HomeMy WebLinkAbout1881PROCEEDINGS OF THE Board of Supervisors OF THE COUNTY OF TOMPKINS, FOR THE YEAR 1881. JOHN E. BEERS, JAS. PIcLACHLAN, JR., - Chairman. Clerk. ITHACA, N. Y. JOURNAL ASSOCIATION JOB, PRINT. 1881. ANNUAL SFSS1ON OF TIME BOARD OF SCPCRI'ISOItS OF TOMPKINS COUNTY -4881. 0 The Supervisors of the Towns of Tompkins County met in the Supervisors' Room, in the Court House, at Ithaca, on Wednesday, November 16th, 1881, at 4:30 P. 31. The meeting was called to order by the Clerk of the Board of 1880. The Roll of Towns being called, all the Supervisors an- swered to their names, respectively, as follows : TOWN. MEMBER. P. O. ADDRESS. Caroline, .JAMES H. MOUNT Slaterville. Danby, JOHN E. BEERS, Danby. Dryden,........JAMrs H. GEORGE, West Dryden. Enfield, ISAAC NEWMAN, Ithaca. Groton, .ALBERT G. CHAPMAN, Groton. Ithaca ALEX. FREAK, Ithaca. Lansing, DAVID CROCKER, .Five Corners, Cayuga Co. Newfield, RANDOLPH HORTON,.. Newfield. Ulysses, HoRACE G. COOPER,.. .... Jacksonville. On motion, Mr. Crocker was unanimously chosen Tem- porary Chairman. 6 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. On motion, an informal ballot for Permanent Chairman was taken, which resulted as follows : Whole number of votes, 9. Of which John E. Beers re- ceived. 5 ; James H. George 3 ; David Crocker, 1. On motion of Mr. George, John E. Beers was unanimously elected Permanent Chairman. The Board then proceeded, on motion, to take an informal ballot for Clerk, with the following result : Whole number of votes cast, 9. Of which DeWitt C. Bouton received 4 ; James McLachlan, Jr., 3 ; and J. J. Nelligan, 2. On motion, a formal ballot was taken, resulting as follows : Whole number of votes, 9. Of which DeWitt C. Bouton received 4 ; James McLachlan, Jr., 5. Mr. McLachlan was declared duly elected. On motion, a Committee, consisting of Messrs. Newman and Horton, was appointed to notify Mr. McLachlan of his election. The following, offered by Mr. Chapman, was adopted : Resolved.—That the Board, as a Committee of the Whole, visit the County House, Friday, November 18, 1881. On motion, the Chair appointed Messrs. George and Mount a Committee to procure conveyances for the Board. Mr. Crocker introduced the following which was adopted : Resolved.—That all resolutions of this Board by the members thereof, be pre- sented in writing unless otherwise ordered by the Board. On motion, Board adjourned to to -morrow morning at 9 A. M. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1881. Board met pursuant to adjournment. The following members responded to the roll call : Messrs. Beers, George, Chapman, Crocker and Horton. SUPERVISORS, PROCEEDINGS. 7 The minutes of November 16th were read and approved. The following was offered by Mr. Horton and duly adopted : Resolved.—That all County orders issued by this Board be countersigned by the Chairman; and all Town orders. by the Supervisors of the several Towns; and that no order shall be issued without the consent of the Board until after the final adjournment of this Board. The Chairman announced the following Standing Com- mittees of the Board for 1881: Committees of the Board of Supervisors for 1881. Constables', Cleric's and Justices' Accounts. Mount, Horton, Newman. Treasurer's Accounts. Cooper, George, Crocker. Equalization. Chapman, Frear, Cooper, Horton, George. Alms House and Superintendent' s Accounts. Frear, Newman, Horton, Cooper, Mount. County Ulaims. George, Crocker, Mount. United States Deposit Fund. Newman, Crocker, Chapman. Insurance. Newman, Cooper, Chapman. Printing. Cooper, Frear, Mount. Sherif•'s and Judge's Accounts. Horton, Frear, Newman. Committee on Assesssment Dolls. Crocker, George, Chapman. The following were offered and duly adopted : By Mr. Horton, Resolved.—That all bills and demands presented to this Board shall be refer- red to the proper committee without further action by the Board, g SUPERVISORS, PROCEEDINGS. By Mr. Frear, Resolved.—That the sessions of this Board shall commence at 9 A. M. and 2 P. M. By Mr. Mount, Resolved.—That the salary of the Clerk of this Board be fixed at the sum of $150. 00. By Mr. Crocker, Resolved.—That the ditty of the Janitor shall be to keep the Court House clean, lighted and comfortable during• the Sessions of Circuit, Special Term. and County Courts, Supervisors' Sessions, and Scnool Commissioners' ; and such other duties as are neces,,ariiy connected with the building during said sessions and meetings, and that the salary for the same be fixed at $150.00 ; and that attend- ance for any other purpose the Janitor shall receive such extra compensation as the Board of Supervisors may allow. The following was read and ordered spread on the minutes : STATE OF NEW YORK, COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE, ALBANY, October 4th, 1881. To the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins : • Sm:—I enclose a form of statement of the valuation of Real and Personal Estate required to be made by you, pursuanirto Chapter 117 of the Laws of 1836, and forwarded to this office previous to the second Monday in December in each year, under a penalty of fifty dollars. I also enclose a form of Return of Incor- porated Companies liable to Taxation: it is indispensable that this Report be fur- nished by the time prescribed. The Board of Equalization of Taxes, in pursuance to Chapter 312 of the Laws of 1859, have fixed the aggregate valuation of property in your County at the sum of $11,764,007, upon which amount a State tax of $26,469.02 must be levied for the current fiscal year, commencing October 1st, 1881, as provided in said act and amendments thereto, by Chapter 351, Laws of 1874, being 2M mills on the dollar, for the following purposes, viz: For Schools 1 14-100 mills, per Chapter 453,Laws of 1881. For General Purposes81-100 " " " 453, 1881. For Canals .. 3-10 " " 595, " 1881. Total 2i/4 mills Your obedient servant, J. W. WADSWORTH, Comptroller. P. S.—The non-resident Taxes credited to your Connty for 1880 amount to SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 9 STATE OF NEW YORK, COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE, ALBANY, October 4th, 1881. Srx —The Board of Equalization of Taxes, in pursuance of Chapter 312 of Laws of 184, have fixed the aggregate valuation of property in your County at the sum of $11,764,007, upon which amount a State tax of $26,469.02 must be levied for the current fiscal year, commencing October tat, 1881, as provided in said act and amendments thereto, by Chapter 351, Laws of 1874, being 2M mills on the dollar, for the following purposes, viz.; For Schools 1 14.100 mills, per Chapter 453,Laws of 1881. For General Purposes81-100 " " " 453, " 1881. . For Canals 3-10 " " 595, " 1881. • Total 2M mills. Your obedient servant, J. W. WADSWORTH, Comptroller. On motion, Board adjourned. Afternoon Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. On roll call all responded except Mr. Newman. Mr. Horton presented the Town Audits of the Town of Newfield.. On motion, the same were duly accepted by the Board. (See Town Audits.) Mr. Frear offered the following : Resolved.—That we proceed to designate by ballot two papers in which to publish the official canvass. On motion of Mr. Horton, seconded by Mr. Crocker, the above resolution was laid on the table to be taken up as the first order of business Monday afternoon. Mr. Cooper presented the Town Audits of the Town of Ulysses. On motion, the same were duly accepted by the Board. (See Town Audits.) Mr. Crocker presented the Town Audits of the Town of Lansing. 10 SIIJPERVISORS9 PROCEEDINGS. On motion, the same were duly accepted by the Board. (See Town Audits.) Mr. Mount offered the following, which was adopted : .Resolved.—That the Supervisor of the town of Caroline, lie and. is hereby authorized to add to.the taxes to be raised in said town, the sum of $10:76, to re- imburse the Loan Commissioners of Tompkins County for taxes erroneously levied upon a farm in the town of Caroline belonging to the State of New York. Mr. Chapman presented the Town Audits of the Town of Groton. On motion, the same were duly accepted. (See Town Audits.) Mr. Chapman offered the following, which was passed : Resolved.—That the Grand Jury list be apportioned among the several towns (based on the census of 1870) as follows : Caroline, 20; Danby, 19; Dryden, 43; Enfield,15; Groton, 32; Ithaca, 91; 'Lansing, 26; Newfield, 24; Ulysses, 30. On motion of Mr. Chapman the Board proceeded to take an informal ballot for Janitor. Messrs. George and Cooper were appointed tellers. The whole number of votes cast for Janitor was 8,. of which George W. Guinn received 8. On motion, George W. Guinn was unanimously elected by acclamation as Janitor for the ensuing year. On motion, Board adjourned. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1881. Morning Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment, All members responded to the roll call except Messrs. Chapman, Frear and Horton, all of whom had been previously excused. Minutes of November 17th read and approved. On motion, the Board adjourned to visit the County Poor House. s - SUPERVISORS, PROCEEDINGS. 11 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1881. Morning Session. Board met at 9 A. M. All members responded to the roll call. Minutes of November 18th read and approved. In the matter of Douglass Boardman against the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, the Hon. S. D. Halliday, of counsel for Boardman, appeared before the Board, and pre- sented a statement of the proceedings in said case, to the effect that,the Court of Appeals had reversed the decision of the General Term of the Supreme Court and affirmed the original decision of the Hon. Judge Lyon in County "Court, with costs. The following were offered and duly adopted : By Mr. George, Resolved.—That the Committee on Printing, solicit and receive bids for the printing of 3,000 copies, in pamphlet form, of the proceedings of the Board of Supervisors for the year 1881-; matter to be set in wide measure, and printed on book paper, of the same size and quality as the proceedings of last year, to be set in the same size type and to consist of the same number of pages as the proceed- ings of last year, and that a proportional reduction or addition per page be allow- ed should there be more or less pages than that of last year; and that the same be completed by the 15th day of January, 1882. Resolved.—That said Committee also solicit bids for the publication of the proceedings of this Board, in one or more of the papers published in the town of Ithaca, and to be published during the sessions of the Board, and to be completed within two weeks of the final adjournment of the present session of this Board. By Mr. Horton, Resolved.—That when this Board adjourns on the 23rd of November, it shall be to November 28th at 10 o'clock A. M. On motion, the Board adjourned. Afternoon Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. All present except Mr. Crocker, excused. Mr. Horton offered the following, which was duly passed. 12 SUPERVISORS, PROCIEEDINGS. Resolved.—That in accordance with a resolution passed by the Town Board of the town of Danby, there be assessed and levied against the taxable property of said town the sum of $700.00 to be applied by the. Highway Commissioner as follows : $675.00 to be paid for bridges, and $25.00 for damages assessed in changing road in district No. 45. Also that the sum of $250.00 be raised in the same manner for maintaining roads and bridges for the ensuing year. On motion, Board adjourned. 11IONDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1881. Morning Session. Board,met pursuant to adjournment. All except Messrs. Crocker, Horton and Newman respond- ed to the roll call. Minutes of November 19th read and approved. Mr. Mount offered the following : Resolved.—That the Supervisor of the Town of Caroline be authorized to de- duct from bill No.15 of the Town Audits of said Town the sum of $11.74. That amount being properly a County charge. Adopted. By Mr. Cooper, • Resolved.—That the Superintendent of the Poor be, and he is hereby author- ized to employ a Chaplain for the County House, at a salary not exceeding Fifty Dollars, to be paid upon the order of the Superintendent on the County Treasur- er, and that the Superintendent be requested to report the number of times ser- vices have been held during the year. Adopted. Mr. Cooper presented the report of the Bond Commission- ers of the Town of Ulysses. On motion, the same was received and ordered spread on the minutes. (See Reports.) Mr. Cooper presented a report of the public debt of the Town of Ulysses, which, on motion, was received and ordered printed in proceedings. (See Reports.) Mr. Newman presented the report of the Bond Commis- sioners of the Town of Enfield. Also a report of the public debt of the Town of Enfield, which, on motion, were received and ordered spread on the minutes. (See Reports.) SUp111VISORS, PROCEEDINGS.. 13 Mr. George offered the following, which were duly adopt- ed: Resolved.—That in accordance with a resolution passed at the Annual Town Meeting of the Town of Dryden held April5th, 1881, there be levied and collect- ed upon the Taxable property of said Town the sum of Twelve Hundred Dollars for the support of Roads and Bridges in said Town. Resolved.—That in accordance with a resolution passed by the Board of Town Auditors of said Town,there be levied and collected upon the taxable property of said Town the sum of Sixteen Hundred Dollars for the purpose of building an Iron Bridge over Virgil Creek near the Woolen Factory in Dryden Village. Resolved.—That the Supervisor of the Town of Dryden he authorized to levy and aesess on the taxable property of said Town the sum of Four Hundred Dol- lars foi the support of the Town Poor. On motion, Board adjourned. Afternoon Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. All responded to the roll call. Mr. Frear offered. the following : Resolved.—That we proceed to designate by ballot, two papers in which to publish the official canvass. Adopted, The first .ballot resulted as follows : Whole number of votes cast, 9. Of which the Ithaca Journal received 5 ; the Ithaca Democrat 2 ; and the Groton And Lansing Journal 2. . The second ballot resulted as follows : Whole number of votes cast, 8. Of which the Ithaca Journal received. 5, and the Ithaca Democrat 3. In accordance with the last ballot the Ithaca Journal and the Ithaca Democrat were designated as such papers. Mr. Horton offered the following : Resolved.—That the sum of $348.00 principal and $36.69 interest thereon be added to the Town Budget of the Town of Ithaca, the same being the tax illegal- ly assessed and collected of Douglass Boardman in the tax of 1879, and that the sum of $212,35 be added to the County Budget; being the costs adjudged by the court in the case of Douglass Boardman vs. The Board of Supervisors. Adopted, Y4. SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Mr. Frear offered the following : Resolved.—That there be added to the Town Audits of the Town of Ithaca the sum of $337.50 principal and $17.04 interest, being the tax illegally assessed and collected of Douglass Boardman in the tax of 1880, and that an order be issued for the same. Adopted. Mr. Cooper offered the following : Resolved.—That in accordance with a recommendation of the Town Board of Ulysses there be assessed and levied upon the taxable property of the Town of Ulysses the sum of $400.00 for the support of the Town Poor. Adopted. Mr. Chapman offered the following : Resolved. -That in accordance with a resolution of the Town Board of Groton, there be assessed and levied upon the taxable property of the Town of Groton the sum of $1,000.00 for Roads and Bridges. Also that there be raised in the same manner the sum of $250.00 for the same purpose for the ensuing year. Adopted. Mr. Cooper, from the Committee on Printing, submitted the bids received by that Committee in response to its propo- sals without recommendation from the Committee: The following communications were submitted to the Board and ordered spread on the minutes : OFFICE OF THE ITHACA DEMOCRAT, ITHACA, N. Y., Nov. 21,1881. H. G. COOPER, Esq., • Chairman Printing Committee : DEAR SIR :—I will print 3,000 copies of the proceedings of the Board of Su- pervisors in pamphlet form, (eighty pages) same as last year, for $175.00, and $1.70 per each additional page. I will also publish the proceedings in the Demo- crat, within the time specified by resolution of your Board, for 25 cents per folio. • • Yours Very Truly, WARD GREGORY. OFFICE OF THE JOURNAL PRINTING COMPANY, GROTON, N. Y., November 16, 1881. Chairman of Printing Committee, Board of Supervisors: DEAR Sgt :—We will print the proceedings of the Board of Supervisors in the Groton and Lansing Journal for 17 cents per folio. } SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. We will print 3,000 copies of the proceedings of the Board of Supervisors in pamphlet form, wide measure, similar to last year and equal quality for $154.00 for 80 pages, and $1.65 fos each additional page. Or if given the pamphlets to print, and the proceedings to publish in the " Journal", we will print the same in the Groton and Lansing Journal for 15 cents per folio, and furnish 3,000 copies of the pamphlets for $120.00 for 80 pages and for each additional page $1.50. Respectfully Yours, JOURNAL PRINTING COMPANY. ITHACA JOURNAL ASSOCLATION, BUSINESS DEPARTMENT, ITHACA, N. Y., November 21,1881. Gentlemen of the Printing Committee,Board of Supervisors: In response to your proposition inviting bids we respond that we should be pleased to make the same estimate as last year, duly printed in your proceedings of 1880, and trust that the best interests of the Board and of the County will warrant acceptance of the same. } Yours Very Truly, ITHACA JOURNAL ASSOCIATION. Mr. Chapman offered the following : Resolved.—That the printing of the proceedings of the Board of Supervisors for the year 1881 be given to the Ithaca Journal and Ithaca Democrat at 25 cents per folio; and that the printing of said proceedings in pamphlet form be given to the Groton and Lansing Journal as per their offer. On plotion of Mr. George, the above resolution was amend- ed by inserting the words `Ithaca Journal" in place of the words " Groton and Lansing Journal ". As thus amended the above resolution was adopted. The proposition of the Ithaca Journal Association of this year refers to their proposition of 1880, as printed in the pro- ceedings of 1880, page 16. On motion, Board adjourned. 18 SUPERVISORS% • PROCEEDINGS, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1331. • 11lorning Session. • Board met pursuant to adjournment. All responded to the roll call. The minutes of November 21st were read and approved. The following resolutions were offered and adopted : By Mr. Mount, Resolved. —That in accordance with an appropriation voted at the last annual Town Meeting of the Town of Caroline, there be levied upon the taxable proper- ty of said Town the sum of Two Hundred Dollars for the support of the Poor. Also that there be added by the Supervisor to the Town Audits of said Town the following bills : D. M. Bowman, Com. of Highways, Highway Blanks,Station- ary, Postage, &e $5 88 G. S. Higgins, Excise Com. 3 00 $8 88 By Mr. Frear, Resolved.—That there be assessed and levied upon the taxable property of the Town of Ithaca, the sum of $250.00, said amount to be applied by the Commis- sioner of Highways for maintaining Highways and Bridges. Resolved.—That the County Clerk be and is hereby authorized to purchase a " drop light" for use in his office, said light not to cost the County more than $10. By Mr. Horton, Resolved.—That the notice of the time of holding the ensuing Town Meetings in this county be published in the Ithaca Democrat, Ithaca Journal and Weekly Ithacan for 4 weeks prior to the last Tuesday in February, and that proper notice be given by the several Supervisors in their respective towns. On motion, Board. adjourned. Afternoon Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. All responded to the roll call. W. N. Noble, Esq., appeared before the Board, and made a statement of his proceedings, as counsel for the Board, in the SUPERVISORS, PROCEEDINGS. 17 case of Boardmarn vs. The Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County. The following resolutions were offered and duly adopted : By Mr. Chapman, Resolved.—That there be added to the Town Audits of the Town of Groton the following bills : Sabrin J. Lanning, excess of tax .$21 08 E. B. Weaver, medical services . 32 25 By Mr. Cooper, Resolved.—That in accordance with a vote of the Town of Ulysses, there be assessed and levied upon the taxable property of the Town of Ulysses, the sum of $600.00 for Hector Bridge. Also the sun of $550.00 for Podunk Bridge. Also that there be assessed the sum of $250,00, in addition to the amount voted for at their annual Town Meeting, for Roads and Bridges. By Mr. George, Resolved.—That there be levied and collected from the taxable property of the Town of Dryden the sum of Five Hundred and ninety-nine Dollars and Thirty - Six Cents for the purpose of paying the damages and interest awarded to Cyrus Tyler, in laying out a highway through said Tyler's premises, the said interest and damages to be paid to Wm. M. Ellis assignee of the said Cyrus Tyler. By Mr. Crocker, Resolved.—That in accordance with the request of the Town Auditors of the Town of Lansing, there be added to its Abstract the sum of $104.80, it being for note given by ex -Highway Commissioner Hedden, to the Groton " Iron Bridge Co." and not audited by the said Board, for want of explanation at•their annual session. By Mr. Cooper, Resolved.—That a committee of three be appointed to examine the Jail and report to this Board what disposition in their opinion should be made or done as to necessary repairs, and that the chairman designate the committee. . The Chair appointed Messrs. Cooper, Chapman and Hor- ton as such committee. On motion, Board adjourned. 18 SUPERVISORS, PROCEEDINGS. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1881. Morning, Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. All present except Mr. Frear. Minutes of former meeting read and approved. Mr. Horton presented the report of the Bond Commission- ers of the Town of Newfield. He also presented a report of the public debt of the Town of Newfield. On motion, these reports were accepted and ordered spread on the minutes. (See Reports.) On motion, Board adjourned. Afternoon Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. All responded to the roll call except Messrs. Beers and Frear, excused. Mr. Crocker, by previous request of Mr. Beers, in the chair. There being no special business before the Board, the dif- ferent committees resumed their work as such. On motion, Board adjourned. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1881. Morning Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. All responded to the roll call except Messrs. Newman and Horton. Minutes of November 23rd read and approved. Mr. George offered the following : Resolved. -That a committee of three be appointed to examine the quarterly returns and bills of the various State and Charitable Institutions, that have ac- counts against the County, and that said committee apportion the amounts so charged against the several towns, in accordance with a resolution of. the Board f SUPERVISORS, PROCEEDINGS. 19 of Supervisors passed December 9th, 1880. Also that said committee submit a full written report of its action for publication in the proceedings of the present session. Adopted. The Chair appointed as such committee, Messrs. George, Horton and Mount. On motion, Board adjourned. Afternoon Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. All responded to roll call. Mr. Horton offered the following : Resolved. -That the Chairman of this Board be and is hereby appointed a committee to examine and report as to the liability of the County to refund to the C. L. R. R. Co;the amount of tax erroneously collected'in the year 1878 from said Company in the Town of Lansing. Adopted. Mr. Newman, chairman of the committee appointed to examine the United States Deposit Fund, reported the result of their investigation. The report was accepted and together with the report of the Loan Commissioners was ordered spread on the minutes. (See Reports.) Mr. George, from the Committee on County Claims, re- ported the following bills, which were audited by the Board, in accordance with the recommendation of the Committee: • Bills numbers 71, 50, 67, 19, 41, 51, 68, 70, 65, 66, 69, 72, 73, 75, 74, 18, 16, 39, 20, 37,18, 32, 43, 7, 13, 62, 63, 45 27, 49, 31, 28, 33, 34, 61, 9, 44, 55, 38, 12, 36, 52 11, 89, 78, 77, 76, 101, 102, 100, 96, 94, 98, 92, 97, 95. There being no special business before the Board the dif- ferent committees resumed their work. At . 6 o'clock the committees rose, and, on motion, Board. adjourned. 20 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1881. Morning Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll called. All present. Minutes of November 28th read and approved. Mr. Frear presented the reports of the Bond Commission- ers of the Town of Ithaca, also a statement of the public debt of Ithaca, all of which were duly accepted and ordered spread on the minutes. (See Reports.) Mr. Crocker offered the following : Resolved. -That after Thursday Dec. 1st,this Board shall receive no more bills during this session, unless it be bills that have been or may be incurred by the Board. Adopted. Mr. George offered the following : Resolved. -That the proceedings of the Board of Supervisors for 1881, shall be apportioned as follows, viz: Town of Ithaca 800; Caroline 210; Danby 200; Dryden 452; Enfield 160; Groton 337; Lansing 274; Newfield 252; Ulysses 315. • Adopted. Mr. Mount, from the Committee on Constables', Clerks'. and Justices' Accounts, reported the following bills, which were audited by the Board in accordance with the recommen- dation of the Committee : Bills numbers 46, 15, 53, 11), 14,1, 116, 35, 64, 57, 113, 42, 58, 99, 91, 108, 54, 106, 121, 115, 114, 110, 112, 21, 111, 25, 40, 109, 107, 80, 79. At 12 o'clock the different committees rose, and, on mo- tion, Board adjourned. Afternoon Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. All responded to the roll call. The different committees resumed work as such, at the opening of the session, and continued their respective labors until 6 o'clock, when they rose. Mr. George offered the following report, which, on motion, was accepted and ordered spread on the minutes : r 1 SUPERVISORS, PROCEEDINGS. %1 To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County : Your Committee having in charge the work of obtaining running water at the County Poor House would respectfully report : That we found after careful survey that there was not sufficient descent to carry the water from the point at first p;oposed by your committee. That we found it necessary to extend the distance of former estimate about three hundred feet, and obtain the consent of Edward Pyles to allow us to draw the water directly from the spring, whieh consent was given, and a deed of right of way executed. That we have caused a stone reservoir 5 ft. wide by 10 ft. in length to be laid at the spring and covered with a substantial stone cover, and have laid from said spring a 1M. inch iron pipe 3154 feet in length connecting with an inch iron pipe extending 1,4784 feet,and discharging the water in the yard between the Hospital and main building of the County House. That the costs of said improvements are as follows, viz : Cost of right of way and damages on land tl 14 11 $ 25 00 material furnished and labor on reservoir 45 65 digging ditch and extra labor 57 00 iron pipe, teaming and labor in laying pipe 178 84 Total cost $306 49 Respectfully Submitted, J. H. GEORGE, H. G. COOPER, On motion, Board adjourned. } Committee. WEDNESDAY, NOVE1VIBER 30, 1881. Morning Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. All responded to the roll call. Minutes of November 29th read and approved. Mr. George offered the following : Resolved. -That there be levied and collected from the County of Tompkins the sum of Fifteen Dollars to pay damages on land occupied by Daniel J. Seaman, 22 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. and that the Clerk of the Board be directed to make an order on the County Treasurer in favor of said Daniel J. Seaman for the same, Adopted, There being no special business before the Board, the dif- ferent committees retired to their respective labors. At 12 o'clock the Board adjpurned, on motion. Afternoon Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll called. Messrs. Mount, Newman, Frear and Cooper absent. Mr. Newman presented the Town Audits of the Town of Enfield, which, on motion, were accepted. The different committees continued their respective labors as such, during the whole afternoon. At 5 o'clock the committees rose, and Mr. Horton, from the Committee on Sheriff 's and Judge's Accounts reported the following bills, which were audited by the Board in accord- ance with the recommendation of the Committee : Bills numbers 124 and 138. Mr. Frear, from the Committee on Alms House and Su- perintendent's Reports, submitted the following report, which, was duly adopted and ordered spread on the minutes : To the Honorable, the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County : Your Committee on Poor House and Superintendent's Report, would respectfully submit for the consideration of the Board the following Report : Amount received by Superintendent for products of farm for 1881 $ 594 05 Amount expended from same by Superintendent as per his Re- port .. 458 77 Balance in Superintendent's hands .- 135 28 Amount of drafts paid by County Treasurer on orders issued by Superintendent prior to Nov. 15, 1880 Amount of drafts issued by Superintendent on County Treasurer since Nov. 15, 1880 895 81 4352 67 r SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 23 Amount of drafts paid by County Treasurer on orders issued by Superintendent since Nov. 15, 1880 Amount of drafts issued by Superintendent remaining unpaid Nov. 15, 1881.... Amount overdrawn by Superintendent on County Treasurer 4048 66 304 01 31 52 335 53 Less balance in Superintendent's hands........... 135 28 Deficiency for 1881 200 25 Estimate of County Superintendent for ensuing year 4965 00 Amount of deficiency 200 25 Aggregate amount called for by Superintendent 5165 25 Amount to be collected from the several Towns in the County1380 22 Amount to be raised by resolution of Board of Supervisors for deficiency 200 25 Amount to be raised by County as per approp1iation by Board of Supervisors 2100 00 Aggregate amount to be raised 3680 47 To meet deficiency now existing and to provide for poor expenses for ensuing year, your Committee would offer the following resolutions : Resolved.—That the sum of Two Hundred Dollars and Twenty-five Cents ($200.25) be levied and collected in Tompkins County to meet the unpaid drafts drawn on County Treasurer. Also the sum of Twenty-one Hundred Dollars, ($2100) for the support of the poor for the ensuing year. Resolved.—That the sum expended by the Superintendent of the Poor for the support of the Poor in the several Towns of the County of Tompkins be levied and collected on said Towns according to the following statement which shows the amount due from the several Towns for the support of the Poor in the Poor House from Nov. 15, 1880, to Nov. 15, 1881 : From the Town of Caroline $ 65 08 Danby 270 66 Dryden 165 60 Groton 55 50 Enfield. 76 Ithaca, 573 60 Lansing 65 53 Newfield 27 23 Ulysses. 156 26 4 44 as la 1a u as as is la Making an aggregate of... 1880 22 24 I$117PEItVISO1tS, PROCEEDINGS. Your Committee would also commend the evident care- ful and faithful management of the important trusts commit- ted to the care of our County Superintendent and we as a Committee feel, ourselves under obligations to him for the ac- curate and systematic report submitted for our investigation which has much facilitated our labors. Respectfully Submitted, ALEX. FREAR, J. H. NEWMAN, R. HORTON, H. G. COOPER, J, H. MOUNT,, Mr. Frear also presented .the report of Superintendent Smith, which, on motion, was ordered printed in the proceed- ings. (See Reports.) Mr. George offered the following : Resolved.—That George M. Beckwith, M. D., be appointed physician to attend all prisoners who may require medical attendance in the County Jail, from No- vember 25th, 1881 to November 25th, 1882 ; and that he be allowed Ninety Dol Lara ($90) for such service. Adopted. On motion, Board adjourned. } Committee. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1881. Morning Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. All except Messrs. Frear and Newman present. Minutes of November .30th read and approved. Mr. Chapman offered the following: Resolved.—That in accordance with a resolution passed by the Town Auditors of the Town of Groton, the sum of $200.00 be levied on the taxable property of said Town for the support of the poor. Adopted. Resolved.—That in accordance with a request of the Assessors of the Town of Groton, the following be added to the assessment roll of said Town : Edwin Van Marter—one bitch. Adopted. SUPERVISORS, PROCEEDINGS. 25 Resolved.—That the following bills be added to the Town Audits of the Town of Groton: John McKellar, for services as Town Auditor for 1880 $ 4 00 Jas. McLachlan, Jr., inspector of election, 1880 4 00 Adopted. Resolved.—That a committee of three be appointed by. the Chairman, for the purpose of so lowering the pipe conveying water to the County House as to secure a continuous flow of the same, and of procuring such tank as they shall deem best. Also that they may appoint one of their number to engage and oversee the work necessary to be done. Adopted. The Chair appointed as such committee Messrs. George, Cooper and Newman. Mr. Horton offered the following, which was adopted : Resolved.—That there be added to the Town Audits of the Town of Newfield the following items, to wit P. S. Dudley, balance on Hall rent $ 5 00 Stephen Devenport, services as Highway Commissioner 3 days6 00 R. Horton, 1 day's services equalizing School Dist. No. 4 2 00 Traveling fees for same 1 44 Assessment Roll 60 Henry Hoffman, Overseer of Poor of Ithaca for support of New- field paupers 17 00 Mr. Cooper offered the following, which was adopted : Resolved.—That the following bills be added to the Town Audits of the Town of Ulysses : J, L. Pope, Town Auditor Clerk A. B. Woodworth, Town Auditor $6 00 3 00 6 00 J. L. Howe, `` 6 00 3 25 2 25 J. Flickinger, recording births and deaths L. W. Carpenter, ,"ft Mr. Cooper, from the Committee on Treasurer's Accounts, offered the following Report, which, on motion, was accepted and ordered spread on the minutes : -26 SUPERVISORS, PROCEEDINGS. To the Board o, f Supervisors of Tompkins County : Your Committee on Treasurer's Accounts Report that they have carefully examined the accounts of the County Treasurer, and his vouchers, in detail, and find them in all respects correct and agreeing with the accompanying Re ports. And your Committee would further Report that they have examined the securities held in trust by the County Treasurer for the benefit of the Infant Heir Fund, and so far as they are able to judge, consider those taken by him to be ample security for the amount loaned ; and that after the most careful examination, we were unable to find a single error or mistake in the above accounts. Your Committee avail them- selves of this occasion to bear public testimony to the ability, fidelity and industry which have so conspicuously character- ized the official life of Mr. Johnson, and to extend congratu- lations both to him and the County on the excellent record made by the out -going Treasurer. H. G. COOPER, DAVID CROCKER, Committee. J. H. GEORGE, Much of the forenoon was occupied in regular' committee work. On motion, Board adjourned. Afternoon Session. Board met at 2 r. M. All responded to the roll call. Mr. Crocker offered the following, which was adopted : Resoh'ed.—That, by request of the Town Auditors of the Town of Lansing, the following bills be added to the Town Audits of said Town: C. M. Gardner, marriage certificates $ 1 25 W. H. Barr, registering births 3 '75 Ithaca Democrat, advertising money to loan .. ....... 7 00 Geo. M. Letts, Town Clerk 5 40 Geo. W. Teeter, ex -Highway Commissioner 28 00 SUPERVISORS, PROCEEDINGS. 27 Mr. Cooper offered the following : ResoYoed.—That for the year commencing Nov. 17th, 1881, the Sheriff be in- structed to furnish to the persons confined in the County Jail wholesome food. And that the compensation for the board and washing for such persons be 45 cents per day. Adopted. There being no special business before the Board the dif- ferent committees resumed their respective labors. At 6 o'clock the committees rose, and on motion, the Board adjourned. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2,1881. Morning Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. All except Mr. Newman responded to the roll call. Minutes of December 1st read and approved. Mr. George from the Committee on County Claims, re- ported the following bills, which were audited by the Board, in accordance with the recommendation of the Committee :.• Bills 142, 149, 146, 144, 88, 147, 151, 152, 153, 83, 131, 125, 129, 132, 127, 128, 86, 126, 85, 87, 95. There being no further business ready for action by the Board, the different committees resumed their respective labors until 12 o'clock, when, on motion, the Board adjourned. Afternoon Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. All present. Mr. Horton offered the following, which was adopted : Resoboed.—That the Supervisor of the Town of Enfield be authorized to add to the Town Audits of said Town the following named bills : Wm. A. Ammack, ex -Town Auditor I. H. Newman, ex -Railroad Com'r I. H. Newman, Supervisor $ 3 00 5 25 ,. 1830 28 SUPEIIVISORX, PROCEEDINGS. Mr. Chapman presented a report of the Bond Commis- sioners of the Town of Groton. Also a report of the public debt of said Town. On motion, the above reports were adopted and ordered printed in the proceedings. (See Reports.) Mr. Frear presented the Town Audits of the Town of Ithaca. On motion, the same were duly adopted. (See Town Au- dits.) Mr. Frear offered the following, which on motion were adopted : Resolved.—That the following bills be added to the Town Audits of the Town of Ithaca : S, D. Atwater, ex -Clerk of Election $ 4 00 A. B. Davis, Town Auditor 18. 00 Wm. McKinney, " 18 00 A. W. Goldsmid, 18 00 ,. " services rendered 14 00 ' A. B. Davis, 16 00 Wm. McKinney, " " 16 00 Eliza Patterson, tax erroneously collected in 1880 56 70 TOWN CLERKS OFFICE, ITHACA, Nov. 29, 1881. To the Supervisors of Tompkins County : The Board of Town Auditors, estimate the sum of $3,000, to be necessary for the temporary relief and support of the poor, in the Town of Ithaca, for the year from March 1, 1882 to March 1, 1883, which amount together with sum now on hand, will be sufficient for the ensuing year. WM. MoKINNEY, Board of Auditors A. 8. DAVIS, of the A. W. GOLDSMID, Town of Ithaca. SUPERVISORS, PROCEEDINGS. 29 Therefore, Resolved.—That the above named sum of $3,000 be added to the amount to be levied upon the taxable property of the Town of Ithaca for the ensuing year. Mr. Beers presented the Town Audits of the Town of Danby. On motion the same were accepted by the Board. On motion, the following bills were ordered added to the Town Audits of the Town of Danby : H. F. Hutchings, Clerk of Election • $ 3 00 T. J. Hutchings, Inspector of Election 3 00 Ladies Union Benevolent Society, for board of Miss McPherson, 52 weeks 52 00 Mr. George offered the following : Resolved.—That bill No. 6 presented by Marsh & Hall for supplies furnished County Poor House be returned by the Clerk to the claimants, for the reason that it properly belongs to the County Superintendent of the Poor to audit. Adopted. Mr. George, from the Committee on County Claims, pre- sented the following bills, which were audited by the Board in accordance with the recommendation of the Committee : Bills 154, 131, 93, 160, 143, 162, 161, 130, 158, 17, 5, 134, 30,159, 135, 38, 82, 105, 90, 81, 104. The same Committee recotnmended that bill No. 37 be disallowed. On motion, it was so ordered by the Board. After further discussion it was moved and carried that said bill be reconsidered, and on motion of Mr. Chapman, it was laid over to be taken up as the first order of business Monday afternoon. On motion, Board adjourned. 30 SUPERVISORS, PROCEEDINGS. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1881. 11Iorning Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. All present. Minutes of Dec. 2d read and approved. The different committees resumed their respective labors as such, and continued until 12 o'clock, when the committees rose and, on motion, the Board adjourned. Afternoon Session. Board met at 2 P. M. Roll called, all present. Mr. George, from the Committee on County Claims, re- ported the following bills which, on motion, were audited by the Board, in accordance with the recommendation of the Committee : Bills 22, 167, 3, 29, 8, 26, 166, 165, 56. Mr. Horton, from the Committee on Sheriff' s and Judge' s Accounts, reported bill No. 123 which was audited by the Board in accordance with the recommendation of the Commit- tee. Mr. Mount, from the Committee on Constables', Clerk's and Justices' Accounts reported the following bills which were audited by the Board in accordance with the recommendation of the Committee Bills 164, 141, 120, 163, 156, 157, 148, 139, 140, 118, 119, Mr. George, from the Committee on County Claims re- ferred bill No. 150 to the full Board without recommendation. On motion of Mr. Horton, said bill was laid on the table, to be taken up as the first order of business Tuesday afternoon. On motion, Board adjourned. SUPERVISORS, PROCEEDINGS. 31 MONDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1881. Morning Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. All except Messrs. Horton and Crocker responded to roll call. Minutes of Dec. 3rd read and approved. The forenoon was occupied in regular committee work by the various committees, until 12:30 when, on motion, Board adj ourned. Afternoon Session. Board met at 2 P. M. Roll called. All present. Bill No. 37 was taken up as the first order of business. Mr. Cooper moved that said bill be allowed. Mr. Horton called for the ayes and nays with the follow- ing result : Messrs. Mount, Chapman, Newman and Cooper, ayes 4. Messrs. Beers, George, Frear, Crocker and Horton,nays 5. Mr. George, from the Committee on County Claims, re- ported the following bills which, on motion were audited by the Board in accordance with the recommendation of the Com- mittee : Bills 170, 60, 4, 145, 159. Mr. Cooper offered the following : Resolved.—That S. Harriet Crego, a lunatic, now in Willard Asylum, and charged to the Town of Ulysses, be transferred to Tompkins County. She being properly a County charge. Adopted. Mr. Crocker offered the following : Resolved.—That the bond of George H. Northrup, Treasurer of Tompkins County, be accepted and approved, and filed in the office of the County Clerk by the Chairman of the Board. Adopted. On motion, Board adjourned. 32 SUPERVISORS, PROCEEDINGS. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1881. Morning Session. Board met at 9 A. M. All present except Mr. Beers. Mr. Crocker in the Chair by previous appointment of Mr. Beers. Minutes of Dec. 5th read and approved. The following was offered by Mr. Frear : Resolved,—That the sum of $45 57-100 (beiuo an unexpended balance which was appropriated to maintain a patient at the New York State Lunatic Asylum and no longer required), be transferred by the County Treasurer to the Willard Asylum fund, and that the same be placed to the credit of the Town of Ithaca. Adopted. Mr. Mount offered the following which was adopted : Resolved.—That there be added to the Audits of the Town of Caroline the following bills : George H. Nixon, Excise Commissioner. $ 3 00 Martin Besemer, M. D., registry of births and deaths 4 00 Henry S. Krum, ex-Com'r of Highways 54 00 The following, offered by Mr. Newman, was adopted : Resolved.—That pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 791, of the Laws of 1868, the sums placed in the following schedule be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of persons whose names are included in the several districts in the sums respectively named in the said lists submitted to the Board and furnish- ed to the Supervisors of the several Towns named in the schedule, by the Over- seers of the Highways of the road districts included therein. District. 47 District. 80 District. 38 151 TOWN OF CAROLINE. No. of Days. Amount of Tax. 2 $3 00 TOWN OF DANBY. No. of Days, Amount of lax. 1% 2 25 TOWN OF DRYDEN. Ne. of Days. 15 4% Amount of Tax. 2 44 6 75 SUPERVISORS, PROCEEDINGS. 33 District. 36 District. 54 District. 41 District. 59 TOWN OF ITIFACA. No. of Days. TOWN OF LANSING. No. of Days. 5% TOWN OF NEWFIELD. No. of Days. 1 TOWN OF ULYSSES. No. of Days. 2 Amount of Tax, 11 25 Amount of Tax. 8 25 Amount of Tax. 1 50 Amount of Tax. 3 00 The following was offered by Mr. Horton, which, on mo- tion was duly adopted by the Board : Resolved.—That in accordance with Chapter 446, Title 4, Section 6, Laws of 1874, there be assessed and levied upon the taxable property of the following Towns, and the County of Tompkins,the sums set forth in the annexed schedule; to reimburse the County for amounts of money paid the Willard Asylum, viz : DANBY. $46 16 38 26 35 09 34 83 Rachael Jefferson „ ,t It „ It „ Briggs Montgomery „ ,< EL „ 52 21 48 86 S6 69 36 23 Total to be raised by Town... • Van. R. Pierson ,{ Less Credit ULYSSES. 53 21 12 97 66 18 11 66 $154 34 173 99 328 32 54 52 34 SUPERVISORS, PROCEEDINGS. Catherine Collins 54 36 oo 34 71 42 44 38 58 -- 170 09 Hiram Crissy 55 66 9 07 64 73 Less Credit 34 28 30 45 Helen Bancroft 51 97 " 39 69 " 34 83 — 126 49 Total to be raised by Town 381 55 GROTON. Jane Shaver 53 31 36 41 " 35 09 " " 34 83 Total to be raised by the Town LANSING. Frances Drake 46 51 " 38 66 " " 41 89 " 34 83 -- 161 89 Charles W. Jacobs 6 75 6 75 168 64 Less credit 27 43 Total to be raised by Town 141 21 NEWFIELD. Armenia Cook 47 96 oo34 71 159 64 "Id 45 24 "It 37 73 — 165 64 SUPERVISORS, PROCEEDINGS. 35 C. B. Bower 52 96 i. /l 51 26 ' 3599 42 58 Frank Carpenter 50 21 ". 4321 4099 42 08 182 79 176 49 Total to be raised by Town 524 92 CAROLINE. Harriet Richardson CE .< e '' CC 46 16 34 71 35 59 39 23 155 69 • Bartoli Lynch 76 87 43 13 -- 120 00 Daniel W. Wattles 42 72 42 72 Sell Supporting. -- 318 41 Less Self Supporting..... • • • • • . • • • • • 42 72 Total to be raised by Town 275 69 DRYDEN. Benjamin F. Pratt 54 71 38 26 39 69 36 13 -- 168 79 Thomas McKenna 50 36 39 81 38 54 << 35 98 — 164 69 John B. Kellogg 46 96 48 06 36 49 35 93 167 44 86 SUPERVISORS, PROCEEDINGS. G. D. Pratt 46 16 tt tt 35 41 tt 35 19 tt t. 34 83 Self Supporting Wallace Wait 52 36 44 01 -- 151 59 44 35 79 42 48 Hannah Winn 51 21 tt 39 11 35 09 tt 41 93 Patrick Hart tt tt Less Credit 174 64 167 34 46 54 29 35 75 89 25 37 Isaac Miller 72 87 35 03 Less Self Supporting Total to be raised by Town Peter Pickett 44 IC CC 14 .4 ITHACA, Sarah Niver 4.144 44 t4I ft it •••••••• •••• • SUPERVISORS, PROCEEDINGS. 3 Laura Saxton 54 06 34 71 38 34 34 83 Joachin At water 51 81 41 76 41 84 42 03 161 94 177 44 Marglr t Raymond 53 21 14 71 41 09 39 73 William Major 46 46 38 96 3704 4' 35 113 50 52 Henry Mer, ill 47 76 41 16 ti 35 49 34 83 107 90 1,152 91 151 59 1,001 32 Charles Bradbury 47 96 ti 43 16 37 24 35 83 168 74 158 39 159 24 164 19 Self Supporting 55 31 Wallace Holmes 52 06 42 96 4' 11 40 76 41 44 95 (19 37 68 45 03 177 39 179 54 Jennie Dillon 49 05 37 11 40 14 35 53 46 16 34 71 35 09 34 83 150 79 161 84 38 SUPERVISORS, PROCEEDINGS. SUPERVISORS, PROCEEDINGS. 39 James Terrill 53 11 Winfield Coleman 36 62 55 00 • 40 63 14 36 64 77 25 15 78 Alonzo Sears 41 00 41 00 180 59 -- Fanny G. Barber 46 16 3,054 12 99 61 Less Self Supporting 164 16 39 (,9 --- `` ' 41 ..... . . . ............. 34 83 Total to be raised by Town 2889 93 159 69. William Knapp 47 51 1C 61 ........... . . ..... 35 81 13 75 97 07 Less Credit 3 43 93 64 COUNTY. Benjamin VanDerpool 48 96 42 71 37 39 , 38 93 Mary J. Sweezy 46 16 Bridget Ready 48 71 41 ,, 34 71 41 51 It 4/ 35 09 40 04 44 44 39 68 37 73 166 99 Patience Starks 48 01 Mary McArthy 50 76 14 41 42 26 40 31 42 09 " " 38 93 Patrick McCarthy 53 02 48 76 11 37 49 42 13 a 38 34 " 36 28 172 09 George Graham • 54 96 41 35 61 4, 38 39 d< CI 37 63 167 99 155 64 164 89 166 59 181 40 S. Harriet Crego 47 46 James Shanahan. 73 43 44 44 34 71 41 a 35 23 I I " 35 09 108 66 " 1C 34 83 Margaret Moore 76 18 --- 152 09 " 47 33 .Tames Brennan 53 06 123 51 ,, 48 66 Priscilla Thompson 51 87 a 41 94 44 44 37 93 14 39 08 89 80 182 74 40 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Thomas Northrup it 11 Self Supporting Josephine Williams. 11 /4 41 • 48 86 36 51 42 74 36 68 46 16 39 91 38 14 34 83 -- 159 04 46 16 36 21 35 09 34 83 -- 152 29 .54 51 12 00 CO 51 21 94 46 41 34 71 35 59 Luthera.1 hnson Daniel Brown Less Credit Sarah JEwell 1/ 11 11 11 11 11 Less Self Supporting Total to be raised by County 164 79 40 08 44 57 156 79 1,667 54 164 79 1,502 75 Mr. Crocker offered the following report, which, on motion, was adopted : To the Board of Supervisors of, Tompkins County : Your Committee appointed to examine the Assessment Rolls of the several Towns in said County Report, that they have performed such duty and find the oaths of the assessors attached thereto, to be in accordance with the statutes. SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 41 They also find the footing of said Rolls to be correct. All of which is respectfully submitted. DAVID CROCKER, J. H. GEORGE, }• Committee. A. G. CHAPMAN, ) Mr. George offered the following, which on motion, was adopted : Resolved.—That the Supervisor of the Town of Dryden be authorized to add to the Town Audits of said Town the following bills: H. G. Fitts, Town Auditor $ 7 50 10 50 Ira C. Shaver " 7 50 George M. Beckwith, Physician to Poor 4 00 Martin Besemer, reports of births and deaths 2 25 A. M. Ford, printing election notices for 1880 and 1881.... ...... 5 50 J. H. Kennedy, use of Hall.... ... . 10 00 Mr. George presented the Town Audits of the Town of Dryden which, on motion, were accepted by the Board. (See Town Audits ) Mr. Cooper offered the following report,which was adopt- ed : A. L. Smiley " To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County : Your Committee appointed to inquire into the necessity of repairing the County Jail would respectfully Report that upon examination, they find that from recent attempts made by prisoners to escape,it will be necessary to have extra grates placed in the. four windows in the west corridor on the first floor, and that the same be securely bolted to the boiler iron lining, and that the cost of such repairs will be $125.00. Your Committee would also Report that it will be necessary to have four new window casings, and repairs on three at a cost of $13.75. H. G. COOPER, A. G. CHAPMAN, Committee. R. HORTON, 42 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Mr. Mount offered the following : Resolved.—That the sum of $128.45 be levied on the taxable property of Tomp- kins County, for necessary repairs on the County Jail. The work to be done un- der the supervision of the Committee on Ordinary Repairs, and no bills to be paid until the work be accepted by said Committee. Adopted. On motion, Board adjourned. - Afternoon Session. Board met at 2 P. az. All the members present. Bill No. 150 was taken up as the first order of business. On motion, said bill was audited by the Board for the full amount. Mr. Horton offered the following: Resolved.—That we authorize the Supervisor of Newfield to raise by tax on the taxable property of said Town the sum of Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars, for the Commissioner of Highways to be applied by him for the building and re- pairing of roads and bridges; and also the sum of Seventy-five Dollars for the support of the poor of said Town. Adopted. Mr. Mount, from the Committee on Constables', Clerks, and Justices' Accounts, reported bills Nos. 117 and 123,which were audited by the Board in accordance with the recommen- dation of the Committee. On motion, Board adjourned. 'WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1881. Morning' Session. Board met at 9 A. M. All members responded to the roll call. Minutes of Dec. 6tli read and approved. Mr. George from the Committee on County Claims, re- ported bills Nos. 103 and 169, which were audited by the Board in accordance with the recommendation of the Commit- tee. SUPERVISORS, PROCEEDINGS. 43 Mr.. Horton, from the Committee on Sheriff's and Judge's Accounts reported bill o. 155, which was audited by the Board in accordance wilt the recommendation of the Com- mittee. Mr. George offered the following : Resolved.—That the County Treasurer and the Clerk of this Board be, and are hereby authorized to enter into a contract with the County of Monroe, or any of- ficer authorized to make such contract for said County, or with any other County that said County Treasurer and Clerk may in their judgment think to be to the best interest of this County, for the maintenance of prisoners sentenced to im: prisonment in Tompkins County for a term of ninety days or more. Adopted. Mr. Frear offered the following : Resolved.—That the Supervisors of the several Towns be authorized to re -as- sess the unpaid taxes from their respective assessment rolls of last year at the same amount as returned to them by the County Treasurer. Adopted. Mr. Mount offered the following: Resolved.—That there be levied and collected upon the taxable property of the Town of Caroline the sum of Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars for highway pur- poses. Adopted. Mr. Geo. L. Graham appeared before the Board and pre- sented a petition from the Forest City Game Club praying the Board to amend the game law of this County so that it will allow the shooting of woodcock and quail, as defined by the State Laws. Mr. Horton offered the following : Resolved.—That a committee of three be appointed, of which the Chairman of the Board shall be one, to consider the propriety of amending the game laws in conformity with the petition of Forest City Game Club. Adopted. The Chair appointed Messrs. Mount and Horton to act with him as such committee. On motion, Board adjourned. 44 SIIPERVISOB$, PROCEEDINGS. Afternoon Session. Board met at 2 P. 11 i. All present. The Report of District Attorney D. M. Dean was present- ed by the Chair which, on motion, was accepted and ordered printed in the proceedings. (See Reports.) Mr. George offered the following : Resolved,—That the papers that may be designated to publish the Session Laws shall print only the General Laws of the State and the laws local to this County,and that the publishers of said papers so designated shall receive not more than ($.25) Twenty-five Cents per folio, for publishing the same. Mr. Chapman offered the following as an amendment to the foregoing resolution : • WHEREAS, The Groton and Lansing Printing Company have offered to print the Session Laws, at the price of Fifteen Cents per folio, therefore, Resolved.—That the price paid for printing said Laws shall not exceed Fifteen Cents per folio. Mr. Chapman called for the ayes and nays on his amend- ment with the following result : Messrs. Mount, Chapman and Horton, ayes 3. Messrs. Beers, George, Newman, Frear, Crocker and Cooper, nays 6. Mr. Horton then offered the following amendment to. Mr. George's resolution, which, on motion, was adopted by the Board : Resolved. ---That the resolution offered by Mr. George he amended by striking out the words and figures " ($.25) Twenty-five Cents," and inserting the words " Twenty Cents ".• As thus amended, the resolution offered by Mr. George, was, on motion, adopted by the Board. The following was offered by Mr. George : Rasolved.—That the Board now proceed to designate by ballot two papers to publish the Session Laws of 1882. Atlo'pied. SUPER VISORS, PROCEEDINGS. 45 The (Ma;r ap )oihte►I Me..sr6. Miiant and Newman tellers. The whole number of v,;tes asst, 9, of wh.icli the Ithaca Journal received 6, tin. Ithaca D; inucrat 2,a.,d the Groton and Lansing Journal 1. In accordance with this vote the Ithaca Journal and the Ithaca Demoe at were designated as such papers. Mr. Horton, from the Committee on Sheriff's and Judge's Accounts, presented bill No..137 which, on motion,was audit- ed by the Board in accordance with the recommendation of •the Committee. The Chair announced that in the matter of Mary A.Beards- ley against the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, a summons had been served on him as Chairman of the Board, by Samuel H. Wilcox, attorney for said Nary $. Beardsley. Mr. Horton offered the following, which, on motion, was accepted and ordered printed in the proceedings : Resolved.—That in accordance with the resolution of the Board of Supervisors passed Dec. 7, 1880, there be assessed and levied upon the taxable property of the following Towns the sums set forth in the annexed schedule, to reimburse the County for amounts of money paid to the several Charitable Institutions in said schedule named, viz: DRYDEN. William Greenfield, S. V. Home {. U ll 11 ll '' $19 72 19 29 19 50 19 72 19 71. 19 28 19 50 19 72 Samuel Greenfield, S. V. Home 11 11 44 4, $78 23 78 21 Total to be raised by Town for S. V. Home. .156 44 Edward Gleason, Canadaigua Home 71 15 --- 71 15 Fred Gleason, 71 15 -- 71 15 Total to be raised by Town for Canandaigua Home 142 30 46 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. SUPERVISORS, PROCEEDINGS. 47 CAROLINE. Irving VanDemark, Western N. Y. Inst. for Deaf Mutes 250 00 Total to be raised by Town -- 250 00 GROTON. Susan E. Peck, Western N. Y. Inst. for Deaf Mutes 250 00 Total to be raised by Town COUNTY. Carrie White, State Asylum for Idiots 16 00 Total to be raised by County -- 16 00 ITHACA. Hattie Van Houte , S. V. Home. .................. ... 19 72 19 29 19 50 19 72 Jahn Brewstrr. S. V. Home 19 71 19 28 19 50 19 72 Elmira Tripp, S. V. H 6 43 Julia Tripp, " . 12 S6 Jennie Thomp+on, S. V. H 17 14 Walter Thompson, " 17 14 Verna Thompson, " 17 14 250 00 It it It tt 6C LL Total to be raised by Town for S. V. Home Stephen Ostrander, Canandaigua Home 64 08 Maud Saxton, ti `° 50 36 Willie Saxton, It `° 50 36 78 23 78 21 70 71 227 15 Total to be raised by Town for Canandaigua Home 164 80 Respectfully Submitted, R. HORTON, J. H. GEORGE, Committee. J. H. MOUNT, Mr. Newman offered the following : Reso:ved.—That we disapprove of the action of the Auditors of the Town of Enfield, in auditing the bill of the Commissioner of Highways in excess of Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars, for repairs not of immediate necessity, without the authority of a vote of the tax -payers at Town Meeting. That we recommend to the various Boards of Town Auditors, throughout the County to avoid any devi- ation from the law in this particular. Adopted. Mr. Horton offered the following : Revolved.—That a c mmittee of three be appointed, one of whom shall be the Chairm:+n of the Board, to attend to all litigations now existing, or which may hereafter be commenced, by or against the County. Adopted. The Chair appointed the Supervisor of Ulysses and the Supervisor of Newfield to act with the Chairman of the Board as such committee. On motion, Board adjourned. THURSDAY, DECE1t'ISER 8, 1881. Horning Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. All present. Minutes of Dec. 7th read and approved. Mr. Mount offered the following, which, on motion, was adopted : WHEREAS, It appears from the report of the County Treasurer of Tompkins County that he holds in his hands the following unclaimed balances: Monroe Co. Penitentiary $16 32 Interest Account 1 50 Surplus Funds 10 Rome Institute for Deaf Mutes 3 00 20 92 Resolved.—That the entire amount of such balances, Twenty Dollars and Ninety-two Cents ($20 92-100) be covered into the Court Fund of Tompkins County. 48 SUPERVISORS, PROCEEDINGS. To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: Your Committee appointed to amend the ordinance made by the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County Dec. 5th, 1879, pursuant to Chapter '534, Section 37, Laws of 1879, for the protection of game in said County would respectfully Re- port, that they recommend the following amendment : ORDINANCE. Made pursuant to Chapter 534, 'Section 37, Laws of 1879. AY ACT to amend an act entitled an act for the protection and preservation of Quail, Wood Duck, Black Duck, Mal- lard Duck, Teal Duck and Wood Cock in the County of Tompkins. ,The People of Tompkins County by the Board of Supervisors do enact as follows : SECTION 1. An act passed by the Board of Supervisors on the 5th day of December 1879 entitled an act for the pro- tection and preservation of Quail, Wood. Duck, Black Duck, Mallard Duck, Teal Duck and Wood Cock in the County of Tompkins is hereby amended as follows : Section first of said act is hereby repealed. Section second of said act is hereby amended so as to read as follows : SEC. 2. No person shall catch or kill or have in his or her possession any Wood Duck, Black Duck, Mallard Duck or Teal Duck caught or killed in said County between the 1st, day of January and the 1st day of September in each year ; and no person shall catch or kill or have in his or her posses- sion any Quail or Wood Cock caught or killed in said County between the 1st day of January and the 1st day of August in each year. 1 SIIPERVISORS4 PROCEEDINGS. 49 SEC. 3. Any person violating any of the provisions of the above section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable as provided in Section 9, Chapter 534, Laws of 1879. SEC. 4. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. J. H. MOUNT, R. HORTON, Committee. J. E. BEERS, On motion, the Board adjourned. Afternoon Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. All present. Mr. Crocker offered the following : ResollDed.—That the County Treasurer be instructed and empowered to pur- chase a sufficient quantity of coal for fuel for one year at such time as he may deem it for the best interest of the County. Adopted. There being no special business before the Board, the Committee on Equalization retired, and continued its labor until 6 o'clock, when, on motion, Board adjourned. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1881. Morning Session. Board met at 9 A. M. All present except Mr. Beers and Mr. Chapman. Mr. Crocker in the Chair by request of Mr. Beers. Minutes of Dec. 8th read and approved. There being no special business before the Board the Committee on Equalization retired and continued its labor until 12 o'clock, when, on motion, the Board adjourned. 60 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Afternoon Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. All present. Mr. Chapman offered the following, which, on motion of Mr. Mount, was unanimously adopted by the Board : WHEREAS, It has been made to appear to this Board by the very full state- ment of the County Judge and Surrogate of this County, as well as by the obser- vation and experience of some of our own number, that the present rooms used for holding certain terms of the County Court, without a jury, and for holding Surrogate's Courts, are inadequate for the comfortable transaction of business brought before those Courts, and for the convenience of the people of the County having occasion to attend ; and WHEREAS, More room is also needed for clerk accommodations and for the safe keeping of the Records of the Surrogate's Court, and of wills, bonds and other papers of very great importance to the people of this County ; and WHEREAS, Also, the safety of the valuable securities and records relating to the interests of widows, orphans and creditors as well as of others, in the estates of deceased persons, by derivation of titles therefrom and otherwise, will be more certainly secured by diminishing the number of occupants of the second floor of the Clerk's office belonging to the people of the County, and by reducing the number of fires now employed in heating and lighting said second floor; now, therefore, Resolved.—That the whole of the second story of said Clerk'{ office building be, and the same hereby is, set apart for ,he use of the Surrogate's Court, and for the holding of such terms of the County Court as the law provides may be held elsewhere than at the Court House, and that such alterations and improvements be made in said second story, and such increased desk and other accommodations be provided therein, as shall be necessary for the comfortable and convenient', use of the people of the County having business in those Courts, and for the preser- vation of the records thereof. Resolved.—Also, that a committee of three from this Board be appointed by the Board to carry into effect the objects of the foregoing resolution; and in mak- ing the proposed alterations and improvements, and in procuring such additional furniture and accommodations as may be required, said committee is hereby rec- ommended to consult the views of the County Judge and Surrogate of the Coun- ty who is more especially familiar with what is necessary and convenient in rooms required for the purposes of the Courts held by him. And also that this commit- tee be empowered to procure a suitable room or rooms for the District Attorney for the remainder of his term. SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 51. On motion of Mr. Horton, the Committee on Ordinary Repairs, consisting of the Supervisor of Ithaca, the Supervi- r- sor of Caroline and the Supervisor of Ulysses, was appointed, in accordance with the foregoing resolution, a committee to carry out the provisions of said resolution. There being no further business before the Board, the Committee on Equalization resumed its labors and continued till 6 o'clock, when, on motion, Board adjourned. SATURU. V, DECEMBER 10, 1881. morning. Session. Board met at 9 A. M. All present except Mr. Horton, excused. Minutes of Dec. 9th read and approved. Mr. Newman offered the following, which, on motion, was adopted : To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County : Your Committee on Insurance Report, that the County buildings are respectively insured by the companies and in the amounts following, viz : On the Jail, a policy for $2,000 of the Westchester. Fire Insurance Co., also 2,000 of the Williamsburg Fire Insurance Co., Allen Gray, agent. On the Court House, a policy for ;2,500 of the Phoenix Fire Insurance Co., H. A. St. John, agent ; $2,500 of the Liver- pool, London & Globe, A. Burritt, agent ; $1,500 of the Han- over, H. J. Grant, agent. On the Clerk's office, a policy for $2, 000 of the North British & Mercantile, H. J. Grant, agent; $1,000 of the Con- necticut, H. A. S.t. John, agent. ' 52 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. • That all of the policies named above continue in force un- til on or about the 15th day of November, 1882, and that to the best of our information the companies represented are solvent. All of which is respectfully submitted. I. H. NEWMAN, A. G. CHAPMAN, Committee. l�. G. COOPER, At 11 o'clock the Committee on Equalization reported that they were not able to agree. Mr. Chapman then offered a majority Report, and Mr. George offered a minority Report. Mr. Crocker offered the following : Resolved.—That the Reports of the Committee on Equalization lie ever until Monday at 3 P. M. Adopted. On motion, Board adjourned. Afternoon Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. All present except Mr. Horton, excused. There being no special business before the Board the members were severally engaged in miscellaneous business pertaining to their respective Towns, until 4 o'clock, when the Board adjourned until 11 o' clock Monday morning. MONDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1881. Morning Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. All present except Mr. Newman.. Minutes of Dec. 10th read and approved. Mr. Chapman offered the following : Resolved.—That the County Treasurer be and is hereby requested to visit the Onondaga Penitentiary for the purpose of making a contract with parties repre: senting said Institution, for maintaining those prisoners who may be sent from SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 53 Tompkins County, providing as good terms can be made with said parties u have formerly been made with Monroe Ce., Penitentiary. Adopted. On motion, Board. adjourned. Afternoon Session. Board met at 2 P. M. All present. Mr. Cooper offered the following : Resolved.—That, in consequence of the largely increased business in the Sur- rogate's Court of this County within the last ten years, caused in some part by increase in our population, but mostly by the large increase and more general dis- tribution of wealth among our citizens, and by the consequent more general set- tlement of the estates of deceased persons in that court than formerly, whereby a largelyincreased amount of labor and responsibility is imposed upon the Surro- gate, which has been still further augmented by recent statutes extending his jurisdiction and making the practice in his court more complex; and in considera- tion also of the further fact that the same officer,in his capacity as County Judge,ia necessarily occupied with the business of the County Courts more exclusively than in former years ; we deem it necessary for the prompt, careful and efficient dis- charge of the duties of the Surrogate, relating in great measure to the interests of widows and minors, deserving our care and protection, that a suitable and com- petent clerk be employed in the Surrogate's Court, and that the Surrogate is here- by authorized to appoint such clerk, whose compensation is hereby fixed at the sum of Three Hundred Dollars per annum,which sum shall hereafter be a County charge. Mr. Crocker offered the following : Resolved.—That the resolution offered by Mr. Cooper be amended by striking out the words "Three Hundred Dollars" and inserting the words Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars. The ayes and nays were called for on the foregoing amend- ment with the following result : Messrs. Beers, George, Frear, Crocker and Horton, ayes 5. Messrs. Mount, Newman, Chapman and Cooper, nays 4. As thus amended Mr. Cooper's resolution was unanimous- ly adopted. Mr. Crocker offered the following : Resolved.—That the County Treasurer be permitted to retain for his own use the one per cent for receiving and disbursing the State Public School moneys ap- propriated by the State as fees for the County Treasurer. Adopted. 64 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Mr. Chapman called up the Majority Report of the Equal- ization Committee, and Mr. George called up the Minority Re- port of said committee. The following are the Reports : We, the undersigned, a majority of the Committee of Equalization would respectfully Report the following to be the equalized valuation of the real estate in the County of Tompkins for the year 1881: morons. ileal Valuation. Personal Valuation. Aggregate Valuation. Caroline. $ 439.357 $ 39.925 $479.282 Dryde.n.... 1,393.444 59.100 , 1,452.544 Danby 540.517 21.130 5(11.647 Enfield 404.644 58.920 .463.564 Groton 907.474 228.035 1,135.509 Ithaca. 3,253 023 522.560 3,775.583 Lansing 1,330.962 158.490 1,489.452 Newfield 515.725 33.700 549.425 Ulysses. 1,132.607 195.977 1,328.584 30 976 9,917.753 1,317.837 11,235.490 A. G. CHAPMAN, RANDOLPH HORTON, . Committee. H. G. COOPER, ) EQUALIZATION REPORT. To Me Board of Supervisors of Tomzpkins County : The Commitiee on Equalization respectfully Report that the assessed valuation of the several Towns as reported by the Assessors for the year 1881 is as follows : TOWNS. No.Acres. Real Valuation. Personal Valuation. Aggregate Valuation. Caroline.... 31,250 $784.925 $39.925 $824.850 Dryden...:.. 61.234 1,094.109 59.100 1,153.209 Danby 33.286 648.790 21.130 669.920 Enfield. 22.007 559.836 58.920 618.756 Groton..... 30.725 1,318.937 228.035 1,546.972 Ithaca. 19.233 2,591.035 522.560 3,113.595 Lansing 37.731 1,401.365 158.490 1,559.855 Newfield 30 976 503.760 33.700 537.460 Ulysses 19.945 1,014.996 195.977 1,210.973 9,917.753 1,317.837 11,235.590 r - r SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 66 We, the undersigned, a minority of the Committee on Equalization, would respectfully Report the following to be the equalized valuation of the Real Estate in the County of Tompkins, for the year 1881 TOWNS. Real Valuation. Personal Valuation. Total Valuation. Caroline..... .... $448.282 $39.925. $488.207 Danby 540.518 21.130 561.648 Dryden. 1,380.552 59.100 1,439.652 Enfield... .............. .... 400.677 58.920 459.597 Groton 914.416 228.035, 1,142.451 Newfield 525.641 33.700 559.341 Ithaca. 3,243.106 622.560 3,765.666 Lansing 1,324.020 158.490 1,482.510 Ulysses.... ........... ..... 1,140.541 195.977 1.336.518 9,917.753 1,317.837 11,235.590 J. H. GEORGE, Committee. ALEX. FREAR, The ayes and nays being called for on the foregoing Ma- jority Report, resulted as follows : Ayes, Mount, Newman, Chapman, Crocker, Horton and Cooper. Nays, Beers, George and Frear. The ayes and nays being called for on the foregoing Mi. nority Report resulted as follows : Ayes, Beers, George and Frear. Nays, Mount, Newman, Chapman, Crocker, Horton and Cooper. Therefore the foregoing Majority Report was duly adopt- ed. Mr. George from the Committee on County Claims offered the following bills which had been incurred by the Board dur- ing the present session, which on motion were audited by the Board in accordance with the recommendation of the Com- mittee : Bills 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175; 176 and 177. On motion, Board adjourned. .. . 56 SUPERVISORS, PROCEEDINGS. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1881. 1rIorninc Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. All present. Minutes of Dec. 12th read and approved. Mr. Frear offered the following ' which, on motion, was unanimously adopted : Resolved.—That the District Attorney of this County be and is hereby allowed the sum of Two Hundred Dollars for office, fuel and light for said officer, the same to be a County charge. Mr. Chapman offered the following which, on motion, was approved and adopted by the Board : Resolved.—That the following be assessed and levied upon the taxable prop- erty of the County of Tompkins for the purposes herein set forth. The State Board of Equalization of Taxes having fixed the aggregate valua- tion of property in the County of Tompkins at the sum of $11,764,007, upon which amount a tax of $26,469.02 must be levied for the current fiscal year com- mencing October 1st, 1881, for the following purposes, viz : For Schools, 1.14-100 mills,... $13,410.97 For General Purposes, .81-100 " 9,528.84 For New Canals, .03-100 " 3,529.20 Total, 2U County Judge's Salary... County Treasurer's Salary Clerk of Supervisors' Salary Chaplain to Alms -House, Salary Court Expenses County Audits Clerk's Postage Account Costs on Boardman case .. District Attorney's Salary Fuel and Gas Fund Janitor of Court House $26,469.02 2,500 00 900 00 150 00 50 00 3,500 00 11,551 79 10 00 21225 600 00 500 00 150 00 SUPERVISORS, PROCEEDINGS. 57, Monroe County Penitentiary Notes Payable Physician to Jail Jail Fence School Commissioner's Salary Superintendent of the Poor Less Amount by Towns 3,480 22 1,38022 Deficiency Surrogate's Office, Incidental Expenses Treasurer's Stationary and Postage Account Willard Asylum Less Amount by Towns 7,200 00 5,702 59 Special County Judge State Asylum for Idiots Repairs on Jail 500 00 1,800 00 90 00 100 00 400 00 2,1000) 200 25 50 00 17 13 1,497 41 50 00 16 00 128 76 27,073 68 26,469 02 53,542 70 Resolved.—That the following sums be levied and collected upon the taxable property of the several Towns of the County, for the purposes herein named. State Tax CAROLINE. County Tax... Town Audits Highways Overseer of Poor Superintendent of Poor Willard Asylum " Deficiency Western Institute for Deaf Mutes Returned Tax State Tax County Tax Town Audits Highways DANBY. 1,172 58 1,199 36 741 85 250 00 200 00 65 08 275 69 250 00 6 52 4,161 08 1,442 56 1,475 52 436 31 950 00 58 SUPERVISORS, PROCEEDINGS. Superintendent of the Poor. 270 33 Willard Asylum 328 66 Returned Tax 4,903 38 DRYDEN. State Tax 3,718 90 County Tax 3,803 85 Town Audits 1,117 46 Highways 2,800 00 Overseer of Poor 400 00 Superintendent of Poor 165 60 Willard Asylum 1,001 32 Returned Tax 10 94 Damages to Highway 599 36 Susquehanna Valley Home 156 44 Canandaigua Home 142 30 13,916 17 ENFIELD. State Tax 1,079 94 County Tax.... 1,104 60 Town Audits 1,35816 Highways 150 00 Superintendent of Poor 76 Overseer of Poor Returned Tax 4 36 Interest on R. R. Bonds 1,750 00 Sinking Fund 750 00 6,197 82 GROTON. State Tax 2,42191 County Tax 2,477 24 Town Audits 669 33 Highways 1,250 00 Overseer of Poor 200 00 Superintendent of Poor 55 50 Willard Asylum 159 64 Interest on R. R. Bonds 1,050 00 Sinking Fund 150 00 Western N. Y. Institute for Deaf Mutes 250 00 Returned Tax 8 03 8,091 05 4 SUPERVISORS, PROCEEDINGS. 59 ITHACA. State Tax 8,68184 County Tax 8,88017 Town Audits 9,417 42 Highways , 250 00 Overseer of Poor 3,000 00 Superintendent of Poor 573 60 Willard Asylum 2,845 36 Interest on R. R. Bonds, I. & A 12,375 00 " G. & I 7,000 00 Sinking Fund I. & A. 15,000 00 G. & I 2,500 00 Tax Receiver's Salary 400 00 Susquehanna Valley Home 227 15 . Canandaigua Home 164 80 Tax and Interest on Boardman case 739 23 Returned Tax 330 46 72,385 03 LANSING. State Tax 3,552 14 County Tax 3,633 28 Town Audits 3,35114 Superintendent of Poor 65 53 Willard Asylum 141 21 Returned Tax 10 52 10,753 82 NEWFIELD. State Tax 1,376 39 County Tax 1,407 83 Town Audits 1,691 77 Superintendent of Poor • 27 23 Willard Asylum 524 92 Interest on R. R. Bonds 3,430 00 Sinking Fund 555 00 Commissioner of Highways 250 00 Returned Tax 10812 Overseer of Poor 75 00 State Tax... County Tax. ULYSSES. 9,446 26 3.022 76 3,091 81 T 60 y SUPERVISORS, PROCEEDINGS. Town Audits 1,176 52 Superintendent of Poor 156 26 Willard Asylum 381 55 Interest on R. R. Bonds 5,250 00 Sinking Fund 750 00 Highway Commissioner 1,400 00 Returned Tax 86 71 Overseer of Poor 400 00 15,715 61 On motion, Board adjourned to 11 A. ➢1., Saturday, Dec. 17th, 1881. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1881. Morning Session. Board met pursuant to adjournment. All the members present. The forenoon was wholly occupied by the members of the Board in preparing their respective tax rolls and in signing the tax warrants of each town. At half past twelve, on motion the Board adjourned. Afternoon Session. Board met at 2 r. M. All responded to the roll call. Mr. Horton offered the following resolutions : Resolved,—That the collectors of the several Towns in Tompkins County be required by this Board to settle with the Bounty Treasurer on or before the 25th day of February, 1882. Adopted, 4 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 61 Resolved.—That th9 County Treasurer and Clerk of the Hoard be authorized and empowered to enter into a contract with the authorities of the Onondaga County Penitentiary at the price named by them,for the keeping of prisoners sent by this County, said contract to commence Jan. tat. 1882. That the officer shall receive the sum of $10.00 for the transfer to such institution of single prisoners and the sum of $3.50 for each additional prisoner ; and that the Clerk of the Board shall notify all Justices of the Peace of this County and the District Attor- ney of the above contract. Adopted. Resolved.—That whenever the appropriations for the Court Fund are exhaust- ed the Supervisor of the Town of Ithaca be authorized to raise any deficiency therein, upon application of the County Treasurer, by note, on the credit of the County. Adopted. Mr. Chapman offered the following : Resolved.—That the expenses of the County Treasurer's trip to Syracuse, by order of the Board of Supervisors, be. paid from the stationery and postage fund. Adopted. Mr. Crocker offered the follo wing : Resolved.—That the compensation of the Stenographer of the County Court and Court of Sessions for the ensiling year, commencing Dec. 1st, 1831, be fixed at $5.00 per day. The Stenographer to furnish all stationery. Adopted. • Mr. Cooper offered the following : Resolved.—That the County Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay from the Court Fund any deficiency that may occur in the Willard Asylum Fund for the coming year. The following resolutions were unanimously adopted: By Mr. Mount, Resolved.—That the thanks of this Board are due and are hereby tendered to Jas. McLachlan, Jr., for the efficiency and kindness that have characterized the discharge of his duties as Clerk of this Board. By Mr. Crocker, Resolved.—That the thanks of this Board are hereby tendered to John E.Beers for the able and impartial manner in which he has discharged the important 02 6VPERVISORS, PROCEEDINGS. duties of chairman during the present session ; and we take this opportunity to ex- press our sincere desires, that his future public life ,may be as successful and satis- factory; and with those desires, the assurance, that he will carry with him in his retirement from this Board, to the Legislature of the State, our united prayers, for continued prosperity and usefulness. There being no further business, the minutes of the day' s proceedings were read and approved, when, on motion, the. Board adjourned without day. JAS. McLACHLAN, JR., Clerk. COUNTY AUDITS. I hereby certify that the following table comprises ab- stracts of all bills against the County of Tompkins, presented to the Board. of Supervisors thereof at its Annual Session for 1881 ; showing both the true amounts as claimed, and as finally audited by said Board, and the sum total of the amounts audited. JAS. McLACHLAN, JR., Clerk. No. Name. • Nature of Service. Claim'd Aud'td 1. C. L. Smith, Justice of Peace... 92 42 • 92 17 2. Coryell Estate, Medical services 15 00 15 00 3. Marsh & Hall, Goods for Court House 39 01 39 01 4. Merritt King, Legal services 200 00 150 00 5. S. D. Stevens, ex -Supervisor 5 40 5 40 6. Marsh &Hall, Returned • 7. A. D. Simonds, Coroner 34 60 25 10 8. Marsh & Ha11, Merchandise for Jail 51 00 51 00 9. M. D. Goodyear, Examining lunatic 3 00 3 00 10. Newton Baldwin, Constable. ........ ... 3 25 2 50 11. E. K. Johnson, Merchandise for County use 1 85 1 85 12. J. B. Warren, Labor on Jail 2 50 2 50 13. E. M. Davey, Coroner's Juror 2 00 2 00 14. Chas. G. Day, Justice of the Peace 14 85 13 20 15. Newton Baldwin, Constable.... 4 75 3 50 16. Isaac A. Shirley, Boarding prisoners 13 45 13 45 17. Enz & Miller, Stationery 25 00 25 00 18. White & Kirkendall, Physicians 35 00 20 00 19. Almy & Bouton, Attorneys 10 00 10 00 20. J. W. Brown, Pliy sician and Coroner 10 00 10 00 21. Patrick Murray, Constable 50 60 • 50 60 22. Elias Smith, Superintendent of Poor 176 50 176 50 23. L. S. McWhorter, Merchandise 18 30 18 30 64 SUPERVISORS, PROCEEDINGS. 24. A. G. Chapman, Supervisor 25. H. L. Tabor, Constable 26. D. M. Ellsworth, Stenographer 27. D. P. Hodson, Coroner's Juror... 28. J. B. Dunham, " 29. Andrus & Church, Stationery 30. D. M. Dean, Expenses in Van Houter case 31. M. N. Tompkins, Coroner's Juror 32. Carpenter & Cummings, Merchandise 33. Jeremy Smith, Coroner's Juror 34. Phillip Case, (4 It 35. A. M. Tarbell, Constable 36. Chas. E. Atwood, Chemical analysis 37. Doctor Tarbell, Water Works at County Clerk's office 38. Andrus & Church, Stationery 39. R. L. Smith, Examining lunatic 40. Riley Updike, Constable 41. J. A. Northup, Examining lunatics 42. Nelson Underwood, Constable 43. A. M. Baldwin, Coroner 44. John Goodyear, Examining lunatic 45. C. B. Green, Coroner's Juror 46. Dana Rhodes, Justice 47. E. J. Brown, Laying out O'Donnell 48. J. M. Farrington, Examining lunatic 49. S. F. Smith, Coroner's Juror, assigned to R. Wolf 50. Newell Gibbs, Wood for Jail 51. H. B. Chase, Examining lunatic 52. John Sullivan, Labor 53. D. Andrews, Justice 54. Moses B. Sneden, Constable ....... 81 25 55. Wm. Fitch, Services as Physician 20 00 56. VanBenthuysen & Son, Stationery 274 71 57. L. P. Kennedy, Chief of Police 131 25 58. 15 40 59. Edward Pyles, Furnishing water at County House 55 65 60. P. G. Ellsworth, Legal services 110 00 61. Wm. H. Moore, Coroner's Juror. 1 00 62. Chas. S. Seaman, " 2 00 63. S. U. Jones, Autopsy 10 00 64. J. D. Beardsley, Services in Northup case 8 65 65. Hugh Black, Repairing Court House 3 00 66. C. A. Ham, Coroner's Juror 1 00 67. G. W. Guinn, Janitor, assigned to H.T, Johnson 40 25 5 72 4 45 27 00 4 00 2 00 184 11 6 12 2 00 1 20 3 00 2 00 13 30 35 00 32 50 65 75 5 00 6 30 20 00 445 10 00 3 00 2 00 1 85 5 00 5 00 2 00 40 00 8 00 57 00 5 00 5 72 4 45 27 00 4 00 2 00 184 11 6 12 2 00 1 20 3 00 2 00 10 C5 35 00 65 75 5 00 6 30 20 00 445 ' 5 00 3 00 2 00 1 70 5 00 2 00 40 00 5 00 57 00 4 85 61 25 20 00 274 71 131 25 15 40 55 65 85 00 1 00 2 00 10 00 8 65 300 1 00 40 25 r AP, SUPERVISORS, PROCEEDINGS, 65 68. Howard & Clement, Furniture for Court House 900 9 00 69. S. S. Todd, Coroner's Juror 1 00 1 00 70. A. Collins, Coroner's Juror 1 00 1 00 71. H. H. Houpt, " 4 1 00 -1 00 72. Robt. Lormor, " 1 00 1 00 73. Geo. E. Monroe, " " 1 00 1 00 74. Geo.R.Burchell, " 1 00 1. 00 75. H. Marvin, 1 00 1 00 76. Straussman Bros., Clothing for poor 11 95 11 95 77. Ithaca Water Works, Rent • '76 00 76 00 78. W. N. Noble, Legal services 75 00 75 00 79. J. W. Sunderlin, Justice of Peace 70 70 80. J. W. Dean, • • 13 05 13 05 81. F. P. Randolph, Lumber and Services 4 02 4 02 82. Jared T. Newman, Examining guardim accounts 50 00 50 00 83, J. M. Jamieson, Repairs 202 04 202 04 84, E. J. Morgan, Jr„ Coroner 86 05 73 25 85, E, A. Wagener, Special County Judge (assigned to Leroy Todd).... 50 00 50 00 86. Will Shirley, Services aiding Burlew inquest . 7 00 7 00 87. Weekly Ithacan, Printing 112 75 106 00 88. G. M. Beckwith, Jail Physician 90 00 90 00 89. White & Burdick, Merchandise 29 88 •28 28 90. Moses B. Sneden, Services and materials (assigned to J. M Heggie) 28 85 28 85 91. E. J. Phelps, Constable 3 55 3 55 92. Dr, Barney, Medical services 20 00 20 00 93. Ithaca Telephone Exchange 75 25 75 25 94. R. Scribner, Merchandise 2 50 2 50 95. Dr. Winslow, Medical services 23 00 20 00 96. P. Conway, Coroner's Juror. 4 00 4 00 97. Dr. Van Cleef, Medical services 25 00 20 00 98. Dr. Beckwith, Examining lunatics... ....... 25 00 25 00 99. F. Barber, Constable 6 00 4 00 100. Treman, King & Co, Merchandise 92 61 92 61 101. J. Vant, Jr., Coroner's Juror... .... 3 00 3 00 102. D. Tarbell, 2 00 2 0.1 103. J. J: Wallace, Services at Jail (assigned to H. Gee) 4 70 4 70 104. J. P. King, ex -Supervisor. 6 80 6 80 105. C. J. Sanford, Coroner's Juror 1 00 1 00 106, Frank Thorp, Constable 5 70 440 107. M. B. Sneden, " 71 80 71 30 108. Albert Vanluken, " 2 60 2 60 66 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 109. Samuel Bellis, Special 110. T. J. Bierce, 111. Martin Browers, 112. Wm. Weatherell, 113. Homer Bailey, Special 114. C. A. Ham, << 115. O. A. Thatcher, << 116. A. K. Allen, <. Constable • << 117. R. S. McCorn, Services 118. J. N. Van Ostrand, Constable 119. " << 120. " " 121. Samuel Manning, << 122. S. B. Rolfe, County Clerk 123. Elihu Hildebrant, Under Sheriff........ 124. Wm. J. Smith, 125. Taylor & Buckley. Merchandise 126. Supervisor of Town of Ulysses, for support of S. H. Grego 127. S. P. Sackett, Medical services 128. J. B. Close, Coroner's Juror 129. Ithaca Journal Asso Printing 130. " << " etc 131. John M. Jamieson, Repairing, etc 132, J. R. Gregory, Examining lunatic 133. Finch & Apgar, Stationery. 134. Chas. A. Schaeffer, Professional services 135. Ithaca Journal Asso. Printing,etc 136. J. H. Horton, Agt., coal 137. Wm. J. Smith, Sheriff 138. • <{ << 139. N. Underwood. Constable 140. Uriah Lynch, 141. Patrick Murray, 142. John E. Beers, Supervisor 143. C. J. Rumsey, Merchandise. 144. Alex. Frear, Supervisor 145. Ithaca Democrat, Printing 146. H. G. Cooper,Supervisor L47. A. M. Ford, Coroner's Juror 148. T. W. Burns, Justice of Peace 149. J. H. George, Supervisor. [50. J. H. Horton, Coal 151. L. S. Wortman, Coroner's Juror., 11 00 510 47 65 12 00 3 80 1 80 . 1 80 11 00 5 10 47 65 12 00 3 80 1 80 1 80 1 80 1 80 15 90 15 90 230 85 230 85 553 00 53 60 98 55 98 55 7 00 7 00 1185 94 1172 35 784 20 684 10 32 42 32 42 9 00 9 00 44 59 44 59 20 00 20 00 200 200 81 75 81 75 1029 50 1005 25 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 09 35 12 35 12 25 00 15 00 ... 384 75 384 75 4 35 4 35 ' 1511 40 1370 90 297 50 297 30 95 95 280. 280 1 80 1 80 30 20 30 20 16 85 16 85 24 00 24 00 994 60 954 85 16 68 16 68 1 00 1 00 84 70 84 70 19 84 19 84 68 95 68 95 poo .200 4 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 67 152. S. L. Howe, Leveling at County House 153. Bradford Almy, Legal services 154. Jonas Johnson, Services at Court House 155. W. J. Smith, Sheriff 156. Willis Blinder, Dept. Constable 157. Theron W. Slocum, 158. Norton & Conklin, Printing and stationery 159. J. H. Horton, Coal....'.. 160. S. J. Parker, Medieal services.... 161. D. VanVleet, Coroner's Juror' 162. Joseph C. Buriitt, Assignee for Struble & Atwater, Mdse 163. C. L. Smith, Justice of Peace... 164. M. B. Sneden, Constable 165. R. Horton, Supervisor 166. W. P. Beers, Teams to County House 167. T. S. Culver, Merchandise 168. Spence Spencer, Stationery 169. David Crocker, Services as 170. B. G. Cooper, 171. J. H. George, 172. J. E. Beers, 173. R. Horton, 174. A. G. Chapman, 175. I. H. Newman, 176. J. H. Mount, 177. Alex. Frear, 5 00 5 00 10 00 10 00 50 50 338 48 338 48 565 .565 975 975 18 75 18 75 205 65 205 65 ' 10 00 10 00' 200 200 790 715 17 10 17 10 36 40 36 40 12 84 12 84 10 00 10 00 8 30 8 30 16 71 16 71 Supervisor.......... 87 99 87 99 89 66 89 66 92 57 92 57 82 83 82 83 << << 8317 8317 41 88 69 88 69 80 95 80 95 83 30 83 30 .< <, 10621 10621 $11551 79 68 ItiUPERVIISORS> PROCEEDINGS. ui 0 00 H �1 w pi 511 F� Oo^7m m d 00 o .m00Q a aA o -0d F Y A w • y•d0R, O CD 00 0w rns17:8o w q o o b my 0) ma02 Q .q a) 0.t- F] 000 p'� U g 2f 00 m 0 0 cameo om a" Dua00 qsF I14 .n 0 a, O p U F. q N 0 m Or11 ca. 0) 00 PI 0 oo 03 0 al �y 0+0 s��0 m ;a cew q O o) 0•'"Pa a 'w R m 4-1 5,10 p .0g80d O .0 ti -aAl)OadSa1 ..,ii 'pea 103 )sjlop am uo xE) Jo 9V/I O N O M,OO, M 8 0 0 0 0 0 8.5. 0 'ma aain)ag ;,my mos. .. 0000 o2 o6'1:1- M o v d' 0 Q, o M vao 0,-,„„ 0 0,1 ,o 001+,0�H H 1-No.rn1, •snoaus11aasiyi 0 0. W N .a •xey 2u! -pua;xa pus tion 2upCdop C.2-.' pM N a,m,o 11 o .. ooMNtit0 N d •moi a2saili�I N00n 0000 53.'8,'x)o� Mn N M.+ N sa •uol;EsuaduioD 08 88 88 88 N0..4, 0. M a M M •110M aaulunuon q;im S.iea M v - co M 1n .+ 0 .al, )ad sivao 8 ;e a2eal }4 000000V C1 N 11001 4, N N 0 '''' 1n N M •,i0 Q aad ..•£g ;e uo„esuadumJ 0 00 0 0 800 0 0 0 w s,o,°-,`,8\o a 10 •uoisas LE -000V `p.ceog q;jA1 m ca N N N N N N N N N N N N NCI N N N Co '5)0000). -003 Sweep Tim s.CE(I a . p cn w u) m James H. Mount John E. Beers James H, George I. H Newman Albert G. Chapman Alexander Frear David Crocker Randolph Horton Horace G. Cooper EX -SUPERVISORS. Smith D. Stevens T. Parker King ................. .... ...... cii0 F Caroline Danby Dryden Enfield Groton Ithaca Lansing Newfield Ulysses b 41 «=d a 0 N 0) o U q m Li O d m ,y a8 80) 0 q 0 E" v F a) 0 d RI d '1%71 0) 0 a y 0,0 PIa 0 Ca C.11QS O o'0 " COa 0 0 G o p6 0) 0 0 0 TF, bb Y m• W Cdm ,0 'Cl V) �y O 0El 0) ,0 °'1.1 00 8.Y wF .o0 0)000) 0 d0 g0 �n p .=yd0 ed ,:l. 0 41 0 OS ln i, 0" cs a E �,F � 0) 0:d^y 'Om m q d as v 4 0 04 ��c ), I) 0 d'•• CO m 0 p, dr ala) oco0 o° .0 U cd O 0 7. bi, 5 reO A.° •o 00'0 5.ro wb0 0 o0o.;..,F 0 .0 m0 0) 0 0 00. ) 00 02 d ,e„.0H Q� Hcg 00 0 w 8 1' JAS. McLACHLA.N,JR., CLERK. • TOWN AUDI `1'S. CAROLINE. Abstract of the names of all persons who presented accounts to be audited to the Board of Town Auditors of the Town of Caroline on the 10th and 11th days of November, A. D. 1881, with the amount claimed by each and the amount finally audited. No. Name. Nature of service. Claim'd Aud'td 1. John J. Peters, Justice $35 30 $35 30 2. Geo. C. Whitely, Overseer of Poor 27 00 27 00 3. Uriah Lynch, Constable 41 00 41 00 4. James H.Snow,Clerk of Election and Stationary Dist. No.14 30 4 30 5. Able T. Lott, " 4 00 4 00 6. U. L.Rolins,Inspector of Election and Messenger Dist.No.1,10 04 10 04 7. Oran P. Rich, 4 6 4 4 4 00 4 03 8. Ismond E.Knapp, 0 0 1 0 10 4 00 4 00 ' 9. G.E.Santlers,Inspector of Election and Messenger Dist.No.2, 5 00 5 00 10. John Norris, " 11 4 00 4 00 11. Geo.E.Harris, " " 1 4 9 64 9 64 12. John Wolcott, Clerk of Election Dist. No. 2 4 00 . 4 00 13. Davis Krum, 4 00 4 00 14. James E. Vandemark, Constable 5 60 5 60 15. James H. Mount, Supervisor 16 30 16 30 16. Horace•E. Patch, Assessor 26 00 26 00 17. Charles P. Toby, " 41 75 41 75 18. Cantine Lounsbury, " 34 00 34 00 4 19. Richard Lounsbury, Justice 8 25 8 25 20. Patrick Lee, Expense in extending road 13 20 13 20 21. B. M. Lawrence, Town Clerk 65 40 65 40 22. Almy & Bouton, Attorneys 5 00 5 00 23. Ithaca Journal Association, Printing Election Notices 4 00 4 00 24. John Cross, Justice of Peace 8 00 8 00 25. John Gass, - 14 55 14 55 70 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 26. Wm. E. Devenport, Constable 27. D. M. Bowman, Com. of Highways 28. Luman B. Phillips, ex -Overseer of Poor 29 Smith D. Stevens, ex -Supervisor 30. R. E. Brink, use of Hall for Election 31. John J. Freer, use of Election and Town Meeting.... 32. John Wolcott, ex -Town Auditor 33. P. G. Ellsworth, Attorney in case of U. I. & E. R. R 34. Mason Clark, Town Auditor 85. Johnson Quick, ' ` 36. Smith D. Stevens, " 17 25 122 00 6 90 27 73 10 00 20 00 3 00 40 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 15 25 122 00 6 90 27 73 10 00 20 00 3 00 40 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 $661 21 We, the Auditors of the Town of Caroline, do hereby certify that the fore- going Abstract is correct. MASON CLARK, JouNsoN Quicx, Town Auditors. SMITH D. STEVENB, ADDED BY RESOLUTION OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. 37. Loan Commissioners Erroneous Tax 38. D. M. Bowman, Highway Com 39. G. S. Higgins, Excise Com 40. Martin Besemer, Physician 41. Henry S. Krum, ex Highway Com 42. Geo. H. Nixon, Excise Com Town Audits Total DANBY. 10 76 5 89 3 00 4 00 54 00 3 00 10 76 5 88 3 00 4 00 54 00 . 3 U0 80 64 661 21 741 85 Abstract of Town Accounts for the Town of Danby' as audited November 10th, 1881. Ns. Name. Nature of service. Claim'd Aud'td 1. A. W. Bennett, Clerk of Election 4 00 4 00 4 00 .4 00 2. B. Jennings," 44 SUPERVISORS, PROCEEDINGS. 71 3. Ithaca Journal Association. 4. J. Hawes. Supplies for Town Poor 5. J. Roony, " " 6. E. E, SwartOut, Inspector of Election 7. Sidney Foster, Filing Election Returns 8. Sidney Foster, Inspector of Election 9. J, Ostrander, Supplies for Town Poor 10. M. T. Denman, Justice of Peace. 11. L. L. Beers, Inspector of Election 12. " " Surveying 13. T. H. Howell, Supplies for Town Poor 14. L. Jennings, Justice of Peace .• 15. Wm. Howland, Overseer of Poor 16. H, McDonald, Janitor of Hall 17. Rev. 11. France, Reporting Marriage 18. T. W. Slocum, 'Constable 19. Seth B. Tompson, Overseer of Poor.... 20. Dr. Eli Beers, Medical services Town Poor 21. Dr. M. A. Demond, Reporting Births and Deaths 22. J. E. Beers, Supervisor 23. J. E. Beers, Reporting Births 24. C. W. Earl, Repairs on Town Hall 25. A. J. Beers, Assessor 26. Jacob Wise, " 27. J. D. Fish, 28. Ira Patchin, Use of Hall 29 . A. J. Patchin, Inspector of Election and filing returns 30. J. P. Thatcher, " it 31. F. A. Todd, Clerk of Election 32. B. Jennings, Town Clerk 33. Oscar Jennings, Com. of Highways 34. Charles Howland, Justice of Peace 35. Jeremiah Thatcher, " 36. John T. Miller, " 37. A. W. Knapp, Overseer of Poor 38. E. C. Marsh, Deputy -Sheriff 39. T. J. Bierce, Constable 40. C. B. Keeler, Town Auditor 41. L. B, Beers, " 42. John Thomas, " 2 00 2 00 17 50 17 50 5 00 5 00 4 00 4 00 5 00 5 00 4 00 4 00 375 376 2 00 2 00 400 400 4 00 4 00 9 00 9 00 7 00 7 00 2 25 2 25 16 00 16 00 25 25 3 45 3 45 325 325 34 50 34 50 2 50 2 50 2333 2333 350 350 3 43 3 43 22 00 22 00 1875 1875 21 00 21 00 3 00 3 00 8 00 8 00 3 00 3 00 300 300 44 35 44 35 43 00 43 00 7 50 7 50 7 00 7 00 200 200 11 50 7 25 7 50 3 00 3 00 3 00 11 50 0 00 '7 50 3 00 3 00 3 00 378 31 72 SUPERVISORS, PROCEEDINGiS. Town of Danby, ss: -We, the undersigned Board of Town Auditors for the Town of Danby, hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct Abstract of all bills claimed and allowed by us. Dated at Danby, Nov. 10th, 1881. JOHN THoMAs, C. B. KEELER, } Town Auditors. L. B. BEERS, ADDED BY RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. 43. H. F. Hutchings, Clerk of Election 44. T. J. Hutchings, Inspector of Election 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 45. Ladies Union Benevolent Society for board of Miss Mc- Pherson 52 weeks _ Town Audits Total... 52 00 52 00 58 00 378 31 4$6 31 DRYDEN. Abstract of the names of all persons who presented bills to the Board of Town Auditors of the Town of Dryden, on the 10th day of November,1881,with the amounts claimed by each and the amounts finally allowed. No. Name. Nature of service. 1. H. H. Snyder, Making grave Clam'd Aud'td 2. Bradford Snyder, Overseer of Poor 2 00 2 00 36 00 36 00 3. H. F. Pierce, Undertaker 4. J. C, Vanderhoef, Overseer of Poor 5 00 55 00 550 5. H. F. Pierce, Undertaker 51 50 51 00 6. Suel W. Gibson, Error in tax.... .. 15 00 15 00 7. Wm. Fitch, Physician 1 50 1 50 11 75 10 10 8. W. H. Goodwin, Attorney 9. G. B. Davis, 15 00 15 00 47 20 47 20 10. W.H.Goodwin,Attorney,Ass]gnee for G.E.Monroe (rejected) 104 75 104 75 11. Geo. E. Goodrich, " 12. Wm. Fitch, Physician 20 00 20 00 13. Rochester Marsh, Constable 4 90 4 90 14. Dan Pew, Burial expense. 20 05 20 05 15. Geo, L. Waters, Attorney 35 00 35 00 16. David K. Allen, Physician... . 12 65 12 65 . , 2725 2400 • 0 SUPERVISORS' OCEE ➢INGS. 73 17. E. D. Allen, Physician 18. Wm. F.I. Lester, Board. 19. J. D. Lamont, Auditor 20. E. Hilderbrant, Deputy -Sheriff 21. A. D. Simons, Physician 22. J. Beach, 23. D. G. Briggs, 24. J. H. George, Supervisor 25. A. W. George, Assessor 26. Win. R. Givens, ex -Com. of Highways 27. E. B. Fu kenos, House for Election 28. C. II. Howe, 29. G. Vi'.Gibson, 30. A. K. Foster, Physician 31. D. C. McGregor, Excise com 32. A. Burlingame, Assessor.... 33. Geo. E. Monroe, Justice of Peace 34. Cyrus Knapp, Assessor.... ...... . 35, Wm. E. Brown, Justice of Peace 36. J. Beach, Physician 37. J. J. Allis, Com. of Highways 38. J. T. Morris, Justice of Pe.ace...... , .... 39. Eli R. Sherwood, Constable 40. Geo. H. Houtz, Town Clerk 41. J. A. Genung, Auditor..: . 42. Geo. E. Hanford, Justice of Peace 43. W. D. Ellis, House for Election 44. Bartholomew & Hemingway. 45. John McArthur, Inspector of Election 46. .I. Bartholomew, 47. E. R. Gaston, 48. J. V. Rose, it Town Meeting. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 50, H. C. Sutliff, A. 8. Fox, G. M. Rockwell, Frank W. Collins, W. H. Moore, Geo. B. Ogden, S E. Smiley, G. W. Hiles, A. L. Tyler, Clerk of B, Snyder, " Geo. E. Goo lrich, a U '4 U 44 K 64 44 4' .1, t< 44 t< 12 00 1 75 3 00 16 20 18 50 27 25 14 43 72 66 42 00 51 00 10 00 10 00 30 00 2 75 6 00 56 75 44 45 48 00 4 00 8 00 .1 75 3 00 16 20 12 50 27 25 14 43 72 66 42 00 51 00 10 00 10 00 30 00 2 75 6 00 56 75 44 45 48 00 4 00 3 25 3 25 109 00 109 00 8 00 28 05 25 33 3 00 4 40 10 00 5 00 5 00 4 00 415 9 64 4 00 9 72 4 00 11 21 4 00 9 32 5 09 8 00 28 05 25 33 3 00 440 10 00 5 00 5 00 4 00 415 9 64 4 00 9 72 4 00 11 21 4 00 9 32 5 00 4 00 4 00 Election 4 00 4 00 400 400 425 425 74 SUPERVISORS, PROCEEDINGS. .60. E. A. Mosso, Clerk of Election.... 4 00 4 00 61. S. N. Brown, " " 4 00 4 00 62. W. Marsh, " ` 4 00 4 00 63. J. M. Carr, " 5 25 5 25 Bill No. 10 deducted by Supervisor 1174 96 104 75 1070 21 Town of Dryden, ss :-We, the undersigned, comprising the Board of Town Auditors of the Town of Dryden, do hereby certify that we have this day audit- ed and allowed the preceding accounts, given in the last column of this Abstract. A. L. SMILEY, IBA 0. SHAVER, . Town Auditors. • H. G. FITTS, 1J ADDED BY RESOLUTION OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. 64. H. G. Fitts, Town Auditor 7 50 7 50 65. A. L. Smiley, " " 10 50 10 50 66. Ira C. Shaver, 7 50 7 50 67. Geo. M. Beckwith, Physician 4 00 4 00 68. Martin Besemer, " 2 25 2 25 69. A. M. Ford, Printing..... ... 5 50 5 50 70. J. H. Kennedy, Use of Hall 10 00 10 00 47 25 Town Audits 1070 21 Total 1117 46 ENFIELD. Abstract of all bills presented to the Board of Town Auditors of the Town of Enfield, Tompkins Co., Nov. 10th, 1881, the amount claimed and the amount finally allowed. No. Name. Nature of service. Claim'd Aud'td 1. Burr Oltz, Com. of Highways 948 47 948 47 2. it Services 36 00 36 00 3. Frank Barber, Constable 5 90 . 5 90 SUPERVISORS, PROCEEDINGS. 76 4. Lansing Lytle, Assessor 30 00 30 00 5. Charles R. Nobles, " 20 00 20 00 6. William M. Gibbs, " 27 00. 27 00 7. Samuel Rolfe, Justice of Peace 4 00 4 00 8. H. H. Lanning, Auditor 3 00 3 00 9. S. J. Fish, Clerk of . Election. 4 00 4 00 10. S. B. Harvey, ex -Supervisor 10 50 10 50 11. E. C. Bagley, Inspector of Election, etc., etc 10 06 . 10 06 12. M. L. Harvey, House for Town purposes 40 00 40 00 13. John Darraugh, Excise Commissioner 3 00 . 3 00 14. Geo. Berlew, Constable . 3 80 3 80 15. John Russelle, Inspector 4 00 4 00 10. Byron Jackson, Overseer of Poor 24 00 24 00 17. J. M Baker, Clerk of Election 4 00 4 00 18. Will Wright, Inspector of Election . 4 00 4 00 19. Arthur S. Nobles, Auditor 3 00 3 00 20. Wm. F. Smith, Justice of Peace 9 00 9 00 21. Dr. A. J. White, Physician 2 75 2 75 22. J. M. Lansing, Justice of Peace 9 00 9 00 23. A. J. Purdy, Town Auditor 3 00 3 00 24. D. W. Fish, P. H. for Minor Berlew 30 00 23 00 25. Geo. Budd, R. R. Com'r. 5 91 5 91 26. E. Brewer, 12 16 12 16 27. Wm. Milier, " . i1 16 11 16 28. Charles Wright, Town Clerk 40 50 40 50 29. D. W. Bailey, " Auditor. 6 00 6 00 30. S. D. Purdy, . 6 00 6 00 31. Eben Rolfe, 6 00 6 00 32. A. J. Pritchard, Justice of Peace..... 13 40 12 40 1331 61 We, the undersigned Board of Town Auditors for the Town of Enfield, here- by certify that the foregoing is a correct Abstract of all bills claimed and'the amount finally allowed by us. Dated Enfield, Nov. 10th; 1881. D. W. BATLEY, EBEN ROLFE, Town Auditors, S. D. PURDY, ADDED BY RESOLUTION OF BOARD. OF SUPERVISORS. 33. Wm. A. Axnmack, ex.Town Auditor......,„., 3 00 800 76 SUPERVISORS, PROCEEDINGS. 34. I. H. Newman, ex -R. R. Com 5 25 5 25 35, I. H. Newman, Supervisor. Town Audits Total GROTON. 18 30 18 30 26 55 1331 61 1358 16 GROTON, N. Y., Nov. 10th, 1881. Board of Town Auditors met at G. W. Stoddard's office for the purpose of auditing Town bills. Present H. T. Newel, G. W. Davy,D. B. Morton, Auditors. J. W. Jones, Town Clerk. The following bills were audited : No. 1, 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. Name. Nature of Service. H. S. Hopkins, Town Clerk V. B. Gross, Election clerk Dudley Andrews, Justices services ti C. W..Barney, Auditor and Inspector Wm. E. Mount, Justice services Lockwood Corning, Auditor extra session J. B. Hart, U. I. & E. R, R. Commissioner J. W. Jones, Town Clerk W. W. White, Highway Commissioner Eleazer Hurlbut, Excess of tax L. M. Ogden, Assessor Dr. John Goodyear, Medical services Dr. C. A. Boyce, Dr. Miles D.Goodyear " Dr. J. S. Gibbs, Return deaths and births " Medical services J. C. Bothwell, Inspector Wm. H. Burnham, " Assessor's Clerk. Dr. S. N. Jones, Return deaths and births. Medical services ti Claim'd Aud'td 825 825 400 400 8 00 8 00 5 25 5 25 4 85 4 85 7 00 7 00 8 00 8 00 100 100 7 50 7 50 32 13 32 13 51 13 51 13 53 94 53 94 31 90 31 90 7 50 7 50 4875 2850 3 75 3 75 225 225 10 00 10 00 4 00 4 00 1036 1036 600 600 4 50 4 50 950 950 15 00 11 00 5 00 300 SUPERVISORS, PROCEEDINGS. 77 27. 28. Dana Rhodes, Justice services 29. John Conklin, Inspector.. 30. Giles M.Stoddard, " 31. Nelson Underwood, Constable services 32. Wm. Holden, Inspector 33. A. B. Rogers, Use of hall 34. David Coggshell, Inspector and returning 35. Hugh Hiasey, Justice services 36. M. D. Fitch, Inspector , 37. E. R. Nye, Use of hall for Election 38. Norman Metzgar, Inspector 39. Marvin C.Youug, 40. Henry Van Sickle, " 41. Wm. H. Fitch, ex -Supervisor 42, A. G. Chapman, 43. Thomas Morgan, Use of hall 44. R. Lanning, Returning births and Inspector 45. C. R. Williams, Inspector 46. Newton Baldwin, Constable services 47. 48. Dana Rhodes, Justice services 49. 50. Thompson Metzgar, Assessor 51. Chauncey Luther, 52. Groton Journal Printing Co 53. D. B. Morton, Town Auditor 54. G. W, Davy, 55. Henry T.Newell " 56. J. W. Jones, Clerk of Board it 8 00 4 00 4 00 2 75 4 00 12 00 9 00 12 40 4 00 25 00 600 11 20 4 00 21 09 20 40 8 00 4 50 4 00 550 8 00 1 85 32 00 40 00 30 85 3 00 3 00 3 00 2 00 8 00 4 00 4 00 275 4 00 12 00 9 00 12 40 4 00 25 00 6 00 11 20 4 00 21 09 20 40 8 00 4 50 4 00 5 50 8 00 1 85 32 00 40 00 25 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 2 00 607 00 We hereby certify that the above accounts have been audited by us as the Board of said Town of Groton. H. T. NEWELL, G. W. DAVEY, Town Auditors. D. B. MORTON, ADDED BY RESOLUTION OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. 57. E. R. Weaver, Medical service 58, John McKellar, Town Auditor 32 25 32 25 4 00 4 00 78 SUPERVISORS, PROCEEDINGS. 59. J. McLachlan, Jr., Inspector of Election 1880 .. 4 00 4 00 60. Sabrina J. Lanning, Excess of tax 21 08 .21 08 61 33 Town Audits 607 00 Total 668 83 ITHACA. TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE, Nov. 19th, 1881, 7 TOWN OF ITHACA. At a meeting of the Board of Auditors of the Town of Ithaca, held at the office of the Town Clerk, on the 10th, 11th, 12th, 14tb, 15th and 18th days of No- vember, 1881, the following accounts were examined, audited and allowed as stated below. C. A. Ivxs, Town Clerk. Present:-Wm.11IcKinney, Chairman. Andrew B.Davis, Arthur W. Goldsmid, Board of Auditors of the Town of Ithaca. No. 1. J. A. Tompkins, Insp. Dist. No.1,Mar.Apr. Oct. Nov. 1881... 2. E. E. Robinson, 8. A. W. Goldsmid, 4. Geo. Landon, Apr. 5. Jno.M.Tompkins,assigned to J.M.Heggie,Clerk Dist.No. 1,Mar.1880 and'81 6. M. C. Dryer, assigned to J. M. Heggie,ClerkDist. No. 1, 1881 7. W. F. McClune, assigned to C. 'L. Smith,Clerk Dist.No 1, 1881 8. Jno. B. Dunham, assigned to H. K. Jones,Insp.Dist.No 2, Mar. and Apr. 1881 9. H. K. Jones, Insp, Dist. No. 2, Mar. and Apr. 1881 10. O. P. Hyde, 11 l 11 l.1 .... 11. W. F. Major, Clerk ' ` " 12. Ed. H. Mowry, Insp. Dist. No. 3, Mar. and Apr. 1881 13. Chas. H. Hillick, assigned to Crozier & Feeley, Insp.Dist No. 3, Mar. and Apr. 1881 Name. Nature of Service. {1 1l Claim'd Aud'td 32 00 32 00 16 00 16 00 12 00 12 00 400 400 22 00 22 00 18 00 18 00 1800 1800 20 00 18 00 20 00 18 00 2000 1800 20 00 18 00 4 00 4 00 18.00 18 00 SUPERVISORS, PROCEEDINGS. 79 14. Henry Willetts, Insp. Dist. No. 3, Mar. and Apr. 1881X18 00 18 00 15. Simeon Smith, Clerk, " " 11 4 00 4 00 16. L. S. Neill, " " Mar. " 14 00 14 00 17. C. H. Wilson, assigned to J. M. Heggie, Clerk Dist. No No. 3, Mar. and Apr. 1881 18 00 18 00 18. Joseph Powles, assigned to R.Brown & Sons, Clerk Dist No. 3, Mar. and Apr. 1881 Wm. W. Starr, Insp. Dist. No. 1, Oct. and Nov. 1881 19. 20. 21. 29. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. W. E. Bogardus, " I. W. Norton, H. S. Wright., Clerk Jno.M.Tompkins " R. H. Philips, Insp. Dist. No. F. J. Marsh, " E.E.Robinson, " F. L. Brown, Clerk Chas. C. Wood, " W.F.McClune, " Fred. C.McWhorter, Chas.A.Elliott, " O. P. Hyde, " i1 1' 11 /1 ... 11 1' J. H. Tichenor, Jno. B. Dunham, Insp. " Hiram Ensign, D. P. Hodson, H. A. Partenheimer, Clerk, W. S. Crittenden, " B. R. Williams, Insp. Henry Willets, John E. VanNatta, Ed. 0. Tichenor, Clerk, 1l 11 14 l l Il /1 41 11 H. M. Johnson, Fox. Holden, W. F. Major, Insp. I. C. Andrews, " H. H. Philes, " 48. J. D. •Bennett, Insp. Dist. No. 1, April, 1880 49. Jno. Lewis, 3,44 14 50. Village of Ithaca, Use of hall, Oct, and Nov. 1881 51. Seth Warner & Co., " store, 52. E. S. Atwood, "11 " 53. E. S. Atwood, 54. Treman Brothers, Use of store, Oct. and Nov. 1881 ,1 11 It 11 2, Oct. and Nov. 1881... . It 1{ /t tl 1l 4' 4' 11 18 00 18 00' 4 00 4 00 12 00 12 00 16 00 16 00 18 00 16 00 1800 1600 16 00 16 00 16 00 16 00 1200 1200 400 400 Oct. 10 00 " 1800 1600 1800 1600 3 18 00 18 00 16 00 18 00 16 00 18 00 16 00 18 00 16 00 18 00 16 00 4 . 16 00 16 00 16 00 16 00 16 00 16 00 1600 1600 16 00 16 00 5 1800 1600 " 1800 1600 1800 " 1800 1600 1800 1600 1800 1600 400 400 4 00 4 00 40 00 10 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 " Mar. and April, 1881..... 20 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 '' 44 .4 11 11 1. 4( 11 11 It 14 If 80 SUPERVISORS, PROCEEDINGS. 55. T. L. McWhorter, use of Store Oct. and Nov. 1881 56. E. S. Middaugh, Stove, tables, etc., 3d Dist 21 5000 20 00 21 57. J. O. Rezeau, assigned to Fred Ridgeway, Use of room 10 75 Mar. and April, '79 58. Enz & Miller, Supplies Stationery 59. Spence Spencer, " 60. Andrus &Church, " 61. Andrus & Church, " 62. Andrus & Church, " 63. Andrus & Church, " 64. Finch & Apgar, " 65. Finch & Apgar, " 66. Sam'l H. Wilietts, Excise Com'r 67. Linford Mood, 68. John Hook, 69. Royal Thompson, Assessor 70. Myron A. Sexton, ,. 71. Peter Kline, It 72. Sam'l B. Beers, assigned to P. G. Ellsworth, Assessor.. 73. Wm. J. Totten, Copy of Assess' Roll.......... . . 74. "Ithaca Democrat", Printing bill 75. Ithaca Journal Association, `° 76. A. Clapp, "Ithacan", 77. Wm. Smith, Sheriff 78. Wm. Smith, " 79. E. Hildebrant, assigned to J. M. Heggie, Under -sheriff.. 80. W. C. Curran, Dividing Town 81. Sam'1 B. Beers, " 82. Clarence L. Smith, Justice 83. J. L. Baker, Lawyer 84. J. L. Baker, 85. D. P. Hodson, 86. D. P. Hodson, " 87. Clarence L. Smith, Justice 88. Chas. G. Day, 89. Smith Brothers, Lawyers 90. P. G. Ellsworth, " 91. Jno. A. Williams, 92. Almy & Bouton, 93. D. F. Van Vleet, 94. T. W. Burns, Justice 95. Wm.J. Totten, " 96. Wm. J. Totten, Board of Health • 45 00 1 85 4 00 1 55 6 85 1 75 1 40 19 50 33 18 15 00 15 00 33 00 8 00 76 00 84 00 250 00 34 00 101 50 161 47 40 25 10 25 12 15 80 85 10 00 24 00 565 75 15 00 28 38 25 00 15 00 2 80 40 00 10 00 35 00 20 00 55 00 36 00 387 55 70 10 32 00 45 00 1 85 3 60 1 55 6 85 1 75 1 40 19 50 33 18 15 00 15 00 33 00 76 00 82 00 250 00 32 00 101 50 161 47 34 75 10 25 12 15 63 85 10 00 24 00 565 75 10 00 15 88 15 00 10 00 2 80 40 00 10 00 35 00 5 00 55 00 12 00 387 55 70 10 32 00 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 81 97. Bradford Almy, " " etc 98. M. B. Snellen, assigned to Crozier & Feeley, Constable 99. M. B. Sneden, assigned to P. G. Ellsworth, ' ` 100. E. G. Phelps, assigned to J. M. Heggie, 101. D. B. Norton, assigned to Crozer & Feeley, 102. Riley Updike, assigned to J. M. Heggie, 103. Riley -Updike, assigned to C. L. Smith, 104. Riley Updike, assigned to J. M. Heggie, 105. Riley Updike, 106. J. B. Bennett, 107. J. B. Bennett, 108. Patrick Murray, assigned to Robt. Reed 109. A. VanAuken, Constable 110. Wnt. Whitlock, " 111. Chas. G. Day, Police Justice 112. L. P. Kennedy, •'C. P." Police bill 113. C. A.. Ives, assigned to Robt. Reed, Town Clerk April to November 114. C. J. Sanford, Town Clerk, April 2nd to 7th 115. Geo.M. Beckwith, assigned to Gauntlett & Brooks,Health Officer..... 116. Geo. M. Beckwith, Poor Physician $75.00 assigned to J. H. Horton. 117. Jno. A. Northup, Poor Physician $75.00 assigned to Geo. Fowles. $50.00 assigned to Geo. F. Nourse. 118. A. W. Green, Report of Marriages 119. S. J. Parker, Report of Births and Deaths 120. Jno. Winslow, " 121. Jno.A.Northup, " 122. Geo.M.Beckwith, " 123. J. W. Brown, " 124. S. P. Sackett, " 125. White & Kirkendall 126. E. J.Morgan,Jr., " 127. E. J. Morgan, 128. E. R. Barney, 129. G. C. McClune, Stone, Town House 130. G. C. McClune, Stone, Fall Creek 131. C. J. Ramsey & Co., Supplies to Town House. 132. Geo. Small Lumber 133. T. Hollister & Son, 13 t. J. C. King, Ag't, 14 Lumber 23 32 23 32 40 65 40 65' 36 70 35 90 63 80 63 80 2675 2550 6 80 6 80 1 95 1.95 170 170 77 15 7415 650 450 6 00 5 00 134 30 134 30 345 345 1 95 1 95 130 20 130 20 562 20 562 20 200 22 200 22 10 00 10 00 50 00 50 00 125 00 125 00 125 00 125 00 4 25 4 25 1 00 1 00 4 00 4 00 3 75 3 75 3 75 3 75 350 350 1950 1950 12 25 12 25 3 25 3 25 2 00 2 00 1.250 1250 3 00 3 00 8 00 8 00 53 90 53 90 17 56 17 56 17 12 17 12 550 550 82 SUPERVISORS, PROCEEDINGS. 135. D. A. English, Piles 136. Luther Lewis, " 137. Wm. Spence, Sand 138. John Sheehey, Stone 139. John Lewis, Repairs on Town House 140. Platt Lyon, Driving Piles at Fall Creek 141. Ira Rockwell, Lumber 142. A. B. Stamp, Feeding Prisoners 143. J. L. Whiton and Leonard Treman, R. R. Com'r 144. Isaac Teeter, Excess of tax 1877 145. Wm. G. King, 1880 146. Smith Brothers, Cartage coal 147. H. Lamkin, Transfer Board of Health 148. Chas. Ingersoll, Coal 149. Alex. Smith, Livery 150. D. J. Seaman & Son, Livery 151. Manning & Co.,assigned to H.E. Brown,left out in 1880 152, Alex. Frear, Supervisor, Nov. '80 to April '81 153. Alex. Frear, " April to Nov. '81 154. H. J. Wilson, ex -Overseer of Poor am't Spring Audits Am't coal bills Am't April bills Am't services Am't stationery, etc Am't P'd to H. Hoffman, 0. P 3197 11 622 19 36 00 9 00 5 25 1671 25 30 40 3) 40 19 20 19 20 675 675 18 00 18 00 48 02 4802 52 81 - 6281 175 54 175 54 56 13 56 13 46 00 46 00 20 80 540 540 35 35 3 00 3 00 2 90 290 400 4 00 19 00 19 00 700 700 51 80 51 80 128 70 128 70 5539 80 Rec'd from Supervisor 5500 00 39 80 39 80 *9.45 of above balance assigned to H. Hoffman. 155. Henry Hoffman,Ov'r"eer of Poor,Disbursements. 3584 13 Rec'd from H. J. Wilson, ex -O. 0 ... . . 1671 25 Services April to Nov. 1881.................. 156. L. F. Colegrove, ex Com. of Highways, Piles 112ft at 10 cents Services Mar. 30th to April2d,'81 6 00 157. H. M. Race, Com'r Highways, Disbursements 1024 94 April to Nov Rec'd from Supervisor 928 44 u " D. L. & W. R. R 27 50 " G. I. & S. 47 50 " IL I.&E. 2150 11 20 tt it 1024 94 1024 94 1912 88 1806 46 352 00 352 00 17 20 17 20 • SUPERVISORS, PROCEEDINGS. 83 H. M. Race, Commissioner of Highways. 94 clays services, April to Nov. '81 at $2.00........ ... . 158. Town Certificate, held by Wm. McKinney, for Iron Bridge at Buttermilk Falls, am't certificate 510 00 Interest 17 85 159. Wrought Iron Bridge Co. of Canton, Ohio, for Iron Bridge' at Judd Falls 160. Andrus & Church, Supplies 161. C. J. Sanford, ex -Town Clerk,Services Nov.l3th to April 1st, '81 162. C. J. Sanford, ex -Town Clerk, registration births, deaths and marriages 163. A. B. Davis, assismed to J. M. Heggie, Bcard of Health. 164. Wm. 0. Newman, 3 days with Auditors, Mar 165. Wm. McKinney, 166. A. B. Davis, assigned to J.M. Reggie, 3 days with Audi- tors, Mar 188 00 188 00 527 85 527 85 584 00 584 00 75 75 115 36 115 36 14 40 14 40 6 00 6 00 9 00 9 00 9 00 9 00 9 00 . 9 00 9256 72 We, the undersigned, the Town Auditors of the Town of Ithaca, hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct list and a true statement of all accounts, ex- • amined and audited or rejected, at the meeting of said Board, held in the Town Clerk's office in the said Town of Ithaca Nov. 10th, 11th, 12th, 14th, 15th and 18th, 1881. Dated, Ithaca, Nov. 30, 1881. Wm. McKINivEv, A. B. DAVIS, Town Auditors. A. W. GOLDSMID, ADDED BY RESOLIITION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. 167. S. D. Atwater, Clerk of Election, 1876, assigned to Peter Van Houten .. 4 00 4 00 168. A. B. Davis, Town Auditor, ass'n to J. M. Heggie 18 00 18 00 169. Wm.McKinney, " " 18 00 18 00 170. A. W . Goldsmid, " 18 00 18 00 171. A. W.Goldsmid,For services tendered 14 00 14 00 172. A. B. Davis, " as'n to J. M.Heggie16 00 16 00 173. Wm. McKinney, It it 16 00 16 00 e74. Eliza Patterson, Tax erroneously collected in 1880 56 70 56 70 Town Audits 16070 9256 72 Total 9417 42 84 SUPERVISORS, PROCEEDINGS. LANSING. LUDLOWVILLE, Nov. 10th,1881. We, the undersigned members of the Town Auditing Board of the Town of Lansing, in the County of Tompkins, State of New York, do hereby certify that the following statement of accounts,audited by them at their annual meeting held the 10th day of Nov. 1881, are correct. No. Name. Nature of service. Claim'd Aud'td 1. Albert VanAuken, Constable.... 1 09 1 09 2• Fred B. Davis, 44 2 35 2 35 3. John W. Smith, Justice of the Peace... 4 07 3 82 4. Daniel Sullivan, Overseer of Poor... .................... 27 50 26 50 5. Mrs. Martha Roberts, Supplies for poor 19 00 19 00 6. Clinton A. Haskin, Inspector and Messenger.... . 5 00 5 00 7. Darius Hall, Medical services 13 75 13 75 8. Hurlbert & Underwood, Services as att'ys in R. R. suits400 03 400 03 9. Samson Hedden, Clerk of Election 4 00 4 00 10. W. H. Barr, Medical services 4 50 4 50 11. C. H. Wilcox, Inspector of Election 4 00 4 00 12. Benton Brown, 4 00 4 00 13. F. E. Buck, Clerk of Election 4 00 4 00 14. F. J. Beardsley, " 4 00 4 00 15. R. Beardsley, Use of house for Election 5 00 5 00 16. W. H. Barr, Medical service..... - 33 50 33 50 17. Frank H. Tarbell, Inspector and Messenger 10 00 10 00 18. L. A. Farlin, Clerk of Election and Town Meeting 8 00 8 00 19. J. M. Woodbury, Justice of Peace 9 40 9 40. 20. E. B. White, ". .... 9 80 9 80 21. Franklin Redden, Commissioner, service in 1880 ... ..... 35 00 5 11 22. Franklin Hedden, CC Highways, `1880 ... 104 80 104 80 23. George W. Teeter, Inspector of Election 4 00 4 00 24. George W. Teeter, Commissioner, 1879 30 50 50 25. Dana Bower, Justice of Peace. 2 00 2 00 26. Dana Bower, Town Auditor 3 00 3 00 27. C. G. Hagin, Inspector and Messenger 9 64 9 64 28. S. B. Field, Excise Com .. 3 00 3 00 29. George Field, Clerk of Election 4 00 4 00 30. S. M. Morrison, Inspector and Messenger 6 72 5 00 81. B. M. Hagin, Commissioner service bill 50 00 50 00 82. B. M. Hagin, CI town bill 563 94 563 94 33. C. G. Benjamin, copying Assessment Rolls 8 00 8 00 84. Morris C. Wilson, Digging grave for pauper 2 00 2 00 SUJPER.VISORS, PROCEEDINGS. • 85 35. Thomas Miller,Burying Weaver Howard and Mrs.Oonklin45 00 30 00 36. Ithaca Journal, Printing Election Notices 2 00 2 00 37. Charles E. Wood, Constable 1 35 1 10 38. George Labar,Service on Highway,assigned to N. E. Lyon5 00 5 00 39. N. E. Lyon, Supplies for poor 46 05 46 05 40. N. E. Lyon, Use of House one year 20 00 20 00 41. A. H. Clark, Assessor 87 25 37 25 42. Henry Miller, Use of House for Election 15 00 15 00 43. Charles Baker, attending Linford Howard, pauper 19 50 19 50 44. Baker Brothers, Supplies for Poor 2 00 2 00 45. Orrin Inglish, Constable service 3 00 1 50 46. William Mead, Supplies for Poor 23 00 23 00 47. Smith Brothers, Counsel fees 10 93 10 93. 48. H. L. Comstock, Counsel in R. R. suits 649 03 649 03 49. M. E. Sperry, Plank for Highway 36 47 36 47 50. Harriet Butler, Keeping pauper 52 00 52 00 51. Harriet Butler, " ... 10 50 10 50 52. David Crocker, Expenses in R. R. suits 844 09 844 09 IP 53. Oscar Hamelton, Inspector Election 4 00 . 4 00 54. Harvey Teeter, Clerk Election. 4 00 4 00 55. Frank Crocker, Inspector and Messenger 10 05 10 05 56. M. M. Bristol, Auditor one day. 3 00 3 00 57. David Crocker, Supervisor's bill 35 04 35 04 58. Wilson D. Williams, Auditor 12 00 12 00 59, Samuel H. Smith, " 6 00 6 00 60. Darius Hall, " 9 00 9 00 61. Newton Robertson, Assessor 36 50 36 50 62. George M. Letts, Town Clerk 44 00 44 00 3305 74 I hereby certify the foregoing to be a true copy of accounts audited by the Town Board on file in my office. GEORGE M. LBWS, Town Clerk. ADDED BY RESOLUTION OFBOARD OF SUPERVISORS. 63. C. M. Gardner, Marriage certificates 64. W. H. Barr, Registering births 65. Ithaca Democrat, Advertising money to loan 1 25 1 25 3 75 3 75 7 00 7 00 86 SUPERVISORS, PROCEEDINGS. SUPERVISORS, PROCEEDINGS. 87 66. Geo. N. Letts, Town Clerk 5 40 5 40 67. Geo. W. Teeter, ex -Highway Com 28 00 28 00 45 40 Town Audits 3305 74 Total 3351 14 NEWFIELD. No. Name. Nature of service. Claim'd Aud'td 1. Martin Brower, Constable 2 35 2 35 2. R. Horton, Supervisor 55 45 55 45 3. C. R. Seabring, Com. of Highways 1880 and '81 272 92 272 92 4. J. W. Dean, Justice of Peace' 66 95 66 95 5. J.W.Sunderlin, " 4 85 4 85 6. E. C. Thorn, ''_ Id 12 00 12 00 7. Ben. Starr, ti " 19 52 19 52 8. Martin Brower,. Constable 4 44 4 44 9. I. N. VanOstrand, " 83 05 83 05 10. A. J. White, Registering deaths and births.... . 4 75 4 75 11. " " Medical services 4 00 4 00 12. M. A. Dumond, Registering births and deaths 1 50 1 50 13. Estus D. Rockwell, Returning Election returns 5 96 5 96 14, " " Insp. Election 2 days 4 00 4 00 15. James Stamp, " " " 4 00 4 00 16. Lewis Carman, " " 4 00 4 00 17. Alva D. Brown, Clerk of Election 4 00 4 00 18. I. G. Harker, ' ` " , ... 4 00 4 00 19. Alva Brown, House for Election 10 00 10 00 20. Ezra Marion, Inspector of Election 4 00 4 00. 21. " " carrying returns to County Clerk 5 00 5 00 22. Luther Ennis, Inspector of Election 4 00 4 00 23. Wm.H.Hartranft, " 4 00 4 00 24. A. S. Ham, Clerk of Election 4 00 4 00 25. Wm. McCollum, " " 4 00 4 00 26. Chas. Bailey, 1 day on Excise 3 00 3 00 27. I. B. Palmer, R. R. Commissioner 6 00 6 00 28. C. W. McCorn, " " 6 00 6 00 29. L. F. Cutter, Assessor 27 00 27 00 30. Fred Schoolcraft,ass'd to L.,F. Cutter, Excess of tax in 18804 50 4 50 31. . Pierson Puff & Co., Supplies for Poor 40 54 40 54 32. I. C. Everhart, Assessor 40 00 40 00 33. H S. Tabor, Constable 3 50 3 50 34. S. S. Baker, Excise Commissioner 3 00 3 00 35. J, F. Linderman, " 3 00 3 00 36. R. H. Carpenter, Overseer of Poor 62 94 62 94 37. R. Horton, Legal services 3 00 3 00 38. Steven Devenport, Legal services 38 00 38 00 39. " " Repairs on Bridges 451 12 451 12 40. H. Swartwood, Assessor 30 60 30 60 41. C. C. Cook, Registering births and deaths 3 25 3 25 42. Journal Association, Election notices .... 2 00 2 00 43. Gideon Fairbrother, Erroneous assessment, less interest.... 32 97 26 60 44. P. S. Dudley, Use of hall 35 00 35 00 45. C. O. Hanmer, Registering marriages 1 25 1 25 46. N. B. Dunning, R. R. commissioner 6 00 6 00 47. S. F. Dudley, Note and interest given for benefit of poor and supplies.. . 173 49 173 49 48. S. F. Dudley, Services 23 00 23 00 49. David Kepple, Registering marriages 50 50 50. A. K. Allen, Services as Town clerk, less fees in summons in case County charge 46 20 46 20 51. F. N. Dean, Services by request of Board 5 00 5 00 52. Nelson Bush, Town Auditor 9 00 9 00 53. C. A. Smith, it " 9 00 9 00 54. E. A. Davis, 9 00 9 00 1659 73 The undersigned, Board of Town Auditors of the Town of Newfield,County of Tompkins, do hereby certify that the above statement of accounts audited by them at their annual meeting, Nov. 10, 11, 12, 1881, is correct. NELSON BUSH, CHAS. A. SMITH, Town Auditors. E. A. Davis, ADDED BY RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. 55. P. S. Dudley, Hall rent 5 00 5 00 56. S. Devenport, Highway commissioner 6 00 6 00 57. R. Horton, 1 day's services equalizing school Dist. No.42 00 2 00 58. " Traveling fees for same 1 44 1 44 59. Assessment roll 60 80 88 SUPERVISORS, PROCEEDINGS. 60. Henry Hoffman, support of Newfield paupers 17 00 17 00 32 04 Town Audits 1659 73 Total 1691 77 ULYSSES. The Auditors of the Town of Ulysses met at the Trembly House in said Town on the 10th day of Nov. 1881, at 9 o'clock A. M., organized by making J. T. Howe Chairman, and J. L. Pope, Clerk; and audited bills and claims against said Town as follows. No. Name. Nature of service. Claim'd Aud'td 1. J. R. Emery, Services as Justice of Peace 11 85 11 85 2. E. A. Wager, " " 9 75 9 75 3. J. D. Smith, Counsel, etc 10 00 10 00 4. J. D. Smith, Inspector of Election 4 00 4 00 5. J. C. Kirtland, " " 4 00 4 00 6. David Bower, Com. Highways 30 00 30 00 7. S. A. Ammack, " " 34 00 34 00 8. Wm. Austin, Inspector of Election... 9 50 9 50 9. Elias Smith, ' ` 4 25 4 25 10. Van R.Burlew,Services as Justice of Peace ass'd to E. Sisson, 4 00 4 00 11. C. C. Hill, Inspector of Election 4 00 4 00 12. Henry Hutchins, " 4 25 4 25 13. Leroy Trembly, Use of house 2 days 30 00 20 00 14. W. B. Wheeler, Inspector of Election........ 4 25 4 25 15. J. S. Like, It 4 00 4 00 16. T. Boardman, Bond Com'r 24 25 24 25 17. J. G. McLallen, " ' ` 24 00 24 00 18. E. S. Pratt, it it 24 00 24 00 19. Thomas Bower, Assessor 44 75 44 75 20. E. Holcomb, Inspector of Election.... 4 00 4 00 21. Samuel Manning, Constable 2 00 2 00 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 89 22. Wm. H. Ganoung, Com'r Highways 23. C. L. Adams, Printing 24. Lewis McWhorter, Constable 25. H. L. Strobridge, Justice of Peace 26. Nathan Doty, Digging grave 27. S. A. Sherwood, " 28. Frank Austin, Town Clerk. 29. Elias Parmeley, Error in tax of 1879 30. C. C. Mattison, Com'r Highways 31. R. S. Smith, Inspector of Election 32. B. F. Sullivan, 33. J. C. Mott, 34. A. J. Williams. 35. Jarvis Ganoung, Assessor 36, J. P. King, Inspector of Election 37. A. B. Woodworth, Stone for bridge 33. Henry Wrightmire, Clerk of Election 39. F. W. Osborne, Inspector `' 40. Hassey King, Clerk of Election 41. R. C. Taylor, Insp. assigned to L.Farrington 42. J. Kerst & Co., Poor supplies 43. John Kerst, Town Clerk 1878 44. Aaron McKeel, Overseer of Poor J.J.Ayers Durling, " L. B. Curry, Assessor B. F. Tompkins, Overseer of Poor G. H. Stewart, Undertaking Chandler & Sons, Undertaking bill 1878. it it Bill of 1878 Undertaking 45. 46. 47. 48. 49, 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. t56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61, 62. 63. 64. tt John VanBuskirk, Hezekiah VanOrder, Use of house 3 days J. Flickinger, M. D J. M. Farrington, M. D Geo. M. Beckwith, M. D .... . ....... . L. W. Carpenter, M. D Benj. Dunning, M. D W. O. G. Springer, M. D F. A. Kerst, M. D H. G. Cooper, Supervisor J. M. Farrington, Recording births and deaths.... it 16 00 16 00 967 967 3 65 3 65 4 00 4 00 3 00 3 00 600 600 39 64 39 64 674 674 8 80 8 80 800 800 8 00 8 00 400 400 6 00 6 00 42 00 42 00 400 400 2 50 2 50 4 00 4 00 9 64 9 64 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 47 50 47 50 5 00 5 00 13 00 13 00 98 00 98 C0 40 75 40 75 70 00 70 00 25 00 20 00 5 00 7 00 700 13 00 29 00 20 00 25 00 20 00 24 63 20 00 22 00 22 00 9300 8925 17 88 17 88 6 00 4 50 87 25 67 50 15 00 10 00 22 50 15 25 1250 900 24 87 24 87 4 75 4 75 90 SUPERVISORS, PROCIEEDINGS.' 65. J. H. Bowman, Use of house 2 00 2 00 66. J. P. King, Service as Supervisor 50 28 50 28 1150 02 J. T. Howr., J. L. POPE, . Town Auditors. A. B. WOODWORTH, ADDED BY RESOLUTION OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. 67. J. L. Pope, Town Auditor 6 00 6 00 68. J. L. Pope, Clerk 3 00 3 00 69. A. B. Woodworth, Auditor 6 00 ,6 00 70. J. L. Howe, 6 00 6 00 71. J. Flickinger, Recording births .and deaths 3 25 .3 25. 72. L. W. Carpenter, " 4 4 2 25 2 25 26 50 Town Audits 1150 02 Total 1176 52 RFPORTS. COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORTS. To the Honorable, the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County : The undersigned, County Treasurer of Tompkins County, respectfully submits his annual statement of receipts and dis- bursements of the County funds embracing the period. from Nov. 15th, 1880, to Nov. 21st, 1881, as follows : The receipts for the fiscal year from all sources including balance on hand from report of 1880, amount to the sum of $121,844.72. The disbursements for the same period for all purposes amount to the sum of $121,027.10, leaving a balance in my hands of $817.62. •I hereby certify that there stands this day to the credit of E. K. Johnson, County Treasurer,on the books of this Bank the sum of Eight Hundred Seventeen and 62-100 Dollars as above stated. Ithaca, Nov. 21st, 1881. TOMP%INS COUNTY, SS :- C. W. GAY, Teller, 1st National Bank. E. K. Johnson being duly sworn says the following statement is correct and contains a true report of all moneys received, deposited and paid out by him as County Treasurer since his last annual report, excepting moneys belonging to the ".Infant Heir Fund". E. K. JOHNSON, County Treasurer, Subscribed and swornto before me this 21st day of November, 1881. E. A. MA.Ra1H, Notary Public. 92 SUPERVISORS, PROCEEDINGS. RECEIPTS. Balance on hand Nov. 15th,1880 1 per cent fees on State Tax of 1880 Patients at N.Y. State Lunatic Asylum.... .. School money from Supt.Public Instruction.... Fines from County Clerk `• " Sheriff Proceeds of notes discounted for Court expenses at 1st National Bank Nov. 27th, 1880 Proceeds of notes discounted for Court expenses at 1st National Bank Nov. 17th, 1881. $ 218 35 281 20 69 54 11691 97 357 00 325 00 2182 64 989 64 12261 06 682 00 3172 28 Self supporting patients at Willard Asylum 502 24 Interest on deposits 1 00 Rebate on gas bills 6 20 SURPLUS MONEYS. Fulkerson vs. Sutliff' 1100 50 Estate of A. Woodbury 2182 00 M. Lyon, Ex'r vs. Geo. Diffin 1936 03 W. W. Esty vs. Estate of Benj. Lanning 9430 00 Ogden vs. Case 469 33 Hannah Marrion estate 5001 00 IVlontgomery Axford estate 1380 00 Ithaca M'c's Society vs. Andrus 493 04 Estate of Gilbert Griffin 3666 66 ACCOUNT OF TAX LEVY OF 1880. Town of Caroline 3728 94 " Danby 449618 " Dryden. 10990 67 Enfield 2974 18 " Groton 708714 Ithaca..... 26760 47 Lansing 10094 91 Newfield 4263 89 Ulysses. 8882 22 FROM TAXES RETURNED UNPAID. Acc't of Danby " Dryden 604 4 87 25658 56 79278 60 414 SUPERVISORS, PROCEEDINGS. 93 Acc't of Enfield.... ... 34 84 " Ithaca 235 40 " Lansing. 98 ' ` Newfield...... 60 282 73 From postage acc't for deficiency in assessments 05 121,844 '72 DISBURSEMENTS. State Tax paid to Comptroller 28120 03 Monroe Co. Penitentiary • 576 27 New York State Lunatic Asylum 273 97 Surrogate's office, Incidentals 50 C0 Susquehanna Valley Home 378 84 Bills payable, note given for Court expenses..... 3000 00 2200 00 5200 00 Western N. Y. Institute for Deaf Mutes Central " Postage Supervisor's Clerk County Audits SCHOOL MONIEYS To Ithaca " Caroline Danby Dryden " Groton " Lansing. " Newfield ' ` Enfield . . " Ulysses 731 78 26 53 -- 758 31 10 00 11581 69 7304 77 1970 06 1728 91 13090 68 2478 19 2147 85 2181 47 1235 98 2187 69 24325 60 Paid orders of Co. Supt. of Poor 4941 72 Postage and Stationery, Treasurer's office 17 13 COURT EXPENSES. Trial Jurors 2841 70 Grand " 724 70 Stenographer 786 72 Constables 984 35 Justices of Sessions 317 40 Sheriff attendance at Court.. .,z 204 00 Under -Sheriff " 20100 94 SUPERVISORS, PROCEEDINGS. Meals to Jurors and Witnesses Crier Expense of witnesses Order to Co. Clerk (commitment to Reformatory) Willard Asylum bills GAS BILLS. Clerk's office 99 18 Jail 59 16 Court House •.. 65 29 Coal to County buildings SURPLUS . MONEYS. Christiance vs. Lahey Booth vs. Ross Lyon vs. Diffin Fulkerson vs. Sutliff Ogden vs. Case. Dudley vs. Gausline.... Colburn vs. Horton Estate of A. Woodbury Benj. Lanning Hannah Merrian Montgomery Axford Gilbert Griffin Ithaca M'c's Society vs. Andrus SALARIES. Marcus Lyon, County Judge E. K. Johnson, " Treasurer D. M. Dean, Dist. Att'y James McLachlan, Jr., School Com'r A. B. Humphrey, D. 0. Bouton, Supervisors' Clerk. ..... .. ...... Geo. Guinn, Janitor. Rev. W. W. Hunt, chaplain to County House... E. A. Wegener, Special Co. Judge balance of 1880 • N. Y.Institute for the Blind Cash on hand SUPERVISORS, PROCEEIDINGS. 95 75 00 Cash on hand.... 817 62 159 00 Due the treasury from Co. Supt. of Poor 31 52 73 20 Total assets which belong to the following accounts: 8 00 New York State Lunatic Asylum 45 57 -- 5825 87 Monroe Co. Penitentiary..... 16 32 7189 08 Postage and stationery acc't.... .............. 7 87 Court expense acc't 496 45 Willard Asylum 138 12 Interest acc't 1 50 St. Joseph's Hospital 50 15 Fuel and gas • 41 95 Surplus Funds 10 Town of Danby 18 Returned tax acc't - 47 92 Rome Institute for Deaf Mutes 3 00 223 63 240 61 464 24 89712 75 604 46 142 94 1936 03 1100 50 469 33 57 25 6053 2182 00 9430 00 5001 00 1380 00 3666 66 493 04 26523 74 2500 00 900 00 600 00 200 00 200 00 150 00 150 00 50 00 12 50 -- 4762 50 28 11 817 62 121,844 72 • r 849 14 849 14 INFANT HEIR FUND. 2b the Honorable, the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County : In pursuance of an act of the Legislature of the State of New York entitled "an act in respect to the funds and secu- rities in possession of the Clerk of the Court of Appeals," passed April 12th,1848, requiring the County Treasurers of the different Counties to report to the Board of Supervisors of the County in which the Treasurer resides. Such Report to con- tain a statement of all bonds and mortgages and other securi- ties held by him and the names of the persons interested therein. The undersigned County Treasurer of Tompkins County respectfully Reports as follows, as to the securities - held under the provisions of this act : E, K. JOHNSON, County Treasurer. 96. SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. TOMPKINS COUNTY SS: Edward K. Johnson being duly sworn says the following statement is correct and represents the condition of the securities belonging to the Infant Heir Fund on the 28th day of November 1881. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 28th day of November, 1881. S. B. ROLFE, Clerk. Investment. xst 2d xSt xSt xst 2d a s IS IS IS MORTGAGOR. DATE, HEoos INTERESTED, Amount of Interest. Amount of Mortgage. xstimortg'ge Geo.Alexgnder. Feb. 6, '78. Mandeville heirs $779 73 Jennie Williams 423 27 1,203 00 xst mortg'ge A. E. Albright. • Aug. 32, '78. A. B. Hurlburt 120 56 Mary A. Mitchell 53 29 McKeegan heirs 174 33 Samuel M. Wilson 52 82 400 00 1d mortg'ge *Geo, H. Bristol. Feb. 25, '76. Chas Cowen 767 19 767 19 Est • *Geo. H. Bristol. June 15, '69. A. B. Pugsley 2,350 00 1,350 00 Est A. Bradbury. M'ch.z3i'77 Terry heirs 200 00 zoo 00 Est " - C. L Benson. April 2, '70. Kent " 202 66 202 66 Est Giles H. Benson. M'ch 18,'73. Day Benson 3,500 00 3,500 00 est " H. D. Blakeslee. Oct. 22„78. R. F. Wickham 800 oo Mabel McNeil 400 0o 1,200 00 In " F. A. Camp. April 6, '75 Sam'l M. Wilson 400 00 Ed, " F A, Camp. M'ch, 7, '76. " " " 200 00 600 00 est Elisha Freeman. April 28, '72. Nellie Knapp 368 00 368 00 4 Hiram Gee. Oct, 32, '77 A. B. Pugsley 2,500 00 2i50o 00 st W. D. Gibbs. W. D. Gibbs. Oct. 3,'72. April 7, '70, M P. Gibbs Morton heirs 2,059 05 1,291 67 2,059 05 1,291 67 " E. 14 Gillam. Dec. x8, '73. " " 300 00 300 00 " " Louisa M. Grant. HarrietHayts. June 27, '79, Feb. Ix, '70. Terry heirs Sam'l M. Wilson 2,000 00 00 2,000 00 95 00 Lydia Housell. Oct. 16, '65. Housell heirs ,95 432 00 432 00 *Elizabeth Howe. April I, '75. Sam'l M. Wilson 300 00 Id ` d " *Elizabeth Howe. Wilson I. Hill. Town of Ithaca 5 per April, 2, '77, Feb. 15,'76. " " Surdam heirs Haddock " 300 00 163 75 25o 00 600 00 163 75 cent Bonds series of Wilcox ` 250 00 1885, numbers 76, 77,78, Bross " 203 88 79, 8o, $1000 each. Lyon ` 90 57 Morton " 2,730 27 VanHorn " 300 00 Huson " 526 18 Haddock " 3 12 Frank Giltner 104 6x F. D. and D. B. Hill 401 54 ' A. and F. Woodin 177 71 Jennie Williams 117 12 Chas Spaulding 93 52 Willis Hayward 93 52 Kittie Axford 82 69 E. and A. Gillow 219 39 ll, and M. Woodin • 38 8o Dwight A. .Allen 328 o8 5,000 00 it " John Letts. April 6, .'77. Morton heirs 250 00 15o 00 it " James Labar. Nov. 2, '74 W. P. Arnold 2,082 25 2,082 25 I " T. J. McElheny, Nov. x, '77. Sam'l M. Wilson ' 1,000 00 2,000 00 t " j'Henry Mente. Feb, 7,'76, Halsted Snyder 292 33 Sarah Harrison 157 67 450 00 A " Jno. McArthur, April Ix, X74. Van Horn heirs 2i902 29 2,901 29 " " Julia McNeil. May 21, 75. Mabel McNeil 700 00 700 00 t " Geo. F. Morton. Sam'l Mowry. M'ch, 31,'74 Dec. 29, '77. Morton heirs Wilgus " 1,133 33 o 00 so 1,133 33 500 00 " Jesse Manning. Feb, 24, '70, Mabel McNeil 391 38 , Sam'l M, Wilson 226 56 SUPERVISORS, PROCEEDINGS. • ret Ist 2d Ist Ist Ist Ist 1St xst I58 it et le et el et ft 1st ` est ` est " Jno G. Shaw. Nathan Stevens, *P. & M. Sneeden. Edwin Simpson, E. Van Kirk. Martha Woodin. Stanley O. Ward. Chas. Roper. Phoebe Bierce, E. A and Jane King. Town of Ithaca 5 per cent Bond, No. 270, series 0892. Edwin Jillett. Myron Sexton. John Rumsey, 97 McGowan heirs Stevens " Hanshaw " Unassigned May 12, X97, A. and F. Woodin M'ch. 6, 77. Stevens heirs May 29, '77. Howe Sayocoll Nov.' 22, '78. Elizabeth Simpson June 20, '72. Morton heirs Unassigned April 25,'76. D. and M. Woodin May 28, '74. Wright heirs April 23, '80. Morton May x, '82. Huson April 23, '8o, Nellie R. Jennings Sain'l M. Wilson Huson heirs Surdam " Kent Hanshaw " Josephene Stoddard June 09, '80. Goodspeed heirs June 20, '82. Keator Sept, 7, '82. Griffin Total am'tinvested 29 56 980 00 355 72 38 22 262 50 400 00 37 28 462 72 3,388 94 400 00 450 00 983 69 1 ,455 00 25o 00 2,250 00 , 2,895 co 4x6 37 231 33 122 52 91 44 70 23 68 I2 801 44 2,759 00 2,444 44 2,922 46 262 50 400 00 500 00 3,388 94 850 00 983 69 1,455 00 250 00 2,250 00 2,875 00 1,000 00 802 44 2,750 00 2,444 44 50,281 66 * Worthless Mortgages. Et Mortgage foreclosed and property held for Heirs, DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S REPORT. To the Honorable, the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County : In pursuance of a resolution of the Board. of Supervisors of 1876, requesting the District Attorney "to report to this Board, at its annual session each year, according to Chapter 406, Laws of 1867, all fines imposed as the result of his prose- cution, and all fines and forfeited recognizances paid to him, and what disposition he has made of the same." I have the honor to Report that the following are the only cases, em- braced by said resolution, coming before me, since the last session of your honorable body : SCHEDULE. PERSONS FINED. OFFENCE. AMOUNT. Abram Detrick Violating Excise Law.... $30 00..Paid Alpheus Twist 11 ..., '53 00.. " Ichabod Smith 4f.. , . 50 00.. SS . SUPERVISORS) PIMOCEIrnINGS. Lewis Scott.... Violating Excise Law.... 25 00.. Charles Bush " 20 00.. Sidney Shurley ' • 40 00.. Louis Orglemeister" " 40 00.. Charles DavenportKeeping gambling house.... 50 00.. Edward Fulkerson.:Violating Excise Law.... 35 00.. Arnold T. Niver " 40 00.. James Bowman t. it 50 00.. Leroy Trembly 44 75 00.. James Shelton 50 00.. Charles Schallowitz60 00. . Augustus McDanielsDisobeying Subpcena ...... 5 00.. Minor McDaniels tt 5 00.. Charles Smith tt 2 00.. Whole amount actu illy collected 637 00 The following comprise those cases wherein the fine imposed was not paid and the defendant was im- prisoned according to the provisions of the sentence in case of the non-payment of the fine. PERSON FINED. OFFENCE. AMOUNT. Benjamin Gleazen Larceny . 50 00.. William H. Personius.....Malicious Mischief 50 00.. All of which is respectfully submitted. Dated, November 29th, 1881. tf It DAVID M. DEAN, District Attorney. LOAN COMMISSIONERS' ANNUAL REPORT. To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County : GENTLEMEN:—The Loan Commissioners of the United States Deposit Fund beg to Report the condition of said Fund at the date hereof as follows : The amount of Principal on loan 14th of February 1881,at date of last settlement with Comptroller was $48002 28 Ain't paid Commissioners since 2045 00 Balance on loan at this date 45957 28 SUPERVISORS, PROCEEBINGS. 99 The am't of interest collected during the year was $2716 96 Paid Comptroller Nov. 16th, 1881 2000 00 Less commissions and expenses 716 96 There is now no principal in the hands of the Commissioners, the entire amount having been forwarded to Comptroller. All of which is this 28th day of November, 1881, respect- fully submitted. ALLEN GRAY, } Loan Com'rs. JOHN W. GASS, To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County : The Committee to investigate the conditions of securities of the State Loan in said County respectfully Report that they have examined the said securities and books of the Loan Commissioners since last Report, and find the same correct. For further information in regard to the condition of said Loans in this County we would refer to the Report of said Commissioners herewith presented. All of which is respectfully submitted. I. H. NE W MAN, D. CROrKER, Committee. A. G. CHAPMAN, RAILROAD BOND COMMISSIONERS' REPORTS. ENFIELD. To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County : We the undersigned, Bonding Commissioners of the Town of Enfield would. respectfully Report : That we have issued. Bonds upon said Town to the amount of Twenty -live Thousand Dollars to aid in the construction of 100 SUPERVISORS, PROCEEDINGS. the Pa. & Sodus Bay Railroad. Said Bondd bear interest at Seven per cent, payable semi-annually upon the first days of March and September,in each year, and they will become due March 1, 1901. And we would Report that the amount of interest to be- come due the ensuing year is $1,750.00. And would ask that the above amount be levied and assessed upon said Town to be used for that purpose. We would also Report that we now have on hand a Sink- ing Fund amounting to Three Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty five '78-100 Dollars 43,855.78) invested as follows, viz : Bonds on Town of Enfield $3,700 00 Bond " " Newfield 100 00 Cash on hand 55 78 $3,855 78 In pursuance of the provisions of the general Bonding Act of 1869 and the acts amendatory thereof, we request that the sum of Seven Hundred and Fifty Dollars be levied and assessed upon the said Town of Enfield to be used to increase our Sinking Fund toward the final liquidation of said Bonds. WILLIAM MILLER, EDGAR BREWER,. Commissioners. GEORGE W. BUDD, TOMPKINS COUNTY, SS: Edgar Brewer being duly sworn deposes and says, that he is one of the Bond- ing Commissioners of the Town of Enfield, and who signed the above Report, and that the statement there made is correct and true. EDGAR BREWER. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 15th day of November, 1881. JARED T. NEWMAN, Notary Public. To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: In accordance with Chapter, 552, Laws of 1870, I hereby Report the public debt of the Town of Enfield as follows ; or - SUPERVISORS, PROCEEDINGS. 101 Bonds issued to the Pa. & Sodus Bay Railroad Company under the act to facilitate the construction of railroads,passed by the Legislature of 1850, and amended May 18th, 1869. Amount of Bonds issued (rate of interest 7 per cent payable semi-annually) $ 25,000 00 Amount of interest due March. 1st, 1882 875 00 " " " Sept. 1st, 1882 875 00 Three per cent on said Bonds to be for Sinking Fund 750 00 Total amount to be raised by Tax levy 2,500 00 Amount of principal unpaid Sept. 1st, 1882 25,000 00 Amount of Sinking Fund in hands of Bonding Com'rs 3,855 78 Total Town indebtedness Sept, 1, 1882 $ 21,144 22 Resolved.—That at the request of the Bonding Commissioners of the Town of Enfield there be levied and collected from said Town the sum of Seven Hundred and Fifty Dollars to be applied as a Sinking Fund, and Seventeen Hundred and Fifty Dollars interest on said Bonds the above named Town Bonds. I. H. NEWMAN, Supervisor. GROTON. To A. G. Chapman, Esq., Supervisor of the Town of Groton : We, the undersigned, Commissioners of the Town of Gro- ton, appointed under the act passed May 18th, 1869, Laws of New York, Chapter 907, would respectfully submit the fol- lowing Report : That the amount of Town Bonds issued in aid of the Ithaca & Cortland R. R. is $ 15,000 00 That the amount of Bonds exchanged for stook in the Ithaca & Cortland R. R. (now Utica, Ithaca & Elmira) is 15,000 00 That the interest to become due Feb. 1, 1882,is 525 00 " " " " Aug. 1, 1882, is 525 00 That we have of SinkingFund invested in Bonds of the Town of Groton 300 00. That we have in mortgages on real estate 1,025 00 certificates of deposit for mature coupons126 17 102 SUPERVISORS, PROCEEDINGS. SUPERVISORS/ PROCEEDINGS. 103 Therefore we ask for an appropriation to pay interest on said Bonds Feb. 1, 1882 Also on same Bonds, Aug. 1, 1882 Also a Sinking Fund of one per cent 525 00 525 `25 00 150 00 Total 1,200 00 We therefore respectfully ask that the sum of Twelve Hundred Dollars, as above, be levied upon the Town of Gro- ton and collected to be paid over. to the Commissioners of said Town to be expended for the above purpose. Dated, Groton, N. Y., Nov. 29th, 1881. D. H. MARSH, H. R. CLARK, . Commissioners. A. BACKUS, STATE OF NEW YORK, TOMPKs COUNTY, as . u. D. H. Marsh one of the aforesaid Commissioners of the Town of Groton be- ing duly sworn deposes and says that the foregoing report signed by himself and H. K. Clark and A. Backus is a dust and true report in every particular sofar as deponent hasknowledge of the facts therein stated and in other respects depo- nent believes It to be true. D. H, MARSH. Sworn and subscribed before me this 1st day of December, 1881. HERMAN S. HOPKINS, Notary Public. To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County : • In accordance with Chapter 552, Laws of 1870, I hereby Report the public debt of the Town of Grotpn to be as fol- lows : Bonds issued by Com'rs for the Ithaca & Cortland (now U.I. & E.) R. R., bearing 7 per cent interest payable semi-an- nually $ 15,000 00 Interest coming due the ensuing year Feb. 1, 1882 525 00 " " Id" Aug. 1, 1882 525 00 One per cent for Sinking Fund on amount of said Bonds150 00 Total 1,200 00 r- Resolved.—That in pursuance of the provisions of Chapter 907 of the Laws of. 1869, and notice having been served upon this Board by the R. R. Commissioners of the Town of Groton, there be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of said Town of Groton the sum of One Thousand and Fifty Dollars for the pur- pose of paying the interest on the R. R. Bonds issued under this act in the Town of Groton. Also the sum of One Hundred and Fifty Dollars for the purpose of creating a Sinking Fund according to instructions in said Chapter 907, Laws of 1869, and that when collected the same be paid to the R, R. Commissioners of said Town appointed under this act, to be expended for the above purpose. A. G. CHAPMAN, Supervisor. ITHACA. To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County : The undersigned, Commissioners of the Town 'of Ithaca for Bonds issued in aid. of the Geneva & Ithaca Railroad, beg leave to submit their eleventh annual Report as follows : Amount of bonds issued $ 100,000 00 The interest on said Bonds falls due as follows: April 1st, 1882 3,500 00 October 1st, 1882 3,500 00 We therefore Report that there will be required to pay interest on said. Bonds for the ensuing year, the sum of Seven Thousand Dollars ($7,000,) and would ask that the same be levied and assessed upon the Town of Ithaca. The undersigned would further Report that the Sipnking Fund raised. for the purpose of paying the principal of said Bonds amounts on the 1st of Nov. to X21,067.05, as follows: Amount of funds at date of last Report $ 17,357 04 Interest on same received during the year 1,210 01 Received from Supervisors March 12th, 1881... 2,500 00 21,067 05 Of which am't there is invested in the Bonds themselves,'par value 20,000 00 104 SUPERVISORS, PROCEEDINGS. Premium in Bonds purchased 0 Cash on hand (in, Savings Bank) 0 61122 05 $21,067 05 The present bonded debt of the Town of Ithaca for the purpose above mentioned is therefore, exclusive of Sinking Fund, $78,932.95, a redaction since last Report of $3,710.01. In pursuance of the provisions of the act under which this debt was created, we ask that the sum of Twenty-five Hundred Dollars (2500,) being 2 1-2 per cent of the principal of said debt, be assessed and levied upon the taxable proper- ty of the Town of Ithaca for the purpose of maintaining a Sinking Fund for the payment of the principal of said debt. Dated, Ithaca Nov. 21, 1881. H. B. LORD, O. H. GREGORY. . Commissioners. JNO. RUMSEY, The undersigned being duly sworn deposes and says, that the above state- ment to which nis name is subscribed as Commissioner for the Town of Ithaca, and the statement of accounts thereto attached are correct to the best of his knowledge and belief. H. B. LORD. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 23rd day of November, 1881. • S. H. WILCOX, Notary Public. STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS. John Rumsey and other Commissioners in account with the Town of Ithaca, Nov. 1, 1880, cash on hand $ 12 04 March 12, 1881,cash received from Supervisors2,500 00 April 1, " interest on bonds 630 00 Oct. 1, ti " 700 00 Nov. 1, balance of interest from Savings Bank45 89 3,887 93 March 12, 1881, paid for Ithaca Bonds premium " tt accrued int. OOOOO $ 1,000 00 100 00 31 28 1 In SUPERVISORS/ PROCEEDINGS. 105 April 13, 1881, paid for Ithaca Bonds premium " " accrued int. Nov. 1, 1881,cash on hand in the Savings Bank.. tl . INTEREST ACCOUNT. April 1, 1881, interest on $18,000 Bonds $ 630 00 Oct. 1, " $20,000 " 700 00 Nov. 1, 1881, balance int. from Savings Bank.. 45 89 1,375 89 2,000 00 240 00 4 60 512 05 3,887 93 March 12, 1881, accrued interest on bond 31 28 April 13, i/ `• IC 4 60 Oct. 1. " applied in reduction of prem130 00 Nov. 1, 1881, balance of interest 1,210 01 PREMIUM ACCOUNT. Balance at date of last report $ 345 00 March 12, .paid premium on $1,000 100 00 April 13, " 2,000 240 00 685 00 • Oct. 1 interest applied in reduction Nov. 1, balance.. . 1,375 89 130 00 555 00 685 00 Resolved. -That in pursuance of Chapter 907, Laws of 1869, entitled an "Act to authorize the formation of railroad corporations, and to regulate the same," passed April 2, 1850, so as to permit municipal corporations to aid in the construc- tion of railroads, passed May 18, 1869, and a request served upon this Board by the Commissioners of the Town of Ithaca, for the Geneva & Ithaca Railroad, there be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the said Town the sum of Seven Thousand Dollars ($7,000) for the payment of interest upon the Town Bonds, issued in aid of said Railroad, to become due April 1st and Oct. 1st, 1882, and the sum of Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($2,500) for the Sinking Fund for said Bonds, and that the Supervisor of said Town pay said sums, to said Commissioners to be expended fon the purposes^ herein named. ALEX. FREA} , Supervisor. 106 SUPERVISORS, PROCEEDINGS. To the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins r The undersigned, Commissioners of the Town of Ithaca, in pursuance of an act of the Legislature passed June 2d,1877, to facilitate the redemption of the out -standing Bonds, issued in aid of the Ithaca and Athens Railroad and authorizing the issuing of new funding bonds at a lower rate of interest, do . Report as follows : Amount of old Bonds issued $300,000 00 Less amount redeemed March 1st, 1879 15,000 00 • ---- 285,000 00 A like amount of Funding Bonds at 5 per cent semi-annual interest, both principal and interest payable in the city of New York, are issued in series of $15,000 each payable March 1st each year ' 285,000 00 Less amount redeemed March 1st, 1880 15,000 00 270,000 00 Less amount redeemed March 1st, 1881 15,000 00 • --- 255,000 00 We therefore respectfully Report that there will be re- quired for the coming year the sum of $15,000, on the princi- pal of said Bonds, and the sum of $12,375 for interest due on Bonds March 1st and September 1st, 1882, and ask that th,e same may be assessed and levied upon the Town. On principal .$15,000 00 On interest 12,375 00 JOHN L. WHITON, LEONARD TREMAN, O. H. GREGORY, 27,375 00 } Commissioners. TOMPKINS COUNTY, SS: John L. Whiton being duly sworn says that he is one of the Railroad Bond- ing Commissioners in and for the Town of Ithaca, and that the above Report is in all respects true and correct. Dated, November 19, 1881.4 H. L. HINCKLEY, -Notary Public. 1 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 107 .Resolved.—That in pursuance of Chapter 645 of Laws of 1866, and of notices served upon this Board by the Commissioners of the Town of Ithaca for the Ithaca and Athens.Railroad, there be levied and assessed upon the taxable prop- erty of the Town of Ithaca, the sum of Twelve Thousand Three Hundred and Seventy-five Dollars ($12,375,) for the purpose of paying interest upon Town Bonds issued in aid of said railroad, to become due March 1st and September 1st, 1882, and the sum of Fifteen Th iusand Dollars, for the purpose of redeeming an equal amount of said Bonds, which will mature March. 1st, 1882, and that the Supervisor of said Town pay said sums to the Town Commissioners for said rail- • road, to be expended for the purpose herein mentioned. ALEX. FREAR, Supervisor. STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS. To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County : In accordance with Chapter 552, Laws of 1870, I hereby Report the public debt,of the Town of Ithaca,to be as follows : Bonds issued March 2d, 1869 by Com'rs of Ithaca & Athens R. R., hearing interest at 7 per cent. $ 300,000 00 Less amount redeemed IThrch 1, 1879.... 15.000 03 • 11 .1 11 1< 11 it ,1 11 1880 15,000 00 1881 15,000 00 45,000 00 Ain't outstanding refunded at 5 per cent 255,000 00 Bonds issued by Com'rs of Geneva & Ithaca R. R., Oct. 1, 1871; payable Oct. 1, 1901 100,000 00 Less Sinking Fund in hands of said Com'rs as per their Re- port 21,037 05 Total debt less Sinking Fund. 78,932 95 333,932 00 • Required to be raised on account of R. R. Bonds for Sinking Fund for Ithaca & Athens Bonds 15,030 00 For Geneva & Itbaoa Bonds 2,500 00 17,500 00 108 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. For interest on Ithaca & Athens Bonds " " " Geneva & Ithaca 12,375 00 7,000 00 19,375 00 Total amount required for 1882 36,875 00 ALEXANDER FREAR, Supervisor. NEWFIELD. To R. Horton, Supervisor of the Town of Newfield : W e, the undersigned, Commissioners of the Town of New- field, duly appointed under the provisons of an act of the Legislature of the State of New York, authorizing Towns to subscribe to the capital stock of Railroad corporations, and to issue Bonds therefor, do respectfully Report that it will be 'necessary for said Town of Newfield to raise by Tax $3,430.00 to pay interest from September 1st, 1881, to September 1st, 1882 on Bonds of said Town of Newfield to the amount of $49,000.00 issued to aid in the construction of the Pa. & Sodus Bay Railroad. Said interest being payable semi-annually on the first days of March and September of each year. Also to raise as aforesaid an additional sum of $520.00 being one per cent of the original bonded debt, to provide for a Sinking Fund, and also the sum of $35.00 to pay the necessary premi- um for the purchase of Town Bond. We further Report that for Newfield Town Bond. No. 38 mentioned in our last report we paid the sum of $550.00, or 10 per cent premium ; and we further Report that we have purchased with Sinking Fund one $500.00 Newfield Town Bond, No. 41 at 10 per cent premium and duly canceled the same. We further Report that we have no balh,nce on hand. Dated, Newfield, November 22, 1881. I. B. PALMER, N. B. DUNNING, Commissioners. C. W. McCORN, wt.- 1 SUPERVISORS, PROCEEDINGS. 109 TOMPKINS COUNTY, SS: C. W. McCorn being duly sworn says he is one of the Railroad Bonding Com- missioners in and for the Town of Newfield, and that the above Report is in all respects just and true. C. W. McCORN. Sworn to before me November 22, 1881. JOHN E. BEERS, Notary Public. To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County : In accordance with Chapter 552, Laws of 1870, I hereby report the public debt of the Town of Newfield to be as fol- lows, viz.: Bonds issued to, the Pa. & Sodus Bay Railroad. Company, under the act to facilitate the construction of railroads, passed by the Legislature of 1850, and amended May 18, 1869. Amount of bonds issued, rate of interest 7 per cent $ 52,000 00 Amount of principal paid to Nov. 22, 1881 3,000 00 Amount of interest due March 1, 1882 " " " Sept. 1,1882. .. 49.000 00 1,715 00 1,716 00 $52,430.00 Resolved.—That at the request of the Bonding Commissioners of the Town of Newfield there be levied and collected from said Town, the sum of Five Hun- dred and Fifty-five Dollars, to be applied as a Sinking Fund and to pay the pre- mium on Town Bonds to be purchased and canceled by said Commissioners for the ensuing year, and the sum of Three Thousand Four Hundred and Thirty Dollars, as interest on the above named Town Bonds. R. HORTON, Supervisor. 110 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. ULYSSES. To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County : GENTLEMEN :—The Bonding Commissioners of the Town of Ulysses beg leave to submit the following report : Amount of bonds issued under Chapter 907, Laws of 1869, and laws amendatory thereof was Seventy-five Thousand Dol- lars ($75,000). Dated March 1, 1871. Due March 1, 1901 with interest at seven per cent per annum, payable semi-annually on the first of March and September. Amount of principal paid Ten Thousand Dollars. Amount of coupons due and unpaid Thirty-one 50-100 Dollars. There is deposited with the Union Trust Company of New York Twenty --eight Dollars. There is loaned on interest One Thousand Twenty-three 83- 100 Dollars for Sinking Fund. Balance on hand Fifteen 11- 100 Dollars. One year's interest on $75,000 $5,250 00 One per cent for Sinking Fund 750 00 We recommend that Six- Thousand Dollars be assessed on the Town for interest and sinking fund. Dated, Trumansburg, November 1, 1881. T. BOARDMAN, Bonding Commissioners E. S. PRATT, for the G. J. McLALLEN, Town of Ulysses. E. S. Pratt being duly sworn says the foregoing report is correct to the best of his knowledge and belief. E. S. PRATT. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1st day of November 1881. J. R. EMERY, Justice of the Peace. To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County : In accordance with Chapter 55'2, Laws of 1870, t hereby Report the public debt of the Town of Ulysses to be as fol- lows, viz : SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 111 Bonds issued to Pa. & Sodus Bay Railroad Company un- der the act to facilitate Railroads, passed by the Legislature of 1S50, and amended May 18th, 1869. Amount of Bonds issued, rate of interest 7 per cent $ 75,000 00 Amount of principal paid Nov. 4th, 1881, as appears byRe- port of Bonding Commissioners 10,000 00 Amount of principal unpaid Nov. 1881 65,000 00 Amount of interest due March 1st, 1882 2,275 00 2275 00 Total amount of indebtedness Sept, 1st, 1882 69,550 00 .. Sept. Resolved.—That at the request of the Bonding Commissioners of the Town of Ulysses, there be levied and collected in said Town the sum of Six Thousand Dollars for interest and sinking fund. H. G. COOPER, Supervisor. SHERIFF'S REPORT. To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County I have to Report that during the past year ending Nov. 15th, 1881, I have collected as fines the following sums of money, to wit: Oct. 1st, 1881, of Leroy Trembly " $ 75 00 James Bowmon.... 50 00 Charles Davenport 50 00 " Charles Schallowitz 60 00 5th " James Shelton 50 00 Arnold T. Niver 40 00 lt $325 00 All of which I have paid over to the County Treasurer, whose receipts for the same are herewith submitted. I have also received of prisoners confined in the Jail in default of paying fines, sums of money as fines, to wit : .112 SUPERVISORS, PROCEEDINGS. Aug. 18th, 1880, from Elizabeth Finnegan $5 00 March 14th, 1881, from Thomas Bethel 4 60 May 9th, . " Elliott Cole (Ulysses) 5 35 ' Aug. 13th, i/ " Patrick Dougherty 4 00 Amounting to $18 95 WM. J. SMITH, Sheriff. SUPERINTENDENT OF THE POOR REPORT -1881. To Me Honorable,the Board of Supervisors of Me County of Tomp- kins The Superintendent of the Poor of the County of Tomp- kins respectfully Reports, that from the 15th day of Nov. 1880, to the 15th day of Nov. 1881, the following named per- sons were supported in the Poor House, viz : Peter Joice, 143 clays; Hannah Loomis, 365; Wm. Hollenback, 365; Moses Myres, 365; Nancy Harris, 365; Abram Strong, 365; Emily Skinner, 365; Eva Skinner, 365; Daniel McKinstry, 365; John Gray, 106; Homer Buckley, 279; Wm, Brown. 3; Charles Mills, 197; Lena Collins, 365; John Powers, 4; John Conelly, 59 ; Thomas Collins, 3; James Fox, 178; Joseph Bennett, 178 ; Star Stanley, 322; John Wells, 214; Daniel Cook, 147; John Dismore, 4 ; Sam'l Da- vison, 3; James Bennett, 3; Chas. Murray, 3; Joseph Moore, 10; James Malone, 63; Daniel Wallingback, 22; Joseph Clarry, 2; Henry Davis, 2; Jones Sawyer, 2; Henry Myres, 4; Abram Thompson, 2; Robert Pearson, 3 ; Evaline Auble, 319; Lloyd Auble, 232; John Nixon, 3; Joseph Clarry 2d, 2; James Riley, 3;' John Ryan, 3; James Kelly, 3; Chas. Ostrander, 5; George Moore, 3; Thomas Starr, 3; John Donnelly, 3; James Bennett, 3; Chas. Murray, 3; James Malone, 3; Peter Honness,3; Edward Williams, 3; George Hanford, 3; Chas. Johnson, 3; Frank Thompson, 3; Chas. Bradford, 3; Thos. Williams, 2; Joseph Richards, 2; John Bennett, 2; Daniel Harris, 3; Wm. Hickey, 48; John Dunn, 57; Man and wile, 4; Tramp, 2; James Hewitt, 76; Silas Williams, 3; Almira Merchant, 71; Rich- ard King, 62; Michael Sweany, 6; Dan Cranmer, 2; Moses Sweaney, 2; H. Williams, 2; John Green, 60. Total number of paupers, 72; 6,249 days. GnoTON.—Rebecca Butler, 565. CAROLINE.-Everet Boyer, 365 ; Barto Lynch, 63. Total number of paupers 2; 428 days. SUPERVISORS$ PROCEEDINGS. 113 DANBY.—Chas.Walling, 365; Jerusha Cronce, 365; Elnora Cronce, 365; Geo. Hayward, 320; Wm. Thornton, 365. Total number of paupers 5; 1,780 days. DRYDEN.—Chas. White, 365 ; David Rodenbeaugh, 122; Anthony Onau, 365; Erastus Dunks, 183; Frank Gleason, 4; Edward Gleason, 4; Nicholas Styres, 32; David Fitch, 28; Conda Morrison, 6. Total number of paupers 9; 1,089. ULYSSES.—John Trembly, 365; John Brannan, 365; John Hyland, 297. To- tal number of paupers 3; 1,027. ENFIELD.—James Christy, 5. ITHACA.—Lyman Savage, 365; John Raymond, 365; Lydia Bowers, 365; Daniel McCune, 365; Mary Lyne, 365; Wm. Hogan, 263; Emily Vanalstine, 185; Horace Whitehead, 365 ; R. C. Williams, 146; Abram Case, 190 ; John Perry,165; Peter Christiauce, 257 ; Josephine Smith, 58; Frank Smith, 58; Arthur Smith, 53; Daniel Kearney, 18; Alonzo Sears, 56; Bridget Cunningham, 68; Mary Cunning ham, 65. Total number of paupers 19; 3,772 days. LANSING.—Mary Strong, 365; Barney Moore, 33 ; Henry Parker, 33. Total number of paupers 3; 431 days. NEwFIELD.—Lorinda Gibbs, 179. Error 1 day. Total number of paupers 115, Total number of days 15,325, The total number of days said paupers have been sup- ported in the, County House is 15,325, and the amount of drafts drawn on the County Treasurer for bills audited by the Superintendent for the support of the institution during said year over and above the proceeds of the farm was $2,330.60. The sums expended for out -door relief was $1542 37 166 00 44 " c, transportation of paupers 46 37 Insurance on buildings 48 75 Improvement on property 218 58 In -door relief 2330 60 " fit services of overseers 4352 67 The following bills in items makes up the above amount under the head of improvement on property : Repairs on house, barn and fences • 57 59 Fertilizers 80 60 Repairs on stoves and furniture 50 39. Clover seed, 5 bus 80 00 218 58 114 SUPERVISORS, PROCEEDINGS. Amount of grain and produce raised and on hand : 600 Bushels of wheat, on hand 180 bush. 390 " oats, " 390 " ff 300 ears corn, " 100 " 260 potatoes. " 220 f f 6 ff" ... 4 ff onions, 5 it beets, ff 12 " tomatoes, " 120 .apples, „ 30 " 520 heads of cabbage, " 400 16 tons of hay, on hand 14 8 acres of corn stalks, all on hand. STOCK ON THE FARM. Three horses belonging to the keeper; one yoke of oxen belonging to the county; six milch cows; one yearling; one calf ; nine hogs fattening; eight hogs wintering; 'seventy common fowls; thirty tons of coal; nine cords of wood; thirty yards of cloth ; fifty yards of denims, six yards of shirting; forty five yards of factory; six yards ticking; seven yards bleached muslin ; four yards gingham ; eivht yards flannel; eighteen yards calioo; seventeen pairs socks; twen- ty pairs stockings; six pairs pants; two vests; thirteen shirts; fourteen aprons; five chemise; two pair overalls; two slip dresses; three flannel skirts; one feather tick; three towels; two children's chemise; five shrouds; twelve sheets; thirty pillow cases; six bed cords; six pairs boots; five pairs shoes; three coats; ono fir- kin butter; two-thirds firkins lard; thirty doz. candles; one barrel mo- lasses; one barrel sugar; two and one-half barrels soap; two and one-half barrels vinegar; four gallons kerosene; four barrels pork; one -halt chest of tea; three and one-half casks grease . seven bushels beans. I further report the number of births in the County House to be 3. I further report the number of deaths in the County House to be 5. • I further report the number of paupers in the Poor House on the 15th day of Nov. 1880, to be 36. The number in the County House on the 15th day of Nov. 1881, to be 40. The average number in the Poor House during the year was 41 72-73. The whole number received was 80, discharged 68, deaths 5, absconded 3. SUPERVISORS, PROCEEDINGS. 115 The average expense for each pauper's support above the proceeds of the farm is $55.50. The average expense per week is $1.06 14-26. In conformity to the 30th Section, Title 1st, Chapter 20, of the Revised Statutes, I, the Superintendent of the Poor, re- spectfully report to the Board of Supervisors that I estimate the expenses for the support of the county and town poor the ensuing year in the Poor House at $2,500.00. I further: estimate the expense for transportation of pau- pers to the Poor House at $40.00. I further estimate the expense for temporary relief of oounty paupers not in the Poor House at $1,750 00. I further estimate the expense for Overseers of the Poor for their services, $175.00. I further report for keeper's salary, $500.00. Total, $4; 065.00. The following bills have been audited by the Superintend- ent of the Poor and drafts drawn on the County Treasurer for in -door relief from the 15th of Nov. 1880, to the 15th day. of Nov. 1881 : Dec. 1, 1880. Wm. Farrington, shoes and mending Gauntlett & Brooks, drugs and medicines Daniel Frazier, 275 lbs pork 6% Thos. Maloney, 442 " P. 11. Farrington, 269 Dec. 15,1880. Stephen Ammack, 861 Rockwell & Huff, lumber Michael Brannah, 665 lbs pork 6%..... Joseph Owen, 157 A. B. Woodworth, 648 Wm. Booth, 433 Geo. Brotherton, 447 Wm. Farrington, 837, Wm. Severn, 310 Albert Sweet, 296 John Maloney,250 Leonard Griffin, 289 Edward Boyer; 422 ff {f ft 44 ff ft tf ff $ 3 75 33 27 17 88 28 73 • 17 49 5596 23 85 43 22 10 20 42 12 2814 29 05 less 24 lbs lard 52 36 2015 1924 16 25 1878 27 48 1.16 SUPERVISORS, PROCEEDINGS. Oliver Smith, 329 Ed Murphy, 1,284 David Colgrove, 259 Ward S. Miller, 535 Chas. Wood, 343 David Harrison, 409 C. C. Smith, 441 Asaph King, 296 T. C. Vandevere, 531 Dec.19,1880. Wm. W. Esty, salt 21 38 83 46 16 83 34 75 less 30 lbs ham 19 74 26 58 28 06 19 24 34 51 13 90 Treman, King & Co., repair stoves 50 39 Jan. 1, 1881. R. L. Smith, for pork 4 28 R. L. Smith, house physician 36 50 R. A. Crozier, for supplies 7 25 E. K. Johnson, for supplies 17 50 A. F. Morton, boots and clothing 46 38 J. J. A. Darling, for supplies 33 07 Ed. Murphy, fresh meat 88 23 Thos. M. Bower, seed, wheat and phosphate96 29 Edward Boyer, threshing 14 40 C. M. Rowe, 211 lbs pork 6% 13 71 John Maloney, quarter beef 5 46 Kerst Bros., supplies 14 94 Allen Gray, insurance 43 75 Feb. 2, 1881. Marsh & Hall, supplie4 92 92 Mar. 2, 1881. J. W. Kirby, quarter beef..... 10 59 Kent Bros., supplies 15 49 Thomas Vann, coal... 58 76 J. L. Iredell, wood 63 00 W. I. Smith, wheat 33 00 `pr. 6, 1881. Wm. Newell, grinding 13 44 Kerst Bros., supplies 40 86 T. M. Bower, balance on salary 375 00 T. M. Bower, clover and supplies 55 33 B. L. Almy, boots and mending 17 53 Wm. Farrington, shoes and mending 10 15 May 4, 1881. J. J. A. Darling, supplies 25 70 June 1, 1881. Ira C. Rockwell, lumber 33 74 T. ;y 1. Bower, on salary 156 88 R. L. Smith, house physician • 27 25 • W. I. Smith, 12 bushels wheat • 13 80 July 6, 1881. Wm. Farrington, shoes and mending8 35 Aug. 3, 1881. Thomas Vann; coal _ 10 13 SUPERVISORS, PROCEEDINGS. 117 Kerst Bros.,.supplies 22 90 Sept. 7,1881. Bower & Pyles, phosphate 45 60 Nov. 2, 1881. Ed. Murphy, balance on meat bill 41 95 Thos. Vann, coal at $4.G0 per ton 15249 Total . $2597 93 The whole amount of in -door expenses from the 15th day No- vember, 1880, to November 15th, 1881, was $2330 60 Days' Board & Board. Cloth'g. County of Tompkins 6,249. $950 38 Town of Groton 365 55 50 Town ot Caroline 428. .. 65 08 Town of Danby. 1,780 27) 66 Town of Dryden... .............. 1,089. 165 60 Town of Ulysses. 1,027 156 26 Town of Enfield 5 76 Town of Ithaca. ...3,772 573 60 Town of Lansing 431 65 53 Town of Newfield 179 27 23 Total ....15,325 . $2330 60. The following bills of Overseers of the Poor have been audited by the Superintendent and drafts drawn on the Coun- ty Treasurer for bills contracted out lof the Poor House for temporary relief of county paupers from the 15th day of Nov. 1880, to the 15th day ot Nov. 1881: Nov.17,1880.. T. H. Howell, relief of tramps. $ 4 00 A. W. Knapp, keeping tramps 6 00 Nelson Underwood, care of. Mrs, Hubble 3 04 T. J. Harrington, drawing coal in Ithaca ..... 3 30 M. C. Jones, burial of pauper. ... 6 50 Dec. 1, 1880. John Beardslfe, care of tramps 12 00 Bradford Snyder, care Alletta George 5 75 Jan. 5, 1881. Geo. C. Whitley, eare Personius children 28 05 Feb. 2, 1881. Luman Philips, relief CTrow and Gardner 39 06 J. H. Horton, bill of coal 100 00 G. M. Beckwith, physician for Ithaca poor .. 20 00 H. J. Wilson, relief of County poor 50 00 118 SUPERVISORS, PROCEEDINGS. Mar. 2, 1881. Byron Jackson, relief Chas. Brazer 4 65 Bradford Snyder, relief of tramps 1 50 Apr. 6, 1881. Nelson Underwood, burial of child 1100 Geo. C. Whitley,care of Agnus Willets and others31 03 J. C. Vanderhoof, care of tramps 2 ?5 Luman Philips, relief of Grow family . 16 91 Bradford Snyder, relief of Alletta George t4 13 Martin Besemer, physician to Mrs. Grow 15 00 B. F. Tompkins, relief Whiting and.Rockinstyre86 21 May 4, 1881. S. F. Dudley, relief of tramps... 6 50 H. J. Wilson, care of poor in Ithaca 690 23 J. Stanley Gibbs, Physician to Williams 22 75 June 1, 1881. G. M. Beckwith, physician in Ithaca 20 00 July 6, 1881. B. F.Tompkins, relief Whiting and others 12 62 Sept.7, 1881. Henry Hoffman, relief County poor 205 82 Bradford Snyder, relief Alletta George... 19 00 Oct, 5, 1881. B. F. Tompkins, Whiting and Rockinstyre 17 32 J. J. Schoonmaker, relief Mrs. Merchant..... 9 00 Henry Hoffman, burial of Geo. Curtis, a soldier35 00 Byron Jackson, relief Mrs. Marsh and tramp 8 25 Nov. 2, 1881. Nelson Underwood, relief Calista Spoor 10 00 Geo.M. Beckwith,balance as physician to Nov.1881. 10 00 E. R. Barney, consultation 5 00 $1,542 37 The following statement shows the amount of bills audit- ed by the Superintendent of the Poor, to the Overseers of the Poor, from the 15th day of Nov. 1880, to the 15th day of Nov. 1881, for their services with the County paupers: Dec. 1, 1880. Bradford Snyder Dryden $ 2 00 Feb, 2, 1881. Lumen Philips.... ... .....Caroline 20 00 Mar. 2, 1881. Bradford Snyder Dryden 10 00 Apr. 6, 1881. George C. Whitely Caroline 15 00 Luman Phillips " 8 00 B. F. Tompkins .Ulysses.... 16 00 May 4, 1881.. H. J. Wilson .Ithaca 47 00 Sept.7, 1881. Henry Hoffman " 46 00 Nev. 2, 1881. Nelson Underwood Groton 2 00 $166 00 f:_ SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 119 Names of paupers transported to the Poor House from the 15th day of Nov. 1880, to the 15th day of Nov. 1881, with the bills and names of those transporting them as per trans- portation book : Names of Paupers. Town. By whom Brought. Edward Gleason Fred Gleason ....Dryden Bradford Snyder Nicholas Styres J C. Vanderhoof David Fitch " Everet Boyer Caroline Conda Morrison .Dryden. Barto Lynch Caroline Josephine Smith & sonIthaca John Dolan Lansing .Daniel Sullivan Mrs. Strong Ithaca° Henry Hoffman Almira Merchant Caroline J J. Schoonmaker. Am't of Bill. $ 2 60 300 . 2 50 G. C. Whitely 2 62 .J. C. Vanderhoof 2 50 L B. Philips 2 50 H J Wilson 150 2 75 1 00 2 00 Daniel Kearney Bridget Cunningham } Ithaca........Henry Hoffman. 2 00 John Green ' ` " 1 00 Barney Moore Lansing .Daniel Sullivan.......... 2 50 John Parker ' " If `` 3 00 Barney Moore... 2 50 Transportation to different points by Henry Hoffman 12 40 $46 37 The following statement shows the amount of produce sold from the farm and where applied : 337 bushels of wheat. $410 80 12 " beans 16 00 53 10-32 bushels of oats 21 33 22 pigs sold 43 50 1,138 lbs hams sold at 9c . 102 42 $594 05 Paid for supplies for house , ... $296 38 Paid bill to estate of H. B. Chase medical 20 19 Due from.E. K. Johnson in goods 13 41 Transporting to Insane Asylum 56 86 Traveling expenses and postage 18 91 120 SUJPERVISORS, PROCEEDINGS. Expenses in attending state convention 13 77 5 00 20 50 3 00 10 00 Expenses in looking after money of Luthera Johnson 8 75 125 28 Tax to state convention T. M. Bower on salary To tramps Due for pigs sold On hand belonging to County $594 05 The Superintendent further reports that the $53.75 report- ed on hand at the time of the last report has been expended for the following purposes, viz : Expenses in taking children to the Canandaigua Orphan's Home.. $12 50 Susquehanna Valley Home.... 10 70 3 00 27 55 11 Delivery of telegrams Supplies for the house $53 75 The Superintendent would respectfully report that there is in his hands unexpended the sum of $125.28. The Superintendent would further report that the follow- ing named persons with the towns to which they belong have been taken to Asylums and Homes : Nov.13,1880. Pat McCarthy, Willard Asylum " 29, " Pat Hart, Feb. 15,1881. Helen Bancroft, Apr. 1, 1881. Barto Lynch, " 16, " Margaret Moore, James Shanahan, I. N. Miller, PriscillaTlrompson, " Winifred Coleman, Groton Lansing .Ithaca Dec. 3, 1880. Edward Gleason, Canandaigua Home....... .Dryden Fred Gleason, « " 26 " May 18.1881. Ju'e 27,1881. Sept.13,1881. Oct.18, 1881. Nov. 1, 1881. Alonzo Sears, Franklin Pierce, Mark Jacobs, Wm. H. Munson, 11 11 11 Ithaca Dryden Ulysses .Caroline Ithaca .Dryden Ithaca /1 " 1 SUPERVISORS, PROCEEDINGS. 121 Stephen Ostrander, Mar. 2, 1880. Maud Saxton, July 5, 1880. 13, Willie Saxton, Almira Tripp, Susquehanna Valley Home Julia Tripp, • " Jennie Thompson, Walter Thompson, Verna Thompson, '' " .Ithaca /1 11 11 C1 /1 11 The Superintendent further reports named have died within the year : {1 11 that the following Dec. 21, 1880, Hiram Crissey, at the Asylum; Jan. 16, 1881, Pat Bart; Jan. 26, 1881, Daniel Brown; Feb. 25, Van R. Pierson. June 20, Willie Knapp, dis- charged. Wm. Halsey died at Utica. I certify that the foregoing report contains a true account of all moneys re- ceived and expended by me—that the amount of produce reported as raised, sold, and expended, and on hand, is correct—and that the report is true and correct in every particular. ELIAS SMITH. Sworn to before me, this 18th day of November, 1881. JOHN E. BEERS, Notary Public. 122 SUPERVISORS, PROCEEDINGS. ORDINANCE. Made pursuant to Chapter 534, Section 37, Laws of 1879. • AN ACT to amend an act entitled an act for the protection and preservation of Quail, Wood Duck, Black Duck, Mal- lard Duck, Teal Duck and Wood Cock in the County of Tompkins. The People of Tompkins County by the Board of Supervisors do enact as follows SECTION 1. An act passed by the Board of Supervisors on the 5th day of December 1879 entitled an act for the pro- tection and preservation of Quail, Wood Duck, Black Duck, Mallard Duck, Teal Duck and Wood Cock in the County of Tompkins is hereby amended as follows : Section first of said act is hereby repealed. Section second of said act is hereby amended so as to read as follows : SEc. 2. No person shall catch or kill or have in his or her possession any Wood Duck, Black Duck, Mallard Duck or Teal Duck caught or killed in said County between the 1st day of January and the lst day of September in each year ; and no person shall catch or kill or have in his or her posses- sion any Quail or Wood Cock caught or killed in said County between the 1st day of January and the lst day of August in each year. SEC. 3. Any person violating any of the provisions of the above section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable as provided in Section 9, Chapter 534, Laws of 1879. SEC. 4. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. 1 POLITICAL DIRECTORY AND COMPENDIUM OF THE LAW PRESCRIBING THE DUTIES OF TOWN OFFICERS. [Compiled by direction of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, 1878.] General Election : The first Tuesday after the first Monday in November, Annual Town Meeting : The first Tuesday in April. [Passed by the Board of Supervisors Dec. 7, 1880,1 .Resolved.—That the time of holding the Annual Town Meetings in this Coun- ty be changed from the first Tuesday in April, to the last Tuesday in February; said change nqt to take effect until February, 1882. Annual School Meeting : The second Tuesday in October. Annual Meeting of Town Auditors : The first Tuesday after the General Election ; at which time all Town Bills must be presented. Annual Meeting of Town Auditors to settle with. Town Officers: The last Tuesday preceding Town Meeting. Annual meeting of Supervisors as County Canvassers: The first Tuesday suc- ceeding the General Election ; and, on the completion of the canvass, to organize as a Board of Supervisors: • Annual meeting of Assessors, Supervisor and Town Clerk, to publish notice of election; the place of holding, and the times of opening and closing the polls; (notices of the same to be posted in at least eight public places in each district) The first Monday in October. Meeting of the above named officers for the purpose of making a jury list The first Monday in July of every third year. The last meeting for this purpose was held on said day of July, 1880. County Superintendents of the Poor meet at the County House: The first Wednesday in each month. (The object of these meetings is to audit bills payable from the County Poor Fund.) 124 SUPERVISORS, PROCEEDINGS. DUTIES, RESPONSIBILITIES, ETC., OF TOWN OFFICERS. Each Supervisor must execute to, and deposit with, the County Treasurer, a bond for the accounting of all school moneys which may come into his hands, before entering upon the duties of his office. Each Supervisor must make and deliver to the Town Clerk of his Town, his bond for the faithful discharge of his official duties, and to account for all moneys corning into his hands as such Supervisor. The Trustees of School Districts shall report to the School Commissioners between October first and the second Tuesday of the same month. The School moneys are apportioned annually by the School Commissioners, on the third Tuesday of March. The Commissioner of Highways must execute a bond to the Supervisor of his town within ten days after his election. Overseers of Highways must file a statement of all unworked highway -tax with the Supervisors of their respective lovas, on or before the first day of October. The Collector shall, within eight days after receiving notice of the amount of taxes to be collected by him, execute to the Supervisor of the Town, and lodge with him, a bond in double the amount of said taxes, to be approued by the Su- pervisor. The Supervisor, shall, within six days thereafter, file said bond in the office of the County Clerk of his County. The Assessors must complete the Assessment Roll on or before the first day of 'August, and leave a copy thereof with one of their number, and immediately thereafter, cause notice to be posted in three or more public places in their town or ward. The Assessors shall meet on the third Tuesday in August, to review their as- sessments, and hear the complaint of any person conceiving himself aggrieved. An affidavit to the Roll by the Assessors, made prior to the third Tuesday of August is a nullity. The Assessors must deliver the corrected Assessment Roll to the Supervisor on or before the first day of September. The Assessor cannot enter the name of a person on his Roll who became a resident after the first day of July. When the Assessors, or a majority of them, shall have completed their Roll, they shall severally appear before one of the justices of the town or city in which they shall reside, and shall severally make and subscribe, before such justice, an oath, in the following form : "We, the undersigned, do severally depose and swear that we have set down, in the foregoing Assessment Roll, all the real estate situate in tile Town (or ward } SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 125 as the case may be,) according to our best information; and that, with the excep- tion of those cases in which the value of the said real estate has been changed by reason of proof produced before us, we have estimated the value of the said real estate at the sums which a majority of the Assessors have decided to be the full and true value thereof, and at which they would appraise the same in payment of a just debt due from a solvent debtor, and also that the said Assessment Roll con- tains a true statement of the aggregate amount of the taxable personal estate of each and every person named in such Roll, over and above the amount of debts due from such persons, respectively, and excluding such stocks as are otherwise taxable, and such other property as is exempt by law from taxation, at the full and true value thereof, according to our best judgement and belief." The foregoing oath is in the precise language of the statute, and any depart- ure therefrom, by assessors, is as needless as it is hazardous. The phraseology of the statute would seem to be as concise as is compatible with its comprehensive- ness. It is possible that a somewhat briefer form of oath, embodying the sub- stance of the form laid down in the statute, might be adopted—but who can know that the substance of the statutory oath is preserved ? No one, until the question has been passed upon by a competent Court. It will thus be seen that he who departs from, by abridging, the form set forth in the statute, is very liable to cause the tax -payers to pay pretty dearly for his economy of ink and paper. And the possibility of any variance from the precise words of the statute with safety, has reference only to form ; any change in substance would be fatal. For in- stance : it is thought that taking the oath before any other officer than a justice of the peace of the town, (or city) in which the assessors reside; or the omission to state the value of the property assessed, the basis on which the estimate is made, and that such estimate is according to the best judgment and belief of the assessors subscribing the oath, or of a majority of them ; it is thought that these defects, or any of them, would render the assessment a nullity, because not in ac- cordance with the statute. It is hoped that the assessors of the several towns of this County will observe the strict letter of the statute In the performance of their important and responsible duties. The Supervisor must report to the County Treasurer, on the first Tuesday in March, the amount of School moneys remaining in his hands. Each Justice of the Peace must execute a bond to the Supervisor of his Town. Each Justice of the Peace shall make a report in writing, verified by oath every year, bearing date the first day of November, to the Board of Supervisors, at their annual session, in which he shall state particularly the time when, and the name of the person or persons from whom, any money has been received, and also the amount, and on what account the same was received ; also all sums re- maining due and unpaid; and that all moneys by him receive d have been paid to the officer duly empowered by law to receive the same. 126 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Each Justice of the Peace must pay all the money received by him, for fines or penalties, to the Supervisor of his Town. Overseers of the Poor cannot furnish supplies to a County pauper to exceed the sum of ten dollars,without an order from the County Superintendents author izing further disbursements for such purpose. All bills payable by towns must be presented to the Town Auditors for their approval. All bills for supplies furnished to County paupers, must be presented to the County Superintendents of the Poor, for audit. ALL BILLS PEESENTED TO ANY AUDITING BOARD,MUST BE VERIFIED BY OATH, STATING THAT THE SAME ARE CORRECT IN EVERY PARTICULAR, AND THAT NO COMPENSATION HAS BEEN RECEIVED FOR THE SAME, OR ANY PART THEREOF, EX- CEPT AS THEREIN STATED. IN TDF,X. PAGE. REGULAR SESSION OF BOARD 5-62 COUNTY AUDITS 63-67 SUPERVISORS' ACCOUNTS 68 TOWN AUDITS.—Caroline 69-70 Danby.... 70-72 Dryden 72-74 Enfield '74-76 Groton 76-78 Ithaca 78-83 Lansing 84-86 Newfield 86-88 Ulysses.... 88-90 REPORTS.—Committee on County Treasurer's. 91-97 District Attorney's 97-98 Loan Commissioners' 98-99 R. R. Commissioners'.—Enfield 99-101 Groton 101-103 Ithaca 103-108 Newfield 108-109 Ulysses 110-111 Sheriff's Report. 111-112 Poor House and Superintendent's 112-121 ORDINANCE 122 POLITICAL DIRECTORY ON DUTIES OF TOWN OFFICERS 123-126