HomeMy WebLinkAbout1885. • • -rp`lsis;i ti Gou:nty., -- OF Tipt: =:18 8 • • PROCEH;DINGS -} OF TIIx. BO]I$ll :> QF SaPEMTISORS OF 'PAT COUNTY OF TOMPKINS, / FOR THE YEAR 1885. • JOHN E. BEERS, CHAIRMAN. MYRON N. TOMPKINS, ITHACA, N. Y. JOURNAL ASSOCIATION JOB PRINTING HOUSE. 1885. CLERK. • SPECIAL SESSION OE' THE BOARD OF • SUPERVISORS OF TOIVIPKINS COUNTY --1885. 0 The Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County having met at an extra session held in the Supervisors' Room at the Court House in Ithaca, on Tuesday May 26; 1885, at 11. A. wr., pur- suant to a call of the committee on repairing the jail, said committee having been given authority to convene the Board . by.a resolution passed at the annual session of 1884, were called to order by Supervisor'George, Chairman of the Board of 1884. • On{call of the' roll all of the Supervisors from the several.. towns were present. President Ramsey appeared before the Board in reference to the, laying of the stone sidewalks in the park. He stated a difference. -of opinion existed as to where the walk should be laid. Some desired the walk laid near the fence of Judge Boardman and others desired it laid on the gravel walk run- ning direct from the Court House door to Buffalo Street. He said the Board of Trustees desired the sentiments of this Board in the matter. The members of the Board retired to the park to examine and ,view the proposed location of the walk and having fully. 6 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, discussed and considered the matter, retired to their rooms and cono]ud'ed to take no action on the same. • On motion, the Board adjourned until 2 P. M. AFTERNOON SESSION. Board met pursuant to above adjournment. Roll call. All present. Mr. Beers, chairman of the committee' on repairirtg the jail, reported that the committee had visited the Owego jail and inspected the sante and had employed A. B. Wood to draft plans, and.thereupon advertise for bids and the follow- ing bids had been made, each accompanied. by a 000 check as requiredby the advertisement for bids : Treman, "Water- man man & Uo. $13,370, Ow' -ego Iron -Works $12,400, Van Dorn trod Works $11,200. • . Architect A. B. Wood, being present, by request exhib- ited and explained to the Board the plans which he had draft- ed. After a lengthy discussion of the plans and the matter of building the jail, thereupon il1.r. Crocker presented the follow- ing resolutions which were unanimously adopted Resolved. --That the county jail be repaired and rebuilt in accordance with the plans and specifications of the architect, A. B, Wood, this day submitted to the Board. Resolved.—That the bid made by the Van Dorn Iron Works of Cleveland, Ohio, be accepted, provided that such company enter into a proper contract with and give the security required by the building committee of this Board. Resolved.—That in case such company shall fait or refuse to make such con- tract or give the required security, that the said committee be and are hereby authorized and empowered to make a contract for the repairing and rebuilding of said jail in accordance with the said specifications with any other person, com- pany or corporation. Resolved.—That the said building committee be empowered to enter into - such contract in such form as they may deem best. and that said committee may require such security for the faithful performance thereof as in their discretion they may consider advisable. STJPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 7 Resolved.—That the cost efsuch building and repairing he levied and assess- ed upon the taxable property of Tompkins county in four equal annual install- ments, the first installment to be levied in the fall of 1S85, Resolved. ---That the said building- committee be authorized and empowered to raise the money necessary for such building and repairing upon the credit of the county. Resolved. --That John E. Beers, A. G. Chapman and R. Horton be and are hereby appointed and constituted such building' committee. lies giver/ ,--That such committee shall have power to convene this Board at any time and upon such notice as they shall deem best. N[r. Beers offered the following resolution, which, on.rno- tion of Mr. Speed was adapted : Resolved.—That James S. Johnson be appointed county sealer of weights and measures, for the year ending December 3rst, iS 5. Mr. Pierson offered the following resolution, which, on motion of Mr. Horton was adopted : Resolved.—That in case it shall be necessary to remove any prisoners from the county for safe keeping during the time of the making of the repairs in the jail, that the chairman and clerk of this Board be and arc hereby empowered to con- tract with any adjoining county for maintaining the same during the time of such repairs. There being no farther business before the Board, the minutes of the day's proceeditl,gs were read and approved and .> the Board adjourned without day. M. N. TOMPKINS, Clerk. 4 4 ANNUAL SESSION OF TITE BOARD • OP • SUPERVISORS • OF TOMPKINS COUNTY --1885. u Pursuant to law. the Supervisors of tIEe several towns of Tompkins County, New York, -convened in annual session ,I the Supervisors' Rooms in the Court House, at Ithaca, in said County, on the llth day of November, 158:1, at 9 o'clock, A. M. The Board'was coiled to Order by M. N. Tompkins, Clerk of the Board of 1884, and on calling the roll of towns in the County, all the Supervisors answered to their ,names respec • tively, except Supervisor Pierson ot'Ulysses, who was sick and unable to be present, as follows : TOWN. 11 F.,lri ER. P. U. ADDRESS. Caroline, Ro13i:wi G. H. SPEED, Slaterville Danby, ' Joiii E. BEERS, Danby Dryden,. .JAM:Es.Il. GroRol,., Wrest Dryden Enfield,... BvuoN JACI;soN, - ..Enfield Groton, . ALBERT G. CIHAr_1rAN, Groton Ithaca, RICHARD A. CROZIER, .Ithaca Lansing. ' .. DA \SID Cuoo aR, ... Five Corners, Cayuga Co Newfield, R 1NDOLr.x HoRTON, Newfield Ulysses,. . A. H. PIERSON, Trumansburg SitPERVISORS' PiWC EDI NGs, On motion of Mr. Beers, David Crocker was unanitnously chosen temporary Chairman. On motion of Mr. Horton, Mr. Beers was unanimously' chosen permanent chairman. The Board next proceeded to ballot for Clerk. The whole number of votes cast was 8 ; of which., M. N. Tompkins re- ceived 8. • A communication to the Board from the State Comptroller was read by the Clerk and was, on motion of Mr. Crozier ac- cepted and ordered spread upon. the Minutes, as follows : STATE OF NEW YORK, COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE, ALBANY, OCTOBER 10, 1885. To the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins: SIR :—I enclose a form of statement of the valuation, of Real and Personal Estate required to be made by you, persuant to Chapter 117 of the Laws of 1836, and forwarded to this office previous to the second Monday in December in each year, under a penalty of fifty dollars. f also enclose a form of Return of Incor- porated Companies Iiable to taxation. it is indispensabk that this Report de fur- nished by the time prescribed. The board of Equalization of Taxes, in pursuance of Chapter 312 of.the,Laws of 1859, have fixed the aggregate valuation of property in your County at the sum of $13,936,212, upon which amount a State tax of ° 4[,251,19 must be levied for the current fiscal year, commencing October Ist, 1885, as provided in said act and amendments thereto, by Chapter 351, Laws of 1894, being 2 96 -too mills on the dollar, for the following purposes, viz.: For Schools....... ..1 mill, per Chapter 358, Laws of 1885. For General Purposes,..1 41-100 " • " 358, 1885.. For Canals.. - . 55-100 " " Total 2 96-100 mills.. Your Obedient Servant, 245, and 385, " 1885. ALFRED C. CHAPIN, Comptroller. P. S.—The non-resident Taxes credited to your County for 1884, amount to $289,48. 1.0 SUPERVISORS' PROCLEDI\GS. Mr. Horton offered the following resolution, which was on motion of Mr. Crozier, adopted : Resolved. --That all resolutions of this Board,presented by the members there- of, be in writing and signed by the Supervisor presenting the same, unless other- 1;.vise ordered by the Board. Mr. Crozier offered.the following resolution, which was on motion of Mr. Ilorton,•adopted : Resolved.—That the Committees of this Board be formed the same, and that their duties.be the same as they were in 18S4- \llir. Crozier offered the following resolution, which was, on motion of Mr. Hoxton, adopted :. Resolved.—That the salary of the Clerk be fixed at the sum of one hundred and fifty collars ' Mr. Crocker offered the following resolution, which was on motion of Mr. Jackson, adopted : Resolved.—That this.Board convene at 9 o'clock,A. M., and at 2 o'clock, P. M. Mr. Horton offered the following resolution, which was, on motion of Mr. Crocker, adopted : •Resolved. --That all county orders issued by this Board be countersigned by the Chairman, and all town orders by the Supervisors of the several towns ; and that no order shall be issued without the consent of the Board until after the final adjournment of this Board. Communications to the Board from Willard Asylum were read by the Clerk, and were, on motion of Mr. Crocker ac- cepted and ordered spread upon the minutes, as follows : STATE OF NEW YORK, WILLARD ASYLUM FOR THE INSANE. WILLARD, SENECA CO. ,OCTOBER r, 5885. To the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tootpkins, 1 transmit herewith the names of patients remaining in the Asylum at this date, together with such other facts and information as the statutes require to be reported at this time, At a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Asylum, held September ad, 1855, the following resolution was adopted: SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 11 Resolved.—That the weekly rate of maintenance for patients in the Willard Asylum for the coming year (commencing October Ist, proximo), be, and is here- by fixed and determined at, z 42-Ioo dollars, ($2.42). • By direction of the Board, P. M. WISE, Superintendent. WILI.ARD ASYLUM FOR THE INSANE, TREASURER'S OFFICE, OVID, N. Y., October rst; 1885. To the Treasurer and Clerk of Board of Supervisors, County of Tompkins: Yon are requested to present the following communication to your Board of Supervisors at the ensuing session : The number of insane persons in the Asylum chargeable to the County of Tompkins at this date is 55. It is estimated that there will be required for the maintenance of patients now in the Asylum, for the ensuing year, the sum of $6,921 20-100 ; and for clothing, t7'o. Total, $7,69I 20-100. In order to comply with the spirit and letter of the law, which requires that all purchases for the Asylum be made for cash, and prohibits the Trilstees from contracting debts, the Board of Supervisors is respectfully requested to make the requisite provision for the support of patients in the Asylum, to enable the Treas- urer to meet the current expenditures as they occur. Respectfully yours, J. B. THOMAS, Treasurer, REFERENCE:—Chap. 446, Laws of 1874. Tit. iv., sec. 6. Chap. 541, Laws 1872. Chap. 272, Laws 1879, page 359. _ Mr. Crozier offered the following, which was, on- motion of Mr. Horton, adopted : Resolved.—That this Board visit the Court House on Thursday, November igth. A communication was read by'the Clerk from the Secre- tary of the Tompkins County Visiting Committee of the State • 12 . StiPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Chairitie8 Aid Association, and upon .motion of Mr. Crocker was ordered filed. On motion, . the Board adjourned. AFTERNOON SESSION. Roll call. All present except Mr. Pierson. The. Chairman announced the following .Standing Com. mittees of the Board : COMMITTEES OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, •1885. Chaarman—JOHN E. BEERS. • Clerk --ills RON N. TO MPKINs. Constables', Clerk's and .Justices' Accounts. Horton, George, Crozier. Treasurer's, Sheriff's and .Judge's Accounts. Chapman, . Horton, Jackson. Equalization and Assessment Rolls. George, Crozier, Pierson, Horton, Chapman. Superintendent' s Accounts and County Buildings. • Crocker, Pierson, Speed. County Claims. • Speed, Pierson, Crocker. U. S. Deposit Fund and Insurance. Jackson, Chapman, George. Public Printing. Pierson, Crocker, Speed.. State Charitable Institutions. Crozier, Horton, Jackson. Mr. Horton presented the report of C. L. Smith, District - Attorney, which, upon motion of Mr. Chapman, was received and ordered spread upon the minutes, as follows : 0 1 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. . 13 , DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S REPORT. TOMPKINS COUNTY TREASURER'S OFFICE, Ithaca, N. Y„ March 13th, 1585. S Received from C. L. Smith, District -Attorney, One Hundred and Two and 56 -loo Dollars, amount received on judgment against W. Van Houter. GEO: H. NORTHRUP, $102.56. •• County Treasurer: ITH ACA, N. Y„ August 17th, 1885. Received of Clarence L. Smith, District -Attorney„ Forty-eight andf 12-100 Dollars, the amount collected by hire on an execution in the case of the People exlrel Willard Van Houter vs. Ambrose Sadler, as Superintendent, &c., on dis- missal of writ of habeas corpus. $48.12. GEO. H. NORTHRUP, County Treasurer. To the Board .of Supervisors of Tompkins County : Pursuant to a resolution of the Board of Supervisors of 'said County, made in 7.876 ; and also in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 400, Laws of 1567, I make the following report to your Honorable Board as to all tines imposed by the various courts in .criminal cases, and whla.t disposition has beeii made of the same since the date of my last report. SCHEDULE. The following fines were imposed and have been paid, as I understand, to the Sheriff of Tompkins County PERSONS FINED. OFFENSE. AMOUNT. o Dec. 22, 1884—Geo. Wolverton....Violating Excise Law $50 00 April ?- 1885—Isaac Shirley a. 85 00 April 7, i885—Walter Conway.. -..Gambling House 40 00 Total amount of fines paid $175 oo 14 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, The following persons have been fined, but the fines have not been paid, for the reasons given below : PERSONS FINED, OFFENSE. AMOUNT. April ro, x885—John Lusk Bawdy House $5o 00 (Defendant served fifty days in Jail.) , Aug'st 5, 1885—Seymour Bates Violating Excise Law 3o 00 tAppeal taken to General Term which is still pending undecided.) In February last I collected $102.56, on an execution is- sued after the dismissal of a writ of habeas corpus in the case of the People ex rel Willard Van Flouter vs. Ambrose Sadler, as Superintendent,. etc., of the said Willard Van, Router, which sum I afterwards and on the 13th day of March, 1885, paid to the County Treasurer, as is shown by the receipt hereto annexed and made a part of this report. On the 17th day of August, 1885, another writ of habeas corpus was_ dismissed in the 'same case ; and Van Router paid on an execution issued by me the sum of • <$48.12, which on that day I paid to the County Treasurer, as is shown by the receipt hereto annexed. No fines have been paid to me, nor has anything been collected by me on forfeited recognisances. CLARENCE L. SMITH. District Attorney. Dated, November 11th, 1885. The remainder of the afternoon session was consumed in committee work. On motion, the Board adjourned. SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 15 SECOND DIY---Tk4URSDA.Y, NOVEMBER 12, 1885. MORNING SESSION. Roll call.. All present. Minutes of yesterday's proceedings read andapproved. A communication' was read by the Clerk from the State Conventions of Superintendents of the Poor, requesting that the Supervisors appoint a delegate to attend the next Annual Convention, which communication was on motion of Mr. Crocker accepted and ordered tiled. • Mr. Speed, chairman of committee on County Claims, re- ported upon the following bills, which were audited seriatum by the Board in accordance with the recommendations of the Committee : Bill Numbers, 2,`3, 5, 6, 7, 8, Io, II; 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 1s, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 4S. The Committees: were engaged during the remainder of the morning session in examining County Claims and in mak- ing their reports. On motion, the Board adjourned. AFTERNOON SESSION. Roll call. All present. Mr. Crocker offered the following resolution which, on motion of Mr. Jackson, was adopted. Resolved.—That the Grand Jury list for the present year be apportioned to the several towns the same as for the year 1884. Mr. Porton, Chairman of Committee. on Constables', Cle'rk's, and Justices'. Accounts, reported upon the following .bills, which were audited by the Board in accordance with the recommendation of the Committee. Bills Numbers r, 9. 16 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. • . •s .An informal discussion was had by' the members relative to the publishing of the Proceedings of the Board. The remainder of the afternoon session was consumed in Committee work. On motion, the Board adjourned. THIRD DAY --=FRIDAY, NOVEMBER .13, 1.885. MORNING SESSION. Roll call. All present. Minutes of yesterday's proceedings read and approved. The entire morning session was consumed by the respect- ive Committees in their work. On motion, the Board adjourned. AFTERNOON SESSION. Roll call. ` All present. . Mr. Pierson, Chairman of the Committee on Public(,Print- ing, offered the following resolutions, which were adopted : Resolved. ---That the publishing of the Proceedings of this Board be given too the Ithaca Daily and Weekly Journal, for forty cents per folio, including Town and County audits and to the Weekly Democrat for twenty-five cents per folio. Resolved.—That the Ithaca Journal Association be authorized.to publish 4,000 copies of the proceedings of this Board in pamphlet form, provided it be done in the same form, the same type and upon the same quality paper, as in the year 1884, and be completed and ready for distribution by January loth, 1886, and they be allowed therefor $1.98 per` page. Mr. Pierson, Chairman of the committee on .public print- - ing, offered the following resolution which was adopted: , Resolved.—That the price of printing the Session Laws for the coming year be fixed at fifteen centsper folio,and that we now proceed by ballot, for two news- papers of different political faith, as required by law, SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDIIN;GS. 1i •d The Board thereupon proceeded to ballft with the follow- ing result: Republican 5 Democrat •3 Ithaca journal The Republican and Democrat were thereupon declared chosen to print the'Session Laws. Mr. Speed, Chairman of committee on County Claims, reported the following bills which were audited by the Board in accordance with the recommendation of the committee. Sills Numbers, 53, 56, 57, 62, 63, 64,.67, 65, 69, 72, 75, 76, 81, 82. Mr. Speed presented the abstract' of Town Audits of the town of Caroline, which on motion of Mr. Chapman was ac- cepted and audited. (See Town Audits.) Mr. Jackson presented the a,bstraot of Town Audits of the town of Enfield, which on motion of Mr. Horton was ac- cepted and audited. {See Town Audits.). On motion, the Board adjourned. FOURTFI DAY ---SATURDAY, NGVIEIYIBER '14, 1885, • MORNING SESSION. Roll call. All present. Minutes of yesterday's proceedings read and approved. Mr. Jackson offered the- following resolution which was adopted : Resolved.—That there be assessed and levied upon the taxable property of the town of Enfield the sum of $25o, said amount to be applied by the Commission- er of Highways for maintaining highways and bridges. Several members of the Board were engaged in, preparing Grand Jury Lists. 18 SUPERVISORS' PROOEE]bINGS. • The committeeeupon claims against the County *ere en- gaged for sometime in the examination of claims. Mr. Speed, Chairman of the committee on County Claims reported the following bills which were audited by the Board in accordance with the recommendation of the committee : Bills numbers, 4, 35, 36, 37, 38, 54, 55, 65, 7o, 78, 86, 83, 91, 93, 98, 99, roo. On motion of Mr. Pierson the Board adjourned until next Monday, at 11 A. M. FIFTH DAY ---MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1886. MORNING SESSION. . The Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call. All present except Mr., Speed, Mr. Chapman and Mr. Crocker who was excused to attend United States Court in Syracuse, on a case in which.the town of Lansing is • a party. Minutes of last day's proceedings read and approved. The following resolution was offered by Mr. Pierson, which on motion of Mr. Horton was adopted : Resolved.—That the 4,000 copies of the proceedings of this Board shall he distributed among the several towns of the county, in the same ratio as in 1884, and that the Clerk of the Board be authorized to forward the same to the Super- visors of the respective towns as soon as they are printed and ready for distribu- tion. On motion, the Board adjourned. AFTERNOON SESSION. Roll call. All present except Mr. Crocker who was ex- cused as above. 1 Mr. Chapman offered the following resolution which was adopted : • r SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 13 Rosolved,-That this Board purchase' the Proceedings of the Board of Super. o visors of Tompkins county, from 1857 to 1881, inclusive, bound in two volumes, of the estate of Merritt King for $ro.00 and that the Clerk of this Board place the same on file in the.Tompkins County Clerk's office and that the Clerk of this Board procure the proceedings of said Board for the years x882, 1883 and 1884 and place them on file in said County Clerk's office, and that it shall be the duty of the Supervisors' Clerk, hereafter, to file with the County Clerk of said county,' a copy of the Proceedings of the Board of Supervisors, as soon as they shall be published in pamphlet form, and that the County Clerk shall cause the same to be bound in book form as often as he shall think proper, .the volumes to be as near uniform as possible. Mr. Speed Chairman of the committee on County Claims, reported .the following bills which were audited in accordance with the recommendation of the committee : • Bill numbers, 6o, 71, 101, 102, 103, jib, 117, 121, 124, 125, 126, 133, 142. Mr. Horton, Chairman of' the committee on Constables' Clerk's and Justices' Accounts, reported the following bills, which were audited in accordance with the recommendation of the committee : Bills numbers, 29, 31, 32, 33, 5o, 59, 73, 84, 9o, 92, 94, 95, 96, 104, 105, 108, 109, 110, 122, 123, 127, 231, 144• Mr. Jackson offered the following resolution which was adopted : Resolved. -That the incoming County Clerk be required to give a bond in the sum of $1o,00o in accordance with Chapter ir8, of the Laws of 2881, and to pre- sent the same to this Board for their approval. v On motion, the Board adjourned. • SIXTH DAY ---TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1885. MORNING SESSION. Roll call. All present, except Mr. Crocker who was ex- cused as above. • • Minutes of yesterday's proceedings read and approved. 0 • f 94 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDIIGS. Mr. Geo. 11. Northrup, County Treasurer, appeared before the Board and the committee on Treasurer's Accounts was engaged tine.entire session in examining his accounts: The other committees were also engaged' in coinmittee work. On motion, the board .adjourned.. AFTERNOON SESSION. Roll call. All present except Mr. Crocker: Mr. Pierson offered the following resolutibns which on motion of Mr. Jackson were adopted. Resolved.—That there be assessed and levied upon the taxable property of the town of .Ulysses the sum of four hundred and seventy-five dollars ($475.); said sum being the amount voted at the last annual Town Meeting for the pun Pose of building an iron bridge near Gregg's machine shop's. Resolved.—That there be levied and collected upon the taxable property the town of Ulysses the sum of four hundred and twenty-five dollars ($425.); said sum being the amount voted at the last annual Town Meeting, for the purpose of of erecting an iron bridge near the cemetery in Trumansburg. Resolved. ---That that there be levied and collected upon the taxable property of the town of Ulysses, the sum of of three hundred dollars (530o.); said sum be- ing the amount.voted at the last annual Town Meeting for the purpose of build- ing an iron bridge on the road running south from Hatseyville. Resolved.—That in accordance with a resolution of the Town Hoard, adopted October. 17, 1885 ; and also a resolution adopted November 6; 1885, there he levied and collected upon the taxable property of the town of Ulysses; the sum of two hundred and seventy-five ($275.); said surri, or as much thereof as• may be needed, to be used by the Commissioner of Highways, to defray ofie-half of the expense for building a bridge on the town line between Ulysses and f Enfield. • Resolved.—T• hat there be levied and collected upon the taxable property of the.town-of Ulysses, the sum of two hundred anti'fifly dollars ($25o.) for repairs on roads and bridges. • Mr. Pierson of the committee on County Claiins, reported the following bills which were audited by the Board in ac- cordai}ce with the i-econimendation of the coriaiuittee SIiPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 21 •, • Bills numbers, 128, 132, 134, 135. 136, 137, 139. 140, 141, 143, 145, 146, 149, 150, 151, 153, 154, 155, 156, 158, 159, 16i, 163, 164,-165, 167, 169. Mr. Speed offered the following resolutions which were adopted : Resolved.—That in accordance with resolutions adopted at the last Town Meeting, the sum of two hundred dollars be levied and collected upon the tax- able property of the town of Caroline for the support of the poor Resolver!.—That two hundred and fifty dollars' in excess of the amount al- , lowed by law, be levied and collected upon the taxable property of the town of Caroline, for the repair of roads and bridges.' Mr. Chapman, chairman of the Commitee on Treasurer's Accounts, offered the following report which was adopted: To the Board.of Supervisors o/ Tompkins County • We, the undersigned, Committee on County Treasurer's accounts, respect fully report that we have carefully examined the accounts of George H. North- rup, County Treasurer, together with his report and accompanying vouchers herewith submitted and find them correct, and that we find a balance of $2,942.28 .in his hands belonging to the various funds, as shown in this report. Your committee have also examined the securities held by the County. Treasurer in trust for the Infant Heir Fund and find the several `securities in his possession as per his report of said fund. Your committee commend Mr. Northrup for the care and efficiency shown in . the accounts, whereby the labors of the committee have been materially lessened , A.,G. CHA1'MAN, R. HORTON, -Committee. BYRON JACKSON, . Mr. Chapman presented the report of -the County Treas- urer, which, upon motion of Mr. Horton, was adopted! and ordered spread upon the minutes. (See Reports:) Mr..Cr'ozier preseltted the report of the Bonding Couttis- sioners of the town of Ithaca, and also his report as Super- visor of the bonded indebtedness of said town, together with the subjoined resolution, which reports were on motion of Mr, 22 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, Horton accepted and the resolution adopted. (See Reports. On motion, the Board adjourned. SEVENTH DAY -WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 18 1885. MORNING SESSION. Roll can: All present except Mr. Crocker. Minutes of yesterday's proceedings read and approved. One of the Loan Commissioners appeared before the Com- mittee on U. S. Deposit Fund and submitted his report, and after an examination by the cofnmittee, Mr. Jackson, Chair- man of said Committee, submitted the following report which was adopted : . To the Board of Supervisors of Tornpkinr County.. The Committee appointed'to investigate the condition of securities cif the State Loan in said County respectfully report, that no new securities have been taken since last report. . For further information in regard to the condition of said Loan in this Coun- ty we would refer to the report of said Commissioners to this Board. BYRON JACKSON, A. G. CIFIAPMAN, Committee. _ J. H. GEORGE, • Mr. Jackson also presented the report of the Loan Com- missioners which was aceepted,as follows : To the Board of Supervisors of Tomplcins County : The report of the Commissioners of the United States De- posit Fund for the year 1884-1885 is as follows: There was remaining in`our hands November ist, 1884, of principal • Since Nov. 1st, 1884. there has been paid of this princi- palsum ... Leaving as principal November 1st, 1885 Amount on which interest was paid, Oct. 1,'85, 0,547 34 r . $38,452 34 3.755 00 $34.697 34 r SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 23 SNTEREST ACCOUNT, ' Interest received on $31.547 34 $1,892 84 " " principal paid at times from Novem- ber,• 1884, to October, 1885 144 96 Principal paid 3 755 00 With rent from state farm. 5o 00 ---. $5,842 8o Paid Comptroller by drafts $3,327 76 Our Commissions, 254 76 Interest refunded on mortgages Nos. 66o, 664, 779 32 98 Paid Comptroller by draft in full 2,227 30 $5,842 80 Mortgages Nos. 749;802, 826, and 838, ,were advertised ac- cording tolaw on Oct. 29th, 1885, and are now being fore- - closed. All of which is respectfully submitted. CORNELIUS LEARY, Commissioners, HENRY H. HOUPT, I, Cornelius Leary, one of the Loan Commissioners for Tompkins Count V do hereby certify that the foregoing is correct. CORNELIUS LEARY. O The other members of the Board were engaged in footing assessment rolls. On motion, .Board adjourned. AFTERNOON SESSION. Roll call. .All present except Mr. Crocker. - Mr. Pierson presented the report of the Bonding Commis- sioners of the Town of Ulysses, and also his report as Super - •visor of the bonded indebtedness of said town, together with the subjoined resolution, which reports were, on motion of Mr. Chapman, accepted, and the resolution adopted. (See Reports.) 0 24 r SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDIIGS, Mr. George presented the Town Abstractfor the Town of Dryden, which, on motion of Mr. Horton was accepted and . audited. (See Town .Audits.) Mr. George offered the .following resolution, which, on motion of Mr. Chapman, was -adopted: Resolved.—That there be added to the Town Audits of the Town of Dryden the following bills Corporation of Dryden Village, use of Hall ,$io 00 Margaret Proctor, error in tax _ 3 78 $13 78 Mr.. Jackson presented the report of the Bonding Com- missioners of' the Town of 'Enfield, and also his report as Supervisor of the bonded indebtedness of said town, together with the subjoined resolution, which were, on motion of Mr. Horton, accepted, and the resolution adopted. (See Reports.) Mr. FIorton, Chairman of the Committee on Constables, Clerks and Justices' Accounts reported the following bills which were audited in accordance with the recominendation 'of the committee. Bills numbers, 27, 28, 30, 39. 40, 43, 44, 47,,49, 61, 66, 74, 68, 148, 152, ,6o, 162, 166, 168. Mr. Speed, Chairman of the Coninlittee on' County Claims reported the following. bills which were audited by the Board in 'accordance with the recommendation of the com- mittee. Bills numbers,' 5.2, 58, 85, 97, 115, 129, 130, 147, 157, 171, 172, 173, 174, 176. Mr. Horton offered the following resolution which, on mo- tion of Mr. George, -was adopted: STW RVISOI S' I'RQCEEDII�GS. 25 , Res'olyed, —That there be levied and collected from the Taxable propertp of the Town of Newfield the sum of Two Hundred and Fifty dollars, said amount to be applied by the Commissioner of Highways fur maintaining highways and bridges. .i On motion, Board adjourned. EIGIITIH DAY-TRURSD1Y, NOVEMBER 19, 1885. MORNING SESSION. Roll call. ,All present except Mr. Crocker. Minutes of yesterday's proceedings were read and ap- proved. In pursuance of a resolution heretofore adopted the Board adjourned to make their annual 'visit t� the County Alms I{di se, at which place.the different menrbers arrived at about 11 A. 31. Superintendent Wm O.. Newman, Superintendent -elect Elias Smith, and Keeper Simeon Rolfe, were on hand to re- ceive the Board. After an informal discussion among the meinbers as to the condition of the farm and buildings, there amount .of produce raised upon the farm as well as the amount on hand, the expenses of the past year, and the number of .inmates, which was reported to be forty-three at the present time; the Committee upon Superintendent's Accounts entered upon a, careful examination of his books, vouchers and ac- counts: After this was completed the Superintendent conducted the Board through the various apartments of the House;. Where the ihinates were found to be coinfortable; and every- thing in a clean condition. Ile Board was then shown thronkli the rieW wagon house, which has been hilly coiripleted siiice our last annual visit. atl StiPERViSORS' PROCEEDINGS 0 This building was found well apportioned and well construct- ed in its every appartutent. This, with the large farm barn, which was reported completed last year, both of which have been well painted, are a decided improvement to the farm, and are in striking contrast with the dwelling buildings, 'which need repairs. The thanks of the Board •are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Rolfe, who spared no pains in entertaining the members. At 5 P. M. the Board adjourned to return to Ithaca. NINTM Dl Y—FRID1Y, NOVEMBER 20, 1885, MORNING SESSION. Roll call. All present except Mr. Crocker. Minutes of yesterday's 'proceedings were read and ap- proved. • Mr. George offered the .following resolution which was adopted : Resolved.—That in accordance with a vote of the Town Auditors of the Town ;of Dryden, there be levied and collected from said town the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars for the support of the poor. • Mr. Horton offered the following resolutions, which on motion of Mr. Jackson, were adopted : Resolved. --That in accordance with a resolution adopted.by the Town Board of Audit, of Danby, there be levied on the taxable property of said town, the sum of $500 00, the money when so raised to be used by the Commissioner of Highways to pay certain debts contracted for iron bridges, Resolved.—That in accordance with laws governing in such cases, the sum of • X250 0o be raised by the tax payers of the above named town, such moneys when, so raised to be used by the Commissioner of Highways for repairing highways and bridges. Mr., Horton, Chairman of the Committee on Constables, Clerk's and Justices' Accounts, reported that the committee SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS.. 27 recommends that bill No. 180 be referred to the committee ap- pointed last year to procure index books in the County Clerk's Office to be made. On motion' of Mr. Jackson the- recommendation of the committee was adopted. Mr. Horton, .Chairman of the Committee on Constables, Clerk's and Justices' Accounts, reported the following bills, . which were audited in accordance with the recommendation of the committee': Bills numbers, 25, 41, 42, 45, 46, 51, 89, 118. I19, 120, 18i. Clarence L. Smith, District Attorney, appeared before the Board and called their attention to Chapter 337 of the Laws of 1884, which requires the District Attorney to give bonds for any moneys that may come into his hands as such District Attorney, and requested the Board to -fix the amount of his bond. . Whereupon, Mr. Chapman offered the following resolution, which, on motion of Mr. Pierson, was adopted : Resolved.—That in accordance with Chapter 337, Laws of 1884, the District Attorney of Tompkins County be required to give a bond in the sum of One Thousand dollars. Mr: Pierson, of the Committee on County Claims, reported the following bills which were audited in accordance with the recommendation of the committee :• Bills numbers, 112, 113, 114, 175, 177, 183. On motion, Board adjourned. AFTERNOON SESSION. Roll call. All present except Mr. Crocker. Mr. Pierson presented the Town Abstract of the Town of Ulysses, which, upon motion of Mr. Jackson, was accepted and audited. (See Town Audits..) 28 SUPERVIORS' PROCEEDINGS. Mr. Pierson offered the following resolution, which was adopted Resolved.—That the Supervisor of the Town of Ulysses be authorized to add to the Town Audits of -said town the following bill : G. E. Orton, M. D., recording births and deaths :...$2 00 • Mr. George offered the following resolutions, which, on. motion of Mr. Speed, were adopted : Resolved,—That the Chairman and Clerk of this Board be, and are hereby empowered to make a contract with the County of Onondaga for the maintenance of such prisoners as may be sentenced to a penitentiary by any court authorized by law to impose such a sentence, Resolved.—That said committee be authorized to make said contract for the .term of one or more years, as they may deem to be for the best interest of the County, said contract to commence January 1st, 1886. Mr. George presented the Town Abstract of the Town of Danby, which, upoif motion of Mr. Chapman, was accepted and audited. (See Town' Audits.) Mr. George also offered the following resolution, which, upon motion of Mr. Crozier, was adopted : Resolved.—That the bill of Smith Bros. for $95 So be added to the Town Audits of Danby. Mr. Chapman presented. the Town Abstract of the Town of Groton, which, on motion of Mr. George, was accepted and audited. (See Town Audits.) Mr. Horton offered the following resolutions, which, on motion of Mr. Pierson, were adopted : Resolved.—That in accordance with the resolution passed by the Town of Groton, at its last annual meeting, the sum of three hundred dollars be levied and collected on the taxable property of said town for the support of the poor. Resolved.—That the sum of sixteen hundred and fifty dollars in addition to the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars, now allowed by the statute, be levied and collected on said town for the maintainance of roads and bridges. • • SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 20 Mr. Horton offered the following resolution, which was adopted : Resolved. --That the sum of $5o.00 be appropriated from the Court expense account for the purpose of purchasing articles for the greater comfort of the aged and infirm now in the County Alms House. Such moneys to be expended under the direction of the Committee on ordinary repairs. • Mr. Jackson offered the following resolution, which was, adopted : Resolved.—That the Superintendent of the Poor be and he is hereby author- ized to build a henhouse, barn -yard and road fence the cost of the same not to exceed $roo. On motion, Board adjourned. TENTH DAY---SRTURD/Y, NOVEMBER 2), 1885, MORNING SESSION. • Roll call. All present except Mr. Crocker. Minutes of yesterday's proceedings read and approved. Mr. Pierson offered the following resolution which was adopted: Resolved. --That the Superintendent of the Poor be authorized to employ a Chaplain for the County Alms House, for the year 1886, at a salary not exceed- ing fifty dollars. The amount so allowed to be paid on an order of the Superin- tendent on the County Treasurer ; provided that no part of the amount so allowed shall be deducted from the salary paid said person by any church, or society, for cwhich he may officiate. Mr. Horton of eredlthefollowing resolution, which, on mo- tion of Mr. Pierson, was adopted : Resolved.—That the Sheriff of Tompkins County be and he is hereby designated as the janitor for the Court House for the ensuing year, and that he have the care and custody of the boiler and heating apparatus of the jail, and that he receiv.e for such service the sum of $350. 80 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, Mr. Speed offered -the following resolution, which, on mo- tion of Mr. Chapman, was adopted: Resolved.—That we appropriate the sum of $go for _jail physician, foi the en- suing year, and that we proceed to the election of such physician. •Thereupon Dr: Beckwith was duly elected as Jail Phy- sician. • Mr. Horton presented. the Town Abstract of : the Town of Newfield, which, on motion of Mr. ,Chapman, was accepted and audited. (See Town Audits.) • - Some time was spent in footing assessment rolls. On motion, the Board adjourned until next Monday at 2 P. lr. ELEVENTH DAY ---MONDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1885. AFTERNOON SESSION. Board met at 2 P. M., pursuant to adjournment. Roll call. All present. This session having been appointed by the Board for hearing the'diseussion of the claims of the Infant Heirs, the following gentlemen appeared before the Board, and a full dis- cussion was had, urging the, Board to take some action to bring. about a settlement of the claims of the Infant Heirs : Messrs. Geo. E. Goodrich, P. G. Ellsworth, -J. T. Newman, Jas. McLachlan and T. J. McElheny. Mr. Newtnan in his argument presented petitions numer- ously signed by taxpayers of several towns, requesting the Board to take some action in the matter. • SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 31 Mr. Jackson, chairman of the Committee on Insurance, presented the following report, which, on motion of Mr. Croz- ier, was accepted,and the resolution adopted : To the Honorable, the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: The Committee on Insurance would respectfully report that they have effect- ed insurance on the County Buildings, for three years, as follows : JntL. Company. Am't of Policy. Premium. • Rochester German"Gray & Wood, Agts $1,500 00' $30 00 Philadelphia, 1,500 00 30 00 $60 00 COURT HOUSE : Company. Am't of Policy. Premium. 'Etna, Geo. W. Schuyler, Agt $2,000 00 $30 00 Springfield, John L. Whiton, Agt 2,000 00 30 00 Phcenix, H. A. St. John, Agt 2,500 00 37 50 $97 50 CLERK'S OFFICE. Company. Am't of Policy. Premium. Liverpool Sr London & Globe, Abel Burritt, 'Agt. $z,000 oo $.7 5o North British, H. J. Grant, Agt... 2,000 0o 15 00 $22 50 Total amount of Premiums $z8o 00 And your Committee would recommend the adoption of the following reso- lution : Resolved. That the sum of one hundred and eighty dollars, ($18o oo) be levied ; and collected upon the taxable property of Tomplkins County. for the purpose Of paying the above amount of premiums. BYRON JACKSON, A. G. CHAPMAN, Committee. J. H. GEORGE, Mr. Horton offered the following resolution, which, on motion of Mr. Pierson, was adopted : 32 - SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Resolved, That there be added to the Town Audits of the Town of Newfield, the following item, to -wit : Geo. W. Sebring, services as Commissioner of Highways, .. $16 00 Mr. Crozier offered the following resolution, which, on ino- tion-of Mr. Crocker, was adopted : Resolved, That there be levied and collected upon the taxable property of the Town of Ithaca, the sum of $25o, to be applied by the Commissioner of High- ways for the improvement of roads and bridges. On motion, the Board adjourned. T TELFTI DAY---TUESDRY, NO\EMBER_24, 1885. MORNING SESSION. Roll call. All present. Minutes of yesterday's proceedings read and approved. Mr. Pierson, chairman of the Committee on Public Print- ing reported the following bills, which were audited in ac- cordance with the recommendation of the Committee : Bills Nos. 79, io7, 182. Mr. Chapman, chairman of the Committee on Treasurer's, Sheriff's and Judge's accounts, reported the following bills, which were audited in accordance with the recommendation of the Committee : Bills Nos. 170, 192, 193, 194. 195. Mr. Chapman also presented the Reports of the Sheriff, which, onmotion of Mr. Horton, were accepted find ordered spread on the minutes, as follows : SHERIFF'S REPORT. T. o the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County : I.have to report that during the last part of my term, end- ing Jan. 1, 1885, I have collected as fines the following sums of money, to -wit George Wolverton $50 Dated Nov. 28, 1885. J. K. FOLLETT. SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS: 33 TOMPKINS COUNTY TREASURER'S OFFICE, 1. ITHACA, N. Y., Dec, 2z, 1884, Received from J. K. Follett, Sheriff, Fifty Dollars, fine Geo. Wolverton. • GEO. H. NORTHRUP, $5o.00. County Treasurer. To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County : I have to report that during the past year, ending Nov, 15, 1885; I have collected as fines the following sums of mon- ey, to -wit .. , Feb. 7. Owen Brady . , $10 00 " Pat Cummings 5 00 April 7, Isaac Shirley 85 00 '° Walter Conway 40 00 June 17, George Elmer 4 8o M. Naughton 4 80 Fred. Goodwin 4 So $154 40 All of which I have paid over to the County Treasurer, whose receipts for the same are herewith submitted: r Dated Nov. 23, 1885. J. W. TIBBETTS, Sheriff. TOMPKINS COUNTY TREASURER'S OFFICE, ITHACA, N. Y., Feby. 7, 1885. Received from J. K. Follett, for J. W. Tibbetts, Sheriff, Fifteen Dollars, • Frady fine, $[o and Cunimings fine, $5. GEO. H. NORTHRUP, $15 oo. County Treasurer. TOMPKINS COUNTY TREASURER'S OFFICE, ] ITHACA, N. Y., April 7, 1885. Received from J. K. Follett, for J. W. Tibbetts, Sheriff, One Hundred and Twenty -Five Dollars,—Isaac Shirley, $85, Walter Conway, $40, fines paid into Court. $125 00. GEO. H, NORTHRUP, County Treasurer. 34 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS TOTMYKINS COUNTY TREASURERS OFFICE, } , ITHACA, N. Y., June 17, 18B5. Received from J. W, Tibbetts, Sheriff, Fourteen and 40-100 Dollars,—George Elmer, M. Naughton and Fred. Goodwin, fines. $14 40. GEO. H. NORTHRUP, County Treasurer. Mr. Chapman offered the following, which was adopted : Whereas, It appears from the proceedings of the Board of Supervisors of - Tompkins County for the years 188o to 1888, inclusive, as compared cvith the bills of Western Institute for Deaf Mutes, in account with said County, that the sum Of $r74 17 belonging to the Town of Groton has been credited to the Town of ' Lansing, in payment of said bills, therefore, Resolved, That the Treasurer of said County be authorized and instructed to give the Town of Groton credit for the sum of $r74 17 ; the same to be placed in her account withWillard Asylum ; and that the same amount be charged to the Town of Lansing in her account with the Western Institute. On motion, the Board adjourned. AFTERNOON SESSION. Ioll call. All present. Mr. Pierson offered the following resolution, which, on mo- tiod of Mr. Crozier, was adopted : Resolved, That in accordance with a resolution of the Town Board, adopted Nov. '6, 1885, there be levied and collected upon the taxable property of the Town of Ulysses, the sum of two hundred dollars for the support of the poor. Mr. Chapman offered the following resolution, which was adopted: Resolved, That the Chairman appoint a Committee of three members of this Board, whose duty it shall be to investigate the statements and consider the re- quests made before this Board by the Infant Heirs through their representatives, 'and also ascertain as nearly as they can the amount of money now due said+heirs, and report to this Board for,its action on the matter. The Chair named the following as such Committee : Hoi.•ton, Chapman, Crozier. SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 35 Mr. George offered the following preamble and resolution, which was adopted : ° Whereas,. At the annual Town meeting held in'the Town of "Dryden, Feb, 24, 1885, the following appropriations were voted upon and adopted in accord- ance with Sections one and two, Chapter 122 of the Laws of 1883, viz : Eight Hundred Dollars to erect an iron bridge near Freeville Mills ; Twenty -Five Hundred Dollars to erect an iron bridge near the residence of Bradford Snyder ; Tweny-Five Hundred Dollars to erect an iron bridge near the residence of Frank Norton ; Eight Hundred Dollars to erect an iron bridge over Six mile Creek, on Lot No. 91, in said Town; and Two Hundred Dollars to pay one-half the ex- pense of erocitng an Iron Bridge on Town line between the Towns of Groton and Dryden, near Peruv.ille ; amounting in all to'Six Thousand and Eight Hun- dred Dollars, Therefore,' Resolved That Six Thousand and Eight Hundred Dollars, be levied and col- lected from the taxable property of said town of Dryden to be, expended by the Commissioners of Highways of said Town for the purposes named in said ap- propriations. Resolved, That in accordance with a resolution adopted by the •Town Board of the Town of Dryden at a meeting held on the 5th day of November, 1855, there be levied and collected upon the taxable property of said Town•of Dryden the sum of Seventy -Five Dollarsfor the purpose of repairing and protecting the Highway on the Creek running south from the Saw Mill of Lyman Ellis, in said Town. Mr. Speed offered the following resolution, which was adopted : Resol✓ed, That in accordanca with the request of the Board of Town Auditors of Dryden there be added to the audits of the Town of. Dryden the bill of Almon Robinson, Forty -Four Dollars and Sixty Cents. Mr. Speed, Chairman of the Committee 'on County Claims, reported that bill No. 87, for $168 00 for use of telephone, be audited at $126 00, and that the use. of the telephone at the County Clerk's Office be discontinued after Jan. 1, 1886. • Upon motion of Mr. Jackson the recommendation was adopted. 36 SUREVIS011.S' PROCEEDINGS. Mr:Speed also reported the following bills, which were audited in accordance with the recommendation of the Com- mittee :• Bills Nos. 34, 138, 188, 189, 19o, 191, 195, 197. Mr. Jackson offered the following resolution, which was adopted : Resolved, That the following bills be added to, the Audits of the Town of En- field, to -wit : J. G. \Vortman, Undertaker, for the burial of Edward Worden, an hon- orably discharged soldier $35 00 S. J. Fish, Clerk of Election 4 00 E. C. Almy, Clerk of Election.. 4 00 Mr. Crozier offered the following resolution, which was adopted : Resolved, That when this Board adjourns to -day, it be till to o'clock, Wed- nesday. in order to give as many of the members who desire an opportunity to visit the High School at 9 o'clock to -morrow. Mr. : Jackson offered the following resolution, which was adopted : Resolved, That when this Board adjourns on Wednesday, Nov. 25th, it be to .meet on Monday, Nov. 3oth, at a o'clock, A. M. Mr. Crocker, Chairman of the Committee on Superintend- ent's accounts, reported the following bill, which was audited in accordance with the'recommendation of the Committee: Bill No. 184. On motion, the Board adjourned. TIIIRTEENTI DRY -WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1885. MORNING SESSION. 1 o]1 call. All present. Minutes of yesterday's proceedings read and approved. SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. al Mr. Crozier offered the Town Abstract of the town of Ithaca, which, on motion .of Mr. George, was accepted and audited. (See Town Audits.) Mr. Speed offered the following resolution which was adopted : .w]IIREAs, the Committee on the report of the Superintendent of Poor finds it very difficult from year to year to prepare a correct financial report to the Board on account of the improper classification of accounts. Therefore, be it Iiesolv'ed.—That thei Chairman of this Board be authorized and directed to prepare printed financial blanks for the Superintendent's use, so that his report eachyear will show the Alms House receipts and expenses in the different de partments with the balance or deficit in each, in a simple tabular form. The Board were engaged in considering the Superintend- ent's,report during the remainder of the session. On motion, the Board adjourned. FOURTEENTH DRY---MONDRY, NOVEMBER 30, 1885. MORNING SESSION. The Board met at 11 A. ni., pursuant to adjournment. Chairman Beers being absent, Mr. Crozier was elected Chairman pro tem. Roil call. All present except Messrs. Beers, Chapman and George, who were excused to attend the funeral of the late J. W. Dwight. Minutes of last day's proceedings, read and approved. Mr. Crocker presented the Town Abstract of the town of Lansing, which, on motion of Mr. Pierson was accepted and audited. (See Town Audits.) Mr. Pierson offered the following resolution which on mo- tion of Mr. Jackson was adopted; 88 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, Reselvert --That there be levied and collected from the taxable property of the town of Ulysses the sum of one hundred seventy-one and • fifty one hundredths dollars (Sr71.5o), to reimburse the town of Ithaca for the amount erroneously charged to and paid for the maintenance at the Canandaigua Home of Henry Sherman who was and is a proper charge to said town of Ulysses, said amount to be added to the amount now to be raised for above mentioned purposes by said town of Ulysses • Mr. Horton in the chair. Mr. Crozier offered the follow- ing resolution which was adopted: Resolved.—That the County Treasurer be and he is hereby authorized to apply the above named sum of $171,5o, when received, to the account of the Town of Ithaca with the Canandaigua Home, so far as may be necessary, and that the balance be applied to the account of said town with the S. V. Home. . On motion, the Board adjourned. AFTERNOON SESSION. Roll call. All present except Messrs./ Beers Chapman and George. Mr.:Horton presented the report of the Bonding Commis- sioners of the town of Newfield, as also his report as Super- visor of the bonded indebtedness of said town, together with ,the subjoined resolution, which reports were on //lotion ac- cepted and the resolution adopted. (See Reports.) Upon motion of Air. Horton the reports of the Justices,of the Peace of the several towns were accepted and ordered filed with the Clerk of this Board. Mr. Horton in the chair. Mr. Crozier chairman of the Committee on State Charita- ble Institutions, presented the report of such committee, to- gether with the subjoined resolution, which report was on motion of Mr. Speed accepted and ordered spread upon the minutes and the resolution adopted. SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 89 Said report and resolutions are as follows : To the honorable, the Board of Supervisors : Your committee appointed to examine the accounts of the several charitable institutions would respectfully report the following resolutions : , Resolved.—That in accordance with Chapter 446, Title 4, Section 6, Laws of 1874, there be assessed and levied upon the taxable property of the following towns and the county of Tompkins the sums set forth in the annexed schedule to reimburse the county for amounts of money paid to Willard Asylum, viz. CAROLINE, Bartoli Lynch 36 93 34 55 32 95 35 31 Less rebate Amanda C. Rightmire Self.supportitlg. Less self supporting • Total io be raised by'town DANBY. 4 • Rachaet R. Jefferson 37 53 35 50 35 70 35 81 14454 Less rebate 2 57' 141 79 Briggs Montgomery 32 88 34 75 36 25 36 16 140 04 Less rebate s7 137 47 139 74 2 57 48 95 137 17 48 95 186 12- 48 95 137 17 40 SIIPERVISORS' PROCEEDIi�TGS. Edgar D. Wright 39 03 40 15 36 76 37 So Self-supporting. r 153 74 Less rebate 2 55 151 16 Emma Krum... 38 45 38 45 Less self-supporting. _ Total to he raised by town. DRYDEN, John B. Kellogg... ... ! 40 43 33 '86 40 95 37 35 152 59 Less rebate 2 57 Hannah Winn 34• 98 33 15 ,. 35 61 31 8o Less rebate. Wallace Wait Less -rebate 135 54 2 57 35 98 39 20 36 o6' 32 35 143 59 2 57 469 05 151 16 317 89 150 02 132 79 a 141 02 George D. Pratt 32 78 33 15 33 51 ... --. 31 80 Self-supporting. — – 131 24, Less rebate 2 57• t28 67 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Benjamin F. Pratt 34 15 33 38 31.8o 34 96 134 29 Less rebate 2 57 131 Thomas M cKenna 35 03 36 20 35 45 39 71 • 146 39 Less rebate. 2 57 Clarence Wait Less rebate 61 82 38 00 99 82 r 27 41 72 143 82 98 55 Mar} M. Underwood 57 92 Less by credit and rebate. 26 12 31 8o Self-supporting. - Hamlet F. Pierce 53 15 53 15 Self-supporting John D. Sperry....... 46 85 46'85 Total 1,058 57 Less self-supporting 213 62 Total'to be raised by Eown . 844 95 GROTON.. . Frankie A. Pierce [ 35 63 37 15 33 80 36 51 143 09 Less rebate 2 57 14052 • • 42 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS0 N. -A. Parker 39 78 39 55 • 36 55 42 66 158 54 Less rebate 2 57 155 97 s Nelson W. Allen Less iebate. • Ella M. Scofield • 34 18 33 35 32 85 o6 139 44 2 57 40 73 33 15 35 35 37 136 87 146 79 Less rebate.... 2 57 144 22 Eliza M. Baker... 38 18 • 33 15 36 96 35 70 Self-supporting, 143 99 Less rebate 2 57 141 42 Marietta Clark 35 48 38 90 5 23 79 61 Less by credit and rebate 27 07 Anthony 0. Malley... 34 38 34 55 38 61 - 3710 Self-supporting. 144 64 Less rebate 2 58 142 06 • 52 54 Total 913 6o .Less self-supporting 336 6i total to be raised by town 576 97 • • • 0 SUPERVISORS'.PROCEEDINGS. 43 ITHACA. Laura Saxton 37 36 33 15 42 83 33 9° -Selt•suppoiting. 147 24 Less rebate 2 57 144 67 Peter Pickett 35 15 • 35 45 34 71 3215 • 137 49 • Less rebate 2 57 134 92 Jennie Dillon 44 08 33 15 ' 39 81 33 50 150 54 • Less rebate 2 57 147 97 Sarah Niver 32 78 4130 35 35 39 31 148 74 Less rebate 2 57 146 17 Margaret Raymond 37 03 36 25 37 25 35 36 145 89 Less rebate 2 57 Fannie G. Barber 32 78 34 00 • • 31 80 • -38 rz Abate ^ • 136 69 257 143 32 134 0 8 - SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. William Major 37 13 44 25 39 30 • 52 or 172 69 Less rebate 2 57 170 12 • Mary McCarthy 37 83 , 34,25 33 25 38 46 143 79 Less rebate 2 57 Patrick McCarthy - 33 83 r 40 70 ,32 8o -39 or 146 34 Less rebate. 2 57 Margaret Moore. Less rebate 32 78 39 30 37 70 34 81 141 22 143 77 144 59 2 57 142 02 Priscilla Tompson 37 98 • 35 60• 36 88 37 71 148 17 Less rebate 2 57 James Harrigan 35 38 44 25 38 120 35 36 145 6o 153 19 Less rebate 2 57 154 62 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. . 45 William H. Munson 34 98 34 30 36 OF 38 05 143 34 Less rebate 2 57. Mary A. Calligan 38 03 38 ts 33 91 37 8o • 147 89 Less rebate 2 57 Joachim Atwater 33 63 41 00 3.6 21 39 55 150 39 Less rebate 2 57 147 82 Bridget Ready 35 68 13 25 88 51 II Less by credit and rebate 12 56 38 55 Thomas P. Van Orman 49 73 z 34 70 , 8443 Less by credit and rebate 2 35 82 08 Mary A. Stevens 7o 56 39 50 2 75 112 8r ' Less by credit and rebate 28 47 84 34 John Leach - 6 49 649 140 77 145 32 Less credit 13 64 - 0 4$SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, Cora M. Culligan 45 90 35 49 4 50 85,89 Less by credit and rebate 21 82 64 07 Grace Green • 52 82 44 70 40 96 31 80 170.28 Less rebate 2 57 167 71 Edwin Beebe. _ ...... 39 34 42 20 81 54 Less rebate r 28 8o 26 Total Less self-supporting and credit Leach... Total to be raised by town . Charles 8. Bower. Less rebate' NEWFIELD. 42 18 56 30 41 51 36 5o Frank Carpenter 2,701 93 158 51 2,543 42 176 49 257 17392 38 83 34 20 36 75 34 71 Less rebate, 144 49 2 57 141 92. SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. DeWitt 5avercool 3518 4415 42 2I 41 So 163 34 47 Less rebate 2 58 160 76 James Fish 34 48 3355 - 1 39 76 32 00 Self-supporting. -- 139 79 Less rebate.... 2 57 137 22 Less Self Supporting Total to be raised by town ULYSSES. Catherine C21iins 36 93' 33 15 32 85 '3561 13854 Less rebate.. 2 57 Helen J. Bancroft 3673 33 15 31 80 613 82 137 22 476 60 • 135 97 33 51 135 19 Less rebate 2 57 132 62 Thomas M. Bower 33 11 33 15 38 40 33 91 Self-supporting. Less rebate..,., 138 57 257 136 00 48 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Jared Coon 66 20 66 20 Dill McWhorter • • . • • 62 77 21 25 84 02 Less by credit and rebate . 6 87 77 15 Total Less self-supporting Total to be raised by town COUNTY. 547 94 136 00 411 94 Mary J. Sweazey 32 78 33 15 38 81 32 15 13689 Less rebate 2 57 134 32 Patience Starks 34 83 37 65 32 80 33 91 139 19 Less rebate 2 57 136 621 James Brennan 38 63 46 10 36 15 3511 • '55 99 • Less rebate 2 57 153 4 Thomas Northrup 36 43 33 35 3280 34 31 Leas rebate 13689 . 2 57 134 35 Michael Sweeney SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 49 Less rebate Lina Rowen Les rebate Luthera Johnson Less rebate ....... .......... Hugo Sumerlyr 37 78 34 25 35 51 34 95 142..49 2 58 37 78 33 15 35 66 36 10 142 69 2 57 37 43 34 30 - 33 25 34 66 139 64 2 57 36 53 39 6o 10 90 13991 140 12 137 07 87 03 Less by credit and rebate ii 58 75 35 Lydia M. Arnold sg 82 33 15 33 95 153 43 Less 'rebate 2 57 150 86 Harriet Grego 32 78 33.15 31 $0 33 51 Self-supporting. 131 24 Less. rebate 2 57 128 67 1,330.66 Less self-supporting 128 67 Total to be raised by County 1,201 99 56• SUPERVISORS'. PROCEEDINGS Resolved.=That in accordance with a resolution of the Board of Supervisors passed Dec. 7th, 188o, there be assessed and levied upon the taxable property• of the following towns, the sums set forth in the annexed schedule, to reimburse the County for amounts of money paid to the several Charitable Institutions in said schedule named, viz : COUN'T'Y. f Lula Johnson, S. V. Home 22 37 26 69 Carrie Johnson: S. V. Home 22 37 2667 49 o6 49 04 Sarah Johnson, S. V. Home. 2 36 2 36 Eva Johnson S. V Home 4 43 4`43 John Wilsey; S: V. Home 18 26 18 26 Charles McDonald, S. V. Home 3 53 26 69 Total to be raised by County ENFIELD.. 30 22 15337 Rosa Vedder, N. Y. S. Inst. for Blind , , . , 8 15 • 815 Total to be raised by -Town 8 15 CAROLINE. James'Cortiight, Asylum for Insane Criminals- • • 233 00 N. Y. S. Lunatic Asylum, before transfer 45 19 Richard Genung, Canandaigua Home 43 40 To balance to be raised by town ITHACA. Willie Saxton,Canandaigua Home 59 40 Walter Thompson, " 43 40 Verne Thompson, 5140 Harry Rennie, Susquehanna Valley. Home 26 87 27.86 Less amount raised by Town of Ulysses for Henry Sherman, erroneously charged Ithaca in 1883-84, Canandaigua Home,:.• Total to be raised by town. 4 70 321 59 213 63 171 50 • 42 13 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 51 ULYSSES. Henry Sherman, Canandaigua Home 66 84 To re-imburse Ithaca for amt. paid i883-84171 5o John Cook, Canandaigua Home 45 84 287 1S Total to be raised by Town - 287 18 GROTON. s Susie E. Peck, Western N. Y. Inst. for Deaf Mutes 3o 00 3o 00 Tota] to be raised by Town 3o 00 DRYDEN. Charles Cornelius, Canandaigua Home 43 40 Deficiency for 1884 104 3o Samuel Greenfield, St. Mary's Hospital. .. 102 00 f 249 70 Total to be raised by town 249 70 LANSING. Permelia Wilcox, Western N, Y. Inst. for Deaf Mutes . 215 00 Deficiency of.1884 3o0 00 515 00 • Total to be raised by town G15 0O All of which is respectfully submitted, Mr. 'Crozier in the chair. R. A. CROZIER, R. HORTON, Committee. 13. JACKSON. Mr.,Horton offered the following resolution, which, on mo- tion of Mr. Crocker, was adopted : Resolve!,—That the Supervisor of the Town of Ithaca be and he is hereby authorized and empowered to examine and audit the account of the Sheriff of Chemung County for the board of prisoners, when presented, and that such claim, when so audited, shall be paid by the County Treasurer, from the money appropriated for the Court fund, upon an order from such Supervisor. 52 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Moved by Mr. Pierson, that the chair appoint a Commit- tee, of which Mr. Crozier shall be one, to draft and cause to be printed rules and regulations forthe County Alms House. Carried. The chair appointed the following : Messrs. Pierson and Speed. On motion, the Board adjourned. FIFTEENTH DRY-TUESD1Y, DECEMBER 1,1885. MORNING SESSION. Roll call. All present. 1 Minutes of yesterday' s proceedings read and approved. Mr. Pierson offered the following resolution, which was adopted: Resolved. —That there be added to the Town Budget, of the Town of Ulysses, the sum of thirty-five dollars, ($35), to pay for the burial of Stephen Sherman, an indigent soldier belonging to said town, who was buried by the G. A. R. Post of Ithaca, ' Mr: Horton, chairman of the Committee on Constables', Clerk's and Justices' accounts, reported the following bills, Which were audited in accordance with the recommendation of the Committee Bilis Nos, 178, t87, IAS, 200. Mr. Pierson. offered the following motion of Mr. Crozier, was adopted : resolution, which, on • Resolved.—That the Supervisors and Overseers of the Poor of the several towns in Tompkins County,be, and are hereby authorized, to make contracts with physcians, for attending and furnishing medicines for the poor of their- respec- tive towns, whenever they may deem it for the best interest of the taxpayers to do so. 1 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 53 M. Crocker, chairman of the Committee on Superintend- ents' accounts, reported that the Committee recommended bill No. 180 returned to the Clerk and by him passed over to the Superintendent of the Poor for final audit, which recommend= ation was adopted by the Board. Mr. Crozier offered the following resolution, which was adopted Re rolyed.—That there be added to Town Audits of Town of Ithaca the follow- ing bills: Albert VanAuken, Constable, assigned to J. M. F?eggie.... z 6o M. Norton., 5 40 Geo, Riker, 2 30 Rev. R. T. Jones, recording marriages 5 25 Almy & Houton, Att'ys for O. P., and approved by W. Mack, roo oo M. Van Cleef, Att'y in Savings Bank Case, 1883 II 42 M; E. Bundy, use of house for election 20 00 Whiton'and Trernan, R. R. Commissioners 46 00 Rosa Nichols, reporting births 12 25 Rev. Frances, recording marriage, (Danby) 25 Ii204 47 Mr. Crozier offered the following resolution, which was adopted : , Resolved.—That there be added to the town budget of the Town of Ithaca the sum of one hundred five dollars to re-irnburse the County of Tompkins for the burial of the following indigent soldiers : Patrick McMahon, Charles Landon, A. E. Lashier. On'motion, Board adjourned. AFTERNOON SESSION. Roll call. All present. Mr. Crocker offered the following resolution, which was adopted : Resolved—.That there be added to the town audits of the town of Lansing the following bills : 54 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, Michael Egan, assigned to J. M. Reggie 5 So George A. Snyder, for stone for H. W. 6,25 To David Crocker, Supervisor4or money expended in the recent R. R. suit tried at Syracuse, Nov. zo, 1885.. 188 03 Mr. Crocker offered the following, which' was adopted : Resolved.—That in accordance with laws governing. in such cases, there be raised upon the taxable property of the persons named in the reports of unworked highway tax, furnished the Supervisors of the several towns by the Overseers of Highways, the sums herein charged against the road districts hereunto annexed : DRYDEN. District No. 99, 4 days 6 00 ENFIELD. District No. 3, 4 days....,.... 6 00 GROTON. District No, 36, 6-8 day 1 12 LANSING. District No. 76, 1 day 150 District No. 69, 3y, days 5 95 District No. 31, 8 days 12 00 NFWITEY.D. District'No. 3, 1 day 1 5o District No. 25, 412 days.... 6 75 ULYSSES. 1 District No. 5, 3 days 4 50 Mr. Speed moved that bill No. 176 be recalled and returned to the Committee on County Claims for further consideration. Carried. • On motion, the Board adjourned. SIXTEENTI DAY ---WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1885, 'MORNING SESSION. . Roll call. All present. 1 • SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 55 Minutes of yesterday's proceedings read and, approved. Rev. A. J. Evans appeared before the Board and request • - ed that orphan Catholic children be sent,to the St. Matthew's Home, at Rochester, at a prices not exceeding !1.40 per week. Mr. Horton, chairman of the Committee on Constables' and Clerk's accounts, reported the following bills, which were audited in accordance with the recommendation of the Corm- mittee : Bills Nos. '79, 203. Mr. Morton, of the Committee on Indexing Records, to whom was referred bill No. 180, reported said bill, which was audited in accordance with the recommendation of the Com- mittee. The several Committees were engaged in committee work during the remainder of the session. On motion, Board adjourned: AFTERNOON SESSION. Roll call. All present. i Mr. Crocker, chairman of the Committee on Superintend- ent's accounts, presented the report of said committee, togeth- er With the subjoined resolutions, which report was, on mo- tion df Mr. Jackson, accepted and the resolutions adopted. Said report and resolutions are as follows :. The Committee on the report of the Superintendent of the Poor, would re- spectfully report as follows : The number of inmates in the County Alms House,. Nov. i5,+ 1884, was Received during the year 35 8r rr6 O 56 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 1 'Deaths during the year 8 Absconded 2 'I Discharged 69 — 79 Inmates at date of this repoit Whole nuntber of days said inmates have been maintained in the Alms House during the year. Number of days chargeable to County 41. 4,870 " Caroline 684 Danby 1,095 Dryden ' 1,408 Enfield 24 Groton 365 Ithaca 3,107 Newtield... 395 Lansing 480 Ulysses 1.614 Cost 37 14042 5889 75 124 97 200 o6 257 24 4 38 66 fi9 56.7 65 72 17 87 7o 294 88 Total indoor expenses, (aside from farm products), $2565 49 Total paid by the towns 1675 74 • Received by the Superintendent for disbursement : Appropriation by County $2766 98 Appropriation by Towns 1633 02 Received on appropriation of 1884 for building purposes 700 00 On settlement with town of Newfield 1 5 70 $5,x15 70 entire disbursements for year—Indoor expenses. 2,565 49 Temporary relief 1,426 26 Services of Overseers Poor 256 75 Transportation of:Paupers 3o 03 Improvement to property. 1,154 ax Insurance 129 75 Unpaid bills of 1884 259 75 $5,822 04 • SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Excess Appropriation of 1884 Deficiency of 1884 and 1885 7o6 34 700 00 7a6 34 We estimate for the ensuing year the sum of $4,15500, as follows : Indoor expenses by County $ S89 75 Indoor expenses by Towns 1,675 74 Services of Overseers of Poor 175 00 Transportation of Paupers 30 00 , Salary of Keeper 500 oo Temporary relief r,229 51 Less amount by towns : Caroline $124'97 Dryden 257 24 Danby 200 06 Enfield 4 38 Groton 66 69 Ithaca, 56765 Lansing 4 87 70 Newfield 72 17 Ulysses 244 88 $4,500 Oo $1,675 74 Total raised by towns $2,824 26 Appropriation of 1884 for wagon house and other buildings, ... 1,000 oo Deficiency for 1885 - 4o6 34 Total to be raised by County $4,23o 6o To provide for this deficiency and to defray the estimated expenses of the coming year, your Committee offer the fol- lowing resolutions: - Re.ro1ved.—That the sum of twenty-eight hundred twenty-four and 26 -loo dollars be raised upon the taxable property of Tompkins .County for the pur- poses above named. r ,t 1 58 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS 4 Resolved.—That the sum of sixteen hundred seventy-five 94-10o dollars be rais- ed upon the taxable property of the several towns of this County, in accord- ance with the foregoing statemant. / - Resolved.—That the sum of two hundred forty-three 7o-toodollars, the amount advanced by the Superintendent for building purposes, and the further sum of four hundred sixty-two 64-100 dollars, deficiency, be raised upon the taxable property of Tompkins County toprovide for said indebtedness. ' Your Committee also reports that we find the County farm very much improved by the erection of the new barn, wagon house and hog house ; that we find .the Alms House in a good sanitary condtion, and the inmates apparently well cared for. DAVID CROCKER, R. G. H: SPEED, }}. Committee. A. H. PIERSON, Mr. Crocker also offered the report of Wm. 0. Newman, County Superintendent of the Poor, which was, on motion of Mr. Dorton, received and ordered spread -upon the minutes. (See report.) Mr. Crocker offered the following resolutions, which, on motion of Mr. Chapman, were adopted.: - Resolved.—That in accordance with a resolution passed by the Town Board of Lansing, M ay 25, i885, there be levied and collected on the taxable property of said town the sum of eight hundred dollars, to pay the expenses of building a bridge at the Lake, also one east,of North Lansing School house, and also one near Richard Redden's, and their approaches. Resolved.—That in accordance with a resolution of the Town Board of Lan- sing, passed July 2, 1885, there be levied and collected on the taxable 'property of said town the sum of eleven hundred dollars to pay the expense of building an iron bridge near the County Line, across Salmon Creek. Resolved.—That in accordance with a resolution passed by the Town Board of Lansing, Oct. 22, 1885, there be levied and collected on the taxable property of said town the sum of one hundred andhfty dollars, to pay expenses of repair- ing iron bridge across Salmon Creek on road to Lake, near Ludlowviile. Mr. Pierson, chairman of the Committee on Printing re- ported bill No. 202, which was audited in accordance with the recommendation' of the Committee. fb SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 59 Mr. Speed, chairman of the Committee on County Claims, reported the following bids, which were audited in accord- ance with the recommendation of the Committee : Bills Nos. r76, rgg, 201, Mr. Chapman presented the report of the Bonding Com- missioners of the Town of' Groton, as also his report as' Su- pervisor, of the bonded indebtedness of said town, together with the subjoined resolution, which reports were on motion of Mr: George accepted and the resolution adopted. (See re - .ports.) Mr. Crocker, chairman of the Committee on Superintend- ent's accounts, reported bills Nos. 111 and 185, which were audited in accordance with the recommendation of the- Com- mittee. On motion, the Board adjourned.. SEVENTEENTH DAY---TlURSDT.Y, DECEMBER 3, 1885. MORNING.SESSION. Roll call.. All present. Minutes ,of yesterday's proceedings were read' and ap- proved. Mr. Speed offered a resolution fixing the price for printing notices, which, on motion, was ordered laid over until to -mor- row morning. Mr. Pierson offered the following resolution, which, on. motion of Mr. Crozier, was adopted: Resolved.—That the following bills be added to the Town Audits of the Town of Caroline Francis Earsley, service bill as Assessor X24o0 Mathew Bull, service in criminal case ra o0 1 60 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Mr. Pierson offered the following resolution, which, on mo- tion of Mr. Horton, was adopted : Resolved.—That the Collectors of the several towns in this County be requir- ed to settle with the County Treasurer on or before February 2oth, x886. - Supt. of the Poor, elect, Elias Smith, appeared before the Board and presented his bond, which, on motion of Mr. Cro- zier, was approved and ordered filed in the Tompkins County Clerk's Office. The remainder of the morning session was consumed in.. discussing the rates of printing, and the needs of the County' Alms House. On motion, Board adjourned. AFTERNOON SESSION. Roll call. All present. Mr. Pierson presented the bond .of P. J. Partenheimer, County Clerk, which, on motion of Mr.. Chapman, was ac- cepted and filed with the Clerk. The Committee on" Equalization here retired to their room, • and remained out until 6 o'clock, at which time they returned, and Mr. George, Chairman of the Committee, reported that the assessment rolls had all been added and the footings cor- rected. He also presented the report of said Committee, which was ordered laid over until Saturday morning. . • . The remaining members of the Board were engaged in signing Town Orders and other work. " On motion, Board adjourned. EIGHTEENTH DM---FRIDlY, DECEMBER 4, 1885. MORNING SESSION. Roll call. All present. Minutes of yesterday's proceedings read and approved. SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 61 The balance of the session was consumed by the members in examining the report of the Egtialization Committee and preparing their town budgets. On motion, the Board adjourned. AFTERNOON SESSION. Roll call-. All present. Mr. Speed presented a petition, signed by several taxpay- ers in the towns of Dryden .and Caroline, praying that the Board niay so divide and alter in their bounds the Towns of Caroline and Dryden, in said County, so that the south tier of lots of Dryden may be taken from said town and annexed toand made a part of said town of Caroline: Mr. Spe€d also offered the following resolution : Whereas, A large number of the residents of the southern tier of lots of the town of Dryden. in this county, have petitioned this Board to change the boun- dary line between said (own of Dryden and the town of Caroline, in this county, so as to place said boundary line one'mile further north and thereby transfer and annex to the said town of Caroline lots Nos. 91, 92, 03, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, mo of said town of Dryden ; and whereas, said petition is approved and endorsed by residents of the town of Caroline.; therefore be it. Resolved, That this Board hereby grants the request of said petitioners, and • hereby establishes said boundary line along the north line of said lots above men- tioned. the said change to take effect April first, eighteen hundred and eihty-six. Mr. George moved that the above resolution be laid upon the table indefinitely, and called for the ayes and nays on the question, which resulted as follows: Ayes—Beers, George, Jackson, Crocker. NaysSpeed, Chapman, Crozier, ,Horton, Pierson. r The Chairman declared the motion lost. 'Mr. Horton moved that the resolution be laid over until next Monday, at2 o�clock, for action. 62 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, • Mr. George offered an amendment that it be laid over un- til a week from next Monday. Mr. Chapman called for the ayes 'and nays on the amend- ment, which resulted as follows : . Ayes- Beers, George, Jackson, Crozier. Nays—Speed, Chapman, Crocker, Horton, Pierson. The Chairman declared the amendment lost. Mr.. Pierson moved that the resolution be laid over until to -morrow morning. Carried. - Mr. Speed offered the following .resolution, which, on motion of Mr. Crozier, was adopted.: • Resolved, That this Board proceed to designate by ballot two newspapers in which the election and all other legal notices (except reports of the County Treas- urer)•be hereafter published, at a price not to exceed fifty cents per folio for he Grst insertion, and thirty cents per folio for each subsequent insertion. The Board thereupon proceeded to ballot, and the follow- ing. papers were chosen. The Ithaca Weekly Journal and The Ithaca Democrat. Mr. Pierson offered the following•resolution, which, on mo- tion of Mr. Speed, was adopted : Resolved, That the papers authorized by law to publish the Treasurer's reports shall receive for the same fifty cents per folio for one insertion. On motion, the Board adjourned. NINETEENTH• DAY ---SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1885, MORNING SESSION. ti Roll call. All present Minutes of yesterday' s proceedings read ,a.nd:approved. �ti SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 68 /- The report of the Committee on Equalization, heretofore presented and laid over until this time, was taken up and, up- on motion of Mr. Chapman, said report was adopted. Said report is as follows REPORT OF TIIE COMMITTEE ON FQU.ALIZATION- THE ASSESSED VALUATION OF THE SEVERAL '['OWNS, AS PER ASSESSORS, FOR YEAR 1885: TOWNS. Caroline Danny Dryden Enfield. Groton Ithaca Lansing Newfield Ulysses No. Acres. 31.349 33,286 6i,320 2 2, 007 30,725 19.233 37,781 36,976 19,818 Valuation Real Est. Valuation Personal. Aggregate Valuation. $ 793,785 $ 32,880 $ 826,665 643,395 22,315 665,71e 1,104,007 49,080 1,153,087 554,400 49,550 603,950 1,300,90o 181,450 1,482.350 2,731,936 541,719 3,273,655 1,336,920 146,270 1,483,190 496,42o 25,25o 521,670 1,045,070 222_355 1,267,425 510,006.833 $1,270,869 511,277,702 We, the undersigned Committee, would respectfully re- port, and recommend that the following be and is hereby de- clared to be the equalized valuation of the real estate in the County of Tompkins for the year 1$35 : - TowNS. Valuation Real Estate. Valuation Personal, Aggregate Valuation,. Caroline, . $ 443,303 $ 32,880 47'5.183 Danby 545.372 - 22,315 . 567.687 Dryden.... 1,405,960 49,080 1,455,040 Enfield 408,279 49,550 457,829 Groton • 915,625 181,450 1,097,075 Ithaca 3,282,242 541,719 3,823,961 Lansing 1,342,917 146,270, 1,489,187 Newfield , ... 520,355 25,250 545,605 Ulysses ......... 1,142,780 222,355 1,365,135 $10,006,833, $1,270,869 $t1,277,702 J. H. GEORGE, R. A. CROZIER, R. HORTON, A. H. PIERSON, - A. G. CHAPMAN, Committee. 64 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Mr. Horton offered the following preamble and resolution: Whereas, The petition of certain citizens of the towns of Caroline and Dry- - den praying for a change of the boundary line between said towns, has been pre- sented so late in our session as to render it impossible to give all parties inter- ested a proper hearing and the Board suitable time for the deliberation due to so important a matter, therefore ! Resolved, That no further action be taken thereon, or on the resolution.relat- • ing thereto, during the present session. Mr. Speed offered the following amendment thereto, which amendment, and the resolution as amended, were adopted : ResoTvcd, That a Committee of three be appointed to give the subject proper consideration, and report at the next annual session. • The C hair thereupon appointed as such Committee the Su- pervisors of Caroline, Dryden and Groton. - Mr. Speed moved that the petition heretofore presented with reference to changing the town line between Dryden and Caroline be filed with the Clerk of this Board. Carried. Mr. Crozier offered the following resolution : Resolved, That there be added to County budget the sum of Seventy-five'dol- lars to re-irnburse Mrs. S. B. Rolfe for amount paid for extra help during the time of building new barns at County House in 1884 and '85. i1r. Speed moved to amend by striking out the words "Seventy-five dollars," and substituting the words "Fifty Dol- lars." Amentment lost. The original resolution was then adopted. Mr. Horton, chairman of the Committee appointed on the Infant Ileir matter, made the following report, which, upon motion -of Mr. Crocker, was adopted, as follows: To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County : - Your Committee, appointed to investigate the statements and requests made before the Board in behalf of the Infant ;�i 114, STTPERVISORS' PROOEEDINGS. 66 Heirs on account of the defalcations of Geo. H. Bristol, late Treasurer of Tompkins County, and also to ascertain the sums of rrioney.due to said,heirs, would respectfully -report that the said heirs, at the request of your Cotnlnittee, have submitted a statement of their claims, both legal and equitable, for our consideration, which statement is as follows : - To the C077171Zittee of Ike Board of Serpervisors of Tompkins County: We the Infant Heirs, who, having now girown to adult years, find that, with- out any fault of ours and without the consent or power to interfere of ourselves or our friends, our inheritances have been disposed of during our childhood, and the proceeds squandered and misappropriated by George H. Bristol, whom the County of Tompkins selected to be their legal custodian, do respectfully present for your consideration, both as a matter of legal right and o1 justice, our claims against the County for the restoration of our property, of which we have been so wrongfully deprived. The county, we are informed, has recovered of the bondsmen the full amount of the loss which it sustained. No.onc has suffered by reason of Bristol's dis- honesty, but the orphaned Infant Heirs,. who had no friend to 'help them, and who were powerless to help themselves. We are asked why we do not enforce our remedy against the bondsmen and obtain our relief from them. The many actions that have been brought and are still being brought, and the litigation that has bean going on for at least ten years almost continuously, ought, we think, to satisfy every one that all possi: ble eforI in that direction has been made, and that the results so far have been most unsatisfactory and disastrous. In all this time a successful final judgment has been obtained in but a single instance, and that can be hardly called success- ful, since the amount of the judgment is less•than one-half of the loss sustained, The expense of carrying on a stubbornly contested case to the court of last resort, is larger than most of us are able to bear. Moreover, it is almost impos sible atter this lapse of time, to obtain proofs sufficiently definite, to show that the misappropriation occurred during the pfecise time when the particular set of bondsmen, against whom the suit is brought, were liable ; and it seems to be held by the court that nothing can be recovered -beyond the amount, in regard to which proof can be supplied. In many cases the claims are so small as not to warrant the expense involved in preparing the proofs, and the risk incurred in bringing the action ; others are believed by able counsel to have become altogeth. er outlawed while the claimants were awaiting the decisions of the courts, in or- 66 SUPERVISORS'. PROCEEDINGS der to know the best course to pursue. It is not therefore because we desire to r relieve the bondsmen, that we present our claimsagainst the County ;,but because the remedy against the bondsmen is expensive, uncertain and at best inadequate. We ask relief of the county as a matter of equitable right, because the county through the failure of its officers to detect the fraud, unwittingly contrib- uted to the wrong by means of which we are placed in our present unfortunate position. When our moneys were deposited with the County Treasurer, they were beyond our control. On the theory that our rights to the proceeds of our landed property sold during our infancy, are too sacred to intrust to parents or guardians, the law takes from them any power of supervision or interference with the acts of the County Treasurer in his disposition of the moneys, thus arising ; but in order that these funds may be kept unquestionably safe, it places! this trust solely with the Board of Supervisors,! who are required by statute "to examine into the situation of the securities and money in the hands of such treasurers and to ascertain whether such moneys are safely and securely kept, deposited or invested, and such securities adequate and safe." Thus the Board of Supervisors and they alone, during all the years of our minority, had the duty devolving upon them, and the authority to exercise it, of protecting us from the county treasurer's dishonesty. Had not this reliance been placed upon them, doubtless some other protection would have been devised. The manner in which the protection was in this case exercised is well-known. Bristol was a defaulter during every one of the six years of his two terms of office ; but notwithstanding this fact, the committee of the Board annually reported his accounts to be cor- rect. Had this duty been thoroughly performed during the first, or the second, or even the third year of Bristol's term, the defalcation would have been discov- ered, and further misappropriation brought to an end. The portion of our mon- eys not yet paid in or collected, would have.been saved, and no doubt the loss then existing would have been promptly and fully adjusted, The Board of Su- pervisors, by it -s negligent examination of Bristol's accounts and erroneous re- ports concerning the same, made a second term of Bristol's incumbency possible, and thereby not only permitted the robbery to go on throughout the whole six years, but also rendered the prosecution of our claims against the bondsmen so much the more difficult by reasons of the alleged equitable defense which they are thus enabled to set up. In view of these facts we think it must be evident to every fair minded person, that but for the negligence of the County's representa- tives in performing the duty required of them by the statute, we should be to -day in possession of our property. We ask relief of the County not only as a matter of simple justice, but also on the ground of legal right. It is true that the claim of one. of our number against the County was defeated in what is known as,the "Gray case ;" but that case decided nothing as to the liability of the County for that portion of the In. SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS: 67' fant Heir fund which could_be proved to have been appliedlby,the county treas'-• . •urer for the use or benefit of the County. On the contrary it is substantially' stated in the opinion of the Court of Appeals, that this question was not pre- sented for consideration, since under the proceedure followed by the plaintiff which involved an election to take a new trial in order to determine what portion ,r of the fund had been so applied, or in the event of failure to charge the County with•the whole liability, to abandon everything, the plaintiff by accepting the-lat. ter alternative, made it imperative' upon the court to deny the whole claim, even if the evidence would have justified a recovery for a portion thereof. And we believe it to be the generally accepted opinion among lawyers competent to know that the County is liable for so much of our funds as can be thus traced to have been applied for'its benefit. -We aro informed that it was upon'the legal liability thus created, that the county of Schuyler, two years ago, paid a similar claim in full ; and that the county of Chautauqua•in the present year has made a compro- mise with the bondsmen of its connty treasurer, by which the county paid two-• thirds of the claims, If this be true, and it can be easily ascertained, if the facts are not• as we have stated, then the county`of Tompkins is in all'probability, legally liable to, each of the Infant Heirs, with the exception of Edwin Arthur -Gray, for so much of the defalcation as can be proved to have been applied by Bristol, in• the pay- ment of county bills. It is believed thamhe proof to establish the liability of the county for a considerable portion of the loss can be supplied. Is it advisable for the County, any more than for us, that we be compelled t� bring an"action upon each of these clairns ? Shall we go on ten year's longer in litigation, pursuing the remedy both against the bondsmen arid against• the County, as will be necessary to get the whole of our claims, at enormous expense` bath to the county and to'us? We can easily waste more money in law than the - amount of all our claims. Weare informed that the b`oiidsrnen are willing"toniake' a compromise,.whereby they will discharge a portion ofthe'debt, if the County'wiIl' pay the residue, We believe that iris not only'a matter of justice t� us; but a' matter of expediency for the County, in view of the cost of probable' litliation; and the rapid accumulation of interest, to make any compromise.wilh''the bondsl• _men that shall be honorable and just between them, whereby'our claim shall be. satisfied. If no' just and honorable compromise can be effected' betiveen' the Count' and the bondsmen, we ask you tdprovide for the payment of'our' claims' which' we will assign to you, then with the strong arm'of`the'County, prosecutc'themi against'the'bondsmeh, and relieve us from the burden of'the'figlit: Do'anything` • 6S r SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. that will secure to us the same just treatment that you would wish under like circumstances to be accorded to your own children, Dated, Ithaca, December 4, 1885. EDWIN ARTHUR GRAY, FRANK LAMKIN, -WILLIE ELYEA, CHARLES COWAN, FANNY W. 1VILLIAMS, SAMUEL M. WILSON, MARY A. BEARDSLEY, ALICE MORTON, ADIN MORTIN, NELLIFE E. WILCOX, CARRIE 13. WILCOX, WILLIAM H. APGAR, AND OTHERS. Infant Heirs. Your Committee -would further report that the sureties of the said George H. Bristol, at their request, have submitted a statement and proposition for their consideration, which state- ment and proposition is as follows : ' To the Committee of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: Gentlemen:—In response to the request of your Committee we herewith sub- mit the following statement of our position as bondsmen of Geo'H. Bristol, late County Treasurer, touching his defalcation and our relation thereto. When, Bristol, as a returned Union soldier, bearing the scars of many hard • - fought battles, was elected by the peopl'e of this County as its Treasurer, he stood high in the community where he had lived, as a man of integrity and hon- esty ; his character was without reproach. We felt as secure in signing his bond and had as Little fear of any unfavorable results or any failure on his part 10 do his whole duty, as those who are sureties upon the bond' of the present incum-. bent. We were interested year by year to read in the published reports of the . Supervisors their certificates to the correctness of Bristol's accounts, and the safe- ty of the funds in his care. In the year 187a Bristol was renominated, and as during the campaign grave charges against him were hinted, and intimations made, that he was not properly protecting, investing and caring for the funds in his custody, and knowing the law made it incumbent upon the Board of Super- visors to make a thorough investigation of all of his accounts, securities and cash, and that they only had that power, we called upon members of the Board, previous to their annual session, and requested that their attention be directed to the rumors that had been circulated, and that the Committee be instrncted to • 0 SUFPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 69 make a specially careful examination, in order that we .as bondsmen 'might he fully advised of his true condition. We desired to know because we were inter- ested as sureties on his first bond, and anticipated that he might ask us to sign his new bond, which of course we would not do if the Supervisors should dis- cover that the'rumors referred to were true. The matters were brought before \ the Board at the proper time, and in response to the •request, special directions were given to the Committee to make their examination as thorough as possible. The Committee made their report on the 20111 day of Nov. of that year, (1872) which was similar to the two reports previously made (in 1870 and 1871) that ev- erything was correct and all funds properly invested or on hand, which report was duly adopted by the Board. Beside this report we had the most positive assur- ance from members of the Board personally that "Bristol was a36 'right." What more could we, do ? The County through its legal repre- sentatives and after their attention had been directed to the sub- ject, had certified to the correct and satisfactory condition of everything' pertaining to the Treasurer's office, and we believed what they said, (to have' questioned their decision would have been impertinent), and so believing several of us, on the 6th day of the next month, (December), signed "his second bond. • The three years following, 1873, 1874 and 1875, the Supervisors certified to the correctness of the Treasurer's accounts and funds, in the same manner as they had done each year during his first term. The second term expired Jan, ret, 1876, and not whisper was uttered to our knowledge against him until about the 2rst day of February we received a letter from Bristol's successor, saying that he had not turned over all the funds in his hands ; that there was a deficiency in both the County and Infant I-Ieir fund. We at once telegraphed to the Attorney General of the State, asking him to authorize the arrest of Bristol as a defaulter, we having been advised that this officer had such power, but he replied that he could not comply, we then appealed to the District 'Attorney of our County, Simeon Smith, Esq., who said he could do nothing about it, and who advised us that we could take no action on an anticipated loss, that we had not at that time been compelled to, pay anything for him. We then appealed to the Board to take some action tor Bristol's prosecution whereby they might get . into their hands such property and assets as he e might have in his possession, but nothing was done. A meeting of the Board was held -Iry March, when a Coon- mittee was appointed who met us, by request at the Supervisor's rooms, when we were to have the privilege of examining all of Bristol's books, papers and vouch- ers, for we felt that in view of the repeated -certificates of the Board of the cor- rectness of the accounts and funds, there must be some mistake, which with the aid of the papers we might discover. We met the Committee, and called for the papers, books and vouchers, when we were confronted with the statement that they,had,uurntef all the vouchers ; as the accountswere all correct they would nev. "r6 SUPEIVISOIIS' PEOCEEDINGS, er be needed. Without the vouchers we could make no proper examination, and we returned hone, heartsick and discouraged. There followed an expensive litigation between ourselves and the County, the latter bringing suit for both the County and the Trust fund- This resulted in the recovery of a judgment against us for the County fund, amounting. with costs to upward of $6,Soo, which we paid, the court dismissing the suit as to the balance. These misleading reports of the Board were not made a part of our defense in the ,first suit by the county,but are now relied upon in the suits brought by the infants. These reports.operated as a fraud upon us, and by them we were induced to sign the second bond, which we otherwise would not have done ; but as this defence, was not made, we were beaten as to the County -funds. Since that time, about seven .Years, we have been in constant Iitigation with some of the heirs. One,suit and only she, with an heir, has been decided against us. This was with one,Charles Cowen, whose suit was for W767 ; the court holding us for $317 of the amount but dismissing the suit as to the balance, Of the seventeen names on the first bond, eight have died and eight have be- come insolvent, four having died whose estates are insolvent. Of the fourteen names on the second bond, six have died, three have become insolvent. No less than four widows of bondsmen, deceased, who were left with a house and lot - and a small amount besides, Would be made penniless if their proportion of the amount now due the Infant Heirs conld be enforced against them. Surely the, -e people are entitled to some consideration. If the bondsmen had been apprised by the Board of the defalcations, even at the close of Bristol's first term, when they were asked to take special pains in the examination, mucq trouble would have been'saved ; at that time most of the bondsmen were alive, and most if not all were solvent ; besides, the defalcation had not then reached its- present proportions, and could have been paid without ruin to any one of .the number. We have the - feeling that we have suffered too much, and more than our pro- portion, inasmuch as a large part of the loss was made possible through the neg- lect of‘the County through its agents to perform properly a duty made plain by statute, that the loss has obtained through no act or neglect of ours. We sin- cerely believe that we ought not to pay another dollar. While we have this feeling' we who still survive, are desirous of •having an end of the litigation, and are also anxious to .have our liability defined while living, that we may not entail upon our heirs a trouble that seems to be alfnost unending. One year ago we madea propo- ition to your honorable body that if the County would pay one-half of the face of all the properly authenticated claims of the Infant Heirs, we would "pay .the • • • SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 71 other half, assuming that the heirs would accept of the face of their claims with- out interest, as most of them have signified to us theirwiliingness to do so. If this proposition should be carried out, we believe that it would cost us more money than for us to defend ourselves single-handed against each of the heirs, as many of the claims it is now conceded are outlawed, several have never made any claim against us nor will they because of the difficulties in their way. We believe • however that every heir should have his money, not only the principal but a fair rate of interest in addition to the principal, and that great injustice has been donethem by this long delay. 'We also dislike to litigate with parties as deserv- ing as these infant heirs. We therefore make the following proposition : We will as proposed one year ago pay one-half of the face of all these Infant Heir claims, including those that are outlawed, provided that Tompkins. County will pay or, secure to the heirs such an amount in addition thereto as will be satisfactory to them. We understand that if the County were to pay the face of all the claims alone, the amount which each taxpayer would be called upon to ..pay would' not exceed one dollar on a thousand dollar assessment. To the County the amount is almost nominal, to the Heirs in most cases it is all they have, and to most of the bondsmen living and the estates of those who are deceased it would be ruin. We believe that we have been unduly criticised and censured for defending suits brought against us by the County and by heirs, lint we feel that it has been be- cause the people have not known the facts inrelation to our connection with the matter as herein stated, the truth of most of which is now known to each mem- ber of this Board of Supervisors from other sources than ourselves. We have been informed that a report has been in circulation that Bristol placed in our hands certain securities by which we were indemnified against any loss that might accrue to us as his sureties. Bristol turned over to his successor some three or four worthless mortgages which the latter refused to accept, know- ing that they were without any value. Bristol did afterwards turn these over to us, but we desire to state that•such securities never had any value ; we have nev- er received nor can we receive a dollar from them, for being second or third mortgages, any possible value that might have been assumed to rest in them has been cut off by foreclosure and sale of the"property upon prior Liens. We desire further to state that we have never received one dollar in money, property or any valuabl•e thing, from Bristol or any other source to indemnify us against loss as his sureties. On the contrary, we hold Bristol's note for $6515 27, given to us when we paid the judgment for that amount to Tompkins County. December 4, 48S5. CHARLES PERRIGO, WALTER W. WHITE, NELSON HARRIS, D. H. MARSH, FORTHU BONDS as'1. • 72 SUPEIWISOFi.S' •PROCEEDINGS. Your Committee would further report that as thorough and systematic an •exantinafion of the representations made in such statements by the said heirs and sureties as time would permit, has been had by your Committee, and they find them to be substantially correct, except any that may imply negli- gence upon the part of any previous Board of Supervis- ors or Committee thereof, and that as to any such negligence your Committee has no definite knowledge, and consider any accusation of that kind as rather a matter of inference or opin • ion than as an ascertained fact. Your Committee would further report that, as near as 'they can ascertain, the sums of money due to the said heirs, without interest, are as follows : William Elyea; principal sum $ 175 00 W. H. Apgar, " 162 50 Arthnr,Gray, - " 792 00 Nellie E. Wilcox,) Carrie B. Wilcox, f 2,752 00 Charles Mead, 392 45 Fanny W. Williams, " 3,277 50 Haddock heirs, 62 50 Howe heirs, " 500 00 Terry heirs, . rro oo Morton heirs, 378* o6 Mary A. Beardsley, " 469 83 Lampkin heirs, 592 56' Samuel Wilson, 1,331 98 A. B. Pugsley, " 76 74 B. F. Wickham, 56 00 Van Horn heirs, 143 59 Total principal sums due Srr,272 76 Your. Commitee would further report that in their opinion the legal right of the Board to settle and adjust these claims is in doubt. The Court of last resort of this State has decid- _ ed that the County is not legally liable therefore unless for such moneys as shall be proven to have been received by and dy t'1 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. • used,for the benefit of the County, and as to this last propo- sition the Court expressly leaves it undecided,. so that the lia- bility. of the County to pay any one of the Infant Heirs for money belonging to such infant which the defaulting Treasur- er had transferred to and used to pay the County indebted- 4, ness can only be determined by litigation. Should it be con- ceded that, the County would be liable for all moneys belong ing to the infant heirs which it had received, your Committee are of the opinion that while certain of the heirs would un- doubtedly be able to show that fact, others would not, and the County would of course be only legally liable to pay such as could make that proof. Your Committee, from these considerati ons, are of the opinion that before any action could be properly taken by the Board of Supervisors, that an act should be passed by the Legislature of the State, authorizing the Board, in its dis- cretion, to settle and adjust such claims. Your Committee would therefore recommend that a Committee of this Board be appointed to procure the passage of such an act of the Legis- lature, to the end that the. Board shall have the power to take legal action in the premises should it so desire. All of which is respectfully submitted. 73 R. HORTON, A. G. Ci-HAPMAN, Committee, R. A. CROZIER. }• The chair appointed as such committee, Messrs. Horton, Chapman and Crozier. Mr. Chapman moved that when this Board adjourns to- day it be to meet next Friday,.Dec. 11th, at 10 o'clock, Car ried. On motion, the board adjourned. 74 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS' AFTERNOON SESSION. • Roll call. All present. Mr.. Crozier, chairman' of the Committee on Rules and reg - t, ulations, presented Rules and. Regulations for the County Alms House, which, upon motion, of Mr. Pierson, were ap- proved, and the clerk of the Board directed to pass a• copy of the sarne over to the Superintendent of the Poor. Mr. Speed`, chairman of the Committee on County Cairns, reported' the following bills, which were audited in accordance with. the recommendation of the Committee. Bills Nos. 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 2I0, 211, 212. Mr. George, chairman of the Committee on Equalization and Assessment Rolls, presented andread the County Budget which, on motion of'Mr: Speed, was approved and adopted . 1:4-' the' Board. Said. Budget is as follows : Resolved. ---That the sums herein named be levied and collected from'the taxa- ble iphabitants of the County of Tompkins for the following. purposes, viz State tax, as per Comptroller $41,251 1g County Judge's salary, 2,500 00 County Treasurer's salary goo 00 Clerk of Supervisors' salary 150,00 Chaplain of -Alms house"salary 5o 00 Court expenses 3,50o 00 County Audits 8,826 73 Clerk's postage account. 15 00 Clerk of Surrogate's court 250 00 District Attorney's salary 600 00 District Attorney's office rent ............... 200 00 Fuel and gas account 500 00 Sheriff, for Janitor of Court House and Jail... 350 00 School Commissioner's salary 400'00 Superintendent of the Poor 2,824 26 Superintendent of the Poor, (deficiency) 7o6 34 1 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 75 AP Surrogate's office, incidental expenses 75 00 Special County Judge's.salary. 5o 00 Susquehanna Valley Home 153 37 Sheriff, ollice rent 35 00 Notes payable, for Wagon House, &c„ Altns House 741 15 Notes payable, for stone walk ° 233 to, Notes payable, First National Bank, for Jail 3,046 82 Onondaga County Penitentiary 412 23 Physician to Jail' - go oo Repairs on Jail c' 570 45 Treasurer's postage and stationery account 15 00' Willard Asylum 1,201 99 Insurance on County' Buildings • 18o 00 'Mrs. S. B. Rolfe, extra labor at Alms House , 75 00 4 • TOWN OF CAROLINE. $28,65144 i State tax $ 1,827 43 N County tax - 1,269 26 4 Town audits 602 54 Highways and bridges .•.... . ....... ... 500 00 Overseers of the Poor. 200 00 Willard Asylum 137 17 Canandaigua Home.... 43 4o Unpaid Taxes ' 1 21 New York State Lunatic Asylum. 45 19 Asylum for Insane Criminals 233 oo Superintendent of the Poor 124 97 N. 4 c TOWN OF AANIIY. $4,984 17 State Tax $ 2,248 18 County tax 1,561 5o Town audits.: ............... .. 591 49 Highways and bridges 75o 00 Superintendent of the Poor 200 o6 Willard Asylum • 317 89 $5,669 12 i J ° 1 .. 76 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. TOWN OF DRYDEN. State Tax $ 5,795 74 County tax 4,025 53 Town audits 1,307 05 .Highways and bridges 6,875 00 Overseers of the Poor 250 00 Superintendent of the Poor257 24 Willard Asylum 844 95 Canandaigua Home 43 40 Deficiency, Canandaigua,Hoine 104 30 Unpaid taxes.... 8 67 St. Mary's'Hospital . 102 00 1 TOWN OF ENFIELD, $19;613 93� State tax $1,693 05 County tax 1,163 0 Town audits 82167 ti Highways and bridges 250 00 Interest on R. R. bond's. 1,351 00 Sinking -fund I,000 00 New York State Institute for the blind. . -8 x5 Superintendent of the Poor 4 38 $6,287 23 TOWN OF GROTON. State tax $ 3,774 48 County tax 2,621 61r -Town audits, . ...... . .. 802 56 Highways and bridges.... 1,gao 00 Overseer of the Poor 300 00' Superintendent of the Poor 66 66 Willard Asylum (less $174 17) ,402 8o Interest on Railroad bonds I,o5o 00 Sinking fund 15o o0 Western N. Y. Institute for Deaf Mutes 3o oo $11.,098 14 t 1 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS.' 77 TOWN OF ITHACA. State tax.... 513,530 39 County tax 9,397 67 Town audits 13,021.40 Highways and bridges 25o 00 Superintendent of the Poor, 567 65 Willard Asylum 2,543 42 Interest on I. and A. R. R. bonds 9,37$ 00 Interest on G. and I, R. R, bonds 7,000 00 Sinking fund I. and A,... . . 15,000 00 Sinking fund G. and I 2,500 00 For Receiver's salary... 400 00 For burial of indigent soldiers in r885. 105 00 Susquehanna Valley Home 42 53 Unpaid taxes . 8114 TOWN OF LANSING. State taX County tax Town audits Superintendent of the Poor Unpaid taxes Western Instttute for Deaf Mutes ... Highways and bridges. Overseers of the Poor TOWN OF NEWFIELD. $73813 8o $ 5,535 92 3,845 02 3,290 58 87 70 1 27 474 17 2,050 00 roo 00 $15,384 66 , State tax $ 2,145 o6 County tax 1,489 87 Town audits ! 5,078 56 .Highways and bridges 25o 00 Superintendent of the Poor - 72 17 Willard Asylum 476 60 Unpaid taxes 13 48 Interest on R. R. bonds 3,290 00 $12,815 74 78 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, TOWN OF ULYSSES. O - State tax $ 4,7r0 89 County tax 3,271 99 Town audits... 1,3°5 83 Superintendent of the Poor 294 88 Willard Asylum 411 94 Interest on R. R. bonds 5,250 00 Sirikingft nd 750 00 Highways and bridges. 1,725 00 Canandaigua Home , 28718' Overseers of the Poor 200 00 a For burial of indigent soldiers in 1885 35 00 $15.242 71 The minutes of the days' proceedings were read and ap- proved and the Board adjourned tre-convene on Friday ne oxt, December 11th, at 10 o'clock, A. M. TWENTIETH D1IY-FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1885. MORNING SESSION. The Board met on the above' date at 10 A. it., pursuant to adjournment. Roll call. A.11 present. ° The members were engaged during the morning session in preparing and signing the tax warrants. - On motion, the Board adjourned. AFTERNOON SESSION. Roll call. All present. Mr. Crozier offered the following resolution, which, on tion of Mr. Horton, was adopted.. clb 0 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 79 Resolved.—That the placing of children in the various charitable institutions 'be left discretionery with the. Superintendent of the Poor. Mr. Pierson offered the following resolution, which was adopted : •Resolved.—That the County Treasurer be authorized to pay to Wm. 0. New- man, Superintendent of the Poor, or order, Srbo, or as much thereof as may be necessary, out of the Court fund ; the amount appropriated for the building of a hen house and barnyard fence on the County f -louse premises. Mr. Horton offered the following resolution, which, on mo- tion of Mr. Crocker, was adopted: • Resolved.—That.the County Treasurer and the Supervisor of. Ithaca be and they are hereby authorized to supply any deficiency in the Court expense account by note on the credit of the County. Mr. Jackson offered the following resolution, which, on motion of Mr. Pierson, was adopted . Resolved.—That the thanks of this Board are hereby -tendered to Mr. M. N. Tompkins for the able, courteous, and obliging manner in which he has dig- charged the duties as Clerk of this Board.. Mr• Crocker offered the following resolution, . witch, on motion of Mr. Speed, was adopted: - . Resolved.—That the thanks of this Board are due and are hereby tendered to Mr. John E. Beers for the very able, Courteous and impartial manner in which he has discharged the duties as Chairman of this Board. There being no further business before the Board, the minutes of .the days' proceedings were read and approved, and on motion the Botird adjourned sine die.' . M. N. TOMPKINS, Clerk. • COUNTY AUDITS. STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF TOMPKINS-BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. } SS. I do hereby certify that the following absfract comprises all the bills and 'accounts against the County of Tompkins, Presented to the Board of Supervisors of said County at its Annual Session for the year 155, showing the name of each claimant, the true nature of the account, the amount original- ly claimed, and the amount as finally audited and allowed by said Board. M. N. TOI4IPKINS, Clerk.. 0 No. ' Name. Nature of Account. Claimed. Allowed. r. Peter Seaman, Constable, $ 5 65 $ 5 65 2, J. H. Selkreg, coroner's juror r 00 1 00 3. E. S. Legg, coroner's juror, assigned to J. M. Heggie... 1 00 r o0 4. E. J. Morgan, Jr. Coroner, assigned to J. M. Reggie.... 59 S5 59 $5 5. H. H. Miller, coroner's juror, assigned to J. M. Heggie 3 00 3 oo 6. E. H. Haviland, coroner's juror, assigned to J. M. I'leggie i 00 r o0 7. Sylvester Wyckoff, 'coroner's juror, assigned to J. M. Heggie • .3 oa 3 00 6. F. F. Williams, coroner's juror, assigned to J. M. Heggie 3 00 3 00 9. Frank Preston, Constable, assigned to J. M. Heggie7 35 7 35 to. C. R. Perry, coroner's juror, assigned to J. M. Heggie,3 00 3 oo 11. J. Sigler, coroner's juror, assigned to J. M. Heggie 3 00 3 00 12. L. R. Lyon, coroner's juror, assigned to J. M. Heggie4 00 4 00 13. Wm. Henry Myeis,- coroner's juror, assigned to J. M` Heggie 3 oo 300 • S 'ERvIsoRs' 1'ROCEEDTNG�. 1 81 14. Frank L. Doxtadcr, coroner's juror, assigned to J. M. Heggie • .. 3 oc .3 00 15. Zebulon Mosher Weaver, coroner's juror, assigned to J. M. Heggie 3 00 3 00 16. Lafayette Beckwith, coroner's juror, assigned to J. M. . - Heggie 3 00 3 00 17. N. E. Lyon, coroner's juror, assigned in J. M. Heggie.:. 3 00 3 00 18, Adelbert Burger,+coroner's juror,.assigned to J. M.`Heg- gie 1 00 1 00 19. Mortimer M. Bristol, coroner's juror, assigned to J. M. Heggie. ......... ... 3 o0 3 00 zo. Miles Howell, coroner's juror, assigned to J. M. Heggie 3 00 3 00 21. Lewis Seeley, coroner's juror, assigned to J. M. Heggie 3 00 3 00 22. E. L. Burton, coroner's juror, assigned to J. M. Heggie 1 0o r oo 23. W. W. CIark, team conveying coroner's jury, assigned to J. M. Heggie 4 00 4 00 24. Wm. W. Clark, coroner's juror, assigned to J. M. Heggie 3 0o .3 00 25. John Galager, Constable, assigned to J. M. Heggie2r 95 21 95 26. E. L. Burtoncoroner's juror, assigned to J. M. Heggie 3 00 3 oo 27. Spence Spencer, Justice of the Peace, assigned to J. M Heggie • 6 15 6 15 28. Albert Van Auken, Constable, assigned w J. M. Heggie 13 95 13 95' 29. Albert Van Auken, Constable, assigned to J. M. Heggie 2 50 2 50 3o. A. Van Auken & Michael Egan, Constable, assigned to J. M. Heggie..., 13 25 13 25 31. A. Van Auken, Constable, assigned to J. M. I-Ieggie.... 7 ro 7 ro 32. A. Van Auken, Constable, assigned to J. M. Heggie.... 5 ro 5 to 33, A. Van Auken, Constable, assigned to J. M. Heggie.... 28 3o 28 3o 34• E. H. Kyle, Coroner, assigned to J. M. Heggie r 15 oo 15 00 J5. R. H. Kyle, Coroner, assigned to J. M. Heggie 36 50 36 00 36. E. H. Kyle, Coroner, assigned to J. M. Hegg-ie 27 00 26 5o 37. E. H. Kyle, Coroner, assigned to J. M. Heggie 43 00 42 50 38. E. 1-1. Kyle, Coroner, assigned to J. M. Heggie 23 90 23 40 39. A. A. Hungerford, Justice of Peace, assigned to J. M Heggie 22 55 22 55 40: A. A. Hungerford, Justice of Peace, assigned to J. M. Heggie $7 70 37 70 • a , 41. A. A. Hungerford, Justice of. Peace, assigned to 5, M. Heggie 36 10 36 to 42. A. A. Hungerford; Justice of Peace, assigned to J. M. Heggie 29 05 2905 82 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS 43• A. A. Hungerford, Justice of Peace, assigned to J. M. .Reggie 16 40 16 40 44, A. A. Hungerford, Justice of Peace, assigned to J. M. Reggie 11 95 II 95 45. E. Hildebrant, Constable, assigned to J. M. Heggie... 38 00 33 00 46! E. Hildebrant, Constable, assigned to J. 111. Heggio.... 28 70 28 70 47. E. Hildebrant; Constable, assigned to J..M. Heggie.... 25 85 14 48 48, M. N. Tompkins, legal services 6 oo 6 00 49• Frank Preston, Constable, assigned to J. M. Reggie.... 3 70 3 70 0 5o. J. P. Merrill, Justice of Peace, assigned to J. M. Reggie g 25 g 25 51. E. C. Marsh, Constable, assigned to J. M. 1-ieggie 14 40 14 40 52. A. E. Campbell, repairs on Jail 31 81. 32. 81 53, R. L. Smith, examination in lunacy 3 00 3 00 54. James W. Lamkin, coroner's juror 1 00 1 00 55. James Oltz, coroner's juror 1 00 1 00 56. John R. Gregory, examination in lunacy 9 00 9 o0 57. J. W. Brown, examination in'lunacy 5 00 3 00 58. Andrus & Church, stationery, &c 152 96 252 96 59. Albert Neidick, Constable 1 40 1 40 6o. Eugene Baker, physician, 9 So 9 8o 61. Peter Seaman, Constable 1 go r go 62. Andrus & Church, printing 5 25 5 25 63. Oltz & Smith, repairs on Court House 50 45 50 45 64: Charles Van Dine coroner'sjuror , T o0 1 00 65. Andrus & Church, stationery 22 o8 22 08 66. Patrick Murray; Constable 43 70 43 70 67: J. S. Kirkendall, ex. in lunacy 3 00 3 00 63. A. G. Genung, coroner's juror 1 0o r o0 69. J. Winslow, physician - 58 8o 32 10. 70. Finch & Apgar, stationery 69 24 69 14 71. Wrn. Austin, coroner's juror 1 00 1 00 72_ Michael McCormack, coroner's juror. 2 00 2 00 73• E. C. Marsh, Constable • - 3 201 3 20 74. Albert' Norton, Constable. ...-... 3000 3000 75• H. C. Thompson, coroner's juror 1 oo 1 00 - r 76. Carpenter & Coming, furniture 4 80 4.80 77- E. W. Seeover, coroner's juror i bo 1 00 78. Smith Bros., legal services y! 25 58 25 58 79. Weekly Ithacan, printing... ..... 30 25 1 o0 80. Robert Liebody, coroner's juror 1 00 1 00 81. Village of Ithaca, trimming trees 3 00 3 00 82. E. J. Morgan, jr., Coroner 25 00 1428 0 a oro 1 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 83 1 i 83. Patrick Murray, Constable 3 00 3 00 84. Dewitt Depuy, Constable " 7 25 4.90 8 Jamieson & McKinney, 5• J 3 ... ............ [08,80 Io8 8o 86, E. S. Tichenor, furniture 94'13 94 13 87. Telephone Exchange, telephones.... 163 00 126 00 88. E. I-Iildebrant, Constable assigned to W. H. Willson20 40 I7'20 89. Elihu I-Iildebrant, Constable, assigned to W. H. Willson 18 7o 18 7o go. Frank Preston; Constable., assigned to W. H. Willson,5 20 5 ro gr. E. K. Johnson, supplies 71 71 92. Frank Powers, Constable, assigned to W. H..Willson. , • .7 45 5.45 93, E. S. Tichenor, furniture 1 40 r 40 94. S. J. Bierce, Constable, assigned to J. L. Baker 41 20 41 20 95. .Frank Preston, Constable, assigned to E. J. Bentley4 6o 4 5o 96. A. Van Auken, Constable, assigned to C. G. Benjaminrr 6o II Go 97. A. H. Pierson, Supervisor 15 72 15 72 98. F. A. Dudley, ex, in lunacy 5 00 3.00 99,` C. L. Smith, District Attorney, expenses 41 39 41 30 Too. H. D. Beardsley, coroner's juror 100. 1 00 101. D. M. Ostrander, coroner's juror 1 00 I 00 102. James Rooney, coroner's juror I oo I o0 103. John E.'Beers, Supervisor 34 80 34 So I04. Newton'Baldwin, Constable , 2 20 2 00 105. Lewis 13. Gross, Justice of the Peace- 11 70 11 70 I07. Ithaca Journal Association, printing. 1125 25 II02 99 Io3. Newton Baldwin, Constable 2 20 2 00 log. Wm. E. Mount, Justice of Peace -. 3 45 3 45 110. Newton Baldwin, Constable •Io 00 10 00 III. W. 0. Newman, Superintendent of the Poor..... 43 I0 43 10 1 112. Geo. E. Goodrich, legal services 20 00 20 00 Ira: D. M. Dean, legal services 15 00 15 00 114. 0. M. Dean, legal services .12 50 22 50 115. J: Beach, physician 10 0o Io 00 116. J. Beach, physician 7 85 7 85 -117. J. J.,Maritgomery, ex, iri lunacy 5 00 3 00 118. Geo. E. Hanford, Justice of Peace 13 00 13 00 119. Wm. E. Brown, Justice of Peace 4 00 4 90 120." L. Dusenberry, Constable. 95 •95 121. j: M. Farrington, physician 5 00 5 00 122. Nelson E. Lyon, Justice of Feace 8 70 8 70 123. F: D. Gunderman, Constable 1 35 1 35 124. E. G. Hart, coroner's juror • 2 00 1 00 • 84 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 125.3 .Geo. Grant, boarding prisoners 21 5o 11 5o 126. White & Burdick, supplies 25 25 127. Frank Preston, Constable, assigned to W. I3, Willson,.. • 4 35 4 25 128, Treman, King & Co., supplies.... 198 00 198 00 229. Marsh & Hall, supplies 1-26 6g 126 69 130. Marsh & Hall, supplies 22 18 22 18 • 131. Louis Breitenbccker, Constable.. 148 95 148 95 232. Reynolds &. Lang, repairs on jail 2 65 2 65 233. M. A. Dumond, coroner's juror.. 1 00 1 00 134. Ives and Ingersoll, hack for inquest 2 75 2 75 135. Peter W. Wicks, coroner's juror 1 00 1 00 136. J. W. Dean, coroner's juror 2 00 1 00 r37. Geo. Rankin & Son, supplies........ 2 73 • 2 73 238• Gardner C. Gifford, legal and detective services 25 00 15 00 139. O. Luther, coroner's juror 1 00 1 00 140. R. W. Ellis, physician 3 50 3 50 242. Geo. Scott, coroner's juror 2 00 1 ao 242. Elias Conover, coroner's juror 2 o0 1 00 243. J. R. Emery, coroner's juror 1 00 2 00 144. Lewis McWhorter, Constable 12 05 11 25 145. L. B. Curry, coroner's juror 1 00 1 00 146. C. L. Tohnston, coroner's juror r 00 1 00 147. Ithaca Water Works Co., water for County buildings, 159 42 159 42 148. Geo. E.' Monroe, Justice of Peace, 14 75 14 75 149. W. J. Shaver, coroner's juror 2 65 1 00 150. W. L. Deans, coroner's juror 1 oo 1 o0 152. Wm, Mack, coroner's juror 2 0o 1 00 252. T. W. Burns, Justice of Peace • 77 15 76 3.5 153, S. P. Sackett, physician 8 00 6 oo 154. Gauntlett and Brooks, supplies ' 1 20 1 1a 155. F.. J. Marsh, coroner's juror 1 00 1 00 156. David White, physician 15 00 15 00 r57. J.A. Lewis, physician....... g'o0 q 00 158. G. M. Beckwith, Coroner '12.50 12 40 159. G. M, Beckwith, Coroner 28 70 28 70 16o. Lewis Ferris, Constable3 75 , 3 75 x61: Chas. D. Williams, coroner's juror 3 00 3 oo. 162. C. W. I4ausner, Constable 8 40 8 40 263. S. D. Sawyer, coroner's juior 3,00 3 00 164, J. Flickinger, ex. in lunacy 3 50 3 50 165. Allen Grant, coroner's juror - . _ 1 00 2 00 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 85 166. John H. Staley, Constable 167, H. J. Wilson, coroner's'juror 168. S. D. Bailey, Constable . . 169. Crozier & Feeley, supplies 170, E. P\.Bouton, Under -Sheriff, 171. William Greatsinger, coroner's juror, assigned Lyon 172. Wm. M.' Burger, coroner's juror, assigned to L. R. Lyon, • 1 00 • 173. O. S. VanPatten, coroner's juror, assigned to L. R. Lyon, 1 00 174. to L. R. 19 40 1 00 5 75 8 63 15 35 I 00 Mrs. Emma E. King, Almx, proceedings, Board of Su- pervisors Io 00 175. R. G. H. Speed, Supervisor....... • .................. 8 88 176. 1-I. N. I iumiston, detective service for coroner . 15 00. 1'77. Dennison & Brown, index books for Clerk's office 38 00 175. P. J. Partenheimer, County Clerk 724 04 179._ P. J. Partenheimer, CountytClerk 307 19 180.• P. J. Partenheimer, County Clerk / 484 00 18,. Albert Van Auken, .Constable 5 25 IS2. Ward Gregorywprinting 700 88. 183. F. A. Kerst, physician• 4 20 184. Wrn. O. Newman, Supt. of Poor , 385 20 185. Wm. O. Newman, Supt. of 'Poor, (This bill was.$296 61, upon which had been paid $293 76, leaving a balance of $2 85) ............ 2 85 2 85 156. Simeon Rolfe, (Referred to Supt. of -Poor) 75 02 00 00 187. John Gallagher, Constable ' r3 05 13 05 ISS, George C. Guinn, whitewashing 9 00 3 00 189, Sheldon & Bliven, hack to County House 5 oo 5 oo Igo. D. J. Seaman & Son, hack to County House 5 00 5 00 191. W. P. -Beers, hack to County. House.. 5 00 5 00 192. J. W. Tibbetts, Sheriff 449 24 449 24 193. J. W. Tibbetts; Sheriff • 157 75 157 75 194. J. K. Follett, Under -Sheriff .. • .. 192 57 192 57 195. J. K. Follett, Under -Sheriff .. • . 474 50 474 50 196. R. Horton, Supervisor . 44 44 44 44 197. A. G. Chapman, Supervisor 60 76 6o 76 198. W. G. McDowell, ;County Clerk Onondaga County 2 25 000 00 199. Finch & Apgar, stationery 6 So 6 So 200. Monroe Jewell, Constable..... 5 oo 5 00 201. J. H. George, Supervisor 4 28 4 28 202. Ithaca Journal'•Association, printing ' 33 75 31 75 19 40 I 00 575.N 8 63 15 35 100 100 100 IO 00` 8 88 15 00 38 00 724 04 307 19 484 00 5,25 698 88 4 20 385 20 • 6 `86 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 203. Albert Van Auken, Constable 2 75 2 75 204. John E. Beers, Supervisor 76 g8 76 98 205. R. Horton, Supervisor 73 28 78.28 206. A. G. Chapman, Supervisor.... 82 7g 82 79 207_ R. G. H. Speed, Supervisor 76 68 76 68 208. A. H. Pierson, Supervisor , 82 36 82 36 tag. R. A. Crozier, Supervisor 112 00 112 00 210. J. H. George, Supervisor 89 68 S9 63 • 211. D. Crocker, Supervisor.... 69 32 '- 69 32 • 212. B. Jackson 78 88 78 88 • $8,826 73 v i. 4 0 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. •Sp pads N " -a] 001000 1010005 a){1 Jol C N O O M aepap 01 1)0 0e; IIliI meg m N O. N M TnTc+.nv aa1)1)09 )ll)lo)1y C0V) 1 „„,' P d o. 04 « 'sa.)ul!puadrt{ pm: 500[)1009 01100110'{I0Js t) -uipuals;{ pm) a,o �o Mry [TUN warns-sassy..upido: g .... .+ a .• « « aoi °•a7, a CO 'aim 0010 011)0') 8 ').10 g?aAuum0D3 .,a{!T).: 10 Aa) 0'0.0. ) a N N N V n 1 co 88888800] O .lad o, -•£g `uO17o5iiadu]O3 ¢claalC p:pads put: rw aal7icuuso7 cll�m SS,;(1 01!14 sad quarl 10 adua1114 ':Ce{I lad ;a 'uoiiosuaduioj 10110 -vy 'P2uo;T pl!0' s2R '0105101 1107 Slunol 1p1'. sA0a ilkN N N 0.,n Q I 88888.8838 8 8 2 2 2 2 2 ;12 2s .. '11011001 0) , '0 • O CN fl ' 87 M. N,'TOMPKINS, Clerk. • `v .1e C�HYmd r • • 0 • TONIN? AUDITS. . CAROLINE. • The following is an abstract of names of all persons who presented accounts to be' audited by the.Town Auditors of the Town of Caroline, on the rth day of November, 1855, With the amount claimed and the amountfinally allowed. No. Name. Nature of Service, Claimed. Allowed. ti r. William K. Boiee $ 3 00 3 00 2. H. D. Haskins 3 00 3 00 3. D. C. Krum 4 15 .4 15 '4, - B. M. Lawrence. 24 75 24 75 5. Harry Dedrick 7 60 7 6o 6. Harry Dedrick 17 20 17'20 7, C. A. Van Vradenburg........ 10 00 10 00 8. George E. Harris 23 00 23 00 9. John J. Frear, assigned to Charles L. Davis 10 00 10 00 Io. R. E. Brink To 0o to 00 11. H. H. Robinson 14 00 14 00 • I2. George Muir 6 oo, 6 00 13. U. L. Robins 43 6o 43 69 14.- Harry Dedrick 9 55 9 55 15. Abram G. Haskins 44 25 4 25 16. Richard Whittaker .4 00 4 00 17. Robert C. Clark 4 00 4 00 18. Edward E. Winchell 9 96 9 96 lg. F. A. Snow 4 00 4 00 zo. John J. McWhorter 5 00 5 oil 21. Spencer H. 'Jansen 28 00 28 oo 22. George E. Sanders 122 00 122 00 23. George C. Whitley 12 00 . 12 00 24. Luman B. Phillips.... 24 00 24 oo • SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINC#S. 89 25. William H. Leonard 9 56 9 56 26. Levi V. Bacon ro 0o ro 00 27. C. Lounsbury_ *24 00 24 00 28. Ransom Johnson 2 75 2 75 29. John Cross 8 75 8 75 30. W. V. Personius 15 75 15 75 31. John J. Peters 10 40 r0 40 321 John W. Gass 44 27 44 27 33. R. G, H. Speed 31 00 31 00 34.- John J. Norris. , . 4 00 4 00 35. 'G. S, Higgins 3 00 3 00 • $566 54 • We, the undersigned, Board of Town Auditors of the Town of Caroline, in the County of Tompkins, do hereby certify that'the foregoing statement of the accounts audited by them at the annual meeting held at Slaterville, November 5, 1885, is correct. R. .G. H. SPEED, Supervisor. JOHN W. GASS, .JOHN CNDSS, Justices. JOHN J. PETERS, • W. V. PERSONIUS, 13. L. ROBINS, Town Clerk. I hereby certify the foregoing to be a true copy of accounts. audited by the Town Board, on file in my office. U. L ROBINS. Town Clerk. / ADDED BY RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD. 36. Francis Earslcy 37. Matthew Bull, - 1 Amount above Total 24 00 12 00 $ 36 00 566 54 $602 54 , DANBY:. The following is an abstract of names of all persons who presented accounts to be audited by the Town Auditors of 0 . 0 0 90 SUPERVISORS'. PROCEEDINGS the Town of Danby, on the 5th day of November, 1885, with the amount claimed and. the amount finally allowed.. No. Name. Nature of Service. Claimed. Allowed. r. Levi L. Beers, surveying i2 oo 12 00 2. W. G. Hawes, Admst., supplies and rent paid 50 49 50 49 3. F. A. Todd, clerk of election 1 3 00 3 00 4, assessor 30 00 30 00 5. Levi C. Beers, delivering supplies - r 00 I 00 6. Lucien B. Beers, assessor 26 00 26 00 7. Sheldon Bierce, overseer of poor • Iq 25 12 25 8. M. A. Dumond, reporting births 2 75 2 75 9. W. T. Kellogg, poor supplies 3.40 3 40 zo. A. J. Snyder, inspector of election 3 00 3 00 II. George B. Grant, constable II So Ix So 12. John E. Beers, Supervisor 93 63 33 68 13. Cortland Mynard, inspector election 3 00 3 00 14. Wm. H. Swansbrow, overpaid tax• . 50 50 15. E. L. B. Curtis, plank for road r 85 • r 85 16. D. M. Kellogg, inspector of election. 3 00 3 00 17. - R. Green, assigned to J.E. Beers,"overpaid tax I oo I no 18. John J. Miller, Justice 8 95 3 95 19. Jeremiah Thatcher, Justice 700 . 7 00 2o, Jacob Wise, " • 4 00 4 00 21, J. E. Beers, M. D., medical services 13 25 13 25 22. Alonzo Beach, inspector election and messenger 8 o0 8 0o 23, Wise L Bierce, poor supplies 3 00 3 00 24. L. M. Jennings, caring for clerk's office 2 00 2 00 25. C. F. Mix, janitor 32 06 3z 06 26., John Bonfield, rent of hall 3 00 3 00 27, John L. Hall, wood for poor 2 00 2 00 28, M. A. Beers, inspector election and clerk town meeting8 o0 8 oo 29. E. E. Swartout, and messenger 9 52 9 52 3o. D. H. Ostrander, poor,supplies • 3 00 3 00 35. Samuel Johnson, reporting 'marriages 50 50 32. Charles Howland, Justice.. .................. „-.. ...... • TO 24 10 24, 33. Wm. Bierce, town clerk 3o So 30 8o 35. R. A. Grant, assessor 24 00 24 00 36.• .H. S. Beardsley, undertaker 20 00 20 00 37• clerk of election 4 00 4 00 38. George Meaker, highway Commissioner 88 65 88 65 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 91 C. 39, J. W. Lamkin, inspector of election 4 00 4 00 40. Wm. H. Baker, clerk of election 4 00 4 00 41. Oscar Jennings, ex. commissioner 4 00 4 00 $492 69 ADDED BY RESOLUTION BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. 42. Smith Bros.. for printing, (road suit) 98 So 98 So $591 49 We, the undersigned, Board sof Town Auditors of the Town of Danby, in the County of Tompkins, do hereby certify the above accounts and statements • audited by them to be correct, at their annual meeting, held Nov. 5, 2885. JOHN E. BEERS, Supervisor, Wm. BIM:Ch. Town Clerk. CHARLES HoWLAND, JI;i snAii THATCHER, Justices. JOHN JAMES MILLER. DRYDEN. The following is an abstract of names of all persons who presented bills to the Board of Town Auditors,ot the Town of Dryden, on.the 5th day of November, 1885, with the amount claimed by each, and the amount finally allowed. No. Name. Nature of Service. Claimed. Allowed: 1. Homer Genung, physician ... .109 25 109 25 2, J. J. Montgomery, " so 5o so 5o 3 4 00 4 00 4. Wm. Fitch, 41 14 25 13 25 ' 5. G. L. Rood, So 00 47 75 6. J. Beach, 40 00 40 00 7. " " recording births and deaths 4 75 4 75 8. G. L. Rood, " 5 00 5 00 g. H. Genung, " " 450 4 50 so. A. M. Ford, printing 4 75 4 75 sr. D. G. Howell, excise commissioner i 3 00 3 00 12. Nicholas Mineah, " '15 0o rS bo 13. G. M. Lupton, '` 21 00 21 00 14. Russell Sager, " 21 00 21 00 15. J. C. Lormer, constable 22 65 22 65 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 16. G. E. Hanford, Justice r1 no 11 00 17. B. Snyder, Overseer poor 38 oo 38 00 18. A. Burlingame, assessor 58 00 58 00 19, R. M. Smiley, • • 50 00 50 00 20. A. L. Smiley, 48 0o q8 00 21. . J. C. itanderhoef, Overseer poor... 32 25 32 25 22. Geo. E. Goodrich, attorney 15 00 15 00 23. Rev. E. D. Thurston. recording marriages 1 so 1 50 24. L. Dusenbury, constable 2.70 2 70 25. DeLoyd Pierce, undertaker ` - 5 00 5 00 26. �. . r5.00 15 00 27. John E. Coy, use of house for election zo 00 to 00 28. W. D. Ellis, " • 10 00 10 00 29. C. 11. Howe, to 00 10 00 30. G. W. Gibson, " `'. for the year....... 30 o0 3o 00 31. G. C. Sweet, undertaker 15 00 15 00 32. Green Hills Cemetery Association, 6 00 2 50 33. G. E. Hanford, Justice.... 2 00 2 00 34. G. E. Underwood, Justice 8 oo 8 00 -r.- 35. W. J. Shaver, 8 o0 8 00 36. Mrs, Ke2iah Carr, error tax 1 00 1 00 37. J. J. Montgomery, recording births and deaths 6 25 6 25 38. Geo. E. Monroe, Justice 8 0o 8 oo 39• 28 55 28 55 40. Wm. E. Brown, " 8 00 8 o0 41. Jos. Snyder, Inspector, Dist. No. i 5 00 5 oo 42. Jacob McKinney, " " ' 1 ' 4 00 4 00 43. W. E. Ellis, 1 9 32 9 32 44. Hile "Stewart, 2 9 int 9 00 45. Edwin Snyder, 2 5 00 5 00 46. A; W. Overacker, " "2 4 00 4 00 47. A. W. Clark, 3... II 46 11 46 48. John 11. Kennedy, " `• - 3 4 004 00 49. • Seward Lupton; " 3 4 00 4 00 5o. Geo. F. Primrose, " 4 5 00 5 00 5L Frank E. Brown, " 4 5 00 5 00 r 52. H. A. Dearman, " ! 4 9 72 9 72 53• J. T. Morris, clerk of election, dist. No. 1 ' 4 00 4 60 54. B. Snyder, " ,, 1.... 4 00 4 od 55. Wm, W. Sherwood, ' " 2 4 00 4 00 56. A. L:Tyler, clerk of - 2 . 4,00 • 4 06 0 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. . 93' 57. Geo. E. Goodrich, " "i.3 4 30 4 30 58. D. M. White, 3 , 4 00 4 00 59.. J. M. Carr, 4 . 4.25 4 25 Go. Chas. B. Bills, " 4 4 00 400 61. Geo, E. Monroe, Justice 20 00 20 00 - 62. Elly R. Sherwood, commissioner highways o 274 00 274 00 63. T. II. George, Supervisor ' 34 70' 34 70 64, J. H. George,, .27 95 27 98 65. Geo, H. Houtz, town Clerk 30 79 30 79 66. DeLoyd Pierce, undertaker .. :. .. .. .. .. • 5 00 0 00 $1,246 67 We hereby certify that the foregoing ahstract is correct in all respects. FAMES H. GEORGE, Supervisor. GEO. H. Hou''z, Town Clerk, GEO. E. MONROE., GEo, E. HANrok3), GEO. E. UNol,sw000, Justices. WMI. E. BROWN, Wnt. T. SiTAVER, ° t ADI)EEO Ri' RESOLUTION Or THE 13OARL. 67. Corporation Dryden Village 68: Margaret Proctor 69. Almon Robinson Amount above. . Total IO Oo 3 78 44 60 $58 38 .1,248 64 S1,3o7 02 ENFIELD. • The following is an abstract of names of all persons who presented Bills to the Board of Town Auditors of the Town of Enfield, on the 5t11 and•f)th days of Novernber,,1885, with the amount claimed, and the amount finally. allowed. , No, Name. Nature of Service. Claimed. Allowed. 1. Edgar Brewer, R. R. Commissioner.... .$ 15 00 15 00 2. George W. Budd, " 6 00 6 00 3. Eben Rolfe, ex•comutissioner of highways.... 20 00 20 00 0 • 94 . SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 4. R. P. Griffin, Assessor 3o 00 3o 00 5. George S. Fowler, " .. 30 6o 3o o6 6. John Darragh, excise Commissioner., 3 00 3 00 7. Lysander T. White, ex Supervisor 14 46 14.46 8. L. T. White, M. D., health officer 7 00 7 oo g, death certificate 1 75 1 75 10. " " burial permits 2 00 2 00 11. birth certificates ' 3 25 3 25 12. John J. Abel, Assessor 30 6o 3o 00 13. Silas Harvey, Coma highways Ioo'oo 100 00 14. Moses L. Harvey, house for town purposes 25 oo 25 00 15. Chas. F. Stringer, inspector elections and messenger 10 64 9 64 16, Horace Russell, and stationery 5 40 4 40 17. E. C. Bagley, 5 00 4 00 18. Silas Harvey, commissioner highways .. 147 66 147 66 1g. Byron Jackson, ex -Overseer poor 4 00 4 00 20. Supervisor 35 77 35 77 21. Silas Harvey, corn. highways, one-half town line bridge138 39 138 39 22. John Burton, Justice of the Peace 20 25 20 25 23. Burr Rumsey, " 18 cm 18 00 24. Oscar Rolfe, 18 00 IS 00 25. L. M. Gates, recording marriages 1 75 1 75 26. Wm. F, Smith, Justice of the Peace 24 00 23 00 27. Chas. Wright; Town Clerk. 63 15 65 r5 $782 67 778 67 We, the undersigned, Anditors of the Town of Enfield, hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct list and true statement of all accounts examined and audited at the meeting of said Board, held in the town of Enfield on the 5th and 6th days of November, 1885. BYRON JACKSON, Supervisor. Wmt, F. SMITH, • BURR ItUMSEY, Justices of the Peace. OSCAR ROL.FE, CHAS. WRIGHT, Town Clerk. ADDED ItY RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD. 28. J. G. Wortman • 35 00 29. S. J. Fish 4 00 30. E. C: Almy 4 00 $43 00 Amount above 778 67 Total... s $821 67 ilk SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 95 GROTON. The following is an abstract.of the names, of all the per- sons who presented accounts to be audited to the-J3oard of Town Auditors of the Town of Groton, on the 6ith. day of November, 1885, with the amount claimed by each, and the amount finally allowed. No. Name. Nature of Service. • Claimed, Allowed, t. Lucius Davis, inspector.of election 4 00 4 00 2. Jerome Fitts, " 4 00 •4 00 3. Ed. Metzgar, " and messenger 6 00 6 00 4. John McKellar, : 9 00 9 0o 5. M. C. Young, " 4 00 4 00 6. Wrn. II: Bulkley, "- 4 00 4 00 7. Henry Newell, " , 4 0o 4. as 8. I3. D. Spencer, " 4 00 • 4 00 9, D. A. Rogers, 4 " and messenger ro 35 to 35 ro. F. W. Webster, " 41 12 12 12 12 II. W. H. Burnham, clerk, 8.c .... 14 0o 14 00 I2. D. V. Linderman, clerk of election 4 00 4 0o 13. Dana Metzgar, 4 o0 4 00 14. Nelson Stevens, " and Justice 13 55 13 55 15. Lewis B. Gross, Justice's services 23 85 23.85 tb. Wen. E. Mount, ° 31 35 31 35 17. Joseph Mount, ra 00 10 00 18, A. J. Conger, Assessor.. ... ........ ........,.. .. .. 26 75 26 75 19. Everett Smiley, .... 38 00 38 0o 20. Edwin Fish, ' 31 25 31 25 21. V. B. Gross, excise Commissioner 3 00 3 00 22. A. M. Francis, " 3 00 3 c0 23. N. R. Streeter, " 3 00 3 00 Dr. A. M. Baldwin, medical services, assigned to George Dickins 8 ao 5 00 24. Wm, A. Smith, registering marriages r 25 1 25 25. P. M. McManus, " ' ' 3 50 .3 50 • 26. Dr. M. D. Goodyear, registering, and medical services26 00 28 00 27. Dr. A. M. Baldwin, 3 75 3 75 28. Dr. E. R. Weaver, medical services to 0o to 00 29.. Dr. S. U. Jones, registering, and medical services 29 25 29 25 • 96 - STJPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 3o. A. B. Rodgers, use of hall for election 8 o0 8 ao 31. E. R. Nye. 25 00 25 00 32. Wm. Webster, " " _ 8 oo 8 00 33• Newton Baldwin, constable services -15 75 15 75 34. D. O. Clough, 44 85 40 90 35. F. L. Tarbell, 2 70 2 70 36. W. W. Hare, legal services 5 00 5 00 37. G. M. Stoddard, " 5 00 5 00 38. Dana Rhodes, stationery 1 48 1 48 39, Townley & Wright, printing 34 22 30 00 4o. P. E. 'Field,. merchandise for poor 4 84 4 84 41, J.G. Beach, supplies for poor - 4 20 4 20 42. Manly Howe, expense on new road 27 3o 27 3o 43. A. G. Chapman, Supervisor 21 62 21 62 44. J.' W. Jones, town Clerk 50 05 5o 05 45. Ellen Savocoll, care of poor for Overseer 1 67 5o 67 50 46. Stoddard & Co.. undertaking, 25 00 25 00 47. Hugh Halsey, town Board 2 00 2 00 48. Chas, Newton, commissioner of highways " 73 00 73 00 49, G. A, Wilson, house rent for Overseer of the poor15 0o r5 00 50. Harvey Backus, " " ro 0o to 00 51. N. A. Collins, articles for poor by Overseer 1 75 1 75 52. D. H. Marsh, railroad commissioner... 7 50 7 50 Total, $8o2 56 • 1TIIACA.• The following is'an abstract of the naives of all persons who presented accounts to be andited.by the Board of Town Auditors' of the Town of Ithaca, November, 5th, 8th, 7th, and 9th, 1887, with the amount claimed by each and the amount finally allowed. No. Name. Nature of Service. Claimed. Allowed. 1.- Jas, G. Burns, Inspector election, 1st dist. spring and fall, '85 • • $ 32.00 32 PO 2. Geo. Landon, inspector of election, 1st dist., fall of '85. 16 00 16 oo 3. •' clerk assigned to• ' John Collins r6 on 16 0o Bp. SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS.. 97 4. H. S. Wright, inspector election, Ist dist ' 16 00 16 00 5. Michael Mertens, ". rst disti6 00 16 00., 6. D. M. Fowler, clerk 1st dist 16 00 16 no - . 7. Edward Brown, " 1st dist 16 00 16 00 8. " '' ' - 1st dist, assigned to J M. Reggie 16 00 16 0o g. R. Donovan, clerk of election, tst dist. i6 00 16 00 10. 11. M. Race, inspector election, 2d dist, assigned to J. H, Collins • 16 do 16 oo ir. H. N. Race, inspector election, zd dist 16 00 16 00 • 12. E. S. Hoagland, " 2d dist. •assigned•to Ci•o- zier and Feely 12 00 12 00 13. E. H. Watkins, inspector of election, 2d dist 16 00 16 00 14. Robert Reed, ` " zd dist 16 oo 16 oo 15. W. F. McClune, " 1 2d dist - 16 00 16 00 16. " derk of election, 2d dist. assigned to J. M Heggie 1600 .16 00 17. E. S. Hoagland, clerk of election, 2d dist. assigned to Crozier & Feely 16 0o x6 00 18. Daniel Johnson, clerk of election, 2d dist 16 0o 16 o0 19. Henry Illston, " 2d dist 16 00 16 00 20. John K. Stewart, " " 2d. dist 4 00 . 4 00 21, H. A, Ensign, inspector of election, 3d dist - 16 00 - 16 00 22. " 3d dist., assigned to J, M. Reggie 1fi oo` 16 00 23. F. A. B. Ridgeway, inspector election, 3d distr6 00 16 00 24. T. H. Cuddington, 3d dist 16 00 - 16 00 25. M. Naughton, 3d. dist 16 00 .16 00 26. E.C. Marsh, " , 3d dist., assigned E1/4C. J. M. Heggie i6 oo 16 oo 27. E. C. Marsh, clerk election, 3d dist., assigned to J: M. Heggie - . 16 00 16 00 28. Spence Spencer, clerk election, 3d dist. assigned to J. M. Heggie 16 00 16 oo • 29. 0. P. Hyde, clerk election, 3d dist 16 0o 16 00 30• " " " 3d dist r6 0o Ib o0 31. John Yohe, inspector election, 4th dist - 16 0o 16 00 32. Geo. H, Baker, " 4th dist 16 00 16 00 33. A. C. Redden, "4th dist 8 00 8 00 34; E. H. Mowry, " , 4th dist 16 oo 16 00 35.' Chis.. Terwilliger, inspector election, 4th dist 14 0o i6 0o 98 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS 36. John J. Williams, inspector election, 4th dist. 16 oo 16 00 37. Willis H. Moses, clerk &c. election, 4t11 dist 32 00 32 00 38. Abram Wyckoff, clerk 4th dist 16 0o 16 00 39. Chas. H. Willson, " . 4th dist., assigned to John Collins 16 00 16 00 .40. Chas. H. Wilson, clerk election, 4th dist., assigned to J, M. Heggie 8 oo 8 oo 41. Myron Labar, inspector election, 5th dist., assigned to W H. Willson 16 ao 16 00 42. E. L. Burton, inspector election, 5th dist., assigned to L S. McWhorter 16 oo 16 00 43. E. L. Burton, inspector election, 5th dist r6 ao i6 00 44- Richard Hankin, inspector election, 5th dist., assigned to' W. H. Willson 16 oo 16 oo 45. N. C. Johnson, jr., inspecter election, 5th dist., assigned to L. S. McWhorter 16 00 . r6 00 46. ,Frank Preston, clerk election, 5th dist. assigned to W. H. Willson 4 00 4 00 • 47. C. F. McWhorter, clerk' election, 5th dist„ assigned to W. H. Willson 16 oo 16 oo 48. C. F. McWhorter, clerk election, 5th dist., assigned toW H. Willson - 4 00 4 00' 49. Geo. W. Stout, clerk election, 5th dist., assignod to J. M Veggie - 16 00 16 00 5o. Geo. W. Stout, clerk of election, 5th dist., assigned to W H. Willson 8 00 8 on 51. Geo. W. Stout, clerk election, 5th dist., assigned to W. H. Willson 8 00 -8 00 52. H. H. Philes, clerk, '84, 5th dist., assigned to Tillott Kenney 16 oo` 16 oo 53. C. F. McWhorter, clerk election, 5th dist., assigned to W Willson.... 8 oo 8 00 54- J. A. Lewis, Overseer Poor bill 13 00 " -registration births and. deaths 10 5o 23 5o 23 25 55. S. P. Sackett, 8 25 8 25 56. E. J. Morgan, " " 1 25 1 25 57• E. J. Morgan, jr. 3 50 3 50 58. John A. Northup, " 2 50 2 50 59• A. Hunter, 114 " 50 50 60. A. Hunter, 2 00 2 00 ,6i. J. W. IBrown, " 5 25 - 5 25 b . 0 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 99 i 62. J, R. Gregory, registration births and deaths 7 75 63. Geo. Beckwith, " 3 50 64. D. White, " " 7 00 65. J. S. Kirkendall, " 41 , 13 5o 66 " . salary as health officer 50 00 67. John Clymer, registration marriages 4 25 68. R, D. Munger, " 5 25 69. Chas. 111. Tyler, " " 5 00 7o. E. D. Thurston, " t 00 71. P. D uzenberry, 7 50 72. H. A. Clark, " ..... 2 25 73. T. W. Burns, Justice of Peace 85 65 74.. 48 20 75. .. ...... 56 40 76 .. 44 .. 131 15 77. .` 119 95 78 .. .. .. 115 55 79• .. . .. 222 85 4,. • 80. .. .. ... •ror 75 Sr. J. P. Merrill, assigned to J. M. Heggie, 24 90 182 .. 44 • .. ft .. .. .. 30 90 -83 .. .. .. , 1500 84 ft ` " 33 75 .. .. 0 80 85..... .. 32 86. •' " .. " 1510 874 .. .. .1 ' .. 44, .. 41 45 • 83. .. .. .. 1-/ o5 §9... 25 40 90. ... 44.. 1730 91 .. .. 24 05 92. .. 18 6o 93. .. .. 4' 23 40 .. .. .. .. 94. 19 90 95. g6. • 97• 98. 99. I00. 101. IO2. Spence Spencer, Justice of Peace, assigned to J. M. Heggie, .. 44 41 .. 41 .. di .. .. .. .. .. 44 44 40 70 20 30 46 75 39 05 11 6o 27 So 17 25 22 25 7 75 3 50 7 00 13 50 50 00 4 25 5 25 5 00 z o0 7 50 2 25 85 65 4S 20 5640 131 15 11995 115 55 222 85 101 78 24 90 3090 15 00 33 75 32 8o 15 10 41 45 I1 05 25 40 17 30 24 05 18 60 �3 403 1990 40 70 20 30 46 75 39 05 t1 Co 27 So 17 25 22 25 J 1 100 STJPE1tVISORS'. PROCEEDINGS. • I 103. Spence Spencer, Justice Peace, assigned to J. M. Heggie, 21 85 21 85 104. " 4905 4905 104/4; .. .. .,. _ <. .. 33 to 33 IO 105. A. A. Hungeriord, Justice, assigned to J. M. Heggie.... 77 75 77 75 1436. 82 90 82 go 107• `l it if II2 10 II2 IO rob. f 83 95 83 95 1og. 37 55 37'55 ITo. 136,65 136 65 III. " .. a s4 98 5o 98 50 Ira. la Al 55 90 55 90 113. " °. 74 95 74 95 IT4. " " f 99 55 99 55 115. .. It.. .. • . , 36 90 .36 go 116. Chas. G. Day, Justice of Peace, assigned to J. M, Heggie, 25 6o 25 Io 117. ,. .. ..lt30 25 30 ao 118. Wm. J. Totten, Justice of Peace, • .... IO 20 TO 20 I19. Patrick Murray, Constable. 322 25 314 75 120. F. Powers," 75 75 121. D. O.1Clough, " 27 65 7 15 122. J. T. Cody, assigned to J. M. Heggie7 55 7 55 123. . . . 3 50 , 3 30 224. E. G. Phelps, Constable 50 82- 50 82 125, 250 250 126. Albert Van Aitken, Constable, assigned to J. M. IIeggie. Io oo 8 00 127. E. C. Marsh, Constable, assigned to J. M. Heggie.. • 14 go 14 go 128. " •` " " 25 20 0000 129. " •° • .. II 05 II 05 130. +' "o . . .. 18 85 18 85 131. .. a ,. a " 18 05 18 05 132• " 13 65 23 65 133. , 9 55 9 55 i34 " 23 20 13 20 135 a <. .< <' 9 50 7 30 136. 14 75 14 75 137 20 30 18 30 138. " 24 95 22 7,5 139. .' " " " II 15 II 15 240. .. .. ... 27 43 27 43 141. Frank Preston, Constable, assigned to J. M. Heggie.::.. 13 45 13 45 142. 7 40 6 40 ,.1143 25 65 15 65 1 e Si7PEEVISORS` rPROCEEDINGS. 101 • 144. Frank Preston, Constable, assigned to J. M. Heggie 7 to , 7 Io 1 .. ,1 N,. ,. .. �9 05 a 05 4s• Y 146. " 12 00 12 00 147. .1 " .4 795 795 148. .4 Al 4C " 2 80 2 80 .149. 4. assigned to W. H. Willson 9 40 9 40 150. 495 495 151. +` • 5 20 0 00 152. 15 3o . 15 3o 153• 385 3 85 154• ,1 10 50 10 50 155'4 35 4 35 156. " " 340 340 157, 9 15 9 15 158. 1, ,1 6 25 6 25 159• 16 35 16 25 160. /, 9 7o 4 70 161. 6 to • 6 l0 162. �4 " 15 20 . 14 20 163. " '335 335 164. " ' •••• 325 325 .165. assigned to E. J. Bentley 20 95 20 95 166. `• assigned to L. S. McWhorter16 00 16 00 167. E. liildebrant, Constable, assigned to J. M. Heggie 48 40 45 40' 168, • V. It ., .. " 12 40 12 40 169. " ,, " " 25 75 24 75 " 170. 29 90 25 95 Cs 171. ,1- " 53 05 51 05 172 Li It �'44 44 1.15510 52'59 173 (i H- 1/ 80 go 8o go • 174 „ 41 74 65 70 95 175 / ..... 55 35 53,10 176 " '• assigned to W. H. Willson61 85 51 95. *177, Comfort Hanshaw. excise Commissioner 46'40 46 40 ,178. Michael Mertens, . • • • • • 45 O0 45 00 179. John H. Collins, -36 00 36 00 I 180. Torrent Hose Co. 5, use of building'for election 40 00 40 00 181. Sprague Steamer Co. 6,'• 40 00. 40 00 182. Eureka Hose Co. 4, „ " 40 00 40 00 183. E. V. Howland, '• 20 00 20 00 _ 184. Livingston & Sel over, " - " 40 00 40 00 102 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 285. S. B. Beers, Assessor, assigned to Wm. N. Noble 252 00 252 00 186. ik " Wm. J. Totten 3¢ 00 34 00 157. J. J. Williams, " 90-00 88 oo 155. Stephen Kennedy, Assessor. 58 00 58 00 289. Luther Lewis, 4 25 4 25 190. Finch & Apgar, supplies...': 34 19 34 19 191. Andrus & Church, supplies 11 57 11 55 292. C. 11..Hillick, making registration books, assigned to J. M. Veggie. 40 00 40 00 193. Weekly Ithacan, printing 12 75 3 75 194. Ithaca Demcrat, 125 75 325 75. 195. Ithaca Journal Association 117 29 117 29 196. F. C. Shepherd. Town Clerk from Nv. ro,'54 to Lich 31, '35, assigned to J. M. Heggie - 250 50 150 50 297. F. C. Shepherd, Town Clerk from March 31, '35 to Nov. 9, '85 ' 206 05 206 06 298. F. C. Shepherd, Town Clerk; registration births, deaths and marriages, Nov. 10, '54 to Sept. 22, '85, assigned to J. M Heggie 51 45 51 45 199. F. C. Shepherd, Town Clerk, registration births, deaths and marriages, from Sept. 22.to Nov. 9 'S 20 40 20 40 200. R. A. Crozier, Supervisor 202 75 202 75 tor. J. I -I, Tichenor. member board of Health 8 00 8 00 202. Fred. E. Aldrich 8 oa 8 oo 203. Albert Norton, constable work Go 75 Go 75 204. L. Brictenbecker, " - " order to Village of Ithaca: 279 40 279 40 205. Geo, Grant, feeding prisoners 21 00 21 00 206. A. 13. Stamp, " 13 75 13 75 207. Wm. 1-Iazlitt Smith 23 00 13 00 208. P. G. Ellsworth ........ r 205 93 105 93 209- J. Hymes • 5 50 5 50 210. E. S. & W. W. Esty 50 00 50 00 211. N. T. Mabie....... 3 00 3 00 2I2. G. Ssysnsbrough, assigned to J. M. Heggie1 0o r o0 213. C: H. Van Houter, supplies to Commissioner Highways, 3 84 3 84 " 4, 214. 24 47' 24 47 215. G. C. McClune, 4.434 40 34 40 210. Geo. Sinall, " " " 216 32 216 32 217. A. C. Hcdden, 4 " to 40 10 40 216. C. J. Rumsey & Co, " 9.65. 9 65 219. Treman, King & Co. 659 659 220. Treman & Waterman, " 73 00 73 00 SUFPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 103 221. T. J. Williams, supplies to Commissioner highways 222. Ira Rockwell, 223. C. S. Wattles, " 224. H. Halsey, Agt, " 225. J, J. Renwick, " 226.' John Lindenberry, Commissioner of Highways 227. Dr. Eugene Baker, Overseer of Poor bill 228. Dr. Northup, " 229: Dr. A. Hunter, • 230. Dr. Northup, '• 231. Wm. black, Overseer Poor ADDED EY RESOLUTION OF TI -IE BOARD. 232, Albert Van Auken, Constable, assigned to J. M. Heggie, 233. M. Norton Constable 234. Geo Riker, " 235, Rev. .R. T. Jones, recording marriages . . ............... 236. Airny & Bouton, attys. for Overseer of Poor 237, M. Van Cleef, atty. Savings Bank•case 238. M. E. Bundy, use of house for clectiori 239. Whiion and Tremae, R. R. Commissioners 240. Rosa Nichols, reporting births 24r. Rev. France, recording marriages • / Total 3 00 21 30 29 75 to So 15 00 278 02 II o0 7 00 6 00 3 00 21 30 29 75 ro So 15 00 278 02 5 50 7 00 6 00 15 CO 15 00 5.107 37 5,T07 37 STATEMENT OF WM. MACK, OVERSEER OF POOR. $12,816 93 $ r 6o 5 40; 2 30 5 25 Iop 00 11 42 20 00 4.6 00 .12 25 25 $ 204 47 $13,021 40 Sliowing total receipts and disbursements from Nov. tst, 1884 to Nov rst., IS85. DISBURSEMENTS. From Nov. 1st, 158.4 to Feb. r6, ]885 $ 2,339 18 Service bill, 92 days, at $2.00 - 184 oo Feb. 16, 1855 to Mch 1st, 1885 '220 45 Service bill, II days, att 52.00 22 00 Mch 1st, 1835 to Nov. 151, 1.885 5,857 40 Service bill, 211 days, at $2.00 422 00 Total disbursements from Nov. 1st, x884 to Nov. 1st, ;885 1 .' 59,075 03 � � s •r 104 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. RECEIPTS, Dec. 23. from Jackson on bond - 25 00 Jan. 3. from Supervisor Crozier. 302 95 Mch. 2o, from Overseer poor, town of Ulysses 35 00 - • May 13. from Supervisor Crozier 3.527 71 Sundry receipts, as per statement 77 00 Total receipts from Nov. 1,'34 to Nov. 1,'85,{ ........ • $3,967 66 Bal. as reported in bill No. 231, to be raised, - 5, 107 37 Statement of actual amount of cost of support of Town Poor, from Nov. t, t884 to Nov. 1, 1885: Amount of disbursements as above $9,075 03 Amount of bilis Nos. 227, 228, 229 and 23o • 33 50 $9,108 53 Less 25934 tons coal on hand, at $4.50 1,16800 $7,94o 53 Y STATEMENT OF JOHN LINDERBERRY, COMMISSIONER OF HIGH- WAYS. Showing amount of receipts and disbursements from Nov. I, 1884 to Nov. 1, i885. DISBURSEMENTS. From Nov. 1st, 1884 to Feb, 6, 1885, as per statement,$ 288 00 :Service hill for self and horse 36 oo From Feb. 16, '83 to Nov. ist, '85, as per statement821 77 Service bill, self and horse 319 00 $1,465 77 RECEIPTS. Ncty. 10; '84; from,Supervisor Crozier $ 75 00 " . Jan. 12,'85, from tax Collector ego oa From Feb. 16 to Nov. 1st, '85, from Supervisor,... 750 00 from Railroads tax, 112 75 862 75 $1187 75 Bal. to lie raised as reported, bill No. 226 $278 02 Amount of total cost of maintaining highways from Nov. 1, 1884 to Nov. 1, 1885: Amount of disbursements as above $1,465 77 Amount of bills Nos. 213, 214,-215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, - 221, 222, 223, 224, 225 - 458 52 $1,924 29 1 0 SUPERVISOI{S' PROCEEDINGS. 105 We, the undersigned, the Town Auditors of the Town of Ithaca, herebycer- / tify-that the foregoing is a correct list and true statement of all accounts exam- ined and audited or rejected at the meeting of said Board, held in the Town Clerk's office, Ithaca, Nov. 5, 6, 7 and' g, 1885. • Dited Nov. 24, 1885. R.•A. CROZIER, Supervisor. T.W,BURNS A. A. I IUNGERFORD, Justices. SPENCE SPENCER, F. C. SHEPHERD, Town Clerk, LANSING. Abstract of the names of all ,persons who presented ac- counts to be audited by the Board of Town Aaditors of the town of Lansing, on the 5th day of November, 1885, with the amounts. claimed by each, and the amounts allowed each, viz No. Name: Nature of Service. Cla imed. Allowed.. r. A. 1-I. Clark, excise Commissioner and assessment roll... 2. • Rev. J. E. McLallen, reporting 3 marriages 3., Roswell Beardsley, use of hall for election 4. Willtam N. Buck,•Assessor 5. A. H. Clark, Assessor 6. A. Ensign, reporting 4 marriages 7. Hiram Herrick, water trough 8, Hurlbut & Underwood, railroad•eounsel g. hlenry M. Field,_excise Commissioner so. Egbert Williams, excise Commissioner iI. Dr. W. II. Barr, statistical reporting r2. Dr. W. H, Locketby, medical services 13. Daniel Sullivan, overseer of the Poor 14. Michael Egan, Constable, assigned to J. M, Heggie 15. Henry Miller, use of house for election 16. Charles Baker, Constable, assigned to J. M. Heggie..... 17. Albeit Van Auken,•Constable,.assigned to J. M. Heggie.. 18. Albert Van Auken, Constable service..... .......... 19. Oliver Williams, inspector and messenger zo. F. M. Woolley, inspector and messenger 21. A. J. Brink, inspector and messenger 22. Orlando White, inspector $ 5 63 75: $ 5 63 75 500 500 36 oa 36 oa ' 36 00 . 36 00 I00 I00 5 00 — oo0 457 81 457 St 300 300 3'00 3 00 2 50 2 50 40 00 ' 46 00 75 50 78 50 4 95 3 75 r500 1500 3.55 3 55 6 95 8 05 22 35 22 35 boo 6o0 II So , II 8o 1204 1204 4 00 4 00 1 0 106 _ SUPERVISORS! PROCEEDINGS 23. Hiram Bower, inspector and messenger 9 64 g 6.1 24. O. F. Hamilton, clerk of election 4 00 . 4 0o 25. Mervin Bower, clerk of election 4 00 4 00 26. Frank Tarbell, clerk of election 4 00 4 00 27. William Dates, inspector election' 4 00 4 00 28. Marvin Buck, clerk of election 4 00 4 00 2g. ,Lamson Redden, clerk of election 4 00 4 00 3o. John H. Conklin, clerk of election 4 00 4 00 3r, H. G. Hagin, clerk of election... n4 00 i400 32. B. M. Ilalladay, inspector election 4 00 4 00 33. John Brown. inspector election. 4 00 4 00 34. John Col lins, Assessor 41 00 41 00 35. Mrs. R. L. Lyon, use of hall one year 15 00 15 oo 36. C. G. Benjamin, board of health 3 00 3 00 37. C. G. Benjamin, clerk of Assessors 10 oo 10 00 36` Ene & Mlller, book for Commissioner.... 3 00 3 00 39. Ithaca Democrat, printing bill 5 00 5 00 40. Alarming Austin, Commissioner service 172 00 172 00 41. David Crocker, on R. R. matter 1 S5S 97 1.858 97 42. N. E. Lyon, criminal service .31 95 31 95 43. N. E. Lyon, " • 2 10 ,2 10 44. David Crocker, Supervisor 17 25 17 25 45. James M. Woodbury, Justice 16 0o r6 00 46. N. E. Lyon, Justice 16 00 16 00 47. John I -I. Conklin, Justice 18 00 18 00 48. Charles Drake, Justice 16 00 16 00 49. George M. Letts, town Clerk 56 so_ 56 50 5o. W. A. J. Ocnun, plank and spikes • 3 36 3 36 0 $$3,096 70 3,o90 5o Dated, Ludlowville, November 5, 1885. 1 hereby certify the foregoing to be a true copy of accounts audited by the town Board on file in my office. GEO. M. LETTS, •Town Clerk. ADDED BY RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD. 51. Michael Egan, assigned to J. M. Reggie 5 So 52. George A. Snyder 6 25 53. David Crocker, expenses R. R. suit at Syracuse 188 03 $3,290 58. SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 107 , NE WFIELD. The following is an abstract of names of all persons who presented accounts to be audited by the Town Auditors of the. Town of Newfield, on the 5th and 6th of November, 1885, with the amount claimed and the amount finally allowed. No. Name. Nature of Service. Claimed. Allowed. x. Wm. M. Hartranft, Inspector, dist No. 1 4 00 4 00 2. J. W. Dean, clerk, dist. No. r 4 00 4 00 3. A. H. Palmer, inspector, dist. No. 1 4 00 4 00 4. Orrin Teeter, 1 4 00 4 00 5. Charles A, Smith, inspector, messenger and traveling fees, dist. No. 1 961. 964 6. J. C: Everhart, Assessor 35 30 35 30 7. Almira Kinney note, Willis matter 21625 00 2,625 00 SiB. B. Anderson, excise Commissioner... 3 00 3 00 g. Henry M. Smith, Overseer of the poor, r1 13 11,13 II, Wm. Schutt, excess of tax 2249 22 49 12.- I. B, Palmer, R. R. Commissioner 6 So 6 So 13. John Boyer, Assessor 35 6o 35 Go 14, J. C. Everhart, error of assessment , 42 52 42 52 15. George H. Bishop note, Willis matter... '214 25 214 25, 16. Moses McCorn, error in assessment 6 oS 6 08 • 17. S. S. Todd, excise Commissioner 3 00 3 00 IS. Sarah Hatmaker, note, highway purposes 426 66 426 96 Ig. Jay T. Kellogg, Assessor 42 35 42 35 20. George Sebring, road Commissioner 256 00 256 00 21. Adoniram Brown, error in assessment... .... 23 97 23 97 22. Mrs. Ann Cavanaugh, error in assessment 4 49 4 49 23. Charles McCorn, R. R. Commissioner 6 o0 6 oo 24. Nelson Bush, ex. road Commissioner -24 00 24 00 25. George. II. Bishop, note, highway purposes 935 50 935 50 26. E. R. Osterhout; reg. births and deaths 4 00 4 oo 27. Charles McCorn, erroneous assessment ' 28 86 27 31 28. Edgar Brown, excise Commissioner 3 00 3•o0 29. Rev. B. K. Douglass, reg. marriages 1 25 125 30. Abner Stamp, inspector, No. 2. 4 00 4 00 31. Frank Swartwood, inspector 4 00 4 00 32. Estus Rockwell, inspector and messenger 9 96 9 96 33. Jay B. Phenus, clerk of election 4 00 4 00 34• Alva D. Brown, " " 4 00 4 ao i 108 SCTPERVISORS' PROCEDINGS. 35. Alva D. Brown, rent of house 10 oo ro'oo 36. E. T. Lefevre, erroneous assessment 6 6o 6 6o 37. Ward Gregory, election notices 4 00 R 4 00 38. Wm. I3. Hartranft, Justice 17 00 17 00 39. S. D. Cook, town Clerk 52 44 52 44 40- N. 13. Dunning, R. R. Commissioner, . .6 oo, 6 oo 4t, A. K. Allen, Jusiice 19 00 19 00 42. Alva D. Brown, Justice t7 oo 17 00 43. Benj: Starr, Justice. . .... 23 00 23 00 44- R. Horton, Supervisor 53 22 53 22 45. P. S. Dudley, rent of hall. . 40 00. 40 00 5.062 56 We, the undersigned, the Town Auditors of the Town of Newfield, hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct list and a true statement of all' accounts examined and.nudited or rejected at the meeting of said Board, held in the town of Newfield, November 5th and 6th, ISSS. R. HORTON, Supervisor. BNJ. STARR, `l W.M. 13. HARTRAA'FT, [ I ALVAH D. BRowN, `)JJ us 'c'es. A. S. D. COOK, Town Clerk. ADDED BY RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD. 46. Geo. W. Sebring Amount of town audits Total 1600 5,062 56 $5,478 56 • ULYSSES.. The following is an abstract of names of all .persons who presented accounts to be 'audited by the Town Auditors of the Town of Ulysses„tin the 5th and Lith days of 1rov., 1885”, with the amount clailned'and the amount finally 'allowed. No. Name, Nature of Service, Claimed. Allowed. r. j, M. Farrington, births and deaths 1 50 r 50 2. medical services 6 06 6 o6 3 650 650 1 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 109 4. L. W. Carpenter, births and deaths 3 75 3 75• 5. . medical services 9 75 9 75 6. " 7 00 - 7 oa 7 �. - - 'r0 25 1'0 25 i 8. „ 5 50 5 50 9 750 750 ro. J. Flickinger, medical services • r3 00 13 00 11. `• '' 37 75 37 75 12. ., I( 2750 2750 r3 " 11 75 Ir 75 14. 60 25 6o 25 r5 1• 25 00 25 00 16. 3 75 3 75 17. " .... 2E- 50 21 50 IS. R. W. Ellis, medical services, assigned to S. C. Condo.... 35 00 35 00 19. .... ° 3r 00 31 00 20. 5 00 5 00 21. . 4, it 2 25 2 25 22. r. 14 50 14 5o 23. A. Chase, medical services 5 00 5 00 24. , ,. 27 00 27.00 0 25. E. J. 143organ, medical services 26. John Van Buskirk, undertaking 27. S. P. Thninpson, exc1s0 Commissioner 28. Aaron Mekcel, Overseer poor 29. C. L. Adams, printing bill . j 1 30. W. G. Farrington, excise Commissioner 3r, G. H. Stewart, undertaking 32. E. A. Snow, inspector and messent'ter 33. Eiigene`Terry, inspector of election 34. W. A. Van Order. inspector, and stationery 35•+ W. G. Farrington, ex. Commissioners {omitted in 1854).... 36. C. Van Amborg, clerk of .election - • 37• W. E. Dean, inspector of election 38. U. S. Hall, marriages,. assigned to E. A. Wager..... 39. J. 111. Stout, clerk of election.... 40. L. Trernbiey, use of house for election. 41.,, W. H. Ganoung, highway Commissioner 42. F. D. Woodford, clerk of election 43. E. 5. Pratt, Assessor - 44. Loren P. Smith, inspector of election ... 25 00 40 00 3 00 I8 oo 4 50 3 00 52 13 9 64 8 00 25 00 40 00 3 00 18 00 4 50 3 00 52 13 9 64 8 oo 4 44 4 44 12 00 12 00 400 400 4 00 2 50 4 00 r0 00 40 51 4 00 38 00 4 00 2 50 4 00 l0 00 40 51 4 00 38 o�' 425 425 110 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 45. R. C. Taylor, inspector' of election 8 25 8 25 46. Elias Smith, cleik of election. . 4 00 4 00 47. Wm. Lyke, commissioner of highways 36 no 36 00 48. H. Van Order. house for election, 2 days 20 00, 20 00 49. J. G. McLallen, inspector election and stationery 8 25 8 25 5o' G. J. McLallen, bonding commissioner. 21 00 2[ 00 51. T- Boardmrn, " " 2992 29 92 52. E. S. Pratt, 21 00 21 00 53. W, H. Teed, Overseer of poor. 53 00 53 00 54. David Bower, commissioner of highways. , .7, ..... ..... 40 00 40 00 55. L. B. Curry; Assessor 41 25 4r 25 56. J. W. Kirby, ,, " 3o 6n 3o 6o 57. L. McWhorter, Constable14 10 14 Io 58. Kate L. Stone, copying 3 00 3 ao 59. A. 13. Smith, inspector and stationery 4 25 4 25 6o. J. D. Smith, counsel highway commissioners 15 00 15 00 61. S. G. Williams, Constable 9 35 9 35 62. L. J. Wheeler, ex -Supervisor 21 84 2[ 84 63. Wm. Austin, inspector election and poll list 8 25 825 64. 5. I3. Smith, services for assessor 5 ao 5 00 65., O. M. Wilson, inspector and messenger 13 g6 13 96 66. A. H. Pierson, Supervisor 63 69 63 6g 67. A. P. Osborn, Justice of the Peace.... 20 10 20 10 68. Henry Hutchings, "14 0o 14 00 6g. E. A. Wager, f 18 45 18 45 70. clerk of election 4 00 4 00 7L F. M. Austin, town Cletk . 34 49 34 49 72. J. R. Emery, Justice of the Peace 38 80 38 80 73. J. H. Covert, use of house for auditors 4 00 4 00 74. F. A. Kerst, board of health 2 00 2 00 75. inspector et election 4 00 4 00 76. ' medical services 6 75 6 75 77.1 165o 16 so Total amount of town audits 1,303 38 We, the undersigned, comprising the Board of Auditors of the Town of Ulysses, certify that the above abstract of town audits is correct. A. H. PIERSON. Supervisor. J. R. EMERY, Hay Hill 'CHINOS, [ Justices of the Peace. A. P. Osr;oRN, E. A. WAGER. F. M. Aus1IN, Town Clerk. .ti SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 111 I hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing with the original on file in the Town Clerk's Office of the town of Ulysses, and find the same to he cor- rect. ' F. M. AUSTIN, Town` Clerk. • • ADDED BY RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD. 78. G. E. Orton Total • 2 00 $r,305 38 REPORTS. COUNTY TREASURER'S REPOT T. To the honorable Board of Saperdsars of Tompkins County: The undersigned Treasurer of Tom-pkins County, respect- fully submits leis itstatement of receipts auid• disburse- mFentsofthe County Funds from Nov. 15th, 1881, to ltiov_ loth, 1535, r1S follows The receipts from all sources, including balance on hand Nov. r5th, 1884 amount to the sum of 891 4c9 23. The disbursements for the same period amount to the sum of Leaving a balance in my hands of.. , .. . .......... 91,466 95 $2,942 26 1 hereby certify that there stands this'dav ori the books of'this Bank, to the cred- it of Geo. EI.. Northrup, County Treasurer. the sura of $2,942 23, H. B. LORD, Cashi'er First National Bank, Ithaca; N. Y. Ithaca, Nov. ro, IBSs. TO)1PKd s COGIVTY, SS. Geo. II. Northrup, being sworn, says that the following statement is correct, and contains a true report of alt moneys received and paid out by him as County Treasurer, since his last annual report, except moneys belonging to the ,,Infanr Fleir Fund. GEO. 11. NORTHRUP, County Treasurer: Subscribed and sworn before me'Nov. r2th, 1835. B: R. WILLIAMS, Notary Public, Rr?C EI I''r s. Cash on hand, Nov. rslh, 1884 ....................... $2,310 69 One per cent. fees on State tax 206 76 One per cent. fees on School moneys 143 51 350 27 0 SUPERVISOIIS' PROCEEDINGS. 113 ACCOUNT OF TAX LEVY OF 1834.. Town of Caroline 33,287 14 Danby 3,967 47 Dryden 9,957 85 Enfield.... 2,19153 Groton 6,910 6S . 41. Ithaca..... 23,379 53 Lansing 8,392 61 Newfield 3.743 21" Ulysses 7,723 94 $69,883 FROM TAXES RETURNED UNPAID, Town of Danby $ 5 47 Enfield rob 45 , Enfield, non-resident school tax 1 70 " Ithaca 144 14 Newfield..... ° 33 70 Ulysses 153 27 FINES FRU,11 JUS't'CCES OF .T1IE PEACE. y6 $446 73 John W. Smith $2o 45 Geo. E. Monroe ' 8 oo Wm. E. Mount 6 oo Nelson E. Lyon 21 55 J. R. Emery 23 00 J. J. Miller 15.00 T. W. Burns A 63 00 Spence Spencer I0 00 A. A. Ilungcrford 85 So Louis'Brietenbecker, Police 14 00 $ 266 8o Fines from Sheriff. From C. L. Smith, District Attorney, on account of judg- ment against Willard Van flouter Proceeds of note discounted at the First National Bank, for Court expenses... . ...•... ......... 994 5x Proceeds of sundry notes given by the Building Committee for "Repairs on Jail" 6,000 00 From Supt". of Public Instruction ' Self -Supporting patient at the N. Y. SIate Lunatic,Asylum 223 18 Willard Asylum . , .1,177 56 204 40 15o 63 $6,994 58 9,135 44 1,400 74 114 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS SURPLUS MONEYS. From B. G. Ferris, Referee, case of McCrea vs- Warren.. 607 59 " W. W. Hare, Atty, case of Niver vs. Perigo 391 00 • ' Geo. N. Luce administrator of the estate of Israel Luce, deceased 1,800 00 • 2,798 59 School taxes from Railroads A. Seeley SSI Bro., non-resident school tax Interest on deposits u State Tax paid Comptroller DISBURSEMENTS 449 97 15 38 I 00 $94,409 23 $20,676 04 SCHOOL MONEYS. To Caroline $ 1,750 45 To Danby ' 1,429 84 To Dryden 2,859 03 ToiEnfield 1,172 75 To Groton.:. - 2,276 07 To Ithaca 7,777 89 To Lansing .... 2,038 go To Newfield 2,045 63 To Ulysses / 2.135 69 23,46 25 F County audits 5,780 55 I' Postage, Supervisors' Clerk 15 00 ,- Susquehanna Valley Home........ ............... .. 6t 72 Incidentals. Surrogate's Office 75 00 8,932 27 • COURT EXPENSES. Trial jurors $1,775 97 Grand jurors.. 700 55 Constables. 480 50 Stenographers 776 72 Sheriff, attendance at Court 147 00 Under -Sheriff, attendance at Court 164 70 Witnesses 118 16 Crier 129 00 Meals to jurors 40 00 District Attorney's disbursements 28 85 Justices of Sessions •. 135 40 • 4,496 65 Journal Association, Ward Gregory and Ashael Clapp, for publishing School Apportionment, $24,75 each 74 25 0 0 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 115 To the representatives of the following deceased soldiers, for burial expenses : Patrick McMahon 35 00 Albert E. Lashier •............. 35 00 Stephen Sherman 35 00 Chas Landon 35 00 140 cm Onondaga County Penitentiary 35o 00 J. H. Van Dorn, on Jail contract 6,000 00 A. B. Wood, on account.., 200 00 Bills payable 1,926 02 Postage and stationery, Co. Treasurer 13 g8 Cleaning cellar at Court house 2 50 8,492 50 W, H. Genung, Commissioner, bridge on County line76 98 G. E. Sanders, Commissioner bridge on County line- 63 31 140 29 District Attorney's office rent 200 00 Sheriff's office rent 35 00 235 cm Western Institute for Deaf Mutes 426 67 Canandaigua Home....,........... .. ... 1,021 72 • N. Y. State Lunatic Asylum 268 37 1,716 76 SURPLUS MONEYS. Paid order of Court, case of Hurlburt vs. Morgan...., ... 1,o6o 00 • Paid order of Court, estate of Israel Luce, deceased r,800 oo Paid order of Court, case of McCrea vs. Warren Balance of fund, (case of McCrea vs. Warren), transferred to Infant Heir fund 32 go - 607 59 574 69 GAS' RILLS, Jail . 127 08 Clerk's Office 46 81 Court House 35 17 209 06 Coal to County buildings.... ....... ...................•:. 244 07: Wood•to 7aIl 23 30. 267 37 Paid orders Co, Supt.'of Poor 4.787 53 Paid Co, Supt. Poor, acct. of barn .... .. ... 153 to Paid Co. Supt. Poor, acct. of expenses, 1884 155 00 5,095 63 Paid School Districts (Railroad taxes) 449 97 Gideon Fairbrother, collector of School dist. No. 9, New- , A 1 field, non-resident taxes 7 5o Darwin Rumsey, trustee School dist. No, 7, Enfield, non- resident taxes 4 08' Ir 58' Willard Asylum 7,807 85 0 U 116 SUPEIi.VISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Supervisors, amount`of fines received from Justices of the Peace in their respective towns': R. A. Crozier 405 35 A. G. Chapman... Ig o0 J. H. George. 11 00 David Crocker 43 95 John E. Beers 15 00 A. H. Pierson 23 00 Paid J. E. Beers, bal. due town of Danby 14 Paid Byron Jackson, bal. due town of Enfield 38 82 Paid A. H. Pierson, bal, due town of Ulysses 46 63 • SALARIES. 1 517 30 85 59 Marcus Lyon, County judge $2,500 00 Geo. H. Northrup, County Treasurer 900 00 !' M. N. Tompkins, Clerk of Supervisors .... 150 00 Rev. U. S. Hall, Countr House Chaplain X0,00 Marcus Lyon, for salary of Surrogate's Clerk 250 00 I`I C. L. Smith, District Attorney boo 00 Geo. Guinn, Janitor 175 00 A. J. White, Jail Physician go oo, Amasa Genung, School Commissioner ........... 200 00 S. L. Howe, School Comenisioner.... 200 uo • J. T. Newman, Special County Judge 50 00 ,, 5,165 00 Cash on` hand - • Cash on hand Due the Treasury from the town of Caroline Dryden... Ithaca • Lansing Newfield Due.the Treasury from the Repairs on Jail Li 61 " Western Institute Deal Mutes " Canandaigua Home..... N. V. State Lunatic Asylum. " Co. Supt. of the Poor Non-resident taxes in School districts, 2,942 28 I 21 - 8 67 81 14 1 27 13 48 200.00 112 50 104 30 45 19 14847 28 43 2,942 28 594.409 23 1 �J c SUPIII,VISORS' PROCEEDINGS. , 117 Total arnounts which belong to the following accounts': County audits.. -Laura NE Sexton Fuel and gas Willard Asylum Court Expenses Surplus moneys Wheelock vs. Wesley Anderson vs. Anderson Smith vs. b'Iulvahill Bush vs, Bush Joseph Woolever Niver vs. Porrigo.. / INFANT 13EIR FUND. $3,686 94 ~ T' the Honorable, /he .Hoard of Supervisors of Tompkins County: 59 922 43 t 75 39 545 03 • 1,310 36 I0 ! r 1 46 4 43 291 3o 34 49 391 no $3,6isC 94 ' Investment. MORTGAGOR. DATE. Amount -151115 INruurtsrrer. . of Interest. Amount of Mortgage. 1st mortgage. 1st mortgage, `` 1st mortgage. ,st mortgage. 1st 1st mortgage. ` 2d . 6 6e. 1st " 1st nst " 1st " 1st " A. E. Albright. - i'heobc Pierce. _ r J120011 Pates. . Tamar A. Chase. Simeon Coonandothers. Wm. Freese. IC M. CiIIarn. ll. 1V. Gillow. Harriet Hayes. 'Lydia 111101.cl. Won. 11. Hillery. Mary L. Hook. • A119-131,'78 May 1, '8a 1''ob. 4. '62 Mar .29,'93 June 26, '85 Nov. 14,'83 LJ". 18, '73 Feb. 11,194 " 11, '70 Oct. 16, '65 Nov. x3,'84 Oct. 8, '83 McKeegan Heirs. Mabel RIcNoll. \rolls Heirs. m ary Hughes & Child'n Fred Woodin, Niorton 1 ieirs. Hanford Heirs.6 Fisk Jennie' Williams. Unassigned. Morton I3eirs. Mabel McNeil. • Wilgus licit'1. AIul];s Heirs. Bmaa ': • Chas Spaulding. Willis Hayward. Jennie Williams. Chase Heirs, Asa Ballot], . Fred lluunell. E. & A, G illo+v. Freese Heirs, Morton ' f --lairs of Chas. Simpson. AIulks Heirs. HOnsel " Gook '` Fogarty " Haddock" Kittle AN:ford. 59 13 116 20 / Sr 82 88 33 32 23 53 29 - 44x4 yl 4 76 36 435 rya 1,420 90 44447 15321 r16 96 67 96 93 52 93 52 ti 45 _ 518 24 10000 son co Zoo 00 208 51 300 00 X37 00 95 00 432 00 6oa co 600 co 420 43 82 76 95 St $ 4a0 00 1,248 76 ' 2,00 00 518 14 400 00 208 5/ 300 0o 337 1, 95 00 432 00 Eco o, t 1,200 n • Int mortgage. 1st " 1st " 1st r r$t mortgage. 1st vst " 1st 1st " 1st " tat mortgage, 102 morte gel 1st mortgage. 1st " 8 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, Edwin Gillett. John Letts, john McArthur. Jesse Manning. John Rumscy, Nathan Stevens. Geo. Simpson. Jlary Scala -Mg. ]iyran A. Seaton. Anna E. Stanford Samuel A. Seabring. Tc1vn of Ithaca, 5 per cent. Bond,' series of 1691, No t7o, Eron C. VanKirk. Martha Woodin. 5taniey O. Ward. Jnne 0, '8n Goodspeed Heirs. April 6,'77 Morton Heirs. "• 11, '74 VanH ern ." Feb. 14, '7o Mabel SlaNcil. Mulks Hein. ticOmven heirs, Stevens '" Asa"801100. Heirs of Jane O'Brien. I iaushaw Heirs. 'l'ilyou Fred \Vosdin, Sep_ 7, Griffin Heirs. Mar. 6,'77 Stevens " lint 24, '83 Elizabeth Simpson. Feb. r7, '8;4 Alary 1.. Seabring. June 20, '8t Keator ilcirs. April 1, '84 Searles Heirs_ tlabel pfcNoi1. Fled 1Yoodio. June 1r, '8:5 Slandevillo Heirs. Jennie Wdhatns. Yon Horn Heirs. A02 11411 nl. Searles Heirs. Heirs of I. li. Warren. E. & A. (.;iilow. Hansbaw llcirs. Fred 9I'oodin. Jennie Williams. Morton Heirs. Jan, 20,'72 April 5,'76 2,1.3' 18,'74 Uriflin Asa Halton, Heirs of Jane O'Brien. U. & 51. Woodin. ' N-riglu Heirs. Sar 441 r5o 00 1,911 29 391'36 453 22 29 58 326 58 163 33 163 33 139 25 216 T.4 35 22 2,44444 00o on _3,338 94 5,066 24 2,750 00 855 29 539 33 105 38 779 73 ,42327 300 00 21.8 19 208 18 3. 90 57 04 70 03 61 z6 58 75 303 45 400 00 93 0o x76 oo 176 00 905 0a 977 52 801 44 150 00 I,9o1 z9 I; 1,921 46 2,444 44 I 20000 3,388 94 5,066 24 2,750 00 1,500 00 1,503 00 1,000 a0 85o 00 ' 905 00 977 5. Total amount invested in ponds and Mortgages. $33,4988 72 WORTHLESS AND INSUFFICIENT SECURITIES. • 3d mortgage. nt " 2d `° '2d " Referee's deed l leo 41' Bristol. Elizabeth Howe. Elizabeth Howe. P. & M. Sneeden. \Lente Lot, Fel). 25.7ii Chas. Cowen, 1 April 1, '75 Samuel 31. Wilson. April 2, '77 Samuel 11. Wilson. II ay r9, '77 'Howe Heirs. SOvoCo01 " July 12,'79 Fla/stead Snyder. Sarah Harrison. • 76719 74719 300 no 300 00 300 00 300 00 3728 442 72 300 00 292 33 ,Z57 67 I; 450 O0 $2,317 19 Geo. 11. Northrup, being duly.sworrl, says the foregoing statement, made in pur- suance of an act of the Legislature of the State of Nesv York in relation to In- fant Heir' Funds in the hands of County Treasurers, passed April I ,'18:.S, is correct to the best of his knowledge and belief, and represents the condition of the securities be3onging tosaidfund on the Iath day of Novernber,'ix85. a GEG. H. NORTHRUP, County Treasurer. Subscribed and sworn to before me, Nov. i4th, 085. P. J. PARTENIIEIMER; Clerk. SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 119 f SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT. To the Honorable tko _Boar,/ of Supervisor: of J'ornjikins County: The undersigned, Superintendent of the Poor of Tomp- kins• County, respectfully reports that from the 15th day of November, 15,84 to the 1 11t, dlty of 'November, 1S85, the fol- lowing persons have been supported—in the County Poor House, viz : C mN v.—Moses Myres,•365 days ; Lena Collins, 365 ; John Green, 365.; Alletta George, 316 ; Albert Downing, 365 ; Cornelius Bogardus, 365 ; James ,Hewitt, 365 ; Joseph Van Dorn, -98 ; John Gray, 179 ; John Doyle, 25 ; Ellen: • Coyle, 245 ; Henry Robinson, 2 ; Chas. Simpson, 2 ; Dennis Reagan, it ; Em- ma Miller, 242 ; Maud Miller, 242 ; henry Clayton, 2 ; Thos. Williams, 3 ; Chas. Hewitt. -38 ; Frank Mitchell, .ro ; John Cog, ro ; Thos. Riley. 3 Jno. Sutton, ; Solomon Tibbetts, 35 ; Wm. Smith, 68 : Louisa.M. Smith, 89 ; Mary E. Smith, ,89 ; Ella Smith. Sy ; Wm. Eldridge, 12 ; Jno, Jarvis, 2 : Albert Benton, 2 ; Jno. Hollenbeck, 4 ; Mary. Osborn, 29 ; Jos. Gotcoff, d2 ; Thos. Hughes, 2 ; Mary Miller, 102 , Fred Miller, 152 ; Dennis Riley. 2 ; Wm. Trim, 5r ; Jas. Doyle, 4 ; Thos. Sprigs, 3 ; Chas. Hayes, 2 ; Geo. Millage, 2 ; Henry Clark, 2 : Patsy Flynn, 3 ; John McDowell, 2 ; Chas. Morgan, 36 ; Jas. McBride, 3 : Patrick Norton, 3 Jack Ryan, 2 ; Fred Shannon, 2 ; Samuel Seaman, 3 ; Henry Brown, 3 ; Patsy Corwin, '2 ;'Jas • Collins, 2 ; Henry Allen, 2 ; Richard Mahanna, 5 ; Thos. Foley. 8 ; Jas. O'Connell, 3 ; Jere. Hart, 2 ; Edw, Dart, Ito ; Wm. Clay ton, 2 ; Geo, Hill, 3 ; Tim Casey, 2 ; Win. O'l.-Iara, 2 ; Olway Stofford, 3 ; .Wm. . Lout, 2 ; Geo. Shearer, 3 ; Thos. Ca fsidy, 5 ; Jas. M. Sperry, 5 ; Edw. Morris, 2'; John Crook, 17 ; Jas. Welch, 6 ; Daniel Cook, 204 ; Geo. Simpson, 2 ; Thos. Burns, 2 ; Thos. Riley, 2 ; John Wilson, 2. Total. 45.70 days. CAROLINE.—Everett Boyer, 319 ; Mrs. Z. Venable, 365 ; days, 684. DRYDEN.—Chas. White, 365 , Jno. P. Allen,, 349 ; Hannah Allen, 95 ; Frank Corcoran, 365 ; Samuel Gteenfiold, 83 ; Akis Burton, 66 ; David Finch, 85 : days, 1408. DANBY•—Jerusha Cronce, 365 ; Eleanor Cronce, 365 ; Wm. Thornton, 365 ; days; 1,095. LANSING.—Wilson Marble, 26o ; Barney Moore, 150 ; Anna Merlin, 70 ; days 480. NRwr'TET.n.—Julia Benjamin, 179: Solomon Horton, 216 ; days, 395. a 120 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. ULvssts.—Tohn Brannan, 365 ; John Sears, 365 .Daniel Dimmick, ,5 ; Tal, Ferguson, 352 ; Stephen Sherman, 64 ; • Mary Kavanagh, 365 ; Wm, Coshun, 2 ; Jared Coon, 2 ; John Marion, 24 ; days, 1614. ITHACA.—Danic] NcCune, 365 ; II-orace Whited, 365 Daniel Carney, 26b ; Emily Van Alstine. 365 ; Sarah A..Cranmer, 365 ; Seth. R. Peak, 109: Abram L. Shepherd, 133 ; Elsie Johnson, 233: Peter Christine, 195 ; Henry P. Howe, 157 ; Wm. Dibble, 49 ; Abe Case, 325 ; Leona .Johnson, rso ; days, 3,107. ENFIELD.:—Gideon Colgrcve, 24. GRoTON.--Rebecca Butler, 365, Total number of days, 14,m42, The Whole number of days said parilwrs have been sup- ported i13 County _louse Was 74,042. The amount oil drafts drawn on- the Comity Treasurer for bills audited by the cn- perint.entlent for support or the institution during said year, over arid above the proceeds of the farm, was Drafts drawn on Co. Treasurer 52,565,49 Expended for outdoor relief 1,426F26 Services of Overseers of Poor ' 256175 Transportation of paupers 30 03 Improvements to property, furniture, etc 1,28396 $5,562.29 • Lei's $760.00 in improvements. The following items make up the amount under the head of improvement to property, etc. : Grass seed $ 23 Oo Utensils, stove and furniture, etc 59 22 Repairs to house and fences 107439 Building horse barn, sheds, hog house, and painting same 943 70 Insurance on buildings 12975 Moving old wagon house 21''00 $1,28376. o 1, ak S1 PERVtSORS' PROCEEDINGS. 12] Grain and Produce. —Amount raised and on hand.- The - grain not threshed is estimated-: 20 tons hay, on hand ................... .... 17 125 bushels wheat, on hand 125 360 barley 300 330 " oats 28o 700 Corn 65o 465 potatoes 380 Corn stalks from It acres, all on hand. 1,900 heads cabbage 1500 25 bushels beets 25 J5 onions 30 450 heads celery 410 12 bushels sweet corn 4 8 parsnips 8 ro beans 10 15o Hubbard squashes 140 8 bushels tomatoes 50 " winter apples 50 Stook on farm : 3 horses belonging to keeper ; t yoke oxen ; 2 bulls ; 6 milch cows ; 1 dry cow t.3 yearling heifers ; 1 spring calf : 6 hogs, fattening ; 14 pigs, wintering ; 1 brood sow 1?0 common fowls 4 turkeys. Supplies on hand, all new : 4 coats ; 5 pr pants ; 3 vests ; 4 pr overalls ; 6 overshirts ; 7 mens' wrappers; 6 mens' shirts, 5/ prs mens' boots ; 2 pr rnens' shoos ; 2 pr womens' shoes ; 4 mens' hats ; 5 yds fulled cloth ; 11+ bbl sugar.; ;{ bbls soft soap ; So lbs hard soap ; 131 lbs butter ; chest tea ; 3o lb tallow ; 7 lbs candles ; to brooms ; 5 mop sticks : 24 lbs plug tobacco ; 25 Ibs smoking tobacco ; 1 cask grease ; 4 r yards' flannel ; 46 yards denims 25 yards bleached. muslin ; 6o yards sheeting ; to yds toweling ; 35 yds prints ; 10 yds shirting ; 5 yds gingham ; •3q yds ticking ; 5 pr women's hose ; r1 sheets ; 7 towels 7 aprons ; io chemise ; woman's wrapper '; 6 night-dresses ; 4 women's sacgnes ; 2 shrouds ; 4 bedticks ; 4 pillow cases ; 4 pr women's drawers ; S pr men's socks ; 14 bed'comfor tables ; 2 pillows ; 4 night caps. i • , Coal on band, estimated, 23 tons. 1 further report the number of births in County House to be 2. • f 0 122 SUPERVISORS' PIIOCED+DINGS o . The number of deaths in County House to be 8. The number paupers in County House Nov. 15, 'S4, 35. The number paupers in County.Ronse Nov. 15, 1885, 39. The average paupers in County Horse during 38 172-365. The whole number received was 81. The whole number discharged was 19: The whole number deaths was -8. The whole number absconded was 2. The average, expense of each, over and above the proceeds of the farm, 800.50. The average weekly expense, 81.27 S9-100. In conformity to the 30th Section; Title 1, Chapter20, of the Revised Statutes, 1 respectfully report to the Board of Su-• pervisors that 1 estimate the expense for support of the"county and town paupers in the Poor .Houselfor •the ensuing year at $2,700.00:. - o. I estimate the expenses f'ortransportation of paupers to County Clouse at $40.00: 1 estimate the expense for temporary -relief of county pau- pers not in County Rouse, x;1,000.00. I estimate expenses for services of Overseers of the Poor, at $200.00. I estimate for salary of Keeper, 500.00. Total amount of estimates, 85,040.00. year, .The following bills have been audited by the Superintend- ent of the Poor, and drafts drawn on the County Treasurer, for indoor.expenses from the 15th day of November, 1884 to the 15th day of November, 1885 : SII.TPEBVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 123 (i Dec. 3, 1884_ Winton & Stewart, supplies* ffi 75 67 J. C..Stowell & Son, " 29 30 Wm. Farrington, boots and mending • 2r 50 Edw'd Pyle, woad and drill 26 59 H. G. Cooper, supplies 7 04' Manning Atwater, " : 52 75 A. Chase, M. D., attendance' '. 2 go Dec. 4. Mosher & Bros., clothing 47 85 6. C. C. Wixom, pork 21 47 23. Jacob Vanderbilt, " 34 85 Jno. Vanderbilt, "' 34.40 J. H. Theall, bal. on pork 16 6o Wm. Booth, pork io 20 Geo. Hopkins, " 2I 37 Horace Lanning, pork 72 r9 C. C. Smith, " .... . ...... 20 15 Jared Nivison, ; 0 75 John P. Sage, " 31 36 James Bower, " ...... ... ..................... r9 00 N. T. Ward; 34 29 Wm. Austin, 9 05 Seth Cowan, It 14 25 Jay Mott; 31 20 .Warren Farrington 20 00 . Geo. F. Wood, g 05 Elam Rolfe, " 19 50 Ezra Rolfe, 19 65 B. L. Almy 18 48 Jan. 7, 1885. C. Carman, threshing 28 45 • E. K. Johnson 21 69 Newell & Riddle, grinding 21 19 J. W. Kirby..... 4 88 Chas. Bagley, beef k 54 41 Ed. Murphy, 124 41 C. M. Stanley, shoes, etc 8 00 J. C. Stowell & Son, supplies............ . ro So r 4 Andrus & Aldrich, 9 45 C. S. Wattles, salt and.barrels 15 15 Ward Gregory, printing r5 00 Jan. 8th. John Kerst, supplies 106 56 F. A. Kerst, M. D., house doctor .43 o8 124 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Foster Owen, pork Chas. Owen, Homer Hurlburt," Mrs. T. M. Bower" Jan. r6th, L. S. McWhorter, supplies 68 50 Feby. 4. Samuel Starr, plants and seeds 7 00 Jany 27. Levi Letts, seed wheat19 00 Feby 4. Winton & Stewart, supplies 8 25 J. C. Stowell & Son, " 9 18 Winton & Stewart, r6 16 Feby 11. J. H. Horton, coal 87 50 Simeon Rolfe, salary rho 00 March 23, Peter Hatmaker, seed Barley 18 75 April 1. . Superintendent, expenses 20 00 J. C. Stowell & Son, supplies 19 09 Chas. Herson, wood. 1 12 00 Hawkins & Todd, supplies s•.. I' 93 99 Jno. Van Buskirk, potatoes , 17 63 J. J. A, Darling, supplies ti 14 07 Winton & Stewart, " ....... •... 14 90 d E. K. Johnson, 21 r8 June 3. C. M. Smith, pork 14 40 May 6. J. Kerst, supplies 26 93 June 3. Wm. Alien, potatoes 5 25 " ro. C. L. Chapman, clothing 37 05 Harrison Wilkins, wood 18 oo , " 12. Superintendent, expenses ... 50 00 July I. E. K. Johnson, supplies 19 53 Simeon Rolfe, salary.... ' 125 00 Sept. 2. Wm. Farrington, shoes and mending i. 17 27 Aug. 5. B. Mintz, clothing 5 90 Sept. 2. B. Mintz, ,9 47 Oct. 7. Simeon Rolfe, salary 125 00 " 20. i E. K. Johnson, supplies 25 28 Nov. 4. J. J. A. Darling, " 19 45 .' Wortman & Son, corn beef ro 00 Nov. rr. Winton & Stewart, supplies 75 33 J. C. Stowell & Son, 68 33 Dr. Farrington, amputation and counsel 30 00 5'48 12 88 46 95. 20 30 Total . •$2,565 49 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 125 .The following bills have been audited by the Superintend- ent of. the Poor, and drafts drawn on the County Treasurer, for improvements on property, farrnin&$and household utensils, fnrnitufe, etc., from Nov. 15, 1884 to Nov. 15, 1885 : Dec. 3, 1884. Finch & Apgar, wail paper $ 8 20 C. J. Rumsey, repairs on stove, etc 21 og Gauntlett & Brooks, paints, oil, etc 95 82 13. Doolittle, sand for wails ' 8 62 Jan. 5, 1885. B. F. Tompkins, insurance, house, &c 113 75 W. W. Esty, water lime..... 8 55 8, _Inc). Lynch, laying wall; &.c 15 75 Daniel Frazier, labor on foundation. 9 38 Feby t1, Treman, King & Co., stove, &c 27 33 Chas. Bagley, moving old barn. 21 00 • March 4.. R. J. Hunt, insurance horse barn .... 16 00 April t. J. C. Everhart, lumber.. 37 64 M. R. Curry, repairs to wagons 800 " 21. C. S. Wattles, grass seed 23 00 May 6. Jno Barker, pump. 6 5o June 10. Jno. Lynch, stone fence 25 00 July t. C. F. Rappleyea, cave troughs g 66 S. D. Purdy, fence posts 8 40, August 5. Chas. Morgan, whitewashing 12 00 E. A. Snow, painting, inside.... 5 37 Oct. r4. Geo. Young, labor on sheds. 11 50 " 20. C F. Rappleyea, furniture and repairs. .......... .. 2 go Jamieson& McKinney, water pipe 3 98 23. Oliver Wilkins, labor on sheds 15 00 Nov. it. Oliver Wilkins, labor on hog house 9.42 $523 76, The whole amount for indoor expenses from Nov. 15th, . 1884 to Nov. 15th, 1885 was $2,565 49. ' County of .Tompkins, days board was 4,870 Cost of board and clothing �$ 8Sg 75 Caroline, days board was. 784 Cost of board and clothing 124 97 Danby, days board was 1095 Cost of board and clothing. 200 06 r • a 126 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 1. Dryden. days board was 1,408 Cost of board and clothing 1' 257 24 Lansing, days board was 480 Cost of board and clothing. 87 70 Groton, days board was 365 Cost of board and clothing 66 6g Ulysses, days board was. 1,614 Cost of board and clothing..... 294 88 Ithaca, days board was... • 3,107. Cost of board and clothing .; 567 65 Enfield, days board 24 Cost of board and clothing. ". Newfield, days board 395 Cost of board and clothing / s 72 57 4 38 STATEMENT 1,4042 2,565 49 Showing the amount due from the county and each town for the support of their poor in the Poor House for the year ending Nov. 15, 1881 : j . Da}'s. 'Amount. County 4,870 i. 5889 75 Caroline 684 124 97 Dryden 5,408 257 24 Danby 1,095 5, 200 06 •Lansing 430 87 70 Groton 365 66 69 Ulysses 1,614 294 88 Ithaca 3,107 ° 567 65 Enfield. 24 - 4 38 -Newfield 395 7217 __ 1__ 54,042 $2,565 49 The following bills of the Overseers of the Poor arid oth- ers have been audited by the. Superintendent, and drafts drawn on the ,County Treasurer, for bi€ls contracted,{ out of the Poor House, for the temporary relief of the county pau- pers for the'year ending Nov. 15th, 1885 : ^ • Dec. 3, 1884r Wm. Teed, support poor, Ulysses $ 32 50 G. C. Whitely, support Agnes Willett 13 00 0 c* 1 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. .127 " 17. Daniel Sullivan, keeping tramps 75 " 3. Dr: Kirkendall, county physician, Ithaca 40 00 " 17. Dr. Judson Beach, attendance Mrs. J. R. Leonard 10 00. " 22. Dr. Carpenter, attendence poor, Ulysses 32 75 Jan, 7, .1885. H. H. Robinson; relief Srnith family and Gardner 54 39 Wen. Mack, relief poor, Ithaca 196 30 Win. Teed, " Ulysses 29,66 T. J. Harrington, drawing coal, Ithaca zo oo G. C. Whiteley, relief H. Dalton •4,50 8. G. C. Whiteley, " 24 94 Feby 4. Wm. H. Teed, " poor, Ulysses 94 54 Julius Vanderhoof, relief Mrs. Roody 6.07 Julius Vanderhoof, keeping tramps. 6 15 . Bradford Snyder, 3 75 Aaron Mekeel, county poor, Ulysses 2 39 Daniel Sullivan, relict Geo. Miller and tramps 2 8o "Feby II. J. H. Horton, coal, Ithaca 52 50 Mar. 4. Daniel Sullivan, county poor, Lansing , 18 00 doctor hill [for P. Fagan... Io oo 27. Wm. Mack, relief county poor, Itleaca 144'47 April r. Win. Teed, " " Ulysses 54 04 Bradford Snyder, relief N. Robinson 3.00 H. II. Robinson, F. Gardner ' 5 20 May 6. . Wm. Teed, relief poor, Ulysses 21.95 J. C. Vanderhoof,-keeping tramps 10 30 D. Sullivan, relief Mrs. Strong 13.50 G. C. 'Whiteley, relief Mrs. Grant and others 7 42 June 3. Bradford Snyder, keeping tramps 6 oo July I. G. C. Whiteley, relief Agnes Willett '.1400 Wm. Teed, relief poor Ulysses 20 75 Bradford Snyder, relief Emma Dart 15 00 25. Superintendent, expenses as per bili 25 97 • Aug. 5 41 20 00 Wm. Mack, relief poor, Ithaca 250 42 Sept. 2. Daniel Sullivan, digging grave 3,00 Nov. 4. relief Ryan and 'Flynn 16 oo Dr. Wm. H. Lockerby, attending " r 50 Wm. Mack, relief poor, Ithaca 150 75 Sheldon Bierce, relief A. Shepherd 8 oo 11th. T. J. Harrington, drawing coal 20 00. a � $I,426 26 r 128 • SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. STATEMENT' Showing the amount of bills audited by the Superintend- ent to the Overseers of the Poor, for the year ending Nov. 15, 1885, for services with county poor,: Dec 3. Wm. Teed s r6 25 G. C. Whiteley • 2 00 Jany 7- H. 1.1. Robinson ............... Wm. Mack .......... 14 00 32 00 8. G. C. Whiteley, S o0 Feby q. Wm. Teed_ 12 50 Bradford Snyder.. _ a o0 D. Sullivan 2 00 March 4. I3. H. Robinson 6 00 D. Sullivan. 8 o0 Aaron Mekeel 2 00 J. C. Vanderhoof 7 50 March 23. Win. Mack 22 00 April I. Wm. Teed 10 00 Bradford Snyder 6 00 May 6. G. C. Whiteley 2 00 June 3. G. C. Whiteley 2 00 Bradford Snyder.... .. •...................•6 oo July I. Wm. Teed • 4 75 Aug. 5. Wm, Mack 34 oo Sept. 2. Daniel Sullivan 5 75 B. Snyder. ro 0o Nov. 4. Sheldon Bierce 4 00 Wm. Mack 36 00 $256 75 Names of persons transported to the Poor House for the year ending Nov_ 15th, 1885, with the bills and names of ) those transporting them, as per book : - Emma Miller Lansing Sullivan Maud Miller $ 3 6o Akis Burton.... ... Dryden Snyder..... ........... z 25 David Finch " Vanderhoof 2 50 Wm. Cosuuu • Ulysses Teed 50 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. ° '129 Wm. Smith Caroline Whiteley.'... Louisa Smith ,, " Mary E. Smith " Ella Smith ., " 6 16 Mary Osborne. Ithaca Mack.... 88 Inc). P. Allen ....... Dryden B. Snyder 1 88 .Mary Miller Vanderhoof 2 50 Wm. Trim....... 2 5o Elsie Johnson '' Ithaca Mack ... _........ , ... , .. 88 Solomon Morton Newfield..... , Smith.... 2 13 Edw'd Dert, Dryden Snyder 1 75 Barney Moore Lansing Sullivan: , ... . - 0 2 50 $30 03 Statement of farm produce sold, and -how applied : Hams, lard and grease sold. 202 42 Calves 8175 Pigs _ 5 50 Steer 40 00 Old Plank 1 00 Eggs •3 69 Barley. 75 o8 $336 44 Old barn and interest 65 30 $401 74 Accounted for as follows : Unsettled accounts 107 28 W. O. Newman, barn 65 30 " barley 16 62 bal. steer. 25 00 1o6 92 Supplies for House r87 54 $4O1 74 T also received from town of Newfield, on account ofJulia, Benjamin, $15.70. Report of the Superintendent to the Board of.Supervisors fixing the location of those taken to different asylums and 1.30: 0 ST PERV'ISORS' PROCEEDINGS homes during the year, and the towns chargeable with their; support : Feby 26. " Cora Culligan, to Willard, charge to Ithaca. -April 25. Mary Underwood, " self support. Dryden. May 6., McWhorter, " , charge to Ulysses. 9. Clarence Wait, " Dryden. June 16. Edwin Beebe, " County. , July 16. Jared Coon,. " " Ulysses. Aug. 8. Pierce, self support, Dryden. 9.• Mrs. John Rightm ire," " , " Caroline. Ig.. John Sperry, charge to Dryden. Sept. 12. Emma Krum, " ' Danby. ' ' Oct. 26. Thaddeus Obert, Ithaca. 31. Clarence Phillips, 't. • " Dryden. April 16. Lulu Johnson, Susquehanna Valley Horne, charge to County. May Johnson, " " 44� r 41 ^Anna Johnson, " " " " , " Evaline Johnson, " , . " 3o John Wilsey, » " " 4C Feby 5. Samuel Greenfield, St. Mary's Hospital, Rochester, N. Y., at 3.0o per week, charge to Dryden. 1 TOMPKINS COUNTY, SS. I, Wm. 0. Newman, Superintendent of the Poor of Tompkins County, do solemnly swear that the foregoing report is true, according to my best knosvledge and belief. • , W, d. NEWMAN, Supt. of Poor. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 19th day Of November, 1885.• M. N. TOMPKINS, Notary Public. RAILROAD BONDING COMMISSIONERS' REPORT. ENFIELD. To the' Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County : , We, the undersigned, Bonding Commissioners for the town of Enfield, would respectfully submit to'you the follow-' ing report : , • a SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 131 The amount of bonds issued by said town, according to Cliapter 907,. Laws of 1869, and exchanged for capital stock of the Pa.,and Sod us Bay R. R., was twenty-five thousand dollars. Said bonds were dated March 1st, ,1871, and will be- come due March lst, 1901, with interest at seven per cent. per annum, payable semi-annually, on the 1st day of March and September of each year. We have ptircliased and cancelled of said bonds to the amount. of five thousand, seven hundred dollars,. ($5,700), :leaving\outstanding and unpaid nineteen thousand three hun- dred dollars, 019,300.) The amount of interest to 'become due the corning year is one thousand, three hundred and fifty-one dollars, ($1,351,) and we request that you cause to be raised by tax on said town the said sum of $1.,351.00 to meet said interest when it be- Comes due, and also the sum of one thousand dollars, to be used. as as sinking fund, to, provide for the payment of the original debt. We now have on hand a sinking fund of eight hundred and seventy-two 60.100 dollars, mostly invested in town bonds. •Enfield Center, Nov. 4, 1885. EDGAR BREWER, Commissioners. GEORGE W. BUDD, TOMPKINS.COUNTY, SS. : Edgar Brewer, being duly sworn, deposes and says, that he is one of the Bonding Commissioners of the town of Enfield, and that he signed the above report, and that it is true and correct to the best of his knowledge and belief.- • EDGAR BREWER. Subscribed and sworn to this 5th day'of November, 1885,,before me. OSCAR.ROLFE, J. P. To the Board of & perasons of Tompkins County : In accordance with Cliapter 552, Laws,.of 1870, I hereby report the public debt of the town of Enfield to be as follows, ' viz: • , •/ 182 • SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Bonds issued to Pa. & Sodus Bay Railroad Company, under the act t� facilitate the construction of raiiroads passed by the Legislature of 18150, and amended May 18th, 1869 : Amount of bonds issued, rate of interest 7 per cent $25,000 00 Amount of principal paid by redeeming bonds ' 5,700 00 Balance yet outstanding and unpaid. - f , { Interest due March 1st, 1886 $675 50 . Sept. 1st, 1886 /' 675 5o $19,300 00 / 0 $G351 oo In addition to thei above, according to the Commissioners' report, they have now on hand as a sinking fund,[ mostly invested in town bonds 872 56 Total indebtedness $r8;:127 41 Resolved.—That at the request of the.Bonding Commissioners of the town of , Enfield, there be levied and collected from said town the sum of one thousand, three hundred and fifty-one dollars to pay said interest, and also.the sum of one thousand dollars, to be used as a sinking fund towards. the final payment of the original debt. 4 BYRON JACKSON, Supervisor. GROTON. • To A. G. Chapman, Supervisor of t/ie Town of Groton Dear Sir :—The undersigned, Commissioner of the town of Groton, appointed under the act passed Mayr 18th, 1869, Laws of New York, Chapter 907, would respectfully submit the following report : - That the amount of town bonds issued in aid of the Ithaca & Cortland R. R. is $15,000 00 That the amount of the bonds exchanged for stock in the Ithaca & Cortland R. R. (note E. C. & N. R. R.) is. 15,000 00 Mat the interest to become due Feb. r, 1886 is 525 00 That the interest to become due Aug: 1, 1856 is 525 00 That we have a sinking fund invested in bonds of the town of Groton 300 00 " mortgages on real estate 1,025 00 . 4.1 " in certificates of deposit 126 18 • 920 27 1 in cash for matured coupons ?9 47 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 133 Interest received during the year, $88 12 ; which amt. is included in the certificate of deposit for $gzo 28, referred to above. There- fore we ask for an appropriation to pay interest on said bonds,. Feby 1, '86 Also to pay interest on same bonds, Aug. 1, '86.... .. Also for a sinking fund of one per cent. • Total i { 525 00 525 00 15000 I $1,200 I therefore respectfully ask that the sum of twelve hundred (1,200) dollars as above be levied upon the town of Groton, and coltedted, to be paid over to the Commissioner of said town to be expended for the above purpose. i Dated, Groton, N. Y., Dec. 1, 1885. . D. H. MARSH, Commissioner. STATE OF NEW YORK, TOhtl'KINS COUNTY, S3. D. H. Marsh, the aforesaid Commissioner of the town of Groton, being duly sworn, deposes and says that the foregoing report signed by himself is a just:, and true report in every particular so far as deponent has knowledge of the facts 1 therein stated, and in other respects deponent believes it to be true. MARSI3. Sworn and subscribed before me this ist day of Dec. 1-885. E. A. MARSH, Notary Public. To Glee Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County : 1 In accordance with chapter 052, Laws 1870, I. hereby re- port the public debt of the town of Groton, to be as follows : Bunds issued by Commissioners for the I. & C. (now E. C. & N.) Rail- road, bearing 7,per cent. interest, payable semi-annually......:.. Sr5,000 00 -- interest coming due the ensuing year : Feb. rst, 1886.. $525 00 Aug. 1st, 1886 525 00 One per cent, on amount of bonds for sinking funds 150 oo Total $1,200 00 Resolved.—That at the request of the Bonding Commmissioner of the town of Groton there be levied And collected from said town the sum -of one thousand two'hundred dollars to be applied as follows : For inierest, as above $1,050 00 For sinking fund r 150 00 A. G. CHAPMAN, Supervisor. • 134 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, ITHACA. , To the Bac-ad of Supervisors of Tompkins County : The undersigned, Commissioners of the town of Ithaca, for bonds of said. town, issued in .aid of the Geneva & Ithaca Railroad, beg leave to submit their fifteenth annual report as follows : Amount of bonds issued and outstanding $Ioo,000 00 The interest 'on said bonds fabs due as follows: April 1st, 1886 ti' 3,500 00 , October 1st, 1886 3,500 00 \\Te therefore request that the sura of seven thousand dol- lars, required to pay interest on said bonds, as stated above, be levied and `assessed upon the taxable property of the town of Ithaca. We would further report that the sinking fund main- tained for the purpose of meeting the principal of said bonds, amounts at this date to $,37,810 79, as follows: Amount at date of last report $33,358 40 " 'received from Supervisors. 2,500 00 " for interest • 2,307 39 e Less credit premium acct 355'00 1,952 39 $37,810 79 And is invested as follows. Town of Ithaca 7 per cent. bonds 33,500 00 " 5 " `' 2,000 00 Premium account. 2,191 39 Cashion hand, uninvested 119 40 $37,810 79 The present bonded indebtedness of the town of Ithaca for the purpose above mentioned is therefore, exclusive of sink- ing fund, ,$62,189 21, a reduction since last report of $4,462 39. 4 1101 • SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 135 f In pursuance of the provisions of the,act under. which said debt was incurred, we ask that the sum of twenty•five hundred dollars, being two and one-half per cent. of the prin- cipal of said debt, be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of°the town of Ithaca for the purpose of maintain- ing a sinking fund for the payment of the principal of said debt. r Commissioners. ...Ithaca, Nov. 11, 1885. H. B. LORD, 0• H. GREGORY. The undersigned. being duly sworn, do depose_ and say that the above re- port to which they have subscribed their names, is a true report, and that the statements of account' therewith submitted are correct , to the best of their knowledge and belief.' • II. B. LORD, 0..11. GREGORY. Sworn to and subscribed before me this t2th day of Nov. 1885. B. R. 'WILLIAMS, Notary,Public. • • PREMIUM ACCOUNT. Nov. 1, 1884. Balance as per last report. $1,746 39 ;l April I, x885. Paid on $4,000 Ithaca 7s.. • Boo oo Oct. x. Interest applied 355 00 • Balance as stated 2,191 39 • INTEREST ACCOUNT. / March i, 1885. Interest on $2,0oo Ithaca 5's $5o 00 April 1, 29,500 7's 5,032 5o Sept. z. " 2,000 5'S.... 50 00 Oct. I. 33,500 " 7's 1,172 50 " ' rec'd from Ithaca Savings Bank 2.39 Oct. I. Amt. applied on premium account.:.. ... -- Balance as stated $2,546 39 $2,546 39 355 00 5,952 39 $2,307 39 $2.307 39 \ • • 138 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. N CASH ACCOUNT. Amount on hand at date of the last report$112 of April r, t8S5. Received from Supervisor 2,500 oo Received for interest (see interest account)2,307 39 Paid for $4,000 Ithaca 7's Cash on hand 4,800 00 119 40 00 - 84,919 40 84,919 40 Seventeenth Annual Report to the Supervisor of the Town of Ithaca.: The undersigned, Commissioners of the town of Ithaca, in pursuance of an act of the Legislature, passed June 27th, 1877, to facilitate the redemptioln of outstanding bonds issaed in aid of the Ithaca &: Athens Railroad, and authorizing the issue of new funding bonds at a lower rate of interest, do re- port as follows : Amount of old bonds issued • $300,000 00 Less amount redeemed March 1st, '79 15,000 00 x285,000 00 A like amount of funding bonds, at 5 per cent., semi-annually, in- terest, both principal and interest payable in the city of New York, are issued in series of $15,000, each payable in March in each year. Amount 285 000 00 Less amount redeemed March, xSSo, '8f, '82, '83, '84, '85 .. .. _ 90,000 0o , { $195,000 00 We therefore respectfully report that there will be requir- ed for the conning year the sura of $15;000.00 on principal of said bonds, and $4,575 for interest .due March 1st, 1886, and $4.500 for interest due Sept. 1,,'86'; and ask that the same may be assessed and levied upon the town. Principal and interest due March 1st ' Interest due Sept. 1st, '86 JOHN L. wHITON, O. H. GREGORY, LEONARD TREMAN. 0 19,875 00 4,500 00 $24,375 00 Commissioners. , r 2 StJPERVISOES' PROCEEDINGS. •13'7 STATE of New YORK, r TOMPKINS COUNTY, s ss. John L. whiton, O. H. Gregory and Leonard Treman, of Ithaca, N. Y., be- ing by me duly sworn according to law, each deposes and says that they are Rail Road Commissioners for the town of Ithaca, N. Y.; that the foregoing statement - by tliem made and subscribed to is correct to the best of their knowledge and be- lief. Subscribed and sworn to before me the Iith day of dgovem6er, 1885. b. P. HYDE, Notary Public. To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: . In 'accordance with Chapter 552, Laws of 1870, I hereby • • report the public debt of the town of Ithaca to be as follows : •The balance on bonds issued by Commissioners of the Ithaca & Athens R. R. as per last report was $210,000 00 Less amount redeemed March Ist, 1885 15,000 00 Balance at 5 per cent $195 000 00 The balance on bauds issued by Geneva & Ithaca R. R. as per last report 66,641 6o Less reduction reported by Commissioners, 1885 4,452 39 Balance at 7 per cent 62,189 21, Total bonded indebtedness... -... $257,189 21 + ° R. A. CROZIER, Supervisor. Resolved.—That as per report of the Bonding Commissioners of the town of 1 Ithaca, there be levied and collected on the taxable property of said town i For sinking fund on Geneva & Ithaca R. R. bonds,' two thousand, five hundred dollars..,.,...... $2,5oo oo • For interest "on Geneva & Ithaca R. R. bonds at 7, per cent., seven thousand dollars . 7,000 00 9,500 00 For principal of Ithaca & Athens R. R. bonds, fifteen thou- sand dollars 15,000"oo For interest on Ithaca &. Athens R. R. bonds, at 5 per cent.; nine thousand, three hundred seventy-five dollars 9,375 00 24,375 00- i Total ....... $33,375 00 t R. A. CROZIER, Supervisor. ' 138 ' SIUPERVISOR' PROCEEDINGS. NEWFIELD. To R. Horton, Supervisor of the Town of Newfield : We, the undersigned, Commissioners of the Town of Newfield, duly appointed under the provisions of an act of the Legislaturf of the State of New York, authorizing towns • to subscribe t� the --Capital stock of railroad corporations, and to issue bonds' therefore, do respectfuliy report that it will be necessary for said town of Newfield• to raise by tax the sum of $3,290 00 to pay interest from September lst, 1885 to Sep- tember 1st, 1886, on bonds of said •town of Newfield, to the amount of $47,000, issued to assist in the construction of the Pa. & S. B. R. R. Said interest being payable semi' annually, on the first days of March and September of each year. We further report that we have no sinking fund on hand. Dated Nov. 30th, 1885. I. B. PALMER, t Commissioners. C. W. McCORN, TOMPKINS COUNTY, SS. . 1 C. W. McCorn, being duly sworn, says that he is one of the Railroad I3ond- ing Commissioners in and for the town of Newfield, and that the above report is of in aii respects jus[ and true. o C. W._McCORN. Sworn to before me this 3oth day of November, 1585. R. HORTON, Notary Public. To tite Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County : In accordance with Chapter 552, of Laws of 1870, 1 hereby report the public debt of the, town of Newfield to be as fol- lows : Amount of bonds'issued, rate of interest 7 per cent $52,000 00 Amount of principal paid to November gth, 1883 5,000 oo • $:47,000 00 .Amount of interest due March 1st, 1886 r,645 oo September xst, [886 • 1,645 Go $50,390 00 SUPERVISORS' PIIOCEEDINGS. 159 r'erol;;ed.—Tliat at the request of the bonding Commissioners of the town of Newfield, there be•levied and collected from the taxable property of said town' the sum of three thousand, two hundred and ninety dollars, as interest on the above named bonds. - R, I-IORTON, Supervisor. ULYSSES. •To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: Gentlemen :—The, Bonding Commissioners of the town of Ulysses submit the, following report. Amount of bonds issued :by said town of Ulysses Under chapter 907, Laws of.1S00, and laws amendatory thereof, was seventy-five. thousand dollars, dated March 1, 1871. Due - Marclf 1, 1901, with semi-annual interest at seven per cent. per annum,. payable on the first days of Marchi and September. Amount of principal paid, sixteen tltousa.nd, eight hun- dred dollars. (610, 800.) Amount. of coupons due and unpaid,. thirty-one dollars • and fifty cents. ($31,50.) There is deposited with the Union' Trust Company of •New York thirty-one dollars and fifty cents. ' (31.50.) There is loaned on interest, nine hundred and sixty-four dollars and sixty-two cents, (6'964 62,) for the benefit of the sinking fund. • One year's interest on $75.000 $5,250 00 For sinking fund.... 1,875 00 We recommend that seven thousand one hundred and twenty-five 'dollars beassessed'on the town for interest and sinking fund. Dated Trumansburg, Nov. 5, 1885. T, BOARDMAN, Bonding Commissioners E. S. PRATT, for the G. J. McLALLEN. Town of Ulysses. ti• 1'40 SUPERVISORS'. PROCEEDINGS. TOMPKINS COUNTY, ss.: E. S. Pratt,'being duly sworn, -says 'the foregoing report is correct to the best 'CI his knbivledge and belief. ` E. S. PRATT, - Subscribed and sworn to before me -this 5th day of November, 1885. A. P. OSBORN,' 1 Justice of the Peace, To the Board of Supervisors of To7mplcins 'County : , •In accordance with Chapter 552, Laws of 1870, I hereby report the public debt of thetown of Ulysses to be as fol- . lows : - Bonds issued to Pennsylvania and Sodus Bay Railroad Company under the act 'to facilitate railroads, passed by the Legislature of 1850' and amended May 18th, 1869. Amount of bonds issued, rate of interest 7 per cent $75,000 00 _ Amount of principal paid Nov..5th, 1585 as reported by Bondin'g Commissioners - 16 Soo oo ,Amount of principal unpaid Nov. 5th, 1885 58,200 0o e Amount of interest due March Ist 1586 2,037 00. Amount of interest due September 1st, ISM 2,037 00 Total amount, of intebtedness September 1st, 1886 62,274 00 Resolved.—That there be ieviedand collected upon the taxable property of the town of Ulysses the sum of six thousand dollars, ($6,000.) Said sum being such a part of the amount recommended by the Bonding Comfnissioners as 'the law requires to be raised for interest and sinking fund. A. ,P. PIERSON, Supervisor. 4 POLITICAL DIRECTORY AND GUIDE TO TOWN OFFICERS. •REVISED BY M. N. TOMPKINS. General Election : The First Tuesday after the first Mon- day in November; 1 Revised Statutes,(7th Ed.) page 379. Annual Town Meeting: Last Tuesday in February. Pro- ceedings of Board of Supervisors, 1880. Annual School meeting in neighborhood : Last Tuesday in August• : Laws of 1883, Chap. 413. Annual meeting of Board or Town 'Auditors, comprising the Supervisor, Town Clerk and Justices of the Peace, or any two of the said Justices : The firstTlrursday after the General Election, at which time all accounts for charges and claims against their respective towns must be presented to' them for audit ;11 Revised Statutes (7th Ed:) page 835, Laws 1840, Chap. 305. • Annual Meeting of the Board. of Town.A.uditors as above designated, to examine accounts of ►Town Officers : On the. last Tuesday preceding the Annual Town Meeting to be held in.each town.; Laws of 1863, Chap. 172. Annual Meeting of the Supervisors of the County as a Board of County Canvassers : First Tuesday succeeding -the General Election ;. 1 Revised Statutes (7th Ed.),page 390. Annual Meeting of the Board of Supervisors.of the Coun- ty : Immediately after the completion of the Canvass, or ati .such other time as they, as a Board, shall fix-; 2 Revised, Statutes ('7th Ed.) pages 926-031. 142 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, Annual Meeting of Supervisor, Town Clerk and Assessors of each Town, -to designate the•place in each election district in the. Town, at which elections shall be lield.during theyiar, and to give notice, written or printed, to be pasted in at feast eight public pl.tees'irceach district containing descriptions of the places so designated, and of the tine of opening and clos-• ing the polls : -On the first Monday in September in each year.. Laws 1S81, Chap. 737. Meeting of Supervisor, Town Clerk and Assessors of each Town, for the purpose of making lists or Trial Jurors ; on the first day of July of each third year after July Ist, 1878, at a place in the Town app6inted by the `upervisori, or in his ab sence or vacancy in office by Town Clerk ;• or, if they fail to meet on 'that day, they must meet as soon thereafter as prac- ticable ; Cock -of Civil procedure, § 1.035. The next meeting for -this purpose will be held July Ist, 1857. County Superintendents of the Poor meet at the County • HIouse : The first Wednesday in each month. The object of these meetings is to&.audit bills payable from the County Poor Fund. TOWN OFFICERS. Each Supervisor must execute to, and deposit with, the County Treasurer, a bond for the accounting of all School moneys whicl, may cone into his hands, before entering upcia the duties of his office. Each Supervisor must make and deliver to the Town Clerk of his town, his bond for the faithful discharge of his c'ffrcial, duties, and to account for all moneys coming into his hand's as such Supervisor. The Trustees of School districts shall make a report to the School Commissioners between the 20th day of !August and - the `last Tuesday of August • in each year.;. Chap. 49 Laws 1884. 0 f SUPIRVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 143 The school moneys are apportioned annually by the School Commissioners, on the third Tuesday in. March. The Commissioners ofHighways must execute a bond to the Supervisor of his town within ten. days after his election. Overseers of. Ilinlrways mast file a statement of all'un- worked highway tax with the Supervisors of their respective towns, on or before the first day of October. o The Tax Collector'or Receiver shall, within eight days af- ter receiving notice of the amount of taxes to be collected by him, execute to the Supervisor of the town; and Lodge with hien, a bond in double the amount of said taxes, to be ap- proved by the Supervisor. The Supervisor shall; within six days thereafter, file the said bond in the office of the County Clerk of his County. -The Assessors must complete the Assessinent Roll on 'or 1 before the first day of August, and leave 'a copy thereof with one of their number, and, immediately thereafter, cause notice thereof to be posted in three or more public places in. their town or ward. . The Assessors must assess lands lying on town lines in \ the towns in which the lands actually lie, and not assess the whole property in the town in which the dwelling house is situated ; McMillan vs. Bellows, 37 Hun's Rep. 214, decided June, 1585. Also see Report of Corniuittee, Supervisors' Pro- ceedings, 1884, pages 51 and 52. The Assessors shall meet on the third Tuesday in August to review. their ,assessments, and hear the complaint of any person conceiving lrimsel.laggrieved. An affidavitto the Roll by the Assessors, made prior to the third Tuesday of August, is a nullity. The Assessors must deliver the corrected Assess- ment Roll to the Supervisor on or before the first day of Sep- ` tember, there to remain for a period of fifteen days for public inspection, and the Assessors shall forthwith give public no - 144 . SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Lice, by posting the same in at least three of the most public places in the town, or by pnblishing the carne in ope or more newspaper's published therein, that such Assessment .Roll has been finally completed, the officer to whom the sauce has been delivered, and the place where the same will be open to pub- lic; inspection. Said fifteen days, within which any asssess- ment may be reviewed by certiorari, shall commence on the day of thefirstpublication. The Assessor cannot enter the name of a person on his Roll who. became a resident after the first dal/ of Judy. When the Assessors, or a majority, of there, shall have completed their Roll, they shall severally appear before any officer of their County authorized by law to,adruinister oaths, and shall severally snake and subscribe before such officer, an oath in the following_ form, Which must be strictly,followed: "We, the undersigned, do severa11 depose and swear that we have set down in the foregoing Assessment Roll, all the real estate situate in the Town or ward as the case may be,) according to our best info: matiorr ; and .that, with the ex- e ception of those cases in which the value of the said real es- tate has been changed by reason of proof produced before us, we have estimated the value of the said real estate at the sums which a majority of the Assessors Lave decided to be the full value thereof, and also that the said - Xssessrnent Roll contains a true statement of the aggregate amount of the tax- able Personal estate of each and every person narned in such Roll, over. and above the amount of debts due from such per- sons, respectively, and exbluding such stocks as are otherwise taxable, and such other property as is exempt by law from taxation, at the full value thereof, accordingto our best judg- ment and belief.'' Which oath shall be written or printed 'on said Roll, signed by the Assessors and certified by the officer. Laws 188, Clap. 364. - SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 145 The Supervisor must report to the County Treasurer; on the first Tuesday in March, the amount of School moneys re- maining in his hands. • Each Justice of the Peace must execute a bond with two sureties conditioned for the piiyinent-on demand to the proper officer all moneys received by the Justice, by virtue of his of- . fice, which, bond must be approved by the Supervisor of, the town, and filed in,the Town Clerk's office. Each Justice of the Peace shall make a report in writing, verified by oatil,'eacir year, bearing date the first day -of No- vember, to the /Board of Supervisors, at their annual session, in-wliicli be shall"state particularly the title when, and the name of the person "o"i• persons from Whom, any money has been, received ; and -also the amount, and on what account the 'satrie was received ;.also all sums remaining due and urrpaid ; and that all moneys by him received have been paid to the Officer duly eiiil5otvered qty Jaw to -receive the same. Each Justice of the Peace must Pay all moneys received. Eby him for fines, within thirty days after its "receipt, to the" County, Treasurer. Criminal Code. Sec. 726. Overseers of -the Poor cannot furnish supplies to a County pauper to exceed the sutra of ten dollar, without an order from the County. Superintendents authorizing further dis- bursements for such purpose: All bills payable by towns must be presented to the Town Auditing Board for audit, `, • All bills for ,supplies furnished to County paupers, must b'e_presented to the •County Superintendents of the Poor, for audit. All bills presented to the Board of Supervisors or .any Auditing Board, must •be verified by -oath; stating 'that the ;same are correct inIevery particular, and that no compensa.- "tion 'has been received for the same, or any part thereof, -8X "sept as thereinstated.• INDEX. PAGE. ALms I3ousE, COUNTY—Chaplain of, Salary 29 Resolution tliat Board visit 11 'Visit of Board Lo.... 25, 26 Appropriation to Purchase Furniture 29 ANNUAL SESSION os BOARD., ....... 8 AUDITS, COUNTY 80 to 86 Towns 88 to.111 Caroline / 88, 89 Danby..... 89, 90, 91 Dryden 91, 92, 93 Enfield 93, 94. Groton........ 95, 96 Ithaca 96 to 105 Lansing • 105, 106 Newfield 107, 108 Ulysses, 108 to 111 BUDGET, COUNTY 14 to 78 CaxoLINE—Audits'of •88, 89 Resolution adding audits 36, 59 Tax of. 75 Appropriation for Highways and Poor. " 21 CHAIRMAN ---Election of. 9 GLExx-EIection of 9 Salary of 10 Co]IPTROLLEn—Communications of, to Board 9 COMMITTEES or BOARD—Formation of and duties...... 10 Appointment of 12 0 INDEX.' 11 'Commun.Ea's, I1r,1 ott'rs or —Treasurer's Accounts 21 U. S. Deposit Fund and Insurance ... 22, 31 State Charitable Institutions 38 to 51 EilualiraLio1i and Assessment Rolls - 68 e Superintendents' AceOMit9 55 to 58 Infant Meir Fund 64 to 73 COUN'T'Y TnEnsunEn---Annu.a.l Report of 11.2 to 117 Report of Infant heir Fund 117, 118 COUNTY OItDI,ns—How Drawn 10 COMMUNICATIONS -Comptroller. - - 0 • Willard Asylum 10, 11 Convesltion of ,Suparinleutlents Poor 15 Tompkins County Visiting Cotnnlittee 11,.12 COUNTY CT.I:IK—Bond of. - 19 COI,I.Ecvons—Required to Settle 60 CIIAnITA13LE INSTITUTIONS—Children sent to Ill COURT FUND ACCOUNT` TO supply Deficiency 79 D.ANISY—Audits of 89 to 91 Resolution adding to . 28 Tax of 73 D1iyIICN—Audits of 91 to 93 Resolution adding t.o.... 24, 35, _Tax of • 76 Appropriations for Highways and Bridges... 26, 35 DrsTatc'r A'I^Soarvv—Report,of 13, 14 Bond of 27 ENFIELD—:Audits of 03, 94 Tax of • 76 Approl ria.tion for 1-Iighways 17 Report of Railroad Commissioners 130, 131 Report of Supervisor . • 131, 182 GRAND Jultr--Apportionment of 15 GnomoN—Audits of 95, 96 .Report of Railroad Commissioners - 132, 133 Report of Supervisor 133 Tax of Town 713 Appropriations for Highways and Support of Poor 28 Account with Willard Asylum 34 a s, III INDEX. ITt ttl�",11 TAXES—Returned unworked.......... ... '54 [TnAcA—Audits of 96 to 105 Resolution adding to 53 Tax off.-- . ... - 77 Appropriation for Highways 32 Report of Railroad Commissioners 134„ 135, 136 Report of Suliervisor . .. .............. 137 Ixr'AN•r IIETR Funu—Report of County Treilsurer 117, 118 . Committee appointed 34 Report of Committee.... 64 to 73 .IAoI. PIIvstcTAs--Election of 30 • Salary of....... 30 .IANITOR COURT HOUSE AND JAIF,° 29 .JAIL-Repliirs On 6, 7 LANSING—Audits of 105, 106 ' Resolution adding to. . ............ ....... 53, 54 Tax of • 77 Appropriations for Highways and Bridges 58 NEW rump—Audits of... 107, 108 Resolution adding to 32 Tax of. ....•. 77 Report of Railroad Commissioners 138 • , , Report of Supervisor 138, 139 Appropriations for Highways 25 PRINTING— Proceedings of Board.... ' 16 Session Laws 16, 17 Legal Notices 62 PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD—Distribution of.... , .'...................... 18 PROCEEDINGS of BOARD—Filed in County Clerk's ()flice. - 19 PRISONERS—Contract for keeping 7, 28 PIIYSICIANS TO ATTEND POOL{—Contract . 52 GOAD TAX UNwonKsm.'........... 54 I{Att,ROADs—Reports of Commissioners •130•to 140 REPORTS, CoMMnri:t,s—Treasurer's Accounts _ 21 • U. S. Deposit Fund and Insurance.... 22, 31 State Charitable Institutions 38 to 51 Equalization and Assessment Rolls...... 63 i 1' INDEX. Iv � c Superintendent's Accounts - 55 to 58 • Infant heir Fund 64 to 73 REPORTS, COUNTY OFFRue ts—County Treasurer - 112 to 118 District Attorney 13, 14 County Supt. of Poor 119 to 130 Loan Commissioners :...... .......:22, 23 Sheriff's 32, 33, 34 RE:1.011v s of JCSTroEs tw PEACE ORDERED PI/ FI) 38 1�MTURTS, RAII,ROAI? COMMISSIONERS AND SUPERVISORS. Enfield 130, 132 Groton 182, 133 Ithaca 134 to 137 Newfield r 138, 139 "Ulysses.. ` 139040 IiF.sol.IrrtoNs OF BOARD To BE tN WRITING 10 SPECIAL SESSION OF RoAItn ... 5 SuI'I;Iavisons--Names and residence of 8 Accounts of 87 SEALER OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES 7 SESSIONS OF BOARD 10 SLIT. OF Poon --To build Hen lloni;e.. 29 Bond of . 60 SIIERIF'F OP" CLIJ LLNO Cowry—Bill of - 51 TAxEs—State and County 74 to 78 Tow.N Onu»lts—Mow Drawn 10 Towxs—Petition to change Town' lines 61, 62 Appointment of Committee.... 64 • IJLYssm—Audits of.... 108 to 111 ;Resolution to add to 28 Tux of 78 • Appropriation for highways and Bridges. . 20 Appropriations for Support Poor.., 34 WILI.AED &SYLuM—Communications from - 10, 11 -1 1 t w 1 1 1