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PROCEEDINGS OF THE Board of Supervisors OF THE COUNTY OF TOMPKINS, FOR THE YEAR 1878. DAVID L. BURT, Chairman. THOMAS W. BURNS, Clerk. ITHACA, N. Y.: Democrat Steam Power Press, 1676. SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. (ANNUAL SESSION.) The Board of Supervisors of Tomp- kins County met at their room in the Court House, in the village of Ithaca, in annual session, on Wednesday, No- vember 10th, 1875. The Board of Supervisors of Tomp- kins County, tor the, year 1875, consists of the following named persons, who were all present: • TOWN. NAME. Caroline, Chauncey L. Wattles, Danby, Josiah Hawes, Dryden, Harrison Marvin, Enfield, D. W. Bailey, Groton, V. B. Gross, Ithaca. 1 avid L. Blatt, Lansing,J. M. Woodbury, Newfie; A. J. White, Ulysses, J.1'. King, POLITICS. Democrat. Republican. Democrat. Democrat. Republican. Democrat. Republican. Democrat. Democrat. J. L. Baker, Clerk of the former Board, called the Board to order, and announced that the first business in or- der was the election of a temporary Chairman. On motion of Mr. Marvin, duly car- ried, Mr. C. L. Wattles, of Caroline, I► was chosen temporary Chairman. Motion made and carried that the Board proceed to an informal ballot for permanent Chairman. On the ballot •being taken, D. L. Burtt received' 8 votes, and C. L. Wat- tles one vote. On motion of Mr. Hawes, the election of Mr. Burtt, of Ithaca, for Chairman, was made unanimous. Mr. Burtt, on taking the chair, thanked the Board for the honor con- ferred on him, and hoped that he might act with fairness and justice in every instance. Mr. Bailey moved that the Board 1;. take an informal ballot for Clerk. Car- ried. The ballot for Clerk resulted in Thomas Burns receiving 6 votes, and J. L. Baker receiving 3 votes. On motion of Mr. White, the nomi- nation of Mr. Burns was made unani- mous. Mr. White moved that a committee be appointed by the Chair to notify Mr. Burns of his election. The Chair appointed Messrs. Wattles and White as such committee. On motion of Mr. Bailey, the report of the Superintendents of the County House was given by P. H. Farrington. Mr. J. .M. Smith then offered his bond, which was, on motion of Mr. Bailey, accepted, amount specified be- ing $5,000. ' On motion of Mr. Hawes, Mr.,Farrington's bond was also accept- ed, amouit being the same. On motion of Mr. White, a ballot was ordered for janitor. At the request of the members, the motion was withdrawn until to -mor- row. On motion of Mr. Marvin, Resolved, That the sessions of this. Board shall be from 8 a. m. to 12 m., and from 2 p. m. until 6 p. m.; that on -Saturdays it shall adjourn at 8 O. m. On motion of Mr. Wattles, Resolved,: That all bills and demands present • ed to this oard be referred to the proper co m- mittees by the t. hair without farther action by this Board. On motion of Mr. Bailey, Resolved, That fall resolutions presented to this Board by the members be in writing, unless otherwise ordered by the Board. Mr. Samuel Love appeared before the Board in behalf of the Colored Orphan 4 SDPERviSORS' PROCEEDINGS. Asylum of Brooklyn, and asked that a hearing be granted to the eviden'e in regard to the payment of money to said Orphan Asylum for the maintenance of a child transferred from this county to said Asylum, in the city of,Brooklyn. The time set for hearing the said evi- dence is next week. The Chair appointed Messrs. Hawes and Wattles to procure conveyances to the County Poor House to -morrow, the time for starting being 9 o'clock A. M. Resolution.; presented and adopted : By Mr. Gross, Resolved That the County Treasurer be and hereby is directed to psy to the Supervisors of 'be several towns all fines and license fees in his hands properly belonging to said towns. By Mr. Marvin, Resolved, That all County orders issued by this Board be countersigned b- the Chairman, and all Town orders by the Supervisors of their several towns. On motion of Mr. Marvin, the Board then adjourned. THURSDAY, Nov. 11. All members were present at roll call. The Chair then read the following com- mittees: Sheriffs,. Clerk's,- Constable's, and Justice's Accounts—White, Woodbury, Bailey. Treasurer's Accounts—Hawes,Bailey, Gross. Equalization—Bailey, Gross, Marvin, Woodbury, King. Poor House and Superintendent's Report—King, Hawes, White, Gross, Wattles. County Claims and Judges' Accounts —Woodbury, White, 'Marvin. United States Deposit Fund—Gross, King, Wattles. Insurance—Marvin, King, Hawes. printing--Wattles,Woodbury ,W bite. Oa motion t,f Mr. King, it was Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board be in- siru .ted not to delver any of the town or coun- ty orders anaited at this session of this Board until alter its adjournment, The Comptroller's communication was reed by the Clerk, and then order- ed on the minutes. STATE OP NEW YORK. "ContemoLLER'a °FFIOE, t Albany, Oct. 2d, '75. To the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of the County of 7tmipkins: Sia: -1 enclose a form e'f statement of the val- uation of Real and Personal Estate required to be made by you, pursuant to Chapter 117 of the laws of 1836, and forwarded to this office pre- vione to the second Monday in December in each year, under a ;penalty of filly dollars, I also en- close a form of Return of Incorporated Com- panies liable to taxation. It is indispensable that this Report be furnished by the time pre- scribed. The Board of Equalization of Taxes, in pursu- ance of Chapter 312, of the laws of 1859, have ,fixed the agg•egate valuation of property in yonr county4 at the sum of $9,316,916, upon which amount a State Tax of $55,901.50 mast be levied to the current fiscal year, commencine October lst, 1875,as provided in said act and amendments thereto, by chapter 351, laws of 1874, being 6 mills on the dollar, for the following purposes, viz: For Schools, 13‘ mills, per Chap. 610, Laws of 1875. For General Purposes, 1% mills, per Chap. 610, LawS of 187u. For Bounty Debt, 2 mills, per Chap. 610, Laws of 1875. For New Capitol, X mill, per Chap. 610, Lawa cf 1875. For deficiency in the general fund, Asylums and Reformatories, and other contingent expen- ses, 11-20 mill, per Chap. 610, Laws of 1875. For Canal Floating Debt, under Chapter 271, Laws of 19'9, X mill, per Chap. 610, Laws of 1875. . For Payment of Awards of the Canal Apprais- ers of the Canal Board and o4 the Board of Canal Commissioners, and certificates of indebtedness on interest, 1-5 mill, per Chap. 263, Laws of 1875. Total 6 mills. Your obedient servant, N.K. Homers. Comptroller. The following report was read and ordered on the minutes: TREASIIBFR s orates, WILLARD'S ASYLUM FOR THS INSANE, OviD, N. Y., Sept. 1; 1875. To the Treasurer and Clerk of Board of Supervis- ors of the County of Tompkirw • Sins:—Tho number of insane persons in the Asylum chargeable to your county at this date, is 21. as it is probable the number will be added to during this year, by new admissions, rather tnan diminished, allowance for the increase should be made. The charge for board of patients for the ensu- ing year bas been fixed at three dollars per weeg, and is based upon the actual cost of Support for the past year. It is estimvted there will be required for the maintenance of the patients now in the Asylum, for the ensuing year; the sum of $3,276; and for clothing, $420. Total, $3,696. You are respectfully ' requested to bring'to the notice of the Board of supervisors, at its next meeting, the contents of this letter, in order that the Board may act understandingly in raising the amount necessary to meet the bills transmitted quarterly from this Asylum. In order to comply with the spirit and letter of the law, which requires that all purchases tor the Asylum be made for cash, and prohibits the Traetees from contracting debts, the Board of Snpeivisors ra respectfully requested to make the requisite provision for the support of pa- tients in the Asylum, to enable the Treasurer to meet the current expenditures as they occur. Respectfully yours, J. B. Tomes, Treasurer. stTPERPIAOIts' PROCEEDINOs. 5 FRIDAY,Nov. 12. At roll call ail were present: Mr. Bing presented the following re- ports which, on motion of Mr. Bailey, were accepted : .1. P. ging, Supervisor of the town of Ulysses: Sot :-As commissioners appointed in relation to bonding the town of Tlysees in aid of the Peuneylvania &i odus Bay Railroad referring to our annum report of November 4. 1874, we h ve to mase the.following report for the past year: Amount of bends issued, seventy-five thousand dollars, with semi -anneal interest at 7 per cent '1 he amount received by direct tax was six thousand dollars $6,000 00 Received interest on a portion 85 47 Total amount received by us the past year $6,085 47 Paid for eleven bonds, $100 each, Nos. 7, 10. 11. 12, 13, 14, 16, 70, 71, 72, 79. the March capons being de- tached from 10,11 and 18, $1,099 67 Sent Union Trust Company, January 29 1876 2,100 00 Sent Union Trust Company nguet 28, 1875 2,022 9364 Exchange on above Paid for 1 capon due Sept. 3 1,1874 Paid tor cupons due March 357 00 60 ' 1. 1875 Paid for cupons due Sept 1, 1875, 507 50 $6,085 47 One cupon paid, due Mareh 3 1,1874 50 len cupons paid,.due SeptGS 00 1, 1679 C (pone paid, due Marco 1, 580 50 C 1p7ns. paid, due Sept. 1, 5 2,446 50 One capon (127) paid, due 3 $8,097 00 March 1, 1876 Of the capons due Sept. 1, 1875. twelve remain un - $1id; viz., No. 27 of the ,000 bonds... 35 00 Noe. 4, 31, 41, 89, 64, 80, 81, 82,88,89,90, of the $100 28 50 $'N 10 A11 other capons due are believed to have been paid. In the Union Trust Company's report of Nov. 6. 1875, they give a balance to our credit in their books of $78,12. The interest required by law to be raised the ensuing year is five thousand two hundred and If y dollars ($5,250), the interest being due the first of March and September, and it will be nec- essary to raise by tax the foregoing amount for interest as aforesaid, We also recommend to be raised by tax ten hundred dollen, ($1000), for a oinking .tend, mak- ing a grand total r, commended to be raised tue 'ensuing year of six thousand two .hundred and filly dollars ($6.250). The bonds and cupons paid and cancelled as re- quired by law of 1871 chapter 637, section 1, we transmit herewith for yourexamination and ap- propriate action. The toregoiug eta are coneiaely stated as fol- lows: 1 a 8 m 8 8 U 0 8' flO co 8 wmp• We hereby recommend that the aforesaid sum of $6,250 be rale( d by direct tax on the town for the purpose therein stated, and hereby certify that the above amounts, with the atatementa herein made, are to the beet o1 our knowledge true and correct, Dated, Trmmanebnrg, Nov, 9,1876. T. BOARDMAN, A. M. l ommistIonere. liocr+ex, To the Board 01 Supervisors of Tompkins County: In accordance with chapter 552 laws of 1870 I hereby report the public debt ,of the town of Ulysses to be as follow s. viz: Bonds Wetted to the Pa., and Sodas Bay R R. Co„ tinder the act to facilitate the construc- tion of hail hoods pa.sed by the legislature of 1850 and amended May 18th, 1869. Amount of bonds issued $75,0"0 Rate of interest seven per cent. Amount of principal paid Nov. 3,000 61b, 1876 Amount of principal unpaid Nev. 72,000 6th, 1875 Amount let, 1interest becoming due 2,625 6 SIIPEROISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Amount of interest becoming due Sept. let, 1876 2,625 Total amount of indebtedness $77,250 J. P. RING, Supervisor. The following reports were presented by Mr. Bailey and accepted : Branum), Nov. 3, 1875. To the Supervisor of the town Enfield: We the undersigned Bonding Commissioners of the town of Enfield would respectfully report, that tht re are now outstanding against the said town of B1)1Ield, bonds to the amount of twenty- five thoneand dollars which have been issued to aid in the construction of the Pa., & S. B. Rail Road. - And that the amount of interest to become due during the coming year against said bonds is seventeen hundred and fifty dollars. And we recommend yon to have the said sum of seven- teen hundr.Mand fifty dollars levied against said town of Enfield to meet the same. We would also report that we have now on hand eafelyinvested, the sum of ex hundred and seventy dollars and thirteen 'cents, as a sinking fund towards the final liquidation of •said bonds, and we ask you to have the sum of five hundred dollars (in addition to the said interest of seven- teen hundred and fifty dollars) levied and collect- ed in said town, to be applied on the sinking fund required by law to be raised fors the final liquidation of said bonds. EDGAR BREWER, Commissioners. Isaac H. Nawnex, In accordance with chapter 552 laws of 1870. I hereby report the public bonded debt of the town of Enfield to be as follows. viz: Bond issued by Commissioners appointed by County Judge of said County, in favor of the Penn., and nodus Bay R. R., under the act to facilitate the construction 01 Railroad, pass- ed by the Legislature o1 1880, and amended May 181h, 1869. Amount of bonds issued $25,100 Rate of interest seven seven per cent. Interest coming due the ensuing year 1,760 Sinking fund as recommended by • Railroad Commissioners 300 Total amount 26,750 Lees Sinking fund in Sands of Com>nissioners of said town 670.13 Penn., and Sodas Bay R. R. stock held by the town of.Enfield . 25,0f0 D. W. BAILEY. On motion of Mr. White, Resolved that this Board now proceed to ballot for janitor Votes cast as follows: John Joh iv ori • 4 Joseph Wilson 5 On motion of Mr. King, Mr. Wilson was . declared elected, janitor of the Court House for the ensuing year. AFTERNOON SESSION. After roll call Mr. H. A. Dowe ap- peared on behalf of the ',signers of the bail bonds of Jason D. Atwater, that part of the amount therein named aball be reduced. The District Attorney Halliday ap- peared iii behalf of 'the people and or - posed .the reduction. „ . The Board then held an executive session and, after a long and earnest de- bate, on motion of Dr. White, ' • Resolved, That the application to have the bail bonds reduced or remitted be denied.. • On motion of M'. Marvin"the follow- ing reports presented by Mr. Woodbury were accepted and ordered upon:. the minutes for publication : To the Board of Supervisors nf.TompktnsCounty: In accordance with chapter 652, laws of 1870, I hereby report the public debt of the town of Lansing to be as follows, viz: Bonds bearing interest at seven per cent. ie - sued by the Commiseion- ere of the Cayuga Lake Nail Road $75,000 00 Cayuga Lake Rail Road stock held by said .Crm- missioners for the benefit of said town 76,000 00 Bonds bearing interest at seven per cent. issued by the Commissioners for . the New York & Oswego Midland -Rail Road 75,090'00 New York & Oswego Mid- land Rail Road stock held by said Commissioners for the benefit of said Tew in due, and to be-'6,000 00 h come due, the following year, as per Commission- . ere' report, is 15,750 00 A s the legality of the proceeding in reference to the Bald u wn for the benefit of said roads is now in litigation, I am unable to present a defi- nite report of the indebtedness of the said town of Lansing, on account of said roads, until the final decision 01 the snits now pending in refer- ence thereto. J. M. WOODBuRY, Supervisor. To the Board of Superrfsore • of the Covnty of Tompkins: 9 be undersigned Commissioners of the town of Lansing, duly appointed under the provision of an act of the Legislature of the State of'New York, entitled "An act to facilitate the conitrnc- tionof the New York & Oswego Midland Rail- road, and to authorize towns to enbscribe to the capital stock thereof; paused April5th, 1866, and of the several act. amendatory thereof and sup- plementary thereto," do reepectfnlly report that the convent in writing of a majority- of the tax- paying inhabitants of said town of Lansing, au- thorized the -execution and leave of bonds of Paid town to the extent of one hundred . thousand dollars, to be need td aid in the construction of the said New York & Oswego Midland Railroad, and its branches; that under that authority we have execnted,tsaned and sold seventy-five thou- sand dollars of bonds of paid town; that said bonds were all sold at par; and the •amount of money so raised by us was expended by.us in the SIIPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 7 purchase of stock in the said New York & Os- wego Midland Railroad; and the'security we hold for the same is the stock of the New York fb Oa- weggo Midland Railroad to the amount of seven- ty-five thonsand dollars; the scrip for which is in our possession. And we further report that no part of the prin- cipal of said bonds is due, or to become due. or payable within the ensuing year; that no divi- dends have been paid or received by us upon said stock And we farther report that the interest is un paid for the years of 1873 and 1874, which ', amounts to ten thousand and five hundred doll ars ($10,500)• likewise the interest to become due for the ensuing year payable March lst, 1876, and September 1st, 1876,is five thousand two'hundred and flfty dollars ($5,250). Whole amount to be raised is $15,753. which sum of fifteen thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars, your Board is,by authority bl the aforesaid acts authorized and required to cause to be assessed levied and col- lected upon the realand personal property 01 said town of Lansing, and to cause the same when collected to be paid to us as such Commissioners to be appliea to the payment of the interest now due, and to become due, and payable, and that duty yd are l,1ed to perform. Dated No. lth185 bonds of said town to thei aggregate amount of fifty thousand dollars ; that the whole amount of said bonds have been sold by the underaigned, as such Commissioners ; that no dividends have - been received by the unaersigned ; that twelve thonsand five bandied dollars of the principal of said bonds has been paid. and there will become due and payable for principal upon said bonds, during the next ensuing year, twelve thonsand five hundred dollars ($12,540), sed there will be- crme due and payable as interest upon said bonds, daring the next ensuing year, twenty-six hundred and twenty-five dollars ($1,625) as inter- est—in the aggregate the sum of fifteen thousand one hundred and twenty-five dollars' ($15,125). and that amount will be required to pay said principal.and interest. And the undersigned, a+ such Commissioners as aforesaid, therefore re- quest that that amount may be levied upon said town of Groton to pay said interest, besides the expense of collection. Dated Groton, N. Y., this 4th day of Nov., 1875. EonaaT WILLIAMS, Case. G. HAarrr, Commissioners. J. BntrYN. BOGARDUS, The County Treasurer presented to the Board a statement showing that the amount of money drawn by orders ex- ceeds the amount appropriated to meet the County expenses during the present year by $3,000 00 and that $3,000.00 more will be needed to meet the defi- ciency. The Board, which had been divided into committees during the afternoon, doing committee work, on - motion, at six o'clock adjourned. - SATURDAY, Nov. 13. .t roll call a fall Board was present. After the reading of the minutes they were approved. The matter in relation to the Treas- urer's commnnication was referred, on motion of Mr: Groes, to the committee on Treasurer's accounts. Mr. Gross presentedthe reports of the Rail Road Commissioners of the town of iroton, and also of the debt of the tows of Groton. On motion of Mr. Wattles they were accepted and or..ered on the minutes. To the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins: The report of the undersigned Commissioners of the town of Groton, appointed under the act entitled "An act to facilitate the constriction of the Southern Central railroad . and to authorize towns to subscribe to the capital stock thereof, passed April 7, 1866," respectfully shows that they, as sub Commissioners, have issued the J. HArHA WAY, ) Commissioners w n. H. BUBNHAM, )- of the town of A. BACKUS, Groton. To the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins We, the undersigned Commissioners of the town of Groton, appointed under the act passed May 18th, 1869, Laws of New York, Chapter 907, would respectfully submit the following report That the amount of bonds issued in aid of the Ithaca & Cortland railroad, is $15,000,00 That the amount of town bonds exchanged for stock in the Cort- land &Ithaca, versus 17. I. & E. railroad, is 15,000 00 That the interest lalling due Feb. 1st, 1876, is five hundred and twenty-five dollars ($525) less thirteen 13-103 dollars. The thirteen dollars and thirteen cents is interest upon •8525, loaned at five per cent. from Feb. let, 1875, to Auk. let, 1875, this being in accordance with instructions in chapter 537, Laws of New York of 1871. Therefore we ask for an appro- priation to pay interest on said bonds, for Feb. '1st, 1876, the sum f $511 87 Also, an appropriation to pay in- terest on said bonds, Aug. 1st, 1876, of 525 00 Also, an appropriation for a sink- ing•fund to liquidate bonds,•of 150 00 Aggregate $1,186 87 . We therefore report that there will be regained for the year -1876, to pay interest on the above- namedbonds, in addition to what is on hand, the snm of $1,036.87. Also one hundred and fifty dinars ($150) as a sinking fund toward liquida- tion of 'said bonds. We therefore respectfully ask that the same be assessed and levied upon the taxable property of Bald town of Groton. 'Dated at McLean, Nov 11, 1875, B. H. WAsaLY, Commissioners. W. D. MOUNT, Resolved, That in pursuance of the provis ions of chapter 433 of the- laws o1 1866, entitled n act to facilitate the construction of the South- ern Central Railroad and to authorize torus to subscribe to the capital stock thereof, and of a notice served upon this Board by the Railroad 8 SUPERRVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. Commissioners of the town of Groton, there be levied -and assessed upon the taxable property of said town the sum of twenty-six hundred and .twenty-five dollars ($2625) for the purpose of paying the interest upon the Railroad bonds ie - sued by said town,and twelve thousand five hun- dred dollars ($12,500) as principal, i the aggre• gate fifteen thousand one hundred and twenty- five dollars (515,125), and that the same when col- lected be paid to the commiesionere•of wed town, appointed•puienant to this act. A' so be it Resolved, That in pursuance of the provisions of chapter 117 of the laws of 1869, and notice having been served upon this Board by the Com- missioners of the town of Groton,there be levied and assessed upon the tax+ble property, of said town the sum of ons thousand one hundred and eighty-six dollars and eighty -Seven cents ($1,186.- 87), for the purpose of paying the 'interest' upen the Rrilroad bonds issued under this act• in the town of Groton,also the sum of one hundred and fitly dollars ($150) be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of tee town of Groton for the pnrpo e of creating a sinking find according to instructions in said chapter 907 of the laws of 1869 and that the same when collected be paid to the Commissioners of said town appointed under Wm act to be expended for the above purposes. To the Bard of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins: In accordance with chapter 552 laws of 1870 I 11 reby report the public debt of the town of Groton to be as foliows,viz: Bonds remaining unpaid issued by Commissioners bearing fin- est at seven per cent. for the Southern Central Railroad 537,500 00 Interest on the same coming due the ensuing year 2,625 00 Bonds issued by Commissioners for the Ithaca'* Cortland Rail road bearing interest at seven percent. payable semi -annual - One per cent. on same fo: sink- ing ink- fund 150 OD Interest on same coming due the ensuing year $1,050 less inter• est on band $18 13 1,086 87 Total indebtedness 556,811 87 V. B. GROSS, Supervisor. The Board convened from the com- mittee rooms at 11 a. m., and proceed- ed to pass upon the bills examined by the committees. The following resolution was offered by Mr. Marvin: Whereas, At the annual session of the Board of Supervisors, in the month of November, 1874, the following resolution was adopted, be it Resolved, That all county officers who Shall buy articles on the credit of the county shall keep an account of said articles and the amount paid for the same, and report the same to this Board within three days alter commencement of their annual session, Therefore, Be it ordered by this Board that the Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to call up- on the Sheriff. County Clerk, County Judge and District Attorney of this county, for said report. On motion of Mr. Bailey, this reso- lution was tabled. At 12 o'clock the Board adjourned. 15,000 00 AFTERNOON SESSION. After roll call,: the members were again engaged, in committee work until 2 p. m., when they adjourned until 10 a. m., Monday morning. MONDAY, Nov. 15. Roll called at 10 A. M. Messrs. Wattles and Bailey not arnv- ing until after the minutes of Saturday were read and approved. • Mr. (cross presented the fallowing: Resolved, That the trusteesof the McLean C nnetery Association be and hereby are author 'zed to sell and convey all lands not needed for c:metery purposes, the proceeds of such sale and conveyance to be a' plied to the payment of the purchase price of the real estate of said ceme- tery. 'Oa motion of Mr. Bailey the resolu- tion was passed. By Mr. Wattles, and adopted. Resolved, That the payment of all fines and penalties imposed and paid to the several Jus- tices of the Peace, of Tompkins County, be paid to the several Supervisors of such towns respect- ively, to be applied by them towards the support of the poor of such towns. By Mr. King and adopted by the Board, Resolved, That the Superintendents of the Poor for the County of Tompkins be required to present with their. annual rep3rt, bills for all the merchandise and groceries purchased for the nee of the County Poor -house during the year includ- ed in said report. At twelve o'clock.the Board adjourn- ed. AFTERNOON SESSION, All were present at roll call. A communication from the St. Law- rence Board of Supervisors relative to the reduction of the salary of the Sen- ators and Assemblymen from $1,500 to $1,000. On motion of Mr. Bailey a commit- tee was appointed to report upon the matter. The Chair appointed Messrs. Hawes, King and Marvin, The Board then passed upon bills from No. 18 to No. 41. On motion of Mr. Glross, the follow- ingwas adopted : ereas. E. C. VanKirk and Doctor Tarbell are unable to present their bills to this Board within the time fixed for receiving • bills. and ap- plication baviog been made by E. C. VanKirk and Doctor Tarbell for farther time, therefore Resolved, That we grant the request of E. C. VanKirk and Doctor Tarbell and allow them to the 16th instant to present their bills. The Board at 6 P. M., adjourned. 81TFERVISOR8' PROCEEDINGS. 9 TUESDAY,Nov. 16. Roll call. Minutes of yesterday read and adopt- ed. Bills from No. 41 to 55 passed. This bill (55) is one of $82.08 from John M. Jamison, for work and ma- terial furnished the jail. The Sheriff applied to the Committee for authority to make improvements and repairs,and the Committee approv- ed the bill, with the exception of 50ft 01 linen hose at 50 cents per foot, $25. A motion was made to .pass the bill at $57.08 as reported by the Committee on Claims. Mr. Hawes offered an amendment to pass the bill in full. Mr. Gross in seconding the amend- ment called for the yeas and nays. For the amendment, Wattles, Hawes, Gross, White. 4. Against it, Marvin, King, Bailey, Burtt, Woodbury: 5. Amendment declared lost. For theoriginal motion,Marvin,King, Barley, Burtt,Woodbury. 5. Against it, Wattles, Hawes, Gross, White. 4. Motion declared carried. At 12 M. the Board adjourned. AFTERNOON SESSION. lb Dr. d. J. White Supervisor o, the town of • Newfield: ' The undersigned Commissioners of the town of Newfield, appointed in pursuance of the statutes of the State of New York authorizing towns to subscribe to the capital stock of rail- road corporations, and to issue bonds therefor. re,pectfaiiy report that it will be necessary for said town of Newfield to raise, by tax, the sum of three thousand six hundred and forty dollars ($8,640) to pay interest from September let, 1875 to September let, 1876,on bonds of said town of Newfield to the amount of fifty-two thousand dollars ($52,000) issued to aid in the construction of toe Pennsylvania & Sodns•Bay Rail Road,aaid interest being payable semi-annually on the first days of March and September in each year; also to raise, as aforesaid, an additional sum offive hundred and twenty dollars ($120),being one per cent of said bonded indebtedness, to provide for a oinking fund. P. S. DUMMY, Commissioners Amos D. Snarezz. of the MERRITT KING, Town of Newfield. • On motion of 'Mr. Woodbury the vote of the Board, during the morning Session, on the bill of John M: Jamison be, and ia,hereby rescinded'. Oa motion of Mr. Woodbury the bill of John M Jamison was passed for the full amount claimed, $82.48. Ayes, Wattles, Hawes, Marvin,Grosa, Burtt, Woodbury, White, King. Nays, Bailey. Mr. Burtt explained his change of vote because the enawer made by him to the 13heriff, when asked to be allowed to make some repairs and improve meats, may have led to the purchase of •the fifty feet o1 linen hose for the jail ; and that his consent as member of the committee on repairs was then given although no such article was understood by the committee as needed or intended to be allowed. - Messrs. Marvin, King and Woodbury Stated the satne reasons, and ordered them on the minutes. On motion of Dr. White the • follow - in;„ w ae adopted : Resolved, That the Grand Jury list be appor- tioned among the several towns as follows: Caroline " 20INewfieldl. 24 Lansing 26 Ithaca 91 Rnfield 15 Dryden 48 Danby................19 Ulysses 80 Groton 80 Roll call. On motion the following by Mr.Kiag , was passed: Whereas in chapter 178, section 2 of the Laws of 184 passed April 24th, it is made the duty of the County Superintendents of the poor,or other officers charged with the support and relief of indigent persons of the several conntles of this State, in which there are County Poor -houses, to cause the removal of all chitaren, between the age of three Aid s,xteen years, excepting idiots, earalytice,epileptics or otherwise diseased or de- formed, eformed, from their respective poor mouses, on or before the let day of January 1876,and to provide for their .support and care in families, Orphan Atriums, or other appropriate institutions, as now provided for by law, and the Boards of Su- pervisors of the several counties are hereby re- qs !red to take each action in the matter as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this act Therefore be it Resolved, That Superintendents of the poor of this County be authorized and are hereby requir- ed eqaired to make each an arrangement with one of the above named Institutions to carry out thepro- visions bf the above named act as may be deem- ed for the beet interest of the County, The following was presented for pub- ; lloation in the minutes, by Dr. White: The members then went into commit- tee work. At li elf -past" five the Board convened, and nu motion of Mr. Bailey the fol- lowing was presented and accepted: 10 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. To the Board of Supervisors of?bmpktns County: The undersigned, one of the Loan Commis- eionete for Tompkins County, begs leave to re- port the condition of the United States Deposit Fund, as follows: Amount unhand at last an- nual report $486 89 Amount received since last report 5,210 00 $5,726 89 Amount reloaned .4,519 80 On hand Subject to loan31,397 89 Amount outstanding 866,810 28 On hand 1,397 89 Aggregate amount.... ,$68,23317 INT$n&ST. Amount received since last report $4,549 79. Dnefrom two delinquents155 20' Aggregate interest $4,704 99 Advanced interest as follows: February 22,1875, check ad- vance interest $29 75 Nov. 6, check to Oct. 1 4,000 00 Commissioners' fees. 311 19 $4,370 94 Balance due Comptroller33105 There are at present two delinquents whose property is advertised, the interest of which amounts to $155 20, the amount being included in the above statement. I certify that the above statement of the con- dition of the United States Deposit Fund in Tompkins County, is tree. ALLEN GRAY, Loan Commissioner. Ithaca, Nov, 15, 1875. The Committee on Loan Commissioner's ac- counts respectfully report that they have ea am• fined the books of the Loan Commissioner, and found the statement of the receipts and disburse- ments in the above report to be correct. V. B. Gaoss; J. P. Baro, ,. Cow. • C. L. WATTLES, WEDNESDAY, Nov. 17. Roll call. Minutes of yesterday approved. Mr. King presented the report of the County poor -house, winch, on sugges- tion of Mr. Hawes, was tabled until after the report of the Committee on Treasurer's accounts. Mr. Burtt presented the following reports and resolutions, which were adopted: • ITHACA, Nov. 12, 1875. Tfo the Board ofSupervisora of Tompkins County: Seventh annual report of the Commissioners of the town of Ithaca, n pursuance of an act of the Legislature passed April 17th, 1866: Amount of bonds issued for the Ithaca & Athens railroad 6800,000 Expended for Ithaca & Athens Ithacaock Athena railroad stock 300,000 & railroad held for the same 300,000 Amount of interest to come due • March 1, 1876 $21,000 We. therefore respectfully report that there will be required for the coming year, t4 pay in - tenni on said.bonds, and by virtue of raid act, the sum of twenty-one thousand dollars ($81.000) and ask that the same may be assessed and lev- ied upon the town of Ithaca. Jona L. Warms, Commissioners: Pines Amen, f Resolved, That in pursuance• of chapter 645, Laws of 1866, entitled "An act to facilitate the construction of the Ithaca & Towanda railroad (by act February 18; 1370, now the Ithaca & Ath- ens railroad company), and to authorize towns to 'subscribe to the capital stock thereof", and of a notice served -upon this Board by the Commis- sioners of the town of Ithaca, there be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the said town of Ithaca the sum of twenty-one then- . sand dollars for the purpose of paying interest to become due March 1st1876, upon the town bonds issued for said railroad and that the Su- pervisor of said town pay said sum to the'Cem- miasloners of said town, to be expended for that purpose. IraAc ,, Nov: 16; 1875. To the Honorable Board. of Supervisors of the County of Tompkfna: i?'ilth annual report of. the Commissioners of she town of Ithaca for bonds issued in aid of the Geneva & Ithaca Railroad. . Amount of bonds issued in aid of said road $100,000.00 Interest to come due April let, 1876 3,600 00 Interest to come dae Oct. lst; 1876......... 3,500 00 We therefore report that there will be requii°ed for the coming year, to pay interest on thu said bonds the sum of seventeen thousand do:lars, lees ninety and 49.100, dollars, being thgaccrued interest on thirty-five b .dollars We there - Core ask that the same be assessed and levied upon the town of Ithaca. C. II. Tans t Commissioners of the JNO. RIIMsEx, f Towo of Ithaca, Resolved That in pursuance of the provisions of chapter 907, laws of 1869 -entitled an act to authorize the formation of railroad corporations and to regulate the same. passed April 25, 1860, so as to permit municipal corporation to aid in the construction of railroads, passed May 18811, 1: ., and o1 a notice served upon this Board by the Commissioners of the town of Ithaca, for the Geneva & Ithaca railroad company, there be leviel and assessed upon the taxable property of the town of Ithaca the sum of seven thousand dollars($7,000)lees9049100doilgm(9049-100) being the accrued interest on thirty -'S hundred dol ars en bonds issued for the benefit of the Geneva & Ithaca railroad, and that the Supervisor of the town of Ithaca pay said' sum to such Commis- sioners to be expended for that purpose.. . 4b the Board of Supervisors gf the County of Tompkins: In accordance with chapter 552, Laws of 1870, I hereby report the public nein of the town, of Ithaca to be as follower viz: Bonds issued March let, 1869, bearing interest at seven per cent, by con-- m(asioners for I., & A. R. R. 3310,000 00 Amount of principal unpaid April 4th. 1875 $300,000 00 Amount of interest due the currentyear 21,000 00 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDING& 11 Bonds issued Oct. 1st, 1871 payable Oct. let, 1901 by commissioners for the Geneva & Ithaca R. R, 'interest on Same payable semi annually ' J IC0,000 00 Amount of interest coming due April 1st,_ 1876,$8:5[.0' : - lea accrued interest $90• 49 &409.51 Amount coming due Oct 1st, 1876 3.500 00 0,909 61 Total indebtedness princi- pal and interest 427,909 51 Against which commission- ers for I. & A. R. R. hold•I., & A. R. R. stock to the amount of $300,000 00 Commissioners Geneva & Ithaca R. R. stock to the amount of. ...... 100,000 00 Total amount of stock held • c , by and for the benefit of Ithaca Nov. 1876 400.000 00 ITHACA, Nov, 19, 1875. Report of the Commissioners of the Geneva & Ithaca Bail Road, • Ib the Honorable Board. of Supert'lsore of the County of lbmpkina: . The Bonding law of May 18, 1869 makes it ob- ligatory on the Commissioners after three years, to call fora tax of not lees than one per cent. to be laid aside as a sinking .111nd for the payment of said bonded debt. The three years having expired, we therefore ask that your honorable body levy a tax on the taxable property of the town o1 Ithaca, of not lees than three per cent. on $1x0 000 00; amount of bonds issued in aid of the .Geneva & Ithaca Rai Road fbr the purpose of creating a sinking Land provided by law. L. M.. Trrus, 1 Commissioners of the Jao. Rmrsnr, y Pown of Ithaca, Resolved. That in pursuance or the pro- visions of chapter 907, Laws of 1869, entitled an act to amend an act to authorize the formation of Railroad corporations and to regulate the same passed Apra 2, 1850, so as to permit municipal corporations to ate in the construction Of Rail- roads passed May 18th, 1869. and of a notice served upon this Board,by the Commissioners o1 the .town of Ithaca for the Geneva & Ithaca Rail- road Co., there be levier end assessed upon the taxable property of the town of Ithaca the- sum of three thousand dollars (!8 000), being three per cent.•of the bonds honed tb and in the con- struction of the Geneva & Ithaca Railroad. for the purpose of creating a sinking fend provided by law. On motion of Mr. Woodbury, Resolved, That the Rev. Edwin R. Wade be appointed -and is hereby appointed Chaplain to the County House at a salary of fifty dollars per year and said Mr. Wade 1e to hold religious ser- vice* at the said County House as often as he may neem best, but not lees than ten times Mir- ing the year. AFTERNOON SESSION. Roll call. Mr. Samuel Love, Esq., appeared in behalf of the Howard Orphan Asylum of Brooklyn to have the bill against this county audited for the support of John Henderson, a pauper surrendered. • by the Superintendents of the Poor'of Tompkins County to that institution, the bill'ainountingto $178.75. Mr. P. H. Farrington of the Board of. Superintendents, argued against the auditing of the bill. Oa motion of Mr. Woodbury. Resolved. That, in accordance with chapter 482,Laws of 1875,this Board authorize the Ithaca Weekly Journal and theithus Democrat to pub - lish the election notices issued by the Secretary of State, and the .official canvass,and that they. be paid for publishing said election notices and offi Mal canvass the following prices: At 50 cents per folio for the first insertion, and 38 cents per folio for the remainder, the official canvass to have bat one insertion. At 6 P, M. the Board adjourned., THURSDAY, Nov. 18. • MORNING SESSION. Roll call, and all present but Mr. Woodbury, who was excused from at- tendance until later in the day. Minutes of yesterday read and, ac- cepted. On motion.of. Mr. Bailey, the resolu- tion of yesterday, in . relation to the publishing of official canvass and no- -tices, was amended . by adding the words: "The official canvass to be in- serted but once." On motion of Dr. White, Messrs. King and Wattles were appointed a committee to procure legal counsel in reference to the matter of the claim of the Howard Orphan Asylum. The members were engaged in com- mittee.work until the hour foradjourn- ment. • AFTERNOON SESSION. Roll call, ani all present. , On motion of Mr. Gross, • Resolved, That the amount of the "County Treasurer's bond be fixedat one hundred thou- sand dollars. Mr. Wattles presented the following report of the Committee on Printing. On motion of -Mr. Bailey it; was adopted: . • ITHAOA, N. Y., Nov. 17, 1875. To the Committee on Printing, Board' of SupEr- visor8 Gai x: The following is an estimate for publishing the proceedings of the Board of Su- pervisore: . - Publiehing proceedings in Daily and Weekly Journal, thirty cents (80c.) per folio. r .. SDFER'VisOR8' • PROCEED11Q0i. • Pabllalting 1,500 pamphlets (not to exceed 24 pages), forty (40) dollars, Publishing 2,000 pamphlets (not to exceed 24 paees),.fltty (60) dollars. Publishing 1,6i 0 pamphlets (over 24 and not exceeding 82 pages), ferty-six (48) dollars. rublishing 2000 ppamphletw (over 24 arid not to exceed 32 pages). fifty-six (66) dollars. Yery respectfully, etc., J. H. BELHREQ. ITHACA. Nov:18,1875. GBxTL$aaN:—We will publish proceedings of the Board in Ithaca Democrat for 80 cents per folio. We Will publish 1.500 pamphlets (not.to exceed SI pages) for • $40; 2.001 pamphlets same size, 1.600 pamphlets (over 54 pages and not more than 82), $46 ; 2,000 pamphlets came size, $556. Yours, respectfully, a% GREGORY. 'I o Printing Committee, Board of Supervisors. Resolved, That this Board accept the proposi- tions of the Ithaca Democrat and Ithaca Journal for publishing the proceedings of this Board. Al- so beit Resolved That this Board accept the propose tion of the Ithaca Democrat for printing 2,000 copies of said proceedings in pamplilet form. - C. L. W ATTLBS, ) 3. M. WOODBURY, }Committee. A. J. WHITS, ) On motion of Dr. White, Resolved, That J. H. Wilson be and hereby is appointed County Beller for •Tompkins County for one year. The Board passed upon bills to No. 118, and at 6 p. m. adjourned. • FRIDAY, Nov. 19. MORNING SESSION. Roll call at the usual hour, 8 A. M. Members were all present. Minutes of previous day read and adopted. A resolution in relation to the repairs and furnishing of the County buildings, offered by Mr. Bailey, was tabled until Saturday at 8 A. M. Mr. Marvin offered a motion to assess the Midland R. R.,atsix thousand doll- ars.'. Mr. Woodbury moved to amend by making the amount ten thousand doll- ars,, The motion was adopted as amended. A. motion was made to rescind this action on the assessment of the Midland R: R., and it was unanimously carried. Mr. Marvin presented a petition from the Assessors of Dryden but withdrew it for fi ture action. • The committees then were in session until the hour of adjournment, 12 M: , • AFTERNOON SESSION. Roll call. • Board passed upon bilis to, .No. 12l. This 1s a bill for board of prisoners by Sheriff VanKirk, amoun$2,102.63. On motion of Mr..Eing the amount of $425.45 was deducted by the follo$e- ing vote: Yeas, Wattles, Marvin, Bailey, Burt, King; 5. Nays, Hawes, Gross, Woodbury, White; 4. A misunderstanding baying been bad on the bir., on motion of Mr. Baily the vote was rescinded. • On motion of Mr. Marvin it was re- ferred back to the Committee on Cla;ma. The Board passed upon bills to No. 144•, when at 6 o'clock it adjourned. • SATURDAY, Nov. 20. MORNING SESSION.. Roll call. • Members all present. Miiiutes of previous day read and approved., Bill No. 123 was called up on motion of Mr. Marvin, seconded by Mr. King. The hill passed for the full amount.. The full bill of the sheriff for fees and board, $3,883.06, was passed. On the reconsideration of Andrus & McChain's bill, for supplies for offices in County Clerk's building, the Com- mittee on Claims recommended the bill to be passed in full. A motion was made and seconded to pass the bill in full. Mr. Bailey offered the, following amendment: • Whereas, There was made an appropriation of fifty dollars for incidental expenses m the J ndge's office for the present year, therefore, be it Resolved, That the motion be amended by passing the bill less fifty dollars the amount of appropriation for incidentals in the above named office. Amendment lost, and bill audited in' full. Messrs: King and Wattles, the cow- mlttee appointed to -take legal counsel in regard to the bill of the Howard Or- phan Asylum, reported that they had consulted Messrs. Ferris and Dowe,and presented the written opinion of. Mr. Ferns for the consideration of the Board. ... On motion of Mr. Bailey the bill 'was SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 13 referred to the committee of the whole. Mr. Woodbury in the chair. The com- mittee then reported" the rejection of the bill. Mr. Bailey moved and Mr. Gross sec- onded the adoption of the report Yeas, Burt, Marvin, • Bailey, Gross, Woodbury, White. 6. • Nay, Wattles, Hawes, King. 3. On motion of Mr. Wattles the vote was taken for papers to publish. the Session Laws. - Ithaca Democrat 6 Ithaca Journal . ' 2 Groton Journal 1 The Democrat and Journal were de- clared to have the highest number of votes, and authorized to publish the Session Laws for the ensuing year. The Board then took up the petition of the Dryden Assessors. The follow- ing is an abstract of the same: Whereas, A legal contrciveisy is now in opera- tion as to the liability of the N. Y. & 0. Midland R. It, Co., for taxes on its real estate, the said real estate has been omitted from the assessment rolland, 1'�hereae, The Courts have decided the Com- pany liable, the Ammon petition this Board, to add the said R. R. Co. to the roll for $6,000. Mr. Bailey offered the following amendment which was passed with the petition: Resolved, That the real estate of the N. Y. & 0. Midland R. R. as above named, in the town of Dryden, be assessed for the slam of $10.000 according to chapter 463, Laws of 1865, for. such eases made and provided. 12 M. adjourned. AFTERNOON $188ION. Roll call. Messrs. Marvin and Groes having been excused from attending the ses- sion. Committees Were at work until the hour for adjournment, until -10 A. M., Monday Nov. 22. , MONDAY, Nov. 22. Roll call at 10 A. M. All members present. Minutes of Saturday adopted. Bill No. 105 was reconsidered and passed with eight dollars added. Bills No., 159 and 160 passed. Members divided into committees until 12 sr: . AFTERNOON SE88ION. Roll call. Full Board present. ' • - The committee on dog -tax presented their report as follows: AN ACT,to provide for the assessment and col lection of taxes on dogs, passed atthe annual session of the Board -of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins Nov: 22nd, 1876. fisorioa 1. It le hereby enacted that there shall be annually assessed levied and collected the Sol• to tax upon dogs In the several towns in the Conn of Tompkins: upon any male dog owned or harbored by one or more persona Any dents, upon every additional dog other than a bitch, owned or harbored by the same persons, two dollars, upon every bitch owned or harbored by one or more persons three dollars, for every addi- tional bitch owned or harbored by the same per- sons five dollars. rip levieedS. Tand collect in in dogs he several be sof the • County. of Tompkins at the time and in the same manner as other County taxes. § 8 The money so collected shall be paid to the several Supervisors of the several towns in the said County of Tompkins to constitute a fund for the payment of all damage done oto eheep by imp - port andf tththe ppoor of said any, if ordered by for the the Town Board. • J. 21:. Woonaunv, H. MAavmic, Com. V. B. (inose, Mr. King offered an amendment that the tax on a dog be $1.00. Lost and the report adopted. Mr. King offered the following reso- lution: • Resolved, That the time for holding the town meetings in the several townsof this county be changed from the Set tneeday in April to the last Tuesday in February in each year. Yeas, Wattles, Gross,. King. 3. Nays, Hawes, Marvin, . Bailey, Burt, Woodbury, White. 6. Declared _lost. . Mr. White offered the following which was unanimously passed : Resolved, That all officers shall be allowed lbr conveyance of prisoners to •tbe Monroe County Penitentiary their actual andneceesary expenses, to Ibe stated in items; veriffed and audited as other:County cbargea,and in addition thereto the sum of three dollars for each day necessarily oc- cupied in the same. • • • Mr, Bailey,, offered the following which was carried : Resolved, That the Superintendent of the Poor be instructed in his haute reports, to present in a condensed florin First, the whole amount of assets as per ap- propriation by the Board of Snpervivore,together with receipts from products from the farm,name- ly: Grain, poultry. hams, grease,swine, stock, and all other items that' this instiution realizes Storni with the amount in ttema -and the prloe specifically stated which, in ;the aggregate, shall show the amount, received item all sources dar- ing the year. 14 sup13AvisoRs': tinoci EDXNGsL Second, They 511611 et forth in one condensed statement ad disb#iaemeiits specifically itemized, especially for products of the farm, and from 'all) other source when. exchanges have been ,'made and the prices of the commodities exchanged} Third, Resolved, Further that the Superinten- dent be instructed to rnoorporate in t• etr orders • en the County Treasurer the purposes- for *hidhl suchorders-aredrawn whether f'or.enpplies.or, disbursements and the nature of the same: 411d 11 is further recommended by this:.Board ttat no bill for services to Superintendents be audited by any future Board 1n this County until the aoode reaolation has•been complied with:. The Committee on Equalization then went in session •;until adjournment. TtESDAV, Nov..23.. • •Roll call. • All pre$f1nt. Minutes of yesterday 'read and adopt- ed. On motion of -Mr.. Hawes, - • itesolved, That the County Treaanrer be ani thorleed to extehd The time ror the collection ;of taxes. in, any, town: in• this county, :where tench' extension may be .necossary, as provided: in, the 13th subdivision of sec.- 1st, c'hapt., 482, of the Session Laws of 1875... • - - "Tile following report of the. Commit-: tee on Treasurer's :accounts . was- read and accepted : The Committee on Treasurer's accounts report the'following as the -receipts and 'disbursements of the County Treasurer from Nov. 170, 1874•to Nov. 19th, 1875, and they have examined all his books, receipts and vouchers, and'lind them tor- rect :"+ - • Tompkins County in account with George 5.: Bristol,Cpnnty Traasnrer. By amount on hand at set- - tlement Nov. nth; 11174• $, 2,42515 By fines from Caroline $ 6 00 : By fines and excise from Groton .-r 48 75 • Bylines trom.Ithaea 246 80 ' excise Dryden 130 00 " fines from Sheriff 105 00..,, 536 05 Recd for. board of patients , • at 'W illara Asylum ' 954 50 School money from btste. 23,:.:: '28 Taxes from Caroline '4,8511.g65, '5 Danby: , " " Dr9den..,25,342 ea;' . . •' Fifield!:. "' 1,487 01. " • Groton, .:;82,864 41„•. " Ithaca ' 8191414. . " Lansing • -'20,06'4 48 " Newfield 14,844 08' ' " Ulysses -21,298 00 .217,821 01 • • '-'244,370 00 • Tompkins Coir ttyy to account with. George•H. Bristol, County Treasurer; Dr. • . Paid Insurance Co., build- . Inas $ 158-00 Supervisors' clerk100 00 District-Att'y salary 8 quarters 46090 Coaniy ` Judge eafary 8 quarters.. 1,87500 County,7ndgeincidea ta1e.... : 50 00 "-SehoolCommissionera 40000 -1 ,r Willard 'AR 1nm:2,718 64 New' York Slate Luna-' tic Asylum r 1.1,767 68 e " Fuel and gas bills_ 028 80 " To reimburse fines to towha. .......: .1,978 96; " Livery bills to County Z.% House 800 Special LaborCourt Huse 33 50 0 " Treasurers' Salary500 00 " Bxpenee Treasurers' • office...:.... .....:. 10 50 $10,005' 43 " Comptroller State tax 61,407 77 ' = " oo judgment 82,311 14 • 93,718 91 SchoolmoneyCaroline 2,106 43 do Danby 1,846 73 • .) do • ' " Dryden 8.299 29 , do .Bnlield 1.294 28 ao " Groton 2,53u 68 50 Ithaca 5,811 30 do Lansing 2,198-16 " do Newfield 2,850'89 ' `' Ulyssea2,807 02 23,338-28 ` Returned t x to Caro- line 29 82 . Danby . 16 28 " Dryden 119 10: Enfield ' 24 40 " Groton , 54 94 " Lansing ' 8 66. .Ithaca •:'111 12 " Ulysses ' 118 58 - ' 66 " Town expenses Caro - 'Highways ,line.Caroline:too. 800 • 1,068 46 " TownexpensesDanbp • 448;68 Dryden 1,118.88 ' Roads and bridges " 8,000 00 " Bridges added by Town board. 1,299 15 'Returned tax 143 . 7,656 95 Town exp's• Enfield1,216 66 Returned tax do . 9 21 Highways do 250 00 Int R.R.bonds do 1.750 00 Sinking fund do . 300 00 8,628 87 Town espp Groton20,287 71 PHighways do r 260 00 .0837 71 'form exo'e Ithaea18 677.64 l8ighways do • • }250 00 Returned tax do 6 86 Iht R. R. bonds do 27,849 10 d Town Highhways 'a Lanoing 2.0'00 " Returned tax do 137 74 • . Poor, - do 50 00 Town exp's Newfield .8,210 76 " lnt't R. K. bends do • 8,640 00 " Sinking rand , do , 620 00 45 .66 64 66 66 66 66 If 41,789 Co' 3,721 06 • 7,370 76 " Town ears Ulysses1,106 71 •• Returned tax do. 88 , " IntB,R.bonds do 5,250 00 " Sinking fund. do ,75000' ' "7,795-80 County t(In orders s) 13.35179 28 BDPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 15 •' ' (ont doors)'1,419 78 Transportation 127 69 „ 'Court orders' .6,188 52 28,886 28 'From which deductam't credited to the County241,875 (b Which leaves Nov. 19th, "15 amount rine Treasurer..... . 2,015 78 And your Committee would 'further report that the • Treasurer's books show in addition to the above, an iodebledness in the '' way of salaries doe Coun- ty officers, oat standing poor house order and amounts due Willard Aey- • lam and Monroe Co.,Pen- iteatiary, an aggregate amount of • .$ 2,248 00 Making. .t deficiency in the Treasaty at the above date Of •• 4,261.78 To meet this the Sherif (Nov. 22)- reports having collected and paid to the • ,: Treasurer on judgment, People vs. Atwater 2,210 25 Remaining dne • on such lodgment to be paid this weer, about ' , ' 77 25 • 2,287 50 Deducted from above ain't 1,976 23 To which add ain't of fines to be paid to town and County 636 es Leaves to be raised by this Board $ 2,512 28 'to meet actoal deficiency in the Treasury for the current year. Jos -an -Haw -Bs, D. W. BAILEY, 1.Conimittee. V. H.-GRoss, The report of the Committee on Poor House and Superintendents' reports was then taken up and debated. -Dr: White moved- an amendment to the report to pass the report less one - thousand dollars of the amount of ap- propriation asked for by the Superin- tendents. Yeas, Bailey, Burt, Marvin, White,4. Nays, Gross, Hawes, King, Wattles, 216,390 73 Countypaupers • 122 Prom the town of Caroline 1 ,. " Danby 4 Drydenfi - 1 Groton ' 6 Ithaca.... 17 NeLawfield 7 IIlysees 11 Total 180 The number of days said panpers w'ere supported in said• Poor- .15,290honee is 66 66 ,t 66 That the whole amonnt of drafts, drawn on the County Treasurer for bills audited by the Super- intendents uper intendents for the support of the institution during said year ' over and above the proceeds of ' the farm, was . $4,482 07 Which sum was expended as fol- lows, viz.: For out -door relief 81,648 46 'Services of Overseers ' • 180 05 Transportation or paupers 89 06 Insurance on buildings • 64 00 ChaConveying insane to asylums ' lain 61 08 Stoves and pipes. 158 00 In -door 2,425 54 Woodbury, 5. Amendment declared lost. , Mr. Gross moved the previous ques •'.' tion, and it was lost. Mr. Bailey moved to amend by re- clueing the amount asked by five hun- dred dollars. Carried Ti,e following is the report: Tour committee to whom was referred the re- port of the Superintendents of the Poor of the County of Tompkins, would respectfully' report Sha from the 35th day -of November, 1874, to the }6th day of November,1875, there were rapport - ed in the Poor -House t Total $4,482 07 The following statement shows the amount of produce raised on the County- House farm during the year endiag tbe 15th day of Nov:, 1875. and the amount nowon hand, vlz.:. RAISED. ON HAND. 27 bushels of wheat170 610 ,. oa:e 595 950 ears of corn.. •..:800 325 '• potatoes 250 10 .... onions.:.., 10 6 " beets ................. 5 7 1 4 beans......... 6 175 heads of ,abpblage ... 66 9 tons of hay - 11 Cern-stalks on 14 acres mostly on hand. The stock now on hand belonging to the coun- ty is as follows, viz : One yoke of oxen. 5 milch cows, 2 yearling. heifers (extra nice). 2 spring calves, 8 hogs flat- tening), 1 sow and 9 pigs, tor wintering, 150 com- radon fowls.- ' The whole number of paupers re- ceived in the Poorhouse during tNumber of ear was 182 Total number 'in tbe Pourhouee during the year a 182 Of this • number there were dis- charged 141 Absconded 4 Oat on trial 1 Died 10 Now in the hoose 37 198 The difference between the nutbber received and the number accounted for, 'accused by the same persons leaving and then ret urning again. l'he average number in the hoose • during the year was 42 The average expense for each pauper's support above thepro- ceeds Of the farm, was.... $57 72 16 . SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. The average expense per week 1 11 The whole number of days' board of county paupers, 8,693 Cort of board $471 74 Cost of clothing 113 86 Town of Caroline...... 872 Cost of bowl.. 49 58 •` clothing 9 38 Town of Danby.. ,. 1,318 Colt of board 185 38 Town of Dryden 1,2'0 Cost of board 187 96 clothing 11 74 Town of Enfield 2 Cost of board 33 Town of Groton....... 682 t,$st of board.. 97 24 " clothing .. 298 Town of Ithaca 3,856 Cost of board.. ....... 555 48 " cloth' 55 55 78 Town of Lacring 576 Cort of board clothing .Town of Newfield 1,269 Cost of board • 181 74 • clothing 19 ,Town of Ulysses 2,852 Coat of board • Total numberof days Total cost • The &flowing statement shows the amount of py air endroduce ing the 15th day of No ld from the Poor -hone ember,or he 1875: 380 bushels oats, at 50 cents $165 00 81 •• corn, at 80 20 81 cents. 65 00 Page sold 60 00 Eggs sold 15 80 Matter Bold , 48 10 Total amount sold 8353 10 Expended as follow8, viz: T em n, Ring 8s Co., for stoves and Il ware $ 180 00 J. B. Potter for fresh meat 23 88 Expenseaa in taking children. to Bing- hamton 10 00 Coal at Taghanic. 44 30 Expenses to Willard Asylum .7 80 Fresh meat. 11 80 Expenses of keeper to Utica Asylum and Rochester • 24 00 Paid by keeper tor supplies for Poor. House . 71 32 Total expended $ 853 10 The followg s statement shows theamount dne from the County end towns for the support of their poor in thePoor-hone from the 15th day of Nov. 1874 to the 15th day of Nov. 1875 : County of Tompkins - $ 87 48 Town of Caroline... 58 96 •• Dryden.. 199 70 " Enfield • 82 Groton 100 17 Ithaca 611 16 Lansing 91 29 Newflela 201 18 Ulysses $66 48 Total amount d e $2,425 54 The number of paupers remaining in the Coun- ty Poorhouse at the time of the Superinten- dents' report was thirty-seven. . The amount of money on hand_and raieed.for the es S2 7 47 15,290 X 12 27 81 $2,425 54 support of the poor daring 1the year was $8,- 15 Drafts have been drawn on the County Trees- erer as appears by the report of the Superinten- dents for the fol •owing purposes, via : For outdoor relief $1,553 46 " Servicer of.overseers 180 95 " Transportation of paupers 89 08 " Insurance on bnild1aRQ64 00 9 Chaplains .. ..-.•... 50 00 " Conveying insane to Asylums.... 61 08 •• Stoves and pipe-. 158 00 " Indoor expenses - 2,425 54 Total amount of drafts $4,482 07 Amount overdrawn hem Co., Trees... • 889 92 In conformity to the 80th section, title 1, chapter 20, of the revis- ed statntea,the Superintendents ot the Poor for the County of Tompkins estimate the expen- ses for the support of the Conn• ty poor in the county and towns . for the ensuing year at $2,500 08 For temporary relief for connty paupers not in the Poor -hone 1,400 O6 Transporting paupers to Poor -hone:40 0) Services of overseers of poor 180 00 Poor -house keepers salary. 5 0 00 Total estimates $4,570 00 To supply the deficiency now existing and to meet the estimates of the Superintendents for the enacting year your committee ask leaye to intro- duce the following resolutions: Resolved, That the same expended by the Su- perintendents of the poor for the rapport of the poor to the several towns of the Oonnty. of Tomp- kins be levied on and colleted in said towns as follows. viz : - From the town of Oaroline $ 58 96 .44 . 44 .. E 208 90 nfield 199 70 70 {t 64 „ • Itroton haca 611 176 6 Lansing' 91 „ Newfield 201 298 G• 411 Ulysses. 366 48 Total to be rained ,:•• $1,885 06 Revolved, That the sum of $689.92 be 'levied and collected in the County of Tompkins to re. place the money. overdrawn from the Comity Treasurer for the support of the poor in said County. The estimate of the Superintendents Mil for $4,570, the amount to be raised in the several towns is $1,888 leaving to be raised to meet the estimates $2,7n. Resolved, That the estimates of the Superin- tendents of the poor lees $500 be levied and as- eeaeed upon the taxable property of thift county for the support of the poor. 'Amount to be raised for estimates To supply deficiency T tal amount It apiears from the report of the Superintendents that the in- crease of expenditures this year compared with last, is caned by the f,-llowing, viz: The in- crease of the price of pork which amounts on the quantity pur- chased 03 To there being dne the County $ 854 for grease sold 129 00 $ X00 922 $ 2,921 92 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 17 To the payment of 1 quarter's salary of the keeper which - shonld have been paid in 1874 125 00 or shingles used the previous year 42 00 Amounting In all to $641 00 Which if taken from the expenditures of the year included in their report would reduce the average expense per week for each pauper to Your committee would further report that the buil , the farm, the suck on the farm, and net connected with them bear evidence that they are eared for by those having the inter- est of the County in view. J. P, S cNe, JosIAH HAWES, A. J. WHITE, V. B. Gaols; C. L. WATTLES, Committee. The Committee on Equilization then organized and w&e engaged until the noon adjournment. AFTERNOON SESSION. Roll call; all members present. Committee on Equalization engaged till 6 P. M. when the Baard adjourned. WEDNESDAY, Nov. 24. Roll call. Minutes of yesterday read and adopt- ed. Bills No. 160 and 161 passed. On motion of Mr. Wattles, Resolved, That pursuant to the provieione of chapte, 791 of tire Laws of 1868 the sums set down in the following schedule be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the persons whose names are inclu ted in the several lists and in the Bums respectively named in said list, submitted to the Board and fttrntahed to the Supervisors of the several towns named in said schedule by the overseers of highways respectively of the road districts included therein: Groton, Dist. No. 41, 21( days $3 38 44 ' 6, 1 150 Caroline " u 1 150 Datby " 19 7 10 50 DtydeII 35 8 12 00 Ulysses " 25 7 10 50 Newfield " 6 1 " 1 60 On motion of Mr. Bailey, Whereas, The laws of the State of New York make it the duty of the Board of Supervisors in the several counties in this State to have the care of making all necessary repairs and providing inmitnre and supplies for the county buildings in their respective counties and, Whereas, The county officials who occupy the said buildings, have for some time past. assumed the responsibility of making such repairs, and ordering such anppliesasthey deemed necessary, causing thereby much perplexity and annoyance in adjusting the claims of bill holaere,therefore Resolved, That a committee of three be ap- pointed, the Supervisor of Ithaca to be chairman of such committee, and the chairman of the Board w appoint two others to act with the Su pervieor of Ithaca as said committee; and it is farther Resolved That the Board of Supervisors of t his County will audit no bills, claims or acconnts,for repairs, farnitore or supplies (except books and stationery) unless it be made out in items and in the name of the person tor which such expenses were incurred, and ordered by the chairman or a majority of the committee; and the chairman shall keep an account of all orders for the above named purposes and present them to the Board at their annual session. The Chairman appointed the Super- visors of Danby and Enfield to fill the two places left blank in the resolution, and to Constitute the above named com- mittee. The following report from the Com- mittee on Insurance was adopted : The Committee on Insurance would respectful- ly report that they have caused policies to be made on all the County buildings. The amount of insurance and premiums are as follows: COURT HOUSE. • Phenix Insurance Co. of Brook- lyn, T. P. St. John agt$2,503 $25 00 Qu : en Fire Insurance a;o. of Liv- erpool and London, A. Bur- rit. agt 1,500 15 00 London. Liverpool & Globe Ineur- ence Co. A. Burritt, ag. 2,500 25 00 JAIL. Hanover Fire InsuranceCo.N Y„ city, H. J. Grant & Sou,agt 2,000 25 00 Amazjn Fire Ins. Co. (Ambition, • Ohio, Allen Gray, agt 2,000 26 00 CLERK'S OFFICE North British of London. H. J Grant, agt 2,000 . 12 00 Imperial of London,T. P. St.John agt .. 1,000 600 HARBISON MARVIN, ) J. P. Kum, JouIAH HIAWES, At 12 M. the Board adjourned. 13'3 00 Committee. 'AFTERNOON SESSION. During Committee gaged and A M. the afternoon session the on Equalization were en - adjourned to Friday at 10 FRIDAY, Nov. 26. Roll call. All members present. Minutes of Wednesday read and adopted. The Committee on Equalization then went in session tillnoon adjournment. AFTERNOON SESSION. The Board visited and inspected the jail. The following resolution by Mr. Hawes was passed: Resolved, That the janitor be authorized to sell the'old iron, copper and brace, that is not :18 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. needed for the use of the County Scaler of Weights and Measures, or for other purposes about the Court House, advising with the Com- mittee on Repairs of County Buildings as W price of such articles; and when such sale is made, to pay over the proceeds to Jounty Treae- urer. The Committee on. Equalization at 4 p. m. made their reports. Mr. King moved to lay them on the table till to -morrow morning. Carried. On motion of Dr. White, Resolved. That the Clerk of this Board be and hereby is authorized to receive the pamphlet copies of the proceedings of this Board when published, and that be distribute them to the Supervisors of the several towns in prbportion to the Grand Jury list. Additional accounts were added to the town audits on motion of Mr. King as per Supervisors. On motion of Mr. Hawes, it was Resolved, That in accordance with chapter 446, title 4,section 6 Laws of 1874,that there be levied and assessed upon the following towns,thc Bums tet forth in the following schedule, to reim= burse the County for the amount paid to Willard Asylum to Nov. 6th. 1875. 8 inmates chargeable to Ithaca $1,317 60 2 Ilryden 399 40 2 Caroline 947 39 2 61 ` ` Newfield 329 40 2 Groton 253 46 1 " " " Ulysses 9., 10 $2,572 28 On motion of Mr. Hawes, • Resolved, That the sum of fifty dollars, the amount paid to Special County Judge, (as per ap- propriation) and not credited . in Treasurer's ac- count for 1874, be allowed to Geo. H.a$ristol, County Treasurer, and that the Clerk be directed to draw an order on the treasury for that amount. At 6 P. nl., the' Board adjourned. SATURDAY, Nov. 27. Roll call. Minutes of Friday adopted. Yeas -Woodbury, Gross, Hawes, King, 4. Nays -Wattles, White, Burtt, Mar- vin, Bailey, 5. ' The following majority report was lost by the above vote: We, the undersigned Committee on Equaliza- tion, would respectfully report the following to be the equalized valuation of the real estate of the several towns in the county of Tompkins tor the year 1875: Towns. Real. Personal. Total. Caroline $635,800 $41,20 $677,000 Danby 743,086 29,810 772,896 Dryden 1,945,477 79,640 2,018 117 Enfield571,128 15,700 586,828 Groton 1,081,651 235,135 1,316,766 Lansing 1,601,683 178,840 1,780,523 Newfield 739,967 34,360 774,327 Ulysses. 1,280,656 310,937 1,591,593 Ithaca 4,140,092 654,725 4.794,817 $12,739,5101,573,347 $14,312,887 5). W. BAILEY, V. B. Groes, J. M. WoonnuRY. The vote on the minority report was as follows : Yeas -Wattles, White, Burtt,'.Mar- vin, Bailey, 5.. . . .. Nays -Woodbury, Gross, Hawes, King, 4. Declared adopted: The minority of the Committee on Equaliza- tion would respectfully report that thu following is the equalised valuation of the reel.estato of the.several towns in the county of Tompkins for the year 1875. Towns. Real. Personal. Total Dryden$1,890,588 $72 610 $1,963,228 Groton 1,091,670 235,135 1,326,805 Caroline 600,017 41,200 641,217 Denby 758,104 29,810 782,914 Enfield 531,052 15.700 546,752 Lansing 1,741,949 178,840 1,920,789 Newfield 734,242: 34,360 U8.602 Ulysses .. 1 399,452 1 310,937 L710,389 Ithaca3,997,563 654,725 4,652,258 $12,739,637 $1,573,347 $14,312,984 HARRISON MARVIN1. By Dr. White, Resolved, Tbat at the request of the Superv)s• ors of the several towns of the county, the sums set forth in the following schedule be levied and assessed 'upon the taxable property of the sever- al towns named for the purpose therein men- tioned. Towns. Town Audits. Highways. Poor: Caroline. $574 85 $250 00 $25 Danby 331 56 1,175 00 Dryden 1,193 84 2.985 03 250 Enfield 1,092 65 250 00 - Groton 3,210 72 250 00 - Lansing 2, 0.22 04 3,068 00 50• Newdeld.... . 1,604 29 -- - Ulysses 1,743 96 1,077 24 2f0 Ithaca 11,384 41 257 00- 250 At 3 p. m. the Board adjourned to Monday next, at 10 a. m. MONDAY, November 29. MORNING SESSION. Roll -call at 10 a. m. Minutes of Saturday' read and adopt- ed. A bill of S. V. Graham, commission- er of highways in Enfield, for $56, was rejected for not being accompanied by an affidavit. On motion of Dr. White, Whereas, The Board of Supervisors, having visited the jail and found everything in a very satisfactory condition, Resolved, That the thanks of this Board are hereby tendered to E. C. VanKirk for the faith- ful, elflcient and satielactory manner in which be has discharged his duties as sheriff. On motion of Mr. King, Resolved, That the Clerk be required to serve a copy of each resolution passed by this Board upon each county officer affected by such resole tion. 1 1 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGIS. On motion of Mr: Marvin, Resolved, That the County Treasurer be and he le hereby instructed to classify his accounts under the different heads for which appropria- tions are made, and that when the amount of any such appropriation is paid out, he shall cease to pay orders ander that class, and that his future reports to thisBoard shall be a ade 113 each a manner as td show the balance ander each sep- arate head. Adjoubned from 12 to 1 o'clock. . AFTERNOON SESSION. Roll call at 1' p. m. All members present. Dr. Bailey,: chairman on equaliza- •tton, offered the following resolution, which was adopted by the Board : Resolved, That the following'sumsibe levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the county for the tollowebg purposes : Valuation of county in •year 1875, $9,3:6,916. School purposes, 1}{ mille„$11,646 15' General purposes,l'/, ” 12,810 76 Bounty debt, 2' mills 18.63.9 83 New Capitol, 36 mine 4 658 46 Deficiency in general fund, asylums and reformatory, and other contingent ex- penses, 11-20 xpenses,11.20 lis..'. 5,124 30 Canal floating dant, chap 271, Laws o1 1859, ?4 mill 1,16462 Awards °I canal appraisers, i 6utille 1,863 38 Court expenses 3,000 00 Fuel and gas, court house and jail 400 00 Insurance on public build- ings 131 00 State Lunatic Asylum, . 2,000 50 \Willard Asylum' 3,000 00 Monroe county penitentiary 350 00 School Comwissigners400 00 Salary of CountyJudge2,500 00 Salary of Special Judge50 50 Supervisors' clerk100 00 Supervisors' janitor ' 40 00 Seperintendents of Poor2,232 00 District Attorney . 600 00 County Treasurer 500 00 County audita 15,761 75 Deficiency in court ex pensee 1,502 00 Chaplain to poor -house 50. 00 Deficiency in court ex- ; pepses, paid by Supervis- ors' note 650 00 888,628 75 Less' amount to reimburse the county on account of , Wihard, Asylum to be paid by towns $5,,901 50 2,572 28 $31,056 97 The following is the apportionment of the county audits among the several towns: Caroline ... $1,391 32 Danby 1,698 79 Dryden 4,260 91 Enfield.:.. 1,186 s0 Groton 2,878 93 Lansing 4,187 77 Newfield ... .. 1,667 l Ulysses 3,711 21 Ithaca 10,093 8i $81,056 8 t The Board adjourned at 3 p. m. un- til Saturday at 10 a. m. SATURDAY, December 4, 1875. Board met pursuant to adjournment of Monday last. COe Roll call, with full Board present. Minutes of Monday read and adopted. The members were engaged in the usual work on Collectors' bonds and warrants until the. noon adjournment. At 1 o'clock the Board convened and passed' the following resolutions: By Mr. Marvin, Resolved, That the Superintendents of th^ Poor be and are hereby authorized to make such contract with the authorities of ,the town of Die, Schuyler county, for keeping the poor of said town as they may deem advisable. On motion of Dr. White, Resolved, That the Collectors of the several towns in Tompkins county be requested by thi. Board to settle with the County Treasurer on or before the 31st day of January, 1876. . By Mr. Wattles, Resolved, That in accordance with sections first and second, Laws of 1945, only the generr.1 laws of the state and the laws local to the county of Tompkins be published by the papers hereto- fore designated by this Board to publish the ses- sion laws of this state. Mr. Gross moved to amend by add in to the above the words:"The price per folio to be thirty cents." Resolu- tion was adopted. as amended. • • ' On motion of Mr. Bailey, Resolved, That the thanks of this Board are due, and are hereby tendered to the chairman „t this Board, D. L. Burtt, for the able, impartial and 'aithtnl manner in which he has discharged the duties of his position. 111 On motion, of Mr. Marvin, • Resolved, That the thanks of this Board are due and tendered to Thomas W. Burns for the efficient and gentlemanly manner in which he has discharged the duties of Clerk to this Board. The bond of County Treasurer K. S. VanVoorhees wag presented and accept- ed. The Board, by resolution of Mr. Gross, authorized the Clerk to order. and superintend the publication in part, with the proceedings in pamphlets of this session, the table of all fel s which come under the action or attep- tion of the boards of town or county audits. The Board then. adjourned sine die. 20 St1i'ERVISORS6 PROCEEDINGS. Resolved, That at the request of the 8 npervi- , sots of the several towns named in the following schedule, the claims set forth therein be added to the andits of the said towns and levied and assessed upon said towns respectively; CAROLINE. G. S. Goodrich, excess of tax.......... S. R. Blackman, assessor Russel T. Abbey, excise com Wm. B. Wolcott, insp'r of election John Wolcott, clerk of B GROTON. A. B. Backus, insp'r of e'ection Andrew Metzger, Calvin VanBurkisk,clerk Wm. Barham, R. R, Com. and insp'r of election L. N. Chopin, printing A. B. Rogers, use of hence for election George Perkins, excess of tax added by other of town board A. Backus, R. R. com Tax roll Interest and principal on S. C. R. R bonds 15,125 00 85 41 21 00 3 00 4 00 400 $37 41 $6 CO0 4 00 9 00 19 10 10 00 9 14 5 0f 1 00 $15,191 24 ULYSSES. Matthew Cully, constable $5 50 R. C. Tompkins, overseer of the poor in18734 10 00 Interest on Pa. & 8, B. R. R. bonds 5.250 00 Sinking fund • 750 00 George H. Stewart, undertaking15 00 J. P. King, supervisor 61 91 Tax roll 125 $6,093 66 DRYDNN. James Cole, use of house for election.. $10 00 S. R. Wade, ex -supervisor ........ ..... 10 00 " fees on school monies.... 37 50 $57 50 ENFIELD, Win. Miller, R. R. com... $11 92 Interest on Pa. & S. B. R. R. bonds 1 75; 00 Sinking fund on " 250 00 $2,011 92 ITHACA. ), In't on Geneva & Ithaca R. R. bonds6.909 51 Ithaca & Athens, " 21,001 00 Sinking fund, G. & 1. R. R .. 3,C00 00 3 i,909 51 NEWFIELD. Merritt King, R. R. cons 625 D. J. Beaman, overseer of Ithaca........ 77 50 A. J, White, meeting state assessors.... 2 00 aeseeement ro11 ... 1 00 Burr Romsey, constable 9 20 P. 8. Dudley, R. R. com 12 00 Interest on Pa. & 8. B. R. R. bonds 3,640 00 Sinking fund .. 520 00 A. J. White, per cent. on monies 7 28 4,205 23 TOWN AUDITS. CAROLINE. Abstract of the names of all persons who presented accounts o be audited to the Boardof Town Auditors of the town of Caroline,on the 4th day of November, 1875, with the amounts claimed by each, and the amounts final- ly audited : No. Name. Nature of claim. Clalm'd. A11'd 1 C L Wattles, supervisor 40 91 40 91 14 CO 2 Beason Norris, ex com. high- ways 3 James H Snow, excise com8' 3 00 4 R C €lark, inspector of elec- tion, 1st district 4 00 5 N M Tobey, Inspector of elec- tion, let district 5 00 6 D C Krum, inspector of elet- tion, tion, 2d district 5 00 7 J S Young, inspector of elec tion, 2d district 4 00 8 L R Kingman, inspector of election, 1st district 4 00 9 E E Legg,clerk of election, lst distric4 00 10 F A Snow, clerk of election, 1st district 11 Morris Groes, constable 12 J B Bovee 18 Gorden B P'endleton, assigned by A A Hoskin, constable 14 Moses Dederick, use of house for election 16 8 B Landon, constable 16 E C Marsh, " 17 John Davis, 18 R B Brink, use of hoose for election 19 C L Davis, clerk of election• 20 John J Freer, nee of house for town meeting 21 Emery Boice, commissioner of highways 22 Johnson Quick, assessor , 23 James Boice. " 24 Truman Spaulding, overseer of the poor 25 8 P Ashley, attorney 26 H W Buil, medical services 27 Johnson Quick. excess of tax 28 A T Lott, justice of peace... 29 Franklin' uortright, idetite of peace• 30 Harrison Halsted, boarding prisoner. 31 Matthew Bull, justice of peace 32 Richard Lonnebery, justice of peace 33 C L own clerk 34 Edward Davis,Lonnsbery, excise commissioner 35 Ransom Johnson, medical ser- vices 36 A T Harding, overseer of the poor 37 A T Harding, coffin for poor 1400 00 4 00 5 00 500 4 00 4 00 4 00 400 500 16 65 10 00 7 00 29 45 11 15 15 00 4 60 15 00 81 81 22 00 19 00 20 00 12 8080 3 10 8195 200 3 0J 29 18 89 23 48 42 300 27 10 4 10 500 8 25 20 95 10 00 700 18 10 11 16 10 00 4 50 • 16 00 81 31 92 00 19 00 20 00 20 00 00 00 800 81 95 2 00 00 29 18 89 28 48 42 8 00 27 00 790 .790 2000 2000 $608 90 $574 F5 We hereby certify that the foregoing abstract is correct. C. L WATTLES, Supervisor, C. L. Davis, Town Clerk. MATTnaw BULL, FRANKLIN Cowrmmawi', RICHARD LOUNBHERRY, Justices. (Added by Supervisor, Nov. 9th, 1875.) 38 G S Goodrich, excess of tax 5 41 39 8. K, Blackman,assessor21 00• 40 Russel F Abbey, exulse coni. 300 1 841PERirtIon& P3tOCtEDfl G$ t1 41 Wm B Wolcott, inspector of e'ection4 00 42 John Wolcott, clerk of election 4 00 37 41 43 John Davis, constable 2 45 44 Matthew Bull, justice 8 40 DANBY. Abstract of the names of all persons who presented'acoounts to the Board of Town Auditors,with the amount claim- ed and the amount allowed : No. Name. Nature of claim. Claim'd. 1 Benj, Jennings, clerk of elec- tion 400 2 1.. B Beers, insp'r of election4 00 8 A J Kirkendall, " 400 4 Frank Todd, " 400 5 Joseph Grant, constable 7 15 6 21, R amitn. support of poor3 00 7 Jeremiah Thatcher, justice of peace.... 10 65 8 Lemuel Jenninge,ju8ticepeace 8 00 9 66 " 4 15 10 Charles Howland, " 3 1.5 11 Benj .1 Williams. town clerk44 50 12 " " janitor town hall.... 13 " `• clerk o1 elec- tion 14 D A averest, assessor.. 15 Oscar Jenninge,com.highways 16 Michael Handy, overseer of poor 650 17 Josiah Hawes,eupport of poor 38 48 18 Howell Bros. 14 57 19 J D Fish, overseer 6 00 4 00 34 00 27 00 20 " assessor 416 5 00 26 00 21 C Slocum, " 2 0 22 A W Knapp, overseer of poor 6 90 23 D A Marey, coin. of highways 13 00 24 Geo How lend, constable 1 75 25 John Gillett, 'supplies for poor 8 47 26 Dwight Ostrander, janitor ofhall 14 50 14 50 27 Jcaiah. Hawes, supervisor22 48 27 46 All'd 4 00 400 400 400 7 15 300 10 65 800 4 15 595 44 10 2 HD Bandeid, insp'r election4 00 4 00 3 James Snyder, " 5 50 5 50 4 Joseph A l3ennng " 4 15 4 16 4 (0 4 00 8 H D Thomas, clerk 02 400 400 7 R L Taylor, 8 00 8 00 8 Judson Beach " 4 00 4 00 9 Jesse Bartholomew, insp'r of election electionon 5 50 5 50 11 G g Hanforrd�e,inep` r election 4 00 4 85 12 Orrin W Wheeler, " " 5 50 550 13 John H Kenneday " 4' 00' 4 00 rrgg 14 Isaac PFeuaeon, " " 4 00 4 00 15 Geo G Goodrich,cle'k Wei, ion 44 OD 4 00 0 4 00 18 O J Hill, 17 Jonathan N Fox, inep'r `• 400 400 18 John H Minneah, " 5 00 500 19 H A Dearman, " " 5'00 5 00 20 Jae M Carr, clerk of " 4 50 460 21 Willard Shaver, " " 4 00 4 00 22 Mrs B R Palmer,houee 10 00 10 t0 23 Warren D Kilts, " 19 00 10 00 24 Lemi Grover, com. of excise 6 00 6.00 25 Azel Lawrence, " 6 00 6 00 2, Thomas Givens, " " 6 00 6 00 27 A D Simonds, physician 8 00 8 00 28 Cathrine L Jagger,error in tat 15 38 15 38 29 Henry L Howe, error in milt - 7 81 761 7 61 7 61 4 79' 479 6 CO 30 Geo H Bloom,ertor in military 4 31 Jonas L Wallace,errorinrazes 34 10 32 Grover Moore, house for town meeting 27 00 33 11,adford snider, assessor 34 Freeman Stebbins. " 85 A 8 Clark damages on wagon 36 Bnos Snyder, constable 37 John 8nyde-, justice 26 038 Z Lupton, for pia' 39 I) Briggs ph ician 2 0 40 Dr John tear,physician 16 90 41 Miles Rhodes, for stone 31 76 42 W C Ellis, justice 7 00 4., A Ewere, overseer of poor 94 Leonard Griswold, error in tax. .. 46 Dr Fitch, physician , 6 50 38 48 14 57 300 • 335 08 333 56 40 46 66 47 Dr Montgomery,phyeieian 48 King & Montgomery, law eer- The undersigned Town Auditors of the town vice.... of Danby, County of Tompkins, certify that the 49 Wm Barret, land damages , foregoing abstract is correct as to the amount of 60 Blinn Hilderbrant constable claims and the amount allowed, and we thither 51 Geo H Houtz, town clerk certaiy that by a reeolutten of this Board, Oscar 51 Cyrus Enapp,aeaeeeor Jennings, Commissioner of is lghways,be author- 53 Moses Tyler, constable..... ized to build an iron bridge near James Comtert's, 54 G H Sperry overseer of poor,• the cost not to exceed the sum of twelve hun- 55 Harrison Marvin,eupervieor dred and fifty dollars. 56 A W George, justice and Iloo se Dated, Nov. 4tb,'75. for election Jostan HAwse, Supervisor. 57 Geo B Barber, town clerk CHARLES HOWLAND, 58 John Webster, justice JEREMIAH THATCHER, 59 Geo lC Goodrich, LEMUELJaNNinGs, 60 H F Pierce &.Son,nndertakers Justices. 61 John Southworth,highway &c. BEN.t. J. WILLIAMS,Jown Clerk. 62 Harrison Marvin, supervisor, for books DRYDEN. 68 Henry H Houpt,surveyfag &c 64 8 D Ila bli ,commissioner ofhighways 300 0 800 00 65 Moses Tyler, constable 1 00 1 00 1,193 81 We hereby certify that the ibregoing abstract ie correct in all respects. HARHIsox Menus, Supervisor. ° A. W. Georgia, J. W. Waasna, Joao Sxtrnan, .. GaoaaE B. GooDatcE,dasticea. &np, B. Saimaa, Town oak. 30 00 30 00 48 00 48 00 3400 8600 500 500 755 755 11 10 11 00 1200 120 500 50 100 1000 8 00 8 00 400 40 28 50 28 50 5 69 5 69 42 00 42 0 600 600 10 75 10 75 2645 2845 3000 200 3 00 300 11 15 11 15 40 00 40 10 15 10 15 10 94 18 94 18 1500 15 00 8840 ' 40 2200 2209 2400 2400 8275 W75 00 8800 2580 2530 Abstract of accounts of all persons who presented bills to the Board of Town Aud.tors of the town of Dryden on the 5th day of'November, 1875,with the amounts claimed and the amounts finally allowed : No. Name. Nature of claim. Oldlm'd. All'd 1 Aubrey Rhodes, wagon dam- ' ages 28 00 25 00 5 88 668 2400 2410 L 23 SIIPERVISORS'. PROOEEDI1'GS. (The following amount$:were.added by.the pervieor). 1, , 68 James H'Cole, use of hoose forele'e-1'' ' t,, o tion ' ' ' 10 00 87 E R Wade, exsuptrvisor.:... ::::'. '' J 10 00 68 • ,. .. -fees on 1 ' school monies::.. -, ... 37 50 0. - �,., ' 1,240 89 Ata meeting of the Board of Town 8uititors of the town of Dryden held at the bridge eopth l $ Dryden vil'age on Virgil', Crek, in, conformity with tbe,provieions of the statute of the.btate of New York (section 1, first cliapter.(!03j one lino. Bred and; three. taws of 1858) it aas 1 ;`lieeolvgd,- That the enm,or five hundred doll; are'be levied and collected "in-eaidtown tor :tte nonstinction of said bridge,and interest -one year At the annual' town meeting of;the„town of Dryden held at. the Dryden Centre Honey en.Tue- day' a pri1, 6th,' 1875, the following: reeolntiens were dulyassed;: , - • "Resolved; That the tum 'of twe- hundred ard be levied and collected in said town for the support of the poor, - . Resolve That', the .sum bf'eixteen. hundred. and fifty dollars-oe,levied and collected `in” -said town for the -support of roads and bridges. Resolved, :That the aunt of, eigy�t hjindred doll - are be levied, and. collected for'tbe'pnrpose of. lirotecting highways in the village of I hereby cert.ity that the foregoing i;eeolations ate true copies of the original onfile in the Town Clerk's ° oleo at Etna:. : Gro,, S. BARBER, Town Clerk ,• ' ' ENFIELD. • . -.'abstract' of the , names of .:a11: persons. i who presented "accounts to- be"audited ¢y the Board ot.'Town'Auditorb of the•. town of,Enfield, on the.4th-.day of No • vember,1875, with- the ambtints claimed` tip each`and the•'amounts aited and: allowed each, •viz.: • ••ud No, )Name. Nature of claim' Claifn'd, ,6(11:(1; 1' MansonPotter,-commissioner, • of excise ' - 3.00, 8'00. 9'Darrison . urryoverseer of - • • 'lthe poor...::: :L' 14 00 •, 14 CO 8 S B Forts.aeser2er services.!. 28 00 28 00 4=Ssnuei' Rolfe, inspector of '• • election - >" 4 00 . 00 ! 5 S'D Pmdy, roll' -clerk -• 400 -: '4 00 O Jesse Gifford; ,inepectet• of- '- ' • election . .. .' 4 31 ';•i 4 31 7'Oeorge W --Dean; 9nspector'of " ' =-election - •—•• 4.00' ' 8• H -T Havens, constable ' 8' 05 '9' Eben Rolfe, ea comnrlssioner='38 00.. '8800' 10 John Russell,✓constable; ser !_' " vices ..' •-: 590 - 5',90' 11- 9 V Grahani, road commission -t 1 ' c'er, services' 106 69'1 106,69. 12 John Russell., representative ' 't'" ' ' of the estate•of Hilden Rue ,. t sel'.', ,, 2'.75. -2 75' 13 Amos V Lanning, assessor, services .-.. 20 00- X120 00 144fdger Brewer, railroad conii' missioner, services and dis , :1 ' Dnrsemente:::116188 1G 88 15 Isaac Newman, railroad'coia • misafoner, services and die 1• bursemefits " ' .15; 89 15 89 16 Samuel„X.,.Graham, commie -..c. , ;s :u eioner of.. highways, ;to ,.•i_:; .: u building triage and chang- in creek at Enfield sails.. 484 58 484 58 17 SV Graham, commissioner of, -1, ,..,q highways, ' for building bridge East of Boetwicke 50 CO 50 00 18 S V Graham, road commiaion- er, to 2 days surveying on •;•town•line; , etween and New,fiold 1200 12.00 19 Lawrente'So'nle assessor ' 23 P9'./4! 24`'00 20rE Havens, ea supervisor '29 77). -329 V 21 J M Baker, poll. clerk.._. 4,00 4,9 ,00 22 L P Sexton, •use of house for" ' u ' election and town' purposes 40'00 90'00 23 James M Lanning, justice -of •' ' - ” peace, services • - • 18.00,_' .18 00 24' Wm Marshall, justice of peace; t servicesgza0.-'2,00 25' D W Bailey, supervisor 44'23 ' 44 28 24, Elipbalet,: Covell, justice' nf" ;1' ' peace,•services'"> •'9 60 :' 9 60 27 E Covell• jcstice-of peace, ser-i'i :1 • vices ' - .. 22 00 422 00 28' Wm Marshall; justice of p . "peace, '• services... 5 45 5 4r, 291 Amos F Carryjustice of peace, ` -- • ' • services- ' 6 80 -"'6100 30 ElishaHorton;justice of peace, "' services 8 00 • 8 00 31 Wm Barber, town ' clerk,- ser- vice's . . ... .••. 42 sq.:- :42 90 31 Barr Rnhteey, constable; ser- • '' .:vices!.::..::, :•.:.:..:..:.:. .t5 70 -" 5'"0 .r •••$1,09265$1,09265 `D: W. BAILBY, fjolie v!spr. ••Wil• MARSIISL)„ • • , ELIPHALBT COvi;t.r., - • JeiiES M. LANNIne, ,. „�,�LISHA-d OBTON , • - . Jnsticei of the Peace, . Wet. BARBBit, Town Cleric;"-, , ,,; 333'Railroad interest 1,750.00• '' I" 34 Commissioner of- high'ivays.e:::250 00 'r • $3,092 65 Sinking Fund, R. R 250 00 ' (Added by Supervisor ) ForMr. Miler 1j.go' �,i GROTON i, Alistisct of,•.'the names of all per5Qns who presented accounts .to",be:auciited: by- the -Board of Town-Auditors'of ttie' town of Groton, on the 4tti'd'ay; of l!�o- vember; 1875, with the amounts claimed by each.''andthe timtlunts finally al- lowed. • . • No. ;'Name ,Nature of claim. Claim'd. All'd. 1 M B Williams; assessor'Clerk; 17 00 7 00 2 H D Spencer, exciee.com::... 24 00 24 00 3 Dr. Robinson,medicalservices 28 00 28 00 4 S 11: Jones,.medical services ' 3'50 5 -, I t 22 00 „ 22;00, G 23 00 23`00, 7 ",t,ii : s0 15'76 --1515 8 L 4i Ogden: aesgsor v•82:00 ;;32 00, 3)'aachoI Fitts, excise - coni t 9.00 9 00, 10'W W White: road comt:I'" 95'50 ''95 51Y 11 S CecReynolds, inspector: of--, ' ' u L 4 W Davey,iHaigetol 'f"elec-J. 4 00 4.U0 tri g;tlo>1;......-..,........... ,...0,00 - 8 00 StSPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 13 George Underwood; oaphifses• • • -for taking •np road23 00 23 00 14 G M Tarbell, clerk of election 4 01 4 00 15 OR Williams, inspector of tion 4 00 4 00 16 Lewis Gross, clerk of election 4 00 4 tO 17 Monroe Thomas, inspector 01 election. etc ' 6 (NI 6 00 18 Edwin Fish, clerk of election 4 00 , 4 00 19 R Lannine. inspector • r. i 4!00 4 00 20 Thomas Morgan, use of house , • for election., _ , 10 00 10 00 21 V B Groes, supervisor...:...., 42 18 12 18 22•EHaleey;constable 195 .1 95 23 A F, Morton,oyereeer of poor 59 09 59 00 21 J' I Booth,.'c offins, etc., for pauper ' `-' 85 00 '• 35 00 25 M D Goodyear, medical ser - 1 vices • • ' 18 50' 18' 56 26 M D Goodyear, do • . • f 4 00 .• .4 00 27 M D Goodyear, do 20 25 , 20 25 2, Palmer Moe„excees of -tax .. 3 69 3 69 29 W W+White,. money advanced for bridges 1140 00 1140 00 30 Everet Smiley, excess of tax8 85 8 85 31 John Goodyear,. medical ser- vices 3 5 r 3 50 32 Wm Niver, assessor 37:.00 37 00 3S L E Draper, excise commis- sioner and cerk of electron 43.00 18 00 04 Aire. Mandell/11e Miller, for taking care of; Mir. Mack„ .61 GO 51 00 i5 J B Harr; railroad coat.. ,.... , 13 10 13 10 36 B H Wakely, railroad cote..,,. . 7 60 7 50 37 Dana Rhodes, medicine,.lor..i 51-e. Fuller 97 32 23' 32 38 John G Cobb, assessor 28 00 28 00 33 John GCobb,,inspector ofelec- tion.,• • 4 00 .4 00' 40 Jerome Hathaway, R. Et. com. 5 00, • .• 5 03 41 Joha Goodyear, medical ser, , vices -09 00' • 39 00 42 Wm D Mount, justice of the peace. etc 14 00 ; 14 00 43 Wm D Mont, R. R. com 9 OJ 900 44 Dudley Androwe, justice of the peace..,..,,, 16.00 16 00 15 Auson Wait, , boarding •Mrs• Mack - , , - 42 00 42 00 46 Dana Rhodes, services in -bas tardy case 1 60 1 60 47 C H Spaulding, constable 5 75 5 70 48 •.” 2 00 2 90 49 " " `, 7 81 7 81 50 Dana Rhodes, services in as; • adult and battery..2 00 2 00 51•Dana Rhodes, clerk of ©lction .4 00 4 00 52 Edwin Nye,. use of hal' fur • , election, etc 25 00 . 25 00 53 Dana Rhodes, justice 01 the • peace 14 00 . 14 00 54 V B Gross, meeting of excise • commissioners, etc.... . 4 00 4 00 55 laugh Halsey, jastice of the . 'peace.- 9 40 9 40 36 1) 13 Backus, townclerk • 23 80 26 81 51 43 13 Wak••ly, W D Mount and , John B Hart, R. R. commis- si.,ners, interest and sink- ing fnud U. I. & E. 10. 10,.,1181 87 1186 87 We the• undersigned, composing the Town Board of the town of Groton certify the forego- ing Is a true abstract of the bills audited at a meeting held for that, purpose at.Groton Nov. 4th, 1875. V..B.,Gieoae, Supervisor.: —Dana Raone3,• Wm.:D. MouKm, • .1 : DtiDLEY, 4.tt. s, Hung AALSEY, Justices. D. B. Beemus, Town Clerk. • (Added by Supervisor,) ,„ rJ• 58 A Backus, inepector'of election r 4 00 59 Andrew Metzger, " &8'„ 6 O.Q 60 t,avin VanBuskirk. •Clerk of election, 4 00 61 Wm Butnham,'R.'R. ommissionor ,t -, „ li- inspector of election.:..:...,:, 0 00 rig A B Rogers, use of house for election'• 10 00 o3 George Perkins. excess' of lax added; , - by requast of town board'• r(1 L N ,thapin, printing bid...... ..., �„ 19 10 65 V B Grbss, tax roll::.: ';,:, 66 A Backus, R. 1t. commissioner,-...., 5 01 67 Interest add principal dpc.on S. 0. R. R. bonds 15125 00 • :18102 96 At a meeting of the Town. Board ' of Au'ditors;.for the town 'of 'Ithaca;teen- vened at ,the" office of the , Tuwn'Clerk; Nov,'.4th; 1875.the tollowing bills were audited and allowed: • No. Name. . Nature of claim. Clam'd. 1 Samuel: litoddard,oyerseerof poor., $1,682 40 2 James E Puff, cons.abld, assigne(i'to "Joan Collins • " • 6 33 3 L Sntackey,pollclerktown" Meeting , • '• and stationery • • ' ••• • .4 23 '4 S A Holmes,meals for prisoners and house forelrctiou ' • :. ,,'. ''26 00 5' C D Johnson; ,inspector , 'of election, 2nd dist " 400 .6 Andrus;McChain'& Co.,etattonery„ 11 00 7 Dr A Biehop,'town physt lap '150 00 8 A R Whitaker;'constable. ,..'...,.,. --33 40 9 Dr e P Sackett; town phyeician...,; '.150, 00 10 Edward Landon, constable.':,_ , • 21 10 It 8 B Landon. deputy sheiift • • 5 75 12 W F McCmne, poll clerk, 2nd dist.,' 4 00. 13, W P Harrington, inspector 01 else- ' tion 3rd diet' ' 4, 00 14' WW J Totten, poll clerk 3rd 'diet.',,, . •. 400 15 James E Putt; constable, assigned to . - . Washington Davis...:.::. .;' 50 25 16 James E Puff, constable; assigned to. • WashingtonD4vie........ " -" : 30 75 17 Daniel J Seaman, overseer of poor- 138 60 18 0 H Gregory, excise .cominieetoncr ' ' " and stationery.... .... ... 26 13 19 S H WIltette,excise commissioner... -, 24 01 20 Liuf ird Mood, " "' " • • 24 00 21 Royal Thompson, assessor.:........ , 100 00 22 Wm M Smith, coal for town clerk • ' office„,, 3 63 23 James 10 Puff c..nstable, aesignee,to ,, Joseph Brows 102 60 24 A King as Sons, lumber i'or'commi . owner of highways......: . ;78. 26 25 Walter C. Steele,poil clerk 14 diet.., - 4 00 26 Chas L Tab3r, inspector of election 1st di•t.... - 4 00 27 Geo M Tomlinson, use of house for election . 15 00 28 Wm J Totten, copying assessment' ��L5 roll. 3 00 29 Geo W ,Jones, use oi house for elcc- tion ” 15,00 30 Myron 'A Sexton, ae5eesor..... .... 110 00 31 H W Ensign:oollclerk totbnmeeting inspector 2 d dist 8 00 :32 Jas a {{umpkine, insp'r of elestiun lst dist and stationery 4 25 33 Henry R Kenyon, inspector of elec- tion, 1st diet ' ' `+ 4 00 14 Austin N Hungerford, poll clerk 1st"• ' diet 'rt 4 54 U`34 8t rEB'ISORs' PROCEEDINGS. 35 Sam B Beers, assessor 250 00 88 ()has F Blood,office rent to Ang.1st, 1876. 37 Police 1,fromMat. 6th,toNov.9th, 65 00 1875 751 75 38 Ithaca Democrat, printing 20 75 89 J. C..Barritt & Son, keys for ballot boxes 400 40 Jay e K ine, services .... ..... 500 41 Enos Bnckbee, Military Hall for town meettbg 37 CO 42 J C tionW dist inspector of elec- tion lec- 400 43 T P St. John, inspector of election 3rd dist 400 44 8 D Halliday, services iv Bastardy case. 10 00 45 J H Tichenor, justice of peace, as- signed to Jona F Hawkins 46 Ebenezer Purdy, refunding tax 47 H Lamkin & Bon, livery 48 Eugene Maurice, poll clerk 8rd dist 49 Old police bill,Nov.13 h 1874 to Mar. 2nd, 1873. Leonard assigns 34 of ihts bill to A King & Bone 842 06, Robinson, Dickinson & Norton, 0126 19..... . 50 James Gardner, constable bill 51 J H Tichenor, justice bill, assigned toRACr tier........ . 402 19 52 E M Crone, Nov. 1874 to Apnl 7th, 1875 53 EU Phelps, constable bill 51 B Almy,jn-tice of peace 55 D J Seaman, livery 56 !Spence Spencer, inspector of elec- tion 2nd diet 57 B Almy, J of P, service bill 58 J B Ticttenor,J of t' " 59 A M Lucas. J of P 60 Chas 0Day, J01P " ` 61 A H Phillipe, town cleik 62 A H Phillips,ll clerk 2nd dist 63 CatoG Day. justice of peace 64 David L Bart, supe visor.... 65 S S Heastie, highway jury.... . 66 Treman,Valenene & 2reeo,tor com. of highway .............. 67 W W Bay, for coot. of highways 8+ J B Warren, „ ,• 69 r'reman,Kittg & Ca. ` 70 John fturnser,16. " • 71 A M Lints, justice ofpeace Ta Comfort banehaw, com. of highway 73 John L'Whiton and Peter Apgar, rt. R com 74 Additional police bill 257 91 37 60 400 168 25 15 25 Sam. Stoddard to town of Ithaca: Certificates $1,0110 00 Interest ............. 3J 25 D. J. Seaman to town of !theca : Certificates 855 29 Interest 44 90 Comfort Hanenaw to town of Ithaca; Certificates. .. 2,703 0) Interest 85 70 87 38 66 80 17 39 16 60 4 50 74 110 19 01 78 00 79 00 1920 4 00 113 19 189 98 13 00 5 15 120 15 6 36 5 70 317 70 40 21 21 00 96 25 6,859 21 76 Interest.on G. & I R. R. bonds 6.909 51 77 " 1. & A. " " 21,000 00 $80,909 51 $42,298 92 LANSING. Abstract of the names of all persona who presented accounts to be audited by the Board of Auditors of the town of Lansing on the 4th day of Novem- ber, 1875, with the amount claimed by each one and the amount allowed: No. Name. Nature of (Maim. Clam'd. A11'd. 1 Jonathan Norton, inspector of election 600 600 2 James G Buck, inspector of election 4 00 4 00 3 John Tirhenor,inspector, of election..... 400 400 4 Almon M Tarbell, inspector of election.... 6 00 5 00 5 John Davis, inspector of elec. tion 400 409 6 Dana Bower,inspector of elec- tion 7 John Smith, inspector of elec- 400 400 tion 400 400 8 Harvy Teeter,c'erk of election 4 Oi) 4 00 9 Samuel D Baser, inspector of election 400 400 10 Mervin Bower, inspector of election 4 30 4 30 11 lames H Rosa,clerk of election 4 00 4 00 12 Jacob lthodes, " 4 00 4 00 13 John W Pratt, „ 4 00 4 00 14 Henry Field, `• 4 00 4 00 15 Lamson Redden, " 5 00 500 16 S D Field, excise commission- er... 800 300 17 A M Clark,excisecommiaeion- 3 00 800 15 00 15 00 15 00 15 00 10 12 10 12 2 20 2 20 680 630 er 18 Thomas Ross, ueeol bonze for e.ection 19 Henry Miller, use of hoose for election 20 Nelson Gravea,etcess of tax 21 Bli Conklin, constable 22 A M Tarbell, " 23 Samuel Stoddard, supphea for 21 HarrieetrButler, supply for poor 25 William N Back, overseer of oor.... . 26 W (`nitck.physician,eervicee for pooz 1,039 23 27 John W Wlcoff, assessor 28 Isaac Hilliard, 900 19 29 H B Donoly, att'y on R. R suit 39 Merrit King, att'y on Midland B. 11. snit 2,785 70 31 D Torben, certified copy o1 record 32 James M Ford, supplies for poor 38 Wm Mead, supplies fur poor 34 Brown & Vhitteoden,plank for bridge 35 L L Myers, ex -town clerk 36 Frank Redden, assessor 37 Warren Seely, useof house 9 L A Oonklin, conetaole 39 Lewis J Townly, excise com- missioner 51 00 46 80 40 00 40.00 19 00 19 00 36 00 24 00 4600 46 00 46 00 46 00 160 00 150100 150 00 150 00 29 35 29 35 $11,384 41 We certify that the foregoing abstract, is cot • rect. U. L. 1113aTT, Sapervisor. Cues G. Dar, J,Mzs H. T1carmon. A. M LOCAs, BHADFOBD AUDIT, Jneticee A. H. PIMA./ s, Town Clerk. " (Added by Supervisor), 76 €ommiseioners G..& 1. ft. 8. sink- ing fund 3;000 OJ 8 03 3 OJ 86 00 35 03 14 62 14 62 12 75 12 75 58 00 56 00 22 50 22 50 10 25 10 25 3 00 300 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDING. 2.5 40 D T Barr, medical service for 00 41 David poor Crocker, jnstice of 6 peace 18 00 43 Israel Luce, commissioner of highways.... 306 00 43 James A. Burr, nee of Hall16 00 44 James A Burr, lumber 70 46 John H Conklin, justice of peace 22 00 46 James M Woodbury, supervis- or 47 James M Woodbury, justice of 720 peace...... 21 35 48 David Crockerjustice of peace 4 15 49 John H Conklin. 2 45 60 Lester A Conklin, constable3 30 51 Wm G Godley, town clerk16 50 52 Nelson E Lyon justice of peace 4 90 53 Nelson E Lyon, " 5 65 64 Nelson E Lyon, supplies for hhw18 00 55 Nelson le Lyon justice of peace 30 45 56 C P Perlin, medical service for poor 600 6 00 18 00 302 00 13 00 70 22 00 720 40 21 85 4 15 2 45 830 16 50 490 565 18 00 30 45 600 $2,022 04 At a special meeting of the Town Board of the town 01 Lansing held at the honse of Warren Seely June 16, 1875, alt the members being pres- ent, the following resolution was unanimously passed : Resolved, That this Board authorize Israel Luce. Commissioner of Highways of said tow,t, to raise the euta of five hundred and fifty boilers on the credit of the said town, to be expended in the following manner,to wit: In building a new bridge and abutment across Salmon Creez, near the old county line,and the cost of said hridge and abutment when finished not to exceed the said sum of 5550 00, appropriated. J. M. WOODBURY, JOHN H. LONKLUN, DAVID CROCKER, NELSON E. LYON, Justices. Wx, G. GODLEY, Town Clerk. At a special meeting of the Town Board of the town of Lansing, held at the house of Warren Seeley,July 24tn, 1875,a majority of the members being preseat,the following resolution was uuan- imonely passed, viz: Resolved, That the Town Board of sail town hereuy authorize Israel Luce, Commi•sioner of highways 01 said town, to contract with the King Iron Bridge Company 01 Cleveland, Ohio, for the erection of a Bingle track iron bridge across Sal- mon Creek on the road known as the Dug Way road leading easterly out of the village of Ludlow- ville, at an expense to said town not exceeding sixteen hundred and sixty-eight dollars. J. M. W000su Y, JOHN H. CONKLIN, NELSON E. LYON, Justices. WM. G. GODLEY, 'rows Clerk. At a special meeting of the Town Board of the town 01 Lansing held at the house of Warren Seely, O::tober 19th, 1875, a m+jority of the mem- bers being present, the following resolution was passed : Resolved, That the sum of six hundred dollars be raised tor building an abutm-nt at the west end Ot the bridge at Myers, filling in abutment of upper iron bridge on Sa mon Creek. curbing highway in one place and bushing and stoning two places all on salmon Creek road. JOHN H. CONKLIN, DAVID CROCKER, NELSON E. LION, Justices, W. G. GODLEY, Town Clerk. NEWFIELD. Abstract of the names of all persons who presented accounts to be audited by the Board of Town Auditors of the town of Newfield, on the 4th day of November, 1875. with the amount, claimed and the amount allowed to each claimant. No. Name. Nature of claim. Claim'd. All'd. 1 Stephen Devenport, ex Super- visor 86 70 36 70 2 Fred R Farmer, com. of excise 8 50 3 50 3 Wm O Palmer, " 3 00 3 00 4 E A Curtis, " " 8'00 800 5 Oney Dassance, assessor 86 00 86 00 6 Joseph 0 Everhart, assessor38 00 38 00 .7 Oliver Crawford, " 37 25 87 25 8 George W Ham, inspector of election let distract4 00 4 00 9 Wm McCollum, inspector of election, let district 4 00 4 00 10 Samuel Simpson, inspector of election, list district.... 4 00 4 00 11 D M Kellogg, clerk of Board of Inspectors 4 00 4 00 12 A 11 Palmer, clerk of Board of Inspectors 4 00 4 00 13 Jeremiah Carpenter. inspector of election, 2d district 4 00 4 00 14 James Stamp inspector of election, 8d district 4 00 4 00 15 Alvah D Brown, inspector of election, 2d district 4 00 4 00 16 RobertAlexander, clerk of Board of Inspectors 400 4 00 17 Abner Stamp, clerk of Board Inspectors. 4 00 4 00 18 Alvah Brown, use of house1000 10 00 19 Benjamin Btarr,clerk of Board of Assessors 14 00 14 00 20 R H Carpenter, overseer of poor 600• 600 21 J W Starr, ex -overseer of poor 800 8 00 22 Starr & Dean; use of house:10 00 10 00 23 George D Goldsmith. consta- ble 11 85 11 86 24 John Bailey, constable 22 55 22 65 25 L D Hamilton, ...:8 10 8,10 25 Isaac A Shirley, use of house2s 00 25 00 27 Jonathan Stamp," 12 00 12 00 28 C C Cook, mediaiservices10 00 10 00 29 Beniamin Starr, justice of peace 14 00 14 00 30 Elvin Thornjastice o1 peace19 35 19 85 31 John W Dean, " 41 50 41 50 32LSHam, 66 1200 1200 33 E3 L Taber, town clerk 60 00 60 00 84 A J White, supervisor14 00 14 50 35 Charles Bailey, ballot boxes16 00 16 00 36 John H Seabring,oummiesion- er of highways 849 10 849 10 37 John H Seabrmg, commission- er of highways 123 00 128 00 88 James Brown, excess tax 4 98 4 98 3s George W Peck, •` 15 74 15 74 40 James Douglass, " " 8 92 8 92 41 Isaac N Rumsey, " 983 19 83 42 Orrin McDaniels, " 24 88 24 38 43 Seaman Larow, 47 04 47 04 $1,604 29 The nndersigned Board of Town Auditors of the town o1 Newfield do certify that the forego ing abstract is correct. Newfield, Nov. 4,1875. A. J. WHITE, cupervieor. . JoRNW DEAN, BENJAMIN STARK Justices, Heron L. Tessa, Town Clerk. 26 SUPERVISORS' 'PROCEEDINGS. Added44 Merrit Bing, R. 18,�coempmi sip ervisoer 6 25 45 D J seaman, overseer poor 7.50 46 A J W h,te, meeting state assessors2 00. 47 Drto assessment roll 'i 00' 43 Burr Ramsey, constable 9 20 49 P S Dudley, R. R. commissioner12 00 50 A J White, per cent on moneys7 28 $1,849 52 ULYSSES. Abstract of the navies of all persons who presented accounts to be audited by the Board of Town Auditors of the town of Ulysses on the 4th day of Nov. 1875, with the amount claimed by each and the amount allowed each, viz: No. Name. Nature of claim. ' Claim'd. A11'd. 1 James H Stoat, inspector of election 4 52 453 2 P H Farrington, bonding com- missioner 9 49 " 9 49 3 Thomas M Bower, inspector of election 4 00 4 00 4 Geo N Mitchel, inspector of election 4 00 4_00 5 Jason G Jones,excess of tax17 15 17 15 16 Betsy Barlow, `• 3' 67 3 67 7 A 13 Olckenman, assessor 55 00 55 00 8 Thomas Bawer, exciee com- missioner 12 00 12 00 9 Royine Fish, constable 1 20 1 20 10 John Dailey, clerk of election 4 25 4 23 11 J D Smith, inspector of elec- tion ... 400 4 00 12 L H Owen,excise commission- er. 28 20 15 20 13 Seymour Bates, surveying. 10 00 10 00 14 James D Pease, commissioner of highways - - 36 00 36 00 15 H B Chase, medical services79 50 79 60 16 Benlamin'Danning, 10 25 10 25 17 George Rightmire, 56 75 56 75 18 G H Whaley, 48 00 43 00 19 O K Dean, constable 835 835 20 Commissioner of highwaye,re- pairs on bridges... .. ... 802 75 8102 75 21 A V Vanhew,commissioner of highways 30 00 30 00 22 C C Mattison,commiseioner of 00 23 Jam D Pease, clerk of elec- 22 22 tion 4.25 4 25 24 A M Holman,bonding commie - stoner 11 74 11 74 25 Leroy Trembly, use of house for election 15 00 15 00 26 Leroy Trembly, use of house for excise commissioners6 00 6 00 27 William Chandler, undertaker 31 00 20 00 28 Benjamin Dunning, -medical services .. 800 300 29 Samuel Colegrove, assessor... 54 58 54 50 30 Isaac Ballard, use of house for election, town meeting,&c. • 79 00 53 00 31 A B Woodworth, ex -supervis- or 600 6 08 32 John M Farrington, medical services. 18 00 18 00 33 John Vanbaskirk, coffin, &c., for Mrs. Bailey.. 20 00 20 00 31 John Vanbaekirk, coffin, &c, for Leonard Wilcox 18 00 18 00 35 Geo H Farrington, ex -town clerk 19 96 19 96 36 Miro Smith,overseer of poor19 00 19 00 37 John Vanbnskirk, clerk at town meeting.. '4 00 4 00 38 Wm Mackj-astice 01 the peace 18 25 18 25 39 Elias Smith, inspector. of elec- tion 400 4 00 40 John Vanhuekirk, inspector of election 4 00 4 00 41 Abram Chase, town clerk 30 00 30 00 42 Jason G Jones, justice of the peace. 400 400 43 Jason Bouton, justice of the peace 20 00 20 00 44 Oscar M Willson, printing4 80 4 80 45 Truman Boardman, bonding commissioner 22 92 22 92 46 James R Emery, justice of the peace 35 50 35 50 .47 R C Tompkins. overseer of poor 19 00 19 00 48 Henry Luckey, assessor 29 00 29 00 49 A 11 Quigley, ex•overseer of poor 21 98 20 25 50 W A Fuller, constable 11 70 11 70 51 Wm Austin, legal services20 00 15 10 At the anneal town meeting of the town of Ulysses held on Tuesday April 6th; 1875. it was Resolved, That the sem or three hundred and twenty-seven dollars and twenty-four cents ($327.- 24) in addition to the two hundred and fifty doll- ars as now allowed by law be raised for the re- pairs of roads and bridges. At a meeting of the town board of the town of Ulysses palled by the Supervisor and held Jane llth, 1875, at the Town Clerk's office, it was Resolved, That the sum of eye hundred doll- ars be raised to repair the bridge at Goodwin's Point. and the bridge known as the Dagget bridge. At the annual mee Ing of the town board of the town of Ulysses, all the membeas being present, the lo.lowing rec,ilutions were unanlmoesly passed : Resolved, That the sum of two hundred doll- ars be raised for the support of the poor. Resolved, That the sum of five thousand two hundred and fifty dollars be raised to pay the interest on the Pa., & 8odus Bay R. R., bonds and seven hundred and fifty dollars for a sinking fend. Resolved, That the Board of Supervisors. be requested to increase the dog tax to one dollar. 1 certify the above abstracts and minutes to be correct. ABRAM CHASE,•Town Clerk, (Added by Supervisor.) 52 Matthew Cully. constable 5 50 53 16 end mpkins,overseer of poor in 1878 10 00 54 Commissioners oners of highways 1077 24 55 Support of the poor 200 00 56 J P King, supervisor 61 91 57 interest on the bonds of the Pa. & S B. It. R 5259 00 58 Sinking Lund on S. B. R. R 750 00 59 Geo H Stewart, undertaking 15 00 60 Tax roll 1 25 59114 86 COUNTY AUDITS. No. Name. Nature of claim. Claim'd. A1l'd. 1 0 H Dean,under-sheriffs fees 5204 47 $195 65 2 R R Howell, dep. sheriff's fees 91 90 62 09 3 S B Landon,dep. sheriff's fees 74 06 74 06 4 J NTichenor,justice of peace, assigned to S L Tichenor.. 98 60 96 62 5 James E Puff, constable fees, 91JPERVISoR8' PROCEEDINGS. 27 assigned to John Collins31 05 27 35 6 James n Lanning, J. P 5 15 5 15 7 John M Fish, constable 9 85 9 85 8 John Ruseell, constable 10 05 10 C5 9 James Gardner, am -table16 20 16 20 10 A R Whittaker, constable33 80 38 80 11 Ezra Rumeey, J P 585 '1 85 12 John W Dean, J P 3 00 3 00 13 George E Goodrich, J P 6 15 6 15 14 L il Hamilton, constable.. 9 35 9 35 15 Ezra Rumeey, J P....... 17 10 17 20 16 Enos Snyder, conetablo 21 25 17 50 17 G D Goldsmith. constable5 90 . 5 40 18 Almon M arbell.... 17 00 8 00 19 Ithaca W ater Work Company 66 00 66 00 20 J M Smith, superintendent of county poor 141 50 137 (0 21 M T Oenmau, do 98 50 75 3:0 22 P .. Faningt n, do 161 50 199 50 23 Georg T eimpeon, meals fur- niened jurors .. 51 00 40 CO 24 S o Halliday, extra eervicea. 299 59 99 59 :5 H L Donuell(, assigned by court to defend Eugene Thompson, not county ex- pense 100 00 000 00 26 JeromeRowe,do Jerome Bow- dtch, not county expense20 00 00 00 27 Dr. Sackett, medical eervices 15 1.0 10 00 28 Byatt & Oltz,lumber.etc, not properly authorized 17 20 00 00 29 J L baker, extra services as clerk 15 00 00 CO 3) Andrus, McChain & Co,eta- ttonery 272 59 272 59 31 3 M Farrington, medical ser- vices 7 05 500 32 J M Farrington, do 500 500 33 J M Farrington, do 7 00 500 334 J M Farrington, do 7 00 500 35 George Rightmire, do 6 00 5 00' 36 George hightmire, do 6 CO 5 00 37 George Rightmire, do ...... 6 00 5 00 88 M M Brown, do . 48 25 36 00 39 Burt G Wilder, do 10 00 10 00 40 .Eli Beers, do' 500 500 41 S H Peck, do 12 00 12 00 42 A Bishop, do 5 00 5 00 43 E J Morgan, do 5 00 500 44 OR Whaley, do 5 00 5 00 45 Wm Coryeil, do 10 00 10 00 46 Mise BB Nivison, do 18 00 12 00 47 J S Briggs, do 16 00 13 OO 48 J J Montgomery, do.... 16 00 13 10 49 M D Goodyear, do 800 0 00 50 D White, do 22 00 15 00 51 M M Brown, coroner, do.... 110 43 93 93 52 Albany Evening Jonrnal,pub- lishing, not accompanied by affidavit 13.90 00 CO 53 J B Fleck, plumbing, etc., on Cterk'e office, 1873 3 93 3 Ni 54 JohnM Jamison,plumbing on jail 82 08 82 08 55 G H Sperry,overseer of poor, 60 85 60 85 58 Gauntlett & Brooke, supplies to jail, not properly author- ized 12 13 400 57 John Romney, supplies. for 58 Joseph Edrallewkite ashiin12 35 00 00 ng jail 18 CO 13 00 59 8 AHolmes,meals to prisoners 15 60 13 09 6U r G Ellsworth, judgment agt. county. 96 17 96 17 61 Selkreg.& Apgar, printing68 75 t3 75 62 Selkreg & Apgar, printing1392 97 1283 00 63 Spencer & Gregory,.printing1230 47 1201 71 54 9' a Randolph, repairs on jail 16 87 16 87 65 Wm H Hammond,armorer,'63 75 00 00 00 66 David Coapman, eherif 'a re- ward.50 CO 50 00 67 King & mongomery,setyices as counselor prisoner 10 00 00 00 68 John Kingsbury, candles fur jail 18 00 18 10_ 69 L O Beers, overseer of poor200 2 00 70 J J Johnson, janitor of Court House 168 00 168 00 71 Spence Spencer, sttionery7 75 7 75 72 D J Seaman,overseer of poor 17 50 17 50 73 E It 8ndrews, stationery6 75 6 75 '74 E R Andtewe, stationery6 75 6 75 _ 75 Joon D Pareo. s, do, 150 150 76 e W Kr app, overseer of poor 17 t0 17 50 77 Norton, Leonard, s obinson, 31ckinron, constables 26 50 21 75 78 Wilson Bro•,palnton jail,etc9 75 0 75 79 George t. Wait, constable20 30 16 80 80 Ed P Landon, constable, as - to Wm M Smith 10 90 10 90 81 CHSpaulding, constable4 35 0 00 • 82 E G Phelps, do 22 20 92 20 93 J E Pull, constable, assigned to ,John Collins....... .... 20 90 20 00 84 M Tyler, conetahle .... 16 10 16 1U 85 Johu Bailey, do 8 65 8 65 • 86 Enos Snyder, do.. 15.25 15 25 87 James Gardner, do 35 45 35 45 88 Andrew Smith, do 1 45 1 45 89 James n Rose, do 460 4 60 90 U Andrews, do 3 40 3 40 9i Burr Rumeey, do 2 50 2 t0 92 hnos anyyder, do 400 400 93 Char'es G Day, J P... 21 88 21 38 94 B Almy, J P 17 54 17 54 95 A W George, J P 160 1 28 96 C J Bill, deputy eheriff 8 52 8 52 97 George Simpson, enumerator 16 r 69 128 40 98 A W George, do 40 50 40 50 99 Azel Lawrence, do......... . 99 60 99 60 100 K T Redden, do 86 43 86 43 101 S ,D Atwate7, assigned to Frederick Deming 19Q 75 152 65 102 A 11 Clark, ennmefator... 90 40 72 90 103 ]giron Halliday, do 74 45 59 60 104 Henry Luc, do 102 60 102 00 105 q M CrandM, do 160 63 186 51 106 John Whitbeck, ao 169 15 185 90 107 John Burton, do 144 00 144 00 1,08 J Merrill do , . 143 50 116 20 .109 Lymon $'inemon, do 129 85 103 56 110 li R Houpt do 180 00 144 00' 111 L C Seers, bo 202 00 161 60 114 L d Mackey do... 161 21 129 10 118 R Luning, rio 92 56 72 36 114 W W Buck, do 103 89 83 24 115 M D Fitch, do 78 00 78 U0 116 Hiram b Rockwell, do 68 00 63 00 117 John M Dean do 102 00 102 00 118 Williams, Sullivan, Seaman, Staley, do., 98 55 98 55 119 E C Marsh, do 16 00 14 00 120 John Davie, -de 8 44 2 65 121 A M Lucas, J P. ' 54 67 53 67 122 H N Rumiston, constable12 52 11 70 123 E C VanKirk, sheriff's fees for boarding pnsoners... 3834 06 3884 06 124 D J Seaman, hacks 11 00 800 125 J M Jamison hose pipe, etc, • for Clerk's office, part not necessary 26 44 254 126 A C Carpenter, furniture for judges office, part not nec- essary.... 86 40 10 00 ' 127 L C Comstock, supplies 200 200 128 A Clapp printing 82 00 27 00 129 O hiWilson, printing 28 75 27 00 130 Wm Ozmun, printing 27 00 27 00 131 J 8 Reynolds 280 55 280 55 • 28 BIIPERVI8OR8' PROCREDIN68. 132 Albany Argus Co, printing 133 E Lounsbery, armorer 184 J3 Lonnsbery, do, 1874....: 135 J G Wortman, hall rent 136 J Hawes, do 187,E 11 Houtz, do 188 Henry miler, do 189 DS Biggs, do 140 J H Theal, armorer... 141 Charles Earl do 142 0 H Howe, do 143 M A uurdick, do 144 L Personine, do 145 A Neiaick, Betting glass, etc 146 D Tarbell, armorer 147 D Tarbell, do 148 Cornell Library armory 149 B R Williams, armorer... 160 Tre nen, Valentine & Green, supplies for ja 1 ya rd N Cha in printing 8 45 8 45 47 60 47 58 24 00 00 00 50 00 50 00 40 00 90 t0 40 00 40 00 45 'Al 46 00 100 00 100 00 30 50 20 50 24 00 21 00 14 00 12 00 3300 8300 8600 3500 6 15 6 15 22 t0 22 Ou 42 15 42 15 800 00 800 00 48 00 48 00 151 L p 77 86 77 86 29 50 29 50 152 Merritt King, attorney or rec- ord in Christ ophercase84 00 84 00 153 Howard & Clement, chairs for County Clerk's office11 00 2 75 154 Lewis Clock, constable 14 75 13 00 165 Finch at Apgar, stationery49 38 49 38 126 L H Culver & tion supplies to jail paid; to Cleik s office rejected .............. ... 79 68 67 68 159 Brooklyn Howard Asylum, board, etc., for paupers,106 48 000 00 158 Ferris & Dowe, counsel fee,5 tO 5 00 159 Spencer & Gregory, order book 700 700 160 D larbell, County Clerk, in - dicing t1871, '72, '78,'74,464 59 464 59 161 D Tarbell, Clerk, fees 1528 57 1588 57 182 Sanford & hrown,painting,etc 5 50 5 50 168 Wilieton & Co, enpplies for Cle rk'sottloe 19 16 19 16 164 A Burris, insurance40 00 40 0:, 165 H J grant & Son, do 87 00 37 00 1b6 Allen Gray, do 25 00 25 00 167 T P St. John, do 31 00 31 00 168 D L Burtt, supervisor 81 12 8t 12 169 D W Bailey, do 71 87 71 87 170 J M Woodbury, do 73 40 78 40 171 Harrison Marvin, do.... 80 67 80 67 172 Josiah Hawes, do 71 59 71 59 173 C L Wattles, do 70 69 70 69 174 A J White, do 75 o8 75 38 175 V B Grose. do 76 11 76 11 176 J P King, do 75 28 75 28 $15.748 00 The following is a table of charges as made by the Boars against the vari- ous towns: CAROLINE. State tax County tax Highways Town audits Willard Asylum County poor Town poor Returned tax $2,504 88 1,891 82 230 00 618 11 247 82 . 58 98 25 00 85 69 $5,1:,1 78 $7 80 1,�n98 79 208 90 888 56 1,1166 28 $6,490 88 Total DARBY. State tax County tax County poor Town audits Town bridge Returned tax Total, DRYDEN. State tax 87,669 69 County tax 4,260 94 Town andite .. 1,260 84 Snprerinten lents of Poor.... 199 70 W .11ard Asylum 829 40 Roads and bridges 2,985 00 Return tax 119 10 Overseers of Poor 250 00 ENFIELD State tax $2.185 45 County tax 1,186 36 Town audits 1,012 65 Interest on railroad bonds. 2 000 00 Commissioner of Highways 250 00 Railroad Commissioner 11 92 Returned tag,,, 2140 Total, $6,700 78 GROTON. State tax $5,182 07 County tax 2,878 98 Retnrn tag 54 94 County Pt or 100 17 Willard Asylum 2M3 46 Highways 250 00 Town andite 18,402 96 Total, $27,12- 2 53 In hands of Snpervisors_ 265 20 $76,85- 7 83 ITEACA. State tax $18,167 P9 County tax 10,093 75 Town andite 11,3134 41 Highways 250.10 Interest on I. & AR. R. bonds 21,000 00 Sinking fund, R. R. bonds975 59 Interest on I, & G. R. R bonds 6,909 51 Sinking fund, R. R. bonds3,000 00 nupertntendents of Poor611 16 Willard Asylum 1.817 (10 Total, $78,710 01 LANSING. State tax $7,501 98 County tax .. 4.167 77 Toon audits 2.022 04 Highways 8,068 00 To it n poor, pay to Supervisor 50 00 Return tax 8 66 County poor 91 21 . Total, $16,909 66 ULYSSES. State tax $6,680 22 County tax. 8.711 24 Town audita 1,8 7 62 Superintendents of the Poor 366 48 Willard Asylum 95 10 Highways 1,077 21 Overseers of the Poor 200 00 Returned tax 118 58 Interest on Pa. & Sodas Bay R. R. bonds 5,250 00 Sinking Sind 750 00 Total,$20,086 38 NEWVmLD. State tax ....$3.001 91 County audits 1,667 63 Town andite 1,649 58 Eonnty. poor 201 13 Willard .Asylum 829 40 Interest on Pa. & Sodna Bay R. R..bonda 8,640 00 Sinking fond 520 00 Total, 111,009 89 SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. 29 RECAPITULATION Caroline $5,130 78 Danby 6,490 34 Dryden 17,064 67 Enfleid . 6,700 78 Groton 27.122 53 Ith,ca 73,71,1 01 Lansing 16,909 66 Ulysses 20.086 88 NeWHeld 11,109 59 Total, $184,221 74 STATEME1(T showing the amount of compensa- tion audited by the Board of supervisors of the County of Tompkins to the members there- of, within the part year, with the items and nature of such compensation as audited ; the number of days the Board were in session ; the distance traveled by the members respect- ively in attending county canvarsee and meet- ings of the Board within the past year. Published pursuant to 14th section of Act passed December 14. 18'4. ,?'fit% 5/:17; 4 n d1��dyQ07ap.* AB• �Hmt'x�h 1mN4� 8r .04r C�te� z "9tIOSIAZI3dIIS mpr O:md.O..- mood�p0.p'ap A H O rc ca bDs, OD ID co -4 -1-4 -4 - .4.a Days with uo. Cary's. Daysiwlth Board. eft 000000000 r+iD co bD OG E StgraInt Amount allowed for attendance at $8 a day Miles traveled. Mileage at 8c. a mile. Copying roll and ex- tending tax. Miscellaneous_ efi Total. I hereby certify that the above statement is correct; that the Board of Sni.ervlsorsof Tomp- kins County were in session 17 days, and the number of miles traveled during official duty by each member respectively la correct as stated, And that no accounts were audited or allowed by the Board without being verified accorning to law. for any member of said Board or any ether person. • THUS. W. BIINNS, clerk. Statement. cf the aggregate valuation areal and personal estate, and amount of taxes h vied. in the several towns ann wards in the county of Tompkins. as corrected by the norm of Su- pt rv'sors at their annual meeting, In the year onethoitano eight hundred aroreventy-five. .mv�pd�°p C' ymS°w°�Jc o �° o..u°a' H 0 n 3�-•C�W•+W N6Wp�, JJ.-Agb^rt0051b= t rex warn= C V. • 0, 4, Eft Acres of land. .0 J 0:00. 000 r-000ri 1 COW pa Assersea value of real estate, including v.l- lage property and rt al est,te or r.' rnoratinnr. Assessed value of per- eonalest. te. Total valuation as as. seeped by assessors. Corrected aggregate valuation ea .�'3; Amount of town taxes. m apw�i =iwN W W00-.-CDA.l.Q CDK�.. OC N.ret..i i0 w Q • 3�'ia▪ �m'P0A O+SCJor0� 4 QW5i4OSASg Amount of connty taxes 0 00 NQ 00-0000.2 1v OG w sr pppp 0.0 '00. -i 0/ CO Amount of state tax for schools. Amount of state lax, exclusive of , school. •Fa'— CI 0I Aggregate taxation. Rate of tax on $r1. I, Thos. W Barns, Clerk of the Board of Su- pervisors of the county of Tompkins, do hereby certify that the preceding is a true statement of the aggregate valuation of the real and personal estate in the several towns and wards in said county, as corrected by said Board of Supervis- ors, at their annual meeting, in the month of November, 1875. THUS. W. SLIMS, Clerk. 30 surEnvisons' PROCEED/NOE. A statement of the names of the several incorporated companies liable to taxation in the county' of Tompkins ; the amount of real and personal estate belonging to each, as the came is eat down in he assessment rollswhich have been sanctioned by the Board of Supervisors of said county, and the ameunt of tax assessed upon each, for the year ne tht.usano, eisibt hundred ana seventy-five. Towns. Name of Corporation. Amount real rtmocl,tcaexdaubclte- estate ng real est'e Total lAmoun Value. of tax. Caroline, Danby, 4. Dryden. 66 64 " Enfield, Groton, 4. Ithaca. " " 46 " 61. .. Newreld„ 66 Ulysses, " Lansing, .4 11 U, 1.. & W. R. R. Co D. L. & W. R. R. , 'o Ithaca & Athens R. R. Co Pa. & Sodus Bay (4. R. Co. Southern Central R. R. Co U., 1. & E. (4.11. Co N. Y. & 0. M. K. R. Co D., D. & W. R. K Co. ea. & sodas Bay R. R. Co Southern Central R. R. Co. , . & E. R R. Co First Natio, al Bank First. National Bank Tompkins County National Bank /Thaw& Water Works Co ltha( a Gas Co U., I. & E. R. R. Co ., 1. & A R. 16. Co D. L. & W. R. R. Co C. L. R. R. Co G., 1. 16 A. R. R. Co a. & Sodus Bay R. R. Co Pa. & Sodus B•ty R. R. Co G. & L R. R. Co C. L. R. R Co _ N. Y. & 0. M. R. R. Co $50.000 00 10,666 00 40.000 00 800 00 30,000 00 36,000 00 10,009 00 1,500 00 1,500 00 60,400 00 8,000 00 5.000 00 1E0,010 00 12,356 00 1,200 06 4 0u0 00 6,800 60 53,909 00 49.400 00 11,600 00 24.000 00 2.600 00 5,300 00 50,000 LO 65 OM ( 0 31,500 Ou • $112.000 00 1,01000 • 48,100 00 - $50,000 00 1. ,666 0 40,000 0 800 00 00.010 00 16,000 00 0,00 00 1,5. 0 01 1,500 00 60,400 00 8,000 00 5 000 00 150,000 00 124,35660 30090 52 000 CO 6,800010 53.900 i 0 49.000 0 11 600i 0 24.00000 • 2.60000 5,990 $ u 50.000 00 65,000 00 31,5' 0 00 $266 00 95 99 360 00 7 10 457 80 t 44 16 17280 22 89 33 00 80986 107 20 67 00 2 715 , 0 2,250 ( 0 , 4 30 950 25 123 08 975 57 694 14 20996 33600 36 40 52 58 496 00 476 45 23089 701,522 00 162,300 ( 0 1 863,822 00112423 84 •1 AN .9..BsTRACT OF THE FEES OF County and Town Officers, &c. COMFILED BY THE DIRECTION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF TOMPKINS COUNTY, BY THO.1I1.LI S W. B URX8, Clerk. ITUACt1, N. Y . : DEMOCRAT STEAM POWER PRINT. 1876. .4BSTE.R CT OF FEES. ASSESSORS. ?'own Charge. Shall receive for each day's service performed by each, . *2 00 Laws of 1870, 'Chap. 242, t 2. As FENCE VIEWERS. Town Charge. For services in examining and certifying in relation to sheep killed or in. lured by dogs, per day, ...... 2 00 Laws of 1870, Cluvp. 242, C 2. Laws of 1864, Chap. 197, CC 3, 4 and 7. Individual Charge. For services in relation to dik.sion fences; each' day, Laws of 1866, Chap. 540. () 43. FOR SERVICES IN RELATION TO STRAYS. For certificate of damages, 2 26 For every mile lie shall be obliged to travel from his house to where the strays are kept, ... For services in relation to floating timber, &e., no fees prescribed by re- vised Statutes, ... (Chapter 242, Lams of 1870, luts sometimes been supposed to apply to services as fenee iev,ei•x, hat it ix doubtful. APPRAISER. (Appointed by 'Surrogate.) in addition to expenses necessarily incurred shall receive a reasonable com- pensation to be allowed by the Surrogate not exceeding for each day actually 'employed, .............. Laws of 1873, Chap. 225, 9 1. 1 00 04 • 0 00 - CLERK OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Is entitled to a reasonable compensation to he tixed by the Board. For a certified copy of every account on file in his office, for every folio of 128 words ... 08 1 Edmonds' Stat. at Large, p. 340. For administering an oath or affirmation and certifying same when required NAVA • 2 Edmondd Stat. at Large, p. 658. ABSTRACT OF FEES. CLERKS OF THE POLLS. Town :Charge,. • Shall receive for each day's service performed by each.. ...:.............. 2 00 Laws of 1570, Chap. 242; cj. 2 COLLECTOR. )\'.�(i.s P„)..\1:.. faxes) - For collecting and receiving taxes within -thirty days from posting notices required by laws when the aggregate amount to be collected by war- rants, exceeds $;2;000, - .1 perct. When amount sloes not exceed $2,000, 3 per et:. Fore :it\c 4 collected rafter e epiila ion'of stied that} hays ' S per ct. Fcir all unpaid taxes returned to County 'l reasiii:er to be paid' b y Couui.y, Treasurer, . i :•: ''2eijcl. .............. 3 Edmonds' Slat. at Large, pp. 308; 317. •(•ii,J, • , t { 1' jNlS: :L':i, ! .,, 1 .-.• • COLLECTOR ,_,, y (Of School District:).;:_. ; . Fur all Mates voluntarily paid within tou'i,ceks fi•otn time`of rceeiviiig'uar rano ............. .... `1 ped"Ct' For 411. faxes collected'atter expiration !of two .•woeks, t5'per ct: In case of levy and sale traveling fees, to he computed from school house in.. district; per mile,....... ........ 10 L,7cs of 1864, Chap. 555, tj 84. - ass ..•.... • " 'CO'.IIMISSI0'`'ERS;.OF"EXCISE.` lobi Charge. For each clay? .': !;.: j : :j...':".:'.".... : Lexus -of 1874: , ... . COMMISSIONERS OF HIGHWAYS..:,,, 2oton Charge. t, 1 • For each day actually and necessarily...spent in, discharge;of otyicial. duty.... 2 00 As.•Fr is i ww s „ SeeC'Akessors. • .. .. ... . • COMMISSIONERS FOR LOANING MONEYS OF May retain out of the interest of the tn'oneys committed, to their charge, re- spectively in eaclr and°4every yearp ; - Upon $25,000,:orless stun; :.:. i.... '}; % Of'i'Per Ct.' Upon_taifurther. sum of. $25,000 ,or less; ...:• ::::::.. :::::::::.: ? of 1'pei• et.' Preparing notices of sale.and services_ ... Vii::: .-":' : 5 00 • Ifpaid�heforeos:ile, • a _ • 3 Edmonds' Stat. at Large, pp.• 51;,82. WV ABSTRACT ,OF.MRS. • CONSTABLES. SERVICES I1 Civn Ac'rto:s. For. serving summons...... For serving warrant 25 For ,serving attachment 75 For serving affidavit,. notice and summons in replevin, ..................... -:50 • • For copy of such affidavit, police and summons, .... .... .... .... ........ ... 50 For ,copy of summons,...... t... - 15 For copy of attachment, and inventory,... r5 For notifying plaintiff of service of warrant,........•...... 25 For subpoenaing witness nut exceeding four, each,: ..'. ..... ...., .. 25 For summoning a jury, '75 For taking, .charge — . .of, ,jury.. . 50 For serving an executiou, for every dollar collected to the amount of $50;00: 05 For Orery dollar collected .over .$50,00. . • • , . . 112,J, 25 TRAVELING FEES. For every mile traveled to serve summons, warrant, attachment, execution„ oi• to notify plaintiff of service of warrant, (in ease no affidavit is made tjiat the officer had no other business, official or private) going oly, thel distance to be computed from the place of abOde of defendant, or plain- tiff notified, or where he shall be found, to where process is returnable, 10, For every mile trtiveled going and•r•eturning to serve summons, warrant, at- {aChmcut, execution or to notify plaintiff of service. of warrant, upon nitiliing affidavit 'that officer at the time had no other official or •private linsiness on traveled•route and that number of nines charged was actual- ly and necessarily' traveled on one process—distance computed as above. „10 ' Laws of 1800, Chap. 602, ij 6. Lasix of 1860; •Chirp 820, (4 1, 2. SERVICES IN SP.i:CLU, PROCEEDINGS. For serving a sumtnons, ......:'.....• For during a warrant, •............................. .. 50 For aiTest.ing and committing any person, pursuant to process, .... 1 00 Traveling fees as in -civil actions, ... Loris of 1860, Chap. 820, ( 1. MISCEId..\NEOUS. For sutnmoning jury to assess damagos in proceedings relative to laying out highways, ... • '3 00 Laws of 1869, Chap. 820, tj 1. For summoning each juror.on proceedings to lay out• or alter highways ..•.. • 10 For each mile actually and necessarily traveled in summoning such jury,.... 10 Laws of 1873, Chap. 315, 6 8. 6 ABSTRACT OF FESS. SERVICES IN CRIMINAL CASES. For serving warrant, (if an arrest is made,) 1 Dario, 658. Traveling fees same as in civil actions, For taking defendant into custody. on a mitimus, . Mileage taking prisoners to jail, seine as on warrant ; no affidavit, going each 75 25 With affidavit, going and returning, each mile,10 10 For taking charge of a jury 50 For attending Court pursuant to notice from Sheriff; for each day, 2 00 For each mile traveled going to and returning from such court payable by County Treasurer on Clerk's certificate, ....... 05 Law wf 1869, Chap 820, $ 1. For serving a subpoena, each witness, 123i Mileage on distance actually and necessarily traveled going and returning to serve subpoena on all the witnesses and not separate mileage for each witness, for each mile. .,. 08 2 Edmond' .fire. 111 Iwd;ge, p. 776. CORONERS. County Charge. Mileage to place of inquest and return, per mile 10 Summoning and attendance upon jury .... • 3 W Viewing body.. .... ....... ........ Service of Subpoena, per mile traveled ...... 10 ......... Swearing each witness......... ...... 15 ............................ ..... Drawing inquisition for .Tnt•ois to sign 1 00 ................ Copying inquisition for record, per folio, one copy only .................... 25 For making and transmitting statement to Board of Supervisors, each inqui- sition .............. 50 For warrant of commitment... 1 00 For arrest and examination of offenders, fees the same as Justices of the Peace in like cases, .... Shall receive for each day and fractional part thereof spent in taking an in- quisition, (except for one day's service,) . 3 00 For taking ante-mortem statement (per day and fractional part thereof),... 3 00 Mileage to and from the place, per mile,. • ... . lei For taking depositions of injured persons in extremis, . 1 00 When in consequence of the performance of official duties he becomes a wit- ness in a criminal proceeding, he shall be entitled to receive mileage to and from place of residence, per mile, 10 For each day, and fractional part thereof, actually detained as such witness, 3 00 Shall be reimbursed for all moneys actually and necessarily paid out by him in the discharge of official duties, Laws of 1873, Chap. 833. Laws of 1874, Chap. 535. ABSTRACT OF FEES. 7 When required to perform duties of Sheriff, same fees as Sheriff in like cases. For confining Sheriff in any house on civil process, for each week, to be paid by Sheriff, ................ .......... ..... 2 Edmonds' Stat. at Large, p. 266. COUNTY CANVASSERS. See "Supervisors" and `County Clerk." COUNTY CLERK. State Charges. For giving notice to the Governor of persons who have taken the oath of office, for each name, For giving such notice of persons who have neglected to take the oath of office, or to file or renew any security within the time required by law, and of any vacancy created by any officer dying or removing out of the County or place for which he was appointed, and of all other vacancies in his County, for each name reported, 06 Notifying every person appointed to office, ............... 25 And all expenses actually and necessarily incurred by him in giving any notice, Which the Comptroller shall deem reasonable, Fur recording any mortgage to the people of this state, fee paid by Comp. troller, ....:.................. 2 Edmonds' Stat. at Large, p. 661. ,r As CLERK OF BOARD OF CANVASSERS. County Charge. For attendance in canvassing the vote give at any election, ................ 2 00 For drawing all necessary certificates of the result of such canvass, for each folio, 18 For every copy, per folio, ........... . 09 For recording such certificate, per folio, ........................ 10 2 Edmonds' Stat. at large, p. 661. As CLERK OF COURTS OF OYER AND TERMINER AND COURT OF SESSIeNS. County Charge. 2 00 08 rva ewvm++ugawt�nvei6................................................... (18 For entering or respiting a recognizance, ... 121 For calling and swearing a jury . .... ................ 19 For entering a sentence in the minutes kept by him, 123i For every certified copy thereof , , , , For a transcript thereof for the Secretary of State, 12y. Copies of records, &c., each, folio (individual charge),..... 08 2 Edmonds' Stat. at Large, p. 776. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES. For searching the records in his office, or the records of mortgages deposited in his office, by loan officers and Commissioners of loans, Or the dockets of judgments; for each year, 05 1 8 > ABSTRACT OP PRES. Recording conveyances of real estate' and all other instruments -which by law ' maybe recorded, each folio, ..........................:..:..:':'.:..:. 10 Filing every certificate of the satisfaction of a mortgage and •entering such satisfaction, ........................ 25 Entering a minute of a mortgage being foreclosed .......................... 10 Entering in a book the bond of every collector,,... •. ,12 Searching for such bond, .....,.. ......................................... 06 Entering satisfaction thereof,......... .... . 123 Receiving and filing every paper deposited with him for safe keeping, ...... .. 03 Searching for every such paper on request, for each paper examined,....... 03 Roccivtng grid filing the liapers of any insolvent or relating to the proceed- ings against any absent, concealed, absconding or imprisoned debtor, in each case; such papers not to be charged as having been separately filed, 1244 Searching for such papers for each year, .... 06 For determining and certifying the sufficiency of the sureties of any Sheriff• 50 t For investing the proceeds of the sale of any estate under, proceedings in o partition pursi;ant to tin order of the Court, upon any sum not exceciing X200, .... .......... .............. ........... ... . per ct. For any excess, ............................. % per ct. For receiving interest on such investments and paying over the same to the persons entitled, ....... %Per ct. For searching for a bail piece and annexing it to recognizance roll,.... For recording every certificate of incorporation aiithOriX'ed 'by lah 'to be .. recorded,. .................................. 75 For searching and certifying.- the title of, and in''eumbrances iipon real 'estate, for each conveyance and incumbrance certified by him,..:`. .... ' 10 Such fees shall in no case amount to•less than ,50 cents•nor more than $7,:.. 4 Edmonds' Stat. at- Large, p. 667- - ' For filing each chattel mortgage or copy, ............................ .... ' 06 For entering each chattel mortgage, - 06 -.F, 4 Edinond.9' Stat. at Large, p. 441. • • For tiling notice of Mechanic's Lien, and entering particulars, :......... .:: ` 10 Lams of 1869, Chap.. 558, t 2. . For recording and indexing any notice of the pendency of an action,_ per folio.' 10 . Laws of 1864, Chap. 53, $ 4. • .. For canceling of record of such notice on order of .the Court;.•.•.... : .•.:.. 25 . Code y 132. . For entering satisfaction of a judgment, 121! For every certificate, but not to be allowed for certifying anj- paper for the copying of which he shall be paid, ...:••••• ....... For copies and exemplifications of records and proceedings on file, ant;fur- nisbecl on request (except copies of papers in civil actions, Code • 312), each,folio,..•.................. r..... 08 For administering an oath or affirmation incases where • no, fee is. specially ABSTRACT OF FEES. 9 provided by law, and certifying the same when required, ......... 12% 2 Edmonds' Stat. at Large, pp. 658, 659. SERVICES IN CIVIL ACTIONS. For entering judgment, • • For trial fee, paid by party bringing on action,. • •........ For entering judgment by filing transcript................................ For copies of papers, every 100 words, ........... Code, t 312. SERVICES FOR WHICH COMPENSATION Is DISCRETIONARY. The following services are required by various Statutes. No fees being pre- scribed by law therefor, the compensation is a reasonable sum,to be fixed and determined by the Board of Supervisors: For writing, folding and depositing in a box the names of grand and petit jurors,.. .... >.. . In giving notice of drawing juries and publishing the same, •. For serving notice on Sheriff and County Judge of drawing juries, ....... . For drawing juries and making list and delivering to Sheriff. . . ..... . For drawing additional petit jurors on order of the Court, and making lists thereof, ....... ....................... For receiving and transmitting the duplicate census returns to the Secretary of State,.... For arranging, binding and preser• ving the original census returns, . . . For swearing Justices of the Peace, For giving notice to Supervisor of the neglect of Justice of the Peace to file oath of office,. z. For transmitting to the Secretary of State statistical information c6ncerniug convicts, ....... For transmitting to the Comptroller the names of all religious societies • that were incorporated in the preceding year, For transmitting to Secretary of State list of names of persons changed in the preceding year, ............................:.......... For reporting to District Attorney all omissions of town officers to make and transmit returns and certificates which by law they are required to make to such Clerk,........... For approving the bond of the Sheriff, .................................. •. For approving the bond of Coroner, acting as Sheriff, ........ For approving the bond of the Surrogate For delivering to Sheriff copy of order for defaulting juror to show cause, For delivering to Sheriff copy of sentence of' any person to jail ............. For delivering to Sheriff copy of sentence of any person to the State prison For making and printing calendar of causes for Courts, .... For making a return to a writ of error or certiorari, ............ For issuing subpoenas to defendants in criminal cases, ............ . For witnessing and certifying the execution of the death penalty 50 1 00 06 05 10 ABSTRACT OF FEES. For making index to books of records and collectors' bonds, ... ....... For making certificates for pay of jurors and other officers for attendance at court, . ..................... For delivering notice of election to superdlsor or assessor,. For causing same to be published, • COUNTY JUDGE AND SURROGATE. Salary of, paid by County Treasurer, .2,500 00 Laws of 1872, Chap. 767, 3. A County Judge of one cbunty holding a County Court or presiding at a Court of Sessions of another county, shall be paid for his expenses by the County Treasurer of wch other county, the sum of, per day, ...... 5 00 Provided that such compensation shall be paid only in case of the sickness or disability of the County Judge of the County in which such court is held . ..................... Laws of 1874, Chap. 64. COUNTY SUPERINTENDENTS OF THE POOR. County Charge. Salary, per day, ............................ Proceedings of the Board of S1.pervisors, 1870. COUNTY "TREASURER. County Charge. Salary CRIER OF THE COURTS. 3 00 . 500 00 County Charge. For each day's attendance at any Court of Sessions or Oyer and Terminer .... 3 00 For traveling expenses going to and returning from said courts, per mile, .. 05 Laws of 1866, .Chap. 588, § 1. Laws 1859, Chap. 496. DISTRICT ATTORNEY. County Charge. Salary of.................... ......... 600 00 Expense of counsel in criminal trial to be certified by presiding Judge and paid by the• county ....... , Laws of 1874. p. 387. ACTING AS SURROGATE. Same compensation, pro rata as Surrogate, ...................'. ............ Laws of 1871, Chap 859, § 8. EXECUTORS AND ADMINISTRATORS. For receiving and paying out all moneys not exceeding $1,000, ... 5 per ct. Exceeding $1,000 and less than $10,000 2 1-2 per ct. Exceeding $10,000, .. . . . . 1 per ct. ABSTRACT OF FEES. 11 And in all cases a just and reasonable allowance for actual and necessary ex- penses, Laws of 1862, Chap. 362, § 8. FENCE VIEWERS. See Assessors. GAME CONSTABLE Same compensation as is allowed by law to constables of towns and also one half of penalties recovered by him, Laws of 1872, Chap. 595. INSPECTORS OF ELECTION. Town (Jbarge. For each days' service performed by each, 2 00 Laws of 1870, Chap. 242, § 2. JURORS. COURTS OF RECORD. To each Juror empaneled to try a cause in any Circuit or County Court, for each cause in which he may be empaneled (paid by parties,).......... 25 2 Echnonds', Stat. at Large, p. 662. County Charge. IN TOMPKINS COUNTY. To each Grand Juror, per day, .. 2 00 To each Petit Juror, per day,......... ... 2 00 Traveling fees Grand and Petit Jurors, coming to and returning from Court, per mile 05 JUSTICES' COURTS. For attending to serve as a juror although not sworn 10 For attending and trying a cause, 25 Laws of 1866, Chap. 692, § 9. COURTS OF SPECIAL SESSIONS. No fees, 2 Edmonds' Stat. at Large, p. 742. IN HIGHWAY CASES. Drawn by Town Clerk to examine in relation to laying out or altering a highway, each, (paid by applicant,).. . 50 Laws of 1873, Chap. 315. § 6. Drawn .by Town Clerk to reassess damages for laying out highway, ....... If drawn from an adjoining town and shall attend and not serve, each 50 If they serve, each, 1 00 If drawn from same town and shall attend but not serve, each, 25 If they serve, each, 50 3 Edmonds' Stat. at Large, p. 317. 12 fiarsnuer off SPECIAL PROCEEDINGS. To each juror sworn before any officer in any special proceeding allowed by law, or before any Sheriff upon any writ of inquiry, or to try any claim to personal property.... .... .......... ........ 123 2 Edmonds', Stat. at Large, p. 663. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. SERVICES IN CIVIL. ACTIONS. For a summons, ... 25 For a warrant, ... 25 For an• attachment 25' For a transcript of judgment, ... 25 Adjournment, ........................... 25 Subpoena, including all names inserted therein. 25 Administering an oath, 10 Filing every paper necessary to be filed, 05 Swearing a jury, 25 Swearing a Constable to attend a jury, 10 Trial of an issue of fact, no appearance by defendant, 25 Trial of an issue of fact, appearance and answer by defendant, 75 Entering Judgment, ............... 25 Taking affidavit, ...... 10 Drawing any bond,..............s . 25 Receiving and entering verdict of jury... 25 Venire, ........ .... 25 .... •... ................ ............ . Drawing affidavits, applications and notices in cases required by law, per folio, 05 Execution, ...... 25 Renewal of execution, ........... .. 25 Making return to an appeal, .................... .. 2 00 Warrant for the apprehension of any person charged with violation of laws relating to internal police of State, 25 Warrant for the apprehension of any person charged with being the father of a bastard,... 50 Indorsing any warrant issued from any other county, ........... 25 Summons for any offense relating to the internal police of the State or in case of any special proceedings to recover possession of lands, or otherwise,. 25 For drawing a record of conviction for contempt and other special cases, .. 50 For an execution upon any such conviction, ...............:... 25 Warrant of commitment for any cause, .... ................ ........... 25 Precept to summon jury in special cases 50 Swearing such jury, ............ 25 Hearing the matter concerning which such jury is summoned, 50 Receiving and entering the verdict of such jury, 25 For a view of premises alleged to be deserted, 50 Hearing application for a commission, ........ 50 14 ABSTRACT OF FEES: SERVICES. FOR TOWN. For each day employed, - SERVICES IN HIGIIWAY CASES For swearing jury in case of proceedings to lay out or alter a highway, Laws of 1873, Chap. 315, y 4. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES. Taking acknowledgment or proof of deed or mortgage, and signing certifi- cate, for one person, For each additional person, . For taking and certifying the acknowledgment of any instrument which is required by law to be acknowledged before a justice SERVICES IN BASTARDY CASES. See "Civil Action." SERVICES UNDER CATTLE LAW. Same fees as in Civil Actions, ....... Laws of 1807, Chap. 814, 4 3. IN SUMMARY PROCEEDINGS, LANDLORD AND TENANT, See "Civil Actions" except for warrant to put in possession which see under "Miscellaneous." OVERSEERS OF THE HIGHWAYS. UNDER CATTLE LAW. For seizure of every horse or colt, each, “,,For seizure of every cow, calf, or other cattle, each, For every goat, sheep, er swine, each, Laws 1837, Chap. 814, C 3. OVERSEER OF POOR. County Charge. For each day's service performed, .................... PHYSICIANS. 2 00 200 • 25 12y 25 1 00 . 60 • 25 County Charge. SERVICES AT INQUEST. Reasonable compensation fixed by Coroner, .............................. Laws of 1873, Chap. 833, (12. Laws of 1874, Chap. 535. AT POOR HOUSE. Reasonable compensation audited by Superintendents of the Poor,. AT .TAIL. Compensation allowed by Beard, ................... 2 Edmonds' ,Stat. at Large, p. 449. ABSTRACT OF FLEE: a3 For every order for such commission and attending, settling and certifying 50 interrogatories, Taking depositions of witnesses upon an order or commission issued by • some 10 Court in this or a foreign state or territory, per folio, .... • • • • ' • ' " • • 50 For making the necessary return and certificates thereto, Indorsement on affidavit in an action to recover possession of personal prop- erty J Laws of 1866, Chap. 692, q 1. Copies of process, pleadings and proofs in case where judgment is rendered 4 06 on default, &c., given en demand of person interested, per folio,...... 4 Edntands' Stat at Large, p. 546. SERVICES IN CRLIIINAL CASES. , lO For administering an oath, ... 25 Warrant,..:..... 25 Bond or recognizance," " "' .......... Subpoena, including all nanie3 inserted therein, 25 Commitment for want of bail, . - .... 25 Examination of the accused, where such examination is required by law, for 1 00 each day necessarily spent, ... •• " " '" Every necessary adjournment of the hearing or examination ............ .. 25 Laws of 1866, Chap. 692, 4 3. As COURT of SPECIAL SESSIONS. 25 For Venire, ............ 15 .... Swearing each witness on the trial . ............. 10 Swearing a jury, ........ 25 Swearing constable to attend jury 10''"'' Subpeena, including all names inserted therein, 25 Trial fee per day during actual and necessary continuance of the trial,...... 1.00 Receiving and entering verdict of Jury, 25 Entering sentence of the Court, • ...... 25 Warrant of commitment on sentence, 25 Record of conviction and filing same, .............. ' 75 But all such charges in any one case unless the Court continue more than one day, shall not exceed, 5 00 In such case the costs of each additional day may be added thereto, ... Return to writ of certiorari to be paid by the county, 2 00 For services when associated with another justice in cases of ba• stardy, for each day actually and necessarily spent, ....... 2 00 •Laws of 1866, Chap. 692, y 4. As JUSTICES OF SESSIONS. County Charge. For each day's attendance at Oyer and Terminer or Court of Sessions, .... 3 00 Mileage going and returning, per mile, . • ..... • 05 Laws of 1859, Chap. 46. ABSTRACT OF FEE& 15 PRINTERS. For publishing any matter• required by law, except session laws, to be pub- • lished, not more for first insertion, than, per folio, .................... 75 For each subsequent insertion, per folio 50 Laws of 1869, Chap. 831, ¢ 1. SESSION LAWS. Per Folio, 40 Proceedings of the Board of Supervisors, 1875. RAIL ROAD COMMISSIONERS. Town Charge. Each day actually engaged in discharge of dnties, And necessary disbursements,. Laws of 1869, Chap. 907, ¢ 3. 3 00 SCHOOL COMMISSIONER. Salary, ................ 8 00 Payable quarterly by State Treasurer, ... ............. .......... The Board of Supervisors shall annually audit and allow to each Commission- er within the county the fixed sum, for his expenses, of ................ 200 00 Laws of 1867, Chap. 84, ¢ 2. SEALERS OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. For sealing and marking every beam, .. 10 For sealing and marking measures of extension at the rate per yard of, 10 Notto exceed for one measure, ... ...................... 50 For sealing and marking every weight, ........... 05 For sealing and marking dry and liquid measures, each measure 10 For making weights and measures conform to his standards a reasonable compensation, ................ ........ 3 &tmonde Stat. at Large, p. 869. SHERIFF. IN CIVIL ACTION. For serving a summons, or summons and complaint, or summons and notice of object of action, or any other paper issued•in any action, 1 00 For necessary travel to and from the•place of service to be computed in all cases from the court house, or if there be two court houses from the near- est to place of service, per mile, ..................... Of, Laws of 1872, Chap. 26. For taking a bond from either plaintiff or defendant or any other party in any case where he is authorized to take the same, ......... 50 For a certified copy of every such bond, .................................. 25 For serving an attachment for the payment of money, or an execution for the collection of money, or a warrant for the same purpose issued by the 1 r 1 16 ABSTRACT OF FEES. Comptroller, or by any County Treasurer, fer collecting $250 or less, per dollar, ....................................... ................ 03 For every dollar more than $250, .......... 02 For mileage on every execution, going only, to be computed from court house permile ................. 10 For receiving and entering such execution on books, and searching for prop- erty ........... 50 For drawing and executing a deed pursuant to a sale of real estate, ......... 2 00 (Paid by grantee in deed.) For serving a writ of possession, assistance or of restitution, putting any per- son entitled into the possession of premises and removing tenant, 1 50 Mileage same on such services as on serving summons, For taking a bond for liberties of jail, ...............9..........: ... 1 00 Summoning a jury upon a writ of inquiry, or in any case where it shall be- come necessary to try the title to any personal property, attending such jury and making and returning the inquisition,........ 2 50 For summoning a jury in pursuance of the warrant or precept of commis- sioners appointed to inquire concerning the lunacy, idiocy, or habitual drunkenness of any person, for each juror summoned,....... ... 25 For attending such jury when required, .... 1 00 For summoning a jury in any case not hereinbefore mentioned, ............ 1 00 For attending such jury when required ................... ... 1 00 Attending before any officer with a prisoner for the purpose of having him surrendered in exoneration of his bail, or attending to receive a prisoner so surrendered, who was not committed at the time and receiving such prisoner into his custody, in either case .............................. 1 00 For attending a view; per day, ....... 2 00 Mileage on same, going and returning, per mile, ........... 08 For serving an attachment against the property of a debtor, underthe pro- visions of Chap. 5, Part II of the Rev. Stat., or against a ship or vessel under the provisions of Title 8, Chap. 8, Part III thereof .............. 1 00 With such additional compensation for his trouble and expenses in taking possession of and preserving the property attached as the officer issuing the warrant shall certify to be reasonable............ On sale of such property, poundage on sum collected same as on sales under an execution.......... For making and returning an inventory and appraisal such compensation to the appraisers as the officer issuing attachment shall allow, not exoeeding for each day actually employed....... 1 00 Drafting inventory, per folio ............................................ 25 Copying same, per folio 12X For selling any property so attached and advertising same, same fees as on an execution Attending any term of the Supreme Court, or of the County Court of any Lssrsecr or PEES. 17' County per day ........ ........................ Laws of 1871, Chap. 415. For a copy of every summons served by him, when made by him in Su- preme Court, per folio 12% In County Court, per folio, ........................................ 09 For a copy of every other writ when required by law, ... 19 Returning a writ (summons, certiorari, habeas corpus, execution, eoc., 121. Advertising goods or chattels, lands or tenements for sale on execution 2 00 If execution be stayed or settled after advertising and before sale,.........• 1 00 For every certificate on the sale of real estate, per folio, .. • . • • • . • - In Supreme Court, 25 In County Court, 18 For two copies, each, per folio, In Supreme Court, •... • ' ... 12j. ........... In County Court, . • • • 09 With Clerk's fees for filing one such certificate, • • . • • 06 For summoning the jury to attend any Court, for each cause noticed for trial or placed on the calendar for trial, ......... • .......................... 50 Bringing up a prisoner upon a habeas corpus to testify or answer in any Court 1 50 .( And for traveling each mile from, jail, .... 12i Fur attending any Court with such prisoner, besides actual necessary expen- ses, per da 1 00 Bringing up any prisoner upon any habeas corpus, with the cause of his ar- rest and detention, 1 50 And for traveling each mile from jail............................ 12% For giving notice of any general or special election to the inspectors of the different towns, for each town, 1 00 Together with expense of publishing such notice as required by law, For any service which may be rendered by a constable same fees as constable, For receiving every person committed to prison in civil cases, ........ • 25 Discharging every person, do, ..................... 25 (Paid by plaintiff in process.) e For summoning constables to attend any Court, each, 50 2 Edmonds' Scat. at Large, pp. 663, 665. For a sale of premises on a judgment of foreclosure or partition same fees as on execution but in no case to exceed, ............ ......... 10 00 Crocker on Sheriffs, p. 491. IN CRIMINAL ANI) OTHER CASES. State Charge. For conveying a single convict to the State prison. for each mile from the County prison from which such convict shall be conveyed, 35 For conveying two convicts, for each guile, 45 For conveying three convicts, for each mile, .... 50 For conveying four convicts, for each mile, ..... • .. 53 300 18 ABSTRACT OF FEES. For conveying five convicts, for each mile, 60 For each additional convict, such reasonable allowance as the Comptroller may think just, with $1,00 per day for the maintenance whilst on the way to the State prison, not exceeding $1,00 fot• every thirty miles travel, ,5 Edmonds' Stat. at Large, p. 190. For conveying juvenile delinquents to Houses of Refuge, and lunatics to In- sane Asylums such compensation as shall be fixed and determined by Board of Supervisors, Laws of 1859, Chap. 254, (>1. And for conveying prisoners to Monroe County Penitentiary for each day necessarily employed in the same with actual and necessary expenses3 00 Board of Supervisors, 1875. For executing a requisition of the Governor in any other State, a reasonable per diem and actual expenses, audited by the Comptroller,. A reasonable compensation for the following services :— Arresting fugitive from justice. from another State, paid by such State, Executing any warrant to remove any person from lands of State, or Indian lands - • Serving Comptroller's notification upon debtors of the State, Serving subpoenas of canal board, -canal commissioners or canal appraisers. For making return of convictions to Secretary of State, • Crocker on Sheriffs, pp. 480, 481. Any services rendered for the people of the State or for their benefit and not otherwise provided for, a State charge and audited by Comptroller, 1 Edmonds' Stat. at Large, p. 352. County Charge. For every person committed to prison, ................. 37j-6 For every prisoner discharged from prison, ......... 373 For summoning a grand jury, ... 10 00 For performing any duty which may be performed by constable same fees as constable, (see "Constables.") 2 Edmonds' Stat. at Large, p. 778. For returning the precept for the Oyer and Terminer, ............. 12 4 Forreturning the Jury lists, each, ............ 12M, Crocker on Sheriff's, p. 483. For the following services, required by various Statutes, the compensation is in the discretion of the Board of Supervisors: People vs. ,Supervisors, &c., 12 Wend 257. For proclamation of Courts, For attending upon the drawing of a grand and petit jury, ...... .......... . For summoning petit jury in criminal cases.... ................ . .......... For execution of the death penalty, .... ............ penalty....................................... Fur summoning County officers, physicians and jury to witness execution of death penalty.. .. ........................................ AIISTitACT For necessary expenses of execution, For preparing statements of prisoners in jail for District Attorney, .... For preparing calendar of prisoners in jail for Courts of Oyer and Terminer and Sessions,..... For any service required by law for which no fee is prescribed he is entitled to a reasonable compensation un ler decision in People vs. Supervisors, 12 Wend. 257. For board of Prisoners, Paupers, and transient persons, per day,....... Proceeding of the Board of Supervisors, 1874. SUPERVISORS, COUNTY SERVICES. For each day's service during the session of the Board, .. ................... 3 00 Laws of 1875, Chap. 482, y 8. For each day's service (except when attending meeting of Board), .. ........ 2 00 Laws rf 1870, Chap. 242, C 2. For all necessary travel in discharge of official duties, per mile,.... 08 For making copy of assessment roll and making out the tax bill to be deliv- ered to collector, ............. For the first hundred names, per name,03 ........ • •• • ..... • • For the second hundred names, per name,.... ..... ............. .. ........ 02 For each name over two hundred, etc., etc. 01 • Laws of 1875, Chap 482, y 8. TOWN SERVICES. For each day's service, .............................. 2 00 Laws of 1875, Chap. 482, y 8. For all necessary travel, per mile,. 08 Laws of 1875, Chap. 482, C 8. TOWN CLERKS. For each day's services,................... ..... .......... 2 00 Laws of 1870, Chap. 242, S 2. Entering chattel mortgage in.Boolt............ :........ 00 Filing chattel mortgage or copy, 00 4 Edmonds' Stat. at Large, p. 441. For drawing jury in cases of laying out or altering a highway, ..... . 1 00 Laws of 1873, Chap. 315, C 2. For drawing and certifying a jury to reassess damages in highway cases,.... 50 3 Edmonds' Stat. at Large, p. 317. For entering note of strays, For all neat cattle and horses, each, 00 For each sheep, 03 (Paid by person delivering the note.) 1 Edmonds' Stat. at Large, p. 324. For tiling and entering certificate of marriage, .... 25 1 20 ABSTRACT OF. FES®. For copy of same, 10' 2 Edmonds' Stat. at Large, p. 147. For searching for chattel mortgage, 06 For copy same, per folio, 06 4 Edmonds' Stat at Large, p. 436. • WITNESSES. IN CIVIL ACTIONS. For each day while attending any court or officer, except actions in Justice's court, .... Traveling feesif witness resides more than three miles from the place of at- tendance, going and returning, each mile, 4 Edmonda' Stat. at Large, p 689. For attendance before Justices of the Peace in actions in Justice'scourt, or before a commissioner appointed by Justice of the Peace, or before a Justice of the Peace taking depositions to be used in courts of other states, each day's actual attendance Laws of 1866, Map. 692, % 10. IN CRIMINAL ACTIONS. No fees,. .. 2 Edmonds' Stat. at Large, p. 754. IN COURT OF SPECIAL SESSIONS. No fees, ................ ............... 2 Edmonds' Stat. at Large, p..742. But reasonable expenses of foreign or poor witness may be ordered paid by the Court, 2 Edmond's Stat. at Large, p. 778 Laws 1869, Chap. 155. 50 04 25. AUDITING ACCOUNTS. (General provisions concerning.) FORM AND PRESENTATION. No account shall be audited. by any board of town auditors, or supervisors, or superintendents of the poor, for any services or disbursements, unless such account shall be made out in items, and accompanied with an affidavit attached to, and be filed with such account, made by the person presenting or claiming the same, that the items of such account are correct, and that the disbursements and services ,charged therein have been in fact made or rendered, are necessary to be made or rendered, at that session of the board, and stating that no part thereof has been paid or satisfied. 3 Edmond's Stat. at Large, p. 307. The accounts of members of the Board of Supervisors shall be made out in items and verified as above provided. 3 Edmond's Stat. at Large, p 307. 1 ABSTRACT OF FEES. 23 The sums required to pay bounties for destruction, of noxious .animals, when chargeable to the county. The sums necessarily expended in repairing court houses and jails of the respec- tive counties. The contingent expenses necessarily incurred for the use and benefit of a county. Every other sum directed by law to be raised fur any county purpose under the direction of the Board of Supervisors. 1 Edmonds' Stat. at Large, pp 357, 358. The compensation of Coroners. Laws of 1873, Chap. 833. Salary of, County Judge. Laws of 1872, Chap. 767. Salary of Surrogate. Laws of 1872, Chap. 767. Compensation of County Superintendents of the Poor. • . 1 Edmonds' Stat. at Large, p. 569. Compensation of Justices of Sessions. Laws of 1859, Chap. 496. Expense of printing calendars for Courts of Record. Laws of 1862, Chap. 86. Expenses incurred in insuring county buildings. Laws of 1847, Chap. 294. Services of counsel employed by District Attorney. Laws of 1872, Chap. 733. Compensation of Stenographer in Supreme Court. Laws of 1871, Chap. 700. Damages occasioned by mobs and riots to be recovered by action and not by. au- dit.. Laws of 1855, Chap. 428. Services renderedas counsel for the Board of Supervisors. 10 N. Y. .Reports, 260. Expense of supporting indigent lunatics who are a county charge at State Lunatic Asylum. 4 Edmonds' Stat. at Large, p 18. The sum of $30 annually for each pupil from county in State Asylum for idiots. Laws of 1867, Chap. 739. In regard to State Institution for the Blind at Batavia, see Laws of 1865, Chap. 587. Laws of 1872, Chap. 463. In regard to State Institution for Instruction of Deaf and Dumb, see Laws 1865, Chap. 325. Laws 1870, Chap. 180. Laws 1871, Chap. 548. Laws 1854, Chap. 386. • ABSTRACT OF FEES. Willard Asylum for Insane. Laws of 1865, Chap. 342. Trial of Indictment in another County. 5 Edmonds' Stat at Large, p. 184. 'And see the various heads of the Abstracts of Fees, and the subdivisions thereof. DISTINCTION BETWEEN TOWN AND COUNTY CHARGES IN CRIMINAL CASES. • All fees and accounts of magistrates and other officers, for criminal proceedings, including cases of vagrancy, shall be paid by the several towns or cities wherein the offense shall have been committed, and all accounts rendered for such proceed- ings shall state where such offense was committed, and the Board of Supervisors shall assess such fees and accounts upon the several towns or cities designated by such accounts ; but when any person shall be bound over to the Oyer and Termi- ner, or Court of Sessions, or committed to jail to await a trial in either of said Courts. the cost of the proceedings had before the single magistrate shall be chargc- ablexpon the towns or cities as aforesaid, and the costs of the proceedings had af- ter the person shall have been so bound over or committed, shall be chargeable to the county ; but nothing herein contained shall apply to cases of felonies, nor where the proceedings or trial for the offense shall be had before any Court of Oyer and Terminer, or Court of Sessions of the County, and the fines imposed and col- lected in any such cases shall be credited to said towns or cities respectively. 3 Edmond's Stat. at Large, p. $15. The term "felony" means an offence for which the offender, on conviction, shall be liable by law to be punished by death, or by imprisonment in a State Prison. 2 Edmonds' Stat. at Large, p. 726. The term `criminal proceedings" includes, among other things :- 1. Proceedings against beggars and vagrants. 2. Proceedings to prevent the commission of crimes. 3. Proceedings against disorderly persons. 4. Search warrants and proceedings thereon. People exrel. Post vs. Supervisors Ontario 4, Denio, 260. TOWN CHARGES. The compensation of town officers for services rendered for their respecfiva towns. The contingent expenses necessarily incurred for the use and benefit of the town. The moneys authorized to be raised by the vote of a town meeting for any town purpose. Every sum directed to be raised by law for any town purpose. 1 Edmonds Stat. at Large, p. 331. Judgments against towns, or against town officers in actions prosecuted by or against thein in their name of office. 1 Edmonds' Stat at Large, p. 330. Accounts of Boards of Health. Laws of 1868, Chap. 761. For town charges in criminal cases, see "County Charges. ABSTRACT OF FEES. 25 Support of Roads and Bridges. Support of Poor. Support of indigent Inebriates and Lunatics if town charge, at State Asylums. See references under "County Charges" See the various heads. FORMS. NO. 1. REPORT UNDER CHAP. 341, LAWS 1864. To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County : The undersigned, a Justice of the Peace in and for said county, respectfully re• ports that Schedule A. hereto annexed and forming a part of this report, contains a true and correct statement of all moneys received by him for any fine or penalty, or any other matter in which said county or any town therein, has any interest, during the year ending November 1st,. 187 ; together with the names of the per- sons from whom, the time when, and on what account, such moneys have been re- ceived. That such moneys have been duly paid to the officer empowered by law to receive them as appears by the receipts which are hereto annexed. Dated Nov. 1st, 187 . Justice of the Peace. SCHEDULE A. NAME 1 TIME. ON WHAT ACCOUNT. AMOUNT. TOMPKINS COUNTY, 8S. • being duly sworn says the foregoing report by him subscribed is true and correct. Subscribed and sworn beforb me this 1st day of Nov. 187 NO 2. To the Board of Supervisors of .Tompkins County : The undersigned, a .Justice of the Peace in and for said county, respectfully re- ports that during the year ending November 1st, 187 , he has'received no moneys for any fine orpenalty or any other matter in which said county or any town there- in has any interest. Dated Nov. lat, 187 . Justice of the Peace. Add verification as. in No. 1. LNDE X' TO SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. ACTS. In relation to McLean Cemetery Association ............... 8. In relation to Dog Tax ................................... 13. ABSTRACT. Of charges against towns, ...............:.. 28, 29. APPROPRIATION. For current expenses; .... 19. BAIL BONDS. Of Jason D. Atwater, action upon, ....... 6. CIAIRMAN. Election of, ..... 3. Thanks to, 19. CLERK Electionof, ......................................... 3. Instructions to ....................................... 4, 18, 19. Thanks to, ....:....19 ......... . .. . COMMUNICATIONS. From Comptroller, 4. " Supervisors St. Lawrence Co., 8. " Willard Asylum ................... 4. COMMITTEES Standing ............... 4, 17. Special,4, 8, 11. COLLECTORS. . Instructions to,.... ........................................ • 14, 19. COLORED ORPHAN ASYLUM OF BROOKLYN. Action in regard to . ................................... 3, 4, 11, 12, 13. COUNTY TREASURER. Resolutions in regard to,. . 4. Statement of, ..................... 7 . Amount of bond, .... ....... 11. Instruction for, 14, 19. Report of Com. on Treasurer's Accounts, ............• .............. 14, 15. COUNTY. Audits, ....... 26. CHAPLAIN. 1" Of County Poorhouse, 11 EQUALIZATION. Report of Committee,........... 18, 19. DEBT. Of town of Lansing, ......... 6. << Enfield, .... 6. Groton, .. .. ... .......... ... ... . ........... .. 8. << Ithaca, ....... 10, 11. GRAND JURY. Apportionment of, 9. INSURANCE. Report of Committee, ............................................ 17. .JANITOR. Instruction to, 6, 17, 18. 1 1 i LOAN COMMISSIONER. Report,.. .... MIDLAND R. R. Assessment of MONROE CO. PENITENTIARY. Fees for conveyance of prisoners to, PAMPHLETS. Publishing, ..........: . 10_ 12, 13. 13. 11, 12. Distribution of, 18. PUBLISHING. . Election notices, 11. Official canvass, 11. Proceedings of Board,. ... ..................................... . 13, 12. Session laws ................... ... ........ 13, 19. Table of Index of fees, ... 19. RESOLUTIONS. In regard to supplies and repairs for County buildings .............. 8, 17. Justices of Peace . ............................................... 8. To Sheriff and County Clerk, 8. Superintendents of Poor, 9. Thanks to Sheriff, ........................ 18. ROAD DISTRICTS Assessment for,........ 17. R R. COMMISSIONERS' REPORTS. Ulysses, .. 5. Enfield, .6. ............... .... .................. Lansing, .............. Groton, .............. . Newfield 7, 8. 9. Ithaca, .... 10, 11. SEALER OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. In relation to ............ 12. SUPERINTENDENTS OF POOR. Bonds, Reports of 3. 8, 15, 16, 17. Instructions to,. SUPERVISORS. • • • 9, 13, 14, 19. List of,... 3. Statement of miles traveled, days occupied, compensation, etc , .... 29. TOWN AUDITS Caroline,.. 20 Danby, 21. Dryden, ..................... . 21. Enfield, 22. Groton, ...:.... Ithaca, .22. 23. Lansing, 24. Newfield, ....... 25. Ulysses, ... 26 TOWN 1VIEETINGS. Time for holding,........ 13. TABLE INCORPORATE COMPANIES. Table of incorporate companies in County, . ....................... 30. Aggregate valuation and taxation of towns, 29. WILLARD ASYLUM. Number from each town in, 18.