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SUPERVISORS' .PROCEEDINGS. 73 Mr. Crozier offered the following resolution, which on 'motion of Mr. Crocker was unanimously adopted : Resolved.—That we embrace this opportunity to acknowledge to Mr. James H. George, our appreciation of the very able, courteous and impartial manner in which he discharged the duties of Chairman of this Board. There being 110 further business the minutes of the days proceedings were accordingly read and approved, when on motion the Board adjourned sine die. M. N. TOMPKINS, Clerk. COUNTY AUDITS. STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF TOMPKINS—BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, } ss I do hereby certify that the following abstract comprises all the bills and accounts against the County of Tompkins, presented to the Board of Supervisors of said County at its Annual Session for the year 1884, showing the name of each claimant, the true nature of the account, the amount original- ly claimed, and the amount as finally audited and allowed by said Board. M. N. TOMPB.INS, Clerk. No. Name. Nature of Account. Claimed. Allowed. t. S. H. Peck, examination in lunacy $ 5 00 $ 3 00 2. Daniel W. Bailey, ex -Supervisor 29 88 29 88 3. P. J. Partenheimer, County Clerk 57 50 57 50 4. S. B. Field, Excise Commissioner, (town charge) 3 00 0 00 5. Ithaca Water Works Co., Water... 82 00 82 00 6. Patrick Murray, Constable 35 25 35 25 7. P. J. Partenheimer, County Clerk 382 gt 382 qt 8. P. J. Partenheimer, County Clerk 707 84 707 84 q. E. H. Kyle, Coroner 33 90 29 20 to. N. M. Gillett, coroner's juror, assigned to W. H. Willson 5 00 5 00 tr. ,Patrick Murray, constable 3 65 3 65 12. J. S. Kirkendall, coroner's physician 15 0o to 00 13. Chas. G. Day, coroner's juror Soo 5 00 14. C. R. Baldwin,burying pauper, (town charge) 35 00 00 00 15. Beers & Goodrich, tombstone for William Patterson, (town charge) 15 00 00 00 t6. Wm. E. Mount, Justice of Peace 2 00 2 00 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 75 17. Wm. J. Totten, Justice of Peace 6 67 6 67 18. John Oltz, repairs in Clerk's Office 77 38 77 38 t9. S. B. Buck, coronrr's juror 5 00 5 00 20. W. H. Wilson, coroner's juror.... 5 00 5 00 21. T. S. Gibbs, Coroner, assigned to Dana Rhodes......... 35 20 35 zo 22. Albert Norton, Chief of Police... 118 5o 118 5o 23. C. J. Rumsey & Co„ supplies 2 30 2 jb 24. F. M. Leary, coroner's juror 2 00 2 00 25. D. F. Van Vleet, coroner's juror 5 00 5 00 26, S. U. Jones, services on coroner's inquest 10 00 5 00 28. J. S. Gibbs, Coroner 18 25 18 25 29. Lewis B. Gross, Justice of Peace s t 70 1 70 30. William Mack, coroner's juror 1 00 1 00 3r. D. O. Clough, constable 8 65 8 65 32. A. N. Parish, game and fish protector, assigned to W. H Willson 4 50 4 50 33. Dana Bower, Justice of Peace, (town charge) 3 8o 0 00 34. J. A. Lewis, services at coroner's inquest and examina- tions in lunacy 50 00 29 00 35. Theodore Quick, coroner's juror ... 1 00 1 00 36. R. L. Smith, examination in lunacy and travelling fee... 5 0o 5 oo 37. Giles M. Stoddard, coroner's juror 2 00 2 00 38. D. P. Hodson, legal services 10 oo 10 00 39. H. N. Humiston, special deputy Sheriff it 8o 1t 8o 40. M. M. Brown, examination in lunacy &c 10 00 3 o0 41. J. A. Northup, examination in lunacy and post mortem 36 00 21 o0 42. Chas. M. Bliven, livery 5 00 5 00 43. E. J. Morgan Jr., Coroner 84 to 58 to 44. Newman & McLachlan legal services 4 00 4 00 45. J. D. Carpenter & Co., furniture 5 44 5 44 46. E. S. Atwood, use of building, (town charge) 20 00 00 00 47. L. W. Carpenter, lunacy examinations &c 3 00 3 00 48. S. R. Wickes, coroner's juror t o0 1 00 49• G. H. Stewart, coroner's juror I oo 1 00 5o. J. R. Emery, coroner's juror t o0 1 00 51. C. L. Adams, coroner's juror t o0 1 00 52. Wm. Johnson, constable 2 75 2 75 53. L. L. Himrod, coroner's juror 1 00 1 00 54. L. W. Carpenter, viewing body 5. oo 0 00 55• A. P. Osborne, use of office 2 00 2 00 56, Lewis Ferris, special messenger, at request of Supervisor 3 24 3 24 57. C. C. Cook, examination of lunatic and travelling feeto 00 5 00 76 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 58. Lewis Ferris, conveying lunatic 5 00 5 00 59. A. E. Kent, coroner's juror I oo I o0 6o. Wilson & Mackey, painting, &c 38 59 38 59 6t. M. A. Dumond, lunacy examination to 00 3 00 62. C. L. Smith, District Attorney to gg to 99 63. J. H: George, special services correcting election returns 3 25 3 25 •64. Finch & Apgar, supplies 28 85 28 85 65. F. K. Andrus, coroner's juror t oo I o0 66. T. S. Thompson, coroner's juror r oo I o0 67. Joseph A. Genung, wood at jail 3 00 3 00 68. F. P. Randolph. repairs on county buildings 12 71 12 71 69. John M. Wilgus, coroner's juror... 1 0o 100 70. Gauntlett & Brooks, supplies 1 42 142 71. Andrus & Church, tape. 50 50 72. Andrus & Church, stationery and blanks 52 75 52 75 73. Andrus & Church, supplies 102 35 102 35 74. Ashael Clapp, printing 125 00 39 00 75. S. P. Sackett, lunacy examination 5 00 3 00 76. Treman, King & Co., supplies 58 29 58 29 77. George M. Beckwith, post-mortem and lunacy examina- tion... 28 00 13 00 78. Charles A. Schaeffer, chemical examination 150 00 150 00 79. Charles A. Schaeffer, chemical examination 150 00 150 00 80. E. A. Wagener, coroner's juror, assigned to E. C. Marsh 6 00 6 00 81. Clarence Sage, coroner's juror. assigned to E. C. Marsh. 6 00 6 00 82. Royal Scott, coroner's juror, assigned to C. E. Marsh6 00 6 00 83. Thomas B. Quinn, coroner's juror, assigned to E. C Marsh 6 00 6 00 84. Sidney Marshall, coroner's juror, assigned to E. C. Marsh 6 oo 6 oo 85. S. L. Howe, surveying farm of Rebecca A. Castle, at re- quest of District Attorney to 0o ro 00 86. C. A. VanVredenberg, coroner's juror 5 00 5 oo 87. A. G. Chapman, services on special committee .30 84 30 84 88. Almy & Bouton, legal services. 75 00 75 00 89. Fred Ward, coroner's juror 3 00 3 00 90. George E. Monroe, Justice of Peace 8 25 8 25 91. R. W. Smiley, constable . .... 2 65 2 65 92. Silas E. Lacy, coroner's juror 3 00 3 00 93. A. J. Baker, coroner's juror 3 00 3 00 94. A. H. Minturn, repairs on jail &c 5 35 5 35 95. E. R. Barney, autopsy and examination, assigned to Charles Ingersoll 20 00 18 00 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 77 96. J. H. Tichenor, coroner's juror, assigned to E. C. Marsh 6 00 6 00 97. E. C. Marsh, constable 4 60 4 6o g8. E. C. Marsh, constable 56 90 56 90 99. E. C. Marsh. coroner's inquest. 6 65 6 65 roo. E. C. Marsh, coroner's inquest... 14 20 14 20 tor. E. C. Marsh, conveying prisoner to penitentiary ro 00 10 00 102. E. Hildebrandt, constable, assigned to J. M. Heggie142 95 134 20 1o3. A. A. Hungerford, Justice of Peace, assigned to J. M. Heggie 30 30 30 30 104. A. A. Hungerford, Justice of Peace, assigned to J. M Heggie 19 55 19 55 105. A. A. Hungerford, Justice of Peace, assigned to J. M. Heggie 65 35 65 35 ,o6. Frank Preston, game constable, assigned to J. M. Heggie 6 35 6 35 107. Frank Preston, game constable, assigned to J. M. Heggie 6 00 6 00 108. E. J. Morgan, coroner, assigned to J. M. Heggie 61 55 54 55 109. L. D. Mott, painting clerk's office roof, assigned to J. M Heggie 27 28 27 28 110. Henry Mente, coroner's juror, assigned to J. M. Heggie 6 00 6 00 III. E. H. Kyle, coroner, assigned to J. M. Heggie.... 6o 37 55 37 112. James McIntosh, coroner's juror, assigned to T. M Heggie....... ..... 6 oo 6 oo 113. James Scott, coroner's juror, assigned to J. M. Heggie. 6 00 6 oo 114. J. S. Cody, constable, assigned to J. M. Heggie 14 6o 14 6o 115. J. S. Cody, constable, assigned to J. M. Heggie.... 12 30 12 30 116. E. G. Phelps, constable, assigned to J. M. Heggie .. 2 00 2 00 117. E. G. Phelps, constable, assigned to J. M. Heggie 16 70 16 70 118. S. B. Rolfe, County Clerk, assigned to T. M. Heggie199 21 199 21 120. D. J. Seaman & Son, for horse hire in perfecting election returns 2 50 2 50 121. H. 41. Humiston, legal and detective service 15 00 00 00 122. Jamieson & McKinney supplies to jail, clerk's office and court house 19 66 19 66 123. White & Burdick, supplies 8 78 8 78 124. L. J. Wheeler, Supervisor 30 84 30 84 125. T. W. Burns, Justice of the Peace 27 54 27 54 126. Chas. Ingersoll, coroner's juror , 00 1 00 127. E. P. Bouton, under -Sheriff 102 TO 102 10 128. J. L. Baker, judgment for costs in case of Newman, as Sup't of Poor, ys. VanHouter 71 8o 71 8o 129. Geo. B. Grant, constable , 10 1 10 78 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 130. Albert VanAuken, constable 5 3o 5 3o 131. Marsh & Hall, supplies 18 35 18 35 132. 46 36 43 36 43 133. Enz & Miller, stationery 4 8o 4 8o 134. Jonas Johnson, cleaning vault and carrying ashes 13 00 10 00 135. J. K. Follett, Sheriff 688 59 684 59 . 136. " board of prisoners 921 00 921 00 137. Ward Gregory, printing, etc. 1 311 45 1,283 70 138. Ithaca Journal Association, printing 690 40 659 40 139. Finch & Apgar, stationery 4 50 4 5o 140. J. K. Follett, Sheriff 4 40 4 40 141. E. G. Phelps, constable. 17 35 17 35 142. Wm. O. Newman, Supt. Poor 194 70 194 70 143 84 00 84 00 r44. W. P. Beers, hack to County House 5 00 5 00 145. A. J. Gunn, for serving subpoenas in case of People ag'st Castle 22 10 00 00 146. D. J. Seaman & Son, hack to County House 5 00 5 00 147. J. W. Jones, coroner's juror 1 00 1 00 148. S. Rolfe, Keeper of County House, work on barn 88 r5 88 15 149. Ward Gregory, publishing official canvass 102 50 102 50 15o. Ithaca Journal Association, publishing official canvass102 5o 102 5o 151. John E. Beers, as member Board Supervisors 84 99 84 99 152. R. Horton, 64 44 89 30 89 30 153. L. T. White ll " 82 99 82 99 154. A. G. Chapman, " 4494 78 94 78 155. J. H. George, 94 09 94 09 156. David Crocker, 44 44 4494 90 94 90 157. R. A. Crozier, 46 46 107 24 107 24 158. L. J. Wheeler, " " 88 24 88 24 159. R. G. H. Speed, 44 44 44 86 42 86 42 $8,78o 55 SUPERVISORS' ACCOUNTS. The following is a statement showing the amount of compensation audited by the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, to the members thereof, at its annual session of 1884. the items and nature of such compensation, as audited ; the number of days the Board has been in session, and the distance traveled by the members, respectively, in attendink as a Board of County Canvassers, and the regular session of the Board of Supervisors within the past year. Published pur- suant to the fourteenth section of the act of the Legislature, passed December 14th, 1847. TOWNS. SUPERVISORS. Days with County Can -I vassers. Days with Board. An- nual Session. Compensation, at $3.00 per Day. Mileage at 8 Cents per Mile. Days with Committee Work and Special Meeting Compensation, $3.0o per Day. Mileage Committee Work, 8 Cents per Mile. Copying Assessment Roll and Extending Tax. Miscellaneous Services and Expenditures. Total Amount Service (Rate of tax on the dollar for the several towns re- spectively. Caroline.... ........ .... R. G. H. Speed 2 20 :� I 33rnrn rnrn 33, 8I 88888888.8 $1 44 1 $ 3 00 $ 4 48 $ 11 50 $ 86 42 84 .00643 ..... DanbyJohn E. Beers 2 20 2 o8 I 3 00 2 16 II 75 53 99 .00745 Dryde James H. George 2 20 2 56 I 3 00 2 40 20 13 25 $07 34 .01575 Enfield L. T. White ... 2 20 2 56 I 3 00 96 to 4 82 99 .01x Groton Albert G. Chapman 2 20 5 44 6 18 00 19 68 14 50 2 00 125 62 z4 .007 Ithaca Richard A. Crozier 2 20 1 3 00 1 28 36 96 107 .0208 Lansing David Crocker 2 zo 5 12 1 3 0O 3 68 14 3o 2 8o 94 90 89 .00765 Newfield, Randolph Horton 2 20 2 56 2 3 00 5 92 12 54 3 z8 3o .0214 Ulysses Levi J. Wheeler 2 20 3 84 7 21 5.0 9 84 26 48 x 92 119 o8 .0236 Total 18 Iso $25 6o zo $6o 00 $46 40 $148 63 513 25 $887 88 STATE OF NEW YORK, ss.: COUNTY OF TOMPKINS—BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. I do hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct statement of the number of days the Board of Supervisors of Tomp- kins County was in session during the past year ; the nature of its duties, and the time necessarily employed and the dis- tance necessarily traveled, by the individual members, respectively, in the discharge thereof. ,�;_ I also certify that no accounts were audited by the said Board, for any member thereof, or for any other person, with- out being verified according to the statute in such case made and provided. M. N. TOMPKINS, Clerk. Dated, December Izth, 1884. SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. v ko TOWN AUDITS. CAROLINE. The following is an abstract of names of all persons who presented accounts to be audited by the Town A editors of the Town of Caroline, on the 6th day of November, 1884, with the amount claimed and the amount finally allowed. No. Name. Nature of Service. Claimed. Allowed. r. Byron Wattles, inspecter of election, dist. No $ 4 00 $ 4 00 2. J. 0. Lillibridge, assessor 39 50 39 50 3. Cantine Lounsbery, assessor 39 50 39 50 4. J. 0. Lillibridge, clerk of election 4 00 4 00 5. George E. VanDemark, inspector of election dist. No. 2 4 00 4 00 6. R. G. H. Speed, clerk of election... 4 00 4 00 7. D. B. Drummond, clerk of election 4 00 4 00 8. Wm. H Whitley, inspector and messenger, dist. No. rro 0o ro 00 9. John McWhorter, inspector of election dist. No. 1 9 64 9 64 lo. Martin D. Strong, inspector of election, dist. No. r.. 4 00 4 00 rl. Harrison D. Haskins, excise commissioner 3 00 3 00 12. Martin Besemer, birth and death certificates 3 75 3 75 13. Luman B. Phillips, assessor 36 00 36 00 14. George E. Harris, ex -town clerk 15 00 15 00 15. H. H. Robison, overseer of the poor 52 00 52 00 16. Spencer H. Jansen, highway commissioner 168 00 168 00 17. Frank J. Boice, inspector of election dist. No. 2 4 00 4 00 18. John J. Frear, use of hall for election purposes...... 20 00 20 00 19. R. E. Brink, use of hall for election purposes 10 0o ro 00 20. George C. Whitley, overseer of the poor........ 14 00 14 00 21. Dewitt DePuy, constable 22 15 22 15 22. James Boice, ex -supervisor 8 20 8 20 23. Abel T. Lott, clerk of election dist. No. 1 4 25 4 25 24. R. G. H. Speed, supervisor 28 op 28 00 25. Gilbert S. Higgins, excise commissioner, I883 -r884 6 00 6 00 SUPERVISORS' ?ROCEEDtNGS. $I 26. Dr. R. Johnson, birth and death certificates 5 25 5 25 27. John Cross, justice of the peace 9 5o 9 5o 28. Walker V. Personius, justice of the peace 11 75 11 75 29. John J. Peters, justice of the peace 33 20 33 20 3o. B. M. Lawrence, town clerk.... 5o 5o 5o 5o �1. John W. Gass, justice of the peace 16 75 i6 75 32. Abel T. Lott, counsel fees 15 0o to 00 •58 94 $653 94 We, the undersigned Board of Auditors of the town of Caroline, county of Tompkins, do hereby certify that the foregoing statement of the accounts audited by them at their annual meeting, held Nov. 6th, 1884, is correct. R. G. H. SPEED, Supervisor. JOHN J. PETERS, JOHN W. GASS, Justices W. V. PERSONIUS. B. M. LAWRENCE, Town Clerk. TOMPKINS COUNTY, TOWN OF CAROLINE, SS: I hereby certify the within to be a correct copy of the original as is on file in this office. B. M. LAWRENCE, Clerk. DANBY. The following is an abstract of names of all persons who presented accounts to be audited by the Town Auditors of the Town of Danby, on the 6th day of November, 1884, with the amount claimed and the amount finally allowed. No. Name. Nature of Service. Claimed. Allowed. 1. L. B. Beers, assessor $2o 00 $20 00 2. Ithaca Journal Association, printing election notices3 00 3 00 3. Anrdus & Church, printing assessment roll 5 55 5 55 4. Oscar Jennings, highway commissioner 62 00 62 00 5. Henry France, reporting marriages 5o 5o 6. M. A. Dumond, reporting biths and deaths 75 75 7. John E. Beers, supervisor 35 48 35 48 8. John E. Beers, medical supplies for poor 2 50 2 5o 9. W. A. Howland, inspector of election dist. No. 1 as- signed to John E. Beers 4 00 4 00 82 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. io. Sheldon Bierce, overseer of the poor 6 5o 6 5o rt. A. W. Bennett, inspector of election, dist. No. r 4 00 4 00 12. M. A. Beers, inspector of electiou, dist. No. I .. 4 00 4 00 r3. H. F. Hutchings, inspector of election and messenger, dist. No. 2 8 00 8 00 14. H. C. Thatcher, clerk of election, dist. No. 2 3 00 3 po 15. Edward Thatcher, inspector of election, dist. No. 2 3 00 3 00 16. Dwight Beach, inspector of election, dist. No. 2 3 00 3 00 17. Frank A. Todd, clerk of election, dist. No. 2 3 00 3 00 i8. Frank A. Todd, assessor 24 6o 24 6o 19. Ira Patchen, hall for election..... 3 00 3 00 20. Ira Patchen, poor supplies 2 00 2 00 21. William R. Gunderman, poor supplies..:.. 2 90 2 90 22. William Howland, overseer of the poor 2 00 2 00 23. M. A. Beers, election messenger 5 48 5 48 24. C. F. Mix, janitor of hall 23 45 23 45 25. Levi L. Beers, surveyor 12 00 i2 00 26. Levi L. Beers, clerk of election, dist. No. i 4 00 400 27. T. H. Howell, poor supplies 2 6o 2 6o 28. D. H. Ostrander, poor supplies.... 5 25 5 25 29. M. D. Bruce, poor supplies 3 00 3 00 3o. Josiah Hawes, poor supplies 5 54 5 54 3r. R. A. Grant, assessor 22 00 22, 00 32. Frank Cornell, per J. Roony, agent, unjust highway tax17 43 00 00 33. Benjamin Jennings, clerk of election, dist. No. i 4 00 4 00 34. Benjamin Jennings, cleaning town hall 2 50 2 50 35• M. H. Smith, reporting deaths and births 3 25 3 25 36. George Grant, constable 14 15 14 15 $310 00 We, the undersigned, comprising the Board of Auditors of the Town of Danby, certify that the abo6e abstract of town accounts is correct. JOHN E. BEERS, Supervisor. JOHN J. MILLER, JACOB WISE, Justices of Peace. CHARLES HOWLAND, JEREMIAH H. THATCHER. BENJAMIN JENNINGS, Town Clerk. ADDED BY MOTION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. 37. Benjamin Jennings, town clerk $51 73 38, Charles Howland, justice 8 68 39. Jeremiah Thatcher, justice 800 Su PERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 40. Jacob Wise, justice 41. John J. Miller, justice 42. John E. Beers, one day with town board 43• John J. Miller, justice of peace 44• Samuel Johnson, reporting marriages 45. Ladies' Home DRYDEN. 8 00 8 00 a 00 14 25 125 52 00 5153 91 310 00 $463 91 The following is an abstract of nanles of all persons who presented bilis to the Board of Town Auditors of the Town of Dryden, on the 6th day of November, 1884, with the amount claimed by each, and the amount finally allowed. No. Name. Nature of service. .Claimed. Allowed. I. J. E. Vanderhoof, overseer of the poor 48 05' 48 05 2. G. C. Sweet, undertaker 8 00 8 00 3. Dr, H. Genung, physician 16 75 16 75 4. George E. Goodrich, attorney 10 00 t0 00 5. George E.'Monroe, attorney, 5o 00 5o 00 6. George E. Monroe, justice of the peace 31 35 31 35 7. L. D. Maliery, clerk of the board of excise 18 4o 6 4o 8. A. L. Smiley, assessor 44 00 44 00 9. A. Burlingame, assessor 56 75 56 75 io. A. W. George, assessor 48 00 48 00 II. William H. Lester, inspector of election II 21 II 2I 12. D. M. White, clerk of election 4 00 4 00 23. J. M. Carr, clerk of election 4 25 4 25 I4.0 J. H. Kennedy, inspector of election 4 00 4 00 15. E. Case, inspector of election 5 00 5 00 16. J. H. Mineah, inspector of election 4 00 4 o0 17. C. B. Bills, clerk of election 4 00 4 00 18. E. H. Fulkerson, clerk of election 4 00 4 00 19. Willard Shaver, inspector of election 9 72 9 72 20. Phillip S. Snyder, inspector of election 9 32 9 32 84 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 21. Oscar Snyder, inspector of election 5 00 5 00 22. Bradford Snyder clerk of election 4 20 4 20 23. W. Marsh, clerk of election 4 00 4 00 24. H. P. Banfield, clerk of election 4 00 4 00 25. William H. Meddaugh, clerk of election 4 00 4 00 26. George E. Goodrich, clerk of election 4 35 4 35 27. A. L. Tyler, clerk of election 4 00 4 O0 28. L. A. Hemingway, inspector of election.... 5 00 5 00 29. J. V. Rose inspector of of election. 9 64 9 64 30. G. W. S. Gibson, use of house town meeting 30 00 30 00 3r. W. D. Ellis, use of house for election 10 00 10 00 32. E. B. Fulkerson, use of house for election 10 00 10 00 33. C. H. Howe, use of house for election 10 00 10 00 34. Dryden Village, use of house for election 10 0o 10 00 35, Dr. O. S. Ensign, physician, assigned to E. E. Ellis.... 1 74 1 74 36. O. Luther, ex-commissidher of highways. 20 00 20 00 37. G. M. Rockwell, ex -supervisor 42 64 42 64 38. W. J. Shaver, justice of the peace• • • • 12 00 12 00 39. George E. Monroe, justice of the peace 12 00 12 00 40. R. M. Smiley, constable 18 45 1r I8245 41. Dr. J. Beach, physician 43 75 43 75 42. Charles O. Hausner, minister 50 50 43. A. M. Ford, printing 37 75 23 75 44. George E. Underwood, Justice of the peace 12 0o r2 00 45. James H. George, supervisor 35 17 35 17 46. L. Dusenbury, constable.... 4 40 4 40 47. George E. Hanford, justice of the peace 17 25 17 25 48. D. G. Howell, excise commissioner 18 00 18 00 49. G. M. Lupton, excise commissioner 18 00 18 00 50. Ab'm A. Haskin, constable 15 00 00 00 51. Elly R. Sherwood, commissioner of highways 256 00 256 00 52. Bradford Snyder, overseer of the poor 8 00 8 oo 53. Bradford Snyder, overseer of the poor 38 00 38 00 54. William E. Brown, justice of the peace 14 00 14 00 55. George E. Hanford, justice of the peace 2 00 2 00 56. R. L. Seager, excise commissioner .. 18 0o 18 oo 57. J. H. George, Supervisor 29 6o 29 6o 58. G. H . Houtz, town clerk 39 98 39 98 59. George E. Monroe, justice of the peace 2 00. 2 00 6o. A. W. Overacker, inspector of election.... 4 00 4 00 $12o5 22 $1184 22 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 85 We, the undersigned, Board of Town Auditors of the Town of Dryden, do hereby certify that the foregoing abstract is correct in all respects. JAMES H. GEORGE, Supervisor. WM. E. BROWN, GEO. E. MONROE, GEO. E. HANFORD, Justices. GEO. E. UNDERWOOD, W. J. SHAVER, GEO. H. HOUTZ, Town Clerk. ADDED BY RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. 6t. George E. Hanford, justice of the peace $3 85 62. T. N. Kellogg, town auditor 3 00 $6 85 Amount of town audits $1184 22 Total $1191 07 ENFIELD. The following is an abstract of' names of' all persons who presented bills to the Board of Town Auditors of the Town of Enfield, on the 6th and 7th days of November, 1884, with the amount claimed and the amount finally allowed. No. Name. Nature of Service. Claimed. Allowed. i. Frank Barber, constable 15 45 15 45 2. Hiram Cornish, illegal tax 4 83 4 83 3. Moses L. Harvey, hall for town purposes 40 00 4o 00 4. L. M. Gates, certificate of marriages 3 75 3 75 5. John Dawaugh, excise commissioner 3 00 3 00 6. Eben Rolfe commissioner of highways 364 27 364 27 7. Seth Cowen, excise commissioner 6 00 .6 00 8. George Burlew, constable 4 00. 4 00 9. Cyrenus Georgia. fees of jury for highway i6 5o i6 5o so. S. D. Purdy, auditor 1883 and stationery. 6 25 6 25 11. Byron Jackson, Overseer of the Poor 16 0o t6 00 12. Huldah G. Smith, certificates of deaths and births 1 0o i o0 i3. S. V. Graham, excise commissioner 6 nn 6 00 14. John J. Abel, assessor 3'l n0 32 00 55. Geo. S. Fowler, 32 00 32 00 16. John W. Sheffield, " 35 75 33 75 86 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. ' 17. C. L. Crandall, location of highway 16 oo 16 oo 18. Halliday & Finch, legal services. ro 00 10 00 19. B. Oitz, highway commissioner 232 59 232 59 20. 26 00 26 00 21. Town Board, secretary for Town Clerk's Office 16 00 16 00 22. Judson N. Wortman, inspector of election and messenger to 64 10 64 23. E. C. Almy, 665 00 0 00 24. Wm. H. Jones, It 5 00 5 00 25. F. B. Aiken, clerk of election 5 00 5 00 26. Edgar Brewer, R. R. Commissioner 12 50 12 50 27. " clerk of election 5 24 5 24 28. George Budd, R. R. Commissioner.... 9 00 9 00 29. D. W. Bailey, ex -Supervisor 19 5o 19 5o 3o. Wm. E Brewer, clerk town meeting 5 00 5 00 31. Judson N. Wortman, ex -Town Clerk... 13 75 1375 32. L. T. White, registering deaths and births.... 3 5o 35o 33. Supervisor 43 04 43 04 34. Wm. F. Smith, Justice of the Peace.... .. 10 25 ro 25 35. Burr Rumsey, " 8 oo 8 oo 36. Oscar Rolfe, 15 00 15 00 37. John Burton, 31 05 31 05 38. Chas. Wright, Town Clerk 6r 20 6, 20 $1,148 12 We, the undersigned, composing the Auditing Board of the Town of En- field, do certify that the foregoing is a correct list of all claims presented and allowed by us against said town. L. T. WHITE, WM. F. SMITH, BURR RUMSEY, Justices of Peace. JOHN BURTON, OSCAR ROLFE, CHAS. WRIGHT, Town Clerk. Supervisor. ADDED BY RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD 9F SUPERVISORS. 39. • E. Brewer, 2 days' assessing new road 4 00 40: J. H. Theall, " 4 00 41. J. G. Wortman, " " 4 00 42. L. T. White,, Supervisor 2 00 Amount of Town Audits.... ... ....... 14 00 1,148 i2 Total...._ $1,162 12 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. GROTON.' The following is an abstract of the names of all the per- sons who presented accounts to be audited to the Board of Town Auditors of the Town of Groton, on the 6th day of November, 1884, with the amount claimed by c-ach, and Y the amount finally allowed. No. Name. Nature of Service. Claimed. Allowed. i. D. V Linderman, inspector of election 84 00 $4 00 2. Giles M. Stoddard, clerk 4 00 4 00 3. Horton Metzgar, inspector and messenger 6 00 6 00 4. M. D. Fitch, clerk of election .. 4 00 4 00 5. Hiram Setlin, inspector and messenger 9 00 9 00 6. D. A. Rogers, election 4 00 4 00 7. R. N. Mount, 4 00 4 00 8. Francis Webster, " 4 00 4 00 9. Lucius Davis, and messenger 12 68 12 28 ro. M. C. Young, election 4 00 4 00 rt. G. W. Davey, " 4 00 4 00 12. Morten Williams, clerk of election 4 00 4 00 53. Lewis B. Gross, " " 4 00 4 00 14. N. B. Streeter, excise commissioner 3 00 3 00 15. V. B. Gross, " 3 00 3 00 16. John G. Cobb, 3 00 3 00 17. E. R. Nye, use of hall for election 25 00 25 00 18. A. B. Rogers, " 8 00 8 00 19. Lewis B. Gross, issuing burial permit 85 85 2o. Edwin Fish, assessor 34 25 34 25 21. Everell Smiley, 40 00 40 00 22. Alsen J. Conger " 28 75 28 75 23. Chas. Winters, work for town 2 00 2 00 24. W. W. White, commissioner highways. 12 00 12 00 25. G. A. Wilson, house rent for Mr. Shaw 25 00 25 00 26. Harvey Backus, Watkins 3o 5o 25 00 27. Dr. L. U. Jones, medical services 6 00 0 00 28. " " " registering births and deaths 375 375 29. " counsel with Dr. Gibbs 2 00 2 00 30. " 44 " medical services for Wm. Knapp 6 5o 6 5o 31• 19 50 �9 50 32. Dr. A. M. Baldwin, registering births 2 25 2 25 88 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 33. Dr. C. A. Boyce, medical services 20 00 20 00 34. Dr. John Goodyear, medical services 8 00 8 00 35. Dr. J. Stanley Gibbs, " 12 00 12 00 36 5 00 5 00 29 50 28 50 37. 44 46 38 ., .,44 9 50 9 50 39. registering births 1 75 175 40. Dr. Elias R. Weaver, medical services..... 44 50 44 50 41. Dr. Miles D. Goodyear, " 21 25 21 25 42 " health officer 6 75 6 75 43. Nelson Undewood, constable 6 30 6 30 44. Daniel O'Clough, 10 50 10 50 45. 295 290 46 " •• 575 575 47. Newton Baldwin, 9 6o 9'10 48. J. W. Jones, town clerk ? • • • 53 20 53 20 49• Charles Newton, commissioner of highways 95 00 95 00 50. W. W. Hair, legal services 5 00 5 00 51. Townley & Wright, printing bill 43 84 43 84 52. Wm. H. Allen, " 1883 46 35 46 35 53. John I. Booth & Son, undertaking 21 00 21 00 54. Lewis B. Gross, town auditor 2 00 2 00 55. justice of the peace 5 to 5 to 56. Hugh Halsey, 6 85 6 85 57. Joseph Mount, " .. 8 00 8 00 58. Wm. E. Mount, 3 6o 3 6o 59. 3 72 3 72 6o,ti 400 4 00 61. "44 •• 233 233 62. " 200 200 63. Amos Avery, overseer of poor 1 00 1 00 64. A. G, Chapman, supervisor 23 8o 23 8o 65. G. M. Stoddard, undertaking 23 00 23 00 66. Jenks & Field Bros., merchandise for town 29 97 29 97 67. Wm. E. Mount, town auditor 2 00 2 00 68. Daniel O. Clough overseer•of the poor 117 00 117 00 6g. Leonard Stoddard, undertaking 20 00 20 00 70. W. H. Burnham, assessor's clerk 6 00 6 00 inspector of election and messenger 10 38 10 38 71. D. H. Marsh, R. R. commissioner 7 50 7 50 72. Spencer & Hatch merchandise for poor 20 54 20 54 8 00 800 73. Wm. Webster, use of hall for election SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 89 74. B. L. Robinson, clerk of election 4 00 4 00 75. Wm. A. Smith. marriage reports 1 5o 15o 76. Mrs. David Mead, washing for Mrs. Henry 6 5o 6 5o 77. Mrs. J. A. Andrews, nurse " •• 14 00 14 00 78. Mrs. Louise Woodruff, claim 107 00 6o 00 79. Dr. John Goodyear, medical services 51 38 35 00 80. " " {1 13 25 13 25 81,214 41 NO. 8o ADDED BY RESOLUTION OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, IN "HENRY CASE." We, the undersigned Board of Auditors of the Town of Groton, do certify that the foregoing bills were audited by us this 6th day of November, 1884. A. G. CHAPMAN, Supervisor. HUGH HALSEY, JOSEPH MOUNT, LEWIS GROSS, ( Justices. WM. E. MOUNT. J\ J. W. JONES. Town Clerk. ITHACA. The following is an abstract of the names of all persons who presented accounts to be audited by the Board of Town Auditors of the Town of Ithaca, November 6th, 7th, 8th and 10th, 1884, with the amount claimed by each and the amount finally allowed. No. Name. Nature of Service. Claimed. Allowed. x. E. L. Preston. clerk of election 2. John Spence, inspector of election, assigned to Jackson & Bush 3. W. F. McClune, inspector of election, assigned to J. M Heggie 4. C. C. Wood, clerk of election, asigned to J. M. Heggie.. 5. G. W. Stout, " ,. .. ,. 6. E. C. Wanzer, " 41 4• It 7. W. P. Goodwin, 8. Ezra H. Shepherd, 9. C. H. Wilson, Si IO. " '. '' CI I1. J. C. Heath, 41 • Soo Boo 16 oo 16 oo 16 00 I2 00 16 00 16 00 16 00 16 00 8 00 16 oo 16 00 16 oo I2 00 16 oo 16 00 16 00 16 00 8 00 x6 00 16 oo SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 12. Ezra H. Shepherd, Insp. of election, assigned J. M. Heggie 16 00 16 00 13. Geo. Stout, clerk 8 00 8 00 14. Norman Johnson Jr., insp. election,assigned J. M. Heggie 16 00 16 00 15. Martin V. Harty, insp. 16 00 16 00 16. C. D. Johnson, clerk 16 00 16 00 17. E. H. Watkins, insp. x6 00 16 00 1S. E. L. Preston, 16 00 16 00 19. Fred McWhorter, clerk election assig'd to L. S. McWhorter 12 00 22 00 20. John Yohe, inspector 16 00 16 00 22. Henry Willetts, " 16 00 16 00 22. R. Wolf, 66 " 16 00 16 00 23. H. M. Race. " 16 00 16 00 24. Willis H. Moses, " 32 00 32 00 25. C. H. Slocum, " 16 oo 16 00 26. F. A. B. Ridgway, " 16 00 16 00 �7 „ ., 16 00 16 oo 28. O. P. Hyde, clerk 16 00 16 00 �9 „ 16 00 16 00 30. T. H. Coddington. inspector of election 16 00 16 00 31. H. A. Ensign, 16 00 16 00 32. Geo. H. Baker, 4 00 4 00 33• Edward Mowry, " assigned to F. P. Feely ... 16 00 16 00 34• E. C. Marsh, inspector of election 16 00 16 00 35• E. C. Marsh, inspector of election 16 00 16 00 36. J. G. Burns, inspector of election 32 00 32 00 37. Edward C. Dean, clerk 4 00 4 00 38. Palmer W. Shirley " 64 16 00 16 00 39. E. S. Hoagland, " 16 00 16 00 40. Edward J. Brown, " " 16 00 16 00 42. Geo. Landon, inspector " 24 00 24 00 42. W. F. McClune, " 16 00 16 00 43• D. M. Fowler, " 32 00 32 00 44. K. VanOrder, clerk 16 00 16 00 45• H. S. Wright, inspector 32 00 32 00 46. E. H. Watkins, 16 00 16 00 47. John B. Lang, ... 12 00 12 00 48. E. V. Howland, house for election registration, assigned to E..J Bentley 20 00 20 00 49• E. V. Howland, house for election registration 20 00 20 00 50. Steamer Co., No. 6, house 20 00 20 00 51, Hose Co., No. 4, " " 20 00 2000 SUPERVISORS` PROCEEDINGS. 52. Livingstone & Selover, house for election registration40 00 40 00 53. Warner & Co., " " " 40 00 40 00 54. Village of Ithaca, " ld 40 00 40 00 55. A. H. Minturn, excise commissioner 9 00 9 00 56. Michael Mertens, " 45 00 45 00 57. Chas. Bliven, " • p 45 00 45 oo 58. Comfort Hanshaw, " " 36 00 36 00 59. A. J. Evans, reporting marriages 6 75 6 75 6o. Henry F. Spencer, " 2 75 2 75 61. R. D. Munger, " 5 75 5 75 62. Amos B. Beach, '. 3 00 3 00 63. John R. Gregory M. D., reporting births and deaths 6 25 6 25 64. D. White, M. D. " " " II 00 II o0 65. J. W. Brown, M. D. 7 50 7 25 66. S. H. Peck, M. D. 2 50 2 50 67. S. P. Sackett, M. D. ' It 418 75 8 75 68. Geo. M. Beckith, M. D. " 5 25 5 25 69. John A. Northrup, M. D. " II75 75 70. Bina'Potter, M. D. 61 It3 25 3 25 71. Albina Hunter, M. D. 1 75 1 75 72. J. A. Lewis, M. D. " " 9 50 9 50 73. E. J. Morgan, M. D. at at I oo i 00 74. E. J. Morgan, Jr. M. D. 2 25 2 25 75. John S. Kirkendall, M.D. " it7 50 7 50 76. Ithaca Journal Association, printing 117 07 117 o7 77. Ithaca Democrat, " 141 55 141 55 78. Weekly Ithacan, 24 75 24 75 79. Samuel B. Beers,. assessor, assigned to E. T. Turner 250 00 250 00 80. " W. J. Totten 34 00 34 00 81. 41 64600 600 82. Luther Lewis, 42 00 42 00 83. John J. Williams 78 00 78 00 84. F. C. Shepherd, town clerk from Nov. loth, 1883, to July I2th, 1884 252 25 252 25 85. F. C. Shepherd, town clerk from July I2th, 1884, to Nov loth, 1884 •.•• .... 71 55 71 55 86. F. C. Shepherd, registering births, deaths and marriages. loo 55 100 55 87. R. A. Crozier, Supervisor .. 186 53 186 53 88. J. H. Tichenor, member of board of health 4 00 4 00 89. A. A. Hungerford. justice, assigned to J. M. Heggie 79 95 79 95 90 46tt " 89 55 89 55 91. 44 66 " 147 75 147 75 92 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 92. A. A. Hungerford, justice, assigned to J. M. Heggie 81 15 8x x5 93- 44 " " 68 15 68 15 94- 41 46 " 44 66 at 88 35 88 35 95- " it " " 44 35 10 35 ro 96. 46 44 " ‘. 64 ti 80 55 80 55 97- 44 117 25 117 25 98- .6 44 AI 73 60 73 55 99- " Ilt 44 46 " 4 54 90 54 90 roo. t6 ll 46 14 44 34 00 3400 101. T. W. Burns, .. 109 90 109 90 102. 64 92 44 92 44 103. 44 44 124 70 124 70 104. 4. 44 4/ 104 30 104 30 105. cc 46 122 20 122 20 106. 44 44 , 135 24 135 24 107. ' 44 II 30 00 30 00 ro8. Chas. G. Day, 44 assigned to J. M. Heggie .52 75 52 75 109. .. 441 44 '' 4/ Si 55 81 55 110. 44 Id 4.3 55 43 55 III. Wm. J. Totten, It 57 99 57 99 112. " 44 26 00 26 00 113. P. G. Ellsworth, legal services 51 00 51 00 114. Patrick Murray, constable 379 10 379 10 115. .. assigned to W. H. Willson6o 62 6o 62 116. E. G. Phelps, ll 4. J. M. Heggie25 65 22 65 117. " 64 " " 44 85 44 85 118. " " 44 44 4420 43 20 119. tc .. 95 00 79 05 120. J. S. Cody, " assigned to J. M. Heggie7 50 7 50 121. Id 20 20 20 20 122. I. 705 7 05 123. It It 64 33 65 33 65 124. Elihu Hildebrant, 44 4 It 19 02 19 02 125. 46 254 12 232 77 126. .. '' 129 70 61 90 127. 64 73 05 50 50 128. E. C. Marsh, Ho 6o no 6o 129. .. 44 20 00 20 00 130. 44 44 8 oo Soo 131, Geo. Evenilen, 5 19 5 19 132. Chas. Diltz, assigned to J. M. Heggie 1 50 1 50 133. Andrus & Church.... .. 14 75 14 75 134. Louis Breitenbecker 5 00 5 oo SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 93 135. Ives & Ingersoll 5o 5o 136. Dr. J. A. Lewis 2 00 2 00 137. Lewis Ferris 1 15 1 15 138. E. S. & W. W. Esty 5o 00 5000 139. N. T. Mabee 3 00 - 3 00 140. Smith Bros. (John G.) zo oo Io 00 141. J. H. Hymes 2 00 2 00 142. A. B. Stamp 20 50 19 00 143. Finch & Apgar 38 03 38 03 144. John L. Whiton 46 00 46 00 145, Albert Norton 299 5o 299 5o 146. John A. Williams 69 7o 00 00 147. Sheldon & Bliven 5 00 0 00 148. John S. Kirkendall 16 34 16 34 149. E. R. Barney, assigned to L. L. Treman 33 33 33 33 15o. John J. Linderberry, fall 1884, amount paid for help and services of self and team as per B.R 527 02 Received of Supervisor... 425 00 -- 102 02 102 02 154. Jos. King, ag't, commissioner of highway bill 8 03 8 03 155. A. M. Baker, 2 00 2 00 156. C. H. VanHouter, 29 74 29 74 157. C. J. Rumsey & Co., 27 78 27 78 • 158. Treman, King & Co., 3 25 3 25 159. Geo. Small, 50 71 50 71 160. C. S. Wattles, 32 40 32 40 16z. Ira Rockwell, 17 04 17 04 162. Aaron Hedden, St ..... • • • 19 5o 19 50 163. Wm. McKinney, II 50 II 50 164. Wm. Mack, 0. P., fall 1884, amount of bill from Mar. 1st, 1884, to Nov. 6,1884....3,850 66 210 days' services at 52.00 420 00 4,270 66 Received from G. H. Baker. ex -O. P.. 59 59 R. A. Croiier, Sup'r...2,975 00 " • • 458 22 44 " r88 75 ---- 3,68! 56 ---- 589 10 589 xo i65. E. H. Kyle, 0. of P. bill 25 00 25 00 166. White & Burdick, 1 75 r 25 167. Abbie Brakey, " 7 oo 7 00 94 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 168. E. A. Wagener, to 00 5 00 169. Smith Bros., 15.00 15 00 17o. Frank McDougal, to 00 00 00 171. D. P. Hodson, 5 00 5 00 172. Almy & Bouton, 70 00 55 00 173. John Furey, note for O. of P 910 00 Interest 47 oz 957 02 957 02 $8,31498$8,17696 ADDED BY RESOLUTION OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. 176. E. S. Atwood, use of house for election purposes 20 bo 177. J. M. Tompkins, registrar and inspector, assigned to W. M. Smith 16 00 178. J. H. Hymes, use of 'bus 5o 579. J. K. Follett, Sheriff 8 3o ,80. A. C. Hedden. bill gravel 6 4o ,81. " inspector election I2 00 182. Mrs. Sarah Hasbrouck, excess of tax paid 14 85 183. Ithaca Savings Bank, tax erroneously collected 604 65 732 7o Amount of Town Audits $8,176 96 Total ;. ,90966 STATEMENT (SPRING 5884) JOHN LINDERBERRY, COMMISSIONER OF HIGHWAYS. RECEIPTS. Nov. 28, '83, tax from D., L. & W. R. R 27 5o Dec. 28, '83, tax from G., I. & S. R. R. 47 50 Jan. 20, '84, from Supervisor '250 00 Feb. 15, '84, tax U., I. E. R. R 21 50 from Supervisor 27 00 373 50 DISBURSEMENTS. From Nov. 8, '83, to Feb. 18, '84. hmount paid for labor 75 00 " team work 39 00 Jan. 20, '84, to Village of Ithac4 25 00 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Jan. 28, '84, to J. C. King, lumber... 3o to Jan. 29, '84, to Ira Rockwell, lumber 3 38 Feb. r8, '84, to C. H. VanHouter, lumber 13 93 to Geo. Small, lumber 4 03 for bolts 4 86 to C. S. Wattles, lime 9 00 to Treman, King & Co., sundries 3 00 to J. C. Renwick, gravel r 20 IO J. Bates... r5 00 to Servis bill, self 49 00 to balance cash on hand t o0 95 373 50 STATEMENT OF (SPRING 1884) GEO. H. BAKER, EX -OVERSEER OF THE POOR. RECEIPTS. From Nov. 1, '83, to Feb. 19, '84. Nov. t, '83, cash on hand 3o 00 Dec. 24, '83, from J. K. Follett 15 00 Feb. 12, '84, from County Treasurer, excise fine 25o 00 Feb. 15, '84, from Supervisor 185 71 Feb. 19, '84, " ' note to John Furey........ 910 0o 1,390 71 DISBURSEMENTS. From Nov. 9, '83, to Feb. 18, '84 1197 38 Digging grave. 3 00 94 days' service. at $2.00 189 00 Balance cash on hand 1 33 1,390 71 STATEMENT (FALL 1884). RECEIPTS. Feb. 19, '84, from County Treasurer too 00 Feb. 29, '84, cash on hand 2 84 DISBURSEMENTS. From Feb. 19 to 22, '84. As per bill rendered 25 25 9 days' service, at $2.00 18 00 Cash to O. of P., Wm. Mack 59 59 102 84 Ioz 84 96 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. We, the undersigned, tify that the foregoing is a ed and audited or rejected office, in the said Town of ITHACA, N. Y. Nov. 24, 1884. the Town Auditors of the Town of Ithaca, hereby cer- correct list and true statement of all accounts examin- at the meeting of said Board at the Town Clerk's Ithaca, Nov. 6th, 7th, 8th and loth, 1884. R. A. CROZIER, Supervisor. Wht. J. TOTTEN, C T. W. BURNS, Justices of the Peace. A. A. HUNGERFORD, S CHAS. G. DAY. F. C. SHEPHERD, Town Clerk. LANSING. The following is an abstract of the names of all persons who presented accounts to the Board of Town Auditors of the Town of Lansing, on .Nov. 6th, 1584, witli the amount claimed by each and the amount finally allowed. No. Name. Nature of Service. I. No.. Journal, printing 2. ,Chas. G. Benjamin, board of health and messenger........ 3, N. E. Lyon, justice of the peace 4. J. W. Pratt, reporting marriages 5. J. N. Sackett. reporting marriages 6. Geo. Davis, constable 7. Dr. W. H. Barr, reporting births 8. Gardner C. Gifford, copying for assessors 9. Groton & Lansing Journal, printing ro. Albert Vanauken, constable I1. Hurlbut & Underwood, R. R. services 12. John E. McLallen, reporting marriages 13. N. E. Lyon, ag't, use of hall one year 14. Egbert Williams, excise commissioner 15. Daniel Sullivan, Overseer Poor.... 16. M. E. Sperry, lumber for town 17. Dr. W. H. Lockerby, medical service 18. R. Miller, lumber for town ' 19. W. A. J. Ozmun, lumber for town zo. Roswell Beardsley, use of hall 21. George W. Miller, assessor Claimed. Allowed. $2 00 $2 00 4 00 4 00 9 65 9 65 5o 5o 3 00 3 00 4 50 4 50 2 75 2 75 I2 00 I2 00 5 00 5 00 13 55 13 55 308 77 3o8 77 1 75 1 75 15 00 15 00 300 300 8o 5o 8o 5o 136 02 136 02 18 50 18 5o 54 17 54 17 83 61 83 61 5 00 5 00 4400 4400 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 97 22. J. Bruyn Bogardus, assessor 42 00 42 00 23. A. H. Clark, - 53 25 53 25 24. David Crocker, Supervisor, R. R. suits 1,237 91 1,237 91 25. John H. Conklin, Justice o 2 00 2 00 26. James Mathers, constable 7 00 7 00 27. Henry Miller, use of house ... 15 00 15 00 28. W. H. Fitch, clerk of election 4 00 4 00 29. Lafayette Teeter, inspector and messenger.... 9 64 9 64 3o. Andrew J. Brink, inspector 4 00 4 00 31. Oliver Williams, " and messenger. 5 00 5 00 32. Harvey Teeter, 4 00 4 00 33. Isaac Hilliard, inspector and messenger. 5 00 5 00 34. Daniel Lane, " II 72 1I 04 35. John H. Conklin, clerk of election 4 00 4 00 36. Henry M. Field, inspector 4 00 4 00 37. Samson Hedden, clerk of election 4 00 4 00 38. B. L. Buck, 4 00 4 00 39. William Pierce, inspector 4 00 4 00 4o. F. B. Jefferson, clerk election 4 00 4 00 41. James M. Woodbury, Justice 12 00 12 00 42. George M. Letts, town clerk 40 50 40 50 43• David Crocker, Supervisor Lansing 18 5o 18 5o 44. Nelson E. Lyon, Justice 14 00 14 00 45. John W. Smith, Justice 27 5o 17 5o 46. John H. Conklin, Justice 14 00 14 00 47. Franklin Herring, commissioner highways 126 00 126 00 $2,47361 LUDLOWVILLE, Nov. 6th, 1884. We, the undersigned Board of Auditors of the town of Lansing, county of Tompkins, do hereby certify that the foregoing statement of the accounts audited by them at their annual meeting, held Nov. 6th, 1884, is correct. DAVID CROCKER, Supervisor. NELSON E. LYON, JOHN W. SMITH, Justices of JOHN H. CONKLIN, Peace. JAMES M. WOODBURY, GEOEGE M. LETTS, Clerk. TOMPKINS COUNTY, TOWN OF LANSING, SS: I hereby certify the within to be a correct copy of the original as is on file in the town clerk's office of this town. LUDLOWVILLE, Nov. 7th, 1884. GEORGE M. LETTS, Town Clerk. 98 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. ADDED BY RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. 48. S. B. Field, as excise commissioner $3 00 49. S. J. Barnes, inspector election, Dist. No. i, $4 oo, and messenger to Ithaca, $5 00 • 9 00 5o. Fred Barnes, clerk of election, 1 day 4 00 51. Dana Bower, Justice Peace 3 8o 52. John Gallagher, constable 7 8o Amount of Town Audits. 27 6o 2,473 61 Total $2,5o1 21 NEW FIELD. The following is an abstract of names of all persons who presented accounts to be audited by the Town A aditors of the Town of Newfield, on the 6th and 7th day of November, 1884, with the amount claimed and the amount finally allowed. No. Name. Nature of Service. Claimed. Allowed. 1. Jacob Hatmaker, note, highway purposes. . 355 25 355 25 2, " " Willis matter 332 46 322 46 3. Sarah Hatmaker, " " 1.451 o6 1,451 o6 4. Abner H. Stamp, inspector and messenger, Dist. No. 9 96 9 96 5. E. M. Swartwood, " Dist. No. 2 4 00 4 00 6. Samuel Drake, " 41 4 00 04. o0 7. J. B. Phenix, clerk, 4 00 4 00 8. A. D. Brown, " 4 00 4 00 9. Alvah Brown, house for election..... to 0o to 00 20. R. H. Carpenter, ex-Poormaster 14 00 14 00 11. J. C. Everhart, assessor 42 30 42 30 12. Charles Bailey, excise commissioner.... 3 00 3 00 r3. John Boyer, assessor 38 4o 38 4o 14. P. S. Dudley, rent of hall 4o 00 4o 00 25. Harrison Piper, note, highway purposes 102 95 102 95 16. Almira King, interest on note 125 0o 125 00 17. Moses McCorn, assessor 39 to 39 Io 18. C. C. Cook, physician 31 95 31 95 19. Nelson Bush, commissioner highways 166 00 166 00 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 99 20. Lewis Ferris, constable 95 95 21. C. P. Godfrey, physician 67 00 45 00 22. Henry M. Smith, Overseer Poor I2 I0 I2 I0 23. Betsey Bovere, nurse 42 00 15 00 24. Mary Gregg, note, Willis matter 748 71 748 71 25. C. Kresga, inspector. Dist. No. 1 4 00 4 00 26. C. A. Smith, ,, 61 ... 4 00 4 00 27. Wm. Hartranft, 4 00 4 00 28. G. W. Ham, clerk, 464 00 4 00 29. J. W. Dean, inspector and messenger g 64 9 64 30. Ezra Marion, note, road purposes... 208 00 208 00 31. S. D. Cook, town clerk 49 49 49 49 32. Benj. Starr, Justice 19 25 19 25 33. B. B. Anderson, ex -commissioner 3 00 3 00 34. S. S. Todd, " 3 00 3 00 35. R. Horton, Supervisor 55 73 55 73 36. Wm. Hartranft, Justice 23 00 13 00 37. Alvah D. Brown, " 23 50 13 50 38. Albert K. Allen, " 25 00 15 00 39. undertaker 23 00 23 00 $4,017 8o We, the undersigned, the Town Auditors of the Town of Newfield, hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct list and a true statement of all accounts ex- amined and audited or rejected at the meeting of said board, held in the Town of Newfield, Nov. 6th and 7th, 1884. NEWFIELD, NOV. 7th, 1884. ADDED BY RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. 40. I. B. Palmer, R. R. commissioner, 2 days $6 00 41. N. B. Dunning, " " „ 6 00 42. C. W. McCorn, " " 41 6 00 43. D. W. Bailey, X service in equalizing School Dist. No. 12 2 12 44. Henry France, filing marriage certificate 25 45. S. L. Baker, assessment roll 85 46. William O. Newman, morphine for J. Benjamin 15 70 47. N. B. Dunning, express on returned coupons. 35 R. HORTON, Supervisor. BENJ. STARR, WM. HARTRANFT, Justices. A. K. ALLEN, J\J\J\J\J\J\ S. D. CooK, Town Clerk. 37 27 Amount of Town Audits . 4,017 8o Total $4,055 07 I00 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. ULYSSES. The following is an abstract of names of all persons who presented accounts to be audited by the Town Auditors of the Town of Ulysses, on the 60 and 7th day of November,1884, with the amount claimed and the amount finally allowed. No. Name. Nature of Service. Claimed. Allowed. 1. Eugene Baker, medical services $3 00 $3 00 2. W. H. Teed, overseer of poor 19 o0 19 o0 3. E. S. Pratt, bonding commissioner 21 00 21 o0 4. R. C. Taylor, inspector of election 8 00 8 00 5. G. J. McLallen, bonding commissioner 21 00 21 o0 6. H. G. Cooper, clerk of election 4 00 4 00 7. J. M. Stout, " 4 00 4 00 8. W. G. Farrington, excise commissioner..... 7 00 7 00 g. W. A. VanOrder, inspector and messenger 14 96 14 g6 10. Wm. Austin, di 10 13 10 13 11. 0. M. Wilson, inspector and clerk 8 00 8 00 12. Wm. Austin, counsel, commissioner of highways I0 0o 10 00 13. G. H. Stewart, undertaking t8 0o 18 00 14. ' J. Flickenger, medical seryices 18 75 18 75 15• 8 oo 8 oo 16. goo 9 00 17.6 75 6 75 18. L. W. Carpenter, medical services 8 00 8 00 1g ' di di1725 1725 20. It di9 75 9 75 21. J. M. Farrington, medical services 24 48 24 48 22. " " registering vital statistics 3 00 3 00 23, John VanBuskirk, undertaking z8 75 18 75 24. B. F. Tompkins, ex -overseer of the poor 30 00 30 00 25. L. B. Curry, assessor 39 75 39 75 26. A. Chase, medical services 12 50 12 50 27. David Bower, commissioner of highways. 46 00 46 00 28. W. H. Ganoung, " 40 00 40 00 29. H. M. Thompson 42 00 42 00 30. Lewis McWhorter, constable 13 20 13 20 35. Jas. G. McLallen, clerk and stationery 4 25 4 25 32. G. E. Orton, medical services 26 00 26 00 33. " " reporting vital statistics 2 50 2 50 5 40 5 40 34. Wm. Johnson, constable , SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. IOI 35. J. H. Bowman, house for election ro 00 10 00 36. D. H. McLallen, assessor 44 75 44 75 37. L. P. Hand, excise commissioner 1881 3 00 3 00 38. L. J. Wheeler, supervisor 7o 86 7o 86 39. J. R. Emery, justice of the peace 3o 65 3o 65 40. A. P. Osborne, " 38 25 38 25 42. F. M. Austin, town clerk.... 46 53 46 53 42. Henry Hutchings, clerk of election 4 00 4 00 43. " justice of the peace .......... • ro 0o ro 00 44. E. A. Wager, clerk of election. 4 00 4 00 45. " justice of the peace 15 20 15 20 46. A. Chase, medical services 2 00 2 00 47. A. J. Williams, inspector of election 4 00 4 0o 48. T. Boardman, bonding commissioner 31 5o 32 50 49. J. W. Kirby, assessor 40 75 40 75 5o. A. B. Smith, inspector of election 8 5o 8 5o 51. J. S. Lyke, clerk of election 4 00 4 00 52. Mrs. L. Trembly, use of house for election to 00 ro 00 53. J. D. Smith, clerk of election 4 50 4 50 54. Hezekiah VanOrder, house for election 20 00 20 00 55. W. J. Nixon, excise commissioner 6 00 6 00 56. F. A. Kerst, clerk of election 8 00 8 00 57. " health officer 8 00 8 00 58. " medical services. 8 00 8 00 59. Aaron McKeel, overseer of the poor.... rr 5o 11 5o 6o. A. L. Able, excise commissioner 18 0o t8 00 61. James Whitmore, constable 4 55 4 55 62. C. L. Adams, printing 9 5o 9 5o 63. R. W. Ellis, medical services 5 o0 5 00 64. 4t 19 00 19 00 65. D. P. Peters, use of house for auditors 4 00 4 00 66. D. M. Creque, constable 2 00 2 00 67. Wm. Johnson, 21 75 11 75 68. S. P. Thompson, excise commissioner r8 00 18 00 $1,069 21 We, the undersigned, composing the Auditing Board of the Town of Ulysses, do certify that the foregoing is a correct list.of all claims presented and allowed by us against said town. Dated Nov. 7th 1884. L. J. WHEELER, Supervisor. J. R. EMERY, A. P. OSBORNE. Justices. F. W. AUSTIN, Town Clerk. REPORTS. COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT. 7'o the Honorable Board of Supervisors of Me County of Tompkins : The undersigned Treasurer of Tompkins County, respect- fully submits his annual statement of receipts and disburse- ments of the County Funds from Nov. 15th, 1883, to Nov. 15th, 1884, as follows : The receipts from all sources including balance on hand Nov. z5th 1883 amount to the sum of ...7,231 3o The disbursements for the same period for all purposes amount to the sum of 94.920 61 Leaving a balance in my hands of 2,310 69 I hereby certify that there stands this day to the credit of Geo. H. Northrup, County Treasurer, on the books of this Bank, the sum of.... .... 2,310 6g Ithaca, Nov. 17th, 1884. C. W. GAY, Teller, 1st Nat. Bank, Ithaca, N. Y. TOMPKINS COUNTY, SS. Geo. H. Northrup, being duly sworn, says that the following statement is correct, and contains a true report of all monies received, deposited and paid out by him as County Treasurer, since his last annual report, excepting moneys be- longing to the Infant Heir Fund. GEO. H. NORTHRUP, County Treasurer. Subscribed and sworn before me Nov. 17th, 1884. P. J. PARTENHEIMER, Clerk, RECEIPTS. Cash on hand Nov. 15th. 1883 $2,12o 36 One per cent. for fees on State tax of 1883. $284 74 One per cent. fees on School Moneys 141 52 426 26 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 103 ACCOUNT OF TAX LEVY OF 1983. Town of Caroline $3,523 48 " Danby 4,373 51 •' Dryden 11,322 38 4. Enfield 2,823 91 , " Groton 7,522 or '• Ithaca 26,848 05 " Lansing 9,482 44 lt Newfield 4,086 12 Ulysses 8,716 83 78,698 73 FROM TAXES RETURNED UNPAID. Town of Caroline.. 6 gi " Danby . . . 5 59 66 Dryden 46 10 " Enfield 51 " Ithaca 129 16 lt Lansing. 16 14 " Newfield 35 59 240 00 From F. E. Tibbetts Attorney, amount recovered of the bondsmen of John Stark Ex.Collector 110 44 One per cent fees on School Moneys of 1883 132 44 242 88 Fines from Sheriff 232 6o l. Dana Bower, Justice. 1 95 64 L. B. Gross, Justice 13 00 64 G. E. Hanford, Justice 3 00 " T. W. Burns, Justice 47 Io f° A. A. Hungerford, Justice 185 45 483 10 " T. W. Burns, Justice, for Violation of Game Laws 121 29 Less penalties paid Aaron Parish, Game Constable, by T. W. Burns .. 4o 72. 8o 57 Interest on deposits 1 50 Sup't of Public Instruction 9,407 84 School Taxes from Railroads 220 23 9,628 07 Self Suppor ting patients at N. Y. State Lunatic Asylum217 57 " Willard " 665 72 „ to 6 Binghamton " 25 75 909 04 Geo. H. Baker, Overseer of the Poor, Excise Penalties35o 00 0 I04 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. SURPLUS MONEYS. Case of Bush vs. Bush " Woolever, vs. Woolever, (share of Joseph Wool - ever.) Case of Hurlburt vs. Morgan From Wm. 0. Newman, County Sup't of the Poor, amount received from Steuben County..... DISBURSEMENNS. State Tax paid Comptroller $z8,473 75 One-half of Game Fine paid 2142 $28,495 17 2,391 30 34 49 I,o6o 00 565 00 $97,231 30 SCHOOL MONEYS. To Caroline 2,793 72 To Danby 1,521 55 To Dryden 2,901 90 To Enfield 1,170 93 To Groton 2,255 34 To Ithaca... .............. 7,740 49 To Lansing I,986'18 To Newfield 2,025 74 To Ulysses 2,163 61 23,559 46 County audits 9,488 83 " " No. 206 of 1882...., 3 00 Postage for Supervisors' Clerk 15 00 9506 83 GAS BILLS. Jail $150 82 Clerk's Office 34 70 Court House 33 o5 Coal and kindling wood to County Buildings SALARIES. 218 57 218 65 Marcus Lyon, County Judge 2,500 00 Geo. H. Northrup, County Treasurer goo 00 D. P. Hodson, Supervisors' Clerk 150 00 Rev. U. S. Hall, County House Chaplain 5o 00 C. L. Smith, District Attorney 600 00 Wm. E. Johnson, Janitor 175 00 L. H. Kyle, Jail Physician .. 90 00 Amasa Genung, School Commissioner 200 00 S. L. Howe, "' ••••• ••• 20000 J. T. Newman, Special County Judge 5Q00 Clerk of Surrogate's Court 25o 00 5,165 00 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. I05 COURT EXPENSES. Trial Jurors 2,15o 85 Grand Jurors 336 35 Constables 542 84 Stenographers 907 39 Sheriff, attendance at Court 171 00 Under Sheriff, attendance at Court 199 6o Witnesses 50 78 Crier 135 00 Meals to Jurors....... 91 00 District Attorney's disbursments 83 59 Justices of Sessions 84 00 Counsel in Gibbs Case. 45 00 Counsel in Courtright Case 200 00 Commissioners in Courtright Case 60o 00 Publishing Terms 11 20 5,608 6o Cleaning chimneys County buildings to 00 Repairs on Jail and Court House 19 68 Onondaga County Penitentiary 390 to Postage and Stationary, County Treasurer to 7o Aaron Parish Game Constable half of fine. 21 43 Bills Payable 3,020 00 District Attorney's Office Rent ... 200 00 Sheriff's Office Rent 35 00 Western Institution for Deaf Mutes 313 33 Canandaigua Home 928 99 New York State Lunatic Asylum 368 i7 Willard Ayslum. 8,148 94 John Rightmire, Rebate from Willard Asylum 3 62 George H. Baker Overseer of Poor 35o 0o Io,113 65 3,706 91 SURPLUS MONEYS. Funds belonging to the Estate of David Mulks transfered to Infant Heir Fund for investment Paid Court Order Case of Bush vs. Bush Paid Orders County Superintendent of Poor School Districts on the E. C. & N. & S. C. R. R. Binghamton Ayslum. . Incidentals Surrogate's Office Susquehanna Valley Home J. T. Newman examination of Surrogate's accounts 71700 2,100 00 4,821 56 267 01 25 75 7500 259 52 2,817 00 5,448 84 28 00 106 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. NON-RESIDENT SCHOOL TAXES. Paid Orson B. Seely, Trustee of District No. 23, Newfield and Danby Paid George S. Fowler Trustee of District No. 7 Enfield.. Cash on hand 32 35 1 58 33 93 2,310 6g $97,231 30 Cash on hand 2,310 69 Due the Treasury from Town of Caroline 68 alDanby 413 Dryden 16 48 44 " Enfield 47 44 " " " Groton 12 52 al 46 4a Ithaca 16o 36 114tt Lansing 182 al 44 " Newfield 16 o6 " ' Ulysses 57 38 " IC N. Y. State Lunatic Asylum Due the Treasury from County Superintendent of Poor ,." School Dist. (Non -Resident Taxes) " Willard Asylum 151 20 93 84 33 93 290 86 TOTAL ASSETS WHICH BELONG TO THE FOLLOWING ACCOUNTS. County Audits 95 Court Expenses 514 61 Postage 1 5o Interest 2 5o State Asylum for Idiots 16 00 Western Institute for Deaf Mutes 84 Laura M. Sexton 1,069 67 Fuel and Gas 151 82 Game Fines 37 72 SURPLUS MONEYS. Wheelock vs. Wesley Anderson vs. Anderson Smith vs. Mulvahill Bush vs. Bush Hurlburt vs. Morgan Joseph Woolever Io I1 46 4 43 291 3o I,o6o oo 34 49 $3,197 39 $3,197 39' SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. I07 INFANT HEIR FUND. To the Honorable, the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: Investment. MORTGAGOR. DATE. Amounut Amount HEIRS INTERESTED. of of Interest. Mortgage. 1st mortgage. 1st mortaage. Istmortgage. 3d Ist 1st zd 1st 1st 1st 2d 3d zd CC IC ft CC 44. Ist mortgage. 1st 3d .. lst " 1st 1St ft Ist mortgage. 1st ad '° Ist Ist CC Geo. Alexander. A. E. Albright. *Geo H. Bristol. Pheobe Bierce. Tamar A. Chase. Wm. Freese. E. M. Gillam. D. W. Gillow. Harriet Hayes. Lydia Housel. *Elizabeth Howe. *Elizabeth Howe. Wilson I. Hill. Town of Ithaca, 5 per cent Bonds series of 1885, Nos. 76, 78, 79, 8o, $1,000 each. Town of Ithaca, 5 per cent. Bond, series of 1891, No 270, $1,000. Edwin Gillett. John Letts. '1'. J. McElheny. tHenry Mentc. John McArthur. Jesse Manning. John Rumsey. Nathan Stevens. xY. & M. Sneeden. Geo. Simpson. Mary Seabring. Feb. 6, '78 Aug. 31, '78 Feb. 25, '76 May 1, '81 lclar. 29,'83 Nov. 14,'83 Dec. 18, '73 Feb. 11, '84 " 11,'70 Oct. 16, '65 April 1, '75 2, '77 Feb. 15, '76 June 19, '8o April 6, '77 Nov. x, '77 Feb. 7, '76 April 7, '74 Feb. 14, '70 Sep. 7, '81 Mar. 6, '77 MaY 19, .77 Oct . 23, '83 Feb. 17, '83 Mandeville Heirs. Jennie Williams. McKeegan Heirs. Mabel McNeil. Mulks Heirs. Mary Hughes & Child'n Fred Woodin, Morton Heirs. Chas. Cowen. Huron Heirs. Chase " Freese " Adin Morton. Heirs of Chas, Simpson, Mulks Heirs. Housel " Samuel M. Wilson. Surdam Heirs. Haddock " Wilcox •' Broas " Morton " VanHorn " Jennie Williams. Chas. Spaulding. Willis Hayward. Kittie Axford. E. & A. Gillow. D. & M. Woodin. Fred Woodin. Mabel McNeil. Searles Heirs. Hanshaw " C. & A. Ballou. Fred Bunnell. Wilgus Heirs. Mulks Heirs. C. & A. Ballou. Surdam Heirs. Hanshaw Heirs. Fred Woodin. Jennie Williams. Morton Heirs G.,odspeed Heirs. Morton Samuel M. Wilson. Halstead Snyder. Sarah Harrison. Van Horn Heirs. Mabel McNeil. Mulks Heirs. McGowen Heirs. Stevens " C. & A. Ballot:. Hanshaw Heirs. Pilyon Fred Woodin. Griffin Hdrs. Stevens Ilowe " So " Elizabeth Simpson. Mary L. Seabring. $779 73 423 27 58 13 116 20 51 82 88 33 32 23 53 29 767 19 2,148 76 777 21 zo8 51 300 00 337 00 95 00 432 00 300 00 30000 81 88 253 12 250 00 67 96 1,325 6o 300 00 117 12 93 52 93 52 81 69 219 39 19 40 19 40 444 47 89 07 26 56 146 55 129 59 229 82 93 22 416 37 89 94 70 23 61 26 58 75 303 45 801 44 15o 00 1,000 00 292 33 '57 67 1,901 29 391 38 453 22 29 55 326 68 326 66 139 28 2"' 44 38 22 2,444 44 200 00 37 28 462 72 3,388 94 5,066 24 $1,203 00 400 00 767 19 1,148 70 777 21 208 51 300 00 337 00 95 0O 432 00 300 00 3 ,00 8, 88 4,000 00 1,000 00 802 44 15000 1,000 00 450 00 1,901 29 2,921 46 2,444 44 200 011 500 00 3,388 94 5,066 24 io8 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 1st mortgage. 1st 1st mortgage. 1st 1st et Myron A. Sexton. Anna E. Stanford. Eron C. VanKirk. Martha Woodin. Stanley 0. Ward. June zo,'81 April 1, '84 June zo, '72 April 15,'76 May 18,'74 Keator Heirs. Searles " Mabel McNeil. Fred Woodin. Morton Heirs. Griffin " C. & A. Ballou. D. & M. Woodin. Wright Heirs. 2,750 00 855 29 539 33 105 38 400 00 98 00 352 00 905 00 977 50 2,750 00 1,500 00 • 850 00 905 00 977 50 Total amount invested in Bonds and Mortgages $36,156 86 * Worthless Mortgages. j' Mortgage foreclosed and property held for heirs. Geo. H. Northrup, being duly sworn says the foregoing statement, made in pursuance of an act of the Legislature of the State of New York, in relation to Infant Heir Funds in the hands of County Treasurers, passed April 12th, 1848, is correct and represents the condition of the securities belonging to said fund on the 18th day of November, 1884. GEO. H. NORTHRUP, County Treasurer, Subscribed and sworn before me, Nov. i8th, 1884. P. J. PARTENHEIMER, Clerk. DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S REPORT. To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County : Pursuant to a resolution of the Board of Supervisors of said county, passed in 1876; and also itt accordance with Chapter 406, Laws of 1867, I hereby report to your Honorable Board all lines imposed as the result of prosecution in crimi- nal cases, and what disposition has been made of the same since the date of my Last report. SCHEDULE. The following fines were imposed'and have been paid to the Sheriff of Tomp- kins County : PERSONS FINED. OFFENSE. AMOUNT. Edward M. Corcoran Keeping Gaming House 850 00 William Lormor .Malicious Mischief 3o 00 Total amount of fines paid $8o 00 October 11th, 1883, Willard Vanlouter was sentenced to be imprisoned one year in the Onondaga County Penitentiary, and_in addition thereto to pay a fine of X250 and stand com- SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. I09 mitted until paid, not exceeding the term of two hundred and fifty days, to begin after the expiration of said term of one year. On the 27th day of October, 1883, said VanHouter being then in prison, on said sentence, obtained a writ of habeas corpus and thereafter was remanded back into cus- tody. Said VanHouter, by giving a bond for his appearance, has been at liberty the greater part of the time since pending an appeal to the Court of Appeals taken by him from the order remanding him back to prison ; consequently said fine still remains unpaid. On the 21st day of October, 1884, the Court of Appeals affirmed the order of the Supreme Court, which placed said VanHouter back in said penitentiary, with costs of the appeal in the Court of Appeals. On Nov. llth, 1884, the costs in said matter were taxed at the sum of $101.05 with leave to issue execution therein for the benefit of Tompkins County ; and a transcript of the judgment is now filed and docketed in the Tompkins Clerk's Office, and has not yet been col- lected ; but said judgment is good in my opinion and will be paid. No fines have been paid to me, nor has anything been col- lected by me on forfeited recognizances. CLARENCE L. SMITH, District Attorney. Dated, Nov. 15th, 1884. SHERIFF'S REPORT. To the Board of Superzrisors of the County of Tompkins : I have to report that during the past year, ending Nov. 15th, 1884, I have collected as fines the following sums of money, to -wit. : I10 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Dec. 12, William Lormor .$30 00 April 21, Edward Corcoran 50 00 July 29, Doras Vanorman 6 00 " M. Norton to 00 " George Hamilton 25 00 Sept. 3, William Lusk 5o 00 " 13, Carrie Reed 9 8o " " Geo. Sabin 17 o0 " " Andrew Auble 4 8o " 15, Lizzie Flyn 15 00 Oct. 7, M. McGrade 15 00 $232 6o All of which I have paid over to the County Treasurer, whose receipts for the same are herewith submitted. TOMPKINS COUNTY TREASURER'S OFFICE, ITHACA, N. Y., Dec. r2th, 1883. Received from J. K. Follett, Sheriff, Thirty Dollars, fine. GEO. H. NORTHRUP, $30.00. County Treasurer. TOMPKINS COUNTY TREASURER'S OFFICE, ITHACA, N. Y., April 2Ist, 1884. ,Y Received from J. K. Follett, Sheriff, Fifty Dollars. fine. GEO. H. NORTHRUP, $5o.00. County Treasurer. TOMPKINS COUNTY TREASURER'S OFFICE, ITHACA, N. Y., July 29th, 1884. Received from J. K. Follett, Sheriff, Forty-one Dollars, fines. GEO. H. NORTHRUP, $41.0o. County Treasurer. TOMPKINS COUNTY TREASURER'S OFFICE, ITHACA, N. Y., Sept. 3d, 1884. Received from J. K. Follett, Sheriff, Fifty Dollars, fines. GEO. H. NORTHRUP, $5o,00. County Treasurer. SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. III TOMPKINS COUNTY TREASURER'S OFFICE, ITHACA, N. Y., Sept. 13th, 1884. Received from J. K. Follett, Thirty-one and 6o -10o Dollars, fines, committed by Hungerford $4.8o, Totten $17.00, Burns $9.80. GEO. H. NORTHRUP, $31.60. County Treasurer. TOMPKINS COUNTY TREASURER'S OFFICE, ITHACA, N. Y., Sept. 19th, 1884. Received from J. K. Follett, Sheriff, Fifteen Dollars, fines. GEO. H. NORTHRUP, $15.00. County Treasurer. TOMPKINS COUNTY TREASURER'S OFFICE; ITHACA, N. Y., Oct. 7th, 1884. Received from J. K. Follett, Sheriff, Fifteen Dollars, fine. GEO. H. NORTHRUP, $15.00. County Treasurer. J. K. FOLLETT, Dated, Nov. 21st, 1884. Sheriff. SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT. To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins : The undersigned, Superintendent a the Poor of the County of Tompkins, respectfully reports that from the 15th day of November, 1883, to the 15th day of November, 1884, the following named persons have been supported in the County Poor House, viz. : W m. Hollinbeck, 8o days ; Moses Myres, 365 ; Lena Collins, 365 ; Almira Merchant, 173 ; Richard King, 194 ; John Green, 365 ; Mary Strong, 203 ; Al- letta George, 365 ; A. H. Downey, 365 ; Frank Gardner, 202 ; Ida Miller, 359 ; Maud Miller, 342 ; George Miller, 523 ; Wm. H. Griffin, 8 ; Joseph Clark, 4 ; George Ferguson, 4 ; James McNamus, 4 ; John Owen, 3 ; Thomas Boyer, 2 ; Henry Gibson, 3 ; Wm. Kelly, 3 ; Joseph Smith, 4 ; Thomas $urns, 3 ; John SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Gordon, 4 ; James Preston, 4 ; David Kelly, 3 ; George Kelly, 3 ; Daniel Cook, 2 ; George Robinson, 2 ; Chas. Mills, 214 ; Edward Collins, 3 ; James Dunn, 3; Homer Carson, 3 ; James Fowler, 2 ; Thomas Mooney, 2 ; George Allen, 2 ; John Kesshone, 3 ; John Conley, 3 ; John Nolan, 3 ; John Gaylor, 3 ; Wm. Mc Alstron, 3 ; AllRert Benton, 5 ; John Sheldon, 2 ; Chas. Morgan, 57 ; Dennis McCarty, 14 ; John Warren, 2 ; Thomas Leonard, 2 ; George Donald, 2 ; George Donald, 2 ; George White, 2 ; George Simpson, 2 ; John Magee, 2 ; John Murphy, 2 ; Thomas Sweeney, 2 ; Wm. Carson, 2 ; Will Earsley, 02 ; Frank Rogers, 2 ; Henry Gilmore, 2 ; George Johnson, 2 ; John McRisk, 2 ; John Farley, 3 ; James Kelly, 3 ; Thomas Wake, 3 ; Cornelius Bogardus, 107 ; James Hewitt, 236 ; Martin Holden, 2 ; Richard Mahar, 4 ; John Grey, 58 ; Wm. Hod- son, 10 ; Henry Volke, 2 ; Tim Casey, 2 ; Samuel York, 2 ; Wm. O'Haran, 2 ; Don Montci, 2 ; Sarah Montci, 2 ; Frank Smith, 3 ; James O'Connell, 3 ; Jos- eph Vandorn, 68 ; Wm. Graham, 2 ; George Williams, 2 ; James Wilson, 2 ; Frank Shephard, 2 ; Thomas Smith, 2 ; Henry Miller, 2 ; Wm. Be11, 3 ; Pat Connell, 3 ; Henry Robinson, 3 ; John Williams, 3 ; James McCarty, 3 ; Den- nis Shay, 3 ; John Doyle, 7 ; Ellen Coyle, 39. Inmates, 91 ; days, 4,498. CARo1,INE.—Everet Boyer, 365 ; Z. Venable, 365. Inmates, 2 ; days, 73o. DANBY.—Jerusha Cronce. 365 ; Elnora Cronce, 365 ; Wm. Thornton, 365 ; Timothy Hurley, 293. Inmates, 4 ; days, 1,388. DRYUEN.—Charles White, 365 ; John P. Allen, 365 ; Hannah Allen, 365 ; Lee Stevens, 52 ; Win. Greenfield, 18 ; Fred Gleason, 3 ; Frank Corcoran, 138 ; Samuel Greenfield, Ito. Inmates, 8 ; days, 1,416. GROTON.—Rebecca Butler, 365. ITHACA.—Lyman Savage, 93 ; Lydia Bower, 133 ; Daniel McCune. 365 ; Horace Whitehead, 365 ; Emily Vanalstine, 365 ; Daniel Carney, 67 ; Sarah Cranmer, 5. Inmates, 7 ; days, 1,393. ULYSSES.—John Brennan, 365 ; John Sears, 365 ; Daniel Dimmick, 315 ; Isaac Doty. 7 ; Charlotte Doty, 7 ; Mary Cavanaugh, 285 ; James Ferguson, 171 ; Stephen Sherman, 147. Irtmates, 8 ; days, 1,662. LANSING.—Kate Creely, 23 ; Sarah Clark. 155 ; Wilson Marble, 346 ; Barney Moore, 10. Inmates, 4 ; days, 534. NEwF,E1.D.—Lucinda Hoffman, 95 ; Julia Benjamin, 304. Inmates, 2 ; days, 399. Total number of inmates, 127 ; total number of days, 12,385. The whole number of days said paupers have been sup- ported in said county house was 12,38.5, and the amount of drafts drawn on the County Treasurer for bills audited by the Superintendent for the support of the institution during SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 113 said year, over and above the proceeds of the farm, was $2, 564.38. The sums expended for out door relief $r,o24 39 Services of Overseers of the Poor 158 21 Transportation of paupers 8 52 Attorney's fees • 261 02 InSurance on barn. 19 75 Improvement on property .. 1,288 01 Salary of Keeper 240 00 Indoor relief .. 2,564 38 $5,564 28 The following bills in items make up the above amount under the head of improvement on property : Phosphate and plaster •$ 67 49 Grass seed.... 17 19 Wash machine 6 00 Repairs of house and fence,.etc 147 99 Building barn 1,049 34 $I,288 OI Amount of grain and produce raised and on hand (the grain has to be estimated not being threshed) : 30o bushels wheat, all on hand 300 350 barley, 11 .350 150 oats, .150 895 " corn in the ear 750 265 " potatoes 165 125 " winter apples Ioo 6o " cider apples 6o 27 " onions 20 25 " sweet corn . 00 5 " tomatoes o 10 " turnips 10 25 " beets a 25 3o tons hay 15 io acres corn stalks, all on hand 600 heads cabbage .. 450 159 heads celery 125 Soo hubbard squashes 25o • 14 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS.. Stock and material on hand : 3 horses belonging to keeper ; yoke oxen belonging to county ; t bull ; 5 milch cows ; r cow fattening ; 2 yearling heifers ; t yearling steer ; 4 spring calves ; to hogs fattening ; to hogs wintering ; 2 ducks ; 15o common fowls ; 47 tons coal ; t barrel sugar ; 'a chest tea ; 6 doz. candles ; nearly 2 tubs butter ; 50 lbs. tallow ; 51 yds sheeting ; 28 yds denims ; 20 yds skirt flannel ; 18 yds bed ticking ; 4o yds calico ; 5 yds bleached muslin ; r5 pr hose ; t2 pr socks ; to yds shirting ; it yds toweling ; 2 pillows ; 8 shirts ; t straitjacket ; 2 skirts ; t hood ; 5 towels ; 4 ticks ; 8 pillow cases ; 2 night caps ; 4 night dresses ; 3 pr drawers ; 8 chemise ; 8 sheets ; 4 aprons ; 2 overshirts ; 3 pr overalls ; 5 vests ; 2 pr pants ; 6 pr shoes ; 3X pr boots ; t pr men's shoes ; 5 yds full cloth ; 6 brooms ; 3 washboards ; 3 hats ; t 4casks grease. I further report the number of births in the County House to be 1. I further report the number of deaths in the County House to be 7. I further report the number of paupers in the County House, the 15th day of November, 1883, 35. I further report the number of paupers in the County House, November 15th, 1884, to be 35. The average number in the Poor House during the year was 33 68-73. The whole number received. was 92 ; discharged, 82 ; deaths, 7 ; absconded, 3. The average expense of each pauper support above the proceeds of the farm was $75.57. •The average expense per week was $1.45 17-52. In conformity to the 30th Section, Title 1st, Chapter 20, of the revised statute, I, the Superintendent of the Poor, re- spectfully report to the Board of Supervisors that I estimate the expenses for the support of the county and town paupers the ensuing year in the Poor House at $2,500.00. I further estimate the expenses for transportation of pau- pers to the County House at $40.00. SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. ' I15 I further estimate the expenses for temporary relief of county paupers not in the Poor House at $1,600. I further estimate the expense for Overseers of the Poor for their services $200.00. I further estimate for salary of keeper the sum of $500.00. The following bills have been audited by the Superinten- dent of the Poor, and drafts drawn on the County Treasurer for indoor expenses from Nov. 15th, 1883, to Nov. 15th, 1884 : Dec. 5, 1883, Simeon Rolfe, on salary $ 50 00 Wm. Farrington, mending 4 00 J. Kerst & Co., supplies 23 17 E. C. Bagley, meat 13 75 Elias Smith, pork ro 89 Morton Bros., clothing 11 10 C. L. Chapman, " 37 76 Henry Halsey, salt and plaster 25 44 J. M. Farrington, medical service 3 00 Dec. 12, 1883, John Lynch, laying stone wall 21 5o Edward Pyle, pork 34 89 Jacob Vanderbilt, 34 61 Daniel Harrison, 67 53 Dec. 13, 1883, E. A. Wager, 12 15 S. E. Rolfe, 15 57 Emmer Carman, 28 32 H. H. Lanning, 46 8o Andrew Gibbs, 19 62 Elias Easling, 22 05 G. F. Wood, 11 97 David Wilkin, " ... 27 66 J. T. Morgan, 125 52 S. R. Briggs 11 88 Will Stevens 32 61 Henry Hausner, pork 14 76 John Maloney, 32 22 John Colgrove, 38 96 Dec. 21, 1883, Mrs. T. M. Bower, 33 15 Alvah Thomas, ,8 8, Seth Cowen, 24 57 Jan. 2, 1884, Daniel Frazier, potatoes 10 5o Newell & Riddle, grinding 37 27 II& SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Geo. Small, lumber and shingles.... 16 31 Treman, King & Co., repairing stoves 36 75 Ira C. Rockwell, lumber ix 49 F. A. Kerst, house physician. 31 o0 J. L. Whiton, balance of account 178 79 Edward Murphy, meat 169 54 B. L. Almy, repairing shoes 28 75 Gauntlett & Brooks, supplies 40 74 Simeon Rolfe, on salary 150 00 Jan. to, 1884, J. H. Horton, too tons coal 350 00 Jan. 15, x884, Caleb Cannan, threshing. 27 72 Feb. 6, 1884, E. K. Johnson, supplies 19 73 W. W. Esty, salt 2 50 J. Wortman & Son, meat 15 00 Marsh Sr. Hall, supplies . 10 90 Mosher Bros. & Co., clothing 48 25 Hawkins & Todd, supplies .. 3t 70 Winton & Stewart, 62 31 E. S. Rockwell, balance account . 28 90 Almy & Bouton, attorneys 193 70 March 5, 1884, Manning Atwater, supplies 6 96 Jesse Mekeel, use drill, etc to 93 J. C. Stowell & Son, supplies 50 51 Simeon Rolfe, on salary 250 00 June 4, 1884, 75 00 Romain Robinson. work on barn wall 13 50 Amos Lancaster, wash machine 6 00 W. W. Esty, water lime for barn 23 70 Aug. 6, 1884, Newell & Riddle, grinding 30 04 E. K. Johnson, supplies... ... 36 64 C. L. Chapman, clothing . 31 65 Almy & Bouton, attorneys 67 32 C. S. Wattles, grass seed.. 17 19 Sept. 3, 1884, C. F. Rappleye, gutter on barn 23 94 Critenden & Bogart, phosphate 49 49 J. W. Kirby, seed corn 5 00 E. K. Johnson, supplies... 34 09 J. C. Stowell & Son, " 56 96 E. A. Snow, painting barn 7 00 Chas. Vanamburg, painting, etc... .. 41 38 $3,213 41 Superintendent paid Kresga on building barn $ oo oo SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. I17 The whole amount of indoor expenses from the 15th day or November, 1883. to November 15th, 1884, was $2,564 38. County of Tompkins, days board, 4,495 ; cost of board and clothing, $931.36. Town of Caroline, days board, 730 ; board and clothing, $151.15. Town of Danby, days board, 1,388 ; board and clothing, $287.39. Town of Dryden, days board, 1,416 ; board and clothing, $293.20. Town of Groton, days board, 365 ; board and clothing, $75.57. Town of Ithaca, days hoard, 1,393; board and clothing, $288 42. Towit of Ulysses, days board, 1,662 ; board and clothing, $343.13. Town of Lansing, days board, 534 ; board and clothing, $110.57. Town of Newfield, days board, 399 ; board and clothing, $82.59. Total days, 12,385 ; total $2,564.38. The following statement shows the amount due from the county and each town for the support of their poor in the Poor House from Nov. 15th, 1883, to Nov. 1:,th, 1884 : From the County of Tompkins4,-195 days $931 36 Town of Caroline.. 730 151 15 Town of Danby .1,388 287 39 Town of Dryden 1 416 293 20 Town of Groton 365• • • 75 57 Town of Ithaca 1 393 258 42 Town of Ulysses 1,662 344 13 Town of Lansing 534 r 11657 Town of Newfi Id 399 82 59 $1,63302 • I 18 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. The following bills of Overseers of the Poor and others have been audited by the Superintendent and drafts drawn on the G,unty Treasurer for bills contracted out of the Poor Rouse for tetnporary relief of county paupers from Nov. 15th, 1883 to Nov. 15th, 1884 : Dec. 5, 1883, John Vanbuskirk, burying Wilson •$ 19 50 J. Kerst & Co., relief Wilson family 24 53 A. K. Allen, burying Hazzard 19 25 T. M. Howell, relief Henry Lambert 2 00 • Josiah Hawes, 3 74 Jan. 2, 1884, F. A. Kerst, physician to Wilson 7 00 Fremont McFall, burying Lambert child 2 00 Jan. to, 1884, J. H. Horton, coal in Ithaca 87 5o Feb. 6, 1884, B. F. Tompkins, relief county poor 56 74 Wm. Howland, relief Burnside 19 00 M. H. Smith, physician to Burnside 4 00 J. C. Vanderhoof, relief tramps 6 35 J. S. Kirkendall, physician in Ithaca 20 00 T. J. Harrington, drawing coal 10 25 Feb. t8, 1884, Daniel Sullivan, burying Daniel Howard 25 3o Mar. 6, 1884, B. F. Tompkins, relief county poor 16 96 Geo. H. Baker, " . 1Q1 59 Bradford Snyder, relief of Mrs. Robison • 9 8o G. L. Root, physician for Robison 13 00 G. C. Whitley, relief Agnes Willets 35 00 H. H. Robison, relief of Mariah Ostrander 5 00 Aaron McKeel, digging grave for Wilson 2 50 May 7, 1884. Carpenter & Commings burying D. Branard ... 25 00 June 4, 1884, W. H. Teed, relief Rockinstyre and others ......... .... 41 5o July 2, 1884, J. C. Vanderhoof, relief of tramps 5 00 Superintendent's expenses to Owego and Canandaigua40 00 H. H. Robison, relief of county poor 21 12 Bradford Snyder, relief of tramps 1 75 Aug. 6, 1884, G. C. Whitley, relief of Agnes Willets 21 00 Wm. Mack, relief of Mrs. Hays and others 17 73 Sept. 3, 1884 •` county poor, Ithaca 232 14 H. H. Robison, relief of Frank Gardner 18 oo Oct. t, 1884, W. H. Teed, relief of county poor 57 14 Nov. 5, 1884, Daniel Sullivan, relief of tramps 3 oo SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 119 J. C. Vanderhoof, burying Nellie Britt's child 2 00 Chas. Ropt, care of and burying Thomas Hazzard8 00 $t,o24 39 The following statement shows the amount of bills audit- ed by the Superintendent of the poor to the Overseers of the poor, for their services with county paupers from the 15th of November, 1883, to November 15th, 1884. Dec. 5, 1883, Aaron McKeel $4 oo R. H. Carpenter 5 46 Jan. 2, 1884, Josiah McFall 9 75 Wm. Howland 14 00 Feb. 18, 1884, Daniel Sullivan 5 00 Mar. 4, 1884, B. F. Tompkins to 00 Mar. 5, 1884„ Geo. H. Baker 34 00 Bradford Snyder 6 00 G. C. Whitley 4 00 H. H. Robison • 2 00 July 2, 1884, 8 00 Bradford Snyder 2 00 Aug. 6, 1884, G. C. Whitley 2 00 Sept. 5, 1884, Wm. Mack 5o 00 Nov. 5, 1884, Daniel Sullivan 2 00 $158 21 Names of persons transported to the poor house, from Nov. 15th, 1883, to Nov. 15, 1884, with the bills and names of those transporting them as per ti'ansportation book. Names of paupers. Town. By whom brought. Am`t-of bill. Wilson Marble Lansing Daniel Sullivan $2 so Maly Cavanaugh Ulysses. . Aaron i`vIcKeel. 88 Stephen Sherman " 88 Ellen Coyle Ithaca Wm. Mack.... 88 Barney Moore Lansing Daniel Sullivan 2 5o Sarah Cranmer Ithaca Wm. Mack 88 $8 52 I20 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. The following statement shows the amount of produce sold from the farm and how applied. One yoke of oxen $16o 00 337/ bushels of oats 135 oo Hams, shoulders, lard and grease 313 18 $6o8 18 Paid for yoke of oxen $175 00 " grass seed... 33 13 " laying barn wall51 00 " supplies for house 266 15 Bills not collected 112 go $6o8 18 The Superintendent further reports that the P3.S3 report- ed on hand last year was expeIded in conveying insane to the asylum and children to Binghamton and Canandaigua Or- phan Homes. The Superintendent further reports that there is no mon- ey in his hands belonging to the County. Report of the Superintendent of the poor to the Board of Supervisors, fixing the location of those taken to the differ- ent asylums and homes during the year, and where chargea- ble for their support. Emeline Rowen, to Willard, charge to county. Mary Stevens, to Willard, charge to Ithaca. George Miller, to Binghamton, charge to county. Lee Stevens, to Binghamton, charge to Dryden . James Fish, Willard, self support Thomas I. Vanorman, Willard, charge to Ithaca. Grace Green, to Willard, charge to Ithaca. The whole amount of drafts drawn on the County Treasurer $4,404 53 Appropriations made by the Supervisors $4,172 73 Paid to Treasurer by Sup't of poor 555 00 Less amount of unpaid drafts last year's report 863 83 -- $3,873 90 Drafts above appropriation ... $53o 63 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 12I The County is further indebted to Sup't Newman for cash to Kresga the builder Sup't Newman, for cash to Keeper Sup't Newman for insurance on barn $900 00 240 00 19 75 $1,159 75 TOMPKINS COUNTY, SS : I, William O. Newman, Superintendent of the Poor of Tompkins County, do solemnly swear that the foregoing report is true according to my best knowl- edge and belief. W. O. NEWMAN. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 5th day of December, 1884. M. N. TOMPKINS, Notary Public. LOAN COMMISSIONERS' ANNUAL REPORT. To the Honorable the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County : The following is a statement of the condition of the United States Deposit Fund : Amount of fund. Nov. 1, 1883 $39,972 34 Paid the Comptroller, principal 1,520 00 Amount of fund, Nov. r, 1884 38,452 34 Amount on which interest was paid, Oct. 1, '84, $37,302 34 INTEREST ACCOUNT. Interest received on 837,302 34 at different times Principal during the year. The rent of the state farm from April r, '83 to April r; '84 ,84 85 $2,238 14 92 12 1,520 00 6o 00 8o 00 Paid the Comptroller by drafts during the year 1,454 62 Interest on mortgage, No. 779 14 40 Our Commission 262 36 Paid the Comptroller by draft in full 2,258 88 3,990 26 3,990 26 122 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Mortgage No. 779, principal $240, interest $14.40, was ad- vertised because of default having been made in payment in interest. It was, however, paid in full and discharged Nov. 15th, 1884. All of which is respectfully submitted. CORNELIUS LEARY, Loan Commissioners. HENRY H. HOUPT, I, Cornelius Leary, one of the Loan Commissioners for Tompkins County, hereby certify that the foregoing is correct. CORNELIUS LEARY, Loan Commissioner for Tompkins County. RAILROAD BONDING COMMISSIONERS' REPORT. ENFIELD. .To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County : We, the undersigned, Bonding Commissioners of the Town of Enfield, would respectfully report : That bonds have been issued against said town to the amount of twenty five thousand dollars to aid in the construc- tion of the Pa. & Sodus Bay R. R., and delivered to the proper officers of the said railroad company in exchange for capital stock of the same at par. Said bonds are dated March 1st, 1871, and will become due March lst, 1901, and bear interest at the rate of 7 per cent, payable semi-annually, on the 1st day of March and of September of each year. We have purchased four thousand seven hundred dollars of said bonds and canceled the same, which now leaves twenty thousand three hundred dollars outstanding and unpaid. The amount of interest on the same to become due the coming year is one thousand four hundred and twenty-one dAlars, and we request that you cause to be raised by tax on said town the said sum of one thousand four hundred and SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. I23 twenty-one dollars to pay said interest, and also the sum of five hundred dollars to be used as a sinking fund towards the final payment of the original debt. We would also report that we now have on hand as a sinking fund the sum of one thousand three hundred and thirty-six and 43-100 dollars mostly invested in town bonds. ENFIELD, Nov. 5th, 1884. EDGAR BREWER, Commissioners. GEORGE W. BUDD, TOMPKINS COUNTY, SS. : Edgar Brewer, being sworn. deposes and says, that he is one of the Bonding Commissioners of the Town of Enfield ; that the above report signed by himself and Geo. W. Budd is true to the best of his knowledge and belief. EDGAR BREWER. Subscribed and sworn to this 6th day of November, i884, before me. JOHN M. BAKER, 1 Notary Public. To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County : In accordance with Chapter 552, Laws of 1870, I hereby report the public debt of the Town of Enfield to be as follows, viz. . Bonds issued to Pa. & Sodus Bay Railroad Company, under the act to facilitate the construction of railroads passed by the Legislature of 1850, and amended May l8th, 1869 : Amount of bonds issued, rate of interest 7 per cent ¢5,000 00 Amount of principal paid by redeeming bonds 4,70o o0 Balance yet outstanding and unpaid 20,300 00 Interest due March 1st, 1885 $710 5o " Sept. 1st 1885 710 5o $1,421 ou In addition to the above, according to the Commissioner's report, they have now on hand as a sinking fund, mostly invested in town bonds 1,336 43 Total indebtedness $18,963 Si 124 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Resolved.—That at the request of the Bonding Commissioners of the Tow1 of Enfield, there be levied and collected from said town the sum of one thousand four hundred and twenty-one dollars to pay said interest, and also the sum of five hundred dollars to be used as a sinking fund towards the final payment of the original debt. L. T. WHITE, Supervisor. GROTON. To A. G. Chapman, Esq., Supervisor of the Town of Groton : We, the undersigned, Commissioners of the Town of Groton, appointed under the act passed May 18th, 1869, Laws of New York, Chapter 907, would respectfully submit the fol- lowing report : That the amount of Town Bonds issued in aid of the Ithaca & Cortland R. R. is $15,000 00 That the amount of bonds exchanged for stock in the Ithaca & Cort- land R. R. know E., C. & N.) is 15,000 00 That the interest to become due Feb. 1, 1885, is 525 00 " Aug. r, 1885, is 525 00 That we have a sinking fund invested in bonds of the Town of Groton 300 00 That we have in mortgages on real estate 1,025 00 " certificates of deposit for matured coupons 126 17 " '' 682 16 it " cash for matured coupons 57 47 Interest received during the year, $8z 16, included in the above certifi- cate of deposit for $682 16 Therefore we ask for an appropriation to pay interest on said bonds Feb. r, 1885 $525 00 Also to pay interest on same bonds Aug1, 1885 525 00 Also a sinking fund of one per cent.... 150 00 Total $1,200 00 We, therefore, respectfully ask that the sum of twelve hundred dollars, as above, be levied upon the Town of Groton and collected, to be paid over to the Commissioners of said town, to be expended for the above purpose. Dated, GROTON, N. Y., Nov. 22d, 1884. D. H. MARSH, Commissioners. H. K. CLARK, SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. I25 STATE OF NEW YORK, TOMPKINS COUNTY, SSS' D. H. Marsh, one of the aforesaid Commissioners of the Town of Groton, being duly sworn, deposes and says that the foregoing report signed by himself and H. K. Clark, is a just and true report in every particular, so far as deponent has knowledge of the facts therein stated, and in other respects deponent believes it to be true. D. H. MARSH. Sworn acid subscribed before me this 22d day of Nov., 1884. E. A. MARSH, Notary Public. To the Board of . Supervisors of Tompkins County : I hereby report the public debt of the Town of Groton to be as follows: Bonds issued by Commissioners for the I. & C. (now'E., C. & N.) Rail- road bearing seven per cent. interest, payable semi-annually......$15,000 00 Interest coming due Feb. r, 1885. .... $525 00 Aug. 1, 1885 525 00 One per cent. of sinking fund on amount of bonds 15o 00 Total $1,200 00 Resolved.—That at the request of the Bonding.Commissioners of the Town of Groton, there be levied and collected from said town the sum of twelve hu n- dred dollars to be applied as needed, according to their report. A. G. CHAPMAN. ITHACA. To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County : The undersigned, Commissioners of the Town of Ithaca., for bonds issued in aid of the Geneva & Ithaca Railroad, beg leave to submit their fourteenth annual report as follows : Amount of bonds issued and outstanding Sroo,000 00 The interest on said bonds falls due as follows : April r, 1885... 3,50o 00 Oct. 1. 1885 3,500 00 i2E) SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. We, therefore, request that the sum of seven thousand dol- lars, needed as stated above, .to pay interest on said bonds, be levied and assessed upon the Town of Ithaca. We would further report that the sinking fund maintained for thQ purpose of paying the principal of said bonds amounts at this date to $33,338 40, as follows : Amount at date of last report • $$29,io2 29 " • received from Supervisor- 2,500 00 for interest 2,051 1r, less credit prem. acc't 295 001,756 II $33,358 4o And is invested as follows : Town of Ithaca, 7 per cent. bonds $29,500 00 5 2,000 00 Premium account 1,746 39 Cash on hand 112 or $33,358 40 The present bonded indebtedness of the Town of Ithaca, for the purpose above mentioned, is, therefore, exclusive of sinking fund, x;66,641 60, a reduction since last report of $4,256 11. In pursuance of the provisions of the act under which said debt was incurred, we ask that the sum of twenty-five hundred dollars, being 22 per cent. of \ the principal of said debt, be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the Town of Ithaca for the purpose of maintaining a sinking fund for the payment of the principal of said debt. H. B. LORD, Commissioners. O. H. GREGORY, ITHACA, Nov. 11 th, 1884. The undersigned, being duly sworn, do depose and say that the above report to which their names are subscribed is true, and that the statements of account therewith submitted are correct to the best of their knowledge and belief. H. B. LORD, O. H. GREGORY. SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. I27 Sworn to and subscribed before me, this I2th day of Nov., 1884. C. W. GAY, Notary Public. PREMIUM ACCOUNT. Nov. t. balance as per last report March to, 1884, paid on $3,5oo Ithaca 7's.... $1,341 39 700 00 2,041 39 Oct. r, interest applied 295 00 balance as stated 1,746 39 2,041 39 INTEREST ACCOUNT. Mar. 1, 1884, on 2,000 0o Ithaca 5's 5o 00 April r, on 25,760 90 " 7's (see last report) 903 90 on 3,500 coo " 7's from March to April I 14 71 Sept. i, on 2,00000 " 5'S 5000 Oct. 1, on 29,50o 00 _ ' 7's 1,032 5o 2,051 11 Oct. i, paid on premium account 295 00 " balance as stated 1,756 rt CASH ACCOUNT. March 4, 1884, received from Supervisor " for interest (see interest account) 2,051 II . 2,500 00 2,051 II 4,551 11 March 7, paid for balance of $r,000 7 per cent. bond (see last ,report) 239 to " to, paid for $3,500 Ithaca 7's 4,20o 00 Oct. 1, cash on hand as stated II2 OI 4,551 11 To the Supervisors of Tompkins County : The undersigned, Commissioners of the Town of Ithaca, in.pursuance of an act of the Legislature passed June 27th, 1877, to facilitate the redemption of outstanding bonds issued in aid of the Ithaca & Athens Railroad, and authorizing the I28 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. issuing of new funding bonds at a lower rate of interest, do report as follows : Amount of old bonds issued $300,000 00 Less amount redeemed March x, 1879 15,000 00 285 000 00 A like amount of funding bonds at 5 per cent. semi-annually interest both principal and interest, payable in the city of New York, are issued in series of $15,000, each payable in March in each year285,000 00 Less amount redeemed March 1880, 1881, 1882, 1883, 1884 95,000 00 2I0,000 00 We, therefore, respectfully report that there will be re- quired for the coming year the sum of $15,000 on principal of said bonds, and the sum of $10,125 for interest due March 1, 1884, and Sept. 1, 1885, and ask that the salve may be assessed and levied upon the town : Principal $15,000 00 Interest 10,125 00 25,125 00 JOHN L. WHITON, LEONARD TREMAN, - Commissioners. O. H. GREGORY, TOMPKINS COTNTY, SS. : On this x8th day of November, 1884, personally appeared Leonard Treman, of Ithaca, N. Y., to me well known who, being by me duly sworn, deposes and says that he is one of the R. R. Commissioners for the Town of Ithaca, N. Y. ; that the foregoing statement made by him and other Commissioners whose signa- tures appear thereto is correct and true. LEONARD TREMAN. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 18th day of Nov., 1884- 0. P. HYDE, Notary Public. To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: In accordance with Chapter 552, Laws of 1870, I hereby report the public debt of the Town of Ithaca to be as follows : SUPERVISORS' 1ROCEEDINGS. 129 The balance on bonds issued by Commissioners of the Ithaca & Athens R. R. as per Last report $225,000 00 Lev redeemed March I, 1884 15,000 00 210,000 00 The balance on bonds issued by Commissioners of Geneva & Ithaca R. R. as per last report Less reduction 'reported by Commissioners for 1884 70,897 7r 4,256 II 66,641 6o Total bonded indebtedness 276,641'60 Required on account of Ithaca & Athens R. R. bonds to be raised for sinking fund ... 15,000 To " interest on the same 10,125 To be raised on account of Geneva & Ithaca R. R. bonds for sinking fund 2,500 For interest on same 7,000 25,125 00 9,500 00 Total amount to be raised for 1885 34,625 ou R. A. CROZIER, Supervisor. Resolved.—That at the request of the Bonding Commissioners of the Town of Ithaca, there be levied and collected from said town the sum of thirty-four thousand six hundred and twenty-five dollars ($34,625 oo) for the purpose of pay- ing sinking fund and interest as per their report. R. A. CROZIER, Supervisor. NEWFIELD. To R. Horton, Supervisor of the Town of Newfield : We, the undersigned Commissioners of the Town of New- field, duly appointed under the provisions of an act of the Legislature of the State of New York, authorizing towns to subscribe to the capital stock of railroad corporations, and to issue bonds therefor, do respectfully report that it will be ne- cessary for the said town of Newfield to raise by tax the sum of $3,290.00 to pay interest from September 1st, 1884, to Sep- 130 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. tember 1st, 1885, on bonds of said town of Newfield to the amount of $47,000.00 issued to assist in the construction of the Pa. & S. B. R. R, said interest being payable semi-annually, on the first days of March and September of each year. We further report that we have no sinking fund on hand. Dated Nov. 24th, 1884. J. B. PALMER, Commissioners. N. B. DUNNING. TOMPKINS COUNTY, SS. : N. B. Dunning being duly sworn says that he is one of the R. R. Commis- sioners in and for the Town of Newfield, and that the above report is in all re- spects is just and true. N. B. DUNNING. Sworn to before me this 24th day of November, 1884. R. HORTON, Notary Public. To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County : In accordance with Chapter 552, of Laws of 1870, I here- by report the public debt of the Town of Newfield to be as follows : Amount of Bonds issued, rate of interest 7 per cent $52,000 00 Amount of principal paid to November gth, 1884 5,000 00 $47,000 00 Amount of Interest due March Ist, 1885 1,645 00 September ist 1885 1,645 00 $50,390 00 Resolved.—That at the request of the Bonding Commissioners of the Town of Newfield, there be levied and collected from the taxable property of said Town, the sum of three thousand two hundred and ninety dollars, as interest on the above named bonds. R. HORTON, Supervisor. ULYSSES. To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County : The Bonding Commissioners of the Town of Ulysses, sub- ' mit the following report : SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. I3I Amount of bonds issued by said town of Ulysses under Chapter 907, Laws of 1869, and laws amendatory thereof, was seventy-five thousand dollars, dated March lst, 1871, due March lst, 1901, with semi-annual interest at seven per cent. per annum, payable on the first days of March and Septem- ber. Amount of principal paid fifteen thousand (15,000) dol- lars ; amount of coupons due and unpaid, forty-nine dollars. There is deposited with the Union Trust Company of New York, forty-nine dollars. There is loaned on interest one thousand, twenty-eight 96-100 dollars for the benefit of the sinking fund. One year's interest on $75,000.00 . $5,25o.00 One per cent. for Sinking Fund 750.00 $6, 000. oo We recommend that six thousand dollars be assessed on the town for interest and sinking fund. Dated Trumansburg, November 6th, 1884. T. BOARDMAN, Bonding Commissioners G. J. McLALLEN, .for the E. S. PRATT, Town of Ulysses. G. J. McLALLEN, being .duly sworn says the foregoing report is correct to the best of his knowledge and belief. G. J. McI.ALLEN. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 6th day of November, 1884. J. R. EMERY, Justice of the Peace. To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County : In accordance with Chapter 552 Laws of 1870, I hereby report the public debt of the Town of Ulysses to be as follows : Bonds issued to the Pennsylvania and Sodus .Bay Rail- road Company, under the act to faciltate railroads, passed by the Legislature of 1850 and amended May 18th, 1869. 132 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Amount of bonds issued rate of interest 7 per cent $75,000 00 Amount of principal paid Nov. 1st, 1884, as reported by Bonding Commissioners • 15,000 00 Amount of principal unpaid Nov. 1st, 1884 6o,000 00 Amount of interest due March 1st, 1885 2,100 00 September Ist, 1885 2,100 00 Total amount 01 indebtedness September Ist, 1885 $64,200 00 Resolved.—That at the request of the Bonding Commissioners of the Town of Ulysses, there be levied and collected in said town the sum of six thousand dol- lars, for interest and Sinking Fund. L. J. WHEELER, Supervisor. POLITICAL DIRECTORY AND GUIDE TO TOWN OFFICERS. REVISED BY M. N. TOMPKINS. General Election : The first Tuesday after the first Mon- day in November ; 1 Revised Statutes (7th Ed.) page 379. Annual Town Meeting : Last Tuesday in February. Pro- ceedings of Board of Board of Supervisors, 1880. Annual School Meeting in neighborhood : Last Tuesday in August ; Laws of 1883, Chap. 413. Annual Meeting of Board of Town• Auditors, comprising the Supervisor, Town Clerk and Justices of the Peace, or any two of the said Justices: The first Thursday atter the General Election, at which time, all accounts for charges and claims against their respective towns must be presented to them for audit; 1 Revised Statutes (7th Ed.) page 835, Laws 1840, Chap. 805. Annual Meeting of the Board of Town Auditors as above designated, to examine accounts of Town Officers : On the last Tuesday preceding the annual Town Meeting to be held in each town ; Laws of 1863, Chap. 17'2. Annual Meeting of the Supervisors of the County as a Board of County Canvassers : First Tuesday succeeding the General Election ; 1 Revised Statutes (7th Ed.) page 390. Annual Meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Coun- ty : Immediately after the completion' of the Canvass, or at such other time as they, as a Board, shall fix ; 2 Revised. Statutes (7th Ed.) pages 926-931. 134 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Annual Meeting of Supervisor, Town Clerk and Assessors of each Town, to designate the place in each election district in the Town, at which elections shall be held during the year, and to give notice, written or printed, to be posted in at least eight public places in each district containing descriptions of the places so designated, and of the time of opening and dos- ing the polls : On the first Monday in September in each year. Laws 1881, Chap. 137. Meeting of Supervisor, Town Clerk and Assessors of each Town, for the purpose of making lists of Trial Jurors; on the first day of July of each third year after July 1st, 1878, at a place in the Town appointed by the Supervisor, or in his ab- sence or vacancy in office by Town Clerk ; or, if they fail to meet on that day, they must meet as soon thereafter as prac- ticable. Code of Civil procedure, § 1035. The nextaneeting for this purpose will be held July 1st, 1887. County Superintendents of the Poor meet at the County House : The first Wednesday in each month. (The object of these meetings is to audit bills payable from the County Poor Fund. TOWN OFFICERS. Each Supervisor must execute to, and deposit with, the County Treasurer, a bond for the accounting of all School moneys which may come into his hands, .before entering up- on the duties of his office. Each Supervisor must make and deliver to the Town Clerk of his town, his bond for the faithful discharge of his official duties, and to account for all moneys coming into his hands as such Supervisor. The Trustees of School Districts shall report to the School Commissioners between the last Tuesday of August and the SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 135 first Tuesday of September, and dated August 20th, of the year it is made. The school moneys are apportioned annually by the School Commissioners, on the third Tuesday in March. The Commissioners of Highways must execute a bond to the Supervisor of his town within ten days after his election. Overseers of Highways must file a statement of all un- worked highway -tax with the Supervisors of their respective towns, on or before the first day of October. The Tax Collector or Receiver shall, within eight days af- ter receiving notice of the amount of taxes to be collected by him, execute to the Supervisor of the town, and lodge with him, a bond in double the amount of said taxes, to be approv- ed by the Supervisor. The Supervisor shall, within six days thereafter, file said bond in the office of the County Clerk of bis County. Fhe Assessors must complete the Assessment Roll on or before the first day of August, and leave a copy thereof with one of their number, and, immediately thereafter, cause notice thereof to be posted in three or more public places in their town or ward. The Assessors shall meet on the third Tuesday in August, to review their assessments, and hear the complaint of any person conceiving himself aggrieved. An affidavit to the Roll by the Assessors, made prior to the third Tuesday of August, is a nullity. The Assessors must deliver the corrected As- sessment Roll to the Supervisor on or before the first day of September, there to remain for a period of fifteen days for public inspection, and the Assessors shall forthwith give pub- lic notice, by posting the same in at least three of the most public places in the town, or by publishing the same in one or more newspapers published therein, that such Assessment 136 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Roll has been finally completed, the officer to whom the same has been delivered, and the place where the same will be op- en to public inspection. Said fifteen days, within which any assessment may be reviewed by certiorari, shall commence on the day of the first publication. The Assessor cannot en- ter the name of a person on his Roll who became a resident after the first day of July. When the Assessors, or a majority of them, shall have completed their Roll, they shall severally appear before any officer of their County authorized by law to administer oaths, and shall severally make and subscribe before such officer, an oath in the following form, which must be strictly fol- lowed: • "We, the undersigned, do severally depose and swear that we have set down in the foregoing Assessment Roll, all the real estate situate in the Town (or ward as the case may be,) according to our best information; and that, with the ex- ception of those cases in which the value of the said real es- tate has been changed by reason of proof produced before us, we have estimated the value of the said real estate at the sums which a majority of the Assessors have decided to be the full and true value thereof, and at which they would; ap- praise the same in payment of a just debt due from a solvent debtor, and that also the said Assessment Roll contains a true statement of the aggregate amount of the taxable peronal estate of each and every person named in such Roll, over and above the amount of debts due from such persons, respectively, and excluding such stocks as are otherwise taxable, and such other property as is exempt by law from taxation, at the full and true value thereof, according to our best judgment and belief." Whichoath shall be written or printed on said Roll, signed by the Assessors and certified by the officer. Laws of 1884, Chap. 57. SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 137 The Supervisor must report to the County Treasurer, on the first Tuesday in March, the amount of School moneys re- maining in his hands. Each Justice of the Peace must execute a bond with two sureties conditioned for the payment on demand to the proper officer all moneys received by the Justice, by virtue of his of- fice, which bond must be approved by the Supervisor of the town.and filed in the Town Clerk's office. Each Justice of the Peace shall make a report in writing, verified by oath, each year, bearing date the first day of No- vember, to the Board of Supervisors, at their annual session, in which he shall state particularly the time when, and the name of the person or persons from whom, any money has been re- ceived; and also the amount, and on what account the same was received ; also all sums remaining due and unpaid ; and that all moneys by him received have been paid to the officer duly empowered by law to receive the same. Each Justice of the Peace must pay all moneys received by him for fines, within thirty days after its receipt, to the County Treasurer. Criminal Code, Sec. 726. Overseers of the Poor cannot furnish supplies to a County pauper to exceed the sum of ten dollars, without an order from the County Superintendents authorizing further disburse- ments for such purpose. All bills payable by ,towns must be presented to the Town Auditing Board for audit. All bills for supplies furnished to County paupers, must be presented to the County Superintendents of the Poor, for audit. All bills presented to the Board of Supervisors or any Auditing Board, must be verified by oath, stating that the same are correct in every particular, and that no compensa- tion has been received for the same, or any part thereof, ex- cept as therein stated. INDEX. PAGE. ALMS HOUSE, COUNTY—Chaplain of, Salary 2I ANNUAL SESSION OF BOARD 7-73 AUDITS, COUNTY 74-78 TOWN 8o-Ior Caroline 8o-81 Danby 81-83 Dryden 83-85 Enfield.. 85-86 Groton 87-89 Ithaca 8g -g6 Lansing 96-98 Newfield 98-99 Ulysses Io0-I0I BUDGET, COUNTY 65-69 CAROLINE—Audits of 80 Tax of 66 CHAIRMAN—Election Of 8 CLERK—Election of 8-13 Salary of 14 COMPTROLLER—Communications of, to Board 15 COMMITTEES OF BOARD 17 COMMITTEES, REPORTS OF—Treasurer's Accounts 28-29 U. S. Deposit Fund and Insurance 26-29 Printing 23 State Charitable Institutions 35-45 Equalization and Assessment Rolls 69-70 Supt's Accounts and County Buildings 62-65 COUNTY TREASURER—Annual Report of IO2-I06 Infant Heir Fund, Report of 107-108 • INDEX. II DANBY—Audits of 81-83 Tax of 66-67 DISTRICT ATTORNEY—Report of Io8-109 DRYDEN—AUditS of 83-85 Tax of 67 ENFIELD -Audits of 85-86 Railroad Commissioners, Report of 122-124 Supervisor, Report of... 123-124 Tax of 67 GRAND JURY—Apportionment of 25 GROTON—Audits of 87-89 Railroad Commissioners, Report of 124-125 Supervisor, Report of 125 Tax of 67 HIGHWAY TAXES—Returned Unworked 32 ITHACA—Audits of 89-96 Tax of 68 Railroad Commissioners, Reports of 125-129 Supervisor, Report of 128-129 INFANT HEIR FUND—Report of County Treasurer 107-I08 JAIL PHYSICIAN—Election of 47 Salary of 46 JANITOR, COURT HOUSE—Election of 48 Salary of 47 LANSING—Audits of 96-97 Tax of 68 NEWFIELD—Audits of 98-99 Tax of .... 68 Railroad Commissioners, Report of 129-13o Supervisor, Report of 130 RAILROADS—Commissioners of, Reports of 122-132 REPORTS --Committees of Board, Treasurer's, Sheriff's, and Judge's Accounts28-29 U. S. Deposit Fund and Insurance 26-29 State Charitable Institutions 3 -45 Equalization and Assessment Rolls 65-7o Superintendent's Accounts and County Buildings 62-65 Public Printing 23 r- 1 4.1 R�. Thomas B Carroll. LThomas EI Scott, . _ i Henry C Cooper, i a4 • Pierce Pearson, .7 G E q. Isaac E. Dean. t o 0 c tt h V 20 20 20 20 208 20 20 208 — 208 244 247 244 266 266 1267 8 8 8 8 244 247 244 266 269 1267 8, 8 129 120 3fl8 109 666 429 12. 308 108 646 21 -: 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 17.-17 129 120 308 109 666 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 " 17 17 - 17 17 17 17 17 17 ,83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83- 5 5 5` 5 . 5 5 5 5 5 5— '21 - 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 20 26 26 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 71 71 711 71 71 71 71 71 711 71 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 49 41 44 24 24 24 24 24 21 24 24 24 24 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 115 115 115 115 115 117 115 115 115 115 . 3 ',9 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 . 25 25 25 25 25 '25 25 25 25 25 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 37 37 ,37 ,37 37 37 37 371 37 37 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 '1 ' 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 151 151 15 15 15 15 15 15� 15 15 1 1 11 1 1. 1 1 1 1 1 1616 16 16 15 016 16 16 16 16 :.211 211 211 21 211 '21 21 21 21 21 •211 211 211 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 111' 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 11 3,31 3731 3731 3 31 373 3731 3731 3731 3 31 373 m0 -- aA E 8te,•o 0y °m U 47.' 470 C' t•1� ��N tv.00t vm'��pF1� 2582,4)z a ❑a�°w 0 (. 7oO 0 0,0 O 04 0 0 dmpo° m:781,1 m mT7 O ON A tiw°?G8a0 y+OU O 0 Om.©'¢W.'1�mA 1e 8•d mH}, ZUdm"4L13 01,4 zH210m� opa alto f>9p�3y�:d ao t4.0 Fmpr7c.�oW E" o mFa 0 0 John Sanderson, Charles L. Reason. Edward Dodd, Hamilton Barris. '0 0 0 W • Albert Hobbs. Wm. W. Butterfield, William S.'Bartlett. v .a b k c Perrin H. McGraw, 4 O e z ti 4 0 ° m 1b • 4. ° 72 •Q A 244 247 244 266 266 1267 1` `` ro ND oi Nathan J. Milliken. T�. -�i� Twro �� A. Auahson, t Frank H. Wyckoff. 247 244 266 266 1267 tOK iOl0 O'�-,a'»W James H.De(iraff. ate - n `o n " �'Robert N. Marvin, 114 244 47 247 34 244 166 266 169 266 !67 1267 244 247 244 266 266 1267 244 247 244 266 266 1267 244 247 244 766 266 1267 244 247 244 266 266 1267 244 247 244 266 266 1267 244 247 244 266 266 1267 244 247 244 261 266 1267 244 247 244 266 266 1267 244 247 244 266 266 1267 244 247 244 266 269 1267 29 129 20 120 08 308 09 109 64 666 129 '120 308 109 6661 129 120 3fl8 109 666 429 12. 308 108 646 129 129 120 120 3 8 308 109 100 666 666 129 120 308 109 664 129 120 308 109 666 129 120 308 709 666 129 120 308 109 666 129 120 308 109 C66 129 120 308 109 666 129 120 308 709 666 129 120 308 109 666 '129 129 120 121 -308 308 109 ,119 666 .666 129 120 308 109 666 129 120 308 109 666 129 129 76 76 106 106 111 311 129 76 106 311 129 76 106 341 1244 76 106 311 129 1291 1.9 76 76 76 106 106 106 311 311 311 129 129 76 76 106 105 311 .311 129 129 76 76 106 106 311 311 129 . 76 106 311 1,9 76 .106 311 129 76 106 311 129 76 106 311 129 76 106 311 129 76 106 311 129 76 106 311 131 84 84 84 176 276 276 276 64 164 164 164 24 524 524-524 84 276 164 524 84 84 84 276 276 276 164 164 164 524 524 524 84 84 276 278 164 164 524 521 84 276 161 524 84 276 1 4 524 84 276 164 525 84 276 164 524 84 414 276 276 164 164 524 521 84 276 164 524 84 276 164 524 84 276 164 .524 01 LQ 101 22 222 222 123 323 323 111 222 323 101 222 323 101 101 222 222 323 323 101 101 101 222 222 222 323 323 323 1 1 101 222 222 3231 323 1(1 101 101 222 222 222 3231 323 323 101 222 323 101 2244 323 101 222 323 1101 f222 323 149 349 349 349 349 44 144 1441 144 144 93 493 493 493 493 349 349 144 144 493 493 349 344 340 144 .144 144 493.493 493 349 144 493 349 144 493 349 349 349 144 144 144 493 493 493 349 144 493 349 144 473 349 144 493 342 144 493 10 240 66 96 306 2401 240 66 66 306 306 240 .6 306 .240 240 240 624 ,66 66 66 3061 3061 3061 306 240 240 2401 .3081 3061 1036 66 6666 6 206 240 240 66 66 3061 306 240 66 306 240 66 306 240 66 306 240 6 300 159 259 120 320 259 320 259 320 259 259 320 :320 250 259 259 259 3201 3201 320 359 259 3201 3201 259 320 259 320 259 320 259 320 259 320 259 320 252 32( 2101 2101 2101 2101 2101 2101. 2101 2101 2101 2101 219[2101 2101 2101 2101 2101 210 210 ,215 120144201442014420144201442014420144201442014420144201442014420144201442014420144201442014426 - - Jackson Bailey. James Allen, Courtlandt Palmer, G 4 w .I q h h John Hoover. O 7 m b 0 Georeo W Pimm e P q CG ti Jurian Winne. Thomas Farrett, I 0l, P o 0 C ti a 4 g ti 0 h 20 William C Clark, oI O a F d G 2 .� 4 m h •y � w 4 1- O 4 John F Henry, P. C2 m E q q tt c 45 0 1J Armnv Knox. -`i w .;James A Moore, c°Do t3 t1 0, 6' Paul A Mayer,` 24 247 244 266 266 1267 244 24- 244 266 266 1267 244 24 244 261 266 1267 8 21 17 17 1 83 20 E 21 F 17 83 20 8 21 17 17 83 20 8 21 17 17 63 20 8 21 17 17 83 20 8 21 17 17 83 20 E 21 17 17 83 20 8 21 17 17 83 20 8 21 17 17 83 20 8 21 17 17 83 20 8 21 17 17 83 20 8 21 17 17 82 20 8 21 17 17 83 ,20 8 21 17 17 83 20 8 21 17 17 83 20 8 21 17 17 83 20 8 21 17 17 83 20 8 21 17 17 83 20 8 21 17 17 83 20 8 21 17 17 83 5 21 26 .19 71 5 5 21 21 26 26 19 19 71 71 5 21 26 19 71 5 21 25 19 71 5 21 26 19 71 5 21 26 19 71 44 21 46 115 5 21 26 19 71 44 24 47 115 5 21 56 19 71 44 24 47 1151 51 21 26 19 71 44 24 47 115 5 5 21 21 26 26 19 19 711 7' 5 21 26 19 71 5 21 26 19 71 5 21 26 19 71 5 21 26 19 71 5 21 26 19 71 5 21 26 19 71 5 21 26 19 71 5 21 26 19 71 5 21 26 19 71 5 21 26 19 71 5 21 26 19 711 5 21 26 19 71 44 24 47 115 44 24 47 115 44 24 47 115 44 24 47 115 4. 24 47 115 44 21 47 115 44 24 47 115 44 24 47 115 44 24 47 115 4 24 47 115 44 24 47 115 44 21 47 115 44 21 47 115 44 24 47 115 44 21 47 115 441 21 47 115 44 21 47 11` 44 24 47 115 44 24 4 115 41 24 47 115 3 9 4 16 3 9 4 16 3 9 4 1:i 31 3 91 9 4 4 161 16 3 9 4 16 3 9 4 16 3 3 9 9 4 4 16 16 3 9 4 16 3 9 4 16 3 9 4 16 3 9 4 16 3 9 4 16 3 9 4 15 3 9 4 16 3 3 9 9 4 4 16 16 3 9 4 16 3 9 4 16 3 9 4 16 3 9 4 16 3 9 4 16 3 9 4 16 25 12 37 2., 25 121 12 371 37 25 25 25 '25 121 121 12 12 371 371 37 37 25 25 121 12 371 37 25 12 37 25 23 121 12 37! 37 251 121 37 25 25 25 251 25 251 25 12 12 12 121 12 12 12 37 37 37 371 37 37 37 251 25 121 12 37 37 25 12 87 25 12 37 11 '11 1 11 11 1 31 31 3 31, 31 32 1 11 11 11 11 1 3 32 1 31 31 31 3 11 1 1 1 11 1 1 31 3 3 3 31 3 3 1 3 11 1 1 31 3 3 1 3 151 15 1 1 161 16 15 151 151 15 1 1 1 1 16 161 161 16 15 151 151 151 1510 15 1 1 1 1 1 1 16 161 161 161 161 16 151 15 15 15 151 15 15 15 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 161 16 16 16 161 161 161 16 151 15 I5 1 1 1 161 16 16 15 1 ,16 211 21 21 21 211 21 21 21 , 211 21 211 21 211 21 211 21 211 21 21 211 21 21 211 211 211 211 21 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 21 211` 21 21 211 21 `21 111 .111. 11 111 111 111 111 111 111 3731 3731 3731 3731 3731 3731 3731 3731 3731 0 L 0 '0 F A 97 23 42 1211 116 37 F 5) m U c U h A 0 0 297 223 312 309 366 15'7 297 2971 297 2.23 223 223 342 348 342 3119 309 309 366 366 366 1537 1537 1537 297 342 3119 368 1537 c 4 Ti c4. 2u; 223 342 309 366 153" 120 120 12- 120 1201 120 120 127 127 127 127 1271 127 127 [90 190 190 190 199 190 190 45 45 45 45 45 45 4; 182 482 482/4821 482 , 4E2 492 110 101 147 358 110 110 110 101 101 101 147 147 147 338 3.i8 359 110 101 147 359 110 101 147 358, 110 101 147 352 59 144 144 106 1116 59 309 309 591 59 144 114 106 106 309 309 59 141 11`6 309 59 144 106 309 9 92 92 107 107 199 199 92 117 199 92 107 199 92 107 199 92 107 199 258 256 104 104 362 362 253 258 1 362 362 104 258 101 362 2a8 104 362 277 277 277 277 277 .277 76 76 76 76 76 76 353 353 353 353 353 313 D 150 1501 120 4 34 34 34 184 184 184 150 150 34 , 34 184 184 150 34 183 81 208 208 .2081 2081 2081 208 21399213992 3992139921399213992 111 111 111 111 .111 111 111 111. 111 111 111 111 111 111 1: 3731 3731 3731 3131 3731 3731 3 31.3731 3731 3 31 3"31 3731 3731 3 31 371 Bird=eye Blakeman, Benjamin H Warford !Robert Carson. P:' 0 4 W John Winslow, Francis F. Williams, ,t t .0 I�I.��. te.r• 4 d o 0 m p Garrett Roach, c 0. F 0 John A. Stewart. Edw'd H. Ammidoun, CharlesMinzeshoimer David F. Porter. Silas D. Gifford. m a 4 a 0 4 Jacob W. Hoysradt, 244 24" 244 266 266 1257 214 247 244 2116 266 1267 244 24' 244 26r 266 126' 244 247 ,244 265 266 1267 24 247 244 266 266 1267 244 24- 244 266 266 1267 244 24 244 261 266 1267 144 247 244 266 266 1267 244 24" 244 281 266 1267 244 24" 244 266 266 1267 244 24' 244 266 266 1267 244 24' 244 266 266 1257 244 247 244 266 266 1267 244 247 244 266 266 1267 24244 24" 244 266 266 1267 24" 244 266 268 1267 244 247 244 266 261 1267 129 120 308 109 666 129 120 808 109 666 129 129 120 120 308 308 119 109 666 666 129 120 308 109 666 129 129 129 120 120 120 308 309 30 109 109 119 666 666 666 129 129 120 120 308 308 109 109 666 666 129 120 308 109 660 129 12,) 308 109 666 129 120 309 1(9 666 129 129 121. 120 304 808 189 109 666 666 129 121 308 109 666 129 120 308 109 661 1:9 129 129 76 76 76 106 106 106 311 311 311 129 76 106 311 129 276 506 7311 129 76 106 311 129 129 76 76 106 106 311 311 129 76 106 311 129 76 106 311 129 76 106 311 129 76 106 311 129 76 1116 3.1 129 76 101. 311 1291129 76 106 311 70 436 T311 1291 76 1(6 311 841 276 164 524 84 276 164 524 84 276 164 524 E4 276 164 524 84 276 164 524 84 276 154 521 84 84 27o '276 164 164 524 524 84 276 164 524 84 276 164 524 84 276 164 524 84 276 164 524 84 275 164 524 84 276 184 524 84 276 164 524 84 276 164 524 84 276 164 524 101 212 323 101 223 323 101 222 3 3 101 222 323 101 222 323 101 222 323 101 222 323 101 222 3023 101 222 323 101 222 323 101 222 323 11 222 323 101 222 323 101 222 323 101 222 323 '101 222 323 101 222 323 °349 144 493 349 144 493 349 144 493 349 144 493 349 144 493 249 144 493 349 144 493 349 144 403 349 144 493 349 144 493 319 144 493 349 144 493 34P 144 493 349 144 493 349 144 493 339 144 493 349 '144 493 240 66 208 240 66 306 240 66 306 240 68 306 240 240 66 66 306 306 249 66 306 240 66 306 240 66 3 6 240 66 306 240 336 306 240 66 306 240 66 306 240 66 308 240 66 306 2401 66 3061 240 66 308 '259 61 320 259 259 259 61 61 61 320 320 320 259 259 2129 61 61 61 320 320 320 2.39 61 320 259 61 320 259 61 320 259 61 320 259 259 259 61 6161 320 3201 320320 259 259 61 61 '820 .259 61 320 `:2101 210 2101 210 2101 2101 210 2101 2101 2101 2101.2101 2101-2101 2101 2101 2101 4120144201442014420 4420144201442014420144201442014429144201442014420!442014420144201 Flaviue J. Perry, Chauncey Brooks. Joseph F. Hartman, George H. Penfield, Dwight Williame, Justus Miller, Clark L. VanAlien, James H. Bronson,, N o ti › q o f$ a I a• a G c.` c, G a 6 c , z 6 • c ❑ kai m p m — g a,g c c_, N 0 a A c yr~ ro e' E ti 0 O g 0 c5 d w g = BGP a c. A a` 174 D c .) `12 mc _ m -�o�LeonardG.McDonald 7 10 5 14 14 50 7 18 5 '14 14 50 7. 7 10 101 10 -5 5. 5 14 141 14 14 141 14 501 50. 50 7 10 5 14 14 50 7 1' 5 14 14 50 7 10 5 14 14 50 7 10 5 14 14 50 7. 7 171 10 5 5 14 14 14 14 50, 50 7 10 5 14 14 5 7 101 5 14 14 50 7 11, 5 14 14 . 50 7 10 5 14 14 50 7 16 5 14 14 50 -7 10 5 14 14 50 7 10 5 14 14 50 7 19 5 14 14 50 7 10 5 14 14 50 7 15' 5 14 14 50 7 10 5 14 14 50 10 9 23 11 53 10 9 2S 11 68 10 101 10 10 9 91 9 9 23 241 29 28 11 11 11 11 581 53 58 58 10 10 9 9 29 28 11 11 28, 53 10 10 9 9 28 28 11 11 58 58 10 9 28 11 53 10 9 28 11 58 10 9 28 11 58 10 10 9 9 23 23 11 11 58 58 10 9 23 11 58 10 9 23 11 .58 10 9 29 11 5S 10 9 23 11 58 ' 10 9 2S 11 58 10 9 23 11 58 10 9 23 11 58 5 21 26 19 71 .2 2 1 7 12 -2 4 10 12 2 4 18 12 12 2 2 4 4 18 13 121 12 2jf 2 4I 4 18 18 12 2 4 18 12 12 2 2 4 4 181 18 12 2 4 18 12 2 4 18 12 2 4 18 12 2 4 18 12 2 4 18 12 2 4 18 12 2 4 18 12 2 4 18 12 2 4 18 12 2 4 18 12 2 4 18 12 2 4 18 12 2 4 18 44 4 24 2 47' 4 115 11 _21 52 7 E0 . 21 52 7 80 21 21 '52 52 7 7 FO EO 21 52 7 E0 21 52 7 80 21 52 7 80 21' 52 7 80 21 52 7 FO 21 52 7 FO 21 21 52 52 7 7 EO 80 21 52 7 50 21 52 7 80 21 52 7 (0 21 52 7 00 21 52 7 00 21 52 7 EO 21 (2 7 E0 21 52 7 80 21 52 7 50 21 52 7 80 3 9 4. 16 1 25 12 37 '2 I/ 3 12 3 16 73 3 16 13 13 3 3 16 16 18 11 3 3 16 16 13 3 16 13 13 13 13 13 3 3 3 3 3 16, 115 16 16 16 13 3 16 13 3 16 13' 13 3 3 16 16 13 3 16 13 13 3 3 16 16 13 13'13 3 31 3 16 16 16 131 8. 21 13 131 1:3 13 13 13113 13 81 8 8I 81 8 8 81 8 211 211 211 211 21 21 211 21 13 8 21 141 13 18 131 8 8 81 8 211 21 21 211 13 8 21 131 13 8 8 211 21 13 8 21 13 0 21 13 131 13 8 8 8 21 211 21 11 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 41 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 411 151 1 161 1 14 14 141 141 141 14 141 141 141 14 14 14 14 14 141 141 14 141 141 141 14 141 14 14 141 14 141 14 141 141 14 14 141 14 141 141 141 141 14 141 141 141 141 14 211. 2 211 2 111 1 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 6 61 161 61 61 6 61 61 61 61 61 61 6 3731 37. 2671 2671 2671 2671 2671 237 2671 2671- 2671 2671 2671 2471 2671 2671 2671 2671 2,171 2571 2671 2671 2671 267 y53 a U U ;:',``IE v Z p Benjamin Wood, Jacob Windmuller, John T. Agnew, Arthur Leary, John C Valentine. Adolph R Sanger, Charles W Dayton, noses Mehrbach. John Hunter. li ❑ 6 ❑ w — -. iV E .4 i GC a' = (James Fleming. 8 ❑ j a is .. George L. Thompson. William F. Creed. Frederick 8 EaEton, 5 m 0. U C ❑ 1 Loyal C Taber, F a G C 'p .: U d Ci E 47 297 13 223 12 342 )9 3119 16 368 37 1537 297 228 342 309 366 1537 297 223 342 309 3(56 1537 247 223 3t2 :109 366 1547 297 223 312 309 3671 1537 297 223 342 309 3116 1537 297 223 342 809 366 1537 297 223 3(7 309 369.. 1537 297 297 2.3 223 342 342 309 309 366 366 1537 1537 297 221 342 3.9 366 1537 297 221 342 309 3716 1537 297 223 342 3' 9 366 1537 297 221 342 309 366 1537 297 223 24 309 366 1537 297 225 342 309 363 1587 297 223 342 309 366 1527 297 223 34' 309 326 1537 297 223 312 919 368 1537 297 223 342 309 366 1537 297 223 342 309 366 1537 297 223 342 309 366 1537 297 223 242 329 365 1537 10 124 37 127 10 190 51 45 32 12 127 190 45 482 122 127 190 45 481 120 127 190 45 482 121 (24 12 1 12` 190' 110 451 45 432 452 1:25 127 190 .45 492 120 127 190 45 492 121 127 190 45 432 120 120 120 120 127 1271 1271 127 190 190' 190 190 45 451 49 45 48`2 482 482 482 12 127 190 45 482 120 1271 19, 45 482 120 12.1 120 127 127 127 190 190 190 45 45 45 482 4821 4+2 120 127 190 45 49'2 1201 120 127 127 1931 1911 451 45 442 48'' 482 120 127 140 45 493 120 127 190 '45 .449 111 110 )1 101 37 147 48 .358 . 1511 101 147 358 110 101 147 ,358 110 101 147 358 110 101 147 353 110 101 747 358 110 10i 147 3581 110 111 147 358 110 101 147 35S 110 101 147 358 710 101 147 358 110 101 147 358 11, 110 101 101 1471 147 359 358 110 101 147 355 110 110 110 101 101 101 1471 147 14' 3581 359 358 110 101 147 350 110 101 147 353 110 101 147 358 11111 110 101 101 147 147 858 353 59 '59 14 144 16 108 )9 809 59 144 106 309 , 59 144 106 809 591 144 106 309 59 144 106 359 .59 141 106 309 59 144 105 309 59 141 106 309 59' 144 106 31'9 51 59 144 144 106 106 3091 309 59 144 104 309 59 59 59 59 141 144 144 141 106 106 108 106 309, 309 399 309 59 144 106 309 59 144 106 309 59 141 106 309 59 144 101 309 59 144 106 304 59 141 1118 309 50 144 '101 3110 1.2 '92 17 107 19 199 ' 92 107 199 92 107 199 92 107 199 92 107 199 92 92 1071 107 199 199 92 92 92 1071 1071 107 199 199 199 92 92 1071 107 199 199 92 92 1071 107 199 199 92 92 107 107 199 199 92 92 92 1071 1071 107 199 199, 199 92 107 199 92 107 199 92' 107 199 92 107 199 (3 258 258 14 .104 104 i2 362 382 254 104 362 258' 104 362 254 104 342 258 1R4 362 254 104 362 25• 104 362 258 104 362 258 104 362 258 104 362 258' 254 1041 104 3621 362 258 105 382 258 258 104 104 362 862 258 253 1041 104 362 342 258 104 362 258 104 362 258 258 104 104 362 362 258. 104 382 57 277 277 76. 76 76 53 .3531 353 277 277 70 76 353 353 277 2771 277 761 76 76 353 3531 353 27i 277 781 70 358) 353 277 76 353 277 76 353 277 78 353 277 76 353 277 76 353 277 277 76 76 353 353 277' 277 76 56 353 353 277 `277 76 76 353 353 277 76 353 277 76 353 277 70. 353 150 150 10 34 1841 184 1541 1041 1841 18:1 134 150 1841 1841 184 1501 150 184 1841 184 151 184 150 150 184 184 1501 150 1841 184 150 150 184 184 150 .184 150 _184184, 150 81 2081 2081'2031 2081 2091 2081 2081,2091 2031 2081 2041 2081 2031 2081 2081 2081.2081 208 2031 2081 2081 2081 2081 12189921399213992189921399213992139921899213992139921399213992189``92139921399213992189921399213992139921699213992139921; '10131 .. 1 ' 'l V4Ul 041 'G1 "1 11 '1 "'' I 024 '6'l 11 1111 3(41 '200 1�,W f� 3001 'L''J l 11 UIV� 2001 0311 11 Ulla 3021 Jt1U� '' I 3Q'L 304 6571 4011 2561 1761 170) 6 DAI8BY 1 11 850 4171 4111 81 81 433 3991 271 1'21 431 1651 2551 14 4331 1611 2461'111 4'301.1111 2501 111 4271 160 2571 4'271 1691 2%014114466071124205111221856(1 1671 4401 2251 2151 211756112147001 1151 240 .b `3 190 95 951- 81 81 95 95 . 271 12 95 301. 601. 96 301 '661 1 .96 361 601 93 33 63 634 621 90 441 521 671 65 2 Total 1 1 1040 5121512 533 4941 530 201 .315 .14 5341191 33.2 11 533 :20i 316 11 5231193 330152311941329 53111269 -267 .312 305 - 7 'ENFIEL1) 1 84S 4211 1`211 2121 111143111 3811 411 3 4321 2071 2221 31 4211 2191 `2101 2 4311 `2`211 208121 4271 2121 `L 151 4`271 2241 'L 131 4321 `1141 2181,1351'1241 11 Grand Total 1 117024 3171181711233123810311021342517356172712061397014233141521226159251423314478;203!39141423614469120618701141411455718706141271,15781.5364129101245413602133231 277 Scattering—For Judge of the Court of Appeals, Patricl. II. Cowes received one; for Representative 1n Congress, Andre* D. White received one, Mrs. Henry Ward Beecher received one, Jeremiah W. Dwight received one, Anson W. Knettles received one, Blank received one. For Member Ase, d , K, received one, Blank received two. For Sheriff, Aaron Redden received three, A. Redden received three, W. A. Reddenof receisvedmblytwo,Cady Redden receivedreceiveoneone,Thomas Tibbetts rBeechereceived two. For Treasurer, M. W. quick received one, T. H. Nowell received one, Blank received one. For Coroner, Charles D. Johnson received one, Blank received two. For Justice of Sessions, Blank received one. The Board of County Canvassers of the County of Tompkins, having met at the once of the Clerk of said county on the 11th omb, 5tnan' mate the votes given in the several election districts of said county at the General Election held on the fourth day of November day in theP yearoveaforeresa13id,4, do herebyocavass certilydthat. the foregoing is a true Tabular Statement and footings of the votes given at the said election for the officers above named and for each of them. A. G. CHAPMAN, Chairman of Board of County Canvassers. P. J. PARTENHEIMER. County Clerk, and Secretary. STATE OF NEW YORK,I, Philip J. Paenhefiner, Clerk of said County, do Certify that l have compared the foregoing with the original now on Ole and rec- Tompkins County Clerk's office.) sS0 rtord in said office, and do certify that it is a correct transcript therefrom, and of the whole of said original. ..-, {L S 1 / In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name, and affixed the Official Seal of said County, at Ithaca, this 12th day of November, A. D., 1834. J 1'. J. PARTENHEIMER, Clerk. la 171. ALM' 30i®.itL2MINT 5r1 Of the Votes given at a General' Election held on the fourth day of November. A. D. 1881, in the several election districts in the County of Tompkins, for Electors of Presi- dent and Vico-President of the United States : Q'I313N3 2 O E • O 3 " S 3SSd7R co a 01 eN Q In 01 lcmw CO I0 =m CO FL. C0;m 0 0 07 01000 00 t CD 00 FL 10 t`aom H O ••'3hII'I011V t0.. 0100 w w 0 CO 4 O CO a-ew m=1 0 3 "'hOS021J 4010 00^.�,s- X3.1.,0 .P. o 0 70 . 0• 03 . Ca.• P_ C2 -4 1t DC+. �. �- O. DY�O 00 ,0 CO 0• .in "0NISM-6'1 COM. cc — A0a(0 0"c1 00 70 N'a NN,OP DP1-1 W•-• iJ N CLL 00-10 1FL 002-020 J m PC H O z w UawN� Cn www2010 901030-7 Cn co 0.33 CO3 CO KJ CO O Election Districts. Whole No. of Votes. Oswald Ottendorfer, Eugene Kelly, Frederick White. John Dalmar, Charles L. Lyon. n 0 s - w .P w 43. a P .P 10 a 10 10 10 ami Ya 10 10 P 10 1P .P P. Oh. 1_ LIP .P .10, '1- CO '.m w N .-mw = W CO Nm W O 00 0 a W CO 0 CO CO 0 CO COS 0 to w N o .3 O l N 2 r • P N A.702.0 0034000 O �P✓a OL CT 01010 CP -oo WJ NN OJt-W0O O P0O l O J,~l CT 0 -1 N.+ r-;tottor.O. 030 7> C� 70 � x=J 0Ww N .+ m t‘S • .. 0: w Cu 005 CJ 0-11 03 CT 10 1, N Cr r G700 P 1010101 ¢ LIW"0O CO PNN 00 00 CO 0 w w µ CO 04003 0.110.10+ caw 0.0 O-,07170 0 PYt0OJ 8t c.8 , CT r. N Q7r 3.00 Ft. 1CDn�N N 00101010 3400 x1010 l0 0- N 00 x.0.7010 1.+40170 OO P,(010 10F.30C'00 001010 OOH e.0 P. 0..00, 1PCOma, o-, 03.10. 0o , 0170 0010NN �u 1�,NJao oiP .c. cool Mitchell Downing. John B.L'Hommedien Horace Waters. Charles C Leigh, George R. Scott. Samuel Troches, Stephen Merritt. Chauncey Shaffer. James J. Burnet, Joseph A. Bogardus. . .lames Shipman, Matthew L. Ritchie, T. Gardner Ellsworth TA33ULA_ R STATE1VIMl\TT Of the votes given at a General Election held on the fourth day of November, A. D., 1884. In the several election districts in the County of Tompkins for Judges of the Court of Appeals, Member of Congress, Member of Assembly, Sheriff, County Treasurer, Coroner, Justices of Sessions, School Commissioner, and in relation to the Proposed Amendment to the Constitution. 1 11 10051 4991 6001 21 21 11 11 6".91 4501 421 11 6291 2951 '2321 11 5261 '2931 '23'7.1 11 a2'I za'I ‘"111 5231 2861 2421 5261 2341 2421 5261 5151 2111 571 FA, n 1• Court of Appeals. Congress. pp I Assembly. I y. 1 Sheriff. I 1 i Treasurer. I Coroner. 1 Sessions. I I I Proposed School am'd't to Sec. Commis'n', 11 of Art.8 of 'Constitution. Election Districts. Charles Andrews. Virg11 A. Willard. Isaac L. Rice. Pattick' II. Cowan. Whole No. of Votes. John Arnot. Joh- n E. Cady. I llllaud K. Clark James II. Mount. Whole No. of Votes. Aaron C. Redden J. Warren Tibbetts. (Jerome AL Squires. George 11. Northrup. Charles 1) Johnson. CI James A. Lewis. George 11. Beckwith. Whole No. of Votes. John IL Conklin. James R. Emery. Whole No. of Votes. Amasa G. Genung. William F. Smith. Whole No. of Votes. Against. I', 0 Charles A. Rap.; Walter Farringt 0 T o U OO i O 7, o r 54 v O TOWNS. 6 z Thomas K. Benjamin Wh- ole No. y o z 0•" U o .5. 3 Ci 1T14ACA 1 1122 540 540 5 5 16 16 660 498 58 99 4 558 305 24S 5 664 297 26.2 5 501 316 240 5 5581 561 2571 539 3311 258' 560 3'29 251 53 53 2 959 463 462 11 11 6 6 4S2 4421 30 4371 225 243 10 488 214 269 6 486 230 251 t 4811 230 2491 487 217 254 480 229 241 166 157 9 3 1250 585 555 8 S 7 7 606 555 45 6 6111 362 244 5 608 359 243 4 610 339 207 4 605 356 2491 606 350 256 664 335 219 270 269 1 4 1202 579 579 15 131 9 9 601 5561 31 11 603 318 289 15 604 313 276 13 605 306 284 13 587 312 274 592 308 2S4 5S51 333 `252 170 165 5 6 1306 630 4130 10 101 13 13 654 5741 701 101 600 377 269 131 061 370 263 8 661 305 288 8 652 3621 290 653 3711 282 647 397 250 102 88 14 Total 5769 2797 2790 47 47 51 51 2903 2623 237 4012919 1591 1278 48 2925 1553 1333 35 2921 1556 1330 35 2883 1561 1319 2891,1557 15341287611683 1193 761 732 29 DRYDEN 1 518 2491 249 9 9 1 1 261 243 10 8 263 121 1.28 8 264 151 125 6 261 133' 116 G 255 180 125 256 125 1311 39 391 \2 526 236 236 1 12 15 15 273 239 27 7 273 161 101 11 270 138 123 9 267 137 121 9 258 134 124 259 135 1241 I 90 90' 8 1074 497 497 22 22 18 18 523 440 73 8 547 256 274 16 533 193 311 24 574 200 309 25 509 1981 311 509 153 511 205 203 41 542 1561 156 11 11 4 41 1791 1461 21 121 1321 72 94 16 1811 681 101 12 181 501 118 13 1681 51 117 168 61 117 41 36 5 Total... 2460,113S 113S 54 54 38 381123611068;151 35 1263 616 597 51 1248 535 680 51 1243 525 66.41 53 1190 613 671 1192 599 683 1 375 3701 5 LANSING. 1 514 242 242 14 14 1 290 202 80 8 239 122 158 91 203 1251 136 9 2641 1121 1431 9 2531 1151 1351 `253 1181 135 98 96 2 156 77 77 1 1 194 162 32 201 120 80 11 195 121 74 195 105 90 195 105 90 195 104 911 1 1 1 175 21 157 3 502 251 251 295 236 56 2 299 17S 119 2 292 1891 93 2911 1701 1211 253 1721 1211 2931 1721 1211 1101 109 1 Total 1172 570 570 15 15 1 779 600 168 10 789 4201 357 121 755 433 30S 9 750 587 354 9 7411395 3-.6 741 394 341 334 226 1 1 153 GROTON 1 332 14.2 142 22 22' 2 2 1541 1`29 4 1 1 21 164 62 82 20 167 69 80 18 168 61 87 20 150 61 89' 149 62 87 2 922 4191 419 42 421 4631 4091 101 48, 4331 109 330 43 4701 1701 2521 441 46S1 151 2031 49 4151 1501 2681 420 153 267 I 138 136 2 3 555 2701 271 7 7 254 2441 3 7 231) 107 169 •i 279 1101 1621 7i 279 103 164 7 272 IOS 164 272 708 164 225 224 1 Total 1809 831 832 71 711 21 21 5761 7831 17 761 9271 275 581 6i 926 349 494, 731 916 :140 5191 761 840 5191 521 S411 323 518 1 1 3631 300 3 CAROLINE. 1 426, 190 190 14 14 9 9 230 136 30 14 231 125 80 21 230 1101 1091 111 2Su 105 110 11 220 110 110 2.20' 1041 116 1521 147 5 2 670 333 333 2 2 337 317 17 5 334 107 223 4 543 114 221 3 313 171 170 2 340 113 227 340 1131 227 2271 195 32 Total 1096 523 523 16 16 9 9 567 503 47 17 565, 232 306 251 573 2241 3351 141 573 280 2S0 13 560 223 337 560 2171 343 379 342 37 ULYSSES 1 1 1201 655 534 16 161 601 563 311 6 616 266 550 618 '2391 3591 618 253 360 617 '239 333 6141 '256 3:39' 593 233 365 456 485 1 2 322 154 15231 154 7 7 248 2411 1 6 236 1031 14S 5 2581 1021 149 7 2531 1161 135 GI 251 1031 1481 2511 1021 1431 2551 110 145 231 211 20 TotalL !Pill1 TTEMAI 739 73S 231 231 1 1 8491 8041 321 12 872 3691 49S 51 8761 3011 5051 7 8761 3741 495 61 863 3621 5061 8651 357 5071 8531 3431 510 711 696 21 1 11 10051 4991 6001 21 21 11 11 6".91 4501 421 11 6291 2951 '2321 11 5261 '2931 '23'7.1 11 a2'I za'I ‘"111 5231 2861 2421 5261 2341 2421 5261 5151 2111 571 FA, n ®MPKINS e®UNTY. -06E]aIRQ-S - of the ' BOARD OF $UPERVISORS, 1884. PROCEEDINGS • BOARI 0 -1 S —SOF TH -- 3RVISORS COUNTY OF TOMPKINS, JAMES H. GEORGE, MYRON N. TOMPKINS, FOR THE YEAR 1884. 411. Ithaca, N. Y. Journal Hook and Commercial Printing House, 113E14. CHAIRMAN. CLERK. III • SPECIA?�- SESS20N . OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF TOMPKINS COUNTY -1884. Minutes of the Proceedings of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County at an extra session held at the County Alms House, on Friday, October 3d,1884, pursuant to the fol- lowing call : .To Devoe P. Hodson, Clerk of Board of Supervisors : Please call a meeting of Board of Supervisors to meet at County House. Signed, A. G. CHAPMAN, R. A. CROZIER, DAVID CROCKER, J. H. GEORGE, .J. E. BEERS. - Pursuant to the above call, the Board of Supervisors met at the County Alms House and was called to order by" Supervisor Crocker, Chairman of the Board of 1883, on Fri- day, October 3d, 1884. On a call of the roll all the Supervisors from the several towns were present, except Mr. W heeler, of Ulysses, ' who was absent on accoant of sickness. The object of the meeting was stated to be the disposition �f the old barn, and the building of a new wagon house on the County Alms House farm. 6 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. An informal discussion was indulged in by the several Supervisors, after which Mr. Chapman offered the following resolution, which was, on motion of Mr. Horton, adopted : Resolved.—That County Superintendent Newman be and he hereby is empow- ered to sell the old barn now standing on the County Farm, at the best price he can obtain therefor. Mr. Beers offered the following resolution, which was, on Motion of Mr. Crozier, adopted : Resolved.—That the Chairman appoint a committee of three, one of whom shall be County Superintendent Newman, whose duty it shall be to build a horse barn, wagon house and cow shed on the County Farm, at an expense not to ex- ceed the sum of $t,000. The said amount to be raised on the note of the Chair- man of the Board of Supervisors, payable January 5th, 1886 ; the same to -be. built as soon as practicable. The Chairman appointed Messrs. Chapman and Crozier with Supt. Newman as -such committee. The Chairman notified the Board that he had been served with a summons in the Supreme Court, .wherein Charles Per- rigo, Dexter H. Marsh and others are plaintiffs, and the Board of Supervisors are defendants. Whereupon' Mr. Chapman moved that the matter be referred to the Committee on Litiga- tion. Carried. Mr. White offered the following resolution, which was, on motion of Mr. Horton, adopted : Resolved.—That the Committee on Ordinary Repairs investigate the condition of the Court House, and immediately make all necessary ordinary repairs thereon. There being no further business before the Board, the minutes of the days' proceedings were read and approved, and the Board adjourned without day. DEVOE B. HODSON, Clerk. ANNVAI SESSION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF TOMPKINS COUNTY -1884. Pursuant to law, the Supervisors of the several towns of Tompkins County, New York, convened in annual session at the Supervisors' Rooms in the Court House, at Ithaca, in said County, on the 13th day of November, 1884, at 2 o'clock, P. M. The Board was called to order by Devoe P. Hodson, Clerk of the Board of 1883, and on calling the roll of towns in the County, all the Supervisors answered to their names re- spectively, as follows : TOWN. MEMBER. P. O. ADDRESS. Caroline, ROBERT G. H. SPEED, Slaterville Danby,.. JOHN E. BEERS, Danby Dryden,. JAMES H. GEORGE, West Dryden Enfield, LYSANDER T. WHITE, Enfield Groton, ALBERT G. CHAPMAN, Groton Ithaca, RICHARD A. CROZIER, Ithaca Lansing, DAVID CROCKER,...Five Corners, Cayuga Co Newfield, RANDOLPH HORTON, Newfield Ulysses,. LEVI J. WHEELER, 'Trumansburg On motion of Mr. Chapman, David Crocker was unani- mously chosen temporary chairman. On motion of Mr. Horton, the Board proceeded to an in- formal ballot for permanent chairman. 8 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. The chairman appointed Messrs. Beers tellers to superintend the ballot. The informal ballot resulted as follows : of votes cast were 9 ; of which Mr. Crocker received and Horton as W hole number 3 Mr. Chapman received 2 Mr. George received 2 Mr. Horton received Blank received On motion of Mr. Horton, formal ballot was ordered, which resulted as follows : Whole number of votes cast were 9 ; of which Mr. Crocker received Mr. Chapman received Mr. George received Mr. Beers received. Blank received ............ The second formal ballot resulted number of votes cast were 9 ; of which Mr. George received 5 Mr. Beers received 3 3 I 3 I I as follows : Whole Mr. Crocker received On motion of Mr. Beers, Mr. George was declared unani- mously elected chairman. On motion of Mr. Crocker, the Board next proceeded to an informal ballot for Clerk, with the following result : Whole number votes cast, 9 ; of which D. P. Hodson received J. Jennings received James McLachlan received M. N. Tompkins received 4 •3 On motion of Mr. Horton, a formal .ballot was ordered, which resulted as follows : Whole number votes cast, 9 ; of which D. P. Hodson received Mr. Jennings received 3 I SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Mr. McLachlan received Mr. Tompkins received .4 .I The second formal ballot resulted as follows : Whole number votes cast, 9 ; of which Mr. Hodson received 3 Mr. McLachlan received 3 Mr. Jennings received I Mr. Tompkins received .2 A third formal ballot resulted as follows : Whole number of votes cast, 9; of which Mr. Hodson received .3 Mr. McLachlan received 3 Mr. Jennings received ..I Mr. Tompkins received .2 A fourth formal ballot resulted as follows : Whole num- ber votes cast, 9 ; of which Mr. Hodson received... .3 Mr. McLachlan received ..2 Mr. Jennings received 2 Mr. Tompkins received 2 A fifth formal ballot resulted as follows': Whole num- ber of votes cast 9 ; of which Mr. Hodson received 3 Mr. McLachlan received 2 Mr. Jennings received 3 Mr. Tompkins received I A sixth formal ballot resulted as follows : Whole num- ber of votes cast 9 ; of which Mr. Hodson received ... 4 Mr. McLachlan received 2 Mr. Jennings received 3 A seventh formal ballot resulted as follows : Whole number of votes cast 9 ; of which Mr. Hodson received 4 Mr. McLachlan received.... 2 Mr. Jennings received 3 IO SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. An eighth formal ballot resulted as follows : Whole number of votes cast 9 ; of which Mr. Hodson received 3 Mr. McLachlan received 2 Mr. Jennings received 4 An ninth formal ballot resulted as follows : Whole number of votes cast 9 ; of which Mr. Hodson received 3 Mr. McLachlan received. 2 Mr. Jennings received 4 A tenth formal ballot resulted as follows : Whole num- ber of votes cast 9 ; of which Mr. Hodson received 3 Mr. McLachlan received.... 2 Mr. Jennings received An eleventh formal ballot resulted as follows : Whole number votes cast, 9 ; of which Mr. Hodson received Mr. McLachlan received Mr. Jennings.received A twelfth formal ballot resulted as follows: Whole num- ber of votes cast, 9 ; of which Mr. Hodson received •3 Mr. McLachlan received 3 Mr. Jennings received 3 A thirteenth formal ballot resulted as follows : Whole number of votes cast, 9 ; of which Mr. Hodson received Mr. McLachIan received Mr. Jennings received A fourteenth formal ballot resulted as follows : Whole number of votes cast, 9 ; of which Mr. Hodson received 3 Mr, McLachlan received 2 Mr. Jennings received... 4 4 4 2 •3 •3 •3 •3 1 • SUPERVISORS+ PROCEEDINGS. II A fifteenth formal .ballot resulted as follows : Whole number of votes cast, 9 ; of which Mr. Hodson received 4 Mr. McLachlan received 2 Mr. Jennings received 3 A sixteenth formal ballot resulted as follows : Whole number of votes cast, 9 ; of which Mr. Hodson received 3 Mr. McLachlan received 2 Mr. Jennings received 4 A seventeenth formal ballot resulted as follows : Whole number of votes cast, 9 ; of which Mr. Hodson received .3 Mr. McLachlan received 2 Mr. Jennings received 3 Mr. Tompkins received .r An eighteenth formal ballot resulted as follows : Whole number of votes cast, 9 ; of which Mr. Hodson received .3 Mr. McLachlan received Mr. Jennings receivrd 2 Mr. Tompkins received 2 A nineteenth formal ballot resulted as follows : Whole number votes cast, 9 ; of which Mr. Hodson received .3 Mr. McLachlan received .2 Mr. Jennings received - 2 Mr. Tompkins received 2 A twentieth formal ballot resulted as follows : W hole number votes cast, 9 ; of which Mr. Hodson received 3 Mr. McLachlan received 3 Mr. Jennings received 2 Mr. Tompkins received r A twenty-first formal ballot resulted as follows : Whole number votes cast, 9 ; of which 12 • SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Mr. Hodson received a .3 Mr. McLachlan received.... 3 Mr. Jennings received 3 A twenty-second formai ballot resulted as follows : Whole number of votes cast, 9 ; of which Mr. Hodson received .2 Mr. McLachlan received 3 Mr. Jennings received.... 3 Mr. Tompkins received i A twenty-third formal ballot resulted as follows ; Whole number of votes cast 9 • of which Mr. Hodson received 3 Mr. McLachlan received 2 Mr. Jennings received 2 Mr. Tompkins received i Blank received A twenty-fourth formal ballot resulted as follows : Whole number of votes cast 9 ; of which Mr. Hodson received Mr. McLachlan received Mr. Jennings reffived 3 3 A twenty-fifth formal ballot resulted as follows : Whole number of votes cast 9 ; of which Mr. Hodson received Mr. McLachlan received Mr. Jennings received 3 3 3 A twenty-sixth formal ballot resulted as follows : Whole number of votes cast 9 ; of which Mr. Hodson received 4 Mr. McLachlan received 2 Mr. Jennings received 3 On motion of Mr. Wheeler, a recess was ordered for thirty minutes. On re -assembling, the Board proceeded with the twenty-seventh formal ballot for Clerk, with the following result : Whole number of votes cast, 9 ; of which SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 13 Mr. Hodson received .3 Mr. McLachlan received 2 Mr. Jennings received 2 Mr. Tompkins received .1 A twenty-eighth formal ballot resulted as follows : Whole number of votes cast, 9 ; of which Mr. Hodson received 4 Mr. McLachlan received 2 Mr. Jennings received .1 Mr. Tompkins received .2 Mr. Hodson then withdrew his name from further consid- eration with thanks to those of the minority who so earnestly voted for him and urged his re-election as Clerk. A twenty-ninth formal ballot resulted as follows : Whole number of votes cast 9 ; of which Mr. McLachlan received 2 Mr. Jennings received r Mr. Tompkins received 6 On motion of Mr. White, Mr. Tompkins was declared un- animously elected Clerk. The Chairman appointed Mr. Horton as a Committee to notify Mr. Tompkins of his election. Mr. Tompkins then appeared and briefly thanked the Board for his appointment and accepted the office of Clerk ; whereupon the. Chairman declared the Board duly organized and ready to proceed to business. Mr. Crocker offered the following resolution which was on motion of Mr. Crozier adopted : Resolved.—That all resolutions of this Board.presented by the members there- of, be in writing and signed by the Supervisor presenting the same, unless other- wise ordered by the Board. Mr. Speed offered the following resolution which was on motion of Mr. Horton adopted : Resolved.—That this Board convene at 9 o'clock, A. M., and at 2 o'clock, P. M. • SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Mr. Horton offered the following resolution which was on motion of Mr. Crocker adopted : Resolved.—That all county orders issued by this Board be countersigned by the Chairman, and all town orders by the Supervisors of the several towns ; and that no order shall be issued without the consent of the Board until after the final adjournment of this Board. Mr. Crozier offered the following resolution, which was, on motion of Mr. Horton, adopted : Resolved.—That the salary of the Clerk be fixed at the sum of one hundred and fifty dol ars. Mr. Horton offered the following resolutions, which were, on motion of Mr. Wheeler, adopted : Resolved.—That the Committees of this Board be formed the same as they were in 1883. Resolved.—That it shall be the duty of the Committee on Constables', Clerk's and justices' Accounts, to audit all claims of said officers. Resolved:—That it shall be the duty of the Committee on Treasurer's, Sher - ill's and Judge's Accounts to audit all claims and carefully examine all reports and accounts of such officers. Resolved.—That it shall be the duty of the Equalization Committee to equal- ize the assessments of the several towns ; to examine the affidavits of the asses- sors to the several assessment rolls, and to carefully scrutinize and foot said rolls. Resolved.—That it shall be the duty of the Committee on Superintendents' Accounts and County Buildings to visit the alms house at least once during the session of this Board ; to examine and report upon said officers' accounts ; to examine the county buildings and report upon the condition of the same. Resolved. --That it shall be the duty of the Committee on County Claims to audit all claims against the county, except such claims as are otherwise provided for in these resolutions. Resolved.—That it shall be the duty of the Committee on U. S. Deposit Fund and Insurance to examine the accounts of such officers and to see that the County Buildings are properly insured. Resolved.—That it be the duty of the Committee on Printing to procure and arrange for all printing authorized by this Board, andto audit all bills and claims this county for printing that may be presented for audit. Resolved.—That it shall be the duty of the Committee on State Charitable Institutions to audit and examine, and report upon all claims and reports of such institutions which may have claims or have reported to this county. SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 15 A communication to the Board from the State Comptroller was read by the Clerk and was on motion of Mr. Wheeler ac- cepted and ordered spread upon the minutes, as follows : STATE OF NEW YORK, COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE. ALBANY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1884. To the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins SIR :—I enclose a form of statement of the valuation of Real and Personal Estate required to be made by you, pursuant to Chapter 117 of the Laws of 1836, and forwarded to this office previous to the•second Monday in December in each year, under a penalty of fifty dollars. I also enclose a form of Return of Incor- porated Companies liable to taxation. It is indispensable that this Report be fur- nished by the time prescribed. The Board of Equalization of Taxes, in pursuance of Chapter 312 of the Laws of 1859, have fixed the aggregate valuation of property in your County at the sum of $13,602,661, upon which amount a State Tax of $35,026.85 must be levied for the current fiscal year, commencing October tst, 1884, as provided in said act and amendments thereto, by Chapter 351, Laws of 1874, being 2 23-40 mills on the dollar, for the following purposes, viz : For Schools 1 055-1000 mills, per Chapter 417, Laws of 1884 For General Purposes. 95-10o " " 417, " 1884 For Canals 57 -too " 25o and 365, 1884 Total.... ....... 2 575-1000 Your obedient servant, ALFRED C. CHAPIN, Comptroller. P. S.—The non-resident Taxes, credited to your County for 1883, amount to $86.21. Communications to the Board from Willard Asylum were read by the Clerk, and were, on motion of Mr. Wheeler, ac- cepted and ordered spread upon the minutes as follows : STATE OF NEW YORK, WILLARD ASYLUM FOR THE INSANE, WILLARD, October I, 1884. To the Board of Supervisors of Me County of Tompkins : At a meeting of the trustees of the Willard Asylum for the insane, held Sept. 2d, 1884, the Board, as required by law, fixed the rate to be charged for the maintenance of patients for the ensuing year, commencing this day, at two dollars and fifty-five cents each, per week ($2.55). By direction of the Trustees, P. M. WISE, Medical Superintendent. 16 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. WILLARD ASYLUM FOR THE INSANE, TREASURERS OFFICE, OVID, N. Y., October Ist, 1884. To the Treasurer and Clerk of Board of Supervisors, County of Tompkins : You are requested to present the following communication to your Board of Supervisors at the ensuing session : The number of insane peisons in the Asylum, chargeable to the County of Tompkins at this date, is 53. It is estimated there will be required for the maintenance of patients now in the Asylum, for the ensuing year, the sum of $7,049 ; and for clothing, $742 Total, $7,791. In order to comply with the spirit and letter of the law, which requires that all purchases for the Asylum be made for cash, and prohibits the Trustees from contracting debts, the Board of Supervisors is respectfully requested to make the requisite provision for the support of patients in the Asylum, to enable the Treasurer to meet the current expenditures as they occur. Respectfully Yours, J. B. THOMAS, Treasurer. REFERENCES :—Chap. 446, Laws of 1874. Tit. iv., sec. 6. Chap. 541, Laws 1872. Chap. 272, Laws 1879, page 359. Mr. Crozier offered the following resolution which was on motion of Mr. Speed adopted : Resolved.—That this Board take into consideration the matter of publishing the current proceedings in newspapers. After considerable discussion by the Board upon the above resolution, the Board, on motion of Mr. Wheeler ad- journed. SECOND DAY—FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1884. MORNING SESSION. Roll call—full board. Minutes of yesterday's proceedings read and approved. The Chairman announced the following Standing Com- mittees of the Board : SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. COMMITTEES OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, 1884. Chairman—JAMES H. GEORGE. Clerk—MYRON N. TOMPKINS. Constables', Cleric's and Justices' Accounts, Chapman, White, Horton. Treasurer' s, Sherijf's and Judge' s Accounts, Wheeler, Beers, Crocker. Equalization and Assessment Dolls, Beers, Speed, White, Wheeler, Crozier. Superintendent's Accounts and County Buildings, Crocker, Speed, Chapman. County Claims, Speed, White, Crozier.. U. S. Deposit Fund and Insurance, White, Crocker, Horton. Public Printing, Crozier, Beers, Speed. State Charitable Institutions, Horton, Wheeler, Chapman. On motion of Mr. Chapman, seconded by Mr. Crocker, the resolution heretofore offered by Mr. Crozier with reference to publishing the proceedings of the Board was taken up for consideration. The Board discussed the foregoing resolution at consider- able length and Mr. White offered the following resolution which was on motion of Mr. Wheeler adopted : Resolved, That the number of pamphlets of the proceedings published for distribution in the several towns the present year be 4.000 and distributed as fol- lows : Ithaca Boo Enfield... 300 Ulysses 500 Caroline ....300 Danby 300 Lansing .400 18 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Groton 450 Dryden 550 Newfield 400 The Committee on Printing then retired to receive bids for printing the proceedings of the Board, while the remaining members of the Board were engaged in examining and foot- ing the assessment rolls, and making reports of the bonded indebtedness of their towns. The Committee on Printing returned and reported that representatives of the Ithaca Journal and Ithaca Democrat would appear before the Board inc' a short time and make bids for publishing the proceedings. Mr. Wheeler presented the report of the Bonding Com- missioners of the Town of Ulysses, as also his report, as Su- pervisor, of the bonded indebtedness of said town which were on motion of Mr. Crozier accepted (See Reports.) Mr. Speed presented the Abstract of Town Audits for the Town of Caroline which was, on motion of Mr. Chapman, ac- cepted. • See Town Audits.) Mr. Crozier offered the following resolution which was, on motion of Mr. Horton, adopted : Resolved.—That the Chairman appoint a committee to investigate complaint made of condition Index to Deeds and Mortgages of Ithaca, in County Clerk's Office. The Chairman appointed the following committee in pur- suance of the above resolution : Messrs. Crozier, Horton and Chapman. At 12 o'clock, on motion, the Board adjourned. AFTERNOON SESSION. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call—all present. Mr. White presented the report of the Bonding Commis- sioners of the Town of Enfield, as also his report as Supervi- SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 19 sor of the bonded indebtedness of said town, which were, on motion of Mr. Crozier, accepted. (See Reports.) Mr. Speed offered the following resolutions, which were, on motion of Mr. Beers, adopted : .Resolved.—That in accordance with a resolution adopted at the last Town Meeting, the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars, and the additional sum of two hundred and fifty dollars allowed by law, be levied and collected upon the taxable property of the Town of Caroline for therepair of roads and bridges, and the further sum of two hundred and eighty-five dollars and four cents, and interest thereon from April 26th, 1884, to January 1st, 1885, for the purchase of two Pennock road scrapers. Resolved.—That in accordance with a resolution passed:by the Town Board, May 22d, 1884, there be levied and collected upon the taxable property of the Town of Caroline, the sum of three hundred and fifty dollars, and interest from July 8th, 1884, to January 8th, 1885, to defray one-half the expense of placing an iron bridge across the Willow Creek, upon the Catskill Turnpike, on the county boundary. The committee appointed in pursuance of. Mr. Crozier's resolution to investigate the matter of index to deeds and mortgages in the County Clerk's Office retired and went to Clerk's Office to investigate the matter. The other members of the Board were engaged in making their reports, and committee work during the greater part of the afternoon session. On motion, the Board adjourned. THIRD DAY—SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1884. MORNING SESSION. Roll call. All present. Minutes of yesterday's proceedings read and approved. Mr. Crozier offered the following resolution which was, on motion of Mr. Horton, adopted : .Resolved.—That there be levied and collected upon the taxable property of the Town of Dryden the sum of Two Hundred and Fifty dollars for the support of the poor. 4 20 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. The greater part of the forenoon was consumed by the different committees in committee work. On motion, the Board adjourned until 2 o'clock Monday, Nov. 17th, 1884. FOURTH DAY—MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1884. AFTERNOON SESSION. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call. All present. Minutes of last day's proceedings were read and ap- proved. M. N. Tompkins and Bradtord Almy here came before the Board with reference to discontinuing the action of Mary A. Beardslee against the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County and the same having been fully presented to the Board by the above named counsel and after considerable discussion of the matter by the members of the Board, Mr. Crocker pre- sented the following which was duly seconded by Mr. Beers, and adopted : WHEREAS, M. N. Tompkins has appeared before the Board on behalf of Mary A. Beardslee in the action of Mary A. Beardslee against the Board of Su- pervisors of Tompkins County and requested that the plaintiff may discontinue said action without costs, and Mr. Almy also having appeared before the Board, it is Resolved.—That said plaintiff be allowed to discontinue said action without costs. Mr. Crocker presented the Abstract of Town Audits for the Town of Lansing which was, on motion of Mr. Wheeler, accepted. (See Town Audits.) Mr. Wheeler offered the following resolutions which were, on motion of Mr. Beers, adopted : Resolved.—That there be assessed and levied upon the taxable property of the Town of Ulysses the sum of one thousand dollars ($1,000) ; said sum being SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. •2I the amount voted at the last annual Town Meeting for the purpose of building an iron bridge on the town line near Perry City. Resolved.—That there be assessed and levied upon the taxable property of the Town of Ulysses the sum of one hundred dollars ($ioo) ; said sum being the amount voted at the last annual Town Meeting for repairing the Pope bridge. Resolved—That there be assessed and levied upon the taxable property of the Town of Ulysses the sum of seventy-five dollars ($75) ; said sum being the amount voted at the last annual Town Meeting for repairing the Updike bridge. Resolved.—That in accordance with a resolution adopted by the Town Board, April Igth, 1884, there be assessed and levied upon the taxable property of the Town of Ulysses the sum of two hundred dollars ($20o) ; said sum to be used by the Commissioners of Highways for repairing the Cayuga Street Railroad Bridge. Resolved.—That there be assessed and levied upon the taxable property of the Town of Ulysses the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars ($25o) ; said amount to be applied by the Commissioners of Highways for maintaining highways and bridges. Mr. Crozier offered the following resolution, which, on motion of Ml•. Beers, was adopted : Resolved.—That the publishing of the current proceedings of this Board be given to the Ithaca Daily and Weekly Journal for forty cents per folio, including Town and County Audits, and Supervisors' Accounts ; and to the Weekly Demo- crat for twenty-five cents per folio, as above. Mr. Wheeler offered the following resolution, which, on motion of Mr. Beers, was adopted : Resolved.—That there be appropriated the sum of fifty dollars ($5o) as com- pensation for Chaplain's services at the County Alms House for the ensuing year ; and that in case of any death occurring at said Alms House, the Chaplain be required to officiate at the burial. A greater portion of the session was spent by the commit- tees in examining county bills. • On motion, the Board adjourned. FIFTH DAY—TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1884. • MORNING SESSION, Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call. All present. 22. SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Minutes of yesterday's proceedings were read and ap- proved. The following resolution was offered by Mr. White, and on motion of Mr. Horton, was adopted.: Resolved.—That no bills be received by this Board for audit after Saturday, Nov. 22d, at ro o'clock A. M., unless by unanimous consent, except bills incurred by this Board. Mr. Wheeler then presented the Abstract of Town Audits for the Town of Ulysses which was, on motion of Mr. Crock- er, accepted. (See Town Audits.) Mr. Speed offered the following resolution which was, on motion or V • \ he -ler. adopted : Resola,ucrordance with a resolution passed at the last Town Meet- ing. the surn of (Joe Hundred and Fifty dollars be levied and collected upon the taxable property of the Town of Caroline for the support of the poor. Mr. Horton offered the following resolution, which was', on motion of Mr. Crocker, adopted : Resolved.—That the following items be added to the Town Audits of the Town of Newfield, to -wit. : I. B. Palmer, R. R. Commissioner, 2 days .$6.00 N. B. Dunning, ` it " . 6.00 C. W. McCorn, " • 6.00 D. W. Bailey, y services in equalizing School Dist. No. 122.12 Henry France, filing marriage certificate... . .25 S. L. Baker, assessment roll .85 Mr. Horton here presented the abstract of Town Audits for the Town of Newfield, which was, on motion of Mr. Crocker, accepted. (See Town Audits.) The Chairman here read the following petition : IN THE MATTER OF THE ASSESSMENT OF EDWIN BUSH. To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County : Of The petition of Edwin Bush shows : That he is a resident of the Town of Lansing, and as such, is assessed for all property owned by him in said town. That his wife, Sarah F. Bush is the owner of certain real estate situated in the Town of Dryden, viz. : A farm occupied by Frank Bush, and for several years l • SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. .23 last past assessed to him in the assessment roll of the Town of Dryden. That said farm is assessed in the assessment roll of the Town of Dryden, for 1884, as heretofore, to the said Frank Bush. That the same premises have likewise been assessed for the Town of Lansing, for the year of 1884, and are in the roll of the said town assessed to your petitioner, Edwin Bush. That your petitioner is the lawfully authorized agent of his wife, Sarah F. Bush, and acts in her behalf as well as his own. Your petitioner, therefore, respectfully requests that the assessment of the said premises be stricken from the assessment rolls of the Town of Dryden, or else from the rolls of the Town of Lansing. Signed, EDWIN BUSH. Nov. 17, 1884. Edwin Bush, of the Town of Lansing, County of Tompkins, N. Y., being duly sworn, says that he has heard read the foregoing petition by him subscribed and knows the contents thereof ; and that the same is true to the best of his knowledge and belief. EDWIN BUSH. Sworn before me, Nov. 17th, 1884. A. A. HUNGERFORD, Justice Peace. Mr. George W. Miller, one of the Assessors of the Town of Lansing appeared before the Board with reference to the above petition and gave the reasons why the property in ques- tion was assessed in the Town of Lapsing. Mr. Crocker moved that the above matter be referred to a committee of two to consider the same and report. The Chair appointed the following members as such com- mittee: Messrs. Beers and Horton. Mr. Beers offered the following resolution which was, on motion of Mr. Crozier, adopted : Resolved.—That there be published 4,000 copies of the proceedings of the Board of Supervisors in book form, and that the Ithaca Journal Association be employed to do the work, and that they be allowed $2.65 per page for the same. Mr. Speed, Chairman of the Committee on County Claims reported upon the following bills which were audited seriatim by the Board in conformity with the recommendation of the Committee : 24 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Bilis numbers, 2, to, -13, 19, 20, 24, 25, 26, 30, 32, 35, 37, 38, 40, 45, 44. 47, 36. The Clerk here read the report of the District Attorney which, on motion, of Mr. Beers, was accepted and ordered spread on the minutes. (See Reports.) Mr. Speed offered the following resolution which, on mo- tion of Mr. Crozier, was adopted : Resolved.—That Bill No. 14 of thirty-five dollars for burial expenses, and Bill No. 15 of fifteen dollars for a suitable tombstone, in case of William Patterson, a deceased soldier of the town of Ithaca, be allowed, and the amounts be added to the Audits of the town of Ithaca. At 12 o'clock, the Board adjourned. AFTERNOON SESSION. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call. All present. Drs. Lewis and Northup appeared before the Board and made statements with reference to their bills presented to the Board for their services in the Kilstrom and Roffman cases. Mr. Chapman, Chairman of the (Committee on Constables', Clerk's and Justices' Accounts, reported upon the following bills which were audited seriatim by the Board in conformity with the recommendation of the Committee : Bills numbers, 6, 11, 17, 22, 29, 52. Mr. White offered the following resolution which was, on motion of Mr. Wheeler, adopted.: Resolved,—That there be assessed and levied upon the taxable property of the Town of Enfield the sum of $250, said amount to be applied by the Commission- er of Highways for maintaining highways and bridges. On motion, the Board adjourned. SIXTH DAY—WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1884. MORNING SESSION. Roll call. All present except Mr. Beers. Minutes of yesterday's proceedings read and approved. SUPL"RVISORS PROCEEDINGS. 2$ Mr.. Jeremy Smith here appeared before the Board and advocated a new system for the selection of jurors. Mr. Crozier presented the report of the Bonding Commis- sioners of the Town of Ithaca, as also his report as Supervi- sor together,with the subjoined resolution of the bonded in- debtedness of said Town, which reports were, on motion of Mr. Chapman, accepted and the resolution adopted. (See Reports.) Mr. Crocker offered the following resolution which, on motion of Mr. Crozier, was adopted . Resolved.—That the Board having received an invitation from the County Superintendent of the Poor and in accordance with law do visit the County Alms House in a body on Friday, Nov. 21st, 1884. Mr. Crocker moved that the Chairman appoint a commit- tee of two to procure a conveyance for the Board to visit the County Alms House. The Chairman appointed Messrs. Crozier and Speed as such committee. Mr. White offered the following resolution which was, on motion of Mr. Chapman, adopted : WHEREAS, The several Coroners of this County have all failed to report to the Board of Supervisors in accordance with the requirements of Ch. 268, Laws of 1878, and Sec. 788 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, now therefore be it Resolved.—That no bills of such officers be hereafter audited or allowed by this Board without a compliance to the above named sections. Mr. Crocker offered the following resolution which, on motion of Mr. Crozier, was adopted : Resolved.—That the Grand Jury list for the present year be apportioned to the several towns the same as for the year 1883. Mr. Chapman, chairman of the committee on Constables', Clerk's and Justices' Accounts reported upon the following bills which were audited seriatim by the Board in accordance with the recommendation of the committee: 26 I18. SlUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Bills numbers rot, 90, 31, 91, 98, 99, too, 103, 104, 117, 16, 104, 116, On motion, Board adjourned. AFTERNOON SESSION. Roll call. All present. Mr. Speed, Chairman of Committee on County Claims re- ported upon the following bills which were audited seriatim by the Board in accordance with the recommendation of the committee : Bills numbers, 1, 12, 42, 45, 56, 57, 58, 59, 63, 69, 66, 64, 65, 6o, 61, 62, 71, 9, 77, 43, 34, 84, 83, 81, 85, 82, 80. Mr. White, Chairman of the Committee on Insurance made the following report which, on motion of Mr. Beers, was accepted and ordered spread on the minutes . To the Honorable, the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: The Committee on Insurance would respectfully report that the County Buildings were in 1882 insured for three years and the premiums paid in full as follows : JAIL. Company. Date of Ins. Am't. of Policy. Premium. Rochester German, Dec. 1, 1882 $1.500 00 $3o 00 Lorillard 1,500 00 30 00 COURT HOUSE. Company. Date of Ins. Am't. of Policy. Premium. Liverpool, London & Globe,Nov. 19, 1882 $2,500 00 $37 50 Springfield, " 25, " 1,500 00 22 50 Phcenix, 19, ... 2,500 00 35 00 CLERK'S OFFICE. Company. Date of Ins. Am't: of Policy. Premium. Liverpool, London & Globe,Nov. 19, 1882 $I.000 00 $ 7 50 North British, 17, " 2,000 00 35 00 Your Committee on Insurance after careful enquiry as to the above named Companies believe them to be solvent except the Lorillard whose policies are assumed by the Guardian Assurance Company and who also has issued a policy in cancellation of the above named Company's unexpired time. L. T. WHITE, ) DAVID CROCKER, .Committee. R. HORTON, SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 27 Mr. Crocker, Chairman of the Committee on Superinten- dent's Accounts and County Buildings reported upon the fol- lowing bills which were audited seriatim by the Board in ac- cordance with the recommendation of the committee : Bills numbers, 68, 70, 109, 94, 122. Mr. Crozier offered the following resolution which, on mo- tion of Mr. Horton, was adopted : Resolved.—That there be assessed and levied upon the taxable property of the Town of Ithaca the sum of $25o for the maintenance of roads and bridges. The committees were engaged during the remainder of the session in examining bills and the account of the County Treasurer. Oa motion, adjourned. SEVENTH DAY—THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2o, 1884. MORNING SESSION. Roll call. All present. • Minutes of yesterday's proceedings read and approved. Mr. Crocker offered the following resolution which, on motion of Mr. Chapman, was adopted : Resolved.—That there be added to the Abstract of Accounts of the Town of Lansing, the following bills : S. B. Fields, as Excise Commissioner $ 3 00 S. J. Barnes, Ins. of Election, Dist. No. 1, $4 and Messenger to Ithaca $5 . 9 00 Fred Barnes, Clerk of Election 1 day' 4 00 $16 00 Dana Bower, J ustice of Peace 3 8o The Committee on U. S. Deposit Fund retired and went to the Loan Commissioner's office to make examination of books and papers. Mr. Speed, Chairman of the Committee on County Claims reported upon the following bills which were audited seriatim f, 28 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. by the Board in accordance with the recommendation of the committee . Bills numbers, 21, 23, 28, 67, 72, 73,121. Mr. Wheeler offered the following resolution which, on motion of Mr. Horton, was adopted : Resolved.—That the County Treasurer be, and is hereby authorized to trans- fer the surplus moneys of the following accounts to the "court expense account", viz : Postage $ r 5o Interest 2 50 State Asylum for Idiots 16 00 $20 00 The Supervisors were engaged the remainder of the ses- sion in making lists of Grand Jurors and in committee work. On motion, the Board adjourned. AFTERNOON SESSION. Roll call. All present. Mr. Barker appeared before the Board and made a state- ment with reference to his assessment for road tax. Mr. W heeler presented the report of George H. Northrup as County Treasurer of Tompkins County, and also his report of the condition of the Infant Heir Fund, which reports were on motion of Mr. Crocker, accepted. (See Reports.) Mr. Wheeler also presented the report of the Committee on Treasurer's Accounts which was, on motion of Mr. Horton accepted and ordered spread upon the minutes and is as fol- lows : To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County : We, the undersigned, Committee on County Treasurer's accounts, respect- fully report that we have carefully examined the accounts of George H. North- rup, County Treasurer, together with his report and accompanying vouchers herewith submitted and find them correct, and that we find a balance of $2,310.69 in his hands belonging to the various funds as shown in his report. SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Your Committee have also examined the securities held by the County Treas- urer in trust for the Infant Heir Fund and find the several securities in his pos- session as per his report of said fund. Your Committee commend Mr. Northrup for the care and efficiency shown in the accounts, whereby the labors of the Committee have been materially Less- ened. • L. J. WHEELER, ) JOHN E. BEERS. Committee. DAVID CROCKER, j. Mr. Speed, Chairman of the Committee on County Claims, reported upon the following bills which were audited seriatim by the Board in accordance with the recommendation of the committee : Bills numbers, 18, 75, 76, 86, 87, 89, 92, 93, 95, 96, 48, 49, 51, 5o, 53, 55, 108, IIO. I12, 113, 120, I23, 124, 126, 54, III, 88, 5. Mr. White, Chairman of the Committee on U. S. Deposit Fund and Insurance, presented the report of the Loan Com- missioners of Tompkins County which, on motion of Mr. Speed, was accepted. (See Reports.) Mr. White also presented the report of said Committee on the U. S. Deposit Fund and Insurance which was, on motion of Mr. Wheeler, accepted, and ordered spread upon the min- utes and is as follows : To the Board o f Supervisors of Tompkins County : The Committee appointed to investigate the condition of securities of the State Loan in said County respectfully report, that no new securities have been taken since last report. For further information in regard to the condition of said Loan in this Coun- ty we would refer to the report of said Commissioners to this Board. L. T. WHITE, ) DAVID CROCKER, Committee. R. HORTON, ) On motion, the Board adjourned. 30 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. EIGHTH DAY -FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1884. MORNING SESSION. Roll call—all present except Mr. Beers. Minutes of yesterday's proceedings were read and ap- proved. On motion of Mr. Crocker, which was seconded by Mr. White, the Board proceeded in a body to visit the County Alms House in pursuance of the resolution heretofore passed. On arrival there, they were welcomed by Superintendent Newman, ex -Superintendent Elias Smith, and Keeper Rolfe, and at once entered upon a general discussion as to the con- dition and needs of our county charitable institution. An examination was made of the several apartments, and the different members of the Board conversed with some of the • inmates from the respective towns to ascertain how they are being cared for and if anything be needed for their health and comfort. The rooms were found to be clean and comfort- able, and the inmates apparently contented and properly cared for. The accounts of the Superintendent were exam- ined by the proper committee. The new buildings in process of erection were inspected. The barn was found to be com- pleted and well adapted to the wants of the farm. The frame of the wagon house is raised and the work of completing the same is being vigorously pushed under the direction of the Superintendent and in accordance with the plan adopted by the committee. The Board were pleasantly entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Rolfe, and at 5 P. ➢I. returned to Ithaca. Whereupon the Board adjourned. NINTH DAY -SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1884. MORNING SESSION. Roll call—all present except Mr. Beers, and Mr. Crocker who was excused to attend a funeral. • SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 31 Minutes of yesterday's proceedings were read and ap- proved. Mr. Speed presented the abstract of town audits of the Town of Dryden, which, on motion of Mr. Chapman, was accepted. (See Town Audits.) Mr. Speed offered the following resolution, which, on motion of Mr. Wheeler, was adopted : Resolved.—That there be added to the town audits of the Town of Dryden the following accounts: George E. Hanford, Justice Peace T. N. Kellogg, town auditor, 1883 $3.85 3.00 Mr. Speed offered the following resolutions, which were, on motion of Mr. Wheeler, adopted : Resolved.—That in accordance with an appropriation made at the annual town meeting, held in the Town of Dryden, Feb. z6, 1884, there be levied and collected upon the taxable property of said town the sum of three thousand two hundred and fifty dollars ($3,250), for the purpose of building an iron bridge over Fall Creek, at Etna. Also the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars in ad- dition for the purpose of repairing roads and bridges. Resolved.—That there be levied and collected upon the taxable property of the Town of Dryden, the sum of three hundred dollars ($300), for the purpose of putting in an iron culvert near the residence of Samuel Miller in said town, that being the amount authorized for said purpose at a meeting of the town board, held April 21st, 1884. Resolved.—That in accordance with a resolution adopted by the town board of the Town of Dryden, at a meeting held Juue 14, 1884, there be levied and col- lected upon the taxable property of said Town of Dryden, the sum of three hundred and seventy-five dollars ($375), for the purpose of erecting an iron bridge over Virgil Creek, near the residence of Benjamin Griswold in said town. Resolved.—That there be levied and collected upon the taxable property of the Town of Dryden, the sum of two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500),for the purpose of building an iron bridge over Fall Creek, at Gilesville, said appro- priation being authorized by the town board of said town at a meeting held Aug. 17th, 1884. Mr. Chapman offered the following resolution, which, on motion of Mr. White, was adopted: SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Resolved.—That pursuant to the provisions of the statutes, the sums placed in the following schedule be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the persons named in the lists submitted to the Board, and furnished to the Su- pervisors of the several towns by the Overseers of Highways of the road dis- tricts named in the said schedule CAROLINE. Road Dist. No. of Days. Tax. 45 2X 3.37 NE W FIELD. Road Dist. No. of Days, Tax. 59 I'( I 87 83 3 4 50 6... I I.50 DRYDEN. Road Dist. No. of Days. Tax. 48 1'z 2 25 ULYSSES. Road Dist. No. of Days. Tax. 43 2 3.00 DANBY. Road Dist. No. of Days. Tax. 7. 3 4.50 38 ..I'z 2 25 ITHACA. Road Dist. No. of Days. Tax. • 36 1312 20.25 ENFIELD. Road Dist. No. of Days. Tax. 1 8 12.00 Mr. J. L. Baker here appeared before the Board with ref- erence to a judgment for costs against William 0. Newman, as Superintendent of the Poor, in the case of William 0. New- man, as Superintendent of the Poor, against Willard Van Router and William VanIiouter. Mr. F. E. Tibbetts appeared before the Board on behalf of the Sheriff elect in reference to the condition of the jail, / SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 33 and urged the Board to look into its condition and take some action with reference thereto. Mr. Chapman, chairman of the committee on Constables', Clerk's and Justices' accounts, reported upon the following bills, which were audited seriatim by the Board in accordance with the recommendation of the committee : Bills number 3, 7, 8, 105, ro6, 107, 115, 125. Mr. White presented the abstract of town audits of the Town of Enfield, which, on motion of Mr. Horton, was ac- cepted. (See Tuwn Audits.) Mr. White offered the following resolution, which, on motion of Mr. Horton, was adopted : Resolved.—That the following bills be added to the audits of the Town of Enfield, to -wit. : E. Brewer, two days' assessing new road .$4.0o J. H. Theall, GA 4.00 J. G. Wortman, " . 4.00 Mr. Crozier presented the following resolution, which, on motion of Mr. Horton, was adopted : Resolved.—That the compensation of stenographer of County Court and Court of Sessions for the ensuing year, commencing Dec. 1st, 1884, be and is hereby fixed at $5.00 per day—the stenographer to furnish all stationery. Mr. Horton presented the following resolution, which, on motion of Mr. Crozier, was adopted : Resolved.—That when this Board adjourns on Wednesday, Nov. 28th, it be to meet on Friday, Nov. 3oth, at to o'clock A. M. On motion, the Board adjourned until Monday, Nov. 24th, at 2 o'clock. TENTH DAY—MONDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 7884. AFTERNOON SESSION. Roll call—all present except Mr. Speed. Minutes of last day's proceedings read and approved. • 34 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Clarence L. Smith, District Attorney, appeared before the Board and called their attention to Chapter 337 of the Laws of 1884, which requires the District Attorney to give bonds for any moneys that may come into his hands as such District Attorney, and requested the Board to fix the amount of his bond. • Whereupon, Mr. Crozier offered the following resolution, which, on motion of Mr. Horton, was adopted : Resolved.—That in accordance with Chapter 337. Laws of 1884, the District Attorney of Tompkins County be required to give a bond in the sum of One Thousand dollars. Mr. Horton presented the report of the Bonding Commis- sioners of the Town of Newfield, as also his report as Super- visor of the bonded indebtedness of said Town together with the subjoined resolution which reports were, on motion of Mr. Crozier, accepted and the resolution adopted. (See Re- ports.) Mr. Horton offered the following resolution which, on mo- tion of Mr. White, was adopted : Resolved.—That there be levied and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Newfield the sum of Two Hundred and Fifty dollars, said amount to be applied by the Commissioner of Highways for maintaining highways and bridges. Mr. White offered the following resolution which, on mo- tion of Mr. Crozier, was adopted : Resolved.—That there be levied and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Enfield the sum of Eight Hundred and Fifty dollars, ($85o) for the purpose of paying the damages awarded to the following persons in laying out a highway through their premises, to wit : John M. Baker $56o 00 August Laue 290 00 $850 00 Mr. Crozier presented the Abstract of Town Audits of the Town of Ithaca which, on motion of Mr. Crocker, was ac- cepted. (See Town Audits.) SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 35 Mr. Crocker offered the following resolution which, on motion of Mr. Horton, was adopted : Resolved.—That there be levied and collected upon the taxable property of the Town of Lansing the sum of $25o, to be applied by the Commissioner of Highways for the improvement of roads and bridges. Mr. Horton, Chairman of the Committee on State Chari- table Institutions presented the report of such committee to- gether with ''the subjoined resolution which report was, on motion of Mr. Beers, accepted and ordered spread upon the minutes, and the resolution adopted. Said report and reso- lution are as follows : To the Honorable, the Board of Supervisors : Your committee appointed to examine the accounts of the several charitable institutions would respectfully report the following resolutions : Resolved.—That in accordance with Chapter 446, Title 4, Section 6, Laws of 1874, there be assessed and levied upon the taxable property of the following towns and the County of Tompkins the sums set forth in the annexed schedule to reimburse the County for amounts of money paid to Willard Asylum, viz. : CAROLINE. Bartoli Lynch $36 o5 40 15 37 30 38 46 • Amanda C. Rightmire ... 1 3o Credit 4 92 Self-supporting $151 96 Total to be raised by town 151 96 • DANBY. Rachel Jefferson 34 45 36 45 34 75 33 51 -- 139 16 36 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Briggs Montgomery 44 50 36 95 38 85 34 76 Edgar D. Wright 34 45 40 55 38 25 ,3916 Self-supporting William H. Little 29 28 Total Less self-supporting Total to be raised by town DRYDEN. Benjamin F. Pratt 36 45 37 30 38 6o 35 81 Thomas McKenna 37 40 36 85 36 05 42 91 John B. Kellogg. 40 95 • 39 05 40 55 34 81 George D. Pratt • 34 45 34 45 • 32 50 33 51 Self-supporting Wallace Wait 41 So 37 50 33 30 37 76 155 o6 152 41 29.28 475 91 152 41 323 50 148 r6 153 21 155 36 134 9X 150 36 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 37 Hannah Winn 37 35 36 85 3490 38 71 - 147 81 Isaac Miller 37 70 36 57 37 85 6 55 118 67 Less by credit 3o 8o Nettie Harris 15 46 Credit .17 41 -- 15 46 --- Total 1023 94 Less by credit and self-support 183 12 Total to be raised by town 840 82 GROTON. Frankie A. Pierce 34 45 38 6o 33 4o 37 26 - 143 71 Nathan A. Parker 36 8o 43 00 37 75 39 71 157 26 Nelson W. Allen 34 45 38 00 34 8o 370! - 144 26 Ella M. Schofield . 41 10 35 55 35 05 33 51 145 21 38* SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Maryetta Clark 39 15 3760 33 10 35 86 145 71 Eliza M. Baker -• 34 45 37 65 34 80 33 5r Self-supporting 140 41 Anthony O'Malley 1 42 50 35 25 32 50 38 81 14906 Anza S. Barney 58 48 36 25 Less by credit 31 42 - 99 03 Self-supporting 4 30 Total 1124 65 . Less by credit and self-support 239 44 Total to be raised by town 885 21 ULYSSES. Catherine Collins 42 30 3780 37 80 33 51 15x 41 Helen Bancroft 34 45 37 55 • 32 20 33 51 137 71 Thonias M. Bower 34 45 34 45 • 32 20 33 91 Self-supporting -- 135 01 s SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 39 Robert Whitcomb 48 65 45 00 7 95 Less by credit 17 79 -- IOI 6o Self-supporting -- Total 525 73 Less by self-supporting 236 61 Total to be raised by town NEWFIELD Charles B. Bower 48 75 38 35 . 51 40 44 46 Frank Carpenter 37 70 36 95 34 75 38 61 DeWitt Savercool 38 30 43 10 34 15 41 46 James I. Fish 57 88 35 46 Self-supporting Total Less by self-support Total to be raised by town Peter Pickett • ITHACA. •478o 35 95 32 40 39 41 289 12 182 96 148 of 157 01 93 34 58r 32 93 34 487 98 155 56 F 40 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Sarah Niver 34 45 34 45 32 20, 37 96 William Major 40 6o 38 75 33 75 38 51 Margaret Raymond 34 45 37 50 3410 36 o6 Laura Saxton Self-supporting Joachim Atwater 37 40 34 45 34 55 37 96 71 50 41 05 33 40 39 81 139 o6 151 61 142 11 144 36 185 76 Henry Merrill 18 36 Credit ,6 66 - a 36 Jennie Dillon 38 50 34 45 35 55 37 96 146 46 Fanny G. Barber 37 75 34 45 32 20 377' Bridget Ready 34 45 34 45 35 20 33 51 142 11 137 61 8UPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 41 Mary McCarthy 41 34 45 38 75 37 96 152 96 Patrick McCarthy 34 45 38 20 41 65 34 o6 148 36 Margaret Moore 36 55 34 45 33 40 34 2r Priscilla Thompson..... 35 55 34 75 34 45 33 51 William H. Munson 34 45 35 15 32 6o 34 01 Harriet S. Dennis 37 55 6 88 Less by credit 25 36 William S. Knapp. 8 8o Credit... 28 77 --- James Harrigan 43 95 36 45 35 00 40 8, John Leach 39 15 36 25 39 55 34 66 138 61 138 26 136 21 44 43 8 8o 156 21 149 61 • • SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Mary A. Culligan 36 3o 37 25 33 30 37 56 144 41 Henry Thompson 6 00 6 oo Susan Dickinson 3 45 Credit 33 69 -- 3 45 Mary Kane 34 75 05 34 80 Less by credit 6 8i Selt supporting Mary A. Stevens 6i 98 6o Less by credit 3o 29 ----- ' 63 58 Lena Townley 37 95 Less by credit 24 61 ----- 37 95 Self-supporting Serena Comfort 7 09 7 09 Thomas P. Van Orman 53 86 53 86 Total Less by credit and self-support Total to be raised by town COUNTY. Benjamin Vanderpool.... 39 45 35 25 32 6o 18 6o Less by credit 23 45 Mary J. Sweazy 39 70 34 45 35 85 33 51 2,787 59 351 88 2,435 71 125 90 143 51 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Patience Starks 37 40 34 45 34 zo 36 21 George Graham 40 50 8 zo Less by credit .18 93 • S. Harriet Crego 34 45 34 45 3250 36 91 James Brennan 35 05 34 85 39 55 37 6r Thomas Northrup 37 6o 35 8o 37 25 37 41 Luthera Johnson 35 20 36 90 32 zo 34 or Lydia M. Arno Michael Sweeney Hugo Sumerly 34 45 34 45 32 20 33 51 38 20 34 85 34 35 37 31 53 85 45 30 32 75 40 21 43 142 26 48 6o 138 31 147 o6 148 o6 138 31 134 6.1 144 71 172 11 44 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Lina Rowell 49 97 40 85 33 30 39 46 -- 263 58 Total 1647 02 Less by credit 42 38 Total to'be raised by county • 1604 64 Resolved.—That in accordance with a resolution of the Board of Supervisors passed Dec. 7th, 1S8o, there be assessed and levied upon the taxable property of the following towns, the sums set forth in the annexed schedule, to reimburse the County for amounts of money paid to the several Charitable Institutions in said schedule named, viz : DRYDEN. Samuel Greenfield, Canandaigua Home..... $77. 14 William Greenfield, 50 57 Frederick Gleason, 46 56 57 $184 28 Total to be raised by town for Canandaigua Home........... $184 28 Leander Stevens, S. V. Home. $5 43 Total to be raised by town for S. V. Home ITHACA. Willie Saxton, Canandaigua Home $104 00 Harry Rennie, " 42 00 Walter Thompson. 4. `' 104 00 Jennie Thompson, 44 104 00 Henry Sherman, 104 00 Total to he raised by town for Canandaigua Home Harry Rennie, S. V. Home Total to be raised by town for S. V, Home. CAROLINE. Richard Genung, Canandaigua Home $1o4 00 $104 00 Total to be raised by town for Canandaigua Home $1o4 00 James F. Courtright, N. Y. State Lunatic Asylum $r5 t t5 $151 15 $ 5400 $5 43 $5 43 $458 00 $458 00 $54 00 $54 00 Total to be raised by town for N. Y. State Lunatic Asylum... $151 15 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. GROTON. Susan E. Peck, Western N, Y. Institute for Deaf Mutes $300 00 45 $300 00 Total to be raised by town for same $300 00 Horatio E. Morgan, N. Y. State Lunatic Asylum, Self Support- ing $217 62 ULYSSES. • John Cook, Canandaigua Home ....$1o4 00 $104 00 Total to be raised by town for same $104 00 LANSING. , Permelia Wilcox, Western N. Y. Institute for Deaf Mutes$13 33 Total to be raised by town for same COUNTY. Charles McDonald, Canandaigua Home $67 14 $13 33 $13 33 $67 14 Total to be raised by county for Canandaigua Home $67 14 George Miller, S. V. Home $2 29 Total to be raised by county for S. V. Home All of which is respectfully submitted, $2 29 $2 29 R. HORTON, L. J. WHEELER, Committee. A. G. CHAPMAN, Mr. Chapman presented the report of the Bonding Com- missioners of the Town of Groton, as also his report as Super- visor of the bonded indebtedness of said town together with the subjoined resolution, which reports were, on motion of Mr. Wheeler, accepted and the resolution adopted. (See Re- ports.) On motion the Board adjourned. 46 SUPERVISORS•' PROCEEDINGS. ELEVENTH DAY—TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1884. MORNING SESSION. Roll call. All present. Minutes of yesterday's proceedings read and approved. Mr. Beers offered the following resolution which, on mo- tion of Mr. Crocker, was adopted : Resolved. -That the Chairman and Clerk of this Board be and are hereby em- powered to make a contract with the County of Onondaga for the maintenance of such prisoners as may be sentenced to a penitentiary for the ensuing three years, such contract to expire Dec. 31st, 1887. Prof. Shaffer, by request, appeared before the Board and made a statement with reference to the chemical examinations made by him in the cases of Hoffman and Kilstrom ; after which, on motion of Mr. White, a vote of thanks was extend- ed to Prof. Shaffer for his explanation. Mr. Beers offered the following resolution which, on mo- tion of Mr. White, was adopted : Resolved.—That there be appropriated the sum of Ninety dollars for the pay- ment of Jail Physician for the year ending November 25th, 1885. Mr. Chapman Chairman of the Committee on Constables', Clerk's and Justices' Accounts, reported upon the following bills, which were audited seriatim by the Board in accordance with the recommendation of the committee : Bills numbers, 97, 102, 129, 130. Mr. Speed, Chairman of the Committee on County Claims, reported upon the following bills, which were audited seria- tim by the Board in accordance with the recommendation of the committee : Bills numbers, 78, 79, 131, 132, 139. At 12 o'clock the Board adjourned. SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 47 AFTERNOON SESSION. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call. All present. Mr. White offered the following resolution which, on mo- tion of Mr. Crocker, was adopted : Resolved.—That the Board proceed to elect a Jail Physician for the ensuing year. The Chairman appointed Messrs. White and Wheeler as tellers. An informal ballot was taken with the following result : Whole number of votes cast 9, of which Dr. A. J. White re- ceived 3 ; Dr. G. M. Beckwith, 2 ; Dr. J. E. Beers, 1 ; Dr. Bina Potter, 1; blank, 2. A formal ballot was taken which resulted as follows : Whole number of votes cast 9, of which Dr. White received 6 ; Dr. Beckwith 2 ; Dr. Kirkendall 1. The Chairman declared Dr. A. J. White duly elected Jail Physician for the ensuing year. Mr. Crozier presented the report of the Excise Commis- sioners of the Town of Ithaca which, on motion of Mr. Hor- ton, was accepted and ordered filed with the Clerk of the Board. Mr. Beers offered the following resolutions which, on mo- tion of Mr. Horton, were adopted: WHEREAS, The judges of the several courts, hold the sheriff accountable for the heating, lighting, cleaning and general care of the Court House, and WHEREAS, It appears that the Janitor as now elected is controlled only by the Board of Supervisors, therefore be it Resolved.—That the Janitor shall on, and after the 1st day of December, 1884, be subject to the orders of the Sheriff. Resolved.—That the sum of One Hundred and Seventy -Five ($175.00) be and is hereby appropriated for the payment of said Janitor. 48 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Resolved.—That the attention of the Sheriff be called to a resolution passed by this Board December r, 1883. (Proceedings B. of S., 1883, page 39.) Mr. Crocker offered the following resolution which, on motion of Mr. Horton, was adopted : Resolved.—That there be added to the Abstract of the Town of Lansing the bill of John Gallagher amounting to $7.80. Mr. Crozier offered the following resolution which, on motion of Mr. Wheeler, was adopted : Resolved.—That there be levied and collected on the taxable property of the Town of Ithaca the sum of Six Hundred Four and 65-10o dollars ($6o4.65) to sat- isfy a claim of the Ithaca Savings Bank, against said town, on account of taxes that were erroneously collected from said Bank on tax levy of 1882 and 1883. On motion of Mr. Horton the Board proceeded to the election of a Janitor for the ensuing year, commencing, Dec. 1st, 1884. An informal ballot resulted as follows: Whole number of votes cast 8, of which George Guinn received 5 ; Wm. E. Johnson 3. A first formal ballot resulted as follows : Whole number of votes cast 8, of which Guinn received 4; Johnson 3; Sea- man 1. A second formal ballot resulted as follows : Whole num- ber of votes cast 9, of which Guinn received 6 ; Johnson 2 ; Seaman 1. The Chairman declared Mr. Guinn duly elected Janitor of the Court House for the ensuing year. Mr. Crozier, Chairman of the Committee on Public Print- ing, reported upon the following bills which were audited ser- iatim by the Board in accordance with the recommendation of the committee : Bills numbers, 74, 137, 538. Mr. Crozier offered the following resolution which, on mo- tion of Mr. Crocker, was adopted : SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 49 .Resolved.—That the fines received by the County Treasurer from the Justices of Peace of the several towns be paid by such Treasurer to the Supervisor of the town from which the same was received. Mr. Speed offered the following resolution and, on motion of Mr. Horton, the same was laid on the table until next Mon- day at2P.M.: Resolved. --That in accordance with a request of several tax -payers of the town of Caroline, the tax upon dogs, so far as said town is concerned, be and hereby is suspended for the current year. On motion, the Board adjourned. TWELFTH DAY—WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1884. MORNING SESSION. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call. All present. Minutes of yesterday's proceedings read and approved. Mr. Crozier offered the following resolution which, on mo- tion of Mr. Wheeler, was adopted : Resolved.—That by request the Board of Supervisors visit the Jail in a body, on Monday, December 1st, at 3 o'clock P. M. Mr. Crozier offered the following resolution which on mo- tion of Mr. Speed, was adopted : Resolved.—That there be added to the Town Audits of the Town of Ithaca the following bills duly vouched for : E. S. Atwood, use of house of election, etc $2o 00 J.M.Tompkins, registrar and inspector,assigned to W. M. Smith x6 00 J, H. Hymes, use of 'bus 5o J. K. Follett 8 3o A. C. Hedden, bill gravel 6 4o A. C. Hedden, Inspector of election. 12 00 Mr. Crocker offered the following resolution which, on motion of Mr. Speed, was adopted : Resolved.—That the Chairman appoint a committee to make an inventory of the furniture belonging to the Court House, previous to giving the Janitor elect possession of the same. SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. The Chairman appointed Messrs. Crocker and Speed as such committee. Mr. Chapman, Chairman of the Committee on Consta- bles', Clerk's and Justices' Accounts reported on the following bill which was audited by the Board in accordance with the recommendation of the committee : Bill number, 14r. At 12 o'clock, the Board adjourned. AFTERNOON SESSION. Roll call. All present. The committee appointed by tlie Chairman to report on the petition of Edwin Bush made the following report and the same was, on motion of Mr. Chapman, adopted : To the Honorable, the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: Your committee to whom was referred the petition of Edwin Bush in relation to lands doubly assessed, the same being assessed both in the town of Lansing and in the town of Dryden, would respectfully report as follows : That previous to the year 1871 the statute in regard to a farm or lot lying partly in two towns read as follows : "When the line between two towns or wards divides a farm or lot, the same shall be taxed, if occupied, in the town or ward where the occupant resides ; if unoccupied, each part shall be assessed in the town in which the same shall lie ; and this, whether such division line be a town line only. or be also a county line." 1 R. S, 389 Sec. 4. In the year 1871 the above section was amended as follows : "Section four, title two, chapter thirteen, of the Revised Statutes, in relation to the assessment and collection of taxes, is hereby amended so as to read as fol- lows : SEC. 4. When the line between two towns or wards divides a farm or lot, the same shall be taxed, if occupied, in the town or ward in which the occupant re- sides ; except when such town line shall be also a county line, in which case each part shall be assessed in the town in which the same shall be situate, in the same manner as unoccupied lands are now assessed." Laws of x871 chap. 287, page 565. By the Laws of 1872 this act of 1871 was repealed as follows : SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 5f "Chapter two hundred and eighty-seven of the laws of eighteen hundred sev- ty-one, entitled 'An act to amend the law for the assessment and collection of taxes in cases where farms or lots are divided by county lines is hereby re- pealed." Laws of 1872 chap. 355, page 875. We have carefully examined the statutes since 1872 and are unable to discov- er any further legislation upon the subject under consideration. By a decision of the Court of Appeals made in 1876 it was held that the amendment of a statute, by declaring that the same shall read as prescribed by the amendatory act, is not a repeal of the original statute ; but from the time of the passage of the amendatory act, the whole force of the enactment, as to sub- sequent transactions, rests upon it. The former statute is merged in it, has no vitality distinct from it, and can only be referred to as to past transactions. A repeal, therefore, of the amendatory act does not revive the original act, but both fall together. People vs. Supervisors 67 N. Y. 109. Section 4 first above quoted is therefore, in effect abrogated and the town in which the lands in question should be assessed will depend upon the statutes now in force. By section 8 (I R. S, 39o) the assessors are required to ascertain all the taxa- ble property, real and personal, within their respective towns. Sections 11, 12 and 13 (t R. S. 391) prescribe the manner in which the lands of non-residents shall be assessed and described by the assessors of the respective towns in which such lands are situated. By section 2 (z R. S. 389) lands occupied by persons other than the -owner, may be assessed to the occupant, as lands of non-residents, or, if the owner re- sides in the county in which such lands are located, to such owner. Your committee are, therefore, of the opinion:that. as the law now stands,all lands must be assessed in the town or ward in which the same are situated with- out regard to whether the same be a farm or lot divided by a town or county line. They would consequently recommend that the assessment of the 54 acres in ques- tion, situated in the town of Dryden, be, by the proper authority, stricken from the Assessment Roll of the town of Lansing. R. HORTON, Committee. JOHN E. BEERS. The different committees were engaged in committee work during the greater part of the session. On motion, Board adjourned. SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. THIRTEENTH DAY—FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1884. MORNING SESSION, Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call. All present except Messrs. Beers and Chap- man. Minutes of last day's proceedings were read and ap- proved. Mr. Hasbrook appeared before the Board and made a statement with reference to a mistake in the tax of Sarah Has - brook of 1883 and requested that the sum which was overpaid be refunded. The Board informed Mr. Hasbrook that he must apply to the Court for an order directing the Board to refund the tax overpaid. That without such an order the Board had no au- thority to act. The members were engaged the remainder of the morning session in footing the assessment rolls of the different towns. At 12 o'clock the Board adjourned. AFTERNOON SESSION. Roll call. All present except Mr. Chapman. Messrs. Baker and Laue of Enfield appeared before the Board with reference to a claim of interest on awards made to them for the laying out of a highway through their farms. C. L. Smith Esq., District Attorney, appeared before the Board and made a statement with reference to a claim of A. J. Gunn for services for subpoenaing witnesses in the case of the People agt. Arlington B. Castle. Mr. Horton offered the following resolution which, on mo- tion of Mr. Crocker, was adopted : Resolved. --That the County Treasurer be, and he is hereby authorized, to pay, from the Court Fund any deficiency that may occur in the Willard Asylum Fund for the coming year. SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 53 Mr. White offered the following resolution which, on mo- tion of Mr. Wheeler, was adopted : Resolved.—That the Supervisors of the several towns be anthorized to re -as- sess the unpaid taxes upon their respective assessment rolls of last year, at they same amounts as returned to them by the County Treasurer. Mr. Horton offered the following resolution which, on mo- tion of Mr. Crocker, was adopted : Resolved.—That in case of a deficiency in the Court Fund, the chairman of the Committee on Ordinary Repairs be authorized to borrow, on the credit of the County, sufficient sums to meet the requirements thereof, until the next regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors. On motion, the Board adjourned. FOURTEENTH DAY—SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1884. MORNING SESSION. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call. All present except Mr. Chapman. Minutes of yesterday's proceedings read and approved. Mr. Wheeler presented the Report of the Surrogate of Tompkins County as to fees received by him since Nov. 17th, 1883, and on motion of Mr. Beers, the same was accepted and ordered spread on the minutes. The report is as follows : Statement of fees received in Surrogate's Court of Tompkins County since last report, Nov. 17, 1883 Nov. 17, 1883, balance on hand reported $Io 95 " 2f, " received copy will 1 00 Dec. u, " " lettere test 5o Jan. 28, 1884, " will 75 Feb. 7, 2 00 „ 22 " ., It .. 1 50 Mar. 24, " " 44 443 00 64 27, ., „ „ ... 1 00 Aug. 22, " " letters test.... 2 00 Sept. 27, " {t ., 4475 Nov. 1, " " " adm'n 2 00 $25 45 54 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Paid from above to Mrs. Layhe, janitress : Nov. 20, 1883 $Io 00 Jan. 1, " 14 00 Feb. 22, " repairing office chair 45 Mar. 22, " " lock and keys 75 May 23, " Brown, painting scuttle to attic 25 $25 45 Balance on hand $o.00. Tompkins County, ss. : Marcus Lyon, being duly sworn, says the above account and statement are true and correct to the best of his knowledge and belief in all respects. MARCUS LYON. Sworn before me Nov. 28, 1884. R. HORTON, Notary Public. Mr. Wheeler offered the following resolutions, which, on motion of Mr. Beers, were adopted : Resolved.—That there be appropriated the sum of $75.00 as compensation for janitor's service in the Surrogate's office for the ensuing year. Resolved.—That the Surrogate be, and hereby is required to pay over to the County Treasurer all fees collected by him as Surrogate. .Resolved.—That the Clerk of this Board be and hereby is directed to furnish copies of the above resolutions to Judge Lyon and County Treasurer Northrup. Messrs. W. W. Esty and Elias Treman appeared before the Board and presented the following resolution of the Board of Trustees, of the Village of Ithaca, and pointed on t the ne- cessity of a walk being laid through the park to the Court House, and urged the Board of. Supervisors to take some action upon the same. OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF THE VILLAGE OF ITHACA, ) ITHACA, N. Y., Nov. 25, 1884. Mr. W. W. Esty . The following is the resolution passed by the Board of Trustees relative to flag walk in DeWitt park : At a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Ithaca, held Wednesday evening July 9th, 1884, the following resolution was adopted : • SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 55 Moved and seconded that the committee on cemetery and parks be author- ized to close the contract for putting down flag stone walk in DeWitt park, pro- viding the county pays one-half the expense. Carried. CHARLES H. HII.LICK, Clerk. Mr. Beers then presented the abstract of Town Audits for the Town of Danby, with resolution to add additional audits, which was, on motion of Mr. Horton, accepted, and the reso- lution adopted. (See Town Audits.) Mr. Wheeler presented the report of J. K. Follett, Sheriff of Tompkins County, as to fines rectived by him during the past year, which report was, on motion of Mr. Crozier, ac- cepted. (See Reports.) Mr. Crocker presented the report of the committee ap- pointed to take an inventory of the furniture in the Court House, and, on motion of Mr. Beers, the report was accepted and ordered placed on file. Mr. Beers offered the following resolution, which, on mo- tion of Mr. White, was adopted : Resolved.—That there be raised on the taxable property of the Town of Danby the sum of $25o for repairs of roads and bridges, and $300 to pay a note given on the credit of the town for the payment of costs in the road suit. Mr. Speed, chairman of the committee on county claims, reported the following bills, which were audited by the Board in accordance with the recommendation of the committee. Bilis numbers 134, 144. At 12 o'clock, on motion, the Board adjourned until Mon- day, at 2 P. M. FIFTEENTH DAY—MONDAY, DECEMBER r, 1884. AFTERNOON SESSION. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call—all present except Mr. Wheeler, who was ex- cused to attend a funeral. 56 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Minutes of last day's proceedings read and approved. Mr. A' Hasbrouck appeared before the Board and served upon the Chairman the following notice : To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins : Please take notice that I shall make application to the Tompkins County Court before the Hon. Marcus Lyon, Tompkins County Judge at the Court House, at the Town of Ithaca, N. Y., on the 1st day of December, 1884, at to o'clock, A. M., for an order of said court directing your honorable body to refund me the sum of $14.85 excessive tax on real estate in the Town of Ithaca. • SARAH HASBROUCK. By A. Hasbrouck. Mr. Hasbrouck having also presented the affidavit of Peter Kline, wherein it appears that an error was made in the assessment of the property of Mrs. Sarah Hasbrouck, and that she paid $14.85 excess of tax by reason of such error in the assessment, and that the above sum should be refunded to Mrs. Sarah Hasbrouck. Mr. Horton thereupon offered the following resolution, which, on motion of Mr. Crocker, was adopted : Resolved.—That the Chairman of this Board be authorized to sign a waiver of notice by said aggrieved party, of an application to the Tompkins County Court, for an order directing this Board to refund the said erroneous tax ; and that the Supervisor of the town of Ithaca be and is hereby authorized to add the same to the town audits of the town of Ithaca. Mr. Speed called up the resolution heretofore offered by him with reference to dog tax, which resolution was laid on the table until this time. On motion of Mr. Speed a committee of two was appoint- ed by the Chairman to report on the above resolution to this Board. The Chairman appointed Messrs. Horton and Beers as such committee. Mr. Beers offered the following resolution which on mo- tion of Mr. Crocker,was adopted : SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 57 .Resolved.—That the Tax Receiver of Ithaca, and the Collectors of the several towns, be required by instructions contained in their warrants, to settle with the County Treasurer on or before February 2oth, x885, and if at that date there re- mains any unpaid collectable taxes on the tax rolls, the said officers be required to give new bonds in accordance with the laws governing such cases. The Board, pursuant to the resolution heretofore passed, went in a body to visit the Jail. In company with Sheriff Follett and Sheriff elect Tibbetts the members of the Board made a thorough examination of the Jail and its different apartments. Mr. Horton offered the following resolution which on mo- tion of Mr. Speed was adopted : Resolved.—That the following items be added to the Town Audits of the Town of Newfield, to -wit : Wm. O. Newman, morphine for J. Benjamin 815 00 N. B. Dunning, express on returned cupons 35 Mr. Crozier offered the following resolution which on mo- tion of Mr. Crocker was adopted : Resolved.—That the Chairman appoint a committee of three to confer with the Trustees of the Village of Ithaca, in reference to a resolution for the con- struction of a flag walk running through the park from Buffalo street to Court House, thence west to Cayuga street ;. and in event of an agreement, and on completion and acceptance of above work, said committee draw a note for one- half the expense of same, payable January 1st, 1886. The Chairman appointed the following members as such committee : Messrs. Beers, Crozier and Speed. At 6 o'clock, on motion, the Board adjourned. SIXTEENTH DAY—TUESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1884. MORNING SESSION. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call. All present. Minutes of yesterday's proceedings read and approved. • SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Mr. Beers offered the following resolution which on mo- tion of Mr. Crozier was adopted : Resolved.—That the Board now proceed to designate by ballot two newspa- pers in which the election notices (and all other notices required by law to be printed) shall be published for the ensuing year. In pursuance of the above resolution the Board selected the Ithaca Weekly Journal and the Ithaca Democrat. Mr. Beers offered the following resolution which on mo- tion of Mr. Crozier was adopted : Resolved.—That the price for publishing the Session Laws for the coming year be fixed at fifteen cents per folio, and that we now ballot for two news- papers, that fairly represent the dominant political parties as required by law, The Board thereupon selected the Ithaca Democrat and the Ithaca Weekly Journal. Mr. Chapman, Chairman of the Committee on Constables', Clerk's and Justices' Accounts, reported on the following bill which was audited by the Board in accordance with the re- commendation of the committee : Bill number 145. Mr. Crocker offered the following resolution which on motion of Mr. Beers was adopted : Resolved. -That there be added to the report of unworked road tax, the fol- lowing : LANSING. Dist. No. 20, 12 days E. A. King... $r8 00 Dist. No. 14, 4 days, Eliza Bower 6 00 Dist. No. 10, 6 days, Fred Storm.... .... 9 o0 Mr. Horton offered the following resolution which on mo- tion of Mr. Crocker was adopted : Resolved.—That bill No. 8o be added to the Town Audits of the town of Groton. (See Town Audits.) Mr. Chapman presented the Town Audits of the town of Groton which on motion of Mr. Beers was accepted. (See Town Audits.) SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 59 Mr. Horton offered the following resolution which on mo- tion of Mr. Crocker was adopted : Resolved.—That in accordance with the resolution passed by the town of Groton, at its last annual meeting, the sum of four hundred dollars be levied and collected on the taxable property of said town for ,the support of the poor. Resolved.—That the sum of seven hundred and fifty dollars in addition to the sum or two hundred and fifty dollars, now allowed by the statute, be levied and collected on said town for the maintainance of roads and bridges.. At 12 o'clock the Board. adjourned. AFTERNOON SESSION. Board met pursuant tojadjournment. Roll call. All present. The Committee on Equalization here retired and the re- mainder of the Board was engaged in Committee work. The Committee on Equalization having risen and return- ed, Mr. Wheeler, Chairman of the Committee on Treasurer's, Sheriff's and Judge's Accounts, reported the following bills, which were audited seriatim by the Board in accordance with the recommendation of the Committee : Bills numbers 39..127, 135, 136, 140. Mr. Wheeler presented the report of the Committee ap- pointed to take charge of building a barn on the County Alms House Farm, which on motion of Mr. Horton was accepted and ordered spread on the minutes. The report is as follows: To the Board o f Supervisors of Tompkins County : The Committee appointed by the Board of Supervisors at their last annual session of 1883, to take charge of building a barn on the County Alms House Farm make the following report. At a meeting of the Committee held at the County Alms House December 14. 1883, plans and specification were adopted: and notice was given in the Democrat and Journal, advertising for bids on the same. At a subsequent meeting of the committee, a contract was made with the lowest bidder for the building complete, except cellar, which the committee concluded could be more advantageously built by days work, under the supervision of the County Superintendent of the Poor and the Supervisor of Ulysses. ti 6o SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. The barn was completed at a cost of $1049.34 and accepted by the Commit- tee. Said cost exceeds the appropriation authorized by $49.34. The Committee recommend that an appropriation of 849.34 in addition to the amount authorized be made by this board, to meet the deficiency. The Committee commend the Contractor Leonard Kresgie for the quality of the material used, and tilt workmanship shown,in the construction of the building. L. G. WHEELER, Building A. G. CHAPMAN, Committee. W. O. NEWMAN. Mr. Beers offered the following resolution which on mo- tion of Mr. Horton was adopted : Resolved.—That the following item be added to the Town Audits of the town of Enfield : L. T. White„ Supervisor, to one day meeting State Assessors, $2 00 On motion Board. adjourned. SEVENTEENTH DAY—WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1884. MORNING SESSION. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call. All present. Minutes of yesterday's proceedings read and approved. Mr. Beers, Chairman of the Committee on Equalization and Assessment Rolls, presented and read the report of the Committee, which report was laid over for one day in confor mity with the rule of the Board heretofore established. Mr. Speed, Chairman ofthe Committee on County Claims, reported the following bills, which were audited by the Board in accordance with the recommendation of the committee : Bills numbers 128, 144, 146, 147• Mr. Wheeler offered the following. resolution, which on - motion of Mr. White was adopted : WHEREAS.—An act passed by the Legislature April 3oth, 1883, 'provides that : "Each of the counties of this state shall be liable to pay for the construc- tion, care, maintenance, preservation and repairs of public bridges lawfully con- SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 61 g strutted over streams or other waters forming its boundary line, not less than one-sixth part of the expense of such construction, maintenance, preservation and repairs." Therefore Resolved.—That in accordance with said act, there be appropriated the sum of $76.98, said sum being one-sixth the necessary expenditure incurred by the town of Ulysses in building an iron bridge on the line between Tompkins and Schuy- ler Counties. Resolved.—That in accordance with said act, there be appropriated the sum of $63.3o, said sum being one-sixth the necessary expenditure incurred by the town of Caroline in building an iron bridge on the line between Tompkins and Tioga Counties. At 12 o'clock the Board adjourned. AFTERNOON SESSION. Board convened at 2 o'clock. Roll call. Full Board. Mr. George H. Northrup, County Treasurer, appeared before the Board and presented his bond. Mr. Crozier thereupon offered the following resolution, which on motion of Mr. Crocker was adopted : Resolved.—That the bond of George H. Northrup, as Treasurer of Tompkins Cyunty, be accepted, and approved, and filed in the office of the County Clerk, by the Clerk of the Board. Mr. Crozier, Chairman of the Committee appointed to in- vestigate the matter of Indices to Deeds and Mortgages in the Clerk's Office, made the following report which was on mo- tion of Mr. Crocker adopted : To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County : Your committee appointed to investigate condition of certain books in Coun- ty Clerk's Office report finding same in a dilapidated condition and recommend that a committee of two be appointed by the Chairman, who shall procure proper books, and employ a competent person to copy the index books of Ithaca Deeds and Mortgages, the same to be paid by County Treasurer out of court expense account on the order of said committee. The Chairman appointed Messrs. Beers and Horton as such committee. At 6 o'clock the Board adjourned. • 62 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. EIGHTEENTH DAY—THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1884. MORNING SESSION. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call. All present except Mr. Wheeler, who was ex- cused. Minutes of yesterday's proceedings read and approved. Mr. Beers offered the following resolution which on motion of Mr. Crocker was adopted : Resolved.—That on the 5th inst., we adjourn to meet on the 12th day of De- cember, 1884, at It A. M. Mr. Crozier, Chairman of the Committee on Public Print- ing, reported the following bills, which were audited by the Board in accordance with the recommendation of the com- mittee : Bills numbers 149, 15o. Mr. Speed, Chairman of the Committee on County Claims, reported the following bills, which were audited by the Board in accordance with the recommendation of the committee : Bills numbers 142, 143, 148. At 12 o'clock the Board adjourned. AFTERNOON SESSION. Roll call. All present except Messrs. Wheeler and White, who were excused. Mr. Speed, Chairman of the Committee on County Claims, reported on the following bills, which were audited by the Board in accordance with the recommendation of the com- mittee : • Bills numbers 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159. Mr. Crocker, Chairman of the Committee on Superinten- dent's Accounts and County Buildings, presented the report of said Committee, together with the subjoined resolutions, • SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 63 which report was on motion of Mr. Crozier accepted and the resolutions adopted. Said report and resolutions are as follows : Your Committee to whom was referred the report of the Supertendent of the Poor, would respectfully report: The number of inmates in the County Alms House, Nov. 15th 1883, was. Received during the year Deaths during the year • Absconded Discharged during the year 35 92 127 7 3 82 — 92 Inmates at date of this report 35 The number of days said inmates have been maintained in the Alms House during the year was 12,385. Number of days chargeable to County 4,498 Cost $ 931.36 " Si Caroline 730 151.15 •° Danby 1,388 it 287.39 it 66 t4 Dryden 1,416 " 293.20 Enfield " " 4 6 Groton .... 365 " ti it " Ithaca 1393. " Newfield 399 " 64 it Lansing. 534 °'46 Ulysses 1,662 St 75.57 288.42 82.59 I10.57 344.13 Total paid by the towns $ 1,633.02 Total indoor expense, aside from the products of the farm 2,564.38 Received by the Superintendent for disbursement : Appropriation by County $2,528.33 Appropriation by Towns 1,644.40 Products of Farm 6o8.r8 On Settlement with Steuben County. 565.00 Balance on hand at last report - 33.83 Total Receipts $5,379.74 64 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Entire disbursements for year : Indoor Expenses $i, 564.38 Temporary Relief 1,024.39 Services of 0. P ... 158.21 Transportation of Paupers 8.52 Attorney's Fees 261.02 Insurance on Barn 19.75 Cash advanced by Superintendent.. 240.00 Improvements on Property 322.80 Board for extra help 149.34 For Stock 175.00 Supplies for house 266.15 Expenses of Superintendent 33.83 Uncollected Bills 82.90 Unpaid Drafts of 1883 863.83 Deficiency for year 1884 $6,170.12 $ 790.38 We estimate for the ensuing year the sum of $4,400.00, as follows, viz : Indoor Expenses by Towns $40633.02 Indoor Expenses by County 866.98 Services of Overseers of Poor 175.00 Transportation of Paupers 25.00 Salary of Keeper. 500.00 Temporary Relief 1,200.00 Less amount by towns : Caroline $ 151.15 Danby. 287.39 Dryden 293.20 Groton Ithaca 75.57 288.42 Lansing 110.57 Newfield. 82.59 Ulysses. 344.13 $4,400.00 Total to be raised by Towns $1,633.02 $2,766.98 Drafts given in excess of Appropriations 530.63 Total to be raised by County $3,297.61 7 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 65 To meet the deficiency and provide for the coming year, your Committee would offer the following resolutions : Resolved.—That the sum of twenty-seven hundred and sixty-six and g8 -too dollars be levied and collected of the taxable property of Tompkins County for the purposes named in the above estimates. Resolved,—That the sum of sixteen hundred and thirty-three and 02-1oo dol- lars be levied and collected of the taxable property of the several towns in Tomp- kins County in accordance with the above statement. Resolved.—That the sum of five hundred and thirty and 63 -too dollars be lev- ied and collected of the taxable property of Tompkins County to pay drafts given above the appropriations of last year. W e further report that upon examination we find the Alms House in a clean and good sanitary condition, the in- mates to be well cared for, the farm to be well tilled and the work thereon to be performed in a good and workman -like manner. DAVID CROCKER, }Committee. R. G. H. SPEED, A. G. CHAPMAN, Mr. Crocker also offered the report of Wm. 0. Newman, County Superintendent of the Poor, which was, on motion of Mr. Beers, received and ordered spread upon the minutes. (See Reports.) Mr. Beers, Chairman of the Committee on Equalization and Assessment Rolls, presented and read the County Budget which was, on motion of Mr. Horton, unanimously approved and adopted by the Board. Said Budget is as follows : Resolved.—That the sums herein named be levied and collected from the tax- able inhabitants of the County of Tompkins for the following purposes, viz : State tax (per order of Comptroller) $35,oz6.85 County Judge's salary 2,500.00 County Treasurer's salary. goo.00 Clerk of Supervisor's salary 15o.00 Chaplain of Alms House salary 5o.00 Court expenses 4,000.00 66 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. County audits 8,780.55 Clerk's postage account. 15.00 Canandaigua Home 67.14 Clerk of Surrogate's court 250.0o District Attorney's salary 600.00 District Attorney's office rent 200.00 Fuel and gas account 500.00 Janitor of Court House.. 175.0o -Notes payable for Court expenses 1,000.00 Notes payable for barn at County House 1,036.39 Onondaga County Penitentiary 350.0o Physician to Jail 90.00 School Commissioners' salary. 400.00 Superintendent of Poor 2,766.98 Superintendent of Poor (deficiency) 530.63 Surrogate's office (incidental expenses) 75.00 Special County Judge's salary 50.00 Susquehanna Valley Horne. 2.29 Sheriff's office rent 35.00 Treasurer's stationary and postage account 15.00 Willard Asylum (deficiency) 300.00 Willard Asylum 1,604.64 Bridge on County line (Tompkins and Schuyler) . ... 76.98 Bridge on County line (Tompkins and Tioga 63.31 $26,583.91 TOWN OF CAROLINE. State tax $1,551.69 County tax 1,177.67 Town audits 653.94 Highways and bridges ......... . ... 860.50 Overseer of Poor 150.00 Superintendent of the Poor 151.15 Willard Ayslum 151.96 Canandaigua Home 104.00 Unpaid taxes .68 New York State Ayslum 151.20 Road scrapers 296.68 $ 5,249.47 TOWN OF DANBY. State tax $1,908.96 County tax 1,448.82 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 67 Town audits .... 463.91 Highways and bridges 250.00 Note at bank (money raised for Commissioner) 300.00 Superintendent of Poor 287.39 Willard Asylum 323.5o Unpaid taxes 4.13 $4,986.71 TOWN OF DRYDEN. State tax $4,921.27 County tax • 3,735.04 Town audits 1,191.07 Highways and bridges 6,675.00 Overseer of the Poor 250.00 Superintendent of the Poor 293,20 Willard Asylum ... . . 840.82 Canandaigua Home 184.28 Unpaid taxes 16.48 Susquehanna Valley Home 5.43 $18,112.59 TOWN OF ENFIELD. State tax .$1,429. to County tax 1,084.62 Town audits 1,162.12 Highways and bridges 250.00 Interest on R. R. bonds. 1,421.00 Sinking fund 500.00 Unpaid taxes 47.44 Awards for lands for road purposes 850.00 $6.744.28 TOWN OF GROTON. State tax $3.204.95 County tax 2,432.43 Town audits ... 1,214 41 Highways and bridges . r,000.00 Overseer of the Poor 400.00 Superintendent of the Poor 75.57 Willard Asylum 885.21 Interest on R. R. bonds 1,050.00 Sinking fund 150.00 Western Institute for deaf mutes . 300.00 Unpaid Taxes 12.52 $10,725.09 68 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. TOWN OF ITHACA. State tax $11,488.80 County tax 8,719.52 Town audits 8,909.66 Highways and bridges. 250.00 Superintendents of the Poor 288.42 Willard Asylum 2,435.71 Interest on I. & A. R. R. bonds 10,125.00 G. & I. R. R. bonds 7,000.00 Sinking fund, I. & A 15,000.00 " " G. & I 2,500.0o Tax receiver's salary 400.00 Canandaigua Home 458.00 Unpaid taxes 114.16 Susquehanna Valley Home 54.00 $67, 743.27 TOWN OF LANSING. State tax 84,700.60 County tax 3,567.56 Town audits 2,501.21 Superintendent of Poor 110.57 Unpaid taxes 1.82 Highways and bridges 250.00 Western Institute for deaf mutes 13.33 Overseer of the Poor 100.00 $Ir,245•o9 TOWN OF NEWFIELD. State tax 8I,821.40 County tax 1,382.36 Town audits 4,055.07 Superintendent of the Poor 82.59 Unpaid taxes 16.06 Willard Asylum 487.98 Highways and bridges 250.00 Interest on R. R. bonds 3,290.00 811,385.46 TOWN OF ULYSSES. State tax $4,000.06 County tax 3,035.89 Town audits 1,069.21 Superintendent of the Poor 344.13 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 69 Willard Asylum. 289.12 Interest on R. R. bonds 5,250.00 Sinking fund 750.00 Highways and bridges 1,625.00 Unpaid taxes. 57.38 Canandaigua Home 104.00 At 6 o'clock the Board adjourned. $16,524.79 NINETEENTH DAY—FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1884. MORNING SESSION. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call. All present. Mr. Beers, Chairman of the Committee on Equalizations and Assessment Rolls, called up the report of said com- mittee, which has been heretofore presented and. laid over until this time, and upon motion of Mr. Chapman, said re- port was adopted. Said report is as follows : REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON EQUALIZATION. THE ASSESSED VALUATION OF THE SEVERAL TOWNS, AS PER ASSESSORS, FOR YEAR 1884: TOWNS. Ithaca No. Acres. Valuation Real Est. Valuation Personal. Aggregate Valuation. 3aroline 32,349 $ 785.875 32,025 $ 816,900 Danby.... .............. .. 33,286 646,655 23,275 669,930 Dryden 61,320 2,096,473 53,600 1,150,073 Enfield 22,007 554,260 62,850 617,110 Groton. 30,725 1.304,105 203,125 1,507,230 19,233 2,705,402 560,637 3,266,039 ansing 37,781 1,339,205 132,I00 1,471,305 4ewfie1d. 36,976 503.110 30,560 533,60 Jlysses 19,818 1,036,768 185,182 I,221,95C 89.971.853 $1 282,354 811,254,207 We, the undersigned, would respectfully report and rec- ommend that the following be and is hereby declared to be the equalized valuation of the real estate in the County of Tompkins, for the year 1884: 70 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. TOWNS. Valuation Real Estate. Valuation Personal. Aggregate Valuation. Caroline $ 441,753 $ 31,025 8 472,778 Danby 543 465 23,275 566,740 Dryden .... 1,401,045 53,600 1,454,645 Enfield 406 851 62,85o 469,701 Groton 912,425 203,125 1,115,550 Ithaca 3,270,768 560.637 3,831,405 Lansing 1,338,223 132,100 1,470,323 Newfield 518,537 30,560 549.097 Ulysses 1,138,786 185,182 1,323,968 Totals. $9,971,853 81,282,354 $11,254,207 JOHN E. BEERS, L. T. WHITE, R. A. CROZIER, R. G. H. SPEED, L. J. WHEELER. Mr. Beers, chairman of the committee appointed to in- vestigate the matter of dog tax, presented the following re- port, which, on motion of Mr. Crozier, was adopted : To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County : Your committee appointed to ascertain if the Board of Supervisors could legally exempt the dog owners of the Town of Caroline from paying a dog tax, according to law, would respectfully report that in their opinion the Board of Supervisors have no power to make such exemptions. J. E. BEERS, R. HORTON. The remainder of the morning session was occupied by the several Supervisors on the several tax rolls. On motion, Board adjourned. AFTERNOON SESSION. Board convened at 2 o'clock. The several members were engaged in extending their tax rolls. There being no present business, on motion, Board ad- journed to re -convene on Friday next, December 12th, at • 11 o'clock, A. M. SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 71 TWENTIETH DAY—FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1884. MORNING SESSION. . Board convened pursuant to adjournment. Roll call. Full Board. Minutes of last day's proceedings read and approved. The morning session was occupied by the Board in sign- ing the tax warrants for the collectors of the several towns. At 12 o'clock on motion Board adjourned. AFTERNOON SESSION. At two o'clock the Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call. All present. Mr. Beers offered the following resolution, which on mo- tion of Mr. Crozier was adopted : Resolved.—That a committee of three (members of this board) be appointed by the Chairman, whose duty it shall be to inquire into the feasibility of repair- ing or re -building the County Jail ; that they shall have power to examine other jails, receive estimates, and cause such plans and specifications to be made as they shall deem advisable, providing such estimates shall be made upon the ba- sis that the full expense of such repairs or re -building shall not exceed the sum of ($8,000) eight thousand dollars. Resolved.—That such committee shall have authority to convene this Board at any time, upon due notice being given to the members thereof. The Chairman appointed Messrs. Beers, Horton and Chapman as such committee. Mr. Beers offered the following resolution, which on mo- tion of Mr. Horton was adopted : • Resolved—That the committee heretofore appointed to make a contract with the County of Onondaga, for the maintenance of prisoners from Tompkins Coun- ty, for a term of three years, be empowered to make such contract for one year, if in their judgment they deem it advisable. Mr. Horton offered the following resolution, which on mo- tion of Mr. Chapman was adopted : 72 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Resolved.—That the janitor of the Court House be under the supervision of the Sheriff of the County. Resolved.—That the committee on ordinary repairs have the power and are hereby vested with authority to remove such janitor, upon complaint being made and hearing given. and, in case of such removal to appoint some person to act as janitor until the next annual session of the Board. Mr. Speed offered the following resolution, which on mo- tion of Mr. Crocker was adopted : Resolved.—That the School Commissioners of this County be authorized to publish in three weekly newspapers of the county, a notice of the competitive examination for the Cornell University Free Scholarship, at 5o cents per folio, and that the expense of publishing the same for one insertion shall be a county charge. Mr. Wheeler offered the following resolution which on motion of Mr. Chapman was adopted : Resolved.—That all applications for the use of the Court House during the ensuing year be referred to the Supervisor of Ithaca and the County Treasurer, with power. Mr. George E. Priest and School Commissioners Genung and Howe appeared before the Board and made statements with reference to the publication of the apportionment of school moneys, the charge for which was dis-allowed by the Board. Whereupon; Mr. Crozier offered the following reso- lution, which on motion of Mr. Beers was adopted : Resolved.—That on investigation in regard to an item in bills presented by the Ithaca Journal, Ithaca Democrat and Weekly Ithacan, for publication of ap- portionment of school moneys, which was rejected, the committee recommend that the County Treasurer be authorized to pay out of Court fund twenty-four and seventy-five one hundreths dollars ($24.75) to each of the above named papers in payment of said items, and that after this date it is deemed unnecessary to have the matter published for which said charge is made. Mr. Horton offered the following resolution, which on motion of Mr Wheeler was adopted : Resolved.—That the sincere thanks of this Board be extended to M. N. Tompkins Esq., for the efficient, prompt and courteous manner with which he has discharged the duties of Clerk during our present session.