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YM.A.M., 1877.:
MARVIN, Chairman.
V. BURNS, Clerk..
ITHACA, N. Y.: •
The Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County met in their room Nov. 16th, 1877.
Tiros. W. Balms, Clerk of the former Board, organized.the meeting and called the
roll. The members all present, as follows :
Caroline, EPENETUS HowE, Speedsville.
Danby, J. E. BEERS, M. D., • Danby.
Dryden, HARRISON MARVIN, Dryden,
Enfield, L. H. VANKIRK, Enfield Centre.
Groton, NELSON STEVENS, West Groton.
Ithaca, D. L. BURTT, Ithaca.
Lansing, DAVID CROCKER, North Lansing.
Newfield, EZRA MARION, Newfield.
Ulysses, J. P. KING, Trumansburg.
On motion of Mr. MARVrN, Mr. KING was elected temporary Chairman.
On motion of Mr. MARION, an informal ballot was had for permanent Chairman.
Mr. MARVIN received 7
Blank, '° 1
On motion of Mr. VANKIRK, the election of Mr. MARvrN was made unanimous.
Upon taking the chair Mr. MARVIN acknowledged the compliment given by his
election as Chairman ; hoped for unity of action and careful examination of all
claims and accounts presented for audit ; that claimants as well as the public
would receive justice in each and every case or bill examined.
On motion of Mr. CROCKER,
Resolved, That the salary of the Clerk of this Board be fixed at $100, for all ser-
vices during the present year.
On motion of Mr. BEERS a formal ballot was had for Clerk. It resulted:
T. W. BURNS, 6
0. H. BAKER, 3
On motion of Mr. STEVENS, Mr. BURNS was elected unanimously.
The election of Janitor was postponed until Tuesday morning next.
On motion of Mr. VANKrRK,
Resolved, That all County orders issued by this Board be countersigned by the
Chairman, and the Town orders by the Supervisors of their respective towns.
On motion of Mr. MARION,
Resolved, That all bills and demands presented to this Board be referred to the
proper committee without further action of the Board.
On motion of Mr. HowE,
. Resolved, That all resolutions to this Board by the Members be in writing, unless
otherwise ordered by the Board.
On motion of Mr. KING,
Resolved, That the Sessions of this Board should -commence at 8 1-2 a. m., and 2
p. m.
The following communications were ordered upon the minutes:
To the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins :
- SIR :—I enclose a form of statement of the valuation of Real and Personal Estate
required to be made by you, pursuant to Chapter 117 of the laws of 1836, and for-
warded to this office previous to the second Monday in December in each year,
under a penalty of fifty dollars. I also enclose a form of Return of Incorporated
Companies liable to taxation. It is indispensable that this Report be furnished by the
time prescribed.
The Board of Equalization of Taxes, in pursuance of Chapter 312, of the laws of
1859, have fixed the aggregate valuation of property in your County, at the sum of
612,347,589, upon which amount a State tax of 839,100 70 must be levied for the
current fiscal year, commencing October 1st, 1877, as provided in said act and
amendments thereto, by Chapter 351, laws of 1874, being 3 1-6 mills on the dollar,
for the following purposes, viz :
For Schools, 1% mills, per Chapter 341, Laws of 1877.
For General Purposes, .... 1 11-24 " " " 341, " 1877.
For the New Capitol and other build-
ings, " 44 341, " 1877.
For Canals, % " " 55, " 1877.
Total.......... 3 1-6 mills.
Your obedient servant,
F. P. OLCOTT, Comptroller.
P. S.—The non-resident Taxes credited to your County for 1876, amount to
OVID, N. Y., September 1, 1877.
To the Treasurer and Clerk of Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins:
SIRS :—The number of insane persons in the Asylum chargeable to your county
at this date is 33.
As it is probable the number will be added to during this year, by new admis-
sions, rather than diminished, allowance for the increase should be made.
The charge for board of patients for the ensuing year has been fixed at two 80-
100 dollars per week, and is based upon the actual cost of support for the past year.
It is estimated there will be required for the maintenance of the patients Row in
the Asylum for the ensuing year, the sum of $4;804.80 ; and for' clothing $660.00.
Total, $5.464 80.
You are respectfully requested to bring to the notice of the Board of Superq isors,
at its next meeting, the contents of this letter, in order that the Board may act un-
derstandingly in raising the amount necessary to meet the bills transmitted quar-
terly from the Asylum.
In order to comply with the spirit and letter of the law, which requires that all
purchases for the Asylum be made for cash, and prohibits the Trustees from con.
tracting debts, the Board of Supervisors is respectfully' requested to make the
requisite provision for the support of patients in the Asylum, to enable the Treasu•
rer to meet the current expenditures as they occur.
• Respectfully yours,
J. B. THOMAS, Treasurer.
To the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins :
I have this day appointei Luella Sawyer, of Caroline, in your county, a State
pupil in the Western N. Y., Institute for deaf mutes, at Rochester, for the' terns. of
five years, froth the 1st day of November, 1876, to be educated and supported
during said term at the expense of the State.. The parents of said Luella; being un-
able to provide clothing, it will be your duty, under existing provisions of law, to
appropriate the sum of $30 ahnually, during the said term; for the purpose of pro-
viding said pupil with clothing. Your obedient servant,
NEIL GILMOUR, Superintendent.
To the Board of, Supervisors of the County of Tompkins :..
1 have this day. appointed Cathatine Arnold of Newfield, in your county, a State
pupil in the Central N. Y., Institute for deaf Mutes, at Rome, for the term of. five
years, from the first day of September, 1877, to be educated and supported. during
said term at theexpense of the State. The guardian of said Catharine being una-
ble toprovide clothing, it will be your duty, under existing provisions of law, to
appropriate the sum of.830 annually, during the said term, for the 'purpose of 'pro-
viding said pupil with clothing. Your obedient servant, •
NEIL GILMOUR, Superintendent.
. To the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins: •
I have this day.appointed Matilda Arnold of Newfield, in your county, a State
pupil in the Central N. Y., Institute for deaf mutes, at Rome, for the term of five
• years, from the first day of September, 1877, to be educated and supported .during
said term at the expense of the State. The guardian of said Matilda being unable'
to provide clothing, it will be your duty, under existing provisions of law, to ap-
propriate the sura of $30 annually, during the said term, for the purpose of provi-
ding said pupil with clothing. Your obedient servant,
NEIL GILMOUR, Superintendent.
Report of Rail Road Cotamissioners of Enfield was accepted.
indebtedness of Enfield was accepted on motion of Mr. King.
The Chairman announced the following.
Sheriff's, Clerk's, Constables' and Justices' Accounts—KING,
Treasurer's Accounts—CROCKER, BIIRTT, BEERS.
Poor House and Superintendents' Reports—MARION, KING,
County Claims and Judge's Accounts—STEVENS, HOWE, BEERS.
United States Deposit Fund—BEERS, CROCKER, MARION.
Insurance—VANKraK, MARION, KING.
Printing—HowE, BURTT, STEVENS.
On motion of Mr. HOWE,
Resolved, That the_Board of Supervisors visit the Poor House on Friday of Next
Amendment by Mr. Ring,
That the committee on Poor House:choose a committee of three from the num-
ber to visit the Poor House. Carried as amended. •
The report of the
Roll call. All present except Mr. Crocker, who was in Auburn doing business
for town of Lansing. (R. R. matters.) Minutes of the 16th read and adopted.
On motion of Mr. VANKIRK,
Resolved. That the Clerk be instructed not to deliver any of the Town or County
orders audited by this Board at this session until &ter adjournment.
On motion of Mr. VANKIRK,
The report of the Rail Road Commissioners and also of the indebtedness of the
town of Ulysses were accepted.
Town audits of Caroline, Groton, Danby, Enfield and Newfield adopted.
On motion of Mr. HowE,
Resolved, That the Ithaca Weekly Democrat, Weekly ,Pournal and Ithacan, be
authorized to publish the Official Canvass. -
Mr. BEERS offered an amendment to omit the Ithacan.
Yeas upon the amendment—Beers and King, 2. Nays—Howe, Marvin, Van -
Kirk, Burtt, Marion, Stevens, 6. Amendment declared lost.
On original motion,
Ayes—Howe, Marvin, Steven, VanKirk, Burtt, Marion, 6. Nays—Beers, King,
2. Original declared carried.
At 4:30 adjourned till 10 a in , the 19th.
Roll call.
Minutes of the 17th read and adopted.
Committees were at work until noon adjournment.
Bills were passed upon to number 32.
On motion of Mr. HOWE,
Resolved, That in accordance with Section 358, Code, this Board do hereby fix
the compensation of the stenographer of the court of this county at $5, for each
day's attendance at the request of the County Judge. The above amount to cover
all expenses except stationery. Also that a copy of the above be served upon the
County Clerk, Judge and Treasurer.
Adjourned at 5 p. m.
Roll call.
Minutes of the 19th read and adopted.
The reports of the R. R. Commissioners and indebtedness of the town of Ithaca
were accepted by the Board. The same also of Newfield reports.
The election of Janitor was postponed one week.
Committees were engaged until noon adjournment.
Afternoon Mr. P. B. Davis of McLean, made a statement.before the Board in re-
lation to his having been returned as behind on road tax.
Bills were passed to number 60. •
Committees engaged until evening adjournment.
Roll call.
Minutes of 20th read and adopted.
A committee was ordered appointed and to examine the prices of the drill and
armory rooms of the town of Ithaca. Messrs. MARION, VANSIRK and Bunrr were
appointed such committee.
On motion of Mr, Buarr,
Resolved, That the Grand Jury list be apportioned among the several towns as
follows, being based upon the census of 1870 :
Caroline 20. Danby 19, Dryden 43,
Enfield 15, Groton 32, Ithaca 91,
Lansing 26, Newfield 24, Ulysses 30.
Committees were ongaged until noon adjournment.
Bills passed to number 83.
Committees engaged until evening adjournment.
Roll call.
Minutes of 21st read and adopted.
Bills were passed to number 115.
On motion of Mr. HowE,
.Resolved, That the duty of the Janitor shall be : to keep the Court House clean,
lighted and comfortable during the sessions of courts and supervisors, and all oth-
er duties necessarily connected with the care and cleaning of the house. All sup-
plies to the first ordered by the Supervisors. The compensation for all the above
duties to be $150 per year.
Petition in relation to salary of Special County Judge received, and referred to
committee of three, KING, STEVENS, and H6wE.
On motion of Mr. HOWE,
Resolved, That the fee of the Superintendents of the Poor for issuing and ex-
tending an order known as "out door relief orders" be fixed at 15 cents each. To
take effect 15th November, 1877.
Town abstracts of Ulysses and Ithaca were accepted.
On motion of Mr. MARION,
Whereas, This Board of Supervisors view with great concern the alarming ex-
tent to which our court and other expenses are increased, do deem it obligatory
upon them to instigate an inquiry into the manner in which allowances are made
and the Court funds disbursed, and
Whereas, Believing it to be their duty to lessen the burthens of taxation by re-
quiring that a rigid economy be exercised in all the departments, to the end that
no moneys shall be paid unless in strict conformity to law, therefore,
Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed by the Chairman of this Board,
to examine the disbursements of funds raised for Court expenses, and to report if
any allowances have been made or orders drawn upon such fund not warranted by
law, and that the committee so appointed have power if necessary to employ coun-
sel to assist in determining what are, and what are not legal charges to such fund,
and that the committee so appointed report to this board during the present session.
Resolved, That the County Clerk be requested to impart information proper, and
render to the committee all assistance necessary and consistent with the discharge
of his official duties.
On motion of Mr. BEERS,
Resolved, That there be $250 raised in the town of Danby, and placed to the order
of the Commissioner of Highways to be used in repairing roads and bridges.
The sub committee selected by Mr.. MARION to visit the County House were Mr. .
HowE, and Mr. VANKIRR, with himself.
Committees engaged until evening adjournment.
Roll call.
Minutes of 22d read and adopted.
Chairman appointed Messrs. MARION, STEVENS and BURTT, a committee in uo-
cordance with the resolution of Mr.)fIARION to investigate the expenses of courts,
etc., etc.
On motion of Mr. HMG,
Resolved, That the Chairman be authorized to make a note at the Tompkins
County National Bank, the net proceeds to be thirteen hundred dollars payable in
sixty days, the same to be credited to the fund for Court expenses.
On motion of Mr. MARION,
Resolved, That this Board now proceed to designate by ballot two papers in
which to publish the Session Laws.
The ballot was : Ithaca Democrat 0, Weekly Journal 2. The Democrat and
Journal were declared duly elected.
On motion of Mr. BtRTT, the following report was accepted :
To the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors :
SIR—Your committee on Insurance would respectfully report that they have
insured the County buildings in the following companies for the ensuing year :
Amount. Premium.
Connecticut Fire Insurance Company.... $1,000 $6 00
T. P. St. John, Agent.
North British Insurance Company 2,000 12 00
H. J. Grant, Agent.
Williamsburg City Fire Insprance Company... 2,000 25 00
Allen Gray, Agent.
Hanover Fire Insurance Company ..:.................. 2,000 25 00
H. J. Grant, Agent.
Phoenix Fire Insurance Company 2,500 25 00
T. P. St. John, Agent.
Queen's Fire Insurance Company.... 1,500 15 00
A. Burritt, Agent.
Liverpool & London Fire Insurance Company.... 2,500 25 00
A. Burritt, Arent.
Your Committee would recommend that the Clerk be directed to draw orders on
the County Treasurer for the premiums so allowed in favor of the above named
T. P. St. John, Agent. • ••• .......S31 00
Allen Gray, " ............................ 25 00
H. J. Grant, ........ 37 00
A. Burritt, f. ............ 40 00
$133 00
The•Committee then went to the County House.
On motion of Mr. BEERS,
Resolved, That the sum -of one thousand and two hundred dollars be levied and
assessed upon the town of Dryden for highway purposes in said town.
Committees engaged until evening adjournment.
On motion of Mr. BEERS,
Resolved, That the Committee who were appointed to take charge of the county
claims against G. H. Bristol, or his bondsmen, be requested to report during the
present session of this board, the progress made in the suits against said Bristol, or
his Bondsmen; and that said report be published in the proceedings of the Board
for the present year.
On motion of Mr. KING,
.Resolved, That the sum of seventeen hundred and fifty dollars be levied and
assessed upon the town of Ulysses for the repairs of roads and bridges; $250 upon
the application of the Commissioners of Highways, and $1,500 by the .vote of the
On motion of Mr. BURTT the reports of the Rail Road Commissioners of the town
'of Groton, with the report of indebtedness were accepted.
-'On motion of Mr. STEVENS, the amounts asked by the Commissioners were or-
dered raised.
Roll call.
Minutes of 23d read and adopted.
On motion of Mr. VANKnts,
Resolved, That at the request of the Commissioner of Highways of the .town of
Enfield, there be levied and collected from said town the sum of two hundred and
fifty dollars to apply to the expenses of highways for the ensuing year.
On motion of Mr. KING,
- Resolved, That the Sheriff shall be allowed the fee of twenty-five cents for bring-
ing a prisoner before the court after the prisoner has been returned on the war-
rant in all cases not otherwise specified by law.
On motion of Mr. STEVENS,
Resolved, That we authorize the Clerk of this Board to classify and place togeth-
er all Railroad Matter and Bills of the same nature audited by this Board in pre-
paring the minutes for publishing the proceedings in pamphlet form.
On motion of Mr. KING, the. following report of committee on Ithaca Armory
and Drill Room was adopted :
To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County :
GENTLEMEN :—Your committee to whom was referred thematter of Armory
rents for Co. A., 50th Battalion and storage of guns for the Sprague Battery do re-
spectfully report, that they called upon the financial committee of the Cornell Li-
brary Association and after a due consideration of .the matter entered into an
agreement with the Secretary of said association which is substantially as follows :
The Cornell Library Association will rent to the Supervisors of Tompkins Conn-
ty the rooms in the Cornell Library Building known as "Military Hall" and
"Armory" for the uses and purposes as hitherto engaged for one year from the ex-
piration of the present letting, for the sum of three hundred do"a s, and the said
association will also pay the necessary rent for the storage of the guns of the.
Sprague Battery for and during said year.
The said association also agrees to pay to B. R. Williams, the sum of forty-two
dollars for the storage of said guns for the year ending April 1,,1878:
Secretary of Cornell Library Association.
Dated Ithaca, Nov. 24, 1877.
Your committee would respectfully recommend that this Board accept the prop-
osition made ay said financial committee believing that the rooms now occupied to
be the best attainable for armory purposes and as to economy in price.
On motion of Mr. HowE,
Resolved, That the amount of three hundred and fifty dollars be assessedbe • the
town of Caroline, for the repairs of roads and bridges as per estimate of the Com-
missioner of Highways of said town.
Bill humber 37 was ordered back to the committee for re-examination.
Committees engaged until noon adjournment.
At 2 p. m., the Board instructed the Clerk to. change the date of delivery of
pamphlets of the Board's proceedings from the 15th to the 25th of January, '78.
Committees were engaged until evening adjournment.
Adjourned until 26th at 10 a. m.
Roll call.
Minutes of 24th read and adopted.
On motion of Mr. CROc&ER,
The report of committee on prosecution of Bristol deficiency was made and ac-
cepted. _
The committee having charge of the claims of the County in the suit against
George H. Bristol, late County Treasurer, and his bond.men have ascertained the
situation_of the case and report :
That the suit heretofore directed against Bristol and his bondsmen to recover the
moneys retained by Bristol was brought to trial and finally submitted to the Ref-
eree James L. Woods, Esq., on the 13th day of February, 1877.
The Referee made bis report July 6, 1877, and upon it judgment was entered, in
favor of the paintiff against Bristol and his bondsmen on the 30th day of July, 1877,
for $5,745 08, debt or damages and $385.87, costs amounting to $6,130.95 in the
That of the amount claimed the referee gave judgment for the amount of. the
County claim proper, that is the $5,745.08, cash received for taxes on the last days
his official term, and for the monies retained by him paid for the board of pa•nts in Willard Asylum, and rejected the claim of the plaintiffs' account of the
nied in Bristol's hands belonging to defendants, and commonly known as the
Infant Heir Fund, and a balance of the Military Fund.
The plaintiffs appealed from the portion of the judgment disallowing the Infant
Heir Fund and the balance of the Military Fund.
The defendants appealed from the entire judgment and every part of it.
The two appeals are now pending and the papers are in the hands of the printe
being prepared for submission to the Supreme Court of the District in January next,
which is the first terra at which the case can be argued.
The opinion and judgment of the referee being under review the counsel of the
plaintiff deem it improper that either be published or commented upon in the pres•
ent stage of the case, but they content themselves with saying that their opinion
that an appeal by the plaintiff should be taken from the judgment is confirmed and
strengthened by further and more deliberate examination of the case and grounds
of appeal. D. L. BURTT
J. P. KING, r Com.
On motion of Mr. HowE,
Resolved, That the sura of two hundred and four 00-100 dollars be assessed to the
town of Caroline for the support of the poor as voted by said town at the last an-
nual town meeting.
. On motion of Mr. STEVENS:
Resolved, That the amount of two hundred and fifty dollars be assessed to the
town of Groton for the repairs of roads and bridges as by estimate of the com-
missioners of highways of said town. Also
That there be levied on the taxable property of the town of Groton the sum of
two hundred dollars for the support of poor in said town as per vote of town.
On motion of Mr. BEERS,
Resolved, That forty-three dollars, ($43.00) held by John M. Smith, Superintendent
of the poor, in trust for the support of one Mrs Wm. Forsdike and children, be re-
turned to iidr. Wm. Forsdike or his attorney, (James Baker,) as this Board consider
that.the said Forsdike has properly discharged his obligation.
Resolved, Farther that Superintendent Smith be furnished with a copy of these
Bills passed to number 139.
The report of the committee on Treasurer's accounts, was, on motion of Mr.
KING, accepted and adopted.
An act in relation to the change of manner of voting at Town Election in Itha-
ca, was referred to a committee consisting of Messrs. Burtt, Howe and Stevens, to
report hereafter.
On motion of Mr. BuRTT,
Resolved, That there be assessed and levied on the town of Ithaca, four hundred
dollars -($400), salary of Tax Receiver as per act passed Nov. 28, 1876, in p rsuance
to Section 25, Chapter 482 of Session Laws of the State of New York passed June
5th, 1875.
On motion of Mr. KING,
WHEREAS, The sum of twenty-eight hundred dollars is annually paid for the
superintending, the one hundred and fifty-eight school districts of this county—an
amount largely in`excess of a reasonable compensation for the services rendered
or necessary to be rendered. Therefore be it
Resolved, That the Senator and Member of Assembly elect for this district and
county be requested to secure the repeal of the act dividing this county into two
School Commissioner Districts. The Clerk of this Board is directed to send a
copy of this resolution to the Senator and Member of Assembly representing this
county in the Legislature of this state.
The yeas and nays were : Yeas, Beers, Burtt, Crocker, Howe, King, Marion,
Marvin, Stevens, VanKirk. Nays none. Declared unanimously adopted.
On motion of Mr. KING, the following received a unanimous vote in the affirma-
tive :
To the Legislature of the State of New York :
The Supervisors of the several towns of the County of Tompkins in behalf of the
tax payers thereof, would respectfully represent.
That the interest of every kind of business in this, and we believe in every
county in the state, requires economy in public as well as in private affairs, and
to that end a readjustment of compensation to public officers as well as to private
Therefore, the Legislature of this state is respectfully urged for example as well
as duty to initiate by concurrent resolution or otherwise, roceedings to reduce
the annual compensation of tach member thereof to one thousand dollars.
The Clerk of this Board is directed to send a copy of this memorial and request
to the Senator and Member of Assembly elect from this dis,trict and county who
are respectfully requested to present the same to the Legislature and urge the nas
sage thereof.,
Committees engaged until evening adjournment.
Roll call.
Minutes of 26th read and adopted. .
Committees engaged until noon adjournment.
On motion of Mr. BURTT the following was ordered on the minutes :
To the Honorable Board of Supervisors :
thank you for the office of Janitor for the past two years and decline further
appointment. Yours respectfully,
Your committee to whom was referred the revision of an Act to provide for the
holdin of town meetings uy election districts in the town of Ithaca, respectfully
submit the following:
t the Annual Town Meeting held in the town of Ithaca, April 3d, 1877, at Mili
Hall, for the town of Ithaca, the following Law was voted *for and declared
carried : •
Laws of the State of New York passed June 5th,: 1875. Chapter 482, Section 26.
Upon the application of any town duly made by the vote of any annual Town
Meeting, to authorize the annual Town Meetings and all special Town Meetings in
such towns to be held by Election Districts, and to prescribe the manner in which.
the town business shall be conducted in such districts and the results- ascertained
and recorded.
• I hereby certify that the above is a true copy of the same as recorded in the book
of records in the Town Clerk's Office in the town of. Ithaca, by A. B. Wood, Town
Clerk for the year 1876.
Dated Ithaca, Nov. 14, 1877. •
An Act to authorize the town of Ithaca to hold Town Meetings by Election Dis-
WHEREAS, The town of Ithaca at the annual Town Meeting held at Military
Hall in the town of Ithaca, on the third day of April, 1877, by a vote of Town
Meeting, has made application to the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County to
hold future town meetings by election districts, pursuant to subdivision twenty-six
of section 1st, of Chapter 482 of the laws of the State of New York, passed June 5th,
1875, do enact as follows :
§ 1. Be it enacted by the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, that here-
after all the town meetings in the town of Ithaca shall be held by election districts,
such election districts shall be the same as are set apart in said town for the hold-
ing of State elections.
• The duly elected Inspectors of election in each district shall proside a suitable
place for the . holding of town meeting iu said town, and act as inspec-
tors at all town meetings held in said town, and shall be governed by the same laws,
have the same powers, and receive the same powers, and receive the same com•
pensation as are now allowed said inspectors' for services at State elections. A
statement of votes cast at any town meeting shall be delivered, duly certified by
the inspectors or by one of them deputed for that purpose to the Supervisor of said
town within twenty-four hours after the same shall have been subscribed. If there
be no Supervisor, or if he be unable to attend the Board of Town Canvassers, such
statement shall be delivered to the Town Clerk of said town. .
§ 2. The Board of Town Canvassers shall consist of the Supervisors, Town
Clerk, and the Justice of the Peace, having the longest time to serve.; if from any.
cause any of the above designated persons be unable to attend such board the va-
cancy shall be supplied from the remaining Justices of the Peace having the next
longest time to serve, and so on till the vacancy is filled, and shall meet at 10 a, m.,
on the second day subsequent to the holding of any town men as the' office of
the Town Clerk of said town and choose one of their number chairman.
W. M. JONES, Town Clerk.
The following 'oath shall then -be administered to them by some person qualified
by law to administer the same, "I do solemnly swear that I will support the consti-
tution of the United. States and the constitution of the State of New York, and that
I will faithfully' discharge the duties of the office of canvasser. of the vote of the
town of Ithaca, according to the best of my ability," they shall then proceed without
delay or adjournment to canvass ail the votes cast at said town meeting and de-
clare and record the result in the book of records of said town.
§-3. 'Whenever any Commissioner of Highways or other officer authorized so to
do shall make application for money to be voted for at any town meeting for any
special purpose it shall be the duty of the Inspectors of Election in each election
district to prepare a box for that purpose upon which shall be written or labeled;
In regard to raising money for
The ballots upon such questions shall be written or printed in the following form.
.In favor of raising : dollars for or against raising.
§ 4. -All reports heretofore orhereaftei directed to be made at any town meeting,
shall be made in each election district by the Supervisor or by some one duly au-
thorized by him, to make such report, and at the time such report is now required
to be made. •
Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board be instructed to deliver a certified copy of
the above act to the Town Clerk of the town of Ithaca, to be recorded in the Book
of -Record in said town. D. L. BURTT.
On.motion of Mr..HowE, the Board balloted for Janitor. It resulted:
W m . Scott, ........................ 6.
T. Johnson,.. 1
Blank, . 1
Gen. Scott, .
On motion of Mr. STEVENS the election of Wm. Scott was made unanimous.
On motion of Mr. VANKrRm,
Resolved, That the following bills be added to the abstract of Town Audits of the
town of Enfield, and that the Clerk be instructed to draw orders for the same.
Tax Roll Blank, L. H. VanKirk........... ... , .. 75
A. J. White, for services as third Supervisor in equalizing Newman district... $2 00
On motion of Mr. KING,
Resolved, That for the year commencing November 15th, 1877, there be allowed
the Sheriff the sum of fifty cents per day for the boar d and washingof the .prison-
ers confined in the County Jail. _
• On motion of Mr. BURTT,
.Resolved, That one hundred and fifty dollars be appropriated for the coming
year for Janitor for Court House and Supervisors' Room; to be paid to him quarter
ly by Treasurer.
Vote on motion to pass for full amount claimed bill No. 161, was put and result-
eas, none. Nays, Howe, Beers, Burtt, Crocker, King, Marvin, Marion, Van -
k, Stevens, It was declared lost.
n motion of Mr. KING,
Resolved, That there be added to the town audits of the town of Ulysses, the
following :
Jacob Stilwell, Town Auditor.... .......$10 50
Alfred B. Woodworth, Town Auditor.. 10 70
A. J. Williams, 7 60
On motion of Mr. BmtTT,
Resolved, That there be assessed and levied on the taxable property of the town
of Ithaca, twenty-seven dollars, consisting of the following bills of Town Audi-
tors, :.877 :
H. C. Williams ,... $9 00
Peter Apgar...... 9 00
John Lewis............ ...... 9 00 $27 00
and town orders issued for the same.
On motion of Mr. MARION,
Resolved, That the following bills and allowances be added to the abstract of
claims of the Town of Newfield as follows:
Claimed. Allowed,
Benjamin Starr, Justice of the Peace ............... $7 50 $6 20
John A. Bailey.... ...... 10 55 9 55
And that the Clerk be instructed to draw orders for the same.
On motion of Mr. Stevens,
Resolved, That the following bills be added to the audits of the town of Groton :
Dudley Andrews, Justice $3 95
George D. Wait, Constable.... .... . 515
A. B. Rogers ... 10 00
Dudley Andrews, Justice.. ........... 2 60
Committe e s engaged until evening adjournment.
Roll Call.
Minutes of 27th read and adopted.
On motion of Mr. KING,
Resolved, That the Supervisors and Overseers of the Poor of the several towns be
and are hereby authorized to make contracts with physicians for attending and
furnishing medicine for the poor of their respective towns.
Committees engaged till noon adjournment.
Bill No. 140 was ordered back to committee.
Bill No. 151 was ordered back to committee.
Committees engaged till evening adjournment. Adjourned till 10 a. m., Dec. 3d.
Roll call.
Minutes of 28th Novetuber, read and adopted.
Committees engaged until noon adjournment.
On motion of Mr. KING,
h'esolved, That the Supervisors of the several towns be authorized to reassess the
unpaid taxes from their respective assessment rolls of last year at the same amount
as returned to them by the County Treasurer.
On motion of Mr. MARION,
Whereas, It appears from the assessment rolls of the town of Enfield, that fifty
acres of real estate on lot 60, valued at eleven hundred dollars and assessed to An-
drew Teeter, of said town, has been twice reported by assessors. Therefore be it
Resolved, That the Supervisor of said town be instructed to make the correction
by striking one of such assessments from the said assessment roll.
Communication of Rev. John Corwin in relation to exemption from assessment,
he being a regular minister of the gospel, was read and tabled.
The following communication was read and tabled until afternoon session,
4th December.
H. MARvnt, Chairman Board of Supervisors :
I hereby respectfully tender my resignation as Treasurer of the County of Tomp.
On motion of Mr KING, town bill number 69 was ordered added to town audits
of Ulysses. Amount $3 50.
Also ordered that the following be added to the Newfield audits :
E. A. Curtis, Excise Commissioner, May 7th and June llth, '77, 2 days $6 00
J. B. Smith, Excise Commissioner, May 7th and June 11th, 2 days 6 00
On motion of Mr. VANKIRK,
Resolved, That the collectors of the several towns of this county be requested by
this Board to pay over the moneys as fast as collected by them where their war-
rants direct, and also to settle with the County Treasurer on or before the 15th day
of February of each year.
Resolved, That according to the 13th subdivision, Section lst, Chapter 482, of the
Laws of 1875, the County Treasurer be instructed to extend the time for the col-
lection of taxes in the different towns of the county whenever such extension may
be deemed necessary but in no case shall it be extended beyond March 15th, of
each year.
Report of committee on U. S. Deposit Fund was presented, and on motion of
Mr. KING, adopted.
On motion of Mr. BEERS,
Resolved, That pursuant to provisions of Chapter 791 of the laws of 1868, the sums
placed in the following schedule be levied and assessed upon the taxable property
ITHACA, Dec. 3, 1877.
he persons whose names are included in the several lists and in the sums re—
ctively named in said list, submitted to the Board, and furnished to the Super—
ors of the several towns named in said schedule by the Overseers of Highways
of the road districts included therein.
District 47 2 days $3 00
" 35 6 " 9 00
" 15 1X " 226
" 48 1 " 150
" 139 1 1 50
fg 77 2 ft 3 00
District 15 4X days $6 76
District 31 16 days $2400
District 61 2 days $3 00
" 36 8 41 12 00
District 5 3 days $4 50,
" 7 8 " 450
District 58 6 days $7 50
" 72 X days 75
Motion by Mr. BEERS,
Resolved, That in accordance with an act (Laws of New York, Session 1876 and
1877) entitled an act in relation to County Treasurers, that the salary of the County
Treasurer be fixed at one thousand dollars.
Amendment moved by Mr. HowE, that the amount be fixed at $900.
Yeas on amendment of $900—Howe, Burtt, Crocker, ging, Marvin, Marion,
VanKirk, 7. Nays—Beers, Stevens, 2. Declared adopted.
On original resolution as amended : Yeas—Howe, Burtt, Crocker, King, Mar-
vin, Marion, VanKirk, 7. Nays—Beers, Stevens, 2. Declared carried.
At 5:30 p. m. adjourned.
Roll call.
Minutes of 3d read and adopted.
Committees engaged till noon adjournment.
Bill No. 151 was tabled. Bills were passed to No. 159. Bill No. 59 was recalled
and taken by the committee on County claims.
On motion of Mr. HowE,
Resolved, That the Chairman appoint a committee of not less than three nor more
than five whose duty it shall be to wait upon the Treasurer and obtain from him a
list of all securities held by him as securities in the Infant Heir Fund and shall
then go to the Clerks of the several counties • where such securities are recorded
and there examine the records and ascertain the value of such securities and the
property upon which such securities are based as far as they are able so to do, and
report to this Board at as early a day as possible.
On motion of Mr.;BURTT,
Resolved, That in accordance with Chapter 446, Title 4, Section 6, Laws of 1874,
that there be assessed and levied upon the following towns, the sums set forth iu`
the following schedule to reimburse the county for the amount of moneys paid to
Willard Asylum.
2 :Inmates chargeable to Caroline $141 02
2 .t .. *Danby...... 285'14':
.., .. Dryden ..... 542 49'
2 " " Ulysses:..341 51'
.. .... .......
2 It
" Groton. 33417'
3 " Newfield ... 423 23
1 - .. ., Lansing 26 42:
9% Ithaca... 1,342 29
$3,436 27:
Amount claimed. by Willard Asylum per, bills.. .. $5,227 61
Chargeable to towns:.......... .. .. . $3,436 27
Self supporting towns. .. . ... . . .693 13
.. County ...... • ... . 99 19
6 inmates chargeable " ..............999 02:. $5,227 61
The following resolutions offered by. MrMARtoxwere tabled until after regular..
order of business, p. m Dec. 5th.
In pursuance to the power conferred upon Boards of Supervisors by Chapter
498, Laws of 1847. be it
Resolved. That there, shall be only one Superintendent of the. Poor in and for " the
County of Tompkins.
Resolved, That at the; general election to be held next' preceding the expiration of
the "term of office of the present incumbent who shall have the longest time to serve
there shall be elected one Superintendent of the Poor,' and the person so elected
shall be sole Superintendent of the Poor in this county. The. Superintendent so
elected shall hold his office for the term of three years from the lstday of Janua-
ry next after his election. At the general election next preceeding the expiration
of his said term and triennially thereafter, only. one Superintendent of the Poor ,
shall be elected in and for said county.
Resolved, That these resolutions shall not effect the :unexpired term of any Su-
perintendent of the Poor now holding that office, but in case there shall be a va-'
cancy, by reason of death, resignation or expiration of terns of office, such place:
shall not be filled by appointment -or election.
Resolved, That any resolutions heretofore passed conflicting with these are here-
. by repealed. '
The election of Treasurer and the acceptance of the resignation of Mr. Van-
Voarhees was postponed until p. m., Dec. 5th.
Report of committee on Poor House was accepted and adopted, and the amount
recommended by the committee, ($4,000) ordered raised.
On motion of Mr. HowE,
Resolved, That the Superintendents of the Poor of Tompkins County shall imme-
diately upon the adoption of this resolution provide in each of the towns of Itha-
ca, Dryden, Ulysses, Newfield, Groton, Danby and Lansing, and wherever the Su-
perintendents of the Poor shall deem it necessary and not more than one place in
any town, a suitable place for the keeping of such tramps as may apply for relief,
and that the expense to the county for their keeping after said place, or places, are
provided shall not exceed the sum of thirty cents per day for each tramp provided
for. No charge to be paid by the county for the keeping of able'bodied tramps at
any place not authorized and provided for as last aforesaid by the Superintendents
of the Poor.
The following resolution offered by Mr. MFrR[oN, was tabled until Thursday, p.
m., after regular order of business.
Resolved, That the Senator from this district and the Member of Assembly from
this county be requested to secure the passage .of a law applicable to Tompkins
County which shall provide, that all chronic insane paupers now confined in Wil-
lard Asylum, who have been sent from this county, and such chronic insane pauper
patients who have been discharged, not recovered from the State Lunatic Asylum,
or shall be hereafter so discharged shall be sent to the County Poor House of this
County upon the demand or request of the Superintendents of the Poor, there to
remain chargeable to the towns to which the said insane paupers belong, or to the
county if such paupers are a county charge, but such removal shall in all cases be
left to the discretion of said Superintendents.
Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board be requested to furnish a copy of this res•
olution to the Senator of the district, and Member of Assembly of this county.
Adjourned at 5 p. m.
Roll call.
Minutes of 4th read and adopted.
Bill No. 121 was recalled by Board and given to committee.
On motion of Mr. CROCKER,
WHEREAS, It is the general impression of farmers throughout the State that
Stock Insurance Companies are demanding rates excessively high, far above the
legitimate cost, and that persons insuring in such companies are obliged to submit
to whatever rates they may demand, or carry their own risks. Therefore
Resolved, That we ask of the honorable Legislature of the State of New York, a
modification of our present statute, or a general law, which will authorize the for-
mation of mutual insurance companies without any "cash capital," whose opera-
tions shall not exceed the limits of the county. And that our representatives in
this county and Senatorial district are respectfully requested to use their endeavors
to secure such a law.
On motion of Mr STEVENS,
Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board be authorized to correct the list of inmates
and the towns to which they belong, of Willard Asylum now chargeable to Tomp-
kins County, and send the same to John B. Chapin, Superintendent of said Asylum
for correction.
On motion of Mr. HOWE, two hundred and fifty dollars were ordered raised to
cover disbursements in Bristol suit.
On motion of Mr. STEVENS,
Resolved, That Wm. Scott be and is hereby appointed Sealer of Weights and
Measures for the County of Tompkins for the ensuing year.
Committees engaged until noon adjournment.
Bill No. 121 reported back and passed as corrected.
Bilis passed to No. 162.
Matter of resignation and filling vacancy of County Treasurer postponed until p.
m., December Gth.
•Resolutions offered by Mr. Ma'am, relating to reducing number of County
Superintendents of Poor was : Yeas—Howe, Beers, Burtt, Crocker, King, Marvin,
Marion, Stevens, VanKirk, 9 Declared adopted.
Committees engaged until evening adjournment.
Roll call.
Minutes of 5th read and adopted.
Committees engaged until noon adjournment.
Bill No. 163 was passed.
A communication from E. S. Esty, Esq., in relation to the appointment of Hon.
H B. Lord, to the pending vacancy in the County Treasurer's Office was read and
ordered on the table until first action after the resignation of K. S. VanVoorhees
be accepted.
The resolution of Mr. MARION, offered December 4th, in relation to withdrawal
of inmates in Willard Asylum from Tompkins County was adopted.
Previous to adjournment E S. Esty appeared before the Board and requested to
be allowed to withdraw the paper in relation to the appointment of Mr. Lord as
Committees engaged until evening adjournment.
Ro11 call.
Minutes of 61h read and adopted.
Committees engaged until noon adjournment,
' Matter of resignation of County Treasurer postponed until 10th inst , p. m.
Communication of Mr. Esty in relation to appointment of Mr. Lard as Treasurer,
at request of the former was allowed witndrawn.
Committees engaged until evening adjournment.
Roll call.
Minutes of Dec. 7th, read and adopted.
On motion of Mr. HOWE,
Resolved, That in accordance with Section first and second of the Laws of 1845, the
papers heretofore designated by this Board to publish the Session Laws, shall print
only the General Laws of the State and the Laws local to this County, and that
they be allowed the same compensation that they received for the same printing
for last year, namely, forty. cents per folio.
Committees engaged the remainder of the day.
Adjourned till 10 a. m., Monday, 10th inst.
Roll call.
Minutes of the 8th read and adopted.
On motion of Mr. VANKIRR,
Resolved, That the committee on repairs be instructed to procure a bookcase to
he placed in the Supervisors' room for the purpose of keeping the Supervisors' law
Committees engaged until noon adjournment.
Matter of County Treasurer postponed until p. rn., llth inst.
Bills Nos. 164 and 165 were passed upon.
A resolution was offered by Mr. IIowE, instructing assessors to assess at full val-
ue in accordance with the statutes. Action upon it postponed until p. m. llth inst.
On motion of Mr. KING,
Resolved, That Section 3d of the act passed Nov. 22d, 1875, in relation to taxing
dogs be amended so as to read as follows : Whenever it shall appear that there art
not sufficient moneys in the hands of the Supervisor of any town belonging to the
sheep fund of said town to liquidate the claims already audited by the auditing
board of said town, the tax upon dogs shall upon the application of the Supervisor
of said town to the Board of Supervisors be increased in said town the following
year to double the amount provided by Section 1st of said act, and shall be so con-
tinued from year to year until sufficient funds shall have accumulated to pay off all
such audited claims ; then the tax to be reduced to the amount provided by said
1st section ; such monies, or the balance thereof, as shall remain in the hands of
the Supervisor of any town for the period of one year may by order of the town
auditors be appropriated for the contingent expenses of such town.
Committees engaged until evening adjournment.
Roll call.
Minutes of 10th read and adopted.
Committees engaged until noon adjournment.
Bills passed upon to number 168.
Mr. HowE presented the report relating to the securities of the Infant Heir Fund,
which on motion of Mr KING, was adopted and ordered on file.
On motion of Mr. HowE,
Resolved, 1. That the Clerk of this Board be directed to file (for safe keeping) in
the office of County Clerk of this county, the report of the committee appointed
by the Chairman of this Board to examine as to the value of all securities held by
the Treasurer of this county as securities in the Infant Heir Fund.
2. That it shall be the duty of the committee on Treasurer's accounts at each
regular session of said Board to examine into and report to said Board as to the
value of all new bond and mortgages, notes and accounts, or other securities of
whatever name or nature he may at the time of the examination hold as securities
for the benefit of the Infant Heir Fund.
3. That it shall be the duty of the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors to file (or
cause the same to be done) for safe keeping in the office of the County Clerk of
this County.
On motion of Mr. BURTT,
WHEREAS, The committee in examining the securities of the "Infant Heir Fund"
held by the Treasurer of Tompkins County, find securities in other counties, Cort-
land and Tioga, making it very inconvenient. and attended with extra expense to
examine as to the value of said securities. Now, therefore,
Resolved, That all moneys hereafter invested by the Treasurer of said county,
from the fund known as the Infant Heir Fund shall be a first lien upon real estate
which shall not exceed two thirds of the cash value upon farm property exclusive
of the buildings thereon, such security to contain an interest clause ; and all securi-
ties other than are upon farm property not to exceed over half the cash value of
said property. and to contain an interest and insurance clause. County Treasurer
shall also be instructed to require a certified search from the Clerk at the expense
of the mortgagor, and also to record all mortgages and assignments relating to said
fund without delay.
On motion of Mr. BEERS,
Resolved, That Dr. Coryell be employed as attending physician at the County jail
for the year ending December 1st, 1878, and that no other doctor be employed ex—
cept on extraordinary occasions.
The Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to transmit a copy of the above to
Sheriff Hagin and Dr. Coryell.
On motion of Mr. HowE,
WHEREAS, Believing that Tompkins County should comply with the directions
of the State Board of Assessors, and with the legal requirements of the law respec-
ting assessments, be it therefore,
Resolved, That the Supervisors of the several towns of said county request the
Assessors of said towns to make their assessments upon a uniform basis and that
that basis shall be the full market value of property assessed.
On motion of Mr. BEERS, the resignation of K S. VanVoorhees was accepted.
On motion of Mr. HowE the Board proceeded to an informal ballot for County
Treasurer. It resulted :
Leonard Treman .......... ......,.... 1
H. B. Lord. ...................................... 1
E. Kirk Johnson..... 2
L. L. Treman............... 5
On motion of Mr. STEVENS, a formal ballot was had. It was :
Lafayette L. Treman...... 7
E. Kirk Johnson....... 2
Mr. Lafayette L. Treman was declared duly elected Treasurer of the County of
Tompkins to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of K. S. VanVoorhees.
On motion of Mr. CROCKER,
Resolved, That the amount of the County Treasurer's Bond be fixed at two hun-
dred thousand dollars.
Mr. YANK= moved the appointing of a committee to notify Mr. Treman of his
election. The chair appointed Mr. VANKIRs.
On motion of Mr. BEERS,
WHEREAS, This Board believe that the Coroners of our county indulge to a great-
er or less extent, in calling several physicians in cases where death results from
accidental causes without question or doubt, and demands only the judgment of
the coroner to dispose of to the entire satisfaction of all, saving thereby the useless
expense which has often been made in unimportant cases. And
WHEREAS, Coroners frequently employ several doctors to make ordinary post
mortem examinations, and ea ch doctor generally renders a bill for the same, there
by causing the auditing committee to audit several claims for the same service -
Resolved, That this Board request the coroners of the county to refrain from call-
ing physicians in unimportant cases where their own presence is required only to
satisfy a legal formality.
Resolved, That they also be requested to refrain from employing a plurality of
doctors in post mortem examinations unless the case is one of great importance or
one which requires the utmost skill and care as in cases where the cause of death
is not at once apparent or has been the result of poisonous drugs.
Resolved, That the several coroners be respectfully requested to refrain from em-
ploying counsel except in extraordinary cases involving intricate legal questions.
Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board be directed to transmit a copy of the
above to each of the coroners of this county and call their attention to statute 1873
Chapter 833 in relation thereunto.
Bill number 171 was passed by the following vote : Yeas—Howe, Burtt, Crocker,
King, Marvin, Marion, VanKirk, 8. Nays—Beers, 1.
Adjourned at 5 p. m.
Roll call.
Minutes of llth read and adopted.
Committees engaged until noon adjournment.
Bills No. 172 and 173 passed upon.
Motion' made by Mr. MAnioN to rescind the vote fixing the amount of the Treas-
urer's bond at $200,000.. Yeas—Burtt, Crocker, Marion, Marvin. Nays—Howe,
Beers, King, Stevens, VanKirk. Declared lost. -
Report of sub committee of Poor House was laid on table till p. m., 13th inst.
The sub committee that visited, the County Poor House in accordance to a reso-
lution of this Board submit the,following romarks which embody our opinions and
suggestions in regard to that institution.
Officers charged with the care of the poor hold a position that requires the, great-
est caution in dispensing public charities." To oversee and carefor the poor in
such a manner that none shall suffer for what is necessary to make them comfor- .
table, and at the same time keep the expenditures within a proper limit is a diffi-
cult;task to perform ; but to'do the work in such a way' that none except. those
who are unable to support themselves shall receive relief, while the- `great number
of others who apply for help,not from actual necessity but from lack of energy and
economical habits, are saved from pauperism by being refused relief, is a :-much
more difficult task, One that requires'experience and watchfulness in order to pre=
vent. the increase of pauperism and crime. If Superintendents and Overseers
should rigidly adhere -to such a.course, and be surethat alma are necessary before
'rendering relief they would materially decrease the numbers that are demanding
support. _.We believe that there is evidence .that warrants us in, stating that- the
public:alms might be more economically administered ;,and in many in.tances it is
plainly evident that some officers are too ready to give alms in order to increase the
emoluments of their office. In times like the present, when business. enterprises
are stagnant; -the avenues through which the public funds are.disbursed should be
closely guarded, and;all offieers should . discharge:their trusts faithfully ,';and eco-
nomically. The hospital department of the County.Poor,Housewill call for; your
careful attention. An increase in the number of paupers during the past. few
years, 'and the corresponding increase in the number of sick render the hospital de-
partment of that institution absolutely inadequate and . unfit for such purpoises.
We do not care to minutely describe the condition of the inmates of -the hospital -
rooms. Suffice it to say that in our judgment the unfortunate sick should not be
tortured with the poisoned atmosphere and filthy odors emanating from their ill
appointed associates. In the performance ,of our duties we believe that we do not
overstep the bounds of propriety when we state that the condition of'these unfortu-
nates is a disgrace to our county, and the recommendations' that immediate meas
ures.be taken to better their condition ought not to .go unheeded. Therefore, we
respectfully suggest to this Board, that the time;has come when it becomes our
duty to provide more suitable accommodations for this unfortunate class, of our
citizens, and we recommend that this Board take such action as will cause the con-
struction of a suitable building, to be ventilated and provided for with sick room
appurtenances, which shall be distinct and separate from the building now occu-
pied, and that the Chairman of this Board appoint a committee of three whose
business it shall be to draw a plan for, and make contract with reliable parties for
the speedy erection of said building, ata cost not to exceed the sum of $500.
L. H VAN KIRK. . Committee.
The report of special committee upon the investigation of the worth of the secu
rities of the Infant Heir Fund being too extensive for publication, and the report
of the committee on Treasur is Accounts upon the sauce securities being too brief
a committee of three was ordered appointed, on motion of Mr. KING, to abridge
and consolidate the two reports for publication in the minutes. The chair ap•
pointed Messrs. KING, HOWE and VANKtRE such committee.
Roll call.
Minutes of 12th read and adopted.
Committee on equalization organized and were engaged until noon adjournment.
Roll call.
Communication from L. L. Treman in relation to the C inty Treasurership was
read and ordered filed.
Report of sub committee on County Poor House was then discussed and Mr.
BEEI{S moved its adoption and the resolutions therein contained passed.
Mr. KING moved to amend by inserting five hundred dollars in place of "four
hundred dollars" in the original. Carried as amended. The chair appointed
Messrs. MARION, KING and VANKIRK in accordance with resolutions therein con
The matter relative to County Treasurership was tabled till a. m., 14th inst. Com-
mittee on equalization engaged until evening and then presented their report. It
being laid over for one day the Board adjourned.
The committee appointed to abridge the report of the special committee, rela-
ting to the value of the Infant Heir ,• Fund securities, and consolidate the same
with the report of the committee on Treasurer's accounts relating to said securities
for publication, report as follows :
- -
Civcr ot. Mortgage:
Amt. oil
said IAmt. or
Interest' Mort.
1st B. & M. Geo. 1) Beers,
March 13th, 1874,
Fred Marsh,
450 00
450 00
1st . " Geo. D. Beers,
Jan. 26th, 1866; •
Alice Hall, •
1943 45
1943 45
1st " iHenry Blackman,
Jan. 17th, 1865,
Hunt Heirs,
110 00
1st " C.' L. Benson,
April 1st, 1870,
Kent Heirs,
202 66
202 66
1st "• C: D Bouton,
Jan. Otit, 1873,
Charles Mead,
400 00
400 00
1st " _ A. Burritt; ' • -
Dec. 3d. 1872,
Terry Heirs,
2000 00
1st " . Alonzo.Bradbury,
March 13th, 1877,
100 00
100 00
1st M. Geo. H. Bristol, .
Jan. 15th, 1869,
A.. B. Pugsley,
1350 00
1360 00
1st. " Nancy Richardson,
Oct 1st,.1872,
937 60
937 50
1st - ` Hiram Gee,
Oct. 31st, 1877, •
2500 00
2500 00
lst B. & M.ITheodosia Mackey,
Jan. 24th; 1877,
" " •
400 00
400 00
3d " Geo. H. Bristol,
Feb. 25th, 1876,
Charles Cowan,
767 19
707 19
1st " '
G. H. -Benson,
March 18th, .1873,
Dv Benson,
3500 00
3500 00
4tli M.
W. C: Carpenter,
April.2d, 1877,
Crowell Heirs, •
450 00
450 00
1st "
.John Letts,
April 6th, 1877, •
" "
150 00.
150 00
1st B. & M.
Fred Camp;
April 6th, 1875,
Sam'l DLWilson,
400 00
400 00
2d M.
Fred Camp,
March 7th, 1876,
:` , "
200 00
200 00
2d ` "
Elizabeth Howe,
April 1st, 1875,
" "
300 00
300 00
3d "'
Elizabeth Howe,
April 2d, 1877,
300 00
1st B & M.
T J. McElheny,•
Nov: 1st, 1877,
" "
1000 00
1st M.
Elisha Freeman,
April 28th, 1871,
Nellie Knapp,
1st B. & M.
W. D. Gibbs,
Oct. 23, 1872,
M. P. Gihbs,
1059 05
1059 05
1st M. .
Geo. Givens;
March 23, 1874,
Stevens Heirs,
980 00
1000 00
A. B Pugsley,
10 00
. 10 00
1st'B. & M.
Nathan Stevens,
March Gth, 1877,
Stevens Heirs,
600 00
1st M. -
Geo. W: Hoysradt,
Sept.•225,• 1868,
Sarah H. Sibley,
1667 00
1667 00
1st' "
Margaret Hilliker.
.July'23d, 1870,
" "
500 00
500 00
1st B. & M.
K. S. VanVoorhees,
Dec 29th, 1869,
" "
2429 00
Charles M. Titus,,
Jan. 7th, 1874.
". 44
1000 00
1000 00
1st M.
Lucy: Mack, -
Oct. 24th, 1874;
" 4l '
1500 00
2d B & M.
K. S.:VanVoorhees,
Jan 16th, 1871,
1000 00
1st B. & M
W. L. King,
Dec. 16th, 1876, .
" " `
2000 00
2000 00
1st B. & M.
Lydia Housel, '
Oct. 16th, 1865;
Housel Heirs,
432 00
432 00
1st B. & M.
C. M. Haywood,
.Jan. 21st, 1870, '
Charles Lane, .
1550 00
25 M.
W. J. Hill,
Feb. 15th..1876,
Surdaui Heirs; •
.327 50
327 50
1st "
Alex Ring,
April 13th, 1870;
4288 94
4288 99
.1st "
James Labar,
Nov. 2d, 1874,
Arnold Heirs,._
1082 25
1082 25
1st B. & M.
Harry Mott,
April 4th, 1860,
Follett Heirs,
1150 00
1st • " •
G. McArthur,
March 31st. 1866,
409 09
409 01
1st "
Julia -McNeil,
May 25th, 1875,
Mabel McNeil,
1000 00
1000 00
1st M. •
G. F Morton,
March 31st, 1874,
Morton Heirs,
2133 33
1st R &M.
W. D. Gibbs,
April• 7th, 1870, _
, " "
1808 35
1808 31
2d M.
W. L, King,
.Jan' 24th, 1877,
" "
1000 00
1000 0(
2d '' " M
E. M. Gillam.
Dec. 18th, 1873,
300 00
300 0(
2d B. & M.
G. T. Morrison, -
Sept. 17th, 1867,.
Frank Morrison,
600 0(
1st " '
J. T. Morrison,
Aug. 20th, 1872,
1500 00
1500 01
2d B. & M
.T. McArthur,'
April 18th, 1874,
VanHoru Heirs,
1901 29
190' 2:
1st M:
far ." '
Charlotte. M. Sweet,
rnl,n (1 Rh. -
March 23d, 1870,
IM,iv 12th 1877.
Wise Heirs,
I " "
t014 32
262 50
1014 3S
262 51
1st " E. C. VanKirk,
1st " Edward Wooley,
1st B. & M Stanley O. Ward,
1st M. Martha Wooden,
1st B. & M. Aaron Sheldon,
2d M.
1st B. & M
2d M.
1st M.
EL Stewart,
William Seaman,
W. D. Gibbs,
Phebe Snellen,
J. Murnan,
H. Mente.
Harriet Hayes,
June 2d, 1872,
Oct. 19th, 1871,
May 18th, 1874,
April 5th, 1876,
Dec. 30th,;1865,
March 4t11,01876,
Jan, 24th, 1876,
May 1st, 1876,
May 19th, 1877,
Dec. 13th, 1876,
Feb. 7th, 1876,
Feb. 11th, 1870,
IIalladay Heirs,
Fenner Heirs,
Wright Heirs,
D. & M. Woodin,
R. F. Wickham,
850 00 850 00
1221 10 1221 10
1455 00 1455 00
1967 38 1967 38
800 00 1509 00
McKegan Heirs, 290 63
Mabel McNeil, 317 40
A. B Hurlbut, 92 07
Haddock Heirs, 250 00
Wilcox Heirs, 250 00
C. E Alexander,
Halladay Heirs,
Mand evilleHeirs
M. E. Whipple,
Howe Heirs,
Howe Heirs,
Savocool Heirs,
Van Horn Heirs,
Mary Mitchell,
Halsted Snyder,
Sarah Harris
Sarah Harrison,
J. Stoddard,
500 00
250 00 300 00
50 00
779 73 1000 00
183 00
37 27
37 28 500 00
462 72
150 00 200 00
48 00
292 33 600 00
307 67
80:63 95 00
Josephine Stoddard ........... $42 95
91 67
Ada L. Conrad, (Wise Heir) now due ........ 463 83
McGowan Heir 59 16
Morton Heirs ............... 13 59
Haddock Heirs ... 3 12
Howe Heirs 95
808 00
Samuel M. Wilson.............
Wilgus Heirs........
A. B. Hurlbut
The report was adopted.
EPENETUS HOWE, . Committee.
Roll call.
Minutes of 13th read and adopted.
Matter of County Treasurship postponed until p. m.
On motion of Mr. KING,
WHEREAS, It has been the custom to have an unnecessary number of constables in
attendance upon the courts, thereby causing useless expenditure of money, there-
Resolved, That whenever there is a Grand and Petit Jury attending court the
Sheriff shall be allowed to have the services of the Under Sheriff whenever the
number of constables does not exceed six, and also when a Petit Jury only is at-
tending court be shall be allowed the services of the Under Sheriff when the num-
ber of constables does not exceed four. The County Clerk is hereby directed not
to draw an order for the services of the Under Sheriff whenever the number of
constables attending any court exceeds the numbers above stated.
The following was ordered, on the minutes :
ITHACA, December 13, 1877.
To the Board of Supervisors :
GENTLEMEN—I hereby acknowledge the receipt of your official notice of my ap-
pointment to the vacancy in the office of Treasurer of the County, please accept
my thanks for the same. My other business relations and duties are such that I
cannot well accept and therefore respectfully decline the apppointment.
'Yours truly,
On motion of Mr. HowE, the resolution postponing matter of County Treasurship
un til p. m., was reconsidered, and ballot taken for County Treasurship. It resulted
H. B. Lord 3.
E. Kirk Johnson . .....6.
On motion of Mr. VANKIRK, the election of Mr. Johnson was made unanimous.
Mr. HowE was appointed to notify Mr. Johnson of his election.
The following form was then filled and names attached :
WHEREAS, A vacancy has occurred in the office of Treasurer of the County of
Tompkins, by reason of the resignation of Koert S. VanVoorhees, heretofore elec–
ted to said office in said county:
Now therefore, by virtue of the power vested in us by statute in such case made
and provided, we the undersigned Supervisors in said county do hereby, in order
to fill such vacancy, appoint E. Kirk Johnson, Treasurer of said county, to
hold such office until the next succeeding annual election held, in said county as
provided by law.
Dated, Ithaca, Dec. llth, 1877.
On motion of Mr. MARION,
Resolved, That this Board raise by tax two hundred dollars, which sum shall be a
portion of the five hundred dollars previously voted for the erection of a hospi al
building at the County Poor House ; said sum to be held by the Treasurer of the
County subject to the order of the committee appointed by the chair to superintend
the construction of said building.
On motion of Mr. STEVENS,
Resolved, That the sum of thirty dollars be appropriated to pay J. Wilson, janitor,
for services rendered front the commencement of this session until the 27th day of
November, 1877.
Mr. CROCKER, called up the communication of Mr. J. Corwin.
On motion of Mr. BURTT,
Resolved, That the request of the Rev. John Corwin, in regard to his assessment
does not conte within the jurisdiction of this Board.
On motion of Mr. HowE,
Resolved, That the Chairman appoint a committee of three for the purpose of
making a contract with T. W. Burns, to copy all the bills that have been presented
for audit by different parties in the year 1875, 1876, 1877. The same to he copied
into a book to be kept as a book of reference to aid the different committees in the
discharge of their duties.
Messrs. HOWE, BURTT and BEERS, were appointed such committee.
.The report of the committee on equalization was then adopted with all members
voting yea, but Mr. ICING, who, after discussing the justice of report, voted nay.
The committee on equalization respectfully report that the assessed valuation of
the several towns as reported by the Assessor for the year 1877 is as follows:
We the undersignsd committee on equalization would respectfully
lowing to be the equalized valuation of the real estate of the several
County of Tompkins for the year 1877 :
Acres. Real. Personal.
30,725 985,819 209,927
61,309 1,702,807 94,703
36,410 647,466 41.190
31,253 545,960 36,350
22,007 471,291 60,440
19,C05 1,166,751 319,502
report the fol -
towns in the
37,731 1,543,992 196,454
19,233 3,567,727 669,465
33,286 685 142 24,265
11,316,755 1,652,296
Carried that the Board meet to sign. the Collectors' warrants the
The Board adjourned at 5:30 p. m.
1 Committee
} _ on
1 Equalization
22d inst.
Roll call.
Minutes of 14th read, and adopted. .
On motion of Mr. HowE, .
Resolved, That the thanks of this.Board be given.to Mr. S 'B. Beers, and Dr. Tar -
bell, for the assistance rendered by them.to the committee who were appointed •to,
examine as to the. value of the securities of the Infant Heir Fund held by the -Coun-
ty Treasurer, while .tbeywere engaged in making such investigations.
• On motion of Mr., MARION,
• Resolved, That the Supervisor. of Ithaca, at the request" of •the •County .Treasurer,
be, and is hereby authorized to raise by bank note or otherwise upon the credit of
th'e county the sum which he may deem necessary to meet any deficiency that
may occur in court expenses atter the present appropriations are 'exhausted. •
Resolved, .That the Chairman of this Board be authorized to raise by note or oth-
erwise upon the credit of the county a sum sufficient to take.up the note of $5;454 36
given for the.Bristol deficiency, held. by the Tompkins County National Bank; and
due.January 24th, 1878; for any. time.he.may. think advisable, butnot. to exceed
one year from the 24th day of January,.1878.
On- motion of Mr. BURTT, .
..: Resolved, That the following sums be assessed and levied on the taxable property
of the county for the following purposes
Valuation of the.cou ntyfor-1877, as equalized by. -the .State Board••of Equaliza-
tion . $12,347,589
For Schools 1 3-24 mills..:.:.. ..$13,891 04
.For'general purposes, new capital and canals 2 1.24 mills. 25,209 66 . 39,100 70
Court expenses. . ... . . .. 3,00x 00 •
Fuel and gas for Court Muse and Jail and Surrogate's office .•....... ; . 350 00
,State Lunatic Asylum. , . . 600 00
Monroe County Penitentiary ......... 400 00
School commissioner. .........:.. 400 00
Salary of County Judge, 2,500 00
Incidental, Surrogate's Office . ' . . 60 00
Sus. V. • Home 4 .. . 417 50
Note at Tompkins Co. Nat. Bank, due Jan. 24th, 1878....... 3,110 54
Note at Tompkins Co. Nat. Bank due Feb. 4th, 1878... 2,525 04
Note at Tompkins Co. Nat. Bank due Jan. 26th, 1878.. 1,315 81
Salary of Special County Judge ... 50 00
Supervisor's clerk. ........ 100 00
Supervisors and Court House Janitor for the year 1876 and 1877.... 190 00
Supervisors and Court House Janitor for the year 1877 and 1878.... 150 00
County Treasurer's salary 900 00
Chaplain to Poor House ................... 50 00
County audits. . 13,929 28
Willard Asylum as per bills. ....$5,227 61
Less amt. paid by town and self support -?ng .............. 4,228 69 999,02
Superintendents of the Poor 4,000 00
Salary of District Attorney. ..... - ........... 600 00
Insurance.......... ...... ........... ....... ....... 133 00
Institute for deaf mutes at Rome ................. 60.00
For costs in Bristol case .... 250 00
Institute for deaf mutes at Rochester 30 00
For erection of hospital at Poor House.... ............ 200 00
For Supervisor's Janitor from Nov. 13th to Nov. 27th, 1877........ 30 00
For deficiency in amt. apportioned for County audits in 1876 7 70
For postage for clerk 6 00
On motion of Mr. BCRTT,
_Resolved, That the following sums be levied and collected upon the several towns
for the purpose therein named : -
State tax .............................. 1,756 62
County tax 1,632 29
Highways. ....... • 350 00
Town audits 1,005 65
Willard Asylum 141 02
Superintendents of poor 155 50
Return tax... . . . . ..................... 1 85
Overseer of the poor........ ...... 210 60
$5,252 53
State tax... 5,419 36
County tax... 5,038 66
Highways .................... 1,2u0 00
Town audits ....................... 1,277 45
Willard asylum ... 542 49
Superintendent of poor........ 178 14
Returntax .............. ....... ............................... 25 56
$13,681 66
State tax.
County tax.......
Town audits
Willard Asylum .......,
Superintendents of poor
State tax ............... 1,603 13
County tax .... 1,490 51
Highways............................................ 250 00
Town audits... • 851 93
Superintendents of poor 66 36
Return tax 28 23
Interest on rail road bonds. .... .............. ........ 1,750 00
Sinking fund 250 00
2,138 81
1,988 56
250 00
363 19
285 14
370 21
$5,395 91
$6,279 16
State tax . • •
3,605 08
County tax. 3,351 82
Highways . 250 00
Town audits .. 1,695 40
Willard Asylum . 33417
Superintendents of poor 216 06
Return tax 103 57
Interest on rail road bonds 1,917 42
Principle of rail road bonds... 12,600 00
Overseer of poor ... 200 00
Sinking fund. 150 00
$24,223 52
State tax... ........... 12,774 20
County tax .......... .... 11,876 82
Town audits....... 16,941 54
Interest on I. & A. R. R. bonds....
• 21,000 00
Interest on G. & I. R. R. bonds 7,000 00
Sinking fund 2,000 00
Town audits added by Supervisor 27 00
Superintendents of poor
568 99
Return tax
Willard Asylum •••..•••••• •• •• 56266
Highways ,, 1,342 29
250 00
Tax Receiver's salary 400 00
$73,743 39
State tax 5,247 31
County tax ... 4,878 69
Town audits • 4,481 15
Willard Asylum. .... .. 26 42
Superintendents of poor... 306 97
Return tax t ... •.. 153 89
$15,094 40
State tax ... 2,076 25
County tax .. 1,930 39
Town audits. 1,625 87
Superintendents of pouf 135 87
Willard Asylum .. .... ... 423 23
Interest on rail road bonds.. 3,605 00
Sinking fund 616 00
$10,311 61
State tax 4,480 94
County tax 4,16615
Highways 1,750 00
Town audits 1,393 35
Willard Asylum ( 341 51
Superintendents of poor 285 80
Return tax .... 6 57
Interest on rail road bonds 5,250 00
Sinking fund 770 00
$18,443 36
On motion of Mr. VANKIRK,
Resolved, That we now proceed to visit the County Jail in accordance with an
invitation extended to this Board by Sheriff Hagin.
On motion of Mr. MARION,
Resolved, That the thanks of this Board are hereby tendered to Sheriff B. M.
Hagin, for his courtesy in inviting the members of the Board to visit the jail, and
for the orderly and cleanly manner in which that institution is kept.
Adjourned to meet Dec. 22d, at 10 a. m.
Roll call.
Collectors' warrants were prepared and signed by the members.
On motion of Mr. HoWE,
Resolved, That,the Bond of Edward K. Johnson as Treasurer of Tompkins
County be, and the same is hereby approved and ordered filed. At the request of
Mr. E. K. Johnson, Mr. HowE offered the following which was adopted
Resolved, That the said Treasurer be advised to designate the First National Bank
"of Ithaca as depository of the funds coming into said Treasurer's hands for or on
account of said county, or otherwise, and that he agree' upon an amount of annual
interest to be paid by said bank, therefore, of one dollar.
On motion of Mr. MARION,
Resolved, That the Chairman of this Board appoint a committee of three on be.
]half of this Board to enter into a contract with the county-of Monroe, or any officer
representing or acting in behalf of said county of Monroe, for the maintenance of
prisoners sentenced to imprisonment in Tompkins County for a term of not less
than sixty days. MARION, BIIRTT and BEERS, were appointed. - _ On motion of Mr. HowE,
Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board be directed to draw an order in favor-of
Judge Lyon, to the amount of twenty-five dollars for office furnit -re, to be,.paid
out of the fund voted for Court expenses.
The vote on the above resolution was :
Yeas-Howe, Burtt, Marvin, Stevens, —VanKirk, 5.
Nays-Beers. Crocker, King, Marion, 4.
Declared adopted.
On motion of Mr. VANKIRK,
Resolved, That this Board both individually and collectively tender our thanks to
HARRIBON MARPIN, Esq , for the fairness, firmness and impartialmanner with
which he has discharged the duties of Chairman during this session of the Board.
On motion of Mr. CROCKER,
Resolved, That the thanks of this Board are hereby tendered to T. W. Burns, ou
Clerk, as an attestation-of our appreciation of the valuable set vices he has perform-
ed in his official capacity, and for his impartial courtesy to each member of the
On motion of Mr. KING,
Resolved, That the thanks of this Board are hereby tendered - to Wm. Scott, for
his diligent and faithful services. as Janitor. -
The Board then adjourned•sine die.
Bee page 30.
See page 9.
The committee having charge of the claims of the county in- the suit against
George H. Bristol, late County Treasurer, and his bondsmen, have ascertained the
situation of the case and report that the suit heretofore directed against Bristol and
his bondsmen to recover the moneys retained by Bristol was brought to trial • and
finally submitted to the Referee, James L. Woods, Esq., on the 13th day of Febru-
ary, 1877.
The Referee made his report July 6th, 1877, and upon it judgment was entered
in favor of the plaintiff and against Bristol and his bondsmen on the 30th day of
July, 1877, for debt or damages $5,745 08
Costs, ... .. 385 87
Amounting in the whole to ......................................
That of the amount claimed the referee gave judgment for the amount of the
county claim proper that is the $5,745 08 cash received for taxes on the last days of
his official term, and for the monies retained by him paid for the board of patients
in Willard Asylum, and rejected the claim of the plaintiffs on account of the mon-
ies in Bristol's hands belonging to infants, and commonly known as the Infant
Heir Fund, and 9 balance of the Military Fund.
The plaintiffs appealed from the portion of the judgment disallowing the Infant
Heir Fund, and the balance of Military Fund.
The defendants appealed from the entire judgment and every part of it.
The two appeals are now pending and the papers are in the hands of .the printer
being prepared for submission to the Supreme Court of this District in January
next, which is the first tgrm at which the case can be argued.
The opinion and judgment of the Referee being under review the counsel of the
plaintiff deem it improper that either be published or commented upon in the pres-
ent stage of the case, but they content themselves with saying that their opinion
that an appeal by the plaintiff should be taken from the judgment is confirmed and
strengthened by further and more deliberate examination of the case and grounds
of appeal.
J. P. KING, Committee.
Report of the committee on United States Deposit Fund :
$6;130 95
Principal on loan, Last report $67,917 28
Principal reloaned since last report......... 6,525 00
. From an examination of the mortgages and books
the amount of principal on loan this day appears
Principal paid in since last report...
Principal not reloaned and on hand at last report
Principal received and not reloaned since last repor
Principal on hand subject to loan
Aggregate principal on loan and on hand
exhibited to us
to be .. $67,442 28
7,000 00
321 89
t.. 475 00
Amount received by the Commissioners since last report
The following sums have been paid into the treasury on account of
interest as appears from the Treasurer's receipts, countersigned
by the Comptroller, exhibited to us by the Commissioners, viz :
736 89
$68,239 17
$4,734 32
1877, Feb. 15th .... $35 52
1877, Nov. 17th 4,200 00
The Commissioners have retained for their compensation
out of interest paid to them ... 341 19
Balance on hand and due Comptroller 157 61
Your committee certify that they have examined all the mortgages amounting
to $67,442 28 as above stated, and are of the opinion that they are all well, and
amply secured, all interest on mortgages has been paid to include September 30th,
1877. We also believe that the system and care shown by Commissioners Gray
and Avery in their manner of book-keeping is excellent.
DAVID CROCKER, . Committee.
On motion of Mr. RING, the following report of committee on printing was
adopted :
GENTLEMEN -1n accordance with*the requirements of the Board your committee
solicited proposals from the Ithaca Weekly Journal and Ithaca Weekly Democrat, to
publish the proceedings of the Board of Supervisors, also to publish three thousand
(3,000) copies of the proceedings of this Board in pamphlet form. Matter to be set
in wide measure and printed on book paper same as last year.
In response to the above, your committee have duly received the following pro-
posals from each of the printing companies, (viz) :
Chairman Printing Committee, Board of Supervisors :
SIR—I will publish the proceedings of the Board of Supervisors in the Ithaca
Democrat for thirty cents per folio, the same as last year. And will print three
thousand (3,000) copies in pamphlet form same size and style as that of 1876, for
two hundred (200) dollars. Yours truly,
ITHACA, Nov. 20, 1877.
ITIIACA, Nov. 20, 1877.
Chairman Printing Committee, Board of Supervisors :
SIR --We will publish the proceedings of the Board of Supervisors in the Ithaca
Journal for thirty cents per folio. The same in pamphlet form three thousand
(3,000) copies for two hundred three 50-100 dollars.
Very truly yours,
In acc:rrdance with •the proposals of the Ithaca Weekly Journal and Ithaca
Weekly Democrat your committee submit the following resolutions :
Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board be instructed to contract with the Ithaca
Weekly Journal and Ithaca Weekly Democrat to publish, the proceedings of this
Board at thirty (30) cents per folio.
Resolved. That,a full repot t of the proceedings of the extra session of the. Board
of Supervisors of 1877, held July 17th, andthe regular session of this Board of Su
pervisors be prepared by. the Clerk, who shall furnish the: same to the Ithaca
Democrat for publication, and contract with . said firm to publish three thousand
(3,000) copies of the proceedings of the Board in pamphlet form, matter to be print-
ed in wide measure and in good type in accordance' with the proposals submitted,
the three thousand (3,000) copies to be ready for distribution on the 25th day of
January, 1878, at a reduction of $5 for each day of delay after the 25th of January,
Resolved, That when the said pamphlets are ready for delivery it shall be the
duty of the Clerk of this Board to examine the pamphlets and if in his judgment
they are in compliance: with the contract he shall accept the same and distribute
them to the Supervisors of the several towns in proportion to the Grand Jury list.
To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County :
The undersigned committee on Treasurer's accounts respectfully report that we
have examined the accounts of K. S. VanVoorhees, County Treasurer, from Nov.
24th, 1876, to Nov. 22d, 1877, and compared therewith the vouchers for moneys
disbursed, and find the same to be correct, of which the following statement - is a
Tompkins County in account with K. S. VanVoorhees, County Treasurer.
State Tax.
Dec. 8, Cr. by amount appropriated for State Tax$22,220 84
Dr. to amount paid . Comptroller $22,220 84
$22,220 84 $22,220 84
Free School Fund.
Dec. 8, Cr. by amount appropriated for free schools... $12,577 84
Apr. 23, Cr by amount received from Superintendent
Public Inst 12,504 81
Dr to paid Supervisor, Caroline $2,118 75
Danby ..:.. ......... 1,842 68
If Dryden 3,239 75
Enfield 1,335 06
(Groton 2,629 63
f, Ithaca 7,020 43
" Lansing .... 2,26129
Newfield .. 2,349 45
ff - Ulysses ................. 2,285 69
On band 02
$25,082 65 $25,082 65.
Dec. 8, Cr. by amount appropriated.. County Audits....
Dr. to paid County Orders $12,144 13
Due Treasurer
$12,136 43
$12,144 13 $12,144 13
Court Expenses.
Dec. 7, Cr. by amount on hand court expenses Dec. 7th,
1876. $1,552 80
Dec. 8, Cr. by amount appropriated Dec. 8th, 1876.... 3,000 00
July 17, ' ° . 1877.... 2,500 00
Dr. to amount paid Court orders .. $7,101 40
Due Treasurer 48 60
$7,101 40 $7,101 40
Willard Asylum.
Dec. 7, Cr. by amount on hand, Willard. Asylum, Dec.
7th, 1876 166 65
Dec. 8, Cr. by amount appropriated Dec. 8, 1876 ...... . 3,500 00
July 17, 1,600 00
Cr. by amount received for board of patients.... 630.95
Dr: to paid J. P. Thomas, Treasurer 5,734 90
On hand ... 162 70
$5,897 60
New York State Lunatic Asylum.
Dec. 8, Cr. by amount appropriated N. Y. S. Lunatic
Dr. to paid F. Seward, Treasurer........ , $779 31
On hand 220 69"
$1,000 00
Monroe County Penitentiary.
Dec. 8, Cr. by amount appropriated, Monroe County
Penitentiary ....:... ..... ... $300_,00
Cr. by fine Jacob Eaton........... . 100 00
Dr. to paid Alex. McWhorter, Superintendent.. 3393 13
On hand........ 6 87
$400.00 $400 00
Susquehanna Valley Home.
Dec. 8, Cr. by amount appropriated Susquehanna Val -
3350 00
Dr. to amount paid Matthews, Treasurer $350 00
8350 00 6350 00
31,000 00
$1,000 00
County Judge.
Dec. 8, Cr. by amount appropriated, salary County
Judge .. ... $3,125 00
Amount appropriated incidental expenses 50 00
Dr. to amount paid Marcus Lyon, County Judge$3,175 00
' $3,176 00 $3,176 00
District Attorney.
Dec. 8, Cr. by amount appropriated salary District At-
Dr. to paid Simeon Smith
Dr. to paid D. M. Dean....
$300 00
450 00
$750 00
$750 00 $750 00
Special County Judge.
Dec. 8, Cr. by amount appropriated salary Special
County Judge........ $50 00
Dr. to amount paid J. M. McKinney $60 00
$50 00 $50 00
County Treasurer.
Dec. 8, Cr. by amount appropriated salary County
Treasurer $500 (0
Dr. to amount paid $500 00
$600 00 $500 00
Chaplain Poor House.
Dec. 8, Cr. by amount appropriated salary Chaplain
Poor House $50 00
Dr. to amount paid W. N. Sharp, Chaplain $5000
$50 00 $50 00
School Commissioners.
Dec. 8, Cr. by amount appropriated, salary School
Commissioners ..... $400 00
Dr. to amount paid 0. S, Ensign ........ $200 00
R. G. H. Speed 200 00
$400 00 $400 00
Supervisors' Clerk.
Dec. 8, Cr. by amount appropriated for Supervisors
Clerk........ $165 00
Dr. to paid T. W. Burns*... $155 00
$155 00 $155 00
Supervisors' Janitor.
Dec. 8. Cr. by amount appropriated for Supervisors'
Janitor $196 00
Dr. to amount paid J. H. Wilson $190 00
0190 00 $190 00
Fuel and Gas Account.
Dec. 8, Cr. by amount appropriated, fuel and gas$300 00
July 17, " 350 00
Dec. 7, Cr. by amount on hand Dec. 7th, 1876 $124 70
Dr. to paid $770 03
On hand........ 4 67
Notes at Tompkins County Bank.
Dec, 8, Cr. by amount appropriated to pay notes
Dr. to amount paid
Suit against Bristol and Others.
Dec. 8, Cr. by amount appropriated to pay expenses
in suit against Bristol and others
Dr. to amount paid P. G. Ellsworth....
$774 70 $774 70
$3,024 74
$3,024 74
$3,024 74 $3,024 74
$125 00
$125 00
$125 00 $125 00
Dec, 8, Cr. by fines on hand Dec. 8th, 1876.....
Dr. to fines paid C. L. Wattles, Supervisor,
Caroline ....... $31 00
Dr. to fines paid H. Marvin, Supervisor, Dryden.. 15 00
Dr. to fines paid L. H. VanKirk, Supervisor, En-
field. 15 00
Dr. to fines paid N. Stevens, Supervisor, Groton. 17 31
Dr. to fines paid J. M. Woodbury, Supervisor,
Lansing .... 40 00
Dr. to fines paid D. L. Burtt, Supervisor, Ithaca230 87
$349.18 $349 18
Fines on hand, 1877. '
Cr. by fines town Ithaca, from W. J. Totten, J. P$6 00
J. H. Tichenor, J. P34 00
« " B. M. Hagin, Sheriff59 15
Dryden, " 1185
Lansing, " 5 00
On hand $116 00
$116 00 $116 00
$349 18
Returned Tax.
Dec. 8, Cr. by amount tax returned and reassessed
Danby ......
Cr. by amount tax returned and reassessed, Dry-
den........ ...).
$16 00
24 13
Cr. by amount tax ,returned and reassessed,
Groton • 67 57
Cr. by amount tax returned and reassessed,
Ithaca, .. ........... 333 45
14 24
Cr. by amount tax returned and reassessed, New-
field ..
Cr. by amount tax returned and reassessed, Ulys-
ses. ..... • • 114 42
Dr. to amt. paid tax uncollectable, Caroline..... $1 79
" " .Dryden, ... . 24 84 ..
Enfield ....:. 27 44
Groton ...... 102 00
Ithaca...$650 09
Less amt. allowed by comp ... • 156 01 494 08
Lansing .. 149.42
Ulysses 5 41
DueTreasurer .................... -. 23517
$804 98 $804 98
1876. ,
Dec. 8, Cr. by amt. on hand Dec. 7th:. . $133 00
Dr. to amt. paid " $133 00
Dec. 8, Cr. by amt. appropriated for Superintendents
ofthe Poor ................
July 17, Cr. by amt. appropriated for Superintendents
of the Poor.. .
Cr. by amt. received from Caroline......
(t t Danby ..........
• • Dryden.........
$133 00 $13300
tt Enfield .............
« Groton ..............
" Ithaca ........
« " Lansing.... .... •
ft " Newfield
" " Ulysses.
Dr. to paid Superintendents orders.... $5,548 32
On hand .... ........ 50
$3,000 00
1,000 00
54 70
283 39
16 19
95 61
451 53
108 80
154 06
227 49
$5,548 82 $5,548 82
The committee would further report that they have also examined the securities
of the Infant Heir Fund and compared them with the abstract furnished by the
Treasurer, and find them to agree, and that they have examined all the books, - re-.
ceipts and vouchers relating to said fund, and find them to correspondwith the
following statement :
Infant Heirs in account with K. S. VanVoorhees, County Treasurer.
Cr. by amt. principal on hand, Nov. 14th, 1876$65,416.37.
received since 2,392 30
Dr. to amt. principal paid since $3,103 39
" " on hand. 64,705 28
$67,808 67 $67,808 67
Amount principal due heirs $64,705 28
" securities on hand.... $62,031 90
Cash on hand due heirs now of age ... 1,673 38
to be invested .... 1,000 00
$64,705 28 $64,705 28 -
Amount of interest received . $3,979 12
Amount of interest paid. $3,627 95
Interest on band. 351 17
$3,979 12 $3,979 12
Report of the committee on Poor House and Superintendents' Reports-EzRA
MARION, .Chairman.
To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County .
Your committee on. Poor House and Superintendents reports would respectfully
submit for the consideration of this Board, the following report :
From the 15th day of November, 1876, to the 15th day of November, 1877, there
were supported in the County Poor House, Connty Paupers 454.
Front the Town of Danby 8
-."• " Caroline 3
Dryden,. 3
°' • Enfield 2
< « Groton ...... ... 4
Ithaca 19
.. . Lansing .... ... 6
« Newfield.. ... 5
Ulysses. .. . . . . 7
Making an aggregate of°....... 511
The whole number of days the said paupers were supported in said Poor: House
during the year was. .... ..... .... ,.... 19;804':
The whole number of drafts drawn on the County Treasurer for bills audited 4by,
the Superintendents for the support of the institution duriLg said year over and
above the proceeds of the farm was....... $7,117 81
Which sums were expended as follows :
For out door relief $3,461 82
For service of overseers
• .•., 221 80
For transportation of paupers 32 93
For insurance 45 00
For conveying insane to asylum 34 25
For indoor expenses 3,322 01
Making an aggregate of $7,117 81
The amount of produce raised on the County House farm during the said year
and the amount on hand the 15th day of November, 1877, is shown as follows, viz :
269 bushels of wheat raised 191 bushels on hand.
800 " oats raised 780
1,000 " ears of corn raised.: 600
450 " potatoes raised. 350
4 " peas raised none
13 " onions raised 10
18 " beets raised. 10'
20 " beans raised
• • . 7
6 " turnips raised 6
10 " tomatoes raised none
500 heads of cabbage raised 400
50 bushels of apples raised. none
12 tons of hay raised 10
Corn stalks raised from eight acres all
800 lbs of butter made 400 lbs "
Stock on farm belonging to the county and on hand is as follows, viz :
One pair of horses belonging to the keeper. One yoke of oxen belonging to the
county. Six milch cows beTonging to the county. One bull fattening, belonging
to the county. Ten hogs fattening, belonging to the county. Eight shoats winter-
ing, belonging to the county. 150 common fowls, belonging to the. county. There
is also on hand 40 tons of coal, 15 cords of wood, 45 yards of full cloth, 10 yards of
flannel. There is due in cloth from Rockwell Brothers 87840 for grease. There is
due in cloth from Vandemark Brothers $31.02 for grease. There is 9 yards of cot-
tonade on hand, 55 yards of denims, 15 yards colored shirting, 50 yards factory, 25
yards bleached muslin, 56 yards calico, 6 yards gingham, 13 pairs of coarse boots
8 hats, 22 pairs of shoes, 2 shrouds, 13 aprons, 10 ladies underwear, 4 towels, 6 pair,
suspenders, 12 shirts, 4 denim slips, 3 pair pants, 8 sheets, 10 pair stockings, 6 pair
socks, 1 barrel of sugar, 1 barrel of molasses, 1.2 chest of tea, 6 lbs. of coffee, 4 lbs.
rice, 15 lbs. of raisins, 20 lbs. of smokrng tobacco, 15 lbs. candles, 60 lbs. of tallow,
60 lbs. of lard, 16 lbs. of cotton batting, 1 barrel vinegar, 3 barrels cider, 3 barrels
of soap, 2 boxes pltig tobacco, 6 skeins of stocking yarn, 10 casks of old pork.
We further report that all children sent to the County Poor House are transferred
to the Orphan Asylum at Binghamton, or are found homes in good families.
The number of paupers in the Poor House, November 15th, 1876, was.... 40
The number of births was 2
The number received into the County Poor House during the year was 469
Total 511
The number discharged during the year 445
The number absconded was 8
The number bound out.... 1
The number of deaths was 4
Paupers in the Poor House Nov. 15th, 1875 53
The average expense for each pauper supported above the proceeds of the farm
was $61 22
The average expense per week was $1 17
The whole number of days board of county paupers was 6,254
Cost of board and clothing $1,049 07
Town of Caroline, days board 927, board and clothing cost 155 50
Town of Danby, days board 2,207, board and clothing cost 370 21
Town of Dryden, days board 1,062 board and clothing cost 178 14
Town of Groton, days board 1,291, board and clothing cost 216 06
Town of Enfield, days board 330, board and clothing cost 55 36
Town of Ithaca, days board 3,392, bdard and clothing cost.....,568 99
Town of Lansing, days board 1,830 board and clothing cost 306 97
Town of Newfield, days board 810, board and clothing cost 135 87
Town of Ulysses, days board 1,704, board and clothing cost 285 84
The following statement shows the amount of stock and produce sold from the
county farm from the 16th day of November, 1876, to the 16th day of November,
1877, and where applied :
Cash for steers sold $100 00
Cash for yearlings sold 65 00
Making a total of $165 00
Which amount was expended as follows :
To Thomas M. Bower, keeper $100 00
To George Rightmire, house physician 31 00
In the hands of the Superintendents 34 00
Making an aggregate of $165 00
In conformity to the 30th section, title first, chapter 20th of the revised statutes
the Superintendents of the Poor for the County of Tompkins estimate the expenses
for the support of the County Poor in the county and towns for the ensuing year
at.. $3,000 00
For transporting paupers to the County Poor House 40 00
For temporary relief of county paupers not in Poor House 2,000 00
For Overseers of the Poor for services 200 00
For Poor Housekeepers salary.... 500 00
Aggregate estimates $5,740 00
To meet the deficiency now existing and provide for the poor expenses for the
ensuing year your committee beg leave to offer the following resolutions :
Resolved, That the sum of fifteen hundred and sixty-eight dollars and ninety-nine
cents ($1568.99) be levied and collected in the County of Tompkins to meet the un-
paid drafts drawn on the County Treasurer for said amount, also the sum of twenty
four hundred thirty one dollars and one cent ,'$2431.01) for the support of the poor
during the ensuing year.
Resolved, That the sums expended by the Superintendents of the Poor for the sup-
port of the poor in the several towns of the County of Tompkins be levied and col-
lected on said towns according to the following statement which shows the amount
due from the several towns for the support of their poor in the Poor House from
November 15th, 1876, to the 14th day of November, 1877 :
From the town of Caroline ., $155 50
" " Danby 370 21
Dryden 17814
It Groton
216 06
" " Enfield
55 36
Ithaca .............. 668 99
46 Lansing 306 97
CC IC Newfield
135 87
" CC Ulysses 285 84
Making an aggregate of $2,272 94
The amount of drafts drawn on the County Treasurer by the Superin-
tendents of the Poor was ... $7,117 81
The amount raised during the last year for the support of the poor
was 5,548 R2
Leaving an unpaid balance of. $1,568 99
The estimates of the County Superintendents for the ensuing year
call for .... $5,740 00
Amount of deficiency 1,668 99
Aggregate amount called for $7,308 99
Amount to be collected from the several towns in the county $2,272 94
The amount to be raised by resolution of the Board of Supervisors
• for deficiency........ 1,568 99
Amount to be raised by Board per appropriation 2,431 01
Aggregate amount to be raised in county $6,272 94
Your committee would further report that the fences, the stock and the other
matters out doors connected with the institution are being kept in good condition;
the poor house needs repairs as the roof is in a leaky condition; the out buildings
are becoming somewhat dilapidated from age, and will soon require quite exten-
sive repairs, and upon a careful examination into the condition of the inmates of
the institution, we believe they are properly cared for, omitting the hospital de-
- -47
partment which the sub committee will notice in a following report to this
Board. To the Superintendents we extend our thanks for information imparted and
courtesies. received.
L. H. VAN KIRK, - Committees.
J. P. KING, 1
To L. H. VANKnRu, Supervisor of the Town of. Enfield :
We the undersigned Rail Road Bonding Commissioners of the town of Enfield,
would respectfully report :
That there is outstanding against the town of Enfield, bonds to the amount of
twenty-five thousand dollars issued to aid in the construction of the Pa. & Sodus
Bay Rail Road, bearing interest at seven per cent payable semi-annually, and, that
the amount of money required to pay interest on the same to become due during
the next year will be one thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars and we re-
quest that you levy a tax upon said town of Enfield for that amount to be used to
pay said interest as it becomes due.
We would also report that we now have on hand, securely invested, a sinking
fund amountingto one thousand three hundred and sixty three 30.100 dollars, and
as Section Six, Chapter 907, Laws of 1869, requires us to cause to be raised by tax
annually, a "sum amounting to at least one per cent. of the original amount of
bonds" to be used as a sinking fund towards the final paying of said bonds, and as
former experience has proved to us that the sum of one per cent, viz : two hundred
and fifty dollars is too small to invest to advantage each year, and believing that
the bestinterests of the town require that double that amount be raised the pres-
ent year, we therefore respectfully request you to raise in like manner by tax in
addition to the said seventeen hundred and fifty dollars, the sum of five hundred
dollars to be used as a sinking fund towards the final payment of said bonds, as
provided in said Section•Six, Chapter 907, Laws of11869.
Enfield, November 7th, 1877.
EDGAR BREWER, . Commissioners.
To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County :
In accordance with Chapter 652, laws of 1870, I hereby report the public debt of
the town of Enfield to be as follows:
Bonds issued by Commissioners appointed by the County Judge of said county
in favor of Pennsylvania and Sodus Bay Rail Road under the act to facilitate the
construction of railroads, passed by the Legislature of 1850 and amended May 18th,
1869 :
Amount of bonds issued
Rate of interest seven per cent. payable semi-annually.
Amount of principal unpaid September 1st, 1877
$26,000 00
Amount of interest coming due March 1st, 1878..................875 00
Amount of interest coming due Sept. 1st, 1878... 875 00
One per cent on said bonds to be raised for sinking fund 250 00
Sinking fund in the hands of commissioners of said town 1,363 30
Total amount of indebtedness less sinking fund 26,386 70
L. H. VAN KIRK, Supervisor.
To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County :
We the undersigned Commissioners of the town of Groton, appointed under the
Act passed May 18th, 1868, Laws of New York, Chapter 907, would respectfully
submit the following report :
That the amount of Town Bonds issued in aid of the Ithaca & Cortland Rail
Road is . ................................ $15,00000
That the amount of ponds exchanged for stock in the Cortland &
Ithaca Rail Road versus Utica, Ithaca & Elmira Rail Road is. 15,000 00
That the interest to come due Feb. 1st, 1878, is 525 00
C4 Aug. 1st, 1878, is... 625 00
And that we have on hand accrued interest....... 7 58
Therefore we ask for an appropriation to pay the interest on said
bonds Feb. 1st, 1878, $525 less $7 58-100............$517 42
August 1st, 1878...... .... 625 00 1,042 42
Also for a sinking fund of one per cent on the said bonds.......... 150 00
Aggregate.... $1,192 42
We therefore, respectfully ask that the same be levied upon the taxable property
of the said town of Groton, and when collected to be paid over to the commission-
ers of said town, to be expended for the above purposes.
Dated at McLean, Nov. 13th, 1877.
Commissioners of the town of Groton.
To the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins :
The report of the undersigned Commissioners of the town of Groton, appointed
under the Act entitled an Act to facilitate the construction of the Southern Central
Railroad, and to authorize towns to subscribe to the capital stock thereof, passed
April 7th, 1866, respectfully shows, that they as such commissioners have issued
the bonds of said town to the aggregate amount of fifty thousand dollars; that the
whole of said bonds have been sold by the undersigned as such commissioners.
That no dividends have been received by the undersigned, and there will become
due and payable for principal and interest upon same bonds during the next ensu-
ing year in the aggregate, the sum of twelve thousand five hundred dollars, princi-
pal due on same bonds, and the sum of eight hundred and seventy-five dollars, and
these amounts will be required to pay said principal and interest.
And the undersigned as such, commissioners aforesaid, therefore request that
these amounts may be levied upon said town of Groton to pay said principal and
interest besides the expense of collection.
Dated Groton, this 19th day of Nov. 1877.
Commissioners of the Town of Gro torn
To the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins:
In accordance with Chapter 552, Laws of 1870, 1 hereby report the public debt of
the town of Groton, to be as follows : 0
Bonds remaining unpaid issued by Commissioners for the Southern Central Rail-
road bearing interest at seven per cent ...................... $12,500 oa
Interest on same corning due the ensuing year 875 00,
Bonds issued by commissioner,, for the Ithaca and Cortland Rail
Road bearing interest at seven par cent. payable semi annual-
ly' 15,000 00
Interest on same coming due the ensuing year 1,042 42
One per cent- on said bonds for sinking fund 150 00
Total indebtedness.
•••• ••• $29,567 42
Resolved, That in pursuance of the provision of Chapter 432 of the Laws of 1866
entitled an act to facilitate the construction of the Southern Central Railroad, and
to authorize towns to subscribe to the capital stock thereof, and of a notice served
upon this Board by the Railroad Commissioners of the town of Groton, there bo
levied and assessed upon the taxable property of said town, the sum of eight
hundred and seventy-five dollars for the purpose of paying the interest upon the
Railroad Bonds issued by said town, and now unpaid, and twelve thousand five
hundred as principal.
The aggregate thirteen thousand three hundred and seventy-five dollars, and
that the same be paid when collected, to the commissioners of said town appointed
pursuant to this act.
Resolved, That in pursuance of the provision of Chapter 907 of the Laws of 1869,
and notice having been served upon this Board by the Commissioners of the town
of Groton, there he levied and assessed upon the taxable property of said town of
Groton, the sum of one thousand and forty.two dollars and forty-two cents, for
the purpose of paying interest upon the Railroad bonds issued under this act iii the
town of Groton, also the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars be levied and as-
sessed 'mon the taxable property of the town of Groton for the purpose of creating
a sinking fund according to instructions in said Chapter 907 of the laws of 1869)
and that the same when collected be paid to the commissioners of said town ap-
pointed under this act to be expended for the above purposes.
Ninth annual report of the commissioners of the town of Ithaca, pursuance of an
act of the Legislature passed April 17th, 1866.
Amount of bonds issued for Ithaca and Athens Rail Road $300,000 00
Expended for Ithaca and Athens Rail Ruad Stock. 300.000 00
Ithaca and Athens Rail Road Stock. 300,000 00
There will be required for the coming year to pay interest on said bonds. and by
virtue of said act, the sum of twenty-one thousand dollars, and ask that the same
may be assessed and levied upon the town of Ithaca.
PETER APGAR. Commissioners.
Resolved, That in pursuance of Chapter 645, Laws of 1866, entitled an act to fa-
cilitate the construction of the Ithaca and Towanda Railroad (by act Feb. 18th,
1870, now Ithaca and Athens Railroad Company) and to authorize towns to sub-
scribe to the capital stock thereof, and of a notice served upon this Board by the
Commissioners of the town of Ithaca, there be levied and assessed upon the taxable
property of said town of Ithaca, the sum of twenty one thousand dollars, for the
purpose of paying interest to become due March lst; 1878, upon the town bonds is-
sued for said railroad, and that the Supervisor of said town pay said sum to the
commissioners of said town, to be expended for that purpose.
D. L. BURTT, Supervisor.
ITHACA, November 19, 1877.
Report of the Commissioners of the Geneva and Ithaca Rail Road.
To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins:
The undersigned commissioners report to your Honorable Body, that they have a
sinking fund on hand in payment of bonds issued in aid of the Geneva and Ithaca
Rail Road, as follows:
Bonds issued in aid of said road .... .. 85,000 00
Accumulated interest on bonds, etc 638 10
Total... $5.638 10
The Bonding Law of May 18, 1869, makes it obligatory on the commissioners
after three years, to call for a tax of not less than one per cent. to be laid aside as a
sinking fund for the payment of said bonded debt. The• three years having ex-
pired we therefore ask that your Honorable Bocly levy a tax on the taxable prop-
erty of the Town of Ithaca, of not less than two per cent. on $100,000 00, amount
of bonds issued in aid of the Geneva and Ithaca Rail Road, for the purpose of crea-
ting a sinking fund -provided by law.
C. M. TITUS,Commissioners for
ITHACA, November 19, 1877..
To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins:
Seventh annual report of the Commissioners of the Town of Ithaca, for bonds
issued in aid of the Geneva and Ithaca Railroad.
Amount of bonds issued in aid of said road $100,000 00
Interest to come due April 1, 1878 3,500 00
Interest to come due October 1, 1878....... 3,500 00 .
We therefore report, that there will be required for the coming year, to pay in-
terest on the said bonds, the sum of seven thousand dollars We therefore ask
that the same be assessed and levied upon the town of Ithaca.
C M. TITUS,Commissioners for
Resolved, That in pursuance of the provisions of chapter 907, Laws of 1869, enti-
tled "An act to authorize the formation of rnilroad corporations and to regulate the
same" passed April 2d, 1850, so as to permit municipal corporations to aid in the
construction of railroads, passed May 18, 1869, and of a notice served upon this
Board by commissioners of the town of Ithaca, for the Geneva and Ithaca railroad
company, there be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the town of
Ithaca, the sum of nine thousand (89,000) dollars.
Interest to come due April 1st, 1878 83,500
" " Oct 1st, 1878 3,500
Sinking fund ....... 2,000
and that the Supervisor of the town of Ithaca pay said sum to such commissioners
to be expended for the purpose above named.
D L. BURTT, Supefvisor.
To.the Board of Supervisors of :Tompkins County :
In accordance with Chapter 552, laws of 1870, I hereby report the public debt of
the town of Ithaca to be as follows :
Bonds issued March 1st, 1869, bearing interest at seven per cent. by the Commis-
sioners of I. & A. R. R ............ ...... $300,000 00
Amount of principal unpaid Nov. 19th, 1877, ..... —.8300,000,
Amount of interest due......... 21,000 00
Bonds issued Oct. 1st, 1871, payable Oct 1st, 1901, by the Commis-
sioners for the Geneva aLd Ithaca Railroad, interest on same
payable semi•anuually....... ...... 100,000 00
Amount of interest coming due April 1st, 1878..:......... 83,500 00
Amount of interest coming due Oct. 1st, 1878............ 3,500,00 7,000 00
Less sinking fund on hand in payment of bonds $5,000 00
Accumulated interest on bonds......... ... 638 00 5,638 00
8428,000 00
'8422,362 00
D. L. BURTT, Supervisor.
To the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins; State of New York :
r We the undersigned Commissioners of the town of Lansing, duly appointed tin-
der, the. provisions of an act of the Legislature of the State of • New York entitled
an act to facilitate -the construction ()Nile New York and Oswego Midland Rail-
road; and to authorize towns to subscribe to the capital stock thereof, passed April
• 5th, 1866, and of the several acts a:nendatury thereof and' supplementary thereto,
do respectfully report that the consent in writing of a majority of the taxpaying
'inhabitants of said town of Lansing, authorized the execution and issue of bonds of
said town to the extent of one hundred thousand dollars, to be used to aid iu the
' construction of the said New York and Oswego Midland Railroad and its branch-
es, that under that authority •we have executed, issued and sold seventy five
thousand dollars of bonds of said town, that said bonds were all sold at par, and
the amount of money so raised by•us was expended by us in the purchase of stock
in the said New York and Oswego Midland Railroad and the security we hold for
the same is the stock of the New York' and Oswego Midland Railroad to the
amount of seventy-five thousand dollars, the scrip for which is in our possession.
And we further report that no part of tlie principal of said bonds is duc or to be -
Come due or payable within the ensuing year, that no dividends have been paid or
received by us upon said stock, and we further report that the interest is now due
on the aforesaid'seventy.fivethousand dollars from the first day of September,
1873, until the first day of September, 1877, amounting to " $21,000 00
Likewise the interest to become.due from the first clay of September,
• 1877, to the first day of September, 1878, payable on the first
.day of March, and the first day of September, 1878, amounting to 5,250 00
Total............. .. ......... $26,250 00
Less 3,516 61-100 dollars obtained upon the coupons of said bonds
by Francis H. Brown, in the U. S. Circuit Court, Northern Dis-
trict N. Y., said judgment bearing date November 17th, 1876,
which amount of 3,516 61-100 dollars was levied and collected
of said town of Lansing,"and applied on payment of said judg-
ment which leaves a balance of ......................... $22,733 39
now due and to become due the ensuing year. •
Which sum of twenty-two thousand -seven hundred and thirty-three dollars and
thirty-nine cents, you are bound by the authority of the aforesaid acts, authorized
and required to cause to be assessed and levied and collected upon the real and
personal property of said town of Lansing, and to cause the same when collected
to be paid to us as such commissioners to be applied to the payment of the amount
of interest now due, and so to become clue ani payable during the corning year,
and duty you are reppectfully requested to rerform.
Dated Lansing, Nov. 14th; 1877. -
CHARLES G. HAGIN, i Commissioners.
,To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County :
In accordance with the statute the Supervisor of the town of Lansing, in said
county respectfully reports as follows:
That it appears by the report of the so called commissioners of said town that
bonds have been issued -by them, bearing 7 per cent. interest to the amount of -
seventy five thousand dollars ($75,000,) to aid in the construction of the N. Y. and
O. Midland Rail Road. •
The above mentioned bonds being disputed by the town, are now in litigation
and in my opinion will prove, not valid.
Respectfully submitted,
Supervisor of Lansing.
To EZRA MARION; Supervisor of the town of Newfield :
The undersigned commissioners of the town -of Newfield, appointed in pursuance
of the statutes of the State of New York, authorizing towns to subscribe to the
capital stock of rail road corporations and to issue bonds therefor, respectfully re=
port that it will be necessary for said town of Newfield to raise by tax the sum of
three thousand six hundred and five dollars ($3,605) to'pay interest from Septeniber
1st, 1877, to September 1st, 1878, on bonds of the said town of Newfield, to the
amount of fifty one thousand five hundred dollars' ($51,500), issued to aid ih the
construction of the Pennsylvania and Sodus Bay Rail Road, said interest being
payable semi—annually on the first days . of March and September in each year,
also to raise as aforesaid an additional sum of five hundred and fifteen dollars ($515)
being,one per cent..of said bonded indebtedness to provide for- a sinking fund.
We further report that the amount of moneys or securities'if any in the hands of
the former commissioners is unknown to us they holding that the law makes no
provision for a transfer of moneys or securities or a settlement with their successors.
Dated Newfield, Nov. 9th, 1877.
C. II. SEABRING, Rail Road
STEPHEN DEVBNPORT, ) Commissioners.
To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County:•
In compliance with the requirements of Chapter 552 of the law -s of New York
passed May 2d, 1870,.I submit the following report :
-That the public debt of the town of Newfield consistsof Town Bonds to the
amount of fifty one thousand five hundred dollars, issued by, said -town to aicl in the
construction of the Pa. and Sodus Bay Rail Road, pursuant to the provisions of ,
Chapter 907 of the laws of the State of New York passed in the year 1869, and of
the acts of the Legislature of said State amendatory thereof.
Said bonds were issued in series of like tenor but of different denominations,
signed by P. S. Dudley, Amos D. Shaffer and Merritt King, as Commissioners for
said town, and executed March 1st, 1371, viz:
Series of $1000 00 from No. 1 to 20 inclusive $20,000
" 500 00 from No. 1 to 42 " 21,000.
100 00 from No. 1 to 110 inclusive
Amounting in the aggregate to .... $52,000
Said bonds are payable at the office of the Union Trust Company in the City of
New York, thirty years from the date of their issue, and bearing interest coupons
thereon at the rate of seven per cent. per annum, payable semi annually on the 1st
day of March, and 1st day of September in each year.
There has been purchased and cancelled bonds amounting to $500 00
Leaving a balance against the town unpaid of 51,500 00
The interest accruing and to become due on said bonds for the year
1878, will amount to ... $3,605 00
Also there will be required to be raised one per cent. on said bonds
for sinking fund the corning year 515 00
That there is no dividend received on the stock of said Rail Road applicable to the
payment of said interest.
I further report that there is now in my hands $520 00 sinking fund for 1877,
which is and has been at the disposal of the commissioners of said town for invest-
ment. Therefore be it
Ordered, that the sum of $4,120 00 be assessed upon the town of Newfield, paya-
ble to the Supervisor of said town for the payment of the interest and tile sinking
fund to become due on said bonds in the year 1878
Dated Newfield, Nov. 17, 1877. EZRA MARION, Supervisor.
At a meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Newfield held at the store of E.
Marion, in said town June 6th, 1877, the following members were present Ezra
Marion, Supervisor ; Benjamin Starr, Justice of the Peace ; James W. Sunderlin,
Justice of the Peace ; S. D. Cook, Town Clerk ; Jason Carman, Commissioner of
On motion of Mr. MartioN, it was
.Resolved, That the Commissioner of Highways be authorized to borrow upon the
credit of the Town of Newfield, five hundred dollars (in addition to. the two hun-
dred and fifty dollars allowed him by law) to be expended for road and bridge pur-
poses in the following districts, viz:
In Road District No. 8 $200 00
" 34 30 00
" " 37..... 60 00
" " 55, 2 bridges 105 00
Road and bridge repairing on inlet..... .... 106 00
$500 00
By Mr. Starr—Amending the above resolution by adding five hundred dollars for
the purpose of building a stone arch bridge over the creek at R. S. McCorn's house -
The amendment was declared carried by the following vote. Yeas—Starr, Sun-
derlin and Cook. Nays—Marion.
The resolution as amended was then declared adopted.
S. D. COOK, Town Clerk. EZRA MARION, Supervisor.
To the Supervisors of the County of Tompkins, State of New York :
GENTLEMEN—The Commissioners appointed with reference to the bonded in-
debtedness of the town of Ulysses in said county, beg leave to submit the following
report :
The total amount of bonds issued by said town of Ulysses to aid in the construe.
tion of the Pennsylvania and Sodus Bay Rail Road, was seventy five thousand
dollars, and were dated March 1, 1871, and are due March I, 1901, with interest at
seven percent. per annum, payable semi-annually on the first of March and Sep-
tember. The amount of 'principal paid is five Thousand three hundred dpllars,
amount of interest due and unpaid is eighty four dollars. There is deposited with
the Union Trust Company of New York, eighty-four dollars to pay said interest.
There is a balance now on hand of seventeen 75-100 dollars.
One year's interest on $75M00 is $5,250 00
One per cent. for sinking fund is 750 00
If twenty dollars ($20.00) be added to the sinking fund we would be able to pur-
chase and cancel thirteen hundred dollars of the lionds the ensuing year, and for
that purpose would recommend that six thousand, twenty dollars be as-
sessed on the town, all of which i9 respectfully submitted, Nov. 3, 1877.
• Commissioners.
Truman Boardman being duly sworn says the above
report is correct to the best of his knowledge and
belief. Subscribed arid sworn to this 3d day of
Nov., 1877, before me. J. D. SMITH, Notary Public.
T3 the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County :
In accordance with Chapter 552, laws of 1870, I hereby report the public debt of
the town of Ulysses to be as follows, viz : Bonds issued to the Pa. and Sodus Bay.
Railroad Company under the act to facilitate the construction of Railroads, passed
by the Legislature of 1850, and amended May 18th, 1869.
Amount of bonds issued $75,000
Rate of interest 7 per cent ... ...
Amount of principal paid Nov. 3d, 1877......... 5,300
Amount of principal unpaid Nov. 3, 1877
Amount of interest becoming due March 1st, 1877
Amount of interest becoming due Sept. 1st, 1877...
69 700
Total amount of indebtedness • $74,662
J. P. KING, Supervisor.
Abstract of accounts, names of all persons who presented accounts to be audited
by the Board of Town Auditors of the Town of Caroline on the 8th day of Nov.,
1876, with the amount claimed by each, the amount allowed and the nature of said
claim. •
1 John J Cantine, clerk of election Dis. No. 2 $4 00 $4 00
2 Spencer L Claik, " Dis. No. 1 4 00 4 00
3 F H Shillito, inspector of election, Dis. No. 1 4 00 4 00
4 Benjamin C Wade, inspector of election Dis. No. 14 00 4 00
5 Lyman A. Patch, inspector and messenger, Dis. No 1 5 00 5 00
6 Lyman R Kingman, clerk of election Dis. No. 14 00 4 00
7 James H Snow, commissioner of excise 3 00 3 00
•7 James H Snow, commiSsionet of excise.... 3 00 3 00
8 S B Landon, deputy sheriff 30 95 30 95
9 E C Marsh, deputy constable 4 00 4 00
10 H Krum, inspector of election Dis. No. 2 4 00 4 00
11 John H Gass, town clerk 17 75 17 75
12 Abel T Lott, justice 4 30 4 20
13 Benton Reed, assessor 21 75 21 75
14 Ira Bogardus, overseer of poor 5 00 5 00
15 Smith Stevens, inspector of election.... 4 00 4 00
16 Abram T Harding, overseer of poor 9 75 9 75
.17 Abram T Harding, coffin for poor 15 00 15 00
18 J H Ostrander, constable 22 60 22 60
19 John S Trion, overseer of poor 16 25 16 25
20 John J Peters, justice.... 51 00 51 00
21 Russel F Abby, commissioner of excise 6 00 6 00
22 John Cross, justice 1 25 1 25
23 N M. Toby, auditor 3 00 3 00
24 Chauncey Wattles, supervisor 21 40 21 40
26 Morris Gross, deputy constable 2 25 2 25
27 S K Blackman, assessor 22 00 22 00
28 James Boice, assessor 19 75 19 75
29 R E Brink, use of hall .... 10 00 10 00
30 C L Davis, tow clerk37 56 37 56
31 Edward Loundsbury, commissioner of excise 3 00 3 00
31 " 300 300
32 A A Hoskin, constable 1 25 1 25
33 Charles Bogardus, commissioner of highways 72 00 72 00
34 183 00 183 00
35 Jason P Merrill, justice 58 70 58 50
36 Matthew Bull, justice... 23 80 23 80
37 Theodore D Trion, inspector of election, Dis. No, 2. 5 00 5 00
38 James W Stevens, for services • 43 00 43 00
39 L S Ellis, bridge and plank 22 38 22 38
40 J J Freer, use of hall and board of prisoners 25 40 25 40
41 Henry W Bull, medical services for poor 9 GO 9 00
42 Epenetus Howe, supervisor.... .................. 18 56 18 56
43 Isaac M Boice, Constable 57 80 57 80
45 G C Whitely, overseer of poor 5 00 5 00
46 John Rightmire, commissioner of highway 16 40 16 40
47 Dewitt Depew, constable • 37 10 37 10
48 J 11 Clark, '0 32 25 32 25
49 Mason Clark, auditor 10 50 10 50
50 Johnson Quick, auditor... 7 50 7 50
51 Smith D Stevens, auditor........ 10 50 10 50
$1,005 65
The undersigned Town Auditors of the Town of Caroline, County of Tompkins,
certify that the foregoing abstract is correct as to the amount claimed and the
amount allowed by us.
MASON CLARK, ) Auditors for the
SMITH D. STEVENS, ) Caroline.
Abstract of Town Audits for the Town of Danby, Nov. 8, 1877.
1 Alford Vose, 2d assessor $20 00 $20 00
2 L L Beers, surveyor. 2 00 2 00
3 L L Beers, inspector 4 00 4 00
4 Theron W Slocum, constable 13 02 13 02
5 11 F Hutchings, inspector 4 00 4 00
6 Jacob Wise, assessor 16 00 16 00
7 J D Fish, assessor.... 21 00 21 00
8 Sheldon Bierce, clerk of election ..... 4 00 4 00
9 W L Egbert, inspector.... 4 00 4 00
10 A W Knapp, inspector of election 4 40 4 40
11 John E Beers, medical services 5 75 5 75
12 John E Beers, supervisor 28 33 28 33
13 A. W Knapp, overseer of poor..... 38 50 38 50
14 George A Lamkin, town clerk 28 65 28 65
15 Eli Beers, health officer 3 00 3 00
16 Luther Hill, keeping poor 18 00 18 00
17 J W Vose, justice 19 36 19 35
18 Lemuel Jennings, justice 16 05 0 16 05
19 Jeremiah Thatcher, justice 8 60 8 60
20 Charles Howland, justice.... .... 9 00 9 00
21 Lemuel Jennings, services 2 00 2 00
22 Oscar Jennings, commissioner highway 46 00 46 00
23 P E Spalding, constable 6 25 6 25
24 T J Bierce, constable 1137 11 37
25 Alonzo Beech, constable........ 2 00 2 00
26 John VanDeBogart, auditor............ 3 00 3 00
27 Luther Roper, auditor 3 00 3 00
28 John Thomas, auditor ... 3 00 3 00
$343 87 $343 87
29 William A Gunderman, excess of tax 16 92 . 16 92
$360 79 $360 79
40 40
8361 19 $361 19
30 Lemuel Jennings, surveyor 2 00 2 00
We the undersigned Board of Town Auditors of the Town of Danby, do certify
hat the foregoing abstract is correct.
Dated Danby, Nov. 8, 1877.
LUTHER ROPER, )} Town Auditors.
Abstracts of the names of all persons who presented accounts to the Board of
Town Auditors of the town of Dryden, on the 8th day of November 1877, with the
amounts claimed, and the amounts finally allowed.
1 Willard Shaver, inspector of ellection $5 00 $5 00
2 H A Dearman. 5 00 5 00
3 A W George. '° 4 00 4 00
4 Mott J Robertson. " 5 00 5 00
5 Jacob P Genung. it 4 00 4 00
6 Jacob Ogden. 4 00 4 00
7 James M Carr, clerk 4 25 4 25
8 Charles A Schults. " .. 4 25 4 25
9 Henry Thomas. " 4 00 4 00
10 Bradford Snyder. " 4 25 4 26
11 Jesse Bartholomew /1 4 00 4 00
12 A L Tyler. 4 00 4 00
13 Joseph V Rose, Inspector of election ........, 4 13 4 10
14 B McArthur. " 5 50 5 50
16 Dr J Beach. C.
4 00 4 00
16 H H Houpt, clerk 4 06 4 06.
17 G M Lupton. '` ` 4 00 4 00
18 0 J Hill. " 4 00 4 00
19 Geo E Goodrich, Inspector of election 5 75 5 75
20 W H Goodwin 68 85 68 85
21 Wm R Givens, commissioner of highways 161 00 161 00
22 .Thos R Givens. •' of excise, ............ 3 00 3 00
23 Ai Van Horn. " 9 00 6 00
24 D W Rowley. ' " " 9 00 6 00
25 Russell Seagar " " 12 00 12 00
26 Lewis J Covert. " 6 00 3 00
27 John Snyder, justice of peace 4 00 4 00
28 John Snyder. " 10 00 10 00
29 Geo S Barber, town clerk.. 34 10 34 10
30 5 L Howe, commissioner of highways. 6► 18 61 18
31 Moses Tyler, constable ........................... 46 38 46 38
32 John G Webster, justice of peace 47 45 47 45
33 Elihu Hilderbrant, constable. 89 65 89 65
34 G H Sperry, overseer of poor 57 00 57 00
35 Enos Snyder, constable 3 50 . 3 50
30 H F Pierce and son 46 00 46 00
37 ;Wm J Smith, justice of peace 2 40 2 40
38 James H Fox, assessor. 65 20 65 20
39 Anson Burlingame. " 54 00 54 00
40 Cyrus Knapp. " 48 00 48 00
41 Dr Simond9... 13 50 13 50
42 J J Montgomery ........................ 6 00 5 00
43 Warren D Ellis 10 00 10 00
44 George Houtz 10 00 10 00
45 Chas H Howe 1.0 00 10 00
46 Alvah Ewers 28 00 28 00
47 A F Harding'...... 3 00 3 00
48 Dr J 8 Briggs for Phelps.... 12 50 10 00
49 Dr J S Briggs for Deyo • 12 00 8 00
50 Geo S Barber..... 1 00 1 00
51 8 D Hamblin 3 00 3 00
52 H L Root 14 25 14 25
53 Geo W Frost........ 11 76 11 75
54 Geo E Goodrich 17 00 17 00
65 Sarah Teeter........... 6 92 6 92
56 G H Sperry . 76 75
57 Benjamin Griswold ............ 13 85
58 Di W Fitch .1 11 75
59 Dryden village... 10 00
60 Harrison Marvin........... 65 46
61 Grove Moore 30 00
13 85
8 00
10 00
62 31
30 00
$1,210 60 $1,188 10
We the undersigned board of Town Auditors, for the town of Dryden, hereby
certify that the foregoing is a correct abstract of all bills claimed and allowed by
Dryden, Nov. 7th, 1877.
I hereby certify that the above is
Etna, Nov. 13th, 1877.
J. II. KENNEDY, Town Auditors.
a true copy of the original abstract.
Added by the Board of Supervisors.
62 Joseph A Genung, town auditor.
63 James II George
64 John H Kennedy
65 James H George, appraiser .
66 A 111 Ford, Weekly Herald election notices..:......
67 Richard Lanning, physician....
68 Samuel Stoddard, overseer of poor
69 E G Phelps, constable. . .
70 G H Sperry, services and costs in Lettie George case
71 King & Montgomery. attorneys to overseers of poor
72 Harrison Marvin, error of Town Auditors..........
Town Clerk.
9 00
6 00
9 00
3 00
8 50
6 00
21 50
4 55
15 25
5 00
315 •
9 00
6 00
9 00
3 00
8 50
5 00
21 50
15 25
5 00
3 15
$89 35
Dryden, N. Y., Nov. 16th, 1877.
To the Hon. the Board of Supervisors, of Tompkins Co., we the undersigned of
the board of Auditors for the town of Dryden, wish to say that in auditing the bill
of Harrison Marvin, Esq., our Supervisor, we made an error and struck out $3,15
from his bill which he is justly entitled to receive, and we respectfully ask that
you allow it.
We are very truly yours &c.
The above letter was ordered by the Board upon the minutes, and the request
ENFIELD, November 8, 1877.
Abstract of the names of all persons who presented accounts to be audited by the
Board of Town.Audits of the Town of Enfield, on the 8th.day of November, 1877,
With the amounts claimed by each and the amounts audited and allowed to each.
1 S,Harvey, commissioner of highways $422 14 . $422 14
2 " • 69 70 69 70
3 II H Smith, ex. commissioner of Highways • 18 00 18 00
4 James Bagley; clerk of election 4 00 �4 0
5 Munson Potter, excise commissioner.... 3 00 3 00
6 Wm H Teeter, overseer of highway.......,.. 13 50 10 00
7 S. Rolfe, justiee peace 16.20 16 20
8 Wm Marshall, justice peace.... 17 00 • 17 00
9 « • it 4 85 • 4 85
10 James M Lanning, justice peace 10 00 10 00
11 L Lawrence Soule, assessor 24 10 24410
12 C C, Rolfe, inspector of election....................4 00 . 4 00
13 Frank Barber, constable.....-.... 10 60 10 60
14 J M Baker, overseer of poor...2 00 .2 ,00
15 N T Ward, assessor 2400 24 00
16 Elbert Purdy, inspector of election........... ..... 4 25 • 4 25.
17. E V,Smith, " 4 00 4 00
18 Ail Porter, assessor 25 75 25 75
10 I H Newman, railroad cornmissioner 9 66 9 66
• 20 Wm Miller, railroad commissioner 9, 66 9 66
21 E Brewer, railroad commissioner 11,91 . 11.91
22 E Horton,' justice peace. 9 00 9 00
'23 •Anson Grover, constable 1 65 ' 1 40 .
24 Leroy H VanKirk, supervisor '30 96 30 96
.25 111tises Harvey, house for town purposes40 00 40 00
26 John Russel,'clerk of 'election. 4 00 4 00
27,John.Russel, .town -clerk. . -• 45.50 45 50
28 H.A Graham, town. auditor 4.50 4 50
29 D L Aikin, " • 4 50 4 50
450 450
30, Wm G .Gibbs
31.L`VanKirk, blank tax roll.
32 A J White, services as "third supervisor"
We hereby certify the -foregoing abstract is correct.
- H: A. GRAHAM, ).
L L. AIKEN. }. Town Auditors
$851 93
GROTON, N Y. Nov. 8, 1877.
We the undersigned Board of Town Auditors of the Town of Groton, Tompkins
County, N. Y, do hereby certify that the following stat,.ment of accounts audited
by them at their annual meeting. held in the office of W W Hare, is correct to the
best of our knowledge and belief.
Groton, Tompkins County, New York, Nov. 8th, 1877.
The following resolution was adopted at the regular town meeting held April 3,
1877, at Nye's Hall :
Resoled, That we raise the sum of two hundred dollars by tax for the support of
the poor for the ensuing year, also that the sum of one hundred and. fifty four .
72 100 dollars now in the hands of supervisor to be appropriated to the support of
the poor for the ensuing year.
This is a true copy.
1 Amos Avery, inspector of election $4 00 $4 00
2 J 0 Hatch, •' '° 6 00 6 00
3 John Reynolds, auditor... 9 00 . 9 00
4 0 1' Atwood, auditor. 9 00 9 00
5 John McKeller, auditor. 3 00 3 00
6 George Davey, inspector of election 4 00 4 00
7 Z C Bierce, overseer of poor ,............... 89 25 89 25
8 S C Reynolds, clerk of election4 00 4 00
9 Seth C Gooding inspector of election 4 00 4 00
10 W W White, highway commissioner 700 00 700 00
11 W W White, " 49 63. 49 63
12 S L Howe, surveyor.... 6 00 5 00
• 13 S Stoddard, overseer of poor, Ithaca.... 24 63 24 53
14 J L Skillings, dig grave 3 00 2 00
15 R Lanning, inspector of election 4 00 4 00
16 Z C Pierce, overseer poor.... 16 00 '16 00
17 Thomas Morgan, use of house 10 00 10 00
18 Franklin Bently, damages. 3 00 3 00
19 Wm Summers, bastardy case....,...... 50 00 25 00
20 Dudley Andrews, justice peace 4 00 4 00
21 J P Hart, railroad commissioner 8 00 8 00
22 W D Mount, S 0 R R commissioner........ 11 00 .11 00
23 Hugh Halsey, justice peace 8 20 8 20
24 F 8 Clement, constable....... 1 85 1 85
25 J M Thomas, clerk of election 4 00 4 00
26 Edwin Fish, inspector of election 4 00 4 00
27 Lewis'M Ogden, inspector of election....... " 4 00 4 00
28 Lewis M Ogden, assessor 30 00 30 00
29 Tompson Metzgar, assessor 34 00 34 00
30 A Backus and W H Burnham, bonds S C R R per
cent and interest on 74 58 74 58
31 'First National Bank, excess tax 22 86 22 86
32 M D Goodyear, medical services 7 50 7 50
33 M D Goodyear, medical services 2 00 2 00
34 E R Weaver, o38 75 38 75
35 5 U Jones, " 19 75 14 25
36 S U Jones, 5 00 2 50
37 H Vosburg, pauper bill 24 00 17 00
38 U. Underwood, constable fees, 17 90 17 90
39 E B Cutter, inspector of election............ 6 00 6 00
40 Dana Metzgar inspector of election ........... 4 00 4 00
41 Calvin VanBuskirk, inspector of election 4 00 4 CO
42 H D Spencer, excise commissioner 9 00 9 00
43 Paschal Fitts, excise commissioner 9 00 9 00
44 Alson Conger, inspector of election........... • 4 00 4 00
45 11 T Ludlow, clerk of election 4 00 4 00
46 Wm Niver, assessor 39 30 39 30
47 Wm H Burnham, S C R R commissioner.... 6 00 3 00
48 Artemus Backus, 6 00 3 00
49 Nelson Harris, excise commissioner... 9 00 9 00
50 Elisha Fields, inspector of election ............ 4 00 4 00
51 George E Barney, town clerk • 40 00 40 00
5 i Dana Rhodes, justice peace............ 19 73 19 73
53 H D Spencer, for poor supplies 18 73
64 Groton Journal .... 20 00
55 M B Backus '7 25
56 W B Johnson 13 73
57 C W Conger & Co 78 16
58 D Andrews, justice • . ... 2 60
59 G D Wait, constable 4 5 16
60 D Andrews, justice... 3 95
• 61 A. B Rogers, use of hall for election 10 00
$1,595 40
At a meeting of Town Board of Audit at Town Clerk's Office, in the town of
Ithaca, Nov. 9th, 1877; a full board being present the following accounts were
allowed and audited.
JOHN LEWIS, Board of Audit,
W. 31. JONES, Town Clerk.
1 Williams Bros, bill of lumber... 1 28 1 28
2 C Blood, rent for clerk's office 65 00 65 00
3 Alex Smith, livery 6 00 600
4 Louis Neill, pull clerk, 3d Disct 4 00 4 00
5 J 81 Reggie Jr. inspector 2d " 4 00 4 00
6 T P StJohn " 3d 4 00 . 4 00
7 Chas D Johnson, " 2d " 4 00 4 00
8 Chas C Wood, poll clerk 2d „
Assigned to J M Heggie Sr 4 00 4 00
9 H F Hibbard Jr.,poll clerk 2d " 4 00 4 00
10 S K VanVoorhees, poll clerk,•3d Dist. 8 00 8 00
11 Ithaca Journal Association, printing, etc. 20 85 20 85
12 James Bennett, inspector 1st Dist ...:...... 4 00 4 00
13 A C Wesley, use of house for election 10 00 10 00
14 A Scl>.ryver, assistant to J. 31. Reggie, Sr, poll
clerk, 1st Dist...':........... 400 400
15 E M Latta, Inspector, 2d Dist" 4 00 4 00
16 I C Andrews, inspector, 3d Dist 4 00 4 00
17 Samuel Stoddard, ov"erseer of poor, disbursements°
from March 26th, '.76, to April 5th, '77 ........ .... 284 40 284 40 •
18" J:H Tichenor, justice bill, assigned to W E Osmun. 71 87 71 87
19 W M Jones, town clerk, assigned to Levi Barnard.. 66 30 66 30
20 LB Babcock, clerk and inspector, '73 and '77 8 00; 8 00
_ 21 11 R Howell, constable .......... 13 20 12 95
22 Smith Brothers, legal services . , . 23 00 S3 00.
23 .Seaman's Livery. 17 00 17.00
24 Dr "M M Brown, medical services 12700 • 127 00
'25 Linford Mood, commissioner excise ....... 36 00 36 00
26- 0 II Gregory, $c °' 36 00 36 00
27..1 E Puff, constable, assigned to John Collins
28 M B Snellen, constable, assigned to J M Reggie, Sr.,
29 S H.Willetts comniiss'oner excise
. 30 A It Whittaker, assigned to Samuel Harris...
81 J Bennett, constable, assigned to J M Iieggie, Sr..
32 Royal Tompson, assessor.......
31 75 29 80
40 00. 40'00
36 00 36 00
1045 10 45
1340 1340
9800 9800
33 William J. Totten, service bill.,44 00 44 00
34 William J. Totten, justice. 83 36 - 83 36
35 W M Jones, town clerk, assigned to J M Heggie, Sr: 60 00 `60 00
36 Brad Almy, service bill 35.00 35 00
37 L S Mackey,'poll clerk, 3d Dist 4 00 4 00
38 Charles G Day, service bill 44.00 44 00
39 Charles G Day, justice 204 53 204 53
40 S Beers, assessor ............................ 275 00 275 00
41 E Buckbee, rent of Military Hall for election. 35 00 35 00
42 Brad Almy, justice bill 16 09 16 09
43 James Gardner, constable . 35 00 ' 3.5 60
44 Brad Al_!ny, attorney fees 25.00 25 00
45 J H Tichenor, service bill 44 00 44 00
46.J H Tichenor, justice bill - 47 47 47 47
47 J II Tichenor, justice bill, assigned to S L Tichenor73 12 73 12
4S H R Benyon, inspector 1st Dist 4 00 4 00
49 Dr D White, medical services 125 00 125 00
50 C L Grant; drugs, paints and oils 17, 43 17 43
51 Andrus, McChain & Co., printing, etc18 40 18 40
52 A B Stamp, feeding prisoners and use of house for
election. 280 00 270 00
53 Smith Brothers, coal bill - 1 70 , 1 70
54 Warren Lyon, poll clerk, • 1st Dis ... 4 00 4 00 -
55 Ithaca Democrat, printing, etc..:..... 34 00 34 00
56 Spence Spencer, stationery....... 3 75 , 3 75
57 Spence Spencer, inspector'2d Dis........ 4 00 4 00
53 John Staley, constable, assigned to J MHeggie, Sr.. 60 80 6080
59 P W Beers, liver3'•••• •••• •••• •••• ••• 20 00 20,00
60 L F Colegrove, commissioner highways, disburse-
ments from April 2, '77;
to Nova 9, '77..........$2,720 20
Service bill 638 00 $3,358 20
Less certificate issued 2,300 00
Less taxes rec'd from R R S. 151 10 $2,451 10 907 10 907 10
61 A M Lucas, justice bill 52 90 52 90
62 Apgar & Finch, books and stationery 20 43 20 43
63 P M Blodgett, constable, assigned to D H Wanzer49 05 48 55
64 House of Providence, Syracuse, by 1 year's support
of orphan child $52 00
Less amount paid over to S Stoddard 22 00 30 00
65 A B Wood,• expenses town clerk... ... •. 28 00
66 David L Burtt, supervisor 137 15
67 Myron' Sexton, assessor....... 78 00
68 Ira Rockwell, lumber ............................ 34 50
28 00
137 15
34 50
69 A King & Sons, lumbet
70 E G Phelps, constable...
71 J 0 Rezeau, house for election
72 John Lewis, disbursements, house 2d St
73 Truman Spaulding, overseer poor, town Caroline
74 Tomp. Co. Nat. Bank, refund tax.
75 A Neideck, constable, 1876.
76 A. Neideck, assigned to Marsh & Hall
77 Wm J Totten, clerk, board of assessors and copying
assessment roll.......
78 Albert Phillips, overseer of poor disburse-
ments $4,503 26
Service bill .... 362 50
$4,865 76
Less one certificate $300 00
Less excise money825 00 1,125 00 3,740 76 ' 3,740 76
A Phillips, overseer poor assigned to Tomp. Co.
Nat. Bank.......... $109 22
50 60
3 36
37 25
15 GO
43 96
8 00
100 33
3 25
13 50
3 36
15 00
43 96
2 00
100 33
3 25
13 10
30 00 30 00
8159 72 159 72
79 E G Phelps, constable 3 85
80 Ithaca Police, assigned to Crozier and Feeley 348 11
81 " ft.. ............ 560 20
82 P G Ellsworth, legal services 171 11
83 J H Tichenor, justice bill, assigned to R A Crozier40 25
84 tt tt 44 65
85 " " '1 47133
86 L F Colegrove, commissioner of highways, disburse-
ments from Nov. 9, '76 to April 3,'77 :
Disbursements $291 38
Service bill 113 00 $404 38
By amt. from collector.... $250 00
Sup'r return tax17 00
" U:I.&E.R.R , 1700
A M McKinney2 40
" Sup'r excess tax117 98 $404 38
87 Sani l Stoddard, overseer poor, disburse-
ments from. Nov. 9, '76 to April 2,
'77, $4,233 76
S Stoddard, 0. P. service bill315 00 $4,548 76
Less by certificate ........ 51,000 00
Excise money by Supervisor1,120 00
Less by fines.... 13 65
" " 21722
159 72
3 85
348 11
560 20
171 11
40 25
44 65
471 33
Less by certificate 1,898 73
299 16 $4,548 76
Statement of town certificates issued from
March 10, '77 to Nov. 9, '77 :
5 Stoddard, certificate 141'c1 10, '77$1,000 00
Interest... 56 34 $1,056 34
Certificate April 2, '77... $1,898 73
Interest 110 76 $2,009 49
Certificate April 2, '77 $298 16
Interest 17 45 8316 61
A Phillips, Oversder of Poor.:
Certificate April 17, '77 $300 00
Interest... 16 45 $316 45
L F Colegrove, Com'r Highways :
Certificate April 28, '77... $200 00
Interest .....,.. 10 50 $210 50
Certificate June 8, '77 ... • $300 00
Interest 13 59 $313 59
Certificate June 22, '77 .... $300 00
Interest........... 12 72 $312 72
Certificate July 6, '77 $400 00
Interest. 15 85 $415 85
Certificate Aug. 11, '77 $300 00
Interest 9 92 $309 92
Certificate Sept. 15, '77..... $300 00
Interest 7 87 $307 87
Certificate Oct. 11, '77 8500 00
Interest 10 67 $510 67 6,08011 6,080 11
$15,884 62 i15,851 64
Statement of expenses in behalf of the poor, from Nov.
1st, 1876, to Nov. 1st, 1877 :
S Stoddard, bills to March 26, '77. $4,548 75
'° to April 5,'78 284 40
House of Providence, Syracuse , 30 00
Medical services. 250 00
Truman Spaulding O. P., town of Caroline2 00
A Phillips, bills to Nov. 1, '77 5,025 48 10,140 64
Statement of expenses on Highways :
L F Colegrove, bill from Nov. 9, 1876, to April
2, '77 . $404 38
From April 2, '77 to Nov. 1, '773,358 20
Lumber from sundries 39 34 3,801 92
Amount brought forward ............ .... $15,884 62 $15,.85154
88 James Gardner, conveying prisoner to House of
Refuge .... 25 00 25 00
89 John Staley, conveying prisoner to House of
Refuge. ..... 25 CO 25 00
$15,934 62 $15,90154
90 John L Whiton, Commissioner 40 00 40 00
$15,974 62 $15,941 54
We the undersigned Town Auditors certify that the above abstract of accounts is
correct. JOHN LEWIS,
Tax Receiver $400 00
Highway purposes..... 25D 00
Interest on I & A. R R. bonds 21,000 00
Interest on G. I. & A. R. R. bonds... 7,000 00
Sinking fund 2,000 00
H C Williams, town auditor 9 00
Peter Apgar, town auditoa 9 00
John Lewis, town auditor 9 00
Abstract of the names of all persons who presented accounts to be audited by the
Board of Auditors of the Town of Lansing, on the 9th day of November, 1877,
with the amount claimed by each one and the amount allowed :
1 Alonzo H Clark, excise commissioner.... .... $3 00 $3 00
2 John W Wyckoff, com'r of highway, 1876 and 187718 00 18 00
3 John W Wyckoff, assessor. 32 00 32 00
4 Darius Hall, medical services 7 50 7 50
5 John W Pratt, inspector of election.... 4 00 4 00
6 Isaac Hilliard, `° °° 4 00 4 00
7 Charles Drake, inspector of election and stationery4 17 4 17
8 Harry Teeter, inspector of election 4 00 4 00
9 Charles E Smith, inspector of election 4 00 4 00
10 John W Smith, town meeting ... 4 00 4 00
11 James A Burr, use of hall one year 15 00 15 00
12 James A Burr, clerk for town assessors, 1876 & 1877, 17 CO 17 00
13 John 11 Conklin, inspector of election.... ... 4 00 4 00
14 Jacob F Rhodes, inspector of election.... 4 00 .4 00
15 Benton Brown, inspector of election 5 00 5 00
16 Adam C Bower, inspector of election 4 00 4 00
17 Henry E Fuller, inspector of election .... 4 00 4 00
18 Lamson Headen, clerk of election 4 00 4 00
19 Dana Bower, town meeting 4 50 4 50
20 R Beardsley, use of house for election............ 5 00 5 00
21 Dennis Kelley, assessor 38 00 38 00
22 Nelson Graves, excess of tax..........,..... 5 00
23 S B Fields, excise commissioner 3 00 3 00
24 J B Bogardus, inspector of election and messenger6 00 6 09
25 Henry Miller, use of house for election . 15 00 8 00
26 L L Myres, constable 1 00 1 00
27 Samuel Smith, inspector of election 4 00 4 00
28 Henry M Field, inspector for 1876 and 1877 8 00 8 00
29 Lewis J Townley, excise commissioner 3 00 -3 00
30 George W Teeter, inspector of election 4 00 4 00
31 Thomas Driller, burying Sylvester children 25 00 25 00
32 Thomas Miller, burying Washington Willis' child20 00 20 00
33 Harriet Butler, boarding paupers 49 70 49 70
34 L A. Farlin, clerk town meeting 4 00 4 00
35 Nelson E Lyon, town meeting and supplies for poor, 8 00 8 00
36 P L Smith, supplies for poor 2 00 2 00
37 William N. Buck, supplies to Ellen Welch, for keep-
ing of bastard child 52 50 62 50
38 Nelson E Lyon, justice 9 00 9 09
39 James M Woodbury, justice • 6 90 6 90
40 James M Woodbury, supervisor 20 40 20 40
41 George W Teeter, commissioner highways 1,879 89 1,879 89
42 George W Teeter, service commissioner 232 00 232 00
43 Albert Vanauken, constable.. 1 55 1 55
44 Doctor Rothwell, medical services 10 75 10 7.5
45 Doctor Rothwell, medical services 12 00 12 00
46 Doctor Rothwell, medical services 14 00 14 00
47 Lester Conklin, constable 4 65 2 25
48 Thomas Morrow, digging 3 graves .... 6 00 5 00
49 II L Comstalk, counsel in Cayuga Lake R, R. suit.. 500 00 600 00
50 Milo Goodrich, counsel for Cayuga Lake R. R. suit. 500 00 500 00
51 William N Buck, poor master 42 05 42 05
52 James M Woodbury, services for town in Cayuga
Lake R. R. suit, and money expended 158 89 158 89
53 David Crocker, supervisor, and for services and
money expended in Cayuga Lake R. 11. suit 349 65 349 55
54 James L Baker, services for town of Lansing 10 00 10 00
55 William Mead, supplies for poor ... 12 75 12 75
56 George M Letts, town clerk .. 22 75 22 75
57 Ithaca Journal, printing 2 00 2 00
58 C 0 Benjamin, supplies for poor 2 00 2 00
59 C G Benjamin, assessor 50 00 50 00
60 Martin Murphy, work on Salmon Creek . 109 38 109 38
61 Charles E Smith, supplies for poor 10 00 10 00
62 G M Beard, digging graves... 8 00 5 00
63 Charles Morey, constable..... 5 40 3 70
64 Simeon Smith, counsel in case of bastard child 41 00 41 00
65 Wesley DeCamp, supplies for poor 10 00 10 00
66 L B Hayes, use of house for election 10 00 8 00
67 Samuel Moory, work on Salmon Creek 15 00 10 00
68 David Crocker, town meeting and paid for counsel
in bastard case. 10 00 10 00
69 Lester Conklin, constable ... 7 95 3 97
70 Wilson D Williams, auditor 9 00 9 00
71 Charles Wilcox, auditor 9 00 9 00
72 Myron Halladay, 1876 and 1877 12 00 12 00
73 Dr White 10 00 10 00
Total. $4,481 18
We the undersigned Town Auditors of the Town of Lansing certify the
above abstract of accounts to be correct.
GEORGE M. LETTS, Clerk of Auditing Board.
Abstract of the names of all persons who presented accounts to be audited by the
Board of Town Auditors of Newfield, on the 8th day of November, 1877, with the
amount claimed and the amount allowed to each claim
1 Chas Knickerbocker, ex com. highways 28 53 28 53
2 S D Cook, town clerk ............ 33 25 33 25
3 Obed A Seeley, inspector of election, dist. No. 14 00 4 00
4 N M Gillett, 64 46
" 14 00 4 00
5 G N Alexander, " 6
0 if 14 00 4 00
6 Wm McCollum, clerk " " 14 00 4 00
7 0 H Puff, 44 if " 14 25 4 25
8 Samuel Simpson, inspector " " 24 00 4 00
9 J C Carpenter, CC
" 24 00 4 00
10 Alvah D Brown, 24 00 4 00
11 Robert Alexander, clerk 44 " 24 00 4 00
12 John 0 Harker, C4 CC LC24 00 4 00
13 Gilbert Stamp, assessor 38 25 38 25
14 Elvin Thorn, justice of the peace 15 15 15 15
15 John W Dean " f0 14 00 14 00
16 Andrew Smith, constable 16 65 16 65
17 D M Kellogg, assessor........ 38 50 38 50
18 Oliver Crawford, " 39 05 39 06
19 Benjamin Starr, justice of the peace........ 55 85 55 85
20 Ezra Marion, supervisor....... 61 56 61 56
21 C H Seabring, R R commissioner 6 00 6 00
22 Steven Devenport, " 12 50 12 60
23 Alvah Brown, use of house for election 10 00 10 00
24 James W Sunderlin, justice of the peace.... 2 00 2 00
25 John A Bailey, constable ... 11 89 11 89
26 Anson Grover, constable 1 95 1 95
27 Henry L Taber, ex -town clerk 8 00 8 00
28 P S Dudley, ex R R commissioner 6 00 6 00
29 Jason Carman, com highways... 56 00 56 00
30 P 5 Dudley, use of hall 35 00 35 00
31 I N VanOstrand, constable .... 4 60 4 60
32 R H Carpenter, overseer poor .............. 36 00 36 00
33 S A Seabring, medical services ... 5 25 5 25
34 Jason Carman, for roads and bridges 1,003 14' 1,003 14
35 0 C Puff, town auditor 6 00 6 00
36 L F Cutter, " 6 00 6 00
37 H S Rockwell " 6 00 6 00
38 E Marion, tax roll ......................... 75
$1,597 37 $1,597 37
We, the undersigned, composing the Board of Town Auditors for .the town of
Newfield, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct list of all claims present-
ed, with the amount allowed by us, against the town of Newfield.
Dated this 9th day of November, 1877.
39 E A Curtis, ex com
40 J B Smith,
O. C. PUFF, Town
L. F CUTTEB, Auditors.
... 6 00
41 Ben Starr, justice peace
42 Jno A Bailey, constable ....
6 00
7 50 6 20
10 55 9 55
Jacob Stilwell, A. J. Williams and A. B. Woodworth, Auditors of said town, me
and organized, Jacob Stilwell in the chair and A B. Woodworth, Secretary.
List of bills presented for audit :
1 J P King, supervisor ... $66 46 $66 46
2 T Boardman, bonding commissioner ... , . 29 67 29 67
3 A. M Holman, bonding commissioner.... 12 00 12 00
4 Jacob Carman, inspector of election 2 00 2 00
5 J G Jones, back claim 2 00 2 00
6 Rozine Fish, constable .... 15 80 15 80
7 L H Owen, excise commissioner.., 20 71 20 71
8 Jonah M Kerby, assessor 23 75 23 75
9 A G Updike, town auditor 3 00 3 00
10 C 0 Mattison, high commissioner 39 95 39 95
11 E C Seymour, town auditor... 3 00 3 00
12 H Luckey, assessor 26 00 26 00
13 J L Pope, inspector of election .... 4 00 4 00
15 J R Emery, justice of peace 13 10 13 10
16 Fred D Bartel, inspector of election 4 00 4 00
17 R S Smith, commissioner of highways 56 00 56 00
18 George Rightmire, inspector of election... 4 00 4 00
19 T M Bower, inspector of election 4 00 4 00
20 H G Cooper, inspector of election 4 00 4 00
21 Thomas Bower, excise commissioner 9 00 9 00
22 David Hall, burial, etc 5 50 5 50
23 Elias Smith, inspector of election, etc....... 6 50 6 50
24 J T Howe, inspector of election.... 4 00 4 00
25 Oscar M Wilson, notice and tickets 4 25 4 25
26 James A Bower, inspector of election 4 00 4 00
27 H 0 Cooper, town clerk 26 50 26 50
28 William Austin, inspector of election 4 00 4 00
29 John Vanbuskirk, inspector of election ... 8 00 8 00
30 A Fuller, constable 1 00 1 00
31 J D Smith, inspector of election and stationery..... 4 50 4 50
32 J D Smith, inspector of election, etc 4 25 4 25
33 James M Creque, constable..... 7 85 7 85
34 J M Stout, inspector of election, etc 6 00 6 00
35 E S Pratt, assessor.... 43 00 43 00
36 J D Pease, commissioner excise 9 00 9 00
37 J D Pease, commissioner of highways 8 00 8 00
38 J Bullard, use of house 30 00 30 00
39 S A Ammack, commissioner highways 34 00 34 00
40 L Trembly, excise commissioner, etc....... 12 00 12 00
41 L Trembly, use of house, election 20 00 10 00
42 A B Dickerman, excise commissioner 12 00 12 CO
43 J D Bouton. justice of peace 2 20 2 20
41 H L Strobridge, inspector of election and stationery4 25 4 25
45 W H Bower, inspector of election and stationery4 25 4 25
46 H A. Bower, inspector of election .... 4 00 4 00
47 Horace A. Bower, inspector of election 4 00 4 00
48 R C Tompkins, overseer of poor 87 00 60 25
49 J D Smith, attorney 35 00. 35 00
60 JD Smith, att'y for commissioner of highways.... 17 16 17 16
51. William Allen, overseer of poor 13 50 13 60
_ 62 L D Willard, use of house for election . 10 00 10 00
63 G II Stewart & Sons; undertakers .... 22 80 14 00
64 William Chandler & Son, undertakers 55 00 35 00
65 Dr J E Hill, services rendered 75 00 75 00
56 Dr John Flickinger, services rendered . 8 00 4 50
57 Dr Talmadge, services. .. 46 00 • 36 00
58 A I3 Quigley, for stove .. 7 50 7.50
59 Dr Benjamin Dunning, services rendered...,....... 16 25 X11 00
60 Dr Farrington, services rendered ......:. '...:...... 122 12 87 00
61' Dr H B Chase, services .' 25 25 18 00
62 Dr George Rightmire, services 43 00 31 75
Total . $1,199 07 $1,061 15
68 J P King, amount appropriated for support of poor.
300 00
$1,361 15
63 Roads and bridges $1,750 00
64 Interest and sinking fund on R. R. bonds .. 6,020 00
65 A B Woodworth, auditor. . 1070 10 70
66 Jacob Stilwell, auditor.. . ... 10 50 10 50
• 67 A J: Williams, auditor 7 50 7 50
$9,169 85
$3 60
69 Dr Flickinger, medical services
1 Jay II Clark, constable fees • - 47 00
2 E G Trobridge, 1437 85
6 Jas Meeks °° .. 14 40
7 T J Bierce, bill not properly made out 3 35
8 Albert VanAuken,conatable tees........... 11 00
9 Nelson Underwood, " " 8 15
36 Jas Gardner, 10 .c ,.., .,.... 14 80
37 Dewitt Depuy, 14 ............ 52 51
38 Isaac M Boice, cc cc .... 2695
46 20
23 55
13 55
0 00
6 00
8 15
14 80
62 52
26 95
, anOstrand, "
c{ Whittaker, " "
46 If
4 M B Sneden, It "
• 3 Elihu Hildebrant, " "
35 " " "
41 " '' '' <,
44 " " " "
43 Peter Neff, "
42 Moses Tyler, '° "
45 P E Spaulding, '• "
46 Ezra Rumsey, " "
48 A Niedick, " "
68 Williams, Sullivan, Mowry and Pew, constable fee
62 '' " " Staley, " "
84 Alphonzo Baker, constable fees
83 Wilds Shurter, " '•
87 Lest A Conklin, " "
63 Chas Morey, " "
66 J H Staley, " ........
67 W S Campbell,
122 C H Tarbell, ,,
117 P W Blodgett, If
" .......
121 H N Humiston, " «
160 " << .t ,,
166 Dewitt Depew, " "
172 E G Phelps, 06 "
22 20
3 05
14 25
39 75
6 00
27 70
2 05
4 80
12 56
2 50
15 45
5 35
16 70
96 87
78 85
2 75
8 40
7 17
127 17
15 00
15 90
25 50
56 36
1 35
1 15
15 45
2 90
10 85
39 75
6 00
22 45
1 80
4 55
12 55
2 25
12 15
5 10
16 45
91 12
63 35
2 75
8 40
5 67
106 92
0 65
5 55
14 30
24 95
56 36
1 35
1 15
$746 24
123 B M [Engin, sheriff, board and washing. 2,891 35 2,891 35
124 " " " service bill 1,053 10 966 35
119 F G Manley, under sheriff, service bill 311 47 297 97
149 R R Howell, deputy " " " .... 91 18 91 18
152 Lewis Clock, IA IA Si 4624 90 24 90
120 S B Landon, " " 46 " 59 83 59 83
132 McChain & Co., supplies, stationery, &c 191 90
69 Spence Spencer, " " 33 43
153 " " " " " 4 50
109 Finch & Apgar, " 14 30
70 J M Jamison, supplies, 1875 23 90
106 " court house and jail 46 94
139 " ft '' " " " cl'k build'g 14 87
$4,331 58
191 96
33 43
4 50
14 30
46 94
14 87
108 'G C McClune, flag walk, court house 28 10
18 H L Wilgus, supplies to court house.. 11 63
30 Wm Spence, sand and gravel, court house 2 00
54 Calendar Clock Co court house clock, per order of
Judge Murray 38 00 38 00
72 Ithaca Water Works, jail, -court house, el'k's office 66 00 66 00
74 Trenton, King & Co, supplies to county buildings. 210 46 210 46
• 88 H J Wilson, ,, " . 94 01 94 01
89 J T Morrison, supplies to jail 45 54 45'54
93 J M Il:egie, supplies to court house 'and judge's
office 4 62 4 62
144,K S.VanVoorhees, supplies, Co treasurer's office10 00 10 00
91 Gauntlett & Brooks, supplies to jail 58 91 58.91
95 L S McWhorter & Son; " " 1876 6 25 . 6 25
96 Hollister & Sou, supplies to clerk's building 76 25 76 25
97 Williams Bros, supplies to court house and jail, '74
and ',77.•
13 57. " '13 57- .
110John Rumsey, supplies to judge's and clerk's office 10.46 10 40
113 AC Sanford, supplies to judge's office 1 25 1 25
126 J D Carpenter, supplies to clerk's building; court
house and jail. ` . • .42 80 42 80
135 -Trenton & Green, supplies to jail. ▪ 19 80 19 80
9S. F Fillingham, supplies, el'k's office and court house 4 95 4 95
. 154 Hunt & Coryell, coal, district attorney15 75 15 75
161 Jonah Sincepaugh, coal for court house 5 30 5 30
164 Howard & Clement, chair for clerk's office, 18758 00
168 Jno Rumsey, fire pots, work, &c court house fur-
naces.... ' 26 50 26 50
11 63
2 00 -
$1,098 15
14 Cornell Library, Ithaca armory 300 00 300 00
26 J G `Portman, Enfield " .... 50 00 50 00 .
27 G 11 Houtz, Dryden " 40 00 40 00
51 Edw'd Lounsbury, Caroline " 25 00 .25 00.-
57 B R Williams, Ithaca ' ` to be paid by Cor—
nell Library .... 42 00
76 Jno E Beers, Danby armory • 50 00
137 Hen Miller, Lansing " 25 00
136 D Tarbell, armorer Co A 44 09
-50 Geo W Warne, " " B 21 00
49 Mason A Burdick, " " B 17 25
.137 Hen Miller, " D .......... 25 50
50 00
25 00
$490 00
44 09
17 25' -
130 J H Theal,
115 Freeman U Ault,
111 Ed Lounsbury,
59 A B Norton,
156 L Dusenbury,
163 D B Norton,
" E••• 1200
" G. 4100
" G 22 00
Battery, 1876 18 CO
CoI • 713
battery 44 00
12 00
41 00
22 00
7 13
44 00
10 Henry Personius, boarding prisoner.... 10 50
116 J H Wilson, service bill ........ .............. 27 88 23 38
81 Wm Shirley, taking lunatic to Willard Asylum.... 12 00 12 00
29 David Hale, sexton service, Smoke case.......... 15 00 8 00
127 F P Randolph, supplies and labor Dist. Atty'soffice. 34 13 34 13
147 it • as clerks, judge's
office, jail and court house 143 14 143 14
146 J B Fleck, supplies and labor 10 86 10 86
105 L S Mackey, labor on court house, etc 5 G3 5 63
145 L'S Mackey, labor, Dist. Att'y, etc... 1318 13 18
142 Thomas B Campbell, to 23 09 23 09
107 A Blakeslee, painting doors and signs, clerks and
judges ......... 6 00 6 00
61 J V Wilson, painting jail, court house etc........ 75 36 75 36
53 L Maurice, lumber and labor at 8 97 8 97
134 Alex Minturn, supplyand service bill as mason,
jail and clerk's building... 64 62 CO 00
101 P A Farrington, county superintendent of poor.... 129 00
100 M T Denman, 66 <' 13 50
102 J M Smith 11 `• 1t 146 50
103 Truman Spaulding, " " " 80 00
8423 74
129 00
13 50
146 50
80 00
$369 00
79 Merritt King, counsel .1876. 20 00 20 00
143 5 D Halliday, counsel 1877 a 10 00 10 00
112 Ithacan, publishing official canvass 50 25
78 Journal Company, printing session laws, etc., etc810 95
80 Democrat, printing session laws, etc, etc 925 95
159 Democrat, printing blank order books, etc., etc10 50
12 5 A Seabring, medical service 20 00
13 S H Peck, 1t ......... 30 00
$30 00
50 25
810 95
925 95
10 50
$1,797 65
13 20
30 00
15 J M Farrington, t` 15 00 15 00
16 J J Montgomery, 4413 00 13 00
52 J J Montgomery, 7 00 7 00
19 Wrn Co yell, .` 56 00 56 60
20 John Goodyear, " 5 00 5 00
21 George Rightmire, " 26 60 26 00
24 E J Morgan, " 15 00 15 00
25 S P Sackett, t` 26 00 26 00
31 Charles A. Doremns, " Smoke case, (post
mortem examination)........ ........... . 500 00 150 00
32 E G Janeway, " " 500 00 100 00
33 Matthew Bull, medical service.......... 445 4 45
56 T Hazard Potter, " 5 00 5 00
125 " 44 44500 500
55 P C Gilbert, 4440 00 35 00
58 IC
" 5 00 5 00
71 W W Wheeler, " Smoke inquest10 00 5 00
73 A. Bishop, 5 00 5 00
77 Dr Winslow, " 5 00 5 00
75 W C Gallagher, coroner, medical services 60 35 60 35
23 M M Brown, " " 26 50 21 50
138 " " 4` 134 20 134 20
22 J W Brown, medical service 5 80 5 00
99 A A Andrews, " 10 00 10 00
92 Judson A Beach, " 5 00 5 00
129 M D Goodyear, " 700 7 00
155 Dr Carrier, `° 7 00 7 00
8776 30
17 J M Woodbury, ex supervisor, service bill20 12 20 12
60 J Hawes, " " 1876 8 24 8 24
114 D L Bnrtt, " " 17 00 17 00
179 " " " 114 30 114 30
141 H Marvin, " `° 25 95 25 95
180 " " 44 104 24 104 24
182 Epenetus Howe " " 99 00 99 00
165 J P King, t, " sp'l ses9 84 9 84
170 J P King, expenses to Cortland and cash paid to
county clerk for searches.... 8 35 8 35
175 J P King, supervisor 107 67 107 67
169 Nelson Stevens, expenses to Owego and cash paid
to clerk for searches 16 35 16 35
174 Nelson Stevens, supervisor.... 1 11 30 111 30
176 J E Beers, supervisor ................. 99 93 99 93
177 Ezra Marion, supervisor 102 51 102 51
178 David Crocker, supervisor 102 12 102 12
183 L 11 VanKirk, supervisor 98 21 98 21
140 Doctor Tarbell, ex county clerk, indexing, etc 450 20 326 36
167 miscellaneous ser
vices.... 459 39 311 Op
173 0 P Hyde, county clerk, service bill 1,258 34 940 04
1,045 13
11 J W Webster, justice of peace, service bill 8 75 8 30
34 J P Merrill, •• " 5 30 5 30
40 J J Peters, " " 47 20 47 20
47 WH Goodwin, f42 25 2 25
64 N E Lyon, " " 1 05 1 05
65 Charles 0 Day " " 28 80 27 05
86 A. M Lucas. " part of which is not
county charge 11 10 4 80
118 Dana Rhodes, justice of peace........ .. 3 05 2 90
85 J H Tichenor, justice of peace... 172 09 139 40
$1,577 46
$238 25
28 C L Wattles, interest on note paid by him for county. 202 77 202 77
104 Town of Danby for maintenance of a county pauper
1 year.... .... 174 09 174 09
128 D M Dean, disbursements as District Attorney.... 29 22 29 22
82 8 W Bellis, conveying iuuatic to Willard 8 00 6 00
148 Alex Smith, conveying committee to County House4 00 4 00
91 U,i Clark, repairing court house clock 1 80 1 80
131 J Burns, service bills. sodding court yard, etc3 00 3 00
181 J Burns, 6 00 6 00
90 David Diekerman, making book case, judge's office. 25 75 25 75
130 T Drake, mason work at court house .... 17 75 14 75
151 Jurors in Smoke (coroners) case, although just, it is
not allowed by law 96 00
157 Town of Groton, maintenance of county pauper.. 163 00 163 06
158 George Guinn, work in 5 .rrogate and District At-
torney's Office 2 CO 2 00
162 J D Goldsmith, assisting constable to convey luna-
tic to asylum 4 50 4 50
171 T W Burns, making schedules of mortgages for town
assessors, per order' of state assessors 152 50 152 50
783 44
Total amount of County Audits....... $13,929 28
Statement showing the amount of compensation audited by the Board of Super-
visors of the County of Tompkins to the members thereof, within the past year,
with the items and nature of such compensation as audited ; the number of •days
the Board were in session ; the distance traveled by the members respectively in at-
tending county canvasses and meetings of the Board within the past year.
Published pursuant to 14th section of Act passed December 14, 1874.
Days with
With Corn. on
Bristol Suit
Am't allowed
at $3 per day.
v ,
Copying roll
& extending
Rate of tax
on the $1 00
in each town
� V
Epenetus Howe
S S1
$ S 64
5 9 36
$ 99 00
John E. Beers
3 12
. 12 Sl
99 93
Harrison Marvin
14 40
19 78
$ 55
133 97
Leroy LI. VanKirk..
4 40
9 81
98 21
Nelson Stevens....
14 08
16 35
128 65
D. L. Burtt
Ithaca .
2 SO
32 50
13I 30
J. M. Woodbury...
5 12
5 12
David Crocker
Lansing .... 3
7 68
13 44
102 12
Ezra Marion
Newlleld ...
3 84
12 75
102 51
J. Hawes
8 OS
8 Os
J. P. King
. 11 84
15 67
8 35
119 86
51033 75
1 hereby certify that the above'statement is correct ; that the Boat of Supervi-
sors of Tompkins County were in session 25 days, and the number of miles traveled
during official duty by each member is correct as above. • And that no accounts
were audited or allowed by the Board without being verified according to law, for
any member of said Board or any other person.
Given this 15th of January, 1878.
THOS. W. BURNS, Clerk of Supervisors,
Tompkins County.
To T. W. Burns, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors ;
DEAR SIR.—You are hereby requested to issue a call for a special session of the
Supervisors of this county at eleven o'clock a. m., 17th July, 1877.
July 17, 1877.
Meeting was called to order by the Clerk and on motion of Mr. Kala, Mr. BURTT
was chosen temporary chairman.
County Treasurer VanVoorhees made a detailed statement upon the several de–
ficiencies, and asked for money to meet them.
Adjourned till 112 p. m.
Full Board with exception of Mr. HOwE, of Caroline.
On motion of Mr. htNa,
Resolved, That the special committee in charge of -the prosecution of tate official
bond of George H. Bristol, late County Treasurer, be authorized and directed, if
counsel so advise, to appeal from the decision of the referee disallowing the Infant
Heir Fund and the Military Fund.
On motion of Mr. 14IARVIN, the chairman was authorized to appoint a member
upon the committee prosecuting the official bond of the late County Treasurer. He
appointed Mr. King to fill the vacancy.
On motion of 111r. MARVI i,
ResoGeed, That the Chairman of this Board be and is hereby authorized to raise .
upon the credit of this county, by bank note or otherwise, the sum of $5,454 86 to
be used by him in paying a certain note now due Tompkins County National Bank
and interest to January 21, 1878.
On motion of DIr. MARVIN,
Resolved, That this Board respectfully reqiiest the.Judge and Sheriff of this coun-
ty to reduce the number of constables in attendance upon the Court, to four or at
least to the•smallest number consistent.
On motion of the same,
Resolved, That in accordance with. Section 358, Remedial Code, this board do
hereby fix the compensation of the btenographer of the court of this county at five
dollars for each day's attendance at the request of the County Judge.
On motion of Mr. VANKIRK,
Resolved, That the Superintendent of the Poor be instructed to make the altera-
tions in the hospital rooms at the County Poor House as per resolution of this Board
session of 1876, page 43 of proceedings.
On motion of Mr. MARION,
Resolved, That the Chairman of this Board be authorized to raise by bank note or
otherwise at the time when in his judgment he deems necessary the following
amounts which shall be by the Treasurer ordered to the following accounts, viz :
$2,500 CO for deficiencies in court expenses.
1,600 00 for deficiencies in Willard Asylum.
350 00 for deficiencies in fuel and gas.
1,000 00 for deficiencies in Supts. of Poor.
July 17, 1 p. m;
`5,450 00
THOS. W. BURNS, Clerk.