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Minutes of the Proceedings of the Board of Supervisors of
Tompkins County, at an Extra Session;•held in the Grand
Jury Room, at the Court House, in Ithaca, on Thiirsday, •
April lst, 1880, pursuant to the following call :
To Dewitt C. Bouton, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of
Tompkins County : .
• Please call a Special Meeting of the Board of Supervisors,
for Thursday, April 1st, 1880.
Pursuant to the above call, the Board of Supervisors met
at the Grand Jury Room, and was called to order by the
Chairman, at 11 o'clock, A. M., on Thursday, April 1st, 1880.
On a call of the roll, all the members answered to their
names, except Mr. Harvey.
The Chairman stated that the object of this extra meet-
ing of the Board, was to consider certain questions arising out
of the action of Douglas Boardman in bringing the matter of
his assessment as agent again before the County Court, by
notice to the Clerk of the Board of a motion to be made before
said Court, praying for an order requiring the County to re-
fund the amount of said Boardmari's tax as such agent afore-
said. There was also a controversy, or likely to be one, as
the Chairman had been informed, with the Bank at Trumans-
burg, respecting.the tax levied on that corporation. The sub
ject of the advisability of some action by the Board in refer-
ence to the raising of a sum of money, say $300, for the Uri-
versity Weather Signal Station, might very properly be con-
sidered at this session.
Quite a lengthy informal discussion of these subjects by
the members of the Board followed the reniarks of the Chair-
Mr. Built offered the -following which, on motion of Mr.
Crocker, was adopted :
Resolved.—That a Committee of three, in which the Chairman of this Board
shall be included, be appointed to defend, in the name of this Board, the claim
brought by Hon. Douglas Boardman, Agent, to recover Three Hundred and
Forty-Eigiit Dollars, the amount of tax levied on Twelve Thousand Five Hund-
red Dollars assessment, claimed by said party to tie an illegal assessment; and
said Committee be empowered to take such steps in the case as they may deem
The Chairman designated the Supervisor of Ithaca and
of Groton, respectively, as the other two members of the Com-
mittee, under the resolution.
The Chairman read a letter from Prof. Fuertes upon the
subject of an appropriation for the Weather Signal Station:
Mr. Epenetus Howe being present, at the suggestion of
Mr. Crocker he stated that he had been informed that there
were fines that had been imposed for violation of the excise
laws in this county which were uncollected. These and the
judgment in the Cortright suit, which judgment had been sat-
. isfied of record, but the avails of which had never been paid
over to the county, occupied the_ attention of the. Board dur-
ing the remainder of the morning session.
At hall -past twelve. the Board, on motion, adjourned. to
two o'clock, P. M.
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
•Roll called ; present, Messrs. Cooper, Alexander, Fitch,
• Beers, Crocker. and Burtt-Messrs.-.George and Stevens ex-
Prof. Fuertes appeared before the Board, and presented
the claims of the University Signal Station.
At the conclusion of Prof. Fuertes' remarks, Mr. Wm. N.
Noble, .on invitation of the Board, presented .the alleged
grievance of . the Trumansburg Bank, in the' matter of its as-
sessment, and submitted the course which the Bank proposed
pursuing to bring the question properly ,and ;regularly before -
the Courts: -.The plan, proposed was, in 'brief; this': The
Bank having paid. its tax under protest, is'..to `bring . action
against the Supervisors of1the,(`ounty;:or.any one of.them, to
recover the :money thus paid by it. under' coercion of law,. Jr)
such a suit, the legality of. the Assessors' oath would..come
directly in controversy, and be definitively adjudicated: upon
by the Courts. The grievance of the'Bank is, not .-that it is
assessed at too high -.a. figure, but that the .assessments
throughout the town of Ulysses are discriminating and. un-
equal, and that the form of the oaths subscribed by. the ,as-
sessors admits of such unequal assessments ; that the said
form of oath is illegal and void. Mr. Noble said. the Bank.
was willing to stipulate and agree as to the facts in thea case,
thus obviating the expense and delay. of a regular trial, ,and
enabling the parties to bring the main question—the question
of the legality of the Assessors' oath—before the . appellate
Court, the General Term, in the first instance. He thought it
might probably be ,brought before the May Term of the Gen-
eral Term, which is to be held in Ithaca, and possibly, quite
probably, be decided at that term. of the Court.
After consultation among the members, it was agreed to
accept the plan of litigating the question submitted by Mr.
Noble, and, by general consent, Mr. Cooper was designated
to appear as party defendant tc the action, in order to perfect
the record and properly present the issue.
The matter of an appropriation for the Signal Station• was
disposed of by instructing the Clerk to inform Prof. Fuertes,
that the Board could not arrive at the conclusion that any-
thing within its power to do as a Board would aid in the
very worthy object sought by him.
Mr. Fitch offered the following, which, offmotion of Mr.
Burtt, was adopted :
WHEREAS. -It appears that a deficiency will occur in the Gas and Fuel
Fund, and in the appropriation for Willard Asylum for the present year ; there-
fore, be it
.Resolved.—That the County Treasurer be and is hereby directed to pay such
deficiency from the Court Fund.
There being no further business before the Board, the
minutes of the day's proceedings were read and approved,
when, on motion, the Board adjourned without day.
The Supervisors of the Towns of Tompkins County met in
the Supervisors' Room, in the Court House, at Ithaca, on No-
vember 12th, 18S0, at 9 A. M.
The meeting was called to order by the Clerk of the Board
of 1879.
The Roll of Towns being called, all the Supervisors an-
swered to their names, respectively, as follows:
Caroline, .SuiTir D. STEVENS, ..Caroline Depot.
Danby, .JOHN E. BEERS, Danby.
Dryden, JAMES H. GEORGE, West Dryden.
Enfield, .SETH B. HARVEY. Enfield Center.
Groton, .W.i. H. FrrCH, .Groton.
Ithaca, ALEX. FREAK, ... Ithaca.
Lansing, ..DAVID CROCKER, Lansingville.
Newfield, RANDOLPH HORTON, Newfield.
Ulysses, .I. PARKER KING Trumansburg.
On motion, Seth B. Harvey was unanimously- chosen for
Temporary Chairman.
On motion of Mr. King, the meeting proceeded to an in -
formal ballot for Permanent Chairman.
Messrs. George and King were appointed Tellers.
• First Informal Ballot.
The result of the first informal ballot was as follows : =
Whole number of votes, -9.: Of which John E. Beers re-
ceived 4; David. Crocker, 2; J. Parker King, 1; O. P. Hyde,
1; Blank, 1.
First Formal Ballot.
On motion of Mr. ' Crocker,, a formal ballot was taken,
with the following result:
Whole number of votes, 9. Of which John E. Beers re-
ceived 7; David Crocker, 2.
-On motion of Mr. C rocke r, the election of Mr. Beers was
made unanimous.
First Informal Ballot For Clerk.
On motion of Mr. King, the Board proceeded to take an
informal ballot. for Clerk.
The Chair- appointed Messrs., King and George, Tellers. -
The whole number of votes cast was 9. Of which De-
Witt C. Bouton, received 5; O. P. Hyde,. 4.
On motion of Mr. King, Mr. Bouton was declared unani-
mously elected Clerk of the Board.
On motion, the election of Janitor. was deferred to Mon-
day morning; Nov. 15th.
On- request .of the Chair, the Clerk presented the annual
bills, and reports, as well as the communications received by
him relative to the business of the Board. The following was ,
read and ordered spread on the minutes:
ALBANY, September. 23d, 1880. 1.
To the Clerk of. the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins : •
SIR: -I enclose a form of statement of the valuation of Real and Personal
Estate-requircd to be made by you, pursuant to Chapter 117 of the Laws.ot 1836,
. and forwarded to this office'previous to the second. Monday in December in each
year,.under a penalty of 'fifty,dollars.. I also enclose a form of Return of Incor-
porated Companies liable to Taxation. It is indispensable that this Report be fur-
niched by the time prescribed.
The Board of Equalization of Taxes, in pursuance of Chapter 312 of the
laws of 1859, have fixed the aggregate valuation of property in your County at
the sum of $11,643,904, upon which amount a tate tax of $40,753.66, must be
levied for the current fiscal year, commencing October 1st, 1880, as provided in.
said act and amendments thereto, by Chapter 351, Laws of 1874, being 3+ mills
on the dollar, for the following purposes, viz:
1'or schools 1 85-1000 mills, per Chapter 515, Laws of 1880.
For General Purposes1 475-1000 " " " 515; •` 1880.
For New Capitol 6-10 '• 515, " 1880.
For Canals.... 34-100 " " 248'. . 1880.
Total . 3% mills.
Your obedient servant,
J. W. WADSWORTH, Comptroller'.
P. S.—The non-resident Taxes credited to your County for 1879 amount to
A communication and bill from the St. Joseph's Asylum
and House of Providence, of Syracuse, were, on motion, or-
dered returned to the sender, with a letter from the Clerk, in-
forming the institution thatt the bill and subject matter of the
communication did not come within the province of this
Board ; that the same should be sent to the Auditing Board of
the Town of Ithaca.
On motion of Mr. Harvey, the following was adopted :
Resolved.—That all resolutions to this Board by the members thereof, be pre-
sented in writing, unless otherwise ordered by the Board.
The following were presented and unanimously adopted :
By Mr. Stevens :
Resolved:—That all bills and demands presented to this Board shall be re-
ferred to the proper Committee, without further action of this Board.
By Mr. King :
Resolved.—That there be added to the Standing Committees of this Board, a
Committee to be designated a Committee on Assessment Rolls.
By Mr. Harvey :
Resolved.—That the salary of the Clerk of this Board be fixed at One Hund-
red and Fifty Dollars.
By .Mr. Crocker :
Resolved. —That aril County Orders issued by this Board be countersigned by
the Chairman ; and all Town Orders by the Supervisors of the several Towns ;
and that no orders shall be issued without the consent of the Board, until after
the final adjournment of the Board.
By Mr. King :
Resolved.—That the sessions of this Board shall commence at 9:00 A. M.,
and 2:00 P. M.
Mr. King presented the following, which was unanimous-
ly adopted :
Resolved.—That we proceed to designate, by ballot, two papers in which to
pub:ish the Official Canvass.
The Chair appointed Messrs. George and Horton as
The first ballot resulted as follows :
Whole number votes cast, 9. Of which the Ithaca Demo-
crat received 4 ; the Weekly Journal, 4 ; the Groton and Lan-
sing Journal, 1.
The Ithaca Democrat and the Weekly Journal were de-
clared to be the papers duly designated by the Board to pub-
lish the Official Canvass.
The following, offered by Mr. Fitch, was adopted :
Resolved.—That the Board, as a Committee of the Whole, visit the County
House on Wednesday, Nov. lith, 1880.
On motion, the Chair was authorized to appoint a Com-
mittee to procure conveyances for the Board. Messrs. Frear
and Fitch were appointed such Committee.
On motion, Board adjourned.
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
Roll called; all present.
The Chair announced the following Standing Committees
of the Board:
Committees of fly Boarb of Supervisors for 1880.
Constables', Cleric's and Justices' Accounts.
Stevens, King, Fitch.
Treasurer' s Accounts.
King, Crocker, Horton.
Fitch, Stevens, Frear, Harvey, Crocker.
Alms -House, and Superintendent's Reports.
Crocker, Stevens, Horton, George, Frear.
County Claims.
George, r'rear, Harvey. •
Unitect States Deposit Fund.
Harvey, King, Horton.
Harvey, George, King.
Frear, Stevens, Horton.
Sheriff"s and Judge' s Accounts.
Horton, Fitch, George.
'On Assessment Rolls.
Fitch, Harvey, King.
Mr. Stevens offered the following:
Resolved.—That the Grand Jury list be apportioned among the several towns
(being based upon the census ot 1870) as follows : Caroline, 20 ; Danby, 19 ; Dry-
den, 43 ; Enfield, 15 ;. Groton, 32 ; Ithaca, 91; Lansing, 26 ; Newfield, 24;
Ulysses, 30. Adopted.
Mr. Frear offered the following:
Resolved.—That Wm. N. Noble, attorney for the County, be requested to
furnish a written report,containing what action has been taken and what decisions
arrived at in the Boardman suit. Adopted. •
Mr. Crocker offered the following:
Resolved.—That the duty of Janitor shall be to keep the Court House clean,
lighted and comfortable during the Session ot Circuit, Special Term, and County
Courts, Supervisors' Sessions, and School Commissioners' ; and such other duties
as are necessarily connected with the building during said sessions and meetings ;
and that the salary for the same be fixed at $150.00; and that for attendance for
any tther purpose the janitor shall receive such extra compensation as the Board
of Supervisors may allow. Adopted.
The Report of the Railroad Bonds Commissioners of the
Town of Ulysses was presented and accepted. (See Reports.)
Mr. Frear offered the following :
Resolved.—That the Committee on Printing solicit and receive bids for the
printing of 3,000 copies, in pamphlet form, ot the Proceedings of the Board of
Supervisors of Tompkins County, for the year 1880 ; matter to be set in wide
measure and printed on book paper, same size and number of pages as 1877, and
the same addition or reduction per page, should the same be mole or less. The
pamphlets tq be ready for distribution by the 101,11 day of January next.
Resolved.—That the said Committee also solicit bias from the publishers of
the weekly papers in this village, for the publishing of the proceedings of this
Board during its present session in said papers. Adopted.
On motion, Board adjourned
Seconb Day===Saturbay, ron. 13tt?.
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
Roll called ; all the members present except Mr. Horton.
Minutes of Friday's proceedings read and approved.
Mr. Harvey presented the Report of the Railroad Bonds •
Commissioners of the Town of Enfield. On motion the Report
was accepted. (See Reports.)
The Abstract of the Town Audits of the Town of Enfield,
presented by Mr. Harvey, the Abstract of the Town Audits of
the Town of Groton, presented by Mr. Fitch, and the Abstract
of the Town Audits of the Town of Dryden, presented by Mr.
George, were, on motion, accepted. (See Town Audits.) •
Mr. Fitch offered the following :
Resolved.—That we authorize the Supervisor ot Enfield to raise by tax on the
taxable property of said Town, the sum of Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars, for
the Commissioner of Highways, to be applied by him for the repair ot roads and
bridges. Adopted.
The Annual Report of the District Attorney was present-
ed and read by the Clerk. On notion, the Report was ac-
cepted. (See Reports.)
The Report. of the Railroad Bonds Commissioners of the
Town of Ithaca, was presented by .Mr. Frear, and, on motion,
the same was accepted. (See Reports.)
Mr. George offered the following :
Resolved.—That in accordance with a resolution passed at the Annual Town
Meeting of the Town of Dryden, held April 6th, 1880, there be levied and col-
lected upon the taxable property of said Town, the sum of Eight Hundred and
Fifty Dollars, for the purpose of defraying the expenses of highways the ensuing
Resolved.—That in accordance with a resolution passed by the Board of Town
Auditors of said Town, there be levied and collected the sum of Three Hundred
and Eighty Dollars, for the purpose of building a bridge over Fall Creek, near the
residence of Richard Duryea ; also, the sum of Fifty Dollars; for the purpose of
raising the Varna bridge. Adopted.
Mr. George offered the following, which was adopted :
Resolved.—That the Supervisor of the Town of Dryden be authorized to levy
and assess on the taxable property of said Town, the sum of Four Hundred and
Fifty Dollars for the support of the Poor.
Mr. King offered the following :
Resolved.—That the District Attorney be requested to furnish this Board a
list of the Bail Bonds that have been estreated since January 1st, 1878, with the
names of the sureties and the amount of each bond ; said report to be made on or
before the 17th Inst ; and that the Clerk of the Board be directed to forthwith
furnish the District Attorney with a copy of this resolution. Adopted.
On motion, Board adjourned.
Board. met pursuant to adjournment.
Roll called ; all the members present except Messrs. Hor-
ton and King, the latter of whom had been excused.
Mr. Frear,from the Committee on Printing, reported from
that Committee, and presented bids from various parties in
response to the proposal of the Board. The bids were read,
but owing to the absence of some of the members, the subject,
on motion, was laid over till. Monday afternoon, Nov. 15th, as
the first business after the regular order.
Mr. Stevens offered the following :
Resolved.—That the Supervisor of the Town of Caroline be, and he is, here-
by authorized to add to the taxes to be raised in said town the following amounts,
namely :
For Hiehways, $700 00.
For Support of Poor, 300 00.
For Damages for New Road, 114 00.
On motion, Board adjourned to Monday, Nov. 15th, at
10 o'clock A. M.
EI?irb Vay===Zllonbay,' rov. Ott).
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
Roll called ; all present except Mr. King.
Minutes of Saturday's proceedings read and approved.
Mr. Horton presented the Report of the Railroad Bonds
Commissioners of the Town of Newfield. On motion, the Re-
port was accepted. (See Reports.)
Mr. Horton offered the following :
Resolved.—That we authorize the Supervisor of Newfield to raise by tax on
the taxable property of said Town, the sum of Three Hundred Dollars, for the
Commissioner of Highways, to be applied by him for the building and repairing
of Roads and Bridges. Adopted.
Mr. King having arrived, the subject of the appointment
of Janitor was called up. On motion; an informal ballot was
taken ; the Chair appointing Messrs. George and Horton, as
Tellers :
Informal Ballot for Janitor.
The informal ballot resulted as follows :
Whole number of votes, 9. Of which George Guinn re-
ceived 6 ; C. M. Cooley, 2 ; Knapp, 1.
On motion, the Board proceeded to a formal ballot, which
resulted as follows :
First Formal Ballot for Janitor.
Whole number of votes cast, 9. Of which George Guinn
received 7 ; C. M. Cooley, 2.
Mr. Guinn having received a majority of all the votes cast,
was declared duly appointed Janitor of the Court House for
the ensuing year.
Mr. Stevens presented the Abstract of the Town Audits of
the Town of Caroline, which, on motion, was accepted. (See
Town Audits.)
Mr. Stevens offered the following :
Resolved.—That Mr. George M. Beckwith be appointed physician to attend
all prisoners who may require medical attendance in the County Jail, from Nov.
25th, 1880, to Nov. 25th, 1881 ; and that he be allowed Ninety Dollars for such
service. Adopted.
On motion, Board adjourned.
Board" met pursuant to adjournment.
Roll called ; all present.
The first business was announced by the Chair to be the
subject of the printing,in pamphlet form,of the proceedings of
the Board.
Mr. Frear, from the Committee on Printing, submitted
the bids received by that Committee in response to its propos-
al, without recommendation by the Committee.
Mr. Stevens offered the following : •
WHEREAS, The communication of Mr. Clapp is somewhat ambiguous; there-
Resolved.—That the communication be referred back to him for explanation.
Mr. King presented the Abstract of the Town Audits of
the Town of Ulysses, and o&red in connection therewith the
following :
Resolved.—That the following be added to the Town Audits of the Town
of Ulysses, and orders issued for the same :
S. R. Wickes, Town Auditor $ 9 15.
Henry Luckey, i; 9 00.
R. C. Barto, 9 00.
Commissioner of Highways, 750 00.
Overseer of the Poor, 400 00.
J. P. Ring, Blank Tax Roll,. 75.
$1,177 90.
On motion of Mr. Crocker the Abstract was accepted, and
the resolution adopted.
Mr. Fitch offered the following :
Resolved.—That the bill of Four Dollars, of Wm. E. Mount, for attending as
a member of the Town Board of Election, at the Town Meeting held in Groton in
April, 1880. be added to the Audits of said Town. Adopted.
The Committee on Printing having received the supple-
mentary or• amended bid of Mr. Clapp, on motion of Mr. King,
the Report, without recommendation, was accepted. .
The following is the report,and correspondence submitted
therewith :
We, your Committe on Printing, would, in accordance with the resolution
of your honorable body, make the following Special Report respecting a part of
the duties devolving on us as such Committee. We have submitted proposals
for publishing the proceedings of this Board, both in the several weekly and daily
newspapers published in the Village of Ithaca, and in pamphlet form; and in re-
sponse thereto have received the following bids :
ITHACA, N. Y., November 13,1880.
Committee on Printing, Board of Superotsors:
GENTLEMEN:—We will print the proceedings of the Board in the Weekly
Journal for 25 cents per folio.
We will print 3,000 pamphlets of proceedings (as per conditions on page 16
of 1879 proceedings,) for $165.00, and $1.70 per additional page, which sum shall
also pay for the printing of the proceedings from day to day in the Daily Journal.
Very Truly Yours,
ITHACA, N. Y., Nov. 13, 1880.
Chairman Printing Committee, Board of Supervisors :
DEAR SIR:—I will print 3,000 copies of the proceedings of the Board of
Stlpervi,ors in pamphlet form, the same as last year, tor $166.00, and $1.70 for
each additional page.
I will also publish the proceedings in the Ithaca Democrat for 25 cents per
Yours Very Truly,
ITHACA, N. Y., Nov. 12th, 1880.
Board of Supervisors Printing Committee :
I will print, the proceedings of the Board of Supervisors for 1880 in the
Weekly Ithacan for twenty-five cents per folio, and in addition to this, will print
3,000 copies in pamphlet form, wide measure, similar to the proceedings of 1879,
for $123.50, for 80 pages, and at the rate of $1.60 for additional pages, and for
less than 80 pages proportionately less.
ITHACA, N. Y., Nov. 15th, 1880.
Printing Committee, Board of Supervisors':
I will print the proceedings of the Board of Supervisors for 1880, in the
Weekly Ithacan, for 25 cents per folio.
I will print the same in pamphlet form,3,000 copies, wide measure, similar to
proceedings of 1879, for $164.00, for 80 pages, and at the rate of $1.67 per page
for additional pages, and for less than 80 pages proportionately less.
If we are awarded the printing of the proceedings in the paper, I will, in
addition thereto, print the pamphlet for $123.50, for 80 pages, and additional
pages for $1.60 per page. ASHAEL CLAPP.
ITHACA, N. Y., Nov. 13', 1880.
Chairman Printing Committee, Board of Supervisors :
DEAR SIR :—We will print the proceedings of the Board of Supervisors
same style and number of pages as proceedings of 1877, for $167.50, and $1.70 for
each additional page. Number of copies, 3,000.
ITHACA, N. Y., Nov., 12, 1880.
Board of Supervisors, County of Tompkins :
GENTLEMEN :—We will print 3,000 copies of proceedings of Board of Super-
visors, for 1880, pamphlet form, matter set wide measure, and printed on paper as
good as last year, 80 pages with cover, for $175 00. Additional pages at $2.00
per page, and less than 80 pages proportionately less.
Yours Truly,
P. S.—To be completed January 10th, 1881, according to proposal. Copy
being • furnished a reasonable length of time before.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
Mr. Stevens offered the following:
Resolved.—That the printing of the proceedings of the Board of Supervitors
be given to the Ithaca Weekly Democrat and the Ithaca Weekly Journal at 25cts
per folio; and the proceedings in pamphlet form and in the Daily Journal be
awarded to the Ithaca Journal Association as per their offer.
Mr. King offered the following as an amendment:
Readved.—That the proceedings of this Board be published in the Democrat,
the Weekly Journal and the Ithacan, and that the publishing of the proceed-
ings in pamphlet form be awarded to the Ithacan at the price offered by that pa-
per. -
Mr. King called for the ayes and noes onthe amendment,
which resulted as follows:
Ayes—Harvey, Crocker, Horton, King -4.
Noes—Stevens, Beers, George, Fitch, Frear -5.
The amendment was declared lost.
The question recurring on the original resolution, result-
ed as follows:
Ayes—Stevens, Beers, George, Fitch, Frear -5.
Noes—Harvey, Crocker, Horton,. King -4.
The resolution was declared duly adopted.
On motion, the Board adjourned.
5ourtl? Iay===ZCuesbay, icon. i6tf,.
Board met pursuant to adjournment:
Roll called ; all present.
Minutes of Monday's proceedings read and approved.
The Clerk presented a communication from the Superin-
tendent of Willard Asylum, and a circular letter from the
Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Seneca County ; which
were read and ordered filed.
Mr. Fitch presented the Report of the Railroad Bonds
Commissioners of the Town of Groton, which, on motion, was
accepted. (See Reports.)
Mr. Stevens offered the following, which, on motion, was
adopted :
Resolved.—That the Supervisor of the Town of Caroline be authorized to add
the following to the Town Audits of said Town :
Jason P. Merrill, Justice, $ 5 50.
Edward Lounsbery, Ex. Commissioner,. 3 00.
Uriah Lynch, Constable, 37 25.
$45 75.
There being no further business, the County Bills, were •
classified and delivered to the appropriate Committees, when .
the latter retired to their rooms.
At 12 o' clock the Committees rose and, on motion, Board
Board met pursuant to adjournment. .
Roll called ; all present -except Mr. Horton. •
The Chair .presented•the Report•of District Attorney Dean,
giving a detailed statement of the bonds estreated since 1878,
pursuant to resolution of the Board. .
Mr. Fitch- offered •the following :
• Resolved.—That a Committee.of three be appointed by the Chair .to examine
the list as furnished.this Board. by the District • Attorney, of the buil•bonds which
have been estreated in this County since January 1st, 1878, and report to this -
Board what action they would recommend. Adopted.
The Chair appointed as such Committee ,Messrs. Fitch,
,George, King. .
The Report.of Judge Lyon 'as Surrogate, 'pursuant to Sec-
tion 2501, of the New Code, _was presented by the Clerk, read
_ . by the Chairman, and, on inotiou, ordered filed.
Mr. King read the following petition
• To the Board of Superoiaors of Tompkins County
We, the undersigned, Assessors of tbe,Town of Ulysses, respectfully ask your
honorable body to make the following additions to the assessment roll of said
Town, for, the. year 1880, the same having been left off by mistake:
Acres. Val.
Westervelt, Mrs. Henry, Lot 9, 30; $810.
Thomas, Alvah, " .30, 39, • •900.
Canip, Anna Sarah, 2, Lot; 375.
Delano, Mrs. Kate, " 2,. " 40. .
• Also that the assessment of the Pa., & Sodus Bay Rail Road, be changed. •
from the resident lands to the non-resident. ,
Dated, Ulysses, Nov: 15th, 1880.
Assesvors of
the '
Town of Ulysses
On. motion, the prayer of the petitioners was granted.
On motion, Mr. Frear was authorized to add a bill of
$20.00 of Justice Burns, for services as a member of the Town
Board of Ithaca, to the Town Audits of said Town. (See
Town Audits.)
• Mr. Almy appeared before the Board and reported that
the "assessment action" between Henry L. Hinckley, et al.
and Horace G. Cooper, nominal defendant, in which the
County was the real party defendant in interest, had been de-
cided adversely to the defendant by the Supreme Court at
General Term.
There being no further business, the Committee on Treas-
urer's Accounts withdrew.
At 6 o'clock the Committee on Treasurer's Accounts rose
and, on motion, the Board adjourned. •
Sift!? Iay=:=IUebnesbay, non. 17til.
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
Roll called ; all present except Messrs. King and Frear,
On motion, the reading of the minutes was dispensed with,
and the Board adjourned to the County House.
5414 Day—EI2ursbay, non. 18th.
Board met pursuant .to adjournment.
Roll called ; all present.
Minutes of the proceedings of Tuesday and Wednesday
read and approved.
Mr. George, from the Committee on County Claims, re-
ported the following bills, which were audited by the Board,
seriatim, in accordance with the recommendation of the Com-
mittee :
Bills numbers 98, 85, 88, 51, 24, 45, 40, 94, 83, 12, 17.
Mr. Horton presented the Abstract of the Town Audits of
the Town of Newfield, and requested that the following claims
be added thereto :
J. W. Starr, Town Clerk, $ 8 25.
C. W. McCorn, R. R. Com. 1880,' • • • 6 00.
I. B. Palmer, " " 6 00.
N. B. Dunning, " " 1879-80, 12 00.
R. S. McCorn, conveyance of prisoner, 3 00.
$35 25.
On motion, the Abstract was accepted and the request
Mr. Stevens offered the following :
WHEREAS, The supply of water at the County Poor House, for Domestic
and Sanitary purposes, and in case of fire, is inadequate ; therefore,
Resolved.—That a Committee of three be appointed by the Chair to ascertain
if a sufficient supply of running water for the above purposes can be obtained,
and the probable cost of the same ; and also to ascertain if any repairs are neces-
sary to be made to the buildings ; and to report on or before the 26th inst.
The Chair appointed Messrs. George, King and Stevens
such Committee.
There being no further business, the Committees retired
to their rooms.
At 12 o'clock the Colnmittees rose, and, on motion, Board
adj ourned.
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
Roll called ; all present.
Mr. Stevens from the Committee on Constables', Clerk's
and Justices' Accounts, reported the following bills from said
Committee, and the same were audited by the Board, seriatim,
in accordance with the recommendation of the Committee :
Bills numbers 54, 61, 7, 116, 29, 91, 55, 80, 4, 13, 9, 74, 105, 104, 14, 73
52, 81.
Mr. George, from the Committee on County Claims, re-
ported the following bills from said Committee, which were
audited, seriatim, by the Board in accordance with the rec-
ommendations of the Committee :
Bills numbers 127, 137, 75, 25, 128, 20, 126.
There being no further business, the Committees retired
to their rooms.
At 6 o'clock the Committees rose and, on motion, Board
Serentil Day-5ribay, floe. i9t4.
Board met pursuant to adjournment:
Roll called ; all present.
Mr. Crocker offered the following :
Resolved.—That the Chairman of this Board be authorized to raise by Bank
Note, for 60 days, the sum of $2,200, to apply on Court expenses. Adopted.
A communication from a Committee of Grand Jurors,
recommending the repairing and strengthening of the jail, in
certain particulars, was read by the Chair, and then, on mo-
tion, referred to the Committee on Repairs.
Mr. Fitch offered the following which, on motion, was
adopted :
Resolved.—That pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 791, of the Laws of
1868,' the sums placed in the following schedule be levied and assessed
upon the taxable property of persons whose names are included in the several
districts and in the sums respectively named in said lists, submitted to the Board
and furnished to the Supervisors of the several Towns named in the schedule, by
the Overseers of the Highways of the road districts included therein.
,Road District. No. of Days. Amount of Tax.
44 2J $3 38
Road District. No. of Days. Amount of Tam.
60 8 •1200.
Road District. No. of Days. Amount of Tax.
67 2 $ 3 00.
52 1% 2 25.
51 1% 2 25.
38 4 600.
139 3% 5 25.
Road District. No. of Days. Amount of Tax.
5 1% $ 225.
69 19 2 63.
53 2 300.
Road District. No. of Days. Amount of Tax.
45 3 $ 450.
Road District. No. of Days. Amount of Tax.
31 18% $ 27 75.
There being no further business, the Committees retired
to their rooms.
At 12 o'clock the Committees rose.
Mr. King off:;red the following :
Resolved.—That there be added to the Town Audits of the Town of Ulysses
the bill of H. G. Cooper, ex -Supervisor, the sum of $19.81 for disbursing Town
moneys. Adopted.
On motion, Board adjourned.
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
Roll called.; all present.
The resolution of Mr King respecting the publishing of
the Session Laws being the first business under special or-
ders, was called up.
The resolution is as follows :
Resolved.—That this Board now proceed to designate, by ballot, two news-
papers to publish the Session Laws of 1881, said publication to include only the
laws applying to the State and those appertaining to this County ; the price for
said publication not to exceed 25 cents per folio.
On motion, the resolution, was adopted.
The Chair- appointed Messrs. George and Horton, as Tel
The first ballot resulted as; follows:
Whole number of votes cast, 9. Of which the Ithaca
Weekly Journal received. 5 ; the Weekly Democrat, 4.
The Ithaca Weekly Journals and the Weekly Democrat
were declared to be duly designated by the Board as the pa-
pers in which such laws shall be. printed.
Mr. Stevens offered the ::following which, •on motion, was
Resolved -That the bill of Geo. H. Nixon, Excise Commissioner of the
- Town of Caroline, for the sum of $3,00, be added to the Audits of said Town.
Mr. George, from the Committee on County Claims, re-
ported the following bills, and the same were audited,
seriatim, by the Board.. in accordance with the recommenda-
tion of the 'Committee
Bills numbers 109, 108, 111, 107, 110, 112, 106, 6, 83, 82, 120, 69, 68, 76,
135, 50, 143, 142, 141, 139, 140, 138, 130, 132, 133, 144, 146, 65, 30, 53, 59, 10,
15, 37, 121, 84, 3, 79, 70, 22, 57, 19.
There being no further business, the Committees retired
to their- rooms.
At 6 o' clock the Committee rose and, on motion, Board
eightII Day, -Saturbay, rov. 20tH.
Board. met pursuant to adjournment.
, Roll called ; all present except Mr. Fitch, excused.
Minutes of Friday's proceedingsread and approved.
Judge Lyon came before the Board and made a statement
to the effect that there wase insufficient room, as now divided
and arranged, in the County Clerk' s Office building for the
,conducting of the business of the Surrogate, and requested
the' Board to either come' to the office and examine into
the matter itself, or send a committee to examine and report
to the Board.
Mr. George, from the Committee on County Claims, re-
ported the following bills, which Were audited by the Board,
..seriatim, in accordance with the recommendation of the Com-
mittee :
Bills numbers 122, 58, 101, 46, 47.
Mr. Stevens, from the Committee on Constables,' Clerk's
and Justices' Accounts, reported the following bilis which
were audited 'seriatim by the Board in accordance with
the recommendation of the Committee :
Bills numbers 125, 131, 72, 28, 123, 148, 124, 164.
Mr. George offered the following, which, on motion, was
Resolved.—That the Supervisor of the Town of Dryden be authorized to add
to the Town Audits of said Town, the following named bills :
J. P. Genung, Town Auditor, $ 9 00.
J. D. Lamont, 6 00.
A. L. Smiley, " 4t 6 00.
Daniel Baker, Fees in laying out Highway,. 9 25.
Cyrus Tyler, " " 18 81.
$49 06.
The Chair presented the Abstract of the Town Audits of
the Town of Danby, which, on motion, was accepted. (See
Town Audits.)
Mr. Horton offered the following :
Resolved.—That when the Board adjourn on the 24th of November, it shall
be to November 29th, at 10 A. M. Adopted.
Mr. Horton offered the following, which, on motion, was
adopted :
Resolved.—That the Town Audits of the Town of Newfield be withdrawn
for correction.
Mr. Harvey offered the following, which, on motion, was
adopted :
Resolved.—That this Board shall not receive any more new bills during this
session, unless it be bills thathave been incurred during this session:
There being no further business, the Committees retired to
their rooms.
At 12 o'clock the Committees rose and, on motion, Board
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
Roll called ; all present except Mr. Harvey, excused.
Mr. George,from the Committee on County Claims, report-
ed thefollowing bills, which were audited, seriatim, by the
Board in accordance with the recommendation of the Com-
mittee : . .
• Bilis numbers 153, 60, 42, 27, 89, 49, 154, 41, 149, 30, 152, 43, 136, 99, 21,
18, 77, 100, 96, .145.
The bill of C. C. Cook, and of J. W. Brown, Nos. 115 and
56, respectively, were referred to the Board by the Committee
without recommendation.
On motion of Mr. King, the bill of Mr. Cook was audited
at the sum of $10.00, and that of Mr: Brown at $15.00.
There . being no further business, the Committees retired
to their rooms.
At 5 o'clock the Committees rose and, on motion, Board
adjourned to Monday, Nov. 22d. at 11 o'clock, A. M.
rfintfi day-217onbay, Ztov. 22b.
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
Roll called ; all present.
Minutes of Saturday's proceedings read and approved.
The Chair presented a petition of Wm: C. Foreman, nu-
merously signed, asking for the appointment of said Foreman
as Sealer of Weights and Measures for the County of Tomp-
Mr. Stevens offered the following
Resolved.—That Wm. C. Foreman be, and be is hereby, appointed County
Sealer bf Weights and Measures for the County of Tompkins.. Adopted.
On motion of Mr. Frear, the Report of the Rail Road
Bonds Commissioners for. the Town of Ithaca,. (Geneva & Ith-
aca R. R. Co.) was accepted. (See Reports.)
On motion, Board adjourned.
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
Roll called ; all present.
Mr. Noble appeared before. the Board and ,submitted _ a
written Reportrespecting- the Boardman suit, together with
accompanying papers.
On motion of Mr. King, the Report . was ordered spread
upon the minutes:
Followingis the Report
To the Board of 'Supervisors of Tompkins County.:
GENTLEMEN :—Pursuant to your resolution, of the ,12th
inst., requesting me to furnish to you a written Report, stat-,
ing .what action has been taken, andwhat decisions have
been rendered in the Boardman suit, I transmit to yourBoard
the following Report:
On the 20th day of April, 1880, an application was made
by -Douglas Boardman, to the County Court of Tompkins
County, for an order directing and requiring the Board of. Sup-
ervisors of the County of Tompkins, to refund to,him=the -sum
of Three Hundred and Forty-eight Dollars,withinterest there-
on from the 14th day of January, 1880, being the . amount of
tax alleged to have been illegally collected of him, upon an as-
sessment, made against him as agent, in the sum of $12,500; of.
personal property, in the assessmentroll of taxes for the Town
,of Ithaca for the year 1879.
This application was made upon a petition setting forth,
among other things, that•the assessors of said Town had made
an assessment in the said roll, as follows : "Douglas Board-
man, agent, personal property $12,500;" and that the personal.
property thus assessed, consisted of bonds, mortgages, notes,
etc., which. had been placed in the petitioner's hands for in-
vestment, by his sisters who resided in Monroe county, and
who were the owners thereof. It was further alleged in the
petition, that the petitioner had at no time any interest in, or
title to, the said personal property, or in the securities repre-
senting the same, except for the purpose of investing, manag-
ing and collecting the same.
The question of law presented by the application was,
whether personal property of the nature described in the peti-
tion, owned by a principal residing in Monroe county, but be-
ing in the possession of an agent, in Tompkins county, for the
purposes mentioned, should be assessed to the principal or to
the agent.
Under the direction of the Board of Supervisors, I appear-
ed before the County Court in their behalf, and opposed the
motion. However, the application was granted, and an order
made on the said 20th day of April. 1880, adjudging the said
assessment to have been illegal, and directing the Board of
Supervisors to refund the amount of tax collected thereon,
with interest. .
On the same day I appealed to the General Term of the
Supreme Court, from the order, and the case came on for argu-
ment at the May Term thereof.
At the September Term the Court handed down a decision,
reversing the order appealed from, and made an order deny-
ing the application, with $10.00 costs and printing disburse-
Since the case was submitted to the General Term, the
attorney for the petitioner has died, and the counsel who pre-
sented the case has become disqualified by a judicial appoint-
ment from acting further in the case, and no one having been
substituted in their stead to my knowledge, no further steps
have yet been taken in the case. I also transmit to you copies
of the papers in the matter.
Dated at Ithaca, N. Y., Nov. 20th, 1880.
Mr. Horton offered the following
Resolved.—That the Board, as a Committee of the Whole, visit the rooms of
the Surrogate for the purpose of inquiring into the necessity of repairing or en-
larging the Surrogate's office. Adopted.
Mr. King, from the Committee on Treasurer's Accounts,
submitted the Report from that Committee; also, the Treas-
urer's Reports.
The Committee's Report is as follows :
To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County :
Your Committee on Treasurer's Accounts report that they
have carefully examined the accounts of the County Treas-
urer, and his vouchers,, in detail, and find them in all respects
correct and agreeing with the accompanying Reports. And
your Committee would further report that they have examin-
edthe securities held in trust by the County Treasurer for the
benefit of the Infant Heir Fund, and so far as they are able to
judge, consider those taken by him to be ample security for
the amount loaned ; and that after the most careful examina-
tion, we were unable to find a single error or mistake in the
above accounts, and take great pleasure in complimenting Mr.
Johnson upon the accurate and systematic manner in which
his accounts are kept, thereby materially lessening the labors
of the Committee.
R. HORTON, } Com.
On motion, the Report of the Committee was accepted and
the Treasurer's Reports ordered printed. (See Reports.)
M. King, offered the following
WHEREAS, -It appears from the Report of the County Treasurer, that the
sum of $162.51 has accumulated from'returned taxes paid to him, and to his pre-
decessors in office, without having been credited to the Towns which paid them ;
Resolved.—That the above sum of $162.51, be carried to the Court Fund, and .
that hereafter he be required to keep an account of the returned taxes paid by
each Town, and that the same be credited to the Town paying the same. Adopt-
There being no further business, the Committees retired
to their rooms.
At 6 o'clock the Committees rose, and, on motion, the
Board. adjourned.
entt2 Zay:==Euesbay, non. 23b:
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
Roll called ; all present.
Mr George, from the Committee on County Claims, re-
ported the following bills, which were audited, seriatim, by
the Board in accordance with the recommendation of the Com-
Bills numbers 119, 129, 11, 163, 95, 39,- 67, 64, 62, 87.
Mr. Stevens, from the Committee on Constables,' Clerk's "
and Justices' Accounts, reported the following bills, which
were audited, seriatim, by the Board in accordance with the
recommendation of the Committee.
Bills numbers 8, 161.
Mr. George offered the following :
Resolved.=That the sum of One Hundred Dollars be levied and assessed on
. the Town" of Dryden, to be paid by the Commissioner of Highways of said Town
to Wm. N. Noble, for services as referee in the. matter of laying out a highway
in said Town, over the lands of Cyrus Tyler. Adopted.
. There being no further business,' the Committee on the
matter of improvements on the County 'House were excused,
for the purpose of examining the premises:" The Com-
jnittee on Sheriff's and Judge's Accounts, having a quorum,
resumed Committee work
At 12 o'clock„ the Committee rose.
Mr. Crocker offered the following :
Resolved.—That the sum of $21.20, be added to the Abstract of Town Audits
of the Town of Lansing, being omitted in charge of traveling fees of D. Crock-
er, in Rail Road suits.
Also, the bill of John Galagher tor $5.99. And bill of Melvin Beard for
$t15. Total $31.34.Adopted.
On motion, Board adjourned.
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
Roll called ; all present except the County House Commit-
tee, and Mr. Harvey.
There being . no business, the Committee on Sheriff's Ac-
counts retired.
The afternoon session was in great part consumed by the
remaining members in clerical work in making Grand Jury
Lists, preparing Town budgets, etc.
At 6 o'clock, the Committee . having risen, on motion,
Board adjourned.
eleventh Tiay. 2Vebnesbay, non: 204.
Board met pursuant to.adjournntent.
Roll called ; all present. ,
Mr. Crocker offered the following :
Resolved.—That the County Treasurer be instructed and empowered to pur-
chase, at any time he may deem it forthe best economy of the County, a suffici-
ent quantity of coal, for its fuel for one year. Adopted.
Mr. King offered the following :
WHEREAS, As there is no record of the proceedings of the Board of Super-.
visors of this County, only as found in pamphlet form.; therefore,
Resolved. -That the Clerk of this Board be required to, have the proceedings,
as found in the pamphlets, from the year -1860, to and including the year 1880,
boundin a substantial manner.' Adopted.
There being no further business, the Committees resumed
work. •
At 12 o'clock the Committees rose and, on motion, Board
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
Roll called ; all present.
The Report of the Committee on Improvements on the
County House being the first business in order, on motion, by
the request of said Committee, the time for presenting Report
was deferred to Tuesday, Nov. 30th, at 2 o'clock, P. M.
Mr. George, from the Committee on County Claims, re-
ported the following bills, which were audited, seriatim, by
the Board in accordance with the recommendation of the Com-
mittee :
Bills numbers 71, 2, 118, 31, 160, 159, 170, 176, 172, 175.
Mr. Stevens, from the Committee on Constables,' Clerk's
and Justices' Accounts, reported the following bills, which
were audited, seriatim, by the Board in accordance with the
recommendation of the Committee :
Bills numbers 167, 168, 169.
Mr. Harvey, from the Committee on United States Deposit
Fund, submitted the Report of said Committee, together with
the annual Report of the Loan Commissioner :
On .motion, the Report of the Committee was accepted.
(See Reports.)
Mr. Frear offered the following :
WHEREAS, The Board of Town Auditors of the Town of Ithaca have pre-
sented the following :
To the Supervisors of Tompkins County :
The Board of Town Auditors estimate the sum of $5,500
to be necessary for the temporary relief and support of the
poor in the Town of Ithaca, for the year, from April 1, 1881,
to April 1., 1882, and supply deficiency in estimate of the pre-
ceding year.
Town of Ithaca, Nov. 12, 1880.
C. J. SANFORD, Town Clerk.
Resolved.—That the above named sum of $5,500 be added to the amount to
be levied upon the taxable property of the Town of Ithaca for the ensuing year.
Mr. Frear offered the following, which, on motion, was
adopted :
Resolved.—That there be added to the Town Audits of the Town of Ithaca,
the folio wing
M. C. Jones, ex -Overseer of Poor, for disbursements as such officer
from Nov. 1st, 1879, to April 1st, 1880, the same having been
omitted, through inadvertence, by the Town Auditors of said
Town .. $1953 98.
John Vunt, Jr., services as Poll Clerk, 2 days 4 00.
C. A. Bush, use of House for Town Meeting 15 00.
Norton & Conklin, 100 Circulars for Board of Health. 3 00.
Wm. McKinney, 5 days' services with Town Board 10 00.
A. B. Davis, 5 days' services with Town Board....... 10 00.
Wm. O..Newman, 5 days' services with Town Board 10 00.
D. B. Norton,Constable,services in case of Peace Warrant7 10.
Alex. Frear, one day with State Assesors, .... ... 2 00.
$2015 08.
Mr. Frear then presented the Abstract of the Town Audits
of the Town of Ithaca, which, on motion, was accepted.
There being no further business, the Committees retired
to their rooms.
At 4 o'clock the Committees rose, and, on motion, the
Board adjourned to Monday, Nov. 29th, pursuant to previous
Emelf t12 lay—ZTtonbay, . non. 29t4.
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
Roll called ; all present except Mr. Crocker.
Minutes of Wednesday's" proceedings read and approved.
Mr. Horton presented the Abstract of the Town Audits of
the Town of Newfield, (which had been withdrawn by consent
for correction,) together with the following resolution :
Resolved.—That the sum of $10.84 be deducted from the Supervisor's account
in the Town Audits of the Town of Newfield, the same being a County charge.
Resolved.—That the following be added to the Town Audits of the: said
R. Horton, servicesas Supervisor, four days, $ 8 00.
R. Horton, traveling fees, 16 miles, = 1.28.
J. W. Sunderlin, Justice, one day on Town Board, 2 00.
Benjamin Starr, Justice, one day on Town Board, 2 00.
A. S. Allen, Town Clerk, one day on Town Board, 2 00.
R Horton, Supervisor, one day on Town Board 2 00.
On motion the Abstract was accepted and the resolution
adopted. (See Town Audits.-)
On motion, Board adjourned.
Board met pursuant to adjournment, Mr. Crocker, by re-
quest of Mr. Beers who was absent, in the Chair.
Roll called; all present, except the Chairman.
There being no business under regular order, the Board,
pursuant to resolution, visited the Surrogate's Office for the
purpose of investigating into the alleged lack of room for the
proper transaction of thebusiness, and the convenient and
safe keeping of the records, of said office. ,
On " the Board's return, the Committees retired to their
_At half -past 5 o'clock the Committees rose.
The following, offered by Mr. Horton, was, on motion,
Resolved.—That the Board proceed to ballot for a Stenographer for the
County Court and Court of Sessions for the ensuing year, on Tuesday, Nov. 80,
1880, at 2 P. M.
Mr. Horton offered the following which, on motion, was
adopted :
Resolved.—That .a Committee of three members of this Board be appointed
to enquire into the feasibility of the employment, for hire, of persons who shall
be convicted of drunkenness, or misdemeanor, or as disorderly persons or vagrants,
or of any crime less than a felony, and who may be sentenced to confinement at
hard labor in the County Jail, for a; termnot exceeding sixty days, and that said
Committee report to this Board on Thursday, Dec. 2nd, 1880, at 2 P. M.
The Chair appointed Messrs. Horton, Stevens and Har-
vey as such Committee.
Mr. George offered the following :
WHEREAS, A formal demand has been made upon the Supervisor of the
Town of Dryden, by Albert Corrington and others, through their counsel, George
E. Goodrich, Esq., to levy and assess on the Town of Dryden the amount of the
award for damages: by reason of laying out of a highway through the lands of the.
said Albert Corrington and othe;s,.in said Town ; therefore,
Resolved. -That there be levied and collected from the taxable property of the
Town of Dryden, the sum of Nine Hundred and Eighty -Four Dollars and Thirty -
Five cents, for the Commissioner of Highways of said Town, to be by him applied.
to the payment of the damages awarded in laying out said highway. Adopted.
On motion, Board adjourned.
Et)irteentt Day===Euesbay, %ov. 30t1?.
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
Roll called ; all present except Mr. Harvey.
Minutes of Monday's proceedings read and approved.
Mr. George, from the Committee on County Claims, re-
ported the following bills, which were audited, seriatim, by
the Board, in accordance with the recommendation . of the
Bills numbers 157, 26, 113, 34, 151, 150, 134, 158.
Mr. King offered the following:
Resolved.—That whenever the rooms now occupied by the Surrogate are
f owed inadequate to accommodate the persons attending Surrogate's Court, that
the Surrogate be authorized to require the Janitor of the Court House to open
the Court House and to warm either or all the rooms in said house.
Resolved.—That the application of Judge Lyon for additional accommodations
for the safe keeping of papers belonging to his office, be referred to the Committee
on Repairs of County Buildings. Adopted.
Mr. Frear offered the following :
Resolved.—That we call up bill No. 71.
Mr. Frear said he offered the resolution not because he
was .in favor, without further information, of changing the ac-
tion of the Committee or Board thereon, but for the purpose
of a more particular examination of the merits of the bill, as
the person presenting it had announced his determination to
resort to the Courts. He presented the resolution for the pur-
pose of avoiding the costs of litigation, if it could be avoided
by any action consistent with our duty as an Auditing Board.
Mr. Frear's resolution was adopted.
After considerable discussion, on motion of Mr. Stevens,
Mr. Fitch seconding, the further consideration of the bill was
postponed to Wednesday afternoon, Dec. 1st, at 2 o'clock.
There being no further business, the Committees resumed
At 12 o'clock the Committees rose and, on motion, Board
adjourned. •
Board poet pursuant to.adjournmellt.
Roll called ; all present.
The appointing of a Stenographer for County Court, and
Court of Sessions, being the first business under special or
ders, was .called up. On motion the matter was postponed till
Thursday, Dec. 2d, at 2 o'clock,. P. M.
Bills numbers 173 and 174 were called up, and action on
them, on motion, deferred till Wednesday, Dec. 1st, at 2 1.-2
o'clock, P. M.
There being no further business, the Committees retired
to their rooms.
At 5 o'clock the Committees rose.
Mr. George, from the Committee on improvements on the
County House premises, submitted a written Report from said
The Report being read, after some discussion of the sub-
ject embraced therein, on motion, the same was accepted. The
Report is as follows :
To the Board of Supervisors of the county of Tompkins : •
The undersigned, Committee appointed to ascertain wheth-
er running water can be obtained at the County Poor House,
and the probable cost of the same, would respectfully re-
port :
That upon investigation we find that running water can
be obtained, and that the cost would be as follows, viz: The
cost of 1500 feet of one -inch lead pipe would be $195.00. Dig-
ging,etc., $37.00. Box and Tank, $15.00. Right to use of' water
and damages on land, $25.00 Incidentals, $10.00. Making
the total cost of laying lead pipe $28.00. That the
cost for one -inch iron pipe for 1,500 feet would be $112.50.
Digging, Box, Tank and incidentals, etc., same as above,
$S7.00. Total cost for iron pipe would be $199.50.
Your Committee would further report, upon exami-
nation of the Hospital, that repairs are needed to make the in-
mates comfortable, and would recommend that the crevices in
the ceiling, on the sides, in three of the wards,. be. filled with
putty, and we would further recommend that the same be
lathed and plastered before another winter.
J. P. KING, } Com.
Mr. Fitch, from the Committee on Assessment Rolls, sub-
mitted the following Report therefrom :
To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County :
Your Committee appointed to examine the .Assessment
Rolls of- the different Towns, respectfully Report that - they
have examined said Rolls, and find them all to correspond in
form or substance to the requirements of the statute.
On motion, the Report was accepted.
On motion, Board adjourned.
Sourteentt? Day—Ibebnesbay, Dec. kst.
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
Roll called ; all present.
Mr. King offered the following :
Resolved.—That the vote accepting of the Reports of the Bonding Commis-
sioners of the several Towns, be reconsidered. Adopted.
Mr. King offered the following :
WIIEREAS, Several of the Reports of the Bonding Commissioners presented
to this Board are not in compliance with the statutes; therefore,
Resolved.—That the Clerk of this Board return the same for correction to the
persons presenting them. Adopted.
Mr. Stevens, from the Committee on Constables,' Clerk's
and Justices' Accounts, reported the following bills, which
were audited, seriatim, by the Board in accordance with the
recommendation of the Committee :
Bilis numbers 16, 117.
Mr. Harvey, from the Committee on Insurance, submitted
the following Report :
To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County :
Your Committee on Insurance would Report that the
County buildings were insured in the year 1879, for three
years ; and upon inquiry of the agents representing the com-
panies in which the buildings are insured, we find that the
same are solvent.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
J. P. KING, } Com.
• J. I . GEORGE.
On motion, the Report was accepted.
Mr. Horton, from the Committee on Sheriff's and Judge's
Accounts, reported the following bills, which were audited,
seriatim, by the Board in accordance with the recommenda-
tion of the Committee :
Bills numbers 103, 155, 5, 171.
No. 179, (Sheriff's claim for $100, being reward paid by
him for capture of Jack Burns,) was reported to the Board
without recommendation. After examination and discussion
in Committee of the Whole. the bill was audited at the amount
Mr. George, from the Committee on County Claims, re-
ported the following bills, which were audited, seriatim, by
the Board in accordance with the recommendation of the com-
mittee :
Bills numbers 102, 63, 32, 66, 177.
Mr. King offered the following:
Resolved.—Tbat for the year, commencing Dec. 1st, 1880, the Sheriff be in-
structed to furnish to the persons confined in the County Jail, wholesome food,
but of an inferior quality ; and that the compensation for the board and washing
of such persons be 40 cents per day. Adopted.
Mr. Horton presented the Report of the Sheriff, of moneys
as fines by him received, together with vouchers for transfer
by him of said moneys.
On motion, the Report was accepted and the vouchers or-
dered filed. (See Reports.)
There being no further business, the Committees retired
to their rooms.
At 12 o'clock the Committees rose and, on motion, Board
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
Roll called ; all present.
There being no business under general orders, Bill No. 71
under special orders was called up.
After discussion, on motion of Mr. King, the bill was dis-
allowed for the reason that the purchase of the water -works
fixtures therein charged for was unauthorized by the County.
Bills numbers 173 and 174 were called up.
After discussion, on motion, both bills were audited at the
amount claimed. •
Mr. George, from the Committee on County Claims, re-
ported bill number 86, and the same was audited by the Board
in accordance with the recommendation of the Committee.
Mr. Crocker presented the Report of the Railroad Bonds
Commissioners of the Town of Lansing..
On motion of Mr. King, the Report was received, and the
Clerk directed to return the same to the Bonds Commissioners
of the Town of Lansing for correction.
There being no further business, the Committees resumed
At 6 o'clock the Committees rose, and, on motion, the
Board adjourned.
Si f teentl) Day===T[lursbay, Dec. 2nb.
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
Roll called ; all present.
Minutes of Wednesday's proceedings read and approved.
Mr. George, from the Committee on County Claims, re-
ported the following bills, which were audited, seriatim, by
the Board in accordance with the recommendation of the Com-
mittee :
Bills numbers 166, 38. 44.
Bill No. 35 was referred to the Board without recommen-
dation. 0
After full examination. Bill No. 35 was audited at the
sum of Two Dollars and Fifty Cents ; all the remaining items
being disallowed on the ground that they were not authorized
by the County.
Mr. Stevens, from the Committee on Constables,' Clerk's
and Justices' Accounts, reported Bill No. 178, and the. same
was audited by the Board in accordance with the recommen-
dation of the Committee.
Mr. Crocker offered the following, which, on motion, was
adopted : •
Resolved.—That the Chairman appoint a Committee of three to take charge
of the work of obtaining running water.at the County Poor House, and of making
such repairs upon buildings as they may deem necessary for the best interests of
the County ; and• that said Committee be instructed to use iron pipe and to have
the labor in the laying of said pipe performed at such time as they may think
most economical to the County.
The Chair appointed Messrs. George, King and Stevens as
such Committee under the resolution.
The following, offered by Mr. Horton, was, on motion,
adopted :
Resolved.—That in accordance with Chapter 446, Title 4, Section 6. Laws of
1874, there be assessed and levied upon the taxable property of the following
Towns, and the County of Tompkins, ti<e sums set forth in the annexed schedule;
to reimburse the County for amounts of money paid the Willard Asylum, viz :
Rachael Jefferson. $ 33 80
34 18
34 18
42 25
Briggs Montgomery,
Less 10 per cent,
39 20
34 18
36 08
38 80 •
$144 41
148 26
292 67
29 26
268 41
Deficiency for 1879 and 1880, 41 56
To be raised by Town, 304 97
Van. R. Pierson, 37 20
44 43 28
64 34 68
41 36 95
Catheran Collins, 33 80
44 42 93
44 34 18
40 05
Hiram Crissy, 40 49
81 04
6. Harriet Crego, 44 57 44 57
P52 11
150 96
Toial ,
Less 10 per cent.,
428 63
42 86
385 82
Deficiency for 1879 and 1880, 169 87
Total to be raised by Town, 555 69
Jane Shaver, 33 80
44 46 41 08
34 18
33 80'
142 86
Less 10 per cent. 14 28
128 58
Deficiency for 1879 and 1880, 15 24
Total to be raised by Totwn 143 82
Frances Drake,
Charles W. Jacobs
57 95
45 70
64 78
4G 40
Less 10 per cent.,
103. 65
105 18
208 83
20 88
187 95
Deficiency for 1879 and 1880, 193 70
Total to be raised by Town, 381 65
Armenia Cook, 39 50
37 58 •
L. 44 36 58
44 36 45
C. B. Bower, 37 65,
46 93
42 18
38 85
Frank Carpenter, • 39 60
35 88
(4 40 43
14 39 90
150 11
165 61
155 81
Total, 471 53
Less 10 per cent.,. 4. 47 15
Deficiency for 1879 and 1880.
Total to be raised by Town,
Harriet Richardson,
40 90
35 33
33 80
424 38
69 35
493 73
148 36
Less 10 per cent., 14 83
1 133 53
Deficiency for 1879 and 1880 72 60
Total to be raised by Town, . 206 13
Benjamin F. Pratt, . 60 20
g. 41 , 35 45
95 65
. Thomas McKenna, 61 65
J. B. Kellogg,
. •
39 85
101 50
42 60
39 73
42 43
34 60
G. D. Pratt 34 40
44 44 34 53
•44 46 _ 34 18
14 3380
Self Supporting.
Wallace Wait, 47 05
40 13
44 78
44 37 00
Hannah Winn,
37 45
39 78
37 13
33 80
Total, 810 54
Less Self Supporting, 136 91
673 63
Less 10 per cent 67 36
606 27
• Deficiency for 1879 and 1880 180 89
Total to be raised by Town, • 787 16
Peter Pickett, 39 45
35 83
44 41 53
44 36 55
Sarah Niver,
33 80
34 18
34 18
33 80
159 36
136 91
168 96
148 16
• 153 36
135 96
Laura Saxton, 33 80
34 18
" 34 18
33 80
135 96
Joachin Atwater, 39 00 39 00
Margaret Raymond 33 80
" " 38 18
34 18
41 20
--- 147 36
William Major, 39 45
" " 39 73
38 08
38 20
Henry Merrill,
Charles Bradbury,
Self Supporting.
Wallace Holmes,
34 50
40 93
35 38
37 10
49 40
41 75
48 29
37 75
Jennie Dillion, 33 80
34 18
38 83
40 55
James Terrill, 38 75
" 44 43 98
34 18
39 45
Fanny G. Barber, 33 90 '
" LC 39 23
" 34 18
64 40 10
147 91
91 15
86 04
147 36
156 36
147 41
James Harrigan, 39 85 39 85
William Knapp,
Bridget Ready,
39 85
35 68
40 93
39 15
' 74 43
39 88
37 13
35 35
Mary McArthy,
68 15
38 58
41 15
Almanzo Prame, 74 82
la I< 37 63
LI 3 90
116 35
Credit $26.40 26 40
155 61
186 79
147 88
89 95
Helen Russell, 38 04 38 04
Total, 2,201 45
Less for Self Supporting Patient, 91 15
2,110 30
Less 10 per cent. 211 03
1,899 27
Deficiency for 1879 and 1880, 765 85
Total to be raised by Town 2,665 62
Benjamin VanDerpool, 37 40
36 38
Mary J. Sweezy,
39 13
• 36 90 .
149 81
33 80
34 18
41 43
33 80
143 21
Patience Starks, 34 15
'37 03
35 43
33 80
George Graham, . 37 05
35 23
39 03
35 00
Daniel Brown, 38 00
38 53
39 63
4 34 75
Sylvester Sears,
35 30
45 33
15 46
96 09
Credit, $16.46,... 16 46
140 41
146 31
150 91
79 63
John Randall, .... .. 12 25 12 25
Sarah Jewell, . 34 00
" 41 73
35 10
James Brennan 43 35
52 23
41 08
38 70
145 66
175 36
Thomas Northrup, 39 25
38 23
38 68'
34 65
Self Supporting 150 81
Joseph Williams,. 56 34
33 80
90 14
Luthera Johnson, 33 80 •
" 34 18
34 18.
33 80
1,520 46
Less Self Supporting, 150 81
1,369 65
Less 10 per cent., 136 96
1,232 69
Deficiency for 1879 and 1880, . 53.50
Total to be raised by County, 1,286 19
Mr. Frear offered the following :
Resolved.—That the Superintendent of the Poor be, and he is hereby author-
ized to employ a Chaplain for the County Poor House, at a salary not exceeding
Fifty Dollars, to be paid upon the order of the Superintendent on the County.
Treasurer ; and that the Superintendent be requested to Report the number of
times services have been held during the year. Adopted.
There being no further business, the Committees resumed
work. •
At 12 o'clock. the Committees rose a and, on motion, Board
Board met pursuant to adjournment ; Mr. • George, by re-
quest of Mr. Beers, who was absent, in the Chair.
Roll called ; all present except Mr. Beers.
The appointment of,a Court Stenographer, and the Report.
of the Committee on the advisability and feasibility of employ-
ing prisoners sentenced to the County Jail, were the first busi-
ness under special orders.
On motion of Mr. Stevens, the business of appointing a
Stenographer was deferred till 4 o'clock, on account of the ab-
sence of Mr. Beers.,
Mr. Horton notifying the Board that the Committee on
the employment of County Jail prisoners was not ready to
Report, on ,motion, the Committeewas granted an extension of
time, until 9 o' clock, Saturday morning, Dec. 4th.'
— - — -
There being no further business, the Committees resumed
At 4 o'clock the Committees rose, and the Board proceed-
ed to the business of appointing a Stenographer for County
Court and Court of Sessions, for one year from Dec. 1st, 1880.
On motion, the Board ordered an informal ballot for
such Stenographer.
The Chair appointed'as Tellers, Messrs. Elarvey and Hor-
ton. -
The first informal ballot resulted as follows :
Whole number of votes, 9; of which Miss Kate M. McGlew
received 7; T. Rose, 1; Blank, 1.
On motion a formal ballot was taken, with the following .
result :
Whole number of votes, 9; of which Miss Kate M.McG]ew
received 8; T. Rose, 1.
Miss Kate M. McGlew, having .received a majority of all
the -ballots cast, was declared duly appointed Stenographer
for the County Court and Court of Sessions for one year, from.
Dec. 1st, 1880.,
Mr. Fitch offered the following, which, on motion, was
adopted : .
Resolved.—That the Supervisor of the Town of Dryden be authorized to add
to the Town Audits of said Town, the bill of Horton Hunt tor $6.50. (See Town
Mr. Horton offered the following : -
Resolved.—That the compensation of the Stenographer of the County Court
and Court of Sessions, for the ensuing year, be fixed at $5.00 per day. The
Stenographer to furnish all stationery. Adopted.
There being no further business, the Committees retired.
At 6 o'clock the Committees rose and, on motion, Board
.Sigteentl? _ Day -,f ribay, Dec. 3b.
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
Roll called; all present except Messrs. George, Harvey
and Frear.
• Minutes of Thursday's proceedings read and approved.
The Railroad Bonds Commissioners' Reports of the Towns
of Groton, Ithaca and Newfield, were presented by the Super-
visors of those Towns, respectively, . and, being , properly veri-
were, on motion, accepted:.
There being no farther business, the Committees resumed
At half -past 11 o'clock the Committee on Alms - House
and Superintendent's Report rose.
Mr. Horton offered tlhe.following
WIIEREAS, Your Committee on Alms -House and Superintendent's Re-
port have carefully examined, the Report of said Superintendent, and there be-
ing some parts ot.such Report which your Committee are not able to fully under-
stand;. therefore,
Resolved.—That the said :Superintendent be immediately notified, either by
mail or by special messenger, in the; discretion of the Chairman of this Board, to
appear before your Committee, on Saturday, Dec. 4th, 1880, at 10 o'clock A. M.,
with all of his books: containingthe full financial accounts between the Superin-
tendent and the County, together with all bilis and vouchersin his possession.
The Chair announced his intention to notify the Superin=
tendent by special messenger. in order to expedite the busi-
ness, and the Clerk, under his direction, prepared a certified
copy of the foregoing resolution for delivery, by the said mes-
senger, to the Superintendent.
At 12 o'clock, the Committees having risen, the Board, on
motion, adjourned.
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
Roll called ; all present.
Mr. George, from the Committee on County Claims, re-
ported the following bills, which were audited, seriatim, by
the Board, in accordance with the recommendation of the
Committee :
Bills. numbers 90, 93, 162, 165.
Mr. King offered the following:
Resolved.—That the expense ofmaintaining the persons sent from tliis Coun-
ty to the charitable institutions of this State, be charged to the Towms from which
they are sent.
The resolution being seconded, on motion of Mr. George,
the further consideration of it was deferred till Monday, Dec.
6th, at 2 P. M.
The resolution respecting the changing of the time of hold-
ing Town Meetings was called up.
On motion of Mr. King, action on the resolution was
further postponed till Monday, Dec. 6th, at 3 P. M.
Mr. Horton, from the Committee on Sheriff's, and Judge's
Accounts, reported Bill No. 156, and the same was audited by
the Board in accordance with the recommendation of the Com-
There being no further business, the Committee on Equal-
ization was excused.
At half -past 5 o'clock, the. Committee rose and, on motion,
Board adjourned.
Serenteentll- IO===Saturbay, Dec. LktI?.
Board met pursuant to adjournment:
Roll called';'all present.. •
Minutes of Friday's proceedings read: and :approved.
The Report of the Committee on the employment of Coun
ty convicts being the first . business, Mr. Horton, from- said .
Committee, submitted a written. Report. therefrom:
The subject of the Report elicited considerable discussion, .
at the conclusion of ,which the Report was unanimously • ac-
• The Report is as follows
To the Board of Supervisors :
Your Committee appointed to inquire into the feasibility
of the employmentof certain convicts would respectfully Re-
port :
That .from the examination of records there appears to
have been confined in the County Jail during the past year,
fifty-seven persons, convicted of various crimes, upon senten-
ces ranging from five to sixty days ; that the average number
during the year has been about four. The cost of board dur-
ing the same time has been $3.50 per week each, making a to-
tal expenditure for board alone; of about $728.
There have been sentenced during the past year to the
Monroe County P.enitentiary and other houses of detention,
from the Village of Ithaca alone, thirty persons, upon senten-
ces ranging from three to six months. The cost of transporta-
tion is $15.00 each, and the cost of board $1.60 per week, mak-
ing a total expenditure for this class of prisoners, from Ithaca
alone, of about .$1,282. This would indicate an expenditure
for board and transportation of prisoners convicted of crimes .
less than a felony, of about $3,000.00 for the County.
Your Committee have been unable, from the limited time
permitted them,, to investigate thoroughly the practicability of
the employment for hire of such prisoners, but from statements
made by officials and other competent persons, are led to be-
lieve that they could be so employed during at least a part of
the year, as to in a measure, if . notwho113 , compensate for
their support.
Your Committee would, therefore, suggest the appoint-
ment of a Committee to continue until the next annual session
of the Board of Supervisors, and that such Committee be au-
thorized and empowered to make such arrangements and en-
ter into such contracts, as to them may be considered advis-
able and best ; and that in the event of the employment of such
prisoners, such Committee consider the advisability of retain-
ing all prisoners convicted of crimes less than a felony in the
County Jail, after the expiration of the contracts made with
the Monroe County Penitentiary and houses of detention.
Respectfully submitted.
A bill was presented, by the Clerk, from Reynolds & Lang
for work" and material done and furnished in June, 1880.
The hill had been overlooked by the book-keeper of the firm.
On motion. of Mr. Frear, the rule was suspended, and the
bill received and sent to, the appropriate C,ommittee, and after
examination the same was audited as No. 179. There being
no further business, the Committee on Equalization resumed
work. •
At 12 o'clock the Committee rose and, on motion; Board
adjourned. '
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
Roll called ; all present except Mr. Frear.
Mr. Horton offered the following :
Resolved.—That the County Treasurer be authorized to transfer the deficien-
cies of the several Towns in the Willard Asylum for 1879 to the Court expenses.
The following, offered •by Mr. Horton, was, on motion,
adopted :
. Resolved.—Tbat a Committee of three members of this Board be appointed,
who shall be authorized and empowered to make such arrangments anfl enter in-
to such contracts for the employment of prisoners sentenced to hard labor in the
County Jail, as such Committee may deem advisable and best.
The Chair designated the Supervisors, respectively, of Ith-
aca, Newfield and Groton, as a Committee under the resolu-
The following letter was read by the Chairman, and, on
motion, ordered spread on the minutes :
ITHACA, N. Y., Dec. 4th, 1880.
D. C. Bouton; Esq , Clerk, etc :
DEAR SIR :—Yours of the 8d, informing me of the action of the Board of
Supervisors in naming me as Stenographer of the Tompkins County Court and
Court of Sessions, is received.
In accepting the honor thus conferred, I fully appreciate the responsibility
which, under the direction of the Court, I may be called upon to assume, and can
only assure you that any failure in connection with such duties shall not be due to
lack of earnest effort on my part.
Very Respectfully,
The Report of the Railroad Bonds Commissioners of the
Town of Lansing was reported by the Supervisor of Lansing
as returned, without compliance on the part of the Commis-
sioners with the suggestion, made by the Clerk; under instruc-
tion of this Board, that at least one Commissioner shall make
affidavit thereto.
On motion of Mr. Horton, seconded by Mr. King, the Re-
port of the Railroad Bonds Commissioners of the Town of
Lansing was rejected on account of informality, the same not
complying with the statute in such case made and provided.
There being no further business, the Committee on Equal-
ization resumed work.
At 4 o'clock, the Committee on Equalization rose and, on
motion, Board adjourned to Monday, Dec. 6th, at 11 o'clock
A. M.
iigi?teentl? Day—Zttonbay, Dec. 6t1?.
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
Roll called; all present.
Minutes of Saturday's proceedings read and approved.
TheyReport of the Railroad Bonds Commissioners of the
Town of Enfield was presented by Mr. Harvey, and the verifi-
cation of the Commissioners read by the Chairman.
The Report being in conformity with law, the same, on
motion, was accepted. (See Reports.)
There being no further business, the Committee on Equali-
zation retired.
At 12 o'clock the Committee rose and, on motion, Board
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
Roll called ; all present.
The first business was declared by the Chair to be the reso-
lution .respecting the maintenance of patients from this County
now in the charitable institutions of the State. The Superin-
tendent of the Poor being present, by appointment with the
Committee on Superintendent's Report, the resolution was
deferred till Tuesday forenoon, at 10 o'clock, and the said
Committee was excused:
At 3 o'clock, the resolution changing the time of holding
Town Meetings in this County came up and, on motion, was
deferred till 10 1-2 o'clock A. M., Tuesday.
At half -past five the Committee on Superintendent's Re --
port rose.
Mr. King offered the following :
Resolved.—That the taxes returned by the County Treasureras, unpaid for
the year 1879, be reasessed upon the same property, with the addition of 8 per
cent., as provided for by Statute. Adopted..
On motion, Board adjourned.
2tineteentli Day—Euesbay, Dec. 7tlj.
Board met .pursuant to adjournment.
Roll called ; all- present.
Minutes of Monday's proceedings read and approved.
There being no business before the Board, the Committee
on Superintendent's Report was excused.
At 10 o'clock the Committee rose and submitted the fol-
lowing Report
To the Honorable, the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins
Your .Committee on . Poor House, and Superintendent's
Report, would respectfully submit for the conS,ideration of
the Board the following Report :
Amount due from ex -Superintendent Spaulding, as per his
report for 1879, and unaccounted for $ 43 00
Amount received by Superintendent for products of farm for
1880,.... i 248 30
Amount expended from same by Superintendent as per his Re-
port, 194 55
Balance in Superintendent's hands, 53 75
Amount of Drafts paid by County Treasurer, on orders issued by
Superintendent, prior to Nov. 15, 1879, ' 1272 25
Amount of drafts issued by Superintendent on County Treasurer
since Nov. 15, 1879, 4802 94
Amount of drafts paid by County Treasurer on orders issued by
Superintendent since Nov,. 15, 1879, 3907 13
Orders issued by Superintendent unpaid Nov. 15, 1878,..... . . 895 81
Balance in Treasurer's hands, 4 09
Deficiency for 1880,. 891 12
Estimate of County Superintendent, for the ensuing year,...... 5215 00
Amount of deficiency,. 891 12
Aggregate amount called for 6106 12
Amount to be collected from the several Towns in the County... 1714 36
Amount to be raised by resolution of Board of Supervisors for
deficiency 891 12
Amount to be raised by County for appropriation of Board of Su-
pervisor', 2300 00
Aggregate amount to be raised, 4905 48
To meet the deficiency now existing, and provide for the
poor expenses for the ensuing year, your Committee would
offer the following resolutions:
Resolved.—That the sum of Eight Hundred and Ninety -One Dollars and
Twelve Cents, (891..12) be levied and collected in Tompkins County to meet the
unpaid drafts drawn on County Treasurer. Also the sum of Twenty -Three Hund-
red Dollars, (2300,) for the support of the poor for the ensuing year.
Resolved.—That the sum expended by the Superintendent of the Poor tor the
support of the Poor in the several Towus of the County of Tompkins, he levied
and collected on said Towns according to the following statement, which shows
the amount due from the several Towns for the support of the Poor, in the Poor.
House, from Nov. 15, 1879, to Nov. 15, 1880:
From the Town of Caroline, $ 59 26
It Danby, 339 40
Dryden.,. 224 78
' ` Groton,. 102 95
44 Enfield, 7 46
Ithaca, •634 65
" it Lansing, 95 97
Newfield, 86 23
Ulysses, 163 69
Making an aggregate of 1714 36
Respectfully submitted.
On motion, the Reports were accepted. (See Reports.)
The next business. in order• was Mr. King's resolution re-
lating to the maintenance of persons sent to the charitable in-
stitutions of this State from. this County.
The ayes and noes being called on the resolution,_ resulted
as follows :
Ayes ; Beers, Harvey, Crocker, Horton, King.—&.
Noes ; Stevens, George, Fitch, Frear.=4.
The resolution was declared duly adopted.
The next business in order was the following resolution,
also by Mr. King :
Resolved.—That the time of holding the Annual Town Meetings in this Coun-
ty be changed from the first Tuesday in April, to the last Tuesday in February ;
said change not to take effect until February, 1882.
After considerable discussion, a viva voce vote was taken,
and the resolution declared duly adopted.
There being no further business, the Committee on Equal-
ization'resumed work.
At half -past eleven o'clock the Committee rose and report-
ed to the Board that they were unable to agree Mr. Fitch
presenting a majority Report, and the Report of the minority
being presented by. Mr. Harvey.
Both Reports having been read, were, in accordance with
the statute, laid over one day.
At half -past twelve, on motion, the Board adjourned.'
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
Roll called all present.
Doctors Winslow and Northup came_ before the Boardas
a Committee from the Tompkins County. Medical Society, to_
present the subject of collecting; and preserving the vital statis-
tics of the County, with special reference to the law passed by
the State Legislature of 1880, entitled "An Act to Establish a
State Board of .Health."
Mr. Horton offered the following -
Resolved.—That a Committee of: three members of this Board be appointed
to ascertain to what Towns the several persons from this County, now in the vari-
ous charitable institutions of this State,are properly chargeable. Adopted.
The Chair appointed Messrs. Harvey, Horton and Frear
a Committee under the resolution.
At.half-past five, on motion, the Board adjourned.
Ementietll Day—lvebnesbay, Dec. 8t11.
Board met pursuant•to adjournment.
Roll called all, present except Mr. Horton, excused.
On motion, Mr. Frear was authorized to add to the Town
Audits of the Town of Ithaca $100, in favor of T. W. Burns,
and the Clerk was directed to draw an order for that amount,
it being for deficiency in Barn's original bill, caused by cleri-
cal error of Town Auditors.
The forenoon session was mostly consumed by the mem-
bers incountersigning orders, making up budgets, etc.
At 12 o'clock, on motioh, Board adjourned... -
.Board met pursuant to adjournment.
Roll called ; all present.
The. Board having received an invitation to visit the Old
Ladies' Home, on motion, the invitation was accepted, and the
Board took a recess for that purpose.
At 4 o'clock the Board re -convened -at its rooms; all the
members being present.
• The Chairman of the Board was served with a Justice's
Court summons, at the instance and on the complaint of 'Doc-
tor Tarbell.
Mr. Fitch offered the following
Resolved.—That John E. Beers and Randolph Horton be, and are hereby au-
' thorized and empowered to employ counsel and attend to any and all litigation
which has been, or may be commenced against the Board of . Supervisors, or
against the County of Tompkins through said Board. Adopted.
. Mr. Horton presented the following:
To the Board of Supervisors :
• Your Committee appointed to ascertain to what Towns
the several persons from this County, 'now in the charitable
institutions of this State, were properly chargeable, and 'whose
'residences had not heretofore been ascertained, would respect .
fully report as follows
Frank Greenfield, Susquehanna Valley Home, Dryden.
William Greenfield, ".
Samuel Greenfield, 4i
John Brewster, Ithaca
Hattie VanHouter, "
Willie D. Lay, -- " Groton.
' Grant Robinson, Ulysses.
Irving VanDemark, Western New York Institute, Caroline. _
Louella Sawyer,
Susan E. Peck, Groton.
Kate Arnold. Central New York Institute, . County:
Eugene Burton, St. Joseph's Hospital, Dryden.
Harvey H. Thornton, New York State Institute, Danby.
William Halsey, New York State Lunatic Asylum, Ithaca.
B. Frank Pratt, Dryden.
Tbomas McKenna, "
Clark Cummings, l4 Groton.
Respectfully submitted.
On motion, the Report was accepted.
On motion, Board adjourned.
Cmentylirst Day===CI7ursbay, Dec. 9t17.
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
Roll called ; all present.
The Chair presented a communication from His Honor,
Judge Lyon, asking that the Board make provision for the
employment of a Surrogate's clerk.
Mr. King moved that the coinmunication be laid on the
tab] e.
Mr. Harvey seconding, the motion was put and carried
without a dissenting voice.
Mr. King offered the following :
WIIEREAS, The resolution passed Dec. 3d, in relation to the maintenance of
the persons supported in the several charitable institutions of this State, did not
fix the time when said act was to take effect ; therefore,
Resolved.—That all bills due Oct. 1st. 1880, for the. support of the persons in
the several charitable institutions of this State, that have heretofore been a County
charge, be paid by the County. Adopted.
Mr. Fitch, from the Special Committee on Estreated Bail -
Bonds, submitted the following :
To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County :
Your Committee appointed to examine into and Report
on the list of Estreated Lail -Bonds furnished by the District -
Attorney, would respectfully Report that they find that the
conditions of many of said Bonds have been in fact or sub-
stance complied with ; that some have been paid ; -and of the
remaining Bonds, such as are unpaid and collectible, we
would recommend the District. -Attorney to •take the steps that
may be necessary to prosecute and collect.
On motion, the Report was accepted, and the recommen-
dation of the Committee concurred in.
Mr. • Horton offered the following
-Reaoived.—That the School Commissioners of Tompkins County'be empow
ered to purchase a blank book for the use of their office, the cost of said book not
to exceed $7.50. Said book shall be kept in the County Clerk's office, and ;shall
. be open to the public. The said Commissioners are. hereby required to enter in.
said book, all the transactions and business pertaining to their office. Adopted.
Mr. Fitch' called up the majority Report of the Equaliza-
tion Committee, and moved it ---adoption.
Mr Frear seconded the motion.
The ayes and noes being -taken, resulted as follows :
Ayes; Stevens,. Fitch, Frear.—g.
Noes ; Beers, George, Harvey, Crocker, Horton, King. -6.
Thus the majority Report, which .is as follows, was re-
To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County. :
The Committee= on Equalization :respectfully- Report
That the assessed valuation of the several Towns as -reported
by the Assessors, for the year 1880, is as follows
No Acres.
Val uat ion.
:. •
• •
• •
548 920
We, the undersigned, a majority of the Committee of
Equalization, would respectfully Report the following to be the
Equalized Valuation: of the. Real Estate in the County of'
Tompkins, for the year 1880 :
Per Cent.
$ 46.235 ,
',••• ••••••• ••••
,•:••::••••••••••• •:• •••
36.760 .
'5, ,.
• 1154.210
Mr. Harvey called up the minority Reportof the Equali-
zation Committee, and movedits adoption.
Mr. King seconding, the ayes and noes were taken with
the following. result :
Ayes ; Harvey, Crocker, Horton, King. -4.
Noes ; Stevens, Beers, George, Fitch, Frear. -5.
So the minority Report was rejected. The minority Re-
port is as follows:
We, the undersigned, a minorityof the Committee on
Equalization,would respectfully Report the following to be the
Equalized Valuation of the Real Estate in the County of
Tompkins, for the year 1880.
TOWNS. Per Cent.
$ 443.152
$ 46.235
36 760
$ 489.387
457.479 •
10,071.637 1,426.013
Mr. George offered the following :
Resolved. -That the following be the Equalization of the Real Estate of the
several Towns in the County of Tompkins tor the year 1880 :
Danby,. ...... ... .
$ 46.235
$ 489.387
487.694 .
1,426.013 11,497.650
Mr. Frear moved the adoption of the resolution, which
was carried by the following vote :
Ayes ; Stevens, Beers, George, Fitch, Frear. -5.
Noes ; Harvey, •Crocker, Horton, King. -4.
On motion, Board adjourned.
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
Roll called ; all present.
Mr. Horton presented, and, on motion, the Board adopted,
by a unanimous vote, the following :
. 1880.
Regulation 1. The Town Clerk in each Town of. the County of Tompkins
shall receive Fifteen Cents for every complete record of .a. Birth, Marriage, or
Death, by him registered in accordance with the forms and rules of the State
Bureau of Registration of Vital Statistics. Physicians shall receive Twenty -Five.
Cents for every certificate of Birth, or Death, duly attested,' which they shall 'de --
liver to the Town Clerk of the Town in which such event occurred ; such certifi-
cate being correct and complete, and the first so returned to the said Town Clerk.
Ministers of the Gospel, Priests. Magistrates, and all persons' authorized by
law to perform the marriage ceremony, shall receive Twenty -Five Cents for every
certificate -of Marriage, duly attested, which ,they shall deliver to the Town .Clerk
of the Town in which such event occurred ; such certificate being correct and
complete, and the first so returned to the said Town Clerk.
'Regulation 2. In case of the neglect or failure of the persons mentioned in
the last Regulation to make and deliver the proper certificate within three days
after the event, any person who shall make and deliver to the Town Clerk of the
Town in which the event uccurred,a duly attested certificate thereof, shall receive
Twenty -Five Cents therefor.; provided that such certificate be correct and com_
plete, and the first so returned to the said Town Clerk.
Regulation 3. The • payment• of the fees mentioned iu. the two preceding
Regulations shall be a Town charge, and shall be audited and allowed by the-
heBoard of Town Auditors in the'same manner as other Town Accounts.
Regulation 4. The Clerk of the Board of Supervisors,together with one mem-
ber of the Board,to be appointed by the Chairman,are hereby authorized and direct-
ed to .prpcure, at the lowest estimate and cost, the three Registers requisite for the
several Towns of the County, also such blank forms as the laws require and the
State Board of Health has specified ; but said Registers and blank forms shall not
exceed the sum which t11e State Board has•ascertained to be the lowest price at
which the best work of the kindis offered; and they shall be of the precise form
prescribed by that Board. • Tlie cost and expense of such books and blanks shall
be a County charge.
Regulation 5. The Town Clerk of each Town shall receive from the person.
applying, Twenty -Five Cents for each duly attested transcript of. any Birth, Mar-
riage, or Death, on. record ;in his office.
Regulation 6. These Regulations shall take effect on the 1st day of January,
Mr. George; from the Committee on County Claims, re-
ported Supervisors' Bills Nos. 1811 182, 184, 186, 187, 188, and
the same were audited, seriatim, in accordance with the rec-
ommendation of the Committee.
Bills Nos. 180, 183, 185, (bills of members of the Commit-
tee,) were reported without recommendation, and the same
were "audited, seriatim, by the Board" at the amounts claimed.
On motion, Board adjourned.
Ewenty.Seconb Day—Sribay, Dec. kOth.
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
Roll. called ; all: present.
The Chairman calling Mr. Fitch to the Chair, asked to be
excused from attendance during the forenoon session". -
- The greater, part of the session -was devoted to -the busi
ness of making up the "County Budget, and apportioning 'the
same among the several Towns.
. The Chairman pro lem designated Mr..Beers as ,the.mem
ber to act with the Clerk. in. procuring books and blanks for •
the collecting and preserving of the vital statistics of.the Coun-
ty, in pursuance of Mr. lorton's resolution.
On motion,' Board adjourned.
Board -Met pursuant to adjournment.
Roll called all present,
Following is the County Budget, as presented and read
by Mr. Fitch, and approved and accepted by„the Board:
Resolved.—That the following be assessed and •levied on.the taxable property
of the County of Tompkins for the purposes herein set.forth.
The State Board of 'Equalization of Taxes having fixed the aggregate valua-
tion of property in the County of Tompkins, at' the aum•of $11;643,904.00, upon
whieh.amount a tax of $40;753 66-100, must be levied for the current fiscal year,
commencing October 1st, 1880, •for the following purposes, viz :
• For Schools; 1.085 mills, $12,633.635-1000
. For General Purposes, 1.475 ” • • • 17,174.758-1000
For New Capitol, .600 " 6;986.342-1000
.For Canals, . • • .340 " • • .3,958.927-1000
- Total, 3.500 ' ` $40,753 66
County Judge's Salary, 2,500 00
County Treasurer's Salary, 900 00
Clerk of Supervisors Salary, 150 00
Chaplain to Alms -House, Salary, 50 00
Court Expenses, 3,000 00
County Audits, 11,581 69
Central New York Institute for Deaf Mutes, 8 02
Clerk's Postage Account, 10 00
District Attorney's Salary, 600 00
Fuel and Gas Fund, 500 00
Janitor of Court House, 150 00
Monroe County Penitentiary, 473 81
Notes Payable,.. ... ... 5,200 00
Rochester Institute for Deat Mutes, 144 78
Susquehanna Valley Home, 378 84
School Commissioners' Salary, 400 00
Superintendent of the Poor, 2,300 00
" Deficiency, 89112
Surrogate's Office, Incidental Expenses,50 00
Treasurer's Postage and Stationery Account, 16 75
Willard Asylum, 5,262 40
" 4,029 71 1,232 69
" " Deficiency, 53 50
New York Institute tor the Blind 28 11
St. Joseph Hospital, 50 15
71,423 12
Resolved.—That the following sums be levied and collected upon the taxable
property of the several Towns of the County, for the purposes herein named.
State Tax, 1,793 16
County Tax, 1,349 45
Town Audits, 1,463 !:0
Highways 700 00
Highway Damages,. 114 00
Overseer of Poor, 300 00
Superintendent of Poor, 59 26
Willard Asylum . ....... ....... 133 53
" Deficiency 72 60
Western Institute for Deaf Mutes, 319 63
Returned Tax,7 88
6,312 46
State Tax, 2,200 70 .
County Tax, 1,656 15
Town Audits, 781 91
Highways, 250 00
Superintendent of the Poor 339 40
Willard Asylum, 263 41
" Deficiency, 41 56
Returned Tax, 82
5,533 95
State Tax, 5,664 75
County Tax, 4,263 05
Town Audits, 1,249 00
Highways, 1,280 00
Highway damages, 984 35
Referees' fees in Tyler Suit,. 100 00
Overseer of Poor, 450 00
Superintendent of Poor, 224 78
Willard Aeylum, 606 27
" Deficiency, 180 89
Returned Tax, 66 56
15,069 66
State Tax 1,711 65
County Tax,..... 1,288 10
Town Audits, 943 48
Highways 250 00
Superintendent of the Poor, 7 46
Interest on R. R. Bonds, Pa. and S. B.,.......... 1,750 00
Sinking Fund " " 700 00
Returned Tax,6 17
6,656 87
Mate Tax, 3,749 35
County Tax 2,821 59
Town Audits, • 886 37
Highways, . .. 250 00
Overseer of Poor, 350 00
Superintendent of Poor, 102 95
Willard Asylum, 128 58
44 " Deficiency, 15 24
Interest on R. R. Bonds, S. C. R. R., 1,044 75
Sinking Fund, " "
Western N. Y., Institute for Deaf Mutes,
Returned Tax,
150 00
267 37
10 09
9,776 29
State Tax, 13,314,22
County Tax, / 10,019 71
Town Audits, - 11,379 73
Highways, 250 00
Overseer of Poor, 5,500 00
Superintendent of Poor, ..... .................. . 634 65
Willard Asylum,. 1,899 77
" Deficiency, 765, 85
Interest on. R. R. Bonds, I & A 13,125 00
" G. & I., 7,000 00
Sinking Fund I..& A., 15,000 00.
G. & I., 2,500 00
Tax Receiver's Salary, 400 00
N. Y. State Lunatic Asylum, 250 00
Returned Tax,..:..............,... 442 13
State Tax,
County Tax,
.Town Audits,
Superintendent of Poor,
Willard Asylum,
" " Deficiency,
Returned Tax,
82,481 06
5,477 30:
. 4,121 97
4,467 62
95 97
.187 95
193 70
. 29 52
14,574 03
'State Tax, 2,155 86
1,622 41
Town Audits,.........:, 1,238.58
• 300.00
Superintendent of Poor, 86.23
424 38
69 35"
3;465 00
520 00
• -14 38
County Tax,
Willard Asylum,
" " ' Deficiency
Interest on R. R. Bonds,
Sinking Fund,
Returned Tax,
9,896 19
Sate Tax,. 4,686 67
County Tax, 3,526 98
Town Audits, 1,518 14
Highways, 750 00,
Overseer of Poor.. 400 99
Superintendent of the Poor; 163 69
Willard Asylum, 385 82
Deficiency, 169 87
Interest on R. R. Bonds 5,250 00
Sinking Fund .750 00
Returned Tax, 35 90
17,637 07
The following resolutions were unanimously adopted :
By Mr. Horton:
Resblved.That the sincere thanks of this Board be tendered to our Chair–
man, John E. Beers, for the able, courteous and impartial manner in which he
has presided throughout the present session.
By Mr. Stevens :
Resolved.—That the thanks of this Board are due and are hereby tendered to
D. C. Houton, for the gentlemanly and efficient manner in which he bas discharg-
ed the duties of Clerk of this Board.
There being no further business, the minutes of the day's "
proceedings were read and approved, when, on motion, Board
adjourned to Saturday, Dec. 18th, at'll o'clock, A. M.
Twentrtri)irb Day—Saturbay, Thc. k8t4
Board met at 11 'o'clock, pursuant to adjournment.
Roll called ; all the members present except Mr. Harvey.
Mr. George offered. the following:
Resoked.—That the Collectors of the several Towns in Tompkins County be
required by this Board .to settle with the County Treasurer on or before the 1st
day of March, 1881. Adopted.
The brief morning session as consumed in making out
warrants for the collectors.
At half -past 12 o'clock the Board, on motion, adjourned.
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
Roll called ; all present, except Mr. Harvey.
Mr. King offered the following :
Resolved.—Tbat the percentage on the State Tax which, by Statute, the
County Treasurer is allowed to retain for the use of the County, be by him credit-
ed to the Court Fund. Adopted.
The following, offered by Mr. Horton, was duly adopted :•
Resolved.—That whenever the appropriations for the Court Fund are ex-
hausted, the Supervisor of the Town 01 Ithaca be authorized to raise any defici-
ency therein, upon application of the County Treasurer, by note on the credit of
the County.
The following resolutions were duly adopted :
By Mr. Fitch :
Resolved.—That the County Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay-
apfrom the Court Fund, any deficiency that may occur in the Willard Asylum Fund
for the coming year.
By Mr. Horton :
Resolved.—That the resolution requiring the Committee on procuring run-
ning water at the County House to purchase iron pipe therefor, be so amended as
to allow the said Committee to purchase the kind of material that they may con-
sider most economical and best.
There being no further business, the minutes of the day's
proceedings were read and approved, when, on motion, the
Board adjourned without day.
I hereby certify that the following table comprises ab-
stracts of all bills against the County of Tompkins, presented
to the Board of Supervisors thereof at its Annual Session for
1830 ; showing both the true amounts as claimed, and as
finally audited by said Board, and the sum total of the
amounts audited.
No. Name. Nature of Services. Claim'd Aud't'd
1. H. W. Selover. Serving on Coroner's Jury, 1 00 1 00
2. W. F. Major, 444 00 4 00
3. Wm. McCollum, 1 00 1 00
4. John W. Dean, 441 00 1 00
5. A. K. Allen, .... ... 1 00 1 00
' 6. E. A. Curtis, 1 00 1 00
7. T. A. Edwards, 2 00 2 00
8: Elisha Field, 2 00 2 00
9. Eugene McNeil, " 2 00 2 00
10. M. P. Gale, „ 2 00 2 00
11. J. W. Sunderlin " 441 00 1 00
12. G. D. Goldsmith, " 441 00 1 00
13. Chas. K. Osmun, " 2 00 2 00
14. G. W. Miller, 2 00 2 00
15. John Miller, It2 00 2 00
16. Myron Halladay, 2 00 2 00
17. Geo. E. Monroe, " 441 00 1 00
18. Gamaliel Sperry, 1 00 1 00
19. John Spoor, 2 00 2 00
20. Sylvester Wright, 2 00 2 00
21. O. J. Hill, 1 00 1 00
22. Chas. A. .Bower, " 2 00 2 00
23. Nelson B. Brown, " 442 00 2 00
24. Hiram G. Moe, 2 00 2 00
25. A. J. Sweet, 1 00 1 00
26. L. S. Wortman, 6C4 00 400
27. Joseph Bower, " 2 00 2 00 •
28. Frank. H. Tarbell, " • " 2 00-. 2 00
29. O. P. Hyde, 4 00 4 00, '
30. B. Gould; 4 00 4 00
31. 'W., R. Wallace, " ' 4 00 .4 00
32. L. A. Burritt, •` • 16 00 6 00
33. W. F. Major, 2'00 2 00
34. D. F. VanVleet, " 4 00 .4 00
35. R. B. Genung, 2 00 • 2 00
36. R. A. Crozier, 4 00. 4 00
37. S. Hopkins, 2 00' 2 00 -
38: M. M. Baldwin, " 2 00 2 00
39. Eugene Barnes, " 4 00 4 00
40. Wm. Sullivan, bill tor Constable service of Ithaca Police, 374 80 374 70
41. Alexander Frear, Dotson work on County Clerk's Office, 4 00 4 00
42. N. Underwood, services as Constable, 3, 00 2 80
43. Gauntlets & Brooks, Glass, Putty, etc., Supervisors' Room,: 4 25 4 25
,44. J. J.. Palmer, work on County Clerk's Office, 34 61 •34 61
45. E. K. Johnson, supplies to Janitor and traveling expenses
in Bristol mortgage foreclosure, 4 75 4 75
46: Cornell. Library Ass'n, use Library Hall ex. Law Students,17 00 17,00
47. Ira Gardner, workand material on Jail, 73 91 73 91
48. D. L. Burtt, ex -Supervisor,..... 3 40 3 40
49. F. P. Rendulph, work and material on Jail,. 15 42 15 42
50. Dr. G. M. Beckwith, Physician to Jail, (assigned Gauntlett
& Brooks,) 90 00 90 00
51. J. F. Primrose, services as Constable, 6 00 6 00.
52. J. H. Staley, " " (assigned R. A. Crozier,) , 51 45 50 95
53. Albert VanAuken• " " 30 78 . 29 55
54. D. P. Hodson, services on. Coroner's Juries,..... 10 00 10, 00
55. Uriah Lynch, as Constable, 11 30 11 30
56. J. H. Tichenor,.. " on Coroner's Juries,. 8 00 8 00-
57. J. B. Dunham, 6 00 6 00
58. James Gardner, as Constable, 15 83 15 RI
59. M. B. Sneden, (assigned toW. Sullivan,) 64 05 64- 05
60: John Gallagher, • • • • • - • • - • • - - • • • • • 49 86 46 10
61. Theron Slocum, " .. • • 18 50 .18 50
62. Moses B.Sneden. " " (assigned toJ.L.Whiton,) 46 00 46 00
63. Henry L.Taber, " 44
• 3 15 2 75
64; J.E. Vandemark, " " 7'79 7 30
65. S. B. Legg, " 7 87 6 00
66. 'John A. Bailey, " tt 2 55 2 55
67. Anson Wait, " 44
4 80 1 80
68. J. H. Staley, services as constable, (assigned to Thomas
Reed,) 38 28 31 25.
69. R. R. Howell, (assigned to William
Carpenter, 19 65 19 25
70. D. J.Seaman, for conveying of Supervisors to Co. House,.. 7 00 7 00
71. Small &c Genung, Lumber for Fence near Court House,.... . 1 10 1 10
72. C.rpenter & Comings, Upholsterer's - Goods for Court •
House Chairs 10 45 985
73. James Burns, work on Railing round Court House,. 2 00 2 00
74. J. B. Taylor,.Urocer's supplies, 42 25 42 25
75. H. G. Cooper, ex -Supervisor, 4 28. 4 28
76. Spence Spencer, Stationery for County Offices, 30 53 30 53
77. C. C. Cook, holding post-mortem on Olney Ballou, 11 50 10 00
78. J. W. Brown, D. R. Halsey, 15 00 " 15 00.
79. Norton & Conklin, Printing in Boardman case, 14 70 14 70
80. J. Fleckinger, services in :cases of Lunacy, 10 00 . 10 00
81. W. O. G. Springer, services in cases of Lunacy, - 14 00 12 00
82. S. H. Peck, ", 15 00 15 00
83. R. L. Smith, 5 00_ 5 00
84. J. M. Farrington, 44
" 10 00 . -10 00
85. E. H. Kyle, on Coroner's Inquest,10 00 10 00
86. Darius Hall, in case of Lunacy, 5 00. 5 00
87. G. E. Orton, Inquest, 5 00 5 00
88. John A. Northup, Lunacy, 25 00 25 00
89. S. J. Parker. " Inquests,. 34 00 29 00
90. S. P. Sackett, 38. 00 35 00
91. Alex. Smith, Livery for Com. on repairs of County House, 4 00 4 00
92. Wm. H. Barr, services in case of Inquest, • 10 00 5 00
93. J V. Wilson, Painting Supervisor's Room and Jail, 49 67 -49 67
94. Finch & Apgar, supplies for County offices, 37.05 37 05
95. , F. A. Dudley, services case.of Lunacy, 5 00 .5 00
96. George Guinn, services whitewashing Jail, 3 00 .. 3.00
97. Wm. J. Smith, paid for wood for Jail,.................. 42 00 42 00
98. C. L. Smith, services as Justice, 38 45 38-45
99. C. M. Tarbell, Constable, 42 85 42 85
100. E. G. Phelps, ' ` ..... " 51- 75 51 75
101. Michael Norton, " Deputy Sheriff, 6.00 6 00
102. Dana Rhodes, Justice, 150 1 50
103. Chas. G. Day, 32 70 32 70
104.. Dana Bower, 3 70 3 70.
105: T. W. Burns, 31.50 31.50
106. J. J. Montgomery, services as Coroner,-... 10 89 10 89
107. J. J. Montgomery, services as coroner 25 75 21 25
108. John M. Farrington, `' 11 15 11 15
109. E. J. Morgan, Jr., 236 20 222 65
110. David M. Dean, District -Attorney, prosecut-
ing Estreated Bonds, and disbursements in opposing writs
of certiorari and habeas corpus, 156 60 156 60
111. Andrus &.Church, Blanks, Books of Record, and Stationery 25 55 25 55
112. 3 20 3 20
113. 44. " " 231 65 231 65
114. Gauntlett & Brooks, Lamps, Oil, Glass, etc., Co. Buildings, 28 04 28 04
115. C. J. Ramsey & Co., Hardware and labor on Co. Buildings,. 65 09 65 09
116. John Snaith, work on County Jail, 17 22 17 22
117. B. F. Minturn, " Supervisors' Room,11 10 11 10
118. H. G. Cooper, ex -Supervisor, .. 72 50 72 50
119 Bradt. rd Almy, legal services in Assessment Case, 60 00 60 00
120. O. H. Tarbell, services as Constable, 11 45 11. 45
121. T. J. Bruce, " 2 70 2 50
122. Newton Baldwin, 4 50 4 50
123. " 16 82 16 76
124. J. E. McElheny, on Coroner's Jury, 1 00 1 00
125. Newton Baldwin, " as Constable, 14 50 14 50
126. Robert Smiley, on Coroner's Jury, 1 00 1 00
127. Robert Alexander, ex -Supervisor, 5 24 5 24
128. W. P. Beers, Livery, 4 00 4 00
129. J. M. Jamieson, Plumbing and Fixtures in Co. Buildings,. 7 50 7 10
130. 83 50 83 50
131.. Straussman Bro's, Clothing bought by Sheriff,.... 17 00 17 00
132. Wm. H. Fitch, Supervisor, 10 63 10 63
133. J. T. Morrison, supplies for County House, 41 94 41 94
134. Doctor Tarbell, for waiter -works in bout of Co. Clerk's Office 31 78 u0 00
135. Hugh Black, for work on Supervisor' Room, 3 00 0 f`0
136. E, J. Morgan, Jr., medical services at Jail 1750 00 00
137. H. Lamkin, conveyance for Coroner's Jury •in Village,4 00 0 00
138. Mrs. Mary Kelly, paid for exhuming body of John Kelly, 2 75 0 00
139. Joseph C. Burritt, keys, locks, etc., for County Buildings 5 40 5 40
140. Treman, King & Co., supplies for County Offices, 72 09 72 0'9
141. C. M. Cooley, services as Janitor,... 18 25 18 25
142. C, M. Cooley, services as Janitor, 47 66 30 16
143. Alex. Smith, Livery, 2 50 2 50
144. R. S. McCorn, conveyance for Coroner's Jury, 5 00 ,5 00
145. L. V. B. Maurice, work and material, Supervisors' Room,
(assigned to Alex. Hart,) 28 43 28 43
146. Wm: J. Smith, supplies for Jail,. 31 60 31 60
147. Ithaca Police, services as Constables, 40 30 35 65
148. Weekly Ithacan, miscellaneous publishing bill, 63 75 2 50
( 149. Truman Spaulding, ex -Superintendent of Poor, 48 75 48 75
150. Elias Smith, Superintendent of Poor, 131 40 128 40
151. Milton M. Smith, B.illot-box. 1 50 1 50
152. Win. N. Noble, counsel in Boardman suit, 100 00 100 00
153. Ithaca Water Works, 82 00 76 00
154. P. G. Ellsworth, counsel fees '185 93 185 93
155. Elihu Hilderbrant, under -Sheriff, (assigned J. M. Heegie,)511 24 538.29
156. Henry Bool, window shades, Supervisors' rooms, 1 97 1 97
157. Doctor Tarbell, Election Returns messenger, 5 80 5 80
158. Alex. Smith, Livery,.... 2 50 2 50
159. Ashael Clapp, printing pamphlets proceedings of Board for
1879, (assigned to Andrus & Church,) 357. 70 357 70
160. C. C. VanKirk, services as Stenographer, 5 00 0 00
161.- Wm; J. Smith, reward for capture of .Jack Burns 100 00 100 00
162: " " Board and washing bill, prisoners, .. 1549 75 1549 75
163. N. Underwood, Deputy -Sheriff, 9 25 6 25
164. Win. J. Smith, service bill, 171 20 171 20
165. O. P. Hyde, ex -County Clerk, 247 20 239 14
166. S. B. Rolfe, County Clerk, 1098 08 1050 88
167. Wm. J. Smith, service bill, 402 06 402 06
168. Ithaca Democrat, Publishing Official Canvass,. 127 50 127 50
169. Ithaca Journal Association, Publishing Official Canvass,127 50 127 50
170. Ithaca Democrat, Printing Bill, ... 984.00 951 55
171. Ithaca Journal Association, Printirg Bill 1402 55 1319 55
172. Reynolds & Lang, supplies and labor, Jail, 14 50 14 50
173. Seth B. Harvey, services as Supervisor, 92 64 92 64
174. John E. Beers, 98 01 98 01
175. J. P. King, 106 19 106 19
176. Alexander Frear, tt 135 09 135 09
177 James H George, 106 63 106 63
178. Wm. H. Fitch, 104 67 104 67
179. Smith D. Stevens, It 102 64 102 64
180. R. Horton, " .... .... 93 44 93 44
181. D. Crocker, " 99 07 99 07
Total, $11,581 69
The following is a statement showing the amount of compensation audited by the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County,
to the members thereof, at Ds annual session of 1830 ; the items and nature of such compensation, as audited ; the number of days
the Board has been in session, and the distance traveled by the members, respectively, in attending the County canvass and meet-
ings (special and regular) of the Board within the past year. Published pursuant to the fourteenth section of the act passed Dec-
ember 14th, 1847 :
2 m
A A o
0, Mon
i mith D. Stevens
John E. Beer.,
James 12. George
Seth B. Harvey.
.Wm. H. Fitch
Alexnn'er Frear
David Crocker
Randolph Horton
J.Tarker King
Horace G. Cooper
Robert Alexander
David L. Burt,"... ........... ....
. Miscellaneous.
23 $78 . 0 $1 12
23 178 00 8 68
23 7800 2 56
23 78 0 256
2t 78 00 2 72
23 78 00, 61
2.3 75 00 2 56
22 75 01 2 56
23 78 00 3 81
2 $ 600 t2 24 012 88
1 300 104 12 29
1 3001281931
10 48
1 3 00 2 72 14 23
7 21 00 35 al
1 300 2 56 12 75
1 10 84
1 300 17 99
1 300, 128
1 800 2 24
1 3 00 0 40
$2 4'x$102 64 1., 0743
9+ 011.0082'2
2 48 106 63 01544
160 92 64 .0103
4 00 104 07 (0622
3. 135.9 0270
3 20 99 b7 011752
5 04 93 44 .00529
3 36 106 19 01417
5 24
3 40
I hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct statement of the number of days the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County
was in session during the past year ; the nature of its daties, and the time necessarily employed, and the distance necessarily trav
eled, by the individual members, respectively, in the discharge thereof.
I also certify that no accounts were audited by the said Board, for any member thereof, or for any other person, without being
verified according to the statute in such case made and provided.
Abstract of the names of all persons whopresented accounts to he audited
to the Board of Town. Auditors of. the Town of Caroline. on the 4th and 5th days
of November, A."D., 1880, with the amounts claimed by each and the amounts
finally, audited.
No. Name Nature of Services. Claim'd Aud'td
1..A. T. Lott, services as Surveyor; 4 00 4 00,
2. R. C. Clark, Excise Commissioner,. 3 00 .3 00
3. Jerome Lillibridge, inspector of Election, Dist. No. 2,.. .... . 4 00 ' 4 00
4. George Wolcott;, 'Dist., No. 2, and Messenger; 10'64 1064
5. Marcus Norton, . Dist. No. 1, and -Messenger, 10 33 1083
6. T. H. B. Martin, Clerk of Election, Dist., No. 1, - 4 00 4 00
7. N.' M. Toby, Jr., " • " 1, 4 00 4 00
8. Wm. Winchell, Inspector of " 1, ....,. 4 00 4.00,
9. C. L: Wattles, ". " 1,....... 400. 4 00
j 10. 'John J. Peters, Justice of the Peace,. .22 50 - _22'50
11. John W. Gass. 22 15 2215
12. C.:M. Mulks, Constable, (assigned to John W. Gass,).1 55 1 55.
13. Davis C. Krum, Clerk of Election, .Dist. No. 2 4 00 4 00
14., Henry: S. Krum, Commissioner of Highways, 57 00. 57 00
15. 14150 141-50 .
16. George C. Whitley, Overseer of the Poor,. 40 00 38 00
• 17. D. B. Torrey, 44 14 00 12 00
18, James E. Vandemark, Constable, .......,.... 7.65 765
19. Richard Lounsbery, Justice of the Peace, 9 70 ' 9 70
20. F. J. Boice, Inspector of Election, Dist, No. 2,
21. R. E. Brink, use of House for Election
22. Charles W. Parker, Constable,
23. Spencer B. Legg,
24. Cantine Lounsbery, Assessor
25. H. E. , Patch,
4 00 '4 00
1000 1000
510 510
9 43 9'43
33 75 33 75
2600 2600
26. John Cross, Justice of the Peace, 13 55 ' ,i5
27. S. D. Stevens. Supervisor, 62 63 ,2 63
28. R. E. Waldo, Commissioner of Berkshire, 40 04 40 04
29. John J. Freer, use of House for Elections, 20 00 20 00
30. Henry S. Krum, disbursements, Roads and Bridges, 1879, 331 83 331 83
31. 1879-80 347 05 347 05
32. A. A. Haskins, ex -Constable, 13 40 1315
33. C. P. Toby, Assessor, 28 95 28 95
34. B. M. Lawrence, Town Clerk, 77 00 77 00
35. John M. Smith,Special Comm'r, (assigned to H. S.Krum,).. 3 00 3 00
36. M. T. Denman " •.. 3 00 3 00
37. Theodore Brown, " 3 00 3 00
38. Mason Clark, Town Auditor, 6 00 6 00
39. Joel Evans, " 6 00 6 00
40. John Wolcott, ' • ' • 75 6 75
1417 25
Town of Caroline, ss :—We, the undersigned Board of Town Auditors of the
Town of Caroline, do hereby certify that the above Abstract is correct.
Dated at Caroline, Nov. 5th, 1880.
JOEL EVANS, Town Auditors.
41. Jason P. Merrill, Justice, 5 50 5 50
42. Edward Lounsberry, Excise Commissioner, 3 00 3 00
43. Uriah Lynch, Constable 37 25 37 25
44. George H. Nixson, Excise Commissioner. 3 00 3 00 t
48 75
1417 25
Town Audits,
Total 1463 00
The following is an Abstract of the Town Accounts claimed and as allowed by
the Board of Town Auditors of the Town of Danby, Tompkins County, N. Y.,
November 4th, 1880.
No. Name. Nature of Services. Claim'd Aud'td
1. J. Hawes, Pauper supplies,. 94 29 94 29
2. E. L. B. Curtis, excess of Dog Tax, 60 50
3. Sidney Foster, Inspector of Election, 4 00 4 00
4. Sheldin Bierce, Clerk of Election, 4 00 4 00
5: L. L. Beers, Surveying, 10.00 10 00
6. William Mandeville, excess of Dog Tax, • . 50 50
7. T. H. HoWell, Pauper supplies, 41 92 41-92. ''
8. H, S. Beardsley, Funeral expenses Pauper, 15 00 15 00
15.00 15 00
10. Wm. R.,Gunderman, Pauper supplies, 21 00 21'00
11. John E. Beers, Supervisor, . _24 96 24 96
12. Dr. Eli Beers, medical services, 13 75 13 75
13. E. T. Turner, Treasurer of the Ladies' Home 52 00 52 00
14. John D. Fish, Assessor, 21 40 21 40
15. A. J. Beers, 23 15 23 15
16. Jacob Wise, 19 00 19 00
17. Jones Ostrander. Pauper supplies, 7 95 7 95
.18. A. W. Knapp, Overseer of Poor, 45 87 45 87
19. W. H. Fisher, medical services, 12 00 00 00
20. Dr. M. A. Dumond, medical services, 6.25 . 6 25,
. 21. G. A. Todd,'Pauper supplies, ' 9 00 9 00
,22. Ira .Patchin, Pauper supplies, 400 • '.4 00
23. Ira PaiJhin, use of Hall for. Election, 3 00 3 00
24. John A. Williams, counsel fee, moo 12,00
25.' Charles Kennedy, expense of law suit 21 00 14 75
26. S. House, Pauper supplies,. 5 00 5 00
27. Jeremiah Thatcher, Justice of. the Peace ' 9 10 9.10
28. H. F. Hutchings; Inspector of Election and Messenger,.... 8 80 8 80
•29; J. P. Thatcher, Inspector of Election , 3 00 ' _ 300
30. T. J. Hutchings, Clerk of Election, 3.00 3 00
31. 1st. -A. Dumond, Inspector of Election, 3.00 3 00
1 32. F. Al. Todd, Clerk of Election, 3 00 t 3 00
33. Levi H. Hollister, Inspector of Election 4 00 4 00
34. Oscar Jennings, Commissioner of Highways, 41 00 41 00
35. B Jennings, Town Clerk, 52 5,5 52 55 ,
36. Aaron Bennett, Inspector of Election, 4 00 4 00
37. ,' filing Election returns 5 48 5 48
38. William Howland, Overseer of Poor,... 50 25
39. Charles Howland, Justice' of Peace, 15 05 15 05
40. Treason, fling & Co., Stove -pipe for Hall 7 70 7 70
41. G. F. Howland, Constable 1 15 1 15.
, ,'42. B. Jennings, Clerk of. Election, ' 4 00 4 00
43. J. W. .Voe, Justice of Peace, . ' 26 20 26 20
'44. ,Lemuel Jennings, Justice of Peace 15 50 15.50
, 45. Theron' Bierce, Constable 26 00 23 20
46. T. W. Slocum, " 40 03 .40.03
47. John Thomas, Auditor, 6 00 6,00
48. R. A. Grant, Auditor 6 00 6'00
49. J. W. Richards, ., 6 00 6 00
756, 30
Town of Danby, ss :—We, the undersigned Board of Town Auditors for the
Town of Danby, hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct Abstract of all bills
claimed and allowed by us:
Dated at Danby, Nova 5th, 1870.
JOHN W. RICHARDS,. Town Auditors:
ADDED, BY RESOLUTION OF"BOARD- O ' SUPERVISORS.. 50. E.C. Marsh, Deputy -Sheriff, 14 34 9 03
51. J. E. Beers, Supervisor,. 2 00. 2.00
62. Howard & Clement, 14 58 14 58
25 61
Town Audits,756 80
Total 781 91
At the . annual Town Meeting of. the Town of Dryden,
held at the Dryden Center House, on Tuesday, April 6th,
1880, the following resolution was duly passed :
Resolved.—That the sum of Eight Hundred and. Fifty Dollars ($850.00) be
levied and collected in said Town for the support of Roads and Bridges for the
ensuing year.
The following resolutions were duly pasted. by .the Board
of. Town Auditors of said Town, at their several meetings :
Resolved. —That the sum of Three Hundred and Eighty Dollars, ($380,00) be
levied and collected for the purpose of building a Bridge over Fall Creek, south
.of the residence of Richard Duryea.
Resolved.—That"the sum of Fifty Dollars. ($50.00) he raised for the- purpose
of raising the Varna Bridge. .
Resolved:—That the sum of Four Hundred and Fifty Dollars, ($450.00,) be,
levied and collected in said Town for the support of the Poor.
I hereby certify that the foregoing are true copies of. the
GEO. H. ,"HOUTZ, Town Clerk.
Abstract of the names of all persons who presented bills to the Board of
Town Auditors of the Town of Dryden, on the 4th day of November, 1880, with
the amounts claimed by each, and the amounts finally allowed.
No. Name. Nature of Services. Claim'd Aud'td
1. E. R. Gaston, Inspector of Election, -5 00 5 00
2. A. L. Tyler, " and Auditor, 12 64 12 64
3. J. V. Rose, Clerk of Election, 4 20 4 20
4. W. Marsh, 44 4 00 4.00
5. H. H. Houpt, Inspector of Election, 4 00 4 00
6. Isaac P. Ferguson, Clerk of " 4 10 4 10
7. J: T. Morris, Inspector of and Justice, 10 00 10 00
8. Geo. Snyder, " 5 00 5 GO
9. N. K. Foster, 9 00 9 GO
10. W. I. Baucus, 5 00 5 GO
11. Geo. E. Goodrich, Clerk 4 25 4 25
12: Marenus Crutts, 4 00 4 00
13. Bradford Snyder, 4 20 4 20
14. E. Fulkerson, Inspector of 5 00 4 SO
15. John L. Platt, " " 5 00 4 50
16. A. Baker, Clerk of 4 00 4 00
17. A. T. Niver, use of House for Election, 10 00 10 00
18. C. H. Howe, 10 00 10 00
19. Dryden Village, " 10 00 10 00
20. W. D. Ellis, 10 00 10 00
21. G. W. Gibson, " tor Town Meeting, etc., 30 00 30 00
22. James M. Brown, error in assessment, 2 87 2 87
23. J. T. Primrose, Constable, 17 50 17 50
24. Rochester Marsh, 19 50 19 50
25. H. H. Hemingway, Ballot boxes, 1 50 1 50
26. Isaac S. Briggs, Physician, 18 00 18 00
27. Bradford Snyder, Overseer of Poor, 18 00 18 00
28. J. W. Webster, Justice of the Peace, 53 20 53 20
29. A. W. George, Assessor, 42 00 42 00
30. A. Burlingame, " 54 75 54 75'
31. H. G. Fitts, 56 00 56 00
32. J. J. Ellis. Commissioner of Highways 25 00 25 00
33. Geo. L. Waters, Attorney,.. - ... .. 172 80 172 80
34. Goodrich & Goodwin, Attorneys, 19 00 19 Of.
35. George B. Davis, 7 00 7 00
36. Enos Snyder, Constable, 10 35 10 35
37. W. R. Givens, Commissioner of Highways, 163 00 163 00
88. H. F. Pierce, Ballot boxes„ 1 85 1 85
39. George H. Houtz, Town Clerk, 22 64 22 64
40. Aqa Fox, Inspector of Election, 9 72 9 72
41. George W. Lormor. Overseer of Poor, 21 25 19 25
42. J. C. Vanderhoof, 12 00 12 00
43. George B. Davis, Attorney, 15.00 15 00
44. Wm. E: Brown, Justice of the Peace, 5 00 5 00
95. " 240 240
46. J. H. Fox, Overseer of Poor, 33 50 33 50
47. J. B. George, Excise Commissioner, - 6 00 6 00
48. George E. Monroe, Justice of the Peace 17 90 17 90
49. James H. George, Supervisor 74 21 74 21
50. George E. Burchell, Justice of Peace ..... 15 85 15 85
51. James M. Carr, Inspector of Election, 4 25 4 25
52. Ira C. Shaver, Town Auditor, 3 00 3 00
53. J. J. Montgomery, Physician, .5 00 3 50
54. " ` ` 8 00 8 00
55. E. K. Allen, 44 13 50 13 50
56. " " 28 00 15 00
57: Wm. Fitch, it 14 25 11 00
58. 6t 44 41 6 50 6 50
59. H. F. Pierce, Undertaker, 43 00 43 00
60. J. P. Yates, services at Burial, 3 00' 2 00
61. G. M. Rockwell, Inspector of Election, 9 26 9 26
1,193 19
Town of Dryden, ss:—We, the undersigned, comprising the Board of Town
Auditors of the Town of Dryden, do hereby certify that we have this day audited
and allowed the preceding amounts given in the last column of this Abstract.
J. D. LAMONT, } Town Auditors.
V. J. A. Genung, Town Auditor, 9 00 9 00
63. J. D. Lamont, " 6 00 6 00
64. A. L. Smiley, " 6 00 6 00
65. Daniel Baker, Fees in laying out Highway, 9 25 9 25
66. Cyrus Tyler, 18 81 18 81
67. Horton Hunt, Excess of Tax, 6 75 6 75
55 81
Town Audits 1,193 19
Total 1,249 00
Abstract:of the names of all persons who presented accounts to be audited
by the Board of Town Auditors of the Town of Enfield, on the 4th day of Nov-
ember, 1880, with the amounts claimed by each, and the amounts audited and
allowed each, viz :
No. Name. Nature of Services. Claim'd Aud'td
1. S. B. Harvey, :Supervisor, 21 14 21 14
2. F. L. Knight, Inspec'r of Elec'n,'(ass'gd to S. B. Harvey,). 4 00 4 00
3. Lansing Lytle, Assessor, 29 00 29 00
4. Samuel H. Hicks, Inspector of Election,. 4 00 4 00
5. Samuel Rolfe, Justice of the Peace, 14 85 14 85
6. S. D.;Purdy, for services and disbursements, 5 00 5 00
7. J. M. Lanning, Justice of the Peace, 11 00 10 00
8. Edgar Brewer, Clerk of Election, 4 00 4 00
9. J. S. Miller, " 4 25 4 25
10. Wm. H. Jones, Inspector and return of Canvass, 9 64 9 64
11. I. H. Newman, Railroad Commissioner' 10 50 10 50
12. Wm: Miller, 4 4 10 50 10 50
13. Edgar Brewer, " . ' " 11 50 11 50
14. John Darraugh, Excise Commissioner,. 3 00 3 00
15. John M. Baker, Overseer of Poor, 12 85 12 85
16. John J. Able, Assessor, ... 27 75 27 75
17. Oscar Rolfe, Excise Commissioner, 3 00 3 00
18. Eben Rolfe, ex -Com. of Highways for 1879, 19 50 19 50
19. Michael Norton, Constable, 12 50 12 59
20. Moses L. Harvey, use of house for Town purposes, 40 00 40 00
21. Munson Potter, Excise Commissioner, 3 00 3 00
22. Talman Corbin, Town Auditor, 3 00 3 00
23. Charles Wright, Town Clerk, ' 29 80 28 80
24. James Harvey, Executor of the estate of Ledra P. Sexton,
late Overseer of Poor, 3 75 3 7.•
25. Wm. G. Gifford,A ssessor, 21 00 21 00
26. Wm. F. Smith, Justice of the Peace, 16 55 15 55
27. L. F. Palmer, defence in Highway suit 22 25 22 25
28. L. H. VanKirk, ex -Supervisor, 25 10 25 10
29. F. M. Finch, Attorney's fee, 25 00 15 00
30. Burr Oltz, Com. of Highways, services, 44 00 44 00
31. ' ` disbursements, 440 05 440 05
32. P. G. Ellsworth, Counsel fee. 26 50 17 00
33. J. L. Baker, Counsel fee,... 07 00 15 00
34. Horace Russel, ex -Town Clerk 11 00 11 00
35: A. J. Purdy, Town Auditor, 6 00 6 00
36. H. Lanning, 6 00 6 00
37. A. S. Noble, " 6 00 6.00
38. Charles Wright, Town Clerk,.... ....... 4 00 4 00
943 48
We, the undersigned, Board of Town Auditors for the Town of Enfield,
hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct Abstract of all bills claimed and al-
lowed by us,
Dated, Nov. 5th, 1880.
} Town Auditors.
GROTON, N. Y., Nov. 4th, 1880.
The Board of Town Auditors met at the office of H. S. Hopkins, pursuant
to law, and the following bills were presented and passed upon and allowed as
follows :
No. Name. Nature of Services. ' Claim'd Aud'td
1. D. V. Linderman,. Inspector of Election, 4 00 4 00
2. C. R. Williams, " 4 00 4 00
3. R. Lanning. Clerk of 4 00 4 00
4. Thomas Morgan, supper: for Jury 1 50 1 50
5. D. Andrews, Justice of Peace, 9 25 9 25
6. G. A. Wilson, Town Auditor, 3 00 3 00
7. D. Andrekvs, coffin for Mrs. Eli Webster, 15 0r 15 00
8. D A.ndrews, Town Meeting, 4 0 4 00.
9. Wm. Webster, use of hall for Election, 8 00 8 00
10. Eugene McNeil, services as Overseer of Poor, 10 50 10 50
11. W. W. Hare, counsel fee, 17 00 17 00
12. E. R. Nye, use of hall for Election ' 25 00 25 00
13. John H. Staley, Constable,..... ...... 4 85 485
14. C. Luther, services as Assessor, 44 00 44 00
15. N. Underwood, services as Constable, 9 00 9 00
16. Dr. J. S. Gibbs, f Physician 16 00 16 00
17. V. B. Gross, Inspector of Election 10 12 10 12
18. Wm. H. Fitch, CC Supervisor, 34 72 34 72
19. L. H. Buckley, Inspector of Election,. 6 00 5 00
20. A. B. Rogers, use of House tor Election, 8 00 8 00
21. Dana Metzgar, Inspector of Election, 10 20 10 20
22. David Lowe, ' ` 400 4 00
23. M. D. Fitch, Clerk of Election, 4 00 4 00
24. R. T. Ludlow, " 4 00 4 00
25. T. T. Barrows, " • 4 00 4 00
26. Marvin Youngs, Inspector of Election, 6 00 5 00
27. Dr. M. D. Goodyear, services as Physician, 28 00 28 00
28. John I. Booth, for Ballot boxes, 3 00 3 00
29. Wm. H. Burnham, Clerk of Assessors, 6 00 6 00
30. " Clerk of Election and Messenger, 10 36 10 36
31. Dr. M. D, Goodyear, services as Physician, 3 50 3 50
32. Wm. B. Burnham, Town,Auditor 3 00 3 00
33. M. B. Backus, goods for Poor, 4 50 4 50
34. John I. Booth, coffin and attendance 40 00 40 00
35. J. C. Hatch, Assessor, 38 00 38 00
36. T. Metzgar, " 36 00 36 00
37. W. W. White, Com. of Highways 47 50 47 50
38. John B. Hart, R. R. Commissioner, 3 00 3 00
39. W. W. White, Com. of Highways, 250 00 250 00
40. Journal printing company,. 29 95 29 95
41. Jenks & Field Bro's, merchandise for Poor, 6 50 6 50
42. C. W. Conger & Co., 2324 23 24
43. Dr. S. N. Jones, services, 3 00 3 00
44. " 2 00 . 2 00
45. 6 25 6 25
46. 200 200
, 47. Dr. J. S. Gibbs, " a 14 20 1420
48. H. S. Hopkins, Town Clerk,......... ..... . 28 90 28 90
49. Lockwood Corning, Town Auditor,. 3.00 3 00
50. John McKeller, " 3 00 3 00
51. C. W. Barney, 3 00 3 00
52. " Clerk of Election, 4 00 4 00
53. Wm. B. Johnson, " " • 4 00 4 00
54. Dana Rhodes, Justice of the Peace, 8 33 8 33
882 37
We, the undersigned, Board of Town Auditors of the Town of Groton, do
hereby certify that the foregoing bills were audited by us on the 4th day of Nov-
ember, 1880.
L. CORNING, Town Auditors.
55, Wm. E. Mount, Mem. Board Town Meeting. April, 18804 00 4 00
Town Audits 882 37
Total 886 87
Abstract of accounts audited by the Board of Audit of the Town of Ithaca,
November 4th, 5th, 6th, 8th and 9th, 1880.
No. Name. Nature of Services. Claim'd Audt'd
1. C. F. Blood, rent Town Clerk's Office Aug. '80 toAug. 1,. 60 00 60 00
2. J. W. Brown. Doctor Town Poor, to Nov. 4, '80 2 00 125 00
3. E. J. Morgan, " " . 93 75 93 75
4. A. Bishop, 31 00 31 00
5. Geo. M. Beckwith, Health Officer, to May 1, '80, 50 00 50 00
6. E.E.Robinson, Reg'r Dist. No.1, Sept.27, 28, 29 and Oct. 2612 00 12 00
7. Copying Register, , 2 00 2 00
8. " Inspector Dist. No. 1, Nov. 2, '80 4 00 4 00
9. J. A. Tompkins, Reg'r Dist. No. 1, Sept. 27, 28, 29, Oct. 26. 12 00 12 00
10. Inspector Dist. No. 1, Nov. 2, 4 00 4 00
11. ' ` " ` April 6, '80, 4 00 4 00
12. A. W. Goldsmid, Reg'r Dist. No. 1. Sept. 27, 28, 29, Oct.268 00 8 00
13. ' • Oct. 27, 4 00 4 00
14. " Copying Register, 3 00 3 00
15. " Inspector Dist. No. 1, Nov. 2, '80, 4 00 4 00
16. Geo. Landon, Reg'r Dist. No. 1, Sept. 28, 29, (assigned J
M. Heggie,) 8 00 8 00
17. Geo. Landon, Oct. 26, '80, 6 00 6 00
18. 44Clerk of Polls, Dist. No. 1, Nov. 2, '80, 4 00 4 00
19. C. S. Seaman, " April 0,. 4 00 4 00
20. IL Reg'r Dist. No. 1, Sept. and Nov. '80, 8 00 8 00
21. H. M. Race, Inspec'r and watcher, Dist. No. 1, '80, 4 00 4 00
22. W. F. Major, Reg'r Dist. No. 2, Sept. 28, 29, 30, Oct. 1,8 00 8 00
23. atOct. 26, 27, 28, 6 00 6 00
24. Clerk Nov. 2, '80, 4 00 4 00
25. Ed. Tichenor, " " April 6, '80 4 00 4 00
26. C. J. Sanford, Inspec'r 4 00 4 00
27. W. F. Major, Poll clerk, " 3, 4 00 400
28. F. T, Johnson, Reg'r Dist. No. 2, Sept. 28, 29, 30, Oct. 1, 8 00 8 00
29. 64
" Oct. 26, 27, 28 6 00 6 00
30. " Poll clerk,Dist. No. 2, Nov. 2, '80, 4 00 4 00
31. H. K, Jones, Reg'r Dist. No. 2, :Sept. 28, 29, 30, Oct. 1,8 00 8 00
32. " " Oct. 26, 27, 28, 6 00 6 00
33. Inspec'r Nov. 2, '80, 4 00 4 00
34. O. P. Hyde, Reg'r Dist. No. 2, Sept. 28, 29, 30, Oct. 1 8 00 8 00
35. 64
" Oct. 26, 27, 28, 6 00 6 00
36. Clerk of Polls, Dist. No. 2, Nov. 2, '80,... .. 4 00 4 00
37. W. F. McClune, " " " April 6, '80 4 00 4 00
38. D. P. Hodson, Inspector, td It
°` 4 00 400
39. W. S. Crittenden, Reg'r Dist. No. 3. Sept. 28, 29, 30, Oct. 1, . 8 00 8 00.
40. ' " " Oct. Oct. 26, 27, 28, '80, .... 6 00 6 00
41. Poll Clerk, Dist. 3, Nov. 2, '80, 4 00 4 00
42. C. D. Johnson, Reg'r Dist. No. 2, Sept. 28, 29, 30, Oct. 1, . 8 00 8 00
43. " Oct. 26, 27, 28, '80,..... 6 00 6 00
44. " Inspec'r, Nov.2, 80,. 4 00 4 00
45. J B. Dunham, Inspector Dist. No. 2, April 6, '80, 4 00 4 00
46. " Reg'r Dist. No. 2, Sept. 28, 29, 30, Oct. 1, .. 8 00 8 00
47 " Oct. 26, 27, 28.'80, 6 00 6 00
48. " Inspector Dist. No. 2, Nov. 2. '80, 4 00 4 00
49. J. S. Gay, Reg'r Dist. No. 8, Sept. 28, 29, 30, Oct. 1, '80,8 00 . 8 00
50. `` Oct. 26. 27, 28, '80, 6 00 6 00
51, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 3, Nov. 2, '80 4 00 4 00
52. H. Willets, Reg'r Dist. No. 3, Sept. 28, 29, 30, -Oct. 1,'80,8 00 8 00
53 " " Oct. 26, 27, 28,'80,...:.. 6 00 6 00
54. " Inspector Dist. No. 3, Nov. 2, '80, 4 00 4 00
55. Louis S. Neill, Reg'r Dist. No. 3, Sept. 28, 29, 30, Oct. 1,8 00 8 00
56. " " Oct. 26, 27,.:... 4 00 4 00
57. " . Inspector Dist. No. 3, Nov. 2, '80, 4 00 4 00
58. I. C. Andrews, • " April 6, '80, 4 00 .. 4'00
59. C. H. Wilson, Reg'r Dist. No. 3, Sept. 28, 29, 30,:Oct. 1,.... 8 00 8'00
60. " Oct: 26, 27, 28, '80,. 6 00 .6 00
61. Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 3, Nov. 2, '80,......... 4 00 4 00
62. C. H. Hillick, Reg'r, Dist.• No. 3, Sept. 28, 29, 30, Oct. 1,... 8 00 8 00
63. " " " Oct. 26, 27, 28; ''80, 6 00 6 00
64. ' " ' ' Inspector Dist, No. 3, Nov. 2, '80, 4 00 4 00
65, Finch & Apgar, bill Stationery, etc:, 59 34 59 34
66. H. J: Grant, use of store, Election Dist. No. 2, 60 00 40 00
67. Weekly Ithacan, bill, Advertising, ' 16 00 12 00
68. R. H. Martin, bill, Lock and Keys ' 3 40 . 3 40
69. Treman, King & Co., bill supplies, 2d Dist., 5.27 3 00.
70.L. J. Sanford, Horse and wagon, notifying Supervisors,'1 50 , 1 50
71. Hyatt & Oltz, making 9,Ballot boxes,. 17 45 .15 17
.72.. Phelps & Thomas, use of House, 3d Dist. Election, 40 00 -40.00
73. E. G. Phelps, Constable, serving summons, Feb. 17, '80,1 40 1 40
74... W. F. Major. error in Assessment Roll of '78, 10.40 10 40
75. G. W. Apgar, to 4 days' services as Auditor, 12 00 . 12 00
76. A. B. Wood, services, surveying Slaughter House, 3 00 3 00
77. Fred Hutchings, bringing corpse to Police Station, 3 00 ; 2 00
78. John Northrup, supplies for Overseer of Poor, 4 65 4 65
79. J. B. Cain, hill, Coal, 1880, ;assigned J. H. Sclkreg,) 101 87 78 60
80. O. H. Gregory, Excise Com: April '80, 15 00 15 00
• 81. S. H. Willetts, for year '80, ........... • ...... 36 00 36 00
82. Linford Mood, Excise Commissioner • 36 00 36 00
83. John Lewis, 4 days' services as Auditor, 12 00 12 00
84. D. J. Seaman & Son, Livery bill, 7 00 6 00
85. J. M. Heggie, Jr., Inspec'r Dist. No. 3, April 6, '80, 4 00 4 00
86. Andrus & Church, bill, supplies, 10 82 10 82
87. T. Carty, use of House Election, Dist. No. 1, April 6, '80, 10 00 10 00
88. E. M. Clark, Clerk Dist. No. 1, Oct. 26,'80, 4 00 400
89. Copying Register 2 00 2 00
90. Clerk Dist. No. 1, Nov. 2, '80, 4 00 4 00
91. Ziba H. Potter, services Health Board, 10 00 10 00
92. Samuel B. Beers, services 125 days as Assessor,...... 250 00 250 00
93. Royal Thompson, 47 " 94 00 . 92 00
94. Myron A. Sexton, 46 " 92 00 92 00
95. John Winslow, Health Board ......... .... 10 00 10 00
96. E. R. Barney, 10 00 10 00
97. D. L. Burtt, ex -Supervisor, services Dec. 8, '78, to May 4,'79. 113 61 113 61
98. Alex. Frear, " April to Nov. 8, '80,72 78 72 78
99. P. G. Ellsworth, services Town counsel, June to Aug. '80, 35 00 35 00
100. L. F. Noxon, Desk, contracted by Supervisor, 1200 12 00
101. J. L. Baker, service bill, Muivahill, 10 00 00 00
102. Niles Cook, burying Horse, 2 00 2 00
103. Spence Spencer, supply bill, 3 30 3 30
104. A. B. Stamp, use of House, Election, Dist. No. 3, April 6,20 00 20 00
105. boarding prisoners at Station, 34 25 34 25
106. John Hook, Excise Com. 12 days' services, 2100 21 00
107. John M. Jamieson, supplies 2d Dist., 2 38 1 75
108. Ithaca Gas Co., Gas hill, 1 65 1 65
109. M. W. Quick, use of Store 1st Dist., for Elections, 40 00 40 00
110. Frank Thorpe, Constable, Dec. 19, '79, 95 95
111. Sylvanus Brown, Stenographer Board of Health, '80,... 7 50 5 00
112. R. B. Genung, refunded Dog Tax, '79, 60 00
113. Ithaca Democrat, Printing and Advertising, 99 85 99 85
114. Ithaca Journal Ass'n, ``138 32 138 32
115. E. G. Phelps, Constable, 19 60 15 85
116. E. R. Barney, examination Pat McCarty, 5 00 0 00
117. C. W. Major, Town Clerk, Nov. '79 to April '80, 63 13 63 13
118. J. 11. Horton, 500 lbs. of Coal and carting, 2d Dist 1 55 1 55
119. M. B. Sneden. Constable, (assigned J. M. Heggie,) 12 65 12 65
120. R. R. Howell, " (assigned Wm. Carpenter,)...'. 18 20 16 45
121. C. H. White, rent of house Mrs. Geo. Auchmoody,.. 12 00 00 00
122. Wm. J. Totten, 17 days on Assessment Roll, 34 00 32 00
123. " Justice of the Peace,. 27 30 27 30
124. IC 44
" (assigned Miss E.Clark) 10 50 10 50
125. C. J. Sanforfl, Town Clerk, 144 56 144 56
126. Wm. Sullivan, Chief Police, bill to Nov. 2, '80. 707 20 707 20
127. St. Patrick Orphan Asylum, support one child, 30 57 00 00
128. James Gardner, Constable, 6 30 5 40
129. F. W. Morse, (assigned Robert Reed) 20 30 19 30
130. J. B. Bennett, (assigned L. J. Sanford,) 5 00 5 00
131. " 265 265
132. Howard & Clement, Chair and Tables, 1st and 2d Dist.,.... 6 25 5 00
133. Bradford Almy, Justice of the Peace, 21 58 21 58
134. service bill, 40 00 40 00
135. Alex. Frear, Supervisor, 6 00 6 00
136..E. Hildebrant, Under Sheriff, .... 93 20 93 20
137. J. H. Hymes, carting Ballot Boxes, 1 00 1 00
138. G. T. Garrett, Inspector Dist. No. 1, 4 00 4 00
139. John Gallagher, Constable, 14 49 14 24
140. E. G. Phelps, 3 60 3 60
141. Chas. G. Day, Justice bill, 213 50 213 50
142. 56 45 56 45
143. service. bill, 40 00 40 00
144. T. W. Burns, Justice bill, 223 66 223 66
145. service bill, (assigned R. A. Crozier,) 24 00 24 00
146. Clarence L. Smith, Justice bill,. 315 05 315 65
147. John H. Staley, Constable, (assigned R. A. Crozier,) 62 35 58 35
148. " ( " Thomas Reed,) 18 15 16 15
149. 51 02 50 02
150. M. C. Jones, ex -Overseer of Poor, 160 85 136 85.
151. it service bill, 16 00 16 00
152. Joseph H. Wilson, excess of Tax, 13 92 13 92
153. St. Joseph Asylum, for supportof child, 71 42 00 00
154. John A. Williams, excess of Tax in '78, 51 90 00 00
155. H. J. Wilson, Overseer of Poor, disbursements,....3703 90
156. service bill to March 1, 177 days,.. 354 00
4057 90
Less cash received from Supervisors, 400 00
3657 90 3657 90
158. J. L. Whiton, Sec'y Com'rs Town of Ithaca, disbursements,. 2 50 2 50
159. 44 services as Com'r, 20 days, 40 00 40 00
160. L. Treman, " as Com'r 3 ` 6 00 6 00
161. Edward Hun4erford, 4 day's services as Auditor, 12 00 12 00
162. A. B. Davis, 3 " " 9 00 9 00
163. Wm. O. Newman, 3 " 44
" 9 00 9 00
164. C. J. Sanford, _ 8 " Town Cleric, 16 00 16 00
165. Wm. McKinney, 3 " " Auditor, ..... 9 00 9 OU
166. Wm. McKinney, Note for Iron Bridge, Oct. 15 '80, to Jarr
15,'81 512 46 512 46
167. " Interest '81„ 7 29 7 29
168. W. P. Beers, Hack and Livery bill, 8 00 8 00
169. L. F. Colegrove, Commissioner ot Highways
124 days' services, self, at $2.00 • $ 248 00.
124 " " Ilorse and wagon, 100 00.
Balance from bill of 1879, .... 10 30.
To money from Town,. 1139 25.
" error in account, ' 11 95.
amount of certificate to be drawn by Super-
visor and carried to next year's levy, on
account of error of Town Clerk in not
extending same, 315 54.
1466 74.
• By amount expended on account of Highways,1412 81.
Balance in bands of Commissioner, 53 93.
358 30
9.244 65
We, the Town Auditors of the Town of Ithaca, whose names are hereto ap-
pended, hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct list and a true statement of
all accounts, examined and audited or rejected, at the meeting of said Board held
. in the Town Clerk's Office in said Town of Ithaca, Nov. 4th, 5th, Oth, 8th and 9th,
Dated, Ithaca, Dec. 1st, 1880.
Sworn to before me, this 2d day of December, 1880.
DEWITT C. BOUTON, Notary Public
Town Auditors.
170. M. C. Jones, bal, Nov. 1, to April 1, '80 as Overseer of Poor,
(assigned Tompkins Co. Bank,) .... ' 1953 98 1953 98
171. T. W. Burns,services Town Board, (assig'd J. TMorrison). 20 00 20 00
172. John Vant, Jr., services as Pull Clerk, 2 days,. 4 00 4 00
173. C. A. Bush, use ot House for Town Meeting, 15 00 15 00
174. Norton & Conklin, circulars for Board of Health, 3 00 3 00
175. Wm. McKinney, 5 days' services with Town Board, 10 00 10 00
176. A. B. Davis, " 10 00 10 00
177. Wm. O. Newman, " 44
10 00 10 00
178. D. B. Norton, Constable, Peace -warrant proceedings, 7 10 7 10
179. Alex. Frear, one day with State Assessors, 2 00 • 2 00
180. T. W. Burns, deficiency, by error of Town Auditors 100 00 100 00
2 135 08
Town Audits, 9 244 65
Total, 11 379 73
-, LUDLOwvILLE, Nov. 4th, 1880.
We, the undersigned, Members of the Town Auditing Board of the Town of
Lansing, in the County of Tompkins, State of New York, do hereby certify that
the following statements of accounts Audited by them at their annual meeting
held the 4th day of November.
No. Name. Nature of Services. Claim'd Aud'td
1. Charles E. Smith. Cletk of Election $ 4 00 $ 4 00
2. Roswell Beardsley, use of House, Election, 5 00 5 00
3. F. J. Beardsley, Clerk of Election, 4 00 4 00
4. A. J. Brink, Inspector and Messenger, 11 04 11 04
5. Daniel Decamp, Second Assessor, 38 50 38 50
6. Egbert Williams, Excise Com'r., 3 00 3 00
7. Frank H. Tarbell, Clerk of Election, 4 00 4 00
8. Benton M. Halladay, Inspector of Election, 4 00 4 00
9. William Drake, Inspector and Messenger, 9 40 9 40
10. Harriet Butler, keeping pauper, 52 00 52 00
11. S. B. Field, Excise Com'r., 3 00 3 00
12. William Field, Clerk of Election,... 4 00 4 00
13. Charles G. Hagin, Inspector and Carrier, 5 00 5 00
14. N. T. Allen, use of Hall one year, 20 00 20 00
15. E. S. Smith, Poor Master, 4 50 4 50
16. John Wyckoff, Assessor, 34 50 34 50
17. Frank M. Woolley, Inspector and Messenger, 9 80 9 80
18. Samuel D. Baker, Inspector of Election, 4 00 4 00
19. L. A. Farlin, Clerk at Town Meeting, 4 00 4 00
20. Oscar Hamelton, Clerk of Election, ..................... 4 00 4 00
21. Isaac Hillard, Inspector of Election, 4 00 4 00
22. Lamson Hedden, Clerk of Election, 4 00 4 00
23. Chauncey E. Luce, Inspector of Election, 4 00 4 00
24. Smith Brothers, Counsel Laying out Road, 19 50 19 30
25. Joshua B. Davis, and H. B. Perry, Laying out Road, 52 43 52 43
26. A. H. Clark, Excise Com'r., 3 00 3 00
27. " Assessor, . 42 50 42 50
28. J. F. Rhodes, Justice of the Peace, 7 50 7 50
29. Myron Halladay, ex -Poor Master, ... 12 00 12 00
30. Henry Miller, use of House 15 00 15 00
31. Orlando White, Inspector of Election, 1879, 4 00 4 00
32. David M. Dean, Counsel in Bastard case 12 25 10 00
33. William H. Barr, Medical service, 6 50 6 50
34. Clinton A. Haskin, Auditor, 1879, 3 00 3 00
35. W. J. Gulick, Medical service, 7 50 7 50
36. C. G. Benjamin, copying asssessments, 8 00 8 00
37. Israel Luce, timber work and Sheriff fees,.... 36 44 00 00
38. John A. Williams, Counsel in Luce case, . 87 00 00 00
39. Israel Luce, Judgement in fav r of E. B. White, 270 08 18 97
40. Eugene F. Cannon, Damage, 169 63 000 00
41. Samuel Haines, Damage, 272 00 000 09
42. Ithaca Journal printin, Election Notices, 6 00 6 00
43. Jay Bunnell, Constable services, 16 55 16 55
44. George Davis, . " ' ` 1879, 8 95 8 95
45. M. B. Vanbuskirk, Medical services, 11 00 10 00
46. John W. Smith. Justice of the Peace,... .... 24 97 24 97
47. Frank Hedeien, Com'r., services, 171 20 171 20
48. 44
" Town Expenses, 1770 99 1770 99
49. Milo Goodrich, Counsel in R. R. case, 350 00 350 00
50. Hi L. Comstock, Counsel in R. R. case, 600 00 600 00
51. David Crocker, Supervisor, Expenses in R. R. suit, 850 95 850 95
52. " 58 90 58 90
53. Henry Myers, for land in road running to the lake, 200 00 000 00
54. Albert Vanauken, Constable services, 1 40 1 40
55. " 44
" 440 440
56. ' •44 11 1 55 1 55
57. " 14 11 255 255
58. 6 73 6 73
59. Dana Bower, Auditor, 9 00 9 00
60. Jacob Teeter, Auditor 9 00 9 00
61. Wilson D. Williams, Auditor, 12 00 12 00
62. E. J. Rothwell, Medical services, 7 00 7 00
63. • " 10 50 10 50
64. Geo. M. Letts, Town Clerk, . 54 00 54 00
$4 436 28
Town Auditors.
I hereby certify the foregoing to be a true copy of accounts audited by the
Town Auditing Board, on file in my office.
GEO. M. LETTS, Town Clerk.
65. D. Crocker, traveling fees in R. R. suits, (omitted)
66. John Gallagher, service as Constable,
67. Melvin Beard, Inspector of Election,
21 20
5 99
4 15
21 20
5 99
4 15
31 34
Town Audits,4 436 28
Total, 4 467 62
No. Name Nature of Services. Claim'd Aud'td
1. James Stamp, Inspector of Election, .... $ 4 00 $ 4 00
2. " " for returning Election returns, 5 92 5 92
3. Estus Rockwell, Inspector of Election, 4 00 4 00
4. John Rosbrook, 4 00 4 00
5. Geo. Thomas, Poll Clerk, 4 00 4 00
6. Daniel Gore, " 4 00 4 00
7. Alva Brown, use of House for Election, 10 00 10 00
8. Wm. Hartranft, Inspector of Election, 4 00 4 00
9. W. E. Bush, " 4 00 4 00
10. Geo. W. Ham, ... 4 00 4 00
11. " returning Election returns, 5 64 5 64
12. A ]cord Ham, Poll Clerk,...:. 4 00 4 00
13. Wm. McCollum, Poll Clerk, 4 00 4 00
14. Elven Keen, Inspector of Election, March 1879, 4 00 4 00
15. James Gardner, Constable,. 5 85 585
16. 335 335
17. Hiram Swartwood, Assessor, 34 00 34 00
18. Silas L. Baker, Excise Com'r., 3 00 3 00
19. J. F. Linderman, Excise Com'r., 3 00 3 00
20. Randolph Horton, Supervisor, ($10.84 deducted, it being
a County charge,) 30 90 •20 06
21. Randolph Horton, Legal services, 2 00 2 00
22. L. F. Cutter, Assessor, 33 00 33 00
23. Homer Bailey, Constable, 4 60 4 60
24. Andrew J. Vankirk, Assessor, 28 90 .28 90
25. James W. Sunderlin, Justice of the Peace,... ....... 10 00 10 00
26. E. C. Thorn, Justice of the Peace, 8 00 8 00
.27. Jacob Puff, Excise Com'., for the years 1876-77............ 12 00 12 00
28. Fred N. Dean, Legal services, Board of Assessors 1878, 5 00 5 00
29. John C. Bailey, Constable, 1 35 1 35
30. John W. Dean, Justice of the Peace, 12 00 12 00
31. I. N. VanOstrand, Constable, 10 25 10 25
32. •' ' ` 12 00 12 00
33. Benjamin Starr, Justice of the Peace, 40 70 40 70
34. Sam. F. Dudley, Poor Master,supplies furnished, 83 71 83 71
35. " " for services, 21 00 21 00
36. Frank. W. Morse, Constable 6 55 6 55
37. C. R. Sebring, Road Com'r., money expended on roads and
bridges by authority of Town Board, 550 00 550 00
38. C. R. Sebring, Road Com'r., for services, 58 10 58 10
39. 1'. S. Dudley, use of Hall,. 35 00 35 00
40. P: G. Ellsworth, legal services in R. R. Com'r., case in 1879, 13 00 13 00
41. Robt. Alexander, ex -Supervisor, 29 76 25 92
42. Martin Brower, Constable, 2 40 2 40
43. Journal Association, printing Election notices 4 00 4 00
44. A. K. Allen, Town Clerk, 29 45 29 45
45. S. A. Sebring, Medical services, 4 50 4 50
46. " • • " 9 50 9 50
47. 1. N. VanOstrand, Constable, 5 70 5 70
48. M. C. Whitney, Town Auditor, 6 00 6 00
49. J. G. Ilarkes, " • " 6 00 6 00
50. E. A. Davis, 6 00 6 00
51. Benjamin Starr, Justice of the Peace, 4 60 4 50
$1 186 05
We, the undersigned, Board of Town Auditors of the Town of Newfield,
County of Tompkins, do hereby certify that the above statement of the accounts
audited by them at their annual meeting, held Nov. 4th, and 5th, 1880, is correct,
J. G. BARKES, . TowjI Auditors.
E. A. DAVIS. )
52. J. W. Starr, Town Clerk,
53. C. W. McCort]. R. R. Com'r,
54. L B. Palmer,
55. N. B. Dunning, '• 1879-80,
56 R. S. Mc0orn, Conveyance for Prisoner,
57. R. Horton, services as.Supervisor 4 days,
58. " traveling tees 16 miles,
8 25
6 00
6 00
12 00
3 00
8 00
1 28
8 25
6 00
6 00
3 00
8 00
1 28
59. J. W. Sunderlin, Justice, one day with Town Board, 2 00 2 00
60. Benjamin Starr, " " 2 00 2 00
61. A. R. Allen, Town Clerk, 2 00 2 00
62. R. Horton, Supervisor, " 2 00 2 00
52 53
Town Audits, 1 186 05
Total. 1 238 58 •
The Auditors for the Town of Ulysses, met at the Trembly House, in said
Town, on the 4th day of Nov. 1880, at 9 o'clock A. M. Organized by making R.
C. Barto, Chairman, and S. R. Wickes, Clerk. And audited bills and clainis
against said Town as follows:
No. Name. Nature of Services. Claim'd Aud'td
1. E. Holcomb, services Inspector of Election, $13 88 $13 88
2. John Daily, 4 00 4 00
3. W. H. Bower, (assigned to Van R. Burlew), 4 00 4 00
4. J. D. Smith, services Inspector bf Election, 4 00 4 00
5. J. C. Kirtland, " 4C
" 11 4 00 4 00
6. Chas. E. Hill, 4 50 4 50
7. Frank Thorp, services, Constable, (assn'ed Alden Edwards,) 11 15 11 15
8. Ammack & Matteson, Com'rs. highways,. ... ...... 175 14 175 14
9. W. &. J. Kerst, Poor supplies, 34 50 34 50
10. J. J. A. Durling, " 116 50 116 50
11. I. Bullard, House for Election, 32 00 32 00
12. P. H. Farrington, Inspector of Election, 4 00 4 00
13. Elias Smith, " 4 75 4 75
14. J. P. King, Supervisor, 37 62 37 62
15. L. P. Hand, Excise Com'r.,..•. 6 00 6 00
16. D. Elmore, " " ' 3 00 3 00
17. F. W. Carman, Inspector of Election, 10 70 10 70
18. T. M. Bower, " 4 00 4 00
19. R. S. Smith, Com'r. Highways,10 00 10 00
20. A. Chase, services, Inspector of Election, ... .......... 4 00 4 00
21. B. F. Sullivan, 9 64 9 64
22. B. F. Tompkins, Overseer Poor, 18 00 18 00
23. Aaron Mekeel, " • 14 00 14 00
24. Wm. Allen, 6 00 6 00
25. ' ` " ` 25 00 25 00
26. Com'r. Highways (assigned to J. P. King,)
27. R. L. Smith, Clerk Election,
28. H. L. Strobridge, with Town Board, Justice of Peace,
29. R. C. Taylor, Inspector of Election,
30. R. L. Smith, Town Auditor,
John Willis, " " 1879,... ....
J. T. Howe, "
E. S. Pratt, "
Van R. Burlew, services as Justice of Peace,
J. R. Emery,
H. G. Cooper,
David Bower,
Stephen Ammack, "
Erastus Gay,
J. D. Smith,
A. J. Williams,
Jarves Ganeung,
44. Thomas Bower,
45. L. B. Curry,
46. Jacob Carman, services,
47. Geo. V. Curry,
48. Rosine Fish,
49. E. P. Bouton, Overseer Poor,
50. Wm. Austin, Clerk of Election,
51. Frank Austin, Town Clerk,
52. W. G. Farrington, "
53. J. H. Bowman, use of House Election,
54. Leroy Trembly, "
55. C. L. Adams,Printing, 2 bills
56. T. Boardman, R. R. Com'r,
57. G. H. Stewart. Undertaking,
58. A. S. Sherwood,
59. E. S. Pratt, R. R. Com'r
60. J. G. McLallen, "
61. H. B. Chase, medical attendance,
62. J. M. Farrington, "
64. W.O.G. Springer, "
Com'r highway,
Inspector of Election,
Justice of Peace,
108 43 108 43
4 00 4 00
4 00 4 00
4 00 4 00
3 00 3 00.
3 00 . 3 00
800 300
300 300
7 50 7 50
19 60 19 60
17 23 17 23
26 00 26 00
34 00 34 00
4 05 4 05
22 91 22 91
2 50 2 50
4 00 4 00
28 75 28 75
46 25 46 25
38 75 30 75
92 9 2
15 60 15 60
13 60 13 60
33 00 33 00
850 850
23 58 23 58
10 CO 1000
15 00 10 00
23 00 18 00
11 85 11 85
39 32 39 32
60 00 60 00
3 00 3 00
9 00 9 00
900 900
850 850
44 88 35 63
5 00 3 00
1050 2C0
350 200
21 50 11 00
50 50
2875 1500
69. W. O. G. Springer, medical attendance 14 00 700
70. `• " 17 00 900
71. F. W. Burns, Books for Town, 6 00 6 00
72. J. Fleckinger, medical attendance,.. . ... ........... 29 75 28 25
73. L. W. Carpenter, " 50 00 35 00
74. B. Dewey, 30 00 20 00
75. J. E. Hill, 98 75 50 00
76. " 35 25 20 00
77. J. Fleckinger, 7 50 7 50
1 470 43
Resolved.—That we recommend that the sum of $400.00 be raised for the use
of the Overseer of the Poor tor the ensuing year.
Town Auditors.
78. 8. R. Wickes, Town Auditor 9 15 9 15
79. Henry Luckey, " 9 00 9 00
80. R. C. Barto, • ` 9 00 9 00
81. Com'r Highways, 750 00 •750 00
82. Overseer Poor, . 400 00 400 00
83. J. P. King, Blank Tax Roll, 75 75
84. H. G. Cooper, disbursing Town moneys, 19 81 19 81
85. R. R. Bonds Com'rs of Ulysses, 6000 00 6000 00
. Town Audits,
7197 71
1470 43
8668 14
Deduct Nos.. 81, 82 and 85 (shown as independent items in Town
Budget,) 7150 00
Total, 1518 14
To the Honorable, the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins Co:
The undersigned, County Treasurer of Tompkins County,
respectfully submits his annual statement of receipts and dis-
bursements of the County funds, embracing the period from
Nov. 16th, 1879, to Nov. 15th, 1880, as follows :
The receipts for the fiscal year ending Nov. 15th, 1850, for
taxes and other items, and including the balance on hand
from report of 1879, amount to the sum of $88,901.48, as per
schedule marked A.
The disbursements for the same period for current expen-
ses of the County, and other items amount to the sum of $88
683.13, leaving a balance in the hands of the Treasurer of
218.35, as per schedule marked B.
I hereby certify that there stands this day to the credit of E. K. Johnson,
County Treasurer, on the books of this Bank, the sum of Two Hundred Eighteen
and 35-100 Dollars as stated in this report.
Ithaca, Nov. 15th, 1880.
C. W. GAY, Teller,
1st National Bank of Ithaca.
The total amount on hand and due to the Treasury is $1194.02 as appears by
the summary marked C, and is credited to the several accounts as therein stated
Edward K. Johnson being duly sworn says the follpwing annual statement
is correct and contains a true statement of all moneys received, deposited and paid
out by him as such County Treasurer, since his last annual report, excepting mon-
eys belonging to the "Infant Heir Fund."
County Treasurer.
Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 16th day of November, 1880.
GEORGE B. DAVIS, Notary Public.
Balance on hand Nov. 15th, 1879, - $ 402 74
Received from State Treasurer, school moneys, 11 556 80
" note disct'd at 1st Natl. Bank, Dec. 19,'79, . • 795 55
'self-sup'tng patients, Willard Asylum,391 88
"� Utica 114 27
note disct'd at 1st Natl. Bank, Oct. 4,'80, 2 954 14
" interest on deposits, 50
It fines of W. J. Smith, Sheriff. 160 00
S. B. Rolfe, Co. Clerk,..:. 910 00
forfeited recognizances, of D. M. Dean,
District Attorney, 399 57 1.469 57
Smith Bros. Atty's., forfeited bail in case
of the People vs. A. W. Johnson, 100 00
Town of'Caroline, on ac't of tax levy,2 891 50
•4 64 44Dryden, • • • • 9 295 93
Danby, 3 855 57".
Enfield, . 2 593.58
it tt
Groton, `• " 5 944 01
Ls << Ithaca, 22 351 19
Newfield, " " 3 827 21
" Ulysses, .7 606 63
• " " Lansing, 8 436 00 66 801 62
Surplus in Smith vs. Woolever,. 422 18
" Benjamine vs. Chittenden, 2 625 31
" Graves vs. Berlew, 605'21
Dudley vs. Gausline, 57 25
" Christiance vs. Labey, 604 46 4 314 41
Paid Comptroller State of N. Y. State Taxes,....
" bills of N. Y. State Lunatic Asylum,
it " Monroe Co., Penitentiary,
" Susquehanna Valley Home,
Cent'l. N. Y., Institute for Deaf Mutes,..
it " Western N. Y., " " ••••
`•. Willard Asylum,...,..
$88.901 48
21 070 49
381 22
437 36
268 49
note given to J. L. 1Whiton,-
" " " 1st Nat'l. Bank, R
" " " D. L. Burtt,.
M. Lyon, incidentals to Surrogate's office,
insurance on County Buildings,
D. C. Bouton, Clerk's Postage account,
County Audits,
2 121 91
800 00
712 25
3 634 16
50 00
179 00
10 663 8
M. Lyon, County Judge, 2 500 00
E. K. Johnson, County Treasurer, 900 00
D. M. Dean, District Attorney, 600 00
Jas: McLachlan, Scbool Com'r. 200 00
A. B. Humphrey. ` .... 200 00
D. C. Bouton, Supervisors' Clerk 150 00
C. M, Cooley, Janitor, 150 00
M. F. Dewitt, County House Chaplain, 50 00
E. A. Wegener, Special County Judge, ' 37 50 4 787 50 •
Paid orders of County Supt's of Poor, 5 133 95
" postage and stationery, Treasurer's office, 25 13
Paid trial jurors, 3 993 55
" grand " 439 40
" constables, 658 60
Sheriff and Under Sheriff, 357 00
" Justices of Sessions, 397 40
" Crier, 186 00
" Stenographer, 686 74
" meals to jurors,. 82 20
" poor witnesses, 96 59
" sundry items, 67 82 6 965 30
" Supervisor of Caroline, school money, 2 038 34
" Dryden, " •3 140 00
• • " Danby,, . " • " 1 787 28
' • " Enfield, 1 245 08
" Groton, " 2 466 47
td " Ithaca, at7 149 59
" Lansing, 2 129 90
" Newfield, " 2 180 84
" Ulysses, "C4 2 296 34 24 433 84
" for fuel and gas to County Buildings,
" D. Crocker, Supervisor, fines due town of Lansing.
443 35
137 35
Sarah Graves vs. P. M. Berlew, 605 21
Margaret C. Benjamine vs. W. A. Chittenden, 2 625 31
Edward Y. Smith vs. Joseph Woolever, 422 18 3 652 70
Cash on hand to balance, 218 35
Balance of cash on hand,
Due the Treasury from Court Expense account,...
Total amount on hand, and due to Treasury,
Belonging to the several funds as follows :
'Monroe Co. Penitentiary, 118 78
Rome Institute for Deaf Mutes, 21 51
Salary account, 12 50
County Superintendents of 1'oor,. 4 69
Treasurer's postage and stationery account, 8 25
Interest account, 50
Returned taxes, 162 51
Surplus in Wheelock vs. Wesley, 10
Si " Booth vs. Rocs, 142 94
" Colburn vs. Horton,. 6053
" Dudley vs. Gausline,... 57 25
44 " Christiance vs. Lahey, 604 46
$88 901 48
218 35
975 67 '
$1 194 02
$1 194 02 $1 194 02
To the Honorable, the Board of Supervisors of the County of
Tompkins :—
In pursuance of an act of the Legislature of the State of
New York, entitled an Act in respect to the funds and secu-
rities in possession of the Clerk of the Court of Appeals," pass-
ed April 12th, 1848, requiring the County Treasurers of the
different Counties to report to the Board of Supervisors of the
County in which the Treasurer resides. Such Report to con-
tain a statement of all bonds and mortgages and other securi-
ties held .by him, and the names of the persons interested
therein. The undersigned -County, Treasurer of Tompkins
County respectfully Reports as follows, as to the securities
held under the provisions of this act : -
E. K. JOHNSON, County Treasurer.
ToMPKmos COUNTY, ss :
Edward K. Johnson being duly sworn,, says that the following statement is
correct and represents the condition of the securities belonging to the " Infant
Heir Fund" on the 15th day of November, 1880.
EDWARD K. JOHNSON, County Treasurer.
Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 17th day of November, 1880.
P. G. ELLSWORTH, Notary Public.
of •
lst mortg'ge
Geo. Alexander.
Feb. 6,'78.
Mandeville heirs.
Van Horn "
1st mortg'ge
A. -E. Albright.
Aug. 31,'78
A. B. Hurlburt.
Mary Mitchell.
Sam'l M. Wilson.
McKeegan heirs.
Frank Giltner.
Broas heirs.
- 181.05
3rd mortg'ge
* Geo. H. Bristol..
Feb. 25,'76.
Chas. Cowen.
* Geo. H. Bristol.
June 15,'69
A. 13. Pugsley.
1st '
A. Bradbury. .
M'ch 18,17.
Terry. heirs.
C. L. Benson.
April 1. '70.
Kent "202.66
Giles H. Benson.
Web 18,'73.
Day Benson.'
H. D Blakeslee.
Oct 21. '78.
R. F. Wickham.
Mabel McNeil
F. A. Camp.
April 6,'75.
Sam'l M. Wilson.
40').00 .
2nd '
F. A. Camp.
M'ch 7, '76
lst "
Elisha Freeman.
April 28,'71
Nellie Knapp.
3rd "
Oct. 31, '77.
A. B. Pugsley.
2,: 00.00
W. D. Gibbs.
Oct. 3. '72.
M. P. Gibbs.
W..D. Gibbs.
April 7,'70.
Morton heirs.
- 1,291.67
2nd "
E.,M. Gillam.
ist "
Louisa M. Grant.
June 27, "19
Terry "
lst "
Harriet Hayes. *
Feb. 11,'70.
Sarah Harrison.
M. and H. Hilliker.
July 23,'7),
Sarah Sibley.
Oct. 16, '65:
Housell heirs.
* Elizabeth Howe.
April 1,'75.
Sam'! M. Wilson.
* Elizahetb Howe.
April 2,'77.
" "
1st .
C. M. Haywood.
Chas. Lane.
1,550 00
W. T. Hill.
Feb 15. '76.
Surdam heirs.
lst "
G. W. Hoysradt.
Sept. 22, '08
Sarah Sibley.
Town of .l thaca 5 per
cent funding bonds
Morton heirs.
numbers 76, 77, 78,
79, 80, $1,000 each,
Dwight A. Allen.
series of 1885.
Lyons heirs.
Woodin "
Haddock heirs:
John Letts.. • . April 6,'77. Morton.. " ..
W. P. Arnold.
Sarah Sibley.
iam'l M. Wilson.
Halsted Snyder.
Sarah Harrison.
Van Horn heirs.
Follett heirs.
Morton .
Frank Morrison.
64 44
Wilgus heirs.
Mabel McNeil.
Sam'lM. Wilson.
McGowan heirs.
Stevens "
Henshaw `
A. and F. Woodin.
Stevens heirs.
Savocool "
Elizabeth Simpson.
Sarah Sibley.
Halliday heirs.
Sarah Sibley.
Woodin heirs.
Wright '
Nellie R: Jennings.
Sam'l M. Wilson.
Ellison heirs..
VanHorn heirs.
Hanshaw ""
J. Stoddard.
Sarah , Harrison.
James Labar. Nov. 2, '74.
Lucy & Horace Mack. Oct. 21, '74.
Nov. 1, '77.
Feb. 7, '76.
9pril 11,'74
May.25, '75.
April 4, '60.
M'ch 31,'74
Sept.17, '67.
Aug.20, '72.
Dec. 29, '77.
Feb. 14,'70:
May 12, '77.
M'ch 6,'77
May 19, '77
Nov. 12;'78.
Dec. 7, '74.
Jan. 20, '72.
Dec. 29,'69.
Jan. 16,'71.
Mas 18, '74.
April 23,'80
May 1, '8V.
April 23,' 80
+ Henry Mente.
John McArthur.
Julia McNeil.
Harry Mott.
Geo. F. Morton.
J. T. Morrison.
J. T. Morrison.
Samuel Mowry.
Jesse Manning.
John G. Shaw.
Nathan Stevens.
* P. and M. Sneden.
E. Simpson.
C. M. Titus.
E. C. Van Kirk.
K. S. VanVoorhees.
K. S. VanVoorhees.
Mart ha Woodin.
'tanley 0.. Ward.
Chas. Roper.
Pheebe 12ierce.
E. and J. King.
Town of Ithaca 5 per
cent funding • ond,
No. 170 of the series
of 1891.
1,500 00
2 0.00
' 97.65
150 00
1,50 !.00
1,901.29 •
25' .00
Amount retained by K. S. VanVoorhees,zEx-Treasurer, due heirs,
* Worthless. '
t Mortgage foreclosed and property held for Heirs.
The following amounts are deposited in the " Ithaca Savings.. Bank to the
credit of the heirs named :
Cornelia Alexander, $250:00
Wilgus . Heirs, • 146 40
F. D. and F. B. Hill, 391 00.,
$315 66
I hereby .certify that the above amounts stand this day to the; credit of the
persons mentioned in the above :report on the books of " The Ithaca Savings
O. H. GREGORY, Treasurer.
Statement of Cash on hand for investment belonging to Heirs.
A. B. Hurlburt,
Haddock Heirs,
250 00
6 68
McGowan Heirs, 414
Woodin, 86
Frank Giltner, 9 44
A. B. Pugsley, 10 00
Broas Heirs, 17 97
Van Born Heirs, 9 43
Samuel M. Wilson, 8 76
Dwight Allen, . • • 7 43
Huson Heirs, 15 22
Lyon 166
Sarah Harrison, 4 45
Wilcox Heirs, 250 00
Terry 10 00
Woodin " 176 27
Interest on hand subject to call, 241 10
Less advances tor accrued interest on investments, 1 44 239 66
Total Cash on hand,.... .... _ 1033 07
I hereby certify that there stands this day to the credit of " The Infant Heir
Fund," on the books of this Bank the sum of One • Thousand Thirty Three and
07-100 Dollars as stated in the above report.
Ithaca, Nov. 18th, 1880.
O. W. GAY, Teller,
1st National Bank of Ithaca.
To the Honorable, the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins
County :
In pursuance of a resolution of the Board of Supervisors
of 1876, requesting the District Attorney "to report to this
Board, at its annual session each year, according to Chapter
406, Laws of 1867, all fines imposed as the result of his prose-
cution, and all fines and forfeited recognizances paid to him,
and what disposition he has made of the same;" I have the
honor to Report that the following are the only cases, em-
braced by said resolution, coming before me, since the last
session of your honorable body :
John Vaughn Assault and Battery $ 10 00...Paid Sheriff.
Patrick Ward, 15 00...
Edward Corcoran '• 10 00... "
Victor Cheeseman," 10 00.
Carrie Fisher Keeping Bawdy House..... 100 00...
Elbert Protts, Nuis Ince 15 00... "
Frank Burns, . Disobeying Subpcena, 5 00...
Charles .Caughlin, .... 5 00... 44
Amos McKinney,. .. 10 00...
Anton' Dobrowlski,.. Violating Excise Law, 50 00...
75 00... "
50 00... "
75 00... "
50 00...
50 00...
" 70 00...
70 00... "
Al50 00...
75 00... "
" 50 00.:. "
50 00... "
50 00.... "
50 00...
Seneca Spicer,.......
Henry Spahn,
Char:es Schallowitz,..
Michael Casey,
Theodore Zinck,
Carmi Cook,
Jahn Prager,
Samuel Reed,
Lewis Bement,
Hiram Sawyer,
Abram Detrick,....
Fred Roat,
John McIntosh,
John Coy,
$50 00, and the fine remitted to
Delacy Thompson,.. " "
Frank Boom,.. Keeping Bawdy House....
Belle Morgan,
35 00...
30 00...
25 00...
25 00...
March 23d, 1880, I obtained a judgment in favor
of the 1eople against Willard VanHouter, for
costs and damages, of $273.08.
Amount collected on above judgment,.... 259 97
Disbursements in supplementary proceedings to
collect • .. • .. 18.52
Amcunt paid Treasurer,
Judgment against Abram C. Anderson, mention-
ed in my Report, dated Nov. 19th, 1878, was
remitted to
Interest on last item,
$1,110 00.
241 45
157 12
1 00
Whole amount actually collected, $1,509 57
The following comprise those cases wherein the
fine imposed was not paid and the defendant
was imprisoned according to the provision of
the sentence in case of the non-payment of the
Henry Butler, ..Violating Excise Law,..... 50 00...
Ida Slaight, Keeping Bawdy House.... 25 00...
Aggie Nolan Ca
" ..... 25 00...
Mary Davis, 25 00...
ft 44
$125 00
All of which is respectfully submitted.
Dated, November 13th, 1880.
District Attorney.
Tou'Krss Comm, ss;:
David M. Dean being duly sworn, deposes and says, that of the moneys
mentioned in the foregoing Report, but $418.90 thereof have ever come into the
hands of the deponent, and that the same were paid out as set forth in said Report.
Subscribed and sworn to before me November 18th, 1880.
J. E. BEERS, Notary Public.
To the Honorable, the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins
County :
The following is a statement of the condition of the United
States Deposit Fund at this date :
Amount of Fund Dec. 5th, 1879, • $66,542 20
Paid the Comptroller during the year, $17715 00
Bid in for the State, 1 500 00
Advertised, .... 1 300 00
Amount upon which interest was paid Oct. 1st,
1880, on Loan,. 46,027 28 66,542 28
Interest received Oct. lst, 1880, 2,748 97
ta ' during the year, 844 36
" for rents, 135 50 3728 82
Paid Comptroller, 3,084 85
To Loss, Principal, Mortgage No. 796, 50 00
To Commissions and expenses, on mortgages
Nos. 691, 796, 778. 593 96 3728 82
There are two delinquents in interest amounting to $78.00 These mortgages
have been duly advertised and will be sold in Febivary next, unless arrearages
are paid previous to that time.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
I, Allen Gray, one of the Loan Commissioners for the County of Tompkins.
hereby certify that the foregoing statement is correct.
To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County :
Your Committee appointed to examine the books of the
Loan Commissioners of said County, would respectfully Re-
port, that they have examined the books and accounts of said
Commissioners, and find them to correspond with the report
thereto annexed.
The securities taken for re -loans, during the present year
are satisfactory, according to our best information.
To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County :
We the undersigned, Bonding Commissioners of the Town
of Enfield, would respectfully submit to your body the follow-
ing annual Report :
• We have issued Bonds on said Town to the amount of
$25,000. Said Bonds bear interest at 7 per cent. payable the
first day of March and September, of each year.
The amount of money required to pay said interest fot the
next year is:Seventeen Hundred and Fifty dollars. And we re-
quest that you raise the said amount upon the Town of Enfield
for that purpose.
We would further Report that our Sinking Fund raised
for the purpose of paying the principal of said Bonds,
amounts at this date to Three Thousand and Eleven 35- WO
Dollars, of which, Two Thousand Nine Hundred are invested
in our own Bonds ; One Hundred in other securities and
Eleven 35-100 Dollars in Savings Bank.
In pursuance to Section 6; Chapter 907, Laws of 1869, we
ask that you levy upon the said Town the sum of Seven Hund-
red Dollars for the purpose of increasing our Sinking Fund to
pay said original debt.
Dated, Enfield, Nov. 3 d, 1880.
I. H. NEWMAN, )} Commissioners.
ToMrsrr s CouNTY, ss :
Edgar Brewer being duly sworn deposes and says that he is the Edgar
Brewer whose name is appended to the foregoing Report; that the within state-
ment is true, and that the amounts asked for are required for the purposes named.
Subscribed and sworn to this 4th day of December, 1880, before me.
DEWITT C. BOUTON, Notary Public.
To the Board of Supervisors of Tompjcins County :
In accordance with Chapter 552, Laws of 1870, I hereby
Report the public debt of the Town of Enfield as follows :
Bonds issued to the Pa. & Sodus Bay Railroad Company
under the act to facilitate the construction of railroads. passed
by the Legislature of 1850, and amended May 18th, 1869.
Amount of Bonds issued (Rate of interest 7 per cent. payable
semi-annually,). $ 25,000 00
Amount of interest due March 1st, 1881 875 00
" •` Sept. 1st, 1881 875 00
028-10 per cent. on said Bonds to be raised tor Sinking
Fund, 700 00
Total amount to be raised by next Tax levy 2 450 00
Amount of principal unpaid Sept. 1st, 1880, 25,000 00
of. Sinking Fuhd in hands of Bonding Com'rs, 3 011 35
Total Town indebtedness Sept. 1st, 1880, • 21,988 65
Resolved.—That at the request of the Bonding Commissioners of the Town of
Enfield there be levied and collected from said Town, the sum of Seven Hundred
Dollars. to be applied as a Sinking Fund, and Seventeen Hundred and Fifty Dol-
lars, interest on the above named Town Bonds.
SETH B. HARVEY, Supervisor.
To Wm. H. Fitch, Supervisor of the Town of Groton
We, the undersigned, Commissioners of the Town of Gro-
ton, appointed under the Act passed May 18th, 1868, Laws
of New York, Chapter 907, would respectfully submit the fol-
lowing report :
That the amount of Town Bonds issued in aid of the Ithaca
& Cortland R, R. is,.... $ 15,000 00
That the amount of Bonds exchanged for stock in the Ithaca
& Cortland R. R., now Utica,Ithaca & Elmira, is51,000 00
That the interest to come due Feb. 1, 1881, is, 525 00
•° Aug. 1, 1881, is,.. 525 00
That we have on hand accrued interest, 5 25
That we have of Sinking Fund invested in Bonds. 300 00
`• certificates of deposit, 770 00
Also certificates of deposit for mature coupons 94 50
Therefore we ask for an appropriation to pay the interest on
said Bonds Feb lst, 1881, of,. 519 75
Also on the same Bonds Aug. 1st, 1881, 525 00
1 044 75
Also a Sinking Fund of one per cent, 150 00
1 194 75
We therefore respectfully ask that the same be levied up-
on the Town of Groton and collected, to he paid over to the
Commissioners of said town to be expended for the above pur-
pose. •
Dated, McLean, Nov. 13th, 1880.
J. B. BART, Commissioners.
J. B. Hart, one of the aforesaid Commissioners of the Town of Groton, being
duly sworn, deposes and says that the foregoing report signed by himself and
B. H. Wakley is a just and true report in every particular so far as deponent has
knowledge of the facts therein stated, and in other respects deponent believes it
to be true. JOHN B. HART.
Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 2d day of December, A. D., 1880.
G. E. CHAMBERS, Notary Public.
To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County :
I.n accordance with Chap. 552, Laws of 1870, 1 hereby re-
port the public debt of the Town of Groton, to be as follows :
Bonds issued by Commissioners for the Ithaca & Cortland R.
R., bearing 7 per cent interest, payable semi-annually,
Interest coming due the ensuing year Feb. 1st, 1881....
" " 4t
" Aug. 1st, 1881,
15 000 00
525 00
525 00
1 050 00
Less interest in the hands of the Commissioner, 5 25
1 044 75
One per cent on amount of said bonds for Sinking Fund,.... 150 00
1 194 75
Resolved.—That in pursuance of the provisions of Chap. 907 of the Laws of
1869, and notice having been served upon this Board by the R. R. Commissioners
of the Town of Groton, there be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of
said Town of Groton the sum of one thousand and forty-four 75-100 dollars for
the purpose of paying the interest on the R. R. Bonds issued under this Act in
the Town of Groton. Also the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars for the pur-
pose of creating a Sinking Fund according to instructions in said Chapter 907, of
Laws of 1869, and that- whencollected,.the; same :be;paid to the R..R..Commis-
sioners of said Town appointed under this Act, to' be expended for: theabove pur-
WM. H. FITCH,_Supervisor.
To. the Board of Supervisors of. the County of Tompkins :
The undersigned,Commissioners of the Town of Ithaca, in
pursuance of an act of the Legislature passed June 2d; 1877,
to facilitate the redemption of the out -standing seven per cent.
Bonds, issued in aid of the Ithaca and Athens Railroad and
authorizing the issuing of new funding bonds at a lower rate
of interest, do Report as follows :
Amount of old Bonds issued, $300,000 00
Less amount redeemed March 1st, 1879, 15,000"00
285.000 00
A like amount of Funding Bonds at 5 per cent.
semi annual interest, both principal and inter- -
est payable in the city of New York. Bonds
i are issued in series of $15,000 each, payable
March lst, each year, 285,000 00
Less "amount of first series paid March 1st, 1880, 15,000 00
270.000 00
We therefore respectfully Report that :there 'will* 'be re-
quired for the coming year, the sum of $15,000, on.the princi-•
pal of' : said Bonds,and the sum of $13,125, for interest on
Bonds due March 1st, and September 1st, 1881, and ask that
the same maybe assessed and levied.. upon; the "Town. •
LEONARD TREMAN, Commissioners.
John L. Whiton, being duly sworn„deposes that he i3 one of the Commis-
sioners named in and who signed the above Report; thatthe said Report is ,or-
rect andtime in all respects, to his own knowledge.
JOHN L. WHITON, Chairman.
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 4th day of January, 1881.
DEW -ITT C. BOUTON, Notary Public.
Resolved.—That in pursuance of Chapter 645, laws of 1866, entitled an act
to facilitate the construction of the Ithaca and Towanda Railroad, (by act Feb.
18th, 1870, now Ithaca and Athens Railroad Company,) and to authorize Towns
to subscribe to the capital stock thereof, and of a notice served upon this Board
by the Commissioners of the Town of Ithaca, there be levied and assessed upon
the taxable property of said Town of Ithaca, the sum of fifteen thousand dollars,
($15,000,) to be applied on the principal of said Bonds, and the sum of Thirteen
Thousand One Hundred and Twenty -Five Dollars, ($13,125,) for interest on said
Bonds to become due March 1st, 1881 and September 1st, 1881, in accordance
with the recommendation of John L. Whiton, Leonard Treman, 0. 11. Gregory,
To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County :
In accordance with Chapter 552, Laws of 1870, I hereby
Report the public debt of the Town of Ithaca, to be as follows:
Bonds issued March 2, 1869, bearing interest at 7 per cent. by
Com'rs of Ithaca & Athens R. R $ 300,000 00
Less amount redeemed March lst, 1879, 15,000 00
.. 16 ., .. 1880,
15:000 00
30,000 00
Am't of Bonds outstanding (now funded at 5 per cent.) 270,000 00
Am't of Bonds issued by the Com'rs for the Geneva & Ithaca
R. R., Oct. 1, 1871; payable Oct. 1, 1901 ; interest payable
semi-annually, 100,000 00
Less Sinking Fund now in hands of Com'rs of G. & I. R. R.
as per their Report,
Total amount of bonded indebtedness,
Amount of Sinking Fund on I. & A. R. R., to be raised,
Amount of interest on Bonds of said road to become due
March 1st, and Sept. 1st, 1881,.
Amount of interest on Bonds of G. & I. R. R
Amount called for by Com'rs of said road for Sinking Fund
Total amount to bo raised by Tax on acc't of R. R's,
November 29, 1880.
870,000 00
17,357 04
352,642 96
15,000 00
13,125 00
7,000 00
2,50 00
37;625 00
To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County
The undersigned Commissioners of the Town of Ithaca for
Bonds issued in aid of the Geneva & Ithaca Railroad, beg
leave to submit their tenth annual Report as follows :
Amount of Bonds issued, $ 100,000 00
The interest on said Bonds falls due as follows :
April 1st, 1881, 3,500 00
October 1st, 1881, 3,500 00
We therefore Report that there will be required to pay in-
terest on said Bonds, for the ensuing year, the sum of Seven
Thousand Dollars, ($7,000,) and would ask that the same be
levied and assessed upon the Town of Ithaca.
The undersigned would further Report that the Sinking
Fund raised for the purpose of paying the principal of the
above mentioned Bonds, amounts at this date to $17,357 04.
Amount at date of Last Report, 13,721 76
Total amount of interest received,. 1,135 28
Rec'd from Supervisor of Ithaca for proceeds of Tax, March
30th, 1880, 2,500 00
17,357 04
Of which am't there is invested in the Bonds, (par,). 17,000 00
Premium (bal. of) paid on $3,500, Bonds at 10 per cent 345 00
Cash on hand, 12 04
17,357 04
The present bonded debt of the Town of Ithaca for the
purpose above mentioned is therefore $82,642. 96.
In pursuance of the provisions of the Act under which
this debt was created, we ask that the sum of Twenty -Five
Hundred (2,500) Dollars, being 2 1-2 per cent. of the princi-
pal of said debt. be assessed and levied upon the taxable prop-
erty of the Town of Ithaca, for the purpose of maintaining a
Sinking Fund for the payment of the principal of said debt.
Ithaca, Nov. 6th, 1880.
H. B. LORD, •
JOHN RUMSEY, Commissioners.
The undersigned being duly sworn, deposes and says, that the above state
ment to which his name is subscribed as Commissioner for the Town of Ithaca, is
true and that the statement of accounts hereto attached is correct.
Subscribed and sworn to this 2d day of December, 1880, before me.
C. W. GAY, Notary Pubic.
John Rumsey and other Commissioners in. account with the Town of Ithaca.
Noy. 1, 1879, cash on _hand, $ 221 76
Feb. 18,1880, paid for Town Bond $500, premi-
um #50, interest $13.45, 563 45
March 30, 1830, received from Supervisor of
the Town of Ithaca, 2 500 00
April 1, 1880, six months in't on $14,000 bonds 490 00
April 13, 1.880, pari for 5 per cent Ithaca bonds
$2,000, premium $35, interest $8,17, 2 043 17
June 1, 1880, received for 5 per cent Ithaca
bunds $.2,000, premium.$35, interest $25,2 06000
July 1, 1880, received interest from Ithaca Sav-
ings Batik, 50 02
July 1, 1880, paid for Ithaca bonds $3,000, pre-
mium $300, interest $35, 3 335 00
Oct. 1, 1880, received for 6 months, interest on
$17,00 bond, 595 00
Oct. 1,1880, rec'd iu't from Ithaca Savings Bank 36 88
Balance, 12 04
5 933 66 5 953 66
Nov. 1, 1880, balance, 12 04
From ab, ve account the hterest Accoutt is shown to be as follows :
Feb. 18, 1880, paid accrued interest on $500,
Bond 7's, 13 45
-April 13, 1880, paid accrued interest on $2,000,
Ithaca 5's, 8 17
July 1, 1880, paid accrued interest on $3,000,
Ithaca 7's,
Applied to reduction of premium account,
April 1, 1880, received interest on $14 000, 49'100
June 1. 1880, " 44
" $2,000 5's sold 25 00
July 1, 1840, " from Ithaca Sav-
ings Bank, 50 02
Oct. 1,1880, received interest on $17,000 Bonds, 595 00
Al 44 44 44 from Savings Bank 36 88
35 00
5 00
Balance as per statement 1 135 28
Nov. 1, 1880, balance as per statement,
1 196 90 1 196 90
1 135 28
Feb 18, 1880, paid premium on $500 bond 10
per cent,
July 1, 1880, paid premium on $3,000 bond 10
per cent
Intere-t applied in reduction of *premium,...... 5 00
Balance, 345 00
Nov. 1, 1880, balance as per statement,
50 00 .
300 00
350 00 350 00 •
345 00
Resolved.—That in pursuance of the provisions of Chapter 907. Laws of 1869,
entitled an "Act to authorize the fotmatiom of rail road corporations, and to
regulate the•same," passed April 2, 1850, so as to permit municipal corporations
to aid in the construction of rail -roads, passed May 18, 1869, and a notice served
upon this Board, by the Commissioners of the Town of Ithaca, for the Geneva
and Ithaca Railroad Company, there be levied 'and assessed upon the taxable
property of the Town of Ithaca, the sum of nine thousand five hundred ($9,500)
dollars, as follows:
Interest to come due' April 1st, 1881, $ . 3,500 00
'• Oct. 1st, 1881, 3 500 00
Sinking Fund, 2 500 00
9 500 00
And that the Supervisor of the Town of Ithaca pay said sum to such Com-
missioners to be expended for the purpose above named.
To R. Horton, Supervisor of the Town of Newfield:
We, the undersigned, Commissioners of' the Town of New-
field, duly appointed under the provisions of an act of the
Legislature of the State of New York, authorizing Towns to
subscribe to the capital stock of Railroad corporations, and,
to issue Bonds therefor, do respectfully Report that it will be
necessary for said Town of Newfield to raise by Tax $3,465.00
to pay interest from September 1st, 1880, to September l.st,
1881, on Bonds of the said Town of Newfield, to the amount of
$4:=1,500.00, issued to aid in the construction of the Pa. & Sodus
Bay Railroad. Said interest being payable semi-annually on
the first days of March and September of each year. Also to
raise as aforesaid an additional sum of $520.00 being one per
cent. of the original bonded debt, to provide for a Sinking
Fund. We further Report that we have appropriated Sink
ing Fund to the purchase of one $500.00 Newfield Town Bond
No. 38 and duly canceled the same. We have a balance on
hand of Twenty dollars.
Dated, Newfield, Nov. 12th, 1880.
N. B. DUNNING, } Commissioners.
I. B. Palmer being duly sworn says that he is one of the Railroad Bonding
Commissioners in and for the Town of Newfield, and that the above Report is in
, all respects true and correct.
Subscribed and sworn to before me, December 2d, 1880.
FRED N. DEAN, Notary Public.
To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County :
In -accordance with Chapter 552, Laws of 1870, I hereby
report the .public debt of the Town of Newfield to be as fol-
lows, viz :
Bonds issued to the Pa. & Sodus Bay Rail -road Com-
pany, under the act to facilitate the construction of rail -roads,
pissed by the Legislature of 1880, and amended May 18, 1869.
Amount of bonds issued, rate of interest seven per cent, ....$ 52,00 00
Amount of principal paid to Nov. 12, 1880 2 500 00
49 500 00
Amount of interest due March 1, 1881,. 1 732 50
" " Sept. 1, 1881, 1 732 50
$52 965 00
Resolved.—That at the request of the Bonding Commissioners of the Town
of Newfield, there be levied and collected from said Town, the sum of five hun-
dred and twenty dollars to be applied as a Sinking Fund, and the sum of three
thousand four hundred and sixty-five dollars, as interest on the above named
Town Bonds.
R. HORTON, Supervisor.
To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County :
GENTLEMEN :—The Bonding Cornmissioners of the Town
of Ulysses beg leave to submit the following Report :
Amount of Bonds issued under Chapter 907 laws of 1869,
and .laws amendatory thereof, was Seventy -Five Thousand
Dollars, ($75,000,) dated March 1st, 1871, due March lst, 1901,
with interest at seven per cent. per annum, payable semi-an-
nually, on the first of March and September. Amount of
principal paid, Nine Thousand Five Hundred Dollars.
Amount of Coupons due and unpaid, Three Dollars and Fifty
Cents. There is deposited with the Union Trust Company of
New York, Three Dollars and Fifty Cents to pay said Cou-
There.is a balance on hand of Fourteen Dollars and Sev-
en Cents.
One year's interest on $75,000, is. $ 5,250 00
One per cent. for sinking fund,... 750 00
We would recommend that Six Thousand Dollars be as-
sessed on the Town for interest and sinking fund.
Dated, Nov. 4th, 1880.
E. S. PRATT, Commissioners.
T. Boardman being duly sworn, says the foregoing Report is correct to the
best of his knowledge and belief. T. BOARDMAN.
• Subscribed and sworn to before t ne this 4th day of November, 1880.
J. R. EMERY, Justice of the Peabe.
To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County :
In accordance with Chapter 552, laws of 1870, I hereby
Report the public debt of the Town of Ulysses to be as fol-
lows, viz :
Bonds issued to Pa. & Sodus.Bay Railroad Company un-
der the act to facilitate Railroads, passed by the Legislature
of 1850, and amended May 18th, 1869.
Amount of Bonds issued, rate of Interest 7 per cent $ 75,000 00
Amount of principal paid Nov. 4th, 1880, as appears by Re-
port of Bonding Commissioners, 9,500 00
Amount of principal unpaid Nov. 4th, 1880, 06,500 00
Amount of interest due March 1st, 1881 2,327 50
Sept. " 2,327 50
Total amount of indebtedness, Sept 1st, 1881, 71,155 00
Resolved.—That at the request of the Bonding Commissioners of the Town of
Ulysses, there be levied and collected in said Town, the sum of Six Thousand
Dollars, for ipterest and sinking fund.
J. P. KING, Supervisor.
Sheriffs report of fines paid him between Nov. 15th, 1879,
and Nov. 15th, 1S80.
Submitted, Nov. 20th, 1880.
The following fines were imposed during the December
term of County Court and Court of Sessions, and received by
me, to wit :
Dec. 1879, Carrie Fisher, for keeping bawdy house, $ 100 00
" " E. C. Protts, for malicious mischief • 15 00
" " Patrick Ward, for assault and battery, 15 00
" " Victor Cheesman, " ti 44 10 00
it it James Corcoran, " 10 00
" John Vaughn, " ta 10 00 ,
$160 00
The above fines have been paid ever to the County Treas-
urer and his receipt for same is herewith submitted.
March, 1880, Frank Burns, tor contempt, 5 00
June, Amos McKinney, " 10 00
• " " Charles Coughten, it 5 00
• 20 00
These fines paid me in March and June have been paid
over to the Clerk of the Court, and his receipts for same are
herewith submitted. WM. J. SMITH, Sheriff'.
To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County :
The Superintendent of the Poor of the County of Tomp-
kins, respectfully reports, that from the 15th day of Nov-
ember, 1880, there was supported in the Poor House as fol-
lows, viz :
Hannah Loomis, 365 days ; Wm. Hollinbeck, 365 ; Moses Myers; 365, Rich-
ard King, 282; John Dalrymple, 154 ; Nancy Harris, 365 ; Abram Strong, 365 ;
Charles Mills, 365 ; Lena Collins, 865 ; Emily Skinner, 365 ; Eva Skinner, 365 ;
Daniel Welch, 166; James Anderson, 3; John Baker, 3; John Brady, 3; Michael
Murphy, 3; Wm. Tayler, 3; Frank Clark, 8.; Alex. Morton, 158; John Wells,
152; Thos. Mahar, 3; Dennis McCarty, 3 ; Thomas Galagher, 2; John Kelly, 2 ;
Wm. Conover, 2 ; Wm. French, 2 ; John Riley, 2; James Welch, 3 ; Charles
Gray, 3; James White, 3; Emery English, 3; Feter Fagan 3 ; Frank Bean, 3 ;
James Norton, 2; John Clark, 2; James Clark, 2; Wm. Baker, 2 ; Wm. Hines,
3; Walter Hazelton, 3; Geo. Jackson, 3; Joseph Vandon, 3; Andrew Lewis, 3;
Geo, Smith, 3; Homer Buckley, 114 ; Patrick Flynn, 2 ; W. Harvey, 3 ; Abram
Shepherd, 2; Andrew Lewis 2d, 2; Geo. W. Smith, 2; Wm. McKean, 2; John
Sullivan, 3; James liennick, 3; Frank Miller, 3; Abram Benson, 3; John Coy, 3;
Thomas Allen, 3; Joseph Sharron, 3; Edward Burns, 3; Albert Guff. 3; John
Pratt. 3; Edward Shaw, 3; John Day, 3; Patrick Flinn, 3; Daniel Cook, 72;
Edward Smith, 34; Albert Wilson, 3; John Brown, 3; Wm. Dunn, 3; Henry
Austin, 3; Wm. Dresden, 3; Michael Cheney, 3; Charles Curtis, 3; 'Charles Lee,
3; Edward Burns, 3; Thomas Alenroy, 3; Edward Kelly, 3; Geo. Hector, 3;
Wm. Sunders, 3; James Bennett, 3; James Sanford, 3; David Duncan, 3; John
Hermit, 3; Geo. Hays, 3; James Track, 4; John Roberts, 5; John Nixon, 5; Rich-
ard Traney, 5; Frank Wilson, 5; Patrick Flynn, Jr., 2; John Welch, 2; James
Murland, 23 ; John Huldry, 2; James Williams, • 2; Geo. McGrahau, 2; James
Larney, 2; Geo. Carter, 2; Oliver Stafford, 2; David Foster, 2; James Chancey,
2 ; James White, 2 ; Thomas Ward, 2; Thomas Covert, 3; Wm. Brownham, 2 ;
Geo. Smith, 2 ; John McKey, 3 ; Nathaniel Hewitt, 2; Charles Thomas, 2; John
Kelly, 2; Geo. Thomas, 2; John White, 4; Thomas Haskins, 3; James Rogers, 3:
Geo. Wright, 3; Thomas Wilson, 3; Wm. Colins, 3; Wm. O. Haren, 31; John
Randall, 6; Geo. E. Hall, 40; Horace Easton, 88; Geo. Leyden, 24; John Sheri-
dan, 4; Pat Murphy, 3; Sarah Campbell, 38; Peter Sheridan, 24; Cornelius Bo-
gardus, 82; John Fagan, 6; Bridget Henesey, 47; Kate Henesey, 47; Thomas
Henesey, 28; Thomas Holmes, 2; Daniel McKinty, 24; John Gray, 16. Total
number of paupers, 132; 5,219 days.
CAROLINE.—Everet Boyer, 365.
DANBY.—Charles Walling, 365; Jerusha Cronce, 365; Elnora Cronce ,365;
Ann Crane, 265; Geo. Haywood, 365; Wm. Thornton, 365. Total number of pau-
pers, 6; 2,090 days.
DRYDEN.—Charles White, 365; David Rodenbeau, 365; Anthony Onan,
365; Hiram Root, 47; Eugene Burton, 29; Erastus Dunks, 213. Total number of
paupers, 6; 1,384 days.
GROTON.—Rebecca Butler, 365; Eli Eliner, 184; Ralph Phelps, 72; Oliver
Williams, 4; Josephine Williams, 9; Total number of paupers, 5; 634 days.
ENFIELD.—James Christy, 46. •
ITHACA.—Thos. Stephens, 240;. Lyman Savage, 365; John Raymond, 365;
Lydia Bower, 365 ; Daniel McCune, 365; Mary Syne, 365; Wm. Hogan, 365;
Emily VanlAstine, 365; M»ry McCarty, 25; Peter Christiance,309; Horace White-
head, 321; Russel C. Williams, 333; Elizabeth Mulvehill, 9; John Murray, 20;
Abram Case, 50; John Perry, 47. Total number of paupers, 16; 3,909 days.
LANSING.—Lewis Chapin, 189 ; Mary Strong, 365; Henry Parker, 37.
Total number of paupers, 3; 591 days.
NawFrELD.—Lorinda Gibbs, 365 ; Chas. Gray, 137; Peter Joice, 29.. Total
number of paupers, 3; 531 days.
_ ULYSSES.—John ULrssrs.—John Trembly; 365,; James Vandyke, 322 ; John Brennan, 307 ;
John Sears.- 14. Total number of paupers, 4; 1,008 days.
Grand total, 177; 15,775.
The whole number of days said paupers have been sup-
ported in the said County Rouse was 15, 775, and the amount
of drafts drawn on the County Treasurer for bills: audited by
the Superintendent for the support of the institution during
said :year, over and above the proceeds of said farm,. was'
$ 4,802.94. \
The sums expended for outdoor reliet, $ 1 670 25`
" services of overseers' 173 50
" transportation of paupers, 43,63
Insurance on buildings, 48 75
Conveying insane to asylum, 11 53
Improvement on property, 293 35
Indoor expenses, 2 561 93
4 802 94
The following bill in items makes up: the above -amount
under the head of improvements on property
Repairs on house, 26:16
Blinds 17 41
Stove repairs and arches, 69 28
Desk, :. 25 00
Ditching, 25 50
Fertilizer, 70 00
Pump, 6 00
Two cows,
293 35
There has been raised and grown on the County Farm
during the said year, and the amount on hand the 16th day
of Nov., 1880, is as follows, to wit :
160 Bushels of wheat raised; on hand,
500 " " .oats, " "
750 " corn, ears
360 Bushels of potatoes, 300
5 .. " peas "
10 " " onions, " 8
7 " " beets, " 2
18 " " beans, " .18
10 " " tomatoes" " , ...
1,160 heads of cabbage raised; on hand, 600
200 bushels of apples, " • " 125
10 tons of hay, " 8
11 acres of corn stalks, all on hand.
One pair of horses belonging to keeper; one yoke of oxen belonging to
county; six milch cows; one bull; one heifer calf; nine hogs fattening; nine
shoats wintering; seventy common Cowls; forty-two tons of coal; ten cords of
wood; thirty-two yards of denims; twenty-seven yards of shirting;, fourteen yards
of bleabhed muslin ; sixty-three yards of factory; ten pairs of stockings; twenty-
four pairs socks; tour yards .gingham; twenty -fly() yards flannel; one bed tick;
four men's shirts; six chemise ; fourteen • yards calico; ten aprons ; three
men's slips; six pillow cases; four sheets; sixteen comfortables; two towels;
seven pairs pants; two shrouds; twelve yards ticking ;*six pairs suspenders; two-
thirds firkin butter; one-third firkin lard; thirty pounds tallow; five dozen
candles ; one barrel molasses; one and one-half barrels sugar; two barrels soap ;
five barrels cider; two barrels vinegar; thirty yards cloth; six pairs boots: twelve
pairs shoes; two casks grease.
I further report the number of births in the County House
I further report the number of deaths in the County
House to be 8.
I further report the number of paupers in the County
House on Nov. 15th, 1879, to be 36.
I further report the number in the County House the 15th
day of Nov. 1880, 36.
The average number in •the Poor House during the year
was 43 80-365.
The whole number received, 133; number discharged,
119 ; deaths, 8 ; absconded, 6.
The average expense for each pauper's support, above the
proceeds of the farm, is $59.27. The average expense per
week, $1. 13 2-3.
In conformity to the 30th Section, Title 1st, Chapter 20, of
the Revised Statutes, I, the Superintendent of the Poor, re-
spectfully report to the Board. of Supervisors, that I estimate
the expenses for the support of county and town paupers in
the e Poor House the ensuing year. at $2,500.00.
I further estimate, the expense for transportation of pau-
pers to the County; House, at $40.00.
I further estimate the expense for temporary; relief of
county paupers not in the Poor House, at $2,000.00.
I. further estimate the expense of Overseers of the Poor,
for their services, at X175.00.
I farther report for keeper's salarythe sum of $500.00.
Total, 0,215.00.
The following bills have been audited by the Superintend-
ent of the Poor and drafts drawn on the County Treasurer,
for in -door .expenses' from the 15th day of November, 187), to
the 15th day of November, 1880:
Dec.. 3, 1879. Levi Letts, pork, $ 14 00
Edward Pyle, pork, 13 45
Jesse Mcgeel, pork, 20 10
T. C. Vandevere, pork, 38 75
Wm. Booth, pork, ; 33 65
Wm. Terrel, pork, 28.90
A. N. Smith, pork, 29.00
Jacob Updike, pork, 9 75
John A. Letts, pork, 40 00
H. F. Owen, pork, 35 70
Clinton Thompson, pork, ..... 35 40
Wm. W. Esty, salt, 15 95
Rockwell & Hoff, lumber, 11 20
O. P. VanKirk, pork, 11 70
B. L. Almy, pork, •12 40
R. Wilcox, coal, 97 97
E. A. Snow, painting blinds, 3 60
Elias Smith, potatoes 2 67
Dec. 17, 1879. G. F. Wood, pork, 16 40
Jacob Vanderbilt, pork,. 27 65
Jacob Carman, pork, 17 45
Wm. Severn, pork, 19 25
T. M. Bower, on salary, 100 00
Jan. 7, 1880. Wm. Farrington, shoes and mending 10 23
Allen Gray, insurance, 48 75
Gauntlett & Brooks, drugs, etc., 37 91
Ward 8 Miller, pork 25 93
Ed. Murphy, fresh meat, 22 74
Geo. W. Loomis, supplies, 28 43
Henry Rightmire, carpenter 3 80
J. L. Iredell, wood, 35 40
Feb. 4, 1880. Thomas Van, coal, 71 60
Wm. Severn, hee , 12 23
Mar. 3, 1880. Journal Association, stationery, 4 00
Marsh & Hall, supplies, 194 96
Treman, King & Co., supplies and repairs, 65 80
Wm. Farrington, shoes and mending, 8 55
Ed. Boyer, threshing,. 22 20
11. B. Chase, medicine, 4 16
Howard & Clement, furniture,25 00
R. L. Smith, house physician, 20 25
T. M. Bower, balance on salary,. 304 07
H. G. Cooper, beef, 24 15
W. I. Smith., wheat, '72 60
Apr. 7, 1880. T. C. Vandevere, clover seed, 10 00
R. Wilcox, coal, 5 10
Woodford Longstreet, supplies, 4 50
May 5, 1881. Ed. Murphy, fresh meat.. .......... 30 37
A. F. Morton, boots and shoe, 16 42
Caleb Carman, beef, 36
J. L. Iredell, balance on wood, 9 77
June 2, 1880. J. M. Stout, assignee, supplies, 50 84
34 91
Wm. Farrington, shoes and mending, 8 16
T. M. Bower, phosphate, 35 00
July 7, 1880. W. & J. Kerst, supplies, 13 2ti
Ed. Murphy, fresh meat, 110 14
Wm. FarringtOn, shoes and mending, 12 00
Thomas Van, coal, 20 59
T. M. Bower, quarterly service, 125 00
Aug. 4, 1880. E.A. Snow, painting,. 11 16
Ed. Murphy, fresh meat, 28 00
E. K. Johnson, supplies,. 19 93
D. H. Ayers, arches, • 57 73
R L. Smith, house physician,...30 75
Ed. Boyer, 2 cows,. 40 00
Sept. 1, 1880. Wm. Farrington, mending shoes, 4 88
H. G. Cooper, phosphate.........:.: ........ 16 00
Marion Smith, pump, 6 00
Oct. '6, 1880. Thomas Maloney, ditching, 25 50
Ed. Murphy, fresh meat, 67 90
W. & J. Kerst, supplies, 27 77
Nov. 3, 1880. Newell &.Riddle. balance on grinding, .... 8 27
Thomas Van, coal, 122 48
W. & J. Kerst, supplies, 35 89
R. Wilcox, coal, 93 16
Pratt & Seymour, phosphate,. 19 00
Total, ...$2,904 03
Ttie whole amount of in -door expenses from the 15th day of Nov- .
ember, 1879, to the 15th day of November, 1880, was.. $2,561 93
Days' Board &
Board. Cloth'g.
County of Tompkins, 5,219 $847 57
Town of Caroline,... 365 59 26
Town of Danby, ' 2,090 339 40
Town of Dryden, 1,384 224 75
Town of Groton, 634 102 95
Town of Enfield, - 46.... 7 46
Town of Ithaca .3,909 .. 634 65
Town of Lansing,.... 591 95 97
Town of Newfield, 531 86 '23
Town of Ulysses, 1 008 163 69
Total, 15,775 - 2,56193
The following statement shows the amount due from the
county and towns for the support of their poor in the Poor'
House from the 15th day of Nov., 1879, to the. 1.5th day of
Nov., 1850:
Days. Am't.
Froin the County of Tompkins, - 5 219 $. 847 55
Town of Caroline, 365 59 26
Danby, 2 090 339 40
Dryden,. . 1 384 224 75'
Groton, 634. . 102 95
• Enfield, ... 46 T 7 46
Ithaca,. :3 909 634 65
From the Town of Lansing, 591 95 97
Newfield,. 531 Bis 23
Ulysses, 1 008.... ... 163 69
Total, 15,775 2,56193
The following bills of Overseers of the Poor have been
audited by the Superintendent and drafts drawn on the
County Treasurer for bills contracted out of the Poor House,
for temporary relief of county poor,from the 15th day of Nov.,
1879, to the 15th day of Nov., 1880:
Nov. 15,1879. G. W. Beckwith, county physician in Ithaca, $ 15 00
Dec. 3, 1879. Wm. N. Buck, relief of tramps . .... ... 5 25
Miles Goodyear, medical service, 17 00
T. H. Howell, relief of tramps, 8 00
Stephen Bostwick, care Phelps, cripple, 26 00
Elias R. Weaver, medical service, 10 75
J. M. Farrington, 12 75
Dec. 17,1879. G. W. Lormer, relief, Mrs. Grow and others,17 90
A. W. Knapp, tramps, 8 00
Jan. 7, 1880. W. V. Personius, relief Cornelius children,2 71
Feb. 4, 1880. R. E. Brink, supplies by order overseer poor, 14 22
Eugene McNiel, supplies Mrs. Wells and others 64 00
Mar. 3, 1880. John M. Baker, relief of tramp.... ... 6 50
Sears & Baucus, order of overseer poor,.. 27 82
Apr. 7, 1880. M. C. Jones, 41 545 74
Harrison Myers, care Chas. Sullivan, 32 00
May 5, 1880. B. F. Tompkins, care Whitney family 5 53
E. P. Bouton, care Whitney and tramp, 75 50
John M. Baker, tramps, and bastardy, 9 20
R. E. Brink, supplies, order overseer poor,7 89
J. C. Vanderhoof, tramps and medical service,10 16
June 2, 1880. G. W. Lormer, tramps and burying poor, .. 30 00
July 7, 1880. James H. Fox, tramps, 9 50
Aug. 4, 1880. J. C. Vanderhoof, Peter Sullivan, 11 00
Eugene McNiel, supplies 25 50
A. D. Simonds, physician to C. Sullivan, 26 00
Sept. 1, 1880. Myron Hallady, tramps, 12 00
Oct. 6, 1880. Bradford Snyder, supplies 3 75
Nelson Underwood, tramps, 3 25
Nov. 8, 1880. G. W. Beckwith, county physician, Ithaca 31 00
Nov. 8, 1880. H. J. Wilson, supplies county poor, 553 26
D. B. Torry, supplies, 13 50
G. C. Whitley, care Agnes Willets, etc., 41 10
$1, 681 78
Deduct for conveying to asylum, 11 53
$1 670 25
The following statement shows the amount of bill& audit-
ed by the Superintendent of the Poor, to the Overseers of the
Poor,froin the 15th day of Nov. 1879, to the 15th day of Nov.
1880, for their services with the county paupers :
Feb. 4, 1880. Eugene McNiel Overseer Groton, $ 14 00
April 7,1880. M. C. Jones, Ithaca, 46 00
May 5, 1880. E. P. Bouton, Ulysses,.... ....... 31 00
June 2, 1880. Nelson Underwood, Groton, ....... .. 3 00
Aug. 4, 1880. Eugene McNiel, " ............ 3 00
J. C. Vanderhool, ' Dryden, 4 0
Sept.1, 1880. Myron Hallady,.... Lansing, 6 00
Oct. 6, 1880. Bradford Snyder,... Dryden,.... 4 00
Nov. 8, 1880. H. J. Wilson, Ithaca, 62 50
Total, $173 50
Names of paupers received into • the Poor House, from
N.ovember 15th, 1879, to the 15th day of November, 1880, with
the bills of the persons transporting, as per transportation
book :
Names of Paupers.
Town By whom Brought. Am't of Bill.
Russel C. WilliamsIthaca
Barnum Phelps Groton
Elizabeth Mulverhill Ithaca
James Gardner $ 1 00
Eugene McNeil 3 5
E G. Phelps 1 00
.M. C. Jones 1 00
.M. W. Knapp....... .2 00
2 25
Brad Snyder 1 75
N. Underwood 4 14
Edwin Smith 2 50
2 50
J C. Vanderhoof 3 00
Homer Buckley
Geo. Haywood Danby
Wm. Thornton
Erastus Dunks .Dryden
O. Williams and wifeGroton
John Sheridan Lansing
Henry Parker
Peter Sheridan Dryden
John Randall... .......Ulysses B F. Tompkins 2 50
Sarah Campbell 1 00
J. Q. Murray Ithaca H J Wilson.... .. ..... 1 00
Peter Joice "46 6. 1 00
Abe Case 64 4. 64 1 00
John Perry " ....... ..... 1 00
John Gray ... . 1 00
Transportation to different points by M. C. Jones, 10 49
$43 63
The Superintendent further reports that the $32.30 report-
ed due the County from Newell & Riddle, on the 15th day of
November, 1879, has been paid by bill for grinding.
The following statement shows the amount of produce
sold during the past year and where applied:
1 % Tons of Hay,. $ 17 50
782 Pounds of Hams, 64 88
16 Dozen Eggs. 1 60
19 % Bushels Corn 11 67
12 Pigs, 25 85
Load of Stalks, 3 00
309% Bushels of Oats, 123 80
$248 30
Paid for supplies for house, $105 73
Bull 23 00
Hogs 10 16
Bill for painting, 3 00
Drawing grease, 2 00
Postage and blanks, 5 75
Due for Pigs, Corn and Hay sold 19 30
Expenses In taking insane to Asylum, ........ 25 61
On hand, 53 75
$248 30
The Superintendent further reports that there have been
religious services held in the house, monthly, during the year
ending November 15th, 1880, and that said services have been
well attended and interesting to the inmates of the institution.
The Superintendent would respectfully report that there
is the sum of $53.75 in his hands unexpended.
The $31,58 reported on hand the 15th day of Nov. 1879,
has been expended for the following purposes for the institu-
tion, and in the following manner : '
By Truman Spaulding, as per bill, for traveling expenses
to .Ovid, and on other business, and for services and station-
ery, $31.19. He received from bills reported due the county
$31.00, and paid over to me Jan. 8th, 1880, $31.39.
The $31.39 paid to me by T. Spaulding, was by me dis-
bursed for the following purposes :
Traveling expenses in taking boy Burton, to Syracuse Hospital. $ 7 50
Expenses in transferring B.F.Pratt, and Thomas McKenna from
Utica to Willard Asylum, 23 89
$31 39
Report of the Superintendent of the Poor to the Board of
Supervisors of Tompkins. County, fixing the location of those
taken to the different asylums, and the towns charged for
their support :
Mary McCarty, Willard,
Mrs. Russel, `•
Alamanzo Prame,
B. F. Pratt, transferred from Utica to Ovid, .Dryden.
Thomas McKenna, transferred from Utica to Ovid, `•
Chas. W. Jacobs, Ovid,.......... .. ........................Lansing.
Frances Drake,
Chas. Bradbury, self-supporting,
Josephine Williams, Willard, County.
Wallace Holmes, <A Ithaca.
Hiram Crissy, 66
John Randall, County.
Hattie Crego, Ulysses.
Joachin Atwater, Ithaca.
I certify that the foregoing report contains a true account of all moneys re_
ceived by me, and a true statement of all produce raised on the County farm, also
a trite account of all motleys and produce expended for the support of the inmates
in the County House, or for other purposes necessary to the proper support of the
Sworn to before me, this 18th day of November, 1880.
JOHN E. BEERS, Notary Public.
Made pursuant to Chapter 5t'4, Section 37, Lama 1879.
AN ACT for the protection and preservation of Quail, Wood
Duck, Black Duck, Mallard Duck, Teal Duck and Wood-
cock, in the County of Tompkins.
[Passed December 5, 1879, by the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County. A
,fall Board being present, and all the members thereof voting in the affirmative.]
The people of Tompkins County, by the Board of Supervisors,
do enact as follozos :
SECTION 1. No person shall catch, kill, or have in his or
her possession, any Quail caught or killed in said County for
the period of three years after the passage of this ordinance.
SEC. 2. No person shall catch or kill, or have in his or
her possession, any Wood Duck, Black Duck, Mallard Duck,
Teal Duck or Woodcock, caught or killed in said County be-
tween the first day of January and the first day of September
in each year.
SEC. 3. Any person violating any of the provisions of
the above sections, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor,
and upon conviction thereof, shall be punishable as provided
in Section 9, Chapter 534, Laws of 1879.
SEC. 4. All fines recovered under the provisions of this
ordinance or regulation, and belonging to said County, shall
be paid to the Treasurer of said County, to be kept by him in
a separate account, and to be applied to the enforcement of
this ordinance, by payment of costs, and in such other man-
ner as the Board of Supervisor of said County may direct.
SEC. 5. This ordinance shall take effect immediately.
I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was adopted and duly passed by the
Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, at its regular session, December 5,
1879, a full Board being present.
Clerk of Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County.
Supervisors' Rooms, Ithaca, Dec. 5, 1879.
[Compiled by direction of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, 1878.]
General Election: The first Tuesday after the first Monday in November.
Annual Town Meeting: The first. Tuesday in April.
• [Pas=ed by the E. and of Super%isurs Dec. 7, 1890.1
Resolved.—That the time of holding the Annual Town Meetings in this Coun-
ty be changed from the first Tuesday in April, to the last Tuesday in February ;
said change not to take effect until February, 1882.
Annual School Meeting : The second Tuesday in October.
Annual Meeting of Town Auditors : The first Thursday atter the General •
Election; at which time all Town Bills must be presented.
Annual Meeting of Town Auditors to settle with Town Officers : The last
Tuesday preceding Town Meeting.
Annual meeting of Supervisors as County Canvassers : The first Tuesday suc-
ceeding the General Election ; and, on the completion of the canvass, to organize
as a Board of Supervisors.
Annual meeting of Assessors, Supervisor and Town Clerk, to publish notice
of election ; the place of holding, and the times of opening and closing the polls ;
(notices of the same to be posted in at least eight public places in each district) ;
The first Monday in October.
Meeting of the above-named officers for the purpose of making a jury list :
The first Monday in July of every third year. The last meeting tor this purpose
was held on said day of July, 1880.
County Superintendents of the Poor meet at the County House : The first
Wednesday in each month. (The object of these meetings is to audit bills payable
from the County Poor Fund.)
Each Supervisor must execute to, and deposit with, the County Treasurer, a
bond for the accounting of all School moneys which may come into his hands,
before entering upon the duties of his office.
Each Supervisor must make and deliver to the Town Clerk of his Town, his
bond for the faithful discharge of bis official duties, and to account for all moneys
coming into his hands as such Supervisor.
The Trustees of School Districts shall report to the School Commissioners
between October first and the second Tuesday of the same month.
The School moneys are apportioned annually by the School Commissioners,
on the third Tuesday of March.
The Commissioner of Highways must execute a bond to the Supervisor of his
town within ten days alter his election.
Overseers of Highways must file a statement of all unworked highway -tax
with the Supervisors of their respective Towns, on or before the first day of
October. •
The Collector shall, within eight days atter receiving notice of the amount of
taxes to be collected by him, execute to the Supervisor of the Town, and lodge
with him, a bond in double the amount of said taxes, to be approved by the Su-
pervisor. The Supervisor, shall, within six days thereafter, file said bond in the
office of the County Clerk of his County.
The Assessors must complete the Assessment Roll on or before the first day
of August, and leave a copy thereof with one of their number, and immediately
thereafter, cause notice to be posted in three or more public places in their town
The Assessors shall meet on the third Tuesday in August, to review their as
sessments, and hear the complaint of any person conceiving himself aggrieved.
An affidavit to the Roll by the Assessors, made prior to the third Tuesday of
August, is a nullity. The Assessors must deliver the corrected Assessment Roll
to the Supervisor on or before the first day of September. The Assessor cannot
enter the name of a person on his Roll who became a resident after the first day
of July.
When the Assessors, or a majority of them, shall have completed their Roll,
they shall severally appear before one of the justices of the Town or city in which
they shall reside, and shall severally make and subscribe, before such justice, an
oath, in the following form :
" We, the undersigned, do severally depose and swear that we have set down,
in the foregoing Assessment Roll, all the real estate situate in the Town (or ward
as the case may be,) according to our best information; and that, with the excep-
tion of those cases in which the value of the said real estate has been changed by
reason of proof produced before us, we have estimated the value of the said real
estate at the sums which a majority of the Assessors have decided to be the full
and true value thereof', and at which they would appraise the same in payment of
a just debt due from a solvent debtor, and also that the said Assessment Roll con-
tains a true statement of the aggregate amount of the taxable personal estate of
each and every person named in such Roll, over anti above the amount of debts
due from such persons, respectively, and excluding such stocks as are otherwise
taxable, and such other property as is exempt by law from taxation, at the full
and true value thereof, according to our best judgment and belief."
The foregoing oath is in the precise language of the statute, and any depart-
ure therefrom,by assessors, is as needless as it is hazardous. The phraseology of
the statute would seem to be as concise as is compatible with its comprehensive-
ness. It is possible that a somewhat briefer form of oath, embodying the sub-
stance of the form laid down in the statute, might be adopted—but who can know
that the substance of the statutory oath is preserved Y No one, until the question
has been passed upon by a competetent Court. It will thus be seen that he who
departs from, by abridging, the form set fortlf in the statnte, is very liable to
cause the tax -payers to pay pretty dearly.for his economy of ink and paper. And
the possibility of any variance from the precise words of the statute with safety,
has reference only to form; any change in substance would be fatal. For in•
stance ; it is thought that taking the oath before any other officer than a justice
of the peace ofthe town, (or city) in which the assessors reside; or the omission
to state the value cif the property assessed, the basis on which the estimate is
made, and that such estimate is according to the best judgment and belief of the
assessors subscribing the oath, or of a majority of them; it is thought that these
defects, or any of them, would render the assessment a nullity, because not in ac-
cordance with the statute. It is hoped that the assessors of the several towns of this
County will observe the strict letter of the statute in the performance of their
important and responsible duties.
The Supervisor must report to the County Treasurer, on.the first Tuesday
in March, the amount of School moneys remaining in his hands.
Each Justice of the Peace must execute a bond to the Supervisor of his
Each Justice of the Peace shall make a report in writing, verified by oath,
every year, bearing date the first day of November, to the Board of Supervisors,
at their annual session, in which he shall state particularly the time when, and
the name of the person or persons from whom, any money has been received,
and also the amount, and on what account the same was received ; also all sums
remaining due and unpaid ; and that all moneys by him received have been paid
to the officer duly empowered by law to receive the same.
Each Justice of the Peace must pay all the money received by him, for fines
or penalties, to the Supervisor of his town.
Overseers of the l:oor cannot furnish supplies to a County pauper to exceed
the sum of ten dollars, without an order from the County Superintendents author-
izing further disbursements for such purpose.
All bills payable by towns must be presented to the Town Auditors for their
All bills for supplies furnished to County paupers, must be presented to the
County Superintendents of the Poor, for audit.
REGULAR 41 7-70
Tow x Aumn—Caroline 77-78
Danby 18-80
Dryden 80-82
Enfield. 83-84
Groton. 84-85
Ithaca 86-90
Lansing 91-93
Newfield. 93-95
Ulysses. 95-97
REpows—Committee on County Treasurer's 98-104
District Attorney's 104-106
Loan Commissioner's 106-107
R. R. Commissioners—Enfield 107-109
Groton. 109-111
Ithaca 111-115
• Newfield 116-117
Ulysses 117-118
Sheriff's Report 118-119
Poor House, and Superintendent's.. 119-130
Page 86. Ithaca Audit, No. 22 for " Audited 4 00" read " Audited 0 00."