HomeMy WebLinkAbout1882r} / • • 13 3 i • I �y HU ' O1"'''1'1[N .4 3 2 C3 it! IRIS • c fr • �. y J• .' _i'0. ' s,sy A- ..,,;5:. r...1.t.:,,,... , -,f� # ti In Y �': i CI ' LOOMMISSIONER'S -BILL} j2r , rr � :_ 1,� ���YJOIirC.i3L+LBE'� S�roin nd'sub:cri[rcd befur� m� �h s 10th du}•o€,•_Na` ember 18S ;`N11'..LSON:_z 1]Y0 lust(if "!ttie" Peaee:r -:,¢,- • a • F' . ,�� L `` Tom, '."f C`'- s"'i' ,t .-- ,,� .r • �„�' 4 ;,.° -y y� —r• ,�., _ - r a ' f '1 "Dry. �.i !�7 :.�a a. «�-'� P •+� G`�j,Y j Y x1 - -� if •' . , ",. rf- OFTIIE Board:of Supervisors OF TIIE COUNTY OF TOMPKINS, FOR THE YEAR 1882. DAVID CROCKER, D. P. HODSON, - ITIIACA; N. Y•.: • DEMOCRAT RTEAM BOOR AND JOB PRINTING noun. 1882. Chairman. s. Clerk: 7 1. 0 ANNUAL SESSION 0I' TIIF: • BOARD OF SUPERVISi S:'ORI OF TOMPKINS COUNTY ---1882. Pursuant to law, the Supervisors of the, several towns of Tornp- kins County, New York, convened in Annual Session at the Super- visors' Rooms in the Court :Rouse at Ithaca, in said County, on the • i tith clay of November, 1882, at f o'clock P.M. • The Board was called to order. by James McLachlan, Esq., Clerk of the Board of 1881. ,The Roll of Towns being called, all the Supervisors answered to their names respectively, as follows:; TOWN, MEMBER. 1'. 0. ADDRESS. Caroline • JAMES L'o10E Slaterville. Danby - - Jor-N E. BEERS - - Danby. Dryden GEORGE M. ROCKWELL Dryden. Enfield - JonN J. ABEL - - Trumansburg. Groton ALBERT G. CHHAPMAN - Groton. Ithaca - - RICHARD -A. CRozrER - - Ithaca. Lansing DAVID CROCKER - Five Corners, Cayuga Co. Newfield RANDOLPlr MORTON - - - Newfield. Ulysses - - Ho1Ac.L A.,BowEn - - Waterburg. On motion, Mr. Beers was unanimously chosen Temporary Chair - m an. - Sor.'l RVISOi S' PROCEEDINGS. On motion,—an informal ballot was taken for Permanent Chair- man, with the .following result:' Whole number of votes cast were 9, of which David Crocker re- ceived 5; John E. Beers, 2; Albert G. Chapman, 1; Randolph Horton, 1. On motion of Mr. Crozier, 1[r. Croaker was declared unanimous- ly elected Chairman. - . On taking'the chair, A[r. Crocker _addressed the Board substan- tially- 'its follows; GENTLEMEN OF THE BOARD: . 'By this aet-of selecting me as your Chairman, I cannot fail to recognize the warmth of personal friendship and regard, and while i question my ability to perform the duties as well as some other Members of the Board might do, yet I console niyself with the re- flection,that I shall have your support and co-operation, so that we may do nothing, which our constituents can censure. Wlien the committees are appointed, 1 trust you will labor diligently" with a view of making the session as. brief as the best interests of the county will admit. Again thanking you for the favor. conferred, we will proceed to the further organization of the Board:' On motion, an informal ballot was taken for Clerk, with the fol- lowing result: • Whole number of votes caste;sere 9, of Which DeAroe P. Hodson received 4; James McLachlan, :Ir.; 4; William I-Iazlitt Smith, 1. - On nrbtion, a formal ballot was had, with the following result: • _ Whole number of votes -were nine, of which Hodson received 4; McLachlan, 3; Smith; ' 2. A second formal ballot resulted as.fo lows: Whole number of votes given 9; of whicli Ifodson received 5; • McLachlan, 3; Smith, 1. . • -' On motion of Mr. Rockwell, the election of Mr. Hodson -as Clerk was made unanimous. F� -On'motion, Messrs. Horton and Bower were appointed a commit- tee to notify Mr. Hodson of his election. SIT rr rtyISORS' •PivOCE INGs. 7 • Mr_ I[odson appeared before the Board and accepted the office of • Clerk, and the regular order of business was procccded.with. Mr. Beers offered the following, resolution, which, o11 motion of Mr., Rockwell, was unanimously adopted: Eesolred,--That the Chairman of the Board.of Supervisors appoint the "fol- lowing Standing Committees: A Committee on Constables', Clerk's and Jus- tices' Accounts, to consist of three Supervisors. A Committee on Treasurer's,` Sheriff's and Judge's Accounts, to consist of three Supervisors. A Committee on Equalization and Assessment molls, to consist of five Supervisors.- A . Conunittee on County Buildings and Superintendent's Accounts, to consist of three -Supervisors. • A'Committee on County Claims, to consist of three Su- pervisors. A Committee on United States Deposit Funds and Insurance ,on - County Iluildings, to consist of three Supervisors. A Committee on Public • Printing, to consist of three Supervisors: A Committee on.Claims against the County from State, Charitable and other Institutions, to consist of three Su- pervisors. I!tti. Beers offered the following'reso]tltion; which on motion of IIIc. I.lorton, was unanintonsly •ildopted: -,. Resoced,--That the Board of Supervisors meet at 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. during the present session. , On motion, Board adjourned. • FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17th., Morning Session. Baard met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call --al] present. Minutes of yesterday's proceedings read and approved. The following resolution, offered by Mr. Horton; was; on motion of Mr. Crozier, adopted: 1Zeso62ied,—That all resolutions of this Board'by the members thereof,.bo presented in writing.and signed by the Supervisor presenting the same, unless otherwise ordered by; the hoard. The following resolution was offered by Mr. Abel: IPr+olved,—That the salary of the Clerk of this Board be fixed at the sum of X150. H • SUPERVISORS' PROcEIEDINGs. Mr. Boice'offered the following amendment: Resolved,—That the compensation of the Clerk of this Board be fixed at $3 per day.for every day actually engaged as such Clerk. A vote being had on the amendment of Mr. Boise, it was declar- ed lost. A vote being had on the. original resolution. of Mr. Abel, -it was adopted. The following resolution was offered by Mr. Bower: Resolved,—That the Board proceed to the election of Janitor. • On motion; the above resolution was Iaid on the table till Mon- day next at 2 p.m. The following resolution was offered by Mr. Ilorton, and was, on motion of"Mr. Beers, adopted: • • Resolved,—That all county orders issued by this Board be countersigned by ' the Chairman; and all town orders by the Supervisors of the several towns; and that no order shall be issued without the'consent of thc,Board until after the final adjournment of this Board. The following resolution, offered by Mr. Abel, was, on motion of Mr. Horton, adopted: Resolted,—That all bills and demands presented to this Board shall be refer- red to the proper committee without.further action by the Board. The communication to the Board from the Comptroller was read by the Clerk, and was, on motion of Mr. Horton, ordered spread upon the minutes, and is as follows: • STATE OF NEW YORK. COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE. ALBANY, October 10th, 1882. SIR:—The Board of Equalization of Taxes, in pursuance of Chapter 312, of the Laws of 1859, have fixed the aggregate valuation of property in your county at the sum of $$12,039,837, upon which amount a State tax of $29,497.60 must be levied for the current fiscal year, commencing October 1st, 1882, as provided in said act and amendments thereto, by Chapter 351, Laws of 1874, being 2 45.100 milts on the dollar, for the following purposes, viz: For schools, 1 10-100 mills, per Chapter 296, Laws of 1882. For general , purposes, 93-100 mills, per Chapter 296, Laws of 1882. For canals, 42.100 mills, per Chapter 208, Laws of 1882. Total, 2 45-100 mills. • Your obedient servant, IRA DAVENPORT, Comptroller. • 0 SUI'i+,RVISORS' PROCEEDINGS: . •9 The colnmunication to the Board from ,Willard Asylum was read by the Clerk. The Chairman announced the following standing committees of the Board: Committees of the Board of Supervisors, 1882. Chairman—Dn.v1n CROCKER, • • Clerk—D.VOE P. MovsoN: Constables', Clerk's and ,Tustices' Accounts, ; .. Crozier, Horton, Abel. Treasurer's, Slieri f''s and Judge's Accounts, Rockwell, Beers, Bower: _Equalization and .Assessment Rolls; Horton, Chapman, Crozier, Boice, Rockwell. Superintendent's Accounts and County Buildings, Chapman, Abel, Boice. • .. County Claims, Beers, Morton, Rockwell. U.S. Deposit Funds and Insurance. Bower, Chapman, Crozier. Public Printing, Abel, Crozier, Bower. . State, Charitable Institutions, .Boice, Beers, Morton. Mr. Crozier moved the adoption of the following resolution: 'Waved, —That the printing of the proceedings of the Board of Supervisors for the year 1882, be given the Ithaca Democrat," and Ithaca' Journal at 25 cents per folio. . And, that the printing,of said proceedings in pamphlet form be given ,the - Ithaca theIthaca Democrat, on the same terms as paid the Ithaca ,Journal for the_ year 1881. - • Mr. Rockwell offered the following substitute to the second clause of the above resolution: • Resolved,—That the committee on printing, solicit and receive grids • for the printing of 3,000 copies in pamphlet form, of the proceedings of the Board of 10 SUI'ERPISORs' PAOCEEDJ Gs. Supervisors for the year 1882; matter to'be•set in wide measure, and printed on' book paper, of the same size and quality as the proceedings of last year, to be set in the same size type, and to consist of the same number of pages as die "proceedings of last year, and that a proportional reduction or addition per page be allowed should there be more or less pages thairthat of last year; and that the same be completed,by.the 15th day of, January, '1883. Mr. Beerscalled' for' the aye§ and nays on. the substitute which resulted as follows:. : , Ayes—Boice, Beers, Rockwell, Chapman., Crocker, Morton, Bower. Nays—Abel, Crozier. The Chairman declared the substitute duly adopted. On motion, Board.adjourned. Afternoct .Session. Board met pursuant. to adjournment. Roll call—all present. . Mr. Abel offerecl.the following resolution which was, on motion of Mr. Beers, adopted: •. 1?es9lved,—That we pioceed to designate by ballot two papers in which to publish the official canvass. The chairman appointed -Messrs. Bower and Abel as tellers. The ballot resulted as follows:, Whole'ntimber of votes.were 9, of zvhiclt the Itliaca Democrat re- ceived 5; the Ithaca Weekly Journal received a; and the Groton and Lansing Journal received 1. . The Ithaca Democrat and the Ithaca Weekly Journal were de- clared to be duly designated by the Board as the two papers in Which the official canvass shall be published. Mr. Bower presented the abstract. of Town Audits for the town Of- Ulysses, which, on motion of Mr. Beers, was accepted. (See Town Audits.) On motion, Board adjourned... SIJI'ERVTsoR3' PIIocTrl$n1NGs. • SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 18th.. • Morning Session. • Board Irlet pursuant to.adjoi:rnnlen.t. Roll call—all present. 31i.nutes-of yesterday's proceedings read and approved: Mr. Rockwell presented the abstract of Town Audits for the town of Dryden, Which, on Iilotion of- 11Ir•. Morton, was accepted. (See Town AdditS.) • Mr. Rockwell offered the •follotiving'.resolutioni, which, on mo- tion of Mr. Beers, H=ere• adopted: 1?esolied,—That in accordance with a resolution adopted by the Board of Auditors of the town of Dryden, Nov. 9th, 1882, there by levied and collected upon the taxable property of said town, the sum of ($500) five hundred dol- lars for the support of the poor. Resolved;—That in accordance with a resolution passed at the Town Meet- ing held at Dryden Centre, February 28th, 1882, the sum of•($450) four hundred and fifty dollars, in addition to the sum of ($250) two hundred and fifty dol- lars as allowed by statute, be levied and collected in said town for the sup- port of roads and bridges. Resolved,—That in accordance with n resolution adopted Sept,,22d, 1882, by the Board of Auditors of the_Town of Dryden, there be' assessed and levied upon the taxable property of said town, the sum of ($450) four hundred and fifty dollars, for the purpose of erecting an iron bridge over Virgil Creek, near Freeville; also the sum of ($100) one Hundred dollars for the purpose of - repairing the abutments of said bridge; and also the sum of ($,55) fifty-five dollars for the purchase of plank fora bridge near Dryden village. ,The following resolution offered by Mr.• Chapman, was, on No tion of Mr. Beers, adopted: liesolvecl,---That there be added to the Town Audits of the town of Groton, • - the following bills: • '1M. C. Younir, Il:spector and Messenger, $10.20; W. I1..Ilurnham, Clerk of Assessors, $0.00. Myllderse VanCleef:, Esq.,. attorney for the Ithaca Savings Bank, appeared before the Board and sowed upon the Clerk,. ail order of - tlte•TomilkillsCounty Court, "In tho'rnatter of the application of "the Ithaca Savings Bank vs. The Board of ,Sujiervisors of- Tomp- kins County in the matter of an alleged illegal assessment." 12 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. The Board deferred action thereon till counsel for the Board can be notified. • Mr. Boice offered the following petition and resolution, which on . motion of Mr. Abel were adopted: To the IT6n. Board of Supervisors of Tee npkins County, N. Y.: We the Assessors of the'Town of•Caroltne do hereby most respectfully re- quest that the above mentioned land, property, and dogs which have been omitted from the Assessment Roll of the Town of Caroline, be placed on the Assessment Roll of said town. CAROLINE, Nov. 7, 1882. • CANTINE LOUNSBERY, HORACE E. PATCH, • Assessors. JEROME O. LILLIBRIDGE, Resolved,—That in accordance with a petition of the Assessors of the Town of Caroline to this Board, the following named property in said petition be placed on said roll at the same valuation of last year, viz: Moses Dedrick, 1 acre of land with Fountain building attached at $3,500; William P. Ashley, 1 dog; Mrs. Sarah Besemer, 1 dog; Frederick Blackman, 1 dog; Chauncey L. Wattles, 1 dog; Win. J. Carns, 1'dog. • Mr. Bower offered the following resolution, •which' was, on mo- tion of Mr. Morton, adopted: Resolved,—That in accordance with a vote of the Town of Ulysses, there be assessed and levied upon the taxable property of the Town of Ulysses, the sum of $3,000 for building bridge at Good win's Point. Also that there be as- sessed the sum of $250 in addition to the amount voted for at their annual Town Meeting, for roads and bridges. Mr. Bower also presented the report of the bonding commission- ers of the Town of Ulysses, which was, on motion of Mr. Chapman, accepted. (See Reports.) Mr. Bower also presented the Supervisor's Report of the bonded indebtedness of the Town of Ulysses, wbich was, on motion of Mr. Horton, accepted. , (See Reports.) . Mr. Beers presented the following petition, which was, on mo- tion of Mr. HIorton, accepted, and the prayer of the petition granted: • We the assessors of the Town of Danby, Tompkins County, N. Y., petition your honorable body,•the Supervisors of the County of Tompkins, that you make or add to the Assessment Ro]1 of 1882, -the following parcels of real es - :r` Su pEnviSons' PnooF.E.n yGS. 13 tate, to wit: Mrs, Jotham Vorhis, 45 acres; valuation y$'750; EJward Hill, 15 acres, valuation $140, which was overlooked or . missed, and was not put on said roll. Nov. '9, 1882. And oblige, J. WISE. A. J. BEERS, 'Assessors. J. D. FISII; • On motion, Board adjourned. Afternoon Session. Board met pursuant to adjournanent. Roll call—all present except Messrs. Bower, Beers and Crocker, who were previously excused. In the absenee,of Chairman Crocker, Mr. .Horton was appointed Chairman, pro tem. The afternoon session was in great part consumed by the Board in examining Assessment Rolls, preparing town budgets, etc. At five o'clock, there being no business, on motion, Board ad- journed. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 20th. Morning Session. •T3oard met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call—ail present, except Mr. Beers:. Minutes of Saturday's proceedings read and approved. Mr. Abel presented the abstra.et of Town Audits for the:Town of H nfield, which was, on motion of Mr. Rockwell, accepted. (See '.Lown Audits.) Mr. Abel offered the following resolution, which was, on motion of Mr. Horton, adopted: Tlesolved,—That In accordance with an estimate from the Commissioner of Highways, there be assessed and levied upon the triable property of the Town of Enfield, the sum of $250.00 for the improvement of roads and bridges. z♦ ti 14 SUPERVISORS' PP.00EEDiNGS. iIr. Bower offered the following resolution, which, on motion o{` • Mr. Horton, was adopted. Resolved,—That the resolution adopted by this Board appropriating .certain Moneys for the building and repairs of bridges in the Town of Ulyases, be amended by striking out the figures $3,000, and inserting in place and stead thereof, the figures,$8,250. On motion, Board adjourned. - Afternoon Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call—all present; On rtrotion of MI; Rockwell, the election of Janitor was deferred to, and made the special order of business for Wednesday morning next. Mr. Boice.presented the abstract of Town Audits for; the Town_ of Caroline, which vas, on motion of Iir. Crozier, accepted. (See Town Audits.) . Air. Boice offered the following resolutions, which were, on mo: tion of Mr. Chapman, adopted: - Resolved, —That in addition to the two hundred and fifty dollars, the anioun allowed by law, there he levied and assessed upon the taxable property of said Towu of Caroline, ($500) five hundred dollitrs appropriated by the Town Board; for repairs of bridges in said town for the current'year. Also Resolved, That in accordance with an appropriation voted at the last annual Town Meeting of the Town of Caroline, there be levied upon the taxable property of said town, the sum of. eight hundred and eighty-six dollars and eighty cents ($886 80-100) to reimburse Ex -highway Commissioner D. M. Bowman, for note given to Groton Iron Bridge Company, and other highway expenses. Also • Resolved, That in accordance with a vote at the last annual Town Meeting of the Towu of Caroline, there be levied upon the taxable property of said town the sum'of one hundred and fifty. dollars ($E50) for the support of the poor. - mr. Elias Smith, County Superintendent of the Poor; appeared before the Board and invited them to visit the County Alms Mouse at their convenience. -/' SL`1'.l.:rLP180R5. R6Cls'L•'11rNG5. la i1 Ir. Rockwell offered the following resolution, which was, on .motion of Mr. l3oice, adopted: Besoived,---That we accept the invitation of the Superintendent of the Poor to visit the Alms Flouse on Tuesday, Nov. 21st, 1882, and that the'Chairnniu appoiut a committee of two to procure couvcyances therefor. The Chairman appointed illessrs. 1 ool yell and Boice, a commit- tee to procure such conveyance.' Mr. Beers, Chairman •of the committee on County Claims,- re- ported the following bills, -which Were audited,, seriatim, by the Board, in accordance with the rccorruuendation of the committee. Bills numbers 123, 121, 107, 102, 101, 53, 55, 73, 70; 74, 77, 25, 92, 01, 100, 26, 17, 46, 44, 43, 40,35, 32, 34, 19, 14, 9, 31, 21; 30, 28, 24,. 2, 5, 8, 38, 37; 36, Mr. Chapman, Chairman of the commit -tee on Superitrtendent's Accounts and County J uildi 1grs, reported the following bills,_which were audited, serqatior,, by t}ie .Board, in accordance with the rec- ommendation of the committee. Bi11s numbers 51, 84, 68, 79. 1Ir. Cio'. er CIIairinan of theConmritt:ee on Constables', C1erk' i and Justices' .Accounts, reported the following bills -Which 'vero audited, seriatim, by the Board, in accordance with.the recomrnen- dation of the corttnrittee., ' . Bills numbers 120, 60, 71, 30, 95, 98, 4, 7, 10, 12, 33, 29, 116. 'inhere being no ±urthcr business, fire various committees retired. At six o'clock, the committees having risen, on motion, Board ad- journed._ TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 21st. Morning Session. .l3oarrl met pursuant to adjournment. moll call -all present. Ont. -motion of.11r•, TIorton, the reading of the -minutes 'of day's proceedings was deferred until Wednesday' morning. yester- 16 SuPE..EtVEsors' PROCEEDINGS. -The time having arrived for the visit to the County House, the Board adjourned thereto. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 22d. Morning Session. • Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call—all present except Messrs. Chapman and Bower, who were previously excused. Minutes of the proceedings of the last two days, (Nov. 20 and 21,) read and approved. • On motion of Mr.- Beers, the election of . Janitor was deferred • until the afternoon session. 11Ir. Boice offered the following resolutions, which were, on Eno - tion of Mr. Crozier, adopted: Resolval,—That the Supervisor of the Town of Caroline be, and is hereby • authorized to add to the taxes to lie raised in said town, the sum of $6.75 to the Ithaca Journal Association, for printing change of annual town meeting, by order of J. H. Mount, ex•supervisor. Also Resolved, That the bill of Uriah Lynch, assigned to 1t. E. Brink, of $12.35, for constable service be allowed at $12.25, and added to said Town Audits. • • There being no general business the committee on constables', clerk's and sheriff's accounts retired. The remaining members occupied the greater part of the morn- ing session in making up grand jury lists and examining assess- ment rolls. At -12:30 the committee rose, and on motion, Board adjourned. Afternoon Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll Call—all present except Mr. Bower, who was previously • excused. On motion of Mr. Dorton, the election of Janitor was deferred until to -morrow (Thursday) morning. SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. • 17 Mr. Abel.offered the following resolution, which was, on motion of Mr.. Morton, adopted: Resolvers,—That the grand Juror list be apportioned among the several towns (being based upon the census of 1880) as follows: Caroline, 20; Danby, 19; .Dryden, 43; Enfield, 15; Groton, 32; Ithaca, 91; Lansing, 26; Newfield, 24; Ulysses, 30. • Mr. Boice offered the following resolution, which was, on motion of Mr. Morton, adopted: Resolved, That there be added to the Audits of the Town of Caroline, the bill of Orville J. Tucker, as Excise Commissioner, to the amount of $3.00. There being no further business, the various.. committees retired for deliberation. Judge Ellsworth representing the Town of Ithaca, in the mat- ter of the .alleged illegal assessment against the Ithaca Savings Bank, appeared before the Board, to oppose any application which may beinade to strike said assessment from the roll. The several committees of the Board being engaged, 'and the various counsel being absent, on motion of Mr. Crozier, the hear- ing of the arguments of counsel in such matter was deferred until to-Inorrrow (Thursday) morning, at 10 o'clock. Mr. Crozier moved that a coariniittee of .tsi,o bo appointed by the. Chairman to investigate into the propriety of a new system of in- dexing the records of the County Clerk's Office. Carried. The Chairman appointed Messrs. Crozier and Chapman as such committee. The committee immediately repaired . to the County Clerk's office, and on their- return made the following report,: which was, on motion of Mr. Morton, adopted and spread upon the minutes, and the committee discharged. 13 the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: Your committee to whom was referred the matter of enquiring into the propriety of adopting Schlicht's system of indexing, for the records of the County.Clerk's office, respectfully report: That your committee have been unable to obtain any information that will • warrant the adoption of the new system at the present tune. R. A. CROZIER. A. G. CHAPMAN. 18 - SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. i%lr. Horton offered t]ie following resolution, which was, on mo- tion of,Mr. Chapman, adopted:• Resolved, That:the incoming County Clerk be required to give a bond in the suin of $25,000 in accordance with Chapter 118 of the Laws of 1880, and to present the same to this Board for their approval. At 5:30 the, coiiunittees rose, and on motion,- Board adjourned. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23d. Morning Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. . Roil call—all present. llinittes of yesterday's proceedings read and approved. On motion of Mr. Horton, the Board proceeded to the election of Janitor. • The Chairman appointed Messrs. Bower and Boice as tellers. On the first informal ballot, whole number of votes cast, were- 0, of which -William E. Johnson received 5, and George Guinn 4. On a formal ballot, whole number of votes cast, 9, of. which 'Johnson received 5, and Guinn 4. Tlie Chairman declared lir. Johnson duly elected Janitor of .tlie Court House .for the ensuing year. Dir. Horton offered the following resolution, which was, on mo- tion- of Mr: Crozier, adopted: . Resound,—That we proceed to the election of Jail Physician for the ensuing year. On an informal ballot for Jail Physician, the whole number of votes cast were 9, of which E. II. Kyle received 5; J. S. Kirkendall, 1'; G. M. Beckwith, 2; blank, 1. • On a formal ballot, whole number of votes cast, 9, of which Kyle' received 6, and Beckwith 3. _ The Chairman declared Dr. Kyle duly elected Jail Physician for the ensuing -year. SUPEI/VISORS' P1 oc!.171NGS. - 1S ATvnderse VanCleef, Esq., of counsel for the Ithaca Savings Bank, and Judge Ellsworth, of counsel for the Town of Ithaca,'appeared be- fore the Board and a.rgned the que-stion of the alleged iliegal'€issoss- ment of the Assessors of the Town of Ithaca against the Ithaca .1€ Savings Bank; foi•:$10,000,,on the surplus funds of said bank. Mr. Horton offered the following resolution, which was, ' on rno' tion'of Mr. Crozier, adopted:'. Rcsol€:ecl,=That dcommittee of three be appointed by the.Chair€ilan+of-.this Board, to investigate and report concerning the alleged illegal assessment of. the Ithaca Savings Bank. • The Chairman appointed as such. committee Messrs. 'Horton; Beers and Crozier.' Mr. Beers offered the following resolution,• which, on motion of Air. I:Lo ton, was adopted: • Resolved,—That there be appropriated the sum of $90 for the payment of the Jail Physician, for the year ending Nodember'25th,' 1883. 1Ir. Crozier offered the following .resolution, which was, on mo- tion of Air. Beers, adopted: s. Resolz;ed,—That the duty of the'Janitor shall -be to -keep..the Court House ;clean, lighted and comfortable during the sessions of Circuit, Special Term and County Courts, Supervisors' Sessions, and School Commissioners' meetings; and such other dutiesas are necessarily connected witli"the building dining said sessions and meetings,• and that the salary for the same be fixed at $150;' and that for attendance for other purposes •the -Janitor shall receive- such extra 'compensation as the Board of Supervisors . may, allow„•beginning Dec: 1st, 1882, and ending Dec. lst, 1883. • Mr. Bower offered the follbiviing•resol'iition; which,! onmriotion'of Mr. Crozir, Was'idopted:'•'•;' ' € .• Resolved,—That the Superintendent of the Poor lie, and is he"ieby'authorized to employ's Chaplain for the County Heiise,. at a salary not.to exceed $50, to 'be paid ulion the order of the Superintendent on' the •County Treasurer, and that the Superintendent be requested to report the number of times services have been held during the year. On motion; Board, adjourned. - 20 Su-PERI-is°Rs' PROCEEDkNGs, Afternoon Session. Board inet pursuant to adjournment. - Roll call—full Board. Mr.. Beers offered the following resolution, which was, on motion Of Mr. Abel, adopted: -- Resolved,, That the Supervisor of Ithaca be, and is hereby empowered to draw a bank note for the sum of eight hundred dollars (5800). Said amount to be paid the County Treasurer to be accredited to the Court Expense account. There being no general business, the several committees retired for deliberation. At six o'clock the committees rose, and, on motion, Board ad- journed. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 24th. Morning Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll' call—all present except Mr. Bower, who was previously ex- cused on account of sickness, - Minutes of yesterday's proceedings read and approved. Clarence L. Smith, Esq., appeared before the Board in his own be- half, on an appeal brought' to this Board, from the decision of the Auditors of the Town of Ithaca, and claimed that the amount of 57.25 should be added to his bill as allowed by said Auditors. Simeon Smith, Esq., of counsel for said Board of Audit, appeared, and opposed such ]notion, and the question was argued at some length by the respective counsel. J. I. Follett, Sheriff of Tompkins County, appeared and invited :the Board as a body to visit and -inspect the county jail at -their convenience. School Commissioner Genung appeared before the.Board and re- quested the several Supervisors to report 'by school districts the :7 • SUPERVrSCRS' PROCEEDINGS. 23 amount of public school money forfeited and not paid out by the Supervisors. - Miss Reed; representing the Old ladies'Ilorne of Ithaca, appear- ed and invited the Board to visit said institution' at their con- venience. Mr. Crozieroffored the fol]owing'resolution,- which was, on mo- tion of Mr. Forton, adopted:, `.IReaolaedl,—Tt;at this Board visit the -jail for inspection at two o'clock tuts day. The Printing Cornmittee made their report as follows: 7b the .Board of S+rpernisors of Tompkins County:, GENrr.EMEN,—Your Committee on Printing make the following report: We have submitted.proposals for publishing the proceedings of this Board in pamphlet form, and have.received a nrnber.of bids; some comply with the , terms of the proposals and others do not. We e consider it advisable to submit all the correspondence or bids to the Board •for consideration. JOIIN J. ABEL, R. A. CROZIER, Committee. H. A. BOWER. J Nir. Rockwell offered the following resolution, which, on motion of Mr. Morton, was adopted: ,Ilcsolzec8,—That do communication in regard to printing pamphlets be re- ceived by this Board, except such as may have direct reference. to the bids solicited by the Printing Committee. The following were, reported ])y the Printing Committee, as the only regular communications to them under the above resolution. OFFICE OF TILE ITIIACA DEMOCRAT, ITHACA, N. Y., Nov. 22, 1882. John J. Abel, Chairman Printing Committee, Board of Supervi- sors: DEAR Sart,—I will print 3,000 copies,of the Proceedings of the 'Board of Supervisors in pamphlet form,, according to your resolu- 22 Su1'FrtvlsoRs' PROCEEDINGS. tion,.for-4165' for the first eighty pages, and ;1.70 per page for each additional page theieafter. Yours vcry.truly, - WARD GREGORY. OFFICE: of THE ITrHACA DArr.l AND Wr.ar:r.r Jot;Iiti.tr., Ithaca, N.Y., November 22, 1882. To the Printing Committee, Board of Seperr;isors: GENTLEMEN,—We will, if the work be awarded to us, print and bind three thousand copies of your Proceedings in pamphlet. form, as per your requirements.. Tighty-pages for $165.00. . Additional pages at $1.70 per page. Very truly yours, • ITIIACA JOURNAL ASSOCIATION. OFFICE 010 TIrE GROTON AND LA.YsrYG JourtN�Lr,, . Groton, N.Y.; Nov. 22, 1882. John-J.Abel,'J q.,• Chairman .Printing Committee. DEAR SIR, -We will print 3,000 copies- of the Proceedings of the Board of Supervisors in pamphlet 'form, wide measure, equal qual- ity of last year's for $150,00 for eighty pages, and *I:Gtr for each additional page. Very respectfully yours, • JOURNAL PRINTING CO. DR-vorx, N. Y., N oyembar 20, 1882. .Messrs. jam. J. Abel,.R..A. Crosier, Ilorace A. Bower, Coim ittei: • GE-Nrrs:=I will if 'desired, print the proceedings of the Board -of Supervisors in pamphlet form in the manner and time designated by copy of resolution forwarded by you at one dollar eighty-four cents per page for the three thousand copies. Respectfully .yours, • • ' A. M. FORD, Publisher of Dry den Herald. Irnnca, N. Y., November 24, 1882... Chair2nan Printing Committee, Board of Supervisors : DErvIt'Slrt :—We will print' the proceedings for 1882, salve num- ber of pages:as last ycar,'s,,(3,000.copies), ready for delivery -on the SuPE1tVISORS' PRO CEED NGS. 23 10th of January, 1883, for $225.00. . Each. additional page in; or out, at the rate of $1.65 per page. Yours very truly, NORTON. & CONKLIN: . Oti motion of Mr„ Beers; the matter of awarding the printing of pamphlets was deferred until Monday afternoon Host, (Nov. 27) at 3 o'clock. . • r. Morton offered the following.resolution,--which was, on mo- tion of Mr. Beers, .adopted: Rewlverl,—That when this Board adjourns on'Wednesday, Nov. 29, it be to Monday, Dec. 4, 1882, at 11 A. M. F. E. 'Tibbetts, Esq., Attorney . for the Cr: •I, cC S..R. R. Co., ap- peared before the Board, and made a statement relating to a judg- ment against the Board of Supervisors, of which the following is a transcript: Supreme Court—Tompkins County: • judgment rendered against Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County; and in `:favor of -the Geneva, Ithaca and Sayre Railroad Company for damages, $ 107.GG ; costs,'.$5.4.05;- 'total' $161.71. Judgment docketed Sept: 23d, 1882, at. 9 A. M. F. :: Tibbetts, Attorney. Sr<ti r. of Naw Yoxr�, Tompkins County Clerk's Office, ss' I certify that the above is a correct 'transcript from the docket of judgment kept in this office. Dated, Ithaca; November 23d, 1882. [h.S.] S. B. ROLFE, Clerk. ]I1:r. Beers offered • the following resolutions,. which were, on mo% tion of Mr. Horton., a.dopted: Reso3ed,—That the County Treasurer be, and is hereby empowered to pay from the court fund the judgment, costs and interest in the ioatter•of the G. h. & S. -R. R. vs. the County of Tompkins, amounting to $168.33, said moneys to be paid F. II" Tibbetts, attorney for said corporation. :Rowlnil,_Thcit the County Treasurer procure and deliver to the Clerk of the Board;of,Supervisors,'.a satisfaction,of said judgment, 'and that the Clerk of the Board furnish the County Treasurer a copy of this resolution. 24 SurEjtvIsoi s' PROCEEDINGS. •• ?Ir. Chapman offered the following resolutions which were, on motion of Mr. Beers, adopted: Devolved, -That there be added to the Town Audits of the Town of Groton, the following bills: M. D. Goodyear, registering Firths, $2.00; Nelson Under- wood, constable, $19.45; W. E. Mount, justice, $2.50; V. B. Gross, excise com'r, $3,00; J. M. Montford, town board, $2.00. Resolved, -That in accordance 'with a resolution passed by the Town Audit ors of the Town of Groton, the sum of tbree,hundrecl dollars be levied on the taxable property -of said town for the support of the poor. Nr., Chapman presented the abstract of town audits of the town of Groton, which was, on motion of Mr.. Abel, accepted. (See ,Town Audits.) . • At 12 o'clock, on motion, Board adjourned: • Afternoon Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. . - Roll call -all present except Mr. Bower, who had been previous- ly excused. The time having arrived for the visit to the County Jail, the I3oard.adjourned thereto. On returning from the visit -to the County Jai], the Board re- assernbled; and • • •Mr. Crozier presented the reports of the several bonding com- missioners of the town of Ithaca, as also his report- as supervisor, of the. bonded indebtedness of said town, which were, on Motion of Mr. Horton, accepted. (See Reports.) ;t1r. Abel presented the report of the bonding commissioners of the Town of Enfield, as also his report as supervisor,• hf the bonded indebtedness • of said town, which were, on motion of Mr. Morton, accepted. (See Reports.) _Mr. Beers, chairman of the committee on county claims, reported the following bills, which 'were audited ser icrtina, by the Board, in .accordance with the recommendation of theconiinittee: Bills numbers 154, 56, 159, 157; 158, 103, 124, 119, 117, 105, 106, 108, 113, 122, 163, 141, 126, 128, 165, 168, 59, 58, 104, 118, 147, 142, 138, 137, 11', 69, 67, 171, 160, 65, 155, 62, 152, 61. "4; SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 25. Mr. Crozier, chairman of the committee on constables', clerk's and justices' accounts, reported the following .bills, which were, audited seriatim, by the Board, in accordance with the recommend- ation of the committee. Bills numbers 153, 170, 106, 173, 182, 181, 14:8, 139, 162, 167, 169, 140, 149, 27, 130. The remaining part of the afternoon was spent by the members of the Board, with their, committee work. At 6 o'clock, the coinmittees haying risen, on motion, :Board adjourned. . SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 25th. Morning Session. Board rnet pursuant to adjournment. Roll call—ail present except Mr. Bower, who was previously ex- cused on account of sickness. Minutes of yesterday's proceedings read.arrd approved. Mr. Boise offered the following resolution which was, on motion of Mr. Horton, adopted: Resolved,—That there be added to the Town Audits of the Town of Caro- line, the following hills, viz.: Gilbert- 8. Higgins, excise com'r, $3.00; Ithaca Democrat, per order of J. 13. Mount, $5.75; Weekly Ithacan, per order of J. II. Mount, $6.'75. Total $15.50. The several committees immediately retired for deliberation. At twelve o'clock, the committees rose, and on motion, Board ad- journed. Afternoon. Session.. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call ---all present .exeept Mr. Bower, sick, and Messrs. Beers, and Chairrnau'Crocker, -who had been previously excused. In the absence of Chairman Crocker, Mr. Morton. was appointed. Chairman pro tem: 26 • Sm'EI vfso1 s''PriocEErjINGs. Mr.'Rockwell offered the following resolution,• which was, on motion of Mr_ Abel, adopted: 12esolxecl,—That there be added to the Audits of the Town . of Dryden, the following bills, the same having been referred to the Town Auditors and ap- proved by them: Claimed. Allowed. 58. Elly It. Sherwood, Commissioner of Highways:...$ 189 00 $189 00 59. G. E. Hanford, Justice of the Peace. 3 45 .3 45 60. N.-K.,Foster, Physician - 1 50 1 50 61. A. M. Ford, Printing 11 50 11 50 62. A. Clapp, Printing 3 50 3 50 63. J. E. McElbeny, Auditor. ' 9 00 9 00 64. J. A, Genung, Auditor 9.00 9 00 65. Thos. N. Kellogg, auditor 9.00 9 00 .66. A. L. Smiley, Auditor • 3 00 3 00 $238 95 $238 95 • There being no further business, on motion, Board adjourned to Monday, Nov. 27, 1882, at 11 o'clock, a. nt. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 27. • . , ,•-:Morning Session. • Board inet pursuant to adjournment. Roll calf—all present except Messrs. Beers and Bower. Minutes of last day's•proceedings read and approved. Mr.. Horton presented the report. of . J. IC. Follett, • as Sheriff of Tompkins County, as to fines collected for the year ending Nov. 15,,1882, which was, on motion of Mr. Rockwell, accepted and spread upon the minutes. (See Reports.) At 12 o'clock, on motion, Board adjourned. Afternoon Session. • Board met •pun•suant to adjournment. Roll call—all present except Mr. Bower, sick: r"y -1•- S srEnv1sorls', P.noci.rrorvrs, 27 The time having arrived for the consideration of the matter of awarding the printing of the .proceedings of this Board. in pamphlet form, the same was taken up. Mr. Boise moved to proceed to ballot for the person'to whom the printing of the proceedings of this Board in painpltlet form be given. 111r•. l3eers 'offered the following resolution which was seconded by.Mr. Rockwell: Resolved,—That in designating the parties to whom the printing.of the pro-. ceedings in pamphlet form (of this Board) shall be given, the vote be taken by each Supervisor naming his choice as his name is called. A vole being taken by the Board on the resolution it was de- clared lost. • • .A -vote by ballot . being • had, the whole number • of ballots cast were eighty of which the Ithaca Democrat received. 5, the Dryden Herald received 2, and the Groton and Lansing Journal re- ceived 1: The Chairman'deelared that, by the greatest number of votes cast, the contract for lirinting the proceedings of this Board in pamphlet form, is awarded to, the Ithaca Democrat. 11Ir. Horton offered the ,following resolution, which was,,on mo- tion of Mr. Crozier, adopted: Resolved,—That the, committee on litigation be instructed by this Board to inquire into what steps are necessary to collect of the proper parties the sum recently paid by the county under judgment to the G, 1. &'S. R. R • for money illegally retained by the Collector of the Town, of Lansing,• and that the Chairman of this Board be added to said committee in the above matter. Mr. Morton also offered the following. resolution, which was, on motion of -Mr.. Crozier, adopted: Ilesoleed,--That the following surplus funds now in the hands of the County Treasurer, be turned over to the court fund and deducted from the deficiency in the current court expense account, to wit: Monroe, County Penitentiary, $184.31; 'Rome .Institute for, deaf mutes,, x;3.00;- interest account, $2.50; re- turned tax account, .$276.78. Total, $466.59. Mr: Rockwell offered the 'following preamble , and,. resolution, which were, on motion of 1tr. Clrapuran,, adopted: r 28 Sur :Rv isolIs' PROCEEDINGS. Wherea8,—Thii Board having visited the County .Jail and given the same a general inspection, have found the walls in ninny places very insecure, rind offering,littie resistance to the escape of prisoners. Therefore . Resoloed,--That a special committee of three Supervisors be appointed to make a thorough examination of the walls and cells, and to report to this Board the estimated cost of lining the walls with boiler iron .where needed, and to report any other improvements, and estimated cost of the same: which, in their judgment, may be deemed essential to the security of the jail. The Chairman appointed as such committee ]Messrs. Rockwell, t Crozier and Chapman. • • Mr. Boice offered the following preamble and resolution, which were, on motion ,of Mr. Crozier, adopted: Whereas,—It appears from a correspondence from the S. V. Home at Bing- hamton, with Supt. Elias Smith, asking for an appropriation from this'coun- ty for an increase of twenty-five cents per week in addition to one dollar and • fifty cents ($1.50) now paid said institution for the support of their inmates. (Payable in advance.) And Whereas,—It also appears from a correspondence with Supt. Smith,. that said inmates can be supported at the Canandaigua Home at one dollar and fifty cents ($1.50) per week, a less amount of sixteen dollars ($16.00) per year ' to each person in said institution. Therefore Resolved,—That in accordance with the correspondence and information re- ceived from Supt. Smith, that the several towns in the County of Tompkins, be allowed to- close their accounts with the S. V. home at Binghamton, and the Superintendent be instructed to transfer the inmates in said Home belong • - ing to said towns to the Canandaigua IIome. • Jared T. Newman, Esq., attorney 'for Abram 1T. Johnson; ap- Feared before the Board and served upon the Chairman an affidavit and notice of motion, to be made at a tertn of the County Court on the 28th day of November, 1882, at 10 o'clock A. ar:, for an order directing this Board to refund to said Johnson a tax of $25.31. - Mr. Beers offered the following resolution, which 'Was, on motion .of Mr. Horton, adopted: • ResoZnd,—That there be'assessed and levied against the taxable property of the Town of Danby, the sum of x250.00 for the support' of roads and r)ridges. Mr. Beers also offered. the following resolution, which was, on motion of Mr. Rockwell, adopted:: r�- Su.I'EJ VISo]is' PROCEEDINGS. 29- Iic. olzecZ,--That there be added to the town audits of the Town of.Danby the following items: Claimed., Audited: L. B. Beers, Town Auditor • _ $3 00 ' $3 00 C. B. feeler, " `° ... 8 00 . 3 00. John Thomas, " 3 00 3 00 Ira Pat.chen, rent of hall for election 3 00 3 00 James I. Briggs, Constable 2 95 2 05 Ithaca Democrat 5 75 5 75 Weekly Ithacan $ 75 6 75 $27 45 . $27 45 Mr. 'Beers then presented the abstract of Town Audits for the Town of Danby, which was, on motion of 11i'. Boice, accepted. (See Town Audits.) r At six o'clock, on motion, Board adjotirned. • TUESDAY, November 28. Morning Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment: Roll call—all present except Mr. Bower, sick, and Mr._ Beers previously excused. • Minutes of yesterday's proceedings read and'approved, r Mr. Chapman, Chairman of the •Committee on Superintendent's • Accounts, reported the following bills, which were audited seriatim IIy the Board, pursuant to the recommendation Of the Cominittee: Bilis Nos. 18, 81, 125, 95, 94, 85, 88, 134. J. T. Newman; Esq., appeared and served upon the Chairman the following order: At a term of the CountyCourt held at the office of. the County fridge at Ithaca, Tontpkins County, New York, on the 28th day of November, 1882. • 30 Su1'.11tvisoRs' PROCEEDINGS. Present, Iron. Marcus Lyon, County Judge. In the matter of a Tax of $25.:31 illegally assessed against and,co]- lected from Abram H. Johnson. On reading and filing the affidavit of Abram H. Johnson, from which it appears that.a tax amounting to twenty-five dollars and thirty --one cents has been illegally or improperly assessed and levied against him, and was collected from him. Januar-V ad, 1882; and that•no.part thereof has been. repaid; and on reading • and tiling dile proof of the service of notice of this application, upon the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of 'Tompkins County, and upon -tile application of said Abram H. Johnson, by Jared T. New- man, his attorney,• it is -hereby ordered, That the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County shall refund to Abram H. Johnson the stun of twenty-five dollars and thirty- one cents, on account of such tax illegally assessed and collected. MARCt S LYON, 'Tompkins. County. Judge. Filed Novamber 28, 1882. S. B: ROLFE, Clerk: Mr. Horton offered the' following resolution, which was, on mo- tion of Mr. Crozier, adopted: ,Resolved,—That in complianceL with the order of. the County Court of Tompkins County, directing this Board to refund to Abram 13. Johnson the, sum of twenty-five and 31-100 dollars, being the amount of tax illegally- assess- , ed and collected of the said- Abram H. Johnson; the said sum be . refunded .to said Johnson, and that the same be added to the Town Audits of the Town ofEufleld, and be levied and collected of the taxable property of said Town. Mr. Crocker presented the abstract of Town Audits of, the Town of Lansing (while Mr. Horton was temporarily in ihe.chair), which was, on notion of Mr.. Crozier, accepted. (See Town Audits.) There being no general business, the several cornmittees retired. . At 12 o'clock the committees rose„ and, on ,motion, Board ad- journed. SUPPnvISORS P1L CEEDr\GS. 31 Afterhoon Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll caller all present except iMr. Bower, sick. Mr. Rocl:tite1l, Chairman 'of tlic Committee on Treasurer's, Ac- counts, presented the respective reports -of cx-Conzrty. Treasurer E. 1N. Johnson and County Treasurer George id.•Northrup, S hick were, an motion of Al". Crozier, . accepted and -spread upon the minutes. (See Reports.) Mr. Rockwell-•also-preseuted..the following report, of • the Com- mittee on Treasurer's Accounts, which was, on motion of Mr. Hor- ton, adopted,• and epre3d upon the minutes.. • • To the .Iioarq of Superr;tsors: Your Committee -on Treasurer's'Aeeotints'would respectfully re- port that They have exarniired the gupplemontal report, of. ex - .County Treasurer Mr. E. 1(. Jolinsora, the same being herewith submitted,, together with the proper vouchers, and that they' have compared. the items in said report with the 'vouchers, and find them all correct. It is proper for the Committee to add that the Sante care and:e[iiciency is noti.eeable iai Air. Johnson's supplemental re- port which former committees have found? occasion to commend. Your:Committee would also further report that they have given the accounts and•vouchers of the County Treasurer, Mr. George H. Nor- thrup, a thorough examination and •find. them.in a.11 respects•correct, with entries on the Treasurer's books corresponding to..the ,figures of the report herewith. Ttyc committee have• carefully reviewed the extensions•and footings o.f,„tlre various accounts; and find •the same free from errors. Your Coinrnittee have also examined the securities held by the County Treasurer in trust for the Infant Heir Fund, and find the respective securities corresponding with the statements in the Treas- urer's report of said fund. . The Committee congratulatc.this Board and the County for• tho 32 • _ SuPERVIsoas' PROCEEDINGS. .. ability Shown inithe office of the County Treasurer, in his business methods, and his accuracy as an accountant.. . Signed, G. M. ROCKWTELL,• J. E. BEERS, Committee. II. A. BO11'.ER, 11Ir. Chapman, Chairman 01: the C'•ommittee on Superintendent's Accounts, presented the report of such committee, txith. the Sub- joined resolutions, which report was, on motion of Mr. Horton, ac- cepted and the resolutions adopted. (See Reports.) Mr. Crocker offered. the following resolution (while. Mr. ITorton was temporarily- in the chair), which was, on motion of Mr. Chap - 'Man, adopted: Resrilved,—That by consent and request of the Board of Town Auditors of the Town of Lansing, the following hills be added to the Abstract of said town: John C. Beebe.. $3S 243 -P: L. Smith... 1 50 J. G. Barger 5 25 Charles Baker 00 - Miles D. Goodyear 1 ; Wm. Mead, Town Clerk. 7 2 00 - C. G. Benjamin, Supplies for Poor - 5 00 George Drake, excess of tax 18 07 Ithaca Democrat, for printing Town election notice and U. S .Supreme Court decision 8.00 $80 70 Mir: Crozier, Chairman of the Committee on Constables', Clerk's, 'and Justices' .Accornrts reported the following bills, which were audited, seriatim; by the Board, in accordance with the recommen- dation of the committee: •Bios numbers 3, 180, 192, 183, 184, 13,,p2, 10. At 5.30, on motion, Board adjourned. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 29th. Morning Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call—all present except lir. Bower, sick. SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 33' - Minutes of yesterday's proceedings read and approved. Mr. Boice offered the following resolution: Resolved—That the Chairman appoint a committee of three, one of which shall be the Supervisor of Ithaca, and who shall be chairman of said contmit- tee, .and that said committee shall be the only authority through which the or- dering -of repairs and tee furnishing of supplies for. the County buildings eau be made, and that no person except said•committec shall have authority to order any repairs or furnish any supplies except through said committee, and that the chairman of said committee shall purchase a book and keep a full ac- count of all items of repairs and supplies for County buildings purchased by them. • Alto, Iiesoived,—That bills presented to this Board which•are for such supplies or repairs not found in said book, shall not be audited or allowed. Also, IZesolre'd,—That it shall be the duty of the chairman of said committee to present said book before the proper committee for their inspection at the next annual session of the hoard of Supervisors. On motion of 1t(r. Chapman, the above resolutions were Laid on the- table till Monday next at 3 p.m. i4fr. Crozier offered the following resolution, which was, on mo- tion of 11r. :Horton, adopted: Beached,—That, realizing the difficulties under which some of the conmmit- tees.labor in determining the legality -of bilis and items (and on which even able counsel disagree), the Chairman appoint a committee of two, whose duty it • shall be to procure a digest (from the best authority) of all items and the fees thereof, of all bills likely to be presented to a. board of supervisors for audit, or to.a board of town auditors. 'The same to he authority on any matter to which it refers, the expense of getting up the same to he a County charge. The Chairman appointed Messrs. Crozier -and Beers as such com- mittee. . r Itir. $oekwell,-Chairman of the Committee on Treasurer's, Sher- iff's and Judge's Accounts, reported the following bills, which were audited by the Board, seriatim-, hi pursuance of the recom- mendation of the committee: Bills numbers 52, 150, 180,'190, 179, 178. . kr. Abel offered the following resolution: • 34 S1iI ].ftvIsoRs' PnocEEDISGs. , Resolved,—That we proceed to designate by ballot two papers in which to pub- lish the session laws of 1883, and the one receiving the highest number of votes, and the one receiving the next highest, shall he declared such papers, provid- ed such papers shall fairly represent the two principal political parties in• the County. ' And that the price paid for said printing be not more than twenty cents per folio. On motion of 11[r. Chapman, the above resolution was laid on the table until Monday next- (Dec. 4), at 4 o'clock p.m. At 12 o'clock, on motion, Board adjourned. Afternoon Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call—all present except Mr. Bower, sick. The several committees occupied a short time in arranging their 'natters preparatory to the adjournment over Thanksgiving. At- 4 o'clock, there being' no further business, on• motion, Board adjourned, MONDAY, DECEMBER 4th. Morning Session. • • Board met pursuant to adjournment.' Roll call—all present except Messrs. Horton, Beers and •Abel. Minutes of last day's proceedings read aid approved. • ' 7n the absence of several members of• the Board, no business w.as taken up, and at 12 o'clock on motion, Board adjourned.. Afternoon Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment: D Roll call—all-present except Messrs.'Beers and l oitcrn. 1d.r. Bower, Chairman of the Committee on United States De- posit Fundis,. presented the report of said committee, as also the report of the Loan Commissioners for Tompkins County which; on motion of Mr. ]3oice, were accepted iuiil spread upon -the minutes. • (See Reports.) SUPERVIsORS' PROCEEDINGS. 35 The time having arrived for the `consideration of the resolution concerning the making of ordinary- repairs or furnishing supplies to the county buildings, the sane was called up by the Charman, whereupon Mr. Rockwell offered the following substitute to said resolution: Whereae,—By resolutions duly adopted by the Board of Supervisors, Dec. 3d, 1878, and amended Nov. 20th', 1879, the Supervisors of Ithaca, Ulysses and Caroline. and their successors in office, already constitute the committee on ordinary repairs of county buildings until otherwise ordered by this or succeeding Boards; the duties of said comriiittee being fully defined in the res- olutions aforesaid. Therefore Resolved, —That. any further action at present on the part of this Board, in regard to the province of said committee is superfluous and inadvisable; also as an amendment to said resolution of Dec, 3, 1878, i?esolved,--That all county claims for supplies ordered by any officer having by virtue of his office authority to purchase supplies for any county office or building, must be endorsed by such officer certifying to its validity, or accom- panied by the original order in writing.. . 1'[r. Crozier, Chairman or the Committee on- Ordinary.Rdpairs on County Buildings, presented the• following report, which was, on notion of Mr. Chapman, accepted and spread upon the minutes. (See Reports.) The greater part of the afternoon .session was occupied by the several committees at their work. At six o'clock the committees rose, and on motion, Board ad- journed. d- jotirned. TUESDAY,'DECEMBER 5th. Morning Session. Board met•pursuant to adjourniu.ent. Roll call—all present except Mr. Morton. •The special committee on repairs for the jail building were ex- cused -and proceeded to' make a thorough examination of, said building. . 36 Su r°ERvrsOns' PROCEEDINGS, By unanimous consent Mr. Rockwell withdrew his resolution offered as a substitute to the resolution presented. by, and finally withdrawn by Mi'. Boise, whereupon Mr. Chapman offered the fol- lowing, which was, on motion of Mr. Boice, unanimously adopted: Resolved,—That all bills presented to this Board for supplies shall be accom- panied by the order of the person authorized to procure the same, and all bills for repairs shall be accompanied by the order of the Chairman of the commit- tee on ordinary repairs; and that all bilis presented without said order shall not be audited by the Board. Mr. Chapman presented a proposition from the publishers of the Groton and Lansing Journal to publish the session IaWs for the en-, suing year. - • ' 11r. Morton then offered the following resolution, which was, on • motion of ilEr; Rockwell, adopted: Resolved, ---That a committee of three be appointed to ascertain and report to this Board, whether the printing of the .session laws, in the Groton and Lansing Journal will satisfy, or be in accordance with, the statute requiring that the same be printed in two newspapers of .the county fairly representing the two leading political parties, and whether this Board, if such printing were awarded to said Journal; would be liable to a writ of mandamus and a consequent bill of costs. The -Chairman. appointed the following as such committee: Chapman, Horton, Rockwell. At twelve o'clock, on motion, Board adjourned. Afternoon Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call—all present. The matter in regard to obtaining a seal for the Board of Su- pervisors was called up, and on motion of Mr. Crozier, the con- sideration of the same was indefinitely postponed. Mr. Crozier presented the bond of County Clerk -elect P. J. Partenheirner, which was, on motion of Mr. Morton, accepted and ordered placed on file by the Clerk of the Board_ of Supervisors. • • Mr. Chapman, Chairman of the Committee on Superintendent's Accounts"andCounty Buildings, reported the following bills, which S[JPEPVISORs' PROCEEDINGS. 37 • Were audited seriaain by the Board, in•accordarlce with the recom- mendation of the committee. Bills numbers 107, 198. The several committees immediately retired_ for deliberation. At six o'clock the committees rose, and on motion, Board ad- journed. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 6th. Morning Session. • Board met .pursuant to adjournment. • Roll call—all present. Minutes of yesterday's proceedings read and approved. Mr. Crozier presented the abstract of Town Audits for the Town of Ithaca, which was, on Motion of Mr. Beers, accepted. (See Town Audits.) Mr. Crozier offered the following resolutions, which were, on mo- tion of Mr. Horton, adopted, and the bill mentioned therein, was ordered placed on file: Resolved, —That there be assessed and levied upon the taxable property of the Town of Ithaca the sum of $250; said amount to be applied by the Com- missionci' of Highways for maintaining highways and bridges in said town; also _Resolved, —That in pursuance of request of Town Auditors there be assessed and levied upon the taxable property of the Town of Ithaca, .the sum of twenty-eight hundred ninety.seven and 22-100 dollars ($2897,22); said amount is for the purpose of paying the indebtedness of the Overseer of the Poor of said town as per accompanying bill, Mr. Horton presented the abstract of Town Audits for the Town_ of Newfield, which was, on motion of Mr. Crozier, accepted. (See Town Audits.) 147:r. Horton then offered the following resolutions, which were, on motion of Mr. Crozier, adopted:. Resolved, ----That there be added to the Town Audits of the Town of New- field, the following items, to wit: 38 Suii.RvisoRS' PROCEEDINGS. Eugene Davis, town auditor, 3 days, $0.00; W. E. Busts, town auditor, 3 • days, $9.00; C. A. Smith, Lown auditor, 3 days, $9 00; George W. Ilam, in- spector of election, .$4,00; R. Horton, supervisor, filing collector's bond, $1.00; R. Horton, supervisor, mileage on same,.$1.28; James 1{.•Linderman, excise com'r, $3,00; N. B. Dunning, R. R. com'r., 46.00. .Resolved,—That the Supervisor of Newfield be authorized to raise by tax on the taxable property of said town the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars;. for the Commissioner of Highways, to be applied by,him for the building and repairing of roads and bridges; and also the sum of fifty dollars for the sup- port of the poor of said town. Mr. Horton also presented the report of the Pa. & S. B. R. R. Bonding Commissioners of the Town of Newfield, and the report of the Supervisor, of the bonded indebtedness of said town, which were, oh motion of Mr. Beers, accepted. (See Reports.) Mr. Beers, Chairman of the Committee on County Claims, re- ported the following bills, which were audited, seriutam, by the •Board, in pursuance of the recommendation of the committee: Bilis numbers 76, 82, 72, 41, 75, 83, 86, 57, 80, 60, 64, 49, 48, 45, 15, 23, 6, 1. Mr. Chapman, Chairman of the committee on Superintendents' Accounts and County Buildings reported the following bill, which was audited by the Board according to the recommendation of the committee. Bill number 202. • Mr. Rockwell, Chairman of the Special Committee to examine the Jail Building, presented the following report, wliich.was, on motion of Mr. Beers, adopted, and the committee discharged. - To the Board of.Supervisors: • Your Conirnittee appointed to inspect' the County .hail would re- spectfully report that after careful investigation we *are not pre-- pared re-pared to advise any extensive repairs on said Jail, as the condition of the structure is such that, in our judgment, nothing short of a complete reconstruction of the building will render it a safe place to confine criminals. G. M. ROCKWELL, R. -A. CROZIER; Corninitted. A. G. CIIAPIrAN, SUPEIb1'ISORS'' PROCEEDINGS.. 39 Mr. Bower, Chairman of the Committee on Insurance, presented the report of said conimittee, together with the subjoined resolu- tion, which report was, on motion of Mr. Morton, accepted; and the resolution adopted. (See Reports.) Mr. Bower offered the following resolution, which was, on mo- tion of Mr. Rockwell, adopted: • 1?esoved,—That the Supervisor of the Town of Ulysses by request of the Town Auditors be authorized to add to the Audits of said Town the following bilis: Jacob Stillwell, auditor .... $6 00 C. L. Adams, printing 3 25 J. L. Pope, Clerk Audit Board 9 00 Sidney P. Thompson, Excise Commissioner... ..... 3 00 J. F. Flickinger, Physician ............... 15 00 E. P. Bouton; Clerk of Election 4 00 Horace A. Bower, Supervisor, disbursing school moneys 23 79 $64 04 Mr. Iiorton Offered the following resolution, which. was, on mo- tion of Mr. Beers, adopted: Resolved,—That the surplus now in the bands of the County Treasurer on account of the 'Western Institute for deaf mutes, to wit: $60.64, be appropri- ated as follows: The sum of $30.00 shall be transferred to the credit of the account of the Canandaigua Home with the Town of Caroline, and the sum of $30.64 shall be transferred to the deficiency in the court expense account of the county; and that a certified copy of this resolution be furnished to the, County Treasurer. Mr. Chapman, Chairman of the CotArnittee on County Buildings, presented the report of said committee, which was; on motion of Cllr. Beers, accepted And ordered. spread upoti the• minutes. - (See Reports.)• At 12 o'clock, on motion, Board adjourned. Afternoon Session. Board met pursuant to adjourtrtent. ' Roll call—all' present except 'Messrs. Cliapnin and Bower, pre- viously excused. • 40 Su rERS ISORS' PROCEIa)I GS. Mr. Beers, Chairman of the Committee on County Claims, re- ported the following bills, which sere audited, .seriati'n, by the Board, in accordance with the recommendation of the committee. Bills numbers 151, 176, 189. 190, 191, 164, 205, 175, 177, 185, 143, 187, 156, 132, 110, 131, 127, 115, 112, 111, 109, 204, 89, 90, 93, 97, 99, 193, 194, 200, 201, 129, 203, 199. Mr. Boice offered the following resolution, which was, on motion of Mr. Horton, adopted; Reso5ied,-That there be added to the Town Audits of the Town of Caro- line by request of the Town Auditors the amount of six dollars and eighty cents ($6.80) to be added. to bill 42 belonging to James E. Vandemark, of vvaich there has been allowed $3.55. Mr,-Boice, Chairman of the Committee on State Charitable In- stitutions, presented the report of said committee, and offered the subjoined resolutions, which report, was, on motion of Mr. Horton, accepted, and the resolutions adopted. (See Reports.) ?lir. Crozier; Chairman of the Committee on Constables', Clerk's and Justices' Accounts, reported the following bili, which was audited by the Board, in accordance with the recommendation of the committee. Bill number 135. Mr. Rockwell offered the following resolution, which was, on motion of Mr. Horton, adopted: Resolved, -That in accordance with precedent heretofore established, the County Treasurer be permitted to retain or his own use the cheek received from the Comptroller, being one per cent for receiving and' disbursing the state public school ,moneys appropriated by the state as fees for County Treasurers. At six o'clock, there being no further business, on motion, Board adjourned. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7th. • Morning Session. Board rnet pursuant to adjournment. Roll present.exeept fir. Bower, excused. Minutes of yesterday's proceedings read and approved. SUrF-1Cv1SO1 s' PEOCEFDINGS. 41 Mr. Rockwell presented the report of IIon. Marcus Lyon, Surro- gate, in relation to the fees received by him during the year 1882, which was, on motion of Mr. IIortori, accepted, and ordered spread Upon the minutes. (See Reports.) There being no, general- business the • Committee on County Claims retired for deliberation. At 12 o'clock the committee rose, and, on motion, Board. ad- journed. Afternoon Session. Board' met pursuant to adjournment. ]loll call—all present except Mr. Bower, excused. Mr. Beers, Chairman of the Committee on County Claims, re- ported the following bills, which were audited, seriatim, by the • Board, conformity with the recommendation of the committee. Bills numbers 146, 144, 145, 188, 209, 212, 208;208, 207, 210, 211, 195, 138, 133, 114, '78, 66, 54. The afternoon session was in great part occupied by the Board in the discussion of the several matters, which, during the session, have been brought before them, by various counsel. At 6 o'clock, there being no present business, on motion, Board. adjourned. FRIDAY, DECEMBER Stli, Morning Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call—all present. Minutes of yesterday's proceedings read and approved. Mr. Crozier moved that the committee on ordinary repairs on, county buildings, forthwith make an examination of. the locks on the cells in the County Jail and report the number of new locks necessary to purchase. Carried. 42 *SurEitvrsoizs' PRoCEEDD;cs. Mr. Chapman presented the report of the Railroad Bonding Com- missioners of the Town of Groton, as also his report as Supervisor of .'said Town, which were, on motion of Mr. Horton, accepted. (See Reports.) Mr. Boice, Chairman of the Committee on State Charitable In- stitutions; reported the following bills, which were respectively audited by the Board, in accordance with the recommendation of the Committee. Bills numbers 161, 160. Mr. Boice then offered .the following prearuble and resolution: Whereas,—By section 2508 of the code of civil procedure the Surrogate is allowed to appoint as many 'clerks for his office as the Board of Super- visors of his County may authorize, said Board of Supervisors to fix the compensation of the clerks so appointed, and allowing such Board of Supervisors to authorize such clerks to receive for their own use the legal • fees for ina1 ing copies, etc., therefore Resolved,—That the Surrogate of this county be and is hereby authorized to appoint one clerk for his office and court, and that such clerk receive a salary of $100, and. be and. he is hereby authorized to receive for his own use the legal fees for making copies of any record or paper in the office of the,Surro- gate, or for any other services in said office for which fees are allowed by law. On motion of Mr. Horton, the above resolution was laid over till next Tuesday afternoon at 3 r. xt. At 12 o'clock, there being no business, on motion, Board ad- , journed. • Afternoon Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call—all present. Mr. Crozier offered the following resolution, which was, on motion of Mr. Abel, adopted: llesolered,—That.the following amounts be added by resolution of this Board to the Town Audits of the Town of Ithaca. William 0. Newman, Auditor.... $34 00 William McKinney, Auditor 84 00 E. K. Johnson, Auditor 34 Q4 R. A. Crozier, Supervisor 6 00 A SurrltvxsORS' PRO CE '.DINGS, 43 William Whitlock, Constable Rev. Francis Dusenberry Amount in M. B. Sueeden's bill assigned Crozier & Feeley, a town charge by recommendation of Board of Audits, S. B, Beers, Assessor Peter Kline, Assessor. Clarence L. Smith, Justice 5 05 5 50 50 25 52 00 27 00 7 25 $255 05 Supplies for Town Poor: Sears and Baueus bill, amount in ful] $5 00 J. L. Beers 1 50 1�G 50 .$261 55 Mr. Boers offered .the following resolution, which was, on mo- tion of Mr. Crozier, adopted: Resoled—That the sum of $200 be appropriated for office rent, fuel and light for the District Attorney for the ensuing year. Mr. Crozier offered the following resolution, which was, on mo- tion of Mr. Norton, adopted: • Rssolrecl,—That the Sheriff: be and is hereby authorized to purchase six jail Iocks, and that the sum of thirty dollars be raised on the taxable property of the County and placed, when so raised by the County Treasurer, to the credit of Sheriff Follett for paying for said locks, or so much thereof as may be nec- essary. Alr. Chapman offel•ed the following, resolution, which was; on notion of Mt. Beers, adopted: Resolrerl,—That the County *Superintendent of the Poor be requested to purchase such bedsteads and chairs as he shall deem necessary for the inmates of the County Poor -house. The rerilaini.ng part of the afternoon session was occupied by the Board in examining assessment rolls and countersigning. town and. 'county orders. At 0 o'clock, on motion, Board adjourned till Monday next (Dec. 1i),at M. 44 SUPERVISORS' PROCEED/SGS. MONDAY, DECEMBER 11. Morning Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll 'call—all present except Mr. Beers. Minutes of last day's proceedings read and approved. Mr. Chapman offered the following. resolution, which was, on motion of Mr. Abel, adopted: Resolved,—That there be added to the audits of the Town of Groton the fol- lowing bills:. L. H. Buckley, Excise Commissioner$3 00 N. R. Streeter, • " 3 00 D. E. Morton, A.uditor 3 00 $9 00 Mr. Rockwell offered the following resolution, which was, on motion of Mr. Chapman, adopted: .Rranlved,=That there be added to the Abstract of the audits of the Town of Dryden the following hill, by request of the Assessor: Estate of D. C. White, for tax illegally collected in 1881 $7 34 Mr. Rockwell also offered the following resolution, which was, on motion of Mr. Abel, adopted: Resolved,—That pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 791, of the Laws of 1868, the sums placed in the following schedule be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of persons whose.namcs are included in the several dis- tricts and in the sums respectively named in said lists, submitted to the Board and furnished to the Supervisors of the several towns named in the schedule, by the Overseers of the Highways of ,the Road Districts included therein. DRYDEN. • Road District. No. of Days. Tax. 158 2 . $3 00 38 G 9 75 122 1 1 50 60.... 4 0 00 72 1 1 50 • 'SUPERVISORS' PROCEED INGS. 45 NEWFTELD. Road District. No. of Days. Tax. 72 3 $4 50 10 1 1 50 28 04- 14 25 At 12 o'clock, on motion, Board adjourned. Afternoon Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call --all present except 14[r. Beers. The Cominittee on Equalization and Assessment Rolls immedi- ately retired to their room for deliberation, while the rerriaining members of the Board occupied their time in countersigning ToWn and -County orders. At 5.30 the Cominittee on Eilualization and Assessment Rolls rose and presented their report. The report was read by.Mr. Morton, Chairman of the Cominittee, and, in conformity with the statute, was laid over one day. On motion, Board adjourned. .• TUESDAY, DECEMBER 12. Morning. Session. Board met.pursuaiit to adjournment. Roll call—all present. Minutes of yesterday's pyoceeclings read and approved. Mr. Horton offered the following resolution, Which wa, on mo- tion of Mr. Beers, adopted: Resolved, --That the Supervisors of the several Towns be authorized to re- assess the unpaid taxes from their respective issessment rolls of last year, at the same amounts as returned to them by the County Treasurer. Mr. Beers offered the following resolution, which, on motion of Mr. Horton, was adolited: 463 SurErtvrsores' PRow .E1)I\Gs. Resolved,—That when this Board adjourn on Wednesday afternoon, Lccem- ber 18th, it adjourn to meet again on Thursday, December 21st, 1882, at 11 o'clock a.m. .At 12 o'clock; on motion, Board adjourned. Afternoon Session. • Board met pursuant .o adjournment. Roll call—all present. The time having arrived to consider the. resolution regarding the compensation of the Sm•rogate's Clerk, the carne was called from the table. • On motion of Mr. Beers, the consideration of said resolution was postponed indbfinitely. Mr. Chapman, chairman of the committee heretofore appointed to inquire into the propriety of awarding the publishing of the Session Laws to the Groton and Lansing Journal, as one of the newspapers required by law, made a minority verbal report submit.; ting the question to the Board. Messrs. Horton and Rockwell, from said committee, made the following majority report: To Mg Board of Supervisors of Tompkins Cotoz y• The majority of your committee appointed to inquire into the legality of printing the.Sessidn Laws- in,•the Groton •and Lansing Journal, would respectfully report that they have carefully inves- tigated the matter, and find. from the statute and the decisions thereunder that it would not be in compliance' with the law to have the Session Laws printed:in such newspaper, and are of tlie, opinion that ballots cast for sueli paper would be of •no effect, "arid if chosen; the Board could be compelled by nand;imus to select two newspa- pers, fairly representing the two principal political parties- into which the people of the County are divided. B. HORTON, Committee. G. M. ROCKWELL,• .On motion of Mr. Beers, the report of the majority of said -com- mittee was adopted, and the committee discharged. SUPERVISORS' PRoc:1;1u1NGs. 4 1 Mr. Beers then moved that the Board proceed to.ballot for. two newspapers in which to publish the Session Laws for the ensuing year. . Carried. A ballot being taken, resulted as follows: A\Thole munber of votes cast were 0, of which the Ithaca Demo- crat received 5, the Ithaca ,Toternal received 3, and the Groton and Lansing ,Tournnal received 1: The chairman declared the Ithaca Democrat and the Ithaca Journal as the two newspapers designated by the Board in which the Session Laws foi• the ensuing year be published. . • Mr. Chapman offered the following preamble 'and resolution: 117/erea8, bills for printing 121,1 folios at twenty cents in two papers amount- ing to $724.40 have been audited by this Board, for printing the Session Laws of hist year, and although the printing of said laws appears to be of very little value to the tax -payers of the County, yet as the statute now stands this Board is compelled to appoint two papers to print or publish the same; and Whereas,' it appears from information obtained such as the proceedings of the Board of Supervisors of Cortland County, in fixing the price at ten cents per folio, the offer of the Groton and Lansing Journal company to print. the same at eight cents per folio, and from other sources, that we have been paying. largely in excess of a fair compensation for such work; therefore he it IZesdved, That the price for publishing the Session Laws the ensuing year shall be fixed at ten cents per folio. ' Beers moved to strike out the preamble in the above resolu- tion; and also moved that the word. "ten" in said resolution be stricken out, and in place and stead thereof the word "fifteen" be inserted. , Carried.' A. vote being 'taken on the resolution, as amended, it adopted. 3Ir..Abel offered the following,resolution, which was, on mo- tion of Mr. Chapman, adopted: Resolved,—That the bond required to be given by the County Suparinten- dent of the Poor (as per Laws 1850, Chap. 12) be fixed at the sum of ten thou- sand dollars. was • 48 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Mr. Beers, Chairman of the, Committee on County Claims, re- ported the following bills, which were audited, seriatim, by the Board, in accordance with the recoininendation of the committee: Bills numbers 220, 217, 218, 216, 224, 222, 221, 219, 223, 214, 215. At 6 o'clock, on motion, Board adjourned.. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 13th. Morning Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. RoJI call—all present. Minutes of yesterday's proceedings.read and approved. Mr. Horton, Chairman of the Committee on Equalization and. Assessment Rolls, presented the report of said committee, which was, on motion of Mr. Bower, unanimously adopted. Said report is as follows: '2b. the _Board of Supervisors of 7omploiqs County: Your Committee on Equalization respeetfnlly report that the as- • 'sessed valuation of the several Towns, as reported by the Assessors for the year 1882, is as follows: TOWNS. No. Acres. Caroline. Danby. Dryden Enfield.................... Groton. Ithaca Lansing Newfield. Ulysses, 31,350 33,286 61,320 2,007 30,725 19,233 37,781 36,976 19,818 Valuation Valuation Valuation Real Est. Personal. Aggregate. $ 786,084 $ 35,275 648,700 19,770 1,099,341 .52,860 558,890 58,700 1,320,370 220,400 2,608,214 056,350 1,350,670 152,980 501,260 35,130 1,027,469 192,233 $ 9,900,998 $1,423,698 $ 821,359 668,470 1,152,201. 617,590 1,510,770 3,264,564 1,503,650 536,390 1,219,702 $11,324;696 Sur1ftvrsorts' PnocEEDINGs. 49 •Wc, the undersigned, the Comrnittee on Equalization, would re, spectfully report the following to be the equalized valuation.of the real estate in the County of 'Tompkins, for the year 1882: TOWNS. Caroline Danby Dryden Enfield. - Groton . Ithaca .... •..... ............ Lansing. 'Newfield. .. . Ulysses. . Valuation Real Estate. • Valuation Personal. $ 438,614 $ 35,275 ' . 589,604 • 19,770 1,391,090. 52,859 403,961 58,700 • 905,942 220,400 3,247,527 • • 656,350 1,328,714 152,980 514, 852 3+,134 1,130, 694 192,233 . $9,900,998 $1,423,698 Valuation Aggregate. $ 473,889 559,374 1,443,250 462,061 1,126,342 3,903,877 1,481,694 549,982 I,322,927 $11,324,696 R. IHOR I'ON, A. G. CHAPMAN, • R. A. CROZIER, JAMES BOICE, G. M. ROCKWELL. Committee. To the Board of Supervisors of lompkin.s Coxcraty: Your Committee appointed to examine the Assessment Rolls of the soveri1 Towns in said County, report that they have performed such duty, and find the oaths of the Assessors attached thereto, to, be in accordance with the statute. .R. FIORTON, A. G. OITAPMAN, R. A. CROZIER, Coutrnittee. JAMES - BOICE, G. M. ROCKWELL, Mr. Horton presented and read the County Budget, which was approved and adopted by the Board, and is as follows: Izesol.ved,--That the following be assessed and levied on the taxable property of the County of Tompkins for the purposes herein set forth: The State Board of Equalization of Taxes having fixed the aggregate valu- ation of property in the County of Tompkins at the sum of $12,032,837.00, a0 Srn'ERVISORS' PROC.IGi 1)1rGS. upon which amount a tax of $29,497.60 must be levied for the current fiscal Year, commencing October 1st, 1882, for the following purposes, viz.: For Schools, 1 10 100 mills $13,243 821 . For General Purposes, 93100 mills 11,197 048 For Canals, ' 42-100 mills 5,056 731 Total, 2 45-100 mills $29,497 60 County Judge's Salary 2,500 00 County Treasurer's Salary 900 00 Clerk of Supervisors' Salary 150 00 Chaplain to Alms -House Salary.. 50 00 Court Expenses 3.500 00 County Audits 12,508 21 Clerk's Postage Account " 10 00 District Attorney's Salary.... 600 00 Fuel and Gas Fund 500 00 Janitor of Court House 150 00 Onondaga County Penitentiary 257 31 Physician to Jail. 90 00 School Commissioners' Salary 400 00 Superintendent of Poor.... $4,267 62 Less Amount by Towns 1,146 78 3,120 84 Surrogate's Office, Incidental Expenses, 50 00 Treasurer's Stationery and Postage Account 15 00 Willard Asylum • 7,222. 04 Less Amount by Towns 5,994 09 1,227 95. Special County 'Judge's Salary 50 00 Notes Payable 900 00 Clerk of Surrogate's Court., Salary 250 00 Deficiency in Court Expenses 1,743 13 Less Surplus.dedueted by Resolution 497 23 1,245 90' Insurance Premiums on County Buildings 178 50 Susquehanna Valley Home. 9 25 State Asylum for Idiots 16 00 J. K. Follett, Jail Locks 30 00 District Attorney, office rent, fuel, etc. 200 00 $58,406 50 , Resolved,—That the following sums be levied and collected upon the taxable >- property" of the several Towns of the County of Tompkins, for the purposes herein named: 1 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 51 CAROLINE. State Tax $.1,306 74 County Tax 1,280 66 TownAudits766 92 Highways 1,636 80 Overseer of Poor 150 00 Superintendent of Poor 119 09 Willard Asylum 176 21 Western Institute for Deaf Mutes. 250 00 Returned Tax 4 73 Susquehanna Valley Home ... 114 75 $5,805 90 DANDY. State Tax $1,607 62 County Tax ....... 1,575 54 TONNA Audits 419 44 Highways250 00 . Superintendent. of the Poor............. ' 189 16 Willard Asylum 295 96 Returned Tax 4 34. $4,342 06 DRYDEN. State Tax $4,144 90 County Tax 4,061-7.4 Town Audits 1,203 50 Highways. 1,305,00 Overseer of Poor... 500 00 Superintendent of Poor........ 144 18 Willard Asylum 932 03 Susquehanna Valley home 175 93 Canandaigua Home 150 66 Returned Tax , .. 47 71 D. C. White, tax illegally assessed 1881........ - -7 84 $12,672 99 ENFIELD. State Tax .. $1,203 50 County Tax 1,179 49 . Town Audits. 932 58 52 SCPFRvISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Highways 250 00 Superintendent of Poor • • 41 05 Willard Asylum...•..•..•.• .............•.... 56 17 Interest on R. R. -Bonds- 1,477 00 Sinking Fund 1,000 00 Tax illegally•assessed refunded (by order of County Court).... 25 31 $6,165 05 G ROTON. State" Tag...."............ $2,699 03 'County Tax. 2,645 16 Town Audits . • 678 87 Highways • 800 00 .Overseer of Poor. 300 00 ;Superintendent of Poor. 41 05 .Willard Asylum • 587 61 Interest on R. R. Bonds 1,050 00 Sinking Puna 150 00 Western N. Y. Institute for Deaf Mutes :.... . . . .............. 250 00 $9,201 72 ITHACA.. State Tax $9,675 21 County Tax ... 9.482 14 Town 'Audits 6,212 80 Highways 250 00 'Overseer of Poor. 2,897 22' Superintendent of Poor............ - 406 23 Willard Asylum ........ 2,822 43 Interest on R. R. Bonds, 1. & A 11,625 00 " G. & 1 7,000 00 Sinking Fund, I. . A 15,000 00 ` • G. & I 2,500. 00 Tax Receiver's Salary........ 400 00 'Susquehanna Valley Home r: 149 18 Canandaigua Home 117 50 Returned Tax .......... ... .....••. 276 54 . State; Tax..... LANSING. County Tax.. ...... $68,814 25 $3,958 58 3,879 57 SUI'ERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 53 Town Audits......... ... 6,431 91 Superintendent of Poor 28 89 Willard Asylum .................. 339 58 Returned Tax 3 48 $14.636 51. NEWFIELD. State Tax...... $1,538 89 County Tax ................ ....................... 1,503 26 Town Audits ........ 3,024 47 Superintendent of Poor 14 16 Willard Asylum ..... ................................. ....... . 482 19 Interest on R. R. Bonds 8,895 00 Sinking Fund ............:.. • 550 00 Highways. ................................... •... 250 00 Overseer of Poor • 50 00 • $10,802 47 ULYSSES, State Tax. $3,368 63 • County Tax......... 8,301 40 Town Audits 1,092 30 Superintendent of Poor........ 168 47 Willard Asylum.. 301 91 Interest on R. 1I. Bonds...... 5,250 00 Sinking Fund 750 00 Highways 3,500 00 Overseer of Poor. 400 00 Susquehanna Valley Horne......_.... 1 25 Returned Tax 11 65 $18,145 51 • Mr. Tlortonthen offered the following resolution; which was, on motion of Mr. Beers, adopted: Rexolved,--That whenever the appropriations for •the court fund are ex• hausted, the Supervisor of the Town of Ithaca be authorized to raise any deficiency therein, upon application of the County Treasurer, by note of credit of the county. 54 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Mr. Beers offered the following resolution, which was, on motion of Mr. Crozier, adopted: Resolver.,—That the Bounty Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pnr- c • chase coal for use in the several county buildings (except the aims house) at such times and quantities as he shall deem to be for the best interests of the County, Resolved.,—That the Clerk of this Board furnish.said treasurer with a copy of this resolution. At 12 o'clock on motion, the Board adjourned. Afternoon Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call—all present except Messrs. Bower and Abel. Ward Gregory; 'Esq., representing the. IthaCa .Democrat, and -C,-eorge E. Priest, Esq., representing the Ithaca Journal, appeared before the Board, and each made aro-tut-tents declining' to publish the session laws for the ensuing year at fifteen (15) cents per folio, the price fixed by this Board', by resolution adopted Tuesday,Decem- •ber 12th, but offering l;o do thework at the sante price given -last year. The following order, which had been previously served upon the Chairman, was read. by the Clerk: 'At a Special Terni of the County Court of Tompkins Comity, held at the office of the County Jndge•in the Village of It•liaca, N. Y., beginning on October :31st, 1882. Present—FIon. Marcus Lyon,. County Judge. • -COUNTY COURT—TOMInUNS COUNTY. In the matter of the application of the Ithaca Savings Bank ag'st The Board of Supervisors of Tomp- �• king County. J On reading and filing the verified petition of the Ithaca Sayings Bank praying that an order of this Court be granted; recommend- ing the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County to strike out SUPERVISORS' s' PROc1 EDINGs. 55 from the assessment roll of the town of Ithaca in said County of Tompkins; an assessment of $10,000 on account of the surplus funds. of said bank, made _for the purpose of taxation by the assessors. of said town, and on reading and filing notice of motion for said or-' der, and after bearing lllyndersc VauCleef-for the petitioner, and William N. Noble for the Board of Supervisors of Tomlildns County, it is Ordered, That the 'Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County is hereby recommended to strike out from the assessment roll'of the Town of Ithaca for the year 1582, the assessment of,10,000, made against the Ithaca Savings Bank, William T. • Storms,- Treasurer, for "surplus cash," and to eorrect said assessment roll accordingly. MARCUS LYON, Tompkins Connty Tudge. Mr. Beers offered :and Mr. Roek«-e11 seconded the following res- . )11160n : Resolved, --That this Board concur with the recommendation of the County. Court. and remove an assessment from the assessment roll of the Town of Ithaca against certain funds assessed as surplus cash held by the Ithaca Sav- ings Bank; and that ,the Clerk of this Beard he, and he is hereby instructed to make the change in accordance with the above named recommendation. Mr. Crozier presented the following protest: As per verbal advice of counsel for assessors, 1 hereby protest against this'Board taking any action in the. matter on assessment op surplus cash of the Ithaca Savings Bank. The ayes and nays being called for, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes—Beers, Rockwell, Chapman,' Crocker. Nays—Boice, Crozier, Horton. The Chairman declared the resolution of Mr. Beers lost, two- thirds of the member] not voting in fauor thereof. At 4 o'clock there being no further business, on motion Board adjourned, to re -convene cnt,Thurs,day, Dec. 21st, at .11 a. m. 56 SUPERVISORS' - PROCEEDINGS. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21st. Morning Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call ----a11 present except Mr. Beers. . Minutes of last day's proceedings read and approved. 3.lr. Horton offered the following resolution, which was, on mo- tion of, Mr. Bower adopted: Resolved, ---That the Collectors of the several Towns in Tompkins County be required by this Board to settle with the County Treasurer on or before -the 20th day of February. 188. At 12 o'clock on motion Board, adjourned. -Afternoon Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call --all present. 111r. Rockwell offered the following preamble and resolution which was, on motion of Mr. Bower adopted: WHEREAS,—The Boai•d•of Supervisors have- authority by resolution duly entered and published in their minutes (Laws of 1875, Chap. 482) to deter- mine in what newspapers not to exceed two; the election notices issued by the Secretary of State shall be published, provided such newspapers shall be of opposite political character. Resolved,—That we proceed to designate by ballot two papers in which said election notices shall be published for the ensuing year. A. ballot being taken under the above resolntiolt, the whole num- ber of votes east,were 8; of which the Ithaca Democrat received 5; the Ithaca Journal received 3. The Chairman declared the Ithaca Democrat and Ithaca Journal, the two paper designated by the Board in which the election -no- tices issued by the Secretary of State, for the ensuing year, shall be published. William O. Newman, Coi my Superintendent of the Poor, appeared and presented his Official I3ond; which was, on mo- tion of Mr. Horton, approved and ordered filed in the Tomp- kins County Clerk's Office. Slv-P,EIIVISOIIS' PIIOCEEDINGS. • Mr. I3ower offered the following resolution, -which was, on motion o#.'•Mr. Horton, unanimously adopted: Rerrolved,=That the thanks of this Board are due and are hereby tendered to D. P. Ilodson, Esq., for the ability, care and despatch he has shown in the •performance of the duties of Clerk of this Board. 11[r. Rockwell offered the. following resolution, which was, on motion of Mr. Beers, 'unanimously adopted: Resolved, -That the thanks of this Board are clue to our Chairman, Hon. David Crocker, for his impartial rulings, and for the able and courteous man• ner in which he has presided throughout the present session. Mr. Crocker then addressed the ]3oa0 as follows: GENTLEMEN OP TIt}. BOARD: -- T thank you for your kind approval of my course siding officer; and permit rne.in turif to congratulate termination of your labors as a County Legislature. I_.arn well aware that the taxpayers of our county look with. de- served dislike upon any idle and unnecessary waste of public time and money. Birt gentlemen, could they witness as I haw, with what assiduity and fidelity you have labored during this session, we should hear no complaints on that subject. The late election has proclaimed in a language too plain to be misunderstood, that officials are responsible to the people who elected thein for a proper performance of their public duties and trusts; well have you heeded its warniarg voice. This session I believe, will merit the approval of all those who are in favor of an economical and prudentmanagement of our pub- lic affairs. I have endeavored to perform, the duties imposed up- on inc with strict impartiality, if I have erred, I regret it. We probably shall not "all meet again in our present capacity; if not, I trust the recollection of the hours we have spent. together will remain with all of us a bright spot upon the memory of our political lifc. Time will ever soften the asperities growing out of a political career—will bring out in full relief the pleasing virtues of those with whom we have associated. as your pre - yon upon the 58 ' SIIPEntiso Ls' PROCEEIIItiGS. Again gentlemen, I express to you my warmest thanks for the many courtesies received during the session of this .Board. There being. no further business the minutes of the day's pro- ceedings were read and approved, and on motion the .Board was declared adjournecl without day. DE VOE P. HODSON, Clerk. COUNTY AUDITS. STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY, OF TOMPKINS-BOARD OF SUI'EIiVISORS, S5. I do hereby certify that the following abstract comprises all the bills and accounts against the County of Tompkins,. presented to the Board of Supervisors of said county; at.its Annual Session for the year 1882; showing the name of each claimant, the true na- ture of the account, the amount originally claimed, and .the amount as filially audited and allowed by said Board. DINoE.. P. IlovsoN, Clerk. • No. Nance. Nature of Account. Claimed Audited 1. Albany Morning Express, State paper printing • $10 32 $10 32 2. Barnum Tanner, Coroner's Juror 1 00 1 00 3. Lewis Ferris, Constable - 15 60 15 60 4. Martin Brower, Constable 4 60 4 60 5. J. J. Montgomery, Examination in Lunacy......... 5 00 5 00 6. Alva M. Baldwin, Coroner • 20 40 19 90 7. Albert VauAuken, Constable 9 55 9 55 8. Darius Ball, Examination in Lunacy 4 00 4 00 9. Charles 11. Steinburg, Coroner's Juror 2 00 2 00 10. l'ielson E. Lyon, Justice of the Peace 10 35 10 35 11. J. H. Ticlienor, (assigned to Richard A. Crozier;) Coroner's Juror 8 00 8 00 12. -Moses B. Sneden, (assigned to Crozier & Feeley,) Con- stable 71 75 71 75 13. Moses B. Sneden, (assigned to Crozier & Feeley,) Con- stable 1210 21 85 60 SuPEr1Vtsoit.s' PRO ocEED1NGS. 14. J. 13. Tichenor, (assigned to Richard A. Crozier) Cor- oner's Juror 3 00 3 00 15. Burr J. Davis, Reward offered by Sheriff Follett.... 100 00 100 00 16. Village of Ithaca,services of Police as Constables.... 208 70 208 70 17. R. W. Ellis,'Examination in Lunacy • 5 00 5 00 18. Robert Cockran, Repairs on County Buildings 5 00 5 00 19. E. Strader. Examination in Lunacy.... 5 00 5 00 20. Uriah Lynch, Constable, (Thwn Charge) 12 85 00 00 21. Uriah Lynch, (assrgned to R. E. Brink;) Coroner's Juror........ 2 00 1 00 22, Village of Ithaca, services of Police as Constables... 112 30 112 30• 23. S. II. Jones, Examination in Lunacy 10 00 6 70 24.. E. M. Phillips, Coroner's Juror 2 00 1 00 25. James H. Mount, ex Supervisor of Caroline 17 12 17 12 26. George H. Nixon, Coroner's1"\-Juror . 2 00, 1 00 27Wm. E. Davenport, Constable •26 75 26 75 28. R. E. Brink, Coroner's Juror 2 00 1 00 29. George Muir, Constable 24 73 24 73 30. Valentine Lrddington, Coroner's Juror • . 2 00 1 00 31. W. S. Legge, 2 00 1 00 32. S. K. Blackman, - 2 00 1 .00 33. John Cross, Justice of the Peace 5 15 5 15 34, Thomas R. Brink, Coroner's Juror 2 00 1 00 35. John Davis, 2 00 ,1 00 36, C. L. Davis, 2 00 1 00 37. John 2-1cWhorter, 2 00 1 00 38. Henry H. Robinson, " 2 00 1 00 39. Jaynes E. Vandemark, Constable 19 35 19 35 40. Wm. J. Gilbert, Coroner's .11,11131' 2 00 1 00 41. John Goodyear, Examination in Lunacy 36 00 32 10 42. Wm. E. Mount, Justice of the Peace, (Town Charge)2 50 0 00 .43. Dudley Andrews, Co'roner's Juror... ' 1 00 1 00 44. E: G. Galloup, . `° ... 1 00 1 00 45. C.. A. Boyce, Services with Coroner's Jury.... 5 40 5 40 46. Ezra, Rogers, Coroner's,Juror 1 00 • 1 00 47. • This bill was withdrawn. ' 48. Ithaca Journal°Association, Printing Proceedings of Supervisors, 1881 357 50 357 50 49. Alva lL Baldwin, Coroner ....,... • 5 40 5 40 50. Thomas W. Burns, Justice of the Peace 127'65 127 65 51. llcnry Boof, Supplies for Court House 9.12 9 12 '52. C. H. Spaulding (assigned to Nelson:Ilarris), Deputy Sheriff ..•.................... . 88 64 38 64 SUPER vIsoRS' 1�7tOGF.Ts7)INf'S. 61 53. M. D. Goodyear, Examination in Lunacy.... 4 00 4 00 54, P. G. Ellsworth, Counsel Pees 75 00 55 00 55. 0. Luther, Coroner's Juror - 1 00 1 00 56. Jay Cotanch, " ........ 1 00 1 00 57. C. [Iaushaw, Services'Coroner's Jury, (Sharer) 2 50 2.50 58. John 'feeler, Coroner's Juror 1 00 1 00 59. F. P. Feeley,' " " 2 00 . 2 00 60. Ira Dwight., Services Coroner's Juror, (Sharer) 5 00 . 5 00 61. Albert L. Willey, Coroner's Juror 1 00 1 00 62. Patrick Conway 3 00 3 00 63. Asahel Clapp, Printing 257 25 257 25 • 64. Harrison Iloxard, Furniture.County Judge's,Of ice68 98 68 98 65, L. S. Mackey, Coroner's Juror.... .... • 4 00 4 00 66. P. P. Runde]I, Counsel to Coroner 10 00 00 00 67. Alex, Frear, Ex -Supervisor of lt,hae't .44 56 44 56 68 Ira Gardiner, Repairs on County Buildings 24 83 24 83 69. 0. P: Hyde, Coroner's Juror 8 00 8 00 70. O. P. Hyde, " - 1 00 1 00 71. Jaynes E. Vandemark, Constable 2 15 2 15 72. Ithaca ,Water Works Co.,Water for County Buildings85 00 85 t 73. William [[aziitf, Smith, Coroner's Juror 3 00, 3 00 74. John R. Gregory, Examination in Lunacy... ... 5 00 5. 00 75. Andrus & Church, Supplies Clerk's Office...'. 126 57 126 57 76. Andrus & Church, County Judge's Office20 80 29,80 77. George M. Beckwith, Examination in- Lunacy.... 10 00 10 00 .78. Merritt King, Counsel Fees 189 00, 99 00 79. Reynolds & Lang, Repairs on Jail 86 11 . 86 1.1 80. William A. Anthony, Telephone in Court House, Jail 'and Clerk's Office 54 00 54 00 81. J. M. Jamieson, Repairs on County Buildings 241 51 241 51 82. J. B. Taylor, Supplies to Jail 6 00 . 6.00 83. Enz & Miller, Supplies to Clerk's Office.... 36 33 36 33 '84. Elias Smith, County Superintendent of Poor 184 55 184 55 85. Marsh.& Hall, Linoleum County Judge's Office 226 31 226 31_ 86. Marsh & hall, Supplies to Jail 103. 34 103 34 87. Marsh & Hall .•(This hill should _be sent to County. Superintendent_....... 63 70 00 00 88. Hudson J. Wilson, Repa]rs'on County Buildings.... 13 00 13 00 89. Finch & Apgar, Supplies, County Judge and District Attorney.45 74 45 '74 90. Finch & Apgr, Supplies, County Treasurer 10 06 16 06 91. ' John V. Wilson, Repairs on Jail 2 20 2,20 62 SurEnvIsoRs' PItOCE:1 nI\GS. 92. John E. VanNatta, Coroner's Juror.. . . . 3 00 3 00 03. Andrus & Church, Supplies, Board•of Supervisors8 38 8 38 94. Fred. P. Randolph,' Supplies, and Repairs on County Buildings 219 14 219 14 95. Treman,Kiug & Co., Supplies, and Repairs on County Buildings . ... 173 95 173 95 • 96. Win. L. Ross, Constable 4 00 4 60 97. Joseph C. Burritt, Repairs ou Clock; Clerk's Office.. 9 00 9 -00 98. B. Smith Dean, Constable 2 10 2 10 99. Dr. Tarbe]1, Services Coroner's Juror 46 20 46 20 100. Frank Bagley, Coroner's Juror • 2 00 . 1 00 101. Morris Wilson. 2 00 . • 1 00 102. R. L. Smith, Examination in Lunacy 5 00 5 00 103. Eugene F. Barnes, Coroner's Juror, 4 00 4 00 104. D. P. Hodson, " 5 00 5 00 105. Frank M. Leary, 3 00 3 00 106. Lewis H. Bement, 2 00 2 00 107. Absolom M, Baker, 1 00 1 00 108. L. A. Burritt, 4 00 4 00 109. John W. Brown, Coroner 28 70 27 20 110. F. R. Post, Medical Attendance - 5 00 5 00 111. John W. Brown., Coroner 25 85 25 35 112. John W. Brown, 10 80 7 80 113. Henry Willetts, Coroner's .Juror 4 00 4 00 114. J. D. Carpenter & Coatings, Undertakers 33 50 00 00 115. White & Kirkendall, Medical service 35 00 25 00 116. James E. Vandemark, Constable 7 90 7 80 117. Henry Moore,_Corouer's Juror 4 00 4:00 118. C. H. Slocum, " 2 00 2 00 119. M. P. Ellison, 4 00 4 00 120. Clarence L. Smith, Justice of the Peace 92 05 92 05 121.. Isaac H. Newman, ex -Supervisor of Enfield 13 49. 13 49 122. Gauntiett & Brooks, Supplies for Jail 2 29 2 29 123. J. A. Northrup, Examination in Lunacy.... 10 00 10 00 124. Wm. E. Osman, (assigned to James L. Baker.) Cor- oner's Juror. 8 00 • 8 00 125. J. B. Warren„Repairs on Jai] ........... 6 25 6 25 126. Philip Case, Coroner's Juror - .1 00 .1 00 127. Chas. G. Day, 'Justice of the Peace 19 15 18 40 128. E. S. Carpenter, Coroner's Juror 4 00 4 00 129. E. J. Morgan, Jr., Examination in Lunacy 6 00 6 00 130. William Whitlock, (assigned to James M. fleggie,) Constable 24 84 - 21 70 ..♦ . Sui'iatvrsotts' PrrocErmiNGs. 63 131. Philip Case (assigned to James M. Ileggie,) Coro- ner's Juror 6 00 6 00 132. J. 11. Dunham, (assigned Co James M. Reggie,) Cor- oner's Juror 8 00 8 00 183: E. J. Morgan, Jr., Coroner 348 80 - 293 80 134. A. E. Campbell, (assigned -to White & Burdick,) Re- pairs on County:Judge's Office 70 00 70 00 135. W. 11. Manc1iisier, (assigned to James M. Ileggie,) Constable 33 43 28 10 136. White & Burdick, supplies for County Buildings3 93 3 93 137. S. P.'Sockett, Examination in Lunacy 35 00 80 00 138. Spencer Daniels, Jr., care of prisoner in jail 7 50 7 50 139. J. S. Cody (assigned to J. M. Heggic) Constable3.58 3 40 • 140. J. 8. Cody (assigned to .1..M. Reggie) Constable8 80 8 80 - J41. J. 8. Cody (assigned to J. M. Reggie) Coroner's Juror - 1 00 1 00 142. 11. M. Love, Coroner's Juror. - 2 00 1 00' 143. C. J. Rurnsey d, Go., Supplies for County Buildings'18 11 13 11 144. Cornell Library _lssocielion, use of Hail for Exam- ination of Law Students I7 00 17 00 145, Rogers Scribner, supplies, Court House 50 50 146. Edward J. Brown, laying out mangled remains for Coroner 5 00 5 00 147. J. W. Crandall, Coroner's Juror 1.00 1 00 148. Riley Updike, Constable 25 15 25 15 149. Patrick Murray, 65 20 64 30 150. F. J. Marsh, Ex. Under Sheriff, Service Account64 50 64 50 151. John A, Partentreimer, work at Court House.... 2 50 2 50 152. Horace G. Cooper, E .Supervisor of Ulysses • 23 24 23 24 153, Riley- Updike (assigned to Jarnes 741. Reggie) Con- • stable • • 91 55 91 55 154. Porter R. Whiting, Coroner's Juror 2 00 1 00 155. Asahel Clapp, Printing Election Notice 6 75 0 00 156. Abel BurrittInsurance Premium 45 00 00 00 157. I. r• Ireland (assigned to E. S. McWhorter) Coro- • ner's Juror, 8 00 8 00 .158. John 0. Bovier, Coroner's Juror 2 00 1 00 159. • Peter Grover, . " .1 00 1 00 160. E. K. Johnson, Supplies to Court House and Jail:. 1 37 1 37 461. O. 0. Penitentiary, Board .of Prisoners (Appropria- tion made) • 257 31 000 00 162.. Patrick Murray, Constable 9 70 9 70 163. William Whitlock, Coroner's Juror ' 2 00 2 00 64 Sut'ERvIso1 s' PfOCEEDINGS. 164. DavidM. Dean, Disbursements on District Attorney. 205 31 205 31 ' 165. Wm. E. Davenport, Coroner's Juror 1 00 - 1 00 166. Elihu Hildebrant, (assigned to Janie; M. Veggie) . Constable • 50 68 50 48 167. Elihu Ilildebrant (assigned to James M. Heggie), -� Constable 138 75 105 95 168. T. W. Burns, Coroner's Juror 2 00 2 00" 169. William Whitlock, Constable 1 25 1 25 170. T. W. Burns, Justice of the Peace 147 05 147 05 171. George Rankin & Son, Supplies to Court House.... 5 07 5 07 172. Ward Gregory, Printing 774 20 774 20 173. I. N. VanOstrand, Constable 29 64 27 00 174. Ithaca Journal.Association, Printing. 791 16 791 16 175. D. J. Seaman & Son, Conveyance to Poor House... 8 00 8 00 176: Fred W. Brooks, Clock, County Judge's Office,... 50 00 50 00" 177. E. 14. Barney, Physician at Coroner's Inquest - 15 00 10 00 "178. J. K. Follett; Sheriff, Service A'couut 617 05 617 05 179. J. K, Follett, Sheriff, Board of Prisoners.... 1508 85 1286 00 180. E. P. Bouton, Under Sheriff, Service Account 46 07 43 07 181. Albert VanAuken, Constable 40 15 40 15. 182. T. W. Slocum, • 7 45 7 45 183. S; 13. Rolfe, County Clerk 856 37 856 37 184. S. B. Rolfe, " 624 83 628 16 185. George Christiance, Repairs at .fail 2 00 2 00 186. John H. C,inklin, Justice of the Peace 2 95 . 2 95 187. Ward Gregory, Printing Official Canvass 79 50 79 50 188. Hiram Gee, Assignee of Fred. Diltz, care of Pris- oner in Jail... 20 00 20.00 189. Theodore Dobrin, Coroner's Juror........ 1 00 1 00 190. Ithaca Journal Association, • Printing Session "Laws and Official Canvass .441 70 441 70 191. J. L. Whiton, .Insurance Premiums (appropriation made) 22 50 00 00 192. Clarence L. Smith, Justice of the Peace 2 55 2 55 193. Wm. V. Teeter, Coroner's Juror:.. 2 00 2 00 194. S. J. Parker, Medical Services '15 00 " 10 00 195. George Guinn, Janitor of Court House 74 00 60.00 196. Win. J.. Smith,. Ex -Sheriff 257 08 255 58 197. Fred. J. Bogart, Repairs on Poor House 4 00 1 00 198. Treman, Waterman & Co 6 60 6 60 199. Willis H. Moses, Clerk Surrogate Court 250 00 250 00 200. F. D. & A. II. Sincepaugh, moving Treasurer's Safe. 5 00 •5 '00 201: F. A. Dudley, Examination in Lunacy............ 5 90 - 5 00 SUP'ERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 65 202, I-ieury Curtis; Repairs at Jail 3 00 3 '00 203. Wm, N. Noble, (;ounsel Fees • ' ' 69 80 GO 80 204.. Sheldon .4 Bliveu, Conveyance to Poor House • 4 00 4 00 205. Alex. Smith, 4 00 4.00 2 G. James McLachlan, Jr. (assigned by W. E. Osmun), Coroner's Juror, . _ 3 00 3 00 207. J. A. Elston, Coroner's Juror. . 3 00 3 00 208. 0. P. Hyde, 3 00 3 00 209. 13. F. DeBell, - 3 00 3 00 210. John A. Northrup, Examination in Lunacy . 5 00 5'00 211.. John R. Gregory, 5 00 5 00 212. Wm. 1{. Fish, • 5 00 5 00 213. S. V, Home, Board of Orphans (appropriation made) 509 33 000 00 214. Finch & Apgar, Supplies to ,Supervisors... 4 48 4 48 215. Andrus & Church, " 2 18 2 18 216. John E. Beers. Services as Supervisor, Danby91 12 • 91 12 217. Geo. M. Rockwell, " Dryden 100 40 100 40 218. Randolph Horton,- Newfield02 06 92 06 219. James Boice, Caroline 90 34 90 34 220, John J. Abel, Enfield.. 85 32 85 32 221. • Richard A. Crozier, " Ithaca-.109 79 109 79 2.22. •Albert G. Chapman, " " Groton91 32 ' 91 32. 223. Horace A. Bower, I.4 Ulysses.. 91 70 91 70 224. [)avid Crocker, Lansing89 63 89 63 Tota] '$12,508 21 66 Suri i vxsoLIS' PIIOCEEDINGSS. c d .;P1 L° c -1 c't 0. 0 -. r >C V'. ✓ ° U- ,wm `5, F(1 O y Cro ?•q aqr.0I- 0a n77.17. q x G b N 0 1J1 E G C y A w co q it — • Or O 0 , 0 .aa VI 40❑ � H q C •0 y m r � a 0 c1 Y �, m Fa C W�° P�0C)° pa � 53 � U1-'�n5 `. '.C • t� 5.2F � m y hL-C a y ❑ w O 0 'AIi11{]JaUSda SiU,511.01 jl:a1)A350II1 a01a8110p i,,,., no xe'1 ,[O 911:},1 _, , ,, '�tiezi oc °� 0..?==ooa • c. 00 � -..“, t o o �- _ .. �--ao,v.. pnc.c naa 12"1,-...1,-N CLO. 4' ,-m Kw '111f[ OAa1 '7,WV 11110.1 1 S aanllpuddxg pun S.aJ -IA.0S'snoauu1ta0SI11 o I`? 0 0 9ulpualxig pule 1!O}l 1U1U155d5SV ,A.1-11Sd c,^,m0-.00 - "' '-. ' -.'"•'-' - '2,i 11. • add slua;} 9 ')Ia0,V1 aalllmmo) a.fta5IIs; •o v, cog:, 0- c: w""" 'uO111.'SUBdU103 �a v 0' o . v,_ •$a0;lt 1a1 -11Armo3 1IlI,mt SSeq --,-v .0 0 -1.ow awn add 1111113 9 71. 1111a11 -N "= =. wa.n : _� i�iis, u; Z sr •kepaOd 0011$a===o_o '1'0, uo118suadmoD O O=OO�O � a � `'c a 4 'uO158a5 InnuUE• parol Ililnt S11(1 aaaaa ,tic,a SUPEItVISOliS.. • mJ • • • Jaynes holc;c John E. Beers 3 George M. Rockwell 3 John J. Abel 3 A lbert G. Chapman ........ ........ : Richard A. Crozier 3 David Crocker. 3 Randolph Horton 3 ,Horace A. Bower 3 1 X-SUPIRItVISORS, Alexander Frear, Ithaca Horace G. Cooper, U4ysses Jaynes H. Mount, Caroline Newman, Enfield 'c'.‘. O �AF-;::.;a4a w o 2.'7', .o m Q' P F. 0 0 0 0 V 0 0 Y� w 0 y s. w J � C 0 0 Eg°. C s=, sy O ❑ T0 O 0 e 0 c9 0 0 E r V N o g ..s;'y I — o p, 6, °q�� ,c3 v 110 c-1 G7� gcr5"�U s•2 41 ccv U Q [rl�x Q1 0 o- o --Y U F a • 4 TOWN AUDITS. CAROLINE. The following is an abstract of the names of all persons who presented ac- counts to be audited to the Board of Town Auditors of the Town of. Caro- line, on the 9th and 10th days of November, 1882, with the amount claimed by each, and the amount finally allowed. No. Naive. Nature of Service. Claimed. Audited. 1. J. O. Lillibridge, Assessor $32. 60 32 60 2. John J. Peters, Justice of 'Peace.... 45 52 45 52 3. John Crass, " 9 00 9 00 4. Cantine Lounsberry, Assessor. 34 75 34 75 5. Horace Patch, 24 00 24 00 6. R. E. Brink, Use of Hall 10 00 10 00 7. Henry,Wincliel],Inspector of Election and Messenger 9 0E; 9 96 8. O. P. Rich, " 4 00 4 00 9. Wm. 1-1: Whitley, •4 00 4 00 10. Jonas ithood, - 4 00 4 00 11. T. H. 13. Martyn, Clerk of Election 4 00 4 00 12. Abel T. Lott, and Stationery... 4 25 '4 25 13. Wm. E. Devenport, Constable 39 60 39 60 14. G. C. Whitley, Overseer of Poor.... 20 00 20 00 15. C. L. Davis, Inspector of Election and Messenger5 40 5 40 16. D. M. Bowman, Ex-Cominissioner'of Highways40 15 18 30 17. H. 11. Robinson, Overseer of Poor 26 00 26 00 18. W. C. Gallagher, Vital Statistics 20 00 20 00 19. John W. Gass, Justice of Peace 18. 20 18 20 20. Abel T. Lott, Counsel Fees - 15 00 00 00 21. R. C. Clark, Commissioner of Excise 3 00 3 00 22. R. C. Clark, " 1881 3 00 3 00 23. Chauncey L. Wattles, Appraiser 3 00 3 00 '24. Smith D. Stevens, Ex -Supervisor and Appraiser.... 5 00 5 00 .. 68 SurEurrsoits' P Recimlso . • . 25. J.J. Freer, Use pf Hall 20 00 20 00 26. Benj. Vandemark, Paying Jury in Iioad Case 18 00. 18 00 27, Wm. H. Leonard, Inspector of Election and Mes- senger 9 64 9 64 28. B. M. Lawrence, Town"Clerk 99 35 99 35 29. Charles W. Pesonius Commissioner of Highways. 130 00 130 00 30. Ithaca Journal Company, Printing Notices. 10 75 4 00 31. Gilbert Personius, Constable • . 2 95 2 95 32. James Boice, Supervisor 35 20 35 20 33. John Wolcott, Clerk of Election 4 00 4 00 34. W. V. Personius, Justice of Peace 10 25 10 25 35. Hev. John M. Crandall, Vital Statistics 1 50 1 50 36. James E. Vandemark, Constable. 7 00 7 60 37. 11..B. Drummond, Clerk of Election 4 00 4 00 38. James H: Mount, Ex -Supervisor 7 00 7 00 30. S. K. Blackman, Town Auditor 9 00 6 00 40. Mason Clark, fl, 44r 6 00 6 00 41, Smith D. Stevens, " 6 00 . 6 00 42. James E. Vandemark; Constable 10 35 3 55 43, J. W. Brown, Medical Services 8 00 0 00 $722 62 We, the undersigned Board of Town Auditors of the Town of Caroline, do hereby certify that the above abstract is correct. Dated Caroline, Nov. 10, 1882. MASON CLARK, ] " S. K. Bi,ACKmAN, Town Auditors. SMITH 1). STEVENS, J ADDED HY RnSOLUT[O^I Off' BOXRD OF SUPERVISORS. No. Name. " Nature of. account. Claimed Audited 44. Ithaca Journal Association, Printing Election Change. $6 75 $6 75 45. Uriah Liuch (assigned to R. E. Brink) Constable.... 12 85 12 25 46. Gilbert S. Higgins, Excise Commissioner 3 00 3 00 47. Ward Gregory, Ithaca Democrat, by order of Ex -Su- pervisor Mount, Priutiing Election Notice5 75 .5 75 48. A. Clapp, Weekly Ithacan, 6 75 6 75 49. Orville J. Tucker, Ex"Commissioner... 3 00 3 00 50. James E. Vandemark, Constable 6 80 6 80 - Amount of Town Audits:.. Total $44 30 722 62 $7G692" SUrEnvJsoRts' ProCEEDINGs, . 69 - DANBY, INo. Name. Nature of Service. Clamed. Allowed. 1. Josiah McFall, Overseer of Llie Poor .7.75. 7 75 2. Andrus & Church. Printing Assessment Bolls 4 80 4 80 3. Lemuel Jennings, Justice of the Peace.... 5 00 5 00 4. Charles Howland, 5 00 5 00 5. D. A. Everest, Janitor of Town 1 -fall . 2 00 2 00 6. Old .Ladies' Imre 104 86 52 00 7. L. L. Beers, Town Surveying ... .... 6 00 . 6 00 8. L. L. Beers, Clcrk of Election.... ..... _ 4 00 ' 4 00 9. Jacob Wise. Assessor - 22 00 22 00 10. John D. Fish, 22 Oa 22 00 11. John D. Fish, 4 00 4 00 12, Wm, Howland, Overseer of the Poor 5 00 5 00 R1. M. A. Beers, Inspector of Election, Dist, 1.... 4 00 4 00 14. A. W. Bennett, 4 00 - 4 00 15. 11. 7'. Landon, 4 00 4 00 16. 11. T. Landon, Messenger • 5 00 5 00 17. Josiah Hawes, Supplies for Town Poor 11 31 11 31 18. Ithaca Journal, Printing .. 11 45 11. 45 19. B. Jennings, Town Clerk 42 73 42 73 20. B. Jennings, Clerk of.Elections 4 00 4 00 21. John E. Beers. Medical Services 4 75 4 75 22. John E. Beers, Supervisor 18 39 18 39 23. John Richards, Attorney's Fees 3 00 0 00 24. H. F, Hutchings, Clerk of Election, Dist. 2 3 00 3 00 25. A. J. Patchen, Inspector df Election and Messenger3 00' 3 00 20.. J. P. Thatcher, Inspector of Election 3 Off 3 00 27. M. A. Dumond, Clerk of Election, hist. 2 8 00 3 00 28. M. A. Dumond, Reporting Deaths and Births .. -1 75 1 75 29. H. C. Weed, inspector of Election, Dist. 2 3 00 3 00 30. Jeremiah Thatcher,.J. P 3 00 3 00 31. 13. Jennings, Janitor of Hall ' 1 00 1 00 32. T. 13. Howell, Supplies for Tow]) Poor 11 06 11 06 33. W. H. Smith, Reporting Deaths and Births 3 75 3 75 34. John J. Miller, J. P 7 50 7 50 35. A..1. Beers, Assessor ..... . .. .. .. . 20 00 20 00 36, Oscar Jennings, Commissioner of Highways.... . 45 00 45 00 37. T. W. Slocum, Constable 9 75 9 75 38. L. Compton, Costs on Highway Suit. 35 41 20 00 • $391 99 TOWN OF DANBY, COUNTY. or TO PKINs, ss. -We, the undersigned Board of Auditors for the Town of Danby, hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct. abstract of ail bilis claimed and allowed by us. 'Nov. 9th, 1882. JOHN THOMAS,) • C. 13. REELER, 'Auditors. L. 13. BEERS; 70 SurEEVisois' PP,QOILED I\i;s. ADDED I3Y BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. 39. L. B. Beers, Town Audito- - 3 00 3 OD 40. 0, 13. Keeler, " 3 00 3 00 41. John Thomas, " 3 00 3,00 42. Ira Patcheu, Rent of Hall for Election 3 00 3 GO 43. James J. Briggs, Constable. _ 2 95 2 95 44. Ithaca Democrat.... 5 75 5 75 • 45. Weekly Ithacan 6 75 6 75 $ 274.5 Amount of Town Audits 391 99 Total $419 44 DRYI)EN. • Abstract of the nremes of all persons who presented bills to the Board of Town Auditors of the Town of Dryden, on the 9th day of November, 1882, with the amounts claimed by each and the amounts fiaa]ly allowed. No. Name. Nature of Service. Claimed Allowed 1. E. Rockwell, ex Excise Commissioner.... .......... 6 GO G 00 2. Cyrus Knapp; Assessor 48 00 48 00 3. J. J. Ellis, ex Commissioner of ]Highways.... 29 00 29 00 4. .T. C. Vanderhref, Overseer of' Poor 37 70 37 70 5. D. G. Ilowell, Excise Commissioner.. 3 00 3 00 6. A: B. Lawrence, " 3 00 3 00 7. W. II. Lester, Deputy Constable G 40 0 40 8. Writ. E, Brown, Justice of the Peace 8 00 8 00 9. Geo. 1'. Hanford, • • • 16 15 16 15 10. Ira C. Shaver, Auditor 3 00 3"00 11. 13. F. Pierce, Undertaker35 00 35 Ori - 12. George L. Waters, Attorney 25 00 25 00 13. George E. Goodrich, " 20 00 20 00 14. A. W. George, Assessor 42 .00 42 00 15, A. Burlingame, 52 75 52 75 16. A. L. Tyler, Inspector of Election 5 00 5 00 17. J. V. Rose, 9 04 9 G4 18. L. D. Mallery 4 00 4 00 19. Stanley \filler,' 400 4 OD 20. Geo. L. Ogdee, il 9 32 . 9 32 21. S. E. Smiley, 5 00 5 00 22. W. I. Baucus, " 11 21 11 21 23. J.-13. Fulkerson, 4 00 4 00 24. A. 8. Fox, ............. . 4 00 4 00 ti 25. W. Shaver, 11 72 11 72 >-- 26, M. E. Crusts, 4 00 4 00 27. L. N. Sutliff, " 6 00 5 00 28. Frank E. Brown, Clerk of Election 4 00 4 00 SUPERVISOi s'• PUOCEEDINGS. - 71 29. I:I. H. Houpt, " "• 4.00 .4 00 30. W. Marsh: 4 00 4 00 31. Geo. E. Goodrich, 4 50 4 50 32. Dr. J. Beach, '^ 4 00 4 00 33. J. T. Morris, " and Justice • 6 00 6 00 34. James M. Carr, " 4 25 .4 25 35. 11. Snyder,. • _ 4 00 4 00 36. C. H. Howe, plouse for Election 10 00 10 00 37. W. D. Ellis, 10 00 10 00 38.. E. B. Fulkerson, " 10 00 10 00 39. G. W. Gibson, House for Town Meeting 30 00 30 00 40. H. G. Fitts, Auditor 3 00 3 00 41, R. Marsh, Constable 22 35 19 95 42. J. H. George, Ex•Supervisor... . 14 28 14 28 43. Eli R. Sherwood, Constable 16 65 16 65 44. Geo. E. Monroe, Justice 01 the Peace 62 49 62 49 45. 13. Snyder, Overseer of Poor 50 50 56 50 40. G. I-1. Houtz, Town Clerk 39 58 39 58. 47. G. M. Rockwell, Supervisor 53 03 , 53 03 48. J. Beach, Physician 8 00 8 00 49. 1). K. Allen, 61 00 '' 49 75 50. J. J. Montgomery, " -. 2 50 2 50 51. J. J. 141ontgotnery, " 18 50 18 50 52. J. L. Beers, 29 95 29 95 53. Wm. Fitch, 24 50 .24 50 54. Wm. Filch, 25.50 25 50 55, D. G. Briggs, ; 10 73 , 10 73 56. 1. S. Briggs, ' . 13 59 13 00 57. Dryden Village, Hall for Election 10 00 10 00 .$978 70 $964 55 Added b -y resolution of the Board•of Supervisors... 238 95 $1203 50 We, the undersigned Board of Town Auditors, do hereby certify that the foregoing Abstract is correct in all respects. T. N. KELLOGG, JOSEPtl A. GEN ENG, Auditors. JOHN E. McEi.ui n, ) I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the original. GEO. H. Ilou'rz, Town Clerk. 72 Surt;rcvisolts' PaOCEEDINGS. ADDED BY RESOLUTION O1P BOARD Or SUPERVISOBS. 58. Eli R. Sherwood, Commissioner of Highways $189 00 189 00 59. G. E. Hanford, Justice of the Peace 3-45 3 45 60. N. K. Poster, Physician •1 50 1 50 61. •A. M. Ford, Printing: 11 50 11 50 62. A. Clapp,. •' 3 50 3 50 63. John E. Mc.Elheey, Auditor 9 00 -• 9 00 64: ..1. A. Genung,9 00 9'00 65. Thos. N. Kellogg, 9 00 9 00 66.. A. L. Suttley, it 00 . 3 00 67. Estate of D. C. White, illegal tax 7 34 7 34 EN. FIELD. . . Abstract of the names of all persons who presented accounts to be audited by the Board of Town Auditors Of -the Town of Enfield, on the Utlt day of November, 1882, with the amount ,ilainted by each, and the amount finally allowed to each. • No. Name. Nature of Service. CIainied Allowed 1. E. C. Bagley, Dog Tax Refunded ............. 0 50 0 50 2. Lansing Lytle, Assessor. 33 15 33 15 3. C. R. ?Nobles, • 24 00 • 24 00 4. M. L. Harvey, Use of House 40 00 40 00 5. Burr Oltz, Ex,Commissioner of I-Iighways 8 00 8 00 0. George Burle-v, Constable '3 70 3 70 • 7. Charles Wright, Town Clerk 50 10 50 10 8. 4.-S. Miller,' Poll Clerk 4 00 4 00 9. John Darragh, Excise Conzniissioner............. 3 00 3 00 10. Oscar -Rolfe, Excise Commissioner 6 00 6 00 11. Wm. E. Brewer, Inspector and Messenger. 9 64 9 64 12. Johu 4.:lbel,for receiving and paying School Moneys 14 41 14 41 13. Eben Rolfe, Town Auditor 6 00 6 00 14. I. H. Newman, Ex -Supervisor 7 77 7 77 15. _Munson Potter, Excise Commissioner 3 00 3 00 16. Bur Ruinsey, Justice of Peace 13 00 12 00 17. Wm. F. Smith, ' . 21 10 21 10 18. A. 4. Pritchard, " 13 00 14 00 19. John J. Abel, Supervisor 20 33 20 35 20. James Marshall..Iuspector of Election - 4 70 4 00 SL 1.E visORs' PROCEEIINGS. 73 • 21. George Budd, 11. R. Commissioner 9 25 6 25 22. Edgar Brewer, " 11 25 8 25 23. Wm. Miller, " 9 25 6 25 24. S. J. Fish, Poor Master's Order 2 00 2 00 25. Byrom Jackson, Poor Master 12 00 12 00 '26. A. J. White, Births, Marriages and Deaths.... .. .. 1 00 1 00 27: I+llbert. Purdy, Inspector of Election ' 4 00 4 00 28. John Sheffield, Assessor 27 50 27 50 29. E. C. Bagley, Inspector of Election 4 25 4 25 30. A. F. Curry, Commissioner of Highways; Service Bill . 134 00 134 00 32. A. F. Curry, Disbursements 386 51 386 51 33. D. W. Bailey, Town Auditor and Settling Board.... 16 00 16 00 34. S. D. Purdy, 16 50 16 50 35. S. V. Graham, Auditor. 8 00 8 00 36. J, N. Wortman, Town Clerk • 12 80 1280 37. 11. G. Wilbur, Dog Tax Refunded 0 50 0 50 $932 53 TowN ENFIELD.—We, the undersigned, composing the Board of Town Auditors of the Town 'of: Bufield, ilo hereby certify that we have this day au- dited.and allowed the preceding amounts given in the last column of this Ab- stract. D. W. BAILEY, S. D. PURDY, S. V, GRAHAM, J. N. WortmhlAN, Town Clerk; Town Auditors. ADDED EY I'T OLI7TCON nF BOARD OF S TPE.BVr O1tS. 38. Abram 13. Johnson, Refunded Tax ..... ............ $25 31 25 31 Amount of Town Auditss.......... 33 Total $957 84 74. SurERVISORS' PRO CEEDINCS. GI{OTON. GROTON, N. Y., Nov. 9, 1882. Board of Town Auditors met at the office of G. M. Stoddard. Present- Henry T. Newel], Wm. Williams and George Fitts. J. W. Jones, Clerk of Board. On resolution, Henry T. Newell was elected Chairman, The following bills were presented to the Board, and audited as follows: No. Name. Nature of Service. Claimed Allowed 1. Wm. E. Mount, Justice, Services $ 2 00 .. 2 00 2. Wm. E. Mount, " • " 12 00. 12 00 3. S. P. Moe, Inspector of -Election 4 00 4 00 4. Wm. E. Mount, " ........... _..•400 400 5. Rochester Marsh, Constable, Services 5 85 5 85 6. J. W. Emery, Marriage ifeports.:. 0 75 • 0 75 7. Gilbert Francis, Clerk, Election 4 00 4 00 8. Richard Lanning, Returning Births 0 75 0 75 9., E. G. Galloup, Inspector of Election... 6 00 6 00 10. V. B. Gross, 4 00 4 CO 11. Thomas Morgan, Use of Hall . 8 00 8 00 12. G. M. Stoddard, Legal Services 13 00 13 00 13. G. M. Stoddard, Inspector of EIection 6 00 • 6-00 14. Thomas Morgan, Juryman... 2 40 2 40 15. Dudley Andrews, Justice, Services 5 15 5 15' 16. Dudley Andrews, 8 25 8 25 17. Dudley Andrews, 12 00 12 00 18. G. W. Davey, Services Board of Health and Auditor 8 00 8 00 19. John Conklin, " '• 8 00 8 00 20. John J. Booth, Undertaking 17 50 17 50 21. Nelson Underwood, Constable, Services........... , 15 10 15 10 22. S. N. Jones, Medical Services 1 00 1 00 23. S. N. Jones, " .... • 2 00 2 00 24. S. N. Jones, " • ` 10. 00 10 00 25. W. W. White, Highway Commissioner, Services 59 00 • 59 00 211 Bill Withdrawn .27. L. E. Draper, Clerk of Election 4 00 4 00 28. Isaac Webster, Excess of Tax 5 60 5 60' 29. E. R. Nye, Rent of Hall 25 00 25 00 30, 11. S. Hopkins, Legal Services 3 00 . 3 00 ' 31, Chauncey Luther, Assessor 38 00 38 00 32 L. M. Ogden, 20 50 26 50 33. Giles M. Stoddard, Use of Office 2 00 . 2 00 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 75 34. .A.. J. Conger, Assessor 35. A. C. Blinn, Inspector of Election 36. Carlos Baldwin, 37. Horton Metzgar, " • ...... . 38. A. B. Rogers, " • " 33. Giles Benson, " 40. M. D. Fitch, Clerk of Election 41. A. G. Chapman, Supervisor 42. J. S. Gibbs, Returning Births and Deaths 43. Joseph Mount, Inspector of Election ... 44. S. U. Jones, Reporting Births and Deaths. 45. J. S. Gibbs, Medical Services 46. Groton Journal Printing Co 47. M. D. Goodyear, Medical Services 48. Journal Printing Co 49. John Goodyear, Medical Services 50. John Goodyear, " 51., George Fitts, Town Auditor 52. Wm..Wil]iams, " 53. H. T. Newell, " 54. J. W. Jones, Town Clerk 26 00 4 00 4 00 6.00 4 00 10 20 4 00 48 57 1. 75 10 60 4 50 11 00 30 15 16 00 12 ,00 1 00 41 00 3 00 3 00 6 00 6, 10 26 00 4 00 4 00 6 00 4 00 10 20 4 00 48 57 1 75 10.60 4 50 11 00 30 15 16 00 12 00 1 00 41 00 8 00 3 00 6 00 61 10 627. 72 We the undersigned Board of Town Auditors of the Town of Groton do hereby certify that the foregoing bills were audited by us on the 911' day of November, 1882. GEORGE PITTS, WMI. IrVILLIABS, . Town Auditors. Il. T. NIIWELL, ADDED IIY RESOLUTION OF BOARD OP SUPERVISORS. 55. M. D. Goodyear, Record of Births 2 00 2 00 56. M. C. Young, inspector and Messenger10 20 10 20 57. Wm. 11. Burnham, Clerk of Assessors. 6 00 6 00 58. Nelson Underwood 19 45 19 45 59. ,Wm.'E. Mount 2 50 2 50 60. V. B. Gross 3 00 3 00 61. J. M. Montfort 2 00 2 00 62. S. LI. Buckley, Excise Commissioner 3 00 3 00 63. D. B. Morton, Auditor 3 00 3 00 64. N. R.. Streeter, Excise Commissioner 3.00 3 00 $54 15 Amount of Town Audits 627 72 Total $681 87 76 - SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. f ITHACA.• • Abstract of Town .Audits, Town of Ithacq, audited November, 1882. TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE, TOWN OF ITIIACA, November 22d, 1882. At a meeting of the Board of Auditors of the Town of Ithaca, Held at the Town Clerk's Office, 9tli, 10th, 13th, 14th, 15th; 16th, 1711], 18th and 22d of November,•1882, the following accounts.were examined, audited and allowed, as stated below. 0. A. IVES, Town Clerk.' No. Name. Nature of Service: Claimed Allowed 1. W: E: Bogardus (assigned to J. M. Heggie), Inspector District No. 1, January and February $16 00 16 00 2. I. W. Norton (assigned to 0. A, Ives), Inspector Dis trict No. 1, January and February. 16 00 16 00 . 3. John 11. Tompkins (assigned to J. M. Veggie), 'Clerk District No. 1, January and February 16 00 16 00 4. Jno. M. Tompkins, Insp. 'Dist. No: 1, Oct. and Nov22 00 22 00 5. 13, S. Wright, Insp. Dist. No. 1, Oct., Nuv.,Jan., Feb38 00 38 00 6. J. A.Tompkins, " '' •38 00 38 00 7, Wm. 11. Parker, Clerk Dist. No. 1, Oet. and Nov..., 4 00 4 00 8. Jno. Eggleston; 4 00 • 4 00 9, W. F. 3IcClune (assigned' to J. 31. Reggie), Cleric Dist. No. 2, Jan. and Feb 16 00 16 00 • • 10. F. J. ,Marsh (assigned to J. M. Veggie), Insp. Dist No. 2, Jan. and Feh 12 00 12 00 11. E. E. Robinson, Insp. Dist. No. 2, Jau, Feb. and Oet. 28 00 28 00 12. W. F. MeClune, " " " Octand Nov..... 16 00 16 00 13. 0. D. Johnson, " "- 16 00 16 00 14. C. C. Wood (assigned to C. A. Ives), Clerk Dist No. 2, Oct. and Nov 16 00 16 00 15. Frank Feeley, Clerk Dist. No2, Oct. and Nov 8 00 8 00 16. F. McDougal (assigned to C. A. Ives), Clerk Dist No. 2, Oct. and Nov 4 00 4 00 17. 11. B. Lindsay (assigned top. A. Ives), Clerk Dist No. 2, Oct 8 00 8 00 18. C. D. -Johnson, Insp, Dist No..2. March .and April, 1881. Jan. and Feb., 1882 34 00 34 00 19. Fred. Johnson, Clerk DistNo. 2, March and April, '81 . 18 00 18 00 20. J. B. Dunham (assigned to J. M. Reggie), Insp. Dist. No. 3, Jan. and Feb 18 00 16 00 • SUPERVISORS' PRO u]d.i DINGS. 21: 1I. A. Ensign (assigned to J: M. Reggie), Insp. Dist. No. 3, Jan. and Feb 18.00 16 00 22. D. P. Hodson, Insp. Dist. No."3, Jan: And Feb 18 00 16 00 23. J. 11. Tiehenor (assigned to Crozier (K7: I+eeley), Clerk Dist. No. 3, Jan. And Feb 18 00 16 00 24. O. P, Hyde, Clerk Dist. No. 8, Jan. and Feb.... 18 00 16 00 25. Spence Spencer, Oct. and Nov.... 16 00 16 00 26. C. H. Slocum, `• ... 10 00 10 00 27. C. A. Elliott, . 16.00 16 00 28. ,1). P.- Hodson, " .... 16 00 16 00 29. O. P. Hyde, •` 16 00 16 00 80. Henry Willetts, Insp. Dist, No. 4, Jan. and Feb 16 00 16 00 31. Ed. H. Smith (assigned to J M. Reggie), Insp. Dist No. 4, Jan. and Feb.... 16 00 16 00 32. H. A, Partenheimer, Clerk Dist. No. 4, Jan. and Feb.. 14 00 12 00 33. J. E. VianNatsa, Insp. 32 00 32 00 34. C. 1I. Vaullouter, ' " . 16 00 16 00 . 35. Frank Leary, " Clerk Oct. and Nov.. 16 00 10 00 36. Joseph Fowles (assigned to VanNatta, Buck & Co.), Clerk Dist. No. 4, Oct., Nov. and Feb ........ 12 00 12 00 37. Willis 11. Moses, Cleric Dist. No. 4, Jan., Feb. and Oct 24 00 24 00 38. A. C. Redden, Iusp. " Oct. and Nov..... 16_00 16 00 39. F. C. Hawkins, " " No. 5, Jan. and Feb • 18 00 16 00 40. Fox 1Iolden (assigned to E. C. Tichenor), Insp. Dist, No. 5. Jan. and Feb ...... ....... 14 00 00 00 41. E. C. Tichenor (assigned to Straussman Bros.), Clerk Dist. No. 5, Jan. and Feb ' ' 18 00 16 00 42. John, S. Gay (assigned to J. M. 1Ieggie), Clerk Dist. No. 5, Jan. and Feb 8 00 8 00 43, F. C. Hawkins, Insp, Dist, No. 5, Oct. and Nov18 00 16 00 44. E. C. Tiebenor (assigned to 11. M. Straussanan), Insp Dist. No. 5, Oct._ and Nov - 18 00 16 00 45. F. P. 11Lndolph, Iusp. Dist. No. 5, Oct. nod Nov18 00 16 00 46. Fred. C. McWhorter (assigned to C. A. Ives), Clerk Dist. No. 5, Oct. and Nov 16 00 16 00 47. John S. Gay (assigned to'C. A. Ives), Clerk .Dist. No 5, Oct. and Nov 10 00 8 00 48. IL 1I, Piffles (assigned to L. 8, McWhorter), Clerk Dist. No. 5, Oct . 8 00 8 00 49. A, Bishop, • Registration Births and Deaths.. 2 50 .2 50 50. White & Kirkendall, .. 12 25 12 25 51: J. W. Brown, 6 00 6 00 3 SUPERVISORS' PiP.00.liEL i-A`GS. 52. D. C. Trill), Registration Births anti Deaths2 75 2 75 53. E. J. Morgan d; Son, " 5 00 5 00 54. Geo. M. Beckwith, 3 75 3 75 55. E. R. Barney, 9 75 0 75 56. J. A. Lewis, " 0 75 0 75 57. John A. Northrup, if 3 25 3 25 58. S. P. Sackett, 4,26 75 18 75 59. John R. Gregory, . 4 75 4 75 60. Milton Hamblin, Registration Marriages and Deaths. 10 00 10 00 61. Robt. T. Jones, _ 5 00 5 00 62. M. W. Stryker, 3 50 3 50 63. A. 13. l3euch, 2 75 2 75 64. E. S. Atwood, Rent of Store, Jan., Feb., Oct., Nov. 40 00 40 00 65. Seth Warner & Co., " " " . 40 00 40 00 66. C. R. Baldwin, - " Oct., Nov 25 50 20 00 67. Village of Ithaca, " Oct., Nov., Jan., Feb. and balance of 1881 70 00 70 00 68. H. C. Ostrander, Rent of Store, Oct., Nov., Jan., Feb 40 00 40 00 69. E. S. Middaugh, Rent of Furniture, Dist. No. 3, 1881 21 50 00 00 70. Hyatt & Oltz, Ballot Boxes 18 30 18 30 71. A. Clapp, Printing 42 00 40 00 72. A. Clapp, . " 4 00 0 00 73. Ithaca Journal, 'Printing 138 77 94 91 74. Ithaca Democrat,. 78 25 73 50 75. Treman, Bing & Co., Supplies- 2 12 2 12 76. C. J. Rumsey & Co., ' " 2 25 2 25 77. C. J. Rnmsey (assignee of Spence Spencer) Supplies9 75 8 25 78. Andrus & Church, Supplies. 13 90 13 90 79. E'nz & Miller • 11 34 11 34 80. G. C. McClune, Slone - 35 10 35 10 81. W. W. Esty, Lime 8 00 8 00 82. Henry 'Halsey, -Lime..... 3 60 3 60 83. J. J. Renwick, Gravel: .. . .......... .....:37 80 37 80 84. J, H. Horton, Coal 5 65 5 65 85. Geo. Small, Lumber........ 14 74 14 74 86. J. C. King, Ag't, Lumber...: 3 66 3 66 87. lra Rockwel], Lumber 117 71 117 71 88. A. 13. Davis, Board of Health 6 00 6 00 89. Geo. M. Beek*ith, Services at Pollee Station ....... 4 00 4 00 00. Goo. M. Beckwith, Services for Poor 60 00 60 00 91. A. B. Stamp; Board of Prisoners 20 50 20 50 92. John Mitchell, Land Damages.... 25 00 25 00 rte. ti SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. a9 93. 1-1. Dunkin, Omnibus for Board of health 3,00 3 00 94. C. A. Ives, hent of Clflice for Town Clerk .50 00 50 00 95. C. A. Ives, Town Clerk, Feb. 22d, '81 to Nov.13th, '82 199 25 199 25 ' 96. I.I. A. Crozier, Supervisor from March to November. 102 66 102 66 97. Luther Lewis, Assessor 40 60 40 60 98. S. 13, Beers, 248 00 195 00 99. Peter Kline, 84 00 55 00 100. Wm. J. Totten, Making copy of Assessment Roll34 00 25 00 101. J. L. Milton and L. Tremae, R. 12. Commissioners46 00 46 00 102. lies. Millburn, Excise Com'r, 1881 and 188257 00 57 00 103. J. 1 ,. Follett, Sheriff 4 65 4 65 104. Fred J. Marsh, (assigned to E. K. Johnson) Under Sheriff. 34 35 34 35 105. F. P. Rundell, Lawyer 10 00 10 00 106. P. G. Ellsworth, 39 00 30 00 107. L. 1^1. 1Yltsreu, 20 00. 20 00 108, .lames L. Baker, ' " 5 00 2 00 109. Smith Brothers, 5 00 5 00 110. C. M. Blivee, Excise Commissioners, 1882 18 00- 18 00 111. Finch &,- Apgar; Supplies 64 25 58 55 - 112. T. W. Burns, Justice....... 497 30 494 30 113. Cha. 0. Day, .... 135 45 134 95 114. W J. Totten, 124 10 123 35 115. C. L. Smith, .. .... 2 85 2 85 . 116. C. L. Smith, 564 05 556 80 117. John H. Staley (assigned to Joseph II, Bishop) Cou- stable........ . ........ ........... 76 95 75 85 118. Moses 13. Sneden, (assigned to Crozier &. Feeley) Constable..... • . 55 25 37 15 119. Riley Updike, Constable 16 90 16 45 120. Riley Updike (assigned to J. M. Reggie) Constable. 123 60 122 95 121. J. S. Cody (assigned to J. M. Ileggie) Constable:... 54 37 54 37 122. J. S. Cody (assigned to Crozier .Sr, Feeley) Constable. 30 25 30 25 1.23, J. S. Cody, Constable .. I4 70 14 70 124, J. S. Cody, Constable 12 05 12 05 125. Wm. Whitlock, (assigned to J. M, 13eggie) Constable54 96 54 96 126. Patrick Murray (assigned to J. M. Ileggie)Constable482 95 473 05 127, Michael Norton, Constable 1:30 • 1 20 128. Michael Norton (assigned to Clarence L. Smith).Cou. stable .................... 1 95 . 1 95. 129. Elihu Hildebrant, Constable 4 70 4 70 130.- E[ihu-Hildebrant, (assigned to J. M. Heggie) Con- stable 100 55 95 55 80 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS: 131. Elihu Ilildebrant, (assigned to J. M. Heggze) Con- stable 113 90 113 65 132. Village of Ithaca, Police Bill, Wilson "C. P." 350 55 350 10 133. 'Village of Ithaca, Police Bill, Sullivan "C. P.", ' 208 56 208 56 134. H. H. Piffles, (assigned to John L. Whiton) Inspec- tor, District No. 5, Jan., Feb 18 00. 16 00 135. Seaman, Livery 23 25 14 25 136. Alex. Frear, Ex. Supervisor, Spring Settlement.... 49 17 . 49 17 137. .C. A. Ives, Town Clerk, .... 75 80 75 80 138: H. M. Race (assigned to J. M. Reggie) Commission- er of Highways, Spring Settlement 29 80 29 80 139. A. B. Davis, Auditor, Town Settlement...:........ 6 00 6 00 140. Wm. McKinney, Auditor, Town Settlement 6 00 6 00 141. A. W. Goldsmith 6 00 6 00 -142. Raskin & Todd, Supplies. 2 35 2 35 143. H. M. Race, Con missioner of Highways: Receipts to Cash. 1038 37 Disbursements. 1044 95 •Less disbursements disallowed 90 48 454 47 Balance due Town -t 93 90 Service Bill 144. H. Hoffman, Overseer of Poor: Balance cash on hand, Nov. 1, -81. 945 38 ' . Recd cash to Nov. 6th, 1883...... 7510 02 8455 40 Disbursements • 7802 60 Service hill 616 00 8418 61) Balance on hand Nov. 6th, 1882... : 36 80 146 00 124 (0 6260 46 6951 25 We, the undersigned; the Town Auditors of the .Town of Ithaca, hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct list and a true statement of all accounts, examined and audited or rejected, at the.meet.ing.of said Board, held in the Town Clerk's office, in the said Town of Ithaca, Nov. 9111, 10th, 13th, 14th, 15th, kith, 17th, 18th, and 22d; 1832. Dated Ithaca, Nov. 25th, 1882. E. K. JotrNsoN, W. O. NE•wmAN, `Town Auditors. WM. Mc_KI:,NEr, ) SuPErsvISOILS' PILOCEEDINGS. 81 ADDED nr RESOLU'I`EON OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. 145. William 0. Newman, Auditor $34 00 140. William McKinney, 34 00 147. E, K. Johnson, 34 00 148. R. A. Crozier, Supervisor, Town Board 6.00 149. . William Whitlock, Constable ' 5 05 150. Rev. Francis Dusenbery, Reporting marriages 5 50 151. Crozier & Feeley, (assignee of M. B. Snellen) Consta- ble, .. 50 25 153. S. B. Beers, ' Assessor. , • .52 00 153. Peter Kline, Assessor 27 00 154. Clarence L. Smith, Justice 7 25 105. Sears & Bauctts, and J. L. Beers, supplies to town poor 6 50 Amount of Town Audits Total • $261 55 5951 25 $6212 80 LANSING. LUDLOwv ILLS, Nov. Loth; 1882. We, the undersigned members of the Town Auditing Board of the Town of Lansing, in the County of 'Tompkins, State of New York, do hereby certify that the following statement of accounts, audited by them at their annual .meeting held the 9th and 10th days of November, 1882, is correct. No. Name, Nature of Service. Claimed Allowed 1. Newton Il,obertson;'Assessor . 41 50 41 50. 2. Daniel DeCamp 2d, Assessor, 1881 30 50 36 50 3. Lafayette Teeter, Inspector and Messenger ....._, 9 61 . 9 64 4. George E. Field, Clerk of Election 4 00 4 00 5. William llitebell, Inspector of Election4 00 4 00 6. William Mitchell, Inspector and. Messenger 5 80 5 80 7. William bates, Inspector of Election. 4 .00 4 00 8. Frank M. Woolley, Inspector .of Election 4 00' 4 00 9. John H. D'Iilter, Inspector and Messenger 11 04 11 04 10. Charles H. Bacon, - "• - 4 00 • 4 00 11. John, H. Conklin, 4 00 . . 4 t0 82 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 12. William H. Fitch, Clerk of Election. 4 00 4 00 13. Frank J. Beardsley, Inspector of Election 4 00 4 00 • 14. Harvey Teeter, Clerk of Election 4 00 4 00 15. Charles Drake, " 4 00 4 00 16. S. B. Field, Excise Commissioner 3 00 , 3 00 17. 1I. Beardsley, use of Hall for Election - 5 00 5 00 18, Harriet Butler, keeping Fanny Parker, pauper 45 00 45 00 19. John W. Smith, Account overlooked last year . 8 25 8 25 20. John W. Smith; Services, Justice of Peace 14 00 14 00 21. Eghert Williams, Excise Commissioner 3 00 3 00 22. Dana Bower, Justice Services 15 25 15 25 23. Dr. W. J. Gulick, Medical Services. 8 00 3 00 24. Lamson Redden, Clerk of Election 4 00 4 00 25: Dr. Darius Hall, Medical Services 2 50 • 2 50 26. Dr. Darius Hall, one day auditing, 1881 3 00 3 00 27. Hiram M. Bower, Inspector and Messenger 6 50 5 0 28. A: H. Clark, Excise Com'r and Assessment Book. •5 00 5 00 29. A. H. Clark, Assessor 32 35 32 35 30. R. T. Hedden, ex -Overseer ofthe Poor, 1880 15 00 15 00 31. P. L. Smith, Supplies for Poor 4 00 4 00 32. Hey. John E,'MeLallen, Registering Marriages1 00 1 00 33. J. B. Davis, Commissioner of Highways 69 .94 69 94 34. Charles H. Dates, Supplies for the Poor 5 06 5 -06 35. J. W. Pratt, Registering -Marriages 75 75 36. David Crocker, Bill in R. 1i. Suits 1196 17 1196 17 37. David Crocker, TowaBill 33 00 38 00 38. C. G. Benjamin, as one of Board of Health 6 00 6 00 39. M. C. Wilson, Constable Services, 1881 2 20 2 20 40. ' George W. �Mi]]ar, Assessor 38 00 38 00 41. N. E. Lyon, use of Hall one year 20 00 21) 00 42. N. E. Lyon, Bill for Services 14 00 , 14 00 43. Hurlbut & Underwood, Services in R. R. Suit ' 544 02 544 02 44. 1i. L. Comstocks, Services in B. B. Suit 470 17 470 17 45. William Mead, Town Clerk. 37 45 37 45 46. Henry Miller, use of house, Dist. No. 3 15 00 15 00 47. James M. Woodbury, Service Bill 14 00 14 00 48. Darius Hall, Supplies for Poor 2 40 2.40 49. Samuel U. Smith, Auditor, 1881 6 00 - 3 00 50. T. J. Mapes, Returned Hoad Tax 8 25 8 25 51. Jonathan Norton. Inspector of Election 4 00 '4 00 52. Di. W. H. Lockerby, Medical Services 10 50 10 50 53. Daniel Sullivan, Overseer of the Poor 127 47 127 47 ar SUPERVISORS' PROCrrDINGs. 83 54. N. 1-1.. Ellis, Supplies for Poor 6 23 6 23 55. Harlan Redden, _ Blll 20 75 25 50, N. E. Lyon, Justice of the Peace 9 75 9 76 57. Harry Teeter, Supplies for Poor 10 00 10.00 58. N. E. Lyon, Supplies for Poor 19,54 19 54 59. Vanauken and Egan, Constable Service 14 40 14 40 60. Albert Vanauken, 41 3 15 3 15 61. Dr. D. T. Barr, Health Officer 9 00 9 00 62. Milo Goodrich Estate, R. R. Fees.... 500 00 500 00 63. H. L. Cornstock, R. R. Fee a 500 00 500 00 04. I)r. W. H. Barr, Registering Births and.Deatbs • 3 75 3 75 65. Br. W. H. Barr, Surgical Operation on Fritts ' 20 75 20 75 66. Dr. W. I1. Barr, Medical Services .. 45 75 .45 75 67. W. A. J. Ozinnn, Plank for Highway 99 40 99. 40 68., M, E. Sperry, Plank for Highway • 93 86 93 86 69. Dr. W. I1. Loekerby, Registering Births and Deaths. 8 00 8 00 70. • John C. Bebee, ,Cormissioner of Highway, Bill ' 1984 17 1984 17 71. George M. Letts, Ex -Town Clerk; 27 00 27 00 72. Wilson 1). Williams, Town Auditor 12 00 = 12 00 73. Charles Steinburg, " . 9 00 9, 00 74. Benton Brown, 9 00 9 00 .75. Josiah Curtis, Bill of Stone for IIighway 32 00 32 00 $6376 27 $6351 21 WILSON D. WILLIAMS, CHARLES H. S'I'LINBURG, -Auditors. )-BENTON BIIOwN, JJf Wal. MEAD, Town Clerk. • ADDED BY RESOLUTION OP BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. 76, John C. Bebee, Highways $38 23 $38 23 '77. P. L. Smith, Supplies for the Poor... ., ....... 1 50 • 1 50 78, J. G. Barger, Stone for Bridges , 5 25 5 25 79. Chas. Baker, Constable • 90 90 80. Miles D. Goodyear, Birth Certificates 1 75 1 75 81. Wm. Mead, Town Cleric 2 00 2 00 82., C. G. Benjamin, Support of Town Poor 5 00 5 00 83., George Drake, Excess of Tax..: 18 07 18 07 84. Ithaca Democrat, Printing 8 00 8 00 80 70 Amount of town audits 6351 21 Total" $6431 91 ;84 SUPERVISORS' PI ocEEDINGS. NEWFIELD. No. Name. - , Nature of Service. Claimed Allowed 1: J. C. Everhart, Assessor • $40 60 $40 60 2. Martin -Brown, Constable 2 95 2 95 3. Dr: M. A. Dumond, Registering Births had Deaths. y 1 50 1 50 4. .Oliver Crawford, • Road Commissioner........ . , 47 00 47 00 5. Benj. Starr, Justice 20. 75 20 75, 6. Charles•Bailey, Excise•Comrnissioner 3 00 3 00 7. Wm. McCollum, Inspector of -Elections 4 00 4 00 8. 1.. B. Palmer, R. R. Commissioner 6 00 6 00 9. P. S. Dudley, Use of Hall for Town Purpose. 40 00 40 00 '10. R. Horton, Supervisor 66 54 66 54 11. Stephen Davenport, •Ex -Road Commissioner. 48 '75 48 75 12. John Sebring; Surveying R. R 16 GO 16 00 13. I3.. B. Anderson, Excise Commissioner 3 00 3 00 14. Dr. A. J. White, -Medical Attendance, Sally Dill...'. 18 00 18 00 15. Dr. A. J. White, " • Alonzo Fish.. 26 50 26 50 16, Dr. A. J. White, Recording births and deaths 5 25 5 25 17. Pierson,' Puff & Co., Supplies for Poor... 88 42 88 42 i8. R. H. Carpenter, Overseer of Poor 41 00 41.00 19. W. O. Smith, Town Clerk 39 06 39 06 20. Wm. Hartranft, inspecting Elections and Taking Re- turns to Ithaca 0 64 9 64 21. C. R. Sebring, Road Commissioner. , . 73 55 73 55 22.. C. R. Sebring, Roads and Bridges 2120 73 2120 73 23. Homer -Bailey, Constable18 85 18 85 24. C. W. McCorn, R, R. Commissioner 6 00 6 00 25. . John W. Dean, Justice 29 25 29 25 26. John W. Dean, Clerk Election 4 00 ;4 00 27. Elvin. C. Thorne, Justice .... 12 00 12 00 28. Joseph Rodburn, .Excess Tax. 13 51 13 51 29. Henry Taber,. Clerk Election, 4 00 . 4 00 30. A. K. Allen, Ex -Town Olerk 6 75 6 t•0 31. Rev. 0..0. Hanmer, Registering marriages.......... 75 .75 32. Ur; C. C. Cook, Registering Births. 3 50 3 50 33. Jason Carmen, Ex -Commissioner of Highways 6 21 0 21 34. L. II. Bower, Registering Deaths, and Tiurial Expenses _ of Sally Dill. 22.75' 22 75 85. Hiram Swartwood, Assessor 36.00 36 00 36. Moses McCorn, Assessor 35 30 35 30 37. Alvah D. Brown, Justice ,12 25 12 25 SU1'.ERVISO1IS' Pnoc111)INGS. 85 38. Alvah Brown, Use of House for Election 10 00 10 00 39. Samuel Drake, inspector of Elections, District No. 2, 4 00 4 00 40. Geoge Swartwood, " " If " 2, 4 00 4 00 41. E. M. Swartwood, 2, and taking ]Returns to County Clerk 9 96 9 96 42. J. M• Swartwood, Clerk Election 4 00 • 4 00 43. John G. Harker, Clerk Election .................... 4 00 4 00 44, I. N. VanOstrand, Constable. • 13 62 . •13 62 $2982 19 The undersigned. members of the Board of Town Auditors of the Town of Newfield, County of Tompkins, do hereby certify that the above statement of accounts, audited by them at their annual meeting, November 9th, 10th and llth, 1882, is correct. CUA$. A. SMITH, W. E. Bvs11, Town Auditors. E. A. AAYis, ADDED BY RESOLUTION OF BOARD OE SUPERVISORS. 45. • Eugene Davis, Town Auditor, Three Days .....y9 00 46. W. E. Bush, 9 00 47. C. A. Smith, " " 0 00 48. Geo. W. Hani, Inspector of Election, • 4 00 49. R. Horton, Supervisor,. Filing Collector's Bond 1 00 R. Horton, Mileage oo Same • 1 28 50. James F. Linderman, Excise Commissioner 3 00 51. N. B. Dunning, R: 11. Commissioner 6 00 42 28 Amount of town audits • 2982 19 Total $3024 47 ULYSSES. The undersigned Auditing Board, of the Town of Ulysses, County of Tompkins, State of New York, do certify the following statement of accounts, audited by them at their annual meeting, held on the 9th and 10th days of November, 1882, is correct: No. • Name. Nature of Service. . Claimed. Allowed. 1, B. S. Dean, Constable $ 2 10 $ 2 10 2; F. D. Williams, Po11 Clerk. 4 00 , 4 00 3. R. Vernon Barto, " 4 00 4 00 86 SUPLrRtiISOitS' PROCEEDI\GS. 4. A. P. Osborne, .Justice 15 70 15 70 5- Henry Hutchins, Inspector of Elections '6 50 6 50 6. J. H. Emery, Justice 13 35 13.35 7. 11. Talmadge, Physician 2 25 2 25 8. E. S. Pratt, Boding Commissioner 27 00 27 00 9. R. Talmadge, Physician 62 50 25 00 10. T. Boardman, Bonding Commissioner ...... . 34 57 34 57 11. R. M. Ellis, Physician_ 0 25 0 00 12. H. A. Bower, Supervisor 34 :84 34 84 13. F. A. Bower, Surveying 1 50 1 50 14. Stephen Ammar's Estate, R. R.Commissioner 28 00 28 00 "15. Geo. Alden, Surveying 1 50 1 50 16. G. J. McLallen, Bonding Commissioner 24 00 24 00 17. R. L. Smith, Physician 31 00 22 25 18. S. A. Sherwood, Sexton 11 00 11 00 19. J. 11. Bowman, Hotel I0 00 10 00 20 Geo. Curry, Constable 3 00 2 00 21. E. A. Wager, Justice 15 35 15 35 22. D. 11. McLallen, Assessor 42 75 42 75 23. D. U. Ayers, Inspector of Election 4 25 4 00 24. T. J. Howe, • " 8 00 8 00 25. R. C. Barto, Overseer of Poor 4 00 4 00 26. Henry Rightmire,Poll Clerk (assigned to P. A. Kerst.), 4 00 4 00 27. Wm.Van Order, Inspector of Election 9 93 9 93 28. 13. F. Tompkins, Overseer of Poor 70 00 70 00 29. William Austin, Attorney . 13 12 13 12 30. F. W. Osborne, Inspector of Election 11 00 10 00 31. F. A. Kerst, {f 14 it 4 00 4 00 32. H• G. Cooper, Supervisor 19 44 19 44 •33. Hezekiah VanOrdcr, Hotel 22 00 22 00 34. R. C. Taylor, Poll Clerk 4 00 4 00 35. O. M. Wilson, Inspector Election 10 96 10 00 36. J. C. Mott, Inspector of Election.. ' 11 36 10 36 37. Jarvis Ganoung, Assessor 28 60 28 60 38. Wm. Chandler S Son, Undertakers 21 00 20 00 39. 800 800 40• 20 00 20 00 41. " " " " 9 00 8 00 42. et•" 8 00 8 00 43. it " " 4 00 0 00 44. B. T. Sullivan, Inspector of Election 4 00 4 00 45. G. H. Stewart, Undertaker 18 00 16 00 SUI'1LBVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 87 46. R. L. Smith, Poll Clerk 4 00 4 00 47. T. It Ring, Surveyor 4 00 4 00 48. LeRoy Trembly, Hotel 10 00 10 00" 49.. L. B. Curry, Assessor 43 30 43 50 50. Sam Manning, Constable 3 20 3 20- 51. Aaron Mclieel, Overseer Poor.......... 8 73 8 75. 52. John VanBuskirk, Undertaker 35 50 33 50 53. Wm. S. Ganoung, Road Commissioner 28 GO .28 00 54. Willis Morgan, 17 00 17 00 555. David Lower, 32 CO 32 00 56. J. Flickenger, Physician (Bill of 1879) 3 00 • 0 00 57. Wm. E. Dans, Constable 6 85 6 85 58. J. Flickenger, Physician 12 50 10 00 59. " 41 5 75 5 00 60. " • -2 25 2 25 61. . " 11 25 10 00 62.. ` •6 " 50 75 20 85 63. C. L Adams. Printer, , .. 12 75 12 75 64. Kerst ct Co., Groceries, etc 16 00 16 00 65. J. N. Farrington, Physician 7l 00 50 00' 66. J. M. Farrington, Births ane] Deaths 2 25 2 25 67. 'Francis M. Austin, Town Clerk 36 75 36 75 68. F. A. Iierst, Physician 14 50 14 50 69. G. E. Orton, " 18 00 12 00 70. Ithaca Journal Association •12 50 5 00 $1028 26 JACOB STILLWELL,' D. JAY PINCIrNEY, Auditors. J, M. POPE, ADDED BY RESOLUTXON OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. 7i. Jacob Stillwell, Auditor 6 00 6 00 72. C. L. Adams, Printing 3 25 3 25 73. J. L. Pope, Auditor's Clerk 9 00 9 00 74. Sidney P. Thompson, Excise Commissioner 3 00 3 00 75. J. F. Flickenger, Physician. 15 00, 15 00 76. - E. P. Bouton, Clerk Election . 4 00 4 00 77, Horaco A. Bower, Supervisor, Disbursing School Moneys 23 79 23 79 $64 04 Amount Of town audits - 1028 26 Total $1092 36 REPORTS. COUNTY TREASURERS' REPORTS. A%pplen cr tal Report of L: K. ,Tohiasorz County Treasurer, embra- ting the period from Nov. 21, 1881, to .Tan. 1, 1882. RECEIPTS. Balance on hand Nov. 21st ' $ 817 62 • Received from E. Hildebrant, Under Sheriff, fine in Game Protec- tector vs. Pell Bros 40 00 Proceeds of note given for Court expenses 791 72 U. I. & E. R. R. school tax in sundry districts 77 84 Interest on deposits • 50 $1727 68 'DISBURSEMENTS. To the Comptroller, fine in Pell 13ros. case $ 40 00 . To fuel and gas acc't 23 80 To sundry collectors, tax on U. I. S ER. R. 77 84 To expenses of Treasurer to Syracuse 4 85 To Court expenses 1295 12 Amount turned over to Geo. H. Northrup 286 07 $1727 68 TOMPKII`s COUNTY; ss.: • E. R. Johnson being duly sworn says the above statement is correct and contains a true statement of all money received, deposited and paid out by hitu as County Treasurer from Nov. 21'st, 1881, to Jan. 1st, 1882. R K. JOHNSON. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9th day of January; 1882. P. G. ELLSWORTH, Notary Public. SUPERVISORS' PItOCE DI'_CGS. 89 ANNUAL REPORT OF GEORGE H. NORTIIRUP,.COU.NTY TREASURER FOR 1882. Tb the Honorable, the Board of Supervisors-of.Tompkins County:. The undersigned, County Treasurer of Tompkins Coiuity, respect- fully submits his annual statement 'of receipts and disbursements of the County funds from Jan. 1st, •1882, to Nov. 17th, 1882, as follows: Thereceipts-from all sources, including balance from E. I. Johnson, ex -Cb. Treas., amount to the suin of p83,658.83. The disbursements for the saxu.e period for all. purposes amount to the. sum of $80,793.45, leaving a balance in my hands of $2,865.38. I hereby certify that there stands this day to the credit of Geo. H. North- rup, County Treasurer, on the books of this Bank, the sum of Twenty-eight Ilundred and Sixty-five and 38-100 dollars. Ithaca, Nov. 17th, 1882. f • C. W. GAY, Teller, 1st National Bank, Ithaca N. Y. TOMPKINS COUNTY, 8S.: Geo H. Northrup being duly sworn says the following statement is correct and contains a true report of all moneys received, deposited and paid out by him as County Treasurer since Jan. 1st, 1882, excepting moneys belonging to the "Infant Heir Fund." , GEO. H. NORTHRUP, County Treasurer. Subscribed and sworn before me November 17th, 1882. 6. B. ROLFE, Clerk. RECEIPTS. From E. 'IK. Johnson, ex-Treas 286 07 One per cent. fees on Slate tax of 1881. 130 58 Patients at N. Y. State Lunatic Asylum 238 G3 School money from Supt. of Public Instruction.:...:10287 .38 Fines from County Clerk 385 00 Fines from Sheriff 80 00 Fines from W. E. Mount, Justice 4 30 10942 66 469 30 • 90 Stj.P.L.ttvISORB' PPOCEEDINGS. Self-supporting patients at Willard Asylum 647 62 Interest on deposits 50 'U. I..& E. and I. A. S� W. R. Is.'s, sundry school talcs 159 23 Nicholas Pierson, committee of the estate of Laura M Sexton, lunatic r . SURPLUS MONIES. • Anderson vs. Anderson 11 46 Chambers vs. Keenan 856 85. White vs. White 1668 87 Green vs. Rhodes... 2553 56 Gardner vs. Case 105 94 Estate of Erastus R. Treman, less exchange 2748 11 ACCOUNT OF TAX LEVY OF 1881. / Town of Caroline 2958 86 " Danby 3507 35 " Dryden 8949 73 " Enfield 2158 98 Groton 5372 32 " Ithaca.. 21103 07 Lansing 7399 20 " Newfield 3421 83 " Ulysses 6629 07 FROM TAXES RETURNED UNPAID. 807 35 1429 07 y 7944 49 61500 41 Account of Caroline 5 64 ft Danby 5 38 Dryden..... 1 91 " Enfield y 31 56 Ithaca • 322 77 Newfield 44 86 Ulysses 153 42 565 54 From postage acc't for deficiency in assessments 01 83658 83 I SUi•t:ttvisolts' PROCEEtviNcis. 91 DISBURSEMENTS. State tax paid Comptroller 13039 05 County audits 11551 79 Costs in Boardman case. 212 35 Postage Supervisors' CIerk 10 00 Susquehanna Valley I-Iome.....:...... 383 59 .Tail hence 100 00 Incidentals, Surrogate's office 50 00 Monroe County Penitentiary 332 01 i3ills payable, note given for Court expenses 1000 00 800 00 12630 74 1800 00 State Asylum for Idtots • .16 00 Repairs 011 Jail 128 75 Canandaigua, Home 307 10 -- 451 85 John E. Beers, Supervisor, balance due town of Danhy. • . 18 John J. Abel, " " Enfield. 88 Randolph Horton," " Newfield 22 20 Horace A. Bower, " Ulysses. 43 40 • –— E6 66 Willard Asylum, bills. .8118 27 Postage and stationery, Treas. oiliee 20 14 A. Bradbury, amount of credit in Willard Asylum bill, 9 61 Cyrus Tyler, , I. " 6 44 N. Y. State Lunatic Asylum 238 63 Railroad Taxes to sundry school tax collectors 73 85 Paid orders of Co. Supt. of Poor 3652 07 St. Joseph Hospital ... 50 15 377E 07 274 82 SCHOOI, MONIES. To Ithaca - 7464 18 To Caroline 1896 79 To Danby 1634 57 To Dryden 2045 51 To Enfield 1198 70 To Groton 2349 94 To Lansing ' 201E 90 92 • SupEnvIsons' PROCEEDIXGS. To Newfield 2043 20 To Ulysses 2148 41 • 23698 35 COURT EXPENSES.• Trial Jurors 3086 2n ~' Grand Jurors... 465 80 Constables 541 30 Witnesses. 106 94 Justice of Sessions 308 40 Stenographer 815 19 Sheriff attendance at court 141 00 Under Sheriff, attendance at Court - 122 60 Meals to Jurors 91 70 Crier • 147 00 Fine refunded by order of Court 10 00 GAS BILLS. Clerk's office... 38 06 Jail 79 00 Court House 55 64 5836 00 173 36 Coal to County buildings 207 74 Kindling wood, Court Ilouso 2 60 270'34 SURPLUS MONIES. Green vs. Rhodes 2553 56 On acc't of order of distribution, estate of Erastus R Treman 9641 32 Gardner vs. Case 105 64 SALARIES: Marcus Lyon, County Judge 2500 00 Geo. M. Northrup, County Treasurer 900 00 D. M. Dean, Dist. Att'y 600 00 A. B. Humphrey, School Com'r 200 01 S. L. Howe, 200 00 .James McLachlan, Supervisors' Clerk 150 00. George Guinn, janitor 150 00 5300 52 0 Sifr.REvlsons' PEOCEEDLNGS• 93 Rev. W. W. glint, County house chaplain 50 00 J. T. Newman, Special County Judge 59 00 Geo. M. Beckwith, jail physician 90 00" Western Institute Deaf Mutes Cash on hand Cash on hand. Due the Treasury from Go. Supt. of Poor .. .. 3 12 Court expense account 1743 13 " Willard Asyljttn account 75 67 Total assets which belong to the following accounts: 2865 38 Fuel and Gas Monroe County Penitentiary Rome Institute for Deaf Mutes Interest account Returned tax account 4890 00 439 36 2865 88 83658 83 74 46 , 184 31 3 00 2 50 276 78 SURPLUS MONIES. Wheelock vs. Wesley ............... ... • • • • • • . • . . 10 Anderson vs. Anderson 11 46 Chambers vs. Kdenan 856 85 Whitens, White, 1668 87 Estate of Erastus R. Treman. 106 79 Western Institute for Deaf Mutes 60 64 Laura M. Sexton, lunatic 13.56 16 Sundry school districts on the 11. 1, &. E. R. B. 85 38 4687 30 4687 30 • INFANT HEIR FUND. To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County : In pursuance of an act of the Legislature of the State of New York, entitled " An Act in. Respect to the Funds and Securities in the Possession of the Clerk of the Court of Appeals," passed April' 12th, 1848, requiring the County Treasurer of the different 114 • StirEitv'sons' Pnocl:Ia1)INGs. counties to report to the Board of Supervisors of the dainty in which the Treasurer resides. Such report to contain a statement of all bonds 7iud mortgages and other securities ]geld by hint, and' • the names of the persons interested therein. The undersigned County Treasurer of'1'omplcills,connty, respect-' fully reports. as follows as to the securities held under the pro • - visions of this act: G.IsO. H. NORTHRUP, P, County Treasurer. TomPKINb COUNTY, 85: Geo. H. Northrup, being duly sworn, says.the following statement is correct and represents the condition of the secu'rities belonging to the Infant Heir Fund on the 18th day of November, 1882. G1.o, Ll. Nolt'rliitur, County Treasurer. Subscribed and sworn before,me November 18th, 1882. S. 13. ROLFE, Clerk. In vest)nen 6.1 MORTGAGOR, 1st mortg'ge Ueu. Alexander. 1st 111 .1011 1511 1st 1st lst 2(1 +k1 1st 1st 2d 1St 1st 2d 3d 2d ,4 44 1• h. Lr A. E. Albright. *Geo. H. Bristol. •Ceo. 1I. Bristol. A. Bradbury. 11/ICs 11. Benson. Il. D. Blakeslee. DATE. Fut). 0, '7t,„ Aug.31, '7S. Feb. 25, '70. �lune 15,'62, ]lar. 13, 'TT. Mar. 13,'73. Oct. 21, 'TS. 1''. A. Camp. Apr. 6, '75. F. A. Camp. Mar. 1,'75, 1l1rnm (:ea, Oct. 31, '7T. W. D. Clbbs. Oct. 3. '72. W. D. i)1bbs. Apt'. 7, '70. E. M. (111.10.m. I )ee. 18, '73. Harriet Mayes. Feb, 11, '70. Lydia I lousell. Oct. 16, '65. •Ellzabeth Hove. Apr. 1, '75. •Etl2abeth Howe. Apr. 2, 'T7. W1lSOn I. 11111. ' Feb. 15, '75. Town of Ithaca 5 per , cent Bond series or 1803, numbers 76, 77, 7S. 79, S0, $1,000 each. Amount. AIIW HEIRS 111T1.H13ST)Sn, ltanUev)lle 11e11s. Jennie 'Williams.Mary A. Mitchell. McKeegan heirs. Sain'l11. Wilson. Mary Hughes and children. Unassigned. Chas. Coven. A. B. Pugsley. 'terry Heirs. Das Benson. B. F. 'Wickham. Mabel McNeil. Saari 11. Wilson. A.11, Pugsley. M. P. Gibbs. Morton Heirs. saw] 511. Wilson. l lousell Heirs. Satn'I11. Wilson. Surdanl heirs. haddock Heirs. N' l 'cox I31'ea9 Lyon Morten Van Horn `• Iluson Haddock Frank (-iilmer. Jennie Williams Chas. Spaulding. IInL or or I nt ert'st. 51 n rl �aeF. $ 779.77 423.27 $ 1,203.00 33.29 174.39 • 51.82 83.33 32.23 767.18 1,350 00 100.60 3,500.00 500.00 400.011 400.00 200.00 2,5011,01, 559.05 1,291.117 300.09 • 95.09 432.00 300,09 350.01) 103.75 250.011 250,110 135.92 45.29 1,953.26) 300.00 516.18 3.12 104.61 117 12 93,52 400.011 757.19 1,1.50.00 100.00 ' 3,500.00 1,200.00 4011.51) 200.00 2,5110.00 559.1)5 1,291.67 300.00 . 93.00 412.00 300.00 300,00 163.75 t_� SUr.P:.14v1sorts' V1ooc1:1,DINGs. 95 lot 1st 0d lit 1st 1st 1st 1st 101 1st l 0t '261 1st 1st 1st 196 " 1st 1st 1 14 ,. 11 11 1st. 1st 1st If John Letts. James La bar. '1'. J. 01cLaleny. t11e,1nyMente. John ilcArlllur. Julia McNeil.. (Geo. t'. Morton, Samuel Mowry. Sasso Manning. IJohn G. Shaw. 'Nathan Stevens. •P aid M. Sneden, Edwin Simpson. Eront1. Va.nKlrk. Martha Woodin. Stanley U. 'lard. 1'1)W100 ]tierce. 1.,. A.:1110 Jane Klug. Town of ltliaea 5 per cent Bond Na. 1711 Series 1891. Edwin Jlllett. Myron A. Sexton. Jbh❑ ItulnSCy. Willis llaywa.rd. 93.52 1i it1J e .Axford. 51.69 E. and A. Glllow. ''219.419 1). and 4J, 5('000(6. 38,80 115515110, A. Alcon. 3'49.08 8earls 11e1rs• 469.50 Apr, 6,''77. Morton llelrs. 150,50 Noy. 2, '74. N'. 1'. Arnold. 1,082.25 Nov, 1, '77. 911111 M, Nilson. 1,600.00 Feb.7, '76. ['instead Snyder, 290.83 Sarah11arrlson. , 167.6; Apr. 11,'74, Van Horn 11elrs. 1,901.29 May 21, '75. Mabel.l[c;Fril 7011.00 Mar, 01,'74. Morton llelrs. 1,125.55 Dee. 29, '77. 18 1Ig11s 50)1.00 Feb. 14,'70. Mabel MoNel1, 391.39 SEH n'l M. Wilson. 126.56 McGowan nein. 49, 58 Stevens " 980.60 Ilan5haw " 355.72 Unassigned. 38.22 May 12, '77. r'red 'A ooliln. , • 220.10 Searles llelrs. 42,40 Mar. 6. '77. Stevens " 4u0.11u May 19,'77. dole '• 117.28 Savocoll " 462,72 Nov. 12,'48. Elizabeth Simpson. 3,398.04 June 20,'72, porion Heirs. 400 (sell(' 98.66.06 ellas: , -. Asa-,ia11nt1.' 352.101 Apr. 15,'76.140. a-0(tn Ni. 1Foodln, '98'3,69 may l5, '74. 44'r'lgstilelr8. 1,455.00 May 1; '81. 1111s -•a " 1,250.00 Apr. 20, '80. Nellie R. Jennings. 1,575.60 Sarsl'I M. Wilson. - 4111.37 Nilson llelrs. -211.33 Suydam • 124.52 Kent " 91.44 llansilaw " 76.23 Josephine Stoddard, 63.11 Juue is; 80. (loortspeed01c1rs, 001.44 June 10,'81. Kealor ''2,750.01 Sep. 7, '51. Griffin " 2,444,44 'l'otal amount Invested in Bonds and Mortgages.................. 5,060.00 156.00 1,()8'2.20 1,000.60 450.60 1,901.29 71111.1)0�1 1,1133.1 550.00 1,921.46 • 262.55 400.00 . 501,00 3,138.94 050.00 0973,69 1,416.06 1,250.00 1,875.00 1,000.00 801.44 2,750 00 ''2,444 44 546,801.00 *Worthless mortgages. t7lortga.ge toreClosed and property held for Heim9. Deposited in Ithaca Savings.Bank, Searles ,heirs.. $848.95 . 1 hereby certify that there stands this day on the books of this bank to the credit of George H. Northrup, County Treasurer, as Trustee for the above mentioned heirs, the sum of eight hundred'. forty-eight 95100 dollars ($848 95..100.) • Ithaca, Nov. 18th, '82. WM. J. STORMS, Treasurer Savings Hank. i 96 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. SHER.IFF'S REPORT. To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: I have to report that during the year ending Nov. 1rItli, 1882, I have collected as fines the following sutras of money to wit: March 31, 1882, Wm. Shepard $ 30 00 June 3, 1882, Court Fines 50 00 November, 24, 1882, Court Fines 190 00 Amounting to- $270 00 All of which I have paid V(31' to, the County 'Treasurer, whose receipts for the same aro herewith submitted. J. K. FOLLETT, Sheriff. Sworn to before me, November 2711, 1882. D. P. I ODSON, Notary Public. 1 TOMPKINS COUNTY TREASURER'S OFFICE. Ir]IACA, N. Y., March 31st, 1882. Received from J. K. Follett, Sheriff, Thirty Dollars, Fine of Wm. Shep- ard. GEO. H. NORTHRUP, $30 00. County Treasurer.. TOMPKINS COUNTY TREASURER'S OFFICE. t . ITHACA, N. Y., June 9th, 1892. Received from J. K. Follett; SherifT, Fifty Dollars, Court Fires. GEO. 11. NORTHRUP, $50 00. County Treasurer. TOMPKINS COUNTY TREASURER'S OFFICE. ITHACA, N. Y: Nov. 2hth, 1882. Received from J. K. Follett, Sheriff, One Hundred and Ninety Dollars, Court Fines. GEO. H. NORTHRUP, $190 00. County Treasurer. SuL i RviSORo' PROCEEDINGS. 97 DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S REPORT. th.e ]Io;iorctble, t1e Board of Snpeavisors of Tompkins County: . In pursuance of a resolution of the Board of Supervisors of 1876 - requesting the ,District • Attorney " to report to this Board, at its annual session each year, according to Chapter 409, Laws of 1.867, all fines -imposed as the result of his prosecution, and. all .fines and forfeited reeognizances paid to hint, and what disposition he has made of the same," .1 have the honor to report that the following are the only cases embraced by said. resolution, coming before me, since the last, session of Your honorable body: PERFONS FINED. SCHEDULE. OFFENSE. AMOUNT. Wheeler Saxton....iieeping Gambling house$60 00..Paid. Arnold T. Niver:... Violating Excise Law 50 00.. " Martin E. Holton... 50 00.. " Robert Schwartz... 50 00.. " John Johnson 25 00.. " Wm. Shepherd 30 00.. " Edward FulkersonGO 00. 1 Jerome Heffron25 00.. " Albert Jewell 50 00.. " Moses Snecden 40 00.. " Marcus D. Shaver60 00.. " John Coy 50 00.. ' " Henry Butler if " 00 00. " George Sherwood _Disobeying Subpoena 10 00... Charles Wallace.... 10 00.. John Hartman 1000..if Theodore Carman10 UO.. Gamaliel Sperry10 00.. George Burchell10 00.. Edward Boyer cr 5 00.. Floyd HowesContempt of Court. 10 00.. Amount Actually Collected $715 00 O8 .SuJ'EPVISORS' PJROCEEDINGS. t • The following comlirise those cases wherein the fine imposed was not paid and '.the defendant was imprisoned according to the pro- visions of the sentence in case of the non-payment of the fine: • • Van Hurlburt, V iol.tting Escise Law $00 00 The following comprise those cases wherein the collection of the fine imposed was stayed on appeal pursuant to Section 527 of the Code of Criminal Procedure: PERSON FINED, OFFENSE. FINE. Charles Schailowiiz....Violaiing Excise Law $150 00 Loris Orglineister 150 00 $300 00 Total Amount of Pines Imposed $1075 00 All of which is respectfully submitted.• Dated, December 5th, 1882. DAVIll M. DEAN, District Attorney. SURIiOCATE'S REPORT. Statement of fees received by Marcus •Lyon, Surrogate of Tompkins County, during the year commencing Nov. lst, 1851, to Nov. - 29,.1882. Jan. 25, 1882, Ree'd for Copying Records $ 5 00 Mcb. 4, 1882, " 2 G0 April 14, 1882, " 1, 1 00 29, 1882, . 4i 75 May 27, 1882, " " " 2 38 July 10, 1882, " " 2 80 August 7, 1882, " `• II 2 50 Oct. 7, 1882, " 2 50 $19 53 I -have paid out for tlie_1lses of. the office .and .cleaning the same during and after repairs made therein in Jan. and Feb. last, and for Janitor's services since Jan. 1st, •1882, as follows: } • SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 99 Jan. 14 $5 00 .. 21 '1 31 Feb. 11 5 00 March 25 7 07 $18 38 TOMIPKINS COUNTY, SS: Marcus Lyon, being duly sworn, says the above statement is true to the best of his knowledge and belief. MARCUS LYON.. Sworn and subscribed Nov. 29, 1882. JAMES Mei,ACHLAN, JR., Notary Public, LOAN COMMISSIONERS' REPORT. ,To the honorable, the _Board of Supervisors of 1'onzpkins County. The • following is a statement of the condition of thhc United States'Deposit Fund: PRINCIPAL ACCOUNT FOR 1882. • Amount of Fund, December 5th, 1881 $44,882 28 Paid the Comptroller During the Year $1,546 00• Principal on Hand 100 00 State Farm 1,500 00 Advertised 1,010.00 Amount on which Interest was Paid Oct. 1, 1882 40,726 28 • Amount of Fund November 1st, 1882 ....... . $43,236 28 - t INTEREST. ACCOUNT.. Interest Received Oct. 1, 1882 $2,509 34 Interest Received During the Year.... 15 63 Total $2,524 97 CONTRA: - Paid Comptroller $2,000 00 Cash on Band 524 97 Total.... • • $2,524 97. 100 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. There •are—two delinquents in interest amounting to 6'60.60. These mortgages have .be•en duly advertised' and `rill be• sold iii February next, unless arrearagos•are paid 'previous to that time. All of which is respectfully submitted.. • ALLEN GRAY, Loan JOHN W. GASS, C Commissioners. I, Allen Gray, one of the Loan Commissioners for the County of Tompkins, hereby certify that the foregoing statement is correct. .ALLEN GRAY, - • Loan Commissioner for Tompkins Co. • 'SUPERIN'TENDENT'S REPORTS. . To the flonorable, the Board of Serpervisors of Tonipkifu County: The'Superintendent of 'the Poor of the County of Tompkins re- spectfully reports that from the 15th day of Nov:, 1881, to the 15th day of Nov., 1882, the following named persons were supported in the Poor House: Hannah Loomis, 365 days; Wm. Hollinbeck, 365; 'Moses Myres, 365; Nancy Harris, 365; Abram Strong, .365; Emily Skinner, .315; Eva Skinner, 315; Daniel McKintry, 365; Homer Buckly, 344: Chas. Mills, 284; Lena Cohins, 865; John Piffles, 84; Eveline Auble; 365; Loyd Auble, 365; James Hewitt, 145; Ahniru Merchant, 365; Richard King, 365; John Greene, 4365; James Malone, 150; Mary Strong, 365; M. McCune, 2; Joseph Tone, 2; E. Swee- ny, 2; Peter Joice, 311; C. -Bogardus, 221; Wm. •Carr, 2; 'Phos, Hickey, 2; F. N. Sprigg, 34; Thos. Pinchen, 22; Thos. Boyd, 2; Daniel Gook, 55; Jasper Aldrigc, 76; Chas. Owen, 2; Alletta George, 142; Jamcs Jackson, 3; .1{enry Williams, 3; Jamcs .Ryan; '3; Wm. Dobie, 3;,John• Kirby, 3; Chas. Morgan,• 3; Harry Williams, 2; John Ryan, 2;•Warreu Doble, 2; Chris. Morgan, 2; Janes Clarkson, 2; James Kirby, 2; Daniel Mead, 6; A. H. Downey, 241; C. Medill, 3; A. Harper, 3; Jbhii Mack, •3; Thos: • Rose,. 3; Dr. Crammer, 22; Chas. "Watrous, 2; Martin.Holden, 3; Wm,. Hudson, 4; A; Taylor, 76; R. Maharr, 65; Barney Collins, 63; Ellen Collins, 63; F. Williams, 4; Geo. Wil- liams, 4; John Simpson, 2;, M. Sweeny, 108; Chas. Sweeny, 168; Geo. Mur- phy, 2; James Howell, 2; Chas. McDonald, 39; Wm. O'Hara, 3; Richard Maharr,,3; John Tramp, 3; ;Tim Cascy,.3; Ellen Dunson, 31; Michael Sweeny, 18. Total number of paupers, 74; 8,303 days. i SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 101 CAROLINE.—Everett Boyer, 365; Barnaby•Geuung, 66; Susan Genung, 75; Marilia Genung, 75; Richard Genung, 75; Sally Genung,• 90; Z. Vanable, 313. Total number of paupers, 7; 1,059 days, DANi3Y.—Chas. Walling, 365; Jerusha Cronee, 365; Elnora . Cronce, 365; Wm. Thornton, 365; Martha Emery, 97; Arzah Emery, 97; Chas. Emery; 28. Total number of paupers, 7; 1,682 days. • Durna —Chas. White, 385; Anthony Onan, 166; Hannah Allen; 337; John .Allen, 150; Nettie Harris, 264. .Total number. of paupers,,5; 1,282 days. ' Gno•roN.—Rebecca Butler, •1; 365. Ext ILLD. James Christy, 1 ; •365. • NEWFIELD,—E. C. Kellogg, 124; Dewitt Savaeool, 1..• Total number of paupers, 2; 125 days.• I'rfACA.---Lyrnan Savage, 365; John Raymond, 365; Lydia Bower, 365; Daniel' McCune, 365;. Mary. Syne, 365 .Horace. Whitehead, 365; R. C..- Wil- liams,.281; Bridget, Cunningham, 186; Mary Cunningham,• 186; Peter'Chris- tiance, 199; Andrew Stratton, 30; Geo. Ferguson, 111; Emily-Vanalstine, 114; Mary Donald, 98; Mary Townsend, 176; Edward Bruce, 41. Total number of paupers, 16; .3,612 days. . . La.;sING.—Barney Moore, 25; 'Henry Parker,183. Total number of paupers, 2; 208 days. .. IJLYssEs•—John Treinbly, 365; John Brannan, 365; John Hyland, 365; John Sears,'207; James Ferguson, 160; -Dennis McCarty, 14; Daniel Dim mirk, 22, Total number of paupers, 7; 1,498 days: • Grand total of paupers, 122; 181499 days. • The whole number of days, said paupers have boon supported in said 'County Jlouse,,was 18,409, and the .amount of drafts,drawn on the County Treasnrer for bills_ audited by the Superintendent ' for the. support_ of tlle,instittiti.on during -said year over and above the proeeeds of the farm, wa,i $2,080.60. • The sums.expended for out -door rchef 1662 30 Sorvices of the overseers 174 65 Transportation of. paupers 35 06 Insurance on, buildings for 3 years', 81 25• Improvement on properly '• 67 20• . In -door relief 2080 60 $4101 60 102 SurjRvisoits' PROCEEDINGS. The following hill in items makes. up the above amount under the head. of ,improvements on .property: New 'stove 42 40 Repairs on stoves 24 80 07 20 Amount of grain and produce raised and on hand: 560 Bushels of wheat, on hand 250 bush, 477 htoats, " ' 400 " 600 ears corn, „ 500 200 II potatoes, " • 160 " 3, „ onions, sf .................... 10heels, " - 10 •, 10 " tomatoes, " _ .. 40 „ apples, is 10 ., 300 heads cabbage, " 200 heads. 35 tons of hay, 33 :as 11 acres of corn stalks, all on hand. J STOCK ON FARM. Three horses belonging to keeper; yoke of oxen belonging to county; five milch cows; one bull; yearling heifer; nine hogs fattening; nine hogs winter- ing; one hundred common fowls; one turkey; thirty-five tons coal; eighteen yards cloth; 'nine yards denims; thirty yards calico; fifteen yards canton flannel ; twelve yards flannel; eight yards shirting; twelve yards factory; ten yards bleached muslin; five yards gingham; eight yards ticking; ten pairs socks; ten pairs hose; two ladies wrappers; six men wrappers; four vests; three coats; four bed ticks; eight towels; six sheets; one {lair pillow cases; three shrouds; eight shirts; eight chemise; three night caps; one pair drawers;. three night gowns; one pair overalls; two pairs pants; four aprons; three skirts; one and one-half pairs boots; one pair men shoes; three' pairs women shoes; four comfortables; three pillows; one new feather bed; sixteen pounds butter; one•half barrel molasses; three-fourths barrel sugar; one and one-half barrels soap; two casks cider; one barrel vinegar; .two-thirds cask grease; chest of tea. . I further report that the number of births in the County House the past year was 1. • i further report the number. of .deaths in the County •House last year was 4. • -.. I further report the 'number of paupers in the County House on the 15th of Nov., 1881, was 40. 1 SrPERvISORS'' PROCEEDINGS. 103 The number in the. County IIouse •on the - ].5th of Nov., 1882, was 45. The average number in the Poon blouse during the year was 50 249-365. The whole number received was 83; discharged 70; deaths 4, ab- sconded 4. . The average expense for each pauper's support above the pro- ceeds of. the farm was$41.05. The average expense per week was t0.78 49-52. In conformity to the 30th Section, Title lst, Chapter 20, of the Revised Statutes, I, the Superintendent of the Poor, respectively report to the' Board of -Supervisors that I estimate the ekpeuses for the support of the County and Town paupers the ensuing -year in the Poor House at $2,100.00. ,• I further estimate the expense .for transportation of paupers to the County House at $40.00. I further estimate the expCiise for temporary relief of County paupers not in the Poor IIouse at $1.,740.00. I further estimate the expense for Overseers for •their services, $175.00. I further report for salary of the keeper the sum of $500.00. Total, $'4,515.00. The following bills have been audited by the Superintendent of the Poor and. drafts drawn on the County Treasurer for in -door ex- penses from the 15th day of Nov., 1881, to the 15th day of Nov., 1882: Dee. 7, 1881. Stephen Ammark, 337 lbs. pork...... $ 26 39 ' ' Qanntlett & Brooks, supplies, 30 45 W. W. Esty, salt 16 05 W. Farrington, shoes and mending 5 85 •J. J. A.. Dulling, suppliesr 28 44 A. N. Smith, 600 lbs. pork 42 00 Karst Bros., supplies 16 34 - R. Wilcox, coal 30 25' . 104 SCPFRVisons', PP.ocE1:DINGS: Dec. 21, 1881. Daniel Harrison, 223 lbs. pork .15 61 Elam Rolfe, 662 less ham 41 04 Jacob Vanderbelt, 369 25 83 II. F. OWen, 0.6 _ 64 12 W. J. Kelsey, 338 23 66 Jacob Carman, 343 24 01 Frank Carman, 480 33 60 Caleb Cannan, 445 • ` less ham 27 65 R. B. Harrison, 390 27 65 Walter Mekeel, 1373 96 11 W. S. Miller, 303 21 21 Albert Morton, clothing 28 60 Edward Murphy, supplies 25 45 T. M. Bower, corn. 68 00 Thos. Vann, coal 28 73 Edward Boyer, threshing 31 40 Feb. 1, 1882. James Y. Sinitb, beef • 16 25 Mosher Bros. & Co., clothing ' 54 00 Treman, King & Co 52 60 Marsh & Hall, supplies 107 72 Kerst Bros., supplies 18 39 Mar. 1, 1882. J. J. A. Hurling, Supplies 36 04 Mar. 20, 1882. Newell & Middle, grinding 20.98 B. F. Tompkins, insurance 81 25 Mar. 29, 1882. J. L. Iredell, wood 45 00 T. M. Bower, on salary 326 06 Apr. 5, 1882. L. H. Owen, clover seed. • 17.25 Pratt & Seymour, stove ,: 42 40 C. S. Wattles, timothy seed 5 73 O. L: Rolfe, pork, etc 13 60 James Willis, bull 30 00 May 29, 1882. W. I. Smith, wheat. 61 50 June 7, 1882. Kerst Bros., supplies 29 67 E. K. Johnson, supplies 18 57 J. J. A. Hurling, supplies 40 77 W. Farrington, shoes ... 5 22 Seth Cowen, potatoes'......... 13 50 ,W. S. Newell, grinding........... 15 10 Thos. Vann, coal 34 84 July 5, 1882. J. C. Stowell,& Son, pork....:.:. ......... 24 00 1. C. Rockwell, lumber. 7 31 a L. Smith, physician 85 75 SuPBRvlsons' Prwc11:nrNcs. 105 • ' Aug. 2, 1882. W. S. Nevie11, grinding and pork 31 03 Kerst Bros., supplies.... 12 99 • J. J. A. Durling, supplies..........: 33.15 Nov. 1, 1882. R. L. Smith, physician and pork 72 63 15. lc. Johnson, supplies... ........ 36 33 Simeon Rolfe, on salary.... 60 00 $2229 06 The whole amount of in -door expenses from the' 15th of Nov., 188], to the 1S6 of Nov., 1882, was $2,080.60. - County of Tompkins, days board 8,303, cost of -board and cloth - $933.82. 'Town Of Caroline, days board 1,050, board and.clothing 8110.09. Town of.Danby, days board 1,682, board and clothin01.89.16: Town of Dryden, days board 1,282, board and clothing $144.18. Town. of Groton, days board 365,'board and clothing 841.05. Town of Enfield, days board 365, board "and:clotliing $41.05. • Town of Ithaca, days board 3,612, board and clothing 8405.23. Town of Newfield, days board 125, -board and clothing 814.16. Town of Lansing, days board 208, board and clothing 823.30. • Town of Ulysses, days board 1,498, board. and clothing $16.47. - The following statement shows the amount due' from each town and, the county for the •support of their poor in the Poor House from the :15th`ofNov., 1881, to the 15th of Nov., 1882: . Days' Board & Board. Clothing. County of TompkinR 8,303...933 82 Town of Caroline.......4 ....... 1,059 119 09 Town of Danby ].,082 ................ 189 15 Town of Dryden 1,282 • 144 18 Town of Groton 365..... 41 05 Town of Enfield 365 41 Ob Town of Ithaca. 8,012....... , 406 23 Town of Newfield 125... 14 16 Town of Lansing 208 23 39 Town of Ulysses. 1,44)8 168 47 $18,499 $2,080.60 106 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. The following bills of Overseers of the poor and others have been•audited by the Superintendent and drafts drawn on the County. Treasurer for bills contracted out of the Poor House for temporary relief of County paupers from the 15th of Nov., 1881, to the 15th r� of Nov'., 1882: Dec. 8, 1881. J. H. Horton, coal ................ $ 32 00 Miles D. Goodyear, medical.. 13 50 A. W. Iinapp, care tramps 6 00 Josiah Hawes, supplies.... 4 p0 C. C. Cook, medical service 23 00 R. H. Carpenter, care Ransom 4 66 Henry Hoffman, county poor ..... ...........:..... '. 191 82 A. J. White, medical 12 50 Jan. 4, 1882. . J. C. Vauderhoof, tramps 7 10 Feb. 1, 1882. B. F. Tompkins, Whitny farm. 36 85 Mrs. H.• G. Smith, medical 2.4 75 L. 11. Carpenter, medical . 0 50 R. B. Brink, supplies to poor.. , , 41 62 Chas. Fowler, care Cornish 20 00 G. W. Beckwith, medical. 15 00 Sup't. bill transporting Vaninwagen to Binghamton... 7 15 Sup't. bill for transporting Mary Johnson to Willard.. 5 50 Mar. 1, 1882. .B. F. Tompkins, relief Whitny family 12 12 77 Henry Hoffman, county 254 92 T. J. Harrington, drawing coal .. 12 00 Daniel Sullivau,.taking Jacobs to Willard .6 50 Mar. 20, 1882. A. W. George, care Alletta George 18 00 Apr. 5, 1882. G. M. Beckwith, medical 10 00 R. H. Carpenter, relief of 28 50 B. F. Tompkins, relief Whitny family..... 22 13 May 1, 1882. Byron Jackson, relief Mrs. Brower ........ ... . ...... 5 00' June 7, 1882. J. H. Horton, coal. 84 35 Henry Hoffman, county poor ... 281 72 July 5, 1882. G. C. Whitley. relief A. Willets 9 i5 Rufus Holmes, relief A. Willets last year ............ 37 00 A. W. George, relief Alletta George..... 15 76 Aug. 2, ,1882. H. H. Robison, relief Grow family 2 00 B. F. Tompkins, relief Whitny family 33 46 Sept. 6, 1882. J. H. Horton, coal........ 9 75 Geo. M. Beckwith, medical 10 00 J; J. Schoonmaker, relief Overacker 15 00 O • SUPERVISORS' Pr{ocELDINGs. 107 Sept. 6, 1882. Byron Jackson, relief Nettie Brown ............ 3 00 Oct. 4, 1882. T. J. Harrington, drawing coal ' 6 00 Nelson Underwood, relief Tisdell 20 55 J1 K. Follett, taking Allen -to Willard 5 16 'Nov. 1, 1882. Henry Hoffman, c3unty poor • 254 64 Henry Hoffman, transporting to other parts 8 50 G. M. Beckwith, services as physician 10 00 Ii, H. Robison, relief Overacker - 2. 00 Sup't bill for expenses in transporting children to Binghamton and insane to Willard.. 23 90 $1,662 30 The following statement, shows the amount of•bills audited by the Superintendent of the Poor, to the Overseers of the Poor, from the 15th day of Nov., 1881, to the. 15th day of Nov., 1832, for their services with County paupers: Dec. 7, 1881. R. I -I. Carpenter $ 12 65 it Henry Hoffman 22 00 Mar. 1, 1882. B. F. Tompkins - 28 00 Henry Hoffman 26 00 Apr. 5, 1882. _ 11. H. Carpenter 4 00 Jan. 7, 1882. Henry Hoffman ..... 26 00 Aug. 2, 1882. II. H. Robison ... 4 00 Bradford Snyder 2 00 Oct. 4, 1882. Nelson Underwood 4 00 Nov. 1, 1882. Henry Hoffman... : 44 00 H. H. Robison 2 00 $174 65 Names of paupers transported to the Poor House from the 15th of Nov., 1881, to the 15th of Nov., 1882, with the bills and names of those transporting them as per transportation book: Name of Pauper. Town. Hy whom Brought. • Am't of Bill Chas. Milks, Groton N. Underwood $ 2 88 Transients County ' 11. Hoffman ......... , 4 70 Iiairnah Allen ...Dryden Bract Snyder 2 50 Martha Emery and child.illyssc5 B F. Tompkins 1 00 Transients County H. Hoffman 5 23 Thos. Prnchen .... .....Ithaca 1 00 Barney Moore `. 1 00 • 10$ ' SUi'1.RCISORS' PROCEEDINGS. . Mary Keyser Ithaca H. Hoffman 1 00 Mary Townsend .1 00 Homer Buckley 1 00 Jasper Aldrige"4, . 1 00. Nettie Harris - Dryden J C. Yanderhoof. 2 50 -Barney Moore Lansing ....... Danl. Sullivan 2 50 .John P. Allen Dryden Bradford Snyder 2 00 Mrs. Sweeny • Ithaca . .:.Henry Hoffman 1 00 Alletta George: Dryden Bradford Snyder 2 00 Edward Bruce Ithaca. Henry Hoffman. 1 00 Dennis McCarty " 1 00 Geo. Ferguson " 1 00 Michael Sweeny ' Lansing Danl. Sullivan.. 2 75 $3.506 The following statement shows the amount of produce sold from the farm and how applied: 1 yoke of oxen $150.00 1 cow 50 00 2521-0 bush. wheat at $1.00 252 16 14 pigs 28 00 3 veala....:. . -18. 31 64 bush. oats 38 50 Eggs acrd• butter - 6 55 413 lbs. of ham at 11 1-2e • • 47 49 Account of G. K. Farrington - - 5 23 $596 24 Taking children to Orphan homes 26 37 Bill to B. L. Almy, shoes and mending 5 30 Wm. Farrington, shoes and mending 4 75 Yoke of oxen 120 00 Expenses attending State convention 15.80 C. B. Owen, potatoes 28 75 Wm. Farrington, mending .... . ti.53 Roswell Wilcox, coal '- 5 90 Thos. Vann, coal • - 75 00 J. J. A. Durling, supplies 38 58. J. S. Hixon, pork" 5 94 "Chas. Vanamburg, painting 5 25 T. M. 13ower, on salary 30 00 Surl;rvrsoris' Prtow EnINcs. • •109 Simeon Rolfe, supplies. •8 25 Vandevcrc estate, hog 9 59 Freight on stoic 4 11 J. $. Iretlell, pork . 8 75 lir Aiding traveling poor . 8, 40 Traveling expenses ' ' " 14 00 Supplies for the house . 108 54 Blanks and stationery - 850 Freight on cloth " • 25 On hand belonging to County 57 57 '$59G 24 The Superintendent farther reports that the $125.28 reported on hand at the last report has -been expended for .the following pur- poses: Expenses in taking insane to Willard $ 23 33 Edward Pyle, phosphate - 43 50 Postage 2 00. Supplies for the house.. 50 45 $125 28 He further reports that . the sum of $57.57 remains in his hands unexpended. • Report .of the Superintendent of the Poorto'the Board of Super- visors fixing the location of those taken to the different Asylums and Homes during the year, and the towns. charged for their sup- port: John Va,ruuwa gen Binghamton. ".Ithaca • C. W. Jacobs Willard • • Lansing Diary L. Johnson Enfield James Iiarriga.n " County Willis S. Knapp " Ithaca 3 Genung children Binghamton Caroline , Nathan Parker Willard - Groton Chas. Sutliff. - Harriet Boss 4,,Ithaca Susan Lapoint Nelson W. Allen - Groton 110 " Sur.mivtsons'. PnocEEDINGs. 2 Ostrander children.. ..,Canandaigua Ithaca Russel C. Williams.... Willard Ella Scofield. ....:.Groton Lydia W. Arnold County Chas. McDonald • Binghamton... ' Sarah Huston " Ithaca Walter and Verna Thompson.... " •• ' 4 Benny children. .. .. ....... ... " . Likinda Tyler • Willard .Self supporting • The whole amount of drafts drawn on the County Treasurer was *4,1.01.00. Appropriation made by the Supervisors to defray expenses ,of the last year, 83,480.22. Drafts above appropriation, 8620.84. The subscriber being duly sworn deposes and says the within report is cor- rect according to his best knowledge and belief. ELIAS SMITH. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 5th day of Dec., 18S2. DAVID CROCKER, Chairman of Board of Supervisors. RAILROAD BONDING COMMISSIONERS' REPORT. ENFIELD. ENFIELD, Nov. 8th, 1582: 7o t/c Board of STervi$ors of :Tompkins County.. We the undersigned -Bonding Commissioners of the Town of Enfield would respectfully report as follows: That the amount of Bonds originally- issued pursuant to Chapter 907 of Laws of 1869, to aid in tlie construction of the Pa. & Sodas Bay R. ii.., was Twenty-five Thousand Dollars (825,000). These Bonds bear date of March 14, 1871, and .will become due March let, 1901, with interest at 7 per cent per annum, payable the first SuPEnvisoics' PrtocERv1NGs. 111 of March and September of each year. .1Vc have purchased with the money raised_ by Town tax for Sinking Fund, Three Thousand Nine' Tliindred Dollars of our own Bonds and canceled the same, which _cages outstanding at,the present, time Twenty-one Thou- sand One Hundred Dollars. We also •have du hand Eight Hun- dred Dollars iri Newfield and Ulysses Town Bonds, and One Hun- dred Twenty-one 32-100 Dollars in the Ithaca Savings Bank, and Eleven 7-100 Dollars depo-s$ted with the Union Trust Company of New York. We request that you raise by tax on said Town the sum of One Thousand Four :Hundred and Severity -seven Dollars (1,477) to pay the interest to become due the coming, year, and also the sum of One Thousand Dollars to be used as a Sinking Fund. EDGAR BIIEWER, 1 WILLTAM MILLER, Commissioners. GEORGE W. BUDD, J To sr rms COUNTY, 68.: Edgar Brewer being duly sworn deposes and says, that he' is one, of the Railroad Bonding Commissioners of the.Town of Enfield, and that he signed the above report, and than it is true to.the best of his knowledge and belief. EDGAR BREWER. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 21st day of November, 1882. JARED T. NEWMAN, Special County Judge. To the Board_ of Supervisors of Tompkins County: In accordance with Chapter 552, Laws of 1870, I hereby report the public debt of the Town of Enfield to be as follows, viz.: Bonds issued to Pa. & Sodus Bay Railroad Company under the act to -facilitate the construction of railroads, passed by the Legis- lature of 1850, and amended May 18, 1869: - - Amount ;,f Bonds issued, rate of interest 7 per cent - $25,000 00 Amount of principal paid 3,900 00 $21,100 00 Amount of interest due-Marcb I, 1883 $ 738 50 Amount of interest due Sept. 1, 1883 • 738 50 ' $22,577. 00 1. 112 Sur'.imvrsons' PP.00EEDINGs, Resolved:—That at.the request of the Bonding Commissioners of the Town• of Enfield, there be levied and collected from said town the sum of One Thou- sand Dollars to be applied as a Sinking Fund, and the sum of One Thousand Four Hundred and Seventy-seven Dollars, as interest on the above named Town Bonds. JOIIN J. ABEL, Supervisor•.' GIIOTON. To A. G. Olwpnan, Esq., Supervisor of the Town of Groton: We, the Undersigned, Commissioner) of the Town of Groton, ap- pointed under the act passed May Ist•]r, 1869, Laws of New York, Chapter 907, n ould respectfully submit the following report: • That the amount of Town Bonds issued in aid of the Ithaca & Cortland R. E. is... • $15,000 00 That the amount of Bonds exchanged for stock in the Ithaca & '' Cortland R. R. (now U. I. & E.) is.. 15,000 00 That the interest.to become due Feb. 1, 1883, is 525 00 " Aug. 1, 1883, is '525 00 That we have a Sinking Fund (of $300.00) invested in Bonds of the Town of Groton .....:........ 300 00 That we have in mortgages on real estate 1,025 00 " " certificates of deposit for mature coupons... 126 17 Certificates of deposit for Sinking Fund $150.00, 'interest received for last year $68,66 218 66 Therefore we ask for an appropriation to pay interest on said Bonds, Feb. 1, 1883 525 00 Also on same Bonds, Aug. 1, 1883...... 525 OD Also on Sinking Fund of one per cent 150 00 Total $1,200 00 We therefore'respeetfully ask that the stun of Twelve Ilundred Dollars, as above, be levied' upon the Town of Groton and collect- ed to be paid over. to .the Commissioners of .Sid Town to be ex- pended for the above purpose. Dated Groton, N. Y., Dec. 2d, 1882, , 1). H. 14IdRS73,1 A. BACKUS, )}Commissioners. H. K. CLARK, "—tea Sul'ERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 113 STATE OF NEW 'oin T COUNTY. oarri�rra ov D. II. Marsh, one of the aforesaid Commissioners of the Town of Groton, being duly sworn deposes and says that the foregoing report signed by him. self and A. Backus and H. 1K. Clark is a just and true report in every particu, tar so far as deponent has knowledge of the facts therein stated, and in other respects deponent believes it to be true. D. 1-I. MARSH. Sworn and subscribed before me this 4th day of Dec., 1882. . .. •DANA RHODES, Notary -Public. 7h alae Board of'Scpe,rni•sors of Tompkins County: In accordance with Chapter 552, Laws , of.1 8 7 0, I hereby report the public debt of the Town of Groton to be as follows: Bonds issued by Commissioners for the Ithaca & Cortland (now 1J. I. & E:) 11. ]L, bearing 7 per cent interest payable semi-an- nua]ly.. $ 15,000 00 Interest coming due the ensuing year, Feb. 1, 1882 525 00 " Aug. 1, 1882.... 525 00 One per cent for Sinking Fund on amount of said Bonds 150 00 Total X1,200 00 • I?csalved,—That in pursuance of the provisions of Chapter 907 of the Laws of 1809, and notice having been served upon this Board by the R. R. Com• miesioners of the Town of Groton, there be levied and assessed upon the tax- able property of said Town of Groton the sum of One Thousand and Fifty Dollars for the purpose of paying the interest on the R. 11. Bonds issued un- der this act in the Town of Groton. Also the sum of One Hundred aad Fifty Dollars for the purpose of'creating a Sinking Fund according to instructions in said Chapter 907, Laws or 1809, and that when collected the same be paid to the R. R. Commissioners of said town appointed under this act, to be ex- pended for the above purpose. A. G. CHAPMAN, Supervisor. 114 SUPERVISORS' PROCELDINGS. ITIIACA. To Me Board of Supervisors of Tompkins Coy: The undersigned Commissioners of the Town of Ithaca in pursu- ance of an Act of the Legisla.tnre passed June 2, 1877, to facilitate the redemption of outstanding Bonds issued in aid of the Ithaca & Athens Railroad, and authorizing the issuing of new funding bonds at a lower rate of interest, -do report as follows: Amount of old Bonds issued .. $300,000 00 Less amount redeemed March 1, 1879 15,000 CO $285,000 0.0 A like amount of Funding Bonds at 5 per cent semi-annual in- terest, both principal and interest payable in the city of New York., are issued in series of $15,000 each: Payable Marcb 1, each year.. . $285,000 00 Less amount redeemed respectively March 5, 1880, '81, '82........ 45,000 00 $240,000 00 We therefore respectfully report that there will be required the coming year the sum of $15,000.00 on principal $15,000 00 And for interest due March 1, 1883 6,000 00 And for interest due September 1, 1888 5,625 00 $26,625 00 We therefore ask that, the same may be assessed and levied upon the town: On principal $15,000 00 • On interest 11,625 00 $26,625 00 JOHN L. WHITON, . LEONARD TREMAN, Commissioners. O. 1-1. GREGORY, . SUPFIwISwas' 1).1.1,0 115 • John L. Whiton, one of the Commissioners of the Town of Ithaca, being duly sworn says that the within report is correct, and that the facts therein stated arc true according to the best of his knowledge and belief. JOHN L. WHITON, ' One of the Commissioners. Subscri':ed and sworn to before me this 25th day of November, 1882. E. K. JOHNSON, Notary Public. Itesodved:—That in pursuance of Chapter 645 of Laws of 1866, and of no- tices served upon this Board by the Commissioners of the Town of Ithaca for the Ithaca and Athens Railroad; there be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the Town of Ithaca, the sum of Eleven Thousand Six Hundred and Twenty five Dollars ($11,625.00) for the purpose of paying interest upon Town Bonds issued in aid of said railroad, to become due March 1st and Septem- ber 1st, 1883, and the sum of Fifteen Thousand Dollars, for the purpose of re- deeming an equal amount of said Bonds, which will mature March 1st, 1883, and that the Supervisor of said Town pay said sums to the Town Commission- ers for said railroad, to be expended for the purpose herein mentioned. It A, CROZIER, Supervisor. .To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: The undersigned Commissioners of the Town of Ithaca for Bonds issued in aid of the Geneva Sr Ithaca Railroad beg leave to submit their twelfth annual report as follows: Amount of Bonds issued $100,000 00 The interest on said Bonds falls due as follows: April 1, 1883... • $3,500 00 October 1,.1883.:..,..... 3,600 00 We therefore report that there will be required to pay interest on said Bonds for the ensuing year, the sum of Seven Thousand Dollars, and would ask that the same be Ievied and assessed upon the Town of Ithaca. We would further report that the Sinking Fund raised for the purpose of paying the principal of said Bonds amounts on the 1st inst. to $25,000 30-100•as follows: 1 116 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Amount at date of last report $21,067 05 Received from Supervisor 2,500 00 Received for interest. 1.433 25 $25,000 30 Of which amount there is invested in Bonds, par value'23,000 00 In Ithaca 5 per cent Bonds par value 1,000 00 In premiums on Bonds bought 913 25 Cash in Savings Bank 87 05 $25,000 30 The present Bonded Debt of the Town of Ithaca for the pur- pose above mentioned is therefore, exclusive of Sinking Fund, $74,999,70, a reduction since last report of $3,933.25. In pursuance of the provisions of the act under which said debt was created we ask that the sum of Twenty-five Hundred Dollars,. being 2 1-2 per cent of the principal of said. debt, be assessed and , levied upon the taxable property- of the Town of Ithaca, for the purpose of maintaining a Sinking Fund for the payment of the principal of said debt. H. B. LORD, Commissioners. 0. H. GREGORY, t STATE OF NEW 1ORE, •TOMPRINS COUNTY. • The undersigned being duly sworn depose and say that the above statement to which their names are subscribed as Commissioners of the Town of Ithaca, and the statement of accounts therewith submitted are correct to the best of their knowledge and belief. H. B. LORD. 0. H. GREGORY. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 15th day of November, 1882. C. W. GAY, Notary Pub]ie. CASA ACCOUNT, _ Nov. 1, 1881. Cash on hand $ 512 05 Jan. 31, 1882. Received from Supervisor 2,500 00 Apr. 1, 1882. Interest on $20,000.00 Bonds..:.. 700 00 Sept. 1, 1882. Interest on 5 per cent Bonds 50 00 Oct. 1, 1882. Interest on $23,000.00 Bonds.... 910 00 Interest from Savings Bank 30 01 $4,702 06 • SURER -VISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 117 Mar. 8, 1882, Nov, 1, 1882. Paid. for $3,000.00 Town Bonds $3,450 00 Accrued interest on same . .. 91 53 Paid for $1,000.00 5 per cent Bonds 1,068 25 Accrued interest on same 5 23 Cash on hand 87 05 $4,702 06 INTEREST ACCOUNT. Apr, 1, 1882. On $20,000.00 l3onds 700 00 July 1, 1882. From Savings Bank 20 70 San. 1, 188,2, •9 31 Sept. 1. 1882. _ On 5 per cent Bonds......... 50 00 Oct. 1, 1882. On $23,000.00 Bonds 910 00 $1,690 01 Mar. 8, 1882. Accrued interest on Bonds $ 96 76 Apr. 1, 1882, Applied on premium account........ 160 00 Balance as per statement I,433 25 $1,690 01 TBEHIUlf ACCOUNT. Oct. 1, 1882. Balance us per last report. $ 555 00 Mar. 8, 1882. Paid on $3 000.00 7 per cent Bonds -450 00 „ Paid on $1,000.00 5 per cent Bonds68 25 $1,073 25 $ 160 00 Balance as per statement..... 913 25 .. Mar. 8, 1882. Interest applied $1,073 25 t � � BesoZved,--That in pursuance of Chapter 907, Laws of 1869, entitled an "Act to authorize the formation of railroad corporations; and to regulate the same," passed April 2,_ 1850, so as to permit municipal corporations to aid in the construction of railroads, passed May 18, 1869, and a request served upon this Board by the Commissioners of the Town of Ithaca, for the Geneva & Ithaca Railroad, there be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the said Town the sum of Seven Thousand Dollars ($7,000) for the payment of interest upon the Town Bonds, issued in aid of said Railroad, to become due April 1st and Oct. 1st, 1883, and the sum of Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($2,500) for the Sinking Fund for said Bonds; and that the Supervisor of said Town pay said sums to said Commissioners, to be expended for the purposes herein named. - R. A. CROZIER, Supervisor. e 118 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS.. To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: • • In accordance with Chapter 552, Laws of 1870, 1 liereby report the public debt of the Town of Ithaca, to be as follows: Bonds issued March 2d, 1869, by'Coin'rs.of Ithaca & Athens R, R, bearing Interest at 7 per cent, were. .$ 300,000 00 Less am't redeemed 1879, 1.880, 1881, 1882 00,000 00 Ana't outstanding refunded at 5 per cent........ $240,000 00 $ands issued by Com'rs of Geneva & Ithaca R. . , R„ Oct. lst, 1871, payable Oct. 1st, 1901, was$100,000 00 Less am't of Sinking Fund in hands of Com'rs as per their report 25,000 30 • Balance bonded debt $74,999 70 Total am't of debt less Sinking Fund is $314,999 70 Required to be raised on account of Sinking Fund for Ithaca & Athens Bonds, is $55,000 00 For Geneva & Ithaca Bonds 2,500 00 $ 17,500 09 'For interest on Ithaca & Athens Bonds $11,625' 00 " Geneva & Ithaca " .... 7,000 00 $ 18,623 00 R. A. CROZIER, Supervisor. NEWFIELD. To R. Horton, Supervisor of the _Town of 117-crofeld.' We the undersigned Commissioners of the Town of Newfield, duly appointed under the provisions of an act of the Legislature of the State of New York, authorizing towns to subscribe to the capi- tal stock of railroad corporations, and to issue bonds therefor, do respectfully report that it will,be necessary for said Town of New- field to raise by tax $3;395.00 to pay interest from September lst, 1882, to September lst, 1883, on bonds of said Town of Newfield to the amount of $48,500.00, issued to aid in the construction of the Pennsylvania & Sodas Bay R. R.., said interest being payable semi- annually on the 1st days of Marelr and September of each year. Also, to raise, as aforesaid, an additional sum of $500.00 to provide for a sinking fund, and also the sum of $50.00 to pay the necessary premium for the purchase of town bonds. We further report that we have purchased with sinking fund five $100.00 Newfield town Su1'ER,vISO1s' PROCEEDINGS. 119 bonds, at ten per cent. premium, and duly canceled the same. We, further report that we have no balance on hand. Dated Newfield, Nov. 14th, 1882. J. B. PALMER, N. B. DUNNING, Commissioners. C. W. McCORN, , ToMPK{INS COUNTY, ss:—J. B. Palmer being duly sworn says that be is one of the Railroad Bonding Commissioners in and for the Town of Newfield, and that the above report is in all respects just and true. J. B. PALMER. Subscribed and -sworn to before me this 15th day of November, 1882. . JOHN W. DEAN, Justice of the Peace. To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: In accordance with Chapter 552, Laws 1870, T Hereby report*the public debt of the town of Newfield .to bo as follows, viz: Bonds issued to the Pennsylvania and Sodus Bay Railroad Com- pany, under the act to facilitate the construction of railroads, pass- ed by the Legislature of 1856, and amended May 18, 1869. Amount of Bonds issued, rate of interest 7 per cent ...... $52,000 00 Amount of principal paid to November 22, 1882 3,500 00 $48,500 00 Amlunt of interest duc March 1, 1883 1,697 50 " " Sept. 1, 1883 1,697 50 $51,895 00 Resolved,—That at the request of the Bonding Commissioners of the Town of Newfield there be levied and collected from said town the sum of five hun- dred and fifty dollars, to be applied as a sinking fund and to pay the premium on town bonds to be purchased and cancelled by said Commissioners for the ensuing year, and the sum of three thousand three hundred and ninety-five dollars, as interest on the above-uained town bonds. R. HORTON, Supervisor. ULYSSES: • To the Board of Supervisors of Tnrnplsins County: Gr NTL1ME :—The Bonding .Commissioners of the Town of Ulysses, beg leave to. submit the following report: Amount of bonds issued under Chapter 907, Laws of 1869, and laws amendatory thereof. was Seventy-five Thousand Dollars. Da- 120 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. ted March 1, 1871. Due -March 1, 1901, with interest at seven per cent per annum, payable semi-annually oil the first day of March and September. Amount of principal paid ten' thousand dollars. Amount of coupons due and unpaid Sixty-six 50-100 Dollars. There is deposited with the Union Trust Company of New York, Thirty-one 50.100 Dollars. There is loaned on interest Two Thousand Six hundred Thirty-one_ 62-100 Dollars for the benefit of the Sinking Fund. One year's interest on $75,000. . One per cent for Sinking Fund We recommend that Six Thousand Dollars . Town for interest and sinking fund. Truznansburg, November, 1.882. T. BOARDMAN, E. S. Pi.tATT, G. J. McLALLEN, • $5,250 00 750 00 be assessed on the Bonding Commissioners for the Town of Ulysses. Truman Boardman being duly sworn says the foregoing report.is correct to the best of bis knowledge and belief. T. BOARDMAN. • Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1st day of November, 1882. J. R. EMERY, Justice of the Peace. To the Board of Supervisors of Torul)lvins County: In accordance with Chapter 552, Laws of 1870, I hereby report the public debt of the Town of Ulysses to be as follows, viz: Bonds issued to Pa. & Sothis Bay Railroad Company under the act to facilitate Railroads, passed by the Legislature of 1850, and amended May 18th, 1869: Amount of Bonds issued, rate of iuterest 7 per cent $ 75,000 00 Amount of principal Paid Nov. 1st., 1882 as appears by, report of Bonding Commissioners.... 10,000 00 Amount of principal unpaid November, 1882 65,000 00 Amount of interest due b Iarch 1st, 1883 2,275 00 " " Sept. 1st, 2,275 00 Total amount of indebtedness Sept. 1st, 1883.... ...., .. 69,550 00 e SUrERvISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 121 Resolved,—That at the request of the Bonding Commissioners of the Town of Ulysses, there be levied and collected in said Town the sum of Six Thous! and Dollars for interest and sinking fund. HORACE A. BOWER, Supervisor, REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON ORDINARY REPAIRS ON COUNTY BUILDINGS. To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: The Committee on Ordinary Repairs report the following Im- provements, and the expense thereof (as successors of members, 1881) A'r THE COUNTYHOUSE. - Have caused the water to be taken into the building, and into a large lead - lined receiving tank, which serves to supply the building with pure water by turning a faucet. It also supplies two new bath tubs in separate rooms. All of which is in perfect running order. The expense of the above is $122 25 • Taking up and laying pipe previous 5 00 $ 127 25 ' AT TIIE COURT HOUSE. ForCurtain Fixtures $ 9 12 Plumbing Repairs 18 13 Repairs on furnace 22 00 ------ $ 49 25 AT 'THE JAIL. For Mason work and material $ 24 80 Painting and papering 13 00 Lining cells as per contract .. 86 11 Glass and putty, repairs on grate, etc 10 74 Plumbing, .two bills • 23 04 Furniture, stoves, and repairs on do 146 80 Carpenter work on coal bin and fence........ 51 62 AT THE SURICOUATE'S OFFICE.' For Carpenter work $167 51 Oil cloth on floor, carpet, etc........ 226 31 356 30 122 - SUrERVISORB' PROCEEDINGS, Painting 72 20 . New washstand, and plumbers' repairs bill ..... 78 09 • Hardware , ... 5 00 549 11 Whole amount....... ... 31081 91 All of which is respectfully submitted. R. A. OHOZTER„) • JAMES BOICE, Committee. . H. A. BOWER, REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON COUNTY BUILDINGS. The Committee on County Buildings would report that their at- tention was called by the Superintendent to the condition and sit- nation,of the barn and outbuildings on the County farm; and find the barn to be in a dilapidated condition, insufficient in capacity, and unsuitable for storing the wheat necessary for the inmates, or grain for the stock on the farm. .And also find that other outbuildings form a continuous line from house to barn wliich would in case of fire render it impossible to save any of them. Attention was also called to•a situation suitable and convenient for a basement on which the barn could be"placed; also to the _fact that stones sufficient and of good quality were already on the ground. Your Committee would recommend that this Board endeavor to interest the taxpayers of the several towns, to give such 'expression of their wishes as will lead the Board of Supervisors in the near future to feel authorized to make such improvements as seem to be necessary. ••Respectfully submitted, A. G. CHAPMAN, { JAMES BOJOE, - Committee. JOHN J. ABEL, [ - SUPEIIVISOILS' PILOCEFDINGS. 123 REPORT OF TILE COMMITTEE ON UNITED STATES DEPOSIT FUND. To the Board of Supert?isors of Tompkins County: The committee to investig:Ite the condition of securities of the State Loan in said County, respectfully report that they have ex- amined the said securities and books of the Loan Commissioners since last report, and find the same correct. For further informa- tion in regard to the condition of said Loans in this County, we would refer to the report of said Commissioners to .this Board, all of which is respectfully submitted. IL A. BOWER, A. G. CHAPMAN, Committee, R. A. CROZIER, . REPORT 'OF INSURANCE COMMITTEE. ,To the honorable the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: The Committee on Insurance would respectfully repot t that they have effected insurance on the County buildings for three years as follows: .TAIL. Company. Am't of Policy. Premium,' Lorillard, Gray & Wood, Agents $1500 001 $30 00 Rochester German, Gray & Wood Agents1500 00 30 00 $60 00, • COURT HOUSE. Liverpool, London & Globe, Abel Burritt, Agent.... $2500 00 $37 50 Springfield, John L. Whiton, Agent • • 1500 00 22 50 Phoenix, Henry A. St. John, 2500 00 •35 00 95 00 CLERK'S OFFICE. Liverpool, London & 'Globe, Abel Burritt, Agent .... $1000 00 $7 50 North British, H. J. Grant, Agent ... 2000 00 16 00 23 50 Total amount $178 50 124 , SUPERVISORS' PROCEE IJNGS. And your committee would recommend the adoption of the. fol- lowing resolution: Resolr;ed,—That the sum of One Hundred Seventy eight and 50.100 Dollars be levied and collected upon the taxable property of Tompkins County for the purpose of paying the above amount of premium. HIORACE A. BOWER, Committee A. 0. CIIAP\IAN, on 11. A. CROZIER, . Insurance. REPORT OF -COMMITTEE ON SUPERINTENDENT'S ACCOUNTS. • To the IHonoraNe, the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins Count) Your Committee on Poor House and Superintendent's Reports would respectfully submit the following report for the consideration of the Board: Amount received by Superintendent, products of farm sold $ 596 24 Amount expended from same by Superintendent 596 24 Amount of drafts issued by Superintendent_. 4101 06 Amount of drafts paid by County Treasurer $3652 e7 Amount paid ex -Treasurer ..... 31 52 $3683 54 Less deficiency of last, year 200 25 And debt account - 3 12 203 37 Equals appropriation by Superintendent 3480 22 Leaving a deficiency of 620 84 Estimate of County Superintendent for ensuing year 4515 00 Amount of deficiency 620 84 Aggregate amount called for 5135 84 Amount to be raised by towns........ 1146 78 Amount to be raised by resolution of Board.of Supervisors for dell- ciency - 620 84 Amount to be raised by County as per appropriation by Board of Supervisors 2000 00 Aggregate amount to be raised 4267 62 To meet the deficiency now existing, and to provide for the poor expenses for ensuing years, your committee would offer the follow- ing resolutions: SuPr:rvrsorzs' PROCEEDING:. 125 Resolved,—That the sum of six hundred and twenty dollars and eighty-four cents be levied and collected in Tompkins -County, to meet the unpaid drafts drawn on the County Treasurer; also, the sum of twenty-five hundred dollars for the support of the poor for the ensuing year. • 1esolved,—That the sum expended by the Superintendent of the Poor for the support of the poor in theseveral towns of Tompkins•Count:y, he levied and collected on said towns according to the following statement, which shows the amount due from the several towns for the support of the poor in the poor house'from November 15, 1881, to November 15, 1882: s From the Town of Caroline $ 119 09 Danby • 18916 Dryden 14418 .Groton 41 05 Enfield 41 05 Ithaca 406 23 Newfield... 14 16 Lansing 23 39 Ulysses 168 47 Malting an aggregate of $1146 78 •Your committee would also report that upon visiting the County ' Alms House they find everything connected with the house in good condition, and that cleanliness prevails in every department. We acknowledge the credit due the officials and Mr. and Mrs. Rolfe. Respectfully submitted.' A. G. CHAPMAN, JOHN J. ABEL, JAMES BOICE. ' REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON• CHARITABLE INSTITH- TIONS. To the Honorable the Board of Supertiisors Your Committee appointed to examine accounts of the several charitable institutions would respectfully report the following res- olution: Resolved,—That in accordance with Chapter 446, Title 4, Section 6, Laws of 1874, there be assessed and levied upon the taxable property of the follow- 126 SurEuvIsoRs' PROCEEDINGS. ing Towns and the County of Tompkins, the sums set forth in the annexed schedule to reimburse the County for, amounts of money paid to .Willard Asylum, viz: • . AANBY. Rachel Jefferson $34 57 39 05 34 83 •l 4078 $149 23 Briggs Montgomery $35 67 34 45 3493 - 41 68 14673 Total to be raised by Town $295 96 . ULYSSES. . . Catharine Collins $37 72 45 73 34 63 38 00 Helen Bancroft $34 07 34 83 38 03 38 70 $156 28 145 63 Total to be raised by Town... $361 91 GROTON. Jane Shaver $38 97 3483 40 78 34 45 Frankle A. Pierce . $62 47 34 45 36 58 36 23 $199 03 160 73 SITPERviSORS' PROCEEDINGS. 127 Nathan A. Parker $50 73 50 18 -- . 100 91 • Charles Sutliff $43 54. 55 44 09 . Nelson W. Allen $74 26 • 74 20 Ella M. Schofield: $49 59 • Total to be raised by Town L ANSING. Francis. Drake r....... $40 80' 34 83 39 58 34 07 • Mark Jacobs........... $40 38 Charles W. Jacobs $72 90 35 73 41 23 49 59 $587 61 149 28 40 38 149 92 Total to be raised by Town • ' $339 58' NE W FIELD. Armenia Cook $34 07 41 03 43 53 40 45 Charles B. Bower.. ' $37 22 40 25 47 48 30 83 Frank Carpenter $40 28 40 56 $159 08 167 78 128 SurERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 35 70 38 77 155 33 Tota] to be raised by Town . ENFIELD. Mary L: Johnson $62 23 Less Credit .. 6 06 Total to be raised by Town CAROLINE. Harriet Richardson ... $34 07 2 95 $482 19 $56 17 . $ 37 02 Less credit 14 39 • Bartola Lynch - $43 22 38 15 35 78 36 43 Daniel W. Wattles $43 78 40 98 Self-supporting 34 85 34 92 Less self-supporting $ 22 63 153 58 154 53 $330 74 . 154 53 Total to be raised by Town $176 21 DRYDEN. Benjamin F. Pratt $36 72 41 85 i 37 53 36 13 $152 23 Sur1:ILVISORS' PILocEEDINGS. 129 Thomas Mclienna $40 23 36 13 37 60 42 52 --- 156 28 John 13. Kellogg $36 82 38 45 42 53 38 43 156 23 George D. Pratt x;34 42 34 83 34 45 34 93 Self-supporting 138 63 Wallace Wait $45 73 35 43 45 25 36 72 IIannah Winn $84 07 34 45 39 76 37 78 Isaac Miller $42 22 40 70 30 63 38 53 Likincla L. Tyler $46 94 36 23 75 - 103 13 146 08 158 08 $83 92 Less credit 7 19 Self-supporting ,76 73 $1147 39 Less self-supporting $76 73 138 63 -- 215 36 Total to be raised by Town $932 03 130 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. ITHACA. Peter Pickett.... $34 37 43 70 35 13 42 38 -- $155 58 Sarah Niver $34 07 34 45 34"83 34 83 -- 138 18 Laura Saxton $39 37 3 8 0 8 34 83 34 45 146 73 Less self-supporting. .. 72 91 73 82 Joachim'Atwater... $52 37 38 00 43 23 40 38 173 98 Margaret Raymond • $34 07 40 40 38 08 39 18 .151 73 Wm. Major $39 78 39 58 34 95 41 92 --- 156 23 Henry Merrill ..................... $36 52 41 35 35 33 • 34 83 --- 148 03 Chas. Bradbury .. $41 97 42 855 Self Supporting 5 15 • ti --- 89 97 Less Credit 14 76 $75 21 SUPERVISORS' . PROCEEDINGS. 131 Wallace Holmes $50 37 10 89 61 26 Less Credit 12 49 $48 77 Jennie Dillon $37 82 35 70 35 38 84 83 14368 James 'Terrill $34 27 12 29 46 56 Less Credit... 21 20 $25 86 Fanny G. Barber ............ $41 22 34 45 41 18 34 83' 151 68 Bridget Ready ' $34 57 87 80 39 78 89 28 151 38 Mary McCarthy .... $40 72 38 85 41 63 39 78 160 98 Patrick McCarthy • .... $37 12 36 20 40 43 34 83 -- 148 S8 James Shanahan.... $35 97 40 55 ..... 85 03 36 08 147 63 r 132 SurErw1sous' PRocEEDIxGs. Margaret Moore. Priscilla Thompson $43 22 37 35 34 83 37 58 $36 82 34 75 39 43 40 88 Winfield Coleman.. _ .. $34 07 34 45 38 73 38 08 Alonzo Sears $44 82 37 05 41 73 • 43 33 Wm. H. Munson..... $ 57 16 1 60 152 98 151 88 -145 38 166 93 58 76 Less Credit 15 52 Self Supporting $43 24 William S. Knapp.... $39 75 42 53 82 28 Less Credit 39 73 Harriet P. Ross . Susan LaPoint.......... Russell C. Williams.. James Harrigan.-....... Less Self Supporting . $42 55 $38 24 35 73 $14 38 $55 92 $42 83 73 97 14 38 55 92 42 83 $3,013 79 , 191 36 :Total to be raised by Town $2,822 43 SUPE]YISOILS' PROCEEDLNGS. 133 COUNTY OP TOMPKINS. Benjamin Vanderpool.. - ... . $35 77 41 10 36 88 34 83 Mary a. Sweczy $34 97 34 45 43 38 ......... 44 83 Patience Starks..... $36 42 34 70 41 18 35 33 George Graham . $37 22 40 25 35 93 34 93 S. Harriet Grego....".... $34 07 34 46 • 34 83 34 83 James Brennan $46 97 35 83 37 08 39 78.- • t Thomas Northrop. ... $39 27 34 75 35 88 40 08 148 58 146 78 147 68 148 33 138 16 • 159 66 — • 149 93 Josephine Willi€ims. $39 87 34 45 • 36 48 38 73 149 53 I34 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Luthera Johnson $37 52 34 45 ' 37 23 35 03 Self Supporting $144 83 Sarah Jewell $ 1 90 Less Credit 10 22 Credit County of Tompkins 8 32 Lydia M. Arnold.... $47 70 Less by Credit .... Less Self Supporting 47 70 $I,381 10 - 8 32 $1,372 78 144 83 Total to be raised by County $1,227 95 Resolved,—That in accordance with the resolution of the Board of Super- visors passed Dec. 7, 1880, there be assessed and levied upon the taxable prop- erty of the following Towns the sums set forth in the annexed schedule to re- imburse the County for amount or money paid to the several Charitable in- stitutions in said Schedule named, viz: DRYDEN. William Greenfield, S. V. Home $19 72 22 50 22 75 23 00 $B7 97 Samuel Greenfield, S. V. Home $19 71 22 50 22 75 23 00 87 96 Total to be raised by Towu for S. V. Home $175 93 ' SlTrEiLvISo-3,S' PROCEEDINGS.. 135 Edward Gleeson, Canandaigua Home $72 66 Frederick Gleason, Canandaigua Home $78 00 Total to be raised by Town for Canandaigua Home.. . CAROLINE. Susie Geuung, S. V. Horne $ 2 50 22 75 23 00 Maritta Genung $ 2 50 22 75 23 00 Richard Genung $ 2 50 22 75 23 00 72 66 78 00 — 3150 66 48 25 48 25 48 25 ' Total to be raised by TGWU for S. Y. Horne. $144 75 Irving VanDenrark, Western N. Y. Institute for Deaf Mutes ........................... . ....... $250 00. Total to be raised by Town for .Western N. Y. Insti- tute for Deaf Mutes GROTON. Susan E. Peck, Western N. Y. Institute for Deal Mutes $250 00 Total to be raised by Town for Western N. Y. Insti- tute for Deaf Mute ULYSSES: Grant Robinson, S. V. Hoene,,.: Total to be raised by Town for S. V. Horne $ 1 25 250 00 250 00 1 25 136 SIIPERYISORS' PROCEI:Dr\GS. ITHACA. Hattie VanHouter.... ..... $ 1 07 John Brewster, S. V:.Home $ 5 14 Elmira Tripp, S. V. Home $19 72 75 Julia Tripp, S. V. Home $ 5 57 Jennie Thompson, S. V. Home.... $ 7 29 Walter Thompson, S. V. Home 13 50 Verna Thompson, S. V. Home 13 50 John Vanlnwagin, S. V. Horne • $ 6 64 22 50 22 75 23 00 . Sarah Husteen, S. V. Home $'5 25 Harry Rennie, S. V. Home $ 75 Lena Rennie, S. V. Dome. 25 Addie Rennie, S. V. Rome 75 Freddie Rennie, S. V. Home .75 1 07 5 14 20 47 0 57 34 29 74 89 5 25 2.50 ---- Total to be raised by Town for 8. V. IIome' $149 18 Willie Saxton, Canandaigua Flome $78 00 Harriett Ostrander, Canandaigua Home .24 00 Florence Ostrander, Canandaigua Home / 7 50 Stephen Ostrander, Canandaigua Home, 5 00 Ostrander Children, Clothing 8 00 Total to be raised by Town for Canandaigua Home... $117 50 TOMPKINS COUNTY. Chas. McDonald, S. V. Home .. $ 9 25 . Total to be raised by County for S. V. Rome ... 9 25 ,SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDING'S. 137 Carrie White, State Asylum for Idiots $10 00 Total.to be raised by County for State Asylum for Idiots 16 00 All of which is respectfully submitted for your consideration. JAMES 130TCE, J. E. BEERS, 'Committee. R. HORTON, • • TINT JD _ PAGE. REGULAR SESSION OF BOARD 5-58 COUNTY AUDITS . , . 59--65 SUPERVISORS ACCOUNTS ... .. 66 Towrr AUDITS.—Caroline .... 67-68 ' Danby 69-70 Dryden. 70-72 Enfield 72-73 Groton 74-75 Ithaca 76-81 Lansing ... .81-83 Newfield 84-85 Ulysses 85-87 REPORTS OF COUNTY OFFICIALS---County Treasurer 88-95 Sheriff. 06 District Attorney 97-98 Surrogate.... 98-99. Loan Commissioners 99-100 Superintendent of the Poor 100-110 R. R. Commissioners—Enfield, 110-112 Groton112-113 Ithaca114-118 Newfield118-119 Ulysses... 119-121 REFORTs of ComIrrTEEs.—Ordinary Repairs on County Buildings. 121-122 County Buildings.. 122 U. S. Deposit Fund 123 Insurance 123-124 Superintendent's Accounts 124-125 Charitable Institutions ........... `125--137 ERRATL. Page 92. --Estate of Erastus R. Treman reads $9,641.32. Should he $2,641.32. Page 95.—Infant Heir Fund, Martha Woodin, amount of mortgage, reads $683.09. Should be $983.69.