HomeMy WebLinkAbout1873PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS oI"1.11 E COVINTY FTOMPICINSio, z 'OR TTIE YEAR 1 8 7 3.. JOSIAH HAWES, Ch'n, J. L. BAKER, Cl'k, II ERA 1,I) .10111SI NG DEP ' ItT31 ENT, DILI DEN. ira.tx 1 SAVINGS) BANK. OFFICERS. l'resident --Ezu.t OMNI:: L. Vicc- (E11. AV. Simivi.s.u. Jiiiix Ittoiskv. Treasurer and see:y. A Dooley. 0. II. i'unuAx I'. M. 11' cm: '13'12ns-tees. Ezri Cornell. D. lIoardmin, Joseph Esty. O. It. Curran. !dam Treinan, .1. 11. Selkreg. G. \V. Stiiinyler, Jolui1. NVItiton, John atimsey, 0. 11. Gregory .1. U. Btu rill. A. (.:owdry, FrecleUck K. Jatco .11 ilfo1't•s41-.. Five per tient. per annum on sums nt sIien and muter; over S500, three vent. per annum. Otliee, 7 East State Street, 1 iei, N. V. *utttal iabings atilt, artirfliWr Corner of Genesee and Slate Streels. t7!.ix ]Ler Cent. COYIPOUNI) INTEREST! FREE OF GOVERNMENT T.X. — ()— Deposits of ONE DOLL IR and upwards, received and interest allowed, nt the rate of six per cent. per annum, for every month the same r,unains on deposit. Interest computed semi-annually, January 1st, and July 1st, iiiI plJced to tha credit or the de- Positor, thereby mtving Compound interest. Deposits received on the second tnil third, will draw interest from the first of the same month. OFFICERS—H. '1'. Bitowx, President. 11. T. Cook', Vice President, \V. 11. MEAK ((0. Treasurer. 'PHENIX IRON WORKS, INT _ —5Z" WILLIAMS BRO'S, Ithaca 11 heel Rate & Sower, and other Agricultural Impler •s. Steam :,Ellin, Boilers Astos ad Machinery. Lumber at Wholesale and R tail. P44103, .1oWng ,oto1 .14a:riou tioue to ffi'dCT. 1,Vamax& WILLacE TRUSTEES. James S. Seymour, Augustus Howland, Elmore P. lioss, U. 11. Merriam, Christopher Morgan, Benjamin IL Snow, Vin. H. Seward, Jr., Theodore F. Pomeroy, Horace J-1. .1. 13 rown, Wm. C. Barber, 50111 net Adams. Guernsey Jewett, -Daniel neM,S011, Henry G. Tompkins, Wm, G. Wise, W. Heaker. T. Cook, No. I Tailor Ilan Block, Cortlar.d. DQUARTERS 5.01: PIANOS, ORGANS, MELODEON;, &C. small lie -strum( nts, Sheet Music. Instruction _nooks. WALL PAPEN, SIRDIPS. BOOKS AN.L.: STATIONERY, eitivroo.q. LithogrttpAs and Enfirttrity;s. Picture Framing and Book Binding. 1:3 -Tr Call on us, or write for prices. Dzwx illEAlk.lip ALire Local Pnper. VM. I1. °SMITS-, Editor and Proprietor. Offers unrivaled inducements to advertisers; combining, as it does, au extensive circulation hi a wealthy dis- Diet, where but few other papers are taken. CORTLAND rOUNDRY 'Mb W°rk a SP-71tY ANI) MACHINE WORKS. SMITH, ROLLO & SANDERS. ALL kinds of Mill Machinery. Circu- lar Saw -Mills, Engines, Water -Wheels, Line Shafting and Balance -Pulleys a speci- alty. Agricultural Implements, Dog-Powots, Plows, &c., &c. CHAS E. ALBRO, Sup't. Correspondence solicited. I. N. SMITH, LIFE, FIRE & ACCIDENT INSURANCE AGENT. DRYDEN, TO)IPKINS CO., N. Y. Over S40 000 000 of Insurance Capital represented. SUPERVISORS -ANNUAL SESSION. The Board of Supervisors ot the County of Tompkhw, met in annual session et their room in the Court IIouse in the village ot Ithaca. on the 12th day ot Nov.. :1S73, end was called to order by the nomination of am SiCockavell, E -r1., o f Newfield, as temporary chairman. The roll of Supervisors was called by the clerk, and the following members were found present . Danby—Josiah Hawes. Dryden—,fames H. George. Enfield—Ebenezer havens. Carolina—Chauneev L. Wattles. Groton—V. B. Gross. Ithaca— Lansing—James .11. Woodbury. Newfield—Hiram S. Rockwell. Ulysses --'Phos. Bower 2d. On motion of Mr. Woodbury the proceeded to ballot for permanent 10:m. with the following result': Josiah Hawes—S. 1•Ir. Hewes having received the unanhnous vote of the Board, was declared Chairman for the ensuing year. The Board then proceeded to ballot for clerk with the following result. S. B. Rolle, 1 ; E. C. VanKirk, 7. Mr. VanKirk stated to the Board his inability to serve as clerk for the ensuing year. On motion of JL•. George, the Board proceeded to an informal ballot for clerk with the following result . J. L. Baker. 4; John Wolcott, 2; Alien Gray, 1 ; 5. B. Rolfe, 1. On motion of Mr. George the Board pro- ceeded to a formal ballot for clerk with the following; result : J. L. Baker 5; John Wolcott 2; Allen Gray 1. J. L. Baker, Esq. of Ithaca, having a majority of all the votes east was declared Clerk of the Board for the ensuing year, atter which the Board adjourned until 2r.tt. WEDNESDAY, Nov. 12. AFTERNOON SESSION. The Board met pursuant to adjourn- ment, and was called to order by the chair- man. All the members present. '.11te chairman appointed Mr. George and Mr. Wattles es a committee to pro- cure conveyances for the Board to visit the County IIouse. The chairmen thea announcer] the fol- lowing standing committees: Sheriffs, Clerk's, Constables' and Justices' Accounts.—George, Bower and Gross. Board Treasurer's Accounts—Ithaca, Gross and Chair- Mavens, Equalization—havens, George, Bower Ithaca and Woodbury. Poor House and Superintendents' Reports —Wattles, Bower. Rockwell, Gross and Woodbury. County Claims and Judges' Accounts— Woodbury. Rockwell and Gross. IT. SDeposit I+'and—Wattles, Ithaca and George. Insurance—Bower, Rockwell and Ha- vens. Printing—Gross, George and Wattles. On motion of Mr. Bower, Resolved. That the chairman appoint a com- mittee to draft resolutions relative to the death of Charles W. Bates, Supervisor of the town of Ithaca, and a member of this Board at the time . of his death. The chairman appointed Mr Bower Mr.. Havens and Mr Gross as such committee. Mr. P. H. Farrington presented the re- -1 ' port of the Superintendents of the Poor. The same was referred to the committee on poor house and Superintendents' re- ports. On motion of Mr. Gross, Resolved, That all bills and demands present- • ed to this Board be reported to the proper com- mittees by the chairman, without further action by this Board. On (notion of Mr. Rockwell, Resolved, That the hours of meeting of this Board be, morning, 9o'clock, afternoon2o'clock, evening, 7 o'clock. The chairman presented the official bond of M. T. Denman, Superintendent of the Poor. It was accepted and approved ordered filed. On motion of Mr. Havens, Resolved, That the clerk of this Board be in- structed not to deliver any of the town or county orders for bills audited at this session of the Board to those persons to whom the saris are payable, until after the adjournment of this Board. On motion of Mr. Bower. Resolved, That the County Treasurer be and hereby is directed to pay to the Supervisors of the several towns, all fines in his hands property belonging to said towns. On motion of Mr. Wattles, Resolved. That the Supervisors of the several towns be and hereby are directed to draw from the County • reasurer the excise money belonging to the several towns, to be applied by them to defray the expenses of the town poor. On Motion of Mr. George. Resolved, That the chairman appoint a special committee of three to ascertam and re- port the amount of claims allowed for armory rent, cartage and cleaning of gums : also the number of )nen of the National 13nard of New York state. who are exem••ted upon the assess. meat rolls of the several towns, and the amount of such exemtion, with such recommendations as they may deem prope-. I'be chair main appointed M essrs. George, Wattles and Gross as such committee. On motion of Mr. Woodbury. Resolved, That all county orders issued by this Board be countersigned by the chairman, and all town orders by the supervisor et their respective towns. On motion of Mr. Havens, the Board adjourned. S xnxr.sI)AY, Nov. 12. EVENING SESSION. Board met at 7 p. m.. all the members prevent except .Mr. Bower, who was ex - cured. The chairman presented the following communication front the Comptroller, which was received and ordered put on the minutes: • STATE OF NEW YORK, COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE, Albany. Oct. 8th, 1873. To the clerk of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tonipktn.s: Silt :—The Board of Equalization of Taxes, in pursuance of Chapter 312, of the law of 1859, have fixed the agerej ate valuatio of property in von r county at the sum of $8,29:4214. upon which amount a State Tax of 557,619.74 mu -t be levied for the current fiscal year; (commencing Oct. 1st, 1873,) being 6 ''5-100 mills on the dollar, for the following purpose, viz. : For Schools,• 1} mills, per Chap. 765. laws of 1873. For general purposes, It mills, per Chap. 765 laws el 1873. For Bounty Debt, 2 mills, per Chap. 765, laws of 1873. For New Capitol, t mill, per Chap. 765, laws of 1873. For Asylums and Reformatories, 5-16 mills, per Chap. 163, laws of 1-73. For Canal Floating Debt, under Chap. 271, laws of 1859, x mill, per (:hap. 765, laws of 1a73. For new work on canals and extra repairs, ii mill. per chap. 766. laws of 1873. For payment of awarus by canal appraisers and canal commissioneas—pay certificates of in- debtedness, and provide for deficiency in sinking funds, &c., 7-10 mill, per chap. 708, laws of 1873. For academies and union schools, 1-16 mill, per chap. 765, laws of 18 3. Total, 6 95.100 mills. Your obedient servant, NELSON K. HOPKINS. Comtroller. The different rommittees were engaged during the evening in the examination and classification of bills, atter which. on mo- tio:i of Mr. Havens. the Board adjnutned until Thursday txorning at halt -past eight o'c!ork. TIIURsDAY, Nov. 13. Board stet pursuant to adjournment. all the members present. The minutes of the first day's meeting of the Board were read and approved. On motion of Mr. Woodbury the Board proceeded to visit the county poor -home. The Board spent the remainder of the day till 5 o'clock p. m., in inspecting the poor -home. and ill looking over the faro] conueeted with the same. The remainder of the session after the return of the Board was spent in examin- ing bills. Board adjourned on motion till 7 o'clock P. M. 5 EVENING; SESs10N. Board met pursuant to adjournment, all the members present except Mr. Bower, who was excused for the evening. The chairman stated that the reason why Mr. Bcw.:r was excused, was on account of the (ickne's of his wife. The different committee:, were engaged for a time in the exalnin^tion of bilis. at - ter xvhieli the Board was employed in auditing bills, ard bills from Nu. 1 to No. 23, inclusive, were passer.!. Beard adjourned to the usual hour. FRIDAY. Nov. 14. Board 'net pursuant to a resolution Iiere- tuture passed. All the members present Minutes of the previous day read and ap- proved. • The following report was presented by Mr. Havens, aeceptercl by the Board and ordered published with the [ninnies: To the Board of Supervisors of the County rf Tompkins: • NYe, the undersigned commissioners of the town of Enfield, county of • ontpkins, state of New York, appointed under the act of May 18th, 1809, chapter 90., would respect.fully report that bonds of said town have been issueal in the amount 01 twenty-five thousand dollars, to aid in the construction of the Penn. & Sodus Bay Rail Road, and that we have delivered said bonds over to said !tail Road Company in exchange for cap- itol stock of said Company i and that the amount of outstanding interest ag must said I onds, now (Inc or during the year to become due, is seven- teen hundred and fifty dollars [1,750]; and we, therefore, respectfully request that the said sten of seventeen hundred and tiny dollars be levied and assessed upon the town of Enfield to pay said interest. And also according to section six ot'said chapter 90 , of laws of 1; 6 , we would ask that the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars, be- ing one per Bent, of the amount of said bonds, be also assessed and levied upon said town of En- field, to be invested according to instructions in said chapter 9 7, 30 as to create a sinking fund towards the final liquidation 01' Lhe bonds. Dated, Enfield, Nov. 6th, 1873. WILLIAM MILLER ISAAC H. NEWMAN, } Commissioners, Eu t.tR BRewEa, ,I Mr. Havens presented the following re- port of the indebtedness of the town of Enfield, which was accepted, and order- ed placed on;the minutes : To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County : In accordance with chapter 552, laws of 1870• I hereby report the public debt of the town of En- field to be as follows viz.: Bonds issued by Cumnli,sion- ers appointed by the County Judge of said county, in favor of the Penn. & Sodus Bay Rail Road, under the act to facilitate the construction of Railroads, passed by the legislature of 11'1.0, and amended May 16th, 1869. Amount of bonds issued Rate of interest seven per cert. Amount of interest coating due the ensuing year, on said bunch • One per cent on said bonds for sinking fund to be raised the coming year Whole amount to be raised on said bonds. in- terest rail siukiu fend Total amount of indebtedness on said bowls for 18'4 arnount of Penn. & Sodus Bac Railroad stock held by the town of Enfield . . . .. ; 25,000 E. HAVENS. The following report was preser.ted by Mr. 1�rooalbury, adopted by the Board, it'd' ordered pl�blishe,l with the minutes: To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County: Second annual report of the commissioners of the town of Lansing, for bonds issued in ald of th, New York & Oswego Midland Rail Road, according to law: Amount 01 bonds issued 875.600 00 Amount of stock of said Railroad held by said commissioners for the ben- efit of said town . • . 75,0 000 Interest to become due the ensning year payable March lot 1874, auctSep- tember 1st. 1874 . . 5,25' CO Amount now in the hands of the com- missioners • 124 60 Balance required to pay the interest on said bonds g 525,000 . 1,730 250 2,000 . . 26,750 5,125 34 We thcrelore report that there will be required for the coming year to pay interest on sate l bonds the sum of fifty-two hundred and fifty dollars. We ask that the same may be assessed and lev- ied upon the town of Lansing, less the amount now in the comnnssionel's' hands. Lansing, November 12th, 1873. I:GHEI•r WILLIAMS, CHAS. G. HAGIN, commissioners. J. BR[YN BOGARDUS, CHAS. G. HAG1N, Secretary. J M Woodbury presented the following re- port of the indebtedness of the town of Lansing, which was adopted, by the Board and ordere8 entered on the minutes: To the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins :.. In accordance with chapter 552, laws of 1870. I hereby report the public debt of the town of Lansing to be as lollo.vs, viz.: Bands issued bearing interest at seven per cent,. by the commissioners of the New York and Oswego Midland Railroad $75,00000 Interest to become due the en- suing year 5,12534 New York & Oswego Midland Railroad stock held by the town commissioners for the benefit of said town 75,000 00 The Supreme Court having decided that the town of Lansing is not legally bonded for the Caynga Lake Railroad, anal the commissioners thereof having failed to report to this Board or to the town Board of the town of Lansing the am ou a t required to be raised, and as the legality of the proceedings in reference to the bonding of said town for the benefit of said road is now being lit- igRated,I am unable to present a definite report of the indebtedness of the town of Lansing on ac- . count of said road, until the final decision of the snit now pending in reference thereto. J. M. WOODBURY, Supervisor. The different committees were employ- ed in the examination of bills, and bills from No. 24 to No, 32, inclusive, were au- dited by the Board and passed. Board adjourned to the usual time. FRIDAY, Nov. 14. AFTERNOON SESSION. Board convened at the usual hour. Roll called by the Clerk ; all tiie members pres- ent. • The following report of the R. R. Com- missioners of the town of Newfield was presented by Mr. Rockwell, and on motion was accepted by the board, and ordered published with the minutes: To Hiram S, Rockwell, Supervisor of the Town of .Mwfetd : The undersigned commissioners for the town of Newfield, appointed in p rsuance of the statutes of the state of New York authorizing towns to subscribe to the capital stock of railroad corpo- rations and to issue bonds therefor respectfully report that it will be necessary f_n• said town of outlet,' to raise by tax the sum of three thous- and six hundred and forty' dollars, )$3,640), to pay interest from September 1st, 187:; to September1st, 1874, on bonus of said town of Newfield to the amount of Iifty-two thousand dollars, issued to aid in the construction of the Pennsylvania c So- das Bary Railroad; (also to raise as aforesaid one per edit. on the amount of said bonded indebted- ness. to provide for a sinking fund:) said interest being payable semi-annually-, on the first days of 31art11 and September in each year. Dated November 11, 1873. 1'. 5. DUDLEY, , Commissioners AMUS D. S1! 1 FER, for the town 3loi I{ITTK1YO, of Newfield. Hiram S. Rockwell presented the fol- lowing report of the indebtedness of the town of Newfield, \chick ' VI -LS neccpted and ordered entered on the minutes To the hoard of Slopcxier., nf' the County of T1mpkilta: 111 accordance with chapter 552, laws of 187', I hereby report the public debt of the town or New - to be as billows, to wit: Bonds issued by commissioners appointed by the county judge 11, ' in favor of the Penn. & Sodas Bay Railroad, under the act to facilitate the construction of Railroads, passed by the Legis- lature of 1850, and amended May 181.11, 1869. Amount of Londe 651,000 Rate of intereat seven per cent. Amount of principal unpaid Sept' lst,1873 52.000 Amount of interest coming due March 1st, 1874 Amount of interest coming Inc Sept. 1st, 1874 1,820 Interest payable semi-annually, One per cent. on said bonds for sinking fund to be raised the coming year 520 An -10011 M' Pennsylvania & So dus Bay Railroad stock held by the town of •• e -field, 5,000 Newfield, Nov. 11, 1.873. 111RAM S. ROCKWELL, Sup'r. The different committees were' engaged during a greater part of the afternoon in the examination of bills and preparing to make their reports, atter whitrh the Beard adjourned to the usual time. EVENING SESSION. Board convened 111 the usual hour; roll called and all the members responded to their names. • The respective committees were engag- ed m the examination of bills, after which the Board audited and passed bilis from No. 33 to No. 51, inclusive. Mr. George offered the following pre- amble and resolution : Whereas, The following bills relating to the ex- amination of Catharine 5101101111, a supposed lu- natic, were audited by the town Board of Dryden which were properly county charges, viz: George 1'. Goodrich, Justice of the Peace, 8305 R. Wilcox 2 00 0. J. Montgomery, physician 5110 1. S. Briggs, 5 00 814 05 Therefore, Resolved, that the above bills, ain't- ing in all to 314 i 5, be deducted from the town audits of said town and paid by the `ouuty. Adop= too I. On !notion of 1L'. Woodbury, Resolved, That the county superintendents of the pnnr, ot`the county of Tompkins be author- ized by ibis Board to enlarge the cook room in Lite 0(11111ty house ty dat as 1',xpenae not to exceed ohs lntudred sold ollars. 011 motion of Mr. Gross the Board ad- journed. • SATURDAY MORNING, ,N-ou.15(5, 1873. Board convened pursuant to adjourn- ment.. Roll called by the Clerk; all the members being present. The journal of the preceding day was read and approved. On invitation of Sheriti. E. (1'. VatAin.]: the Board visited the county jail, and spent some tittle in examining the repairs :11111 improvements made under the super- vision of a committee, appointed by the Chairman of the Board of 1S72. On return of the Board from 1110 .Mr. Gros.: offered, and the .Board adopted, the following resolution : Resoi(cd. That this Itoard receive no hills to , audit after Tuesday evening session. Nov. lot h. On motion of Al r. (.; ros8, Resolved, That hereafter. (rand and l'etit Jo - Fon, Shall he paid two dollars (S..! 0.6 per day, in addition to other fees which suell jurors 'nay 11'- 0014'C. • •If r. Rockwell ofrjrea :he loliowing• yes- (dation, 40 hid' was adopted by the Board Resolved. That the Grand Jury list be 8141.00- ! titmecl among the several towns as follows Caroline 20 I Ithaca I.ansieg 36 Dryden Entiel 1 11 I Ulys,es "0 ; Danhy 10 I Groton Newliebi 21 shiners on the 2011i day of liarelt ls7, anti wa.), forwarded 1.0 the Union Trust Company on the 211 day of April 1873. p to the present time We haVe, 1101, been II We to get any statement from the 1,111011 Truss as regartis the balance on hand, or the copons paid 111141 cal 1_1 1. 1101. 111 a :-!11 4110.4)11,e I.:1.1111:111;e° cams' tstei tge\i"Ln•n"t'. 4041 :41(1 't.4(1ie many cupons have been Intl.:. 01' what baUtice we may have to our credit there ; 110r 10111 We 1114 whether any balance we may have there, Will ever be, available; bid as the closing or the first company did not iake place until some time after the seerind e upons ti, i• year were due [Sept 1st,: we 11111111!i,! 41 as probable, 111111 the most, ot the cupons are paid. ti credited with four percent interest 01 ba 1- ' anees in their 11111110. 1141111! as last year, we woul•I haye over forty :Sim: dollars to our credit in the 1;ni4)1, l'rtist 10,after all cuptins.now due are 41. interest required by law to be raised the ensuing yea), is live thousand two hundred 1ift3 do;lars [s5.2.0,; one half payable 3111001! 1st, and the other hall; September ist, 1074. .‘ int it will be necessary to by tax, the foregoing amount for interest as alorsaid. \Ye also recommend to be raised by tax, eight, hundred tIollars [.1800,1101•a1sinking fund for the put•chase of bonds, that being a little over one per cent of tne entire amount of bonds issued. making )(grand 101111 10 be raised during -the en- suing year of six thousand Tilly t86,050,1 (10.1ars. We are required by law 01 171, chapter 537 ti1. to transmit eupons paid, and account or union Trust Co., but by the closing of said Trust co. we are enabled to 001111)14.• with the law. The boin canceled by 110 1110 herewith present- ee: for your inspection, and appropriate action. We hereby ix•commend that the aforsaid 111111 of six thousand fifty [843,050] dollars be raise_t1 by di- rect tax on the town, tor the purpose of liquidat-' ing the above.interest, (ion -ling due, awl to apply mi the sinking 1111111 (luring the ensving y(ar, and hereby certitS that 1110 statemeflt. herein made is to the best 01 0110 knowledge, ti r.e and correct. oared Truinansbur- N. Ivor AI 1673. 11 01 11 1: I). BA 1iT0. T. 110:1 14 031 AN, ; Commissioners. 1'. II. FARRINGTON Tile following supplementary report was also presented. accepted and entered 0111he minute:: To Thos. Morel. 2(1, 6.'upercisol• of Uly88ex: Sir; Haring received the canceled cantons front the Union Trust Co.. of N. Y. we would beg leave to make a suppletnentary report (11 001111101) there- to. The (anions Lille 11)) to the present time are ail paid, with the following exceptions viz., Nos. 4. -1 57, aS, 59, 60, 61, 611, 63, 80, 81, 12, 83, 84, 85. 123,121, 1115,11143, 127, 120,129, all of the one hundred dollar denomination bonds. So fiir as appears froln the account rendered by the Union '1'rust Company, we haVe never been credited with any interest on the deposits, although we have a let- ter tro,1i tho secretary of the company, saying they had done so, or had credited us With it. There is a ta ance due on capons (1111)111(1 et' eighty dol- lars arty cent1 [5-0,500 and a balance to our cred- it of only seventeen dollars fifty cents (817,50.) leaving a defieency apparently 01 sixty three [631lolIors • to pay all the e(1j)ons now due. Had the interest been credited four percent to us as agreed by 111r. Carlton's letter, we sh Mit have had a balance to our credit of between fortv and fifty dollars, alter paying all cupons due. We have little doubt the matter will be acquitted, aecor- folic wing, report of the 'Railroad Commis:ioners of the town of Civsses Nvas presented try Mr. Bower, accepted by the 1io:Ir) and ordered placed on 1)1 minutes; To Thomas Borrrp 2(1 Supervisor tolrii of , Ulysses: sir : Under the laws of New York 1878, ehap. :Of,. We the undersigr ed were duly appointed commissioners to superintend the bonding ol the town of Ulysses, in aid of the l'enyslvania a ml Sothis tiny Railroad ; referring to 010' annual re- port, dated November Ith, 1872. have to make the following report for the present year. Amount of bonds issued as stated in 010' last report. seventy- five thousand dollars (875,' 00) with semtni-annual 11114114(141 141 seven per cent. 'File amount raised by direct tax, as ree,omend- et1 iti our: last report, was six thousand dollars two thousand six hundred and twenty- tire dollars (5:I,4325) ot 'Which was paid to us by the supervisor on the 21th day or February 1673, and was scut to the Union 'Trust Company the same 1 day. thousand six hundred twenty-five 752.625 was paid on the 8th day of 'March 1 '7. , t ic sum,' ism,. and seven hundi•ed and fifty (11(1 11(11 (750.) was paid by 1110 collector With a Check 01 the county treasurer, on the 13111 day i)IaIe1111473 to the 14th day of 3Iarch, we paid eight hundred fifty tire dollars [5135) for nine one hundred dol- lar bollik; of the 104411 01' 1.114.:•SeS .(11(1 c•inceled the' same N timbered 16, 17, Is, 1"„ 311,36, (5, 66„ & 67. The balance of the money on hand, [2520 dollars1 was sent by draft to the. Union Trust Company, on the saute day. 111 proouring the bonds. as above stated, 400 ptirchased Seneca Falls bonds at 95 Which We eN- ,Illinged for Ulysses bonds. There was two months accumulated interest on the Seneca Falls - sinus at the time of the exchange, amounttng to t0n 50-100 dollars, which ‚441141 34111(1 to the commis- ling to our unterstan(llllg of it. Dated Trumans- • Liverpool,- London Sc Globe, burg -N. Y. Vov,.1). 1,73. ._ AbelBiu•rltt, ag't, 2,000. 120 i - T . BOA a Dat A N .• li> NkY 1). BA RTO. Coilmissioncrs Y.II. FAltul\G ON . 311. 13owerpresented the following re- port of. the• indebteiluess of the town. of Ulysses, the Sanie v':is:accepted and order- . ed pl:teed ttpon the minutes; 70. the Board of Sliperrisoi•s of Twnpil,:ins C,'ottntj:..• In accordance with chap 552, laws of 1870, I hereby report the public debt of the town of U y-s- ses'to be .as follows: _ Bonds issued' by commissioners appointed by co my Judge, in tavor of Pennsylvania and 8odus Itay.ltailroad, tinder the act to facilitate the con- struction of ltailroads; passed'.by the I.egisla- ture'of 1850,'and anieuded May 1811,, 1800: Smouut of bonds issued 875,000 rate.. of interest 7.'. per cent, amount of princi- pal paid Amount of principalimpald 74.100.00. . Amount of. interest .com- ing due March lst 1874 ' •3.025,0 Amount of interest. comMg. -due Sept. lst, 1854. 2;025,00 1Vholeatuount ofindebted- ne85 prinetpal-and interest 79.35 .00 . Thos. Bowen 20, Supervisor. The committee- On ii11£111':Inee •\1':15 e11- gaged in preparing their report. • ' Bills froln No. 52 to Na."55 inclusive, • were audited by.the Beard. The abstracts oto the audits of a putt of -the'1'owri;Boards .were, handed iii by the Supe_vi=ors of their respective t( \'.US. Ou motion of IIr. 1Voodhnry,,tlie Boa'd. adjourned to halt -past one o'clock, AFTERNOON SESSION, -.. Board met 'pursuant to adjouriiineut; al! the members lireseut. •The committee on insurance made the following report, which, on motion of Mr. Gross, was accented and adopted:.by the Board : • •The committee on Insurance would respectful- ly report_ that they have , aused policies to be re- newed on all the.couut.y buildings. The amount of insurance.and l remiums are as. follows : On Court Ilouse. Hartford, -of Hartford, Ct. lns. 1'rens.. • dchuyler, agent. 52.500 525 00' Home; New York, Schuyler, ag't, 2,500 250.1 North British ot'l.ondon, •. • If: J.•Grant, agent; 1,500 15 00 - On Jail. Sp ringfield, Mass., Whiton, ag't, 3.000 34 50 Hanover, New York; Grant, ag't, 1,000 12 50 On Clerk's Office. Springfield, Mass; Winton, ag't 1,0`0 000 111011As Bowen; 201 11. S. Itocew-EI,l„ } CommitteeC. HAVENS, ) 011 MOIIIIn. of •Mr. Havens, the Bo:ird adjourned to Tiiesday, 11 t. 1.t., Nov. 18th, in order to give the town of Ithaca an op- portunity to till the vacancy:and place its representative in the Boa; d. 1'ooenzbet 18th. 1873. :MORNING SESSION. Board met .pursuant to a(1journment: roll-calleri'bv the Clerk:" all the. menibers present. •_Min ides 01 the preceding days _meeting of the Board were read and approved. Board engaged in general business, .ti11 the noon 11oui',• when ors motion of Mr, Gross, the Board adjourned. to the Usual hale. . AFI'EItNOON, 8E3s1OS., Board lnet at the . usual • lout, all the members. present: I'lle committee .9u.5heritl-'s.. Constables' Clerks; and .1 ustiee's accoiults.. were thistly... engaged in eg:utlining bilis. Various members nf'the Board •u ere en- g:1ged in preparing Grand Jury lists,.: for each of their respective towns, and in .ex. :liuitlillg the :assessment .rolls; ;after •\cllicll on motion, the Bo:u•d adjonrined to the usual hour. EVENING SESSION. _ 'Board iliet at• the usual hot:, all :the members present. Mr. Woodbury moved that the vilte 011 Messrs Selkreg S _lpgar's bill be ret'onsid- ed, carried. The bill was then retered to the pl.-Opel' committee, :ma after being revised was 1 passed liy the _Board. . -The committee heretolin'e.appointed by the Chairinau to th,:ft resolutions 'of re ' pect lit relatinn.to, the death of Charles . W. Bates. n member:of this Boartt at Bale' of liis death, Made the following' report : •ltesolved. That -the providence ot•God in remoc- ing op e;u•th Charles W. Hates, hastaken•trom society the light of a character and influence, it, • 9 could ill utl'erd to lose. • nil deprived the village ' o1' Ithaca, 01 an officer of ability and sterling in- tegrity, and this Board of an efficient member whose loss we I:.men1, and whose remembrance we shall ever cherish. Resolved, that a copy of these resolutions be transmitted to his afflicted parents, entered on the minutes of our proceedings and published in the village p -pers. Dated., Ithaca, Nov. 18th. 1873. • TlIom as C. B. (. lo )ss. I Committee. 1•:. HAVENS. The Board proceeded to audit bills and Nos. 56 to 76 inclusive. were parsed. after which. (u motion of fir. Rockwell. Mr. George in the chair, the Board adjourned to the usual hour. No/Tether 11i;/i.. 1873. NOIiN1NG SESSION. Board stet pursuant to adjournment : roll called. all the members present. i1t. I). L. Btn•tt, the Supervisor elected by tite town of Ithaca, to fill the viic;ufey occasioned by the death of C. 1V. Bates. responded to his name on roll call and tools his place in the Boanl. IIs then stated, that. as he w':15 necessarily late in taking his place in the Board, he would like and request the assistance of the mem- bers, in arranging the business he would Itave in charge. '1'he Chairman stator that Mr. Burst was peculiarly situated. and that. Ire was enti- tled to. and should receive the aid of every member of the Board. 'Phe following reports Acre inesented to the Board by Mr. Gross. and 011 motion, were accepted and ordered printed with the proceedings. Ta the Retrl of Sipeevis,rs of the ('maty of Iompki.ns: The report of the undersigned commissioners, of the town of Groton appointed under the act entitled "An act to facilitate the construction Of the Southern Central Railroad anti to authorize towns to subscribe to the capital stock thereof'," passed April 7th, Is66, respectfully shows, that they as such comm ssiouers have issued the bonds of said town to the aggregate amount of fifty thousand dollars; that the whole of said Fonds have been sold by the undersigned, as such Com- missioners ; that no dividends have been receiv- ed by the undersigned, and there will become due and payable for interest upon sod bonds during the ensuing ye:u•, in the aggregate, the snot of thirty-flve hundred dollars, (5:1.500), and that a- mount will be required to pay said Interest. And we therefore respectfully request: that the said sum of thirty -live hundred dollars be loci: d and assessed upon the town of Groton, to pay said in- terest. WM. 21. BURNII tM, ,16ROM6 HAT!! twat, 1 Conrr.,. A. !Lick Groton. Nov. 17, 1S13. To the Board ofRu.perriso, s of the Coahty of 9o2rtpb;iiia : • We, the undersigned, t,ommissioners of the town of Groton, appointed under the act passed lNlay 18th, 1869, chapter 907, would respectfully report, that bonds of said toren have been issued to the muount et' fifteen thousand dollars to aid in the construction of the Ithaca & Cortland rail- road, and that said bonds have been exchanged for capital stock of said road, to the amount of fifteen thousand dollars. and the amount of mon- ey necessary to pay the interest on said bonds is ten hundred and Iltty dollars (s11,950), and we therefore respectfully request that the said sunt 01 ten hundred and fifty dollars be levied and as- sessed upon the town of Groton, to pay said in- terest. Awl. also, according 1-o section six, of said chapter 907 of laws of 1809, we would ask that the suua of oae hundred and fifty dollars, be- ing one per cent. ont tie amount of said bonds, be also:usessed and levied upon .said town 01 Gro- ton to be invested according to instructions in said chapter 907, .so as to'create a sulking fund to- ward the inial liquidation of the bonds. Groton. Nov- It. 1,73. W. 21. \Iousi, 11. 11. W_cfcet,ev, i Corers. Mr. Gro., presented the following reso- lutions %vitieh were accepted anti ordered - entered on the minutes: Resolved, That in pursuance ol'the provisio:.s of chapter 933, of the laws of 1866, entitled "An act to facilitate the construction of the Southern Central Railroad and to authorize towns to sub- scribe to the capital stock thereof'," and of a notice served upon this Board by the railroad commis- sioners of the town of Groton, there he levied and assessed upon the taxable property of said town, the sum of thirty-five huw.:red dollars [3,5u0) for the purpose of paying the interest upon the Railroad bonds, issued by said town, and that the same when collected, be paid to thccom- missioners of said town, to be expended for that purpose.. Also he it resolved, that in pursuance of the provisions of chapter 907 of the laws of 1869, and notice having been served upon this Board by the commissioners of the town of Gro- ton. theie be levied and assessed upon) the taxa- ble property of said town, the sum of ten hundred and tifty dollars [81,0501 for the purpose of paying this interest upon the railroad bonds issued by said town, also the sum of one hundred and fifty •Iollars, be levied and assessed upon Ole taxable property of the said town of Croton, for the pur- pose of creating a sinking find, according to in- struction in said chapter 907, of the laws of 1869, and that the same when collected be paid to the commissioners ol'said town, appointed pursuant. to this act. ,lir. Gross submitted the followingstate- nteut of the indebtedness of the town of Groton, which was accepted and ordered placed on the minutes: To the Board Of .'„ pe/',`ieors of Joirtp -ins County: 10 accordance with chanter 553, laws of 187e. 1 lU hereby report the public debt of the town of Gro• ton to be as follows, viz : Bonds isSued by commissioners hearing interest at seven per cent. for S. C. R R Interest coming due the ensuing year Bonds issued by Commissioners for the Ithaca and Cortland 12. R., bearing in - interest at seven per cent. payable semi-annually Interest on same now due and coming due the ensuing year One per cent on same to create a sink- ing fund, necessary to be raised the ensuing year Total indebtedness, Against which Cammissieners for S. C. R. R. hold stock of said road to the amount of. ... `,c50,000 Commissioners of Ithaca and Cortland R. R. hold stock in said road l'or 15,000 8 '• beets, 8 beans, . 200 - '• apples. 2 turnips. 109 " heads cabbage '''.710.0'0 25 tons of hay, :1,500 Corn stalks of eight acres, on hand. 15,00(1 1.(.50 150 569,770 65,000 V. B. GttuSs, Supervisor, Groton. Mr. Wattles. Chairutaa of the commit- tee on Poor House anti superinteu(lents reports slbmirte(1-•the following report, which on motion of Mr. Bacens,_ was ac- cepted and a(loptea by. the Board. Your committee to whom was referred the re- port of superintendents 0t' the poor of the coun- ty of Tompkins, would respectfully- report. that from the 15th of Nov. 1.72, to the 15th day o1' Nov. 1873, there were supported in the poor house viz. County paupers, 74 TOWNS* From Caroline, ..none, Dryden, .... ' Groton, ....:3 TuW(S. Front Danby,#.... 5 •• Enfield .. 3 Ithaca ,.•20 Lansing,.... 3 Newfield .. 2 " Ulysses, .... 0 Total. 134. The numbers o1 days, said paupers have been supported, in said Poorhouse is 17625, And the whole amount 01' drafts drawn on the county treasurer for bills audited by the super- 'nten1cnts for the support of the institution, during the said year over and above the products of the farm was 23,61:3,73 win •h sunt was expended as lollows. Forout-door relief 91,120 59 services of Overseers 143 ;5 Transportation of Paupers 3; !'4 Insurance on buildings 64 . 0 Chaplain of Poor House 51 t0 Indoor expenses 2,088 '25 Repairs on county buildings 82 25 Conveying Insane to Asylums 49 95 Total 03,613 73 The tollowiug• statement shows the amount of produce raised on the County House farm (luring the said year, and the amount on hand on the 15th day of Nov. 1873, viz : 203 bushels wheat raised On hand 2.3.5 790 " oats •• 730 501 •' ears of corn •' •• 100 425 potatoes •° <• "75 none 7i peas, .'� " 01 `.0119. 10 loads . 1 seed clover on hand. The stork new on the 1111'tn and belonging to said county is as follows, viz: One yoke 0t' oxen 5 milch cows. 2 yearling, 11. hogs 8 shoats for wintering, 310 lbs. batter 200 fowls 11 tons 01 coal not hand 431 lbs. beef out haul The whole plumper 0f paupers in the sant Poor House on the 15111 day of Nov.':3, was 41 The number 01'deaths in said house dar- ing the year 5 The bele number of 01rths Paupers received in the Poor house (luring the year 0; The number discharged 52 The number absconded The whole numbernl paupers in said house on the 15t.h of Nov. 1872, was • 33 Whole number received during the year 98 nota 131 The average numberduriug the past year in said poor house was 48 21-73 The average expense filr each pauper suer ported for the year, above the proceeds of the farm, was'1.",'?:, The 115 011130 expenses per we(+k oras.... 83 The whole No. of days board of 0(1111113' . paupers 6,976 Expellees ((1' 6110')) hoard cost of clothinr town of Caroline (lays board none clothing 11011)) " 1)aubv days board 516 33.23 clothing 15,56 Dryden days board >,313 285.0; clothing :1,0!1 •' Enfield days board :.36 39,19 clothing. 02 •' Croton days board ...(136 72.30 •' clothinr• 5.42 " Ithaca digs board........... -1o31 506.48 •, clotfnng Lansing da vs board " clothing 2,55 " Newfield (lays 1105111 485 54,• 3 •' clothing :3,41 Ulyssess days board 1 125 1.2'1,87; " clothing 12.4:; Whole number days' board, 17,625 — Total amount of cost 2008,25 The following statement shows the amount of produce sold trout the 1)001* house farm from the 15th day of Nov. 1-73, to the 150h .t.•1y of Noy. 1873. 269 bushels of oats sold Eggs 21101.22 10.) lbs. hotter, ..... ... 25,0.1 Total 147,25 8 25 , • 10:1 2. 8510."4 180 56 7,64 4'13 56,46 which amount 50115 expended as follows : paid with the above for potot)es 225.00 •• Por hay .. 35,01 •` Bringing insane from asylum.... .... 41103 " Taking bops to Binghamton 9,0. " Supplies to poor Nott e by- keeper,2 ,27 147.22 1.1 The following statement shows the amount due [roil the county and towns for the support ot the, poor in the poor house. from the 15th da',' of Nov. 1872 to the 15th day of Nov. 187:1, viz; From the comity ut ompkins $710 40 Town ot Caroline none Danby 108 79 Drydeo Enfield 313 15 41. 44 30 81 Groton 71 I haca 584 12 Lansing 59 el Newfield 57 46 Ulysses 13.3 29 Total £2088 "A For temporary r: lief of count-: paupers outside of said county house from the 15th day of Nov. 1172 to tho 15th day or Nov. 1 73 11.128 59 1Ve further rent that drafts have been drawn til indoor expenses from the 15th ,lav of Nov. 1872 to the 15th ,lav of Nov. 1873 to the amount of 92,33445 We further report that during said year the following expo ses were incurred: Insurance. $04 0 Chaplain 50 00 Repairs •2 25 Conveying inane ... 49 95 Total 8246 20 W hi:.h amount deducted from 82.:334 45 (the amount of drafts) leaves indoor expenses 1 0,088 25 We further report that there was of hand, on the 15th day of Nov. 15721,512 12 Over the drafts for 1873 46 65 Total on hand at this date 1,559 37 Acting in conformity to the 30th section of title 1st, chap. 20, of the revised statutes the so- pariutendents estinrdte the expenses for the county and town paupers in the county house, the ensuing year at $2,800,00 For temporary relief for county paupers not in the poor house 1,2"0,00 For the services of overseers of the poor140,0.1 For the expenses of transportation °[Town and county paupers to the poor house40.011 Por keepers salary 500,00 Total. 4,680,00 To meet this sunt your committee ask leave to introduce the following resohdtton [alter deduct- ing 81,559,37, the amount now on Hand.] Resolved, That the sum of 81.500,, -be levied upon and collected, from the county of Tompkins for county poor expenses for the ensuing year: Resolved, That the sums expended by the su- perintendents of the poor, to be due from the respective towns foe the support of the poor of such towns be levied. on and collected in said towns respectively as follows : Ou the town of Caroline none Dan by $b 3.79 44 Dryden 313,15 Enfield 39,81 Groton 77,72 Ithaca 584,12 Lansing 59,01 . Newfield 57,46 Ulysses 133,20 Total ....51,3([8,35 Raised by resolution 1,50),00 Total 2,S68,35 The whole amount asked for by the superinten- .4 44 der L'. les: 825.2,24, iurluiiug amount on hand which is. 81.550,37. U. L. WATTLES, TR/)S. 1_1c)WER24, V. R. GROSS, 11. S. ROCKWELL, f. 111. WOOORULr. committee The couunit:ee on clerk's, sheriff's, &c. accounts, were engaged in examining bills. Tile committee on U. S. Deposit Fund were engaged slaking out their report. Board adjourned to the usual hour. • AFTERNOON SESSION. Board convened at the usual Your: All the members present. After which it was engaged Itl listening. •to various persons who came before the Board to present matters which they seemed to believe the Board should act upon. Bills from No. 77 t� No. 85, inclusive, were audited and passed. Ur. Wattles. chairman of the commit- tee on U. S. Deposit Fund, submitted the following report of Allen Gray, I.o:ln Cotn- tnissioner, and also the report of the com- mittee; which on motion of Mr. Havens, were accepted and directed --to be entered On the minutes. To the Board of' Supervisors of the County of Tompkins : The undersigned, one of the Loan Commission- ers of Tompkins county, oegaleave to report the state of the U. S. Deposit Fund, as follows: PRINCIPAL. On hand at last report 81,304 65 Amount received for loans 2,083 00 Amount re -loaned Amount on hand subject to loan Amount outstanding on wort- On gage atp'esentdate 68,03128 207 6s Aggregate INTEREST. Ain't received since last report, 4,296 95 Advance In'st to Comptroller,.. 3:34 64 Commissioner's f,'es 34119 On hand and sent Comptroller4,290 40 3,38765 3,180 00 207 65 68,238143 4,63159 4,63159 Sent Comptroller draft 4 000 00 Balance on hand 290 40 There are at present two delinquents whose property is advertised, the interest of which, in the aggregate amounts to 8371; 0 Dated, Ithaca, Nov. 1!4111, 18;3. ALLEN GRAY. Loan commissioner. The committee on loan commissioners accounts, respectfully report, that they have examined the book of the loan comnlisaioaer and find the state- 12 agent of receipts and disbursments iu the above report to be correct. C. L. WATTLES, D. L. lin I TT, committee. J. H. GEORGE. On motion of Mr. Woodbury the Board adjourned. EVENING SESSION. Board met at the usual time, all the members present. Mr. Burtt presented !tile following re- ports of R. R. commissioners, which were accepted and ordered entered on the minutes. ' 1THACA, Nov. 12th, 1873. 20 the Board of Supervisors: Fifth annual report of the commissioners of the town of Ithaca. in pursuance of au act the legis- lature, passed April 17th, 1866, Amount of Bonds issued 5300,000 •• expended tar Ithaca & Athens It It stock 300,000 Amount of Ithaca & Athens R 1t stock for same 3,0,000 " interest to come due Slarch 1st, 1874 21,900 We therefore respectfully roport that there will be required for the coming year, to pay interest on the said bonds, and by virtue of said act, the sum of (121,0 ) twenty-one thousanddollars,'and ask that the same be assessed and levied upon the towu of Ithaca. J. FOSTER HIXON, LEONARD THEMAS, 1, om'ee GEORGE MUCHAIN. ))) [per L. Tremae Secretary. Mr. Burtt offered and the Board adopt- ed the following 1 esolution : Resolved, That in pursuance of chapter 645 laws of 1866, entitled -An tet to facilitate the construction of the Ithaca & Tow,uula Railroad, (by act of Feb. 18, 1870, now the Ithaca & Athens R R Co.) and to authorize towns to subscribe to the capital stock thereof, and of a notice served upon this Board by the Commissioners of the town of Ithaca, there be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the said town of Ithaca the sum of twenty-one thousand dollars (521,0004 for the purpose of paying interest to become due March 1st, 1874, upon the town bonds issued for s•dd R 11, and that the Supervisor of said town pay said sum to the Commissioner of said town, to be expended for that purpose. The following report was also present- We therefore report that there will be required for the coming year to pay interest on the said bonds the sum of seven thousand dollars, less one hundred and fifty-two 99 100 dollars, being the interest on thirty-five hundred dollars from April 1st 1873, to October 1st, 1 73. one-half paya- ble April 1st, 1874. and the otker half payable Oc- tobef 1st. 1874. We therefore ask that the same be assessed and levied upon the town of Ithaca. JOHN GAUNTLETT, JOHN RUMSEY, Com. C. M. T1TUS. 7 On motion of Mr. Burtt,. Resolved, That in pursuance of the provisions of chapter 907, laws of 1889, entitled "an act to authorize the formation of Railroad corporations and to regulate the same," passed April, 241, 1850. so as to permit municipal corporations to aid in the construction of railroads, passed May, 1-th, 1869, and of a notice served upon this Board, by the commissioners of the town of Ithaca, for the Geneva or Ithaca Railroad Go., there be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the town of Ithaca, the sum of seven thousand dol- lars (7,' 0 t less one hundred and fifty two and 99 100 dollars, being the interest on thirty five hundred dollars from April 1st, 1873, to Oct. 1st, 1073, to provide for interest coming due April, lst 1873, and October 1st, 1873. On bonds issued for the benefit of the Geneva & Ithaca Railroad, and that the supervisor of the town of Ithaca, pay said sum to such commissioners, to be expended for that purpose. Mr. Burtt, presented the following state- ment of the indebtedness of the town of Ithaca. which was accepted and ordered entered upon the minutes. To the Board of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins: Ia accordance with chapter 552, laws of 1870, 1 herby report the public debt of the town of Ith- aca to be as follows : Bonds issued March lst,1869, bear- ing interest at seven per cent., by commissioners for I. & A. RR 5300,000 Amount of principal unpaid April 4th, 1873 5300,000 Am't of interest due the current year 21,000 Bonds issued Oct. let 1871, paya- able Oct. 1st. 1 01, by the com- missioners for the Geneva & Ith- aca R. R., interest on same pay- able semi-annually 100.000 Amount of interest coming due April let, 1-74, 53,500, less the in- terest on 53,500 from April 1st 1 73 to Oct. 1st, 1.73 3,347 1-1r0 Amount coming due Oct. let'74, 3,500 6,8471-00 Total indebtedness principal and interest ed by Mr. Burtt, accepted by the Board and ordered entered on the minutes. 1THACA, November 12, 1873. To the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca: Third annual report of the Commissioners of the Ton n of Ithaca tor bonds issued in aid of the Geneva & Ithaca Railroad, according to law: Amount of bonds issued 5100,000 •0 Bonds sold for stock in G & I u it 10 ,0 0 00 Interest to come due Ap'l 1st, 1874 3,500 00 < �, .. .< 3,590 00 Against whish commissioners for 1.&A. R. R. hold 1.&A, R. R stock to the amount of -300,000 Commissioners Geneva & Ithaca R. R. stock to the amount of100,000 Total amount of stock held by and --- for the benefit of Ithaca, Nov. 73 - 408,000 1). L. BURTT, Sup'r. Mr. Gross, Chairman of the committee on printing, presented their report in re- `erence to publishing the proceeoiltgs of 5.427,847 01 13. the Board, hi the following resolution, which on motion was accepted) and ad- opted : Resolved, That we aces t the proposal of the entre proceedings ublisher of the rof this den Board in thpublish Dryden Herald, at 2.1 cents per folio, and 151* copies of the proceedings in pamphlet form, fcr 535,' 0. V. B. Gaols, J. H. GEORGE j committee. C. L. WATTLES, On motion of Mr. Grose : Resolved. That the Board proceed to ballot for two papers to publish the session laws of 1874. A ballot was taken in accordance with the foregoing resolution. and the Ithaca Journal received 4 ; Ithaca Democrat re- ceived 4; and the Groton Journal 1. The Ithaca Journal, and Ithaca Demo- crat having received the' highest number of votes, were accordingly authorized to publish the session laws of 1874. for the ensuing year. Bills Nos. 86 and 87 were audited after which the Board adjourned. November 20th, 1373. MORNING SESSION. Board convened at the usual )dour, roll called, all the members present. The min- utes of the previous day were read by the Clerk. and approved. The different' members were engaged in examining the assessment rolls : and the committee on tteasureis accounts was em- ployed part of the time. in inspecting the County Treasurer's book. On motion, Board adjourned. AFTERNOON SESSION. Board met at the usual time, all of the members present. Mr. George.presented a petitionofChes- ter Burch. and a recommendat`.on of the county court, on said petition, whereby the county court recommended that the Board of Supervisors correct the assess- ment roll of the town of Dryden. The following preamble and resolution was presented Mr. George. and adaptedby the Board : Whereas, the county court of Tompkins Co., has recommended that he Board i•or- rect the assessment roll, of the town of Dryden, and allow to Chester D. Burch a coinntiesioned officer of the National Guards one thousand dollars, therefore : Resolved, That the assessment roll of the town of Dryden be corrected and that the said Chester D. Burch be allowed a deduction of 51,000. from his assessed valuation of real and personal estate. On motion of Mr. Bower: Resolved, That the Clerk of this Board be and hereby is authorized to receive the pamphlet copies of the proceedings. when published, and that he distribute them to the supervisors 01 the several towns in proportion to the grand jury hat. ' Bills from No 83 to 106 inclusive were audited. The bill of Win F. Johnsen, was, on mo- tion, laid upon the table. • On motion of Mr. Havens, Resolved, That this Board authorize each Su- pervisor of his respective town to contract for a suitable room for Military purposes. The committee on Treasurer's accounts were engaged settling with The Treasurer. On motion of Mr. Rockwell the Board adjourned to the usual hour. EVENING SESSION. The Board convened at the usual hour, all the members present except Mr. Bow- er, who was excused for the. evening. The committee els Sheriff's, Clerk's and Constable's and Justice's accounts was en- gaged during the session in examining the Sheriff's account. The committee on Treasurer's accounts were engaged in preparing their report. Bill No. 107 was audited. Board ad- journed to 9 o'clock A. M., Nov. 21st. MORNING SESSION. November 2134 1873. Board met pursuant to adjournment. The journal of the previous day was read and approved. The committee on Treasurer's accounts were engaged in preparing their report. The other members of the Board were engaged on the assessment rolls. On motion of Mr. George, the Board adopted the following resolution : Rest lved, That pursuant to the provisions of chapter 791, of the laws of 1858, the sums set down in the following schedule be levied and as- sessed upon the taxable property of the persons whose names are included in the several lista, and In the Bums respectively named in said List submitted to the Board and furnished to the Su- pervisors of the several towns gamed in said fr schedule by the Overseers of Highways respec- tively of the road districts included therein : Dryden,.... Dist. No. 54....11 days $15 00 Groton Dist. No.11.... 1 day; 1 56 44 •` ,. 22.... 1 " 150 `• " •` 67.... 5 " 6 bouts8 62 • 11 02 Newteld..,Dist. No. 4.3.... 2 days 3 00 1 50 4 50 9 00 Ithaca Dist. No. 38....15} " 2:1 25 •� - ` "27.... 6 " 900 " " " " ` 1 .. 5 ,' 7 50 " a 4t46.... 2 " .300 42 75 On motion the Bast d adjourned to the usual hour. AFTERNOON SESSION. Board assembled at the usual hour roll called by the. clerk, all the members present. • The committee on Treasurer's aceounts were still engaged in examining the Treas- urer's books. The other members of the Bo<rd were engaged in general business. • On motion of Mr. Wattles, Board ad- journed. • Et'EN)NG SESSION. Board ,net at the usual time. all the members present. The different members of the Board en gaged in miscellaneous business during the session. Board adjourned. on motion of Mr. j Gross, to the usual time. MORNING SESSION. November, 22d. 1873. Board met pursuant to adjournment. roll called by clerk, and all the members re -1 sponded to their names. The minutes of the previous day were read and approved. Bills Nos. IOS and 109, were audited. The following preamble and resolution was presented by Mr. I-Iavens and adopted by the Beard. Whereas, The town Board of the town of Caro- line, has audited a hill of $3,2+ for S P Ashley ex - supervisor for services rendered to said town, and a bill of 5480 to C. L, Wattles for services rendered to said town of Caroline; and said bills are upon abstracts of said town audits. and are properly a county charge. therefore be it : llesolved..That said amounts, total. $7,88, be deducted from the abstracts of said Lown, and charged to the county. -Mr. Woodbury offered the following pre- amble and resolution: Whereas, The Board of supervisors of Tomp• - kins county for the year 1573. having selected the Dryden Herald as the authorized paper to publish the proceedings of said Board and as the object of the publication of said proceeding's is to furnish the people of the different towns in said county a correct account ofthe doings of said lloaid, and as the Ithaca Daily and Weekly ,Journal. and Ithaca Democrat have an extensive circulation in all the towns of said county. Therefore. be it Resolved. That the proceedings of this Board be published in the Ithaca Daily and Weekly Journal and Ithaca Democrat at a compensation fixed by the Board of Supervisors for the Dryden Herald. 11Ir. Gross proposed the following amend- ment : Resolved, That the Weekly Ithacan be added to the resolution before Inc hoard. The ayes and noes being called for on the amendment offered by Mr. Gross. the same was lost by the following vote: Ayes—George, Gross. Noes—Hawes, Havens, Wattles, Burtt, Wood- bury, Rockwell, Bower. The question then being as to the pas- sage of the original resolution, the sante was carried by the following vote : Ayes,— Havens, Wattles, Built, Woodbury. Bower. Noes—Ilawes, George, Grose, Rockwell. Mr. Ilaw( s explained, that the reason he voted against both the resolution and amendment was because the contract for printing was already let, and that the printing in pursurance of .the resolution would make extra expense to the county. The Board, on motion of Mr. Gross, ad- journed to November 24th, at 11 o'clock, A. 31. Monday, Nov. 24t1, 1873. MORNING SESSION. Board stet pursuant to adjournment, toll called, a quo•nut present. The minutes of 1110 previous day were read and approved. 'file different menibet•s of the Board were engaged in miscellaneous business daring the session. Board adjourned to the usual hour. AFTERNOON SESSION. Baird met at the- usual tide, all the members present. 15 The coillnliltee on treasurer's accounts having completed 'their report, presented the sante. which ou motion, %vas received and adopted. ' The report' is as fol ion's ; The committee on treasurer's accounts, report the following, as the receipts and disbursements. of the county treasurer from Nov. 20th, 1872, to Nov. 21st. 1873, and -they ,have exam; ell all his books, receipts, and vonchers,.and find them cor- rect: Tompkins County, in account with Geo. 11. Bris- • tol, county treasurer, Dr. to • Amount due treasurer Nor. 20th, 1872.., • Paid salary o1' supervisors' Clerk " District Attorney " • 'Conntr,Judge " Apportionment Special county judge Tr; asnr.r's salary .. Willard Asylum - New York Mate Lunatic Asylum Susgnehana Valley Home Monroe County Penitentiary N. Y. Idiot Asylum 66 •i 64 66 4. 66 66 School coin's appropriation Supervisor's janitor appropriations Insurance on county buildings - Court reporter... Fuel & Gas bin Livery to County House For work done on Court House_ Fines to reimburse.towns Expensesof-treasurer's office of':Ierks 12,• 0 Comptroller 37,394,39 For schools 10,107,63 $451,43 100,0 . 600,00 4„5 ,00 51,00 51,00 50 -.00 2,43 3.56 2,059.27 89,61 21,52 30,05 400,00 25,00 138,50 148,2 64 ',23 10,00 49,00 2.019.00 • 16;00 Paid Schoo. Moneys Caroline, 2009 90 it 46 Dauiby, 1825 17 Dryden, 3157 91 • 1•'nfeld, 1301 09, Groton; • 2312 74 It!saca; 4798 58 f ansing2256 49 ' ewfle1d;2301 74 Ulysses, 2859 91 • 2,251 53 Paid returned tax, Caroline 9 OS " Deficiency in tax 31 511' " Returned tax, Dryden 112 18 46 C6 •• Enfield 5 47 X. " Groton 29 31 " Newfield, 17 70..205 30 Caroline, town expenses448 66 • highways 550'01 poor 100 0 66 •' . retuPneu tax 2 25 64 66 ,1 44 4, 66 64 66 cc 1100 91 Danby. town audits 290 03 highways 25010 support of poor 76 49 • returned tax 1 05•.617 63 Dryden town expenses 1,691 79 ▪ highways 3,500 00 s support of poor 500 1 0 • " returned taxes 44 41..5736-20 Enfield, town audits 413 25 " highways 200 0) support of poor 40 82 interest. R.R. bonds 1750 00..2404 07 Groton town audits 713 £9 " highways 2.50 0 i " support of poor 200 00 " int'st on R.R,bonds, 4550 00. 4 returned tax 23 58..5737 47 P'd Ithaca, town expenses .. 7153 55 •'cert. to overs's poor, 1050 00 " " support of poor .... 1000 u6 " " highways 25!00 " int. o1i 11.11. bonds:28,060 60 " " returned tax......, 43 46,.37,503.01 Lansing town audits 1,297 91 highways 2,2%0 00 46 • support of poor70 25 • int. It 1t. ponds -6,906 54 •' returned tax.. 60 36..10,675 10 Paid Newfield, town audits 1442,61 " support of poor 60,99 Int. R R Bonds 364--.00 ' •' Returned tux.... 39,78..4883,38 " Ulysses, town expenses ' 1239,40 •• •• highways . 750, int. 1t It bonds 5250,00 ' " sinking fund ,..75,100 returned tax 44,14..8033,54 76,691,31 Poor orders, in doors 2284,96 • ' •• •• outdoors 10.17,67 " transportations 179,69 " court orders 2785,03 • county orders 12911,80..19309,15 • Total expenditures 178,569,40 Tompkins county in account with Geo.1113ristol, treasurer, Cr. by . Fines from Dryden .. 5, 0 ' Excise from Ithaca 1455,00 Fines trom Ithaca by Lucas,,, ' 12-,95 Wood250,00 Excise from Ulysses 260,00; Fines " 20,10 • ' Excise from Caroline 77,50 Fines from Groton. ...a...:..'15 00. Violation excise law, Groton,,, 138 90 Fines from H L Root, ex -sheriff 90 00 66 PlCVan Kirk •'• 1830) Cash from P. Farrington .,,.101 50.,,,2,724 95 Taxes Caroline '6,01819 " Danby - 5,926 15 " .Drvden 22,30914-, .. Enfield 6,783 04 Groton - - 15,61193 "• Ithaca 70,589.16 - " Lansing 25,675 79 " Newfield • - • 10.51263.. • " Ulysses 20,433 50.183,859 53 Fines from Groton ' 1500'•9' ' Violation of excise law. Groton 138 90 . Fines from H. L. Root ex-shei in 90 00 " ' E. C.. Van Kirk- sheriff183 00 Cash from P. H. Farrington ..... 101 50.. '.2724 96 School money from State 222.3513 . In hands of supr's 16 40..22,251 53 Total receiyts 208,836 01 . disbursmcnts 178,56940 44 66 64 30,26661 Leaving in the hands of the Treasurer30,26661 which sum including the 3i mills tax of 1872 amounting to,.., 28,30143 16 - We further report that there are fines due towns to the amo• nt of 2,52345 the par ment el which leave a general deficiency of 55832 The committee beg leave to present the follow- ing : Resolved, That there be levied and assessed upon the taxable pioperty of the county ofTomp- kine, the sum of live hundred and fifty-eight dol- lars and thirty -tap cents ($658 32) to provide for said deficiency in Treasury. Ii. l.. BuitTT, V. R. Gimes, E. R vutis. Jacob Bates presented his affidavit as to the situation of lands owned by him, and lying and assessed in both the towns of Ithaca and Ulysses ; accompanying the et- fidavit was a l•eeoinutendation of the coun- ty judge, by which it was recommended that the premises be relieve,' by the Board, of the double assessment, and assessed in the town of Ithaca, where the occupants reside. Mr. Bower then presented the following preamble and resolution and the same was gaged during the forenoon on the assess - Mont rolls. Board adjourned on motion of Mr. Gross. adopted by.tLe Board : whereas, Application has been made to the County Court of. Tompkins County, by U._,1?. Blood, Uri ('lark and Jacob [fates. residents of the town of nth ea, in said county. for relief from a Manifest error in assessing a f:ract of land own- ed by them ; and being partly in the town of lth- acaand partly in the town of Ulysses. the same having been assessed in both towns alul the conn- - ty court having reeonlmeuded to this Board that in his opi+ion said farm or tract of laud should only be assessed in the town of Ithaca, where the owners and occupants reside. Therefore. Resolved, That the Sti••ervisor of the town ot Ulysses be authorized to strike the assesment of said farm or tract: of land from the roll (if said town and that the' assessment in the town of Ith- aca of the same be hereby legalized. • Board adjourned to the usual hour. EVENING SESSION. • Board convened at the usual hour, all the members present at roll call. The eoinmittee on equalization were en - 'aged on the assessment rolls. The oth- er members of the Board •were employed in general business. On nlotian the Board adjourned. MORNING SESSION. loneniber 23th, 1873, Board met at the usual hour; all the members present: Minutes ot the previous day were read by the clerk and approved by the Board. The committee on equalization were en- AFTERNOON,SESSION. . Board met at the usual hour, all the members present. Tlie eonlmittee on equalization were en- gaged making out their report. Board adjourned to the usual hour. EVENING SESSION. Board convened pursuant to adjourn- ment and was called to order by the chair- tnad, all the •members present. The following is the assessed•valuation of the re- al and personal property of Tompkins county, - as appears by the rolls returned by the Asses- sors of the several towns Towns. Acres. Real. - Personal. Total kaoline... 30962 313368. 15801. Manby 13002 3ti4978 1338 Ih•yden.... 61465 948461 91 6 Enfield .... 21'.83 275755 14(150 ::roton .. .10019 Gil ;6 144817 L:m9'tnT... 8;150 f80fiv1 1211662 Newfield... 85241 361110 1377 Ulysses.... 19104 103437 17' 1205 Ithaca 1686185 624850 329166 393.26 1'396-7 289-05 - 71f3193 100:344 383280 882642 22110.35 4137720 1104661 7242:181 The committee on equalization pre+en- ell a majority and minority report. The u:ljority report, presented by Mr. Havens. ,airings of the committee.•is as follows, • a 1d was accepted, .and adopted by the B:.ard. by the following. vote : - Ayes—Ilawe'. George, Havens, Wattles, Gross, Woodbury, Rockwell. and Bower• Noes.—Burtt. To the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County • We the undersigned committee on equalization, would respectfully report that the followingbe the equalized valuation of the real- estate o'the +evoral towns in the county of Tompkins, for the year 1973. Towns. Acres. Real. Person'I. Total. . Caroline 30692 309363 . 15801 321164 Danby x:16 2 346518 19250 365793 Dryden 61463 903074 91226 994300 Enfield - 21933 262553. . 14051 27 0.:5 • Groton.....:31641 57.2:35 111547 6-7402 Lansing . 378110 838519 126662 965181. Newfield 35241 317 56 18770 365326 Ulysses 15104 60759 170,205 848064 Ithaca 188'1291 524950 2414141 Tota1..,6137 7.2 1101661 7242381 • E. RAVENS, .1. H. G oour:, ' • 'Tnos. Bowan. 2d• r - . - J. u. WOODIUHY, f • 1 17 • The above schedule exhibits the valita- tiou of the real property of Tompkins County. and the basis'adopted by the Board in their equalization- of taxes. Mt. Burtt of tate saute committee pre- sented the following ntinerity'report. The minority of the committee on equalization. would respectfully report that the following be Die equalized valuation, for each. town in the county, for the ;year 1373, Towns Ileal' Personal Total. Caroline 307336 Danby 356977 Dryden930207 Enfield 27.147 Groton o897'r2 Lansing 6-3732 Newfield 357493 Ulysses .... .. 4389+10 Ithaca 1I7i9441 Total6137 720 15801 19250 9122,6 14 '5 1I4s47 126t0;2 1877.4 32313 376227 11121443 284497 704619 490394 376.3333 179205 -x39021 5.24850 2293 90 1104661 7242381 D. L. ButtTT,—Com. On motion of Mr George : Resolved, That, at the request of the super- visors of the several towns of this county, .he sumps set forth in the following schedule, be ley - and assessed upon the taxable property of the several towns named, for the purpose therein mentioned. Towns. Town audits. IIighwys. Poor Caroline3605,13 - 250,00 15',00 14anby 4.87,87 25,4,00 94629 5590,00 31'0,00 407,98 250,00 2355.89 250,00 1 31,36 4000..41 Dryden Enfield Groton Lansing Newfield......, 1704.44 Ulysses . ..1233.36 1915,95 Ithaca 19311,40 250,00 Oil 'motion of Mr. Woodbury Resolved, That at the request, of the several supervisors of the towns, namedin the follow ing schedule the claims set forth therein, be added to the audits of s:.id towns and levied and assessed upon said towns, respectively: LANSING. Jesse travois, road commissioner 8239,00 Darius Hall, medical service 23,50 A. Farrel, enmities for poor 28,0:3 Interest on New York & Oswego Midland Railroad 5125,34 ENFIELD. E. Havens, supervisor 11,52 Interest on Penn. & Sodas Bay It. It 1750,00 Sinking fund 250,00 NEWFIEI,D. Amos D. Shaffer, 1t. R. commissioner 86 01 Sterritt King, •• . 6 35 P. S. Dudley, • • 6 0 Int. on Penn. a S. B. R. 11. bonds, 3640 00 Sinking fund of 1 per cent. on said bonds, 520 00 Wan. 11. Smith, overseer 01 poor, 2 09 CAROLINE. • John Deice, constaole John Cross, assessor John head, excessof tax Truman Spaulding, overseer of poor Benjamin & Hornbeck, (assient,d to Tru- man Spaulding 25 25 1 60 28 044 8 10 28 00 ULYSSES. 6. M. Paddock, ox-com. highways 92 00 Int. on Penn. & S. 13. R. It. bonds • 5250 00 Sinkingfund 81'0 04 H. B. Chase, M. D., bill 66 00 DANBY . C. E. Sayles, constable 2 10 GROTON. V. B. Gross, supervisor I'. F. hart. Justice of the Peace Dana Rhodes •` Ezra Halsey, constable D. B. 31:11 sit, use. of house, election Int. on S. C. railroad bo Ods Int. on Ithaca Sr Cort'd R.it Sinking nand A. C. Blinn, constable DRI DEN. 2 00 7 19 635 6 20 10(0 3M40 00 1050 00 15'.00 2 50 Joshua Dans. excess of tax 21 76 DavisG. Krum " 9-14 11. H. Tichenor •` 13 71 J. H. Cole, urs of house for election 10 00 ITRACA. Int. on Ithaca & Athens R.R. bends 21000 00 Int. on Geneva & Ithaca .• 6847.01. Austin N. lluugerfo•d, Justice 2 57 Jabez B. Scott, and Mr. Bates for clothes and burial of Euni-.e Scott, who died of small -pox . 29 25' On motion of Mr. Rockwell•, Resolved, That the rejected taxes, as returned to the several members of this. Loard, by the county Tr. -usurer, be levied and, assessed upon the several towns respectively, as follows: Caroline, returned tax. 9 Os deficiency 31 56 4064 Newfield, returned tax 17.70 Enfield, . 5 47 Groton, ; ` 29 31 Dryden, 6 4 11210 Total 205 30 Board adjourned.. MORNING SESSION. November, 26, 1873. Board met at the usual hour and was called to order by the Chairman. All the members present except Mr. Rockwell, who was excused. The journal of the previous day was read and approved. 'Phe different members of the equaliza- tion cominittee were engaged apportion- ing the State tax to be paid by the differ- ent towns. The other lnetnhers were en- gaged in countersigning. town orders. AFTERNOON SESSION. Board convened at the usual hour, all the members present except Mr. Rockwell. Mr. George, chairman of the special committee appointed to ascertain the mil- 18 itary expenses of this county, made the following report': To the Bard of Supervisors of the County of Tompkins : Your committee would respectfully report that the whole amount to be raised by tax in the coun- ty, for armorers and armory rent the present year is 5898 85 That the whole number of men in Tompkins county belonging to the N. G. of the State of N. Y. exempteaY on the several assess- ment rolls. together with the amount of such ex- emption, matte in accordance with article 15, sec. 253, chap. 886, of the laws of 18.0, is as folk ws : Ca cline, No. men exemp'd, 20; am't do. 814.5 Danby '` 7 4,576 Dryden " Enfield ,. Groton Ithaca " Lansing Newflehl '• Ulysses " 44 21 17.410 21 16,445 9 " 2,333 29 • 19,180 21 17,800 17 8.070 11 " 7,692 whole " 156 Total. 107,791 Your committee, believing that the said milita- ry o' ganization is formed for the protection of the whole State. and that the expenses 01' supporting the same should fall equally upon all sections 01 the same, would recommend the adoption of the following preunble and resolutions,: Whereas, The said I:lw exempting the members of the N. G. of N. Y. - 810 0 frp,m their assessed valuation of property, is in its operation unequal. unjust, and discriminating; that while many towns and counties in the state are eu.irely free from the burdens caused by the said exemption, others are compelled to bear the increased taxa- tion necessarily imposed upon them in conse- quence of said exemptions, and. Whereas, be said law in making such exemp- tions is unjust and unequal, in that it makes a distinction and discrimination between the man having property exempted and the mann having no grope' Ey exempted, by giving to the former a liberal compensation for his servises and requir- ing the services of the latter without any pay for the same, Therefore, Resolved, That the Member of Assembly of this county, and the Senator from this district be, and they are hereby requested to bring the matter before the next Legislature of this State and to present such an amendment to such law as shall make the same fair. just and equal upon all the counties within this State, and that the members of the N. G. shall receive equal compensation for their services. Resolved, That the clerk of this Board, be and is, hereby directed to place in the hands of said member and Senator, these preambles and reso• lotions. J. II. GEORGE, V. B. Gross, Committee. C. L. W ATTLhs. The report of the committee was accept- ed and adopted on a call of the ayes and noes by the following vote: Ayes; Hawes George, Havens. Wattles, Gross, Woodbury. Bower. Noes ; Mr. Butt was excused from voting and Mr. Rockwell was absent. Board adjourned till evening. fr EVENING SESSION. Board stet pursuant to adjourninent, all the members present. Board engaged in auditing bills and Nos. 112 to 120 inclusive were passed. On motion of Mr. llayens. Resolved, That the following sums be. levied and assessed upon the taxable property of this county, for the purpose designated in the follow- ing list. Fer Schools 810,374 05 General purposes 12,448 86 Bounty debt 16,598 48 New capitol 4,149 6.2 Asylums ,Y Reformatories 2.593 52 Canal floating debt 1,037 40 1"ew work on canals and extra repairs4.140 43 Payment of ,(wards by canal app.aisers. 5,8 9 47 Academies and Union Schools 518 71 Total State debt.... 57,679 74 State tax as apportioned among the several towns as follows: Caroline 89 501,74 Danby •?.913 31 Dryden 7.918 '75 Enfield 9.202 98 Groton 5.474 61 Lansing 7.686 96 Newfield 2.'03 53 Ulysses 6,701 2 ) Ithaca 19.226 57 Total State debt.... 857,679 74 For Court expenses 3,000 Fuel and gas for county buildings 600 State Lunatic Asylum, Utica 2,800 Willard Asylum 3,000 Idiot 30 Monroe County Panitentiary 350 School Commissioners 400 Salam county Judge 2,500 Special County Judge 50 Supervisors' Clerk 101 • Janitor 40 Incidentals. Judge's office 50 Insurance on county buildings 133 Livery to county house 8 Incidentals 600 Supt's of the Poor. ... , 2,000 Deficiency in county Treasury558 32 Dist. Attorney's salary 600 County Treas s 51'0 Chaplain, Co. house 50 County audits 13,985 Total 30,455 32 The following is the apportionment of the coun- ty audits among the several towns Caroline 81 36312 Danby 1,538 19 Dryden 4,181 05 Enfield 1,10114 Groton 2,890 54 Lansing 4.6580;0 Newfield 1,53830 Ulysses 3,569 91 Ithaca 10,15147 30,454 33 19 On motion 01.Mr. Woodbury: Resolved, That the supervisors of the county n: tompkins, be and hereby are. authorized to de- duct from their present State tax the stuns set forth in Die following schedule, whish said sums were collected in the yea,' 18 2, and known as the 33 mill tax, and which is now in the hands of the county treasurer. Caroline • $1,309 17 Danby 1,413 34 Dryden 4,33226 Enfield 1,16586 Groton 2,601 t;3 Lansing 3 993 80 Newfield 1,49879 UI ysse 3,274 51 Ithaca • ;1211 Mr. Havens offered the following pre- amble and resolution, which was adopted by the Board. Whereas, The papers of the town of Ithaca not accepting the proposition made to them by this Board, to publish the proceedings of said Board. and we desiring said inoeeedings should come before the many tett payers. therefore be, it Resolved, That the Editor of Dryden Herald, be requested to print 15500 additional copies of the proceedings of this Board, at the same rate as the first 1500, per contract' Board adjourned to the usual time. Nov. lith, 187 MORNING SESSION. Board Diet at the ostial hour. roll called by Clerk. all the members present. Min- utes of' the previou4 day v;ere reap, and approved. On notion of \[r. Woodbury, the Board took a recess for one hour. On motion of Mr. Wattles: Resolved, That when this Board adjourns, it be to meet on Saturday the 6th day r1' December next at 11 o'clock A. M. On mutioti of Mr. Gross: Resolved, That Mr. John .1. Johnson beaud hereby is appointed county sealer, for Tompkins county for one year. The Board adjourned on motion, to Dec. 6th. 1873. in neeordanco•with a reso- lution previously passed. (OU\Ti AUDI'',. The following is an ;abstract of the names of all persons who presented bills to be audited by the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, at their annual session in November, 1-73. with the amount claimed, ,and the amount allowed on each claim. No. Name. Nature of claim. Cl'med. 1 John Wolcott, services as com- mittee on repairs jail. C. H &c.,.. 792 2 J. M. Smith, supp't of the poor... 129 00 3 G. 11. Steward .,, Co. one register stamp ... 12 00 4 D. F. Finch, stationery for Bo'rd and Go. Judge 13 25 A11'd 792 129 00 19 00 13 85 :, 31. T. Dentrore, sup't of poor,91 75 91 76 6 Howard & Clement, furniture Co Judgge I5 7.i 15 75 7 J M Reggie. material for Co Jud- ge's office 18 75 18 45 8 P H Farrington, eup't of poor13, 50 130 50 9 W P Beers, livery 8 00 8 00 10 F 11 Kennedy, attorney services, 5 00 5 Oe 11 A C 1Vesly, use of house, inq'st6 1.0 6 (.0 12 W N Ruck, overser of the poor6 62 6 62 13 Henry Knettles, 10 (AI 11) 00 14 C Gundlock, labor and supplies [assigned to D Tarbellj 8 90 8 20 15 A Blakeslee: labor on Co. build - &e' (as'd to D. 'Torben) 8 25 8 25 16 S G Williams, constable 3 0, 3 00 17 Henry W 13u11, physician, lunacy 10 00 7 00 1+ Darius Hall •• 5 IRI 5 00 10 C P Fortin •• 7 00 7 111 20 S. B. Rolfe, transpor'n Lunatics, 25 52 25 59 21 J 1) Carpenter, furniture co.jud- ges o01ce 31 80 31 80 22 A Boys, repairing judge's office 43 24 43 24 23 S II Peck, physician services... S 00 :1 00 21 Matthew Bull, justice o' peace, 11 45 10 35 25 l:ich'd Louuebury, justice 4 03 4 On 26 John J Peters, constable 5 20 5 20 97 E Covell, justice 8 1 , 4 40 28 1{ Queal. constable 6 20 6 2J 20 11 R Howell '22 (10 20 00 30 O. Dean, under -sheriff 71 00 70 64 31 Reuben H. Fish 100 00 87 4a 33 Jas. 31. Owen 3 5,1 2 50 33 D. F. Finch, stationery 9 :0 9 50 31 Andrus, McChain & Lyon, sta- tionery for clerk's office 183 81 180 51 35 Ithaca water -works co., water for county buildings 78 66 78 66 36 0 31 Wilson, printing 163 00 163 00 37 Gauntlet & Brooks, material to repair jail & court house.... 162 20 162 20 38 Wilson Bros, work done on Co house 298 65 298 65 39 F. l'. Randolph labor &material 194 12 194 12 40 Dar id Randolph, labor on court buildings 294 02 294 02 41 John 31. Jameson, labor and material 561 91 561 91 42 'fremelt Bing, & Co., supplies190 65 190 65 43 B. G. Slater, constable 4 , 0 400 44 Lewis 31. Chapin, printing 174 00 174 00 45 W. E. Osmun 175 1.6 174 80 46 A. Spencer 6 983 CO , 03 00 47 Selkreg & Apgar.'•1379 4 1 1379 49 48 George E. Goodrich, justice.-905 205 49 I. S. Briggs, M. D lunacy 500 5 (b 50 J. Montgomery M.D. " 5 00 500 51 II. Wilcox. Justice2 00 2 00 59 E. Halsey, Deputy Sheriff 3 50 2 50 53 Enos Snyder, constable 63 15 6'1 55 54 E. C. Aloe, coroner 41 80 41 80 55 11. M. Brown, coroner and med- ical service 54 83 49 38 Henry H. Howe, justice 6 00 6 00 57 Geo. \V. Wood 175 01 159 01 58 R. R, Hose. 1, special dep't sheriff 28 80 24 08 59 Seth Warner, constable 7 15 5 15 60 P. M. Blodget, 2 50 1 50 61 1). Torben, Co. clerk 947 25 947 25 62 H. L. Wilgus. supplies 3 r.0 3 00 03 Spencer & wilhams, printing141 25 141 25 64 Culver & Bates, supplies 99 20 99 2, 61 J. J. Johnson, services 170 10 1:0 00 66 Asahel Clapp, printing 173 50 160 25 67 F. Fillingham, cases for map4 00 4 00 68 Dr. J. Goodyear, medical services 72 00 72 80 69 John Goodyear, M. D. •' 28 00 23 00 7,1 Miles D. Goodyear, " 18 00 18 09 r71 Wm. N. Buck, overseer of poor 71 30 71 30 72 Tremae, Valentine; & Green, material 19 63 19 63 73 Joseph Edsall, services. 12 50 12 50 74 J. 11. Crippen, medical services 5 03 5 00 75 John Ramsey, stove for clerks oIlce 70100 _70 00 76 J. Sincepaugh, coal for Court house 34 55 77 H. L. Root, ex -sheriff.... 4b7 &5 78• `• 9168 79 A, M.Lucas, Justice +-1 49 80 W. J. Carus, dept. sheriff 40 25 81 W. C. Gallagher, services 25 53 82 Wilson Bro's 1 54 88 Carrier & Winsiow, medical services 54 00 84 Asahel Clapp, printing 3 50 .5 L. S. Mackey, services. 4 80 86 E G Phelps, constable 7 75 87 A Neidick & others police con- stable 44 41 88 Cornell Library Association armory rent 300 00 89 B It Williams. armorer and rent 46 00 90 Daniel V Parsonius, armory rent 50 00 91 The town of Danby, 90 00 02 Stora.& Briggs 44 4.100 00 93 Edward Lounsbury, armorer12 63 94 Wm. H. Lester •' 10 00 95 Bower & Miller, armory rent40 0 , 96 GH Houtz, •` 40 10 97 C H Howe, armorer , 8 00 98 J G Wortman, armory rent 50 00 93 J H Theal, armorer 22 51 100 Freeman G Ault, 31 01 101 C 8 Miner, armory rent... 39 00 102 Mason A Burdick, armor 24 00 103 0) 51 Deau,armoty rent 14 00 104 B R Carpenter, armorer21 3 105 Culver & Bates, assigned by Johnson & others bill for stone 142 51 142 61 106 James Norton, and others police court 144 P5 127 05 107 E C Van Kirk, sheriff 2361 02 2361 93 10, Estate of C W Bates services on committee 50 00 109 Lyman Myers, constable2 88 110 8 1' Ashley, ex -supervisor 3 28 111 0 L Wattles, supervisor 4 60 112 I3 9 Rockwell, 125 78 113 V 10 Gross " 116 96 114 E Havens " 114 88 115 Josiah Hawes 113 84 116 C L Wattles •• 114 38 117 DLBurtt " 10496 11+ J 11 George 110 58 119 Thos. Bower 2d " 140 74 110 J 31 Woodbury " 113 22 121 Wm Hammond services as armorer 1111863 34 55 2-7 85 91 68 73 37 31 :3 .2363 1 54 54 00 3 50 4 80 7 75 30 45 300 0 48 00 50'0 90 00 100 00 12 60 1000 40 00 40 00 8 00 50 00 22 5 31 00 39 00 24 00 14 00 21 75 50 00 2 88 3 28 4 60 125 78 116 96 11488 113 81 114 38 NN 90 130 58 140 44 118 28 20 G C R Freeman. clerk 4 00 4 00 7 J B I3ovee 400 41111 8 J Walcott 4 0t5 4 05 J C L Davis •• 4 00 4 00 10 W E Davenport, Assessor 4 00 4 00 11 S D Stevens •• 4 00 4 00 12 do. 27 00 27 00 13 A R.Hubbard " 24 00 2400 14 F FI. Kennedy, attorney, 5 00 000 15 J Johnson, Crim. case, 3 80 75 16 C J Roiutseville, J. P. 15 55 15 55 17 do use of hall 13 00 1300 18 Uriah Lynch. fuel for • 2 00 2 00 19 B G Slater,' constable, 12 50 12 50 20 Geo Reeves 13 40 13 40 21 J Wolcott..ex-Supervisor, 27 02 27 02 22 A T Harding, undertaker, 2000 20 00 23 Geo Muir, constable, 10 95 10 95 24 J 11 Grant •• 8 15 8 15 25 do 135 135 96 Wm Curtis, ex -Coit. h'w'a, 10 00 10 00 27 J J Peters, constable, 47 22 47 22 28 Adelbert Patch, excess tax 5 63 5 63 29 Alvin Merril, coin. h'w's 98 21) 98 20 30 Henry Quick, overseer poor, 5 00 5 00 31 G11 Nixon, supplies pour. 3 41 3 41 32 '1' Hornbeck, house election 25 00 25 00 33 S P Ashley, attorney, 20 00 20 010 :34 D B Glitter. justice peace, 19 35 19 35 35 5 P Ashley ex-snperviso4•, (a county chttrgo) 36 B G Slater, constable, 1 85 1 85 37 Matthew Bull. justice pewee 41 07 41 07 38 C L Wattles, st:pervisor, 16 00 16 00 3!) C L Davis, town clerk, 50 60 50 60 40 8 P Ashley. attorney, 2 00 2 00 41 E L H tno phry, excess tax, 14 21 14 21 42 A R Shunenbcrg do 9 :35 9 35 43 It Lounsbery, J. I'. 14 52 14 52 75 00 00 00 Total 13,063 00 TOWN AUDITS. CAROLINE. Abstract of the names of all persons who pre- sented accounts to be audited by the town aud- ditors of the town of Caroline, on the 6th day of November, 1873, with the amount claimed by each; and the amount finally audited: No. Names. Nat. of Claim'. clami'd. 1 Dan B Gilbert, Insp. E1'n, 4 00 4 00 2 G S Goodrich . " " 5 00 5 00 3 D C Krum " " 5 00 5 00 4 J P Merrill 44 " 4 00 4 00 5 C Louusbury - " 4 00 4 00 5605 13 We hereby certify that the foregoing abstract is correct in all respects. C. L. WATTLES, Supervisor. C. L. DAVIS, Town clerk. 1). B.GILBERT. j Justice MATTHEW KULL, )t Peace. 1:. LUUNSBSRRI. !.tdded by Supervisor.) 44 John Boice, constable, • 1 GO 1 GO 45 John Cross, assessor. 28 00 28 00 46 John Head, excess tax. 8 10 8 10 47 T Spaulding. Overs'r poor, 28 00 28 00 48 assi;rnee of acct Benjamin & Hornbeck; 25 2a 25 25 $696 08 At the annual Town meeting of the town of Caroline. held April lst. 1873, the following resolution was passed.: 21 Resolved, That the sum of one hundred and 10 fifty dollars (5150) be raised for the support of the 11 poor for the ensuing year. C. IIAvis, 1on•n Clerk. 12 DANDY. Abstract of the names of all persons who pre- sented accounts to be audited by the Baud of town Auditors of the town of 1)aeby. on the 6111 day of November. 1673, with the amount claimed and the amount allowed to each elaiment. No. Names. Nat. of claim. Claim'd 1 A 1Vadams d. w:th B't 1, 100 1 00 2 11 Wadam55, jan. t'n hall, 32 00 29 (10 :1 D Ostrander, 6 00 6 00 4 Abagail Coat, rejected. 5 Ira Patchiu. sup't of poor, 8 86 G '1' .1 pierce, jan, t'n hall. 24 00 7 C Slocum. -assessor, 21) 00 8 Allied Vose, 111 00 I0 00 9 D A Everst. •• 18 00 18 00 10 D A Marsh, hizhw'y Com. 45 00 45 00 11 Howell Bros. sup'rt poor. 2 63 2 63 12 .1 Haws t(, Sou, 64 03 04 03 13 Chae. Hots land, J. 1'. 9 01) 9 09 1-1 Lem Jennings, 1050 1050 15 J Thatcher, 5 00 5 00 16 J Hawes, supervisor. . 26 53 20 53 17 G Fortner, sup'rt of poor. :3 15 3 15 18 .1 Vorhis, oversee of pour. 40 49 40 42 10 Dr. Beers, used. ser. for p'r 3)) 75 30 75 20 11 J Williams, town en. 43 00 43 00 21 Sheldon Bierce, ins. e lec'u. 4 00 4 00 29 S B. Beers 4 00 4 00 22 A W Kn.tpp, clerk election, 4 00 4 00 24 E L B Curtis, insp. 4 00 4 00 0 W Wheeler, 6 00 James Snyder, 5 50 .1 B Sweetland, 44 400 4 0O 13 .B Snyder clerk of election 4 00 4 00 14 J A Genung. 400 4 G 15 A L Tyler, 44 4 00 490 16 0 .1 11111. •• 4 00 4 00 10 }: C Elliot. 4 00 18 E1 H Iloupt, 404 19 Willard Shaver, 4 25 20 James M Cart, 400 21 W E Osamu, printing. 2 50 22 Cyrus Knapp, assessor, 38 00 33 W A Burlingame. 42 00 42 00 W D Ellis, house for elect'n, 10 00 1000 E R Palmer, use of house 35 00 35 00 26 E 'Phomas. error in assess't 22 01 22 01 27 E G Beach. •• 6 01 6 01 28 '1' Hill. " 1045 1045 29 G 11 Sperry, overseer poor, 18 00 18 00 30 Enos Snyder, constable, 2 40 2 40 31 Brad d Snyder. assessor, 49 00 49 00 39 M M Brown. physician, 1.2 00 10 00 33 A Ewers, overseer of poor, 22 50 22 50 34 G E Goodrich, justice, 1395 13 95 35 Orren T Ellis, constable, 10 55 10 55 3G 11 Wilcox, justice peace, 1425 1425 37 A W George, justice peace and house for election, 2510 25 10 38 .1 11 George, Supervisor, 70 71 70 71 39 R31Smiley, emu. higli'ya 392 00 392 00 40 Geo. H Houtz. town clerk, 3018 3018 41 J B George, error assess'nt, 2176 21 76 42 W C Ellis. justice peace, 7 00 7 00 43 W C Ellis, •• •• 640 640 44 S B Beers, timber, 600 400 6 00 5 50 4 00 4 04 4 25 • 4 00 2 50 8.,. 23 10 0i) h 1700 407 87 The undersigned, Board of Town Auditors of the Town of Danhv. do certify that the foregoing abstract is correct. DANItY, Nov. 6, 1873. .lo.uarl IIAWES, Sup•r. 13..1. WILLIAMS, T Il C11. 1. THATCHER, C. flow t.ANll, Justices. L. JEN N1 N E';. (Added by Superviecr.) 25 C. E. Soles, const.. 2 10 DItYDEN. A bstract of the names of all persons, who pre- sented accounts to the Board of town auditors of the town of Dryden, on the fish day of Novem- ber 1873, with the amount claimed and the amount finally allowed. No. Names. Services. Claim'd. All'd. 1 .1 N Fos, inspect'r of elect'n, $5 00 5 00 2 Johu Snyder. " 4 00 4 00 3 1I A Dearman. 4 00 4 00 4 J F George, 4 00 4 00 5 G E Hanford. 4i 4 00 4 00 0 J Bartholomew, 5 50 5 50 7 J V Ross, 4 23 4 23 8 O'1'Ellis. 400 400 9 I P Ferguson, 4 00 4 00 950 29 946 29 we the undersigned, Board of town auditors do hereby certify, that the foregoing abtract is correct. JAMES II. Grouoa, Superior. G. H. Hou•rz, Town Clerk. H. 1V 1 LCOS, A. W. GEORGE. I Judtfees. G. E. GOODRICH, 1V. C. EI.Lis. The following resolutions were passed at the annual town meeting of the town of Dryden, on Tuesday April, 1st, 1873. Resolved, That the sum of forty-five hundred dollars (84500) be levied and collected in said town, for the purpose of oads, an.1 bridgesfor the en- suing year. Resolved, That the sum of three hundred dol- lars [8300,1 be levied and collected in said town for the support of the poor for the ensuing year. At a meeting of the Board of town auditors of said town, held in conformity with the provisions of vection first (1). chapter one hundred and three (103], laws of 1836, it was Resolved, : hat the sums of twelhundred and tlfty dollars (8250], be levied and collected, for the purpose of repairing and protecting the highway near the house of Yldlau• der Buck. The stim of seven hundred and fifty dollars, for the purpose of constructing the Varna bridge. The sum of fifty dollars ($51,), for the pur- pose of protecting the highway, near Bradford Cook's, also the sum of forty dollars ($40], for the purpose of repairing the bridge on the Dryden Springs read. GEO. HOUTZ. Town Clerk. [Added by Supervisor] 45 -Joshua Dane, excess of tax, 21 76 46 Davis C Krum, •• 9 14 47 H H Tiehnor, " 13 71 48 J 11 Cole, house for electicn, 10 00 ENFIELD. Abstract of the manes of all persons who pre- sented accounts to be audited by the Board of town auditors of the town of Enfield, on the 6th ami 15th. days of November 1873, with the amount claimed by each and the amount finally allowed. No. Name. Nature of claim Claim'd A1I'd 1 C W Rurnsey, asses). 2 y'rs S40 00 40 00 2 S B Korts, assessor, 20 00 20 00 3 W. 11 Ammoch. 23 00 23 00 4 E Rolfe. cum. highways, 46 00 46 00 5 E Van Kirk ex-overs'r poor, 19 00 19 00 6 E Wheatherby ex-eom. h•w'y 15 00 15 00 7 E Brewer. R. R. coin. 11 20 11 20 8 Win, Miller` " IO 25 10 25 9 1 H Newman, " 3 00 3 00 10 E Horton, poll clerk 4 00 4 00 11 E Willis inspector election 4 00 4 00 12 Wm 0 Newman " 4 00 4 00 13 E Brewer poll clerk 4 12 4 12 14 J M Baker. insp. of elections 4 00 4 00 15 .i N Whinney overs'r of poor 4 00 4 00 16 Mrs. E. Van Marter, house, for town purposes, 25 00 25 00 17 J H Bailey. Jp 10 00 10 00 18 E Havens, supervisor, 14 00 14 00 19 Wm Marshall, J. P. 18 60 18 60 20 E Coved, 15 00 15 00 21 J M L•tnnin;. •• 18 00 18 00 2.2 T J Baker. town clerk, :14 36 34 36 23 M Russel . constable, 12 40 9 30 24 .J it Lanniug. justice, 2 00 2 00 25 Win Marshall. •` 2 00 2 00 26 J 1-1 Bailey. •' 00 2 00 27 E Cove,. 28 E Corel. 29 T 3 Baker. town clerk, 30 J M Baker. )llstice. 31 S B Rolfe, ex -supervisor. 32 [Added by Supervisor.] 33 E Havens, 34 Highway purposes, 11 52 250 01) GROTON. Abstract of the names of all persows who pre- sented accounts. to be audited by the Board of town auditors of the town of Groton, on the 6th day of November 1873. with the amount elnimed by each, and the amount audited and allowed to each. No. Name. Nature 01 claim. CU'md A11'd 1 I) W Woodbury Insp. of Election, 84 00 '2 Warren Little, " &. clerk8 01 3 Elislro Fields excess tax 1+,21 4 II C Barrington Insp. of election, 400 5 1t Lancing, clerk of " 400 6 B H wakerley. It. R. Com 900 7 Stewart Stevens, clerk of election, 4 n1 8 Samuel Ilowser, 1ioti a election... 10 00 9 A F Morton overseer poor 53 50 10 M D Goodyear, Insp. of election, 6(0.1 11 J Ir Townley, •• 61,0 12 J M Tarbell, clerk of 44 6 (0 13 II Head, Inspector 4 0 n 14 A Ii Buck. •` 400 15 A M Francis, set'ment R R Com'r, 23 50 16 L N Chapin. printing bill 13 28 17 A Backus, R It commissioner5 0 n Is S C It. ynolds. clerk of election4 00 19 V B Gross, R R commissioner900 20 S Bostwick, excess of tax .. 3 32 21 W H Burnham, R It ('om 500 22 W H Burnham, Insp. of elec. ion 4 00 '23 V B Gress, supervisor 21 40 24 1) B Backus, town clerk24 54 25 W W White, road commissioner67 12 26 William Morton, excess tax 6 60 27 N Stevins services as snperrrso•21 00 28 Dr. John Goodyear, rued. sews 31 50 27 •• " 31 01 30 Dr. E. R: Weaver, 66 25 00 31 N Stevens, refund school money. 81 00 32 W W White, road eom'r, 1500 00 1500 00 33 John McKellar, Assessor, 40 n 0 40 JO 34 John G. Cobb, •• :02 00 32 00 35 A B Rogers, Justice services, 12 00 114 00 76 W I) Mount, " 21 00 27 00 37 Dana Rhodes. •• 32 00 32 00 38 I' F Hart, 46 18 00 18 00 39 Dr. A Robinson, med. services, 10 50 16 50 40 M 1) Goodyear, 2 i5 ^5 41 " " 6 00 600 42 51 D Fitch, inspector election, 4 00 4 00 43 John Terry, assessor. 34 00 34 19 44 Dr. John Goodyear, med. serv. 38 50 3e 50 2,374 72. 2355 8) 400 8 00 288 4 nal 4 00 9 1• 4 00 10 01 &3 50 fi 0 60' 6 00 4 00 400 23 5n 1328 5 00 4 00 9 00 3 32 a00 4i0 2140 24 54 6712 6 60 21 On 20 011 31 00 25 00 84 00 5 70 5 70 We, the undersigned, Board of Auditors cf the town of Groton, do hereby certify that the above 2 00 2 00 named bills were audited by us on the 6th day of 2 00 2 00 November, 1873. V. 11. Grcoss. Supervisor. 1 75 1,00 D. B. BACICUS, T'n Cl'k. 17 50 17 50 17 25 1725 407 2S We do hereby certify that the foregoing ab - tract is correct. EBENEZER HAVENS Supervisor THEO. J. BAKER, TGwn Clerk, WM. MARSHALL, JEWEL 1T. BAILEY ELIPHALET covin., JAMr:s M. LANNIJG. Justice's. A. B. NIoc:Etts, ) W. D. MOUNT. i Justices. Do 8o RHOHEs, I'. F. HART. (Added by Supervisor.) 45 V if Cross, Supervisor, '2 00 40 P F Hart, J. P e 7 19 47 Dana Rhodes 6 35 48 Ezra Halsey, constable 6 20 49 D B Marsh, use of horse ... 1000 60 A C Blinn, constable 250 Interest on S 0 R R bonds 3500 00 •' I t 0 R It bonds 1050 00 Sinking fund 150 00 23 :Tit A CA. The following is a correct abstract of all the per- sons who presented chimes to be audited by the Boar•I of town auditors of the town of Ithaca, county of Tompkins, on the 6th day 4)t November 1873, and the amount allowed. No. Name. Nature ofclaim. Allowed. 1 Almon Boys, overseer of the poor 813313 88 2 F A Parteuhienor. poll clerk 3 Chas D Johnson, Insp. election 4 Selkregg & Apgar printing bit' 5 L V Morris inspecting bridges 6 Enos Snyder constable 7 Seth Warner A Peter Kline assesor 9 Andrus & MoChain printing hill 10 11 D C unningh:uu, poll clerk.. ...... . 4 25 11 1S It Williams 4• 425 L li W Ensign poll clerk and special town 4 00 4125 15 75 80 525 6 95 99 38 14 36 13 W D Halsey, poll clerk 14 Lynas !lackey Insp. of election 15 Chas C \Vood, poll clerk 16 Ruben Fish. tinder sheriff 17 Cornell Library. town meeting l'72. IN Enos Buck bee hall rent, Geucr'l town - meeting. 55 00 19 H A Ensign, Ins p. of ole •ion 41X1 20 .John Mclown, Plank 320 21 John IS Warren, repairing .. 1999 22 Wit. 9Irliiiincv, work on bridge's 1200 23 Ira Rockwell. bridge timber 1666 24 Win Id 16sti•. water lune 222 66 25 Van3touter .4 Jewett. lumber 4.41 2); lanais Taber, insp. of election 4 00 27 Francis O'Conner " 4130 28 Henry It Kenyon •' 8 75 4 00 4 00 4.0 1 75 ",5 tW 40)) 29 santucl 1, Beers, assessor 2 400 30 Treemau King &. Co., hardware5 72 31 A King & Sons. lumber 9 14 32 It A Ensign, Building sluices &c.. 7a 10 33 1' li Elsworth, attorney for assessors10 06 :14 1' 51 Blodgett. constable bill ' 6 15 35 J W Pickering, digginggtaves 5 00 0.1 1I 1( llowell, constable bill 32 00 37 Allen Gray Insp. of election� 4 00 38 Enoch 'ran Kirk. overseer of poor, 1•:n - field 1'72 21 24 :19 Enoch Van kirk overseer of poor En- field 1'72.... 211 50 46 41 A 1lointes. use of house election & feeding prisoners one year 21550 41 Justin A 1lungerford. poll cl'k & Sta- tionary 450 42 Soloman Holiness, lumber... 25 43 Myron A Sexton, assessor 84 00 44 Saue'l !holiday, mason nark 331 25 45 A C Wesley, Louse for election 15 00 46 (:has Hammer, yet meted tax 21 25 47 E 0: Moo, Doctors bill :1000 48 Carrel'& Winslow Dr. bill 9.50 49 M NI Brown. •• '00• 50 A Patterson, '• •• :300 51 1Vm 1:0; yell. •• •• 30 W 52 41 1' Sackett. •• ,. 139 0 '.3 b: .1 Morgan, •• •• 54 Ai t: Seaman. Ex -town elerk.. 55 \Vin Spence. sand 5)3 Ausou Spencer. printing 57 1.1 .1 Seatuao & Son. livery bill • 58 1) J Seaman. rent for town clerks desk. 5 canning & hart, lumber11ll... 50 .lolut Ramsey, hardware Ili11 61 Chas G Day, Justice o1• the peace 62 W P Beers, livery 1111 assigned to Cul- ver & Bat's 63 henry Ti:lotson: poll mer! 61 John 1.111 ierburt, labor 665 (1 l: VcChine, interest on certificate 1:6 Robert II Johnson. refunded tax 67 Wm VanOrder, sand 28 50 8. Lyman S Ellis, plank 1731 6'4 Joseph Stringer, painting bridge 2 40 70 Phillip K Manning, labor 5010 71 John Lewis, coo. of highways 3552 70 72 Geo. W Wood, justice 55290 73 Dr. A. Patterson, doctor bill 42 00 74 .1 R Bennett, constable 425 75 Thos Jackson, serv. in small -pox case 25 00 76 0. Middaugh. lumber bill, assign'd to Calver & Bates... 2'2101 77 W D Halsey, cl'k spec. election 4,0 78 Norton, Robinson, Dixon & Puff, police 577 55 79 41. 51 Lucas, justice 406 33 80 Enos Ruckhee, hall rent. sp'1 t'n m'g,2000 81 Niedick, .4eaman, Vanorder, .0 ilks, po- lice bill 2,3180 82 Win Gee, const. bill as'gn'd S B Beers 540 83 A N Hungerford, justice 9900 84 E G Phelps, constable 935 85 Coin's 1 & A R R bill for services.... 96) 0 86 1; Vancleef, doctor bill le 00 g7 Selkreg & Apgar, printing 10 75 88 Chas 5 Seaman, town clerk 12630 89 Chas (I Day, justice. 14 00 90 Asa \I Lucas •• 8600 01 Geo \I Wood 105 0u 412 Henry H Howe, '• 10900 93 Geo hiflin, stone, assigned to Culver & Bates 5010 94 Johnson. Kirk & Co.. repairing road, 15000 95 .1 J Renwick. sand 275 $6 .1 s (: Cook, plank, 780 97 Chas \V Bates, estate 167 00 Ap'l 4.'73, certificate to A Brooks, over'r of poor 1412 34 May 1,' 3, certificate to A Boys, overseer of poor 1000 00 Interest added to Jan. 1st, '74 46 67 Ali l 4, certificate to David Colgrove, emu highways 24 74 June 18 •• .1 Lewis,build'gbridg3200 00 Interest added for 511 months 102 66 Sept. 27, certificate to C W Bates for King Iron Bridge Co 20001'0 Interest added for 3 mo's 3 days3616 Oct. 20. certificate to .1. Lewis, Com'r of highways 6::4 47 19,290 3 • • We hereby certify the foregoivig abstract Is correct. (Alias. 5. SEAIIAN, Town Clerk. HENRY u. Howtt, AUSTIN N. HUNG, RNORU, Gen. W. WOOD, A. M. LUCAS.—Justices. Added by Supervisor.) Interest on Ithaca & Athens R R bonds. 21000 10 •• Geneva & Ithaca R 14 bonds, 6847 01 Austin N. Ilungerford,justice 2 75 J I4 Scott. order of Mr. Bates for clothes and burial 0' Ennit,e Scott, who died of 5111011 -pox. 29 25 8334 LANSING. 44 28 Abstract of the names 01'all persons who pre - 65)1 sented accounts to be audited by the Board of 16 25 town auditors, of the to •'t, of Lansing. on the 6th 45 50 lav of November, 1873. with the amount claimed 35 tl 4)11)1 the amount allowed each '21745 3045 No. Name. . Claimed. 2790 1 .1 T Knettles, Insp. Election.. 8400 2 Gen. eeter ... 4 .0 1s 50 4 Renton grown .. •• ... 4 0 4 00 4 14 J Town ey, •• ... 500 11 53 5 Almon Tarbell, •• ... 400 814 6 Harvey teeter. ., 4 0 17 0Yp 7 .1 .1 \lilrhell. •• '• ... 425 All'd. 400 4 00 4 00 50. 4011 .400 4215 le 8 John W Pratt, clerk election.., 400 9 John \V Smith, •• „ 4 00 Id ,1000)) Rhodes. •• •. 4 00 11 W 11 Edith, ",4 00 12 Phomas (toss, use of house 15 00- 13 Almon 11 Tarbcllcon-table 410 14 Willi:0u Mead, sepplles to poor18 0 15 I) 11 Thayer, [lisp of election5 00 10 Setkreg 1. Aft -:u•, for printing200 17 Henry Miller, use of house 15 00 18 Lamson Hedden, clerk election4 00 Int Casper Fenner, supplies poor7 08 2J 1' A DtolIey, formed ural services 25 47 21 D T L';n•r, med. services 24 0.) A 11 Drake, supplies for poor2: 75 23 Wesley De Camp, use of house, 0 00 24 Albert Baker. supplies to poor 17 80 z5 D '1' :,arr. 111; d. services 0 00 so Chas. Loucks, supplies for poor, 4 00 27 N E Lyon, " . 20 1 0 23 .Joshua Davis. excess of tax • 48 10 29 (,ulcer & Bates, supplies for poor 59 2 30 .5 L Whiton ti`• 45 15 31 ,John E Brown " „ 15 90 32 Dr. E. (1, Moe. Med. services,5 75 34311. N. Buck. poo•master 11 • 9 84 .1 31 \IcKiney, excess of tax 0 97 35 Harriet Butler, supplies for poor 39 39 30 .1 II Bogardus, 1t R Com .. 4 00 37 Henry Knettles, pnormaster... . 21 75 38 l:g0ert WIllianns. R R Com'r20 90 39 C (4 101(10ns. ,. 341)0 40 C 1' Bailin. med. se•yices. 4 01) 41 John W Wyckoff', assessor 33 00 42 Warren Seeley. con'r 62 70 43 Sarah J. Lester excess of tax45 54 44 ,Joshua Brown justice 20 00 43 John 1I Conklin 21 10 46 Jas. . Burr. for use of horse. . 41) 00 47 Sall' Sweezey. Snpp)ies for poor 17 s6 4, James 31. Woodbury, justice19 00 49 Davi . Crocker "1 00 50 Asa W Smith. town clerk .... 20 t) 1 51 Daniel .:nue. Assessor 3 , 00 52 \le•vin Bower " 34 00 53 ,loshnn. Brown, justice 4 90 34 ,)antes 11 \Woodhull, Supervisor83 70 LANSING, Nov. 6, 1873. --4 4 00 town, to be expended for highways and bridges 4 00 in said town, but not to exceed $1.250. 4 110 At a special meeting of the town board of the 4 00 town of Lansing, held at Burrs Hall, Aug. 26,1873, 15 0 a majority of the members being present, the fol - 4 10 lowing resolution was unanimously passed: 18 fol- „ 11:solved, That this board authorize Jesse Fla - yens, commissioner of highways of sand town, to raise the sum of £750, of the credit of said town, to be expended for highways and bridges, in the Safi town, but not to exceed $"750. N E\VFIELD. 500 2 Oil 1500 4 00 7 08 25 47 24 00 23 75 •. 00 17 80 6 00 4 00 20 00 48 1 5!) 28 45 15 15!0 5 75 11 00 1197 39 39 4 int 21 75 2 34 90 4 33 lit 45 "6 21 40 17 19 21 00 30 34 4 83 Abstract of the natoos of all throe per- sons who presented 8cc0nlltS40 be audited to the Board of 'Town Auditors of the town of -Newfield, on the ,6t11 day (d No- vember.1873. \Vitll the amount claimed by each :11111 the :Into:ant finally audited. No. Name. Services. (.'laion'l1-811'd. 1 J Stomp. use of house $tai 00 2 Win E Farmer clerk 4 00 3 John W Dean clerk as'rs 12 0(1 4 Nathan S Georgia Insp. 4 (10 5 Samuel Simpson, 4 00 6 Dana'E Dean, services 4 0(1 7 G F Dudley, •' . 4 00 0 . 00 8 Crowell Ham, 4 00 70 9 S S Freere, Insp. election 4 00 )° 10 Abner H Stamp. 4 00 to 11 Robert, Alexander, survice8 00 election 4 00 sit '2 J Carpenter services elec'n 4 00 o 00 13 Alvah Brown, clerk 4 00 90 14 Alvah Brown, use house 7 00 00 15 Samuel Dudley Cpm, 94 00 „ 16 John P Todd. ex-com. 33'47 7o 17 Benj. Starr, elk coin. h'y 8 00 Abram Brown, assessor 30 00 Wm Kellogg, 18 1031 36 , 19 " 2(i 00 . 20 Onev Dassance '• 31 35 1 hereby certify the foregoing to be a true •ropy 21 5:110'1 ('olgrove, constable 5 5(1 of accounts audited by Ole town board. on file In Dean, 1180 house 30 1))) my office. As.\ \W. s.11IT11. Town CI'k. ' 22 Stare' 23 Wm Farmer town el'k 43 00 :.\dried by Supervisor.) , 24 E C'l'horn, Justice peace 9 00 25 Benj Stair. " " 19 00 2G .J W Dean. " 22 75 55 ,Jesse Havens, highwaw aw com'r. 259 00 059 N) 50 Dai ins 11:111. 0101. services02 50 _`2 5 I 57 A 11 Farrel, supplies 1nr poor28 03 "8 08 Highways •1111 bridges 40))0 00 4000 00 ; 27 ()bed Seeley ex -coo. h'y 14 00 14 00 Interest on N Y. & Oswego 31id- ' 1.8 Sam'I Dudley, " " 1164 86 116486 latfd tt R 5125 34 5120 ri't I, 29 Hiram S Backwell sup'r 11 0(1 1100 25 00 400 12 00 4 00 4 0 4 00 4 00 4 011 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 7 00 94 00 3347 8 00 30 00 26 00 :31 35 5 50 :1000 43 00 900 19 00 2275 10.46623 1 30 Sluu'l Dudley. Com. 11'y 65 56 65 56 At a special meeting of the tow). Board of the town of Lansing. held at Burrs Hall. April 8. 1873., all the members being present, the following res-' olntion was unanimously passed : • Resolved. That this Board Authorize Jesse Havens. 000101180101101 1)t' highways of the sal t town. to raise the, sum of £2000. on the cn,dit of said town. to be expended tor highways and bridges. Ilnt not (n exceed an amount of 82000. At a special meetin_ of the town 1101) r'1 (1f• 1he town 04' 1.01As111g. hold at Purrs 11x11. July, 1 . 1873. (.\1111((1 by Supervisor) all the menbt rs tieing present, the following res- 32 ;\ nuts D Si:'.1ler, B T cont, 6 00 oiati0n was tea intously passed: 33 \lel•riit. King..... 6 3 5 Resolved. That this Itoar'', authnrze Jesse 11:1- ; ;i4 1' 1 D(ldle}'. •: `' 6 00 vets. commissioner ot'highways,ofthe 50111town. �3.i Al,1)t B Smith, oversee poor 2 00 10 10180 the 811111 0f 812.50. 0u the credit of said � 31 Nelson Cutter. .1. P. 9 00 t) 00 1.704 49 We hereby certify that the foregoing abstract is correct. Nov. 6[11. 187:1. 1I s 11celcwfmt. Supervisor, • . W I•: FA 1201 ktt.town Clerk. 41l- N.J. STARR JOHN W DEAN. 1l.vIx C •rtlnl;N, N .sox C 01 11.1:,— Justices. ?5 ULYSSES. The following abstract shows the names of persons whose bilis were audited by the town Board of the town ot Ulysses, Nov, 6th. 1873. and the amount allowed to each person. The members of the Board present were, 'I'HoMAs BOWER 2t1, Supervisor, ABRAM CHASE, 'Town Clerk, STEPHEN CLOUGH. \VILLIAN MACK, SAM II El. BuRLEW .Justices J It E31Eltx. No. Name. Bower 211 46 Henry D Barto, excess of tax. 47 C Wartman, " 4' 48 Leroy Trembly; use of house, 49 T Boardman, com. R.R 400 22 92 1I 71 2 00 3 25 1235 36 1 do hereby certify that the above is a true transcript ot the town audits, in the office of the town clerk, in.he town of Ulysses. Jacksonville, Nov. llth, 1873. • ABRAM CHASE town clerk. Allowed. [Added by Supervisor] 1 Dr. J D Leurs, $7.2 00 2 11 0 Lauipkius.'for poor, 10 50 3 Dr. J M Fariingtou. 12100 4 1-1 D Basco, coin. 11 R 1862 5 T Boardman '. 30 35 6 Oscar Wilson. printing hills. 2 00 7 George 11 Sten art, it Sons. one cotlin 25 00 8 .1 T Hew. excess of tax. 9 00 9 Geo.K Farrington, Iusp. election 400 10 Chas. Vau Amberg, Insp. c:urvaa'r 8 59 11 .1 D Boughton. coin. highway. 20 00 12 .lamb L Pope. Iusp. election 4 00 13 E Sis=on, clerk •• 4 00 14 Nelson Noble, Insp. 400 13 .)antes L Stone clerk, `• 4 00 16 .1 I) Sm' i h. Insp. •• 7 0u 17 Leroy 'I'renily, rise ot house. 24 00 18 David F Smoke, constable, 21 80 19 .1 I) M smith, 101 services. 7 50 20 Peter 11 Farrington. coin. R It 17 00 21 Lsiolon Krum, assessor, 3000 22 A B Dickerina '. 43 00 23 Osc:u• K Dean, constable. 77 50 '24 A V Van Liew, cont. highways. 36 00 25 D.. Benj linin Dunning. 35 00 26' 11 A Bower. pian tvith small pox 100 00 27 A II Quigley.oye1'R'er poor. 900 28 57ephe i Clough. assigned to A II .Xs D 0 Quigley, 37 26 29 Dr. George l:ightmire, 4 25 30 A .1. Williams. 1ii91 election. 4 00 31 John Van 1'bnsKirk. •• 8 00 02 1-aac Bullard. use of hoose 52 00 33 L 13 Curry. rise.s,or. 41 45 34 Thomas Van. It R Com. 22 00 35 .John M Thompson, Ilse house, 4 00 36 Murine Fish. constable. 5 55 7.37 H G Couper. ex•town clerk. 11 75 8 .1 11 \\'it ks, lose. election, 4 00 39 .John Willis. Clerk. •• 4 00 40 J 1t Etnery..1 P. 60 75 41 Ablaut Cha -e. town clerk. 52 00 42 Williaoi Ma -k. J. P. 16 CO 43 'Phomas Bower 2d supervisor, 41 Samuel Bnrlew. J. P. 4.o Stephen Clough. aQsigued to T. 50 S M Paddock; ex -coin. highw'ys, 22 00 51 H B Chase. medical serviecs board & washing for J Dickerson 66 00 52 highway coin. Iron bridge &e. 1,915 95 53 Interest on Penn. & S B. R R 5,250 00 54 Sicking fund, 80000 Total 9289 31 Abstract of charges against the several towns, as audited by the Board: CAROLINE. State Tax 12,581 74 County expenses 1.368 12 Town 696 O8 Highways . 250 00 Town Poor 150 00 Returned ax 9 08 Deficiency in 1872 31 64 5,081 66 Less 31 mill tax of '72, in Treas. hands, 1309 17 3,772 49 DANDY. State 12,913 31 County expenses 1,538 19 Town audits 409 97 Superintendents of the poor 103 79 Highways .... 250 00 5,215 26 Less am't in Treasurer's hands 1.413 34 3,801 92 DRYDEN. State Tax 7,918 75 County expenses 4,181 05 Town 1.000 90 Superintendents of the poor 313 15 Support of poor 300 00 Highways 5,590 00 Returned tax 112 18 Less ain't in Treasurer's hands State Tax 81 61 County audits 38 00 County poor Highways ENFIELD. 19,416 03 4,332 26 15,083 77 82,202 98 1,163 14 418 80 39 81 250 00 Returned tax... .5 47 RECAPITULATION. Int. on 1'a. s S IS R 11, bonds. 1.750 W Caroline :1:73 49 sinking fund 4 0 Hanby 38 41,2 6,080 •20 Dryden 15053 77 Less the :3i mil! tnx of 1872 i,hi 86 lntleid 4114 :i1 _ (.colon 1:321044 4,914 :14 Ithaca 68701 28 Loosing 18.80 00 GROTON. Newfield b913 04 16479 39 Total. 153156 71 State Tax ii5.474 61 County exp. uses 5.891 54 •• poor, 77 72 Town Audits 2,390 13 Returned tax 3 , 31 Ilir:hways 250 al Int. on ftail• Road bonds 4,550 00 sinking fund 150 0 -- 15,812 :31 Lees 34 mill tax in Treasurer's hands, 2,001 83 -- 13,210 4• ITHACA. State Tax ... 1',,220 57 County audits 1,•.151 47 Town 19.;.5422 Supt's of poor 584 12 Highways 250 00 int. on 1. & A. 1t 1t bonds 2100) 0 •• 1.:. Rt L •• •• 6847 01 7741339 Less 3i mills tax 04'1872 8712 11 037 d 28 LANSING. State tax 7089 • 6 County tax 4 58 60 Poor 59 01 Town audits 1340 89 Highways & bridges 4 00 re Inst. on It It bonds 5125 34 23'273 80 Less 8 mill tux of 1872 ;993 80 IS280, 0 Ng1'FIEt.H. . State tax ... 29135:3 County expenses 1538 30 Town 1721 84 Snnt•s of poor 57 46 Returned C•S 17 70 Int. on Pa. & S. R. R It bonds 161000 Sinking fund 521 0 1s1 183 Les- mnonnt in treasurers hands 1498 79 8913 04 ULYSSES. State tax 6761 29 County nulnw 1569 91 Support of poor (33 29 Town audit* 1:32:1 1r. Highways & :,ridges 1111595 int. on Pu. 8 f1 14 R bond . 5.2500n Sinking fund 00 0a 19753 sf1 34 milt ax of :870. deducted .. 3274 51 17'47 • 79 mIL • A statement of the names of the several incorpo- rated companies liable to taxation in the coun- ty overty of Tompkins, State of New York, and the amount of Real aioI personal Estate belonging to each, as the same is set down on too ..ssess- m0a1 110115. which have Leen sanctioned by the Board of Supervisors nl said county, and the amount of fax assessed upon each, for the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy- three. 1 ll rehy tollity that the tort -voile, ctate- tllenl 1. eurreO(. .1. 1.. BAK!':It. D0'. S. 1873. b'u.pe ro o 's C"arf,•. STATEMENT showing the amount of compensa- tion audited by tho Board of Supervisors of Tompkins county, to the members thereof, within the past year, the items and nature of such compensation, the number of days the Board have been in session, and the number of miles traveled by the members of the Board, in attending County Canvass and the meetings of the Board: Cir -.g fir: o: 'STToST vA:4di1S yO=,=-I 9 C O y P 0 : 7 m a.y"' O • tr.a.II0t.4tet4wt4 Days with Co. Can'rs.! 000-0'0000 en 888088888 Itoatr+ga3:m8 ll -I 17;;;;:,2 V 8p 8 Q S O_ w m0.3 .-'00�0 SE0888s8a Lays with Board. Per diem allowance* Miles traveled. Mileage. Copying Roll, &c. Miscellaneous. Total. I here) y certify that the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins county were in session two days in making County Canvass, and twenty days at their session in 15T3. as a Board, (with the exception of Mr. Burnt), and that the number of miles neces- sarily traveled by the members of the Board in the performance of their duties, is as above stat- ed, as 7 believe . and 1 further certify that no ac- counts were audited by said Board. without be- ing properly verified according to low. J L. BAKER. Clerk of Board of Supervisors Tompkins Co. 27 0 5xt-l5G�t=1bCo at5��7 m.t {9-.0 mA mm na, 4 :' y; 4le: 'il VOIDs�.T..pVjQ Acres of Land. Assessed value 01 real estate. da—td88ag Ho' Assessed value of personal estate. Corrected Aggre- gate valuat.•,n. 1p to VIVV AmountTaxes. of Town tpo p_ d i.trt=c5ICN Amount of County Taxes. $t zta ZEA Amount of State ,8_,=0,a,,,8 Tax for :Schools. o ��zgo'�ilam�� w 0 m -a,9a 8 ed',, Amount of State Tax exclusive of school tax. moo go'• a. l- .° TL'-w-le~gt11V � pwp 8:- o6.70:, a "-, Aggregate taxati'n :OY00�6 GC i�V N,O 4 Rate of tax on sill g a m valuation. AK °m 1. J. L. Baker. Clerk of the Board of Supervisors ot the County of Tompkins, ilo hereby certlty that the precediur is a true statement of the Aggregate Valuation ot the Real and Personal Estate in the several towns and iVards in said County, as I•nr•ected by said Beard of Supervisors. at their Anodal Meeting in the month of November. 1873. .1. L. BAKER. Cler/'. 1 r • 28 Saturday Dec. 6th. 1873. accompanying circular to be carefully tilt- l'be Boardrust at. their rorns at 11 ed out. after the printing bills for the cur - o'clock A. M. pursuant: to adjonrputent. rent year shall have beet' audited. and the statement 'eturt'ed to the 11ndersigt'ed as Roll called by•elerk, a quorum present. early as practicable. The minutes ot the last days meeting of the Board were read and approved. The Board engaged in signing collectors Warrants. Ad.ljoul•netl till 2 o'clock P. M. AFTERNOON SESSION. I . Board met at 2 P. 1I. and called to or- der by the chairman. all the members present. The Board engaged its siguing the. col -1 lectors warrants. and in general business. The bill ot Win. Hammond for $75,00 No. 121. was on 'notion. rejected. The chairman of the Board presented the following communication. SUPERVISOR'S OFFICE, Town ot Southampton. Suffolk County, N. Y.. Nov. 18. '73. To the Chairrnan of the Board of Supervis- ors of the County ,of Tompkins. Stue of New York : SIR :—The Board of Supser"isors of Suf- folk County, at its late Manual meeting. appointed the undersigned a committee to obtain information from -the several coon - ties of this State it' regard tothe cost of the public printing under our present laws, with a view to secure from the :.ext Leg- islature such changes as will tend to a re- duction of such costs; and also to invite the co-operation of the several Boards of Supervisors in effecting the refortn. It is believed that a considerable volume of matter is printed that might be entirely omitted. and that the time for publishing some other matter might be reduced with- out detriment to the public interest, and lastly. that the price per folio is unneces- sarily high, whereby a heavy burden is annually imposed upon taxpayers that might and ought to be considerably les- sened. Will you please bring the subject to the attention ot your Board for such action as it may deem proper to take. and partic- ularly that it will cause the blanks in the Respectfully. yours adhc. WILLIAM R. POST. Chairman of the Board of Supervisors Suffolk County. Ni. Y. Oil motion of Mr. vs, ooribury : Resolved, That at the request of the Board ot Supervisors-ot Suffolk county, the clerk of this Board, furnish to the chairman of the Board of supervisors of said county the aggregate cost of public printing in the county of Tompkins. for the years 18.2 8c 1873. O', motion of Mr. Rockwell : Resolved, That the collectors of the several towns, in Tompkins county, be requested by this Board to settle with the county treasurer on or before the 31st day ofJanuary 1-74 On motion of Mr. Havens: Resolved, That the thanks of this Board be ten- dered to Mr. Hawes, oar chairman. for the able. gentleman.y, and impartial manner in which he has discharged his centres as presiding officer of this Board during the present session. On motion of Mr. II•Ivens: Resolved, That the thanks of this Board. be and are hereby tendered to .J. L. Baker. our clerk, tor his prompt, active, and efficient services, and for the correctness with which he has discharged his duties as clerk of this Board. On motion of Mr. Bower : Resolved, That J. J. Johnson's salary as janit- or of the court house for the coming year be fixed at the sum of 3150 00. On motion of Mr. Wattle;: Resolved, That we extend our thanks to the punlishers of the Ithaca Jon, nal for their courte- sy in supplying the Board with their papers du- ring the present session. Ott rnoticn of Mr. Havens : Resolved, That J. J. Johnson, the Janitor of the court horse, be tendered the thanks of this Board. for his undivided attention in administer- ing to the comfort and convenience of this Board during the present session. On motion. the Board adjourned sine die. J. L. BAKER, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of 1S73. .R11 T 61, Witt F741Ei tOWtRL Tbe Kii'by • The Kirby Combined Mowers and Self -Raking Reapers. Tit El iib- 1'n-o-\Vhee1 Mower has maintain. a an enviable reputation (luring four years since it was 1 introduced. Its light draft and easy method of management, have secured it a very great measure of favor. It has no side-ilraft and is a :STizoNi: CI:TT011; WOrkillg well in the closest a d toughest grass. 11 ti ID I 11 ft: IME AL IP 1E . - - - - • _ „, tits been lunch improved in the manner of adjusting the seat: it can readily be set by a key as the machine is raised and loWereil. without loosening my bolts. The Beaters and the :Rake are always in the same i iosition and need no spccial adjustments, yet they 6.111 be tipped low to bring on the down or leaning grain and raised tip in a moment again to the standing crop. The SAVINO effected by a machine under such ready central can he appreciated by Fatal -1(11'S. THE KIRBY COMBINED MOWER AND REAPER WITH SELF -RAKE, Though the last in oor list. this is the first of the Kirby inventions: its principal feature is THE IN DE-- EEN DE T ACTION IIETW LEN THE TEAM (Ni) TUE DRIVE WIlEr.1- it has 10007 imrrovements for this seiison. The seat is outside the Drive -Wheel. which en• tires the balance more effectively, and the position of the driver is nrire convenient. We have either the Bu rdir k or the limiltiniore Neff- Bitke to attach to the Combined :Machine: both strong and. dttrable. They gather the grain thoroughly n nil deliver it in perfect gavels. The Combined kit by as a Mower is adapted to allyariations of surface. Farmers can always be stilted from the Kirby family of Moms° AND I EM'ING 31 ACII 1 N Es Mann- f„etitred and for sale by 1). 31 .O UO H N 1.3 CO., A uh u . Y. No. 99 Hotel Block, Ithaca. Logcst and }'i -t variety tit thcom4), Engravings, ithogiaphs, tograpits Storeoscopte Views EVER BROUGHT IN Tows. , . FRAMES, BRA.CK Errs, W A LL -POCKETS, STE „doxpids' TOWEL AND LI A T -RACKS. NOSCOP $9, Naxos Pow Yr bfrs, IY[OULDINGS OF EVERY VARIETY, Ps tfisvo ro ox Sower leorzeo, SOLE AGENT FOLI Torr ''s Celebrated Patent Weather -Strip, VIDII 1)()() S AN 1) WIN 1)()Vi's ALSO. AGI.:NT von THE cF.I.KliltATEI) 0.AVIS VEiRTWALFED SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE, & THE Wii.JCOX & CI-IP3E3S, Single thread Machine. The laest Maehine..••manufactured, for all kind::Ut sewhig. • IJ '' Remember the Hotel Block, Ithaca. NO. 7g EAST STATE STREET. GEO. H. BRISTOL. L.