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• 0 'E E `f z • x" JNTY OF=TOMPKI,NS` • or the 'Year"1879 .y^ • Lr �:i ti PROC 1� H`,DIN GS OF TTIE ea• e efra)eid OF TILE COUNTY OF TOMPKINS, FOR THE YEAR 179. JOHN E. BEERS, - CHAInn1n.N. DEIVITT 0. BOUTON. OLEIiK. ITHACA : WEEKLY ITHACAN. 1879. 1 1 SPECIAL SESSION BCAR: n • OP TICE F,RVISCRS OF TOMPKINS COUNTY --1879. • Proceedings of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, at an Extra.Session, called at the Supervisors' Room, in Ithaca, on Wednes- day, February 5th, 1870. To De 6Vitt C. Bouton, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County : Please call a Special Meeting of the Board of Supervisors, for Wednesday, February 5tli, 1870. L. H. VANKIRK, Ezlt i M.unioN, P.IEliCE PEARSON, . H. G. COOPER, EVEN ETUS HOWE, Wu. H. Frrcx, UxIuusON 1M1ARVIN, DAVID CROCKER, J. E. BEERS. Pursuant to the'above call the Board of Supervisors met at the Su- pervisors' Room, and was called to order by the Chairman, at 12 o'clock DT., Wednesday, February 5th, 1879. On a call of the roll, all the members answered to their names, ex- cept Mr. Marion. The Chairman stated that, in pursuance of a resolution of the Board at its last regular session, he had renewed, for sixty days, the note for 4 SUPE1IVISORS' I'1tOCEEDI_XGS--EXTRA. SESSION. $5,867 02, given for the Bristol deficiency, held by the 'Tompkins County National Bank, and dile the 27th day of January. 1870. IIIc. Pearson, Chairman of the Committee on extraordinary repairs on the Court House, reported, verbally, as to the progress of the work on said repairs, giving details of the changes to . be made, and the ex- penditures incurred up to the present time. He also felt warranted in .stating that the whole cost of the improvements would not amount to the sutra voted to be appropriated for the purpose. On motion of Mr. Pearson, the members of the Roard inspected the extraordinary repairs now being made on the Court LIouse. On olotion, Board.adjourned. AFTERNOON SESSION. Board inet pursuant to adjournment. Roll called; all the members present. Mr. Pearson offered this following : i eseived.—'That an appropriation is hereby made of twenty-one hundred (lollers, or so much thereof as may be necessary to sweet expeudilures on, and in connection with, repairs on the Court House, ano that thtt Committee on such'repairs be empowered to raise said sum by bank note, or otherwise, 011 the credit of the County, payable on or _' before the 15th of .Tanuary, 1880. On motion of Mr. Crocker, the resolution was adopted. The following resolution, offered by _Mr. Howe, was, on motion of Air. Marvin. adopted: Resolved. —That the County Treasurer be directed to cause to be printed, in the two papers designated by the Board of Supervisors to print the session laws, once in each year, in the month of July, a verified account of all moneys received and paid out by hies in the interest of the Infant Heir Fund, as required by law ; also to prepare au account of the same, to be printed in the proceedings of the Board of Supervisors, as required by a resolution of the Board of Supervisors of 1877. County Treasurer Johnson made a verbal report to the Board con- cerning the making a nen contract with the authorities of the Mon- roe Cdunty Penitentiary for the keeping of criminals sent from this county. I -le and the Clerk of the Board. pursuant to resolution, had made a new contract with that institution for three years from the first day of January, 1879, (the date at which the old contract expired,) a copy of which contract was in possession of him, the Treasurer. The price per week was the sante as that in the contract just expired, with a condition that if better terms were offered any other county during 6 SUPERVISORS. PROCEEDINGS—ESTIEA SESSION, the terra for which the present contract was to run, this connty was to have the benefit thereof from and after the date of the granting of such better terms. , Mr. Marvin offered, and Mr. Pearson moved the adoption of the following: liesolved.—That the County Treasurer be and he is hereby authorized to transfer . from the Court Funds, four hundred and forty-nine and 48-100 dollars to the Monroe County I'enitentiaty Fund ; -seven hundred dollars' to the New York State Lunatic: Fond, and one hundred dollars to the Fuel and Gas Fund. Adopted. The Chairman stated to the Board that, soon after its final adjourn- ment, he was served with a summons at the suit of M. 11.. Brown, to recover the full amount of a bill for medical attendance at the ;jail, which bill the Board had audited at the sum of $10 00 ; that such Stitt was tried before Justice :Day, of the town of Ithaca, and was de- fended by Judge Ellsworth. attorney for the county; that the Justice decided adversely to Air. Brown, and that the attorney for the County reported that he had received notice that said Brown had taken steps, or would take steps, to appeal to the County Court. Mr. Howe offered the following: R'njSitins, 1)r. Brown saw fit to sue the County of 'Tompkins, which was tried and a judgment rendered in favor of the County ; therefore, be it Resolved.—That if the said suit shall be appealed, the Chairman be empowered to 'employ counsel for the County to defend said suit. On motion of 111r. Crocker, the resolution was adopted. On motion; Board adjourned to 10 :r. r::., Thursday. Feb. Gth, .qeroil.b nn—I1jurabnn, £cb. lids. Board met pursuant to adjournment. loll' called; the menthcrs all present. ;1'he minutes of Wednesday's proceedings were read a\1 approved. i\l.r. Marvin offered the following: Remised.—That, whenever the judgment rendered in favor of the County against George II. Bristol, and others, is paid, the County Treasurer be and is hereby in- structed to pay out of such proceeds the note given by the Chairman of this Board to theTTouapkins County National Lank. which was given for the Bristol deficiency, and the balance to be to the credit of the Court Fund. On motion of Mr. Marion, the resolution was adopted. Sul w rSORS' PIIOCEEDItiGS—EXTRA SESSION. lfr. _Marvin offered the following: Resolved —That the Chairman of this Poard be and is hereby authorized to renew, from time to titne, as he may think advisable, the note given to the Tompkins County National hank, and known as the Bristol Deficiency Note ; such renewal not to extend beyond the 15th day of January, 1880. . On motion of Mr. Howe, the resolution was adopted. • Mr. Howe, select Committee appointed by the Chairman, at the last session of the Board, to inquire into the matter of the Cortright Fish Snit, .submitted a written report. - Mr. Pearson moved that the report be received and spread upon the all n rr tes. IIIc. I3eers seconding the motion. the same was carried without a dis- senting vote. The following is Mr. Howe's Roport: To the honorable, the Board of Supervisors: The Committee appointed by the Chairman of this Board of Supervisors to enquire into the matter of the Cortright fish suit and to ascertain who received the money that was paid to satisfy, the judgment rendered against said Cortright ; also to enquire into sill other suits brought by the Game Constable in which judgments have been obtained, • would respectfaally report that he has enquired into the following. That there was obtained n judgment against Addison Cortright of two hundred and thirty-one and 8-100 dollars, which was returned as satisfied by the Sheriff of Tioga County, Wm. 11. Rightinire, per T. C. Robertson. King & Montgomery were the attorneys. • I find that there has been but seventy-five dollars paid en the above. The money to that amount was paid to M. .King. The receipts for which are now in the bands of the Committee. There was a judgment obtained against Geo, Liuderborry to the amount of one hun- dred and fourteen 11-100 dollars, which judgment has been paid in full. The money was paid into the handy of S. S. Montgomery, and the execution was satisfied by E. C. VanKirk, Sheriff of Tompkins County. The Committee would further report that in the ease of A. Cortright, that the Game Club of Ithaca paid the aforesaid King ,C Montgomery for their services in full, the receipt for the same is now in the hands of .lir. Samuel Holmes, and from what the Committee has been able to learn the above amount lots never been paid into the hands of the County. . EPENETUS HOwa. On motion, Board adjourned to half -past one, p. rn. AFTERNOON SESSION. I3nard met pursuant to adjournment. IioIl called; ai] the members present. SUPERVISORS' .PROCEEDINGS—EXTRA SESSION. Mr. Marion, Chairman of the special connnittee to inquire into, and to advise as to the proper course of action to be taken concerning, the losses sustained or likely to be sustained by the County by reason of the insufficiency of the, securities held by the present County Treasur- er as custodian of the Infant Heir Trust Funds, submitted the. written report of said Committee. On motion of Mn Crocker, the report was received and ordered spread on the minutes, and the legal opinions obtained in response to the questions of law recited in the report, placed in -the custody of the Chairman of the Conimittce. The following is the Report : To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County : The Committee appointed pursuant to a resolution of this Board, passed December Gtb, 1878, in regard to the course of action which should be pursued to make good any loss arising out of auy insufficiency of securities held by the present County Treasurer in trust for infant heirs, do report as follows : Your Committee submitted to the Law firms of Ferris &,Dowe and P. G. Ellsworth, the following questions, viz.: lst. Who, if any one, is liable for such losses to the Infant Heir Fund as are repre- sented by the two mortgages given by Bristol to VanVorhees, and of the one taken'by Bristol from Elizabeth Howe and others. 2d. Who, if any one, is liable for such losses to said fund as aro represented by the mortgages given to and taken by VanYorhees. 3d. In whose mune should any action be brought to recover such lose. 4th. Whether in any event the county can be made, liable for such loss. la response to• the foregoing questions, your Committee have received from each of these law firms the following accompanying opinions, which we have the honor to sub- mit to the Board, and offer the following resolution : Resolved.—That the indemnity to the County to bo given under the provisions of Chapter 521, Session Laws of 1874, preliminary, to commencing an action upon the official bond of any former County Treasurer, be substantially in the form required by law, in case of a non-resident plaintiff, and in the sum of two hundred and fifty dol- lars, the sureties to be approved by the County Judge and the obligor to acknowledge and justify, and the security to be then deposited with the County Treasurer. , EZRA MARION, EPENETUB 1IOWE, - Com. 13. G. COOPER. Mr. Howe offered, and Mr. Fitch moved the adoption of the following : WnEEEes, The bills of several county officials, and others in Tompkins County, presented to and ,audited by the several Boards of Supervisors, have contained fees largely in excess of the fee; allowed by law, thereby making an unlawful expense for the taxpayers of the county of thousands of dollars ; therefore, be it 8 SUPEIRVISORS' PROCEEDINGS—EXTRA SESSION Resolved.—That the Chairman shall appoint a Committee of three, the duty of which Committee shall be to examine all bills audited by the Boards of Supervisors of this• �^ County for the six years last past. If said Committee shall find that any illegal fees or charges have been audited and paid in said .period, or that auy moneys justly be- longing to the County, arising from fines or from any other source,' are retained in the hands of such officials, or of any other persons, said Committee shall consult counsel, and be empowered to institute any proceedings to recover such illegal or excessive fees, and unlawfully retained moneys, as said Committee shall deem proper. And said Committee shall have authority to settle claims against any such officers or per- sons ; and any moneys thus recovered shall be paid by such Committee to the County Treasurer. Adopted. Under the authority of the foregoing, the chairman appointed the following gentlemen such committee : Messrs. Howe, Beers unci Fitch. Mr. Crocker offered the following: Resolved.—That the committee appointed by this Board to report in regard to the " expediency of erecting a suitable building upon the County Poor House Farm, for the purpose of keeping the indigent insane of this County," and also in " regard to the expediency of building a new County House in connection with said asylum," be and they are hereby instructed to file their report (when made) with the Clerk of this Board, and the said Clerk is hereby required to have the same printed in all of the weekly papers printed in this County. On motion of ?Ir. Fitch. the resolution was.adopted. Mr. Howe offered the following, which, on motion of' illr. Beers, was adopted. Resolved. -That the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors shall not allow any bill or bills that are now in his possession, to be taken from out of his hands, except by mem- bers of the Board of Supervisors. There being no further business, the minutes of the day's proceedings were read and approved, when, on motion, the Board adjourned, sine die. • ANNUAL SESSION OF THE BOAR Or' S ERVISORS OF TOMPKINS COUNTY. ---1879. :o: The Supervisors of the towns of Tompkins County met in the Su- pervisors' Room, in the Court Hoose, at Ithaca, on November 12th, 1879, at 2 o'clock, p. in. The meeting was called to order by the Clerk of the Board of 1878. The roll -of towns being called, all the Supervisors answered to their names, respectively, as follows :-- TOWN. MEMBER. P. 0. ADDRESS. Caroline, ...SiiiTii D. STrvEivs, ` Caroline Depot. Danby, JOHN E. BEERS, ... ..... Danby. Dryden JAMES H. GEORGE, . West Dryden. Enfield,. .SETA B. I-IAE VEY,........:Enfield Centre. Groton.., : Wm. H. Finn, Groton. Ithaca DAVID L. BrJItTT,........ Ithaca. Lansing, DAVtD CROCKR,. .Lansingville. New held,........... Po it.iotT ALE xAZ\ DEI3,Pony Hollow. Ulysses ..•... HORACE G, COOPER,. .Jacksonville. A temporary organizatiou was effected by electing Mr. Crocker, Chairman. On motion of Mr. Alexander, an informal ballot for permanent chairman was taken, with the following result, Messrs. George and I3urtt being appointed by the Chairman as tellers: 10 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. First Informal Ballot for Permanent Chairman. Whole number votes, 3. Of which John E. Beers received 5; David Crocker, 2: David L. Bnrtt, 1; blank, 1. On motion of Mr. Fitch, 11fr. Beers was unanimously chosen perma- nent Chairtnan. The next business being the election of a clerk, on motion of Mr. Alexander, an informal ballot for that officer was taken, resulting as follows : First Informal Ballot for Clerk. Whole number of votes, 9. Of which DeWitt C. Bouton received 4 ; Ezra, Marion; 3; Charles M. MelKeegan, 1; E. A. Wagener, 1. There being no choice: the Board, on motion, proceeded to take a formal ballot, which resulted as follows : First Formal Ballot for Clerk. Whole number of votes, 9. Of which. DeWitt C. Bouton received 5 ; Ezra Marion, 3; Charles M. McKeegan, 1. Mr. Bouton having received a majority of al] the votes, was declared duly elected. The election of Janitor of the Court House, on motion, was set down for the first business, after regular order, of Friday morning session. Superintendent of the Poor Spaulding being present, extended. to the Board an invitation to visit the County house, on Thursday, Nov. 13th. On motion, the invitation was accepted. On motion, the Chair appointed Messrs. Cooper and Burtt a com- mittee to procure carriages to convey the Board to the County House. On motion of Mr. Cooper, the regular hours of convening of this Board were fixed at 9 a, in., and 2 p. m. The following, offered by Mr. Fitch, and seconded by Mr. Stevens, was adopted : Resolved.—That all resolutions to this Board by the members thereof be presented in writing, unless otherwise ordered by the Board. Fir. Crocker offered the following : Resolved.—That all County Orders issued ,by this Board bo countersigned by the Chairman ; and all Town Orders by the Supervisors of the several towns ; and that no orders', without the consent of the Board. shall bo issued until after the final ad- journment of the Board. SUPERVISOIIS' PROCEEDINGS. 11 On motion of 111r. ]3urtt, the resolution was adopted unanimously. Air. Cooper offered the following, which, on motion, was adopted : Resoivea.—That in addition to the Committees that have heretofore been appointed, a Committee be created which shall be designated n Committee on Judge's and Sheriffs' Accounts. Mr. Fitch offered. the following: Resotved.—That the salary of the Clerk of this Board be fixed at one hundred and fifty dollars. Adopted. The Clerk presented.ai d read the following communication from the Comptroller of the State: STATE OF NEW YORK COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE, Ac,ner,r, October 3, 1879. To the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of the County. of Tompkins : Sin :—I enclose a form of statement of the valuation of Real and Personal Estate required to be made by you, pursuant to Chapter 117 of the Laws of 1835, and for- warded to this office previous to the second Monday in December in each year, under a penalty of fifty dollars. I also enclose a form of Return of Incorporated Companies liable to Taxation. It is indispensable that this Report be furnished by the time' pre- scribed. The Hoard of Equalization of Taxes, in pursuance of Chapter 312 of the laws of 1859, have fixed the aggregate valuation of property in your County, at the sur. of $11,857,335, upon which amount a State tax of $33,947.55 must he levied for the current fiscal year, commencing October 1st, 1879, as provided in said act. and amendments thereto, by Chapter 351, Lair's of 1874, being 2 863-1000 mills on the dollar, for the following purposes, viz : For Schools 1 85-1000 mills, per Chapter 372, Laws of 1879. For General Purposes 1 477-1000 " ° " 372, " 1879. For Canals 3-10 " 27, 1879. Total 2 853-1000 mills. Your obedient servant, F. P. OLcorr, Comptroller. Mr. Stevens offered the following, which, on motion, was adopted : Re.solmd.—That the bond of the County Superintendent of the Poor be fixed at ten thousand dollars. The Clerk submitted the following communication 'from the Treas- urer of [Villard Asylum for the Insane: WILLAIt7) ASYLUM FOR THE INSANE, TREASURER'S OFFICE, Orin, N. Y., Sept, 1, 1879. To the Treasurer and Clerk of Board of Supervisors County of Tompkins : You aro requested to present the following communication to your Board of Super- visors at the ensuing session : 12 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. The number of insane persons in the Asylum chargeable to the County of Tompkins at this date is 33. As it is probable the number will be added to during the year, by new admissions, rather than diminished, allowance for the increase should be made. - It is estimated there will be required for the maintenance of patients now in the Asylum, for the ensuing year, the susn.of $4,461.60 ; and for clothing, $495.00. Total, $4,956.50. Rebate, $343.20. Total $4 613.40. In order to comply with the spirit and letter of the law,,which requires that all purchases for the Asylum be made for cash, and prohibits the Trustees from contract- ing debts, the Board of Supervisors is respectfully requested to make the ]equisite pro- vision for the support of patients in the Asylum, to enable the Treasurer to meet the current expenditures as they occur. Respectfully yours, J. B. Tnoaras, Treasurer. References ;—Chap. 446, Laws of 1874. Tit. iv., sec. 6. Chap. 541, Laws 1872. Chap. 272, Laws 1879, page 359. The Chairman read the following circular letter from. the Superin- tendent of the sante institution : WILLARD ASYLUM FOR THE INSANE, WILLARD, SENECA LAKE, N. Y., September 15, 1879. At a meeting of the Trustees of the Willard Asylum for the Insane. the following resolution was adopted : Resolved.— That the rate of maintenance for the ensuini year be fixed at two 60-100 dollars per week, with a rebate of twenty cents per week from said rate, in pursuance of the requirements of chapter 272 laws of 1879. Tho charge for the maintenance) of patients for the year commencing September 1st, 1879, is thefore fixed at $2.40 per week. 13y direction of the Board of Trustees. JOnN B. C HAPIN., Superintendent. To the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins. Mr. Harvey offered,•and on motion of Mr. George, the Board adopted, the following : Resolved.—That the official canvass, and the tabular statement of the last election, be printed in the Weekly Democrat and the Weekly Journal. Ou motion, Board adjourned. • ecconb Ulan—ifllursban, Nov. WO. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll called; all present. Minutes of Wednesday's proceedings read and approved. 'r' SUPEIIVISORS' 1'1tOCEEDINGS. 13 The Chair announced the Standing Committees of the Board to be as follows: Committees of the Boar[t of Supervisors for 1879 : Constables', Clerk's and Justices' Accounts.—Fitch, Stevens, Harvey. Treasurer's iiccou ats.—Btlrtt, Fitch, Crocker. Equalization.—George, 13urtt, Harvey, Alexander, Fitch. Poor House, and Superintendent's Reports.—Stevens, George, Crock- er, Alexander, Burtt. County Claims. --Cooper, George, Harvey. United ,States Deposit Fund.—Crocker, Cooper, Burtt. Insurance.—Alexander, Crocker, Fitch. Printing. --Alexander, Cooper, George. S1ae=rff's and Judge's Accounts. --Harvey, Cooper, Stevens. Crocker offered the following: Resolved.—That the Grand dnrors list be apportioned among the several tows, (be- ing based upon the census of 1870)as follows : Caroline, 20'; Danby, 19 ; Dryden, 43; Enfield, 15 ; Groton. 32 ; Ithaca, 91 ; Lansing, 2{; ; Newfield, 24 : Ulysses. 30. Adopted. - Mr. Fitch offered and Mr. Burtt moved the adoption of the following Resolved —That the duty of janitor shall be to keep the Court House clean, lighted, and comfortable during the' session of Circuit, Special Term, and County Courts, Su- pervisors' Sessions, and School Commissioners' meetings ; and such other duties as are necessarily connected with the building during said sessions and meetings ; and that the salary for the same be fixed at $150.00. That for attendance for any other purpose, and for cleaning the Court House, except after necessary repairs in said house, the jan- itor shall receive such extra compensation as the Board of Supervisors may allow. Adopted. • ' The time for visiting the County Poor House having arrived, the . Board, on motion, adjourned. ]fllirb Jan—fribjIll, Nov. nth. Board met pursuant to adjournment. .Boll called'; all present except Ilir. Cooper. Minutes of Thursday's proceedings read and approved. The resolution respecting the election of Janitor was called up, and, on motion,'iaid over till 2 o'clock, p. m. 14 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. The remainder of the morning session was consumed in examining and classifying bills, reports, etc. At 12 o'clock, on motion, Board adjourned. AFTERNOON SESSION. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll called ; all present. The election of Janitor being the first business in order, on motion of Mr. Fitch, the Board proceeded to take au informal ballot for that officer. The Chair appointed Messrs. Burtt and Crocker as tellers. The balloting resulted as follows : First Informal Ballot for Janitor. • Whole number votes 9. Of which George Guinn received 3; Clar- ence 31. Cooley, 3 ; Rundell, 2 ; Davenport, 1. There being no choice, on motion, the Board proceeded• to take a formal ballot, which resulted as follows: First *Formal Ballot for Janitor. Whole number votes 9. Of which Guinn received 4; Cooley, '3 ; 1►u ndell, -2. No choice. There being no choice, it was moved that the-Board•proceed to bal- lot Until one of the candidates receive a majority. Second Formal Ballot. Whole number votes 9. Of which Guinn received 4; Cooley, 3; Rundell, 2. No choice. Third 1-'ormal Ballot. Whole number votes 9. Of which Guinn received 3; Cooley, 3; • Mundell, 3. No choice. Fourth Formal Ballot. Whole number votes 9. Of Ivhich Guinn received 3 ; Cooley, 3 ; Randell, 1; Knapp, 1 ; J. E. Beers, 1. No choice. Fifth Formal Ballot. Whole number votes 9. Of which Guinn received 3; Rundell, 3; Cooley, 3. No choice. SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 15 Sixth Formal Ballot. Whole number votes 9. Of which Galan received 4 ; Cooley, 3; Rundell, 2. No choice. Seventh Formal Ballot. Whole number votes 9: Of which Guinn received 3; Minden, 2; Cooley, 3; Walker, 1. No choice. -Eighth Formal Ballot. Whole number votes 9. Of which Guinn received 3; F. P. Run- dell, 1; Rundell, 1; W. Rundell, 1; Cooley, 3. No choice. Ninth Formal Ballot. Whole number votes 9. Of which Guinn received 2; Cooley, 4; W. Rundell, 1; Knapp, 1; .1). M. Dean. 1. Tenth, Formal Ballot. . Whole number ,votes 9. Of which Guinn received 3; T. P. Rundell, 1; Rundell, 1; W. Rundell, 1 ; Cooley, 3. No choice. Eleventh Formal Ballot. Whole number votes 9. Of which Guinn received 3; Cooley, 3 ; Rundell, 1; W. Mundell, 1 ; F. P. Rundell, 1. No choice. • Twelfth Formal Ballot. Whole number, votes 9. Of which Guinn received 4; Cooley, 3 ; F. P. Rundell, 2. No choice. Thirteenth Formal Ballot. Whole number votes 9. • Of which G-uinn received 4; Cooley, 3 ; F. P. Rundell, 2. No choice. Fourteenth _Formal Ballot. . Whole number votes 6. Of which Guinn received 4 ; Cooley •4 ; W. P. Rundell, 1. No choice. Fifteenth Formal Ballot. • Whole number votes 9. Of which Guinn received 3 ; Cooley, 3 ; W. R. Rundell, 1; F. P. Rundell, t; Knapp, 1. No choice. Sixteenth Formal Ballot. Whole number .votes 9. Of wiiicll Guinn received 1; Cooley, 5 ; F. P. Rundell, 2; Rundell, 1. 16 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Mr. Cooley having received a majority of all the ballots cast, he was declared elected. On motion, his election was made unanimous. Mr. Cooper submitted the report of •the Railroad Bonds Commis- sioners of the town of Ulysses, and moved its acceptance. The mo- tion prevailed. (See Reports.) The Railroad Bonds Commissioners' Report for the town of Enfleld was submitted by Mr. Harvey, and, on motion, accepted. (See Re- ports.) Mr. Burtt offered the following, which, on motion of Mr. Fitch; was adopted : Resolved. all bills and demands resented to this Board, be referred to tho proper committees without further action of the Board. Mr. Fitch offered the following, which, on motion of -Mr. Harvey was adopted : Resolved.—That the Committee on Printing solicit and receive bids for the printing of 3,000 copies in pamphlet form, of the Proceedings of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, for the year 1879 ; matter to be set in wide measure and printed on book paper, same size and number of pages as 1877 ; and the addition or reduction per page, should the same be more or less. The pamphlets to be ready for distribution by the 1OtIh day of January next. `['he Chairman presented a notice from i1fr. F. M. Finch to the Board of a motion to be made before His Honor. Judge Lyon, on the 22cl inst., based on a petition of Douglas Boardman, (which petition ac- companied and formed part of the notice of motion), praying for re- lief from an assessment on certain personal property which, as petitioner claimed, he held in the capacity of agent merely. On motion, the pe- tition and accompanying papers were read by the chairman and ordered spread on the minutes of the Board. (See Special Reports.), Mr. Cooper offered the followed : Resolved. -That Clarence M. Cooley be appointed county sealer of weights and measures for the County of Tompkins. Adopted. '0n motion, Board adjourned. _fourth stun----enturban,_ Nap, 15t1). Bbard niet pursuant to adjournment. Roll called ; all present. Minutes of Friday's proceedings read and approved. r. �y] SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 17 1\Tr. Crocker offered the following : Resolved.—That the County Treasurer be instructed and empowered to purchase at any time he may deem it for the best interest of the county, a sufficient quantity of coal, for its fuel, one year. On motion of Mr. Fitch, the resolution was adopted. Mr. Harvey offered the folIowing, which, on motion of Mr. Cooper, was adopted: Resolved.—That the Board of Supervisors visit the jail, and report the present con- dition of the same. The remainder of the morning session was consumed by the mem- bers in selecting Grand Jurors, making lists of the same, attd in per- forming other miscellaneous clerical duties. At 12, o'clock, on 'notion, Board adjourned. AFTERNOON SESSION. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll called; all present. except Mr. Crocker, he having been excused. The session, until .1 o'clock, was consumed in listening to parties from the town of Ulysses, for and against a request to the Board for re- lief in the matter of a vote taken by that town in favor of building a certain bridge, known as " the Dagget bridge." The Board decided not to interfere in the matter. AL the conclusion of' this business, the Board, on motion, adjourned. /iftljDap—illottban. Nou. 1?0. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Moll called; all present except Mr. Crocker. Minutes of Saturday's proceedings read and approved. The Chairman read the following petition : To the Supervisors of Tompkins County We, the undersigned Assessors of the Town of Caroline, request your honorable body to allow the name of Reuben Silsby assessed with 5615 of real estate to be placed upon the assessment roll of said town. Dated, Nov. 17th, 1879. BENTON REED, Assessors of OaAn ids P. ToInEY. Town of Caroline. Mr. Stevens offered the following, which, on motion of Mr. Burtt, was adopted: Resolved. --That the petition of the Assessors of the town of Caroline in regard to 2 4 1S SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. the assessment of Reuben Silsby be granted, and that the said Reuben Silsby's assess- ment be added to the assessment roll of said town as the law provides. Mr. I3urtt offered the following : Resolved.—That a committee of two be appointed by the chair to employ counsel, if necessary, in the case of an application to bo made to the County Court of Tompkins County, in the chambers of Hon, Marcus Lyon, Judge, on the 22d inst., to strike from the assessment roll of the town of Ithaca, a certain amount of personal property assessed therein. Adopted. The chairman appointed Messrs. George and l3urtt, a committee un- der the foregoing resolution. On motion, Board adjourned. AFTERNOON SESSION. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Rall called; all present. Mr. Alexander offered the following: WHEREAT.—See. 0, chap. 410, laws of 187.1, amendatory of sec..0, chap. 280, laws IA 1874, relative to the publication of session laws, provides that the price of such publi- cation shall be determined by the Board of Supervisors, not to exceed, however, the sura of fifty cents per folio ; therefore, Resolved.—That this board fix the rate at thirty 00) cents per folio for the publica- tion of the laws of 1880. On motion, the resolution was laid over till Thursday morning, as the firsbbusiness under special orders. The Chairman read the report of the District Attorney for 1.S79. On motjon, the report was accepted. (Seo Reports.) There being no further business before the Board, the Committees that were prepared for work retired' to the committee rooms. The re- maining members were engaged in examining the assessment rolls. At one-quarter past five o'clock the committees 'rose. On motion; Board adjourned. SixthMap—rue;lnn, Nov. 180. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll called; all present. Minutes of Monday's proceedings read and approved. There being no business before the Board, the' Committees retired to their rooms. SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 19' At 12 o'clock: coinmittees rose, ancl, on motion, Board adjourned. AFTERNOON SESSION. Board inet pursuant to adjournment. Doll called; all present except Mr. Alexander, excused. Mr. Burtt offered the following, which, on motion of Mr. Crocker, was adopted : lteseloed.—That tlio Supervisor of Danby be allowed to acid to the taxes to be raised in said town, the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars, and that such moneys when received by the collector shall.be transferred by him to the highway commissioner. There being no further' business, the committees retired to their r0Ofns. At 5 o'clock the committees rose. On motion, Board adjourned. Srettcnt!) flan.--WeblteOan, Nov, Igtll. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll called ; all present. Minutes of 'Tuesday's proceedings read and approved. Mr. Alexander offered the following : WnsaEks, The Committee on Insurance ascertain that by insuring Court House, Jail and County Clerk's Office fora term of three years, a saving to the county can he effected of S89.50 ; therefore, Resolved.—That the Clerk's Office, jail and Court House he insured for a term 0 three years. On motion of Mi..Hnrvey, the resolution was adopted. There being no further business before the Board, the Committees retired to their rooms. At 12 o'clock the committees rose, and, on.motion, Board adjourned AFTERNOON SESSION. Board met pursuant to adjonrnnient. Doll called; all present. There being no regular business before the Board, the committees retired to their rooms. At half -past five o'clock, the committees rose, and, on motion, the Board adjourned. - . 20 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS; (6401) Enn— llursbnn, Nov.2Otil. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll called ; all pl•esent. lltinutes of Wednesday's proceedings read and approved. Mr, Alexander's resolution respecting the printing of the session laws was called up. \Ir. Stevens"moved its adoption. Messrs. Fitch and Harvey thought consideration of the resolution should be postponed till the Committee on .Tinting have time to ascer- tain the demands of the printers. Mr Crocker moved that the resolution lie on the table. Mr. Cooper seconded. the motion, which, being put to vote, was car- ried without opposition. Mr. George offered the following amendments to resolutions of Dec. 3, 1878: Resolved. —That the Chairman appoint a committee of three (one of which shall 1;e the Supervisor of Ithaca); that said committee shall bo the only authority through which the ordering of repairs and the furnishing of supplies for the County Buildings, can be made ; and that the Chairman of said Committee shall keep an account of ull orders made by said Committee, and present the same to the next annual session of the Board. Resolved.—That all County Officers who are authorized to purchase supplies for their several offices, are requested to keep a book in which shall be kept a full account of all items for supplies purchased by then, and of whom purchased, and to deliver the said account to the Board at their annual session. Resolved. --That should the Supervisor or Supervisors now appointed on said Com- mitee be not returned, it shall then be the duty of the Supervisor or Supervisors so elected in his or their stead to serve ou said Committee as his or their successors. • On motion of Mr. Fitch, the resolution was adopted. The Chairman appointed Messrs. I3nrtt, Cooper and Stevens, a Com- mittee under the resolution, Mr. Cooper offered the following : Resolved.—That the Supervisor of the town -of Dryden be authorized to insert in tlio tax roll of the said town for the current year, a returned school tax against the Ithaca, Auburn £ Western Railroad Company in favor of School District No. 21, in said town, to the amount of $3.80 ; the Collector and Trustee of said District having made the proper return of said tax. Adopted. Mr.Fitch offered the following, which, on motion, was adopted : h'esoleed.•—That the Supervisor of the town of Ithaca he and is hereby authorized SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 21 and empowered to enlarge the Supervisors' Room in the Court House, by removing the partition between the now Supervisors' Room and the room adjoining on the north, . and also to remove the stained glass from the upper part of the windows in said room and replace the same with uncolored glass. Mr. Burtt presented the report of the Railroad Bonds Commissioners of the town of Ithaca. On motion, the report was accepted. (See reports.) 11'Tr. Alexander presented the report of the Railroad Bonds Commis- sioners of' the town of Newfield. . On motion, the report was accepted. {See reports.) Mr. Harvey offered the following, which, on motion.of Mr. Alexan- der,was adopted.: Resolved.—That we authorize the Suporvisor.of Caroline to raise by tax, on the tax- ble property of said town, the,sum of fourteen hundred dollars (51,400), for the Com- missioner of Highways, to be applied by him for the repairs of roads and bridges. The Chairman read the following communication: STATE OF NEW YORK, COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE, ALBANY, Nov. 19, LS79. To the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins : Your attention is called to the fact that the Tax Laws of this State, (see Revised Statutes, 6th edition, vol. 1., page 942, i 48,) not only give you the POWER, but make it your DUTY, to "make such alterritions in the descriptions of lands of nonresidents" on the assessment rolls of the several Towns and Wards in your County, as will make them to fully conform to the requirements of the law ; and you are hereby RSPB-. CIATLY AND EARNESTLY requested to see that the descriptions of' lands on the Said as- sessment rolls for 'the year 1879 are entirely free from the objections which caused#the rejection of taxes at this office on lands described on said rolls for previous years. Respectfully yours, F. P. Or,coT'r, Comptroller. Mr. Fitch, from the Special Committee on Extraordinary Repairs on the Court House, submitted the report of said Committee. . On motion, the report was accepted. (See reports.) There being no farther business before the Board, the Committees resumed their labors. At twelve o'clock the Committees rose. Mr. George offered the following : WHEREAS, The Supervisor of the town of Ulysses has made application to this Board to have the Dog Tax decreased ; therefore, Resolved.—That the Supervisor from Ulysses be, and he is hereby directed to de- crease the tax ' upon dogs to one-half the arnoiiut that was collected iu 1878. Adopted. 1 22 SUYI:RVISORS PROCEEDI=NGS. Mr. Smith, Superintendent of the Poor elect, presented his official bond. .After the reading of the sante by the .Chairman, the bond, on mo- tion, 'vas accepted, and ordered filed. The same was filed by the Clerk, *and by hint taken to the Cott::ty Clerk's Office to be there recorded. On motion, Board adjourned. AFTERNOON SESSION. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll called ; all present. Mr. George offered the following Resolved. --'!'hat this Board proceed to ballot in accordance with Section 3, Chapter 215, laws of 1870, to designate the publishers of papers who will print and publish the Session Laws of 1880. On motion, the resolution was adoptcd. '.Uhe Chairman appointed Messrs. Crocker and Fitch as tellers. The first ballot resulted as follows : First Ballot for Ncw papers to Publish Session Laws. Whole. number votes, 9. Of which Journal Association received 2 ; Ithaca Journal, 2 ; Ithaca Weekly Journal. 1 ; Ithaca Democrat, 2 ; Weekly Dentocrat,1 ; Groton and Lansing Journal; 1. - There being no two papers.each having a larger vote than any others, 00 motion of Mr. HIarvey another ballot was had, with the following result Second Ballot for Nebspapers to Pic.blt.s7t Sessioa'Laws. Whole number.votes, 9. Of which the Ithaca 1Veekly Journal re- ,eeived 5; Ithaca Democrat, 3 ; Groton and Lansing Journal, 1. ' The Ithaca Weekly Jonrmi] and the Ithaca Democrat were declared duly designated as the papers to publish the session laws for the year 1860. 'Mr. Cooper offered the following : Resolved.—That the Committee on Printing, be empowered to contract with the Ithaca Weekly Journal, and the Ithaca Democrat, to publish the Session Laws for 1880, provided such contract price does not exceed thirty cents per folio. Mr. Burtt moved the adoption of the resolution. Mr. Fitch moved to amend by substituting twenty-five cents in place of `` thirty cents." 4,4, sur_Elcvlsolts' PROCEEDINGS. 23. TIr. Fitch called for the ayes and noes on the amendment, which re- sulted as follows : Ayes -Stevens, George, Fitch, Crocker, Alexandei-5. Noes—Beers, Harvey, Burtt, Cooper -4. The amendment was declared adopted. The resolution; ;ts amended, was then adopted by a viva voce vote, without opposition. The amended resolution reads as follows : Resolved..—That the Committee on Printing be unpowered to contract with the Ithaca Weekly ,Tournnl and the Ithaca Democrat, to publish the Session Laws for 1880; provided such contract price does not exceed twenty•five cents per folio. Mr. Alexander, Chairman of the Committee on Insurance, presented the report of that Corumittee. On motion of Mr. George, the report was accepted. (See r4ports.) There being no further business before the Board, the Committees retired to their roosts. At half -past five o'clock the Committees rose and, on motion, the Board adjourned. Ninth ;ratan– .fridan, Nov. 21st. Board met pursuant to adjournment. •Roll called ; all present. Minutes of Thursday's proceedings read and approved. A petition of 7eremiah 11I. Baker was presented to the l3oard. The petitioner is a resident of the town of Enfield, and prays for the strik- ing from the assessment roll of said town a certain assessment of x€,000 for personal property against the petitioner. After some discussion, Mr. Harvey -moved that the prayer of the pe- titioner be granted. '.I.'he same being put to vote, the motion was declared lost. Mr. 13urtt offered the abstract of the town audits of the to wn of Danhy. , On motion, the same was accepted. (Seo town ,unfits ) Mr. Crocker offered, and Mr. Fitch moved the adoption of the fol-. lowing: r. 24 SUPER V[SORS' PROCEEDItiGS. WnEanAs, By the report of the Treasurer of Tompkins County, there appears to be due the County : From Interest Aec't $2 00 S. V. Home .... 0 04 County Audits 37 Making in all $2'41 Therefore, Resolved.—That the said balance be trausferred by the Treasurer to the postage and stationery account. Adopted. Mr.,Fitch presented the abstract of the town audits of the town of Caroline. On motion, accepted. (See town audits.) Mr. Stevens presented the abstract of the town audits of the town of Groton. On motion, accepted. (See town audits.) Mr. Burtt presented the abstract of the town audits of the town of Lansing. On motion, accepted.. (See town audits.) Mr. Alexander offered the abstract of the town audits of the town of Enfield. On motion, accepted. (See town audits.) . it[r. Cooper presented the abstract of the town audits of the town of Dryden. On motion, accepted. (See town audits.) There being no further business 'before the Board, the Committees resumed their work. At 12 o'clock the Comrnittees rose, and, on motion, the Board ad- journed. AFTERNOON SESSION. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll called; all present except 1Ir. Cooper. Mr. William N. Noble, attorney for the County, appeared before the Board by invitation of the Committee to procure counsel in the matter of the petition of Douglas Boardman, (:Messrs. George and Burtt), and made a detailed statement of the legal questions directly involved in said matter, and adverted to questions collateral thereto, which might, in certain contingencies, become important for the consideration of the Board. SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 25 At the conclusion of Mr. Noble's remarks, the Board did not revoke the appointment of that gentleman as attorney for the County to op- pose, in behalf of the County, the motion of the petitioner before His Honor, Judge Lyon, on the 22d inst. There being no further business before the Board, the Committees re- tired to their rooms. At half -past five o'clock the Committees rose, and, on motion, the Board adjourned. acraIj Man—OaturDn-n, Nbb. 22b. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll called ; all present. Minutes of Friday's proceedings read and approved. • Mr. Pitch presented the report of the Railroad Bonds Commisssioners of the town of Groton. On motion of Mr. Brartt, the report was accepted. (See reports.) Mr. Crocker, Chairman of the U. S. Deposit Fund, presented and read the report of the Loan Commissioner of the County of Tompkins. On motion, the report was accepted. (See reports.) On motion, Mr. Harvey was authorized to add to the town audits of • tiie town of Enfield, a claim of E. J. Morgaa,.Jr., for medical services in case of Jackson, a pauper, for $19.00. Mr. Cooper, from the Committee on County Claims,• reported a large number of bills passed upon by that Committee, which the Committee recommended be audited by the Board. On motion, the Board proceeded to pass upon the bills, seriatim. • At 10 o'clock Messrs. George and Burtt were excused, to attend the • ' argument of the Boardman case before Judge Lyon, and as the bills. were not all audited, it was moved to indefinitely postpone their further consideration, with privilege to call them up at any time when there should be a full Board ; at which time the entry of the audited bills, by,numbers, will be made in these minutes. The Committees not otherwise employed retired to their rooms. At 12 o'clock the Committees rose, and, on motion, Board adjourned. 26 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. AFTERNOON SESSION. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll called; all present except Messrs. Cooper and Crocker, excused. There being no business before the Board, the Committees resumed their labors. At 4 o'clock the committees rose, and, on motion, the Board adjourned. (Eleventh flan-flloithun, iwon. 2,kth. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll.called; a]1 present.' Minutes of Saturday's proceedings read and approved. Mr. Cooper, from- the Committee on County Claims, asked that the Board resume the consideration of the bills reported by his committee, which business was interrupted on Saturday l,y the necessary absence of some members.. The Board accordingly passed upon the remaining. bills previously reported by the Committee, seriatim. The following are the bills thus audited by the Board on Saturday and at this session Nos. 20 to 30, both inclusive. Nos. 140 to 142, both inclusive. . Nos 144, 146, 149, 93, 94, 95, 98, 99, 90, 91, 88, 113, 114, 118, 105, 130, 131, 132, 134, 130, 17, A, 19. 38, 39, 110, J11, 100, 101 102, 129,107, 108, 150, 151, 152, 159, 55, 50, 58, 59, 00. Nos. 120, 120, both:inc111sive. Nos. 68 to 79, both inclusive. Nos. 40 to 53, both inclusive. Nos. 63 to 66, both inclusive. On motion, Board. adjourned. FTERNOON SESSION. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll called ; all present except Mr. Cooper. Mr. George offered the follJwing, which, on notion cf Mr. Burtt, Was adopted : - Resolved. --That in accordance with a resolution passed nt the annual Town Meet- ing of the town of Dryden, held April 1, 1879, there by levied and collected from said 1 Is SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS: t 27 town the sum of eleven hundred and twenty-five dollars for the purpose of defraying the expenses of highways the ensuing year. Mr. George offered the following: Resolsed.--That there be levied and collected from the town of Dryden the sum of .hundred and thirty-three dollars for the Commissioner of Highways of said town, to be by him applied to the payment of damages awarded in laying out a high- way though lands of Levi Rummer and others on Lots 79 and 80 of said town. On motion of Mr. Burtt the resolution was adopted: Mr. Stevens offered the following, which, on motion of Mr, Crocker, was adopted.: Resolved. --That Dr. George M. Beckwith be appointed physician to attend all pris- oners who require medical attendance in the County Jail from November 25, 1879, to November 25, 1880, and that he be allowed ninety dollars for such service. Pesolver7.—That the Clerk furnish a copy.of the above to Dr. Beckwith and to Sher- iff Smith. Mr. Cooper offered -tlie following: Resolved—That in addition' to the two hundred and fifty dollars, the amount al- lowed by the statutes, there be levied and collected from the town of Ulysses, one thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars, for the purpose of defraying the expense of highways during the ensuing year. On motion of Mr. Fitch, the.resohltion was Adopted. • A letter from 1)r. Geo. M. Beckwith making proposals for medical attendance at the County Jail was read and ordered filed. Messrs. E. L. I3. Curtis :end Peter B. Crandall, representing the Tomp- kins County Farmers' Club, and Prof. Fuertes, of Cornell University, appeared before the 13oard to present the subject of a weather signal station at the University. The Workings M the system proposed to be adopted were explained briefly, and the obvious 'advantages to be de- rived by this. County from it, when auxiliary stations should be estab- lished at conspicuous and eligible points in the several towns, dilated upon at some length by Prof. Fuertes. The gentlemen all -thought that if the stinl of $250 or $300 could be obtained from the county, it would, with what had been subscribed by private individuals, insure the suc- cess of the enterprise. The Board took no tietion on the subject and,- there being no further business before the Committee of the Whole, the -various Committees re- sumed their labors. At half -past five o'clock the Committees rose, anti, on motion, the Board adjourned, 28 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. t weiftil Dan--tucsban, Nov. 250. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll called; all present except Messrs. Harvey and Cooper. Minutes of Monday's proceedings read and approved. Mr. George offered the following: • Resolved.—That pursuant to the provisions of Chanter 791, of the Laws of 1868, the sums placed iu the following schedule be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of persons whose names are included in the several districts, and • in the SUMS respectively named in said lists sninidtted to the Board and furnished to the Supervisors of the several towns named in the schedule by the Overseers of Highways of the road districts included therein : TOWN OF DRYDEN. Road District. \'o. of. Days. Amount of lax. 60 4 $3 25 47 4- 6 75 TOWN OF DANNY. Road District. No. of Days. •Arnonnt of Tax. 19 50 75 57 3i 5 25 8 ] 2 25 TOWN OF LANSING. Road District. . No. of Days. Amount of Tax. 31 $£ $12 75 On notion of Mr. Burtt, the resolution was adopted. Mr. Alexander moved that the Supervisor of the town of Dryden be authorized to add the following to the town audits of that town : Dryden Village, use Hall 2 days.. $21) 00 Joseph A. Genung, Auditor 9 00 Ira C. Shaver, Auditor 3 00 A. L. Tyler, Auditor. -. 3 00 Joel B. George, Excise Commissioner 3 CO $38 00 - Mr. Stevens seconded the motion, which was carried without oppo- sition. (See town audits.) Mr. Stevens. Chairman of the Committee on Poor House, and Su- perintendent's Reports, presented the report from that Committee. After some examination and discussion of the appropriations recom- mended therein, the report was accepted as it came from the Commit- tee. (Sec reports.) 1 SUPERVISORS' PFIOC1:EDINGS. 29 On motion, Mr. Alexander was authorized to add the following to the town audits of the town of Newfield : G. R. Soabring, Commissioner of Highways $20 34 , L. T. White, medical services 3 00 E. C. Protts, labor on Town Lino 4 00 J. N. Van Ostrend, Constable 13 00 S. A. Seabring, medical attendance....... 33 00 And Mr. Harvey, to the audits of the town of' Enfield, the following: G. C. McClime, furnishing monuments on line between Enfield and Newfield g;2 50 There being no further business, the Committees, retired to their rooms. At twelve o'clock the Committees' rose, and, on motion, the Board adjourned, AFTERNOON SESSION. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Boll called ; all present. Mr. Crocker presented the abstract of the town audits for the town of Ithaca. On motion of Mr. Stevens, the same was accepted. (See town au- dits.) lMr. Burtt offered the following, which, on motion of Mr. Stevens, was adopted : itesolved..--That the following b is be added to the Town Audits of the Town of Ithaca, and orders drawn for the same, except for Tax Receiver and Highways : Tax receiver $400 00 Highways ... 250 00 T. P. St. John,'Town Auditor 9 00 Geo. W. Apgar, 15 00 B. Morse, ' 15 00 John Lewis, 9 00 Geo. W. Apgar,' '° .< 9 00 Ed. Hungerford, " 9 00 Mr. Crocker offered the following, which, on motion was adopted: Resolvers.—That in accordance with the request of Sheriff Smith, we now visit the County Jail. Pursuant to the above resolution, the Board, in a body, visited and inspected the jail. On the return of the Board, Mr. George presented the abstract of 30 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. the town audits of the town of UIysses, which, on motion, was ac- cepted. • (See Town Audits.) On motion of Mr. •George, the Supervisor of the town of Ulysses was authorized to add the following to the town audits of that town E. S. Pratt, two days' services as town auditor.... $G 00 Daniel Elmore, seven days' services as Excise Commissioner 21 00 R. L. Smith, two days' services as Town Auditor G 00 J. T. Howe, two days' services as town auditor, ... .... G 00 (See town audits.) There being no further business before the Board, thecommittees re- tired to their rooms. At half -past five o'clock, the committees rose. On 'notion, the Board adjourned. QLllictcetttl) an--iliebttesban, Host. gOtll. Board met pur.,ua►it to adjournment. Roll called; all present, Minutes of Thursday's proceedings read and approved. Mr. Cooper, Chairman of the Committee on County Claims, was, on motion of Mr. :Fitch, allowed to withdraw, for further consideration. bill No_ 131, audited and passed by the Board on Monday. Mr. Crocker presented the report of the Railroad Bonds Commission- ers of the town of Lansing. On motion, the report was accepted. (See Reports. ) Mr. Burtt, Chairman of the Committee on Treasurer's Accounts, presented the report from. that Committee. On motion of Mr. Crocker, the Report was accepted. (See Reports.) Mr. Alexander.moved that when the l3oarcl adjourn this afternoon's session, it he to Monday, December lst, at the usual hour. Mr. Harvey seconding the motion, the same was carried without op- position. 'Mr. Cooper moved that the vote oh bill No. 131, (CIerk's notation,) be reconsidered, and t]iat the bill be audited at the amount claimed. Carried. - • I'Ir. Fitch, Chairman •of the Committee on Clerks', Constables' and , Justices' Accounts, reported the following bills, which were passed up- on seriatim by the Board. SGPERVISOI.LS' PROCEEDINGS 31 Nos. 160. 10, 137, 128, 127, 14, 143, 15, 11, 9, 6, 8, 4, 1, 115, 2, 3, 97, 104, 112, 145, 13, 162, 7, 5, 135, 147, 173, 164. 67, 92, 119, 116. There being no further business, the committees retired to their rooms. Mr. Alexander, on his request, was excused from further at- tendance on to -day's sessions. At twelve o'clock, the committees rose, and 'on motion, the Board adjourned. AFTERNOON SESSION. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll called; all present except Mr. Alexander. Mr. Cooper, Chairman of Committee on County Claims, reported the following bills from that Committee, and the same were passed up- on by the Board, seriatim : Nos. 169 to 172, both inclusive. . Nos. 148, 139, 103, 109, 165, 166, 163, 54, 62, 12. The remainder of the session was consumed in Iooking up various •questions of law and precedents which had arisen in the course of the examination of bills by the several committees, and in the discussion of various subjects upon which action hy.the Board will be necessary. At four o'clock, on motion, the Board adjourned to Monday, Dee. tst, O a. m. .£OUrteelltll I11un---illo&&ag, Me. 1st. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll called; all present except Mr. Crocker. Minutes of Wednesday's proceedings read and approved. The Chairman read the following communication : STATE OF NEW YORK GO11I'TROLLER'S OFFICE, ALBANY. Nov. 28, 1879. Chrk Board of Supervisors Tompkins county, Ithaca, N. Y. : DLAR Sra :-'file uon•reaident taxes credited to County of Tompkins for 1878 amount to $16 10. Respectfully yours, HENRY GALLION, Deputy Comp. T11ere.being no business before the Board, the Committees retired to their rooms. 32 SLTPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. At one-quarter past twelve the committees rose, and on motion, the Board adjourned. AFTERNOON SESSION. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll called; all present except Mr. Cooper. Mr. Alexander offered the following, which, on motion, was adopted: Resoived.—That we authorize the Supervisor of Enfield to raise by tax on the taxable property of said town the sura of two hundred and fifty dollars for the Commissioner of Highways, to be applied by him for the repair of roads and. bridges. Mr. Cooper, from the Committee on County Claims, reported bills Nos. 153 and 161, and recommended that they be audited at the amounts of 1650 and +13d 36, respectively, and the bills were audited at those sums by the Board. Bill No. 138, was, also, on recommendation of the.Committee, audited at the sum of $10 98. On motion, Mr. Cooper was authorized to add $4 50 to the town an- dits of the town of Ulysses, the amount of the bill of the Ithaca Jour- nal Association, for advertising school- moneys . to loan. (See Town Audits.) Mr. Alexander, Chairman of •the Committee on .Printing, submitted the following special report: Special Report of the Committee on Printing. GEENTLSMEN, OF THE BoAED --1Ve, your Committee on printing,. beg leave to make a special report to this Board as to our proceedings respecting a part of the duties de- volving on us as such Committee. We have submitted proposals for publishing the proceedings of this Board, both in weekly newspapers and in pamphlet form, and in response thereto have received quite a number of bids. Hardly any, if any, of the bids complied strictly with the terms of the proposal—some departing therefrom in one direction and some in another .and being so dissimilar and peculiar, your Com- mittee are at a loss to determine which, all things considered, is the most advanta- geous. As the best and most expeditious way out of the difficulty, we have concluded to present all the correspondence on this subject now in our possession to the Board, and submit to it, as an orig nal question, the whole subject of the county printing falling within our province under the resolution by authority of which we have thus far acted. All of which is respectfully submitted. ROUT. ALEsarnxx H. G. CoorER, J. H. GEOlioe. The reading of the report was followed by considerable discussion of the question of county printing in general, and in particular of the SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 33 correspondence on the subject, submitted by the Committee, with their report. The whole matter was finally disposed of in this wise : Mr. Fitch offered, and Mr. Stevens moved theadoption of, the follow- ing : Resdved.-That the Chairman of the Committe on Printing be and he is hereby em- powered to contract for the printing of the proceedings of this Board for 1870 in the Weekly Ithaca Journal, Ithaca Democrat., and Weekly Ithacan, at a price not to ex- ceed twenty-five cents per folio. Also, to contract'with some responsible party for the printing of three thousand copies of the proceedings of said Board, in pamphlet form, on such terms as he may think best. Adopted. Tbere being no further business before the Board, the committees retired to their rooms. At half -past five o'clock, the committees rose, and on motion, the Board adjourned. -fifteenth illInD .-- Cttesabanl, Der. 2D. Board met pursuant to adjournment, Roll called; all present. Minutes of Monday's proceedings read and approved. Mr. Cooper offered, and Mr. Stevens moved the adoption of, the fol- lowing: Resolved.—That the vote at the Annual Town Meeting of the town of UIysses, in 1879, by which appropriations were voted for two new bridges, known as the Water - burg and Daggett, which vote is claimed to have been irregular in some respects, be and the same is hereby declared by this Board to be regular and legal to all intents and purposes, and that the. Commissioners of Highways of said town of Ulysses were le- gally authorized and empowered by such vote to build said bridges. Adopted. There being no further business before the Board, the committees retired to their rooms. At twelve o'clock the committees rose, and, on 'motion, the Board adjourned. . .AFTERNOON SESSION. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll called ; all• present except Mr. Fitch, excused; Mr. Cooper; from the Committe on County Claims; reported bills 3 34 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Nos.174 to 177, both inclusive, and the same were passed upon by the Board, seriatim. There being no further business before the Board, the Committees resumed their work. At four o'clock the Committees rose. Mr. Burtt offered the following which, on motion„of Mr. George, was adopted. Resolved.—That in accordance with chapter 446, title 4, section 6, laws of 1874, there be assessed and levied upon the taxable property of the following towns and the County • of Tompkins, the sums set forth in the annexed schedule to reimburse the County for amounts of money paid the Willard Asylum, viz : DaNEY. Raebael Jefferson $33 43 44 33 80 << 34 I8 4' 37 08 138 49 Briggs Montgomery 38 83 35 30 40 43 « 35 5 s 150 14 Total $288 63 Less 13 per cent 37 52 Total to be raised by town 251 11 ULYSSES. Vau R. Pierson 45 73 41 25 . 4 35 63 4' 34 98 157 59 Catheran Collins 33 43 35 30 /1 36 98 _t 11 34 18 139 89 Total Less 13 per cent Total to be raised by town { GROTON. • Jane Shaver ... 39 68 33 80 297 48 38 67 258 81 i" SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDING6. 35 Jane Shaver. continued,.... 34 18 39 03 "145 69 Horatio E. Morgan 53 62 ci 15 55 69 17 Credit 12 63 Self supporting ... 56 54 F. F. Morris • 45 28 .i c. 41 68 30 00 r 33 43 Self supporting........ 150 39 Total 146 69 Less 13 per cent.... 19 07 Total to be raised by town 127 62 LANSING. Frances Drake . 39 38 " ci 2 90 "42 28 Credit 24 89 17 39 Less 13 per cent 2 26 Total to be raised by town 15 13 NEWFIELD.. Armenia Cook 39 28 '35 33 37 58 39 50 151 69 C. B. Bower. 37 18 42 93 C., .. . 39 48 39 25 158 84 Frank Carpenter. 39 18 ........ 35 58 if ••• 41 48 1.1 35 50 151 47 Total 462 27 ' Less 13 per cent 60 09 Total to be raised by town .... 402 18 36 SUFPERVIS01{S' PROCEEDINGS. CAROLINE, 0. W. Hanford 34 33 25 34 58 Credit .... 23 78 10 80 Harriet Richardson 38 63 37 65 76 28 Total 87 08 Less 13 per cent 11 32 Total to be charged to town.. 75 76 DRYDEN. J.13. Kellogg 40 53 ,= 44 88 37 28 ._,,, 39 05 161 74 Hannah Winn 37 18 3673 Li 35 83 37 95 147 69 Wallace Wait 45 13 • 4'?, 73 'J4 08 40 90 172 84 G. D. Pratt 35 68 .. 33 43 n 34 18 ........ 33 80 Self supporting 137 09 Mary E. Potter . 34 18 _• =f 47 55 81 73 Credit ........ 6 52 75 21 Harriett H. Hemingway 8 89 8 89 Total 4. • ...... 566 37 Less 13 per cent 73 63 Total to be charged to town 492 74 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 37 ITxr:LCA. Peter Pickett. 140 58 3975 • 37 78 st 40 58 158 GO Sarah Niver 33 43 34 18 ++ 34 28 ...- 34 30 136 19 Diana Babcock. +1 f+ 33 43 34 18 15 Credit 807 76 7 80 Self Supporting 59 96 Porcilla Thompson..... 33 43 35 58 +i 41 78 di 1 55 112 34 Credit 14 75 97 59 Laura Saxton 33 43 36 88 .< i. .... 34 18 ii............ 38 05 142 54. Credit 88 24 54 30 By order of court 230 78 Cost of last year . 142 54 To be applied this year 88 24 Margaret Raymond 34 43 38 73 34 13 38 15 145 49 Win. Major 43 78 L. += 3703 40 48 36 75 158 G4 38 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Henry Merrill 35 23 38 63 " 36 58 41 75 152 19 Jennie Dillion 33 43 " 36 63 34 68 • 33 80 138 59 44 94 5 90 50 84 Credit 16 35 Susan H. Dickinson 41 44 James Terrill - 33 78 41 93 39 98 37 70 153 39 Fanny G-. Barber- 33 43 " 62 26 `' 33 80 129 49 Credit 18 95 44. CC CC 34 49 T. P. Van Orman l 44 94 " 43 58 43 08 •. 5 55 137 15 Credit 21 95 115 20 110 54 Wm. S. Knapp 37 15 37 15 74 30 glary McCarty 2 20 " 38 63 40 83 Credit 25 03 Total Loess 13 per cent ...... Total to bo raised by town. COUNTY. Benj. VanDerpool 34 68 35 38 15 80 1,545 35 200 90 1,314 '45 39 98 37 20 147 24 f SUPERi ISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 39 Mary J. Sweezy ...... 33 43 34 18 39 63 {i .. 33 80 141 04 Patieice Starks 37 13 34 78 35 48 33 80 141 19 George Graham 35 93 „ 36 03 " 44 78 „ , 35 15 151 89 James 13renan40 63 .... 35 48 .1„ „ 40 58 - 39 80 156 49 Thomas Northrup 37 88 „ 34 63 „ 36 23 • • „ 37 50 146 24 Luthara Johnson 33 53 34 18 ,' 1, 34 28 <{ 33 90 135 89 Daniel Brown 36 83 „ „ 35 93 36 58 39 85 149 19 Sylvester Seers 39 38 .. 36 03 ,4 ,_ - 37.18 40 05 152 64 Sarah Jewell 66 66 35 28 LI 39 09 34 05 175 08 Isaac E. Scofield 1 42 44 33 43 37 85 Credit 21 92 15 93 Total 1,512 82 Loss 13 per cent 196 07 . Total to be charged to county 1,316 15 Tawas 2,967 80 County 1,316 15 Total.................... ...-$4,283 95 40 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS., Mr. George offered the following, which, on motion of Mr. Fitch, was adopted : Resolved.—That the sum of five hundred dollars be assessed and levied against the taxable property in the town of Ulysses, for the support of the poor in said town for the year 1879 and 1880, in accordanee with a resolution passed by the town auditors of said town. At 5 o'clock, the I3oard, on notion, adjourned. ixtetnttl aN—t bnesbnn, Der: 3b. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll called ;. all present, except Mr. Cooper, excused. Minutes of Tuesday's proceedings read and approved. Un motion, the Supervisor of Newfield was authorized to add to the town.audits of that' town a bill of James W. Sunderlin, Justice, for *2 07. (See town audits.) Mr. Burtt offered the following: Resoiuecd.—That the Chairman of this Board be authorized to raise by bank note, or otherwise, upon the credit of the County-, a sufficient sum for court expenses for the term of County Court, commencing Dec. 8. Adopted, On motion, Mr. Harvey was authorized to assess and levy on the tax- able property•of the town of Enfield, the sum of $271.95, to satisfy a judgment against said town, in favor of Daniel W. Bailey. (See town audits.) 1\ -Ir. Harvey, Chairman of the Committee on Sheriffs' and Judge's Accounts, reported the following bills, which were passed upon, seria- tim, by the Board: . Bills Nos. 82, 133, 80, 167, 108, 80, 87. 85, 81, 06, 117. There being no further business before the Board, the committees resumed their labors. At twelve o'clock the committees rose, and on motion, the Board adjourned. AFTERNOON SESSION. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Poll called; all present. Mr, George, Chairman of the Committee on. Equalization, submitted SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 41 a unanimous report from said Committee. Under the rules, the report lies over at Least one day before any action by the Board upon it. Me. Harvey, from the Committee on Sheriffs' and Judge's Accounts, reported bill No. 83, and the same was passed by the Board. .At Half -past five o'clock, on 'notion, the Board adjourned. ecuenter ttll Elan—ZI)nr'aaan, Elcr. tall._ Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll called; all present except Messrs. George and Harvey. The minutes of Wednesday's proceedings read and approved. Ou•rnotion, 11Ir. Cooper was authorized to add to the town audits of the town of Ulysses, a bill of N. B. Wheeler, of $1. (See town audits.) The morning session was largely devoted to signing orders, coniput- ing'the totals of audits, appropriations, etc. In the midst of this mis- cellaneous business the Board ivas served with an order of the County Court, recommending the striking from the roll the assessment in ques- tion,, of personal property, to Judge Boardman. The following is the order: COUNTY COURT.—TOMPKINS COUNTY. In the matter of Douglas Boardman, • agst. The Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County. Ordered.—That the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County be, and they hereby arc recommended to correct the assessmentroll of the town of Ithaca, Tompkins Coun- ty, by striking out of said roll the assessment therein made against Douglas Board- man, agent, for personal property, to the amount of twolve thousand and fivo hundred dollars (812,500.) MARCUS LYON, Dec. 3, 1879. County Judge. The Board determined to lay the order before Wm. N. Noble,.coun- sel for the county, before taking definite action in the matter. 11Ir. George offered, and Mr. Crocker moved the adoption of, the fol- lowing: WHEar:as, There appears upon tho assessment roll of the town of Dryden for the • year 1878, assessments upon non-resident lands therein described, and severally known as the E. Coruell lot, Potash lot, and the Black Smith lot, and upon which there was levied and assessed for the year 1878, fhe sum of five dollars and twenty-four cents ; 42 SUPERVISOIRS' PROCEEDINGS. and, whereas, the Comptroller has rejected the payment of said tax on account of the insufficiency of the description thereof ; therefore,' Resolved.—That there be levied and collected from the taxable property of said town of Dryden the sum of five dollars and twenty.four cents, to be paid to tho County Treasurer on account of such returned tax. Resolved.—That the assessments of the said described non-resident lands for the year 1879 be, and is hereby, expunged from the assessment roll' for the year 1879. Adopted. At twelve o'clock, the Board, on motion, adjourned. AFTERNOON SESSION. Board met pursuant to adjournment.. Roll called ; all present. The matter of the Boardman assessment was taken up. After lis- tening to the view's f Mr. Noble, attorney, and some informal discus- sion of the subject by the members, the whole matter was disposed of as follows: Mr. Cooper offered the following: .Resolved. --That this Board decline to comply with the recommendation of the Coun- ty Court to strike from the assessment roll of the town of Ithaca a certain assessment of personal property to Douglas Boardman, as agent, which request is contained in an order of said Court, this day duly served on this Board. Dir: Alexander moved the adoption of the resolution. Mr. Crocker seconded the motion. The ayes and noes being called for, the ballot resulted in a tinani- mous vote, as follows : Ayes: Stevens, Beers, George, Harvey, Fitch, Burtt, Crocker, Alex- ander, Cooper -9. Mr. Crocker offered the following, which, on motion of Mr. Burtt, was adopted: WHEREAS, The usual influx of tramps has begun in several parts of this County, thereby giving great annoyance to the inhabitants thereof ; and, WHEREAS, The statutes of this State relative to vagrants and beggars (tramp being but another name for vagrant and beggar) give ample protection against such per- sons ; therefore, be it Resolved.—That tho Overseers of the Poor of the several towns of Tompkins County, be directed to enforce said statutes ; and that the Justices of the Peace, examining and sentencing said tramps or vagrants, be requested, for public policy and private protec- tion, to add the statute penalty of " bread and water " as a jail diet. For authority, see lst R. S. 633, § 3. SUPERVISORS' PROCFEPINGS: 43 The Committee on Sheriffs' and Judge's Accounts, by its Chairman, Mr. Harvey, reported bill No. 84 to the Board without recommenda- tion. The bill was passed by the Board at the amount claimed. Mr. Cooper, from. the Committee on County Claims, reported from said Committe, bill No. 178, and the same was passed by the Board. The report of the Committee on Equalization was called up, aud, on motion, accepted unanimously by the Board: (See reports.) Mr. Stevens offered the following: Resolved. —That tho Superintendent of the Poor of the County of Tompkins be; and is hereby requested to keep, or cause to be kept, a true and minute account of all grains, vegetables, stock, and other valuables, raisod on the county house farm of said County, from Nov. 15th, 1879, to Nov. 15th, 1880 ; also a minute account of all grains, vegetables, meats and other articles of consumption purchased by direction of said Superintendent for the use of said County during the same time, and tho uses and disposition made of all such grains, &c., and present a statement of the same, duly verified, to the Board of Supervisors of said County, at their next annual session. Adopted. Mr, Crocker offered the following : } Resolved. --That the Supervisor of Ithaca, whenever notified by the County Treasu- rer that the appropriations for court expenses are exhausted, be, and is hereby au- thorized to raise by bank note, or otherwise, upon the credit of tho County; the sum which he may deem necessary to meet such deficiency. Adopted. At half -past five o'clock, the Board,.on motion, adjourned. CrCig4teetttij 3ID t—Jrxib[U , Mr. 50. Board met pursuant to adjournment. • Roll called ; all present. Minutes of Thursday's proceedings read and approved. The time of the morning session was.mainly consumed in listening to Judge Lyon, who appeared to recommend the abolition of the office of Special County Judge in this county, the appointment of a Surro- gate's Clerk, etc.; and to an application by counsel for"M. M. Brown, to the Board, to furnish its reasons for rejecting Brown's bill, (it being the same bill which was before the Board last year, and audited at an amount less than that claimed), so that he might have facts upon which to base an application to the Supreme Court, a session of which. isBLOW. 44 SUPE11VISORS' PROCEEDINGS. being held in Tioga county, for a mandamus; and discussion of the various questions raised by the presentation of these matters. At twelve o'clock, on motion, the Board adjourned. AFTERNOON SESSION. Board met pursuant CO adjournment. Roll called ; all present. An act for the Protection and Preservation of Quail, Duck, etc., in the County of Tompkins, presented by Mr. Fitch, was passed by the Board unanimously. (See ordinance.) Mr. Burtt offered the following : Resolved --That the Superintendent of the Poor be, and is hereby authorized to em- ploy a chaplain for the County Poor House, at a salary not exceeding fifty dollars, and to be paid upon the order of the Superintendent on the County Treasurer, and the Superintendent be requested to report the number of times services have been held during the year. • On motion of Mr. Cooper, the resolution was adopted. Mr. Fitch offered the following, which, on motion, was adopted: Resolt:ed.—That the Chairman of this Board appoint a Committee to look into (and employ counsel if necessary) the matter of an application to the court for a mandamus to order this Board to audit bill number 91, (Clerk's notation.) The Chairman appointed Messrs. Fitch and George such Committee. At half -past five o'clock, the Board, on motion, adjourned. Nittztecntll Clan--aturban, Der..Gtkl. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll called; alt present. Minutes of Friday's proceedings read and approved. Mr. Cooper, from the Committee on County Claims, reported bills Nos. 178 to 156, both inclusive, and the same were passed upon by the Board, seriatim. The morning session was devoted to making up Town and County Budgets: COUNTY APPROPRI . TIOtiS. r Mr. George submitted, and the Board adopted, the following as the k•• County Budget for 1879 SUPET1VISORS' PR.00I EDINGS. 45 Resolved. --That the following bo assessed and levied on the taxable property of the County of Tompkins, for tho purposes herein set forth. The State Board of Equalization of Taxes having fixed the aggregate valuation of property in the County of Tompkins at the sum of $11; 857,33E 00, upon which amount a tax of 833.947 55-100 must be levied for the current fiscal year, commencing October 1st, 1879, for the following purposes, viz.: For Schools, 1 80-1000 mills $12,877 06 For General Purposes, 1 477-1000 mills 17,513 23 • For Canals, 3-10 mills 3,557 20 Total, 2 863-1000 mills 833,947 55 County Judge's Salary 2,500 00 Superintendent of the Poor 3,000 00 Deficiency in Superintendent's Accounts 545 63 County Treasurer's Salary 900 00 Supervisor's Clerk 150 00 Rochester Institute for Deaf Mutes 268 49 School Cominiissioners 400 00 District Attorney's Salary 600 00 Janitor for the Court house 150 00 1 insurance of County Buildings 179.00 Special County Judge's Salary 50 00 Incidental Expenses, Surrogate's Office 50 00 Chaplain to Poor Douse 50 00 Fuel and Gas for Court House, Jail and Surrogate's Office 400 00 Susquehanna Valley Home - 437 36 Court Expenses 1,000 00 County Audits 10,663 58 Willard Asylum 4,283 95 Less Amounts paid by Towns 2,967 80 1,31E 15 Note given to raise money to repair Court House 2,121 91 ,Monroe County Penitentiary 500 00 N. Y. State Lunatic Asylum 600 00 Clerk's Postage Account____ 10 00 Postage and Stationery for Treasurer's Office 25 00 Bills Payable (Court Expenses) 1,512 25 Central N. Y. Institute for Deaf Mutes 37 69 861,914 5E Mr. George offered the following which, on motion of Mr. Crocker, was adopted: 46 SUPERS"*Isom' PROCEEDIWGS. Resolved.—That the following sums be levied and collected upon the taxable proper- ty of the several towns of the County, for the purposes herein named : CAROLINE. State Tax $1,524 24 County Tax 1,255 74 Town Audits 817 00 Highway 1,400 00 Willard Asylum _ _ . _ 75 76 Superintendent of the Poor ' 39 17 5,111 97 PANSY. State Tax........ 1,850 14 County Tax 1,524 12 Highway Tax 250 00 Town Audits 539 40 Willard Asylum _ _ _ _ 251 11 Superintendent of the Poor 207 25 Returned Tax 23 71 4,645 93 DRYDEN. State Tax 4,718 72 . County Tax 3,887 41. Town Audits_ 1,111 83 Highways. • 1,125 00 Highway Damages 033 00 Superintendent of the Poor 166 75 Willard Asylum 492 74 Returned Tax 01 94 12,227 39 ENFIELD. State Tax___. 1,391 84 County Tax •1,146 64 Town Audits 608 81 Superintendent of the Poor. 24 03 Interest on Rail Road Bonds 1,750 00 Sinking Fund' 500 00 Bailey and VanKirk Suit Judgment . . . ......... 271 95 Commissioner of Highways 250 00 6,003 27 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 47 • GROTOp. State Tax County Tax - _... Town Audits Commissioner Highways Superintendent of the Poor. Interest on R. R. Bonds__.. Rail Road Sinking Fund Willard Asylum Returned Tax State Tax County Tax Town Audits r.ANSINO. Superintendent of the Poor_ Willard Asylum Returned Tax ITHACA. State Tax County Tax. Town Audits Interest on hail Road Bonds, 1. & S Sinking Fund • Interest on G. & 1. It. RBonds Sinking Fund, G. Sc I. R. It Tax Receiver's Salary Highways Superintendent of filo Poor Willard Asylum Return Tax tTLTS9E8. State Tax County Tax Town Audits Sinking Fund and Interest on Bond �1 Overseer of the Poor. Superintendent of the Poor 3,129 97 2,578 57 - 1,732 54 250 00 709 63 1,018 25 150 00 127 62 7 57 9,134 15 4,555 76 3,753 19 3,936 43 126 84 15 13 12 42 12,399 77 11,090 66 9,136 84 13,946 34 23,235 31 15,000 00 7,000 00 2,500 00 400 00 250 00 556 92 1,344 45 615 60 85,076 12 3,890 39 3,205 03 1,525 44 8,050 '00 500 00 122 69 48 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Roads and Bridges 2,000 00 r Returned Tax 162 95 ? Willard Asylum 258 81 17,715 31 NEWFIELD. State Tax 1,795 83 County Tax___. ____ 1,479 47 Town Audits 1,887 16 Superintendent of the Poor 139 90 Willard Asylum 402 18 Interest on Rail Road Bonds 3,500 00 Sinking Fund' 520 00 Returned Tax.__. 23 14 9,747 68 At half -past twelve, the Board, on motion, adjourned. AFTERNOON SESSION. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll called; all present. Mr. Beers presented the report of the, Committee on County Insane Asylum and County House. On notion, the consideration of the report was deferred to Tuesday, December 16th. Mr. Fitch offered the following, which, on motion of Mr. Cooper, was adopted: Resolaed.—That the Supervisors of the several towns be authorized to reassess the unpaid taxes from their respective assessment rolls of last year, at the same amount as returned to them by the County Treasurer. Mr. Stevens offered the following, which, on motion of Mir. Crocker, was adopted: h'esolved.—That the members of this Board, while fully convinced, both of the practicability of the establishment of a Weather Signal Station at Cornell University, 'and of the utility and importance of such station, when established, to the people of this county, and would, individually, be willing to extend material aid to the project, can find no authority, either in haw or precedent, for a Board of Supervisors to rote an appropriation of the people's money for such a purpose. Mr. Stevens offered the following, which, on motion of Mr. Fitch, was adopted: SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 49 Resolved.—That the thaks of this Board are clue, and are hereby tendered to D. C. Bouton, for the gentlemanly and efficient manner in which he has discharged the du- ties of Clerk. Mr. Cooper offered the following, which, on motion of Mr. Fitch, was adopted: Tiesolt;ed.—That the thanks of this Board aro justly due, and are hereby tendered, to J. E. Beers, for the kindness, firmness and uniform courtesy, manifested by him towards each and every member of this Board, and for the faithful and impartial man- ner in which he has discharged his duties as Chairman during its present session. There tieing, no further business to transact, the minutes of the day's proceedings were read and approved, when, on motion, the Board ad- journed to Tuesday, December 16th, at ten o'clock, a. m. Twentietll Sian—Tucsban, iec. ZGtll. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll called ; all present except Mr. Cooper. Mr. Burtt offered the following, which, on motion of Mr. Pitch, was adopted: Resolved.—That the collectors of the several towns in Tompkins County be request- ed by this Board to. settle with the County Treasurer on or before the 20th day of Feb- ruary, 1880. Mr. Burtt offered the following: Resolved.—That the County Treasurer be authorized to pay to Daniel J. Seaman ten dollars ($10) out of the Court Funds. On motion of Mr. Fitch, the resolution was adopted. The Pemainder of the morning session was devoted to work on the collectors' warrants. At half -past twelve, the Board, on motion, adjourned. AFTERNOON SESSION. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll called ; all present. Mr. Fitch offered the following, which, on motion of Mr. Burtt, was • adopted: Resolved. --That the County Treasurer be, and is hereby authorized to pay to the Ithaca Gas Co. the sum of two dollars and twenty-two cents from the "Fuel and Gas 4 50 SLPEItVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Fund." Also to transfer to the " Fund for Court Expenses," any surplus money that may arise from the appropriation to the Monroe County Penitentiary for the corning : year. The Report of the Special Committee on County Insane Asylurnand County House, was called up. 11Ir. Beers, calling Mr. Cooper• to the Chair, offered the following: nEREAs, The Tompkins County Poor House having been condemned as unfit for the purposes for which it is used ; and WHEREAS, fts present location has been decided very inconvenient for most of the towns of the county ; and WIIEREAs, Our county poor are poorly main'ained and cared for ; therefore, be it Resolved. —That a building committee be appointed to advertise for proposals, plans and specifications, for anew building to be used as a county poor house. Resolved.—That the said committee make s thorough investigation into the feasibili- ty of changing the location of the County House, and learn what a new site in a prop- er locality for same. can be purchased for. Resolved.—T1iat we do most emphatically recommend that the County Superintend- ent of the Poor provide good and wholesome food for all paupers, and such a dietary for.those who aro decrepit, or ill, as the attending physician may recommend. Resolved. —That the Committee report to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors at their earliest convenience, and that said Clerk inform the members of the Board of Supervisors when such service has been performed. 'Tr. Stevens moved its adoption. The presentation of the resolution elicited considerable discussion, which took- wide range. The whole subject of our county poor and the provisions made for their maintenance, was examined from every point of view—hygienic, economic, philanthropic. The ayes and noes were finally ordered on the resolution, resulting re as follows: Yeas: Stevens, Beers, George, Fitch -4. Noes: Harvey, Built, Crocker, Alexander, Cooper -5. • The resolution was declared lost. On [notion, the Report of the Special Coritmittee on .County Insane Asylum and County- House, was ordered spread upon the minutes, (See Reports.) There being no further business, the minutes of the day's proceed- ings were read and approved, when, on motion, the Board adjourned, without day. DEWITT C. BOUTON, Clerk. COUNTY AUDITS. T hereby certify that Elie following. table comprises abstracts of all bills against the County of Tompkins, presented to the Board of Supervisors thereof at its annual ses- sion for 1879 ; showing both the true amounts as claimed. and as finally audited by said Board, and the sutra total of the amounts audited. . DEWITT C. BouToN, Clerk. No, - Name. Nature of Services. 1.' Peter H. Farrington, services Superintendent Poor, (1078) 2. U. J. Ilnmsey .& Co., sundries ]or county offices 3. S. Spencer, asshl'd John Rumsey, sii 02000 for county offices.......... 4. llarrisouldarviu, ex -Supervisor ...... ...:...... ...................... 5. J. AI. Ilcggic, sundries for county offices G. (51111071 & Brooks, " •'' '• .................... ...... 7. Howard & Clement, desk for County Treasurer 8. E. A. Wageuer, serving on Coroner's Juries 9, Ezra Marion, ex -Supervisor 10. J. 01. Jamieson, plumber's fixtures Co. buildings. 11. J.11. llynles,.conveyance for Coroner's Jury - 12.jolt n A. Vorthup, medical attendance a .Sail 13. J. R. Comings, sundries for county offices 14. DryQeu Herald, printing 15. Doctor Tarbcll, assignee of Howard & Clenimrt, (lnlce chair:.. ..... 16. '1'. Ilellister .& Sun, wooden work fo r Court I Iouse.......... •.......... 17. 11. 11'. Mi. 11 lrn, mason work oil Jail...• 18, D. F. Van Vleet, serving on Coroner's Juries 10. Rm. 11. Allen, printing, (Groton Journ;al),. 20. F. I'. Itaudolpli, work on TEi1 21. John E. Beers, Supervisor, (servicc8 1878) 22. 0. EL, lktrnoy, medical attendance at Jail 23. J. M. Smith, scrviecS Superintcudeut Poor, (1878) 24. G. E. Urtun, Physician at 001'e13eI" S Jury 25. C. M. Benson, defending poor prisoner 20. Ferris .& Dove, legal opinion in matter of Infant Heir Fund 27. Geo. Rankin. & 8011, sum -fries for County Offices ........... 23. Geo. Urwinu, whitewashing Oounty Jail 21. Finch & Apgar, snudrhs for County 040ces 30, Truman Spaulding, services Superintendent Poor............ Amount Amount Claimed, A.IluweEl. 19 80 49 43 53 80 80 24 10 40 4i 50 15 00 7 00 41 62 55 58 6 00• 2 00 88 45' 9 15 , 8 23 2 75 5.75 9.03 '4 00 11 3`8 44 08 11 00 18 00 5 00 20 00 . 35 00 10 15 3 00 49 27 207 55 19 80 4'.I 43 53 80 S0 24 10 40 0 50 15 00 7 00 41 62 55 58 5 00 2 00 88 45 9 15 0 00 2 75 6 75 3 00 4 00 11 32 94 08 11 00 18 60 5 00 00 00 " 20 00 10 15 3 00 49 27 207 55 ' 52 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDI•,TGS. 31. Leander 11. Bower, serving en Coroner's Jury 2 00 2 00 32. Crowell A. Ilam, .. ,. 2 00 2 00 33. Silas L. Baker, 2 00 2 00 34. John W. Dean, " " " 2 00 2 00 35. Albert K. Allen, •' .. " 2 03 2 00 36. 11. W. Selover, iy 2 00 2 00 37. B. F. Cornell, medical altendance at Jail 5 00 5 00 38. S. Dudley Cook, serving 0n Coroner's Jury 2 00 2 00 32. U. C. Tripp, medical attendance at Jail 2 00 2 00 40. 51 51. Brown, Ass'u1d to Marsh. S- halt, services as Coroner GG 43 64 93 41. 'Theron G. Brown, assigned t0 Walter J. Terry, services on Cor. Jury2 00 2 90 42. E. K. Johnson, sundries for Court Floase 3 00- 1 00 43. T. Sanderson, ass'n'd t0 Clarence L. Smith, serving on Cur. Juries 7 130 ' 7 00 44. C. J. Runisey & Co., sundries for Court ]louse... 3 60 3 60 45. Pierce Pearson, ex -Supervisor 9 96 0 90 46. Pierce Pearson " 43 80 43 00 47. C. 0. Cook, physician at Coroner's inquest 30 00 10 00 46, Jolia V. Wilson, 61aZiers' work and material Court Nouse-. 17 76 17 76 49. Epenelus Howe, ee.Supervisor23 24 28 24 50. L. P. Kennedy, services in Ogden inquest 5 00 5 00 51. James G. Burns, ass'n'cl to It. A. Creozier, cleaning Court House ..... ' 6 (0 6 00 52. J. f1. Tichenor, ass'n'd t0 11. A. Crozier, serving on Coroner's Juries7 00 7 00 53. Aculrus S Church, Sundries for County °dices 63 00 63 00 54. Andrus Si Chinch, .' " 3 11 5 11 55. Slhes D. Goodyear, lunacy case10 00 7 05 56. W. P. Iieels, livery in Ogden case 6 Oa 6 00 57. 0'. F. Major, serving on Coroner's Juries 7 00 7 00 58. 11. J. 44'iison, sundries for Coatuy 031icr9 44 "r8 44 78 59. lir. Beckwith, medical attandauee at .Jail 80 50 80 50 74 67 74 67 CO. Ithaca ‘Vater Works Co. -Water at Jail and Court ]louse 61. L. Maurice, carpenter work and material .•• 18 27 18 27 62. 1'. L. Foote, medical attendance at Jail (Dentist) 2 00 2 00 63. M. Naughton, Sundries fur County °Glees 7 2G 7 26 54. Carnpheli, Richardson & Co., mason work 2 00 2 00 65. Arncs II. Palmer, serving on Coroner's Jury.... 200 2 Go 66. Willis II. Coon, service aS counsel 5 03 0 03 67. G. C. McClune, flagging ill front of County Clerk's 011lce 09 87 99 87 68. Geo. 0'. Saltmarsh, mason work 2 75 2 75 63. B. Lieberman, clothing for prisoner• 5 00 5 00 70. 55. M. frown, medical attendance at Jail, &c 35 09 00 00 71. J. II. Horton, coal 0111 132 73 132 73 72. 11. h. Stoddard and others, ass11110 to 13. R.Wiiliaars, serving on Coro- ner's Juries 14 00 14 00 73. James S. Wager, wood for Jail 17 00 17 00 74. John B. Fleck, plumber 3 78 3 78 75. 'I'reman, King ,13 G0., sundries for County Oflicc5 203 86 203 56 76. Trumausburg Senliael, printing 9 60 9 60 77, Geo. 01. Beckwith, medical attendance at Jail 3 50 3 50 78. Martin Beseuler, case of lunacy... 5 90 5 00 79. hlarslt & Hall, carpet, .47e., for Court House 74 00 71 00 J SUPERVISORS' PJIOCEEDINGS, 53 80. Win. it Fitch, Supervisor. - 01 04 61 D4 81. IT. V. Bostwick, wood 8 00 0 00 82. Win. Coryell, medical attendance at Jail. 40 75 49 75 93. Reynolds & Lang, work and iron on Jail 33 00 23 00 84. John Fowler, analysis in Ogden Caf0 2[0.00 105 00 85. M. M. l.rown, medical al ten dance at ,Tail 8 60 9 03 80. H. F. illlbard, Jr., ass'n'd to TL F. Hibbard, services on Cor. Jury 2 00 2 00 87. L. N. Chapin, printing 15 00 9 15 80. S..U. Jones, lunacy case 10 00 7 00 89. E. T. 8000, serving on Coroner's Juries 7 09 7 00 90. E. J. Morgan. Jr., services as Coroner 86 70 83 40 91, J. T. 51arri4nn, sundries for County 1Lous, &0 52 34 52 34 92. Lorton & Conklin, publishing pamphlet proceedings 255 20 255 20 93. John S. Kirkendall, ass'n'tl E. 3. Morgan, Jr., serving on Cor Juries• 4 00 4 00 94. S. P. Sackett, physician for Coroner 55 00 45 00 55. D. P. Hodson, serving on Coroners Jury 7 00 7 00 95. S. II. Peck, ex°lmining physician in cases lunacy 20 00 20 00 97. E. J. Morgan, Jr., lunacy case._ ..................... „.... 5 00 5 00 9S. Ithaca as Light Co. -Gas for County Buildings 44 51 42 32 99. John M. Jamieson, plumber 3 27 9 27 100. Albert Van Aiken, conveying prisoner to Penitentiary 15 00 15 00 101. E. J. Rothwell, services and expenses in hunting lar Dean, an es- caped prisoner 170 70 00 CO 102. Albert Van Auken, services as constable 9 49 • 0 40 103. Rorine Fish, " •` 4 85 4 85 104. John II. Staley, 7 20 5 63 105. homer Bailey, 2 85 2 85 105. John 1L. Staley, `• 37 95 36 85 107. Theron J. liierce, " 19 30 18 20 108. R. 16. Howell, ass'nki to Win. Carpenter, services as constable...... 21 09 18 52 109, Moses Tyler. services as Constable, .•.., 1 00 75 110..1. N. Van ()strand, services as Con3table 5 90 4 25 111. Nelson Underwood, - " 61 20 61 29 112. Newton Baldwin '• 11 40 11 40 113. John Gallagher, " 87 35 87 35 114. James 1. Briggs, " - 4 90 4 59 115. Theron Primrose, " 2 32 2 13 116. Janes Gardner, ii " 3 95 3 95 117. B. R. Trowell, " -a 9 85 8 85 118. C. H. Tarbell, " " 38 30 32 15 119. Dana Rltodcs,Justiee 3 05 3 05 120. 1). Andrews, " 2 75 2 75 I21. Wm. .1. Totten, " 3 65 3 65 122. E. 13. White, •` - 6 05 6 65 123. Dana Rhodes," 5 25 5 25 124. I). Andrews, " 14 45 14 45 125. Dana Bower, " 0 40 0 40 126. 13radhord Alny, " 9 45 9 45 117. Clarence I,. Smltlt, Justice 31 30 31 30 128. Ithaca Police, services as constables 448 72 448 72 �4 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 429. Charles G. l)uy, Justice 52 70 52 70 130. 0. P. Hyde, Comity Clerk 986 27 968 27 131. 0. P. Ilyde, 8 75 8 75 132. Van Auken and Dierce ConstableS 19 15 19 15 138. W.11. Leder, Game Constable... .............`.....1, 10 20 70 20 134. L. A. Conkling, witness fees.,..... 9 50 5 50 131. E. J. Morgan, J1., medical attendance at Jail... 4 00 4 00 136. P. S. Dmay, rent of hall for Coroner's Inquest 3 00 3 00 137. L. H. Can Kirk, ex -Supervisor. -... .... 18 S4 18 84 138. I). 9I. ]lean, District Attorney, disbursements and traveling expenses 1:5 47 13 47• 189. Andnis & Church, sundries for County °dices 81 35 81 35 140. Weekly Ithacan, printing, ....... ... 70 50 23 71 141 Ithtaca Journal Association, printing 1073 46 1038 07 142. Ithaca Democrat, • " 1602 45 958 20 143. Win. 11. Fitch, Supervisor 5 72 5 72 144. Il. G. Cooper, •• 12 52 ' 12 52 145. David Crocker, •` 13 12 13 12 147. spence Spencer, sundries for County Offices ...,.. 22 00 22 96 147 Henry S. Krum. High way- Commissioner, repairs on county line bridge : drawn to town of Caroline G5 85 10 98 148. 1'. C. Eliswortli counsel fees 788 3G 138 36 140. Merritt „lug,'• 100 00 50 60 150. Norton S Conklin, printing town order book 9 75 9 75 151. Albany Argus, advertising Court Terms 4 70 4 70 152. S. D. Halliday, Judgment against County 44 00 44 00 153. T. W. Karns, extra services as Jaui or 45 GO 45 50 154. E. Hildebraut, cinder S-ierifl'... 281 90 291 90 155. Win. E. Osman, Deputy Sheriff 26 40 25 00 156. Win. J. South, Sheriff 1 W000 fur Jail .......... 24 00 24 00 107. E. C. Marsh, Deputy 8lieritf 3 65 . 3 25 153. F. G. Manly, ex -Under Sheriff, ass'n's to 0. P. Hyde 55 07 50 35 159. Wm. J. Smith, Sheriff, board and wash hill, 1243 56 1243 50 160. Wiii. J. Smith, " supply bill 43.65 43 65 161. Win. J. Smith, " service hill 191 75 192 75 162. G, 71. Ilagin, ex-Sherilf, board and wash bill 189 00 189 00 163. 13. M. Hagin, •• Service and supply bill 94 31 93 35' 161. H. L. Root, constable duties 37 23 00 00 165. E, Ilildebrant, t)nder Sherit7 329 90 , 329 90 161 Wm. 2. Smith., Siterilf, retsards paid r 156 00 110 GO 167. C. J. Rumsey Sc co., lock for supervisors' room 2 00 2 00 168. David Crocker. Supervisor _ 81 00 81 90 100. WM. H. Fitch, •' 82 09 82 69 170..rinith D. Stevens, " ' 77 71 77 71 171. David 1., llurLt 95 87 95 87 171. Seth 14. Harvey. 74 81 74 85 173. J. Harvey George •• 85 29. 55 29 174. Horace G. trooper, " 81 41. 81 41 175. Robert Alexander, " SO 55 80 55 170. John E. Beers " 77 42 77 42 .10,663 58 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 55 'Sladl7 :121Tsa.l •STI.1\0 13.Ia.1aS Ot .103" 7I Il 11.1 [op c)T11 no SL7 IO U'IT CD O In -, Ir 0 y1 -TI 1r. 00 0 0 r- C1 O L `� n �' a.ao^L-00�"K 000000000 'um aale.tas1,111V,rIvlo", r`,c.cioowoo c .» oor=i r.0 ti.-4,511W,r'mocri co - ^-00 C C, Y]L�1, 0C]000 r, L. 0.d1 CV 11 rl '01100u1:II009M 0 C] -14 1-- 'Y11T a01 cialll -X0 I311.13 .IIo.t, i'1111.Cd0;}•1•I "`1� 1:"100 O r_ 003 r S .ti '2.;'.71-: C. C1 C, ^I 1 "A ^, 11 • ioa71TUTUl0O pm:O [_ ...-1A C'• .1-^, r" C•I I[UIS 0 Ii3i0 (IS 'Oae'i13a11I1I rM'1 CC4 'L^ C ,-iN .,-I rG-i O 0 O v..0 0 0 O O O G G.- 0 00 • UOil11i(Y2dUir1) 1- if.:0 0 0 r -+1 r� Go n! 11 .41 .n 4V -- •aoq y_T *-1 .•' r-1 r•1 N '-I r -I r., I13100(iR lit ilsF(i.1111,1 . -11.10,4,y,aa;111lnlloo . pullI co•C, C'1 c� A r-. CO 0 S1L -S1S 1-09;HIS !4mir -", n 1] w 71=0,dJ n1 o13I1 n1nwoo-t,w - 1n Ind 1111ao R 1 I oReallw 1 c1 cl ^I a 1n L� 1i ro •Stra:EA OO'SS 'ao[7ii0a0llll[0) 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000 `6000 J J c0J 0 W 0 0 ([ULSHIHpuma! H.USIA.La(i -US' IO 1)IUO l ICIIm HSCuci O O G G,O> O ^O G •vaassw, r', r -I rA 1-1 r-, r -I r. r -I,•.1 -Mk') .C71Tn0D 1IIT.11 s.{11[[ 0 •✓ U !1 I=1 O rn Z 174 I =, jm . Cil pr✓ 0 . = . �y aq ,-t1 y4 5v yad =•1 n=AA m q 1, yr),s•r_�? ^ -- y• ° w W 1.14.. Im . 0 u T a ? O -T F.5 ° o -+xW:ti • O .-4 ,, ] n Z. 1 •. -- i^" cARWCDNa • V =1 . .1-:—.4 O r �1 N :: .'. 'ra ,p . TOWN AUDITS. CAROLINE. Abstract of the names of all persons who presented accounts to be audited, to the Board of Town Auditors of the Town of Caroline, ou the Gth and 7th clays of' Novem- ber, A. 1)., 1879, with the amounts claimed by each and the amount finally audited. No, Names. Nature of services. Amount Amount Claimed. Allowed. 1. S. U. Stevens, Snperrisor 19 GO 19 G0 2. John J. Freer, 040 of house for election 30 00 53 00 3. John .1. Peters, Justice of the Peace 11 70 11 70 4. 1t. E. Brink, use of house for election 20 60 20 60 6. David B. Torry, Overseer of the Poor 10 00 10 00 G. Joel Evans, Inspector of Election, District No. 1 4 00 4 00 7. Davis C. Kruin, 29 50 2 10 8. Francis A. Snow, " LC1 4 00 4 60 9. Philip E. Quick, " •' " 1 ' 5 00 6 00 10. Uriah lynch, •` " 1 5 45 5 25 11. Martin Toby, Clerk of Election, District No. 1 4 00 4 00 12. Wesley 13. Wincliel," " 5 4 00 4 03 13. A. 11. Curtis, Inspector of Election, District No. 1 4 00 4 00 14. George Wolcott " " " " 2 4 00 4 00 15. Henry Krum, 2d, Clerk, " " " 2... 4 00 4 00 16 Stephen Petigrove, bill for road expenses 5 50 6 GO 17. James Mulks, Constable IG 60 1G 00 10. .lames Baulks, Constable... 25 10 25 10 19. .I. A. Lawrence, Inspector of Election, District No. '',... 8 00 8 00 22. E. (1. Marsh, Deputy Constable - 7 60 7 60 21. E. C. Marsh, Deputy Ellerin'....... 4 20 4 20 22. Jason P. Merrill, Justice of the Peace 0 25 G 25 23. Jason P. Merrill " " 29 GO 29 00 20. James E. Vandemark, Constable 8 40 8 40 23. Isaac S. Boice, Constable 12 70 12 70 2G. Jahn W. Gass, Justice of the Peace......... 38 02 38 02 27. J.nues Boice, ex•Assessor... 2 00 2 00 28. Charles Parker. Deputy Constable 1 I0 1 19 29. Spencer L. Legg, Constable 4 40 4 40 30. Edward A. Vsrlrtlley, Inspector of Special Election, District No. 1 4 00 4 00 31. I). 13. Torry, LI 1 4 CO 4 00 32. Joseph 13. Boyce, Clerk of Special Election, District No. 1 4 03 4 09 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 57 33. henry S. Krum, Clerk of Special Election and 1Iessenger, Dist. No. 2 34. Benton Reed, Assessor... . 35. C. P. Toby, 58. Abner A. Raskin, Constable 57. 13oraee E. Patch, Assessor 38. Wm. 13. Wolcott, Inspector of Election, District No. 2 39. Henry Robinson, Deputy Constable 40. John CroO8,.Justice of the Peace 41. John J. Peters, Justice of the Peace . 42. Epenetus Howe, ex-Superviscir 43. Ira Bogardus, ex -Overseer of the Poor 44. henry Quick " 45. 13. M. Lawrence, Town Clerk 46. P. G. Ellsworth, Counsel for Road Commissioner 47. Henry S Krum, Road Commissioner ,48. henry 9. Krum, 49, James 11. Snow, Excise Commissioner 50. Mason Clark Town Auditor 51. Johnson Quick, " " 52. John Wolcott, Town Auditor and Clerk of Elections 5 GO 25 00 19 90 10 95 22 00 4 00 9 15 11 95 2 00 28 54 16 00 13 25 53 95 5 00 141 80 73 00 3 00 6 00 6 00 14 GO 5 00 25 00 19 30 9 00 22 00 4 00 9 15 11 95 2 00 28 54 16 00 11 25 59 95 5 00 141 80 71 00 3 00 6 00 6 00 14 00 Total $791 06 53. Georgo H. Nixon, Excise Commissioner 9 00 54. Edward 0. Marsh, board and lodging of prisoners 2 00 55. George C. Whitly, Ovorscer of the l'oor 38 00 56. Edward Lounsbury, Excise Commissioner 8 00 Town of Caroline, ss: --We, the Board of Town Auditors of the Town of Caroline, do hereby certify that the within abstract is correct. Dated at Caroline, November 71h, 1879. MASON CLAR7{, • JOIONSON Town Auditors. JonN WOLCOTT. DANBY. We, the undersigned, Board of Town Auditors of the Town of Danby, in the Coun- ty of Tompkins, do hereby certify that the following statement of accounts, audited by us on the €th day of November, 1879, is correct. No. Names. Nature of Services. Amount Amount Claimed. Allowed. 1. Lemuel Jennings, Justice of the Peace... 9 33 9 35 2. A. W. Rennet, Inspector 2 days ........................................ 4 00 4 00 3. Jacob Wise, Assessor 21 00 21 00 4. Sidney foster, inspector 2 days 4 00 4 00 ',, 5. Abram Speer aget. town uf.l)auby....... 75 89 75 83 rt 0. W. A. Ilowland Inspector 13 days 3 00 3 00 7. L. L. Beers, " .... 3 00 3 00 58 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 1 8. J. D. Fish, Assessor 22 00 22 00 9. Alfred Vase, Assessor 23 00 23 00 10. Sheldon Bierce, Clerk Special and Regular Election 3% days 7 00 7 00 11. I). II. Ostrander, Inspector 13; days 3 00 3 00 12. A. W . Knapp, OverSeer of the l'oor 40 00 90 00 13. E. Beers, Medical Attendance Town Poor 23 75 23 75 14, J. W. Vose, Justice of the Peace 20 days G 06 5 00 15. Charles Howland, Justice of the Peace 2 03 2 00 16. J. E. Beers, Supervisor 27 03 27 03 17. P. A. Todd, Inspector 2 days 4 00 9 00 18. G. F. Howland. Collector 2 00 2 00 10. Jones Ostrander, paupers' .supply 1 75 1 75 20. T. J. Bierce, Constable2 09 2 00 21. J. Hawes, paupers' supply 30 30 34 30 22. B. Jennings, Clerk of Election 37 days 7 00 7 00 23. B. Jennings, Town Clerk ._..... ..... 43 29 43 29 21. J. Thatcher, JaStiGe of the Peace., 0 20 0 20 25. Oscar Jennings, Commissioner highways.. 6 00 $ 00 26. William Fish, boarding pauper.. ................................. 4 00 4 00 27. T. }I. }lotion, pauper supplies .25 50 2;i 50 29. William Weed, Commissioner Highways 37 00 37 00 20. Warren Hanford, Town Auditor....... 3 00 3 00 30. Winfield Van de Bogart, Town Auditor 3 00 3 03 31. M. T. Denman, Town Auditor - 3 00 3 OD 12. Wm - A. Gunderman. paupers' supplies 12 00 12 60 33. R. T. Turner, Treasurer Old Ladies' Home 61 weeks... 64 00 04 00 34. James Gardner 2 50 2 60 Total $539 40 . 5539 40 WARREN HANFORD, M. T. Divest N, - Town Auditors. WINFIELD VAN DE BOGART. DRYI)EN. Abstract of the navies of all persons who presented accounts to be audited to the Board of Town Auditors of the Town of Dryden, on the 6th clay of November, 1$79, with the amounts claimed by each aucl the amounts finally audited. No. Names. , Nature of Services. Amount Amount' Claimed, Allowed. 1. C. H. Howe. use of house, election 10 00 10 00 2. Rufus Sutliff, inspector o: Election 4 03 4 00 2. A. D. Simonds, medical services 11 00• 11 00 4. James 3}. Carr, Clerk of Election 8 50 [s 50 G. Andrew Baker, Inspector of Election... 5 00 5 00 0. Oakley Robinson, appraiser on new road 3 00 3 03 7. School District No, 15, use of house election,. .... . 10 00 10 00 f^ SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 5J 8. 1'. R. Robinson, Inspector of Election 6 00 5 00 9. Gco. E. Fox, Clerk of Election 400 4 W 10. J. Il. Howe, Inspector of Election 5 DO 5 00 11. John 11.Mincali, " `• 4 00 4 00 12. A. 8. Fox, 8 00 8 00 13. Dr. J. React[, " " ' 4 0D 4 00 14. M Vanhorn, Commissioner of Excise 9 0) 3 00 16. Walker Marsh, Inspector of Election 4 12 4 12 1G. Jacob V, Rose, `' " 4 10 4 10 17. On[cr K. Rhodes, " , " 12 00 12 00 19. Cyrus Knapp, " 414 00 4 00 19. Goodrich '& Goodwin, services as lawyers 15 CO 1G 00 20. J. J. Nontponery, medical s rvices f 23 5 21 21. George Lormor, Overseer of Poor 14 00 14 00 22. J. C. Vanderhoof, ''10 00 10 01) 23. 11. L. (toot. Inspector of Election 4 00 4 00 24. W;ti. Wagoner, " " 4 00 4 00 25. Wm. Banns, Clerk of Election4 110 4 00 26. J. J. Goodyear, " ., 4 00 4 00 27. henry Iloupt. `° " 4 00 4 00 23. Wnt. EI, Go04wlu. Clerk of Election 4 00 4 00 29. J. I1 Fulkerson. Inspector " 4 00 4 00 30. 1). 0.3tcGregor, Commissioner of Excise 3 00 3 00 31. Wm. R. Livens, Appraiser on Road 3 00 3 00 ,} 32. Dr. A. D. Simonds, [nedlcal servlceS 5 00 " 5 00 33. Will. R. Givens, services as Commissioner 58 00 58 00 1 34, Geo. E. Goodrich, Inspector of Election, &c 13 50 13 50 35. llarrisou Marvin, Supervisor 30 77 30 77 312. James Gaston, Constable, - 14 80 14 80 37. Rochester Marsh, " 36 00 3G 00 38. Geo. It. Burchell, Justice of Peace 30 10 30 10 39. J. J. I:klis, Commissioner of Highways 104 00 104 00 90. Jesse Bartholomew, Inspector of Election• 6 50 6 00 4I. Theron Primrose, Constable 17 90 17 90 42. Gce. B. Ogden, Inspector of Election 4 00 4 00 43. Warren D. Ellis, house fer Election 10 00 10 00 44. Bradford Snyder, Clerk of Election 4 20 4 20 45, Marinas °ruts, 10 4 00 4 00 46. Henry C. Brown, Inspector of Election • b CO. G 00 47. Geo. E. Underwood, Clerk " " 4 00 4 00 48. Warren D. Ellis, house for Election 10 00 10 00 49. Martinis Crutz, Inspector of Election 4 00 4 00 59. Hoary T9[omas, °' 4 00 4 00 51. Rodney hoot, assigned to .1. T. Morris, Inspector of Election.,. 5 00 5 00 52: .1. T. ,llarrle, Inspector and Clark of Election and Justice E'eace18 25 18 25 53..1. Burlingame, Assessor 60 75 50 75 54. Jacob Albright, Airy:raiser 011 Road.., 3 00 3 00 53. A. C. Stone, Inspector of Elect Ion 4 00 4 00 P 66. 11. G. Mitts, Assessor GO 03 80 00 57. James ]L Fos, Overseer of Poon ^_8 00 28 00 58. Peter Seaman, Constable 3 50 3 50 60 - SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 59. A. W. George, Assessor 41 00 41 00 60. E. Hilderhrant, ConstslOe 35 70 35 70 61. J. W. Webster, Justice of Peace 51 80 54 80 62. G. W. Rhodes, timber 1 00 1 00 63. SlosesTyler, Conslahle 1 00 1 00 64. J. S. Barber, Town Clerk 20 93 20 93 65. J. II. George, Supervisor 45 18 45 18 66. Grove Moore, use of Clouse 30 00 30 00 67, A. Ewers, Overs'er or Poor _ 16 00 16 00 68. Oliver Dod;Io, Return Tax G 42 6 42 69. Luther Griswold. Town Audito^ 6 00 6 00 70, Wm. F. DCCOutlers, " 6 00 6 00 71. A. T. Niver, use of house 21 00 21 00 72. D. T. Wheeler, Town Clerk 23 60 23 50 75. George 11. Davis, Lawyer 25 00 25 00 74. P. B. Howard, return tax.... .. 6 20 00 00 75. Lucius Weaver, Clerk of Election 4 00 4 00 76, Dryden Herald, printing 15 50 15 Go 77. Lyman Freeman, damages for horse 150 O9 00 00 78. Jacob Crutz, `• " 125 00 00 00 Total *1354 62 $1073 83 A01/a]) BY RESOLUTION OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. 79. Dryden Pillage --use hall 2 days 20 00 80. Joseph 'A. Geuung, Aualtar 0 00 81. Ira C. Shaver, " 3 00 82. A. L. Tyler, " 3 00 93. Joel B. George, Excise Commissioner .... 3 00 Tompkins County, ss :—We, the undersigned, composing the Board of Town An- ditors of said Town, do hereby certify that we have this day audited and allowed the preceding amounts given in the last column of this abstract. A. L. TYLER, IRA C. SHAVER, -Town Auditors. JOSEPH A. GENUNG. }}} E\ FID LD. Abstract of the names of all persons who presented accounts to be audited by the Board of Town Auditors of the Town of Enfield, on the all day of November, 1870, with the amount claimed by each and the amount audited and allowed each, viz.: No. Names. Nature of Services. Amount Amount Claimed. Allowed. 2. Samuel 'toile, Justice of Peace 17 15 17 15 2. James M. Lsnning, Justice of Peace 13 00 13 00 - 3. Andrew J. Pritchard, inspector 4 31 4 31 SLII'EI0V tSORS' PROCEEDINGS. GS. 61 4. Silas Harvey, ex -Road Comntl-sioner 18 00 18 00 6. Michael Norton, Consta'de I2 00 12 00 7. Moses L. Harvey, house for town purposes 40 OD 40 00 8. Truman IS. Smith, excess of tax 11 88 11 89 9. Alpheus H. Porter, Assessor 24 00 24 00 10. Wm. G. Gilles, Assessor 21 25 21 25 11. E'in Rolfe, Commissioner of Highways 66 00 60 00 12. Julia Iiintsell, eA•l'uwn Clerk 23 00 03 00 13. Edgar Brewer, (tail Road Commissioner 11 25 11 25 14. Edgar Brewer, Clerk Special Election 3 00 3 00 15. Elgar Brewer, Clerk of Election 4 00 4 00 16. David R'ilken, Inspector 4 08 4 00 17. Ephraim A, Miller, Inspector 4 00 4 00 18, Ephraim A. Miller, Inspector Special Election 3 00 3 00 15. 1. 11. Newman, !tail Road Commissioner 10 50 10 50 20. Win. 1131Ier, hall Itoad Commissioner 10 50 10 50 21. L. 11. Van Kirk. ex -Supervisor 24 31 24 34 22. Munson ]'otter, Excise Commissioner 3 00 3 00 23, Oscar Ro'fc, Excise Commissioner -.- 3 00 3 00 24. Seth 13. Harvey, Inspector Special Elee:loti . 3 00 3 00 25. Seth li. Harvey, serviced ren ered , 4 50 4 10 26. Seth B. Harvey, Supervisor.......... ..................... .,...... ..,..... 20 18 20 18 27.•Tants A. Sturdevuttt, Inspector Special Election 3 00 3 00 29. E. Morton, Special Election and Town Sleeting 6 00 5 00 29, J. 51 Baker, Clerk Special Election 0 00 3 OD 30. J. 51. Baker, Clerk at Election 4 00 4 OD 31. J. M. Baker, Overseer of Poor 03 90 23 90 32. Seth B. ]Harvey, to pay Lewis Vito Matter 4 50 4 50 33. Wm. F. Smith, Justice of Peace 15 00 15 00 34, N. 1'. Ward, advertising Special Election 2 00 2 00 35. L. E. Warren, attorney lee 40 00 18 00 36. J. I., Baker, att„rney fee 82 00 40 00 37. Horace Russell, Town Clerk 26 10 26 I0 38. Win. H. Atntnack,Town Auditor 3 00 3 00 39. S. 11. Purdy, Town Auditor 3 2D 3 20 40, 'Pall Corhln, Towit Auditor . 3 00 0 00 41. E. A. Fuertes, Services as Engineer 103 50 103 50 Total $OSO 06 $616 06 We, the undersigned, Board of Town Auditors for the Town of' Enfield, hereby cer- tify that the foregoing is a correct abstract of all bills. claimed and allowed by us. Nov. 0, 1879, W. II. Astuacx, S. 0. PURDY,' Towu Auditors. 'I'ALLMAN CORBIN. Filed, Nov. 7th, 1879. Horace Mussell, Towu Clerk. ADDED RY RDI'ERPI501i9. 42. John J. Abel, Assessor 24 00 24 00 43. M. C. Jones, Overseer I'oor 7 25 7 23 62 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 44. G. 0. McClune, monuments on tow -ohne 2 10 2 00 45. E. J, Morgan, medical attendance 19 00 19 '00 Total $732 81 i.6G8 81 Appropriation tO pay judgment against town of isutieul, in. favor Daniel W. Bailey, 2271.95 GROTOiv. The following is au abstract of town accounts claimed and allowed by the Board of Town Auditors of the Town of Groton, N. Y.. Nov. 6th, 1879. So. Naive. Nature of Servicea. Amount. Amount Claimed. Allowed. 1. Dr. 8. U. Jones, Physician 13 60 13 50 2. Dr. S. U. Jones, •• 2 00 2 t0 3. 1)r. S. 0.Juues, .' ................. .............'....... ... 9 00 9 uU • 4. Ur. John (toodyear, Physician 14 00 10 50 5. Nelson Underwood, Constable 6 45 6 45 6. Thomas Morgan, use of house fur election ... 16 UO 16 110 7. Edwin Fish, Inspector of Election 6 OJ 5 00 8. A. R"ait, Couslable Fees 10 50 14 05 9. Richard Lnnning, Clerk of Election 8 00 8 00 10. Gillman 1). Crittentlen, Inspector of Election 4 Oil 4 00 11. 0. K. Williams, 4 00 4 00 12. Wesley Albright, " •' 4 00 4 00 13. George I). Wait, Clerk, " 4 00 4 00 14. George Flits, inspector of Election, '78-9 8 00 8 00 10. 11. J. Selien, Inspector of Election 4 00 44.c0 15, Benson Metzger, " 6 OO 5 00 17. James Chin, Clerk 4 00 4 Ou 18. A. S. Stearns, Clerk of Election 4 00 4 00 19. George C. Cobb, inspector of Election 4 DO 4 00 20. Calvin Van Buskirk, Clerk of Election 4 00 4 00 21. N. B. Stevens, Inspector of Election 0 01.1 5 00 22. Andrew Metzger, " 4.00 4 00 29. Nelson Cubb, Clerk of Election 4 OD 4 00 ''24. Norman Metzger. -Inspector of EteetiOn 4 00 4 00 25. Newton llaldwin, Constable 2 35 2 35 26. Dudley Andrews, Town Meeting 4 00 4 00 27. 8. Stevens, Clerk of 1Slectiou • 4 00 4 00 28. G. W. Davey, Inspector of Election 4 00 4 00 23. Hugh ltalocy, Justice of the Peace 4 35 4 35 30. Dudley Andrews. Justice Of the Peace 9 75 9 75 31. I.. N. Chapin, printing 11. 10 11 10 32, ilio. 11. bitch, Supervisor 33 74 33 74 33, Mrs. Chas. Gregg, excess of tax 2 75 00 00 31. E. 1t. Weaver, assigned 10 Frank Conger, physician,70 05 12 00 35, M, C. Youngs, Inspector of Election 6 00 5 Oo SGPERVISOIiS' PIROCEEDINGS; . 63 36. W. W. White, Conlmissioner of Highways 57 60 57 60 37, 11. It. Carpenter, htspector of Election 4 04 4 09 18. M. Il, Goodyear, Clerk of Gllection 4 03 4 09 39. N. R. Streeter, Excise Commissioner G 09 6 09 40. Nelson Harris, i0 G 09 6 00 41. M. D. Goodyear, services as Physician 6 75 G 79 42. George. D. Wail, Constable 9 55 6 55 43. 3. C. Hatch. Assessor 54 00 34 00 44. Wm, i1. Allen, printing9 25 9 25 45. S. C. lteynolds, Inspector of Election 4 QO 4 00 4G. Thompson Metzger, Assessor 3t 00 34 00 47. Chauncey Luther, 38 00 38 00 40. Everett Smiley, excess or tax 6 00 6' 90 49. Wm. 11, Burnham, copying assessment roll 6 00 6 GO 00. John I% hart, inspector of Election 4 no 4 00 31. John 11. hart, B. 1i. Commissioner 3 00 3 00 52. Charles Tarbeli, Constable 5 00 5 00 53. E. It: Nye, use of house for election 32 D0 02 00 84. W,11. Ilaruha;0, Clerk nail Inspector of laection H 00 8 00 65. 1v. N'. White, Commissioner of Highways 1100 00 1100 00 50. E. 0. Weaver, Physician 8 43 8 45 57. .T. S. Gibbs, Physician - 35 00 15 00 58, Writ. 17. Mount, Justice of the Peace 4 00 4 00 59. Wm. (ViMains, Auditor 3 00 3 00 G0. Gilbert Wilson, 3 00 3 00 61. II. D. Spencer, Excise Commissioner ..................... ..... 0 00 6 00 62. S. C. Reynolds, Inspector of Electiotl7 00 7 00 141. A. 13. Stagers, use of 11(11186 for election 15 00 15 00 04. 'Dana Rhodes, Justice of the Peace .............. 1 75 1 75 65. Dana Rhodes, (Berk ami Inspector of Election 12 00 12 00 G6,.11. S. Hopkins, Town Clerk 24 00 24 00 67, 0. A. t5'ilso0, Auditor . G 00 6 09 68. Wm. II, Burnham, Antlitor 6 00 6 00 69, Leroy Jencks 6 G0 G 00 w- $1732 64 We, the undersigned, Board of Town Auditors of the Town of Groton, N. X:, do hereby certify thud the within bills were audited by us on the Gth day of November, 1fi7`9. H. S. Minims, Town Clerk. r. A. WILaoN, «`nt. It..bunNlra o, LEROY JENtitte. IT III ACA. Abstract of accounts autbited November, 1870. }. Town Auditors. No, Name. Nature of Services. Amount Amount Claimed. Allowed, 1. C, 0'. Blood, rent Town Clerk's 0111ce to Aug. 1, 1060 . 50 00 50 00 2. A. Bishop, 111. D., doctor t0 town poor, to Nov. 1, 1879................ 125 00 125 GO $4 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 3. D: White, M. D., doctor to town poor, to Nov. 1, 1679 125 00 125 00 4. George M. Beckwith, -M. D., liealth Orllcer,.to ?lay 1880 25 00 25 00 5. George M. Beckwith, M. D., dressing wound of prisoner, Nov., 18792 00 2 00 11. James McNamara, assigned to Naughton Bros., Inspector Dist, No, 1, March and April, 1879, 8 00 8 00 7. J. D. Benn 10, Inspector Dlst. No. 1, March, .1pri1, Nov., 1879, 12 00 12 00 8. John Grahatu, •` " Nov. 1678 4 00 4 00 9. G. T. Garrett, •' 1879 4 00 4 00 10. J. A. Tompkins, Inspector Dist. No. 1, Nov. 1879, Poll Clerk Dist, No. 1, March, 1879... 8 00• 8 00 11. C. II. Wilson, assigned to .1. M. lleggie, Inspector Dist. No. 1, March, 1879. Poll Clerk Dist. No. 1, April, 1579 8 110 - 8 00 12. Dennis 8. McNamara, assigned to Naughton Bros., Poll Clerk Dist. No 1, March anti Apr11, 1879 8 00 0 00 13. Eugene B. Maurice, Poll Clerk Dist. No. 1, Nov. 1879 4 00 4 00 14. Jno. Id. Tompkins " " " 4 09 4 00 15. Chas 11. Iilhiek, assigned to J. ill. lleggie. Inspector Inst.. No. 2 Starch, 1879 4 00 4 00 . 16. Charles J. Sanford, Inspector, Di87. No. 2. April, and Nov., 1879 8 00 8 00 17. C. D. Johnson, inspector, Dist No. 2, March April and Nov. 1879....... 12 00 12 UO 18, .1. 13. Dunham, " 1 2 00 12 00 19. Eugene Shaw, assigued to S. P. Sackett, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 2, ?dart[. and April, 1879 8 00 8 00 20. L. P. Kennedy, Poll Clerk, Dist. Nu. 2, March and_April, 1870 8 00 8 00 21. Jno. S. Cay, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 2, Nov., 579 4 00 4 00 22, W. 1'. McClave, •` " 4 00 4 00 23. B. R. Williams, assigned t0 J. M. lleggie, Inspector, Dist No, 3, March and April, 1879 24. Frank D. Tree, assigned to J. M. lleggie, inspector, District No. 3, March and April, 1879 25. LlnusS. Mackey, assigned to J. M. lleggie, Poll Clerk, Dist. No. 3, March awl April, 1879 . 20, Louis S. Neill, assigned to J. 4. lleggie, Pull Clerk, Dist. No. 3, March and April, 1879 8 01. 8 00 27. J. al. 1Ie; gie, Jr., Inspector, lust. No, 3, ?larch, April, and Nov. 187912 00 12 09 28. Louis 5. Neill, Inspector, Dist No. 3, Nov. 1870 4 00 4 00 29. W. 51. Jones, assigned to J. M. Heggle, Pull Clerk, Dist. No. 3, Nov. 1879 4'00 4 00 20. J. T. Moore, Poll Clerk, Dist No. 3, Nov. 1879 4 4 00 31. Pinch & Apgar, bill stationery, &c 13 71 13 71 32. G. W. Schuyler, sup! lies I 59 1 50 31. J. D. Carpenter & Comings, y; doz. chairs. 5 09 5 00 34. Gauutlett & Brooks, lime ler disinfecting 1 25 1 25 35. Andrus & Church, 10117 assessment rolls 8 00 6 00 36. Weekly Ithacan, advertising tax 4 00 4 00 37. J. C. Embody, assigned to A. R. Wood, hauling limo 1 00 1 00 38, Charles Stevens, burying horse 2 00 2 00 39. C. .1. Hornsey & Co., supplies 9 42 42 40. Ithaca JournalAssociation, printing and advertising 43 40 4113 40 41, Wm. Messer, house for election, Nor., 1879 10 00 10 00 42. C. W. allylOr, expenses moving Town Clerk's Ol11ce 3 90 3 90 8 00 800 B 00 8 00 8 00 8 0D SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Q5 43. A. 13. Stamp, house for elections March, April, and Nov., 60 00 Sams, boarding pris)aers • 91 5D 91 10 01 50' 44. Philip Case, balance for nursing am] care 1'.1Nefso11 3 7.i 3 75 45. W. 3]. South, CS�rting coal, 1679 131 I8 ]31 18 46. itlitt33 Democrat, printing and advertising 51 7 5 51 75 47. Norton S. Conklin, printing for taxes 8 50 8 50 48, W, 1'. Beers, livery 10 00 10 00 49. G. 0. McGlone, shell .Atone 20 00 20 00 50. Del. Luc. 11'estern P. B. Co., 500 tons coal ® 3.25 1625 GO 1125 00 Less amount paid by Supervisor, May :31 960 00 1125 00 '51. J.A. Casterlbie, amount erroneous tax, Jan. 1879 15 GO 15 60 62. Myron A. Sexton, 41 days. as Assessor 90 00 90 00 53. S. B. [seers, 125 days as Assessor 250 00 250 00 51. lloyal Thompson, 47 days as .Issessor 94 00 04 09 55. Lynford Mood, Excise Commissioner, 1879 30 00 36 OD 56. S. I1. Wlllets, " 31 00 3G 00 57. 0, 11. Gregory, Excise Commissioner, 1879 36 00 Blanks - 3 00 39 00 39 00 59. A. B. Darin, bal. to Nov. 1, 1878, as Overseer of Poor, 17 34 59. Sante, from Nov. 1. '78, to April 1, '79, as Overseer of Poor, paid out 2787 85 Services. Nov. 1, '78 to April 1, '79, as Overseer200 03 3051 65 Less Cash paid by Supervisor Feb. 6, 215 06 '• Miareh 253GU 00 575 00 2471 85 2534 23 2534 23 03. Eif. 0. Jones, dlsb'ments from April 1 to Nov1, 1879, 3315 87 Services, 160 days 320 00 4235 87 Less cas'i paid by Supervisor, May 31 203 00 Aug. 23 250 00 450 00 fit. Piorco,l'earsou, Supervisor, Nov, 1, 1878 to April 1, 1879 62. David L: Burst, Supervisor, April to Nov., 1879 63. Charles G. Day, services, April 1.0 Nov., 1879 • 61. Chas. (:. Lay, aasigned 50 Geo. Griffin, Justice, 110111 Nov. '78,to Nov 1879. 65. B. Almy, services for 1878 66. B. Airily, " 1870,, , ....... 07. J. H. 'I'.chenor, assigned to it. A. Crozier, Justine for 1877 68. Saltie, ' Nvv.; 1878 60. Same, LL Dec., 1878..... 70. Same, Attorney fee, Jan., 1879 71, Wm. .1. Totten, compiling and writing assessment roll, 1878 72. 5,1111, services to Nov., 1070 73. Saute, Justice, to Nov., 1879 74. Clarence L. Sunnis, Jastice, to Nov., 1170 71. 3110. 11. Henault, assigned to World, llat(t, Constable t0 Noy., 1874 76. Sante, Wm. J. Gundermau, Coustablc,. Marc],, 1578 77, J. 11. Staley, assigned to Thos. Reed, Cons'ble, Nov., '78, to April 12, '79 5 3785 87 106 36 37 65 20 00 301 90 14 00 IG 00 57 85 65 40 (i3 05 20 00 32 00 18 00 76 35 230 95 7 80 12 50 50 35 3785 87 100 36 37 65 20 00 301 90 14 00 16 00 57 85 65 40 63 05 20 00 32 00 18 310 70 35 236 95 7 80 12 50 50 35 EG SUPERVISOIRS' P1tOCEEDI YGS. 78, Same, assigned to J. M. Reggie, Constable, July. 79 to Nov. 17939 05 70. E. G. Phelps, assig.:ed to A. J. Teeter, Constable, Dec. 78 to Aprll,'7999 10 80. Satre, assigned to 11. R. Williams, Constable, Nov., 187826 95 81, Monter Bailey, Newfield, N Y., Constable. April and June, 1579 0 35 82. W. S. Campbell, Newfield, N. Y., assisting Bailey, April and June. 1879 6 CO 83. C. 11. Freeman. Caroline Center. N. Y. Dep. Constable, Sept., 1878 9, 00 84. It. R. Rowell, Cons'abie, April to September, 1879 16 80 85. Same, Constable, May, 1879 . - 2 97 86. James Gardner, assigned to J. 31. lleggie, Constable, Nov. 1878 to Feb. 7, 1879 10 75 87. A. A. 'Haskins, Consktble, March 22, 1579 1 00 88. 1'. 0. e.11swur[h, Counsel fees 30 00 89. W. .11. Jones, assigned to L. A. Barnard, TOwn Clerk, Nov., 1878, to April, 1879 42 01l 90. W. F. 5.Lajor, Town Clerk, April to May, 20, 1879, services... ...: 52 00 Supplies 113 5313 91. C. W. Major, Town Clerk, May 201h Nov. 8, 1879 36 00 92. Wm. J. Smith, Sheriff fees , Sept. 10, 1879 1 50 93. E. llildebrant, Under Sherif-1'1'4;0S, April siud June, 1879 13 19 94. W. E. 0smun, Deputy Sherifees 8 00 95. Wm. Sullivan, Chief of Police, Police bill to Nov., 1879 582 25 06.J. L. \5'Isitau and Leonard Treman, as Commissioners 1. & A. It. 11. Bonds [or Town of Ithaca, expenses anti commissions in fund- ing said Bonds. 97. W. L. Mitchell, Secretary East Lawn Cemetery .Association, expenses In widening road to Cemetery 98. I. C. Andrews, Inspector 3d Dist, Nov., 1879 99. L. F. Co:egruve,bill as Commissioner of ]Iig)iways from Nov., ,78 to April, ,79, supplies and work - 22 21 32 days' work, self........... ....................... 64 00 " horse 02 00 Postal Cards «.. .50 Amounts paid out for sundries. . 125 50 247 21 Amounts received 282 73 Leaving balance due Town from Com. April 1 35 52 100. L. F. Colcgrove, bill es Commissioner of highways, to tot expenditures from April 1 to Nov. 1, 1870 1320 91 159 days' work, self - 118 00 145 days' work, Lorne 100 00 1738 91 Amount c.ish received from various sources 807 32 502 Si Leaving a balance due Commissioner Nov. 1 101. Albert 1eidlck, Constable, January, 1877 102. F. P. Cook, assigned to C. J. ituntsey sr Co., use.of house for election March and April, 1879. 39 05 99 10 20 95 0 35 6 60 4 00 16 80 2 67 10 75 0 00 30 00 42 00 53 13 30 00 1 50 13 15 8 UD 582 25 1929 45 1929 45 28 10 4 00 23 10 4 00 830 07 602 07 l 9 30 9 30 ♦� 20 00 20 00 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 67 103, J. II. Morton, agent, coal for Town Clerk's OI1ICe ... 1 05 101. lr, J. Seaman R Son, livery 2 50 155. Geo. Landon, assigned to J. 01. Iloggle, Inspector 1st Dist., April, ,794 00 i SbS6 31 A111)En BY SUrEnetsons. 1 00 2 00 4 00 13880 34: Tax Receiver $400 00 IElgliways 250 00 105. T. 1'. St. John, Town Auditor - 9 00 107. Geo. W. Apgar, 15 001 108. B. Morse, " 45 00, 109. John Lewis, " " 9 00 110. Geo. W. ,Apgar " 9 00: 111. Edward 11ungerfor,l, 9 00 We. the undersigned, being the Board of Auditors of the Town of Ithaca, hereby certify- that this is a correct list and is true statement of all accounts, examined and audited or rejected, at the meeting of this Board held in the Town Clerk's Oflice in said Town of Ithaca, Nov. 0, 7, 8 and 10, 1879, , Ithaca, Tompkins Co., N. Y., Nov: 19th, 1879. Joli s LEWIS, I:uw.lan I{w uEnFoun,'- Town Auditors. Cox. W. AroA10. LANSING-. We, the undersigned, Board of Town Auditors of the Town of Lousing, in the Coun- ty of Tompkins, do hereby certify that the following statement of the accounts audited by them at their annual meeting held this Cth day of November, 1879, is correct. No. . Name. Nature of Services. Amount Amount Claimed. Allowed. 1. Ell Conklin, Inspector of Election and 1Iesseuger 5 00 5 00 2. Ltenton llalladay, " 5 00 5 00 30Eghert Williams, inspector of Election and Excise Commissioner 7 00 7 00 4. Dana Bower, Inspector of Election 4 00 4 00 5. Wm. Shaffer, " • , 4 00 4 00 G. henry E. Fuller, •' " 4 00 4 06 7. Melvin Beard., Clerk of Election 2 years and .Messenger 1 year 9 00 0 00 8, E. J. Beardsley, Clerk at two Election's 8 00 8 00 0. R. Beardsley, use of house fur election gad supplies for poor - 13 00 13 OD 10. S. 0. Field. Excise Commissioner 3 00 8 00 11. E. B. White, Justice of tlae I'eace 21 65 21 65 12. 0, V. Benjamin, copying for Assessors. , 6 00 6 00 13. Oscar Hamilton, Clerk of Election ;tad Stationery 4 10 4 10 14. E. 3. Clark, Inspector of Election 4 00 4 00 15. A.M. Tarhell, Consluble service 2 20 1 95 68 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS 18. Kelson Graves, excess of tax 17. N. T. Allen, stone for sluice in highway ............ 18. Myron Holladay, Overseer pf the Poor, 1879 19. C. G. Ilagin, Iaspeclor mid Messenger of Election 20. J. M. Woodbury, Justice of the Pence, 1878 21. Stroud Bush, Inspector Special Election 22. Samuel Smith,Auditor, 1878 23, William Drake, Inspector Election 24. Milton Snyder, " 25. Win. Field, - " 26. John W. Smith, Justice of the Peace, • 27. Nels1u E. Lyon, supplies for poor. „ , „. ... . ........... 28..1. H. Clark, Excise Commissioner 29. Charles E. Smith; inspector and Messenger 30. Lampsou 1100300, special and general Election Clerk... 31. Isaac Hilliard, Inspector Special Election 32. Isaac Hillard, Inspector General 11crtion 33. Harvey Teeter, Inspector and Messenger 34. Eugene Slocum, Inspector Eiectiou:.. .... 36. F, 31. Woolly Clerk of P -Ire ion and stationery, 36. A. S. Barnes, stone for bridge presented by N. E. Lyon 37. l)aua Gower, Ju.ttee o1 the Peace 38. Joshua. Brown, blacksmith bill 39. 8. II. Hayes, use of house one year for town purposes 40. Clinton A. Baskin, Auditor, 1878 41. Chester C. Phut, printing bill 42. Francis Drake, excess of tax 43. C. G. Benjamin, tax books 44. Joshua Davis, for money advanced iu laying out road 45. C. G. Benjamin, Assessor. 46. Lehigh Valley R. R., excess of tax 47. W. II. Barr, medical service 48. W. 11. Barr, " 49. Daniel Decamp, 2i1. .18scssor 50. J. W. l'ratt, Clerk Special and General Elections 5i, J. W. Pratt, excess of tax, 1877 and 1378 52. John W. Wyckoff, Assessor 113. Henry 5liller, use of 1101100 for two elections 114. Milo Goodrich, services 111 IL 11. case 53. Albert Vanauken, Constable services 56. Albert Wood. Clerk at Town Meeting ........... 57. J. F. Howell, plank for Highway 68. George W. Teeter, for stone from Barger's ij'narry 69. George W. Teeter, Couunissiatter services for 1S'8 G0. George W. Teeter, '• " 1879 61, David Crocker, Supervisor 62. Dr. Gulick, medical services Co. Harriet Butler, keeping pauper GI. Harriet Elutler, 65. William N. Buck,Ovcrsecr Poor, • GO. George W. Teeter, disbursements 01 the town of Lansing 513 '513 384 384 13 00 13 00 5 00 5 00 6'70 6 70 4 00 400 3 00 3 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 400 4 00 22 70 22 70 4 21 4 21 3 00 300 5 00 6 00 8 00 8 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 500 500 4 00 4 00 430 410 4 00 4 00 16 00 16 00 30 21,4' 10 213a 15 00 15 00 3 00 3 00 1 75 1 75 788 788 2 00 2 00 2570 0000 44 50 44 50 88 10 00 Oil 22 76 22 75 46 75 46 75 40 50 40 50 3 00 8.00 27 25 00 00 82 50 32 50 20 00 20.60 300 00 00 30 00 30 00 4 00 4 00 55 08 55 0H 1225 1230 30 W 30 00 174 00 174 00 389 08 389 08 7 50 00 00 13 07 13 07 37 32 37 39 14 00 14 00 2292 03 2292 03 SUPERVISORS' P ROC-EEDIN GS. G9 67. Wilson D. Williams, supplies for poor, 1877 6 06 6 06 68. Jacob Teeter, ToWll Auditor s 00 9 00 69. Wilson 1). Williams, Town Auditor 9 00 0 00 70. Jacob P. 14(101100, 9 00 0 00 .71. George 11. Letts, Town Clerk. 1978 a t1 1879 61 25 • 61 25 $3936'43 ,LICOE TEETER, WILSON D. WILLIAMS, } Town Auditors. JACOB F. HuoiEs. GEORGE M. LETTS, Clerk of the Board. I hereby certify the foregoing to be a true copy of accounts audited by the Town • Board at their annual session, on filo in my office. GEonrt. 11T. LETTS, Town Clerk. NEWFIELD. • Abstract of the names of all persons who presented accounts to be audited by tho Board of Town Auditors of Newfield, on the Gbh day of November, 1879, with the amount claimed and amount allowed, Co. Name. Nature of Services. , Anlouut Amount Claimed. Allowed. 1. Joseph W. Starr, Town Clerk 30 64 '3064 2. S. P. Cook, ex " 4,14 24 14 24 8. L. 1?. Cutter, Assessor.-. .34 50 34 50 4. GiibertStatnp, " 24.15 2.415 5. A. J. Van Kirk, " - 28' 00 28 00 6. John Beardslic, Overseer of Poor 11 00 11 00 7. Peirs•M, Puff .8 Co., supplies fur poor --- 27 28 27 28 8. John Iteardslee, Overseer of Poor, charged from the town of Ithaca... 107 32 107 32 9. Benjamin Starr, Justice 38 50 58 50 10. Elvia C. Thorn, I0 00 10 00 17. Jas. 07. 5nrr[lerlin, •` 18 00 18 00 12. John W. Dean, " 36 70 36 70 13. P. 5. Dudley, use of hall ' 35 00 35 00 14. Alva Brown, rise of house for elections 20 00 20 00 15. John A. Bailey, Constable 6 25 6 25 16. Ezra Marion, for Wm. Carnpell, Constable, assigned............ 8 05 8 05 17. A. J. White, medical .services by order of Overseer of Poor 45 OD 45 00 18. Robert. Alexander, Supervisor 49 26 49 26 19. Ezra, Marion, ex -Supervisor 47 24 47 24 20. S. L. Baker, Excise Commissioner 3 00 3 00 21. Isaac It. Smith, " " 3 00 3 00 22. James F. Linderman, Excise Commissioner3 00 s 00 23. 17. A. PuerIes, locating town Iine 103 50 103 50 24. C. R. Seabring, Commissioner Highways 47 35 47 35 25. (0. P.. Seabring, Coutmieaiener for roads and bridges..... 948 27 043 27 70 .1 SUPERVISORS' •PROCEEDINGS. 26. Fres N. Dean 2 00 2 00 27. CharlesMeCorn, R. R. Commissioner 6 CO 6 00 23. I. It. Palmer, 6 00 6 00 28, Geo. W, 11010, Inspector Special Election; Dist No. 1 4 00 . 4 00 20. Luther Ennis, " " 4 OD 4 OD 31. Alfred Ilam, Clerk of Special Election, " 4 00 4 00 32. Freeman Osman, Inspector " " No. 2... 4 00 4 00 33. John Boyer, " „ 4 00 4, 00 34. A. S. Brown, " " 4 a0 4 00 35. Alva D. Brown, Clerk, " „ 440 ; 00 30. John Harker, " " 4 00 4 00 37. E. T. Rumsey, Inspector Election Dist, No. 1 4 00 4 00 33.,S. 1t. Dean, i. •` 4 " 4 00 4 00 39. W. II. Tonlpkins.'4 " " .• 4 00 4 40 40. J. C. Carpenter, " " No. 2 4 00 4 60 41. Alva D. Brown, •` " 4 00 4 00 42. Arthur 1. Brown, inspector, Election Dist. No.2 4.00 4 00 43. A. S. Brown, Clerk, " `• 4 60 4 00 44. Abner H, Si amp, Clerk, - " " 4 00 4 00 45. Wm. II, McCollum, " No. 1 4 00 4 00 46. J. W. Sunderlin, " `• 4 Oil 4 00 47. (. C.MeClune, stones, town line 2 51 2 00 48. II. S. Rockwell, Auditor 6 00 6 00 49. F. A. Holmes - 6 O0 6 00 50. G. W,Seabring " • 6 0D 6 00 ADDED BY BOARD 00' SUPERVISORS. 21. C. R. Seabring. Comtnissionerol Highways of Newfield 52. L. T. White. medical services. 53. E. f;. Pratts, labor on toren line... 54:.1. N. Vanostrand, Censtable. 60. S. A. Scat4ring, medical attention 56. J. 14'. Sunderlln, Justice... $1365 73 $1805 75 26 34 3 00 4 00 1300 33 00 2 07 We, tho nndersigued, composing the Board of Town Auditors of the Town of New- field, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct list of ail claims presented with tha amount allowed by us against the Town of Newfield. Newfield, November 7th,, 137J. F. A. HOLMES, H. S. ROCKWELL, G. W. SLABBING. }TownAuditors. ULYSSES. The following is an abstract of the names of all persons presenting accounts to be audited by the Board, with amounts claimed and allowed. SUPI4RVIsouS' PROCEEDINGS. 71 No. Name. Nature of Services. Amount Amount Claimed. allowed. I. 10. C. Tompkins, Overseer Poor171 34 171 Si 2. " 44.. . 11 2C. 11 2(1 3. 14 41`• " service 31 30 31 30 4. David Kale, digging grave 4 00 2 50 5. 11.0. Tompkins, Inspector, 2 days.......... .... .. 8 00 8 03 6. E. P. Bunton, Overseer Poor, supplies ..'... .... 56 81 50 81 7. 44 " . " " services49 25 49 25 8. S.A. Ammack, Commissioner highways 38 25 38 25 9. C. C. Mattison, " 34 00 34 00 10. Mattison & Loomis, supplies to poor 99 70 99 76 11. It. S. Smith, Commissioner Highways 35 00, 35 00 12. A. 13. Woodworth., 2 days' services as auditor with Bonding Com'ers0 00 0 00 13. Chas. V nAmburgh, Inspector. Election 8 00 8 00 14. Jacob Carman, Justice of the Peace 8 40 8 40 15. Frain, W. Carman, Inspector Election4 un 4 OD 16. 14. A. Wager, " " 830 830 17. Isaac Bullard, use house !or Elections, kc 42 00 42 00 18. Henry Wrlglrtmire, assigned to James A. Bower, service Inspector8 00 8 00 10. It. L. Smith, Clerk of Election4 00 4 00 20. John Karst, Town Clerk.11 31 0 31 21. Elias Stahl), Inspector of Election, No. 2 12 00 12 00 22. Thomas 91. Bower, " `' " 4 00 4 06 23. Abram Chase, " '' 46 4 00 4 00 24. W. 11. Bower, 4` .'No. 1 + 4 00 4 00 25. Fred D. llurto, " " " ••• 4 00 4 00 20. Edwin 1'. Osborn, Clerk, ` " ........... .......... ,4 03 4 00 27. E. 1'. Bunton, " '4 ,44 O0 4 00 25. A. TT. Pease, cash lent Commissioner Highways 37 53 67 29, John Van Bnkl srk, nnderta0er... 21 50 21 80 30. L. E. Warren, judgment, assigned to D. 11. Stewart 54 15 54 15 31. E. S. Pratt,assessor 1 day... 2 00 2 00 32. B. S. Biggs, asslgicd undertaker's bill10 00 7 00 33. Ceo. B. Stewart, cortin andatteudauce (geed) 20 00 20 00 34. James 11. Bowman, Ase house Election 2 days 20 00 20 00 35. Chauncey Keret, 0. 1'., service bill 15 00 15 00 30. Leroy Trembly, use house Election 15.00 10 00 37. David Ilule, digging grave. .3 VU 2 50 33. Truman Boardman37 32 37 32 39' 11. G. Cooper, Supervisor • 61 86 01 80 40. P. II Farrington, 2 clays, servio00, Bond Commissioner 0 00 0 00 41. L. 13. Curry ' 43 75 43 75 42, .T. W. Kirby 32 75 32 75 43. Jahn C. Mattison, Clerk Election, 4 days 8 00 8 00 44. Wm. Allen. Overseer Poor 17 0D 70 00 400..1. 11. Pease, Excise Commissioner- 15 W 6 00 46. A. B. Dlakerman, " .. 12 00 12 00 47, Win. Chandler R. Sun, undertaker... 20 00 15 00 48. C. 1.. Adatils, bill printing Election notices, &c... 6 25 0 25 49. Wm. E. Dans, Constable, Butler case 4 75 4 75 72 ST PERVISOIIS' PROCEEDINGS. G0. Erastus Gay, Constable, Butler case 1 25 1 25 51. Frank Thorp, 26 90 15 00 62. B. S. Dean, 1 40 1 40 53. J. R. Emery, Justice Peace 22 50 22 50 54. James Syke, Clerk Election. 4 days ....................... 8 00 8 00 55, N. B. Wheeler, `• •` 2 days... . 4 00 4 00 55. John Dailey, Inspector Ejection, 4 [lays 8 nu 8 00 57. Escha Holcomb, Inspector Election and delivering returns 14 00 14 00 65. Geo. V. Curry, assigned to E. S. Pratt, (Constable) 4 80 6 89 09. Rozlne Fish, Constable... 7 Io 6 OD 60. Warren Farrington, Town Clerk 29 60 23 6a 61. 11. L. Strobrilge 22 39 22 30 62. Van K. 1lurlew, Justice Peace 8 00 8 OD 63. Dr. Geo. Wrighunlre, mt;dleal services, assigned to S. 11. Wickes-.... 65 00 32 25 64. Dr. EI. D. Chase, " 20 25 11 00 55. Pr. Benj. Dunung, 30 75 21 76 65. Dr. J. AI. Farrington, •' GO 26 40 26 07. Thomas Bower, Assessor 41.50 41 50 63. Dr. I.. W. Carpenter, medical attendance 50 25 33 50 62. Dr. Jno. Fleekinger, ' •• 54 55 38 85 70- Leroy Trembly, use house 4 00 4,00 1639 65 1480 94 ADDF',1) EY RESOLUTION OF BOARD OP SUPERVISORS. 71. E. S. Pratt, 2 days as Town Auditor 72. H. L. Smith. 73. J. T. Howe, " 74. •Daniel Elmore, Excise Commissioner. 75. Ithaca Journal Ass9ciation, printing advertisement "school moneys to loan 76. N. B. Wheeler, medicine on order Overseer of Poor E. S. PRATT, J. T. HOWE, E. L. S]IITH. 6 GO G OD 0 UO .21 00 450 1 00 } Town Auditors. . I hereby certify that the foregoing are transcripts of the abstracts of town accounts, . as they were presented by the Supervisors of the several towns, respectively, to the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, at its regular session for the year 1879, and by Die tiled. - DEWITT C. BOUTON, Cl; rk, Dated Ithaca, Dec. 18, 1879. REPORTS. REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON COUNTY TREASURER'S ACCOUNTS. To the Honorable, the Board of Supervisors of • the County of Tompkins :— We, the undersigned, your Committee on Treasurer's Accounts, submit the following report : We have examined said accounts, taking there up in detail, com- paring all entries or disbursements with the vouchers thereof,' and found the same correct in every particular, from the 15th day of Nov., 1878, to the 15th day of Nov., .1879. • And would further report, that we have examined the securities taken by said Treasurer, and held for the benefit of the Infant Keir Fusel, so far as we can ascertain; and find that he has complied with the Resolution of the Board of Supervisors, passed at their annual session of 1877, except an investment of three thoasand dollars in the Town of Ithaca Funding Bonds, and one thousand. dollars in the Village of Ithaca Bonds, which investment was made at the request and with the consent of 'the Guardian of the Heirs, whose money is invested in said Bonds, and said Bonds are said to be convertible into currency at any time when a loan on proper security can be effected. 'The thanks or your committee are justly due the said. Treasurer for the promptness with which all just claims against the county have been met, and for the plain, concise, and methodical arrangement of his report, thereby greatly facilitating the examination of the accounts. DAVID L. BURTT, , WM. H. FITCH,• : Committee. DAVID CROCKER,, 74 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. To the _Ionorable, the Board of Supervisors tf 7amp/ ins County: I here,wtth respectfully submit my Annual Report of receipts and disbursements of the County Funds : The balance ou hand Nov. 15, 18.78, was............ $1,155 61 Cash receipts during the year 89,315 15 90.470 76 Total cash disbursements for all purposes., 90,068 02 Leaving balance of cash on hand 402 74 There is due to the treasury for amounts paid out in excess of appropriations, on account of returned taxes 263 57 On account of Superintendents of Poor 17 On account of fuel and gas 18 43 Total amount an hand and due to treasury 681 9i Belonging to the several funds, viz.: Balance to credit of court funds . _ .... 203 57 postage and stationery 6 00 court expenses 136 41 county audits. 37 S. V. Hoene 04 Institute for Deaf Mutes 21 51 Willard Asylum.... 177 63 town of Lansing 137 35 4. interest 2 00 684 91 I hereby certify that the sum of four hundred -and two and 74-100 dollars, stands this day to the creditof E. K. Johnson, County Treasurer, on the books of this Bank. • H. B. LORD, Cashier, Ithaca, Nov. 15th, 1879. 1st National Bank of Ithaca. TOWN OF CAROLINE. 1878. Dec. 13. To amount of tax levy 4,708 39 1879. By cash received from R. R. Co.'s 283 13 It, 0. Tucker, collector 2.611 92 Alar. 15. " paid to Supervisor by R. G. Tucker, collector 702 65 By cash paid to Overseer of Poor by R. G. Tucker, collector • ..., 340.85 By cash paid to Commissioner of Highways by R. G. Tucker, collector 756 00 °° By taxes returned uncollected 3 84 4,708 39 4,708 39 i SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 75 " 25: 13y apportionment of school money - 2,049 93 31. To cash paid to E. Howe, Supervisor... . 1,000 00 Apr. 7. `° " S. D. Stevens, " . 1,049 93 2,049 93 2,049 93 TOWN OP DANBY. 1878. Dec. 13. To tax levy .... 4.,810 29 By cash received from R. R. Co.'s 353 68 1879. • " ` G-eo. 1'. Howland, collector3,502 82 Nur. 31. " town audits paid by " 460 08 highways .< 500 00 " 41taxes returned uncollected 23 71 4,840 9 4,840 29 " 26.. By apportionment of school money. 1,784 33 " " To cash paid to John E. Beers, Supervisor 800 00 Apr. 3. '• 984 33 TOWN OF DRYDEN. 1,784 33 1,784 33 Dec. 13. To Tax Levy .... .$11,890 04 1879. • By cash received from R. 14. Co.'s 587 89 ' _` • • ' " E. Hiidebrant, collector. 8,676 36 May 20. liy town audits paid by E. Hildebrant, collector . 1,333 85 • fly highways 4,000 00 By Overseer of Poor 200 00 'By taxes returned uncollected 91 94 14,890 04 14,890 04 Mar. 26. By apportionment of School Money 3,119 09 " " To cash paid to H. Marvin, Supervisor 1,500 00 • Apri14. " `° °' 1,619 09 May 28. By re -assessed school taxes received from collector10 25 • To cash paid to J. H. George, Supervisor 10 25 3,129 34 3,129 34, } SUPEir 1soRS' PROCEI DI\ GS. TOWN OF ENFIELD. • To tax levy 5,381 21 1870. By cash received from D. Runir;ey, collector .. 2,509 83 Feb. 10. By town audits paid to Superv'rs by D. Ramsey, col.. 334 60 By Interest on 14. 11. bonds " " 1,750 00 By Sinking Hurd - 500 00 By Highways " 250 00 By taxes returned unpaid 36 78 5,381 21 5,381 21 Mar. 26. By apportionment of school money 1,251 55 To cash paid to L. H. Van Kirk, Supervisor 1,251 55 TOWN OF LANSING. To tax levy _ 13,835 57 Jan. 11. By cash received from C. L. R. It 662 54 " ' ". Jno. Starks, collector.. 7,942 71 May G. By Highways paid to Com. by Jno. Starks, Coll 50 00 By Supervisors paid t, , 5,167 02 Taxes returned uncollected . 12 67 13.835 57 13,83.5 57 Mar. 26. By apportionment of school money '. 2,173 43 Mar. 31. To cash paid D. Crocker, Supervisor 1,037 25 Apr. 3. "• " 1,035 18 2,172 43 2.172 43 Oct. 30. By cash reeeived of Simeon Smith, attorney, cast peo- ple rs. D. M. Godley-, et. al 375 00 Nov. 6. To cash paid order of D. Crocker, Supervisor, to S. Smith, attorney 237 65 TOWN OF NEWFIELD. - To tax levy - 10,350 81 Jan. 11. By cash received from G. I. & S. 11. R 203 78 F. Holmes, collector 3,532 54 By town audits paid by " 2,448 99 By R. R. bonds interest paid by F. Holmes, col. 3,535 00 By sinking fund ' - 505 00 By taxes returned uncollected 35 50 10,350 81 10,350 81 r i SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 77 Mar. 4. To balance of school money in hands of Supervisor... 2 74 " 26. By apportion:neat of school money .. 2,197 10 Cash paid to E. Marion, Supervisor 2,194 36 2,197 10 2,197 10. TOWN OF GR.OTON. To tax levy 9,195 91 1879. By cash received from U. 1. & E. R. 11 By cash received from C'eo. D. Wait, collector May 30. 13y town audits paid by 13y Highways " By interest on R. 11, bonds, paid by Geo 1). Wait col 1;y sii k:ng fund - l;y taxes returned unpaid 9,195 91 38 16 5,916 23 1,788 73 251 00 1,045 22 150 00 7 57 9,195 91 Mar. 26. By apportionment of school money 2,544 75 To cash paid to W. H. Pitch, supervisor 1,292 00 April 4. 1,252 75. TOWN OF ITiHACA. 2,541 75 2,544 75 To tax levy • 81 521 42 1879. By cash received from R. 11. Co.'s.... ......... 2,043 78 " W. H. Morison, receiver 20,144 06 May 22. '1' town audits paid to Supervisor by W. H. Munson Receiver, • •.... 12,503 63 By int on bonds paid to Sup. by W. H. Munson Bee. 28,000 00 13y sinking fund " " °' 17 500 00 By Highways pad to Con. by W. 11. Munson, Rec. ,- 250 00 To town audits tax receiver's salary.... • 400 00 To taxes returned unpaid—resident 615 60 " non-resident 64 35 81,521 42 81,521 42 Mar. 1 To balance of school money in hands of Supervisor5 38 Mar. 26. By apportionment of school money 7,175 98 M ir. 31. To cash paid to 1'. Pearson, Supervisor.... ........ 3,000 00 Apr. 3. ". 4,170 60 7,175 98 7,175 98 78 suPERV ISORs: PROCEEDINGS. TOWN OF ULYSSES. • 'To tax levy 16,775 92 Jan. 11. By cash received from G. I. S S. R. R..... .... 399 95 Feb. 8. " " Nin. Kerst, collector 7,017 98 May 2. By cash paid to Supervisor by Win. Kerst, collector7,595 03 By cash paid to Overseer of Poor by •Win. Kerst, coll. 300 00 " Com. Highways 1,000 00 By taxes returned uncollected 162 95 16,775 92 16,775 92 Mar, 8. To balance of school stoney in hands of Supervisor. 53 . Mar. 26. By apportionment of school money 2,21.4 61 To cash paid to H. G. Cooper, Supervisor.... 2,214 08 2,21461 2,21461 COMPTROLLER OF NEW YORK STATE. Dec. 13. By appropriation for general purposes, 17,870 19 " canals, .. 3,501 67 " school fund, 12,477 62 Jau'y 24. To Cash, Draft on Fourth National Bank, N. Y., .21,371 86. Mar. 4. " Supt. of Public Instruction, amount of School money...: 12,477 62 • FUEL AND GAS. By balance from 1878 account, " appropriation, " amount transferred from court expense account, To cash, paid Gas bills for Co. Jail, Dec. 1, to July 1,. For Clerk's Office, " " " Court Douse, " " " Coal bibs for Co. buildings to July 1, . _. IAov.15, .13y Bal., 33,849 48 33,849 48 1G 96 200 00 100 00 94 35 97 72 31 33 111 99 18 43 . 335 39 335 39 To Bal. due the Treasury ... 18 42 r t SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 79 SUSQUETTA1TNA VALLEY HOME, By appropriation, 437 58 • ' ` Bal. from 1878, 01 Feb. 1, To Cash paid sight draft, 437 55 " Bed, 01 437 59 437 59 i By Bal. on hand, 04 INSTITUTES FOR DEAF Ml7TES. • -By Bal. from 1878 account, 6, 'appropriation, . Dec. 26, To Cash paid sight Draft of Rome Institute, 38 49 Mar. 5, " Rochester Institute, 819 19 Nov. 15, To Bal 21 51 By Bal. on hand WILLARI) ASYLUM. GO 00 319 16 379 16 379 16 21 51 By Bal. from'1878 account, 53 08 " Town appropriatiotxs,..'.. 3,492 92 " County 1,206 34 " Cash received £roto paying patients,.... 649 88 Jan. 2, To Cash paid hill to Murch 1, 1879, 1,544 43 Mar. 6, " June 1, " # 11232 42 June 10, " - Sept. 1, 1,359 93 Sept. 16, Dec. 1, 1,087 81 . • To T30.., 177 63 I 6,402 22 5,402 22 Nov, 15, .By But. on hand, 177 63 BILLS PAYABLE. By appropriation, 3,000 00 Feb. 4, To Cash, paid note at First National P,i�nL,..... ...... 3,000 00 80 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. NEW YORK STATE LUNATIC ASYLUM. 1870. Feb. 28, To Cash, paid six mos. bills. to Feb. 1, 465 02 Oct. 3, " Aug. 1, 355 80 By Cash received from self-supporting patients, 224 50' •' amount transferred from Court expense account„ , , 590 92 MONROE COUNTY PENITENTIARY. • Feb. 15, To Cash, paid bill 1878 • ... _ By ramount transferred from Court expense account, per resolution of Board of Supervisors COUNTY SAFE. 821 42 821 42 449 00 Ey appropriation, Jan. 16, To Cash paid for Safe.and Cartage, 127 00 " 13x1. to Postage and Stationery account.... 23 00 419 66 150 00 150 00 150 '00 SURROGATE'S OFFICE—INCIDENTAL EXPENSES. By appropriation, Dec. 31, To cash paid to M. Lyon, Surrogate, 50 00 INSURANCE ACCOUNT. By appropriation, ........... . ...................... Jan. 1, To Cash paid to T. P. St. John, " 0, " A. Burritt, " H. J. 'Grant, Allen Gray, • SUIT VS. GEO. H. BRISTOL, ET AL. Mar. 31, By Cash, Proceeds of Judgment, To Cash, paid note of Tompkins Co. Bank, given for deficiency of Bristol in County Funds To Cash, paid P. G. Ellsworth, att'y, taxable costs,.. . . " Bal. transferred to account of Court expenses 21 50 17 50 18 50 32 00 50 00 89 50 89 50 89 50 5,938 76 426 77 446 14 6,811 67 .6,811 07 6,811 67 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 81 POOR ,IIOUSE HOSPITAL ERECTION FUND. By Bal. of account from 1878, 2 50 appropriation, 180 27 Dec, 30, To Cash paid order, 2 50 " " note to J. R. Brown 180 27 182 77 182 77 CLERK'S POSTAGE ACCOUNT. By appropriation, 12 00 To Cash paid. to D. C. Bouton, clerk, 12 00 COUNTY AUDITS. By Bal. of account 3'I ,' appropriation, , '10,949 99 To Cash paid orders for County audits, 10,94.9 99 Nov. 15. " I3ai.. 37 10,950 36 10,950 36 By Boa, 37 SALARY ACCOUNT. By appropriations ....... Dec. 31. To cash paid 0. S. Ensign, Schobl Cote. for 1878 , ... 200 00 1° 31. To cash paid D. C. Bouton, Supervisors' Clerk 150 00 Jau. 10. " Jas. McLaughlin, school commissioner200 00 W. J. Steel, County House chaplain50 00 M. Lyon, Co. Judge in guar. instaVtnfs2,500 00 E. K. Johnson, Co. Treas. " 900 00 D. M. Dean, Dist. Att'y, 600 00 ° Thos. Burns, Janitor, " 150 00 " E. A. Wagener, Sp.Co. Judge, " 50 00 4,800 00 -4,800 00 4,800 00 SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION. Ry balance from 1878 00 02 Mar, 4. By amount in hands of Supervisors 8 65 By amount transferred from Comptroller N. Y. S 12,4.77 62 Apr. 2. By cash received from Jas. Mackin, State Treas 12,023 48 Mar. 26. To amount of apportionments to the several towns...24,509 77 24,509 77 ► COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF POOR. By town appropriations ByCo. • 1,153 62 3,367 85 82 SUPER -VISORS' PROCEEDINGS. To cash pakid Superintendent's orders : For out door poor . .. 2,046 01 J` For indoor poor — 2,309 50 For transportation and service bills 166 12 By balance from 1878 St) By balance 17 4,522 23 4,522 23 17 Nov. 15. To balance due to Treasury POSTAGE AND STATIONERY. Jan. 10. By amount transferred from safe account _ To cash paid for stamps, letter press, &o . 17 00 `° balance, 6. 00' Nov. 15. By balance on hand........ 23 00 23 00 23 00 6 00 COURT EXPENSES. By balance from 1878 account 099 48 By appropriation 3,000 00 By appropriation for note not used .... 500 00 Mar. 31. By balance from account of suit vs. G. H. Bristol and others. ........ 440 14 J. 24. By cash for fines received from W. J., Smith, Sheriff.. 320 00 Oct. 11. By cash received on ninety day note 700 00 To cash paid, Court Orders : To trial jurors 2,012 36 To grand jurors 672 90 To stenographer 423 14 To eohstobles for attendance at court.. ..... 416 90 To Sheriff and Under Sheriff, att'dce at court.. 376 95 To Justices of Sessions 270 20 To Court Crier 147 00 To T. J. McElheny, for ex. of Co. Treas. accts 30 00 To rent o£ hall for ex. of students at gen. term 17 00 To 0. P. Hyde, County Clerk, legal fees 9 75 To poor witnesses 7 00 To amounts transferred as per resolutions of Board of Supervisors ; To acct. of Monroe Co. Penitentiary. 449 06 ' ` ° Fuel and gas 100 00 N. Y. State Lunatic Asylum... 590 92 To balance 136 44 Nov. 15. By balance on hand 5,005 ti2 5,065 62 136 44 ti 4 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 83 INTEREST ACCOUNT. By balance from 1878 By cash received front First National Bank...... .... 1 00 1 00 On hand 2 00 RETURNED TAXES. To balance from 1878 90 87 Feb. 10. To taxes returned tay town of Enfield 36" 78 4. • 15. <` " Newfield, ... 35 50 Mar. 15. " Caroline 3'84 May 2. 14 " Ulysses .102 95 May G. « ' ' Lansing 12 67 Mar. 31. 11 " Danby.. ....... 23 71 May 20. .. ' if Dryden 91 94 May 22. < '° Ithaca 679 95 May 30. " Groton 7 57 By town appropriations.... By cash received ou account of taxes returned by town of Newbold . By cash received on account of taxes returned by town of Ithaca" Nov. 15. By balance 813 60 12 30 5G 25 263 57 1,145 78 1,145 78 Nov. 15. To balaatce due to treasury 263 57 COURT FUNDS. By balance from 1878 256 62 By cash received in sundry cases ... 625 03 To cash paid in sundry cases 678 08 Nov. 15. To balance 203 57 881 65 881 65 Nov. 15. By balance in case of Mary H. Booth vs. Ed. 111 s, et al Susan Colborn vs. Selah 11. Horton, et al A. Wheelock vs. A. C. Wesley ,. FINES. 142 94 60 53 10 By balances from 1878 : Due to town of Caroline 13 00 Dryden 5 00 Danby .... .. ........ 20 00 Groton23 00 Newfield 10 00 Ithaca84 85 To cash paid to the Supervisors of the several towns.. 155 85 155 S5 84 , SUPERVISORS' PIIOCEEDINGS. INFANT HEIR FUND. To the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins : In pursuance' of an act of the legislature of the State of New York entitled " an act in respect to the funds and securities in possession of the Clerk of the Court of Appeals," passed April 12th, 1848, requiring the CountyTreasurers of the different counties to report to the Board of Supervisors of the county in which the Treasurer resides, such re- port to contain a statement of all bonds and mortgages and other secu- rities held by him and the names of the persons interested therein, the undersigned, County Treasurer of the County of 'Tompkins, re- spectfully reports as follows, as to the securities held under the pro- visions of said act :• E. K. JOHNSON, County Treasurer. Security. 3d 51't'ge, 114 " 1st. " 2r1 " 1st " 1st " 1st " 1st •' 1st " 311 °' last " Ist' 2E1 " 1st 1st. " 1st 1st ' 2d • 1st 2G 1st '• 1st " 1st 11 lst " 3(1 'l 1st 41 • 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 2i 1st 1st 1st -2(1 1st 1st 1st 11 41 11. MOBTGAGO I1, DATE. 1117111.9 INTERESTED. Geo. H. Bristol.' Cleo. 11. Bristol ........,.. F. A. Caulp................ F. A. Camp A. Bradbury Geo. 11. Beers C. 1.. 13enSOn Giles EI. Benson,...,,, Ellsha Freeman Hiram )lee 1). Gibbs 51'. D. C11h L18 1:, 51. (7ilialu Harriet )Hayes H. 11)1)'10 01' Lydia Hormel' Elizabeth _LHowe Elizabeth A,11owe•.,...., C. 51. Haywood 1, 011)1 f1. 5V. Iloyarodt 55'. L. Ring .loin Letts L. 5 El. Slack T0os. J. McElheney Henry Mente.. John McArthur lWin, McNeil [Larry Mott Cm F. Morton J. T. 5Eorr15'10 J. '1'. lMlorl'isott John G. Shaw Nathan Stevens Henry Stewart P .0 M. Sneeden Charlotte 21. Sweet,---,,, 0. M. 11tu3 E. C..VaoKirk Feb. 25, '70.. June 15. '09. April 6, '75. 110h. 7, :76. Lull. 13, '07. Jan, 26, '06. Aprli 1.'70. Zilch. 18, 773 April 28. '71. Out. 31, 177, April 7,'70. Oe'. 3, '75. Hee. 18. '73. Feb. 11, '70. July 23 '70. Uel. 16, '65. til 1. '75. April 2,'77. Jan, 21, '70. Fell. 15, '70. Sept. 22, '68. 61111.84, , 7 7. April 0, '77. Oct .24, '74, Nov. 1. 77. Feb. 7, :70. April 11, '74. May 25,'75. April 4. '60. March 31,'71 ^ept. 17, '67, Aug, 20, '72. May 12, '77. '1'u'CIL 6,'67. limb 4, '76. May 19, '77. March 223,'70 Deo. 1.'78, Jun. 20, '72. Chau. Cowen, worthless., A, B. 1'ugslev, w'ortllicss. Samuel 51. Wilson Samuel 51. Wilsuu • 'ferry heirs, ,Slice Hall Kent 1Lt'irs Ilan' Benson Nellie Knapp 0. B. ]'iigs[ey Morton hells 51..1'. GIh11;i ..-. Ilorton heirs Sarah Harrison Sarah Sibley 11011se11 heirs.... . Saui'l M. 15'ison, W'Iliesa Sum') ,L1.: !1`ilson, w'tlticss Clot H. Lane 71lll'dam heirs Sarah Sibley Morton heirs (7104177! 1 burrs ....... ... Sarah Sibley Salll'1 31. 'Wilson ilalsted Snyder Sarah 1 luI'L'LSon 51']'go foreclosed. Prop- erty held for heirs. Val!1101'u 11111,0 Malbe1 1Ec\etl 1,0110t heirs Morton heirs Frank Morrison !'rank Wise heirs Stevens lie11S Ilalldouk beds, Wilcox heirs...,...,'., Ilo We heirs. worthless Sal•ocoll 11019 l!-ise 111)11 5nra11 'ibll'y Halliday- heirs A ill', of Amonat Sa111 Of Interest M't'ge. 767 19 767 19 1350 00 1350 00 404 00 4011 00 200 CO 200 00 100 00 100 00 1943 45 1943 45 202 66 •202 66 2505 CO 3500 00 'JCS CO 363 00 2500 00 9.500 00 1291 67 1291 07 1059 05 1069 05 300 00 305 00 95 00 95 00 500 GO 500 00 452 00 432 00 200 00 300 CO 600 (0 1550 00 1550 00 527 50 327 50 16677 00 36)17 00 ]000 00 1000 00 150 00 I50 00 1500 00 1500 00 1000 00 1000 00 292 33 157 67 470 CO 1901 29 1901 29 700 00 7L0 110 770 0fi 750 00 3133 :33 2133 33 600 CO 1500 Gil . 2100 041 262 59 262 50 600 00 600 00 250 00 250 IID 100 00 37 26 462 72 500 CO 376 33 376 33 1000 00 1000 10 850 00 850 00 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 85 1St M'r'ge. 241 last " 1st 4 1st " 1st " 1$t " Ist M't'ge. 1st .11't'ge. 1st M't'ge. 1st M't'ge. 1st M't'ge. K. S. VatiVaorhees 1(. S. VaI1CourheeS Martha 1t'ooiriu Stanley O. Ward Jas. Lahar Sum,' Mowl'cy Geo. Alexander 4.1 L. Village of [thrum Blinds.. 44 4t `4 Jesse Manning 41 A. E. Albright 11. 1). 1415605142 Edwin Simpson Town of Ithaca 5 per cent Funding Bonds Louisa M.(1rant 1)ec. 9 '99. Sarah Sibley Jim. 16, 171. Sarah Shiley April 15, '76. +'t'omli 1 heirs May 18, '74. Wright heirs Nov. 2. :74. W. 1'. Arnold Dee. 29,177. SVilgns heirs . ......... . ... 1•i:b. 6, '78. Mandeville Iiclr9 VanH"rn heirs Sarah Harrison Mutton heirs U. E. Alexander ..• Halliday heirs 'Jrowell hell's )Vi'gits heirs Kent heirs..... A. 1;. Pugsley Surd:tut 0011'9 Terry heirs Van Horn heirs Satn'I M. Wilson Sarah Harrison 115115(11(0 heirs ,loseplliue Stoddard Feb. 14, '70. Mabel McNeil Satn'I M. Nilson 91ct,oWlul heirs Stevens heirs Jlanxhaw heirs Howe heirs Aug. 31, '79. Saul'l 51. W'il6oll Frilllk (Miner 111'1 50 heirs A. 0. liurlburt Mary 3111,Alcll Slcliccena helm Oct. 21, '78. It. F. N'ielzhaio Mabel 11cNm1 'ov. 13,'78. Elizabeth Simpson Sarah H. Sibley Morton heirs 11'ao,liu heirs llnddack heirs Unassigned lune 27, '79. Terry heirs ..: ....... 2-429 00 2429 00 1030 00 1400 00 083 69 983 69 1455 00 1455 00 3042 25 1032 25 11;03 03 400 00 779 73 270 GS 133 00 13 59 1203 00 270 00 60 00 150 00 146 40 17 43 10 01 69 62 10 00 47 42 10094 24 02 21 51) 02 17 1000 00 701 93 1'26 56 29 58 080 00 355 72 98 22 1021 46 131 93 92 69 141 05 105 41 53 29 232 43 800 00 lino 00 400 00 1220 00 4288 94 4288 94 2000 00 516 6S 32 03 3 12 448 15 9000 00 2003 40 2"03 09 857790 31 Amount. ri.tairctl by ii. S. ValiVoorhees, ex -Treasurer, doe to heirs 1315 66 TOMPKINS COUNTY, SS. Edward K. Johnson, being duly sworn, says the foregoing statement is correct and represents the condition of the securities belonging to the" Infant Heir Fund," on the 15th day of November, 1879. EDWARD K. JOI.INSON, County Treasurer. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 18th day of November, 1879. I'. G. ELLSWO1 'I'H, Notary Public. 86 SUPERVISORS' 1' OCEEDINOS. EQUALIZATION REPORT. The Committee on Equalization respectfully report that the assessed valuation of the several towns as reported by the assessors for the year 1879, is as follows. TOWNS. Ca• uliae T 1Janhy Dryden Enfield 41:90 on Lansing Newfield Ulysses No. Acres 31.250 33,_86 61.234 22,057 30 725 37 731 56.970 19.333 19,945 ' Real Valuation. $753.602 665.310 920 003 359.361 1042 799 3,518.2 000 552 010 2.550.350 1 001, 537 $0,340.782 Personal Valuation. $41,3170 25.900 65.070 75.210 175.310 155.031 26.460 ,540 900 210 837 $1,414,209 Aggregate Valuation. • $794,062 091.2711 985 073 635 071 1.210.159 1.537.711 340.970 3,057,350 1,294,394 $10,754.990 We, the °lndersigned, Committee on Equalization, would respectful- ly report the following to be the equalized valuation of the real estate of the several towns i11 the ,County of Tompkins, for the year 1879. TOWNS. No, Acres 13© " 13 alursion. Per ona1 Valuation. Aggregate • Valuation. Caroline.... ' 31,250 $441 539 $41.300 $482.899 I)a1111y 33.286 500.187 25.000. 586,147 I'rrden 61.334 1,429.875 65,670 1.494.914 Enfield 7.2.007 303,744 75,210 440.951 lrowo 30.1.27 816.350 175 360 991,010 Lansing 37,731 1,288,289 155,031 1,443,323 13ew11e141 36.370 530 478 28.400 503.938 Ithaca 19,333 2.900.755 610300 3,513.655 11lysse5 19,045 . 941.605 290.857 1,232.523 $93,9,782 $1,414.203 $10,754,990 • J..11, GEORGE, 1 S. B. HARVEY', 1 Committee D. L. 13UI:T'I'. . on WM. H. FI'L'CH, 1 Equalization. RO BT. ALEXANDER. i DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S 'REPORT. To 172© Honorable, the Board of SIcporei.sors of Tompkins Comity : In 'pursuance of Chapter 406, Laws of 1567, I have the honor to make the following report: Isaac Shirley Violating Excise Law $in Mi....Paid Sheriff, Nelson Swan, 30 00.... • " Peter Mineah, 11 30 00.... ti f SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 87 James II. Cole, Violating Excise Lav 30 00.... Paid Sheriff. Philemon R. Thompson, << " 50 00.... Pliny Grover, .... ..... 4, If 30 00.... Esther Kingsbury,. " 15 00. , .. LotLie Lee, Keeping Bawdy Douse, .... 30 00 .... Carrie Fisher,. 10(I 00 . , . Nellie While,. " LI GO 00. , . . Willard Van Router, .... II 11 75 00... . Charles K. Teeter 100 00 ..,Not Paid. Total, $625 00 . I further report that no Ernes or forfeited recognisances have been paid to me since the last session of your honorable body. All of which is respectfully submitted. Dated, November 15th, 1879. DAVID M. DEAN, District Attorney. . UNITED STATES DEPOSIT FUND REPORT. To the Honorable, the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County; Your committee appointed to settle with the Loan Commissioners of said County, would respectfully report, that they have examined the books and accounts of said Commissioners, and find them to corres, pond with their report hereto annexed. The securities taken for re -Loans, during the present year, aro satis- factory, according to our best information. DAVID CROCKER, DAVID L. BURTT, HORACE G. COOPER. Committee. LOAN COMMISSIONER'S ANNUAL REPORT. To the Honorable, the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins Cort-nty: The following is a statement of the condition of the United States Deposit Fund, at this data: 88 SUPEIRVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 1'ILI\CIPAL ACCOUNT FOR 1379, Entire amount of fund subject to loan is, $66,540 28 There was on hand, at close of last Report to the Con- _ - troller, Dec. 5th,'1878, subject to loan, $325 00 Paid in since that date, and up to present time, 3.055 00 83,380 00 Re -loaned since and during year to date 2,850 00 Balance on hand at this date, subject to loan, • .8530 00 INTEREST ACCO UNT. A report of Interest account was made to the Controller on the 12th day of February, 1879, and the same paid in full to that date. There has been collected during the year, interest, 84,332 18 There.are seven delinquents in interest, amounting to 315 00 $4,0;718 These mortgages have been duly advertised, and will be sold in February next, un- less arrearagges are paid previous to that time. All of which is respectfully submitted. ITHAcA, Nov. 17th. 1879. ALLEN GRAY, Loan Commissioner. RAILROAD BOND COMMISSIONERS' REPORT. ENFIELD, To S. B. Harvey, Supervisor of the town of .Enfield : We, the undersigned, Bonding Commissioners of the town of En- field, would respectfully report: That Bonds against• the said town have been issued by us to the amount of twenty-five thousand dollars; that said Bonds bear interest at seven per cent. p ;'.yable semi-annually, on the first days of March and September of each year ; and that the amount of money required to pay said interest now due or to become due, during, the next year, will be seventeen_ltundred and fifty dollars; and we hereby request you to raise the said sunt of seventeen hundred and fifty dollars by tax, and to pay the same over to us, when raised to be used to pay said interest as it 'becomes due. We would also report that we now have on hand, securely invested, a sinking fund amounting to'two thousand three hundred and seventy- SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 89 five 36400 dollars; and as we are required by law to cause to be raised annually a sum to -be added to .this sinking. fund, large enough so that it will amount to enough when the bonds become due to pay the same. Therefore,, we request you to raise the sum of five hundred dollars also, by tax, to be paid over to us when raised, to be used as above stated, as required. in Section 6, Chapter 907, Laws of 1869. . Dated, Enfield, November 5th, 1879. • WILLIAM MILLER, - • ISAAC H; NEWMAN; EDGAR BREWER, Commissioners. To the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins : In accordance with Chapter 552, Laws of 1870, I hereby report the public debt of the town of Enfield, as follows : Bonds issued to the Pa. S Sodns Bay 15. R. Co., under the Act to Facili- tate the Construction of Railroads, passed by the Legislature of 1850, and amended May 18th, 1869 : Atnonnt of Bonds issued, $25,000 00 (Rate of interest, 'i per cent., payable semi-annually.) .Amount of interest cotning'due`March lst, 18:;0, 875 00 Amount of interest coming due Sept. let, 1880 875 00 Two per cent. on said Bonds to be raised for sinking fund,500 00 Total amount to be raised by next tax levy,........... $2,250 00 .Amount of principal unpaid Sept. 1st, 1879 25,000'00 Amount of sinking fund in tho bands ofBonding Commission'rs 2.375 36. Total Town indebtedness, Sept. let, 1879, - $22,624 64 Resolved.—That at the request of the Bonding Commissioners of the town of Enfield, there be levied and collected from. said town, the sum of five hundred dollars, to be applied as a sinking fund, and seventeen hundred and fifty dollars, interest 'on the above named town bonds. SETII B. HARVEY, Supervisor. GROTON. To Wm' H. Fitch, Supervisor of the town of Groton : We, the undersigned Commissioners of the town of Groton, ap- pointed under the Act passed May 18, 1868, Laws of New York, Chapter 907, would respectfully submit the following report : 90 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. That the amount of Town Bonds issued in aid of the Ithaca ,S Cortland R. R., is 815,000 00 , a That the amount of Bonds exchanged for Stock iu the Itha- ca & Cortland 11. R. now Utica, Ithaca & Elmira 11. R., is 15,000 00 That the interest to come due Feb. 1, 1880, is.... .... 525 00 Aug. 1, 1880, is 525 00 That we have on hand, accrued interest 1 75 That we have of sicking fund invested in Bonds.... ...... 300 00 • And in certificates of deposit " 620 00 Also, certificates of deposit for matured coupons 73 50 Therefore we ask for.an appropriation to pay the interest on said Bonds, Feb. 1, 1880 523 25 Also on the same Bonds, Aug. 1, 1880. 525 00 81,048 25 Also a sinking fund of one per cent, 150 00 1,198 25 We therefore respectfully ask that the sane be levied upon the taxa- ble property of the town of Groton, and when collected to be paid over to the Commissioners of said town to be expended for the above purpose. Dated, McLean, Nov. 18, 1879. J. B. HART, B H. `VAKEI2Y, Commissioners. To the honorable, the Board.of Supervisors of Tompkins County : In accordance with Chapter 552, Laws of 1870, I hereby report the public debt.of the town of Groton to be as follows Bonds issued by Commissioners for the Ithaca & Cortland R. Il., bearing interest at 7 per cent., payable semi -manly 815,000 00 Interest coming due the ensuing year, Feb. 1, 1880.. 525 00 " Aug. 1, 1880 525 00 1,050 00 Less interest in the hands of Commissioners 1 75 $1,048 25 One per cent. on said Bondi for Sinking Fund 150 00 81,198 25 Resolved.—That in pursuance of the provisions of Chapter 907 of Laws of 1869, and notice having been served upon this Board by the R. 11. Commissioners of the town of Groton, there be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of said town SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, 91 of Groton the sura of olio thousand and forty.eight. and 25-100 dollars, for the purpose of paying interest upon the R. It. Bonds issued under this act in the town of Groton. Also the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars be levied and asKessed upon the taxa- ble property of the town of Groton, for the purpose of creating a Sinking Fund, ac- c.nding to instructions in said Chapter 907, of Laws of 1869, Aind that the same when collected be paid to the 11. R. Commissioners of said town appointed under this act; to be expended for the above purpose. Will. H. FITCI-I, Supervisor. ITHACA. 7b the Supervisor of the town of Ithaca: The undersigned, Commissioners of the town of Ithaca, in pursu- ance of an act of the Legislature passed June 2, ]877, to facilitate the redemption of the outstanding seven per cent. bonds, issued in aid of the Ithaca & Towanda R. R., and authorizing the issuing of new fund- ing Bonds of a like amount of unredeemed Bonds at a lower rate of interest, do report as follows Amount of Bonds, old issue.... .. $300,000 00 Less amount redeemed March 1st 1874, 15,000 00 285,000 00 A like amount of funding bonds at 5 per cent semi- annual interest, both principal and interest pays - in the city of New York; said bonds are issued in series of $15,000 each, payable Mar. 1st, each yr. Amount of interest paid at the time of redemption, 6,667 40 Interest at 5 pr. et. on $285,000, 6 mos., 7,125 00 Less by interest on adjustment of sale of new bonds 4,432 00 • 2,692 91 5 per cont. interest due Mar. lst, 1880, 7;125 00 5 per cont. on $270,000 int. payable Sept. 1, 1880, .. 6.750 00 Amount of principal to be paid March 1, 1880,. 15,000 00 285,000 00 $38,235 31 We, therefore, respectfully report that there will be required for the coming year the suns of $15,000 on the principal of said Bonds, and the suns of $23,235 31 for interest on said Bonds, duo March lst and September lst, 1880, and ask that the same maybe assessed and lev- ied upon the town. JOHN L. WIIITON, LEONARD TREMAN, 0. H. GREGORY, Commissioners. 92 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Resolved, --That in pursuance of Chapter 015, Laws of 1806, entitled an Act to Fa- cilitate the Construction of the Ithaca and Towanda Railroad, (by Act, Feb. 18, 1870, now Ithaca and Athens Railroad Company,) and to authorize towns to subscribe to the capital stock thereof, and of a notice served upon this Board by the Commissioners of the town of Ithaca, there be levied and assessed upon the taxable property- of said town of Ithaca, the sum of twenty-three thousand two hundred and thirty-five and 31-100 (523,235 31) dollars for the purpose of paying interest due, and to become due March 1st, 1880. and Sept. 1st, 1880, upon Town Bonds, issued for said Railroad ; and the snm of fifteen thousand ($15,000) dollars, to apply"on principal of said Bonds, and that the Supervisor of said town, pay said • sums to the Commissioners of said town, to be expended for the purpose -herein mentioned. DAVID. L. BUII,TT, Supervisor. To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County : ' The undersigned, Commissioners of the town of Ithaca, for bonds issued id aid of the Ithaca & Geneva -Railroad, beg leave to submit their ninth annual report, as follows : Amount of Bonds issued, . $100,000 00 The interest on said Bonds falls due as follows: April 1st, 1880 3,500 00 October 1st, 1880, 3,500 00 We therefore report that there will be required to pay interest on said Bonds for the ensuing year, the stun of seven thousand dollars, ($7,000). and would ask that the same be levied and assessed upon the town of Ithaca. The undersigned would further report that the Sinking Fund raised for the purpose of paying the principal of- the above mentioned Bonds amounts at this date to $13,721 76. The account is as follows : • - Amount of Sinking Fund, at date of last report, . - $10,322 57 Received from Supervisor of Ithaca, for proceeds of tax, Fob. 3; 1870," ' - 2,500 00 Interest nu $10,000 Bonds to April 1, 1879; six months,... 350 00 " $13,500 " ' Oct. 1, 1879, 472 50 " frorri Ithaca Savings Bank, Oct. 1. 1879, .... 76 09 Total aft above stated $13,721 76 Of this stem. thirteen thousand five hundred ($13,500) dollars is in-• vested in the bonds themselves, and there is on hand $2::1 7E unin- vested. SUPERVISORS' P1WOCEEDINGS. �$ T}ie present bonded debt of the town of Ithaca, for the purpose above mentioned, exclusive of Shaking Fund, is, the'ref'ore, $86.278 24. LI pursuance of the provisions of the Act under which this debt was created, we ask that the sum of twenty-five hundred ($2500) dollars, being 2Tz per cent. on the principal of said debt,• be assessed and lev- ied upon the taxable propertyof the town of Itllaca, for the purpose of creating a Sinking Fund for the payment of said debt. Ithaca, Nov. 1879. H. B. LORD, 0. H. GREGORY, JNO. RTTIISEY, Commissioners. Iteso!ue 1.—T mt in purse ince of the provisions of Chapter 907; Laws of 1809, esti • - tied an "Act to authorize the formation of railroad corporations, and to regulate the same," passed April 2, 1850, so as to permit municipal corporations to aid in the con- struction of railroads, passed MMav 18, 1809, and a notice served upon this Board, by the Commissioners of the Town of Ithaca, for the Geneva and Ithaca Railroad Com- pany, there be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the Town of Ithaca, the sum of nine thousand five hundred ($9,500) doll€irs ; 1ntere.;t to come due April let, 1880, $3,500 00 " Out. 1st, 1880 3,500 00 Sinking Fund 2,500 00 $9,500 00 And that the Supervisor of the Town of Ithaca pay said snip to such Commissioners to be expended for the purpose above named. . DAVID L. BIJR'T'T, Supervisor. STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS. To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County ,In accordance with Chapter 552, Laws of 1870, I hereby report the public debt of the Town of Ithaca to be'as follows : Bonds issued March 1, 1869, bearing interest at seven per cent. by Copnmissioners of I. J A. R. R., $300,000 00 Less amount redeemed March 1, 1879, 15,000 00 Amount of Funding Bonds at five per cent $285,000 00 Bonds issued Oct. 1, 1871, payable Out. 1, 1901, by the Commission- ers for the Geneva and Ithaca Railroad, interest on sante payable semi-annually, • $100,000 00 Amount of bonds outstanding, $385,000 00 94 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Sinking fund in hands of Commissioners, in favor of Bonds issued Oct. 1st, 1871, for G. & I. R. R. , 13,721 76 Total Bonded indebtedness, .... $371.278 24 Amount of interest due at time of redemption, 6.6G7 40 Interest on adjustment of sale of new Bonds .2,692 91 Five per cent. interest due on 3285,000, March 1, 1880, 7,125 00 Five per cent. on $270,000, due Sept. 1, 1880, 6,750 00 Amount of principal to be paid March 1, 1880, 15,000 00 Amount of interest due April 1, 1880, ... 3,500 00 Oct. 1, 1880, 3,500 00 On Bonds issued Oct. 1, 1371, payable Oct. 1 1901, Sinking Fund, called for by Commissioners ... 2,500 00 Total amount to be raised by tax levy, $47,735 31 DAVID L. BUR'UT, Supervisor. LANSING. To the Board of :Supervisors of Tompkins Cohnty : In accordance with the Statutes, and in performance of the duties required of the undersigned, I hereby report : That it appears by report of Commissioners alleged to have been appointed on the part of the town of Lansing in said. County,• that there has been heretofore, in the year 1472, issued Bonds, on the credit of said town, to the amount of $75,000, payable with in- terest at seven per cent., semi-annually, in the year 1902, in aid. of the New York & Oswego Midland Rail Road, and that said Bonds are out- standing and unpaid. i I myself report, that I am advised, and believe, that said Bonds were issued, not in accordance with the regtrire.ments of the acts of the legislature under which they are claimed to have been issued, but in violation of the same; that said bonds are therefore invalid, and not binding on the town; that said town, at a meeting duly called, and held on the. 2d day of. September, 1879, have decided not to pay said bonds, but to resist the collection thereof, on the ground of their inva- lidity, so that, in obedience to such action of the town, and its instruc- tions given through the resolution adopted at said town meeting, I SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDIICGS. 95 report: That the above-mentioned bonds, are, each, and every of them, bonds which are not obligatory on said town, or which the town, or the subscriber as its Supervisor, recognizes as of any validity as bonds or claims in.any way chargeable upon said town. And 1 further report that said bonds are now in litigation as to their validity. • All which is respectfully submitted. DAVID CROCKER, Supervisor. To the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins, State of New York : We, the undersigned, Commissioners 'of the Town of Lansing, duly appointed under the provisions of an Act of the Legislature of the State of New York, entitled an act to facilitate the construction of the New York and Oswego IMidland •Railroad and authorize towns to sub- scribe to the capital stock thereof, passed April 5th, 1866, and of the several acts amendatory thereof and supplementary thereto, do respect- fully report that the consent, in writing, of a majority of the tax-pay- 'ing inhabitants of said town of Lansing, authorized the execution and issue of bonds of said town to the extent of one hundred thousand dollars, to be used to aid in the construction of the said New York and Oswego Midland Railroad, and its branches; that under that authority we have executed, issued and sold seventy-five thousand dollars of bonds of said. town ; that said bonds were all sold at par, and the amount of. money so raised by us was expended by as in the purchase of stock in the said New York and Oswego Midland Railroad, and the security we hold for the same is the stock of the New York and Oswe- go Midland Railroad, to the amount of seventy-five thousand dollars, the script for which is in our possession; and we further report that no part of the principal of said bonds is due or to become due or paya- ble within the ensuing year, that no dividends have been paid or re- ceived by us upon said stock, and further report that the • interest is now due 'on. the aforesaid seventy-five thousand dollars from the first day of September, 1873, until the first day of September, 1679, amount- ing to $31,500, likewise the interest to become due from the first day • of September, 1870, to the first day of Septemper, 1880, payable on the 96 SUPERZTISORS' PROCEEDINGS. first day of March and the first day of September, 1880, amounting to f $5,250, total $36,750, less 43,516 61, obtained upon the coupons of said bonds by Francis H; Brown, in the United States Circuit Court', Northern District of New York, said judgment bearing date' November• 17, 1876, which amount of $3,518 61, was levied and collected of' said town of Lansing, and applied on payment' of said judgment, which leaves a balance of $33,233 39 now due and to be- come due the ensuing year, which sntn of thirty-three thousand two hundred and thirty-three dollars and thirty-nine cents, you are bound. by the authority of the aforesaid acts, authorized and required to cause to be assessed- and levied and collected, upon the real and personal property o€' said town of Lansing, and to cause the sauce when collected to be paid to us as such Commissioners to be applied to the payment of the amount of interest now due, and to become due and payable. during the coming year, which duty you are respectfully requested to - perform. Dated Lansing, November 14, 1879. EGBERT WILLIAMS, CHAS. G. IIAGIN, • Commissioners. NEWFIELD. To ]Robert Alexander, Supervisor of the town of Newfield : We, the undersigned, Commissioners of the town of Newfield, duly appointed under the provisions of an Act of the Legislature of the State of New York, authorizing towns to subscribe to the capital stock • of railroad corporations, and to issue bonds therefor, do respectfully report, that it will be.necessary for said town of Newfield to raise by tax the sung. of three thousand 'five hundred dollars ($3,500 00) to pay interest from September 1, '1879, to September 1, 1880, on Bonds of the said town of Newfield to the amount of fifty thousand dollars, ($50,000 00) issued to aid in the construction of the Pennsylvania & Sodus Bay Railroad, said interest being payable semi-annually on the first days of March and September of each year. Also, to raise as afore- said an additional sum of $520 00, being one per cent. of the original bonded debt, to provide for a Sinking Fund. We further report that ti 7 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 97 we have a balance on hand of sixty-four dollars ($64 00) to invest toward. Sinking Fund. Dated Newfield, November 18, 1879. I. B. PALMER, N. B. DUNNING, C. N.-IGCOR-N, Commissioners. The undersigned, Board or Town Auditors, do hereby certify and de- clare that we have this day received and canceled Bonds of the town of Newfield of the one hundred dollar series, issued to aid in the con- struction of the Pennsylvania & Sodus Bay Rail Road, and correspond- ing with the following numbers, viz. : Forty-two, forty-three, forty - fon r, one hundred and eight, and one hundred and nine, with coupons attached, numbered from sixteen to fifty-nine, Inclusive, signed and sealed by Percival S. Dudley, Amos D. Shaffer, and Merritt King, Rail Road Commissioners of the town of Newfield, bearing date March 1, 1871. Dated Newfield, November 7, 1879. E. A. 17OLMES, IT. S. ROCKWELL, G. W. SEBRING, Board of Town _Iuditors. ULYSSES. To the Board of Supervisors of -Tompkins County : GEN'rLE3[1 N—Tire Bonding Commissioners of the Town or Ulysses beg leave to submit the following report: Amount of bonds issued. under Chapter 907, Laws of 1869, and laws amendatory thereof, was seventy-five thousand ($75,000) dollars dated -March 1, 1S71, due March 1, 1901, with interest at seven per cent. per annum, payable semi-annually, in -March and September. Amount of principal paid eight thousand dollars; amount of coupons due and unpaid twenty-eight dollars; there is, deposited with the Union Trust Company, of New York, twenty-eight {.x`18.) dollars, to pay said coupons; we have a balance on hand of twenty.four 34-100 dollars. One year's interest on $75,000 is • . _ . _ $5,230 00 One per rent, for sinking fund ............ .... ......... • 750 00 -- $0,000 00 '7 98 SUPERVISORS' P1ROCEEDINGS. If fifty dollar's be added to the sinking fund we would be able to pur- chase fifteen hundred dollars of the bonds the ensuing year; and for that purpose would recommend that six thousand fifty dollars be as- sessed on the Town. All of which is respectfully subriritted. Dated, October 31, 1879. . T..BO ARD 1IAN, A. M. HOLMAN, P. H. FAPRINGTON, Bonding Commissioners, AIM of' Ulysses. T. Boardman; being duly sworn says, the above report is correct to the best of his knowledge and belief. Subscribed and sworn before rne, this 31st flay of October, 1879. J. R. EMERY, Justice of the Peace. To the Auditors of the Town of Ulysses, Couldzl of Tompkins and Slate of lrew Pork: The Bonding Commissioners of said town of Ulysses, have since their report of March 31, 1879, purchased aiid canceled the following described coupons, which we herewith deliver you : 1 Conpou of 83 50, No. 61, due Sept.. 1, 1878 3 50 COUPONS DUE MARCU 1, 1879 2 Coupons of 817 50 each; No. 17,26 .............. 35 00 6 • $3 50 " Nos. 40, 57, 58, 64, 84, 85..... 21 00 56 00 COUPONS DUE UEP1E:HOBE 1, 1879. 20 Coupons of $35 00 each, Nos. 1, 2, 3. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 1G, 17, 18, 19 20 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30.... 1 015 00 56 Coupons of 817 50 each, Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 18, 19, 40. 4I, 42, 43, 45, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 51, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, GO 980 00 92 Coupons of $3 50 each, Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 31. 32, 33, 37, 38, 39, 10, 42, 43, 44, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, :29, 60, 61, 63, 08, 69, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 80, 81, 82, 81, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, SUPERVISORS'. PROCEEDINGS. 99 00, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119. 120. 121, 122, I23. 124, 125, 126, 127, 128 125, 130. 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 137, 138, 135, 140, 141, 112, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 145, 150 322 00 2,317 00 2,376 50 Making an aggregate of one hundred and eighty -sig (186) coupons, of a value of twenty-three hundred seventy-six dollars fifty cents ($2,376 50.) Dated, Trumansburg, October 31, 1879. T. BOARDMAN, A. M. IIOLMAN, P. I1. FARRINGTON, Bonding. Comnaissioner.s, for Town of Ulysses. We hereby acknowledge the receipt of the one hundred and eighty- six coupons, described in the within report, all having been legally canceled, Dated, Trumarsburg, Nov. 6th, 1879, REUBEN L. SMITH, E. S. PRATT, J. T. H O WE, Town Auditors for Ulysses. I hereby certify that the foregoing are transcripts of the Reports of the Railroad Bond Commissioners of the towns named, as presented to the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County by the Supervisors of said towns, respectively, at its regular session for 1879, and by inc filed per order of the Board. Dated, Ithaca, Dec. 18,18A. 9. DEWITT C. BOUTON, Clerk. REPORT Ol±' COM [1TTEE ON POOR HOUSE AND SUPER- INTENDENT'S REPORTS. To the (Honorable, the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County : Your Committee on Poor House, and Superintendent's Reports,' would respectfully submit for the consideration of the Board the fol- ' lowing report: 100 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. The amount of drafts drawn on the County Treasurer by the Su- perintendent of the Poor was $5,067 86 The amount of drafts paid by Treasurer 4,522 23 Leaving an unpaid balance of 545 63 The estimate of the County Superintendent for the ensuing year calls for .. , 5,390 00 Amount of deficiency 545 63 Aggregate amount called for 5,935 63 Amount to be collected from the several towns in the county. 1,403 18 The amount to be raised by resolution of tbe Board of Supervis-• ors for deficiency 545 63 The amount to be raised by Board per appropriation 3,000 00 Aggregate amount to be raised in county ...... .... .... ... 5,036 81 To meet the deficiency now existing, and provide for the Pow' expen- ses for the ensuing year, your Committee beg leave to offer the follow- ing resolution : • Resolved.—That the sum of five hundred and forty-five dollars and sixty-three cents ($515 63) be levied and collected in Tompkins County to meet the unpaid drafts drawn on the County Treasurer for said amount. Also, the sunt of three thousand dollars ($3,000 00) for the support_ of the poor during the ensuing year. Resolved.—That the sum expended by the Superintendent of the Poor for the sup- port of the poor in the several towns of the County of Tompkins be levied and col- lected on said towns according to the following statement, which shows the amount due from the several towns for the support of their poor in the poor house, from No- vember 15, 1878, to the 15th of November, 1879 : From the town of Caroline..... .... $39 17 '° D,snby 207 25 Dryden 166 75 Groton 109 63 Enfield 24 03 Lansing 126 81 Ithaca 556 92 Newfield 139 90 " Ulysses 08 39 Making an aggregate of $1,493 18 All of which is respectfully submitted. Si1MITH D. STEVENS, ROB"T ALEXANDER, DAVID L. BURTT, DAVIT) CROCKE R, J. II.. GEORGE, Committee. SUPERVISORRS' PROCEEDINGS. 101 SUPERRINTENDENT'S REPORT -1873. To the Honorable, the Bogard o,� Supervisors of the County of 7'onipkins : TIie Superintendent of the County Poor of the County of .Tomp- kins, respectfully report that from the 15th day of November, 1873, to the 15th day of November, 1879, thei's were supported iii the Poor • Hous© as follows, vii. : Wm. Iiolliiaheck, 365 days; Emiline Abel, 193; Moses pyres, 365; Richard King, 365; John Drelyanpel, 365; Nancy Barris, 365; AbramStrong, 365; Charles Mills, 365; Lena Collins, 365; James R. Cros, 0; John Murphy, 67; Emily Skinner, 365; Evale- na Skinner, 365; Denis McCarty, 23; Wm. O'Brien, 164, Timothy Casey, 20; Betsy I3oiee, 115; Homer Buckley, 104; Charles Brennan., 2; John Cosily, 4; Thomas Dunn, 2; and wife, 2; Wm. Salsburg, 3; John Trowbridge, 4; Michael Murphy, 12; James Smith, 5; John Smith, 2; Henry Delcamp, 2; Henry Ewers, 2; John Ryan, 5; Herman Bandit, 5; James Fox, 5; Charles, White, 5; Daniel Poice, 8; Win. Ketchum, 3; James Blake, 4; John Hogan. 4; Win. Butter. 4; Thomas Haley, 3; James Famzy, 3; James Wilson, 3; Hiram Bogart, 3; John McCowen, 3; John Hamilton, 2; James Williams, 4; Henry Peterson, 4; Eugene Dunn, 4; George Race, 4; Joseph Nolan, 3; James ]Sennet, 3; Philip Smith, 2; John Curtloy, 2; Anthony Haight, 2; John Kelly, 4; John Rayon 17; John Mitchel. 4; John Kane, 4; Thomas Reed, 4; Nancy White, 5; Albert Bouton, 2; Jauies Brannan, 2; John Murphy, 2; C. W. Johnson. 2; John 1)ixin, 3; Charles Somers, 3; James Maley. 3; Charles Irving, 2; George Grant, 3; George Snaith, 3; Wua. O'Ilaren, 3; George Doyle, Thomas Wilson, 3; War. Bennet, 3; John Rayon, 3; Mike Murphy, 3; Richard Malony, 2; James Dorson, 2. 'Thomas Collins, 2; Thom- as Curley, 4; John Robins, 2; Peter McKeegan, 2; Wm. Wells, 40; Richard Donovan, 3; John Riley, 3; .Kohn Williams, 2; Fred Stanley, 3; Thomas Bays, 2; Richard Hene- sy, 30; Bridget Henesy, 30; Kate Henesy, 30; James White, 2; John Norton, 2; Silas Williams, 4; Win. O IIareri, 8; John Daniels, 2; Mary Coridau. 3; James Coridan. 3; John Collins, 2; Thos. O'liaren, 2; Janaes Ilaveus, 2; Frank Jones, 2; Daniel Haring- ton, 2; Win. Maloney, 2; John Wilson, 2. Being 104 county paupers, supported 4,807 days. From the town of CAieoLINE.—Everet Boyer, 264 days. DANuv.—Cuff Pugsley, 291; Charles Walling, 365; Jerusha Cronce, 365; Eluora Cronce, 365; David Osman, 11. 'l'otaal number of paupers, 5; 1,397 days. DCYnEN.—Charles White, 365; David Rodenboiigh, 365; Anthony Oneo, 365; Allat- to George, 29. 'Total number of paupers, 4; 1,124. GuoTON.—Rebecca Butler, 305; Eli Elmer, 365; Peter McKane, 9. Total number of paupers, 3; 735 days. ENEH.L.D.—James Christy, 162. 102 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDI\GS. LANsING.—Jlenry Gilmore, 110; Lewis Chapin, 365; Mary Strong, 365; Barney Moore, 15. Total number of paupers. 4; 855 days. ITUACA..—Tonins Stephens, 365; Wm. Smith, 139; Lyman Savage, 365; John Ray- mond.;365; Lydia Bower, 365: Daniel iIcQnne, 365; John Murray, 214;,Mary Syne, 365; Wm. Hogan, 365; Emily Vanalstine, 365; Henry Mead, 9; Peter Christiance, 38; Horace Whitehead, 184; IVm. E. Hammond, 93; Mary McCarty, 150; Reuben K• Taylor, 7. Total number of paupers, 16; 3,754 days.. \EwFIELD.—Lorinda Gibbs, 305; Enoch Blovitt, 358; Charles Gray, 220. Total number of paupers, 3; 943 days. - UI.]ssEs.—John Trembly, 365; John Sears, 151; Eunice Palmer, 194; James Van- dyke, I17. Tota number of paupers, 4; 827 days.' Whole number of paupers, 145. Whole number of days, 14,872. Tne whole Dumber of days said paupers have been supported in said Poor House, was 14,872, and the amount of drafts on the County Treasurer, for bills audited by the Superintendent, for the support of• the institution during said year, over and above the proceeds of the farm. was $5.067 86. The sums expended for out door relief, was $2,509 63 " services of overseers 128 85 °' transportation of paupers 50 84 Insurance on buildings. 49 .-. 48 7J Conveying insane to asylum .... . 10 96 Improvements on property - 112 50 Indoor expenses 2,206 33 Tlie following bill in items makes up the above amount under the head of improvements on property: Journal Association. Order Book 9 50 Building hall on house 25 00 Bedsteads and chairs 78 00 112 50 There has been raised or grown on the County Farm during the said year, and the amount on hand the 15th day of November, 1879, is as follows, viz. : 175 Bushels of wheat raised; on hand 146 760 `° "- oats, " 760 900 " " cora, ears 750 340 " potatoes " " 270 5 • " " peas, L, sUPERFISORS' 3,1101 aEDINtis, 103 17 Pnshels of onions, raised ; on hand,. 15 10 " beets, 7 50 " " beans, " 50 8 " tomatoes" 550 " heads of cabbage) raised ; an hand 500 80 " apples, 35 10 Tons of hay, 8 11 Acres of corn stalks, €a]1 on hand. &TOC6 ON FAR]r. One pair of horses belonging to keeper; one yoke of oxen belonging to county; four milch cows; nine hogs fattening; seven shoats wintering; one bull; one yearling heif- er; seventy common fowls; thirty-five tons of coal ; on hand thirty-two; ten cords of wood ; on hand ten; thirty-five yards denims; thirty-eight yards shirting; two yards bleached muslin; 21 yards factory; seven pan's stockings; three pairs socks; four yards gingham; forty-seven yards flann'l; two bed ticks; five pillow ticks; seven men's shirts; four boys' shirty; nine chemise; siLteeu yards calico; six aprons; two men's slips; two flannel shirts ; fourteen pillow cases; six sheets; ten-cnmfortables; two tow- els; two pairs pants; two shionds; one-half firkin batter; two-thirds firkin lard; thirty- five pounds tallowi three dozen candles; two-thirds barrel molasses; two-thirds barrel sugar; two and one-half barrels soap; one box hard soap; four barrels cider; one:and one-half barrels vinegar; thirty yards cloth; six pairs of boots, twelve pairs shoes; sev- en casks of grease. T further report that there has been no births in the Coilty.I[ouse the past year. 1 further report the number of deaths in the County House past year, S. I further report the number of paupers in the County House the 15th day of November, 1879, thirty-six, (30.) The number in Poor House, Nov. 15, 1878, 47. 1 further report that I sent to orphan asylum, or found homes in families, for all children brought to the County Poor house. The average number in the County Poor [-1ouse during the year was 40 272-305. • Whole number received, J8; number discharged, 99; absconded, 2 ; died, S. • The average expense for each pauper's support above proceeds of the farm. $54 :15. The average expense per week, $1 04-. In conformity to the 30Th Suction, Title .1st, Chapter 20, of the Re- vised Statutes, I, the Superintendent of the .1.'oor, respectfully report to 104 SUPE1IVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. the Board of Supervisors, that I estimate tilie expenses for the support of county and town paupers in the Poor House the ensuing year at $1,200 00. I fuither estimate the expense for transportion of paupers to Coun- ty House, $40 00. I further estimate the expense for temporary relief of county pau- pers not in the Poor House, 62,500 00. I further estimate the expense of •Overseers of the Poor, for' their services, $150 00. I further report for keeper's salary the sum of $500 00. Total, $5,390 00. The following bills have been audited by the Superintendent of the Poor, and drafts drawn on the County Treasurer for indoor expenses, from the 15th day of November, 1878, to the 15th day of Novem- ber, 1879: Dec. 4, 1878. Leroy Fletcher, pork $13 30 Steplien Ammack, pork 37 32 Wesley Amniack, " 65 48 Allen Gray, insurance 48 75 Asaph King, pork 84 16 IIeury 11. Chase, Pork 12 12 Thomas Maloney, °' 12 28 T. C. VaudeVcre. " 27 56 John Maloney, " 12 08 Wm, Farrington, shoes and mending 9 08 Daniel Bowyer, pork....... 14 96 Mrs. Lyman Williams, pork 17 64 Ed. Murphy, fresh meat 173 47 Dec. 18, 1878. Geo. ltightmire, house physician 16 50 Jay Pinckney, pork 36 92 Wm. Keret, " 21 00 Wm. Esty. salt 10 00 John Vanbnskirk, bedsteads and chairs 78 00 Charles Philips, pork 14 21 8. P. Thompson, " 16 32 Jaeob Vanderbilt, °' 26 44 Michael Brennan, " 50 64 Geo. Wood, 15 08 John Many, 28 28 John Teeter, 17 76 SUPEIIVISORS' PROCEEDINGS: 105' Henry Severn, pork, 14 64 Ward S. Miller, " 28 80 John A. Letts 15 52 Walter PIekeel, " 18 00 E. 1 -Tart, 25 60 Il. B. Harrison, " 15 72 Jacob Carman, .. 18 20 Win, Nixon, 15 00 Thomas M. Bower, keeper 50 00 20 00 Jan. 1, 1879. Gauntiett & Brooks, drugs 36 69 C. B, Owen, pork 31 10 Woodford Longstreet, bull 25 00 Roswell Wilcox, error on coal bil 20 00 P. 11. Farrington, postage and order........ 1 22 G. W. Loomis, supplies 164 52 Feb. 5, 1879. Henry Rightruire, repairs 12 18 John Brown, lumber 14 17 `T'reman & King, hardware 66 18 Wm. Farrington, boots and mending.... 8 B0 A. 1'. Morton, boots and shoes41 65 Ithaca Journal, order book. 9 50 March 5 Win. Farrington, mending _ 1 70 Jonah Sincepangh, drawing grease 2 50 Geo. I.lightmire, house physician 25 00 Ed. Bowyer, threshing 25 44 April 2, T. M. Bowers, bal. on salary and wood...... 436 88 Roswell Wilcox, c:ial 52 56 E. K. Johnson, supplies 13 14 Newel Middle, grinding 11 64 H. G. Cooper, supplies 18 40 May 7. T. 1T. Bower, clover seed 9 00 Mattison & Loomis, supplies 49 26 June 4. John M. Smith, error on settlement.... 1Q 00 July 2. Geo. Rightnmire, house physician 25 00 Ang. 6. Ira C. Rockwell, lumber 12 83•'' Sept. 3. Wrn. Newell, grinding... . 13 55 Bd. Murphy, fresh meat 24 06 Oct. 1. C. J. Wolverton, supplies 7 51 Wm. Farrington, shoes and mending .9 68 Nov. 5. E. K. Johnson, supplies 65 66 Ed. Murphy, fresh meat 21 52 11. L. Smith, house physician 18 50 Total $2,367 56 • 106 SUPERVISORS. PROCFEDIXGS. The whole amount of indoor expenses from the 15th day of No- vember, 1878, to the 15th day of November, 1879, was .. $2,206 33 Days' 13oard Board. Cloth'g. County of Tompkins.. _ .4,807 - $713 15 Town of Danby 1,397 207 25 Town of Dryden ..•..1,124 166 75 Town of Caroline 264 39 17 Town of Groton.... 739 109 63 Town of Enfield 162 24 03 Town of Lansing 855 126 84 Town of Ithaca .3.751 556 92 Town of Newfield .......... .... 943 139 90 Town of Ulysses 827... .. 122 69 Total 14,872 $2206 33 .The following statement shows the :amount clue from the county, and each town, for the support of their poor in the Poor louse, from the 15th day of November, 1378, to the 15th day of November, 1879 Days. ILm't. Prom the County of Tompkins, 4807 1;713 15 " Town of Danby, .... 1397 207 25 Dryden, 1121........ 166 75 Carolioe 264 3917 Groton .. 739 109 63 " Enfield, 162 21 03 Lansing, 855 126 84 Ithaca, 3754 556 92 • Newfield, . 943........ 139 90 Ulysses, 827........ 122 69 Total 14,872 $2,206 33 ' The following bills of overseers of the poor have been audited by the Superintendent, and drafts drawn on the Couty Treasurer for frills contra-cted out of the Poor I-Iouse, for temporary relief of coun- ty paupers, frons. the 15th day of November, 1818, to the 15th day of November, -1879: Dec. 4, 1878. John E. beers, ....relief of Chapman $28 75 Eugene McNeil, •' 2Jrs. Kellogg,23 00 Sherman SC Buck, 0. Williams, 3 8G Eli Beers, ....medical service; 15 00 Miles Goodyear, 18 00 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 107 Ransom Johnson, relief Jordan family, ....... .... 16 00 B. E. Hatch, " 0. Williams 13 80 C. W. Conner, supplies " 21 33 Henry Quick, relief of tramps, 8 00 R. C. Tompkins, 5 70 Pliny Grover, taking insane to'CV illarcI13 60 Dec. 18, 'Wrn. M. 'Peek, relief of paupers,... 3 �5 George N. Thayer, relief of trawnps, 13 00 N. W. Knapr, 4 00 Alvah Ewers, " 3 50 Jan. 1, 1879. Jaynes Gardiner, assist taking pauper to asylum, . 4 44 Sears & llaucus, relief of paupers, .. ..... 22 44 J. C. Vauderhoff, trams 7 00 R. C. Tompkins, " Jacob family 13 33 Feb. 5, It. C. Tompkins, Jacobs and tramps, 20 15 J. C. Vanderkoof, " Marion and tramps:,. 7 70 Mar. 5, Chauncey Kerst, taking W. Bryant, orphan home, 7 55 Alvah Ewers. relief of tramps ,.. .. 10 50 Win. Cornelius, " Cornelius aim, .. 3 65 Jas. Linderberry, °' 5 25 Ira Bogardus, relief of tramps, 4 00 April 2, Alvah Ewers, ....... 16 00 I leery Quirk, relief of tramps and Gordon family,. 5 91 Julius Vanderhoof, relief of Marion and others,..,. 19 60 Erigene McNeil, Mrs. Wells,... 17 79 Andrew 13. Davis, relief of poor, 753 02 A. B. Davis, °' Mise Aldrige, . 44 80 J. M. Baker, " paupers, 13 15 R. C. Tompkins, " „ .... 28 00 May 7, John 11. Baker, '" ,, 5 00 R. C. Tompkins, - 44 tramps, , . 2 40 Jaynes Liuclerberry, " Cornelius 'child, 3 00 Wm. Cornelius, 2 00 Martin Holford, " Emma Harris, , 8 40 June 4. Geo. M. Beckwith, medical services, 20 00 Aug, 6. Eugene McNeil, relief of paupers, 42 62 Sept. 3, 'Mary Cnrncnings, conveying husband to asylum,,. 10 96 Lewis Roloson, board of Julia Swartont, 25 00 , E. P. Bouton, relief of paupers, 14 06 Nov. 5, John Bearrlslee, " , 5 25 Oct. 1, R. C. Tompkins, assigned to J. Northrup, relief,67 50 Nov. 5, M. C. Jones, relief paupers, 1,118 70 108 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. The following statement shows the amount of bills audited by the Superintendent of the Poor to the Overseers of the Poor, from the 15t11 day of November, 1873, to the 15th day of November, 1370, for their services with county paupers: Dec. 4, 1878, 1t. C. Tompkins Overseer Ulysses,..... 1 90 Jan. I, 1870, R. C. Tompkins 3 00 J. C. Vauderhoof,Dryden, 1 70 Feb. 5. J C. Vnnderhoof.... " 6 00 April 2, A. B. Davis Ithaca 44 00 11. C. Tompkins, `° Ulysses, 10 00 Eugene McNeil . " Groton, 5 00 May 5, Burney Kelly, policeman, Ithaca, 1 00 Sept. 3, E. P. Bouton, Overseer Ulysses, 4 00 M. C. Jones, " Ithaca 52 25 Total, $128 85 Names of paupers received into the Poor House, from the 151h day of November, 1878, to the 15th dray of November, 1879, with the bills of the persons transporting, as per transportation book: Names of l'anpers. . Town from. By whom Brought. Ain't of Bill. C. A. Clark Tramp Triunan Spaulding .$1 87 Barney Moore Lansing.... ...Wm. N. Buck.... . ... ...... 2 50 «`m. Hammond.. Enfield.... . ....J. M. Baker 1 50 Thomas Stephens, ..'.. Ithaca.... ......Milo .Tones . 1 00 Peter McIiuue .. , Groton.... . ....E. McNeil.... ..... .. ...... 2 37 DeWitt Osborn Danby, A. M. Dutton 2 50 Charles Gray.........Newfeld.... ... J. Beardslee 1 00 A. B. Davis, for transportation of paupers to friends 11 50 M. C. Jones, for transportation to friends 26 60 S50 84 The following statement shows the amount of produce sold during the past year, and where applied: 1 stack of hay. $20 00 227 Bushels of oats 77 25 61 37.60 Bushels corn to Newell 1S 30 2 Pigs/ 4 00 $133 55 Paid T. M. Bower, on salary $27 50 Due from Newell 8: Co.... 32 30 SUPERVISORS' PIWCEEDINGS. 109 Dile from Thad Thompson, on oat; 30 75 Due from T. Spaulding, on oats sold. ..• ..... 43 00 $133 55 The Superintendent would respectfully report that there is the slum of $31 58 in his hands unexpended. The $208 58, reported on hand on the 15th day of November, 1875, has been expended for the insti- tution, in the following manner: For postage and stationery $1 55 Board of paupers during snow Mackin -le , , , , 6 15 Balance on beef 1)ougbt 7 76 Expenses for transporting to asylum and friends 65.85 T. M. Bower, 011 sahu'y 100 00 Traveling expenses in poor business , • , , . , , 27 27 $208 58 The Superintendent of. the Poor respec'fully reports that the follow- ing paupers are located in towns represented by them : Johu Brewster. Binghamton Hoene • Ithaca Age 10 Mary Potter, Ovid Asylum Dryden.... ...... .. " 35 . \Vni, Hammond, Poor House ... Ithaca Priscilla Thompson, friend relieved from bonds and charged to Ithaca IVm. F. 'Bryant, Binghamton Home County " 10 Fanny Barber, Willard Asylum ....Ithaca " 30 I-Iarriet Ricardson, Willard Asylum Caroline . " 51 I4lary McCarty, transported from Utica to Ovid now at County House, charged to Ithaca,,,. " 19 Wm. S. Knapp, Ovid Asylum Ithaca ,< 19 Wm. Halsey, Utica Asylum ..County.. Clark Cummings, Utica Asylum County.... Bridget Rady, Willard Asylum. Ithaca Grant Robinson, Binghamton ...........Ulysses.... ........ Frank Greenfield, Binghamton Dryden.... \Vm. Greenfield, " .. Dryden Sara Greenfield, Dryden.,,, ........ ToM1'lifNS COUNTY, SS. Truman Spaulding, being duly sworn, says that he is the Superin- tendont of the Poor of' the County of Tompkins; that the above re- port Tnade by hien is true in all respects; that the expenditures by him 110 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. reported therein, and the orders dr wn as specified for the pavment of the same, were necessary to be tn,tdk. SPAULDING. Sworn to before me. November 14, 1374. CLARENCE L. S11LTH, Justice of the Peace. REPORT OP COMMITTEE ON INSURANCE. Ta the-Honorabte, the Board of Supervi ors of Tompkins County : The Committee' on Insurance, would respectfully report that they have effected insurance on the• county buildings for the term of th:-ee years, as follows JAIL. Ain't. Prem. Westchester. (Allen Gray, Agent,)... $2,000 832 00 Williauisburgh City Fire, (Allen Gray, Agent ). 2,000 32 U'0 • $64 00 COURT HOUSE. .fir Pheonix Fire, (T. P. St. John, Agent,) 2,500 35 00 Liverpool, London S Globe, (a. Burritt, Agent,).... 2,500 35 00 Hanover fire, (11. J. Grunt ,C Son, Agent,) 1,500 21 00 $91 00 CLEFIe9 OFFICE. North British & Mercantile Fire, (H. J. Grant S, Son, Agts.) 2,000 10 00 Connecticut Fire, (1'. 1'. St. John, Agent,) 1,000 8 00 $24 00 Total amount, 8179 00 And your Committee would recommend the adoption of the follow- ing resolution: Resolved.—That the amount of 8179 00 be levied and collected upon the taxable pro- perty of Tompkins County, for the purpose of paying the above amount of premium. ROBERT ALEXANDER, DAVID CR.00K.ER, WM. H. FITCH, • Committee on Insurance. SPECIAL REPORTS. REPORT OIi COMMITTEE ON COUNTY INSANE ASYLUM AND COUNTY HOUSE. To the 1ionorallle Boaril of Supervisors of Tompkins County: The undersigned, Committee appointed by your Board, under a reso- lution passed November 14, 1878, i'or the purpose of ," faking into consideration the expediency of erecting a suitable building upon the County Poor I[ouse Farm, for the purpose of keeping the Indigent .In- sane of this county; also, plaits and estimates of the cost of such build- ing, and. the probable cost per week of keeping such insane, and the probable saving to the county per year by keeping the insane at the county buildings instead of at Willard Asylum," and by a resolution passed Dec. 18, 1878, requiring said committee to "further report in regard. to the expedien"cy of building a new County House in connec- tion with said asylum, and that they be authorized to visit any build- ings in any of the adjoining counties, for the purpose of informing themselves, and report any and all recommendations they may deem advisable in regard to the matter," would respectfully report the fol- lowing facts and conclusions: This county paid for the snpport of the Indigent Insane during the year 1358, the sum of fifty dollars, (50 00) ; and for the year 1878, the sunt of $6,1.07 20, showing an increase of expense in the last twen- ty years of over twelve Hundred per cent. The assessed valuation of the county in the year 1858 was 87,481,- 838, and in the year 1878, it was $11,526,869, making au increase of only fifty-three per cent. in the last twenty years. . The population of the county in the year 1360 was 31.,400, and in tli"e year 1375, it was 32,861, showing an increase of only about five per cent. in the fifteen years. ' 112 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. The cost to the whole county for supporting the Poor and the Indi- gent Insane in 1358, was $-1,772 23-100, and for the year 1378 it was $23,178 26-100, showing a per tentage of increase of nearly five hun- dred per cent. during the last twenty years. The cost to the county for support of the Indigent Insane at the sev- eral asylums from 1871 to 1878, inclusive, covering a period of eight years, is $40,348 73100. From the above it will be seen that while the population and valua- tion of property in the county has increased at a very slow pace, the increase of taxation for the support of the Indigent Insane has increas- ed with rapid stride, and the subject may well claim the attention of the tax pavers of this county, as it is now attracting the attention of most of the counties of the State. Superintendent McGonegal, of Monroe, in discussing this question at the State Convention at Canandaigua, made use of the following re- marks, which we in part copy: '° There is no question but that the number of insane who are be- ing cared for at public expense has been gradually increasing during the past few years. Whether this is owing to an actual increase of in- sanity, or merely that the improved facilities provided for this class are bringing them out from families where hitherto they had been quietly kept, we are not now prepared to say. Certain it is that the. number in State institutions has been considerably augmented, arid, although within the past few years, county institutions far their care and Gusto-. dy have been multiplied, these now are also full almost to their ca- pacity.' _ The question of What is to be done with this class of people ?' has come to be of great importance. My own idea, based on our experi- ence is, that they can be more economically provided for in a county than in a State institution." Ile believed it would be wise for counties even with only twenty -live insane patients to have their own asylums. The plan of keeping the insane at a home institution is worth looking to. if insane persons are placed in a State institution, they are away from their friend so far as to be almost inaccessible, and the tendency of such a state of things is that the friends, not being able to see them, soon come to lose all interest in them, whereas, if they were near their friends the interest would be maintained. STJPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 113 There are frequent cases of insane people returned from Utica as in- curable, who, after remaining a short time in the home asylums, be- come so quiet; that they can' be returned to their homes and cared for by their friends, when, if these had been placed in the Willard Asylum, away beyond the reach of their friends, they would in all probability have lost all interest in thcnr, and they, year after year continue to be a county expense. for their maintenance in a State institution. The Willard Asylum is .a praiseworthy institution, and after visiting that place the Committee have no complaint to enter, but in the light of the experience of •many of Hie counties of the State, we are firmly convinced that the insane of this county can be equally as well cared for at a much less expense to the taxpayers of the county, by main- taining this unfortunate class in an institution of our own. In support of these views we annex a few facts for the consideration of the people of Tompkins Comity,' which we have taken from the statements and reports of the several Superintendents of the Poor of those counties where the experiment has been tried. ' The following table, extracted from these reports will show that on every lunatic supported at the home institutions of these counties, there was saved the following amounts The counties named in the following table will show the net saving per year over the three State institutions named Queens County over Ovid, $75 23. Oyer Middletown, $157 04. Over TJtica, $118 37 Orange 85 27. " 167 08. " I38 61 Monroe 80 43. " - 162.24. 133 57 Cortland - °` 129 31. " '° 211 12. 182 45 The President of the Commissioners of Charities of Kings County reports that between twelve and thirteen hundred insane are kept in his department at a cost of eighty-eight cents per week. Chenango County reports thirty-four insane patients, and the average cost per capita of the whole institution, poor house 'and asylum together, is eighty-eight cents per week. The following table will show the cost per year to support one luna- tic at the'three State institutions named,: Tho cost for supporting one lunatic at Utica is $237 57 Middletown is 266 21 `�° Ovid is 184' 43 • 114 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. This does not include the salaries of the officials of these institutions, or for transportation; the salaries being paid by the State, or indirectly by the tax payers, and the transportation•by the counties to which the 'insane belong, while the schedule of costs fur the county. alms houses and asylums include board, clothing, salaries and transportation. In the proceedings of the Con ren tion of State Superiuteudeitts before referred to, thegnestiui1 of What shall we do with our chronic pauper insane, to secure for them safety and comfort with the least expense?" was elaborately discussed. by the representatives who have already tested the system of supporting the county poor insane at home ; and we will re- fer von to the positive opinions of these gentlemen as the answer to these (ltlesti0ns. Ovid Asylum has already informed ns that unless vacancies occur from this county in their institution, that they eau_recei've no more pa• tients from us; and it is apparent that if the increase of insanity is still to.go ou, we shall be compelled to resort to the building of Asy- lums to meet the growing demand: In coinpliance with your instructions your Committee have visited the. Willard Asylum in Seneca County, and the Cortland County Asy- lum, near Cortland. We thought it advisable to compare the general condition of the patients at the two ahove-named institutions. At present there are thirteen hundred and eighty inmates at Willard. This .nuinber probably exceeds by two hundred the nnillber of patients which should be maintained at that institution. 'There is too much crowding, and if it were not for the constant vigilance of the medical 'staff, we believe that a fearful loss of He would be sustained. The .nnmber of deaths per thousand as per last report was between sixty and seventy. The patients are very well eared for, but where there are •so many to be looked after, it would be wonderful if there were not in- dividual instances of negLict. The water supply and facilities for clean- Iiness are ample. The dietary is sufficiently varied and wholesome. 'I'lle'prevaililtg diseases at present, we were told, were such as emanate from diseased lungs. Cortland•Coullty is exempt from the operations of the Willard Asy- lum act; they having received exemption papers from the State Board of Charities. . Thi}•ty.insane are now humanely treated and cared for at 1 } SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 1.15 this institution, at an average weekly expenditure of $1 06 per capita, and we can safely say that they are well cared for, comfortably housed, and well fed, and in many respects we. believe the Cortland institution • to be much preferable to a State Asylum. _ Too touch praise cannot be said. of the most excellent system of conducting it. This asylum'ocett- pies grounds adjacent to the County Ptfor House, and is superintended by the County Superintendent of the Poor. 'l'he patients are main- tained in part from the proceeds of the County House Farm. The buildings are welt calculated for the purpose for which they were built. -They are plain, 'substantial structures; no money has been squandered for unnecessary ornamentation. '.1.'he rooms are light;, of sufficient size, and well -ventilated; water from driven wells is very abundant; bath rooms .ere conveniently arranged. Cook and dining rooms are isolated; the whole. house is heated in an economical manner. The patients are .visited regularly by tli' ,tttendingpltysician, and are cared for by two attendants. During the two,or three years which the county has had no patient; has died. Ali look healthy and well - charge o f its insane nourished. We saw nothing of that sickly, .prison appearance, that is' observable in large institutions. The food furnished from the well kept kitchen is of a superior quality. We heard no complaints from any one; none expressed a desire to be removed, (while at Willard we were _ continually being asked by patients to help them to escap(t; physicians and attendants were cursed by the poor demented creatures.) All, with few exceptions; seemed as members of one family. All were clean; • there wits no stench, such as usually accompanies large numbers of peo- ple who are herded togetherin ill -ventilated quarters. We are of the opinion that when, the chronic insane once enter the 'wards of our great State Asylums, their chances for improvement are. small; that they are soon forgotten by their friends, ;incl left to arl uu- sympatltizing nnr,ntigemenl;. W11ile-if they are mai ntai nedin their own comities, they are ever near those who once cared for them, and will at least be in reach of those who are willing to extend a helping hand. We Uclieve it' the cotittty system is adopted in this county, that many of' the so -callus incurables will he so much improved, that they will he a help and comfort to their friends and. families. Yottt'.Connnittcc think the Arlan of each county maintaining its own insane no longer au experi- ment. We believe drat wherever counties have established asylums, 11$ SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. they have proven, beyond a doubt, that the system is a good one. We f believe that the bnrdPn of taxation can be ninth lessened, and. that a growing wrong can be very much curtailed. We would gladly abstain from reporting the conditibn in which our own'county house and paupers are found, but yonr Committee consider it their ditty to bring before the people of Tompkins County certain facts, even if such facts prove dibagreeab]e. The county farm and buildings are situated 7n the northwestern part of our county, only a -short distance from the county line; the location is very inconvenient except for the town of Ulysses. The Bunt - con- sists of one hundred acres of very fine land, and compares favorably with the best farms in the county. It is very productive, and we be- lieve is managed for the best interests of the county. The buildings are not well arranged for the purposes for which they, are used. The main structure was formerly a farm-ltot,e, and is at the present time in a very poor condition. There is no ventilation, the rooms are small, the ceilings low. There is no sufficient water supply, no bathing facil- ities, no well -arranged cook rooms, no good store rooms, no well-venti- . . lated cellars. The whole building is infested with vermin, -and the •condition of the house is such that it would be impossible to extermi- nate them. The hospital, though poorly built, answers very well the purpose for which it was constructed. The barns, .sheds, stables and out -houses are all in a dilapidated condition and need extensive repairs. The paupers aro sufficiently well-fed but in other respects, many•of them are in a truly deplorable condition. Their bodies are covered e with filth, from which is exhaled foul odors. Their appearance is bestial. Their blank countenances express no attributes, of manhood. The death -rate is unusually large. How much improvement might be accomplished by proper ,buildings, and good sanitary arrangements, your Committee -is unable to state, but we believe, that if proper hy- gienic measures were adopted there would be a great change for the better. In order to arrive at a just conclusion in regard to the probable sav- ing to this county, by keeping the insane of the county upon the county farm, it will be necessary to select some county that now keep their insane at the county house, as a guide, and for that purpose we have selected our neighboring County of Cortland. SUPERYI,SORS' PROCEEDINGS. 117 . - Tompkins County has a farm of one hundred acres, in a high state of cultivation, and Cortland County has one of one hundred and eighteen acres, a large part; of whicl.► is not very productive, and al- though containing more, acres will not produce as much as the !farm belonging to this county. .The expense of keeping the insane and paupers combined, in Cort- land County (as has been stated,) is one dollar and six cents per week. The amount expended for support of the -Poor in the County Hon o of 'I'ornplans county, during the year 1878, was... $2,381 50 Amount expended for Insane at Willard... 5,407 20 -'total for Insane at Willard, and Poor House for 1878 $7,701 70 The number of Weeks' board, furnished the Poor at the County House for the year 1878, was 2,745, which at $1 06 per week would amount to the sum of $2,909,7C; and the board of thirty-five insane pa-. tients for one year, at $1 06 per week, to $1,929 20. Total for one year, $4,838 90, leaving to the county a. saving per year of the sum of $2,952 80. ' PROBABLE COST OF BIIILDi.NG LOIt INSANE. Your Committee is of the opinion that the probable cost of a goody plain, substantial brick building, with fixtures for baths, heating, ven- tilating, &c., for the acco►nmodation of fifty insane patients, would.uot exceed the sum of five thousand dollars. PRO]IARLE COST OF NEW,COUNTY ]LOUSE ANI) INSANE ASYLUM. -We arc of the opinion that the entire cost of a plain, substantial brick County House and Insane Asylum, together with new barns and but -houses, would not exceed the sum of fifteen thousand dollars ; and we firmly believe that if the county would iiorrow and judiciously ex- pend a sum mot exceeding fifteen thousand dollars for the erection of a new County House and Insane Asylum, they would thereby save enough in the next ten years to pay the • entire cost of the investment and the interest upon the same, without calling upon the taxpayers for .any greater suns per year than they are now paving for the support of the poor in the County House and the Insane at Willard. Asylum, Your Committe would recommend as follows : . 118 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. . 'irct.—That, considering the dilapidated condition of the present County House, burns and out buildings, and the certain necessity of building new ones in the very near future, and the present county farm being located in the estretne north-west corner of the 'county, and at a great distance from its center (were it should be located for the con- venience of the entire county.) would recommend that the present farm be sold or exchanged for one of two hundred acres near the center of the county, and .in a location where a sufficient supply of pure water may be obtained for sanitary purposes. Second.—That the county erect upon such farm good, plain. ,substan- tial brick buildins for tate purpose of keeping the chronic Indigent Insane and the Poor of the county, at a cost not to exceed the sunt of fifteen thousand dollars, including the exchange of the present farm for one of two hundred acres. All of which is respectfully submitted. I-IARItISON iflARATIN, EZRA MARION, • JOHN E. BEERS, , Dated Ithaca, February 23, 1579. • Comm /Um 4 REPORT OF COMMITCEE ON EXTRAORDINARY R.EPAIIiS ON THE COURT HOUSE. To the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins : Your Committee, appointed to procure certain improvements and changes to be made in the Court House in said county, and to ventilate and heat the court room of the, sante, submit the followin;. report: • That they solicited bids for the repairing and ventilating said court room according to certain plans, drawings and specifications which were left at the county clerk's office in said county for public inspection. That the contract for repairing and ventilating the court room Was awarded to Nash .C. Sherman, of Ithaca, for the sums of fourteen bun- dred and ninety-nine dollars (1,499 00), that; being, the lowest bid re- ceived for the sante. That they have purchased of Treman cS, Ding; of ,Ithaca, a Boynton 1 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 119 furnace, for heating said court room, and placed in position with all the • pipes and registers complete, for the sum of throe hundred and forty,. dollars, $340 00. That they have caused the old furnaces and pipes to .he repaired and changed at an expense of thirty-two dollars and forty -throe cents, $32,- 43. Tltat they have,caused other changes to be trade in •said building at an expense of Mine and 80-100 (bbl 30), and other incidental expenses to the amount of one hundred and twenty 57-100 ($120 57.) as per vouchers liereLo attached. That they have accepted of the work as 'performed. And in aecord- ance with a resolution passed by said Board of Supervisors at -a special - session on the'Sth-day or February, 1879, they have borrowed on tho' credit of the county the sunt of two thonsatxl and one 30-100•dollars, ($2,001 30), for the following -purposes as per vouchers, to wit: • Voucher No. 1. Repairs and ventilation of Court Room ...... ..':81,409 00 2. Furnace incl fixtures for heating Court House340 00 " 3. Repairing and changing olci furnace and pipes.... 32 43 " 4. Extra excavations and building columns under sills of Court Horse 9 30 " 5. Paid architect, for plans, Cc 70 00, ''G. Extra, to Nash & Sherman. 25 32 " 7. Glass in Supervisors' room - 3 00 °` 8. Insurance, carpenters' risk, T. P. St. John G 25 , " 9. 11. J. Grant & Son, insurance, carpenters' risk3 75 $2,001 30. In pursuance of said resolution passed by said Board, Feb, 5,-187',. your Committee have borrowed of J. L. Whiton, of Ithaca, the sum. . of two thousand and one dollars and. thirty cents,.($2,001 30,),at �lif-. , ferent times and in different sums, and given notes with interest for same as follows, to wit : One note for four hundred dollars, (400 00.) Dated February 1.1,. 1879, payable on or before the 15th day of January, 1880. One note for sixteen hundred and one 30-100 dollars, (1601:0), dated_ March 11, 1879, payable on or before the 15th day -of January, 1880. • And your Committee would further report that they Lave examined • 120 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. the work_ done upon said Court House at different times during it3 progress, and that the same has been done in a good and workmanlike manner, and none but the best 'of materials have been used for the . same. All of which is respectfully submitted. PIERCE PEARSON, HARRISON MARyIN, WIVI. H. FITCH, Committee. [The vouchers for the expenses and disbursements incurred and made by the above Committee, are filed and deposited with the papers and documents in the Supervisors' Rooms, subject to-exatninatiou by any person interested. DEWITT C. BOUTON, CIork.] PETITION &c., OF DOUGLASS BOARDMAN, FOR .CORREC- TION OF ASSESSMENT ROLL. COUNTY COURT--TO?EE'KINS COUNTY.. IN THE MATTER OP THE APPLICATION OF DOUGLASS BOAnDMAN, against THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OP TOa PKINS I y COUNTY. Please take notice, that upon the petition of Douglass Boardman and the affidavits of Samuel ]3. Beers, i\Iyron A. Sexton and Bernard Moon- ey, copies of which are hereto annexed, an application will be made to the County Court of Tompkins County, at the chambers of the, Hon. Marcus Lyon, County Judge of said County, in the village of Ithaca, in said County, on the 22nd day of November, 1879, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard, for an order recommending and directing the Board of Supervisors of said County of Tompkins to correct an error in the assessment roll of taxes for the town of Ithaca in said County, for the year 1879, by strik- ing out from such roll an assessment therein made against Douglass 1 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 121 Boardrnan as follows: "Douglass Boardman, Agent, peisonal property $12,500," and for such further and other relief t►s may be proper. Dated November 14, 1879. F. M. FINCH, Attorney. for Petitioner. To the Board of `Supervisors of Tompkins County. 1N THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF DOUGLASS- BOARDMAN, against THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF TOMPKINS COUNTY. To the County Court of Tompkins County : The petition of Douglass Boardman of the town of Ithaca, in the County of Tompkins, respectfully shows to your honorable body that he is a resident, and taxpayer in said town and has been for many years ; that Samuel B. Beers, Myron A. Sexton and Royal Thoinpsoit are and since the spring of 1879, have been the assessors of said town of Ithaca, duly elected and acting tis such; that said assessors in the discharge of their duties assessed said Boardman upon the assessment roll for 1879 of said town, on account of his real and personal property for the suns of twelve thousand eight hundred and fifty dollars over and above his bank stock in the First National Bank; that said assessors also assessed said Boardman and placed his name upon said assessment roll as fol- lows, "Douglass Boardman, Agent, personal property, $12,500." And your petitioner further shows that .he is and for years past has been the agent for his two sisters who reside 'in the County of Monroe, and State of New York; that said sisters of petitioner are the owners of personal proPerty of the valite of $12,500 and upwards, liable to be tax-' ed to them ; that as such. 'agent your petitioner has had the care and• custody of such personal property, which consists of bonds, mortgages, notes and money ; that the said personal property has been put in your petitioner's hands for investment, for and on account of Ms such sisters; and as agent, he has loaned and taken care of the same for them, ren -- 122 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. , dering them annually accounts thereof and remitting to them princi- pal or interest, as and when they required the same. And your petitioner further shows that he is not agent for any other person or persons residing out of the town of Ithaca, and has no prop- erty in his possession or under his control belonging to any other per- son or persons residing out of said town of Ithaca. And your petitioner further shows that upon the facts aforesaid the. said assessors have placed his name upon the roll for said town as agent for said sum of twelve thousand five hundred dollars of personal property ; that your petitioner had no actual knowledge or notice of such assessment until Oct. 25, 1S70, but that between the 16th day of August and the first day of September last, he had a conversation with Saamnel B. Beers, one of said assessors, about the legality and propriety of such an assessment, and was then told by. said Beers that it was thought by some, such an assessment should be made against your peti- tioner, but that he thought it was not right or proper ; , that deponen t then protested against such proposed assessment as illegal and without jurisdiction ; that afterwards, as deponent is informed and believes, said assessors made such assessment against him as agent, and your petitioner- begs leave to refer to the affidavit of said Samuel B. Beers and Myron A. Sexton, hereto annexed, and to make the sane a part of this petition. And your petitioner further says that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief no other grohnd for making said assessment as aforesaid exists beyond what is hereinbefore stated. - And your lietitioner further says, that said assessment against hire as agent for said sum of:twelve thousand five hundred dollars is illegal and.uujust as he beliei•es, and that said property is only taxable ib the County of. Monroe, where the owners thereof reside; that he will suf-• fer great wrong and injury if said assessment shall be allowed to stand, and taxes shall be levied thereunder. Wherefore your petitioner prays that this I-Ionorable Court may rec- ommend and direct the Board of Supervisors of said -County of Tomp- kins to correct such error in said assessment roll of the town of Ithaca, by striking out. therefrom such assessment against your petitioner .as' SUPERVISORS' PIocr3.DING . 123 agent, fir said sung of i',welye thousand fire hundred dollars, and for such further' or other relief as may be proper. And your petitioner will ever pray, etc. D OUGLASS BOARDMAN. State of New York, Tompkins County, ss. Douglass Boardman, being duly sworn, says lie is the'petitioner above named, that he has rad the foregoing petition, afid knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true of h is own knowledge except as to those matters which are therein stated to be upon his information and belief, and as to those matters he believes it to be true. D. BOARDMAN. Sworn to this eth day of 'November, x879, before me, BERNARD MOONEY, Notary Public. tr IN THE EIATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF DOUGLAss BOARDMAN, against THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF TO\IPKINS COUNTY. State of New York, .'Tompkins County ss. Samuel B. Beers and Myron A. Sexton. of Ithaca,.iii said County, being duly sworn, depose and say, and each for himself deposes and says, that he rr'sides in the town of Ithaca, in said County, and is and has been for the year last past one of the assessor's of said town, duly elect- ed and acting as such; that Douglass Boardman is, and for many years past has been a resident of said' town of Ithaca, and a taxpieyer therein ; that said Boardman has been assessed upon the present assess-' mein roll of said town of Ithaca for. twelve thousand eight -hundred and fifty dollars for real estate and personal property owned by hint and lia- ble to taxation in said town ; that said Boardman was also assessed upon said assessment roll as follows : Douglass Boardman, Agent, per- sonal property, $12,800. - 0 124 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. --And deponent further says that he was informed by said Boardman, and believed that two sisters of said Boardman, residing in the County of Monroe, in said State of New York, were the owners of personal prop- erty of the value of twelve thousand five handred dollars and upwards, liable to taxation ; that for many years past said Boardman had had charge of said personal property as the agent of -his said sisters, and had cared for and loaned the same for them, and had remitted' to them the principal and interest thereof when and.as requested; that upon this state of facts the Board of Assessors:beheved from the in- structions of the State Assessors and Attorney General they had juris- diction to assess said Douglass Boardman as agent for the personitl property of his sisters, in said town of Ithaca, and the assessment of $12,500 against him as the agent for and on account of the personal property of his said sisters, was made as aforesaid. And deponent further says, that between the isth day of August, 1879, and the 1st day of September, 1879, he informed said Boardman that the Board of Assessors thought said Board/nail ought to be asses- sed for property so held by him as agent, but that said Boardman pro- tested that such an assessment was illegal and without jurisdiction on the part of the Board; that said property was only assessable in the County of Monroe, where the owners resided, and the question whether an assessment therefor was at the time of such conversation left open to be thereafter determined by said Board. And deponent further says no personal notice was ever given to said Boardman of such assessment against him as agent, to deponent's knowledge or belief. And deponent further says that no other ground for mitking such assessment as aforesaid existed or now exists except such as have been herein above set forth S. B. .BEERS, 141YRON A. SEXTON. Sworn to before me, this Oth day of November, 1879. BERNARD MOONEY, Notary Public. State of New Pork, Tompkins County, .ss. Bernard Mooney, of Ithaca, in said County, being duly sworn, depo- ses and"says that he has seen .and examined the assessment roll referred • SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 1`5 to in the petition of Douglass Boardman. and the affidavit of Samuel - 13. Beers aaid Myron A. Sexton hereto annexed, .and that the following is a correct copy of the affidavit attached to and accompanying the said assessment roll: State of New Yorlc, Tompkins County, Town of .Ithaca, ss. WO, the undersigned, do severally depose and, swear that we have set down in the following assessment roll the real estate situated in the town of Ithaca, County of Tompkins, State of New York, according to our best information, and that with the•exeeption of the cases in which the value of the real estate has been changed by reason of proof pro- duced before us, we have estimated the value of the said real estate .at the. sums which a majority of the assessors have decided to be a just value thereof; and also that the said assessment roll contains a true statement of the aggregate amount' of taxable personal estate of each and every person mimed ,in such roll, over and above the amount of debts due from such persons respectively, and excl udiiag such stocks as are otherwise_taxable,and such other property as is now exempt by law from taxation, according to our best knowledge and belief. S. 13. BEERS, M. A. SEXTON, ROYAL T13OMPSON, Assessors of the town of Ithaca. Subscribed and sworn,befoie me, this 1st day of September, 1879. WM. J. TOTTEN, Justice of the Peace. • And deponent further says that there is no other affidavit "attached to or accompanying the said assessment roll. BERNARD MOONEY. Sworn to befoi•e'me, this 14th day of November, 1879. J. L. BAKER, _ • Notary Public. The following, (taken from the Annual Report of the State Assessors for 1879), being the authority upon which the Assessors •haled their 0 126 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. action, I have taken the liberty to append, in order to a better under- standing by the. tai -Layers of the whole controversy. , DEWI'TT C. BOUTON, Clerk. PER50NdL PROPERTY IN THE HANDS O2+ AGENTS. For a long series of years a very large amount of personal property in this State has escaped taxation, that has been ' • in the possession or tinder the control of agents," as assessors have acted under the belief that if a person living in one county, and hav- ing personal property in another, it could only be assessed to the owner in the place of his residence. So much discussion was had upon this question, that the matter was submitted to the Attorney -General of the State, and we give his letter, in which he holds " that the statute is clear and explicit that personal property in the actual possession or under the actual control of any agent or trustee designated by the act must be assessed to biin. Opinion of .4itorney-General aSchaonmaker. STATE OF NEW Yonx, QFF2CE of THE ATTORNEY -GENERAL ALBANY, June 26, 1878. JAMES A. BRIGGS, State Asscst?or: DRAB SIII.—I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your inquiry of the 24th inst., relative to the assessment of personal property to agents, trustees, etc., who Q have it in their possession. It is provided by statute that " every person shall be assessed in the town or ward where he resides when the assessment is made for all personal estate owned by hien, including nil personal estate in his possession, or under his control as agent, trustee, guardian, executor or administrator ; and in no case shall property so held under ei- ther of these trusts be assessed against any other person." (Chapter -176, Section 2, Laws of 1851.) This statute is clear and explicit, and under its provisions personal property in the actual possession or under the actual control of any agent or trustee designated by the act lutist bo assessed to him, and cannot be lawfully assessed against the owner or person for whose benefit it is held. In case of an agent in possession, the absence or residence elsewhere of the owner is presumed, and the possession by an agent must be controlling and authoritative as the representative of the principal. A mere super- intendency by nn agent, under a resident owner, is not possession or control under this statute. In cases of possession by any of the trustees mentionecl.in the act, the residence of the persons beneficially interested is immaterial. The assessment most be to the trustee, tivitliont regard to the residence of the ceslui qr?e trust. The policy or object of the enactment evidently is, that the locality where the property is situated and protected by the local authorities shall hive the benefit of the taxation or some 1 ( SUPEIIV.ISORB' PltOcEEDINOS. 127 equivalent for the burden of protection, and that the remedies for collection may bo • -enforced against the property. Under this statute, if a resident of Albany county is the owner of live stock, manu- factured goods-, fanning implements or other tangible personal property in Oneida county, in the possession or under the control of an agent there, it must be assessed to the agent in Oneida, and cannot be assessed to the owner in Albany. And the rule is the same if the owner be a nun -resident of the State. The agent in possession must be assessed ,(The People v. Trustees of Ogdensburgh, 48 N. Y. 390.) For the purpose of taxation the agent is deemed the owner, • The same rule also applies to debts, choses in action held by an agetit tinder like cir- cumstances. The phrase "personal estate or personal property" in the tax laws in- cludes all household furniture. moneys, goods, chattels, debts due from solvent debt- ors, whether on accouut, contract, mote, bond or mortgages, public stocks and stocks in moneyed corporations. (1 R. S., ch. 13, title 1, see. 4, fit.h ed.) The provisions of the act of 1851, requiring all personal estate to be assessed to the agent, etc., in possession, and declaring that " in no case shall property so lfo1d under either of these trusts be assessed against any other person," would seem to be conclu- sive that the agent in possession must be assessed where the property is located, and that the owner who resides in another town or county cannot be assessed at his place of residence or elsewhere for suolt property. The principle has been applied to personal property, both of a tangible character 'and investments of capital owned by residents of the State and held by agents in other States. The resident owner is not taxable for 80011 property. (Hoyt. v. Courts of_1'axes, •23 N. Y. 224 ; The People v. Gtirdtaer, 51 Barb.,352. ) There are exceptional cases, however, under particular statutes, where an agent can- not be'assessed, but the property utust'be atssesscd in the mode prescribed in the spe- cial act. Bank shares ;1101 personal property owned by corporations which are taxa- file upon their capital stock are exceptions of this character. But where no special method is fixed by statute, the general rule established by. the act of 1851 must govern assessments. Very respectfully, . A. SCHOONMAI E1t, Jr., Attorney -General. • OR D INANCT1, Mode pursuant to Chapter 534, Section 37, Laws 1873: AN A01 for the protection and preserve -Won' of Quail, Wood] Dude,, Black Duck,.11lallar•d Duck, Teal Duck and liroodeock, in the Coun- ty of T orlapd;ins. [Passed December 5, 1879, by the hoard of Supervisors of Tompkins County. A fall Board being present. and all the members thereof voting in the affirmative:} 128 .SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDLNGS. . The people of 7ouapktns County, by the Board.of Supervisors, do enact as follows : SEcnoN 1. No person shall catch, kill, or have in his or her pos- session, any Quail caught or killed in said county for the period of three years after the passage of this ordinance. SEc. 2. No person slta]1. catch or kill, or have in his•or her pos- .session, any Wood Duck, Black Duck, Mallard Duck, Teal Duck or Woodcock, caught or killed in said county between the first day of January and the first day of September in each year. SEc. 3. Any person violating any of the provisions of the above sections, shall be deemed guilty of. a misdeineanor, and upon convic- tion thereof, shall be punishable as provided in section 9, Chapter 534, Laws of 1879. SEC. 4. All fines recovered under the provisions of this ordinance or regulation, and belonging to said county, shall be paid to the Treas- • urer of said county, to be kept by hirn in a separate account, and to be applied to the enforcement of this ordinance, by payment of the costs, and in such other manner as the Board of Supervisors of said county may direct. SEC. 5. This ordinance shall take effect immediately, • I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was adopted and duly passed by. the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, at its regular session, December 5, 1879, a full Board being present. DEVITT C. BOUTON, Clerk of .l3oard of Supervisors of Tompkins County. Supervisors' Rooms, Ithaca, December $; 1879. 1 • POLITICAL DIRECTORY, AND COMPENDIUM OF THE LAW PRESCRIBING THE DUTIES' S OF TOWN OFFICERS. t Compiicd !,y dlreCt,:oo gfllos Board nfSupervisors of 'Ibuapki'as L'on"t,y, /818. ] General election : The first Tuesday after the first 1ond'iy in November. Aminal Town ,fleeting : Thi; first Tuesday in April. Annual School Meeting :'Tlto second Tuesday in October., Annual tweeting of Town Auditors : 'The first Thursday atter the General election ; at which time all Town Bills mist be ]resented. Animal 'fleeting of Town Auditors to settle with Town 0111eers : The last, 'Tuesday preceding 'Town Meeting. . . Amina] meeting of Superri„rs as County Canvassers : The first Tuesday succeed— ing the General Election ; and, on the completion of the canvass, to organize as a Board of Supervisors. Animal meeting of Asse.stiors, Supervisor ntid 'l'uwn Clerk, to publish notice of election ; the place of holding, and the times of opening and closing the polls ; (no- tices of the sante to he posted in at least eight public places in each district) : The first Tklonday in October. 11leeting of the above-nianaed officers for the purpose of making a jury list : The first Monday in .Tilly of every third year. The last meeting for this purpose was held on said [lay of .1 lily, 1878.• County Superintendents of the poor meet at the County House : The first 1Vcdnes— day in each month. (The object of these meetings -is to audit bills payable from the County Poor Fund.) DUTIES, I1ESPUNSIUILITIES, ke., OP TOWN OPPICEI{S. Each Supervisor mast exeomte to, and deposit with, the County Treasurer, a bonal. -for the accounting for all School moneys which may come into his hands, before'ett. tering upon the duties of his ollice. Each Supervisor trust make. and deliver to the Town Clerk of his town, his bond for the faithful discharge of his official duties, and to account for all moneys coining into his hands as sneh Supervisor. The Trustees of School Districts shall report to the School Commissioners between October first and the second 'Tuesday of the same month. 130 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS, The School moneys are apportioned annually by the School Commissioners, on the third Tuesday of March. The Commissioner of Highways must execute a bond to the Supervisor of his town within ten days after his election. Overseers of Highways must file a statement of all unworked highway -tax with the Supervisors of their respective towns, on or before the first day of October. The Collector shall, within eight days after receiving notict3 of the amount of taxes to bo collected by him, execute to the Supervisor of the town, and lodge with him, a bond in double the rsmonnt of said taxes, to be approved by the Supervisor. The Supervisor shall, within six days thereafter, file said bond in the office of the County Clerk of his County. The Assessors must complete the Assessment Roll on or before the first day of August, and leave a copy thereof with one of their number, and immediately there- after, cause notice to be posted in three or more public places in their town or ward. The Assessors shall meet on the third Tuesday in August, to review their assess- ments, and hear the complaint of any person conceiving himself aggrieved. An affida- vit to the Roll by the Assessors, made prior to the third Tuesday of August, is a nul- lity. The Assessors must deliver the corrected Assessment Roll to the Supervisor on or before tho first day of September. The Assessor cannot enter the name of a person on his Roll who became a resident after• the first day of July. When the Assessors, or a majority of thorn, shall have completed their roll, they shall severally appear before oue of the justices of the town or city in which they shall reside, and shall severally make and subscribe, before such justice, an oath, in the following form : "We, the undersigned, do severally.depose and swear that we have set down, in the foregoing assessment roll, all the real estate situate in the town {or ward, as the case may be,) according to our best information ; and that, with the exception of those cases in which the value of the said real estate has been changed by reason of proof produced before us, we have estimated the value` of the said roil estate at the sums which a majority of the assessors have decided to • be the full and true .value thereof, and at which they would appraise the sauce in payment of a just debt due from a solvent debtor, and also that the said assessment roll contains a true statement of the aggregate amount of the taxable personal estate of each and every person named in such roll, over and above the amonnt of debts due from such persons, respectively, and excluding such stocks as are otherwise taxable, and such other property as is ex - erupt by law from taxation, at the full and true value thereof, according to our best judgment and belief." - The foregoing oath is in the precise language of the statute, and any departure therefrom by assessors is as needless as it is hazardous. The ,phraseology of the stat- ute would seem to be as concise as is compatible with its comprehensiveness. It is possible that a somewhat briefer form of oath, embodying the substance of the form laid down in the statute, might be adopted—but who can know that the substance of the statutory oath is preserved ? No one, until the question has'been passed upon by • • • SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 131 a competent Court. it will thus be seen that he who departs from; by abridging, the forin set forth in the statute, is very liable to cause tho tax -payors to pay pretty dear- ly for his economy of ink and paper. And the possibility of cent' variance from the 'precise words of the statute with safety, has reference only to form ; any change in substance would be fatal. For instance ; it is thought that taking tho oath before any other officer than a justice of the peace of the town, (or city) in which the asssssors re - ,side ; �r the omission CO state the value df the property assessed, tbo basis on which the estimate is made, and that such estimate is according to the best judgment and be- lief of the assessors subscribing the oath, or of a majority of them ; it is thought that these defects, or any of them, would render the assessment a nullity, because not in dc - a eordance with the statute. It is hoped that the assessors of the several towns of this County will observe the strict letter of the statute in the performance of their import- ant and responsible duties. The Supervisor most report to tha County Treasurer, on the first Tuesday in March, the amount of School moneys remaining in his hands. - Each Justice of the Peace must execute a bond to the Supervisor of his town. Each Justice of the Peace shall make a report in writing, verified by oath, every year, ,bearing date the first day of November, to the Board of Supervisors, at their an- nual session, in which he shall state particularly' the time when, and the name of the person or persons from whom, any money has been received, and also the amount, and on what account the same was received ; also all sums remaining due and unpaid; and that all moneys by him received have been paid to the officer duly empowered by law to receive the same. Each Justice of the Peace must pay all the money received by him, for fines orpen- allies, to the Supervisor of his town. Overseers of the Poor cannot furnish supplies to a County pauper to exceed the sum of ten dollars, without au order from the County Superintendents authorizing further disbursements for such purpose. ' All bills payable by towns must be presented to the Town Auditors for their ap- provat. All bills for supplies furnished to County paupers, must be presented to the County Superintendeilts of the Poor, for audit. ALL BILLS PRESENTED TO ANY AUDITING BOARD, MUST RN VERIFIED BY OATH, STATING TEAT THE SAME ARE CORRECT IN EVERY PARTICULAR, AND THAT NO COMPENSATION HAS DEEN RECEIVED FOR THE SAM , OR ANY PART THEREOF, EXCEPT AS THEREIN STATED. r INDEX. PAGE. SPECIAL SESSION OF 130ARD 3-8 REGULAR " '• 9-50 COUNTY AU )IT 51-54 Surmtvcsons' AccouNTs 55 TowN AUDITS—CaICI ilIC 56 Ihtnby 57 V lirt•rlen 58 Enfield 60 Groton .... 62 Ithaca 63 hinsing 67 Newfield ' 69 'Ulysses 70' liErortTs=Committee on County Treasurer's 73 . County Treasurer's 74 infant heir Fund. ` 84 1 Equalization .... ...... ... 86 Fj District Attorney's 89 t# United States Deposit Fund ........... 87 1{. R. Commissioners --Enfield 88 Groton 80 Ithaca ' 91 i Lansing 94 s Newfield... 96 ' •' Ulysses 97 ' . Poor House, and Superintendent's 99 . SPECIAL REroriTs---County Insane Asylum and County House 111 t: Extraordinary Repairs on the Court House 118 T.. Petition pie., Douglass Boardman.... 12u' Ordinance 127 POLITICAL DIRECTORY ON DUTIES or TOWN OFFICERS '129 . COUN-rY OFriom O ivAss 133 E'RRA T U3f. •t Page45. Fifteenth line from bottom of page, for "Court Expenses, $1,000," read "Court Expenses, ;1,500. • hi 0 0 a 1: a � 'e n � K w y p, 0. " r w a3 v if a$ v a Xm C� o " w w n- a7 0 0.',••-••• u � X da nr 1/P r ?may n^�"W O I 7! n n - n wn°off' g C} <9�pno roan ^O,n w Ysn O n n d d. k ' 4.W o m_ o N ITN : II -ir- n 0 u0 Nw;IL G.^ et c or, 7r ( uaoT^wu, Jg_g- aro ^'' o 3� w n n ( cn urn • E., a P " n o z a a. n Tom' on n_t oN a. s "` n a° fa,g w O r " < 35 G 0.N mn a ' a y " c.• �: co "m �0• m N P X n m < o < < 0. C�- 3 7 N ti S0. � n P, H a y w 0 d R ry C °o g9 coq. E "" C" -meg 0.G .S -^.. °n o 0 3 ;11n acn 3 n 0p o w . �• p oo'u M '• s. Z u=� 7 C y Y n n o C;,Y •�<' C7 0. U, m n �0. W " n r"i n o 91' 1c i1 ar teLtio mita orit mOf the votes given at a General Election in the several election districts in the County of Temp- . R kins, on the 5th day of November, A. I t., .872, for Associate Judge of the Court of Appeals, Sheriff, County 'Treasurer, Justices of Sessions, Coroners, Member ofAssembly, and School Commissioner in the First District, and Member o(Congress, o .t n F. Caroline liIysseti `� • 8 m Q trt - - N u N ., N u W N- •.., N n w N w w N •.. Districts. O, O.,O P wi.,n N vw+00 pp N Wm O.N N 4- ,t ',I] :-.1 0.N .. N O.O �'.O w,° CI. 01 Lau Ow " 'NI Nt.l Nt 1VIINle No. of Votes. i'';', 3 OO '}O W1. OJ pp COS 1..u 13 ..Z Vi Q •, N DJ+0N b OIH.W v1T b nO:Fg. aWpWW " n George F. Danforth, y. +D W ,O O i u, N W N w .p '.n tg 2',5,' pp, V. N U,V +N: ON Pb O,UI Ut :°..2' V Gtdeo.. J. 'nicker. Q � Q` N �v ��Ne +V � W'atVo, '4,.°"'"?„N yElla' �oa- ob,C 9w.o " George: Ii, lsladley, ty .AI o ••••-• 1. o,00 ,• w .. N o, W N j2.,„;:...„,,„, " w William II. VanCott. . "AA i w o O.a l a .1 AVIWNti [p��i. ao v, F o°w ao QQ. NY`p c`co^ iiiI.ss'� �i'w,o HNN N w - Whole No. of votes. .o" r .p m N N+ o+ u W C .. o",�I N u .1 �`i3' F N N v.�.r ,o .} W W +1 w 'd V v ,- N a� .= $'y ,.JUhll A I :-.1-1,1"11?,, M. Smith. w X v N u. •o �',.ow Nwu w .. „ .o'e o L w „ - A" u<., m.. '"' o" 3, i 'cul '',1 ...it r.- ,'!',,1,...19',11tn,^- � ti�� rn c+ S pi R'illiarn J. smith. - k.-;,, O N ,...0 0 .. A N N .. N N C. WW V, Jared M. Smith. V A W -C.',....8 A J. ^A } vN 0 m .Vl 'A v 0.3 Vlw N ti "'' ., 0V u N :.'D 0 N } wb., u w 0 V o° D°}u {- 4,5,0 ',,"5 - 3' O. ,V V� - Whole No, of Votes. n m33333C .',.1. �-: U } '� ;._. Ii '3.-C°'w .,'uV 3,].y. �.pp,ap `+ 'J. �w � 10 G O O.W C, vi N- O O.O L10o G ...-�.._�,'' ()Cls[u5 H. CiCC�Or�'. � W; .o. ,o w a --- UI u ° W1::.] y i. ° $. °'�°v mii $.' , v, ooi n w N Edward Kirk Johnson. N C U. . - C: V. O u u W u N .. a } v W Y Y Martin E. 'Tripp. u.3 :W33 3 iW,tl ' wo .`. „ EmcD g N ItT=? w `d' ii. v,+ whale No. of Votes. W Oo - W Op W }v Son 150 112 100 412 250 -- WV.. D,W V xW bN 2,,,VV.- o-. °a° 2 }N wW. WO V 1 }' V John. �. N,e. : n p :.,' - u .wuW" F,' ` :El. Um`$� g}.nUi 0+o",1+.-3�3 oo''.4o VaiWo 0 Sauel Rollo. ^ c.n '.A V., '-'.1 N 0,3, ,g vi .2.'3 ooa,u w v will --!...2"z!:. 3,3 �As}.v I; 1.1 ,i1 O s,,,, John \V. Webster, m. + p,Vt .. .. .., u N WU. W 2 sic, A Jacob Carman, )L... °w, c. C.Ny o" ° A ..t,'11.4i' �' 3,a VI 1: h %': a. o N N o o i wt �,' a ; w v, N N .. N c"D v,S', Whole No. of votes. ,o .'� v Lr ` .>.,,,u 'Nin�'w ,au o iv °I°.2 Edwin J. Morgan, Jr. , r v+ w..u-°'t,8� - I- l...,..• W 0,E1--1 2..?Lc.� .� --.4,...t. VH12 j,`, N NQS; o o. n David White. o 8 m H ao..8 N' N o .0 v.IW., o to 5 o, U w ° -I; $o t.w -.1.?; V '3, a Stephen U. Jones. .. O",..s 3 w ,. oo - N 3 , .. A,nariah I). Simonds. W O W -;i7 w o ... N V00 N m Va y W " NA O•la ;.a. Q,».,, o caw,O Va WWrn V, N Vo° •-•to N N Wa,to,m..1 t Whole No. of votes. ‚3333333823333 ° o,o 'is }w a .,-,1 N' i N °°wo 'Ow AT. ,.q Jereminl 1v. 1)wigl.t. pD b o °i W p''s' N 9 } "-:,',;.7.l, 1N V V W NvJdoWWv: ':'..11.-1 ui w aVI aN V A bpenct� Bowe, 9.. n .T. .".. o 5 -.NG = . - ..4.s N +W- w 2 8°.0t+ 11' -d,,' -a, g N N a William A. Mudge.;; AI N N Cleorge C. Hibbard. °, ^'. oa5 $� i; a c, m u .S'w 1:.: u a o +a. N o .c.a S'u tN u: \V hole No. of votes,. `w 333. ta NZJ12. Q,$ 3.0'330,4 ?+OOt 8. vd,'`ml.°;33 W Cllaries M.'I'itus. ., C 3, 1 299 1 34 1 11 407 1 =92 1 48 1 167 1 247 1 6, 1 11 480 1 231 1 163 1 66 o. IW S, 33 w0 a -,-- a,: ° ' 1 w o o, N N' v° °',3 is Nw .Wo 2 n.33 w Samuel 1). Halliday. ° 833 ti O'°w.' 0 '4'8 til .N. N oo3w'33 V•.O.O V W 7,'y N N Nicholas Pearson. 0 i'2- - cis, D° ., ., u< N N a .".vL N,o,f N George V. Benjamin. O4� } o -N, w 8 w 1N- •O O, W v la .- ., Whole No. of Votes. n N N+ n N• .oma o<� Q N N t;".'.$'o 3 Andres 11. Humphrey. - n 0 °:ToD c.o°m n333u°'t Eugene Baker. 4.,$„ wo,.l John C. Aiftttiso,l, STATE OF NIW VOR., Tompkins County Clerk's Office, 1 HEREBY CERTIFY, That f have compared the foregoing with the original Tabular Statement remaining on 51< in this office, and that the same is a correct transcript therefrom and of the whole of such original. • WITOKSO my hand and official seal, at Ithaca, this rzth day of November, one thousand, eight hundred and seventy- . eight. 0. P. HYDE, Clerk. rA�