28 / 154 28 i G4 0 4 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS . 1 loo Andrus & Church, supplies to jail ror Andrus & Churc'a, stationery to Sheriff......... 102 Andrus & Cburc;h, stationery to county Judge 103 Albert Van- Auk en, constable - 104 The Village of Ithaca, 'Police justice service. ro5 Frank Preston, constable, ass'd to'Marsh'3: Hall 1(16 Fred. W. Brooks, repairs on clock, Co. Clerk's office 107 C. J. Rumsey & Co. supplies, &c. for,Clerk's office re8 Marsh & Hail,' supplies 11,9 Chas. A. Sebac9Fer, chemical examinations. crim, case rlo E. C.bMarsh, constable; ass'd to J. L. Baker....... 1r1 E. C. Marsh; ' ... 112 E. C. Marsh,. 113 T. J. pierce, [14- L. Bt`itenbeckcr,police 115 L: Britenbecker, 116 .,.Spence Spencer, justice,'assigned to W. 13. Willson.... 11.7 G. C. McClune, laying walk at jail 118 J. A. Caste'rline, coroner's juror...., 119 George Muir, constable G. C: McClune, laying walk' at jail T. W. Slocum, clerk of grand jury E. H, Kyle, coroner Wm. Corcoran, coroner's juror Chas. B. Bilis, • Judson Aldrich, 14 • .1 120 121 '122 123 124 125 126 Chester Norton, 127 E. M. Comstock, 128 S. N., Brown, 129, G. F. A. Baker, 130 E. L. Burton, , ,. ... 131. Ithaca \Vater Works Co., water county buildings 132 S. D. Bailey, constable work 133 J. W. Tibbetts, Sheriff, service bill.... ..134 J. W. Tibbetts, " board bilS.... , 1,043 13 13.5 Grant Fox, coroner's juror i o0 136 E. J. Morgan,'Sr. ex. in lunacy ' .5 00 137 C. A. Van Vradenburg, cor, juror, ass'd J. E. Mclntosh, 2 o0 138 J. H. Tichl:nor, ' 139 f)r. D. White. ex. in lunacy, and also' prisoner 140 Dr. Eugene Baker, ex. in lunacy 141 Alviras Snyder, Justice of peace 41 13 10• 5 6o 12 35 2 75 • 12 15 io 00 r 5o ,3043 13 So 150 00 13 10 5 6o' 12.35. 2 75 12 15 1 , 10 00 t. 5o'. 3c 48 13 So 100 00 415 415 15 35 15 35 7 90 13 8.5 112 05 118 70 19 to 45 12 2 00 . '4 45 350 .8 do • 18 65' t 00 1 00 1 75 . 1 00 100 I00 Yoo 100 100 100 1 00 1 Oo I00 100 200 - 200 170 00 76480 646 06 1,043 13 I100 3 00 2001 2 00 ' `2 00 5 00 , 5 06 57,0 370 500 500 • 7 90 13 95 116'5o 148 70 • 22 70 •45 12 2 00 4 45 3 50 8 00 18 65 170 00 76 8o 743 bo f SUPEkhVISORS' ' PROCEEDINGS. 1 142 Bradford Snyder, coroner's juror .143 a D. P. Hodson, coroner's juror 144 Reynolds'& Lang,'painting, etc., jail fence . 145 Gauntlett & Brooks, paints 146` Dr. F. A. Kerst,'ex. iu lunacy • 147 Edgar Wood, coroner's juror, ass'd to Stephen Kennedy, • L148 r Wm. Fraley, ' ' - " - " • 144 .Isaac Frith, " 150 \Dr. G. M. Beckwith, ex's in lunacy 151 Dr. G. M. Beckwith, coroner, ass'd to Perry & Co 152 .Jamieson & McKinney, .plumbing work - ' 153 Gilbert 0. Cooper, work, etc., coroner's inquest '154 Stephen Kennedy, coron'er's juror .................... 155 Gilbert 0. Cooper, " ass'd to S. 'Kennedy. 156 ,"I3enry 1i. Pollay, . ' • 7. " 157 • Geo, F. Dudley, analyses, etc., Van Buskirk case 158 Ithaca Journal Association, printing..... 159 N. Underwood,, constable 160 'Dudley F. Finch. stationery ,6r Dr. M. Besserner, cx's.in lunacy 162 R. A. fleggie, repairing clock, - 163' Sheldon & Bliven, hack • 164., W. P. Beers hack to County house a• 165 D. J. Seaman•&'Son, hack to County house 166 Wm. 0. Newman, ex -Supt. poor 167 Wni. 0. Newman; " r9S .Walter G. Smith'& Co.., printing 169 • The Ithaca Democrat, 170 P. J.'Partenheimer, Clerk 171 ''P. T. Partenheiuler, " 172- Albert Van Auken, constable, assigned to J. M. 1-leggie,- 173 S. P. Sackett, ex's in,lunacy.... o 174 A. B. Wood,,architect, jail' •• • ' ! • - 175 ' Frank, Preston, const. ass'd,to,E. J. Bentley, (town chg.) "176 Frank Preston,• " "1 " 177 Frank! Preston, 178: Dr. F. A. Dudley, ex, in lunacy .179 Dr. L. T. White, ex's in lunacy. 1St?' P. G Ellsworth, legal services IS/ Tremari, King & Co., supplies 182 M.,N. Tompkins, legal services t.00 2 00 24.78 7. '462 3 00 I. 00 1.,00 I o0 24.00 20.20 145 84 300 [ o0 I o0 I 00 So 00 674.99 II I0 • 59 15 7 00 1 00 .'r 00 I 00 .,2 00 24 78 4 62 3 0o 1 00 100 I 00 24 00 20 20 145 84- 0 00 ' x00 4;001 , o0• 8000, 666.69., ,4 90 59 15 • 7'00 I o0 -1100 500 ' 5.00 5"o0 5 00 72 00• 7200 82 05 82 05 .455 00 455 00: 731 o0 707,10 417 35' ' 417 35 703 84 703 84 6'65 .., 6 65 ti 6 o .;600 25 00 " 25 00 Io 15' _too 00 5 8o• 1035' "500' I1 40 20 00 • 118 84 30 00 5 7oj I0 00 rr 440• . 11 4o 20 00 I18 84 3o 0o to -14•11 'r � J r • 66 - SUPERISORS' . PROCEEDINGS. • r J 183 Gariel Pool, coroner's juror, assigned to J. M. Heggie. 1 00 i 00 184 J..P. ,Merrill, justice, • '• 34 05 ' 34 05 , 185 E. C. Marsh, constable, 3 35 3'35. _ 186 E. Cf Marsh, 8 55 8 55 187 E. C. Marsh, 9 55 . 9 55 • 188 A. A. Hungerford, justice, 12 35 12 35 189 A. A. Hungerford, ," 23 65 -- 19 55 rgo A. A. Hungerford, 9 30 9 30- 191 • A. A Hungerford, " _. " goo g o0 192 E. H. Kyle, coroner,' •• 29 75 ,,29 75 193 E. -H. Kyle, ., 17 80 17 80 194 Spence Spencer, justice, 9 70 - 9 70 195 Spence Spencer, 41.7 25 7 25 196 Albert Van Auken, constable, 5 75 5 75 147 Albert Van Auken, " , • 7 75 7 75' 198 Albert Van Auken, " 8 70 8 70 199 G. M. Beckwith, coroner, 18 15 • 13 15 r 200 A. W. Goldsmith, coroner's juror, " 2 00 2 00 201 H. Lamk in, " " " . 2 0o 2 00 - t 202 E. J. Curtis, " " . ' 2 00 2 00 203 L. J. Seeley, ' i oo r oo 204 Wilson ,& Mackey, work on court house and'jail, ...i assigned to J. M. Heggie 50 73 ' 50 73 .205 John Gallagher, constable, assigned to J. M. Heggie.... 26 65 11 95 , 206 E. Jewell, coroner's juror, u ;' 100 100 207 ^W. P. Richards, " I{ '1 00 1 00 208 T. Gibbs, " "., 1 00 1 00 209 H. Halliday, - r oo i o0 ' 210 F. German, 1 00 1 00 211 J. H. Jewell, roo' 100 219 F,,Schoonmaker," '`• " " • • - 1 00 1 00 �' " 213 T. Snyder, n 1 60 1 oo' 214 S. K. Knapp, attending autopsy, ass'd . " 3 o0 0 00 tt1 • 215 T. J. 13ierce, constable, assigned 1 ' 4 85 4 85 216 E. J. Morgan,'jr., Physician 26 00 ^ 16 00 • _ ti _ 217 Clark_ Slocum, constable 10 00 10 00 218 Walter G. Smith & Co., printing zg o0 29 uo• 219 J. K. Follett, under -Sheriff... 68 65 ' 68 65 22o A.. K Allen, constable service -..3 35 3 35 221 A. K. Allen, justice...' 3 05 3.05 222 Stephen L. Horton, coroner's juror 1 00. , 1 00 223 Jefferson Dean, `. " 1 00 1 00 • • S. I SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. G7 224 J.,E. Beers, Supervisor • t6 16 16 16 225, A. H. Pierson„Supeivisor. } 04, 4 04 226. Geo. E. Fox, coroner's juror ; r.00 z o0 227 Wm. HI Willson, 2 0o 2 ooi 228 E. A. Wagener, "` " ass'd to Wm. I -I. Willson. • 2 00 2.00 229• C. J. Romsey, " 2 00 2100 230 0. 1l. Gregory, 1... - . • • - 2 00 2 00 231 , Frank H. Nelson, 2 00 2 00 232 J. E. Vannatta, 2 00 _ 2 90 233 H. I. Smith, 2 00 2 00 234 S. F. Mack, - " 2 00 2 00 4 235 Matthew Sharp, assistance to coroner 3 00 3 00 236 J. J. Montgomery, coroner's juror. it oo r 00 , 237 'Eugene Baker, Physician 10,24 10 24 238 E. J. Morgan, jr. Physician 20 00 5 90 239 Eugene Baker, Physician - 10 00 5 00 240 Reuben Gee, work on jail 4 50 4 50 241 T. W. Burns, justice 111 15 111 15 242 R. Horton,* Supervisor 23 12 23 12 243 E. C. Marsh, service cor. jury, ass'd to W. H. Willson. 7 60 6 30 244 E. H. Kyle, services as coroner * 42 60 , 29 6o 245 L. T. White, ex. in. lunacy 4 60 4 6o 246 F. A. Kerst, ex. in .lunacy 4 So 4 8o 247 A. K. Allen, services in Van Buskirk case 70 80 50 40 248 C. A. Ham, " " \' " 75 6o 52 So 249 J. C. Lytle, assisting coroner , 10 00 00 00 '250 John Gallagher, constable, assigned to E C. Van Kirk7 65 7 15 251 John E. Beers, Supervisor • ' 94 29 94 29 252 R. Horton, Supervisor 96,28 96 28 253 T. Jones, Supervisor 94 20 94 20 254 R. A. Crozier, Supervisor , 520 87 120 87 255 A. G. Chapman, Supervisor 118 6o 11860 •256' D. Crocker, Supervisor 100 62 100 62 257 A. 11. Pierson, Supervisor 103 23 103 23 258 R. G. H. Speed, Supervisor 91 32 91 32 259 G. M. Rockwell - 95'59 95 59 $6,695 43 $9,172 82 0 • 68 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. o w x . L7 F. • o 00 0 qty 7::p70 -0-:. .-R • " z n ,.; sv a w 000 � I C n g2,1`:-..: 1 4 5 O t!) R Ryy r;a- .1 • p W `, 3" ^ a' N- x R O Y n n f.'D, [Rn- '0 00 r 0.0 cr IY r..' n a ."'+ O Cr1 °qnc >� 'C.,' o a •oc o c R C G' F,7 y C a �� x R '97 Z5 a CDT - G. W Ft v+ :p a R 0 a gym -1 Pj o x sCr3 Y Ct wn R a W R .. —mCro2 Rr. R R a °w aO,i ca�c wo 88'''.....(1 7 , 0.- . 1 R 0 0-y o.`G 0 - S� W C @ m n.- n Cm -a'+ R m tz R a g R. m 74 a a R .t0 o O a 6i pY t Y 0 Wr a (A `C E o -o 7 o c° •a-0 R -- • a.O W m 0 0-0 a r3' 0 c_6 w -co '31s1D `SNT?IdI4OI 'N 'bl t{ltm `uosiad [z:' nYaac- n. n 0 'SNOSEA}Fid:1S Days with County Can- vassers. u a4 o 4 u 4v.aaw WW Wmpo gc». 8888S88888 Tr 4 ' en vl mrn4 u.w...» VA 8 I 88 8 8 Uayy with Board. An- nual Session. Compensation, at $3.00 ' per Day, \liieage' at 8 Cents per Mile. [lays with Committee Work and Special Mccting Compensation, $3.cu per Day. 'x to 22 .13a Nq. VNa.p ,n O. 0O a U. N O V 8 8 V 4 A Mileage Committee Work, 8 Cents per Mile. Copying Assessment Roll and Extending 'fax. Miscellaneous Services and Expenditures. i 1 0A' ^ °,D 8 o CC04. o'n Total Amount Service Bill. ssp�s�,��ss nL ' 4 4 W aN c Katt of tax on the dollar for the several towns re- spectively. tWE. ac -a 0+,. a 7 p p +.0 R • O O v R n A� R w t 0 J H W U n R w a o p+ p a a ry.. rn ct . 7. r5 to r a a w 0 yn �. C a a J W ^,NWN6 C- '3' W o o a o oca a • 0. n ` N a n 0 w a o aG w Lip R O. • :sa g a P c r, ry n tp W p d rui ?. R c r. V y C [t y 7 R y r, a 0o W R a tl% n 0 r m n n m J.00 0 0 1 a SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDING. 'TOWN AUDITS. CAROLINE. +Abstract of the names of all persons who presented accounts to L be audited by the Board of town Auditors of the t`ownlo£' Caroline, on the 4th 'day of November,' 1886, with the amounts claimed by each, and the amount's audited and allowed each, viz: • No. Narne. • Nature of ;Service. • , Claimed. Allowed. 1 George E. Sander, Commissioner of highways... $r6o,00 $16o 00 2 tantine Lounsbury, Assessor 32 00 32 00 3 John Baker, Overseer of poor, town of Danby . 2-00 _0'00 4 G. C. Whitley, Overseer poor, town of Carolinet8 00 18 "oo 5 R. E. Brink, for use of hall, election, Dist. No. t to 00 10 00 . 6 William E. Snow, Enspethor election, Dist, No. [4 00 4 00 ' 7 Spencer L. Clark, Clerk election, Dist. No. 1 4.00 4 00 8 Richard Whittaker, Cierk election, Dist. No. 1. 4 00 4 00 - • g -Geo. H. Nixon, Inspector election. Dist. No. t....!....:4 00 4 00 to Martin D. Strong, Inspector election, Dist. No. 1'."11 75 11 75 it Luman B. Phillips, Assessor 34460 34 6o 12. F. Earsley, Assessor.......... .... 32 6o 32 6o 13 D. C. Krum,. Clerk of election, Dist. No. 2 • 4. 00 4 00 14' john Lawrence, Tnspeetp election, Dist. No. 2, ... 4 00 4 00 15 G. S. Higgins,"Excise commissioner 3 00 3'00 16. F, A: iSnow,•Excise commissioner 3 00 3 ao 17 W. T. Graham, Clerk of.election, Dist. No. 2 4 00_ 4 00' 18 C, L. Davis; Undertaker - • -20 00 00 00 19 H. S. Beardsley, supplies for poor 5 55 0 00 zo Jacob Wise, supplies for poor 5 25 0 00 • 21 L. D. Bacon; use of house town meeting and election 25 oo ao 00 1 • 70 'SUPERVISORS' Pi OCEEDINGS. 22 George Muir, Constable' 11 15 8 15 •., 23 C. A. VanVradenburg. ' 40 00 zo 00 24 John Cross, Justice Peace 4.95 4 95 - 25 George E. Harris, Overseer poor 36 00 6 00 26 D. B. Drummond, Inspector election, Dist.. No. 2. t ,, 4 00 4.00 27 E. W. Landon, Inspector election, Dist. No.'2..........'... 10 40 to 40 25 John J. Peters, Justice Peace to '00 ro 00 29 W. V. Personibus,'Justice Peace 14 75 14 75 3o John W. Gass, -justice Peace • -. to 0o to 00 3t John Cross, Justice Peace... , ro oo- to 00 32 R. G. Speed, Supervisor 3'3 62, 33 62 . 33 Geo. 1-I. Richardson, Town.Clerk 47 50 47 50 . 34 Dewitt ,Depuy• l 2 25 2' 25 oc $625 37 $564 57 • We, the undersigned, Board of Town' Auditors of the town of Caroline, in the county of Tompkins, do hereby certify that the foregoing statement of the accounts audited by them at their annual meeting held at Brookton on the ,4th day of November, 1.886, is correct. ' , R. G. H. SPEED, Supervisor. JOHN W.. GASS, l} JOHNJ. PETERS, W. V. PERSONIOS, [ Justices. JOHN CROSS, . )' GRO. H. RICHARDSON, Town Clerk. Dated Brookton; N. Y., Nov. 4, 1886. • 1 hereby certify the foregoing to be'a true copy of accounts audited by the Town Board, on file in my office. • , GEO. H: RICHARDSON, Town Clerk. ADDED BY RESOLUTION. ',35 W. K: $Dice, Excise commissioner........ 3 00 36 W. Robbins, ex -Town Clerk' ' 21 65 Total.... $ 24'65 564 57 $589 22 . � I M t. ,._ �...r , 0 P e � • 'SU:P.LRV:ISORS' PROCEEDINgS. DAN BY. Abstract of names of all persons who presented accounts to • be' audited by the town Auditors of the town of Datlby at their annual meeting, with the amount claimed.ind the amount finally allowed.• t' • No. •Naroe. Nature of Service. Claimed. Allowed. i Will Bierce, Clerk, assigned to J. E. Beers $32 86 $32 86' 2 ,, ! r 50 •z 50 3' II6 oo 6 oo ' 4 Levi Hollister, Inspector and messenger. 9 48 ,9 48 . • 5 Wm. Howland; Inspector of election' .4 00 4 00 6 James Lanikin„ ' , 4 00 4 00 '7Will. H: Baker, Clerk of election...:... 4 0o 4 00 8 Henry S. Beardsley, Clerk of Election 4 00 4 00 g John E. Beers, Supervisor,'..:.... . 35 38 35 38. 'ro T. if. Hotiveil',`supplies forpoor r J5. r 35 . It Frank Todd, Assessor 28 00 28 00. "12 ,,Robert Grant, , 24 00 24 00 i t3 'L. B. Beers, " 24 00 24 00 14 T. J. Hutchings, Inspector, of election 4'00 4 00 15 C. A. Decker, Inspector and messenger'... g 8o 9 80 16 A. J. Snyder, Inspector. . .... 4 00 4 00 17 f D. M. Kellogg, Clerk 'of election 4 00 v 4 00 e z8 H.F. Hutchings, " ,� ` 4 00 4 00 r9 John Banfield, rent of room 3 00 3 00 zo John Banfield,.supplies for poor 24 25 24.25 .In. 1 2r S. D. Sincebaugh, Constable xo 95 to 95. 22 Jeremiah Thatcher, Justice of the Peace ` 9 75 9 75 ,i,,,,_ � .. 23 John J. Miller " " , 17 25 r7 25 24 Chas. Howland," 12 36 12 36 ,, 25 Jacoli Wise, to 00 to 00 ,, 26 Jacob Wise, poor supplies 7 oz 7, or . 27 . M. A. Dumond, services for poor......... .....• 23 00 ' 23•'oo 28 " • " return•of births , 2 5o 2 5o zg George Meeker, Highway Commissioner rib 53 zrfi 53 3o W. A. Sniffin, supplies for'poor, ' 8 00 8 00 3r D. H. Ostrander, ," 300 300 ;32 L. S. Shepard, damages to horse in bridge ' 3o 00 30 00 • J • l ' 2 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 33 R. T. Dearborne, return of births and other services. 6 50 6 ,5o 34 H. S. Beardsley, supplies,for poor 2 50 2.50' 35•, Eugene Baker, medical services 4 50 4 50 36 John B. Baker, Overseer of poor r4 0o 14 0a: 37 Wm. Mack, Overseer • of Ithaca, supplies for Danby pauper., 15 15 r5 15 38 C. F. Mix; ex-Overseer"of poor .. 7 o0 7. 00 r 39 Wm, Weed, Overseer of poor 13 50 -13 50 40 C. F. Mix, Janitor ot.haIl. ' 27 5o 27 50 41 Will. Hallock, supplies for poor 5 00 5 00 42 T, J. Bierce, Constable, assigned to J. L. Baker t 4 30 4 30 43 L. L. Beers. surveying 10 00 '10 00 44 Old Ladies Home 36..00 36 00 ' 45 Clark Slocum, Constable 16 95 16 95 46 W.. H. Fisher, medical services 17 00 17 00 47 Samuel Johnson, reporting marriages .50 5o Total• $662 37 . We, the undersigned, complising The Board of Town Auditors of the town of Danby, certify that the above abstract of town audits is correct. JOHN E. BEERS, Supervisor. CHAS. HOWLAND, JACOB WISE, Justices'of the Peace. /JOHN J. M1LLER.t. DRYDEN, Abstract of the names of all persons who presented,accoutits to the Board of town Auditors of the town of Dryden, on . the 4th day of November, 1886, with the amount claimed ,by each and' the amount finally allowed. No. Name. Nature of Service. Claimed. ,Allowed. 1 A. Robinson, Physician $10 00 $Ion do 2 A Robinson, 4 20 5o 20 50 3 H. Genung, 45 75 45 75 4 J. Beach,. 22 75 22 75 5 G. L. Rood, 9 25 'i 9 25 6' D. K. Allen, 41 25 34 75 y • 19 • • , SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS: , 73 7 B,-SnydeY, Overseer poor 37 0o 37 00 8 J. C. Vanderhoy, ex -Overseer poor 16 00 r6 oo g J. C: I:ormer. Overseer poor.. , . 30 2'0 30 20 10 G. C. Swett, Undertaker ... 6o oo • 6o 00 zr A. M. Ford, Printing 17 65 17 65 12 Geo. E. Monroe, Justice 23 0o 23 on 13 Wm; E. Brown, , " \ 16 io ' 16 ro _14 Geo. E: Under vood," ........ • r4 00 14 00 r5 Geo. E. Monioe, , ' 20 25 20 25 ! 16 A. Albright, ex -Constable 13 75 13 75 117 •J. C. Lormer, Constable 16 go , 16.90 1S Homer Genung,'birth record 5 50 5 50 . 19 James bl. George, ex -Supervisor 19 78 19 78 '20 E. 'F. Weaver, Constable 5 0o 5 00 21 Nicholas Mincah Excise Commissioner..... ... ........ 15 0o 15 00 22 G. M. Lupton, 'o 12 o0 12 00 23 Russel Sager, " .. ...r. 15 00 15 00 24f Chas. A. Boyce, Physician 25, 75 25 75 25 R. M. Smiley, Assessor 56 00 56 oo '26 Benj. Sheldon, Assessor 62 00 62 00' 27 G. M. Rockwell, Supervisor... 60'14 60 14 28 Gen. E. Hanford, ex -Justice ... . 2. no 2 00 29 A. L. Smiley, Justice ro 0o to 00 3o 'Geo. H. Houtz, Town Clerk... 42 75 42 75 31 E. R. Sherwood, Commissioner ' 211 00 211' 00 32 -A, Snyder, Justice 31 95 31 95 33 J. A. Johnson, printing, assigned to Smiley........ 1 5o 1 50 34. A. L. Smiley, Assessor 49 25 49 25 35 H. B. Lupton, Inspector •4 00 4 00 '36 D: M. White, 4 00 4 00 '37 .J. H. Kennedy, " ••xo 96 10 96 38 Jesse U. English, " 9 32 9 32 39 B. 13. Cook, '4 00, 4 00 4o —W. L. Ross, \ 5 00 5 00.- 41 0.- 41 .Edwin. Snyder, 5 00• 5 00 , 42 A. W. Overacker, " ... 4 00 4 00 43 It • A: Stewart, " 9 Io 9,10 44 Ed. Darling,. 4 00 4 00 45 Henry Sutliff, • 4 00` 4 00 46 Frank E. Brown, " • 9 72 9 72 47 J. M. - Carr, Clerk of election 6 z5 6 25 48 Chas: 13. Bills, " ", 4. 00 4 00 • I rJ'ta:Slx m bi 74 ' SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 49 A. L, • Tyler, clerk of election' 4 00 $o B. Snyder, ti " 4 25 5I Oscar Snyder, " ' " G 4 00 52 W. W. Sherwood," 4 00 53 Geo. E. Goodrich," 4•'25 54 J. B. Fulkerson, '' ' - • -4 00 55 G. W. Gibson, house for town meeting 3o 00 56 J. E. Cox, house for election.......... G ro.'oo 57 C' J. Sperry, " " ` • io 00 58 J. T. Morris, ;' . ' '`' .....•........ . .:.. '.. Io 00 59. H. Newman, " ro' 00 6o A. Robinson, Physician r 75 4 00' .425 4 00 4 60 . •i4 25 • 4 00 3000 . 10 00 10 00 10.00 IO 00 00.•0 $1,210 32 The undersigned, Board of Towne Auditors of the town of Dryden, do here- by certify that the foregoing abstract of accounts audited by them, is correct. G. M. ROCKWELL, Supervisors. Wm. E. BROWN, GEO E. UNDtu;RW00D,`� GEo. E. MONROE, T Justices. A. L. SMILEY, \) . A. SNYDER. GEO. H. HOOTz, Town Clerk. ADDED BY RESOLIJTION'OF THE ROARS) : ' 6r E. L. Weaver; Constable $ 170' 62 Frederick Hyde, Physician ' Io"oo 63 Wm. -Fitch,. 9 70 64 ' Geo. E. Monroe, Attorney 20 00 65 W, 1. Shaver, Justice. 4 00 66 Jno. E. McElheuy, Board of health 4 00 67 .J. J. Montgomery, registration, etc 3 00 68 Rev. C..0. Hanmer, registration, ,etc d 7$ Amount- above Total • $53 15 42'10.32 t $1,263,47 ti V '' r ' r SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 1 . 75' ENFIELD. The following is an abstract of names of all' persons who presented] bills to the Board of town .Auditors 'of. the town of Enfield, on the 4th day. of November, 1886, with the amount claimed, and finally allowed. No. , Name. Nature of Service. Claimed; Allowed. -` 4 00 $.4 00 Ego 6go r Wm, Wright,. inspector, 2 Byron Jackson, e'x-Supervisor 3 Chas. Wright, ex -town Clerk 4 ,Chas. E, Georkia, constable 5 Wm. Drake, assessor. .. 6 Monroe Potter, excise , 7 E. Horton, citations Board of health 8 J. -S Marshall, inspector election .. , ..•.............. . 9 'Horace Russell, inspector and messenger 10 Hiram Cornish, tax wrongfully.assessed II, Silas Harvey, ex -road Commissioner 12 Frank Barber, constable. ......... - ...... • 13 :M. S.' Harvey, house for elections 14' George •Flattv,'con stable '15 S. J. Fish, clerk of election - • ' 16 Seth Cowcn, excise Commissioner' 17 "H. Wallenback, Overseer or poor IS George W. Budd, R. R. commissioner 19 Edgar Brewer, bonding,Comarissioner 20 ` Rev. L. M. Gates, marriage cert 21 George S, Fowler, assessor 22 L. T.. White, health officer, 23v J. J. Abel; assessor ..... ........... . 24 Everett Srnith, personal services, for labor, road com. h'way, . 25 disbursements 26 Oscar Rolfe, Justice of peace ' 13 35 9 5o 3606 300. .2 00 13 35 950 30 o0 300 2 00 :4 00 . 4%00 t0 00 , Io 00, 420 '4zo ' 20 00 20,00 2.90 40 00 2 TO 4 00 , 6 o / 8o0 9 o0 14-00 2 00 31 25 , 1375 1375 36 0036 00 0 146 0 146 00 525 63 525 63 ' 6 oo 6 oo 2 90 40 00 2 10 4 00 ' 6 00 800 g o0 14 00 2 00` 33 25 27 " assigned to Geo W. Budd 11 oo I 100 28 John Burton, Justice of'peace•. • 25 90 25 90 29 F. 13'. Aiken, 21 00 zr 00 30 Wm. F. Smith, 24 40 24 40 31 Frank Barber, town Clerk 32 T. Jones, Supervisor.... 36 58 36,58 .. 52 50. 52 50 $1,12696 $s„12496, t. 4 rF" 0 u• SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. • We the undersigned, Auditors of the town of Enfield, Hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct list and true statement of all accounts examined and and- ited at the meeting of said Board. held in the town of -Enfield on the 4th day of November, 1886. T. JONES, Supervisor. Wm..F. SMt1111, F. B. AIKEN, 'Jttsiices of OSCAR ROLFE, the Peace, JOHN BURTON, FRANK BARBER, 2d, Town Clerk. ADDED BY SUPERVISOR. 33 J. M Baker. clerk of election 34 F. Barber, constable $4 90 . 3 25 $1.132 2t GRO;ION. The following is an thstract 'of the names of all persons tvho presented accounts to be audited by the Board of town Auditors of the town of Groton, 'on the 4th day of November, 1886, with the amount claimed by each, and" the amount Finally allowed. No. Name. • Nature of Service. Claimed. Allowed. 1 D. V. Linderman, inspector of election $ 4 00 2 H. T. Newell, • 4 00_ 3 Jerome Fitts, 144 00 4 Fred. Perlee, ' 4 00 5 V. B. Gross, " . and stationery...... 4 20 • 6 Charles A.. Townley, " 4 00 7 J. Monroe Thomas, " and messenger...... 6 00 9 Wm: H. Burnham, " 10 38 g Lucius Davis, - " 10 36 to Ed. Metzgar; 6 00 • 11 L. Metzgar, 10 00 12 Herman S. Hopkins, clerk of election 4 00 13 Nelson Stevens, — 4 00 14 Dana Metzgar, , " '• 4 00 r5 Nelson Stevens, Justice's services d 10 25 $ 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 no 4 20 4,00 '6 o0 10 38 10 36 6 00 1000- 4 00 4 00. .4 00 10 25 9 • ,.SUPERVISORS' PROCEEI)1NCrS. 16 Wrn. E. Mount, Justice's services29 70 29 7o 17 Sidney Hopkins,. 41 85 41 85 18, Newton Baldwin r1 70 11 70 19 Edwin. Fish, Assessor 33 25 • 33 25 2o` John McKellar, " 36 00 36 00 21 A. J. Conge,r, " 28 75 28705 22 A', M. Francis, excise commissioner 3 00 3 00 `23 Charles Townley, " 3 00 3 00 , 24 N. R. Streeter, " 1.6 3 00 3 o0 ,25 Dr. C. A. Boyce, Medical services 19 25 19 25 26 Dr. A. M. Baldwin, " 25 50 25 So 27 Dr. Al non Robinson,' 2 00 2 00 28 Dr. John Goodyear, " 17 25 17 25 29 .Dr. E. R. Weaver, 3 00 3 00 • 30 1s. R. Nye, use of Hall, Justice Courts, $6 ; for elections, $25 31 00 31 00 31 Wm Webster, use of hall for election 8 oo 8 00 32 D. A. Rogers, " 8 20 a 8 20 , 33 Nelson Underwood, constable services 53 85 53 85 34 M. F. McElheny, _ 11 5o rt 50 35 Anson Wait, 38 20 38 20 36 D. H. Tanner, 12 45 S2 45 37 Mrs. Geo, Pratt, highway damages 47 10 47 I0 38 Millard L. Jones, Assessor's clerk 6 oo 6 oo 39 Henlan S. Hopkins, legal services 15 0o 15 00 4o A. G. Chapman, Supervisor 23 44 23 44 41 G. A. Wilson, house rent for town 25 00 25 00 42 John W. Jones, town clerk 46 45 46 45' 43 Nelson Underwood, Overseer of the poor - 49 30 49 30 44 'C. H. Dutcher, service with Poormaster 1 5o i 5o 45 l'1. Lounsbury, registering marriages 75 75 46 J. 1-l. Mount, new road, Commissioner, 6 00 6 00 47 Everett Smiley, " 6 oo _ 6 00 • 48 Giles M. Stoddard, 10 0o 1c 00 49 Charles Newton, highway Commissioner 18 00 18 oo • 5o Miles D. Goodyear, birth and death report 6 5o 6 50 51. L. J. Townley, printing 34 43 34 43 ';52 Frank Conger, rent for town.... 27 00 27 00 53 Jay Pierce, livery 2 50 2 50 54 John Blanchard, damage by new road..... 356 00 356 no 55 John Blanchard, highway Commissioner 1,691 57 1,691 57 , 56 John Goodyear, death reports..:. .• r 50 1 50 57 Nelson Underwood, constable service .. _ 5 20 5 20 • • „r • 1 78 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 58 W. A. Smith, report marriage certificates.... 2 50 2 50 . 5ot D H. Marsh, R. R. Commissioner 6 00 6 00 t — $2,897 34 We the undersigned, Board of Auditors of the town of .Groton, do certify that the above accounts were audited by us this 4111 day of November, 1886.• • A. G. CHAPMAN, Supervisor. 'NELSON STEVENS, , Wm. E. MOUNT, -Justices. N'EwloN BAL.DWIN, • JOHN W. JoNES,.Town Clerk. ITHACA. i At a meeting of the Board of Auditors of the town of Ith- . aca, held at the town.Clerk's office, Nov. '4th, 5th, 6th' and 8th, 1886, the following accounts were examined, audited and allowed or rejected, as stated below. No Name. Nature of Service. ' Claiined. Allowed, t Geo. F. Landon, insp: election, Dist. No, t, assigned to J. M. Heggic $ 32 00 32 00 t 2 Jas. G. Burns, insp.' election, Dist. No. z. , . 32 o0 3z o0 3 D. M. Fowler, " 1 i6 oo 16 00 4 R. Donovan, clerk , " z. assigned to W H. Willson to 00 r6 00 5 E. J. Brown, clerk election, Dist: No. r, assigned to Al W... Goldsmid 4 00 4 00 6 E. J. Brown, clerk election, Dist. No. r, assigned to J. M. LIeggie 16 oo z6•oo 7 H. S. Wright, c]crk'election, Dist. No. t 16 oo 16.00 8 A. W. Goldsmid," i, assigned io W G. King 12 00 12 00 9 S. B. Rolfe, inspector election, Dist. 'NO. 2 16.00 z6 ao to Robt. Reed, 16.o° z6 00 zz Robt. Reed, 2... , to oo 16 00 t •S [JPERVISORS' PROCE711D1N6S. . 12 J. K. ,Stewart, inspector election, Dist. No. 2, assigned to "Root. Reed 4 00 • 4 00 13 11. M. Race, inspector election, Dist. No. 2, assigned to T . M. Heggie• a 16'00 t6 00 , 14 F. E. lllston, inspector election, Dist. No. 2• i6 00 16 00'. 15 Frank Burns, clerk 2, assigned to Roht. Reed 12 00 12 00 16 B. 5. McCormick, clerk election, Dist No. 2, assigned to ' Robt. Reed - 1 4 00 4 00 17 M. C. Jones. clerk election, Dist. No. 2, assigned to J. M Heggie 4 00 4 00' . 18 W. F. McClune, clerk election: Dist. N. 2, assigned.to J. M. Heggie ' r6 00 r6 00 • 19 W. F. McClune, inspector election, Dist. No. 2 16 oo- 16 00 20 H. A. Ensign, inspector election, Dist. No. 3, 'assigned to S. M. Heggie r6 oo r6 00 21 H. Hollister, inspector election, Dist. No. 3 8 oo ' 8 00 22 E.C. Marsh, " ' " . 3, assigned to W• H. Willson 8 bo . 8 00 23 E. C. Marsh, inspector election, Dist. No. 3, assigned to J. M. Heggie 16 oo' 16 oo 24 Michael Naughton, inspector election, Dist. No. 3......... 16 00 • 16 0a 25 Michael Naughton, " " 3 r6 Oo 16 00 26 C. H. Slocum, 3 16 00 16 00 27 O: P. Hyde, clerk 3 16 oo 16'oo 28 G. P. Hyde, • " 3 i6 00 16 00 29 Spence Spencer, " " ". 3, assigned to W. H., Willson•' E6 oo 16 oo 3o Spence Spencer, clerk election, Dist. No. 3, assigned to W s. 13. Willson 16 00 16,00 V. 31 E. H. Mowry, inspector, election, Dist. No. 4, assigned to J. H. Collins 16 00 16 00 32 ' E. H. Mowry, inspector election Dist. No. 4, assigned to J ' I -I, Collins . 16 00, .16 00 33 ''J. J'.•Williams, inspectorof election, Dist. No. 4, assigned to J. H. Collins 16 00 - 16 00 34 J. J. Williams, inspector, Dist. No. 4 16 oo 16 00 35 .J. W. Clawson,. '' '.` 4. ass'd to J. M.•Heggie • 16 00 16 00 36 C. Terwilliger. 4, 16 00 16 00 I16 C. Terwilliger, clerk election, Dist. No. 4 16 0o r6 00 '' 38 W. H. Moses, 4, assigned to Wt. ' ' G. King - i6 00 , 16 00 v 0 i 4 80 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDING -S. 39 C. H. Wilson,•clerk election, Dist. No. 4, assigned to J. H. Collins.. .. - 40 C. H. Wilson, clerk election, Dist. No. 4, assigned to J. M. I-Ieggie ' 41 Myron Labar, inspector election, Dist. No. '5, assigned to W. 11. Willson 42 M}=ron Labar. inspector election. Dist. No. 5, assigned to W. H. Willson. 43 E. L. 13urton, inspector` election, Dist. No.. 5, assigned to W. II. Willson. 44 E. L. Burton, inspector election, Dist. No. 5 .45 C. A. Van Vradenburg, inspector election, Dist. No: 5, as- signed to J. E. McIntosh • 16 oo 46 R. Hankins, inspector election, Dist: No. 5, assigned to W H. Willson' 47 W. H. Lyon, clerk election, Dist. No. 5. assigned to J. E Mclntosh ... 4 00 48 J. E. McIntosh,. clerk election, Dist. No. 5 12 00 49 ,F. McWhorter, clerk election, Dist. No. 5, assigned to W H. Willson • C. T. Burr, clerk election, Dist. No. 5, assigned to W. H Willson 51 F. S. Brown, clerk election, Dist. No. 5 52 F. Preston, " " "5, assigned to W. H Willson 53 F. Preston, clerk election, Dist. No. 5. assigned to W. H Willson... 160o r600 1600 i6 oo 16 no 16 00 1600 1600 16 o0 1600 1600 16 oo 16 00 16 oo 16 oo 50 54' - 55 56 57 58 59 Cayuga I•Iose Co. No. 1, rent of polling place Eureka Hose Co. No. 4, Torrent I•Iose Co. No. 5, " Sprague Steamer Co. No. 6," E. V. Howland, Chas. Bundy, " 6o Livingston Selovcr, " 61 Samuel 13. Beers, Assessor, assigned to'Hiram Gee 62 J•.J. Williams, Assessor 63 Stephen Kennedy, " 64 C. Hanshaw, excise Commissioner .65 J. H. Collins, " •• 66 J. Hook, , " 67 M. Mertens, ' . . 68 J. S. Kirkendall, 5 mos. salary Health.offrcer'............. 69 I. C. Rockwell, supplies to highway Commissioner 4 00 400 1200 • 4 00 4 00 4 00 1600 1600 8 uo 4 00 20 00 20.00 40 00 40 00 20 00 20 00 40 00 252 00 100 00 60'oo 45 00 45 00 27 00 12 00 20 84 5 10 8 00 • 4 00 20 00 20 00 40 00 '40 00 20 00 20 00 40 00 252 00 100 00 60 00 45 00 45 00 27 00 12 00 20 84 5 to r ii ' M a e '' ' SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS., 70 C. H, Van Houter, supplies to highway Commissioner.:.. 71 H. Halsey, 72 Trernan, Waterman & Co" supplies to highway Com 73 74 75 '76 Driscoll Bros., work and material.... C. S. Wattles, C. J. Rumsey S: Co. C. L. Crandall, services as engineer 44 77 78 J. J. Renwick, gravel Geo..Smal, lumber 79 .Spence Spencer, rent of town Clerk's office So Estate of Jos. Esty, rent " " 81 Spence Spencer, copying assessment roll, assigned to W. H. Willson ... ' ' 82 Andrus & Church, supplies 83 D. F. Finch, supplies 84 E. S. Tichenor, repairing ballot boxes 85 C. H. Hiilick, registry and poll books, assigned to W. H ;Wilson' 86 Geo. H. Grant, feeding prisoners, 87 Fred. Labar, town Clerk 88 Fred. Labar, assigned to W. H. Willson '89 F. C. Shepperd, " assigned to J. h4. Reggie. 90 F. D. Sincepaugh, moving town Clerk's office 9t 'Phos. Boom, burying horses, assigned to J. M. Hegg*ie.: .92 Ithaca Democrat, printing 93 Ithaca Journal, 94. W. G. Smith & Co. 95 Weekly Ithacan, g6 'N. T. Mabee,'cxpress 97 J. H. Hymes, express and bus 98 Gauntlett& Brooks, supplies 99 F.'J. Marsh, services, assigned to E. L. Burton, .......... too . P. G. Ellsworth, legal services DOI J. A. Elston, 102 L. A. Burritr, bal. salary, tax Receiver 103 E. H. Kyle, 8 mos. salary as health officer 104 F. Preston, constable. assigned to W. H. Willson 105 „ „ J. M. Heggie. Io6— W. H. Willson 107. rob I09 • I ., • 44 IS 145 68 3 40 14 92 8 5o 885 • 25 00 99? 5 75 32 56 5000 16 8o 34 00 20 85 9 38 4 00 40 00 16 75 146 55 too 60 H4 57 11 00 1100 ro6 75 113 42 4 25 563 3 00 700 2 73 6 55 I0 00 10 00 20 45 33 33 2 6o 9 55 1 8o 16 Io 2 40 9 95 • 81 145,68 3"40 14 92 8 50 8 85 '2500 9 92 5 75 32 56 50 00 16 8o 34 00 20 85 9 38 4 00- 40 00 16 75. 146 55 too 60 114 57 I t 00 r r 6o 106 75 113 42 425 425 3 00 7 00 2 73 6 55 1000 10 Oo• 20 45 33 33 2 6o 9 55 r 8o 16 to 2 40 9 95 1 ./ 82 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. SIO F.,Preston, constable, assigned to W. H. Willson 21 95 21 95 - in. " '• " J. M. IIeggie 12 40 12 40 112 W. H. Willson 6 So '6 So .113 .` J. M. Reggie 13.70 13;0. X14 19,75 19.75 115 E. C. Marsh, constable, assigned to W. 11. Willson 25 20 25 xo z16 " " 985 985. 117 .. 44 1505 1503 ii8 / J. M,,Heggie so 00 10 oo- '. 119 •` ` 8 to S 10 120 , .. 15 85 15 65 121 e` 1 12 90 12 90 • 122 `° -u W. H, Willson 8 65 8 65' 123 " •' R. A. Heggie 6 So 6 So 124 .. 3 So 3.So ,,- i 125 W. 1.1. Willson 74 35 74 35 126 7 70 7 70 127 " " 4 55 4 55 128 " " •• •", 460 46o 129 C. W. Hausner, constable; assigned to J. L. Baker42.30 42 30 1 130 itJ. M. Reggie 20.1-5 20 15 131 Patrick Murray, constable 23o 85 230 85 132 E. Hildebrant, constable, assigned toW. H. Willson 120 6o r[8 6o 133 ., .� 41 30 39 30 134 .. , _ • .. 37,50 37 50' 135 44 " 26 8o 26 80 136 ., .. 32 95 X32 95 c 44 137 44 30 44 30 138 32 00 30 00 139 J. P. Merrill. Justice of the peace, ass'd to W. H. Willson 15 85 15 85 • ,. Et 140 .. 35 15 35 15 t 141 " " J. M. Heggie.-. 201 25 201 25 "142 Spence Spencer, Justiceof peace, ass'd to W. H: Willson ,21 10 21 10 1} 143 L. 1 .. 12 75 12 75 144 145 19 05 �9 05 , .. " .. 27 30 27 30 146 " ' ` 16 85 16 85 147 .. ..41 36 00 "36 00 148 ., 43 So 43 80 149 4'55 45 55 45, 150 ., .1 J. M:,Heggie _(27 ao 27 00 :€ - 0 14,-LI:.k:_ ... ,u. 9 ly 1 • SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 83 • • 151 Spence Spencer, Justice of 'peace, ass'd to J. M. Heggie„ 51 20 •51 20 , 152 50 75 50 75 ' 153' A. A. Hungerford, 39 00 39 00. 154. 43 70 43 70 155' W: H. Willson . 45 20 45 7300 156 „ 34 25 34 25 157 39 40 39 40 158 ,'25 So .25 8o 159 " J. M. Heggie 35 75 , 35'75 r6o W. H. Willson .28 05 28 05' , • 161 •J. M: Heggie 48 05 48 05 . 162 s` . 32 55 " •32 55; 163 - 1505 1505 164 W. H. Willson 11 85 11 85 165 J. M. Heggie 42 50 42 50 166 34 85 34'85 167 W.'H. Willson 54 oo 54 00 16S J Heggie eggie 22 90 i 22 go 169 l r47 95 147 95 170 T. W. Burns, Justice of Peace, assigned-to'W. H. Willson 358 25 .358.25 171 ,. it `' 1r4 75 114 75' 172 54 00 54 00 ' 173 Attorney's fees , 35 00 ` 35 00 174 J. T. 'Newman, legal services 1 50 1 5o 175 A. B.' Stamp, feeding prisoners I200 12 00 176 Almy & Bouton, legal services 86 000 86 oo 177 A. Neidick, constable 22'50 22 so 178 J. K: Follett, under-Sheriff43 35 43 35 179 Treman, King & Co., supplies to highway Com 5 13, 5 13 180 •,Mary Rid]er, services, nurse 10 00 10 00 181 .R. A. Crozier; Supervisor 189 17 189 17 182 Fred Labar, town Clerk 8 oo 8 00 183 J. P. Merrill, Justice of peace.. . 8 00 8 00 184, Spence Spencer, " - ' " assigned to W. H. Willson11 35 1 r 35 ' 'I85 Geo. F. Landon, messenger, ' J. M,' Heggie8 oo 8 oo. 186 Eugene Baker, M. D., medical examination . 10 000 ro 00 187 L. Brietenbccker, Chief of police L 164 005 164 o5 188 J. A. Lewis, M. D., reporting births and 'deaths 9 25 t 9 25 • , 189 J. S. Kirkendall, M. D. .. 15 50 15 5o '190 D._ White; M. D. " " 8.o0 8 00 • 191 J. A. Northrup, M. D. " " - ... 1 00' 1 00 192 J. W. Browti, M. D. " 7 000 7 000 84 Y r ' I . SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. • 143 S. P. Sackett, M. D., reporting births and deaths.. ... 4 50 4 50 194 Geo. M. Beckwith, M. D." .. 7 50 7 50 195 • S. H. Peck, M. D. '• 6 do .t 6 0o 196 A. Hunter. M. D. Li" 4 50 4 50 197 E. H. Kyle, M. 1): '' "1 11 75 11 75 193 M.` Besem'er, M4 D. " 5 25 5 25 199 J. L. Baker, legal services ... 25 0o z5 00 200 L. Brietenbecker, feeding.prisoners 9 50 9 50 201 Village of Ithaca, Police justice bill _ 147 80 147 So 202 Village of Ithaca, Chief of police bill. 115 05 115 05 203 kjohn Linderberry, Com>of.highways, 44 16 44 16 20.E Wm Mack, Overseer of poor, for certificate,'Feb. 16,.1886 1,144 88 2,14488 2o5' Wm Mack. ' " bill outstanding Nov. 1, 11386 2,190 74 2,190 74 206 S. Twiss, note, principal and interest • 130 31 130 31 207 K. Rumsey, note, " 376 00 37600 zo8 E. Scott, " 414 20 414 20 209 S. Norton, _377 87 377 87 i * 210 Rosa Nichols, reporting births .. • 3 50 3 50 211 E. C. Marsh, constable, assigned to W.11, Willson 4 50 4 50 212 ''/ it " 6 oo '6 oo 213 ' Frank Feeley, clerk election, Dist. No. 2 ' 12 on _ 12 00 214 Frank Preston, constable, assigned to E. J. Bentley 10 6$ 215 Frank Preston, ' _ " L. S. McWhorter. • - 5 05 $12,166 26 At a meeting of the Board of Auditors' of the town of- Ithaca, 'held at the town Clerk's office, Nov. 4th, 5th, 6th and 8th, 188f'; the following resolutions were adopted, viz'; Resolved, That the amount hereinafter set forth, due for notes and certificates of indebtedness, given by the Highway Commissioner'pursuant to the resolution of the town Board, be and the same are hereby audited and ordered paid. To S. Twiss, for widening the bridge at Judd's Falls, principal, $123, interest, $7.31 3130 31 To E. -Scott, money advanced , for Cayuga street 'bridge, principal, • $400.00, interest, 814.20 f t To K. Rumsey, for same purpose, principal, $363.08, interest, $12.92. To S. Morton, money used to cut chap'nel through ice. ditching, etc., , 414 20 376 00 principal, $357.88, interest, $19.99 377 87 To cover certificate•given by Wtn. Mack, Overseer of poor, February • 16, 1886 1 2,144 88' To cover outstanding bills, Nov. 1, 1586, (Overseer of poor).. 2,190 74 a 1 0.1 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 85 - STATEMENT OF jOI-IN LINDERBERRY, COMMISSIONER OF HIGH- . WAYS, Showing amount of receipts andtdisbursements from Nov. 1, '85 to Nov. 1, '86. .' D1S1lURSEMENTS. From Nov. 'r, •85 to Feb. 16, '86, as per bills rendered - 6 623 76 From Feb. 16, '86 to Nov. 1, '86, " 1237 53 - $1,861 29 RECEIPTS. From different sources, as per statement - $ 78o ro` --- Note, -Note, Feb. 23, '86 -From Supervisor and Tax Receiver • Balance to•be raised, as reported; bill No. 203' 357 88 679 15 $1817 13 STATEMENT OF WM. MACK, OVERSEER OF POOR. - • CAST[ STATEMENT. $ '44 16 •` Cash receipts from Nov. 1, '85 to Feb. 16, '86 s $ 205 35 Cash received on certificate.of town Board 2,144 88 ti Cash receipts from Feb. 16, '86 to Nov. 1, '86 3,915 93 $6,266 16 DISI1URSEMENTS.. Service bill, Nov. 1, '85 to Feb. 16, '86 $ 182 00 Disbursements, same time 2,141 33 Service bill, Feb. 16, ;86 to Nov. 1, '86 .. ..... - t 444 Oo Disbursements, same time 3,351.96 + $6,119 29 Cash on hand,.Nov. 1, '86" .$ 146 S7 - STATEMENT OF SUPPORT OF POOR. ' e Amount of bills paid from Nov. r, '85 to Feb. r6, '86 $2,33 33 Amount of bills paid from Feb. 16, '86 to Nov. 1, '86 ,3,795 96 Outstanding bills; as peir statement rendered 2,190,74 ! $8,310 03 v • 0 o' I ' 88 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS; COAL •ON HAND). $947 00 rob tons, tt732.tons—cost value AMOUNT TO REI RAISED, AS FOLLOWS Amount of certificate given Feb. 16, 1886 :$2,1d4 8B .Amount. of bills unpaid...:.... 2 190"74. $4,335 62 • We the undersigned, the town Auditors of the town of Ithaca, hereby certify that the above is a correct list, and the statement of all accounts examined, aud- ited or rejected, at the meeting of said town Board, held at the •town Clerk's office on Nov 4th, 5th, 6th, 8th and. 18th. 1886. , R. A. CROZIER, Supervisor. FRED. LABAR, Town Clerk. A. A. HUNGERFORD, T. W. BURNS, SPENCE SPENCER, justices. JASON B. MERRILL, t LANSING. The following is an abstract of the names.of •all persons who presented. accounts to the Board of town 'Auditors of the town of Lansing on Nov. 4th, 1886, with•the amount claimed by each and the amount finally allowed. • • No. Name. Nature of Service. Claimed. Allowed. • i William N. Buck, Assessor. 3.6 o0 . 36 00 2 Albert Van Agrken, constable service 21,95 21 95 3 r John W. Pratt, reporting marriages i o0 1 oo, 4 Albert Van Auken, assigned to J. M. Heggie 6 95 1,6 95 g George Muir, Constable, assigned to J. M. Heggie 3 49 2.00 6' A.. Ensign, reporting marriages 50 50 7 Roswell Beardsley, use of hall tor election 5 00 5 00 8 Lucius Hubbard, Constable ' 5 25 5 25 !, SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 87 ' 9 John Collins„Assessor3q 00 34 00 • to Stephen l., Barnes. Assessor 42 00, 42 o0 1r' Henry M, Field,•excise Commissioner 3. oor 3 00 12' Henry Miller, use of house for election ' 15 oo 15 coo 13 A. H. Clark. excise Commissioner 3 00 3 00 - 14 L. R. Lyon, 'user of hall, one year.: 15 oo 15 u0'' 15 J. H. Conklin, criminal bill 3 75 ' 3 75 • 16 C. G. Benjamin, as Board'0f health- 2 00 i 2 00 17 C. G. Benjamin, copying for Assessors 10 oo 10 00 18• N. E. Lyon, Justice,. criminal bill •38 15 38 15 . 19 David L. Reynolds, Constable__ g 10 g 10 20 Albert Van Auken, assigned to J. M..Heggie 14.65 14 65 21 0. S. Van Patten, Commissioner - .130 1,30 00 ' 22 Daniel Sullivan„Overseer of the poor 92 50 92 50 23 Dr. W. 1-1. Lockerby, medical services 40 00 40 uo 24 Manning Austin,. ex -Cont 8a 224 84 22 . 25 Geo. W. Miller. with Supervisor 2 00 2 00 26 John H. Conklin, clerk of, election 4 00 4 00 ' 27 John W. Smith, inspector and messenger rt 91 11g1r 28 Charles O. Drake, 'clerk 4 oo 4 00 ' •29 Lampson,Hedden„ ” 40 4 oo' 30 F: M. Woolley, inspector 4.00 } 00 31 Will Tichenor, . l'4 00 4 00 32 Oliver Williams, inspector and messenger 6 00 6 oo 33 Charles A. Bower, inspector i • 4 00 4 00 34 Frank H; Tarbell, clerk - 4 o0 4 00 • • 35 William A. Singer, inspector,and messenger 12 04 12 04 36 Daniel Lain inspector ' o 4-00 4 00 37. Hiram M. Bower, inspector and messenger • g 64 9 64 38 Egbert Williams, excise Commissioner 3.00 3 00 • 39 Dr. W. H. Barr; statistical reporting 4.00 4 00 40 Charles Drake, inspector election 4 00: 4 no 41 W> M. Dates, clerk......... 4 00 400 I ' i 42 Orlando White, inspector•....... 4 00 4 00 i 43 John H, Conklin, service bill:.. 22 00 22 Oa 44• David Crocker, Supervisor 69 19 69 1g 45 George M. Letts, assessment rolls..... 2 5(1 2 50 46 David L. Reynolds, constable 3,15 .•3 15. • A7 N. E. Lyon. service bili 22 00 22 00 48 Jaines M. Woodbury, service bill 22 00 22 00 • 49 Charles Drake, service bill.... j 22 00 22 00 '5o George M. Letts service bill, town Clerk ' 55 00 55 00 1 f 5- r -- p• SS SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 51 Charles Drake, criminal bill, Justice .•........ .. .. 6 8o 6 So 52 David Crocker, Supervisor, in R. R. Suits 1,o37•od 1,03700 4.2,004 74 2,003 25 We the undersigned, Board of Auditors of the town of Lansing, county of ,Tompkins, do hereby certify that the foregoing statement of the accounts audited , by them at their annual meeting, held Nov. 4111, ISM, is correct. • ` 11 TOMPKINS-COUNTY, Tows OF LANSING.• s DAVID CROCKER, Supervisor. NELSON E; LYON, ' JOHN H. CONKLIN, CHARI.ES DRAKE, Ju StiCCS. JAMES M WOODIBURY, S 'GEORGE M. LI t•rs; Town Clerk. Thereby certify the within to be a correct copy of'the original, as is.on file in the town Clerk's office of this town. Ludiowville, Nov. 8, 1886. GEo. M. LETTs, Town Clerk. ADDED BY RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD 53 E. I-lildebrant, constable 20 35 54 Ithaca Democrat, printing 6 so • $26 55 Amount above 2,003 25 'Total" $2,030 to NEWFIELD. Abstract of names of all persons.who presented accounts to. be audited by the town Auditors of the town of Newfield, at •.their annual meeting, held Nov. 4th and 5th, 1886, with the amount claimed and the amount finally allowed. No. Name. Nature of Service. - Claimed. Allowed. r Henry Tabor, inspector, Dist. No. r, and messenger 2, A. H. Palmer, " 3964 3964- 4 00 4 00 • t J M SUPERVISORS :P13.00EED7:NC S. 3, 'Anson Grover, inspector, Dist No• 1. 4 00 •• 4 00 / . 4. Wm. H. Hartranft, clerk. Dist. No, 1 ! 4 00 4 00 5 John W. Dean, t .. ... 4 00 . 4 0o 5 J. B. Palmer, R. R. Commissioner• 6 85 6.85 7 George W Sebring, ex -Coln. of highways : 10 00 . ro 0o '5 Jonathan Stamp, note for highway purposes, 1885.... , ... 33703 337 03. g Hester Smith, excise Commissioner ' • 3 oo . 3100 zo 'Lewis Ferris, Constable 5 oo 5 00 it 3. T. Kellogg, Assessor 41 6o 41 fro rz J. C. Everhart, 38 65 .38 65 , 131 E. R. Osterhout, vital statistics • '2 do ' ` 2 00 '14 3. L. Puff & Co., supplies for the poor.,.-. ' t 22 78 22 78 15. M: A. Dumund, vital statistics 1.25 1 25 16..M. A. Durdond, medical services 20 00 zo,00'' 17 C. C. Cook, ..• - 11 75 rt 75 is P. S. Dudley, use of halkfor town purposes To 00 40 00 19 S. S. Todd, excise Commissioner. 3 U0+ 3 00 20 John Beardslee, Overseer of the poor. , 10 00 10 00 21 . Alvah' D. Brown, Assessor . 36 5o • 36 50 f r 22 William Dimon, inspector, Dist. No. 2 .. 4 00 4 00 23 Alfred Conklin, " r" " and messenger 9 96 . 9 96 ' 24 Alvah D. Brown, clerk of'election, Dist.. No, 2... 4 00 ' 4 00 , 25 A. S. Brown, 2 '4 00 4 00 qI 26 George W. Swartwood, inspector election, Dist. No, 2 4 00 4 00 ,27 • Alva Browa, use of house for election so ao 1a ri 28 S. A. Sebring, medical services 31 o0 31 oo ' 29- tHenry,M. Smith, ex -Overseer of the poor ......... ........ 9 00 9 00 air Van Ostrand & Co. supplies l 3 48 . 4 48.. 31 Obed A. Seely, Com. of higllways 232 0o 232.00 ' 32 George Kresga, constable '669.44853 4 45 9 45 • 331 George W. Sebring,' ex -Com. of highways, for notes 664 83 664 83 34 C. W. 14IcCorn, R. R. Commissioner.....,.... . 6 oo . 6 00' • 35 .Obed A. Seely, Cont. of highways, notes. qrt Sa 911 62 36 Wm. I -L' Hartranft, town fee bill' ` 15 oo 15 on 37, Wm. H. Hartranft, Justice. - . n 16 ro 16 to 38 A. K. Allen, town fee bill • 17 00 17 0o' • 39 Benjamin Starr, " i9 0o rg oo' 40 John W. Dean, "• - " •+ 16 oo 16 oa 4r S. I)..Cook, Town Clerk... -51 78 51 78 •42 R`. Horton, Supervisor • 61 74 bt 74 • $2,715,01 2,715 01 r 'rt u 0 90 • St ERS%ISORS' ]?ROGDl DINGS. } We the. undersigned, members of the Board of town Auuditurs of .the town °of Newfield, county of Tompkins, do he roehv certify that the above statement of accounis, audited by us atiuui- annual .meeting. Nov. 4th and 5th,- r886, is correct: t R. HORTON, Supervisor. ' BENJAMIN. $'rAii R, ALBERT K. ALLEN, r Justices of Wsi.• H. I-IARTRANFT, the Peace. JOHN W. DEAN. S. DUDLEY C601 Town Clerk. r ,ADDED BY RESOLUTION. l'43: E. A'. Brown, excise,Comniissioner 44 N. B. Dunning, R. R. Comtitissioner 3 00 600, • ULYSSES. . The.followitig is an abstract of names of all persons who presented 'accounts to be audited by the town Auditors of the town of Ulysses on the 4th and'5th days of Novembet-,. 1886, . With—the amount clairned, and finally•a11owed. • ' No. Name. 1 1 Nature of Service. Claimed.Allowed. i T. H. Covert, use of ltouse•for town Board $ 4 00 4 4 00 2 . R.:C. Taylor, inspector election, assigned to Kerst & Cb 4 00 4.00 3 R. C. Taylor, inspector and stationery, . 4 35 4 35 4 J. Cr Mattison, clerk of election..... ... .. _ . 4 00 • 4 00 F.. 5 W. E. Dean, inspector election, assigned to J. Kerst & Co.. • 4 00 -4 00 ' 6 ..E. A. Snow,•inspt. and stationery, assigned to J.Kerst& Co. ; 4 25 4 25 7 F. W. Oshorne, inspector and messenger rb 64 • so 64 8 F. A. Kerst, inspector • 4 0o 4 00' q J. G. McLallen, inspector 8 o0 8 00 De J.•D. Smith, clerk jncl stationery 4 50 4.50 it O. M. Wilson, inspector and ,clerk w 8 oo S o01/4 • 12 , Wm. Austin, inspector arid messenger..... . • 14 r3 1.4 13 i3 ,. F. B. Howard, inspector .4 00 4 00 r4 H. A. Mosher, clerk ,4'004 00 r .® { A' SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. :)1. " 15 F. W, Carman, excise..Commissiouer 6 00 6 00 01 r6 S. A. Sherwood, digging grave :3 00. 3.00 r 17 Aaron Mekeel, Overseer poor... ro 00 io oo ` 18 4. W, Carpenter, medical services; (contract, 71mos.),: #• .46 66 ' 46 66 f - r8 L. W.` Carpenter, recording•births and deaths. .. 2 75 •2 75 io L.J..Wheeler, services as Referee2 50 2 5o 2ov J. M. Farrington, record births and deaths ' i 25 i 25 2V Elias Smith, clerk of election.. . ` 8 oo 8 00 ' '22 L','B. Curry, - A lessor • ' • 40 75 ' 40 7.5 ' 't R 23 H'.•Van Order, house for assessors and election 22 00 22 00 •24 ••Cha's. Van Amburg, clerk 4 00 4 0O 25 A. D. Wilson, Com. highways 14 00 14 00, , 26 W; G. Farrington, excise Commissioner 3 00 1 3'00 • 27 Geo. Wolverton, use house election ' 8 oo ' •5 00 ' ! 28 •J, Flickinger, medical services, (Nov, to'April) 24 00 24 00 29 J. Flickinger, r " " •f .... r6 5o 16 5o . 30 . J..Flickinger, •••'' r414'50, 4 50 31- J. W. Kirby, Assessor.. 33 60 33 6o 32 G. H. Stewart, undertaking 28 00 ' 28 ou 33 G. E-. Orton, recording births and deaths a 3 75 .3 75. 34' C. L. 'Adams, printing. to 00 Io no [ '' ,.35 L.. McWhorter, Constable ' 8 35 ` ' 8 35 J(r. „ 36 c L. Trembly; use house elecf.ion and 'towBoard 14 00 r4 00 1 t i, • 37 L. W. -Carpenter, medical services, (Nov: to April)....:' 8 25 8 25 ' 38 L. W. Carpenter, excise Com 3 003 00 ,3O David Bower, ex -highway Corn - -b a 2 00 2 00 40 E. S: Pratt, Bonding Commissioner 21 60 21 oo ' ,4r T. Boardman. " " 28 25 28 z5 1.4 42','W._1.1. Ganeunh, highway Com ' . r 14 ao' 5 4 00 + . 43 Win. Lyke; highway Corn. 24 00 24 0( " 44 W. H. Teed, Overseer pohr f 52,00' 52 00 '45 A. H. Pierson, Supervisor, • FSS to 85 to 464, J. R. Emery, `Justice of the peace.. . 15 Is/ 15 10 47 E. A. Wager, ., ', '57.40 57,40 48 • AP. Osborne, " - i 18 $0 18 50 : . 49 'Henry Hutchings, 12 00 12 00 • r + 5o , 'E, S. Pratt, Assessor ` 52 13 • 52 13 5; Emer Carman, Constable. . 3 40 3 40 2' F. xbl:•'Austin, Town Clerk ' 0 46 54 46'54 ' .. 53' •_•/.‘. Chase, medical services " 6 oo 6 00 •54 F. A. Kerst, ', "2 too 2 00 55 F. A. Kerst,•' 11'00` 11 00 • It o '1 o • 1 Tf • C l , 92 SUPEEvI.SORS' . . 56 Wrn. Chandler, undertaking 25 no 25 op /i. 57 A. Chiase, medical services .3t 50 31'50! _ t • $874 65 $874 65 We the undersigned, 'composing the Board of Auditors of the town of Ulysses do certify that the:foregoing is a correct list of all claims presented ,and allowed by us against said town. ri A. H, PIERSON, Supervisor. E. A. WAGER, J. R. EMERY, A. F�. OSBORNE, jUStICCS. H. H uTCHINGs. F. ;Mi..AUSTIN, Town Clerk. ADDED 6Y RESOLUTION 1 OF THE BOARD. 58 . S. G. Williams, Constable ' 2 05 59 Geo. M. Beckwith, medical services 8 oa 6o S. A. Sherwood, digging grave'.. • r 3 00 6s Frank D Woodford, clerk of election 4 00 { SUPE RyiSOR ' PROCEEDINGS. REPORTS. COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT. 93 To the honorable, the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County • The undersigned, Treasurer of'Tompkins County, respect- fully submits his annual statement of 'receipts and disbursements of the County funds, from' Nov..loth, f885-to•Nov. loth, 1886; as follows The receipts from all sources, including balance on hand • Nov. loth 1885, amount to the sum of ► $94,637 z6 • The disbursements for the same period amount to the sum of 98,697 46 , Leaving a balance in my. hands of $939 80 • 1 hereby certify that there stands this day on the books of this Bank to the credit of Geo. H Northrup, County Treasurer, the sum of $939 80. GILBERT T' GAY, Book-keeper, • I First National Bank, Ithaca, N. Y. . Ithaca, Nov. to, 1886. TommoNs COUNTY, SS : 'Geo. H. Northrop, being: duly sworn, says that the following statement is • correct, and contains a true report ofall moneys received and 'paid out by him • • • a w 1)4 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. as CountyTreasurer since his last annual report, except moneys belonging to the Infant Heir Fund and Surplus Moneys.' • GEO.I H. NORTHRUP, County Treasurer. Subscribed and sworn to before, me Nov. to, 1886. 13. R. WILLIAMS, Notary+Public. • RECEIPTS. Cash on hand, Nov. to, 1885 One per cent. fees on State tax ACCOUNT OF F TAX LEVY OE 1885. Town of Caroline $3,676 32 • Danby 4.321 55 ,Dryden I1,117 31 • Enfield ' 2,811 01 Groton6.891 75 , Ithaca, y 26,157 59 Lansing....... 9,9o8 75 Newfield. - . •N 4.145 89 Ulysses 8 847 63 • FROM TAXES RETURNED UNPAID •BY'TOWN COLLECTORS. Town of Dryden Ithaca...... $ 6 13 -34 12 Lansing + 6 o7 Ulysses 4 IC' $50 4 $2,9:12 28 273 14 $77,927 8o Proceeds of sundry notes given by the Building Com- • mittee on Jail contract. .• - 6,000 00 -From Supt. of Public Instruction 10,475 �5' Self supporting patient at the N. Y. State Lunatic Asy- • lum 222.30 Self supporting patients at Willard Asylum ' 1,084 30 J. W. Tibbetts, Sheriff, taxes due from McCorn estate.- 68 91 Fines from Sheriffr 135 00 $1.7,985 76' • 2 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDING S. 95 FINES FROM. JUSTICES OF TEIE -PEACE. k Spence Spencer 5 00 W. E. Mount to o0 Sidney 'Hopkins ..' '105 00 N. E. Lyon • 6 0o L. I3rietenbecker,'Police 5 00 ' 131 00 School taxes from E, C, & N. and S. C, R. R.,.... ..... 325 86 1 • - Interest on deposits. 1 00' 326 86 - • t DISBURSEMENTS State tax paid Comptroller..... SCHOOL MONEYS To Caroline / To Danby To Dryden To Enfield To Groton,.: ' To Ithaca To Lansing 'To Newfield To Ulysses $1,997 39 1,679 83 •3,300 84 , 1,355 27 • 2,425 71 6,822 96 2,245 8o 2,336 47 2,247 59 $99,637 26 $27,314 98 $24,41 1 46 County Audits 8,836 73 Postage, Supervisors' Clerk 15 00 Susquehanna Valley Home, 212 8o Incidentals,.Surrogate's office 75 00 'Onondaga'County Penitentiary ;412 23 $9,551 76 ON 'JAIL CONTRACT, J. H..Van Dorn 1 , 2,949 25 ' N Jamieson& McKinney / , - 1,282 56 Richardson & Campbell 1,735 75 , ,1 . A. 13. Wood • ' 370 45 ' '4i A: E. Campbell 1 ro 00 H: R. Kenyon & Co 12 00 $6,360 01 4 t ` F -r f3Fi SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Postage and stationery, Co. Treasurer $ I2 15 I3ills payable 4,021 12 District Attorney's office rent f t zoo 00 Sheriff's office rent' 35 00 Canandaigua Home 356 68 N. Y. State Lunatic Asylum 222 30 Surplus moneys transferred_to a separate account at the First National Bank 732 7S • Insurance on County buildings 180 00 $5,760 03 'Coal and Wood Jail IGAS BILLS. i Clerk's office Court House I 152 99 • . 45 63 39 45 Paid orders of the County Supt. of the Poor ▪ 5- ,281 g6 Paid Mrs. S. 13. Rolfe , 75 00 Paid Wm, O. Newman . 22 6o Paid " " for hen hotly too 00 400 13 $238 07 5,479 56 • Frank F. Allen, Collector of School Dist. No. 9, New- field, taxes due from McCorn estate.. . ... . 9 8o • Randolph Horton, Supervisor 51 21 Willard Asylum 7,160 57 Geo. E. Underwood, rebate... 127 7,222 85 BURIAL EXPENSES OF THE FOLLOWING DECEASED SOLDIERS. Samuel Merriam 35 00 Chas. Brown _ 35 00 James Brown 35 00 Wm. H. Quick 35 00 Horace H. Smith • 30 50 Serrell Thompson 35 00 Jeremiah Bishop 35 00 240 50 • 1 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDING'S. 97 , R, G: H. Speed, Supervisor, for soldiers' monuments, town of CaroIine... ..... . ...... .. :... 60 .00 - o Paid orders of Court for 'examinations of Treasurer's accounts in x885 and rS86. . 50`oo- R. A. Crozier, Supervisor, supplies for County house' 50' coo Geo. E. Stanley, Sheriff of Chemung County; board of prisoners . 2 0 4 25 ;C. C; -Anthony, electric gas lighting burners for jail.... 31 0o ' • COURT EXPENSES. Trial "Jurors X2, 38.4 30 Grand Jur6rs 757 00 Constables .616 35 Stenographers 459.35 1 Witnesses 217 79 Crier ' 15o 00 Sheriff, attendance at Court ' r38 00 F Under -Sheriff,. attendance at Court 151 50 4 Meals to jurors - 66 00 ' Justices of Sessions 197 0o District -Attorn'ey's disbursements 1 ' •40 28 Bradford Almy, attendance in Wortman case n 25 00 5,202 57. 431 25 A David,Crocker,-Supervisor, fines from Justices 6 c A. G. Chapman, 11," + I15 00 , R. A. Crozier, 1.4 VD 00 131 00 n , • r SALARIES. Marcus Lyon, County Judge -Geo. - 1.1. Northrup, Connty Treasurer M. N. Tomokiris,-Clerk of Supervisors Rev. S. A. Chubbuck, Chaplain at County House.:... e Surrogate's Clerk Janitor of Court House' arid Jail 'C.L. Smith, District Attorney 2,500 00, 900 00 :150 00 50. 00 !,250. 00 • 350 00 .60o oo F 8 ti SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDNGS. o •' i A. G. Genung. School Commissioner. 200 00. S. L. Howe, " John Tyler, Special Co. Judge ............. 200 00 .. ' 50 00 Geo. M. Beckwith, Jail Physician 90 00 . ' 5,340° oo, Asylum for Insane Criminals 233 oo - School tax Collectors 270, 14, St: Mary's Hospital • 102 00 • J • N. Y. Institute for the Blind 8 15 • 613 /9 Cash on hand - L ,l - Cash on hand' $1939 80' { Due the Treasury from the town of Caroline a 5 31 Danby 6 o8 - Dryden 58 44 ..Enfield ' 53 55' 1. ... Grown - .. 3 83' TIthaca...... ' 75 69 o Lansing....... 29 26. r 111 Newfield51 29 1.1.. b Ulysses IIo 15. ''0 County audits • 9 05 'County Supt. of the' - 246 69 Unpaid Don -resident taxes in school districts 20 53 Court expenses . 615 82 Total assets which belong to the following accounts Repairs'on jail , • 10 44, Interest 1 00 Western Institute for Deaf Mutes 217 50. Estate of Laura M. Sexton .•. Sot 78 Fuel and gas 37 19 School Dist. No. 13, Dryden _ 55 72 't Postage and stationery , " , 2 .79 r Willard Asylum ' ` . 1,099 07 4 49 $2,225 49 • 939 80 ' 899,637 26 • t 1 , • • • $2,225 0 • d' • � r 1 0 1 • .j_ d444, ° ' SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 99 ''INFANT ITEIR FUND To the Honorable, the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: Investment.. MORTGAGOR. • 1st mortgage. A. E. Albriglit. a xst mortgage. 1st mortgage, 1st mortgage, t • 1st mortgage. 1st 1st mortgage.. 1st 1St " est " 1st mortgage. 1st " est " 1st v " 122 " 111 .112 502 1st St ist 1st mortgage, .st'mortgage. . 1st mortgage, f l Phoebe 13ierce, • Geo. Angus. Jacob Bates. DAT/2. Hunts INTInESTIIO. Amount of Interest. Anmcmt df Mortgage. amar A. Chase'. Simeon Coon and others. D. W. Gillow. 0,•14. Gregory. - ' e .Wm. H. Hillery. „ Mary L. Hook. Edwin Jillett. ,, John' Letts. John McArthur. Louise A. Miller. facob,I'rame. Campbell Preston. John Runlscy. Geo_ Simpson. Mary Seabring. Myron A. Sexton. Anna E. Stamford„ Samuel A. Seabring. Wm. Hazlett Smith. lows of Ithaca, 5 per cent. Bond, series of ,89r,No 2771, 1 MaryS,&II, M.Thompson Aug.3r,'73 May t, '8o - May 5,'56 Feh. 4. '82 Mabel McNeil, 116 20 Mulks Heirs. 51 82 11Iary Hughes & Chiid'n 88 33 McKee, heirs of John ' 32 23 Morton Heirs. Unassigned. • I3 anford Heirs. - 464 54 Fisk '° 272 24 Jennie Williams. McKee, heirs of John 436 72 O'Brien, lteir�of Jane 250.017 Morton Heirs, 1,42090 Mabel McNeil. Wilgus Heirs. ', 4 Mulks Ileirs, 13roas ass. Spaulding. ' 93 52 Willis -Hayward. - r 93 52 Jennie Williams, - 009 45 Mar. 29, '83 Chase Heirs; 518 14 jure 26, '85 Asa liallou, le co Fred Ptinnefl, - - loci 00 Edwin Gillow. ' 'x00 00 Hanshaw heirs - loci ou Heirs of Chas: Simpson, 337 00 John H. Holt. . 0,035 00 Clock Heirs i 60000 "' 200 00 • Fogarty " 420 43 , i-faddoek" 82 76 Kittie Axford, 96 82 Unassigned 400 00 June 19,'571 Gnodspeerl.Heits. April 6, '77 Morton Heirs, ' 150 00 " 11, '74 VanHarn t° 1,901 29 June 7, '86. 64'5 koff " ' 2i400 00 April 19i '86 .Mabel McNeil. 25.0 00 April 1, '72 McKee, heirs of John 2,3eo OD Sep. 7, '51 Griffin - heirs. 2,444 44 Oct. 24, 83 Elizabeth Simpson, 3,388 94 Feb. 17, '83 Mary L. Scabring, •5,o55 24 June so, '81 K'cator heirs,' 2,750 00 .April 1, '84 Searles Heirs. 855 29 Mabel McNeil. • •3933 McKee, heirs of John ' 205 38' June 1r, '85 Mandeville Heirs. . Jennie Williams. VanHorn Heirs, Willie S. Keats. Heirs of Jane Whitlock, Asa liallou. 6lcKee, heirs of John Edwin Gillow. Hanshaw Heirs. Asa liallou. • Searles Heirs: Hei10 of J. 13. Warren. Jennie Williams. Morton Heirs. Mulks Heirs. 522 13 1'obey Heirs, 2,060 00 Emma L. Benton. 412718 Unassigned, '6 69 53 29 58 13 76 36 444 47 7 173 22 11696 67 95 Feb, 11,234 May 2,'86, Nov. 13,'54 Got. 8, '85 8o1 44 Jan. 6,'8t Mar. 31, '85 779 73 423 27 30000 l 0,503 00 7,680 34 15057 169 09 62 26 28.52 98 75 1 27.8 19 208 18 32 90 58 75 303 45 400 00 0,148 76 15o 00 . 2,550 00 5t8 14 400 00 • 337 00. 1,035 00 6710 00 .2 1,200 00 802 44 15o 0u 2,901 29 2i400 00 20000 7,30000 . 2,444 44 3,388 94 75,0'56 24 2,750 00 1,000 00 2,000 00 1,000 00 2.00000 i _o g 100 SUPERVISORS' PROOEEDINGS.. 'INFANT THEIR FUND Investment. xst mortgage. MORTGAGOR. . DATIL. HEIRS INTERESTED. Amoun t of interest. Amount of ;Mortgage. 1st mortgage. t:ron C. VanKirk. Jan. 2o, '72 Carrie Van Auken. Martha Woodin. Eliiabeth Win -taker. Harriet Hayes. • Morton heirs. Griffin Asa Ballon. Heirs of Jane O'Brien, Sept. 28, '78 Mabel McNeil April 5,'76 1). M. Woodin. June 5,'86 Wykoff. Heirs. McKee, heirs of John McCowen Heirs. Young " Kirkendall Mo, ton " Seager. " Henshaw Heirs. Asa Fallon, Searles licks, Fannie Hugman, Fred Bunnell. John Maiming. Feb. ry '7a Milks Heirs. 400 00 95 o0 17600 176 00 673 00 526 31 100005 322 45 43 i8 .723 00 00 300 00 75 70 68 16 47 67 fo 54 47 20 27 37 239 73 95 00 85o 00 673 on 826 32" • 2,250 no '95 00 Total amount invested in Bonds and Mortgages $40,888 56 WORTHLESS ANL) INSUFFICIENT SECURl'1'IES, 3d inorigage, ISI " 2d " 2d " Referee's deed Geo. H. Bristol. Elizabeth Howe, Elizabeth Howe. • 1'. & M. Sneeden. Nitrite Lot. 6'eb. 25,"76 Chas. Cowen April 2, '75 Samuel M. Wilson. April 2, '97 Samuel M. 14'iLson, May rg,'97 Howe Heirs. Sovocool ' July t2, '79 Halstead Snyder. Sarah Harrison. 767 19 300 00 300ao 37 28 462 72 292 33 157 67 767 r9 360 00 300 500 00 45000 $2,317'9 TOMI'KINS COUNTY,. SS.: r Geo: H. Northrup, being duly ssvorn, says that the foregoing' statement is correct, to the best of his knowledge and belief, and -represents the condition of the securities belonging to said fund on the 16th day of November, 1886. • GEO. H. NORTIIRUP, County Treasurer., Subscribed and sworn.to before me, Nov.' 16th, 1886. ,B. R. WILLIAMS, Notary Public. SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 101 SURPLUS MONEYS. To The honorable Board of Supervisors o f Tompkins county RECEIPTS. Cash on hand Nov. loth, 1685 -. $ 732 78 'From F. D. Carman, Referee, case of Pew vs. Pew,' . ` 20 99 From S. P. Ashley, Att'y, case of Wade vs. Wade . 628 97 From Marcus Lyon, County Judge, estate of Jas. Linderberry, dec'd 390 00 ,. From Syracuse Savings Bank, case of Andrew P. Hopper, Admin- istraior, vs. Syracuse Savings Bank • 504 73 From P. G. Ellsworth, Att'y, case 'of Abel Burritt vs. Adeline C. ° , Dowe, et. al. 24 o6 ' From P.J. Partenheimer, County Clerk, case of Ogden vs. Van- Dermoor 53 $2 From Mynderse Van Cleef, Referee, case of Boardman vs...Jayne... 102 o8 From Giles M. Stoddard, Executor estate of Wm. 0. Tiffany, dec'd 1,410 00 'From H, S. Hopkins, Atty, case of David H. Coggsball, Assignee, vs. J. & B. Lucas 117 61 tM DISBURSEMENTS. Paid order of distribution, estate of James Linderberry, deceased Paid order of distribution, estate of Wrn. 0. Tiffany, deceased Paid on account of Court order, case of Ogden vs. VanDcrmoor Cash on hand...,.... • TOMPKINS COUNTY, SS.: $3,985 04 $390 00 1,410 00 31 82 2,153 22 $3,985 04 Geo. H. Northrup, being duly sworn, says that the foregoing statement is correct, to the best of his knowledge and belief, and is'a true report of all Sur- plus Moneys received and paid out by him as County Treasurer, from Nov. loth, 1685 to Nov. 12th, 1886, inclusive. GEO. H. NORTHRUP, County Treasurer. i02' SUPE+'RVISORRS' PAOC1EDINGS. Subscribed and sworn to before me, Nov. Myth, 1886. B. R. WILLIAMS, Notary Public. I certify that there stands this day on, the books of this Bank, to the credit of Surplus Moneys, the sum•of $2,153 22. • C. Wt GAY, Teller, Firsi National Bank, Ithaca, N, Y. DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S REPORT. , • To -the Board of. Supervisors of Tompkins County Pursuant to a resolution of your Board, and pursuant to the statutes of this State, I hereby report, -the disposition of fines imposed in the various Courts of Record of ,said county, since the date, of my last' report : SCHEDULE. Persons Fined. Offense. Amount. March 16, 1886. Eri C. Hoyt ' Gambling house .. `$25 00 Geo. W. Bradley..Violating excise law..... . -10 oo. May 24, Wm. McCollum..Gainbling house...: 25 00 1 " 28, Andrew J. Mix...Disobeying subpoena 10 00 28, Jacob Kncttles... , " - to oo.' 28, " Ed'wd Woodbury, ." 10 00 Oct. 26, Henry Newman,.. Violating excise law 25, oo Nov. 15', Edgar V. Howland, '25'0o ' $170 00 . The above fines were paid, as I' am informed, to the ,Sheriff of Tompkins County. a f SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDIiNGS. 103 • The following fines were imposed in cases where defendants were imprisoned Dcc. 29, 1885. Willard Van Flouter ...Disorderly house $25o no • " ` • William Denton 41.100 00 June 4, Aaron Van flouter 25 00 Oct. 26, " Albert Dygert 35 0o $;10 00 No fines have been paid to me, nor has anything been collected by me on forfeited recognizances. All of which is respectfully submitted. 4 Dated Nov. r5,..1886: CLARENCE L. SMITH, District Attorney. REPORT OP SURROGATE'S CLERK. . To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins G'ounty I, W. 13. Estabrook, Clerk of the Surroate's •Court of'the County ,of Tompkins, do respectfully report to your honorable Board that I have received fees as such clerk since my appoint- ment as such, as follows •Copy Will of. T. D. Wilcox, dec'd $ I on Horace A. Todd, dec'd • t 5o • " Mary Almy, (2) t o0 " Decree, &c., estate R. Updike, deceased ' 1 00. " Will of Wm. Hildebrand, decd, exemplified, (2). :rd 60 " "J Lyman Congdon, dec'd, . 1 5o Total.... $16 00 Paid for matches for office 25 $15 75 • • r • O 0 104 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. TOMPKINS COUNTY, SS.: ' W. B. Estabrook being duly sworn, says that the above account is true, to the best of his knowledge and belief. W. B. ESTABROOK. Sworn .to before me this 23d day of November, 1886. • W. W. HARE, Notary Public. SHERIFF'S REPORT. ' To tlrc Board of Sujervisors of Tompkins County I have to report that during the•year ending Nov. 15th, 1886, I have collected as fines the following sums of money, viz • March g, [886. E. Jackson $5 00 17, E. C. Hoyt. , 25 00 t7 G. W. Bradley 40 00 June 4, McCullom 25 oo 4 E. Woodbury 10 00 4, a A. J. Mix to on 4, J. Knettlt;s.... ., - to 00 Aug. 19, 'Carrie Glenn 5 oo Sept. 22, ' George Frost 5 00 Nov. 18, Henry Newman 25 00 " 18, ' Ed. Howland 25 0o $185 00 - 'All of which I have paid over to the County Treasurer, s. Ili whose receipts for the same are herewith submitted. Dated Nov. i8th, i886. J. W. TIBBETTS, Sheriff. / ' J 0 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDING -S. 105 LOAN COMMISSIQNER'S' REPORT.. To. Mc hoard of Supervisors of Tompkins County : , ♦ The balance remaining Nov. r, '85, was � From Nov. 1st, '85 to Nov, i, '86, there has been paid : • 34.697 34 No. 452 Horace Hutchinson $ 150 00 790 Geo. W. Teeter zoo 00 838 Lmeline Davison zoo 00 . 585 John T. Janes • 500 00 484 and 735 John Whiting 550 00 802 Lavina Collins Soo 00 7.19 Burritt and McWhorter' 500 cm. 826 Merritt I<irig 300 a0 $3,200 00 $31,497 34 From this must be taken the Hart farm,' estimated at 1,500 00 Interest bearing principal, Oct. r, 86 .. $29,997 34 To $31.497 34 must be added $t, too, tnat being the Mer- ritt King and Collins mortgag' s ; that makes the remaining principal, Nov. 1st ,1886: - We charge ourselves The interest on $29,947 34 $31,497 34 1,100 00 With mortgages Nos. '452, 790, 838, 585, 484, 735 With interest on these With rentlof Halt larin • With balance Sept. sales.. . We oredit ourselves with • Draft to Comptroller, March, 2, '86 518 57 Draft ' - Sept. 25 '86 _ 1486 02 Interest unpaid this year 54 00 235 98 '832,597 34 $1,799 84 1,600. oo 71.60 '05 00 32.99 $3.569 43 Commissions.. 1.994 57 With draft to Comptroller 1,574 86 $3.569 43 , i>� - J ' 1.06 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDI GS. The following are in default: • • No. 65a Ezra weaver , 350 00 '725 << 33o 00 563 • Edward D. Bart , 200 00 $900 00 r Respectfully,' CORNELIUS LEARY, Commissioners. HENRY H. -JOUPT• ti 1. Cornelius Leary, one of the Loan Commissioners for Tompkins County, do hereby certify that the foregoing is correct. 1 C. LEARY. 11 RAILROAD BONDING COMMISSIONERS'- REPORTS. ENFIELD. To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County : We the undersigned, Bonding Cominissioncrs of and -for the town.of Enfield, would .respectfully submit to you the following report: , There has been issued against the said town, Bonds to the amount of twenty-five thousand dollars, and exchanged for capi- tal stock of the Pa. & Sodus Hay R. R: Company. Said Bonds are dated, March tst, 1871, and will become due March 1st, 1901,, with interest at seven 'tier -cent. per annum, payable semi-annual- . ly, on the ist day of March and September of each year. ' We have purchaged of said Bonds to .the amount of six thousand, seven hundred dollars, 46,7oo), and cancelled the same, leaving outstanding and unpaid eighteen -thousand, three hundred dollars, ($18,300). • •1 ( t, c SliPEh\ISO1 S' PROQEL,DINt&S. y s' 107 • The amount of interest to become due the coming year is', • twelve hundred and- eighty•one dollars, ,(1,281), and• we 'request that you cause to be raised by tax on said toi,vn the • sum of 1. -twelve,hundred and eighty..one dollars, ($1,281), to pay said.in-' • terest when it :becomes duc. And we' also request that you raise ' Ithe further sum of ,one thousand dollars, to he used as a sinking fund to p"rovidefor the payment of the original debt. We now have on hated a sinking' fund amounting, to' ei llt' hundred and sixteen 31-100 dollars. ($816 30, mostly invested -in •town bonds. r • Enfield Center, Nov. 3d, 1886. EDGAR. BREWER, SCon,mis'Soners. GEORGE.W. BUBD, STATF. OF NE:tiv YORK, SS.: To3IPKINS COUNTY, 11 Edgar Brewer bei^g duly sworn, deposes and says, that he is one of the Bonding Comrnissioners ot.the town of Enfield ; that he signed the above re - 'port, arid that fie believes the same to be true 'in every respect. ' EDGAR`BREWER. Subscribed and' sworn to before me this4th da?. of Nov., 1886. WM. F. SMITH, Justice of the Peace. • ,' To the Board of Su ervzsors of Tompkins County In accordance with Chapter 552, Laws of 1870, I hereby re - 'port .the public debt of th'e town of En6teld t� be as follows, viz-: • Bonds i'ssued,to Pa. &'Sodus Bay_Railroad.Company; under_ the act to facilitate the construction of railroads, passed by the' Legislatilre of 1850, and amended •May'' 18th; `• I .1.08 , '7 b SUPERVISORS' PROUEE.INGS. Amount of bonds issued, rate of interest 7 per cent. $25,000'oo Amount of principal paid by redeeming bonds 6.700 00 Balance yet outstanding and unpaid ti, t8,30o 00 Interest due March 1st, 15S7 i:54o 50 Sept. 1st, 1387 640 00 $1,281 00 In addition to the above, according to the Commissioners' report, they have now on hand as a sinking fund. mostly invested in town bonds '816 3t Total indebtedness • $17,483 69 Resolved, That at the request of the Bonding Commissioners of the town of )r'noeld, there be levied and collected from said town the sum of one thousand, two hundred and eighty-one dullars.to pay said interest, and also the sum of one thousand dollars to be used as a sinking fund towards the final payment of the original debt, 4 GROTON. T. JONES, Supervisor To A. G. Chapman, Esq., Supervisor of the town of Groton. N.Y.: Dear Sir .--The undersigned, Commissioner•of the town,of -Groton, appointed .under the Act'passed May 18th, [869, Laws of New York, Chapter 907, would respectfully stibinit the fol- • lowing report : ' That the amount of town 13onds issued in aid of the Ithaca and Cortland R. R. is $15.000 ; that the atnount of bonds ex- changed for stock in the Ithaca acid Cortland R. R.; (now E. C. and -N. R. R.), is $15,000. That -interest to become due Feb- ruary 1st, 1887, is $525 ; that interest' to become due August Est, 1887, is $525. That 1 hold a sinking fund *invested, as fol- lows, viz: • f • [ 4 4.. 'Ill J � 1 I SU1?ERVIS0RS' PROCEEDINGS.— Town ROCE DINGS.' Town Bonds of the town of Groton. • Mortgages on real estate Note of Board of. Supervisors, dated Dcc. 18, 1885 Certificate First National Bank of Grgtun Cash on hand for Coupons not presented Interest reed during year, (which is included in the above).is $64 So. 100 $ 300 00 I,025 00 1,000 00 254,13 28 ao Therefore 1 respectfully ask for ati appropriation to pay in- - test on said Ronds February ist, 1887, $525 ; also "to pay in- terest on same Bonds; due August 1st, 1887, $525 ; also for sink- ing inking fund of one per cent., $150. Total, ',1,200. I therefore ask that the sum •of twelve hundred_ dollars, I$1,200), as above, be 'levied on the town of Groton and collected, to be paid over to the Commissioner of said town, to be expend- , ed for the above purpose. Dated, Groton, N' Y., Nov. 29, l 886. . D.' 11. MARSH, Commissioner. • STATE or NENV YOaK, r TOMPKINS COUNTY. ) D. 1-1. Marsh being duly sworn, says that the foregoing report, signed by himself as Commissioner, is a -just and true report in every particular, so far as deponent bas knowledge of the facts stated, and in other respects deponent 'be- lieves it to he true. D. H. MARSH. • • Sworn and subscribed before the this 2gth day of Nov., 1886. E. A. MARSH, Notary Public. • ,To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County : . In accordance with Laws of 1870 I hereby report'the public debt'of the town of Groton to be as follows: • • • •,t . f 10 • SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. S. Bonds issued by Commissioners of the now E. G. and N. R. R. bear- ing 7 per cent. interest, serui.annual payment $15,000 00 Interest coming due February 525 00 August 525 00 One per Cent. for sinking fund 150 00 ' f -Resolved, That at the•request of the Bonding Commissioner of the town of . Groton there be.levied and collected from said town the sum of one thousand,. two huandred.doilars, to he applied as follows : . J I For interest, as above • $t,oso 00 • For sinking fund 150 00 A,•G. CHAPMAN, Supervisor, ITHACA. To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins Corinty The undersigned. Commissioners of the town of Ithaca for Bonds of said town issued in aid of the Geneva and Ithaca Rail- road, beg leave to submit their sixteenth annual report, as fol- lows Amount of Bonds issued and outstanding. ' $too,000 00' The interest on said Bonds falls due as follows April rst, 1887: Oct, rst, 1867.. 3,500 00 3,500 00 We therefore request that the sum of- seven thousand dol- lars, required to pay interest on said bonds, as stated above, be levied and assessed upon the taxable' property of the town' . of Ithaca. 3 I We would further report, that the sinking fund maintained '• for the purpose of meeting the principal of said bonds amount at this date to $42,5oi 26, as follows : Amount at date of last report $37,810 79 Received from Supervisor o 2,500 00 Received for interest 2,585 47 Less credited Premium acct 395 00 2,190 47 1 , $42,501 26 Which is invested as follows : Town\of Ithaca, 7 pef cent. Bonds , $37,500 00 Town of Ithaca, 5 per cent. 'Bonds. 2,000 00 • Premium acct 2,596 39 Cash on hand Uninvested - 404 87 r _.. 1/ SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS: 111 t i ' $42,501 26 The present bonded •indebtedness of the town of Ithaca, for the purpose` above mentioned, is therefore, exclusive of sinking fund, $57,498 74, a,reduction since last report 'of '$4,690 47. In pursuance of the 'provisions of the Act under which the Bonds aforesaid'were issued, we ask that the sum of twenty-five .hundred dollars, being two and one-half per cent. of the princi- , pal of said bonded debt, be -levied and assessed upon the taxable ' property of the town of Ithaca, for the purpose of maintaining a sinking fund for the payment of the principal of said Bonds.' . H. B. LORD, Commissioners. O. Il? GREGORY, I tli aca, Noy. 9, 1886. The undersigned being duly sworn, do depose and say that the within •report to which they have subscribed is true and accurate, and that the statements of account therewith submitted are correct, to the. best of their knowledge and be -- lief. H. B. LORD, O. H. GREGORY. ' • 0 0 11 2 . SUPERVISOR'S' " PROCEEDINGS. Sworn and subscribed before me this gth day of Nov., 1886. CASH ACCOUNT. C. W. GAY. Notary Public. 1886. Amount on hand at date of last report . $ 119 40 April 15. Received'from Supervisor.-. . 2,500 00 Received for interest, (see int. acct), 2,586 52 95' 2,585 47 Paid for 54,000 Ithaca Bonds 4,800 00 Cash on hand 404 $7 • $5,204 87. 5,204..87 PREMIUM ACCOUNT. Balance at date of last report. '2,191 39 April 1, '86 Paid on $4.000 Ithaca 7s Soo oo Nov.• 1, • Interest applied.... 395 0U Balance as stated 2,596 39 $2,991 39 2.991 39 INTEREST ACCOUNT. -March 1, '86. Received on $a,000 Ithaca 5s.... 5o 00 April 1, 33,500 " 7s..... 1,172 50 Sept. 1, 2,000 " 5s ... .... " 50 00 Oct. 1, 37,700 " 7s 1,312 5o' from Ithaca Savings Bank 1 42 April 1t5, Paid acct. interest on Bonds Nov. 1, Applied on Premium acct Balance as stated 82,586 42 95 . 395 00 2,190 47 2,586 42 - To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County : The undersigned, Commissioners of the town of Ithaca, for- the orthe Fttnding Bonds issued to pay off Bonds issued in aid of the Ithaca arid Athens Railroad, beg leave to report as follows : 0 SUPERVISORS' PEOCE1 DINGS. t - 113. Amount of Funding Bonds issued. $285,000 00 - "• " redeemed 105,000 00 Amount of Funding Bonds outstanding $180,000 .80 Amount of Bonds due March 1, 1887. . ... $15,000 00' interest due " 1, " .. 4,500 00 " Sept. 1, " 4,125 00 23,625 00 We therefore request that the sum of fifteen thousand dol= lars to pay the principal of Bonds falling due March Ist, 1887, ' and the sum of eight thousand, six hundred and twenty-five dol- lars to pay interest,- be levied and assessed upon the taxable tproperty of the town of Ithaca. { O. 1-1. GREGORY, Commissioners. LEONARD TREMAN, Subscribed and sworn to before me this 23d day of October, 1886. O. P. IIYDE, Notary,Public. To the ,Board of Supervisors of Tasnpkiras County : In accordance with Chapter 552, Laws of 1870, I hereby re- port the public debt of the town of Ithaca to be as follows : The balance on Bonds issued by Commissioners of the Ithaca and Athens R. R., as per last report was$tg5,000 00 Less amount redeemed in 1.886 15,000 00 Balance at 5 per cent The balance on Bonds issued by Geneva and Ithaca R. R., as per last report was 62,180 21 Less reduction reported by Comtnissioners Balance at 7 per cent Total bonded indebtedness. 4,690 47 180,00 00 57,498 74 • $237,498 74 R. A. CROZIER, Supervisor. • • i 114. SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. • Resolved "That as per report of the Bonding Commissioners of the town Ithaca, there be, levied and collected on the taxable property of said town : For sinking fund on Geneva and Ithaca R. R. Bonds, Two thousand, five hundred dollars 2,500 04 - For interest on same at 7 per cent 7,00 00 $*'9,500 00 For principal of Ithaca and Athens R. R. Bonds, Fifteen thousand dollars • • rs,000 00 For interest on same 8,625 oa $23,625-00 of ). Total to be raised this year l ' $33,125 00 R. A. CROZIER, Supervisor. • • . NEWFIELD. To R. Horton, Supervisor of the -Town of Newfield : { • We the undersigned, Commissioners of the town of New- " field, duly appointed under the provisions of an Act of the Leg- _ islature of the State- of New York, authorizing towns to sub- scribe to the capital stock of railroad corporations an'l•to issue bonds therefor, do respectfully report that it will be necessary for said town -of Newfield to raise by tai the surrr of $3,2o6 0o to . pay interest from September 1st, 1886. to Sept. 1st, 1887, 'on Bonds of said town of Newfield, to the amount of .$45,800 00, - issued to aid in the construction of the Pa. and Sodus Bay R. R. ,Said interest being payable semiannually on the first days of • March and September of each year. - Also to raise as aforesaid an additional sum of $4.49 40 to provide for the payment of the 'balance due for town Bonds of said town, purchased April ist, 1886. We further report that we have received -from the Supervisor. of the tgwn of Newfield the sum of $880 00, being money col- lected-by ol lected-by him, in an action by said town, against Merritt King and others. 1 0 0 T' ryr� '7'7� �y �y yIy -,7ll �llV 1 OJ,V�IS P OC ED1.igcl - / 1.1.r/ . I, We further report that we have purchased 'with the said $88o•oo'and'with the said 6449 40, twelve $too Newfield to«t'n .13onds, at twelve per cent. premium, and duly cancelled the same, We further report that we have no balance on hand. Dated. Newfield, Nov. 5th, 1886. • ,. t � I. B. PALMER, Commissioners. 'C. W. McCORN, TOMPKINS COUNTY, ss.: C. W. MbCorn, being duly sworn, says that he is one of'the•Railroad Bond: " ing Commissioners in and for the town of Newfield, and that the abSve report is in all respects just and true. •i • i C. W. McCORN. Sworn to before me this•5th day of Nov. 1886. • R. HORTON, Notary Public. •To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County : In accordance with Chapter 552 of Laws'' of, 1870,1 ' hereby .report the public debt.of the town of • Newfield to be as follows: ti Amount 0f Bonds issued $52,000 0o • Amount of principal paid to Nov. 5, 1886 6,200 00 r4 $45,800 00 Amount of interest due March I, 1887... ` 1,603 ort " 'Sept. t, 1.887 1,603 00 $4g,006 00 Resolved,' Thatat the request of the Bonding Commissioners of the town of Newfield, there betlevied and .collected from the taxable property of said town the sum of threw thousand, two hundred and six dollars as interest on theabovSe • named Bonds, and the further. sum of four hundred and fottya nine' nd 40-100 dollars, to be applied as arrsinking fund. 0 R. HORTON, Supervisor. • e • 116 SYJPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. ULYSESS. • • To Ilse Board of Supervisors of Tompkins county :. ` / 4 Gentle,nen:--The Bonding Commissioners of the town of Ulysses submit the following report : • Amount of Bonds issued by said town. of Ulysses .under , - Chapter 907, Laws -of 1869, and laws amendatory thereof,1 was seventy-five thousand dollars, dated l4larc11 1, 1871, due March 190I, with semi-annual interest at seven .per cent. per annum, payable on the first days of. March and September. , Amount of principal paid, eighteen thousand, eight hundred dollars. '($1$,8o0.)' - Amount'of coupons due and unpaid, one hundred and thirty three dollars. ($133.) There is deposited with the Union -Trust Company of New York; one hundred and thirty.three dollars. ($133.) There is loaned. on interest, eight hundred and fifty dollars, I ($85o,) for the benefit of the sinking fund. , There is a balance in L. J. Wheeler and Company's Bank, nineteen cents. (.19.) One year's interest on $75,000 00 For sinking fund $5,250 00 750 00• We recommend that six thousand dollars be assessed on the 0 k town for interest and sinking fund. Dated Trumansburg, Nov. 4, 1886. T. BOARDMAN,Bonding Comniissioners E. S. PRATT, S- for the town of Ulysses. I. ` t Truman Boardman, being duly sworn, says the foregoing report is correct, to I the best of his knowledge and belief. • T.•BOARDMAN. 14 Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4th day of November, 1886. s E. A. WAGER, Justice of the Peace. ' LZ r:o `4 ✓1 • StTPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. • ' ' 117 To the Board ofSupervisors o f Tompkins County : • ,,In accordance with Chapter 552, Laws of 1870, I hereby re- port the public debt of tlic town of Ulysses to be as follows: Bonds issued to Pennsylvania and' Sodus l3ay Railroad Com- \ piny, under the Act to facilitate railroads, passed by the Legisla- ture of 185o, and amended 1May 18, 1869. 2- .Amount,of Bonds issued, rate of interest 7 per cent - • $75,o0o 00 4 Ai i aunt of principal paid Nov. 4, 1886, as reported,by Bonding Com. missioners 18,800 oo Amount of principal unpaid Nov. 4. 1886`. 56,200 00 Amount of interest due March ist, 1887 1,967 00 Amouni.of interest due September 1st, 1887....... , 1,967 00 .Total amount of indebtedness September 1st, 1587• 6o,r34 oo _ Resolved, That at the request of the Bonding Commissioners of the town of Ulysses, there he levied and collected upon the taxable property 'of said town ' the sum of six thousand dollars, ($6,000,) for interest and sinking fund. A. H. PIERSON, Supervisor! SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT. To the Board of Supervisors. of Tompkins County.: The undersigned, Superintendent of the Poor of Tompkins - County, respectfully reports that from the 15th day of Novem- - ber, 1885 to the 15th 'day of November, 1886, the- following . named persons have been supported in the County Poor House, viz : BELONGING TO TUE COUNTY, • Moses Myres , 365 Richard Mahoney 13 Lena.Collins 365 Henry Sinith 12 John Green 365 John Riley • r3 Albert Downing 365 J. M. Stobaugh 4 Cornelius Bogardus 35o Dennis McCarty 6 3 r 0 118 ' SUPERVISORS'., PROCEEDINGS. 0 James Hewitt 365' Chas, Morgan 8� John Gray.... .. 16o Hugh Stigler.... • 4 ' ,, Ellen Coyle - J44 . Mike Lynn " ' 4 .. Emma Miller t 214 'JohnMarnilton 6 y Maud Miller 214 - Geo,.Sheridan, • . 2' Edward Dart 2g6 Wm. Tindall '' 27 John Crook 224 Patrick Gray ... 2 Daniel Cook'..... 365 Samuel Tripp 3 Lawrence Gardner 40 Henry. Wait.. ... 2 . John Strouse • 3 "Thomas Quinn . 3 Frederick Miller . 365 , James Harris...,.. , ' 3 Henrietta Harvey .,r44 Chas. Adams 54 Chas. H. Harvey.,....... .. 92.1,W. H Harrison.... 4 Frank Burns.... 4 Mike Foley 3. John Powell 6 Robert Palmer '3 Bertha Smith 12o Edward Collins - 3 Jolrn Clark 3 John Dillion • 3 Frank Smith 4 John Clark 47 Jack Hughs 4 Tim Casey. •3 Thomas Ryan 4 Edward Boyne 25 George Daly 3 Henry Shroder [ 3 • JohnHollinbeck....'. ..... _ 4 Dennis Shannon 3 Jack Ryan.... 27 Frank Herrick 32 ' Thorrias Blake . 3 Elizabeth Wilson 5 Gilbert Emmons.... • .......... 3 _ John Doyle 2 _ ' 5,I211 ULYSSES. John Brennan 107 Charlotte Doty 219 Mary Cavanaugh • 365 Jackson Purdy 1.8 John Sears..... 365 Henry Raymond 224 James Ferguson 242 Johri'Manion 21'O • 1,857, Isaac Doty 107 ITHACA. ' - Daniel McCune 365 Seth, Peak I98 Iiorace Whitehead 365 Mary Syne 352 Daniel Carney... 168 Jane Knapp 1 174 Emily Vanalstyne 365 Abram Sliephard 8g Sarah Cranmer.... 365 Geo: Thompson 4 '43 t • SU PERVI SORS' PROCEEDINGS. 119 Elsie Johnson.: . . 365 Hattie Depeivtori.'.' 9 `. . Lcona Johnson. 365 Patrick Dunn • . 56 Peter Christine.....'...... 225 Theodocia Anderson \ ]52' Henry P. Howe , 365 Edward Huson • 36 ' Wm. Dibble ' •365 Egbert Stevens, . • `, 7 Abram Case ' ' 3255 Chas. Pew, ' 83 1 ` v 4,837. 1' , , GRoToN. . i Rebecca Butler 365 Francis Wilcox Elizur Tidd 27x ' 4' . -Everett Boyer.... Mrs. Z. Venable ' CAROLINE. 4 365 365 Total • 730 • LII 754 DRYDEN. ?F i;• Chas. White t 365 Akis Burton 111 John P. Allen 365 r ; Frank Corcoran...........365 r,'2o6 t DANDY. , Jerusha Cronce.,o : 365 Airy E. McPherson .,o r .Elnora Cronce 365 . Wm. Thornton . ............ 222 957 ,.1 Barney Moore Solomon Htorton LANSING. NEwFIELD. ENFIELD. :Edward C. Kellogg'... .n .'....... 176 137 ' Total numher'of days, 15,781. , �/' i ' .. The whole number of. days said paupers have been support- ed in thenCounty House was 15,781. ' t .1 • • • 0.,' r 120. SZJPERVTSORS' PROCEEDi GS.t t• e • The amount -of drafts.drawn • on the County Treasurer for'_• -bills audited by the Superintendent for the support of the insti-` tution during said said year, over and. above the proceeds'of the' farm, was'$2,895 -77. Drafts drawn on eounty Treasurer $ 2,595 77' The slims expended for out -door relief 1,531 6G Services of Overseers of the Poor- 211 00 , Transportation of paupers •32 r,} Improvement on property, furniture and implements, .......:. , . 1,1o6 53' To• t l.. 5,777 ro, a i -The following items make tip the amount t)nder the head or: improvement on property, etc.r: Phosphate and grass seed.... $ t09 73' Building hog and hen house anepainting rg Repairs on stoves and furniture ' l t'20 15'' Repairs on house, cvatcr pipe and'direh tog, 6o Repairs on fence f't - 157 32„ Simeon Rolfe, work on barn anti wagon houe, old bill 103 59 Build stoop and corn house 120 .6 " Grain drill -85 00. Serve. papers on Supt. Schuyler county' 4 50. r- I,to6 53. Amount of grain and producE raised, and the amount now on hand is : • 2o,tons,of hay- .-.on hand, 15. 300 bus. wheat- 220 s 167 4` har[ey - : 1 1 5 300 '° oats " 240I 200 potatoes - 150 _ i 40 " turnips i' ail. 630 " corn ears 475' 125 " apples Ion' 15 onions t ...... - 12 A. e. . S y ,a} " � M •R�j 4 3 7. i 1 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 121 25 " sweet corn none 8 " peas• cx 50 . ' beets all 5 _ " carrots • all . 834 barrels cider. barrel vinegar r75 heads celery 1200 heads cabbage Stalks from eight acres corn. Stock on farm : 130 .900_ 3 hoa•ses belonging to keeper. To County : 7 milch cows ; r yearling ; yoke of oxen bull ; If hogs fattening ;.4 brood sows ; t5 pigs ; boar hog ; 115 foi'1s and 2 turkeys. Supplies on hand : 1 . ' 20 tons coal ; 25 cords stove wood 40 yds factory ; 3o yds sheeting ; so yds 'ticking ; 3o yds calico : 15 yds denims ; 20 yds shirt flannel ; .ro yds gingham ; 5 yds muslin ; 5 shrouds ; all new ; 12 pr hose ; 14 pr socks ; 3 comfortables IS bed blankets : ro shirts ; 2 wrappers ; to aprons ; 8 towels ; 3 caps ; r dozen handkerchiefs ; 2 straight jackets ;,2 hoods,.; 2 flannel skirts ; 5 bed 'ticks ; 3 . pillow ticks ; 9 sheets ; r4 pillow cases ; 3 pillow ; 7 chemise; 8 night gowns ; 3 pr drawers ; 2 small skirts ; 4 nightcaps ; 7 -pr pants ; 6 pr overalls ; 7 yds full, cloth ;_4 coats ; 2 vests ; 7 brooms ; -3 mop sticks ; 3 pr women's shoes ; 120 lbs t '. coffee ; 25 lbs hard soap ; t bbl soft soap ; r hbl sugar ; 20 lbs tea ; 25 gal. mo- lasses ; 7 dol. candles ; 30 lbs tallow ; 2 casks of grease ; zoo lbs butter ; r gross matches ;..6 tin basins. I further report the number of deaths in the County House tobe6. , Number of births, t. I further .report the number of paupers in the County House Nov. 15, 1885, 39, ;Received during the year, 67. • It c 0 192 SUPERVISORS'. PROCEEDINGS. r Discharged; 49. Absconded, .10. Number in County House Nov. I5:i886, 42. • The average number in County House during the year was 43 86.365. The averageexpense of each pauper supported, above the hroceeds'of the farm, $66 S3. •ti The average weekly expense was $1.2S 2;-52. In conformity to the 39th Section, -Title r, Chapter 20, of the Revised Statutes, I respectfully report to the Board of Supervis- urs that. I estimate the expenses for the support of the county and town paupers in the Poor House for the ensuing year at $2,500. I estimate the expenses for.transportation •of paupers to .the 1County House at $40 00. I estimate, the expense for temporary relief of county pau- pers not in the County House, $1,500 oo. • - I estimate the expenses for services of Overseers'of the Poor $2oo oo. I estimate for salary of Keeper, $500 oo. Total amount 'of estimates, $4,940 00. .The following bills have been audited by the Superintend - cut of the Poor, and drafts drawn on the County, Treasurer. for 1 • 0 0 lFt • 4 ' " SUPEIW.i:so.Hs' F.ROOEEDINGS. ..1.23 • 0o i indoor expenses,;froin the i5th day of Nov. 1885 to the 1.5th -duty of. Nov. 1886: o No. of Draft.. Amount,` . Thomas Kirby, seed Nheat. .. ' z4 io 2 . C. M: Bower, pock ` a 20 80 13'Henry Sparks, 7 44 . 4• James.I3ower, � 8 40 '8 , C. B. Owen, pork and potatoes r8 � 44 9.'tC.,E. Still,,. othing. 2205 ro Mosher Bros. & Co., clothing 64 55 ,11 Wm, Stebbins, pork 21 So. 12 Robert Whipple, - - r9 24 ' + 13 T. N. Spencer, `: , 29 70 15 J. RBrown, . i.: 1 15 too • '` 16 Minning Atwater; suppliesqo g6 \ 1 • r8 17 "Wm. Austin, pork' ' 6 03 + Thos. Kirby, '.2q o3 , . ?4. D:'A. W lkiin, 20 07 . 20 '.Eben Rolfe, . t'' " . ' 13 68 ' t 21 C. C. Smith, ' , �• 22 C. Al. Rowe. .. r4 r3 , 5 35 23 ,Levi Letts, - 14 o6 i. '24 Henrl• :Andrews,',polk , . .. 13 72 t r' 25 Horace Lanninb, 47 88 , 26 Henry 'I-lausner, ` 21 47 27 Oscar Wilson, ` .� ,' 10 41 281 ,E, ;A. Korts, • 27 25 - , 29 •.S. B.,Korts„ " •30 Leroy Fletcher, F r2'3192.4426 9 'q246 31 • Itivalr Thomas, 16 44 32 'A. H: Johnson,13 77 33 C. C. attison, M 21 24 34 G. K. Farrington, " 22 22 ) `35 ' Wm. Booth, ` •26 52 T. G. Wilcox, 3617, 05'. 37, E. A. Wager, - 6 rS8 ,, ' . 38 Edward Boyer;2 ' 7, 0 9 ' 39 Fremont Wilson, " 1 • - .. .Io 48 • 41 W. H.,. Arninack, " i ' • 28 89 43 „Hawkins, Todd & Co„ supplies. .. . , . 34.,56' 1 ' ' 7 0 • .1.24 , ST;PEi VLSORS' .P..ROCEE1 JVI:3S 1 44 C. E. Still, clothing 46 C. S. Wattles, salt t0 75. .19, 20 49 L. S, McWhorter, supplies . 43 89 - 50 , Simeon Rolfe, salary:........... 6o 00' 51 C. L. Chapman, clothing .20 50, . 52 B. L. Almy. shoes and mending.'.. . 29 75 53 Horton & Holton, supplies 12 40 . 44 Hawkins, Todd & Co.: supplies... • ....:... .. 6 98 • 55 H. H. Lanning, pork 31 14 56. 31. T. Rolfe. pork.. 17 70 57 .C. E. Still, dothing 7 95 55 Seth Cowen, pork 12 68 59 Chris Lanning, ' 16 92 •65 F. A. Kerst, house physician- 49 00 ;} 66 Edward Murphy, meat '84 78 67 E. K. Johnson, supplies 45 113 • 68 Geo., Batty, meat \. 10 87 69 Wm. Farrington, shoes and mending 8 25 7o Edward Pyle, pork 16 20 71 Caleb Carman, threshing _ 3f' 05 72 J. Kerst & Co.; supplies •61 62 73 Simeon Rolfe, salary 65 00 74 Waiter Mekeel, pork/ _ 4 72 75 H. •F. Owen. . " - - .... 5 t2 76 -Wtn. E. Gould,, •' , 2 28 77 Fred Trumbull, wood .55 00 i 78 • C. E. Still, elothilig 5 68 79 J. H. Horton, coal t 102 56 80 Gauntlett & Brooks, supplies 52 19 81 ' Stowell & Son, supplies 17 98 ,82 Marsh & Wheeler " • 22 79 83 Wm. Farrington, shoes and mending....,, • 11 40 �f 84 Marsh & Hall, supplies. . 2 82 1' 85- Journal Association, book and stationery 5 50 , 86 C? M. Stanley. boots and shoes 22 65 87 W. G. Smith, blanks. • 2 00- 88 N. T. Ward, pork. 19'40 0 89 Elias Smith, " 13 41 91 J. L. Whiton, supplies 16 69 92 Stowell & Son, ',4 45 93 Winton & Stewart, supplies 4 32 , 94 Benj. Rich, clothing.... 8 5o I 4'75 47" Mary Miller, kitchen cook..'.'. 7,r •' SU '> RVTSOL{S' PROCREDJNGS. 0 • 191. 96 Aaron Mekeel, hay...25 00 97 13. L. AFmy, mending. " , 7 32 98 E. L. Brown, hay ` 96 09 99 Simeon Rolfe, salary • 125,00 100 lied Trumbull, hay and wood 2o: 00 102 E. K. Johnson, supplies . I.25 43 1n3. Ker.si•& Co., supplies 21 71 , • 104 Stowell & S9n, " fq 76 ro5 C. E. Still, clothing �, . 4 50 106 'Alvah Thomas, straw ` 7 50 107 Fred Triimbull, hay 34 50 .108= Joshua Barlurn, supplies 7 50 log ' Jesse Mekeel, pork' 3.13 110 J. 1'1. Horton, coal •66 65. i 1 f Benj. Rich, clothing -4.65' 114 G. J. Yaple, meat 5 74 1 i5' E. K. Johnson, 'supplies 26 58. 116 Chas. Wood_ hay 8.04'. 4 117 Stowell & Son, supplies 84 88 118 C. E. Still. clothing � 7 25 120 Simeon Rolfe„ salary Iz5 op 121 G., J. Yaple,, meat • 6 31 , 122 Howard Follett. tea• 15 00 '123' C. E..StilI, clrithing - 8 i4 "124; Stowell & Son,'supplies..... ; 5 75 ' 125 C. M. Stanley, shoes .. 14 85 ', ' 127 Wm. Farrington, " 7 88 t28 E: K. Johnson, supplies..... 22 26 i.:24 J. J. A. Durtin g, :• 10 74 130 Stowell & Son, 8 91 131, Kerst & Co, 38 37 132 Marsh &'Vheeler, " f ' 16.84 133 Stowell & Soil, \ 11 65 4 131 J. H. Hortoii, coal 17.04 rg6 C: E. Still, clothing... . . 3 23 137 C. H'.•Huson, supplies. .....7 07' 139 Simeon .Rolfe, salary - 25 00 141 C. L. Chapman, clothing 59 99. 142 G. J. Yaple, meat 10 33 144 ,Simeon Rolfe, salary 5o oo 146 G. J. Yaple, meat• 8 52 - - 148 Winton & Stewart, supplies . .12,3o , u, 0 I !r r 0 f ,11_25 , SUPERVISORS',. PROCEEDINGS. t n - i49••Stowell & Son; supplies- '15 34 i 15o Est••of J. L.Whiton, " IS u 15r i C. M. Stanley, shoes I t : J.8 .80 _ 152 .), ld. Horton,•coal i 27 42 l 1 ,$2,895 771 i The following bills have been audited, and drafts drawn on • 'the County Treasurer by the Superintendent for improvement on - . property, farming and household, utensils and furniture, frorn,'the 1 5th day of Ndv..1885 to Nov..[5th, [S86 No of •Draft. + A'utount• 5 Edward Pyle, phosphate .$ 4t.'85 6 E. A. Snow, painting• It o0 •Chas van Atnburg, painting 19 05 14 J, R: Brown build hog house . . . . . . . ,, 44 25 42 W..W. Estcy, water lime - ''3 20 , 45 C. S. Rutuse5', repair stoves and furniture ' 47 33 ° , 48 Treman, King & Co, "33 82 6o John Lynch, lay wail and foundation zoo 00 61 Geo. Small, lumber for hog house 63 20 62, A. J. Krum; carpenter on henery. • • ' io 63 , ► '63 D. A. Wilkin, 'te 33 , 64 J. R. Brown, rg 18 72 Kerst & Co., oil and paint i, 65 :, So Gauntlett & Brooks, oil and paint.... . X41 45 go Simeon Rolfe, work on wagon and hog house 103 59 3 95 Jay Pinkney, fence posts 4.50 ' for G. S. Wattles, grass seed r6 56 103 Kerst & Co., oil and paint .S' So ,I12 R. H. Stone, ditch tile.... 1 - + 6 oo 113 C. S. Wattles, grass seed..:. 18 00 rig, J. R. I3rown, build stoop I26 J. R. Brown, roof house and build fence 131 Kerst & Co., oil and paint • 132 Marsh & Wheeler, wall,paper.... '135 C. S. Wattles, grass seed ' ' .... 138 Ira C. Rockwell, luwber,'shingles and posts ' - .... eflo� Wm. Kinney, bedsteads ' -' -k 0 0 8o 00 • ,48 82 12 144 10 00 6'88 11.1 32 39 00 v � r , - iC v:;3 4 O .• , 0 SUPERVISORS' 'I'flOCEEDI T S. • .127 ' 143 =J. A. Brown, build corn house : • ' 35. 38 145 \W. J. Nixon, pliosphate26 '5o . 147 Jamieson &. McKinney, repair, water pipe I ?0 97 I , 9 153 ,.Pratt & Seymour; grain drill and fixtures corn house 90 o8 4 154 ChasrVan Amburg,.paint and painting. `.'... 20 76 4o E. G. Phelps, serving papers on Supt. Schuyler county....... ,.: 4 5o .'• $1,106 53 ' , � t Of this amount $567 o8 was for repairs, (.7!.tc.,_'previous' to. January; .1886. • The whole amount of `indoor expenses from the i'5th •day of °Nov. 48.8-5.,,t.6 :the t th da of Nov. r886, was$,8.95z 5 Y 77. r 1 .. . Statement showing the amount due. from', the County and ,each Town for the support of their poor in the Poor°House for theyear ending Nov. ,15th, 1886: •• , -,I BAmount. pays. vI • County - 5,120 3937.03 ,Enfield. 7 1 29 a .' Ithaca ! 4,837 888 73 Dryden. ' ,1,206 ` 22] 58 Danby , ' 957 175 83 . Lansing 176 32 31. 'Groton 1 754 - . 138 53 Caroline 730 - 134 12 4 Newfield 137 25 16 Ulysses ' •••• 1,x57] 341 19 e. Total' .15,781 .....� $2895 77 t . The following bill's of the Over`seers!of the Pobr and others have been'audited by the Superintendent, and drafts 'drawn on I the County, Treasurer for bills, con•tracted . out of the i oor Houser v 4 0 0 0 •L 128 STJPERVFSOR.S' PROCEEDINGS. n ` for temporary relief of,county paupers from Nov. 15th, 1885 to -Nov. I5th, 1886: Dec, 2, 1885. Wm. H. Teed,' relief of Whiting and others $ 56 94 • ' Wm, H. Teed, Phy. for sante....° '5 25 SOI Lieberman'clothes for Case . . ............. 4 75 G. G.AWhitley;relief Agnes Willets and others........'. 23 00 ,Dr. A. Chase, medical attendance..... ........... ::ro'49 Dr. J. E. ,Beers, " 0. ,Shepherd..-. . ... \ 1 o0 Br. R. W. Ellis, Mrs. Johnson 5 00, Bradford Snyder, relief Myres and others: ' ▪ 2' 25 Dec. 19. J. S. Kirkendall, M. D. for County Poor, Ithaca... °40 00 ' 26. F. G. Underwood, relief Mrs. Cushman 4 7&-. 29. J. J. Montgomery, med. for Mary Miller 3 oo. L. W. Carpenter, Phy. county poor, Truniansburg 30'00 G. E. Orton, Phy. for Rockingstyre... 35 ov 3o: W. H. Teed, relief Whiting 'and others 47 93 31. J-Ienry M, Smith, relief tramps.:.., r, 5o Jan. 23, -r886. Wm. Mack; relief poor in Ithaca .42;7 76 Feb; 3. . W. H. Teed, relief Mead and others 2 r8 Bradford Snyder, relief Nathan Robinson ` . , 79 ' Ex. of =Dr. Briggs, med. Mary Miller' • 8 75 Geo. E. Harris, relief Gardner and others J 64 50 Daniel Sullivan, relief Mrs. Jacobs 9 65 March 3. Nelson Underwood, relief Clarence Estes 1 75 J. C. Vanderhoof,'relief ,tramps ' 2 70 April 7� Wtn, Mack, relief county poor, Ithaca. 121 gr . n f _ - W. F. Teed, " . ` Ulysses 38 ,63 Henry M. Smith, relief county poor 4 pp • John II. Northrup, Phy. county poor, Ithaca......,:. 10 00 •• Daniel Sullivan, relief Mrs. 'Clark 7 20 Bradford Snyder, relief.tratnps ' 4 50 51 James Persouius, care Anna Miracle :2 42.2811 00 Geo. E. Barris, relief Gardner and others 32 48 G. C. Whitley, relief Agnes WilIets . ' 00 • April 19. Dr. Lockerby, m- 25•ed. for Mary CIark 21 00 -•. ' Wm. Mack, error in former bill 20 00 May 5, W.'11. Teed, relief Whiting and others r4 65 J. H. Horton, coal for -poor, Ithaca 128 32 G. C. Whitley, relief Mrs. Personius 7' 6o June_ 2, •Daniel Sullivan, relief Mike Flynn 5 oo - i ! r -t ✓ i - 0 July 7: . , • SUPERVISOnS' ] 29 0 Geo. E. -14arris, relief Gardner and others. ,... • 27 00 Wm, Mack, relief county poor, Ithaca. ...•.... ' 141 35 • Supt:,.to pay Rev. Strong, bill of 1884 and 1885..':... , '78 00 t W. H. Teed, relief Mrs: Brown ,25 00 -Aug, 4."' - , . W. H. Teed, " Mead •acid others 46 43 Sept. 1. Geo. C. Whitley, relief Agnes Willets 40 '5o '° Nelson Underwood, reliet•David Ireland - {5 95 Nov..",3f Geo. E. Harris, relief Gardner'and others 27 5o ' , • W. H. Teed, relief Mead and others ' 43 6o John Baker, relief Mrs. Frear'and others 13.60 Win. Mack, relief county poor,•It}saca..... 146 47 ' + J. H., Horton, coal 2 00 Dr, A. Chase, med. for, poor 7 ;Jo - $1,531 66 • The followirig.statement shows the amount of bilis audited by the Supt. to the Overseers for their services with.county pau- pers,from the 15th' day of TNov. 1885, to the 15th day of Nov. i 886: . Dec. 2, 1885, W.• H. Teed .d $ 5 75 G. C.•Whitley 7 a0 Bradford Snyder 4 00 f 19. Daniel Sullivan — • 4 75 3o, W. H. Teed.. .... • 2 00 Jan: 23, 1886. Wm.t Illacrk 1 18 od Feb. 3. 'Bradford Snyder...... - 6 00 - - . 'Geo. E. Harris c10 00 '1 t March 3. J. C. Vanderhoof , `1 00 April 7- . ' Wm. Mack 16 oo ' W. H. Teed . 6 0o Henry M. Smith 2 U0 • 7 Daniel Sullivan - _ 4 00' G. E. Harris - ,10 00 G. C. Whitley 4 00 May 5. _ G. Q. 'Whitley 2 00 July 7; o ' Geo. E. Harris' 6 oo, i , Wm. Mack - x'34 00.. . . i 8 00 Aug.4. . W.= H. Teed...... � 5 • _C t n. ,. o U 13d SL7PERVISORSPROCEEDINGS'. Oct:.6. . Daniel Sullivan 5 50 • Nov. 3.. G. E.•,Harris...:!.... z ao W. H. Teed _ l •,- 6' o0• John Baker ' - 11 00+ . Wm Mack 36 00 $2I1 00 Names ofpaupers transported_to the County House for -'the year ending Nov., 1 5,'1886, with •the bills and names of those transporting them, as per ' transportation book, and where • chargeable: , • om brought. Where chargeable.' Amount. e 1885.: Names of paupers. By wh Nov. I2.. Isaac Doty Charlotte Doty......' 27.- o Chas. Pew 0 Dec. 5. • Akis Burton sq. , Mary Syne + 30•• . Jane Knapp Henrietta Harvey' `.'Jan. 26, '86. Bertha Smith Eliza Tidd, April 16, Henry Raymond 20. 26. May 4.. 26. June 3. to. July 26.• Oct I." II.` 22.' W. H. Teed Ulysses $1 26 Win. Mack Ithaca 88 Bradford•Snyder.. Dryden, 2 •Wm. Mack •Ithaca . 88 13 26 , Dennis McCarty . Geo. Thonipson Hattie Depewton Win. Tindall Patrick Dunn..: • Theodocia Anderson C. F•. Mix Nelson U.nderwood Groton Aaron Mekeel . U1'ysseo Wm. Mack Ithaca. County........ r I 163 6o 60 1 05 105 '1 05 i 05 I 05 3 6o; 150 150 !r. 1 50. 3 s...._..1County, • - Ithaca, .......... Francis Wilcox . 'Nelson Underwood Groton Patrick punn , Wm. Mack Ithaca...:..... ' Amy E. McPherson.. John Baker Danby ' Edgar Huson. Wm. Mack Ithaca Frank. E.' Herrick:-..•. ' County Barney Moores ' Daniel Sullivan.... Lansing Edward Boyne ` W. H. Teed County 'Statement of farm produce sold, and S how applied,,: Cows and calves 05 2 150- 3 1.00 , ° r 00 $32 14 •, $135 09 Lard, hams and grease : 183 81 •il - 0d 0 • e 0 0 0 . o .e a s � + SUPERVISORS'. PROOEEDTNf S. � f , Barley Old Wagon and hen house •0 Accounted for as follows': -' 131 84 04 9 00 $411 94 For work and utensils ' $49 50 .3 °Convey Insane to Asylums'and children to Homes 54 44 Supplies for the house 7o 28 To Keeper ' 62 8t Travelling expenses 48 84 Due for produce sold .'........'... .... t r8 97 ° ; Cash'on hand, . 7 oo. or $.itt 84 The above accounting is from Jan. 1st to Nov. 15th, 1886. Report of the Superintendent df the Poor to the Board of • Supet"visors, fixing the location of those taken to• the different Asylums and homes, and what town .chargeable for their support Nelson Severn Willard Asylum Ithaca, Patrick Casey'r Ithaca. Anna L.'Welch .'.Self support. Orville Hartranft' t Newfield, Mrs. Dorsey Ulysses. James Moore " ,Ithaca. Self support. Ann'I1i>lmes ..r Enfield.. Self support, •Mrs. Patrick" Kane Ithaca. Self support.. John B, Bennett....... .. ' ,, Ithaca. �(Y David Ireland Groton. Mrs. Patterson! p Ithaca. 1 Chas. Sutliff. ' ° ...Groton. . Mary Freese' ..........:.........Newfield. Minnie L. Stevens Caroline. _ p - • Two Shade children . Rochester Home Ithaca. Two Frear children.... ..... S. Valley Home ....:..., ... County. Cora Demun' ii ... .Caroline. Beebe child Ithaca.. Maud Dygert .. Ithaca. 0 t+ 0 , 0 o 0 f • 132 •SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. The Superintendent further reports that the expenses for the care of the poor in the County House, and' for temporory re - .lief of those not in the County House, amounts to $4,67o 57. Appropriation, $.4,5oo ; leaving an indebtedness of $170 57 for the care of the poor, and $i,io6 53 for improvement on property, furniture and utensils. Of this amount,.$J524 39 was for improvement and furniture previous to the last report, and $78 oo to Rev. Strong for indent- uring children in 1884 and 1885. TOMPKINS COUNTY, SS.: I, Elias Smith, Superintendent of the Poor of Tompkins County-, do solemnly swear that the foregoing report is true, according to my best knowledge and be- lief. - ELIAS SMITH, Superintendent. Subscribed and sworn to before me this r7th day of Nov., E836, M. N. TOMPKINS, Notary Public. C 0 0 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. POLITICAL DIRECTORY, AND GUIDE TO TOWN OFFICERS. v REVISED BY M. N. TOMPKINS. 133 General Election : The First Tuesday after the first Monday in November : 1 Revised Statutes (7th F.d.) page 379. Annual Town Meeting: Last Tuesday in February. Proceed- ings of Board°of Supervisors, iSSo. Annual School Meeting in neighborhood : Last Tuesday in August ; Laws of 1883, Chap. 413. Annual meeting of Board of Town Auditors, comprising the'Supervisor, Town Clerk and Justices of the Peace, or any two. of the said Justices ; The first .Thursday after the General Election, at which time all accounts for charges and claims against their respective towns must be presented to them for audit ; 1 Revised Statutes (7th Ed.) page 835, Laws 1840, Chap. 305. Annual meeting of the Board of Town Auditors as above designated,to examine accounts of Town Officers : On the last Tuesday preceding the Annual Town Meeting to be held ill each town ; Laws of 1863, Chap. 172. Annual meeting of the Supervisors of the County as a Board of County Canvassers ; First.. Tuesday succeeding the General Election ; 1 Revised Satutes, (7th Ed.) page 390. Annual meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the County : Immediately after the completion of the Canvass, or at such other time as they, as a Board, shall fix 2 Revised Statutes (7th Ed.) pages 926-931. O 0 r o 0 134 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. GS. 0 Annual .1teeting of Supervisor, Town Clerk and Assessors of each Town, to designate the place in each election district in the "I'own, at which. elections shall be held during the year, and to give notice, written or printed, to be posted in at least eight public places in each district, containing descriptions of the places so designated, and of the time of opening and closing the polls : On the first Monday in September in each year. Laws 1881, Chap. 137. Meeting of Supervisor, Town Clerk and Assessors of each Town, for the purpose of making lists of Trial Jurors ; on the first day ,of July of each third year ;after July 1st. 1878, at a place in the town appointed by the Supervisor, or in his absence or vacancy in office by Town Clerk: or, if they fail to meet on that day, they must meet as soon thereafter as practicable ; Code of Civil procedure, j 1035.' The next meeting for this purpose till bc,held July 1st, 1887. County Superintendents of the Poor meet at the County House ; •The first Wednesday in each month. The object of •these meetings is to audit bills payable from the County Poor Fund. TOWN OFFICERS. Each Supervisor must execute to, .and deposit with, the County Treasurer, a bond for the accounting- of all school mon- eys which may•come into his hands, before entering upon the' duties of his office. Each Supervisor must make and deliver. to the Town Clerk of his town, his bond for the faithful discharge of his official du ties, and to account for all moneys coming into his hands as such Supervisor. The Trustees of School districts shall make a report to the School Commissioners between the 20th day of August and the last Tuesday of August' in each year ; Chap. 49, Laws ,1884. 0 0 0 0 a 0 1T w 4.. J'v• U STFPERVISOR,S' PROCEEDINGS. 135 The school zrioneys are apportioned annually by the School Commissioners, on the third "f uesday in March. The Commissioners of Highways Must execute a bond,to the _ Supervisor of his• town within ten days after his election. Overseers of Highways must file a statement of all unworl�ecl highway tax with the Supervisors of their respective towns, on or before the first day of October. • The Tax Collector or Receiver shall, within eight days after receiving notice of therarnount of taxes to be collected. by him, execute to the Supervisor of the town, and lodge with hien, a bond in double the amount of said taxes,.to be approved by the Supervisor,, "lehe.Supervisor shall, within six days thereafter, file the said bond in the,office of the County Clerk of his,County. The Assessors must complete the Asscssinent Roll on or be- fore the first day of August, and lcaVe a copy. thereof with one of their number, and immediately thereafter cause notice thereof , 'to be posted in three or more public places in their town or r ward: " When the line .hetween two towns, wards or .counties di- vides a farm or lot, the same shall be taxed, if occupied, in the. town, ward or county where the occupant resicles ; if unoccupied, •. each part shall be- assessed in the town, ward, village or county where the same shall lie." Lay,,s T886; Chap. 315. - The Assessors shall meet on,tlle third Tuesday in August to review their assessments, and hear the complaint of any person conceiving himself aggrieved. • An affidavit to the Roll by the Assessors, made prior to the third Tuesday of August, is. a nil- lity.' The Assessors trust deliver the corrected Assessment Roll to.the Supervisor on or before the first day of September,. there ,to remain for a period of fifteen days for public inspection, and. • ,the Assessors shall forthwith give public notice by •posting the same in at least three of the most public places in the town, or by publishing the same in. one or more newspapers published • O 0 0 7 7 1.36 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. • therein, that such Assessment Roll has been finally completed, the officer to whom the same has been delivered, and the place where the same will be open to public inspection. Saicl fifteen days; within which any assessment may be reviewed by certio`rdri, shall commence on the day of the first publication. The Assess- or cannot enter the name of a person an his Roll who 'became a resident after the first day of duly. When the Assessors, or a majority of them, shall have 'com- pleted their Roll, they shall severally appear before any officer of their County authorized by law to administer oaths, and shall severally make and suhscriGe before sdch officer, an oath in the following forzn, which must be strictly followed: "We, the undersigned, do severally depose and swear that we have set down in the foregoing Assessment Roll, all the real es- tate situate in the town (or ward as the case may be,) according to our best information ; and that, with the exception of.those cases in which the value of the'said real estate has been changed by reason of proof produced. before us, we have estimated the value of the said real estate -at the sums which a majority of the Assessors have decided to be the full value thereof, and also that the said -Assessment Ro11 contains a true Statement of the aggre- gate amount of the taxable personal estate of each and every per- son named in such Roll, over and above the amount of debts due from such persons, respectively, and excluding such stocks as are otherwise taxable, and such other property as is exempt by law from taxation, at the full value thereof, according to our best judgment and belief." Which oath shall be written or Printed on said Roll, signed by the Assessors and certified by the officer. Laws '1885, Chap. 364.. • The Supervisor must report to the County Treasurer, on the first Tuesday in March, the amount of School moneys remaining in his hands. Each Justice of the Peace must execute a bond with two sureties conditioned for the payment on demand to the proper 0 n 0 o a o o � 'SUPE13,VIS0BS' PROCEEDINGS. 137 officer all moneys received by the Justice, by .virtue of his office, which bond must be approved by the Supervisor. of the town, and filed in .the .Town Clerk's office. , • e • Each Justice of the Peacc shall make a report in writing, verified by oath, each year, bearing date the first day of Novem- ber, to the Board ,of Supervisors, at their annual session, in which he shall state particularly.the time when, and the name of the person er person's from whom, any money has. been received ; and also the amount, and on what account the same was received; also all sums remaining due and unpaid ; and that all moneys by him received have been paid to the officer duly empowered by law to receive the same. Each Justice of the Peace must pay alI moneys received by hint for fines, within thirty clays after its receipt, to the County Treasurer. 'Criminal Code, Sec. 726. ' Overseers of the Poor cannot furnish supplies to a County pauper to exceed the sum of ten dol]ars, Without an order from 'the County Superintendents authorizing further disbursements for such purpose. All bilis payable by towns must be presented to the Town Auditing Board for audit. All bills for supplies furnished to County paupers, must be presented to the County Superintendents of the Poor, for audit All bills presented to the Board of Supervisors or any Aud- iting Board, must be verified by oath, stating that the same are correct in every particular, and that no compensation has 'been received for -the same, or any part thereof, except ,as therein stated., r. 0 0 l O 0 0 a C 0 0 A INDEX. , PAGE. ALMS Housc, CouNrY---Chaplain of, Salary 15 Resolution that Board visit tr Visit of Board to 17 ANNUAL SESSION Ole BOARD 5 AUDITS, COUNTY . .. .......... ......... .......... 61 to 67`. TOWNS 6g to 92 • Caroline 69, 70 Danby 71, 72 Dryden . 72, 74 Enfield 75, j6. Groton 76, 78 Ithaca - 78. 81 Lansing86, 88 Newfield 88, go Ulysses.... .. 30, 92 BUDGET, COUNTY 54 to 58 'CAROLINE—!audits of 6g°7o r Resolutions adding to audits.... ... 21, 2y • Tax of • 55' Appropriation for Highways and Poor 21' CHAIRMAN—Election of CLERK—Election of 6 ' r COMPTROLLER—Communications of,•to Board 7, "8- COMMITTEES OP BOARD—Formation of and duties 6 ° Appointment oaf 9 .7 u 0 ,, 0 I O o . .i INDEX. i COMMITTEES, REPORTS OF --Treasurer's Accounts . 26 • U. S. Deposit,Fundt. and Insurance-.35, 39 State Charitable Institutions. •30 to 34 Equalization and Assessment Rolls .. , 51' ' Superintendents' Accounts.... 22, 25 Infant Heir Fund 45 46 ' On changing Town Line.... 1 39 4 COUNTY TREASURER—Annual Report of • 93 Report of Infant Heir Fund. . 99 , COMMUNICATIONs^.COtnptroller 7 • Willard Asylum 8 ` COLLECTORS—Requited to settle 39 DANBY—Audits of 71 Tax of ', 55f DRYDEN—Audits of , • 72 % Resolution adding to g8 Tax of - 55 .t - Appropriations for Highways and Bridges .. .. 12 DISTRICT,, ATTORNEY—Report of. 102 ENFIELD --Audits' Of 1 75 • Tax. of .. 56 Appropriation for' Highways ' ' 16 Report of Railroad Commissioners ...............•....... . 'ro6 Report of Supervisor xo7 RIURONEOUS ASSESSMENTS • ' e 42, 51 Illr GROTOM—Audits of 76 Report of Railroad Commissioners rob-, Report of Supervisor - 'log Tax of Town 56 HIGHWAY TAXES–Returned unworked a 36,37 r ITHACA—Audits of,... 78 = Tax of ' 56 , Report of Railroad Commissioners.:....... ' $ rro• .Report`of Supervisor ' 112 ' (3 F\ 0 III INDEX. ' INFANT HEIR FUND—Report of County Treasurer Report oft Committee Resolutions to pay claims: 1 JAII. PHYSICIAN—Election of LANSING of.. • LANSING -Audits of.... c 99 26 27 20 ' 20 56 . ' Resolution adding to tfi 41 Tax of.... ..... 7 N&LVFIELD-. Aud its of 55 Resolution adding to 2g Tax of 57 Report of Railroad Commissioners tt4 Report of Supervisors 115 PRINTING—Proceedings of Board 19 Session` Laws 13 Legal Notices 19, 20 PROCREDINGS OF BOARD—Distribution of • 25 PRISONERS ---Contract for keeping 49 ROAD TAX -UNWORKED 36, 37 REPORTS, COMMITTEES—Treasurer's Accounts - ` 26 • I7, S. Deposit Fund and Insurance 35 to 39 State Charitable Institutions . 30 to 34 Equalization and Assessment Rolls 51 Superintendent's Accounts 22 •to 25 Infant Heir Fund 45, 46 REPORTS, COUNTY OFFICERS ---County Treasurer , , • 93 District Attorney 102 County Supt. of Poor ............................J7 Loan Commissioners 105 Sheriff's 104 Surrogate's Clerk.... '102 0 .I.I,TDEX. IV REPORTS, RAILROAD COMMISSIONERS AND SUPERVISORS. Enfield IoG Groton ioS Ithaca Ito Newfield 114 Ulysses iz6 SUPERVISORS—Names and residence of 5 Accounts of 68 SESSIONS OF BOARD• - 7 TAxEs---State and County 54 to 58 TOWNS—Petition to change Town Line,....... . !.. 22, 28, 47, 48 ULYSSES- Audits of 90 Resolution to add to::.. 12, 18 Tax of 57 Appropriation for Highways and Bridges ' 18, ig WILLARD ASYLUM --Communications from ............... S ' 7 , �7 ]') % " -17:7 7� cm 4 774. 1' • l